Medford A new hotel for Medford is among the probabilities of the near future. Plans have been drawn, and part of the stock subscribed on a tentative proposition to erect a complete modern hostelry to accommodate the increased business. Both present structures are turning away people, and neither shows any indication of building the needed accommodations. The Nash some time since planned the erection of an addition [to] the "L" in the interior, providing 16 additional suites, with baths, but there has been no sign of building as yet. Neither has the Hotel Moore extended to the corner as once contemplated, the owner holding it more valuable for business purposes than for hotel. Mr. Moore, however, will provide a suitable site for a fine hotel on the West Side, and is understood to be figuring along these lines with capitalists. Excerpt, "Hotels Jammed with Newcomers," Medford Daily Tribune, April 1, 1909, page 1 MAKE RAPID PROGRESS ON HOTEL MEDFORD
Work is progressing rapidly on the sixth story to the Hotel Medford
under the supervision of W. H. Merritt, the general contractor. Mr.
Merritt has spent a lifetime as a contractor, several years of that
time on the coast. He purchased two residences of J. H. Cochran on
South Riverside when he came here over three years ago, one of which he
occupies. He also built a double bungalow on South Riverside.
Elmer Childers has a subcontract for the brick and plastering on the Hotel Medford. He says the brick made by the Southern Oregon Clay Products Co. of Central Point, being used on the hotel, is some of the best brick ever made on the coast. Mr. Childers has the contract for the Carl Fichtner building, corner of Fir and Sixth Street, and for the DeVore service station in East Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, February 22, 1924, page 7
The 27 rooms with baths of the new fifth floor of the Hotel Medford
will all have been completely furnished and be ready for use by this
evening, and the new fast, large, modern elevator was put into use last
evening for the first time. These and the other extensive improvements
incidental to the new floor have been done at an expense of $50,000,
and make this hostelry one of the finest and largest for a city of this
size on the Pacific Coast.
All this extensive work was accomplished without interfering with the taking care of the regular patronage of the hotel for a single hour or day, and the work was finished far ahead of the time set, June 1st, when the regular work was begun. The new floor is nicely arranged and splendidly furnished, all the beds, dressers, chairs and tables being of steel or two-tone mahogany. Some of the rooms are in suites. Medford Mail Tribune, May 31, 1924, page 6 ANNEX TO HOTEL MEDFORD FORMALLY OPENED TO PUBLIC
The new sixth-story addition to the Hotel Medford was formally opened
to the public Friday afternoon by Emil Mohr. The improvement, entailing
an expenditure of $55,000, was built to accommodate the tourist trade
during the summer months, and is modern in every respect.The new addition has 27 rooms, making a total of 127 rooms in the hotel. The new annex quarters are all fitted with baths or shower baths, and the latest style furniture and accessories. A high-speed express elevator was also installed. The improvement gives the city one of the largest and most modern hostelries in the state. Over 200 visitors inspected the hotel Friday afternoon at an informal reception held by Mr. Mohr. Two lots adjoining the present structure have been purchased for further expansion in the near future. Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1924, page 6 HUMAN FLY TO CLIMB TOMORROW
Henry D. D. Roland, human fly and movie stunt performer, will climb up
the outside walls of the Medford Hotel here tomorrow night at 7:30. He
will start right on the sidewalk in front of the building and climb to
the very top of the hotel using only his hands and feet. After reaching
the highest point he will perform on tables and chairs piled one on top
of the other in a spectacular manner, walk the edge of the building
blindfolded and do trapeze acts under the cornice.
Roland has been climbing buildings all over the United States for the past twelve years and has climbed the tallest buildings obtainable in every large city. His highest climb was on the L. C. Smith building in Seattle several years ago. The above mentioned building is 42 stories in height. Last Saturday he worked in Eureka, Cal., making two climbs before a crowd of nearly ten thousand people and according to newspaper clippings of the climb he more than made good his promise of thrilling the spectators. Roland is considered the most daring of human flies. He has doubled for several movie stars, and is the man that doubled for Harold Lloyd in his thrilling picture "Safety Last." Medford Mail Tribune, April 11, 1927, page 3 HUMAN FLY TO CLIMB BUILDING TONIGHT AT 7:30
The Medford
Hotel is to be the stage for one of the greatest of all daredevil
performances tonight at 7:30 when Henry Roland, the "Human Fly," will scale up its walls and cavort on the top of the hotel in a death-defying manner.
Remember how you held onto the arms of your chair in the local theater until your fingers seemed numb while you were witnessing some of his daring feats while doubling for Harold Lloyd in "Safety Last." [Several daredevils claimed this distinction.] Tonight there shall be no seats to grip but there will be as many if not more thrills than in the picture when Roland begins his climb. He will start from the pavement and climb to the top of the hotel, using only his hands and feet until he reaches the cornice and at that point will swing out over the heads of the crowd in a trapeze, performing many stunts on the bars. After reaching the roof he will pile tables and chairs on top of each other and do balancing stunts on them that is considered an extremely dangerous act even on the stage and not on top of a building five stories in the air. He also has a variety of other breathtaking acts to perform that are sure thrillers, according to those that have seen them before. All arrangements have been completed; the city police will be on the job as usual to help handle the crowd, and large floodlights will be turned on the face of the hotel, affording ample light for everyone to witness the event. Medford Mail Tribune, April 12, 1927, page 7 NEW AUTO PARKING FOR HOTEL MEDFORD
A big improvement in the matter of convenience for guests is being
installed by the Hotel Medford. Harry Hutton, lessee and manager, is
having the large vacant lot immediately adjoining the hotel on the
west, and which is a part of the hotel property, converted into a big
parking place for the sole use of hotel guests.
