Orchard Home The first item below is a transcription of an 1889 real estate brochure, published to promote the Orchard Home district, located between Medford and Jacksonville.
CITY HOME probably covers twenty-five feet front. Over eight times that
distance each way would be but one acre. Is not an acre larger than
your imagination depicted? We would have you realize that an acre of
ground in this land of bounteous harvests and unclouded skies will make
a beautiful and profitable home for any family of modest wants. It is
impossible to present to you, with even the aid of the searching
camera, a picture of the broad domain of the valley of the Rogue River.
For many miles its fertile and gentle undulating plain stretches to the
compass points. We present to you, however, a picture of a small
portion of this valley of orchards. In the right background, just
beyond the grove of oaks whose shadowy outline alone is depicted, is
the site of our ORCHARD HOME. We cannot pass unnoticed the lofty beauty
of these oaks. They are just on the eastern border of the Orchard Home.
You can look down their aisles and into their deep shadows, where the
photographic light and the fingers of science have lastingly engraved
them. Verily, they are the first-born of the valley.
In the valley all the fruits known to the Temperate zone grow in unchecked and riotous profusion. Apples, apricots, almonds, cherries, peaches, plums, pears, prunes, nectarines, grapes, figs, olives and walnuts grow equally well to the industrious orchardist. We desire to convince you that cultivated orchard ground is a safer and better paying investment than any savings bank. A small orchard of peach trees near the Orchard Home yielded, in 1887, six hundred pounds per tree, which were sold at three cents a pound, or eighteen dollars for the fruit of each tree, bringing in at the rate of $1,800 an acre. The fruit from three hundred early Crawford and Muir peach trees, when three years old, sold for an average of three dollars a tree. This orchard is planted sixteen and one-half feet between the rows, making one hundred and sixty trees to the acre, and thus yielding over $450 an acre. It is not uncommon for peach trees to bear considerably the second year after transplanting. A White Winter Pearmain apple tree produced, in 1886, fifty-seven bushels of merchantable apples, and, in 1887, sixty-four bushels. Quite often here, a box holding a bushel is packed full with sixty apples. There are no better flavored or more crisp or juicy apples raised than here in this valley. Pears mature exquisitely fine flavored and often weighing from two to two and one-half pounds. In this vicinity there were picked from seventy-two peach trees (much less than an acre), which are from four to seven years old, 370 boxes of peaches, which sold for $350. This is at the rate of over six hundred dollars an acre. Prune trees five years old bear eighty pounds per tree. The prune is a little later bearing than the peach, and does not do so much until about four years old; but the prune is a standard fruit, easily dried and handled, will keep for years, and can be shipped to the markets of the world. Estimating the minimum number of trees to the acre at one hundred, the net value of the product, after the trees are five years old, will be from three hundred to five hundred dollars an acre per year. The average yield per tree in value will easily exceed three dollars per year; and it is a certain computation that after the trees are three years old they will produce more than enough fruit in one year to pay for the land. You can sell the fruit on the trees every year, through agents here, without coming. Your land will pay for itself in less than five years. You simply lend the money for its purchase in such easy payments as will not in the least inconvenience you. If you earn sixty dollars per month, live on fifty dollars and devote the balance to paying for a beautiful place which will serve you as a home, or which will earn you an income, or which you can sell in four years for at least $1,000 an acre [sic]. ![]() "Here
will I build me a Home."
revised June 18, 2022IN
ALMOST the geographical center of this valley is situated the tract of
land upon which we have founded the Orchard Home. It is not virgin
soil. It is thoroughly cleared, and is now bearing a harvest for its
owner. It is located a little over a mile from the limits of the town
of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. It may be stated incidentally that
it is within one mile of the railroad track, three miles from
Jacksonville, the county seat, fronts for a half a mile on the county
road, and between Jacksonville and Medford; and less than one-half mile
from the land will pass the electric railroad. [The Rogue
River Valley Railway between Jacksonville and Medford, which was
completed three years later, was never electrified.]
The county has a present population of over eighteen thousand, many
schools, and over 275,000 acres of land under cultivation. It is half
way between Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco, on the main traveled
railway line, and just far enough south to miss the rain belt of
Northern Oregon and yet be within those climatic lines which give to
California her cloudless and sunny days and a winter whose warm and
gentle rains are the only climatic vexation. There can be no question
of the value of this location, both for beauty and availability; and
there can be still less question of the fertility of the soil.
