The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Mondula Leak and the Sign on the Wall

A tale of ambition, murder, the railroad, lucky beans, gloves and paint. Maybe not in that order. And a whale. And the Queen of Georgia. And the Prune Knight.

Inside Medford's Organic Natural Cafe at 226 East Main, the west wall near the street is covered with a very old painted sign advertising the
No. 9 sewing machine manufactured by the San Francisco company Wheeler & Wilson:

Wheeler & Wilson Sign, Medford, Oregon
    It's fairly easy to determine that the sign was created sometime between October 1889, when the Webb-Adkins Block (on whose east wall the sign was painted) was built, and October 1895, when that wall was enclosed by the Adkins-Childers Building, now housing the restaurant next door.
Leak Advertising Co. signature on Wheeler & Wilson sign    And that should make it easy to nail down exactly who painted it and exactly when, right? After all, he signed his work in the lower left corner.
    The only problem is that there's never been a Leak Advertising Company in Medford--or anywhere else in the Rogue Valley, for that matter. I've never even found mention of a person named Leak in Medford.
    But two facts can help us narrow down that six-year gap between 1889 and 1895 to a more manageable window. The first is a fire on December 7, 1889 that started at Main and Bartlett, eventually destroying the wooden building on the cafe site, until "
the fire reached the brick walls of I. A. Webb's new building." The second fact is that a fairly complete run of the Medford Mail begins with the January 7, 1892 issue--and it doesn't mention Leak. So the Leak Advertising Company must have arrived after the fire and departed Medford before 1892.
    It only took five years, but the mystery was finally solved when I found a July 31, 1891 Ashland Tidings story (below). The Leak Advertising Company wasn't a Medford firm after all; it was the brainchild of Mr. Mondula Leak, of San Francisco's Leak Glove Company. His scheme was to travel the country in his custom-designed, patented railroad car, advertising his gloves and any other product whose manufacturer hired him.
Leak Advertising Car Patent page 1
"My invention relates to certain improvements in railway cars; and it consists in certain details of construction which render the car especially available for exhibition, office and residence purposes. This car has windows along the sides, and below these are formed recesses B, which have a sufficient depth in the walls of the car to receive such goods as it may be desired to exhibit within them."
Mondula and his father held four other patents, for sewing machine parts, an egg case,
and an apparatus for transporting perishable food in carbon dioxide.

    Leak secured the support of Placer County, California, which paid him $500 a month to displays its photos, its agricultural produce, and its $600 chunk of gold ore, in order to lure settlers and investors from the eastern states. Just a few of the other sponsors whose merits Leak's men sang (and whose free samples they distributed) were Sperry & Co.'s Germea (a breakfast cereal), Royal Dutch Cocoa, Folger's Baking Powder, Schilling's California wines, Cudahy Bros.' Rex Beef Extract, Thompson's Wild Cherry Phosphate, Wadam's Axle Grease, and "China soap from the factory of B. J. Johnson," who seven years later would introduce a product he called Palmolive. And we have evidence right here in Medford that--in the summer of 1891 at least--he also advertised the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Company.
Leak Advertising Car Patent page 2
"The central portion of the car is occupied by the accommodations for eating and sleeping. These consist of the sleeping beds or mattresses for sleeping purposes and tables and seats which are employed during the day. The mattresses or beds are arranged in tiers one above the other, as shown at U, and are suspended by chains so as to hang at a certain distance from each other."

    Leak's advertising railroad car housed twenty-four people, including (as his press release put it)  "a force of eighteen or more painters, who during the day are engaged in painting advertising signs on the sides of stores, barns and other buildings; and it is but fair to admit that they are putting up the neatest work of this class we have seen." Twenty-two of the party slept in a feature of Leak's patent, "each man having a cozy wire mattress to himself, the berths being drawn up in the roof of the car during the day, leaving the whole interior of the car clear for exhibition purposes."
Leak Advertising Car Patent page 3
"Through the walls of the car, at suitable intervals, are made openings G, which extend through from the inside to the outside of the car. These openings are ordinarily closed by stoppers H. The cylinders support at one end the incandescent lighting-globes K, and the flexible conducting-wires L enter at the rear or inner end of these cylinders. N is the bed, which is contained in a frame or case hinged to one side of the office, so that it may be turned up or let down at pleasure. When turned up against the side wall of the office it resembles a shallow bookcase."

    The last two of the twenty-four passengers were Mr. and Mrs. Leak, who had their own private apartment, in which they would receive dignitaries and the press. "In the daytime it is a comfortable and nicely furnished parlor; at night it is transformed into a cozy bedroom."
    Combined with its own baggage car, the advertising car formed a self-contained operation, with its own kitchen and its own boiler that provided both heat for the car and steam for its whistle. A six-horsepower gasoline "vapor engine" turned a generator to light the 75 bulbs that illuminated the interior of the car and the display cases on its exterior.
    In an age before most towns were electrified, the arrival of the Leak Advertising Car caused a sensation, in ways that were not always completely appreciated. A Placer County newspaper predicted the illuminated car "
will resemble a huge meteor at night, as it whirls from city to city on its tour of education." The whistle was not as well received: "The blowing of their chromatic or mermaid whistle at short intervals all day Friday did not lack much of being an insufferable bore, especially to students with lessons to get."
Mondula Leak, January 16, 1916 Atlanta Constitution, page 6
Mondula Leak in 1916.
    Over the next twenty-five years Mondula Leak and his wife traveled throughout the East in their car stumping for California counties--first for Placer County, then Santa Clara, then Stanislaus and finally for a consortium of five North Bay counties, before signing a five-year contract to advertise the state of Georgia beginning in 1916. The car drops out of sight after 1916, presumably put out of business by railroad restrictions during World War I. Leak and his wife retired to West Palm Beach, Florida, eventually being buried there in 1924 and 1939.

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    So what's the deal with the cutout--the rectangle where the paint is missing? Why are there chunks of brick missing in places? And how do we know the sign is advertising W&W's No. 9 instead of a 3, a 6 or an 8?

