The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Jackson County Commissioners' Journals 1866-70

Minutes of the governing body of Jackson County, Oregon. Transcribed by the indefatigable Mary Tsui.

Go to Journals 1853-60
Go to Journals 1861-65
Go to Journals 1871-72

January 2nd 1866
    The County Commissioners of Jackson County met today in special session, present
J. C. Tolman, County Judge
John S. Love, Commissioner
Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk
    Ordered by the Board that Sachs Bros. be allowed the sum of twelve dollars for supplies furnished to the Mace family, sick and indigent.    $12.00.
    Ordered by the Board that Love & Bilger be allowed the sum of Eleven dollars for sundries furnished Mace family, sick & indigent, of which $2.50 is on Pauper account, balance for Court House.    $11.00.
    Ordered by the Board that Savage & Sutton be allowed the sum of Twelve dollars and fifty cents for Medicines furnished for the Mace family, sick and indigent.    $12.50.
    Ordered by the board that Frederick Heber be allowed the sum of Forty-eight dollars for Commissioners fees up to Dec. 14th 1865.    $48.00.
    Ordered by the Board that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue County Warrants to such of the Mountain Rangers as shall have been assessed with Military tax, but who have Paid the sum [cut off on microfilm]
    Whereas an agreement was entered into between the Commissioners and James Helms for boarding, clothing and Keeping Wm. Wilkinson, a pauper, from the 1st of April 1866, It is ordered by the Board that the said James Helms be allowed at the rate of One hundred and thirty dollars per annum for Keeping said Wm. Wilkinson.
    Ordered by the Board that James Helms be allowed the sum of Sixty dollars, being the balance due him for Keeping Wm. Wilkinson, a County charge, up to the 1st day of January 1866.    $60.00.
    Ordered that James Dunn & Co. be allowed the sum of twenty-two dollars & fifty cents, License money refunded.    $22.50.
    Ordered by the Board that W.A. Owen be allowed the sum of two hundred & fifteen dollars and seventy-five cents Sheriff’s fees and One hundred and twenty dollars salary and board of Jailer to Nov. 6, making $335.75.
Sheriff $215.75
Jail   120.00
    Ordered that W.A. Owen be allowed the sum of Fifty-six dollars Shff.’s fees and One hundred and twenty dollars Jailer’s Salary & board making $176.00.
Shff. $  56.00
Jailer   120.00
    Ordered that William Bryce be allowed the sum of five dollars for taking Care of Capps, an insane person.
    Ordered by the Board that the Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue County Warrants in favor of Jurors & State’s witnesses attending at the November Term 1865 of the Circuit Court.
    Ordered by the Board that M. A. Williams be allowed the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars, six months salary as Superintendent of Common Schools, up to the 3rd day of January 1866.    $250.00.
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees of Jurors and witnesses in State cases before U. S. Hayden, J.P. be allowed, to wit:
State vs. Ah Kee & others
Jurors R. S. Dunlap 1.20
Jos. Langell 1.20
Augustus Taylor 1.20
O. G. Foot 1.20
John Bonham 1.20
John L. Badger 1.20
Witnesses R. B. Bannister 2.30
James Buckley 2.30
Napoleon Baker 2.30
John McKee 2.30
Wm. Bryce 1.70
Wm. Ray 2.50
H. Donnelly 2.30
Jos. McKee 2.30
State vs. Samuel Goheen
Witnesses N. C. Dean 4.20
James McDonough 4.20
David Huston 4.20
H. A. Grigsby 4.20
T. B. Staples 4.20
O. H. Hill 4.20
F. S. Avery 4.20
Robert Strang 4.20
A. D. Hight 4.20
State vs. Jon Woody and others
Jurors James L. Louden 1.20
G. W. Isaacs 1.20
D. Hopkins 1.20
H. Amy 1.20
M. Brenan 1.20
Witnesses Wm. Ray 4.00
Saml. Bowen 4.00
Henry Gregg 4.00
Ambrose Sabin 4.00
Richard Collins 4.00
Jos. McKee 4.00
    And the Board adjourned.
J. C. Tolman County Judge
List of Jurors and their fees Nov. Term 1865
Days Miles Fees
S. D. Vandyke   2 14   5.40
Silas J. Day   2   2   4.20
Samuel Colver Jr.   2 16   5.60
Reuben S. Armstrong   2 20   6.00
Wm. Cameron   2 20   6.00
Woodford Reames   2 18   5.80
Joseph H. Davis   2   5   45.00  
Haskel Amy 11 12 23.20
Samuel Stickel 11 36 25.60
Clinton Schieffelin 11 36 25.60
J. E. Buzan 11 22 24.20
Benjamin Phettiplace 11 44 26.40
Giles Wells, Senr. 11 40 26.00
James Helms 11   5 22.50
John E. Ross 11   5 22.50
Jesse Titus 11   3 22.30
William Wilson 11 28 24.80
William Roberts 10 20 22.00
William Kahler 11 16 23.60
Thomas Wright   6 40 16.00
Max Muller 11   2 22.20
Wm. McNew 11 28 24.80
F. G. Birdseye 11 36 25.60
Thomas Smith 11 42 26.20
John E. Seyferth 10 22 22.20
Witnesses for State
Kanaka George   1   2   2.30
Wm. Bryce   1   2   2.20
P. F. McManus   1   2   2.20
Thos. G. Reames   1   2   2.20
J. R. Wade   1   2   2.20
J. T. Glenn   1   2   2.20
G. M. Banks   1   2   2.20

[February 5, 1866]
    Be it remembered that at a regular Session of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, on the 5th day of February, A.D. 1866, at which were present:
Hon. J. C. Tolman, County Judge,
John S. Love and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners
& William Hoffman, County Clerk,
when the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Now comes J. B. Henderson, Supervisor of Road District No. 24, and files his account for settlement by which it appears that the said Supervisor had worked all the hands in the District; that he had collected the sum of Thirty-two dollars in coin and that he had performed services 10½ days, from which is deducted his 2 days personal labor and and property tax 82 cents, leaving the balance due said Supervisor of Sixteen dollars and eighteen cents. Also due District from the County $4.82.
    Ordered by the Board that J. B. Henderson be allowed the sum of Sixteen dollars and eighteen cts. for balance due him as Supervisor of Road District No. 24. $16.18
    And the Board adjourned until Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock.
J. C. Tolman
County Judge
Jacksonville April 14, 1866
    Received of Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk, Thirty-two dollars in gold & silver coin, amt. due Road District No. 24.
Jesse East

Wednesday February 7th 1866
    The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on Monday last.
    Now comes N. C. Dean and files his application verified by his oath, to be released from the payment of taxes on $2,500.00 being the amt. of loss sustained by him by the destruction of his barn by fire including horses, grain &c. destroyed by said burning of his barn. And it appearing just and properly that the said Dean should be released from the payment of taxes on the said property so destroyed, it is therefore ordered by the Board that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue a County Warrant on the County Treasurer for Thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents being the amount of the taxes on said sum of $2500.00.      $37.50
    Ordered by the Board that D. Linn be allowed the sum of Twenty-six dollars and Eighty-Eight cents for Lumber furnished for Bridge in District No. 4.        $26.88
    Ordered by the Board that Linn & Hall be allowed the sum of Thirty-two dollars and seventy-five cents, Chairs and sundries for Court House.        $32.75
    Ordered by the Board that Linn & Hall be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars for coffin for Mace's Child.        $20.00
    Ordered by the Board that James T. Glenn be allowed the sum of Thirty-nine dollars and twenty-five cents for Expenses of burying Saml. P. Strong, deceased.
    Ordered by the Board, that Savage & Sutton be allowed the sum of Fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents for Medicines furnished to the Mace family.    $14.75
    Ordered by the Board that M. Lindley be allowed the sum of Forty-seven dollars and one cent for lumber for bridges in Road District No. 3 (assigned to Love & Bilger and issued).    $47.01
    Ordered by the Board, that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of Thirty-two dollars and ninety-five cents, Justice of the peace's fees in Criminal Cases.         $32.95
    Now comes P. F. McManus and files his application to have refunded to him the taxes on 25 mules which had been stolen by Indians and it appearing that the County Assessor had assessed the whole band of mules of which the said 25 were a part, at the average price of one hundred dollars, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the County Clerk be authorized to issue a County Warrant for the sum of Thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents, being the amount of taxes on $2,500.00.      $37.50
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed Thirty dollars Sheriff's fees.   $30.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed One hundred and twenty dollars for salary of Jailer and boarding jailer.      $120.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of Three hundred and eighty-two & 53/100 for collecting Revenue, on $12,751 28/100 @ 3%.        $382.53
    Ordered by the Board, that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred & fifty dollars fees as County Clerk from Nov. 7th to date.      $150.00
    Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of Seventy-nine dollars and Ninety-eight cents, for Stationery, Oil & Candles for office.          $79.98
    Now comes James Miller and presents to the Board the petition of himself and others for the appointment of Viewers, to view and change "a portion of the County road leading from Jacksonville to the Saw Mills on Big Butte Creek, leaving the old road at the Moffin Flat and intersecting said road at the Griffin Ranch."
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that notices of said application had been duly posted as required by law and that a bond had also been filed, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Charles A. Charleton, John M. Nichols and Lewis McDaniel be and they are hereby appointed as viewers, to view said road as proposed to be changed or reviewed, that they meet on the 1st Saturday, being the 3rd day of March, 1866, and after being duly sworn as required by law, that they proceed within five days thereafter, to perform and discharge the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings at the next April Session of this Board.
    Ordered by the Board that W. J. Plymale be allowed the sum of Eighty-seven dollars and thirteen cents for expenses of the last illness and funeral expenses of Jonathan Smith, deceased, and for loss of Bed Clothing.      $87.13
    Now at this day comes Benj. Phettiplace and files the petition of Jacob Gabriel, and others praying for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out the the following described County Roads, to wit: 1st: Commencing at the Mining Camp on the East side of Sams Creek, thence running to the corner of B. Phettiplace's field, thence inside of said field 20 or 30 rods, thence to the N.E. corner of A. S. Moon's field, thence on the Township line south to the N.E. corner of Section 36, thence West 160 rods, thence south on the best ground until in intersects the road leading to Rock Point, thence on the road 50 or 80 rods, thence East of an Ash grove on the Hanrahan claim until it intersects said road again.
    2nd. Also a road commencing at the N.E. corner of said section 36 running on the line one mile thence in an easterly direction until it intersects the road leading to the Ferry.
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board, that notices of the said application had been duly posted as required by law and also that a bond had been filed--It is therefore ordered by the Board, that W. T. Constant, Chauncey Nye and J. T. Ramey be and they are hereby appointed Viewers, to view and lay out said roads as prayed for; that they meet on Friday the 2nd day of March, 1866, and after being sworn faithfully to discharge their duties, that within five days thereafter they proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment and that one of said viewers report their proceedings to the Board at the April Session of the said Board.
    The report of C. F. Blake and E. F. Walker, two of the viewers heretofore appointed by the Board to view and lay out a County road leading from the road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka near Minus Walker's ranch and terminating at Freeman Yandell's Ranch in the Dead Indian Country, was read the first time today.
    Ordered by the Board that O. Jacobs be allowed Fifteen dollars for services for defending Chinamen by appointment of the Judge of the Circuit Court.      $15.00
    Ordered by the Board that B. F. Dowell be allowed the sum of Sixty dollars Prosecuting Attorney's fees before U. S. Hayden, J.P.      $60.00
    Ordered that B. F. Dowell be allowed the sum of Fifty dollars for services in defending the County in the suit of the State vs. the County Commissioners.      $50.00
    Ordered by the Board, that the following be the established rates of toll at the Ferry across Rogue River, Known as Bybee's Ferry formerly Pelton's Ferry, to wit:
  One man & horse 25  cents
One span of Horses & wagon 1.00
Loose stock per head 10  cents
Hogs per head 04  cents
Each footman 25  cents
    Now comes Wm. Bilger and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquor in quantities less than one quart, at the forks of Jackson Creek, which is allowed and his license assessed at Fifteen dollars for six months from the second day of December, 1865.
    Now comes D. Lavenberg and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart at Gasburg, which is allowed and his license assessed at fifteen dollars for six months from November 27th, 1865.
    Now comes Kaspar Kubli and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in Applegate Precinct, which is allowed and his license assessed at fifteen dollars for six months from the 3rd day of January, 1866.
    Now comes L. J. White and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Precinct of Dardanelles at Rock Point; which is allowed and his license assessed at fifteen dollars for six months from the 1st day of January, 1866.
    Now comes Lewis Herling and applies to the Board for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart on Poor Man's Creek, which is allowed and his license assessed at fifteen dollars for six months from the 19th day of January, 1866.
    Now at this day comes Henry Carter and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart at the forks of Jackson Creek, which is allowed and his license assessed at Fifteen dollars for six months from the 1st day of January, 1866.
    Now at this day comes John Holton and files the petition of John Robison and others praying for the appointment of viewers to view and lay out a county road from the Stage road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka, on the farm of James V. Amerman, some 40 or 50 rods south of East of the Stage Stable on the above farm, thence South or nearly so through the above farm, continuing on a straight line through Holton's and J. Beeson's lands, till it intersects the present road north of said Beeson's barn, thence on the old road through Ann Beeson's, John Robison, D. E. Stearns' lands till it intersects Benjamin Stephens' lands thence through the above lands to the Saw Mill of Stearns and Williams, thence through their lands, J. Holton, Coolidge & Robison's lands lying on Wagner Creek to the South line of J. Robison's Timber land on Wagner Creek." And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board, that notices of the presentation of the foregoing petition had been duly posted according to law and the said John Holton having filed his bonds, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Jacob Thompson, Granville Naylor and W. J. Plymale be and they are hereby appointed viewers, to view and lay out said road, that they meet at the County Clerk's office on the 1st Friday, the 2nd day of March, 1866, to be sworn and within five days thereafter proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings by one of their number to the Board at the next April Session thereof.
    And the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
J. C. Tolman
County Judge

Thursday, February 8th 1866
    The Board met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present
J. C. Tolman, County Judge,
John S. Love and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners,
and Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk.
    The Report of C. F. Blake and E. F. Walker, two of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County Road, from the road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka, near Minus Walker's Ranch and terminating at Freeman Yandell's Ranch in the Dead Indian Country was read the second time today and is in the words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Hon. County Court, in and for the County of Jackson, State of Oregon.
    "We the undersigned road viewers, appointed by your Hon. body at your September Term to view and lay out a County road, commencing on the County road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka and terminating at Yandell's Ranch in the Dead Indian Country; After being duly sworn by J. C. Tolman, County Judge, on the 13th September 1865, proceeded to view said road on the 15th day following and respectfully submit the following as our Report, to wit: Commending at a stake on the South line of Minus Walker's land claim, thence Easterly to the East line of said claim, thence North on the line between said Walker and Giles Wells' land claims to within some 18 rods of the top of the hill to a small white oak, marked; thence Easterly along a graded road across Walker's Creek to a small Ash, marked; thence in a Northeasterly direction to a large rock, thence Easterly along a dug road to the west side of John Murphy's field, thence North to the Northwest corner of said field, thence easterly to Walker's Creek, thence on the west side of said creek on the traveled road to a crossing about ½ Mile above the forks of said Creek, thence N. Easterly to the summit of a ridge where it leaves
the old Condrey road; thence N.E. to what is Known as Boon's Ranch, thence along the traveled road in a Northeasterly direction to the summit of the Mountain; thence near in the same direction down the Mountain to the head of a glade, thence down said glade to the timber, thence Northeast and along the Southeast side of Grubb's Field, with trees marked all along to a large pine tree on Freeman Yandell's land claim, where said road terminates.
    "This road passes over a rolling and mountainous Country, yet it is entirely practicable for a wagon road and will be of great benefit to the citizens of this Valley as a summer retreat for themselves and stock and has been for five or six years; and as time has proven, the right of way to that portion of our County should be established at once, to prevent any further obstructions to the road by land holders along the same. All things considered, we recommend the establishing of said road.

    "Time spent 2 days each in viewing.
C. F. Blake
E. F. Walker
    And there being no remonstrance against said road, no petition for damages or review, the said report is in all things confirmed. It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said road as laid down in the said report be and the same is hereby established as a County road and a public highway and that the same opened and kept in repair by the Supervisor in whose Districts the said road runs.
    Ordered by the Board that C. F. Blake be allowed the sum of Four dollars for 2 days services as viewer.      $4.00
    Ordered by the Board that E. F. Walker be allowed the sum of Four dollars for 2 days services as viewer.      $4.00
    The petition of A. W. Sturgis, W. Beeson, O. Coolidge and others for the appointment of Viewers for a County road from the stage road near O. Coolidge's to the upper lime kiln on Anderson Creek having been filed and presented before the Board, and no one appearing to make the proof of the posting of notices and filing bond as required by law, It is ordered by the Board that the said petition be laid over.
    Ordered by the Board, that the Superintendent of Common Schools be and he is hereby authorized to advertise and sell the following described School land, to wit: the west half of the northwest quarter of Sec. 16 in T39S, R. 1 East; The terms of sale to be one fourth of the purchase money in hand on the day of sale and the remainder in three equal annual payments, bearing interest at ten percent per annum from the day of sale and principal and interest payable in U.S. coin. He is also authorized to sell the W ½ NE ¼ S 16 T38S, R2W on the same terms;
    Now comes John S. Herrin, Supervisor of Road District No. 3 and files his supplemental report and account for services, from which it appears that he is entitled to pay for five days services and also to the sum of Five dollars due to John S. Miller and paid by him. There is on hand $5 L.T.'s & $6.50 in coin belonging to said District to be paid to his successor.
    Ordered by the Board, that John S. Herrin be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for services as Supervisor and also the sum of Five dollars paid by him as due to John S. Miller, making together the sum of Fifteen dollars.      $15.00
    Now comes Jacob Thompson, Supervisor of Road District No. 7 and presents his report and account for settlement, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his District and that there are none delinquent. That he served as Supervisor Nine days amounting to Eighteen dollars; from which deducted Eight dollars, his personal labor 2 days & property tax from dollars, leaving balance due him from the County, the sum of Ten dollars.
    It also appears that the said Jacob Thompson performed five days hauling with wagon and four horses at six dollars per day, amounting to the sum of Thirty dollars, which is due to him from the said Road District and for which he is entitled to a certificate to be settled by his future road taxes and labor. Or the said Supervisor may be allowed his full compensation by the County and deduct the eight dollars labor & tax from the amt. due him by the District and receive a certificate for the balance.
    Ordered by the Board that Jacob Thompson be allowed the sum of Eighteen dollars for services as Supervisor.
    Now comes D. C. Livingston, Supervisor of Road District No. 14 and presents his report and account for settlement by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his District and that there were no delinquents; that he had performed services three and a half days over and above his personal labor and tax; that he had collected fourteen dollars and twenty-five cents ($4.00 in L.T.) and had paid out for road labor, Ten dollars, leaving a balance in his hands of Four dollars in L.T. and 25¢ coin which he is required to pay over to his successor.
    Ordered by the Board that D. C. Livingston be allowed the sum of Seven dollars for services as Supervisor.      $7.00
    Now comes R.W. Benefiel, Supervisor of Road District No. 20 and presents his report and account for settlement, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his district (except those returned delinquent), that he performed services as Supervisor six days, amounting to the sum of twelve dollars from which is deducted his two days personal labor and property tax amounting to the sum of Four dollars and fifty cents, leaving a balance of Seven dollars and fifty cents due him; and Four dollars and fifty cents due the District. It also appears that there is in the hands of said Supervisor the sum of $10.00 belonging to said District.
    Ordered by the Board, that R. W. Benefiel be allowed the sum of Seven dollars and fifty cents for services as Supervisor.      $7.50
Delinquents in District No. 20
Joseph Allred $4.20
Hugh Donnelly 2.20
Edward Hendricks 2.74
Lewis Herling 2.00
    Now comes John P. Blalock, Supervisor of Road District No. 26 and files his report and account for final settlement that he had worked a portion of the hands in his District and that he performed services as Supervisor for 8 days over his property tax, and that the following are delinquents:
Ned Durban $4.00
W. H. Holley 4.00
John R. Brown 4.00
Noah Bowers 4.00
A. K. Williams 4.00
W. P. Hillis 4.27
W. J. Bahr 4.00
Joseph Robinson 4.45
    Ordered by the Board, that John P. Blalock be allowed the sum of Sixteen dollars for services as Supervisor.      $16.00
    Now comes William Sutherland, Supervisor of Road District No. 18 and files his report and account for settlement, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his District and that there are no delinquents. That he performed services as Supervisor for 5 days amounting to ten dollars from which deduct his 2 days personal labor and property tax $5.36, leaving balance due him $4.64 and the said District from the County      $5.36
    Ordered by the Board that Wm. Sutherland be allowed the sum of Four dollars and sixty-four cents for services as Supervisor.      $4.64
    Ordered by the Board that D. H. Burroughs be allowed the sum of Eighteen dollars for Lumber for Bridge in Road District No. 7 per Thompson, Supervisor.      $18.00
    Now comes R. J. Cameron, Supervisor of Road District No. 22 and presents his report and account for settlement by which it appears that he worked the hands in his District, including 15 days Chinamen, that he performed 10 days services as Supervisor, amounting to $20.00 from which is to be deducted his 2 days personal labor and property tax 5.05, leaving balance due him $14.95 and the $5.05 due the District from the County. It also appears that there is in the hands of said supervisor the sum of $5.00 which he is required to pay to his successor.
    Ordered that R. J. Cameron be allowed the sum of Fourteen dollars and ninety-five cents for services as Supervisor.      $14.95
    Ordered, that Paul Fairclo have until the April session in which to make his settlement as Supervisor of Road District No. 10.
    Ordered, that Frederick Heber, Supervisor of Road District No. 5 have until the April session in which to make his settlement.
    Now comes William B. Kincaid, Supervisor of Road District No. 9 and presents his report and account for settlements, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his District, excepting those returned as delinquent; that he performed labor as supervisor over and above his 2 days personal labor & tax, 4½ days amounting to the sum of Nine dollars and that the sum of Five dollars remains in his hands which he is required to pay over to his successor.
Delinquents in Road District No. 9
  Solomon Humphrey $6.30  ½ day
Moses Mansfield 2.71  2 days
James McDonough 1.29  2 days
Gilbert Middagh .79  2 days
Kincaid John .50  2 days
    Ordered that William B. Kincaid be allowed the sum of nine dollars for services as Supervisor.      $9.00
    Now comes James Miller, Supervisor of Road District No. 17 and presents his report and account for settlement, by which it appears that the said Supervisor had worked the hands in his District, excepting those returned delinquent; that he had performed services as supervisor 8½ days, amounting to the sum of Seventeen dollars, from which is deducted his 2 days personal labor and property tax, amounting to the sum of $5.53, leaving balance due him of $11.47 and due said District $5.53.
Delinquents in Road District No. 17
    Joseph Swingle $2.17
Felix Kilgore 4.00
H. F. Miller 4.49
Luzerne Bradley 3.68
J. W. Simpson 1.69
    Ordered by the Board that James Miller be allowed the sum of Eleven dollars and forty-seven cents for services as Supervisor.      $11.47
    Now comes S. Clark Taylor, Supervisor of Road District No. 15 and presents his report and account for final settlement, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his District (Except Delinquents) that he had performed services 5 days as Supervisor, amounting to ten dollars from which is deducted Six dollars and eighty-six cents, personal labor and property tax, leaving balance due said Supervisor Three dollars and sixty-four cents and due said District.      $6.36.
Delinquent in Road District No. 15
John Latourette             $1.22
    Ordered by the Board that S. C. Taylor be allowed the sum of Three dollars & sixty-four cents for service as Supervisor.      $3.64
    Now comes A. V. Gillette, Supervisor of Road District No. 1 and presents his report and account for settlement, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his district, excepting those returned as delinquent; that he had paid out for:
    labor on road $23.00
and paid for Lumber furnished for Bridge   28.00
amounting to the sum of $51.00
and that he had collected   39.75
leaving balance due said Supervisor $11.22
and that he had performed 9 days Services @ $2 18.00
and one day for making his return     2.00
making the amount due him $31.22
Delinquents in Road District No. 1
    C. F. Blake $4.84
Bunyard, J. B. 2.94
Caldwell, M. 6.94
Emery & Helman 1.50
J. P. Roberts 2.36
A. G. Rockfellow 6.33
H. W. Shepherd 5.00
Hanes True 4.00
Mrs. C. True 1.42
J. C. Tolman 7.07
John P. Walker 9.73
Minus Walker 7.11
Giles Wells Jr. 4.00
Wagner & McCall 5.05
G. W. Dutton 2.00
Runnells, W. 2.00
    Ordered by the Board that A. V. Gillette be allowed the sum of Thirty-one dollars and twenty-two cents for services as Supervisor.
    Now comes James Savage, Supervisor of Road District No. 11 and presents his report and account for settlement, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his District and none returned as delinquent; that he had received Eighteen dollars in money and had expended the same amount on road labor; that he had performed six days labor and services as Supervisor, amounting to twelve dollars from which is deducted $5.47 Road and property tax, leaving a balance due said Supervisor, Six dollars and fifty-three cents ($6.53) and due said District $5.47.
    Ordered by the Board that James Savage be and he is allowed the sum of Six dollars and fifty-three cents for services as Supervisor.      $6.53
    Now comes Kaspar Kubli and presents his report and account for settlement as Supervisor of Road District No. 19, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his District excepting those returned as delinquent; that he had received the sum of $49.00 in greenbacks from the County Treasurer due said district, as money deposited by his predecessor, and had collected Thirty-four dollars and ten cents and that he had paid out $38.29, leaving a balance due him of $4.19 in coin equal to $5.59 which being deducted from the $49.00 above mentioned, leaves a balance of $43.41 in Greenbacks due to said District and which amount is paid to the County Clerk to be paid over to his successor. Said Supervisor claims 13 days services as Supervisor over and above his road labor 2 days & property tax.
Delinquents in District No. 19
Edward Nelson 2
W. A. Forgey 2
Lafayette Allen $3.42
    Ordered by the Board that Kaspar Kubli be allowed the sum of twenty-six dollars for services as Supervisor of Road District No. 19.      $26.00
    Now comes N. C. Dean, Supervisor of Road District No. 8 and presents his report and account for settlement, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his District except one delinquent; that he had received from the County Clerk as money deposited by his predecessor $93.00 and that he had collected $9.50, making in all $102.50 and that he had paid out for road labor the sum of one hundred dollars, leaving a balance of $2.50 cts. in his hands belonging to the said District. He claims 5 days services as Supervisor.
    Ordered by the Board that N. C. Dean be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for services as Supervisor.      $10.00
    Ordered by the Board that Frederick Heber be allowed the sum of Fifty dollars for keeping an infant child & clothing same, said infant being a County charge, from Aug. 11th 1865 to April 11th, 1866, eight months.      $50.00
    It is ordered by the Board that Road District No. 24 be so altered as to terminate at the South side of Little Applegate Creek instead of terminating at the intersection of the Palmer Creek road with the Sterlingville road.
    Ordered by the Board, that Road District No. 14 be altered according to the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at the center of Township No. 36S, R2W, on the North side of Rogue River and running thence north to the County line and embrace all west to the center of Sardine Creek.
    Ordered by the Board, that a new road district be established with the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at the center of Township No. 36S, R2W on the North side of Rogue River and embracing all the Country lying on the East of said center of said Township and North and west of Rogue River, to the County line on the North; said District to be designated as District No. 26 and that District No. 26, as heretofore designated, be changed to No. 25.
    Ordered by the Board that so much of Road District No. 5 as is embraced in the following description be taken from said District and added to Road District No. 7, to wit: a portion of the road, being from the center of Bear Creek at the Bridge near McAndrew's ranch, out to the main road running down the creek.
    Whereas, it is represented to the Board of Commissioners that there is due from Charles Ham to Jonathan Smith, a county charge, lately deceased, the sum of about Forty dollars, to which the County is legally entitled, It is therefore ordered by the Board, that Dr. L. S. Thompson be and he is hereby authorized to receive said sum or whatever amount there may be due from said Chas. Ham to said Jonathan Smith, to be appropriated towards defraying expenses & charges for medical treatment of said Jonathan Smith in his last days.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson Co., Ogn., that C. F. Blake be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 1 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Isaac Woolen be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 2 in said County, for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Samuel Colver, Jr. be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 3, in said County, for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that James Helms be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 4 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Frederick Heber be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 5 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Thomas F. Beall be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 6 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Enoch F. Walker be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 7 in Jackson County, Oregon for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that N. C. Dean be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 8 in said County, for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that James McDonough be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 9 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that John Wells be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 10 in said County, for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, that C. Schieffelin be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 11 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that James P. Tuffs be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 12 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Samuel J. Stickel be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 13 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that D. C. Livingston be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 14 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that William M. Mathes be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 15 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Peter Simon be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 16 in said County, for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that James Miller be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 17 for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that John Obenchain, Senior, be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 18 in said County, for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Kaspar Kubli be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 19 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that M. H. Drake be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 20 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County Oregon, that George Brown be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 21 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Theodric Cameron be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 22 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Reuben Saltmarsh be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 23 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County Oregon, that Joseph East be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 24 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that G.A. Friend be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 25 for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that W. T. Constant be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 26 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Now comes Thomas Croxton, Supervisor of Road District No. 12 and presents his report and account for settlement, by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his district and no delinquents returned, that he had performed services as Supervisor 11½ days amounting to the sum of twenty-three dollars, from which is deducted the personal labor and property tax, amounting to the sum of $6.84, leaving a balance due said Supervisor of $16.16 and due the said District $6.84.
    Ordered by the Board that an additional allowance be made to P. F. McManus, to the allowance made on yesterday, of Eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents, as per affidavit of A. H. Miller.      $18.75
    Ordered that Thomas Croxton be allowed the sum of Sixteen dollars and sixteen cents for services as Supervisor.
    And the Board adjourned until the 5th day of March.
John S. Love
F. Heber

Monday March 5th 1866
    The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Ogn. this day, pursuant to adjournment, present
Hon. J. C. Tolman, County Judge
John S. Love &
F. Heber, Commissioners &
Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk
    And thereupon the Board adjourned until Wednesday the 7th day of March ensuing.
J. C. Tolman
County Judge

Wednesday March 7th 1866
    The Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Ogn., met this day pursuant to adjournment; Present:
John S. Love and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners
Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk
    Ordered by the Board that Dr. L. T. Davis be allowed the sum of Twenty-Eight dollars for medical attendance and one pair of Blankets for James Munday, on Pauper account.    $28.00
    Ordered by the Board that the issuing of a County Warrant by the Clerk in favor of John S. Love to pay Expenses of sending James Munday away be allowed & confirmed.
    Ordered by the Board that Louis Horne be allowed the sum of Fifty-two dollars for meals & lodging for Jurors in the case of the State vs. Samuel Goheen.      $52.00
    Ordered by the Board, that B. F. Dowell be allowed the sum of Forty-seven dollars for advertising school lands; printing Supervisors' appointments and notices.      $47.00
    Ordered by the Board that Savage & Sutton be allowed thirteen dollars for Camphor for jail and Wood for Courthouse & offices.      $13.00
    Ordered by the Board, that W. A. Owen, Sheriff, be allowed the sum of One hundred and Eighty dollars, summoning Jurors and attendance [on] Courts.      $180.00
    Ordered by the Board, that W. A. Owen, Sheriff, be allowed the sum of One hundred & forty-nine dollars and seventy-five cents for fees in the case of the State of Oregon vs. Samuel Goheen.      $149.75
    Ordered by the Board, that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of six dollars for window blinds for the Courthouse.      $6.00
    Ordered by the Board, that W. A. Owen, One hundred and twenty dollars for one month's salary of Jailer and one month's board to March 5th.      $120.00
    Ordered by the Board, that the order made by the Board on the 8th February for the Sale of School land be rescinded; and It is ordered by the Board that the Superintendent of Common Schools be and he is hereby authorized to make sale of the W ½ NE ¼ S. 16 T38S, R2W--80 acres--also the S ½ and NE ¼ of NW ¼ S. 16 T35S R1 West, in the manner presented by law, that one fourth of the purchase money be paid on the day of sale and the remainder in 3 equal annual payments, bearing interest at 10 % per annum, from day of sale.
    Ordered by the Board, that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue County Warrants for the Jurors attending the Circuit Court at the February Term of the said Court. Also the fees of Witnesses in the case of the State of Oregon against Samuel Goheen.
    Ordered by the Board, that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue a County Warrant for 560 feet of bridge plank, 3 inches thick, equal to 1680 feet each measure for the Bridge over Jones' Creek in the road District of James P. Tuffs, Supervisor.
    Now comes D. Linn, County Treasurer and represents to the Board that there are Legal Tender notes in the Treasury belonging to the School fund, amounting to $79.25/100 and asks that the same may be converted into coin for distribution and that an order be issued to him for the difference in the coin value of said legal tender notes and said sum of $79.25/100 as he is charged with the latter sum in his account, the same as coin.
    It is therefore ordered by the Board, that the said D. Linn be allowed to convert said Greenbacks and that he be allowed a County Warrant for the sum of $19.82/100. 
    The resignation of G.A. Friend as Supervisor of Road District No. 25 has presented, and alleges that he expects to leave the State in a short time; It is therefore ordered by the Board that said resignation be accepted.
    Ordered by the Board that A. K. Williams be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 25 in the place of G.A. Friend, resigned.
    Now comes James McDonough and presents his resignation as Supervisor of Road District No. 9 on account of the ill health of his family; which resignation is accepted.
    Ordered by the Board, that Solomon Humphrey be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 9, in the place of James McDonough, resigned.
    The report of J. B. White, Supervisor of Road District No. _____ was presented to the Board, by which it appears that he has worked the hands in District; no claim made for services.
    The report of Granville Naylor, Supervisor of Road District No. 4 was presented showing that the following named persons had performed extra work in said District, for which they are entitled to a credit on road labor & taxes for the year 1866.
    Thomas G. Dews 1½ days
James Taylor 1½ days
Granville Naylor 2½ days
J. S. Lacy 1 day
Isaac Van Dorn 1 day
    Ordered that J. H. Zimmerman be allowed the sum of seven dollars for leather straps for Insane per Love & one leather Book case for Assessor per Dunn.      $7.00
    The report of J. J. Fryer, Supervisor of Road District No. 16 was presented showing that he had worked the hands in his District and that none are delinquent, that he had received in money
the sum of $27.00
and paid for labor 12.00
and paid for spikes   2.50   14.50
leaving in his hands $12.50
which he is required to pay to his successor.
    Claims for 5 days' services.
    Ordered by the Board that J. J. Fryer the sum of Ten dollars for services as Supervisor.      $10.00
    The report of Isaac Woolen, Supervisor of road district No. 2 was presented by which it appears that he had worked the hands in his District; that he
  had collected the sum of $38.15
and paid the sum of   33.00
leaving in his hands due District $  5.15
that he had expanded on ditch and dam $124.00
of which A. F. Farnham is pay pay 1/6     20.66
Appropriation from County $110.00
    deduct above   103.34
    Balance in his hands from Co.       6.66
Claims 17 days work over and above his
    road tax and poll amounting to
$  34.00
from which deduct bal. of county money       6.66
    Balance due Woolen $  27.34
    Ordered by the Board that Isaac Woolen be allowed Twenty-seven dollars and thirty cents for services as Supervisor.      $27.30
    Ordered by the Board, that L. J. White be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 13 in place of Samuel J. Steckel, who expects to leave the District.
List of Jurors February Term A.D. 1866
    Names Days Miles Amount
Timothy Mynard 2 16 5.60
David Redpath 2   7 4.70
Benjamin Reeser 2   2 4.20
John Cardwell 2 30 7.00
John S. Drum 2   2 4.20
James A. Cardwell 2   5 4.50
Merit Bellinger 2   4 4.40
D. Cronemiller 3   2 6.20
Jacob S. Walz 4   5 8.50
Lyman Chappell 5 18 11.80  
James B. Bunyard 5 30 13.00
O. D. Hoxie 4 12 9.20
John L. Crosby 3 30 9.00
Edwin Smith 4 02 8.20
James V. Tuffs 5 60 16.00  
Addison Helms 4   2 8.20
L. J. C. Duncan 5   2 10.20  
Joshua Patterson 5 24 12.40  
Thomas McAndrew 4 10 9.00
R. B. Bannister 4 14 9.40
James S. Howard 4   2 8.20
Henry F. Miller 4 60 14.00  
John S. Lacy 4   5 8.50
Thomas Croxton 4   2 8.20
Amon Shook 4 22 10.20  
C. Thornton 4   2 8.20
R. V. Beall 3 10 7.00
J. B. Wrisley 3 12 7.20
Wm. Welch 4 10 9.00
D. Norton 3 12 7.20
Isaac Van Dorn 4   6 8.60
Thomas G. Dews 4   8 8.80
Witnesses' fees in State case
    Names Days Miles Amount
Sylvester Thomas 2 16 5.60
N. C. Dean 4 12 9.20
James McDonough 4 14 9.40
David W. Huston 4 12 9.20
Jesse Sherman 4 12 9.20
Thomas B. Staples 4 12 9.20
J. W. Baker 4 12 9.20
Gilbert Middagh 4 15 9.50
Thomas Clark 5 12 11.20  
John B. Sifers 4 14 9.40
C. L. Hill 4 12 9.20
Moses Mansfield 4 12 9.20
Clark Doty Jr. 3 12 7.20
H. A. Grigsby 5 10 11.00  
Edwin Smith 4   2 8.20
F. A. Avery 4 12 9.20
C. Oglesby 4 16 9.60
J. W. Sears 4 12 9.20
H. C. McClure 4 12 11.20  
William Kahler 4 16 9.60
John J. Palmer 3 16 7.60
Samuel J. Perkins 1 12 3.20
Robert L. Ferguson 4 12 9.20
Clark Doty, Senr. 3 12 7.20
Elijah Chaney 4 12 9.20
T. B. Willard 1 10 3.00
Bartlett Obenchain 2 10 5.00
R. L. Wade 1 70 9.00
G. Wilson 4   3 8.30
Patrick Byrne 1   2 2.20
Robert Strong 4 12 9.20
Addison Helms 1   2 2.20
Newman Fisher 1   2 2.20

April Term A.D. 1866
Monday April 2nd 1866
    The Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, State of Oregon, met today in regular session, Present
Hon. J. C. Tolman, County Judge
John S. Love, County Commissioner
Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk,
And the Court adjourned until Tuesday next (tomorrow morning)
J. C. Tolman
County Judge

Tuesday April 3rd 1866
    The County Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment, present the same as yesterday.
    Ordered by the Board, that James Helms be allowed the sum of Thirty-two dollars and fifty cents being the balance due him for Keeping William Wilkerson, a County charge up to the first day of April (Instant).      $32.50
    The Report of John M. Nichols, Charles A. Charleton and Lewis McDaniel, viewers heretofore appointed to review and alter a part of the County road leading from Jacksonville to the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek, was presented and read the first time today.
    And the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
J. C. Tolman
County Judge

Wednesday April 4th 1866
    The County Judge and Commissioners of the County Court, constituting the County Board, met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present
J. C. Tolman, County Judge
John S. Love &
Fred. Heber, County Commissioners
and Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk
    Now comes Peter Hanson, Supervisor of Road District No. 21 and files his report, by which it appears that he had completed the work unfinished by his predecessor John Williams; that he had collected in money $23.90 and that he had expended the sum of $12.50, leaving a balance in his hands of $11.40, which he is required to pay over to his successor.
    Ordered by the Board that Peter Hanson be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for services as Supervisor.      $10.00
    The report of John M. Nichols, Charles A. Charleton and Lewis McDaniel, viewers heretofore appointed to alter and locate a part of the road leading from Jacksonville to the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek was read the second time today and is in the words and figures following, to wit:
    "Jackson County, March the 20th, 1866. We the undersigned reviewers proceeded according to order of the Commissioners Court of February 7, 1866 to review that part of the road leading from Jacksonville to the Big Butte Saw Mill. Commencing at the Moffin flat, running a Northeasterly direction to Griffin's Ranch. We the undersigned do hereby certify that we believe that it shortens the distance and is an improvement on the aforesaid road. We the undersigned hereby subscribe our names to this report on the day written. 
John M. Nichols
Charles A. Charleton
Lewis McDaniel
    And there being no remonstrance to said alteration of said road and no petition for damages, it is ordered by the Board that the report of the said reviewers be confirmed and that the said alteration of said road be established as a public high way and when the said road as altered shall be opened, then the old portion shall be vacated and the Supervisor of the Road District through which said altered road runs is required to open the said road as altered by said viewers.
    Ordered that John M. Nichols be allowed Two dollars for services as road Viewer.
    Ordered that Charles A. Charleton be allowed Two dollars for services as road viewer.
    Ordered that Lewis McDaniel be allowed Two dollars for services as road viewer.
    Now comes Chauncey Nye and T. J. Ramey, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out two certain County roads in Sams Valley and file their report as follows, to wit:
    "To the Hon. Board of Commissioners:
    "The undersigned appointed by the Co. Comm. of Jackson Co. to view and lay out two certain Roads in what is known as Sams Valley beg leave to make the following report.

    "After being duly qualified and appointed, Benjamin Phettiplace, Marker, we commenced near the mining camp on the East side of Sams Creek at a Fir tree standing on the East of the road and a Pitch Pine on the West side, both of which is marked with three deep notches facing the road; from thence down a small divide in a southerly direction to the field of Benjamin Phettiplace; thence along said field some 50 or 60 rods; thence to the N.E. corner of A. S. Moon's field; thence on the Township line south to the N.E. corner of Section 36; thence West 160 rods, thence in a southerly direction until it intersects an old vacated road thence along said old road until it intersects the road leading to Rock Point, thence on the road 50 or 80 rods to a stake, thence east of an Ash Grove and in a southerly direction to a black Oak Tree, thence West until it intersects said road again.
    "Also a road commencing at the N.E. corner of Section 36, running East on the line one mile, thence in an Easterly direction about one mile intersecting the road leading to the Ferry at a large White Oak Tree marked with 4 deep notches upon each side. The undersigned viewers of said roads would report that they have been located upon good ground and that they are necessary to accommodate a large number of settlers as well as the public at large. We therefore recommend their location. The said roads were laid out on the 5th of March.
Chauncey Nye
J. T. Ramey"
    Which report being read, thereupon comes John Sisemore for himself and as Admr. of the Estate of E. C. Pelton and in behalf of Mrs. Pelton & files a petition for damages in the words and figures following, to wit:
    "Sams Valley, Jackson County, Oregon, April 2nd 1866.
    "Bill of Damage
    "To the Honorable County Commissioners for Jackson County, Oregon. I do hereby certify that the road viewed out by Thomas Ramey, Chauncey Nye and Thomas Constant situated in Sams Valley [omission?].
    "Damage to Mrs. Pelton's from 16⅔ feet wide 880 yards in length, amount damages $100.00

    "Damage to the Estate of E. C. Pelton, deceased, and and John Sisemore's farm 30 feet wide and 1760 yards in length, amt. Damage      $600.00
    "Damage to John Sisemore's 80 acres of acres of land section 36, road in angular direction
    Amt. of damage $  300.00
Total and Damage $1000.00
    "John Sisemore, Administrator to the Estate of E. C. Pelton, deceased."
    Which petition having been read,
    It is therefore ordered by the Board, that Isaac Miller, Wm. B. Kincaid and William Kahler be and there are hereby appointed Viewers to view the said road as located through the said premises for which damages are claimed and assess and determine how much less valuable the said premises would be rendered by the opening of said road; that they meet on the Twelfth day of May, 1866, and after being duly sworn according to law, that they proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings by one of their number to the said Commissioners at the next regular session to be held on the first Monday in July next.

    Ordered that Chauncey Nye be allowed the sum of Five dollars and sixty cents for services as Road Viewer, Mileage and making return.      $5.60
    Ordered by the Board, that J. T. Ramey be allowed the sum of Three dollars & Sixty cents for services as road viewer & mileage.      $3.60
    Ordered by the Board that Benjamin Phettiplace be allowed the sum of Two dollars for services as Marker for road viewers.      $2.00
    Ordered by the Board that Frederick K. Heber be allowed the sum of twenty-four dollars for services as Supervisor of Roads for the years 1863, '64 & '65.      $24.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed on the Inquest held on the body of George L. Holmes, viz.
  O. D. Hoxie, Special Coroner $6.40
S. D. Van Dyke, Juror 1.20
Benj. Stephens, Juror 1.50
Nicholas Riggs, Juror 1.60
James Young, Juror 1.20
Q. N. Anderson, Juror 1.60
Curtis Davenport, Juror 2.20
Charles Gruver, Witness 1.50
    Ordered by the Board that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of Three hundred and fifty-four & 20/100 for Services & fees as County Clerk and Stationery for Courts & Office.      $354.20
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed One hundred & twenty dollars for Jailer's Salary and board for One Month.      $120.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed One hundred and Eighty-six 85/100 dollars for percentage Collecting taxes on $6211.95/100.      $186.85
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed Five dollars for 1 day March Term of County Court.      $5.00
    Ordered by the Board, that Peter Boshey be allowed the sum of Sixty-nine dollars and forty-four cents for furnishing and setting out fifty maple trees in the Court House
yard.        $69.44

    Ordered by the Board, that John S. Love and Wm. Hoffman be and they are hereby appointed to have prepared suitable fastenings & door for the County Jail so as to render it more secure against the escape of prisoners confined therein;
    Also to contract for a sufficient number of Yew posts for the fence around the Court House lot and jail.
    Now comes W. A. Owen, Sheriff, and collector of taxes and files his report, Showing that he had collected taxes to the amount of $18,576 18/100 and that he had assessed and collected $387.00 and that there remains delinquent of the taxes of 1865 the sum of $5376.50/100 as follows:
    Total amount of taxes as per tax dup. $23,952.68
Total amount of taxes Collected   18,576.18
Total amount of taxes Delinquent $  5,376.50
    It is ordered by the Board that said Report be accepted and filed and that the said Sheriff proceed to collect said delinquent taxes according to law.
    Ordered by the Board, that an Election precinct be established as follows: Beginning at the S.E. corner of Douglas County, thence running due east to the 120th Meridian thence South to the 42nd parallel North latitude, thence due West to the Southeast corner of Jackson County, thence northerly along the east boundary of Jackson County to the place of beginning, or all the country embraced in the act of extending the boundary of this co.; said precinct to be known as the Klamath Precinct; that the place of holding Elections in said Precinct be at Fort Klamath in the building occupied by the Quarter Master or other suitable building.
    Ordered by the Board, that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Judges of Elections for the respective Precincts of Jackson County, as follows, to wit:
Asa Fordyce, C. Davis & Samuel Grubb
Milton Lindley, J. M. Wagner & Woodford Reames
John Wright, George Yaudes & Reuben Saltmarsh
L. J. C. Duncan, R. S. Dunlap & U. S. Hayden
John O'Brien, Wm. McNew & John W. Goff
Butte Creek
Levi Tinkham, J. J. Fryer & John M. Nichols
L. J. White, James Layman & H. P. Deskins
C. Schieffelin, James Savage, & John C. Campbell
Union Town
Lyman Chappell, R. J. Cameron & Justus Wells
Wm. H. Merriman, Jacob Thompson & Thos. F. Beall
Evans Creek
Miles S. Wakeman, T. H. Fielder & W. W. Brown
Table Rock
A. S. Moon, Chauncey Nye & Joseph Bledsoe
Forest Creek
John McKee, Napoleon Baker & Wm. Ray
Steam Boat City
S. R. Taylor, John Taylor & M. G. Kimball
Willow Springs
Wm. Kahler, A. J. Coakley & N. C. Dean
John M. McCall, Geo. Nurse & O. A. Stearns
    And the Board adjourned until the 9th day of May.
J. C. Tolman
County Judge

Wednesday May 9th 1866.
    The Board of Commissioners of the County Court of Jackson County met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on the 4th day of April A.D. 1866. (Full Board)
    Ordered by the Board, that D. H. Burroughs & Co. be allowed twenty dollars for bridge Lumber for Road District No. 6.      $20.00
    Ordered by the Board that Love & Bilger be allowed the sum of Eight dollars and fifty cents for sundries for the Court House.      $8.50
    Ordered by the Board, that John S. Drum be & he is hereby appointed Judge of Election for the Precinct of Jacksonville, in the place of U. S. Hayden who declines serving.
    Ordered by the Board, that W. A. Owen be allowed One hundred and twenty dollars for Salary of Jailer and board of same for one month.      $120.
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed Five dollars for one day's attendance on Court.      $5.
    Ordered by the Board, that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of Sixty dollars for Printing and putting up Tax Notices.      $60.00
    Ordered by the Board that Dr. T. T. Cabaniss be allowed Ten dollars for Examining two Insane Persons.      $10.00
    Ordered by the Board, that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of Two hundred and one dollars & twenty-five cents for Expenses and Compensation for taking Insane Woman to Insane Asylum.      $201.25
    Ordered by the Board that Sachs Brothers be allowed the sum of Twenty-seven dollars & thirteen cents for sundry clothing &c. for Insane person and the further sum of Seven dollars for clothing for Insane person, making together the sum of Thirty-four dollars and thirteen cents.      $34.13.
    Ordered by the Board that James Helms be allowed the sum of Thirteen dollars and seventy-five cents for Keeping Wilkinson boy to this date.
    Ordered by the Board that Love & Bilger be allowed the sum of Three dollars and twenty-five cents for Spikes for road district No. 7.      $3.25
    Ordered by the Board, that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred and seventy-eight dollars and ten cents, County Clerk's fees and the further sum of Twenty-four dollars and seventy-five cents for Stationery, making in all Two hundred and two dollars and Eighty-five cents.
    Fees $178.10
Stationery     24.75
    Ordered by the Board that Z. Cardwell be allowed the sum of Sixty-five dollars for Yew posts delivered for the fence around the Court House yard.      $65.00
    Whereas the two sons of Wm. Wilkinson (a Convict) have heretofore been a County charge and whereas Jacob Ish proposes to the Board of Commissioners to take the said two boys provided the Board will bind them as Apprentices, without further charge to the County; It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said two boys be bound out to the said Jacob Ish until they shall respectively become of Age, with the stipulation that the said Jacob Ish shall supply the said boys with good & sufficient board, Clothing and cause them to be taught to read, write & cypher & give each a freedom suit of clothing, a Horse, saddle & Bridle to each at their majority.
    And whereas an infant child of David J. Smith, has also been a County Charge heretofore, and whereas Frederick Heber proposes to take the said child as an apprentice, to be bound to him by the board until he shall become of age, with the stipulation that the said Frederick Heber shall supply the said Child with clothing, board, washing and also have him taught to read, write & cypher and when he becomes of age, give him a horse, saddle & bridle and a new suit of clothing suitable to his condition.

    Ordered by the Board, that the sum of $150 be appropriated for the purpose of repairing that part of the road leading from Jacksonville to the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek, commencing at the South side of the Butte near M. Hanley's dwelling House and extending northward on said road to a point near the corner of Col. J. E. Ross' Garden, said appropriation is made on the condition that the amount of $300 be raised by subscription, in addition to said appropriation and applied on said road under the direction of the Supervisor of said District.
    And the Board adjourned until Wednesday the 6th day of June next.
J. C. Tolman
County Judge

Wednesday June 6th 1866
    The Commissioners of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, met today pursuant to adjournment, present
Hon. J. C. Tolman, County Judge
John S. Love and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners &
Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk
    Ordered by the Board, that Erastus Wells be allowed the sum of One hundred and two dollars and twenty cents for bridge lumber furnished for sundry Bridges in Road District No. 1 as per certificate of C. F. Blake, Supervisor on file.      $102.20.
    Now comes P. F. Quinn and applies to the Board for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart at Willow Springs and it appearing to the Board that the said P. F. Quinn had duly posted notices of his intention to apply to this Board for such license and also filed his Petition signed by a majority of the voters of said Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said petition be granted, and that a license issue to the said P. F. Quinn upon the payment of Thirty dollars for 12 months and also upon filing the bond required by the Statutes.
    Now comes A. Jacobs and presents to the Board the Treasurer's receipt for the sum of fifteen dollars and that that sum was paid on the 16th March last prior to the time that the Board had Knowledge of the law now in force and prays the Board to grant him a license to date from the 16th day of March last; the premises considered, It is ordered by the Board that license issue to the said A. Jacobs upon the payment of the sum of fifteen dollars and filing his bond as required by law.
    Ordered by the Board that M. A. Williams be allowed the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars for Six months' services as School Superintendent to the close of his official Term.      $250.00
    Ordered by the Board, that David Linn, Treasurer, be allowed the sum of One hundred and sixty-eight dollars and sixty-one cents for Express charges on remittances of State, Military & Chinese License funds to State Treasurer.      $168.61
    Ordered by the Board that D. H. Burroughs & Co. be allowed the following sums, to wit:
  For lumber for bridges in Road District No. 10 $34.56
For lumber for bridges in Road District No. 10 15.00
For lumber for bridges in Road District No. 7 20.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed Ten dollars for two days attendance at the May Term of the County Court.      $10.00
    Ordered by the Board that John S. Love be allowed the sum of One hundred dollars compensation for services relating to Insane persons and other services.
    Ordered by the Board, that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of One hundred and thirty-eight dollars for posting notices of Election and serving appointments of Judges of Election.      $138.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of Forty-eight dollars, balance due for expenses in conveying Mary Morgan to Asylum; Also the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars for conveying Wild Sam alias Samuel Fendis to the Insane Asylum, making together the sum of Two hundred and Ninety-eight dollars.       $298.00
    Ordered by the Board, that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of One hundred dollars for one month's service of jailer and also Twenty dollars for 4 weeks Board of Jailer @ 5.00 per week, making the sum of One hundred & twenty dollars.      $120.00
    Ordered by the Board that Love & Bilger be allowed the sum of Four dollars and twenty-five cents for spikes for Bridges.      $4.25
    The report of Wm. Robison, Supervisor of Road District No. 23 for 1864 & 1865 was presented, by which it appears that he had received
    money to amt. of $48.72
and paid out for work   34.00
Balance on hand due district     14.72
    that said Supervisor claims for services 11 days @ $2.00 $22.00
from which deduct 2 days labor & property tax     4.41
Balance   $17.59
    And that said Supervisor worked 18 white men & 42 Chinamen.
    Now, there is in the hands of the County Clerk $10.39 due said District. 
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning 9 o'clock.
J. C. Tolman, County Judge

    Court met pursuant to adjournment, present same as yesterday.
June 7th 1866
    Ordered by the Board that William Robinson be allowed the sum of Seventeen dollars and fifty-nine cents for services as Supervisor.      $17.59
    Whereas at the February Session 1866 of this Board a Petition was presented to the Board for the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County road from the farm of J. V. Amerman on the Stage road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka to terminate at the South line of J. Robison's timber land on Wagner Creek; whereupon Jacob Thompson, W. J. Plymale and Granville Naylor were duly appointed viewers on said road; and on the 2nd day of April, 1866, two of the said Viewers filed their report and on the 22nd May 1866, said Viewers filed an amended report to supply a deficiency in their first report, as to whether their report was favorable or otherwise, to the location of said road. And on the 5th Feb., 1866, a remonstrance against the location and opening of said road was also filed.
    And the said petition and remonstrance came on to be heard before the Board on this day; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that the number of legal signers on the said remonstrance exceeded the number of legal signers on the said petition for said road, It is therefore considered by the Board, that the report and amended report of the said Viewers, be set aside and not confirmed and be held for naught.
    Ordered by the Board, that Jacob Thompson be allowed Four dollars for services as Road Viewer.
    Ordered by the Board, that W. J. Plymale be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as road viewer.
    Ordered by the Board, that Wallace Baldwin be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as Chain bearer. 
    Ordered by the Board that Robert B. Robison be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as chain bearer.
    Ordered by the Board that W. Beeson be allowed the sum of Four dollars for services as Marker.
    And the Board adjourned without day.
J. C. Tolman
County Judge

June 26th 1866.
    The Commissioners of the County Court met today in special session, Present
Honorable J. C. Tolman, County Judge
John S. Love &
Frederick Heber, Commissioners &
Wm. Hoffman, County Clerk
    Ordered by the Board, that A. V. Gillette be allowed the Sum of Eighty-nine dollars and sixty-eight cents for lumber furnished Supervisor of Road District No. 1 for Bridges in said District as per certificate on file.      $89.68
    Now comes Paul T. Fairclo and files his report as Supervisor of Road District No. 10 for 1865, by which it appears that said Supervisor [worked] the hands in his District except delinquents reported.
    Amount collected by Supervisor $  5.00
Supervisor claims for services 8 days @ $2 $16.00
deduct 2 days personal labor $4.00
Property tax     .43     4.43
balance due Supervisor from County $11.53
Amt. Due District No. 10 from Supervisor $  5.00
Amt. Due District No. 10 from County     4.43
John Swinden property tax 1864       .88
John Swinden property tax 1865     1.73
    Ordered by the Board that Paul T. Fairclo [ be allowed the sum of] Eleven dollars & fifty-seven cents for services as Supervisor.      $11.57
    Ordered that W. H. Byars be allowed the sum of twenty-five dollars mileage returning Poll Books from Klamath Precinct.
    Ordered by the Board, that John S. Love be allowed the sum of One hundred & twenty-nine dollars for services as County Commissioner up to this date.      $129.00
    Ordered by the Board that Frederick Heber be allowed the sum of Thirty-two dollars for services as County Commissioner up to this date.      $32.00
    Ordered by the Board that Wallace Baldwin be allowed the sum of Seventeen dollars and thirty cents for services as Constable in criminal action before A. V. Gillette, J.P. in the State vs. A. J. Winningham.      $17.30
    Ordered by the Board that William Hoffman be allowed the sum of One hundred and Seventy Two 25/100 dollars County Clerk fees and Stationery for Offices and
Courts.      $172.25
  Fees $156.40
Stationery &c. 15.85
    Whereas Amos Lyman Barneburg, an orphan child who has heretofore been a County Charge and whereas H. P. Deskins proposes to take said child as an apprentice until he arrives at the age of 21 years, It is ordered by the Board that the said Amos Lyman Barneburg be bound by the Board of Commissioners to the said H. P. Deskins with the stipulation that the said H. P. Deskins shall cause the said apprentice to be taught some lawful calling and also to read, write & cypher in the general rules of Arithmetic and at the end of his apprenticeship to furnish said apprentice a suit of New Clothes, One hundred and twenty-five dollars in money and a horse, saddle & bridle.
    Ordered that Alexander McQueen be allowed the sum of Three dollars and seventy-five cents for labor on Trees in Court House yard.      $3.75
    And the Board adjourned without day.
J. C. Tolman, (County Judge)

July 2nd Session A.D. 1866
    The Commissioners of the County Court met in regular session, Present--
Honorable L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge,
Frederick Heber and
J. B. White, Commissioners,
all of whom were duly sworn into Office before taking their seats when the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk-elect, presented his official bond in the sum of Ten thousand dollars with James T. Glenn, Sam. Sachs and John E. Ross as sureties, and the said sureties having justified, It is ordered by the Board that the said bond be accepted; and thereupon the said W. H. S. Hyde was duly sworn in as County Clerk.
    Ordered by the Board that David Linn, County Treasurer-Elect be required to give Bonds in the sum of Twenty thousand dollars.
    Whereupon the said David Linn presented his Official Bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars with Saml. Sachs, Jno. S. Drum and  James T. Glenn as sureties, and the said Sureties having Justified, It is ordered by the Board that the Said bond be accepted and thereupon the said David Linn was duly sworn in as County Treasurer.
    W. A. Owen, Sheriff-elect, presented his Official Bond in the Sum of Ten thousand dollars with Saml. Sachs, Jno. S. Love and J. E. Ross as sureties, and the said Sureties having Justified, It is ordered by the Board that the said bond be accepted and thereupon the said W. A. Owen was duly sworn in as Sheriff of Jackson County.
    Silas J. Day, Assessor-elect, presented his Official Bond in the Sum of Five thousand dollars, with M. A. Brentano and Newman Fisher as Sureties and the Said Sureties having Justified, It is ordered by the Board that the said bond be accepted and thereupon the said Silas J. Day was duly sworn in as County Assessor.
    E. H. Greenman, Coroner-elect, presented his Official Bond in the Sum of Three thousand dollars, with James T. Glenn and John Orth as sureties and the said Sureties having Justified, It is ordered by the Board that the said bond be accepted and thereupon the said E. H. Greenman was duly sworn in as Coroner of Jackson County.
    And the Board Adjourned until tomorrow at One o'clock P.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

July 3rd 1866
    Commissioners Court met pursuant to adjournment, present Same as yesterday.
    B. F. Dowell presented the following bill against the County, to wit:
    To Notice of loan of School Money, 1 Sqr insertion by Treasurer 3.00
Sale of School land 3 Squares, 6 insertions 24.00
1 Affidavit of Publication 1.00
500 Blank Subpoenas at $4   20.00
Total     $48.00
    Ordered by the Board that the Clerk draw a Warrant on the Treasurer in favor of B. F. Dowell for $48.00.
    Ordered by the Board that the report of Chauncey Nye and T. J. Ramey, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out two Certain County Roads in Sams Valley be now publicly read which was accordingly done.
    Ordered by the Board that the Clerk draw an order on the Treasurer in favor of Dr. L. T. Davis for One hundred dollars on account of his Salary as Supt. of Common Schools.
    And the Board adjourned until Thursday, July 5th at 9 O'ck. A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

July 5th 1866
    The Commissioners Court met today pursuant to adjournment, Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Fred Heber, Commissioner
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Now comes Wm. Kahler & W. B. Kincaid, who have heretofore been appointed as viewers of two Certain County Roads proposed to be laid out in Sams Valley, to assess damages if any there be by reason of the said Road's being laid as per the location and report of Chauncey Nye and T. J. Ramey; and made their report, which report is in words and figures, following, to wit:

May 15th 1866
State of Oregon
County of Jackson
To the Hon. Board of Co. Commissioners:
    The undersigned appointed by the Co. Commissioners of Jackson Co. to review two roads (in Sams Valley) or that portion of the roads, as located through the farms of Mrs. Pelton, John Sisemore and the Estate of E. C. Pelton, deceased, beg leave to report as follows. After being duly qualified, we proceeded to view the road through Mrs. Pelton's farm, thence through the farm of Sisemore & Pelton's Estate, thence through the land of John Sisemore, and assess and determine as follows, to wit:
    That as the road where it is claimed to damage the farm of Mrs. Pelton is located along the line between Mrs. Pelton and Mr. Pankey and follows a lane already made between these two farms, Therefore the farm of Mrs. Pelton would be no less valuable with the road than without it. From the Corner of Section 36, the road runs West along the line fence between the Pelton Estate, and the farm of Mr. Cardwell and we determine that the Pelton Estate by this road would be rendered no less valuable where the road is located diagonally through the 80 acre lot of John Sisemore's land it would cut off from the tract only a small corner of side hill mostly covered with brush and scrubs and nearly or quite worthless and we therefore determine the premises would be rendered no less valuable by the opening of the proposed road. We also reviewed another road from the Corner of Section 36 running East and find that it follows along the line between E. C. Pelton, Deceased and Mrs. Roe's farms and vacant Government land, We therefore determine that the said premises would be rendered no less valuable by opening the proposed road. As the road is very necessary for the Convenience for the whole Neighborhood and they have located the road so as to do the least amount of damage to any one individual.
Wm. Kahler
Wm. B. Kincaid
    The report of Chauncey Nye and T. J. Ramey, viewers of the two Certain Roads in Sams Valley, was this day publicly read a second time.
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that the Petition of John Sisemore for damages is without good cause, as evidenced by the report of Wm. Kahler and W. B. Kincaid who were heretofore appointed to assess damages if any there be by reason of the opening of the said Roads, and who failed to assess any damages but report that the opening of the said roads is necessary for the Convenience of the whole Neighborhood and that the same are located to as to do the least amount of damage to anyone, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said two Certain roads be and the same are hereby declared public highways and the Supervisor of said District is hereby ordered to open the Same and put them in as 
good traveling Condition as is practicable.
    Whereas one Wm. Burchtorff is a poor person and liable to become a County Charge: It is ordered by the Board that a Warrant be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the said William Burchtorff for the Sum of Ten Dollars.      $10.00
    Now comes William Burchtorff and applies to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart at Forest Creek and it appearing to the Board that Wm. Burchtorff had duly posted Notices of his intention to apply to this Board for such License and also filed his petition signed by a Majority of the voters of said Precinct, as required by law: It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said petition be granted and that a License issue to the said Wm. Burchtorff upon the payment of Ten dollars for six months & also upon filing the bond required by the Statutes.
    Now comes William Bilger and applies to the Board for a license to retail Spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart on Jackson Creek, Precinct of Jacksonville, and it appearing to the Board that the said Wm. Bilger had duly posted notices of his intention to apply to this Board for such license and also filed his petition signed by a majority of the voters of said Precinct as required by law: It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said Petition be granted and that a license issue to the said Wm. Bilger upon the payment of fifteen dollars for six months and also upon the filing of the bond required by law.
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of three hundred and twenty-three 52/100 dollars for services and fees as Sheriff and for Keeping Jail one month and for board of Jailer four weeks.      $323.52
    Now comes E. F. Walker and others and present their petition, which is in words and figures, as follows, to wit:

Manzanita, Jackson County
Oregon July 2nd 1866
To the Hon. the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon
    The Undersigned petitioners would respectfully pray that you grant the following petition, vis: to discontinue a Certain County Road in Jackson County, Ogn., Commencing at the Eastern terminus of what is known as the Beall and Plymale lanes, being the Northeast Corner of Mrs. Plymale's farm, thence in a Northeast direction to the Western terminus of the lane known as the Rice & Skinner lane, thence through said lane to its Eastern terminus, thence in a Northeasterly direction a distance of three miles.
  Signers Signers
E. F. Walker J. Thompson
Wm. H. Merriman S. A. Scott
D. P. March R. V. Beall
Isaac Constant Thos. F. Beall
John B. Wrisley Aaron Chambers
W. J. Plymale J. E. Ross
F. M. Plymale J. L. Loudon
    It appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that the above petitioners have duly complied with the law by posting Notices of their intention to Apply to this Board to discontinue the said road, and there being no remonstrance, petition for viewers, or petition for damages on account of the discontinuance of the said road, It is Considered and ordered by the Board that the said prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the said Road be discontinued, of which the Supervisor of said District will take due notice.
    Ordered by the Board, that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue County Warrants for the Jurors attending the Circuit Court, at the June Term of said Court. Also issue Warrants for the Judges and Clerks of Election June 4th 1866, Also issue Warrants for the Messengers who returned the Poll Books and the Canvassing Judges of the Election of June 4th 1866.
Messengers who returned Poll Books June Election 1866
Miles Amount
Ashland Asa G. Fordyce 34 Issued 3.40
Eden Franklin M. Merrill 16 Issued 1.60
Sterling George Yaudes 16 Issued 1.60
Butte Cr. J. J. Fryer 30 Issued 3.00
Union T. Wm. Cameron 20 Issued 2.00
Evans Cr. H. M. Chapin 70 Issued 7.00
Forest Cr. John McKee 10 Issued 1.00
Perkinsville S. P. Jones 42 Issued 4.20
Manzanita Thomas F. Beall 10 Issued 1.00
Applegate Wm. McNew 28 Issued 2.80
Steam B. City Saml. R. Taylor 60 Issued 6.00
Table Rock A. S. Moon 36 Issued 3.60
Dardanelles S. P. Jones 16 Issued 1.60
Willow Spgs. N. C. Dean 12 Issued 1.20
Klamath W. H. Byars 250   Issued 25.00  
Canvassing Judges
  J. M. Wagner J.P. 20 & 1 day Issued 5.00
U. S. Hayden J.P.   2 & 1 day Issued 3.20
Wm. Hoffman Co. Ck.   2 & 1 day Issued 3.20
Same, Copies of abstracts for Sec. State 1 day Issued   3.00  
    And the Board Adjourned until Saturday, July 7th 1866.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

July 7th 1866
    Commissioner Court met pursuant to Adjournment, present same as Thursday.
    Whereas it is represented to the Board that one Mrs. Smith, a widow, is in very needy and indigent circumstances, It is therefore ordered by the Board that a warrant be drawn in favor of the said Mrs. Smith for the sum of Fifty dollars.      $50--
    Whereas the Contract entered into with Dr. L. T. Davis for Keeping Sick and disabled poor persons of this County expires on the 8th day of July 1866, Notices were given that the Board of Commissioners would receive Sealed proposals for letting the Contract for Keeping such Sick and disabled poor persons. Except Chinamen, according to Specifications and agreement heretofore entered into with Dr. L. T. Davis. And one proposal having been presented to the Board by Dr. L. T. Davis for 12 Months for the sum of $1200 and the bid of the said Dr. Davis being the lowest and only bid, It is ordered by the Board that the bid of the said Dr. Davis be accepted for the term of 12 months from the 8th day of July 1866, and it is further ordered that the said Dr. L. T. Davis enter into an agreement with the Board of Commissioners particularly Specifying the terms of Said Contract and also enter into bond with said Commissioners for the faithful performance of said Contract with Sureties to be approved by the Board.
List of Judges & Clerks of Election June 4th 1866
Judges Clerks
Ashland Asa G. Fordyce A. V. Gillette Issued
Samuel Grubb James H. Russell Issued
Caleb Davis Issued
Eden J. M. Wagner Charles Root Issued
Woodford Reames F. M. Merrill Issued
Milton Lindley Issued
Sterling John Wright S. V. Robinson Issued
George Yaudes Omer Saltmarsh Issued
Reuben Saltmarsh Issued
Jacksonville R. S. Dunlap 2 days Benj. Row 2 days Issued
John S. Drum 2 days Charles W. Kahler 2 days Issued
John B. Sifers 2 days Issued
Butte Crk. John M. Nichols Levi Tinkham Issued
Jackson Rader A. H. Boothby Issued
J. J. Fryer Issued
Union Town Justus Wells V. P. Comstock Issued
Lyman Chappell J. A. Epperson Issued
R. J. Cameron Issued
Evans Cr. Ned Darbon J. T. Walker Issued
W. W. Brown H. M. Chapin Issued
Miles S. Wakeman Issued
Forest Crk. John McKee Francis Logg Issued
A. Sabin John N. McDonnell Issued
R. Bannister Issued
Perkinsville John C. Campbell Thomas Croxton Issued
James Savage Wm. P. Ragsdale Issued
Edward Lyon Issued
Manzanita Thos. F. Beall S. A. Scott Issued
Wm. H. Merriman W. J. Plymale Issued
J. Thompson Issued
Applegate W. McNew Thomas Mee Issued
John O'Brien R. A. Cook Issued
D. E. Kuder Issued
Table Rock Jas. H. Bledsoe D. C. Livingston Issued
Chauncey Nye I. R. Mecum Issued
A. S. Moon Issued
Dardanelles L. J. White James D. Maguire Issued
H. P. Deskins John Grattan Issued
J. C. Weiss Issued
Willow Spgs. William Kahler T. L. Beck Issued
N. C. Dean Thos. B. Staples Issued
R. L. Ferguson Issued
Klamath J. M. McCall W. H. Byars
Geo. Nurse John G. Flook
O. A. Stearns
    I certify the foregoing to be correct.
Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk
June 14th 1866
Statement of Jurors in Attendance at the June Term
1866 of the Circuit Court Jackson County, Oregon & their fees
Names Days Miles Fees
Chauncey Nye 2 24 $6.40  
Matthew Liddle 2 18 5.80
David Peninger 2 12 5.20
John LaTourette 2 14 5.40
Carrol B. Matney 2 20 6.00
William Burke 2 30 7.00
Blin C. Goddard 2 18 5.80
John N. McDonnell 2 10 5.00
Simon B. Hull 2   2 4.20
Arthur Wilson 2 10 5.00
Abraham Shultz 2 24 6.40
John R. Tice 2   5 4.50
Aaron Chambers 2   8 4.80
Claus Kleinhammer 2 16 5.60
John B. Wrisley 2 12 5.20
John H. Breeding 2 30 7.00
J. B. Coates 2   3 4.30
Wm. R. Pouge 2   6 4.60
F. M. Morgan 2 20 6.00
W. C. Meyer 2 28 6.80
V. S. Ralls 2 14 5.40
David W. Huston 2 12 5.20
Nicholas A. Young 2 24 6.40
Stephen Taylor (Excused) 1
C. C. Beekman (Excused) 1   2 2.20
Welborn Beeson (Excused) 1 20 4.00
    I Certify that the foregoing is a true Statement of the Jurors in Attendance at the June Term 1866 of the Circuit Court Jackson County, Oregon.
Wm. Hoffman, Clerk
June 14th 1866
    And the Board adjourned until Tuesday, July 10th 1866.

July 10th 1866
    The Commissioners of the County Court met pursuant to adjournment. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Co. Comr.
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Now on this day Comes David Linn, County Treasurer and presents his Statement of the Annual Settlement of his account with the County Clerk, for the fiscal year ending June 30th 1866, Showing a balance in his hands of $6,984.74 belonging to the different funds hereinafter enumerated, as follows, to wit:
  County funds (Including State & Hospital fund) $5951.32
School fund 954.02
Irreducible School fund        79.40
Total     $6984.74
    It is ordered by the Board that the said Statement of the County Treasurer be accepted and approved and that David Linn, Treasurer, be charged with said balance of $6984.74 as the amount due at the said Settlement.
    Ordered that B. B. Griffin be allowed the sum of $8.65 for plank furnished James Helms, Supervisor Road District No. 4. 
    And the Board adjourned until July 28th 1866.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

July 28th 1866.
    The Commissioners of the County Court met Saturday July 28th 1866 pursuant to adjournment, Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
J. B. White, Comrs.
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Now comes Saml. J. Steckel and presents the petition of Stephen D. Taylor, and others, praying for the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County Road, Commencing on Rogue River, on the west side of Sardine Creek & running up the Creek about two miles; thence Crossing the Creek near the farm known as the Taylor farm, thence running [in] an easterly direction up the Mountain, through a low divide; thence down the Mountain and intersecting the Sams Valley Road about one mile west of the mouth of Sams Creek. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board, that notices of the presentation of the foregoing petition had been duly posted according to law and the said Saml. J. Steckel having filed his bond with T. R. Magruder as Surety, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Frederick Birdseye, Thomas Norval and James Leslie be, and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and lay out said road as prayed for and that they meet on the 8th day of August, 1866, at the office of G. M. Harris, J.P. and be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment, and report their proceedings by one of their number to the Board at the Sept. Session thereof.
    Ordered by the Board that J. R. Neil be allowed the sum of Five dollars ($5) as District Atty.'s fees in cause of State of Oregon vs. Wm. E. Hudson, before U. S. Hayden, Justice of the Peace.      $5.00
    Ordered by the Board that Bradbury and Wade be allowed the sum of Five dollars and fifty cents for Sundries furnished the Clerk's Office, as per bill on file.      $5.50
    Now comes Kaspar Kubli and applies to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous Liquors in quantities less than one quart at Applegate Precinct and it appearing to the Board that the said Kaspar Kubli had duly posted notices of his intention to apply to this Board for Such License and also filed his petition signed by a Majority of the voters of his Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said petition be granted and that a License issue to the said Kaspar Kubli upon the payment of _____ dollars for _____ months and also upon the filing of the bond required by the Statutes.
    Now comes Lewis Herling and applies to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous Liquors in quantities less than one quart at Forest Creek Precinct and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that the said Lewis Herling had duly posted notices of his intention to apply to this Board for such License and also filed his petition Signed by a majority of the voters of said Precinct, as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said petition be granted and that a License issue to the said Lewis Herling upon the payment of _____ dollars for _____ months and also upon the filing of the bond required by law.
    Now at this day comes Sylvester Smith and applies to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous Liquors in quantities less than one quart at Jacksonville Precinct and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board, that the said Sylvester Smith had duly posted Notices of his intention to apply to this Board for such License and also filed his petition signed by a Majority of the voters of said Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board, that the said petition be granted and that a License issue to the said Sylvester Smith upon the payment of _____ dollars for _____ months and also the filing of the Bond required by law.
    Ordered by the Board that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the sum of Eighteen & 25/100 Dollars for taking offered Bonds & filing Same and Making Settlement with Treasurer and making out annual exhibit of receipts and expenditures.      $18.25
    Ordered by the Board that C. Schieffelin be allowed the sum of one hundred and seventy-nine dollars and thirty cents for Expenses for taking Mrs. Schieffelin to the insane asylum at Portland, Oregon.      $179.30
    Whereas the Contract heretofore entered into between the Board of County Commissioners and Dr. L. T. Davis relating to the keeping of sick and disabled poor persons, Contemplates the Appointment by the Board of an examining Physician, whose duty it shall be to act as the agent of said Board and determine at any and all times what poor persons are lawfully entitled to relief from the County under Said Contract and generally to determine whether the said Contract is complied with on the part of the said Dr. L. T. Davis, Therefore it is ordered by the Board that Dr. T. T. Cabaniss be and he is hereby appointed such Examining Physician.
Agreement & Bond of Dr. L. T. Davis
for Keeping and treating Sick and disabled poor persons

    Articles of agreement Made and entered into by and between Dr. L. T. Davis, practicing medicine &c. of the County of Jackson, in the State of Oregon, of the first part, and the Board of County Commissioners of the County and State aforesaid, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said Dr. L. T. Davis, in Consideration of the agreement of the said parties of the second part, hereinafter Set forth, doth hereby Covenant, promise and agree to and with the said parties of the Second part, that he the said Dr. L. T. Davis, shall and will at any and at all times, from the 8th day of July, A.D. 1866, until the 8th day of July 1867, receive, Maintain and Support all the sick and disabled poor persons (Except Chinamen) of said Jackson County, who may need medicines or Medical Attendance or treatment or Surgical operations and who now are a County Charge or who may hereafter may during said term become Such, wherever in said County, such person or persons may be, and all persons mentioned in Section 6 of an "Act relative to the support of the poor" passed January 23rd 1854 and that he shall and will do and perform, bestow, provide and furnish for said poor persons, good wholesome food and board, Comfortable Clothes, rooms and lodging and the washing, nursing, medicines and Surgical Attendance and Medicines which may be necessary or Suitable to such persons respectively, and that he will administer all needful medicines to and perform all requisite Surgical operations upon and attend and treat all such persons in the good professional manner of a skillful Physician and Surgeon.
    It is mutually agreed and understood by the parties hereunto, that this Contract does not include or refer to the Support of such poor persons being a County Charge, as do not need Medicines or Medical or Surgical attendance or treatment and it is further mutually agreed and understood by the parties hereunto, that the sick and disabled poor persons, who need medicines or medical or surgical attendance or treatment, to whom this contract has reference, are such as shall be designated by Some disinterested person, having a knowledge of Medicines and Surgery who shall be Appointed by the said parties of the second part, to act as their agent in determining at any and all times, what poor persons are lawfully entitled to relief from the County and who of such persons need medicines or medical or Surgical treatment or attendance & the said parties of the Second part in Consideration of the premises aforesaid and for the further Consideration that the said Dr. L. T. Davis do execute the bond, hereinafter annexed with such Sureties as may be approved by the said Board of County Commissioners, do Covenant, promise and agree to and with the said Dr. L. T. Davis, to pay him the Sum of Twelve hundred dollars ($1200.00) in quarter annual payments from the said 8th day of July, A.D. 1866, which payments are to be made in Coin, to the amount of the Hospital tax collected during the said term and the remainder, if any, shall be paid to the said Dr. L. T. Davis in County Warrants drawn upon the County Treasurer of said Jackson County.
    In witness whereof the said parties hereto have set their hands and Seals at Jacksonville this 10th day of July, A.D. 1866
L. T. Davis
L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
Frederick Heber
Filed July 10th 1866
W. H. S. Hyde
Agreement & Bond of Dr. L. T. Davis to County Commissioners.
    Know all men by these presents, that we, L. T. Davis, principal and Henry Klippel, James T. Glenn and James R. Wade, Sureties, of the County of Jackson, in the State of Oregon, are held and firmly bound unto the Board of County Commissioners, of Jackson County, State of Oregon, in the Sum of Twenty-four hundred dollars, lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said Board of County Commissioners or their Successors, to which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bond ourselves and each of us, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated the 10th day of July, A.D. 1866. The condition of the above and foregoing obligation is such that if the said L. T. Davis doth faithfully, well and truly and fully do and perform everything and all things covenanted, promised or agreed to be done or performed in the foregoing instrument in writing, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue.
L. T. Davis
Henry Klippel
James. T. Glenn
James R. Wade
    Taken and approved by the Board, July 10th, 1866
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

August Session 1866
    The Commissioners of Jackson County met in regular session Monday, August 6th, 1866, Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Comr.
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Ordered by the Board that the following rates be and they are hereby established as the rates for Peddler's Licenses, to wit:
    For one month $10--and for three months $25.00 and the latter rate for any longer time, and that the Clerk be authorized to issue License to anyone applying for the same on his or their presentation of the Treasurer's receipt at the above rate.
    Ordered by the Board that Edward J. Langley be granted a License to retail Spirituous Liquors in quantities less than one quart in Jacksonville Precinct on his filing with the Clerk the Treasurer's receipt for the sum of _____ dollars and also the petition of a majority of the voters of said Precinct as required by law and also filing his affidavit showing that notices of his intention to apply to this Board for such License have been posted as the law provides.
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen, Sheriff, be allowed the following bill, to wit:
    3 days attendance on Court 15.00
Costs in Suit of State vs. W. E. Hudson 27.00
Cleaning out well 10.00
Keeping Jail and Bd. of Jailer   120.00
    And the Board adjourned without day.

September Session A.D. 1866
    The Commissioners of the County Court of Jackson County met in regular session on Monday, September 3rd 1866, Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
J. B. White, Comrs.

