![]() ![]() Haskell Amy WASHINGTON MILLS! THE subscriber
respectfully informs the citizens of Jackson and Josephine counties
that his
are completed and in successful operation. The Mills are located on
Bear Creek, about five miles northeast of Jacksonville.The Flouring Mill is constructed to turn out the finest qualities of F L O U R A N D
M E A L .
The closest attention give to filling
all orders received, promptly and satisfactorily.HORSE FEED
always on hand. Every variety of LUMBER for sale.A share of public patronage is solicited. THOS. HOPWOOD.
June 23, 1860.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 11, 1860, page 3 DIED.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 21, 1861, page 3 On Thursday morning, 19th inst., at the residence of Judge Rice, Jackson County, Mrs. MAHALA AMY, in the 20th year of her age.
IS hereby given to
all persons who
may have wheat in the HOPWOOD MILL, on Bear Creek, Jackson County,
which was there prior to the thirteenth of February, 1862, to W. J.
ALLEN, at said mill, and make their claim to the same, as all the wheat
there in bulk was attached at the suit of Patterson vs. Hopwood, and I
will proceed to sell the same, or so much thereof as was owned by the
said Hopwood on the last named day, to satisfy an execution issued upon
a judgment obtained at the June term of the Circuit Court, against said
Hopwood, in favor of the said Patterson.
W. H. S. HYDE,
June 26th, 1862.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 5, 1862, page 4 Oregon Mill.
THE undersigned
having leased the "Washington Mill," five miles from Jacksonville, has
thoroughly repaired it, and erected
New & Improved Machinery,
which, from my experience in constructing the same, as well as in
manufacturing flour, warrants me in saying that the Oregon Mill can and
will do better work than any other Mill in the Valley.EVERY SACK OF MY
Jacksonville, April 11, 1863.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 11, 1863, page 2 FLOURING MILL. THE undersigned, now
having full
and entire control of the Hopwood Mill, notifies the public that it is
in excellent milling order, with an experienced miller in charge.
Flour! Flour!! Flour!!!For every bushel of good fall wheat, 36 pounds of flour will be given, warranted as good as can be made in the county. J. P. PARKER.
September 30, 1865.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 10, 1866, page 4 The skeleton of a white man was found near Hopwood's mills in Jackson County a few days since. The body had evidently been buried about three feet deep, in a cramped or doubled position. It was brought to light by the washing away of a ditch bank. The jawbone was broken in two places, indicating a violent death. About three years since a man in that neighborhood disappeared somewhat mysteriously, and it is supposed now that he was murdered and buried to avoid detection, and that the remains found may be his. "State Items," Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 25, 1866, page 3
BELLIGERENT.--T. Beall and Haskell Amy had some high words in town on Saturday last, and even came to blows. The cause of the difference, as we learned, was about school matters in their district. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 4, 1868, page 3 T. Beall and Haskell Amy had a personal difficulty in Jacksonville and came to blows, about school affairs. "Jackson Co.," Salem Daily Record, April 8, 1868, page 2 Mr. Peterson is at work upon the newly established county road commencing at Hopwood's mill on Bear Creek and leading to Bybee's ferry on Rogue River. It will be a splendid road when completed. Jackson County is justly proud of her many good roads. "Jackson County," Salem Daily Record, June 25, 1868, page 1 WASHINGTON MILL.--Thomas McKenzie and Haskell Amy have purchased this fine piece of property from Mr. Hopwood. The brand of flour heretofore manufactured at this mill has had an excellent reputation, but the new owners intend to make it still better, having thoroughly overhauled the machinery. They are now ready to grind. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 7, 1869, page 2 THE subscribers,
having purchased the WASHINGTON or HOPWOOD
are now prepared to make flour equal to any in the market. Farmers are
invited to bring their wheat and are guaranteed satisfaction.
Washington Mill, Aug. 7th 1869.Oregon Sentinel, October 2, 1869, page 3 TABLE OF GRIST MILLS.
With the Location, Name, Run of Stone, the Capacity per Day, Power Used, Cost or Valuation, and Occupant's Name of Each.
On the 15th of
June, the Eureka Mills, on Bear Creek, will be stopped for repairs. All
persons having flour in the mill will please come and take it away on
or before that time.
Eureka Mill!McKENZIE &
Jacksonville, May 18th, 1872.Oregon Sentinel, July 6, 1872, page 2 EUREKA MILL.--Alexander & Amy give notice that they have repaired and fitted up this mill with the latest improvements, and are prepared to manufacture flour equal to any. Oregon Sentinel, September 14, 1872, page 3 HAVING THOROUGHLY
fitted up the above-named mill with the latest improvements, we are now
prepared to manufacture Flour
In Southern Oregon. A
share of public patronage is solicited.