Wheeler & Wilson Sign Detail

Well, now that we have a date for the sign, a search of digitized historic newspaper archives makes clear that No. 9 is the only model Wheeler & Wilson was selling in 1891. The company donated a No. 9 as a sweepstakes prize to aid Placer County's fund-raising efforts.
Wheeler & Wilson No. 9 Sewing Machine
Iola Kansas Register, August 14, 1891, page 1

    The rectangular cutout I had a harder time wrapping my head around. Maybe the sign men painted over a plastered area--or a wooden sign that was already there?  Neither of those possible solutions made sense: There would be no reason to plaster over a small area on a building's exterior, and a wooden sign could be yanked off fairly easily. Then it hit me: The painters painted their sign over a poster--maybe even one pasted onto the wall just days before before Leak arrived, advertising the Sells Brothers Circus (which wouldn't be in town for a month yet).
    The divots chipped out of the bricks were an attempt to prepare the surface so a coating of plaster would adhere better. No one in the 1890s wanted to look at bricks: They were dirty and cheap-looking, and plaster was better at bouncing around the feeble light from kerosene lanterns or the early electric bulbs. (Medford was electrified in the summer of 1894.) A more energetic surface preparation is visible on the Henry the Fourth Cigars sign on North Front inside Howiee's:

Henry the Fourth Cigars sign, Howiee's, North Front

    Still not enough abuse to hold the plaster on after 110 years.

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Johnstown, New York
Leak, Crapo, 34, painter, born in New York
           Caroline, 32, wife, tailoress, born in Vermont
           Moulda, 9, son, born in New York
           Isabel, 8, daughter, born in New York
U.S. Census, August 16, 1860

Church Street, San Francisco
Leak, Crapo, 53, works in tannery, born in New York; parents born in New York
           Caroline, 51, wife, keeping house, born in Vermont; parents born in New York
           Mon., 29, son, glove manufacturer, born in New York
           Mintie, 15, daughter, at school, born in New York
Martin, Hacie, 28, son-in-law, tanner, born in New York; parents born in New York
              Isab., 28, daughter, at home, born in New York
              Dussie, 2, granddaughter, born in California
U.S. Census, June 4, 1880

LEAK GLOVE MANUFACTURING CO., Mondula Leak president, Louis D. Radgesky secretary, factory and tannery W s Mission, bet Twenty-Seventh and Twenty-Eighth, salesrooms, 106 Battery
Langley's San Francisco Directory 1887, page 727

    LEAK GLOVE MANUFACTURING CO.--Display of Gloves and of Glove Making, also of Skins used in Glove Making.
        Awarded, for Manufacture of Gloves,                           Grand Silver Medal.
Leak Glove Co.     This important home industry was most fully and creditably represented by this enterprising company. The space occupied by this exhibit was a veritable glove factory in full operation. The machines used were operated by electric power, the same as used by the company in their factory.
    California-made gloves, made out of California-cured skins, have a reputation all over the United States, some styles and colors being especially sought after, owing to their durability.
    The product of the Leak Glove Company is known for its high standard of excellence. They employ a large number of operatives; and when the business in this state is conducted by such firms and companies as this, there is no doubt that the industry has come to stay. This display of gloves, and of the processes used in their manufacture, proved, as was also shown by several other leading exhibits made during this Exposition, that, although our industrial history is comparatively short, yet the products of our workshops, manufacturers and artisans are equal in finish, excellence and usefulness to the best foreign manufactures. The fact is easily proven, and the causes are not difficult to see. Our people are prosperous, and used to consuming the best of everything; a poor product cannot be disposed of here. Given American machinery and American ingenuity, no wonder that the capital and enterprise of our people have wrought industrial marvels, and that in everything that makes civilization and tends toward human advancement our young state compares well and favorably with the oldest and most settled communities.
Report of the Twenty-Second Industrial Exhibition of the Mechanics' Institute of the City of San Francisco, 1887, page 97

    Mondula Leak of San Francisco, a former resident, is visiting relatives and friends here.
"Gloversville," Albany Evening Journal, February 7, 1887, page 4

Leak Glove Manufacturing Co., Mondula Leak president, Louis D. Radgesky secretary, factory and tannery W s Mission, bet Twenty-Seventh and Twenty-Eighth, salesrooms, 521-527 Market
Langley's San Francisco Directory 1888, page 136

Leak Glove Manufacturing Co., Mondula Leak president, Louis D. Radgesky secretary, 521-527 Market
Langley's San Francisco Directory 1890, page 809

    The Leak Advertising Company of San Francisco. Capital stock, $10,000.. Directors L. D. Radgesky, Mon. Leak, Hazle Martin, J. P. Currier and Ed Carlson.

"New Incorporations," Sacramento Daily Record-Union, June 6, 1890, page 1

     The Leak Advertising Company has incorporated. Directors--L. Radgesky, Mon. Leak, Hazle Martin, J. F. Currier, Ed. Carlson. Capital stock $10,000, of which $4030 has been subscribed.
"Articles of Incorporation Filed," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, June 15, 1890, page 8

The Views of a Man Who Speaks by the Card.
An Interview with a Man Who Does Good Advertising.
He Tells How to Catch the Public Eye and Never Fail.
Leaks on Horse Troughs and Legends that Run All Over the Sides of Brick Blocks.