W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Now at this day comes Frederick Birdseye & Thomas Norval, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County Road on Sardine Creek and file their Report, which is as follows, to wit:

Rock Point, Ogn., August 11th, 1866
To the Hon. Board County Commissioners
Jackson County, Oregon
    Having been duly sworn, We proceeded to the discharge of our duty by Commencing at a rock placed in the Center of the road, near the point of the hill and the west corner of Neat hammer's garden on the West side of Sardine Creek, witnessed by a black oak tree about one hundred and twenty-five yards to the Southwest, and a white oak tree one hundred yards to the Northwest--then followed the road as petitioned for, blazing & hacking as required by law, ending at a black oak tree at the intersection with the Sams Valley Road witnessed by a black oak tree about thirty feet on the Southwest & by a white oak tree about the same distance to the North. The proposed road is such that a good team can draw fifteen hundred pounds over it and a few days' work will put it in good repair. The road is of vital importance to a few individuals and some utility to all Sams Valley.
F. G. Birdseye
Thomas Norval
    Which said report was publicly read and thereupon came Jacob Neathammer and presents the remonstrance of himself and others against the establishing of the said road, and it appearing that the said remonstrance was signed by a greater number of Remonstrators than there were Petitioners for the said road, It was therefore considered by the Board that the Report of the said Viewers be rejected.
    Now comes C. M. Coldwell and applies for a license to retail Liquor in measure less than one quart at Dardanelles Precinct and It appearing that said C. M. Coldwell had duly posted notices of his intention to apply to this Board for such License and also filed the petition of a Majority of the legal voters of said Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that License issue to C. M. Coldwell on the payment of Fifteen dollars ($15) for six months and on his filing the bond required by law.
    Now comes Lafayette Gall and applies for a License to retail Spirituous Liquors in less measure than one quart in the Precinct of Dardanelles and it appearing that the said Lafayette Gall had duly posted notices of his intention to Apply to this Board for such License & that he had also filed the Petition of a majority of the legal voters of said Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that License issue to the said Lafayette Gall on the payment of Fifteen dollars for Six Months and filing the bond required by law.
    Now comes L. J. White and applies for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in measure less than one quart at Dardanelles Precinct and it appearing that the said L. J. White had duly posted Notice of his intention to apply to this Board for such License and also filed the Petition of a Majority of the legal voters of said Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that License issue to the said L. J. White on the payment of Thirty dollars for twelve months from the date of the expiration of his last License and the filing of his bond as required by law.
    Now comes Thomas Davis and applies for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in the Precinct of Applegate in measure less than one quart, and it appearing that the said Thomas Davis had posted notices of his intention to apply to this board for such License and also filed the Petition of a Majority of the legal voters of said Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that License issue to the said Davis on the payment of Thirty dollars for Twelve Months and the filing of his bond as required by law. Said License to date from the expiration of his last License.
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Frank R. Stuart for Seventy-four dollars &c.
  For Printing 100 Tax rcpts. for Assessor $  4.00
For Printing 1000 Assessment Schedules 40.00
Adv. Annual Exhibit County Finances   30.00
Total     $74.00
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of W. H. S. Hyde for $139.95 for County Clerk's fees.      $139.95
    Ordered by the Board that the Warrant heretofore drawn in favor of D. Linn, Treas., for $200.00 Salary for quarter ending August 20th 1866 be and the same is hereby confirmed.      $200.00
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of W. H. S. Hyde for $31.00 amount advanced by him to Towne & Baxin for recpt. books for Sheriff and Clerk and the Express charges thereon.      $31.00
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of W. A. Owen for twelve dollars amt. paid Frank R. Stuart as follows:
    Advertising Delinquent Tax payers 4 Months $10.00
Printing 50 tax rcpts.     2.00
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Tuesday, September 4th 1866
    Present same as on yesterday except Comr. Heber absent.
    Now comes Silas J. Day, County Assessor and presents his petition, praying for an extension of time to enable him to complete the assessment of the County. It is therefore considered by the Court that the said Assessor have until the October Term of this Court, next ensuing, wherein to Complete said Assessment and make his report.
    Ordered by the Board that the Sum of Three hundred Dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the purpose of improving & repairing the County Road from the California State line to the residence of Byron Cole in Jackson Co., and the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue County Warrants to the amount of the above appropriation to Frederick Heber, when called for.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

October Session, A.D. 1866
    The Commissioners of the County Court of Jackson County met in regular session on Monday, October 1st, 1866. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Comr.
W. H. S. Hyde, "by his Deputy" Clerk
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of James Helms, Supervisor of Road District No. 4 for spikes for Bridges.      $1.75
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of A. Jacobs for the sum overpaid by him on Liquor License of       $10.00
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of D. H. Burroughs for Bill of Lumber furnished for repair of Court House Fence and Steps:
    for the sum of   82.09
Also for Planks furnished Road District   12.32
    Now at this comes H. R. Brown and others Petitioning for a separate Road District to begin at the dividing line between Secs. 9 and 10, Township 36S, Range 1 East, Embracing all the Valley of Little Butte Creek, East. It appearing to the Board that said new District petitioned for is necessary for the public Convenience, It is therefore Ordered by the Board that Said new District be and the same is hereby established to be designated as Road District No. 27. Beginning at the dividing line between Secs. 9 and 10, Township 36S., Range 1 East, Embracing all the Valley of Little Butte Creek, East. Also embracing the following Persons within said District, to wit: H. R. Brown, James Gregory, Henry Miller, W. H. Dingman, Jos. Swingle, Oliver Swingle, Felix Kilgore, Jno. Roberts and Elias Vinson. It is further Ordered by the Board that Elias Vinson be and is hereby appointed Road Supervisor of said District No. 27.
    Now at this day comes Doc Caldwell and presents the Petition of himself and others praying for the partition of Road District No. 1. And further praying that the following described boundaries of said District be set apart and made into a new district, to wit:  Commencing on the Emigrant Road on the East side of the Creek at the Isaac Hill farm, thence running in a Southeasterly direction on said Emigrant Road--up Emigrant Creek as far as the Road has been Viewed & laid out. And it appearing to the Board that said Petition is just and the location of said new District necessary for the public convenience, It is therefore Ordered by the Board that the District be and is hereby established to embrace the following Persons, viz.: Wm. Sheppard, Powell, Brittel, Michael Murphy, Harris and Doc Caldwell. It is further Ordered by the Board that Doc Caldwell shall be and is hereby appointed Supervisor of said District--also ordered that said District shall be designated as Road District No. 28 and to embrace the foregoing and within-described Limits and such persons as live on the line of the same.
    Now at this day come A. Jacobs and files the Treasurer's receipt for $25 Dollars and also applies for a License to retail spirituous Liquors in Willow Spring Precinct in measure less than one quart; and it appearing that the said A. Jacobs had posted notices of his intention to apply to the Board for said License, and also filed his Petition of a Majority of the legal Voters of said Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that License issue to the said A. Jacobs on the payment of $15.00, Fifteen Dollars for Six months and the filing of his Bond as required by law, said License to date from the 20th Septr. and Expire six months thereafter.
    And the Board now adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clk.

Tuesday October 2nd A.D. 1866
    The Board met pursuant to adjournment, Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Commr.
J. B. White, Commr.
W. H. S. Hyde, "By Deputy" Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, viz.:
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed on Inquest held on the body of a Chinaman Septr. 7th A.D. 1866 and that the Clerk be authorized to issue Warrants as follows:
    U. S. Hayden J.P. 8.35
Wm. Fidler, 1 day 6 miles 1.60
John R. Peacock, 1 day 6 miles 1.60
Thos. Avery, 1 day 4 miles 1.40
David Crocker, 1 day 4 miles 1.40
Mark Watkins, 1 day 4 miles 1.40
G. M. Banks, Marshal   2.25
    Ordered by the Board that the Bill of Love & Bilger furnishing Nails, spikes &c. for the repair of Court House yard be allowed and that a Warrant issue in favor of Love & Bilger for the sum of $22.62½
    Ordered by the Board that a Warrant issue in favor of W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk, for Press and seal furnished County Court.      $31.50
    Ordered by the Board that the following Fees be allowed in the Case of the State vs. W. E. Hudson.
For Witnesses
  Stephen Barnes 1 day & 36 miles 5.10
R. A. Cook 1 day & 32 miles 4.70
J. A. Winningham 1 day & 36 miles 5.10
D. E. Kuder 1 day & 36 miles 5.10
J. R. Hudson 1 day & 34 miles   4.90
    Ordered by the Board that a Warrant issue in favor of J. W. Hull for services on Court House fence & Steps for the sum of      $93.50
    Ordered by the Board that a Warrant issue in favor of Savage & Sutton for Stationery furnished Courts &  Offices for the Amount of      $17.75.
    Ordered by the Board that a Warrant issue for the sum of Ninety-four Dollars and Eighty-seven cents to be disbursed for the expenses incurred in the repairing of the County Road near the State line.      $94.87
    And the Board Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 O'clk. A.M.

Wednesday October 3rd 1866
    Commissioners of the County Court met pursuant to adjournment, present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Comr.
W. H. S. Hyde "By Deputy" Clerk
    Ordered by the Board that a warrant issue in favor of W. A. Owen, Sheriff, for the sum of Two hundred and eighty-one Dollars, for Sundries, to wit:
    For 3 day attendance on Court in August 15.00
For Repair of Sheriff's Office 21.00
For Jailer's Salary & Board for the Month of August 120.00
For Jailer's Salary & Board for the Month of September 120.00
For 1 day's attendance on Court       5.00
    Adjourned until 10 o'clock AM Thursday, October 4th 1866

Thursday October 4th A.D. 1866
    Court met pursuant to adjournment. Present: The same as on Tuesday last.
    Ordered by the Board that a warrant issue in favor of B. B. Griffin, for 20 cords of Wood furnished Court House, Offices and Jail at $4 per Cord.      $80.00
    Ordered by the Court that a warrant issue in favor of L. T. Davis for the balance on first quarter Salary as School Superintendent ending Septr. 30th A.D. 1866 for the sum
of      $25.00

    Ordered by the Court that a warrant issue in favor of L. T. Davis, on Hospital Contract from July 8th to October 7th "Inclusive"     $300.00
    Now comes Saml. J. Steckel and presents the Petition of E. H. White and others praying for the appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County Road, running as follows, to wit: Commencing on Rogue River on the west side of Sardine Creek, running thence up said Creek about two miles thence crossing said Creek near the Farm known as the Taylor farm; thence running an Easterly direction up the Mountain through a low divide; thence down the Mountain and intersecting the Sams Valley Road about one mile west of the Mouth of Sams Creek.
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notices of the presentation of foregoing Petition had been duly posted according to law, and the said Saml. J. Steckel having filed his Bond with J. B. White as surety; It is therefore ordered by the Court that Harvey Deskins, Julius F. Kellogg and V. S. Ralls be and they are hereby appointed Viewers of said Road as prayed for; And that they meet on the 17th day of October, 1866, at the Office of Geo. M. Harris, J.P., be sworn and proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment and report their proceedings by one of their number to this Court at the November Session thereof.

    Court adjourned to meet Thursday, October 11th, A.D. 1866.

Thursday, October 11th 1866
    The Commissioners' Court met this day pursuant to adjournment, present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
Frederick Heber, Comr.
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Now comes Silas J. Day, County Assessor, and presents the Assessment Roll of this County for the year 1866 and the same having been examined by the Board is hereby approved and accepted.
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Silas J. Day for the sum of six hundred and thirty dollars ($630.00) for his Services as Assessor for the year 1866.      $630.00
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn on the Treasurer for $1.60 in favor of J.N.T. Miller for Telegraph Dispatch in regard to the passage of China Tax Law.
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn of the Treasurer for the Sum of $2.65 in favor of E. D. Foudray for Telegraph Dispatch in relation to State taxes.
    Ordered by the Board that Warrants be drawn on the Treasurer for drawing Jury List for the Precinct of Jacksonville for the following amounts in favor of the below named persons, to wit:
Wm. Hoffman, $2.00
L. H. Zigler, $2.00
U. S. Hayden, J.P., $3.00
    Now comes A. J. Wright and others and file their Petition asking for the appointment of George Nurse as Justice of the peace for the Precinct of Klamath. It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said George Nurse be and he is hereby appointed a Justice of the Peace within and for Klamath Precinct, Jackson County, Oregon.
    Ordered by the Board that the following rates of taxes be and the same are hereby levied on the taxable property of Jackson County, Oregon for the year 1866.
For State tax 5½ Mills on the dollar
For School tax 2 Mills on the dollar
For County tax 7½ Mills on the dollar

For State Poll tax one dollar
For County Poll tax one dollar
For Hospital tax two dollars
    Ordered by the Board that the Clerk Cause to be published in the Oregon Reporter a Notice, inviting sealed proposal for the building of a vault adjoining the Clerk's office and that he keep on file the Specifications for the same, prepared by the Board open for the inspection of bidders.
    And the Commissioners Court Adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

[November 5, 1866]
    Be it remembered that at a regular Session of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, begun and held on Monday, the 5th day of November A.D. 1866 at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
J. B. White, Comrs., &
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
when the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Now comes the viewers heretofore appointed by this Board to view and lay out a County Road up Sardine Creek and thence through a low divide, intersecting the Sams Valley Road West of the mouth of Sams Creek and present their report, which said report was publicly read and is in words and figures as follows, to wit:

Rock Point October 22nd 1866
    To the Hon. Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, We the undersigned viewers, appointed to view a road as per petition of Samuel Steckel and others, after being duly sworn, proceeded as follows, Commencing at a point thirty feet East of the Southwest corner of Jacob Neathammer's garden, for the East boundary of the Road, and thence up Sardine [Creek], on West side of said Creek, say two miles, thence Crossing Creek say two hundred yards below Samuel Steckel's House and running thence in an Easterly direction over a low divide to a point, say one mile West of the Mouth of Sams Creek at a white oak tree, say ten inches in thickness on the Sams Valley Road. The Condition of the Road is such that with the expense of Seventy dollars, the Road can be made a very passable Road for teams. The Road is of Material importance to Several persons and no damage to any one.
V. S. Ralls
J. F. Kellogg
    Thereupon comes Jacob Neathammer and files his protest and petition for damages, which said protest and petition are in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County: Gentlemen, I the undersigned would respectfully represent to your Hon. Body that the Road proposed to be laid out on Sardine Creek and to lay out which Harvey Deskins, J. F. Kellogg and V. S. Ralls were appointed Viewers at your October Session last past, If made a County Road as proposed would run directly through my garden and land, very near a half a mile and would also pass through a portion of my said land, where I intend to build as a protection against high water. My present dwelling House has been entirely overflowed, and I intend to build on a portion of my said land directly through which the proposed new road would go. I earnestly protest against the laying out of the same, as it would damage me not less than five hundred dollars in gold coin, which amount I respectfully claim if the said Road is laid out as proposed.
Dated Jacksonville October 20th, 1866
Jacob Neathammer
    Which petition having been read, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Wm. Kahler, Daniel F. Fisher and Wm. B. Kincaid be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view the said Road as located through the premises for which damages are claimed and assess & determine how much less valuable the said premises would be rendered by the opening of said Road, that they meet and after being duly sworn according to law, that they proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment, and that they report their proceedings by one of their number to the said Commissioners at their next regular session to be held on the first Monday of December A.D. 1866.
    Ordered by the Board that a warrant be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of George Hubbard for Repairing fire place in the Clerk's Office for the sum of Four Dollars.        $4.00
    Whereas on the 29th Oct. 1866 the Clerk drew an order on the Treasurer for the Sum of Twenty-five dollars in favor of William McCormick for sawing & piling up 20 Cords of wood for the County Offices & Court House, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the same be in all things confirmed.
    Ordered by the Board that Joseph Martin be allowed the sum of three dollars as witness fees in case of the State vs. A. D. Burton as per certificate of U. S. Hayden, J.P. on file.    $3.00
    Now comes Henry Scharfenburg and petitions for a License to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart at Jackson Creek in Jacksonville Precinct and it appearing to the Board that the said Henry Scharfenburg had posted notices of his intention to apply for such License and also presented the petition of a Majority of the legal Voters of said Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that a License issue to said Henry Scharfenburg for six months on the payment of Fifteen dollars and his filing his bond as required by the Statute. 
    Now comes James Miller, Supervisor of Road District No. 17 and represents that the Miller Bridge across Little Butte Creek is unsafe to cross on account of the Rottenness of the plank. It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said Supervisor be and he is hereby authorized to procure good lumber sufficient to cover said Bridge, the lumber not to be less than two & one half inches thick, and the same well spiked down and on the said Supervisor filing his Statement that the said bridge has been covered and spiked as hereby authorized, It is further ordered that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of said Supervisor for the Original Cost of said lumber and Spikes.
    Ordered by the Board that Frank Smith be allowed the sum of Eighteen dollars for nine days' work in cutting from the Public Lands of said County "Dagger Cockle
Bur"      $18.00

    The report of Dr. T. T. Cabaniss in regard to the building now used by Dr. L. T. Davis as a County Hospital was taken up, read, and after examination it was considered by the Board that the said building is not now Such a one as is Contemplated by the Contract heretofore entered into by the said Dr. Davis with the said Board of County Commissioners. It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said Dr. L. T. Davis be required to furnish Comfortable rooms for the use of such sick and disabled poor persons as may avail themselves of the relief, to which they are entitled, under the aforesaid Contract. And that the Clerk of this Board furnish Dr. L. T. Davis with a Copy of this proceeding.
    Whereas at two o'clock this day, by advertisement heretofore made, Sealed proposals for building a vault adjoining the Clerk's Office were to be opened and there being but one proposal for the building of Such Vault, it was accordingly opened and is in words and figures following, to wit:
    I, the undersigned, propose to build the vault at the Clerk's Office, according to the Specifications on file at said Clerk's Office, for the sum of Four Hundred Dollars $400.00. Dated Jacksonville Nov. 3rd, 1866.
G. H. Young
To the Hon. Board of Co. Comrs. of Jackson County
    The above bid was being considered by the Board and the said bidder, G. H. Young, being present, proposed to the Board to build the said Vault in all respects according to the Specifications heretofore mentioned except to use Stone in the building of said Vault instead of brick, which last proposition of G. H. Young was accepted by the Board.
    It is therefore ordered that the contract for building said Vault be and the same is hereby awarded to G. H. Young for the sum of Three hundred and twenty-five dollars $325.00. Said Vault to be built in all respects according to the Specifications heretofore mentioned, except that the material used shall be Stone instead of brick and that the said G. H. Young file his bond with surety to be approved by the Board, in the sum of Two hundred dollars Conditioned for the Speedy and faithful Completion of said Contract.
    And thereupon the Board adjourned until tomorrow at 2 o'clock P.M.

Tuesday Nov. 6th 1866
    The Board met today pursuant to adjournment, present same as on yesterday.
    Ordered that Saml. Sachs be allowed $5.25 for telegraph dispatches in regard to the Iron door for Vault.
    Ordered that Linn & Hall be allowed the sum of Thirty-seven 57/100 Dollars for work done on Jail & repairing pump as per bill on file.      $37.57
    Now comes Joseph T. Sample and presents his petition signed by a number of the legal voters of Willow Springs Precinct praying for a license to retail Spirituous liquors in said Precinct in quantities less than one quart and the remonstrance of Wm. Kahler and others filed on yesterday was examined and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that there are a greater Number of legal Voters in said Precinct on the said Petition than there are signers on the said Remonstrance, It is therefore Considered by the Board that the said Petition shall be Considered to have a Majority of the legal voters of said Precinct signed thereto and the said Joseph T. Sample having made oath that he posted the Notices as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that a License issue to the said Joseph T. Sample to sell Spirituous Liquors at Willow Springs Precinct in said County in quantities less than one quart for the term of Six Months on the payment of fifteen dollars and filing the Bond required by law.
    And the Board adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

[December 4, 1866]
    Be it remembered that at a Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office in said County, On Tuesday the 4th day of December A.D. 1866 at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
J. B. White, Comr.
F. Heber, Comr.
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, to wit
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of one hundred and twenty-four 22/100 dollars for Door to Vault and freight and commission on the same as per bill rendered.      $124.22
    Ordered that the Oregon Reporter be allowed the sum of Fourteen dollars for blanks and advertising per bill on file.      $14.00
    Ordered that the Warrant heretofore drawn in favor of J. R. Neil, Dist. Atty., for $147.50, Dist. Atty. fees Circuit Court Nov. Term 1866, Drawn by order of said Court, be approved.      $147.50
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the sum of one hundred and thirty-eight 30/100 Dollars Clerk's fees as per bill on file.      $138.30
    Ordered that the Oregon Reporter be allowed the sum of Twenty-five 50/100 dollars for blanks and advertising as per bill on file.      $25.50
    Ordered that Linn & Hall be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for Coffin for Spaniard, a pauper, Killed by accident.      $10--
    Ordered by the Board that David Linn be allowed the sum of Two hundred dollars Salary as County Treasurer for the quarter ending November 20th 1866.      $200.00
    Ordered by the Board that Issachar Williams be allowed the Sum of $12.26 on his bill filed for lumber furnished Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 3.      $12.26
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars for Conveying Edward Wilson to the Insane Asylum at Portland, Oregon.    $240.00
    Ordered that Savage & Sutton be allowed the Sum of Twelve 25/100 Dollars for Stationery furnished Sheriff and Clerk as per bill on file.      $12.25
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the sum of five dollars for cleaning Jail yard and removing ashes as per bill on file.      $5.00
    Ordered that the Oregon Reporter be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for advertising Assessor's Notice to Tax payers--as per bill on file.      $10.00
    Ordered by the Board that John G. Norton be allowed the Sum of Five dollars and Sixty-two Cents for over-assessment for the year 1866.      $5.62
    Ordered by the Board that Danl. H. Burroughs be allowed the sum of Sixty-two 80/100 dollars for lumber furnished for the Jail yard as per bill on file.      $62.80
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed to the persons below named, for services on Inquest of John Kessler, deceased, as follows, to wit:
  E. H. Greenman, Coroner $  6.60
John Wright 1.20
Thomas Reynolds 1.20
P. Gleave 1.20
Abm. Bowman 1.20
S. V. Robinson 1.20
Peter Ives 1.20
M. H. Rowe     1.50
    Ordered by the Board that Wm. Bybee's Ferry License on Rogue River be renewed for one year at ten dollars per year to date from the expiration of his last license.
    Now comes S. Saltmarsh and applies to the Board for a license to sell Spirituous liquors at Sterlingville Precinct in said County in quantities less than one quart and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that the said S. Saltmarsh had duly posted notices of his intention to apply to this Board for such license and also filed his petition signed by a Majority of the legal voters of said Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said Petition be granted and that a license issue to the said S. Saltmarsh on the payment of Fifteen dollars for Twelve Months and filing his bond required by the Statute.
    And the Board Adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.

Wednesday December 5th 1866
    The Board met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Comr.
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Now at this day comes Wm. Haskins and presents the petition of Wm. A. Jones and others praying for the Appointment of viewers to view and lay out a County Road, "Commencing on the road leading from Union Town to Sterling, near the residence of Samuel Phillips, or near the old Site of 'Buncom' as the said Viewers may think best, running thence in a Southeasterly direction up the Valley of Little Applegate Creek on the best and most eligible route to the residence of Wm. Haskins at the forks of said Creek," And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that Notices of the presentation of this petition had been posted as required by law and the Said petition being Signed by More than twelve Home Holders residing in the Vicinity of the proposed Road, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Joseph Saltmarsh, Phillip Gleave and Abm. Bowman be and they are hereby appointed Viewers, to view and lay out said Road as prayed for, and that they meet on the 27th day of December, 1866 and after being duly qualified, they proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment, and that they report their proceedings by one of their number to this Board at their next regular Session to be begun and held on the first Monday in January 1867, and that the said viewers be notified of their appointment on the said Wm. Haskins filing the bond required by law. 
    Ordered by the Board that O. Jacobs be allowed the following Dist. Atty. fees, to wit:
  State vs. A. D. Burton Atty. for State $  5.00
State vs. Jack Newton Atty. for State 5.00
States vs. James Day Atty. for State     5.00
    Ordered by the Board that D. Phipps be allowed the Sum of Four dollars for Pitch wood for County Offices.      $4.00
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the following fees, To wit:
  Copy of Assessment Roll, Sec. of State 50.00
Certificate & Seal 1.00
Deducting indebtedness from amt. property
and footing up Columns Assessment Roll
Ruling book for Assessment Roll to Sec. State 3.00
Copy of Assessment Roll for Sheriff and
extending rates taxation thereon
Calculations and figures necessary to
ascertain amt. taxes and kind in each case
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the following amounts as per bill filed, to wit:
    Keeping Jail & Board of Jailer from October 1st 1866 to December 1st 1866. Two months 240.00
Cleaning Jail Well   10.00 $250.00
To Attendance on Courts & Summoning Jury Circuit Court Nov. Term 1866 228.10
To Board of James Day 5½ weeks in Jail     27.50
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed the Jurors hereafter named respectively as follows:
  Names Days Miles Fees
Alexander M. Berry 4 2 8.20
Merit Bellinger 4 4 8.40
Henry Breitbarth 4 2 8.20
Aaron Chambers 4 8 8.80
Larkin McDaniel 4 36   11.60  
Samuel Hall 4 2 8.20
J. S. Steckel 4 34   11.40  
John S. Herrin 5 10   11.00  
Edward Bellinger 5 8 10.80  
Wayne Oliver 5 24   12.40  
Jacob Thompson 5 12   11.20  
Francis M. Plymale 5 12   11.20  
S. M. Robinson 5 24   12.40  
Jacob Ish 5 6 10.60  
Henry R. Brown 5 40   14.00  
Lewis H. Zigler 5 2 10.20  
John Neuber 5 2 10.20  
Robt. L. Ferguson 5 12   11.20  
Wm. A. Johnson 5 4 10.40  
Thomas Arundell 5 16   11.60  
Thomas Smith 5 46   14.60  
Wm. B. Kincaid 5 16   11.60  
Nathaniel C. Dean 10   1.00
Wm. H. Merriman 12   1.20
Franklin Logg 1 2 2.20
John McDonnell 1 2 2.20
John P. Blalock 1 2 2.20
Thomas P. Thompson 1 2 2.20
    And the Board adjourned until tomorrow at two o'clock P.M.

Thursday Dec. 6th 1866
    The Board met today at 2 o'clock P.M. pursuant to adjournment, present the same as on yesterday.
    Ordered by the Board that Wm. Kahler be allowed the sum of $3.60 as road viewer.
    Ordered by the Board that Wm. B. Kincaid be allowed the sum of $3.60 as Road Viewer.
    Ordered by the Board that Danl. F. Fisher be allowed the Sum of $3.60 as road Viewer.
    Ordered that Frederick Heber be allowed $73.13 for furnishing inner Door to Vault and fixtures for the same.      $73.13
    Ordered by the Board that Wm. Kahler and Wm. B. Kincaid be allowed for two days and 30 miles travel for their Services as viewers of damage of the Sams Valley road through Pelton's & Sisemore's farms amounting to $7.00 each.
    Now at this day comes Wm. Bilger and Applies to the Board for a license to sell Spirituous Liquors at Jackson Creek in Jacksonville Precinct in quantities less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that the said Wm. Bilger had duly posted Notices of his intention to apply to this Board for such license, according to law and having also filed his petition praying for such license, Signed by a Majority of the legal voters of said Precinct as required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said petition be granted and that a license issue to the said Wm. Bilger for Six or twelve months at the rate of Thirty dollars per year on the payment of said Sum and on his filing the Bond required by the Statutes.
    Now comes Wm. Kahler and others, viewers heretofore appointed to view and assess damages to Jacob Neathammer if any there be by reason of the laying out of the road on Sardine Creek as reported by J. F. Kellogg and V. S. Ralls, viewers, and presents their report, which is in words and figures as follows, to wit:

Nov. 29th 1866
    To the Hon. Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County Oregon:
    We, the undersigned viewers appointed to review and assess damages upon a road located through Jacob Neathammer's premises on Sardine Creek, Jackson Co., O., after being duly sworn proceeded to the premises of Jacob Neathammer and examined the route where said road is laid through the garden and lands of Jacob Neathammer and we assess and determine that the said Neathammer is damaged in the sum of ten dollars.      $10.00
Wm. Kahler
D. F. Fisher
Wm. B. Kincaid
    Whereupon the report of V. S. Ralls and J. F. Kellogg heretofore appointed to view and lay out the said Sardine Creek road was then taken up and read the second time publicly this day (having been read the first time publicly this Session on Tuesday). And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that the said road is of public utility as laid out by V. S. Ralls and J. F. Kellogg and there being no remonstrance to the same, nor petition for damages, except that of Jacob Neathammer, which is considered exorbitant and without Cause, except in the sum of ten dollars as evidenced by the report of Wm. Kahler, D. F. Fisher and Wm. B. Kincaid which said Sum of ten dollars is hereby ordered to be paid the said Neathammer out of the County Treasury, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said Road as laid out by V. S. Ralls and J. F. Kellogg be and the same is hereby declared a County Road and a Public highway and that the same be opened and Kept in repair by the Supervisors in whose Districts the said Road runs.
    And the Court adjourned until Saturday Morning at 11 o'clock.

Saturday December 8th 1866
    The Board met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present same as on Thursday last.
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be required to give bond as Tax Collector in the sum of Ten thousand Dollars as such tax collector.
    Ordered by the Board that John Pearson be allowed the sum of $19.56 for freight for Iron Door for Vault from Yreka to Jacksonville.      $19.56
    Whereas the child John Smith, aged about six years, Son of David Smith, a Soldier in Company I, Oregon Infantry, has become a County Charge--Ordered that Mrs. Heber be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for Clothing the said Child.      $10.00
    Ordered by the Board the Commissioner Heber be allowed the Sum of Sixty dollars and Sixty cents for Attendance and Mileage as County Commissioner from the July Session 1866 to the December Session 1866 both Sessions included.      $60.60
    And the Board adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

[January 8th, 1867]
    Be it remembered that at a regular Session of the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County begun and held at the Clerk's Office in Said County on Tuesday, January 8th 1867, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
John B. White, Comr.
and W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    The report of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County Road on Little Applegate Creek was taken up and read, publicly, the first time, today, which said Report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    We the undersigned, two of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County Road on Little Applegate, in Jackson County, Oregon, would respectfully report that after being qualified according to law, we met on the 27 day of December 1866 and proceeded to view and did lay out said Road as follows, to wit:  Commencing at a Stake near the Old Site of "Buncom" on the road leading from Union Town to Sterlingville, and running thence in a Southerly direction, Crossing Sterling Creek about one fourth of a mile from the mouth of said Creek, and continuing in a Southerly direction on the East Side of Little Applegate Creek and terminating at the Residence of William Haskins, at the forks of said Creek, and that the said Road will Cost but little to Open and render passable for loaded teams and we think the Said Road is of public Utility and no damage to anyone
J. B. Saltmarsh
Phillip Gleave
Jackson County
Dec. 29th 1866 [sic]
    Now comes Green S. Moore and files the petition of E. B. Magruder and others, praying for the Appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County Road, from the Residence of G. S. Moore on the middle fork of Foots Creek to intersect the main Road on Rogue River at Foots Creek Bridge, all in Jackson County, Oregon. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board, that proper notice of the presentation of the said petition had been posted according to law and it further appearing that the petition aforesaid was signed by more than twelve Householders of said County, Residing in the Vicinity of the proposed New Road and the said Green S. Moore, one of the petitioners having filed his bond in the sum of Fifty dollars with Samuel Dewitt and Peter Hoagland as Sureties, which said bond is approved. It is therefore ordered by the Board that Frederick G. Birdseye, J. T. Jones and C. M. Caldwell be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and lay out said Road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, And that the Said viewers after being duly qualified meet on the Seventeenth day of January, 1867 or within five days thereafter and proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment and further that they report their proceedings by one of their number to this Board at the February Session thereof, next ensuing.
    Ordered that J. R. Neil, Dist. Atty., be allowed the Sum of five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees in the case of the State of Oregon 
vs. James A. Archey before U. S. Hayden, J.P.      $5.00
    Ordered that Glenn, Drum & Co. be allowed the Sum of Forty-two 75/100 Dollars for books, Stationery and Sundries, per bill on file.      $42.75
    Ordered that B. F. Dowell be allowed the Sum of Eighteen dollars for Advertising notice to Tax payers, order of Sheriff.      $18.00
    Now comes Silas Draper and applies to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous Liquors in quantities less than one quart at Foots Creek in Perkinsville Precinct, and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that the said Silas Draper had duly posted notices of his intention to apply to this Board for such license, as the law requires, and also presented the petition of a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct, praying for such license and the said Silas Draper having also filed the Treasurer's receipt for the Sum of Twenty-five dollars and also filed the bond required by the Statutes, It is therefore ordered by the Board that said petition be granted and that Such license issue to the said Silas Draper for the Sum of Twenty-five Dollars for the term of 12 months from the 27th Nov., 1866.
    Ordered that S. G. Burgess be allowed the Sum of four dollars, paid by him as Poll Tax for the year 1866, he being over age.      $4.00
    Ordered that Mrs. Phettiplace be allowed the Sum of Four dollars, Poll Tax assessed against Benjamin Phettiplace, deceased and paid by her for the year 1866.      $4.00
    Ordered that V. S. Ralls be allowed one day & 16 miles as viewer of the Sardine Creek Road. Amount allowed.      $3.60
    Ordered that J. F. Kellogg be allowed for one day and 16 Miles travel as Viewer of Sardine Creek Road and also allowed for one day & 16 Miles travel in making his report.      Amt. $7.20
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden, Justice of the peace, be allowed the following amounts in his fees in the following State Cases, to wit:
  State of Oregon vs. W. E. Hudson $  6.05
State of Oregon vs. Sherman 2.45
State of Oregon vs. Alldrudge 2.20
State of Oregon vs. A. D. Burton 10.90
State of Oregon vs. Jas. Day 6.00
State of Oregon vs. Jas. Archey     5.35
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed Jury fees as follows in the Case of the State of Oregon vs. A. D. Burton, To wit:
  Alex H. Welles $1.20
H. A. Hurlburt 1.20
H. C. Wintjen 1.20
S. B. Hull 1.20
Add. Helms 1.20
M. R. Fletcher 1.20
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed the witnesses as follows in case of State of Oregon vs. A. D. Burton, To wit:
  H. Duncan 1.50
Chas. Miller 1.50
James Lansier 1.50
Geo. Ratrie 1.50
Peter Britt 1.50
Geo. Ross 1.50
August Wolf 1.50
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed Witnesses in the Case of the State of Oregon vs. James Archey, To wit:
  William Eddings $3.90
James Barrington 2.70
Alex Doty 2.70
James Miller 2.70
    And the Board Adjourned until Wednesday Morning at 9 O'clock.

Wednesday January 9th 1867
    The Board of County Commissioners met this Morning at 9 O'Clock pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on yesterday and also present Commissioner Heber.
    In Consequence of the County Judge being engaged in the County Court on Civil business, the Commissioners Court Adjourned until tomorrow at 11 O'clock A.M.

Thursday Morning January 10th 1867
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment, Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
John B. White, Comr.
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed $120.00 for Keeping Jail and board of Jailer for the Month of December, 1866 and five Dollars Attendance on Court.    Total:   125.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of $309 51/100 on the Collection of Revenue of 1866 as per bill on file.                    $309.51
    Ordered that Commissioner White be allowed the Sum of $39.00 for Attendance and $19.60 as Mileage as Such Commissioner including the January Session 1867 of Said Board       $58.60
    Ordered by the Board that G. H. Young be allowed the Sum of $225.00 on his Contract to build a Vault.      $225.00
    Ordered by the Board that Savage and Sutton be allowed the Sum of Six Dollars for blank for Miscellaneous Records. (Clerk's Office)      $6.00
    The report of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County Road on Little Applegate is now taken up and read the Second time (publicly) today, the Said report having been publicly read the first time this Session on Tuesday, the 8th Inst. and which said report was duly recorded and is favorable to the location of a County Road as prayed for in the petition heretofore filed. And there being no remonstrance to the Same, nor petition for damages filed, It is ordered by the Board that the prayer of the Said petitioners be granted and that the Said Road as laid out by the Viewers aforesaid, to wit: "Commencing at a Stake near the old site of Buncom, on the Road leading from Union Town to Sterlingville and running thence in a Southerly direction, Crossing Sterling Creek about one fourth of a mile from the Mouth of said Creek and continuing in a Southerly direction on the East side of Little Applegate Creek and terminating at the Residence of William Haskins at the forks of Said Creek" being deemed by this Board of public Utility, the same is hereby declared a County Road and a public highway and further that the said Road be attached to Road District No. 23 and the Supervisor of Said District is hereby required to open the Same as Soon as practicable and Keep the Same in repair.
    Ordered by the Board that a Warrant be drawn on the Treasury for the Sum of Three Hundred dollars in favor of Dr. L. T. Davis on his Hospital Contract for the quarter ending January 8th 1867.      $300.00
    Ordered by the Board that a Warrant be drawn on the Treasury in favor of L. T. Davis, School Superintendent for quarter ending December 31st 1866, for the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars.      $125.00
    Ordered by the Board that a Warrant be drawn on the Treasr. for Three Hundred Dollars in favor of L. J. C. Duncan, Salary as County Judge for the qr. ending December 31st 1866.      $300.00
        And the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, January 17th 1867.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Thursday January 17th 1867
    The Board of County Commissioners met today pursuant to Adjournment. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Comr.
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    The Minutes of the proceedings of Thursday, January 10th were read and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that Dr. T. T. Cabaniss be allowed $40.00 for the following Services, to wit:
  Examining Edward Wilson, Insane $  5.00
Visiting Mrs. Schieffelin & Examining Same by order of County Judge 25.00
Examining 2 patients for Hospital   10.00
    Ordered by the Board that James McDonough be allowed for one day's attendance in the Case of the State vs. Saml. Goheen, heretofore allowed for four days, but in actual Attendance five days.      $2.00
    Ordered by the Board that Moses Mansfield be allowed for one more day's attendance in Cause of State 
vs. Goheen for same reason assigned in above order of James McDonough.      $2.00
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap (one W. H.S. Hyde advanced by him), be allowed the Sum of Three Dollars for Charcoal & Hauling to dry Vault as per bill on file.      $3.00
    Ordered by the Board that Ed Smith be allowed the Sum of Thirty-five 40/100 dollars on his bill for Board and Clothing furnished the Allred Children (2) abandoned by their Mother and now a County Charge.       $35.40
    Ordered by the Board that J. B. Saltmarsh be allowed the Sum of four dollars and Eighty Cents for one day and 28 miles travel as Road Viewer of Little Applegate Road and making return of the Same.      $4.80
    Ordered by the Board that Phillip Gleave be allowed the Sum of $3.20 as Road Viewer of the Little Applegate Road.      $3.20
    And the Board adjourned without day.

[February 4, 1867]
    The County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, met today in Regular Session at the Clerk's Office in Said County on Monday the 4th day of February A.D. 1867, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Comr.
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    No. 26. (J. T. Ramey, 1867). Now at this day comes W. T. Constant, Supervisor of Road District No. 26 and files his report of work done in Said District for the year 1866, by which it appears that Said Supervisor has Collected no money and that he has worked all the hands in his District except the delinquents as follows, to wit:
Bledsoe, R. E. $1.00
Nye, Chauncey .75
Ramey, J. T. 2.00
McVey, Benjamin 1.68
    Said Supervisor Claims for five days work over and above his property Tax and personal labor. Amount Claimed       $10.00
Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that W. T. Constant be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars as Road Supervisor for the year 1866.      $10.00
    Ordered by the Board that a warrant be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Peter Simon, Supervisor of Road District No. 16 for the Sum of Ninety-five Dollars for repairing Bridges across Butte Creek in Said District.      $95.00
    Ordered by the Board that warrant on the Treasr. issue in favor of W. A. Owen, Shff., for Twelve Dollars on the following account, to wit:
  John Conley, Poll Tax--over age $  4.00
Wm. Miller, Poll Tax--not in State 4.00
Jackson Hockersmith, Poll Tax (Receipt)     4.00
All assessed and charged to W. A. Owen, Shff. $12.00
    And the Board adjourned until tomorrow at 11 O'clock.

Tuesday February 5th 1867
    The Board of County Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on yesterday and also present, Commissioner John B. White.
    Ordered that Mrs. F. Heber be allowed for Keeping a boy, J. Smith, a County Charge, from Dec. 5th 1866 to January 25th 1867 at $3.00 per week the Sum of twenty-one dollars.      $21.00
    Now at this day comes Kaspar Kubli and files his Petition Signed by a majority of the legal Voters of Applegate Precinct in Said County, praying for a License to issue to Said Kubli to retail spirituous Liquors at his Store in Said Precinct in quantities less than one quart for the term of twelve months from the Expiration of his last License. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that Said petition was Signed by a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct and that Kubli had posted the Notices as required by law, It is therefore ordered that the prayer of Said petition be granted on the payment of Thirty Dollars for Twelve months and also filing his bond as required by the Statute.
    Now at this day Comes Wm. Burchtorff and files his Petition for a License to retail Spirituous Liquors in the Precinct of Forest Creek in Said County in quantities less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that said Petition was signed by a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct, and it also appearing that notices of said Application had been posted according to law, It is therefore ordered that the prayer of said Petition be granted and that License issue to Said Wm. Burchtorff for Six Months from the Expiration of his last License on the payment of Ten Dollars and his filing the Bond required by law.
    Ordered by the Board that L. Horn be allowed
  for Board of B.R. Westfall, Insane 9.50
and for Board of Roberts, a County Charge     2.00
    Ordered by the Board that N. C. Dean, Sup. of R. Dist. No. 8, be allowed the Sum of Sixty-Six 80/100 dollars for Bridge lumber furnished Said District.      $66.80
    Now comes Wm. A. Matthes, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 15 and presents his Report and Account for Settlement, by which it appears Said Sup. has worked all the hands in his District, except those returned delinquent. No Money has come into the hands of Supervisor.
  Supervisor Claims for Services 3½ days $7.00
From which deduct Property Tax 44 cts.
also deduct his own labor 2 days 4.00 $4.00
    Balance due Supervisor $2.56
Barneburg, F. $1.53
LaTourette, John 1.69
Oliver, Seborn .16
Oliver, Wayne .88
Ivory, Peter .48
Woody J. N.     .49
    Delinquent Property Tax $5.23
Report Accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that Wm. M. Matthes be allowed the Sum of $2.56 for Services as Road Supervisor for the year 1866.      $2.56
    Now comes L. J. White, Supervisor of Road District No. 13 and presents his account for Settlement and Reports that he has received $94.00 and worked on the Road over and above the amount of Taxes $30.75. Report Accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that L. J. White be allowed the Sum of $30.75 for work and Services as Supervisor for the year 1866.      $30.75
    No. 10. (John Swinden 1867). Now comes John Wells and presents his Report and account for Settlement, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his District, Except those returned Delinquent. That he has received $10.00 and paid the Same out for hauling bridge lumber.
  Said Supervisor claims for 12 days work $24.00
From which deduct his own tax     4.70
    Balance Due Supervisor $19.30
R. Hollis $2.00
M. Keith $3.00
Report accepted & approved.
    Ordered that John Wells be allowed the Sum of Nineteen 30/100 dollars for Services as Supervisor of Road District No. 10 for the year 1866.      $19.30
    No. 7. Now Comes E. F. Walker, Supervisor of Road District No. 7 and presents his report and account for Settlement, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his District; That he has Collected no money and that he claims for 2 days Services over and above his property tax. Report accepted and Approved.
    Ordered by the Board that E. F. Walker, Supervisor of R. Dist. No. 7 be allowed the Sum of Four dollars for Services as Such Supervisor.      $4.00
    No. 2 (O. Coolidge 1867). Now comes Isaac Woolen and presents his Report and Account for Settlement as Supervisor of Road District No. 2. By which it appears the Supervisor has worked all the hands in his Dist. Except those returned Delinquent. It also Appears the Said Supervisor has Collected $29.82 and Paid out the Sum of $11.80 leaving in the hands of Said Supervisor the Sum of $18.02 Due the Said District. Report accepted and approved.
John v. Amerman 1 Days work
J. & W. Beeson 3 Days work
Wm. G. Denny ¾ Days work
John Holton ½ Days work
Johnson and Tweed 1¼ Days work
Joshua Patterson ½ Days work
    Supervisor Claims for 15 Days over and above his own Tax at $2 per day Amounting to $30.00
    Ordered by the Board that Isaac Woolen be allowed $30.00 for Services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 2 for the year 1866.      $30.00
    No. 14. (John Cardwell 1867). Now comes D. C. Livingston, Supervisor of Road District No. 14 and presents his Report and account for Settlement, by which it appears that the Supervisor has worked all the hands in his District. That he received $4.00 Cash on hand at the Commencement of the year and that he expended the Same on the Road. No Delinquents. Report accepted and approved.
    No. 4. Now comes James Helms, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 4 and presents his Report and account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. their full time. He has recd. $32.00 and paid the Same out for lumber and hauling.
  Sup. Claims for 17 Days work $34.00
from which deduct property tax $1.00
Personal labor 2 days   4.00     5.00
    Balance due Supervisor $29.00
Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that James Helms, Sup. of R. Dist. No. 4 be allowed the Sum of Twenty-nine dollars over his tax for Services as Sup.      $29.00
    No. 25. (A. K. Williams, 1867). Now comes A. K. Williams, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 25 and presents his report and account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District except those returned delinquent. No Money Collected.
  Supervisor Claims for 14 Days Services $28.00
From which deduct 2 day personal labor in 1865 and 2 days 1866 at $2 per day     8.00
Amt. due Supervisor $20.00
W. J. Baker   
W. J. Clark    1 Day
R. Hutchinson   
Montgomery, Robert   
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that A. K. Williams, Sup., be allowed the Sum of Twenty Dollars for Services as Supervisor for the year 1866.      $20.00
    And the Board adjourned until Tomorrow Morning at 10 O'Clock.

February 6th 1867
    The Commissioners Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as yesterday.
    Now at this day Comes F. G. Birdseye and files the Report of himself, C. M. Caldwell and J. T. Jones, Viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County Road on Foots Creek, which Report was publicly read the first time today.
    No. 11 (Edward Lynn 1867). Now Comes C. Schieffelin, Supervisor of Road District No. 11 and presents his Report and account for Settlement by which it appears the Supervisor has worked all the hands in his District and expended all the Money Collected. No delinquents. Supervisor Claims nothing for Services over his own tax which has been by him worked. Report approved.
    The petition of Thomas Munkers and others heretofore filed praying for the Appointment of Philander Powell as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 28 Came up for Consideration and it being represented to the Board that the Said Philander Powell has obstructed the Road as at present laid out, It is therefore Considered improper to Appoint him Supervisor of the Said Dist. If it is necessary or proper to change the Road from the Survey the parties wishing it Should take the legal steps.
    Ordered by the Board that Samuel Colver be allowed the Sum of fifteen 60/100 Dollars for the use of William Patterson for Bridge Lumber furnished Road District
No. 3.      $15.60
No. 9 (
Parker, 1867). Now Comes Sol Humphrey, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 9 and presents his Report and account for Settlement, to which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his District except those returned delinquent. And that there is no money in his hands belonging to said District.
Delinquents for 1866 Delinquents 1865
  J. Watson $3.41 G. Middagh .79
P. Peninger 3.66 M. Mansfield 2.71
G. Middagh .58 J. McDonough 1.29
M. Mansfield 2.26
J. McDonough 2.74
R. L. Ferguson 3.64
J. McKay 1.85
John Kincaid 4.00
    The Supervisor Claims for his Services over and above his own tax for five days work at $2.00.      $10.00
Report accepted and affirmed.
    Ordered by the Board that Sol Humphrey be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for Services as Supervisor of Road District No. 9.      $10.00
    No. 23 (Saltmarsh, 1867). Now comes Reuben Saltmarsh, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 23 and presents his Report and account for Settlement by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except Thos. Gilson one day and that he has worked Chinamen 132 days. That he has received $99.09 and paid out the Sum of $98.12 leaving in the hands of said Supervisor belong to Said District the Sum of Ninety-Seven cents .97. Supervisor Claims over and above his tax for Services for 15½ days Amounting to $31.00. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that Reuben Saltmarsh be allowed the above sum of Thirty-one Dollars for Services as Aforesaid.      $31.00
    Ordered that B. F. Dowell be allowed the Sum of four Dollars for Advertising School notice per order of School Superintendent.      $4.00
    Ordered that J. B. White be allowed the Sum of Two Dollars Stage fare for Indigent persons as per bill on file.      $2.00
    Ordered that Dr. T. T. Cabaniss be allowed, as follows:
  To Ex. of B.R. Westfall Insane $  5.00
To Ex. of Morris Roberts County Charge 5.00
To Ex. of McFarland County Charge     5.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed for Keeping Jail and Board of Jailer Month of January, 1867 one Hundred and twenty dollars.      $120.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of fifty-five Dollars Attendance on Courts and Shff.'s fees.      $55.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen, Sheriff, be allowed the Sum of four 20/100 dollars for Telegraph Dispatches in regard to B. R. Westfall, Insane.                $4.20
    Ordered by the Board that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and Sixty-two 75/100 dollars as Clerk's fees as per bill on file.      $162.75
    Now at this day comes W. A. Owen and presents his bond in the Sum of Ten thousand dollars as Collector of taxes with Alex Martin, Jno. S. Drum and James T. Glenn as Sureties. And the said Sureties having justified in the Sum of $20,000.00 the Said bond is accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that the following persons be allowed as follows Juror's fees, County Court, Jany. Term A.D. 1867.
Names of Jurors Days Miles Fees
  1 James R. Poole 2 2 4.20
2 William Brice 2 2 4.20
3 James L. Loudon 2 2 4.20
4 M. G. Kimball 2 2 4.20
5 William Cummings 2 2 4.20
6 Jesse Sherman 1 12   3.20
7 George Ratrie 1 2 2.20
8 J. W. Sears 1 12   3.20
9 Joseph Densman 1 4 2.40
10 W. A. Johnson 1 4 2.40
11 William Wall 1 4 2.40
12 J. W. Baker 1 12   3.20
13 Thomas B. Staples 1 12   3.20
14 Thomas N. Ballard 1 12   3.20
15 Joseph Growland 1 12   3.20
16 Charles Beard 1 4 2.40
17 J. B. Coates 1 6 2.60
18 Silas Draper 2 2 4.20
    Ordered by the Board that the Oregon Reporter be allowed for advertising notice to Tax payers Ten Dollars and Notice to Clerks of School Districts four Dollars making in all fourteen Dollars.      $14.00
    Ordered that B. F. Dowell be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for Advertising Notice to Tax payers.      $10.00
    No. 24. Now comes Jesse East, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 24 and presents his Report and account for Settlement by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his District and also 33 Chinamen. That he has collected $37.20 which is now in his hands and due to Said District. 
  Supervisor Claims for 10 days Services $20.00
From which deduct his own labor tax     4.00
Balance due Supervisor $16.00
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that Jesse East be allowed the Sum of Sixteen dollars, balance for Services as Supervisor of R. Dist. No. 24.      $16.00
    No. 17. (James Miller, 1867). Now Comes James Miller and presents his Report and Account for Settlement as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 17, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District except those returned delinquent, to wit: Thilex Kilgore $2.09.
Supervisor Claims for 13 days Services $26.00
From which deduct his own Tax     5.72
Balance Due Sup. $20.28
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that James Miller, Sup., be allowed the Sum of Twenty dollars and twenty-eight cents for Services as Sup., R. Dist. No. 17 for 1866.    $20.28
    No. 8 (Thos. Wright, 1867). Now comes N. C. Dean, Supervisor of R. Dist. No. 8 and presents his Report and account for Settlement by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his district, and that he has collected $90.88, also drawn a Co. order for $66.80 making Total amt. Cash received $157.68 and that he has expended on the Road the Sum of $109.50, leaving in the hands of Supervisor belonging to said District the Sum of $48.18. Supervisor Claims for Services over his tax the sum of $34.00.
    Ordered by the Board that N. C. Dean, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 8, be allowed the Sum of Thirty-four dollars for Services as Supervisor of R. Dist. No. 8.        $34.00
    No. 1 (A. V. Gillette, 1867). Now comes C. F. Blake and presents his Report and account for Settlement as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 1 for the year 1866, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except those returned delinquent and that he has collected $26.50 and it does not appear that he has expended the Same.
The following persons returned delinquent:
  Toll Road 2 Days Howard Zenas 1/6 Day
Applegate, I. D. & L. B. 6⅓ Days Hiers, Henry P. 1⅛ Days
Barron, Hugh F. 3⅜ Days Kentner, W. W. ⅛ Day
Bunyard, Jas. B. ½ Day Million, B. ⅝ Day
Broadsword, L. ½ Day Runnells, Wm. 3 Days
Chapman, Daniel 1 Day Smith, Peter 2⅝ Days
Chegar, Baptiste ⅝ Day True, Hanes 4 Days
Cole, Byron 3 Days True, Mrs. C. 1½ Days
Gillette, A. V. ¼ Day Tolman, J. C. 1¼ Days
Wells, Jno. W. ⅜ Day
    Supervisor Claims for 20 days Services over and above his own Tax amounting to $40.00
    Ordered by the Board that C. F. Blake be allowed the Sum of Forty dollars for his Services as Supervisor of Road District No. 1 for the year 1866.      $40.00
    No. 3. Now comes Samuel Colver, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 3 and presents his Report and acct. for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked the hands in his district except those returned delinquent. The Supervisor Claims for 2½ days over and above his own tax and also nine Dollars paid by him for hauling lumber making in all fourteen dollars which is allowed. He also Claims Twenty dollars for work for team and hand which is allowed as a Credit on his next year's Road Tax.
E. K. Anderson Delinquent $4.00 Poll Tax
B. C. Goddard Delinquent 4.00 Poll Tax
Thomas Arundell Delinquent 4.00 Poll Tax
John Thurber Delinquent 4.00 Poll Tax
M. Mensor Delinquent 4.00 Poll Tax
M. Liddle Delinquent 1.70 Property Tax
Q. N. Anderson Delinquent .73 Property Tax
B. C. Goddard Delinquent .51 Property Tax
T. Arundell Delinquent .29 Property Tax
John Thurber Delinquent 1.14 Property Tax
M. Lindley Delinquent .97 Property Tax
M. Mensor Delinquent 5.95 Property Tax
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that Samuel Colver be allowed the Sum of Fourteen dollars for Services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 3 for the year 1866.      $14.00
    Ordered by the Board that an order be drawn on the County Treasr. for the Sum of Twenty-five dollars in favor of Ambrose Sabin, on account of Deposit for Liquor License not granted.      $25.00
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Ogn., that O. Coolidge be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 2 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Now comes James Helms and presents the petition of himself and others praying that the Said petitioners may put their Road labor on the Road, leading from the Stage Road by the Residences of Joseph H. Davis, Abm. Tenbrook, David Phipps and Edward Bellinger. It is therefore ordered by the Board that the Road described in Said petition, now a part of Road Dist. No. 4 be and the Same is hereby detached from Said District No. 4 and that the Same be established as a New Road Dist. No. 29, to wit: Commencing at the Stage Road near the Residence of the Widow Bellinger, running thence East by the Residence of Jos. H. Davis, Abm. Tenbrook, David Phipps and Edward Bellinger to the East line of the Said Dist. No. 4, and that it Embrace the following Claims, James Helms, Jos. H. Davis, Abm. Tenbrook, Daniel Crane, David Phipps, A. Davidson and Edward Bellinger.
    Now at this day comes Sylvester Smith and presents his petition Signed by a Majority of the Legal Voters of Jacksonville Precinct praying for a License to issue to the said Smith to retail Spirituous Liquors in Said Precinct in quantities less than one quart, And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that Notices of the presentation of the Said Petition had been posted according to law and there being no remonstrance to the issuing of the same, It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petition be granted, and that License issue to the Said Sylvester Smith for Six Months from the date of his last License, on the payment of fifteen dollars and the filing of the bond required by the Statute.
    And the Board adjourned until Tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock A.M.

February 7th 1867
    The Commissioners met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday.
    Ordered that Linn & Hall be allowed the Sum of Twenty & 65/100 dollars for Labor and lumber as per bill on file.                                        $20.65
    Ordered by the Board that a County warrant issue in favor of the Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 2, to bridge or repair the Crossing at Wagner Creek and also the Crossing West and near the Warm Springs in Said District to the amount of Forty Dollars.       $40.00
    Ordered by the Board the Warrant on the Co. Treasr. for the Sum of Sixty Dollars for the use of McFarland, a County Charge, drawn by the Clerk yesterday be and the Same is hereby approved.      $60.00
    No. 16. Now comes Peter Simon, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 16 and presents his report and account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District Except those returned Delinquent. It also appears the Supervisor has Collected four Dollars in Green Backs and has not accounted for the Same, leaving in the hands of Said Supervisor $4.00 in Green Backs due Said District No. 16.
  Delinquents Delinquents
Griffith, Charles .57 Reese, Lewis .87
Hurst, Martin P. .60 Seyferth, John E. .64
Jackson, James .38 Skeeters, Isaac 4.39
Linksweiler, T. L. .60
Lundy, Cyrus .25
McDaniel, John .58
Mosier, David .68
Matthes, John 3.71
Peterson, Martin 1.51
Rader, Jackson .77
    Report accepted and approved.
    The Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 16 Claims for Three days Services over and above his property Tax and personal labor.      $6.00
    Ordered by the Board that Peter Simon, Supervisor of Road District No. 16 be allowed the Sum of Six dollars for Services as Supervisor of R. Dist. No. 16 for the year 1866.      $6.00
    Now comes George Brown, Supervisor of R. Dist. No. 21 and presents his Report and account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except those returned Delinquent. He has also worked 44 Chinamen in all 176 Days. He has Collected the Sum of $95.99 and paid out for Labor and Material furnished for said Dist. the Sum of $90.23 to which last Sum add for Services of Supervisor over his own Tax for 27 days $54.00 making the Sum of $144.23 Expended on Said Dist. from which deduct amt. Collected and there is found due Said Supervisor for his own Services from the County the Sum of $48.24.
  Bellew, Lewis $4.00
Bateman, Joseph 4.00
Hall, Samuel 4.00
Jones, R. 4.00
Kepner, Frank 2.00
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that George Brown be allowed the Sum of Forty-eight Dollars and twenty-four cents for Services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 21 for the year 1866.      $48.24
    The Report of the Viewers heretofore Appointed to view and Lay out a County Road on Foots Creek is now taken up and publicly read the Second time this Session of the Board this day which said Report is in word and figures following, to wit:
    Having been appointed by your Hon. Board to view and lay out a Road on Foots Creek, We did on the 17th day of January 1867, being duly Sworn, proceed to discharge our duty. By Commencing at a black oak tree close to G. S. Moore's House, making witness trees of the Same, running down to the Creek intersecting the other Road near the Foots Creek Bridge, Designated by Marking a black oak tree with witness trees at that point. We blazed and hacked the whole line of the Road as required by law. It is a good road as it is, and a little more work will put it in excellent repair. The Road is of importance to the Settlers and Miners living on the Creek.
    Respectfully Submitted,
F. G. Birdseye
C. M. Caldwell
J. T. Jones
Rock Point, Ogn.
Jan. 17th 1867
    And there being no remonstrance, Petition for a review or Petition for damages filed, It is therefore ordered that the Said Report be confirmed and that the Said Road as laid out by the viewers aforesaid be and the Same is hereby established as a County Road and Public Highway and that the said Road be attached to and become a part of Road District No. 11 and that the Supervisor thereof be required to open and keep the Same in good repair.
    Ordered by the Board that the viewers above be allowed for one day & 20 miles each, amounting to $4.00 as Follows:
  F. G. Birdseye as viewer $  4.00
C. M. Coldwell as viewer 4.00
J. T. Jones as viewer     4.00
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that A. V. Gillette be, and he is hereby Appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 1, in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson Co., Oregon, that Emerson E. Gore be, and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 3 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that James A. Cardwell be, and he is hereby Appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 4 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that Francis M. Plymale be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. (7) Seven in Said County for the Ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that Thomas Wright be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. (8) Eight in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that Asa Parker be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. (9) Nine in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that John Swinden be, and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 10 (Ten) in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that Edward Lyon be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. (11) Eleven in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Edward White be, and he is hereby appointed, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 13 (Thirteen) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that John Cardwell be, and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. (14) Fourteen, in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that S. Clark Taylor be, and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 15 Fifteen, in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that Nicholas Young be, and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 16, Sixteen, in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that James Miller be, and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. (17) Seventeen in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson Co., Oregon, that Joseph B. Saltmarsh be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. (23) Twenty-three, in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that John Cantrall be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 24, Twenty-four, in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that A. K. Williams be, and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 25 Twenty-five in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that J. T. Ramey be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 26 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that Elias Vinson be, and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 27 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that Michael Murphy be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 28 for the ensuing year in said County.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that James Helms be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 29, in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson Co., Oregon that George Brown be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 21 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Whereas the Supervisors of Road Districts Nos. 5, 6, 12, 18, 19, 20 and 22 have failed to Report their accounts as Supervisors for the year 1866 for Settlement at this Term of this Board, It is therefore ordered that the Settlement with the Several Supervisors of the respective Districts before mentioned be postponed until the next Term of this Board, and also the appointment of their Successors is postponed until the next Term of this Board.
    And there being no further business, the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

[March 4, 1867]
    The County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon met today in regular Session on Monday, the 4th day of March, 1867, at which were present
Frederick Heber and
J. B. White, Commissioners,
and W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
    When in Consequence of the County Judge being engaged in the County Court on Civil business, the Commissioners' Court adjourned until tomorrow at 2 O'clock, P.M.

Tuesday, March 5th 1867 2 O'clock P.M.
    The Board of County Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Comr.
and W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Now comes Granville Naylor and presents his petition praying for a Change of a portion of the County Road running through his premises, which said petition is in words and figures as follows, to wit:

To the Honorable County Court, Sitting for County business.
    The undersigned respectfully petition your Honorable body for leave to change the location of the County Road through a part of his land, said land lying about three miles east of Jacksonville on the Road to Phoenix. Your petitioner would respectfully represent that the proposed change will not materially increase the distance and the new road will be on as good, and indeed, I think on better ground than on the old Survey.
    This the fifth of March, 1867.
G. Naylor
    And there being no remonstrance to the said petition and the Said Petitioner having filed his bond in the Sum of Twenty-five dollars with Wm. Hoffman as Surety, Conditioned to pay all costs and expenses of the view of Said proposed Change, as is required by law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that I. Van Dorn, John S. Lacy and James Taylor be and they are hereby appointed Reviewers and that they proceed to Review the proposed change as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, and that they ascertain the distance such road will be increased by the proposed change or alteration and that they make their report in writing Stating the Several distances so found. Together with their opinion as to the Utility of the proposed Alteration, and that the said Report be made to this Board at as early a day as is practicable.
    Ordered that David Linn be allowed the Sum of Two hundred dollars in Salary for Co. Treasr. for the quarter ending Feby. 20th 1867.      $200.00
    Ordered that Linn & Hall be allowed the Sum of Forty-three dollars for furniture for County buildings as per bill on file.      $43.00
    Now comes D. Linn, Co. Treasr., and Reports that he has in his belonging to School fund
In Legal Tenders $300.90
The Above Sold for Coin at 74¢ amts. to   222.66
    Difference $ 78.,24
    Ordered that D. Linn, Co. Treasr., be allowed the Sum of $78.24 discount on L. Tenders as above.      $78.24
    Ordered that R. Benedict be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for Attention to E. Wilson, Insane, being the amount Claimed by him as per bill on file, less the Sum of five
dollars.     $10.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of one hundred and Eighteen & 60/100 dollars, his percent (3 percent) on $3953 56/100 taxes collected by him.      $118.60
    Ordered that C. P. Harris be allowed the Sum of ten dollars for Lining and papering Jury Room.      $10.00
    Ordered that Sachs Bros be allowed the Sum of $12.88 as per bill rendered for Clothing for Westfall, Insane, and for paper for Jury Room.
Westfall Insane $  6.25
Paper for Jury Room     6.63
    And the Board Adjourned until Thursday morning at 9 O'clock A.M.

Thursday, March 7th 1867
    The Board met today pursuant to adjournment. Present, the same as on Tuesday last.
    Now comes James D. Fay, Atty., and presents the petition of L. T. Davis and others, being more than twelve Home Holders, praying for the relocation of a portion of the Applegate Road, which Said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:

To the Honorable County Court of Jackson County, Oregon:
    The undersigned Citizens of Jacksonville, and Jackson County, Oregon, would respectfully petition your Honorable Body to relocate So much of the Applegate Road as now runs through the premises of Joseph Wetterer and Benjamin George, by the Old Survey and locate the Same where the said Road now runs, outside and West of the premises of the Said Joseph Wetterer and Benjamin George. Your petitioners will ever pray &c. Signed L. T. Davis & 114 others.
    And Joseph Wetterer, one of Said petitioners having made affidavit of the posting of Notices of the presentation of the Said petition as required by law. It is therefore ordered by the Board, that on the filing of the Bond required by the Statute, Silas J. Day, J. N.T. Miller and James Helms be and they are hereby appointed Viewers to View and relocate the Said Road as prayed for in Said petition and that J. S. Howard be and he is appointed Surveyor to accompany Said viewers and Survey the Said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, And that they meet at the County Clerk's Office on Saturday the 16th day of March next (or within five days thereafter) be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of this Appointment. And that they Said Viewers report their proceedings by one of their Number to this Board at their April Session 1867.
    It being represented to the Board that John Cardwell heretofore appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 14 is about to leave said District, it is therefore ordered that his Appointment be and the Same is hereby revoked.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that James Pankey be and he is hereby Appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 14 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Now comes James P. Tuffts, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 12, and presents his Report and account for Settlement, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his Dist. That he has Collected $16 and paid the Same out for work in his District. The Supervisor Claims $6.84 for Services as Such Supervisor. The Report and Account Accepted and Approved.
    Ordered by the Board that James P. Tuffts be allowed the Sum of $6.84 for Services as Supervisor for the year 1866.      $6.84
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, That Thomas Croxton be and he is hereby Appointed Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 12, in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Now comes Frederick Heber, Supervisor of R. Dist. No. 5 and presents his report and account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist., except Wm. Justus, herewith returned delinquent. Supervisor has in his hands $5.22 belonging to Said District, except the Said $5.22 the Supervisor has expended in his Dist., all the Money Collected by him. Wm. Justice Delinquent $5.65. The Supervisor report is accepted and approved.
    F. Heber Supervisor Claims for Nine days work $18.00 over his own Road tax.
    Ordered by the Board that Frederick Heber be allowed the Sum of Eighteen dollars for his Services as Supervisor of R. Dist. No. 12 for the year 1866.      $18.00
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Frederick Heber be and he is hereby Appointed Supervisor of R. Dist. No. (5) five in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Now comes Thomas F. Beall, Supervisor of R. Dist. No. 6, and presents his report and account for Settlement by which it appears that the Supervisor has worked all the hands in his Dist. except J. P. Parker, returned delinquent. All the Money Collected by Supervisor has been expended in work in his Dist.
    Supervisor claims for 14 days work over and above his own tax.
    Report accepted and approved. Delinquent J. P. Parker $3.00.
    Ordered by the Board that Thomas F. Beall be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Eight dollars for Services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 6 for the year 1867.      $28.00
    Now comes John Obenchain, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 18 and presents his report and account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. and that he has received no money. No delinquents. Supervisor claims for five days work over and above his own tax. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that John Obenchain be allowed the sum of ten dollars for his Services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 18 for the year 1866.      $10.00
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that John Obenchain be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 18 in Said County for the Ensuing year.
    Now comes Kaspar Kubli and presents his Report and account for Settlement as Supervisor of Road District No. 19, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his District except those returned delinquent. Also that he has worked 39 Chinamen in Said Dist., 2 days each.
That he has Collected in Coin $15.00
Legal Tenders on hand from 1865 $43.41
Legal Tenders Collected   39.25 $82.66
    All of which Money has been paid out on the road except $11.16 in Legal Tenders in the Supervisor's hands belonging to Said District.
    Supervisor Claims for 10 days work $20--over and above his Road Tax. Report accepted and approved.
Delinquents Days Delinquents
John Luman 2 George Harm 2 Days
H. Sparlen 2 Lafayette Allen--Property $1.79
Peter Burkholder 2 Arch Crisman 1 Day
    Ordered by the Board that Kaspar Kubli be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars as Supervisor for the year 1866.      $20.00
    Now comes Theodric Cameron, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 22 and presents his report and account for Settlement, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his District except those returned delinquent. That he has worked Chinamen 21 days. That he has Collected no money and there was none Come into his hands from the County or his predecessors. Supervisor Claims no extra Labor done in Said Dist.
    Supervisor Claims $31.68 for Lumber for bridges.
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that Theodric Cameron be allowed the Sum of $31.68 for Lumber furnished by him to Said Dist.      $31.68
Delinquents in Road Dist. No. 22
James Buckley ½ Day
John Buckley ½ Day
R. L. Cameron 1 Day
Harry Hawk 2 Days
M. D. Sturgis 2 Days
    Ordered that a warrant Issue to Lafayette Allen for the Sum of Twenty-five dollars to purchase clothing for Daniel Martin, an indigent blind person.                $25.00
    Ordered that Michael Castello be allowed the Sum of ten dollars for putting in window glass and painting Jury Room.      $10.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of Three hundred and twenty-four 50/100 dollars for Conveying R. B. Westfall to the Insane Asylum at Portland, as per bill on file.      $324.50
    Now comes M. H. Drake, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 20 and presents his report and account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Road Dist..
    Supervisor accounts for $14.50 received by him and that he has paid the same out in work in his District. Supervisor claims for 7 days extra Labor over and above his own tax, amounting to the Sum of $14.00.
    Ordered by the Board that M. H. Drake be allowed the Sum of fourteen dollars for Services as Supervisor for the year 1866.      $14.00
    Ordered that the Southern Oregon Press be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars for blank Subpoenas as per bill on file.      $20.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen, Sheriff, be allowed the Sum of One Hundred Ninety-six & 50/100 Dollars for fees and Attendance on Courts and Summoning Jury Feby. T. [term] 1867 of the Circuit Court as per bill filed.      $196.50
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and twenty dollars for Keeping Jail and Board of Jailer Month of Feby. 1867.      $120.00
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and Eighty-eight Dollars Clerk's fees as per bill filed--and attendance on County.      $188.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following persons be allowed the following Juror fees, to wit:
David Mosier 12.00
Giles Wells Jr. 10.00
Jackson Rader   9.00
John Coleman   7.20
James T. Glenn   6.20
Patrick Dunn 10.00
L. J. White   8.60
Andrew S. Moon 14.00
Theodric Cameron 12.00
James Pankey 14.00
Nicholas B. Wright 13.60
William Cogle 10.80
V. S. Ralls   9.60
Peter Smith 13.20
George Yaudes 11.80
Max Müller 10.20
A. J. Coakley 11.40
Daniel Chapman 14.40
William Bybee 10.40
J. A. Cardwell 10.50
Jesse Titus 10.80
Daniel F. Fisher 11.80
Michael Hanley 10.50
David Redpath 10.80
Granville Naylor 10.80
Frederick G. Birdseye 13.60
Robert C. Armstrong 10.60
Kaspar Kubli   2.50
John Head   1.80
George Brown   2.20
Charles F. Wilson   2.20
I. D. Applegate   2.20
Hugh Johnson   2.20
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in Cause of
State of Oregon vs. Benjamin F. Ball: Indictment for Larceny
Clerk's fees 18.00
Sheriff's fees 51.60
Witness fees:
    Lafayette Allen 18.00
    Eli C. Taylor 14.00
    J. W. Trimble 2.20
    John Orth 2.20
    Riley Henkle 5.00
    Rial Benedict 11.60
    J. J. McLin 13.60
    H. Burlisson 8.00
    D. Kuder 5.20
    Henry York 6.00
    George Caris 6.00
    A. L. Enyart       5.60
Total     $175.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the cause of the
State of Oregon vs. William P. Hillis: Indictment for mischief to animals
Clerk's fees 12.00
Shff.'s. fees 16.95
    Levi Gartman 13.20
    John P. Blalock 13.20
    J. W. Trimble 17.20
    Moses Hopwood 9.60
    W. W. Brown 9.60
    Wm. S. Turnbow      7.60
Total   $99.35
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of the State of Oregon vs. Louisa Archey, Indictment for Adultery.
Clerk's fees 6.40
Sheriff's fees   25.20
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of the State of Oregon vs. Mike Herleman: Indictment for Larceny
Clerk's fees 16.25
Shff.'s. fees 12.75
    Anton Brauns 2.20
    [blank] Cumings 2.20
    John Cimborsky 2.80
    Joseph Wetterer 2.20
    Veit Schutz 2.20
    John Bilger 2.20
    John Neuber 2.20
    John S. Love 2.20
    Louis Horne 2.20
    U. S. Hayden     2.20
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of the State of Oregon vs. Joseph Samples.
Clerk's fees 21.20
Shff.'s. fees 27.25
    William Eddings 6.20
    John Blanton 6.00
    Clark Doty Sen. 5.20
    Elizabeth Doty 5.20
    John Grattman 6.00
    Jackson Walker 5.20
    C. M. Coldwell 6.00
    Mason Miller 5.20
    S. P. Dean 5.20
    Thomas Chavner 6.00
    Daniel Crane 4.60
    Clark Doty 5.20
    Alexander Doty       5.20
Total Costs     $119.65
    Ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Thomas F. Beall be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 6 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Theodric Cameron be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 22 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Jas. A. Wilson be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 19, in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that Martin H. Drake be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 20 in Said County for the Ensuing year.
    It being represented to the Board that O. Coolidge is unable to attend to the duties of Road Supervisor of District No. 2, It is therefore ordered by the Board that his Appointment as Such Supervisor be and the Same is hereby revoked.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that Isaac M. Wagner be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 2 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board that Dr. L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Sixty-Seven 85/100 dollars for Attendance on J. B. McFarland, a non-resident poor person as per his bill on file.     $67.85
    And the Board of Commissioners adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

[April 2, 1867]
    The Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, met in Regular Session on Tuesday the Second day of April, 1867, at which were present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
John B. White and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Ordered by the Board that the following Juror fees be allowed for Jurors attending on the County Court March Term 1867, to wit:
Names Days Miles Fees
1 John Smith 1 2 2.20
2 James R. Wade 1 2 2.20
3 Jacob Roudebush 1 2 2.20
4 James L. Linden 1 2 2.20
5 B. F. Monks 1 2 2.20
6 W. H. Valandingham 1 2 2.20
    Ordered that Constable H. L. Webb be allowed fees in the following State Cases as per bill on file, to wit:
State of Oregon vs. Joseph Aldred $12.00
State of Oregon vs. A. D. Burton 21.40
State of Oregon vs. James Day 11.50
State of Oregon vs. James Archer 19.40
State of Oregon vs. M. Sabin     6.00
Total Amount     $70.30
    Ordered by the Board that William Hoffman be allowed the Sum of Two dollars for assisting U. S. Hayden, J.P. in drawing Jury List.     $2.00
    Ordered by the Board that Saml. Sachs be allowed the Sum of Two dollars for assisting U. S. Hayden in drawing Jury List.     $2.00
    Whereas Martin F. Drake, heretofore appointed by this Board Supervisor of Road District No. 20 in Said County for the ensuing year, declines serving as Such Supervisor on account of his having been Supervisor the preceding year, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the Said Appointment be and the Same is hereby revoked.
    Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon that G. W. Stevenson be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 20, in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Board that D. Cronemiller be allowed the Sum of $4.50 [for] bolts purchased for Road District No. 7 by order of E. F. Walker, Supervisor of Said District.      $4.50
    Ordered by the Board that a warrant be drawn on the Treasurer for the Sum of Three hundred dollars on his Hospital Contract for the quarter ending April 8th, 1867 in favor of Dr. L. T. Davis.     $300.00
    Ordered by the Board that a warrant be drawn on the Co. Treasurer in favor of Dr. L. T. Davis for Salary as School Superintendent for the quarter ending March 31st 1867 for the Sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars.      $125.00
    And the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Wednesday April 3rd 1867
    The Board of County Commissioners met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday.
    Whereas there was found by the Coroner of Said County $20.00 in coin on the body of John Keuler, deceased, which amount was paid by Said Coroner to the County Treasurer. And whereas the Court paid $15.30 as expenses of Said inquest, therefore it is ordered by the Board that a warrant be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Herman Helms, administrator of the Estate of Said Keuler for the Sum of $4.70, the balance now in the Treasury belonging to said Estate.      $4.79
    Now at this day the Report of the Viewers Silas J. Day, J. N. T. Miller and James Helms and of the Surveyor James S. Howard, heretofore appointed to View, Survey and lay out a County Road and relocate So much of the road in the Town of Jacksonville as per the petition of L. T. Davis and others, was taken up and read publicly for the first time.
    Now at this day comes John Holton and presents the petition of Thomas Moreland and others, praying for the Appointment of Viewers to view and lay out a County road in Said County, which Said petition is in words and figures as follows, to wit:
    We the undersigned respectfully petition the Board of County Commissioners for Jackson County to appoint Viewers to view and lay out a County Road and Cause the Same to be opened Commencing at a point on the Yreka Road at or near a pair of barns Some 40 or 50 Rods East of South of J. V. Amerman's House and running Southerly through J. V. Amerman's, J. Holton and Beeson's lands till it intersects the present line of travel on Beeson's lands, near his barn, thence on Said line of travel through J. Robison, D. E. Stearns to a blazed laurel tree near the line of D. E. Stearns and B. Stevens, thence bearing west of South to a cedar tree on the Farmer's Ditch, thence East of South across B. Stevens' lands, to Stearns' & Williams' North line near the Saw Mill to place of terminus. Signed Thomas Moreland and 33 others. 
    And it appearing by the affidavit of Jas. Williams that notices of the presentation of Said petition had been posted according to law, and John Holton and David E. Stearns having filed their Bond in the Sum of Twenty-five dollars Conditioned to pay all costs and expenses of Such view if the prayer of the Said petitioners be not granted and allowed, which Said bond is accepted by the Board. It is therefore ordered by the Board that Thomas F. Beall, Haskel Amy and John S. Miller be and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and lay out Said Road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid and that Jas. S. Howard be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor to Survey the Same under the directions of the aforesaid Viewers. And that they meet at the County Clerk's Office of Said County on the 12th day of April, 1867 or within five days thereafter, be qualified and proceed to discharge the duties of this appointment. And that the Said Viewers make their report in writing, Stating their opinion in favor of or against the establishment of Said Road, and Set forth the reasons for the same, which report, together with the plat and Survey of Said Road deliver by one of the viewers aforesaid to the County Clerk on or before the third day of the May Term, 1867, of the County Court of Said County.
    Now at this day come John S. Lacy and James Taylor, two of the Reviewers heretofore appointed to review the proposed change in the County road on the premises of Granville Naylor as per the petition of Said Naylor and make their report, which Said Report is in words and figures following, To wit:
Jackson County, Oregon this 25th
    of March 1867
    I, John Lacy and James Taylor met and reviewed the road through Naylor's Farm; Commencing opposite Lacy's House, running on the Old Survey to a bridge near Van Dorn's fence, the distance being 600 yards long, and on the New Survey on the outside of the fence, Commencing at the Same place and running to the same bridge opposite Van Dorn's fence, the distance being 614 yards long, the ground on the new Survey is full as good if not better than the old Survey. And we the undersigned Reviewers aforesaid think the prayer of the petition is reasonable and that the change ought to be made.
John S. Lacy
James Taylor
    Which Said report having been publicly read and the Said Reviewers reporting favorably and recommending the change in Said road as prayed for in petition of Granville Naylor aforesaid, and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board (as evidenced by the affidavit of Granville Naylor on file) that the proposed new Road has been opened a legal width and in all respects made equal to the old road, for the Convenience of travelers, and there being no remonstrance against the establishment of Said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid and no petition for damages filed, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the New Road as laid out by the Reviewers aforesaid be and the Same is hereby declared a County Road and a public highway, to wit: Commencing on the outside of the fence opposite Lacy's House and running to the bridge opposite Van Dorn's fence, the Distance being 614 yards, and that the Supervisor through whose District the Said Road passes keep the Same in good repair and it is further ordered that So much of the Old Road as is embraced in the New Road hereby established be and the Same is hereby declared vacant.
    And the Board Adjourned until tomorrow Morning at 9 O'clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Thursday, April 4th 1867
    The Commissioners Court Met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday--the Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered that Brice and Webb be allowed for Six days attendance on Westfall, insane, at Six dollars per day amounting to the Sum of Thirty-six dollars.      $36.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of Two hundred and forty-one & 02/100 Dollars his percentage (3 percent) on the Collection of $8034.22 for the year 1866.    $241.02
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of one hundred forty-five & 20/100 dollars, as follows:
Attendance on Courts $  25.20
Keeping Jail & board of Jailer   120.00
    Ordered by the Board that Edwin Smith be allowed the Sum of Twenty-four dollars for board of Pauper Child from Jan. 1st 1867 to February. 2nd 1867 at 75¢ per day.     $24.00
    Ordered by the Board that Mrs. E. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Fifty-four dollars for boarding and lodging Mrs. Vinson 6 weeks at $9.00 per week.      $54.00
    Ordered by the Board that Love and Bilger be allowed the Sum of $38.50 as per bill on file, less the Sum of $4.00 for blasting powder returned by Commissioner Heber.    $34.50
    Ordered by the Board that W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk, be allowed the Sum of One hundred and thirty-three and 25/100 dollars as per bill on file.      $133.25
    Ordered by the Board that Jeanne Guilfoyle be allowed the Sum of Fifteen dollars for five weeks' board of Wm. Allred, a County Charge, at three dollars per week.     $15.00
    The report of the Viewers and Surveyor heretofore Appointed to view and relocate the road in the Town of Jacksonville was publicly read the Second time this Session today, which said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. Board of the Commissioners Jackson Co., Oregon.
    The undersigned Appointed by the Board as Viewers to relocate the Road within the Town of Jacksonville on Oregon Street as per the Petition of L. T. Davis & others beg leave to report that within five days after your appointment, the Viewers met and with J. S. Howard, Surveyor, proceeded to view and Survey the Said proposed Road.  After viewing the Same, we are of the opinion that the road as now used being the one recommended by the petitioners, is practicable and is of the proper width and the distances are those mentioned in the accompanying report of the Surveyor. We would add that after making the first Survey and view finding that an error was made in the Same, and that the Survey was not made in pursuance of the petition. We resurveyed the Same and would recommend the location of a County Road on the ground at present used as a Road and the vacation of the old road. April 2nd, 1867.
Silas J. Day
J. N. T. Miller
James Helms
    Road Viewers
    Report of the Survey of a road from a point on Oregon Street opposite J. Wetterer's Saloon to a point on the Applegate road at the intersection of Oak Street in the Town of Jacksonville, in Township 37, South Range 2 West, which Survey is as follows, to wit:
    Beginning at a point on Oregon Street opposite the S.West Corner of J. Wetterer's Saloon and running thence S. 43½° W. along the Center of Oregon Street, 278 feet, thence S. 5°42' W. 260 feet to the Applegate road intersecting the Same at the northern line of Oak and of a width of 60 feet.
    The above Survey was made by me under the directions of Silas J. Day and J. N. T. Miller, viewers, and the notes as above are copied from notes taken by me on the ground Jacksonville, March 16th 1867.
James S. Howard
Subscribed & Sworn to before me April 3rd 1867
W. H. S. Hyde
    And the Board being Satisfied that the relocation of the aforesaid road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, and as viewed and Surveyed by the Viewers and Surveyor aforesaid is of public utility, and there being no remonstrance to the establishment of said road as aforesaid and no petition for damages having been filed, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the Said Road be and the Same is hereby relocated and established as a County road & public highway as reported and recommended by the Said Viewers and Surveyor and that so much of the old road as is embraced in the road hereby established be and the Same is hereby declared to be vacated.
    Ordered by the Board that the County Treasurer be allowed to Sell the Legal Tender Notes in the County Treasury at the Usual Market rates in Coin.
    Ordered by the Board that the County Clerk issue a Warrant under the Seal of the County Court of Said County directed to the Sheriff or Tax Collector of Jackson County, Oregon, requiring him to Collect the Delinquent Taxes for the year 1865.
    Ordered by the Board that a Warrant be drawn on the County Treasury in favor of L. J. C. Duncan for the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars as Salary of Co. Judge for the quarter ending March 31st 1867.     $300.00
    And the Board Adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

