![]() ![]() Jackson County Commissioners' Journals 1853-60 Minutes of the governing body of
Jackson County, Oregon. Transcribed by the indefatigable
Mary Tsui.
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of Oregon
Be it RememberedJackson County March 7th, 1853 That on the seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, James Clugage, Nathaniel C. Dean and Abel George, County Commissioners of the County aforesaid, by appointment of the Legislative Assembly of said Territory met at the Court-House in the Precinct of Jacksonville, County and Territory aforesaid and are duly sworn into office by Daniel M. Kenney, P.M. [postmaster] in said Precinct. The first action of the Board is to select one of their number to act as President. Whereupon James Clugage is duly chosen to preside at the meetings of said Board of Commissioners. It is now ordered that Dr. C. E. Alexander be and is hereby appointed Clerk of the Board, to act as such until a successor be elected and qualified. Whereupon the said C. E. Alexander is duly sworn into office. The Board being now complete, it proceeded to fulfill the duties as is in such case made and provided. It is now ordered that Dr. John W. McCully be and is hereby appointed Justice of the Peace for the Precinct of Jacksonville to act as such until a Successor be elected and qualified and it is further ordered that Hiram Abbott be and is hereby appointed Justice of the Peace for the aforesaid Precinct to act as such until a Successor be elected and qualified as aforesaid, both of said Justices so appointed being present are duly sworn into office, the Bonds of said Justices having been severally approved by the Board. And it is further ordered that Morgan W. David and M. G. Kennedy be and are hereby appointed Constables for the aforesaid Precinct of Jacksonville to serve as such until Successors be elected and qualified. The Bonds of said Constables is now approved by the Board and both are duly sworn into office by the Clerk. There being no other business before the Board it is Resolved that the Board do now adjourn until next regular session unless sooner convened for some special purpose. I certify the foregoing to be a correct record of the proceedings of the Board of C.C. Attest:
C. S. Drew, Clerk
[unsigned] President of the Board of County Commissioners Second Session of the Board of
4th, 1853 9 O,Clock [sic]
The Board
meets pursuant to the adjournment of
March 7th.Commissioners present James Clugage, Nathaniel C. Dean and Abel George. Now comes Dr. C. E. Alexander and presents his Resignation as Clerk of this Board. It is therefore Ordered that the resignation of said Clerk be accepted and that C. S. Drew, Deputy Clerk, be and is hereby appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by such resignation and in accordance with said order, the said C. S. Drew is hereby sworn into office as Clerk of this Board. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct Record of proceedings of the Board of C.C. [unsigned]
President, Board of County Commissioners Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk It is now Ordered that some person be selected to serve as Elisor until a Sheriff be elected and qualified. Thereupon E. H. Blanchard is appointed to serve in said capacity. The said Blanchard now appears and presents his Official Bond which is approved and the said Elisor is duly sworn into office. I certify the foregoing to be correct. [unsigned]
President of the Board of County Commissioners Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk Record of Proceedings of Board
of County Commissioners
And it is further Ordered1st Regular Session That for the better convenience of the citizens of this county, Election Precincts be established at the following places, namely: One at Emery & Company Saw Mill and to be known as Ashland Precinct. Elections to be held at the house of Eber Emery, John Gibbs and Patrick Dunn be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. One at Dardanelles and to be known as Dardanelles Precinct. Elections to be held at the house of William Lawless and that said William Lawless, John W. Patrick and Isaac Woolen be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. One at Perkins Old Ferry on Rogue River, to be known as Perkinsville Precinct. Elections to be held at the house of Benjamin Halstead, and that said Benjamin Halstead, William Rose and _____ Brown be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. One at Grave Creek to be known as Grave Creek Precinct. Elections to be held at the house of Bates & Twogood and that A. S. Bates, _____ McRice and Thomas Raymond be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. One at Cow Creek to be known as Cow Creek Precinct. Elections to be held at the House of Hardy Elliff and that said Elliff, _____ Wiley and John Fortune be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. One on Applegate Creek, to be known as Applegate Precinct. Elections to be held at the House of Dr. Edward Sheil, and that John Gheen, William Thompson and _____ Hart be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. One on Illinois River to be known as Cañon Creek Precinct. Elections to be held at the House of Miller & Company, and that James Mooney, _____ Miller and _____ Rhoda be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. One on Althouse Creek, to be known as Althouse Precinct. Elections to be held at the House of J. C. Anderson & Company, and that said Anderson, William Chapman and Robert Magruder be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. One at Jacksonville, to be known as Jacksonville Precinct. Elections to be held at the Robinson House and that L. A. Rice, H. A. Overbeck and Hiram Abbott be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election therefor. Ordered that this Board do now adjourn until tomorrow at 10 O,Clock A.M. Second day of Second Session
The Board
meets agreeable to the adjournment of
the evening previous.Commissioners present: James Clugage, Nathaniel C. Dean and Abel George. The minutes of the proceedings of the preceding day were read and approved. Ordered that a Precinct be and is hereby established at Port Orford, to be known as Port Orford Precinct. Elections to be held at the house of Gambel & Tichenor and that said Gambel, _____ Lount and _____ Hall be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. I certify the foregoing Record to be correct. [unsigned]
President, Board of County
C. S. Drew, Clerk
Ordered that each Precinct within this County be and is entitled to One Justice of the Peace and one Constable, Provided however that the Precincts of Jacksonville and Althouse be and are hereby entitled to two Justices of the Peace and two Constables each. I certify the foregoing to be correct. [unsigned]
of Board of County
C. S. Drew, Clerk
Ordered that Thomas McF. Patton be and is hereby appointed Prosecuting Attorney for said County, whereupon the said Patton was duly sworn into office. I certify the foregoing record to be correct. [unsigned]
President of Board of County Commissioners Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk Ordered that Richard Dugan be and is hereby appointed County Treasurer to serve until a successor be elected and qualified. I certify that the foregoing Record is correct. [unsigned]
President of Board of County Commissioners. Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk Ordered That the Clerk of this Board be and is hereby authorized to procure the requisite number of Seals for this County with such Device or Devices thereon as he may deem proper. I certify that the foregoing is a correct Record. [unsigned]
President, Board of County Commissioners Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk Ordered That all Peddlers within this county shall pay the yearly sum of Twelve and a half Dollars each for a License therefor. [unsigned]
President of Board of Co. Commissioners. Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk. Now comes Messrs. Tufts & Barnes by their Attorney James Strawbridge and petition the Board for a License to keep a Ferry on Rogue River at a point on said River now occupied by the petitioners for said purpose. Ordered that the prayer of said petitioners be granted and that Petition granted. The said Tufts & Barnes be and are hereby entitled to receive the following rates of Toll, Namely Rates
of Toll.
For each loaded Wagon ($1.50/100) one dollar and a half, For each unloaded Wagon ($1.--) One dollar For each Yoke of Oxen (.25¢) Twenty-five cents For each loaded Animal (.25¢) Twenty-five cents For each Unloaded Animal except Sheep & Hogs, Twelve & a half cents For Sheep and Hogs each (5¢) Five cents For Horse or Mule and Rider (25¢) Twenty-five cents For Footman each (12½¢) Twelve and a half cents. [unsigned]
President of
the Board of County Commissioners
Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk Whereas, it is the opinion of this Board that it is absolutely necessary for the Public good, and the citizens of this county generally, that "Public Roads" should be laid out and located throughout this entire valley. It is therefore ordered, That the trail as now traveled from its intersection with the Northerly end of Oregon Street in the Precinct of Jacksonville to its junction with the old Oregon Trail (so called) near the Residence of Nathaniel C. Dean (at what is known as "The Willow Springs") be and the same is hereby declared a "Public Highway." And furthermore that all the portion of the said Oregon Trail, from its junction aforesaid to the boundary line of Douglas County in said Territory, be and the same is hereby declared a "Public Highway" and also that portion of the said Oregon Trail from the Junction aforesaid to the Northern boundary line of California as now traveled. [unsigned]
President of the Board of County Commissioners. Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk Ordered also That the following described trails be and are hereby declared "Public Highways," namely: The trail as now traveled from its junction with the Oregon & California Trail (alluded to in the preceding order) at the "forks" so called near Evans Ferry to Althouse. The trail as now traveled from what is known as "the Crossing of Applegate Creek" to the Southerly end of Oregon Street in Jacksonville, thence along said Oregon Street to its crossing with California Street, thence along said California Street to its crossing with fourth Street, thence through said fourth Street to its intersection with the trail as now traveled on the Easterly bank of Jackson Creek, thence along said trail to the Residence of A. A. Skinner. And the trail known as the "Mountain Trail" leading from the Easterly end of California Street in said Jacksonville to the Oregon & California trail aforesaid. And it is furthermore ordered that James Clugage be allowed two months' time from this date to open that portion of the Road recently laid out from Jacksonville to A. A. Skinner, which lies within his enclosed grounds. [unsigned]
President of the Board of County Commissioners Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk Agreeable to the Laws of Oregon as is in such case provided, it is ordered That all persons applying for a Grocery or Tavern License within this County shall pay to the County Treasurer the annual sum of Fifty Dollars. Provided, however, that all persons applying for a License to keep a Grocery or Tavern within the limits of the Town of Jacksonville shall pay the annual sum of One hundred Dollars therefor. [unsigned]
President, Board of County Commissioners Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk. The minutes of the proceedings of today are read by the Clerk and approved by the Board. [unsigned]
President of the Board of County Commissioners Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk Resolved that this Board do now adjourn to meet on the first Monday in May next unless sooner convened for some special purpose. [unsigned]
President of the Board of County Commissioners Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk Proceedings of the Board of
to adjournment of April fifth, the
Board meets this Second day of May.adjourned Session, May 2nd. Commissioners present James Clugage, N. C. Dean and Abel George. A Petition is now presented by the citizens residing at the mouth of Cave Creek, by their Attorney W. G. T'Vault, praying that a Precinct may be established thereat. Ordered that the prayer of said Petitioners be granted and that a Precinct be established agreeable to said Petition to be known as Meadows Precinct, Elections to be held at the Camp of _____ Howard and that _____ Johnson, _____ Springer and Davis be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. And it is further ordered that a Precinct be and is hereby established at the mouth of Applegate Creek, to be known as Beaver Precinct, Elections to be held at the house of Patrick Kane and that Walker, _____ Niday and _____ Cooper be and are hereby appointed Judges of Elections therefor. [unsigned]
President of the Board of County Commissioners Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk Now comes Patrick Kane and petitions the Board for a License to keep a Ferry on Rogue River at the mouth of Applegate Creek. Ordered that the prayer of said petitioner be granted and he be allowed to collect the following rates of Toll, to Wit: Rates
of Toll allowed:
For each Wagon (Loaded): ($1.50/100) One dollar & fifty cents For each Wagon (Unloaded): ($1.00) One Dollar For each Yoke of Oxen or pair of mules or Horses: Twenty-five cents For each loaded animal (except sheep or hogs): Twenty-five cents For Sheep and Hogs: Five cents each For Horse or Mules with Rider: Twenty-five cents For Footmen: Twelve and a half cents [unsigned]
Prest. Board of County Commissioners Attest: C. S. Drew, Clerk -- missing volume --
Special Session, January 13th,
The Board
of Commissioners met today, present Martin Angel and B. B.
Griffin.Ordered that the Robinson house be used for the sittings of the next term of the District Court of the United States. The following individuals were duly selected to serve as Grand and trial Jurors, to wit-- Grand
Jurors, February Term, 1854
Application is now made by W. H. Harris for a Ferry to be established
across Coos Bay at Empire City. It appearing evident to the said board
that a Ferry is absolutely necessary at the place aforesaid and that
the requisition of the Laws in such case made and provided had been
observed, it is now Resolved that a Ferry be now established at the
place aforesaid agreeably to an Act regulating Ferries, and that the
Clerk issue to said applicant a License therefor and
---- missing volume ----
March Session 1854
. . . lands of A. Chambers, Martin Angel,
the enclosure of _____ Beall, the lands of Drew
& Clark over the Bridge known as Clark's Bridge,
continuing along said Trail through the land of Wheelock and Watson, _____
Rankin & _____ to the Ferry on
Rogue River known as
Thompson's Ferry. It isOrdered that O. D. Hoxie, George T. Vining and G. G. Kerr be and they are hereby appointed viewers for said road so to be laid out and that they meet at the Auditor's Office on the 25th day of March ensuing, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report to this Board at its next regular session. On the application of George C. Pearson, A. A. Hunter, Wm. M. Hughes, W. J. Newton and others for a road to be viewed and laid out, "from a certain point near the dwelling house of Martin Angel in said County to a point on the Military Road near the dwelling house of W. G. T'Vault, running as follows, commencing at the 'forks' of the trail near the residence of the said Angel and running thence along the trail as now and formerly traveled, through the enclosure of Beall, Brother & Co, thence continuing along said trail through the lands occupied by W. W. Brown, Henderson & Co., John and A. J. Coakley, Overbeck & Hall, Pearson & Hunter, _____ Hull, William M. Hughes, William J. Newton and Peninger to Fort Lane, thence to the Military road aforesaid at a point near the said W. G. T'Vault's dwelling house, there terminating. It is ordered that John E. Ross, A. J. Welton & Capt. J. F. Miller be and they are hereby appointed viewers for said road so to be laid out and that they meet at the Auditor's Office on the 22nd day of March ensuing, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report to this Board at the next regular session thereof. Adjourned. April Session, 1854
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met on the 3rd day of
April 1854 pursuant to adjournment. Present Martin Angel,
Dunn & B. B. Griffin.Ordered that S. H. Taylor be and he is hereby appointed a Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of A. Waterman. On the petition of James Hamlin, James W. Collins, A. F. Thompson, William Wright and others for a road to be viewed and laid out Commencing at or near William Wright's, N.E. of corner of the West quarter, running thence south, to John Johnson's southeast corner, thence west of south to its termination and junction with the U.S. military road" it is Ordered that Samuel Low, Frederick Heber and David Clinton be and they are hereby appointed viewers to locate said road, that they meet at _____ on the day of _____ ensuing, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report to this Board at its next regular session. Ordered that a Precinct be and is hereby established at Cow Creek and known as Cow Creek Precinct and that Peter Miller, Hardy Elliff and _____ Hall be appointed Judges of election and that the elections be held at Hall's Store. Ordered that a Precinct be established at Galice Creek, elections to be held at the Store of Bates & Twogood and that James Twogood, Michael Bushy, & Joseph Burpee be appointed Judges of elections. Ordered that a precinct be established at Butte Creek, elections to be held at Little & Co.'s store and that _____ Collier, _____ McDaniels and _____ Corder be appointed Judges of elections. Ordered that a Precinct be established at Gold Beach, elections to be held at the trading post of F. H. Pratt and that G. B. Gobey, S. J. Jett and John W. Reed be appointed Judges of Election. Ordered that T. K. Lawson be and he is hereby appointed Justice of the Peace for Gold Beach Precinct and that James Stewart be and he is hereby appointed constable for said Precinct. On the Petition of J. Riley and M. D. Sanford per C. Sims, attorney, it is ordered that a license be issued to said petitioners to establish a ferry at the mouth of Illinois River, and that the following rates of toll be and is hereby allowed, namely, For each loaded animal, 50 cents; For each unloaded Animal, 25 cents; For each loaded wagon & two animals, $3.00, each additional Animal 25 cents. Each unloaded wagon and two Animals, $2.00, each additional Animal 25. For each 100 pounds freight, 12½ cents. Sheep & Hogs, 5 cents each. Each footman 25 cents. Ordered that G. C. Pearson be allowed Seventy dollars for services making out census roll. Now comes W. G. T'Vault and by petition prays an additional allowance of $375 for prosecuting Indians. The Board after due deliberation decided that the prayer of said petitioner be not granted. The Bond for a Road to be laid out from W. Wright's to the military Road is approved. And the Court now adjourns to Second Monday in May next. May Session
The Board
of Commissioners met today, pursuant to
Present--Patrick Dunn and B. B. Griffin--Absent M.
Angel.Jacksonville, May 8th, 1854 On the petition of O. B. McFadden, John Anderson, Pearson & Hunter, Drew & Clark, Smith & Chase and others, for the appointment of viewers to view and mark a road "commencing at the 'Salt Spring' on the road leading from Martin Angel's to a point on the Military road near W. G. T'Vault's, thence running through the low 'pass' south of 'Fort Lane' and across the land claims occupied by J. C. Anderson, Pearson & Hunter, O. B. McFadden, John Coakley, John Watson, Stephen Watson, Drew & Clark, Thomas Hopwood, Isaac Constant, A. A. Skinner, L. A. Rice, A. J. Butler, J. S. Miller, Petry & Blake, N. B. Evans, D. Jones, R. R. Gates, Geo. & O. D. Hoxie, E. Gore & Brother, S. D. Van Dyke, _____ Arundell, H. & S. Culver, Smith & Chase, John Coleman & Wagner & McCall to the east end of the Military road and from thence the most feasible route to the summit of the Siskiyou mountains at a point where the new trail crosses the same and there terminating." It is Ordered, that George H. Ambrose, F. R. Furbay and Enoch Walker be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and mark out the said road in accordance with the prayer of the petitioners if they deem the public interests to require it, that they meet at the _____ on the _____ day of _____ ensuing, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties assigned them by this appointment, and make their report to this Board at its next regular session. Ordered that Lycurgus Jackson be allowed the sum of one hundred dollars and that Warrants issue therefor. Ordered that the bill of M. G. Kennedy be approved and that warrants be issued therefor as follows: Territory vs. Rouse $19.56; Ter. vs. Mitchell $18.00; Ter. vs. Dodson $21.00; Ter. vs. Unthank $60.50; Ter. vs. Kane $23.55; Ter. vs. Indian Bill $50.25; Office rent $300.00; Ter. vs. Starr $537.25; Ter. vs. Coakley $15.50; Summoning Grand Jury 84.75; Summoning Petit Jury $83.25; Order of District Judge $200.00; Territory vs. Indian Dave & Jackson--House for Jail 4 months $100.00; Miscellaneous $287.50. Total $1840.51. On the Petition of M. Russell, Cyrus Lomas, J. W. Farnsworth & others for the appointment of viewers to view and mark out a road, beginning at Jacksonville and running from thence to Applegate Creek Valley touching at or near Spencer's ranch and from thence down the Valley of said Creek to the most practicable place to cross the mountain to Deer Creek Valley touching at or near Mooney's Ranch and from thence to Illinois Valley and so the most practicable route towards Crescent City, California as far as the above said County may extend." It is Ordered that W. W. Fowler, G. B. Davidson and Daniel Newcomb be and they are hereby appointed Viewers, to view and mark out a road as designated in the foregoing petition in accordance with law, that they meet at the Auditor's Offices on the _____ day of May ensuing, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and make their report at the next session of this Board. The Petition for a Road running from near the line of Clugage and Poole and Cozart & Phillips to some point near Petry & Blake's is now withdrawn by F. Heber, by reason of its not being in conformity with the notices of such petition. Adjourned. Special Session May 17th 1854
The Board
of Commissioners met today. Present Martin Angel, P. Dunn
& B. B. Griffin.Ordered that the election in Dardanelles Precinct be held at A. J. Kane's Grocery on Big Bar and that George H. Ambrose & John Swinden serve as Judges. Ordered that Isaac Hill, Asa Fordyce and Morris Howell serve as Judges of Election in Ashland precinct. Ordered that Archibald Wilton, Frederick Heber and Honicle Bellinger serve as Judges in Jacksonville Precinct. Adjourned. Special Session June 1st, 1854
The Board
of Commissioners met today, present M. Angel & P.
Dunn.Ordered that elections be held in the following precincts--to wit: In Dardanelles Precinct, at the house of A. J. Kane. In Perkinsville Precinct, at the house of Schieffelin & Co. In Applegate Precinct at the house of George Long Adjourned July Session, A.D. 1854
At a
regular session of the Board of Commissioners, held this day,
Present P. Dunn. Henry C. Rowland appeared and was sworn into
Office, M. Angel being absent.Jacksonville, July 3rd, 1854 Now comes Thomas Pyle, Sheriff elect, and presents his official bond which is approved by the Board and the said Thomas Pyle is duly sworn into Office by the Clerk in the presence of the Board. The petition of Cozart & Phillips and R. E. Miller for Damages by reason of Road was considered and N. C. Dean, Jesse Robinson and H. Bellinger were appointed to assess Damages. Board adjourned to meet July 10th, 1854. Session July 10th, 1854
The Board
met pursuant to adjournment, Present M. Angel, P. Dunn
& H. C. Rowland.Mr. Phillips petitioned the Board to reconsider the appointment of the persons appointed heretofore to assess damages in the case of Cozart & Phillips & R. E. Miller--which was granted, and the Board now reconsider said appointment. After due deliberation, the petition of Cozart & Phillips and R. E. Miller was withdrawn. In the matter of the Road leading from Jacksonville through to the Upper Ferry on Rogue River, the Petition was withdrawn. In the matter of the Petition for a Road from near Jacksonville to some point near O. D. Hoxie's, it is-- Ordered--that L. A. Rice, _____ Williams and James R. Davis be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and mark out said road--that they meet at the house of F. Heber on the 17th July ensuing, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report to this Board at its next regular session. Bills in favor of M. G. Kennedy, Sheriff, heretofore passed, amounting to $1140.51 inclusive of L. H. Zigler's Bill. Ordered that the following witnesses at the May Term of the U.S. District Court, be allowed their fees as follows-- Jesse Walker $1.60, A. Ward $1.70, L. Jackson $1.60, W. G. T'Vault $2.30, David Johnson $10.50, J. H. Brause $10.50, David Haynes $2.30, C. H. Crane $2.30, Wilson Whitworth $1.60, Rufus Turner $1.60, J. McKay $1.60, John Low $1.60, E. H. Cleaveland $1.60, B. Davis $1.60, John Taylor $1.60, H. Smith $1.60, H. Hanley $1.60, Lafayette Witt $1.60, F. Smith $1.60, F. McManus $1.60, S. C. Graves $1.60. Ordered that J. W. Inman be allowed Eighteen dollars and forty cents and that warrants issue for the same. Ordered that A. D. Avery be allowed Sixteen dollars and fifty cents and that warrants issue for the same. Ordered that Hiram Abbott be allowed Sixty-five dollars and forty-five cents and that County warrants issue for the same. Ordered that U. S. Hayden be and he is hereby appointed a Justice of the Peace for Sterling precinct. Ordered that George W. Anderson be and he is hereby appointed Constable for Sterling precinct. Session July 11th, 1854
that George H. Ambrose, F. R. Furbay and E. F. Walker heretofore
appointed as viewers of a Road from Salt Spring to the summit of the
Siskiyou Mountain, be notified of their appointment.The order allowing the Petition for the Road from Jacksonville to the Upper Ferry on Rogue River to be withdrawn on the day previous, is hereby rescinded. Ordered that E. H. Cleaveland be allowed Seventy-five dollars for three months office rent. On the Petition of James Leslie, J. W. Sutton, Chauncey Nye and others, for the appointment of viewers to view and mark out a road "from Brownlee's Ferry on Rogue River to the southern boundary line of Douglas County in said Territory at a point where the 'new trail' known as the 'Table Rock Trail' crosses the same," it is ordered that Samuel Colver, Jacob Wagner and James Bruce be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and mark out said road--that they meet at _____ on the _____ day of _____ ensuing, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings at the next session of this Board. In the matter of the assessment of damages for Cozart & Phillips and R. E. Miller, it is Ordered that B. B. Griffin, James Hamlin and John M. McCall be and they are hereby appointed viewers to assess the same, that they meet at the Auditor's Office on the _____ day of _____ be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings at the next session of this Board. Reports of Viewers of Roads in
Jackson County, O.T.
from Jacksonville to John Patterson's via Upper FerryWe the undersigned viewers duly appointed and qualified according to law--would respectfully report: That in obedience to the order issued from your Hon. Board, to view and locate a County road from Jacksonville to John Patterson's via of Upper Ferry, we met at Jacksonville on Monday, the 26th Inst. and after having been duly sworn, proceeded to view and locate said Road as follows, to wit, Commencing at the Corner of Oregon & California Streets in Jacksonville and having passed over the Road as proposed from said Commencement to termination proceeded to mark out said road on our return by means of a blaze on both sides of trees in course along said Road. We would also report that the character of the Country over which the proposed road passes is principally rolling, except along the River--and the character of the soil granite & clay, and are of the unanimous opinion that said Road should be located as desired and prayed for by the petitioners. Yours,
For action of the Board, see Session
April 2nd & 5th 1854.James Dawson Isaac Constant R. E. Miller Viewers Road from Aaron Chambers' claim to the Military road near T'Vault's. To the Hon. Board of Commissioners for the County of Jackson in the Territory of Oregon: In compliance with your order of the 6th Ultimo to view and lay out a road or highway from some point near Martin Angel's to the Military Road at a point near W. G. T'Vault's, we have the honor to report: That after due deliberation and a thorough examination of the section of Country through which the proposed Road is to pass, we are of the opinion that such road should be established agreeably (or nearly so) to the prayer of the petitioners for the same, namely: Commencing at a stake on the East bank of Jackson Creek & on the claim occupied by Aaron Chambers, thence crossing said Creek and running through said Aaron Chambers' claim, that of Martin Angel, Thomas Beall & Co., W. W. Brown, Henderson & Co., John Coakley, A. J. Coakley, O. B. McFadden, Pearson & Hunter, Samuel Hall, William M. Hughes, W. J. Newton, _____ Peninger and the lands belonging to Fort Lane, thence through the Pass south of said Fort along the Trail now traveled via the "Salt Spring" and to a --
missing page --
thence leaving said trail to the right and running a nearly straight course across the claim occupied by the said W. G. T'Vault to a point on the said Military road marked by an Oak tree, blazed on four sides. The entire route is designated by blazed trees and posts. We have the honor to remain Yours
John E. Ross A. S. Welton Road from Jacksonville to Brown Lee & Company's Ferry To the Hon. the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T. In compliance with your order of the sixth Inst. to view and lay out a road or highway from Jacksonville to Brownlee & Company's Ferry (formerly Thompson's Ferry) on Rogue River, We have the honor to report that we are unanimously of opinion that such road should be established agreeably to the prayer of the petitioners for the same, namely: Commencing at the North end of E Street in said Jacksonville, County and Territory aforesaid, thence running along the trail as now traveled to the south end of the lane made through Messrs. Clugage & Poole's land claim, thence running a straight course through said claim and the claim occupied by Cozart and Phillips to a high point in the trail on the east bank of Jackson Creek near the dwelling house of Miller, thence along said trail through the said Miller's claim, Clinton & Welton's claim, passing between the Buttes so called to the southwest corner of John E. Ross' claim, thence along the division line between the said Clinton & Welton's claim and that of John E. Ross aforesaid to the South boundary line of Aaron Chambers' land claim at a point where the said boundary line crosses the trail before alluded to, thence along said trail, through the claims occupied by Aaron Chambers aforesaid, Martin Angel's to the south boundary line of Thomas Beall & Company's land claim, thence through said claim last aforesaid on the ground where the said trail formerly run, to the south boundary line of W. W. Brown's land claim, thence continuing along said trail through the claims of the said W. W. Brown and Drew & Clark across Stuart's Creek bridge through Wheelock & Watson's land claim and the claims severally owned by--Rankin and Robert Pitkin, thence continuing along said trail to the Ferry before mentioned, there terminating. We have the honor to remain Yours
G. G. Kerr O. D. Hoxie G. T. Vining Road from Jacksonville to Road near Petrey's To the Hon. the Commissioners of the County of Jackson, Territory of Oregon. In compliance with your order of _____ to view and lay out a road from Jacksonville to or near A. Petrey's, we the viewers make this report: That we are of the opinion such road should be established agreeable to the prayer of said petition: Commencing at the north end of E. Street in said Town, from thence to the head of the lane of Poole & Clugage, thence in a straight line to the mouth of said lane, continuing the same course until it strikes the line dividing Miller & Hathaway's land, thence south dividing the lands of Pinkham & Overbeck to the S.W. corner of Dr. Overbeck's land, thence in an easterly direction until it strikes the old road near Petry's. August 11th, 1854 L.
A. Rice
[omission] Viewers Road from "Salt Spring" to the summit of Siskiyou Mountain Territory of Oregon, Jackson County, &c. We the undersigned "Road Viewers" appointed to lay out a road or highway from "Salt Spring" near Fort Lane to the summit of the Siskiyou Mountains and who are not interested in the lands through which the highway hereinafter described is proposed to be laid nor of kin to the owners or occupants thereof, having met at the office of C. S. Drew in the precinct of Jacksonville in said County do hereby certify that after having been duly sworn we personally examined the route of said proposed highway and that in our opinion it is necessary and proper to lay out such road or highway pursuant to the application of J. C. Anderson, O. B. McFadden, Drew & Clark and others. Commencing at the aforesaid "Salt Spring" which said highway will pass through the lands of J. C. Anderson, O. B. McFadden, John Coakley, Wheelock & Watson, C. S. Drew, Isaac Constant, A. A. Skinner, L. A. Rice, A. J. Butler, Petrey & Blake, N. Evans, O. D. Hoxie & Co., Gore & Brother, S. D. Van Dyke, _____ Arundell, Samuel & Hiram Colver, Smith & Chase, _____ Wagner, _____Rockfellow, _____ Royal, _____ Dingman, _____ Barrett, William Chase, Emery & Co., passing directly in front of the Flouring Mill of Helman & Co. along the road as now traveled to the land of David Smith thence through the land occupied by the said David Smith, Robert Wright, A. B. Jennison and across the "deep hollow" so called, through the lands occupied by Fred. Alberding, P. Dunn, William Taylor, _____ Hiatt, D. Evans, Isaac Hill & Russell & Barron, thence continuing along the "new trail" to the summit of Siskiyou Mountain, there terminating. In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this 23rd day of August, A.D. 1854. Geo.
H. Ambrose
Fred. R. Furbay Road Viewers. -----
missing pages ----
The Hon.
Board of County Commissioners within and for the County
of Jackson met this day, present Patrick Dunn and Henry C. Rowland,
Commissioners, and T. McF. Patton, Acting Auditor Pro Tem.September Session September 18th A.D. 1854 In pursuance of the Statute in such cases made and provided the following list of Jurors were duly selected to serve as Grand & Petit jurors for the ensuing year within and for said County: to wit
Witness our hands this 18th day of Sept. A.D. 1854 Patrick
Henry C. Rowland Board of Commissioners for said County Attest: T. McF. Patton Acting Clerk of said Board On motion this Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock A.M. Tuesday Morning, 9 O'clock A.M.
The Board
met pursuant to
adjournment. Present: P. Dunn & Henry C. Rowland, Commissioners
T. McF. Patton, Acting Clerk Pro tem.In the matter of Thomas Randolph The Petition of Thomas L. Randolph heretofore filed, praying for relief was this day read by the Clerk to the Board, and it appearing satisfactorily to the said Board that the Petitioner is properly a County charge and in a destitute condition, It is ordered that the Rev. William Royal be and is hereby authorized to procure a suitable place for this said Petitioner, where he will receive proper care and attention at the expense of the County. It is further ordered that the sum of one hundred and fifty-six dollars be allowed to the Rev. William Royal out of any money in the County Treasury not otherwise appropriated for services rendered and care bestowed upon the said Petitioner. Sept. Term, Sept. 19th 1854
account of Thomas Pyle,
Sheriff, for
fees in sundry cases (as per account now on file) was examined and
approved and the Clerk ordered to issue warrants for the sum of four
hundred and forty-three dollars and five cents: $443.05The account of Lycurgus Jackson, District Clerk, for fees in the following cases, to wit: Territory of Oregon vs. Columbus Sims: Amount of fees $29.16 Territory of Oregon vs. Daniel M. Kenney: Amount of fees $26.30 Territory of Oregon vs. James M. Laney: Amount of fees $17.08
was this day examined and approved, and
the Clerk ordered to draw
warrants for the above amount.The account of S. H. Taylor, Justice of the Peace, for fees in sundry cases amounting to thirty-one dollars and seventy-one cents, was examined and approved and a warrant ordered to be drawn on the Treasury for the above amount. The account of T. McF. Patton, for office rent for Probate Judge's Office, was this day examined, approved, and a warrant ordered to be issued for one hundred and forty-four dollars. $144.00 Application was this day made by A. P. Stearns, Probate Judge, for the procuring of a Seal. Therefore, it is ordered that said Applicant be and is hereby authorized to procure a Seal for Probate Court, at the expense of the County. Ordered That the Building owned by Drew & Pyle on Church Street be fitted and used by the County for Offices and Court Room, and that from and after October 1st, A.D. 1854, that the Sheriff, District Clerk, Treasurer, Probate Judge and County Auditor are required to occupy said building with their respective officers, or present no bills for rent. The Bill of Fred Alberding for damages occasioned by the locating of a Public highway through his claim was this day presented for the action of the Board. Ordered that William J. Newton and Ebenezer Pinkham and James Leslie be and are hereby appointed viewers to view and assess the damages so claimed as aforesaid. The account of A. P. Stearns, Probate Judge, for one quarter's salary, was presented and allowed and an order ordered to be drawn for the amount of twenty-five dollars. There being no further business, On motion the Board adjourned until the 1st Monday in Oct. A.D. 1854. [unsigned]
Board of County Commissioners Attest: T. McF. Patton Acting Clerk Pro Tem of said Board Monday, Oct. 2nd, A.D. 1854
The Board
of County Commissioners met pursuant to
adjournment. Present: P. Dunn & H. C. Rowland, Commissioners,
and T. McF.
acting Clerk of said Board.The assessment Roll for the present year was presented for inspection, examined and corrected. The viewers heretofore appointed to view and assess damages done to the premises of F. Alberding on account of the public highway leading from Salt Spring to the summit of Siskiyou Mountains, running through said premises Reported, that they had viewed the said premises and are of the opinion that the said Fred Alberding has sustained damages thereby to the amount of one hundred and fifty dollars $150. Therefore it is ordered that a Warrant issue to the said F. Alberding for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. Ordered That a Tax of seventeen mills on the dollar be levied for County purposes, two mills for school purposes, and one mill for Territorial uses, making in all a Tax of two percent to be assessed on all the taxable properties as exhibited on the assessment Roll for the present year. Ordered That an Election Precinct be and is hereby established at Sailor Diggins known by the name of "Waldo Precinct" with the following boundaries, to wit: All that portion of Jackson County lying west of Cañon Creek Precinct and South of Althouse Precinct. Ordered That Geo. Sam Rice be and hereby is appointed a justice of the Peace in and for said Precinct to exercise the duties of said office until the next general election. Ordered That James B. Hendershott be and hereby is appointed Constable in and for said Precinct to exercise the duties of said office until the next General Election, and that the Clerk of this Board cause to be transmitted to said appointees certificates of their respective appointments, and request that they immediately qualify. On motion, Board adjourned until tomorrow at 9 o'clock A.M. Extra Session, October 3rd
account of Christopher Hess, for care and attendance on Patrick
Lanon, a County Charge, was this day presented, and upon
investigation, it appearing that the said P. Lanon was properly a
County Charge, it isTuesday Morning, Oct. 3rd, 1854 Ordered That the said Christopher Hess be allowed the sum of sixty-six dollars for the care and attention given to said charge for the period of eight weeks. It is further Ordered That the Sheriff be and is hereby authorized to procure some suitable place for the said Charge and until such times as he may be able to care for himself.] The account of Thos. Pyle, Sheriff, for fees in the following cases to wit: Territory vs. L. T. Smith: Charge of Larceny, Before S. H. Taylor, J.P. Territory vs. Robt. Williams: Charge of Murder, Examination before S. H. Taylor, J.P. Territory vs. T. P. Binns: Same charge as above, Examination before S. H. Taylor, J.P. Amount of fees in all cases: Seventy-Eight dollars which account was examined, approved, and warrants ordered to be drawn for the amount. Lycurgus Jackson account for fees as District Clerk, Stationery, office rent &c. was presented and approved. Amount ordered to be audited $182.14 The account of Dr. Chas. B. Brooks for professional services rendered to P. Lanon, a County Charge, presented, approved and warrant ordered for the sum of fifty dollars. There being no further business, on motion, the Board adjourned. [unsigned]
Board of County Commissioners Attest: T. McF. Patton Acting Clerk of said Board Extra Session, Oct. 18th A.D.
At an
extra session of the Board of County Commissioners, within and
for the County of Jackson on the 18th day of Oct., A.D. 1854Present P. Dunn and H. C. Rowland & Martin Angel, County Commissioners, and T. McF. Patton, acting Clerk of the Board pro tem. Ordered That the tax heretofore ordered to be levied and apportioned at the session of Oct 3rd be and the same is hereby reduced to one percent and shall be apportioned as follows to wit: Seven mills for County purposes, two mills for school purposes, and one for Territorial uses, in all a tax of one percent. Ordered That the taxable property of Russell and Barron be and the same is hereby reduced $140.85.00 which said reduction is made on account of the Assessor having assessed the Land claim as real estate. Ordered That the assessment made on the property of Clugage & Poole be and is hereby reduced to $6765.00 on same account as above. The account of George C. Pearson, County Assessor, for services rendered as such was this day presented, examined and approved, and warrants ordered to be drawn. Ordered That the appointment of Samuel Smith be now entered of Record as Special Surveyor to survey a public highway from Salt Spring to Summit of Siskiyou Mountains, and that the said Appointee be notified to perform said service immediately. There being no further business, On motion the Board adjourned until the next regular session unless sooner convened for special purposes [unsigned]
Board of County Commissioners Attest: T. McF. Patton Acting Clerk of said Board
Special Session,
Nov. 13th, 1854
Be it
remembered that on this 13th day of November, A.D. 1854, the
Board of County Commissioners within and for said County met in Special
Session.Present P. Dunn & Henry C. Rowland, Commissioners, and T. McF. Patton, Acting Clerk of said Board pro tem. The Petition of Thomas H. Gilson, for relief on account of care and attention bestowed on John McCaran, a County Charge, was this day presented and by the Clerk read to the Board, and the contents and prayer of said petition having been duly considered, it is Ordered That the said Petitioner, Thomas H. Gilson, be allowed the sum of six dollars per week furnished to said County Charge which amounts to $45.00 and the further sum of two hundred and seventy-five dollars and twenty-five cents be allowed to said petitioner for nurse hire, board &c. The account of Jno. Beeson for Board, Lodging & professional care bestowed upon Thomas T. Randolph, a County Charge, was this [day] presented, and the subject of this account having before the Board at a prior session, It is Ordered That the account filed for allowance Oct. 27th amounting to one hundred and thirty-three dollars for clothing, attendance &c. be and is hereby allowed. Also that the said John Beeson be allowed the further sum of twelve dollars per week from and after Sept. 23 for Board & care of said charge, and that the auditor is hereby authorized to audit said accounts when presented at the above rate. The account of A. Bush for printing, amounting to thirty-seven dollars was this day presented and approved and a warrant ordered to be drawn. And now comes Dr. E. H. Cleaveland, County Treasurer, and asks for a Special Settlement with the County, which request being granted. The following statement was made to wit: Amount received from various sources, including: License, fees, tax &c. in County scrip, the sum of four thousand one hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty-nine cents $4,134.59. This being the total amount received during his term of office, it is Ordered That the Auditor [omission] the above amount of redeemed scrip and receipt for the same. The Account of Dr. E. H. Cleaveland, Treasurer, for office rent and percentage on the amount received as Treasurer was presented and allowed. Therefore, it is Ordered That the Auditor issue Warrants for the sum of two hundred and seventy-seven dollars and forty-eight cents $277.48 On motion Board adjourned until 9 o'clock tomorrow. ---- volume missing ----
morning, Nov. 14th. The Board met pursuant [omission].
Present--the same
Commissioners and Clerk.Special Session Nov. 14th 1854 The Resignation of Dr. E. H. Cleaveland, County Treasurer, was this day presented, and by the said Board received. Ordered That David Linn of Jacksonville be and hereby is appointed Treasurer within and for the County of Jackson, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of E. H. Cleaveland. Thereupon the said David Linn appeared, accepted said appointment and was duly sworn into office. Application for Licenses. The following applications for Grocery License, Billiard Rooms and Bowling Alleys, heretofore made and the granting of Licenses by the Clerk during vacation is hereby confirmed, to wit:
There being no further business, on motion the Board [adjourned] until the next regular Session, Dec. _____ 1854. [unsigned]
Board of County Commissioners Attest: T. McF. Patton Acting Clerk Pro Tem
Special Session
January 5th 1855
Be it
remembered that on the 5th day of January A.D. 1855 the Board of
County Commissioners within and for the said County met in Special
Session.Present--Martin Angel & H. C. Rowland, Commissioners and T. McF. Patton, Acting Clerk of said Board pro tem. The petition for the appointment of Francis H. Freeman of Sterling as Justice of the Peace in said Precinct was read and the prayer of said petition granted. It is therefore ordered that the said Freeman be and is hereby appointed Justice of the Peace. The account of William Kahler, amounting to two hundred and fifty-four dollars and fifty cents, for expenses of keeping John McKearnan, a County charge, was presented, examined, approved and warrants ordered to be drawn. Ordered That Dr. C. E. Alexander be and is hereby appointed County Physician and is hereby authorized to attend to all County Paupers and all persons having charge of said paupers are hereby instructed to secure the services of Dr. Alexander. The amount of S. H. Taylor for Clerk's fees &c. amounting to Seventy-six dollars and thirty-five cents was examined, approved and allowed and an order for the amount ordered to be drawn. There being no further business, on motion, the Board adjourned until the next regular session unless sooner convening for special purposes. [unsigned]
Board of County Commissioners Attest: T. McF. Patton Acting Clerk pro tem Special Session March 5th 1855
At an
extra session of the Board of County Commissioners within and for
the County of Jackson on the 5th day of March, A.D. 1855:Present Martin Angel, Henry C. Rowland and T. McF. Patton, Acting Clerk of said Board pro tem. The bill of H. Abbott, J.P. was presented for fees (in the case of Territory of Oregon vs. Theodore Williams for an assault with intent to kill) amounting to twelve dollars and fifty cents, which was examined and allowed. Ordered That William Kahler be and is hereby appointed coroner in the place of E. Emery. Bonds with Jas. Clugage and Jesse Walker as sureties filed. Ordered That the Bill of Thomas Pyle, Sheriff, for seven hundred and seventy-two dollars and seventy cents be allowed. Ordered That the Petition of citizens for a County Road from Jacksonville to the upper Ferry on Rogue River, known as Jewett's Ferry, be granted and Emmet E. Miller, Isaac Constant & James Dawson appointed viewers. Ordered That the Bill of Wm. Kahler for Keeping John McKearnan, invalid, Amounting to four hundred and twenty-eight dollars and fifty cents, from January 4th to March 5th at Fifty dollars per week be allowed. Agreed to allow Jaby Kincade Fifty dollars per week for taking care of John McKearnan and Eight dollars per day for taking care of John Evans. Ordered That T. F. Royal be allowed for services as Superintendent of County Schools Ordered That T. McF. Patton be allowed Five Hundred and thirty-five dollars and Forty-Seven Cents for Services as Auditor &c. to date. There being no further business, On Motion, the Board adjourned until the next regular Session unless so convened for Special purposes. [unsigned]
Board of County Commissioners Attest: T. McF. Patton Acting Clerk Pro Tem April Session
The Hon.
Board of County Commissioners within and for the County of
Jackson met this day.April 2nd, A.D. 1855 Present Martin Angel, Patrick Dunn and H. C. Rowland and T. McF. Patton, Acting Clerk Pro Tem. The report of the viewers duly appointed to view and locate a County Road from Jacksonville to John Patterson's view of the Upper Ferry was read and ordered to pass to a Second reading on tomorrow-- The account of Lycurgus Jackson, Deputy Sheriff, was presented, examined and approved. $141.40. The account of Hiram Abbott was approved. The account of Geo. Sam Rice, Justice of Peace, for fees in case of Territory vs. Moses Reader presented and allowed. The account of Jas. M. Woods presented and approved. The settlement of Thomas Pyle, Sheriff, for the collection of Taxes for the year 1854 before the Board and interest to lie over until tomorrow. Ordered That an Election Precinct be and is hereby established at Sterling Precinct and that the Election be held at the House of Helms & Davis, and that Jason Braman, Benjamin Armstrong and L. J. C. Duncan be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election. Ordered That H. M. Hart, W. H. Watkins and J. M. Woods be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election in Waldo Precinct and that the Election be held at Waldo City. Ordered That an Election Precinct be and is hereby established at Clover Valley Known as Clover Valley Precinct and that the Election be held at the House of Mooney, J. Wixom and Sam'l. Mooney, Mr. Hay and Mr. McMullen be and are hereby appointed Judges of election. Ordered That William Chapman, Mr. Mann and Robert Elder be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election in Althouse Precinct. Ordered That the Election in Cañon Creek Precinct be removed to Pond Town and that Noah Bowers, Saml. Crandall and Saml. Hill be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election in Said Precinct. Ordered That John E. Ross, A. A. Skinner and N. C. Dean be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election in Jacksonville Precinct. Ordered That William Thompson, George Long and G. B. Davidson be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election in Applegate Precinct. Ordered That James C. Tolman, Samuel Grelb and Isaac Hill be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election in Ashland Precinct Ordered That A. J. Kane, John Swinden and John Benjamin be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election in the Precinct of Dardanelles. Ordered That John McDaniels, Daniel Newcomb and Reason Corder be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election for the Precinct of Butte Creek. Ordered That James M. Twogood, Mr. Patterson & _____ be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election for the Precinct of Grave Creek. Ordered That _____ be and are hereby appointed Judges of Election for Galice Creek Precinct. Ordered That B. F. Myers be and is hereby appointed County Surveyor to serve until the next Annual Election and that the Clerk of the Board issue a certificate of appointment to that effect. On Motion The Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock A.M. April Session, April 3rd, 1855
The Board
met pursuant to adjournment. Present Martin Angel
& P. DunnTuesday morning, April 3rd 1855 The report of viewers on the review of the road from Jacksonville to John Patterson's via of the Upper Ferry was read for the 2nd time this morning and ordered to lay over until the next regular Session of the Board. The Settlement of Thomas Pyle Sheriff in the collection of Taxes was again resumed and the following statement was made:
Board of County Commissioners Attest: T. McF. Patton, Clerk Special Session May 19th A.D.
Be it
remembered that on the 19th day of May, A.D. 1855 the Hon. Board
of County Commissioners within and for the County of Jackson, O.T. met
in Special Session.Present Martin Angel and Patrick Dunn and T. McF. Patton, Acting Clerk of said Board pro tem. Ordered That an Election Precinct be and is hereby established in Eden, Known as Eden Precinct and bounded as follows: Commencing on the West side of Wagner's running from thence to and including O. D. Hoxie's and from thence straight across the valley both ways. And that the election be held at the School House near Lindley's Mill, and that the following named persons be the judges of election, O. D. Hoxie, Milton Lindley and Samuel Colver. Ordered That an election precinct be established in Illinois Valley to be known as Illinois Valley Precinct and that the election be held at A. Y. Parkinson's Tavern and that the following named persons are appointed judges of Election: James Kirby. There being no further business, on motion the Board adjourned until the next regular session unless sooner convened for special purposes. [unsigned]
Board of County Commissioners Attest: T. McF. Patton Clerk Pro Tem July Session A.D. 1855
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, met
this day, present Martin Angel, President of the Board and Henry C.
Rowland.Auditor's Office, July 2nd, 1855 S. D. Van Dyke, Commissioner-elect, appeared, was qualified and took his seat at the Board. W. G. T'Vault presented an account for defending John Miller at the May Term of 1855 of the District Court of the United States for Jackson County. Ordered--that W. G. F. T'Vault be allowed the sum of Fifty Dollars for services in defending John Miller, indicted for assault with intent to kill. Now comes John Beeson and presents to the consideration of the Board the allowances of the Board made in his favor November 13th last and after hearing his statements, the Board refuse making any additional allowance or any alteration in the same. Ordered that Doct. Jason Braman be allowed the sum of Eighteen Dollars for medical services &c. to John McKearnan. On the petition of Thomas Smith, Richard Evans, John W. Riddle & others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County Road, beginning at a point in front of the house of John Barrett at the Territorial road, as reviewed in the early part of May, 1855 by Messrs. Dean, Myer and Lupton at a stake for the beginning thence leaving the territorial road and turning to the right, passing the house of William Chase, thence keeping along the road as now traveled via Helman & Co.'s Mills, David Smith's House, Robert Wright's, A. Jennison's, J. Johnson's, thence to continue on as now traveled, leaving the enclosed lands of James Tolman and Thomas Smith to the left and A. Hedden to the right, the enclosed land of Richard Evans to the left and Isaac Hill's field on the right and thence to continue along the said road as now traveled until it reaches a point near the upper end of Isaac Hill's field, thence to intersect the territorial road near his house. The petition being read and proof of notice of the application for viewers having been made and bond being filed by Thomas Smith and J. R. Helman according to law, it is ordered by the Board that Burrel B. Griffin, John Miller and George T. Vining be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and lay out a road so far as circumstance will allow, in accordance with the prayer of the petitioners and that the said Viewers or a majority of them meet at the office of the County Auditor on the 20th day of August ensuing, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties assigned them as such viewers and report their proceedings to this Board at their next regular session. Ordered, that A. J. Kepler be allowed the sum of One hundred and six dollars for boarding, lodging and attendance on Ray Giddis, a County Pauper. Ordered, that Charles Casey be allowed the sum of Forty dollars for the use of a room for the Sessions of the Grand Jury at the May Term of the U.S. Circuit Court, A.D. 1855. Ordered, that Rev. T. F. Royal be allowed the sum of Three hundred and fifty dollars, over and above the allowance made by the Statute, to wit, One hundred dollars and fifty per centum thereon, for services as Superintendent of Common Schools in Jackson County. Ordered, that the Judges and Clerks of election and the Messengers making returns of the same for the election held on the 4th day of June 1855 be allowed the compensation and mileage prescribed by law and that the Auditor issue Warrants for the same respectively, as follows, to wit-- Judges
Witness my hand this 25th day of June, A.D. 1855. Wm.
that the Auditor issue Warrants in favor of Grand and Trial
Jurors who attended at the May Term 1855 of the District Court, in
accordance with the lists furnished by the Clerk of said Court, as
follows, to wit:Clk. Bd. Commissioners, J.C., O.T. Grand Jurors
Trial Jurors
M. Angel President of the Board Attest: Wm. Hoffman Clerk of the Board July Session
The Board
met this morning, pursuant to adjournment, present Martin
Angel, President of the Board and Henry C. Rowland and S. D. Van Dyke.2nd day, Tuesday morning July 3rd 1855 The Board of Commissioners proceeded to select a list of Grand and trial Jurors for the several Terms of the United States District Court of Jackson County, for the ensuing year ending April 1856, as follows, to wit:
H. C. Rowland S. D. Van Dyke Board of Commissioners of Jackson County Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Board Comrs., J.C., O.T. 2nd Day.
July Session A.D. 1855.
that Hiram Abbott, Esq., J.P. be allowed the sum of Four
dollars and seventy cents for services attending with the Clerk of the
Board of Commissioners in opening the Polls of election June 4th,
1855. Ordered that Thomas H. Gilson be allowed the sum of One hundred and Seventy-seven Dollars for board, nursing &c. of John McKearnan a County Pauper. Ordered that Hiram Abbott, Esq. J.P. be allowed the sum of Thirteen dollars and nine cents, his fees in the cause entitled The Territory of Oregon vs. Philander Simmons. Ordered that the following witnesses in the cause Territory of Oregon vs. Philander Simmons, be allowed their fees as follows, Doct. Alexander $1.70, Doct. Brooks $1.70, Horace Reed $1.70. Ordered that the following Jurors be allowed their fees in the Cause Oregon Territory vs. Philander Simmons, to wit, D. T. Pleasants $1.70, J. W. McCully $1.70, M. G. Kennedy $1.70, Charles Casey $1.70, John Anderson $1.70, David Linn $1.70. Ordered that G. W. Anderson be allowed his fees as Constable in the cause of the Territory of Oregon vs. Philander Simmons amounting to Twenty dollars and Twenty cents. Ordered that P. P. Prim be allowed Ten dollars for prosecuting Philander Simmons in the cause of the Territory of Oregon Pltff. Ordered that Doct. Charles B. Brooks be allowed the sum of One hundred dollars for medical services rendered to Paupers. Ordered that Drs. Crane and Alexander be allowed the sum of Five hundred dollars for medical services rendered to Paupers from November 19th 1854 to June 25th 1855. Ordered that the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby authorized to record all such minutes of the Board as have not been placed upon record so far as the same may be practicable and that he be allowed his regular fees for such service. Ordered that J. P. Stearns be entitled to the sum of Twenty-five dollars for three months Salary as Probate Judge of Jackson County. Ordered that G. Karadine Elliott be allowed the sum of Two hundred and seven dollars for medical services to Ray Giddis a County Pauper. Ordered that the Witnesses before the Grand Jury at the May Term 1855 of the U.S. District Court as presented in a list by the Clk. of said Court, be allowed their fees and mileage as follows, to wit:
Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of Eleven Hundred and Sixty-three dollars and fifteen cents, for services as Sheriff and also for rent of Court room and County offices until the 1st day of October, A.D. 1855. Ordered, that Lycurgus Jackson be allowed the sum of twenty-three dollars and sixty cents for his fees in the cause entitled the Territory of Oregon vs. Davis Evans. Ordered that Lycurgus Jackson be allowed the sum of One hundred and forty-three dollars and ninety cents for services attending sessions of Probate Court and fees. Ordered that Lycurgus Jackson be allowed One hundred & fifty-four dollars for fees in various cases as per bill on file. Ordered that Lycurgus Jackson be allowed the sum of Three hundred and thirty-eight dollars and forty cents for services and mileage in posting election notices in the different election precincts in this County. Ordered that David Linn be allowed the sum of Two hundred and Eight Dollars & Seventy-nine cents for his percentage as Treasurer of Jackson County and also for Books and Stationery. Ordered that S. H. Taylor be allowed the sum of Three hundred and ninety-five dollars and thirty-seven cents for his fees in sundry cases in the U.S. District Court and also for rent of Office, Seal, and Stationery. Ordered that Peddler's Licenses shall be at the following rates until otherwise ordered, to wit, For one year, One hundred dollars; for Six months, Fifty dollars; for Three months, Twenty-five dollars and for One month, Ten dollars. On motion, Martin Angel was elected President of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County for the term of twelve months. Now comes David Linn, Treasurer of Jackson County, and presents statements of his account as follows Treasurer of Jackson County In settlement with the Bd. of Commrs.
President of the Board Special Session July A.D. 1855
The Board
of County Commissioners of Jackson County met this day, the
21st of July A.D. 1855 at the Office of the County Auditor in pursuance
of a call made by the said Auditor for a special session of the Board.Present Martin Angel, President of the Board, and Henry C. Rowland and S. D. Van Dyke, Commissioners. The subject of building a Jail was presented to the consideration of the Board by sundry citizens of the County and requesting the official action and sanction of the Board in the premises. After due deliberation upon the matter the following proceedings were had-- Whereas--a private subscription has been gotten up for the purpose of raising funds to defray the expenses of building a County Jail, it is resolved by the Board--That so soon as the said Jail shall have been completed & paid for by private subscription in coin, the subscribers to such private subscription who shall have paid towards raising said funds shall be entitled to receive County Warrants for the amounts respectively subscribed by such subscribers and paid by them. The said Commissioners further agree that they will each take a Copy of the subscription paper with the view of securing additional subscribers to raise the amount of funds requisite to defray the expenses of building said Jail. The following are the dimensions of and the kind of materials to be used in the construction of said Jail--to wit--the dimensions to be twenty-five (25) feet by thirty-four (34) feet--one story high, to be built of hewed logs, the walls to be of three tiers or thicknesses--the out and inside tiers to be laid horizontally and solid and the middle tier to be put in perpendicularly, the floors are also to be of hewed logs and the lower floor to be laid double or two thicknesses of logs, the whole to be under the supervision and management of a Committee appointed by the subscribers, to wit, W. W. Fowler, M. G. Kennedy and S. H. Taylor--who are hereby authorized to erect the said Jail upon a certain Block of ground on the Town Plat of Jacksonville, donated to the County Commissioners by James Clugage, for the purpose of being used as the site for County buildings and selected by the Board. Now comes James Clugage and offers to donate to the Board of County Commissioners and their successors in office, a certain Block of Ground on the Plat of the Town of Jacksonville on the condition that the said Board or their successors shall erect thereon a County Jail and such other County buildings as may be necessary for the use of the County at such times as may be deemed proper by the said Board or their successors. The said Block of ground so donated is designated on the Plat of the Town of Jacksonville as Block number Nineteen (19)--which ground, the said James Clugage agrees to convey to the Board of Commissioners, absolutely, for the purposes aforesaid, whenever he the said James Clugage shall receive a Patent from the United States for the land upon which said Town Plat is laid out. The Report of J. A. Lupton, N. C. Dean and B. F. Myer, viewers of the Territorial road named in said report, was read a first time and laid over until the next meeting of the Board in regular course--which said report is in the words and figures following, to wit: Report of Road
By an Act
of the Legislature of the Territory of Oregon appointing J.
Lupton, B. F. Myer and N. C. Dean a Board of Commissioners to view and
locate a territorial road from the southern boundary line of the
Territory of Oregon at a point where the proposed Sacramento Valley
road terminates in Siskiyou County, California to a point on the
Military road near the residence of George H. Ambrose in the County and
Territory aforesaid, Report as follows, to wit: J. A. Lupton, N. C.
met at the house of B. F. Myer on the 19th of March--Agreed
meet the 7th of May legally qualified to discharge the duties of
viewers of said road adjourned. J. A. Lupton, N. C. Dean and B. F.
