Boynton Carlisle Publisher and editor of Medford's second
newspaper, the Medford Transcript.
![]() Charles Boynton Carlisle, 1906. Those who do business at the post office will miss the smiling countenance of the most accommodating of clerks, C. B. CARLISLE. He leaves here for Northampton. Success to him, and may his "lines fall in pleasant places."--Woodstock Age. Mr. CARLISLE has been clerk in our post office for several months, and a more capable and accommodating clerk it would be difficult to find. Success say we to CHARLEY, wherever he may go.--Woodstock Standard. We are glad to learn that our Brandon boys do well.--ED. The Northern Visitor, Brandon, Vermont, July 7, 1859, page 2 Correspondence.
last the summer basking is done, and the sun, like a great red wafer,
has gone down on this thirteenth of September, sealing it for the post
office at doomsday. What makes the weather so awry? I can remember when
summer was more punctual, and July was content to stop on the threshold
of August. And what days these summer ones have been; heat,
superheated. Days when every breath outdoors was like a goat's life
pressed into a minute; when the clerks drank root beer to satisfy the
falling roots of life; when the blinds were drawn and ladies lingered
in baths; when gossips talked more than ever to one another; when
horses drank out of troughs stretching their yearning necks with
loosened collars; when blacksmiths were supercarbonated and delicate
skins were beset with gnats.But it is all over now, and the crisp wind rasps along the edge of approaching winter. I can imagine how it looks out in that famous Genesee with the flame of sunset on the wooded hills; the autumn days burning the woods away in blue and gold and orange; the ceaseless patter of acorns on last year's withered leaves; the streams, thrice the summer's depth, gathering sinew to resist the ice king; the hushed birdsong; the cattle trooping earlier down from the hill pasture lands to stand in the little patches of slanting sunshine by the roadside; the long, slant shadows across the valley; the quick alarm in the whistle of the startled quail; a glint of sunshine on the spire at Groveland; the deep, somber shadows of the queer streets; the glorious resplendent night of this sabbath of the year, when the stars bow down lower to listen in mute sympathy to the melodious death song the dying year is singing. The landmarks of summer have gone from the fields, and the landscape is all changing. Soon, shrill winds will whistle through the village and the snow shroud will lay upon the earth; age and childhood will cower before the fire while the storm rages without. And then, like those days of summer--days trying to patience and muscle, will pass and spring will come again, to roll the stone from summer's sepulcher. Then we shall look back on them as mere trifles. Human nature. The important things of today only trifles tomorrow. Well, half the hardships of life are imaginary, and even these, nature, kind to her children, has fenced about within armor of hope and delusion, to soften the pain of unrealization. This is almost every man's experience, and one is ready to smile in a grim way when he looks back upon what he termed important matters, now degraded into the veriest trifles. The little freight of joy or sorrow that came with them, they have almost vanished from our memories. And so it will go on while life lasts, and death places me under other conditions, we can only hope and surmise about. Men will put forth desires and wishes as the trees put forth leaves every spring, but the same destiny is laid on each--that the old in both cases must wither and die. The very vitality in man demands that he mold his feelings and desires, but we should deal gently with these vanities of others, seeing that each like the other is encompassed. Scarcely eight months from the present and it is supposed that the eyes of the civilized world--and perhaps China--will be fixed upon the Centennial of American Independence, duly to be celebrated in this old historic city, and so far as Philadelphia goes, it promises to be a very spirited and successful affair. Already the arithmetical portion of the committee have figured just how many will attend, and it is millions. Whether there is millions in it, as Aunt Sophy said of her boy's head, remains unfigured. This city is rich in relics and dates, and all that sort of thing will be brought into play. What Philadelphia has not got, Boston will lend her--everything except her intellectually and Bunker Hill. The committee did try to borrow the Hill, but Boston threw out her chest, squared off and said, "Never!" That settled it. The old State House, a brick structure and a cracked bell--which cracked while it was ringing Independence--will be moved out into the grounds a mile or so, so that visitors can have a better opportunity of cutting their names on the door and window panels. The amount of old planks, bits of bell and brick that relic sellers will palm off on verdant relic hunters in that six months will be awful to contemplate. Some towns can have a private centennial every few days with these relics. A soap man has offered thirty thousand dollars for ten inches of that bell as a billboard for his advertisements, but let it be recorded, the centennial feeling would not succumb. And there is Penn's cottage down in Letitia Street, that will go out to the grounds. The committee have a body of policemen there now to keep relic sellers from chopping it up. The candy man close by cusses, because he says if that goes, he's gone. Obvious, for he started there because it was sweet to be near the Penn cottage. The great trouble will be the Goddess of Liberty. In a moment of supreme bliss, the morally bald-headed man whose business is the decorative advertised for a Goddess at eight dollars per day, and now the man is stranded in letters, photographs and personal offers. The Post Office Department at Washington telegraph that this thing must stop. They have put on extra mail coaches and still their agents cry more, and the old man at this end says he'll answer as soon as he gets out of these letters. So far one million, two hundred and thirty-six offers have been made, and New Jersey to hear from. Seriously, I think this thing should stop. There can be only one Goddess of Liberty, and we each of us carry her in our hearts. CARLISLE.
Mount Morris (New York) Enterprise, September 22, 1875, page 1 An interesting
communication from C. B. Carlisle, written at Philadelphia, appears on
our first page this week. We understand that Mr. C. is about to start a
literary paper near Philadelphia.
A THUG OF SOCIETY."Personal," Mount Morris (New York) Enterprise, September 22, 1875, page 3 C. B. Carlisle was in town on Thursday. He was on his way to Rochester, where he will fill the position of news editor on the Rochester Union. "Personal," Mt. Morris (New York) Enterprise, April 26, 1876, page 3 Charles B. Carlisle, one of the editors of the Rochester Union, spoke at the Temperance Reading Rooms in this place last Thursday evening. It was an excellent effort and was listened to with much interest. Watkins (New York) Express, December 13, 1877, page 3 Charles B. Carlisle, assistant editor of the Rochester Union and Advertiser, is to deliver his lecture "Brown Study Chips" at Canandaigua this evening under the auspices of the Reform and Literary Club. This lecture, delivered several times last winter, received the unqualified praise of the press and the audiences, as a production of fine literary merit, and replete with sound and wholesome teaching. Auburn (New York) Morning News, September 26, 1878, page 2 Mr. Watson's youngest daughter is home from Syracuse University to spend the holiday vacation. The M.E. pulpit was filled by Mr. C. B. Carlisle, of Rochester, on Sunday evening last. "About Home: Bristol Center," Naples (New York) Record, December 28, 1878, page 2 C. B. Carlisle, known to many of our citizens here, and who resided in this place during the summer of 1876, receives a bad raking in the Rochester Democrat of Thursday last. After leaving here Mr. C. was employed on the Rochester Union as associate editor, and held that position until last December, after which he was married to a clergyman's daughter, by the name of Watson, at Bristol Center, Ontario County, N.Y. The Democrat alleges that he has blasted the prospects and ruined the lives of two girls in Rochester--Mary Cohen and Madeline Sliourherdon--and that a warrant is out for his arrest. Both girls are at the hospital, the former about to become a mother. "Items in Brief," Mount Morris (New York) Enterprise, February 1, 1879, page 3 THE SOCIETY THUG.
Since the Democrat and Chronicle
exposed the infamous conduct of the notorious Charles B. Carlisle, he
has been universally denounced by the press in both this and adjoining
states, and yesterday morning the Sunday Tribune
published a few additional facts in regard to his mode of life, which
may be of interest to our readers, although nothing criminal is
intimated. It seems that his one ruling passion was an intense animal
love for married life, and the number of young ladies to whom he has
proposed in this city could not be numbered upon the fingers of both
hands. By some he was rejected, by a few accepted, but the result in
either case was the same, for his hasty temper and unreasoning jealousy
soon severed any engagements of a matrimonial nature that might have
been made. It is not improbable that he was a monomaniac on the
subject, and at the least the supposition is only charitable, for
viewed in any other light his conduct has been simply inhuman. However,
we wished merely to show the brighter side of his social life, and
according[ly] produce the following letter from the Tribune, which will explain itself:A Few More Developments in Regard to Charles B. Carlisle-- His Mode of Courtship and Letters to the Objects of His Affection. "ROCHESTER, Nov. 20, 1876.
"Miss ------"This may appear a strange way of seeking you, but it is the only way that I have, and while it is not such as I should desire, I hope that you will approve of it in the end. For a month or more I have silently, quietly and unknown to you watched you as you appeared on the street, and in that month I have grown to love you, deeply, truly and honorably. If it is a crime to love you this way, I have committed a crime that I cannot regret, and now I can endure this no longer, and must speak. If it is to learn that you are heart-free, will let me try to make you love me, then I shall be content. If it is to learn that you are engaged, then it is best that I should know it, and I assure you I shall never trouble you again. Now, something of myself: I am a bachelor of thirty-one, not bad-looking, perhaps, entirely heart and hand free, not a relative living, in fair circumstances in life, in good business in this city, strictly temperate--a teetotaler--healthy in physique and morals. May I come and see you at your house, and gain your father or mother's consent to try and win you? Will you write to me and tell me plainly what I am to hope. and give me your address. "Truly, C. B. CARLISLE."
The young lady was probably somewhat astonished by the arrival of this
singular missive, but she at once showed the letter to her mother, and
after some hesitation that lady wrote to Carlisle, giving him
permission to call for the purpose of seeing how they liked his
appearance. He evidently thought, however, that his inamorata had
indicted the answer and his response was immediate and to the point:"ROCHESTER, Nov. 27, 1878.
"Miss ------"Your letter, in answer to the one written you some days ago, came this noon. I take it that you intended me to call last evening. I shall either call on you at ------, or next Sunday evening. I like your letter because it is candid as outspoken, and believe that we shall like each other after acquaintance. Sincerely, I hope so. "Yours truly,
It seems that first appearances were favorable and
the acquaintance ripened until it reached the following stage:"CHARLES B. CARLISLE." "ROCHESTER, Dec. 5, 1878.
"Dear ------"The lecture by Dr. Storrs will be delivered Thursday evening, and I do so hope that you can go, for I have so much to say to you. So much that I could not say last Sunday evening. I do not think I could ever bring myself to talk empty sentimentalisms to you, those society nothings which is the key to the generality of conversation of this day, for my heart has gone out to you so entirely, so unreservedly, that I can only tell you so, and that you know is not sentimentalism. I have loved you from the first day I met you. That love for you grew upon me until I met you at your own house, and at that visit, when you said I could come again, I felt that man could not give to woman a truer, better or more devoted affection than that which I felt for you. It is a love, Mary, that will endure, that will encircle you with its arms, that will shield and cherish you as the dearest object on earth. I have always had the reputation of being constant and true to a line of conduct of which I was convinced as right, and I know that this element of my character will obtain in my love to you. Man cannot give a woman more than this in feelings. I have not studied human nature without learning that a married couple cannot live on love alone, that there must be a home an flour barrel, and I do not hesitate to condemn any young man who marries a girl without knowing where these substantial things of life are coming from. Fortunately, I have an assured position of trust, responsibility and honor and good salary, such as will give me the comforts of life, and feel that on this score I am ready to marry. I want to win your love--and when once you tell me that you love me, I shall consider myself as the happiest of men. I think that long courtships are not conducive to happiness. There is doubtless a pleasure in going to places with a young lady, and the lady feels it a pleasure to be taken, but assuredly they will feel happier in going as man and wife, and that is why I have always thought that for a year or so after marriage a couple should board so that the young wife need have nothing to keep her from the full enjoyment of those pleasures. I wanted to tell you all these things, but I have had to write them. Only try to love me ------, only say that you will let me love and cherish and give you a life of duration, and I shall be happy. "Affectionately yours,
This it seems was a little more than the mother could stand, and
Carlisle was given to understand that he would be obliged to look in
some other locality for one "to love and cherish and give a life of
duration." But it made little difference to him. He was soon in love
with another, and so matters progressed. That he seriously contemplated
marriage is very much to be doubted. In view of recent developments, it
is more probable that his expressed yearnings for matrimony were merely
the cloak for his diabolical schemes. However, his power of evil is
gone, so far as this section of the country is concerned, and we gladly
let the matter drop--until we hear of something else that requires
ventilation."CHARLIE B. CARLISLE." Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, February 3, 1879, page 4 THAT EDITORIAL LOTHARIO.
Buffalo (New York) Express, February 5, 1879, page 2Arrest of C. B. Carlisle in Canandaigua, by a Rochester Officer. Last week we published an account of the alleged disgraceful acts of C. B. Carlisle, a former editor of the Rochester Union. Last evening's Express of that city has the following report of his arrest and defense:
C. B. Carlisle, of whose doings there has been so much (too much) said in the newspapers, was brought to this city this (Monday) morning under arrest, to answer in the case of bastardy, in which he is alleged to be the father of the child of a girl named Cohan or Cohen. He was arrested by Constable Goulding in Canandaigua, while on his way to this city. The officer handcuffed him to himself, and thus they came here together. Mr. Carlisle was interviewed by our reporter in the Municipal Court shortly after his arrival. He claims that there is not thirty lines of truth in the whole article published by the Democrat last Thursday, and declares his willingness to meet the charge that is now brought against him. His father-in-law accompanied him to this city. Mr. Carlisle says he had prepared statements to be published in the Rochester daily papers, and that they were sent here last Saturday for publication, but that, after consultation with a lawyer, it was decided to let the matter die a natural death, and they were therefore never presented for publication. This statement of Mr. Carlisle is the truth, as our reporters learned on Saturday afternoon that statements had been sent here by Carlisle, as he said. When Mr. Carlisle was interviewed by our reporter he very candidly told his whole story. He went to New York after leaving here, and went to work there. He never ran away, and he was in constant correspondence with his wife and her family at Bristol Center, Ontario County. While in New York he wrote to Mr. Parsons, of the Bradford Era, in regard to assuming the editorial management of his paper, and then came up to Ontario County to see his wife. From there he determined to go personally to Bradford. While at Canandaigua, on his way there he received a letter from Mr Parsons, concluding the negotiations by offering him the place, and desiring his presence as soon as possible. This letter Mr. Carlisle exhibited to our reporter. By the same mail he received the Democrat of Thursday last, and he then returned to his home at Bristol Center, and showed his wife the article which so severely denounced him as a "Thug of Society." He claims that his wife had been told prior to that time of his intimacy with the Cohen or Cowe girl. After consultation with his wife and her father, it was decided to send the counterstatement above spoken of, and the intervening time was spent in getting them up. When it was finally decided not to publish them, after the advice of the lawyer had been obtained, it was determined he should come on to Rochester and appear in answer to the warrant which was out for his arrest. He therefore started for Rochester, and on his arriving in Canandaigua was arrested by Constable Goulding. He admits an intimacy with the girl on whose behalf he has been arrested, but stoutly denies that he is the father of her child. He further claims that she came to his room and sought him out, instead of him seeking her. He admits, however, having paid $13.50 to Mr. Schutte for her since she went to the hospital, receiving a receipt from her to that effect, and that Mr. Schutte told him that was all that would be required. He also states that he offered to pay more if it was necessary, and no more being required he went away easy in his mind about the matter. He admits having done wrong, but says that what he did occurred last May, and that he is no worse than scores of other young men. It is quite evident that his wife has not yet lost faith in him, for our reporter was permitted to copy a letter, written by her quite recently to him. Mrs. Carlisle is 22 years of age. The Villainous Work of a Former Rochester Editor. The Rochester papers report the recently discovered rascalities of one Charles B. Carlisle, formerly associate editor of the Union and Advertiser of
that city. He ruined a young girl, who has since become a mother. He
enticed another into a house of ill fame, where she was induced to
begin a life of shame and contracted an incurable disease, of which she
is slowly dying. But worse than all, he won the affection of a lovely
young lady, daughter of a Methodist clergyman, and married her a short
time ago. The young wife is almost heartbroken at the exposure of his
true character, and her friends plunged into grief and shame.