Sentinel, December 28, 1872, page 3EUREKA MILLS.--Messrs. McKenzie & Amy, as will be seen by advertisement, have secured the services of an experienced miller, and are prepared to furnish the public with a superior article of flour. Oregon Sentinel, August 9, 1873, page 3 PAY UP! PAY UP!!
ALL PERSONS indebted
to the
undersigned at the Eureka Mill are hereby notified to come forward and
settle their notes or accounts before the 1st day of August next, as
the existing partnership expires on that day.
Parties having flour or offal at said mill will please take the same away. N.B.--We must have money to pay our debts. ALEXANDER &
Eureka Mill, July 5, 1873.Oregon Sentinel, August 9, 1873, page 3 EUREKA
UNDERSIGNED HAVE ENGAGED an Experienced Miller, and having thoroughly
fixed up their Mill with the latest improvements, are now prepared to
manufacture flour equal to any in the State. 36 lbs. Flour, 2 lbs.
Shorts and 8 lbs. Bran will be given in Exchange for 60 lbs. of good
Merchantable Wheat.
All orders left with T. T. McKenzie, or at his Office in Jacksonville, will be promptly attended to. McKENZIE &
Jacksonville, July 25th, 1873.Oregon Sentinel, August 23, 1873, page 2 DIED.
HALL--At the
residence of Z. A. Garrison, near Hopwood's Mill, on Dec. 12th, 1873,
Seth Hall, aged about 40 years.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 29, 1873, page 3 MARRIED.
residence of
Isaac Constant, on the 22nd inst., by Rev. M. Peterson, H. Amy to Mrs.
Jessie Constant--all of this county.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 25, 1874, page 3 H. Amy, of the Eureka Mills, was last week quite severely injured by being thrown from a mule. He caught cold subsequently, and his injuries threatened to be dangerous at one time. We are pleased to learn that he is rapidly recovering. "Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 30, 1875, page 3 EUREKA MILLS.--T. T. McKenzie is now solely interested in these mills, and having just refitted them with the latest improvements, is now prepared to manufacture flour equal to any in the state. Something further of importance will be observed by consulting his advertisement, which will be found elsewhere. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1875, page 3 EUREKA MILLS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
November 12, 1875, page 3THE UNDERSIGNED,
having purchased
the entire interest in and thoroughly fitted up these mills with the
latest improvements, is now prepared to manufacture flour equal to any
in the state.
Thirty-six pounds of flour, two pounds of shorts and eight pounds of bran will be given in exchange for sixty pounds of good merchantable wheat. Persons having flour, shorts or bran in these mills must take them away on or before the 31st of January, 1876. All persons indebted to the firm of McKenzie & Amy must settle up on or before the above date, as the books of said firm must be squared at that time. T. T. McKENZIE.
The high waters threaten to take off the bridge crossing Bear Creek near McKenzie's mill. "Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 10, 1876, page 3 The petition of C. Magruder and others for a review and change of the road leading from Jacksonville to Bybee's ferry, commencing at a point on said road on the west side of Bear Creek, near the bridge near McKenzie's mill; thence down said creek to a point at or near the line between the farms of Hopwood and Amy; thence down said creek and along the said line, the entire distance being about half a mile, was granted. "County Court Proceedings," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 17, 1876, page 3 DIED.
AMY--At Manzanita,
February 16, 1877, of croup, infant son of Haskell and Jessie Amy; aged
about eight months.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1877, page 3 SITUATED SEVEN MILES
from Jacksonville, the Eureka Flouring Mill. Terms Easy. Guaranteed in
good running order, for further particulars apply at the Mill.
Persons having flour, shorts or bran at the Mill are requested to come and take them away on or before the 20th day of June 1878. All persons indebted to the undersigned, or to the late firm of McKenzie & Amy, will save costs by settling with either cash or note on or before the above-named date, as the books must be squared up. T. T. McKenzie.
Sentinel, April 17, 1878, page 2
T. McKenzie advertises his flouring mills on Bear Creek for sale or
lease, and calls on all those indebted either to him or the late firm
of McKenzie & Amy to come forward and settle at once. Read the
"Random Jottings," Oregon Sentinel, April 17, 1878, page 3 Mr. T. T. McKenzie has had his mill on Bear Creek whitewashed, a new race dug, and everything put in good order. "Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, June 7, 1878, page 3 FOR SALE OR RENT!
The Eureka Flouring Mills! SITUATED seven miles
northeast of
Jacksonville. Terms easy, and guaranteed in good running order. For
further particulars apply at the mills.