Myer met the 7th of May duly qualified as viewers of said road and
proceeded to the work of examining the route and have located, plainly
marked and staked the road agreeably to the plat and survey herewith
returned, beginning at Station No. 1, terminating at Station No. 200
and consider that a good practicable road can be made on the aforesaid
22nd, 1855
And the
Diagram of the survey mentioned in the foregoing report is
ordered to be filed in the office of the Auditor for
reference. See back part of this Book for diagrams.J. A. Lupton N. C. Dean B. F. Myer Viewers Ordered by the Board--that Jabez Kincaid be allowed the sum of Seven hundred and fifty dollars for Keeping John McKearnan, a pauper, from the 3rd day of April 1855 to the 17th day of July 1855, inclusive, being 15 weeks at fifty dollars per week, agreeably to contract made with the said Kincaid March 5th 1855 of record. It is further ordered that the claim presented with reference to keeping John Evans be laid over until the next meeting of the Board and that the said John Evans be discharged from further charge to the County. It is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board take measures to have John McKearnan taken care of &c. Ordered that County Warrants issue to Henry C. Rowland, Esq. one of the Commissioners, for Thirty Dollars in part for his fees. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed Seventy-three dollars and Seventy-two cents Auditor's & Clerk's fees--also Seventy-One dollars and ten cents, fees as examining Justice in the cause entitled the Territory of Oregon vs. James S. Oldham. And the Board adjourned to next session in course. [unsigned]
Prest. of the Board Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. September Session 1855
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met at the
Office on the first Monday, being the 3rd day of September A.D.
1855--Martin Angel, President of the Board and W. G.
Prosecuting Attorney appeared, there being, however, no quorum to
transact business, adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9
o'clock.Tuesday Morning September 4th
The Board
met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present Martin
Angel, President of the Board and Henry C. Rowland, Commissioners and
W. G. T'Vault, Prosecuting Attorney.Ordered by the Board that Licenses issued by the Auditor in vacation to the following individuals be and the same are hereby confirmed, to wit: Isaac Ritenburg, Peddler--1 month issued July 6th 1855 George Adams, Billiard Table--6 months July 14th 1855 J. Marks & Co., Peddler--1 month July 23rd 1855 Harris & Wright, Liquor License--6 months July 25th 1855 Isaac Ritenburg, Peddler--1 month Aug. 6th 1855 Ludlow, Fryer & Co., Liquor License--6 months Aug. 9th 1855 Ordered, that the following rates of taxes be and are hereby levied, to be collected for the ensuing years, to wit, for County purposes, thirteen mills, on the dollar, for territorial purposes; one mill on the dollar and for common school purposes one mill on the dollar, making in the aggregate fifteen mills on the dollar. Also, that a poll tax of One dollar be levied on each white male inhabitant, between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, within the County of Jackson. Ordered, that the Auditor issue Warrants to the Grand and trial Jurors, who attended at the U.S. District Court, expected to have been held on the first Monday in February A.D. 1855, to wit Grand Jurors
Ordered that the Auditor issue Warrants to the Grand and Trial Jurors
and Witnesses at the August Term of the District Court of the United
States for the County of Jackson A.D. 1855 as per certificates of the
Clerk of said Court, to wit:
Grand Jurors
Trial Jurors
Day. September Session 1855
that W. McAlister be allowed the sum of ninety dollars and
twenty cents for services as witness in the District Court at May term
1855 as per certificate of the Clerk of said Court.Ordered that Granville Naylor be allowed the sum of Twelve dollars for making a Coffin for Thomas Randolph, a County charge at the time of his decease. Ordered, that Asahel Bush be allowed the sum of Forty dollars for printing two thousand county warrants Blanks. Ordered that A. S. Welton be allowed the sum of Eight dollars for services as viewer of a road from Martin Angel's to W. G. T'Vault's. Ordered at Hiram Abbott be allowed the sum of Seven dollars and fifty cents for his fees as Justice of the peace in the cause entitled Territory vs. J. S. Oldham. Ordered that S. H. Taylor be allowed the sum of Two hundred and forty-nine dollars, his fees in Criminal cases in the United States District Court at the August Term thereof A.D. 1855 and for Stationery. Ordered that William Kahler be allowed the sum of Fifteen dollars and fifty cents for services as Coroner in holding an inquest. Ordered--that the following named persons be allowed each the sum of three dollars for attending as Jurors on an inquest held by Wm. Kahler, Coroner, to wit: Davis Evans, J. B. Wagner, Samuel Tillard, Oliver J. Evans, William King, John K. Jones. Ordered--that Thomas Arundell be allowed Sixteen dollars and ten cents for his fees as Coroner in holding an inquest on the body of Juan Pueblo Buteros at Fort Lane. Ordered that the following named persons be allowed each the sum of Four dollars and forty cents for attending as Jurors and for mileage, on an inquest held by Thomas Arundell, Coroner, on the body of Juan Pueblo Buteros, at Fort Lane, to wit--E. S. Kearney, John Rankin, Charles Armstrong, Wm. Pibum, Stephen H. Titus, William Hughes. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. [unsigned]
Prest. Board Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Auditor & Ex. Off. Clerk Board Wednesday September 5th 1855
The Board
met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the same as
yesterday.Ordered that County warrants issue in favor of Jabez Kincaid for the sum of Ten hundred and Eighty-three dollars for taking care of John C. Evans and John McKearnan up to the time specified in the annexed statement, to wit--
Ordered that George W. Anderson be allowed the sum of Twenty-One dollars for his fees in the cause entitled Territory of Oregon vs. Oldham and also for summoning a Jury on an inquest before the Coroner. 3rd
Day. September Session 1855
Now comes
T. F. Royal, superintendent of Common Schools of Jackson
County and tenders his resignation of said office, which said
resignation is accepted by the Board.Ordered that S. H. Taylor be and he is hereby appointed Superintendent of Common Schools in Jackson County, Oregon Territory, until the next annual election and until his successor is elected and qualified. Ordered that G. K. Elliott, M.D. be allowed the sum of Three hundred and Sixty-seven dollars for medical attendance and boarding of Ray Geddis, a county charge--and the said Ray Geddis is hereby discharged from further expense to the County. Ordered that Thomas Holman be allowed the sum of Thirty-five dollars for rent of room for the Grand Jury at August Term A.D. 1855. Ordered that J. A. Lupton be allowed Forty dollars for services as Commissioner to view a Territorial road from the southern boundary of the Territory to a point on the Military road near Dr. G. H. Ambrose's claim. Ordered that N. C. Dean be allowed the sum of Forty dollars for services as Commissioner to view a Territorial road from the southern boundary of the Territory to a point on the Military road near Dr. G. H. Ambroses's claim. Ordered that B. F. Myer be allowed the sum of Forty dollars for services as Commissioner to view a Territorial road from the southern boundary of the Territory to a point on the Military road near Dr. G. H. Ambrose's claim. Ordered that B. F. Myer be allowed the sum of Forty dollars for services surveying Territorial road from the Southern boundary of the Territory to a point on the military road near Dr. G. H. Ambrose's claim. Ordered that Peter Smith be allowed Twelve dollars for services as Chainman in survey of Territorial road as mentioned in above order. Ordered that Stephen Trask be allowed the sum of Twelve dollars for services as chainman in survey of Territorial road. Ordered that Walter Clark be allowed Twelve dollars for services as marker in survey of Territorial road. Ordered that Sewell Truax be allowed the sum of One hundred dollars for 20 maps of Townships in Jackson County, O.T. Ordered that warrants issue to Henry C. Rowland in part for $20.00, his fees as Commissioner of Jackson County, O.T. Ordered that the report of J. A. Lupton, N. C. Dean and B. F. Myer, Commissioners appointed by the Legislative assembly to view and lay out a Territorial road commencing at the Southern boundary of the Territory and terminating near Doct. Ambrose's, be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the Diagram of the survey of said road be recorded in the Auditor's office for reference--which said report is in the words and figures following, to wit: Report of Road
By an act
of the Legislature of the Territory of Oregon, appointing J.
A. Lupton, B. F. Myer, and N. C. Dean a board of Commissioners to view
and locate a territorial road from the southern boundary line of the
Territory of Oregon at a point where the proposed Sacramento valley
road terminates in Siskiyou County, California, to a point on the
Military road near the residence of George H. Ambrose in the County and
Territory aforesaid--Report as follows, to wit:J. A. Lupton, N. C. Dean met at the house of B. F. Myer on the 19th of March, Agreed to meet the 7th of May, legally qualified to discharge the duties of viewers of said road--adjourned. J. A. Lupton, N. C. Dean and B. F. Myer met the 7th of May duly qualified as viewers of said road and proceeded to the work of examining the route and have located, plainly marked and staked the road agreeable to the plat and survey herewith returned, beginning at Station No. 1, terminating at station No. 200 and consider that a good practicable road can be made on the aforesaid route. June 22nd, 1855. J.
A. Lupton
N. C. Dean B. F. Myer Viewers (See back part of this Book for diagrams) Ordered that William Hoffman, Auditor, be allowed the sum of One hundred and nineteen dollars and sixty cents for services as Auditor, Clerk of the Board, and for stationery. Ordered that the Recorder of Jackson County be authorized to record the Plat of the Town of Jacksonville at the expense of the County. Ordered that D. S. Kenyon be allowed the sum of Five dollars for wood heretofore furnished for the Auditor's office. There being no other business before the Commissioners, the Board adjourned to meet in special session on the first Monday in November, 1855. Signed,
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T. met at the Office of
the County Auditor, this day, being the 5th day of November, pursuant
to adjournment. Present, Martin Angel, President of the Board
and S. D. Van Dyke, Commissioners, Wm. G. T'Vault,
Prosecuting Attorney and William Hoffman, Clerk.Prest. of the Board Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Auditor and Ex-Off. Clk. of the Board Now comes James H. Russell and presents the petition of certain Citizens of the County praying for a change in the Territorial road therein mentioned, which said Petition is in the words and figures following, to wit: "We the undersigned Citizens of Jackson County, O.T. respectfully petition your honorable body to grant them a review of so much of the Territorial Road as viewed by J. A. Lupton, N. C. Dean and B. F. Myer, Commissioners appointed by the Legislative Assembly, as hereinafter described, to wit: Commencing on the Territorial Road, at or near Thomas' (Eagle) Mill and running thence on the old road or near the old road to the house of Samuel Grubb, thence on the Territorial road located by said Commissioners to Isaac Hill's house, thence to the right of the Butte beyond Isaac Hill's, thence to intersect the Territorial road again at the nearest and best point beyond the Butte Sept. 14th 1855" which petition being read and it appearing by the affidavit of James H. Russell that notice of said application or petition had been posted thirty days previous to the presentation of the same to the Board of Commissioners, it is ordered by the Board, that Thomas Arundell, Rezin B. Packard and Nelson D. Smith be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and change said road if deemed of public utility and report their proceedings to this Board at the next session thereof-- And the Board now adjourn to meet in Special Session on the 19th day of November 1855. Signed,
Prest. of the Board Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Auditor & Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board Special Session November 19th
to adjournment, the Board met this day. Present S. D.
Dyke, Commissioner, Wm. G. T'Vault, Prosecuting Attorney and
William Hoffman, Clerk.Jacksonville November 19th 1855 There being no quorum to transact business, the Board adjourned to the next regular session on the first day of December next. Signed,
Prest. of the Board Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Auditor & Ex-Off. Clerk of the Board December Session, A.D. 1855
The Board
of Commissioners met today, present S. D. Van Dyke,
Comr., W. G. T'Vault, Prosecuting Attorney &
Hoffman, Clerk of the Board. There being no quorum present to
transact business, the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9
o'clock.Jacksonville, December 3rd, 1855 Tuesday morning, Dec. 4th, 1855
The Board
met pursuant to adjournment this morning, present, the same as
yesterday; there being no quorum present to transact business, the
Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.Wednesday morning, Dec. 5th, 1855
The Board
met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present--H. C.
Rowland, Commissioner, W. G. T'Vault, Prosecuting
and William Hoffman, Clerk.December Session A.D. 1855
The Board
of Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment. Present
Martin Angel, President of the Board, Samuel D. Van Dyke, Commissioner
and William Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.Jacksonville December 17th 1855 Ordered by the Board that S. H. Taylor be allowed the sum of One hundred and Nine dollars and fifty cents for fees as Clerk of the District Court & Stationery. Also Twenty-one dollars and fifty cents for Wood & Stationery for Office &c. Ordered that William Cantrall be allowed Nine Dollars for services as witness in the cause Territory of Oregon vs. J. S. Oldham and also Three dollars and twenty cents mileage. Ordered that Isaac Constant be allowed Twelve dollars for his services as Road viewer on Road from Jacksonville to Patterson's. Ordered that A. R. Stearns be allowed Twelve dollars for Stationery, furnish for Probate Court. Ordered that the Auditor issue Warrants to the Grand and Trial Jurors and Witnesses, attending at October Term 1855. Grand Jurors
The Report
of B. B. Griffin and George T. Vining, two of the viewers
appointed by the Board at their July Session, 1855, to view and lay out
a road therein mentioned and described, as follows,
Now comes Lewis H. Zigler and represents
to the Board that the
Assessments of his property by the Assessor is incorrect and after
hearing his statements, it is ordered by the Board that the sum of
twelve hundred dollars be deducted from the amount assessed against
him, the said Lewis H. Zigler.
"We, the undersigned viewers duly appointed and qualified according to law, would respectfully report that in obedience to the order received from your honorable Board to view and locate a County road from a point in front of the house of John Barnett thence to intersect the Territorial road near the house of Isaac Hill; commenced at the Territorial road in front of John Barnett's house, passed over the Road as described in the order--also report that the character of the Country over which said road passes is practical and that a majority of us are of opinion that said road should be opened or kept opened. We would recommend for your further consideration that said Road in place of intersecting the territorial road in front of Mr. Hill's house, should be continued on to the Mountain house as now traveled. Burrel B.
Which said
report being read and after due deliberation and
consultation and for reasons which the Board deem sufficient the said
report is not confirmed.George T. Vining Jacksonville, Sept. 4th, 1855 Ordered that B. B. Griffin be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as Road viewer. Ordered that George T. Vining be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as Road viewer. Ordered that Charles B. Brooks, M.D. be allowed the sum of Two hundred dollars for medical services to Pauper. Ordered that Charles Casey be allowed One hundred and twenty dollars for use of Rooms for the Grand Jury at August & Oct. Terms 1855 of the U.S. District Court. Ordered that A. P. Stearns be allowed the sum of Eighty dollars for the purpose of procuring a Seal & Press for the use of the Probate Court of Jackson County. Ordered that the Auditor and Probate Judge of Jackson Co. be and they are hereby authorized to procure a suitable room for their Offices and also procure a Stove and fuel for the same at the expense of the County and that the Auditor issue Warrants in payment of the same. Ordered that William Burk be allowed Twenty-seven dollars for furnishing Suppers to Jurors at August Term 1855 of the District Court of the United States. Ordered that Judge L. A. Rice, assignee of C. Westfeldt, assignee of T. McF. Patton, be allowed the sum of One hundred and Seventy-three dollars and ten cents, being the balance audited on T. McF. Patton's bill for services as County Auditor. Ordered that T. McF. Patton be allowed the sum of Sixteen dollars and Eighty-seven cents for making out the delinquent list of taxes for 1854. Ordered that James Kilgore be allowed the sum of Three hundred dollars for taking John McKearnan, a County Charge, to Scottsburg. Ordered that Licenses issued in vacation by the Auditor to the following persons be confirmed and that the Bonds filed by said persons respectively be and are hereby approved. Licenses Issued
And the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.
Day. Tuesday Morning December 18th 1855
The Board
met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as
yesterday.Ordered that Sewell Truax be and he is hereby appointed County Surveyor of Jackson County O.T. until his successor is elected and qualified. Comes Thomas Pyle and presents to the Board a bill for office rent in favor of B. J. Drew for Two hundred & twenty dollars, being for the County Auditor, which was not allowed on the ground that the rent claimed was with the exception of a few days during the time in which the Auditor and other County Officers were required to occupy the Court house building. Ordered that Doct. A. Shone be allowed One hundred and fifty-six dollars for medical services for paupers as per bills rendered. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of One thousand Seven hundred and Ninety-eight dollars and Seventy-five cents for services as Sheriff up to _____ $1798.75 Ordered that Charles Casey be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars for the use of a room for holding the Special election December 15th 1855. The Application of John Beeson, for additional allowance for attendance and medical services, was read to the Board and after due deliberation and consultation, it was ordered by the Board that in addition to the allowance made to said John Beeson at November Session 1854, the said John Beeson be allowed the sum of twelve dollars per week for services rendered to Thomas Randolph, a Pauper. Ordered by the Board that the Auditor issue County Warrants to P. J. Ryan for the sum of Two hundred and fifty-five dollars and Ninety cents in lieu of Warrants to that amount destroyed by fire at the destruction of his store in Jacksonville. Ordered that the appointment of viewers to review and change so much of the Territorial Road as is designated in the Petition of sundry inhabitants of Jackson County, presented at the November Session 1855 of the Board, be and the same is hereby rescinded on the ground that there having been no claim presented for damages to the Board, the change prayed for could not be legally made. Ordered that the following Persons be and they are hereby appointed Supervisors of Roads, to wit: Road
District No. 1 Giles Wells
that the second Monday in
January next (14th day) be appointed
by the Board to hear complaints and correct assessments made by the
Assessor of Jackson County.Road District No. 2 Eber Emery Road District No. 3 Jacob Wagner Road District No. 4 Samuel Colver Road District No. 5 Rezin B. Packard Road District No. 6 Isaac Constant Road District No. 7 W. G. T'Vault Road District No. 8 Clinton Schieffelin Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed Twelve dollars and thirty cents, Justice's fees in the cause Territory against John Dutcher. Ordered that the following individuals be allowed the sums annexed to their respective names as Jurors and Witnesses in the cause entitled Territory of Oregon against J. Dutcher to wit:
Ordered that A. B. Carter be allowed the sum of Five hundred and Eighty-four dollars for Seventy-three days Services as Assessor of Jackson County at Eight dollars per day. Ordered that the Auditor issue County Warrants to the Judges & Clerks of Election and to the Messengers making the returns of the Special Election held on the 15th day of December A.D. 1855 as follows, to wit: Messengers
Special Session January 14th 1856
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, met at
the office of the County Auditor on Monday the 14th day of January
1856, Present Henry C. Rowland and Samuel D. Van Dyke, Commissioners
and William Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.Ordered by the Board, that H. C. Rowland be allowed the sum of One hundred and Sixty-two dollars and forty cents for services and mileage as Commissioner of Jackson County, up to and including the 14th day of January 1856, deducting therefrom the sum of One hundred and twenty-six dollars and fifty cents, the amount of County Warrants heretofore issued to him, leaving a balance due him of Thirty-five dollars and Ninety cents. Ordered that Samuel D. Van Dyke be allowed the sum of Seventy-Six dollars and eighty cents for services and mileage as Commissioner of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, up to and including the 14th day of January 1856, deducting therefrom the sum of Forty-two dollars and thirty cents for the amount of Warrants heretofore issued to him, leaving a balance of Thirty-four dollars and fifty cents due him. Ordered that George W. Anderson be allowed the sum of Fifty-six dollars, his fees as Constable & expenses in arresting J. G. Dutcher in the cause entitled "Territory of Oregon vs. J. G. Dutcher." Ordered that B. B. Griffin be allowed the sum of One hundred and Seventeen dollars for Boarding, Medicines, Shroud &c. for an old Englishman, a pauper. Ordered that the following deduction be made on the assessment of John J. Cook, on the valuation of improvements Two hundred and Sixty dollars and on the valuation of Personal Property Four hundred and Sixty-two dollars. Ordered that there be deducted from the assessment of Wm. Hoffman, four hundred dollars. Ordered that William Hoffman, Auditor, be allowed the sum of Ninety-two dollars and thirty cents for services as Auditor. There being no further business before the Board, they adjourned sine die. Attest:
William Hoffman, Clerk Board
Auditor's Office
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met this day in Special
Session, present S. D. Van Dyke, Commissioner and Wm. Hoffman,
of the Board. Mr. Frederick Heber, Commissioner-elect in the
place of Martin Angel, deceased, and Doct. G. W. Davidson,
Commissioner-elect in the place of H. C. Rowland, appeared,
qualified and took their seats at the Board.On motion, S. D. Van Dyke was elected Chairman of the Board to serve until the regular session in July next. The Auditor presented the Bonds of individuals to whom Licenses were issued in vacation and the Bonds of the following persons were approved by the Board--to wit:
Ordered that Isaac Hill, Esq. J.P. be allowed the sum of Nine dollars and sixty cents in the same cause. Ordered that Allen Lee be allowed the sum of Three dollars & Sixty cents as witness in the same cause. Ordered that John Farley be allowed Two dollars and Sixty cents as witness in the same cause. Ordered that Martha Condrey be allowed Two dollars and sixty cents as witness in the same cause. Ordered that F. G. Condrey be allowed Two dollars and Sixty cents as witness in the same cause. Ordered that Jonathan Sampson be allowed the sum of One dollar and forty cents as Juror in the same cause. Ordered that Isaac Hill, Esq. be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 1 in the place of Giles Wells, who declined serving. Ordered that A. D. Helman be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 2 in place of Asa Fordyce who declined serving. Ordered that Allen Lee be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 4 in place of Saml. Colver. Ordered that Issachar Williams be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 7 in place of Isaac Constant, who declined serving. Ordered that Jacob Wagner be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 3. Ordered that Rezin B. Packard be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 5. Ordered that Honicle Bellinger be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 6. Ordered that Aaron Chambers be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 8. Ordered that James Dawson be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 9. Ordered that Chauncey Nye be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 10. Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 11. Ordered that Frederick Westgate be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 12. Ordered that Thomas Smith be allowed the sum of Seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) Expenses for conveying Revised Statutes. In the matter of the action of the Board in relation to the Report of B. B. Griffin and G. T. Vining, viewers of a certain road therein named, made at the December Session A.D. 1855 which said Report was not confirmed by the Board; after hearing the statements of parties in relation to the proceedings of the Board thereon, and after deliberating upon the same, the Board conclude to take no further action on the proceeding at said December Session. Now comes James C. Tolman, and presents to the Board the Petition heretofore filed with the Clerk, of sundry citizen householders, praying for the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a certain Road named in said petition "commencing at a point in front of the Eagle Mills, on the Territorial Road, thence on the nearest and best route to the Ashland flouring mills, thence in a southeasterly direction on the best and nearest route passing on the north side of Robert Wright's improvement and through the land of Jennison, Tolman and Dunn, to a point intersecting the aforesaid Territorial Road between the S.E. corner of P. Dunn's and the Northwest corner of Wm. Taylor's land claims, to be the termination of said County road." And proof of notices having been posted as required by Statute, by the affidavit of James C. Tolman, the Board order and direct that the further action of the Board be deferred until their next regular session in July next. Now comes Thomas Smith and presents to the Board the petition of Sundry citizen householders, praying the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a certain Road named in said petition "commencing in front of the Eagle Mills, thence in the most direct route to Chase's bridge, thence with road as now traveled via the 'Ashland Mills,' thence with said road leaving the house of J. D. Smith to the left, the enclosed land of Robert Wright to the left, thence along the road as now traveled leaving the enclosed lands of James C. Tolman and Thomas Smith to the left, thence along said road as now traveled to the neighborhood of the Mountain House" which said Petition being read and proof of notices having been posted as required by Statute by the affidavit of Thomas Smith, the Board order and direct that the further action of the Board be deferred until their next regular session in July next. The Petitions of Chase and Good, Bennett Million and James H. Russell for damages, on account of the Territorial Road passing through their respective Land Claims, were presented to the Board, the said Petitions having been heretofore filed with the Clerk of the Board which, having been read and it appearing that the said Petitions were filed more than six months after the time of the filing of the Report and Plat of the Commissioners appointed to locate said Territorial Road, the Board can take no action on said Petitions as to the appointment of viewers to assess damages as prayed for by said Petitioners. Ordered by the Board that the Messengers who made the returns of the Elections held on the _____ day of April 1856 and on the 2nd day of June A.D. 1856 be allowed their mileage as per Statute and that the Clerk of the Board issue County Warrants to each respectively for the amount due for such services--as follows, to wit:
Special Session June 18th 1856
that S. H. Taylor be allowed the
sum of Three dollars for 1
day's services districting Road Districts.Ordered that Sewell Truax be allowed the sum of Three dollars for 1 day's services, furnishing names for Road Districts in the several Road Districts. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of six dollars for services in districting Road Districts and assisting S. Truax in furnishing the names of Claim holders to the several Road districts. Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the sum of Thirty dollars for services as Pros. Atty. attending the meetings of the Board up to this date. Ordered that Charles Casey be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars for the use of a room for the sessions of the Grand Jury April Term 1856. Ordered by the Board that the following Officers-elect file their Bonds with the amount named in each respectively, to wit: Thomas
Pyle, Sheriff, Ten thousand Dollars ($10,000.)
And the
Board adjourned to the next regular Session in July ensuing.John Q. Tabor, Assessor, One thousand Dollars ($1000.) David Linn, Treasurer, Six thousand Dollars ($6000.) Sewell Truax, Surveyor, Two thousand Dollars ($2000.) (Signed)
[blank] Chairman
William Hoffman, Clerk Auditor's Office Jacksonville
July 7th 1856
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, met
this day at the Auditor's Office, Present S. D. Van Dyke,
Chairman, and Gideon B. Davidson, Commissioner and William Hoffman,
Clerk of the Board.The Petition of Isaac Constant, A. French and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County road, commencing at the west end of the Lane between Aaron Chambers and Mrs. Angel and terminating at the N.E. corner of L. A. Rice's claim was read and proof of notice having been made as required by law, It is ordered by the Board that B. B. Griffin, William Elliott and Gideon G. Kerr be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said road "beginning at the West end of the lane between A. Chambers and Mrs. Angel, thence to connect with the road running from Jacksonville to Fort Lane and from that point run East, dividing the lands of Chambers, Angel, Beall, Plymale, Skinner, Rice and Williams to L. A. Rice's, Northeast corner" and that the said viewers meet on the first Monday in August at the office of the Auditor, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings at the regular session of the Board on the 1st Monday in September next. The petition of Levi Tinkham, Champaign Collier and others for the appointment of viewers, to view and lay out a road "commencing at the Saw-mill on Butte Creek and terminal at Jacksonville," was read and proof of notices having been made according to law, It is ordered by the Board, that Jacob Wagner, Nelson D. Smith and Woodford Reames be and they are hereby appointed Viewers, to view and lay out said road, and that they meet on the first Monday in August at the Office of the Auditor, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment and that they report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in September next. Now comes Reid, Attorney for James C. Tolman and others, Petitioners for the appointment of viewers, to view and lay out a County road therein mentioned and also comes Brenan, Attorney for Thomas Smith and presents his Petition to the Board, resisting the said petition of said Tolman and others, and thereupon James H. Russell, Austin Badger, Clifton Riley, Isaac Hill and Thomas Smith were sworn as witnesses and after the examination of witnesses and canvassing the Signatures to the said Petition of said James C. Tolman and others, and proof of notices having been posted, being made according to the Statute made and provided, It is ordered by the Board that L. A. Rice, Aaron Chambers, and John F. Miller be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and lay out said road "commencing at a point in front of the Eagle Mills on the Territorial road, thence on the nearest and best route, to the Ashland flouring Mills, thence in a southeasterly direction on the best and nearest route, passing on the North side of Robert Wright's improvement and through the lands of Jennison, Tolman, and Dunn's to a point intersecting the aforesaid Territorial Road between the S.E. corner of P. Dunn's and the N.W. corner of Wm. Taylor's land claims to be the termination of said County Road," that the said viewers meet on the first Monday in August, at the office of the Auditor, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session on the first Monday in September next. Now comes Brenan, and presents the Petition of H. W. Clayton, and others, for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a certain road therein mentioned, and after canvassing the signatures of the said Petition and proof of notices having been posted, being made in according to law, It is ordered by the Board that L. A. Rice, Aaron Chambers and John F. Miller be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and lay out said County road "commencing in front of the Eagle Mills, then in the most direct route, to Chase's bridge, thence with the road as now traveled, via the Ashland Mills, thence with said road, leaving the house of J. D. Smith to the left, the enclosed land of Robert Wright to the left, thence along the road as now traveled, leaving the enclosed lands of James C. Tolman and Thomas Smith to the left, thence along said road as now traveled to the Mountain House," that the said viewers meet on the 1st Monday in August next at the Office of the Auditor, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session to be held on the first Monday in September next. Now comes Isaac Hill, Supervisor of Road District No. 1 in Jackson County, O.T. and resigns his office as such Supervisor, which resignation is accepted by the Board. Ordered by the Board--that James H. Russell be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 1 in place of Isaac Hill, resigned. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. S.
D. Van Dyke, Chairman
Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Tuesday Morning July 8th 1856
The Board
met pursuant to adjournment; Present, the same as
yesterday--the minutes of the proceedings of the Board were read and
approved.Ordered by the Board--that A. D. Helman, Supervisor of Road District No. 2, be exempt from opening the Territorial Road within the boundaries of his District for the present, with the view of affording the claim-holders within said District, through whose claims said road passes, the opportunity of petitioning the Legislature for a change in said Territorial Road. Ordered by the Board that S. H. Taylor be allowed Forty dollars for 2 months rent of office for the Auditor. Also, One hundred and ten dollars for rent of Office for the Clerk of the U.S. District Court 5½ months to March 15th 1856. Ordered by the Board, that S. H. Taylor be allowed the sum of Seventy-five dollars for Services as Superintendent of Common Schools 9 months. Ordered by the Board that the Auditor issue County Warrants in favor of those persons who served as Grand & Trial Jurors at the April Term A.D. 1856 of the United States District Court in accordance with the Certificate of the Clerk of said Court. Grand Jurors
Ordered by
the Board that the following Persons be and they are hereby appointed
Judges of Election in the several Precincts of Jackson County O.T., to
Star Gulch
Butte Creek
The Board now proceed to select a list of One hundred and fifty names
of individuals from the Assessment Roll of 1855, for Jurors for the
District Court of the United States for the County of Jackson,
Territory of Oregon, in accordance with the Statute in such case made
and provided as follows, to wit:
of Oregon, Jackson County
We the undersigned Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify,
that the foregoing contains a true and full list of the names of One
hundred and fifty Jurors, selected by us, in accordance with the
Statute in such case made and provided. Given under our hands
this 8th day of July A.D. 1856.
D. Van Dyke
And now the Board adjourns until tomorrow morning at Nine
O'clock.G. B. Davidson Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T. Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk S.
D. Van Dyke, Chairman
Attest: William Hoffman, Clerk Wednesday July 9th 1856
The Board
met pursuant to adjournment, present S. D. Van Dyke,
Doct. Gideon B. Davidson and Frederick Heber, Commissioners, and
William Hoffman, Clerk.The Board proceeded to elect their Chairman for the ensuing year--and S. D. Van Dyke was duly elected such Chairman. Ordered by the Board that Austin Badger be allowed Forty-one dollars and twenty-five cents for boarding prisoner Squire Butcher. The Petition of John F. Gray, Harvey B. Oatman and others was presented for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a road, commencing at a point on the Military Road from Jacksonville to Yreka, known as the Mountain trail near the S.W. corner of James R. Davis' field and terminating near Lindley's Saw Mill on the Territorial Road leading from G. H. Ambrose's to the Southern Boundary of the Territory, being read and proof of notices having been posted, according to law. It is ordered by the Board that William N. Ballard, Thomas F. Beall and Dennis McFeely, be and they are hereby appointed viewers, to view and lay out said road, to wit: Beginning at a point on the Military Road from Jacksonville to Yreka, known as the Mountain Trail, near the Southwest corner of James R. Davis' field, thence running between the claims of said James R. Davis and A. P. Stearns, John Lacy and N. Klopfenstein to the South line of David N. Herrin's Claim, thence to the "White house," the residence of W. Hoffman, thence by the most direct route and as near as may be suitable, on the road now traveled, through the claims of James T. Tucker, John W. Johnson, James Hamlin and others, to intersect the Territorial Road running from G. H. Ambrose's to the Southern boundary of the Territory, at a point near Lindley's Saw Mill"; that the said viewers meet on the 1st Monday in August, at the Office of the Auditor, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and that [they] report their proceedings to the Board at their regular Session on the 1st Monday in September next. Ordered by the Board, that the Auditor, Sheriff, Treasurer, Clerk of the United States District Court, and the Judge of the Probate Court, be and they are hereby required to hold their respective Offices in the Building owned by Rev. F. F. Royal in Jacksonville from and after this Session of the Board and in default thereof or failing to so occupy said building for the purposes aforesaid, no allowances for office rent shall be allowed. The Board of Commissioners have this day contracted with Rev. John Flinn, as Agent for Rev. T. F. Royal, for the renting of the Building owned by said Royal in Jacksonville for the term of 12 months from the 9th July 1856 at the rate of twenty-two dollars and fifty cents per month, payable in County Warrants, quarterannually, said building to be occupied for the County Officers, to wit: The Auditor, Treasurer, Sheriff, Clerk of the District Court and Probate Judge. Ordered by the Board, that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of Two hundred and Eighty-three dollars and ten cents for fees and Stationery for the Auditor's Office from January 12th 1856. Also the sum of One hundred and fifty dollars for extra Services as Auditor. Now comes John Q. Tabor, Assessor elect, and presents his Bond to the Board, with M. G. Kennedy and A. Badger as sureties, in the sum of One thousand dollars, which is approved by the Board. Now comes Thomas Pyle, Sheriff-elect, and presents his Bond to the Board, with W. R. Davis, Wm. K. Ish and P. W. Stow and S. M. Wait as sureties, in the sum of Ten thousand dollars, which is accepted by the Board. Now comes David Linn, Treasurer-elect, and presents his Bond to the Board, with Jos. S. Burpee, P. J. Ryan, L. H. Zigler and R. F. Maury as sureties in the sum of Six thousand dollars, which is accepted by the Board. Ordered by the Board, that so much of Road District No. 2 as includes the Claims of Barretts, be so altered as to place those claims within District No. 3 and that the claims of W. Reames, M. J. Anderson, E. K. Anderson, J. F. Anderson and Hiram Colver in District 4, be so altered as to be placed in District No. 3. Now comes the Sheriff, T. Pyle, and presents certain receipts with reference to taxes collected by him and the settlement of his account as Collector, and the said settlement is postponed until the next session of the Board. Ordered that Thomas Pyle, Sheriff, be allowed the sum of Seven hundred & thirty-four dollars and eighty cents, for fees &c. as Sheriff of Jackson County up to Oct. 9th, 1856. Ordered that David Linn be allowed the sum of Ninety dollars for rent of Office for Treasurer. Also that he be allowed the sum of Fifty dollars for Expenses incurred in sending Territorial Tax to Salem. The Board of Commissioners have this day rented of M. G. Kennedy, the Block House situated on the Lot in the rear of Kennedy's Block, to be used for the purposes of a Jail at the rate of One hundred dollars per month payable in County Warrants as long as the Commissioners desire to keep it. The following alterations and repairs are to be made by the said M. G. Kennedy, the Sleepers for the floor are to be laid Solid with Six ring bolts attached to the floor--the rent of said building to commence whenever completed. Ordered that M. G. Kennedy be allowed the sum of One hundred and fifty-three dollars and thirty-two cents, being the balance due him for rent of Office for the Auditor and Probate Judge. Now comes David Linn, Treasurer of Jackson County and presents to the Board a Statement of his account, which being Audited by the Auditor is accepted and approved by the Board and is as follows to wit: Dr. ["debit"] David Linn, Treasurer, in account with Commissioners of J. C. County Revenue
School Fund
Territorial Tax
And now the Board adjourn until the 1st Monday in August next.
D. Van Dyke, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Auditor's Office August 4th 1856
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, met in
Special session, this day, pursuant to adjournment, Present S. D. Van
Dyke, Chairman of the Board, Frederick Heber and Doct. G. B. Davidson,
Commissioners and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.The Bond of Sewell Truax as County Surveyor, was presented to the Board and is approved. The Bond of Nelson D. Smith, as Judge of the Probate Court was presented to the Board and approved. Ordered that Doct. Edward Shiel be allowed One hundred and Seventy-five Dollars for rent of House for the use of Prisoners. Ordered that the claim of Doct. E. Shiel for rent of Building for Courts and Clerk of the District Court be laid over until next Session of the Board. Ordered that Thomas Pyle, Sheriff, be allowed the sum of One hundred and Eighty dollars and ninety cents for fees posting Election Notices and mileage for 2 Elections. Ordered, that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred and fifty-eight dollars and fifteen cents for fees as Auditor. And the Board adjourn 'til Thursday next. S.
D. Van Dyke, Chr.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Auditor's Office Jacksonville
August 7th 1856
The Board
of Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, present S. D.
Van Dyke, Chairman of the Board, Doct. G. B. Davidson and Frederick
Heber, Commissioners, W. G. T'Vault, Prosecuting Attorney and
William Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.The subject of the Expenses heretofore accrued for keeping Paupers was presented to the consideration of the Board and after due deliberation, the matter is deferred to the next regular Session of the Board. Ordered by the Board that Thomas Pyle, W. G. T'Vault and William Hoffman be and they are hereby appointed Agents to examine and recommend the location of a quarter section of land for the use of the County for the benefit of the County seat; and that they also act as Agents for the County and use their discretion in relation to the purchase of the "Government Block House" for the County, to be used as a County Jail. And the Board now adjourn until the next regular Session on the first Monday in September next. S.
D. Van Dyke, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Exhibit of the Receipts and
Expenditures of Jackson County, O.T.
From August 1st 1853 to June 30th 1856 & from No. 1 to No. 1338 inclusive Amount of County Warrants issued as follows Dr.
Regular Session September A.D.
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met this day in regular
Session, Present Frederick Heber and Doct. G. B. Davidson,
Commissioners, Wm. G. T'Vault, Prosecuting Attorney and
Wm. Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.Auditor's Office Jacksonville September 1st 1856 The Resignation of Morris Howell as Constable of Ashland Precinct was presented to the Board and accepted. Ordered by the Board, that William F. Songer be and he is hereby appointed Constable of Ashland Precinct in the place of Morris Howell, resigned. Ordered that the following costs be allowed in the cause of the Territory vs. Cornelius Halsey, to wit:
The Report of L. A. Rice and Aaron Chambers, two of the viewers appointed at the July Session 1856, of this Board, to view and lay out a County Road, commencing in front of the Eagle Mills and terminating at the Mountain House, was presented and read a first time today. Ordered that the following witnesses' fees in the cause of the Territory of Oregon vs. Laura Perkins, be allowed, to wit:
Ordered that M. G. Kennedy be allowed the sum of Five dollars, Bill of Tinware for Office of Auditor. The Petition of sundry Citizens, householders and residents in the vicinity of the Proposed road, for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County Road, from Vannoy's via Applegate Creek to Jacksonville, was presented to the Board; and as a part of the proposed road lies within the County of Josephine, the Board can only act on the said petition so far as the said proposed Road shall be within Jackson County. And satisfactory proof being made, that notices of said Application for viewers has been posted according to law, It is ordered by the Board, that Dr. G. B. Davidson, Thomas Wright and Benjamin Armstrong be and they are hereby appointed viewers, to view and lay out said proposed Road as prayed for, so far as the same lies in Jackson County, that they meet on the 3rd Monday, being the 15th day of September A.D. 1856, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of the appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in December next. Now comes Eli Judd and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than One quart in the Precinct of Applegate for the term of Six months. The Board assess the amount to be paid for said License at Twenty-five dollars for six months and authorize the Auditor to issue License to said Eli Judd from the date of the Treasurer's receipt, upon complying with the requirements of the Statutes. Now comes Richard Williams and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than One quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville for the term of six months. The Board assess the amount to be paid for said license at Fifty dollars for six months and authorize the Auditor to issue License to said Richard Williams from the date of the Treasurer's receipt, upon complying with the requirements of the statutes. Ordered that Thomas Arundell be allowed the sum of Seven dollars and ninety-five cents for fees as Coroner on an inquest held on the body of John Malone. Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees as Jurors and Witnesses on an inquest held on the body of John Malone, to wit:
Ordered that John B. Sifers be allowed Twenty-five dollars for making Seal for the District Court. Also Nineteen dollars and fifty cents for Stationery. And the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday next at 9 O'clock A.M. (signed)
Frederick Heber G. B. Davidson Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Auditor's Office, Jacksonville
Sept. 4th 1856
The Board
of Commissioners met today, pursuant to adjournment, present
Frederick Heber and Doct. G. B. Davidson, Commissioners, W. G.
T'Vault, Prosecuting Attorney and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk of
Board.The Report of L. A. Rice and Aaron Chambers, two of the viewers appointed at the July Session A.D. 1856 of the Board, to view and lay out a County Road from the Eagle Mills to the N.W. corner of Wm. Taylor's land claim, was read a second time today. The Report of L. A. Rice and Aaron Chambers, two of the viewers appointed at the July Session, A.D. 1856 of the Board, to view and lay out a County Road from the Eagle Mills to the Mountain House was read a second time today. Ordered that the following named persons be allowed their fees annexed to their respective names, as witnesses in the cause of The Territory of Oregon vs. John Malone, to wit:
The Petition of sundry citizens, householders in the vicinity of the proposed road, for the appointment of viewers, to view and lay out a County Road, commencing "at the mouth of Jackass Gulch on Applegate Creek to Wait's Mill in Rogue River Valley, said Road to leave LaClair, Spencer, Toffelmier, Armstrong, & Doct. Davidson to the left in coming up Applegate Creek to the junction, thence up the left-hand fork of Applegate Creek to Buncom, thence up Sterling Creek to Sterling, thence direct to Wait's Mill via Griffin Creek, was presented and read, whereupon William Elliott, James P. Burns, and William Carberry were appointed viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for, that they meet on the third Monday in September next (Inst.) and report their proceedings at the next regular Session of this Board. The account of Doct. Edward Shiel for Rent was presented to the Board and the testimony of M. G. Kennedy & Thos. Pyle was taken, whereupon it is Ordered by the Board that the said Edward Shiel be allowed the sum Two hundred and forty-one 25/100 dollars. Now comes Thomas Pyle and presents to the Board the Statement of the amount received by him, on Sale of a Mare, Saddle &c., the property of John Malone, decd., who was committed on a charge of Murder & Committed Suicide, together with the expenses incurred in his funeral &c. as follows, to wit: Territory of Oregon vs. John Malone Bill of Costs and Expenses
Ordered that a Road District be established on Applegate Cr. to be designated as District No. 13, Commencing at George Long's claim and running down Applegate Creek to the boundary line of Josephine County and also to include the Road from Applegate to Jacksonville. Ordered by the Board that James Barnes be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 13, to serve till successor shall be appointed. Ordered that Jacob Wagner, Nelson D. Smith and Woodford Reames, viewers appointed to view and lay out a Road to commence at the Saw-Mill on Butte Creek and terminating at Jacksonville be notified to proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at the regular Session in December next. Ordered that the Sheriff settle with the Board at the Special Session to be held on the last Monday in September Instant. Ordered by the Board that the following rates of taxes be and are hereby levied on the taxable property in Jackson County for the year A.D. 1856, to wit: For County Revenue proper, ten mills on the dollar. For County Jail purposes, two mills on the dollar, to be paid in Coin. For County Revenue a Poll tax of One dollar on white male inhabitants between the age of 21 & 50 and also Chinamen. For School purposes, one mill on the dollar in coin. For Territorial purposes, One mill on the dollar in coin. Now comes John Q. Tabor, Assessor of Jackson County and represents to the Board, that he is unable to complete the assessment of the County in time to report to the Board at the present Session and Asks for an extension of time, whereupon the Board Order, that the said Assessor be granted time until the last Monday in September Instant, to complete his assessment and report the same to the Board. Ordered that the 5th Monday of September be and is hereby set apart to hear complaints with reference to the Assessments made by the Assessor in the year 1856, and that the Auditor publish a notice of the same in the Sentinel. And the Board now adjourn to meet in Special Session on the last Monday in September next (Instant). (Signed)
Frederick Heber G. B. Davidson Attest: Wm. Hoffman Clk. of the Board Special Session A.D. 1856
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met today in Special
Session, pursuant to adjournment, Present, S. D. Van Dyke, President of
the Board, G. B. Davidson and Frederick Heber, Commissioners and
Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.Auditor's Office, Jacksonville September 29th 1856 Now comes John Q. Tabor, the Assessor of Jackson County, and presents to the Board, the Assessment Roll for 1856 which, after due examination, the Board accept from the said Assessor, with the understanding that the said Assessor complete the Assessments of the Town Lots in Jacksonville and other assessments omitted. Ordered that John Q. Tabor be allowed the sum of Two hundred and fifty-six dollars for assessing property Sixty-four days at four dollars per day. Ordered that the Statement of the Settlement made with Thomas Pyle, Sheriff & Collector, be accepted and recorded and that said Thomas Pyle be directed to pay the balance of taxes in his hands into the County Treasury which said Statement is as follows, to wit: Statement of
settlement with Thomas Pyle,
Amount of the Assessment Roll for
1855: $1,000,482.00Sheriff and Collector of Taxes for the year 1855 Dr.
Territorial &
School Tax
And the Board now adjourn
until the next regular Session in December
D. Van Dyke
President Board Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Auditor's Office,
Dec. 1st 1856
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met in regular Session
this day, Present, Samuel D. Van Dyke, President of the Board, and
Frederick Heber and G. B. Davidson, Commissioners, Wm. G.
Prosecuting Attorney and William Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.Now comes Giles Wells and represents to the Board that J. H. Russell, Supervisor of Road District No. 1, has removed from the County and that A. D. Helman, Supervisor of Road District No. 2, declines serving, and suggests to the Board, for reasons stated, the propriety and advantages of consolidating said Districts, No. 1 and 2, into one District to be known as District No. 1. Whereupon, the Board order the said Districts No. 1 & 2 be and they are hereby consolidated into one district, to be known as District No. 1. Ordered, that Giles Wells be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 1, to serve until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. The Report of D. McFeely and W. N. Ballard, two of the viewers appointed to view and lay out a County road, commencing near the claims of James R. Davis and A. P. Stearns on the Military road and terminating near Lindley's Sawmill was read a first time today and is as follows, to wit: "Jackson Co., O.T. The Road commencing at Davises' and Stearns' claim commences at a white oak tree, some seventy yards from Davises' fence, running to a Oak tree on the line between Davis and Stearns on the opposite bank of the gulch, thence on the line to the east corner, thence to Herrin's corner, thence to the White House, to cross the Gulch below the Oak trees, thence beyond Johnson's house, thence to turn south and thence to turn East and to run through Hamlin's field, thence on the line of Vining and Ball, thence to a Gulch this side of Lindley's Mill where the Territorial road comes in. D.
The Report of
Gideon B. Davidson and Benjamin Armstrong, two of the
viewers appointed to view and lay out a County Road, commencing at the
west line of Jackson County, to Jacksonville in said County, was read a
first time today and is in the words and figures following, to wit:W. N. Ballard" "Jackson County, O.T. To the Honorable County Commissioners: The undersigned viewers would most respectfully report to the Commissioners Court, that they have examined and viewed the Road as prayed for, from the West line of Jackson County to Jacksonville in said County. We found the general face of the County good and that a good Wagon road can be made with a small amount of labor; and also believe said road to be much needed for the public good. We began at the farm of James Kurtin on Applegate Creek and followed the present Wagon Road as traveled at present, to a gulch a few rods east of a House occupied by Eli Judd as trading post. We crossed the gulch near its mouth, trees marked, thence to the dividing line between LaClair and Spencer, thence along said line through the fields and leave the line to the south and raise the hill by running up a small gulch, thence back to said line and follow it to the present road, passing through the abandoned claims of Bishop & Holton & Ingleman, thence along said Road to where the wagon road runs down the Hill and comes close to Poor Man's Creek; we leave the present road at a pine tree marked on the left of said Road and run on the side hill, trees all marked, and intersect the Road a few rods east of where the road raises the hill. We made no other variations from the Road as now traveled with wagons, except two short crooks; both of these are plainly marked by hacks on trees & logs, the claim formerly owned by Mr. Hull, west of the summit of the Jacksonville Mountain is open and part of the rails taken away. We viewed the road to run through the corner of the Claim as the old road run; the ground is level and the hill more gradual; all the road from the summit of the mountain to run as traveled by wagons at present, to the town of Jacksonville. G.
B. Davidson
The Report of B. B. Griffin and Wm. M. Elliott, two of the viewers to
view and lay out a County Road, commencing at the West end of the Lane
between Aaron Chambers & Mrs. Angel and
terminating at L. A. Rice's Northeast corner, was read a
first time today and is in the words and figures following, to
wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson Co,
O.T.: We
the undersigned viewers, appointed by your honorable Board at the July
Session, A.D. 1856, to view and lay out a certain Road therein
mentioned; in obedience to said appointment, we met at the Office of
the County Auditor, on the 4th day of August, A.D. 1856, were qualified
and proceeded to view said road, commencing at the West end of the Lane
between Aaron Chambers and Mrs. Angel, thence to connect with the road
running from Jacksonville to Fort Lane and from that point east,
dividing the lands of Chambers, Angel, Beall, Plymale, Skinner, Rice
and Williams to L. A. Rice's northeast
corner." We
further report that the route mentioned above we believe to be
practicable for a good road and that the said road will be of public
utility. We therefore recommend to the Board that the said
be established as a Public Highway. The Country over which
Road passes, is generally level.Benjamin Armstrong Viewers" Respectfully submitted, Burrel B.
The Report of Wm. M. Elliott and James P. Burns, two of the Viewers
appointed to view and lay out a County road, commencing at the Mouth of
Jackass Creek on Applegate, to Wait's Mill, was read a first
today, and is in the words and figures, following, to wit:
"View of route for road from the Mouth of Jackass Creek on
Applegate to Wait's Mill; commencing at the mouth of said
and leaving LaClair's & Spencer's, Armstrong's,
Toffelmier's and
G. B. Davidson's on the left, to the forks of Applegate thence
the north fork of Applegate to the mouth of Sterling Creek, thence up
said Creek through Sterlingville and to the mouth of Sailor Gulch and
up said gulch to the divide between Sailor Gulch and
Creek and down a ridge between two forks of said Creek to the Valley
between B. B. Griffin's and Mr. Amy's and intersect
Military road South of Amy's claim and along the Military
South of Amy's claim and along the Military Road to Thomas
Whitworth's and down the gulch leading to Welch's and
straight to
Wait's Mill," view of route for road from the mouth
Jackass Creek on Applegate to Wait's Mill in Rogue River
We believe the above route to be practicable and of utility to justify
opening the same, it being viewed by us according to the order of the
Court. Given under my hand this 25th day of Nov., 1856.W. M. Elliott Viewers Jacksonville, Dec. 1st, 1856 W.
M. Elliott
"The above route is marked through all parts of said route where we
deemed it expedient."James P. Burns The Report of N. D. Smith, Woodford Reames and Jacob Wagner, viewers appointed to view and lay out a County Road, commencing at Jacksonville and terminating at Butte Creek, was read a first time today, and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Jacksonville Nov. 26th, 1856, The undersigned having been duly appointed viewers to view and lay out a Road leading from Butte Creek to Jacksonville according to a Petition of Levi Tinkham and Champaign Collier and others, is as follows: Commencing at Jacksonville and running between Clugage and Miller on the old road leading to Fort Lane as far as the Southwest corner of McFeely's claim and thence East on the line between McFeely and Beall's claims to the Southeast corner of McFeely's line and thence Angling so as to strike the Northwest corner of Charles S. Drew's field, cutting 4 rods of the corner of said field off and thence on the old road to the bridge crossing Bear Creek, continuing between Charles S. Drew's and Watson Claims to the Southeast corner of Watson Claim, thence North between Watson & Truax on the Old road leading to Stow's until across the deep ravine leaving said road and striking through to the corner of Charles Linksweiler's claim near Linksweiler's House and continuing on the Old road passing by and through Westgate Lane and crossing Butte Creek on a straight line with the lane and thence up said Creek until intersecting the Old road and thence on said Road to the terminus of said Road. N.
D. Smith
Now comes
P. P. Prim, Counsel for Thomas
Smith and others, and presents
petition for a review of a certain road therein mentioned and also
files a bond which is approved and accepted by the Board. At
same time comes A. P. Stearns, Counsel for J. C. Tolman &
opposes said petition and the said petition is in the words and figures
following, to wit: Woodford Reames Jacob Wagner "Petition for a re-view of a County road as viewed by Messrs. Rice and Chambers on the 6th & 7th days of August last. "To the Honorable, the Board of Commissioners for the County of Jackson, in the Territory of Oregon, the undersigned, householders liable to be assessed for highway labor in said County, do hereby make application to you for a review on a part of the Road as viewed by the above named viewers, we therefore pray for a review to commence in front of the Ashland Mill, thence to leave the house of J. D. Smith to the left, thence to a bridge a little over ½ a mile from the house of said Smith, thence with the road as now traveled, leaving the enclosed lands of Robert Wright to the left, thence with the road as now traveled, leaving the enclosed lands of James C. Tolman and Thomas Smith to the left, thence with the road as now traveled until it intersects the territorial road below and near the Mountain House and inasmuch as the above-described road prayed for has been made a good road by voluntary labor, we shall ever pray for the establishment of the same and the vacation of all roads or parts of roads that may conflict with this road." (Signed)
And the said P. P. Prim as Counsel for Thomas Smith & others
presents a remonstrance against the establishment of a certain County
Road heretofore viewed and favorably reported on by Messrs. L. A. Rice
and Aaron Chambers, viewers of said road, which said Petition and
remonstrance were publicly read and laid over until tomorrow.
Thomas Smith H. W. Clayton Claiborne Neil & others." The Petition of Giles Wells and others in relation to the Petition of Thomas Smith & others for a review of the road mentioned in said petition and suggesting to the Board certain routes which they deem important which said petition was read and laid over until tomorrow. The Petition of J. D. Smith for damages which he would sustain in the event of a certain County road passing through his claim, being established, was read and laid over until tomorrow. The Petition of Robert Wright for damages which he would sustain, in the event of a certain County Road passing through his claim, being established, was read and laid over until tomorrow. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. S.
D. Van Dyke
President of the Board Attest: Wm. Hoffman Clerk of the Board Tuesday morning December 2nd 1856
The Board
of Commissioners met this morning pursuant to adjournment,
Present the same as yesterday.Ordered that the following persons be allowed mileage for making return of election as follows, to wit:
Ordered that B. B. Griffin be allowed Two dollars for services as Road viewer. Ordered that Wm. M. Elliott be allowed Two dollars for services as Road viewer. The Report of Wm. M. Elliott and James P. Burns, two of the viewers appointed to view and lay out a certain County road therein mentioned, was read a second time today. Ordered that Wm. M. Elliott be allowed Six dollars for services as Road viewer. Ordered that James P. Burns be allowed Six Dollars for services as Road viewer. The Report of N. D. Smith, Woodford Reames and Jacob Wagner, viewers appointed to view and lay out a certain County road therein mentioned, was read a second time today. Ordered that N. D. Smith be allowed Eight dollars for services as Road viewer. Ordered that Woodford Reames be allowed Four dollars for services as Road viewer. Ordered that Jacob Wagner be allowed Eight dollars for services as Road viewer. The Report of Gideon B. Davidson and Benjamin Armstrong, two of the viewers appointed to view and lay out a certain County Road therein mentioned, was read a second time today. Ordered that G. B. Davidson be allowed Four Dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that Benjamin Armstrong be allowed Four Dollars for services as Road viewer. The Report of D. McFeely and W. N. Ballard, two of the viewers appointed to view and lay out a certain Road therein mentioned was read a second time today. Ordered that Dennis McFeely be allowed _____ Dollars for services as Road viewer. Ordered that W. N. Ballard be allowed _____ Dollars for services as Road viewer. Ordered that Charles Casey be allowed Sixty-five dollars for room rent for Jury, fuel &c. at the October Term 1856 District Court. Ordered that T'Vault & Blakely be and they are hereby allowed the sum of One hundred and fifty-nine dollars for advertising for the County. Ordered by the Board, that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of Four hundred and twenty-three dollars and ninety cents for services as Sheriff, Rent of Church for holding District Court, Bailiff fees &c. October Term 1856. Ordered that S. D. Van Dyke be and he is hereby allowed the sum of Twenty-eight dollars, for services as Commissioner and mileage up to the 1st Monday of December 1856. Ordered that H. H. Church be allowed Three dollars and Sixty cents for attending as Justice of the peace to canvass Election returns, October Election 1856. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed Two dollars & Eighty cents for attending as J.P. to canvass Election returns October Election 1856. In the matter of the Petition of Thomas Smith and others for a review of a certain County Road viewed and laid out by L. A. Rice and A. Chambers, viewers appointed by the Board at the July Session, A.D. 1856, commencing at or in front of the Eagle Mills and terminating at the North West corner of Wm. Taylor's land claim, it is Ordered by the Board that said Petition be granted and that the following persons, to wit: O. D. Hoxie, Jerasney Crawford, R. B. Packard, Thomas V. Beall and Ebenezer Pinkham, be and they are hereby appointed to review said road as prayed for in said petition for a review, which said petition is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Petition for a review of a County road as viewed by Messrs. Rice and Chambers on the 6th & 7th days of August last. "To the honorable the Board of Commissioners for the County of Jackson in the Territory of Oregon: The undersigned householders liable to be assessed for highway labor in said County, do hereby make application to you for a review on a part of the Road as viewed by the above named viewers. We therefore pray for a review to commence in front of the Ashland Mill, thence to leave the house of J. D. Smith to the left, thence to a Bridge a little over half a mile from the house of said Smith, thence with the road as now traveled, leaving the enclosed lands of Robert Wright to the left, thence with the road as now traveled, leaving the enclosed lands of James C. Tolman and Thomas Smith to the left, thence with the road as now traveled until it intersects the Territorial Road below and near the Mountain house. And inasmuch as the above described Road prayed for has been made a good road by voluntary labor, one shall ever pray for the establishment of the same and the vacation of all Roads or parts of Roads that may conflict with this Road. Names of householders--Thomas Smith, H. W. Clayton, Claiborn Neil and twenty others." And that said reviewers meet at the Office of the Auditor or a Justice of the peace on the 1st Monday of February 1857, be qualified and proceed to the discharge of the duties of said appointment, and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in April 1857. In the matter of the Petition of J. D. Smith and Robert Wright for damages in consequence of the location of a certain County Road, viewed and laid out by L. A. Rice and A. Chambers, appointed at the July Session, 1856, by the Board, it is Ordered by the Board that O. D. Hoxie, Jerasney Crawford and R. B. Packard be & they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and assess the damages which said individuals would sustain, by reason of the location of said Road, as viewed and laid out as aforesaid; that they meet at the Office of the Auditor or a Justice of the peace on the 1st Monday in February, A.D. 1857, In the matter of the Petition of Giles Wells and others in relation to a certain County Road from the Eagle Mills to W. Taylor's land claim as viewed and laid out by L. A. Rice and A. Chambers, said Petition was not entertained on the ground that the object of the Petitioners will be attained by the appointment of reviewers on the petition of Thomas Smith & others. On the Petition of Wm. Carberry & others, it is Ordered by the Board that a Road District be established from George Long's to Sterlingville and from George Long's to Jacksonville to be designated as Road District No. 14 and that H. H. Brown be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of said District to serve until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. Ordered by the Board that the fees of Jurors and Witnesses as certified by the Clerk of the District Court be allowed, and that the Auditor issue Warrants on the Treasury for the respective Amounts due them, as follows: October Term, A.D. 1856
Ordered that David Linn be allowed Three dollars for acting as Dept. Auditor to Canvass Election returns Octo. Election 1856. Ordered that L. A. Rice be allowed Four dollars for Services as Road viewer. Ordered that Aaron Chambers be allowed Four dollars as Road viewer. Ordered by the Board that the Auditor be and he is hereby authorized and required to estimate the indebtedness of Josephine County under the act of the Legislature creating said County, and that the County Agent be and he is hereby required to collect said indebtedness by suit or otherwise. Ordered by the Board that John Anderson be allowed Ten dollars on his bill. Ordered that John B. Sifers be allowed Twenty-four dollars and thirty cents for fees as Clerk of the U.S. District Court, and that the balance of his bill for Stationery be laid over. The Bill of Austin Badger for dinners furnished Jurors and Bailiff was not allowed, as not being a proper charge against the County. The Bill of Austin Badger for Board & nursing a sick man was not allowed. And the Board now adjourn to meet in Special Session on the 1st Monday in February next. S.