[May 7, 1867]
    The Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County met in Regular Session today, May 7th, 1867. Present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge,
Frederick Heber, Commissioner,
and W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk.
    Ordered by the Board that the Southern Oregon Press be allowed the sum of Twenty-eight 50/100 dollars for advertising and printing blanks as per bill on file.  $28.50
    Ordered that a warrant issue to Abm. Tenbrook for the sum of Twenty-one dollars on account of over-assessment for the year 1866.      $21.00
    Ordered that James Helms be allowed the Sum of Eighty Dollars for 20 Cords of wood furnished the County.     $80.00
    Ordered that James S. Howard be allowed the Sum of twenty dollars for two days' Services as Surveyor in Surveying the road proposed to be laid out on Wagner Creek.    $20.00
    Ordered that Daniel Hopkins and Co. be allowed the Sum of Thirty-Seven and 80/100 dollars for bridge lumber furnished Road Dist. No. 7 in Said County.     $37.50
    Ordered that Muller and Brentano be allowed the Sum of fifteen dollars for Shingles for gun House.     $15.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, Sheriff, be allowed the Sum of Forty dollars for Serving Supervisors' Notices and Attendance on Courts.     $40.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and twenty dollars for Keeping Jail and board of Jailer month of April 1867.     $120.00
    Ordered that Jas. S. Howard be allowed the Sum of Seven and 50/100 for Surveying a County Road in the Town of Jacksonville.     $7.50
    Ordered that Dr. L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of ten dollars for Attendance on Examination of dead body [at] Coroner inquest.     $10.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed on inquest, U. S. Hayden acting Coroner.
U. S. Hayden, Acting Coroner $  5.40
C. S. Drew 1.50
J. B. White 1.50
A. H. Miller 1.50
T. H. B. Shipley 1.50
Asher F. Wall 1.50
Wm. Brice 1.50
Frank Kepner, witness 1.50
D. M. C. Gault, clerk 2.50
W. A. Owen, shff.   10.50
    Ordered by the Board that the resignation of Wm. Wilson as Constable of Table Rock Precinct in Said County, heretofore filed, be and the Same is hereby accepted.
    Ordered by the Board that the Resignation of H. P. Deskins as Constable of the Dardanelles Precinct in Said County, heretofore filed, be and the Same is hereby accepted.
    Ordered by the Board that J. T. Jones be and he is hereby appointed Constable for the Precinct of the Dardanelles in Jackson County, Oregon
    Ordered by the Board that D. Hopkins and Co. be allowed the Sum of Twenty-five and 50/100 Dollars for bridge lumber furnished Road Dist. No. 21 in Jackson County, Oregon.     $25.50
    Now Comes Aaron Jacobs and presents his petition for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in measure less than one quart at the Willow Springs Precinct in Jackson County, Oregon. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that the Said Jacobs had posted Notices of his intention to apply for Such license as is required by law and it further appearing that his Said petition was Signed by a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct, It is therefore ordered that a License issue to the Said Aaron Jacobs for twelve Months from the Expiration of his last License on the payment of thirty dollars and his filing the bond required by the Statutes.
    Now Comes Henry Scharfenburg and presents his petition praying for a License to Sell Spirituous liquors in the Precinct of Jacksonville in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that the Said Petition was Signed by a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct, and it further appearing that the Said Henry Scharfenburg has posted Notices of his intention to Apply at this Session of the Board for Such license, It is therefore ordered that License issue to the Said Henry Scharfenburg for twelve months from the expiration of his last license on the payment of Thirty dollars and his filing the bond required by the Statutes.
    The Report of John S. Miller and Thomas F. Beall, two of the Viewers and of Jas. S. Howard, Surveyor, appointed at the April Session of this Board to view, Survey and lay out a County Road up Wagner Creek in said County as per the Petition of Moreland and others was taken up and read the first time today--Publicly--
    And the Board adjourned until Tomorrow at 10 O'Clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Wednesday May 8th 1867
    The Board of County Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday.
    Now comes William Bybee and asks the Board to reestablish the rates of Toll at his Ferry on Rogue River. It is therefore ordered that the following rates of Toll be and the Same are hereby established at Said Ferry, to wit:
Dolls. Cts.
Sheep or hogs, each . 04
Loose Cattle or horses, per head . 10
Each Pack Animal . 12½
Footman . 25
Man and Horse or Mule . 25
Horse and Buggy . 75
Two Horses and Buggy . 75
Two Horses or Mules or Yoke of Oxen and Wagon . 75
Four Horses, Mules or Oxen and Empty Wagon 1. 00
Four Horses, Mules or Oxen and loaded Wagon 1. 25
Each additional Span of Horses, Mules or Yoke of Oxen . 25
    Ordered by the Board that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of One hundred and twenty-one 04/100 dollars Clerk's fees as per bill on file.     $121.04   
    Ordered by the Board that John S. Miller be allowed for 2 days and 30 miles travel as Road Viewer, amounting to Seven dollars.     $7.00
    Ordered by the Board that Thomas F. Beall be allowed the Sum of Eight dollars for 2 days and forty miles travel as Road Viewer.     $8.00
    Ordered that Haskel Amy be allowed the Sum of five dollars and Sixty cents for one day and 36 miles travel as Road Viewer.     $5.60
    Ordered by the Board that J. N. T. Miller be allowed two dollars and twenty cents as Road Viewer.     $2.20
    Ordered that Silas J. Day be allowed the Sum of two dollars and twenty cents as Road Viewer.     $2.20
    Ordered by the Board that James Helms be allowed two dollars and forty cents as Road Viewer.     $2.40
    Ordered that Frederick Heber be allowed the Sum of Forty-Eight [dollars] for attendance and mileage as Co. Commissioner from January 1867 to May 1867. Both Sessions included.     $48.00
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Thirty-two dollars for provision and Clothing furnished Jack Gardner, an indigent poor person.     $32.00
    Whereas G. H. Young has finished the Vault heretofore awarded to him to the Satisfaction of the Board & whereas he built the Same larger than he was required by his Contract with this Board and repaired the underpinning about the Clerk's Office & adjoining Said Vault not specified in his Said Contract, all of which is accepted and approved by the Board, It is therefore ordered, in view of the premises aforesaid that the Said Young be allowed the Sum of Fifty dollars in addition to his Said bid as per his petition on file.     $50.00
    Ordered that Love and Bilger be allowed the Sum of Twenty-six 50/100 dollars for Materials furnished for repair of County Offices and Jail as per bill on file.     $26.50
    Now at this day the Report of the Viewers and Surveyor heretofore appointed to View and lay out a County Road on Wagner Creek in Said County as per the petition of Thomas Moreland and others was taken up and publicly read the Second time this Session, Which Said Report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    Viewers and Surveyors report of the Viewing and Survey of a Road in Township 38 S. R. 1 West in the County of Jackson, State of Oregon:
    We, the undersigned viewers and Surveyor, being first duly qualified on the 12th April 1867, did on the 12th & 13 days of April A.D. 1867 view and Survey a Road in the above named Township in pursuance of an Appointment to us directed by the Hon. Board of County Commissioners of Said County and bearing date of April 3rd 1867 which Survey is as follows, to wit:
    Beginning at a point in the Center of the Yreka Road near J. V. Amerman's barn and runs thence S. 2°55' W. 27.75 Chains to the Center of a road between Amerman's and Holton's lands [blank] 44.00 Chains to the line between Holton and Beeson thence S. 1°50' W. through John Beeson's land 42.50 Chains and intersect the present line of travel 16.00 Chains to opposite Beeson's House 32.00 Chains to a pine tree near the School House, thence S. 25' W. 13.90 chains to opposite J. Robison's House 29.65 chains to the line between Robison and Stearns 39.40 Chains to opposite Stearns' House 54.28 Chains and intersect the line between Stearns and Stevens (Stevens N.W. Corner bears North 4.90 Chains) [blank] 54.40 Chains to a blazed laurel thence S. 5° W. 10.10 Chains to a cedar tree near the Farmers Ditch thence S. 25°30' E. 27.12 chs. to a pine 4 inches in diameter near the Saw Mill, which we marked for the end of the road, the Same being near the South line of the Township. And the undersigned are of the opinion that it is necessary and proper that Such Road be laid out according to Said petition it being on good ground and in the most direct line of travel for the wants of that Community.
John S. Miller
Thos. F. Beall
    The Survey of the above Road was made by me the 12 and 13th days of April 1867 and the Notes as above are Copied from Notes taken by me on the ground and the plat herewith Connected is a line representative of the lines run by me on the ground.
Jas. S. Howard
    Whereupon J. V. Amerman and others present their Remonstrance to the establishment of the Road as Surveyed and viewed in the foregoing report, which Said remonstrance is Signed by a less number of Remonstrators that were on the petition praying for Said road. Therefore the remonstrance is disregarded by the Board. And thereupon W. Beeson and J. V. Amerman, through whose lands the Said road was viewed and marked out, file their complaint in writing, Setting forth that they would be greatly damaged by the Establishment of Such Road as aforesaid. Therefore, it is ordered by the Board that Abm. Tenbrook, J. A. Cardwell, and James Helms be & they are hereby appointed viewers of damages, that Said Viewers meet at Such time as May be agreed upon by themselves and after being duly qualified to discharge their duty faithfully and impartially Shall proceed and view Said proposed Road, the whole distance through the premises of the Complainants J. V. Amerman and W. Beeson and assess & determine how much less valuable Such premises of the Complainants J. V. Amerman and W. Beeson, respectively, would be rendered by the opening of Said Road. And that the Said Viewers make their Report in writing of the Same to the County Court of Said County at the June Term thereof next ensuing.
    And the Board Adjourned without Day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

[June 5, 1867]
    Be it remembered that at a regular Session of the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, begun and held on Wednesday the Fifth day of June, A.D. 1867 at which were present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Commissioner
and W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had--
    Ordered by the Board that Arthur Wilson be allowed the Sum of $22.50 for framing bridges in Road Dist. No. 6, Contracted by Thos. F. Beall, Supervisor.            $22.50
    Ordered by the Board that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of Five dollars for Digging grave for James Avery, deceased, a County Charge.     $5.00
    Ordered that Comstock and Cawley be allowed the Sum of Five dollars, hire of Horses and wagon funeral of James Avery, a County Charge.      $5.00
    Ordered by the Board that Sutton and Hyde be allowed the Sum of Seventeen 75/100 dollars for blank books and Stationery for Jackson County as per bill on file.     $17.75
    Ordered by the Board that Sutton & Hyde be allowed the Sum of Fifty-two dollars for Blank books and Stationery for Jackson County, as per bill on file.      $52.00
    Ordered that A. V. Gillette, Supervisor, be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Seven 30/100 dollars for bridge lumber furnished Road Dist. No. 1.      $27.30
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of One hundred twenty-Seven 50/100 dollars for Keeping Jail, board of Jailer Month of May 1867 and attendance on Courts.     $127.50
    Ordered by the Board that J. W. Hall be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and twenty dollars for work on gun house and jail yard.     $120.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following persons be allowed fees as follows, on the Inquest of Wm. Kramer, held by the Coroner May 10th 1867, to wit:
E. H. Greenman, Coroner $  5.00
C. S. Drew, Juror 1.25
John Bilger, Juror 1.25
Jos. Langell, Juror 1.25
John Donegan, Juror 1.25
Jos. Gray, Juror 1.25
James T. Glenn, Juror 1.25
D. M. C. Gault, Clerk 3.00
G. M. Banks, Marshall     4.00
    Ordered that A. V. Gillette be allowed $1.95 J.P. fees in the Cause of State vs. A. J. Winningham, before A. V. Gillette, J.P.     $1.95
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of Five dollars for Digging grave for Wm. Krause, buried at Expense of the County.     $5.00
    Ordered by the Board that Comstock and Cawley be allowed the Sum of Five dollars for hire of Horses and wagon funeral of Wm. Krause, buried as a County Charge.     $5.00
    Ordered by the Board that the German Singing Club of Jacksonville have the hire of the Cannon on the fourth day of July 1867 to be returned in good order.
    Ordered that J. A. Cardwell be allowed for two days and 30 miles travel as viewer of damages of Wagner Creek Road, amounting to $7.00.
    Ordered that James Helms be allowed for 2 days & 30 Miles travel as viewer of damages of Wagner Creek Road amounting to $7.00.
    Ordered by the Board that Abm. Tenbrook be allowed for 2 days & 30 miles travel as viewer of damages of Wagner Creek road amounting to $7.00.
    The report of the Viewers of damages heretofore appointed to assess the damages of J. V. Amerman and W. Beeson, by reason of the laying out of a County road up Wagner Creek was this day taken up and read, which report is as follows, to wit:
    To the Hon. Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon,
    The Undersigned, your Viewers of damages to whom was referred the case of J. V. Amerman and W. Beeson claiming damages for the establishment of a road through their lands, after being duly qualified, did on the 27th day of May 1867 make a careful examination of the Farms aforesaid and we are of the opinion that J. V. Amerman ought to be paid for the extra fence it would require for the opening of Such road, which we think would cost ($100.) one hundred dollars. In the Case of Beeson, he would be greatly damaged, the Survey running the entire distance, one hundred and Seventy rods through his enclosed farm lands, dividing it into two long fields, 170 rods each by Some 35 or 40 in width, and we are of the opinion that he ought to be paid ($500.00) Five hundred dollars damages, all of which is respectfully Submitted.
J. A. Cardwell
James Helms
Abram Tenbrook
    The Said report was accepted by the Board and the Consideration of which as well as of all matters connected with the Said proposed road up Wagner Creek is postponed until the July Session 1867 of this Board.
    Now comes George Nurse and makes Application for a License to Keep a Ferry across Link River on the trail or road from Fort Klamath, Oregon to Henley, California, the Same Situated on lands Claimed by Said Applicant in Jackson County, Oregon. And it appearing from the affidavit of Said Applicant that he had posted notices, in all respect according to law of his intention to make application at the present Session of this Board for Such License and the Said applicant having also filed the bond required by the Statutes in the Sum of Three Hundred dollars with Sam Sachs as Surety, which said bond has been duly approved, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the said George Nurse have License to Keep a Ferry on Link River in Said County for one year on the payment to the Treasurer of Said County the Sum of one dollar. And it is further ordered that the following rates of Ferriage be established at and for Said ferry, to wit:
One wagon and one Span of Horses, Mules or Yoke of Oxen $2.00
Each additional Span of Horses, Mules or Yoke of Oxen .50
Man and Horse .50
Footman .25
Each Pack Animal or loose .25
Each Head of loose Cattle .10
Each Head of Sheep or hogs .05
    Now Comes Thomas Davis and applies to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous Liquors in the Precinct of Applegate in Said County in Measure less than one quart for the term of six Months from the expiration of his last license. And the Said Applicant having filed the petition of a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct praying that Such license be granted And it also appearing by the Affidavit of Said Applicant that Notice of the presentation of Such petition and Application had been posted according to law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that License as aforesaid issue to the Said Thomas Davis on his filing the bond required by the Statute, and the payment to the County Treasurer the Sum of Fifteen dollars for the Same.
    Now Comes W. J. Plymale and applies to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in the Mining District of Wines Camp, in Said County in Measure less than one quart, and it appearing by the affidavit of Said Applicant that Notices of Such Application had been posted according to law, and the Said applicant having also filed a petition praying for the Same Signed by a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Mining District, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Such License issue to the Said W. J. Plymale for the term of Six months on the payment of Fifteen dollars and his filing the bond required by the Statute.
    Now Comes Wm. Kretzer and applies to the Board for a License to retail Spirituous Liquors in Jacksonville Precinct in Said County in measure less than one quart. And it appearing by the Affidavit of Said Applicant that notices of Such Application had been posted in all respects according to law, and he having also filed the petition of a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct praying for the issuing of Such License, It is therefore ordered by the Board that License issue to Said Wm. Kretzer as prayed for, at thirty dollars for the term of one year on his filing the bond required by the Statute.
    Now Comes Henry Huber and applies for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in Jacksonville Precinct in Said County in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing by the Affidavit of Said Huber that Notices of Such Application had been posted in all respects according to law and the Said Huber having filed the petition of a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct praying that Said Application be granted and license issue accordingly, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the prayer of Said petitioners be granted and that license issue to the Said Henry Huber for the term of Six Months, on the payment of fifteen dollars and his filing the bond required by the Statute.
    And the Board adjourned until Friday Morning at 10 O'clock.

Friday June 7th 1867
    The Board of Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on Wednesday--the Minutes of the proceedings of Wednesday were read and approved.
    Ordered that the Rev. Mr. Ruark be allowed the Sum of Fifty dollars for the board of Mrs. Vincent, and indigent and partially blind person and a County Charge, from the 25th of March last to the first of July next.     $50.00
    Ordered that Frederick Heber be allowed the Sum of three dollars for Services on County Roads.     $3.00
    Ordered that J. W. Vase [Vare?] be allowed the Sum of five dollars for washing and dressing the body of William Krause, a County charge.     $5.00
    Ordered that P. J. Ryan be allowed the Sum of thirty-two 25/100 for 43 yards of Hemp Carpeting for Court House.     $32.25
    Ordered that John McLaughlin be allowed the Sum of forty and 25/100 dollars for 40¼ yards of matting for Court House.     $40.25
    Now comes W. A. Owen and presents his bond in the Sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) as Collector of Chinese taxes, with W. T. Constant and Wm. Bybee as Surety which Said bond is Accepted and approved by the Board.
    Ordered by the Board that Thomas Croxton be and he is hereby appointed to Superintend the Construction of a bridge on Jones Creek in Road Dist. No. 12, in Said County, where the County road Crosses the Same and that the Said Croxton be limited in his expenditures in the Construction of Said bridge to the Sum of One hundred and fifty dollars, so far as the liability of the County is Concerned.
    Ordered by the Board that Commissioner Heber be allowed for 2 days attendance and Six miles travel June Session 1867, Amounting to Six dollars and Sixty cents.     $6.60
    Ordered by the Board that Daniel Hopkins and Co. be allowed the Sum of Sixty-five and 70/100 dollars for lumber for Jail yard and gun house.      $65.70
    Ordered that Linn & Hall be allowed the Sum of $29.50 for Shelving for Vault and repairs in Court House.     $29.50
    Ordered that Linn and Hall be allowed the Sum of ten dollars for Coffin for Avery, a County Charge.     $10.00
    Ordered that David Linn be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred dollars Salary as Co. Treas., qr. ending May 20th, 1867.     $200.00
    Ordered that David Linn be allowed the Sum of $132.75 discount on $523.00 Legal Tender Notes.     $123.75
    Ordered that David Linn, Co. Treasr., be allowed the Sum of $122.84 Express Charges 1½ percent on $8189.78 State funds, Expressed to State Treasurer.     $122.84
    Ordered by the Board that D. H. Burroughs and Co. be allowed the Sum of Fifty and 08/100 dollars for 2504 feet of bridge lumber for Road Dist. No. 6 in Said County, obtained by Thos. F. Beall, Supervisor.     $50.08
    It being represented to the Board by the Rev. Father Blanchet that the School property in Said County Known as the School of the Sisters of Jesus and Mary was assessed against him for the year 1866 without his Knowledge, and that Said School property at that time was indebted in the Sum of Eight hundred dollars and that the vacant lots on which a Charity School is now being erected was also assessed against him, It is therefore ordered by the Board that a deduction of one thousand dollars be made on Said Assessment and that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Said Blanchet for the Sum of Fifteen dollars being the amount of taxes on the one thousand dollars hereby intended to be released.
    And the Board adjourned without day.

Monday July 1st A.D. 1867
    The Board of County Commissioners met today in regular Session on County business, to wit, on the first Monday of July 1867. Present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Commissioner and
W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Ordered by the Board that J. R. Neil be allowed the Sum of Five dollars Dist. Atty. fees in Cause of State vs. Robert Wade before Justice Hayden.      $5.00
    Ordered by the Board that J. R. Neil be allowed the Sum of Five dollars Dist. Atty. fees in Cause of State vs. Thos. Greenwood before U. S. Hayden, J.P.      $5.00
    Ordered by the Board that the Resignation of I. M. Wagner, a Justice of the peace in Eden Precinct in Said County, be and the Same is hereby accepted.
    Ordered by the Board that the Resignation of I. M. Wagner as Supervisor of Road District No. 2 in Said County, heretofore presented and filed, be and the Same is hereby accepted.
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed the Jurors below named, June Term County Court:
M. A. Elder 4.40
Joseph Platt 4.20
George Ratrie 4.20
J. B. Coates 4.60
Jesse Titus 4.60
C. D. Reed   4.60
    Ordered by the Board that Hopkins and Co. be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Seven and 27/100 Dollars for bridge lumber for Road Dist. No. 21 in Said County.     $27.27
    Ordered by the Board that the following Jurors, Circuit Court June Term 1867 be allowed the following fees, to wit:
Dolls. Cts.
William Kahler 10. 00
Samuel Sachs 8. 20
Patrick Donegan 8. 20
Reuben Saltmarsh 9. 60
Samuel Grubb 13. 00
Matthew Liddle 9. 80
Wm. C. Greenman 8. 20
James Hamlin 13. 20
Jacob Evans 18. 00
H. L. Hill 12. 60
John Orth 12. 20
Reuben Armstrong 13. 80
John McKee 13. 00
Thomas McAndrew 13. 00
George Ratrie 12. 20
John S. Drum 12. 20
Lewis Rees 17. 00
O. A. Davis 12. 20
N. C. Dean 13. 00
Charles A. Charleton 15. 40
William Taylor 16. 40
S. D. Van Dyke 13. 20
James Leslie 15. 60
John Watson 13. 20
John Cardwell 16. 00
Thomas H. Gilson 13. 80
Chauncey Nye 14. 40
H. M. Chapin 16. 00
R. V. Beall 1. 20
C. C. McClendon 4. 00
Michael Castello 2. 20
John Pearson 2. 20
E. P. Vicroy     2. 20
375 40
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Two hundred and fifty-five 75/100 dollars for Summoning Jury and attendance on Court.      $255.75
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of one hundred and twenty dollars for Keeping Jail and board of Jailer the Month of June 1867.     $120.00
    Ordered that George Scheibe be allowed the Sum of Eighteen 75/100 dollars balance for Sawing and Cording wood for County Offices & Court House.      $18.75
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of State of Oregon vs. Philander Powell, Indicted for obstructing a Public Highway. Indictment discharged by the Court.

Clerk's fees W. H. S. Hyde $ 8.00
Shff. W. A. Owen 44.45
Eber Emery 2.00
Preston Munkers 2.00
W. H. Shepherd 2.00
Michael Murphey 2.00
Isaac Lewis     2.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of the State of Oregon vs. Jeremiah Britle, Indictment for obstructing a Public Highway; acquitted by a Jury.
Clerk's fees W. H. S. Hyde $  17.30
Shff.'s fees W. A. Owen 43.45
M. Coldwell 9.60
Eber Emery 7.20
Samuel Bell 9.00
H. Duncan 7.20
W. H. Shepherd 9.00
Michael Murphey 9.20
E. D. Foudray 5.80
Preston Munkers 9.60
Isaac Lewis       9.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of the State of Oregon vs. James Chadwick. Indictment for the Larceny of a hog. Verdict of acquittal by Jury.
Clerk's fees W. H. S. Hyde $12.85
Shff.'s fees W. A. Owen 26.95
Benjamin McVey 6.00
Cyrus Pickens 4.40
Robt. Bledsoe   10.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of the State of Oregon vs. James Chadwick. Indictment for Larceny of a Cow. Verdict of acquittal by Jury.
Clerk's fees W. H. S. Hyde $19.25
Shff.'s fees W. A. Owen 24.45
Henry Blecher 4.20
George A. Jackson 7.00
Christ Weiss 6.60
Thomas Constant 7.00
R. V. Beall 5.00
Robt. Bledsoe 2.00
William Bybee 2.20
W. A. Owen 2.00
John Orth 2.20
Hugh Johnston 2.40
N. C. Bledsoe     5.20
    Ordered by the Board that the Consideration of the Wagner Creek Road and of all Matters Connected therewith be postponed until the next term of this Board.
    Ordered by the Board that the County Clerk issue a Warrant under the Seal of the County Court directed to the Sheriff for the Collection of the delinquent taxes of 1866.
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of the State of Oregon vs. D. H. Sexton. Indictment for obtaining Money under false pretenses. Verdict of acquittal by Jury.
Clerk's fees W. H. S. Hyde $21.60
Shff.'s fees W. A. Owen 27.75
C. P. Pendleton 4.20
G. W. Tetherow 4.20
C. H. Burton 4.20
Geo. Ross 4.20
Geo. T. Sullivan 4.20
Nelson McDonald 12.40
W. Roberts 4.20
J. Obershone [Obenchain?] 4.20
Alex Nichols 4.20
Henry Weins 4.20
B. B. Griffin 4.80
Reuben F. Maury 4.20
J. S. Louden 4.20
S. G. Burgess 4.20
John M. Roberts 12.00
S. P. Jones 4.20
John McLaughlin       4.20
    And the Board Adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Tuesday July 2nd 1867
    The Commissioners Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as yesterday and also present Commissioner John B. White.
    The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read & approved.
    Now Comes W. A. Owen, Shff. and Tax Collector, and presents his Statement of the Collection of the taxes for the year 1866, by which it appears there was Delinquent on the 1st day of July 1867 the Sum of $1391.07, a large proportion of which is Poll tax of persons who have no property. The Said Collector also represents that Some of the above balance Can yet be Collected, It is therefore ordered by the Board that a warrant issue to the Said Sheriff for the Collection of Said Delinquent tax.
    Ordered by the Board that B. F. Myer be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 2 for the balance of the term made vacant by the Resignation of J. M. Wagner.
    And the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Wednesday July 3rd 1867
    The Commissioners Court met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday--the minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that J. B. White be allowed $39.00 attendance and mileage as Commissioner including the attendance of July 3rd 1867.     $39.00
    Ordered that A. V. Gillette be allowed the Sum of Thirty-five dollars for Services of 17½ days as Supervisor up to July 3rd 1867.     $35.00
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars as School Supt. for the qr. ending June 30th 1867.      $125.00
    Ordered by the Board that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of three hundred dollars for quarter ending July 7th 1867 on his Hospital Contract.     $300.00
    Ordered by the Board that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the Sum of three hundred dollars Salary as County Judge qr. ending June 30th 1867.     $300.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred twenty-two and 25/100 dollars, Clerk's fees and Stationery for Months of May & June 1867 as per bill on file.     $222.25
    Ordered by the Board that Jas. Williams be allowed the Sum of One Hundred Seventeen & 54/100 Dollars for bridge lumber furnished R. Dist. No. 4 in Said County--under the direction of J. A. Cardwell, Supervisor of Said District.      $117.54
    Now comes H. P. Deskins and applies to the board for a License to retail Spirituous liquors in Measure less than one quart at the Precinct of the Dardanelles in Said County for the term of Six Months.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that Said applicant had posted Notices of his intention to apply to this Board for Such License and the Said Deskins having also filed the petition of a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct praying that Such License issue, It is therefore ordered by the Board that License issue to the Said H. P. Deskins for the term of Six Months from the first day of April 1867 on his filing the Bond required by the Statutes and the payment of the Sum of Fifteen dollars to the Co. Treas. of Said County.
    And the Board adjourned until Friday the 5th Inst. at 10 O'Clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Friday July 5th 1867
    The Commissioners Court met today, pursuant to adjournment; present the Same as on Wednesday last--the Minutes of the proceedings of Wednesday were read and approved.
    The Board had under consideration the reletting of the Hospital Contract for the ensuing year and pending the Consideration of the Same the Board adjourned until Saturday the 13th Inst. at 10 O'clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Saturday July 13th 1867
    The Board of County Commissioners met this Morning pursuant to adjournment. Present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Commissioner and
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    That whereas Dr. L. T. Davis did on the [blank] day of July 1867 make a bid to keep the County patients for one year, from the 8th instant for the Sum of $700.00 and whereas the Said Dr. Davis has this day filed Certain Specifications over his proper Signature, offering to make Such alterations or repairs in the building now used as a County Hospital, as are necessary or may be Suggested by Competent persons or required by this Board, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Dr. T. T. Cabaniss, examining Physician for the County and Such other Physician as Dr. Davis may Choose (or Dr. Cabaniss alone) be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to examine and report to this Board as soon as practicable, what alterations, repairs or additions are necessary in Said Building for the Comfort of the patients. And it is further ordered that on the filing of Said report, the Clerk of this Board be authorized to draw up an agreement between the Board of County Commissioners and the Said Dr. Davis with the Conditions Substantially the Same as those Contained in the Contract of 1866, and with the further Conditions to make Such alterations, additions or repairs in Said Hospital as Said Physicians may require, and to keep when there are any County Sick in the Hospital a Competent Nurse or Steward in the Same, and the Signing of which agreement by Dr. Davis and his Sureties: the Contract for Keeping the County Sick and disabled paupers Shall be awarded to Said Dr. Davis for one year from the Eighth of July 1867 for the Sum of Seven Hundred Dollars.
    And the Board adjourned without day.

[August 6, 1867]
    Be it remembered that at a regular meeting of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon (on County business), begun & held at the Clerk's Office in Said County on Tuesday, the 6th day of August 1867, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Commissioner and
W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Ordered by the Board that J. R. Neil, Dist. Atty., be allowed fees as follows, to wit:
State of Oregon vs. Snooks $  5.00
State of Oregon vs. Wm. Horton 5.00
State of Oregon vs. Wm. Horton     5.00
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Sixty-nine & 70/100 Dollars, Clerk's fees as per bill on file.     $69.70
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Five dollars Attendance on County Court July T., 1867.     $5.00
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed the following fees in Cause of State of Oregon vs. Thos. Greenwood, as follows:
G. M. Banks, Marshall fees $2.70
M. R. Fletcher, Witness 1.50
Thos. Genesnia, Witness 1.50
Charles Harris, Witness 1.50
Charles McDonough, Witness 1.50
John Woods, Witness 1.50
Wm. Carlo 1.50
    Ordered by the Board that the order drawn by the Clerk August 5th 1867 for the Sum of $45.00 for bridge lumber furnished by J. E. Buzan for Road Dist. No. 17 on the order of Supervisor of Said District be and the Same is hereby approved.     $45.00
    Ordered by the Board that U. S. Hayden, J.P. be allowed the following fees in the State Cases below named, as follows:
State of Oregon vs. M. Sabin 2.95
State of Oregon vs. Wm. Britle 3.20
State of Oregon vs. R. F. Wade 7.55
State of Oregon vs. [omission] Greenwood     6.50
    Ordered that T. T. Cabaniss, examining Physician, the Sum of Ten Dollars, as follows:
Examination of James Avery, Indigent Sick 5.00
Examination of [omission] Sterling, Indigent Sick     5.00
    Ordered that the Southern Oregon Press be allowed the Sum of Eighty-four Dollars for advertising and printing blanks as per bill on file.     $84.00
    Ordered that the Oregon Sentinel be allowed the Sum of Thirty-two dollars for advertising and printing blanks.     $32.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed witnesses in the Cause of the State of Oregon vs. Wm. Horton as follows:
Thomas Munkers, witness 9.00
Wm. Montgomery, witness 9.00
Louis Horne, witness 1.50
Morris Baum, witness 1.50
Henry Ebers, witness 1.50
Geo. Watson, witness 1.50
A. B. Overbeck, witness 1.50
W. H. Myers, witness 1.50
    Ordered by the Board that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the Sum of Five Dollars on his bill heretofore filed, for the Defense of Wm. Horton before U. S. Hayden, J.P., Charged with larceny.     $5.00
    Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the Sum of Five Dollars on his bill heretofore filed for defense of Wm. Horton before U. S. Hayden, J.P. Charged with Larceny.     $5.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of One Hundred Dollars for Keeping Jail and board of Jailer Month of July 1867.     $120.00
    Now Comes Thomas Gaston and presents the petition of a Majority of the Legal Voters of Jacksonville Precinct, in Said County, praying that a License issue to the Said Gaston for the term of Six Months to retail Spirituous Liquors in Said Precinct in Measure less than one quart, and there being no remonstrance filed against the Same and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that the Said Gaston had posted notices of his intention to apply for Such license at this term of this Board, and the Said Gaston having filed with the Clerk the County Treasurer's receipt for the Sum of Fifteen Dollars, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the prayer of the Said petitioners be granted and that License issue to the Said Thomas Gaston as prayed for at the rate of Fifteen dollars for the term of Six Months on his filing the Bond required by the Statutes.
    Now comes William Bybee and presents his petition praying for a renewal of his Ferry License on Rogue River for the term of one year, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the Said Wm. Bybee's Ferry License be renewed and Continue for one year, to wit, from the 7th day of August 1867 to the 7th day of August 1868 at ten dollars and on his filing the Treasurer's receipt for the payment of the Same.
    And the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.

Wednesday, August 7th 1867
    The Board of County Commissioners met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    And there being no business before the Board, the Commissioners Court adjourned without day.

Wednesday September 4th 1867
    The County Court of Jackson County, State of Oregon, met today in regular Session on County business. Present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
John B. White and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners, and
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Now at this day Comes Louis Herling and presents his Application for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquors in Measure less than one quart in the Precinct of Forest Creek in Said County.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said applicant had presented the petition of a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct praying that Said Application be granted and it also appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Notices of the presentation of Such Application had been duly posted according to law, It is therefore ordered by the Court that Said Application be granted and that a License issue to the Said Louis Herling to Sell Spirituous liquor in Measure less than one quart in Said Precinct for the term of Six Months from the Expiration of his last license on the payment of Fifteen Dollars and on filing the bond required by the Statutes.
    Ordered by the Board that H. L. Webb be allowed the Sum of $12.70 Constable fees in the Case of the State vs. Wm. Horton before U. S. Hayden, J.P.      $12.70
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of thirty dollars for arresting and conveying Wm. Horton from Kerbyville to the Jail at Jacksonville.    $30.00
    Ordered by the Board that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of $23.50 for watering trees in the Court House yard as per bill on file.     $23.50
    Ordered by the Board that Comstock and Cawley be allowed the Sum of $10.00 for horse hire in Service of County paupers, as per bill on file.     $10.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of one hundred and twenty dollars for keeping jail and board of Jailer for Month of August 1867.     $120.00
    Ordered by the Board that Wm. Kretzer be allowed the Sum of $13.26 for provisions furnished Jack Gardner, a County Charge, bill on file.     $13.26
    Ordered by the Board that J. R. Neil be allowed Dist. Atty. fees in the following State Cases as follows:
State of Oregon vs. Arch Crisman Dist. Atty. fees $5.00
State of Oregon vs. Moses Crisman Dist. Atty. fees 5.00
State of Oregon vs. Inyard Dist. Atty. fees     5.00
Total Amt.     $15.00
    Ordered that Glenn Drum and Co. be allowed the Sum of Seventy-one Dollars for Sundries as per bill on file.     $71.00
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of five Dollars for Digging grave for John Mooney, a County Charge.     $5.00
    Ordered that J. McLane be allowed the Sum of Twenty-five dollars for Digging Irrigating ditch, as per bill on file.     $25.00
    Ordered by the Board that John R. Peacock be allowed the Sum of Five Dollars for Repairs on Jail.     $5.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for Attendance on County Court.     $10.00
    Ordered by the Board that L. C. Garey be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for Making Coffin for Mrs. Maclane, a County Charge.     $10.00
    Ordered that Linn and Hall be allowed the Sum of Eighteen Dollars for Repairs on County Jail.     $18.00
    Ordered by the Board that Linn and Hall be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for Making Coffin for Mooney, a County Charge.     $10.00
    Ordered by the Board that David Linn be allowed the Sum of $200.00 Salary as Co. Treasurer for the qr. ending August 20th 1867.     $200.00
    Ordered that J. R. Neil be allowed five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees Cause of State vs. Jack Ferguson.     $5.00
    Ordered that J. R. Neil be allowed the Sum of Five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees, Cause of State vs. Arch Crisman.     $5.00
    Ordered that J. R. Neil be allowed the Sum of five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees Cause of State vs. J. W. Howard.     $5.00
    Ordered by the Board that J. R. Neil be allowed the Sum of Five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees, Cause of State vs. Wm. Eddings.     $5.00
    Ordered by the Board that the Clerk procure from the Surveyor General's Office, maps of all the Surveyed lands in the Dead Indian and Klamath Lake Country, lying in Jackson County, at the Cost of not to exceed $2.50 per Township.
    Now at this day Comes Silas J. Day, County Assessor and petitions the Board for an extension of time to Complete the Assessment for the year 1867. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that the Said Assessor has exercised due diligence thus far and is unable to complete assessment and make his report at this term of the County Court, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the Said Assessor have until the October term 1867 of this Board to Complete the Said assessment and make his final report.
    Ordered by the Board that John Bilger be allowed the Sum of $13.00 for Cleaning and repairing Cannon.     $13.00
    Whereas Jno. B. White and Frederick Heber were in attendance on the 3rd Instant as County Commissioners and whereas the Commissioners Court did not open in Consequence of the County Judge being engaged in the County Court on Civil business, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Said Commissioners be allowed for their attendance on the Said 3rd Inst.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow at 2 O'clock P.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

September 5th 1867
    The County Court met today pursuant to adjournment. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and Approved. Present the Same as on yesterday, Except Commissioner White who is absent.
    Ordered by the Board that the Clerk be and he is authorized to draw a County order in favor of Benton, the agent of the Gardner Shackle for the Sum of one Hundred Dollars on Condition that Said Agent furnish for the Use of the County two of Said Gardner Shackles, Said Shackle to be accepted and approved by the Sheriff of Said County.
    Now Comes Jno. S. Miller by his Atty. W. G. T'Vault and presents his petition for a Ferry across Klamath River at or near the Crossing of the old Emigrant Road in Said Jackson County. And it is ordered by the Court that the Said petition be heard and determined at the Next term of this Court, to which time Said petition is Continued.
    And the Board of County Commissioners Adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

[October 8, 1867]
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson, Sitting on County business, begun and held at the Clerk's Office in Said County on Tuesday, the 8th day of October 1867, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
John B. White, Comr. and
W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, To wit:
    Now at this day Comes A. V. Gillette and presents the petition of himself and others, more than twelve householders of Said County, praying for the Appointment of Viewers and a Surveyor to View, Survey and locate a County Road in Said County: Commencing at the intersection of Oregon and California Streets in the Town of Jacksonville, County aforesaid, and running thence along Said California Street, to the Southern or Eastern terminus of the Corporation of Said Town, thence along the present Stage Road, or as nearly So as the Said Viewers may deem practicable, through the Villages of Phoenix and Ashland Mills, by the Mountain House, thence over the Siskiyou Mountain, along the Toll Road of the Siskiyou Wagon Road Company, and thence from the Southern terminus of Said Toll Road, along the present Stage Road, or as nearly So as the Said Viewers may deem practicable, to and terminating at the California State line. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that due notice of the presentation of Said petition had been posted in all respects according to law and one of Said petitioners having filed the bond required by the Statute with Silas J. Day as Surety, which Said bond is accepted and approved by the Court, It is therefore ordered by the Court that Granville Naylor, J. B. Emery and Abm. Tenbrook, three disinterested householders of Said County be & they are hereby appointed Viewers of Said Road, and that B. F. Myer, a Skillful Surveyor, be appointed Surveyor of the Same, and it is further ordered that the Said Viewers and Surveyor meet at the County Clerk's Office of Said County on the 21st day of October, 1867, or on their failing to meet on Said day, then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified, to view, Survey and lay out Said Road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid. And that Said Viewers make their report of Such View in writing and deliver to Same together with the plat and Survey of Said Road to the County Clerk by one of Said Viewers by the third day of the next Term of this Court, which Term will begin on the first Monday of November 1867.
    And the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Wednesday October 9th 1867
    The County Court met this morning on County business, pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday and also present Commissioner Frederick Heber. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that the following be established as the rate of Taxation for Said County on the Taxable property thereof for the year 1867, as follows, to wit:
For State purposes 5½ Mills on the dollar
For County purposes 4½ Mills on the dollar
For School purposes 2½ Mills on the dollar
State Poll Tax One Dollar
County Poll Tax One Dollar
Hospital Poll Tax Two Dollars
    Now Comes Aaron Jacobs by his Atty., James D. Fay, and files his petition for a change in the Jail Liberties of Jackson County, Oregon. It is therefore ordered by the County Court of Said Jackson County that the Jail Liberties of Said County be and they are hereby so far changed So as to include all within the Corporate limits of the Town of Jacksonville.
    Silas J. Day, Assessor of Jackson County, Oregon, this day files the Assessment Roll of Said County for the year 1867, which is accepted and Approved by the Board.
    And the Board of County Commissioners adjourned until tomorrow morning at 11 O'Clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Thursday October 10th 1867
    The Commissioners met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday except Commissioner White. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Fifty Dollars for procuring from the Land Office at Roseburg a list of the School lands Sold and Unsold and also a list of the Indemnity School Selections in Said Jackson County, Oregon.    $50.00
    Ordered by the Board that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of Five dollars for Digging grave for John Weinart, a County Charge.     $5.00
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed witness fees in the Cause of the State vs. Robt. F. Wade before U. S. Hayden, J.P., June 17th 1867, as follows, to wit:
Thomas Blanton $5.50
H. B. Chase 5.50
Lewis Neal 5.50
Mary Jane McKail 5.50
    Ordered that J. R. Neil be allowed the Sum of five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees in the Cause of State vs. Lilly Sherwood before U. S. Hayden.     $5.00
    Ordered that Love and Bilger be allowed the Sum of three dollars for furniture for public buildings, bill on file.     $3.00
    Ordered that Comstock and Cawley be allowed the Sum of five dollars for livery in burying a County pauper.     $5.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Seventy-three 85/100 Clerk's fees as per bill on file.     $73.85
    Ordered by the Board that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars as Salary for Services as County Judge for the qr. ending Sept. 30th 1867.    $300.00
    Ordered by the Board that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars Salary as Supt. of Common Schools for the qr. ending Sept. 30th 1867.     $125.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of one hundred and twenty dollars for Keeping Jail and Board of Jailer for the Month of September 1867.    $120.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of Fifteen dollars for Attendance on County Court September Term A.D. 1867.     $15.00
    Now Comes Wm. Burchtorff & applies to the Board for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquors in the Precinct of Forest Creek in Said County in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that his Said petition for such License heretofore filed is signed by a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct, and it further appearing that Notices of the presentation of Said petition had been in all respects posted in Compliance with law, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Said Application be granted and that License issue to the Said Wm. Burchtorff as prayed for in Said petition for Six Months, on the payment of Ten dollars & filing the Treasurer's receipt therefore and also upon his filing his bond, as required by the Statute with good and Sufficient Surety.
    Now Comes Wm. Bilger and applies for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquors in the Precinct of Willow Springs in Said Jackson County, Oregon in Measure less than one quart, and it appearing that he has filed the petition of a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct praying that Such license issue, and it also appearing the due Notice of the presentation of Said petition has been given by posting notices to that effect at the time, places and to the number required by law, and the Said Bilger having filed the Treasurer's receipt for Thirty dollars for such License, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Said application be granted and that License issue to the Said William Bilger as prayed for, at Thirty dollars for one year on his filing the bond required by the Statute.
    Now Comes O. T. Brown and makes application for a License to keep a Ferry on Klamath River in Jackson County, Oregon. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that due Notice of the Said Application had been given by posting proper Notices thereof at the time to the number and in the places as required by law, and there being no remonstrance to the same filed, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Said application be granted and that License issue to the Said O. T. Brown to keep a Ferry on Klamath River in Said County on Sections 29 and 30 East of Willamette Meridian, for the Term of one year, on the payment of one dollar and filing his bond with Sufficient Sureties in the Sum of $250.00
    Ordered by the Board that Warren Lodge No. 10 of Free & Accepted Masons be allowed the Sum of Seven Hundred dollars for the upper Story of the Court House, the Said Lodge having executed their deed for the Same to the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, which Said deed is accepted and approved.    $700.00
    And the Board adjourned until tomorrow Morning at 10 O'Clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

Friday Morning October 11th 1867
    The Board of County Commissioners met today at 11 O'clock pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that Wm. C. Greenman be allowed the Sum of Seventy-five dollars for building sidewalks on three sides of the Court House Square as per Contract.    $75.00
    Ordered that Sachs Bro. be allowed the Sum of $6.50 for goods furnished prisoners in Jail.     $6.50
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Thirty-two dollars for the treatment of Calvin Wall, a non-Resident as per bill on file.     $32.00
    Ordered by the Board that Silas J. Day be allowed the Sum of Six Hundred and thirty dollars for making the assessment of Jackson County for the year 1867.      $630.00
    Ordered by the Board that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of one hundred and Seventy-five dollars for the quarter ending October 8th 1867 on a/c of his Hospital Contract.     $175.00
    And the Board adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Agreement and Bond L. T. Davis & Co. Commissioners
    Articles of agreement made and entered into by and between Dr. L. T. Davis, practicing medicine &c. of the County of Jackson and State of Oregon, of the first part, and the Board of County Commissioners of the County and State aforesaid, of the Second part, Witnesseth: That the said Dr. L. T. Davis in Consideration of the agreement of the Said party of the Second part, hereinafter set forth, doth hereby Covenant, promise and agree, to and with the Said party of the Second part, that he, the Said Dr. L. T. Davis, shall and will at any and at all times from the 8th day of July, A.D. 1867,  until the 8th day of July A.D. 1868, receive, maintain and Support all the Sick and disabled poor persons (Except Chinamen) of Said Jackson County who may need medicines or medical attendance or treatment or Surgical operations, and who now are a County Charge or who hereafter may during Said Term become Such, wherever in Said County, Such person or persons may be. And that the Said Dr. Davis Shall and will do and perform, bestow, provide and furnish for Said poor persons, good, wholesome food and board, Comfortable Clothing, Suitable rooms and lodging, and the washing, nursing, Medical and Surgical attendance and Medicines, which may be necessary or Suitable for Such persons respectively; and that he will administer all needful Medicines to and perform all requisite Surgical operations upon and attend and treat all Such persons in the good, professional manner of a Skillful Physician and Surgeon, and to keep, when there are any such Sick and disabled person or persons in the Hospital a Competent Nurse or Steward to attend upon the Same. It is mutually agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Said Dr. Davis is to receive and treat as aforesaid all persons mentioned in Sections 7 and 8 of an Act relative to the Support of the poor passed October 24th, 1866, and that he shall receive from the County Such compensation as the parties to this agreement Shall Mutually agree upon as just, in each case as the Same may arise; and it is further mutually agreed and understood by the parties hereto that this Contract does not include or refer to the Support of Such poor persons being a County Charge, as do not need medicines or Medical attendance or Surgical treatment. And it is further mutually agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Sick and disabled poor persons, who need medicines or Medical or Surgical attendance or treatment to whom this Contract has reference, are Such as Shall be designated by Some disinterested person, having a Knowledge of Medicines and Surgery, who shall be appointed by the Said party of the Second part, to act as their agent in determining at any and all times what poor persons are lawfully entitled to relief from the County, and who of Such persons need medicines or medical or Surgical treatment or attendance and Such agent Shall be authorized at any and all times to determine when Such persons Shall be dismissed or discharged from the County Hospital. And the Said parties of the Second part in Consideration of the premises aforesaid and for the further Consideration that the Said Dr. L. T. Davis do exceed the bond hereunto annexed with Such Sureties as may be approved by the Said Board of County Commissioners, do Covenant, promise and agree to and with the Said Dr. L. T. Davis, to pay him the Sum of Seven hundred dollars in gold Coin, payable in quarter-annual payments from the Said 8th day of July, A.D. 1867. In witness whereof the Said parties to this agreement have hereunto Set their hands and Seals at Jacksonville this 11th day of October 1867.
L. T. Davis (seal)
L. J. C. Duncan (seal)
F. Heber (seal)
W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
    Know all men by these presents that we, L. T. Davis, principal, and James T. Glenn and John S. Drum, Sureties, of the County of Jackson and State of Oregon, are held and firmly bound unto the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County and State of Oregon, in the Sum of Fourteen Hundred dollars lawful Money of the United States, to be paid to the Said Board of County Commissioners or their Successors in Office, to which payment will and truly be made and done, we bind ourselves and each of us, our heirs, executors and Administrators, Jointly and Severally, firmly to these presents, Sealed with our Seals and dated the 11th day of October, A.D. 1867. Now the Condition of the above obligation is Such that if the above-bounden L. T. Davis doth faithfully, well and truly and fully do and perform everything and all things Covenanted, promised and agreed to be done or performed in the foregoing Instrument in writing, then this obligation Shall be Null and void, otherwise be and remain in full force and virtue in law.
L. T. Davis (L.S.)
James T. Glenn (L.S.)
John S. Drum (L.S.)
Recorded October 11th, 1867
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk

[November 6, 1867]
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office in Said County on Wednesday the Sixth day of November A.D. 1867 at which were present
John B. White and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners
and W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
When the following proceedings were held, to wit:
    Ordered by the Board that John C. Campbell be allowed the Sum of one hundred and Eighty-three dollars for building a bridge on Jones Creek in Said County, on a County Road.      $183.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and twenty dollars for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer Month of October 1867.     $120.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed Six dollars for Cleaning Court House well.     $6.00
    Ordered by the Board that the Oregon Sentinel be allowed the Sum of thirteen dollars for Advertising and printing blanks.     $13.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Forty-three dollars for Attendance on County Court and Summoning a Jury for the Same.      $43.00
    Ordered by the Board that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Twenty dollars for examination & Certificate of Insanity and Attendance on Selina Hopwood, Insane.    $20.00
    Ordered by the Board that C. C. Beekman be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and five dollars for three Stage fares from Jacksonville to Portland, to wit, for Selina Hopwood, Insane, and two guards.     $105.00
    Ordered by the Board that Comstock and Cawley be allowed Four Dollars for Horses & buggy for the examination of Selina Hopwood, Insane.     $4.00
    Ordered by the Board that I. Williams be allowed the Sum of Thirty dollars for Bridge lumber furnished District No. 2 as per order of the Supervisor thereof.      $30.00
    Ordered by the Board that J. R. Peacock (use of H. Helms) be allowed the Sum of Eighteen dollars on a/c of wood furnished Jack Gardner, a County Charge.        $18.00
    Ordered by the Board that J. R. Peacock be allowed the Sum of Six dollars balance in full of his account against the County for Six Cords of wood furnished Jack Gardner, a County Charge.     $6.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Seventy-three 50/100 Dollars Clerk's fees as per bill on file.     $73.50
    And the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock.
J. B. White
F. Heber

Thursday, November 7th 1867
    The Court Met this Morning pursuant to adjournment. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, County Commissioner
and W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
    The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read & approved.
    Ordered that Kanaka Jim be allowed the Sum of nine dollars for Sawing & piling Six Cords of wood for the use of Jack Gardner, a County Charge.     $9.00
    Ordered by the Board that Thos. H. Gibson be allowed the Sum of three dollars for 200 lbs. of potatoes for Jack Gardner, a County Charge.     $3.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and thirty-six 38/100 Dollars, his Expenses in the Conveyance of Selina Hopwood to the Insane Asylum, as per bill of particulars on file.      $136.38
    Ordered by the Board that Thomas G. Reames be allowed one Hundred Dollars for his Services in attending on & Conveying Selina Hopwood to the Insane Asylum.     $100.00
    Ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, that the election Precinct heretofore established by this Board and Known as Steamboat City, be and the Same is hereby Vacated.
    Now at this day comes Frank Smith and presents the petition of himself and others praying for the Appointment of Viewers and a Surveyor to View, Survey, and lay out a County Road in Said County, which Said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Hon. County Court of Jackson County, Oregon,
    We the Undersigned householders of Said County and residing in the Vicinity of the proposed Road (hereinafter described) is desired to be located, hereby Respectfully petition your Hon. Court to appoint Viewers and Surveyor to View, Survey and locate a County Road in Said County, Commencing at a point on the Stage road at or near the S.W. Corner of M. Mickelson's lot in the Town of Ashland, County and State aforesaid, thence running nearly N. along the fence of the Said M. Mickelson to his N. line; thence along the present traveled Road to a point on Bear Creek, known as the Site for a bridge across the Same; thence as near as practicable for a good wagon road, one mile North and as in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray."
    And it appearing to the Court that Said petition is Signed by more than Twelve householders of Said County residing in the Vicinity of the proposed new Road, and it further Appearing to the Court that due Notice of the presentation of Said petition had been posted in the time and at the places required by law. And Frank Smith, one of Said petitioners having filed his bond in the Sum of Twenty-five dollars, with Jno. M. McCall as Surety, Conditioned as the law requires, which Said bond is accepted and approved by the Court, It is therefore ordered by the Court that the prayer of the Said petitioners be granted and that J. R. Haworth, John M. McCall and J. B. Emery, three disinterested Householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers of Said proposed new road, and that B. F. Myer, a Skillful Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same, and that Said Viewers and Surveyor meet at the Office of A. V. Gillette, a Justice of the Peace in & for Said County on Saturday, the 16th day of November 1867, or on their failing to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified, to View, Survey and lay out Said Road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, and that Said Viewers make their Report of Such View in writing, and deliver the Same, together with the plat and Survey of Said Road, to the County Court by one of their number on or before the third day of the next Term of this Court.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Dr. E. H. Greenman be and he is hereby appointed Examining Physician of the County Hospital and of applicants to be admitted thereto and also to be discharged therefrom, in the place of Dr. T. T. Cabaniss, who is about to remove from Said County.
    And the Board of County Commissioners adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

December Session 1867
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office in Said County on Tuesday, the third day of December, 1867, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
John B. White and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners and
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Now at this day Comes M. Colwell and presents the petition of himself and 18 others, householders residing in the Vicinity of the proposed new Road, praying for the appointment of Viewers and a Surveyor to View, Survey and lay out a County Road, Commencing on the Stage Road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka, at the School House near the Isaac Hill farm and terminating at Link River, which Said petition was read and duly Considered and thereupon Comes the remonstrance of Giles Wells and 26 others, householders residing in the Vicinity of Said Road, praying that Viewers be not appointed and that Said road be not established as prayed for. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said Remonstrance was Signed by a greater number of Remonstrators than there were petitioners, it is Considered by the Court that the prayer of the Said petitioners be not granted.
    Now Comes J. M. McCall, one of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate a County Road Commencing at a point on the Stage Road at or near the S.W. Corner of M. Mickelson's lot in the Town of Ashland, thence running North, Crossing Bear Creek and terminating about one Mile North of the Same, and presents the Report of Said Viewers, together with the plat and Survey of the Same, which Said report was publicly read for the first time today.
    The report of Granville Naylor, J. B. Emery and Abm. Tenbrook, Viewers, heretofore appointed to View and lay out a County road, Commencing at the intersection of Oregon and California Streets, Jacksonville, Oregon & terminating at the California State line, having been this day filed, was publicly read for the first time.
    Now comes Silas Draper and Applies to the Court for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquors in the Precinct of Perkinsville in Said County in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said Draper had presented the petition of a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct praying that Such license issue as aforesaid & it also appearing that Said Draper had given due Notice that such application would be made at this Term of this Court, and the Said Draper having filed the bond required by law with R. U. Cook, and Wm. E. Gibbins as Sureties, It is therefore ordered by the Court that Said Application be granted and that License issue to the Said Silas Draper as prayed for for the Term of Twelve Months from the expiration of his last license, on his filing the Treasurer's receipt for the Sum of Twenty-five Dollars.
    Ordered by the Board that Linn & Hall be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for Coffin for Hospital Patient.     $10.00
    Ordered by the Board that Linn & Hall be allowed the Sum of Six Dollars for repairs on public buildings.     $6.00
    Ordered by the Board that David Linn be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars Salary as Co. Treasr., qr. ending Nov. 20th 1867.     $200.00
    Ordered by the Board that Glenn Drum & Co. be allowed the Sum of $85.38 for Sundries as per bill on file.     $85.38
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of One Hundred thirty-Seven 35/100 Dollars for Keeping Jail, Board of Jailer & Clothing for prisoners.    $137.35
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred and thirty Dollars for Conveying James Jackson to the Asylum at Portland.      $230.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and Sixty-eight 75/100 Dollars for Summoning Juries and attendance on Courts.      $168.75
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and Ninety-eight & 20/100 Dollars for fees in Criminal Cases and Board of prisoners.     $198.20
    Ordered by the Board that the County order drawn Nov. 16th 1867 for $105. for 3 Stage fares to Portland on a/c of James Jackson Sent to the Insane Asylum be and the Same is hereby approved.     $105.00
    Ordered that T. T. Cabaniss be allowed the Sum of Fifteen Dollars for examination of County patients.     $15.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred and forty-four & 20/100 Dollars for Making out Tax list for 1867 attendance on Courts and fees.     $244.20
    Ordered that Henry Judge be allowed the Sum of Eleven Dollars for Covering Co. Map and leathers for Court House Carpets.     $11.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following Jurors at Nov. T. 1867 of the Circuit Court be allowed fees as follows, to wit:
Grand Jury 1 James M. Matney $13.40
2 Geo. Bush 14.00
3 Thomas N. Johnson 11.60
4 Thomas Smith 14.60
5 E. H. Lofftus 14.00
6 Thomas P. Thompson 10.40
7 Wm. Brotherton 14.00
Trial Jury 1 T. R. Magruder 10.60
2 Blin C. Goddard 10.80
3 C. C. McClenden 12.00
4 Eli K. Anderson 9.80
5 Hugh F. Barron 13.00
6 Rial Benedict 10.60
7 Jackson Rader 11.40
8 Edward Bellinger 9.00
9 Joseph A. Crane 9.00
10 Henry Amerman 10.40
11 Max Brentano 8.20
12 Q. N. Anderson 9.60
13 John W. Baker 9.20
14 Samuel Phillips 10.40
15 R. V. Beall 9.20
16 Daniel F. Fisher 9.60
17 Wm. Bybee 8.40
22 John Cantrall 2.40
Talesmen to fill 1 Wm. B. Kincaid 5.60
regular panel 2 Joseph Gray 5.20
3 R. S. Dunlap 4.20
4 Asher F. Wall 4.20
5 John Neuber 4.20
6 Jasper Dennis 4.20
7 Peter Smith 4.20
Talesmen to fill 1 P. D. Parsons 4.20
Cresman Jury 2 J. R. Wade 2.20
3 Allen Van Fleet 2.20
    Ordered by the Board that the following Jurors fees be allowed as follows, to wit (County Court Nov. Term 1867)
1 John Head 5.60
2 David Redpath 4.80
3 Joseph Satterfield 7.40
4 Alfred Sturgis 5.80
5 W. A. Johnson 5.60
6 John E. Ross 4.60
7 Carrol B. Matney 6.00
8 Abm. Tenbrook 4.60
9 John E. Seyferth 6.00
10 Benjamin Stephens 5.60
11 D. C. Livingston 8.00
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow at 10 O'clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

Wednesday Dec. 4th 1867
    The County Court met today pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as yesterday. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    On the Application of John Stought, heretofore filed, It is ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that James S. Howard be and he is hereby appointed County Surveyor in and for Said County.
    Ordered by the Court that the following fees be allowed in the Case of the State of Oregon vs. A. Crisman
Thomas G. Reames $4.20
John Cofer 5.60
James Hamlin 5.20
S. H. South 4.20
    Ordered that B. F. Myer be allowed the Sum of $14.00 for Surveying and making plat of Ashland Road.     $14.00
    Ordered by the Board that I. R. Haworth be allowed Two dollars as Chain bearer Ashland Road.     $2.00
    Ordered by the Board that J. M. McCall be allowed the Sum of Two dollars as Chain bearer, Ashland Road.     $2.00
    Ordered by the Board that J. B. Emery be allowed Two dollars as Marker in Survey of Ashland Road.     $2.00
    Ordered that B. F. Myer be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and forty-seven 50/100 Dollars for Surveying, making plat and Expenses of himself & Walrad in the Survey of Co. Road from Jacksonville to California State line.      $147.50
    Ordered that D. P. Walrad be allowed the Sum of Twelve dollars for 8 days work in the Survey of the above Road.     $12.00
    Ordered that J. B. Emery be allowed $22.00 for 8 days Services & Expenses in Viewing Co. Road from Jacksonville to California State line.     $22.00
    Ordered that J. B. Emery be allowed $22.00 for 8 days Services & expenses as Marker in the Survey for Co. Road from Jacksonville to California State line.      $22.00
    Ordered that Abm. Tenbrook be allowed the Sum of $44.00 for 16 days Services and expenses in Viewing and as Chain Man in the Survey of Co. Road from Jacksonville to California State line.     $44.00
    Ordered by the Board that Granville Naylor be allowed $44.00 for 16 days Services as Viewer and Chainman and expenses in the Survey of Co. Road from Jacksonville to California State line.     $44.00
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that Dr. L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of 297.00 for Hospital Services for William Walter, a non-resident patient from Aug. 9th 1867 to Nov. 17th 1867. The above account is paid on the Condition that the Said Davis refund the Same to the County in Case the Circuit Court of Said County Shall decide this case adversely to Said Davis, the Same having been submitted to Such Court by agreement of Said Davis & the County.
    Ordered by the Board that Silas J. Day be allowed forty Dollars to aid in the Construction of a break water on Jackson Creek in Said County.     $40.00
    The Report of J. M. McCall, J. B. Emery & J. R. Haworth, Road Viewers, having been publicly read yesterday, is this day taken up and publicly read the Second time this Session of the Court, which said report is in words & figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. County Court in & for the County of Jackson, State of Oregon
    We, the undersigned, appointed at your November Term 1867, as Viewers of a Certain road, described as follows, viz.: Commencing at a point on the Stage Road at or near the S.W. Corner of M. Mickelson's lot in the Town of Ashland, County and State aforesaid, thence running nearly in a N. direction along the fence of Said M. Mickelson to his N. line: thence along the present traveled road to a point on Bear Creek known as the Site for a bridge across the Same; thence as near as practicable for a good wagon road one mile North, would respectfully report that they met at the Office of A. V. Gillette in the Town of Ashland, in accordance with  your order, directing the Same, and having been duly Sworn according to law, proceeded to View and lay out Said road according to the prayer of the Petitioners, they found the road eminently practicable for a good wagon road and requiring but little work to open it and doing but Small damage to anyone & would therefore recommend that the road be established and and declared a public highway. The report of the Surveyor, together with a plat of the road is herewith enclosed, All of which is very respectfully submitted.
J. M. McCall
J. B. Emery
J. R. Haworth
    And the Said report having been publicly read on two different days of this Term of this Court and there being no remonstrance to the Same, Nor petition for damages or for a review filed, and the Court being satisfied that Said road is of public Utility, The Said report is in all things Confirmed, It is therefore ordered by the Court that the Said Report, Survey and plat be recorded and from thenceforth Said road Shall be Considered and established as a public highway, and the Supervisors through whose Districts Said Road passes are hereby required to open the Same and Keep the Same in good repair.
    The report of Granville Naylor, J. B. Emery and Abm. Tenbrook, viewers, having been publicly read yesterday is this day taken up and publicly read the 2nd time, which Said Report is in words and figures following, to wit:
State of Oregon
County of Jackson
To the Hon. County Court.
    In pursuance to the annexed order, we the undersigned having been first duly Sworn, according to law, proceeded with B. F. Myer, who was duly appointed and qualified as Surveyor, and after receiving five days previous notice to meet at the Clerk's Office of Said County on the 21st day of October 1867, and after taking to our assistance two Suitable persons as Chain bearers and one Marker who were duly sworn, proceeded to View and Survey and lay out Said road. Commencing at Jacksonville, Ogn., and ending at the California State line, as prayed for in the within order and petition, taking into Consideration the Utility, Convenience and in convenience and expense which will result to individuals as well as to the public if Such road shall be established and opened, It is our opinion that the road Should be established according to the Survey and plat herewith returned.
Granville Naylor
J. B. Emery
Abram Tenbrook
    And the Said Report having been publicly read on two different days of this Term of this Court and there being no remonstrance to the Same, and petition for damages or for a review filed, and the Court being Satisfied that Said road is of public utility, the Said report is in all things Confirmed. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Said Report, Survey and plat be recorded and from thence Said road Shall be Considered and established as a public highway. And the Supervisors through whose Districts Said road passes are hereby required to open the Same and to Keep the Same in good repair.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

January 7th 1868
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, Sitting on County business, begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County, on Tuesday the Seventh day of January A.D. 1868 at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
John B. White and
Frederick Heber, Co. Commissioners
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had:
    Ordered by the Court that J. B. White be allowed the Sum of Thirty-Nine dollars for attendance & mileage as County Commissioner, including the attendance this day.      39.00
    Ordered by the Court that Frederick Heber be allowed the Sum of Forty-Eight & 20/100 for attendance & Mileage as County Commissioner, including today's attendance.      $48.20
    Ordered by the Court that Comstock and Cawley be allowed the Sum of Five Dollars for hire of Horse & buggy on account of James Jackson (Insane).      $5.00
    Ordered by the Court that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and forty-six 50/100 Dollars, Clerk's fees and Stationery as per bill on file.      $146.50
    Ordered by the Court that John Orth be allowed the Sum of thirteen 15/100 Dollars for Meat furnished W. Gardner, a County Charge.      $13.15
    Ordered by the Court that Short and Owen be allowed the Sum of forty-two 50/100 Dollars for printing blanks and advertising Notices to Tax payers as per bill on file.      $142.50
    Ordered by the Court that Short and Owen be allowed the Sum of Fifteen Dollars for 500 blank Subpoenas.      $15.00
    Ordered by the Court that James A. Pankey be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Six 88/100 Dollars for 1344 feet of Bridge lumber for Road Dist. No. 14, in Said County.      $26.88
    Ordered by the Court that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars for the quarter ending January 8th 1868 on account of his Hospital Contract.      $175.00
    Ordered by the Court that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and twenty-five Dollars for quarter ending December 31st 1867 as School Supt.      $125.00
    Ordered by the Court that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the Sum of three Hundred Dollars Salary as County Judge for qr. ending Dec. 31st 1867.       $300.00
    Ordered by the Court that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and twenty Dollars for Keeping Jail and Board of Jailer for Month of Dec. 1867.      $120.00
    Ordered by the Court that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of Five Dollars attendance on Co. Court, Dec. T., 1867.      $5.00
    Ordered by the Court that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum Seventy-two 07/100 Dollars for 3% in Taxes Collected by him for the year 1867.      $72.07
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that the bond of Jas. S. Howard, County Surveyor, in the Sum of $5,000.00 with James T. Glenn and C. C. Beekman, as Sureties, heretofore filed, be and the Same is hereby approved.
    Ordered by the Court that Linn and Hall be allowed the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars for repairs in the Court House as per Contract.      $300.00
    Ordered by the Court that Sutton and Hyde be allowed the Sum of forty-two 25/100 Dollars for Sundries as per bill on file.      $42.25
    Ordered by the Court that J. R. Neil, Dist. Atty., be allowed the Sum of forty Dollars, being ten percent of the Amount Collected and paid by Said Neil to the Co. Treasurer on account of the forfeiture of Arch. Crisman.      $40.00
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

[February 4th 1868]
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon (on County business), begun and held at the Clerk's Office in Said County on Tuesday the fourth day of February 1868, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
John B. White and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners
and W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
When the following proceedings were held,
    No.11  Now comes Edward Lyon and presents his report as Sup. of Road Dist. No. 11th, for the year 1867, for Settlement, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his District their full time except those returned Delinquent. That he has Collected in Cash $59.49 and paid the Same out for lumber, hauling and labor on the road. Sup. Claims for 17½ days work over and above his own Road Tax, amounting to $35.00, also 1 day and 30 miles in Making and returning this Report. Amounting in all to forty Dollars due Supervisor. John Neathammer delinquent 2 days and Joseph Kuntz 2 Days. Report accepted and approved. Ordered by the Board that Edward Lyon be allowed the Sum of forty Dollars for Services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 11, in said County for the year 1867.      $40.00
    No. 13. Now Comes E. H. White, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 13 and presents his a/c for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. their full time--No Delinquents--Sup. Claims for 2 days extra work over his own Road Tax and one day and 20 Miles in making and returning his Report. Amounting in all to Eight Dollars. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that E. H. White, Sup. of R. Dist. No. 13, be allowed the Sum of Eight Dollars for Services as Road Sup. for the year 1867.      $8.00
    No. 16. Now comes Nicholas A. Young and presents his report as Sup. of Road Dist. No. 16, for the year 1867, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist., amounting in all to 101 Days except James Stow, delinquent. Sup. Claims for three days extra labor $6.00.
    Report accepted and approved.
    Delinquent James Stow, 2 days.
    Ordered that N. A. Young be allowed the Sum of Six Dollars for extra labor in Road Dist. No. 16, year 1867.      $6.00
    No. 29. Now Comes James Helms, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 29, and presents his a/c for Settlement for the year 1867, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. their full time--No delinquents. Supervisor Claims for 4½ days extra labor over his own tax amounting to      $9.00
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that James Helms be allowed the Sum of Nine Dollars for extra labor on Road Dist. No. 29 for the year 1867.      $9.00
    No. 2. Now Comes B. F. Myer, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 2 and presents his report for Settlement, by which it appears there is no funds in his hands belonging to the District and that he has worked all the hands of his District except the following, returned Delinquent.
J. V. Amerman $  4.00 Stock, M. J. $1.46
W. C. Myer 12.12 Benj. Stephens 8.00
Welborn Beeson 6.00
Joshua Patterson .50
James Thornton 2.58
    Report Accepted and Approved.
    No. 27. Now Comes Elias Vinson, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 27 and presents his Report for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. their full time--No Delinquents--Sup. Claims for 1½ days work over and above his tax, amounting to the Sum of $3.00. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that Elias Vinson be allowed the Sum of Three Dollars for Services as Road Sup. for the year 1867.      $3.00
    No. 17. Now Comes James Miller and presents his Report for Settlement as Sup. of Road Dist. No. 17, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist., except those herewith returned delinquent as follows, to wit:
J. M. Nichols $  1.19 Robinson, Walter L. $4.00
H. R. Brown 12.74 Morehead, Robt. 3.58
Simpson, Wm. & B. 17.28 Simpson, Jas. W. 5.67
    Supervisor Claims for ten days extra services amounting to four Dollars. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that James Miller be allowed the Sum of four Dollars as Sup. for the year 1867.      $4.00
    No. 3. Now Comes E. E. Gore, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 3 & presents his report for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his district except those herewith returned Delinquent. The following persons have performed extra labor and are entitled to a Credit on their next year's tax as follows,
Anderson, E. K. $5.00 Reames, Woodford $1.00
Colver, Samuel 7.15 Shook, A. 2.00
Coleman, H. 2.00 Howell, John 2.00
Foudray, E. D. 5.00 Stephens, B. 2.00
Reames, James 2.00 Williams, Rev. M. A. 4.16
    The following persons are returned Delinquent
Anderson, D. T. $2.10 Hoxie, James .92
Anderson, Thos. .20 Hamlin, James 1.60
Burns, J. T. .40 Hamlin, Wm. 4.72
Bowen, J. B. 5.62 Liddle, M. 1.90
Ball, Francis 2.10 Tidwell, T. 1.00
Crull, H. 2.70
    Supervisor Claims for 24½ days extra work over and above his Road Tax amounting to $49.00
    Ordered that E. E. Gore be allowed the Sum of forty-nine Dollars for Services as Road Sup. for the year 1867.      $49.00
    And the County Court adjourned until Tomorrow at 10 O'clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Wednesday February 5th 1868
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday read and approved.
    No. 28. Now Comes Michael Murphey, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 28 and presents his a/c for settlement--he having worked all the hands in his Dist. There are no delinquents returned. Sup. Charges for 4½ days extra work over and above his own Road Taxes for which he claims Nine Dollars. Report accepted & approved.
    Ordered by the Court that Michael Murphey be allowed the Sum of Nine Dollars for Services as Road Sup. for the year 1867.      $9.00
    No. 1. Now at this day Comes A. V. Gillette, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 1, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his District except those herewith returned Delinquent, as follows, to wit:
Applegate, L. 16¾ days Mark. J. M. 1½ days
Applegate, I. D. 2 days McCord, A. 2⅝ days
Applegate, L. B. 6½ days William Bennett 2½ days
Applegate, O. C. 2⅞ days McCall, J. M. 1½ days
Broadsword, L. 1 day Mickelson ¾ day
Blake, C. F. 2 days Russell, J. H. 2 days
Bunyard, J. B. 2⅝ days Reed, Z. B.
Cole, Byron 1⅞ days Rockfellow, A. G. 6½ days
Cappious, G. W. 2¼ days Songer, Wm. F. 2½ days
Devlin, John 1¼ days Smith, Frank 3¾ days
Emery, E. 2⅞ days Shepherd, Irwin 2¾ days
Emery, J. B. 1⅜ days Taylor, J. B. 3 days
Emery, H. S. 3⅜ days Taylor, Wm. 1⅝ days
Fordyce, A. G. 3 days Wells, Giles Sr. 6½ days
Fordyce, G. W. 3 days Wells, Giles Jr. 2¾ days
Hargadine, R. B. 5¾ days Walker, J. P. 8 days
Helman, A. D. 1¼ days Wagner, Jacob 2½ days
Helman, J. R. 1¼ days Woodson, J. P. 1 day
Hatton, R. B. 2¼ days Woodson, J. L. 2⅜ days
Haworth, J. M. 3½ days Zawdell, F. 1⅜ days
Iler, S. W. 1¼ days
Jaquette, Wm. 2 days
Klum, C. K. 2½ days
    The following named persons are entitled to Credits on the next year's Tax for the following amount of [labor] performed by each Respectively over and above this year's Tax, To wit:
Dunn, Pat. 3½ days
Erastus Wills ½ day
    That he has no funds in his hand belonging to Said District, and that he Claims $59.19 for Services as Such Supervisor. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that A. V. Gillette be allowed the Sum of $59.19 for Services as Sup. of Road Dist. No. 1 for the year 1867.      $59.19
    No. 4. Now Comes James A. Cardwell, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 4 and presents his account for Settlement, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his District their full time except those herewith returned Delinquent, to wit:
Crane, Joseph A. .27 cts.
Phipps, Iradell .54 cts.
Hawk, Silas .08 cts.
Lacey, John S. .47 cts.
Miller, John S. .20 cts.
Van Dorn, Isaac .82 cts.
    The following are entitled to credits on their next year's work as follows:
Bellinger, Merit $4.00
Naylor, Granville     .33
Redpath, David     .47
Tucker, James   6.00
    Supervisor Claims forty-Six Dollars for Services as Such Supervisor being for 23 Days' work. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that James A. Cardwell be allowed the Sum of $46.00 for Services as Supervisor for the year 1867.      $46.00
    No. 15. Now Comes S. Clark Taylor, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 15 & presents his account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except those herewith returned Delinquent, as follows:
John La Tourette $1.00
Wm. M. Mathis   4.26
Wayne Oliver     .36
S. Clark Taylor   1.34
J. N. Woody   3.26
John Norton   2.00
    The Sup. reports that Frederick Barneburg is entitled to a Credit on his next year Road Tax of $2.00 over work. No Money in Sup.'s hands belonging to the Dist. Report accepted and approved.
    No. 14. Now Comes James A. Pankey, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 14, and presents his report for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except those herewith returned delinquent, as follows:
Burk, William $4.40 Pelton, Mrs. Mary $2.34
Benson, Rice .30 Riddle, Isaac Henry .72
Canly, Jacob .66 Rodgers, J. W. .38
Chelden, Wm. A. .94 Row, Mrs. M. M. 1.80
Chelden, Jas. M. .46 Steckel, Saml. J. 6.42
Cardwell, John 2.60 Vogle, Adam 1.24
Dickinson, Joseph 1.42 Wallace, James 4.54
Driskell, Joseph 2.38
Griffin, Squire .40
German, Joseph T. 5.14
Gall, C. C. 4.64
Hanrahan & Farley 9.68
    Supervisor Claims for 18 Days extra work at $2, amounting to $36.00 from which Deduct $9.30 his own Road Tax, leaves due Sup. the Sum of $26.70. Sup. Claims to have worked persons not around but transient persons 32½ Days. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that James A. Pankey be allowed the Sum of $26.70 for Services as Sup. for the year 1867.      $26.70
    Ordered by the Court that a warrant issue to Thomas Muncus for the Sum of $27.00, being the amount of Money paid into the County Treasury by Shff. Owen and Taken by him from Wm. Horton. The Board of County Commissioners being satisfied that said Money was Stolen from said Muncus by Said Horton.      $27.00
    Ordered that J. R. Neil be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for prosecuting before U. S. Hayden, J.P., Wm. Pyburn and James Campbell.      $10.00
    Ordered by the County Court that the Jailer of Said County be Allowed the Sum of Fifty Dollars per Month from the 1st day of February 1868.      
    Ordered by the County Court that Lafayette Allen be allowed the Sum of Seventy-five Dollars for Board and Clothing of Daniel Martin, a County Charge, from the first of May, 1867 to the first of Feby. 1868.                                $75.00
    Ordered that Jacob Ish be transferred from Road Dist. No. 6 to Road Dist. No. 5 in Said County.
    Ordered that H. L. Webb, Constable, be allowed the Sum of four Dollars in the Cause of the State of Oregon 
vs. Wong (Chinaman) before U. S. Hayden, July 24, 1867.        $4.00
    Ordered that H. L. Webb, Constable, be allowed the Sum of five and 50/100 Dollars fees, Cause of State vs. Edgar before U. S. Hayden, J.P., Dec. 10th, 1867.      $5.00
    Ordered that the persons below named be allowed fees as follows in the Cause of the State vs. J. W. Howard, before Justice Hayden.
Fee of U. S. Hayden J.P. $9.20
Fee of W. A. Owen Shff. 9.50
Fee of Pros. Atty. 5.00
Fee of N. Fox witness 3.25
Fee of O. D. Hoxie witness 2.30
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed fees to amount of $5.30 in Cause of State vs. William Pyburn and Jas. Cameron, before U. S. Hayden, J.P.                $5.30
    Ordered by the Court that the following witnesses be allowed fees as follows in the Cause of the State 
vs. Pyburn and Cameron
Jas. C. Tolman 1 Day & 40 Miles $5.50
Wm. F. Songer 1 Day & 40 Miles 5.50
Joseph Wells 1 Day & 40 Miles 5.50
Peter Smith 1 Day & 32 Miles 4.70
John Martin 1 Day & 2 Miles 1.70
    Ordered by the Board that U. S. Hayden be allowed $14.15, J.P. fees, Cause of State vs. Wm. Horton.      $14.15
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed $37.30, J.P. fees in the following State Cases before Said Hayden, J.P. to wit:
State vs. Wong Chinaman $2.20
State vs. J. H. Armstrong 3.20
State vs. Jack Ferguson 5.35
State vs. Arch Crisman 6.50
State vs. Arch Crisman (2nd Cause) 6.30
State vs. John Edgar 1.70
State vs. W. C. Keith 5.95
State vs. Wm. Eddings     6.10
    Total $37.30
    Ordered that John Bilger be allowed the Sum of Eighty-one & 75/100 for Stove, flues & Stove pipe for Court House & Jail.      $81.75
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Fifteen Dollars for Medical Attendance on Wm. Horton while in County Jail charged with Larceny.    $15.00
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of five Dollars for Digging grave for Jacob Feciel, Died in County Hospital.      $5.00
    Ordered by the Board that the Jacksonville Reveille be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for blank Assessment Schedules procured by Shff. Owen.      $10.00
    Ordered that the Jacksonville Reveille be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for blank for use of County Clerk's Office.      $10.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and Twenty Dollars for keeping Jail and Board of Jailer for the Month of January, 1868.      $120.00
    Ordered by the Board that W. A. Owen be allowed Eleven Dollars for one day's attendance on Co. Court and for putting down Carpets in Jury Rooms.      $11.00
    Ordered by the Board that Gray and Bro. be allowed the Sum of $16.24 for 812 feet of lumber furnished Road Dist. No. 5 by order of F. Heber, Supervisor.      $16.24
    Ordered by the Board that Charles Craft be allowed the Sum of Twenty-five Dollars for 10 Days' Services in assisting in the Conveyance of James Swinden to the Insane Asylum at Portland.      $25.00
    Now comes Thomas Gaston and applies to the Board for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquor in the Precinct of Jacksonville in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that due Notice of the intention to make said application had been posted as required by law, and Said Applicant having filed the petition of a Majority of the Legal Voters of Said Precinct praying that said Application be granted, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Said Application be granted and that License be granted to the Said Thos. Gaston to sell Spirituous Liquors in the Precinct of Jacksonville in Measure less than one quart for the Term of Six Months from the Expiration of his last License on his filing the Bond required by the Statute & on his filing the Co. Treasurer's receipt for the Sum of fifteen Dollars.
    Now comes Louis Herling and applies to the Board for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquor in the Precinct of Forest Creek in Said County in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that Said applicant had duly posted Notices of his intention to apply for such license, and he having also filed the Petition of a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct, praying that Such license issue, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the Said application be granted and that license issue to Said Herling as aforesaid for the Term of Six Months on the payment of Fifteen Dollars to the Co. Treasurer and filing the bond required by the Statute.
    Now comes Kaspar Kubli and applies to the Board for a License to Sell Spirituous liquor in Measure less than one quart at the Applegate Precinct in Said County. And it Appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that due Notice of Said Application had been posted as by law required and said Applicant having filed the petition of a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct praying that said application be granted, It is therefore ordered by the Board that the aforesaid Application be granted and that license issue to said Kubli as aforesaid for one year from the Expiration of his last license on the payment of thirty Dollars therefor and his filing the Bond required by law.
    Now comes H. P. Deskins and applies to the Board for a License to Sell Spirituous liquor in the Dardanelles Precinct in Said County in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Board that due Notice of the presentation of said Application had been posted as by law required, and said Deskins having filed the petition of a Majority of the legal voters of said Precinct praying that Such license issue, It is therefore ordered by the Board that said application be granted and that license issue to said Deskins as aforesaid for Six Months from the Expiration of his last license on the payment of fifteen Dollars therefor and his filing the Bond required by law.
    No. 8. Now comes Thomas Wright, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 8 and presents his account for Settlement, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his District except those herewith returned Delinquent, as follows:
Granville Sears property Tax $7.42
Robt. C. Armstrong property Tax & work 9.38
Wm. T. Lever property Tax & work 9.20
    Thomas Wright is entitled to a Credit on his next year's Tax of Three Dollars paid by him over his own Tax this year, Supervisor Claims and is allowed $15.00 for Services, making and returning his report. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that Thomas Wright be allowed the Sum of Fifteen Dollars for Services as Supervisor for the year 1867.      $15.00
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the boundaries of Road Dist. No. 14 be so changed as to Commence one mile west of the Center of T36S, R2W, on the North Side of Rogue River and running North to the County line and embracing all the Country West to the Center of Sardine Creek and North of Said Rogue River.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the boundaries of Road District No. 26 be so changed as to Commence one mile West of the Center of Township 36S, R2W on the north side of Rogue River and running thence North to the County line and embracing all the Country lying on the East of Said line to Rogue River.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Jacob Ish be and he is hereby transferred from Road District No. 6 to Road District No. 5 in Said County.
    No. 1. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that A. V. Gillette be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 1 in Said County for the Ensuing year.
    No. 14. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that John Cardwell be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 14 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 28. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Philander Powell be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 28 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 15. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that J. N. Woody be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 15 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 4. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Robison Wright be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 4 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 8. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that David Huston be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 8 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 17. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that James Miller be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 17 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 16. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Peter Simon be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 16 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 2. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that James V. Amerman be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 2 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 3. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that John S. Herrin be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 3 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 29. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Abm. Tenbrook be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 29 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 11. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Frederick G. Birdseye be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 11 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 13. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that John H. Breeding be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 13, in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 27. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Henry R. Brown be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 27 in said County for the ensuing year.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