Persons having flour, shorts or bran at the mill are requested to take them away on or before the 25th of June, 1878, and all persons indebted to the undersigned, or to the late firm of McKenzie & Amy, will save costs by settling the same with either cash or note on or before the above-named date, as the books must be squared up. T. T. McKENZIE.
April 19, 1878.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 2, 1878, page 3 H. G. Sprague informs us that the farmers have closed their irrigating ditches leading from Bear Creek, thus affording enough water to run the Eureka Mills, which are now manufacturing a superior article of flour. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 27, 1878, page 3 THE EUREKA MILLS.--These well-known mills have been withdrawn from sale, and under the management of Thos. T. McKenzie are now busily manufacturing the best of flour. Tom is an experienced hand at the business and will spare no pains to give the utmost satisfaction. Read the new advertisement elsewhere. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1878, page 3 Jackson County's flour is noted everywhere for its superiority. The various mills, comprising the Eureka, Eagle, Phoenix and Butte Creek, are running day and night to supply the demand. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 22, 1878, page 3 EUREKA MILLS.
MILLS, situated seven miles northeast of Jacksonville, are now prepared
to do a
Merchant and Exchange Business.
Thirty-six pounds of flour, two pounds
of shorts and
eight pounds of bran given per bushel of good wheat. Flour sacked and
branded, customers furnishing sacks. Satisfaction guaranteed in all
instances.T. T. McKENZIE.
Eureka Mills, Sept. 16, 1878.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 29, 1878, page 3 T. T. McKenzie is putting the Eureka Mills in first-class order. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1879, page 3 The Eureka Mills, situated near Central Point, are now running and turning out a better quality of flour than ever before. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 17, 1879, page 3 Haskell Amy, near Central Point, is building a new granary, from lumber sawed at the Hopkins saw mill. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 4, 1880, page 3 BORN.
AMY.--In Manzanita
precinct, Jan. 7th, 1880 to Mr. and Mrs. H. Amy, a daughter.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 28, 1880, page 2 The recent storms have raised Bear Creek considerably and caused a temporary suspension of operations at the Eureka Mill. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 23, 1880, page 3 The Eureka Mills have been closed down, and Tom McKenzie will amuse himself by settling up his business, building the steam mill, et cetera, et cetera. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 7, 1880, page 3 NOTICE.
business the
Eureka Flouring Mills will stop grinding on the 1st day of May. Persons
having flour or offal at these mills are requested to take it away on
or before that time. All persons indebted to the undersigned are hereby
notified to come forward and settle, either with cash, wheat or note,
as my books must be squared up at that date.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
October 22, 1880, page 2H. Amy and Mrs. Merriman were among those whose places sustained rather serious injury through Bear Creek's fury last week. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 21, 1881, page 3 'Squire Walton of Manzanita precinct made us a call Saturday. He informs us that Bear Creek has damaged H. Amy's place considerably, among other things washing off about five acres of timber land. "Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 18, 1881, page 3 Work on Haskell Amy's new barn has suffered a delay on account of the scarcity of workmen. Its dimensions will be 45 feet one way and 50 the other way, and 20 feet high. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 25, 1881, page 3 Haskell Amy of Manzanita is building a large barn, which will soon be finished. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 1, 1881, page 3 A bear infests the timber near H. Amy's place on Bear Creek, and an effort will soon be made to capture him. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 15, 1881, page 3 It is rumored that H. Amy has purchased the Angel place near town. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 29, 1881, page 3 H. Amy has not purchased the Barnes place, near town, as reported. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 5, 1881, page 3 John Hockenjos is building barns for Haskell Amy and P. N. Ficke. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 6, 1881, page 3 The framework of Haskell Amy's barn in Manzanita precinct is up, waiting for lumber to complete it with. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 27, 1881, page 3 While A. Davison's team was crossing the bridge this side of the old McKenzie mill site, last Monday, the structure gave way and let the wagon through. The bed and some of the harness was damaged, but, fortunately, nothing serious occurred. J. W. Baker, road supervisor, has since repaired the damages to the bridge. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 23, 1881, page 3 Geo. S. Walton and Geo. Hayes have purchased $4,000 worth of land on Bear Creek of Haskell Amy. L. S. P. Marsh has taken contracts to build new houses for Haskell Amy and Geo. S. Walton of Manzanita precinct. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 1, 1881, page 3 Haskell Amy and Geo. S. Walton, Esq., will soon put neat residences on their respective property. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 7, 1881, page 3 The grand jury was delayed a few hours by the illness of a child of H. Amy, one of the jurors. The youngster was soon out of danger, however. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 18, 1881, page 3 One of Haskell Amy's children has been quite sick this week but is now recovering under the care of Dr. Vrooman. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 19, 1881, page 3 Haskell Amy, of Manzanita, killed 39 hogs last week, averaging over 200 lbs. each. The largest weighed 500 lbs. The general opinion among farmers is that there will be a scarcity of bacon this year, and the demand for stock hogs is very great. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 24, 1881, page 3 BORN.