D. Van Dyke
President of the Board Jacksonville December 31st 1856
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met today, pursuant to
notice given in Special Session. Present Samuel D. Van Dyke,
President of the Board, Frederick Heber, Commissioner, W. G.
T'Vault, Prosecuting Attorney and William Hoffman, Clerk of
Board.The case of Isaac Swinden, who was injured in August 1856 by the falling in of a bank of earth, was presented to the Board. The affidavits of Isaac Swinden, Doctors A. Shone and E. D. Byrne were taken in relation to the condition of said Isaac Swinden. Ordered by the Board that the Clerk issue a Citation to John Swinden to appear before the Board of Commissioners on Tuesday the 6th day of January, 1857, to show cause why he should not pay the expenses of his Brother Isaac Swinden, who is unable to support himself, in consequence of bodily injury and also if he has any Government Scrip or any other property belonging to said Isaac Swinden, to bring the same before the Board on said day. Ordered that from and after this date, the Board do not desire to Keep the Block House rented off M. G. Kennedy for a Jail, the same never having been completed according to contract. Ordered that John Anderson be allowed Forty-five dollars for Blankets furnished to Thomas Pyle, Sheriff, for Prisoners. And the Board now adjourn to Tuesday next. S.
D. Van Dyke, President
Jacksonville, January 6th 1857
The Board
of Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, present S. D.
Van Dyke, President of the Board, Frederick Heber, Commissioners, W. G.
T'Vault, Prosecuting Attorney, and William Hoffman, Clerk of
Board.The case of John Swinden came up before the Board; the Citation was returned by the Sheriff, Served, and the said John Swinden appeared in person and after hearing his statement and he the said John Swinden refusing to provide for his Brother Isaac Swinden, It is-- Ordered by the Board that the said John Swinden be and he is hereby required by the Board to support his Brother Isaac Swinden, who is unable to support himself on account of bodily infirmity, from and after this date and that failing or refusing to support his said Brother, as hereby required, he be charged by the Board for such support, according to the Statute in case made and provided. Ordered that Doct. E. D. Byrne be allowed the sum of Thirty-five dollars for attendance on [name cut off on microfilm]. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of Fifty dollars for hiring attendance on Isaac Swinden. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be and he is hereby authorized to employ a suitable person to attend upon Isaac Swinden for One Month, for which he shall be entitled to receive at the rate of Fifty dollars per month for such attendance, and the said Thomas Pyle is further authorized to procure necessary provisions and Medical attendance when necessary and also a room for the use of said Isaac Swinden, at the expense of the County. Ordered that the Auditor issue a County Warrant on the Treasurer for Three hundred and fifty dollars in favor of Thomas Pyle, to pay for the Government Block House for the use of the County, for a Jail and other purposes, out of the Jail fund of said County. And the Board now adjourn until the 1st Monday in February next. S.
D. Van Dyke, Prest.
of the Board
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk. Jacksonville February 2nd 1857
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County met this day pursuant to
adjournment; Present S. D. Van Dyke, President of the Board, G. B.
Davidson & F. Heber, Commissioners, and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk of
Board.Ordered that R. S. Jewett be entitled to keep a Ferry at the point heretofore kept by him, by paying into the County Treasury the Sum of Fifty dollars for One year and also by complying with the Statutes in such case provided. Ordered that Davis Evans be entitled to keep a Ferry at the point heretofore kept by him, by paying into the County Treasury the sum of Fifty dollars for One year and also by complying with the Statutes in such case provided. Ordered by the Board that M. G. Kennedy be allowed the sum of One hundred and Sixty-four 68/100 dollars, balance due him for Jail rent. Ordered that Doct. Chas. B. Brooks be allowed the sum of Three hundred and Eighteen dollars for medical attendance and Board for Irish boy Tom $208.00 and Medicines furnished Isaac Swinden 22 visits $110.00. Ordered that Doct. E. D. Byrne be allowed Sixty-four dollars for services rendered to Isaac Swinden as per bill. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of Fifty dollars for attendance on Isaac Swinden. Ordered that Frederick Heber, Wm. Hoffman and David Linn be and they are hereby appointed a building Committee to prepare the plan of the County Jail and Court Room, with specifications and report the same to the Board at their next meeting. And the Board now adjourn to the 1st Monday in March next. S.
D. Van Dyke, Prest.
of the Board
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County,
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County met this day pursuant to
adjournment. Present S. D. Van Dyke, President of the Board, and G. B.
Davidson and Frederick Heber, Commissioners and William Hoffman, Clerk
of the Board.O.T., March Session Jacksonville, March 2nd 1857 The Petition of D. Sisson and others for the appointment of an additional Justice of the peace for Ashland Precinct was presented, whereupon It is Ordered by the Board, that an additional Justice of the peace be elected in said Precinct at the next General Election, and that Bennett Million be and he is hereby appointed by the Board such Justice of the peace until the next General Election, in June next. The account of Doct. D. Sisson for Board, Medical attendance and funeral Expenses of Jose Marquiss, a Mexican, was presented and laid over until the next meeting of the Board. The resignation of H. H. Church, Esq. as Justice of the peace of Eden Precinct was presented, and accepted. Whereupon it is Ordered by the Board that Samuel Colver be and he is hereby appointed Justice of the peace in and for Eden Precinct, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of H. H. Church, Esq. Ordered by the Board that Doct. C. B. Brooks be and he is hereby allowed the sum of Seventy-five dollars for Medical attendance on Isaac Swinden. Ordered that D. M. Kenney be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for moving Furniture of Office, &c. of Auditor & Probate Judge. Ordered by the Board that the Auditor be and he is hereby required to advertise for Proposals for furnishing Materials and putting an additional Story upon the County building for a Court Room and also for arranging a part of said building for Jail purposes, said proposals to be presented to the Board at the next regular Session in April next. And the Board now adjourn until the 1st Monday in April next. S.
D. Van Dyke, Prest.
of the Board
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk April Session A.D. 1857
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T. met this day at the
Auditor's Office, present S. D. Van Dyke, President of the Board,
Frederick M. Heber and Dr. G. B. Davidson, Commissioners, and Wm.
Hoffman, Clerk.Jacksonville, April 6th 1857 Now comes Allen Lee, Supervisor of Road District No. 4, and presents his account for Settlement, by which it appears that he collected in money the sum of Thirty dollars and expended eight dollars, leaving a balance in his hands of twenty-two dollars. Ordered that Allen Lee be allowed Thirty-Eight dollars for 19 days services as Supervisor of Roads in District No. 4, from which is to be deducted the sum of Twenty-two dollars collected by him, leaving a balance due him of Sixteen dollars, for which he is entitled to a County Warrant on the Treasury. Ordered that the Supervisor of Road District No. 4 be authorized to allow those persons in said District who have not performed labor on the highways during the past year to perform such labor the present year in lieu thereof. H. Bellinger, Supervisor of Road District No. 6, presented his account for settlement from which it appears that he collected in money the sum of One hundred and eighteen dollars and expended for labor One hundred and thirteen dollars, leaving a balance in his hands of five dollars. Ordered that H. Bellinger be allowed Forty dollars for 20 days Services as Supervisor of Road District No. 6, from which is to be deducted the sum of five dollars, in his hands, leaving a balance of Thirty-five dollars, for which he is entitled to a County Warrant on the Treasury. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed One hundred and fifty dollars for Services of Thomas Thomas as nurse to Isaac Swinden, for the term of three months as per contract. Rezin B. Packard, Superintendent of Roads in District No. 5 presented his account for settlement, by which it appears that no money was collected by him, and that there is due him for team hire, from said District, the sum of Ten dollars, also due to Wm. Barneburg from the District aforesaid the sum of One dollar & fifty cents; also due E. E. Gore and Brother from said District, Twenty-six dollars and forty cents for lumber and ten dollars for team hire from which is to be deducted the sum of Four dollars for two days labor not performed by E. E. G. & Bro.; that each of the persons above named be entitled to Certificates for the amounts respectively due them from said Road District No. 5. Ordered that Rezin B. Packard be allowed Nine dollars for four and a half days services as Supervisor of Road District No. 5. Ordered that C. B. Brooks be allowed the sum of Thirty-five dollars for Medical attendance on Isaac Swinden. Also fifty dollars on a former bill for attendance on Isaac Swinden. The Petition of William Miller and others for a road commencing at a point on the North Side of Rogue River about one fourth of a mile below F. Rosenstock's dwelling and terminating at or near Jewett's Ferry, was read, which said Petition is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T. We, the undersigned householders of said County, respectfully represent to your honorable Board that the public convenience will be greatly promoted by the opening of a County road to begin at a point on the North side of Rogue River, about one fourth of a mile below F. Rosenstock's dwelling and running thence down on said north side of the River, to intersect the main Valley Road as now traveled at or near Jewett's Ferry as the terminating point. We therefore pray your honorable body to appoint Viewers to view and lay out a County Road as mentioned above and as in duty bound, we will ever pray, &c." And proof of notices having been posted 30 days before the present Session of the Board and bond being executed and filed, It is ordered by the Board that James Dawson, N. C. Dean and James Huston be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for; that they meet at the Auditor's Office on the 2nd Monday of May next, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment & report their proceedings to the Board at their July Session. Ordered that Theodric Cameron be and he is hereby authorized to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Sterlingville for the term of Six months, and that he pay Forty dollars for the same, from which is to be deducted the sum of Twenty-one dollars and Sixty-seven cents, heretofore paid into the Treasury, leaving a balance of Eighteen dollars and thirty-three cents. The Report of Dennis McFeely and William N. Ballards, viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a certain County Road, commencing at a point on the Military Road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka, near the Claim of James R. Davis and terminating at or near Lindley's Saw Mill, was read and there having been a Petition presented for the appointment of viewers to review said road, the said Report was laid aside for further action. The Petition of Wm. Welch and others for the appointment of viewers to review a part of a certain County road heretofore Viewed and laid out by Dennis McFeely and William N. Ballard, Commencing at a point on the Military Road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka, near the Claim of James R. Davis and terminating at or near Lindley's Saw Mill, was read, which said Petition is in the figures and words following, to wit: "To the Hon. the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., We the undersigned householders residing in the vicinity of the proposed Road herein mentioned, do respectfully represent to your honorable body that a certain County road has been viewed and laid out by Dennis McFeely and Wm. N. Ballard, two of the viewers appointed by your honorable Board, which said Road commences near the Claim of James R. Davis, at a point on the Military Road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka and terminating at or near the Saw Mill of Milton Lindley, passing in its route through the lands and cultivated field of James Hamlin. Your petitioners believe that the road as run through said Hamlin's field will be almost impassable in wet seasons and they believe that a better route can be had than to go through said field of said Hamlin and at less expense to the County; Wherefore we humbly pray your honorable body to appoint five disinterested householders to review said proposed road & your petitioners will ever pray, &c." And bond being filed as required by Statute, It is ordered by the Board that Albert G. Rockfellow, Francis Plymale, Isaac Woolen, James N. T. Miller and Wayne Oliver be and they are hereby appointed viewers to review said Road or such part thereof as prayed for, that they meet on the 4th Monday of May next at the Auditor's Office, be qualified and proceed to the discharge of their duties and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in July next. The Petition of Joseph P. Null and William King for a Ferry across Rogue River at a point ¼ of a mile below F. Rosenstock's, was presented, accompanied by the Petition of Sundry Citizens, in favor of the establishment of said Ferry, whereupon It is ordered by the Board that the said Null and King be and they are hereby authorized to establish a Ferry at said point, that they enter into Bond with approved Security and pay into the County Treasury the Sum of Fifty dollars, to entitle them to a Ferry License for the term of Twelve months. It is further ordered that the rates of Tolls at said Ferry be the same as those charged at Jewett's Ferry on Rogue River. The Petition of Samuel Smith, Joseph H. Davis and others, praying for the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County road, commencing at or near the S.E. corner of G. G. Kerr's farm on the Military Road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka, and terminating at Bear Creek near Lewis' was read, which Petition is in the words and figures following: "To the Hon. Board of Commissioners for Jackson County, Oregon Territory; The undersigned persons liable to be taxed for Highway labor in said County do hereby make application to you to lay out a Road or Highway as follows: Commencing at or near the South East corner of Gideon Kerr's farm on the Military Road and running nearly East through the lands claimed by James H. Hathaway and Joseph H. Davis to Abram Tenbrook's South line, thence following said line to James Davis' N.W. corner, thence to the N.W. corner of John Lacy's land thence following Lacy's and Davison's line to their East lines, thence following the best and most direct route passing near Merit Bellinger's house on his North line and continuing on William Wright's North line to the County Road on Bear Creek near Lewis' March 25th 1857." And proof of notices having posted according to law and Bond filed, it is ordered by the Board that N. D. Smith, William Welch and Addison Ball be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and lay out said Road as prayed for, that they meet on the 2nd Monday of May at the Auditor's Office, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in July ensuing. The Report of B. B. Griffin and Wm. M. Elliott heretofore made and reported, being read and no remonstrance, petition for damages or petition for review being presented, It is ordered by the Board that said Report be confirmed and that the Road therein mentioned be established as a Public Highway and that the Supervisor of Roads through whose Districts said Road may pass be and they are required to open the same and Keep it in good repair. The Account of Professor D. Sisson for Medical attendance, Board and funeral expenses of Jose Marquis, a Mexican who died at the Professor's House, on the 25th of December 1856, was presented and read; Said account embraced the following items, to wit: For Board $52.50, Medical Attendance $150.00, Funeral Expenses $40.00, Total $242.50. After hearing the testimony of Witnesses in favor of the claimant, It is Ordered by the Board that said claim be laid on the table until Friday next for the purpose of procuring testimony on the part of the County. The Report of Wm. M. Elliott and James P. Burns, heretofore made and reported, being read, and no remonstrance, petition for damages or petition for review being presented, It is ordered by the Board that said Report be confirmed and that the Road therein mentioned be established as a Public Highway and that the Supervisor of Roads through whose Districts said Road may pass be and they are required to open the same and Keep in it good repair. The Report of G. B. Davidson and Benjamin Armstrong, heretofore made and reported, being read and no remonstrance, petition for damages or petition for a review being presented, It is ordered by the Board that said Report be confirmed and that the road therein mentioned be established as a Public Highway and that the Supervisors of Roads through whose District said Road may pass be and they are required to open the same and Keep it in good repair. The account of H. H. Brown, Supervisor of Road District No. 14, was presented for settlement, by which it appears that he received in Cash the sum of Two hundred and ninety dollars and paid out for labor &c. Two hundred and fourteen 61/100 dollars, leaving a balance in his hands of Seventy-five 39/100 dollars; that he performed labor in said Road District thirty-one days at Two dollars per day, Sixty-two dollars, leaving a final balance of thirteen 39/100 dollars paid into the County Treasury for the use of said District as per Treasurer's Receipt on file. The Report of O. D. Hoxie, Thomas F. Beall, Rezin B. Packard and Jerasney Crawford, Viewers heretofore appointed to review a certain County Road heretofore viewed and laid out by L. A. Rice and Aaron Chambers, was presented and read, which said report is in the words and figures following, to wit: "County of Jackson, Territory of Oregon, To the Hon. the Board of Commissioners of said County: "We, the undersigned Viewers, appointed at the December Session, A.D. 1857, of your Hon. Board, to view a part of the Road (as viewed by Messrs. Rice and Chambers in August, A.D. 1856) and a review prayed for by Thomas Smith and others, beg leave to report. In accordance with the said appointment we proceeded on the 2nd day of March, A.D. 1857, to pass over and view the route as petitioned for from the beginning to the end of the same; We commenced marking at a White Oak Stump at and above the Road as now traveled about 30 rods above the Ashland Mill, thence in a South East direction to a small tree hacked, thence to a white oak, hacked, thence in a straight line to a white oak tree hacked, thence to a big pine tree, hacked, thence to a white oak tree, hacked, thence straight on to a small white Oak tree hacked, where it intersects the Road as now traveled, and about half a mile from the house of J. D. Smith, leaving said house on the left hand, thence with the Road as now traveled, leaving the enclosed land of Robert Wright to the left hand, thence with the Road as now traveled leaving the enclosed lands of James C. Tolman and Thomas Smith to the left hand, thence with the road as now traveled until it comes within forty-five or fifty rods of the house of Isaac Hill and here we would respectfully recommend that the Road should bear to the left and intersect the Territorial Road at a Bridge at the S.W. corner of the aforesaid Hill's Garden. As the Road petitioned for above this point runs through the said Hill's claim, nearly parallel to the Territorial road, and in places not more than 20 or 30 Rods distant. The general face of the Country over which said Road passes is part level and part rolling with a few Gulches, but in the main is good ground for a road. We therefore report that a road over said route is required for the public travel and would be of general utility and public benefit. We therefore recommend that said route be laid out and made a Public highway. March 14th, 1857. O.
D. Hoxie
Which said
report is accepted and laid over until the next regular Session of the
Board in July next.Thomas F. Beall Rezin B. Packard Jerasney Crawford" And the Board adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock. S.
D. Van Dyke, Pr.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Tuesday Morning, April 7th 1857
The Board
of Commissioners met this morning pursuant to their adjournment.
Present, the same as yesterday.The Report of O. D. Hoxie, R. B. Packard and Jerasney Crawford, viewers heretofore appointed to view and assess the damages claimed to be sustained by J. D. Smith and Robert Wright on account of a Road viewed and laid out by L. A. Rice and Aaron Chambers, passing through their claims, was presented and read, which said Report is in the words and figures following, to wit: "County of Jackson, Territory of Oregon, To the Hon. Board of Commissioners of said County: We, the undersigned viewers appointed at the December Session A.D. 1856 of your Hon. Board, to view and assess damages claimed by J. D. Smith and Robert Wright if the road viewed and marked out by Messrs. Rice and Chambers in August 1856, and passing through their land claims be opened and made a public highway, beg leave to report, That we have viewed the route designated in the order of our appointment and are of the opinion that if the aforesaid route be opened and made a public highway, through the claims of the aforesaid J. D. Smith & Robert Wright as marked out by Messrs. Rice and Chambers, that it will damage the said J. D. Smith's claim to the amount of Four hundred and fifty dollars and the Claim of Robert Wright will be damaged to the amount of Six hundred dollars. March 14th, A.D. 1857. O.
D. Hoxie
And the Board not deeming the said Road as laid out and viewed by said
Rice and Chambers to be of sufficient importance and public Utility to
pay the amount of damages assessed by the above-named viewers, do
refuse to establish the Road so viewed and laid out, by said Rice and
Chambers, as a Public Highway, unless the petitioners for said Road
shall pay the damages so assessed.Rezin B. Packard Jerasney Crawford Viewers" The application of Charles Casey for a License to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than One quart, within the Precinct of Jacksonville, was read and License granted and assessed at Fifty dollars for Six months. The Application of Frank Brown for a License to sell Spirituous liquors in quantities less than One quart, within the Precinct of Jacksonville, was read and License granted and assessed at Fifty dollars for Six mos. The Application of McLaughlin & Klippel for License to retail spirituous Liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Jacksonville was read and License granted and assessed at Fifty dollars for Six months, from which is to be deducted ten dollars heretofore paid into the County Treasury, leaving a balance of Forty dollars. The application of Wm. Burke for License to retail spirituous Liquors in quantities less than One quart within the Precinct of Jacksonville was read and License granted and assessed at Fifty dollars for six months. The application of John O'Brien and John W. McKay for a License to retail Spirituous Liquors in quantities less than One quart within the Precinct of Applegate was read and License granted and assessed at Twenty-five dollars for Six months. The application of George Long for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Applegate was read and License granted and assessed at twenty-five dollars for six months. Ordered that the Auditor be required to make out a Statement of the account of Martin Angel, deceased, and present the same to the administratrix for payment. The Petition of H. H. Brown and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a certain County Road therein mentioned was presented, which said petition is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Applegate Creek, Apr. 1st, 1857. To the Hon. Board of Commissioners for Jackson County: We, the undersigned petitioners, respectfully ask for a view of a County Road, commencing at a point on the Jacksonville and Crescent City road about two miles from Applegate Creek and from thence on the nearest practicable route to the mouth of Palmer Creek, notice of said Road being duly given." And said petition being read, It is ordered by the Board that W. W. Fowler, Mr. Keeler and George Long be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for, that they meet at the house of H. H. Brown, Esq., J.P., be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at the regular Session in July next ensuing. The Petition of P. Cassidy & others for a new Election Precinct on Lower Applegate was presented and being read, It is ordered by the Board that the Prayer of the Petitioners be not granted at present, in consequence of the uncertainty of the location of the boundary line between Jackson and Josephine counties. The Report of N. D. Smith, Woodford Reames and Jacob Wagner, viewers to view and lay out a certain County road, which report was heretofore made and there appearing to be no remonstrances, petitions for damages or for a review, It is Ordered by the Board that so much of said report as designates the Road mentioned therein from the South West corner of McFeely's claim until it terminates at Butte Creek be confirmed and the said Road established as a public highway and that Supervisors of Districts through which said road passes be required to open the same and keep it in good repair. It is further ordered by the Board that so much of said Report as relates to the road from Jacksonville to the South West corner of McFeely's Claim be not confirmed on the ground of its indefiniteness. Ordered that an Election Precinct be established on Bear Creek to be known as "Manzanita Precinct" and that Elections be held at the School House in said Precinct. Whereas the Board heretofore advertised for proposals to alter and arrange the public building known as the "Government Block House" to be received at their present Session and two proposals having been received, from which it appears that the expense of making such alterations and arrangements would be greater than the Commissioners could provide at the present time, It is ordered by the Board that for the reasons stated, said proposals be not accepted and that the plan of altering said public building as advertised be and the same is abandoned. Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed the sum of Four dollars as Road Viewer and also Two dollars for making return of the report of the viewers. Ordered that R. B. Packard be allowed the sum of Four dollars as road viewer. Ordered that Jerasney Crawford be allowed Four dollars as road viewer. Ordered that Thomas F. Beall be allowed Four dollars as road viewer. Ordered that Ebenezer Pinkham be allowed Four dollars as road viewer. Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed Four dollars for services [as] viewer on claims for damages on road view and also Two dollars for making returns of the Report making together the sum of Six dollars. Ordered that Jerasney Crawford be allowed Four dollars for services as viewer on claims for damages. Ordered that Rezin B. Packard be allowed Four dollars for services as viewer on claims for damages. Ordered that Davis & Taylor be allowed the sum of Seventy-five dollars for rent of House for the use of Isaac Swinden. And the Board adjourn until Friday next at 9 O'clk. A.M. S.
D. Van Dyke, Prest.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Auditor's Office, Jacksonville,
April 10th 1857
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County met today pursuant to
adjournment. Present S. D. Van Dyke, Chairman of the Board, G. B.
Davidson and Frederick Heber, Commissioners and William Hoffman, Clerk.Jacob Wagner, Supervisor of Road District No. 3, presented his account for settlement, by which it appears that he worked his hands 10 days, from which is to be deducted 2 days work for himself, leaving 8 days @ two dollars per day, amounting to Sixteen dollars, from which amount is to be deducted Six dollars and fifty cents collected by him, leaving a balance of Nine dollars and fifty cents due him, for which he is entitled to a County warrant on the Treasurer. Also, that he is entitled to Fifteen dollars from said Road District for three days hire of team, from which is to be deducted the sum of Eight dollars and Eighty cents, the amount of his property tax, leaving a balance due said Wagner from said District of Six dollars and twenty cents. Ordered that Jacob Wagner be allowed the sum of Nine dollars and fifty cents for Services as Supervisor of Road District No. 3. Ordered that H. H. Brown be allowed Two dollars and twenty-five cents for Justice's fees in Territorial causes. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed Fifty-four dollars for 9 Cords of wood furnished for Isaac Swinden. Ordered that Maury & Davis be allowed the sum of Sixty-one dollars and fifty-eight cents for their Bill of Groceries furnished for use of Isaac Swinden, being one half of the amount charged in said Bill. Ordered that Wm. Hesse and Co. be allowed Twenty-one dollars and fifteen cents for their Two bills of Beef &c. from November 1856 to April 5th 1857 for the use of Isaac Swinden, being one half of the amount charged in said bills. Ordered that C. H. Miller & Co. be allowed Four dollars and eighty cents for their bill of Bread and Pies furnished for Isaac Swinden, being one half of the amount charged in their bill. Ordered that T'Vault and Blakely be allowed Forty dollars for printing 3000 Blank Licenses for Chinamen, to be paid in coin out of China Tax fund. Ordered that Joseph Burpee be allowed the sum of Eleven dollars for making a Chair for the use of Isaac Swinden, being One half of the amount charged in his bill. Ordered that John B. Sifers be allowed the sum of One hundred and forty-nine dollars and forty cents, being the balance of his bill after deducting twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents therefrom, said deducting being one half of the amount charged for stationery. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed Forty dollars and Eighty-eight cents for Records for Auditor and Recorder's Office and Stationery for same, to be paid out of the China Tax fund in coin. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of Two hundred and forty-eight dollars and Seventy cents for Services as Auditor from August 1856 to date. Ordered that the following fees be allowed in the respective cases herein mentioned-- ----
of Oregon vs. Joseph Patterson, Warrant to Keep the peaceWm. Hoffman, J.P. $2.50 Geo. W. Anderson, Const. $6.00 Witnesses Jno. A. Gibson $1.70, T. Hensley $1.70, John Stors $1.70 ----
of Oregon vs. Persons Unknown, LarcenyWm. Hoffman, J.P. $7.20 T. Pyle, Sheriff $6.80 ----
of Oregon vs. Amos Blue, AdulteryWm. Hoffman, J.P. $1.80 ----
of Oregon vs. Andrew Cole, BurglaryWm. Hoffman, J.P. $2.05 ----
of Oregon vs. Charles Wright, Assault with intent to KillWm. Hoffman, J.P. $1.55 Sheriff's Fees (G. W. Anderson, Dept.) (Expenses not allowed) $13.00 ----
of Oregon vs. Albert Bethel, LarcenyWm. Hoffman, J.P. $11.70 T. Pyle, Sheriff $9.90 Witnesses T. J. Trimble $3.20, Wm. M. Hughes $4.60, A. J. Coakley $4.40, David Clinton $3.50, Arthur Langell $3.20, David Peninger $4.60, E. S. Kearney $3.20, John Martin $2.90, Wm. Kahler $2.90, Frank Edmonds $2.90, Angus Brown $1.70 ----
of Oregon vs. J. A. Carter--Warrant to Keep the peaceWm. Hoffman, J.P. 75¢ ----
of Oregon vs. James Ryan, Assault with intent to Kill Wm. Hoffman, J.P. $3.00, A. P. Stearns, Prosecuting Attorney Pro tem $7.00 ----
of Oregon vs. George Livingston, Assault with intent to KillWm. Hoffman, J.P. $7.80, Sheriff Pyle fees $5.00, Witnesses Wm. Hesse $1.70, Ch. Hind $1.70, C. H. Miller $1.70, G. W. Anderson $1.70, John McLaughlin $1.70, Wm. K. Ish $1.70 ----
of Oregon vs. Wm. K. Ish, peace WarrantJustice Wm. Hoffman $1.80 T. Pyle, Shff. $1.00 ----
The account of Doct. L. Ganung for 2 months' rent for building formerly
used as a Jail amounting to Two hundred dollars was not allowed on the
ground that the Commissioners had given up the house to M. G. Kennedy,
the then owner, previous to the purchase of the same by Dr. Ganung. The Account of Professor D. Sisson, heretofore presented, was taken up and the testimony of a Witness heard by the Board, whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the said Professor D. Sisson be allowed the sum of One hundred and twenty-two dollars & fifty cts. as follows, For board of Mexican, $52.50, Medical Attendance $50.00 and Funeral expenses $20, making together the sum of One hundred and twenty-two 50/100 dollars. Ordered that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Supervisors of Roads for the respective Districts named, to wit:
Ordered that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Judges of Elections for the respective Precincts named, to wit: Ashland Precinct. Bennett Million, Asa G. Fordyce, James C. Tolman Eden Precinct. John Robinson, Henry Ammerman, Jerasney Crawford Jacksonville Precinct. James N. T. Miller, Lewis H. Zigler, R. F. Maury Sterlingville Precinct. T. Smiley Harris, Bazil Bozarth, Theodric Cameron Star Gulch Precinct. Washington Pearce, J. Gibson, Justus Wells Applegate Precinct. John O'Brien, [blank] Keeler, Benj. Armstrong Butte Creek Precinct. George W. Hoxie, P. W. Stow, [blank] Conley Dardanelles Precinct. George H. Ambrose, Lafayette Gall, J. B. White Perkinsville Precinct. Spencer Jewett, Davis Evans, William Miller, M.D. Manzanita Precinct. L. A. Rice, Thomas Hopwood, Jesse Robinson, M.D. Whereas Thomas Pyle, Sheriff, has represented to the Board that in consequence of the condition of the Roads he has not been able to complete the collection of the taxes on the delinquent and asks for further time, whereupon it is ordered that said Thomas Pyle have time to make his settlement with the Board until the 3rd Monday of May next. And the Board now adjourn to meet on Saturday the 18th day of April, 1857. S.
D. Van Dyke, Pr.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Auditor's Office, Jacksonville,
April 18th 1857
The Board of Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment. Present
S. D. Van Dyke, President of the Board, Frederick Heber and Dr. G. B.
Davidson, Commissioners, and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk.The subject of building a Jail came up before the Board and after mature deliberation, the Board conclude to build a Jail of Stone of the following dimensions, 20 feet wide by 30 feet long, the Walls of that part to be appropriated for Cells to be 2½ feet thick including the division wall between the Jailer's room and the Cells, and the Walls of the Jailer's room to be 18 inches thick. The foundation to be two feet under [cut off on microfilm] The woodwork to be as follows: The floor and ceiling (upper & lower floors) to be of solid hewed logs, 12 inches thick and well spiked with 14d nails, two inches apart; One large front door and two doors leading to the Cells; two large Windows in front, one on each side of the front door, with glazed Sash, 12 lights 10 by 12 Glass. Each Cell to have two openings for ventilation, secured with iron bars fixed in a wooden frame, the bars to project 6 inches above and below the frames and on the sides. The building to be covered with a good shingle roof, the openings or ventilation to be 2 feet by 6 inches, and bars of 1¼ inch thickness, the inner door leading to the Cells from the Jailer's room to be constructed wholly of iron, latticed 4 inches apart and the outer door leading to the cells to be of two thicknesses of heavy plank with a sheet of tom Iron between the thicknesses. The gable ends of the building to be of Stone 12 in. thick. A division of hewed logs to divide the cells part into two compartments, logs to be 12 inches thick. Ordered that the Auditor be and he is hereby required to put up written notices to receive proposals for building said County Jail, as above specified, until the 11th day of May next at 12 O'Clk. noon; Separate Proposals will be received for putting up the walls and for the Carpenter Work. Specifications to be ready at the Auditor's Office. Payments--to be made as follows. For Mason work, $400.00 when the walls are built one half the designated height--$400.00 when the walls are completed and the remainder of the contract on the 1st January, 1858, all payable in Cash. For Carpenter Work, $250.00 when one half the work is done, $250.00 when the work is completed and the remainder of the contract on the 1st January 1858, all payable in cash. And the Board now adjourn to meet on the 11th day of May, A.D. 1857, at 12 O'Clock. S.
D. Van Dyke, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Jacksonville, May 11th 1857
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., met today in
Special Session. Present, S. D. Van Dyke, President of the Board,
Frederick Heber and Dr. G. B. Davidson, Commissioners, W. G. T'Vault,
Prosecuting Attorney and William Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.Today was appointed to receive proposals for building the County Jail, in accordance with notices posted, the following proposals were offered to the Board, to wit: For Mason Work, H. H. Conlay & Co., Nine dollars per perch or Fifteen hundred & ninety-three dollars; Thomas Arundell, Fifteen hundred and ninety dollars. For Carpenter's Work, Cool & Wells, Nine hundred and forty-Eight dollars. R.
S. Dunlap, Eight hundred and forty-five dollars, and
By which it appears that the bid of Thomas Arundell is the lowest bid
for the Mason Work and the bid of R. S. Dunlap is the lowest bid for
the Carpenter's work; and the said R. S. Dunlap further agrees to do
the Carpenter's Work, inclusive of the Iron work and the blacksmithing
mentioned in the specifications for the sum of Five hundred &
ninety-five dollars.M. T. Pierce, Ten hundred and fifty dollars. It is ordered by the Board that Thomas Arundell be entitled to the contract for doing the mason Work for the County Jail, for the sum of Fifteen hundred and Ninety dollars, according to the specifications and that he enter into bonds for the faithful performance of said contract. It is ordered by the Board that R. S. Dunlap be entitled to the contract for the Carpenter's work of said Jail, for the sum of Eight hundred and forty-five dollars, deducting therefrom [cut off on microfilm] dollars for the Iron work and blacksmithing, leaving the amount of Carpenter's work exclusively Five hundred and Ninety-five dollars, according to specifications. Ordered by the Board that Denby & Griffith be entitled to the contract for furnishing materials and doing the blacksmithing and Iron work for said Jail in accordance with the specifications, for the sum of Two hundred dollars, including the Iron lattice door as per private contract. Ordered that John Nichols be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 12 in the place of James Tatum, declined. Ordered that Issachar Williams be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 7 in the place of Stephen Watson, declined. Ordered that Johns & Munn be allowed the sum of Twenty-seven dollars for Coffin and burying a Chinaman. The Resignation of A. B. Overbeck as Public Administrator was presented and accepted and an election ordered on the 1st Monday in June to fill the vacancy. Ordered that an Election Precinct be and is hereby established on Evans Creek and that the Polls be opened at Gilbert Town and that John R. Wilkins, Dr. O. Gilbert and Wm. A. Wilkinson be Judges of said Election Precinct. Ordered that if application be made for an Election Precinct at Carberryville, that the Clerk of the Board be authorized to allow the same and furnish Poll Books for said Precinct and that Wm. Carberry, G. W. Rood and Mr. Broadnar be judges of Election for said Precinct. Ordered that Dr. Lewis Ganung be allowed One hundred and twenty-five dollars for the use of the Jail house from the 10th day of April until the 1st day of July next. And the Board now adjourn. S.
D. Van Dyke, Prest.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T.,
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., met this day in
regular Session. Present, S. D. Van Dyke, President of the Board and
Frederick Heber, Commissioner, W. G. T'Vault, Pros. Attorney, and Wm.
Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.July Session 1857 Auditor's Office, Jacksonville, July 6th 1857 Doct. G. B. Davidson, Commissioner-elect, appeared, was qualified and took his seat at the Board. The Board proceeded to elect a Chairman for the ensuing year, whereupon Doct. G. B. Davidson was duly elected. The report of James N. T. Miller and others, viewers to review a certain County road, commencing at a point on the Military Road near the claim of James R. Davis, and terminating near the Saw Mill of Milton Lindley, was read a first time and laid over until tomorrow. The report of N. D. Smith, Wm. Welsh and Addison Ball, viewers appointed to view and lay out a certain County road running from Lewis' on the Territorial Road near the Bridge and terminating at the S.E. corner of Gideon G. Kerr's Claim on the Military road, was read a first time and laid over until tomorrow. The report of James Dawson, James Huston & N. C. Dean, viewers to view and lay out a County road, commencing on the north side of Rogue River near F. Rosenstock's and terminating at Jewett's Ferry, was read a first time and laid over. And the Board order and direct that the viewers be and they are hereby required to amend their report in accordance with the requirements of the Statute before the next Session of the Board and if said report shall be favorable to such road, the report will be deemed to have been made at the present session and that the Clerk of the Board give to said Viewers a Notice of this requirement. The application of Wm. M. Griffin and others for the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a county road, commencing at a point near the White house on the Claim of Wm. Hoffman and terminating at Wait's Mill was read and a remonstrance to said Application was also read and both were laid over until Wednesday next. Now comes P. P. Prim, Attorney for the petitioners, and presents to the Board a petition for a review of a certain County road heretofore reviewed by O. D. Hoxie, Rezin B. Packard, Thomas F. Beall, Jerasney Crawford and Ebenezer Pinkham, which said petition is in the words and figures following: Territory of Oregon, Jackson County: To the honorable board of County Commissioners for Jackson County: Your undersigned Petitioners, householders of Jackson County, represents that at the March term of your Court, 1857, O. D. Hoxie, Thomas Beall, R. B. Packard and Jerasney Crawford, viewers previously appointed by the Court, made a report to your Court favorable to the establishment of a road running as follows, to wit: "Commenced marking at a white oak stump at and above the road as now traveled about 30 rods above the Ashland Mills, thence in a South east direction to a small tree hack, thence to a white Oak hacked, thence in a straight line to a white Oak tree hacked, thence to a big pine tree hacked, thence to a white oak tree hacked, thence straight on to a small white oak tree hacked, where it intersects the road as now traveled, and about a half a mile from the house of J. D. Smith, leaving said house on the left hand, thence with [cut off on microfilm] traveled leaving the enclosed land of Robert Wright to the left hand [cut off on microfilm] lands of James C. Tolman and Thomas Smith to the left, thence with the road as now traveled until it comes within forty-five or fifty rods of the house of Isaac Hill, thence bearing to the left and intersecting the Territorial road at a bridge at the South West corner of the said Hill's Garden; for farther particulars of said report, the Court is referred to the original report filed March 16th 1857." Your petitioners in consideration of the impracticability and inconvenience of the above described route for a road as they truly believe, most respectfully ask for a review thereof, and that instead of locating said road as above described, that a review be granted; Commencing at a point on the present traveled road opposite a white oak stump about thirty rods above the Ashland Mills, thence along said traveled road through the lands of A. D. Helman and Hargadine to a point halfway between the South west corner of Robert Hargadine's field and J. D. Smith's house, thence Eastwardly through the lands of said J. D. Smith to the South West corner of Asa Fordyce's land claim, thence East along said Fordyce's line (placing the whole width of the road on said Fordyce's land), to the east fence of said Fordyce's field, thence through the land of said Fordyce to a stake halfway between the north east corner of J. D. Smith's land claim and the South West corner of the Old Grubb claim now owned by John Walker; thence East through the lands of said Walker to intersect the Territorial Road about ten rods west of a large Pine tree, thence along said Territorial road as now traveled to a point where the travel leaves the Territorial Road as located through the Mountain House claim now owned by Firman Anderson, thence along the present traveled road till it intersects the aforesaid Territorial road below the Mountain House." Your petitioners represent that the above route for a road petitioned for is as short as any that can be obtained between the points of beginning and termination of said petitioned-for route and running over much better ground than the one reported on by O. D. Hoxie and others referred to above. In addition to which, the route now prayed for runs on the Territorial road the distance of about five miles, thereby saving the work and labor of five miles which would have to be expended on the route reported on by O. D. Hoxie and others. And further your petitioners represent that the proposed route passes through the most thickly settled portion of this District and that the settlers cannot consistently extend on either side of the proposed route to a greater distance than from three quarters to One Mile on account of Mountains, hence rendering but one road from the Eagle Mills to the Mountain House entirely useless--for all the settlers along said route can have free access to it; furthermore, there are not lands enough in said District to work more than one road. Furthermore, your petitioners agree, mutually agree to petition the legislature to vacate that portion of the Territorial road between the Eagle Mills and the point where the present proposed route intersects it on the lands of John Walker. And also that portion where it differs from the proposed route on the lands of Firman Anderson. And your petitioners further agree (such as are) landholders on the proposed route, that they will not claim damages from the County if the route is located as petitioned for. Also that they will not sign any other petition locating a road between the points proposed by your petitioners. The premises considered, your petitioners pray that the road from the Eagle Mills to the point where your petitioners ask for the beginning of a review be confirmed; and that the prayer of your petitioners for a review as above described be granted and viewers appointed to examine and view the route described by your petitioners. And as in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray." And proof of notices having been posted according to law, and comes also W. G. T'Vault, attorney, and opposes said petition and after hearing the arguments of Counsel for and against said petition, the matter is laid over until tomorrow morning. Comes P. P. Prim, Attorney for the Petitioners, and files the following named petitions for damages, on the review of a certain County road reviewed by O. D. Hoxie, R. B. Packard, Thomas F. Beall, and Jerasney Crawford and Ebenezer Pinkham, to wit, petition of J. D. Smith, petition of Lewis Hiatt, petition of John P. Walker, petition of Isaac Hill, petition of J. Sampson, petition of F. G. Condrey, petition of Richard Evans, petition of J. C. Tolman, which said petition of the said J. D. Smith is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory. Your petitioner, J. D. Smith, respectfully represents that at the March term of your Court, 1857, O. D. Hoxie, Thomas Beall, R. B. Packard and J. Crawford, previously appointed by the Court to review a certain road, submitted a report to your honorable body favorable to the establishing of a road commencing at a white oak stump (hacked) at and above the road as now traveled about 30 rods above the Ashland Mills and intersecting (at its termination) the Territorial Road at a bridge at the South West corner of Isaac Hill's Garden" for the further particulars of said location, the Court is referred to the Original report of said viewers filed March 16th 1857. Your petitioner further represents that the above referred to report runs the proposed road through the west end of his claim in such a manner as greatly to injure the value of the same and therefore claims damages to the amount of Five hundred dollars and asks that three disinterested householders be appointed to assess and determine how much less valuable the premises of your petitioner will be rendered by the opening and establishing [of] said road as a Public highway through his lands and report to the next term of the Board of Commissioners. July 1st 1857. J.
D. Smith"
Which said petition being read, it is ordered by the Board that John S.
Miller, John R. Tice and James M. Matney be and they are hereby
appointed viewers to assess the damages to which said petitioner will
be liable by the opening of said road, that they meet at the Office of
the County Auditor on the 1st Monday of August next, be sworn and
proceed to the discharge of the duties of this appointment, by viewing
said proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the
petitioner, and assess and determine how much less valuable such
premises of the complainant would be rendered by the opening of said
road and that they report their proceedings to the Board at their next
regular Session in September next.And the said Petition of the said Lewis Hiatt is in the words and figures following, to wit: To the honorable Board of County Commissioners for Jackson County, Oregon Territory. Your petitioner, Lewis Hiatt, respectfully represents that at the March term of your Court, 1857, O. D. Hoxie, Thomas Beall, R. B. Packard and J. Crawford, previously appointed by the Court to review a certain road, submitted a report to your honorable body favorable to the establishing of a road commencing at a white oak stump (hacked) at and above the present traveled road about 30 rods above the Ashland Mills, and intersecting (at its termination) the Territorial road at a bridge at the South West corner of Isaac Hill's Garden--for further particulars of said location, the Court is referred to the original report of said viewers filed March 16th 1857. Your petitioner further represents that the above referred to report runs the road through his land claim as represented below in a plat of the same. Your petitioner further represents that should the aforesaid road be established through his premises as proposed, it would [be] greatly to his injury and damage and therefore claims damages to the amount of Five hundred dollars--therefore your petitioner asks that three disinterested householders be appointed to assess [cut off on microfilm] your petitioner's premises will be rendered if said road is established as a public highway through his lands and report to the next term of the Board of Commissioners--July 1st 1857, Lewis Hiatt." Which said petition being read, it is ordered by the Board that John S. Miller, John R. Tice and James M. Matney be and they are hereby appointed viewers to assess the damages to which said petitioner would be liable by the opening of said road, that they meet at the Office of the County Auditor on the 1st Monday of August next, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of this appointment, by viewing the said proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the petitioner and assess and determine how much less valuable such premises of the complainant would be rendered by the opening of said road and that they report their proceedings to the Board at the next regular session thereof in September next. And the said Petition of the said F. G. Condrey is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the honorable Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, Your petitioner, F. G. Condrey respectfully represents that [at] the March term of your Court, 1857, O. D. Hoxie, Thomas Beall, R. B. Packard and J. Crawford, previously appointed by the Court to review a certain road, submitted a report to your honorable body, favorable to the establishing of a road, commencing at a white oak stump (hacked) at and above the road as now traveled, about 30 rods above the Ashland Mills and intersecting at its termination the Territorial road at a Bridge at the South West corner of Isaac Hill's Garden, for further particulars of said location, the Court is referred to the Original report of said viewers filed March 16th 1857. Your petitioner further represents that the above referred to report cuts off of the South end of his claim a three cornered piece of some 15 acres, thereby rendering useless that portion of his premises. Your petitioner further represents that he will be injured if said road is established as laid out through his premises and therefore claims damages to the amount of Five hundred ($500) dollars and asks that three disinterested householders be appointed to assess and determine how much less valuable the premises of your petitioner will be rendered by the establishing of said road as a public highway through his lands and report to the next term of the Board of Commissioners, July 3rd, 1857, F. G. Condrey." Which said petition being read, it is ordered by the Board that John S. Miller, John R. Tice and James M. Matney be and they are hereby appointed viewers to assess the damages to which said petitioner would be liable by the opening of said road, that they meet at the office of the County Auditor on the 1st Monday of August next, be sworn and proceed to discharge of the duties of this appointment, by viewing said proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the petitioners and assess and determine how much less valuable such premises of the said complainant would be rendered by the opening of said road and that they report their proceedings to the Board at the next regular Session thereof in September next. And the said Petition of the said John P. Walker is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, Your petitioner, John P. Walker, would respectfully represent that at the March Term of your Court, 1857, O. D. Hoxie, Thomas Beall, R. B. Packard and Jerasney Crawford, previously appointed by the Court to review a certain road made a report to your Court favorable to the establishment of a road running as follows, to wit: "Commenced marking at a white Oak stump at and above the road as now traveled about 30 rods above the Ashland Mills, thence in a South east direction to a small tree, hacked, thence to a white oak, hacked, thence in a straight line to a white oak tree, hacked, thence to a big pine tree, hacked, thence to a white oak tree, hacked, thence straight on to a small white oak tree, hacked, where it intersects the road as now traveled and about a half a mile from the house of J. D. Smith--leaving said house on the left hand, thence with the road as now traveled, leaving the enclosed lands of Robert Wright to the left hand, thence on with the road as now traveled, leaving the enclosed lands of J. C. Tolman and Thomas Smith to the left hand, thence with the road as now traveled until it comes within forty-five or fifty rods of the house of Isaac Hill, thence bearing to the left and intersecting the Territorial road at a bridge at the South West corner of said Hill's Garden," as per report of the aforesaid review. Therefore, your petitioner would further represent that prior to the making of the above review and is yet the owner to the enclosed lands and premises above referred to as belonging to Robert Wright and that the aforesaid report runs the road through his lands, cutting off the S.W. corner as represented in the following plat--through the very best of land and rendering the three cornered piece entirely worthless and placing the remainder of his claim in bad shape for fencing. Your petitioner further represents that he feels and believes that if said road should be established and opened as laid out through his land, that it will be greatly to his injury and damage, to wit: the full amount of One thousand dollars ($1000). Therefore, your petitioner asks that three disinterested householders be appointed to assess and determine how much less valuable the premises of your petitioner will be rendered by the establishing and opening of said road through his land and report to the next term of the Board of Commissioners, J. P. Walker, June 30th 1857." Which said petition being read, it is ordered by the Board that John S. Miller, John R. Tice, and James M. Matney be and they are hereby appointed viewers to assess the damages to which said petitioner would be liable by the opening of said road, that they meet at the office of the County Auditor on the first Monday of August next, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of this appointment by viewing said proposed road through the whole distance through the premises of the petitioner and assess and determine how much less valuable such premises of the said complainant would be rendered by the opening of said road and that they report their proceedings to the Board at the next regular Session thereof in September next. And the said Petition of the said Jonathan Sampson is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the honorable Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory: Your petitioner, J. Sampson, would respectfully represent that at the March term of your Court, 1857, O. D. Hoxie, Thomas Beall, R. B. Packard and J. Crawford, previously appointed by the Court to review a certain road, submitted a report to your honorable body favorable to the establishment of a road commencing at a white oak stump, hacked, at and above the road as now traveled, about 30 rods above the Ashland Mills, and intersecting at its termination the Territorial road at a bridge at the South West corner of Isaac Hill's Garden"; for further particulars of said route, the Court is referred to the original report of said Viewers filed March 16th 1857. Your petitioner further represents that the above referred to report runs the road through his premises as represented below, in a Plat of his land claim, and that the said road as there represented separates the South end of his claim containing the largest portion of his tillable land and a portion of his pasture land from a running Spring, the only living water on his premises; thus, in addition to the damage of the road's running diagonally through the best of his land, it will require daily service to water his stock occupying the improvements south of the road which could have been avoided had the above Viewers listened to the request of your petitioner to lay the road 75 or 100 yards farther to the left. Your petitioner further represents that he feels and believes that if said proposed road is established as laid out through his lands, that it will be continually greatly to his injury and therefore claims the full sum of One thousand dollars damage. Therefore, your Petitioner asks that three disinterested householders be appointed to assess and determine how much less valuable the premises of your petitioner will be rendered by the establishing [of] said road, a public highway, through his lands and report to the next term of the Board of County Commissioners. Jonathan Sampson, July 4th, 1857." Which said petition being read, it is ordered by the Board that Michael Hanley, Frank Clugage and Wm. Hesse be and they are hereby appointed viewers to assess the damages to which the said petitioner would be liable by the opening of said road, that they meet at the Office of the County Auditor on the first Monday of August next, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of this appointment by viewing said proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the petitioner and assess and determine how much less valuable such premises of the said complainant would be rendered by the opening of said road and that they report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular session in September next. And the said Petition of the said James C. Tolman is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the honorable Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory: Your Petitioner, J. C. Tolman, would respectfully represent that at the March term of your Court, 1857, O. D. Hoxie, Thomas Beall, R. B. Packard and J. Crawford, previously appointed by the Court to review a certain road, submitted a report to your honorable body, favorable to the establishment of a road "Commencing at a white oak stump (hacked) at and above the road as now traveled about 30 rods above the Ashland Mills and intersecting at its termination the Territorial road at a bridge at the South West corner of Isaac Hill's Garden; for farther particulars of said route, the Court is referred to the original report of said viewers filed March 16th 1857. Your petitioner further represents that the above referred to report runs the road through his premises as represented below in plat of his land claim and cuts off over one hundred acres of the South end of said claim separates the same from any stock water whatever. And further that the said land is not designed for cultivation, but excellent pasturage and constituting the principal part of pasture land belonging to your petitioner. Your petitioner further represents that he feels and believes that if said proposed road is established as laid out through his lands that it will be greatly to his injury and damage, to wit: the full sum of One thousand dollars. Therefore, your petitioner asks that three disinterested householders be appointed to assess and determine how much less valuable the premises of your petitioner will be rendered by the establishing [of] said road as a public highway through his lands and report to the next term of the Board of County Commissioners. J. C. Tolman, Petitioner, July 4th, 1857." Which said petition being read, it is ordered by the Board that Michael Hanley, Frank Clugage and Wm. Hesse be and they are hereby appointed viewers to assess the damages to which the said petitioner would be liable by the opening of said road, that they meet at the Office of the County Auditor on the first Monday of August next, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of this appointment by viewing said proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the petitioner and assess and determine how much less valuable such premises of the said complainant would be rendered by the opening of said road and that they report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in September next. And the said petition of the said Isaac Hill is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Honorable the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory: Your petitioner, Isaac Hill, would respectfully represent that at the March term of your Court, 1857, O. D. Hoxie, Thomas Beall, R. B. Packard, and J. Crawford previously appointed by the Court to review a certain road, submitted a report to your honorable body favorable to the establishment of a road commencing at a white oak stump (hacked) at and above the road as now traveled about 30 rods above the Ashland Mills and intersecting (at its termination) the Territorial road at a bridge at the South west corner of Isaac Hill's Garden, for further particulars of said route, the Court is referred to the original report of said viewers filed March 16th, 1857. Your petitioner further represents that the above referred to report runs the road through his premises greatly to his injury and damage in consequence of running in a S.E. direction over three quarters of a mile through his lands at no greater distance from the Territorial road than from 400 yards down to a point; both of which roads form a wedge in his premises. Therefore, your petitioner feels and believes that he will be damaged to the amount of Two thousand dollars and claims that amount as damages and asks that three disinterested householders be appointed to assess and determine how much less valuable the premises of your petitioner will be rendered by the establishing [of] said road as a public highway through his lands and report to the next term of the Board of County Commissioners. Isaac Hill--July 6th, 1857." Which said petition being read, it is ordered by the Board that Samuel Smith, James Tatum and William Kahler be and they are hereby appointed viewers to assess the damages to which the said petitioner would be liable by the opening of said road, that they meet at the Office of the County Auditor on the first Monday of August next, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of this appointment by viewing said proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the petitioner and assess and determine how much less valuable such premises of the said complainant would be rendered by the opening of said road and that they report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in September next. And the said petition of the said Richard Evans is in the words & figures following, to wit: "To the honorable Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory: Your petitioner, Richard Evans, would respectfully represent that at the March term of your Court, 1857, O. D. Hoxie, Thomas Beall, R. B. Packard and J. Crawford, previously appointed by the Court to review a certain road, made a report to your Court favorable to the establishment of a road commencing at a white oak stump (hacked) at and above the road as now traveled about 30 rods above the Ashland Mills and terminating or intersecting the Territorial road at a bridge at the South West corner of Isaac Hill's garden, for further particulars of said route, the Court is referred to the original report of said viewers filed March 16th, 1857. Your petitioner further represents that the above described report of O. D. Hoxie and others runs the road through his premises as represented below in a true plat of his land claim. The Territorial road was established (by your petitioner's consent) through his premises, believing that the interest of the Country required it and said road not passing through the best portion of his tillable land. Your petitioner further represents that the best portion of his land is in the South West portion of his claim, and that the aforesaid proposed County road runs through it in such a shape as to render it valueless. And further, as your honorable body will see from the plat, the two roads cut his land claim into three irregular pieces, making 14 corners on a single quarter section of land, making the land impracticable to till and placing the expense of fencing the same [cut off on microfilm] represents that he feels and believes that if said road should be established and opened as laid out through his land that it will be greatly to his injury and damage, to wit: the full sum of Two thousand dollars. Therefore, your petitioner asks that three disinterested householders be appointed to assess and determine how much less valuable the premises of your petitioner will be rendered by the establishing [of] said road as a Public highway through his lands and report to the next term of the Board of County Commissioners. July 1st, 1857 Richard Evans." Which said petition being read, it is ordered by the Board that Samuel Smith, James Tatum and William Kahler be and they are hereby appointed viewers to assess the damages to which the said petitioners would be liable by the opening of said road, that they meet at the office of the County Auditor on the first Monday in August next, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of this appointment by viewing said proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the complainant and assess and determine how much less valuable such premises of the said complainant would be rendered by the opening of said road and that they report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in September next. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Tuesday morning, July 7th 1857
The Board met this day pursuant to adjournment, present G. B. Davidson,
S. D. Van Dyke and Frederick Heber, Commissioners, W. G. T'Vault, Pros.
Atty. and Wm. Hoffman, Clk. of the Board.The report of James Dawson, James Huston and Nathaniel C. Dean, viewers appointed to view and lay out a certain County road commencing on the north side of Rogue River near F. Rosenstock's and terminating at Jewett's ferry, was read a second time today. Ordered that James Dawson be and he is hereby allowed Two Dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that James Huston be and he is hereby allowed Two Dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that Nathaniel C. Dean be and he is hereby allowed Two Dollars for services as road viewer. The report of N. D. Smith, Wm. Welch and Addison Ball, viewers appointed to view and lay out a certain County road commencing near Lewis' on the Territorial road and terminating at the South East corner of G. G. Kerr's land claim on the Military road, was read a second time today and is the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Commissioners of Jackson County: We, the undersigned, having been appointed Viewers to view and locate a road agreeable with the petition of Samuel Smith & others, report as follows, Commencing at a stake in front of Lewis' and on the Territorial road near the bridge, thence running West on the line between Evans and Wright and also on the same direction across M. Bellinger's claim, thence in the same direction between Andrew Davidson and John Lacy's and to the S.W. corner of Andrew Davidson's claim, from thence the view is South of West, across Abraham Tenbrook's, touching the S.E. corner of said Tenbrook's field and thence on the line between Tenbrook and Jos. H. Davis', W. at a stake about 200 yards West of Jos. H. Davis' granary, thence bearing to the S. of W. a very little and gaining the summit of the hill at or near the old road and thence in a direct line to the South East corner of Gideon Kerr's claim, when said road will intersect with the Military road and terminate. This the 11 day of July 1857. N.