The Democrat and Chronicle gives this account of the scoundrel Carlisle: "We believe that it was about four years ago that Carlisle came to this city from Philadelphia to accept the position of assistant editor on the Union and Advertiser, and during that time he developed a singular faculty for making enemies in every circle where he moved. At the opera house, where he was employed to do dramatic work, among his professional brethren, and in the society to which he managed to gain admittance, his unpopularity was proverbial, and we honestly believe that of the many men in Rochester today, there is not one with fewer friends, or one whose downfall and disgrace would occasion less sympathy than Charles B. Carlisle; and yet he is a man of some education and an unusually brilliant writer. Many of his editorials on social topics have attracted attention near and far, and in appealing to the sympathies and nobler feelings he has displayed a rare skill, which seemingly must have emanated from a pure heart. Perhaps some of our readers will recollect an article entitled 'The Thugs of Society,' which appeared in one of the Sunday papers over his signature not many months ago, an article beautiful in expression and thought, describing in touching language the ravages of society wolves and the wretchedness and desolation which marked their career on every side. It was a strikingly vivid picture, and in reading it no one would care to repress the feeling of righteous indignation against the devils clad in broadcloth, wearing the mask of beauty and sincerity, and charming with tongue and presence, who won innocent affections only to destroy, and to whom broken hearts, wasted lives and anguished parents were no more than the ordinary incidents of a pleasant journey. And the man who wrote it was Charles B. Carlisle! Had he possessed the accomplishments and graces of the men whose cold-hearted sins were presented so adroitly, the sketch would have been a faithful self-description; but he lacked charms of person and contented himself with imitating in a humble and more brutal manner the vices which he professed to abhor. Conscienceless and heartless, he stood as a teacher of morality, and on that Sunday morning, unabashed in the pulpit of an country clergyman, the man to whom he was bringing dishonor and heartache, the man to whose daughter he was doing an irreparable wrong, he stood there before the listening congregation, and with a selection from the Bible as a text, preached right living and right thinking in eloquent words, while only a few miles away, stricken by terrible disease and worse disgrace, two women were bemoaning the day that they were born, and looking forward to death as the only refuge for their sorrows. And these two women were the victims of Charles B. Carlisle, the 'thug of society.' It was an able discourse that he preached, and at its conclusion the members of the congregation exchanged admiring glances, and the old minister thanked God for giving his daughter such a husband. That was only a few weeks ago. Today that minister is bowed in sorrow; his motherless child is a wife, grieving for the sins of a husband who is she knows not where, and a 'thug of society' has added another to his list of cowardly conquests." The Times, Troy, New York, February 6, 1879, page 4 The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle of Thursday of last week published a lengthy account of the misdeeds of one Charles B. Carlisle, in which, if one-half be true, brands him a villain of the deepest dye. In December we published in the Journal the announcement of his marriage to Eva E., daughter of the Rev. Mr. Watson, a Methodist clergyman formerly stationed in Catharine, North Hector and Reading Centre, in this county, and at Millport in Chemung Co. The young lady was for several terms a student in Cook Academy in this village, and was known and beloved by many of our citizens. Carlisle, at the time of his marriage with Miss Watson, was on the editorial staff of the Rochester Union, and is said to be a writer of considerable ability, but from which position he was discharged as soon as his true character became known. The Democrat and Chronicle's account is replete with disgusting details of his exploits, and gives the names of several of his victims. At one time, while at the residence of Mr. Watson over Sunday, he occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church, delivering a most eloquent and interesting discourse. On Sunday last Carlisle was arrested at Bristol Center at the instance of the Rochester Overseer of the Poor, in whose charge is one of his victims, and taken to that city. The matter was finally compromised with the Overseer, and he was discharged from custody. Much sympathy is expressed here for Mr. Watson and his motherless daughter, where they are well known, for this great trouble that has come upon them, and maledictions bitter and deep are heaped upon the author of their wrong, who, it seems, is one of those who can "smile and smile, and be a villain still." Havana (New York) Journal, February 8, 1879, page 3 The Rochester papers give some very ugly exposures of the evil doings of Charles B. Carlisle, formerly an assistant editor of the Rochester Union. It will be remembered that he recently married the daughter of a Methodist clergyman in South Bristol. Carlisle comes out with an article of explanation in a recent issue of the Rochester Evening Express, in which he gives evidence that he is not so bad as he has been painted. We know nothing as to the real merits of the case, and cannot, therefore, express an opinion for or against the person in question. The Naples (New York) Record, February 8, 1879, page 2 On July 16, 1880, Boynton Carlisle purchased the plant of the Genoa Valley News at Genoa. On July 23, he changed the name to the Genoa Weekly Courier. The paper was a twenty-column, 16 by 22-inch Republican weekly, selling for $3 a year. On January 1, 1881, Carlisle sold the firm to George M. Smith. . . . Richard E. Lingenfelter, The Newspapers of Nevada, 1984, page 92 Carson City, Nevada Boynton Carlisle, 35, editor, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentucky Eloise E. Carlisle, 23, born in New York; parents born in New York Edna E. Carlisle, 5 months, born in Nevada 1880 Census, enumerated June 26, 1880 "Local and General," Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 10, 1885, page 3 PAMPHLETS IN DEMAND.--The following letter, received this week from C. B. Carlisle, the Secretary of the Board of Immigration at Portland, is of interest to the people here, and should stimulate our citizens to further action in the direction of a legitimate advertisement of the resources and advantages of our town and valley: PORTLAND, OR., MAR. 14, 1885.
Ashland Tidings, March 20, 1885, page 2DEAR SIR:--
Since the matter of the Rogue River pamphlets became public I have had scores of applications for them. Please forward as many as you can spare. I can use them to good advantage. The tide of immigration has set in toward your part of the state. Ever since Monday I have been writing out immigrant tickets to Southern Oregon. More than 70 percent of the newcomers calling at this office for information go into your part of the state. C. B. CARLISLE,
Sec. of Or. Im. Board. A crowd of forty-six immigrants filed into the office of the Oregon Immigration Board yesterday forenoon, and pounced on Secretary Carlisle for information descriptive of Oregon. The states of Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri and California were well represented by sturdy farmers, stockmen, dairymen, etc. Mr. Carlisle saw the uselessness of setting forth the advantages of the country individually to every person, and hit upon the idea of addressing the crowd collectively. In a few minutes all had concluded to settle in Oregon. Twenty-three tickets were issued to Southern Oregon, of which seven were for the round trip. One-half of the people will leave for their destination today. Quite a number will remain here in the city. When the audience dispersed, forty-six copies of "Oregon As It Is" were ready for the postman, mailed to eastern parties.--Portland News. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 11, 1885, page 3 It is rumored that C. B. Carlisle, secretary of the state immigration board, has been appointed postmaster of East Portland. "Here and There," Ashland Tidings, November 5, 1886, page 3 PAMPHLETS IN DEMAND.--The following letter, received this week from C. B. Carlisle, the Secretary of the Board of Immigration at Portland, is of interest to the people here, and should stimulate our citizens to further action in the direction of a legitimate advertisement of the resources and advantages of our town and valley: PORTLAND, OR., MAR. 14, 1885.
Since the matter of the Rogue River pamphlets became public I have had scores of applications for them. Please forward as many as you can spare. I can use them to good advantage. The tide of immigration has set in toward your part of the state. Ever since Monday I have been writing out immigrant tickets to Southern Oregon. More than 70 percent of the newcomers calling at this office for information go into your part of the state. C. B. CARLISLE,
Ashland Tidings, March 20, 1885, page 2Sec. of Or. Im. Board. C. B. Carlisle, secretary of the state board of immigration, applied to W. H. Atkinson of this place for Jackson County pamphlets, and Mr. A. sent him by express Wednesday evening all the copies that could be gathered up in Ashland. Many more are needed at the immigration rooms in Portland. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 25, 1885, page 3 That the pleasant climate of Southern Oregon is constantly becoming more widely known throughout the United States is shown by the many sample requests received for sample copies of the Tidings from people in Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Nebraska and other states. It is unfortunate that our county has no descriptive pamphlets for distribution at the rooms of the state immigration board. "Brevities," The Immigration Office.
River Courier, Grants Pass, December 24, 1886, page 1
The grounds of objection to the board of immigration, as set forth by
local papers in different parts of the state, are various, but the most
general, perhaps, grows out of the fact that the office of the board is
at Portland. From this fact as a basis it is assumed that the board is
a Portland institution, and that it exists solely for Portland's
advantage. The Dallas Itemizer
refers to it as benefiting "not the whole state, but a little coterie
in Portland who depend upon crumbs from the state table to fill their
hungry bellies." We have of late seen many other criticisms in the same
spirit, although none, we believe, so coarsely expressed. Others
declare that their sections get no benefit from the board. The
Pendleton East Oregonian says:
"We, this side of the mountains, are asked to contribute to defray the
expenses of this concern, and get nothing in return. Immigrants should
be allowed to stop over a day or so at Pendleton and other Eastern
Oregon towns to look around. Then we could reasonably expect to get our
share of those coming from the East." Referring to this general
subject, the Benton Leader says:
"The state immigration board is a fraud, and should be abolished by the
legislature. There is no particular sense in taxing people to pay for a
clerk for real estate agents and railroad corporations. If immigrants
want to come to Oregon, they can find the way now. The legitimate way
to attract people is to treat those well who do come, and build school
houses and be white. Mr. Carlisle isn't needed to stand at the gate and
show people where to go. Let Mr. Carlisle step down. He is the fifth
wheel on the wagon; he is a superfluity. Let us strike him out, as the
lawyers say, as surplusage." These few extracts illustrate the tone of
a criticism which is becoming very general.
The immigration office, including the whole work done under the board costs the state $5000 per year. It is a public institution and therefore a fair subject for public criticism; but criticism to be respectable ought to be intelligent. The immigration office is at Portland because it is the objective point for all immigrants. It is here for precisely the same reasons that the railroad land agencies and ticket offices are here. It is purely a matter of business and convenience. If it were anywhere else it would be out of the range of newcomers. Portland cares nothing for this petty office as a matter of local advantage. She has no ax to grind in the matter of locating immigrants, since the settlement of all sections are alike profitable to her; and surely it cannot be believed that the expenditure of the $3000 or $4000 per year paid for rent and clerk hire is a matter of much account to us. Portland would gladly see the immigration office moved elsewhere, to the state capitol, to Eastern Oregon, or for that matter to Chicago, if in another location it could do better work in settling up the country. While the immigration office is located at Portland, it is not under Portland management. Portland has but two members of the board (Messrs. Dodd and Corbett) and the idea that they depend upon crumbs from the state table is absurd. Such foolish talk is a poor recompense for labors performed in the public interest without compensation. It should be borne in mind that the board of immigration has not the privilege disposition that it can settle immigrants here or there at its own will. All it can do is to furnish information to those who wish it. Immigrants arriving at Portland, as they do at the rate of perhaps eight hundred per week, want to know many things about the country, where to go, when to go and how to go. To supply this information, circulate immigration documents in the East and to answer letters of inquiry is the whole business of the immigration office. It is an absolute necessity. Three years ago it was found that many immigrants actually turned back and returned to their homes through sheer disgust, not being able to obtain at Portland common information as to the country. They did not know where to seek, and business men had neither time nor disposition to hunt them up and set them aright. In this emergency the board of trade at its own charge organized the immigration office. It was felt, however, that this thing, being a matter of general advantage, ought to be supported by the state. The legislature was applied to and, very properly, it took the office from the hands of the board of trade. The latter did not ask, however, to be reimbursed for the expenses of the office before the state took charge. The board, we believe, has done good work, but it is not to defend it or its agents that we speak. If it believed that better or more economical service could be accomplished by a new board, or that a man better fitted for the duties of secretary than Mr. Carlisle could be found, by all means make the changes. This is a public and not a personal matter. But we must protest earnestly against the proposition to abolish the immigration office. We cannot leave newcomers to shift for themselves and perhaps return to the East in disgust with our neglect. It is a duty of courtesy as well as a matter of public interest, to give them a cordial reception and such information as they require. And it is the proper business of the state to see that this is done.--[Oregonian. LECTURE FOR LIBRARY FUND.--We take pleasure in announcing that on Thursday evening Jan. 20, under the auspices of the Library Association, Mr. C. B. Carlisle, Secretary of the State Board of Immigration, will deliver a lecture in this city in aid of the Library Fund. Mr. Carlisle is a journalist by profession, has in that capacity and as a lecturer given much attention to the question of education, and this lecture entitled "The Intellectual Not Enough" has been prepared with a view to aid in the agitation of this particular feature of culture. Mr. Carlisle delivered the lecture before the students of Monmouth Normal School last Sept. and Prof. Standly, in writing of it, says, "The address delivered by Mr. Carlisle last evening was most heartily enjoyed. It was a scholarly, cultivated and logical exposition of the subject and is of general value to the public." Tickets for the lecture will be on sale at all the principal stores in town, and the lecture will take place in the Presbyterian Church, admission 25 cents. Roseburg Review, January 14, 1887, page 3 The lecture last night by Mr. C. B. Carlisle at the Presbyterian Church was indeed an intellectual treat although but a few attended, it being so stormy. "Local Brevities," Roseburg Review, January 21, 1887, page 3 Our friend C. B. Carlisle, of Portland, is the happy daddy of a bouncing baby boy. "Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 20, 1887, page 3 The plant of the Medford Monitor has been purchased by C. B. Carlisle of Portland, who will soon commence the publication of a newspaper at this place. We learn that it will be neutral in politics, with Democratic leanings, whatever that may mean. Mr. Carlisle is a good writer, but your correspondent is reliably informed by leading Portland Democrats that his Democracy is of a very gauzy nature. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 1, 1887, page 2 C. B. Carlisle of Portland, secretary of the State Board of Immigration, made our town a visit last Friday, accompanied by W. R. Andrews. He will locate at Medford soon. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 1, 1887, page 3 C. B. Carlisle, secretary of the State Board of Immigration, has tendered his resignation and the same has been duly accepted. Mr. Carlisle recently purchased the plant of the Medford Monitor, and will shortly begin the publication, in that city, of the Southern Oregon Transcript. He will leave for his new field of enterprise the first of this week. Wallace R. Struble, of this city, succeeds to the position of secretary of the immigration board, and will enter upon his duties today. Mr. Struble is well equipped for the work, and there is no doubt he will discharge the duties of the position with good satisfaction to the board, to newcomers, and to the real etate interests.--Oregonian. Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 2, 1887, page 3 Bruce Allen, who will be foreman of our newspaper, is engaged in putting the material in shape for its early publication. Mr. Carlisle has resigned his position in Portland and will be a resident of our town. He will name his journal the Southern Oregon Transcript, we learn. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 8, 1887, page 3 C. B. Carlisle, Secretary of the State Board of Immigration, has bought the Medford Monitor plant and will take charge of it at an early date. He will doubtless make a readable paper. "Editorial Notes and News," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, July 8, 1887, page 3 Our new paper will be called the Southern Oregon Transcript, and will be issued about the 20th inst. Mr. Carlisle, the publisher, has already become a resident of this place, having arranged his affairs in Portland. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 15, 1887, page 2 It is announced that the first issue of the Southern Oregon Transcript will be issued one week from today. Mr. Carlisle has been suffering with a carbuncle, which will account for the delay. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 22, 1887, page 2 Volume 1, No. 1, of the Southern Oregon Transcript, published at Medford, has been received. Mr. C. B. Carlisle, formerly secretary of the Oregon state board of immigration, is the editor and publisher of the new paper. The Transcript is a twenty-eight-column paper, presents a neat typographical appearance, and is both sprightly and newsy. "Brief Mention," Oregonian, Portland, July 28, 1887, page 8 The Southern Oregon Transcript, edited and owned by C. B. Carlisle, late secretary of the State Board of Immigration, made its appearance last Tuesday. It is well filled with local news and will no doubt supply the demand for a newspaper in this place. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 29, 1887, page 2 The Southern Oregon Transcript has made its appearance and Jackson County again has four newspapers. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 29, 1887, page 3 Number 1, Vol. 1, of the Southern Oregon Transcript is received. It is published at Medford by C. B. Carlisle, an experienced newspaper man, is Democratic in politics and jumps in with considerable vim. Daily Morning Astorian, July 29, 1887, page 3 Mr. Carlisle has ceased to be secretary of the immigration board, and Mr. Wallace R. Struble takes his place. Mr. Carlisle will publish the Southern Oregon Transcript, says the Benton Leader. We trust that Mr. Carlisle will succeed better as an editor than he did as secretary and that Mr. Struble will succeed better as a secretary than he did as an editor. "All Sorts," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 5, 1887, page 4 The Southern Oregon Ttranscript has emerged from the ruins of the Medford Monitor. It is a bright sheet, with Mr. C. B. Carlisle as its editor, who as a journalist is very proficient. Success to you, friend Carlisle. "Local and General," Lebanon Express, Lebanon, Oregon, August 5, 1887, page 3 Your correspondent notices that the editors of the Ashland Tidings and the Medford Transcript have locked horns already, and as usual the former indulges in a fusillade of abuse when "he gets the worst of it," using such pet names as liar, etc. Mr. Carlisle has decidedly the best of the controversy, for his opponent's criticism of the fruit shipped from Medford was not prompted by the best of motives. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 12, 1887, page 3 The Southern Oregon Transcript, published at Medford, comes to us replete with local news and crisp, pungent editorials. Success. Albany Democrat, August 12, 1887, page 1 The Transcript announces that one of the most extensive livery and sale stables in this place will soon be removed to Medford. There is not a grain of truth in the statement, and we are surprised that Bro. Carlisle should give space to it. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 26, 1887, page 3 The Medford Transcript says: "The Grants Pass Courier man gives the personified inertia of that town a regular shaking up nowadays. He takes the fossils by the bootstraps and just lifts them where they can see a little of the enterprise of the outside world." If the will was equivalent to the deed, our esteemed cotemporary would be nearly right, but unfortunately our mossbacks are so completely fossilized that it requires more than newspaper articles to stir them up. A few hundred pounds of dynamite might give them the necessary elevation, but even then they would require new eyes to see beyond their own noses. Our hope is in the enterprising men of the town. They may, by their example and precept, do what the newspaper aims at. If we can unite progressive men and keep them awake, all will be well in time. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 26, 1887, page 2 One Way to Build a Town.