AMY.--In Manzanita
precinct, Feb. 7th, 1882 to Mr. and Mrs. H. Amy, a son.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 11, 1882, page 3 Haskell Amy's infant child died at the parental residence near town this week. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 25, 1882, page 3 H. Amy of Manzanita will build a new residence this season. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 7, 1882, page 3 Haskell Amy, born in New Hampshire in 1826 and emigrated to Oregon in 1852. Engaged in farming. "Southern Oregon Pioneers," Oregon Sentinel, July 8, 1882, page 3 Haskell Amy is building a fine residence on his home place in Manzanita precinct. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 12, 1882, page 3 MASS MEETING.--A call for a meeting of citizens of Jackson County opposed to the "building of the new court house until after the location of the railroad through the valley" has been issued by Messrs. E. K. Anderson, E. F. Walker, C. Magruder, Ben Haymond, H. Amy and others. The meeting will be held at Central Point tomorrow, and, we are informed by the call, "for the purpose of manifesting the true public sentiment and to determine upon a remedy for the proposed subversion of the popular will." Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1882, page 3 L. S. P. Marsh of Ashland is doing the carpentering on H. Amy's new residence, which will be a handsome structure. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1882, page 3 H. Amy's new residence in Manzanita precinct is looming up, and will be a handsome one. L. S. P. Marsh of Ashland has the contract for the carpentering. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1882, page 3 C. H. Reed of this place, an excellent painter, has received the contract for painting H. Amy's new residence in Manzanita precinct. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1882, page 3 H. Amy's new residence in Manzanita precinct will not be completed until spring. It will cost over $3,000 and will be one of the handsomest in the county. G. E. Payne is the architect. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 10, 1882, page 3 The weather having continued favorable, H. Amy's new residence in Manzanita precinct will be completed this season. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 24, 1882, page 3 Haskell Amy's new residence in Manzanita precinct is approaching completion and will be one of the finest country residences in this end of the state when finished. Mr. Marsh is the contractor. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 25, 1882, page 3 Col. Ross and H. Amy have been baling considerable hay, which they have sold to Miller & Son. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 16, 1883, page 3 BORN.
AMY--In Manzanita
precinct, April 7, 1883, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Amy, a son.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 21, 1883, page 3 J. T. Roloson and Thos. Snee are putting the finishing touches to H. Amy's fine house. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 27, 1883, page 3 H. Amy's fine new house, in Manzanita precinct, now about completed, will narrowly escape demolition if the route already run through the valley is adopted. At best, the railroad will run within a very short distance of it. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 18, 1883, page 3 Byers & Guerin are at present engaged in plastering H. Amy's fine new residence, which ensures a good job, as they are first-class workmen. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 1, 1883, page 3 R. S. Dunlap, our marble man, will soon receive a large number of handsome tombstones, etc., from E. McGrath and Mr. McCormick of San Francisco, most of which will be put into position in the Jacksonville cemetery. Also two mantels for H. Amy's fine house in Manzanita precinct. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 13, 1883, page 3 The Ashland railroad depot will likely be on the Myer place northeast of Ashland and the one opposite Jacksonville will probably be located somewheres near Haskell Amy's residence. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 14, 1883, page 3 Among the farmers sued by the railroad company for right of way are F. M. Plymale, H. Amy and J. W. Baker. The case of White Bros. is the only one tried so far. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 10, 1883, page 3 Haskell Amy compromised with the railroad company this week and the suit against him has been withdrawn. We learn that he got about $1,000. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 17, 1883, page 3 H. Amy to O.&C.R.R. Co., right of way. Consideration, $700. "Real Estate Transactions," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 24, 1883, page 3 The track has been laid as far as Haskell Amy's place in Manzanita precinct. Not a great deal of track-laying has been done during the past week. "Railroad Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 28, 1883, page 2 HASKELL AMY.