March 3 1868
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson (Sitting on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County on Tuesday, March 3rd, A.D. 1868, at which were present, the
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
John B. White and
Frederick Heber, Commissioners
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Now at this day comes Thomas Smith and represents that a Certain County Road in Said County passes through a portion of his premises, to his material damage and without any Corresponding advantage to the Public and he therefore applies to the Said County Court to appoint Reviewers and a Surveyor to view and change the location of Said Road on his premises aforesaid, from where it is now established to where the Said Road is now traveled. And the Said Smith having filed his bond in the Sum of fifty Dollars, with Thos. G. Reames, Surety, Conditioned as required by law, which Said bond is Approved by the Board.
    It is therefore ordered by the Court aforesaid that Giles Wells, Wm. Taylor, and H. W. Clayton, three disinterested householders of Said County, be and they are hereby appointed Reviewers and B. F. Myer, a Skillful Surveyor, is hereby appointed Surveyor, who, or a Majority of Such Reviewers, Shall proceed to review the ground over which the road is proposed to be turned and ascertain the distance Such Road will be increased by the proposed Alteration, and make out their report in writing, Stating the Several distances So found, together with their opinion as to the Utility of Making such alterations, and such report return to Said County Court on or before the April Term thereof 1868, and it is suggested that the duties of the foregoing appointments be performed by said Reviewers and Surveyor on Saturday, March the 14th, 1868.
    No. 10. Now Comes John Swinden, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 10 in Said County and presents his account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except those herewith returned Delinquent. He has Collected $29.50 and paid out for labor and his own services over and above his own Road labor $43.80, leaving due Sup. for the year 1867 the Sum of $14.30.
Delinquents Thomas Chavner 5 Days $10.00
Delinquents Jackson Walker 1.92
Delinquents W. Davidson 1 Day 2.00
Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Court that John Swinden be allowed the Sum of $14.30 for Services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 10 in Said County for the year 1867.        $14.30
    No. 18. Now comes John Obenchain, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 18 in Said County and presents his account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his district their full time, Except delinquents herewith returned. Supervisor Claims for Seven days' labor over and above his own Road Tax amounting to fourteen Dollars.
Henry Miller, delinquent 1½ Days       $3.00
Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Court that John Obenchain be allowed the Sum of fourteen Dollars for Services as Road Supervisor for the year 1867.      $14.00
    No. 23. Now Comes J. B. Saltmarsh, Sup. of R. Dist. No. 23, in Said County, and presents his account for Settlement, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his Dist. their full time, except Jesse East, returned Delinquent; that he has Collected $97.00 in Coin and paid out $30.00 for labor and the Sup. Claims $16.00 for his Services, which amounts deduct from Amt. Collected, leaves in Sup. hands belonging to Said Dist. No. 23, the Sum of $51.00 in Coin.
Jesse East, Delinquent 1 day        $2.00
Report Accepted and Approved.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the Northern line of Road District No. 23 in Said County be extended to within one mile of the Southern limits of the Corporation of the Town of Jacksonville and that Henry Blecher's Ranch and all persons on the line of the Road between Said Ranch and Sterlingville be included in Said Dist. No. 23.
    No. 9. Sup. of Road Dist. No. 9 reports that he did but little work in his District for the reason the persons therein refused to work & from decisions of the Courts he questioned his authority to Compel them to work.
Delinquent for 1865 Delinquent for 1867
Gilbert Middagh   .79 Cole, Ephraim   .88 & 2 Days Poll
Moses Mansfield 2.71 Coakley, A. J.   8.82 & 2 Days Poll
John McDonough 1.29 Crabtree     .30 & Poll
Delinquent for 1866
Fisher, D. F.     .22
John Watson 3.41 Hull, Nathan     .98 & Poll
Dana Peninger 3.66 Kahler, Wm.   9.18
Gilbert Middagh   .58 Kincaid, Wm. B.     .54 & Poll
Moses Mansfield 2.26 Kincaid, J. J.     .44 & Poll
James McDonough 2.74 Mansfield, Moses   5.64 & Poll
Robt. L. Ferguson 3.64 Middagh, G.   1.64 & Poll
John W. McKay 1.85 McDonough, J.   1.64 & Poll
John Kincaid 4.00 McKay, J. W.   4.52 & 1 Day Poll
Peninger, D.   6.76 & Poll
Parker, A. C.   3.78 & 1 Day Poll
Tepper, John   5.00 & Poll
Watson, John 10.20 & Poll
    For the reasons above assigned, It is Considered that the Report be accepted and approved.
    No. 24. Now Comes John Cantrall, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 24 in Said County and presents his report for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. their full time. He has in his hands $37.20 received from former Sup. belonging to Said Dist. from which deduct $6.00 Claimed by Sup. for extra work over and above his own Road Tax leaves a balance in Supervisor's hands of $31.20, belonging to Said Dist. No. 24.
    Report accepted and approved.
    No. 12. Now comes Thomas Croxton, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 12, and presents his account for Settlement by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District their full time--Sup. Claims for no extra labor.
    Report accepted and approved.
    No. 20. Now Comes George W. Stephenson, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 20, in Said County and present his account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except those herewith returned delinquent. Also that he has worked Chinamen 80 days.
Delinquent Martin H. Drake $6.70
William Kay   1.00
    Sup. Claims for Six days over and above his own Road Tax, Amounting to $12.00.
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Court that Geo. W. Stephenson be allowed the Sum of Twelve Dollars Services as Road Supervisor for the year 1867.      $12.00
    Now comes A. W. Morris and presents the petition of himself and 22 other householders of Said County, praying for the establishment of a New Road Dist. in Said County, which said petition, in words and figures following, to wit:
    We, the undersigned petitioners, pray your Honorable body, the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that you will make a New Road District, to be Composed of the following Territory, viz.: Commencing in the Center of Township 36 on the East line of Range One West, thence running west to Bear Creek but not to include the Creek, thence up the Same six miles to the Center of Township 37, thence East to the East line of Range one west, thence North Six Miles to the place of beginning. It is ordered by the Court that the prayer of the Said petitioners be granted and that a new Road District be established or prayed for with the exceptions substantially embraced in the following order.
    New Road Dist. No. 30. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Road District No. 30 be and the Same is hereby established in Said County, to embrace the following Territory, to wit: Commencing in the Center of Township 36, on the East line of Range one west, thence running west to Bear Creek, thence up the Same Six Miles to the Center of Township 37. Thence East to the East line of Range one west, thence North Six Miles to the place of beginning, and that the Western boundary of the Said District Shall now and ever hereafter be the Center of the Main Channel of Bear Creek, So far as Said District touches on said Creek.
    Now at this day Comes L. J. White and applies to the County Court for a License to sell Spirituous liquor in the Precinct of the Dardanelles in Said County in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said applicant had filed the Petition of a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct praying that Such license issue and [entry not completed]
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees as follows on Coroner's Inquest, body of Jas. Spears, Feby. 19, 1868.
E. H. Greenman Coroner $12.52
W. A. Owen Shff. 12.00
J. R. Wade Juror 2.20
Pat. F. McManus Juror 2.20
P. D. Parsons Juror 2.20
R. A. Cook Juror 2.20
Martin Ray Juror 2.20
D. M. C. Gault Juror 2.20
James Jackson Witness 1.50
Saml. Bowen Witness 1.70
John McKee Witness 1.70
Mrs. John McKee Witness 1.70
Old Sady McKee Witness 1.50
J. J. Fryer Witness 2.70
Wiley Parker Witness 2.10
L. Herling Witness 2.00
Add. Helms Witness 2.70
Dr. Grube Witness & Physician 20.00
Isaac D. Smith 1.50
    Ordered that H. L. Webb, Constable, be allowed the Sum of Thirty Dollars Constable fees in the Cause of State vs. Pyburn and Cameron before U. S. Hayden.      $30.00
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees as follows in the Cause of the State of Oregon 
vs. Lee Luong, sentenced by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County to the Penitentiary at the February Term 1868 of Said Court, to wit:
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk for both Causes $23.05
W. A. Owen Shff. 5.50
Tod Cameron Witness 2.20
Wm. Cameron Witness 2.20
Thomas G. Reames Witness 2.20
A. W. Sturgis 2.20
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

March 4th 1868
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on yesterday; the minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered by the Court that the following persons be allowed fees as follows in the Cause of State 
vs. Alfred Sturgis, to wit:
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk's fees $32.65
W. A. Owen Shff.'s fees   42.60
Witness for State Witness for Defendant
Mrs. L. Chappell 7.60 M. H. Field 7.00
Miss Eddy 7.60 J. Cheatham 4.20
Chas. E. Chappell 6.20 Wm. Haskins 7.60
W. A. A. Hamilton 6.20 N. Haskins 5.60
V. P. Comstock 8.60 Max Müller 2.20
Lyman Chappell 7.60 Saml. Sachs 2.20
M. H. Drake 7.60 Geo. Watson 2.20
John Gleason 4.20 Peter Britt 2.20
Thomas Davis 8.20 T. H. B. Shipley 4.20
John Cantrall 5.60
Mrs. Benefiel 4.20
Tod Cameron 5.80
Wm. Ray 4.20
Henry Pape 2.20
Herman Helms 2.20
James T. Glenn 2.20
John Bilger 2.20
L. J. C. Duncan 2.20
    Ordered by the Court that the following fees be allowed the person names in cause of State vs. W. C. Keith, to wit:
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk's fees $14.30
W. A. Owen Shff.'s fees   16.27
Witnesses Witnesses
Mrs. Crisman 4.00 A. Woolridge 2.20
G. W. Wise 5.20 Conrad Slagle 2.20
John Rafferty 2.20 Henry York 2.20
D. C. DeWitt 4.00 R. M. Johnson 3.20
H. L. Webb 4.20 Benj. Smith 2.20
A. Danville 2.20
    Ordered by the County Court that the persons below named be allowed fees in the cause of the State of Oregon vs. Jas. Chadwick, as follows, to wit:
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk's fees $  10.05
W. A. Owen Shff.'s fees   151.50
John McIntosh 13.40 M. A. Houston 14.00
B. F. Wade 13.80 Wm. F. Berry   7.20
Chas. Brown 12.20 J. C. Hannah   8.00
W. L. Robinson 12.40 Geo. A. Jackson 11.20
J. T. German 13.00 Josiah Hannah   8.80
A. M. Wallace 11.00 James Vincent   9.00
    Ordered by the Court that fees be allowed the persons below named in the cause of the State vs. Wm. Burchtorff, as follows, to wit:
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk's fees $23.60
W. A. Owen Shff.'s fees   26.35
Mrs. John McKee 9.00 Dr. Grube 8.20
Mrs. Almeria McKee 9.20 E. Hendricks 8.00
Saml. Bowen 9.00 C. C. Luther 9.00
James Jackson 8.20 Franklin Logg 5.20
J. J. Fryer 8.00 Napoleon Baker 13.40
Addison Helms 8.20 John McDonald 13.20
Dr. Greenman 8.20 William Ray 2.00
    Ordered by the Court that the Jacksonville Reveille Office be allowed Twenty Dollars for blank assessment schedules and blank Road Supervisor Reports, as per bill on file.      $20.00
    Ordered that the Jacksonville Reveille Office be allowed fifteen Dollars for blank Poll Tax Receipts, as per bill on file.      $15.00
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that Martin Peterson be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 30, in said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered by the Court that the Jurors in attendance on the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, February Term 1868, be allowed fees as follows, to wit:
J. J. Fryer 15.00 John Cimborsky 21.00
David Chapman 16.40 Joseph Swingle 25.00
Wm. F. Songer 16.00 Obadiah D. Hoxie 15.60
David E. Rader 15.40 Wayne Oliver 22.00
Wm. M. Griffin 12.20 John McKay 14.20
Joseph H. Davis 12.40 Franklin Logg   8.20
Kaspar Kubli 14.40 William Ray   8.20
Nath. C. Dean 21.00 J. A. Cardwell   6.20
Robt. B. Hargadine 13.40 A. M. Berry   6.20
Joseph Garrison 21.60 R. S. Dunlap   6.20
Reuben Saltmarsh 15.60 Joseph Hannah   6.20
Bolivar Hall 20.20 C. S. Drew   6.20
John T. Walker 23.60 Thomas Davis   6.20
Bartlett Obenchain 21.20 J. E. Buzan   6.20
John S. Miller 21.20 Jackson Walker   2.20
Erastus Wells   8.00 Jesse Justus   2.20
James D. Buckley 16.00 Merit Bellinger   4.20
Edwin Smith 20.20 Arthur Wilson   4.20
John S. Herrin 21.20 Geo. A. Jackson   4.20
H. M. Chapin 27.00
Enoch F. Walker 21.20
James Hamlin 15.20
Robt. L. Ferguson 21.00
Granville Naylor 20.80
Wm. B. Kincaid 11.60
    Ordered by the Court that Joseph T. German be allowed three 40/100 dollars, J.P. fees, Cause of State vs. Jasper Davis before said German.      $3.40
    Ordered by the Court that Louis Horne be allowed $81.50 for meals and lodging furnished jurors in criminal cases as per bill certified by Shff.      $81.50
    Ordered by the Court that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the sum of three hundred and eleven & 75/100 dollars for attendance on Courts.      $311.75
    Ordered by the Court that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the sum of Seventy-Eight dollars for keeping Jail and Board of Jailer, month of February 1868.  $78.00
    Ordered by the Court that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and forty Dollars, fees in criminal cases before Justice of the Peace as per bill on file.      $140.00
    Ordered by the Court that E. H. Greenman be allowed the Sum of thirty dollars for medicines and attendance on Jack Ferguson, Wm. Burchtorff and F. Allen as per bill on file.      $30.00
    Ordered by the Court that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the sum of one hundred sixty-three 40/100 Dollars for attendance on Courts & fees as per bill on file.      $163.40
    Ordered by the Court that D. Linn be allowed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars as salary as Co. Treasurer for the qr. ending February 20th, 1868.      $200.00
    Ordered by the Court that Linn and Hall be allowed the Sum of thirteen Dollars for coffin for a Co. charge and for stove pipe in Court House.      $13.00
    Ordered by the Court that John Orth be allowed the Sum of Nine 73/100 dollars for meat furnished Jack Gardner, a County Charge.      $9.73
    Ordered by the Court that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the Sum of Two Dollars for assisting in forming a jury list for the Precinct of Jacksonville.      $2.00
    Ordered by the Court that J. R. Wade be allowed the sum of Two Dollars for assisting in forming a Jury list, Feby. 1868, for the Precinct of Jacksonville.      $2.00
    Ordered by the Court that the following persons be allowed fees on the Inquest held by E. H. Greenman, Feby. 23rd, 1868 on the body of a man found dead on Jackson Creek. Name unknown. As follows, to wit:
E. H. Greenman Coroner $  6.70
E. R. Owen Juror 1.60
W. C. Greenman Juror 1.60
J. B. Coates Juror 1.60
D. M. Cawley Juror 1.60
N. D. Short Juror 1.60
G. M. Banks Juror 1.60
Clement Sarraillet Witness 2.10
John Guilfoyle Witness 2.10
W. A. Owen Shff. 7.50
Elisha Lake (Burying pauper) $15.00
    Now comes N. Langell and represents to the Court that F. B. Sprague deposited with the Treasurer of said Co. $25.00 for a Liquor License at Fort Klamath Precinct in said Co. and that said license did not issue and prays the Court to refund to said Sprague said $25. The premises fully considered, it is Ordered by the Court that F. B. Sprague be allowed the Sum of Twenty-five dollars on a/c of liquor deposit as aforesaid.      $25.00
    Ordered by the Court that Hopkins and Co. be allowed the sum of thirteen and 74/100 Dollars for 672 feet lumber furnished Road District No. 6 in said County.      $13.74
    Ordered by the Court that Comstock and Cawley be allowed the sum of ten Dollars a/c of County Charges.      $10.00
    Ordered that D. Linn, Co. Treasr., be allowed the Sum of $112.00 Discount on $400--Legal Tender notes belonging to the County fund Sold at Seventy-two cents on the Dollar.      $112.00
    Ordered by the Court that D. Linn Co. Treasr. be allowed the Sum of $49.50 discount on $165. Legal Tender notes belonging to the School fund sold at Seventy cents on the Dollar.      $49.50
    Ordered by the Court that Müller and Brentano be allowed the sum of Nine Dollars for Six Spittoons purchased by Shff. for the Court House.      $9.00
    No. 5  Now comes Frederick Heber and presents his report and account for settlement by which it appears, that as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 5 in this County, he has worked all the hands in his District their full time, that he has $5.22 in his hands belonging to said District. Supervisor claims for three days' work over and above his own Road Tax amounting to Six Dollars--Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Court that Frederick Heber be allowed the sum of Six Dollars for his services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 5 for the year 1867.      $6.00
    No. 6  Now comes Thomas F. Beall and presents his account for Settlement as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 6 in said County, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his district their full time except James Barnes returned delinquent. Supervisor Claims for four days extra work over and above his own Road labor amounting to Eight Dollars. James Barnes delinquent.      $23.00
    Ordered by the Court that Thomas F. Beall be allowed the sum of Eight Dollars as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 6 for the year 1867.      $8.00
    No. 21  Now comes George Brown, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 21 in said County and presents his Report for settlement, by which it appears that he has worked all the men in his District their full time except those herewith returned delinquent. That he has collected the sum of $116.38 and paid out for lumber and work including 27 days services of himself at $2.00 per day the sum of $185.75 which leaves due the Supervisor the sum of $69.37 for which he claims credit.
Wm. A. Johnson $4.50
Anton Brauntz 4.00
Herman Theil 4.00
Henry Blecher 7.98
Albert Bruhl 5.20
R. Jones 4.00
Samuel Hall 4.00
    Report accepted & approved.
    Ordered by the Court that George Brown be allowed the sum of Sixty-Nine 37/100 for lumber furnished and services rendered Road Dist. No. 21 as Sup. for the year 1867.      $69.37
    No. 10. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that John Wells be, and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 10 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 18. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that David Dunlap be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 18 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 23. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Thomas H. Gilson be, and he is hereby appointed, Supervisor of Road District No. 23, in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 9. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Solomon Humphrey be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 9 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 24. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that John Cantrall be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 24, in said County, for the ensuing year.
    No. 12. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that George Todd be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 12 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 20. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Louis Herling be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 20 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 5   Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Frederick Heber be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 5 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 6. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Bartlett Obenchain be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 6 in said County for the ensuing year.
    For good and sufficient reasons shown it is ordered by the Court that Frederick G. Birdseye be and he is hereby excused from serving as Supervisor of Road District No. 11 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 11. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that John Pearson be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 11 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Whereas the Supervisors of Road Districts Nos. 7, 19, 22, 25 and 26 have not made settlement, It is ordered that the settlement with said Supervisors as such be deferred until the next Term of this Court.
    And the County Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

April Term A.D. 1868
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, on County business begun and held at the Clerk's Office in Said County on Tuesday the Seventh day of April, A.D. 1868, at which were present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
John B. White and
Frederick Heber, Co. Commissioners
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had
    Now at this day comes L. J. White and applies to the Court for a License to sell Spirituous liquor in the Precinct of Dardanelles in said County in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said applicant has presented the petition of a majority of the legal voters of said Precinct praying that said application be granted and it also appearing that said applicant posted notices of his intention to make such application more than ten days prior to the first day of this Term of this Court, in three public places in said Precinct, and the said Applicant having filed the Treasurer's receipt for $30.00 and also filed his bond in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars with Benjamin Haymond as Surety--which said bond has been approved, It is therefore ordered by the Court that said application be granted and that License issue to the said L. J. White as aforesaid, for the Term of One year from the Expiration of his last License for the sum of Thirty Dollars therefor.
    Ordered by the Court that Glenn, Dunn and Co. be allowed the sum of one Hundred and fifty-three Dollars and forty cents, as per bill of particulars on file.       $153.40
    On the Petition of T. L. Linksweiler and 19th [sic] others, legal voters of Butte Creek Precinct, it is ordered that the place of voting in said Precinct be hereafter at the Butte Creek School House near Jackson Rader's.
    Now at this day comes Morris Caro and applies to the Court for a License to sell Spirituous liquor in the Precinct of Willow Springs in said County in measure less than one quart and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said applicant has presented the petition of a majority of the legal voters of said Precinct praying that such license issue as aforesaid, and it further appearing that said applicant has posted notices of his intention to make such application at the time, in the places and to the number in all respects as is required by law, and he having also filed the Treasurer's receipt for $25.00 on deposit for such license, It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said Application be granted and that license as aforesaid issue to the said Morris Caro for Fifteen Dollars for the Term of six months on his filing the Bond a required by law.
    Ordered that James R. Neil be allowed the sum of five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees in the cause of the State 
vs. John Ambrose before U. S. Hayden, J.P.      $5.00
    Ordered that Wm. A. Jones be allowed the sum of Ten Dollars for Coffin for French Frank (a County Charge).      $10.00
    Ordered that Samuel Bowen be allowed the sum of five Dollars for assisting in burying French Frank (a County Charge).      $5.00
    On the petition of J. Hannah and 29 others legal voters of Table Rock Precinct, It is ordered that the place of voting in said Precinct be and the same is hereby changed from the Chauncey Nye School House to Mr. Joseph T. Germain's.
    Ordered that S. Messinger be allowed the sum of Sixty-five Dollars for bridge lumber furnished for Road Dist. No. 19.      $65.00
    Ordered that the Jacksonville Reveille be allowed the sum of Twelve Dollars for advertising notices to Tax Payers.      $12.00
    No. 19. Now comes Jas. A. Wilson, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 19 in said County and presents his a/c for settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except those returned delinquent. Supervisor claims $12.66 for services over and above his own Road labor. Report accepted and approved--
List of Delinquents in said Dist. No. 19
Allen, Lafayette $1.00 Miller, William $1.06
Benedict, Rial 1.63 McNew, William 2.16
Burkhalter, Peter 2.32 Mee, Thomas 4.00
Burkhalter, Peter for 1866 4.00 Mee, James 4.00
Caris, Andrew 1.64 O'Brien, John 5.36
Cook, A. J. .75 Rehkopf, August 1.68
Darneille, Oscar 4.00 Sparlin, H. 4.00
Enyart, Alex 2.32 Mann, George 2.00
Hudson, Ewing 2.78
Hudson, J. R. 2.78
Kubli, Kaspar 20.05
Ryder, D. C. 5.32
Lewman, John 5.16
Lewman, John for 1866 4.00
    Ordered that James A. Wilson be allowed the Sum of Twelve dollars and 66 cents for Services as Supervisor for the year 1867.      $12.66
    No. 7. Now comes F. M. Plymale and presents his a/c for settlement by which it appears he has worked the hands in his Dist. except those returning delinquent. Supervisor claims for services over & above the Road labor of Plymale and the sum of $4.16. Supervisor also reports that Hopkins and Co. are entitled to the sum of $13.76 for bridge lumber furnished said District. Report accepted and approved.
    Delinquents as follows:
Hopwood, Elizabeth $7.62 Isaacs, G. W. 6.18
Constant, Isaac 17.76 Garrison, Z. A. 1.28
Wrisley 7.74 Roberts, Eli .32
Merriman, Wm. H. 8.20 Centers, Saml. 1.66
Walker, Enoch F. 19.46 Johnson, F. M. .36
Buzan, J. E. 1.08 Johnson, Jas. M. .32
McAndrew, Thos. 6.80
Ivory, Edward 3.86
    Ordered that F. M. Plymale be allowed the sum of Four & 16/100 Dollars for services as Supervisor for the year 1867.      $4.16
    Ordered that Hopkins and Co. be allowed the sum of thirteen & 74/100 Dollars for bridge lumber furnished Road Dist. No. 7.      $13.74
    No. 19  Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that James A. Wilson be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 19 in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 7. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that John B. Wrisley be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 7 in said County for the ensuing year.
    Now at this day comes John E. Seyferth and presents the petition of himself and 136 others, Freeholders or Householders of Jackson County, Oregon praying said Court for the appointment of viewers and a Surveyor to view, survey and lay out a County Road in said County, commencing on Bear Creek & terminating at the intersection of the same with the Road North of Little Butte Creek opposite the residence of Peter Simons, and the said Seyferth also made proof of the posting of the notices of the presentation of said petition as required by law, and also filed the bond required by the Statute in the sum of fifty Dollars, with Jackson Rader as surety, which said bond was approved, whereupon it was ordered by the Court that the said petition and the matters connected therewith be continued until the next term of this Court.
    No. 9. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that Andrew J. Coakley be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 9 in said County for the ensuing year in place of Solomon Humphrey, removed from the District.
    Ordered that Morris Caro be allowed the sum of Ten Dollars excess of Deposit for liquor licenses.      $10.00
    The report of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and change the location of a County road through the lands of Thomas Smith, the Petitioner therefor is this day taken up and is in words and figures following, to wit:

State of Oregon, County of Jackson
To the Hon.
County Court for Said County:
    In pursuance to the annexed order with Undersigned, having been first duly sworn according to law, proceeded with B. F. Myer, who was duly appointed & qualified as Surveyor, and after receiving five days previous Notice to meet on the 14th day of March, 1868, and after taking to our assistance two suitable persons as chain bearers and one Marker, who were duly Sworn, proceeded to review and survey the ground over which the road is proposed to be turned and ascertain the distance such road will be increased by the proposed alteration to be 27 links. We certify that the proposed new road has been opened a legal width and in all respects made equal to the old road for the Convenience of travelers. The old road crosses a gulch in two places within the distance of the proposed alteration, requiring a bridge at each crossing of 22 feet span. These bridges have not been replaced as yet this spring. There has been no bridges there for two years, consequently all the travel goes now on the ground where the petitioner prays for the road to be laid. We are of the opinion that the prayer of the petitioner is reasonable and should be granted and the Road established according to the plat and survey herewith returned, March 14th 1868.
Giles Wells
William Taylor
H. W. Clayton
State of Oregon
County of Jackson
To Giles Wells, Wm. Taylor, H. W. Clayton,
Reviewers of a County Road in Said County:
    I hereby return the plat of the survey of a review of a County Road passing through the lands of Thomas Smith, as surveyed under your directions, and caused the same to be conspicuously marked throughout, noting the corners and distances, as follows, viz.:
    Beginning at a post on the County Road, between Stations 98 and 99, from which the N.E. Corner of Thomas Smith's land and the N.W. corner of Wm. Taylor's land claim bears S. 56°, E. 421 links, also the N.W. Corner of T. Smith land bears S. 11°, W. 253 links, thence S. 5°, W. 6.00 chains, thence S. 29°, East 5.50 chains, intersect old road between stations 99 & 100. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the Survey and field Notes of the Review of a County road passing through the lands of Thomas Smith in Jackson County, March 14th, 1868.
B. F. Myer, Surveyor
    Explanations of the plat of Survey of a County Road passing through the lands of Thomas Smith for the purpose of making a change in the same. The old road is marked in red ink, and the new or proposed change is marked in black ink. The distance of the old road that is proposed to be vacated is Eleven 23/100 chains. The distance of the new road is Eleven 50/100 chains, making the new road Twenty-seven links longer than the old one.
B. F. Myer, Surveyor
    And the Court having fully examined the foregoing Report of the Viewers aforesaid as well as the Plat and Survey of the said road by them reviewed, and the Court being satisfied that the proposed new road has been opened a legal width and is in all respects equal to the old road for the convenience of travelers, It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said new road be located and surveyed by the viewers and Surveyor aforesaid be and the same is hereby declared a Public Highway and that so much of the old road as is embraced in the new, be and the same is hereby vacated, of which the Supervisor in whose District said road is situated is required to take notice.
    On the petition of a large number of the legal voters of Klamath Precinct, it is ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the place of Voting in said Precinct
be and the same is hereby changed from Fort Klamath to the House of George Nurse on Link River.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

Wednesday, April 8th, 1868
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as yesterday except Commissioner White, absent. The minutes of the proceedings of yesterday read and approved.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Judges of Elections for the respective Precincts of said County, as follows, To wit:
Sterling Precinct
Jos. B. Saltmarsh, Thomas H. Gilson and Frank Town
Union Town Precinct
Omer Saltmarsh, Lyman Chappell and John Cantrall
Applegate Precinct
James A. Wilson, Anderson Darneille and _____ McKenzie
Forest Creek Precinct
Louis Herling, William Ray and Franklin Logg
Jacksonville Precinct
John S. Drum, N. Langell and George P. Frank
Klamath Precinct
O. A. Stearns, O. T. Brown and Andrew J. Burnett
Flounce Rock Precinct
Hiram Abbott, J. M. Crickett, Charles A. Brown
Table Rock Precinct
Joseph H. Bledsoe, D. C. Livingston and William Burke
Butte Creek Precinct
J. J. Fryer, Peter Simon and Jackson Rader
Manzanita Precinct
Francis M. Plymale, Thomas F. Beall and Thomas Hopwood
Eden Precinct
Samuel Colver, O. D. Hoxie and Wayne Oliver
Ashland Precinct
John M. McCall, Giles Wells, Sen. and Jacob Emery
Rock Point Precinct
C. Schieffelin, J. Price and Lafayette Gall
Grants Pass Precinct
Thomas Croxton, Frank Ragsdale and D. H. Burroughs
Leland Precinct
_____ Polick, Samuel Stockton and S. G. Burgesss
Foots Creek Precinct
Chauncey Nye, Green S. Moore and R. A. Cook
Willow Springs Precinct
John W. Baker, J. F. Kellogg and Moses Mansfield
Evans Creek Precinct
H. M. Chapin, Charles Williams and J. T. Blalock
    Ordered by the Court that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the sum of one hundred and seventy-six 55/100 Dollars Clerk's fees as per bill on file.      $176.55
    Ordered by the Court that Dr. L. T. Davis be allowed the sum of Twenty-one Dollars for medicines and medical attendance of Indigent Sick.      $20.00
    Ordered by the Court that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of Three hundred Dollars Salary as County Judge for the quarter ending March 31st, 1868.      $300.00
    Ordered by the Court that L. T. Davis be allowed the sum of one hundred and seventy-five Dollars on his hospital contract for the quarter ending April 8th, 1868.      $175.00
    Ordered by the Court that L. T. Davis be allowed the sum of one hundred and Twenty-five Dollars Salary as Sup. of Schools for the qr. ending March 31st, 1868.      $125.00
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that the Salary of the Superintendent of Common Schools of said County be and the same is hereby reduced to the rate of Four Hundred Dollars per annum, payable quarterly Commencing April 1st, 1868.
    Ordered by the Court that the Gray boys be allowed the sum of fifty Dollars for bridge lumber and timber for Road Dist. No. 5 in said County.      $50.00
    And the Court adjourned until Saturday, the 11th instant at 10 o'clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

Saturday, April 11th, 1868
    The Court met this morning, pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on Wednesday last. The Minutes of the proceedings of Wednesday last were read and approved.
    Ashland. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the boundaries of the Election Precinct of Ashland, be as follows, to wit: Commencing at N.W. corner of T38S, R1E, thence E. to N.E. Corner of T38S R3E, thence South to California line, commencing again at N.W. corner of T38S R1E thence South to the S.W. corner of said T. thence following the line of Eden Precinct to top of Wagner Mountain, thence Southward along divide waters of Ashland and Neil Creeks on the East and Applegate on the West to the summit of the Siskiyou Mountain, thence due South to the California line, and that the place of Voting in said Precinct be at the House of Eber Emery.
    Eden. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the boundaries of the Election Precinct of Eden in said County be as follows, to wit: Commencing at N.W. corner of Sec. 30, T37S, R1W, thence E. to N.E. Corner of Section 25 in said T., thence south along Township and Range line to S.W. Corner of T38S R1E thence following the divide between the waters of Bear Creek and Ashland Creek on the East and Wagner Creek on the West, to the summit of Wagner's Mountain, thence in a Northwesterly direction following the divide between the left hand or East fork of Applegate on the West and the waters of said Wagner Creek, Andersons Creek and Colemans Creek on the East and North to where the said divide crosses the East line, running North and South of T39S R2W, thence North with Township lines to place of beginning
    Manzanita. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the Election Precinct of Manzanita be bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at S.W. Corner of Sec. 23, T37S, R2W, thence North to the N.E. corner of Section 15, thence West to the N.E. corner of Section 18, thence North to N.E. Corner of Sec. 7, thence East to Northeast Corner of Section 10, thence North to North side of Bear Creek, on line between Sections 34 and 35, T36, R2W thence down on North side of said Creek to Section line between Sections 27 and 28 in last named Township, thence North to Rogue River, thence up said River to east line of said T., thence South to S.E. Corner of Sec. 13, thence east to N.E. Corner of Sec. 20, T36, R1W thence south to Township line, thence east to Summit of divide between Dry Creek and waters running into Bear Creek, thence southeasterly along said Divide to the Southeast corner of Section 24, T37S, R1West, thence west to the place of beginning.
    Jacksonville. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County Oregon that the boundaries of the Election Precinct of Jacksonville be and the same are hereby established as follows, to wit: Commencing at the S.E. corner of Sec. 24 T37S R2W thence W. to S.W. Corner of Sec. 15, thence W. to N.E. Corner of Sec. 18 in said T., thence in a southwesterly direction along the divide embracing all the Country drained by Walker Creek and the Extreme right hand fork of Jackson Creek to the Top of what is sometimes called the bald Mountain, at the head of the Middle fork of said Creek, thence following the divide in a Southeasterly direction, passing the headwaters of Cantrall Gulch and of the left hand fork of Jackson Creek and of Missouri Gulch on the North and the waters of Jackass and of Poor Man's Creek on the South and Crossing Poor Man's Creek at the Mouth of Prairie Gulch, thence following a divide again in the Same general direction between Bishop's and headwaters of Poor Man's Creek, Passing in an easterly direction round the heads of the last named waters and of Griffin Creek on the North and the waters of Sterling Creek on the South, to the S.E. Corner of Sec. 25, T38S, R2W; thence North along the line of said T. and of T37 to place of beginning.
    Forest Creek. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that the following be established as the boundaries of the Election Precinct of Forest Creek in said County, to wit:
    Includes all the Country from the Mouth of Prairie Gulch on Poor Man's Creek, drained by said Poor Man's and Bishop's Creeks down to a point where the road leading to Union Town leaves the Crescent City Road, thence up Jackass Creek, including all the Country drained by said Creek to its sources.
    Sterling. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the following be established as the boundaries of the Election Precinct of Sterling, to wit: Commencing at the S.E. Corner of Section 25, T38S, R2W, thence in a Westerly direction, following the line of Jacksonville Precinct to the point where the road from Sterling to Jacksonville crosses the divide into Poor Man's Creek, thence southward along divide to Hukell Gulch, thence down said Gulch to Sterling Creek and down the same to Buncom, thence South up Grouse Creek to Summit of divide between it and Little Beaver Creek, thence Easterly along the divide between said Little Beaver and North or East fork of Applegate until it strikes the Klamath Trail thence South on said Trail to California line, thence East on said line to West line of Ashland Precinct, thence following the lines of Ashland and Eden Precincts along divide in a Northwesterly direction to place of beginning.
    Union Town. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the following be established as the boundaries of the Election Precinct of Union Town, to wit: Bounded West by the Applegate Precinct, South by California line, East by Sterling Precinct and North by Forest Creek Precinct the line between Union Town and Forest Creek running due East and West across the Crescent City Road and Jacksonville at the forks of said Crescent City Road, and of the road leading from Jacksonville to Union Town.
    Applegate. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the following be established as the boundaries of the Election Precinct of Applegate, to wit:  Commencing on divide between the waters of Foots Creek and Applegate Creek on west line of Township 37S, R4West, thence Southeasterly along said divide and divide between Jackass and Applegate to N.W. Corner of Section 21, T38, R3W. Thence South along Section lines across the Valley of Applegate, Thence following the divide between Applegate and Thompson's Creek, leaving the waters of Brush Creek in Union Town Precinct and including all the Country drained by the extreme right hand fork of Applegate above said Brush Creek to Summit of Siskiyou and West to Josephine County line.
    Foots Creek. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that an Election Precinct be and the same is hereby established and called the Foots Creek Precinct with the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at the N.W. Corner of T37S, R4W, thence East to the Summit of the divide between Birdseye and Foots Creeks (between the farms of Chauncey Nye & E. Magruder) thence due East to the divide between said Foots Creek and Miller's Creek, thence following said divide around between Miller's, Gall's, and Jackass Creeks on the East and the waters of Applegate on the South until it strikes the west line of T37S, R4West, thence north along said T. line to place of beginning and that the place of voting in said Precinct be at Draper's Store.
    Grants Pass. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that an Election Precinct be and the same is hereby established to be known as Grants Pass, with the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at the S.W. Corner of Section 33, T36S, R4West, thence West to the Southwest Corner of T36S, R5W, Thence along Township and County line to N.W. Corner of T35S, R5W, thence in a Southeasterly direction to the South E. Corner of last mentioned Township, thence along the line of Township 36S, R4West to Evans Creek, thence down said Creek and following the line of Rock Point Precinct to place of beginning and that the place of voting in said Precinct be at the House of Thomas Croxton.
    Ordered that the Election Precinct of Perkinsville be and the same is hereby vacated.
    Leland. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that an election precinct be and the same is hereby established, known as the Leland Precinct, with boundaries as follows, to wit: Commencing at the Southwest Corner of T34S, R4W, and extending thence North to the line of Douglas County and including all the Country to the Eastward drained by the headwaters of Jump Off Joe, Grave and Coyote Creeks and that the place of voting in said Precinct be at the House of S. G. Burgess on Grave Creek.
    Evans Creek. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the Boundaries of the Precinct of Evans Creek be as follows, to wit: Commencing on Evans Creek where the line between Townships 35 and 36S, R4W crosses, thence West to the S.W. Corner of T35, northwardly, including all the Country not embraced in Leland Precinct, following the divide between the waters of Jump Off Joe and Grave Creeks on the west and Pleasant Creek on the east until said divide strikes the North line running east, and west of T34, R4[W]--thence east along said line to the N.E. Corner of T34S R3W, thence south to S.E. Corner of said Township, thence southwesterly until it strikes the line of Rock Point Precinct, thence following it to the Place of beginning.
    Rock Point. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that an Election Precinct be and the same is hereby established to be known as the Rock Point Precinct and that the boundaries of the same be as follows: Commencing at the S.W. Corner of Section 33, T36S, R4W, thence North to Rogue River, thence up the River to a point opposite the mouth of Evans Creek, thence Northward up Evans Creek to the North boundary of said T36, thence east along the line of said Township to the Top of the divide between Evans Creek and Wards Creek, thence following said divide in a N.E. direction and including all the headwaters of said Wards Creek and of Sardine Creek, until it strikes the Northeast Corner of Sec. 10, T35S R3W, thence South along said section lines to the top of the divide between T'Vaults Creek and Galls Creek, then following along the head of said Galls Creek and down the main divide on the east side of Foots Creek to a point opposite the lower forks of Foots Creek, thence due west, crossing Foots Creek at said Forks between the farms of Chauncey Nye and E. Magruder, to the divide between Foots Creek and Birdseye Creek, thence up said divide to the Township line, thence West along said line to the place of beginning, and that the place of voting in said Precinct be at the House of L. J. White.
    Flounce Rock. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the boundaries of Flounce Rock Precinct be as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point on Rogue River in T34S R1W, where the Sec. lines between Secs. 21 & 28 running east cross said River, thence West to the Western boundary of said T., thence N. to the N.W. Corner of T33S R1W including all the Country east and North of said line and North of Rogue River to its head or to the Summit of the Cascade Mountains, and that the place of voting in said Precinct hereby established be at the home of Charles A. Brown.
    Table Rock. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the boundaries of Table Rock Precinct be as follows, to wit: Commencing where the line between Sections 10 and 11 in T36S R3W crosses Rogue River, running North thence up said River on the North side to a point where the line running east and west between Sections 21 and 28 T34S R1W crosses said River, thence west on said line to west boundary of said Township, thence North to N.W. Corner of said Township, thence W to N.W. Corner of T34S R2West, thence South to S.W. Corner of said T., thence Southwesterly to the N.E. Corner of Sec. 10, T35S R3West, and that the place of voting be at the home of J. T. Germains.
    Butte Creek. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that the boundaries of Butte Creek Precinct be as follows, to wit: Commencing on South Side of Rogue River a short distance above Bybee's Ferry at point where the line between Township 36.1 and 36.2 West strikes said river, thence south to N.W. Corner of Section 18, T36S R1W, thence East to N.E. Corner of Sec. 20, thence South to Township line, thence East to Summit of divide between Dry Creek and waters of Bear Creek, thence Southeasterly along said divide to S.E. Corner of Sec. 2, T37S R1W, thence South to S.W. Corner of T37S R1E, thence East to S.E. Corner of T37S, R3East, thence N. along Township lines to Rogue River, then down said River to place of beginning, and that the place of voting in said Precinct be at the Butte Creek School House near Jackson Rader.
    Willow Springs. Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the boundaries of the Election Precinct of Willow Springs be as follows, to wit: Commencing on Rogue River in T36S R3W, where the line between Sections 10 and 11 crosses said River, thence South with the line of Rock Point Precinct to the top of the divide between T'Vault's and Galls Creeks, thence following the divide around including the headwaters of T'Vaults, Lanes and Willow Springs Creeks to the N.E. Corner of Sec. 18, T37S R2W, thence North to the N.E. Corner of Sec. 7 of said T., thence E. to N.E. Corner of Sec. 10, thence North to Township line, thence East to East side of Bear Creek, thence down said Creek to the point where the west line of Sec. 27, T36 running North crosses said creek, thence North with said line to Rogue River thence down said River to place of beginning.
    And the Court adjourned until April 15th, 1868 at 10 o'clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

April 15th 1868
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment, present the same as on the 11th Instant. The minutes of the proceedings of the 11th Instant were read and approved.
    Now comes W. A. Owen, Shff. and Tax Collector of said County and presents his statement of the Taxes of 1867 by him collected and also the amount now delinquent, by which it appears that he has collected and paid over to the Treasurer the Sum of $15,416.99 and that $937.23 of which was assessed by said Shff. and that there is now delinquent the sum of $4,193.97. It is therefore ordered that the Clerk issue a warrant as required by law commanding said Sheriff to collect said delinquent taxes.      $20
    Ordered by the Court that James R. Neil be allowed the sum [of] Twenty Dollars Dist. Atty. fees in causes of State of Oregon 
vs. Williams and others, before U. S. Hayden, J.P.      $20.00
    Ordered that H. Helms be allowed the sum of Twenty-four Dollars for bread furnished Jack Gardner, a County Charge.      $24.00
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

May Term, A.D. 1868
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office in said County, on Wednesday the Sixth day of May, A.D. 1868, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge,
Frederick Heber, Commissioner
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When in Consequence of the County Judge being engaged in the County-Court on Civil business, the Court adjourned until tomorrow Morning at 9 o'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

Thursday, May 7th, 1868
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as yesterday.
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed on Coroner's Inquest on the body of Babbins, as follows:
  E. H. Greenman Coroner $11.10
W. A. Owen Shff. 9.50
L. Belleau Witness 1.70
Daniel Hopkins Witness 1.70
John DeLong Witness 1.70
John Donegan Witness 1.70
S. W. Voce for washing body 5.00
S. J. Day Juror 1.20
Wm. Cummings Juror 1.20
D. Cronemiller Juror 1.20
Wm. Angel Juror 1.20
J. R. Wade Juror 1.20
C. S. Drew Juror 1.20
    Ordered that the Jacksonville Reveille Office be allowed the sum of Twenty Dollars for 500 blank road receipts.      $20.00
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the sum of five Dollars for digging a grave for Babbins, a County Charge.      $5.00
    Ordered that J. R. Neil be allowed the sum of five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees in cause of State vs. John Obenchain.      $5.00
    Ordered by the Court that J. R. Neil be allowed the sum of five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees in the cause of the State vs. James McKinney.      $5.00
    Ordered by the Court that J. R. Neil be allowed the sum of five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees in the cause of the State 
vs. John Debinger.      $5.00 
    Ordered by the Court that the following persons be allowed in the cause of the State of Oregon 
vs. Rater, Williams, Reed and Oten before Justice Hayden, April 6th, 1868, as follows:
C. M. Caldwell Witness $7.40
J. Boss Witness 7.40
Ed Lyon Witness 7.40
G. S. Moore Witness 7.40
U. C. Knight Witness 7.40
John Wolfer Witness 5.60
A. T. Johnson Witness 1.70
    Ordered by the Court that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the sum of one Hundred and forty-four Dollars for keeping jail for the months of March and April 1868 and for board of Jailer.      $144.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of $330 84/100 being collections 3 percent on $11,028.10 Revenue collected by said Owen on taxes for the year 1867.      $330.84
    Ordered by the Court that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the sum of one hundred and sixty-four Dollars, Clerk's fees as per bill filed.      $164.00
    Ordered that J. R. Neil be allowed the sum of five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees in the cause of State 
vs. Dr. Fields before Justice Hayden.      $5.00.
    Now comes Geo. Nurse by his attorney W. G. T'Vault and applies to the Court for a renewal of his Ferry license on Link River. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said application be granted and that license issue to the said Nurse as aforesaid for the term of one year from the expiration of his present license on the payment of one dollar therefor and filing his bond as requested by the Statutes. 
    And comes J. S. March and presents the petition of himself and others praying for the appointment of viewers and a surveyor to view and survey and lay out a Certain County road in said County particularly described in the petition aforesaid, which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "Petition to the Honorable, the County Court of Jackson Co., Oregon. We, your petitioners, pray your honorable body to appoint viewers and a surveyor to view, survey and lay out a County Road, commencing at or near the bridge on Bear Creek, just above the Hopwood Mill, thence running in the best and most practicable route to Wm. Bybee's Ferry on Rogue River. Also, we pray your Honorable body to vacate so much of a certain road commencing at Bybees Ferry and terminating at the intersection of the same, with the road west and parallel with Bear Creek, between the residence of John Watson and Haskel Amy. This March the 21st A.D. 1868" and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said petition is signed by more than twelve householders of said County residing in the vicinity of the proposed new road, and it further appearing that four notices of the presentation of said petition were posted thirty days previous to the presentation of the same, one of said notices at the place of holding County Court of said County, and three of said notices in three public places in the vicinity of the proposed new road for the same length of time and a bond having been filed in the sum of fifty dollars conditioned to pay costs and expenses by reason of said petition if the same be not granted and allowed, It is therefore ordered by the Court that Martin Peterson, Thos. F. Beall and John Watson, three disinterested householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said road, and that James S. Howard be and he is hereby appointed surveyor of the same, and that the said viewers and surveyor meet at the Clerk's Office of said County, Saturday, the 16th Day of May, 1868, or on their failing to meet on said day, within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view, survey and lay out or alter said road as specified in the aforesaid Petition, and the said viewers will also examine and report upon the propriety of vacating the old road as prayed for in the said Petition. And the said viewers are required to make their Report in writing, stating their reasons for the location or alteration of the same, and deliver said report together with the plot and survey of the same by one of their number, to the County Clerk of said County, on or before the third day of the next Term of this Court.
    Now comes C. S. Drew and presents the petition of himself and others praying for the establishment and opening of a Public highway particularly described in said petition and also for the vacation of the old road between the forks of Jackson Creek and Armstrong Gulch, which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Honorable, the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, Your Petitioners, householders of said County and residing in the vicinity of Jackson Creek in said County and State, respectfully represent that the opening of a public highway, beginning at or near the confluence of the North and South forks of Jackson Creek aforesaid, running thence along the Southerly bank of the said North fork of Jackson Creek, crossing the northerly portion of Kanaka Flat, Armstrong, Shively, and Timber Gulches, and terminating at or near the "Occidental Quartz Mill" situated on the said north fork of Jackson Creek, in the County & State aforesaid, would be of great public utility, sufficiently important to justify the legal opening of the same; therefore, your petitioners humbly pray your honorable Court to make such orders in the premises as may be necessary to the permanent location and opening of a public highway along the course and between the points above designated. As in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray. Your Petitioners would further pray your Hon. Court to order the vacation of the old road between the forks of said Jackson Creek and said Armstrong Gulch."
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said petition is signed by more than Twelve householders of said County residing in the vicinity of the proposed road, and it further appearing that four notices of the presentation of said petition had been posted thirty days previous to the first day of the present Term of this Court, and that one of said Notices was posted at the place of holding County Court of said County and a similar notice posted in three public places in the vicinity of said of said Road for the same length of time, and C. S. Drew, one of said petitioners having filed his bond in the sum of fifty Dollars with A. H. Miller and E. C. Brooks as Sureties, Conditioned to pay all costs and expenses by reason of said petition, if the same be not granted and allowed,
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that James N. T. Miller, Geo. W. Brown and R. S. Dunlap, three disinterested householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said Road and that James S. Howard, a skillful surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed surveyor of the same, and that the said viewers and surveyor meet at the Clerk's Office in said County on Saturday, the 9th day of May, 1868, or on their failing to meet on that day then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified that they proceed to view, survey, lay out or alter said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, and the said viewers will also examine and report the propriety of vacating the old road as prayed for in said petition, and the said viewers are required to make their report in writing, stating their opinion in favor or against the establishment or alteration of such road, and set forth their reasons for the same; which report, together with the plat and survey of said road or alteration, deliver to the Clerk of said County by one of their number, on or before the third day of the next Term of this Court.
    Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of Ten Dollars advanced by him for Support of Longdon, a County Charge.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the sum of Twelve Dollars for Poll books obtained by him at Salem for June Election, also three dollars Express Charges paid by him and also six dollars for 2 years Subscription for the American Unionist furnished to the County, Making in all the sum of Twenty-One Dollars.      $21.00
    The petition of John E. Seyferth and others for the establishment of a County Road Commencing at Bear Creek and Terminating at or near Peter Simons on Little Butte Creek, having been continued from the April Term, 1868, of this Court is now taken up and examined, and whereas the said petition does not ask for the vacation of so much of the old road (which is deemed a legal one) as would be embraced in the proposed or running parallel therewith and there having been no public notice given of such vacation, it is therefore considered that said petition be rejected.
    The Petition of Max Müller and others praying for the location of a County road over the Hill Southwest of Jacksonville was this day taken up unconsidered, and whereas the petition did not ask for the vacation of the old road running parallel with the proposed new road and there having been no legal notice given of such vacation, it is therefore considered that said petition be rejected.
    Ordered that the Oregon Sentinel be allowed the Sum of Eight Dollars for Oregon Sentinel from July 1, 1866 to July 1, 1868, furnished Clerk's Office.   $8.00
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

June 2nd, 1868
    Be it remembered that, at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, on County business, begun and held at the Clerk's Office of said County on Tuesday, the Second day of June, A.D. 1868, at which were present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge,
Frederick R. Heber,
and John B. White, Commissioners,
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    The report of R. S. Dunlap and Geo. S. Brown, a majority of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County road from the Confluence of the North and South forks of Jackson Creek to the Occidental Quartz Mill, all in said County, was taken up and read for the first time this Term of the Court.
    The report of Martin Peterson, John Watson and Thos. F. Beall, viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County road from near Hopwood's Mill on Bear Creek to Bybees Ferry, all in Jackson County, Oregon, was taken up and read the first time today.
    Ordered that Mrs. Heber be allowed the sum of $49.50 for Boarding, washing, nursing and $14.50 Cash furnished Mrs. Simons and Child, a County Charge.      $49.50
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Lafayette Allen be allowed the sum of Eighty Dollars for board and clothing of Daniel Martin, a County Charge, from 1st Feby., 1868 to 1st June 1868, and thereafter, that said Allen be allowed the sum of $20 per month to be paid quarterly for the Service aforesaid.      $80.00
    Ordered by the Court that Mr. Langdon be allowed the sum of seventy-five Dollars, to enable him to go to his relatives, he being an indigent and aged person.      $75.00
    Ordered by the Court that W. A. Owen, Sheriff, be allowed the sum of one hundred and thirty-one Dollars for posting notices of June Election 1868 and serving notices on judges.     $131.00
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the sum of Seventy-Two Dollars for keeping Jail and board of Jailer for the Month of May, 1868.      $72.00
    Ordered by the County Court that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the sum of Twenty-one Dollars for Summoning Jury and attending on County Court May Term 1868.      $21.00
    Now comes Wm. Runzer and applies to the Court for a License to sell spirituous liquors at his store on Jackson Creek in the Precinct of Jacksonville, County of Jackson and State of Oregon, in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said applicant had filed the petition of a Majority  of the legal voters of said Precinct, praying that such License issue, and it further appearing that Notices of the intention to make such application had been posted in three public places in said Precinct ten days prior to the first day of the present Term of this Court, it is therefore ordered that such license issue to said William Runzer as prayed for, for the Term of one year from the Expiration of his last license on the payment of thirty Dollars therefore and filing the Co. Treasurer's receipt therefor and filing his bond as required by the Statutes.
    And the Court adjourned until Thursday  morning at 9 o'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

Thursday, June 4th, 1868
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on Tuesday last except Commissioner White, absent. The minutes of the proceedings of Tuesday read and approved.
    Ordered that Jas. S. Howard be allowed the sum of Ten Dollars for services as Surveyor of the road from Hopwood's Mill to Bybee's Ferry.     
    Ordered that Jas. S. Howard be allowed the sum of Twenty Dollars for services as Surveyor of Co. Road up Jackson Creek.      $20.00
    Ordered that the Reveille office be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars for 500 blank subpoenas.      $20.00
    Ordered that Comstock and Cowley be allowed the sum five Dollars for Team in burying a Frenchman (a County Charge).      $5.00
    Ordered that Commissioner Heber be allowed the sum of Forty-two Dollars for attendance and Mileage as Co. Comr. from January Term 1868 and including the June Term 1868.      $42.00
    Ordered by the Court that W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk, be allowed the sum of one hundred and forty-five 75/100 Dollars, Clerk's fees, as per bill filed.      $145.75
    Ordered that Haskel Amy be allowed the sum of three Dollars as Marker in the survey of the road from Bear Creek to Bybee's Ferry.      $3.00
    Ordered that Gaddis Hopwood be allowed the sum of three dollars as Chain Carrier in the survey of the road from Bear Creek to Bybee's Ferry.      $3.00
    Ordered that S. Jones be allowed the sum of three dollars as chain carrier in the survey of the road from Bear Creek to Bybee's Ferry.      $3.00
    Ordered that Joseph Allred be allowed the sum of four Dollars and fifty cents as chain carrier in the survey of the road from the saw mill to the Occidental Quartz Mill on Jackson Creek.      $4.50
    Ordered that Frank Merebella be allowed the sum of Two & 50/100 Dollars as chain carrier in the survey of the road from the Saw Mill to the Occidental Quartz Mill on Jackson Creek.      $2.50
    Ordered that C. S. Drew be allowed the sum of Two & 50/100 Dollars as chain carrier in the survey of the road from the Saw Mill to the Occidental Quartz Mill on Jackson Creek.      $2.50
    Ordered that the witnesses below named in the cause of the State 
vs. McKinney and Obenchain, before U. S. Hayden, Justice of the Peace, be allowed fees as follows, to wit:
E. Gage $7.50 J. Montgomery 4.30
_____ Hill 7.50 Wm. Sutherland 7.50
Wm. Goodall 4.30 W. T. Lever 2.30
Chas. Brown 10.50 F. S. Avery 5.50
    Ordered by the Court that the following Jurors for May Term 1868, County Court, be allowed fees as follows:
C. S. Drew $4.20 George Brown $2.20
Wm. Greenman 4.20 David Peninger 4.20
Enoch F. Walker 2.20 J. R. Wade 4.20
Saml. Robinson 2.20 W. M. Griffin 2.20
W. McDaniel 2.20 Wm. Fidler 4.20
P. D. Parsons 2.20
    Now at this day comes W. V. Buckner and presents the petition of himself & others for the establishment of a Public highway up Jackass Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, which said petition is in words & figures following, To wit:

"April 28th, 1868, Jackson County, Jackass Creek, Ogn.
    "To the Honorable Board of Road Commissioners: Gentlemen: We, your honorable petitioners, and citizens of the left hand of Jackass or Forest Creek, Log Town Road District, do pray & ask that your Honors do grant the right of way and cause to be constructed by the road Supervisor of this District, an extension of the Public Road, commencing at Log Town, in Jackson County, Oregon, on the main Jackass or Forest Creek, running up said creek to the forks, thence up the left hand fork to the Uppermost Mining Camp on said Creek, thence back to the place of beginning. In conclusion, we would also state that the construction of said road will not cause any outlay financially, as the road with a few exceptions is almost a natural highway: the distance of said road is about five (5) miles, of which about two miles and a half (2½) is a practical wagon road. By granting the right of way and causing to be constructed said road, your Honors would confer a public favor and necessity to your fellow citizens &c."
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said petition was signed by Twelve householders of said County residing in the vicinity of said road, and it further appearing that notices of the intention to present such petition had been posted thirty days prior to the presentation of the same, one of said notices at the place of holding County Court of said County, and one of such notices in three public places in the vicinity of the proposed new road and all of said notices posted at the time herein before stated, and W. V. Buckner, one of said petitioners having filed his bond in the sum of fifty dollars, with John Orth as surety, conditioned to pay all costs and expenses in case the prayer of said petitioners be not granted and allowed, which said bond is accepted by the Court.
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that Wm. Ray, John McKee and Franklin Logg, three disinterested householders of said County, be & they are hereby appointed viewers of said proposed Road, and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the same, and that said viewers and Surveyor meet at the Clerk's Office of said County on Saturday the 13th day of June 1868, or on their failure to meet on said day, within five days thereafter and, after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view survey and lay out said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid and the said viewers or a majority of the same, shall make and sign a report in writing, stating their opinion, in favor of or against the establishment of such road, and set forth the reasons of the same: which report, together with the plat and survey of said road, shall be delivered to the County Clerk, by one of the viewers on or before the third day of the session of the County Court next ensuing.
    The report of Martin Peterson, John Watson and Thos. F. Beall, viewers, is taken  up and publicly read the second time this session of the Court, having been publicly read on Tuesday last, which said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Honorable County Court for the County of Jackson, State of Oregon: We the undersigned viewers appointed to view a road from near Hopwood's Mill to Bybee's Ferry on Rogue River, have the Honor to report that we did on the 21st day of May, A.D. 1868, proceed to view out the said road on the lines represented by the report of the Surveyor, herewith presented, and that in our opinion, that said lines are upon the best practicable route for a road, between the Two points above mentioned, and recommend that the road be adopted and also that the old road specified in the petition be vacated, as the new is nearer and better.
Martin Peterson
John Watson
Thos. F. Beall

    And the said report, having been publicly read on Two different days of the present Session or Term of this Court; and there being no remonstrance to the same and no petition for damages or for a review filed; and the Court being satisfied that the said proposed road will be of public utility, the said report is in all things confirmed. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said report, together with the plat and survey, be recorded, and from thenceforth said road shall be considered and established as a public highway, and the Supervisor in whose district said road is situated is required to open the same and to keep the same in good repair. And it is further ordered that the old road specified in the Petition aforesaid, be and the same is hereby vacated.
    The report of R. S. Dunlap and George Brown, a majority of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a road on Jackson Creek, was publicly read the second time today, which said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Honorable the County Court for the County of Jackson, State of Oregon,
The undersigned being a majority of the viewers appointed by your Honorable Court at the last term thereof, to view and lay out the road petitioned for by C. S. Drew and others from the confluence of the North and South forks of Jackson Creek to the Occidental Quartz Mill and also to examine and report as to the propriety of vacating the old road between the said North and South forks of said Jackson Creek and Armstrong Gulch, as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, have the honor to report that they have performed the duty for which they were appointed and that they recommend the establishment of the new road and the vacation of the old one, as prayed for. The reasons for making this recommendation are as follows: The establishment of the new road, as proposed, is a matter of more than ordinary importance, both to individuals residing along its line and to the public, as it will afford an ample thoroughfare for the residents along the North fork of Jackson Creek, Cantrall, Timber, Shively and Armstrong Gulches, and of Kanaka Flat, and aid very materially in the development of the numerous quartz ledges in the County, and render accessible to the public a large tract of good timber and various quarries of Superior building stone. The site as located affords an easier grade and better ground for a road than obtains anywhere else, between its beginning and terminus, and the Cost of Construction will be no greater than if located elsewhere, while the expense of keeping it in repair will be infinitely less, and as now located, no damages can be reasonably claimed as no person is injured by it. The building of two short bridges, one each across Timber and Shively Gulches, will be the only considerable expense, aside from easy side hill, grading for the distance of about three-fourths of a mile that will accrue in its construction. It is recommended that the old road be vacated because its location is mainly on mining ground that is being constantly worked and the boundary of the road entirely disregarded. Its grade very irregular, its general condition bad, requiring considerable grading and a new bridge across Armstrong Gulch to render it even passably safe, for ordinary travel, and further because its continuance as a public road will not be in the least necessary when the proposed new road is opened. The Certified return and plat of the proposed new road is herewith enclosed.
    Respectfully Submitted,
R. S. Dunlap
Geo. Brown

    And the said report, having been publicly read on Two different days of the present Term of this Court, and there being no remonstrance to the same, and no petition for damages or for a review filed and the Court being satisfied that said proposed new road will be of public utility and that the old road recommended to be vacated is unnecessary, It is considered by the Court that the said report be and is hereby in all things confirmed. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said report, together with the plat and survey be recorded and from thenceforth the said proposed road shall be considered and is hereby established as a public highway and the Supervisor in whose District the same is situated is required to open the same and to keep the same in good repair. And it is further ordered that the old road specified in the foregoing report be and the same is hereby vacated.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

July Session, 1868
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson, begun and held at the Clerk's Office of said County (on County business) on Monday, the Sixth day of July, 1868, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber,
and W. A. Childers, County Commissioners
    The said Heber and Childers having filed their Certificates of election and oaths of Office before taking their seats.
    W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk-elect, having heretofore filed his Certificate of election and oath of Office, now presents his Official Undertaking in the Sum of Ten thousand dollars, with J. E. Ross, James T. Glenn and Alex Martin as sureties, and the said Sureties having justified as required by law, the said bond is accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Board that Max Müller, Treas.-elect, be required to give bonds in the sum of Twenty thousand Dollars and thereupon the said Max Müller files his bond in said sum of Twenty thousand Dollars with Newman Fisher, A. Fisher, John Orth, John Bilger, M. Hanley and C. C. Beekman as Sureties and the said Sureties having justified as requested by law, It is ordered by the Court that the said Bond be and the same is hereby accepted and approved and the said Müller having heretofore filed his certificate of Election and Oath of Office, is declared County Treasurer of said County of the ensuing Term.
    Now comes Thomas G. Reames, Shff.-elect, and presents his official Bond in the sum of Ten thousand Dollars, with J. B. White and Jno. S. Drum as Sureties and the said Sureties having justified as required by law, thereupon the said Thomas G. Reames was sworn in as Sheriff of said Jackson County, Oregon.
    Now comes E. H. Greenman, Coroner-elect, and presents his official undertaking with Abm. Tenbrook and Jos. H. Davis as Sureties, said bond is in the sum of Three thousand dollars and the said Sureties having justified as by law required, the said bond is accepted and approved and thereupon said E. H. Greenman is duly sworn in as Coroner of said Jackson County, Oregon.
    Now comes Josiah Hannah, County Assessor-elect and presents his Official Undertaking in the sum of Five thousand Dollars with John E. Ross and David Linn as sureties and the said sureties having justified as by law required, It is ordered that the said undertaking be
and the same is accepted and approved, and thereupon the said Josiah Hannah is sworn as Assessor of said Jackson County, Oregon.
    Ordered by the Court that A. V. Gillette be allowed the sum of one hundred and twelve and 61/100 dollars for lumber furnished and labor performed on Road District No. 1, in said County.      $112.61
    Now comes Jos. H. Davis and files his petition for a private road leading from his premises to some Convenient point on the public road, leading from Jacksonville to Yreka. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that said petitioner has lands in said County so situated that it has no connection with any public road and the said petitioner having filed his bond surety with W. A. Owen, Surety, conditioned to pay all costs by reason of the location of said private road, and all damages that may be assessed by the Viewers, It is therefore ordered by the Court that Abm. Tenbrook, David Redpath and John Müller, three disinterested Householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers of said proposed Private Road and that said viewers meet on the 18th day of July, 1868, and after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view and locate a private Road according to the application of the said Joseph H. Davis, leading from the lands of said Davis and passing through lands owned by Schmidtling, to some convenient point on a Public Road leading from Jacksonville to Phoenix, all in said County. The said viewers will also assess the damages to be sustained by reason of the location of such road, and the said viewers or a majority of them shall make their report in writing to the County Court at the next regular session, of the private road so located by them, and also the amount of damages, if any, assessed by them, and the person or persons entitled to such damages.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge.

July 7th 1868
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on yesterday, the minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Now at this day comes Thomas Gaston and applies to the Court for a license to sell Spirituous Liquor in Jacksonville Precinct in said County in measure less that one quart, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said Applicant had obtained and filed the petition of a majority of the Legal Voters of said Precinct praying that said application be granted, and it also appearing that Notices of the intention to make such application had been posted more than ten days prior to the first day of this Term of this Court, in three public places in said Precinct, It is therefore ordered by the Court that said application be granted and that license issue as prayed for, for the sum of Fifteen dollars for the Term of Six Months from the expiration of his last License, on his filing the bond required by law.
    Now on this day comes S. J. White and applies to the Court for a License to sell Spirituous Liquor in Rock Point Precinct in said County in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said applicant had obtained and filed the petition of a majority of the Legal Voters of said Precinct praying that said application be granted, and it also appearing that notices of the intention to make such application had been posted in three public places in said Precinct more than ten days prior to the first day of the present Term of this Court, It is therefore ordered by the Court that said application be granted and that License issue to the said White as prayed for, for the Term of one year from the expiration of his last License, on the payment of Thirty dollars therefor and filing the bond required by the Statute.
    Ordered that B. B. Griffin be allowed the sum of Sixty dollars for 15 Cards of wool furnished the County.      $60.00
    Ordered by the Court that Glenn, Drum and Co. be allowed the sum of $48.91 for sundries as per bill on file.      $48.91
    Ordered by the Court that Madam Guilfoyle (use of G.D.&Co.) be allowed the sum of $25.00 for board and lodging jurors on Criminal Cases. June Term 1868, Circuit
Court.      $25.00
    Ordered by the Court that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the sum of $2.50 as viewer, Jackson Creek Road.      $2.50
    Ordered by the Court that George Brown be allowed the sum of $2.50 as viewer of the Jackson Creek Road.      $2.50
    Ordered that John Orth be allowed the sum of $11.75 for Meat furnished Gardner, a County Charge.      $11.75
    Ordered by the Court that J. R. Neil Dist. Atty. be allowed the sum of Ninety Dollars being 10 percent on amt. collected and Paid Treasurer on forfeiture of Chadwick's bail bond.      $90.00
    Ordered by the Court that D. H. Burroughs (use of John Bilger) be allowed the sum of three hundred and three and 28/100 dollars for bridge lumber furnished for Road Dist. No. 11 in said County, as per bill on file.      $303.28
    Ordered by the Court that O. Jacobs be allowed the sum of $4.37 being ¼ of Cleaning Irrigating Ditch.      $4.37
    Ordered by the Court that Sutton & Stearns be allowed the sum of Fifty-four 12/100 dollars for Stationery & blank books as per bill filed.      $54.12
    Ordered that C. C. Beekman be allowed the sum of thirty dollars Stage fare of David Blanton, witness in State Case.      $30.00
    Ordered that H. L. Webb be allowed the sum of three dollars fees, cause of State vs.
Chinaman Sam.      $3.00
    Ordered that Isador Caro be allowed the sum of Nine dollars for blank books for County.      $9.00
    Ordered that Jas. Williams be allowed the sum of Nineteen 44/100 collars for Bridge lumber furnished Road Dist. No. 3.      $19.44
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the sum of Eight dollars for digging Ditches and watering trees in Court House Yard.      $8.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of one hundred fifty-one & 50/100 dollars, Shff.'s Charges in Criminal Cases.      $157.50
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the sum of forty-eight dollars for summoning Jury, June T. 1868, Cir. Court,      $48.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, Shff., be allowed the sum of Seventy dollars for keeping Jail, Month of July, 1868.      $70.00
    Ordered that G. S. Moore be allowed the sum of Six Dollars witness fees, Cause of State vs.
Williams et al.      $6.00
    Ordered that U. C. Knight be allowed the sum of Six Dollars witness fees, cause of State 
vs. Williams, et al.      $6.00
    Ordered that L. Oram be allowed the sum of Six Dollars witness fees cause of State 
vs. Williams et al.      $6.00
    Ordered that James R. Boss be allowed the sum of Six Dollars witness fees cause of State vs.
Williams et al.      $6.00
    Ordered that Ed Lynn be allowed the sum of Six Dollars, witness fees, cause of State 
vs. Williams et al.      $6.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of $13.40, Shff.'s fees, cause of State 
vs. Williams et al.      $13.40
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of $4.80, J.P. fees cause of State 
vs. Chas. Miller.      $4.80
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of $1.75, J.P. fees cause of State 
vs. William Burchtorff.      $1.75
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of Six & 80/100 dollars J.P. fees Cause of State 
vs. Ambrose.      $6.80
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of Nine & 80/100 dollars, cause of State 
vs. Koster et al. (2 cases).      $9.80
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of Ten and 55/100 dollars, cause of State 
vs. McKinney & Obenchain.      $10.55
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of $2.20 cause of State 
vs. M. H. Field.      $2.20
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of one and 45/100 J.P. fees cause of State 
vs. Chinaman Sam.      $1.45
    Ordered that U. S. Hayden be allowed the sum of one & 70/100 dollars J.P. fees cause of State 
vs. Harder.      $1.70
    Ordered that J.P. Hayden be allowed $3.45 fees in cause of State 
vs. James Harder.      $3.45
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of $47.10 fees in criminal cases before Justice Hayden.
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed Nineteen Dollars fees in Coroner's Inquest, body of James Arnold.
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of Seventy-four 50/100 dollars fees cause of State 
vs. Obenchain & McKinney.      $74.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the Sum of $20.00 on Warrant cause of State 
vs. James Harder.      $20.00
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed the sum of one Hundred and Sixty-five dollars for attendance on Courts.
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees as below cause of State 
vs. H. Read et al.
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk $6.45
W. A. Owen Shff. 8.50
Ed Lyon Witness 6.00
U. C. Knight Witness 6.00
J. R. Boss Witness 10.20
G. S. Moore Witness 6.20
     Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed fees $4.00 each in causes of State vs. J. Edgar and State vs. Pon (Chinaman)      $8.00
    Ordered that Hopkins and Co. be allowed the Sum of $21.32 for 1066 feet of bridge lumber for R. Dist. No. 29.      $21.32
    Ordered that Hopkins and Co. be allowed the Sum of one hundred and Sixty-seven & 67/100 dollars for 8384 feet of Bridge lumber for Road Dist. No. 21.        $167.67
    Ordered that the following jurors, June T. 1868, Circuit Court, be allowed fees as below stated:
W. J. Plymale $  9.20 Jno. H. Breeding $16.00
Andrew J. Cook 12.00 Robt. A. Gray 14.60
Frederick Mentz 9.60 C. S. Sargent 15.80
C. F. Blake 11.50 John Donegan 14.40
William Roberts 10.00 Alex M. Berry 14.20
Martin H. Drake 9.80 John Cantrall 16.20
John La Tourette 1.60 Alex Martin 14.20
John Bilger 14.20 Aaron Chambers 14.80
Peter Ives 15.60 Horace Root 16.20
Robt. J. Cameron 16.00 Julius F. Kellogg 13.60
James Helms 14.40 James W. Simpson 12.20
Frank Town 15.80 Merit Bellinger 13.00
Thomas Wright 15.00 Ed Lyon 4.00
Geo. Yaudes 15.60 U. C. Knight 4.00
Henry Judge 14.20 David Phipps 4.20
Alex H. Welles 14.20 David Dunlap 4.20
Geo. T. French 14.20 Jas. R. Wade 2.20
Robt. C. Armstrong 14.60 A. Ratrie 2.20
D. H. Burroughs (mileage) 5.00 Green S. Moore 4.00
    Ordered that the persons named be allowed fees as follows in the cause of the State vs. Chadwick.
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk 23.60 David Blanton Witness 59.60
W. A. Owen Shff. 64.40 Wm. S. Bybee Witness 6.20
J. M. Obenchain Witness 20.00 R. B. Perry Witness 5.20
W. S. Robinson Witness 8.00 R. E. Bledsoe Witness 6.20
John McIntosh Witness 8.00 Cyrus Jackson Witness 8.00
J. T. German Witness 8.00 J. H. Bledsoe Witness 6.00
M. A. Huston Witness 6.00
G. A. Jackson Witness 8.00
Danl. Colwell Witness 2.00
J. M. Crocket Witness 8.00
     Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees as follows for canvassing votes and making abstracts and sending copies to Sec. State, June Election 1868, to wit:
U. S. Hayden 3.20
Jos. T. German 6.40
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk 17.40
    Ordered that the persons below named be allowed fees as follow, cause of State vs. Chadwick.
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk 26.35 W. S. Robinson Witness 8.20
Shff. Owen 37.50 G. A. Jackson Witness 9.00
Witness J. T. German 9.60 Wm. Bybee Witness 4.20
Witness B. F. Wade 9.80 Joseph Satterfield Witness 9.00
Witness J. McIntosh 9.40 Chas. A. Brown Witness 11.00
Witness M. A. Huston 9.80 Josiah Hannah Witness 4.20
Witness M. Dickinson 10.40 W. Bledsoe Witness 9.00
Witness J. Sisemore 10.00 J. H. Bledsoe Witness 9.00
Witness Jas. Pankey 4.20 Cyrus Jackson 10.00
Witness Wm. Wilson 6.20
Witness Wm. Burke 4.20
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees as below stated as Messengers in returning poll books, June Election 1868:
J. B. Saltmarsh $1.60 O. D. Hoxie $2.00
Lyman Chappell 2.00 Giles Wells Sen. 4.00
James A. Wilson 2.60 J. B. White 2.80
Frank Logg 1.20 Horatio [omission] 5.60
F. B. Sprague 17.00 Saml. Stockton 10.00
J. M. Crocket 7.50 Hiram Read 4.20
R. E. Bledsoe 3.00 Thos. Wright 1.20
A. C. Howlett 3.60 H. M. Chapin 7.00
F. M. Plymale 1.20
    Ordered that the persons hereinafter named be allowed fees as follows as Clerks of Election, June 1st, 1868.
C. K. Klum $2.00 Danl. B. Winkle 2.00
M. J. Spaulding 2.00 Robt. E. Bledsoe 2.00
V. P. Comstock 2.00 J. A. Burns 2.00
John S. Chatham 2.00 A. C. Howlett 2.00
J. W. Mee 2.00 L. Tinkham 2.00
John Slagle 2.00 J. D. Fountain 2.00
John McKee 2.00 W. J. Plymale 2.00
Joseph McKee 2.00 F. M. Merril 2.00
James R. Wade 4.00 W. Beeson 2.00
D. M. C. Gault 4.00 A. V. Gillette 2.00
F. B. Sprague 2.00 J. S. Woodson 2.00
Lewellyn Colver 2.00 T. R. Magruder 2.00
Jas. A. Abbott 2.00 Samuel Rush 2.00
James Savage 2.00
D. H. Taylor 2.00
E. R. Scott 2.00
G. W. Tetherow 2.00
Ed Lyon 2.00
Robt. L. Squires 2.00
Wm. H. Parker 2.00
John B. Farley 2.00
Wm. G. Bahr 2.00
Nathan Hull 2.00
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees as follows for services as Judges of Election, June 1st, 1868, to wit:
J. B. Saltmarsh $2.00 Jesse Bennett 2.00
Frank Town 2.00 Thos. Hopwood 2.00
T. H. Gilson 2.00 F. M. Plymale 2.00
Lyman Chappell 2.00 O. D. Hoxie 2.00
John Cantrall 2.00 Wayne Oliver 2.00
Omer Saltmarsh 2.00 Horace Root 2.00
James A. Wilson 2.00 Giles Wells Sen. 2.00
Anderson Darneille 2.00 J. B. Emery 2.00
Wm. McKenzie 2.00 J. M. McCall 2.00
Louis Herling 2.00 F. G. Birdseye 2.00
Wm. Ray 2.00 Lafayette Gall 2.00
Francis Logg 2.00 J. Price 2.00
John S. Drum 4.00 Thos. Croxton 2.00
N. Langell 4.00 J. F. Ragsdale 2.00
Geo. T. French 4.00 D. H. Burroughs 2.00
O. A. Stearns 2.00 Joseph Pollock 2.00
Ira Burch 2.00 S. C. Stockton 2.00
C. T. Brown 2.00 C. H. Burton 2.00
Hiram Abbott 2.00 Chauncey Nye 2.00
Chas. A. Brown 2.00 R. A. Cook 2.00
J. M. Crocket 2.00 Green S. Moore 2.00
Jos. H. Bledsoe 2.00 Thos. Wright 2.00
D. C. Livingston 2.00 Moses Mansfield 2.00
Wm. Wilson 2.00 J. F. Kellogg 2.00
Jackson Rader 2.00 John P. Blalock 2.00
Peter Simon 2.00 H. M. Chapin 2.00
J. J. Fryer 2.00 Chas. Williams 2.00
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars in full of his Hospital Contract qr. ending July 8th, 1868.      $175.00
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the sum of one hundred dollars as Supt. of Schools, qr. ending June 30th, 1868.
    Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of Three Hundred dollars Salary as County Judge for the qr. ending June 30th, 1868.
    Ordered by the Court that Jas. S. Howard be allowed the Sum of Fifteen dollars, on a/c of Survey, Jackass Creek Road.
    Ordered that A. McQueen be allowed the sum of $2.50 as chain carrier, Jackass Creek Road.
    Ordered that Henry Gregg be allowed the sum of $2.50 as chain carrier, Jackass Creek Road.
    Ordered that Wm. Ray be allowed the sum of Two & 50/100 dollars as viewer of Jackass Ck. Road.
    Ordered that John McKee be allowed the sum of Two & 50/100 dollars as viewer, Jackass Ck. Road.
    Ordered that Francis Logg be allowed the sum of Two & 50/100 Dollars as viewer, Jackass Ck. Road.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the sum of one Hundred Eighty-two & 90/100 Dollars for attendance on Courts, Assessment Roll & fees.
    Ordered that the Reveille Office be allowed the sum of thirty-five dollars for printing blanks, as per bill filed.
    The report of Francis Logg, Wm. Ray & John McKee, viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County Road from Log Town to the Uppermost mining diggings on Jackass Creek was read for the first time publicly, this day.
    Now comes David Linn, late Co. Tr. and presents his account for settlement by which it appears that on a settlement made with the County Clerk, July 9th, 1868, there was in the hands of said Linn belonging to the County fund the sum of $3,905.30 and in his hands belonging to the School fund the sum of $1,239.69 and the said Linn having filed the receipts of Max Müller, Treasr. for the several amounts so found in his hands, It is ordered that said statement be and the same is hereby accepted and approved.
    Now comes Thos. G. Reames and presents his bond in the sum of Ten thousand dollars a collection of Chinese Taxes for said County, with James T. Glenn and Wm. Bybee as Sureties, which said having justified, It is ordered that said bond be and the same is hereby approved.
    And the Court adjourned until Friday morning the 17th Instant at 10 o'clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge.

July 17, 1868
    The Court met pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on Tuesday, July the 7th. The Minutes of the proceedings of the 7th were read and approved.
    Now comes S. C. Taylor and presents the petition of himself and others, being 12 householders of said County, praying for the appointment of Viewers and a Surveyor to view Survey and locate a County Road, commencing on the Stage Road near the House of Milton Lindley, in the Town of Phoenix and Terminating near T. L. Linksweiler's House. Proof of the posting of notices as required by law having been filed as well as the bond required by the statutes, which bond is approved by the Clerk.
    Whereupon it is considered by the Court that said petition and all matters connected therewith be and the same is continued until the next Term of this Court.
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the sum of Twenty dollars as examining Physician on Two Inquests held by Coroner Greenman.
    Ordered that John Bilger be allowed the sum of Eight and 40/100 for spikes on bridges used in Road Dist. No. 21.
    Ordered that Linn and Hall be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for Coffin for Frenchman a Co. charge.
    Ordered that Linn and Hall be allowed the Sum of Seventy & 50/100 for furniture, chairs &c. for Court House.
    Ordered that David Linn, late Tr. be allowed the sum of Two Hundred fifty-six 50/100 Dollars, Discount on $950 Legal Tender Notes Sold at 73 cts.            $256.50
    Ordered that David Linn, late Tr., be allowed the sum of three hundred and seven Dollars Salary to July 7th, 1868 (five dollars of which being for book & Stationery).
    Ordered that David Linn, late Tr., be allowed the sum of $16.54, being one percent on School Money loaned.
    Ordered that the Western Union Telegraph Co. be allowed the Sum of $17.00 on a/c of Telegram in regard to the trial of Chadwick, a criminal, by order of the Dist. Atty..
    Ordered by the Court that the resignation of Eber Emery as Constable for the Precinct of Ashland in and for Jackson County, Oregon, be and the Same is hereby accepted.
    Now comes David Linn, late Co. Tr., and files the receipts of Max Müller, Co. Tr. for the sum of $3,905.31 due to the County fund and also files said Tr. receipt for the Sum of $1,239.69 due to the School fund, which appears to be in full of all moneys in his hands belonging to said funds as per Settlement made with the County Clerk, July 9th, 1868.
    Now comes Thos. G. Reames and files his bond as Collector of Chinese Taxes in the Sum of Ten thousand Dollars with James T. Glenn and William Bybee as Sureties, and the said Sureties having Justified, the said bond is accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that James S. Howard be and he is hereby appointed County Surveyor in and for said Jackson County, to fill a vacancy in said office.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge.