We have cut this land up into acre tracts. Affording a way of ingress and egress to and from each acre has of necessity used considerable land in roadways. We propose to plant each acre in the variety, or varieties, of fruit trees which each purchaser may indicate as his or her choice, and this at no additional cost to the purchaser. We guarantee to cultivate the orchard without cost to yourself until we give you a deed. We positively guarantee that when we turn the acre over to you, and give you the deed, that upon it (the acre) will be a thrifty-growing orchard. If the young trees die or fail from any reason during the term of the contract, we will replant them and provide against any failure. Before the conclusion of the second year, the purchaser will have paid all the installments and will have received a deed. It is expected that the acre will bear sufficient fruit the third year to at least pay for its cultivation, and in the fourth year, with any care whatever, it will repay the original cost of the land. The title to the land is perfect, being government patent. We divide the payments into installments, as is hereafter shown. After the first payment is made, we then commence to plant the land with such orchard trees as the purchaser indicates. At all times during the contract, we will cause the ground to be cultivated and cared for, so that the trees may grow rapidly and strong. We will act as agents for the purchaser, when the land is paid for and a deed recorded, in selling at wholesale the fruit product from the trees. You need not come here to reap the harvest from this speculation. Your acre will, in reasonable probability, after the trees are full grown, produce 10,000 pounds, annually, of the choicest fruit. We can cause it to be boxed and shipped to you. If you live in San Francisco, the freight on this magnificent present of fruit will be but fifty dollars, and if in Portland only twenty-eight dollars. In other words, we propose to make this a paying investment for those persons whose small incomes will neither permit them to make large investments, nor to lose what little they possess. With or without houses on these acre lots, they will rent readily at yearly rates and furnish a certain and continuing income. Money invested in land of this character can not be lost; and the land is a savings bank whose solvency and uninterrupted dividends can never be doubted. You must remember that this is not an experiment. Within sight of this ground are hundreds of acres of bearing orchards. If you live at any point west of a line drawn south from the city of Chicago, make inquiry of the railroad officials as to the amount of freight on a carload of fruit from here; and you will be astonished to find that you can cause your fruit to be shipped directly to your home at a large profit. This is true if two persons reside in one place, as the product of their two acres will be just about a carload of fruit. ![]() "This
is a Princely gift."
PROPOSE to sell this land to you for a net rate of two hundred and
fifty dollars an acre. We will improve it for you and pay all the
taxes, and when you have paid for it, which will be in two years, we
will give you a deed for it. The land will be fully improved and
cultivated, and with a prosperous, thrifty, profitable orchard of
choice fruit trees, without any further cost to you for all time. We
give you two years to pay for it. You are to pay us the trifling sum of
twenty dollars, when we will give you a contract all signed for the
piece of ground you pick out, and you are to pay us ten dollars a month
until it is paid for. This will take twenty-three equal
one month apart. This is not a wildcat investment. We will give you any
number of substantial references as to the value of this property.
Homeseekers all over the country are making inquiries. Improved orchard
land, with bearing orchard of fruit trees, has an actual cash market
value of five hundred dollars an acre anywhere in this country; and
that is what you can sell your acre for when your last payment, in two
years, is made.
Examine the contract we enclose you. That is the form of contract we make. Mark upon the plat of ground we enclose you the particular acre you think you would like. There is no advantage. The soil is equally fertile and the spot equally accessible. Send back the contract with your name and address, with your acre spot marked upon the plat (if we cannot sell you that one, we will sell you one close by); indicate the character of trees you want planted; send a bank draft, post office or express order for twenty dollars, payable to the Orchard Home Association, or Henry Klippel, President. We will then return to you the contract, all properly filled out, and executed under the corporate seal, which you will keep. Every month thereafter we will notify you when your monthly payment comes due. If, at any time, you desire to pay it all, we will make a dedication or discount for interest, at the rate of six per cent per annum. We will have a few lots of two and four acres each. These will cost just twice and four times the amount of an acre lot. Do not throw this aside and think no more of it. You can well afford to give this money out of your salary. Then, if sickness come over you, you have a beautiful place to go to, or an investment which you can turn into cash in an hour's notice. No more congenial community, and no more delightful spot, could be well devised for a home. The railroad fare is very cheap; and you will certainly be convinced, if you come, that, aside from the financial advantages, this place possesses all the life-healing and life-giving gifts which any enthusiast may demand. ![]() "I
will sing you a
song, melodied with Nature's music."
THE SLOPE which leads to the tireless waters of the Pacific, there is
no valley more beautiful than this of Rogue River. The waters of the
river, softly gliding over their gravelly bed, never clouded except
when they break in snowy spray, find their way to the sea through a
principality of alluvial soil. Along the river the wild
and cherry, planted by Nature, are bending in tangled confusion with
their burdens of purple and scarlet fruit. The tawny gold of the
ripening and far-reaching grain fields is relieved by the bright green
of the tasseled and waving corn. The glossy and deepening green of the
orchards is brightened by the gleams of purple and yellow and red,
which come from their weight of juicy fruit. The whole landscape, with
its sheen of white and flowing water, is a panorama of color which
seems to change and move in the sunlight and gentle breeze, and is
bordered by the melting haze of the far-reaching forest on the
foothills and mountains. To Nature's lenses is conveyed a gentle
impression of dark, cool green growing into the purple distance, and
lighted by the bright blue of the crested sky.