--Born in Vermont, on August 19, 1831. When quite young his parents took him to Knox County, Illinois, where he was reared on a farm and educated in the public schools. In the spring of 1852 he crossed the plains to Oregon, and settled at that time in Jackson County. In the fall of 1858 he purchased his present farm and took up his residence thereon, where he has continuously lived to the present time. He went to Illinois on a visit via the ocean route in 1866, returning the same year overland with a team. He married Mahala McDaniel on May 3, 1859. She died on September 19, 1861. The maiden name of his present wife was Jessie Bledsoe, to whom he was married in 1874. One child by his first wife, whose name is Frank. Two children by his second marriage, Laura and Albert. A view of the residence of this old settler is in this history. A. G. Walling, History of Southern Oregon, 1884, page 522 STILL ANOTHER.--Still the cities multiply in Jackson County. J. S. Howard is now engaged in surveying town lots near Amy's place at Central Point. The report is circulated again that the railroad company will put in a side track there, but we have no authoritative information to that effect yet. Ashland Tidings, February 22, 1884, page 3 THE FINE ARABIAN HORSE,
make the season of 1884 as follows:
He will be at Colwell's stables, Jacksonville, every Saturday, and the balance of the week at H. Amy's place, one mile northeast of Central Point. Frederic the Great was sired by Americus, imported from France by Roland Flournoy. His dam was a French Arabian imported by Colonel Beal from Kentucky, making Fred. three-quarters Arabian. He is a beautiful white with dapple spots, stands 16½ hands high and weighs 1,228 lbs. His get are solid black. He is highly recommended by the following gentlemen from Douglas County: John Long and James Ambrose of Yoncalla; James Durland, Oakland; Sam Carr, Scotts Valley; James Underwood, Pleasant Ferry, the Dixon boys, North Umpqua. TERMS--Single service, $5; season $10; insurance, $15. Payable at end of season. J.
Jacksonville, April 24, 1884.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 6, 1884, page 2 IMPROVING.--On several lots of the town site laid out on the line of the railroad, near Haskell Amy's, are, at the present time, several new buildings; blacksmith shop by James Kincaid, saloon by Wm. Tyler, dwelling house by a Mr. Downing and a store building being built, of good size, by J. W. Baker of Willow Springs precinct. All this is being done regardless of a side track there. A very pleasant social dance was had in the store building on last Tuesday evening. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 5, 1884, page 3 F. T. Downing, lately of Iowa, has purchased 700 acres of land of Haskell Amy of Manzanita precinct, paying $11,000 therefor. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 22, 1884, page 3 Baker & Amy are doing their share of business in the general merchandise line on account of their low prices. Not yet having the necessary hotel accommodations, Haskell Amy now boards and lodges a number of the carpenter force at his fine new residence. "Central Point Pickings," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 26, 1885, page 2 Haskell Amy bought the E. D. Foudray residence at Sheriff's sale last Saturday for $1,200. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 3, 1886, page 2 Our friend Haskell Amy was ahead in the fat men's race when he fell down and E. B. Caton passed him in good style, winning the race. "Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 31, 1886, page 3 A cow belonging to Haskell Amy lately gave birth to a calf entirely destitute of eyeballs. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 4, 1887, page 2 Fire.
The granary
of Haskell Amy of Central Point was burned to the ground last Wednesday
night, together with some agricultural implements. Fortunately the
building was some distance from any other and the fire did not spread,
until it was discovered and kept from doing any further damage. This
was no doubt the work of an incendiary. The loss is estimated at $450,
upon which there was no insurance.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 26, 1887, page 3 A Granary Burned at Central
Or., Aug. 24.--The granary of Haskell Amy, at Central Point, was burned
last night. It had just been prepared to receive their year's crop. The
loss is $500; no insurance. It was the work of an incendiary.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 26, 1887, page 1 It is tolerably certain that the burning of Mr. Amy's large granary, last Tuesday night, was the work of an incendiary. Luckily for Mr. Amy, his wheat was not stored there. The granary had just been cleaned for the reception of the grain. Mr. Amy will rebuild at once. "Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 2, 1887, page 3 H. Amy has mechanics busily engaged in building a granary to take the place of the one recently burned by an incendiary. "Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 9, 1887, page 3 Sims & Kearney, the scientific mechanics, have about completed a first-class granary for H. Amy. "Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 16, 1887, page 3 The northbound passenger train hit and killed a mare belonging to H. Amy on Saturday evening last. She was a valuable carriage animal, docile and trusty, and the appraisement of eighty dollars fixed as her value seems to be rather small. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 20, 1887, page 3 It was ordered that the county surveyor be required to resurvey that portion of the Jacksonville and Central Point road known as the lane between the farms of H. Amy and Geo. Cooksey, and to designate the center of said road. "County Commissioners Court," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 21, 1887, page 3 Some unknown person broke into H. Amy's dwelling house one night last week. The loss was small, the thief getting only a few dollars. "Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1888, page 3 O. Harbaugh and H. Amy, who purchased a piece of real property belonging to the Beall estate recently, are having it surveyed and laid out in town lots. Mr. Kelley, a newcomer, has been engaged to do the surveying. "Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 13, 1888, page 3 Thos. T. McKenzie of Jacksonville, one of our best-known residents, died last Monday morning, after a short illness. For several years he was engaged in the milling business near Central Point with H. Amy, until 1872, when he was elected sheriff of Jackson County. A few years afterward, in company with E. D. Foudray, he started the Jacksonville steam flouring mills, and has since then been a resident of this place. Mr. M. was an enterprising, liberal and upright citizen, and had a host of friends. His funeral took place on Tuesday, under the auspices of the Red Men, assisted by the Odd Fellows and Workmen, of which orders he was a member. Many people from different portions of the county were in attendance. He leaves a wife and a large number of children to mourn his untimely death. "Necrology," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1889, page 3 Our first town election was held last Monday and passed off smoothly. Two sets of candidates were nominated, as follows: Trustees, H. Amy, W. C. Leever, J. M. Gibson, W. J. Flippen, Dr. Whitney, C. Magruder, C. G. Rippey, F. W. Hogg, Jas. Kincaid, Wm. Gates; recorder, M. Purkeypile, G. R. Gallant; treasurer, C. J. Hogg, Dr. Hinkle; marshal, W. E. Temple, J. Parks; street commissioner, John Geer, J. W. Hays. C. Magruder, F. W. Hogg, C. G. Rippey, Jas. Kincaid, W. C. Leever, M. Purkeypile, C. J. Hogg, J. Parks and John Geer were the successful candidates for the respective offices. "Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 14, 1889, page 3 H. Amy and R. S. Dunlap are embellishing their premises in town with neat new fences. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 14, 1889, page 3 Directors Elected and Grounds
stockholders of the Jackson County Agricultural Association met at the
town hall in Jacksonville last Saturday afternoon and elected the
following board of directors for the ensuing year: C. C. Beekman, N. C.
Boynton, F. T. Downing, W. C. Leever, J. N. T. Miller, B. Beall, C. G.
Rippey. Before adjourning the stockholders unanimously recommended the
purchase by the directors of the 95-acre tract of land near Central
Point offered the Association by Mrs. M. M. Cooksey and H. Amy at the
very low price of $20 per acre. After the result of the election was
announced the directors held a meeting and elected J. N. T. Miller
president, and appointed W. M. Holmes secretary of the board. On Monday
afternoon the directors met at the grounds selected, being assisted in
the survey of the premises by Peter Applegate of Ashland, and concluded
the contract for the purchase of the grounds. As it was found to be
desirable to have rather more land than the original ninety-five acres
stipulated for, in order to accommodate a full mile track, a
proposition was made to Mrs. Cooksey for the purchase of ten acres
adjoining the tract on the west, and she very courteously agreed to
accommodate the association with the additional amount at the same rate
per acre. The directors dispersed with the understanding that Jackson
County's representatives on the district board at its meeting at Grants
Pass tomorrow be authorized by the officers of the association to
tender the free use of the grounds of the Jackson County Agricultural
Association to the district board for the purpose of holding the first
annual district fair this fall.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 30, 1889, page 3 (Purchase of the original fair grounds.) H. Amy and Mrs. M. Peterson are quite sick, we are sorry to learn. "Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 6, 1889, page 3 C. Jeffers, lately from the East, who purchased a dwelling location from H. Amy recently, has fitted it up in fine style. "Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1889, page 3 Mrs. S. B. Taylor has purchased H. Amy's dwelling house on California Street, formerly belonging to E. D. Foudray, and will convert it into a boarding house. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1890, page 3 H. Amy and wife were at Ashland getting medical advice during the week. Mr. A. intends testing the virtues of Klamath hot springs soon. "Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 11, 1890, page 3 Robert Westrop last week disposed of his livery stable property in Central Point to H. Amy and his saloon building to C. Magruder. "Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1892, page 3 Thos. Hopwood is lying quite ill at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. R. McKenzie. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 12, 1892, page 3 In the matter of the guardianship of Haskell Amy, Silas J. Day appointed as guardian and W. A. Owen, G. T. Hershberger and W. T. Leever as appraisers. "Probate Court," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 21, 1892, page 2 A Southern Oregon Pioneer Dead.