The following article from the Medford Transcript is more than applicable to this town and will, we are sure, meet with the approbation of our right-thinking people.
Whenever you happen to want an article of wearing apparel or something in the house-furnishing line, get a catalog from some business house in the East, take up a postal order or a check and send your money away from home. To be serious, the fact ought to be plain to everyone that the real prosperity of this community rests in each helping the other in these matters of trade. If all the money sent away for goods of one kind and another was expended here, it would enable our merchants to sell their goods cheaper than now, and at the same time to spend more money in the erection of buildings. These merchants own property, pay taxes, contribute to the support of schools, churches and all kinds of enterprises, and while they do this they ought to have every dollar of patronage possible to be tendered on the part of this community. Just as we send our money out of town for things which our business men can get for us, just in that degree are we jeopardizing the best interests of this town. You say, my storekeeper don't have this or that--I must of necessity send for it. Make the order through your merchant, and in that way help him and your town. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 9, 1887, page 2 Editor Carlisle, of the Medford Transcript, was in town during the early part of the week, and delivered an eloquent and instructive lecture on morality on Tuesday evening. He reports affairs in a flourishing condition in Medford. "Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 16, 1887, page 3 The citizens of this place are awakening from their lethargy and on Wednesday evening organized a board of trade, which will no doubt do much in attracting attention toward our town. The following are the officers: J. D. Whitman, president; Dr. B. F. Adkins, vice president; M. E. Beatty, secretary and treasurer; D. H. Miller, J. S. Howard and C. B. Carlisle, committee on membership. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 23, 1887, page 3 C. B. Carlisle, of the Southern Oregon Transcript, made our office a short but very pleasant call this week. "Local News," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 20, 1887, page 3 MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY.
Its Steady Growth and Prosperous Condition--Orchards and Bank Checks-- Development of the Fruit Interest. MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 13.
By telegram on Saturday the tens of thousands of readers of The Oregonian were
apprised of the departure from this city of a train of ten cars
freighted with fall and winter apples gathered from the orchards in
this neighborhood. It was sent, and it is referred to here, as
illustrating the fact that Medford is in the midst of the great and
growing fruit region of Southern Oregon, and the natural and acquired
shipping point for all this valley. This fact has made Medford a city
of the first commercial importance in Southern Oregon. The supremacy of
Medford's position in this respect cannot be denied. In the common
meaning of the word, Medford has not had a "boom," though for the past
year, and especially during the past four months, a steady growth that
is both substantial and permanent. The railway company has raised a
little flurry within the last ten days by instructing their agent here,
J. S. Howard, to advance the price of city lots. Aside from this, the
price both of city lots held by private parties, and lands adjacent to
the city, has not been advanced from the reasonable figure of half a
year ago. Rents have not advanced, though the influx of citizens during
the past month has entirely absorbed the empty houses. It is possible
that the action of the company in this matter, which is taken as
significant of some unusual interest in Medford, may inaugurate a boom.
Situated, as Medford is, in the very heart of the best and most
attractive portion of Southern Oregon, in the midst of Bear Creek
Valley, where the soil, climate and water are the best, there is no
tangible reason why the present degree of prosperity should not
continue, irrespective of any boom. The development of immense tracts
of valley and foothill lands, all adapted to grapes and the fruits of
the temperate zone, and tributary to this city, is almost limitless.
There is enough in sight, to say nothing of the undeveloped coal,
mining and timber interest, to support this theory of prosperous growth.
Oregonian, Portland, November 3, 1887, page 6
Since August, the business men and the farmers adjacent to the city
have maintained a board of trade of sixty member, and as an element of
organized effort, it has resulted in great benefit already and promises
richly for the immediate future. This board is making a thorough
cleanup of the city, adopting the dry earth box system for a
purification of the soil and to retain our present good health, putting
streets into fine condition, opening and beautifying a public square,
looking after all newcomers to see that they are fairly and honestly
treated, holding public receptions for excursion parties, and
judiciously advertising the city and valley.
All this has resulted in our getting a steady increase of population and attracting outside attention to this valley and its marvelous resources. Upwards of a dozen families have been added to the population of this city during the past two weeks, and scores of farms in the immediate vicinity have been sold to actual locators. The majority of the newcomers are from California. Half a dozen very wealthy men are among the number of new residents. It is worth a note here that the moral tone and sentiment of Medford is exceptionally high. Perhaps there is no town or city of its size in this state more morally clean and quiet. The church and school interests are dominating ones. A REMARKABLE CHANGE.
The greatest change in this valley is in relation to the fruit-growing
interest. The fact that orchard owners hereabouts have been getting
$600, $800, and even $1000 checks for the products of three, four or
five acres of fruit this season, instead of having it wasted or fed to
hogs in order to keep it from a total loss, has given a wonderful
stimulus to this feature. Almost every farmer in this valley is setting
out hundreds of trees; in many instances thousands, to replace old
ones, and on every hand new orchards are being started. It is a
comforting thing to know that this fruit-growing cannot be very well
overdone, for in a year or two more this entire valley will be devoted
mainly to the growing of fruit. The area of fall-sown grain this season
will be fully 25 percent, less than last, and this decrease will in
future be in correspondence with the increase of this fruit interest.
The present low price offered for wheat has had something to do with
All through this valley, houses designed to keep fruit for the winter and spring markets are going up. Mr. J. D. Whitman and J. H. Stewart, both of whom came here since '85, were the fist to build. Others are following. The fruit houses are built with double walls, filled with sawdust, and have about five feet space overhead filled with hay. The temperature inside these houses is many degrees cooler than that of the outside, and will, it is believed, preserve the fruit for winter use. Just now we are in the enjoyment of magnificent weather, the skies are hazy, there is something of the russet and brown tone in the landscape, but it is in the wonderfully inspiring atmosphere which incites a flow of health among our people, than in the subdued echoes as though over the dead summer nature kept silent watch until winter, that we mark and measure the character of our splendid climate. SEE BEE SEE.
The Medford Transcript editor is still troubled over the possibility of State Senator H. B. Miller being a candidate for congressional honors, and boasts how he can write Mr. Miller's political doom with two penfuls of the mighty ink he uses on his quill. If the Transcript man continues to be so prodigal in the use of gall he will not have any left to take the flatness out of his ink when Miller is nominated, if that should occur. Let's see--Miller was one of the members of the State Board of Immigration when the Transcript editor was hired as secretary of the board. Is it possible that Mr. Miller had the assurance to criticize the clerk of the board, or to notice some of the many of his reported shortcomings in the management of the immigration rooms? To imagine that such presumption on the part of Mr. Miller may have lodged the little seed of bitterness in the fertile soil of the editorial brain which is now sprouting these ante-campaign menaces, is not inconsistent with the character of the editor in question, as revealed in his newspaper career. "Editorial Notes and News," Ashland Tidings, December 2, 1887, page 2 According to the Medford Transcript Gov. Pennoyer is the worst specimen of a crank, Register Johnston of the Roseburg land office is an impertinent and ignorant fellow, Jackson County's officers are boodlers and so on. Poor Democratic officials! They ought to hand in their resignations at once, for they don't suit Bro. Carlisle, and he is so competent to judge, and is such a good Democrat, you know. It is really a deep mystery how the affairs of Jackson County and Oregon could have been administered before the advent of this illustrious individual. The grand jury made a mistake in not subpoenaing C. B. Carlisle of Medford (who has been so quick in applying such pet names as "boodlers," "robbers," etc. to county officials and vilifying some of our best citizens), and requiring him to substantiate the charges he recklessly makes in his paper. There is no doubt but what that individual would have entirely backed down from his position, acknowledged that he was guilty of prevarication or shifted the responsibility upon someone else. He never could have proved his assertions, and none know it better than he. Now that a committee has been appointed to investigate the books and an opportunity presented to [do] so, let Carlisle prove what he harps about so persistently or go up on the record as a slanderer. The next grand jury may still have need for him, however. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 9, 1887, page 2 Bro. Carlisle of the Medford Transcript claims to conduct a Democratic paper, and yet there is not a Republican journal in the State which abuses Democratic officials in so mean and unjust a manner as his does. Next year we expect to see him supporting the opponents of the Democracy, and at the same time insisting that he is a consistent Democrat. Of course, he is not hurting or deceiving anybody, only posing as [a] political monstrosity. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 9, 1887, page 2 A VERY FRESH INDIVIDUAL.
The editor of the Medford Transcript,
who is trying very hard to write himself into notoriety, seems to have
a penchant
for abusing and misrepresenting everybody whom he thinks is not doing
him enough homage. When he arrived in southern Oregon he evidently
imagined that his advent as a journalist would be the cause of
a great commotion, judging from the tack he took; but the
of the "Italy of Oregon" was not at all convulsed, and everything is
progressing as nicely as ever, just as if Bro. Carlisle was still
secretary of the State Immigration Board and receiving the blessings
(?) of the greater portion of the people of the State, which awfully
friendly (?) feeling was the principal cause for the summary abolition
of said board. Probably this noticeable indifference for him is the
reason for his journalistic recklessness and his apparent determination
to be heard anyhow.
If he thinks that his recent ebullitions on the county debt question will gain him the notoriety he so busily seeks or have any effect on the general public, he again shows how poorly he calculates. This subject has been thoroughly discussed during every political campaign for the last ten years, and the people, by their ballots, have, at every election, shown that they were satisfied that the county debt was honestly and necessarily incurred; that the great amount of crime which has been punished was the principal cause of this accumulation of indebtedness, and it could not be averted without resorting to the dishonest method, so strongly advocated by the editor of the Transcript--repudiation. It illy befits a newcomer, who has hardly become acclimated and knows but very little of our county affairs, to talk of repudiation; and his talk of "the people being robbed by a set of boodlers," is as impudent and silly as it is slanderous and unjust. This repudiation of honest debts and libeling of honorable, prominent citizens may be "after his own heart" and customary where he hails from; but, if we are to judge from the expressions of those who have read his vaporings, [it is] decidedly out of place in Jackson County. This is a very unhealthy country for repudiators and slanderers anyway, which may account for the contempt efforts like that referred to are treated with. The editor of the Transcript again succeeds in writing himself down as a very impudent and unfair individual in his comments on the Hamlin case, in which he proceeds to dictate to District Attorney Colvig what his course therein shall be. He not only puts words in that official's mouth that he never uttered, but unjustly endeavors to create a prejudice against Mr. C. Prevarication and abuse have had their day in Jackson County long ago, Bro. Carlisle will find out sooner or later. District Attorney Colvig has the confidence of the people, who know that he will do his whole duty, without fear or favor. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 9, 1887, page 2 There is no town in the valley, Medford excepted, which has not been slurred in the most contemptible manner by Mr. Carlisle of the Transcript. We are reliably informed that very few people of our neighboring town approve of such uncalled-for conduct on the part of their paper. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 9, 1887, page 3 The editor of the Medford Transcript is "almost anything you please, sir, for a quarter." He essayed to be a repudiationist; now he says, "Pay the debt." He charged the "ring in power" with being corrupt; then a ring composed of men of both parties were the corruptionists and were constantly increasing the debt, and though somebody knows where the leak is, the people are powerless to stop it; now he exonerates the present board and impugns by indirection the integrity of all preceding boards during the last twenty years. He foolishly fights the Medford school and then immediately lands it under the same management. Truly, what he knows of the county's finances or any other matter of moment could all be put in his eye. Where he is, and what he is on any question, he does not know, and no one else is any wiser on that point than he has shown himself to be. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 22, 1887, page 2 Carlisle is uttering many wails of awful woe, because his ability as an expert and integrity as a man were not recognized by the county court. It is just possible that the county's books will not be examined at all; and should the matter be deferred until the sitting of another court, it would be proper for the next grand jury to jerk up the Transcript man and make him tell what he knows about crooked transactions, etc. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 22, 1887, page 3 UNFAIR AND UNTRUE.
