The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Alfred Cobb Howlett and Sarah Elizabeth Cooke Howlett and their children.

Click here for A. C. Howlett's 50 years of news from the Upper Rogue River.

    The following are the appointments of the Pacific Conference for the present year:
*    *    *
    MARYSVILLE DISTRICT--B. R. Johnson, P.E.--Yolo Circuit, J. G. Johnson; Yuba City Circuit, R. A. Latimer; Penn Valley Circuit, D. M. Rice; Colusa Valley, J. G. Shelton, J. M. Lovell; Chico Valley, F. G. Grey, G. E. Dean; Red Bluff Circuit, A. C. Howlett; Nevada and Grass Valley Circuit, R. R. Baldwin; Shasta Circuit, John M. Ward; Stony Creek Circuit, L. T. Hawkins.
"Appointments," Visalia Weekly Delta, October 15, 1859, page 2

Howlett, Alfred C. and Cooke, Sarah E., married 1863 in Clackamas County
Oregon Historical Records Index

    FAITHFUL SERVICE.--Amid the trials of the last two weeks there are several persons who have earned the admiration of this community. The two brave women, Mrs. Howlett and Miss Mary Ralls, who have nursed Mrs. Love at the risk of their lives, are entitled to public gratitude. The Catholic Sisters, also, and Father Blanchet have been faithful and devoted to the sick. In a time of public calamity, when a dreadful malady, that nearly dries up the springs of human affection, and drives away friends in affright, is raging, too much praise cannot be given to those who so nobly face the danger of contagion.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 16, 1869, page 3

    SAD.--On Thursday evening, Mrs. Howlett and Miss Mary Ralls, who so bravely took care of Mrs. Love and her children, together with little "Maggie," were taken down with smallpox. Their cases are reported as mild and they are now being nursed by the Sisters of Charity. They have the public sympathy, and it is hoped their cases will not be serious.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 23, 1869, page 3

    Since last week we have had seven new cases of smallpox, four in the country and three in town--the latter are little Johnny Love, W. G. T'Vault and John Brewer. The two last were taken yesterday. Three of the former are in Ball's family, and the fourth is the wife of David Stearns on Wagner Creek--her case is said to be serious. All the patients at the two hospitals have been discharged as convalescent. Mrs. Howlett, Mary Ralls, the Bryant family and little Johnny Love are out of danger. Maggie Love and a half-breed woman at Brewer's are not expected to recover. It is hard to say when the terrible disease will disappear and we again urge vaccination and every possible precaution against contagion. Treat every ailment with suspicion until satisfied that it is not smallpox.--Sentinel.

"State Items," Oregon State Journal, Eugene, February 6, 1869, page 2  Reprinted from the Sentinel of January 30, page 2.

Jackson County, Oregon:
Howlett, Alfred C., 38, farmer, born Maine
Howlett, Sarah E., 22, born Missouri
Howlett, Walter H., 6, born Oregon
Howlett, Alferd W., 3, born Oregon
Howlett, Sarah S., 1, born Oregon
Howlett, Wilber F., 31, born Missouri
U.S. Census, enumerated June 30, 1870

Big Butte precinct, Oregon:
Howlett, Alferd C., 48, farmer, born Maine, parents Massachusetts
Howlett, Sarah E., 32, born Missouri, father North Carolina, mother Missouri
Howlett, Walter H., 15, born Oregon
Howlett, Alferd W., 12, born Oregon
Howlett, Sarah S., 11, born Oregon
Howlett, Millard M., 8, born Oregon
Howlett, Wilber H., 6, born Oregon
Howlett, Martha E., 4, born Oregon
Howlett, Bertha F., 2, born Oregon
Howlett, Maggie B., 1, born Oregon
U.S. Census, enumerated June 28, 1880

    [In 1863 Isaiah L. Hopkins] was sent to Jacksonville Circuit, where he remained but eight months. Here he erected a church, doing much of the work with his own hands. He was changed by his presiding elder to the Williamsburg and Kerbyville Circuit, two mining towns. He rented a parsonage, but so attentive were the people to the preacher's wants that his whole expenditure for the year amounted to but twenty-five cents, and that was spent for soda to raise his biscuits. On the day that he reached Williamsburg his quarterly meeting was to be held. The presiding elder got word during the day that his wife was very ill. He had no money, and there was no time to raise him any. Brother Hopkins gave him all he had--two dollars. That evening he went into an old, deserted miner's cabin to secret prayer, and as he knelt down he saw lying before him on the table a ten-dollar gold piece. He looked upon this as a special providence, and as a gift from that God whose hand knows just where to place those things his children need.
    Here the citizens bought a saloon and converted it into a church. As on the former occasion, the counter was transformed into a pulpit.
    He found it necessary to leave Oregon for the milder climate of California. Accordingly, in company with the Revs. D. M. Rice and A. C. Howlett, he set out across the mountains on his journey. During the trip the horses of Rice and Howlett were stolen. They borrowed other horses and proceeded on their journey. Just before reaching Colusa they passed two men on their stolen horses. Without saying a word to them, they rode on into Colusa, got out warrants and had them arrested as they rode into town. The preachers got possession of their property, and the men were sent to the state's prison for a term of three years.
John C. Simmons, The History of Southern Methodism on the Pacific Coast, Nashville 1886, pages 216-217

    A. C. Howlett also came recommended from the Vacaville and Putah Circuit. He filled two appointments in California, and was then sent to Oregon, where he labored until the organization of the Columbia Conference [page 330].
John Collinsworth Simmons, The History of Southern Methodism on the Pacific Coast, Nashville 1886, page 255

    The Columbia Conference was organized by Bishop H. H. Kavanaugh, September, 1866. The following preachers were present, and took part in the organization: C. H. E. Newton, A. E. Sears, James Kelsay, D. C. McFarland, J. B. Short, Levi Van Slyke, W. A. Finley, R. C. Martin, D. M. Rice, Thomas Brown, A. C. Howlett, J. Emery, J. W. Craig and R. C. Oglesby.
John Collinsworth Simmons, The History of Southern Methodism on the Pacific Coast, Nashville 1886, page 340

Declaration of Sarah E. Howlett to hold Separate Property
    I, Sarah E. Howlett, wife of A. C. Howlett of Jackson County Oregon hereby declare my intention to hold in my own name and subject exclusively to my Control the following personal property,
One Bay mare and her Sucking Colt the Mare is five years of age and branded on the left side
One White Cow and her Sucking Calf the Calf is a Bull Calf a Roan the Cow is branded on the left Hip thus JB and C on the right hip Ear marked as follows, a split in each Ear and an under bit in the right Ear.
One hundred and seventeen head of Sheep and lambs the most of them are marked with a Crop and under bit in the left Ear and a spilt in the right Ear. The remainder are in different ear marks.
Sarah E. Howlett           
State of Oregon, County of Jackson s.s.
    I Sarah E. Howlett first being duly sworn depose and say that the foregoing list of property and rights therein described belong to me that I acquired them from the Estate of my Father W. W. Cook late of Clackamas County Oregon deceased and that no part of said property was acquired by my said husband.
Subscribed and sworn to                 )                                         Sarah E. Howlett
before me this June 21st 1878      )
Silas J. Day Co. Judge
    Jackson County Oregon
Filed and recorded June the 21st A.D. 1878
                               E. D. Foudray Co. Clerk
Jackson County Register of Married Women's Separate Property

    A. C. Howlett and wife to M. E. Willoughby, 80 acres of land. Consideration $200.
"Transfers of Real Estate," Oregon City Enterprise, July 4, 1878, page 3

    The Jacksonville Times says: A ewe belonging to A. C. Howlett, of Big Butte, recently gave birth to a pair of lambs joined together at the breast, and having but one head and two eyes. Otherwise they were perfectly formed. Mr. Howlett has stuffed this monstrosity, which looks as natural as if living. It may be seen at his residence.
"State News," Eugene City Guard, July 12, 1879, page 1

    Only one dissentient in this school district on any question, so our school meeting was harmonious.
    The newly elected director is A. C. Howlett, new clerk Jos. Wisdom, both elected by acclamation.
"Big Butte Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 17, 1880, page 3

    The family of Rev. A. C. Howlett, who resides on the divide between the Little and Big Butte creeks, in Jackson County, is severely afflicted. All of his children, eight in number, were taken down with diphtheria some time since. Saturday a boy of 14, and on Monday another boy, died of this terrible disease, and a third was not expected to live when the messenger left. Among the 5 surviving children, only 3 seem to be showing any favorable symptoms.
"Southern Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, August 10, 1881, page 1

    Diphtheria is raging in some portions of Jackson [County], many malignant cases being reported. The entire family of Rev. A. C. Howlett, consisting of eight members, are down with this scourge, and several are not expected to live.
"Northern Coast Items," San Francisco Examiner, August 11, 1881, page 3

    MR. HOWLETT'S AFFLICTION.--Since our last another of Mr. Howlett's children died of diphtheria, making four out of that family within one week. The stricken family, thinking that perhaps the location of the house they lived in might have something to do with their sickness, have removed to Mr. Linksweiler's residence on Antelope Creek. A fifth child was quite low and not expected to recover when the messenger left. The deceased children were aged respectively: the boys, one fourteen and the other seven years; the girls respectively 6½ and four years.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 13, 1881, page 3

HOWLETT--On Big Butte, July 30th, 1881, Alford Willis Howlett, aged 14 years and 7 days. August 1st, Bertie Prescott Howlett, aged 4 years and 11 days. August 2nd, Martha Ellen Howlett, aged 5 years, 6 months and 17 days. August 5th, Wilber Herbert Howlett, aged 7 years, 9 months and 4 days. Children of A. C. and S. E. Howlett, all of whom died of diphtheria.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 13, 1881, page 3

    Rev. A. Howlett and wife, of Big Butte, Jackson County, Oregon, have buried five children who died with diphtheria since July 30th. The fifth child died last Friday. Mr. Howlett, after the fourth child had died, removed to Mr. Linksweiler's house on Antelope, hoping the change of location might check the ravages of the destroyer of his family.
Daily Intelligencer, Seattle, August 26, 1881, page 3

    FIRE.--The residence of H. C. Wilkinson on Big Butte was destroyed by fire on Friday evening last week, together with all its contents, and all the barns and outbuildings proved a total loss. We have heard no estimate as to what the loss will amount to, but the fire is generally supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Mr. Howlett and family occupied the premises at the time of the fire, and they are also heavy losers.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 12, 1882, page 3

HOWLETT--At Sams Valley, Sept. 3rd, Bessie Ish, daughter of A. C. and S. E. Howlett, aged 1 year, 6 months and 21 days.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 9, 1882, page 3

    Rev. A. C. Howlett, who has been quite ill with tonsillitis, is able to be about again.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1882, page 3

    Last Sunday night we had a temperance meeting; Rev. M. A. Williams opened it with reading two passages from the Book of Proverbs, singing and prayer, after which he led off with one of his characteristic speeches in which he presented the moral and financial phases of the subject, advocated prohibition and denounced the license system. A call was then made for Rev. A. C. Howlett, and although the call was unexpected he said that he was always ready to speak on the subject of temperance and Christianity, he presented the mental and physical side of the question and was afterward called upon to give his ideas of the hereditary effect of alcohol, which he did, showing clearly and conclusively that the effect is transmitted from parent to child, advocated prohibition and laid the sin of liquor curse at the door of the men who vote for liquor men or to perpetuate the liquor parties. Geo. Brown, one of our merchants, was then called to the stand; he spoke to the effect of a mother's influence in his own case and that of his six brothers, and referred to the fact that our great men, our Websters etc. have drunk their liquor, passed away and their children have been lost sight of, but our great men, Lincolns, Garfields etc. spring from men of temperate habits. The name of A. L. Haselton was then called; he came forward and read an essay, setting forth some of the intemperance customs that prevail among the fair sex, for instance, squeezing a number seven foot into a number two shoe and encircling a number twenty-four waist in a no. sixteen corset, etc. We had a very enjoyable time, and the exercises closed with a benediction by A. C. Howlett.
"From Eagle Point, Jackson County," Roseburg Review, September 25, 1885, page 4