D. Smith
that N. D. Smith be allowed [blank]
Dollars for services as road viewer.Wm. Welch Addison Ball Ordered that Wm. Welch be allowed [blank] Dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that Addison Ball be allowed [blank] Dollars for services as road viewer. The report of James N. T. Miller, Wayne Oliver, Isaac Woolen, F. M. Plymale and Albert G. Rockfellow, viewers appointed to review a certain County road commencing on the Military road near the claim of James R. Davis and terminating at or near Lindley's mill was presented and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T. The undersigned reviewers appointed to review a certain road commencing at a point on the Military Road near the claim of James R. Davis and terminating near the Saw Mill of Milton Lindley respectfully beg to submit the following report: Commencing at a point on the original road where the Creek known as Griffin's Creek crosses said road, thence in a straight line to the trees blazed on the Gulch in front of the "White House," thence to a white oak tree on the point of the hill to the right and near the old road, thence to two small oak bushes on the right of the road and near the house of Mr. Johnson, thence along the foot of the hill to a stake at the junction of the old and present traveled road, thence in a direct line to a stake and a red oak stump, fifty paces in front of Addison Ball's house, thence in a direct line to a bridge on the territorial road about fifty rods below Lindley's Mill. James N. T. Miller, Wayne Oliver, Isaac Woolen, F. M. Plymale, A. G. Rockfellow." Which report being read was adopted and laid over for final action to the next Session of the Board in September next. Ordered that Jas. N. T. Miller be allowed [blank] dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that Wayne Oliver be allowed [blank] dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that Isaac Woolen be allowed [blank] dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that Francis M. Plymale be allowed Two dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that Albert G. Rockfellow be allowed [blank] dollars for services as road viewer. The Report of O. D. Hoxie, Thomas F. Beall, R. B. Packard and Jerasney Crawford, viewers to review a certain County road therein mentioned, coming up as unfinished business from the last session of the Board, was read and adopted and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "County of Jackson, Territory of Oregon, To the Hon. the Board of Commissioners of said County, We the undersigned viewers appointed at the December Session, A.D. 1856, of your honorable Board to view a part of the road (as viewed by Messrs. Rice and Chambers in August, A.D. 1856) and a review prayed for by Thomas Smith and others, beg leave to report: In accordance with said appointment, we proceeded on the 2nd day of March, A.D. 1857, to pass over and view the route as petitioned for from the beginning to the end of the same; We commenced marking at a white oak stump at and above the road as now traveled about 30 rods above the Ashland Mills, thence in a S.E. direction to a small tree, hacked, thence to a white oak, hacked, thence in a straight line to a white oak tree, hacked, thence to a big pine tree, hacked, thence to a white oak tree, hacked, thence straight on to a small white oak tree, hacked, where it intersects the road as now traveled and about half a mile from the house of J. D. Smith, leaving said house on the left hand, thence with the road as now traveled leaving the enclosed land of Robert Wright to the left hand, thence with the road as now traveled leaving the enclosed land of James C. Tolman and Thomas Smith to the left hand thence with the road as now traveled until it comes within forty-five or fifty rods of the house of Isaac Hill's and here we would respectfully recommend that the road should bear to the left and intersect the Territorial road at a bridge at the So.W. corner of the aforesaid Hill's Garden. As the road petitioned for above this point runs through the said Hill's claim, nearly parallel to the Territorial road and in places not more than 20 or 30 rods distant. The general face of the Country over which said road passes is part level and part rolling with a few gulches, but in the main is good ground for a road. We therefore report that a road over said route is required for the public travel and would be of general utility and public benefit. We therefore recommend that said route be laid out and made a public highway. O. D. Hoxie, Thomas F. Beall, Rezin B. Packard, Jerasney Crawford. March 14th 1857." The Petition of Asa G. Fordyce and others (which was read yesterday) for a review of a certain County road heretofore reviewed by O. D. Hoxie, R. B. Packard, Thomas F. Beall, Jerasney Crawford and Ebenezer Pinkham, came up as unfinished business, and after due deliberation of the premises, it is ordered by the Board that the petition of the petitioners be not granted on the ground that the law does not justify granting said petition, being as is understood by the Board a review to a review already had, which said decision of the Board is excepted to by the Attorney for the petitioners, P. P. Prim, and therefore the following motion was submitted to the Board by P. P. Prim, Attorney for the petitioners, to wit, "that the testimony of C. C. Beckman and Austin Badger be taken to prove the facts set forth in the petition of the petitioners," said motion being made after the decision of the Board was had on the petition and before the decision was put upon the record, which motion is overruled by the Board, and such overruling excepted to by the Counsel for the petitioners. The following motion was then submitted to the Board by P. P. Prim, Attorney for the Petitioners, and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "The Petition of J. C. Tolman and others, for alteration and review of County road filed with Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., July 6th1857--The petitioners by their Attorney in the above cause, come and move the Board of County Commissioners of the aforesaid County and Territory, to decide whether they are satisfied that said petition of the petitioners is just and reasonable or not? P. P. Prim, Attorney for petitioners, July 7th 1857." Which motion the Board refuse to entertain on the ground that the law does not justify the Board in granting the petition, to which refusal the Council for the petitioner excepts. Notice of Appeal and appeal bond filed. Ordered that the Messengers who made return of Election be allowed their Mileage for such service according to the Statement of the Auditor, as follows:
Ordered that H. H. Brown be allowed Six dollars for 2 days & mileage Canvassing returns. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed two dollars 1 day & mileage Canvassing votes. The Petition of Samuel E. Stearns, F. Heber and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County road leading from Jacksonville and terminating at the foot of the Mountains east of Bear Creek was presented and being read and proof being made of notices having been posted according to law, and bonds being filed and accepted, It is ordered by the Board that Isaac Constant, Abram Tenbrook, and George Ross be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said proposed road, that they meet at the Office of the County Auditor on the second Monday in August next, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of this appointment according to law, and report their proceedings to the Board at the next regular session thereof in September next. The application of Michael Hinto for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in Jacksonville Precinct and the said Michael Hinto, having posted notices of his intention to apply to the Board for such license, it is ordered by the Board that said Michael Hinto be allowed a license for selling spirituous liquors in Jacksonville Precinct, by filing his bond with approved security and by paying into the County Treasury the sum of fifty dollars for said license for six months. The petition of sundry Citizens of Sterlingville precinct to grant Thomas Swank and Joseph Bateman license to retail spirituous liquors in said precinct in quantities less than one quart was read, and it appearing that the said Swank and Bateman have failed to post notices of their intention to apply for said license, as required by the Statute, the said petition is not allowed. The Petition of sundry Citizens of Jacksonville Precinct to grant Austin Badger a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in said precinct being read and it appearing to the Board that the said Austin Badger had posted notices of his intention to apply for such license, It is ordered by the Board that the said Austin Badger be allowed said License by filing his bond with approved security, and by paying into the County Treasury the sum of Forty dollars, which with ten dollars previously deposited in the County Treasury, make the sum of Fifty dollars, which entitles the said Austin Badger to a license as aforesaid for the term of six months from the date hereof. The petition of Wm. K. Ish for the appointment of viewers to view and locate a private road leading from the S.W. corner of the land claim of said Ish to intersect the road from Jacksonville through the lands of Michael Hanley was read, whereupon It is ordered by the Board that James N. T. Miller, James R. Poole and Dr. A. B. Overbeck be and they are hereby appointed to view and locate said road as prayed for, that they meet at the Office of the County Auditor on the [blank] day of [blank] next, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment by viewing and locating said private road and also to assess the damages that may accrue upon such location of said road to such person or persons through whose land said road may pass and report their proceedings to the Board at the next regular session thereof in September next. Ordered by the Board that the costs in criminal examinations before Wm. Hoffman, Justice of the peace, be allowed and that the County Auditor issue Warrants on the County Treasurer to the persons entitled to said costs respectively, as follows, to wit: ----
Coroner's fees, Thos. Arundell, 13.65 Witnesses: John R. Tice $3.00, C. B. Brooks $2.60, A. J. Nolan $1.40, J. J. Nolan 1.20, P. J. Ryan 1.20, McCarty 1.20, David Haynes 2.60, David Johnson 2.60, T. Hopwood 2.40, A. Bethel 2.60, J. Dossan 2.60, M. Henry 2.60, H. Gadsden 1.20, B. W. Houston 2.40 Jurors' fees: John B. Siders 3.60, J. J. Cozart 3.60, N. C. Dean 3.20, S. Hall 3.60, John Anderson 3.60, M. T. Pierce 3.60 Sheriff's fees: Thos. Pyle $1.40. Constable's fees John Q. Tabor $5.80. And the Board now adjourn until to[morrow] morning at 9 O'Clk. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Wednesday morning July 8th 1857
The Board
of Commissioners met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the
same as yesterday.Ordered that A. J. Kane be allowed Thirty-six dollars for services as Bailiff May Term District Court 1857. Ordered that John B. Sifers be allowed Twenty-seven dollars for fees in Criminal Cases in District Court May Term 1857. Ordered that the fees of Jurors and Witnesses at the trial sitting of the District Court, Jackson County, be allowed as per certificate of the deputy Clerk of said Court, and that the Auditor be authorized to issue Warrants on the County Treasurer for the respective persons entitled to the same, to wit: Jurors
Ordered that Doct. L. S. Thompson be allowed One hundred and
eighty-five dollars for medical attendance on Prisoners.
Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed Five dollars for extra work on Jail. Ordered that Austin Badger be allowed the sum of Ninety dollars for furnishing victuals for prisoners in Jail. Ordered that Wm. Hesse and Co. be allowed four dollars and ninety-eight cents for Beef &c. furnished Isaac Swinden. The account of Dr. L. Ganung for rent for block house for Jail purposes being presented, It is ordered by the Board that said L. Ganung be allowed the sum of One hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents for rent of said house from the 10th day of April 1857 to the 8th day of July 1857 inclusive, as per contract on record, and that said building be given up from and after this date. The application of Wm. M. Griffin and others, petitioners for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County road, commencing at a point near the White House on the Claim of Wm. Hoffman and terminating at Wait's Mill was read and also a remonstrance against the appointment of such viewers and also a withdrawal of a portion of the names of the first petitioners, all of which being read and proof being made that notices had been posted as required by the Statute and bond being filed; after due deliberation of the matter, It is ordered by the Board that said petition be granted and that W. G. T'Vault, D. M. Kenney & David B. Brenan be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for, that they meet at the Office of the County Auditor on the first Monday of August next, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in September next. Whereas at the April Session 1857 of this Board on the petition of sundry citizens for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County road commencing at a point on the Jacksonville and Crescent City road about two miles from Applegate Cr., to terminate at the Mouth of Palmer Creek, the said Board appointed viewers in answer to said petition and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that the said viewers so appointed failed to discharge the duties of said appointment and report their proceedings, It is ordered by the Board that Willard Spencer, John O'Brien and George Long be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for in said petition, that they meet at the house of Wm. Carberry, Justice of the peace, on the 2nd Monday of August next, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings to this Board at their September Session next ensuing. Ordered by the Board that the appointment of H. H. Brown as Supervisor of Road District No. 14 be and the same is hereby revoked and that he settle with the Board at their next regular Session in September next. Ordered that Justus Wells be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 14 to serve until his successor be appointed and qualified. Whereas R. S. Dunlap has completed his contract with the Commissioners for the Carpenter work on the new Jail and the Board having accepted the Jail so far as the Carpenter's work is concerned and having relinquished the Bond of said R. S. Dunlap and it appearing that there is still due to said R. S. Dunlap on said contract the sum of One hundred and twenty-five dollars now due, and the further sum of Two hundred and forty-five dollars due and payable on the first day of January next, It is ordered by the Board that the said contract is accepted as completed by said R. S. Dunlap and that the Auditor is hereby authorized to draw on the County Treasurer for the amount so due said R. S. Dunlap out of the Jail fund not otherwise appropriated. The petitions of James Hamlin and Thomas Arundell for damages on a certain review of County road were presented to the Board and the said petition of the said James Hamlin is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., The undersigned would respectfully represent to your honors, that a certain County road reviewed by James N. T. Miller, Wayne Oliver, Isaac Woolen, F. M. Plymale and A. G. Rockfellow, viewers appointed by your honorable Board at the April Session 1857, commencing at a point near the claim of James R. Davis and terminating near the Saw Mill of Milton Lindley, and the report of said reviewers having been made to your honorable Board, by which report it will appear that said road as reviewed passes through the enclosed and cultivated land of your petitioner about three fourths of a mile; and that if said road should b established and opened, would require two strings of fence for the distance of three fourths of a mile; also that the said road running angling through said land would lessen the value of the Claim and greatly inconvenience your petitioner in his farming operations; Your petitioner also represents to your honors that the expense of repairing the fencing necessary to be made if said road should be established, as well as the interest on the money to be expended in building said fences, should be taken into the estimate of the damages your petitioner would necessarily sustain by establishing said road; in consideration of the premises, Your petitioner believes that he would be damaged by establishing said road to the amount of Three thousand five hundred dollars in Silver and Gold. Your petitioner therefore prays your honorable Board to appoint three disinterested householders of Jackson County to view said proposed road through the claim of your petitioner and to assess the amount of damages which he would sustain by establishing said road. James
And the said Thomas Arundell's petition is in the words and figures
following, to wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County,
O.T. The undersigned would respectfully represent to your honorable
Board that a certain County road reviewed by James N. T. Miller, Wayne
Oliver, Isaac Woolen, F. M. Plymale & A. G. Rockfellow, viewers
appointed by your honorable Board at the April Session 1857, commencing
at a point on the Military road near the claim of James R. Davis and
terminating near the Saw Mill of Milton Lindley and the report of said
reviewers having been made to your honorable Board, by which report it
will appear that said road as reviewed passes through my land and runs
angling through it, which will require two strings of fence three
fourths of a mile long, besides lessening the value of said land by
dividing it, by which it damages my place to the amount of Fifteen
hundred dollars, should said road be established as reviewed. Your
petitioner therefore prays your honorable board to appoint three
disinterested householders of Jackson County to view said proposed road
through the claim of your petitioner and to assess the amount of
damages which he would sustain by establishing said road.July 8th 1857 Thomas
Which said petitions being read, it is ordered by the Board that John
Robinson, Samuel E. Stearns and Henry Amerman be and they are hereby
appointed to view said proposed road the whole distance through the
premises of the petitioners and assess and determine how much less
valuable the claims of said complainants would be rendered by the
opening of said road, that they meet at the office of the County
Auditor on the first Monday of August next, be sworn and proceed to
discharge the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings
to the Board at their regular session in September next.July 8th 1857 The Bill of Thomas Arundell for building the mason work of the new Jail was presented--the contract price for said work is fifteen hundred and ninety dollars; It is ordered by the Board that the said Contract be accepted as completed, with the exception of the manner in which the upper hook for the iron door of the Cells is put in, which is considered insufficient. The extra charge of $46.00 in said bill for building the Chimney is not allowed and the sum of Twenty dollars is hereby allowed for the same. The charge of $25.00 for digging the foundation for the jail walls is not allowed on the ground that it was a part of the contract under the specifications. The charge of fifteen dollars for lead furnished to fasten the door hangings is hereby allowed. Ordered that Wm. Kahler be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 9 in the place of Thomas Worman, resigned. Ordered that P. W. Stow be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 12 in the place of John Nichols, resigned. Ordered that R. B. Hargadine be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District (consolidated) No. 1 in the place of Bennett Million, resigned. Ordered that Albert G. Rockfellow be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 3 in the place of Isaac Woolen, resigned. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed Eleven dollars and twenty-five cents in Coin for Stationery. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed Two hundred and one dollars and ninety-five cents his fees as Auditor. Now comes David Linn, Treasurer of Jackson County, O.T., and reports to the Board that he has not received any funds into the Treasury arising from the taxes on License sold to Chinamen. Ordered by the Board that the Sheriff be and he is hereby required to be and appear before the Board at a Special Session to be held on Monday the 20th day of July instant, for the purpose of settling his account with the Commissioners. It is ordered that the Treasurer also be prepared to settle his account at the same time. Ordered that the official bond of Clifton Riley as Assessor be One thousand dollars, that the official bond of David Linn as Treasurer be Ten thousand dollars and that the official bond of Thomas Arundell as Coroner be Ten thousand dollars. And the Board now adjourn until July 20th 1857. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Auditor's Office, Jacksonville,
July 20th 1857
The Board of Commissioners met this day, pursuant to adjournment,
present G. B. Davidson, Chairman, and S. D. Van Dyke, Commissioners, W.
G. T'Vault, Prosecuting Attorney and William Hoffman, Clerk.A Statement of the settlement made with David Linn, Treasurer of Jackson County, was presented to the Board, examined and approved and is as follows, to wit: Mr. David Linn, Treasurer of Jackson County, O.T. Settlement with the Auditor for
the year 1856 & 7
Jail Fund
Now comes Wm. Hoffman,
Auditor-elect, and presents his Bond with W. G. T'Vault and Thomas
Arundell as sureties, which is accepted by the Board.
Ordered that T. F. Royal be allowed the sum of One hundred and thirty-five dollars for Six Months rent for house and that said house be relinquished from and after the 9th day of July 1857. Ordered that John Flinn be allowed One hundred and two dollars and twenty-three cents for services as Superintendent of Common Schools up to this date. The Resignation of Wm. Hoffman as Justice of the peace in and for Jacksonville Precinct in Jackson County, O.T. was presented to the Board and accepted. Ordered that Thomas Arundell be and he is hereby appointed Justice of the peace in and for Jacksonville Precinct in Jackson County, O.T. vice Wm. Hoffman. Ordered that the Prosecuting Attorney of Jackson County be and he is hereby authorized and directed to prosecute the claim of said County against the County of Josephine, for its portion of the debts of Jackson County under the act of the Legislature passed January 22nd 1856. Ordered that J. W. Sears be and he is hereby entitled to a Ferry License to Keep a Ferry on Rogue River at the point heretofore kept as a Ferry by Davis Evans for six months from date hereof, by paying into the County Treasury Twenty-five dollars and entering into bond as required by Statute. Ordered that Wm. A. Wallace be allowed the sum of Thirty-six dollars for services as Bailiff at District Court, May Term 1857. And the Board adjourned to meet on Monday the 27th day of July 1857. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Auditor's Office, July 27th 1857
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County met this day, pursuant to
adjournment; present, G. B. Davidson, President of the Board, S. D. Van
Dyke and Frederick Heber, Commissioners and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk.Ordered by the Board that A. J. Kane be allowed the sum of One hundred and sixty-six dollars for services as Jailer and for 2 pair blankets for prisoners. Ordered that Caleb Howell be entitled to a Peddler's license for the term of Six months, by paying into the County treasury the sum of Ten dollars. Ordered that Denby and Griffiths be allowed the sum of Two hundred dollars for making Iron door for Jail and other blacksmith work for same and the further sum of thirty-nine dollars and fifty cents for extra Iron work on the same, to be paid out of the Jail fund of said County not otherwise appropriated. Ordered that Haskel Amy, Wm. J. Newton, Nicholas Cook and J. J. Cook, Prouty, Samuel Hall, Burns and Mace be added to Road Dist. No. 7, Issachar Williams, Supervisor. Ordered that David Linn be allowed the sum of Eleven hundred and Nine 62/100 dollars, his percentage for collecting & disbursing funds as Treasurer from Nov. 14th 1854 to date hereof as per Statement on file. Ordered that Thomas J. Trimble be allowed Twenty-six dollars and Sixty cents for bill of beef &c. furnished for use of Isaac Swinden. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed Seven dollars and forty cents for fees in the cause of the Territory of Oregon vs. Geo. Livingston. Ordered that T'Vault & Blakely be allowed the sum of Forty dollars for printing 1000 tax receipts. Now comes Thomas Pyle, Sheriff, and presents his account for settlement, which is accepted and is as follows, to wit: Statement of Thomas Pyle,
Sheriff's account
School Fund
Jail Fund
China Tax Fund
And the Board now adjourn until the first Monday in September next.
B. Davidson, Chr.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. September
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T. met today at the
Auditor's Office, Present G. B. Davidson, Chairman of the Board, S. D.
Van Dyke and Frederick Heber, Commissioners, W. G. T'Vault, Prosecuting
Attorney and William Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.Auditor's Office, Jacksonville, September 7th 1857 The resignation of Sewall Truax as Judge of Probate was presented to the Board & accepted. Ordered by the Board that Burrel B. Griffin be and he is hereby appointed Coroner of Jackson County, O.T. to serve until his successor is elected and qualified. The Report of W. G. T'Vault & David Brenan, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a certain County road commencing at the White House formerly occupied by Wm. Hoffman and terminating at Wait's Mill was read and laid over until tomorrow. The report of John Robinson, S.E. Stearns and Henry Amerman, Viewers to view and assess damages on the petition of James Hamlin and Thomas Arundell, was read and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T.: "The undersigned viewers for damages appointed by the above Commissioners in compliance with the Petitions of James Hamlin and Thomas Arundell at their July Session 1857, beg leave to report that having viewed the contemplated road through the premises of said petitioners and taken into careful consideration the advantages and disadvantages said proposed road would be to said Petitioners, believe said road would not render their claims less valuable than said claims are in the present condition. Lindley's Mill, Jackson County, O.T. August 3rd 1857 John
S. E. Stearns Henry Amerman
Viewers for Damages"
Which said
report is accepted.The Report of John S. Miller and James M. Matney, two of the viewers heretofore appointed by the Board to view and assess the damages on the petition of J. D. Smith, Lewis Hiatt and F. G. Condrey was read and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "We, the undersigned, being a majority of three viewers appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, at their July Session, 1857, to assess damages on the petition of J. D. Smith, Lewis Hiatt and F. G. Condrey, filed July 6th 1857, for the road reviewed by O. D. Hoxie, R. B. Packard and others, which report was favorable to the appraisers (opening) of said road and furthermore we the undersigned assessors of damages on the aforesaid road, think the interests of the public demands the establishment of the aforesaid road, report as follows to your honorable body. We the undersigned after being duly sworn according to law to discharge the duties of our appointment, we proceeded on the 26th day of August 1857 to view the proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the said petitioners and we hereby report that the premises of the said J. D. Smith, Lewis Hiatt and F. G. Condrey is not damaged by said road this [blank] 1857. John
S. Miller
Also the report of Wm. Kahler and James Tatum, two of the viewers
heretofore appointed by the Board to view and assess the damages on the
petition of Richard Evans & Isaac Hill, was read and is in the
words and figures following, to wit:James M. Matney "We, the undersigned, being a majority of three viewers appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, at their July Session, 1857, to assess damages on the petitions of Richard Evans and Isaac Hill, filed July 6th 1857 for the road reviewed by O. D. Hoxie, R. B. Packard & others, which report was favorable to the opening of said road, report as follows--On the first Monday of August 1857 we met at the Office of the County Auditor in Jacksonville, and after being duly sworn according to law to discharge the duties of our appointment, We immediately proceeded to view the proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the said petitioners and we hereby report that the premises of the said Richard Evans would be Six hundred dollars less valuable and the premises of the said Isaac Hill five hundred dollars less valuable by opening the said proposed road through them. This [blank] 1857. Wm. Kahler
And the report of F. Clugage and M. Hanley, two of the viewers
heretofore appointed by the Board to view and assess the damages on the
petition of James C. Tolman, Jonathan Sampson and John P. Walker was
read and is in the words and figures following, to wit:James Tatum "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., "We, the undersigned Viewers appointed by your honorable Board at your July Session, A.D. 1857, to view and assess the damages prayed for by James C. Tolman, Jonathan Sampson and John P. Walker by reason of a certain County road located through their respective land claims as per a review made by O. D. Hoxie, R. B. Packard, Thomas F. Beall, Jerasney Crawford and Ebenezer Pinkham, Viewers appointed for that purpose by your honorable Board, would respectfully report: that in the discharge of the duties of that appointment after being duly qualified & sworn to discharge said duties faithfully and impartially, proceeded to view said proposed road through the whole distance of said respective claims, have assessed the damage that James C. Tolman would sustain by reason of said road passing through his claim at Seven hundred dollars, and the damages that Jonathan Sampson would sustain by said road passing through his claim at Five hundred dollars and the damage that John P. Walker would sustain by said road passing through his claim at Three hundred dollars. All of which is respectfully submitted. Jacksonville, September 7th 1857 F.
And after due deliberation, it is considered by the Board that the road
upon which said damages are claimed, is not of sufficient importance to
the Public to justify the Commissioners in paying said damages out of
the County Treasury and it is ordered by the Board that unless the
Petitioners for the Road mentioned in said Petitions for damages shall
pay said damages so assessed in said Reports during the present Session
of the Board, then the said Road be and the same is set aside and is
not established as a Public Highway.M. Hanley Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed Two dollars for services as Road Viewer. Ordered that D. B. Brenan be allowed Two dollars for services as Road Viewer Ordered that John Robinson be allowed Two dollars for services as Road Viewer. Ordered that Samuel E. Stearns be allowed Two dollars for services as Viewer. Ordered that Henry Amerman be allowed Two dollars for services as Viewer. Ordered that John S. Miller be allowed Four dollars for services as Viewer. Ordered that James M. Matney be allowed Four dollars for services as Viewer. Ordered that Wm. Kahler be allowed Four dollars for services as viewer. Ordered that James Tatum be allowed Four dollars for services as viewer. The Petition of Thomas & Jacobs, Wm. Chase, Bennett Million and others for the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County road, commencing in front of the Eagle Mills and terminating at the Mountain house was received and read, which is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., The undersigned petitioners, householders residing in the vicinity of the following proposed road would hereby most respectfully make application to your honorable body for the establishment of a County road as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point in the Territorial Road 80 feet in front of the Eagle Mills, thence in a South Easterly direction passing between the Store and dwelling house of Thomas & Jacobs and following the old road to the top of the divide, thence up said divide to the new Bridge on Chase's Creek, thence with the Road as now traveled to a point between the Ashland Hotel and Flouring Mill, thence along said traveled road to the South West corner of R. B. Hargadine's field, thence E. (leaving said field to the North) to the South West corner of A. G. Fordyce's land claim, thence East (placing the whole width of the road on said Fordyce's land) to the S.E. corner of his fields, thence to a stake halfway between the N.E. corner of J. D. Smith's and the South W. corner of the old Grubb land claim, now owned by J. P. Walker, thence E. to a stake ten rods west of the first Pine Tree in that direction, thence South easterly intersecting the present Stage route at the first Gulch, thence along the present traveled road to Isaac Hill's house, thence with the road as now traveled (passing on the N.E. of a Butte) to the Mountain House formerly owned by J. Russell. Your Petitioners will hereby further set forth and represent that the above prayed for County Road passes over the lands of Thomas & Jacobs, Wm. Chase, A. D. Helman, R. B. Hargadine, J. D. Smith, A. G. Fordyce, J. P. Walker, D. Sisson, F. G. Condrey, Giles Wells, J. C. Tolman, W. F. Songer, P. Dunn, Wm. Taylor, Lewis Hiatt, R. Evans, Isaac Hill and Jacob Thompson, and if said road shall be located in accordance with this Petition, no claims for damages will be filed against the County; That your honorable body at your next regular Session hereafter, in accordance with the law in such cases made and provided, take the necessary steps for the establishment of the aforesaid County road. Your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray, &c. And thereupon it is ordered by the Board that W. G. T'Vault, D. B. Brenan and Hiram Colver be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for and that said Viewers meet on the 14th day of September, 1857, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at the next regular Session thereof. The amended Report of James Dawson, Nathaniel C. Dean and James Huston, who had reported last Session was read and adopted and is as follows, to wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T.: "We, the undersigned Viewers appointed by your honorable Board to view and lay out a certain County Road, commencing on the North side of Rogue River and running thence to terminate at Jewett's Ferry, respectfully makes the following amended report: That after having duly qualified according to law, did on the 25th day of May proceed to view and locate said road, starting point from Jewett's Ferry, marked by a Post nearly opposite said Ferry and running parallel with the River, marked and blazed to the crossing of Evans Creek, about one mile, thence from Evans Creek to Brown's Ferry near the residence of Frederic Rosenstock's, the entire distance being about six miles. The face of the Country over which the road passes is generally level and suitable for a wagon road and in the opinion of your Viewers, said road will be of general necessity and utility and therefore we would recommend to your honors that said road be adopted and established as a Public Highway. Respectfully submitted--August 29th 1857. James
Whereas at the July Session, A.D. 1857 of this Board, William K. Ish
presented his Petition for the appointment of viewers to view and
locate a Private Road leading from the South West corner of the land
claim of said Wm. K. Ish to intersect the road leading from
Jacksonville through the lands of Michael Hanley, at which time Viewers
were appointed in accordance with said petition and whereas the said
Viewers failed to report their proceedings, and the said Wm. K. Ish
having renewed his application for the appointment of viewers, It is
ordered by the Board that John S. Miller, Ebenezer Pinkham and A. B.
Overbeck be and they are hereby appointed said Viewers to view and
locate said road and to assess the damages to be sustained thereby,
that [they] meet at the Auditor's Office, be qualified and proceed to
discharge the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings
to the Board at their next regular Session in December ensuing.Nathaniel C. Dean James Huston Viewers" The Petition of R. S. Jewett for the appointment of Viewers to view and assess the damages he will sustain by reason of the location of a certain County road viewed and laid out by James Dawson, Nathaniel C. Dean, and James Huston, Viewers appointed for that purpose, was read and is as follows, to wit: "Territory of Oregon, Jackson County: To the honorable Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Jackson, Oregon Ty., at the Regular July Term 1857. "Whereas a Petition has been circulated praying for a County road commencing at Mr. Rosenstock's on Rogue River, crossing the River a little below Mr. Rosenstock's, keeping down the river to Evans Creek, thence to Jewett's enclosure to a little below the said Jewett's ferry landing, and there terminating. The object of this communication is to lay before your honorable Board the facts that in opening the new proposed road, it will materially damage or ruin my farm and in the first place I have no other Pasture than that which the new road passes through and will in the event of its being opened by a lane through it, fence me off from the only living water, the River, there is already (2) Two roads laid out through my land, one through the heart of my field that I cultivate, one along the Bank of the River: to establish (3) three roads through a person's land where the Mountains come so close in on all sides, is cutting his land up so that it will be worth little or nothing. After a careful investigation of the damages as I am capable of coming at, taking into consideration the total loss of my Pasture by the new proposed road if established, will damage me at the least calculation ($2000) Two thousand dollars; what account will the Pasture be to me if the Water is fenced or cut off from it, not a red cent would it be worth to me. The only Pasture I have and can depend on is directly where the new proposed road is to be laid out. If your honorable body will give the subject that consideration which I hope for and in appointing viewers to assess the damage will select such men as in the opinion of your honorable body do justice in the matter is the earnest prayer of your humble, obedient Servant. July 4th 1857 R. S. Jewett" And thereupon the Board order and direct that William Justus, Josiah Newland and Henry S. Overbeck be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and assess the damages which the said Petitioner will sustain by reason of the opening of said road through his claim, that the said Viewers meet at the Office of the County Auditor on the 1st Monday of November, 1857, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings at the next regular Session of this Board on the 1st Monday of December ensuing. The Bills of Costs of Justice of the peace, Constable and witnesses in the case of the Territory of Oregon vs. Armpriest were presented and laid over until the next Session of the Board and it is ordered by the Board that A. D. Helman, Esq. J.P. be requested to present the testimony and proceedings in said case to the Board at their next session. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning 9 O'Clk. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Auditor's Office, Jacksonville,
September 8th 1857
The Board of Commissioners met this morning pursuant to adjournment,
present G. B. Davidson, Chairman, S. D. Van Dyke and Frederick Heber,
Commissioners, and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk.Ordered by the Board that the rates of taxes of Jackson County for the present year be as follows, to wit: For Territorial Tax: One mill on the dollar For Territorial Tax: One mill on the dollar for deficiency of 1855 For School Tax: One mill on the dollar For County Revenue: Fifteen mills on the dollar For County Buildings: Two mills on the dollar For Poll Tax: One dollar In the matter of the Report of John Robinson, Samuel E. Stearns and Henry Amerman, Viewers appointed to assess damages on the Petition of James Hamlin--Comes the said James Hamlin by W. G. T'Vault, his Attorney, and presents the following motion in writing to wit: "Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson, Board of County Commissioners, Jackson County September Term 1857 "James Hamlin, in matter of Assessment of Damages "The said James Hamlin by his Attorney W. G. T'Vault comes and moves the Board of Commissioners to set aside the report of the Viewers appointed to assess damages in the case of a County road passing through said Hamlin's Claim, for the following reasons, to wit: 1st Because said Report is not just and equitable, 2nd Because the law requires that said Viewers to assess damages, should meet on a certain day and after being duly sworn proceed to assess damages; It does not appear in said report that said Viewers were ever sworn or affirmed. For the foregoing and many other reasons the said Hamlin asks that said Report be set aside and new Viewers appointed. W. G. T'Vault, Attorney for Hamlin." And also the following Affidavit, to wit: Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson, Before the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Jackson at their September Term, 1857. In the Matter of the Assessment of Damages: James Hamlin, being duly sworn, makes oath that the proposed Road passes through his land from the West line to the east, passing through the northern portion of his claim, leaving about 90 or 100 acres north of said Road, the said land is Prairie and principally enclosed and cultivated and the best soil on the claim, the width of the Claim is about fifty-five chains and the proposed road will pass diagonally through the best portion of the land, leaving as before stated 90 or 100 acres north of the road that will be entirely useless to this affiant unless he erects his string of fence some sixty chains in length on each side of said road, which expense will not be less than thousands of dollars to this affiant or on the failure to erect said fences, this affiant will be damaged [in] the removing of his said fence now enclosing his farm and the loss of the 90 or 100 acres of land which will be of great damage to this affiant. This affiant does believe that the said Viewers to assess damages appointed by the Board of County Commissioners at their July Session and who have reported to the said Board at their September Session, 1857, that this affiant was not entitled to any damage or in other words, that their said report says that the claims of the petitioners for Damages would not be rendered less valuable than said Claims would be in their present condition. This Affiant does believe that said report was agreed upon through error, mistake or an improper prejudice of said Viewers and this affiant has been so informed by one of said Viewers, to wit: John Robinson, therefore this affiant prays this Hon. Board of County Commissioners to set aside said report and to appoint three disinterested persons to assess damages and report to this Court at their next Session or some other day to be appointed. James Hamlin Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of August 1857. Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Which being read, and after hearing the arguments of counsel, It is ordered by the Board that the matter be laid over under advisement of the Board until the next Session thereof. The Report of W. G. T'Vault and D. B. Brenan, Viewers appointed to view and lay out a County Road leading from the White House, formerly occupied by William Hoffman, to Wait's Mill was presented and read a second time and accepted and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "We, the undersigned Viewers, after being duly sworn as the law directs, proceeded to examine the route designated in the within order of appointment, commencing at the White House, four miles from Jacksonville, formerly occupied by Wm. Hoffman, Esq., from thence to Wait's Mill and report, that the ground for a road from the said White House is good, following along as the road is now traveled to the Cabin on the Claim of John W. Johnson, thence diverging to the south so as to leave said cabin a few rods to the North, passing over rather rolling elevated land, through the gap of a ridge, continuing on a little south of east, passing a few rods to the South of James Hamlin's dwelling house until you approach near the west line of William Welch's fence on said Welch's Claim, thence diverging to the south around a Butte or mound to the corner dividing said Welch and W. A. Gridley's Claim on their West line, thence East along said line dividing the Claims of Welch & Gridley and thence along east to Thomas Arundell's South West corner, thence east with Arundell's south line to his South east corner, thence East until it intersects the road leading from Wait's Mill to Lindley's Saw Mill, thence along said road to said Wait's Mill; that the ground is susceptible of making a good road being generally level with exception of the small elevation immediately West of Hamlin's House. We recommend the road to be located as above described and do believe that the traveling public will be equally accommodated and less damage to the farmers through which said road will pass, than any other route. All of which is respectfully submitted to the Hon. Board of County Commissioners for their action. W.
G. T'Vault
that W. G. T'Vault be allowed Two dollars for services as Road Viewer.D. B. Brenan" Ordered that D. B. Brenan be allowed Two dollars for services as Road Viewer. Ordered that David B. Brenan be and he is hereby appointed Superintendent of Common Schools for Jackson County, to serve until his successor is elected & qualified. Ordered that Legrand J. C. Duncan be and he is hereby appointed Judge of Probate for Jackson County, to serve until his successor is elected and qualified. Now comes Clifton Riley, Assessor of Jackson County, and presents to the Board the Assessment Roll of said County for the year 1857, which being examined is accepted and approved by the Board. Ordered that Clifton Riley be allowed the sum of Two hundred and Twenty dollars for services as Assessor of Jackson County for the year 1857. The Report of A. Tenbrook and George Ross, Viewers appointed to view and lay out a County road leading from Jacksonville to the foot of the Mountain near Wm. Hesse's Claim, was read a first time today and laid over. And the Board now adjourn to meet on Saturday next at 9 O'Clk., A.M. G.
B. Davidson, Chr.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Auditor's Office, Jacksonville,
September 12th 1857
The Board of Commissioners met this day pursuant to adjournment,
Present G. B. Davidson, Chairman, S. D. Van Dyke and Frederick Heber,
Commissioners and W. G. T'Vault, Pros. Atty. and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk of
the Board.Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of Thirty-three dollars and fifty cents for fees as Sheriff in Criminal Cases. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be requested to furnish Bills of the Blacksmithing charged in his Bill, defining the kind of work done; also for whom the boarding and washing was had and lay the same before the Board at their next Session. The Report of Abram Tenbrook and George Ross, Viewers to view and lay out a County Road from Jacksonville to the foot of the Mountain N.E. of Bear Creek near Wm. Hesse's land Claim, was read the second time today and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Hon. Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T. "We, the undersigned Viewers appointed by your honorable Board to view and lay out a County Road from Jacksonville to the Mountain N.E. of Bear Creek and near the Claim of Wm. Hesse, beg leave to report that after being duly sworn according to law, We commenced laying out said Road at a point between the Slaughter house in Jacksonville and the land as now traveled on a Ridge on the claim of James R. Poole and running along said ridge and parallel with said lane to the line of James N. T. Miller (Stake hacked) thence with Lane between Miller and Poole to the mouth of the lane, thence Eastwardly to the North West corner of Joseph H. Davis' Claim, thence to the North West corner of Pinkham's Claim, taking off the width of the road off said corner, thence through the lane between Overbeck & Pinkham, thence with the road as now traveled to the North West corner of John R. Tice's Claim, taking off the width of the road off the north part of Tice's Claim, thence through the Lane to the South East corner of Frederick Heber's Claim, thence by the most direct route to the line dividing John S. Miller's and [blank] Taylor, thence to the South East corner of John S. Miller's claim, thence to the South East corner of William Hesse's Claim, there to terminate. And we would further represent that the country over which said road runs is generally level and practicable for a good road and that said road will be of general public utility and we would recommend that the same be established as a Public Highway. Abram
September 8th 1857George Ross Which report is accepted by the Board. The Report of H. H. Brown, late Supervisor of Road District No. 14, was presented and read, also an account of the receipts and expenditures by which it appears that said Supervisor charged himself with the sum of Fifty-one 89/100 dollars and credited himself with Sixteen dollars and ninety cents, leaving a balance due the District of thirty-five dollars, for which he presents the County Treasurer's receipt. Whereas the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a certain County Road, commencing near the Old Bishop Claim on the Applegate Road, and terminating at the Mouth of Palmer Creek, failed to discharge the duties of their appointment, It is ordered by the Board that John O'Brien, Edwin Hinkle and Riley Phillips be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and lay out said Road, that they meet on the 19th day of September next at the office of Wm. Carberry, Justice of the peace, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in December next. Ordered that Frederick Heber be allowed his fees as Commissioner up to and including the present Session and that the Auditor issue a Warrant for the amount found due. Ordered that S. D. VanDyke be allowed his fees as Commissioner up to and including the present Session and that the Auditor issue a Warrant for the amount found due. Ordered that G. D. B. Davidson be allowed his fees as Commissioner up to and including the present Session and that the Auditor issue a Warrant for the amount found due. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred and twenty-nine 60/100 dollars for fees as Auditor. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of Five dollars in Coin for Stationery. Ordered that R.S. Dunlap be allowed Two dollars for work on Jail door. Ordered by the Board that Thomas Pyle, Sheriff, be required to pay into the County Treasury by the 21st day of September (Instant) the balance in his hands of the China tax fund & School fund as shown by the settlement made with him by the Auditor, and in default of such payment that the Prosecuting Attorney be required to institute suit against said Thomas Pyle, Sheriff, for the amount for which he stands delinquent. Ordered by the Board that Thomas Pyle be and he is required hereby to collect the delinquent taxes of 1856 according to the requirements of the Statute in Such Case made and provided. And the Board now adjourn until the next regular Session in Dec. next. G.
B. Davidson, Chr.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners
The Board of Commissioners met today in Special Session upon the call
of the Auditor, Present G. B. Davidson, Chairman, S. D. Van Dyke and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners, and William Hoffman, Clerk.of Jackson County, Oregon Territory Special Session October 1857 Auditor's Office, Jacksonville, October 14th 1857 The Case of [blank] Rice, a public Charge, was presented to the Board and after due deliberation, It is ordered by the Board that the Sheriff and the Clerk of the Board be authorized to furnish said Rice with provisions and Medical attendance at the Cost of the County and that said Rice occupy the Jailer's room in the Jail building. It is further ordered that the said Sheriff and Clerk be further authorized to furnish as in their discretion may be deemed necessary, Clothing and provisions for the wife and children of John Stow, who are represented to be in a suffering condition, at the expense of the County. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of One hundred and Eighty-nine 50/100 dollars payable in coin out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of Two hundred and four 10/100 dollars in County Warrants for fees and services as Sheriff. And the Board now adjourn. Attest:
Wm. Hoffman, Clk.
Auditor's Office, Jacksonville,
December 7th 1857
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., met this day in
regular Session. Present G. B. Davidson, Chairman, S. D. Van Dyke and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners, and W. G. T'Vault, Prosecuting Attorney
and William Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.Now comes James H. Russell in his own proper person and also by W. G. T'Vault, his attorney, and files his affidavit, in the words and figures following, to wit: "Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson--James H. Russell being duly sworn says that the Assessor for Jackson County assessed the taxable property of this affiant for the year 1857 at ten thousand dollars when in fact and in truth the said assessment of taxable property was for the Ashland Mill which was estimated at ten thousand dollars when in fact and in truth this affiant owed for the purchase of said Mill five thousand five hundred dollars, on which he was paying interest on said purchase money and this affiant further says that said Ashland Mill is not worth more than Six thousand dollars and he prays this Board of Commissioners to correct said assessment. James H. Russell, Subscribed and sworn to before me, December 7th 1857, Wm. Hoffman, Clerk." And the testimony of Witnesses being taken as to the value of the said Ashland Mill mentioned in said Affidavit, It is ordered by the Board that the sum of Eight thousand dollars be deducted from the said James H. Russell's Assessment and that the Collector of taxes be notified of the same. Now comes Thomas Whitworth and represents to the Board that the late Assessor had unjustly assessed his property and that he was not aware of said assessment being so assessed until he called to pay his taxes, Whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the said Thomas Whitworth be released from the payment of Six dollars and forty cents of his taxes. Now comes Weinbach & Banhart by J. H. Reed, their Attorney, and apply for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than One quart within the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and their license fixed at Fifty dollars for six months. Comes Thomas Swank by W. G. T'Vault, his Attorney, and applies to the Board for a License to sell Spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Sterlingville, which is allowed and his license fixed at Forty dollars for Six months. Comes William Hesse & Co. and apply to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and their license fixed at Fifty dollars for Six months. Comes James J. Fryer and applies to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Ashland, which is allowed and his license fixed at thirty-five dollars for Six months. Comes George Long and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Applegate, which is allowed and his license fixed at Twenty-five dollars for Six months. Comes Harvey B. Oatman and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Eden, which is allowed and his license fixed at Twenty dollars for six months. Now comes Enoch Walker and files his Affidavit, which is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Territory of Oregon, Jackson County, E. F. Walker, being duly sworn, says that his assessment of the year A.D. 1857 is incorrect, which assessment was to the amount of Nine thousand One hundred and odd dollars, it being five thousand dollars more than this affiant's property true value and then this affiant further states that the true value of all of his property at the time of said Assessment amounting only to four thousand One hundred and fifty dollars; further, this affiant saith not. Enoch Walker, Subscribed & Sworn to before me, December 7th, 1857, Wm. Hoffman, Clerk." Whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the said E. F. Walker be released from the sum of Four thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars of his assessment. Now comes William M. Griffin and files his Affidavit, which is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Territory of Oregon, Jackson County, s.s. William M. Griffin, being duly sworn says that he was assessed the year A.D. 1857 for the value of his land claim to the amount of Seven hundred and fifty dollars and this affiant further states that he has not lived on said Land claim four consecutive years, therefore should be assessed for his improvements only together with his chattel property and this affiant states his improvements are worth two hundred and fifty dollars. Wm. M. Griffin, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th Dec. 1857, Wm. Hoffman, Clerk." Whereupon it is ordered that the sum of Five hundred dollars be deducted from his assessment. Now comes Dr. Jesse Robinson and files his affidavit which is in the words and figures following, to wit: Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson, s.s. Before the Board of County Commissioners, Jesse Robinson being duly sworn, says that in the assessment of personal property he is assessed for $3375.00 worth of property, that he did not have that amount of property subject to taxation and that his personal property at the usual rates of assessment at the time said assessment was made would not amount to over 1640.00 dollars to the best of his knowledge. Jesse Robinson." Subscribed & Sworn to before me--December 7th 1857, Wm. Hoffman, Clk." Whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the said Jesse Robinson be released from Seventeen hundred & thirty-five dollars of his assessment. Come John W. McKay and John O'Brien and apply to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Applegate for 6 months, which is allowed and their license placed at twenty-five dollars. Comes James Esslinger and files his affidavit which is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson--James Esslinger, being duly sworn according to law, says at the time the Assessor came to him to assess him, he informed the Assessor that he had no property whatever, either personal or real or anything else taxable under the Statute laws of the Territory, except himself, for which he would have to pay a Poll tax and affiant now states that at that time, he had no property whatever of any kind taxable under or by the laws of said Territory, and he was not aware that any assessment had been made against him, except poll tax until he came to the County Treasurer to pay his Poll tax, when he found he had been assessed to the amount of Nine hundred and ninety-five dollars. Affiant further states that he has paid his poll tax for which he has a receipt and he now prays to be released by the Board of County Commissioners from paying any further tax. James Esslinger. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 7th day of December, 1857. Wm. Hoffman, Clk." And praying to be released from said Assessment, whereupon it is ordered by the Bd. that the said James Esslinger be released from his assessment to the amount of nine hundred and ninety-five dollars. Comes Daniel Chapman and files his affidavit which is in the words and figures following, to wit: Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson; Daniel Chapman, being duly sworn, says that the Assessor for Jackson County for the year 1857 Assessed H. Chapman & Bro. with total value of taxable property for the year 1857, at $3700.00 and this affiant says that he is the Brother of Henry Chapman referred to in said assessment and this affiant says that said assessment is correct and further says that said assessor for said year assessed to H. Chapman & Brother in another assessment 675 which is improper and not correct and this affiant did not know of said improper and double assessment until ten or fifteen days ago, when this affiant came to the Treasurer to pay his tax and this affiant asks the Board of County Commissioners to correct said double assessment and improper assessment. Daniel Chapman. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 7th day December 1857. Wm. Hoffman, Clk." And praying to be released from said assessment of $675.00, whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the said Henry Chapman be and he is hereby released from said Assessment of $675.00. Comes McLaughlin & Klippel and apply to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the precinct of Jacksonville for 6 months, Also for a license to Keep a Billiard Table, which are allowed and their license for retailing liquor placed at Fifty dollars for Six months and their license for Keeping Billiard Table at twenty-five dollars for six months. Comes Hawkins Shelton and files his affidavit which is in the words and figures following, to wit: Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson, Hawkins Shelton being duly sworn, says that at the time he gave in his property to the Assessor for the year 1857, he gave said Assessor the number and value of all his Stock, money, notes, and all taxable property, which amount to 1665 dollars; that this affiant then stated to said Assessor that he owned Six hundred dollars, which was drawing interest and should be deducted from his taxable property, notes and money; said Assessor said he would make the deduction. This affiant supposed that said Assessor had made said deduction until about ten or fifteen days since when this affiant called on the Treasurer to pay his tax. This affiant prays this Board of Commissioners to correct said assessment and make the deduction of 600 hundred dollars which this affiant owned the same was drawing interest, as this affiant does verily believe that it would be injustice and [cut off on scan] Hawkins Shelton. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 7th day of December 1857, Wm. Hoffman, Clk." And praying to be released from said Six hundred dollars of his assessment, whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the said Hawkins Shelton be released from Six hundred dollars of his assessment. Comes Charles Casey and applies to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and his license placed at Fifty dollars for six months. The report of the viewers of a certain County road commencing at Jacksonville and terminating at the Mountain North East of Bear Creek near Hesse's Claim, was read and laid over until tomorrow. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 O'Clk. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Tuesday morning, December 8th
The Board
of Commissioners met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the
same as yesterday.The Report of Abram Tenbrook and George Ross, viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a certain County road therein mentioned, was presented and read today for its second reading, and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Hon. the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T.: We, the undersigned Viewers appointed by your honorable Board to view and lay out a County Road from Jacksonville to the Mountain North East of Bear Creek and near the Claim of Wm. Hesse, beg leave to report that after being duly sworn according to law, they commenced laying out said Road at a point between the slaughter house in Jacksonville and the land as now traveled on a ridge on the claim of James R. Poole & running along said ridge and parallel with said Lane to the line of James N. T. Miller, a stake hacked, thence with the line between Miller and Poole to the mouth of the Lane, thence eastwardly to the North west corner of Joseph H. Davis' claim, thence to the north West corner of Pinkham's claim, taking off the width of the road off said corner, thence through the Lane between Overbeck's and Pinkham's, thence with the Road as now traveled to the north west corner of John R. Tice's claim, taking off the width of the road off of the north part of Tice's claim thence through the Lane to the South East corner of Frederick Heber's Claim, thence by the most direct route to the line dividing John S. Miller and [blank] Taylor, thence to the South East corner of John S. Miller's Claim, thence to the South East corner of Wm. Hesse's Claim, there to terminate. And we would further represent that the Country over which said road runs is generally level and practicable for a good road and that said road will be of general public utility and we would recommend that the same be established as a Public Highway. September 8th 1857 Abram
Which said Report is accepted and there being no Petition for a review
or alteration or for damages, said Road is established as a Public
Highway and ordered to be opened and Kept in good repair, of which
Supervisors through whose Districts said road may pass are required to
take notice.George Ross" Ordered that Abraham Tenbrook be allowed Two dollars for 1 day's Services as Road Viewer. Ordered that George Ross be allowed Two dollars for 1 day's services as Road Viewer. The report of Riley Phillips and Samuel Turman, Viewers appointed to view and lay out a County Road commencing at or near Bishop's old Claim on the Applegate Road and terminating at Palmer Creek, was presented and read a second time today and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "November 7th 1857. To the Board of County Commissioners: Riley Phillips, appointed as one of the Viewers of the Road leading from Palmer Creek to the south end of the Bishop Claim, met at the place appointed and neither of the other viewers come and it was thought best to substitute one and Samuel Turman was the substitute and both made their appearance before Wm. Carberry, Justice of the peace, and was duly sworn and both proceeded to the place of beginning, commencing at the mouth of Palmer Creek and followed the present traveled Road, trees marked to the first point of Rock below, thence round that point to said road, thence along said road to the Claim of John Goolsby's Claim, leave Goolsby's Claim to the right and pass over the ridge then to intersect the old road and follow the same to the Claim of Wm. Carberry, then the undersigned viewers would most respectfully recommend to the public for the erection of a Bridge across Applegate Creek, opposite the Claim of Wm. Carberry's Claim, then proceeding on the old road to the mouth of the left hand fork of Applegate, trees marked all the way, from thence to the claim of G. B. Davidson, leaving said Claim to the right, thence running along the County road leading from Jackass Creek to Sterlingville for the space of one quarter of a mile and thence following the old trail along the foot of the Mountain to the place of termination, trees marked all the way. We, the undersigned viewers of said road, do believe that the above-named route is susceptible of making a good Wagon road and believe that it will be of a great benefit to the public, and recommend that the same may be located and opened. Riley (X--his mark) Phillips, Samuel Turman." And the said report is laid over until the next Session of the Board for final action. Ordered that Riley Phillips be allowed Two dollars for services as Road viewer. Ordered that Samuel Turman be allowed Two dollars for services as road viewer. The Report of David B. Brenan and Hiram Colver, two of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a certain County [road] mentioned therein, was presented and read a second time today and laid over for final action until the next regular Session of the Board, and said Report is in the words and figures following, to wit: "We, the undersigned, having been appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County at their regular Session (begun on the 7th September 1857) Viewers to lay out a County road according to the Petition of Thomas & Jacobs, W. M. Chase, Bennett Million & others and having been qualified according to law, faithfully to discharge the duties of our appointment, Respectfully beg leave to submit the following Report: We are of the opinion that the public and general interests of the Citizens of Jackson County and particularly that portion through which said road is proposed to be laid, requires that a road should run according to the following points, viz: Commencing at a point 80 ft. in front of the Eagle Mill, thence in a South E. direction to a small black Oak tree upon the top of the first divide in that direction, marked with 3 hacks, thence along said divide to the new bridge on the Chase Creek, thence with the road as now traveled, passing between the Ashland Hotel and Flouring Mill to the S.W. corner of B. Hargadine's field, thence S.E. to the S.W. corner of A. G. Fordyce's land claim, thence East placing the whole width of said road upon the lands of Fordyce to the S.E. corner of his field, thence in a direct line to a stake halfway between the N.E. corner of J. D. Smith's and S.W. corner of the Old Grubb land claim, thence East to a stake ten rods west of the first pine tree in that direction, thence S.E. intersecting the present Stage route at the first small ravine, thence with the road as now traveled, passing through the lane of Giles Wells to the new Bridge on Tolman's land, thence with the traveled route passing over the new bridges on Wm. Taylor's land to the house of Isaac Hill, thence S. passing to the left of the Butte near Hill's to the Mountain House. We would further say that the face of the Country over which said road runs is undulating, yet presenting no serious obstacle to a good road, the greatest hills being the two banks of the stream at the Ashland Mill and again where the road approaches the bottom of Stewart's creek. D.