July 18th, 1868
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on yesterday--the minutes of proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered by the Court that the report of Wm. Ray, John McKee and Francis Logg, viewers heretofore filed, be and the same is hereby continued until the next term of this Court.
    Now comes James S. Howard, County Surveyor, and files his bond in the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) with James T. Glenn and P. J. Ryan as Sureties, and the said Sureties having Justified, the said bond is accepted and approved by the Court.
    Now comes O. A. Stearns and presents the petition of himself and others praying for the appointment of viewers and a Surveyor, to view, survey and locate a County Road, commencing at the Hill farm and terminating at the Lost River gap, which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Hon. Board of Commissioners for Jackson County, Oregon:  The undersigned, your petitioners, would respectfully represent that a public Road leading from the County Seat to the vicinity of Lost River gap is very much needed. We therefore pray that a Surveyor and viewers be appointed to survey, view and locate a Road commencing on the farm known as the Hill farm, being on the road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka, Cal., thence by the most practicable route to Emigrant Creek, thence along said Creek and over the Mountain in an Easterly direction to the Klamath Ferry at O. T. Brown's, following as nearly as practicable the old Emigrant Trail, thence in an Easterly direction upon the North of the Klamath River and by the most practicable route to Link River at George Nurse's ferry, thence Easterly to Lost River Gap. Your petitioners would further pray that said road may be sixty feet in width through its entire length, except where in the opinion of the viewers that width would damage actual settlers and that in such cases the width of the road may be reduced to forty feet. Your petitioners would further pray that the Starting point of said road on the Hill Farm may be at such place as shall cause the least damage to the present proprietors of said farm, keeping in view the paramount necessity of a practicable way, and your petitioners would further respectfully pray that all taxes assessed and collected within the bounds of Fort Klamath Precinct may for the present year be appropriated for payment for work upon Bridges upon said road and in such manner as may seem proper to your Honorable Board."  And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said petition is signed by more than twelve Householders, living in the vicinity of the proposed new road and it further appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that due notice of the intention to present such petition at this term of the Court, had been given, and the proper bond having been filed, conditioned as the law requires, which bond is accepted & approved, It is therefore ordered by the Court that W. F. Songer , Samuel Colver, and O. T. Brown, three disinterested Householders of said County be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said road and that Jas. S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is appointed surveyor of the same. And that said viewers and surveyor meet on the 30th day of July, 1868, or on they failing to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter and after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view, survey and lay out said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid. And the said viewers or a majority of them shall make and sign a report in writing stating their opinion for or against the establishment of such road and their reasons for the same, which report together with the plat and survey of said road shall be delivered to the County Clerk by one of their number on or before the 3rd day of the September term of the County Court of said County next ensuing.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

August Term, 1868
    Be it remembered that the regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office in said County on Tuesday the fourth day of August, 1868, at which were present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Commissioners
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Now comes Louis Herling and applies to the Court for License to sell Spirituous Liquor in Forest Creek Precinct in said County in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said applicant had filed the Petition of a Majority of the legal voters of said Precinct, praying that said application be granted, and it also appearing that due notice of the intention to make such application had been given, It is therefore ordered by the Court that said petition be granted and that License issue to the said Louis Herling as aforesaid for the term of six months from the expiration of his last License on the payment of Fifteen dollars therefor and filing the bond required by the Statutes.
    Now comes Henry Scharfenburg and applies to the Court for a License to sell Spirituous Liquor in the Precinct of Jacksonville in said County in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said applicant had filed the petition of a Majority of the legal voters of said Precinct, praying that said Application be granted, and it also appearing that due notice of the Intention to make such application at this term of the Court had been given, It is therefore considered by the Court that said application be granted and that license issue to said Henry Scharfenburg as prayed for for the Term of one year from the Expiration of his last license, on the payment of Thirty dollars therefor and on his filing the bond required by the Statute.
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for Sawdust for trees in Court House yard and for watering the same.
    Ordered that W. A. Owen, late Shff., be allowed the sum of five dollars for attendance on County Court, July T., 1868.
    Ordered that T. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Seventy Dollars for keeping Jail and board of Jailer Month of July, 1868.
    Ordered that Sachs Bro. be allowed the sum of Twelve 88/100 for wall paper and lining for Clerk's Office.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred and two and 25/100 Dollars, Clerk's fees, as per bill on file.
    Ordered that Louis Spetzold, use of W. H. S. Hyde, be allowed the Sum of thirteen dollars for papering the County Clerk's Office.
    Ordered that Wintjen and Helms be allowed the sum of Eight dollars for Table Cover for Clerk's Office.
    Ordered that John Pearson be allowed the Sum of thirty-five and 84/100 dollars for bridge lumber bought of Deskins for Road District No. 11.
    Ordered that John Pearson be allowed the Sum of three dollars for Spikes for bridges in R. Dist. No. 11.
    Ordered that John Latshaw be allowed the Sum of Eighteen Dollars for Material for and painting the County Clerk's Office.
    Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the sum of five Dollars, Dist. Atty. fees, Cause of State vs. H. Huber, before Esquire Wade.
    Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the Sum of five ($5.00) Dist. Atty. fees, State 
vs. John Moon, before Esquire Harris.      $5.00
    Ordered by the Court that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the Sum of Fifteen Dollars Dist. Atty. Fees in causes of State vs. Livingston, Chadwick and Jackson, before Esquire Gall. $15.00
    Now comes Wm. Ray on the behalf of John Gleason and files his petition, verified, by which it appears that said Gleason is a resident of this County, and that by reason of long affliction from Rheumatism, the said Gleason is now in indigent circumstances and has no means of support. And the Court being fully satisfied of the truthfulness of the foregoing Statements, It is therefore ordered that the prayer of said petition be granted and that the said Gleason be henceforth Considered a County Charge.
    In pursuance of previous notice, the proposals heretofore filed for the keeping and treatment of the sick and disabled poor persons of Jackson County, Oregon, according to Specifications previously made, were this day opened and considered. To wit: Proposal of Dr. L. T. Davis for the Term of one year from Aug. 4th, 1868, for Eight hundred dollars, in quarter Annual payments. Proposal of Dr. F. Grube for the Sum of fourteen hundred dollars. Proposal of Dr. A. B. Overbeck for the Sum of fifteen hundred Ninety-Eight & 50/100 dollars, all which bidders proposed as sureties persons deemed ample and entirely satisfactory to the Court. After duly considering all of the aforesaid proposals, It is considered by the Court that the proposal of L. T. Davis be accepted and that said contract become the same is hereby awarded to the said Davis for the Term of One year to wit: from August 4th, 1868 to August 4th, 1869 at the rate of Eight hundred dollars per annum to be paid in gold Coin in quarter annual payments, on the said Davis signing an agreement in accordance with the Specifications heretofore referred to, and also filing his bond in the sum of Sixteen hundred dollars, with Sureties to be approved by the Court, Commissioner F. Heber alone dissenting from and voting against the awarding of said Contract to the said Davis.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock, A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

August 5th, 1868
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the same as yesterday. The minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars, being the amount advanced by him in May last to Mr. Langdon, a County Charge.
    Ordered that D. Cronemiller be allowed the Sum of Ten and 50/100 dollars for Irons for persons in jail on Criminal Charges.
    Ordered by the Court that John Gleason be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars towards defraying his expenses to his friends in the States.
    Ordered by the Court that the petition of S. C. Taylor & others for a County road commencing near Milton Lindley's and terminating near the House of T. S. Linksweiler, be and the same is continued until the next Term of this Court.
    Now at this day comes Abm. Tenbrook and David Redpath a majority of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out and assess the damages of a private Road leading from the lands of Joseph H. Davis, in said County to some convenient point on the public Road leading from Jacksonville to Phoenix and make their report of the same, which said report is in words and figures, following, to wit:
    "We the undersigned viewers appointed by the County Court of Jackson County to view, mark out, locate and assess the damages for a private road from the lands of Joseph H. Davis, situate about one half or three quarters of a mile south of the County road leading from Jacksonville to Phoenix in Jackson County. Said private road to pass from the lands of Joseph H. Davis through lands of Mrs. H. Schmidtling and terminate at said County Road, would respectfully report that on the 18th day of July, 1868, the day appointed in Said order of appointment and, after more than three days' Notice given to said 
Schmidtling, through whose lands said private road was to be viewed and located and after being duly sworn, we did on said day, to wit, the 18th day of July, 1868, meet on the said lands of Joseph H. Davis situate as aforesaid and on said lands did mark by blazing a large Black Oak about two feet in diameter, for a commencing of said private road, and proceeded a little east of a north course, locating said private road to the foot of the Hill by blazing the trees and cutting the brush and bushes: thence near a north course to the County road as aforesaid, to a gate on the line of said Schmidtling's fence, running parallel with said County road, Marking the line of location by blazing the trees and cutting the brush, so that the entire line of location from said Davis' lands to the gate on the County road as aforesaid, is well defined, the distance the said private road passes through the lands of said Schmidtling is about one half mile and as a general thing said lands is unfit for cultivation. We would further say that we have located said private road from the lands of said Davis, through the lands of said Schmidtling so as to do the least damage to said Schmidtling and the land through which the private road passes and would further say that there is an absolute necessity that said private road should be established, as the lands of said Davis are so situated that they have no connection with any public road. There is a suitable gate on the line of fence running parallel with said County road, where the private road intersects the same, that in consideration of the locating of the private road and the passage through the gate which will be necessary on said line of fence on the lands of said Schmidtling, we assess the damages to be paid to said Schmidtling by said Davis at Twenty Dollars, and believe the same to be ample for the Same, August 3rd, 1868.
A. Tenbrook
David Redpath
    And thereupon Came Peter Schmidtling and Henrietta, his wife by their atty., James D. Fay and file their remonstrance to said report. And the Court after hearing the argument of W. G. T'Vault and James D. Fay, attorneys respectively for the Petitioner and Remonstrators, on said Report and said Remonstrance, and the Court being fully satisfied that said report is just, and the said Davis having paid all costs of locating said road, and also having deposited with the Clerk of this Court, for the use of said Schmidtling, Twenty dollars, the damages assessed by the viewers; It is therefore ordered by the Court that said report be and the same is in all things confirmed, and that such road be and the same is hereby declared to be a private road, and that the same be recorded as such.
    Now come Han Foo and Co. by their Attorney, O. Jacobs &
file their petition for damages and remonstrance to the location of a County road up Jackass Creek in said County, as located by Francis Logg, Wm. Ray and John McKee, Viewers, on the 16th day of June, 1868, which said petition or remonstrance is in words and figures following, to wit:
    We the undersigned come by their atty. O. Jacobs & complaining, say That they are the owners and in the possession of a Mining Claim on said Jackass Creek in said County & State over which said road passes, as laid out by the Viewers appointed by this Honorable Court. The East half of said Mining Claim is inside of Logg and McDonald's field or enclosure and said road passes over the Upper or North and East half of said Mining Claim. Said Claim is four hundred and 30 yards in length and one hundred in width. It is bounded on the lower end by the Claims of Lip Hang, Chinamen, and on the upper end by John Buckley Mining Claim. Said Claim is of the value of Twenty-five hundred dollars, that being the amount the undersigned paid for it May 4th, 1866, in gold coin, and the claim is of that value today. The undersigned aver that the said road passes over the portion of the same that is unworked and that said road will prevent the working of the same. These complainants aver that they are damaged by the location of said road in its present position in the Sum of fifteen hundred dollars, and they ask for the same if the road is continued in its present location, and your Complainants ask for the appointment of three disinterested householders who are miners and acquainted with the ground to inquire into and assess the damages.
Han Foo and Co.
per O. Jacobs, their attorney

    It is therefore ordered by the Court that Lewis H. Zigler, George Ratrie and James A. Cardwell, three disinterested Householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of damages, as aforesaid, who shall meet upon some certain day, as may be agreed upon by said Householders, and after having been duly qualified to discharge their duty faithfully and impartially, shall proceed and view said proposed Road, the whole distance through the premises of the Complainants, Han Foo and Co., and assess and determine how much less valuable such premises of the Complainants, Han Foo and Co., would be rendered by the opening of said Road. And said viewers shall report the same in writing to the County Court of said County, at the next regular Term thereof, to be begun and held on the 1st Monday of September, 1868.
    Now comes L. T. Davis and files his bond in the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, with James T. Glenn and John S. Dunn as Sureties, for the faithful performance of his Hospital Contract, made and entered into this day, by and between himself and the Board of County Commissioners of said County, which said bond is accepted and approved by the Court.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

September Term, A.D. 1868
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson (on County business), begun and held at the Clerk's Office of said County on Tuesday, the Eighth day of September, 1868, of which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Commissioners
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had:
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the report of Lewis H. Zigler, Geo. W. Ratrie and J. A. Cardwell, viewers of Damages claimed by Hang Foo and Co. by reason of the proposed location of a County Road up Jackass Creek in said County, together with all Matters Connected therewith be and the same is hereby continued until the next Term of this Court.
    Ordered by the Court that the Petition of S. C. Taylor and others for a County road Commencing at or near Milton Lindley's and terminating at or near the House of T. S. Linksweiler be and the same is Continued until the next Term of this Court.
    Ordered by the Court that Samuel Grubb be allowed the sum of $63.09 for 3,504 feet of bridge lumber furnished for Road District No. 1.
    Ordered that E. Lake be allowed the Sum of Seven dollars for wood for Jack Gardner, a County charge.
    Ordered that the Reveille Office be allowed the sum of Ten dollars for 200 blank tax receipts.
    Ordered by the Court that J. M. Kendrick be allowed the Sum of $24.50 for Seven Cords of Wood for Jack Gardner, a County charge. 
    Ordered that John (Colored) Med. of W. H. S. Hyde, be allowed the sum of $2.50 for washing windows & Doors of Clerk's office.
    Ordered that Sutton and Stearns be allowed the Sum of thirty-seven & 75/100 dollars for blank books and Stationery.
    Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the Sum of Seven and 50/100 dollars for prosecuting criminals before James R. Wade, J.P. 
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of $79.30 Clerk's fees, as per bill filed.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy dollars for keeping jail and board of Jailer, Month of August, 1868 
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for 2 days' attendance on County Court, Aug. T., 1868.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the Petition of Wm. Bybee heretofore filed, for a renewal of his Ferry License on Rogue River be granted and that License as prayed for give to the said Bybee for the Term of one year from August 7th, 1868 on the payment of Ten Dollars therefor and on his filing the bond required by law.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Thomas Mee be and he is hereby appointed a Justice of the Peace for the Precinct of Applegate, in and for said County.
    Ordered that L. H. Zigler be allowed the Sum of $6.50 as viewer of damages, Jackass Creek road.
    Ordered that G. W. Ratrie be allowed the sum of $6.50 as viewer of damages, Jackass Creek Road. 
    Ordered that J. A. Cardwell be allowed the Sum of $6.50 as viewer of damages, Jackass Creek Road.
    Ordered that D. Hopkins and Co. be allowed $25.20 for 1260 feet of lumber for Road Dist. No. 21.
    Ordered by the Court that Isador Caro be allowed the Sum of Six Dollars for two books for Co. Treasurer.
    Ordered that E. H. Greenman be allowed the sum of $15.85 Coroner's fees in the Inquest on the body of James Arnold.
    Ordered that J. B. Coates be allowed the sum of $32.00 as Chain Carrier in the Survey of the Link River Road.
    Ordered that W. G. Short be allowed the Sum of $32.00 as Chain Carrier in the Survey of the Link River Road.
    Ordered that Alexander McQueen be allowed the Sum of $32.00 as Marker in the Survey of the Link River Road.
    Ordered that S. Colver be allowed the Sum of $22.00 as Flag-Man in the Survey of the Link River Road.
    The report of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate a County road from the Hill farm in said County and terminating at the Lost River gap is this day read, which report is in the words and figures following, to wit:
    We, the undersigned viewers appointed by the Commissioners Court of Jackson County, Oregon, to view out and locate a wagon road, petitioned for by the Citizens of Link River, Klamath Lake and Vicinity, Starting at the State road on the Hill farm, Rogue River Valley, and terminating at the Lost River Gap in Klamath Lake Basin, report that they met on the 30th day of July, 1868, and after being duly qualified, explored the route and located the road, having found a good practicable route for a wagon road, and would recommend its establishment in pursuance of the Plat and Survey herewith returned, and also would earnestly recommend the Citizens of Jackson County as well as its Honorable Court, to afford every facility at their command to open the road, as a good wagon road to this part of our County and State is not only indispensable to the best interests of the petitioners, but to the County, State and General Government. One thousand dollars judiciously expended by Jackson County in opening out the road to this part of the Country would be a good investment for the County financially, as the increase of our revenue Consequent to the immediate Settlement of the County by the wealthy stock raisers of Oregon (who are not ignorant of its peculiar adaptation to their business) would more than double the expense of the County in opening the road the first year; the State would realize a corresponding increase of revenue besides increasing the value of its lands through which the road passes. The General Government by expending ten thousand dollars in opening and extending this road to Goose Lake would save Twenty thousand dollars at least every year in the transportation of supplies to the Military Posts and Indian Reservations East of the Mountains, as the principal part of these Supplies would then be raised by the Settlers who would occupy and cultivate the lands as fast as the Indians were removed to the Reservations. That this would be the Case if we had a good road for immigrants to travel, no sane man can doubt, as demonstrated by the enterprising farmers of Rogue River Valley, who are supplying Fort Klamath with grain raised in the immediate vicinity of the Fort. The capacity of this County for grain raising is fully settled by the experiments of the present year, and this Country must and will settle up. By the adoption of a wise & liberal policy on the part of the County, State, and General Government, we shall be able to conquer a permanent peace with the Indians and garrison our fertile valleys East of the Mountains with an enterprising, thrifty farming population. The Honorable Commissioners for Jackson County will please accept the above as the unanimous report of their appointees, August 19th, 1868.
O. T. Brown
Samuel Colver
W. F. Songer
    And thereupon comes W. F. Songer and files his petition for Damages, which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. County Court of Jackson County, Oregon: The Undersigned your petitioners would respectfully represent that the proposed new road recently located by the viewers appointed by your Hon. Court: Commencing on the Stage Road of the Hill farm and terminating at the Lost River gap, if established as surveyed and located, will pass through the land of your petitioner for about ¼ of a mile and will cause him to build two extra strings of fence for the whole of said distance, to his damage in the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, which amount your petitioner demands if said road is established as located by the viewers aforesaid.
W. F. Songer
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that Patrick Dunn, Claiborn Neil and Bennett Million, three disinterested Householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of damages as aforesaid, who shall meet upon some certain day to be agreed upon by the said Householders, and after being duly qualified to discharge the duties of this appointment, faithfully and impartially shall proceed and view said proposed road, the whole distance through the premises of the petitioner W. F. Songer, and assess and determine how much less valuable the premises of the petitioner, W. F. Songer would be rendered by the opening of said road, and the said viewers shall report the same in writing to the County Court of said County at the next regular Term thereof to be begun and held on the first Monday in October next ensuing.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge.

Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 1868
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as yesterday except Commissioner Heber.
    The minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    The Petition of E. Emery and others for an appropriation of three hundred dollars from the County to aid in the Construction of a Bridge across Bear Creek near Ashland comes on to be heard at this Term of the Court, and the Court being fully advised in the premises, It is considered that said bridge would not be of sufficient public utility to justify the appropriations prayed for. It is therefore considered by the Court that the prayer of said petitioners be denied.
    The Petition of Albert Secord and others, praying for a Separate Election Precinct in the Klamath Lake Country is considered and the prayer thereof disallowed on the ground that the establishment of Election Precincts can be legally made only at the April Terms of this Court.
    Ordered that the Jacksonville Reveille be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for 200 Tax receipts for Assessor.
    Ordered by the County Court that the Jacksonville Reveille be allowed the Sum of $24.00 for publishing Exhibit of 1867.
    Ordered that the Jacksonville Reveille be allowed the Sum of Thirty dollars for 600 blank Assessment Schedules.
    Ordered that James S. Howard be allowed the Sum of one hundred and forty-five dollars for surveying and making plot and report of Link River Road.
    Ordered that James S. Howard be allowed the Sum of Twenty-two and 32/100 dollars for Supplies and team to transport the same in the Survey and location of the Link River Road.
    Ordered that Dr. E. H. Greenman be allowed the sum of Twenty Dollars for Examinations and Medicines of persons who are County Charges.
    Ordered that T. H. B. Shipley be allowed the sum of one hundred dollars salary as Supt. of Schools for qr. ending Sept. 30th, 1868.
    Ordered by the Court that Commissioner Childers be allowed the Sum of Thirty-Six Dollars for attendance and mileage as County Commissioner including today's attendance.
    Ordered that J. J. Fryer be allowed the Sum of $166.25 being one half for the repairing of the Butte Creek bridge near the old Westgate place.
    Now comes Josiah Hannah, County Assessor and files his petition praying for an extension of time in completing the assessment of Jackson County and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that said application is reasonable and ought to be granted, It is therefore ordered that said Assessor have until the first Monday in October next evening to complete the Assessment of said County for the present year & to make his report thereon.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Oct. Term 1868
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon (on County business), begun and held at the Clerk's Office of said County on Tuesday the Six Day of October 1868, at which were present, the
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Commissioners
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had.
    Now comes Wm. Bilger and applies to the Court for a License to sell Spirituous Liquor in the Precinct of Willow Springs in Said County for one year from the expiration of his last License, in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that said applicant had filed the petition of a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct, praying that said application be granted, And it further appearing by the affidavit of said Bilger that due Notice had been given of his intention to make such application at the present Term of this Court, It is therefore ordered that License issue to Said Bilger as aforesaid, for the Term of one year from the expiration of his last License, to wit, September 4th, 1868, on his filing the bond required by law and the payment of Thirty Dollars therefor.
    Ordered that James Vinson be allowed the Sum of Thirteen dollars for attendance and mileage as witness in the Cause of State 
vs. Chadwick, June T., 1868.        $13.00
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy-one Dollars for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer for the Month of September, 1868.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of five dollars for attendance on County Court, Sept. T., 1868.
    Ordered by the Court that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Seventy-eight 75/100 Dollars Clerk's fees.
    Ordered by the Court that E. Sebring be allowed the Sum of fifteen dollars for furnishing boards and Covering House for Jack Gardner, a County Charge.            $15.00
    Ordered by the Court that J. E. Buzan be allowed the Sum of $24.80 for 1240 feet of lumber for Road Dist. No. 30 at 2¢ per foot.
    Ordered by the Court that Geo. Scheibe be allowed the Sum of Twenty-one and 25/100 for Sawing and Cording wood.
    Ordered that Linn and Hall be allowed the Sum of Six & 50/100 for Carpenters' work on County Clerk's Office.
    Ordered that W. F. Songer be allowed the Sum of $13.25 for supplies furnished in the Survey of the Link River Road.
    Ordered that the Reveille Office be allowed the Sum of Seventeen dollars for blanks and advertising as per bill on file.
    Ordered that W. F. Songer be allowed the Sum of Seventy-five Dollars on account of Damages in the location of the Link River Road, as per report of Viewers.
    The report of the Viewers heretofore filed and who laid out a County road from Log Town in Said County to the Upper Most Mining Camp on the Left hand fork of Jackass Creek, in accordance with a petition therefor, having been Continued from the last Term of this Court as also the report of the Viewers of damages, which Said last Named report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Honorable the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon: We, the Undersigned appointed by your Honorable Body at the August Term 1868, to assess damages as alleged in the Complaint of Hang Foo and Co. in the location of a County Road up Jackass Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, would respectfully report that after being duly qualified as the law directs, proceeded on the tenth day of August to the ground over which the proposed road runs, and after carefully examining the ground and its Surroundings, assessed the damages to Hang Foo and Co. in the working of their Mining Claim in the Sum of $550.00, Five Hundred and fifty dollars, and we ask to be discharged from any further Consideration of the Subject. All of which is respectfully submitted.
L. H. Zigler
Geo. W. Ratrie
J. A. Cardwell
    Viewers of damages
Jackson Co., Ogn.
Aug. 28th 1868
    And it appearing to the Court that the Petitioners aforesaid are not willing to pay the damages thus assessed to Hang Foo and Co., and the Court deeming said road not of Sufficient public utility to justify the payment of said damages by the County, It is therefore Considered by the Court that the prayer of Said petition be not granted and that W. O. Buckner, one of said petitioners and John Orth, his surety, pay the Costs and expenses incurred by reason thereof.
    Ordered by the Court that the petition of S. C. Taylor and others for a County road commencing at or near Milton Lindley's and terminating at or near the House of T. L. Linksweiler, be and the same is hereby Continued until the Next Term of this Court.
    Ordered by the Court that an order be drawn in favor of Lafayette Allen for $80.00 on account of the Care of Daniel Martin, a County Charge, from June 1st to Oct. 1st, 1868, as per agreement heretofore made.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

Wednesday Oct. 7th 1868
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the same as on yesterday--the Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered by the Court that Sorek and Heyes be allowed the Sum of Ten and 20/100 dollars for meat furnished Wm. Gardner, a County Charge.
    Ordered that Saml. Colver be allowed the Sum of $46.00 for 23 days Service as road viewer of the Link River Road.
    Ordered by the Court that W. F. Songer be allowed the Sum of $46.00 for 23 days Services as Viewer of he Link River Road.
    Ordered that O. T. Brown be allowed the Sum of $46.00 for 23 days Services as Viewer of the Link River Road.
    Now comes Josiah Hannah, Assessor of Jackson County and files the Assessment Roll of Said County for the year 1868, which said Roll after being examined is adopted and approved by the Court.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the rate of Taxation in Said County for the year 1868 on the taxable property thereof be and the Same is hereby established as follows, to wit:
For State purposes 5½ mills on the dollar.
For County purposes 5½ mills on the dollar.
For School purposes 2 mills on the dollar.
State Poll Tax one dollar
County Poll Tax one dollar
Hospital Poll Tax Two dollars
    Ordered the L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the Sum of Three hundred dollars Salary as Co. Judge qr. ending Sept. 30, 1868.      $300.00
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Josiah Hannah be allowed the Sum of Six Hundred and thirty dollars for Making the assessment of Said County for the year 1868.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County that the Salary of School Superintendent be at the rate of Five hundred dollars ($500) per annum payable quarterly, Commencing from the 1st July 1868.
    Now on this day the report of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate a County road, Commencing at the Hill farm and terminating at the Lost River gap, was publicly read the Second time this Session of the Court (Said report having been read publicly the 1st time on yesterday) which said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    We the undersigned Viewers appointed by the Commissioners Court of Jackson County, Oregon, to view out and locate a wagon road petitioned for by the Citizens of Link River, Klamath Lake and vicinity, Starting at the State road on the Hill farm in Rogue River Valley, and terminating at Lost River Gap in Klamath Lake Basin, report that they met on the 30th day of July 1868, and after being duly qualified, explored the route and located the road having found a good, practicable route for a wagon road, and would recommend its establishment in pursuance of the Plat and Survey herewith returned, and also would earnestly recommend the Citizens of Jackson County as well as the Honorable Court, to afford every facility at their Command to open the road, as a good wagon road to this part of our County and State is not only indispensable to the best interests of its petitioners, but to the County, State and General Government. One thousand dollars Judicially expended by Jackson County in opening out the road to this part of the County would be a good investment for the County financially as the increase of our revenue consequent to the immediate Settlement of the County by the wealthy stock raisers of Oregon who are not ignorant of its peculiar adaptation to their business would more than double the expense to the County of opening the road the first year. The State would realize a Corresponding increase of revenue besides increasing the Value of its lands through which the road passes. The General Government by expending ten thousand dollars in opening and extending this road to Goose Lake would Save Twenty thousand dollars at least every year in the transportation of Supplies East of the Mountains, as the principal part of their Supplies would then be raised by the Settlers, who would occupy and Cultivate the lands as fast as the Indians were removed to the Reservations. That this would be the Case if we had a good road for emigrants to travel no sane man can doubt, as demonstrated by the enterprising farmers of Rogue River Valley, who are supplying Fort Klamath with grain raised in the immediate vicinity of the Fort. The Capacity of this Country for grain raising is fully settled by the experiments of the present year and this Country must and will Settle up by the adoption of a wise and liberal policy on the part of the County, State and General Government. We shall be able to Conquer a permanent peace with the Indians and garrison our fertile valleys East of the Mountains with an enterprising, thrifty farming population. The Honorable Commissioners for Jackson County will please accept the above as the unanimous report of their appointees.
O. T. Brown
Samuel Colver
W. F. Songer
August 19th 1868
    And thereupon the report of the viewers of Damages heretofore appointed Comes on to be heard, which said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    We, the undersigned viewers of damages on a Certain road running through the lands of Wm. F. Songer, beg leave to report that we have assessed the damages at seventy-five dollars ($75.00).
P. Dunn
Claiborn Neil
B. Million
    And the Court having fully considered the two said reports and being fully advised in the premises, It is Considered that the damages assessed to the said W. F. Songer are Just & equitable and that the said proposed road is of Sufficient importance to the public to cause Said damages so assessed & determined to be paid by the County. It is therefore ordered by the Court that an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Said Songer for the damages as aforesaid; and thereupon Said Songer accepts said order in full Satisfaction of his damages by reason of the location of said road. And there being no remonstrance or petitions for damages (Except for aforesaid) filed and the Court being fully Satisfied that said proposed road, as located by the Viewers aforesaid, will be of great public Utility, it is therefore Considered that said report be and the Same is hereby in all things Confirmed, And that Said road as laid out by the said Viewers and in accordance with the Plat and Survey thereof, be and the Same is hereby declared to be a public highway and that said report Plat & Survey be recorded and the Supervisors through whose Districts said road passes are hereby required to open and Keep the Same in good repair. And it is further ordered by the Court, in accordance with a petition therefor, that Said road from the 1st to the 4th Mile post be but forty feet in width and from said 4th mile post to the terminus of said road that the Same be opened Sixty feet in width.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
County Judge

Nov. Term 1868
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County on Wednesday the Fourth day of November 1868, at which were present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Commissioners
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had:
    Ordered by the Court that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of five dollars for digging grave for John Lane, a County Charge.
    Ordered by the Court that C. Coleman be allowed the Sum of Eight and 50/100 dollars for goods furnished Allen A. Rook, deceased (a County Charge).
    Ordered that I. Phipps be allowed the Sum of Nineteen dollars for wood furnished to Co. Jail.
    Ordered by the Court that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy-two dollars for Keeping Jail and board of Jailer Month of October 1868.
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of five dollars attendance on Co. Court Oct. Term, 1868.
    Ordered by the Court that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Sixty-Seven dollars for Mileage and posting Election Notices Nov. 3, 1868.
    Ordered by the Court that S. Colver be allowed the Sum of fifty-one dollars for wagon and team used in the Survey of the Link River Road.
    Ordered that Jacksonville Reveille be allowed the Sum of Twenty dollars for publishing notice to Indigent Sick on year.
    Ordered that Iss. Williams be allowed the Sum of Twenty-six 68/100 dollars for 1334 feet of bridge lumber used on Road Dist. No. 3 in said County.
    Ordered that J. Wells be allowed the Sum of Sixty dollars for 3000 feet of bridge lumber for Road Dist. No. 10.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of one Hundred forty-one 75/100 dollars as per bill filed (Clerk's fees).
    Ordered that E. H. Greenman be allowed the Sum of Five dollars as examining Physician, Care of Saml. Hall, a County Charge.
    Ordered by the County Court of Said County, That O. T. Brown be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 31 in Said County for the balance of the year 1868, and that Said Supervisor open & Keep in good repair all Roads legally established in said District.
    Ordered that C. C. Gall be allowed Two & 50/100 dollars, J.P. fees, cause of State vs. John Moon.
    Ordered that T. B. Blanton be allowed the Sum of Six 50/100 dollars, Constable fees Cause of State 
vs. John Moon before Justices Gall and Harris.      $6.50
    Ordered that G. M. Harris be allowed the Sum of five 50/100 dollars, J.P. fees Cause of State 
vs. Moon.      $5.50
    Ordered that J. Dennis be allowed the Sum of three dollars witness fees cause of State 
vs. Moon.      $3.00
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that Road District No. 31 be and the Same is hereby Established in Said County, with boundaries as follows, to wit:  "Commencing at the divide between the waters of Emigrant Creek and Kanes Creek in Said County and extending Eastwardly and embracing all the Country drained by the waters of the Klamath, Link River, and the Lakes to the Eastern boundary of said Jackson County."
    Ordered by the County Court that Dr. L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of $42.00 for attendance on Harrison Hunt from Jul 8th '68 to July 22 '68 as per a/c filed.
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred dollars on his Hospital contract for the qr. ending Nov. 8th, 1868.
    Ordered by the Court that the Petition of S. C. Taylor & others for a road commencing at or near Milton Lindley's, and terminating at or near the House of T. S. Linksweiler be and the same is hereby continued until the next Term of this Court.
    Now comes Dr. L. T. Davis and presents his report of the admission and discharge of patients at the County Hospital from July 8th 1868 to Nov. 4th 1868, which said report is ordered to be placed on file.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that hereafter all Claims against the County, before they are acted upon by the Court, must be verified by the affidavit of the Claimant or his agent Except claims certified to by persons acting in an official capacity under oath.
    Now comes Morris Caro and applies to the Court for a License to sell Spirituous liquors at Willow Springs Precinct in Jackson County, Oregon, in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that said applicant had presented the petition of a majority of the legal voters of said Precinct praying that said application be granted, and it further appearing that said applicant had given due notice of his intention to make such application, and there being no remonstrance to the same filed, It is therefore ordered by the Court that said application be granted and that License issue to said Morris Caro as aforesaid for the Term of Six Months from the 7th day of October, 1868, on said applicant filing the Treasurer's receipt for Fifteen dollars therefor and his also filing the bond required by the Statute.
    And the Court adjourned without day.

December Term 1868
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County (sitting on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County on Tuesday the Eighth day of December, 1868, at which were present:
Honorable L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, County Comrs.
and W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    When the following proceedings were had:
    Ordered by the Court that Pat Dunn be allowed $2.50 as viewer of damages Link River Road.
    Ordered by the Court that Bennett Million be allowed the Sum of $2.50 as Viewer of damages Link River Road.
    Ordered by the Court that Claiborn Neil be allowed the Sum of $2.50 as viewer of damages Link River Road.
    Ordered by the Court that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the Sum of fifteen dollars for prosecuting Criminals before James R. Wade, J.P.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of seventy dollars for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer Month of November, 1868.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed $159.00 for Attendance on Courts & Summoning Jury.
    Ordered by the Court that Thos. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of $105.25 for board of Jack Allen and fees in Criminal Cases.
    Ordered by the Court that the persons below named, Jurors of the Nov. Term, 1868, of the Circuit Court, be allowed fees as follows, to wit:
Jacob S. Wolz 6.60 Woodford Reames 13.80
D. S. Hopkins 6.20 Amon Shook 14.00
John Neuber 6.20 Albert G. Rockfellow 3.20
John O'Brien 8.20 John Coleman 13.40
John Miller 6.20 Jasper Dennis (use of Hyde) 16.00
John R. Tice 6.80 Moses Mansfield 13.40
V. S. Ralls 7.60 Nicholas A. Young 14.80
Henry F. Miller 18.00 Frank Logg 13.20
Philip Gleave 13.80 Peter Britt 12.20
James Leslie 12.20 John W. McKay 13.40
Saml. L. Morse 13.20 J. H. Stearns 6.20
John Watson 13.20 John W. Hull 6.20
Horace Seybert 1.80 F. M. Snowden (use of Hyde) 6.20
John S. Lacy 12.80 Henry Gatjen 6.20
Charles Seyferth 15.40 J. A. Caldwell 6.20
Wm. T. Hillis 18.60 John Wintjen 6.20
James T. Glenn 12.20
    Ordered by the Court that Sachs Bro. be allowed the Sum of $6.38 on a/ct of goods for Prisoners.       $6.38
    Ordered that Peter Boschey be allowed the Sum of $2.50 for Saw dust for Court House.
    Ordered by the Court that Thos. G. Reames be and he is hereby required to file a new bond as Shff. of Jackson County, Oregon and thereupon comes the said Reames and presents his new Official undertaking as Sheriff of Said County in the Sum of Ten thousand dollars. Signed and executed by Jacob Ish and John S. Drum and the Said Ish and Drum having Justified as is by law required--the Said Undertaking is hereby accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the Court that fees be allowed as follows in Cause of State vs. Livingston & others before C. C. Gall, J.P.
C. C. Gall J.P. $16.65
J. B. Blanton Constable 40.90
J. A. Durham for board &c. 12.50
Thos. Jackson Guard 6.00
J. N. Durham Guard 4.00
James Munsey Guard 4.00
Jasper Dennis Guard 3.00
Marion Vinson Guard 2.00
J. T. German Witness 5.30
R. B. Perry Witness 3.80
J. B. Taylor Witness 5.50
W. T. Bybee Witness 5.30
E. Morgan Witness 4.90
J. N. Durham Witness 4.90
J. W. Munsey Witness 4.90
Thomas Myers Witness 4.70
A. M. Wallace Witness 5.80
R. Wade Witness 4.70
Wm. T. German Witness 5.30
T. A. Jackson Witness 5.70
Jasper Dennis Witness 3.40
Harriet A. Livingston Witness 3.40
Mary Livingston 3.40
Belle Chadwick 3.40
Harriet Phettiplace 1.90
James Driskell 1.70
M. Moran 1.70
R. Bledsoe 1.70
Walker Bledsoe 1.70
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan,
Co. Judge

Wednesday, Dec. 9th 1868
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as on yesterday, except Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge, who is absent. The minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read & approved.
    Ordered by the Court that Commissioner Heber be allowed the Sum of $42.60 for attendance & mileage as County Commissioner from July 1868 to Dec. 1868, both Sessions included.
    Ordered that W. A. Childers be allowed the Sum of Twenty-four dollars for attendance and Mileage as County Commissioner from the Oct. Term 1868 to the December Term 1868, both Terms included.
    Ordered by the Court that W. A. Childers be allowed the Sum of Twenty Dollars for the benefit of Mr. Rogers of Table Rock Precinct, a County Charge.
    Ordered that F. Heber be allowed the Sum of three dollars for Spikes for bridge in Road Dist. No. 5.
    Ordered by the County Court of Said County that James Helms be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 29 in said County for the ensuing year in place of Abm. Tenbrook, who has left said District.
    Ordered that Jas. R. Wade be allowed the Sum of three dollars for canvassing election returns November Election 1868.
    Ordered that Silas Draper be allowed the Sum of three dollars for Canvassing election returns November Election 1868.
    Ordered by the Court that Baum and Wholgenant be allowed the Sum of $5.75 for Sundries furnished Lane, a County charge.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred fifty-nine and 25/100 dollars for Making tax list and extending rates [of] taxation thereon and for making Copy [of the] assessment Roll for Sec. of State & for Copy of Military list & attendance on County &c. as per bill on file.
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees in cause of State vs. Jack Allen, as follows:
Hyde Clerk $2.50
G. Eads Witness 7.00
G. M. Harris J.P. 7.50
Laf. Gall Constable 24.80
D. Peninger Witness 3.50
A. Crabtree Witness 3.50
W. Runnells Witness     3.50
    Ordered that Sutton and Stearns be allowed the Sum of $46.25 for Stationery.    $46.25
    Ordered that Wm. Kretzer be allowed the Sum of $10.12 for Sundries furnished Jack Gardner, a County Charge.
    Ordered that Reveille Office be allowed the Sum of $17.00 for Advertising.    $17.00
    Ordered that Reveille Office be allowed the Sum of $20.00 for printing five hundred blank Subpoenas.
    Ordered that John Bilger be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for Sundries as per bill filed.
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees as follows in he Cause of State vs. Livingston.
Hyde Clerk $26.60
Reames Shff. 42.75
J. T. German Witness 13.60
R. B. Perry Witness 13.60
W. T. Bybee Witness 9.60
A. M. Wallace Witness 13.60
Thos. Jackson Witness 15.00
Thomas Myers Witness 8.20
A. Moon Witness 9.80
E. Morgan Witness 11.60
C. C. McClenden Witness 12.00
J. B. Wrisley Witness 7.40
C. L. Hill Witness 9.60
Belle Chadwick Witness 10.00
H. Phettiplace Witness 10.00
John Sutton Witness 6.20
J. N. Durham Witness 6.00
J. M. Sutton Witness 6.20
J. W. Munsey Witness 4.40
Thos. Myer Jr. Witness 9.60
Abm. Fisher Witness 2.20
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees before the Grand Jury as witnesses Nov. Term, 1868 Circuit Court, as follows:
Days Miles Fees
J. N. Westfall Witness 2 42 $  8.20
John Robertson Witness 1 50     7.00
John Murphy Witness 3 42   10.20
Allen F. Farnham Witness 1 26       4.60  
    Ordered by the Court that fees be allowed the persons below named in the Cause of State vs. Hanes True as follows. To wit:
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk $  22.35
Reames Shff. 51.20
J. R. Wade J.P. 1.00
John Murphy Witness 6.00
_____ Cappious Witness 13.80
Wm. Hoffman Witness 2.20
Pat Donegan Witness 2.20
Danl. Cawley Witness 2.20
J. B. Farley Witness 2.20
John Conley Witness 2.20
Danl. Chapman Witness 10.40
Giles Wells Jr. Witness 12.00
Frank Smith Witness 10.00
John Wells Witness 12.00
W. F. Songer Witness 10.00
John Taylor Witness 10.20
H. Breitbarth Witness 2.20
H. F. Farnham Witness 4.60
W. A. Owen Witness 2.20
Pat Drum Witness     10.20
    Ordered that the following named Messengers of November Election 1868 be allowed fees as follows, to wit:
A. B. Hight $1.20 William Cameron $2.00
Wm. Carll 5.60 Chas. Root 16.00
A. C. Howlett 3.00 Laf. Gall 2.60
S. Colver 1.80 Joseph Pollock 9.00
L. Herling 1.00 Chas. A. Brown 7.00
Edwin Morgan 3.60 H. M. Chapin 7.00
J. B. Saltmarsh 1.80 Chauncey Nye 4.00
Thos. F. Beall 1.40 G. W. Fordyce 3.20
J. A. Wilson 2.60
    Ordered by the Court that the following named Judges of Nov. Election 1868 be allowed fees as follows:
H. M. Chapin 2.00 Peter Simon 2.00
J. T. Blalock 2.00 Jackson Rader 2.00
Charles Williams 2.00 J. J. Fryer 2.00
Moses Mansfield 2.00 Jos. H. Bledsoe 2.00
Thos. Wright 2.00 Jos. T. German 2.00
Wm. Bilger 2.00 E. Morgan 2.00
Chauncey Nye 2.00 Hiram Abbott 2.00
G. S. Moore 2.00 J. M. Crockett 2.00
R. A. Cook 2.00 Chas. A. Brown 2.00
Joseph Pollock 2.00 Francis Logg 2.00
S. C. Stockton 2.00 L. Herling 2.00
S. G. Burgess 2.00 Wm. Ray 2.00
Benj. Mench 2.00 John Buckner 2.00
Wm. Kahler 2.00 Wm. McKenzie 2.00
Robert Nowell 2.00 James A. Wilson 2.00
Lafayette Gall 2.00 Lyman Chappell 2.00
J. C. Weiss 2.00 John Cantrall 2.00
C. Schieffelin 2.00 Wm. Cameron 2.00
Giles Wells 2.00 Thos. H. Gilson 2.00
J. B. Emery 2.00 J. B. Saltmarsh 2.00
J. M. McCall 2.00 Geo. Yaudes 2.00
Wayne Oliver 2.00 O. A. Stearns 2.00
Saml. Colver 2.00 O. T. Brown 2.00
O. D. Hoxie 2.00 A. J. Burnett 2.00
F. M. Plymale 2.00 John S. Drum 4.00
T. F. Beall 2.00 Geo. P. Funck 4.00
Arthur Wilson 2.00 N. Langell 4.00
    Ordered by the Court that the following persons be allowed fees as follows, as Clerks of Election Nov., 1868
Miles S. Wakeman 2.00 Levi Tinkham 2.00
Wm. G. Bahr 2.00 A. C. Howlett 2.00
Morris Caro 2.00 Michael Moran 2.00
A. B. High 2.00 B. F. Wade 2.00
Ed Lyon 2.00 P. B. Coffin 2.00
R. S. Squires 2.00 J. Hannah 2.00
G. W. Tetherow 2.00 John McKee 2.00
C. H. Burton 2.00 Joseph McKee 2.00
T. S. Jones 2.00 John Slagle 2.00
James Savage 2.00 James W. Mee 2.00
J. B. White 2.00 M. D. Sturgis 2.00
R. H. Dunlap 2.00 John S. Chatham 2.00
A. V. Gillette 2.00 C. K. Klum 2.00
O. C. Applegate 2.00 C. Kleinhammer 2.00
W. Beeson 2.00 Chas. A. Root 2.00
L. Colver 2.00 F. M. Corbell 2.00
J. D. Fountain 2.00 C. W. Kahler 4.00
Wm. H. Parker 2.00 James R. Wade 4.00
    Ordered by the Court that the petition of S. C. Taylor & others for a County Road Commencing at or near Milton Lindley's and terminating at or near the House of T. L. Linksweiler be and the same is continued until the next Term of this Court.
    Ordered that the application of Silas Draper for License to sell Spirituous Liquors on Foots Creek be and the same is continued until the next Term of this Court.
    Ordered that James R. Wade be allowed the Sum of ten dollars for Justice of the peace Docket for Jacksonville Precinct.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
W. A. Childers
Co. Comr.

Jany. 5th 1869
    In the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon (Sitting on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County on Tuesday the fifth day of Jany. 1869 at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
W. A. Childers and
F. Heber, Commissioners and
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were held.
    Ordered that John Bilger be allowed the Sum of forty-three dollars for Stove and fixtures for Judge Prim's Office.        $43.00
    Ordered that D. Hopkins and Company be allowed the Sum of Six dollars for bridge lumber for Road Dist. No. 6.        $6.00
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of fifty Dollars, amount advanced by him for the benefit of Reed, an indigent person.        $50.00
    Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars, Salary as Co. Judge qr. ending Dec. 31st, 1868.
    Ordered that Max Muller be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars, Salary as Co. Treasurer, qr. ending Dec. 31st, 1868.
    Ordered that T. H. B. Shipley be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars Salary as School Superintendent, qr. ending Dec. 31st, 1868.
    Ordered that John Orth be allowed the Sum of Nine and 58.100 Dollars for meat furnished Jack Gardner, a County Charge.
    Ordered that Louis Petzholt be allowed the Sum of Eighteen Dollars for Papering, white-washing and putting down Carpet in Judge Prim's Office.
    Ordered that Wintjen and Helms be allowed the Sum of Eighteen Dollars for bread furnished Gardner, a Co. Charge, for 9 months ending Jany. 1st, 1869.
    Ordered that John Atkinson be allowed the Sum of Three Dollars for digging grave for a County Charge, January 3rd, 1869.
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for Digging grave for Joseph Martin, a Co. Charge.
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of five Dollars for digging grave for S. Hall, a County Charge.
    Ordered that J. Kellerson & J. Atkinson be allowed the Sum of Twenty Dollars for burying Jos. Martin, a County Charge.
    (Jany. 21/69--order for $10--drawn for J. K. Atkinson having died a County Charge, the amount Claimed is retained by County.)
    Ordered that Linn and Hall be allowed the Sum of One hundred and Nine Dollars for work on the Court House.
    Ordered that John Conley be allowed the Sum of four Dollars for cleaning Court House yard and Judge Prim's Office.
    Ordered that R. M. Otey be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for Coffin for Rook, a Co. Charge.
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of Six & 37/100 Dollars for Clothing for prisoners.
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of fifty-Six and 63/100 dollars for furniture for Judge Prim's Office.
    Ordered that W. G. T'Vault be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for prosecuting Criminals before J. R. Wade, J.P.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of one hundred Twenty-one and 75/100 Dollars Clerk's fees as per bill filed.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy Dollars for Keeping Jail and board of Jailer the Month of December, 1868.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for Attendance on County Court, Dec., 1868.
    Ordered that Thomas G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Twenty-five Dollars for Summoning Jury, January Term, 1869, County Court.
    Ordered that the petition of S. C. Taylor and others for a County Road Commencing at or near Milton Lindley's and terminating at or near the Home of T. S. Linksweiler be and the Same is hereby Continued until the next Term of this Court.
    Now Comes A. J. Burnett and applies to the Court for a License to keep a Ferry across Link River at the Crossing of the old Government Ferry at the head of said Link River in Jackson County, Oregon. And it appearing that Thos. G. Devens is the owner of the land adjoining said River at the proposed Ferry and it further appearing that Said Devens acknowledged due Notice of the intention to make such Application and the Said Devens having filed his Consent, that such Ferry be established and the Court being Satisfied that Such License is necessary at the point applied for, and the Said Burnett having made proof to the Satisfaction of the Court that Notices of his intention to Make Such application at this Term of the Court were posted in three public places in the Neighborhood where the Ferry is proposed to be Kept, Twenty days prior to the present Term of this Court.
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that Said application be granted, and that License issue to the Said A. J. Burnett to keep a Ferry as aforesaid for the Term of one year, on his filing the CountyTreasurer's receipt for the sum of One dollar therefor and also filing his undertaking as required by the Statute, in the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars with one or More Sureties to be approved by the County Clerk, and it is further ordered that the rates of Ferriage be and the Same are hereby established for Said Ferry, as follows, to wit:
    One wagon & one Span of Horses, Mules or Yoke of Oxen $2.00
Each additional span of Horses, Mules or Yoke of Oxen .50
Man and Horse .50
Footman .25
Each pack animal or loose .25
Each Head of loose Cattle .10
Each Head of sheep and hogs .05
    Ordered by the Court that Dr. A. B. Overbeck be and he is hereby appointed examining Physician for the County Hospital of said County, in place of E. H. Greenman, who is absent.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow at 10 O'clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan,
Co. Judge

Wednesday, Jany. 6th, 1869
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the same as yesterday except Comr. Heber, who is absent. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered that Kanaka Jackson be allowed the Sum of Twenty-four Dollars for Six days' attendance of Negro Ike, a County Charge.
    Ordered that Saml. Voce be allowed the Sum of $13.50  Dollars for attendance of Negro Ike, a County Charge.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

March Term A.D. 1869
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County on Tuesday the Second day of March, A.D. 1869, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Comr.s
And W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had.
    The petition of J. P. Roberts and others for the vacation of a Certain Town Plat filed and recorded in said Jackson County, June 30th 1860. Also the vacation of a Certain Alley in Ashland in Said County, the map of which was filed and recorded in Said County Dec. 14th, 1867. Now comes on to be heard, which petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "We the undersigned Subscribers, property holders, being of lawful age and residing in the Town of Ashland, would respectfully petition the Honorable County Court to Vacate a Certain Town Plat, filed and recorded in the Record of the County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon, June 30th, 1860, on Page 106. Also a Certain alley on a Map of Ashland filed and recorded Dec. 14th, 1867, in Vol. 2, Page 117. The Said Alley is Situated in block No. 3, lying between lots No. 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18 and the lands of Eber Emery.
    Substitute the Map filed and recorded Dec. 14th, 1868 in Vol. 2 Page 117 after vacating the above Alley, and we do therefore ever pray that such Measures may be authorized in the premises as the Statute in Such Case requires--Dec. 2, 1868. "Names" J. P. Roberts, Eber Emery, J. H. Russell, Saml. D. Whitmore, M. H. Garrett, R. B. Hargadine, Joseph Wells, B. Million, F. McHatton, J. M. McCall, L. B. Applegate, W. W. Kentnor, O. A. Davis, James Woodson, Chas. Adams, George Bixley, M. Mickelson, Jacob Wagner, Baptiste Chegar, H. Y. Inlow, A. V. Gillette, Isaac Miller, A. Giddings, A. D. Helman, A. G. Rockfellow, W. F. Songer, C. F. Blake, Jas. D. Burnett, J. K. Tozer and O. Coolidge."
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said petition was filed with the County Clerk of Said County Thirty days prior to the present term of this Court, and it further appearing that Notice of the pendency of Said petition was given for the Same Space of time by written Notices thereof Set up in three of the Most public places in Said Town of Ashland, Containing a description of the property to be vacated, And there being no opposition made to the Same, It is therefore Considered by the Court that the prayer of Said petitioners be granted and that the Plat aforesaid and designated or having been filed and recorded June 30th 1860 be and the Same is hereby declared vacated and also that the alley in block No. 3 on the plat of said Town filed and recorded Dec. 14th, 1868 in Vol. 2, Page 117 of Said Jackson County Records be and the Same is hereby declared vacated.
    Ordered that Jeptha Davison be allowed the Sum of $1.95 on account of over-assessment for the year 1868. 
    Ordered that D. Hopkins and Co. be allowed the Sum of $32.56 for 1628 feet of bridge lumber for Road Dist. No. 7. 
    Ordered that James Sterling be allowed the Sum of $27.00 for work on bridges in Dist. No. 1.
    Ordered that A. V. Gillette be allowed the Sum of $44.20 for Services as Road Supervisor in Dist. No. 1 for the year 1868.
    Ordered the J. R. Neil be allowed the Sum of Five Dollars Dist. Atty. fees, Cause of State vs. D. Girt before J. R. Wade, J.P.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.   
L. J. C. Duncan
Co. Judge

Wednesday, March 3rd, 1869
    The Court met this Morning pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday.
    Now Comes Kaspar Kubli and applies to the Court for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquors in Applegate Precinct in Said County in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said applicant had filed the petition therefor of a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct, And it further appearing that due Notice had been given of his intention to Make such application at the present Term of this Court, It is therefore ordered by the Court that License issue to said Kubli as aforeread for the Term of one year from the 3rd January 1869, the date of the expiration of his last License, on the payment of Thirty Dollars therefor and his filing the bond required by the Statute.
    Now comes Silas Draper and applies to the Court for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquor in Foots Creek Precinct in Said County in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that said applicant had filed the petition of a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct praying that Said application be granted, And it further appearing that due Notice had been given of the Intention to make Such application, It is therefore ordered by the Court that License issue to Said Silas Draper as aforesaid for the term of One year from Nov. 27th, 1868 (the expiration of his last License) on the payment of Twenty-five Dollars therefor and filing the bond required by the Statute.
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of five dollars for Digging Grave for Conrad Reitzel, a County Charge.
    Now Comes A. V. Gillette, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 1 and presents his a/c and report for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District except those therein returned delinquent. That he has collected in money $130.53 and paid out for the benefit of Said Dist. $130.40, leaving in his hands due said District 13 cents. It also appears there is Still due Said Supervisor (over & above his own road tax & money already received from the County) from the County for Services and money advanced for bridge lumber, the Sum of $44.20.
    The following persons are delinquent the following No. of days respectively, to wit:
Chapman, Daniel 1 ½ days
Tolman, James C. 4 ½ days
Wells, Erastus 2  days
Yandell, Freeman 1 ¼ days 1867
    The following persons are entitled to Credit as follows on their Tax of 1869:
Dunn, Patrick $4.00
Evans, Richard 13.00
Songer, Wm. F. 3.73
True, Haynes 5.66
Wells, Giles, Sen. 2.50
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County that the petition of S. C. Taylor and others for a County Road Commencing at or near Milton Lindley's and terminating at or near the House of T. L. Linksweiler be and the same is hereby Continued until the next Term of this Court.
    No. 10. Now Comes John Wells, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 10 and presents his a/c and Report for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his district their full time. He has Collected $16 and paid the Same out for road work. The Supervisor Claim for 18 days work is disallowed and Said Supervisor is allowed for 12 days' work over and above his own road tax, amounting to $24 dollars. Report with above exception accepted & approved.
    Ordered that John Wells be allowed the Sum of Twenty-four dollars as Sup. of Road Dist. No. 10 for the year 1868.
    No. 21. Now Comes George Brown, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 21, and presents his a/c and report for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District except those herewith returned Delinquent. Sup. Claims to have Collected $129.75 and to have paid out $131.25. Supervisor Claim for over work is allowed only to the extent of 24 days, amounting to the Sum of $48.00.
Edward Langley Delinquent $4.00
Parker Delinquent   4.00
    With above exception as to over work by the Sup., the Report is accepted and approved.
    Ordered that George Brown be allowed the Sum of forty-eight Dollars for his Services as Such Supervisor.
    No. 12. Now Comes G. L. Todd and reports that he, as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 12, has worked all the hands in his District. Supervisor Claims Nothing for his services over his own Road Tax. Report accepted and approved.
    No. 6. Now Comes Bartlett Obenchain, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 6 and presents his Report, by which appears 44 days' work have been done in his District for the year 1868. Sup. Claim for 8 days' extra work is disallowed--he being allowed for only 2 days over and above his own Road Tax, amounting to four Dollars.
    The following delinquents are reported:
Hanley, Michael $24.84
Ross, John E. 1.67
Loudon, Jas. S. 5.56
Beall & Bro. 21.60
Barnes, James 39.40
Centers, John 4.00
Manning, John W. 2.00
Spencer, Robt. 4.00
Chambers, Mrs. Mary A. 1.22
    With the Correction above made as to Supervisor's Claim--the Report is accepted and approved.
    Ordered that Bartlett Obenchain be allowed the Sum of four Dollars for Services as Supervisor of Dist. No. 6 for the year 1868.                            $4.00
    No. 4. Now Comes Robison Wright, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 4 & Reports that he has work to the No. of 44 days in his District--No delinquents returned. Sup. Claims Nothing for extra work over his own Road Tax--Report accepted and approved.
    No. 19. Now Comes James A. Wilson, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 19, and reports the delinquents in his district, by which it is inferred he has worked all others in Said Dist. their full time. Supervisor only allowed for four days over and above his own Tax--
Coldwell, Darley Delinquent Poll Tax 1868
Darneill, Oscar Delinquent Poll Tax 1868
Hinkle, George Delinquent Poll Tax 1868
Hinkle, Wm. Delinquent Poll Tax 1868
Kubli, Kaspar Delinquent Prop. Tax 1867 & 1868 $31.00
Kuder, D. E. Delinquent Prop. Tax 1867 & 1868     2.03
Lewman, John Poll Tax
Mee, James Delinquent Poll Tax
Shenhan, Daniel Delinquent Poll Tax
Sparlen, H. Delinquent Poll Tax
    Supervisor reports the roads in his District as in good Condition--Report accepted & approved.
    Ordered that James A. Wilson be allowed the Sum of Eight Dollars for Services as Sup. the year 1868.
    No. 18. Now Comes David Dunlap, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 18 in Said County and reports that he has worked all the hands in his District their full time except those returned delinquent. Reports the road in said Dist. in good Condition. Supervisor Charges himself with $4 in coin and $4 in legal Tender Notes as in his hands Collected of the Dist. 
William Sutherland entitled to Cr. of 2 days on tax of 1869.
J. E. Buzan entitled to Cr. of 2 days on tax of 1869.
    The following persons are delinquent, as follows:
John Obenchain $3.31
G. W. Obenchain 4.00
Jas. M. Obenchain 4.00
W. W. French 4.00
Thos. Armstrong 4.00
    Sup. claims Nothing for his Services over his own Road Tax. Report accepted and approved.
    No. 11. Now comes John Pearson, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 11 and reports that he has worked hands to the No. of 182 days and that he has Collected $81.18 and paid out a larger amount for labor and hauling lumber. Supervisor Claims for 58 days labor of himself, which claim is disallowed. It is ordered that John Pearson be allowed for forty days' work as Supervisor, amounting to $80.00. Otherwise report is accepted.
James Savage      Delinquent    $2.00
    Ordered that John Pearson be allowed the Sum of Eighty Dollars for Services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 11 for the year 1868.        $80.00
    No. 8. Now Comes David Huston, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 8, & Reports he has worked all the hands in his District except those herewith returned delinquent, being of white labor 48 days and Chinese labor 96 days, making in all 144 days' work. Sup. Claims for 18 days work of himself over and above his own tax from which deduct $2.40 in his hands leaves due Supervisor the Sum of $33.60 .
Robert Armstrong Delinquent for 1867 $9.38
Granville Sears Delinquent for 1867 3.42
W. T. Leever Delinquent for 1867 9.20
W. T. Leever Delinquent for 1868 .68
J. W. Baker Delinquent for 1868 Poll Tax
Chas. Miller Delinquent for 1868 Poll Tax
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that David Huston be allowed the Sum of $33.60 as Sup. for 1868.
    No. 7. Now Comes John B. Wrisley, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 7. Reports that he has worked all the hands in his District their full time, Except Isaac Constant--and that the roads in Said District are in good Condition. No money Collected by me.
Isaac Constant        Delinquent        Two Days
    Report accepted and approved.
    No. 17. Now comes James Miller, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 17 and files his report, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except those herewith returned Delinquent. James Miller Claims and is allowed for Seven days over his own Tax ($14.00).
Simpson, Wm. & B. Delinquent $10.00
Morehead, R. Delinquent 1.82
Ray, M. Delinquent 7.92
Bradley, Luzern Delinquent 2.13
Mimer, David Delinquent 4.80
Charleton, C. A. Delinquent 2.70
Nichols, J. M. Delinquent 4.00
Downing, Frederick Delinquent 5.50
Brown, Henry R. Delinquent 12.17
    Report of James Miller accepted and approved.
    Ordered that James Miller be allowed the Sum of fourteen dollars for Services as Sup. of Dist. No. 17 for the year 1868.
    No. 23. Now Comes Thos. H. Gilson, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 23 and files his report by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District and has worked Chinamen 84 days. Supervisor Claims to have received from former Supervisor amt. Money Collected Collected of the District $132.30 and to have paid out for work and Tools $134.70. Sup. also Claims for 10 days' work over and above his own Road Tax amounting to $20.00, Which claim is allowed, but the amt. of $2.40 over the amt. Collected, Claimed to have been paid for Tools is rejected as Tools Should be bought by the District Money and not paid for by County. No Delinquents reported--Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that Thomas H. Gilson be allowed the Sum of Twenty Dollars for Services as Sup. year 1868.
    No. 13. Now Comes John H. Breeding, Sup. of R. Dist. No. 13 and reports that he has worked all the hands in his District (except J. Ashmead) their full time. The roads in Said Dist. are Reported in good Condition. Sup. has Collected $54.89 and paid out for labor and lumber $20.50. Sup. also Claims $18.47 for his Services over & above his own tax, leaving a balance in Sup. hands belonging to Dist. of $15.52.
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that Dr. L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars on a/c of Hospital Contract for qr. from Nov. 4th 1868 to Feby. 4th 1869.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for two days' attendance on Co. Court, January Term 1869.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and forty Dollars for Keeping jail and board of Jailer Months of January & February 1869.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of $215.86, being the Collector's 3 percent on the Collection of $7,195.41 Taxes of 1868.
    Ordered by the Court that the following persons be allowed fees as Jurors, Jany. Term 1869 Co. Court as follows, to wit:
Sylvester Saltmarsh $3.80
Alphens Wooldridge 6.00
Samuel Steckel 5.60
T. L. Linksweiler 5.00
Wm. H. Simpson 5.00
Claus Kleinhammer 3.80
Matthew Liddle 4.00
Edward H. White 4.00
    Ordered that James R. Wade be allowed the Sum of $8.85 Justice fees Cause of State vs. Andrew Powers.        $8.85
    No. 1. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that A. V. Gillette be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road Dist. No. One in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 4. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that David Redpath be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Four in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 6. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Thos. F. Beall be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Six in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 7. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Haskel Amy be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Seven in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 8. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Wm. T. Leever be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Eight in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 10. Ordered by the County Court of Said County That V. S. Ralls be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Ten in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 11. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Chauncey Nye be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Eleven in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 12. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Benjamin Mench be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Twelve in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 13. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Samuel Rush be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. thirteen in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 17. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that James Miller be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Seventeen in said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 18. Ordered by the County Court of Said County That John Stought be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Eighteen in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 19. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that John O'Brien be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Nineteen in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 21. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Simeon Smead be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Twenty-one in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 23. Ordered by the County Court of Said County, that Thomas H. Gilson be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Twenty-three in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 14. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Edwin Morgan be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Fourteen in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered that the Report of Martin Peterson, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 30, be continued until the next Term of this Court at which time Said Supervisor is required to file a plainer and more definite report.
    Ordered that the report of John Cardwell, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 14, be rejected and that Said Supervisor be required to file another report on or before the next Term of this Court.
    Ordered that Lafayette Allen be allowed $100.00 for the board and Clothing of Daniel Martin, a County Charge from October 1st 1868, to March 1st, 1869, as per agreement heretofore made.
    Ordered that the boundaries of Road Dist. No. 28 be and the Same are hereby established as follows, to wit: "Commencing on the Emigrant Creek Road, on the East Side of Emigrant Creek, at the Isaac Hill farm, thence running in a Southerly direction, and terminating at the divide between the waters of Emigrant and Kane Creek, at the westerly Terminus of Road District No. 31."
    And the Court adjourned until Thursday, the 11th Inst. at 2 O'clock P.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Thursday, March 11th 1869
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on Wednesday last. Except Commissioner Heber, who is absent.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Friday, March 12th 1869
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of $41.10 Clerk's fees as per bill filed.
    Ordered that George Scheiss be allowed the Sum of $13.50 for Sawing wood for Jail and Cleaning Court House yard.
    Ordered that Philander Powell be allowed the Sum of $3.83 on a/c of over-assessment for the year 1868.
    On the petition of E. D. Foudray and others heretofore filed, It is ordered by the County Court of Jackson County Oregon that J. P. Burns be and he is hereby appointed a Justice of the Peace for the Precinct of Eden in and for Said County.
    No. 20. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Wm. Ray be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 20 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 26. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Wm. Brotherton be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 26 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 3. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that M. H. Coleman be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 3 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 2. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that James V. Amerman be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 2, in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered that the report of John S. Herrin, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 3, be referred to Said Supervisor for Amendment.
    Ordered that the Sentinel Office be allowed the Sum of Eight Dollars for printing 500 blank tax receipts.
    Ordered that H. A. Breitbarth be allowed the Sum of Seven Dollars for brandy for  Pest House.
    Ordered that John Neuber be allowed the Sum of Three Dollars for repairing Clock for Pest House.
    Ordered that James Dirk be allowed the Sum of Eight Dollars for Digging grave for Harris Squaw & for bed Tick for Pest House.
    Ordered that Louis Petzholt be allowed the Sum of Eleven Dollars for work on Pest House.
    Ordered that Dr. F. Grube be allowed the Sum of Fifty Dollars for attendance at Pest House & on Isaac Cowan.
    Ordered that Wm. Cummings be allowed the Sum of $13.50 for work on Pest House.
    Ordered that C. P. Harris be allowed the Sum of Twenty Dollars for lumber for Pest House.
    Ordered that P. Fehely be allowed the Sum of $38.75 for Material furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that Mrs. Ganung be allowed the Sum of $54.50 for Sewing for Pest House.
    Ordered that L. Solomon be allowed the Sum of $2.88 for Honey for Pest House.
    Ordered that F. M. Smith be allowed the Sum of $19.50 for work on Pest House.
    Ordered that Madam Guilfoyle be allowed the Sum of three Dollars for provisions furnished Jas. Haus and Mr. Sanborn (County Charges).
    Ordered that Mrs. Conley be allowed the Sum of $22.67 for Milk and Eggs furnished the Pest House.
    Ordered that J. H. Stearns be allowed the Sum of Six Dollars for work on Pest House Chimneys.
    Ordered that D. Cronemiller be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for 500 3-foot boards for Pest House.
    Ordered that Wm. Hoffman be allowed the Sum of Eight 50/100 Dollars for Medicines furnished patients at Pest House.
    Ordered that Hoffman and Klippel be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and Nine & 33/100 Dollars on a/c of goods furnished Pest House as per bill filed.
Also added balance of        $5.75           
    Ordered by the County Court that John Bilger be allowed the Sum of $41.85 for goods furnished the Pest House.        $41.85
    Ordered that Glenn, Drum and Co. be allowed the Sum of $7.50 the amount Deducted from the bill of John Morris.
    Ordered that John Morris be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and Twenty and 50/100 Dollars a/c of attention at Pest House.
    Ordered that Luna be allowed the Sum of Twenty-three Dollars for Services at Pest House.
    Ordered that C. C. Beekman be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Six Dollars on a/c of Money advanced to Luna and deducted from Luna's Pest House bill.
    Ordered that Plymale and Manning be allowed the Sum of $3.75 for filling bed Ticks for Pest House.
    Ordered that O. Jacobs be allowed the Sum of Twenty-one Dollars for 1050 boards furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that Linn and Hall be allowed the Sum of One Hundred thirty-two and 32/100 Dollars a/c of work and Materials for Pest House.
    Ordered that Wm. Boyer be allowed the Sum of Fourteen and 82/100 Dollars on a/c of Groceries furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that Isaac Jones be allowed the Sum of $31.90 for lumber furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Twenty-three Dollars for bedsteads for Pest House and Visiting patients.
    Ordered that W. A. Childers be allowed the Sum of Thirty-one Dollars for Services as Co. Commissioner Jany. Term to March Term 1869 both included.
    Ordered by the Court that the resignation of Wm. T. Leever, Supervisor of Road District No. Eight in Said County be and the Same is hereby accepted.
    No. 8. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that John W. Baker be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Eight in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered that Sutton and Stearns be allowed the Sum of $16.40 for blank books and Stationery for County Offices.
    Ordered that Sutton and Stearns be allowed the Sum of $25.47 for Medicines furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that M. Mensor be allowed the Sum of $31.25 for articles furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that D. Hopkins & Co. be allowed the Sum of $6.40 for lumber for Pest House.
    Ordered that A. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of $7.50 for articles furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that Alex Martin be allowed the Sum of Nine Dollars a/c of G. W. Hon (Pest House a/c)
    Ordered that G. W. Hon be allowed the Sum of One dollar & fifty Cents balance for work on Pest House.
    Ordered that D. M. McMenamy be allowed the Sum of Six 75/100 dollars for work at Pest House.
    Ordered that John Dick be allowed the Sum of Twenty-one dollars for work at Pest House.
    And the Board Adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

March 13th 1869
    The Court Met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday and also present Commissioner Heber. The Minutes of the proceedings of the Court at all of its Sittings thus far this Term were read and approved.
    Ordered that Edwin Smith be allowed the Sum of Twenty Dollars for Cooking Stove for Pest House.
    Ordered that Geo. Brown be allowed the Sum of Four Dollars for work on Pest House.
    Ordered that Henry Brenner be allowed the Sum of Ten and 50/100 Dollars for work on Pest House.
    Ordered that I. T. Hunt be allowed the Sum of Six Dollars for work on Pest House.
    Ordered that Moses Keiffe be allowed the Sum of Two and 50/100 for Hauling a/c Pest House.
    Ordered that Hoffman & Klippel be allowed the Sum of Fifty-four and 50/100 Dollars on a/c of Hauling for Pest House by Flood and Bryant.
    Ordered that Preater & Theitacker be allowed the Sum of Six Dollars on a/c of bread, &c. for Pest House.
    Ordered that Thos. F. Beall and Bro. be allowed the Sum of $25.20 for Hay a/c of Jas. Hubbard, amt. deducted from Hubbard's Pest House Account.
    Ordered that the Estate of James Hubbard be allowed the Sum of Twenty-nine and 62/100 Dollars balance for use of Horse and wagon for Pest House.
    Ordered that Wintjen and Helms be allowed the Sum of Twenty-two and 50/100 for bread furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that Wm. Bybee be allowed the Sum of Twenty dollars for one Ton of Hay a/c of Pest House.
    Ordered that Fisher and Bro. be allowed the Sum of one hundred twenty-three and 39/100 dollars on a/c of goods furnished on a/c of Pest House.
    Ordered that J. Kellison be allowed the Sum of Twenty-two dollars, balance a/c of Attention at Pest House.
    Ordered that Horace J. Mead be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for Coffin for a County Charge (Pest a/c).
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of Eight Dollars a/c goods furnished Lake.       
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of one Hundred twenty-eight 68/100 Dollars a/c goods furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of one Hundred twenty-five & 55/100 Dollars for goods a/c Pest House.
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of Seventy-Two dollars & twenty-five cents for goods furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that B. Levy be allowed the Sum of Two Dollars for 4 Lbs. Honey for Pest House.
    Ordered that Glenn, Drum and Co. be allowed the Sum of Sixteen dollars for 4 Cords wood furnished by Asbury.
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for Bedstead & bed for Pest House.
    Ordered that John Brewer be allowed the Sum of Eight Dollars a/c of Cron. Pest House patient.
    G.D. & Co. Ordered that Glenn, Drum & Co. be allowed the Sum of $48.00 a/c of Services of Sanburn at Pest House.
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of Seven & 50/100 Dollars a/c of Articles for County Jail.
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of One 88/100 Dollar for articles furnished Martin family, County Charges.
    Ordered that Glenn, Drum & Co. be allowed the Sum of Eighteen Dollars for Articles furnished Pest House by J. R. Peacock.
    Ordered that John Orth be allowed the Sum of Sixty-three & 70/100 Dollars for Meat for Pest House.
    Ordered that John Orth be allowed the Sum of Nineteen & 55/100 Dollars for Meat for Gardner, a County Charge.
    Ordered that John Orth be allowed the Sum of Thirty Dollars for Two Stoves for Pest House.
    Ordered that Sutton and Stearns be allowed the Sum of Twenty-four and 38/100 Dollars a/c of Medicines furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that Glenn, Drum and Co. be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Two & 50/100 Dollars advanced by them to & deducted from F. Mirabella bill for Services a/c Pest House.
    Ordered that Wintjen & Helms be allowed the Sum of one dollar advanced by them to and deducted from F. Mirabella's Pest House a/c.
    Ordered that Frank Mirabella be allowed the Sum of Forty-Eight Dollars & fifty cents for Services a/c of Pest House. (bal)
    Ordered that G. Drum and Co. be allowed the Sum of Eighteen & 50/100 Dollars, deducted from F. Mirabella Pest House a/c as per his order.
    Ordered that Hugh Donnelly be allowed the Sum of Twenty-five Dollars deducted from F. Marabella's Pest House a/c as per his order.
    Ordered that Frank Mirabella be allowed the Sum of Fifty-Seven Dollars & fifty Cents balance for Services a/c of Pest House.
    Ordered that Moses Keiffe be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for hauling Hay for Jas. Hubbard, the Same deducted from Hubbard's a/c.
    Ordered that Mrs. L. W. Roundtree be allowed the Sum of one hundred and fifty-five Dollars (Less $1.00 for articles at Sutton & Stearns) for her Services at Pest House.
    Ordered that Sutton and Stearns be allowed the Sum of Two Dollars [for] Articles furnished to and deducted from Mrs. L. W. Roundtree's a/c for Services at Pest House.
    Ordered that P. J. Ryan be allowed the Sum of Thirty-two Dollars for articles furnished Pest House.
    Ordered the Comstock and Cawley be allowed the Sum of Seventy-one 54/100 Dollars on a/c of Teaming, &c. for Pest House.
    Ordered that Glenn, Drum and Co. be allowed the Sum of $32.00 advanced to E. Langley & deducted from his Pest House a/c.
    Ordered that Ed Langley be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and Eighty-four & 50/100 Dollars for attention at Pest House & articles furnished.
    Ordered that T. T. Roundtree be allowed the Sum of Thirty-two & 50/100 balance for his Services at the Pest House.
    Ordered that Marlin H. Roundtree be allowed the Sum of Eighty-nine and 25/100 balance for his Services at Pest House.
    Ordered that Glenn, Drum and Co. be allowed the Sum of Forty-Eight and 73/100 Dollars a/c of C. J. Dutton's Pest House bill.
    Ordered that Glenn, Drum and Co. be allowed the Sum of Seven Hundred thirty-three & 91/100 Dollars on a/c of articles furnished the Pest House.
    Ordered that Glenn, Drum and Co. be allowed the Sum of $11.50 on a/c of Articles furnished Pest House by J. R. Peacock.
    Ordered that Wm. Cummings be allowed the Sum of Three Dollars balance his bill a/c of Pest House.
    No. 16. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Nicholas A. Young be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 16 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Apl. Term 1869
    Be it remembered that at a regular term of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office in Said County on Tuesday the Sixth day of April 1869, at which were present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Commissioners
And W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had:
    Ordered that J. J. Fryer be allowed the Sum of Nine and 86/100 Dollars on a/c of over-assessment for the year 1869.
    Ordered that Simeon Smead be allowed the Sum of Fifty-two dollars for Services as Messenger for Kanaka Flat during the Small Pox epidemic.
    Ordered that A. J. Wall be allowed the Sum of Thirteen dollars & 50/100 fees, Cause of State vs. Powers.
    Ordered that W. J. Wimer be allowed the Sum of Eight and 50/100 Dollars fees Cause of State vs. Powers.
    Ordered that B. Levy be allowed the Sum of One Dollar balance for Honey furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that C. S. Drew be allowed the Sum of Seven dollars for bridge lumber for Road Dist. No. 6.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of one hundred and Eighty-two & 35/100 Dollars Clerk's fees as per bill on file.
    Ordered that J. Kellison be allowed the Sum of Eight Dollars for attendance on James Hand while under partial insanity.
    Ordered that J. R. Wade, J.P., be allowed the Sum of Three Dollars for drawing Jury list for Jacksonville Precinct.
    Ordered that Geo. W. Ratrie be allowed the Sum of Two dollars for assisting in making Jury list for Jacksonville Precinct.
    Ordered that James R. Neil be allowed the Sum of Two Dollars for assisting in making Jury list for Jacksonville Precinct.
    Ordered that Preater & Theitacker be allowed the Sum of Two Dollars for broom and bread for Pest House, as per bill.
    Ordered that John Morris be allowed the Sum of Seventy-four Dollars for attention on John Cross at Pest House.
    Ordered that Edward Langley be allowed the Sum of one hundred three and 50/100 Dollars for attention on John Cross at Pest House and for articles furnished.
    No. 30. The report of Martin Peterson heretofore filed now Comes on for examination which Shows that he has worked all the hands in his District their full time--also that there has been quite a large amount of work done in Said District--the Supervisor's Claim for 12 days work is allowed--Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that Martin Peterson be allowed the Sum of Twenty-four Dollars for Services as Supervisor for the year 1868.
    No. 24. Now Comes John Cantrall, Supervisor of Road District No. 24, and presents his report and a/c for Settlement by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District except Nicholas Wright, returned delinquent, and has worked Chinamen about 40 days. Supervisor admits as in his hands belonging to District the Sum of $27.20. Supervisor claims for 2 days over & above his Road tax.--Report accepted and approved.
Nicholas Wright delinquent $2.26.
    Ordered that John Cantrall be allowed the sum of Four Dollars for his Services as Supervisor for 1868.        $4.00
    No. 16. Now Comes Peter Simon, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 16, and presents his report, by which it appears that in Consequence of the impression generally in Said District that the roads therein were not legal ones but few persons would work. Levi Pinkham, T. L. Linksweiler and Louis McDaniel have worked their full time, all others are delinquent. Supervisor Claims for 1 day which he asks to be deducted from his Tax. Report accepted and approved.
    No. 5.  Now Comes Frederick Heber, Supervisor of Road District No. 5, and presents his report and a/c for settlement by which it appears he has work[ed] all the hands in his District their full time except those herewith returned Delinquent. 42
½ days work have been done. Supervisor claims for 3 days over his own Road tax.
Wm. Justus Delinquent $15.00
Murphy Delinquent 2 days
Nortons Delinquent 3 days
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that F. Heber be allowed the Sum of Six Dollars for Services as Road Supervisor for the year 1869.
    The Report of John S. Herrin, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 3, Now Comes up for examination, by which it appears the following persons are entitled to Credits on their next year's work as follows:
Colver, Mrs. Maria .19
Coleman, M. H. 2.00
Cardwell, Zack .40
Mills, Jno. M. .40
Gore, E. E. 7.00
Williams, Rev. M. A. 1.34
    The following are Delinquent as follows
Armstrong, Frank .20
Burns, J. P. .40
Bishop, Wallace 2.60    left Dist.
Hoxie, O. D. 4.00
Hoxie, James 2.00
Hockenyos, Jno. 1.70
Lavenberg, Danl. .20
Shook, Newton 2.00
Van Dyke, S. D. 6.72
Van Dyke, Jno. G. 4.00
Bowen, Jno. 2.00
    Supervisor claims for Eleven days extra work. Report accepted & approved.
    Ordered that Jno. S. Herrin be allowed the Sum of Twenty-two (22) Dollars for Services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 3 for the year 1868.
    The report of Louis Herling, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 20, heretofore filed, shows that he has work[ed] to the amt. of 113 days in all in his District. Supervisor's Claim for 17 days extra work is disallowed--Supervisor is allowed for Six days extra work and for $5.25 paid out for Nails & spikes--making in all
    Ordered that Louis Herling be allowed the sum of Seventeen and 25/100 Dollars for Services as Sup. & for materials furnished for bridges for Dist. No. 20 for 1868.
    Ordered that John Liera be allowed the Sum  of ten dollars for Digging graves for Pills & Atkinson.
    No. 5. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Arthur Wilson be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 5 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 24. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that John Cantrall be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 24 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 30. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Martin Peterson be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 30 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

April 7th 1869
    This Court met this Morning pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday read and approved.
    Ordered that Reveille Office be allowed the Sum of five Dollars for 100 blank assessment Schedules.
    Ordered that the Claim of Mrs. L. A. Roundtree for $40 for Medicines furnished patients at the Pest House January 1869, be and the Same is hereby referred to Commissioner Heber to confer with the Claimant and obtain items and report at the next term of this Court.
    Ordered that the Resignation of Simeon Smead as Supervisor of Road District No. 20, heretofore filed, be and the Same is hereby accepted.
    No. 21. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Thomas Avery be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 21 in Said County for the ensuing year vice Simeon Smead Resigned.
    Ordered that Frank Mirabella be allowed the Sum of ten & 50/100 dollars for work on Pest House.
    The report of Thos. G. Reames, Tax Collector of Said County, heretofore filed, Shows that Said Collector has Collected on the assessment of 1868 & paid into the County Treasury the Sum of $14,771.74, leaving on the 5th April 1869 delinquent the Sum of the Sum of $2,139.65 [sic]. The Collector has assessed himself, Collected & paid to the County Treasurer the Sum of $1,513.73. It is ordered that Said report be approved and that the usual warrant issue to Said Collector authorizing him to make legal and forcible Collections of Said taxes returned by him delinquent.
    Ordered that F. Heber be allowed the Sum of Twenty-two & 80/100 Dollars for attendance and mileage as Co. Commissioner Including April Term 1869.
    Ordered that Thos. Gaston be allowed the Sum of Eight Dollars for work on Pest House at Kanaka flat.
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy Dollars for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer Month of March, 1869.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred Seventy-two & 69/100 Dollars being the Collector's 3 percent on the Collection of Revenue.
    Ordered that Wm. Kretzer be allowed the Sum of Eight & 37/100 Dollars for provisions furnished Jack Gardner.
    Ordered that T. H. B. Shipley be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and twenty-five Dollars Salary as School Supt. qr. ending March 31st, 1869.
    Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred and Sixty-four Dollars Salary as Co. Judge for the quarter ending March 31st, 1869.
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of Eighteen and 50/100 dollars for goods furnished Pest House.
    Ordered that Reveille Office be allowed the Sum of Five dollars for advertising Notice to Indigent Sick.
    Ordered by the Court that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Nineteen Dollars Jail fees cause of State vs. Andrew Powers.
    Ordered that Morris Baum be allowed the Sum of Fifty-two & 70/100 Dollars for goods bought of Morris Baum for Pest House at Kanaka flat.
    Ordered that the petition of S. C. Taylor and others for a County Road Commencing at or Near the House of Milton Lindley's at Gasburg and terminating at or near the Residence of T. L. Linksweiler be and the same is hereby Continued until the Next term of this Court.
    The Report of James V. Amerman, Supervisor of Road District No. 2, in Said County heretofore filed, Shows that he has worked all the hands in his District (which is a large one) their full time except those therein returned delinquent, who are as follows:
Beeson, Welborn Delinquent $3.20
Coolidge, O. Delinquent .10
Cockerton, E. Delinquent .43
Farnham, A. F. Delinquent 14.47
Goddard, B. C. Delinquent .62
Bailey, G. W. Delinquent .15
Myer, W. C. Delinquent 27.72
Patterson, John Delinquent 2.60
Patterson, Joshua Delinquent .14
Patterson, William Delinquent 4.00
Stearns, D. E. Delinquent .25
    Supervisor Claims nothing for extra Services. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that the Resignation of David Redpath as Supervisor of Road District No. 4 in Said County be and the Same is hereby accepted.
    No. 4. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that John S. Lacy be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 4 in Said County for the ensuing year, vice David Redpath, Resigned.
    No. 31. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that A. J. Burnett be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 31 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 7. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Enoch F. Walker be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 7 in Said County for the ensuing year vice Haskel Amy, Resigned.
    Now Comes Louis Herling and applies for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquor in Forest Creek Precinct in Jackson County, Oregon in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said Applicant has presented the petition of a Majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct praying that Said Application be granted, and it further appearing that the Notice of said Applicant's intention to apply at this term of the Court for Such License had been given and Said applicant having filed his bond in the Sum of Five hundred dollars Conditioned as by law required, It is therefore ordered that License issue to the Said Herling as prayed for, for the term of Six Months on his filing the Treasurer's receipt for fifteen Dollars therefor.
    Ordered that Mr. Brewer be allowed the Sum of three dollars for Moving Martin family from the Pest House.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge.