    Noticing the water troughs all about the city to have been painted with the word "Leaks" on them, it occurred to the mind of a Herald reporter that the Leak Glove Manufacturing Company of San Francisco had struck Southern California with their advertising outfit, as he had seen the same legend all over the state, and had learned its meaning. So off went the reporter to hunt up the manager of an advertising scheme that has become famous all over the coast. Hailing a gang of painters, whose overalls were covered with paint, and who were putting an advertisements all over the side of a blacksmith's shop near the depot, he asked them where the manager might be found. He was told that Mr. Leak could be found at the Hollenbeck Hotel, the most popular hostelry in the city. Arriving at the hotel and having discovered the great advertiser, the reporter said:
    "Mr. Leak, how did you conceive the scheme and get up the nerve to spread such an amount of paint all over the country and to incur such large expense in the way of advertising?"
    Mr. Leak replied: "I am an old advertiser. I have tried all the methods in vogue. I started out with small catchpenny methods and found they did no good. So I went on to New York City, where I did a little interviewing myself. I went to some of the heaviest advertisers in the country, and I asked their advice as to how I should get my goods before the people.
    "They told me to go out all over the country and paint my goods on every fence board, water trough and such like object in the land. Then to follow this with a thorough advertising in a liberal way in good newspapers, and that if I did the work in earnest I would reach the eye of every consumer in the country and thus create a demand for my wares. I soon saw at a glance that this mean the expenditure of a large sum of money. I put out at the first movement $4,000 for teams and wagons. In order to reduce the expense I was willing to go into a partnership with other merchants. To this end I looked around for a number of first-class business houses whose trade is general all over the country, and who like myself believed in thorough advertising because they knew how effective such a method is to build up trade. I selected the Carlson-Currier silk manufacturing company, San Francisco, that employs a large number of boys and girls to manufacture their goods. It is, in fact, the only sewing silk factory on the coast. It is, as I consider, the best silk in the United States, having used thousands of pounds of it in the manufacture of our gloves in the last six years. Then I wanted a representative flour mill, and knowing that the Sperrys of Stockton had the largest mills west of the Missouri, and that they have the reputation of making the best flour on the coast, I secured them as clients, and now 'Ladies Use Sperry's, Stockton, New Patent Roller Process Flour, the Best Made' ornaments all the fences from Siskiyou to San Diego. Knowing, too, that baking powder people are heavy advertisers, and that J. A. Folger & Co. manufacture Golden Gate Baking Powder, and having used it in my family and knowing it to be the best ever introduced into my kitchen, I naturally worked up J. A. Folger for my business, and Golden Gate Baking Powder ornaments many a space formerly a blank in all parts of the great state of California."
    The reporter saw that he had struck a big lead, and feeling his interview might grow to be too long, said:
    "Mr. Leak, let us wholesale the business. How many houses have you in all your list?"
    The great Napoleon of advertising said: "I have six--some of them patent medicines, Rex ham, the old established wholesale liquor house of E. Martin and Co., 408 Front Street, San Francisco, whose celebrated brands of old Argonaut, J. F. Cutter, are so well known to the trade."
    "How do you procure permission to paint your signs on these large buildings?" was the next question put by the scribe.
    "I have a good deal of trouble sometimes. I saw an elegant space today and asked for the use of it. It was in a large brick store. The owner wheeled around in his chair and said, 'Young man, I know where there is a fine space for you to occupy. It is around here at city hall.' I told him if he had any influence with the city fathers, and would give me a letter to them, I would go and ask for it. He paid me a big compliment on my nerve. I begged his pardon, and said I hoped he was not offended, but that we would never get to heaven if we did not ask for permission. I am, of course, always willing to run some risk to get the place that suits myself and patrons."
    Said the reporter: "Have you reaped much benefit yet from your scheme?"
    Said Mr. Leak: "Six years ago I had a little shop employing twenty-five hands, and now I have two hundred boys and girls and keep 16 traveling men all the time on the road selling my goods. They sell in all the country west of the Mississippi River."
    The reporter left with the impression that if all the business houses of the coast would advertise as the Leak Glove Company does, the cry that the East is beating us and that times are dull would not be so frequently heard on this coast. If any merchant finds any difficulty about selling goods he should put them in Mr. Leak's hands, who is sure to make a market for them. He will visit all the towns in Southern California and paint the fences and buildings in many colors.
Los Angeles Herald, August 24, 1890, page 5

California on Wheels.
    Has reached the Pacific Coast, en route home from its extended trip through the eastern states. Having left San Francisco Dec. 3rd, 1889, the exhibit train will have been absent fifteen months. This train, consisting of two exhibit cars, will arrive in Medford Friday morning, February 13th, and will stay all day in order that the people may visit the train and see the California exhibit. Over two million people have visited these cars and pronounce it "the greatest exhibit on earth." Go and take your family; it will cost you nothing. To farmers and fruit-growers it will be of especial interest.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 6, 1891, page 3

    A dispatch says: "The last itinerary for California on Wheels was forwarded to the car today. The train will leave Portland, Oregon, February 8th, and stop at Oregon City, Salem, Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, Medford, Ashland and several points in California. Cars left San Francisco December 3rd, 1890, and will be home February 28th."
Albany Daily Democrat, February 6, 1891, page 3

The Golden State's Board of Trade's Unique Advertising Exhibit
Visited Salem Yesterday.

    Agreeable to announcement, the unique exhibit train known as "California on Wheels," under the auspices of the California state board of trade and the Southern Pacific Company, made a stop in Salem yesterday and was visited during the day by many hundreds of spectators who were glad to have the opportunity of seeing what California soil can do in the way of producing fruit, etc.
    The train consists of three cars, one being devoted to exhibits of fruit, etc., another to the product of California's vineyards. The third coach is the living car of the superintendent and attendants.
    Those who passed through these cars yesterday could but compliment our sister state for the enterprise of her board of trade in sending abroad such a splendid advertisement as this novel scheme has proven. Oregonians realize that California is a great state for the production of oranges, prunes, peaches, grapes, etc., and as they viewed some of the premium products yesterday it was plain to be seen that the idea of many of them was that Oregon could get up an exhibit that would be equally attractive and astonishing to the eyes of easterners. This is a fact. An "Oregon on Wheels" would, if properly gotten up and managed, be the marvel of millions. The idea is suggested to the state board of trade, immigration, etc., and the assertion ventured that by following the example so well set and sending out such a train, much good in the way of securing immigration to our own state would be accomplished.
    This is the second tour of "California on Wheels," the first having been over the Central Pacific and on east as far as Boston. The train that has just passed through Salem left San Francisco on Dec. 3, 1889, and has been constantly on the road ever since, traveling over 14,000 miles of railroad, visiting thirty-two states and territories and being visited by over a million and a half people.
    The train will visit Albany today, Eugene Thursday, Roseburg Friday, and Medford and Ashland Saturday. It will make nine stops in the leading cities of California, arriving at Oakland the 28th inst. S. J. Matthes, of Los Angeles, is the gentlemanly superintendent of the exhibit.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, February 11, 1891, page 4