" 'Mid Nature's tangled drapery" shows a scene close to the Orchard Home. It evidences how marvelously fertile is this land, even when untouched by the plow. To those who delight in the wonders and beauties with which Nature has endowed this border line of the Occident, the foothills and mountains and trackless forest, which enclose this jewel of a valley as a setting, are a storehouse of grand and magic scenes and wonders. The lofty firs and pines, with their fantastic garb of yellow Spanish moss; the thicket fastnesses of the red manzanita and the yellow madrone; the deep ravines, into whose shadows the sunlight never peers; the mighty peaks, crowned with volcanic basins and mantled with garbs of perpetual white,--all shrouded in a lasting silence, broken only by an occasional woodman's axe, the snapping of twigs, the music of the wind in the topmost branches of the pines, the rushing of waters on their way to the sea, and sentient with Indian legends of the occult world,--all repulse the timorous, and convince the boldest that they are in Wonderland. Here is Crater Lake, the deepest body of fresh water in the world. The lead has gone down in its icy, clear depths three thousand feet; and yet its mysteries are unfathomed. Here breaks from a mountain side, from some subterranean lake, a vast volume of rushing water, the source of a mighty river. Here, on the crest, is the spot called Cinnabar, a great, undeveloped mine of quicksilver. No night falls and finds an Indian there; for they aver that there a devil abides, who punishes those who remain by leaving them toothless and bald. Springs of sparkling soda water, and others with strange taste of minerals, some hot and some the temperature almost of ice, break out with a rush from the mountain sides. And as the observer wonders, he yet gazes with entranced eye upon the picture. In autumn, the artist fingers of King Frost have touched the mountain sides with the paints of Nature; and long lines of maples and alders and quaking asp and box-elders are clothed in scarlet and yellow and russet and the tints of the opal; and, as we climb to the serrated crest of the mountains, we look upon the grandest picture of all,--the valley of the Rogue River, dotted with homes. ![]() As satiate with the boundless play Of sunshine in its green array." You can not afford to neglect this opportunity. Around and about this land is growing a necklace of young cities. Ashland, Medford, Jacksonville, Central Point and Gold Hill, all within the county, each almost within cannon-shot of the Orchard Home. Here, midway between San Francisco and Portland, is being built a "booming" young city. Mechanics and laborers, skilled and unskilled, the wage-earners and the homeseekers, may here build their homes, and find labor for their willing hands, and a peaceful prosperity for their families. ![]() - - - - -
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- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
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The following deeds were recorded in the office of the county recorder since the last report of the Times: Henry Klippel and Francis Fitch and L. H. Maxwell, interest in Orchard Home contract; $1. Klippel, Fitch and Maxwell to Orchard Home Association, a corporation. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1890, page 2 Plat of Orchard Home Association tract was filed for record. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1890, page 2 ![]() December 13, 1890 Democratic Times "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 9, 1891, page 3 Henry Klippel is superintending the planting of 40 acres of fruit trees on the Orchard Home tract this week. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1891, page 3 ORCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION, Office C Street, near Bank Building, Henry Klippel, President. This Association sells orchard tracts in one-acre lots for $250 per acre on the installment plan. The land will be fully improved and cultivated and planted with any variety of fruit tree selected by purchaser. Two years is given in which to pay for the tract, twenty dollars down and ten dollars per month afterwards. The "Orchard Home" is situated about a mile from the town in the richest land in the valley. The gentlemen connected with this association are among the leading men of this section. P. W. Croake, The Rogue River Valley, "The Italy of Oregon," Glass & Prudhomme, Portland, Oregon. Undated, written March 1891. The Orchard Home Association, which has the largest and one of the very best orchards in southern Oregon, is making preparations to greatly enlarge its acreage. It has the south half of the Nickell place, situated southwest of Medford, bonded, and has sold a considerable quantity of it already. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1892, page 3 A Handsome Place.
The Orchard Home Association have planted another large tract in fine
fruit trees on the Nickell farm near Medford. They have the largest and
best orchard in southern Oregon, if not in the state. An experienced
and first-class orchardist is in charge, and it is a pleasure to anyone
to look at the tract he has planted, which is about 100 acres in
extent, and being extended every year. Only the choicest trees are
used. The greatest of care is bestowed, and those who purchase of this
land can rest assured that they are getting value received. About 50
acres have already been sold to parties living in different parts of
the Northwest. In all probability the whole tract of 220 acres will be
sold during the next year or two, which will bring a desirable
population in our midst, as the purchasers are people of good standing.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1892, page 3 Geo. Wealthy of Portland, representative of the Orchard Home Association, was in the valley this week for the purpose of gathering data for a handsome and readable pamphlet that organization will issue at an early day. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1892, page 3 The Orchard Home in Canada.