The big billboards which for several years had extended across the front of the lot on West Main Street have been rearranged at the sides of the lot, the surface of the 60-by-100-foot lot is being graveled and sanded, and on the west hotel wall a big light will illumine the lot all night. Entrance to the parking place will be from the alley back of the hotel. Hundreds of cars can be parked in the lot. Medford Mail Tribune, June 26, 1928, page 8 STENOGRAPHER AT MEDFORD HOTEL
For the convenience of its guests the Hotel Medford has installed a
public stenographer and typist in its lobby, with Mrs. Minnie Hill Wood
presiding.Mrs. Wood was connected with the publicity department of Crater National Park this past season, her news articles dealing with interesting sections of the park, having had a wide circulation in the newspapers. She was formerly on the staff of the Sunday Post of Boston, Mass., as a travel story writer, and of naval articles. "Afoot and Alone," a 385-page book descriptive of some of her tramps, was published several years ago by a Boston publishing house, and later she contributed editorials and other articles to California papers. Besides being a writer, stenographer and typist Mrs. Wood, whose home is in Larkspur, Marin County, Calif., is fond of pedestrianism, and her walking ability both as to speed and length of distance covered often astounds her friends. A favorite hike of hers last summer, whenever she found time, was to walk fast from the government camp headquarters building at Crater Lake Park up to the lodge at the rim, a mile distant, and return. Medford Mail Tribune, October 17, 1930, page 6
The management of the Hotel Medford will pass into the hands of the
owner, Emil Mohr, on August 1, after operation by Harry Hutton on a
lease for four and one-half years.Mr. Hutton, since the death of his associate in the Eugene hotel, has spent most of his time at Eugene and Mrs. Hutton has ably managed the Medford hotel. They are giving up the local hotel in order to devote all their time to the one in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Hutton are thoroughly experienced hotel people and will be greatly missed by the local people, as well as the traveling public, with whom they have been associated. Mr. Mohr operated the hotel from the time it was built in 1911 until he leased it to Mr. Hutton. He says he will be glad to get back into active business again and meet his old-time friends. Mr. Mohr says he will begin making extensive improvements throughout the entire hotel shortly after securing possession. Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1932, page 1 MOHR RESUMES HOTEL OPERATION
The management of the Hotel Medford was taken over today by the owner,
Emil Mohr, after four and a half years' management by Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Hutton.The same crew, most of whom were former employees of Mr. Mohr and have been with the hotel ever since, will be retained. Work will begin at once on remodeling the hotel, beginning with the lobby. Mr. Mohr says he is glad to get back into active service again and to welcome his many friends. He announces a reduction of all regular dinners from $1 to 75¢ and merchants' lunches to 50¢ and guarantees to maintain the high standard quality of foods and service. Mr. Hutton will go to Eugene to devote his entire time to the management of the Eugene Hotel. The best wishes of his many friends will accompany him. Mrs. Hutton will remain here for some time and make her home at Fountain Inn. Medford Mail Tribune, August 1, 1932, page 3 Kindly Host Dies
Emil Mohr, for a quarter of a century active in the civic and business
life of Medford, died suddenly in his apartments at the Hotel Medford
last night shortly before midnight, due to heart failure. He had been
in ill health for several years. He complained Monday of not feeling
well, but believed his condition was not serious. His passing came as a
distinct shock to hundred of friends throughout the state and county.EMIL MOHR DIES SUDDENLY AFTER LONG ILL HEALTH Emil Mohr was a man of sterling character, unfailing geniality, and high optimism. He has been a resident of this city since 1910--a greater portion of this time as owner and manager of the Hotel Medford. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Hedwig Mohr, two daughters, Miss Anita Robertson of this city, Miss Edna Mohr, a student at the University of Oregon, and Emil Mohr, Jr., also a student at the University of Oregon. A nephew, Rudolph Mohr, resides in San Francisco, Calif., and a sister, Mrs. Theodore Gherkins in Hummelsbuttel, Germany. Funeral services will be held from the Perl Funeral Home Friday at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. W. R. Baird officiating. Interment in the Siskiyou Memorial Park. Emil Mohr was born in Mellingstedt, Germany, April 12, 1862, and was 70 years of age. At the age of 19 he came to America, and settled in San Francisco. His first employment there was as clerk in a grocery store. Later he purchased a farm near Fresno, Calif. In 1898 he journeyed to Alaska during the Klondike rush and established a mercantile business, with Dawson City as his headquarters. He built up a large business, with an extensive trade throughout the Yukon Territory. After 10 years in the northland, he sold his interests. In 1910 he moved to this city and engaged in the hotel business with W. F. Rau. In September, 1911, he took charge of the Hotel Medford, and became its owner. Fraternally, Emil Mohr belonged to the Dawson City lodge of Masonry, Medford Lodge, 103, A.F.&A.M., Malta Commandery No. 4 Knight Templars, Ashland; Medford Rotary Club, Hillah Temple of the Shrine, the San Jose, Calif., lodge of Odd Fellows, the Medford lodge, B.P.O.E. Elks, and the Camp Dawson No. 4 of the Arctic Brotherhood. Medford Mail Tribune, January 10, 1933, page 1 Medford Hotel, Under P. G. Denson, Ready for Tourist Season
With business conditions in Medford better than in many other cities of
the Northwest and prospects bright for a good travel season, P. G.
