![]() ![]() Medford Pioneers: George H. Haskins ESTHERVILLE TOWNSHIP.--Justices of the Peace, A. Jenkins, D. W. Lane; Assessor, Frank Davey; Clerk, George H. Haskins; Trustees, G. M. Haskins; Jesse Coverdale, E. Whitcomb; Constables, D. P. Reynolds, J. A. Rhodes; Road Supervisors--Dist No. 1, L. Skinner; No. 2, tie vote between John Barker and L. Gould; No. 3, John Nowell; No. 4, Nelt. Stewart. Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa, November 16, 1872, page 1 SYRACUSE, N.Y., March 22.--The Republican State Convention was called to order this morning by A. B. Carroll, chairman of the state central committee. Geo. H. Haskins was chosen temporary chairman. "Political: New York Republican State Convention," Dubuque Daily Times, March 23, 1876, page 1 Vindicator: "We notice by an 'extra' of the Nance County (Nebraska) Journal, shown us by Dr. Ballard, that our former townsman, Mr. Geo. H. Haskins, has been elected county surveyor down there by a solid vote." "Among Our Neighbors," Spirit Lake Beacon, Spirit Lake, Iowa, November 27, 1879, page 2 Dr. E. H. Ballard left Thursday for a trip on the Pacific Coast, the first objective point being Los Angeles, Cal. After doing California he will tour through Oregon and Washington, visiting by the way his old-time friends, Geo. Haskins and the Lawton family at Medford, Oregon. "Local News," Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa, March 18, 1887, page 5 Will H. Jenkins of Portland, Oregon, by letter, gives some personals concerning different members of the Emmet County colony and commenting upon their location as follows: "Denison Lawton is still steamboating but thinks of leaving this fall and going to Medford. 'Pep' Jenkins has moved to East Portland and is working at the carpenter's trade. George Jenkins, Welcome Barber and Haskins still live in what I can't help comparing to a fool's paradise--still they think it is THE place. I wouldn't live on those mountains if it were three feet from heaven instead of being on the border of Sheol." "Local News," Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa, October 7, 1887, page 5 In the Medford (Oregon) paper appears some familiar names to the old residents of Emmet County, among which are Haskins and Lawton, druggists, comprising G. H. Haskins, our old-time druggist, and D. T. Lawton, who has lately removed to Medford from Portland. R. T. Lawton and son advertise as dealers in real estate. Good land is higher in price in Southern Oregon than in Iowa, we judge "Local News," Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa, December 2, 1887, page 5 Miss Pearl Day last week received from Mrs. Helen Haskins, a loved lady friend in faraway Medford, Oregon, a large box of flowers which are giving her and her friends rare delight. They consist of chrysanthemums, roses, mignonette, marigold and other varieties in great profusion, and fortunately they arrived in excellent condition. Their beauty and fragrance "fills the house." Freeborn County Standard, Albert Lea, Minnesota, December 17, 1890, page 20 ![]() March 13, 1888 Southern Oregon Transcript P. W. Croake, The Rogue River Valley, "The Italy of Oregon," Glass & Prudhomme, Portland, Oregon. Undated, written March 1891. Dr. Pickel last week purchased the fine lots fronting on 7th bought not long since by L. Shideler, and the lots fronting on 6th Street found a purchaser in the person of G. H. Haskins. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 3, 1891, page 3 Fannie Haskins is quite a good scholar. She made good progress in penmanship. She is studious and anxious for the time to enter college. J. C. Fielder, "Our Grade," Southern Oregon Mail, June 10, 1892, page 4 G. H. Haskins and family are preparing for an extended visit in the East. They will, of course, visit the world's far as well as many friends in Wisconsin. They will probably be absent several months and are figuring on having a general good time. The Mail hopes their expectations may be fully realized. C. C. Chitwood, a pharmacist from Ashland, is installed as a compounder of medicines at the Haskins drug store. His term of service in his present capacity will continue during Mr. Haskins' absence in the East. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 14, 1893, page 3 MR. G. H. HASKINS.