William Hall, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, was at Medford Sunday, accompanied
by his wife. Mr. H. has charge of the business of the Northern Pacific
Express Co. at Winnipeg, and has been taking a 30-day vacation, most of
which was spent in attending the Knights Templar conclave at Denver,
Colorado. He came around this way for the purpose of inspecting the
splendid orchard of the Orchard Home Association, near Medford, in
which he invested last winter. Mr. Hall was highly pleased with the
orchard, promises to buy more, and will make a favorable report upon it
to his friends in Manitoba, where Oregon fruit is quite well known.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 26, 1892, page 3 Charles Nickell to Orchard Home Association, undivided portion of Orchard Home tract. $8000. Orchard Home Association to Portland Trust Company of Oregon, same property. $8000. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1893, page 2 Orchard Home Association to Wm. Billson; lot 15, blk 4, Association tract; $250. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 2 Orchard Home Association to Wm. Ellison, lot 15, blk 4, Orchard Home Tract . . . 250 "Legal Transactions," Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 2 There is no better orchard tract in southern Oregon than the Orchard Home tract, and it is kept in the very pink of condition by the untiring efforts of Henry Pohlman, an experienced orchardman, who is in charge. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1893, page 3 Geo. S. Batty, secretary of the Orchard Home Association, has been in the valley several days, looking after the interests of his corporation, which is engaged in planting 214 acres of land near Medford with fruit trees. He was accompanied by Mr. Avery, a prominent real estate agent of Portland. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3 The marriage of Henry Pohlman (who is in charge of the Orchard Home Association's lands near Medford) and Miss Emma Kebutz, which took place at the residence of Mr. Dammer, was attended by a large number of people. It proved one of the happiest events which has taken place in southern Oregon for a long time. A bounteous supper was spread, and dancing closed the festivities. The bridegroom and his fair bride were the recipients of the hearty congratulations of their many friends. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1893, page 2 Geo. Wallihan of Portland, representative of the Orchard Home Association, was in the valley during the week. Misses Edelhoff and Hill of Wyoming are in town today, accompanied by Geo. Wallihan of Portland, will invest in land somewhere in the valley, probably in a portion of the Orchard Home's Association tract. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1893, page 3
Since coming to
Medford we have heard the Orchard Home fruit farm spoken of many times
and by many different people. Upon questioning them further as to this
great farm we were invariably met with this question from them:
"Haven't you seen the Orchard Home farm?" and upon being told that we
had not they would follow with this: "You have missed seeing the best,
and what will, in the near future, be the most wonderful adjunct to the
fast-developing fruit and home building industry in this great Rogue
River Valley, and in fact this entire portion of Southern Oregon." The
thought occurred to us that while we plead ignorance as to this beauty
spot of our Italy land it might be possible that others were as
ignorant of the facts as ourselves, and to the end that we might
present to our readers a synopsis of the Orchard Home Association we
have endeavored to gather a few of the leading points and they are here
presented:One of the Most Promising Adjuncts to Home Building and Fruit Culture in Southern Oregon. Medford's Suburban Villa Tract Planted to Choice Fruit for Anxious Home Seekers. Three years ago the Orchard Home Association, comprised of Portland and Medford gentlemen, of which our esteemed townsman Hon. Henry Klippel is president, bought a tract known as the Nickell Farm, which is situated one mile west of Medford and on the county road leading from Medford to Jacksonville. This tract contained 214 acres of land. The plat was subdivided into 190 [one-]acre tracts, thirty-four acres being set aside for streets [sic]. These streets are laid out through the entire farm, the main street being one hundred feet wide and all others eighty feet. Each lot faces one of these streets, and in front of each has been set out, for shade and ornament, a row of almond trees, three or four trees in front of each lot. There are now 149 acres planted to fruit trees, sixty-five acres of the trees being two years old, thirty-five acres one year old and forty acres just planted over the past few months. Over one hundred acres of this land upon which the trees are planted has been sold, mostly to railroad men, many of them being old friends of the manager of the Association, Mr. Geo. S. Batly, who is himself an old railroad man. The purchasers reside in Chicago, St. Paul, New York City, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Iowa, Manitoba and many more distant points. Mr. Hall, now residing in Manitoba, and a farmer and fruit raisers, bought ten acres of this land in this spring of '92. In August last he visited the farm and has since purchased eight acres more. Henry Pholman, who is pronounced competent and energetic by Hon. J. D. Whitman of the State Board of Horticulture, is a man who spent five or six years in California trying to get a start in the fruit business, but gave it up and came to Oregon two years ago. After working in the Orchard home two months, he bought five acres and has since bought four acres more. He was recently married and will make his home on the orchard. The Association is regularly incorporated, with a capital of $50,000, and its business methods will bear the closest scrutiny. It is doing a great work for this valley and will bring many people and much capital to this section. The first fruit from this orchard will be gathered this year. The trees have done remarkably well and the peach and almond trees promise to bear well, while there will be a good showing of prunes on the trees planted two years ago. Almonds do so well in this valley that several acres of these trees have been planted by the Association this year. The rest of the orchard is chiefly in prunes and apples. When the proper time comes, the Association will arrange for the erection of evaporators and a cannery of ample capacity to handle the fruit, which will be carefully graded, and packed in fancy packages under a special "Orchard Home" brand--the idea being to get fancy prices and thus make the investment profitable to purchasers. Every detail of the work thus far has been given so much attention that it is safe to predict a great future for the orchard. The plowing, cultivating and planting was done on the most approved methods and regardless of expense. The best trees of the leading nurseries of the state were used in planting, and the orchard is one of which our people may well feel proud. Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 1 Orchard Home Association to Herbert L. Waterous; lot 7, blk 4, Association tract. $250. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1893, page 2 Orchard Home Association to Euphrasie Anderson; lots 16, 17, 20 & 21, blk 3, Association tract. $1000.; "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 3 Orchard Home Association to Edward A. Pennock; lot 3, blk 4, Association tract. $250. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 23, 1893, page 2 Orchard Home Ass'n. to Katherine R. Philport; lot 3, blk 3 Orchard Home tract; $250. Orchard Home Ass'n. to Andrew A. Allen; lots 23, 36, 37, 40 and 41, blk 3, ass'n. tract; $1250. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1893, page 2 Orchard Home Ass'n. to Geo. S. Marsh; lots 1 and 2, blk 4, Ass'n. tract; $700. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1893, page 2 Geo. Wallihan, representing the Orchard Home Association, spent several days in Jacksonville and Medford the forepart of the past week, accompanied by Mr. Anderson, a N.P.R.R. conductor, and his family. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 25, 1893, page 2 TIMES
Something over
three years
ago, under
conditions, as
well as a
vigorous fire
remarks, some
parties began
orchard and
trying to sell
the same in
acre tracts,
under the
style and
title of the
"Orchard Home
There was not
much said,
except by the
enemies of
progress and
who never miss
an opportunity
to say
adverse to new
enterprises or
upon their
There was
nothing more
to be said at
home. About a
year ago,
however, the
attention of
our citizens
and neighbors
was attracted
by clean and
kept orchards
near Medford
belonging to
the Orchard
and it was
observed that
quite a number
of deeds were
going on
record from
time to time,
that something
out of the
usual order
was going on.