    HOWLETT--Born to the wife of Rev. A. C. Howlett, Eagle Point of Jackson County, Oregon, Oct. 31st, a boy, weight 11 pounds. The mother and child are doing well, but the father's condition is critical and all hopes of his recovery are despaired of.
Roseburg Review, November 13, 1885, page 3

    At Eagle Point, Jackson County, Oct. 31, to the wife of Rev. A. C. Howlett, a son.
The Coast Mail, Marshfield, November 19, 1885, page 3

    A. C. Howlett lost their babe of summer complaint.
Martin Peterson, "From Central Point," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 27, 1886, page 3

HOWLETT--Near Eagle Point, Aug. 21st, 1886, of an infection of the brain and spine, William Cobb, infant son of A. C. and S. E. Howlett, aged 9 months and 21 days.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 4, 1886, page 3

    We had one of the most enjoyable occasions in our midst a short time ago. I refer to the marriage of Mr. James Lewis and Miss Sarah Howlett on the 3rd inst. I hardly know where to commence, or how to describe the occasion. On Monday the invitation cards were sent out, and by 10 o'clock a.m. of the 2nd the guests began to arrive and by 12 m. about twenty-five or thirty of the friends and relatives of the family had arrived. The host meeting each one in his usual affable manner made everyone feel that they were welcome, and at 12:15 the party congregated in the parlor, where the contracting parties, accompanied by James R. Williams of Central Point and Miss Mamie Wiley as bridesmaid and groomsman entered and took their places, when the venerable father in his usual easy and graceful manner pronounced the ceremony making them man and wife. He made one serious blunder, however, as he forgot to kiss the bridesmaid until some minutes after; then he rectified his mistake and all went merry as ever. One thing we will say, if ever we get married again we will be sure to have Mr. Howlett say the ceremony, notwithstanding the blunder. The groom was dressed in conventional black, and the bride--well, she looked as neat and--well, I will try and describe her appearance. She was dressed in a tan color cassimere trimmed with cream-colored silk and ribbon. It was made in the latest style and was exceedingly lovely. After the ceremony was over dinner was announced, and oh, my! such a dinner. The tables were loaded with everything that could tempt the taste. The bride's cake, which was baked by Mrs. Howlett, was the finest we ever saw. I will not try to tell what we had, only to say that we had almost everything that could be thought of. If you had seen the way we all ate you would have thought we had been fasting for several days. After dinner was over then each vied with the other to see how much could be enjoyed, and all seemed to pronounce the occasion a grand success. There were several handsome presents given to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. From Mrs. G. M. and Mrs. Jno. A. Love, a lovely glass set; Nada Inlow, fruit stand; Ama Inlow, water pitcher; Mr. and Mrs. Inlow, glass set; Mamie Wiley, glass berry bowl; Geo. Love, basket of grapes; James R. Williams, mustache cup for the groom to drink coffee out of; Aletha Mauzey, cup and saucer for the bride to drink tea out of; two lovely bouquets from Nada and Ama Inlow. About 3 o'clock the guests began to depart and in the evening the happy bride and groom took their departure for their home, with the congratulations of all wishing them a long life of prosperity and happiness.
"Antelope Anglings," Valley Record, Ashland, September 11, 1890, page 3

    Rev. A. C. HOWLETT, the newspaper correspondent, made us a substantial call Monday and left his measure for the Mail. Come around again, Dick.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 9, 1893, page 2  Howlett was the Valley Record's Eagle Point correspondent under the pseudonym "Dick."

    Uncle "DICK" HOWLETT was in Medford Saturday and as is his usual custom gave us an item of news like this: There were married, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Brownsboro, on November 30th, Mr. Henry Reynolds and Miss Mary A. Casto. Rev. A. C. Howlett, who is no other than the genial "Dick," performed the ceremony with the grace and dignity peculiar to his everyday demeanor--forgetting not the customary admonitions which if followed are such profitable adjuncts to a pleasant and prosperous life. The groom has a ranch on Little Butte Creek, and it was to this home that he took his newmade bride. The Mail hopes their lives may be as full of sunshine as Uncle "Dick" would wish them to be.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 7, 1893, page 3

Written expressly for the VALLEY RECORD
by regular correspondent, Dick.
    I herewith send you an account of a trip to Crater Lake and return, written from notes from Millie Howlett's diary:
    A company consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carney and their children, Anna, Thomas and Pansy; Frank, Lillie, Jessie and Josie Gregory, Ella Williams and Alfred Fish, of Central Point, Rev. E. E. Phipps, Miss Bell Cochran, of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis and their two children, Walker Lewis and Millie Howlett, collected at the ranch of James Lewis on Wednesday, Aug. 15, 1894, at 8 o'clock, The caravan started via the free ferry; but the guide not being familiar with the roads, and there being no sign boards, we got lost twice the first half day, but with all the drawbacks reached the ferry a little afternoon, and after crossing Rogue River we stopped to eat dinner in one of the dustiest places to be found, with only one small oak tree to make shade and the thermometer at 120°. After partaking of our first dinner camping out, we started on our way in high spirits, but had gone but a short distance when we discovered that two of the teams, that had not been used to hard work, began to show signs of failing, and there we had to "hang up" in a most miserable place; but says the diary: "We had quite a jolly time, as we had a violin and five players, among whom was one lady violinist, Miss Lillie Gregory. Dancing in the sand was fine; the only thing to mar the pleasure of the evening was that Mrs. Carney had the sick headache, but that was soon relieved by a dose of Garfield Tea administered by the camp physician."
    August 16.--All up and feeling fine. Drove past Mr. Gorden's fine ranch situated on Rogue River, 37 miles from the county seat. The surroundings would indicate that there was happiness and contentment there, as he seems to have around him all that would conduct to happiness. Before starting up the mile grade we all stopped to take a rest. Up the grade and around Flounce Rock, one of the most beautiful sights on the route thus far--a large, flat mountain, with its perpendicular walls, appearing to the beholder at a distance like a mammoth old-fashioned bed flounce, with all the richness of its variegation [of] colors. The next place of note on the route is the "Hole in the Ground." This is a short distance to the right of the road near the foot of the grade down Flounce Rock, it being a deep canyon in a comparatively flat tract of land, with its perpendicular walls and tall trees growing at the bottom. The next place noted was the ranch of Hon. Chauncey Nye, situated on the road about half way between Flounce Rock and the Mill Creek Falls. Here we stopped to dinner and by this time discovered that we had not taken enough provisions. After dinner we started for the falls, but found that the road was blocked with timber, so we had to cut our way out through the heavy timber and retrace our steps. On we went as far as the Rogue River bridge, where we stopped to view the rapids. To a person used to a prairie country this is a grand sight, the water falling out on an angle of about 45° over rocks and boulders for a distance of three-quarters of a mile, causing the spray to cover the bridge and filling the air with a fine mist. Satisfying our curiosity there, we proceeded to prospect and camped. Supper over, the two Lewises and Mr. Phipps went to watch a "lick" to try to kill a deer, and after Walker Lewis had sat on a limb of a fir tree, motionless, from 8 o'clock p.m. to l a.m., said: "Well, Jim, I can't stand this any longer," and just then a big buck whistled and off he went just in time to save his bacon; so they started for camp, but got lost and wandered around all night, reaching camp in time for breakfast. Those who remained in camp spent the evening playing cards, reciting stories and sleeping, for some were tired out.
    August 17.--Most of the company went to see the Mill Creek Falls, and to the average Oregonian they are a grand sight, the water falling over a perpendicular wall a depth of 210 feet. Here we concluded to see more of Rogue River so we descended to the water's edge and then jumped from boulder to boulder, witnessing the many curiosities there, among which was one large boulder on rock that the action of the water had cut a hole clear through. Bidding adieu to Rogue River and the falls we proceeded on until we reached Woodruff's on Union Creek at 3:30 p.m. without any dinner or water, as there is no water between Prospect and Union Creek, as hungry as wolves. Here we camped and the men watched the "lick" but caught nothing all that night. Saturday morning we remained in camp and went.to the natural bridge on Rogue River. It is composed of solid rock and is about 60 feet in length by 20 in width. Some of the party had a pony along and led it across the bridge. It is too rough to be useful as a bridge, but it is one of the natural curiosities of that section of the country. Alter dinner some of the younger members of the party started for the Rogue River Falls, and after traveling over brush and rocks, found them, but they do not compare with the Mill Creek Falls, the banks of the river in some places being very deep--from 100 to 150 feet down to the water. In the evening Messrs. Carney and Phipps started for the 5-mile lick; J. Lewis and Frank Gregory went to another that was nearer, and Alfred Fish and Walker Lewis--two of the boys of the camp--went to another, thus leaving Thomas Carney with two guns and a dog to guard the camp and take care of the girls, proving himself an expert at that business.
    August 19.--Got up early to get breakfast for the hunters. They all came in--without meat--except the boys, Al. Fish having fired the fatal shot, so the camp was supplied with meat for awhile. Carney and Phipps brought in the report that they had been lost most all night, but having found a haystack they piled up for the rest of the night. While they, the two last hunters, were eating their breakfast, a photographer [Perry Ellis] came along and took a photo of the camp. From there to White Horse Creek to dinner, arriving there at 5 p.m. as hungry as coyotes. Here is a fine camping place, water excellent.
    Monday morning found us on the road early, and arrived within 1½ miles of Crater Lake at 10:30 a.m.; camped there, but part of the company went right on to the lake and the rest remained to get dinner. On our way from Castle Camp, the last camp on Rogue River to the lake, we passed along Castle Canyon, so named from its natural castles or monuments, which stand as silent sentinels with their heads towering hundreds of feet above the rippling waters of the river, with its perpendicular walls from 1000 to 1500 feet in depth. Here the scenery is grand beyond description. In the far distance you could see Union Peak; off to the west another natural curiosity called "Rabbit Ears." which are two points of rock projecting from another that very much resemble the ears of a rabbit, consequently the name. After dinner off we went to see the lake. On the way up we met some of the party on the way back to camp, but on we went up through snow (August 20th) until we at last reached the banks of that world-renowned summer resort. But the most difficult task was yet to perform, that of descending to the water's edge, a distance of 2500 feet, some of the way down a narrow trail over a precipice that seemed almost perpendicular. Walker Lewis and Millie H. went down to the water alone and arrived in camp in ample time for supper.
    The lake is surrounded by the grandest natural scenery on the Pacific Coast, and in some respects surpasses the scenery of the Alps mountains. The lake itself is surrounded on all sides by almost perpendicular walls of rocks, and these are surrounded by massive peaks on almost every side.
    Among the most prominent mountains surrounding the lake are Mt. Jackson and Mt. Llao on the west; the latter has a tradition that causes all the aborigines of this country to quake with fear at the mention of the name. Mt. Thielsen is in the distance in the northwest; Mt. Scott in the east, while Mt. Cathedral is one of the lake's eastern boundaries. Two miles from the water's edge is the crater. The mountain in which the crater is situated is 845 feet high above the level of the lake's surface. The crater is 400 feet in diameter and 100 feet deep; one can go to the bottom of it on the snow. Mr. Perdue has a boat on the lake for the accommodation of visitors, but when this crowd was there the boat had got away and he was constructing a raft to go out into the lake after it, so we were deprived the privilege of exploring it further.
    That night in camp the time was spent with vocal and instrumental music, there being two vocal music teachers, Messrs. Phipps and Fish. About this time a tree fell and in that pure, clear atmosphere the noise it made startled all hands and they thought that a "bear" was in camp.
    Wednesday morning, the 21st, we started home, a part of the crowd via Ft. Klamath and the rest via the Rogue River route. On the return they camped at Prospect and spent the evening very pleasantly with Messrs. Aiken and Boothby and their families. Also camped at Mr. Gorden's, where they had a dance and those of the party who participated report one of the finest basket suppers of the season.
    We reached home the next day all O.K. The rest of the company arrived via Klamath Falls and Ashland on Monday evening.
    All seem to think they have been well repaid for the trouble of the trip.
Valley Record, Ashland, September 13, 1894, page 1
 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett.