May Term 1869
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County on Monday, May 3, 1869, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
Frederick Heber, Commissioner
And W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

May 4th 1869
    The Court Met today pursuant to adjournment, present the same as on yesterday and also present Commissioner W. A. Childers.        $2.50
    Ordered that the Oregon Sentinel be allowed the Sum of Two and 50/100 Dollars for blank Receipts for School Supt.        $2.50
    Ordered that Thomas P. Thompson be allowed the Sum of Eleven & 25/100 Dollars for wood furnished Jack Gardner, a County Charge.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy dollars for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer, Month of April, 1869.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Thirty-two  50/100 Dollars for Serving Notices on Road Supervisors.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of five dollars for attendance at April Term, 1869, of the County Court.
    Ordered that the Oregon Sentinel be allowed the Sum of five Dollars for advertising to redeem County warrants.
    Ordered that Plymale and Manning be allowed the Sum of ten Dollars for Livery hire in burial of County Charges (2).
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred twenty-two Dollars, Clerk's fees as per a/c filed.
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of Eighteen dollars for removing & cleaning privy and for removing boxing from trees in Court House yard.
    Now on this day Comes D. H. Sexton and applies to the Court for a License to Sell Spirituous liquor in Rock Point Precinct in Said County in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Courts that Said Applicant had filed the petition of a majority of the legal voters of Said precinct praying that Such Application be granted, and it further appearing the due notice had been given of the intention to apply at this Term of the Court for such License--It is therefore ordered by the Court that the Application aforesaid be granted and that License as prayed for be and the same is hereby ordered to issue to the Said Sexton for the Term of one year on the payment by him of thirty dollars therefor and filing the bond required by the statutes in the Sum of five hundred dollars with good and sufficient surety.
    Now Comes Tod Cameron and presents his report as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 22, by which it appears in 1867 Said Supervisor[ed] work to the 32 days in all--17 days of which was Chinese labor--No delinquents--Supervisor Claims Nothing for his Services. Report Accepted.
    No. 22. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that A. W. Sturgis be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 22 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 29. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Frederick Heber be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 29 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Now Comes C. C. Gall and presents the petition of himself and others (12 Householders of Said County) for the location of a County Road Commencing at White's Bridge on Rogue River & terminating at Bybee's Ferry on Said River and it appearing that there is no proper proof that due notice has been given of Such Application, It is therefore ordered that Said petition be Continued until the Next Term of this Court, for the filing of Such proof.
    Now Comes A. D. Helman and presents the petition of himself and others for the location of a County Road Commencing at the Bridge in the Town of Ashland and terminating at Deep Gulch, which Said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Honorable the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, State of Oregon,
    "We the Undersigned Citizens, householders and residing in the Vicinity of the proposed Road hereinafter Mentioned, respectfully petition your Hon. Board to appoint Viewers to view and lay out a County Road as follows: Commencing at the Bridge in the Town of Ashland and at the foot of Granite Street in Said Town, and running thence up Said Granite Street to its terminus, thence Westerly around the enclosure of J. O. C. Wimer, thence Southerly up Ashland or Mill Creek, on the Most practicable route to a Certain Gulch known as Deep Gulch or Sugar Pine Gulch, about half of a Mile above the Dam of the Mining Ditch owned by Wagner McCallam Co. We further pray that Said road May be of the width of thirty-five feet from its Commencement Until it passes the enclosure of J. O. C. Wimer and of the width of fifty feet from Wimer's enclosure to its termination.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said petition was Signed by More than twelve householders of Said County residing in the Vicinity of Said proposed road, And it further appearing that due Notice had been given of the intention to Make Such application at the present Term of this Court, and Jacob Wagner & A. D. Helman, two of Said petitioners having filed their bond in the Sum of fifty dollars, Conditioned as the law requires and with Sufficient Surety which Said bond is accepted. It is therefore Considered by the Court that the prayer of the Said petitioners be granted, So far as to have a View, Survey & report on the propriety of locating or establishing Said Road and for that purpose it is ordered that Patrick Dunn, Wm. F. Songer and A. G. Fordyce be and they are hereby appointed Viewers (being three disinterested Householders of Said County) and B. F. Myer, a Skillful Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of Said proposed Road, and that Said Viewers and Surveyor Meet at the Office of A. V. Gillette, a Justice of the peace in & for Ashland Precinct in Said County, on Friday the 14th day of May, 1869, and on their failing to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified that they proceed to View, Survey and lay out Said Road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid (except as to the width thereof) and that Said Viewers make their report of Such View in writing, and deliver the Same, together with the plat and Survey of Said road, to the County Clerk by one of their Number, on or before the 3rd day of the Next Term of this Court. And it is further ordered that Said Viewers Cannot lay out Said road at any point throughout its entire Course for a width of less than forty feet.
    Now Comes Levi Gartman and presents the petition of himself and others for the Establishment of a County Road, Commencing at Ragsdale's, between Wards & Evans Creek, extending up Evans Creek and terminating at Thomas and Co. Saw Mill. And it appearing that no proper proof has been Made that due Notice was given of the intention to present Such petition at the present Term of this Court, It is therefore ordered that Said petition be and the Same is hereby Continued until the Next term of this Court, for the filing of Such proof.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow Morning at 10 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Wednesday, May 5th 1869
    The Court Met today pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday, Except Comr. Heber. The minutes of the proceedings of yesterday read & approved.
    Ordered that James Helms be allowed the Sum of Fifty Dollars for 12
½ Cords of Wood.        $50.00
    Ordered that George Nurse' Ferry License across Link River be renewed, for the term of one year for one dollar, and upon his filing the bond required by the Statute.
    Now Comes C. W. Kahler, Atty. for Daniel Hopkins, & presents the petition of said Hopkins and others for the location of a County road, Commencing at Log Town in Said County, and terminating at the Upper Mines on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, and it appearing that no proper proof of Notice has been Made & no bond being filed, It is therefore ordered that Said petition be continued Until the next term of this Court.
    No. 15. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Samuel Furry be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 15 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    [No.] 27. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Geo. W. Isaacs be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 27 in Said County for the ensuing year.
[No.] 12. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that William Kahler be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No 12 in Said County for the ensuing year in place of Ben Mench who has removed from Said District.
    The petition of S. C. Taylor and others for the location of a County road, Commencing near the House of Milton Lindley and terminating near T. L. Linksweiler's House, which said petition was filed in this Court on the 8th day of July, 1868, and which has been Continued from term to term of this Court to the present term of the Same, now Comes on for hearing which Said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon.
    "We, the undersigned householders residing in the vicinity of the route of the road herein prayed for, Respectfully pray your Honorable Board to appoint Viewers and a Surveyor to view, lay out and Survey a County Road as follows, to wit: Commencing at the Stage Road Near the House of Milton Lindley in the Town of Phoenix, thence to the Crossing of Bear Creek near said Town, thence by the road as now traveled to the west end of the land of A. F. Randall; thence on the dividing line between Wayne Oliver and F. Barneburg's land to the North West Corner of Said Oliver's land, thence to the Southwest Corner of Joseph N. Woods' land; thence North on the dividing line between the land of the Said Joseph N. Woody and John G. Norton to the North East Corner of Said John G. Norton's land; thence to a point east of Peter Ivory's field; thence to a point east of J. P. Parker's field; thence by the Most direct and Suitable route to or near T. L. Linksweiler's House, and your petitioners would further pray that So much of the old road as runs parallel with and not embraced in the road herein prayed for may be vacated. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said petition was Signed by twelve Householders of Said County in the Vicinity of Said road, and it further appearing that due Notice was given of the presentation of Said petition & the bond required by the Statute having been filed & approved by the Court, and it further appearing that the Said petition and all Matters Connected therewith have been regularly Continued from Said July Term, 1868 of this Court at each Succeeding term up to & including the present term of this Court, It is therefore Considered by the Court that the prayer of Said petitioners be granted, and that Isaac Skeeters, William Roberts and T. L. Linksweiler, three disinterested Householders of Said County be and they are hereby appointed viewers and that Milton Lindley, a Skillful Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of Said proposed road; And that Said viewers and Surveyor Meet at the Office of J. P. Burns, a Justice of the peace for Eden Precinct in Said County on Tuesday, the 18th day of May, 1869, or on their failing to meet on Said day then within five days thereafter and after being duly qualified that they proceed to View, Survey and lay out Said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid. And that Said Viewers make their report of Such view in writing, and deliver the Same, together with the plat and Survey of Said road, by one of their number to the County Clerk of Said County on or before the third day of the Next Term of this Court.
    Ordered that Mrs. L. A. Roundtree be allowed the Sum of ten dollars for Medicines in addition to the Medicines furnished the Claimant and already paid for by the County.
    Ordered that the Sum of Ninety Dollars be allowed to Mrs. Vincent to enable her & her children to go to the Husband of Said Mrs. Vincent.
    Ordered that Dr. F. Grube be allowed the Sum of Twenty dollars for two visits to the Pest House.
    Now Comes Jas. Helms and files his report as Sup. of Road District No. 29 for the balance of Abm. Tenbrook's term--which report is accepted.
    Ordered that Jas. Helms be allowed the Sum of Three Dollars as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 29.
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees as follows, a/c of Inquest on the body of U. C. Knight before J. R. Wade, Acting Coroner, April 5th, 1869.
A. H. Miller Juror $1.20
Addison Helms Juror 1.20
Chas. W. Savage Juror 1.20
James McDaniel Juror 1.20
J. H. Stearns Juror 1.20
Jos. B. Gray Juror 1.20
A. B. Overbeck Witness 1.70
J. R. Wade Acting Coroner 8.20
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred dollars on his Hospital Contract from Feby. 4th, 1869 to May 4th 1869.                        $200.00
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

June Term 1869
    Be it remembered that at the regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County on Tuesday, the Eighth day of June, A.D. 1869 at which were present the
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Commissioners
And W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    The petition of C. C. Gall and others for the view and location of a County Road, Commencing at White's Bridge on Rogue River and terminating at Bybee's Ferry on Same River and presented at the last Term of this Court, but Continued for proof of Notice, Until the present Term of this Court Now Comes on for hearing--which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    We, the Undersigned, Householders & petitioners of Table Rock Precinct, do petition the Honorable Commissioners of Jackson County to grant us the following prayer, to wit: The review and relocation of the road Commencing at J. B. White's bridge, on the right bank of Rogue River, thence running up the River to Sams Creek, thence up Sams Creek following the old view to the land on the Section line running East between Mr. Sisemore's and Mr. Cardwell's farms, thence East on Said line to a Section Corner on Mr. Morgan's farm, thence following Said Morgan's fence to the North East Corner, thence to follow the old review to Mr. Bybee's Ferry, the place of termination.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said petition is Signed by Twelve Householders residing in the Vicinity of the proposed road and it further appearing that due notice of the intention of Said petitioners to make Such Appliation has been given, and a bond Conditioned as the law requires, having been filed by one of Said petitioners in the Sum of one hundred dollars which Said bond is accepted & approved
    It is therefore Considered by the Court that the prayer of the Said petitioners be granted, and that B. F. Wade, W. A. Owen and Thomas Constant, three disinterested Householders of Said County, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of Said proposed road, and that said Viewers and Surveyor Meet at the Office of C. C. Gall, a Justice of the peace for Table Rock Precinct, in & for Said County on Thursday, the 17th day of June, 1869, or on their failing to Meet on Said day, then within five days thereafter; And after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view, Survey and lay out Said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid; and that Said Viewers Make their report of such view in writing and deliver the Same together with the plat & Survey of Said road by one of their Number to the County Clerk of Said County on or before the 3rd day of the Next Term of this Court.
    Now Comes J. C. Hannah and applies to the Court for a License to Keep a Ferry across Rogue River at the Ramey place about 11 Miles above the Bybee Ferry--And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that due Notice of this Application has been given and the Said Applicant having filed his bond, which has been duly approved.
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that Said License issue to J. C. Hannah as prayed for, for the term of one year on the payment to the CountyTreasurer of Said County the Sum of Two dollars & fifty cents therefor.
    Ordered by the Board that the following be and are hereby established as the rules of Ferryage at the Hannah Ferry across Rogue River to wit:
Sheep or hogs, each .04
Loose Cattle or Horses per head .10
Each pack Animal .12 ½
Footman .25
Man and horse or Mule .25
Horse and buggy .75
Two Horses and Buggy .75
Two horses or Mules or Yoke of Oxen & wagon .75
Four horses or Mules or Oxen & empty wagon 1.00
Four horses or Mules or Oxen & loaded wagon 1.25
Each additional Span of horse or Mules or Yoke of Oxen .25
    Whereas at the last Term of this Court, Viewers and a Surveyor were appointed to view, Survey and locate a County road, Commencing at or Near Milton Lindley's and Terminating near the House of Linksweiler, in pursuance of a petition therefor, hereinafter mentioned, and whereas Said Viewers failed to perform the duties assigned them, in Consequence of one of their number being absent from the State of Oregon & one other of Said Viewers Could not be found in time to attend to the duties of Such Appointment as prayed for in the petition aforesaid which petition is as follows, to wit:
    To the Hon. Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon,
    We, the Undersigned Householders residing in the Vicinity of the route of the road herein prayed for, respectfully pray your honorable Board to Appoint Viewers and Surveyor to view, lay out & Survey a County road as follows, to wit: Commencing at the Stage Road Near the House of Milton Lindley in the Town of Phoenix, Thence to the Crossing at Bear Creek near said Town, thence by the road as now traveled to the west end of the land of A. F. Randall, thence on the dividing line between Wayne Oliver & F. Barneburg's land to the North West Corner of Said Oliver's land, thence to the South West Corner of Joseph N. Woody's and John G. Norton to the North East Corner of said John G. Norton's land, thence to a point East of Peter Ivory's field, thence to a point East of J. P. Parker's field, thence by the most direct and Suitable route to or near T. L. Linksweiler's House. And your petitioners would further pray that So much of the Old road, that runs parallel with and not Embraced in the road herein prayed for may be vacated.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that all of the proceedings up to and including the order appointing viewers and a Surveyor to locate said road, at the last Term of this Court, were regular and in due form and that Said order failed in Consequence of the absence of two of said viewers as aforesaid, It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petitioners Should not be defeated in consequence of the failure aforesaid.  It is therefore ordered by the Court that O. D. Hoxie, Wm. Roberts and S. D. Van Dyke, three disinterested Householders of Said County, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers and that Milton Lindley, a Skillful Surveyor be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of Said proposed road; and that Said viewers and Surveyor meet at the Office of J. P. Burns, a Justice of the peace for the Precinct of Eden, in & for said County on Tuesday, June the 15th, 1869, and on their failure to meet on Said day, then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified that they proceed to view, survey and lay out said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid; and that said viewers make their report of such view in writing, and deliver the same, together with the plat and Survey of said road by one of their number to the County Clerk of Said County, on or before the third day of the Next Term of this Court.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

June 9th 1869 10 O'clock A.M.
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday--the minutes of the proceedings of yesterday read and approved.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that John M. Corbell be and he is hereby appointed a Justice of the peace for the Precinct of Klamath in & for Said County.
    Ordered that the Petition of James Miller and others for the location of a County Road from Jacksonville to the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek be and the Same is Continued until the next Term of this Court for want of proof of Notice.
    Ordered that [the] Oregon Sentinel be allowed the Sum of $18.00 for printing blanks.
    Ordered that Peter Boschey be allowed the Sum of $39.25 for planting trees in Court House yard.
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of $32.00 for goods furnished a/c of Small Pox.
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed fees as below on the Inquest on body of Frederick Horne.
A. H. Miller Juryman $1.00
A. P. Owen Juryman 1.00
Henry Pape Juryman 1.00
A. F. Wall Juryman 1.00
N. D. Short Juryman 1.00
James Stewart Juryman 1.00
Jos. D. Johnson Witness 1.50
Louis Horne Witness 1.50
Christian Rupp Witness 1.50
Jas. R. Wade, J.P. Acting Coroner 8.50
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed the persons below named. Inquest on the body of Henry Fitzinger.
N. C. Dean Juryman $1.00
David Huston Juryman 1.00
John W. Rusk Juryman 1.00
V. S. Ralls Juryman 1.00
Thos. Chavner Juryman 1.00
Jesse Dodge Juryman 1.00
Enos Rhoten Witness 1.50
Henry Ward Witness 1.50
H. Cady Witness 1.50
A. B. Overbeck Witness & M.D. 1.50
Charles Miller [Witness] 1.50
Jas. R. Wade, J.P. & Acting Coroner 10.90
    Ordered that A. Wilson be allowed the Sum of $13.00 for 650 feet of bridge lumber for Dist. No. 5.        $13.00
    Ordered that Wm. Patterson be allowed the Sum of Twenty dollars for 1000 feet of bridge lumber for Road District No. 30.
    Ordered that a deduction be made or allowed on the Taxable property of Hutchison and Co. for the year 1868, of the Sum of Five thousand Dollars
    Ordered that Morris Mensor be allowed the Sum of Six dollars a/c of goods furnished the Pest House.
    Ordered that M. Mensor be allowed the Sum of $18.51 a/c of goods furnished Mrs. Vincent, a Co. Chg.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of $87.75 Clerk's fees as per bill filed.
    Ordered that C. W. Kahler be allowed the Sum of $5.00 for prosecuting Chinaman "Suit" before J. R. Wade, J.P.
    Ordered that Sutton & Stearns be allowed the Sum of $24.50 for Stationery as per bill filed.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of $8.00 for Serving Notices on Road Supervisors.       
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of $5.00 for attendance on Co.
Court May T. 1869.        $5.00
    Ordered that P. D. Hull be allowed the Sum of $12.50 for blanks as per bill filed.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of $70.00 for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer May, 1869.
    Ordered that the following person be allowed fees as follows Cause of State vs. Chas. M. Smith before Thos. Mee, J.P. As follows, to wit:
Thomas Mee J.P. $6.75
Geo. Stephenson Witness 3.10
L. C. Geary Witness 3.10
Elijah Smith Witness 3.10
Kenneth McKeever Witness 4.60
Simon McKee Witness 3.10
Haskins Constable 5.20
Wm. Cameron Pros. Witness 7.80
    Ordered by the Court that the petition of Elliott Greenman and others for a County road Commencing at the Eastern terminus of the present County Road at the Lost River Gap and terminating at the California State line be and the Same is hereby Continued until the Next Term of this Court for proof of Notice.
    O. T. Brown having filed his bond therefor, which has been duly approved, It is ordered that said Brown's Ferry License across Klamath River be renewed for the term of one year, Commencing Dec. 7th 1868 and to expire Dec. 7th 1869 on his filing the County Treasurer's receipt for one Dollar therefor.
    Ordered that Edward Hendricks be allowed the Sum of $55.60 Mileage as Special Dept Shff. on warrant for the arrest of Frank, a half-breed Indian.
    The report of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view & lay out a County road, Commencing at Granite Street near the bridge in the Town of Ashland and terminating at Deep or Sugar Pine Gulch, Now comes on to be heard, which report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. County Court, In pursuance to the annexed order, we the Undersigned Viewers, having received five days' Notice to meet at the Office of A. V. Gillette, a Justice of the peace in & for Ashland Precinct, in Said County on Friday, the 14th day of May, 1869, and were duly Sworn according to law. Taking to our assistance two Suitable persons as Chain bearers and one Marker, who were duly Sworn and B. F. Myer, Deputy County Surveyor, who was duly appointed, Proceeded on Said day to view, Survey and lay out Said road as prayed for in the petition. After taking into Consideration the Utility, Convenience and inconvenience and expense which will result to individuals as well as to the public if Such road Shall be established and opened, It is our opinion that the road Should be established and opened according to the plat and Survey herewith returned. May 17th 1869.
P. Dunn
W. F. Songer
A. G. Fordyce, Viewers
    And the Said report having been publicly read on two different days the present Session of this Court, to wit: the first time on the 8th Instant and the 2nd time this day, and there being no remonstrance to the Same and no Petition for damages or for a Review filed and the Court being Satisfied that the Said proposed road will be of public Utility, It is therefore Considered by the Court that Said report be and the Same is hereby in all things Confirmed and it is further ordered that Said Report, together with the plat and Survey of Said road be recorded and that Henceforth the Said road is declared to be a public highway and the Supervisor through whose District said road runs is ordered to open the Same & to keep the Same in good repair.
    Now Comes Henry Scharfenberg & applies to the Court for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquor on Jackson Creek in Jacksonville Precinct in Said County in measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said Applicant has filed the petition of a Majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct praying that Such License be granted and it further appearing that due Notice of the intention to make Such Application had been given and Said Applicant having filed his bond in the Sum of $500.00 Conditioned as the law requires, which bond is accepted. It is therefore ordered by the Court that License issue to Said Scharfenberg for the term of one year from June 10th 1869 on the payment to the Treasurer of Said County $30.00 therefor.
    Ordered that B. F. Myer be allowed the Sum of Twelve Dollars as Surveyor, Ashland Co. Road.
    Ordered that J. Tozer be allowed Two Dollars as Chain Bearer, Ashland Road.
    Ordered that A. D. Helman be allowed the Sum of $2.00 as Chain Bearer in Survey of Road near Ashland.
    Ordered that Jacob Wagner be allowed the Sum of Two Dollars as Marker in the Survey of the Road near Ashland.
    Ordered that P. Dunn be allowed the Sum of Two dollars as Viewer of County Road.
    Ordered that W. F. Songer be allowed the Sum of Two Dollars as Viewer of a County Road.
    Ordered that A. G. Fordyce be allowed the Sum of Two Dollars as Viewer of a County Road.
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Twenty-five dollars balance on last quarter's Salary of School Supt. for the year 1868.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Thursday, June 10th 1869
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as yesterday except Comr. Heber, who is absent.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the petition of Louis Herling and others for the location of a County road Commencing at Jacksonville in Said County and terminating at the Josephine Co. line be and the Same is hereby Continued until the next term of this Court for proof of Notice & for want of the Bond required by the Statutes.
    Ordered that F. Heber be allowed $13.20 Serv. as Co. Commissioner Including June T., 1869.
    Ordered that W. A. Childers be allowed the Sum of Thirty Dollars Serv. as County Comr. Including June Term, 1869.
    Ordered that Wm. Miller be allowed the Sum of $2.25 over-assessment of 1868.
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars on Inquest, body of U. C. Knight.
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of fifteen Dollars on the Inquest of H. Fitzinger.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

July Term 1869
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, begun and held at the Clerk's Office in Said County on Tuesday the Sixth day of July, 1869 (on County business) at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
W. A. Childers, Commissioner
And W. H. S. Hyde Clerk
When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    On the petition of A. J. Burnett, heretofore filed, It is ordered by the Court that the License granted by this Court for Said Burnett to Keep a Ferry across Link River in Said County be & the Same is hereby Cancelled.
    Now Comes L. J. White & applies for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquors in Rock Point Precinct in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said Applicant has filed the petition of a Majority of the Legal Voters of Said Precinct praying that such License issue and it further appearing that due Notice of the intention to make Such application has been given and the Said applicant having filed the bond required by Statute with Sufficient Surety, It is therefore Considered by the Court that Said application be granted and that License issue to Said White for the term of one year as prayed for on his filing the County Treasurer's receipt for thirty dollars for the Same.
    Ordered that T. H. B. Shipley be allowed the Sum of one hundred and twenty-five Dollars a/c of Salary as Supt. of Schools qr. ending June 30th 1869.
    Ordered that the warrant heretofore drawn to wit: June 15th, 1869 in favor of Lafayette Allen for $60.00 for Board & Clothing of Danl. Martin.
    Ordered that the following named Jurors in Attendance at the June Term 1869 be allowed fees as follows, to wit:
Thos. F. Beall $5.00     Danl. P. Norton $11.60
Lewis Rees 8.40 O. Coolidge 2.40
William Wilson 6.80 Welborn Beeson 12.00
Michael Hanley 4.60 George Kahler 11.80
J. A. Cardwell 4.20 Haskel Amy 11.20
Jackson Rader 7.00 Larkin McDaniel 13.00
Thomas McAndrew 5.40 Patrick Dunn 14.20
Lewis Brownworth 6.00 Frederick Barneburg 11.60
David M. Mosier 16.00 Thomas Ramey 3.40
Lafayette Allen 16.00 Jackson Hockersmith 12.60
Patrick Donegan 10.20 Wm. T. Sever 11.00
Samuel Hall 10.20 Herman Helms 10.20
Francis M. Plymale 11.20 James C. Tolman 14.20
William Cameron 12.00 George Eaimonte 2.00
William Sutherland 17.00
Giles Wells Jr. 14.00
    Ordered that Wimer and A. J. Wall each be allowed the Sum of $7.00 for attendance & mileage before G. Jury June Term 1869.        $7.00
    Ordered that C. W. Kahler be allowed the Sum of Five Dollars for prosecuting Baxter before Wade, J.P.        $5.00
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed in Cause of State of Oregon vs. Chinaman "Suit."
Clerk's fees W. H. S. Hyde $20.25
Wm. Boyer Witness 2.20
Max Brentano Witness 2.20
A. F. Wall Witness 2.20
Slung Interpreter 4.20
Reames Shff. 2.50
Costs before Justice
Wm. Boyer Witness 1.70
A. F. Wall Witness 1.70
M. A. Brentano Witness 1.70
Reames Shff. 3.95
J. R. Wade Justice      8.20
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of the State vs. Chinaman "Suit."
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk's fees $4.50
Reames Shff. 2.50
A. F. Wall Witness 2.20
L. Zigler Witness 2.20
H. Pape Witness      2.20
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed Cause of State vs. James Stewart.
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk $2.80
Costs before Justice
M. R. Fletcher Witness 1.70
A. H. Miller Witness 1.70
T. G. Owen Witness 1.70
A. F. Wall Witness 1.70
W. H. S. Hyde Witness 1.70
Henry Pape Witness 1.70
T. B. Stewart Witness 1.70
A. F. Wall Marshal 4.20
T. G. Reames Shff. 4.00
J. R. Wade J.P.   10.70
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed Cause of State vs. Andrew Powers.
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk $3.15
Shff. Reames before Justice 2.00
Justice Wade     8.85
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed Cause of State vs. David Girt.
W. H. S. Hyde Clerk $3.30
A. F. Wall Witness 1.70
A. P. Owen Witness 1.70
T. G. Reames Shff. 5.50
J. R. Wade J.P.     8.50
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed for the view & Survey of the Road from Lindley's to Linksweiler's.
Milton Lindley Surveyor $21.00
O. D. Hoxie Viewer 15.72
S. D. Van Dyke Viewer 13.12
Wm. Roberts Viewer 11.12
H. M. Thatcher Chain Carrier 9.00
Eugene Walrad Chain Carrier 9.00
D. H. Taylor Marker & Teamster 9.00
Wm. Roberts Marker & Teamster 9.00
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of Five & 50/100 Dollars for goods for Co. Charges.        $5.50
    Ordered that Max Muller be allowed the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars Salary as County Treasurer from January 1st 1869 To July 1st 1869.
    Ordered that Thomas G. Reames be allowed the Sum of $74.45 a/c of Board of prisoner & for Subpoenas before G. Jury June Term 1869 Cir. Court.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of one hundred and twenty-five Dollars for attendance on Circuit Court June Term 1869.
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of fifty Dollars for Summoning Jury for June Term of Circuit Court.
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy Dollars for Keeping Jail & Board of Jailer Month of June 1869.
    Ordered that Gatjen & Huber be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for Cleaning Cannon.
    Ordered that P. J. Ryan be allowed the Sum of $15.25 for goods furnished Hanley, a County Charge.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Wednesday July 7th 1869
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as yesterday--the minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered that Wm. Kretzer be allowed the Sum of Six and 87/100 Dollars for goods furnished Wm. Gardner, a County Charge.
    Ordered that Max Muller be allowed the Sum of one hundred fifty-two & 18/100 Dollars. Discount on L.T. [Legal Tender] Notes & for Conveying Revenue to State Treasurer.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and fifty-two 25/100 Dollars clerk's fees as per bill filed.
    Ordered that James S. Howard be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Six Dollars for Survey of Road from Rock Point to Bybee's Ferry.
    Ordered that John Sisemore be allowed Nine Dollars as Chain Carrier.
    Ordered that E. Morgan be allowed the Sum of Nine Dollars as Chain Carrier.
    Ordered that W. A. Owen be allowed Nine Dollars as Road Viewer.
    Ordered that T. Constant be allowed the Sum of Nine Dollars as Road Viewer.
    Ordered that B. F. Wade be allowed the Sum of Nine Dollars as Road Viewer.
    Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred and fifty Dollars Salary as County Judge quarter ending June 30/69.
    It being represented to the Court by one Mavity that the Road as laid out by O. D. Hoxie, S. D. Van Dyke and Wm. Roberts will greatly damage said Mavity, It is Considered that the report aforesaid and all Matters Connected therewith be Continued Until the Next Term of this Court in view of a probable adjustment of Such damages between the Said Claimant and the persons interested in the final location of Said Road.
    Ordered by the Court that the Petition of Louis Herling and others for the location of the County Road from Jacksonville to the Josephine Co. line via Applegate be continued until the Next term of this Court for want of an undertaking as required by law.
    Now Comes Thos. G. Reames, Shff. & Tax Collector & makes his Report of Delinquent taxes of Said County for the year 1868, by which it appears there is now only the Sum of $967.96 of Delinquent taxes for Said year Now unpaid and that the larger portion of such Sum is for Poll tax and that Many of Such persons Charged with Poll tax have left the County & leaving no property in the Same, It appearing further that a part of Such delinquent tax may yet be Collected.
    It is therefore ordered that a Warrant issue to the Shff. & Tax Collector for the Collection of Such delinquent taxes.
    The report of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate a public road from White's Bridge to Bybee's Ferry on the North Side of Rogue River in Said County now comes on for hearing, which report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Honorable County Court for Jackson County, State of Oregon,
    We, the undersigned having been appointed to View and relocate a road running from Rock Point to Bybee's Ferry, and having Completed the duties assigned us, have the Honor to report: That we, the undersigned, did meet upon the 22nd day of June, A.D. 1869, and after being duly qualified, proceeded to view out the road upon the lines indicated in the instructions as near as we could determine; for a more particular description of which see the report of the Surveyor herewith presented; Also, as Said road is almost indispensable to the wants of a large Community, we would hereby report in favor of Said road being declared a permanent road:; all of which we most respectfully Submit.
W. A. Owen
T. Constant
B. F. Wade, Viewers
    And the Said report having been publicly read on two different days, the present Session of this Court, the 1st time on the 6th and the 2nd time on the 7th Inst., And there being no remonstrance to the Same & no petition for damages or for a review filed and the Court being Satisfied that Said road as laid out will be of great public Utility; It is therefore Considered by the Court that Said report be and the Same is hereby in all things Confirmed; And it is further ordered by the Court that Said Report, together with the plat and Survey of Said road be recorded and that Henceforth the Said road be and is declared to be a public Highway and that the Supervisor through whose district Said road runs is hereby ordered to open the Same and to Keep the Same in good repair.
    Ordered that P. D. Hull be allowed the Sum of forty Dollars for Advertising & for printing blanks.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Twelve & 50/100 for Chinese Mining Licenses receipts bought by him of Bancroft & Co., including Exp. Chgs. on the Same.
    Ordered by the Court that the Clerk Notify all practicing Physicians of Jacksonville and vicinity that the Contract for the Keeping of the Sick and disabled poor persons of Jackson County, Oregon for one year from August 4th 1869 will be let at the ensuing August Term of this Court and inviting them to put in Sealed proposals for the Same according to the Specifications at the letting of the Same August 4th 1868 [sic].
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

August Term 1869
    Be it Remembered that at the Regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson (on County business), begun and held at the Clerk's Office of said County on the Third day of August, 1869, at which were Present
Honl. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Commissioners
W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
By Ed. R. Owen, D.C.
When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Ordered that T. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for attendance on County Court July 6th & Circuit Court July 14th, 1869.
    Ordered that T. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Seventy Dollars for Keeping Jail for the month of July.
    Ordered that L. Horn be allowed the sum of Twenty-six dollars for boarding Jacob Gardner, a County Charge & Thos. Thomas 26 days.
    Ordered that John Orth be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Three & 58/100 dollars for meat furnished Gardner from March 8th to August 3rd, 1869.
    Ordered that Estate of Franklin Grube be allowed the Sum of Forty-Five dollars for attendance on Chinamen in County Jail.
    Ordered that C. W. Kahler be allowed the sum of Fifteen Dollars commission for collecting bail bond in the matter of David Girt.
    Ordered that P. D. Hull be allowed the sum of Twenty-Five Dollars for publishing exhibit of receipts & Expenditures of County.

August 3rd 1869
    Ordered P. D. Hull be allowed the sum of Twenty-Five dollars for Blank Schedules and Blank Receipts furnished assessor.        $25.00
    Ordered P. D. Hull be allowed the sum of Five dollars for printing 100 Chinese Poll tax notes.
    Ordered George Scheiss be allowed Eighteen & 12/100 Dollars for sawing wood.
    Ordered John Bonham be allowed Twelve Dollars for 4 days attendance on Gardner.
    Ordered T. H. Thomas be allowed Twenty-six Dollars for 18 days attendance on Gardner.
    Now at this day the report of O. D. Hoxie, S. D. Van Dyke & William Roberts, viewers of a road from near Milton Lindley's to Linksweiler's is taken up and read first time.
    Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock A.M.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

August 4th AD 1869
    The County Court met today pursuant to adjournment, present the same as yesterday. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved.
    Ordered: Dr. L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars for Keeping County Hospital for the quarter Ending August 4th 1869.
    Ordered: Dr. L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of nine Dollars for care and board lodging for Wm. Gardner for 3 days.
    Ordered: Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Twenty Dollars for examining Hospital patients K. McKeown, James Hand, Peter Shrumm & Wm. Gardner.
    The report of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate a public road from near Milton Lindley's to near the House of Linksweiler in this county now comes on for hearing, which report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Honl. board of County Commissioners for Jackson County, Ogn., July Term, 1869: We, the undersigned viewers appointed at the last term of the afd. [aforesaid]
Court, to wit on the tenth day of June, A.D. 1869 to view, Survey and locate a county road commencing near Milton Lindley's and terminating near the House of Linksweiler's did in pursuance of the order of said Court meet at the office of J. P. Burns, a J.P. at Phoenix, to wit: on the 15th day of June, A.D. 1869, William Roberts failing to meet on this day, Milton Lindley as Surveyor and O. D. Hoxie & S. D. Van Dyke as viewers were duly Sworn to perform the afd.duties after which we adjourned to meet again on the morning of the 29th inst. next pursuant to adjournment and after William Roberts was qualified, proceeded to view, Survey & locate the aforementioned road and finished the same on the first day of July, A.D. 1869. For distance & location, &c. &c. Set plat and field notes of the Surveyor. The land over which the aforesaid road runs is generally good and practicable and over which a good road can be made with comparative little expense. The said road does not as we believe and have been informed interfere with any man's land claim sufficient to call forth any complaint for damages or otherwise. We believe this road to be much needed for the benefit of the public travel and therefore would recommend it to be opened and established by Law, all of which is humbly submitted to this honorable board, July 5th A.D. 1869.
O. D. Hoxie
S. D. Van Dyke
William Roberts
    And the said report having been publicly read on two different days the present Session of this court, the 1st time on the 3rd and the 2nd time on the 4th Inst., And there being no remonstrance to the same & no petition for damages or for a review filed and the court being satisfied that said road as laid out will be of great public utility, It is therefore considered by the Court that said report be and the same is hereby in all things confirmed, and it is further ordered by the Court that said report, together with the plat and Survey of said road be recorded and that henceforth the said road be and is declared to be a public highway and that the Supervisor through whose district said road runs is hereby ordered to open the same and to keep the same in good repair.
    In pursuance of previous notice the proposals this day filed for the Keeping and Treatment of the sick and disabled poor persons of Jackson County, Oregon according to Specifications on file in this office, were this day opened and considered, to wit proposal of Dr. L. T. Davis, which is in words & figures following, viz:
    "To the Hon. Commissioners, Court of Jackson County, State of Oregon:
    "I, the undersigned, propose to take the contract for Keeping and treating the sick and disabled poor persons of Jackson Co., Oregon, according to the plans and specifications in the Clerk's Office for the term of one year to wit: from Aug. 4th, 1869 to Aug. 4th, 1870 for the Sum of one Thousand dollars to be paid in quarterly payments out of the County Treasury, provided always that all sick Chinamen and all persons sick with Small pox and Leprosy are excluded from said contract and provided also that I get to keep all non-resident patients at the rate of Three dollars per day, and get my pay according to sections Seven and Eight of the act entitled an act to amend an act for the support of the poor, passed at the fourth Regular Session for 1866.
L. T. Davis
    We, the undersigned, agree to go on as bondsmen for L. T. Davis in the above contract.
William Bybee
George W. Isaacs"
    Proposal of Dr. A. B. Overbeck, as follows:
    "To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Oregon:
    "Gentlemen: I hereby propose to furnish good board, medicine and medical attendance and washing for the sick poor of Jackson County for the period of Twelve (12) months from this date for the Sum of Eleven Hundred and ninety-seven 1197 dollars and 50/100 dollars in U.S. Gold Coin.
    The foregoing proposal included medicine and medical attendance on all those who may be the victims of Small pox or any other contagious disease and not residing more than one (1) mile from the County seat. I further agree to keep a Steward in constant charge of the Hospital and in case of my own sickness or unavoidable absence to furnish the best medical treatment possible for such patients as may be under my care.
    Witness my hand, A. B. Overbeck
Dated at Jacksonville
This 4th day of August A.D. 1869"
    After duly considering the foregoing proposals, It is considered by the Court that the proposal of A. B. Overbeck be accepted and that said contract be and the Same is hereby awarded to the said Overbeck for the term of one year, to wit: from August 4th, 1869 to August 4th 1870 at the rate of Eleven Hundred and ninety-seven & 50/100 ($1197 50/100) Dollars per annum to be paid in Gold coin in quarter-annual payments, on the said Overbeck signing an agreement in accordance with the specifications heretofore referred to and also filing his bond in the sum of Twenty-four Hundred Dollars with sureties to be approved by the Court, all of said court concurring in said appointment.
    Court adjourned until the 7th Inst.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

August 7th 1869
    The County Court of Jackson County, Oregon met for the transaction of County business at the Clerk's Office on this day--present
Honl. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Commissioner
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
By Ed. R. Owen, D.C.
At which the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    The proceedings had on the 4th Inst. were read and approved.
    Now at this day is presented a petition Signed by John O'Brien and others for the location of a county road, commencing at the intersection of California and Oregon Streets in Jacksonville, Oregon, Thence along said Oregon Street & terminating at the Josephine County Line, which said petition is in words & figures following, to wit:
    "To the Hon. County Court of Jackson County, Oregon: The undersigned householders residing in the vicinity of the proposed road respectfuly petition your Honorable Court to appoint viewers and a Surveyor to view, Survey and locate a County Road in said County, Commencing in Jacksonville at the intersection of California and Oregon Streets, Thence along said Oregon Street via Joseph Wetterer's Brewery, thence over the hill to Poor Man's Creek via Louis Herling's and Wm. Ray's on Applegate Creek, thence down said Applegate Creek on the north side, via John O'Brien's, Kaspar Kubli's & R. Benedict's & thence continuing down Said Applegate Creek along the present traveled or Stage road and terminating at the Josephine County line. The proposed road is to be located throughout its entire course on or as near the present traveled or Stage route as is practicable."
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said petition was Signed by more than Twelve householders of said County residing in the vicinity of said proposed road, and it further appearing that due notice has been given of the intention to make such application at the June Term of this Court which said cause has been regularly continued up to this date.
    And Wm. Pernoll, R. Benedict and August Rehkopf having filed their bond in the Sum of one Hundred Dollars, conditioned as the law requires, that is to say, the said Wm. Pernoll being principal & the said R. Benedict & August Rehkopf sureties and said Surety being deemed sufficient Said bond is accepted by the Court.
    It is therefore considered by the Court that the prayer of the said petitioners be granted as far as to have a view, survey & report on the propriety of locating said road, and for that purpose it is ordered that Lyman Chappell, Carroll B. Matney and Herman Helms (three disinterested householders of Said County) be and they are hereby appointed viewers and J. S. Howard, being a Skillful Surveyor, is hereby appointed Surveyor of said proposed road, and that said viewers and Surveyor met at the office of the County Clerk of Jackson County in Jacksonville, Oregon on Tuesday, the 17th day of August, 1869, and on their failing to meet on that day then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified that they proceed to view, survey and lay out said Road as prayed for in the petition and that said viewers make their report of such view in writing and deliver the same together with the plat and Survey of said road to the County Clerk by one of their number on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this Court.
    A. B. Overbeck, To whom was awarded the Contract for Keeping the County Hospital, files Bond for the faithful performance of his duties, in the sum of Twenty-four hundred dollars, conditioned as the law requires, with C. C. Beekman, Isaac Sachs and John Bilger Sureties and said surety being deemed sufficient, said bond is accepted and approved by the Court.
    Now at this day the Court appoints Dr. E. H. Greenman their agent and examining Physician whose duty it Shall be to examine & determine what poor person or persons are lawfully entitled to relief from the County and who of such persons need medicines or medical or Surgical treatment, and when such persons Shall be discharged or dismissed from the County Hospital.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Tuesday, Sept. 7th 1869
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon (on County business) begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County on Tuesday, September 7th, 1869 at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Commissioners
And W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    Ordered by the Court that Joseph Ritter be allowed the Sum of Sixty-five Dollars for attention & Keeping J. B. Adney 26 days at $2.50 per day, Said Adney having been Shot by James Brown and disabled.        $65.00
    The report of C. B. Matney, Lyman Chappell and H. Helms, viewers heretofore appointed to view the road from Jacksonville to the Josephine County line, was this day taken up and read publicly the 1st time, this Session of the Court.
    Ordered that H. Helms, Road Viewer, be allowed the Sum of Seventeen & 50/100 Dollars as Such Viewer.
    Ordered that Lyman Chappell be allowed the Sum of Seventeen & 50/100 Dollars as Road Viewer.
    Ordered that C. B. Matney be allowed the Sum of Seventeen & 50/100 Dollars for Services as Road Viewer. 
    Ordered that J. B. Coates be allowed the Sum of Seventeen & 50/100 Dollars as Chain Carrier in view of Applegate Road.
    Ordered that Charles Schultz be allowed the Sum of Seventeen & 50/100 Dollars as Chain Carrier.
    Ordered that Henry Angleburg be allowed the Sum of Seventeen and 50/100 Dollars as Marker in the view of the Applegate Road.
    Ordered that David Winfield (Use of Alex Martin) be allowed the Sum of $78.40 for 3920 feet of lumber furnished Road Dist. No. 11.
    Ordered by the Court that Jas. S. Howard be allowed the Sum of $41.50 for Survey & plat of Applegate Road.
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of $2.50 for repairing privy.
    Ordered that John Bonham be allowed the Sum of $5.00 for digging grave for victim of Small Pox.
    Ordered that C. W. Kahler be allowed $5.00 for prosecuting Jas. Brown before J. R. Wade, J.P.
    Ordered that Wintjen & Helms be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars for bread for Jack Gardner to July 1st 1869.
    Ordered that Sutton & Stearns be allowed the Sum of $9.25 for Stationery.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and Sixty Dollars, Clerk's fees for July & August as per bill filed.
    Ordered that Thomas G. Reames be allowed the Sum of $18.75 for five Cords wood for Jail.
    Ordered that Thomas G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy dollars for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer the Month of August 1869.
    The Petition of S. C. Taylor, Robert Mavity & others for the Appointment of Reviewers to review and relocate a portion of the County road, recently located from near Milton Lindley's to near the residence of T. L. Linksweiler. Now comes on to be heard, which Said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Board of County Commissioners of Jackson Co., Oregon: The undersigned Citizens and householders of Said County, residing on or in the Vicinity of a Road lately Surveyed and located from Milton Lindley's near Phoenix to T. L. Linksweiler's near Little Butte Creek, respectfully ask the County Court to appoint Reviewers and a Surveyor to review and relocate so much of Said Road as passes through the lands of Robert Mavity, Changing the present location of Said Road either to the West of Said Mavity's land or to the East of the Same as the Reviewers may think best So as to do least damage to Said lands; The Survey to leave the present Road at a Suitable place South of Mavity's land and Connect with it at a Suitable place on the North."
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said petition is Signed by more than twelve householders of Said County residing in the Vicinity of Said road and it further appearing by the affidavit of Robt. Mavity, one of Said Petitioners, that due notice had been given of the intention to present Said petition at the present Term of this Court, and the Said Mavity having filed his bond in the Sum of Ten Dollars with Surety deemed Sufficient, which bond being Conditioned as by law required, is accepted & approved by the Court.
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that O. D. Hoxie, S. D. Van Dyke and William Roberts, three disinterested householders of Said County, be and they are hereby appointed Reviewers of Said Road; and that Milton Lindley, a Skillful Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same; and that Said Reviewers and Surveyor Meet at the Office of J. P. Burns, a Justice of the peace for the Precinct of Eden in & for Said Jackson County on Tuesday the 21st day of September, 1869, and on their failing to meet on Said day, then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified that they proceed to Review, Survey and relocate Said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid.
    And that Said Reviewers make their report of Such review and relocation in writing, Stating their Opinion for or against Such relocation, and their reasons for Such opinion, and return the Same together with the plat and Survey, by one of their number to the County Clerk on or before the third day of the Next Term of this Court to be begun and held on the 1st Monday of October next ensuing.
    The petition of James T. Glenn, John Stought and others for the location of a County Road from the Town of Jacksonville to the Big Butte Creek Saw Mill, all in Said County of Jackson Now Comes on to be heard, which petition is in words and figures, following, to wit:
    "To the Honorable County Court for Jackson County, Sitting for County business:
    "The undersigned, householders and residing in the Vicinity of the proposed road, Your petitioners humbly pray your honorable body that you cause a County road to be viewed and Surveyed from the Town of Jacksonville to the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, to wit: Commencing at the intersection of California and Fifth Street, in Said Town of Jacksonville; Thence by the residence of M. Hanley and Aaron Chambers, and through what is Known as Beall's lower lane to the bridge across Bear Creek near the Hopwood Mill: Thence by the residence of John Seyferth and James Matney to the Upper bridge across Little Butte Creek near the residence of James Miller. Thence by the nearest and most practicable route by the residence of John Obenchain to the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek, and we, your petitioners, will as in duty bound, ever pray."
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said petition is Signed by More than twelve householders of Said County, residing in the Vicinity of the proposed road; And it further appearing by the affidavit of James R. Wade, that due Notice of the intention to present Such petition at the present term of this Court had been given; And John Stought, one of Said petitioner having filed his bond in the Sum of one hundred dollars, with good and Sufficient Surety, Conditioned as the law requires; which bond is accepted & approved.
    It is therefore Considered by the Court that the prayer of the Said petitioners be granted, and it is ordered that Thomas F. Beall, R. C. Armstrong and Isaac Skeeters, three disinterested householders of Said County, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers of Said Road and that James S. Howard, a Skillful Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same; and that Said Viewers and Surveyor meet at the Office of the County Clerk of Jackson County, Oregon on Monday the 20th day of September, A.D. 1869 or on their failing to meet on that day then within five days thereafter and after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view, Survey and lay out Said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid.
    And that Said Viewers make their report of Such View in writing and deliver the Same, Together with the plat and Survey of Said road, by one of their number, to the County Clerk of Said County, on or before the third (3rd) day of the next term of this Court, to be begun on the 1st Monday of October next ensuing.
    (Sept. 7th order to Allen for $60 for Keeping Martin 3 Months to September 1, 69.)
    Now Comes Josiah Hannah, County Assessor, and represents that he is unable to complete the Assessment of Said County and return the Roll at the present Term of this Court, and for reasons stated in his petition herein filed, asks the Court to extend the time till the 1st Monday of October Next.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said Assessor Should have further time.
    It is therefore Considered by the Court that Said Assessor have Until the 1st Monday of October next to file Said Assessment Roll.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Wednesday, Sept. 8th, 1869
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday--the Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday read and approved.
    Ordered that W. A. Childers be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Seven Dollars for Services as Co. Commissioner including this Session of the Court.
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred Ninety-Nine and 37½ Dollars on his Hospital Contract for the qr. ending Nov. 4th, 1869.
    For good reason Shown, It is ordered that Joseph Pollock be exempted from the payment of Poll Tax for the year 1869.
    Ordered that P. D. Hull be allowed the Sum of five Dollars for blank Schedules for Co. Assessor.
    The Report of C. B. Matney, Lyman Chappell and H. Helms, Viewers heretofore appointed to View and locate a County Road from the Town of Jacksonville to the Josephine County line Now Comes on to be heard, which said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Honorable County Court for Jackson County, State of Oregon.
    We, the undersigned, appointed to View a Road from Jacksonville to the County line on the West boundary of the County, Have the Honor to report that we did meet upon the 17th day of August, A.D. 1869, as per Instructions and did in Company with the Surveyor, proceed to view out the aforesaid Road to the County line; for a more particular description of the lines upon which we run; See the Report & plat of the Surveyor herewith presented. The lines run were Mostly Upon the present traveled road, except a Change of a few Chains upon the lands of Mr. Ames and Mr. Pernoll, Changing the road a few rods to the right and on to better ground by the Consent and wishes of the land holders; We also run a line for a New grade, from the Corporation line to the hollow over the first part of the hill; We found the grade upon the present road to be 25 inches to the road and the grade upon the proposed Change to be 15 inches to the rod and upon the proposed new grade, we believe a team can haul double the amount per load as upon the present road; both routes will be Shown upon the plat of the Survey, leaving your better Judgment to decide.
    We think it is to the interest of the public that the proposed Change be Made. As the above road is indispensable to the wants of the Citizens of this County, we therefore recommend its adoption as a County road.
C. B. Matney
Lyman Chappell
Herman Helms, Viewers
    And the Said report having been publicly read on two different days of this term of the Court (The 1st time on yesterday & the 2nd time this day), And there being no remonstrance to the Same and no petition for damages or for a review filed; And the Court being Satisfied that Said road will be of great public utility and also that the line run for a new grade from the Corporation line to the hollow over the first part of the hill is preferable to the present one and Should be adopted, as Changed recommended by the Viewers.
    It is therefore Considered that Said report be and hereby is in all things Confirmed, And It is hereby ordered by the Court that Said report together with the plat and Survey of Said road be recorded and that thenceforth Said road be & is hereby declared to be a public highway and that the Supervisors through whose Districts Said road runs are hereby ordered to open the Same and to Keep the Same in good repair.
    Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed the Sum of Sixty Dollars for Keeping Alfred H. Hanley three Months from June 8th to Sept. 8th, 1869, Said Hanley being without means of Support and unable to work.                                    $60.00
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

October 5th 1869
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County (on County business) begun and held on Tuesday, October 5th, 1869, at which were present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Comrs.
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had:
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon that Orson A. Stearns be and he is hereby appointed a Justice of the Peace for the Precinct of Klamath in and for Said County.
    Ordered that Thos. F. Beall be allowed the Sum of Twelve dollars as road Viewer.
    Ordered that R. C. Armstrong be allowed the Sum of Thirty dollars as road Viewer & for use of wagon & team 6 days at $3 per day.
    Ordered that Isaac Skeeters be allowed the Sum of Twelve dollars as road viewer.
    Ordered that J. B. Coates be allowed the Sum of Twelve dollars as Chain Carrier on road view.
    Ordered that Thos. Curry be allowed the Sum of Twelve dollars as Chain Carrier on road view.
    Ordered that Charles J. Howard be allowed the Sum of Twelve Dollars as Chain Carrier on road view. 
    Ordered that C. W. Kahler, Dist. Atty., be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars for prosecuting 2 State Cases before J. R. Wade, Dist. Atty.                        $10.00
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of $5.35 for advance payment by him to Unionist Newspaper.
    Ordered that J. S. Howard be allowed the Sum of Sixty-seven & 20/100 dollars for Survey plat & for provisions furnished in Survey of Road from Jacksonville to Big Butte Creek Saw Mill.
    Ordered that J. Davison be allowed the Sum of Twenty-four dollars for Keeping the Torry family 2 weeks as per agreement heretofore made.
    Ordered that T. H. B. Shipley be allowed the Sum of One hundred and twenty-five dollars Salary as School Supt. qr. ending Sept. 30, 1869.
    Ordered that Wm. Roberts be allowed the Sum of $5.75 as road viewer.
    Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed the Sum of $10.35 as road viewer & for use of team.
    Ordered that News Office be allowed the Sum of $12.00 for Advertising Assessor's Notice.
    Ordered that Wm. Kretzer be allowed the Sum of $12.50 for goods furnished to Wm. Gardner, a Co. Charge.
    Ordered that Thomas G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy-one dollars for Keeping Jail, Board of Jailer, &c. Month of Sept. 1869.
    Ordered that George Petzholt be allowed the Sum of Eight dollars for Straw Mattress for Jail.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of five Dollars for attendance on County Court.
    Ordered that George Scheiss be allowed the Sum of $12.50 for Sawing & Splitting 5 cords wood for County Jail.
    Now Comes Wm. Bilger and applies to the Court for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquor in the Willow Springs Precinct in Said County in measure less than one quart.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said applicant has obtained the Signatures of a majority of the legal Voters of Said Precinct, praying that Such License be granted, and it also appearing that due Notice had been given of the Intention to make Such application at the present Term of this Court, and Said Applicant having filed the bond required by law & also having deposited with the Treasurer of Said County $15.00 as evidenced by the Treasurer's receipt,
    It is therefore Considered that Said application be granted.
    It is therefore ordered that License issue to Said Wm. Bilger as aforesaid for the Term of Six Months.
    Ordered that Milton Lindley be allowed the Sum of $14.00 for Survey, plat, Expenses &c. on Change of County Road near Mavity's.
    The petition of B. F. Wade, M. A. Houston & others for the location of a County road Commencing at Thomas' Mill and Terminating at Pickens' Gate on the Road from Rock Point to Bybee's Ferry now Comes on to be heard, Which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Honorable County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, We, the undersigned petitioners, pray your honorable body to grant us a County road to Commence at Thomas' Mill on Evans Creek, and to run down on the West Side of Said Creek to the wagon ford above Drury's, thence Cross said Creek and to run near the East Side of Goff's Ranch and near Joseph Dickerson's Barn, Thence to intersect the old track to the foot of the Mountain on the South, and thence to follow the left hand track to J. Mires' farm, thence on the East Side of Said farm to South East Corner of Said farm, thence running South West, intersecting the old track at the nearest point, thence follow Said track to the South East Corner of J. Satterfield's farm, thence leaving the old track and running in a Southeasterly direction to the East of a Spring, East of Thomas Ramey's residence, thence running in a Southerly direction, intersecting the old track at the nearest & most practical point, Thence follow Said track to Pickens' Gate, terminating in the Sams Valley & Rock Point Wagon Road. You will please grant us this road, as we have no Convenient way of getting out from the Meadows to Jacksonville. And we your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray, &c.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said petition is Signed by More than twelve householders of Said County, residing in the Vicinity of the proposed road, And it further appearing that due Notice had been given of the intention of presenting Such petition at the present Term of this Court, and J. B. Thomas, one of said petitioners, having filed his bond in $100 Conditioned as the law requires, with Wm. E. Morrison as Surety, which bond is accepted and approved,
    It is therefore Considered that the prayer of Said petitioners, so far as to have a View and Survey of Said road be granted, and for that purpose, it is ordered by the Court that C. C. McClenden, O. W. Akers & John Brown, three disinterested householders of Said County, be & they are hereby appointed viewers of Said road & that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same, and that Said viewers and Surveyor meet at the Office of C. C. Gall, a Justice of the Peace for Table Rock Precinct, in & for said County, on Tuesday, the 19th day of October, 1869, or on their failing to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view, Survey, and lay out Said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid.
    And that Said viewers make their report of Such View in writing and deliver the Same together with the plat & Survey of said road by one of their number to the County Clerk of said County on or before the third day of the next Term of this Court to be begun & held on Monday, the 1st day of November next ensuing.
    The Jury List for Jackson County for the year Commencing July, 1869 is made out, approved & filed this day, October 5th, 1869.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Wednesday, October 6th, 1869
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as on yesterday--the Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Now on this day the report of the Viewers, heretofore appointed to review & change the road on or near the lands of Mavity Now Comes on to be heard, which Said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Board of Co. Comrs. for Jackson Co., State of Oregon, Comrs. Court Oct. Term 1869:
    "A majority of the Viewers appointed by this Hon. Court at the Sept. Term to review, Survey and relocate a portion of the road lately Surveyed and located from the House of Milton Lindley, Near Phoenix, to T. L. Linksweiler near Little Butte Creek, beg leave to report. The Undersigned Viewers appeared at the Office of J. P. Burns, as directed in the order aforesaid, and within the time specified, to wit: on the 24th day of Sept., A.D. 1869, and there, together with the Surveyor, Milton Lindley, proceeded after being qualified to review, Survey and relocate a portion of the aforesaid road, as prayed for in the petition accompanying the order to review, &c.
    In Justice to Robert Mavity, we believe it to be right and proper for the Co. to make the Change prayed for--our reasons for coming to this Conclusion is first: If the road be opened on the first Survey, it will not only leave a portion of the aforesaid Mavity land in very bad Shape, but would Subject him to a very heavy expense, in the way of fencing. We would therefore recommend the Change to be made. Your Viewers after examining the land on both Sides, decided to run the road along the East line of R. Mavity's land (For particulars, See plat and field Notes of Surveyor). Our reasons for so doing was, first: The distance is Much Shorter being but a few rods further than the 1st Survey; 2nd: The road will run on good ground nearly all the way, over which a good road can be made with Much less expense than on the west Side, all of which is humbly Submitted to this Hon. Court.
O. D. Hoxie
Wm. Roberts
    And the Said report having been publicly read on two different days, the present Session of this Court (The 1st time yesterday & the 2nd time this day).
    And there being no remonstrance to the Same and no petition for damages or for a review filed and the Court being Satisfied that the Change prayed for is reasonable and ought to be allowed and that the public will not be inconvenienced or damaged thereby, It is therefore Considered that Said report be and the Same is in all things Confirmed (Said report being Signed by a Majority of the Viewers).
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that said road be and the Same is hereby changed as recommended by the Viewers, and in Conformity to the plat & Survey accompanying the Same. And that So much of the old road as is embraced in the New, be and the same is hereby declared Vacated, and that the Supervisor through whose District Said road or Changed may run is hereby ordered to open & Keep the Same in good repair. And it is further ordered that Said report, together with the plat and Survey of Said Change be recorded & that henceforth the said road as changed be Considered a public highway as aforesaid.
    Ordered that Lyman Chappell be allowed the Sum of Two Dollars for bringing in report of Applegate road, the Same being for mileage.        $2.00
    Now on this day the report of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view & locate a County road from Jacksonville to the Big Butte Creek Saw Mill, Comes on to be heard, which Said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Honorable County Court for the County of Jackson, State of Oregon: We, the undersigned appointed to view a road from Jacksonville to the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek, have the honor to report that we have Completed the duties assigned us, having Viewed out said road, Commencing upon the day appointed by the Court and Continuing the Same from day to day until Completed: We viewed and Surveyed Said road through the points indicated in our instructions and find the Same to be a good, practicable route and would recommend that the Same be adopted as a County road, for a more particular description of which See the report and plat of the Surveyor herewith presented, all of which we would respectfully report.
Isaac Skeeters
R. C. Armstrong
Thomas F. Beall, Viewers
    Jacksonville, Sept. 30th 1869
    And the Said report having been publicly read at two different days at the present Session of this Court, to wit: the 1st time yesterday and the 2nd time this day, And the Court having fully Considered Said report and being of the opinion that said proposed road will be of great public utility; and there being no remonstrance to Said report or petition for damages or for a review filed; It is Considered by the Court that Said report be and the Same is hereby in all things confirmed. And it is further ordered that Said report, together with the plat and Survey of Said road be recorded and that henceforth the Said road be & is hereby declared to be a public highway and the Supervisors through whose districts Said road passes, are ordered to open & to keep the Same in good repair.
    Now Comes Josiah Hannah, County Assessor, & files the Assessment Roll of Said County for the year 1869, which after examination by the Court, is accepted.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the rates of Taxation for Said County for the year 1869 be and the Same are hereby established on the Taxable property of Said County as follows, to wit:
For State purposes 5½ Mills on the dollar
For County purposes 6½ Mills on the dollar
For School purposes 2 Mills on the dollar
For State Poll Tax One Dollar
For County Poll Tax One Dollar
For Hospital Tax two dollars
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'Clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Thursday, October 7th 1869
    The Court met this Morning pursuant to Adjournment, present the Same as yesterday, except Commissioner Heber, who is absent. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday read and approved.
    Ordered that C. B. Matney be allowed the Sum of $15.00 for use of team five days in the view & Survey of the Applegate road.
    Ordered the L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the Sum of $250.00 Salary for quarter ending Sept. 30th, 1869.
    Ordered that Josiah Hannah, County Assessor, be allowed $350.00 in part payment of his Services as Assessor for the year 1869.
    Ordered that J. M. Rodgers be released from his Poll & property Tax as he has been and is likely again to become a County Charge. Poll Tax $4; Property Tax 76¢. Total amt. released        $4.76
    Ordered that the following persons, Jurors on the Inquest on the body of James Arnold before Coroner Greenman be allowed fees as follows:
James Miller $3.50 L. D. Lockwood $2.00
Isaac Skeeters 2.50 O. Clark 2.00
Mat Obenchain 2.50 A. Forkner 2.50
    Ordered that R. S. Dunlap be allowed the Sum of $5.00 for Cleaning & repairing well in Court House.        $5.00
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

November 2nd 1869
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County (on County business) begun and held on Tuesday, the Second day of November, 1869, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Commissioners, &
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had.
    Ordered that Joseph Ritter be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred and Sixteen Dollars for Keeping & Nursing John B. Adney, a County Charge, who is wounded and at the house of Said Ritter. Said allowance to Commence from the 7th of September last and end the first of November, 1869.
    Ordered that Beeson and Patterson be allowed the Sum of $51.86 for bridge lumber for Dist. No. 15.
    Ordered that Beeson and Patterson be allowed the Sum of $19.82 for bridge lumber for Road District No. 6.
    Ordered that John Stought be allowed the Sum of one hundred and Seventy-five Dolls. for bridge lumber furnished Road District No. 18.
    Ordered that B. B. Griffin be allowed the Sum of five Dollars for one load of Pitch wood delivered to County.
    Ordered that J. P. Burns be allowed the Sum of Two and 75/100 Dollars for Taking affidavits of Road Viewers at various times.
    Ordered that J. W. Bruer be allowed the Sum of three dollars for hauling furniture for the Martin family in August 1869, said family being County Charges.
    Ordered that Linn & Hall be allowed the Sum of Eight Dollars for repairs of public buildings.
    Ordered that Josiah Hannah be allowed the further Sum of Two Hundred Dollars, balance in full of his Services as County Assessor for the year 1869.
    Ordered that John Latshaw be allowed the Sum of Sixty Dollars for painting the Court House as per Contract.
    Ordered that John Bilger be allowed the Sum of one Hundred Eight & 76/100 Dollars for furniture & repairs of public buildings.
    Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be authorized to draw fifty dollars from the County Treasury for the purpose of assisting Such County poor as in his judgment may require it and to report his proceedings at the next Term of this Court.
    Ordered that O. W. Akers be allowed the Sum of Nine Dollars as viewer of Road to Thomas' Mill.
    Ordered that John Brown be allowed the Sum of Nine Dollars as Viewer of road to Thomas' Mill.
    Ordered that C. C. McClenden be allowed the Sum of Nine and 75/100 as road viewer and J.P. fees in Swearing Same.
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and forty-six 35/100 Dollars Clerk's fees Month of Sept. & Oct
., 1869.        $146.35
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy-two dollars for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer Month of October 1869.
    Now at this day Came Wm. G. Buffman by his attorney Jas. D. Fay, J. A. Cardwell and Henry Klippel and file their petition to change a Certain portion of the road leading from Jacksonville to the Valley on the lands of the petitioners, Which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Hon. County Court for Jackson County: 
    "Your Petitioners, owners of the land through which the proposed change of road will be made, respectfully Petition your Hon. body to change the present County road leading from Jacksonville to the Valley, by running 5th Street from John Neuber's N.W. Corner due North or in the general direction of Said 5th Street North one hundred yards; thence in a North Easterly direction to within two rods of where the Jackson Creek intersects J. N. T. Miller's line thence East to intersect the present road. Said Change is proposed to be made with a view to prevent damage by the Creek to the lower part of Jacksonville and the adjoining farms and is over as good ground as the present road.
W. G. Buffman per J.D. Fay, his atty.
J. A. Cardwell
Henry Klippel
    And the Said petitioners having filed a Sufficient bond Conditioned as the law requires, which bond is accepted and approved.
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that John Neuber, Jacob Ish and Lewis H. Zigler, three disinterested householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed Reviewers and that Jas. S. Howard be and is hereby appointed Surveyor, who or a majority of Such Reviewers shall proceed to review the ground over which Said road is proposed to be turned, and ascertain the distance Such road will be increased by the proposed alterations and make out a report in writing, Stating the Several distances so found, together with their opinion as to the Utility of making Such alteration, and file Such report with the Clerk of this Court with all reasonable dispatch.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Wednesday Nov. 3rd 1869
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday--The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Now at this day the report of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate a County road in Said County from Pickens' Gate to Thomas' Mill on Evans Creek Comes on to be heard, which Said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Hon. County Court for the County of Jackson, State of Oregon, We, the undersigned viewers appointed to view out a road from the Saw Mill on Evans Creek to Pickens' Gate, would report that we have performed the duty assigned us by meeting the Surveyor upon Thursday, the 21st day of October, A.D. 1869 and viewing out Said road according to our instructions; the distances & Courses will be found in the report of the Surveyor. We find the Same to be a good route for a road and the road much needed by a large settlement--we would recommend that the Same be adopted as a County road.
C. C. McClenden
O. W. Hoxie
John Brown, Viewers
    And the Said report having been publicly read upon two different days the present term of this Court, to wit, the 1st time yesterday and the Second time this day. And there being no remonstrance to the Same and no petition for damages or for a review filed, and the Court being Satisfied that Said proposed road will be of great public Utility and the Surveyor's report, plat & field notes accompanying Said report of the Viewers--It is Considered by the Court that Said report be & is hereby in all things Confirmed, and it is further ordered that Said report, together with the report of the Surveyor, also the plat and Survey of Said road be recorded and that from thenceforth the Said road Shall be Considered a public highway and the Supervisor through whose district said road passes is hereby ordered to open & to keep the Same in good repair.
    Ordered that J. B. Coates be allowed the Sum of $8.00 as Chain Carrier.
    Ordered that Charles J. Howard be allowed the Sum of $8.00 as Chain Carrier.
    Ordered that Edwin Smith be allowed the Sum of $8.00 as Chain Carrier.
    Ordered that A. M. Berry be allowed the Sum of $14.00 Services of Self and team in the Survey of the road from Pickens' Gate to Thomas' Mill on Evans Creek.
    Ordered that Jas. S. Howard be allowed the Sum of forty-two dollars for Survey of Road from Pickens' Gate to Thomas' Mill and for provisions furnished Surveying party.
    Ordered that Silas J. Day be allowed the Sum of Fifty dollars to aid in the Construction of breakwater on Jackson Creek.
    Ordered that Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Eighty-one Dollars for board and Medical attendance on John Gagges & John Clark, both non-residents of the State of Oregon, in the aggregate 27 days at $3.00 per day.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

December Term 1869
    The County Court of Jackson County, Oregon met today, the Seventh (Tuesday) day of December, 1869, in regular Session. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Commissioners
And W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had.
    Ordered the Joseph Ritter be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and forty-eight Dollars for the Nursing and attention of J. B. Adney from November 1st to December 7th inclusive being 37 days at $4.00 per day.
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed $12.35 for goods furnished L. S. Morse, a County Charge.
    Ordered that P. D. Hull be allowed the Sum of $21.50 for blanks & for advertising.
    Now at this day Comes Louis Herling & applies to the Court for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquors at his residence in Forest Creek Precinct in Measure less than one Quart; And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said applicant had obtained the petition of a Majority of the Legal Voters of Said Precinct praying that Such License be granted and it further appearing that due Notice of the intention to Make such application had been given and said Petitioner having deposited the Treasurer's receipt for the Sum of fifteen dollars, It is therefore ordered that License issue to Said Herling as aforesaid on his filing the bond as required by the Statute--Such License being for six Months from this date.
    Now Comes Silas Draper and applies to the Court for License to sell Spirituous Liquors in the Precinct of Foots Creek in Said County in Measure less than one quart.
    And the Said Applicant having presented the petition of a Majority of the Legal Voters of Said Precinct, praying that Such License issue, And it further appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that due Notice had been given of the intention to Make Such application at the present term of this Court, And the Said Applicant having filed the bond required by the Statute,
    It is therefore ordered that License issue to the Said Silas Draper for the term of one year on his filing the County Treasurer's receipt for Twenty-five ($25) Dollars therefor.
    Ordered that the Jurors in Attendance on the Nov. Term 1869 of the Circuit Court be allowed fees as follows, to wit:
David Linn $6.40 A. W. Sturgis $11.60
Jas. W. Simpson 9.40 John B. Wrisley 10.40
Peter Simon 9.40 Peter Boschey 8.40
John Bilger 6.40 H. Amerman 12.40
John Donegan 6.40 J. L. Crosby 12.40
R. Benedict 8.80 J. N. Woody 12.00
R. C. Armstrong 6.40 John McKee 10.00
Asa G. Fordyce 14.80 J. P. Walker 15.20
Bartlett Obenchain 10.40 C. D. Reed 9.20
D. F. Fisher 11.20 D. Hopkins 10.40
John Cardwell 16.00 G. Naylor 7.00
J. J. Fryer 14.80 R. H. Dunlap 2.20
Jas. A. Wilson 8.40 Ed Smith 2.20
S. B. Hull 22.00 J. Hendricks 2.20
S. A. Stevens 15.00 J. S. Herrin 2.20
L. Chappell 11.60 F. Barneburg 2.20
Wm. M. Griffin 10.00 N. D. Short 2.20
Alex M. Berry 8.40 J. Roudebush 2.20
James Hamlin 10.00 C. T. Payne 2.20
L. H. Zigler 2.20 M. Baum 2.20
W. H. McDaniel 2.20 Isaac Skeeters 2.20
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'Clock.
L. J. C. Duncan,
    Co. Judge

December 8th 1869
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment, Present the Same as on yesterday except Comr. Heber--absent--The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday read and approved.
    Now at this day Comes Geo. Eaimonte and presents the petition of himself and others praying for a Change of a portion of the County road from Bybee's Ferry to Rock Point, which Said petition is in words & figures following, to wit:
    To the Honorable County Court of Jackson County, Oregon: The Undersigned George Eaimonte wishing to Cultivate the land that a portion of the County road runs through that leads from Bybee's Ferry on Rogue River to White's Bridge on the Same Stream, prays your Honorable body to grant a Review and relocation of that portion of the Said road that runs through the Said Eaimonte's Cultivating land so as to Commence at or near the half Section line North of the North West Corner, and run South on the West Side of the Creek, three-fourths of a Mile to the line dividing the lands of Christopher Mayes and George Eaimonte and then to run East on Said line to the old Review. This review will be on much better land for a road than the old Review and Not exceeding forty rods further.
    We therefore pray your body to grant us this Change and we, your Petitioners, as in duty bound will ever pray, &c.
Geo. Eaimonte M. A. Houston
John Macintosh (Squire) A. H. Stevens
Wm. Brotherton Reuben H. Perry
Wm. Wilson Jasper Dennis
Wm. S. Bybee J. Conley
Christopher Mayes
C. H. Pickens
John A. Wilson
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that said petition is Signed by More than twelve Householders residing in the Vicinity of the road proposed to be Changed and it further appearing that due Notice has been given of the intention to Make this application at the present term of this Court by posting thirty days prior to the 1st day of this term one notice at the place of holding County Court of said County & three Notices in three public places in the Vicinity of the road proposed to be Changed, Notifying the public that Such petition would be presented at this term of the Court. And George Eaimonte, one of Said petitioners, having filed his bond in the Sum of fifty dollars with John Cardwell as Surety, Said bond Conditioned as the law requires and which is accepted & approved, It is therefore ordered that C. C. McClenden, O. W. Akers and Marcus D. Childers, three disinterested Householders of Said County be and they are hereby appointed Reviewers and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of Said road, and that Said Reviewers and Surveyor Meet at the Office of C. C. Gall, a Justice of the Peace for the Precinct of Table Rock in & for Said County on Thursday,, the 16th day of December, 1869, and on their failing to meet on Said day then within five days thereafter and after being duly qualified that they proceed to Review, Survey and relocate said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid; And that said Reviewers make their report of Such review and relocation in writing, Stating their opinion for or against Such relocation and their reasons for Such opinion, and return the same, together with the plat and Survey by one of their Number to the County Clerk of Said County on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this Court.
    Now at this day Comes Ole Severson by his atty. E. B. Watson, and makes application for a License to Keep a Ferry across Rogue River at Hunter's Ferry on said River; and at the same time Comes D. H. Sexton, by his attorney James D. Fay and Contests the grant of said Franchise; And after hearing the proofs of the parties, It appearing that the proper Notice has not been given & that there is no legal road crossing Said River at that point, there being no plat & survey of said road on record, It is Considered that Said Ferry Franchise be refused.
    Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed the sum of sixty Dollars for Keeping Alfred Hanley a County Charge from Sept. 8th to Dec. 8th 1869, three Months at $20.00 per Month as per agreement heretofore made.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'Clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Thursday December 9th 1869
    The Court Met this Morning pursuant to adjournment, Present the Same as yesterday--the Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday read and approved.
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of the State vs. James Brown, as follows, to wit:
Clerk's fees $20.50 Costs before Justice
Shff.'s Reames 4.25 Jos. Ritter, witness $2.50
Jos. Ritter, witness 3.00 Mrs. Ritter, witness 2.50
B. F. Morgan, witness 3.00 B. F. Morgan, witness 2.50
Mrs. Ritter, witness 3.00 Mary F. Brown, witness 2.50
E. H. Greenman, witness 2.20 T. G. Reames, Shff. 60.25
Thos. G. Reames, witness 2.20 J. R. Wade, J.P. 15.85
John S. Lacy, witness 2.20
Jas. D. Fay, witness 2.20
Dr. Overbeck, witness 2.20
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of State vs. T. H. B. Shipley
Clerk's fees $3.50 (before J.P.)
Costs before J.P. N. Langell, witness $1.70
A. P. Owen, witness 4.80 T. G. Reames, Shff. 17.10
A. F. Wall, witness 1.70 J. R. Wade, J.P. 23.15
Boliver Hull, witness 8.50
Alex Martin, witness 1.70
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of State vs. T. H. B. Shipley.
Clerk's fees $3.50 Before Justice
Before Justice Ad. Helms, witness 1.70
A. P. Owen, witness 4.80 L. Horne 1.70
T. G. Owen, witness 1.70 T. G. Reames, Shff. 1.70
W. R. Fletcher, witness 1.70 J. R. Wade, J.P. 10.25
E. C. Brooks, witness 1.70
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed in the Case of State vs. Thos. Baxter.
Clerk's fees $3.20    (before Justice)
before Justice T. G. Reames, Shff. $9.55
S. J. Downing, witness 4.70 J. R. Wade, J.P. 12.65
Henry Pape, witness 1.70
W. H. S. Hyde, witness 1.70
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed in Cause of State vs. Chas. Wright.
Clerk's fees $4.50
before Justice
A. F. Wall, witness 1.70 Wm. Bybee, witness 1.70
Jno. Wolter Jr., witness 1.70 Thos. Geaning, witness 1.70
Christ Wintjen, witness 1.70 Jas. Stewart, witness 1.70
G. Karewski, witness 1.70 A. F. Wall, Marshal, witness 4.90
John Moore, witness 1.70 T. G. Reames, Shff. 2.20
W. A. Owen[, witness] 1.70 J. R. Wade, J.P. 17.00
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed in Cause of State vs. Geo. W. Fletcher before Justice of Peace.
G. A. Jackson, witness $2.50 A. F. Wall, witness $1.70
Wm. Herron, witness 2.50 M. R. Ish, witness 2.00
Danl. Cawley, witness 1.70 T. G. Reames, Shff. 9.70
Solomon Sachs, witness 1.70 J. R. Wade, J.P. 15.50
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed in Cause of State vs. C. C. Bailey.
Clerk's fees $2.80
before Justice
A. J. Wright, witness 6.00 R. H. Hogan, witness 17.00
David Duvall, witness 25.00 Frank Wright, witness 8.00
G. W. Bailey, witness 6.70 T. G. Reames, Shff. 81.90
Dennis E. Crawley, witness 19.20 J. R. Wade, J.P. 16.05
    Ordered that the following witnesses before the Grand Jury Nov. Term 1869 be allowed fees as follows, to wit:
A. J. Wright $21.00
David Duvall 21.00
Jos. Ritter 5.00
Mrs. Ritter 3.00
B. F. Morgan 5.00
    Ordered that P. D. Hall be allowed the Sum of $9.75 for 325 blank Subpoenas.        $9.75
    Ordered that P. D. Hall be allowed the Sum of $8.00 for blank School reports.
    Ordered that S. P. Thompson be allowed the Sum of twenty-six dollars for 6
½ Cords wood furnished Jack Gardner a Co. Charge.        $26.00
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred twenty-five & 35/100 Dollars Clerk's fees as per bill filed.
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of fifteen dollars for three examinations of Insane persons.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of $71.50 for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer Month of November 1869, & washing for jail.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames, Sheriff, be allowed the Sum of one hundred and sixty-three & 20/100 dollars for attendance on County Nov. Term 1869 & Summoning Jury.
    Ordered by the Court that Wm. Kretzer be allowed the Sum of $13.62 for goods furnished Jack Gardner, a Co. Charge.
    Ordered that W. A. Childers be allowed the Sum of $34.80 as Co. Comr. including this Dec. Term.
    Ordered that C. W. Kahler be allowed the Sum of fifteen Dollars, Dist. Atty. fees, Prosecuting State Cases (3) before J. R. Wade, J.P.
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of Seventeen 38/100 Dollars for goods furnished prisoners in County Jail.
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Nine Dollars for goods furnished Charles Draper a Co. Charge.
    Ordered that G. W. Graves be allowed the Sum of four Dollars for articles got by Sheriff for Co. Jail.
    L. J. C. Duncan files his written report that he has expended $26.00 of the $50 set apart for the purpose of aiding poor & indigent persons--Report accepted & approved.
    Ordered that Joseph Robison be allowed the Sum of $4.20 on app. of over-assessment for the year 1869.
    Ordered that the Petition of D. H. Sexton & others for a County road from Jacksonville via Rock Point to the Josephine County line be & the Same is hereby Continued Until the Next Term of this Court.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Tuesday, January 4th 1870
    The County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, on County business, met today in regular session.
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Comrs. &
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of Twenty-five and 10/100 Dollars on a/c of goods furnished Morse at Willow Springs--a Co. Charge.        $25.10
    Ordered that T. H. B. Shipley be allowed the Sum of one hundred twenty-five Dollars as Salary as Supt. of Com. Schools qr. ending Dec. 31st 1869.        $125.10
    Ordered that Wintjen & Helms be allowed the Sum of Twelve dollars for bread furnished Jack Gardner (a Co. Charge) for Six Months ending January 1st 1870.        $12.00
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Eleven 50/100 dollars for two receipt books & express charges from San Francisco.        $11.50
    Ordered that G. H. Young be allowed the Sum of ten dollars for repairing Chimney at Clerk's office & for Material furnished.        $10.00
    Ordered that Morris Caro be allowed the Sum of $32.87 for Stationery.        $32.87
    Ordered that Wm. Bilger be allowed the Sum of Eighteen and 76/100 Dollars for articles furnished L. S. Morse, a County Charge.        $18.76
    Ordered that Glenn Drum and Co. be allowed the Sum of $29.63 for goods furnished Sundry persons, County Charges.        $29.63
    Ordered that Jas. S. Howard be allowed the Sum of Seventeen dollars for Survey of road furnishing 1 Chain Carrier & expenses of team.        $17.00
    Ordered that Christ Mayes be allowed the Sum of Two 60/100 dollars as Chain Carrier on road Survey.        $2.60
    Ordered that O. W. Akers be allowed the Sum of Two & 60/100 as Road Reviewer.        $2.60
    Ordered that M. D. Childers be allowed the Sum of Two & 60/100 dollars as Road Reviewer.        $2.60/100
    Ordered that the following fees be allowed in the Cause of State vs. J. B. Crewer before Wade, J.P., to wit:
G. A. Bunch Witness 6.50
F. M. Bunch Witness 6.50
Wm. Hillis Witness 7.50
John P. Blalock Witness 6.50
John R. Brown Witness 6.50
Thos. G. Reames Shff. 16.00
James R. Wade J.P.   14.00
    Ordered by the Court that the resignation of J. W. Baker of the Office of Constable for the Precinct of Willow Springs in Said County be and the Same is hereby accepted, and that henceforth the Sureties of said Baker on his Official Undertaking be and they are hereby released from further liability in this behalf.
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of fourteen dollars & fifty cents on a/c of boarding and guarding Matthew Banks, an Insane person.        $14.50
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy dollars for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer Month of December 1869.        $70.00
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of $111.35 Clerk's fees as per bill filed.        $111.35
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Sixteen & 65/100 dollars a/c of fees in the Cases of Matthew Banks and Ferdinand Wetzel, Insane persons.        $16.65
    On the written Application of William Bybee therefor, It is ordered by the Court that the Ferry License of Said Bybee for a Ferry on Rogue River be and the Same is hereby renewed for the term of one year, on the payment by him of ten dollars for the Same and his filing the bond required by the Statute.
    Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'Clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Wednesday, January 5th 1870
    The Court Met this Morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday--The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed the Sum of thirty dollars for Keeping Alfred Hanley, a Co. Charge for Month of Dec. 1869.        $30.00
    Ordered that Joseph Ritter be allowed the Sum of one hundred and Sixteen dollars for Keeping Adney from Dec. 7th '69 up to and including January 5th 1870.        $116.00
    Ordered that M. Colwell be allowed $14.47, the amt. of County Tax paid by him on an over-assessment.        $14.47
    Ordered that L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred and fifty Dollars Salary as Co. Judge qr. ending December 31st 1869.        $250.00
    Ordered that C. W. Kahler, Dist. Atty., be allowed the Sum of five dollars for Prosecuting John Crewes before Wade, J.P.        $5.00
    Ordered that Hoffman & Klippel be allowed the Sum of Three Dollars for repairing pump.        $3.00
    Ordered that John Shook be allowed the Sum of $7.80 amt. of County Tax for 1869 paid by him on an over-assessment.        $7.80
    The petition of David H. Sexton and others for the location of a County road from Jacksonville to the Josephine County line, via Rock Point, Now Comes on to be heard, which Said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. County Court of Jackson County, Oregon,
    We, the undersigned householders of Said County, and residing in the Vicinity of the proposed road, respectfully pray your Hon. body to cause a County road to be established in Said County, beginning at the intersection of the South line of California, with the Center line of Oregon Street in the Town of Jacksonville, thence in a Northerly direction, via the Willow Springs, thence to Rock Point, Crossing Rogue River at the Rock Point bridge, thence down Rogue River on the North Side of the Same, via the Evans Creek bridge, the Dry Diggings, Croxton's Station, the residence of William Kahler on Louse Creek and terminating at the Josephine County line. The proposed road to follow the present Stage road throughout its entire Course or as nearly So as the viewers who may be appointed to view the Same Shall deem practicable, and as in duty bound, your Petitioners will ever pray.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said petition was Signed by more than twelve householders of Said County, residing in the Vicinity of the proposed road, And it further appearing that Said petition was duly presented at the December Term 1869 of this Court and that three Notices were posted in three public places in the Vicinity of Said road and one Notice posted at the place of holding County Court of Said County, and that Said Notices were posted as aforesaid thirty days prior to Said December term of this Court, and that Said Notices Notified the public that Such petition would be presented at the Said December term of this Court and David H. Sexton, one of Said petitioners having filed his bond, with C. C. McClenden as Surety, in the Sum of one hundred dollars, Said bond Conditioned as the law requires and which was accepted and approved. And it further appearing that the aforesaid petition and all Matters Connected therewith was duly Continued from the Said December term 1869 to the present term of this Court.
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that Alex M. Berry, James McDonough and H. P. Deskins, three disinterested householders of Said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of Said road and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same, and that Said viewers meet at the Office of the County Clerk of Said County on Tuesday, the Eleventh day of January, 1870, or on their failing to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified, that they, together with the Surveyor, proceed to view, Survey and locate Said proposed road as in the aforesaid petition prayed for. And said viewers will make their report of Such view and location in writing and deliver the Same, together with the plat and Survey by one of their Number to the County Clerk of Said County on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this Court.
    The report of a Majority of the Reviewers appointed to review and relocate a portion of the road leading from Bybee's Ferry on the North Side of Rogue River, to Rock Point Now Comes on to be heard, which report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Honorable County Court of Jackson County, Ogn.: We the Undersigned being appointed by your Honorable body, at the December term of Said Court, to Review & relocate a portion of the County road leading from Bybee's Ferry on Rogue River to White's bridge on the Same Stream did meet on the day named in the order, at the residence of C. C. Gall, J.P., in Sams Valley and after being Sworn for that purpose, we went on & Met the County Surveyor at or near the South West corner of William S. Bybee's farm and did proceed to Review & mark out the Change named in the order, which will be Seen by reference to the plat of the Surveyor. We will further State that the Change will be advantageous to the traveling Community, as the road will run on dry and better ground for a road & only be twenty-three rods further. we therefore request that the Change be ordered and that portion of the old review vacated. All of which we respectfully Submit.
M. D. Childers
O. W. Akers, Reviewers
    And the Said report having been publicly read on two different days the present term of this Court, to wit: yesterday & today. And there being no remonstrance to the Same or petition for damages or for a review filed. And the Court being Satisfied that the Change prayed for is reasonable and ought to be allowed and that the public will not be damaged or inconvenienced thereby: It is therefore Considered by the Court that Said report be accepted and Confirmed (Said report Signed by a Majority of the Reviewers), It is therefore ordered that Said road be and is hereby Changed as recommended by the Reviewers and in Conformity to the plat and Survey accompanying the report of the Viewers aforesaid and that so Much of the old road as is embraced in the new be and the Same is hereby declared vacated, and that the Supervisors through whose District Said road, as changed, runs, be required to open and to Keep the Same in good repair.
    And it is further ordered that Said report, together with the plat and Survey of Said Change be recorded and that from thenceforth the Said road as Changed be and the Same is hereby declared a public highway.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Thursday, January 6th 1870
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment, present Same as yesterday except Comr. Heber absent. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday read and approved.
    Ordered that N. C. Dean be allowed the Sum of Ten & 40/100 ($10.40) Dollars for pork furnished L. S. Morse, a County Charge.        $10.40
    And the Court adjourned for the Term.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