His lot embraces one-quarter of a block and is well planted to
shrubbery, flowers, fruit, berries and vegetables. His house is a neat,
cozy structure a good portion of which, together with a well-kept lawn,
is nicely shaded from the sun's scorching rays by a grand,
out-spreading and beautiful oak tree. Flowers, especially roses, fill
the yard with a great labyrinth of variegated beauty. Aside
from this property Mr. H. owns a quarter of a block on the corner of
Sixth and F streets which is a most desirable building spot. There are
also a couple of good resident lots on North C Street, in the Beatty
addition, which are branded with his ownership. This gentleman is
formerly from Fullerton, Neb., and has resided in Medford nine years.
He was one of the pioneers of the city and when he first cast anchor
here there was not a finished building on what is now our principal
business street. His business is that of druggist and he has conducted
very successfully, and profitably, a well-stocked drug store on Seventh
Street for a number of years.
Medford Mail, July 14, 1893 et seq., page 1 G. H. Haskins and family returned Wednesday from their extended visit in the East and the world's fair. They report a most pleasant time, and we couldn't think of mentioning the many places of interest they visited. If you have survived the descriptive ordeals of Ben Webb and D. S. Youngs and your arms are still intact, give Mr. Haskins a whirl at them. Their talks, however, are interesting and few there are who do not like to hear them. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 14, 1893, page 3 Druggist Haskins is not at present occupying the Roberts & O'Neil building, as reported by the Times correspondent, but expects to occupy it when he begins the erection of new brick. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 3 Mayor Haskins:--"It is quite probable my new brick store building will be commenced at once. I have let the contract for the brick work to Mr. Childers, and Messrs. Shawver& Nicholson will have charge of the wood work. There will be only the two end walls to put up, as the adjoining ones will be my side walls--and in which I have a part ownership. The building will be two stories high--the second story to be fitted for office purposes. The building ought to be in readiness for occupancy inside of three months." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 2 Mayor Haskins:--"I expect to be located in my new building between the first and 15th of July. I am having Weeks Brothers make my shelving and counters, and they are promised for about June first. Drs. Pickel and Geary will have offices over the store. Dr. Pickel will occupy the south front rooms and Dr. Geary the north front two rooms. These are both supplied with water from the city works. Back of these will be a fairly good-sized hall--large enough for lodge hall for secret societies. Possibly I will rent it for justice court use." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 2 MAYOR HASKINS' IDEAL STORE.
That Medford people are admirers of things beautiful is evidenced by
the many kindly and pleasant remarks passed by them upon the general
appearance of Mayor Haskins' new and very neat drug store. The Mail
would not be considered as extending its share of admiration if we were
not to make especial mention of this new institution. Through the
courtesy of Mr. Haskins a Mail
was given some few points, Tuesday evening, as to the general
dimensions of the building, and a few other notes, from which we are
enabled to give a few well-deserved lines of compliments.The Palatial Abode of Drugs, Drug Sundries, Pills and Patent Medicines. The building is situated on Seventh, or Main, Street, in the very center of our rapidly growing young city, and is 24x80 feet in size and two stories high. It is a brick structure and most beautiful to look upon. The main room below is 24x60 feet. In this salesroom is found a complete set of drug store fixtures which are truly beauties. The woodwork is wholly made from the very choicest of sugar pine lumber. The shelving, on either side, is of about the regulation height but instead of being pulled up at a short halt at the top there are hand-carved wood mountings, which, to the artistic eye, cannot fail to produce an effect pleasing and lasting. Under the base of the shelves are both small and large drawers, and still underneath these are a series of doors which open into small cupboards, wherein are stored goods not of everyday demand. All this work is ornamented with hand carvings, but the finest piece of workmanship is not displayed until the counters are seen. There are six of them, and we will venture the assertion that on them is executed the best and most artistic woodwork in Southern Oregon--yes, and we have our doubts about there being their equal in Oregon, not excepting Portland. They are hand carved throughout, and the panels mounted with birdseye maple. All these fixtures are done in natural colors--oiled and varnished. The work entire was executed by Messrs. Weeks Bros., and the imprint of their excellent work is plainly inscribed on every piece. The cost of the counters and shelving alone was just an even $400, but the work would be considered cheap at $600. At the rear of this room is a twenty-foot store room in which is the central office of the Rogue River Valley Telephone Company. The front of the store is of French plate glass, the panes being 46x66 inches in size. At the side of the main entrance is a four-foot stairway leading to the second story. The steps and wainscoting are finished in oil and in the step risers are set panes of French plate glass, which not only give a very neat and tidy appearance to the outside but furnish light to the store room underneath. On the second floor are five rooms. At the front are two rooms. 