    A. C. HOWLETT is the Mail's regular correspondent at Eagle Point--and he is a good one, too. He is also our authorized agent for that locality, to whom money may be paid and receipted for in the name of this paper.

Medford Mail, October 19, 1894, page 2

Dick Is Facetious and Complimentary.
    "It was Saturday--a big day in the Mail office. Messrs Bliton & York bought--you bet they did. It is not best to be going around town asking what these gentlemen have done, just go and take a look at their fine cylinder press. I have seen men delighted when getting coupled and when the baby--the first baby, of course--was born, but when this fine press began to shape up its anatomy in the best print shop in Rogue River Valley, the bosses just issued bucketsful of delight from their eyes. I was there, you see, can't fool me. Then there were the boys that sling type, my, my, they were away up in the third story, working like beavers to get the big press in place and grinning like opossums all the while. Everybody "kinder" likes the Mail and have had it hinted to them more than once that the proprietors are hustlers from away back, and no one is surprised to see the Mail break the newspaper record in this valley. Grit and brain is what makes the dust so thick back where the other fellows are. I have got pretty well acquainted with the boys. Go around and see them; they will use you right and while you are there don't forget to subscribe for the liveliest paper in Southern Oregon.
    No one knows who wrote this, but it's about straight goods all the same. It you don't believe it just go around print-day and see and be convinced.
Medford Mail, November 23, 1894, page 3

Our Officials Too Dull to See Their Own Best Interests.
Eagle Point, Or., Nov. 7, 1896.
    Your circular letter was received in due time, and I have been looking over the letters published in the Record with a great deal of interest, but fail to see anything from the Butte Creek country, so thought I would add my mite to the list in commendation of the course you have taken.
    With regard to the salaries of the county officers there is no question but what they are out of all proportion with other things, and when the People's Party published the platform demanding the reduction of the salaries of the officers of the county we all supposed that it was an understanding with the nominees that they were to take the nomination on the reform ticket in good faith and ex-Governor Pennoyer was honest and shrewd enough to donate a part of his salary for the benefit of the taxpayers, and I thought that as a matter of course our county officers would at least be SHARP enough to follow the example of our great leader.
    It is a conceded fact that the salaries of our officials are altogether out of proportion to other things.
    If you will review the history of any of them you will find that a few years ago either of them would have been glad to have accepted a position with a salary of $800 a year, and get up in the morning and make their own fire and sweep their own room. But it seems when they have a chance at the county purse they must follow the example of their predecessors--take all that there is in sight--and have the taxpayers hire a servant to build the fires and clean up their offices for them.
    I hope that the coming legislature will so amend the laws so as to equalize our salaries. a little at least. Not that I want to take the premium off of intellect. But give an intelligent farmer, such as our county clerk, county recorder, sheriff, etc., were a short time ago, an equal show with them.
    A. C. HOWLETT.
Valley Record, Ashland, December 10, 1896, page 3

HOYT-HOWLETT--At the home of the bride's parents, near Eagle Point, Dec. 9, 1896, by Rev. A. C. Howlett, Miss Millie Howlett and Edward Hoyt.
Valley Record, Ashland, December 17, 1896, page 1

    And now, Mr. Ed., my communication is already rather lengthy but you will pardon me if I refer to a personal matter. This ends the fourth year that I have been a regular contributor to your valuable and interesting paper. Yes, this makes the two hundred and eighth letter that I have written for the Mail and never missed a week. It is with feelings of pride that I refer to our associations for the last four years, and for the last ten years I have contributed something for the scrutiny of the public every week. While I have made some errors in writing 520 letters, I feel grateful to the reading public for the kindness shown me and to my many friends for the assistance they have given me in the way of items for the press, and kindly solicit a continuation of the same.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, September 16, 1898, page 5

Eagle Point precinct, Oregon:
Howlett, Alfred C., 68, stock farmer, born Maine March 1832, parents
    Massachusetts, married 36 years
Howlett, Sarah E., 52, born Missouri December 1847, father North Carolina,
    mother Missouri, married 36 years, 13 children, 6 living
Howlett, Tavia G., 16, born Oregon January 1884
Howlett, Lucy H., 12, born Oregon December 1887
Howlett, Agnes L., 9, born Oregon November 1890
Foster, Frank M., 21, farm laborer, born Oregon July 1878
U.S. Census, enumerated June 25-26, 1900

    Last Sunday quite a number of friends came in to help me celebrate my sixty-ninth birthday, they having been invited by Mrs. Howlett without my knowledge. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Severance, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Moomaw and daughter, Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Robinett, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lewis, Mesdames E. Sinclair and A. M. Thomas, and J. J. Fryer and grandson, Austin Green. After dinner Mrs. Harry Carlton and Miss Lottie Taylor came in and enlivened the occasion with some fine music. Altogether it made me feet quite young, and I hope that we may have many more such pleasant reunions.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 5

    Mrs. Howlett has opened a boarding house in Eagle Point.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, April 12, 1901, page 5

    Mrs. A. C. Howlett, of Eagle Point, Jackson County, has been visiting her brother, A. W. Cooke.
"Damascus," Oregon City Enterprise, February 28, 1902, page 2

    Mrs. A. M. Thomas has been tearing away the old fence around her property and replacing it with a new one. A. C. Howlett has also been remodeling his fence and taking more land into his home place.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 5

Never Saw a Trolley Car.
    A. C. Howlett and two daughters arrived in Oregon City Saturday last from Medford, Oregon, having completed the overland journey of 315 miles in a wagon. Mr. Howlett is 73 years of age and never saw a trolley car until his advent in Oregon City, but has not seen the town for forty years. Needless to say, he was much astonished at the changes which have occurred here since that time. While here is visiting his brother-in-law, J. J. Cooke. After his visit here is completed, he will return home the way he came, following the old road used by the Oregon & California stage before the building of the railroad.
Oregon City Courier, August 19, 1904, page 5

Eagle Point precinct, Oregon:
Halet, Alfred C., 78, stock farmer, born Maine March 1832, parents
    Massachusetts, married 36 years
Halet, Sarah E., 62, born Missouri December 1847, father North Carolina,
    mother Missouri, married 36 years, 13 children, 6 living
Halet, Hattie L., 28, born Oregon January 1884
Halet, Agnes L., 18, born Oregon November 1890
Smith, Louis E.., 24, hired man, born Oregon, father Ohio, mother Michigan
Smith, Roy A., 24, hired man,
born Oregon, father Ohio, mother

Smith, John W., 28, boarder, carpenter, born Oregon, father Ohio, mother Michigan
Ringer, James, 54, boarder, painter, born Ohio, parents Ohio
Jennings, J. M., 25, boarder, laborer, born California, parents U.S.
Peterson, W., 24, boarder, laborer, born Nevada, father Washington, mother
U.S. Census, enumerated April 28-29, 1910

    ALFRED COBB HOWLETT. One of the best-informed men in Jackson County on pioneer conditions in this section of Oregon is Alfred Cobb Howlett, proprietor and manager of the Sunnyside Hotel at Eagle Point. His residence in this county covers a period of forty-five years, and during that time he has been identified with various activities and has engaged in different occupations, and many are the interesting reminiscences he can relate of his early days in Oregon. He was born in Augusta, Maine, on the 16th of March, 1832, and is a son of James and Mary (Cobb) Howlett. The father was born in Boston, Massachusetts, his natal day being the 4th of March, 1801, while the mother's birth occurred in Lynn, Massachusetts, on the 3rd of April, 1803. Soon after their marriage they went to Maine, residing in hat state until 1838, when they removed to Missouri, settling in Boone County. In 1849 the father and his two eldest sons, James Henry and our subject, went to California. They made the journey with an ox team, going by way of New Mexico to Los Angeles, and spent the winter just outside of that city at San Gabriel Mission. That spring they engaged in mining and subsequently went to Amador County, California and there continued their prospecting for a time, and then engaged in the mercantile business. They continued to be identified with this until 1852, when they went to the Suisun Valley and engaged in ranching. In 1856 they were joined by the mother and the remainder of the family, who came around the Horn. They made their home in the Suisun Valley until the father's death in January, 1875, after which the mother returned to the East and lived with her daughter at Evanston, Illinois, until she passed away in 1886. During his early life James Howlett engaged in the manufacture of tobacco for the European trade on what was an extensive scale for that time. He was a very religious man, however, and feeling that he could no longer conscientiously deal in this commodity he withdrew from the business entirely. Later he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, and the latter years of his life were devoted to farming and church work. He was a local Methodist preacher and supplied many pulpits in California during the pioneer period. Both the father and mother were people of rare culture and education, and Mrs. Howlett, who was reared in the Quaker faith, was for many years a regular contributor to the Ladies' Repository of New York City, a very popular household periodical of that period. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Howlett numbered ten, six of whom, four sons and two daughters, lived to attain maturity, our subject being the second son.
     Alfred Cobb Howlett was a youth of seventeen years when he came to California with his father and brother, and had already assumed the duties of manhood. His early education was acquired in the common schools of Missouri, but this was later supplemented by a year's study in the academy at Vacaville, California. During the first four years of his residence here, from 1850 to 1854, he worked in the mines, and later he assisted with the operation of the home ranch in the Suisun Valley, remaining there until 1857. He subsequently decided to enter the service of the church and in 1858 he was licensed to preach, and the following year he was admitted to membership in the conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. In October, 1861, he began his duties as circuit preacher in Oregon with headquarters at Eugene. His circuit embraced sixteen appointments covering a territory of one hundred and seventy-five miles, and he visited each place of appointment once a month. In the fall of 1862 he was transferred to the Oregon City circuit, and the next year he was given charge of the field at Yreka, California. After a year's service in this circuit he was located at Williamsburg, Josephine County, and there terminated his work as a circuit rider. In 1867 he came to Jackson County, settling at Eagle Point, where he taught school during the week and preached on Sunday. He was later forced to abandon this, as the exposure and hard work while on the circuit was beginning to tell on his health, so he went up into the mountains to live until he should be well and strong again. In 1868 he withdrew from the Methodist conference and located on a ranch adjacent to Eagle Point, where he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits and stock-raising, but his Sundays were still devoted to religious work, and he held church services every week at various places in the community, and performed such other duties as usually devolve upon a home missionary. Subsequently he removed to Eagle Point and went into the hotel business, and in 1901 he erected the present Sunnyside Hotel. It is most delightfully located, fronting on Little Butte Creek, and commands a beautiful view of the surrounding valley. In connection with the management of his hotel, Mr. Howlett is still operating his ranch of one hundred and forty-seven acres, which is one of the well-improved and valuable properties of the community. Ever since September, 1856, he has also been a contributor to the press, many of his articles appearing in the Pacific Methodist of San Francisco. For more than forty years he has been a newspaper correspondent and for the past twenty-seven years has written from one to three letters each week for publication. He possesses a marvelous capacity for work and is most versatile and so intelligently commands his forces that anything he undertakes is performed most capably and efficiently. Mr. Howlett has rendered notable service to the community where he has resided for so many years in various capacities and has the distinction of having organized the first Sunday school in this part of the county, which was convened on Bear Creek.
     In July, 1863, in the vicinity of Oregon City, Mr. Howlett was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Elizabeth Cooke, who was born in Lafayette County, Missouri, on the 31st of December, 1847. In 1852, at the age of five years, she crossed the plains to Oregon with her parents, William Willis and Martha Jane (Young) Cooke, who located at Oregon City. The father was a native of North Carolina and the mother of Missouri, but they both passed away in Clackamas County, this state. To Mr. and Mrs. Howlett there were born thirteen children, six of whom died in infancy, the others being as follows: Walter Henry, who is living in Muskogee, Oklahoma; Alfred Willis, who died at the age of fourteen years; Sarah, the wife of James M. Lewis, of Meadow Lake, Washington; Mildred Maria, who married C. E. Hoyt, of Fort Klamath, Oregon; Octavia Grace, the wife of Grant Shaw, of Fairview, Oregon; Lucy Hattie, who is at home; and Agnes Love, also at home.
     The family affiliate with the Congregational Church, Mr. Howlett having joined the East Willamette Association of Congregational Churches in 1907, since which he has been engaged in home and missionary work for this organization. He is one of the highly esteemed and widely known residents of the county, and has hosts of friends, as he is a man who strives to put into practice in his everyday life those principles which he advocates others adopting. He has always been a hard worker, and as he is a capable business man he has succeeded in his undertakings, thus acquiring a comfortable competence and some valuable property. Despite the fact that he has attained the venerable age of eighty years he is still leading an active life and gives his personal supervision to his various interests, his energy and enterprise putting to shame many a man years his junior.
Joseph Gaston, The Centennial History of Oregon, vol. III, 1912, pages 307-308