Or., Dec. 17.--(Special.)--Haskell Amy, a pioneer of Southern Oregon,
died at his home at Central Point this morning, aged 66 years. Some
time ago he was stricken with paralysis, from which he never fully
recovered, and a second stroke last night proved fatal. He was married
in 1855 to Miss Mahala McDaniel, who died a few years later, leaving
one son. He was married a second time to Mrs. Jessie Constant, who,
with three small children, survives him. Mr. Amy had by industry and
frugality amassed a fortune and was at the time of his death one of the
townsite owners of Central Point.
Daily Intelligencer, Seattle, December 18, 1892, page 2 DIED.
AMY--At Central
Point, Dec. 17, 1892, Haskell Amy, aged 65 years, 3 months and 28 days.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 23, 1892, page 2 Estate of Haskell Amy--Jessie Amy appointed guardian of minor heirs--Laura and Albert Amy. Letters issued to her with bond fixed at $500. "County Seat News: In Probate," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 3 Fred Peninger and C. Gilchrist have purchased the Haskell Amy property, adjoining town. "Central Point Items," Medford Mail, December 1, 1899, page 3 Mr. Bledsoe, a prominent attorney of Southern California, is in Jacksonville looking after the interest in the Amy estate of his sister, who is the widow of the late Haskell Amy. He is a son of the late Dr. Bledsoe, who lived in Sams Valley in the sixties. Mr. B.'s own son was elected superior judge of Santa Barbara County, Calif., at the last election. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1901, page 7 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
Mrs. Flora Katherine Watt, native daughter of Oregon, lives at 1456
Chemeketa Street, in Salem. When I visited at her home recently she
said:OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley "I was born on my father's donation land claim in what are now the suburbs of Medford, on January 3, 1858. My father, Dr. James Patch Parker, was born at Worcester, Mass., on October 4, 1815. My mother, whose maiden name was Sarah Craft, was born in Pennsylvania on October 3, 1819. Father and Mother were married at Fulton, Ill., on April 18, 1844. "They crossed the plains to Oregon in 1852. If I could remember all my mother told me about their trip across the plains I could write a book. No day was without some incident that Mother and Father discussed with their fellow travelers later. For example, Mother brought with her two heavy flatirons, old family keepsakes. When the cattle became gaunt and the loads had to be reduced, Father decided that these flatirons would have to be thrown away, so Mother very regretfully put them beside the trail and abandoned them. Two years later, in a second-hand store in Jacksonville, she located these identical irons and bought them. Some other traveler had found them, picked them up, brought them to Southern Oregon and sold them to the second-hand man. "Mother had a favorite hen, which had nine little chickens. She didn't want to leave them, so Father fixed up a coop on the back of the wagon, and Mother brought the hen and chickens with them. Eight of the nine turned out to be pullets. When they camped, Mother would open the chicken coop. The chickens would fly out, run round and catch grasshoppers and other insects, and at night fly back into the coop. Mother had a little trunk, which also was a family keepsake. Father wanted her to abandon it, but it was light, and Father consented to her keep it. My brother Fremont, who was 3 years old, died of cholera while they were crossing the plains. Most of those who died on the plains were wrapped in a blanket and buried beside the trail, but Mother prepared little Fremont for burial, used this little trunk as a coffin and buried him on the banks of the Snake River. "Before coming to Oregon my father practiced medicine. He studied medicine under Dr. Garfield, a relative of President James A. Garfield. When my parents arrived at The Dalles Father left part of the cattle there, intending to go back the next spring and get them. He drove his work cattle and a few cows by the old Indian trail to the Willamette Valley. Mother, with the children, took a boat to come down the Columbia River. Father had all of his papers and some other valuables in a small trunk about the size of a suitcase. He said to Mother, 'Whatever you do, don't lose this trunk.' The captain on the boat on which Mother was a passenger had a large flask of whiskey, which he soon emptied. He ran the boat on a rock, and the passengers had to take to a small boat to go ashore. When Mother, with her baby, Curtis, in one arm and the small trunk under the other arm, started to get into the boat the captain swore at her and told her she couldn't take the little trunk with her. Mother insisted, and the captain became abusive. One of the young men--a passenger--knocked the captain down, helped Mother and the baby into the boat and then handed the trunk to her. All of Mother's household goods were lost with the exception of one box containing a feather bed and some pillows, which floated ashore. "When Father went back to The Dalles the next spring to get his cattle he found that most of them had died during the winter. "My parents settled at Salem. My brother Charles was born at what is now Chemeketa and 