B. Brenan
that David B. Brenan be allowed Eight dollars for services as road
viewer.Hiram Colver Sept. 19th, A.D. 1857 Ordered that Hiram Colver be allowed Six dollars for services as road viewer. The Petition of William Justus, James Hamlin and others for the alteration of a certain County road therein mentioned was read and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.: Whereas a Public Highway has been established by your honorable Board, commencing at the mouth of Jackass Creek and terminating at Wait's Mill, your petitioners would respectfully pray for the alteration of so much of said Road as leads from the foot of the Ridge mentioned in the Report of William M. Elliott and James P. Burns, viewers of said Road, to Wait's Mill; said proposed alteration to commence at the foot of said ridge, near Griffin's and running thence on the North side of Griffin's improvements eastward to or near the dwelling house of William Justus, thence to the South West corner of Wm. Welch's land claim, to intersect at proposed road leading from Lindley's Mill. Your petitioners would further pray that so much of said established road as reported by said Elliott & Burns, as runs from the foot of said ridge "to intersect the Military road south of Eme's Claim and along said Military road to Thomas Whitworth's and down the Gulch leading to William Welch's and Straight to Wait's Mill" be vacated by your honorable Board. And your petitioners will every pray"--Whereupon Wayne Oliver, E. K. Anderson and William Barneburg were appointed Viewers to meet at the Auditor's office on the [blank] day of [blank], A.D. 185[blank], be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session. The Petition of James R. Davis, David N. Herrin and others for the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County Road from Jacksonville to Farmer's flat was read and is the words and figures following, to wit: "The Honorable Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T.: The undersigned householders, persons liable to be assessed for highway labor, do hereby make application to you to lay out a road or highway commencing in the Town of Jacksonville, Oregon, as follows: on Oregon Street, in front of the Arkansas Stable, then to run on the nearest and most suitable ground so as to cross the left hand forks ¼ of a mile above the forks of Jackson Creek, thence up the west bank of said fork to the mouth of Sailor Gulch, thence to the west side of Farmer's Flat and there to terminate. Whereupon Frederick Heber, Joseph J. Brown and Honicle Bellinger were appointed Viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for; that they meet at the Auditor's Office on the 12th day of December, A.D. 1857, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and that they report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session. Comes Burrel B. Griffin, Coroner of Jackson County, and presents his official bond with W. G. T'Vault, A. W. A. McConnell, Wm. Hoffman, James Hamlin, Benjamin Armstrong and William Justus as sureties, which bond is approved and accepted by the Board. Now at this time comes Jacob Mendenhall, administrator of the Estate of Wm. Guest, in his own proper person and also by P. P. Prim, his Attorney, and presents a Claim in favor of said Estate, for board and care of Harvey Kerr, and also for a Coffin and Shroud for the same person, amounting to the sum of Three hundred and two dollars and fifty-seven cents. Comes also W. G. T'Vault, Pros. Atty., and resists the allowance of said Claim by the Board and the said Claim is in the words and figures following, to wit: Jackson County, Territory of Oregon, To the Estate of Wm. Guest
W. Wixom
of Josephine, Territory of Oregon s.s. Personally appeared before me,
R. B. Morford, Deputy Clerk of the District Court for said County, H.
W. Wixom, who being duly sworn says that the statement herein set forth
is true to the best of his Knowledge and belief. In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court, this 5th day of December, 1857. R.
B. Morford, Deputy Clerk
Jacob Mendenhall, being duly sworn, says he is the administrator of the
Estate of William Guest, deceased, and that he is informed and believes
that the annexed account of $302.57 in favor of said Estate against the
said County of Jackson is just and true. Affiant further States from
information and belief that the said Harvey Kerr was a person who fell
sick in said County of Jackson without money or property to pay for his
board, nursing and burial expenses and also that he was without any
relatives in the Territory of Oregon to render him any assistance.
Subscribed & Sworn to before me this 7th Dec. 1857.Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson J.
And the
said W. G. T'Vault files the following motion, to wit:Wm. Hoffman Clk." "Jacob Mendenhall, Public Administrator, vs. Jackson County-- "The Defendants by W. G. T'Vault, Pros. Atty., comes and moves the Court to dismiss the proceedings in this case on account of informality and there being no cause of action, W. G. T'Vault, Atty.," and after hearing the arguments of Counsel, the said motion is overruled and this cause is continued until the next regular Session of the Board for testimony. Now comes William Hesse and files his affidavit, which is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson, William Hesse being duly sworn according to law, says that his individual property for the year 1857 was improperly assessed. The whole amount of his property assessed as appears by the assessment Roll is five thousand and three hundred dollars, which is Sixteen hundred and Seventy-five dollars and forty-one cents more than this affiant gave in to the Assessor, and more than the affiant had at the time liable to taxation. In that amount is included a note which affiant holds on A. P. Turner of Josephine County who is and was insolvent at the time and this affiant so informed the Assessor at the time he assessed him. And affiant further states that he was not aware that said amount had been included in the assessment until he applied to Treasurer to pay his taxes. Affiant has paid the taxes on the full amount assessed against him, therefore Affiant asks that the County Commissioners order that the sum of thirty-three dollars and fifty cents be repaid to him by the Treasurer of the County, that being the amount paid by affiant with which he was not legally chargeable. Wm. Hesse"
Subscribed & Sworn to before me
this 8th Dec. 1857. Wm. Hoffman,
Which being read and considered, it is ordered by the Board that the
said Wm. Hesse be allowed a Warrant on the County Treasury for $33.50
refunded to him.Now comes Stephen J. Henderson and files his affidavit, which is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Hon. Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., December Session, 1857. Stephen J. Henderson, being duly sworn, says that at the time the County Assessor called on him to assess his property, he, this affiant, gave him a description of all his taxable property, that said Assessor then placed the valuation of the same and informed this affiant that the total amount of said Assessment was $1900.00 and this affiant further says that he was not aware of any greater amount being assessed against him until he called to pay his taxes, when he found the total amount assessed against him to be $2650.00. Your affiant believes it would be unjust to require him to pay more than on the amount he was informed by the Assessor was assessed to him and therefore asks the Board to release him from paying taxes on the sum of Seven hundred and fifty dollars, being the difference between $1900.00 and $2650.00. Stephen
J. Henderson."
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
7th December 1857. Wm. Hoffman,
Which being read and considered, it is ordered by the Board that the
said Stephen J. Henderson be released from the sum of Seven hundred and
fifty dollars of his Assessment.In the matter of certain fees in the case of the Territory of Oregon vs Armpriest, it is Ordered by the Board that A. D. Helman, Esq., before whom said case was prosecuted, be required to appear before the Board at the April Session of the Board to give evidence in said case. Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed Twenty-eight dollars for printing Exhibit of Receipts and Expenditures of Jackson County, 1857. Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed Twenty-five dollars for services as Prosecuting Attorney and One hundred dollars for rent of Office for Auditor. And the Board now adjourn until Friday next. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk
Ordered that D. B. Brenan be allowed Eight dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that the Messengers who made the returns of the Election on the 9th Nov. 1857 be allowed their mileage as presented and Audited by the Auditor and that Warrants issue for the same, as follows:
The official Bond of L. J. C. Duncan, Probate Judge, was presented, with Benj. T. Davis and J. D. Haines as sureties, which is accepted and approved by the Board. Now comes John Herrbold and files his affidavit which is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson s.s. John Herrbold, being duly sworn, says his property has been improperly assessed for the year 1857. Affiant finds on examination of the Assessment roll that the whole amount of his assessment is thirteen hundred dollars, which did not come to his knowledge until today. At the time the Assessor came to him, he informed him that all he was worth over and above his debts was three hundred dollars. The property which the Assessor has returned as real estate which was a house and Lot in Town, worth $1,000.00 on which there existed at the time a lien by Mortgage for the purchase money of said Lot to the amount of $700.00 and over and also a mechanic's lien for work on the house to the amount of about $280.00 and then there was an attachment on his other property to a considerable amount, so that affiant says that he had been assessed to $1,000.00 more than he had liable to be taxed at the time. Therefore affiant asks that said assessment be corrected by the Commissioners. J. Herrbold, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th Dec. 1857, Wm. Hoffman, Clk." Which being read, it is ordered by the Board that the sum of One thousand dollars be deducted from his assessment. Now comes Abram Tenbrook and files his affidavit, which is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Territory of Oregon, Jackson County, s.s. Abram Tenbrook, being duly sworn, says that the assessment of his property as made by the Assessor is incorrect; that he conceives that he should be entitled to a deduction of his indebtedness to the amount of Four hundred dollars, therefore affiant asks to be released from that amount on his assessment, Abram Tenbrook, Subscribed & Sworn to before me this 11th day December 1857. Wm. Hoffman, Clk." Whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the said Abram Tenbrook be released from the sum of Four hundred dollars from his assessment. The Resignation of S. M. Wait as Supervisor of District No. 4 was presented & accepted. Ordered by the Board that Allen Lee be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 4, vice S. M. Wait resigned, to serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. Ordered that D. B. Brenan be allowed Four dollars for services as Viewer of Roads. Ordered that H. H. Brown be allowed Six dollars for wood for District Court, also Two dollars for canvassing votes of Election held Nov. 9th 1857. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of Two hundred and forty-six dollars and Seventy cents, Sheriff's fees. Ordered that William Kahler be allowed the sum of Thirty dollars for rent of Church to hold District Court Nov. Session 1857. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of One hundred and fifty-seven dollars, expenses of Mr. Rice, a County charge. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed Thirty dollars and Eighty cents Sheriff's fees. Ordered that George W. Anderson be allowed One hundred and Twenty-four dollars and Seventy-five cents for Services as Deputy Sheriff. Ordered that Thomas Arundell be allowed the sum of Forty-three dollars & ninety cents fees in Criminal Cases. Ordered that Thomas Arundell be allowed Two dollars as J.P. in canvassing votes November Election 1857. Ordered that the following named Jurors and Witnesses be allowed their fees in Criminal Cases before Thomas Arundell, J.P., to wit:
Auditor's Office, December 11th
The Board
met today pursuant to adjournment. Present G. B. Davidson, Chairman,
and Frederick Heber [blank],
Commissioners and Wm. Hoffman, Clk.The Report of W. G. T'Vault and D. B. Brenan, Viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a certain County Road, commencing near the White house formerly occupied by Wm. Hoffman and terminating at Wait's Mill, was read and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "We, the undersigned viewers, after being duly sworn as the law directs, proceeded to examine the route designated in the within order of Appointment commencing at the White house, four miles from Jacksonville, formerly occupied by Wm. Hoffman, Esq., from thence to Wait's Mill and report that the ground for a road from said White house is good, following along as the road is now traveled to the Cabin on the Claim of John W. Johnson, thence diverging to the South so as to leave said Cabin a few rods to the North passing over rather rolling, elevated land through the gap of a ridge, continuing on a little south of east, passing a few rods to the south of James Hamlin's dwelling house until you approach near the west line of Wm. Welch's farm on said Welch's Claim, thence diverging to the South around a Butte or mound to the corner dividing said Welch and W. A. Gridley's claim on their west line, thence East along said line dividing the claims of Welch and Gridley and thence along east to Thomas Arundell's South West corner, thence East with Arundell's South line to his south east corner, thence East until it intersects the road leading from Wait's Mill to Lindley's Sawmill, thence along said road to said Wait's Mill; that the ground is Susceptible of making a good road being generally level with exception of the small elevation immediately west of Hamlin's house. We recommend the road to be located as above described and do believe that the traveling public will be equally accommodated and less damage to the farmers through which said road will pass than any other route, all of which is respectfully submitted to the honorable Board of County Commissioners for their action. W.
G. T'Vault, D. B. Brenan, Viewers."
And the said Report coming up for final action and there being no
remonstrance or petition for review or for damages on said road, it is
ordered by the Board that said Report be confirmed and that the said
Road be established as a public highway and that the same be opened and
Kept in repair of which Supervisors through whose District said Road
will pass are required to take notice.The report of Wm. Justus and Josiah Newland, Viewers heretofore appointed to view and assess the damages on the petition of R. S. Jewett, was read and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Territory of Oregon, Jackson County, s.s. To the Honorable the Board of Commissioners of said County: We, the undersigned Viewers appointed by your honorable Board at the September Session 1857 to view and assess the damages on the petition of R. S. Jewett, respectfully report, That in accordance with said appointment, after being duly sworn, we proceeded on the first Monday of November 1857 to view and assess said damages and having passed over the whole distance through the land claimed by said R. S. Jewett, we believe that the said Claim would be rendered less valuable by the making of said road through said Claim to the amount of Seven hundred dollars. Respectfully submitted, Wm. Justus,
Josiah Newland, November 14th 1857."
And said report is accepted and the Opinion of the Board that the
proposed road would not be of sufficient importance to pay the damages
assessed by said Viewers, it is ordered by the Board that said road
shall not be established as a public highway unless the petitioners for
the same shall pay the damages so assessed.Ordered that Wm. Justus be allowed Six dollars for services as viewer of damages. Ordered that Josiah Newland be allowed Six dollars for Services as viewer of damages. The Report of N. D. Smith, Wm. Welch and Addison Ball, viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a certain County road therein mentioned, came up for final action, and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Commissioners of Jackson County: We, the undersigned, having been appointed Viewers to view and locate a Road agreeable with the Petition of Samuel Smith and others, Report as follows: Commencing at a Stake in front of Lewis' on the Territorial Road near the Bridge, thence running West on the line between Evans and Wright and also on the same direction across M. Bellinger's claim, thence in the same direction between Andrew Davidson's and John Lacy's and to the S.W. corner of Andrew Davidson's Claim, from thence the view is South of West across Abram Tenbrook's touching the S.E. corner of said Tenbrook's Field and thence on the line between Tenbrook and Jos. H. Davis' W. at a Stake about 200 yards West of Joseph H. Davis' granary, thence bearing to the S. of W. a very little and gaining the Summit of the Hill at or near the Old road and thence in a direct line to the S.E. corner of Gideon Kern's Claim where said Road will intersect the Military road and terminate. N.
D. Smith, Wm. Welch, Addison Ball, this the 4th day of July, 1857."
And there being no petition for damages or for a review, It is ordered
by the Board that said Road be established as Public Highway and that
the same be opened and Kept in repair, of which Supervisors through
whose Districts said road passes are required to act accordingly.Now comes Frank Brown and applies to the Board for a license to retail Spirituous Liquors in quantities less than one quart in Jacksonville Precinct for 6 mo., which is allowed and his license placed at $33.00. Ordered that Wm. J. Biggs be allowed Forty dollars for printing Notice to taxpayers and Blank receipts. Ordered that Doctor L. S. Thompson be allowed Two hundred dollars for medical attendance on Mr. Rice, deceased. Comes A. J. Hinkle and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in Jacksonville Precinct for 6 months, which is granted and his license assessed at Twenty-five dollars. Ordered that the Claim against the Estate of A. P. Stearns, deceased, for an appropriation of Eighty dollars for the purchase of a seal and Press for the Office of the Probate Judge, be presented to the Administrators of the estate of said deceased, that said sum be paid to the Probate Judge to be by him appropriated for the purchase of a seal & Press for the Probate Court and also for a Press for the Auditor's Office and the surplus, if any, be paid into the County Treasury. Ordered that Patrick Dunn be required to refund to County Treasurer the amount overdrawn by him as County Commissioners to be ascertained by the Co. Auditor. Ordered that the following Juror's fees as certified by the Clerk of the district Court be allowed, to wit: Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed Four dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed Ten dollars Pros. Atty.'s fee in Territory of Oregon against H. B. Oatman. [top of page cut off on scan]
Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed One hundred and Seventy dollars and
Seventy cents for service as Auditor. Also six dollars &
Seventy-four cents in coin for Stationery for Auditor's Office.Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed Twenty dollars in Coin for rent of Auditor's Office 4 months to 26th December 1857. Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan, Probate Judge, be authorized to procure a Journal and Stationery for Office of Probate Judge and that the Auditor issue a Warrant for the payment of the same. Ordered that Perry Hyde be allowed the sum of Ninety-eight dollars for services and expenses in arresting John H. Fulps, who escaped from Jail. Comes Patterson & Stormes by J. H. Reed, Atty., and apply to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville for Six months, which is granted and their license placed at $33.33. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clk. G.
B. Davidson, Chair. of the Board
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Auditor's Office December 12th
The Board of Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, present G. B.
Davidson, Chairman of the Board, and Frederick Heber, Commissioner, and
Wm. Hoffman, Clerk.In consequence of sickness, the Board transacted no business and adjourned to meet on the 26th December next at 9 O'clk. Auditor's Office December 26th
The Board of Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment. Present
G. B. Davidson, Chairman, S. D. Van Dyke and Frederick Heber,
Commissioners, and William Hoffman, Clerk.Whereas the Report of James Dawson, Isaac Constant and R. E. Miller, Viewers appointed by the Board of Commissioners to view and lay out a certain County Road leading from Jacksonville to John Patterson's via Jewett's Ferry, was presented to the Board at their April Session, 1855, and read on two successive days and then laid over until the next regular Session in July following and the further action of the Board on said Report having been omitted or overlooked at said Session in July, whereby said Report was not confirmed at that time and it appearing to the Board that there was no petition for review or damages on said road, It is ordered by the Board that said Report be confirmed now for then and the said road mentioned in said Report be and the same is hereby established as a Public highway and the same ordered to be opened and Kept in repair of which Supervisors through whose Districts said road passes are required to take notice. Report.
We, the undersigned Viewers duly appointed and qualified according to
law, would respectfully report: That in obedience to the order issues
from your Hon. Board to view and locate a County Road from Jacksonville
to John Patterson's via of Upper Ferry, we met at Jacksonville on
Monday the 26th Instant and after having been duly sworn, proceeded to
view and locate said road as follows, to wit:Commencing at the corner of Oregon and California Street in Jacksonville, and having passed over the road as proposed from said Commencement to termination, proceeded to mark out said road on our return by means of a blaze and two hacks on both sides of trees in course along said road. We would also report that the character of the Country over which the proposed road passes is principally rolling except along the River and the character of the soil, granite and Clay, and are of the unanimous opinion that said road should be located as desired and prayed for by the petitioners. Yours,
Ordered that F. G. Condrey be and he is hereby released from the sum of
One thousand dollars of his assessment, the said F. G. Condrey having
filed his affidavit as follows: "Territory of Oregon, Jackson County,
s.s. F. G. Condrey, being duly sworn, says that when he gave the County
Assessor a list of his property, he also gave him the amount of his
indebtedness to be deducted from his solvent claims, which would have
left the total amount of his assessment $1790.00 instead of $2790.00 as
returned in the Assessment Roll, and that he was incorrectly assessed
One thousand dollars and asks the Board to release him from One
thousand dollars of his assessment. F. G. Condrey. Subscribed and sworn
to before me this 25th day of December 1857. Wm. Hoffman, Auditor."James Dawson Isaac Constant R. E. Miller Viewers Jacksonville, March 27th 1855 Ordered that H. B. Hays be and he is hereby appointed Justice of the peace in and for Eden Precinct until the next General Election. Ordered that Allen Lee be and he is hereby appointed Constable in and for Eden Precinct until next General Election. The claim of Professor D. Sisson for Board of John Stow and wife & two children and for medicine & attendance on his wife and funeral expenses, Three hundred and fifty-five dollars, was presented to the Board and laid over until next April Session for testimony. Ordered that Davis Evans be and he is hereby appointed Justice of the peace in and for Dardanelles Precinct until the next general election. Ordered that Doct. A. B. Overbeck be and he is hereby appointed and employed to take charge of Mr. Wolf, a County charge, and that he be allowed for Medical Attendance, Board and Nursing at the rate of Fifty dollars per week. And the Board adjourn until the next regular Session in course. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory
to a call for a Special Session, the Board of Commissioners of
Jackson County met this day. Present Gideon B. Davidson, Chairman, S.
D. Van Dyke and Frederick Heber, Commissioners and Wm. Hoffman,
Clerk.Special January Session Auditor's Office, Jacksonville, January 16th 1858 Ordered that Thomas Arundell be allowed Fifty dollars and fifty-five cents Justice's fees in Criminal Cases. Ordered that Wm. Peebler be allowed four dollars and eighty cents Constable's fees. Ordered that Maury & Davis be allowed Thirty-eight dollars and Sixty-five cents for supplies for tenants of the Jail. Ordered that George W. Anderson be allowed Forty-two dollars and Seventy cents, fees in Criminal Cases--also Three dollars for 1 day's attendance Probate Court. Now comes James Sterling and represents to the Board that the County Assessor had assessed his land Claim to the amount of Eight hundred dollars, which was not liable to taxation, whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the said James Sterling be released from Eight hundred dollars of his assessment. Ordered that Thornton Anderson be allowed One hundred dollars and twenty-four [cents] for services as Jailer. Ordered that G. B. Davidson be allowed Three dollars for services attending to Jail matters. Ordered that F. Heber be allowed Nine dollars for three days attending to Jail matters. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed Nine dollars for three days attending to Jail matters. Ordered that S. D. Van Dyke be allowed One dollar for Provisions for Mr. Rice, deceased. Ordered that Wm. Kahler be allowed Twenty-five dollars for use of Church for District Court, October Term 1857. Ordered that David Linn, Treasurer, be allowed Two hundred and fifty dollars expenses incurred by suit against him as Treasurer for delinquent taxes for the year 1855. Ordered that the following sums be allowed in the case of the Territory of Oregon vs. A. T. Burns, viz. A. W. A. McConnell $3.10, James Miller, Const. $12.25, William J. McClain, Witness $2.00, John Johns $3.10, R. S. Munn $3.10, Enoch Miller $1.50. Ordered that S. Taylor & Co. be allowed Sixteen dollars for hire of Carriage and horses to take Mr. Wolf (a County Charge) to Dr. Overbeck's. Ordered that Geo. W. Anderson be allowed Fifteen dollars balance of fees in the case of the Territory of Oregon vs. Charles Wright. And the Board now adjourn to the next regular Session in course. G. B. Davidson, Chairman Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory April
Session A.D. 1858
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, met
today at the Auditor's Office. Present G. B. Davidson, President of the
Board, and Frederick Heber, and S. D. Van Dyke, Commissioners and
William Hoffman, Clerk of the Board. At which Session, the following
proceedings were had.Auditor's Office, Jacksonville, April 5th 1858 Now comes Titus B. Willard, Assistant Supervisor of Road District No. 8, and presents his account, by which it appears that he served five days in the discharge of his duties, and that he collected no taxes in money. Ordered that Titus B. Willard be allowed Ten dollars for his services as Supervisor. Now comes Allen Lee, Supervisor of Road District No. 4, and makes his report, by which it appears that he collected road tax, in money to the amount of Seventeen dollars and twenty-three cents ($17 23/100) from which is to be deducted two dollars and fifty cents for a Pick, purchased for said District, leaving a balance in his hands of fourteen dollars and seventy-three cents, which he is required to pay over to his successor in Office, to deliver such implements as belongs to said District to his successor. Ordered that Allen Lee be allowed fourteen dollars for his services as Supervisor. Now comes Theodric Cameron and applies to the Board for a License to sell spirituous liquors in Sterlingville Precinct, which is allowed and his License assessed at Twenty-five dollars for six months. Now comes T. D. Jewett, Supervisor of Road District No. 11, and presents his account for settlement, by which it appears that he collected road taxes in money to the amount of Eighteen dollars and fifty cents, and expended in utensils and labor on Bridge the same amount; that he performed Nine days labor as such supervisor; that there is due to him from said District Twelve dollars for team hire, also due from said District to Fred. Rosenstock twelve dollars for team hire and also due to J. C. Walker from said District, four dollars. Ordered that T. D. Jewett be allowed the sum of Eighteen dollars for services as Supervisor. Now comes John Haley, and applies to the Board for a License to keep a Ferry on Rogue River at the point formerly kept as a ferry by Thomas Thompson, which is allowed and his license assessed at Ten dollars for one year. The Resignation of Thomas Arundell as Justice of the peace of Jacksonville Precinct was presented and accepted. The Bill of Thomas Arundell for Justice's fees, &c. in Criminal cases was presented & allowed, as follows, to wit: Territory vs. Michael O'Connor $1.00; Same vs. Martin Murphy $0.75; Same vs. Elmer Rhoades 75¢; Same vs. James Peak 75¢; Same vs. Jesse Sherman 75¢; Jos. F. Griffin $8.20; Same vs. T. Wood $3.45; Same vs. Cleaveland & Walker $9.20; Same vs. T. C. Banning $1.65; Total $26.50, which is allowed. Ordered that Thomas Hopwood be allowed Two dollars and fifty cents Witness fees & mileage in Territory vs. Martin Murphy & Miles Wakeman Ordered that Wm. Hopwood be allow[ed] Two dollars and fifty cents Witness fees & mileage in Territory vs. Martin Murphy & Miles Wakeman. The resignation of A. D. Helman as Justice of the peace, Ashland Precinct, was presented and accepted. Ordered that G. B. Davidson be allowed the sum of Eight dollars and seventy-five cents for Potatoes for Prisoners in Jail. Ordered that G. B. Davidson be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars for hauling sick men to Dr. Overbeck. Ordered that Wm. Hesse & Co. be allowed the sum of One hundred and fifty-four dollars and twenty-five cents for Bread for Prisoners for Jail, &c. Ordered that Taylor and Nudd be allowed the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars for Board and nursing Budde, a Pauper. Ordered that A. B. Overbeck, M.D., be allowed the sum of Seven hundred & fifty dollars for medical attendance and Board of Thomas Wolf, a Pauper. Ordered that A. B. Overbeck, M.D. be allowed the sum of Two hundred & twenty-eight 58/100 dollars for medical attendance & Board of H. D. Underwood, a County charge. Ordered that Carter & Brother be allowed One hundred and fourteen 12/100 dollars for Beef for Prisoners in Jail. Ordered by the Board that the administrator of the Estate of William Guest, deceased, be allowed the sum of Three hundred and two 57/100 dollars for Board and attendance to Harvey Kerr, a Pauper, from Jan. 25, 1855 to June 7th 1856, 18 Weeks & four days @ $15.00 per week and funeral expenses. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. G. B. Davidson, Chairman Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Jacksonville, April 6th 1858 Now comes W. G. T'Vault and presents his account for services as Prosecuting Attorney, amtg. to the sum of four hundred and eighty-four dollars and forty-two cents and at the same presents a Statement with reference to the proceeds of a certain Note in favor of Eli Judd who had been arrested on a charge of perjury, said proceeds amounting to One hundred and three 50/100 dollars and proposing to have the same deducted from his claim against the County, whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the amount of said proceeds, to wit: One hundred and three 50/100 dollars be deducted from the said amount against the County, but that County shall not be held responsible for the same. Ordered by the Board that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the sum of Three hundred & Eighty 92/100 dollars as above. Now comes Michael Hintz and applies to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors within the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and his license assessed at Forty dollars for six months. Now comes Thomas & Jacobs and apply to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in Ashland Precinct which is allowed and their license assessed at Twenty dollars for six months. Now comes Henry Breitbarth and applies to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in Jacksonville Precinct, which is allowed and his license assessed at Fifty dollars for six months. The petition of S. M. Hall, James Henderson and A. French and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a Road as follows, "Commencing at the South East corner of Issachar Williams' Claim, thence to the South East corner of Farris & McComb's claim, thence North to the North East corner, thence in a northern direction to Lupton's South east corner, thence north to Lupton's North East corner, thence North until it intersects the lower Butte Creek road by the most direct and feasible route," and proof being made that notices were posted according to law, and Bond being filed, It is ordered by the Board that Samuel E. Stearns, Peter Simon and A. W. A. McConnell be and they are hereby appointed to view and lay out said road as prayed for, that they meet on the second Monday in June, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their regular Session in July next. Ordered that Klippel & Wilkinson be allowed the sum of Fifty dollars for Board and nursing of Budde, a County Charge. Ordered that L. S. Thompson, M.D., be allowed the sum of Two hundred & eighty-seven dollars for medical Attendance on Paupers. Ordered that James A. Van Nest be allowed Thirty-six 85/100 dollars, fees as Justice of the peace in Criminal Cases. Ordered that Banhart and Weinback be allowed Eleven dollars for meals furnished to prisoner. Ordered that James W. Simpson be allowed the sum of One hundred and three 10/100 dollars for fees as Constable and board of prisoners. Ordered that John Shuckman be allowed the sum of Forty-nine 10/100 dollars for services assisting Prisoners, &c. Ordered that Samuel White be allowed twenty-five 50/100 for services subpoenaing Witnesses and as guard to Prisoners. Ordered that Bazil Bozarth be allowed the sum of Thirteen 50/100 dollars for services as guard to prisoners. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock. G. B. Davidson, Chairman Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Jacksonville, April 7th 1858
The Board
of Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment, present the same as
yesterday.Now comes James M. Hays, and applies to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquor in quantities less than one quart at Forest Grove Precinct, which is allowed and his license assessed at $16.67 for 6 months. Now comes John J. Holman and applies to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in Jacksonville Precinct, which is allowed and his license assessed at thirty-one 67/100 dollars, for 6 months. The bill of L. Sleighton for attending on sick man, Seventy dollars, was presented and not allowed. The report of Riley Phillips and Samuel Turman, viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a county road from Bishop's ranch to Palmer Creek, came up for final action, which said report is as follows: "November 7th, 1857, To the Board of County Commissioners: Riley Phillips, appointed as one of the viewers of the road leading from Palmer Creek to the South end of the Bishop Claim, met at the place appointed and neither of the other viewers come; and it was thought best to substitute one and Samuel Turman was the substitute and both made their appearance before William Carberry, Justice of the peace, and were duly sworn, and both proceeded to the place of beginning, commencing at the mouth of Palmer Creek, and followed the present traveled road, Trees marked, to the first point of rocks below, thence round that point to said road, thence along said road to the Claim of John Goolsby's Claim, leave Goolsby's claim to the right and pass over the ridge, then to intersect the old road and follow the same to the Claim of William Carberry, then the undersigned viewers would most respectfully recommend to the public the erection of a bridge across Applegate Creek opposite the Claim of Wm. Carberry's Claim, then proceeding on the old road to the mouth of the left hand fork of Applegate, trees marked all the way, from thence to the Claim of G. B. Davidson, leaving said Claim to the right; thence running along the County road leading from Jackass Creek to Sterlingville for the span of one quarter of a mile and thence following the Old trail along the foot of the Mountain to the place of termination, trees marked all the way: We, the undersigned viewers of said road do believe that the above named route is susceptible of making a good Wagon road and believe that it will be of a great benefit to the public and recommend that the same may be located and opened. Riley
Phillips, his X mark
And there
being no petition for a review or for damages or a
remonstrance against the establishment of said road, It is ordered by
the Board that the said report be confirmed and the said road
established as a public Highway and that Supervisors through whose
Districts said road passes, be required to open the same and keep it in
repair.Samuel Turman" Albert G. Rockfellow, Supervisor of Road District No. 3, presents his report, by which it appears that he has on hand four dollars collected as road tax and one pick; his claim for service was not presented. Ordered that U. S. Hayden be and he is hereby appointed one of the Justices of the peace within and for Jacksonville Precinct to serve until the next Annual election and until his successor is elected and qualified. Ordered by the Board that the following be the Boundaries of the Commissioners Districts of Jackson County, to wit: District No. One
All that
part of Jackson County lying South and West of the Ridge
dividing the Waters emptying into Bear Creek from the Waters emptying
into Applegate Creek.
District No. Two
All that
part of Jackson County lying East of the tier of Townships Two
West of the Willamette Meridian and running South to the Mountains.
District No. Three
All that part of Jackson County lying West of the tier of Townships One
West of the Willamette Meridian and running South to the mountain and
North of the ridge dividing the waters running into Bear Creek from the
waters running into Applegate Creek.The report of D. B. Brenan and Hiram Colver, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County road from the Eagle Mills to the Mountain House, came up for final action, which report is as follows, to wit: "We, the undersigned, having been appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County at their regular session (begun on Sept. 7th, 1857) Viewers to lay out a County road according to the Petition of Thomas & Jacobs, Wm. Chase, Bennett Million and others, and having been qualified according to law, faithfully to discharge the duties of our appointment, Respectfully beg leave to submit the following report: We are of the opinion that the Public and general interests of the Citizens of Jackson County, and particularly that portion through which said road is proposed to be laid, requires that a road should run according to the following points, viz: Commencing at a point 80 feet in front of the Eagle Mill, thence in a S.E. direction to a small black Oak tree upon the top of the first divide in that direction, marked with 3 hacks, thence along the said Divide to the New bridge on the Chase Creek, thence with the road as now traveled passing between the Ashland Hotel and Flouring Mill, to the South West corner of B. Hargadine's Field, thence S.E. to the S.W. corner of A. G. Fordyce's land claim, thence East, placing the whole width of said road upon the lands of Fordyce to the South East corner of his field, thence in a direct line to a stake halfway between the North East corner of J. D. Smith and S.W. corner of the Old Grubb land Claim, thence East to a stake ten rods West of the first pine tree in that direction, thence South East intersecting the present Stage route at the first small ravine, thence with the road as now traveled passing through the lane of Giles Wells to the new bridge on Tolman's land, thence with the traveled route passing over the new bridge on William Taylor's land to the house of Isaac Hill, thence South passing to the left of the Butte near Hill's to the Mountain House. We would further say that the face of the Country over which said road runs is undulating, yet presenting no serious obstacles to a good road, the greatest hills being the two Banks of the stream at the Ashland Mill and again where the road approaches the bottom of Stuart's Creek. Sept. 19th, 1857. D.
B. Brenan
And there
being no petition for a review or for damages or remonstrance
against the establishing [of] said road, It is ordered by the Board
said report be confirmed, and that said road be established as a public
highway and that Supervisors through whose District said road passes,
be required to open the same and Keep it in good repair.Hiram Colver." The Bill of Doct. David Sisson, heretofore presented for Medical attendance and Board to the wife of John Stow, came up for final action and after due deliberation on the matter and from information received relative to the same, it is considered by the Board that the Claim is not founded in Justice and therefore is not allowed. Ordered that Denby & Griffith be allowed the sum of twenty-three dollars for repairs on Jail. Ordered that James M. Pyle, Clerk of the U.S. District Court, be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars for fees in criminal cases. Ordered that George W. Anderson be allowed Twelve dollars fees as Deputy Sheriff. The claims for Costs in Criminal Cases of Territory vs. Armpriest came up for final action and no one appearing in behalf of said Claims, they are continued. Ordered that John Anderson be allowed the sum of Four dollars for Flour &c. [for] Pauper. The report of Frederick Heber and H. Bellinger, two of the Viewers appointed to view and lay out a County road from Jacksonville to Farmer's flat, was presented and read and is as follows, to wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County: "The undersigned viewers, appointed to view and lay out a certain County road leading from Jacksonville to Farmer's flat, respectfully report that after being duly sworn according to law, they met on Saturday, the 3rd day of April, 1858, and proceeded to view and lay out said road, commencing at the Arkansas Stable in Jacksonville and from thence running up the hill on the road as now traveled to the mouth of Dutch Gulch, crossing the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, about 50 yards below the mouth of Dutch Gulch, thence up said left hand fork as the road is now traveled to Sailor Gulch, crossing Sailor Gulch about 200 yards above the mouth, thence by a straight course to the Cabin occupied by Mr. Roberts, formerly by Doct. Overbeck. We believe that the route is susceptible of a passable road and recommend the same to be established; the ground over which said road passes is generally hilly. April 7th 1858. Frederick
And the
said report is laid over until next Session of the Board.H. Bellinger" Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of fifteen dollars, rent of Office for the Probate Judge; Also Two dollars for Stationery for Office. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed Twelve dollars and forty cents fees on inquest of N. B. Lane, decd. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed Three hundred dollars for services for Jailer for 3 months to April 10th 1858. The resignation of George Good as Constable of Ashland Precinct was presented and accepted. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at nine O'Clock. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Jacksonville, April 8th 1858
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., met today pursuant to
adjournment. Present S. D. Van Dyke
and Frederick Heber, Commissioners and William Hoffman, Clerk.Ordered that the following be the Boundaries of the Road Districts of Jackson County, to wit:
Road District No. 1
Section 5
in Township 40 South of Range 2 East. Also Township 39 South of Range 1
East and 2 East.
Road District No. 2
All of
Township 38 South of Range 1 East and Sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13,
14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35 & 36 in Township 38 South Range 1 West.Road District No. 3
All of
Township No. 38 South of Range No. 1 West, excepting Sections 1,
2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35 & 36 (which are included
District No. 2) and the South half of Township No. 37 South of Range
No. 1 West, excepting James Hamlin, William Justus & Thomas
Road District No. 4
East half
of Township No. 38 South of Range Two West, and the following
Claims in Township No. 37 South of Range Two West, viz: Abram Tenbrook,
John S. Lacy, Ebenezer and Joseph Pinkham, Andrew Davidson, John R.
Tice, James Hamlin, William Justus and Thomas Whitworth, the three last
in T38S, R1W.Road District No. 5
following Claims in Township No. 37 South of
Range 2 West, viz: William Wright, N. B. Evans, Merit Bellinger,
Robinson Wright, R. B. Packard, John S. Miller, Ashmun J. Butler,
Samuel Stearns, Mrs. Plymale & Sons, L. A. Rice, Dr. Jesse
Isaac Constant, Issachar Williams, Frederick Heber. Also in T37S, R1W:
Joseph Parker, Stephen J. Henderson, Alexander
French and William Contner.
Road District No. 6
All of
Township No. 36 South of Range 2 West, lying South of Rogue
River and the following Claims in Township 37 South, Range 2 West, viz
W. W. Fowler and Thomas Hopwood.
Road District No. 7
All lying
West of Township No. 36 South of Range No. 2 West, to the West boundary
of the County.
Road District No. 8
All the
Claims north of the Township line dividing Townships 36 & 37
South & lying East and South of Rogue River including Claims on
Creek, Antelope Creek, Little Butte, &c.
Road District No. 9
following Claims in Township No. 37 South, Range
2 West, R. C. Armstrong, Granville Sears, Aaron Chambers, John E. Ross,
Beall's, Angel's, Leever, McFeely's, Huston, N. C. Dean, T. B. Willard,
John Topper, J. Henry Billenbroke.
Road District No.
All of the
Town of Jacksonville; all the following Claims in Township
37 S. Range 2 West, viz: G. G. Kerr, James Clugage, James R. Poole,
Jos. H. Davis, James N. T. Miller, William Bybee, Mrs. Walker, John F.
Miller, Michael Hanley, A. B. Overbeck, Applegate road to where it
intersects with the Griffin trail--also road from Jacksonville to
Farmer's flat and One horse Town.
Road District No.
George Long's claims to the Saw Mill on Applegate and also to
Sterlingville and from George Long's towards Jacksonville to the point
where Griffin's trail intersects said road.
Road District No.
George Long's Claim down Applegate Creek to the West boundary of the
County.Ordered that the following persons be and they are hereby appointed Supervisors of Roads in Jackson County, to wit:
Ashland Precinct: From the Southern boundary of the Territory all north and North West until it strikes the Range line dividing One East and One West and South of Township line dividing Townships [blank] & [blank]. Eden Precinct: All west and North of Range line dividing Ranges 1 East and 1 West to the East line of Township No. 38 S., Range 2 West, thence to North East corner of said Township, thence West on North boundary line to the South West corner of Section 36 Township 37 S., Range 2 West; thence North to the North West corner of Section 30, T37S, R1 West, thence East to Range line dividing Ranges 1 East & 1 West, thence south with Range line to the beginning. Jacksonville Precinct: Commencing at the South West corner of Section 24, Township 37 S., Range 2 West, thence West to the South West corner of Section 23, thence north to the north boundary of Township [omission], thence West to the North West corner of Township, thence South to South West corner of Township, thence East on Southern boundary of Township to the South East corner of section 36, thence North to the North East corner of section 25, thence West to the place of beginning; Also all of Township 38 South of Range 2 West. Sterlingville Precinct: All south of the divide which separates the waters running into Bear Creek from those running into Applegate Creek and all East and North of Buncom and including Buncom. Applegate Precinct: From the forks of the road leading from Jacksonville to Applegate Cr. and also to the Saw Mill on Applegate and down Applegate Creek to the Western boundary of the County. Forest Creek Precinct: From a point on the road leading from Jacksonville to Applegate, known as Prairie Gulch, to the forks of the road leading to Applegate and Saw Mill, place of holding Elections at the forks of Poor Man's Creek and Forest Creek. Star Gulch Precinct: All voters on Upper Applegate. Siskiyou Precinct: All voters in those Diggings. Manzanita Precinct: Commencing at the South West corner of Section 23, Township 37 South of Range 2 West, thence North with section lines to the North boundary of said Township, thence East with Township line to the North East corner of Section 5 in Township 37 South, Range 1 West, thence South to the South East corner of Section 20, thence West to the place of beginning. Butte Creek Precinct: All voters in the Butte Creek settlement, north of Township line dividing Townships 36 and 37 South and East and South of Rogue River. Dardanelles Precinct: All voters above Doct. Wm. Miller's Claim on Rogue River, and up Rogue River to the mouth of Bear Creek, thence up Bear Creek to the Township line between Townships 36 & 37 South, Range 2 West, thence West on said Township line to the West boundary of Township 36 South, Range 3 West. Table Rock Precinct: All voters North and West of Rogue River including Sam's Creek. Evans Creek: All voters on said Creek and contiguous diggings. Perkinsville Precinct: All voters below & including Dr. Wm. Miller's Claim on Rogue River to West boundary line. And the Board now adjourn until the 15th day of April, A.D. 1858. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clk. Jacksonville, April 15th 1858
Commissioners of Jackson County met today
pursuant to adjournment, Present S. D. Van Dyke and Frederick Heber,
Commissioners, and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk and the Board adjourned to
meet on Thursday the 22nd April, A.D. 1858.Attest:
Wm. Hoffman, Clerk
Jacksonville, April 22nd 1858
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met
today at the Auditor's Office pursuant to adjournment. Present, G. B.
Davidson, Chairman, S. D. Van Dyke and Frederick Heber, Commissioners
and William Hoffman, Clerk.Ordered that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Judges of Election within the Several Precincts of Jackson County, to wit: Ashland Precinct: J. C. Tolman, Giles Wells and Thomas Smith Eden Precinct: Woodford Reames, Eli K. Anderson and Nelson D. Smith Sterlingville Precinct: T. S. Harris, Theodrick Cameron, N. J. Deming Jacksonville Precinct: Alexander Martin, Henry Klippel and W. W. Fowler Manzanita Precinct: John S. Miller, Isaac Constant and Jesse Robinson Butte Creek Precinct: James Tatum, Jacob Huffman and Peter Simon Applegate Precinct: Capt. D. Newcomb, John O'Brien and James P. Barnes Star Gulch Precinct: Thomas Wright, Justus Wells, John Goldsby Siskiyou Precinct: James Sansbury, Wm. Brickley & Robert Casteel Dardanelles Precinct: Lafayette Gall, Davis Evans, David Courtney Table Rock Precinct: Chauncey Nye, W. G. Hyde, John Haley Evans Creek Precinct: A. K. Williams Forest Creek: Wm. Kelley, C. P. Dyer and John Magee The petition of Geo. Fidler, Wm. Hensley and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County road from Jacksonville to Big Butte Creek was presented and read and is as follows, to wit: "To the Honorable Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, Greeting: "Your petitioners, the Citizens of Butte Creek and vicinity respectfully represent that they are destitute of any direct thoroughfare or public road from their portion of the Country to their County seat and that they are anxious to have an opportunity of working out their road tax in their own vicinity. They therefore ask that you will grant them a County road, commencing at Fleming's Saw Mill on Big Butte, crossing Little Butte at James Miller's, thence the most practicable and best route to Antelope, crossing said Creek with Swingle's East line, thence the most direct and best route to Bear Creek, crossing the same Creek with Rice's North line thence to Jacksonville on the best route by way of Mrs. Plymale's South line and John Ross' N. line. We further ask that John M. Nichols, James Miller and James Tatum be appointed viewers of said road and we will ever pray, &c. &c. January 16th, 1858." Whereupon it was ordered by the Board that if proof of notice having been posted and a bond shall be filed as required by law, the Clerk shall issue an appointment to John M. Nichols, James Miller and James Tatum as viewers of said road as prayed for, to meet on the 2nd Monday of June next and report their proceedings to the Board at their July Session, A.D. 1858. Ordered that Thornton Anderson be allowed to procure Materials for a shed for cooking purposes for the use of the Jail. Ordered that William Hoffman, County Auditor, be and he is hereby authorized to rent the Room heretofore used and occupied by Doct. L. S. Thompson and Beekman's Express Office, provided that he can have the use of the Vault for the County Records to be deposited in at night and provided also that the rent shall not exceed Two hundred dollars per annum to the County. It is further ordered that said room be occupied by the Probate Judge. Ordered that George W. Anderson be allowed four dollars and twenty cents Deputy Sheriff's fees in Territory vs. T. C. Banning. Ordered that L. S. Thompson be allowed the sum of Fifty dollars for Post Mortem examination of Doct. Sisson--balance of bill not allowed. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed Sixty-one dollars and thirty-five cents for his fees as Auditor. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed Twenty-five 75/100 dollars in coin for Rent and Stationery. Ordered that the Bills of Costs in the case of the Territory vs. Armpriest, amounting to the sum of $109.70/100 be and the same are hereby rejected. Whereas it appears that [blank] has been imprisoned in the County Jail for non-payment of a fine and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that said [omission] has not had since his conviction sufficient property to pay such fine and costs, it is ordered by the Board that the Clerk of the Board certify the same to the Sheriff and that he be directed to discharge said [blank] from imprisonment. And the Board now adjourn to meet on the 3rd day of June, A.D. 1858. G.
B. Davidson, Ch.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Auditor's Office, Jacksonville,
June 3rd 1858
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., met
this day at the Auditor's Office pursuant to adjournment. Present G. B.
Davidson, Chairman, and S. D. Van Dyke and Frederick Heber,
Commissioners and William Hoffman, Clerk.Ordered that Charles Casey be allowed the sum of Eighty-five dollars for rent of Room for Jurors April & May Term, A.D. 1858. Ordered that Maury & Davis be allowed the sum of Twenty-eight 49/100 dollars for supplies for Jail Prisoners. The Certificates of the Clerk of the District Court for fees and mileage of Jurors and Witnesses at the April and May terms of said Court were presented and it is ordered that the County Auditor issue Warrants on the County Treasurer for the same. Ordered that John B. Sifers be allowed the sum of One hundred and Twenty-four 11/100 dollars for Clerk's fees and Stationery for District Court. Ordered that William Hesse & Co. be allowed the sum of One hundred and thirty-two 45/100 dollars for Bread for Prisoners in Jail. Ordered that Wm. G. T'Vault be allowed the sum of Forty dollars for printing Jurors' Notices and Advertising Special Meeting of the Board. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred and twenty-seven 50/100 dollars for services as Auditor. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of Eight dollars & seventy-five cents for Stationery for Auditor's Office. Also the sum of thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents for rent of Auditor's Office up to 26th day of June 1858. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of Fifteen hundred and nineteen 6/100 dollars for fees and services as Sheriff, Bailiff's fees, rent of Church for Court, &c. &c. from which is to be deducted the sum of Two hundred and forty-eight 50/100 dollars, being the aggregate of amts. issued for Bailiffs & rent of church, leaving the amount in favor of said Thomas Pyle, twelve hundred and Seventy 56/100 dollars. And the Board now adjourn until the next regular Session of the Board in July. G.
B. Davidson, Ch.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Auditor's Office, Jacksonville,
July 5th 1858
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, met in
regular Session today at the Auditor's Office. Present G. B. Davidson,
Chairman, Frederick Heber, Commissioner and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk.The certificate of the Clerk of the District Court of Jurors and Witnesses' fees at the April Term of said Court was presented and the Clerk of the Board was authorized to issue Warrants for the same as follows, to wit:
Now comes Harvey B. Oatman and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less that one quart within the Precinct of Eden, which is granted and his license assessed at Thirty dollars for Six months from which is to be deducted the sum of Twenty dollars deposited in the Treasury. Ordered that Allen Lee be allowed the sum of Forty-nine dollars and forty cents for fees as Constable in criminal cases. Ordered that H. B. Hays be allowed the sum of Sixty-four dollars and fifty-five cents fees as Justice of the peace in criminal cases. The Petition of S. C. Taylor, Mark Cahoon, C. H. Hamlin and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County road leading from the present termination of a County road from Jacksonville to Bear Creek near Lewis' or David Ball's to the Willamette Meridian Line near S. T. Taylor's was presented, and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Jackson County, O.T., July 1st 1858. To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, We, the undersigned resident householders in said County, hereby respectfully present that we believe it would conduce greatly to the public good to lay out and establish a road commencing at the termination of a road leading from Jacksonville easterly to Bear Creek, near David Ball's, there commencing and running easterly to meridian on the most eligible route. We therefore solicit your honors at your next regular meeting to take such measures as the law directs for the laying and establishing said road." Which said petition being read and proof being made to the satisfaction of the Board that Notices had been duly posted as required by Statute, and bonds having also been filed, It is ordered by the Board that J. F. Gray, Allen Lee and D. H. Taylor be and they are hereby appointed Viewers of said road, that they meet at the Office of H. B. Hays, Justice of the peace, on the second Monday of August, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session in September next. The Petition of S. P. Taylor, J. P. Parker, J. M. Matney and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County road leading from Gasburg and terminating at the Butte Creek flouring Mill was presented and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Road Petition. To the honorable Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory. We, the undersigned resident householders in said County respectfully present that we believe that it would conduce greatly to the public good to lay out and establish a Road from Gasburg northerly to Butte Creek Flour Mill on the shortest & most eligible route. We therefore solicit your honors at your next Session to take such measures as the law directs for the laying and establishing said road." Which petition being read and proof being made to the Satisfaction of the Board that notices were posted according to law and bond being filed, It is ordered by the Board that Nicholas A. Young, John S. Miller and George W. Carter be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for, that they meet before some Justice of the peace or other proper officer on the 2nd Monday of Augt. for the purpose of being qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings at the next regular Session of the Board at the September Session thereof. Now comes Albert Banhart and applies to the Board for a License to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and his license assessed at Forty dollars, from which is to be deducted Eighteen 33/100 dollars heretofore paid into the Treasury. Now comes Henry Huber and applies to the Board for a License to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and his license assessed at Forty dollars, from which is to be deducted Eleven 67/100 dollars heretofore paid into the Treasury. Now comes Henry Huber and applies to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Eden, which is granted and his license assessed at Thirty dollars, from which is to be deducted Twenty-five dollars heretofore paid into the Treasury. Now comes O'Brien and McKay and apply to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Applegate, which is granted and their license assessed at Thirty dollars. Now comes George Long and applies to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Applegate, which is granted and his license assessed at thirty dollars from which is to be deducted twenty dollars heretofore paid into the Treasury. Now comes Charles Casey and applies to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and his license assessed at forty dollars, from which is to be deducted eighteen 33/100 heretofore paid into the treasury. Now comes Wm. Hesse & Co. and apply to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and their license assessed at forty dollars, from which is to be deducted twenty-one 67/100 dollars heretofore paid into the Treasury. Now come McLaughlin & Klippel and apply to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and their license assessed at fifty dollars. Now come McLaughlin & Klippel and apply to the Board for a License to keep a Billiard Saloon within the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and their license placed at twenty-five dollars for six months as per statute. Now comes Frank Brown and applies to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and his license assessed at Fifty dollars for six months, from which is to be deducted Sixteen 33/100 dollars heretofore paid into the Treasury. Ordered that H. H. Brown be allowed nine dollars fees as Justice of the peace. Ordered that H. H. Brown be allowed the sum of Sixty-two dollars for expenses of bringing Prisoners from Yreka. Ordered that D. B. Brenan be allowed the sum of Eighty-three 33/100 dollars for ten months services as Superintendent of Common Schools, also twenty-five dollars for extra services. Ordered that R. C. Moore be allowed the sum of Three hundred and thirty-five dollars for services rendered to A.D. Vannetten, a disabled sick man. Ordered that the Auditor be authorized to issue his Warrants for the purpose of paying for the County Map ordered heretofore by the Board, to wit: the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars whenever said map shall be completed and delivered. The report of John M. Nichols, James Miller and James Tatum, viewers appointed to view and lay out a County road from the Saw mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville was presented and read the first time today. The report of A. W. A. McConnell and Peter Simon, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County road leading from Issachar Williams' land claim to intersect the lower Butte Creek road, was read the first time today. Ordered that John M. Nichols, James Miller and James Tatum be allowed, each, Two dollars for services as viewers of a County road. Ordered that A. W. A. McConnell and Peter Simon be allowed, each, two dollars for services as viewers of a County road. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Tuesday Morning, July 6th 1858
The Board
of Commissioners met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the
same as yesterday.The report of A. W. A. McConnell and Peter Simon, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County road from Issachar Williams' land claim to the lower Butte Creek road, was read a second time today and is in the words and figures following, to wit: To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T. We the undersigned, two of the viewers appointed by your honorable Board to view and lay out a County road commencing at the South East corner of Issachar Williams' land claim and intersecting the lower Butte Creek Road, respectfully report: that after having been duly sworn as required by law, we proceeded to view and lay out said road as follows, beginning at the south East corner of Alexander French's Claim, formerly Farris and McCombs, to the line between French's and S. Hall's, thence North to the North East corner of said Claim, thence in a northern direction to Lupton's South East corner, thence north to Lupton's north East corner, thence northerly to intersect the lower Butte Creek road, going down to the bottom of Antelope Creek near the Claim of C. Linksweiler. The face of the Country through which the said proposed road will pass is generally level and is practicable for a good road as that section of Country admits of. A.
W. A. McConnell
Subscribed to this June 28th 1858Peter Simon Viewers Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the sum of Five hundred and Twenty dollars for Board and Medical attendance on J. Wolf, a Pauper. Ordered that George W. Shriver be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 13 in place of W. T. Kelley. Ordered that the Auditor be and he is hereby authorized and required to ascertain the expenses incurred by the County in behalf of H. D. Underwood during his sickness and furnish the same to said Underwood, with the request that if within his ability, he reimburse the County for said Expenses. Ordered that Rev. J. O. Raynor be allowed the sum of Thirty dollars for rent of the Church, for holding Court. The report of John M. Nichols, James Miller and James Tatum, Viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County road from the Saw Mill on Butte Creek (Big) to Jacksonville was read a second time today, which said report is in the words and figures following, to wit: "In pursuance to order made by Commissioners' Court, on last Term for viewing out a road from the Mill on Big Butte, from thence the regular traveled road to Miller's ford on Little Butte Creek, from thence South to Fidler's line, leaving his house on the right, from thence to Bradley's South East corner, from thence to Swingle's South East corner, from thence to Dry Creek on the old road, from thence to Wilson's, passing between his house and corral, from thence to passing between Mr. Hall's place on Mr. French's, from thence to Williams' lane, crossing Bear Creek at the old Bridge, passing Mrs. Plymale's to her south, thence West to the lane between Ross and Hanley, thence on the old track to Jacksonville. July 5th 1858. John
M. Nichols
by the Board that the Bond of James Hamlin, as Coroner of Jackson
County, be given in the sum of Ten thousand dollars.James Miller James Tatum Ordered that the Bond of David Linn, as Treasurer of Jackson County, be given in the sum of Ten thousand dollars. Ordered that the Bond of Sewall Truax, County Surveyor of Jackson County, be given in the sum of One thousand dollars. Ordered that A. Langell & Co. be authorized to prepare an Iron rod 1¼ inch thick, to be fastened to the outside walls of the Jail by a head plate, said rod running parallel with the division stone wall above the main middle door, to be connected in the center with a swivel with a tap at each end, 1¼ inch thick, one screw cut left and the other right, Also to level the plates and drill the holes in the Walls so as to finish the whole complete, for which he is to receive thirty cents per pound. If it does not exceed One hundred pounds and if over one hundred pounds, the price is to be twenty-five cents per pound, payable in coin. Ordered that W. W. Fowler be allowed the sum of Forty dollars for services as Commissioner on Territorial road from Jacksonville to Kerbyville. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed four dollars for making out reports & map of Road from Jacksonville to Kerbyville. Ordered that Love & Bilger be allowed the sum of Eighteen dollars for articles furnished the Jail in coin. Ordered that H. H. Brown be allowed Seven dollars & Sixty cents for witness fees. Ordered that Benjamin Armstrong be allowed seven dollars & sixty cents witness fees. Ordered that Daniel Briggs be allowed Eight dollars and forty cents witness fees. Ordered that John B. Sifers be allowed the sum of One hundred and eighty-five dollars and eighty cents. Ordered that James M. Pyle be allowed Forty-six 15/100 dollars, Clerk's fees. Ordered that Thornton Anderson be allowed the sum of Three hundred dollars for services as Jailer for three months. Ordered that the Auditor present the claim due from Josephine County to Jackson County for fees and expenses on Criminals belonging to Josephine County, amounting to the sum of One hundred and fifty-three 35/100 dollars. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred and Sixteen 60/100 dollars for fees as Auditor also ten dollars and twenty-five cents in coin for Stationery, &c. for Auditor's office. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of Five hundred and Six 30/100 dollars fees as Auditor. Adjourned until Saturday next at 9 O'clock A.M. G.
B. Davidson, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Jacksonville, July 10th 1858
The Board
of Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment. Present
G. B. Davidson, Chairman of the Board and Frederick Heber,
Commissioner, and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk.Now comes Thomas Swank and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Sterlingville, which is granted and his license assessed at Thirty dollars for six months. Now comes Thomas Swank and applies to the Board for a license to keep a Billiard Saloon in said Precinct of Sterlingville which is granted. Ordered by the Board that a Road District be established as follows, from and including George Long's land claim on the road leading from Applegate Creek to Jacksonville, to a point on said road known as the mouth of Prairie Gulch to be designated as District No. 13. Ordered that George W. Shriver be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 13. Now comes L. J. C. Duncan, Sheriff of Jackson County, O.T., and files his additional Bond under the law in relation to taxing Chinamen, with R. F. Maury, James T. Glenn and Henry Blecher, Sureties, which is approved and accepted by the Board. At this time Frederick Heber was duly elected Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year. Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of Twenty-nine dollars and fifteen cents justice's fees. Ordered that John O. Winburn be allowed Six dollars for witness fees. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be and he is hereby appointed Assessor of Jackson County for the ensuing year in the place of John Watson, Assessor-elect, who refused to qualify. Ordered that the official bond of Thomas Pyle, Assessor, be placed at two thousand dollars. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of Five hundred dollars for rent of Office as Sheriff to July 5th 1858. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of One hundred and twenty-one 60/100 Dollars Sheriff's fees. And the Board adjourned. Frederick
Heber, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Jacksonville, July 24th 1858
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County met in Special Session
today at the Auditor's Office in pursuance of notice. Present Frederick
Heber, Chairman of the Board and G. B. Davidson, Commissioners and
Wm. Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.