The Medford Transcript of November 8th came to our notice this week and contains an article reflecting upon C. W. Johnston, Register of the Land Office at this place. We know Mr. Johnston to be a gentleman of undisputed integrity, positively upright in his business relations, and as an efficient and correct officer he has no superior, save possibly one in California. C. B. Carlisle, in our opinion, has gone very far out of his way to speak falsely of this man, and prompted, no doubt, by a motive so sinister and mercenary as to be almost unworthy of notice. The whole offense committed by Mr. Johnston was that he did not give the Transcript land notices, when that paper did not or could not comply with the law respecting its circulation. Carlisle refused to make affidavit to the land office as required by law on all papers of doubtful circulation, when Mr. Johnston requested him to do so. Yet this man stated and wrote a letter in which he says (August 4, 1887) that he has "upward of three hundred subscribers assured, which is more than any paper in the county has," meaning Jackson County. Now, a more consummate falsehood could not be uttered by an intelligent man, while at that moment the Times had over 2,000 subscribers, and the Sentinel and Tidings something less, and Carlisle could not help but know it. Carlisle's questionable conduct in the State Board of Immigration is reappearing in his newspaper business, and he might as well get ready and "move on." This much has been said by us for the benefit of those who do not know Mr. Johnston, for where he is known he needs no such defense at our hands, especially from the attacks of such a man as C. B. Carlisle.--Roseburg Review.In connection with the above we might add that this man Carlisle wrote to the Interior Department at Washington that Register Johnston, than whom there is no more honest and efficient official in the State, that the reason he was sending land notices to the Times office was because Mr. Johnston and the editor of this paper were dividing the proceeds. A baser and more ridiculous lie never was concocted, and none know it better than this same Carlisle. He very conveniently forgot to write that the reason no land notices are sent to his paper is because it does not come up to the standard of general circulation, having about 250 subscribers, nearly every one of whom lives in Medford and its immediate vicinity. And the assertion that Mr. Johnston would prostitute his honor, disobey the law, and do the public an injustice besides, for the pitiful amount that Carlisle says he is receiving for sending the Times the few land notices that appear in its columns, only shows the calibre of this slander and is on a par with the claim that his sheet has as much or more circulation than any of the other papers published in Jackson County. Anyone who would seek to have an official removed by such means is very small indeed. Carlisle knows no good of anybody or any town besides his own, and uses his paper to beslime everybody who does not pay tribute to him, measuring them in his own small half-bushel. It is he who calls our county officials "boodlers" and showers his filth so promiscuously and with more gusto than any writer for the police papers ever did. We have it from the best authority that he will have ample opportunity to prove the charges he has so recklessly made in the courts of justice. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 30, 1887, page 2 Mr. Carlisle, the Transcript man, who with such profundity of ignorance is crying "illegal debt," is, it seems, a deeply interested party in the finances of the county. His tax, which we believe is purely voluntary, is the enormous sum of five dollars. The total valuation of his property is, according to the assessor's books, $550. If a chattel mortgage of $350 and his other indebtedness were deducted and his exemption allowed, the county could rapidly liquidate its outstanding obligations by the mere application to its payment of the negative sum, which he would then pay as taxes. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 5, 1888, page 3 The Transcript man may not have sense enough to know it, but his hue and cry at this time will operate to prevent immigration to this county. Will Mr. Carlisle kindly tell his readers what penalty is attached under the constitution, or by any statute to enforce the provisions of that document, to the incurring of a county debt in excess of $5000? "Local News," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 5, 1888, page 3 C. B. CARLISLE, we want to say to you that we champion no man, but "speak forth the words of truth and soberness." Right and justice can always have a hearing in our columns, and hypocrisy and lying in places will be exposed through the same medium while we are astride this tripod. You said last week in your paper that "Nothing was said (in your letter to Johnston) about the circulation of other papers in the county, but in this district. In your letter to Johnston of July 30th, 1887, you use these exact words: "I have issued 480 papers at this office and have a circulation bona fide of upwards of 300 copies, all assured. I know (italics Carlisle's) that no other paper in this county can testify to as many." How base the falsehood here proven. We challenge you, Mr. Carlisle, to publish C. W. Johnston's letter to you of July 29th, 1887, which if published will prove you in your articles to be a man absolutely devoid of truth and reliability: In a week or so we shall publish the full text of the law bearing upon newspapers capable of publishing land notices, which of itself will exonerate Mr.Johnston completely from the unjustifiable attacks of this man Carlisle.--Roseburg Review. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1888, page 2 The Medford Transcript man says he cannot understand the Sentinel's paragraphs. Well, they are not "his size"; they were written for men who have at least an average degree of intellect. Carlisle is not to blame for his inability to comprehend them; he simply "can't," that's all. The Sentinel is not at fault either, or it did not make Carlisle. The Transcript editor must not expect to find everything so simple as himself. Not all things are thus unfortunate. Sunday school literature would be more in accordance with his mental caliber. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 12, 1888, page 3 There is something besides Medford in the Transcript this week. Carlisle is worried more by his deficit of scrip than we are by the surplus which he grants us. The Transcript editor has hushed in respect to the present county board. Wonder if he has received any hush money. Medford polled 100 votes at the late town election. They claim one thousand population or ten persons to each voter. What town in the state can beat it. None but cranks and paupers are urging repudiation of the county debt. No man with any sense of honor or with sufficient pride to be a desirable citizen withholds his scorn from such a proposition. The Democrats say, "He is none of us. We don't want him." The Republicans say, "He is none of us. We will not have him." Who is he? He's just a repudiator, that's all, a sort of political bastard, and his name is Carlisle. Carlisle asks us to help him fight the county authorities that have been. We positively cannot do that. When we agitate a question we do it for fun or on principle. We are not on the list of blackmailers. We are able to earn OUR living in another way. With characteristic want of accuracy, the Transcript tells its readers that Oregon apples are worth $3 dollars [sic] a box in the San Francisco market. Choice Oregon apples were quoted in that market on the 7th inst. at $1 and $1.25 per box or at $3 and $4 per barrel. The Sentinel has no particular interest in the legality or illegality of the county debt. The debt is a Democratic legacy and is a large one, but it will be paid to the last dollar. The Sentinel is more particularly interested in ascertaining how big a fool the Lord has constructed in making one C. B. Carlisle. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 12, 1888, page 3 The most censurable piece of attempted trickery was to be seen in the Medford Transcript of Jan. 3d. Carlisle does not essay to answer our charge, only admits it, and then presents the most unmeaning subterfuge of an explanation possible. There is no "Medford district" in regard to land notices; it is only a ruse of Carlisle's to pull the wool over the eyes of the ignorant. The editor of the Transcript prevaricates so fast that we cannot undertake the job of correcting him. It was said that his reputation in Portland was that he was not particularly dishonest, but that he would rather "tell a lie on ten years' credit than to tell the truth for cash."--Roseburg Review.He has kept up his reputation very well ever since he came to Jackson County. He has backed and filled so often he hardly knows "which one of the boys he is." His latest, though not his largest, "yarn" is that the interest on county warrants is compounded every year. He has prevaricated so much in speaking of Medford that our neighbors will find that in advocating their cause he is really injuring it, and they will do well to bridle this modern Baron Munchausen before he becomes entirely ungovernable. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1888, page 2 Your correspondent thinks that our citizens, in their anxiety for the welfare of their town, should be cautious. The positions made by Messrs. Booth and Carlisle seem to be inflated too much to ever materialize in anything but wind. It will injure our town and her interests if we catch on to every bait that is thrown out. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1888, page 3 C. B. Carlisle, who has borne out his previous reputation as a cranky intermeddler very well during the few months that he has been a resident of Medford, has called an assemblage to take steps toward repudiating the county debt, designating his own little den, where he grinds out his slanderous editorials and grossly exaggerated local items, as the place of the meeting. He evidently has a bad attack of worms, and we recommend a liberal dose of "Rough on Rats" for the relief of this officious carpetbagger, who has no interest in this county whatever, and who is doing it all the injury he possibly can. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1888, page 2 C. B. CARLISLE, late secretary of the State Board of Immigration, is running a little paper at Medford, Jackson County. With his usual self-importance, he assumes to be the censor of the Southern Oregon press. But he is meeting with poor success. Professor Merritt, of the Sentinel, and Chas. Nickell, of the Times, are literally cauterizing the little fellow, and he will soon find it convenient to emigrate again.--Portland Siftings. "Editorial Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1888, page 2 Exaggeration a Boomerang.
Medford paper says that zero was not reached in the valley during the
recent spell of cold weather. The necessity of such prevarication on
the part of Mr. Carlisle is hardly evident; but, perhaps, "it is the
nature of the fellow." Everybody knows that the thermometer registered
few degrees below zero on two or three different occasions this month,
and this attempt to deceive the outside world would prove a boomerang
if anybody outside of the immediate vicinity of Medford read the Transcript. It is
just such exaggeration that has injured southern Oregon more than
anything else.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1888, page 3 A wordy contest is taking place between Bros. Merritt and Carlisle. The latter has no equal in the State when it comes down to unqualified prevarication; but in the controversy now going on it is generally conceded that our cotem. [editor] has the best of it. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1888, page 3 The general opinion seems to be that Carlisle is becoming so cranky on the county debt question that it will be necessary to remove him to Salem before long. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1888, page 3 Your correspondent, on all sides, hears much dissatisfaction with the course of the Transcript, which has already done this place and country injury by its exaggeration. Misrepresentation never wins and generally reacts, something our citizens are well aware of. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1888, page 2 The Result of Lying.
A Southern Oregon paper (published at Medford) says Rogue River apples
sell at 10 cents apiece in San Francisco. Now that is a little too
thin. Rogue River apples are no better than those raised in Lane
County, and they will come nearer selling at the rate of ten for a
cent. Besides, San Francisco market reports quote apples at 75 cents to
$1 per bushel. Perhaps it only takes about ten Rogue River apples to
make a bushel.--[Eugene Register.
As the Times has said in discussing the immigration question on different occasions, it is far better to tell the whole truth than to resort to deception and lying. If people are attracted hither by false and highly colored statements concerning Southern Oregon, they are likely to become dissatisfied when they learn the facts, and in most cases go elsewhere. Thus much injury is done by irresponsible and untruthful "boomers," who generally are carpetbaggers and adventurers, and care nothing for the future results of their duplicity. This section has enough natural advantages without requiring the service of anybody to exaggerate or misrepresent them. The above extract is only one of the many which have been published in ridicule and to the detriment of Southern Oregon, and have already done it much injury. Democratic Times February 3, 1888, page 3 Even the Medford whangdoodle was so much ashamed of the repudiation fizzle that it barely mentioned the matter. Carlisle has enough gall for any emergency, but he could not muster sufficient on this occasion to notice his bantling at length. As might well be expected, the meeting held at Medford last Saturday, to take steps to repudiate the county debt, was an inglorious failure. Less than a dozen people were present, and some of those went there from sheer curiosity. Nearly all who participated were newcomers, who probably wanted to teach the sturdy old residents of the county some new tricks. It speaks well for the honor of our people that they treated the repudiationists with such utter contempt and gave them to understand that if they do not wish to accommodate themselves to the circumstances as they found them, they were at liberty to return whence they came. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1888, page 2 Our people are very tired of the abuse and slander of other towns in the valley and residents thereof by Carlisle and repudiate him. We would like to have the friendship and trade of the whole county, if that were possible, and the course of the Transcript drives that away. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1888, page 2 The Transcript man poses as a great moralist, and is advising other folks how to do in order "to be saved." It is the opinion of your correspondent as well as of many others that he should take big doses of his own medicine. Our people are very tired of the abuse and slander of other towns in the valley and residents thereof by Carlisle and repudiate him. We would like to have the friendship and trade of the whole county, if that were possible, and the course of the Transcript drives that away. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1888, page 2 Your correspondent learns that the publication of the Transcript has been suspended. Its course on different questions was not approved by our citizens. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1888, page 2 The Medford Transcript failed to come out as usual this week. Something the matter with its patent outside. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, February 17, 1888, page 3 After a suspension of a week the Transcript has reappeared, reduced in size, but under the same management as before. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1888, page 2 The Medford Transcript, which should have reached Jacksonville last Tuesday, has not arrived as yet, and it is reported that the publication of the paper has been discontinued. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1888, page 3 The Medford Transcript has been reduced to one-half its former size. It was half printed at Portland, but is now all home print. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, February 24, 1888, page 3 We learn that C. B. Carlisle of the Transcript intends engaging in the real estate business before long. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 2, 1888, page 2 The Medford Transcript seems to have fallen into "innocuous desuetude," as it were. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, March 9, 1888, page 3 The servant girl question is one of the nonplussing things, just now. If the paper does not appear as interesting as usual our friends will excuse us when told that with the care of a sick wife, a ten months old baby, and, owing to our inability to get help, housework generally as well as the care of this office, we have had our hands full during the week. Southern Oregon Transcript, Medford, March 13, 1888, page 3 MEDFORD NEWS.
(Southern Oregon Transcript.) Medford appears to have its quota of candidates for two of the fat places.
Just the kind of weather, this, to retard the progress of the oncoming fruit, and release it after all danger of frost has passed. Would-be candidates who begin already to raise the hue and cry about sticking to the nominee of the convention, may be trusted to have the big end of half a dozen combinations. The voting of the money to build the road between Jacksonville and the railway was a good thing to do, but to collect, from citizens of a town, money with which to build a road outside that town, will be rather a new thing. Proposition to place lamp posts at the corners of our principal streets will be introduced at the next meeting of the council. This, a much-needed improvement, would give our city a fine appearance. A committee has the matter in hand. Mr. Shultz, who is to build a flouring mill at this place, has purchased of A. S. Jacobs a half interest in the property known as the Riddle House. He is making a bid for the balance of this fine property, and if he can buy it will purchase adjoining buildings on D Street, and not only increase the extent of the hotel but raise the whole to two stories. Mr. Shultz will, in addition to this, erect the mill this season. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 15, 1888, page 3 We understand that the Southern Oregon Transcript will cease publication with its issue of March 27, as the proprietor, C. B. Carlisle, has other business to attend to. "Notes from Medford," Oregonian, Portland, March 27, 1888, page 3 A Denial.
In its last issue, the Medford Transcript
gave space to the following:The Jacksonville Times says that the failure of the firm of which H. E. Baker is set forth as manager is denied. The report of a failure probably had its rise in the fact that there had been a transfer of some warehouse property to Mrs. Baker, and some to Mr. Baker, Sr.: a part of this to secure a new loan of $1,800 from W. Fowler; and another fact, that of the recent visit of Mr. Ladue of Salem, who has some money invested in this company, who came here to have these funds made safe. One or two other little matters, which, taken with an advertisement in a Portland paper of a business for sale; supposed to be that in question, very naturally gave rise to inquiry, at least, among interested parties. In reply to the above, H. E. Baker writes to the Times as follows: "The statement made by C. B. Carlisle in the last issue of the Transcript, concerning my business affairs, is a lie, and C. B. Carlisle is the liar. If the farmers with whom I have dealings will ask Mr. Fowler, they can ascertain the truth of the matter. Although Mr. Carlisle is superintendent of a Sabbath school, he has not learned to tell the truth. I repeat it, Sir, he is a liar. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 30, 1888, page 3 Ed. C. Phelps will publish the Medford Advertiser weekly hereafter. It was begun as a monthly, but the suspension of the Transcript leaves the field open for its issue as a regular, weekly newspaper. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, April 6, 1888, page 3 APRIL 7, 1888
Grand Pa [i..e, John
Beeson] walked down to Medford. . . . a
new paper called the Medford Advertiser is started in Medford. The Medford Advertiser is out--a neat little paper, published by Ed. C. Phelps. The Transcript is still alive, too; and its publisher seems to resent the impression that it has been about to expire. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, April 13, 1888, page 3 Newspaper
B. Carlisle of the Medford Transcript
writes to the Times
that he has sold his paper to W. M. Holmes, for a friend in the east,
and that it will be reissued in an enlarged form in a short time. Mr.