Placer County Products.
    LOOMIS, April 11.--At a meeting held here Saturday $15,000 was voted toward sending the Leak advertising car filled with Placer County products through the western states and territories.
The Morning Call, San Francisco, April 13, 1891, page 6

    M. Leak, President of the Leak Glove Manufactory, and the man who is preparing the advertising car for his firm and Placer County, called at our office yesterday in company with J. J. Morrison of Loomis. They state that $270.00 were subscribed at Loomis for the car.
    The move now on foot to send a car east with an exhibit of Placer County's products will no doubt be of great benefit. It is the intention to raise $15,000 for the purpose of advertising the county's resources. Ten thousand dollars will probably pay the expense of running the car, which will be known as "Placer County on Wheels." Now if the Board of Trade will put the other $5,000 into the newspapers of the county for advertising, extra copies, etc., we venture the assertion that the latter will be of more benefit to the county than the same amount expended in any other form.
The Placer Argus, Auburn, California, April 17, 1891

This Grand, Big Move Goes Bravely On!

Magnificent Premiums and How To Earn Them.
    The work of soliciting subscriptions for the fund to send out "Placer on Wheels" is being pushed vigorously by the undersigned and his able corps of assistants, but knowing and appreciating the efficacy of woman's work in all grand schemes of public advancement, and desiring to enlist the interest of the ladies of Placer in this great move for the county's benefit, we offer them as an inducement to go to work in the cause the following handsome and substantial premiums. Our idea and hope is to have every enterprising woman in the county go to work, unrestricted in her field to solicit subscriptions, and,
    To the woman, married or single, who collects the largest amount for the support of "Placer on Wheels" we will give a handsome gold watch, donated by the San Jose Watch Manufacturing Company, and valued at $150.
    2nd.--To the woman, married or single, who collects the second largest amount, we will give a superb bedroom set, donated by Coker & Crowell, Furniture Dealers and Undertakers at Auburn, and valued at $100.
    3rd.--To the lady, married or single, who collects the third largest amount, we will give a High Arm No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, the same that took the price at the Paris Exposition, donated by Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co., San Francisco, and valued at $75.
    4th.--To the lady, married or single, who collects the fourth largest amount, we will give a handsome writing desk, donated by W. D. Comstock, furniture dealer, Sacramento, and valued at $60.
    Other premiums are expected to be added from time to time, thus enlarging the opportunity of each lady worker in the cause to obtain a prize for her pains.
    In addition to the other premiums a grand Mathushek upright piano, Circassian walnut case, superbly finished, donated by John F. Cooper, the great music dealer of Sacramento, and valued at $700, will be given to the most popular lady in Placer County, to be determined by the vote of the people. In this election anybody is eligible to vote who is willing to pay 25 cents for the privilege, and those who desire to stuff the ballot box in favor of their candidate can do so by paying 25 cents for each vote cast.
    Stimulated by these offers I hope to see every community arouse itself on this subject. This is a county move, involving the interest and appealing to the pride of every man, woman and child in the county. Let it be the talk of the day and let our talk be accompanied by acts, and the glory that will come to us by reason of our energy and enterprise will reward us tenfold for our energy and efforts.
    For particulars address
Gen'l. Manager and Solicitor, Auburn, California.
The Placer Argus, Auburn, California, May 15, 1891, page 3

Placer on Wheels.
    We have been assured that the subscriptions for this great enterprise are coming in rapidly, that a strife has already been inaugurated to secure the liberal prizes offered, and that there is little doubt of securing the necessary funds. The fair and festival at the college chapel today and tomorrow will add considerably to the fund. The many picnics in different portions of the county are all yielding handsome amounts to the assistant solicitors. Mr. Leak was up during the week and is now with some of the solicitors in the county.
The Placer Argus,
Auburn, California, May 22, 1891

Placer on Wheels.
    W. B. Hayford, General Manager of Placer on Wheels, states that he already has in cash and cash securities about $2,000 on deposit. The premium list, all donated, foots up $1,182 in value. He feels greatly encouraged and expresses no doubts of the ultimate success of the traveling exhibit. He prefers at present to withhold the list of subscribers from publication, for obvious reasons. Of course, good round subscriptions are preferred, but our people should recollect that anything given to further this grand scheme will receive the proper credit
The Placer Argus,
Auburn, California, May 29, 1891

Placer on Wheels.
    We have just received a note from A. A. Smith, suggesting that the "Leak" car, with "Placer on Wheels," stop ½ hour at Antelope, 1 hour at Roseville, 2 hours at Loomis, 1 hour at Penryn, an hour at Newcastle, as long as you please at Auburn, and make stoppages at all the stations in the county above Auburn. The suggestion is a good and inspiring one, and will give all our people a chance to see the car.
The Placer Argus,
Auburn, California, June 19, 1891

Stanislaus County Exhibit Cars, November 2, 1907, Ironwood, Michigan News Record
The Placer Advertising Car Will Illuminate the Land.
It Will Start on its Mission About July 20th.