February 7th 1870
    The County Court for Jackson County, Oregon met today (on County business) in regular Session, present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
Frederick Heber, Co. Comr.
And W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had.
    The report of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate a County road from Jacksonville to the Josephine Co. line via Rock Point and Evans Creek now Comes on to be heard and thereupon Comes J. W. Hays and files the following Complaint & Petition for damages on account of the Same, to wit:
    "To the Hon. County Court for Jackson County, State of Oregon. The Complainant, J. W. Hays, respectfully represents that he is the owner of Certain lands lying on Rogue River in Said County, to wit: Claim Marked on Survey as Jacob Galls in Sec. 20, Town. 36, S.R. 3 West. That a Certain proposed County road leading from Jacksonville through Rock Point via Grants Pass to the County line has been viewed, Surveyed and Marked out through my Said lands in a different part from the road heretofore traveled--That if the Said road Shall be opened, the greater part of this Complainant's premises will be cut off from the River and Complainant will be Compelled to build about ¾ of a Mile of Fence otherwise unnecessary and useless--and that I would be injured and damaged by the opening of Said Road in the Sum of One hundred and fifty dollars. Wherefore I ask that Said damages be assessed.
    I, J. W. Hays, make out that I believe the foregoing Complaint to be true.
J. W. Hays
Subscribed and Sworn to before me, February 7th, 1870.
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
    The premises fully Considered, It is ordered by the Court that Isaac Constant, John Tepper & W. J. Plymale, three disinterested Householders of Said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of damages, and that Said Viewers meet at Such time as may be agreed upon by themselves, and after being duly Sworn or affirmed to discharge their duty faithfully and impartially, Shall proceed and view Said proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the Complainant, J. W. Hays, and assess and determine how much less valuable Such premises of the Complainant would be rendered by the opening of Said road & they shall report the Same in writing to the County Court at the next regular Term to be begun & held on the 1st Monday of March next ensuing.
    Now at this day the application of Kaspar Kubli, heretofore filed, for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquor at his place of business in Applegate Precinct, in said County, Comes on to be heard.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said applicant had filed the Petition of a Majority of the legal voters of said Precinct, praying that Such application be granted--And it further appearing that due Notice of this application had been given and the Said applicant having filed the bond required by the Statute and also then filed the Treasurer receipt for the Sum of Thirty Dollars, the amt. assessed by this Court.
    It is therefore Considered by the Court that said application be granted and that License as aforesaid issue to said Kaspar Kubli for the term of one year from the expiration of his last License.
    Ordered by the County Court of Said County that A. V. Gillette be & he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 1 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Road District 11.  Now Comes Chauncey Nye, Supervisor of Road District No. 11, and files his report for 1869, by which it appears 96 days' labor have been performed in Said Dist. for Said year. Supervisor has worked all the hands in his District their full time, except those herewith returned delinquent, as follows, to wit:
Allen, Lafayette $5.54 Brown, Chas. $2.00
Coster, Stephen .25 Crozier, Peter 2.00
Orem, N. Sen. .54 Parks 2.00
Otten, F. .25 Magruder, H. H. 4.60
Savage, James 1.07
Savage, James (for 1868) 2.00
    Supervisor Claims for 10 days' labor over & above his own road tax, amounting to $20.00.
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that Chauncey Nye be allowed the Sum of Twenty dollars for services as Sup. of Road Dist. No. 11 for 1869.        $20.00
    Ordered that John Bilger be allowed the Sum of Nine Dollars for fixtures for Court House as per bill filed.        $9.0
    Ordered that D. C. Miller & Co. be allowed the Sum of three dollars for Shackles for James Brown--Sentenced to the Penitentiary.        $3.00
    Ordered that John Orth be allowed the Sum of Twenty-one 40/100 Dollars for meat furnished Jack Gardner, a Co. Charge.        $21.40
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Tuesday, February 8th, 1870
    The Court Met today pursuant to adjournment, present the Same as yesterday and also present Commissioner W. A. Childers.
    Ordered that James Sterling be allowed the Sum of one hundred and forty-three dollars for work done by him on Road Dist. No. 1 in Said County, Said work having been done upon the order of the Supervisor of said District.        $143.00
    Ordered that A. V. Gillette be allowed the Sum of Sixty-eight and 93/100 dollars for Services as Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 1 for 1869.
  Order drawn for $  4.00
Order drawn for 10.00
Order drawn for     54.93
    Ordered that Samuel Rush be allowed the Sum of Sixteen dollars for Services as Supervisor of Road District No. 13 for 1869.        $16.00
    No. 12. Now at this day Comes Wm. Kahler, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 12, and presents his report for 1869, and also his a/c for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District their full time--No delinquents--Supervisor has also Collected $10.27/100 and expended the Same for road work.
    Supervisor claims for 7 days over and above his own road tax. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that Wm. Kahler be allowed the Sum of fourteen dollars for Services as Sup.of 1869.        $14.00
    Ordered that D. C. Miller & Co. be allowed the Sum of Twelve dollars for work on County Jail.        $12.00
    No. 1. Now Comes A. V. Gillette, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 1, and presents his report and account for Settlement, by which it appears he has done a Considerable work in Said District, although he returns a very large Delinquent list, hereinafter full set forth. Supervisor Claims for work over & above his own tax and for lumber furnished $68.93 which sum is allowed--only the Sum of 20 cents remaining in Supervisor's hands, belonging to the District.
    The following are delinquents.
Dr. Dr.
days work days work
Applegate, S. 3⅝ Taylor, Wm. 3  
Applegate, O. C. 1⅝ Wells, Giles, Sen. 2⅝
Broadsword, Levi 2⅛ Wells, Erastus
Blake, C. F. 2   Walker, Minus   13⅝
Bunyard, J. B. 2⅜ Walker, J. P. 3⅛
Barron, H. F. 4   Wagner, Jacob 3⅝
Chegar, B. Woodson, J. P. 2  
Casey, H. Wagner, McCall & Co.
Chapman, Dan Walker, Dan 1⅜
Cappious, G. W. 2   Walker, Mrs. E. 1  
Clayton, H. W. 1   Yandell
Dyer, H. W.   ⅛
Dunn, Pat 2⅛
Devlin, John
Emery, Eber
Emery, J. B.   ⅜
Emery, H. S.
Geddings, A. 2  
Howard, Zenas 2⅜
Hell, Mrs. E.
Helman, A. D. & J. R. 4  
Haworth, J. R. 1⅛
Hambleton, S. 2  
Hambleton, Alex 2  
Moore, John 2  
McCord, A. 2  
Million, B. 2⅛
McCall, J. M. 3⅞
Purvis, Jas. 2  
Smith, Thomas 6⅝
Tolman, J. C.
    The following persons are entitled to credit on their new year's work as follows:
days work
Burnett, J. D. 1
Wimer, Jacob 1
    Report accepted & approved.
    No. 1.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that A. V. Gillette be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. One in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 3.  Now Comes M. H. Coleman, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 3, and presents his report for 1869 and a/c for Settlement, by which it appears that he has worked all the hands in his Dist. their full time except those herewith returned delinquent, as follows:
Bowen, John B. $2.61 Jones, A. $1.52
Ball, Francis 5.13 Morelan, T. H. 2.00
Colver, Maria 3.89 Mills, Jno. W. 2.60
Foundary, E. D. 16.00 Herrin, John 3.00
Hoxie, O. D. 1.03 Hoxie, James 3.00
Hamlin, James 4.82 Burns, J. P. .40
Holton, John 3.18 Stephens, Sarah & A. J. Gridley 5.80
Van Dyke, J. G. 5.98 Anderson, D. P. 5.81
Robinson, S. M. 4.27 Lavenberg, Danl. .20
Bowen, Saml. 4.00
    The following persons are entitled to Cr. on Next year for over-work as follows:
Anderson, E. K. $1.46
Stephens, Benj. .75
    Report accepted and approved. Sup. Claims $26.85 for over-work & for lumber furnished District.
    Ordered that M. H. Coleman be allowed the Sum of $26.85 for Services of Sup. as per his report.        $26.85
    No. 21. The report of Thos. H. Avery, Sup. of Dist. No. 21, now Comes on to be Considered, which report Shows that Sup. has worked all the hands in his Dist. their full time. Also work Chinese to the No. of 32 days. Sup. Claims $19.00 for his Services as Such Supervisor--No Delinquents--Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that Thos. H. Avery be allowed the sum of Nineteen Dollars for Services as Supervisor.        $19.00
    No. 17.  The Report of James Miller, Sup. of Dist. No. 17, heretofore filed, Shows that he has worked all the hands in his Dist. their full time. Except Joseph Swingle who is
Delinquent.        $15.73
    Sup. Claims $5.65 over and above his own tax. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that James Miller be allowed the Sum of $5.65/100 for Services as Sup.        $5.65
    No. 30. The Report of Martin Peterson, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 30, heretofore filed, is examined, accepted & approved. Sup. Claims Nothing for his Services over his own road tax.
    No. 13.  The Report of Samuel Rush, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 13, Shows that he has worked all the hands in his Dist. Except the following:
Joab Robertson, Delinquent .36
John Wood 3.40
    It appears there has Come into his hands
Cash from former Sup. (Breeding) 15.52
Cash from Tax Payers 45.52
Cash Expended for road work 52.00
Bal. in hands of Sup. of Dist. money $  9.03
    Sup. Claims for 8 days over his own tax. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that F. Barneburg be allowed the Sum of $6.01 on account of overassessment.        $6.01
    Ordered that A. N. Jones be allowed the Sum of $5.85 on account of over assessment.        $5.85
    Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed the Sum of $10.00, Money advanced a/c of Alfred Hanley, a Co. Charge.        $10.00
    No. 4.  The Report of John S. Lacy, Sup. of Dist. No. 4, Shows that he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except the following returned delinquent:
Joseph A. Crane Delinquent $5.05
Wm. M. Griffin Delinquent 4.23
Alfred Gordon Delinquent 1.40
John Thomas Delinquent 4.00
    Thos. Brady entitled to Cr. on Next year of $1.60. Sup. Claims $6.58 over his own road tax. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that John S. Lacy be allowed the Sum of $6.58 for Services as Sup. of Roads for 1869.        $6.58
    No. 31. Now Comes A. J. Burnett & presents his report and a/c for Settlement, by which it appears he has Caused 22 days work to be performed in his Dist.
Has Collected in Coin 35.00
Has Collected in Currency $63.00 equal in Coin to   47.25
Has paid out for labor   44.00
Bal. in Sup. hands due Dist. $38.25
    Sup. Claims for 16 days over his own road tax, Amounting to $32. Report accepted & approved.
    Ordered that A. J. Burnett be allowed the Sum of Thirty-two dollars for his Services as Road Sup.        $32.00
    Ordered that Saml. Furry be allowed the Sum of Nine & 4/100 dollars for Services as Sup. for 1869.        $9.04
    No. 14. The Report of Edwin Morgan heretofore filed Shows that he has worked all the hands in his district their full time, except persons on Evans Creek turning over to Supervisor Brotherton, Making 96½ days work exclusive of Chinese labor.
    Supervisor's claim for extra labor is only allowed to the extent of 10 days Amounting to $20--dollars--with this exception. Report accepted and approved.        $20.00
    No. 15. The report of Samuel Furry, Sup. of Dist. No. 15, heretofore filed, shows that he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except those herewith returned Delinquent. As follows:
Morton, James Delinquent 44.00
Scott, Johns Delinquent 4.00
    Report accepted and approved with the exception that Sup. Claims for extra labor Not being Understood, the Said Claim is held for further explanations. Explanation Made & Claim allowed.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow Morning at 10 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Wednesday, February 9th 1870
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as yesterday except Commissioner Heber, who is absent.
    Ordered that James T. Glenn be allowed the Sum of one hundred and fifty and 63/100 dollars for Sundries furnished by him on a/c of Paupers & Criminals.        $150.68
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of $22.45 a/c of goods furnished Morse & family, a County Charge.        $22.50
    Ordered that Jeremiah Buckels be allowed the Sum of three dollars, the County portion of Poll tax wrongly assessed against him.        $3.00
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy dollars for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer for Month of January, 1870.        $70.00
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of $259.51 being Collector's 3% on $8,650.54 Revenue Collected by him.        $259.51
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of five dollars for livery hire a/c of Adney, a County Charge.        $5.00
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of $8.00 livery hire a/c of J. Gardner & Adney, Co. Charges.        $8.00
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Ninety-nine dollars being $33 a/c of Wm. Forsyth and $66 a/c of Jack Gardner.        $99.00
    Ordered that J. A. Wilson be allowed the Sum of Two dollars for putting in window glass in Court House.        $2.00
    Ordered that E. H. Greenman be allowed the Sum of thirty-five dollars for examination of five Insane & Pauper persons & 1 visit to Adney.        $35.00
    No. 8. The Report of J. W. Baker, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 8, now comes on to be heard, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist., except those herewith returned delinquent, as follows, to wit:
R. C. Armstrong Del. $7.15
N. C. Dean Del. 1.85
D. W. Houston Del. 4.00
W. T. Seaver Del. 8.54
D. Hopkins Del. 4.00
    Thos. Wright over-worked & to his Cr.: $1.00
    Sup. work[ed] Chinese 82 days
    Sup. Claims for 10 days over his own tax. Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that J. W. Baker be allowed the Sum of Twenty dollars for Services as Sup. for 1869.        $20.00
    No. 2.  The Report of J. V. Amerman heretofore filed Shows that he has worked only about ½ the amt. of the tax due to his Dist. The following persons are reported Delinquent:
Amerman, Henry 13.83 Robinson, Saml. 4.27
Amerman, J. V. 5.59 Stearns, David E. 3.87
Bell, Jeff P. 4.00 Woolen, Isaac 8.83
Beeson, Welborn 2.38 Williams, E. 4.00
Crosby 4.00 Fritz, John 4.30
Conard, D. G. .73
Chandler, Ira 4.00
Farnham, A. F. 10.97
Foss, J. E. (left) 5.59
Lane 4.00
Myer, B. F. 3.58
Myer, W. C. 38.78
Patterson, Joshua 4.82
Patterson, John 6.60
Patterson, Wm. 8.00
Roberts, Wm. 6.15
Root, Horace 3.28
Reesor, B. F. 4.66
Robinson, John .57
    Sup. Claims Nothing for his Services. Report accepted--
    Ordered that J. V. Amerman be allowed the sum of $7.10 for 355 feet of bridge lumber used in Dist. No. 2.        $7.10
    The application of W. Nus and Charles Schneider for a License to Keep a Ferry at the Klamath River Crossing near their House about three miles below the Link River Bridge, owned by George Nurse in Said County Now Comes on to be heard. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that due Notice of their intention to make this application at the present term of this Court had been given, and there being no objections made to the Same, And the Said applicants having filed their bond in the Sum of $250--Conditioned as the law requires with A. J. Burnett as Surety--which bond has been approved by the County Clerk--It is therefore Considered that Said application be granted as aforesaid  and that License issue accordingly to said W. Hus and Charles Schneider to Keep Such Ferry for the term one year from March 1st, 1870 on his filing with the County Clerk the Co. Treasurer's receipt for the Sum of One dollar ($1.00). It is further ordered that the rates of Toll be the Same as at George Nurse's ferry on said River.
    Ordered that A. M. Berry be allowed the Sum of Eighteen dollars as road viewer.        $18.00
    Ordered that James McDonough be allowed the Sum of Eighteen Dollars as road viewer.        $18.00
    Ordered that H. P. Deskins be allowed the Sum of $12 dollars as road viewer.        $12.00
    Ordered that J. S. Howard be allowed the Sum of $81.00 for Survey, plat, furnishing to Chain Carrier & expenses in the Survey of Road from Jacksonville to Josephine Co. Line via Rock Point.        $81.00
    Ordered that J. B. Coates be allowed the Sum of Eighteen dollars as Chain man on Road View.        $18.00
    Ordered that Thos. Curry be allowed the Sum of Eighteen dollars as ax man on road view.        $18.00
    Ordered that A. M. Berry be allowed the Sum of $31.50 for use of team 9 days on road Survey.        $31.50
    Ordered that L. J. White be allowed the Sum of $36.00 for board, lodging & feed for Animals of Surveying party.        $36.00
    Ordered that E. Dimick be allowed the Sum of Twenty dollars for board, lodging, &c. for Surveying party.        $20.00
    Ordered that Wm. Kahler be allowed the Sum of five dollars for board for Surveying party.        $5.00
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson Co., Oregon, that So much of that Certain County Road Commencing near the residence of Milton Lindley and terminating near the residence of T. S. Linksweiler, as lies within Road District No. 3 be and the Same is hereby detached from Said District No. 3 and attached to and Made a part of Road District No. 15.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, That Road District No. 29 be and the Same is hereby declared vacated and that the Same be attached to and made a part of Road District No. 4.
    Now at this day the petition of W. Nus and others for the location of a County Road in Said County, Commencing one mile East of the Ranch of Dennis Crawley and terminating at a Stake on the Yreka and Surprise Valley Wagon Road, Marked 55 Comes on to be heard which petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "Notice, To whom it May Concern, that we the undersigned Citizens will apply to the County Commissioners Court of Jackson County, Oregon, for a View and laying out of a regular Wagon Road, to Commence one Mile East of the Ranch of Dennis Crawley on the Goose Lake Wagon Road and to Strike the Klamath River at Nus and Schneider's Ferry and thence due East Six Miles to the Crossing of Lost River, Near what is Known as the Lost River Fishery, Crossing Said Lost River at or near Said Fishery, thence on the Most practicable ground due East and through Barnes Valley to the Lost River or Tule Lake Pass on the divide between Said River and Lake; thence following down the North Eastern Side of Said Lake to the California Line at Bloody Point, intersecting the Yreka and Surprise Valley Wagon Road at a Mile Stake on Said State line Marked (55) fifty-five miles west from the Corner of the State N.E. At the February Term 1870 of the County Court of Said Jackson County--Dec. 26th 1869.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Said petition is Signed by more than Twelve householders residing in the Vicinity of the proposed road, And that Said W. Nus, one of Said petitioners, has filed his bond in the Sum of One Hundred dollars, Conditioned as the law requires, with M. Hanley as Surety, which Said bond is accepted & approved. And it further appearing that due Notice of the intention to Make this application at the present Term of this Court had been given,
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that O. T. Brown, Dennis Crawley and A. J. Burnett, three disinterested Householders of Said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of Said Road and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same; and that Said Viewers meet at the Office of O. A. Stearns, Justice of the peace for Klamath Precinct, on Monday the 21st day of February 1870 or on their failing to meet on Said day, then within five days thereafter and after being duly qualified, that they proceed, with the Surveyor aforesaid, to view, Survey and locate Said proposed Road as in Said Petition prayed for. And Such viewers will make their report in writing of Such View and location, and deliver the Same by one of their number, together with the plat and Survey, to the County Clerk of Said County on or before the third day of the Next Term of this Court.
    No. 12. Ordered by the County Court of Said County, That Wm. Kahler be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Twelve (12) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 4. Ordered by the County Court of Said County, that Frederick Heber be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. four (4) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 2.  Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that James V. Amerman be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. two (2) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 13. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Samuel Rush be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. thirteen (13) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 17. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that James Miller be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Seventeen (17) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 14. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that O. W. Akers be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. fourteen (14) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 31.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Andrew J. Burnett be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Thirty-One (31) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 15.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Samuel Furry be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. fifteen (15) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 3.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that J. G. Van Dyke be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Three (3) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 30.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Wm. Gregory be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. thirty (30) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 21.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that C. D. Reed be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Twenty-one (21) in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 8.  Ordered by the Count Court of Said County that W. T. Leever be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 8 Eight in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 11. Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Chauncey Nye be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. Eleven 11 in Said County for the ensuing year.

March Term 1870
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court for Jackson County, Oregon, begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County (on County business) on Monday, March the 7th 1870, at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
W. A. Childers, County Commissioner
And W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had.
    Ordered by the Court that W. T. Leever be allowed the Sum of ten and 50/100 Dollars on a/c of goods furnished Morse, a Co. Chg.        $10.50
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Tuesday, March 8th 1870
    The Court met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday.
    District19.  The report of John O'Brien, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 19, heretofore filed, Shows that he has worked all the hands in his District their full time except the following who are delinquent as appears below.
John A. Lewman Delinquent $4.22
Spaulding Delinquent 4.00
Thomas Mee Delinquent 4.00
James Mee Delinquent 4.00
Gid Crisman Delinquent 4.00
Peter Burkholter Delinquent 4.00
D. E. Kuder Delinquent 4.00
D. Colwell Delinquent 4.00
    The following are entitled to Credits on their next year's work as follows:
Hudson & Bro. $6.00
John O'Brien 12.00
    Sup. has worked Chinamen to the No. of 58 days.
    Sup. claims for 14 days extra work over his road tax amounting to $14.00 to be paid by the County.
    Report accepted & approved.
    Ordered that John O'Brien be allowed the sum of $28.00 for Services as Sup. for 1869.        $28.00
    Dist. 18.  The report of John Stought, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 18 shows that he has caused 50½ days work to be performed in his District for the year 1869. No Delinquents returned Nor does report show anyone entitled to Cr. for over-work.
    Report accepted and approved.
    Dist. No. 10.  Now Comes V. S. Ralls, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 10 and presents his report and account for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District except those herewith returned delinquent, as follows:
Thos. Chavner Delinquent $18.40
A. Taylor Delinquent 4.00
John Swinden Delinquent 2.27
J. T. Jones Delinquent 5.66
J. P. Parker Delinquent 11.62
A. Reed Delinquent 4.27
Wm. Eddings Delinquent 4.00
    Sup. has worked Chinese 22 days.
    Sup. Claim for $2.81 allowed. Report accepted & approved.
    Ordered that V. S. Ralls be allowed the Sum of $2.81 for over-work & making report, &c.        $2.81
    Ordered that D. B. Rowland be allowed the Sum of $2.79 on a/c of over-assessment.        $2.79
    Ordered that Haskel Amy be allowed the Sum of $13.00 on a/c of over-assessment.        $13.00
    Ordered that P. Boschey be allowed the Sum of $11.00 for repairs about Court House yard.        $11.00
    Ordered that L. T. Davis be allowed the Sum of five dollars a/c of examination of J. Gardner.        $5.00
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy dollars on a/c of Keeping Jail & board of Jailer for Month of February 1870.        $70.00
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of $187.75 for attendance on County, Summoning Jury and Subpoenaing witnesses before Grand Jury.        $187.75
    Ordered that Hayden & Cameron be allowed the Sum of $12.00 for 600 feet of Road lumber for Dist. No. 20.        $12.00
    Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed the Sum of fifty and 50/100 a/c of Hanley & Gardner, County Charges.        $50.50
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred and fifty and 25/100 dollars Clerk's fees as per bill filed.        $250.25
    Ordered that the following persons be allowed witness fees before Grand Jury as follows:
G. W. Wimer $7.00 Mrs. J. Buckels $7.20
W. R. Kincaid 6.60 Mrs. P. Powell 7.20
Henry Lewis 7.20 A. J. Burnett 2.20
    Ordered that the following Jurors in attendance on the Circuit Court Feby. T. 1870 be allowed fees as follows:
Thos.Wright $7.00 R. B. Hargadine $13.40
Wm. Bybee 6.40 Ben Haymond 12.80
Q. N. Anderson 7.60 J. D. Buckley 12.00
M. Mickelson 9.40 Robison Wright 8.80
C. S. Sargent 7.80 J. W. Mills 11.40
J. B. Coates 6.60 H. B. Seybert 11.80
John Shook 8.20 John Orth 8.20
Alex Martin 10.20 J. F. Kellogg 9.80
John Tepper 9.20 E. K. Anderson 10.00
C. T. Payne 12.40 R. C. Cameron 10.00
J. E. Ross 8.80 John Sisemore 14.00
W. B. Kincaid 10.40 Isaac Sachs 8.20
John Wintjen 10.20 Jacob Roudebush 6.20
Arthur Wilson 11.00 Addison Helms 6.20
Ed De Peatt 8.20 J. W. Manning 2.20
John Neuber 2.20 Edward Hendricks 2.20
W. S. Bybee 2.20 James Hamlin 4.20
C. C. Bailey 4.20 Wm. Brotherton 2.20
Joseph Wells 2.20 J. W. Miller 4.20
Thos. Giannini 4.20 A. F. Randle 2.00
Patrick Donegan 2.20 S. Clark Taylor 2.40
E. Jacobs 4.20 W. W. Kentnor 3.40
W. H. McDaniel 2.20
Wm. Moody 2.20
Peter Boschey 4.20
Wm. Hicks 2.20
James H. Colahan 4.20
    Dist. No. 20. The report of Wm. Ray, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 20 Shows that he has caused to be performed in his District of White labor 27 days and Chinese labor 67 days. The following persons are delinquent as follows:
David McKee Delinquent 1 day
E. B. McKee Delinquent days
Herling Delinquent 2 days
Hendricks, Ed Delinquent
Christopher, John Delinquent 1 day
Alonzo Williams Delinquent 1 day
Logg & McDonald Delinquent 4 days
Joseph S. Bull Delinquent 2 days
George Marshall Delinquent 2 days
Jack Brown Delinquent 2 days
Charles Rohn Delinquent 2 days
Geo. Jealous Delinquent 2 days
    Supervisor Claims for $19.21 over his own Tax--Report accepted and approved--
    Ordered that Wm. Ray be allowed the Sum of $19.21 for Services as Sup. for the year 1869.        $19.21
    Ordered that Wm. Kretzer be allowed the Sum of $2.37 for goods furnished Jack Gardner (a Co. Charge).        $2.37
    Ordered by the Court that Road District No. 22 be & the Same is hereby abolished, and that all of Said Dist. and the territory heretofore embraced therein be & the Same is hereby added to and made a part of Road Dist. No. 20, all in Said Jackson County.
    Ordered by the Court, that the line between Road Districts Nos. 10 and 11 be changed from the bridge on Galls Creek to the Rock Point bridge, and that the line Southward from Said Rock Point bridge be the divide between Galls Creek and Miller's Creek or Gulch, including all the waters of Galls Creek in District No. 10.
    No. 18.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County, that John Stought be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 18 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Dist. No. 10.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that V. S. Ralls be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 10 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Dist. No. 19.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Rial Benedict be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 19 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    District 20.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Wm. Ray be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 20 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered that Comr. F. Heber be allowed the Sum of Fifty-five and 80/100 Dollars for Attendance & Mileage as Co. Comr. from Aug. 1869 & including March Term 1870.        $55.80
    Ordered that Comr. W. A. Childers be allowed the Sum of Thirty-four & 80/100 dollars as Co. Comr. including his attendance March 9th 1870.        $34.80
    Adjourned till tomorrow at 9 O'clock A. M.

March 9th 1870
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday--The minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read & approved.
    Dist. 16.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Martin F. Hurst be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 16 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    The report of the Viewers heretofore appointed to view & locate a County road from Jacksonville, Oregon to the Josephine County line via the Willow Springs, Rock Point, the Dry Diggings &c. Now Comes on to be heard, which said Report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. County Court of Jackson County, Oregon,
    The Undersigned who were appointed viewers by your Hon. body at the Jan. Term of Said Court to view and locate a County road Commencing on California Street in Jacksonville did on the 11th day of January, 1870, after being duly qualified, Commence at the point above Named and proceeded by the way of Willow Springs, Rock Point, Dry Diggings, Croxton's Station, the Residence of William Kahler on Louse Creek, thence to the line of Josephine County; For particulars, we would refer you to the report of the Surveyor, Mr. Howard, all of which is respectfully Submitted. We located Said road in accordance with the plat and Survey herewith annexed and would respectfully recommend the establishment of the Same.
A. M. Berry, Jas. McDonough, H. P. Deskins, Viewers
    And thereupon the report of the viewers of damages Comes on to be heard, which Said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "We, the undersigned, a Majority of the viewers of damages, heretofore appointed by the County Court for Jackson County, Oregon, would respectfully report that after being duly qualified, as will appear from the annexed papers; we met on Tuesday, the 22nd day of February, 1870 and proceeded and viewed the within proposed road the whole distance through the premises of the Complainant J. W. Hays, and we have assessed and determined that the Said Hays will be damaged in the Sum of Fifty dollars if Said road shall be established and opened as viewed and located by the viewers heretofore appointed for that purpose. Respectfully Submitted this 26th February 1870.
Isaac Constant
John Tepper
    And thereupon Comes Jas. D. Fay, atty., and withdraws the remonstrance of J. Kilgore, L. Horne & R. C. Armstrong to the establishment of said road as located by the viewers aforesaid.
    And the report of the Said viewers, having been publicly read on two different days the present term of this Court, to wit on the 8th and 9th instants, and the Same having been Carefully Considered by the Court: and the Court having also Carefully Considered the report of the viewers of damages and being fully advised in the premises, It is Considered by the Court that the damages of Fifty dollars assessed to & in favor of J. W. Hays are Just and equitable; and that Said proposed road will be of Sufficient public utility to Justify the Said damages so assessed and determined to be paid by the County, It is therefore ordered than an order be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of said J. W. Hays for fifty dollars in Satisfaction of such damages. And thereupon C. W. Kahler, atty. for said Hays, accepts Said order in full & Complete Satisfaction of his damages by reason of the location and establishment of Said road as aforesaid. And there being no remonstrance or petition for damages filed (Except as hereinbefore Stated) And the Court being fully Satisfied of the public utility of said road as located by the Viewers, It is therefore Considered that Said report be & the Same is in all things Confirmed and it is further ordered that said Report together with the plat and Survey of said road be recorded and that from thenceforth said road is hereby declared a public highway and the Supervisors through whose Districts Said road passes are hereby ordered and required to open and to Keep the Same in good repair.
    Whereas the Viewers and Surveyor appointed at the February Term 1870 of this Court to view, Survey & locate a County road, Commencing one mile east of the Ranch of Dennis Crawley and terminating at a Certain Stake on the Yreka and Surprise Valley Wagon road have failed to make their report at this term of the Court, It is Considered in view of the great distance of said proposed road from the County Seat, that the Consideration of all matters Connected therewith be Continued until the Next term of this Court.
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred Ninety-nine 37½/100 dollars on a/c of his Hospital Contract for the quarter ending February 4th 1870.        $299.37½
    Ordered that Joseph Ritter be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and Sixteen dollars for Keeping and Nursing J. B. Adney from January 8th 1870 to March 8th 1870, 58 days at $2 per day, said Adney being a Co. Charge.        $116.00
    Dist. No. 5.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that R. A. Gray be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 5 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Dist. No. 28.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Philander Powell be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 28 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Dist. No. 7.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that Thomas T. McKenzie be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 7 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Dist. No. 9.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that David Peninger be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 9 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Dist. No. 23.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that George Yaudes be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 23 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    No. 24 Dist.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that John Cantrall be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 24 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Dist. 17.  Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Ogn., that Road District No. 27 in Said County be & the Same is hereby vacated and that all of the Territory and persons heretofore embraced in Said District be and the Same is hereby attached to and made a part of Road District No. 17.
    Ordered that John Tepper be allowed the Sum of Six dollars as viewer of Damages.        $6.00
    Ordered that Isaac Constant be allowed the Sum of Six Dollars as Viewer of damages.        $6.00
    Ordered that J. W. Hays be allowed the Sum of fifty Dollars as damages on a/c of Road from Jacksonville to Josephine Co. line via his place on Rogue River as assessed by Tepper & Constant--viewers.        $50.00
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge.

Apl. 5th 1870
    At a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, begun and held at the Clerk's Office of Said County on Tuesday the 5th day of April 1870 (Sitting on County business) at which were present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
Frederick Heber and
W. A. Childers, Co. Comrs.

And W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk
When the following proceedings were had.
    Ordered that Joseph Ritter be allowed the Sum of forty-eight dollars for Keeping J. B. Adney 24 days to Apl. 1st 1870.        $48.00
    Ordered that the Co. warrant drawn Apl. 1st 1870 in favor of Lafayette Allen for $60 for Keeping Martin, a blind person, three Months to Apl. 1st 1870 be approved.        $60.00
    Ordered that L. G. Hubert be allowed the Sum of $12.00 for 3 Cords of wood furnished Mr. Oliver.        $12.00
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of one hundred and Twenty-six and 75/100 Dollars Clerk's fees.        $126.75 
    Ordered that the following persons in attendance on the Co. Court, March Term, 1870 as Jurors be allowed fees as follows:
John S. Lacy 1 day & 6 miles $2.60
Granville Naylor 1 day & 6 miles 2.60
Merit Bellinger 1 day & 6 miles 2.60
Thos. Giannini 1 day & 2 miles 2.20
George Brown 1 day & 2 miles 2.20
A. M. Berry 1 day & 2 miles 2.20
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Seventy dollars for Keeping Jail & board of Jailer the Month of March 1870.        $70.00
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Twelve dollars for 400 Poll Tax receipted (Chinese)        $12.00
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Fifteen dollars and 75/100 for Attendance on Co. Court and Summoning Jury.        $15.75
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred fifteen and 52/100 dollars being Shff.'s 3% on Collection of Revenue & Making return.        $215.52
    Ordered that Thos. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of three dollars for Horse & buggy one day used by Judge Duncan to go to Bear Creek to investigate case of Pauperism.        $3.00
    On the Petition of Baldwin Sills and others, it is ordered by the County Court That an Election Precinct be established in Said Jackson County, Oregon to be Known as the Big Butte Creek Precinct and to embrace the following Territory: Making the Summit of the Mountain between Little & Big Butte Creeks, including Obenchain, the line to the Meridian line, thence to where Said line Crosses Rogue River, thence up the East side of Rogue River, above the Junction of Big Butte Creek, including the Big Butte Creek Valley and that the Mountain School House in Said Precinct be the place of voting.
    Ordered that W. Nus be allowed the Sum of forty-two and 25/100 Dollars for Supplies to Road Viewer.        $42.25
    Ordered that A. J. Burnett be allowed the Sum of Twenty-four dollars as viewer of Road, for Supplies and for Mileage in returning report.        $24.00
    Ordered that O. T. Brown be allowed the Sum of ten dollars as road viewer.        $10.00
    Ordered that Dennis E. Crawley be allowed the Sum of Ten Dollars as Road Viewer.        $10.00
    On the Petition of Joseph Satterfield and others, it is ordered that the Place of Voting in the Precinct of Table Rock be and the Same is hereby changed from German's Shop to the Antioch School House in Said Precinct.   
    Ordered that T. H. B. Shipley be allowed the Sum of one Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars for Services as School Sup. for the quarter ending March 31, 1870.        $125.00
    Ordered that Samuel Phillips be allowed the Sum of forty and 95/100 Dollars on a/c of over-assessment for 1869.        $40.95
    Ordered that Jas. S. Howard be allowed the Sum of Sixty-two Dollars for Survey, plat & expenses on a/c of Link River road.        $62.00
    Ordered that Wm. Hicks be allowed the Sum of ten dollars as Chain Carrier on Survey of Link River Road.        $10.00
    Ordered that Wm. P. Harris be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars as Chain Carrier on the Survey of the Link River Road.        $10.00
    Ordered that Wm. Angle be allowed the Sum of ten dollars as Marker on the Survey of the Link River Road.        $10.00
    Dist. No. 5.  Now Comes Arthur Wilson and presents his report for 1869 as Sup. of Road Dist. No. 5 for Settlement, by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his District except those herewith returned Delinquent, as follows:
Jacob Ish Delinquent $8.10
C. Mingus Delinquent 5.00
M. P. Phipps Delinquent 4.46
J. R. Tice Delinquent 5.05
    Supervisor Claims for 3 days extra work.
    Report accepted and approved.
    Ordered that Arthur Wilson be allowed the Sum of Six Dollars for Services as Road Sup.        $6.00
    Dist. No. 7.  Now Comes E. F. Walker, Sup. of Road Dist. No. 7, and presents his report for Settlement by which it appears he has worked all the hands in his Dist. except Thos. Hopwood who is delinquent        $10.95
    Supe. Claims Nothing over his own road Tax.
    Report accepted and approved.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'clock.

April 6th 1870
    The Court Met this Morning pursuant to adjournment. Present the Same as on yesterday except Comr. Heber who is absent. The Minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
    Ordered by the Court that Sachs Bros. be allowed the Sum of Thirty-Six 48/100 dollars for goods furnished Morse, a Co. Charge.        $36.48
    Ordered that J. M. Sutton be allowed the Sum of $11.37 for Stationery, &c. for County.        $11.37
    Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed the Sum of $24.50 on his a/c rendered against Alfred Hanley, a Co. Charge, and that the balance of Said account deferred until a meeting of full board.        $24.50
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of One hundred and eight dollars for 36 days Hospital treatment of W. J. Johnson, a State patient.        $108.00
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Thirty-two and 75/100 Dollars for Medical treatment &c. of Alfred Hanley.        $32.75
    Whereas O. T. Brown has applied to the Court for the renewal of his Ferry License for one year from Dec. 7th, 1869, and it appearing that Said Brown has filed his bond in the Sum of Two Hundred and fifty Dollars with A. J. Burnett as Surety, which bond is accepted and approved, and the Said Brown having also filed the Treasurer's receipt for one dollar for Such License, It is therefore ordered that Said License be renewed for one year from the 7th December 1869. 
    Dist. 26.  Ordered by the County Court of Said County that B. F. Wade be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 26 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    Ordered that L.J. C. Duncan be allowed that Sum of Two Hundred and fifty dollars Salary as Co. Judge for quarter ending March 31st 1870.        $250.00
    Ordered that the Petition of Silas Draper and others for a County Road up Foots Creek and all Matters Connected therewith be continued until the next term of this Court.
    Ordered that the Petition of J. B. White and others for a County road from Rock Point bridge to the Josephine County line on the South Side of Rogue River be continued until the next term of this Court.
    Ordered that the Petition of A. G. Rockfellow & others for a County road Commencing at Minus Walker's Claim and terminating at the Yandell Claim in the Dead Indian Country be Continued until the Next term of this Court.
    Ordered that James S. Howard be allowed the Sum of Ten dollars a/c of Survey of Link River Road, his a/c for Such Survey being $72.00 instead of $62 which latter Sum was previously allowed.        $10.00
    The report of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and lay out a County road in Said County, Commencing one Mile East of Dennis Crawley's and terminating at Bloody Point Now Comes on to be heard, which Said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    Link River, Oregon, March 15th, 1870: To the Honorable Commissioners Court, Jackson Co., Oregon:
    We, the viewers appointed to view out a road Commencing one mile East of D. C. Crawley's and terminating at Bloody Point, proceeded according to instructions of the Court on the 25th February 1870, in Company with James S. Howard, County Surveyor and Completed the work. We beg leave to report favorable of Said road and recommend its adoption by your Honorable body. Also for further particulars, we refer you to the Surveyor's report.
Andrew J. Burnett
O. T. Brown
D. C. Crawley
    And the Said report having been publicly read on two different days the present term of this Court to wit: the 1st time on the fifth instant, and the Second time this day. And the Court, having Carefully Considered the Same as well as the Surveyor's Report, plat & Survey which was also returned by Said viewers--And there being no petition for damages or for a review filed and the Court being Satisfied of the public Utility of Such road as located by Said viewers: It is therefore Considered that Said report be in all things confirmed, and it is further ordered that Said report, together with the plat and Survey of Said road, be recorded and that from thenceforth, Said road is hereby declared a public highway, and the Supervisors through whose districts Said road passes are hereby ordered and required to open and to Keep the Same in good repair.
    Adjourned until Saturday, Apl. 9th, 1870 at 3 O'clock P.M.

Saturday, April 9th 1870
    The County Court met today pursuant to adjournment. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
Frederick Heber, Comr. &
W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had.
    Ordered by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, Oregon, that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Judges of Elections in the following Election Precincts in Said County, respectively, to wit:
Giles Wells, Sen., John P. Walker and J. H. Russell
Woodford Reames, J. P. Burns and B. C. Goddard
J. B. Wrisley, Vincent Beall and J. J. March
Butte Creek
Levi Tinkham, Jackson Rader and Peter Simon
Big Butte Creek
John Stought, John Obenchain & Wm. Sutherland
Table Rock
B. F. Wade, Wm. Wilson and A. S. Moon
Willow Springs
Daniel F. Fisher, N. C. Dean and A. J. Coakley
Rock Point
D. N. Birdseye, H. P. Deskins and J. Price
Evans Creek
W. W. Brown, H. M. Chapin & Charles Williams
Grants Pass
J. P. Tuffs, Lafayette Allen & David Winfield
Henry Wines, S. G. Burges & Wm. Brice
Foots Creek
Chauncey Nye, G. S. Moore & R. A. Cook
Thos. Mee, A. Darneille & John O'Brien
Union Town
James D. Buckley, John Cantrall & Lyman Chappell
Sylvester Saltmarsh, John Head & R. S. Armstrong
James H. Callahan, O. A. Stearns & A. J. Burnett
Herman Helms, R. C. Armstrong & David Linn
Flounce Rock
J. M. Crickett, Uriah Gordon & Bolivar Hull
    Ordered that A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred Ninety-Nine 37½/100 dollars a/c of his Hospital Contract for the quarter ending May 4th 1870.        $299.37½
    On the Petition of J. N. McDonnell and others, it is Ordered by the Court that the Election Precinct of Forest Creek be and the Same is hereby declared Vacated or abolished and that all persons heretofore voting & residing South of the Section line between Sections 11 & 14, T. 38 South, Range 3 West hereafter Vote in the Union Town Precinct, and the Territory North of said line belong to the Jacksonville Precinct & that persons residing in Such Territory hereafter vote in Said Jacksonville Precinct. It is further ordered that the said line between the Jacksonville and Union Town Precincts run east from Said Sections 11 & 14 till it strikes or intersects the former line of said Jacksonville Precinct; and Westward to the line between the former line of Forest Creek Precinct and Applegate Precinct, that is on the divide between Jackass & Applegate Creek, thence following around the headwaters of Jackass until it Strikes the former line of Jacksonville Precinct.
    On the Petition of John T. Buckley and others, It is ordered by the Court that the place of voting in Union Town Precinct be and the Same is hereby Changed from Union Town to the Store of A. W. Sturgis in Said Precinct.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the following be established as the boundaries of the Precinct of Applegate in Said County, to wit: Commencing on the divide between the waters of Foots Creek and Applegate Creek, on west line of T. 37 South, R. 4 West, thence South Easterly along Said divide and divide between Jackass and Applegate to within one mile of the N.W. Corner of Section 21, T. 38 S. R. 3 West, thence South on Section line between Sections 29 and 30, across the Valley of Applegate, thence following the divide between Applegate & Thompson Creek, leaving the waters of Brush Creek in Union Town Precinct, and including all the Country drained by the extreme right-hand fork of Applegate above Said Brush Creek to Summit of Siskiyou and West to Josephine County line, in Said Applegate Precinct.
    Now Comes Thos. G. Reames and presents his report as Collector of taxes for the year 1869, by which it appears he is Charged a/c of taxes for Such year with $17,753.39 and is entitled to Credits as follows:
By amt. taxes Collected by Shff. $14,700.49
By amt. taxes Collected by Assessor 882.822
By difference btn. 13 &14 mills Cal. by Assessor 18.52
By Double assessment 60.99
By Collected by Assessor & not So returned by charged to Sheriff 10 Polls of $4           40.00
Delinquent Apl. 4th 1870 $  2,050.51
    Report accepted and approved.
    And it is ordered that a warrant issue to the Sheriff to Collect Such delinquent taxes according to law and to make his return thereof as required by the Statute.

Tuesday, May 3rd 1870
    The County Court of Jackson County, Oregon met today for the Transaction of County business in Regular Session. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
W. A. Childers, Co. Commissioner
F. Heber, Co. Commissioner
W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk
By Ed. R. Owen, Dept. Clerk
    Ordered by the Court that Joseph Ritter be allowed the Sum of Sixty Dollars for Keeping John B. Adney for the month of April (30 days) at two dollars per day.
    Ordered by the Court that T. G. Reames, Sheriff, be allowed the sum of Ten Dollars for attendance on Circuit Court April 18 & 19th 1870 in case of State vs. Margaret Lewis.        $10.00
    Ordered by the Court that T. G. Reames, Sheriff, be allowed the Sum of Seventy Dollars (70$) ($50 for Keeping Jail & $20 for boarding Jailer) for the month of April 1870.        $70.00
    Ordered by the Court that G. W. Graves be allowed the Sum of Fourteen ($14) Dollars for Stationery furnished the County.
    Now comes George Nurse and makes application for a renewal of his Ferry License for one year from the 4th day of May 1870. And it appearing that Said Nurse has filed his bond in the sum of Two Hundred & fifty dollars conditioned legally with A. J. Burnett as Surety which bond is accepted and approved by the Court, and said Nurse having also filed the County Treasurer's receipt for one dollar for such License, It is therefore ordered by the Court that said License be renewed for one year from said 4th day of May 1870.
    The petition of J. B. White & others for the location of a County Road, Commencing at the South Side of Rogue River at the Rock Point Bridge and Terminating at the Josephine County line about Three miles below the old Hunters Ferry Now comes on to be heard, which said petition is in words & figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. County Court for Jackson County, Ogn., We the undersigned householders of said County and residing in the vicinity of the hereinafter proposed road, respectfully pray your honorable Court to Cause a County Road in said County to be viewed, surveyed and established as follows, to wit: Commencing on the south Side of Rogue River, at the Rock Point Bridge and running thence down Said River via David N. Birdseye's, Clinton Schieffelin's, James Savage's and terminating at the Josephine County Line, about three miles below the Old Hunters Ferry, said road to follow the present traveled road throughout its entire course or as nearly so as the viewers may deem practicable.
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said petition is signed by more than twelve householders of said County residing in the vicinity of the proposed road, And it further appearing that due notice had been given of the intention of presenting such petition at the present term of this Court and D. N. Birdseye, one of said petitioners having filed his bond in $100 Conditioned as the law requires with James T. Glenn as surety which bond is accepted and approved.
    It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petitioners so far as to have a view & Survey of said Road be granted and for that purpose it is Ordered by the Court that David Peninger, George V. Ingram, & D. H. Burroughs, three disinterested householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said Road and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the same, and that said viewers and Surveyor meet at the County Clerk's office in said County on the 7th day of May 1870, or upon their failure to meet then, within 5 days thereafter, and after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view and lay out said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, And that said viewers make their report of such view in writing and deliver the same together with the plat & survey of said road by one of their number to the County Clerk of said County on or before the third day of the next term of this court to be begun & held on the 1st Monday in June next.
    The petition of Silas Draper & others for the location of a County Road, Commencing at the Rogue River Road near the bridge across the mouth of Foots Creek and ending at the house of Henry Duncan on said Creek now comes on to be heard, which said petition is in words & figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, We the undersigned Householders of said County would respectfully ask that your Hon. Body grant that you locate, survey and establish a County Road Commencing at the Rogue River Road near the bridge across the Mouth of Foots Creek and extending up the main and middle forks of said Creek to the house of G. S. Moore on said Creek, thence to the right-hand fork of said Creek and up the said right-hand fork to the house of Henry Duncan on said Creek, to be located where practical on the line of the present wagon Road, and your petitioners will ever pray.
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said petition is signed by more than twelve householders of said County, residing in the vicinity of the proposed road, And it further appearing that due notice had been given of the intention of presenting such petition at the present term of this Court and Chauncey Nye, one of said petitioners having filed his bond in $100 conditioned as the law requires with Silas Draper, Samuel Dewitt & William Williams as sureties, which bond is accepted & approved.
    It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petitioners so far as to have a view & Survey of said Road be granted and for that purpose, it is ordered by the Court that David Peninger, George V. Ingram & D. H. Burroughs, three disinterested householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said Road, and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the same and that said viewers & Surveyor meet at the County Clerk's office in said County on the 7th day of May 1870 or upon their failure to meet on that day then within five days thereafter and after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view and lay out said Road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid. And that said viewers make their report of such view in writing and deliver the same together with the plat & survey of said Road by one of their number to the County Clerk of said County on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this Court to be begun and held on the 1st Monday in June next.
    The Petition of J. W. Dollarhide & others for the location of a county road Commencing at the Bellinger place about one mile from Jacksonville on the Road leading from Jacksonville to the California State line, and terminating on the Bear Creek Road at the end of the Justus lane, Now comes on to be heard, which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. County Court for Jackson County, Oregon, We the Undersigned Householders of said County and residing in the vicinity of the hereinafter proposed road hereby pray your Hon. body to cause a County Road to be established in said County, Commencing at the Bellinger place about one mile from Jacksonville on the road leading from Jacksonville to the California State line and running thence by the House of James Helms; Thence between the Claims of F. Heber & Jesse Dollarhide and following the present traveled Road and terminating on the Bear Creek road at the end of the Justus lane, said Road to be 40 feet wide.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that said petition is signed by more than Twelve householders of said County residing in the vicinity of the proposed road, and it further appearing that due notice had been given of the intention of presenting such petition at the present term of this court and Jesse Dollarhide, one of said petitioners having filed his bond in $50 Conditioned as the law requires with S. S. Bowden as Surety which bond is accepted & approved.
    It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petitioners so far as to have a view and survey of said Road be granted, and for that purpose It is ordered by the Court that Merit Bellinger, Daniel Doty & A. M. Berry, three disinterested householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said road, and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same, and that said viewers and surveyor meet at the County Clerk's office in said County on the 9th day of May, 1870 or upon their failure to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view and lay out said Road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, And that said viewers make their report of such view in writing and deliver the same together with the plat & Survey of said Road by one of their number to the County Clerk of said County on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this court to be begun and held on the 1st Monday in June next.
    Ordered by the County Court of said County that Daniel Doty be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 4 in Said County for the ensuing year.
    The Petition of John Watson & others for the location of a County Road Commencing at the East line of the County Road from Jacksonville to the Josephine County line at a point North of John Swinden's House & near Corner of Thomas Chavner's field and terminating at the County Road from Jacksonville to the California State line at a point near S. D. Van Dyke's residence. Also a County Road Commencing at a point on the above proposed road near the residence of Henry Bellenbrook and terminating at the County Road leading from Jacksonville to the Big Butte Creek sawmill at a point near the residence of Bartlett Obenchain, now comes on to be heard, which said petition is in words & figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County:
    The undersigned householders of said County and residing in the vicinity of the road hereinafter proposed to be established, respectfully pray your Hon. body to cause to be established in said County public Highways, Commencing at the east line of the County Road from Jacksonville to the Josephine County line, at a point north of John Swinden's House & near the corner of Thomas Chavner's field; Thence Easterly via the Blackwell Diggings and on the north line of Mansfield's farm, Thence via David Peninger's, A. J. Coakley & John Tepper, thence East between Watson and Bellenbrook; thence by I. Constant's, Jacob Thompson and the Old Packwood place and terminating at the County Road from Jacksonville to the California State line at a point near S. D. Van Dyke's residence. The proposed road to follow the present traveled route throughout its entire Course, or as nearly as the viewers who may be appointed to view the same may deem practicable.
    Also a County Road Commencing at a point on the above proposed road near the residence of Henry Bellenbrook and extending thence Southerly and terminating at the County Road leading from Jacksonville to the Big Butte Creek Saw Mill at a point near the residence of Bartlett Obenchain, Said Road to follow the present traveled route or as nearly so as practicable.
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said petition is signed by more than twelve householders of said County residing in the vicinity of the proposed road, And it further appearing that due notice had been given of the intention of presenting such petition at the present term of this Court and David Peninger having filed his bond in $110 Conditioned as the law requires with W. A. Owen, Surety, which bond is accepted and approved.
    It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petitioners so far as to have a view & Survey of said Roads be granted and for that purpose it is ordered by the court that Merit Bellinger, Daniel Doty and A. M. Berry, three disinterested householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said Roads and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the same, and that said viewers and surveyor meet at the County Clerk's office in said County on the 9th day of May, 1870, or upon their failure to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter and after being duly qualified that they proceed to view and lay out said roads as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, And that said viewers make their report of such view in writing, and deliver the same together with the plat & Survey of said roads by one of their number to the County Clerk of said County on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this Court to be begun and held on the 1st Monday in June next.
    The Petition of L. Tinkham & others for the location of a County Road Commencing on the road leading from Jacksonville to the Big Butte Creek Saw mill, at a post on which Hannah's Ferry notice is posted being about eleven miles from Jacksonville and terminating at the northerly terminus of the said Jacksonville & Big Butte Creek Road at said Big Butte Creek Saw Mill now comes on to be heard which Said petition is in words & figures following, to wit:
    To the Hon. County Court for Jackson County, Oregon
    We, the undersigned Householders of said County and residing in the vicinity of the proposed road respectfully petition said Court to cause a County road to be viewed, Surveyed & established in said County; Commencing on the road leading from Jacksonville to the Big Butte Creek Saw Mill at a post on which Hannah's Ferry notice is posted, being about eleven miles from Jacksonville, thence running in a northerly direction & intersecting the Phoenix and Linksweiler Road at the south line of Tinkham's land claim; Thence on the present traveled road to the Butte Creek bridge; Thence across said bridge & up Little Butte Creek, via Peter Simon's and John Mathews' thence in a northerly direction following the present traveled road via Reese Creek & terminating at the northerly terminus of the said Jacksonville & Big Butte Creek Road at said Big Butte Creek Saw Mill. The Said proposed road to follow the present traveled route from beginning to the terminus or as nearly so as the viewers appointed to view the Same may deem practicable.
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said petition is signed by more than twelve householders of said County residing in the vicinity of the proposed road, And it further appearing that due notice had been given of the intention of presenting Such petition at the present term of this court and L. Tinkham, one of said petitioners, having filed his bond in $100 Conditioned as the law requires with J. J. Pryor as Surety, which bond is accepted and approved.
    It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petitioners so far as to have a view & Survey of said Road be granted and for that purpose it is ordered by the Court that William Sutherland, Baldwin Sills, Jr. & Wm. B. Kincaid, Three disinterested householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said Road and James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same and that said viewers and surveyor meet at Esq. Tinkham's on the 24th day of May 1870 or upon their failure to meet on that day then within 5 days thereafter and after being duly qualified that they proceed to view and lay out said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, And that said viewers make their report of such view in writing and deliver the same together with the plat & Survey of said Road by one of their number to the County Clerk of said County on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this Court to be begun and held on the 1st Monday in June next.
    Now comes F. Heber, Supervisor of Road District No. 4 & presents his resignation as Such & recommends D. Doty which said resignation is accepted by the Court and Daniel Doty is appointed road Supervisor of said road district No. four for the ensuing year.
    Now Comes L. J. C. Duncan and reports to the Court in Substance that he has expended the balance of the $50 order he was authorized to draw at the Nov. Term 1869 (Said Bal. being $24) for wood & other necessaries furnished the family of Mr. Oliver & has Spent in addition thereto the sum of $4.75 on the same family for which he asks a warrant, That he also furnished Johnson (a blind man), an inmate of the County Hospital, the sum $20 to enable him to return to his home, for which he asks that a warrant issue. And it is ordered by the Court that warrant issue in favor of Said L. J. C. Duncan for the sum of Twenty-four 75/100 Dollars, expended by him as above set forth.        $24.75
    Court adjourned until tomorrow morning 10 O'Clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

Wednesday, May 4th 1870
    Court met pursuant to adjournment. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Judge
W. A. Childers, Co. Commissioner
W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk
By Ed. R. Owen, D.C.
    Ordered Max Muller be allowed One Hundred & fourteen Dollars for paying over State taxes of Jackson County, being 1½% on $7,600--the amount paid over to State Treasurer.        $114.
    Max Muller presents Claim for Six Hundred dollars for Services as Co. Treasurer from July 1st 1869 to April 1st 1870. Ordered that Max Muller be allowed Four Hundred & fifty Dollars for Services as Treasurer for the time herein Specified.        $450.
    Ordered Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed Forty-Five Dollars for Board & Medical attendance on Harry Reivers, a State patient in County Hospital for 15 days.        $45.00
    Ordered that warrant issue in favor of O. D. Hoxie for Twenty Dollars to be expended for the benefit of Hanley, a County Charge.        $20.00
    Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed the sum of Twenty-Four & 50/100 Dollars 4 weeks' board & opium furnished A. Hanley, a County Charge. Other items Continued for full board.        $24.50
    Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed Twenty Dollars 4 weeks' board of A. Hanley, a County Charge to date.        $20.00
    Ordered that W. H. S. Hyde be allowed One Hundred and Seventy-three & 50/100 Dollars for Clerk's fees as per Bill of fees filed.        $173.50
    Ordered the following Bill of Costs be allowed in case of State vs. Albert Johnson before J. R. Wade, J.P., to wit:
Wm. Butler Witness 5.80
Emily Butler Witness 5.80
T. G. Reames Witness 1.50
Dora Shoulzy Witness 4.90
Julia Bailey Witness 3.40
L. Zigler Witness 5.30
Harriet Johnson Witness 3.20
Samuel W. Vose Witness 3.20
Andrew Armstrong Witness 2.00
Malcolm Johnson Witness 3.20
Lydia Roundtree Witness 3.20
Walter Baugus Witness 1.70
Henry Bailey Witness 1.90
Thomas G. Reames Sheriff 24.75
James R. Wade Justice 20.45
    In the matter of David C. Hart, an apprentice:
    Now at this day comes John Holton, Guardian of said David C. Hart, and presents his petition Stating in Substance that said David C. Hart, a minor, was bound as an apprentice to him, the said Holton, until said Minor Should arrive at the age of 21 years, that said Minor has been absent from his said Guardian most of the time for the last year, and he willfully fails & neglects to perform his duties, and said Holton prays that he may be discharged from his Guardianship. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the adverse party has had due notice of these proceedings and failing to appear, It is therefore adjudged & decreed by the Court that John Holton, master of said apprentice, be discharged from the contract of apprenticeship or Service and for the Costs of suit, Which amount may be recovered in an action against the minor after he shall arrive at full age (said minor having no parents or Guardian) and that Holton be discharged from requirements of said articles of apprenticeship henceforth.
    Ordered that the petition of A. J. Burnett & others for Road from Link River to Indian Agency & all things pertaining thereto be continued to the next June term of this Court.
    Ordered that the petition of A. Darneille & others for Road down Applegate over Thompson's Creek & all things pertaining thereto be continued to the next June term of this court.
    Ordered that the petition [of] Rockfellow & others for Dead Indian Road and all things pertaining thereto be continued to June term of court next.
    Now Comes D. H. Sexton and applies to the Court for License to sell Spirituous Liquors at his place at Rock Point Bridge in Rock Point precinct, Jackson County, Oregon In Measures less than one quart. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said applicant has filed the petition of a majority of the legal voters of said precinct, praying that such License be granted, and it further appearing that due Notice of the intention to make such application had been given and said applicant having filed his bond in the sum of $500 Conditioned as the law requires, which bond is accepted.
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that License issue to said Sexton for the term of one year from May 4th 1870 on the payment to the Treasurer of said County $30 therefor.
    On the petition of Chas. R. Cogswell & others, it is Ordered by the County Court That an Election precinct be established in said Jackson County, Oregon to be known as the Goose Lake precinct and to embrace the following territory, bounded on the South by the California line, East, North & West by the range of Foot Hills enclosing Goose Lake Valley and intended to embrace Said Valley alone. And that the house of A. Tenbrook be the place of voting.
    And it is further ordered by the Said County Court that Wm. C. Greenman, Joseph Cooksey & A. Tenbrook be and they are hereby appointed Judges of Election in the said precinct of Goose Lake in Jackson County, Oregon.
    Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

June Term 1870
    Be it remembered that at a regular term of the County Court for Jackson County, Oregon, begun and held at the County Clerk's Office of said County (on County business) on Tuesday, June 7th 1870, at which where present:
Honl. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
W. A. Childers, Co. Comr.
W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk
By Ed. R. Owen, D.C.
    Ordered N. C. Dean be allowed Twenty-One & 40/100 Dollars for articles furnished Morse, a County Charge.        $21.40
    Ordered Milton Lindley be allowed Forty dollars for lumber furnished Road District No. 8.        $40.00
    Ordered C. W. Kahler be allowed Twenty-five Dollars fees as district attorney, Itemized as follows: examination Albert Johnson $5 prosecuting John Ambrose $5 prosecuting S. L. Black $5 Examining Peter Schmidtling $5. Examining W. H. Myers $5.        Total $25.
    Whereas at a former term of this Court an order was made establishing a County Road in Said County leading from Bybee's Ferry to Thomas' Mill on Evans Creek, also ordering the Supervisor through whose district Said road passes, to open and keep the Same in good repair, And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Wm. Brotherton (the then Supervisor) has failed to execute said order, and that the petitioners applying for the Same have failed to work thereon as by law required, It is therefore Ordered that B. F. Wade, Supervisor of Road District No. 26 (through whose District said road passes) proceed to open said road & Keep the Same in good repair, and that he require the petitioners aforesaid to do & perform one day's extra labor on said road, who reside in his district, as is by law required.
    Ordered that the following bills be allowed on account of County Road Survey to persons and for amounts as follows, to wit:
    On Road from Bellinger Place to Justus Lane
A. M. Berry Viewer 1 day at $2.00 $  2.00
M. Bellinger Viewer 1 day at $2.00 2.00
J. B. Coates Chainman 1 day at $2.00 2.00
C. J. Howard Chainman 1 day at $2.00 2.00
Henry Duncan Marker 1 day at $2.00 2.00
A. M. Berry Team 1 day at $3.00 3.00
Jas. S. Howard Surveyor 1 day at $4.00     4.00
    On Road from Van Dyke's to Chavner's Lane
A. M. Berry Viewer 2 days at $2.00 $  4.00
M. Bellinger Viewer 2 days at $2.00 4.00
J. B. Coates Chainman 2 days at $2.00 4.00
C. J. Howard Chainman 2 days at $2.00 4.00
Henry Duncan Marker 2 days at $2.00 4.00
A. M. Berry Team 2 days at $3.00 6.00
Jas. S. Howard Surveyor 2 days at $4.00     8.00
    On Road from Rock Point Bridge to County line
D. Peninger Viewer 6 days at $2.00 $12.00
D. H. Burroughs Viewer 6 days at $2.00 12.00
G. V. Ingram Viewer 6 days at $2.00 12.00
J. B. Coates Chainman 6 days at $2.00 12.00
C. J. Howard Chainman 6 days at $2.00 12.00
Henry Duncan Marker 6 days at $2.00 12.00
J. S. Howard Surveyor 6 days at $4.00 24.00
D. Peninger Use of Team 6 days at $3.00 18.00
    On Road from Desert to Big Butte Saw Mill
Wm. Sutherland Viewer 5 days at $2.00 $10.00
W. B. Kincaid Viewer 5 days at $2.00 10.00
B. Sills, Jr. Viewer 5 days at $2.00 10.00
J. B. Coates Chainman 5 days at $2.00 10.00
C. J. Howard Chainman 5 days at $2.00 10.00
Henry Duncan Marker 5 days at $2.00 10.00
J. S. Howard Surveyor 5 days at $4.00 20.00
A. M. Berry Team & self 5 days at $3.50 17.50
Jas. S. Howard Making plats & Survey of said roads 24.00
Jas. S. Howard Provisions furnished 7 men 14 days 50¢ per day $8 49.00
    The Same certified to be correct by J. S. Howard, Co. Surveyor.
    Now comes Heaton Fox and files petition for a private road leading from his premises to some convenient point on the public road from Jacksonville to Yreka. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that said petitioner has lands in said County so situated that it has no connection with any public roads,
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that A. F. Farnham, Jacob Wagner and Bennett Million, three disinterested householders of said County be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said proposed private road and that said viewers meet at the residence of said Fox on the 22nd day of June 1870 and after being duly qualified that they proceed to view and locate a private road according to the application of the said Heaton Fox, leading from the lands of said Fox to some convenient point on a public road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka, terminating near the bridge on Wright's Creek, Jackson County, Oregon. The said viewers will also assess the damages to be sustained by reason of the location of such road, and the said viewers or a Majority of them Shall make their report in writing to the County Court at the next regular Session of the private road so located by them and also the amount of damages, if any, assessed by them, and the person or persons entitled to such damages.
    Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 O'Clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

June 8th A.D. 1870
    County Court met pursuant to adjournment. Present--Same as yesterday.
    Ordered A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Sum of One Hundred & Seventeen ($117) Dollars for Board & Medical attendance on Henry Reivers, a State patient, for 31 days in May & 8 days in June, being 39 days at $3 per day.        $117.00
    Ordered W. H. S. Hyde be allowed Eleven & 15/100 Dollars for County Poll books furnished County.        $11.15
    Ordered that all proceedings pertain to the petition &c. of Road from Link River to Indian agency be postponed until next July term of this Court.
    Ordered that all proceedings in regard to the road prayed for, from Bybee's Ferry to Ft. Klamath be continued to next July term of this Court.
    The Petition of E. Graupner & others for the location of a County road, commencing on the south side of California Street where it is intersected by Oregon Street in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, terminating at or near Robert Cameron's, County aforesaid, Now comes on to be heard, which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Hon. County Court for Jackson County, Oregon, We, the undersigned householders of said County and residing in the vicinity of the hereinafter proposed Road respectfully pray your Honl. Court to cause a County Road in said County to be viewed, Surveyed and established as follows, to wit:  Commencing on Oregon Street where it intersects California Street, on the South Side thereof, in the Town of Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, and running thence in a Southerly direction via Jo Wetterer's Saloon, P. Fehely's, Henry Bletcher's to Sterlingville, thence down Sterling Creek via Buncom and thence to intersect the road leading from Union Town to Palmer's Creek, where it terminates at or near Robert Cameron's in the State & County aforesaid, this road to follow the present traveled road through its entire course as nearly as the viewers may deem practicable.
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court That said petition is signed by more than twelve householders of said County, residing in the vicinity of the proposed road, And it further appearing that due notice had been given of the intention of presenting such petition at the present term of this Court and George Yaudes, one of said petitioners having filed his bond in the sum of $50 Conditioned as the law requires with William Bybee as surety, which bond is accepted & approved.
    It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petitioners, So far as to have a view and survey of said Road, be granted, and for that purpose it is ordered by the Court that John Head, A. M. Berry and I. Reynolds, three disinterested householders of said County be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said Road, and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same, and that said viewers and Surveyor meet at the County Clerk's Office of said County on the 13th day of June, 1870 or upon their failure to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter and after being duly qualified that they proceed to view and lay out said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, And that said viewers make their report of such view in writing and deliver the same together with the plat and Survey of said Roads by one of their number to the County Clerk of said County on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this Court to be begun and held on the first Monday in July next.
    The Petition of A. Darneille & others for the location of a county road, commencing on the public or County road on Applegate about one fourth of a mile below R. Benedict's house, and terminating at or near the house of J. W. Mee, and then commencing again at the crossing of Applegate Creek, terminating at the Josephine County line, Now comes on to be heard, which said petition is in words & figures following, to wit:
    "To the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, The Undersigned householders, residing within the vicinity of the proposed road, respectfully petition the Hon. County Court of said County to lay out & locate the following described roads and make the Same County roads. Commencing on the public or County road on Applegate about one fourth of a mile below R. Benedict's house, and thence crossing Applegate Creek at or near the mouth of Thompson's Creek, and thence up said Thompson Creek Valley Six Miles, terminating at or near the house of J. W. Mee, and then commencing again at the said Crossing of Applegate Creek and thence down on the south west of Applegate on the most practicable route to the Josephine County line."
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court, that said petition is signed by more than twelve householders of said County residing in the vicinity of the proposed Roads, And it further appearing that due notice had been given of the intention of prosecuting such petition at the present term of this court and Thos. Mee, one of said petitioners having filed his bond in the sum of One Hundred Dollars Gold Coin, conditioned as the law requires with Kaspar Kubli as Surety which bond is approved & accepted.
    It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petitioners, so far as to have a view and survey or said Roads be granted, and for that purpose it is ordered by the Court that C. B. Matney, Ed Hendricks & A. M. Berry, Three disinterested householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said road, and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same, and that the said viewers and surveyor meet at the office of Thos. Mee, J.P. on the 16th day of June 1870 or upon their failure to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter and after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view and lay out said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid and that said viewers make their report of such view in writing and deliver the same, together with the plat and Survey of said Road, by one of their number to the County Clerk of said County on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this Court to be begun and held on the first Monday in July next.
    The petition of Alf Rockfellow& others for the location of a County road Commencing at a point on the road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka, on the south line of Minus Walker's Claim, Terminating on the west line of the Old Yandell Claim, Now comes on to be heard, which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit:
    State of Oregon, County of Jackson.
    To the Hon. Board of Co. Comrs. in and for said County. We, the undersigned persons, liable to be assessed for highway laborer in said County and residing therein doth hereby make application to you to lay out a new road of the width of forty feet through lands not enclosed, improved or cultivated, excepting as to lands of Samuel Grubb, who has given his consent to the laying out of said road: Commencing at a point on the road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka on the South line of Minus Walker's Claim, Thence Eastwardly to the S.E. corner of said Claim, Thence northwardly on the line between the claims of Giles Wells and Minus Walker to near Emigrant Creek, thence along the now traveled road as near as practicable to near what is known as the little bridge on Bing's Creek, thence north Eastwardly to near what is known as the middle gate on Grubb's Milk Ranch, thence eastwardly to the bridge near Grubb's house, thence Eastwardly to the west line of the Old Yandell Claim.
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Said petition is signed by more than twelve householders of said County, residing in the vicinity of the proposed road, And it further appearing that due notice had been given of the intention of presenting such petition at the present term of this Court and J. P. Walker, one of said petitioners, having filed his bond in the Sum of $100 conditioned as the law requires with J. Q. Grubb as Surety, which bond is accepted & approved,
    It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petitioners, so far as to have a view and Survey of said road, be granted and for that purpose it is ordered by the Court that Freeman Yandell, Frank Smith & E. H. Lofftus, three disinterested householders of said County be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said road and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Same and that said viewers and Surveyor meet at the Office of A. V. Gillette in said County on the 21st day of June, 1870 or upon their failure to meet on that day then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified that they proceed to view and lay out Said Road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid, and that Said viewers Make their report of Such view in writing and deliver the same together with the plat & Survey of said Road, by one of their number to the County Clerk of said County on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this Court to be begun and held on the first Monday in July next."
    Ordered W. A. Childers be allowed Twenty-Eight & 80/100 Dollars, fees as County Commissioners, for 3 months, 6 days & 3 trips of 36 miles each.        $28.80
    It appearing to the Court from the representations of Drs. Overbeck and Greenman that Harry Reivers, an indigent person & also nearly blind, (if he remains here) will in all probability become totally blind and consequently a permanent County charge.
    It is therefore ordered that a Warrant to A. B. Overbeck for One Hundred Dollars, to be expended for the benefit of said Reivers, and to enable him to go to San Francisco to have treatment for his eyes.        $100.00
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed Forty-Seven & 31/100 Dollars for goods furnished Morse, a County Charge.        $47.31
    Ordered that Sachs Bros. be allowed One & 25/100 Dollars for 1 Blank Book furnished Supt. Com. Schools.        $1.25
    Ordered T. G. Reames be allowed Twelve Dollars for 3 Special Department Shffs. on Election day, June 6th, 1870.        $12.00
    Ordered T. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed One Hundred & four Dollars for Serving 54 Notices on Judges of Election, posting 54 Notices & Mileage.        $104.00
    Ordered T. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed Seventy Dollars for Keeping Jail ($50) & boarding Jailer ($20) for the month of May 1870.        $70.00
    Ordered that the following Bill of Costs be allowed in case of State vs. W. H. Myer before J. R. Wade, J.P., to wit:
To Evi Sebring as witness fees $  1.50
To Adam Wolf as witness fees 1.50
To Christian Hesse as witness fees 1.50
To Hyram Allison as witness fees 1.50
To John Thurber Sen. as witness fees 1.50
To Thomas G. Reames, Shff. as witness fees 2.50
To James R. Wade, J.P. as witness fees 11.70
    Ordered the following Bill of costs be allowed in Case of State vs. John Ambrose, before U. S. Hayden, J.P.
To P. F. Quinn as witness fees $  2.70
To R. L. Ferguson as witness fees 2.70
    Ordered W. H. S. Hyde be allowed Two Hundred & Thirty-Five Dollars Clerk's fees, as per Bill this day filed        $235.00
    Now at this day the report of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate a County road in Said County from the desert to Big Butte Creek Saw Mill comes on to be heard, which Said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Honorable County Court for the County of Jackson, State of Oregon, at the June Term, A.D. 1870: We, the undersigned viewers appointed to view a road from near the 11 mile post on the Jacksonville and Big Butte Saw Mill road to the Saw Mill on Big Butte Creek via the lower Bridge on Little Butte and What is known as the Reese Road, must report that we did meet the Surveyor at the time and place appointed and after being duly qualified proceeded to view out said road as per instructions finding a good practicable route for Said, and Said road being needed, we would recommend the Same be made a County road for further particulars, See the Surveyor report herewith filed.
W. B. Kincaid
William Sutherland
Baldwin Sills, Jr.
Jacksonville, June 4th 1870
    And the said report having been publicly read upon two different days the present term of this court, to wit: the 1st time yesterday and the Second time this day, and there being no remonstrance to the Same, and no petition for damages or for a review filed, and the Court being Satisfied, that Said proposed road will be of great public utility and the Surveyor's report, plat & field notes accompanying said report of the viewers,
    It is considered by the Court that Said report be & it is hereby in all things confirmed, and it is further ordered that Said report, Together with the report of the Surveyor, also the plat & Survey of said road, be recorded and that from thenceforth, the Said road Shall be considered a public highway and the Sup. through whose district Said road passes is hereby ordered to open & to Keep the Same in good repair.
    Now at this day the report of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate certain County Roads in Said Jackson County, to wit, a road from near the Bellinger place to Justus' lane, also a road from Van Dyke's to the west end of Chavner's lane & also a road from Bellenbrook's N.W. Corner to near the residence of Bartlett Obenchain, Comes on to be heard, which said report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    "To the Honorable County Court for Jackson County, Oregon at the June term A.D. 1870.
    "We, the undersigned, appointed to view a road from near the Bellinger place to Justus' land, also from Van Dyke's to the west End of Chavner's lane, also from Bellenbrook's N.W. Corner to near the residence of Bartlett Obenchain have the honor to report that we did meet upon May 13th 1870, the Same being within the time appointed to Commence said work (Daniel Doty being absent) and after being duly qualified, and with J. S. Howard, Surveyor, proceeded to view out Said roads, according to our instructions, continuing the same from day to day until completed. Said roads are upon good ground and are now in daily use as public highways. We would therefore recommend their adoption as County roads. For more minute details, See the Surveyor's report herewith presented.
June 4th, 1870
Merritt Bellinger
A. M. Berry
    "And the said report having been publicly read upon two different days, the present term of this Court, to wit: the 1st time yesterday and the 2nd time this day, and there being no remonstrance to the Same, and no petition for damages, or a review filed, and the Court being satisfied that said proposed roads will be of great public utility and the Surveyor's report, plat & field notes accompanying Said report of the viewers, It is considered by the Court that Said report be & it is hereby in all things confirmed and it is further ordered that said report, together with the report of the Surveyor, also the plat & Survey of said roads be recorded and that from thenceforth the said roads Shall be considered public highways and the Supervisors through whose districts said roads pass are hereby ordered to open & keep the Same in good repair."
    Now at this day the report of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate certain County Roads in Said Jackson County, to wit: a road from Rock Point Bridge down the South Side of Rogue River to Josephine County line, also a branch from the same up Foots Creek comes on to be heard, Which said report is in words & figures following, to wit:
    "To the Hon. County Court for Jackson County Court for Jackson County, Oregon at the June term A.D. 1870.
    "We, the undersigned appointed to view a road from the Bridge at Rock Point down on the South Side of Rogue River to the Josephine County line, and also a branch from the same and running up Foots Creek: Would report that we did meet the Surveyor upon the day appointed and after being duly qualified and adjourned until May the 16th when we met and proceeded in company with the Surveyor to view and survey the said roads as per instructions. Said roads are upon good grounds for a road and are much needed by the Community through which they pass. We would therefore recommend their adoption as County roads. For more particulars, See the Surveyor's report herewith presented.
June 4th, 1870
David Peninger
D. H. Burroughs
George V. Ingram."
    And the Said report having been publicly read upon two different days the present term of this Court, to wit: the 1st time yesterday and the second time this day and there being no remonstrance to the Same and no petition for damages or for a review filed, and the Court being Satisfied that said proposed road will be of great public utility, and the Surveyor's report, plat & field notes accompanying Said report of the viewers,
    It is considered by the Court that Said report be & it is hereby in all things confirmed, and it is further ordered that Said report, together with the report of the Surveyor, also the play & survey of said road be recorded and that from thenceforth, the said road Shall be considered a public highway and the Supervisors through whose district Said road passes are hereby ordered to open and Keep the same in good repair.
    Court adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 O'Clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

June 9th 1870
    County Court met pursuant to adjournment present Same as yesterday--
    Now Comes J. C. Hannah and applies to the Court for a renewal of his License to Keep a Ferry across Rogue River at the Ramey place about 11 miles above the Bybee Ferry. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, And said applicant having filed the receipt of the treasurer for the Sum of Five Dollars, the amount assessed, against him for such License & also filed bond which is approved,
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that said License issue to J. C. Hannah to keep the ferry aforesaid for one year from June 8th 1870.
    Now comes Louis Herling & applies to the Court for a License to Sell Spirituous Liquors at his residence in Jacksonville Precinct, Jackson County, Oregon in Measure less than one quart. And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that said applicant has filed the petition of a majority of the legal voters of said Precinct, praying that such License be granted and it further appearing that due notice of the intention to make Such application had been given and said applicant having filed his bond in the Sum of $500.00 Conditioned as the law requires which bond is accepted. It is therefore ordered by the Court that License issue to Said Louis Herling for the term of one year from June 7th 1870, he having filed receipt of Treasurer for $30, the amount assessed against him for said License.
    Court adjourned to Friday, July 1st 1870.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

June Term    July 1st A.D. 1870
    County Court met (on County business) pursuant to adjournment. Present:
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, County Judge
W. A. Childers, County Comr.
F. Heber, County Comr.
W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk
By Ed. R. Owen, D.C.
    Ordered F. Heber be allowed the Sum of Seventeen Dollars as County Comr. including July 1st 1870.        $17.00
    Ordered Joseph Ritter be allowed, for keeping John Adney (a County Charge) Thirty Dollars for the month of May & Twenty for June, Total fifty ($50) Dollars.            $50.00
    Ordered Max Muller be allowed the Sum of two hundred & Seven & 50/100 Dollars for Services as Treasurer and discount on legal tenders Sold (qr. ending June 30th 1870).        $207.50
    Ordered C. W. Kahler be allowed the Sum of twenty Dollars, fees for collecting bail bond on Wintjen, Helms & Owen, as Surety for Chas. Wright, being 10% on $200.        $20.00
    Ordered T. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of One Hundred & twenty-eight Dollars for attendance on Court & Summoning Jury, June Term 1870.        $128.00
    Ordered T. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Seventy Dollars for Keeping Jail and board of Jailer for the month of June 1870.        $70.00
    Ordered T. G. Reames be allowed the Sum of Sixty-nine & 10/100 Dollars Shff. fees in case of State vs. C. Schmidt before J. R. Wade, J.P. on Indictment for Larceny.        $69.10
    Ordered T. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Fifteen & 50/100 Dollars fees in case of State vs. Fiock.        $15.00
    Ordered T. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Three Dollars fees in cases of State vs. G. Berta & State vs. Chinaman in Justice Court before Wade, J.P.        $3.00
    Ordered W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Two Hundred & four & 60/100 Dollars Clerk's fees as per Bill of Costs this day filed.        $204.60
    Ordered W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Twenty-Six & 80/100 Dollars Clerk's fees in State cases now pending against Chas. Wright, David Girt James Hards (2) & A. Chrisman.        $26.80   
    Ordered W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Three & 05/100 Dollars Clerk's fees in case of State vs. Fiock.        $3.05
    Ordered W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the sum of Two & 40/100 Dollars in case of State vs. C. Schneider as Clerk's fees in Cir. Court.        $2.40
    Ordered W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Eighteen & 60/100 Dollars Clerk's fees for canvassing Election returns and Copies of Abstracts.        $18.60
    Ordered W. H. S. Hyde be allowed the Sum of Thirty-Three & 50/100 Dollars Clerk's fees in case of State vs. W. Nus.        $33.50
    Ordered T. G. Reames, Shff., be allowed the Sum of Seventy-three & 65/100 Dollars fees in case of State vs. W. Nus.        $73.65
    Ordered G. W. Ratrie be allowed the Sum of Three Dollars for canvassing Election returns for 1870.        $3.00
    Ordered J. R. Wade, J.P. be allowed Six Dollars for canvassing Election returns 1870. 2 days.        $6.00
    Ordered J. R. Wade, J.P. be allowed Six Dollars fees in State cases vs. G. Berta 1868 & a Chinaman 1869.        $6.00
    Ordered J. R. Wade, J.P. be allowed Ten & 75/100 Dollars fees case of State vs. C. Schneider. $10.75
    The Report of Wm. Brotherton, Sup. of Road District No. 26 filed Shows that he has worked all the hands in his district Their full time except the following who are delinquent as follows:
Franklin Cox, delinquent .38 H. L. Hill, delinquent .45
J. H. Bledsoe, delinquent .34 J. M. Crickett, delinquent .20
Thomas Constant, delinquent 1.93 Joseph Dickerson, delinquent .87
M. A. Houston, delinquent .21 Perry Foster (Poll only) delinquent
Josiah Hannah, delinquent 3.10 Daniel Winkle (Poll only) delinquent
B. F. Wade (not assessed) .00 Cyrus Pickens, delinquent 3.26
John A. Wilson, delinquent .25 George Eaimonte 2.87
John McIntosh, delinquent .68 James Raimey 5.80
S. A. Stevens, delinquent .93 James Taylor 1.00
W. A. Owen, delinquent 5.32
    The following persons are each entitled to a credit of one half day's work on their road tax for 1870, to wit:  John Pierson, J. Louisignant, Charles Vaughn, Mr. Rowland and Charles Dallas.
    The Supervisor claims 8½ days work over his road tax.
    Report accepted & approved.
    Ordered William Brotherton be allowed ten Dollars for Supervisor's Services for the year 1869 (5 days).        $10.00
    Ordered Court adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 O'Clock.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge   