H. agrees, as a part of the sale, to complete all unexpired contracts.
Mr. C. has been offered a position on the staff of a California paper,
but will remain here for some time.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 20, 1888, page 3 The Transcript has suspended publication, but the Advertiser lives and flourishes. Mr. Phelps makes a good local paper and deserves success. W. G. Cooper, the saddler, denies the report, recently published in the Transcript, that he was swindled out of $800 by the gentlemen who purchased his farm. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 20, 1888, page 3 C. B. CARLISLE, who left the secretaryship of the board of immigration at Portland, for the board's benefit, and to run Chas. Nickell's Times out of southern Oregon with his journalistic miscarriage yclept the Medford Transcript, has disposed of his bantling $250, and left the State.--Sunday Welcome. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 27, 1888, page 2 C. B. Carlisle, formerly publisher of the Transcript, has gone to California, accompanied by his wife. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 27, 1888, page 3 N. A. Jacobs, school superintendent, who, it seems, was the real purchaser of the Medford Transcript plant, has shipped the same to Ashland, where he will commence the publication of a newspaper, to be known as the Valley Record. It will be Democratic in politics, and the first number will be issued about the 17th inst. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 11, 1888, page 3 N. A. Jacobs, for whom the plant of the late Transcript (Carlisle's paper at Medford) was purchased, will begin the publication of a Democratic newspaper in Ashland next week, and expects to have the first issue out on Thursday, May 14th. Mr. Jacobs has rented the rooms in the second story of the McCall building, occupied some years ago as the Tidings office, and moved in last Wednesday. The name of the paper is to be the Valley Record. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, May 11, 1888, page 3 N. A. Jacobs, for whom the plant of the late Transcript (Carlisle's paper at Medford) was purchased, will begin the publication of a democratic newspaper at Ashland next week, and expects to have the first issue out on Thursday, May 14. Mr. Jacobs has rented the rooms in the second story of the McCall Building and moved in last Wednesday. The name of the paper is to be the Valley Record. "Medford Items," Oregonian, Portland, May 15, 1888, page 7 C. B. Carlisle has removed from Los Gatos, Cal. to Yreka. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 16, 1888, page 3 Charles Boynton Carlisle, Palms, Cal. "In January" (new appointments), Baptist Home Mission Monthly, February 1889, page 56 C. B. Carlisle, editor of the defunct Transcript at Medford for some time, is now pastor of a Congregational Church at Escondido, Cal. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, August 1, 1890, page 3 C. B. Carlisle, formerly engaged in the newspaper business at Medford, is pastor of the Congregational Church at Escondido, Cal. He is one of the most versatile hypocrites we know of, and did not have a very savory reputation while here. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 8, 1890, page 3
Rev. C. B. Carlisle has accepted a call to become the pastor of the church at Escondido. "Religious Intelligence," San Francisco Bulletin, September 20, 1890, supplement page 1 The address of welcome was made by Rev. C. B. Carlisle, Ph.D., pastor of [the] Congregational church. He said: "Out of the abundance of my own heart, which today is literally brimful of that loyalty and inspiration which comes through these flag-folds and these strains of national music, and on behalf of its chief executive and its citizens at large, I most cordially welcome you to Escondido, by geography and arithmetic, by stature and width, by everything known to the science of town measurement, the inland metropolis of San Diego County, we proffer to you our most generous hospitality; we offer you the snuggest, coziest, warmest corner in our hearts that are large and intense in their feelings; we extend to you the closest grasp of hands, made strong in the busy upbuilding of a substantial life in this valley. Accept it in the spirit in which it is offered. Measure us by our geographical lines; measure us by our substantial growth in four years. Measure us by what you see in these fields and orchards, in these streets and shops and stores, these homes, these schools and these churches; measure us by all these evidences of thrift and industry. Measure us for the future, by the great domain of cultivatable and tributary country, by the nearby development of a magnificent irrigation system; measure us by our citizenship in this great republic--the proudest and the best under the rounded blue of heaven. Again, we most cordially welcome you." "Glorious Fourth," San Diego Union, July 5, 1891, page 5 The Rev. C. B. Carlisle of Escondido preached to a large and delighted audience last Sunday, most of whom had become pretty well acquainted with him through his excellent contributions under the heading of "Study Chair Spinnings," which have appeared so regularly in the columns of The Union for over a year. Many of those who heard him have expressed an earnest desire for him to come again so that they and many who did not then hear him may have an opportunity to do so. "Local Intelligence," San Diego Union, August 30, 1891, page 5 The coming Sunday evening, Rev. C. B. Carlisle, pastor of the Congregational Church, will, as has heretofore been announced, deliver a Columbus Day Sunday address. It will cover such ground as the condition of Europe during the early life of Columbus, some characteristics, the influence of the printing press upon the discovery of America and the reaction of western upon eastern civilization. A special musical programme is arranged. Arizona Weekly Citizen, Tucson, October 22, 1892, page 4 Sunday afternoon a committee representing the very large majority of the Congregational Church of this city waited on Rev. Carlisle at his home and presented him with a copy of a resolution in which the signers expressed their appreciation of his work as a minister, their entire satisfaction with it and their great regret at having to say "goodbye." These things were expressed in the strongest language possible. "Local News," Arizona Weekly Citizen, Tucson, January 7, 1893, page 3 Rev. C. B. Carlisle's Farewell.
night at the Congregational Church one of the largest and most
intelligent congregations that the church has ever held listened to
Rev. C. B. Carlisle's farewell discourse. The Christmas decorations had
been preserved and the church presented a holiday aspect. Every seat
was occupied and settees had to be brought from the vestry to
accommodate latecomers. It was evident from the character of the
assembly that the departing pastor had made admiring friends in all
walks, and regardless of creed. In the congregation were noted men who
were to say the least far from the habit of attending church.
Rev. Githens, the new Episcopal minister, shared the platform with Rev. Mr. Carlisle and led a portion of the services. The first part of the sermon was from the text "Teach us O Lord to so number our days that we may learn to apply them to thee" and dealt eloquently with the briefness and transitoriness of man's life and affairs in the world. The latter part was a formal farewell. The reverend pastor said he had from the beginning tried to do his level best with brain and heart and body and if he had erred or departed from the beaten tracks of dogma it was in a leaning perhaps to the anthropological side; that the humanitarian part of religion had always had a charm for him, and his efforts had been to demonstrate not so much what had been the effect of Christianity upon the Roman Empire as what it could do for the men and women of Tucson. He expressed his regrets over departure and the hope that the Congregational Church of Tucson would continue and prosper under the direction of his successor. After the services a purse which had been made up by saloon men as a token of regard was presented to Rev. Carlisle, and after much farewell handshaking the large congregation departed. Arizona Weekly Citizen, Tucson, January 7, 1893, page 3 Washington, July 5.--The President today made these nominations to the Senate: VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.
Second Regiment--CHARLES B. CARLISLE, of Louisiana, to be chaplain."Presidential Nominations," New York Tribune, July 6, 1898, page 4 Chaplain Charles B. Carlisle, Second United States Volunteer Infantry, having reported to the Adjutant General, will proceed to Tampa, Fla., and take the first transport for Santiago de Cuba, at which place he will join his regiment. "The United Service: Army," New York Times, August 14, 1898, page 3 WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.--These army orders have been issued: Chaplain Charles B. Carlisle, Second Volunteer Infantry, is relieved from further duty in this city, and will proceed to Tampa, and take the first transport for Santiago. "Army Orders," The Sun, Baltimore, August 16, 1898, page 2 THE CUBAN AS HE IS.
many peculiar advantages of observation. Speaking of the Cubans, be says:
A correspondent of the New
York Tribune says the Rev. C. B. Carlisle, chaplain of
the Second Regiment, United States Volunteer Infantry, has a most
interesting letter in a recent issue of The Christian Evangelist, in
which he shows the real conditions in Cuba to be anything but inviting.
Mr. Carlisle spent two months in and about Santiago, three months at
Songo, high up in the mountain 18 miles
north of the sea where Schley performed that great feat of naval
surgery, and two months at Holguin, on the north side of the island. He
was asked to study the general condition of the people
as an American citizen and as a minister of the gospel, and report the
unvarnished facts just as they presented themselves. This is what he
has done, after six months' careful investigation. As a United States
chaplain he had
"I do not see them through the ordinary newspaper reports. I have studied the Cuban in his thatch-roofed and clay-floored cabin, in the homes of the middle class and in the so-called palaces of the rich; studied the native-born Spaniard, the genuine Cuban and the native whose makeup is a tincture of this, that and the other. I have seen this problem with all his vices and immoralities, all his faults and frailties; seen whatever of virtue he possesses. I have looked at him from the standpoint of an American citizen, a lover of law and order, method and decency. As a Christian I have stood in the shadow of the cross of Christ and there looked at this problem." In estimating the people he says: "The average and unaveraged Cuban is a personified violation of every sense of decency, method, habit of industry, frugality, honesty and manliness. His vices and immoralities are shocking--obtrusively shocking. In the physical sense he is unclean, positively filthy. In that which pertains to his cabin life he is not a degree above animalism, not much beyond that in the moral belongings. He is the most ungrateful and unthankful creature imaginable. Even the more intelligent and better class manifest no spirit of gratitude toward America or Americans for all this vast outlay in human life and treasure. On the contrary they make common prey of the army men, discriminating against them in the petty things of trade, and dealing treacherously with them in the more important matters. "I know what the newspapers say comes from the Cuban leaders, and all this talk about gratitude and friendliness is not true, for we who come in daily contact with these Cubans know better. As a people they are vindictive, malicious, jealous. The newspapers and public speeches are venomous and vituperative toward America and Americans." In referring to the spirit of the Cubans in its manifestation toward the American government Chaplain Carlisle says the thrusting out of the military power of Spain was a mere bagatelle for men with the impulses and motives of our soldiers, but the pacification of the spirit of the Cuban is another and more difficult problem. He says: "The presence of the military power compels an acquiescence to the outward form of law and order, enforces certain sanitary features, but nothing of this touches or tempers the spirit of the native. There is no Spanish nor any other enemy on this island, yet the able-bodied Cuban remains in his camp out in the hills, armed and equipped for a fight; his women and children huddle in the towns, drawing rations from Uncle Sam, and the finest soil that God ever laid upon the hardpan of earth lies in waste. These Cubans will remain beneficiaries and will not return to the ways of peace and industry just as long as Uncle Sam will feed them or pay them. In the meantime the war tax, which was said to be a temporary thing, goes on, and will go on indefinitely. Very true, we are under a moral obligation to hold military sway on the island until a Cuban government is put on its feet. If I judge fairly, and I think I do, there is neither ability nor disposition for self-government among these Cubans. "Among the native whites, as they are called here, less than forty out of every hundred can either read or write; among the lower class less than fifteen out of every one hundred. My duties as chaplain and the supervisor of the distribution of food to the poor take me into these homes--rather living places--and I have yet to find a Bible, a book or a paper of any sort. Ignorance and illiteracy everywhere." Daily Astorian, Astoria, Oregon, March 7, 1899, page 2 A line from Chaplain C. B. Carlisle, 2nd Regiment U.S.V., from Holguin, Cuba, says: "The steamship that is to convey this regiment to American has been ordered to Gibarra, near Holguin, and within 30 days we shall have said 'Adios' to Cuba. Col. Wood sent the man, Dr. Hammond, to Havana, under military guard, where the civil authorities from the states were to meet him." Bro. Carlisle adds: "After a month's rest I want to go to work in the Master's vineyard." Here is an excellent opportunity for some church that needs a minister of culture and ability, who can be secured at a reasonable salary. Letters addressed to him at Jordan, Onondaga Co., N.Y., will reach him by May 20th, when he expects to be there. "Our Budget," Christian Evangelist, St. Louis, Missouri, April 27, 1899, page 524 The Rev. C. B. Carlisle, for the past four years pastor of the Congregational Church at Winthrop Ia., and new chaplain of the Second Regiment of the Immunes, arrived in New York yesterday from Holguin, Cuba, on the steamship City of Havana. "Disappointed in Cuban Character," New York World, May 11, 1899, page 7 JORDAN, Nov. 2.--The Rev. C. B. Carlisle left last evening for New York and will sail on the transport Thomas for Manila as chaplain of the Forty-Seventh Regiment. "Jordan: To Manila as Chaplain." The Evening Herald, Syracuse, New York, November 2, 1899, page 3 Rev. C. B. Carlisle, formerly pastor at Seward, is en route to the Philippines as chaplain of a New York regiment. "All Over Nebraska," Omaha World Herald, November 25, 1899, page 12 CUBANS vs. FILIPINOS.
The following is an extract from a letter written Jan. 27, 1900, from
Manila, Philippine Islands, by Rev. C. B. Carlisle, a Baptist preacher
formerly of Buchanan County, Iowa, who was with the volunteer army in
Cuba and is now serving as a volunteer chaplain without pay, under the
auspices of the Y.M.C.A. The statements which Mr. Carlisle make are
worthy of all credence and are especially important as bearing upon a
question which will be of great interest in the near future. The
extract from the letter is as follows:An Iowa Preacher Visits Both Countries and Compares Them. "My experience of a year in Cuba greatly helps me in getting at the situation here in Manila. To me there is a very marked contrast between the average Filipino and the average Cuban in the matter of intelligence, tact, common sense, industry, frugality, cleanness, morals and the proper respect for civil authority--the qualities requisite in a people seeking self-government--the average Filipino is at least 80 percent in advance of the average Cuban. "During my year in Cuba I did not see 50 Cubans who were industriously employed. Everywhere in these fields I see hundreds of men, women, and even children at work making the utmost of their soil and climate; the exception is the idle, lounging shifting fellow. He was the rule in Cuba. There is great promise in this. As fast as the insurgents are forced back into the hills and kept there, as it is possible now with our efficient force to do, the people return to their fields and their honest work. Today we are in practical possession of more of these islands than Spain ever controlled, and I think the people as a whole are gratified for what has been done for them. I think they realize that the basis of our war is humanity and justice to the Filipinos as a people. They realize that we don't intend to hand them back to Spain or turn them over to any other power. To do such a thing would be to disregard a high moral necessity, and would be as well an impeachment of our intelligence and our sympathy with and welfare of the world. "One of the radical questions here as in Cuba where the conditions parallel is the religious status and our attitude towards it. As a minister in a church that has always been notably missionary, and as a Christian man, I am candid in saying that the minister or other religious worker who goes to Cuba or who comes here with the avowed purpose of disturbing the prevailing religious conditions by an aggressive campaign in the protestantizing of these natives, has a difficult working conscience, is quite likely to question both his right and his motive. "Catholicism has not been all that it should have been, and under the protection of the bond between church and state the Spanish priest was an oppressor far more cruel and intolerant than the state, and so the natives had a justifying grievance, but that is a thing of the past. The bond between church and state has been broken; the Spanish priest has been substituted by the native or American padre, and the Catholic layman both in Cuba and here has been placed upon the same religious footing as his American brother. This assures him freedom from the dominations of the priest, more religious latitude, and promises educational advantages for his children. In view of this and the fact that Catholicism is and has always been the religion of this people, that 99 in every 100 are Catholics, I think the Catholic Church has the right of way both here and in Cuba, and should be let alone in the enjoyment of it. I can think of nothing more calamitous than [if] a half dozen different denominations should enter upon this field and begin an aggressive campaign in protestantization. The sectarian feature cannot be eliminated. Already it compels attention in Santiago and Manila. In the unsettled conditions of these islands such an effort could not but be damaging." Daily Iowa Capital, Des Moines, Iowa, March 16, 1900, page 6 Rev. C. B. Carlisle, chaplain in the army at Manila, is home for a time with his family. He will deliver a lecture in the Methodist church in the near future, on "Manila." "Jordan," The Gazette and Farmers' Journal, Baldwinsville, New York, May 31, 1900, page 5 Jordan Village, Onondaga County, New York Charles B. Carlisle, 49, clergyman, born October 1850 in Kentucky; father born Virginia, mother New York Eloise E. Carlisle, 39, born August 1860 in New York; parents born in New York married 17 years; two children, both living Charles W. Carlisle, 14, born May 1886 in Oregon Lora Carlisle, 10, born November 1889 in California U.S. Census, enumerated June 7, 1900 PHILIPPINE MOUNTAIN TRIBE.
A Missionary from the United States Describes the Igarottes, Who Cook and Eat Dogs.
Rev. C. B. Carlisle, a missionary, formerly of Warsaw, N.Y., writes
from Dagupan, in the Philippines, to a friend, and in his letter, says
the New York Sun, describes the Igarottes [Igorot], a mountain tribe. He says:
"Up in the mountains to the northeast there is a tribe of half savage people called Igarottes. They live in the mountains, hardly ever coming out into the valleys, except when hunger compels them. None of them wear any clothing, except a strip of cloth. They have a speech of their own. The Filipinos cannot understand them. They are fond of dog meat; so two days ago four of them came down here and in an hour had captured 16 dogs, tied them with ropes and started away. The Filipinos did not disturb them, letting them have all the dogs they could catch. They came right past my tent in the evening, stopped on the banks of the river a little way from the center of the town, built a fire, killed a dog, cooked and ate him. They skinned it, cleaned the body, ran a stick of green bamboo through it lengthwise, then two of them spitted the meat over the fire until it was brown. Then they laid it in the grass, and these four ate every bit of that dog, even picked the bones clean. They did not leave a scrap of meat. They had no other food with the meat; no knives or forks or plates. They just took the flesh in their hands, tore it into bits and devoured it. Some of our men offered them a bit of cooked beef and they refused it, but ate the meat raw. Then they sang some sort of a chant, beating on their stomachs the while. It sounded to me like: "'We like dog,
"They are rather taller than the Filipinos, black as night, and have
kinky hair. As the sun went down they moved away out of the town,
leading 15 dogs and carrying one they had to kill in order to get him.