    The Leak advertising car for "Placer County on Wheels" is rapidly approaching completion at the railroad shops in this city.
    It will certainly be the most unique and one of the most handsome cars ever constructed in Sacramento. The car is seventy-one feet in length, from bumper to bumper, and is being built and fitted up with the most careful and elaborate attention to the object for which it is being constructed. It is to be an advertising car, and every little detail is made to contribute to that end to as great an extent as possible.
    Even the large panels on the sides of the car--twenty-four in all--have been set in several inches, so that glass will be placed over them, and each transformed into a showcase. In these wares and products will be placed, with descriptive matter for the information of those viewing the display. In every panel there will be an incandescent electric light--so that the exhibit may be seen as well by night as by day. There will be sixty electric lights on the car, and it will resemble a huge meteor at night, as it whirls from city to city on its tour of education.
    The interior of the car will be devoted to an exhibition of the products and resources of Placer County.
A Regan vapor engine, vintage circa 1890
A Regan vapor engine, vintage circa 1890
    In the front of this car is a four-horsepower Regan vapor engine, which will furnish the power for the electric light. As those accompanying the expedition will make the car their home, it has been arranged conveniently for that purpose, but with special care as to economy of space. The cots will be so constructed that, by a novel arrangement, they will be out of sight and out of the way during the day. About the center of the car is a kitchen fitted up with a range, a Baker heater, pump, sink, and every convenience for cooking. To the rear of the car is Mr. Leak's private office--a most pleasant apartment. A large observation window will permit of a fine view of the country and afford ample light. Mr. Leak's couch is of a folding pattern and when not in use closes against the side of the car, while a broad mahogany leaf drops to be used as a desk during the day.
    Along the interior sides of the car are compartments for "old Placer's" display, and with arrangement of course that everything shall be exhibited to the best advantage.
    Twenty-four persons will travel with the car--Mr. Leak and wife and twenty-two men. There will be bill-posters, sign-writers, distributors, and a manipulator of a first-class stereopticon. Every member of the party will be dressed in gray uniform. This is done that those visiting the car may know from whom to make inquiries. Every employee will be a walking encyclopedia regarding the car's mission, "and the first man who fails to make a courteous reply to a respectful question will have to go," says Mr. Leak.
    It is expected that the car will start on its trip about July 20th.
The Placer Herald, Auburn, California, June 20, 1891, page 1

A Novel Car.
    The Leak advertising car is now on exhibition at the foot of Fourth and Townsend streets. This car is a marvel of beauty and convenience, and contains many striking novelties that are drawing universally favorable comment from the railroad authorities as well as the advertising public. This car contains the unique exhibit of Placer County, as well as the displays made by our best local advertisers. It is about to start on a tour of three years, making the circuit of Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas, returning by way of Arizona and Southern California. There is limited space in the car still to be had by application either to the manager on the car or to the Leak Glove Company, at 521 Market Street.
The Morning Call, San Francisco, June 28, 1891, page 3

"Placer on Wheels."
    We have been reliably informed that "Placer on Wheels" left San Francisco last night, and will be on exhibition in Sacramento all day today. It will be attached to the regular overland train tonight, and come as far as Penryn, where it will remain Friday and Saturday forenoon, loading on fruit and other products for exhibition. It will come to Auburn on the afternoon overland, arriving at 2:15. The car will be open to visitors Saturday afternoon and night up to 12 o'clock midnight, and maybe all day Sunday, but as to that the management is not certain.
The Placer Argus,
Auburn, California, July 3, 1891

The Commendable Enterprise of That County in Sending
A Traveling Exhibition to the East To Do Missionary Work in that Region.

    Auburn, July 5.--A side track has been put in at Bernhard's crossing opposite the agricultural park for a car which has been christened "Placer on Wheels." Everybody is pleased with the car. The display of products will be enlarged as the season advances. At the meeting of the County Board of Trade a contract was completed for the exhibit to run for the next six months west of the Mississippi River, and a stipulation was made to send the exhibit east of the river. The car is provide with a dynamo for lighting at night.
Oakland Tribune, July 6, 1891, page 1

A Beautiful Exhibit.
    The Leak Advertising Company's car has returned to Fourth and Townsend streets from Placer county, where it received the exhibit of Placer County's products. It was lighted up last night, the electric lights working very nicely. Large crowds were attracted, and all expressed their admiration.
    It will be brilliantly lighted up tonight at 8 o'clock for the benefit of the public and business men who wish to let the world know they are still alive.
The Morning Call, San Francisco, July 7, 1891, page 2

"Placer on Wheels."
    AUBURN, July 6.--A sidetrack was put in at Bernhards Crossing, opposite Agricultural Park, for Leak's car with "Placer on Wheels." Everybody is pleased with the car. The display of products will be enlarged as the season advances. At a meeting of the County Board of Trade a contract was completed with the Leak Glove Company for the exhibit to run for the next six months west of the Mississippi River, and a stipulation was made to send the exhibit east of the river. The car is provided with a dynamo for lighting, and makes a fine appearance in the night. Everybody is pleased with the "Placer on Wheels' traveling exhibit.
The Morning Call, San Francisco, July 7, 1891, page 8

Placer on Wheels.
    Placer on Wheels proved a great attraction here on the 4th and won the admiration of all who saw it. In San Francisco, where the finishing touches are being put on and where the exhibit is being put in order for her great trip west of the Missouri River, it is visited by throngs of people daily. The banquet on the car last Wednesday evening, at which the mayor and others of San Francisco's most distinguished citizens were among the invited guests, proved a novel and brilliant affair and drew from the S.F. papers many favorable comments.
The Placer Herald, Auburn, California, July 11, 1891

    The Leak Car containing "Placer on Wheels," after attracting large crowds at San Francisco for the week ending Sunday, July 12th, left on that day for the north. While at the Oakland mole a banquet was given on the car to leading representatives of the press including Mayor Sanderson of San Francisco, who gave them a very clever speech.
    We have already spoken of their reception at Lincoln, where not less than 1,500 people visited the car. The Marysville Democrat gives us a good puff on the exhibit. We understand that the exhibit was rearranged before leaving San Francisco, and that the Board of Trade have taken steps to see that fresh supplies shall be furnished from time to time.
    W. B. Hayford, in a communication to the Colfax Sentinel, requests that all who desire to contribute to keeping up the supplies for the exhibit, to forward their articles to F. C. Miles at Penryn, Chairman of the Exhibition Committee. He makes the gratifying statement that both the railroad and express companies will forward all such supplies free of charge, and the further statement that the Chicago & Northwestern have offered, in connection with other companies, to haul our exhibition car for over 3,000 miles free of charge.
    The car stopped at Tehama yesterday (Sunday), and will be at the following places on the dates mentioned:
Red Bluff . . . . . . . . . . . . July         20, 21
Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "                  22
Redding . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "                  23
Sissons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "                  24
Montague  . . . . . . . . . . . .   "                  25
Yreka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "                  26
Ashland, Oregon . . . . . . .   "                  27
Medford   . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "                  28
Grants Pass  . . . . . . . . . . .   "                  29
Roseburg  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "                  30
Oakland  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "                  31
Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August            1
Junction City . . . . . . . . . .      "                  2
Harrisburg  . . . . . . . . . . . .      "                  2
Halsey  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      "                  3
Shedds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      "                  3
Albany   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      "              4,5
Salem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      "              6,7
Oregon City  . . . . . . . . . . .      "                  8
East Portland  . . . . . . . . . .      "        9,10,11
Portland  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      " 12, 1 week
    We are assured by the Committee on Literature that their supply will be issued from Placer County
The Placer Argus, Auburn, California, July 24, 1891, page 2

The Famous Car Proving a Great Attraction.
The Trip Thus Far a Booming Success.--
A Hint for Fresh Supplies.