12x17, and back of these are two more rooms, 12x15 feet in size, one of each front and rear rooms being now occupied by Dr. E. B. Pick,el and Dr. E. P. Geary. These rooms are nicely finished, are light and pleasant and in them are to be found all the modern appliances of the medical and surgical profession--large. easy and convenient operating chairs, cases of surgical instruments and a large and well selected library of medical works. To each of the offices is furnished water from the city water works. and also waste pipes from the bath basins. Back of these offices is a room 20x40 feet in size, which is rented to the city council for their monthly meetings, and in which is also City Recorder Webb's and Justice Walton's offices. It is a very convenient room for the uses to which it is put, and its occupants are correspondingly happy. In front of this ideal store is a fine stone walk, the material used having been quarried near this place. The stone are laid in mortar and a pretty, solid and very lasting walk is thus made. The cost of the building complete was about $3500. Mr. H. is now figuring on putting in an arc light in his salesroom as soon as the electric plant gets to running. Mr. Haskins has been in the drug business in Medford for over ten years. He started in a very modest way, but by the most strict attention to business he has acquired a goodly amount of this world's goods and is enjoying a splendid trade. Medford Mail, August 17, 1894, page 3 Miss Irene Chitwood, of Ashland, has moved to Medford to keep house for her brother, C. C. Chitwood, who is running Mayor Haskins' drug store. Miss Lillie Watson was visiting them this week. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, April 25, 1895, page 3 Dr. B. F. Adkins and Mayor Haskins, with their families, leave this week in private conveyance for a camping tour of several months down in California and home via the coast and Humboldt and Del Norte counties. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, May 30, 1895, page 3 Major Haskins, B. S. Webb and Dr. Adkins, accompanied by their families, are home from their coast tour. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, August 8, 1895, page 3 F. V. Medynski will next week move to the Mingus residence, on North C Street, which by that time shall have been vacated by merchant Hutchison. Mayor G. H. Haskins will move to the residence now occupied by Mr. Medynski--the same having been purchased by Mr. H. several months ago. "News of the City," Medford Mail, August 21, 1896, page 7 The work of moving Mayor Haskins' two residences has been completed, the small house, formerly occupied by Mr. Haskins, having been moved to its future location the first of the week. "Additional City News," Medford Mail, November 6, 1896, page 6 As I. J. Phipps of Medford was returning home from the Normal commencement exercises at Ashland last Thursday evening with his family, Mrs. Mayor Haskins and Mrs. Sayre, his team took freight and ran away, upsetting the hack and quite seriously injuring Miss May Phipps and Mrs. Haskins and bruising several others of the party, though none were dangerously injured. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 21, 1897, page 3 Geo. H. Haskins is suffering from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. To get about of late the aid of a pair of crutches was a necessity. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1898, page 2 A delightful afternoon party, in honor of Miss Mae Earhart, was given by Miss Fannie Haskins, at the home of her parents in this city, last Saturday afternoon. The handsome double parlors were adorned with graceful sprays of English ivy, artistically arranged with choice potted plants. The afternoon was pleasantly occupied in various amusements, music, instrumental and vocal, and social chat. The guest of honor, Miss Earhart, exhibited an album of Alaskan scenes, where she has been residing for several years, which proved a rare treat and elicited much admiration. An elaborate but dainty spread was one of the features of the party. The dining room had been artistically decorated for the occasion with evergreens and flowers, which produced a very pretty effect. The elegantly appointed table was further embellished with a pretty bunch of holly at each cover and a centerpiece of growing maidenhair ferns. Those present were Misses Myrtle Lawton, Mae Phipps, Grace Foster, Aileen Webber, Pearl Webb, Virgie Woodford, Jessie Worman, Mae Earhart and Mesdames Bessie Plymale and Etta Bates. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 25, 1901, page 7 Oatis Hubbard is up on Butte Creek this week, erecting a dwelling house on Fannie Haskins' homestead. Miss Fannie Haskins is up at her homestead, on Butte Creek, this week. Her mother, Mrs. G. H. Haskins, and brother Leon are keeping her company. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 6 C. C. Chitwood, the druggist, came over from Klamath Falls Sunday evening and has accepted a position in G. H. Haskins' drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Haskins expect to leave for the East in a couple of weeks to visit the Pan-American Exposition. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 6 Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Haskins left Tuesday morning for a two months' visit with relatives in the eastern states. They will go direct to Albany, N.Y., where they will visit for some time, and will later visit Buffalo and other points of interest in the East. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 6 Leon Haskins:--"I had a letter Tuesday from Father and Mother. They were at Albany, New York, at that time, had been in attendance at the Buffalo exposition, and were soon to start for their visit in the middle western states. The weather has been too hot for them in [New] York state--but I don't imagine they will find anyplace much cooler until they strike Oregon." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 7 Druggist and Mrs. G. H. Haskins are expected to return today, Friday, from their extended trip through several eastern states, during which time they have visited with friends and relatives of childhood days. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 6 Druggist G. H. Haskins and son, Leon, left Monday for Berkeley, Calif., at which place Leon will attend a pharmaceutical college. Mr. Haskins, Sr., will return this week. Leon is nothing slow as a pharmacy clerk right now, but the law prescribes a regular course and diploma before persons can legally compound medicines. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6 C. C. Chitwood, who was in charge of the Mortar Drug Store during Mr. Haskins' trip east, has gone to Klamath Falls. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1901, page 7 Miss Fannie Haskins left Monday morning for San Francisco, where she will visit her brother, Leon, who is attending a pharmacy school there. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 6 Miss Fannie Haskins left Monday morning for San Francisco, where she will visit her brother, Leon. Miss Virginia Woodford entertained a number of her friends Saturday evening in honor of Miss Frances Haskins, who left Monday for San Francisco. The rooms were prettily decorated with flowers and vines in tones of red and green. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 13, 1901, page 18 Leon Haskins came home from Berkeley, Calif., Sunday for a visit with home folks during his school vacation. The young man is taking a course in the pharmaceutical department of the University of California, and is getting along finely in his studies. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 20, 1901, page 6 Leon Haskins returned Sunday evening to San Francisco to resume his studies in a pharmaceutical college. Miss Fannie Haskins returned Sunday evening from San Francisco, at which place she has been taking a several months' course in kindergarten school work. There are several of these schools in San Francisco, and students wishing to acquire a knowledge of the work are placed under instructors and are at the same time given a school to teach. Miss Haskins likes the work immensely well, and the course she has taken better prepares her for other school work, still it is possible she will give her attention to kindergarten work exclusively. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 6 Leon Haskins returned Monday evening from San Francisco, where he has been in attendance at a pharmaceutical school. He will have a vacation until August when he will again take up his studies and will graduate at the close of next year's term. Leon is a very capable young man and is preparing himself for a life of usefulness--which is commendable. The few instances of success such as his attract special attention when there are so many absolute failures seen on our streets daily. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 6 Mrs. G. H. Haskins and daughter, Miss Fannie, are drinking mineral water and camping out at Colestin for a few weeks. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 15, 1902, page 6 Leon Haskins left Sunday night for San Francisco, where he will resume his studies in the department of pharmacy at the University of California. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 29, 1902, page 6 School Opens.
Medford High School opened Monday with a good attendance, 400 pupils
being enrolled. The assignment of teachers is as follows: Prof. N. L.
Narregan, principal; Gertrude Sutton, vice-principal; May Phipps, 7th
grade; Mae Earhart, 6th; Minnie Hockenyos, 5th; Lizzie Ferguson, 4th;
Anna Jeffries, 3rd; Grace Garrett, 2nd; Gertrude Wilson and Fannie
Haskins, primary.