The sight made me sick and I lost all appetite for my supper. We could
spare the dogs, out of the double scores that make things howl here in
Dagupan, but I hope I may never see that sort of feast again, too
doggoned beastly for me."All same hog, Baked dog, fried dog, dog soup, Bow-wow mucho good.' Pike County Democrat, Petersburg, Indiana, July 6, 1900, page 2 Rev. C. B. Carlisle, now pastor of the Congregational Church at Buffalo, Wyo., who saw active service as a chaplain with the army in the field in Cuba and in the Philippines, has written an open letter to Rev. Wilbur F. Crafts of this city in defense of the army canteen system as a moral agency. "A Former Chaplain's Views," Evening Star, Washington, D.C., January 10, 1901, page 13 VALEDICTORY.
C. B. Carlisle, for the past year pastor of the Congregational Church
in this city, shook the dust of Buffalo off his feet Wednesday morning
for New York, where as we are informed he intends to justify himself
before the Congregational Missionary Board and to tell that august body
what infernal heathens and hypocrites we Buffaloites are. The Voice has
refrained, while Mr. Carlisle occupied the pulpit, from criticizing him
for his many false steps, so as not to lay the least stone in his way
of preaching the gospel of the lowly Nazarene, and we are not airing
any personal grievance when on his departure we say he was not fit to
preach the gospel to an independent people. His service in the army and
his acquaintance with the methods in vogue in the Colonies, coupled
with the innate selfishness of his natural makeup, would make him an
ideal chaplain to his majesty the Sultan of Sulu, but not the guide and
counselor to the souls of independent American citizens. He made the
remark to several of our citizens that he intended to return to
Buffalo. For the sake of Christianity in general and Congregationalism
in particular, the Voice hopes
he will not return, for his usefulness in this field is entirely gone.
He is well along in years, yet he will have to learn someday that other
people have rights which even a minister of the gospel must respect.
The world was not made for preachers only.
The Voice, Buffalo, Wyoming, August 3, 1901, page 2 Mrs. C. B. Carlisle and daughter will leave New York Saturday afternoon by steamship for Germany. They will spend the winter with Mrs. Carlisle's brother, and Miss Lora will study music and the language while abroad. "Jordan Department," Marcellus (New York) Observer, October 25, 1901, page 7 FORMER JORDAN CLERGYMAN IN THE
WASHINGTON, April 21.--The Rev. Charles Boynton Carlisle, reformer,
politician, clergyman, army chaplain, Democrat and Republican, is well
known to officers of the army and to the people of Jordan, N.Y., as the
one-time friend of Grover Cleveland, but more recently as "Henderson's
chaplain." His latest role is that of champion of the downtrodden
Filipinos. He has been alternately a supporter of the army and opponent
of militarism. Since the recent accusations of cruelty on the part of
American troops in the Philippines he has spent much of his time in
writing letters warning government officials that the people who vote
will pass judgment on their shortcomings.ROLE OF CHAMPION OF THE FILIPINOS The first official knowledge of the Rev. Charles Boynton Carlisle dates back to 1895, when he applied for appointment as chaplain in the army. He urged as one of the reasons why he should be appointed that he was a Democrat and a supporter of President Cleveland, and modestly admitted that he had spoken from the pulpit in favor of Cleveland. From that time until now Mr. Carlisle has been a chronic and persistent applicant for appointment and has flooded the War Department with letters and appeals in his own behalf. Mr. Carlisle was born in Kentucky and is now 54 years of age, but in all his recent letters he declares himself in full vigor of life and willing and anxious to go to the front. Immediately after the breaking out of the war with Spain he applied so persistently for appointment as chaplain to go to Cuba that he secured the earnest support of Speaker Henderson. In one of his letters at that time he said he could "shoot or pray as the occasion required." His persistency was rewarded by appointment as Chaplain of the Second Immunes. After considerable delay he left his home in Winthrop, Ia., and joined his regiment in Cuba in September. He appears to have been dissatisfied with his assignment and a month later filed application for a chaplaincy of one of the war vessels. Is Henderson's Chaplain.
The next month the Department was asked to transfer him to some other
regiment and, failing in this, he wrote Speaker Henderson early in
March, urging him to see the Secretary of War or the President and have
the camp of his regiment moved to some other point in Cuba or to the
United States. The reason he gave for this extraordinary request was
that so many of the men were sick in the hospital. Col. Hood, in his
endorsement on the letter, said that he thought the desire of the
Chaplain to go home had more to do with the matter than a proper idea
of a soldier's duty would seem to justify. In his opinion a small
amount of camp dysentery had simply stampeded the Rev. Charles Boynton
Carlisle.In the same month he wrote from Cuba, asking an appointment as post chaplain in the regular army. He was mustered out with his regiment in June, and then began a series of letters urging his appointment as chaplain to one of the regiments going to the Philippines. In one of these he referred to himself as "Henderson's chaplain." The law had made no provisions for chaplains in Philippine volunteer regiments, however, and failing to secure appointment Mr. Carlisle began to criticize Congress for its "blunder," as he termed it. He was finally sent to the Philippines under the auspices of the Y.M.C.A., and wrote a number of letters to the President and to the department complaining of the failure of the government to provide chaplains. In some of these letters he severely criticized the sale of intoxicants to soldiers and continued to urge his appointment as a chaplain. The last letter received from him until very recently expressed a belief in the canteen, and contained a proposition to prepare a pamphlet for general distribution on the question of the sale of beer in the army. He said he had a great many facts which would be of public interest, and wanted to know if the Department could not secure the publication of his pamphlet at government expense. These letters came from Jordan, N.Y., near Syracuse, and the recent charges against the soldiers in the Philippines have resulted in the former chaplain again coming to the front, this time in opposition to the officials and with criticism of their action in not having chaplains look after the spiritual welfare of the soldiers. The Evening Telegram, Syracuse, New York, April 21, 1902, page 7 WARNS MISSIONARIES FROM THE PHILIPPINES
Ex-Army Chaplain Declares That No Good Can Come from Religious Antagonism. SYRACUSE,
June 2.--The Rev. C. B. Carlisle, formerly an army chaplain in the
Philippines, shocked the members of the Presbyterian Club of Central
New York today by declaring that the Protestants had better keep out of
the Philippines and make no attempt to do missionary work, as the
Catholics are the only effective moral agency on the islands, and will
be until the American troops are removed.
No good, he says, can come from religious antagonism there. The Americans, he says, are the most immoral residents of the islands, and the actions of the soldiers are disgusting. The Washington (D.C.) Times, June 3, 1902, page 5 Philippine Proselyting.
The question of proselytizing in the Philippines has been discussed in
many of our exchanges. Without investigating, they take for granted all
that bogus correspondents write. The Milwaukee Citizen
is an honorable exception. Without condemning principals of schools,
their assistants or their methods, the editor writes to reliable
sources regarding the creed of those who hold high positions in the
schools at Manila and other parts of the islands. These holding such
positions were dubbed Revs. by correspondents who wrote to Catholic
papers on the question of education. The answers received show that
only one had the prefix "Rev." to his name, and that, furthermore, none
of those were known as religious zealots.Rev. Mr. Carlisle, a chaplain, both in Cuba and the Philippines, and a strong adherent of the Presbyterian Church, addressing his fellow ministers recently, does not show any prejudice or wish to do an injustice to the natives. His advice contains more truth than poetry. He tells of the exaggerated ideas that exist in the minds of many, that imagination worked up to its greatest height by falsehood and misrepresentation can never judge aright, and to change the current of thought in such brains is like running up against "a mud bank of stubborn facts." In the lecture referred to, he says: "To be serious, it was this mud bank that I found there in the Philippines. Nothing particularly soft about it, either. I found it in Cuba, where I served a year as a chaplain. I found it in Egypt. The missionaries there pointed it out. I found it in Ceylon, where there are five million people, and less than 16,000 Christians. "Perhaps there is quite a mud bank here in our own land, since reliable statistics, not given to untruth, tell us that there are 53,000,000 people in this country with no church relations. "I have a penchant for getting at the core of things, and so with great interest and care I studied the religious problem both in Cuba and the Philippines. As a chaplain I enjoyed exceptional opportunities for doing it. "It has been stated that the best intellect and the best conscience among these people show increasingly hostile to Roman Christianity. I made it a point of study. "I found the natives in Cuba intelligent and ignorant. In rebellion not against the Catholic Church or the Catholic faith, but against the Spanish priests, who, under Spanish rule, were intolerant to a degree beyond the apprehension of our people. The profligate vices of these Spanish priests brought their authority into hatred and contempt, and in their dealings with the people they usurped all authority. Hence the churches were abandoned. "When America came in as a factor, then Spanish priests quit the island with the Spanish army, the bond between the church and state was broken, the churches were supplied with Cuban or American priests, and the archbishop in a pastoral letter made it clear to the natives that thenceforth they would have the same religious status as the American members of the Catholic Church. With what result? There was at once a rehabilitation of the churches and the people; intelligent and ignorant thronged these churches; that, too, with what to me was a significant heartiness and enthusiasm. In Santiago and several other large towns and villages I found the better class as regular in church attendance as the commoner class. The intelligent minds had rebelled against the Spanish priests and the masses followed. The intelligent returned and the masses followed." There is no rebellion against church doctrine. If the human side of the church has not been all it should be, and that reformation is needed, who knows but in the designs of Providence the means now used are the best. In the old law when the Jews stepped aside from the observance of the law, God permitted their punishment by His enemies. Both in Cuba and the Philippines the great majority of the people are Catholics and will remain so to the end. This Rev. Mr. Carlisle tells. "Fully 98 percent of all the people in Cuba are Roman Catholic, and it is my belief that they will remain Catholic to the end. Making an estimate, as I did, of the population of towns and of church attendance, and coming into personal contact with each class, as I did, in the pursuance of my duties, I am assured that fully 95 percent of all these people are active communicants of the Catholic Church. The passive Catholic holds to his faith. In the presence of the great churches in the Philippines, churches whose bells are scarcely ever silent; churches whose great doorsteps are worn thin by the well nigh continuous pressure of the naked feet of devotees; churches in which there is always the voice of intoning and the pungent odor of burning incense, you realize the mighty pedigree of this faith, but in the spectacle of the entire population almost of towns and villages eagerly passing into these places of worship, twice of Sunday, several times during weekdays, and on half a hundred feast or saint days in the year, you realize how deeply and firmly this faith and love of the Catholic Church is mortised into the being of these Filipinos. They are Catholic to a man. It has been their faith always. It is their religion today, and, as I believe, will be their religion in all the future. In the Philippines you see Catholicism at its highest point of influence; the middle age idea of loyalty and enthusiasm." He does not regret this fact. He admits that a people devoted to their faith should not be disturbed. If they are satisfied, and violate no law, what right have others to interfere with their sacred right? In the following story, related by Rev. Mr. Carlisle, all fair-minded persons will find food for reflection: "But here I am tempted to repeat what an English-speaking Buddhist churchman at Colombo, Ceylon, said to me in an interview. It may serve a purpose. He said: 'Why should our people of Ceylon desire what your missionaries here call Christianity? They have a religion that is adapted to and meets their necessities and capabilities. It fits into their lives. They have never known any other religion. Have no wish in that direction. If our people will follow out in daily life, and tens of thousands of them do, the teaching of our temples, they will be good men and good women. These teachings will elevate them to as high a moral plane as any people occupy. I think the percentage of our people who make an everyday application of the teachings of our religion is fully as large as the percentage among your Christians. With them faith and practice are expressed together. Our temples are open all hours of the day and every day, and are thronged at each service. I see your Christian churches are closed except on Sunday. I think we are wiser than you in this--our service is made very impressive and [as] beautiful on weekdays as on Sunday. Your missionaries tell our people that our religion is not a sacred thing, but one of mere form and ceremony; that if our people will simply observe these forms they can be as lax in morals as they care to be. This is not true. Again, it is one religion, one custom, one faith. Among your people there are hundreds of systems of faith, many creeds and statements, which seem unexplainable even to wise men. Our people can never be made to understand one God to love and worship. They realize the meaning of a clean, worthy life." As the subject treated by the reverend gentleman covers a large field and embraces many practical points on the solution of the religious difficulties, we will return to it in our next issue [below]. Intermountain and Colorado Catholic, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 28, 1902, page 4 Good Advice From a Presbyterian Minister.
In our last issue reference was made to Rev. Mr. Carlisle's address to
his fellow ministers who sought for information regarding the
Filipinos. The reverend gentleman is a Presbyterian minister, and was
chaplain both in Cuba and the Philippines. He is animated by a
Christian spirit, that is, charity in all he said. If the object of our
overzealous missionaries is to save souls, and prepare them for heaven,
why not devote their time and means to home missionary work? Rev. Mr.
Carlisle tells that "reliable statistics, not given to untruth, tell us
that there are 53,000,000 people in this country with no church
relations." Of these 53,000,000 who never enter a church it may be
safely said that 99 percent do not believe in the divinity of Christ,
which is the foundation of Christianity. Whether classed as agnostics
or infidels, their creed certainly is Mammon worshipers. At best, they
are less Christian than the Filipino is at his worst. In warring
against the religion of the latter arguments used are not honest. It is
simply an appeal to the daily lives of the friars, who, if they violate
the laws of the church are as responsible as would be an official or
citizen of the United States should he violate the laws of his country.