There seemed
to be life and
even vigor in
a section
where hitherto
for year there
has been
naught but
"moss" and
heavy taxes.
Our people
suddenly to be
turning a
and instead of
comments and
predictions of
evil, they
began to
commend the
thrift and
energy shown
there. Today,
by these same
oldtimers and
neighbors, it
is a broadly
fact that the
property of
the Orchard
located at our
very doors, is
one of the
prosperous and
enterprises on
the Pacific
coast.WONDERFUL SUCCESS OF A WORTHY ENTERPRISE. This association was organized in 1890, with $50,000 capital, and it at once purchased from the editor of the Times over 200 acres of rich land just west of Medford and cornering with the limits of that city. During the following winter work was begun and pushed along so that before spring quite an acreage had been planted to carefully selected varieties of choice fruit trees, and this work of planting has been continued each season since then. Meantime there has been other elements at work. In Portland a force of experienced and energetic men have been almost constantly employed in negotiating sales of this property and in setting before the people of the East the beauties of our valley, the salubrity of its climate, its great resources and the general merits of this section of the state. That their efforts have met with encouragement and success is manifested on every hand, and even now the transformation goes steadily on. Old buildings, landmarks for nearly two generations, are disappearing and in their stead are rising neat, new, modern houses and cottages and other structures, suited to the modern plans and methods adopted by the association's management. To those of our people who are not accustomed to seeing the workings of such methods an occasional trip to the association orchard will be well repaid. Even a drive along the country past it will carry conviction to all making it that there is something going on in Jackson County. Mr. Geo. S. Batty, the leading spirit in the association, has been at the orchard for some days past. He says that this organization has had much to contend with, until last year, and that now the stockholders and promoters are beginning to feel much encouraged over the outlook. This year's work is now being laid out, and the preparations for a number of improvements are under way. In work of this character great economy is necessary from the outset, more especially in districts remote from the great trade centers, as this is. The working force must be composed of men of experience and must be well equipped and organized from the start. They require comfortable homes, suitable buildings, the best tools and machinery, as well as teams, etc. The superintendent must be well versed in all the details of planting and care of trees and land, and must be vigilant in detecting the presence of pests and prompt in destroying them. Mr. Batty states that he is well satisfied with the work thus far done and that he will do even better in the future, as it is the purpose of the association to make this orchard the best one on the coast and a model for all others. He hopes to secure the hearty cooperation of all progressive fruit-growers in the valley at any and all times when united action for the general good becomes necessary. It only remains for the Times to say that the Orchard Home Association has its hearty commendation and that we shall be pleased to advance its interests at any time. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 25, 1894, page 2 MORE ORCHARDS.
Further Work by the Orchard Home Association-- Planning To Plant from 100 to 150 Acres More. What Has Been Done and What Is Going To Be Done-- An Interview with Manager Batty.
property of the Orchard Home Association is undoubtedly the finest of
its character in Oregon, as it now stands. It is located about a mile
west of Medford, on land formerly owned by the editor of the Democratic Times, Mr.
Chas. Nickell, and on the line of the Medford-Jacksonville motor line.
It comprises 370 acres, laid out in acre tracts, of which about 150
acres have been planted to choice prunes, apples, peaches, pears,
cherries, plums and soft-shell almonds, experience having shown that
these nuts can be profitably grown in this valley. From the few peach
trees planted on the tract in 1891, nearly two tons of most delicious
fruit was gathered last fall, and the writer can testify as to its
juiciness and high favor. This year there will be quite a crop of fruit
of all the varieties named. The rest of the tract will be planted this
season and next.
For some
days past Mr. Geo. S.