Medford Mail, September 19, 1902, page 2 Al. Elmer has gone to Medford to take a position in Haskins' drug store. Mrs. Chas. Prim was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Luy, of Medford, on Friday last. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, October 10, 1902, page 3 Leon Haskins returned Friday from Berkeley, Cal., where he graduated from the California College of Pharmacy, the 14th of May. "News of Society: Medford," Oregonian, Portland, May 24, 1903, page 31 Wedding Anniversary
and Reunion.
MEDFORD, Or., June 5.--(Special.)--The 60th wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. R. T. Lawton was the occasion of a family reunion held at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Haskins Sunday, May 22. Sixty years
ago, on May 22, 1844, at Verona, N.Y., R. T. Lawton and Miss
Frances West started on the journey through life together
which has
lasted the better part of a century. In 1846 they moved to Wisconsin,
where three children were born and who were present Sunday--two sons,
D. T. and J. W. Lawton, and one daughter, Mrs. G. H. Haskins, of
Medford, and 11 grandchildren, also T. F. West, a brother, and Mrs. E.
M. Denison, a sister of Mrs. Lawton. She also has a brother, J. R.
West, who lives in Reno, Nev. Mrs. L. J. Sears, a friend of over 30
years, and daughter Fay were present. The spacious rooms were
beautifully decorated, white roses prevailing in the parlor and
Jacqueminot roses in the dining-room, where the tables were arranged so
that Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lawton faced all the guests. A sumptuous
banquet was served at noon by Mrs. D. T. Lawton and Mrs. G. H. Haskins.Mr. Lawton, who was 84 years old May 3, 1904, is the only living representative of his family on his side. Mrs. Lawton was born at Grafton, N.Y., and will be 79 years old November 4, 1904. They have lived in Medford over 20 years, and both are in comparatively good health. Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 6, 1904, page 4 Change of Firm.
After the first of July, 1904, Leon Haskins will be
taken into partnership in my drug business, and the firm name and style
will be G. H. Haskins & Son.
In closing up my books, after a successive drug business in Medford for twenty years, I find many accounts owing me, which I would like to have settled before opening a new set of books. All persons knowing themselves being indebted to me will please call and settle. G.
Medford Mail, June
17, 1904, page 4
George H. Haskins Retires.
With the new year a change occurred in the Haskins drug business.
George H. Haskins, who has conducted the business since August 1884,
retired from business the first of the year, having disposed of his
interest in the business to Leon B. Haskins. Mr. Haskins ranks among
the pioneer business men of Medford, having established the first
exclusive drug store in this city, and it is with genuine regret on one
hand, and a feeling of pleasure that his long years of strict attention
to business have enabled him to enjoy the evening of life in peace and
comfort on the other, that his many friends will learn of his
Mr. Haskins has always been prominent in affairs which tended to the advancement of the city. He served as councilman, city treasurer and mayor, having been in the latter office four years, and has always worked for the best interest of the city. The change in the management will not alter the policy of the old reliable drug store. Leon B. Haskins is a thorough pharmacist, careful and accurate in the compounding of prescriptions, and strictly attentive to business. Medford Mail, January 6, 1905, page 1 Leon B. Haskins, 23, Medford, Oregon, and Gertrude H. Odgers, 19, both of Berkeley. "Many Marriage Licenses," San Francisco Call, September 6, 1905, page 6 George H. Haskins, the druggist, was in a very critical condition yesterday, he having had a stroke of apoplexy. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 22, 1907, page 5 ![]() One of the Founders of Medford
Or., March. 22.--(Special.)--George
H. Haskins, a pioneer druggist and
one of the founders of the city of Medford, died of apoplexy last
night. He came to Medford when the townsite was a wheat field and was
twice elected mayor. He will be buried on Sunday with municipal honors.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, March 23, 1907, page 7 Funeral Is Imposing One.