The County Auditor presents his Statement of settlement with David Linn, County Treasurer, which is as follows, to wit: In account with Jackson County,
David Linn, Treasurer
July 16, 1858
Ordered that Davis Evans be allowed Two dollars as Justice of the peace, assisting to canvass election returns June election 1858. Ordered that the Judges and Clerks of Election be allowed each the sum of Three dollars for their attendance at the General Election June 7th 1858, as follows, to wit:
Ordered that Henry Blecher be allowed Thirty-five 35/100 dollars payable in coin. The Official Bond of Thomas Pyle as Assessor was presented with William Kahler, O. D. Hoxie, James Hamlin and W. A. Gridley as sureties, which is accepted and approved by the Board. The Official Bond of Nelson D. Smith as Judge of Probate with Lewis Sisley and C. C. Beekman as Sureties, which is accepted and approved by the Board. Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed Ten dollars in Coin for 2 pair handcuffs. Ordered that the Clerk of the Board ascertain the amount due to each of the Commissioners and to issue warrants for the same. Ordered that the Auditor be authorized to issue his Warrant in favor of James Walton for One hundred dollars in part payment of the County Map heretofore ordered by Board. Ordered that J. T. Williams be authorized to purchase the Table in the Jail at Five dollars in coin and that the Auditor issue his Warrant for the same. Ordered that Frederick Heber & Wm. Hoffman be appointed a committee to have the County building repaired and fitted up for a Court room and also to have an addition to said building erected for Jury rooms on the best terms they can. Ordered that the sum of Fifty dollars be appropriated for the purpose of defraying the expenses of J. Wolf, to San Francisco by way of Crescent City, the Stage fare to be paid out of said amount and the remainder to be paid over to said Wolf, a change of Climate being recommended by his Physician. The Auditor presents the Statement of the account of Thomas Pyle, late Sheriff, which is ordered to be entered on the records and is as follows, to wit: In account with Jackson County
Thomas Pyle, Sheriff
Heber, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory Special
Session August 14th 1858
The Board
of Commissioners met at the Auditor's Office in Special
Session, pursuant to notice. Present Frederick Heber, Chairman and
Doct. G. B. Davidson, Commissioners, and William Hoffman,
Clerk. Jacksonville August 14th 1858 Ordered that C. H. Bowker be allowed Twenty dollars for repairing Jail to be paid out of the County building fund. The Board of Commissioners having at their last session appointed Frederick Heber and William Hoffman a committee to have the County building prepared for a Court room and also to erect an addition for Jury rooms, and the said Committee having published notices for proposals for said work to be presented to the Board for their action this day according to specifications and plan prepared by said Committee: Two proposals were presented to the Board, one from G. G. Kerr and A. M. Berry, proposing to do the work and furnish materials for the sum of Five hundred and fifty-four dollars as per specifications & plan or Seven hundred and sixty dollars for raising the Walls two logs higher and putting on new roof with Shingles; the other bid from Linn & Burpee for Six hundred dollars, for doing the work and furnishing materials according to specifications & plan. After due deliberation, It is ordered by the Board that the Bid of Kerr and Berry be accepted, the work to be done according to the specifications, reserving the privileges of having the additional work performed, should the Commissioners so determine, at the prices stipulated in the proposals. And the Board now adjourn until next Saturday, the 21st instant. Frederick
Heber, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman Auditor's Office, Jacksonville,
September 6th 1858
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met today in regular
Session, present Frederick Heber, chairman, and Doct. G. B. Davidson,
Commissioners and William Hoffman, Clerk.Patrick Dunn, Commissioner-elect, in the place of S. D. Van Dyke, appeared, was qualified and took his seat. Now comes Kaspar Kubli and applies to the Board for a License to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Applegate, which is granted and his license assessed at Thirty dollars for six months, from which is to be deducted the sum of sixteen 67/100 dollars paid into the Treasury heretofore, leaving balance of Thirteen 33/100 dollars. The report of John F. Gray and D. H. Taylor, two of the Viewers appointed to view and lay out a County Road from Bear Creek near David Ball's to the Willamette Meridian line near Rev. S. P. Taylor's, was read the first time today. Ordered that Greer & Thompson be allowed the sum of Four hundred dollars for Medical Attendance on Vannetten; Also One hundred and twenty-five dollars for Medical attendance on Joseph Burris; Also Thirty-five dollars medical attendance on Smith, making together Five hundred and Sixty dollars. Ordered that R. C. Moore be allowed the sum of Two hundred dollars for nursing and attendance on Vannetten from July 5th to date. Ordered that Samuel R. Taylor be allowed the sum of Thirty-five 20/100 dollars for fees as deputy Sheriff. Ordered that Matthias Grazer be allowed the sum of Twenty-eight dollars for bread trough for the Jail and a Book case for the Sheriff's office. Ordered that Matthew R. Ish be allowed the sum of One hundred & twenty-three 35/100 dollars for beef &c. furnished the Jail up to July 3rd 1858. Ordered that James E. McCabe, Sheriff of Lane County, O.T., be allowed the sum of Forty-nine dollars for services in guarding and conveying a Prisoner. Now comes William Bybee and presents his petition for damages by him sustained by reason of the County Road from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, passing through his land claim, which said petition is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of Comrs., Jackson County, Your Petitioner would respectfully represent to your honors that the viewers appointed to view and lay out a road leading from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, in their report, have run said road through the land of your petitioner in such a manner as to materially injure and damage him and that he verily believes that he will sustain damages to the amount of Two thousand dollars. Therefore, your petitioner prays your honors to appoint Viewers to assess the damages which he will sustain by reason of said road being laid out and run through his said land. Jacksonville, O.T., September 6th / 58 William Bybee" Which said petition being read, It is ordered by the Board that B. B. Griffin, H. Bellinger and James R. Davis be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to assess said damages (if any), that they meet at the Auditor's Office on the 1st Monday in October next, be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session on the 1st Monday in December next. Now comes James N. T. Miller and presents his Petition for damages by him sustained by reason of the County Road from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville passing through his land claim, which said petition is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Your petitioner would respectfully represent to your honors that the viewers appointed to view and lay out a County Road leading from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, in their report, have run said road through the land of your petitioner in such a manner as to materially damage him and the he verily believes that he will sustain damages to the amount of Two thousand dollars. Therefore your petitioner prays your honors to appoint viewers to assess the damages which he will sustain by reason of said road being laid out through his said land. Jacksonville,
O.T., Sept. 6th / 58
Which said
petition being read, It is ordered by the
Board that B. B. Griffin, H. Bellinger and James R. Davis be and they
are hereby appointed Viewers to assess said damages (if any), that they
meet at the Auditor's Office on the 1st Monday in October next, be
sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and
report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session on
the 1st Monday in December next. J. N. T. Miller" Now comes J. J. Holman and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and his license assessed at Forty dollars for six months, to date from the expiration of his present license. The report of A. W. A. McConnell and Peter Simon, two of the viewers appointed to view and lay out a County Road, commencing at the South East corner of Issachar Williams' land claim and terminating and intersecting the lower Butte Creek Road was presented and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T.: We, the undersigned, two of the viewers appointed by your honorable Board to view and lay a County road, commencing at the South East corner of Issachar Williams' land claim and terminating and intersecting the lower Butte Creek Road, respectfully report: That after having been duly sworn as required by law, we proceeded to view and lay out said road as follows, beginning at the South East corner of Issachar Williams' land claim, then through the South East corner of Alexander French's Claim, formerly Farris & McComb's, to the line between French's and S. Hall's, thence North to the North East corner of said Claim, thence in a northern direction to Lupton's South East corner, thence North to Lupton's North East corner, thence Northerly to intersect the lower Butte Creek Road going down to the bottom of Antelope Creek near the Claim of C. Linksweiler. The face of the Country through which said proposed road will pass is generally level and is as practicable for a good road as that section of Country admits of. Subscribed to this June 28th 1858 A.
W. A. McConnell
Which said
petition being read, and coming for final
action, and there being no remonstrance, petition for a review or for
damages filed or presented to the Board, It is Ordered by the Board
that said Report be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the said
Road be and the same is hereby established as a Public highway and that
the Supervisors through whose Districts said Road may pass be and they
are hereby required to open the said road and Keep the same in good
repair.Peter Simon Viewers Ordered that A. W. A. McConnell be allowed [blank] dollars for services as Road Viewer (Issued before) Ordered that Peter Simon be allowed [blank] dollars for services as road viewer (Issued before). The report of John M. Nichols, James Miller and James Tatum, viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County road from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, coming up for final action and being read and there being Petitions filed for damages, said report is laid over until the next regular Session of the Board. Now comes A. V. Gillette, Supervisor of Road District No. 1, and presents his account, by which it appears that he has received the sum of One hundred and four 47/100 dollars and that he had expended the sum of One hundred and forty-seven 22/100 dollars, leaving a balance of Forty-two 75/100 due to said A. V. Gillette from said District No. 1. Ordered that A. V. Gillette, Supervisor of Road District No. 1, be allowed the sum of Forty-two dollars for 24 days services as such Supervisor. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock. Frederick
Heber, Chair.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman Tuesday Morning, September 7th
The Board
met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present F. Heber
and P. Dunn (absent G. B. Davidson), Commissioners and Wm. Hoffman,
Clerk.The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. The report of John F. Gray and D. H. Taylor, Two of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County road commencing near D. Ball's Claim and terminating at the Meridian line near S. P. Taylor's Claim was read the second time today and laid over for final action until the next regular Session of the Board. Ordered that Maury & Davis be allowed the sum of Sixty-Six 45/100 dollars for supplies for the Jail up to September 1st 1858. Now comes John Anderson and Thomas Pyle on the Part of Warren Lodge No. 10 of Free and Accepted Masons and propose to the Board of Commissioners to have the privilege of putting an additional Story on the Court house building, at their expense and for the use of said Lodge, said Story to be the length of the present building and twenty-four feet wide, which will include a projection of four feet on the East side and to be framed and weatherboarded and painted and covered with [a] shingled roof and the whole to be done in a workmanlike manner: that the said Lodge shall have the use of said Story for the term of six years and that at any time within the Six years, either the said Lodge or the Board of Commissioners may have the privilege and shall have the preference to buy out the other party (provided said parties shall mutually agree to sell or buy) upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon, or, if the parties cannot agree upon the terms of sale, then upon such terms as may be determined by disinterested persons to be selected by the parties, and at the expiration of Six years (if a sale should not be sooner made) then the sale may be made to any other person or parties besides the said Lodge or Board of Commissioners. And thereupon, after due deliberation, It is ordered by the Board that the said Proposals of said Warren Lodge No. 10 be and the same are hereby accepted and agreed to on the part of the Board and their Successors, and that the Board will on their part carry out the stipulations aforesaid. Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of Two hundred dollars incurred in pursuing escaped prisoners from the Jail. And the Board now adjourn until next Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Frederick
Heber, Chair.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Saturday September 11th 1858 Ordered by the Board that John B. Farley be and he is hereby appointed Justice of the peace in and for the Precinct of Sterlingville. Ordered that Samuel Babcock be and he is hereby appointed Constable of Sterlingville Precinct. Ordered by the Board that John Wintjen be allowed the sum of Seventy-five dollars and Seventy-five cents for bread furnished the Jail. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred and Ninety-six dollars for services as Auditor. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of fourteen dollars and twenty-five cents for Stationery to County officers and fifty dollars for rent of Office up to Sept. 26th 1858. Ordered that Jonathan T. Williams be allowed the sum of Two hundred dollars for services as Jailer to Sept. 5th 1858. Ordered that the following rates of taxes be and they are hereby levied and required to be collected upon the taxable property in Jackson County O.T. for the year 1858, to wit: For Territorial purposes One mill on the dollar For School purposes One mill on the dollar For County Buildings Two mills on the dollar All of which is to be collected in Coin For general Revenue purposes Sixteen mills on the dollar Also a Poll tax of One dollar on all white male inhabitants between the years of 21 and 50 Ordered that Levi & Bilger be allowed the sum of Eight dollars for mortar furnished to repair the Jail payable out of the County building fund. Now comes Thomas Pyle, Assessor of Jackson County and presents to the Board the Assessment Roll of said County for the year 1858, which is accepted and approved by the Board. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be and he is hereby allowed the sum of Three hundred and forty dollars for services as Assessor of Jackson County for the year 1858. And the Board now adjourn. Frederick
Heber, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Jacksonville, September 22nd 1858
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County O.T. met
today in Special Session pursuant to a call, Present Frederick Heber,
G. B. Davidson and Patrick Dunn, Commissioners and Wm. Hoffman,
Clerk.Now come A. M. Berry and G. G. Kerr, the contractors for altering and repairing the County Building for the purposes of a Court House, and make the following proposals to the Board, to wit: that instead of altering and repairing said County Building, as contracted for by said Berry & Kerr, they propose to erect an entirely new building 24 by 52 feet, framed and weatherboarded, that is, the lower story of said building, with the understanding that the Masonic Lodge is to put on the second story, as was to have been done on the County building; twelve feet of the back end to be partitioned off for two Jury rooms, the building to be underpinned with ten stone pillars, the inside to be finished by wainscoting as high as the back of the seats; the Judge's seat, Jurors' seats and seats for spectators, railing, Doors and windows to be the same (excepting as to length) as mentioned in the former contract; three large windows on each side of the building and one window in each Jury room, one door to lead from the Court room and the other outside to said Jury rooms, all of which and furnishing Materials they propose to complete for the sum of Twelve hundred dollars and the County Log building as it now is with the privilege of removing the same as soon as convenient and if the said Berry & Kerr should not be able to remove said County Log building by the time the new court House shall be completed, then the said Berry & Kerr agree to close the same after cleaning out all rubbish and nail the same up and absolutely remove said building in the Spring, as soon as the ground will admit of its removal. And the said Board of Commissioners, after due deliberation, order and direct that the said proposals of the said Berry & Kerr be and the same are accepted in lieu of the former contract (except such portions of the work as is herein retained) and that the payments for said building be made at the time mentioned in the previous contract. Now comes John Anderson on the part of Warren Lodge No. 10 and consents on the part of said Lodge to the change mentioned in the foregoing proposals of Berry & Kerr, with the same privileges to inure to the said Lodge as is mentioned in the agreement of and between the said Board and said Warren Lodge No. 10, heretofore made. Ordered that B. F. Dowell be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars for prosecuting criminals before U. S. Hayden, Esq., Justice of the peace. Ordered that a Road District be established as follows: from the mouth of the left hand fork of Applegate to Negro flat on the road from the Gulch north of the mouth of Jackass Creek by way of Sterlingville to Gasburg and that Samuel Phillips be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of said District. Ordered that John McKee be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 13 in place of G. W. Shriver, resigned. The Resignation of C. P. Dyer, Constable, was presented and accepted by the Board. Ordered by the Board that the Auditor notify all supervisors of roads who have failed to settle with the Board to meet at the next regular session of the Board on the 1st Monday in December next to make their settlement. Ordered that James Woods be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of road district No. 14, embracing from Negro flat to the summit of the Mountain between Sterlingville and Gasburg. And the Board now adjourn. [Frederick Heber],
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Jacksonville October 16th 1858
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County O.T. met
today in Special Session. Present F. Heber, G. B. Davidson and Patrick
Dunn, Commissioners, and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk.Ordered by the Board that W. W. Fowler and F. Heber be and they are hereby appointed to have the partition wall between the Jailer's room and the Cells in the Jail, where the door enters to the cells, repaired by removing a portion of the Wall and rebuilding the same and so fastening the hooks for the Iron Door as to make them permanently secure. Also for lining the Cells with two thicknesses of fir plank of the thickness of two inches for the first and 1½ inches for the second thickness; also to nail the same with nails of suitable length and at suitable distances; Also to have an additional floor laid in the Cells of 1½ inch planks, also ceiled overhead with planks 1½ inch thick, all of fir; Also to have the Grates in the cells made more secure. And the Board now adjourn. Frederick
Heber, Chair.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk
Auditor's Office
Jacksonville December 6th 1858
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., met
today at the Auditor's Office in regular session, Present Frederick
Heber, G. B. Davidson and Patrick Dunn, Commissioners, and William
Hoffman, Clerk of the Board.Now comes James C. Tolman and represents to the Board that his land claim was assessed by the Assessor to the amount of twelve hundred & seventy-two dollars; that he had not resided four years upon his claim and that said Assessment is illegal and prays the Board that said amount of Twelve hundred and seventy-two dollars be deducted from said Assessment, and the Board being satisfied that said assessment is illegal, it is ordered that said sum of twelve hundred and seventy-two dollars be deducted from his said assessment. Now comes W. Cortez Myer and represents to the Board that the Assessor committed an error in making the Assessment of his property and it appearing by the testimony of Thomas Pyle, late Assessor, that such errors had been made, It is ordered by the Board that the sum of Twenty-Eight hundred and Eighty-three dollars be deducted from his said assessment. Now comes Mrs. Plymale and represents to the Board that her real estate was wrongly Assessed, there being the value of her Son's claim included to the amount of Eight hundred dollars, and prays the Board that said Amount be deducted from her said Assessment and it appearing from the testimony of Thomas Pyle, late Assessor that said mistake was made by him, It is ordered by the Board that the sum of Eight hundred dollars be deducted from her assessment. Now comes John O'Brien, Supervisor of Road District No. 12, and presents his account for settlement, by which it appears that he received in money Thirty-seven dollars and that he expended the sum of Thirty-six dollars and Sixty-three cents, leaving a balance in his hands of Thirty-seven cents. Ordered that John O'Brien be allowed Twelve dollars for his services as [Road] Supervisor. Ordered that Five hundred dollars be deducted from the Assessment of Justus Wells. Ordered that A. J. Hinkle be entitled to a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than One quart, which is allowed and his license assessed at Thirty-five dollars for six months. Ordered that J. O. Winburn be entitled to a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart at Applegate and that his license be assessed at Twenty-five dollars for six months. Ordered that George Long be entitled to a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than One quart at Applegate and his license assessed at Thirty dollars for six months, to date from the 5th day of January, A.D. 1859. Now comes William Kahler and represents to the Board that he was assessed with his land claim Six hundred and forty dollars, which was not liable to be assessed, not having resided four years upon said claim, Whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the sum of Six hundred and forty dollars be deducted from his assessment. Ordered that O'Brien & McKay be entitled to a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart at Applegate and their license assessed at Thirty dollars to date from the 2nd day of January, A.D. 1859. Ordered that G. S. Hebard be allowed the sum of Seventy-Eight dollars for repairs of Jail to be paid out of the County building fund. Ordered that Love & Bilger be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars and Seventy-five cents articles furnished for Jail to be paid out of the County building fund. Ordered that U. S. Hayden, Esq., be allowed the sum of Seventy-six dollars and five cents Justice's fees in criminal cases as per bill filed. Ordered that H. W. Clayton be allowed the sum of Ten dollars and fifty cents Justice's fees in criminal cases. Ordered that H. H. Chapman be allowed the sum of Seven dollars and fifty cents, Constable fees in Criminal cases. Ordered that G. W. Carter be allowed the sum of Sixteen dollars for Horse hire in Criminal cases. Ordered that Burpee & Linn be allowed the sum of Seventy-five dollars for Cornice on Court House out of the County Building fund. Ordered that Samuel Fox be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for cleaning Church used for District Court. Ordered that Albert Banhart be allowed the sum of Fifty dollars for Board &c. [of] Lewis Bishop, a Pauper. Ordered that Greer & Thompson be allowed the sum of Five hundred & twenty dollars, med. att. & Board of A. D. Vannetten and also Two hundred dollars for med. att. on Frenchman, making in all Seven hundred and twenty dols. Ordered that Jonathan T. Williams be allowed the sum of One hundred and thirty-three dollars and seventy-four cents for services as Jailer. Ordered that P. G. Strickland be allowed the sum of Two hundred and One dollars and thirty-four cents services as Jailer. Ordered that T. F. Ryan be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars & twenty-five cents for supplies for Rolette, a Pauper. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock. Frederick
Heber, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman Jacksonville, December 7th 1858
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T., met
this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as yesterday.Now comes Michael Brenan and files his affidavit setting forth that his property was assessed One thousand dollars more than he gave in to the Assessor and asks the Board to deduct that amount from his assessment, Whereupon It is ordered by the Board that the sum of One thousand dollars be deducted from the assessment of the said Brenan. Now comes John P. White and represents to the Board that there is an error in the assessment of his property to the amount of Four hundred and fifteen dollars, & thereupon it is ordered by the Board that the sum of Four hundred & fifteen dollars be deducted from his assessment. Now comes Samuel Smith, Senr., and represents to the Board that there was an assessment made of his property during his absence from the County, and that the assessment was too high by the sum of Seventeen hundred and fifty-five dollars and asks the Board to deduct said amt. from his assessment, and the Board being satisfied of the correctness of his said representation, It is ordered by the Board that the sum of Seventeen hundred and fifty-five dollars be deducted from the Assessment of the said Samuel Smith, Senr. Now comes William Burke and files his affidavit to the effect that he was the owner by assignment or transfer of County Warrant No. 627, which was issued in the name of Lycurgus Jackson, and that said Warrant was lost or mislaid and praying the Board to authorize the Auditor to issue another Warrant in favor of said Wm. Burke for the amount of said lost Warrant, with interest on the same, from the 15th day of July, 1855, the date when said lost Warrant was registered by the County Treasurer not paid for want of funds. And thereupon, It is ordered by the Board that the Auditor issue a Warrant as prayed for. Ordered by the Board that A. B. Overbeck, M.D. be allowed the sum of One hundred and twenty dollars for medical attendance and Board of Thomas Wolf. The claim of A. B. Overbeck, M.D. was presented as follows, to wit: Jackson County To A. B. Overbeck, Dr. To 1 Woolen Shirt $2.00; 1 pair Woolen Drawers $2.00; 2 pair Woolen Socks $2.00; To Wash bill--46 pieces woolen at 50¢ apiece $23.00 $29.00 Thereupon it is ordered by the Board that said A. B. Overbeck be allowed the sum of Sixteen dollars of said claim; the balance of Thirteen dollars is disallowed. Ordered that A. V. Gillette be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as Supervisor of Road District No. 1. Ordered that A. V. Gillette be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 1 for one year. Now comes Titus B. Willard, Supervisor of Road District No. 9, and presents his account for settlement, by which it appears that he had collected the sum of Three dollars road tax and that he had expended the same amount on roads in his District. Ordered that Titus B. Willard be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as Supervisor of Road District No. 9. Ordered that James Thornton be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District Number 2 for one year. Ordered that S. D. Van Dyke be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 3 for one year. Ordered that James Hamlin be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 4 for one year. Ordered that Francis M. Plymale be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 5 for one year. Now comes John S. Miller, one of the Viewers appointed to view and lay out a road commencing at Gasburg and terminating at the Butte Creek Flouring Mill, and presents the Report of said Viewers which report is in the words and figures following, to wit: "We, the undersigned, two of the Viewers appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County O.T. on the 5th day of July 1858, to view and lay out a County Road from Gasburg Northerly to Butte Creek Flour Mill on the shortest and most eligible route, respectfully report that we met at Gasburg on the 1st day of December, A.D. 1858, and after being duly sworn by [H. B.] Hays, a Justice of the peace in and for said County, proceeded to view and lay out said proposed road as follows, to wit: Commencing at a pine tree in front of Milton Lindley's residence in said Town of Gasburg, near the center of the Street, thence running in a northerly direction to Bear Creek and crossing said Creek two rods above where said Lindley's mill race runs into said Creek, thence in the same direction to an Oak tree on the Rev. [blank] Gray's land claim marked with three hacks on each side, thence in a north Westerly direction very near parallel with the present traveled road to Joseph Parker's, thence with the present traveled road to a white oak tree near the residence of Joseph Wilson, marked with three hacks on each side, thence in a northerly direction to the South West corner of the land claim of James Matney, thence running due North on the line between said Matney and Jack Rader to the middle fork of Butte Creek, thence up the West bank of said Creek to the Butte Creek flour Mill. The face of the Country over which said proposed road passes is generally level and we consider practicable for a road, there being no impediment of any consequence except considerable black sticky mud in the winter season. We would further state that we are a majority of said viewers appointed by the Board, all of which is respectfully reported. This December 7th 1858. John
S. Miller
report was read a first time today.Geo. W. Carter" Ordered that Thomas Hopwood be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 6 for one year. Ordered that Lafayette Gall be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 7 for one year; said District to commence at the East boundary line of Township 36 S., Range 3 West and embracing all persons on both sides of Rogue River as low down said River as the mouth of Evans Creek. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 8 for One year, said District commencing at the mouth of Evans Creek on both sides of Rogue River and terminating at the Western boundary line of the County. Ordered that T. L. Linksweiler be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 9 embracing Claims on Dry Creek, Antelope Creek and Little Butte Creek. Ordered that Titus B. Willard be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 10 commencing at the North line of the Town Plat of Jacksonville, were Oregon Street terminates, thence with the road as viewed & laid out by viewers from Jacksonville via Jewett's ferry on Rogue River to Patterson's on the North side of Rogue River and said District to embrace all claims contiguous to said Road as far north as Huston's north line. Ordered that Thomas F. Beall be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 11 for one year, said District commencing at or near the Butte near Hanley's on the South West corner of Col. John E. Ross' claim on the Road leading from Jacksonville to Fort Lane and embracing the Claims of Ross, Chambers, Bealls, Angel, Billenbroke, Topper and others contiguous to said road. Ordered that W. W. Fowler be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 12, embracing the following Claims in Township 37 South of Range 2 West, to wit: H. Bellinger, Jos. H. Davis, James Clugage, James Poole, Wm. Bybee, Michael Hanley, [and] A. B. Overbeck to his east line and all persons liable to road labor in the Town of Jacksonville; Also so much of the Applegate Creek road from said Town to a point where the Griffin trail intersects said road; Also the road from said Town to Farmer's Flat including One horse town. Ordered that Thomas Wright be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 13, said District commencing at the mouth of Palmer Creek and terminating at the intersection of said road with the Sterlingville Road. Ordered that Justus Wells be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 14, said District commencing at the intersection of the Palmer Creek and Sterlingville road and terminating where the road intersects the Crescent City road near Bishop's Ranch, Also the road leading down Applegate to the Crescent City road. Ordered that Robert Casteel be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 15, said District commencing at and including George Long's Claim and terminating at Prairie Gulch. Ordered that John O'Brien be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 16, commencing at George Long and running down Applegate Creek to the Western boundary line of the County. Ordered that Abraham Blakesly be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 17, Commencing at the mouth of the left hand fork of Applegate and terminating at Sterlingville. Now comes Justus Wells, Supervisor of Road District No. 11, and presents his account by which it appears that he furnished lumber for the use of said District to the amount of Seventy-seven dollars towards the payment of which he received from H. H. Brown, his predecessor, the sum of Thirty-five dollars, leaving a balance due said Justus Wells from said District the sum of forty-two dollars. Ordered that Justus Wells be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for services as Supervisor. Now comes W. W. Fowler, Supervisor of Road District No. 10, and presents his account for settlement, by which it appears that he had collected the sum of Five hundred and eighty-three dollars, and that he had expended the sum of Five hundred and ninety-two dollars in said District and that there is still due him from said District the sum of Nine dollars. Ordered that Jas. B. Denby be allowed the sum of One hundred and forty-eight dollars for fixing Irons for prisoners and articles for jail. Ordered that W. W. Fowler be allowed the sum of Twenty-two dollars for services as Supervisor. Ordered that Samuel R. Taylor be allowed the sum of Fifty-one dollars & twenty cents for fees as Deputy Sheriff. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Frederick
Heber, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T.
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met today pursuant to
adjournment. Present Frederick Heber, Chairman, and P. Dunn,
Commissioners, and Wm. Hoffman, Clerk.December Session A.D. 1858 Auditor's Office Jacksonville, O.T. December 8th 1858 Ordered that Daniel Chapman be and he is hereby appointed Constable in and for the Precinct of Ashland, to serve until his successor is elected and qualified. Comes Charles Lozier and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and his license assessed at the sum of Forty dollars for six months from which is to be deducted the sum of Twenty-three dollars & twenty-three cents heretofore paid into the treasury. The Resignation of C. P. Dyer as Constable was presented and accepted. Ordered that Napoleon be allowed the sum of One hundred and thirty-five dollars and fifty cents for nursing & attendance on Roulette, a Pauper; also Eight dollars for 2 pair Blankets making together the sum of One hundred & forty-three dollars and fifty cents. Ordered that Dr. John W. McCully be allowed the sum of Four dollars & fifty cents supplies for Rolette. Ordered that Maury & Davis be allowed the sum of Sixty-one 23/100 dollars in coin for jail supplies also Forty-five 76/100 dollars in coin supplies for Rolette, a Pauper, Making in all One hundred & six 99/100 dollars. Ordered that Matthew R. Ish be allowed the sum of twenty-two dollars and ninety-four cents for beef for Rolette, a Pauper. Ordered that Berry & Kerr be allowed the sum of Two hundred and twenty dollars for work on the jail, to be paid out of the County building fund. Ordered that Anderson & Glenn be allowed Ten dollars and forty-three cents for Jail supplies, payable in Coin. Ordered that Anderson & Glenn be allowed the sum of Thirty dollars and Ninety-four cents for Oil and paint for Court House to be paid out of the County building fund. Ordered that J. McKay be allowed the sum of One hundred and ten dollars Expenses & Services in conveying Greenwood, a Prisoner from Salem, to Jacksonville. Ordered that Henry Blecher be allowed the sum of One hundred dollars and forty cents for supplies furnished the Jail, payable in coin. Ordered that E. E. Gore & Bro. be allowed the sum of One hundred and ten dollars and seventy cents for lumber furnished for repairing the Jail, payable in coin. Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of One hundred and Two dollars, Sheriff's fees, as per bill. Ordered that John B. Sifers be allowed the sum of Thirty-two dollars and Thirty cents, Clerk's fees in Criminal Cases. Ordered that Issachar Williams be allowed the sum of Twelve dollars for Services as Supervisor. Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of Ninety-three dollars and fifty cents, fees rent of church &c. Ordered that John Bigham be allowed the sum of Sixty-three dollars for wood furnished for Jail & Court room. Ordered that Thomas J. Gregory be allowed the sum of twenty-eight dollars and Ninety cents for fees as Constable. Ordered that B. F. Dowell be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars fees as Prosecuting Attorney. Ordered that the following named persons be allowed their fees as Jurors and Witnesses in Criminal cases as certified by U. S. Hayden, Esq., Justice of the peace.
Ordered that C. P. Dyer be allowed the sum of Sixteen dollars and thirty cents fees and expenses in criminal cases. Ordered that Mrs. Jenny be allowed three dollars and ten cents in criminal cases as a Witness. Ordered that J. W. McReynolds be allowed two dollars and thirty cents fees as a Witness in criminal case. Ordered that B. B. Griffin be allowed the sum of Twenty-four dollars fees as Coroner in Inquests. Ordered that the following persons be allowed their fees as Jurors in inquests: James C. Tolman $2.00, Giles Wells $2.00, E. F. Walker $2.00, J. P. Walker $2.00, W. C. Myer $2.00, A. V. Gillette $2.00, R. B. Hargadine $2.00, Bennett Million 42.00, James B. Bunyard $2.00, Larkin McDaniel $2.00, H. W. Clayton $2.00, F. G. Condrey $2.00, G. Curtis $2.00, H. R. Brown $2.00, A. D. Avery $2.00, E. W. Day $2.00, J. B. Sifers $2.00, Wm. Pernoll $2.00 Ordered that Erastus Wells be allowed the Sum of Three dollars and forty cents fees as Constable. Ordered that Freeman Yandell be and he is hereby appointed Justice of the peace for the Precinct of Sterlingville. The Report of John F. Gray and D. H. Taylor, two of the viewers appointed to view and lay out a road commencing at Bear Creak near D. Ball's and terminating at the Meridian line near S. P. Taylor's claim, came up for final action, which report is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Honorable the Commissioners of Jackson County, O.T.. We, the undersigned, having been appointed by your honorable body to view and lay out a road from Bear Creek near D. Ball's, to the Willamette Meridian line near S. P. Taylor's Claim, beg leave to report that after being qualified before H. B. Hays, J.P., we proceeded to view and lay out said road, beginning at Bear Creek on the S. line of A. Ball's land, following said line to the North East corner of A. Ball's field, thence through D. Ball's land in an Easterly direction by a large lone Pine tree to the S. end of C. Hamlin's lane N. through said lane to section line near the corner stake of Sections 28, 29, 32, 33 thence East along said line to the S.W. corner of S. P. Taylor's land on the side of the Butte, up said Butte in an Easterly direction to summit, thence along the ridge on and near the present Wagon Track in an easterly direction across the head of what is called Lawson's Gulch to the Willamette Meridian. John
F. Gray
And there
being no remonstrance, petition for review or for damages, It
is ordered by the Board that said report be confirmed and that the road
mentioned in said report be established as a public Highway and that
the Supervisors through whose Districts
said road passes be required to open the same and Keep it in repair.D. H. Taylor Viewers Jackson County, O.T. Sept. 4th 1858 Whereas at the September Session 1858 of this Board, B. B. Griffin, H. Bellinger & Jas. K. Davis were appointed viewers to view and assess the damages to be sustained by William Bybee and James N. T. Miller by reason of a certain County road from the Saw Mill on Big Butte to Jacksonville, passing through the land claims of the said Bybee & Miller and the said Viewers so appointed having failed to discharge the duties required of them, It is ordered by the Board that W. W. Fowler, Ebenezer Pinkham and Miles F. Alcorn be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and assess the damages as aforesaid on the petitions of the said William Bybee and the said James N. T. Miller, that they meet at the Auditor's Office on the first Saturday in February next, be sworn and proceed to the discharge of the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular session on the first Monday in April next. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed One hundred and twenty-eight dollars and twenty cents Auditor's fees up to December 1st, 1858. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed Eighty-eight dollars and thirty cents for Stationery for Auditor, District Clerk and Sheriff's Offices and for rent of Auditor and District Clerk's Office. Now at this time come Doctors Greer & Thompson and submit the following proposition to wit: "Greer & Thompson, Physicians and Surgeons, in agreement with the Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon Territory, do hereby promise and agree, for the sum of four dollars per day, each patient, to treat, board and nurse all the County patients that may be submitted to their care, to the best of their abilities, and render them the necessary comforts; for which services, the above-mentioned Court agrees to settle with the said Greer and Thompson, Quarter annually for all services rendered each preceding quarter. This contract made and entered into for the term of one year unless the said Greer & Thompson shall fail to comply with the requirements of this Indenture, then this contract to be null and void. December 8th, A.D. 1858. Greer
& Thompson"
And comes
also Doct. A. B. Overbeck and on his part assents to the
same proposition, and after due deliberation, it is considered by the
Board that said proposition be accepted; that previous to placing any
Pauper or other Patient under the care of the said Greer &
or the said A. B. Overbeck, such patient shall be submitted to the
examination of the Examiner to be appointed by the Board, and that such
patient so examined and admitted to be treated shall have the choice of
selecting between the said Greer & Thompson and the said A. B.
Overbeck, as the Physicians or Physician under whose care and treatment
he shall be placed.Ordered by the Board that Doct. John W. McCully be and he is hereby appointed Examiner of all Applicants, as a public charge, to be placed under medical treatment in accordance with the contract entered into between the Board of Commissioners and Doctors Greer & Thompson and A. B. Overbeck; And it is hereby made the duty of said Examiner, if he deem it necessary, to require such Applicants to verify on oath their pecuniary circumstances or inability to pay the expenses of Medical attendance or board in whole or in part; and whenever the said Examiner shall admit any patient to treatment as aforesaid, he shall furnish such Patient with a certificate to the Physicians or Physician he may select to attend upon him, and that said Examiner shall receive a reasonable compensation for his services. Ordered that Patrick Dunn be allowed the sum of Forty-four dollars fees and mileage as a Commissioner up to and including the December session 1858. Ordered that Frederick Heber be allowed the sum of thirty dollars fees and mileage as a Commissioner up to and including December Session, A.D. 1858. Whereas it appears by the settlement made by the Auditor with Thomas Pyle, late Sheriff, that the said Thomas Pyle is in arrears for the payment of the Public funds collected by him as such Sheriff to the amount of Eleven hundred and twelve 25/100 dollars, It is ordered by the Board that the Auditor notify said Thomas Pyle, late Sheriff as aforesaid, that the Board require him to pay into the County Treasury the respective amounts due to the several public funds on or before the 15th day of February A.D. 1859, and that in default of such payment, the Auditor of the County be and he is hereby required to have said claims placed in the hands of the Prosecuting Attorney or other attorney at law to be sued upon against said Thomas Pyle and his sureties upon his official bond. Ordered by the Board that the Auditor be and he is hereby required to notify Supervisors of Roads of all roads established by the Board and that such Supervisor through whose District such roads may pass be required to open the same in accordance with the requirements of the Statutes. Ordered that Berry & Kerr be and they are hereby allowed the sum of Six hundred dollars in part payment of their contract for building the Court House. And the Board now adjourn. Frederick
Heber, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met
today in Special Session, present F. [Heber, Chairman], G. B. Davidson
and P. Dunn, Commissioners and William Hoffman, Clerk.Special Session Auditor's Office, Jacksonville, March 7th 1859 Ordered by the Board that Berry & Kerr, the Contractors for building the Court House, be required to remove the partition between the Court room and Jury rooms and throw the whole into one room; Also to put up a platform for the Judge's seat, Clerk's table, etc. Ordered that Berry & Kerr be allowed the sum of Five hundred dollars on their contract for building Court House to be paid out of the Public building fund. Ordered that E. G. Reiman be allowed Twenty-five dollars in coin and Eighty-three dollars and fifty cents in County Scrip for furnishing materials and underpinning the Court House. Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the sum of Eighteen dollars for publishing Exhibit of receipts and expenditures. Ordered that T'Vault and Robinson be allowed the sum of Forty-one dollars for printing and advertising. Ordered that O. Jacobs be and he is hereby appointed a Justice of the peace in & for Eden Precinct. Ordered that H. G. Burnett be allowed Twenty dollars for prosecuting Criminals. Ordered that B. F. Dowell be allowed Twenty dollars for prosecuting Criminals. Ordered that Greer and Thompson be allowed the sum of Three hundred and Seventy-six dollars for Medical attendance & board of Vannetters and another. Ordered that James Walton be allowed the sum of Twenty-eight 45/100 dollars for fees as Clerk of the District Court 3rd Judicial District. Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of Nineteen dollars and forty cents for fees as Justice of the peace in Criminal Cases. Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of Twenty-four dollars and seventy cents Sheriff's fees in criminal cases. Ordered that R. Hayden be allowed the sum of Eighty-five dollars for fees as Prosecuting Attorney. Ordered by the Board that the Superintendent of Common Schools be and he is hereby authorized to sell so much of the South East quarter of section 16, T36S R4W as lies on the West side of Evans Creek, that he offer said land for sale to the highest bidder on Monday, the 11th day of April ensuing, at the Court House in Jacksonville, giving three weeks' notice of the time and place of sale in the Oregon Sentinel. Terms of sale, one fourth cash in hand and the remainder payable in one year from day of sale, bearing interest at the rate of 2½ percent per month. And the Board now adjourn until next Session in course. Frederick
Heber, Chr.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met
today in regular session. Present Frederick Heber, Chr. and Patrick
Dunn, Commissioners, and William Hoffman, Clerk.April Session 1859 Auditor's Office, Jacksonville April 4th 1859 Now comes Harvey B. Oatman and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Eden, which is granted and his license assessed at Thirty dollars for six months from which is to be deducted the sum of $11.25 heretofore paid into the County Treasury, leaving a balance of $18.75 to be paid. Ordered that Wm. Hesse and John Wintjen be released from the payment of the sum of Eighteen dollars and twenty-five cents of the amt. of their taxes, being a double assessment. Now comes William Welch, supervisor of Road District No. 3, and presents his account for settlement, by which it appears that he received in money $8.75 and paid out $8.00 leaving a balance in his hands of seventy-five cents. Ordered that William Welch be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as Supervisor. Now comes William Kahler, Supervisor of Road District No. 6, and presents his acct. for settlement, by which it appears that he collected the sum of four dollars which is in his hands. Ordered that William Kahler be allowed the sum of Eight dollars for his services as Supervisor of Road District No. 6, also the sum of Seven dollars and fifty cents for Guide Boards. Now comes Max Muller and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and his license assessed at Fifty dollars for six months, from which is to be deducted the sum of Two dollars already paid into the Treasury, leaving balance to be paid forty-eight dollars. Now come Wintjen and Helms and apply to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and their license assessed at Forty dollars for six months from which is to be deducted the sum of Five dollars heretofore paid into the Treasury, leaving a balance of thirty-five dollars to be paid. Now comes William Hesse and shows to the Board that the tax against Wintjen & Hesse was a double assessment as to said William Hesse, whereupon it is ordered by the Board that one half of said tax be remitted. Ordered that the sum of Seven dollars and fifty cents of the delinquent tax of Jacob F. Headrick be remitted. 1857. Ordered that the sum of Twenty-three dollars be remitted from the taxes of Thomas H. Birch. 1858. Now comes Kaspar Kubli and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in Applegate Precinct, which is granted and his license assessed at $30.00 for 6 months, from which is to be deducted $21.76 heretofore paid into the Treasury, leaving balance $8.33 to be paid. Now comes John Haily and applies to the Board for a license to Keep a ferry across Rogue River at Table Rock which is granted and his license assessed Ten dollars for one year. Now comes Albert Banhart and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous Liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville which is granted and his license assessed at Forty dollars, for six months from which is to be deducted the sum of five dollars heretofore paid into the treasury, leaving a balance of $35.00 to be paid. Ordered that Mathias Graser be allowed the sum of Six dollars for a Table for the Sheriff's office. Now comes Issachar Williams and files his affidavit that the assessment of his property in 1858 was too high by the sum of Seven hundred and eighty-one dollars and the Board being satisfied in the premises do order that the sum of fifteen dollars and Sixty-two cents be remitted from his taxes. Now comes James R. Peters and files his affidavit to the effect that he was assessed in 1858 Three thousand dollars more than it should have been, that amount being government funds, it is ordered by the Board that the sum of Sixty dollars be remitted from his taxes. Ordered that James F. Anderson be allowed the sum of Sixty-five dollars and Ninety cents fees and expenses in arresting criminals. Ordered that P. G. Strickland be allowed the sum of Three hundred and Ninety-Six dollars and sixty-seven cents for services as Jailer up to April 4th 1859. Ordered that Siskiyou County be allowed the sum of forty-four dollars for Board &c. of a Prisoner. The resignation of Wm. Carberry as Justice of the peace was presented & accepted by the Board. Now comes Michael Brenan and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in Jacksonville Precinct which is granted & his license assessed at forty dollars for six months. The petition of F. Heber and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County Road commencing at the South East corner of F. Heber's land claim near J. R. Tice's north east corner, to run east bearing south on a road now in travel and cut out to the Territorial road at the West end of N. B. Evans' lane or at the line between Packard and Wait; was read and thereupon E. Pinkham, A. Tenbrook, and H. S. Overbeck were appointed such viewers to meet on the 1st Saturday in May at the Auditor's Office, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment & file their proceedings with the Auditor or County Clerk. And then the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at Nine O'Clock. Frederick
Heber, Chairman
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County
The Board of Commissioners met
this morning pursuant to adjournment; present the same as yesterday.April Session 1859 Tuesday morning April 5th 1859 Now comes Sewall Truax and proposes to the Board to furnish for the use of the County complete certified copies of the field notes of all the surveyed lands in this County and also Township and Claim Maps of the same, for the sum of Four hundred and fifty dollars, which proposition is accepted by the Board, said sum to be paid in County Warrants when said field notes and maps are delivered to the County Clerk, who is hereby authorized to issue Warrants for said sum. Now comes James Clugage and shows to the Board that there was a double assessment of his real estate and asks the Board to remit the sum of Forty dollars of his taxes, and the Board being satisfied that such double assessment was made, do order that the sum of Forty dollars be remitted from the taxes of the said James Clugage. Ordered that John Wintjen & Co. be allowed the sum of Twenty-two dollars for Bread furnished the Jail, payable in coin. Now comes Whisler & Carter and apply to the Board for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Eden, which is granted and their license assessed at Thirty dollars for six months, from which is to be deducted $[blank] heretofore paid into the County Treasury, leaving the balance of $[blank] to be paid. Ordered that J. O. Rayner, Superintendent of Common Schools, be allowed One hundred dollars for his regular Salary for one year from the time he qualifies as such; Also, that he be allowed the additional sum of Two hundred dollars extra salary, for extra services, making together the sum of Three hundred dollars. Ordered that the Auditor be and he is hereby authorized to have an additional coat of paint put on lower story of the Court House and issue his warrant for the payment of the same. Ordered that Greer & Thompson be allowed the sum of One hundred & ninety-eight dollars for medical attendance and Board of Vannetter & Auterberry. Ordered by the Board that Sewall Truax be allowed the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents for Surveying the Court House Block. Ordered that the fees mentioned in bill of fees and expenses in the cause of the Territory of Oregon vs. M. M. Thompson be allowed, as follows, to wit:
Now comes J. B. Sifers and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in Jacksonville Precinct which is granted and his license assessed at Forty dollars for six months, from which is to be deducted the sum of Nineteen dollars heretofore paid into the Treasury, leaving a balance of twenty-one dollars to be paid. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of Two hundred & ninety-five dollars and seventy-five cents for Auditor's fees and Stationery for offices. Ordered that Henry Blecher be allowed the sum of Forty-seven dollars for beef furnished to the Jail, payable in coin. Now comes Hillman & Martin and apply to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in Jacksonville Precinct which is granted and their license assessed at Fifty dollars for six months from which is to be deducted the sum of Twenty-five dollars heretofore paid into the Treasury leaving a balance of $25.00 to be paid, also $12.50 for license from Feb. 17th to April 5th. Now comes McLaughlin & Klippel and apply to the Board for a License to sell spirituous [liquors] in Jacksonville Precinct in quantities less than one quart, which is granted and their license assessed at Fifty dollars for six months; also the sum of Twenty-five dollars for license from January 5th to April 5th. Ordered that Maury & Davis be allowed the sum of Sixty-three dollars and thirty-six cents for supplies for the Jail payable in coin. Ordered that Robert H. Jourdan be and he is hereby appointed a Justice of the peace in and for the Precinct of Butte Creek. Now comes McLaughlin & Klippel and apply to the Board for a license to Keep a Billiard Saloon from January 5th to the 5th October 1859 and that they pay into the County Treasury the sum of Thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents. The Petition of Frederick Heber and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County road commencing "at the South East corner of F. Heber's land claim near J. Tice's northeast corner, to run east bearing South on a road now in travel and cut out to the Territorial road at the west end of N. B. Evans' lane or at the line between Packard and Wait, was read, and thereupon E. Pinkham, A. Tenbrook and H. S. Overbeck were appointed such viewers, to meet on the 1st Saturday in May at the Auditor's office, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and file their proceedings with the Auditor or County Clerk. Ordered that Albert Bethel be allowed the sum of Sixty-five dollars and fifty cents for board &c. of Joseph Burris, an insane person. The report of John S. Miller & George W. Carter, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County Road commencing at Gasburg and terminating at the Butte Creek flouring Mill, coming up for final action and there being no remonstrance and no petition for a review or for damages, It is ordered by the Board, that said report be confirmed and that said road be established as a public highway and that Supervisors through whose Districts said road may pass, be required to open the same and Keep it in repair. And the Board adjourn to meet on the 25th Instant. Fredk.
Heber, Ch.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon
The Board
of Commissioners met today pursuant to
adjournment; present F. Heber and P. Dunn, Commissioners and William
Hoffman, Clerk.April Session Auditor's Office April 25th 1859 The Petition of William Bybee for the alteration of a County road on his own land was read and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County: "The undersigned respectfully petitions your honorable Board to appoint viewers to change or alter the road from Jacksonville passing through the lane between Overbeck and Pinkham's, commencing at the South West corner of Dr. A. B. Overbeck's land claim and running thence West on the land claim of the undersigned until it strikes the South West corner of M. Hanley's land claim, thence on a straight line to the south east corner of James N. T. Miller's land claim, there to intersect said road from Jacksonville as first above mentioned. William Bybee" Which said petition being read and considered by the Board, It is ordered by the Board that Lewis H. Zigler, W. W. Fowler and Alexander Martin be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and alter said road according to the change prayed for and that they proceed forthwith to attend to said matter and report their proceedings to the Board at the present session. Now comes W. W. Fowler, Alexander Martin and L. H. Zigler, viewers appointed to view and alter a part of the Road from Jacksonville to the Lane between Overbeck's and Pinkham's claims and present the following report: "To the Commissioners of Jackson County, "The undersigned viewers to view and alter or change a part of the road from Jacksonville to the lane between Overbeck & Pinkham's, respectfully report that they passed over said route and recommend the alteration of said road as follows, commencing at the South West corner of Dr. A. B. Overbeck's land claim, thence running West on the land of William Bybee until it strikes the South West corner of M. Hanley's land claim, thence in a straight line to the South east corner of James N. T. Miller's land claim, there to intersect said road from Jacksonville as first mentioned above." All of which is submitted W.
W. Fowler
Which said
report being read is accepted and
confirmed and the said William Bybee, the said petitioner, is hereby
authorized to alter or change said road in accordance with his petition
and that the expenses of said alteration be paid by said Bybee.Alexander Martin In the matter of the Report of W. W. Fowler, E. Pinkham, and M. F. Alcorn, viewers heretofore appointed to view and assess the damages claimed by William Bybee and James N. T. Miller in their petitions, by reason of a County road from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville passing through their land claims, the said report coming up for final action, It is ordered by the Board that said report be confirmed and that the amount of damages assessed by said viewers in favor of the said William Bybee and James N. T. Miller be paid to them or their legal representatives, out of the County Treasury and that the County Auditor be and he is hereby authorized to issue Warrants on the Treasury for the respective amounts so assessed by said viewers. In the matter of the Report of John M. Nichols, James Miller and James Tatum, Viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a certain County Road from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, which said report is in the words and figures following, to wit: "In pursuance to order made by Commissioners' Court at last term for viewing out a road from the Mill on Big Butte, from thence the regular traveled road to Miller's ford on little Butte, from thence South to Fidler's line leaving his house on the right, from thence to Bradley's South east corner from thence to Swingler's South east corner, from thence to Dry Creek on the old road, from thence to Wilson's, passing between his house and corral, from thence to passing between Mr. Hall's place and Mr. French's from thence to Williams' Lane, crossing Bear Creek on the old Bridge, passing Mrs. Plymale's to her South, thence west to the lane between Ross & Hanley's thence on the old Road to Jacksonville. John
M. Nichols, James Miller,
James Tatum." July 5th 1858.
And said report coming up for final action, It
is ordered by the Board that said report of said viewers be and the
same is hereby confirmed and that the said road be established as a
public highway and that the Supervisors through whose District said
road passes be required to open the same from and after the 1st day of
September next and Keep the same in good repair.Ordered that the Auditor be and he is hereby authorized to issue a warrant on the County Treasury for the sum of One hundred and forty-four 20/100 dollars for Lumber for the Public buildings Square in Jacksonville, payable in coin. Ordered that T. G. Strickland be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars for Posts for Jail Yard, payable in coin. The Affidavit and petition of G. W. Heard being presented and read, as follows, to wit: State of Oregon, County of Jackson, s.s. Personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County, G. W. Heard, who being by me duly sworn according to law, says that he is the lawful owner of a certain large pale steer 5 or 6 years old, branded HL on the hip, which said Steer he purchased of Capt. Alcorn among other cattle, and is informed and believes that said Steer was sold under the estray laws of Oregon and the proceeds of said Steer deposited in the County Treasury of Jackson County. G.
W. Heard.
Subscribed & Sworn to before me
this 18th April 1859.Wm.
Hoffman, N.P.
The undersigned respectfully prays your honors
to refund to him the proceeds of the sale of the Steer mentioned in the
above affidavit, deposited in the County Treasury.G.
W. Heard.
It is ordered by the Board, that whenever the
said G. W. Heard shall produce satisfactory proof of the ownership of
the Steer mentioned in affidavit, to the Auditor, that the said Auditor
be and he is hereby authorized to issue his warrant for the amount
deposited in the Treasury from the sale of said Steer, in favor of said
G. W. Heard.Ordered that the Superintendent of Common Schools be and he is hereby authorized to sell the School Land in Section 36, Township 37 South, Range 2 West, together with any adjoining or contiguous lands taken by him for School purposes, that the terms of sale shall be cash in hand or one fourth cash in hand and the remainder in 12 months with interest at the rate of 2½ percent per month from day of Sale. Now comes Matthew R. Ish and presents his affidavit as follows, to wit: "Territory of Oregon, County of Jackson, s.s. "Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Auditor, Matthew R. Ish, who being duly sworn says that there was an error in the assessment of the property of Ish & Brothers, made by the Assessor, to the amount of One hundred and twenty-five dollars of the taxes levied against the said Ish & Brothers, that their indebtedness was not deducted, being a mortgage on a part of the real estate and other indebtedness, as the affiant verily believes. "Matthew
R. Ish.
"Subscribed & Sworn to before me
on this 25th day of April 1859."Wm.
Hoffman, Auditor"
Whereupon it is ordered by the Board that the
sum of One hundred and twenty-five dollars be deducted from the taxes
of the said Ish & Brothers.And the Board now adjourn. Frederick
Heber, Chr.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk Report of W. W. Fowler, E. Pinkham and M. F. Alcorn referred to [above]. Territory of Oregon ) County of Jackson ) s.s. To the Board of Commissioners of said County at their April Session. The undersigned viewers appointed to view and assess the damages on the Petitions of Wm. Bybee and James N. T. Miller, by reason of a certain County road passing through the land claims of the said Bybee & Miller, said road commencing at the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek and terminating at Jacksonville, respectfully report: That the report of the viewers who viewed and laid out said road or that part of it from the Lane between Ross and Hanley to Jacksonville, lay said road "on the old traveled road" which is so indefinite that in order to ascertain the damages, it became necessary for us to determine the probable road intended by the viewers of said road and which we suppose to be as follows, to wit: from the Butte near the dwelling of Michael Hanley on the old traveled road, on the South east side of the Creek, crossing the line between the said Hanley & Bybee at the place where the gate formerly was, thence following the South east side of said Creek, leaving Bybee's house sixty yards north of said road, thence continuing on the South East side of the creek to Miller's north line at a point 150 yards from Miller's North East corner, thence on the South East side of the Creek straight to the Old Slaughter house, thence to intersect the Street on which the Jail and Court House are erected in Jacksonville. We further report that with the Road running as hereinbefore designated, we do assess the damages of the said William Bybee at One hundred dollars and the damages of the said James N. T. Miller at One hundred and fifty dollars. All of which is respectfully submitted. Jacksonville, O.T., Feb. 26th 1859. W.
W. Fowler
E. Pinkham M. F. Alcorn, Viewers Proceedings
of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County Oregon May 1859
The Board of
Commissioners met today in Special Session, Present F. Heber and G. B.
Davidson, Commissioners, and William Hoffman, Clerk.Jacksonville, May 7th 1859 Ordered that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Judges of Election for the respective Precincts named, to wit:
Ordered that G. B. Davidson be allowed the sum of Nine dollars and sixty cents for 240 pounds of potatoes furnished the Jail. Ordered that H. G. Burnett be allowed the sum of Fifteen dollars for prosecuting Criminals. Ordered that G. B. Davidson be allowed the sum of Thirty-two dollars and sixteen cents fees as Commissioner up to and including the Session of this date. Ordered that Patrick Dunn be allowed the sum of Twenty-four dollars fees & mileage as Commissioner up to and including the present Session. Ordered that Frederick Heber be allowed the sum of Seventeen dollars & forty cents fees and mileage as Commissioner up to and including the present Session. The Board of Commissioners now proceed to select the names of 150 Persons to serve as Jurors in Jackson County, the ensuing year, which names are on file in the Auditor's office. Ordered that the Auditor be and he is hereby authorized to have the inside work of the Court House painted, that is, to have the work primed until after the room is plastered and after that to have the painting completed. Ordered that the Auditor be and he is hereby authorized to issue his warrant for his fees and rent of office. Now comes Messrs. Berry & Kerr, the contractors for building the Court House, and having completed their contract to the satisfaction of the Board, the said Court House is taken off the hands of the said Berry & Kerr--and it is ordered by the Bd. that Frederick Heber, Commissioner, and William Hoffman, Clerk, be and they are hereby authorized to settle with said Berry & Kerr for the changes made and extra work done to the Court Room. Ordered that Berry & Kerr be and they are hereby allowed the sum of Ninety-three dollars and twenty-eight cents for lumber and materials furnished and building a Privy for the Court house Lot. And the Board now adjourn without day. Frederick
Heber, Chr.
Attest: Wm. Hoffman, Clerk ---- volume missing ----
Court of Jackson County, Oregon,
sitting as a Commissioners Court for the transaction of County business. Thursday, July 14th, 1859
The Court
met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present Hon. J. C.