Batty, who is the largest stockholder in the corporation and who has
been its secretary and manager from the outset, has been circulating
between Medford and the orchard. He has great faith in southern Oregon
and, being questioned on the subject of the enterprise and its
prospects, said:"In answer to your questions, it is perhaps proper to give something of the history and workings of the Orchard Home Association, for the benefit of your readers. The enterprise was inaugurated in the summer of 1890 by your townsmen Messrs. Francis Fitch and Henry Klippel, who, together with myself, organized the stock company, devised and adopted a system for planting and caring for the land and the selling thereof, and since that time the work in all departments has progressed steadily, notwithstanding the prevailing stringent times. It has now gone so far that its future is assured, and it takes rank as one of the most unique and prosperous enterprises of the coast. So far there has been upwards of $25,000 expended in improvements, advertising, planting, cultivation, etc., and to complete the Association's present plans from $10,000 to $15,000 more will be expended upon the property during the next two or three years. THIS
Involves considerable planting, a large
amount of new
fencing, work on roads, erection of buildings for employees, and
preparations for storehouses, driers, canneries, etc., a part of which
will be necessary for this year's fruit crop. The Association expects
to handle the entire product under its own brands and trademarks,
either green, dried or canned, in such manner as to touch the most
favorable interior and eastern markets, and in this way the full merit
of the vast resources of this section of Oregon will be brought out. It
is not to be expected that this will be brought about at once, and I
have not the slightest idea that the Association will ever realize even
the minimum prices obtained by fruit growers during the past season for
its products. It is expected, though, that by rigid economy, by
employing only experienced and reliable help, by inducing the railways
to afford proper shipping facilities at satisfactory rates and by
generally cutting every corner is a vigorous and businesslike way,
handsome results will be obtained by the promoters and their customers."It will be observed that there has been built up in our midst, without blowing of trumpets or sounding of cymbals, an enterprise and industry which is bound to make its influence felt through the county and state. The people connected with it are all men of affairs and of broad experience. The principal stockholders and the present officers and board of directors are Henry Klippel, president; A. E. Borthwick, vice president; Geo. S. Batty, secretary and general manager; Geo. P. Wallihan, treasurer; and Messrs. R. L. Durham and F. A. Carle, Mr. Durham being vice president of the Commercial National Bank and Mr. Carle managing editor of the Oregonian. Medford Mail, January 26, 1894, page 2 The R.R.V.R. Co. will probably establish a station in the Nickell addition to Medford, which will be quite a convenience to residents of Orchard Home and vicinity. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 25, 1894, page 3 A depot will soon be built at the Orchard Home tract on the R.R.V.R.R. This will be a great convenience to the people of that section. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1894, page 3 G. P. Wallihan, one of the Orchard Home proprietors, came up from Portland last Friday and has since been engaged in making plans for planting the remaining fifty acres of the original Orchard Home. This company will plant this amount to fruit trees, as per directions of purchasers, and will also do some considerable fence building at various parts of the Home. The Orchard Home is fast becoming one of the marked institutions of prosperity in this locality, and that their good work may move successfully on is the wish of every resident hereabouts. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 9, 1894, page 3 J. H. Wilson has sold his 160-acre homestead, adjoining Medford, to the Orchard Home Association for $10,500. The land will be subdivided and sold in acre tracts. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, March 22, 1894, page 4 A BIG LAND DEAL.
The Orchard Home Association Buy Another One Hundred and Sixty-Acre Farm. The Home for Twenty-Three Years of J. H. Wilson Now To Be Made a Fruit Farm.
week a deal was closed between Mr. J. H. Wilson and the Orchard Home
Association whereby the former sells to the latter his one hundred and
sixty-acre homestead, joining Medford, the price paid being $10,500.
For several months past this deal has been pending, but not until a few
days ago could the parties come to terms of agreement. The land is
located to the south and west of Medford, and to its nearest corner is
a distance of one and a quarter miles from the post office in this
city. The land is in a square body, being one-fourth of a section. It
lies east of the original Orchard Home and is more valuable for orchard
use because of it being near to the city. The soil is a mixture of
black loam, gravel and clay and is considered first-class orchard land.
For twenty-three years it has been the home of Mr. Wilson. It is all
under cultivation, but of course the cultivation which it has had is
very slight compared to that which it will now undergo--successful
orchard culture requiring much higher cultivation than that ordinarily
given to land cultivated for cereals.
This recent purchase, we learn, will be surveyed into tracts of a little over twenty-acres each. One of these tracts will then be subdivided into acre tracts and placed upon the market. When this tract has been entirely disposed of another one will be subdivided and handled in like manner. This method will be followed until the entire 160 acres are sold. Much has been said in this paper regarding the methods adopted and carried out by this company, and there is little need to repeat as all are quite familiar with them. We understand twenty acres of the recent purchase have already been resold to Portland parties. The Orchard Home now embraces 360 acres, nearly all of which, aside from the last purchase, has been resold and is now planted to fruit trees of various kinds, and a goodly portion of them bore a fine crop of most excellent fruit last season. This institution is deserving of the most kind wishes of every resident of this part of the valley, and while they are doing much toward advertising the wonderful and varied resources of the great Rogue River Valley, they are doing still more for their patrons in building for them a pleasant home which must of necessity increase in value as the orchards, which the association plant and cultivate, become older and more productive of fruit. While all this is being accomplished for the country and the association's patrons it must not be presumed that the promoters of the institution are not making a few dollars for a "wet day" emergency. They make money for themselves by pushing their project and conducting their business on a line of business methods--and who can say them nay, when their patrons are well cared for and given an opportunity to invest a few dollars in an institution that pays them a good revenue. Medford Mail, March 23, 1894, page 2 The Orchard Home Tract.
Affairs at the Orchard Home tract seem to be in as flourishing a
condition as they have always been. Last week Mr. Batty, manager of the
orchards, was here and remained several days on the ranch. He was
accompanied by Mr. R. L. Durham, the vice president and manager of the
Commercial National Bank of Portland, who spent Sunday at the orchards
and in Medford.