    Mrs. A. C. Howlett of Eagle Point left Thursday morning for Klamath Falls to visit her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Hoyt.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 25, 1912, page 2

    Agnes Howlett, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Howlett of Eagle Point, died last night after a long illness. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon.
    Miss Howlett was born near Eagle Point, and has lived nearly all of her life there. She was 22 years, three months and seven days of age. She was known as a bright, happy, lovable girl and leaves scores of friends to grieve her untimely end.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 14, 1913, page 4


    Mrs. Ed Hoyt left this morning for Central Point, in response to a telegram announcing the death of her sister, Miss Howlett, of that city, which occurred Thursday night at 11 o'clock.
    Miss Howlett was known in Klamath Falls. Last summer she spent several weeks here.
Evening Herald, Klamath Falls, February 14, 1913, page 4

    The dance Friday evening was not very well attended on account of the death of Miss Agnes Howlett.
    Ed Hoyt and wife of Klamath Falls and Mrs. Laura Shaw from near Portland were in Eagle Point during the past week, being called here by the death of their sister, Miss Agnes Howlett.
    Died, February 13, 1913, at her home in Eagle Point, Agnes Love Howlett, youngest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Howlett, aged 22 years, 3 months and 7 days. Death came Thursday night after a lingering illness of several months. All human hands and medical aid could do was done but that dread disease, consumption, claimed Agnes in the full bloom of womanhood. She was kind, loving, self-sacrificing and bore her suffering without a murmur, seeming only to think of saving her friends any worry and always said she was all right. She was buried in a lovely white casket with the most beautiful and costly floral tributes. The Rebekahs presented a beautiful wreath in respect for their sister, Miss Hattie Howlett, sister of the deceased. We feel that voice or pen cannot express the deep regard in which Hattie is held for her untiring efforts for the comfort and happiness of her sister. She leaves to mourn her loss her aged father and mother, four sisters and one brother. The funeral services were held from the home by Rev. C. M. Davis and Rev. L. L. Simmons. The pall bearers were: Ed Cingcade, Levi Smith, Carl Ringer, Fred Dutton, Willard Owings and Guy Pruett; Misses Louise Blaess, Mabel Wamsley, Claire Zimmerman, Dottie Stowell, Mabel Pruett and Fay Nichols. The girls were all dressed in white and presented a beautiful picture in the last sad rites for their departed friend and schoolmate. The largest funeral procession ever gathered in Eagle Point wended its way to the old family burying ground near Antelope three miles south of Eagle Point where seven other sisters and brothers had been laid to rest years ago. The bereaved family has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.
"Eagle Point Gleanings," Central Point Herald, February 20, 1913, page 2

    A. C. Howlett was in town last week. He is an old resident of Eagle Point and runs the Sunnyside Hotel. He has reached his eighty-second year and states that for the last twenty-nine years he has written from one to four pieces of news and articles each week, all of which have found publication.
"Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, April 16, 1914, page 6

    Well, after so long a time, I am at home again and seated in my little studio with pencil in hand to write to the readers of the Medford Mail Tribune once more.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, July 14, 1914, page 4

    The last time that I wrote I was at Damascus, Ore., and while I was there my brother-in-law took me in his auto around the country to note the changes that have taken place during the past fifty-two years. When I first came into that part of the country fifty-two years ago, about the middle of October, it was then a vast forest with a few farms dotted here and there, with a small opening of cleared land, and that consisted of having the most of the trees being chopped, sawed or burned down and the rest of them girdled, where the early settlers could raise a little wheat, oats and potatoes, depending largely on their guns for their meat, although they raised some hogs, but bear and deer were then very plentiful during that period. We had to go to Oregon City, seven miles, or Portland, fourteen miles, for our mail, and in many instances the settlers had to go twenty or thirty miles for their mail and groceries, which consisted principally of sugar, coffee and tobacco, but they soon adopted the plan of raising that necessary staple, and in many instances used parched wheat as a substitute for coffee, and the farmers generally kept a few sheep and from the wool made their socks and stockings, and in many instances they made their own clothing. The houses were generally built of logs; some of them would be hewed, but generally they were simply put up without taking off the bark, and they were nearly always in a hurry to get a roof over their heads, but under what we would now call such trying times they were the most contented and happy people I ever met. But I started in to tell about the changes that had taken place in the country itself. Now, where then stood an occasional log cabin and a small piece of cleared land, it is a vast prairie, and the farms, instead of containing from 160 to 640 acres of land that was of no value except to look at, and then you would have to go all over it to see it, for in very many places one could only see straight up for the brush and timber, now consist of tracts of from three to forty acres. I heard of one man that had a tract of 100 acres, but that is the exception to the rule, and on these small farms they have good, neatly painted dwellings and barns; they keep a few cows and hogs and seem to be supplied with about all of the comforts of life. They have fine roads up in that section of the country and the whole country shows signs of thrift and plenty. Quite a large proportion of the citizens are Germans, and they generally are good farmers and build up the country.
A. C. Howlett, "Eaglets Abroad," Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1914, page 7

    Passing on, we soon came to the town of Elkwood, where in 1864 I used to preach in the Kavanaugh hotel and lay my Bible and hymn book on the center of the "bar" where the booze fighters used to drink until they could not stand, and gambling was carried on openly, but still with all of these surroundings the men seemed to appreciate the visitations of the minister of the gospel and in most instances would treat the minister with respect.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," 
Medford Mail Tribune, July 8, 1915, page 2

    By this time daylight began to appear and we had a fine view of one of the beauty spots of Northern California. We traveled for miles over a vast prairie interspersed with grain, in sacks that were scattered over the fields, indicating the reason that there were so many fine large houses and barns and occasionally an orchard, but the principal part of the country seemed to be devoted to farming and while a part of the land would have the grain in the sack, for there they use the combined harvester, there was a large part of the grain still standing and in addition to the grain there were hundreds of acres of alfalfa and everything indicated that we were passing through a fine productive country, but there is one very serious drawback, not that I would speak disparagingly of the country, but we all know that every country has its drawbacks, and one great drawback to that part of California is the heavy wind which often burns up the crop, for I have seen apples almost cooked when I was preaching on the Red Bluff circuit. Along the route we passed several towns and in some instances what might claim to be cities, and at last we began to reach the land of my earlier days where I spent my early manhood and finally we came to a stop at Davis, situated on a vast prairie between here (Vacaville) and Sacramento City, and there we made quite a stop and I had a chance to look around and see what changes had taken place since I preached my first sermon in the old school house in 1858 when I was nothing but an exhorter, and my memory was kept busy running over the past fifty-seven years.
A. C. Howlett, "Eaglets Adrift," Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1915, page 5

    The town of Vacaville is situated in Vaca Valley and is one of the many small towns or cities that are scattered all over the agricultural and horticultural section of the country, and at one time was the seat of the Ulatis Academy, but the building was turned [sic] and the Christian church now stands on the spot where the academy stood. The town has three churches, Presbyterian, Baptist and Christian, and the church and school buildings reflect credit on the citizens of the town. It is situated on a branch railroad of S.P. system that runs from Elmira to Woodland and taps a very rich and productive section of the country. On Sunday I attended the Presbyterian church in the forenoon and at night the Christian, where the three ministers held a union meeting. On Monday I took an auto ride down to Vallejo, about forty miles and back, and had a fine chance to see what used to be my stomping ground sixty years ago, but the country has changed so much that there was but few places that I could recognize, for where used to be miles of vast prairie land it is now covered with orchards and timber that is planted for fuel, shade and manufacturing purposes, the eucalyptus tree--and that is the wood grows very rapidly and after it gets started to grow proves to be a very profitable tree to grow, for one can cut off the limbs and they will sprout right out again and thus perpetuate a forest indefinitely.
A. C. Howlett, "Eaglets Adrift," 
Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1915, page 2

    One of the most devoted contributors to the Sunday-School Society is Rev. A. C. Howlett, of Eagle Point, Oregon. Mr. Howlett was born in Augusta, Maine, March 16, 1832. In his young boyhood his family moved to Missouri, and thence he went with his father by ox team to Los Angeles in 1849. He decided to enter the ministry, and was ordained in the Methodist Church, being stationed in Eugene, Oregon, in 1861. His circuit there embraced sixteen appointments. He covered a territory of 175 miles, visiting each appointment once a month. After strenuous service in several fields in Oregon and California, he settled at Eagle Point, forty-nine years ago, where he has rendered large service as a teacher, preacher, and newspaper correspondent. He has been blessed with thirteen children.
    Mr. Howlett became deeply interested in the work of the Sunday-School Society through the services of Rev. M. C. Davis, and united with the Congregational denomination. He has been a most helpful traveling companion and friend to Mr. Davis in all his work. In addition, Mr. Howlett contributes regularly each month a generous sum toward the work of the Society. We believe the friends of the work will be glad to look upon the picture of this noble, Christian pioneer who has seen marvelous developments in our country during the eighty-four fruitful years of his life.
The American Missionary, October 1916, page 365

    Mrs. A. C. Howlett and daughter and Messrs. Ringer and Edsell of Eagle Point were guests in the A. H. Peachey home on Lincoln Street, Sunday. Mrs. Howlett is manager of the Sunnyside Hotel in Eagle Point.
"Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, February 15, 1917, page 14