Or., March 25.-(Special.)--Every business house in Medford was closed
for two hours this afternoon during the funeral of George H. Haskins,
ex-mayor and one of the founders of the city of Medford. The funeral
was one of the most imposing ever held in this city.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, March 26, 1907, page 6 MEDFORD'S FIRST* MAYOR LAID TO
Hon. George H. Haskins Answers Final Summons-- One of City's Oldest Business Men-- Lived Exemplary Life--Tributes to his Memory
Hon. George
H. Haskins, Medford's first* mayor and one of her truest and
most loyal citizens, has joined the majority on that further shore.
On Thursday of last week our community was started and grieved to hear that Mr. Haskins had been stricken with apoplexy and that his recovery was doubtful. In the evening the sad intelligence was circulated that he had passed away, his death occurring at 6:15 o'clock. While it was known that Mr. Haskins was not in the best of health, his death was unexpected and cast a gloom over the entire community. The funeral was arranged for Sunday at two o'clock p.m., but was afterwards deferred until Monday in order that Miss Frances Haskins, the daughter of [the] deceased, might arrive from Moscow, Idaho. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church, Rev. W. F. Shields, pastor of the church, officiating, and the last sad rites at the grave were conducted by Medford Lodge I.O.O.F., the entire membership of the lodge attending in a body, dressed in the regalia of the order. Nearly every business house in Medford was closed as a mark of respect for the deceased, and the funeral procession which accompanied the mortal remains to their last resting place in the Odd Fellows cemetery was one of the largest ever seen in this city. The many beautiful floral offerings, the saddened faces of the large number in attendance, the tear-dimmed eyes, combined in silent expression of the love and respect for the departed and the deep grief occasioned by his demise. George H. Haskins was born at Waukeshaw, Waukeshaw County, Wisconsin, December 15, 1844. When very young he moved to Rock County, Wisconsin, and there was educated in Milton College. In 1864 he moved to Estherville, Iowa, in which place he was married to Miss Hellen F. Lawton, in January 1875. To this union two children were born--Fannie and Leon, who are well known to all. Mr. Haskins and family came to Medford in April 1884. About the time of the organization of the Presbyterian church in this city the Rev. M. A. Williams received Mr. Haskins into the church on profession of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and since that time he has been a member in good standing in that church. His business from his boyhood was that of a druggist. For twenty-three years he has lived in the city of Medford, in all of which time he has been highly respected by his fellow citizens. He was the first* mayor of Medford and was thrice re-elected. If there ever lived a man who was universally loved and respected, it was George H. Haskins, for he had no enemies, and there were none who could question his honor, honesty and integrity in business or his sincerity as a follower of Jesus Christ. Being one of the first to build a home and engage in business in Medford, he took a deep interest in the city and its institutions, being among the leaders in the promotion of every public enterprise. His family, his city, his friends and his church received his unselfish devotion at all times. Business success to him was synonymous with honesty, and he often advised his customers with detriment to his worldly possessions, because he believed in doing unto others as he would have others do unto him. He was an undemonstrative man, yet he gave expression to his faith recently in this manner: Walking along the street with a friend, soon after the burial of Mrs. Lawton, he said, "And who will be next? Perhaps I, but I am ready to go." Speaking of the future to his brother-in-law, J. W. Lawton, he said: "West, I believe in the Lord Jesus Chris, and always have." Deceased leaves a heartbroken wife, two children, Miss Frances H. Haskins, who has been residing at Moscow, Idaho, and Leon B. Haskins of this city, one grandchild and numerous other relatives to mourn his loss. In respect to his memory and sterling worth as an old resident and business man of our city, an address on his life and character was delivered by Dr. E. B. Pickel at the business men's banquet on Thursday evening, after which the assemblage stood with bowed heads for a moment in silence, with the sad memory in mind and heart of one whose efforts in the prime of life and associations in the closing years of a useful career were identified with the surroundings for the advancement of which they had met to promote. At a meeting of the city council on Tuesday evening, the following resolution was adopted: "Whereas, Death has removed from our midst George H. Haskins, a pioneer and the first* mayor of the city of Medford, "Now, Therefore, the mayor, the city council and the city officials of the city of Medford give expression of their sorrow at the loss of such a good citizen of sterling character, and tender to the family their sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement." George H. Haskins is dead. He needs no monument to his memory, for he will be remembered as long as Medford stands. Let us try to imitate his many virtues. Medford Mail, March 29, 1907, page 1 *Haskins was not Medford's first mayor. Leon Haskins is having material placed on the ground with which to replace the old front in his drug store with a new one. The entire front will be torn out and the material used in replacing it will be white pressed brick with red tucked joints, and at the crest there will be two cement acorns, this being the only cement work used. The store front will be of large plate glass. The entire front will be modern in every particular--and there'll not be a prettier one in the city. Contractor L. J. Rinehart will do the work. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 21, 1907, page 5 Fred L. Colvig, formerly of Grants Pass, well-known in Southern Oregon as a pharmacist of ability, has taken Mr. [Arthur] Whitman's place in Haskins' store. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 21, 1908, page 9 L. B. Haskins on Pharmacy Board.