14th streets on May 11, 1854. From Salem the family moved to Lebanon, where my mother's sister, Mrs. William McAllister, lived. My brother Charles was only 4 months old when they moved to the Rogue River Valley. Father took up a place on Bear Creek. My oldest brother, William H. Parker, was born in 1845. The next child, Hannah, died when she was little. My brother Fremont died and was burned on the plains. Curtis, my next brother, was a babe in arms when my parents crossed the plains. Charles was born in Salem. My brother Franklin was born on Father's claim on Bear Creek, near the present town of Medford, in 1856, and I was born on the same farm on January 3, 1858. I am the youngest child. "My father owned and operated a gristmill on Bear Creek. Later he built a sawmill. He bought up a lot of land, on which he ran 350 cattle and about the same number of horses. Father secured the contract to furnish hams and bacon to the soldiers at Fort Klamath and also sold hams and bacon to the miners and to the Chinese miners at Jacksonville." Oregon Journal, Portland, May 9, 1934, page 10 Speaking of the pioneer times--which we weren't--we ran into something rather funny the other day. In our remodeling of the old home we purchased several years ago we had cause to tear off the casing of an upstairs door. Lying on top of the door frame was an old stencil with the name 'H. AMY." Our memory at once turned to what our old friend "Con" Leever had told us of the history of the old house, which he called the "Kincaid" house. He told us that the house was built in the early days of the city by Jim Kincaid, whose wife was a daughter of Haskell Amy, who owned the beautiful mansion across the road. Since the discovery of the old stencil we have been trying to get more of the history of the Amy and Kincaid families, but have run into all kinds of stories--in fact, every oldtimer we have talked to has given us a different version of these old pioneers. All we can be sure of is that Haskell Amy owned a lot of land west of this city and built the big Colonial house now occupied by the Theodore Glass family. We also have evidence that our house was at one time owned by the Kincaids. "Musings by an Innocent Bystander," Central Point American, February 17, 1938, page 1 Well--Mr. Innocent Bystander, speaking of pioneer times, which I am--I read with interest your account of your rare find in the old house of Jim Kincaid. The brass stencil you found belonged to Haskell Amy, all right. No doubt Jim Kincaid was doing some stenciling for his father-in-law, Haskell Amy, and succeeded in losing the said stencil for his said father-in-law. Jim Kincaid married Laura Amy, Haskell Amy's daughter by his second wife, whose maiden name was Jessie Bledsoe. (So far so good.) Mahala McDaniel was Haskell Amy's first wife, to whom he was married in 1859. His first wife died in 1861. He married his second wife, Jessie Bledsoe, in 1874. Mr. Bystander, so innocent, Mr. Amy purchased his farm and built the said "beautiful mansion across the road" in 1858. Laura and her brother Albert were born in the said mansion to Mr. and Mrs. Amy. When Laura grew to womanhood she met James Kincaid, married him [apparently this is an error--see below], and they built the home where you found his daddy-in-law's brass stencil--some find--no foolin'. Mr. Haskell Amy, during the time he lived in Central Point, took an ocean trip around the Horn of South America to Illinois and came back overland by team--that was some trip, I'm thinking. Mr. Amy was a charter member of the Association of Southern Oregon Pioneers. Among the other charter members were O. C. Applegate, E. L. Applegate, C. C. Beekman, William Bybee, Thomas F. Beall, Robert V. Beall, John Coleman, J. H. Chitwood, William M. Colvig, Isaac Constant, David Dunlap, John B. Griffin, David L. Hopkins, Michael Hanley, S. B. Hull, Thomas Hopwood, William Kahler, Artinecia Merriman, Constantine Magruder, H. H. Magruder, Joseph P. Parker, William H. Parker, David Peninger, John E. Ross, E. R. Reames, Joseph B. Saltmarsh and many others. Do the names sound familiar? It was the Ashland Tidings that first started the Association of Southern Oregon Pioneers. Haskell Amy built his mansion sometime before there was a Central Point. It was not until about 1868 that the Magruder brothers took up the land where Central Point now stands, and started a small store. Central Point did not have a post office until 1872. About 1884 all Central Point could brag about was some seven or eight dwellings, a school house, store, blacksmith shop, wagon shop, hotel, post office, feed stable and one saloon. Well, Mr. Bystander, have I helped you out any? Or maybe you would like to see a nice, beautiful steel engraving of the beautiful mansion that was engraved in 1884? I might add, for the sake of information, that there were born to Jim and Laura Kincaid two children, Tommy and Jessika. Tom was a very handsome boy, and Jessika was one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Archie Parker, "The Chatter Box," Central Point American, February 24, 1938, page 3 We have been informed that it was Julia Constant that married Jim Kincaid instead of Laura Amy, who was a half sister of Julia. This is a correction of the Haskell Amy story. "Locals," Central Point American, March 3, 1938, page 4 |