Denson, now manager of the Hotel Medford, today expressed hope that his
hotel will become one of the most popular in the state of Oregon.New Manager Has Long Experience in Hotel Business--Fine Season Seen--Renovation Near End. Previous to locating in the Rogue River Valley, March 1, to succeed Emil Mohr at the Medford, Mr. Denson was associated with G. A. Hutaff in operating the Traveler's Hotel at Dunsmuir, Cal., for two and a half years. He continues to maintain his interest in that business. The well-known Tioga Hotel at Merced, Cal., the gateway to Yosemite was built and managed by the Hotel Medford's new proprietor. Following that achievement, Mr. Denson was influential in building both the Senator and Governor hotels in San Francisco, Cal. During the World War, P. G. Denson was a captain in the Engineers, having gained considerable experience while connected with the Ford, Bacon & Davis firm before that time. In 1908 he was engaged with Colonel Frank N. Black in engineering and rebuilding the United Railroads of San Francisco. Improvements, including redecorating and remodeling which were started by Emil Mohr, have been completed under the direction of Mr. Denson. Work on refinishing the exterior of the building will be under way within a few days, according to plans. No effort has been spared to make the Hotel Medford a cheerful, modern home for tourists and local guests. "I am grateful for the way the people of Medford have received me, and after viewing the scenic beauty of the surrounding valley, I agree that this is certainly a great country," Mr. Denson remarked. Medford Mail Tribune, April 26, 1933, page 2 MEDFORD COFFEE SHOP WILL OPEN
The smart new coffee shop of the Hotel Medford will open Thursday,
according to an announcement today by P. G. Denson, manager of the
hotel. Workmen are putting the finishing touches on the installation of
the attractive Trowbridge fixtures, and patrons of the Hotel Medford
will now enjoy excellent service in lunches, meals and short orders in
this new department. The dining room of the Medford will continue to
offer regular dining room service.Another improvement at the Hotel Medford is the refinishing of the floors in the dining room. A smooth dancing surface will add to the pleasure of periodical dinner dances now being featured. Medford Mail Tribune, January 31, 1934, page 5 HOTEL MEDFORD IS DECORATED
Decorators and painters put the finishing touches on the attractive
newly decorated dining room and coffee shop of tho Hotel Medford
yesterday, according to the announcement by P. G. Denson, manager of
this well-known hotel. The refinishing of the coffee shop and dining
room is part of an extensive remodeling program recently initiated by
Mr. Denson.The halls of the Medford hotel have recently been repapered and extensive refinishing and painting work undertaken in many of the rooms. Improvements in the baths have also been undertaken. Beautyrest mattresses have also been added to the beds of the hotel, according to Mr. Denson. The remodeling program has also included a new ventilation system in the kitchen, and new decorative flower pots have been placed on both the Main and Ivy Street sides of the Hotel Medford, adding to the attractiveness of this building. Medford Mail Tribune, June 24, 1934, page 10 MOHR, EMIL HENRY Vice-President and Manager, Medford Hotel Company. b. Medford, Oregon, January 19, 1913; son of Emil and Hedwig (Boettger) Mohr; educated University of Oregon; m. Berte Allen Crane of Medford, Oregon November 20, 1934; began as dishwasher and busboy, Crater Lake Lodge, Oregon; engineer, Hotel Medford 1934; steward and food buyer 1935; desk clerk 1936-37; manager since 1937; vice-president and manager since Nov. 1937; served U.S. Navy, World War II; director Jackson County Chamber of Commerce 1940 to date; president Southern Oregon Hotel Association 1939; vice-president Oregon State Hotel Association 1939; Republican; Presbyterian; address Hotel Medford, Medford. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 397 Renovation Slated on Medford Hotel
Renovation of
the front of the Medford Hotel building is expected to commence Friday,
manager Harry Watson has announced.He said that the front of the structure will be finished partly in marble. A new entrance and marquee are planned. The lobby ceiling will be lowered. New decoration will blend with the color scheme of other remodeled areas of the lower floor. Stanley Parrish is contractor for the project. Robert Keeney is architect. The work is part of an overall renovation program begun 1½ years ago. Watson said that it is hoped to have the new hotel dining room completed by Easter. Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1952, page B1 Last revised February 1, 2025 |