Tolman, County Judge.Now at this day comes John M. Nichols and Frederick Heber, County Commissioners-elect, and having been duly sworn into office according to law, take their seats at the Board. Jackson County vs. Thomas Pyle: Action at law to recover money. Now at this day comes R. Hayden, Prosecuting Attorney, and presents the claim of himself & B. F. Dowell as attorneys for the Plaintiffs in the prosecution of said suit and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that one thousand dollars had been paid by the defendant into the County Treasury upon said indebtedness, it is ordered by the Board that the said R. Hayden and B. F. Dowell be allowed the sum of One hundred dollars in part for their services in prosecuting said suit. In the matter of the Assessment of the Property of C. B. Matney, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that there was an error in the assessment as shown in the affidavit of the said C. B. Matney, it is ordered by the Board that the sum of six hundred & sixty dollars be deducted from his assessment. Now comes George Long and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Applegate, which is allowed and his said License is assessed at the sum of Thirty dollars for six months, from which is to be deducted the sum of twenty-five dollars heretofore paid into the County Treasury leaving the balance to be paid of five dollars. Ordered by the Board that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue County Warrants to the persons who served as judges and Clerks of Elections, also to the persons who made returns of elections as Messengers and also to the Justices of the peace who assisted in canvassing the election returns for the election held on the 27th day of June, A.D. 1859. Ordered by the Board that the Official bond of the Assessor of Jackson County be in the penal sum of One thousand dollars. Ordered by the Board that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue County Warrants to the special Coroner, Jurors and Witnesses and Constable for Services rendered on the inquest held on the body of Hugh McCassen. Ordered that James Wallbridge be entitled to receive a liquor license for six months from the April session, that his license be assessed at Thirty dollars for 6 mos., deducting therefrom twenty-five dollars paid into the Treasury. Ordered by the Board that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue Warrants for the services of the Grand and trial Jurors and Witnesses in Criminal Cases at the June Term of the Circuit Court 1859. Now comes Greer & Thompson and present their claim for Med. & Attendance on Auterberry & McNeary, paupers, admitted by examining Physician. It is ordered by the Court that they be allowed the sum of Three hundred & forty-three dollars & fifty cents for said services. Ordered by the Board that P. G. Strickland be allowed the sum of Three hundred and thirty dollars for services as Jailer from 4th April to the 13th July inclusive. Ordered by the Board that E. Simmons be allowed the sum of Two hundred and ten dollars for services as Guard to the Jail. Ordered by the Board that Burpee & Linn be allowed the sum of One hundred and eight dollars and Ninety-eight cents, payable in coin for work done on the Jail & chairs for the Court House. Ordered that B. F. Dowell be allowed the sum of Sixty dollars for services in prosecuting criminals in the Circuit bill. Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the sum of Sixty-one dollars for Advertising and Blanks for Clerk of Courts & Sheriff. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow at Nine O'clock. J.
D. Tolman
Co. Judge & Prest. of the Board Friday Morning, July 15th, 1859
The Board
met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present Hon. J. C.
Tolman, County Judge, and Frederick Heber, Commissioner, &
Hoffman, Clerk.The minutes of the proceedings of this Board on yesterday were read and signed by the Judge. Ordered by the Board that Sewell Truax be allowed the sum of Forty-three dollars for surveying Sec. 36 T39S Range 1 East & other services. Now comes Max Müller and applies to the Board for a license to keep a Billiard Saloon in the Precinct of Jacksonville, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that the said Max Müller has paid into the County Treasury the sum of Twenty-five dollars, It is ordered by the Court that said Max Müller be entitled to a license to keep a Billiard Saloon in said Precinct for the term of Six months from the first day of July, 1859. Now comes Jos. S. Burpee, deputy County Treasurer, and asks the Board for an extension of time for the settlement of the County Treasurer, which is allowed & time given until the next Sess. in August. Ordered by the Board that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred and thirty-five dollars and ninety cents for services as County Clerk to also the sum of One hundred and Nineteen dollars for Office, rent, Stationery & Records for the Court. Now at this day comes J. O. Rayner, Superintendent of Common Schools and applies to the Board for an order to sell certain School lands, and the premises considered, it is ordered by the Board that the said Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized to sell the following described tracts of land, to wit: The West fractional half of Section 1 and the Northeast fractional quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 2 in Township 37S, Range 2 West, also The North half of Section 36 in Township 39S, Range 1 East. That said Superintendent sell said lands in such parcels or tracts as to him may seem proper and that the terms of said sale shall be one fourth cash in hand, and the remainder payable in twelve months with interest thereon at ten percent per annum from day of sale. That said sale of said lands in T.37S. R.2W. be offered for sale at the Court House in Jacksonville on the 1st Saturday, being the 5th day of November 1859 after giving legal notice of the time and place of sale, by advertisement in the Oregon Sentinel, And that said tract of land in T39 S, Range 1 E. be offered for sale at the School House near Judge J.C. Tolman's in Ashland Precinct, on Saturday, the twelfth day of November 1859 after giving Notice as aforesaid. Ordered by the Board that Samuel R. Taylor be allowed the sum of Eighty-two dollars and Twenty cents for services as deputy Sheriff. Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan, Sheriff, be allowed the sum of One hundred & Sixty-six 20/100 dollars for Services as such Sheriff and for fees of Bailiffs, &c. And the Board now adjourns until Thursday, the 4th day of August 1859. J.
C. Tolman, Co. Judge
Prest. Board [August 4, 1859]
And now at
this day the County Judge, in accordance with the provisions
of law proceeds to select from the Citizens of Jackson
County, Oregon, possessing the qualifications required by law, the
names of one hundred persons to serve as jurors, which said names of
persons are as follows, to wit:
I certify that the foregoing is a full and true list of the names of One hundred persons to serve as Jurors, apportioned among the different sections of Jackson County believed to be possessed of the qualifications prescribed by law to serve as such Jurors. Witness my hand the day and date above written. J.
C. Tolman
And the
Board now adjourned until the 4th day of August at 9 O'clock.Co. Judge J.
C. Tolman
Co. Judge County Court of Jackson County, sitting as Comrs. Court. Thursday, August 4th, 1859
The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, met this morning
pursuant to adjournment. Present Hon. J. C. Tolman, County Judge,
Frederick Heber and John M. Nichols, Commissioners.Now at this day comes John Q. Tabor, Assessor-elect, and files his official bond in the sum of One thousand dollars, with S. D. Van Dyke, J. W. McCully, and John Anderson as sureties, which said bond is accepted and approved by the Board. Ordered by the Board that Henry Blecher be allowed the sum of Seventy-one dollars and fifty-three cents for beef furnished to the Jail. Ordered by the Board that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the sum of Thirty dollars for printing blanks for the County Assessor. Ordered by the Board that J. A. Brunner & Bro. be allowed the sum of twelve dollars for Sundries for the Jail. Ordered that Dr. J. W. McCully be allowed the sum of Twenty-three dollars for milk furnished Jail. Ordered by the Board that J. W. McCully be allowed the sum of Twelve dollars and fifty cts. for services as Examining Physician. Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of Thirty-seven dollars and forty cents for Justice's fees in criminal cases. Ordered that the following persons be allowed for Witness fees as follows:
Ordered by the Board that Horace G. Burnett be allowed the sum of Thirty dollars for services prosecuting Criminals. Ordered that Maury & Davis be allowed the sum of Two hundred and twenty-six dollars and twenty-eight cents for supplies for the Jail & Court. Ordered that Anderson & Glenn be allowed the sum of Two hundred dollars and one cent for supplies for the Jail. Ordered that Matthew R. Ish be allowed the sum of five dollars for beef for Jail. The resignation of Thomas J. Gregory was presented, resigning the office of Constable of Jacksonville Precinct, which is accepted. Ordered that Geo. Holmes be allowed the sum of Fifty-five dollars for Wood furnished to the Jail. Now comes William Bybee and James N. T. Miller and file their application for the change of a portion of the County road leading from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, which said application is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Whereas a public highway has been established through the lands of William Bybee and J. N. T. Miller in the County of Jackson in the State of Oregon, which said Highway leads from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek in said County to the town of Jacksonville and the said William Bybee and J. N. T. Miller are desirous of turning said road through another part of their lands, therefore the said William Bybee and J. N. T. Miller respectfully petition the Judge of the County Court of Jackson and the Commissioners associated with him to permit them to turn such road through another part of their land, commencing on the line between M. Hanley and William Bybee at the lower gate of the latter, thence South on the said Bybee's land until it intersects the Overbeck road at the southwest corner of Hanley's lane, thence west with said road until it intersects the road proposed to be changed on the said line of J. N. T. Miller's land, which said road as sought to be changed will be on as good ground as is occupied by the present road and will not materially increase the distance to the injury of the public. William
Which application being read and the said William Bybee and J. N. T.
Miller having filed a bond conditioned to pay all costs that may be
incurred in said change, It is ordered by the Board that Miles F.
Alcorn, A. H. Miller and S. R. Taylor be and they are hereby appointed
Viewers to view said proposed change, and the said viewers having been
duly sworn to discharge their duties, proceed to view said road for the
proposed change and thereupon file their report as follows, to wit:J. N. T. Miller" "State of Oregon County of Jackson To the Hon. Board of Commissioners of said County: We, the undersigned viewers appointed by your Hon. Board to view and change a part of the County road leading from the Saw-mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville on the application of Wm. Bybee and James N. T. Miller, respectfully report: that after being duly sworn according to law, we proceeded to view said road as mentioned in the said application of said Bybee & Miller and believing that the change applied for will place the road on as good ground and not materially increase the distance to the injury of the public, would recommend the following change, commencing on said road at Bybee's lower gate, thence 550 yards south to a point on the Overbeck road at Hanley's South West corner, thence west with said road until it intersects the road proposed to be changed on the South line of J. N. T. Miller's land in accordance with the aforesaid petition. Respectfully
and this report is continued for further
action.A. H. Miller M.F. Alcorn S. R. Taylor And the Board adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock. J.
C. Tolman
Co. Judge Pres. Board Friday August 5th, 1859
The Board
of Commissioners met this morning pursuant to adjournment, Present the
same as yesterday.Ordered that Thompson & Greer be allowed the sum of Forty-eight dollars for medical attention and medicine for John Irishman. Now at this day come Alexander H. Miller and Samuel R. Taylor, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view a change of a part of the County Road leading from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, and file an amended report, which is in the words and figures following, to wit: To the Hon. Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon: We, the undersigned, two of the viewers appointed by y our Honorable Board to view a change of the County road leading from the saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, on the lands of Wm. Bybee and James N. T. Miller, would respectfully represent that in making this report (so far as the undersigned are concerned), an error was committed in the termination of the proposed change mentioned in your said report. The undersigned therefore present the following amended report, "commencing said change or alteration of said road at Bybee's lower gate, thence about 550 yards South to a point on the Overbeck road at Hanley's South West corner, thence west with said road to Bybee's upper gate, there to terminate, and ask your honors to receive this amended report in lieu of the report made and presented on the 4th day of August, 1859. A.
H. Miller
August 5th 1859S. R. Taylor Viewers Which report being read and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that the said Amended report does not terminate the proposed change of said road as prayed for in the petition of the said Wm. Bybee and James N. T. Miller, It is therefore Considered that the said report be rejected. Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan, Sheriff, be and he is hereby authorized to deduct certain mileage fees in making assessment of property for taxation from taxes collected by him in his settlement with the County Auditor. Ordered by the Board that the sum of Two hundred dollars be taken from the "Territorial fund" and placed to the credit of the "School fund" in the hands of the Treasurer, to refund that amount used for the payment of Territorial taxes out of said School fund in the year 1857. Ordered that the Auditor place upon record the settlement made by him with the County Treasurer and make out and publish an exhibit of the receipts and expenditures of the County for the fiscal year, ending June 30th 1859. And the Board now adjourn. J.
C. Tolman
Co. Judge Pres. Board Commissioners'
Court September Session 1859
The Board of County Commissioners met today in regular session, Present
Hon. J. C. Tolman, County Judge, F. Heber & J. M. Nichols,
Commissioners and William Hoffman, Clerk.Sept. 7th 1859 The report of E. Tinkham, Henry S. Overbeck and Abram Tenbrook, viewers appointed to view and lay out a County road from the South East corner of Frederick Heber's land claim and running thence nearly due east to the line dividing the claims of Packard & Wait and thence with said line to intersect the Bear Creek road, thence to terminate coming up for final action and there being no remonstrance, petition for damages or for a review, It is ordered by the Board that the report of the said viewers be confirmed and that said road be & is hereby established as a public highway and that Supervisors through whose Districts said road may pass be required to open the same and Keep it in repair. The resignation of James Tatone as Justice of the Peace of Butte Creek Precinct was presented and accepted. Ordered that Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed the sum of Sixty-four dollars for medical attendance & board of John Toway 6 days at 4.00 per day. Now comes Albert Banhart and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and his License assessed at thirty-five dollars for six months to date from the 5th of October 1859 at which time his present license expires. Ordered that E. Simmons be allowed the sum of One hundred and thirty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents for services as Jailer. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of Sixty-four dollars and Ninety-three cents Clerk's fees in Criminal Cases in the Circuit Court, June Term 1859. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred and twenty-eight dollars and fifty cents for Auditor's fees--Also the sum of Seventy-nine dollars and twenty-three cents for rent of office up to Sept. 26th 1859 & Stationery for Clerk's office, Assessor's blanks, &c. Ordered by the Board that G. W. Rosecrans be and he is hereby appointed Justice of the peace in and for the Precinct of Butte Creek in the place of James Tatone, resigned. Whereas the County Assessor has represented to the Board that it is impracticable for him to complete the assessment of the taxable property of the County prior to the 3rd day of October ensuing and asks the Board for an extension [of his] time until said day to make his return of the Assessment Roll, whereupon It is ordered by the Board that time be given until the 3rd day of October for the said Assessor to make his return of the Assessment Roll. It is further ordered that the time for making Corrections in assessments by the Assessor be extended to the 1st day of October next. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock. J.
C. Tolman
President Board Thursday morning, September 8th
The petition of J. B. White, Hawkins Shelton & others for the
appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County road "Commencing at
Bethel's Ferry on the North side of Rogue River and terminating at the
bridge across Rogue River at Rock Point" was presented and read and it
appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that the notices required by
law had been duly posted more than thirty days prior to the present
Session of the Board, and bond having also been filed executed by
Backus & Thomas W. Reed,It is ordered by the Board that John S. Miller, Emerson E. Gore and Dr. Jesse Robinson be and they are hereby appointed to view and lay out said road as prayed for that they meet at the Office of the County Clerk on Tuesday, the 27th day of September, 1859, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings at the next regular session of this Board. Ordered by the Board that Wintjen & Co. be allowed the sum of Sixteen dollars and seventy-five cents for bread furnished to the Jail. Ordered that Love & Bilger be allowed the sum of Forty-one dollars and twenty-five cents for articles furnished to the Jail and Court House. Ordered that Kaspar Kubli be allowed the sum of Seven dollars and eighty cents for attendance as Witness in Criminal Case, State of Oregon vs. Geo. Bowen. Also the sum of ten dollars for bringing said Bowen to Jacksonville from Applegate. Ordered by the Board that Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed the sum of Three hundred and forty-eight dollars for Med. attendance on John Napper up to Sept. 7th, 87 days @ $4 per day. Also Four dollars one day additional for attendance on John Toway. Now comes John W. Hillman, and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart, which is allowed and his license assessed at Fifty dollars for six months from the 5th day of October 1859. Now comes John W. Hillman and applies to the Board for a license to Keep a Billiard Saloon in Jacksonville Precinct, which is allowed and his license assessed at twenty-five dollars for Six months from the 5th day of September 1859. Now comes A. V. Gillette, Supervisor of Road District No. 1, and presents his account for Settlement which being examined, It is ordered by the Board that the said A. V. Gillette be allowed the sum of Ninety-one dollars & ninety cents ($91.90) for services &c. Now at this day comes Jacob Rapepoh and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and his license assessed at Forty dollars for six months, from which is to be deducted the sum of $18.33, leaving the balance to be paid into the County Treasury of $21 67/100. Ordered that Greer & Thompson be allowed the sum of One hundred and Eighty dollars for medical attendance & Board of Thomas Mitchell up to and including the 8th September 1859. Now at this day comes Jeanne Laugier and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and her license assessed at Forty dollars for six months. Ordered that F. Heber be and he is hereby appointed Agent for the County to purchase the House built by Strickland for the Clerk's office, Sheriff's Office & Jury rooms, to have said building removed to the Court House block and have it finished as soon as can be done conveniently and on the best terms he can. And the Board now adjourns until the 3rd day of October ensuing. J.
C. Tolman
President Board Jacksonville, October 3rd 1859
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County met today pursuant to adjournment.
C. Tolman, Chairman
Now at this day comes G. W. Rosecrans and presents the petition of
himself and others for an appropriation towards the building of a
bridge across Little Butte Creek at F. Westgate's under the
Statutes passed in relation to the subject and it appearing to the
satisfaction of the Board that a bridge at the place mentioned in the
petition is necessary for the public convenience and that a bridge of
the following dimensions should be constructed across said Creek to
wit: 80 feet long and 16 feet wide of good, substantial material--be it
therefore ordered that G. W. Rosecrans is hereby appointed Commissioner
to superintend the letting of the contract to build said bridge
according to the Statutes in such cases, made and provided and upon the
delivery of a certificate to the Board of Commissioners certified under
oath by said Bridge Commissioner that the Bridge was fairly let and
that a good and substantial bridge of the above dimensions had been
completed and that the Petitioners had become
responsible for the remainder of the money to the contractor, then and
in that case it is hereby ordered that one half of the amount for the
Construction of said Bridge be and the same is hereby appropriated
provided said amount so appropriated shall not exceed the sum of Three
hundred dollars, to be paid upon the completion of said bridge by
Warrants drawn on the County Treasurer in favor of the Contractor for
building said Bridge or his assigns, upon the certificate of said
Commissioner being filed as aforesaid.Fred. Heber & Jno. M. Nichols, Commissioners and William Hoffman, Clerk Adjourned until Thursday morning next at 9 O'clock. J.
C. Tolman
Co. Judge acting President Board Thursday, October 6th 1859
The Board
of Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on
Monday, 3rd inst.Now comes Max Muller and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville which is granted and his license assessed at Forty dollars for six months. Now at this day comes Wintjen & Helms and apply to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one qt. in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and their license assessed at Forty dollars for six months. Now at this day comes Henry Huber and applies to the Board for a license to retail Spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted & his license assessed at forty dollars for six months. And the Board now adjourns until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge & President Board Friday morning, Oct. 7th 1859
Now at this day come McLaughlin & Klippel and apply to the
for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one
quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and their
License assessed at Fifty dollars for six months.Now at this day come McLaughlin & Klippel and apply to the Board for a License to Keep a Billiard Saloon in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted, the rate as established by Statute. Now at this day comes Michael Brenan and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and the license of said Brenan assessed at Forty dollars for six months. Now at this day comes O'Brien & McKay and apply to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Applegate, which is granted and their license assessed at Thirty dollars for six months. Comes Kaspar Kubli & applies for license to sell liquors in Applegate Precinct which is granted & license assessed at $30 for 6 months. Ordered that G. B. Davidson be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for Potatoes furnished to Jail. Ordered that G. B. Davidson be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for Hauling Smith, a pauper, to Town. Ordered that Matthias Graser be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars for making a Coffin for Smith, a Pauper. Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the sum of One hundred & Sixty-six dollars & Seventy-five cents for Printing for County under Thos. Pyle's Administration as Sheriff. Ordered that Samuel Laporte be allowed the sum of Twelve dollars & fifty cents, the amt. of taxes overpaid on a double assessment. Ordered that Anderson & Glenn be allowed the sum of Ninety-six dollars & twenty-five cents, their claim on Clerk's office building, payable in Coin. Ordered that E. E. Gore & brother be allowed the sum of One hundred & forty-six dollars & Seventy-six cents in Scrip, their claim on Clerk's office building. $146.76. Ordered that Maury & Davis be allowed the sum of Twenty-eight dollars & forty-three cents in County Scrip, the amt. of their claim on Clerk's Office building. Ordered that Samuel R. Taylor be allowed the sum of Thirty-four dollars & fifty cents, his claim against the Clerk's Office building, payable in County scrip. Ordered that Burpee & Linn be allowed the sum of Twenty-one dollars & fifty cents, their claim against the Clerk's Office building, payable in scrip. Ordered that Hillman & Martin be allowed the sum of Thirty-six dollars, their claim against the Clerk's Office building, payable in scrip. Ordered that McLaughlin & Klippel be allowed the sum of Six dollars, their claim against the Clerk's Office building, payable in scrip. Ordered that John B. Sifers be allowed four dollars and fifty cents, his claim against the Clerk's Office building, payable in scrip. Ordered that Dr. L. S. Thompson be allowed four dollars, his claim against the Clerk's office building, payable in scrip. Ordered that Taylor & Ackley be allowed the sum of Three dollars, their claim against the Clerk's building, payable in scrip. Ordered that E. E. Gore be allowed the sum of Twenty-Eight dollars and eight cents--for lumber furnished for Jail & Clerk's Office, payable in County Scrip. Ordered that A. M. Berry be allowed the sum of Twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents, expenses for moving Clerk's office building, payable in Cash. Now at this day comes John Q. Tabor, County Assessor, and presents to the Board the Assessment roll of said County which being examined and corrected is accepted by the Board and ordered to be filed in the Auditor's Office. Ordered by the Board that the following rates of Taxes be and the same are hereby levied for the County of Jackson for the year 1859. For County purposes: 12 mills on the dollar. For State tax: 2 mills on the dollar School tax: 1 mill on the dollar Making a total of 15 mills on the dollar. Also a Poll tax of One dollar for County purposes and a Poll tax of Two dollars, Hospital purposes. Now comes S. Humphrey, Superintendent of Common Schools-elect, and files his official bond in the sum of Five thousand dollars with Dr. J. W. McCully and L. S. Thompson as his sureties, which is accepted & approved by the Board. And the Board adjourns until the first Monday in November next. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge and Prest. B. Co. Comrs. Commissioners'
Court November Sp. Term 1859
full Board.Monday, November 7th, 1859 Ordered that S. D. Van Dyke be allowed the sum of Eleven dollars & Seventy cents for hauling 936 feet lumber from Lindley's mill to Jacksonville (Scrip at 90) Ordered that S. D. Van Dyke be allowed the sum of Thirty-eight dollars and thirty-four cents for lumber furnished and hauling same for County Building. Now at this day comes Eber Emery and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart, which is allowed and his license assessed at thirty dollars for six months. Ordered that E. G. Reiman be allowed the sum of Eighty-one dollars & thirty-seven cents for Rocks furnished & Walling County building & Well in jail yard. Ordered that Thompson & Greer be allowed the sum of Two hundred and forty-four dollars for Medical attendance & board of Thomas Mitchell, a pauper. Ordered that Thompson & Greer be allowed the sum of Sixty dollars for Med. Attendance & board of John Smith, a pauper. Ordered that Freeman Yandell be allowed the sum of Two hundred & Eighty dollars for services as Jailer 2 mo. & 24 days @ $100 per mo. to date. Ordered that Samuel Fox be allowed the sum of One hundred & fifty dollars for services as assistant Jailer 1½ month. Ordered that Geo. Holmes & Co. be allowed the sum of Six dollars for Hauling Rock. Ordered that S. R. Taylor be allowed the sum of Seventeen dollars for fees as deputy Sheriff. Ordered that Love & Bilger be allowed the sum of One hundred & six dollars & ninety-seven cents for Stoves & pipes for Court House and County building. Ordered that Anderson & Glenn be allowed the sum of Fifty-nine dollars & 47 cents For Lumber &c. for County Building. Ordered that Anderson & Glenn be allowed the sum of Sixty-nine dollars & fifty-two cents for Articles furnished the Jail. Ordered that John R. Wilkins be allowed the sum of Twenty-four dollars for Hauling Rock for County building. Ordered that Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed the sum of Two hundred and forty-eight dollars for med. att. & board of John Napper from Sept. 7th to Nov. 7th, 62 days @ $4 per day. Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the sum of One hundred and twenty dollars for Medical attendance and Board of D. C. Alcott. Ordered that Hiram Reed be allowed the sum of Sixteen dollars for fees & mileage as witness in the Cause of State of Oregon versus Abel George (use of M. B. Morris, Kerbyville). Ordered that John M. Nichols be allowed the sum of Forty Ordered that F. Heber be allowed [omission] dollars for services as County Commissioner to date. Ordered that John M. Nichols be allowed the sum of Fifty-five 80/100 dollars for services as County Commissioner to date. Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of Two hundred and Seventy-two dollars & twenty-five cents for Sheriff's fees and expenses in Criminal Cases ($61.25) cash warrant. Ordered that Henry Blecher be allowed the sum of Eighty-five dollars and seventy-two cents for beef furnished the jail. Ordered that the Clerk of the Board be and he is hereby authorized to issue Warrants for the services of Jurors & Witnesses at the October Term of the Circuit Court as returned by the Clerk of the said Court. The bill of Riley Hayden for Prosecuting Abel George six days as Pros. for Jackson Co., Two hundred dollars, was presented for allowance, which being contrary to the fees allowed by Statute to Pros. Attys., is disallowed. It is ordered that the said Riley Hayden be allowed the sum of Twelve dollars for said services. Ordered that John Q. Tabor be allowed the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars in part of his salary as Assessor. Ordered by the Board that the order made at the July Session of the Board requiring the Superintendent of Common Schools to sell certain School lands be rescinded so far as relates to the North half of Sec. 36 in Town. 39 S. Range 1 East, and that the sale of said tract of land be postponed until the further order of this Board. And the Board now adjourn until the next regular session. J.
C. Tolman, Co. Judge
Chairman B. Co. Com. December
Session A.D. 1859
The Board
of Commissioners met today in regular Session, PresentMonday, December 5th 1859 Hon.
J. C. Tolman, County Judge
and thereupon the Board adjourn until
Wednesday morning at 9 O'clock.F. Heber and J. M. Nichols, Commissioners J.
C. Tolman
Co. Judge & Pres. B. Co. Com. Wednesday morning Dec. 7th 1859
The Board
met this morning pursuant to
adjournment, present the same as on Monday last.Comes now Reuben Saltmarsh and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart within the Precinct of Sterlingville, which is granted and his license assessed at Twenty-five dollars for six months. Comes now Dumaille and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart at Forest Creek Precinct, which is granted and his license assessed at twenty dollars for six months from the 21st day of October 1859. Comes now George Dysart and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart at Ashland Precinct, which is granted and his license assessed at Thirty dollars for six months from October 17th 1859. Ordered that John W. Hillman be allowed the sum of Forty-five dollars & Eighty-three cents refunded on unexpired license. Come Taylor and Williams and apply to the Board for a license to sell liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and their license assessed at Fifty dollars for six months. Come Taylor and Williams and apply to the Board for a license to keep a Billiard Saloon in the precinct of Jacksonville which is granted and their license assessed as per Statute. Ordered that John Tepper be allowed the sum of Twenty-one dollars for Boarding W. J. Newton. Ordered that J. W. Rowland be allowed the sum of Forty-six dollars and fifty cents for brick furnished the County building. Ordered that Brunner & Bro. be allowed the sum of One hundred and fifty-one [dollars] and fifty-five [cents] for articles furnished for County Building. Ordered that H. G. Burnett be allowed the sum of Twenty-seven dollars Prosecuting Attorney's fees October Term 1859. Ordered that J. B. Wilson be allowed the sum of Nine dollars for hauling. Ordered that A. V. Gillette be allowed the sum of Eight dollars for 4 days service as Supervisor of Road District No. 1. Ordered that Maury & Davis be allowed the sum of One hundred and twenty-six dollars and sixty cents for supplies furnished the Jail. Now comes James Hamlin, Supervisor of Road District No. 4, and files his account for settlement by which it appears that he had performed services as such Supervisor to the amount of 14 days from which is to be deducted his own 2 days work, leaving 12 days for which he is entitled to receive pay. It further appears that he had expended for labor, lumber and other expenditures on the roads in his District the sum of Eighty-seven dollars & twelve cents, from which is to be deducted the sum of Twenty-four dollars and fifty-four cents, money collected by him and his property tax Eight dollars & sixty cents, leaving a balance due the said James Hamlin of Fifty-four dollars & fifty-Two cents from said District. Ordered that James Hamlin be and he is hereby allowed the sum of Twenty-four dollars for 12 days services as Supervisor., Now at this day comes W. W. Fowler, Supervisor of Road District No. 12 & presents his account, by which it appears that he had received in money the sum of Five hundred and eight dollars and fifty cents and that he had paid out for work &c. the sum of Four hundred and Eighty-five dollars and twenty-five cents, leaving a balance in his hands of Twenty-three dollars & twenty-five cents. It further appears that the said W. W. Fowler had performed services as such Supervisor to the amount of twenty-three days. That there is due said District for property tax & labor from
Ordered by the Board that W. W. Fowler be allowed the sum of Forty-six dollars for services as Supervisor. Ordered that Freeman Yandell be allowed the sum of One hundred dollars for One month's services as Jailer, up to this date. Now at this day comes Thomas Pyle, Supervisor of Road District No. 8, and presents his acct. by which it appears that he had collected the sum of Sixteen dollars, and that he had expended the sum of Fourteen dollars and fifty cents, leaving a balance of One dollar and fifty cents in his hands. That there is due to said Supervisor from said District for a Plow, $35.00, and two yoke of Oxen $3.00 from which is to be deducted Cash in his hands $1.50 and his property tax $1.62 making $3.12, leaving balance due said Thomas Pyle from said District the sum of $34.88. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed the sum of Fourteen dollars for seven days services as Supervisor. Ordered that U. S. Hayden, J.P. be allowed the sum of Seven dollars and Sixty cents Justice's fees in the [cause of] State vs. Wm. Casterlin. Ordered that John Miller be allowed the sum of One dollar & Seventy cents as witness in the State vs. J. Pawpaw. Ordered that John Q. Tabor be allowed the sum of Four hundred and fifteen dollars for services as Assessor for the year 1859. Ordered that J. C. Tolman be allowed Six dollars & Seventy-six cents for which he had overpaid taxes heretofore. And the Board now adjourns until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock. J.
C. Tolman, Co. Judge
& Prest. Bd. Co. Comrs. Thursday Morning, December 8th
The Board
met pursuant to adjournment,
present the same as yesterday.Ordered that Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for rent of Sheriff's office. Ordered that S. R. Taylor be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for attendance on Court &c. Ordered that John Bigham be allowed the sum of Fifteen dollars for wood furnished to the Jail. Ordered that the Witnesses in attendance at the trial of Abel George in Josephine County be allowed their legal fees & mileage as per the Certificate of the Clerk of the Court & as corrected by the Prosecuting Attorney. Ordered that Prindle & Norton, Kerbyville, be allowed the sum of One hundred dollars for Boarding Jurors in the case of State of Oregon vs. Abel George and also Board of Abel George as corrected and allowed by the board. It is further ordered that the balance claimed by said Prindle & Norton amounting to $88.00 be and the same is rejected and disallowed. Ordered that R. B. Morford be allowed the sum of Forty-seven dollars and fifteen cents Clerk's fees in the cause of the State vs. Abel George. It is further ordered that the bal. claimed by him being $20.70 is disallowed. Ordered that C. L. Linksweiler be and he is allowed the sum of Ten dollars for services as Supervisor. Now comes W. W. Fowler, Supervisor of Road district No. 12, and files the Treasurer's receipt for the sum of Thirty dollars and Seventy-five cents, being Seven dollars & fifty cents in addition to the amount reported on his hands in his report made yesterday, said sum of $30.75 being due to said District No. 12. Now comes A. Bethel and applies to the Board for a license to Keep a Ferry at the point Known as Bethel's Ferry on Rogue River, which is granted and his license assessed at Thirty-Seven dollars & fifty cents for nine months from the 24th day of October A.D. 1859. Now at this day comes W. W. Fowler, Supervisor of District No. 12 and files his report under oath showing the names [of] persons who are delinquent in road labor in said District
Ordered that Alexander French be allowed the sum of eleven dollars as Supervisor. Now comes Alexander French and files his report of delinquents on road labor, to wit:
Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed One hundred dollars, Twenty dollars for Med. Att. and board of John Napper from Nov. 7 to Dec. 7, 30 days @ $4.00 per day. Now comes Thomas Pyle and files his affidavit showing that an error had occurred in his assessment for the year 1859 to the amount of Six hundred and ninety-five dollars and it appearing that said error was made, It is ordered by the board that said sum of Six hundred and ninety-five dollars be deducted from his said assessment. Ordered that O'Meara & Freaner be allowed the sum of Ninety-eight dollars for printing for County including $18.00 advertising school land. Ordered that Henry Blecher be allowed the sum of Fifteen dollars and Seven cents for beef furnished the Jail. Ordered that A. M. Berry be allowed the sum of One hundred and ninety-five dollars and fifty cents for work done on County Building, one half payable in Cash and the remainder in Scrip Warrants. Ordered that Warren Hulbert be allowed the sum of One hundred & Sixty-Seven dollars & fifty cents for work done on County Building. Ordered that the fees of Coroner, Jurors, Witnesses & Constable &c. be allowed as certified by the Coroner on inquest held on the body of Saml. Mooney. Ordered that Thomas Arundell be allowed the sum of Eighty-one dollars & Seventy-five cents for work on County Building. Hawkins Shelton files his petition setting forth that the Board had released from his assessment of 1857 the sum of six hundred dollars and that he had paid taxes on said sum of $600, and praying that an order be allowed refunding him twelve dollars, the taxes paid on said sum [in] the premises considered, It is ordered that if it shall appear that said tax was paid as alleged, the auditor be authorized to issue a warrant refunding said sum of twelve dollars. Ordered by the Board that William Hoffman, Auditor, be allowed the sum of Fifty dollars for extra services in investigating the financial condition of the County from its Organization to the close of the fiscal year 1859. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman, Auditor, be allowed the sum of Seventy-five dollars & Eighty-three cents for rent and Stationery for Office payable in Coin. Ordered that Wm. Hoffman, Auditor, be allowed the sum of Two hundred and Seventy-two dollars and fifteen cents Auditor's fees. And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock. J.
C. Tolman, Co. Judge
& Prest. Bd. Co. Com. Friday Morning December 9th 1859
The Board
met pursuant to adjournment,
present the same as yesterday.Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of Thirteen dollars and fifty-five cents fees in criminal Cases before him as J.P. Ordered that F. Heber be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for Superintending County Building. Whereas at the September Session, 1859, upon Petition filed for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a certain County road from Bethel's Ferry on the North side of Rogue River, to terminate at the Bridge across Rogue River at Rock Point, the Board appointed Jesse Robinson, John S. Miller & Emerson E. Gore viewers of said road--And now at this day comes Jesse Robinson, one of said Viewers, and presents a report on said view, signed by himself alone, and the said report not being in accordance with law, first because it is not signed by a majority of said Viewers and secondly because the said report was not filed within the time required by Statute, to be acted upon at this Session of the Board, Therefore, the premises considered, the said Report is set aside. Ordered that Caron d'Anjou, alias Napoleon, be allowed the sum of Forty-nine dollars for expenses incurred upon two indigent sick persons. Now at this day comes T. B. Willard, Supervisor of District No. 10, and presents his account for Settlement by which it appears that he had received the sum of Forty-five 36/100 dollars and that he had expended the sum of Forty-six dollars, leaving a balance due him from the said District of Sixty-four cents. Also that he had served two days as such supervisor, for which he is entitled to pay. Ordered that T. B. Willard be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as Supervisor. Ordered that District No. 9 be divided into two Districts, to be divided by the meridian line running north & South. Ordered that J. K. Ackley be allowed the sum of Forty-seven dollars for painting on County Building & Court House inside. Ordered that the following named persons be and that they are hereby appointed Supervisors of Road Districts in Jackson Co., to wit: District
No. 1 A. V. Gillette
that [omission]
Pearce be allowed the sum of Thirty dollars for lining and
papering County Building, payable in Coin whenever the work is
completed to the satisfaction of F. Heber, Commissioner.District No. 2 W. C. Myer District No. 3 Samuel Colver, Jr. District No. 4 James Hamlin District No. 5 S. M. Wait District No. 6 H. Amy District No. 7 Ben. Haymond District No. 8 Thomas Pyle District No. 9 Jackson Rader District No. 10 James Kilgore District No. 11 John E. Ross District No. 12 C. C. Beekman District No. 13 Nich. Wright District No. 14 Jacob Broadwell District No. 15 Robt. H. Casteel District No. 16 Wm. H. Tinsley District No. 17 James Hubbard District No. 18 Alexander French District No. 19 James Miller Ordered that F. Heber be and he is hereby authorized to draw from the County Treasurer the sum of Thirty dollars and seventy-five cents, deposited by W. W. Fowler, late Supervisor of Road District No. 1, to be expended, with twenty-four dollars & ten cents due from Ish & Bro. and four dollars due from E. C. Pelton, when collected, on the Lane on the Overbeck road as per agreement made by said Fowler. And the Board now adjourn until the first Thursday in January next. J.
C. Tolman, Co. Judge
Settled F.
Heber's Commissioner's fees up to close of December Session.Prest. Bd. Co. Com. January
Session, A.D. 1860
The Board
of Commissioners met today pursuant to
adjournment, present Hon. J. C. Tolman, County Judge, Frederick
Heber and John M. Nichols, Commissioners, and William Hoffman, Clerk.Thursday, January 5th 1860 Now at this day Comes Max Muller and applies to the Board for a license to Keep a Billiard Saloon which is granted, to commence Jan. 1st. Now comes Wm. H. Merriman and files his affidavit setting forth that the late assessor made a mistake in double assessing and over assessing his property to the amount of Eight hundred and thirty-three dollars, the premises considered. It is ordered by the Board that said amount be deducted from his assessment. And the said Wm. H. Merriman, having paid his taxes on said sum, It is ordered that the said Wm. H. Merriman be allowed the sum of Twelve dollars and fifty cents refunded for overpaid taxes. Now comes John McKee and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Forestville, which is granted and his license assessed at Twenty-five dollars for six months, to date from the 12th day of December A.D. 1859. Now come Amos E. Rogers, Abram Tenbrook and Henry S. Overbeck and John Lacy and file their petition praying for the appointment of viewers to view and alter a certain County road upon the lands of the petitioners, commencing "at the Northwest corner of H. S. Overbeck's claim, running thence directly East on the line that divides said Claim from that of A. Tenbrook and also A. E. Rogers to the North East corner of said Overbeck's claim, running thence North to the N.W. corner of John Lacy's claim on the line between Lacy & Rogers, thence East on the line between Rogers & Lacy to the Lane and laid out road between Lacy & Davidson" and the said petition being duly considered, It is ordered by the Board that J. F. Gray, Ebenezer Pinkham & Joseph Pinkham be and that they are hereby appointed viewers to view and alter said Road as prayed for and report their proceedings at the next regular Session of this Board. Now comes J. B. Wrisley and presents the petition of himself and others for the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County Road commencing at Hailey's Ferry on the north side of Rogue River and terminating at the Bridge across Rogue River at or near J. B. White's which was read and the said J. B. Wrisley having made proof of the posting of notices required by law and having also filed his bond, It is ordered by the Board that James Thornton, N. D. Smith and Albert G. Rockfellow be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for, that they meet at the office of the Clerk of the Board on the 23rd day of March ensuing, be qualified & proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings at the next regular term of this Board. Now comes James Thornton, Supervisor of Road District No. 2, and files his report, by which it appears that there was labor performed in his District including the working out of property tax to the amount of $305.10; that he performed labor as Supervisor six days from which is to be deducted his two days' labor & also his property tax amounting to two days, leaving two days for which he is entitled to receive pay. Ordered by the Board that James Thornton be and he is hereby allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as Supervisor of Road District No. 2. James Thornton, Supervisor of Road District No. 2 presents the following list of persons delinquent for property tax in his District, as follows:
Ordered that Arthur Langell be allowed the sum of Sixty-four dollars and fifty cents, Shackles, putting on & taking off Irons on prisoners. Ordered that Love and Bilger be allowed the sum of Twenty-two dollars & twenty-six cents for Articles furnish[ed] County Building. Ordered that Freeman Yandell be allowed the sum of Ninety-six dollars and sixty-six cents for services as Jailer up to date. Ordered that David Linn be allowed the sum of Sixty-two dollars and seventy-five cents, Stationery & Rent of office. Ordered that Anderson & Glenn be allowed the sum of Seventy-nine dollars and seventy-four cents for supplies for jail. Ordered that A. M. Berry be allowed the sum of Thirty-six dollars for work done on County Building, one half payable in Coin and the other half in County Warrants. Ordered that Warren Hulbert be allowed the sum of Thirty-two dollars & fifty cents for work done on County Building, one half payable in Coin. Now comes Robert H. Casteel, Supervisor of Road District No. 15, and files his report, by which it appears that he had collected the sum of $55.85 and that he had expended 55.85 and that he had served as Supervisor and performed 4 days' labor exclusive of his own 2 days' labor. Ordered that Robert H. Casteel be allowed the sum of Eight dollars for services as Supervisor of Road District No. 15. Now comes S. D. Van Dyke, Supervisor of Road District No. 3 and files his report, by which it appears that he had collected the sum of One hundred and Seventy-One dollars and Ninety cents, And that he had expended the sum of One hundred and seventy-eight dollars and twenty-five cents, leaving a balance due him from said District the sum of Six dollars and thirty-five cents, and that he performed Services as such Supervisor
And the Board now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. J.
C. Tolman, Co. Judge
& Pres. B. Co. Comm. Friday morning, Jan. 6th 1860
The Board
met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present--Same as yesterday
except F. Heber.Ordered that H. Bellinger be allowed the sum of Four dollars for Rock for County Building. Ordered that Judge and Emery be allowed the sum of Twenty-eight dollars for mattresses furnished for Jail. Ordered that Greer & Thompson be allowed the sum of Two hundred dollars for medical attendance and nursing Stephen Longfellow to date. Now come Greer & Thompson and A. B. Overbeck and agree to renew the Contract entered into by them respectively & the Board of Commissioners, for Medical attendance & nursing of sick Paupers, who shall become a County charge, said contract to continue until the 8th December 1860, and said services to be paid out of the Hospital fund so far as said fund will pay & until exhausted and afterwards said services to be paid by Warrants on the treasury as in ordinary cases. We hereby agree to the foregoing. Greer
& Thompson
that Miller & Medcalf be allowed the sum of Eleven Dollars for
wood for Jail, &c.A. B. Overbeck Ordered that B. F. Dowell be allowed Seventy-five dollars for services as special Pros. Atty. in criminal Cases and Attorney in defending County in two suits. Ordered that William Hoffman, Auditor, be allowed the sum of One hundred & forty 40/100 dollars for articles furnished Office & for fees. Ordered that the following fees be allowed in Criminal Cases
In consideration of the premises, it is ordered that the said proposition be accepted and that the necessary Lumber and nails be procured by the County Clerk at the expense of the County and that said work be done under his superintendence and when said fence shall be completed to his satisfaction he is authorized to issue a warrant for said labor. And the Board now adjourn until Court in course. J.
C. Tolman, Co. Judge
Pres. B. Co. Comm. Special Session March 9th 1860
To [sic]
Board of Commissioners met at the Auditor's
Office on Friday the 9th day of March, A.D. 1860 in special Session, at
which were present Hon.
J. C. Tolman, County Judge
Ordered by
the Board that the Superintendent of
Common Schools be and he is hereby authorized to sell the following
described lands, to wit:Frederick Heber, Commissioner and William Hoffman, County Clerk Section
16 in T37S of Range 1 West
That the
sale of said lands be on the following terms, one fourth of
the purchase money cash in hand and the remainder in 12 months from the
day of sale and bearing interest at the rate of ten percent per annum,
said lands to be offered at the Courthouse in Jacksonville on the 21s
day of April, 1860 and that notice of said sale be published 4
successive weeks in the Oregon
Sentinel. The N.E. ¼ of the N.E. ¼ of Section 17 Part of the South fraction of Section 9, T37[S] R1W Also the following parcel of land The West fractional half of Section 1 [and the] N.E. fl. ¼ N.E. ¼ Section 2, T37[S] R2W Ordered by the Board that A. B. Overbeck, M.D. be allowed the sum of One hundred & Eighty-Eight dollars for medical attendance & Board of John Napper,
Ordered by the Board that Greer & Thompson be allowed the sum of Two hundred and fifty-two dollars for medical attendance & Board of Stephen Longfellow from January 6th 1860 to the present date, payable out of the Hospital fund. Ordered that J. A. Brunner and Bro. be allowed the sum of One hundred and five dollars and seventy cents for Supplies furnished the Jail up to the 7th Instant. Ordered that J. F. Gray be added to District No. 12 instead of District No. 4 for Road purposes. And the Board now adjourn until next regular Session. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge & Pres. B. Co. Com. April Term A.D. 1860
Be it
remembered that the Board of
Commissioners of Jackson County & State of Oregon met on Monday
second day of April, A.D. 1860.Present Hon.
J. C. Tolman, County Judge
the Board of Commissioners have purchased of the Committee of
the New Graveyard the Lots described below for the purpose of being
used to bury paupers, Prisoners & other persons who are a
Charge therein--It is ordered by the Board that the sum of Fifty
dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the County
Treasury for said Lots.Frederick Heber, Commissioner William Hoffman, Clerk And the Board now adjourn until Tuesday, April 10th 1860. J.
C. Tolman, Co. Judge
& Pres. B. Co. Com. Commissioners
Court April Session 1860
The Board
of Commissioners met
this morning in regular Session, Present Hon. J. C. Tolman, County
Judge and Chairman of the Board, Frederick Heber & John M.
Commissioners, and Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk.Tuesday, April 10th 1860 The Petition of J. B. White and others for the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County Road commencing at Bethel's Ferry on the North side of Rogue River and terminating at the bridge across Rogue River at Rock Point, was presented to the Board and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that there were twelve householders upon said petition and that notices of said application for viewers had been duly posted according to law & Bond filed, It is ordered by the Board that William Kahler, Nathaniel C. Dean & Solomon Humphrey be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and lay out said Road as prayed for, and thereupon bond is filed as required by law, The said Viewers to meet at the Office of the County Clerk on the 4th day of May next, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular session. Now comes A. J. Hubler and files his affidavit setting forth that he had been assessed by the County Assessor to the amount of $2400, that said assessment was for money loaned out of this State and that all the property he had liable to assessment was a horse valued at sixty dollars. It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said A. J. Hubler be released from $2340.00 of his said assessment. Now at this day come Wintjen & Helms and apply to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and his License assessed at forty dollars for six months. Now at this day comes Geo. W. Carter and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous Liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Eden, which is granted and their License assessed at Thirty-five dollars for six months from the 15th day of April 1860. Now comes Kaspar Kubli and applies to the Board of Commissioners for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in Applegate Precinct which is granted and his License assessed at Thirty dollars for Six Months, from which is to be deducted Twenty dollars heretofore deposited in County Treasury. Now come Martin & Rathbun and apply to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than One quart in the precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and their license assessed at Fifty dollars for six months from the 5th day of March 1860, from which sum of twenty-five dollars is deducted as deposit heretofore made in the County Treasury as per receipt on file. Now comes the said Martin & Rathbun and apply to the Board for a License to Keep a Billiard Saloon in the Town of Jacksonville, which is granted and said License to issue from March 5th 1860 for six months. Now at this day comes Michael Brenan and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and his license assessed at Forty dollars for six months. Now at this day comes Albert Banhart and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and his license assessed at twenty-five dollars for 6 months. Ordered by the Board that O'Meara & Freaner be allowed the sum of Fifty-six dollars for Printing and advertising for County. Also Five dollars Adv. Commissioners Court, making in all Sixty-one dollars. Ordered that O'Meara & Freaner be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars for advertising sale of School Lands by order of S. Humphrey, Supt. Common Schools, payable out of the funds belonging [to it] or arising from sale of public lands. Now comes Silas J. Day and presents the petition of himself and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County Road from Jacksonville up Jackson Creek about one and one fourth mile, And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that notices of said Application had been duly posted as required by law and bond having also been filed, It is ordered by the Board that C. C. Beekman, James T. Glenn & Sewell Truax be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said road as prayed for, that they meet at the office of the County Clerk, be qualified & proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular session. Now at this day comes Max Muller and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted and his license accessed at Forty dollars for six months. Ordered by the Board that S. Humphrey be allowed the sum of One hundred dollars for one year's Salary as Superintendent of Common Schools in Jackson County, from the 7th day of October, A.D. 1859. Also the additional sum of Two hundred dollars for Extra services performed by him as such Superintendent making together the sum of Three hundred dollars. Ordered that Margaret Crosby be allowed the sum of Ten 50/100 dollars for washing Clothing &c. for Prisoners in Jail. Ordered that Freeman Yandell be allowed the sum of Three hundred dollars for service as Jailer up to April 5th 1860. Ordered that Thomas H. Birch be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars for building Jail Privy. Ordered by the Board that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue County Warrants to the Jurors and Witnesses attending at the March Term of the Circuit Court 1860. Ordered that Charles Langier be allowed the sum of Thirty-nine dollars & 75 cents for furnishing meals, Lodging & fire for the use of the Jury in the Cause of the State vs. William Casterlin. Ordered that Drake & Thompson be allowed the sum of Fifty-two dollars and twenty-Eight cents for provisions furnished for the jail to April 7th 1860. Ordered that Henry Blecher be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars and twenty-six cents for Beef, &c. furnished for the Jail. The Report of N. D. Smith, James Thornton and Albert G. Rockfellow, viewers appointed to view & lay out a County Road from Pelton's Ferry to the Bridge at Rock Point on Rogue River was read the first time today. Ordered that H. G. Burnett be allowed the sum of Fifty dollars fees as Prosecuting Attorney prosecuting Criminals before Justices of the peace. Ordered that H. G. Burnett be allowed the sum of Seventy-five dollars for boarding Abel George. Now at this day comes John S. Miller and presents the Petition of himself and others for an appropriation towards the building of a Bridge across Bear Creek on the line between the claims of the said John S. Miller and Grundy Taylor, under the provisions of the Statute passed in relation to the building of bridges, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that a bridge at the place named is necessary for the public convenience, said bridge to be built of suitable length and width and of good materials and substantially constructed, It is therefore ordered by the Board that John S. Miller be and he is hereby appointed Commissioner to superintend the construction of said bridge according to the statutes made & provided for such purpose, and upon the delivery of a certificate to the Board of Commissioners, certified under oath by said Commissioner, that the said Bridge was fairly let and that a good and substantial Bridge had been completed and that the amount subscribed towards building said Bridge had been secured to the Contractor for building the same, then and in that case It is ordered by the Board that one half of the amount of the lowest bid for building said bridge as aforesaid be and the same is hereby appropriated toward the payment of the same provided that the amount so to be appropriated shall not exceed the sum of Four hundred dollars, to be paid when said Bridge shall have been fully and satisfactorily completed by orders drawn upon the County Treasurer by the County Clerk in favor of the Contractor for building said Bridge, or to his assigns, upon the certificate of the said Commissioner being filed as aforesaid, said Bridge to be of the following length, to wit--Creek Bridge 164 feet, Slough Bridge 124 feet and fourteen feet wide, timber to be of fir. And the Board now adjourns until tomorrow morning at 9 O'Clock. Wednesday Morning April 11th 1860
The Board
of Commissioners met this morning pursuant to adjournment, Present the
same as yesterday.Ordered that Thompson & Greer be allowed the sum of Seven hundred and Eighty dollars for Medical attendance and board of the following named Paupers:
The report of James Thornton, N. D. Smith & A. G. Rockfellow, Viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County Road from Pelton's Ferry on Rogue River to the Bridge across Rogue River near J. B. White's, was read a second time today and is in the words & figures following, to wit: "To the Honorable County Commissioners Court of Jackson County, Oregon, The undersigned Road viewers appointed at your December Session to view and locate a road from Hailey's Ferry on Rogue River and terminating at the Bridge across Rogue River at or near J. B. White's, respectfully present the following report: Commencing at Pelton's Ferry, better known as Hailey's Ferry, we have run the road in a North East direction to Pelton's eastern line, thence north on Pelton's eastern line to Chauncey Nye's claim, thence West on the line between Pelton & Nye one half mile to Pelton's North West corner, thence North on the line between Nye & Wrisley one fourth mile to Wrisley's north east corner, thence West on Wrisley's & Bybee's north line one & ¼ mile to be Bybee's north West corner thence North on Satterfield east line, two hundred yards to his lane, thence due west through said lane six hundred yards, thence north on the line between Satterfield & Nail two hundred yards to Nail's north east corner, thence West on the line between Satterfield & Nail ¼ mile to Section line, thence North on the section line about one mile to Debenger's south line, thence West about three fourths of a mile intersecting the old road leading to Sams Creek thence North West along said road about one quarter of a mile to east and west Township line, thence west along said Township line three miles to the West side of the West branch of Sams Creek, thence down Sams Creek one mile to the farm of Michael Erety, thence down along the base of the mountain on the right hand of a certain Marshy thicket about one half mile intersecting the Wagon road at a point of rock on Rogue River, thence down the River along said road about four miles terminating at the north end of the Bridge on Rogue River at Mr. White's place. Services rendered for which we claim pay, three days each for man & horse. James
And this
report is continued until the next session of the Board for further
action.N. D. Smith A. G. Rockfellow The Petition of S. P. Taylor and others for the establishing of a new Road District out of that part of Road District No. 3, lying North of Bear Creek, was read and after due consideration of the matter, it is ordered by the Board that said petition be not granted until the consent be had of the remainder of the district or until due public notice be given of the application to the Board for such new district to be established. Ordered by the Board that Turner & Ray be allowed the sum of Thirty-seven dollars for cleaning muskets. Ordered that Geo. Francis be allowed the sum of Three dollars & ten cents Witness fees before J.P. Ordered that I. Francis be allowed the sum of Three dollars and ten cents witness fees before J.P. Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of Twenty-seven dollars & twenty cents J.P. fees in criminal case. Ordered that James Thornton be allowed the sum of Six dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that N. D. Smith be allowed the sum of Six dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that A. G. Rockfellow be allowed the sum of Six dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered by the Board that the County Clerk be authorized to return to Isaac Swinden the Government Scrip deposited with him for services of said Swinden during the last war. Ordered that a New Road District be established to be designated as Road District No. 20, being so much of Township No. 36 S. of Range 2 West as lies on the North of Rogue River. Ordered that Jacob Thompson be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 20. The petition [of] John C. Davenport and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County road commencing at the Knutzen's Gulch and terminating at the Military road where it intersects the County road running from Jacksonville was presented and read and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that Notices of said application had been duly posted and bond filed according to law, It is ordered by the Board that S. Clark Taylor, Allen Lee, and Granville Naylor be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for, that they meet at Gasburg on Friday the 4th day of May next, be qualified before O. Jacobs, Esq. and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to this Board at the next regular Session of the Board. Now at this day comes Geo. Long and applies to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Applegate, which is allowed and his License assessed at Thirty dollars for Six months. Now comes John N. Durham and shows to the satisfaction of the Board that he had been illegally assessed to the amount of two thousand dollars for Land claim which he did not own and asks the Board to be released from that amount from his assessment. It is ordered by the Board that said John N. Durham be released from said assessment so illegally made to the amount of said sum of Two thousand dollars. Now comes Henry Huber and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the precinct of Jacksonville, which is granted, and his license is assessed at the sum of Forty dollars for six months. Ordered that the Estate of David B. Brenan be allowed the sum of One hundred dollars rent of Office for Sheriff & Probate Judge and twelve dollars for a stove for the Jail, making in all One hundred & twelve dollars. Ordered that L. H. Hill be allowed the sum of Six dollars and Sixty cents Constable's fees in Criminal Case State vs. Smith. Ordered that James B. Little be allowed the sum of Fifteen dollars for washing clothing & Blankets for Prisoners. Ordered that Turner & Ray be allowed the sum of Five dollars for digging Grave for Bowen. Ordered that Hiram Abbott be allowed Three dollars and ten cents for mileage & expenses bringing Casterlin to down [town?]. Ordered that A. J. Coakley be allowed Three dollars & ten cents, same as above. Ordered that Peter Flynn be allowed Three dollars & ten cents, same as above. Ordered that M. R. Fletcher be allowed the sum of Twenty-four dollars services as Bailiff at March Term Circuit Court 1860. Ordered that A. M. Berry be allowed the sum of Fifty-seven dollars and one cent for Expenses of constructing a Gallows for execution of prisoners. Ordered that S. R. Taylor be allowed the sum of Ninety-five dollars Deputy Sheriff's Fees March Term Circuit Court 1860. Ordered that James Hamlin be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars and twenty cents Coroner's fees on inquests held on the bodies of D. N. Herrin, A. J. Butler & Samuel Mooney. Now comes E. C. Pelton and applies to the Board for a License to keep a Ferry on Rogue River at the point heretofore kept as a Ferry by John Haily and that his license be assessed at ten dollars for one year. It is further ordered that the following be the rates of Toll at said Ferry, to wit:
Ordered by the Board that the sum of One hundred dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated toward finishing the Bridge over Little Butte Creek near James Miller's residence and that said sum be expended under the direction of said James Miller. Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan, Sheriff, be allowed the sum of One hundred and Ninety-Eight dollars and Ten cents for fees as Sheriff. It is ordered by the Court that an Election Precinct be established on the South Fork of Applegate and that said Precinct be Known as the Squaw Lake Precinct and that the Election be held at the Store of Wm. Dorn. Ordered that Burpee & Linn be allowed the sum of Twenty-two dollars for Desk for the Clerk's Office. Now comes James Hamlin and asks to be permitted to resign his office as Supervisor of Road District No. 4 for reasons presented to the Board. It is therefore considered that the resignation of James Hamlin be accepted. Ordered by the Board that Isaac Van Dorn be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 4. Ordered that Anderson & Glenn be allowed the sum of Two hundred dollars for a Salamander Safe for the safety of the County Records, one hundred dollars of which sum is to be paid on demand and one hundred dollars when said safe is delivered to the County Clerk, said delivery to be within a reasonable time. Ordered that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Judges of Election in the several Election Precincts of this County for the ensuing year, to wit: Judges of Election
1 Ashland--Asa G.
Fordyce Jno. P.