Redding, Cal., July 22, 1891.       
    Ed. Herald:--"Placer on Wheels" has now been out from San Francisco just eight days, and could the people of your county see the enthusiasm with which it is everywhere met, they would certainly be most highly gratified. At the towns of Marysville, Gridley, Biggs, Chico, Tehama, Red Bluff and Redding, it seemed as if the whole towns were out, and we had to station our men around the car and use all manner of efforts to keep the crowds until we were ready for them. It is certainly very pleasing to hear the comments of the great crowds as they pass through. Of course so far it has been like "carrying coals to Newcastle," for people have been able to see little more than [what] some of them are accustomed to seeing every day on their own farms; still, if it meets with so much favor from these people, to whom it is to a certain extent a common sight, what will be the result when we arrive among people where it will be wholly new? It is certain Placer will not be long in reaping rich and substantial results from this enterprise. It would do you good to hear the words of commendation from the leading citizens of towns where we stop, who, while they speak in the highest terms of Placer's enterprise, bitterly condemn those of their own sections who are standing back and seeing the great benefit which is sure to come to the people of Placer. Even as close by home as this, we repeatedly hear the remark, "Why, I supposed Placer was nothing but a worn-out mining country; I did not know that they raised any fruit there." Some of our fruit begins to look a little the worse for wear, owing to the extremely warm weather we have been having so far; but we think that in a few days, after we reach cooler weather, everything will look as bright as a dollar. The thermometer today registered 112 in the shade, which normally makes a San Francisco man want to hunt the shade. We frequently meet people who have formerly lived in Placer County, and they always have a hearty wish for the success of our enterprise. We continually meet parties who make the remark that "We have as good stuff on our ranches as you have here." We simply ask them why they don't get to the front as Placer County does, and let the world know it. When your lecturer reaches the car he will have plenty of questions to answer, as we are loaded down every day with questions which we cannot answer. One party yesterday crowded me so hard with questions about irrigation, soil, subsoil and bedrock, whether orange trees could be grafted with peach buds, etc., and similar questions, that I barely had the strength left to tell him that I knew nothing at all about farming or fruit raising, but when it came to telling him about Leak's gloves I was right at home. He floored me by asking what we were going to do for buckskin in a few years, but I just hinted that sheep were still plenty!
    With a prayer that the weather may get cooler soon, and that in a short time we may be receiving plenty of old Placer's choicest productions, I remain,
Yours Respectfully,
        M. LEAK.
The Placer Herald, Auburn, California, July 25, 1891, page 3

A Great Advertising Scheme.
    Advertising by means of special railway cars has grown to be a regular business, and the most complete and comprehensive outfit for general advertising in this way yet seen in this part of the country is the advertising car of Mon. Leak, of San Francisco, which arrived here Sunday evening and showed Monday evening to a great crowd of people, going northward by Tuesday morning. The car is labeled "Placer County on Wheels," but the advertisement of the resources of Placer County, Cal. is only part of its mission. Placer County pays Leak $500 a month for its part of the display, but one other single advertiser pays $1000 a month, and there are numerous others who contribute to the fund--baking powder, cocoa, axle grease, germea and other articles of common use of some special manufacture and brand being advertised. It costs about $4000 a month to run the car, one heavy item being the employment of 18 painters who paint the towns at which the car stops. There are twenty-four people altogether on the car, and they have comfortable quarters for meals and lodging. The first cost of the car, finished ready for business, was about $30,000. Mr. Leak has been an advertising agent for many years, but has always traveled by wagons heretofore. The fitting up of this fine car is an experiment which required a deal of nerve, but he seems likely to make it a paying enterprise. The car is fitted up with spaces for exhibits under glass, inside and out, the other cases being covered with wooden panels or shutters when the car is not opened for exhibition. An engine and dynamo in one end of the car furnish electricity for about a hundred incandescent lamps, which make a brilliant display when lighted. People were admitted to the car and served hot chocolate as an advertisement for the house that manufactures the cocoa, and then after examining the display they were ushered out the other end of the car carrying armloads of samples of baking powder, newspapers, cocoa, germea, axle grease, etc. At a short distance from the car a large canvas had been spread for a free stereopticon exhibition, and the crowd was held for an hour or more with an interesting show, the many fine pictures being liberally interspersed with admonitions on the canvas that certain kinds of things are the best kinds to buy.
    The fruit display of Placer County was pretty fair in some lines, but in the matter of apples, peaches, pears, plums, etc. it would not compare with the showing that this valley could make. Placer County is awake, however, and is after a boom, and after this car has spent a year or two touring the eastern states the returns in the way of immigration will be heavy.
    The Sacramento Bee is one of the chief advertisers, and ought to run up a large edition.
Ashland Tidings, July 31, 1891, page 2

    A FAKE.--In a recent issue of the Eugene Guard we see in regard to the Leak advertising car, calling it an advertising fake. As we understand the word, it means a scheme in which something is promised for nothing, or some kind of a scheme in which the public is imposed upon. The car arrived yesterday and stands at the foot of Commercial Street, where the public can visit and criticize as they see fit, and tomorrow we will endeavor to give our readers the plain facts in the case. We see by our exchanges that it is everywhere visited by large crowds, and as it is open free of charge to all who visit it, our people will have an ample opportunity to judge for themselves whether or not it is a "fake." It will be open from 9 to 12, from 2:30 to 5, and from 7:30 to 10 p.m.