    Probably the oldest newspaper correspondent in Oregon is A. C. Howlett, of Eagle Point, Jackson County. He is 85 years old and has been doing out-of-town correspondence for Jackson County newspapers for 51 years. He never owned a newspaper and never worked in a newspaper office. His journalistic experience has consisted entirely of writing up arrivals and departures, births, deaths, marriages and divorces from the small town where he resides. He has not missed a week for 32 years. All the reports that he has sent in, if gathered up, would make a sort of Anglo-Saxon chronicle for his home town.
"Forty Years Spent on Jobs by Several Men Prominent in Oregon Affairs," Oregonian, Portland, March 4, 1917, page 50

Howlett Gets Boost in Portland Journal
    It's one thing to name a home place and it's quite another thing to fit in with the name. At Eagle Point, Oregon, there's a home named "Sunnyside," and everything fits and measures up to the name. It is on the sunny side of the street and A. C. Howlett, the owner, has been an optimistic, sunny country newspaper correspondent for more than half a century. "Mother" Howlett is one of those adorable women born with a smile and she has been smiling and scattering cheer for the past 72 years. She is a sister to Postmaster J. J. Cooke of Oregon City, and a member of the Oregon family that has had to do with the shaping of state affairs.
    "I was born in Maine, civilized in Missouri, Christianized in California and married in Oregon," is Howlett's characterization of himself.
    His birthday dates back to March 16, 1832, and after the civilizing period he joined the Southern Methodist conference in 1859 and was sent to Red Bluff circuit, later to Clear Creek circuit and then to Eugene, Ore. In 1863 he and "Mother" Howlett were married.
    Howlett taught school in Eagle Point 52 years ago in a little log house with a chimney, and a blackboard all around the room. The children and grandchildren of the pupils of those early days, when they decide to get married, make pilgrimages with the ones of their choice back to Eagle Point that "Pa" Howlett may read the ceremony and "Mother" Howlett smile her blessing, and then the affair is written up the column length by "Pa."
    As a country correspondent Howlett has received national recognition. Some years ago the Publishers' Auxiliary, a newspaper for newspaper publishers in the United States, Canada and Mexico, made him the subject of a leading editorial. He has a style that is quaint and entertaining and "homey." There's a bit of philosophy scattered through and during all these years, when at times he was busy on his ranch and with other duties, his faithfulness to his correspondence work has been actuated by a wholehearted citizenship and sense of public and community pride. He corresponded for the Roseburg Review when Rev. J. J. Bell edited and published it and he has been correspondent for the oldest papers in Jackson County. He was with the Oregon Sentinel of Jacksonville and Medford's first paper, the Medford Monitor, and eight years with the Ashland Record. He is corresponding for the Medford Mail Tribune now and was with this paper before it bought over several papers in the county and when it was the Medford Mail. The column or so he sends several times a week to the paper he has named the "Eagle Point Eaglets."
    The dinner latch key is out at "Sunnyside" every day, but on Sunday so many good things, such as chicken and whipped cream cake, are on the table, that automobile parties from all over this part of the state have for years been crowding the hospitable dining room on that day, and the guest list runs from 25 to 50. Howlett has a special little notebook in which every guest considers it an honor to register. Each weekout come the "Eaglets" with news of the guests and all that was said in passing.--Portland Journal, November 30.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 9, 1919, page 4

Eagle Point, Oregon:
Howlett, Alford C., 87, Mail Tribune correspondent, born Maine, parents U.S.
Howlett, Sarah E., 72, boarding house keeper, born Missouri, father North
    Carolina, mother Missouri
Howlett, Hattie, 32, boarding house helper, born Oregon
Haley, Glen, 23, boarder, auto repairer, born Oregon, father Illinois, mother
McClellem, Truman, 15, boarder, born California, parents born Oregon
Childreth, Graydon, age unknown, boarder, telephone line repairer, born
    Oklahoma, parents born Missouri
Childreth, Zula, 19, boarder, born Oregon, father born Germany, mother Illinois
Edsall, Jed, 37, boarder, star route mail carrier, born Oregon, father born
    Missouri, mother Oregon
U.S. Census, enumerated January 2-3, 1920

    I am hard of hearing and Mr. Weikes being a Scotchman and having a very distinct brogue it was very hard for many of us to understand.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, January 20, 1920, page 5

    There was one of the ladies who spoke that spoke loud enough so that I could understand a part of what she said, but she wore a broad-brimmed hat and that covered her face, for it was turned down all around, and I think had a tendency to deaden the sound of her voice. If she had removed her hat so as to reveal her face it would not have been so difficult to hear what she said.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, July 22, 1921, page 6

A. C. (Dad) Howlett
    The first dollar I ever earned was stripping tobacco for my father back in Missouri. That was 79 years ago, when I was a boy of 10 years. The dollar was applied to a suit of clothes. Us boys did no fooling, and when we got ahold of a dollar we knew how and where we got it. We did not spend our money foolishly, but always spent it for something worthwhile. Our father made us work hard, so we would learn the value of money, and it did us no harm that I can see.
"How I Earned My First Dollar," Medford Mail Tribune, October 8, 1921, page 4

    As I was so far back from the platform I could not hear and some of the ladies who sat just in front of me, although the two who sat directly in front of me, conformed to the rules on such occasions, removed their hats, while others wore their hats, and seemed to try to see how much space they could cover, by moving first to one side and then the other, and the two ladies just ahead of me were kept busy craning their necks first one way and then another, to try to get a glimpse of the children while they were performing their parts, trying to see through or around a very large hat on a woman's head on the front seat that obstructed the view completely, while if she had known that by removing that head ornament, she would have rendered a great service to a number of people who were sitting behind her.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, December 28, 1921, page 6

    The reader will excuse the way I am recording the incidents of the past few weeks, as while I have not been very sick I have been so that I could not make my regular rounds and have had to gather items as I could and jot them down in my little book and the result is I have to give them as I find them, but thank the good Lord, I hope to be able to start in the first of the [year] A.D. 1922 on my regular beat again.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets,"
Medford Mail Tribune, January 3, 1922, page 3

    Though more than 90 years of age, Rev. A. C. Howlett, veteran newspaper correspondent for the past 50 years, is as spry as many a man much his junior. Rev. Howlett is in the city today from Eagle Point and is enjoying the many lessons gleaned from attending the Price revival meetings.

"Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, October 4, 1922, page 4

    I did think that when I got through January, 1923, that I would resign my position as the Eagle Point correspondent for the Mail Tribune, but when I talked with several of the readers of the Eaglets and they protested so strongly against it, I concluded that I would try to hold out for another month at least, although when it comes to a man of my age tramping over our town and go into a store and inquire of the proprietor about business and he will draw a long breath and reply: "Well, there were a few people in today from the country, but I don't remember who they were. They only stayed a few minutes and went home." And so I have notified some of the business men and women that if they don't put on their thinking cap and help me to gather items for the Eaglets, that I will have to throw up the sponge and quit. And I don't want to have to do that, for that kind-hearted editor, who always meets me with a smile, might not like it and I would not displease him for anything and there is another thought and that is if I should quit I would have nothing to do to occupy my mind or prompt me to move around and I would soon be like an old friend of mine, who is not as old as I am by several years, just sit around and soon be so I could not go out and become helpless and that thought is exceedingly repulsive to me. But I would appreciate very much a little help along that line, especially during the winter.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, February 6, 1923, page 6

    A. C. Howlett of Eagle Point was in Medford Wednesday and says his sister, Mrs. Lucy Prescott Vain of Los Angeles, celebrated her 96th birthday June 13 and is a very active woman, being connected with the Bible and Holiness College of that city, where she has been for 20 years. Mr. and Mrs. Howlett, Sr., had 13 children. The father, A. C., and another brother drove from Missouri to California via New Mexico with an ox team during the gold rush in 1849 and had exciting times with the Indians and conditions generally.
    A. C. Howlett, who was 91 years of age last March, moved to Oregon in 1861, has been here ever since and expects to live and enjoy life and friends and continue his Eaglets for many years to come.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 21, 1923, page 6

    A. C. Howlett of Eagle Point, the aged hotel man and correspondent of the Mail Tribune from that section, who has been bothered for a long time past by a growth on his neck which bleeds occasionally, became seriously ill from the same cause last night and lost so much blood that it was feared for a time he was dying.
    A physician was summoned from Medford to administer relief, and late last night it was reported the bleeding had been stopped and his general condition much improved, although he was still a very sick man. At press time it was reported from Eagle Point that Mr. Howlett was slightly improved, but very weak.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 24, 1924, page 2

Veteran Newspaper Man and One of Best Known Pioneers in Southern Oregon Passes Away at Ripe Old Age of 92 years.
    Alfred Cobb Howlett, a pioneer circuit rider of Oregon and the Rogue River Valley, and for sixty years a contributor to Pacific Coast newspapers, 39 of them to the Mail Tribune, died at his home in Eagle Point, Wednesday, May 21, 1924. He had been confined to his home by illness for the last month and was 92 years, two months and five days of age at death.
    Mr. Howlett was born in Augusta, Maine, March 16, 1832, and was the contributor of the "Eagle Point Eaglets" in this paper, which were read far and wide, and many Mail Tribune readers throughout the land will be saddened when they read of the passing of this lovable man. His "Eaglets" were written with whimsical simplicity, and pictured with conscientious detail every phase of small-town life. His items held the charm of humanness and quaint, unconscious humor, and for these qualities often found their way into metropolitan journals. Mr. Howlett took great pride in his writings, and until the years and illness slowed his efforts was a tireless newsgatherer.
    Mr. Howlett was one of the best-known men in Southern Oregon and knew well the pioneer life of this section. He was a mine of information for early day happenings and delighted to tell of days that have passed.
    Mr. Howlett crossed the plains in 1849 with his father, over the Santa Fe trail, being lured to California by the discovery of gold. He went to the early day schools and followed mining until 1861, when he moved to Oregon, where he was ordained a Methodist minister. He served as a circuit rider in the Eugene circuit for a year, then served in Jackson County in 1864 and '65, and filled the same duties in Siskiyou and Josephine counties, with Yreka and Grants Pass as his headquarters. In 1869 he moved to Eagle Point where he has since resided.
    Mr. Howlett's first articles were written for the Pacific Methodist in 1868, and when a resident of Jacksonville he contributed occasional articles to the Sentinel, a pioneer Oregon publication. He later became a regular correspondent, when the paper's name was changed to the Jacksonville Times. [The Oregon Sentinel and Democratic Times were two different newspapers.] In 1879 he became a regular correspondent of the Valley Record, published at Ashland, and about the same time he wrote for the Roseburg Review, then published by the Rev. J. R. N. Bell.
    In 1885, when the Medford Monitor was founded, he started to write for it, and through the various changes of ownership and names, until it became the Mail Tribune, he was a regular correspondent, writing from one to five letters a week, and in those 39 years missed but one or two weeks.
    Mr. Howlett had a wide acquaintance among the pioneers of the Willamette Valley.
    His grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and was at Valley Forge. Mr. Howlett said the best impressions he ever received of George Washington were from the lips of his grandsire.
    On July 16, 1863, Mr. Howlett was married to Sarah E. Cook, and to this union 13 children were born, five sons and eight daughters. He is survived by his wife and four daughters, Mrs. Sarah Lewis, Four Lakes, Wash.; Mrs. Millie Hoyt, Klamath Falls, Ore.; and Miss Howlett, Eagle Point. Mrs. Lucy P. Vane of Los Angeles, Calif., sister, aged 97 years, also survives him.
    The funeral will be held from the family home, in Eagle Point, Friday at 3 o'clock. The funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. M. C. Davis of Wolf Creek, Oregon, an old friend. Interment will be in Antelope cemetery.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 22, 1924, page 1