May 22.--(Special.)--Leon B. Haskins, of Medford, was today appointed a
member of the State Board of Pharmacy to succeed Clyde B. Huntley, of
Oregon City, whose term expired recently.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 23, 1911, page 9 "I think the first public school taught in Spirit Lake," says my correspondent, "was in the Rice house, by Miss Helen Lawton." The house referred to was for many years the home of the family of Hon. Orson Rice, prominent among pioneers. It stood on the ground now occupied by the Senator Francis home. Miss Helen Lawton was a talented girl, daughter of an Emmet County pioneer. As Mrs. G. H. Haskins she has for many years lived in Medford, Oregon. "Some School History in Spirit Lake," Spirit Lake Beacon, Spirit Lake, Iowa, September 30, 1915, page 1 Mr. and Mrs H. M. French and Mrs. Marie Reinhardt of San Francisco are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Haskins. Mrs. French was formerly Miss Odgers, a sister of Mrs. Haskins, and will be remembered by the older residents in the city. Mr. French is connected with the San Francisco Call. Mrs. Reinhardt is the widow of a former school friend of Mr. Haskins, who was a victim of the flu two years ago and has often visited in te city. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, August 13, 1920, page 2 Leon B. Haskins
The first dollar I ever earned was
picking prunes on the Stewart orchard. All the boys in town worked
there, and Ralph Woodford rode his little pony and raced the rest of us
coming and going from work. We started in at 6 a.m. and quit at 7 p.m.
For the first week I devoured most of what I picked. I also gathered in
a few nickels now and then washing bottles, and thought then if I ever
collected enough of them I would start a drug store of my own."How I Earned My First Dollar," Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1921, page 4 HEATH
One of the largest deals in the mercantile line in Medford for some
time was the purchase of Haskins Drug Store by Heath's Drug Store, the
deal being completed today and the new firm taking immediate charge of
the business. The deal includes the two-story brick building, as well
as the stock, which is one of the largest in the city. The location is
also one of the best in the business district.
Both stores will be continued in their present locations. Fred Heath and son, Frederick, will have charge of the Haskins store and Larry Mann the Heath store. These three constitute the Heath Drug Co. Mr. Heath, Sr., came here from Eagle Point in 1916 and purchased the Diamond Drug Store, located where the Heath store now is, and has remodeled the store to secure more room and enlarged the stocks from time to time to meet their increased business, and today Heath's Drug Store is one of the best-known drug stores in southern Oregon and northern California. All the members of the firm are great believers in advertising and attribute their success to first-class goods, up-to-the-minute service, a square deal to everybody and publicity. Fred Heath is building a handsome residence on East Main Street, and both Frederick Heath and Larry Mann are local property owners and live-wire business men. The purchase of Haskins' Drug Store was actuated largely because the members of the Heath firm have explicit faith in the future of southern Oregon and especially Medford. Haskins' Drug Store was the first exclusive drug store in Medford and was established in the present location in 1883 by George H. Haskins, father of Leon B., who operated it until 1903, when it was taken charge of by Leon. The present brick building was erected in 1894, and remodeled to meet increase demands in 1907. Leon B. Haskins has not decided what he will do, but he intends to remain in Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1924, page 6 CHANGE
After having done business for 43 years under the same name, the
Haskins Drug Store now has a new title, having been changed to Larry
Mann's Drug Store this week. The change in no way affects the
proprietorship or the operating force of the establishment, which was
purchased three years ago from Leon Haskins by Heath's Drug Store,
which is located on East Main Street. The store was first established
in 1884 by George H. Haskins, who operated it until 1902, when Leon
Haskins took charge, operating it until 1924 when the establishment
changed hands, with Larry Mann of Heath's store taking charge.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 15, 1927, page 3 HASKINS HAT EXCITES BROTHERS OF ELKDOM
Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1929, page 2
A serious matter has arisen in the local Elks lodge calling for drastic
action at once on the part of the lodge to save its fair name, it is
rumored. So far, the matter has been kept quiet among the members
themselves, but gradually the news is leaking out to the general public
that something so radically wrong has happened that the grand exalted
ruler and the executive board of the grand lodge have been appealed to
for guidance in straightening things out.