What proves too much proves nothing. Rev. John Jones was guilty of
gross immorality. Therefore the church represented by Rev. John Jones
stands condemned. Absurd conclusion, yet this is the conclusion of the
propagandists in the Philippines, as shown in Rev. Mr. Carlisle's
address. He says:"One of the stock arguments of the religionist is that the Catholic religion, as a religion, is responsible for the low standard of morals and civilization in Cuba and the Philippines; that the ignorance and illiteracy and immorality of these natives are the natural fruits of Catholicism as a religion. A criticism like that is is unworthy of any civilized human being. I do not imagine that one Filipino in a hundred thousand ever thought of any connection between the despotism of the Spanish friar and the religion of the Catholic Church, or Catholicism as a religion. The clergy of the Catholic Church whom I met in the Philippines are educated and in every way worthy men, and are no doubt doing all they can to uplift their people in the character of life they live in and out of the church." The natives of those islands were no higher in the scale of civilization when Catholic missionaries went there than were our American Indians 300 years ago. A contrast between the results obtained will show that the influence of the Catholic Church in those years has been productive of more good than that of Protestant missionaries among the Indians. Those who survive are still at zero. Their primitive instincts are unchanged. They are held as wards beyond the confines of civilization, and if they no longer go on the warpath it is because they are too few in number, or are restrained by the law of fear. It is not so in the Philippines. We again quote from the address of Mr. Carlisle to his fellow ministers: "In any consideration of this question we must take into account the material on which the work of the Catholic Church has been done. I have found a marked difference in the morals and character of the people of Manila and the people of Dagupan, 120 miles north of Manila. The Catholic Church has been at work for two centuries or more in Manila, while its influence at the other point is of comparatively recent date. As an illustration of the ethnical material, take the Negrote (little negro) [Negrito], a semi-savage of North Luzon. I may have some conception of the probability of the Negrote being wrought into a Catholic Christian and of the time and labor expended in doing it, or a Christian plus episcopacy. Perhaps, too, a Christian plus rivers of water. Mayhap a Christian plus a discipline. But even the possibility of working this nature into an accredited Presbyterian appals me. If, instead of the friars and the class of ecclesiastics, the Catholic Church had had in all these years such men as now constitute its army of churchmen in these islands, the Filipinos would be noted for their intelligence and progressive spirit." This is a candid admission. It is true, too. Mr. Carlisle brings in the "if" as a saving clause. The friars to whom the "if" is applied are free agents, and the Catholic Church cannot control man's free will. That is a gift of the Almighty and cannot be controlled by the bayonet. Judas, when he betrayed his Master, was a free agent, and Jesus left him free. So were the friars whose faults are exaggerated. "The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones." The Catholic, following his instinct and guided by the teaching of the church, would apply that convenient little word "if" differently from Rev. Mr. Carlisle. He would say, "If the friars," who made a vow of poverty, which meant selling all they had and giving it to the poor, "instead of accumulating property, followed the spirit of the law, remained poor in reality as well as in name, the Filipinos would today love them." Their mistake was in laying "up treasures which sooner or later will be consumed by the moth, or taken by robbers." Wherein is the Catholic Church responsible for this? Neither in her creed nor system of morals does she sanction greed or avarice. Why not stop it? Why did not Christ stop the avarice which forced Judas to betray him? But supposing the allegiance of the Filipinos is weakened for or drawn away from the Catholic Church, what will be the result? Regardless of consequences, that is the hope of some zealots who consider their mission fulfilled if they succeed not in making converts, but in unmaking Catholics. They are a disturbing element who consider themselves specially commissioned to reform the world, remodel society and set themselves up as the only true ideals to be followed. To attain their end they will not only exaggerate, but tell falsehoods. A pious missionary from Utah once told in a public lecture in the East that he "went into the pulpit with the Bible in one hand and a pistol in the other to save his life." But Mr. Carlisle, who aims to be fair and would not, if possible. add one discordant note to the efforts of the civil authorities to secure peace in the islands, says: "This thought of expediency impels me to say. and frankly and candidly, that in these present conditions, I am assured that any Protestant missionary campaign, aggressive in its attitude, as it must be necessarily, to the prevailing religious status, will prove a very disturbing element at a critical moment in the settlement of difficult civil and governmental problems. "There is, as we know, a complicated state of things in these islands, and the adjustment of the questions involved, in consonance with our declarations as a people, is taxing the skill and tact and patience of the representatives of our civil and military authorities. It is certainly inexpedient, to say the least, to thrust into it the hindering, disturbing elements attending a religious campaign. If it is anything, the Protestant church is a moderator of passions, and an arbiter of peace. As Christians here at home we have intense contempt for the Protestant who, in speech or act, reproaches the Catholic or his religion, and we utterly despise the religious kidnapper in the Protestant church; nor making any great difference in the principle of stealing $10 or the theft of a proselyte. "The very fact that, as Protestants, we have kept away from these islands until now, when our missionaries go there under protection of our guns, has given force to a widespread suspicion among all classes of religious conquest. You may say that the priests have used this religious conquest idea os a gilt-edged lie. I do not believe they have. The Filipinos believe that religious conquest is our object." Naturally the Filipinos believe that, since everything points in that direction. Catholics in America, to a certain extent, believe it when they see schools placed under the direction of Protestant ministers. Some of these are so meddlesome and noisy that they could not for the life of them keep quiet and do their legitimate work. They seek notoriety and glory in disseminating discord. In America, it is true, that the 53,000,000 who never enter a church, "have intense contempt for the Protestant who in speech or act reproaches the Catholic or his religion." The Catholic religion the world over is the same, and naturally Catholics will resent any insult offered to it. Why try and rob the natives of their faith? Will it make them better or more loyal citizens? No such claim is made. No religious interference was the first promise made by Admiral Dewey. Catholic dignitaries were perfectly satisfied with the change of governments, provided the faith of their flock was not tampered with. To all of this Rev. Mr. Carlisle testifies in his address. He said: "Catholic Christianity prevails in these islands. It has prevailed there always. It has, as I have said, grown so deeply down into the hearts of these people as to defy extirpation at the hands of anyone. "Catholicism has been wrought into every fiber of the being of the natives. Its existence there has become a political and social necessity. And from my study I believe that this existence is based on conditions negative of all compromise. By the right of its Christian homestead, its long self-sacrificing service, the Catholic Church and the Catholic constituency is naturally zealous of any religious encroachment. This encroachment cannot be made without causing serious trouble. "Among the very first assurances Admiral Dewey gave the archbishop of Manila was that there was to be no organized interference in these religious affairs. "There is nothing promising or significant to the Protestant cause, that the high prelates of the Catholic Church are in favor of the United States control. In a pastoral letter which I read in Manila, the prelate said: 'We are convinced that the change of sovereignty is for the good of the country, because it was done by the word and deed of God, who always ministers with those who love him, and we do not believe it necessary to say more to our Catholic people to secure their entire devotion and adherence to the church under the new conditions,' "These dignitaries are simply looking, as is their right, to the safety of their church interests. "I have good reasons for saying that this part of the world is no place for men who, under the stimulus of religious delirium or moral hysterics, go there with the avowed purpose of making an aggressive fight against the prevailing religion. If such men possessed a decently working conscience it would question both right and motive." But they do not question. They claim the right to abuse, misrepresent and even tell falsehoods. That seems to be their only stock in trade. That it is done cannot be denied. Mr. Carlisle, speaking from personal experience, says: "While I was in Cuba a man of this class, representing one of the numerically large denominations, came to Santiago, and his first pulpit effort was a bitter denunciation of the Catholic Church and Catholic faith. General Lawton had to summarily squelch him in order in avoid serious trouble. In March, 1900, preachers of this same denomination filled the columns of the Manila daily papers with articles bitterly venomous and vituperative against the Catholics. Manila is no place for religious geniuses lacking sanctified common sense." The revilers see the mote in their brother's eye, but cannot see the camel in their own, or if they do, why are they silent? What Mr. Carlisle says of the conduct of our officers and soldiers in Manila proves that "what with the character and conduct of the average soldier of the regular army, the drunkenness that flows out of more than 300 American owned and operated saloons in Manila, as I counted them, the habitual Sunday chicken fighting and horse racing by army officers, some of them on the staff of the commanding general; races publicly advertised in the Manila papers, the beastly and infamous manners of the soldiers in the presence of native females, old and young, a licentiousness that shames every sense of justice and of honor; the villainies of the soldiers of Erasmus repeated and the disgusting profanity of both officers and men, we are not making an enviable impression on the mind of the Filipino as to the character of either our moral or religious Americanism. "Looking at all this, an intelligent native school teacher said to me, and with infinite contempt in his tone, 'Is that the civilization you want to give? Is that a sample of your boasted American civilization? We had better keep what we now have.'" The chaplain felt like the man who was kicked by the mule--done up. Facts were against him, and he might wrestle with the Lord in prayer all his life, and the only answer he could give in the end was vanquished. He admits this, hence his sound judgment gave this advice: "Personally, as a minister and a Christian, I would not vote a dollar or man or sympathy for any Protestant religious campaign in the Philippines. In saying this, I am not open to the charge of being an apologist for the Catholic Church. Behind these statements lies the sense of Christian justice and the wish for the best good-willing towards these people. "There is Catholicity enough in me to say that I am willing to look beneath the differences which separate me from these other people, and to believe that they may love truth and work righteousness acceptable to God; that the sweetest Christian character may be outside of my particular church. This is a live world, a growing world. If things grow, some things must give way. We know in part; we prophesy in part. All our knowledge and teaching is mixed with ignorance and weakness. 'When that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away. That which is perfect is love.'" Intermountain and Colorado Catholic, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 5, 1902, page 4 Mrs. C. B. Carlisle and daughter Lora have returned from Germany, where they have been visiting her brother. "Jordan Department," Marcellus (New York) Observer, July 4, 1902 MAY OUST REV. C. B. CARLISLE.
Committee to Act in Case of Accused Jordan Minister. SYRACUSE,
April 14.--The Presbytery of Syracuse took preliminary action today
toward ousting the Rev. C. B. Carlisle from the pulpit of the Jordan
Presbyterian Church. The primary cause for the movement is the fact
that the clergyman has been writing articles for the Syracuse Sunday
newspapers, in which he expressed views that were at variance with
those held by other ministers.
Mr. Carlisle was an army chaplain during the war in Cuba and in the Philippines. One of the statements to which the clergy takes exception is that there is no room for Protestant missionaries in the Philippines. In his newspaper writings, it is alleged, he was bitter toward the government. Another article in a Sunday paper by Mr. Carlisle which aroused the enmity of the Presbytery was a frank discussion of the reasons why men do not attend church. These reasons were not complimentary to the clergy. At the meeting today committee of seven was appointed to report upon the case, with the Rev. Robert Ivey as chairman. New York Sun, April 15, 1903, page 6 REV. C. B. CARLISLE'S CASE.
Committee Will Report to the Presbytery in Near Future. It
was stated this morning that the committee appointed to visit Jordan
with a view to investigate the case of the Rev. C. B. Carlisle, who, it
was claimed, was a Congregationalist, occupying a Presbyterian pulpit,
and whose alleged sensational writings and preaching was not liked by
some of the clergy, will report in the near future to the Syracuse
The chairman of the committee appointed by the Presbytery for that purpose has already visited Jordan. It may be that Mr. Carlisle will not be allowed to continue in the pulpit at that place. Syracuse Journal, June 1, 1903, page 6 Jordan has a representative in the navy in Charles W. Carlisle, son of the Rev. C. B. Carlisle. "A Jordan Boy in the Navy," Syracuse (New York) Evening Herald, August 25, 1903, page 10 WED ON RIVER BANK.
A Very Sudden Ceremony on the Seneca River. BRIDE HAD SHORT NOTICE The Rev. C. B. Carlisle of Jordan's Presence Suggested to the Groom the Romance of a Ceremony and When Bride Arrived She Consented. A
marriage ceremony under somewhat unusual circumstances was performed by
the Rev. C. B. Carlisle of Jordan on the afternoon of June 16th last.
The reverend gentleman enjoys a day's fishing above any other sport,
and on the morning of the day mentioned he started for an angling
excursion on the Seneca River. Close beside his boat was moored the
craft of a young fisherman with whom Mr. Carlisle got into a
conversation, in the course of which the fact happened to transpire
that he was a clergyman.
"Is that so?" said the young man. "Say, I shouldn't be surprised if I might need your services pretty soon. Are you down here for all day?" Mr. Carlisle answered in the affirmative, and the young man went ashore. Some time later he returned and said: "I expect that perhaps my girl will come down here fishing about 4 o'clock, and as long as there's a minister here, I guess we might as well get married." The clergyman questioned the young man about his position, prospects, habits, etc., and every query received a satisfactory reply. Promptly at 4 o'clock the bride-elect appeared. Mr. Carlisle is not certain whether the state of affairs had been explained to her beforehand, but at all events she made no strong demur against being wedded and at once. The party stepped onto the riverbank and the ceremony was performed. The groom gave his name as Lawrence W. Madden and his occupation as "railroad man"; the bride gave her name as Ida M. Steele. Both gave Syracuse as their place of residence. The groom said that his father was a plumber and the bride declared that hers was a building mover. Mr. Carlisle was requested to keep the marriage a secret for a fortnight, so nothing was said about it until he handed the record to the Registrar of Vital Statistics this morning. Efforts to discover the residence of Mrs. Madden were unattended by success. The father of the groom was located in the person of Lawrence W. Madden, foreman at the Jamesville Reservoir Ice Company. Mr. Madden was seen this noon by a Herald reporter, engaged in the discharge of his duties. "Have you got a son Lawrence who was recently married, Mr. Madden?" he was asked. "I have a son, Lawrence, but whether he's married or not I couldn't tell you," was the answer. "Is he a railroad man?" "No, he lives up across the lake somewhere--I couldn't exactly say where--and catches fish." "Has he been paying attention to a young woman named Ida Steele?" "I shouldn't be surprised if that was her name. He goes with some girl around here or up at Baldwinsville." "Was there any reason why the marriage should have been kept secret?" "I couldn't tell you anything about it. I haven't seen the boy in more than two months, and you know as much as I do." Syracuse Herald, July 5, 1904, page 7 The last lecture will be delivered by Rev. C. B. Carlisle, late chaplain of the United States army in charge of Helen Gould's gifts to the soldiers in Cuba and the Philippines. "Odd Hour Spinning" is the subject, and it deals with current affairs, humorous and otherwise. The lecture has been highly commended wherever delivered. "A Fine Lecture Course," Wayne County Review, Lyons, New York, November 17, 1904, page 3 Meridian, Nov. 16.--In the Presbyterian church tonight Rev. C. B. Carlisle of Jordan will give a descriptive travel lecture of scenes in lands about the Mediterranean Sea and in other eastern countries. "In Nearby Towns: Cato," The Auburn (New York) Citizen, November 16, 1905, page 7 "I tried to find Charles Carlisle, son of the Rev. C. B. Carlisle of Jordan, at Santa Barbara and inquired concerning him at the naval station. I learned that he had been sent to some part of Old Mexico and would not return until the middle of the month. The boy seems to be made of the same stuff as his father and is winning his spurs rapidly, having already received several promotions." Edward H. O'Hara, "Sunny California," Syracuse (New York) Herald, March 25, 1906, page 9 The Rev. C. B. Carlisle of Jordan has received from his son, Charles, an officer on the United States cruiser Chicago, the following letter, dated San Francisco, May 2. "Blue Jacket's Story: Charles Carlisle Writes of San Francisco Horror," Syracuse (New York) Herald, May 8, 1906, page 7 Cuba and its Future--Annexation the Only Hope for the Island
News that the Cubans have called the national game of insurrection will
not surprise anyone conversant with the people and the conditions on
that island. Indeed, it is later in announcement than most intelligent
Americans who studied the situation on the ground just after the
Spanish-American War had reason to expect. That the game will go on
until it reaches its utmost point of hilarity, the annexation of Cuba
is plain enough to these Americans.
At the close of my chaplaincy in Washington and my departure for Cuba as chaplain of the Second Regiment, United States Infantry, the late Speaker Henderson invited me to his rooms and asked me to make a disinterested study of the Cubans and Cuban affair, and write him frankly. He added: "Neither Mr. McKinley nor myself has any notion that if we shape a republic for these people they will maintain it; it will result in annexation. A very few years of a trial, then insurrection will come out of that annexation." ----
During fourteen weeks of my stay at Songo--a place of recuperation for
the regiment after Santiago--I quartered with a district judge, who for
forty years had lived in and about Santiago, and who was one of the
best informed men on the island as to the character of the people and
the conditions prevailing. In the many talks I had with him in relation
to the natives and the political conditions he impressed me as being
unprejudiced and familiar with all the features of the situation at
that time and portending events in case of the organization of a
republic. I verified many of his statements in one way and another and
found them true and of value. My search included two quiet talks with
the late General Lawton and General Wood's adjutant, who in his
expressions reflected General Wood's views, and a Cuban lawyer, who was
a near relative of Gen. Quentin Bandera, and who practiced law in the
district court where my friend of Songo was the judge. It was not,
however, until the regiment went round to the east side of the island
to fight a smallpox epidemic running riot at Holguin that I finished my
investigations and wrote to Speaker Henderson the letters he had asked
for and which, as he told me on my return home, he had given to
President McKinley.I know that Holguin was the birthplace of that Garibaldian patriot, Calixto Garcia, and I had hopes of having a talk with him. For one thing I had some curiosity to see a man who had placed a revolver in his mouth and fired, the ball coming out through his forehead, and yet had lived to die in his bed years after, and to have a military funeral in Washington. ----
I did not see Garcia, but one day soon after the establishment of a
money order office in Holguin I met his brother, who had come over to
the post office to begin the sending of $100,000 in gold to banks in
New York. He was one of the richest merchants in Cuba and a man well
informed upon all that related to the people and the political and
economical conditions of the island, having spent his life in Holguin
and Gibara, over on the coast. He invited me to share the splendid
hospitality of his home a number of times during my stay in Holguin,
and during these visits he talked freely of Cuba and Cubans.Summarizing his expressions, he was of the belief that once the United States abandoned Cuba, left her to herself to organize and administer a government, there would be a failure and finally a revolution. He said: "We have no strong or capable men in Cuba; men equal in intellect, in stable and courageous principle and in morals to meet such an emergency. The illiterates, of whom there are about 200,000, are factional and will look upon any taxation as an outrage and resent it. The jealous and envious leaders among the insurgents would have no difficulty in inciting these illiterates and other classes to insurrection." These illiterates are not of the wage-earning class, but live out in the villages and the country, where they pick up a precarious existence. It was this class that lived largely at Uncle Sam's free lunch counter during the year following the close of the war. They made the bandits of that period. Mr. Garcia said further: "We have no money and once the republic is organized we shall have to borrow. Nine chances in ten we shall have to repudiate the debt in ten years. We shall unless capital from the United States comes in to develop our resources. Our people will never do it. They are either too indolent or too ignorant or too poor. One class will get into office, civil or military, and strut about like peacocks, and the large class will go on as now, living without a thought of tomorrow's needs." ----
Looking ahead to what is today actually taking place, Mr. Garcia was
even then sending his surplus money to deposit in New York. He was, as
a Cuban, unqualifiedly in favor of annexation. He was not a politician,
and, while a rich man, one of the people, and in saying what he did he
simply expressed the views of the great majority of both Cubans and
Spanish. And his views were the candidly expressed views of the
district judge, the prominent lawyer, and others who were in a position
to give an intelligent view of the situation.Except among the small number, comparatively, who make up the official class, the cry of "Cuba for Cubans" has no weight and little interest, as against the facts of debt and taxation and consequent poverty. Under this regimen the average Cuban is even worse off than the native Egyptian. That this minority will give way to the demand of the people for the security and well being in all ways for Cuba, in annexation, especially since it is abetted by the voice behind millions of foreign capital invested, seems a foregone conclusion. The authorities may squelch the present incipient insurrection, but the flames will burst out again. All talk about the patriotism of the Cuban is the merest folderol to those who know the masses. There is no such thing as real patriotism among the masses. Very true, they have some race prejudices and some racial traditions, but none of these are strong enough to overcome the natural inclinations to indolence, and what promises to provide food and rum and tobacco without labor. ----
The Cuban is more interested in his stomach than he is in his morals.