Evening Capital Journal, Salem, August 10, 1891, page 3

The Leak Advertising Co.'s Car.
    In our issue of yesterday we mentioned that the Leak Advertising Company's car, known as "Placer County on Wheels," stood at the foot of Commercial Street, and was open for the inspection of visitors. Having seen an item in the Eugene Guard calling the enterprise a "fake," we refrained from any comment, preferring first to investigate for ourselves. We have done so, and have come to the conclusion that had the editor of the Guard taken the pains to visit the car while it was in Eugene, instead of sulking in his den and sucking his paws like a wounded bear, he would have learned whether his definition of the word fake was correct or not. We found the car to be decidedly the most complete affair of the kind we ever saw. It is really three cars in one; being used as a sleeper at night, and an exhibition and dining car during the day. A force of twenty-four men is with the car, among whom are a bookkeeper, stenographer, electrician, cook, steward, and a force of eighteen or more painters, who during the day are engaged in painting advertising signs on the sides of stores, barns and other buildings; and it is but fair to admit that they are putting up the neatest work of this class we have seen. This large party sleeps in the car, each man having a cozy wire mattress to himself, the berths being drawn up in the roof of the car during the day, leaving the whole interior of the car clear for exhibition purposes. The car is brilliantly lighted at night by means of over seventy-five electric lights, driven by an engine and dynamo built in the car, and in the evening is a beautiful sight to see. An immense crowd visited the car last evening, and it was past 10 o'clock before the last one had passed through. Each visitor to the car was presented with a liberal sample package of Sperry & Co.'s Germea [a breakfast cereal], Royal Dutch Cocoa, Folger's Baking Powder, and other goods of this class. During the evening the large crowd was treated to a magnificent stereopticon entertainment by Prof. Hovey, who has the finest outfit, and is well known as one of the most expert operators in the United States. This entertainment is given in the open air where all can enjoy it, is free to all, and is a genuine treat. It was pleasing to hear the congratulations extended to manager Leak on the enterprise shown by the Leak Glove Co., of San Francisco, of which he is president, in putting such an enterprise before the public. It is the most complete scheme we ever saw for manufacturers to introduce their goods directly to the public. It is a decidedly fine thing for local merchants, for the large quantities of sample packages distributed nightly cannot fail to create a lively trade for them for these goods. The Placer County exhibit of fruits is a credit to that enterprising county, and their enterprise must certainly result in much good. To sum it all up, the result of our visit has been to make us think that if there were more advertising "fakes" of this kind the country would be better for it. The car will be open during the day and again this evening, and visitors will receive a cordial welcome.
Evening Capital Journal, Salem, August 11, 1891, page 3    This article was cribbed from the Leak press release; compare it with the July 26, 1892 story below.

    THAT FRUIT.--After seeing the Leak car advertising fruits from Placer County, California, Mr. Settlemier, of Woodburn, said: "We can easily beat anything that they have displayed that we raise in this county, I can even beat their peaches, and so far as cherries are concerned, we wouldn't think of picking such little things."

Evening Capital Journal,
Salem, August 15, 1891, page 3

    The Leak advertising car is in the city. This is a car that makes a specialty of advertising and is at present under contract to advertise Placer County, California. A visit to the car will amply repay you. It stands on the Northern Pacific Railroad.
Pullman Herald, Washington, December 4, 1891, page 4

Leak Glove Manufacturing Co., Mondula Leak president, Louis D. Radgesky secretary, 521-527 Market
Langley's San Francisco Directory 1892, page 848

"Advertise and Do it Big--Results Will Surely Follow."
    "California on Wheels" arrived yesterday morning from Pocatello. It will remain here a week, then go to Salt Lake and thence direct to Chicago. Mon. Leak, president of the Leak Glove Manufacturing Company of San Francisco, is managing the car, which in itself is an advertisement of the firm's business and the products of Placer County, Cal. There are twenty-two sign painters on board, and their business is to placard the town. The car is a novelty. At night it is brilliantly lighted by electricity both in and out, the glass cases in the side of the car showing nicely. The fruit and other products are worth seeing. The car has been seven months on the road, and it will be five years before it has accomplished its mission. Mrs. Leak is accompanying her husband on the tour
    Mr. Leak was seen yesterday. He is pleasant and sociable. He is a firm believer in advertising and goes at it big. He said: "My forty-eight years' experience has taught me that advertising pays. Not the humdrum ad. for a year, but the continual changing from one novelty to another. There are only two ways of advertising--newspapers and paint. Give a newspaper $50 where you have been giving $5 and you will see results. The bigger you go at it the better it pays. It costs us $8,000 a month for sign painting alone, and yet it pays me. You can't get a lot of work done for little or nothing. Pay for it and you can get your money back."
    This is the opinion of a man who is known all over America as an advertiser in its literal and fullest sense.
The Standard, Ogden, Utah, February 4, 1892, page 1

A California Car.
    A car containing products of California was an attraction to large numbers at the Union depot yesterday, and a Herald reporter was one of them.
    On taking a trip through the palace on wheels it was found that the samples of fruits, etc. were grown in Placer County, Cal., and manufactured goods of numerous San Francisco firms could be seen. The exhibits being out of the usual line, the scribe intruded, by invitation however, into the private apartment of Mon Leak, the gentleman in charge, and president of the Leak Glove Manufacturing Company of San Francisco. Mr. Leak was found to be a very pleasant gentleman, and the hospitality of his wife, who accompanies him, made the hour spent in the car a most enjoyable one.
    Mr. Leak started the car out about seven months ago as a scheme to advertise his business. He has eighteen sign painters along with him, and every station the car stops at the army of the knights of the brush start out and paint the town full of signs. He has a contract with a number of California firms, and while he advertises his own business the painters put up signs for these other firms, who contribute to pay the expenses of traveling.
    On speaking of advertising in the newspapers, Mr. Leak believes that one of the greatest elements of his success in business has been by the judicious use of printer's ink. The car will remain here three days and then it will go to Salt Lake. It is elegantly lighted by electricity, furnished by a dynamo carried in one end of the car.
"Ogden," The Salt Lake Herald, February 4, 1892, page 3