    A. C. Howlett, for many years a Methodist minister, and more recently a well-known newspaper writer, died at his home in Eagle Point, Wednesday, May 21, at the age of 92 years, 2 months and 5 days.
    Mr. Howlett was one of the most widely known pioneers of Southern Oregon, and had an extensive acquaintance through the state.
    Born in Augusta, Me., March 16, 1832, he crossed the plains with his father in 1849 over the Santa Fe Trail to California, but removed to Oregon in 1861. From his spare time spent in mining he had attended the pioneer schools, and on his arrival in Oregon was ordained to preach by the Methodist conference, and for many years was a circuit rider. Later he ceased active work in the ministry, and in addition to other work became a correspondent for local newspapers.
    On July 16, 1863, Mr. Howlett was married to Sarah E. Cook, and to this union 13 children were born, five sons and eight daughters. He is survived by his wife and four daughters, Mrs. Sarah Lewis, Four Lakes, Wash.; Mrs. Millie Hoyt, Klamath Falls, Ore.; Mrs. Tavia Shaw, Portland, Ore.; and Miss Hattie Howlett, Eagle Point. Mrs. Lucy P. Vane of Los Angeles, Calif., sister, aged 97 years, also survives him.
    The funeral will be held from the family home in Eagle Point, Friday at 3 o'clock. The funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. M. C. Davis of Wolf Creek, Ore., an old friend. Interment will be in Antelope cemetery.
Medford Clarion, May 23, 1924, page 1

    A. C. Howlett passed away to his reward Wednesday morning. He was widely known, having lived in Eagle Point for a good many years and was correspondent for the Mail Tribune from Eagle Point. Mr. Howlett will be greatly missed. He was always found on the side of truth and right.
"Reese Creek Riplets," Medford Mail Tribune, May 23, 1924, page 12

    HOWLETT--Alfred Cobb Howlett died at his home in Eagle Point, Ore., May 21, of an illness of the past four weeks, aged 92 years, two months, five days. He was born at Augusta, Maine, March 16, 1832, grandson of Thomas Cobb, who joined the Revolutionary Army at the age of 17 years. Marched with it from Halifax, Nova Scotia, his native home, to West Point. He was drummer boy in the command of General Knox. He was at Valley Forge when General Lafayette visited the army and furnished them with shoes and blankets. He was trying to make himself a pair of shoes of the legs of his boots. He remained with the army until the war closed and was mustered out at Yorktown. Having joined the Society of Friends (Quakers, as they are often called), he was very reticent on the subject of battles, but appeared perfectly acquainted with all the circumstances of Lexington and Bunker Hill battles. When pensions were offered he refused to make application for it, saying he considered it the wages of unrighteousness. My grandfather gave me the best idea of General Washington of anyone I ever heard speak of him. He said the impression he ever gave was that it would be useless to attempt to enlist his interest in anything unimportant. He said he had heard him in his tent at night pleading with God in prayer for the success of the cause.
    Mr. Howlett crossed the plains with his father in 1849 to California over the Santa Fe Trail. He went to school and followed mining until 1861, coming to Oregon, and was ordained a Methodist minister. He was a circuit rider on the Eugene circuit, following the circuit for two years, going from there to Oregon City, following that circuit for two years, where he was married to Sarah E. Cook, July 16, 1863, and to this union were born 13 children, five sons and eight daughters. He is survived by his wife, Sarah Elizabeth, and four daughters, Mrs. Sarah Lewis, Four Lakes, Washington; Mrs. Millie Hoyt, Fort Klamath, Ore.; Mrs. Tavia Shaw, Portland, Ore.; Miss Hattie Howlett, Eagle Point, Ore.
    He served as circuit rider, Jackson County, 1864-65; Yreka, California, 1867, and Josephine County, 1868, moving to Eagle Point in 1869, residing there ever since. He was a kindly and lovable man and was highly respected by all who knew him. For the past sixty years he had written for different newspapers. In 1910 he joined the Congregational Church. He has one sister living, Mrs. Lucy Prescott Vane, Los Angeles, Cal., aged 97 years. Six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren preceded him.
    Funeral services were held at the home in Eagle Point, Friday at 3 p.m., May 23rd, 1924, Rev. Mark C. Davis of Wolf Creek, Ore. officiating, the sermon topic being taken from John 14:2 and I Peter 1-4.
    Mrs. S. Childreth, choir leader, was assisted by Mrs. Mittelstaedt. Mrs. Weidman, Mrs. Guy Pruitt, Mrs. Roy Smith, Mrs. Gus Nichols and W. Perry Lou Smith, W. Childreth, Roy Smith, Floyd Pearce, John Smith, honorary pallbearers.
    A profuse and beautiful floral tribute was furnished by a host of friends.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perl, undertaker, Medford, Ore., had charge of the funeral, and interment was at the Antelope Cemetery, Jackson County, Oregon.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 26, 1924, page 8

Alfred Howlett, Oregon Pioneer, Writes "Thirty"
Familiar Figure in Public Life in Southern Oregon for Many Years Passes On

    ASHLAND, May 26.--Perhaps the best known and familiar man in public life in Southern Oregon was removed from life Wednesday, when Alfred Cobb Howlett, pioneer newspaperman and Methodist pastor, passed away at his home in Eagle Point at the age of 92 years.
    He is known to many as the genial proprietor of the Sunnyside Inn in Eagle Point, where he was prone to tell stories of the days when he was a circuit rider in the Willamette Valley, and in the Siskiyous and Josephine County.
    In 1879 he was a correspondent on the Valley Record, an old publication here, and prior to that time had contributed articles to the Sentinel, a pioneer Oregon publication. For the past few years his homely notes known as "Eagle Point Eaglets" in the Tribune have been read with as much satisfaction as the aged author wrote them.
    He is survived by his wife and four daughters. Funeral services were held at Eagle Point. Interment was made in Antelope Cemetery. Rev. M. C. Davis of Wolf Creek, an old friend, conducted services.
Klamath News, Klamath Falls, May 27, 1924, page 4

By Mary O. Carey.
    It is with deepest regret we read of the death of our old pioneer, friend and correspondent of Eagle Point. Mr. Howlett's name has long ago become familiar to thousands in this valley. Each issue was a letter from this valley to them, telling of friends and of business, of deaths, marriages, church and Sunday schools. Only the absence of that column will make the many of us realize their real worth. We wonder if the person who shall assume the work in his stead will be half as faithful, half as patient and forgiving. Only when they have once tried to please all the people will they realize how difficult it is to do so. In all his writings there was never a word of malice, and but little of kindly criticism, although there may have been need of it. The great mound of floral tributes were a testimony of how many appreciated the dear old pioneer writer.
Medford Mail Tribune,
May 30, 1924, page 7

Mrs. Sarah Howlett of Eagle Point Hale and Vigorous.

    AIRLIE, Ore., Jan. 8.--(Special.)--Eagle Point long has had a hotel, which is conducted by Mrs. Sarah Howlett, pioneer of 1852. Mrs. Howlett celebrated her 80th birthday December 31.
    Mrs. Howlett was born in Lafayette County, Mo. She came to Oregon in 1852 with her parents, William W. and Martha Young Cooke. The Cookes settled in Clackamas County at Damascus, where she was married to Alfred Cobb Howlett, July 11, 1863. Mr. Howlett died about four years ago.
    Shortly after their marriage they moved to Jackson County and have resided there since, excepted for a few years spent in California. She is the mother of a large family, five of whom are living.
    Mrs. Howlett attended her brother Albert Cooke's golden wedding in Damascus. She has four other brothers, Alfred C. and James Cooke of Portland, and John J. and Henry Cooke of Oregon City. A daughter, Mrs. Grant Shaw, also lives in Portland.
Oregonian, Portland, January 9, 1928, page 3