Prior to his departure Mr. Batty was pressed for a news item or something interesting concerning his orchard interests. He said: "I know of nothing interesting that has not already appeared in the columns of The Mail in some form or other. We are progressing as usual in making sales and generally inducing people to consider the merits of our plan and buy some of the land. Our season's planting has been completed. There are now upwards of two hundred acres in trees, and we are engaged in cultivating and otherwise caring for them. Last month there was a very busy one in our orchard, caused by the extreme wet and backward weather of March followed by the dry and hot spell which taxed our energy and resource considerably. Our payroll for April, covering labor and team hire alone, and the goods and implements purchased from your merchants and the trees bought in the neighborhood, amounted to half as much more. We are dealing with neighbors and intelligent people, who, notwithstanding the prevailing hard times, are keeping up their ends with remarkable promptness. The moment evidence is shown of returning confidence in western enterprises and securities, there will be great demand for all kinds of property. Southern Oregon is a fruit country and is just as safe and reliable as they make them. If there are doubts in the minds of any of your readers, suggest to them that they take a trip through California--the greatest fruit state in the Union--and note the conditions there. I think we should all be contented and talk and work Southern Oregon as the best section on earth. I know of none better." Medford Mail, May 18, 1894, page 3 The property belonging to the Orchard Home Association, situated in Medford precinct, will be sold by the sheriff next Saturday. The notice of sale will be found on the last page of The Times. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1898, page 3 SHERIFF'S SALE.
is hereby given that under and pursuant to a judgment and decree of the
circuit court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County, rendered and
entered in said court on the 23d of May, 1898, in a certain suit there
in pending wherein Portland Trust Company of Oregon is plaintiff and
Orchard Home Association, Frank E. Howe, Mrs. Charlotte Herbert, A. A.
Allen, F. G. Waterous, William Hall, Fred W. Jarvis, A. E. Anderson,
William Ehrdman, E. C. Andrew, James McG. Olty and W. H. Morgan are
defendants, wherein among other things it was considered, ordered,
adjudged and decreed that the plaintiff Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, have and recover of and from the defendant, Orchard Home
Association, the sum of four thousand, seven hundred and fifty dollars
($4750), with interest at ten percent per annum from January 5, 1897,
and two hundred and six dollars and fifty cents ($206.50) and interest
at the said rate from November 6, 1897, and the further sum of three
hundred dollars ($300.00) attorney's fee, and seventy-five dollars and
eighty cents ($75.80), costs and disbursements; that the mortgage of
the plaintiff upon the property hereinafter described be foreclosed and
that said property be sold and the proceeds applied to the satisfaction
and discharge of said judgment and to costs of sale, and under and
pursuant to an execution issued pursuant to the said judgment and
decree out of the said circuit court, under the hand of the clerk and
seal thereof, dated June 1st, 1898, I have levied pursuant to law upon
the mortgaged premises described as commencing at the northeast corner
of Donation Claim No. 79, in township thirty-seven (37) south, of range
two (2) west, Willamette meridian, running thence south on the east
line of said donation claim 31.80 chains, thence east 1.50 chains,
south 93 links, thence east 37.83 chains, thence north 36.32 chains to
the northwest corner of Donation Claim No. 84, thence west 20 chains,
thence south 60 degrees west 6.02 chains, and thence west 15.26 chains
to the place of beginning.
Also the north one-half of the David N. Herrin Donation Land Claim, being Donation Claim No. 81, in township thirty-seven (37) south, of range two (2) west, Willamette meridian, containing by admeasurement at two hundred and fourteen (214) acres, more or less, all of which land is platted and recorded as the Orchard Home Association, and recorded in Plat Book 1, page 67, records of Jackson County, State of Oregon, excepting lots one (1) to thirty-three (33) inclusive, thirty-six (36), thirty-seven (37), forty (40), forty-one (41), in block number three (3), and lots numbered one (1) to sixteen (16) inclusive, in block number four (4), and lots numbered one (1) to five (5) inclusive, in block number eight (8), and lots two (2), three (3), four (4), seven (7), eight (8), eleven (11), twelve (12), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), nineteen (19), twenty-six (26), twenty-nine (29), thirty (30) in block number two (2), and lots twelve (12), twenty-four (24) and twenty-five (25) in block number seven (7) of said Orchard Home Association tract, and have appointed Saturday, the 16th day of July,
the hour of eleven
o'clock in the forenoon as the time, and the front door of the county
court house in Jacksonville, Oregon, as the place for the sale of said
property, and that at said time and place I will offer for sale and
sell the said property pursuant to the said execution and decree to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied in payment
of the said judgment and decree and the accruing costs upon said
Dated June 15, 1898.Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1898, page 4 The sheriff's sale of the property belonging to the Orchard Home Association, situated near Medford, has been postponed until Saturday. "Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1898, page 2 The Orchard Home Association's property, situated near Medford, was sold by Sheriff Orme last Saturday and bid in for the Portland Trust Co. at $5500. "Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1898, page 2 ![]() G. Elksnat, the well-known surveyor, accompanied by his wife, left Monday evening for Waldport, Lincoln County, where they will permanently locate. They have been residents of Jacksonville for a number of years, and made many friends, who wish them success in their new home. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 30, 1899, page 3 Real estate agent W. T. York this week sold to J. H. Thorndike eleven lots situated in northwest Medford, between H and I and Fourth and Fifth streets; consideration, $535. This property was owned by A. E. Anderson, a Northern Pacific passenger conductor, who lives at Glendive, Mont. Mr. Anderson at one time owned quite a bit of orchard land in the Orchard Home tract, but this proved valueless to him because that after paying for it no title was forthcoming, nor did it ever come. His sale in Medford this week was at a very low figure, if figured upon other real estate values in the city. Mr. Thorndike, it is learned, will erect dwellings upon at least a part of his new possessions and these will be for rent. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 7 The Orchard Home fruit district is patriotic as well as progressive, and now boats of a fine flagstaff from which floats a large flag. This flag pole is at Urban Rest, the cozy home of Mrs. J. Root and Mrs. K. Philport. The pole is 60 feet high and is painted white, and the flag is fourteen feet in length and of the best bunting. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, July 4, 1902, page 6 AN IDEAL HOME COMMUNITY
Orchard Home, One of the Attractive Sections of Jackson County. A Sketch of One of Its Fruit Farms. The Valley is Full of Plenty of Them Just Like This One.