He has a land of wonderful resources and with little effort with a hoe
can raise enough to richly provide his table, and yet I have seen big,
hearty, healthy Cubans straddle a small, miserable specimen of the
horse and ride five miles over as rich a soil as the Creator ever
spread out on the earth to get a bit of food at Uncle Sam's free lunch
counter. Talk as we may about Palma and his Congress, it is this class
which will control in the long run. They will be marshaled by the
leaders like Bandera, and will neither work nor be compelled to pay
taxes to support the official class, whom they hate. In the 46,000
square miles the soil is a marvel of richness and when it is fully
occupied will be one of the richest spots on the globe. The development
will come through the operation of American capital and American
brains, when annexation promises stability. The island is one thing and
the islanders another, but they go together. No just view of the future
of Cuba can be taken which does not include a character study of the
Cuban as a man of toil and a desire for peaceful progress. And that, as
a characteristic, he does not present at all. He does not show any
disposition in either direction. Steady toil, frugality and the
economical virtues common to the white man are foreign to the Cuban,
and possess nothing attractive to him. By character, disposition,
habit, inclination and experience the Cuban is a factionist and a
revolutionist.No doubt all this was foreseen by President McKinley and the framers of the Platt amendment. That Speaker Henderson had this view of it I personally know. That they all anticipated what is now occurring in Cuba no one can doubt. It is no surprise. Syracuse Herald, Syracuse, New York, August 25, 1906, page 4 C. B. CARLISLE SECRETARY.
Former Herald Man Engaged by the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce. C. B. Carlisle, formerly of The Herald, has
been appointed secretary of the Huntsville, Ala. Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Carlisle was engaged with the special view of spreading abroad the
advantages of Alabama as an agricultural and manufacturing state and
one which should attract a good class of European immigrants.
Mr. Carlisle has had considerable experience in this line and several years ago served the state of Oregon in a similar capacity. He is a man of wide experience in the newspaper and publicity lines. Mr. Carlisle was the managing editor of Mackay's paper in Virginia City, Nevada, during the Comstock bonanza days and since then has traveled pretty well over every state in the Union. Syracuse Herald, August 21, 1907, page 7 It was announced at the meeting of the Presbytery that Rev. C. B. Carlisle had left the Jordan Presbyterian Church, and that the church was seeking the services of a Presbyterian minister, with the Presbytery cooperating in its work. Under Mr. Carlisle's pastorate the church and Presbytery had strained relations. "Oswego Man Heads Syracuse Presbytery," The Post-Standard, Syracuse, New York, September 19, 1907, page 7 MR. CARLISLE GROWS YOUNG.
(Letter from the Rev. C. B. Carlisle in Jordan Times.) A
week or so ago I wrote Mrs. Carlisle about the change in the color of
my hair resulting from the daily use of the water here, and she seems
to have taken it as a sort of Carlisle joke, or merely "hot air," as
the boys say. Well, it isn't, not by a long shot.
We get the water for all purposes from the Big Spring, which is at the bottom of a rocky ledge on the west side of the city, and a stone's throw from the main business street. You will remember, probably, that I was quite gray while in Jordan. Well, I was somewhat gray at 30 years of age. It was hereditary in a measure. I came here about six months ago. I have always had the habit of pretty thoroughly wetting my hair three or four times a day when combing or dressing it. Three months or so ago I began to notice a change in the color of my hair; a disappearance of the gray, especially on the top and sides of my head. Within a month the change has become so marked that my friends here speak of it. My hair is assuming a dark brown. I have been hoping that some of the ingredients in this water would fertilize the bald place on my head and induce an average crop of hair. So far I have been disappointed. The ordinary fly can still get his feet on my scalp and tickle. What with the water and the ideal climate this particular region seems to be favorable to health and longevity. Men and women of 80 and 90 years of age, engaged in the active business of life, are common here. There are a dozen colored people here who were born 120 years ago. C. B. CARLISLE.
Syracuse Herald, March 30, 1908Huntsville, Ala., March 18th, 1908. Huntsville Business Club.
Huntsville, Aug. 31--(Special)--All of the present officers of the
Huntsville Business Club were reelected for another term in the
election which was held last night. . . . The directors will hold a
meeting immediately for the purpose of electing a secretary to succeed
C. B. Carlisle, resigned.
Montgomery Advertiser, August 22, 1908, page 3 South Byron, Nov. 9.--William Gillett has bought the John Avery place on South Street owned by Mrs. C. B. Carlisle of Jordan, who is a sister of the Rev. Mr. Watson, a minister here nearly thirty years ago. "South Byron Place Sold," The Daily News, Batavia, New York, November 9, 1908, page 5 Jordan, Feb. 15.--A mass meeting was held in the village council rooms Friday night for the purpose of determining on a line of action for the betterment of Jordan's interests. . . . C. B. Carlisle, who has had a wide practical experience in the line of work pertinent to the animation and building up of one locality in Oregon and another at Huntsville, Alabama, spoke at length on the possible future of Jordan both as a manufacturing center and a suburban residence adjunct to Syracuse. "To Boom Jordan," Syracuse Herald, February 15, 1909, page 2 C. B. Carlisle, who has had four years' experience as secretary of commercial clubs, secretary of the State Board of Immigration of Oregon, and of the Business Men's Club of Huntsville, Alabama, has been engaged to do the initiatory work and get the [Citizens' Commercial Club] in full swing. "Boom Jordan Their Slogan," Syracuse (New York) Journal, March 1, 1909, page 6 PAID $28 IN 1889; SOLD FOR $150,000 IN 1909.
The Syracuse (New York) Herald, August 23, 1909, page 6 C.
B. Carlisle, who left Syracuse the first of June to accept the position
of manager of the publicity bureau for a town-building firm at
Muskogee, Okla., and who is there now, gives The Herald the following item as showing the character of the surprises that now and then occur in real estate deals in this new Southwest.
Just twenty years ago, a man in Oklahoma City, in order to help a pessimist move out of the then-little town, gave him $28 for a lot that is now the center of the business district. Ten days ago he sold that lot for $150,000 cash. Two days after the sale the buyer was offered $5,000 [sic] for his bargain. REAL KENNETH H. WAYNE
C. B. Carlisle Borrowed Grandfather's Name as Pseudonym. Kenneth
H. Wayne, whose book "Building the Young Man" has just been published
by McClurg, is a name borrowed from his grandfather by the author,
whose name in real life is C. B. Carlisle.
This is not the first time Mr. Carlisle has gone under an alias. At the outbreak of the Civil War, when he had just completed a theological course, he in spite of the opposition of friends joined the Union army under an assumed name [Frank Rashleigh] and served three years. Following the war he went into newspaper work, was associate editor of the Oregonian, served as secretary of the State Board of Immigration and then entered the Congregational pastorate. He was sent as chaplain to Cuba by President McKinley and afterward to the Philippines in charge of the Helen Gould library tents and other gifts for the soldiery there. Upon his return to the United States Mr. Carlisle resumed the work of the ministry together with an active part in public affairs. New York Sun, October 5, 1912, page 14 Charles B. Carlisle, chaplain, 2nd U.S. Vol. Inf., S.A.W., and 20th Independent Battery, O.V.L.A., Civil War, was admitted from Cincinnati Tuesday. "Soldier's Home," Sandusky Star-Journal, June 27, 1916, page 12 "AND A LITTLE SQUEEZING"
"The Chaplaincy Service in Cuba," says Rev. C. B. Carlisle, now a member of the Home, "was freely coppled" with
a great variety of episodes and incidents, some of them brimming with
pathos, some tragic, some grotesquely amusing. I had, too, occasions to
make good my telegram to President McKinley, in asking for the
commission: 'I can stay or shoot as may be demanded.'"An amusing incident occurred when I had the honor--if honor it was--of marrying the first American business man to one of Santiago's '400' women. The young New Yorker had opened a 'Woman's Shoe Parlor' in Santiago, following our deportation of the Spaniards and, in the course of his business of fitting pretty Cuban feet with stylish American shoes, he had fallen in love with his young lady customer, affluent in her beauty of face and figure, the daughter of a wealthy wine merchant. The Spanish priests had left Cuba with their army. The father of the young lady and Archbishop Chappelle were at 'outs' and the American padre was asked to officiate at the wedding. "In the palatial home of the bride, several hundred of the fashionables of the city had gathered as guests on Sunday evening and, as customary, I took the bride, her parents and the groom aside from the reception room for a little 'drill' in the ceremony. Then, I discovered that the New Yorker could neither speak nor understand Spanish or its equivalent, Catalina, nor could the fair bride either speak or understand English. I interpreted and we went through the 'drill.' A few moments later, in the presence of the guests, I made them husband and wife. After some refreshments, the bridegroom took me aside and gave me a big gold coin. "I said to him, 'I am a little curious; you can't speak nor understand either Spanish or the Cuban language, nor can that lovely young woman yonder, now your wife, speak or understand English. Won't you tell me how you managed to court her up to the marriage point?' "He was a jolly sort of fellow. Laughingly he poked me in the side, and half whispering said, 'I did it by signs, and gestures, and a little squeezing.' "When I gave this incident in an address to a union gathering of church people on my return, the youngsters, 'caught on' and wanted to 'try it out.' The girls were, as 'Barkis' a 'willin.' Even the 'oldsters' present, had a reminiscent twinkle in their eyes as they slyly winked at their wives, who smiled back at them." "Army Reminiscences," Sandusky Star-Journal, Sandusky, Ohio, September 29, 1916, page 8
An Army Reminiscence
"How are the babies, chaplain?""For awhile, that was the salutation of the Colonel, as we grouped about the officers mess table for breakfast, at Songo, Cuba," says ex-Chaplain Carlisle, now a member of the Ohio Home. "A part of my duty was feeding the hungry Cubans, and ministering to their sick, in the absence of native priests. "One night, in Songo, after Taps, a Cuban came to my quarters and begged me to go to his home, a couple of blocks distant, and recite the Catholic prayers for his dying baby. It was a time to be cautious. The man might and might not be all right. "I roomed in the house of a Cuban district judge, who knew most of the Songo people, and I took the man and his request to 'His Honor,' who assured me of the character of the man. However, as a bit of 'preparedness,' I buckled on my Colts, and followed the man. "In his home, a smoke-begrimed clay-floored cabin, a home constructed out of the very wreckage of poverty, I found three or four neighbor women, kneeling with the moaning, sobbing mother, beside a rude bunk in which lay her baby, apparently dying. "The scene was one to make the heart cry--the utter lack of comfort, the grief of the women, the mute sorrow of the father, the pitifully wasted form of, the baby, showing in the dim light from the fire on the clay floor. "One look at the baby satisfied me that it was dying of starvation. I knelt at the side of the bunk and recited the Catholic prayers; adding one my own heart offered Concluding, I told the man to heat a cup of water, that I would be back in a few moments and hurried to my quarters. In less time than it takes to write of it here, I was back in that wretched cabin with a jar of malted milk, a dish and a spoon, and feeding that starving Cuban baby. Before midnight I had fed it two or three times. "The frantic struggles of that child to grasp and hold the spoon with the food in it to its lips convinced me that I was right in my belief of starvation. I was there again at daylight and before noon had fed the baby into restful sleep. "Episodes like that traveled fast in Cuba, and in a week I had about twenty babies on my hands. As I could not trust even the hungry mothers with the jar of malted milk, I had to personally visit and feed the babies. Best of all I saved them--I did not lose a baby. Hence the salutation of the Colonel. "It remained for a member of the church--an unctuous individual, whose religion was evidently On and not Of him, to stick a thorn in the incident. Snivelingly, he criticized my reading the Catholic prayers. "'You, a Protestant minister,' he said. "He got his answer: "When my soul becomes such a spiritual tightwad as your criticism indicates, it is ready for the pit," I replied. "When I related the Cuban incident to President McKinley the lashes of his eyes were wet. He was a Christian." "Army Reminiscences," Sandusky Star-Journal, Sandusky, Ohio, October 11, 1916, page 11
In Chas. B. Carlisle, Erambert Case Camp, No. 77, U.S.W.V. here claims the oldest Spanish war veteran in the United States. Mr. Carlisle is 80 years old and also is a veteran of the Civil War. "Soldier's Home," Sandusky Star-Journal, November 7, 1916, page 11 EX-CHAPLAIN TO RETURN TO WEST
Rev. C. B. Carlisle Leaves Soldiers' Home and Rests in Sandusky.
Ex-Chaplain U.S.A. C. B. Carlisle, who suffered a stroke of paralysis
in December, while at the Soldiers' Home has gone to Sandusky for the
benefit there may be in a change of environment. Eventually, Mr.
Carlisle plans to make his home in California, where in former years he
spent some of his twenty-odd years as a minister of the Congregational
"Soldiers' Home," Sandusky Star-Journal, Sandusky, Ohio, March 2, 1917, page 12
Rev. Chas. B. Carlisle, Claimed to Be Oldest Spanish Veteran.
Rev. Charles B. Carlisle, aged 79, a veteran of the Civil and Spanish
American wars, died Wednesday in the hospital. He had been in poor
health for some time and planned on going to California, but was
physically unable to make the trip.
Mr. Carlisle claimed the distinction of being the oldest survivor of the Spanish-American War, in which he served as chaplain. He was a minister of the Congregational Church for many years and was a writer of rare ability. His war stories published in the Star-Journal from time to time were filled with heart interest and pathos. In the Civil War Mr. Carlisle was a member of Col. Smithnight's Independent Battery, 20th. O.V.I.A., and in all he served 46 months. He claimed to be a cousin of the late secretary of the treasury, John G. Carlisle, of Kentucky. Mr. Carlisle was admitted to the Home June 27, 1916, and for a time resided in Sandusky. A son, E. E. Carlisle, of Rochester, N.Y., is expected to make the funeral arrangements. "Soldiers' Home," Sandusky Star-Journal, Sandusky, Ohio, April 26, 1917, page 3 The funeral of the late Chaplain Charles Carlisle, who was exceptionally honored for his unusual war service, will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, with burial in the Home cemetery. "Soldier's Home," Sandusky Star-Journal, April 27, 1917, page 14 Last
revised May 7, 2022