'Mother' Howlett of Eagle Point Still Cooks for Guests at Sunnyside Hotel. Works Because She Likes It--Shingled Roof of Pioneer Home--Always Too Busy to Complain.
(By Mary Greiner)
    An old-fashioned parlor with tacked carpet. A plush-backed album on the table beside which lay a stereoscope--one of those adjustable two-glass affairs that give the third dimension to a certain obsolete type of photography. On the wall, four enlarged pictures--her mother and father, and his father and mother. The kind of room that is kept for company and used occasionally for quilting bees. That is the setting in which Mrs. S. E.  (Mother) Howlett, 82, pioneer of Eagle Point and sole proprietor of the famous Sunnyside Hotel, agreed to rest long enough to be interviewed.
    She had just come in from the long hotel dining room, where she had finished serving her 15 or so steady patrons to their evening meal--a bounteous supper that seldom stops at less than three kinds of dessert. Her eyes, keen and bright, look in the room at a glance. Her hard, brown hands, used to action, quickly adjusted the few things apparently out of place. She paused a second for a glimpse out through the doorway at the waters of Butte Creek.
    "Old Butte's high now--the rains," she indicated the beautiful stream rushing past her back door. Her attention passed to a patch-quilt folded neatly across the arms of a rocking chair.
    "Had a quilting bee the other day--I believe everyone in Eagle Point was here--almost. Yes--I had them all to supper--about 50. We had lots of fun. Folks are jolly when you get them all together that way. And I like to see them eat."
Likes to See Them Eat
    Mother Howlett's joy in watching people eat was manifest even back in her childhood days, when she crossed the plains with her parents and brothers and sisters. They started out from their home in Missouri in 1852, having joined a train of 64 other covered wagons--all going west. Mrs. Howlett was then six years old.
    "But I can remember many of the things that happened on the trip--the same as though it was yesterday. I can remember the way they used to draw around camp fires at meal time--and how I used to sit and watch those big husky men eat."
    There were two other girls in the family, besides Mrs. Howlett, when her parents began the six-months' trip across the country. Her first brother was born and died as the covered wagon train reached Oregon. The baby was buried at The Dalles--one of the many tragedies of the long trek across the unknown prairie country.
    "I can remember yet--how frightened my mother was over the rivers we crossed--when the cattle had to swim through the water and the wagons would look like they were going to be submerged. She cried about the Snake River--even in later years--when it was all over," she said.
Down the Columbia on Rafts
    Another thing the local woman will never forget is the fact that the large party in this covered wagon train had to travel down the Columbia River from The Dalles to Portland on rafts. She shudders now when she looks at this large body of water, and realizes the dangers encountered in those days.
    It was the last day of October, 1852, when Mrs. Howlett's parents landed on their donation claim 14 miles east of Portland. It wasn't very many years before the family had reached its quota of 13 children, and Mrs. Howlett had grown into a young lady with ideas of 'courting' just beginning to enter her 16-year-old head.
    About that time Mr. A. C. Howlett, an ordained Methodist minister, had received a call to the Portland circuit, where he met the very girl he had been searching for as his wife--even though she was a Presbyterian and aimed to stick to it.
A Family of 13 Children
    The Howletts were also the parents of 13 children, the first of which was born in Portland. The minister was moved to the Yreka circuit, where he taught school for two terms along with his preaching. Yreka then was a booming mining town, and both preachers and teachers did well.
    After being moved once again to Portland for a brief engagement, they came down near Eagle Point, where they homesteaded a piece of land and proved up on it. This they disposed of and ran sheep for four years at Derby. Then they leased what is now the Alta Vista orchard, which they have kept for 18 years. There were 900 acres in the tract, and they raised cattle, sheep and hay.
The Work of the Pioneer Women
    Mrs. Howlett worked in the fields--drove the plow--ran the mowing machine--pitched hay. From three or four in the morning, the hardy pioneer woman--mother of 13 children--slaved through a day that was never less than 16 hours long--taking the place of a couple of hired men.
    "I sometimes sit and think back over it all. What was it all about--all this hardship my parents endured? Crossing the plains--leaving a home where things were established and we had a comfortable enough living? Then--the years of hardship we went through. What was it all about, I ask myself. All for a measly piece of free land!" she exclaimed.
    During much of the time the Howlett family lived on their land in the Eagle Point district, Rev. Howlett was away preaching, so the greater part of proving up, caring for the stock and the crops as well as all of the housework fell upon the small, though sturdy, shoulders of Mother Howlett.
    When she hears the modern woman grumble over the light household duties she is occasionally required to perform, the 82-year-old pioneer woman is apt to smilingly reminisce over the time--a week before one of the 13 was born--when she spend a half day shingling the roof of their home, single handed.
Lose Five Children in Two Weeks
    It was in the year 1881, when the terrible epidemic of diphtheria hit the valley and took a ghastly toll among the early settlers. Mother Howlett will never forget it. Five of her children were taken in two weeks' time. The best doctors in the valley were summoned. They could do nothing with the disease in those days. The five Howlett children lie side by side in the old Antelope cemetery--the oldest, 14, the rest younger.
    "Of course," recounts the pioneer woman, "it wasn't all sadness and hardship in those days. We had our jolly times, too. Real good times. There were the taffy pullings, and the husking bees, and the carpet-rag tackings--with the young folks all together having a good time.
    "Yes, there were dances too. We didn't have them at our home because Mr. Howlett was a Methodist. But I cooked for them all the same--they always came over to my place to eat," she added a bit mischievously.
    When they left the Alta Vista location, the Howletts bought a little house at the location where the Sunnyside Hotel now stands.
    "It just suited me--that house," said the pioneer woman. "And I said to Mr. Howlett, 'Right here is where I'm going to die.'" She paused a moment and simultaneously stopped rocking. Then--
    "But, do you know--I guess the Lord meant me to work. We weren't settled long until a man came along and asked to stay overnight with us. He had supper and breakfast and dinner the next day. Instead of leaving, like he aimed to--he up and told me that he had decided to stay with us for good. Said he liked my cooking. Well, I was surprised and put out--but there wasn't anything I could do about it.
25 Cents a Meal
    "That wasn't the end of it. He told a barber friend of his in town what a good place it was to board. And say--if he didn't move in on us, too. Then another man came along and wanted steady meals. Finally I told Mr. Howlett that if I had to board all these people, I was going to charge them for it. And I did--from then on--25 cents a meal."
    Twenty-one years ago they built the Sunnyside Hotel, which then, and ever since, has been famous for its home-cooked Sunday meals. In dining room and kitchen of this rambling house are some rather quaint dishes--prized highly by the pioneer woman. They belonged to her famous aunt, Mary Ann Harris, who by her one act of holding her log cabin against the attack of 20 Indians, after they had killed her husband--had gone down as a heroine on the pages of Oregon history.
    Mrs. Howlett, who even now cooks for and serves from 25 to 30 people every Sunday, in spite of her 82 years, has no recipe for keeping young. Although she has worked hard all her life--she does not recommend hardship to the younger generation.
The Gospel of Hard Work
    "Maybe if I didn't like to work I wouldn't have done so much of it. But I was always happy, working--especially cooking. Why, I can't remember when I made my first batch of bread. When I was just a tiny tot, I can remember standing on a candle box, washing the family dishes for Mother.
    "Yes--we made our own candles in those days. And our own soap. After I was married I often made as high as a hundred gallons of soft soap at a time. I sold it at 12 cents a gallon to the stores to pay our grocery bills.
    "But the young folks nowadays couldn't stand the work I did. They don't have to. They've got other work to do. If they do it as well as we did ours--and as willingly--maybe they'll live longer than we did," she said.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 16, 1929, page B6

    The Sunnyside Hotel has been conducted by Mrs. Sarah E. Howlett since 1911, when it was established by Mr. and Mrs. Howlett, who continued to operate it together until three years ago, when Mr. Howlett passed away. He was correspondent for the Mail Tribune for many years, and his unique style and droll expressions won for "Eagle Point Eaglets" a statewide fame. Since his death Mrs. Howlett, though well advanced in years, has carried on and the Sunnyside enjoys an enviable reputation as a hostelry, for its superior cuisine and peaceful quietude--a mighty good place to eat and sleep. It stands in the northeast part of town on the banks of Little Butte Creek, and the gurgling waters flowing over the rapids of that pretty stream lulls one to peaceful slumber. Mrs. Howlett gives her personal attention to each guest and presides over the culinary department as well. She is assisted in her duties by neighbors during the rush hours. Her daughter Hattie lives at the hotel with her mother. The hotel is a two-story frame and contains 17 guest rooms. A fine garden adjoining supplies all kinds of fresh vegetables. The Sunnyside is famous over a large territory of Southern Oregon.
W. C. Binckley, "Personal Items in Eagle Point," Medford Mail Tribune, June 25, 1927, page 5

    EAGLE POINT, Ore., Aug. 14.--(Special.)--Born at Portland, Ore., Aug. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Brooks, a daughter. Mrs. Brooks will be remembered here as Esther Shaw. The baby is the first great-granddaughter born to Mrs. S. E. Howlett of the Sunnyside Hotel.

"Mrs. Howlett of Eagle Point Now a Great Grandma," Medford Mail Tribune, August 14, 1929, page 7

    EAGLE POINT, Ore., Dec. 3.--(Special.)--At the Sunnyside Hotel Thanksgiving Day nearly one hundred people enjoyed the bountiful turkey dinner served as only Mrs. S. E. Howlett knows how. People from all over the county assembled at noon and were shown into the old-fashioned dining room where tables groaned under the load of good things to eat and where everyone felt that this was a regular old-fashioned Thanksgiving dinner served in pioneer style.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 3, 1929, page B2

Eagle Point, Oregon:
Howlett, Sarah E., 82, boarding house keeper, born Missouri, father North
    Carolina, mother Missouri
Howlett, Hattie L., 42, cook, born Oregon
Hildreth, Lola M., 53, boarder, practical nurse, born Oregon, parents Oregon
Linn, John S., 22, boarder, laborer, born California, father Ohio, mother Ireland
Winkle, Glen J., 21, boarder, laborer, born Oregon, parents U.S.
Patrick, Daniel R., 56, boarder, carpenter, born Illinois, parents New York
U.S. Census, enumerated May 12, 1930

    Family Reunion--The following were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoyt at Fort Klamath recently: Mrs. S. E. Howlett, Miss Hattie Howlett, Miss Rosa Whaley, all of Eagle Point; Mrs. Octavia Shaw, J. H. Cooke and daughter Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shaw, all of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke of Damascus, Ore. The affair was a family reunion, all being relatives of Mrs. Hoyt, with the exception of Miss Whaley.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 13, 1931, page 2

    EAGLE POINT, Jan. 17--(Spl.)--The watch party at the Grange hall New Year's Eve turned out to be a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Sarah E. Howlett, who celebrated her 85th birthday. Her Grange friends presented her with a beautiful cyclamen plant, and an enormous birthday cake, which was decorated with the name "Mother" in her honor. Games were played and all enjoyed the evening.
    The following verses, composed by Mrs. Nora Harris, were read in honor to the dear old lady, who is always mother to everybody:

Here's to one
Who's been with us for years,
Who has shared all our joys,
Our sorrows and tears;
Who has given to many of her bounteous store
And has ne'er turned one hungry away from her door.
In fact, we've been told that her bountiful dinners
Draw the rich and the poor, the saints and the sinners.
She's lived eighty-five years, giving no thought to self,
And for that very reason, she's not laid on the shelf,
We call her "Ma Howlett," and isn't it true,
She'd mother the whole world without much ado.
To some life is play, to others it's shirk,
But believe me, to Ma Howlett, it's get down and work;
But then work to her is nothing but play,
So she's up and doing at the dawn of each day;
She's a jack of all trades, sees what is to do
From roofing a house to mending a shoe.
You might hunt the world over, you'd find none to compare
With this wonderful woman, who could and would dare.
In her eighty-fifth year, she's as young and as gay,
As the child who was born on her mother's birthday;
So here's to Ma Howlett, give her three rousing cheers,
Who's done much for this world in her eighty-five years;
And three cheers for Hattie, that daughter who's true
Who is genial and chatty, even though things do look blue.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 17, 1933, page 8

    Millie Howlett Hoyt, wife of C. E. Hoyt of Fort Klamath, Ore., daughter of Mrs. Sarah Howlett, passed away at the Sunnyside Hotel in Eagle Point Wednesday evening at 9:50, after an illness of the past seven months.
    Mrs. Hoyt was a native daughter of Southern Oregon, having been born at Eagle Point, Ore., February 24, 1872, and according to Auntie Howlett, mother of Mrs. Hoyt, Eagle Point had not been originated at that time, there being only four farms in that district.
    She received her education in the schools of Medford, under direction of Professor Narregan (now deceased). She later met and was united in marriage to Mr. Hoyt at Eagle Point, December 9, 1896. They made their home in Jackson County for two years and in 1898 moved to Fort Klamath, living there until six months ago, when she came back to Eagle Point to be with her mother during her sickness. She also leaves two other sisters, Mrs. J. M. Lewis of Spokane, Wash., Mrs. Tabia Shaw of Portland, Ore., three nieces and three nephews, Eddie Lewis and Vergie Potts of Washington, Harold, Fred and Zelma Shaw of Portland and Esther Brooks of Gresham, Ore.
    Funeral services will be held at the Perl funeral home August 5, 1933, at 2 p.m., Rev. W. R. Baird of the Christian church officiating, assisted by Rev. Smith of Butte Falls, Ore. Interment will take place in the family plot in the Antelope cemetery, near Eagle Point.