Walker Wm. F.
Songer2 Eden--Wm. Hesse S. D. Van Dyke Henry Amerman 3 Sterlingville--Reuben Saltmarsh Philip Gleave J. C. Corbell 4 Jacksonville--Jos. S. Burpee Alex. Martin Jas. Kilgore 5 Manzanita--Isaac Constant Jno. S. Miller L. A. Rice 6 Butte Creek--James Tatum Peter Simon Jackson Rader 7 Forestville--Jno. McKee A. H. Casteel V. Comstock 8 Applegate--Wm. J. Matney & Mr. Longwell 9 Star Gulch--Justus Wells Thos. Wright James Hubbard 10 Table Rock--Chauncey Nye J. G. Riddle John Haily 11 Dardanelles--Lafayette Gall Benj. Haymond John Swinden 12 Perkinsville--E. B. Magruder Jas. McDonough J. T. Jones 13 Evans Creek--Jacob Evans A. K. Williams W. M. Hale 14 Squaw Lake--John B. Sifers And the Board now adjourn. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge Special
Session May 8th 1860
The Board
of Commissioners of
Jackson County, Oregon, met today in Special Session, Present Hon.
J. C. Tolman, County Judge, and Frederick Heber, Commissioner, and
William Hoffman, Clerk.Jacksonville, May 8th 1860 Ordered that C. W. Savage be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars and fifty cents for work on Court House fence, furnishing Lumber & making Gates and resetting posts &c. Ordered that John Thurber be allowed the sum of Forty-seven dollars and forty cents for Timber furnished for Bridges &c. in Road District No. 3 as per Certificate of S. D. Van Dyke, Supervisor. And the Board now adjourn until next regular session. J.
C. Tolman,
County Judge Issued Scrip to J. M. Nichols for services as Comr. from Nov. 1859 to April 1860.
July Session, A.D. 1860
The Board
of Commissioners met this day to wit the
second day of July A.D. 1860 at the office of the Clerk of the Board.
Present Hon. James C. Tolman, County Judge, Frederick Heber, Commr.,
William Hoffman, ClerkFrederick Heber, who was re-elected as Commissioner, was duly sworn into Office. Ordered that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred and twelve 91/100 dollars Auditor's fees &c. And the Board now adjourns until Thursday next at 9 o'clock A.M. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge Pres. Board Thursday Morning July 5th 1860
The Board
of Commissioners met this morning pursuant
to adjournment, Present J. C. Tolman, County Clerk [sic--Tolman was County Judge]
and D. N. Birdseye & Fred. Heber, Commissioners and William
Hoffman, Clerk.Ordered that the Bond of L. J. C. Duncan as Sheriff be in the sum of Ten thousand dollars and also an additional sum for China tax of ten thousand dollars. That the Bond of B. F. Dowell as Coroner, Five thousand dollars. That the Bond of William Kahler as Assessor be in the sum of One thousand dollars. That the Bond of O. D. Hoxie as Public Administrator be in the sum of Ten thousand dollars. That the Bond of Sewell Truax as County Surveyor be in the sum of One thousand dollars. That the Bond of David Linn as County Treasurer be in the sum of Twenty Thousand dollars. Ordered that a new Road District be formed out of a part of District No. 7 to be designated as District No. 21. Commencing at the East boundary of T36S, R3W and extending down on both sides of Rogue River to the mouth of Galls Creek Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 21. The report of the viewers of a County road from Bethel's Ferry to the bridge across Rogue River was read a first time today. The report of the viewers of a County road from Jacksonville to the house of Kellison on Jackson Creek was read a first time today. The report of the viewers of a County road from Knutzen's claim near Knutzen's Gulch to intersect the road from Jacksonville was read; and the Report not being definite for or against the establishment of said road, it is ordered by the Board that the said report be referred to said viewers for amendment in accordance with Sec. 5 of the amended Road law & report. The report of the viewers of the alteration of a road from the North West corner of H. S. Overbeck's claim to the Lane between Lacy & Davidson's claim was read, said proposed alteration commencing at the North West corner of H. S. Overbeck's claim, running thence directly East on the line that divides said claim from that of A. Tenbrook and also A. E. Rogers to the North East corner of said Overbeck's claim, running thence North to the N.W. corner of John Lacy's claim on the line between Lacy & Rogers, thence East on the line between Rogers & Lacy to the Lane and laid out road between Lacy and Davidson. It is considered by the Board that said report be accepted and that the petitioners be and they are hereby authorized to make the said alteration in accordance with the Statute in such case made & provided. The Petition of Thomas Smith & William Taylor for the alteration of a County road on their own land was presented and read and thereupon the Board appoint Lewis Hiatt, Richard Evans & H. W. Clayton be and they are hereby appointed as viewers of said proposed alteration and report their proceedings at the next Session of the Board. The Petition of S. C. Taylor and others for the establishment of a new road district north and east of Bear Creek in T37 & 38S R1W was presented and read, whereupon the Board order and direct that a New Road District be established embracing Sections 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35 & 36 in Township 37S R1 West and Sections 1, 2, 3 & 4 in Township 38S R1 West and that said District be designated as No. 22. Ordered by the Board that John La Tourette be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District 22. Ordered that O'Meara & Freaner be allowed the sum of Seventy dollars for printing Blanks for Courts & Assessor. Ordered that Freeman Yandell be allowed the sum of Three hundred dollars for Services as Jailer from April 5th to July 5th 1860. Ordered that the Auditor issue Warrants in favor of Messengers, Judges, and Clerks of Election as reported by him for the respective sums due them as allowed by law. Ordered that the Auditor issue Warrants in favor of the Jurors serving at the June Term 1860 of the Circuit Court also Witnesses in Criminal cases for the respective amounts due them as allowed by law. Now at this day comes G. W. Rosecrans, Commissioner, heretofore appointed to superintend the building of a Bridge across Butte Creek at Frederick Westgate's who filed his report, by which it appears that in pursuance of the order of the Board, he proceeded to let the building of the said bridge after having duly advertised the same and that the contract for building said Bridge was taken by James J. Fryer for the sum of six hundred dollars, he being the lowest bidder for the same, that one half of said sum has been paid to the Contractor by the Petitioners for said bridge and that the said bridge has been fully completed according to contract and received by said Commissioner from the said J. J. Fryer as such Contractor, on the 2nd day of July A.D. 1860. Ordered that G. W. Rosecrans be allowed the sum of Eighteen dollars for Nine days' services as Commissioner for building a bridge across Butte Creek at Fred. Westgate's. Ordered that J. J. Fryer be allowed the sum of Three hundred dollars, which is hereby appropriated towards the building of a bridge across Little Butte Creek by said J. J. Fryer, the Contractor, the said Bridge having been completed and received by the Commissioner, G. W. Rosecrans, who had heretofore been appointed by the Board for that purpose. Now comes William Kahler, Assessor, and files his bond in the sum of One thousand Dollars with James Clugage and John Anderson as sureties, which bond is accepted and approved by the Board. Ordered that J. A. Brunner & Bro. be allowed the sum of One hundred and twelve 64/100 dollars for supplies for Jail and articles for County building. Now comes Max Muller and applies to the Board for a License to Keep a Billiard Saloon in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed. Ordered by the Board that James F. Keith be and he is hereby appointed Constable within and for the Precinct of Sterlingville. Ordered that A. B. Overbeck, M.D., be allowed Two hundred & fifty-two dollars for medical attendance and board of Frederick Snyder from April 3 to June 5th 1860. 63
days @
$4 $252.00
Also the sum of Two hundred & Seventy-six dollars for Med.
attendance & Board from April 28th to June 25th 1860 M. Hartz
days @ $4 276.00
Now at this day, the County Judge proceeds to select the names of One hundred persons as competent Jurors, to wit: 1. Armstrong, Robert C. 2. Amerman, Henry 3. Arundell, Thomas 4. Alcorn, Miles F. 5. Bybee, William 6. Frederick G. Birdseye 7. Billenbrock, J. H. 8. Crawley, Dennis E. 9. James Clugage 10. Jerasney Crawford 11. John Wright 12. Thomas Chavner 13. A. J. Coakley 14. John C. Davenport 15. Joseph H. Davis 16. Silas J. Day 17. Richard Evans 18. John L. Frye 19. Asa G. Fordyce 20. W. W. Fowler 21. James J. Fryer 22. Thomas J. Gregory 23. Samuel Grubb 24. John Haily 25. Wm. M. Hughes 26. Rowland Hall 27. John S. Herrin 28. George S. Hebard 29. Stephen J. Henderson 30. William K. Ish 31. William A. Johnson 32. Gideon G. Kerr 33. James Kilgore 34. James Leslie 35. John S. Lacy 36. John LaTourette 37. Tobias L. Linksweiler 38. Wm. T. Leever 39. James M. Matney 40. John S. Miller 41. W. C. Myer 42. Constantine Magruder 43. John M. Nichols 44. Granville Naylor 45. Wayne Oliver 46. Thomas Ord 47. John Osborn 48. Harvey B. Oatman 49. Ebenezer Pinkham 50. G. W. Rosecrans 51. Lewis Rees 52. Walter W. Rigsby 53. Riddle, J. M. 54. Roudebush, J. 55. Ryan, Pat J. 56. Ralls, V. S. 57. Joseph Satterfield 58. Clinton Schieffelin 59. Alfred Sturgis 60. Thomas Smith (Capt.) 61. David Scofield 62. John Saulsby 63. Reuben Saltmarsh 64. Elijah Sharp 65. David E. Stearns 66. Wm. F. Songer 67. Lewis Sisley 68. Samuel Colver 69. James Savage 70. James Tatum 71. Tobias Thomas 72. Robert Tenbrook 73. S. Clark Taylor 74. Franklin Town 75. Isaac Van Dorn 76. Jacob S. Walz 77. John B. Wrisley 78. Nicholas B. Wright 79. Justus Wells 80. William Welch 81. Isaac Woolen 82. John Wintjen 83. Mark Watkins 84. Stephen Watson 85. A. G. Wilkins 86. Philip Gleave 87. Curtis Davenport 88. John S. Love 89. R. S. Haines 90. Benj. T. Davis 91. John Anderson 92. Woodford Reames 93. Harvey Morgan 94. Omer Saltmarsh 95. Wm. M. Hand 96. Daniel Hopkins 97. Charles Chappell 98. Eli K. Anderson 99. John Bigham 100. Amos E. Rogers State of Oregon ) County of Jackson ) ss. I certify that the foregoing is a true list of the names of One hundred persons selected by me to serve as Jurors, apportioned among the different sections of the County, believed to be possessed of the qualifications prescribed by law to serve as such Jurors. July
5th 1860
And the
Board now adjourn until tomorrow
morning at 9 O'clock.J.
C. Tolman
Co. Judge July 6th 1860
The Board
met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as yesterday.Ordered that Burpee & Linn be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars for Coffin for Casterlin.
Now comes L. J. C. Duncan, Sheriff, and
presents his
report of the sale of property belonging to William Casterlin who was
executed for Murder, by which it appears that the amount realized from
the sale of his personal effects was
Now at this day comes S. M. Wait and presents the petition of himself and others for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County road commencing at a point in the Crawley Gulch where the Sterlingville road from Gasburg crosses the left hand fork of Griffins Creek and terminating at a point to intersect the road leading from Butte Creek to Gasburg--was read and thereupon the Board appointed the following named persons as viewers, to wit: Isaac Constant, Titus B. Willard and John Watson, that they meet at the Auditor's office on the 16th day of August next, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment and report their proceedings to the Board at their next regular Session. Ordered that Lewis H. Zigler be allowed the sum of Nineteen Dollars and fifty cents for meals furnished to Jurors. Ordered that the Sheriff L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of Three hundred and Eighty-five dollars and Eighty cents for fees and charges. The Report of the Viewers on a County road from Jacksonville to the house of Kellison on Jackson Creek was read a second time today. The Report of the Viewers on a County road from Bethel's Ferry to the bridge across Rogue River was record [sic] a second time today. The report of James Thornton, N. D. Smith and A. G. Rockfellow, heretofore appointed as Viewers on a County Road from Pelton's Ferry to the bridge across Rogue River at the Rock Point Coming up for final action and there being no petition for a review or for damages or for alteration of said road, It is considered by the Board that the said report be in all things confirmed and that the road therein mentioned be and the same is hereby established as a public highway and that the Supervisors through whose Districts the said road may pass be required to open the same and Keep it in good repair. Ordered that James T. Glenn be allowed Two dollars for service as road viewer. Ordered that Sewell Truax be allowed Two dollars for Services as road viewer. Ordered that C. C. Beekman be allowed Two dollars for services as road viewers. Ordered that Wm. Kahler be allowed Four dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that N. C. Dean be allowed Four dollars for services as road viewer. Ordered that Solomon Humphrey be allowed Four dollars for services as road viewer. Now comes Dr. Chas. B. Brooks and presents his bill for Medical & Surgical attendance on Samuel Lemons (Negro) from May 12th 1860 to July 4th 1860 inclusive. 54
days @ $4
taking the above account under consideration, It is ordered by
the Board that the said Dr. Charles B. Brooks be allowed the sum of One
hundred & fifty dollars for said service.Now comes Dr. C. Foppoli and presents his bill for Medical attendance on a Kanaka on Jackson Creek. 9
days @ $5
taking the above account under
consideration, It is ordered by
the Board that the said Dr. C. Foppoli be allowed the sum of
Twenty-five dollars for said services.Ordered that Albert Barnhardt be allowed the sum of Twenty-six dollars for supplies and Cigars for Jurors as per order of D. Shff. as to the Cigars. Ordered that [omission] This warrant should go toward payment of State case. Ordered that Thompson & Greer be allowed the sum of Eleven hundred and Sixty-nine dollars for Medical Attendance on sick Paupers as follows:
It is ordered by the Board that Dr. J. W. McCully be and he is hereby appointed and constituted Agent and Examining Physician to provide suitable care and assistance for the sick and poor Paupers of this County, whose duty shall be as follows: When any person shall make application for relief from the County to require such person to take and subscribe to the following oath before some person duly authorized to administer the same--that such person has resided within this County during twelve months next preceding the time of his application and that he has no means of his own in any shape wherewith to support himself, that he has no father, mother, children, brother nor Sister within this State who is able to support him; And then said Agent is hereby empowered to dispose of such person as provided by Statute. Provided, if such Pauper does not require strict medical attendance, he shall be placed under such care as said agent may deem best, at a cost per week not exceeding Sixteen dollars. It shall further be the duty of said Agent to examine the sick Paupers being treated by Physicians as per contract, at least once in two weeks, and discharge such Paupers from County Charge, under said contract, where in the opinion of said Agent, such Pauper needs no further medical attendance--or may transfer such pauper to such other place as heretofore mentioned at a cost not exceeding Sixteen dollars per week. And when any non-resident, or any other person being destitute, not coming within the definition of a pauper, shall fall sick in this County during vacation of Commissioners Court, said Agent is hereby authorized to make the necessary arrangement for their relief, if, in his opinion, such person is entitled to any assistance as required by section Six of an Act relating to the support of the poor. Such Agent is required to make quarterly reports to the Board of Commissioners of all things done in the matters hereunto appertaining, and for all which the Board will allow said Agent a reasonable compensation. Now comes David Linn, County Treasurer, and files his official Bond in the sum of Twenty thousand dollars, with J. Anderson, John S. Drum, John S. Love and J. W. Haines as Sureties, which is accepted by Board. Now at this day come Michael Hanley and files the petition of himself, John E. Ross and Aaron Chambers to change so much of the County Road on their own land leading from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, "to commence at Jackson Creek on the aforesaid road at the North East corner of Michael Hanley's tract of land, thence South on the line between said Hanley and Aaron Chambers and between said Hanley and John E. Ross to the South West corner of said Ross' donation land claim, thence in a south Westerly direction in the lane as the main traveled road now runs across the Butte and said Hanley's tract of land, intersecting the aforesaid Road at William Bybee's east boundary line." Which petition being read, the Board thereupon appoint R. F. Maury, U. S. Hayden and Alexander Martin Viewers to view and alter said road in accordance with the Statute in such case made & provided; that they meet at the Auditor's Office on the 2nd day of August A.D. 1860, be sworn and proceed the discharge of their duties and report their proceedings to the Board on the first Thursday in August ensuing. And the Board now adjourns until the Second Thursday in August ensuing. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge Thursday August 9th 1860
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County,
Oregon, met today pursuant to adjournment, present Hon. J. C.
Tolman, County Judge & Frederick Heber, County Commissioner and
William Hoffman, County Clerk.Now at this day comes John Boyse, a Kanaka, in his proper person & by J. J. Foster his Attorney, and files his affidavit showing that the affiant is imprisoned for the non-payment of a fine and costs imposed on him by the Judge of the Circuit Court at the June Term 1860 thereof, that the affiant has no means whereby he can pay said fine and costs and praying to be released from imprisonment. After hearing the testimony in relation to the matter, It is ordered by the Board that the Sheriff be certified of the facts therein set forth and that he discharge the said John Boyse from imprisonment. Whereas on this day a petition of Citizens of Jacksonville being presented to the Board asking permission for Frank Mayo to hold a series of entertainments in the Court House (Supposed to be of a Theatrical Character). It is considered by the Board that they have no authority to appropriate said County building to any other use or occupancy than that for which it was erected. Therefore the prayer of the petitioners is not granted. The Report of Lewis Hiatt, Richard Evans and H. W. Clayton, viewers appointed to view and alter a part of the County road leading from the Eagle Mills to the Mountain House, was presented and read and is as follows, to wit: "We, Lewis Hiatt, Richard Evans and H. W. Clayton, do swear that we will faithfully & impartially discharge the duties of road viewers in accordance with the above appointment to the best of our ability. Lewis
Subscribed & Sworn to before me
this 14th day of July, 1860,Richard Evans H. W. Clayton J. C. Tolman, County Judge To the Hon. Board of County Commissioners We, the undersigned viewers appointed by you at your July Term, being duly sworn, proceeded to view the proposed change as described in said appointment and would report that we find the ground over which the new road passes better for a road than that over which the old one passes and that the distance is increased about 4½ rods. All things considered, we recommend the change as petitioned for by Wm. Taylor and T. Smith; the new road is completed and in good traveling condition. July 15th 1860. Lewis
And it
appearing to the satisfaction of
the Board
that said road has been altered and is in good traveling condition, It
is therefore ordered by the Board that so much of the old
road as has been changed be and the same is vacated, and that the new
road as altered by said viewers be and the same is hereby established
as a public highway and that the Supervisor through whose District said
new road passes be required to Keep the same in good repair. Said road
as altered is as follows: "Commencing near a bridge in said road on the
Lands of Thomas Smith, thence diverging a little to the right and
running nearly parallel with and at no greater distance than 80 feet
from and intersecting said County road on the hill N.W. of
Wm. Taylor's house and on said Taylor's land."Richard Evans H. W. Clayton The report of R. F. Maury and U. S. Hayden, two of the Viewers appointed to view and alter a part of the County road leading from the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, was presented and read and is in the words and figures following, to wit: We, the undersigned viewers appointed by the Com's. Court, July Session 1860, on petition of Michael Hanley, John E. Ross and Aaron Chambers to change or alter so much of the County Road on their own land leading from the saw Mill on Big Butte Creek to Jacksonville, Report that we viewed the Road from N.E. Corner of Michael Hanley's land on the present traveled road, between Hanley's & Chambers' land claims, and below Ross' & Hanley's to a point about Fifty yards South of Hanley's Barn, at which the point the present road leaves the old one and is made through said Hanley's farm in a South Westerly direction, intersecting the old road at Wm. Bybee's East boundary line. Said change in our opinion is not detrimental to the public, is on equally as good ground and is in good traveling condition, and does not increase the distance and we therefore recommend the alteration. R.
F. Maury
Jacksonville, OregonU. S. Hayden 9th July 1860 And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that said road has been altered and is in good traveling condition, It is therefore ordered that so much of the old road as has been changed be and the same is hereby vacated and that the road as now altered be established as a public highway and that Supervisors through whose Districts said altered road may pass be required to Keep the same in good repair. Now at this day come John S. Miller, heretofore appointed a Commissioner to contract for the building of bridges across Bear Creek and a slough on the public road between the lands of the said John S. Miller and Grundy D. Taylor and returns into Court a report that the Contract had been let and that good and substantial bridges had been built by John Y. Smith, the Contractor, which report is received and in all things Confirmed. Ordered by the Board that John Y. Smith be and he is hereby allowed the sum of Four hundred dollars, being the amount appropriated by the Board towards the expense of building the bridges across Bear Creek & a slough between the lands of John S. Miller and Grundy D. Taylor. Ordered that James C. Tolman be allowed the sum of Seventy-two dollars for boarding C. D. Mills, a Pauper. The County Clerk presents the settlement made with the Sheriff of Jackson County, L. J. C. Duncan, which is ordered to be recorded. L. J. C. Duncan, Sheriff
The following Official Bonds were presented and accepted and approved by the Board, to wit: Sewell Truax, County Surveyor's bond in the sum of One thousand dollars, with J. W. McCully and U. S. Hayden as sureties. Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk's bond in the sum of One thousand dollars, with O. D. Hoxie, James Kilgore & G. W. Keeler as sureties. O. D. Hoxie, Public Administrator's bond in the sum of Ten thousand dollars, with J. Anderson & J. A. Brunner as sureties. L. J. C. Duncan, Sheriff & Collector's bond in the sum of Ten thousand dollars, with Wm. Hesse, John Anderson and John S. Miller as sureties. L. J. C. Duncan, Sheriff's bond for Collecting Chinese taxes in the sum of Ten thousand dollars, with James Kilgore, J. W. Haines as sureties. And the Board now adjourns until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock. J.
C. Tolman
C.J. & Pres. Board Friday, August 10th, 1860
Board met,
Present the same as yesterday.It is ordered by the Board that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue County Warrants to the amount of not exceeding Five hundred dollars payable to Dr. J. W. McCully, County Agent, and Hospital examining Physician, to be applied to relieving the County of such Pauper charges as he may think best and proper, with the advice and consent of the Board of Commissioners. And the Board now adjourns until the next regular Session on the first Monday in September next. J.
C. Tolman
C.J. & Pres. Board September
1st Monday 1860
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, met in regular Session this
day: Present--Monday September 3rd 1860 James
C. Tolman, County Judge
Petition of Milton Lindley, A. Blue and others was presented for
the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County road from
Jacksonville to terminate at the Territorial road near the barn of S.
Van Dyke and Frederick Heber, Commissioner William Hoffman, Clerk It is further ordered that Sewell Truax, County Surveyor, be notified to attend with said viewers for the purpose of Surveying the route of the said road as the same may be viewed. The petition of R.S. Jewett for the appointment of viewers to assess the damages which he would sustain by reason of a County road passing through his land from "Bethel's Ferry to the Bridge across Rogue River in Jackson County" being presented and read-- It is ordered by the Board that Thomas Smith, John P. Walker and B. F. Myer be and they are hereby appointed to assess said damages by proceeding to view said proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the said R.S. Jewett and assess and determine how much less valuable said premises of the Complainant would be rendered by the opening of said road and that they report the same to the Board at their next regular Session, that they meet on the 8th day of October next. Ordered that Thompson & Greer be allowed the sum of Four hundred dollars for Med. Att. & Bd. of Paupers, viz:
Ordered that Saml. W. Vose be allowed the sum of Fifteen dollars, dressing, cleaning & burying Spaniard, a Pauper. Ordered that J. C. Tolman be allowed the sum of Forty dollars for Board of D. C. Mills, a Pauper. Ordered that James Miller be allowed the sum of Two dollars and forty cents, being balance due on Bridge across Butte Cr. Now comes R. H. Casteel, Supr. of Road Dist. No. 15 and resigns his office as Supervisor which is accepted by the Board. Ordered that Geo. Long be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 15 in place of R. H. Casteel, resigned. Statement of R. H. Casteel's account as Supervisor:
And the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'Clock. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge Tuesday morning, Sept. 4th 1860
The Board
met this morning pursuant to
adjournment, present the same as yesterday.Whereas the County Assessor has represented to Board that he has not been able to complete the assessment of the County up to the present time, It is ordered by the Board that the said County Assessor be allowed an extension of time until the 24th Instant to make return of his Assessment Roll. Ordered by the Board that Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed the sum of One hundred and Sixty-eight dollars for Board & Med. attendance to Dr. E. D. Byrne from July 24th to 4th September 1860, 42 days at $4.00 per day. All issued. Now comes N. D. Smith and files his affidavit setting forth that he had been overassessed for the year 1859 in the sum of $1225.00 and prays the Board to remit the taxes on that amount--the premises considered It is ordered by the Board that the said N. D. Smith be allowed a reduction on his taxes for 1859 to the amt. arising on the sum of $1225.00 as aforesaid. And the Board now adjourns until Monday, the 24th day of September, A.D. 1860. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge Monday September 24th 1860
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson
County, Oregon, met today
pursuant to adjournment. Present--Frederick
Heber &
Enoch F. Walker was heretofore
appointed a Viewer to view and
lay out a County Road from Jacksonville to intersect the Territorial
Road at Van Dyke's Barn and the said Walker, expecting to be
absent from the County, It is ordered by the Board that the appointment
of said Enoch F. Walker be rescinded and that John S. Miller be and he
is hereby appointed viewer in lieu of said Walker.David N. Birdseye, Commissioners, and William Hoffman, County Clerk Whereas B. F. Dowell, Coroner-elect, has declined to qualify as such, It is ordered by the Board that Thomas J. Gregory be and he is hereby appointed Coroner of Jackson County and that he file his bond in the sum of One thousand dollars with two or more good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the Clerk of the Board. Now at this day comes William Kahler, Assessor of Jackson County, and presents to the Board the Assessment Roll of said County for the year 1860, which being examined by the Board is accepted by them. Ordered that William Kahler be allowed the sum of Three hundred and Sixty dollars for his services assessing the property of Jackson County. Also the sum of Seventy dollars for extra services making in all the sum of Four hundred & thirty dollars. Ordered that C. W. Savage be allowed Ten dollars for work on Well & fence on Court House Block. Now at this day comes Alex. French, Supervisor of Road District No. 18, and prays the board for an appropriation of a sum to assist in the repairing of the Bridge across Bear Creek at Judge Rice's. The premises considered, It is ordered by the Board that the Said Alex. French, Supervisor as aforesaid, be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars in County Warrants for said repairs of said bridge. Ordered by the Board that the following rates of taxation be and the same is hereby levied for the County of Jackson, for the year 1860, to wit: For
County taxes: 10 mills on the Dollar
And the
Board now adjourns to Court in
Course.For State taxes: 2 mills on the Dollars For School taxes: 1 mill on the Dollar For Each Poll for County Purposes: One dollar For Each Poll for Hospital purposes: Two dollars David
N. Birdseye
Frederick Heber November 1st 1860
of William Hoffman, Clerk
of the Board of County Commissioners, One Musket, which I promise to
return when called for.Frederick
November 7th 1860
Board met--Present F. Heber & D.
N. Birdseye, Comrs., and adjourned until tomorrow morning.Special Session November 8th 1860
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson
County, Oregon, met this day in special Session, PresentJ.
C. Tolman, County Judge
Ordered by
the Board that Dr. A. B.
Overbeck be allowed Seventy-six dollars for Frederick Heber & David N. Birdseye, Commissioners and William Hoffman, Clerk
Ordered that Love & Bilger be allowed the sum of Sixty-seven dollars & twenty-five cents for Pump & Sundries to date. $67.25 Ordered that Thompson & Drake be allowed the sum of Sixteen dollars & nineteen cents for meat for Jail. $16.19 Ordered that John M. Drake be allowed the sum of thirteen dollars & ninety cents for meat for Jail. $13.90 Ordered that Burpee & Linn be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars for a Coffin for Pauper, also Lumber for Court House well, two dollars & fifty-five cents. $25.00 $2.55 Ordered that J. A. Brunner & Bro. be allowed the sum of Forty-two dollars and thirty-five cents for Jail account. $42.35 Ordered that Anderson & Glenn be allowed the sum of Ninety-nine dollars for use of Paupers. $99.00 Ordered that Thompson & Greer be allowed the sum of: Two hundred & Sixty-four dollars from Sept. 3rd to Nov. 8th, 66 days $4 for A. Henley $264.00 Also Two hundred & forty dollars (D. Fohley) from Sept. 10 to Nov. 8--60 days @ $4 $240.00 Also Fifty-two dollars (J. K. Smith) from Oct. 27 to Nov. 8th 13 days @ $4 $52.00 [Total] $556.00 Whereas heretofore to wit, at the April Session 1857 of the Board, there was deposited in the County Treasury the sum of One hundred and three dollars arising from the sale of certain personal property belonging to Eli Judd, who was at that time or previous under arrest on a criminal charge and afterward discharged and the said Eli Judd by his Attorney, J. J. Foster, having petitioned the Board to refund said amount of One hundred and three dollars, It is ordered by the Board that said Eli Judd be allowed the sum of One hundred & three dollars $103.00 in full of said claim. Ordered that Robert Wright be allowed the sum of Fifteen dollars for expenses in arresting criminals. $15.00 Ordered that C. B. Brooks, M.D. be allowed the sum of One hundred & thirty-six dollars for Med. & Sur. attendance on Wm. Brahmer. $136.00 Now at this day comes M. A. Williams & James Hamlin and file their petition praying for the appointment of viewers to view and alter that part of the Territorial Road on their own land running from the Corner of William Justus' fence to the mouth of O. D. Hoxie's lane, a distance of about half a mile, whereupon It is ordered by the Board that A. Davidson, Joseph Pinkham and A. E. Rogers be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and alter said road as prayed for in accordance with the Statute in such case provided, and that they meet at the Clerk's office on [blank] day of November (instant), be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment & report their proceedings to the Board at their Session in December next. Ordered that J. W. McCully be allowed the sum of Forty-four dollars as services as County Agent for receiving Paupers. $44.00 Now at this day comes Dr. J. W. McCully, County Medical Agent, and makes his report of the number of sick Paupers received by him to be admitted into the Hospitals, the number discharged and the number still on hand, which report is accepted and ordered to be filed. Ordered by the Board that notice be given by publication in the Oregon Sentinel, that sealed proposals will be received for the letting out of the County Paupers as herein specified and that the following shall be the specifications therein, to wit: That the support and medical attendance upon the sick and disabled County Paupers of Jackson County and like attendance upon such other persons as also provided for in Section Six of an "Act relative to the support of the poor," including all persons that may be upon the County at the time the contract shall be executed and all that may fall upon the County during the existence of said contract, be let to the lowest bidder on the 6th day of December, 1860, by said contractors executing Bond with Surety to be approved by the Board of County Commissioners, in double the sum so bidden, for the faithful performance of said Contract. The contract must be taken by the year Commencing on the 8th day of December, 1860, and remain in force until the 8th day of December 1861. The manner of letting will be by sealed proposals filed in the County Clerk's Office in Jacksonville up to 2 O'Clock P.M. December the 6th, 1860, accompanied by good and sufficient guarantees that the said bidders will execute a bond to the Board of County Commissioners, with good sureties as required by this order, in the event the contract shall be awarded to such bidder. The contract is to cover all expenses of boarding, clothing, nursing, medicine, medical attendance and transportation of such persons as are entitled to relief, and also surgical operations if necessary, under said contract and the laws of the State, subject to the following explanations: This order is not intended to include the letting the support of such poor persons as do not require medicine or medical attendance, [or] the transportation of Paupers to other Counties where they belong. And in order to carry out the true intent and meaning of the Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners and the contracting party, a disinterested person having a Knowledge of the practice of Medicine and surgery shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to Act as Agent to determine as to what persons need Medicine and Medical attendance and who are entitled to relief from the County, as provided for by Statute and under said Contract. The manner of payment will be made to the Contractor quarter yearly in Cash so far as the Hospital tax and the amount arising from the percent of the Chinese tax as provided for by law will pay and the remainder if any in County Warrants drawn upon the County Treasurer. The Board of County Commissioners will reserve to themselves the right to reject any bid if by letting of the Contract to such bidder great injustice would be done to the County. And the Board adjourn until the first Monday in December next. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge, Prest. December Session 1860
The Board
of Commissioners of Jackson
County, Oregon, met this morning.
J. C. Tolman, Chairman
thereupon the Board adjourns until
Thursday Morning at 9 O'Clock.Fred Heber, Comr. & Wm. Hoffman, Clerk. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge & P. Thursday Morning, Dec. 6th 1860
The Board
met this morning pursuant to
adjournment. Present Hon. J. C. Tolman, Judge, Frederick Heber and
David N. Birdseye,
Commissioners & William Hoffman, Clerk.Ordered that David N. Birdseye be allowed the sum of Thirty-five dollars and forty cents for services and mileage as Commissioner of Jackson County, up to and including the 7th day of December, A.D. 1860. Now comes A. V. Gillette, Supervisor of District No. 1, and presents his account for settlement by which it appears that he had collected in money in said Road District the sum of Fifty-six dollars and that he had expended the same in plank for the roads in said District; it also appears that all the hands in his District have performed their labor and that he performed labor as supervisor 29 days over and over his own two days labor and property tax. Said report also shows that there are 450 feet of lumber belonging to said District. Ordered that A. V. Gillette be allowed the sum of Fifty-Eight dollars for 29 days as Supervisor. Now comes C. Schieffelin, Supervisor District No. 7, and presents his account for settlement, by which it appears that the hands in his district had performed their labor, that he had collected in money One dollar and that he performed labor as Supervisor in said District 4 days, from which is to be deducted 3½ days, his own 20 days work & property tax, that there is due him a half day as Supervisor & that he has in his hands one dollar which settles accounts. It also appears that there is due to said C. Schieffelin the sum of sixteen dollars [illegible] for lumber furnished. Now comes J. C. Broadwell, Supervisor of Road District No. 14, and presents his account for settlement, by which it appears that the hands in his District have performed their labor, that he collected no money, and claims for services as Supervisor 4 days over and above his own two days labor. Ordered that J. C. Broadwell be allowed the sum of Eight dollars for services as Supervisor, District No. 14. Now comes James Miller, Supervisor of Road District No. 19, by which it appears that the hands in his District had performed their labor, that he had collected money to the amount of $25.67, which has heretofore been appropriated to the bridge on Little Butte Creek under his superintendence by order of the Board. That he had served as Supervisor 13 days from which is to be deducted his two days labor and his property tax ¾ day, leaving 10¼ days for which he claims pay as such Supervisor. Ordered that James Miller be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars and fifty cents for services as Supervisor. Now comes Wm. H. Tinsley, Supervisor of Road District No. 16, by which it appears that he had collected in money the sum of $14.00, that he had furnished teams to amount of $7.00, and claims for services as Supervisor 6 days. Ordered that Wm. H. Tinsley be allowed the sum of $12.00 for services as Supervisor. Now comes James Hubbard, Supervisor of Road District No. 17, by which it appears that the hands had performed labor in his District, that he had collected no money in his Dist. and that he claims Services for seven days over and above his own two days labor. Ordered that James Hubbard be allowed Fourteen dollars for services as Supervisor. Ordered that James Hubbard, Supervisor of Dist. No. 17, be allowed until first Monday in Feby. to complete his services as Supervisor. Ordered that W. G. T'Vault, Supervisor of Road District No. [blank] be allowed until first Monday in Feb. to complete his services as Supervisor. Ordered that James Kilgore, Supervisor of Road District No. [blank] be allowed until the first Monday in February to complete his services as Supervisor. Ordered that Cortez Myer, Supervisor of Road District No. 2, be allowed until first Monday in February to complete his services as Supervisor. Now comes Jacob Thompson, Supervisor Road District No. 20, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his district 4 days, that he had collected the sum of $2.25 which is paid into the County Treasury and that he claims services for 4 days as such Supervisor. Ordered that Jacob Thompson be allowed the sum of Eight dollars for services as Supervisor. Now at this day, to wit: on the 6th day of December, 1860, at a quarter past 4 o'clock P.M., the Commissioners proceed to examine the bids filed for the letting [of] the Medical attendance & Board of Paupers of the County of Jackson, whereupon it appears to the Board that Dr. G. W. Greer proposes to take charge of said Paupers in accordance with the specifications of the Board for the sum of Three thousand dollars for the ensuing year and that Dr. A. B. Overbeck proposes to take charge of said Paupers in accordance with said specifications for the sum of Three thousand dollars, And whereas the said bids are of the same amt., the Board accept the said bids and it is ordered that the said parties be notified to appear tomorrow morning at ten O'clock to determine between themselves who shall have said contract, either by underbidding publicly or casting lots for the same, or in default thereof, the Board will proceed to award the contract according to their discretion. Now comes Thomas Pyle, Supervisor of Road District No. 8, and presents his account by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his District; that he had collected in money five dollars and fifty cents and that he had furnished lumber for his District to the amount of fifteen dollars, leaving a balance due him from the District [of] Nine dollars and fifty cents; that he had served as Supervisor over & above his own two days labor, Four days. Ordered that Thomas Pyle be allowed Eight dollars for Services as Supervisor. The report of James Kilgore and John S. Miller, viewers of a County Road from Jacksonville to the Territorial Road near Van Dyke's barn, was presented and read the first time today. The report of Amos E. Rogers and Joseph Pinkham, viewers heretofore appointed Viewers to view and alter that part of the Territorial Road running from the corner of William Justus' fence to the mouth of O. D. Hoxie's lane was presented and read and is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Honorable County Court in and for Jackson County, The undersigned viewers appointed to view and alter that part of the Territorial Road running from the Corner of William Justus' fence to the mouth of O. D. Hoxie lane, beg leave to submit the following report: After having carefully examined the ground, we have concluded to so alter said road that it will run as follows: Commence at the corner of William Justus' field and run thence a trifle east of south to a point in James Hamlin's field and about six rods west of the fence on the line of the present road where three small stakes are driven in the ground and a piece of slab sharpened and driven between them near a hay yard in said field. Thence on a line with the present road leading from Hoxie's lane to the corner of Williams' Field until it strikes the road as now traveled at said corner. Thence in the now traveled road to the termination at Hoxie's lane. The road as altered is on better ground & the distance not materially increased." Amos
E. Rogers
report being read is accepted and confirmed by the Board.Jos. Pinkham Decr. 4th 1860 It is therefore ordered by the Board that the Petitioners for the alteration of said part of said Territorial road be allowed to change the same in accordance with the foregoing report and when so changed and in good traveling condition shall be a public highway and that part of the old road so altered shall be vacated and the expenses of this proceeding to be paid by the petitioners. And the Board adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 O'Clk. J.
C. Tolman
County Judge & Pres. B. Friday, December 7th 1860
The Board
of Commissioners met
this morning pursuant to adjournment, Present the same as yesterday
(full Board).The report of James Kilgore and John S. Miller, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County road leading from Jacksonville to intersect the Territorial road near the Barn of S. D. Van Dyke was read the second time today and is in the words and figures following, to wit: Report of Road viewers appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County at their September session, 1860. The undersigned viewers after having been qualified according to law proceeded without a surveyor to view, locate and mark the points set forth in the petition of John Herring and others praying for the location and establishing a County road from Jacksonville to S. D. Van Dyke's barn on the Territorial road. The undersigned viewers commenced in the Town of Jacksonville, California Street, in front of the Union Hotel, following the present road east through G. Kerr's land, thence varying five or six rods to the north of the present road running along Bigham's fence and intersecting the present road a little west of the northeast corner of Bellinger's fence, thence along said road to the southeast corner of Bellinger's fence, diverging a little north and cutting a small corner off of Bellinger's field thence with the present traveled road to the corner of Henry Overbeck's field, thence in a straight line to the branch on the north side of Stearns' field, thence along the old road to a point east of the white house where the present traveled road leaves the old road in the enclosure of James Hamlin, near an old well, diverging to the north and running in a straight line to a corner of lands belonging to John Herring & James Hamlin, thence due east along the line between Herring and Hamlin to lands belonging to Charles Jones, thence diverging to the south, cutting off a small corner of the lands of said Jones, intersecting the line between Addison Ball & C. Jones, thence due east to the corner of Ball and Jones, thence in a straight line in an easterly direction to the Territorial road a little south of Van Dyke's Barn to a post, and believe that the proposed road will be of great public utility & ought to be established. All of which we would most respectfully submit to your honorable Board. James
whereas there are petitions for damages filed on account of said
road being laid out, the further action of the Board on the report of
said viewers is deferred until the report of the viewers to assess
damages shall have been made to the Board.John S. Miller December 6th 1860 And whereas in the order for the appointment of viewers upon said road the County Surveyor was required to accompany said viewers and survey the same and the said County Surveyor having been absent from the County at the time said view was made, It is hereby ordered by the Board that so much of said order as required the attendance of the County Surveyor as aforesaid, is hereby rescinded. Ordered that James Kilgore be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as viewer. Ordered that John S. Miller be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as viewer. Now comes O. D. Hoxie and files his petition praying for the appointment of viewers to view and assess the damages that he will sustain by reason of a County road being established from Jacksonville to intersect the Territorial road near the barn of S. D. Van Dyke and alleging the amount of damages he would sustain therein, which said petition is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Hon. the Board of County Commissioners for Jackson County, Dec. term for A.D. 1860. The undersigned, your petitioner, respectfully represents to this Hon. Board that whereas a road has been viewed out leading from Jacksonville to a point on the Territorial road at or near S. D. Van Dyke's barn, that the aforesaid road will if opened damage and injure your petitioner to the amt. of ($1000) more or less. Your petitioner therefore humbly prays your honorable Board to appoint viewers to view and assess the damage that will be done to your petitioner if the said road be opened through as now viewed out. And as in duty bound will ever pray, O.
D. Hoxie"
petition being read and considered by the Board the following action
was had thereon:Dec. 5th A.D. 1860 First: It is not averred upon the face of said petition that the said road passes through the lands of said petitioner or any part thereof; Second: It does not appear upon any records in the County Clerk's Office that said road passes through the lands of said petitioner, consequently said petitioner has no remedy for damages by petition to the County Court. It is therefore ordered by the Board that no further action be taken in the premises and that the prayer of the petitioner in his said petition be not granted. Now at this day comes James Hamlin by his Attorneys Burnett & Hartz and files his petition which is in the words and figures following, to wit: "To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners for Jackson County, Dec. Term A.D. 1860, Your Petitioner, James Hamlin, respectfully shows here unto your honorable body that whereas a road has been viewed and laid out leading from Jacksonville to a point on the Territorial road at or near S. D. Van Dyke's, and whereas said road runs through the farm and premises of your Petitioner and by reason of which he will sustain great damages, to wit: in the full sum of One thousand five hundred dollars. Therefore, your Petitioner respectfully prays your honorable Board to appoint appraisers to assess the damages your petitioner may sustain by reason of said road above mentioned. And as in duty bound will ever pray, James
said petition being read, It is ordered by the Board that J. B.
White, Giles Wells, Senr. and Stephen Watson be and they are hereby
appointed viewers to view and assess and determine how much
valuable such premises of the complainant would be rendered by the
opening of said road, by viewing said
proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the
Complainant. That the said viewers meet on a day to be agreed upon by
them [blank]
and proceed to discharge the duties of their appointment
and report their proceedings to this Board at their next regular
session on the 1st Monday in April, 1861.per Burnett & Hartz, Attorneys for Petitioner Dec. 6th 1860 In the matter of the bids filed with the Board for the letting [of] the Medical attendance and Board, &c. of the County Paupers: Dr. A. B. Overbeck appeared at the hour appointed to determine the said letting, to wit, at ten O'clock A.M. and remained for three quarters of an hour, and Dr. G. W. Greer not appearing at the hour appointed after being duly notified, thereupon the Board awarded the contract to said Dr. A. B. Overbeck at his bid. The report of B. F. Myer and J. P. Walker, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to assess and determine how much less valuable the premises of R. S. Jewett would be rendered by a certain County road leading from Bethel's Ferry to the Bridge across Rogue River, passing through the land of the said R. S. Jewett. Which report is in the words and figures following, to wit: "State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss. By an order of the Commissioners Court, September Session, 1860, Thomas Smith, John P. Walker and B. F. Myer were appointed to assess the damages to the premises of R. S. Jewett by reason of a County Road passing through his land from Bethel's Ferry to the Bridge across Rogue River in Jackson County." We, the undersigned, being duly sworn as viewers, after having viewed and examined the premises, determine and assess the damages of the said R. S. Jewett at ($20.00) twenty dollars. Given under our hands this 26th day of November, 1860. B.
F. Myer
Which report being read is accepted by the Board and it appearing to
the Board the road mentioned in said report is of sufficient importance
to the public, It is ordered by the Board that the said damages so
assessed by the
said viewers, to wit: the sum of twenty dollars be paid to the said R.
S. Jewett by a warrant to be issued by the County Clerk in favor of
the said R. S. Jewett. Issued to J. H. Reed.J. P. Walker It is further ordered by the Board that the said road as viewed and reported upon by viewers heretofore be established as a Public Highway, which said report of said viewers is in the words & figures following, to wit: "State of Oregon, County of Jackson, May 19th 1860. To the Honorable body of County Commissioners, We the viewers appointed to view and lay out a County Road from Bethel's Ferry to the Bridge across Rogue River in Jackson County, Oregon, beg leave to submit the following report. Commenced at Bethel's Ferry on the north side of Rogue River, running thence with the road now traveled up the north side of the River to a point near Jewett's Ferry to a cluster of large Pine trees (3 in number) thence the nearest and best route to the bridge across Evans Creek near Evans' Saw Mill, thence the nearest and best route to the north end of the Bridge across Rogue River at Rock Point. The direction of the road is marked by blazed and hacked trees along the whole route. We also believe it to be a good practicable route for a road and a road much needed by the traveling Community and almost indispensable for the neighborhood and we would recommend the opening of the road. Wm.
report having been heretofore read as required by law, is now in
all things confirmed and the road therein mentioned is declared to be a
Public Highway and Supervisors through whose Districts the said road
may pass are required to open the same and Keep it in good repair.Sol. Humphrey N. C. Dean Viewers Ordered that B. F. Myer be allowed the sum of Six dollars for services as viewer. Ordered that J. P. Walker be allowed the sum of Six dollars for services as viewer. Issued to J. C. Tolman. Ordered that Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed the sum of One hundred & Sixty dollars for Medical attendance & Board of Isaac Straight 40 days @ $4 $160.00; Also One hundred and twenty dollars Med. Att., &c. on Geo. Schiebe 30 days @ $4 $120.00; Also Med. Att., Board &c. Dr. Byrne 30 $4 $120.00; Making in all the sum of Four hundred dollars. $400.00; Also Ninety-two dolls. for med. att. &c. of J. H. Johnson 23 days $92.00 Ordered that Freeman Yandell be allowed the sum of Five hundred dollars for services as Jail Keeper Jackson County from 5th July to 5 Dec. 1860 5 months @ $100. $500.00 Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of Five hundred and Eighty-four dollars for fees as Auditor & Clerk and for Stationery for Courts and Offices. Ordered that Burnett & Hartz be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for prosecuting Henry Hutchings on a charge of Larceny. Ordered that Dr. Chs. B. Brooks be allowed the sum of One hundred and forty-eight dollars for
Ordered that S. M. Wait, Supervisor, be allowed until the Session in February to make his return for settlement. Ordered that R. S. Jewett be allowed the sum of Twenty-five dollars for services & mileage as Juror at Roseburg in September 1858. Order that the following fees and charges be allowed to the respective persons named, upon a Coroner's Inquest.
Ordered that Frederick Heber be allowed the sum of Sixty-five [blank] dollars and forty [blank] cents for services as Commissioner to and including the present term of the Board. Ordered by the Board that all those Supervisors who have not made their report for settlement at the present session of the Board be allowed until the February Session for their settlement. Ordered that Thomas J. Gregory be allowed the sum of Sixty-five dollars for wood furnished for the Jail. Ordered that Mrs. Margaret Crosby be allowed the sum of Seven dollars & fifty cents for washing done for Prisoners in Jail. Ordered that the following fees be allowed
Now comes Kaspar Kubli and applies to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in Applegate Precinct, which is allowed and his license assessed at Thirty dollars. Now comes Henry Huber and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous Liquors in quantities less than one quart in Jacksonville Precinct which is allowed and his License assessed at Forty dollars. Now comes George Long and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in Applegate Precinct, which is allowed and his license assessed at Thirty dollars. Now comes Albert Banhart and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantity less than one quart in Jacksonville Precinct, which is allowed and his license assessed at twenty-five dollars. Now comes Max Muller and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and license assessed at Forty dollars. Also applies for a License to Keep a Billiard Saloon in Jacksonville Precinct which is allowed. Now comes Wintjen & Helms and apply to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart, which is allowed and their license assessed at Forty dollars. Ordered that Morgan W. Davis be allowed the sum of Forty-five 75/100 dollars for service as Constable in Criminal cases & on inquest. Issued to C. C. Beekman. Ordered by the Board that the Warrants issued by the Clerk in vacation to Jurors & Witnesses, Messenger, Judges & Clerks of election be and the same is confirmed. Now comes M. N. Stearns and files his petition for the appointment of viewers to assess the damages he may sustain by reason of a certain County road from Jacksonville to intersect the Territorial road at or near Van Dyke's barn, passing through the land of the petitioner, which said petition having been read, It is ordered by the Board that J. B. White, Giles Wells, and Stephen Watson be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view, assess, and determine how much less valuable such premises of the complainant would be rendered by the opening of said road, that they meet on a day to be agreed on by them, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment, and report their proceedings to the Board at their next Session to be held on the 1st Monday of April 1861. Now comes Michael Brenan and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Jacksonville, which is allowed and his license assessed at forty dollars. Ordered by the Board that S. Humphrey, Superintendent of Common Schools, be allowed twenty-five dollars, one quarter's Salary, commencing October 7th 1860. Also One hundred dollars for extra services as such Supervisor. Ordered by the Board that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Supervisors of Road Districts in Jackson County for the ensuing year, to wit: District
No. 1 A. V. Gillette
District No. 2 W. C. Myer District No. 3 Henry Amerman District No. 4 John S. Herrin District No. 5 S. M. Wait District No. 6 A. J. Coakley District No. 7 J. B. White District No. 8 S. J. W. Smith District No. 9 Nicholas Young District No. 10 Nathl. C. Dean District No. 11 Aaron Chambers District No. 12 C. C. Beekman District No. 13 Nicholas Wright District No. 14 Jacob C. Broadwell District No. 15 John McKee District
No. 16 Wm. H. Tinsley
And the
Board adjourned until tomorrow morning to 9 O'clock.District No. 17 James Hubbard District No. 18 Seth Hall District No. 19 James Miller District No. 20 John B. Wrisley District No. 21 W. G. T'Vault District No. 22 John LaTourette J.
C. Tolman, County Judge & President of the Board
Saturday, Dec. 8th 1860
Present J.
C. Tolman as Judge & F. Heber.Ordered that Thompson & Greer be allowed the sum of Three hundred and Sixty dollars for Medical Attendance, Board &c. of Paupers up to date. Now comes S. Humphrey, Superintendent of County Schools of Jackson County, and applies to the Board for an order to sell certain School lands in said County; the premises considered, It is ordered by the Board that the said S. Humphrey, Supt. as aforesaid, be and he is hereby authorized to sell as hereinafter mentioned, the following described tracts of land, to wit: In T. 37 S., R. 2 W. W. ½ S.E. ¼ , Sec. 3 also W. frac. half Sec. 1 T. 37 S. R. 1 W. S.E. fl. ¼ N.W. ¼ Sec. 18 T. 36 S., R. 2 W. E. half of S. W. quarter of Section 28 T. 39 S., R. 1 E., Sec. 14: N.E. ¼ of the S.W. ¼ & N.W. ¼ of the S.E. ¼ & West fl. half of N.E. ¼ of N.E. ¼ That said lands be offered at public Auction at the Court House door (in Jacksonville), to the highest bidder on the 28th day of January, 1861, at not less than two dollars per acre, one fourth of purchase money cash on day of sale and the remainder in three equal annual payments with interest at ten percent per annum, to be secured by note and mortgage on the land sold, at the expense of the purchaser. Now comes John E. Ross, Supervisor of Road District No. [blank], and presents his report for settlement, by which it appears that he had worked out all the hands in his district, that he had collected no money, and that he performed services as such supervisor on two days over and above his own two days labor & property tax. Ordered that Reed & Bergen be allowed the sum of Twelve 50/100 dollars for writing an Agreement and Bond of A. B. Overbeck as County Physician &c. $12.00. Ordered by the Board that Dr. J. W. McCully be and he is hereby appointed County Medical Agent to determine at any and all times what Poor persons are lawfully entitled to relief from the County and who of such poor persons need medicines or Medical or surgical attendance and upon admitting any such persons for medical treatment &c. to the hospital under the contract with Dr. A. B. Overbeck, that he furnish a certificate for such admission. Ordered that the Clerk issue a Warrant in favor of J. W. McCully as contingent fund for the sum of Thirty-three dollars. And the Board adjourn until the 4th Monday in January next. J.
C. Tolman, County Judge & Prest. Bd.
Dr. A. B. Overbeck Agreement and
Bond as County Physician
Articles of Agreement made and entered into on this the Eighth day of
December in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and Sixty, between
Andrew B. Overbeck, M.D. of the County of Jackson and State of Oregon,
of the first part and the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson
County in the State aforesaid of the second part, Witnesseth that the
said Andrew B. Overbeck, in consideration of the agreements of the said
parties of the second part hereinafter set forth, does hereby covenant,
promise and agree to and with the said parties of the second part, that
he, the said Andrew B. Overbeck, shall and will at any and all times
for the term of one year from the said Eighth day of December, A.D.
1860, receive, maintain and support all the sick and disabled poor
persons of said Jackson County, who may need medicine or Medical
attendance or treatment or surgical operations, and who now are a
County charge or who may hereafter during the said term become such,
wherever in said Jackson County such person or persons may be and also
persons mentioned in section six of an "Act relative to the support of
the poor" passed January 23rd, 1854, and that he shall and will do and
perform, bestow, provide and furnish for said poor persons, good,
wholesome food and board, comfortable clothes, rooms and lodging and
the washing, nursing, medical and surgical attendance and medicines
which may be necessary or suitable to such persons respectively; And
that he shall and will administer all needful medicines to and perform
all requisite surgical operations upon, and attend and treat all such
persons [in] the good, professional manner of a skillful physician and
Surgeon.It is mutually agreed and understood by the parties hereunto, that this contract does not include or refer to the support of such poor persons being a County charge, as do not need medicines or medical or surgical attendance or treatment. And it is further mutually agreed and understood by the parties hereunto that the sick or disabled poor persons who need medicines or medical attendance or treatment to whom this contract has reference are such as shall be designated by some disinterested person having a Knowledge of Medicine and surgery, who shall be appointed by the said parties of the second part to act as their agent in determining at any and all times what poor persons are lawfully entitled to relief from the County and who of such poor persons need medicines or medical or surgical treatment or attendance. And the said parties of the second part, in consideration of the premises aforesaid, and for the further consideration that the said Andrew B. Overbeck do execute the bond herewith attached with such sureties as may be approved by the said Board of County Commissioners; do covenant, promise and agree to and with the said Andrew B. Overbeck to pay him the sum of Three Thousand dollars in four equal quarter yearly payments, that is to say, the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars on the Eighth day of March, A.D. 1861 and the like sum every three months thereafter until the said sum of $3000.00 be fully paid, which payments are to be made in cash to the amount of the Hospital tax collected during the said term from the five percent of the fifteen percent of the Chinese tax mentioned in "An Act to provide for the maintenance of the poor and indigent sick in the several Counties of the State of Oregon" Approved Oct. 19th 1860; And the remainder, if any, shall be paid to the said Andrew B. Overbeck in County orders to be drawn upon the County Treasurer of said Jackson County. In witness whereof the said parties hereunto have set their hands and affixed their seals at Jacksonville on the day and year aforesaid. Andrew
B. Overbeck (seal)
all men by these presents that we, Andrew B. Overbeck, William Bybee,
James N. T. Miller, J. A. Brunner, James T. Glenn, R. F. Maury, John
Wintjen, John S. Love and John Bilger of the County of Jackson and
State of Oregon are held and firmly bound unto the Board of County
Commissioners of Jackson County, State of Oregon, in the sum of Six
Thousand Dollars, lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the
said Board of County Commissioners or their successors, to which
payment well and truly to be made and done we do bind ourselves, and
each of us, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and
severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated
the Eighth day of December, A.D. 1860.J. C. Tolman, County Judge and President of the Board of County Commissioners Frederick Heber, County Commissioner Attest William Hoffman, Clerk The condition of the above obligation is such that if the said Andrew B. Overbeck do faithfully, well and truly and fully do and perform every thing and all things by him covenanted, promised or agreed to be done or performed in the foregoing instrument in writing, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. Andrew
B. Overbeck (Seal)
William Bybee (Seal) J. N. T. Miller (Seal) J. A. Brunner (Seal) James T. Glenn (Seal) R.
F. Maury (Seal)
Filed for record December 21st 1860 at 5
O'Clk. P.M.John S. Love (Seal) John Bilger (Seal) J. Wintjen (Seal) Recorded December 25th 1860 Wm.
County Clerk and Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon Last
revised June 6, 2019