The matter will be aired at the big installation of the new officers of the lodge next Thursday when every resident member within fifty miles will be present, so that whatever action is taken will be done by big majority rule. Investigation this forenoon by the Mail Tribune developed that this matter, which threatens to disrupt the lodge, pertains to Leon B. Haskins, a past exalted ruler of the lodge, having worn his straw hat on Easter Day, last Sunday. HASKINS' DRUG STORE OPENED HERE IN 1884
Shiny noses were no disgrace and rouge hadn't been invented in 1884
when George H. Haskins built a frame drug store building on the main
street of Medford in the place where Magill's drug store is now located.Horse Liniment Was Best Seller--Was Medford's Best First Exclusive Drug Store--Leon Haskins Manager Since 1903. Patent medicines and horse liniment were the best sellers in those days. 'Tis remembered that there were a few of the more fastidious women among the 200 Medford residents at that tine who slyly ordered Swan Down face powder from the local druggist--that being the only kind on the market. If a woman were too fat she didn't dream of ordering a patent reducing medicine from the local drug store. Pioneers knew their liniments but they didn't have a pet pill remedy for a headache on every day of the week. Mr. Haskins come to Medford from Spirit Lake, Nebraska, in 1884. The reason he located here was because it was the last train stop south with the exception of Ashland, which did not appeal to him, Leon Haskins, his son, related in a recent interview. Ten years later he constructed the Haskins brick building to replace the frame store. The place has been occupied by first one drug company and then another ever since that time. In 1903 Leon Haskins took possession of the drug store and managed it until 1924, when he sold the business to the Heath family. Heath's moved from that place and the store was sold to James McNair, who operated it until recently when L. H. Magill, of Bend, decided to open one of his stores in this city. Another store which numbers among the half-dozen pioneer shops in Medford is the Strang Drug Company, first located at Eighth and Front streets. Charles Strang, well-known local druggist, divided his interests between hardware and drugs, devoting half of the store space to each department. Thus two of Medford's pioneer drug stores were opened during the same year. Magill's have adopted as their official slogan "Medford's oldest and newest drug store." Medford Mail Tribune, May 31, 1929, page C1 COP COMPLEX OF LEON HASKINS IS IRK TO AUTOISTS
Medford Mail Tribune, September 18, 1929, page 7
Even when Leon Haskins was a little boy, it is said, he always aspired
to be a policeman. Natty blue uniforms had a peculiar fascination for
him, and the sight of gold braid and shining buttons, it is alleged,
filled him with particular glee.
But cruel fate decreed otherwise, and Leon, thwarted in his ambitions, could only dream of wielding a "billy club" as he slaved away in his office chair overlooking Medford's business district. But suppressed desires have a way of coming to the surface unexpectedly at times. At least that's the way his friends explained the local business man's strange actions at an early hour this morning. Dodging in and out behind cars parked along Main Street, he was discovered marking vehicles--a piece of policeman's chalk grasped in his fist, and a gleam of victory in his eyes. Having completely chalked up one line of cars, he is said to have waited his chance and pounced upon others as soon as their drivers had left them to do a bit of shopping in the stores. And now it is said that a petition is being circulated by car owners and friends of the local finance man, in an attempt to thwart any application Leon may have or may still make for a position on the Medford police force. Last revised March 5, 2023 |