Medford Mail Tribune, August 3, 1933, page 7


    EAGLE POINT, Aug. 9.--(Spl.)--The community was saddened by the death of Mrs. Millie Hoyt, who passed away August 2, after a long illness at the home of her mother and sister Hattie, [omission] her husband, Ed Hoyt of Fort Klamath, two sisters, Mrs. J. M. Lewis of Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. Tavia Shaw of Portland, Ore., she leaves a host of friends to mourn her loss. She was a member of the Fort Klamath grange and of the Medford chapter of the order of Rebeccas.
    Funeral services were held at the Perl Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. W. R. Baird of Medford, and Rev. J. S. Smith of Butte Falls. The Rebeccas had charge of the services at the grave. Burial was in the Antelope cemetery. A host of grieving friends attended the last rites.
    Mrs. Hoyt was a daughter of one of the oldest pioneer families of the Rogue River Valley, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Howlett, who came to this district when it was little but a wilderness. They raised a large family here, only three daughters of which are now living. Mr. Howlett, who passed away several years ago, was an itinerant minister and a scribe of unique character. He will be remembered as the author of the Eagle Point Eaglets for many years in the Mail Tribune and which attracted so much attention at the time for the unconscious humor which permeated them.
    Mrs. Howlett is one of the most loved women in all Southern Oregon, and justly so, for she lives but to minister to others. Having passed her eighty-fifth milestone, she remains as cheerful, as interesting, we would almost say, as youthful, as ever. For many years she has been mistress of the Sunnyside Hotel, which is renowned for its fine chicken dinners, and which attracts guests from all over the valley.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1933, page 7

    A capacity house greeted the showing of the Diamond Jubilee movies at the Eagle Point Grange hall Wednesday. The program, which was put on by H. L. Bromley, Copco publicity director, also included pictures of the Rogue Valley tomato industry, salmon run at Savage Rapids Dam, and other events of local interest. The jubilee films proved popular with all present, particularly the pictures of the Eagle Point Grange float, as well as "Mother" Howlett and little Miss Harnish and her trained dog. The Copco program was concluded with a laughable "Krazy Kat" comedy.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1934, page 9

(By Gertrude Haak)
    EAGLE POINT, Aug. 15.--(Spl.)--Mother Howlett received word of the passing of her daughter, Sarah Howlett Lewis, on Sunday, August 12, at her ranch home near Spokane, Wash.
    Mrs. Lewis was born June 3, 1869, on the old homestead of her parents, Alfred C. and Sarah Howlett, which was located about three miles from Eagle Point on the Big Desert, south of the present Charles Cingcade home, and was the eldest daughter of 13 children, only two of whom are still living.
    Raised in this community, she was married to James M. Lewis on September 3, 1890, while living on what is now the Alta Vista orchard and where her parents lived for 18 years. The first 10 years of her married life was spent with her husband on the Britt place and there, their two children, Edward and Virgie, were born.
    They moved to Sterling on the Applegate River in 1900, where they lived until 1906, then went to Kansas for a year, returning in 1907 and moving to a ranch near Spokane, which has been their home ever since.
    Her husband, James H. Lewis, passed away in April of this year. Mrs. Lewis had been in poor health for several years, but with the passing of her husband she became more subject to heart attacks, which resulted in her death.
    Besides her aged mother, Mrs. Sarah Howlett of Eagle Point, she leaves to mourn her passing one son, Edward Lewis of Colville, Wash., a daughter, Virgie Potts, of Sprague, Wash., two grandchildren, Donald and Delbert Lewis and two sisters, Octavia Shaw of Portland, and Hattie Howlett of Eagle Point.
    She was buried near her home at Spokane.
    And to Mother Howlett, beloved pioneer mother, who has endured all the privation, the heartaches and suffering, as well as the joys of the pioneer mother, the proprietress of the Sunnyside Hotel at Eagle Point, who, though nearing the four-score-and-ten mark, is still actively engaged in the performance of her daily duties, who has buried husband and eleven children, and to her daughter, Hattie, the sympathy of the entire community and of all of Southern Oregon is extended in this new sorrow.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 15, 1934, page 6

    Word was received from Eagle Point today to the effect that Mrs. S. E. Howlett, one of the best-known pioneer women in Southern Oregon, is seriously ill at her home in the Sunnyside Hotel there.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 26, 1936, page 1


    The condition of Mrs. Sarah E. Howlett of Eagle Point, who has been seriously ill for some time, is reported as about the same by the attending physician. Mrs. Howlett is a long-time resident of the Eagle Point district. and her illness has been of great concern to a large number of friends in the valley.
    Mrs. Octavia Shaw, daughter of Mrs. Howlett, arrived early this week from her home in Portland, to be with her mother, who is 88 years of age.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1936, page 5

    Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Howlett, beloved pioneer of Oregon and resident of Eagle Point for the past 54 years, passed away at her home there yesterday morning at the age of 88. Death came as a result of infirmities of old age.
    Mrs. Howlett had lived in Oregon for 84 years, coming across the plains with her family when only four years old. She had an extremely wide acquaintance in this part of the state, and her death will be mourned by hundreds.
    The funeral will be held from the Eagle Point Grange hall at 2 p.m. Tuesday. She will be interred alongside her husband, who preceded her in death in 1924, at the Antelope cemetery.
    A complete funeral notice and obituary will appear in this paper Monday. The Perl Funeral Home is in charge.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1936, page 1

    Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock for Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Howlett, who died at her home in Eagle Point Saturday morning of pneumonia.
    She was born in Lafayette County, Missouri, and came to Oregon by ox team with her parents when she was only four years old. The trip took six months, and the hardships of the journey were climaxed with a fight with the Indians while the party was fording the Snake River.
    Her family settled at Oregon City. There she married Alfred Cobb Howlett in 1863. Later they moved to Jacksonville where they lived for two years before moving to Yreka, both teaching school there and in Scotts Valley, California, until 1865 when they returned to Oregon.
    Upon their return here they took up a homestead between this city and Eagle Point, living there for 10 years before moving to Derby. They made their home in Derby for six years and then moved to Eagle Point in 1882. Mr. Howlett died there in 1924.
    Mrs. Howlett was one of the best known and most beloved pioneers in this part of the state. Her dinners at the Sunnyside Hotel in Eagle Point have long been famous and people journeyed for miles to be with her on Sundays. So great was her circle of friends that it has been decided to hold her funeral in the Grange hall in Eagle Point, other buildings there being considered too small.
    She is survived by two of her 13 children. They are Miss Hattie Howlett of Eagle Point and Mrs. Tavia Shaw of Portland. Two brothers are also living, A. W. Cooke now living in Damascus, Oregon, and Henry Cooke, who still makes his home on the old family homestead at Oregon City. Also surviving are six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
    Pallbearers for the funeral will be William H. Brown, Nick Young, John Smith, Leland Smith, Ray Smith and William Perry.
    Rev. Smith of Butte Falls will officiate at the services in the Grange hall, with the Rebekah lodge conducting the remainder of the inside service. The Eagle Point Grange will be in charge at the graveside at the Antelope cemetery where she will be interred alongside the remains of her husband.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 6, 1936, page 8

    Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Howlett, beloved pioneer of Oregon and resident of Eagle Point for the past 54 years, passed away at her home Saturday morning at the age of 88. Death came as a result of infirmities of old age.
    Over 400 people, including representatives of every Grange in the valley, attended the funeral at Eagle Point of Mrs. Howlett. The big Grange hall in which the services were conducted was crowded to capacity, and hundreds of floral offerings were piled high above the bier.
    Rev. Smith of Butte Falls had charge of the services, after which the Rebekah lodge officiated in the rites of their organization. The Eagle Point Grange had charge of the services at the grave and in Antelope cemetery.
Central Point American, April 9, 1936, page 1

Mother Howlett
    April 7, 1936, Eagle Point witnessed the largest and most impressive funeral service ever held here, when hundreds paid their last tribute to its oldest and best beloved citizen, lovingly known as "Ma" Howlett.
    She had been a resident of Eagle Point for 54 years, coming to Oregon 84 years ago, crossing the plans with her parents at the age of 4 years.
    On July 16, 1863, she was married to Alfred C. Howlett near Oregon City, to which union 13 children were born, all except two preceding her in death. Her husband passed away in May, 1924.
    "Ma" Howlett endeared herself to everyone, both young and old, who chanced to come within the radius of her all-inclusive love and generosity. It is hard to put into words the hardships and self-sacrifices these old pioneers, such as "Ma" Howlett, had to endure in coming to and settling this country, and also difficult for the younger generation to conceive of the fortitude and courage with which she always met every emergency. No matter how great her own burden or grief, she was ever ready to lend a helping hand and a word of comfort to others in sickness and disease. She took homeless and motherless ones into her home, caring for them as her own, a mother to all.
    Often in her younger days she walked miles to minister to a neighbor in distress, regardless of the weather, day or night, never faltering, never complaining.
    She was a niece of Mary Harris Chambers, who fought side by side with and saw her husband killed by Indians during the Rogue River Indian war of 1855.
    Truly it was such dauntless courage and faith as this on which this mighty empire was builded, and our debt of love and gratitude to such as Mother Howlett is indeed beyond reckoning.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1936, page 6

Eagle Point Club Honors Recent Bride
    EAGLE POINT, June 17.--(Spl.)--Ladies of the Civic Club of Eagle Point entertained recently in honor of Mrs. Charles Elliott, nee Hattie Howlett, recent bride, with a bridal shower in the club rooms recently. Thirty-three guests were present.
    A decorative scheme of pink, white and green was accented with the pink and white roses and white lilies about the rooms. Joan Holmes and June Tingleaf, dressed in matching costumes, aided in the presentation of gifts.
    Mrs. Harold Emison was in charge of the program which preceded the presentation of the gifts. Refreshments were served later in the afternoon.
    Mr. and Mrs. Elliott recently returned from a honeymoon in San Francisco and other California towns and are at home to their friends on King Street in Medford.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 17, 1936, page 3

    Mrs. J. Brown reported on the success of the sausage dinner held at the Grange hall on Feb. 28. The cooking was done on a modern electric stove, but also in the Grange kitchen is an old four-burner wood stove which is used for keeping foods warm. This stove was originally part of the old Sunnyside Hotel in Eagle Point, owned and operated by Mrs. Sarah "Maw" Howlett. Following Mrs. Howlett's death, her daughters gave the stove to the Eagle Point Grange.

"Eagle Point Grange," Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1959, page 5

    During our recent struggle with the flu, we received a letter from Bob Walters, the new regional editor of the Mail Tribune, which gives us much good advice on writing items, arranging them, and what are the most important things from a news standpoint. We note that meetings and activities of clubs, lodges, etc., are important, but telling that refreshments of apple pie and cider served, are not. We agree with this; in our opinion it is no more important than the dress the bridegroom's mother wore at the wedding. On the other hand, telling that refreshments would be served at a meeting to be held would be important from an attendance standpoint.
    All of this, reminds us of a talk some years ago with George Putnam, then editor of the M.T., when we began to write in the spring of 1914. We asked him if he remembered the first items we sent in. He said he did, that we told about an intoxicated man being found in his car along the local roadside. We asked him if we gave the man's name. He said we didn't, probably because we didn't know it. Then he told us a story about A. C. Howlett, the Eagle Point correspondent, who wrote "The Eaglets," and had a wide circle of readers around Eagle Point and throughout the valley who enjoyed his way of reporting news, nothing being too large or too small to be omitted.
    Someone at the M.T. began to "blue pencil" and rearrange his Eaglets, which sort of irritated Howlett, who laid down his pencil and quit. In a short time, Tribune readers began to inquire about the absence of the Eaglets. Putnam contacted Howlett, and was told the reason, so went to the composing room and was told that much of his column was not important, and the grammar and composing was not up to standard. Putnam said he told them he didn't give a hoot about how it was written, and from then on to put it all in, and just as it was. Howlett resumed his writing, and continued for many years. This is not a threat, Bob, for we do appreciate your kindly help and interest, and believe the other country correspondents will too.
R. E. Nealon, Table Rock correspondent, Medford Mail Tribune, January 13, 1960, page 24

    Tavia G. Shaw, daughter of the late Sarah E. and A. C. Howlett, early settlers of the Rogue Valley, died in a Portland hospital Feb. 14.
    She was born Jan. 3, 1884, at Eagle Point. For the past 20 years she has lived in Oregon City, and operated a home grocery.
    Mrs. Shaw was active in Eastern Star, Rebekahs and the historical society.
    She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. B. A. (Zelma) Gordon, Portland; Mrs. Esther Brooks, Seattle, and one son, Fred Shaw, Portland; a sister, Mrs. Charles (Hattie) Elliott, Medford, and five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. One son preceded her in death.
    Funeral services will be held in Oregon City Saturday. Burial will be in the mausoleum at River View Cemetery, Portland.
"Obituaries," Medford Mail Tribune, February 16, 1961, page 7

Last revised February 9, 2025