Jackson County contains many model fruit farms, and the sketch given
below will apply to them all by merely changing the figures as to
acreage and number of trees, all the other facts and figures being
practically the same.
By invitation of Rev. J. Merley a representative of the Mail made a visit to his fruit farm, which is in the Orchard Home district, one mile southwest of Medford. Rev. Merley has forty acres in this farm, most of the land being to fruit. Apple, pear, cherry and prune are the principal varieties grown by Mr. Merley. He also has a fine almond orchard that has proven quite profitable for the few years that it has been bearing. His apple, pear and prune trees, notwithstanding that he had put in over a month thinning out the fruit and had taken off more than half the crop, were yet so heavily loaded that their limbs were bending low under the weight of the fruit. When thinning he found one apple twig with ten perfect apples on one blossom stem, and on one cherry twig three and a half inches long forty-nine fine cherries grew to maturity. A person who has never seen a Rogue River Valley cherry tree in full fruit cannot believe the figures as to the quantity one tree will produce. From thirteen trees, but seven years old, Mr. Merley has this season sold over 1200 pounds of cherries. At five cents per pound, the price he was paid, [this] would make an acre to such trees bring in $432, and the same orchard at maturity would bring in over $600 per acre. In proportion to the labor to be expended, apples and pears are equally as profitable as are cherries so it can be seen that there is money in a Jackson County orchard. Rev. Merley's trees are all [as] healthy and thrifty-looking as young cottonwoods, and his orchard is cultivated until it looks like a garden, but the big yields of fruit that he gathers fully repays him for his work. Orchard Home, the district in which Mr. Merley is situated, is one of the most delightful spots in Jackson County. The land is as near level as it would be for perfect drainage, the soil a rich loam and the water supply abundant and of the purest quality. From there a view of panoramic beauty can be had, for Rogue River Valley is spread before one, a panorama of rare beauty. To the north historic Table Rock shows up, with Medford in the nearby foreground. To the east the Cascade Mountains with Mt. Pitt in its glistening white mantle of snow, and to the south Wagner Butte in its rugged beauty can be seen. The people of that district are industrious, intellectual and neighborly to a degree seldom found in a farm community, and a person wishing to settle in a community where the highest order of American rural life prevails, no better place could be found than at Orchard Home. Medford Mail, July 11, 1902, page 1 Henry Pohlman, the gentleman who owns considerable property in the Orchard Home tract, reports a fine crop of fruit this season. He will have fully two carloads of apples and 30,000 pounds of prunes, besides a goodly amount of other fruits which he harvested earlier in the season. Mr. Pohlman started in the fruit-growing business here a few years ago in a very small way, but his strict attention to every detail of his work and the exercise of good judgment and economic methods have brought him flattering returns, and today he is resting, in a financial way, on the "shady side of Easy Street." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 24, 1902, page 7 R. H. Hodge, proprietor of "Urban Rest," near Orchard Home, has erected a fine barn upon his farm. The main structure is 16x24 feet in size, with eighteen-foot posts, and to this there are two wings 14x24 feet in size. This is said by the neighbors to be one of the best farm barns in that locality of fine homes and fruit orchards. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 7 R. T. King, the gentleman who owns an orchard out in the Orchard Home district, is having remarkable success with a few English walnut trees which he has growing on his place. From four of these trees this year he gathered forty pounds of hulled nuts, and from one of these he gathered sixteen pounds. There are but few English walnuts in bearing in the valley, but when they reach a bearing age they seem to be quite productive. Mr. King also has nine hundred prune trees, from which he has this year gathered twelve tons of dried prunes. He has also built a drier, and aside from handling his own crop he has dried eight tons for Mr. Merley. Mr. King's prunes are all petites and are a fine quality. Twenty of them, which, of course, were selected, weighed eleven ounces. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 14, 1902, page 7 H. Pohlman, who owns a fine orchard southwest of Medford, recently shipped two carloads of superior prunes to New York. Taylor & Son, who also have a tract in Orchard Home, shipped one carload. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1902, page 1 F. M. Stewart:--"I have just received a letter from Judge D. R. Hindman, of Boone, Iowa, acknowledging receipt of draft for the purchase price of his ten-acre tract in the Orchard Home. In the letter the judge takes occasion to thank me for my efforts in his behalf and to praise my course in the handling of the business. A man shouldn't take credit to himself for being square, because it's the proper thing to do; but when a fellow gets a letter like that from a man of the standing of Judge Hindman, it makes him feel pretty good anyway." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, March 31, 1905, page 1 |