July 2nd 1870
    County Court met (on County business) pursuant to adjournment. Present
Hon. L. J. C. Duncan, Co. Judge
W. A. Childers, Co. Comr.
W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk
By Ed. R. Owen, Deputy Clerk
F. Heber, Comr.
    Ordered W. A. Childers be allowed Twelve & 60/100 Dollars for Services as Co. Commissioner (including this day).        $12.60
    Ordered L. J. C. Duncan be allowed the sum of Two Hundred & fifty Dollars for services as County Judge for the quarter ending July 4th, 1870.        $250.00
    Now at this day Comes Thos. G. Reames, Shff. and Tax Collector of Said County and makes his report as Such Collector for the year 1869, by which it appears Said Collector has Collected and paid over or otherwise properly accounted for all the Taxes charged to him on the tax list of 1869, except the Sum of $892.58 returned delinquent, of which amount the Sum of $708 is for Poll Tax, and Cannot be Collected by law or Sale of property, leaving only the Sum of $184.58 delinquent on property tax, which also Could Not be Collected.
    It is therefore Considered that Said report be accepted and the Said Collector is discharged from liability on his Official bond so far as Said Tax list is Concerned.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
L. J. C. Duncan
    Co. Judge

July Term 1870
    Be it remembered that at a regular Term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County (Sitting on County business) on Tuesday the 5th day of July 1870 at which were present
T. H. B. Shipley, County Judge
John S. Herrin and
Thomas Wright, Commissioners*
and Silas J. Day, Clerk
    *John S. Herrin and Thomas Wright, County Commissioners-elect filed their certificates of election and oaths of office previous to taking their seats--
    The following among other proceedings were had--Silas J. Day, County Clerk-elect, presented his official bond in the sum of Ten thousand Dollars, with James T. Glenn, Joseph Swingle, Henry R. Brown and Newman Fisher as sureties, and the said sureties having qualified according to law, it is ordered by the Board that the said Bond be accepted, and thereupon the said Silas J. Day was duly sworn in as County Clerk--
    Ordered by the board that John Neuber, County Treasurer-elect, be required to give bonds in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars.
    Whereupon, the said John Neuber presented his official Bond in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, with James T. Glenn, D. Linn, N. Fisher, and John Wintjen as sureties, and the said sureties having qualified according to law, it is ordered by the Board that the said bond be accepted, and thereupon the said John Neuber was duly sworn in as County Treasurer.
    Henry Klippel, Sheriff-elect, having presented his official Bond in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, with Thomas Chavner, Kaspar Kubli, J. N. T. Miller and Thomas F. Beall as sureties, and the said sureties having qualified according to law, it is ordered by the Board that the said Bond be accepted, and thereupon the said Henry Klippel was duly sworn in as Sheriff.
    David Redpath, Assessor-elect, presented his official Bond in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, with James T. Glenn, W. H. S. Hyde, Veit Schutz and Wm. Bybee as sureties & having qualified, it is ordered by the Board that the said Bond be accepted and thereupon the said David Redpath was duly sworn in as Assessor.
    It was ordered by the Board that the persons named below be allowed fees as follows in the case of the State vs. W. Nus--June 15th 1870--Verdict of not guilty act. of costs to be paid by the County:
James R. Wade J.P. $10.00
F. M. Wright witness for State Feby. term 1870 26.00
James Helms witness for Defendant 4.60
David Phipps witness for Defendant 4.60
Merit Bellinger witness for Defendant 2.50
C. C. Bailey witness for Defendant 28.00
James H. Callahan witness for Defendant 28.00
J. H. Miller witness for Defendant 2.20
Frederick Myer witness for Defendant 25.00
W. Moody witness for Defendant 25.00
Dennis Crawley witness for Defendant 24.20
William Hicks witness for Defendant 26.00
Thomas McKee (or McKay),
half breed
witness for Defendant 25.00
A. J.  Burnett witness for Defendant 2.20
John S. Burnett witness for Defendant 2.60
Russian Jack witness for Defendant 3.80
John Shook witness for Defendant     2.20
June Term 1870
Witnesses for State
John Baker 5.20
George Nurse 31.00
George Fiock 4.20
I. R. Mecum 4.20
F. M. Wright 4.20
H. M. Thatcher 9.00
Witnesses for Defendant
John S. Burnett 24.00
Wm. Hicks 23.00
C. C. Bailey 25.80
W. Moody 23.40
Dennis E. Crawley 22.60
I. Fulkerson 17.60
John Miller 23.00
Isaac Lewis 10.60
Thomas McKee (or McKay), half breed 23.40
A. J. Burnett 24.00
Dejarlos, half breed 23.40
David Phipps 6.60
James Helms 8.60
J. H. Harris 17.80
John H. Lacy 16.20
Granville Naylor 18.20
Russian Jack 6.20
Frederick Myer 26.00
John Shook 27.00
John Thomas 23.40
W. A. Childers 7.60
Isaac Van Dorn       8.40
Total     $706.50
    Ordered by the Board that the persons named below be allowed fees as follows, in case of the State vs. George Fiock.
    Held by Justice Stearns, charged with Larceny, "Bill ignored by Grand Jury"
A. J. Burnett acting Constable $3.20
W. Moody acting Constable 19.00
A. F. Woodruff Witness 21.00
C. Schneider Witness 2.50
C. Dejarlos (half breed) Witness 5.00
W. Nus Witness 5.00
C. Schneider acting Constable 18.50
O. A. Stearns J.P. 5.70
George Cooksey Witness 8.20
James Barnes Witness 8.40
Edward Tiening Witness before Grand Jury 2.00
210 miles travel $21.00 Total   23.00
Total     119.50
    Ordered by the Board that the following named persons be allowed fees as Judges of Election, June 6th 1870--
1   John Daley $2.00 30 Wm. C. Greenman $2.00
2 J. P. Walker 2.00 31 S. B. Hull 2.00
3 J. B. Emery 2.00 32 Uriah Gordon 2.00
4 J. P. Burns 2.00 33 J. M. Crickett 2.00
5 Woodford Reames 2.00 34 Joseph H. Callahan 2.00
6 B. C. Goddard 2.00 35   A. J. Burnett 2.00
7 J. B. Wrisley 2.00 36 O. A. Stearns 2.00
8 J. J. March 2.00 37 S. Saltmarsh 2.00
9 R. V. Beall 2.00 38 John Head 2.00
10 A. J. Coakley 2.00 39 R. S. Armstrong 2.00
11 N. C. Dean 2.00 40 J. D. Buckley 2.00
12 D. F. Fisher 2.00 41 Lyman Chappell 2.00
13 Lafayette Gall 2.00 42 John Cantrall 2.00
14 D. N. Birdseye 2.00 43 John Mee 2.00
15 Ned. Darbon 2.00 44 A. Darneille 2.00
16 H. M. Chapin 2.00 45 John O'Brien 2.00
17 D. B. Goble 2.00 46 G. S. Moore 2.00
16 Charles Williams 2.00 47 R. A. Cook 2.00
19 William Wilson 2.00 48 J. R. Boss 2.00
20 A. S. Moon 2.00 49 Wm. Boyce (Paid) 2.00
21 B. F. Wade 2.00 50 G. W. Tetherow 2.00
22 John Obenchain 2.00 51 S. C. Stockton 2.00
23 John Stought 2.00 52 Lafayette Allen 2.00
24 Wm. Sutherland 2.00 53 David Wingfield 2.00
25 Levi  Tinkham 2.00 54 D. H. Taylor 2.00
26 Peter Simon 2.00 55 David Linn 4.00
27 J. A. Burns 2.00 56 H. V. Helms 4.00
28 S. B. Shafer 2.00 57 R. C. Armstrong 4.00
29 Abram Tenbrook 2.00
    Ordered by the Board that the following named persons be allowed fees as Clerks of Election, June 6th 1870
1   A. V. Gillette $2.00   21   J. W. Hull $  2.00
2 O. C. Applegate 2.00 22 Hiram Abbott 2.00
3 H. M. Thatcher 2.00 23 I. R. Mecum 2.00
4 John Howell 2.00 24 Wm. H. Roberts 2.00
5 W. J. Plymale 2.00 25 J. A. Saltmarsh 2.00
6 E. F. Walker 2.00 26 George Yaudes 2.00
7 Charles Cooper 2.00 27 John Cheatham 2.00
8 J. C. Slagle 2.00 28 John Wright 2.00
9 Abram Shultz 2.00 29 John Slagle 2.00
10 J. B. White 2.00 30 D. E. Kuder 2.00
11 Wm. G. Bohr 2.00 31 R. L. Squires 2.00
12 E. W. Hammond 2.00 32 M. O'Harra 2.00
13 M. A. Huston 2.00 33 L. N. Browning 2.00
14 Edwin Morgan 2.00 34 D. G. Browning 2.00
15 David Dunlap 2.00 35 Charles Craft 2.00
16 Madison Obenchain 2.00 36 Walter Croxton 2.00
17 A. C. Howlett 2.00 37 James R. Wade 4.00
18 John B. Farley 2.00 38 J. H. Huffer      4.00
19 C. S. Clark 2.00 Total     $80.00
20 Charles A. Cogwell 2.00
    Ordered that the following named persons be allowed fees as Messengers of Election June 1870.
Precinct Names Amount
1 Ashland J. P. Walker $3.40
2 Eden B. C. Goddard 2.00
3 Manzanita J. B. Wrisley 1.20
4 Butte Creek A. C. Howlett 3.20
5 Big Butte Creek Madison Obenchain 6.00
6 Table Rock W. Wilson 3.00
7 Willow Springs N. C. Dean 1.20
8 Rock Point J. B. White 2.80
9 Evans Creek M. W. Hale 7.00
10 Grants Pass W. A. Tork 5.60
11 Leland Wm. Brice (Paid) 9.00
12 Foots Creek R. A. Cook 4.20
13 Applegate John O'Brien 2.40
14 Union Town A. W. Sturgis 2.00
15 Sterling George Yaudes 1.60
16 Klamath I. R. Mecum 17.00
17 Flounce Rock J. M. Crickett 7.00
18 Goose Lake Abram Tenbrook 45.00
19 Jacksonville David Linn    [blank]
  Total     $123.60
    Ordered that the bill of O. D. Hoxie continued from June Term be continued until tomorrow.
    Ordered that the Petition of John D. Myers for a license to sell liquor in less quantities that 1 quart be postponed until tomorrow.
    Now at this day the report of Thomas Reynolds, John Head, and A. M. Berry, viewers of a Road from Jacksonville via Sterling, Buncom, and down little Applegate to near Union Town--is taken up and publicly read the first time--
    The report of A. F. Farnham, Jacob Wagner, and Bennett Million, viewers of a Private Road on the lands of Heaton Fox, intersecting [the] Stage Road from Jacksonville to Yreka, was taken up and Publicly read the first time--
    It was ordered by the Board that the Grand and trial Jurors in attendance on the Circuit Court June Term 1870 be allowed and paid the following fees as mileage and Per Diem--
Names of Jurors Fees  
1   Newman Fisher Grand Juror $  4.20
2 Horace Root Grand Juror 6.40
3 M. D. Sturgis Grand Juror 6.00
4 James M. Matney Grand Juror 7.00
5 J. T. Rowland Grand Juror 4.80
6 David Peninger Grand Juror 5.40
7 Addison Helms Grand Juror 4.20
1 E. W. Carver Trial Jury 10.20
2 W. F. Songer Trial Jury 9.40
3 Geo. W. Stephenson Trial Jury 10.00
4 S. Clark Taylor Trial Jury 8.00
5 Claiborn Neil Trial Jury 10.40
6 R. B. Perry Trial Jury 9.60
7 S. Plymale Trial Jury 6.20
8 R. S. Ferguson Trial Jury 9.20
9 J. B. Saltmarsh Trial Jury 7.60
10 Isaac Sachs Trial Jury 6.20
11 Samuel Robison Trial Jury 10.40
12 W. W. Kentnor Trial Jury 11.40
13 N. C. Dean Trial Jury 9.20
14 Joseph Swingle Trial Jury 11.40
15 E. D. Foudray Trial Jury 7.80
16 George Treble Trial Jury 6.20
17 John Neuber Trial Jury 4.20
18 John Sisemore Trial Jury 4.20
19 J. B. Thomas Trial Jury 6.20
20 Tod. Cameron Trial Jury 6.20
21 E. Jacobs Trial Jury 4.20
22 S. Oliver Trial Jury 6.20
23 Haskel Amy Trial Jury 4.20
24 A. J. Burnett Trial Jury 6.20
Martin F. Hurst mileage only 3.00
Martin H. Drake mileage only 2.00
John A. Lewman mileage only 3.80
Christian Weiss mileage only 2.60
    The Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at Nine O'Clock.
T. H. B. Shipley
    County Judge
    Court met Pursuant to adjournment. Present
T. H. B. Shipley, County Judge

July 6th 1870
    Court met pursuant to adjournment; present same as yesterday.
    It is ordered by the Board that Joseph Ritter be allowed Thirty Dollars for the keeping of Adney, a County Charge, for the month of July, 1870--as per contract.        $30.00
    Ordered that the Bill of A. V. Gillette, Supervisor Road District No.1, for lumber furnished said District, be received, and the amount $70.65 be allowed & paid.        $70.65
    Ordered that the bill of Henry Klippel for China licenses and Expressage on same amounting to $16.40 be allowed and paid.        $16.40
    Ordered that the Bill of Sachs Bros. for articles furnished "Morse," a County Charge, amounting to $27.76, allowed, and ordered paid--        $27.76
    Bill of Isaac Sachs, one of the Com. of Arrangements for celebrating the 4th of July, presented a bill of $10.00 for cleaning cannon, allowed and ordered paid.        $10.00
    Bill of George W. Mace for painting cannon for 4th of July by order of Judge Duncan amounting to $5.00 ordered paid.        $5.00
    Bill of T. H. B. Shipley for services as School Superintendent for one quarter salary amounting to $125.00 allowed and ordered paid--one hundred & twenty-five Dollars.        $125.00
    The petition of O. T. Brown asking the revocation of his ferry license on Klamath River coming on to be heard, it was ordered by the board that the license of the said O. T. Brown is hereby revoked, to take effect from and after this date--
    It was ordered that the private road of Heaton Fox be postponed to August term of this court and the said Fox be notified thereof and instructed to pay over to the Clerk of this Court all costs that have accrued by reason of the viewing and surveying of said road.
    In the matter of establishing a county road from the town of Jacksonville by Sterlingville, thence down Sterling Creek, to Buncom, and from thence to intersect the road from Union Town to Palmer's Creek near Robert Cameron's, came on to be heard, on the petition, report of the viewers, and Remonstrances--and the Court being fully advised in the premises, it is ordered that the former viewers, A. M. Berry, John Head, and Ithamar Reynolds, with J. S. Howard, County Surveyor, re-examine the propriety of changing the above road on the lands of Henry Blecher and Thomas H. Gilson as they may desire, and that a report of their proceedings be made to this Court at the regular term thereof in August 1870--The viewers to meet at the County Clerk's office Tuesday, July 12th at 9 O'Clock A.M. and qualify according to law--
    The petition of Hiram Abbott and others for the location of a County Road, Commencing at a point on the Bybee's ferry and Evans Creek Road about two miles North west of said ferry, and running thence on or near the present traveled road via Flounce Rock and Union Creek to Fort Klamath--came on to be heard, which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit;
    Petition for a Road from & near Bybee's Ferry to Fort Klamath.
    To the Hon. County Court for Jackson County, State of Oregon; at the June Session A.D. 1870--
    We, the undersigned Householders of Jackson County and living in the vicinity of the above named road, do hereby ask for the survey and location of a County Road, Beginning at a point on the Bybee's ferry and Evans Creek Road about (2) two miles North West of said ferry, and running thence on or near the present traveled road via Flounce Rock, and Union Creek to Fort Klamath--
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said petition is signed by more than twelve Householders of said County residing in the vicinity of the proposed road, and it further appearing that due notice had been given of the intention of presenting such petition at the June term of this court and the records of said June Term showing that all the proceedings in said road be continued to the July term of this Court--
    And it further appearing that William Bybee having filed his Bond in the sum of one hundred Dollars conditioned as the law requires with George Yaudes as surety, which bond is approved and accepted.
    It is therefore considered that the prayer of said petitioners be granted so far as to have a view and survey of said Road, and for that purpose it is ordered by the Court that A. M. Berry, James Kilgore, and John W. Baker, three disinterested householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said road and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the same and that the said viewers and surveyor meet at the office of the County Clerk on the 16th of July 1870, or upon their failure to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter, and after being duly qualified, that they proceed to view and lay out said road as prayed for in the petition aforesaid--and that said viewers make their report of such view in writing, and deliver the same together with the plat and survey of such road, by one of their number to the County Clerk of said county on or before the 3rd day of the next term of this court, to be begun and held on the first Monday of August next.
    The petition of Andrew J. Burnett and others for the location of a County Road from Link River to the Indian Agency Came on to be heard, which said petition is in words and figures following, to wit;
    Petition for a County Road commencing one mile East of the Link River Bridge on the Goose lake and Rogue River Valley Wagon Road, to intersect the Dalles Road North from Williamson River--
    To the Honorable County Commissioners Court for Jackson County, Oregon, sitting at the May term 1870
    We, the undersigned citizens and Householders of said County, would respectfully ask your Honorable Body to lay out a County Road, Beginning at a point on the Goose Lake and Rogue River Valley Wagon Road about a mile Eastward of the Link River Bridge and Running Thence by the most practicable route to the Indian Agency and terminating at the intersection with the road from The Dalles, built by the "Indian Department."
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said petition is signed by more than twelve Householders of said County living in the vicinity of said proposed road, and it further appearing that due notice had been given of the intention of presenting such petition at the June term of Said Court and the records of said June term showing that all proceedings in relation to said road were postponed until the July term of this Court.
    And it further appearing that George Nurse, having filed his Bond in the sum of two Hundred Dollars conditioned as the law requires with Andrew J. Burnett as surety which Bond is approved and accepted--
    It is therefore considered that the prayer of the petitioners be granted so far as to have a view and survey of said Road, and for that purpose A. M. Berry, James Kilgore, and John W. Baker, three disinterested Householders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed viewers of said Road, and that James S. Howard, County Surveyor, be and he is hereby appointed surveyor of said Road, and that the said viewers and surveyor meet at the office of the County Clerk on the 16th day of July, 1870, or upon their failure to meet on that day, then within five days thereafter and after qualifying that they proceed to view and lay out said road as prayed for in said petition, and that said viewers make their report of such view in writing and deliver the same, together with the plat and survey of such road by one of their number to the County Clerk of said County on or before the third day of the next term of this Court to be begun and held on the first Monday of August, 1870.
    The report of the viewers on the Road from Minus Walker's to Dead Indian Coming on to be heard, it was publicly read the first time--
    Ordered that the Bill of O. D. Hoxie for Board Nine weeks, ending July 5th, 1870, $45.00, and a linen Coat $2.50 Total $47.50, for Hanley, a County charge, be allowed, and paid.        $47.50
    Bill of O. D. Hoxie for opium furnished Hanley, a County Charge, read and laid over until tomorrow, amount $58.00.
    Consideration of County Surveyor Bill of Expenses for the month of June postponed until tomorrow--
    Court adjourned until tomorrow at 9 O'Clock A.M.
T. H. B. Shipley
    County Judge

Thursday, July 7th 1870
    County Business
    The Court met pursuant to adjournment, a full Board present--
    Now at this day the report of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate a County road in said County, commencing on the County or public road on Applegate, about one fourth of a mile below Rial Benedict's House and terminating at the House of J. W. Mee, and commencing again at the crossing of Applegate Creek on the aforesaid road and thence running down the South West side of Applegate to the Josephine County line, comes on to be heard, which said report is in words and figures following, to wit;
    To the Honorable County Court for Jackson County, State of Oregon, July term 1870--
    We, the undersigned appointed to view a road from near Rial Benedict's up Thompson Creek and down Applegate, having fulfilled the duties assigned us have the Honor to report that we met at the office of Thomas Mee, upon June 16th, 1870, and after being duly qualified, proceeded to view out said road according to our instructions, that we found good ground for said road without interfering with any one's improvements. The road up Thompson Creek being necessary for the use of the citizens of Steamboat City, as well as the Settlers on said Creek--
    And the road down the South Side of Applegate is necessary for the wants of a large Settlement in that part of the County as well as the town of Williamsburg; we would therefore recommend their adoption as County roads; for further particulars see the report and plats of the surveyor herewith presented.
Edward Hendricks
A. M. Berry
    And the said report having been publicly read upon two different days the present term, to wit; the first time on yesterday, and the second time this day, and there being no remonstrance to the same and no petition for damages, or for a review filed, and the Court being satisfied that said public road will be of great utility, and the surveyor's report, plat and field notes accompanying said report of the viewers--It is considered by the Court that said report be and is hereby in all things confirmed, and is further ordered That said report, together with the report of the surveyor, also the plat and survey of said road be recorded and that from thenceforth, the said Road shall be considered a public highway, and the supervisor through whose district said road passes is hereby ordered to open and to keep the same in good repair.
    Now at this day the report of the viewers heretofore appointed to view and locate certain County Roads in said Jackson County, to wit; a road from [the] South line of Minus Walker's land claim on the Jacksonville and Yreka Road and thence terminating at the Yandell Claim in Dead Indian Valley, which said report is in words and figures following, to wit;
    To the Honorable County Court of Jackson County, Oregon,
    We, the undersigned appointed by your Honorable Body to view and report on a road commencing at the South line of Minus Walker's land claim to Emigrant Creek, and thence as near as practicable on the now traveled road to Dead Indian Prairie,
    Would respectfully report that we met according to instructions and after being duly qualified, proceeded to view said Road and have located the same as indicated by the accompanying plat of survey, and would respectfully recommend that it be declared a public highway, as it is altogether practicable and would accommodate a large community of the Citizens of the County. All of which is respectfully submitted.
Freeman Yandell
Frank Smith
June 27th, 1870
    And the said report having been publicly read upon two different days the present term of this Court, to wit; The 1st time on yesterday, and the second time this day, and there being no remonstrance to the same and no petition for damages or for a review filed, and the Court being satisfied that said proposed road will be of great public utility, and the surveyor's report, plat and field notes accompanying said report of the viewers,
    It is considered by the Court that said report be and is in all things hereby Confirmed, and it is further ordered that said report, together with the report of the surveyor, also the plat and survey of said road be recorded, and from thenceforth the said road shall be considered a public highway, and the supervisor through whose district the said road passes, is hereby ordered to open and to keep the same in good repair.
    Bill of James S. Howard, County Surveyor, for the month of June 1870, presented, read and ordered paid.
    Ordered that the Bill of W.G. Douglass for stationery for the month of June be allowed--Amt. $16.00.
    Bill of O. D. Hoxie for opium furnished Hanley, a County Charge, amounting to $58.00 ordered to be deferred to August term of this Court.
    Ordered by the board that the County Clerk purchase Books and Stationery for use of County offices while transacting County business.
    Ordered by the Board that the Bill of O. D. Hoxie for 9 weeks board of (Hanley) a county charge be allowed ending July 5th 1870--amounting to $45.00 forty-five Dollars.        $45.00
    The case of John D. Myers, who applied for a license to sell liquor in quantities less than one quart Came on to be heard. It was ordered by the Court that when the said Myers deposits with the County Treasurer a sufficient amount of money to entitle the said Myers to a license from this Court for the purposes above specified, and otherwise complying with the law as by statute provided, then a license shall issue to the said Myers.
    The additional Bond of the Sheriff in the sum of Ten thousand Dollars as Chinese Tax Collector with John Wintjen, Veit Shutz and C. C. Beekman as sureties, read and accepted by the board--
    It is ordered by the board that the bill of P. D. Hull, Six Dollars, for (50) fifty certificates of election, be allowed.        $6.00
    It is ordered by the Court that the Sheriff take an inventory of all the property belonging to the County and file the same with the County Clerk on or before the third day of the August term of 1870.
    Court adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, 12th July 1870--at 1 O'Clock P.M.
T. H. B. Shipley
    County Judge

Tuesday, July 12th 1870
    The County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, met today for the transaction of County Business pursuant to adjournment. Present:
Hon. T. H. B. Shipley, County Judge
John S. Herrin and
Thomas Wright, Commissioners

Silas J. Day, County Clerk
    The subject matter of letting the contract for taking care of the Indigent sick and poor of Jackson County for the ensuing year was taken up, and it was ordered by the Court that notice be given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the County Clerk until 2 O'Clock P.M. of Tuesday, the second day of August, 1870 for taking care of the County poor of said County for one year to wit from the 4th day of August 1870 to [the] 4th day of August 1871 and the board reserved the right to reject any and all bids--
    Ordered that the following bills be allowed on accounts of County Road Surveys to persons and for amounts following, to wit; for the month of June 1870--
    On Survey of the Sterling Road
A. M. Berry Viewer 3 days at $2.00 per day $  6.00
John Head Viewer 3 days at $2.00 per day 6.00
Ithamar Reynolds Viewer 3 days at $2.00 per day 6.00
J. B. Coates Chainman 3 days at $2.00 per day 6.00
C. J. Howard Chainman 3 days at $2.00 per day 6.00
Henry Duncan Marker 3 days at $2.00 per day 6.00
A. M. Berry Use of team 3 days @ $3.50 per day 10.50
J. S. Howard Surveyor 3 days at $4.00 per day 12.00
    Also upon the Thompson Creek and down Applegate Roads
A. M. Berry Viewer 3 days at $2.00 per day $  6.00
Edward Hendricks Viewer 3 days at $2.00 per day 6.00
J. B. Coates Chainman 3 days at $2.00 per day 6.00
C. J. Howard Chainman 3 days at $2.00 per day 6.00
Henry Duncan Marker 3 days at $2.00 per day 6.00
A. M. Berry Use of team 3 days at $3.50 per day 10.50
J. S. Howard Surveyor 3 days at $4.00 per day 12.00
Provisions & board for 7 men 6 days--42 days @ .62½ per day 26.25
Making Plats and reports of said Roads 3 days @ 4.00 12.00
    Also on the Account of Dead Indian Road Survey
Freeman Yandell Viewer 6 days at $2.00 $12.00
Frank Smith Viewer 6 days at $2.00 12.00
J. B. Coates Chain Carrier 6 days at $2.00 12.00
C. J. Howard Chain Carrier 6 days at $2.00 12.00
Henry Duncan Marker 6 days at $2.00 12.00
A. M. Berry Self & Team 6 days at $4.00 24.00
James S. Howard Surveyor 6 days at $4.00 24.00
Making Plats and reports of said Roads 2 days 8.00
Provisions & board for 7 men 6 days--42 days @ .62½ per day 26.25
    The same certified to be correct by J. S. Howard, County Surveyor
    And the Court adjourned without day.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

August term 1870
    Be it remembered that at a regular meeting of the County Commissioners for Jackson County, Oregon, sitting in County Business on Tuesday, the 2nd day of August, 1870 at which were present
Hon. T. H. B. Shipley, County Judge
John S. Herrin and
Thomas Wright, Commissioners

Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk
The following proceedings were had, to wit;
    Reading reports first time (both majority and minority) of Survey & resurvey of Sterling Road--(read first time Publicly)
    On the written application of John D. Myers to sell spirituous liquors in Jacksonville Precinct at the forks of Jackson Creek Came on to be heard.
    And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said applicant has obtained the signatures of a majority of the legal voters of Said Precinct praying that such license be granted, and it also appearing that due notice has been given of the intention to make such application at the present term of the Court, and said applicant having filed his Bond as required by law, which Bond is approved, and having deposited with the County Treasurer the sum of $50.00 as evidenced by the Treasurer's receipt.
    It is ordered by the Court that license Issue to the said John D. Myer for Six months from the 1st day of July 1870.
    The written application of L. J. White to sell spirituous liquors in Rock Point Precinct came on to be heard, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said applicant has obtained the signatures of a majority of the legal voters of said Precinct praying that such license may be granted, and it also appearing that due notice has been given of the intention to make such application at the present term of the Court, and said applicant having filed the Bond as required by law, which Bon is approved, and said applicant having deposited with the County Treasurer the sum of $50.00 as evidenced by the Treasurer's receipt--
    It is therefore ordered by the Court that license Issue to the said L. J. White for the term of six months from the 1st day of July 1870.
    Ordered by the Court that the location and establishment of the Private Road of Heaton Fox continued from last term of this Court be further continued until all costs of location and damages assessed be paid to the Co. Clerk.
    Ordered that the Bill of W. H. S. Hyde for services at special session July 1870 be allowed.        $26.75
    Ordered by the Board that the Bill of Henry Klippel, Sheriff, for Keeping Jail for the month of July $50.00 and board of Jailer for same time, amounting to $20.00 = $70.00 be allowed.        $70.00
    Ordered that the Bill of W. A. Owens for Secretary for use of Sheriff's Office amounting to $25.00 be allowed.        $25.00
    Ordered that the Bill of Henry Klippel, Sheriff, as per bill filed amounting to $25.00 be allowed.        $25.00
    Bill of Silas J. Day for services attending County Court, Drawing orders, &c. as per bill filed amounting to $201.45 is allowed.
    Ordered that the Bill of O. D. Hoxie for Hanley's board, &c. (a County charge) for the month of July 1870, amounting to $22.50, allowed.        $22.50
    Ordered that the Bill of S. J. Day for articles furnished the County Clerk's office as per bill filed amounting to $2.50 be allowed.
    Ordered that the Bill of Pfeil & Smith for $5.00 as per bill rendered for putting up shelving in Office of County Clerk (vault) ordered paid.        $5.00
    Inventory of County property taken by the Sheriff submitted, examined and ordered placed on file.
    Bill of Sachs Bros. for articles furnished Sheriff's Office and Clerk's office and for County Charges--amounting to $23.34, allowed.        $23.34
    Lewis Ganung, Coroner-elect, presented his official Bond in the sum of $3,000.00 Dollars with B. F. Dowell and George Brown Sureties, and the Said Lewis Ganung having previously qualified as the law directs, it is ordered by the board that the said Bond be accepted.
    The Petition of I. R. Mecum & others for William Moody to be appointed Constable at Klamath Precinct in said County came on to be considered, and the Board being satisfied that it would be to the Interests of Klamath Precinct to have a constable there, the regularly elected constable having failed to qualify.
    It is therefore Considered that the prayer of the Petitioners be granted and that William Moody be and he is hereby appointed Constable of Klamath Precinct, the appointment to Commence from this date--
    The Bids for keeping the County Poor for the ensuing year were opened, and some of the propositions offered were accepted, the further consideration of the matter postponed to Septr.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'Clock A.M.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

Wednesday, August 3rd 1870
    The County Court of Jackson County, Oregon met today for the transaction of County business, pursuant to adjournment. Present, a full Board.
    Bill of O. D. Hoxie for opium furnished Hanley, a County Charge, and continued to August term, is by Hoxie's request continued to September term of this Court, and it is so ordered by the Board--
    Ordered by the Board that the bill of Dr. A. B. Overbeck for $299.37½ cts Balance on Hospital Contract for one year ending August 4th 1870, be allowed (the same being for the 4th quarter).         $299.37½
    Now at this day the report of Ithamar Reynolds and A. M. Berry, a majority of the viewers on the re-survey of the Road from Jacksonville via Sterling, Buncom, and down to Applegate, and also the report of John Head who submitted a minority report, the said reports were each taken up and Publicly read a second time--
    The majority report is in words and figures following, to wit:
To the Honorable County Court for Jackson County, State of Oregon, at the August term--
    We, the undersigned appointed to review the Jacksonville and Sterling Road by the places of Henry Blecher and Thomas Gilson, have the honor to report that we did meet upon July 12th, 1870, being the time appointed, and proceeded as per instructions and viewed out and surveyed the ground according to the desire of said Blecher and Gilson and we find that a road can be made upon said ground but not as good as that as first surveyed, being somewhat longer in distance and more upon the side hill, for more particulars see the report and plat of the surveyor herewith presented. Having thus reported we leave it to your judgment to decide recommending that one or the other be made a county road.
Ithamar Reynolds
A. M. Berry,
   The minority is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Honorable, the County Court of Oregon for Jackson County, sitting on County Business, at August term.
    The undersigned, appointed by your Honorable Board at the July term as one of the viewers to view and relocate the Road from Jacksonville to Sterling and Buncom to Applegate, would respectfully submit the following as a minority report of said survey for the following reasons;
    First, the resurvey is not on as good ground as the original survey was, Second, the road will be longer and will require more labor and money to make the proposed road. These and other reasons induce me to report unfavorably on the resurvey, and hope that the original survey will be adhered to--all of which is respectfully submitted.
July 30th 1870.
Signed, John Head
    And the said reports having been publicly read upon two different days of the present term, to wit; the first time yesterday and the second time this day, and Henry Blecher in person and by his Attorney Dowell and Watson ask that the further Consideration of the establishing of said road be postponed until some future day by this Court, It is therefore ordered that the further consideration of establishing said proposed road be postponed until tomorrow, Thursday, the 4th day of August, at half past 1 O'Clock--
    The jury list for Jackson County, Oregon for the year Commencing July 1870 is made out, approved, and filed this August 3rd, 1870.
    And the Court adjourned until to tomorrow morning at half past 9 O'Clock A.M.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

Thursday, August 4th 1870
    The County Court of Jackson County, Oregon met today for the transaction of County business, pursuant to adjournment. Present--the same as yesterday.
    Dr. A. B. Overbeck, the County Physician, was requested by the board to make a quarterly or Annual Report of the number of patients received into the Hospital, the date of admission, when discharged therefrom, &c. Said A. B. Overbeck came before the Board and made a verbal Statement as follows. The former Board of County Commissioners not having required him to comply with that part of the Contract made between them and himself, he had neglected to keep any record of Patients.
    The County Commissioners ordered that as the Contract between them and Dr. A. B. Overbeck for keeping the County Hospital during the past year having expired by limitation this day, that the Bondsman on the Contract of Dr. A. B. Overbeck be and they are hereby discharged or released as such Bondsmen.
    The Bill of Dr. L. T. Davis for keeping Samuel Hall, a palsied pauper, from Septr. 20th 1868 to Decr. 28th 1868 at $4.00 per day amounting to $400.00 was submitted to the action of the Board. And the Board after carefully Considering the case concluded that said Hall came within Dr. Davis' contract for keeping the County poor.
    And it was therefore ordered by the Board that the bill of Dr. L. T. Davis amounting to $400.00 be not allowed.
    The matter of the Jacksonville and Sterlingville Road via Buncom to Applegate, postponed from yesterday to half past 1 O'Clock this day Came on to be heard on the argument of counsel against the establishment of said Road, unless the same be made in accordance with the resurvey heretofore made by order of this Court and the question arising as to what Constitutes a legal petitioner for a road or remonstrator against the same, the Counsel asked for further time to prepare briefs and arguments to be submitted to this Court in relation to the matter. It was therefore ordered that time be granted until the coming in of the court tomorrow morning.
    And the court adjourned until tomorrow at 9 O'Clock A.M.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

Friday, August 5th 1870
    The County Court for Jackson County, Oregon met today pursuant to adjournment. Present the same as yesterday.
    The matter of the Jacksonville and Sterlingville Road by Buncom to Applegate postponed to this time from yesterday was taken up. The majority report of the reviewers was taken up and read, also the minority report, when it was considered by the board that the report of the reviewers were unfavorable to any change in the former survey--whereupon the former Report of the viewers and surveyor as well as the remonstrance was taken up, read, and after hearing the arguments of Counsel for and against the qualifications of the remonstrators, no evidence being offered to establish their qualifications; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the board that the remonstrance was not signed by a sufficient number of duly qualified remonstrators,
    It is hereby ordered by the board that the original report of the viewers on said road be admitted to the Record--which said report is in words and figures following, to wit;
    To the Honorable County Court for the County of Jackson, July term 1870--
    We, the undersigned appointed to view a route for a County Road from Jacksonville via Sterling, Buncom and down little Applegate Creek to near Union Town--having completed the duties assigned us have the Honor to report that we met the surveyor at the time and place appointed (viz. June 13th 1870), and after being duly qualified proceeded to view out said road as per instructions, keeping the old Road as far as practicable, but reviewing in a few places where it was necessary to get a better grade or to get better ground, Said road as at present surveyed, we believe to be the best ground and as said road is the only highway and the only means of egress and ingress for a considerable community living along the line of said route for 15 miles, and most of said road having been in daily use as a public highway for 15 years, we would therefore recommend its adoption as a county road. For further particulars see the surveyor's report.
I. Reynolds
John Head
A. M. Berry
    And the said Report having been publicly read upon two different days of this term of Court, viz. the first time on Tuesday and the second time this day and no petition for damages or for a review filed, and the Court being satisfied that said proposed road will be of great public utility, and the surveyor's report, plat and field notes accompanying said report of the viewers--
    It is considered by the Court that said report be and is in all things hereby confirmed, and it is further ordered that together with the said report, the report of the surveyor also the plat and survey of said road be recorded, and from thenceforth the said road shall be considered a public highway, and the supervisor through whose district the said road passes is hereby ordered to open, and to keep the same in good repair--
    Now comes this day John Neuber, County Treasurer, and represents to the Board that there are legal tender notes in the Treasury belonging to the County fund amounting to $259.00 and asks that the same may be converted into coins for distribution.
    And it is ordered by the board that the said John Neuber, Treasurer, be allowed to convert said Greenbacks into coin at the best advantage to the County--
    Bill of Wm. Kahler for $36.00 for Lumber furnished by him for Bridges in Road District No. 14, be allowed.        $36.00
    Ordered by the Board that the Bill of A. L. Bancroft & Co., amounting to $27.75 for Assessment Rolls and Blanks for County warrants--be allowed.        $27.75
    And the Court adjourned until the regular September term.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

Tuesday, September the 6th 1870
    The County Court of Jackson County, Oregon on County business met today in regular session--Present
Hon. T. H. B. Shipley, County Judge
John S. Herrin and
Thomas Wright, Commissioners

E. D. Foudray, Deputy Clerk
When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Ordered that the private road of Heaton Fox be established and admitted to record, it appearing that said Heaton Fox had complied with the orders of this Court by paying the expenses and damages in full from vouchers filed in this office, and also the report of the Viewers in words and figures following, to wit:
State of Oregon, County of Jackson
To the Honorable County Court for Jackson County
    In pursuance to the annexed order herewith returned, we the undersigned subscribers having been duly sworn according to law, proceeded with B. F. Myer, Deputy County Surveyor, to view and examine the ground on which it [is] proposed to locate a private road, described in the said order, and are of the opinion that a good road may be established on said route, commencing at a point on the lands of Heaton Fox, near the South East Corner of the north west Quarter Sec. No. 5, Township Thirty-nine (39) South Range one east, running thence North 54½ East, Eight Chains, thence North 38½" East Six Chains Seventy-Six links [to] intersect [the] Stage road from Jacksonville to Yreka near the bridge on Wright's Creek according to the plat of Survey made by the Said B. F. Myers herewith returned.
    We also further report that said proposed road will pass fourteen chains and fifty-two links through part of the premises of John Marks, and taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages he will derive from the Said road, we are of the opinion that he is entitled to the Sum of ten dollars for damages.
Respectfully Submitted
Dated June 29th 1870
A. F. Farnham
Jacob Wagner
Bennett Million
    Ordered that David Redpath, County Assessor, be allowed one month further time to finish up his assessment returns.
    Ordered by the Board that the bill of Silas J. Day, County Clerk, for Services for the month of August be allowed $72.50
    Order[ed] by the board that the bill of Lafayette Allen for Keeping Daniel Martin from April the 1st 1870 to August 1st 1870, a County patient, be allowed.        $80.00 
    Ordered by the board the bill of Henry Klippel, Sheriff, for Keeping the County Jail and board of Jailer and prisoner from the 2nd August to the 8th September be allowed.        $100.00
    Ordered by the board that Henry Klippel for attendance on the County Court for August term and Serving paper be allowed $10.70.
    Ordered by the board that the bill of L. Ganung, Coroner, for holding an Inquest on the Dead Body of Frank Parser be allowed.        $14.00
    Ordered that the following bill be allowed as follows for Jury and witness at Inquest on the body of Frank Parser.
J. B. Noland Jury 1.00
J. H. Smith Jury 1.00
Wm. Murphy Jury 1.00
J. F. Smith Jury 1.00
O. Gilbert Jury 1.00
G. N. Smith Jury 1.00
Ja. Hockersmith Witness 1.50
Daniel McMahon Witness 1.50
Samuel Hall Coffin 10.00
Richard Davis Hauling Corpse 10.00
    Ordered by the board that the bill of P. D. Hull for publishing Notice of County Hospital be allowed.        $10.00
    Ordered by the board that the bill of P. D. Hull for printing 1300 assessment blanks for the County be allowed.        $32.00
    Ordered by the board that the bill of P. D. Hull for Publishing of County Exhibit for the year ending July 1870 be allowed.        $25.00
    And the Court adjourned till tomorrow morning at Nine O'Clock.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

September Term 7th 1870
    The County Commissioners Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment. Present a full board.
    In the matter of the Survey of and location of Road from Bybee's Ferry to Fort Klamath and also the location of a Road from the Indian Agency to the Intersection of the County Road at or near Link River Bridge Came on to be heard and the report of the viewers of the said roads was read the first time today in open Court.
    In the matter of the Claim of Samuel L. Buser for damages came on to be heard and was laid over to the October term of this Court.
    Ordered that W. B. Douglas' bill for Drugs and Stationery furnished the County for the months of July and August be allowed.        19.12
    Now comes George Fiock and asks the Court to be released from the bonds of I. Mecum, Justice of the Peace of Klamath Precinct.
    Now comes Thomas McKenzie and prays the Court to relieve him from the duties of Road Supervisor prayer granted and in his recommendation Sanford Amy was appointed in his place.
    And it is ordered by the board that Sanford Amy be appointed Road Supervisor for Road District No. 7.
    Ordered by the board that the following bills [be allowed] for surveying and viewing and locating County Road via Sterling
A. M. Berry Viewer 1 Day $  2.00
John Head Viewer 1 Day 2.00
J. Reynolds Viewer 1 Day 2.00
J. B. Coates Chain Carrier 2.00
C. J. Howard Chain Carrier 2.00
Henry Duncan Marker 2.00
A. M. Berry for Team 3.50
J. S. Howard Surveyor 4.00
J. S. Howard Making Plat & Rept. 4.00
Board of Seven Men One Day J.S.H. 4.38
   Ordered by the board that O. D. Hoxie be allowed Twenty Dollars for the board of Alfred Hanley, a County Patient, for the month of August.        $20.00
    Ordered that J. M. Sutton be allowed for Stamps and Envelopes for the use of the County.        $2.87
    Ordered by the County board, the following fees shall be taxed against peddlers for selling Goods in this County for 2 horse vehicle for one month $15.00; for 1 horse vehicles for one month $10.00; for foot Peddler for one month $5.00, that the Treasurer be notified of the same.
    Ordered by the board that the following Bills be allowed for Expenses incurred by Jonathan Davis, a State patient.
Dr. A. B. Overbeck $80.00
Louis Horne board 15.00
Thomas Devins Sexton 5.00
    Ordered by the board that the following bills be allowed in the matter of John Clark, a State Patient.
George Seaman nursing 10.00
Louis Horne for board 4.00
Samuel Voce laying out and washing corpse of Clark & clothes
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at Nine O'clock.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

Sept. term 8th 1870
    The Court met this morning pursuant to adjournment; present the Same as yesterday.
    In the matter of the Petition for the location of a County road from the Jacksonville and Crescent City Road, passing up the main Applegate, Came on to be heard, and by order of the board, it was laid over for the October term of this Court.
    In the matter of J. Adney, a County Charge, It was ordered that J. Ritter be allowed Thirty Dollars per month each for the months of July and August 1870 making Sixty Dollars.        $60.00
    Ordered that T. G. Reames be allowed ten dollars for hauling State patients to Graveyard. Davis & Clark.        $10.00
    Ordered by the board that Linn & Hall be allowed Four dollars for repairs on Jail.        $4.00
    Ordered by the board that Linn & Hall [be allowed] for Coffins furnished for State patients Clark & Davis.        $20.00
    Ordered that Dr. L. Ganung, Examining Physician, be allowed five dollars for Examining Jonathan Davis, State Patient.        $5.00
    In the matter of the View and location of the Wagon Roads from Bybee's Ferry to Fort Klamath and the wagon Road from Indian Agency to the intersection of the County Road at or near Link River bridge Came on to be heard and after due notice the report of viewers was publicly read aloud in open Court for the Second time today at 11 O'clock A.M. and there being no remonstrance the report of the Viewers and no bills for damages, the report of the Said viewers be admitted to record and said petition therefore admitted to record and is in words and figures as follows
    To the Honorable County Court of Jackson County, Oregon,
    We, the undersigned road Commissioners appointed at the July term would respectfully beg leave to report.
    After having been duly qualified according to law, the undersigned met on Monday the Eighteenth of July, A.D. 1870, one and a half mile north of Wm. Bybee's Ferry, on Rogue River, at the Junction of the John Day and Rogue River Wagon Road with the Evans Creek Road near upper Table Rock in Jackson County; the Commissioners then proceeded to view and locate a County road from the point above named to Fort Klamath, and after faithfully and impartially viewing said route, we arrived at Fort Klamath August the third and your commissioners agree unanimously upon the practicability of said route, also the great and growing necessity of a county road through that portion of Jackson County and recommend the Honorable County Court of Jackson County to confirm the above named road.
    Your commissioners adjourned August third to Klamath Indian Agency and proceeded August 4th Fourth to view and locate a County Road from the Klamath Indian Agency to intersect the County road one mile East of Link River Bridge, and after faithfully and impartially viewing said road, we arrived at the point of intersection with the County road, one mile east of Link River Bridge, on Monday, August the Eighth, A.D. 1870,
    And do unanimously agree on the practability of the route above named and the Great necessity of a County Road from Link River to the Klamath Agency and recommend the confirmation of the last named road by the Honorable County Court of Jackson County and State of Oregon.
August 27th 1870.
James Kilgore
J. W. Baker
A. M. Berry
    And now It is ordered by the Court that as the reading and report has been regularly complied with in every and all respects, that the above road is hereby regularly established and said road ordered to be opened for travel and to be declared a public highway, and the Supervisors in whose district said Roads pass be and they are required to open the same and put and keep the same in repair for the use of the public.
    And it was ordered by the board that the following bills [be allowed] for the locating, Surveying and platting said Road,
    J. S. Howard for Surveying and making Plat of said Road, one hundred and thirty-Two Dollars.        $132.00
James Kilgore Viewer 46.00
J. W. Barker Viewer 46.00
A. M. Berry Viewer 46.00
J. B. Coates Chain Carrier 46.00
C. J. Howard Chain Carrier 46.00
H. Duncan Marker 46.00
A. M. Berry for team for the transportation of material
23 days
    Ordered that the bill paid Cole for Bridge over the Siskiyou Mountains be paid amounting to ten dollars.        $10.00
    Also order for board of a County patient at Madame Guilfoyle.        $7.00
    Ordered by the board that A. J. Burnett, Supervisor of Road Dist. No. 31 and B. F. Wade, Supervisor of Road district No. 26 be notified of the opening of the road up Rogue River and from Klamath Agency to Link River in their District                       
    Petition of Alfred Hanley, a County Charge, came on to be heard, alleging dissatisfaction of his present treatment, and requesting the board to place him in charge of Francis Ball. Francis Ball also appeared before the Court and proposed to Keep, board and clothe Said Hanley for twenty 20 dollars per month, therefore it is considered by the board that when Francis Ball files his agreement in writing with the County Clerk to Keep as above specified the Said Hanley, at that rate for three months or during the pleasure of the board, that an order issue to the Said Ball to take Charge of the Said Hanley.
    Ordered by the board that L. Ganung be allowed five dollars for examining John Clark, a State Patient.        $5.00
    And the Court adjourned without day.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

October Term 1870
    The Hon. County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, met today, the first Tuesday, 4th day of October 1870 in regular session. Present:
Hon. T. H. B. Shipley Co. Judge
John S. Herrin, Commissioner
E. D. Foudray, Deputy Co. Clerk
The following Proceedings were had:
    Now comes on to [be] heard the petition of Thomas H. Fielder and others for a county road from the County road on the Side of Rogue River at the mouth Evans Creek and running North across said River to intersect the County Road on the North Side of Said River, distance not to exceed one half mile. After reading the Said petition, it was considered that there not being a full Board that Said petition lay over to the next Regular term of Said Court and it was So ordered.
    In the matter of the petition of James A. Cardwell and others praying for a change of road from the North End of the Street at John Neuber's Corner and running North to the line of J. N. T. Miller's Farm, thence Easterly to intersect the road in the Hanley lane not to Exceed 2 miles came on to be heard. And reading the Same in open Court, The Petition being in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Honorable County Commissioners, we the undersigned House Holders of Jackson County, Oregon would represent to your Hon. Body that Notice has been given according to law, to change so much of the Valley Road, Commencing on fifth Street at the Corner of John Neuber's lot and running North East until it Strikes the old bed of Jackson Creek, and thence down said Creek bed of Jackson Creek until it enters the lands of J. N. T. Miller, thence on the Same line through the lands of Said Miller until it intersects the lands of Wm. Bybee, thence Easterly through said lands until it reaches the North East line of J. N. T. Miller's lands, thence North East through the lands of said Bybee until it intersects the Hanley Lane at or Near the Two mile Post or Bridge on Jackson Creek in Said Lane, distance less than two miles. Also a change in the Overbeck road commencing at the Junction of the Hanley and Overbeck lanes, and running west through the lands of Said Bybee until it intersects with the Valley Road, distance less than one half mile, and your petitioners would represent that the Said change will not materially affect the line of said Road, and place the same upon Better and firmer Ground, and by granting the change your petitioners will every pray.
James A. Cardwell and
Eighty-three others
    And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that the Petitioners have in everything complied with the law in every particular,
    Therefore it is considered by the Court that Said Petition be granted and that the following persons are appointed Viewers: Conrad Mingus, Robt. Armstrong, and Wesley Manning, and that Milton Lindley be appointed Surveyor of said road.
    In the matter of the Road running up Applegate be and the same is postponed until the November term of this Court.
    And now comes the Superintendent of Common Schools and makes his annual exhibit of the financial condition of the Public Schools of this County. And after an examination of the Same it is considered that the Said exhibit be accepted and so ordered.
    It was ordered by the Court that the following bills, State of Oregon vs. George V. Ingram be allowed and warrants drawn for the amounts to the following persons:
J. A. Winkle Witness fees 3.40
Willis Hayes Witness fees 4.10
B. Emmerson Witness fees 3.30
H. Cady Witness fees 3.30
John W. Ingram Witness fees 3.30
Elizabeth Ingram Witness fees 3.30
Henry Klippel Sheriff 11.45
Jas. R. Wade Justice 16.55
    Ordered that the bill of Samuel L. Buser for damages be deferred until a full Board are present for its Consideration and adjustment.
    Ordered that Francis Ball be allowed Fifteen Dollars for Keeping Alfred Hanley, a County Charge, from the 12th day of Sept. to Oct. 1st 1870.        $15.00
    Ordered by the board that John Neuber be allowed one Hundred and Fifty Dollars for the Quarter ending September 30th 1870.        $150.00
    Ordered by the board that Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed the Bills: For medical purposes, L. S. Morse, $9.00; Keeping Indian and treating him in hospital, 20.00; Keeping Indian McLane, 26.00; Keeping Indian John, 27.00; Total Eighty-Two Dollars
    In the matter of the Salary of the School Superintendent came on to be heard and it was considered that the further consideration of the matter be deferred until a full board be present and it was so ordered.
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at Nine O'Clock A.M.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

[October 5th, 1870]
    The Commissioners Court met this Wednesday morning, October 5th, 1870 pursuant to adjournment; present the same as yesterday.
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of Henry Klippel, Sheriff, for board of Prisoners, attendance on Co. Court and Collecting State Warrant, &c., &c. be allowed, the Amount Sixty-three dollars and Eighty-Six cents.        $63.86
    Ordered that the Sheriff's fees for Keeping County Jail and board of Jailer be allowed, Amount Seventy Dollars.        $70.00
    Ordered that the bill of Owens, Ish and Ross for work on Ft. Klamath Road be allowed, amount Twenty-Six Dollars.        $26.00
    25.00.  Ordered that the bill of Linn & Hall be allowed for Coffins & Digging Grave, the amount Twenty-five Dollars.        $25.00
    Ordered that Dr. L. Ganung be allowed five Dollars for examining patient Indian Jim.        $5.00
    Ordered that Lafayette Allen be allowed Twenty Dollars for taking care of Daniel Martin for the month of September        $20.00
    Ordered that the bill of Silas J. Day, County Clerk, be allowed, amount of Eighty-Eight and 45/100 Dollars.        $88.45
    Now at this day comes David Redpath, the County Assessor, and files his assessment Roll for the year 1870. After examination by the board the Same was accepted.
    Ordered by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, that the rate of Taxation for the Said County for the year 1870 be and the same is hereby established on the Taxable property of Said County as follows, to wit:
For State purposes 5½ mills on the Dollar
For School purposes 2 mills on the Dollar
For County purposes 12½ mills on the Dollar
State Poll 1.00
County Poll 1.00
Hospital Poll 2.00
Amount of Taxable property returned by Assessor for 1870: $  1,186.29
Amount of Polls Assessed by Assessor  854  for 1870 $23,725.90
3,416     3,416.00
  Whole amount of Taxes Assessed by Assessor for 1870: $27,141.90
    Ordered that O. D. Hoxie be allowed ten dollars for the Keeping of A. Hanley, a County Patient, for Two weeks in the first of September.        $10.00
    Ordered that T. H. B. Shipley Co. Judge, be allowed Two Hundred and fifty dollars as Salary for the Quarter ending October first, 1870.        $250.00
    Ordered that John S. Herrin, County Commissioner, be allowed for Twelve days (12) amt. thirty-six dollars, also mileage on the same, four dollars and 80 cents.
$36.00, $4.80.         $40.80
    Ordered by the County Court that David Redpath, County Assessor, be allowed Six Hundred and Fifty (650) Dollars for assessing the County for the year 1870.        $650.00
    And the Court adjourned until Monday, October 10th, 1870.
T. H. B. Shipley
    County Judge

October 10th 1870
    The County Court for Jackson, State of Oregon, met today, this Monday, October the 10th, pursuant to adjournment. Present:
Hon. T. H. B. Shipley Co. Judge
John S. Herrin, Commissioner
E. D. Foudray, Deputy Co. Clk.
    In the matter of the letting of the Wagon Road from Hugh F. Barron's on the North Side of the Siskiyou Mountain to the California line in the South Side of the Said Mountain came on to be heard,
    In words and figures following, to wit:
    Articles of agreement between the County Court of Jackson County and State of Oregon and the Siskiyou Wagon Road Company made and signed the 10th day of October, A.D. 1870 the said County Court agrees to release to the Siskiyou Wagon Road Company whatever part of the County Road from the residence of Hugh F. Barron in Said County across the Siskiyou Mountains to the California State line may be necessary or convenient for the location and construction of a good Clay Wagon toll road in the following terms and conditions,
    The Siskiyou Wagon Road Company is to make a new road at 28 miles and 25 Chains from the Town of Jacksonville, Oregon, and returning to it at the 29 miles and 2 chains making the Grade ½ inch to the foot less than the grade of the present road in the Steepest grade according to the Survey of Milton Lindley, made the 8th day of October, 1870, and also to get the road in good repair from the Said Hugh Barron's to the California State line in reasonable time from this date and to keep in good repair for the term of ten years according to the Statute in relation to private corporations, for the Construction of Clay Toll roads, &c. found in the Statute of Oregon from Page 657 to 672.
    It is agreed that the Said Siskiyou Wagon Road Company shall erect a Toll gate at or near the present toll House and collect and receive for the term of ten years from this date the same fees or tolls that are collected by an act of the Territorial Legislature of Oregon entitled, "An Act to Incorporate the Siskiyou Wagon Road Company," which passed the Council January the 12th 1858 and the House January the 14th 1858 and is found in the Special Laws of Oregon in pamphlet of 1857 & 8, pages 34, 35, 36 and 37.
    It is further agreed that at the end of ten years, the County shall have all the rights and privileges allowed by the general laws of Oregon in Section 38, Page 669, but if the County of Jackson Shall fail to pay the Said Company the amount allowed by Said Section, then in that event, the Said Company may change the amount allowed by article 3 and no more until the County comply with the terms of Said Section 38.
    In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and the private Seal of Said Corporation hereunto affixed, and the Seal of Said County of Jackson on the day and date above written.
James Thornton, President
James Laughlin, Cashier
Henry Thornton, Secretary
T. H. B. Shipley, County Judge
John S. Herrin, Co. Commissioner
Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of
B. F. Dowell
E. D. Foudray
    And the Court adjourned. Sitting for civil business adjourned.
T. H. B. Shipley
    County Judge

November Term 1870
    The County Commissioners for Jackson County, Oregon met today, Tuesday, November the 8th in Regular Session at the Clerk's Office of Said County. Present
Hon. T. H. B. Shipley, Co. Judge
John S. Herrin &
Thomas Wright, Commissioners

Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk
When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    Now at this day comes Thos. H. Fielder one of the petitioners for a County road Crossing Rogue River near the mouth of Evans Creek came on to be heard, and it was considered by the Court that the prayers of the petitioners be not granted and it was so ordered.
    Now Comes on to be heard the report of the viewers to locate or change a portion of the Valley Road from Jacksonville to intersect the Valley Road at or near the Bridge or Five mile post in the Hanley Lane, and after reading the report of the Said viewers, R. C. Armstrong and Conrad Menzies, it was considered by the Court that this Shall be declared the first reading and it was so ordered.
    Now comes on to be heard the Petition of S. L. Buser, claiming damages for injury Sustained by defective bridge on a County Road, and it was considered by the Court that the prayer of Said petitioner be and the Same is not allowed and it was so ordered.
    Now comes on to be heard the prayer of O. D. Hoxie, to be reimbursed for the amount of money paid out by him for opium furnished A. Hanley, a County Charge from June, A.D. 1869, to December 11th, 1869, amount $58.00. And it was considered by the Court that Said bill be not allowed and it was so ordered.
    Now at this day comes Henry Klippel, Sheriff, and files his bond for Ten Thousand Dollars with John Orth and James T. Glenn as Sureties as Tax Collector and Said bond was Considered by the Court and approved and was so ordered.
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of A. L. Bancroft & Co. for Tax Receipt books and Expressage on the Same be allowed amount        $24.90
    Ordered by the Court that the Oregon Sentinel be allowed bill of five Dollars for Notice to Supervisors to Extirpate the Cockle Burr.        $5.00
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of Oregon Sentinel for Notice to holders of County order for Three Dollars be allowed.        $3.00
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of Sachs Bros. for Goods furnished for the County be allowed, Amount Forty-Two and 65/100 Dollars.        $42.65
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of Lafayette Allen for the Care of Daniel Martin, a County Charge, for the month of October be allowed.        $20.00
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of I. J. Phipps for Wood for the use of the County be allowed.        $22.00
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of Thomas G. Devins for the digging of the Graves of Casey, an Indian, and McLane, County Patients, be allowed.        $10.00
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of M. Lindley for lumber furnished Road District No. 15, be allowed.        $29.16
    Ordered by the Court that D. Birdseye be allowed as per bill Twelve and 50/100 Dollars for lumber and work on bridge on County Road in Dist. No. 11.        $12.50
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of Francis Ball for Twenty-Two and 50/100 Dollars for the Care of A. Hanley, a County Charge, be allowed (for the month of October).        $22.50
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of Henry Klippel, Sheriff, for the board, &c. &c. of Prisoners in the County Jail One Hundred and Nineteen and 96/100 Dollars, be allowed.        $119.96
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of H. Klippel for the Care of the County Jail board and Extra Guard be allowed.        $105.00
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of the County Clerk for the Month of October and making the Tax Roll be allowed.        $219.80
    Ordered that the bill of Lewis Ganung for the Examination of Henry Howard, a County Charge, be allowed.        $5.00
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of J. Ritter for the Care of Adney, a County Charge, for the months of September & October be allowed.        $40.00
    Ordered by the Court that the following Fees be allowed in the Case of the State against Hang Wo (Chinaman).
To G. Karewski Witness 3.20
To George Seaman Witness 3.20
To Henry Klippel Witness 3.20
To Herman Walters Witness 1.70
To Susan (Chinawoman) Witness 1.70
To Henry Klippel Sheriff 8.60
To Lung Chow Interpreter 1.50
To James R. Wade Justice 17.70
    Ordered by the Court that John Connelly's bill of Thirty-Two Dollars for the Care of M. Quinn, a County Charge, be allowed to November 8th, 1870.        $32.00
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of Louis Horne for Fourteen Dollars for board of Henry Howard, a County Charge, be allowed.        $14.00
    Ordered by the Court that bill of Anna Dean for milk furnished Morse's family, County Charge, for Nineteen and 37/100 Dollars be allowed.        $19.37
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of John Howell for Lumber furnished Road Supervisor John Van Dyke be allowed (District No. 3).        $13.00
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of Jas. T. Glenn for Goods for the use of the County amount Ninety Four and 52/100 Dollars be allowed.        $94.52
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of L. Danforth for Surgical attention to McEwing, a County Charge, amount bal. Seventeen Dollars, be allowed.        $17.00
    And the Court adjourned until half past Nine O'Clock A.M. tomorrow morning.
T. H. B. Shipley
    County Judge

Wednesday, November the 9th, A.D. 1870
    The Commissioners Court met this morning; present [omission]
    In the Matter of the Petition of Cameron and others Came on to be heard for the establishment of a County Road up Applegate and it was considered by the Court that the petition did not state facts sufficient to give the Court Jurisdiction and the matter of the Petitioners dismissed.
    Ordered by the Court that the bill of E. H. Greenman for the Examination of County Patients J. W. Johnson, Hanley and Harry Reivers for fifteen dollars be allowed.        $15.00
    Ordered by the Court that the following Fees be allowed in the Matter of the State versus McDowell in Justice Court, Goose Lake Precinct:
To C. R. Gary Witness 2.70
To S. B. Schaffer Witness 2.90
To John O'Neil 2.90
To Ira Cogswell 2.00
To Amos Cogswell 1.90
To Charles A. Cogswell 1.90
To W. C. Greenman Constable 6.80
A. Penbrook Justice   7.25
    Ordered by the Court that the following bills for Viewing, Surveying and laying out change of Road from Jacksonville to the Hanley Lane be allowed:
To M. Lindley Surveying & Plat $11.00
To R. C. Armstrong Viewer & Chain Carrier 4.00
To Conrad Mingus Viewer & Chain Carrier 4.00
To G. Mace Marker 2.00
    In the matter of License for the renewal of [his license] to Wm. Bybee for his Ferry across Rogue River having presented the receipt of Co. Treasurer for Ten dollars for the same the Clerk was ordered to renew the License for one year from Augt. 8th, 1870.
    And now comes James Barkley and files his Receipt from the County Treasurer for Fifty Dollars and also his bond with George Nurse and Gustave Hohn as Sureties and ask the Court for License to sell Spirituous Liquors for six months at the Link River Bridge and it was considered by the Court that the said Barkley has complied with the law in regard to applications for said License, that the application be granted and that the Clerk issue a license to the Said Barkley for the term of Six months from this date.
    Ordered by the Court that the Bill of A. B. Overbeck, County Hospital for attendance on Howard and McCune Seventy Dollars and fifty Cents, be allowed.        $70.50
    Ordered by the Court that N. D. Short be allowed 150 cents per day for 23 days as cook in the Survey of the Bybee Ferry and Klamath Road and also the Road from the Agency to Link River, amount thirty-four and 50/100 Dollars.        $34.50
    Ordered that J. S. Howard be allowed Sixty-Nine Dollars for Provisions furnished for the following Surveys from Bybee's Ferry to Fort Klamath, also from the Indian Agency to Link River at 37½ [cents] per day for each man.        $69.00
    Ordered by the Court that Thomas Wright be allowed for Twelve days and Mileage as County Commissioner, amount Forty Dollars.        $40.00
    Ordered by the Court that the Superintendent of Common School, Wm. Turner, be allowed one Hundred Dollars for the Quarter ending September 30th, 1870.        $100.00
    In the matter of the Petition of Schafer and others Praying for the appointment of a Justice in the Goose Lake precinct came on to be heard, and it was considered by the Court that they had no Jurisdiction in the matter and for the want of Jurisdiction the court rejected the same.
    In the matter of Change of Road from Jacksonville to intersect the Hanley or Valley Road in the Hanley lane, the Report having been Read in open Court the Second time this day, which report is in words and figures following, to wit:
    To the Honorable County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, We the undersigned appointed viewers for change in the County Road from John Neuber's Corner to the bridge on Jackson Creek, in the Hanley Lane, not far from the Two mile post, on Valley Road and also a Change of the Overbeck Road from the Junction of the Hanley and Overbeck Lane and running West to intersect the Change of the Valley Road, Report that on the 15th day of October, A.D. 1870, after being duly Qualified according to Law, we proceeded to View Said change and recommend the changes to be adopted, for reasons that we believe the Ground to be better for a road and that the distance is Shorter on the Valley Road, and about the Same on the Overbeck Road.
R. C. Armstrong
Conrad Mingus
    The Same having been read on Two Separate days in open Court the above report and there appearing no protest or remonstrance to the same and the said petitioners having complied with all the requirements of the law in relation to the change or location of County Roads,
    It is therefore considered by the Court that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and the Said change be made and Established and that the Clerk of this Court Notify the Supervisors of the District through which the Said Road passes to open the Same and put them in good repair for Public Travel to the Corporate limits of the Said Town of Jacksonville.
    In the matter of the bill Lewis McCallister For Lumber furnished for the Galls Creek bridge came on to be heard and it was considered by the Court and T. H. B. Shipley, Co. Judge, was appointed a committee of one to examine into the matter of said bill and report the Same to this Court at its next regular Term.
    And the Court adjourned without day.
T. H. B. Shipley
    County Judge

December term 1870
    The County Commissioners for Jackson County, Oregon met today, Tuesday, December 6th, 1870 in regular session at the Clerk's office of said County, present
Hon. T. H. B. Shipley County Judge
John S. Herrin and
Thomas Wright, County Commissioners

Silas J. Day, Clerk
When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    $15.00.  The bill of Louis Horne for Boarding Howard, a County Charge, for 3 weeks amounting to $15.00 ending December 5th, 1870. Allowed.
    $5.00.  It is ordered by the Board that the Bill of Plymale and Manning for hauling the corpse of McClane to the Grave amounting to five dollars be allowed--
    $16.00.  The Bill of Wm. Bilger for supplies furnished to Morse, a County Charge, for the month of November, amounting to Sixteen dollars, is allowed--
    $38.15.  It is ordered by the Board that the Bill of S. J. Day for services for County Court for the month of November, amounting to thirty-Eight and 15/100 Dollars be allowed--
    $145.25.  It is ordered by the Board that the Bill of Silas J. Day for services and attendance on the Circuit Court for the November term 1870, amounting to one Hundred and forty-five and 25/100 Dollars, be allowed--
    $20.00.  The Bill of Lafayette Allen for taking care of Martin, a County Charge, for the month of November, 1870, amounting to twenty Dollars, be allowed--
    $6.87.  The Bill of T. O. Rourk for cutting 5½ cords of wood at $1.25 cts. per cord amounting to Six Dollars and Eighty-seven Cents be allowed.
    $7.75.  The Bill of Henry Klippel paid by him for washing for Prisoners in jail amounting to Seven Dollars and Seventy-five cents is allowed to be paid.
    $11.38.  The Bill of James T. Glenn for sundries furnished the County for use of Prisoners amounting to Eleven Dollars and thirty-Eight cents is ordered to be allowed.
    It was ordered by the Board the following named persons who were in attendance on the Circuit Court, November Term, 1870, as Grand and trial jurors be allowed the amounts set opposite each of their names as Mileage and per diem.
List of Grand Jurors Days Miles Fees
1   Henry Pape 4   2   8.20
2 Erastus Wells 4 40 12.00
3 John G. Van Dyke 4 14   9.40
4 James Miller 4 40 12.00
5 Ole Michelson 4 32 11.20
6 David W. Heuston 4 12   9.20
7 James V. Amerman 4 22 10.20
Trial Jury
1 John H. Breeding 11   40 26.00
2 Thomas F. Beall 8 10 17.00
3 J. N. T. Miller 9   2 18.20
4 Enoch Walker 9 12 19.20
5 William Ray 11   16 23.60
6 William Gregory 11   20 24.00
7 James McDonough 9 16 19.60
8 Milo Caton 9 32 21.20
9 John Tice 11     6 22.60
10 James Thornton 11   32 25.20
11 J. W. Dollarhide 9   6 18.60
12 John Norton 11   18 23.80
13 William Wilson 11   28 24.80
14 Orlander Coolidge 11   32 25.20
15 Frank Logg 11   14 23.40
16 David Birdseye 9 32 21.20
17 Robert A. Cook 11   42 26.20
18 Thos. McAndrew 11   14 23.40
19 John O'Brian 9 22 20.20
20 Jacob Roudebush 9   2 18.20
21 Dave Cronemiller 6   2 12.20
22 John Latshaw 10     2 20.20
23 J. A. Cardwell 9   2 18.20
24 Samuel Colver 10     2 20.20
    And the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'Clock.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

Wednesday, December 7th 1870
    The County Court met today pursuant to adjournment, present
Hon. T. H. B. Shipley County Judge
John S. Herrin and
Thomas Wright, County Commissioners

Silas J. Day, County Clerk
When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
    $20.00.  It is ordered by the board that the Bill of Lafayette Allen for keeping Daniel Martin, a County Charge, for the month of August 1870 be allowed.
    $20.00.  Joseph Ritter's bill of $20.00 for keeping Adney, a County Charge, for the month of Novr. 1870, was allowed by the Board--
    $22.50.  Francis Ball's Bill is allowed as per Contract for keeping Hanley, a County Charge, for the month of Novr. 1870, amounting to twenty-two & 50/100 $22.50 Dollars.
    It is ordered by the County Court that Harvey Deskins be and he is hereby appointed Supervisor of Road District No. 11 in said County until the February term of this Court ensuing--
    It is ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that the following fees be allowed in the case of State of Oregon vs. Henry Bailey: Indictment for Assault with a dangerous weapon.
Witnesses before J.P. Witnesses before G. Jury
R. H. Moore 1.50 R. H. Moore 2.00
George Seaman 1.70 Harriet Johnson 2.20
Harriet Johnson 1.70 George Seaman 2.00
Julia Bayley 1.70
E. H. Greenman 1.70
Lewis Zigler 1.70
J. T. Hunt 1.70
Samuel W. Vose 1.70
Lydia Roundtree 1.70
    It is ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that the following fees be allowed in the case of State of Oregon vs. Thomas Brown: Indictment for Arson in the night time.
Witnesses before J.P. on commitment
Wm. Bybee 3.20 W. H. S. Hyde 1.70
Richard Moore 1.70 Joseph Hendricks 1.70
T. G. Reames 3.20 M. R. Fletcher 1.70
John Walters 3.20 Isaac Sachs 1.70
Henry Pape 3.20 A. F. Wall 1.70
George Seaman 3.20 John Pearson 1.70
Witnesses for State before Grand Jury
Walker Harriott 5.20 William L. Robertson 4.40
William Harriott 5.20 William Bybee 2.20
John Pearson 4.00 John Walters 2.20
N. Stephenson 2.20 Alfred Sturgis 3.60
W. H. S. Hyde 2.20 A. M. Asbury 2.20
George Seaman 2.20 Henry Pape 2.00
Witnesses for State before Trial Jury
Walker Harriott 5.20 William L. Robertson 4.40
William Harriott 5.20 William Bybee 2.20
John Pearson 4.00 John Walters 2.20
N. Stephenson 2.20 Alfred Sturgis 3.60
W. H. S. Hyde 2.20 A. M. Asbury 2.20
George Seaman 2.00 Henry Klippel 2.20
Wm. L. Robertson 2.00
Witnesses for Defense
John Nolan 2.20 Silas J. Day 2.20
Names of persons subpoenaed to complete Jury in this case
L. D. Wade 4.20 Samuel Bowden 2.20
Thomas Brady 4.20 Samuel Centers 2.20
Charles Cogswell 4.20 S. Griffin 2.20
P. W. Stow 4.20 Danl. Lavenburg 2.20
J. A. Cardwell 2.20
    It is ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that the following fees be allowed in the case of State of Oregon vs. George Hawkins: Indictment for Assault with a dangerous weapon.
C. C. Gall, J.P. 6.60 George Cooksey 1.70
W. S. Gall, Constable 6.90 J. Q. Zachary 1.90
Witnesses before J.P. T. C. Land 1.70
W. C. Akers 1.90 David Miller 1.70
John Sisemore 1.70 David Wagner 1.70
John Cardwell 1.90
List of Witnesses before Grand and trial Jurors
John Sisemore 12.00 J. J. Nichols 6.00
T. C. Land 12.00 C. C. McClendon 8.00
George Cooksey 12.00 J. Q. Zachary 10.00
David Miller 10.00 David Wagner 12.00
John Cardwell 10.00 James T. Glenn 2.20
J. N. Smith 10.00 Daniel Colwell 7.00
Leroy Ingram 6.00 W. S. Bybee 7.00
J. Pankey 8.00 J. R. Wade 2.20
L. D. Wade 10.00 Isaac Sachs 2.20
W. C. Akers 10.00
    It is ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the case of the State of Oregon vs. George Hawkins: Cruel treatment to Animals
Fees of C. C. Gall, J.P. $5.25
Fees of W. S. Gall, Constable 7.45
Witnesses before J.P.
D. S. Miller 1.70
T. C. Land 1.70
J. Sisemore 1.70
George Cooksey 1.70
    It is ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed in the case of State of Oregon vs. Charles Hayden: Indictment for Larceny.
Witnesses before J. R. Wade, J.P.
Morris Mensor 1.70 Jerry Nunan 1.70
John Miller 1.70 James B. McDaniels 1.70
Benjamin Roth 1.70
Witnesses before the Grand Jury
Morris Mensor 4.20 Jerry Nunan 6.00
Benjmin Roth 6.00 John Miller 6.20
James McDaniels 6.20
Witnesses for State before trial Jury
Morris Mensor 6.00 James McDaniels 6.00
Jerry Nunan 6.00 Henry Klippel 2.00
Benjamin Roth 6.00 Joseph Swingle 10.20
John Miller 6.00 A. M. Berry 2.20
    It is ordered by the Board that the following persons be allowed the fees set opposite their names in the case of State of Oregon vs. B. F. Lewis.
Abram Tenbrook, J.P. 12.50
E. B. Reed, Constable 15.90
Ira Cogswell 1.50 Thomas Colvin 2.40
John O'Neal 2.20 A. B. Contner 2.20
Silas D. Powers 2.40 J. B. Shafer 2.40
Miron Cogswell 1.50 L. Sanborn 4.60
    The Petition of B. F. Wade, Supervisor of Road District No. 26 came on to be heard, asking for authority to purchase 5 or 6 Thousand feet of Lumber to Bridge Sloughs over 10 feet in space in his Road District before the winter renders the said Roads impassible.
    When it was Considered by the Board that as the winter season had set in Prior to the meeting of the Board, it would be better to defer the building of Bridges until Spring.
    It is considered by the Board that the following named persons be allowed the amounts set opposite their names in the case of the State of Oregon vs. Catt (a Chinaman): Indictment for Larceny.
Lafayette Gall, J.P. 5.50
J. Willis Hays, Constable 9.20
Witnesses before J.P.
James T. Jones 1.90
Bremas Fachnacht 2.00 J. S. Horn 2.00
Charles Keeney 1.60 D. H. Sexton 1.60
State Witnesses before trial Jury
Bremas Fachnacht 13.20 J. S. Horn 13.20
Joseph Rantz 13.20 J. T. Jones before G. Jury 8.80
Charles Keeney 12.60
Witnesses for Defendant
J. T. Jones 2.00 John Bonham 2.20
Henry Klippel 2.00 J. Willis Hays 4.60
T. N. Ballard 2.20 Dr. A. B. Overbeck 2.20
    Ordered by the Board that the following named persons be allowed the amounts set opposite their names in the case of the State of Oregon vs. Wesley Mitchell.
J. P. Burns   3.50
M. S. Booth, Constable 10.80
Witnesses before J.P.
Joseph Robinson 2.10 C. Hess 2.10
M. Grovelle 2.10
Witnesses before Grand Jury
D. Lavenburg 5.80 Isaac Woolen 6.80
J. Thornton 2.00 Joseph Robinson 6.40
Andrew Brophy 6.40 C. Hesse 6.40
William Smith 6.00
    It was ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that the following named persons be allowed the amount of fees set opposite their names in the case of the State of Oregon vs. George Benson: Larceny.
C. C. Gall, J.P.   5.55
Deputy Sheriff John Pearson   5.60
Constable W. S. Gall 11.70
C. D. Vaughn's fees 16.30
Nathan Simmons   2.00
Witnesses before J.P.
Squire Griffin 2.70 L. D. Wade 2.70
Witnesses before Grand Jury
L. D. Wade 4.00 John Pearson 2.00
E. Griffin 8.00
    $10.00.  The Bill of H. K. Hanna for services as District Attorney before Justice Court for Jacksonville precinct, two cases, one the State vs. Henry Bailey and one the State vs. Hong Wo, amounting to $10.00 allowed.
    $200.00.  The Board allowed the Bill of James D. Fay for professional services rendered in the case of Franklin Minert vs. Jackson County amounting to $200.00.
    $18.00.  The Bill of Louis Horne for meals furnished Jurymen at November term of Circuit Court amounting to Eighteen and 50/100 Dollars allowed by order of P. P. Prim, Circuit Judge.
    $120.00.  The Bill of Henry Klippel, Sheriff, for Bailiffs in attendance on Circuit Court at Novr. term, 1870--amounting to One Hundred and twenty dollars allowed by order of P. P. Prim, Circuit Judge of 1st Judicial District--
    $10.00.  The Bill of Dr. A. B. Overbeck for professional visits on examination of Thomas Brown and Catt, a Chinaman, amounting to $10.00 allowed.
    And the court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 O'Clock.
T. H. B. Shipley
    Co. Judge

Thursday, December 8th 1870
    The County Court met today pursuant to adjournment. Present a full Board of Commissioners and Clerk.
    Ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that the following bills of Dr. A. B. Overbeck be allowed.
    Visits and medicine to date for Mr. Quinn, a County Charge, amounting to        $17.00
    1 oz. opium for Morse, a County charge.        1.50
    Medicine and medical attendance in Hospital on Edward McClune from November 9th to Novr. 27th, 1870 inclusive, 18 days at $3.00 per day. 54.00  This is a State Patient. State owes $54.00.        Total:    $72.50
    $316.80 cts.  Henry Klippel presents claims against the County for $316.86 for services as Sheriff, attendance on County and Circuit Court, board for prisoners, Summoning Jury for November term 1870, &c. and said bill is allowed.
    $160.80.  Ordered that the Bill of Henry Klippel for fees as Sheriff, Serving Subpoenas in (8) Eight State cases amounting in the aggregate to one Hundred and Sixty and 80/100 Dollars be allowed.
    $25.00. It is ordered by the Board that the Bill of John Conley for keeping P. Quinn, a County Charge, board from Novr. 8th to Novr. 22nd, fifteen days at $1.00 per day and from Novr. 22nd to Decr. 8th, 1870 at $20.00 per month, amounting to twenty-five dollars, be allowed--
    Ordered by the Board that the following fees be allowed to the annexed list of witnesses in the case of Franklin Minert vs. Jackson County: Action at law for damages breaking through a bridge.
List of Witnesses for the County
John W. McKay 9.40 Addison Helms 8.20
Joseph Robinson 10.20 T. Grundy Owen 2.20
Thomas Brady 2.80
    The Bill of Louis McAllister for Lumber furnished to Road Districts Nos. 10 and 11, amounting to 8199 feet for which is charged the sum of $156.40 cts. continued from last term of this Court for report of Committee of investigation into the matter, came on to be heard, when the committee submitted the following report which said report was accepted and ordered filed and recorded.
    The following is the Report.
    To the Honorable the Board of County Commissioners for Jackson County, Oregon,
    The undersigned, your Committee, to whom was referred the Bill of Louis McAllister for Lumber furnished Road Districts Nos. 10 and 11--Beg leave to make the following report--
    I have been unable to see Mr. Ralls, Supervisor of Said District, consequently am unable to report whether the Lumber was hauled by his directions or not. I visited Galls Creek, the site of the intended Bridge, and found a large pile of Lumber there, the amount unknown to your Committee. Your Committee would respectfully recommend that a County warrant be issued for the original cost of the Lumber at the mill, and the cost for hauling said Lumber be further inquired into before said bill be paid--All of which is respectfully submitted,
T. H. B. Shipley
    Committee of One
    $82.00. The above report was adopted, and it was ordered that an order be drawn in favor of Lewis McAllister for $82.00 at the rate of $10.00 per thousand.
    Ordered by the Board that R. S. Dunlap be and he is hereby appointed Road Supervisor of Jacksonville Road District until the February term of this Court ensuing.
    And it is further ordered that R. S. Dunlap be notified of his appointment, and that he be ordered to immediately open the road from John Neuber's corner in accordance with M. Lindley's survey made in October last, and to keep the said Road in good repair, and that he require the Petitioners for said Road to do and perform one day's extra labor on said Road as by law provided.
    Ordered by the Board that T. H. B. Shipley, County Judge, be authorized to procure a Desk and other necessary furniture for his office, and that the said Judge order the bills for the same to be presented to the Board for payment--
    It was ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that the following amount of fees be allowed to J. R. Wade on the examination of the following State cause,
    State of Oregon vs. V. S. Howe--allowed        $8.80
    State of Oregon vs. Charles Hayden, allowed        $7.00
    State of Oregon vs. Henry Bailey--allowed        $14.30
    State of Oregon vs. Thomas Brown--allowed        $12.45
    And the Court adjourned without day.
T. H. B. Shipley
    County Judge

Last revised January 14, 2020