    The Leak Glove Manufacturing Company of San Francisco, Cal. have leased the E. A. M. Smith property, 103 South Main Street, and will open a new glove shop in a few days. Their tools have already been shipped. The new firm will start off with ten cutters. H. Martin will manage the concern.
"Local Record," The Daily Leader, Gloversville, New York, February 4, 1892, page 7

    The Leak advertising car will go to Salt Lake City this morning and will be found to be quite an interesting attraction.
"Points and Personals," Salt Lake Tribune, February 7, 1892, page 3

    A very unique advertising car is at the Union Pacific depot. It was built at a cost of $20,000 for the Leak Glove Manufacturing Company of San Francisco. The car is of the size of an ordinary Pullman, and is equipped with a boiler that heats the car and runs the dynamo for supplying the electric lights, and is divided into innumerable compartments, lockers, closets, etc., also a convenient kitchen and living apartments for those in charge of the car. The sleeping berths for the help are slung up in the monitor roof and out of the way when not in use. Not only the glove company, but Placer County, Cal. and about twenty-five manufacturing concerns have advertisements on the car, so that Mr. Leak really does not pay anything for his glove display. Placer County exhibits a wide variety of canned fruit, showing the wonderful development to which fruit reaches in the Golden State. There are picture and manufacturing exhibits placed everywhere, so that the car is a regular encyclopedia of information. Twenty-four people left the Coast with the car, but at present the number has been reduced to eighteen. Mrs. Leak is at present in charge, while her husband is in California, and the car is open for visitors in the afternoon and evening. The outfit has now been on the road seven months, and much business is done through it. The intention is to keep on this way for the next seven or eight years, but on a more extended scale. Mr. Leak will, by another year, have three of these advertising cars, along with a baggage car and a locomotive of his own, and travel all over the United States.
"Local Railway Notes," Salt Lake Tribune, February 9, 1892, page 6

A New Glove Shop.
    Gloversville Standard: The Leak Glove Manufacturing Company, of San Francisco, has leased the four-story shop, owned by the estate of D. S. Frank, No. 48 South Main Street, for the purpose of manufacturing gloves here to supply their trade in the Far West, which is very extensive. Mon Leak is the president of the company and a son of Crapo Leak. They both resided here from sixteen to twenty years ago. Hazen Martin, who is manager of the new manufactory, is a son-in-law of Crapo Leak and formerly resided in this city, but more recently in San Francisco. He has been the buyer of the Leak Glove Manufacturing Company for several years and has also acted as salesman. The factory is commodious for a large working force, which in due time will probably be employed. We welcome the new plant to our city, and hail it as evidence of an expanding industry.
Fulton County Republican, Johnstown, New York, February 11, 1892, page 3

    The Leak advertising car was in the city yesterday.
"General Gleanings," The Salt Lake Herald, March 3, 1892, page 3

    The Leak advertising car, which arrived in Ogden about a month ago, has remained at the Union depot ever since, excepting a week at Salt Lake.
"Random References," The Standard, Ogden, Utah, March 8, 1892, page 8

Exhibited by the Leak Advertising Company at the C.M. & St. Paul Depot.
    Hundreds of people swarmed to the C. M. & St. Paul Railroad depot last night. The attraction was the Leak Advertising Company's car, known as "Placer County on Wheels." Without a single exception the car is the most complete affair of the kind ever seen in these parts. It is really three cars in one; being used as a sleeper at night, and an exhibition and dining car during the day. A force of twenty-four men is with the car, among whom are a bookkeeper, stenographer, electrician, cook, steward, and a force of eighteen or more painters, who during the day are engaged in painting signs on the sides of stores, barns and other buildings; and it is but fair to admit that they are putting up the neatest work of this kind. This large party sleeps in the car, each man having a cozy wire mattress to himself, the berths being drawn up in the roof of the car during the day, leaving the whole interior of the car clear for exhibition purposes. The car is brilliantly lighted at night by means of over seventy-five electric lights, driven by an engine and dynamo built in the car, and in the evening is a beautiful sight to see. Each visitor to the car was presented with a liberal sample package of Sperry & Co.'s Germea [a breakfast cereal], Royal Dutch Cocoa, Folger's Baking Powder, and other goods of this class.
    During the evening the crowd was treated to a magnificent stereopticon entertainment by Prof. Hovey, who has the finest outfit, and is well known as one of the most expert operators in the United States. This entertainment is given in the open air where all can enjoy it, free to all, and is a genuine treat. It was pleasing to hear the congratulations extended on the enterprise shown by the Leak Glove Co., of San Francisco, in putting such an enterprise before the public. It is the most complete scheme for manufacturers to introduce their goods directly to the public. It is a decidedly fine thing for local merchants, for the large quantities of sample packages distributed nightly cannot fail to create a lively trade for them for these goods. The Placer County exhibit of fruits is a credit to that enterprising county, and their enterprise must certainly result in much good. To sum it all up, the result of our visit has been to make us think that if there were more of this kind of business men the country would be better for it. The car will be open during the day and again this evening, and visitors will receive a cordial welcome.

Racine Daily Journal, Wisconsin, July 26, 1892, page 4    This article was cribbed from the Leak press release; compare it with the August 11, 1891 story above.

    J. A. Graham, advance agent for the Leak Advertising Company of San Francisco, Cal., is in the city making arrangements to give an exhibition of the products of Placer County, Cal. in their own private cars near the C.&N.W. depot tomorrow. It is free of charge.
"News from Kaukauna," Oshkosh Daily Northwestern,
Wisconsin, August 26, 1892, page 1

Wonders of Placer County, Cal.--Description of the Car.

    The Leak advertising car arrived over the Wisconsin Central line from Neenah at six o'clock yesterday morning and is sidetracked near the passenger depot. Attached to it is a baggage car, which contains a part of the exhibit. The exhibit car was manufactured a little over a year ago at a cost of $20,000 for the Leak Glove Manufacturing Company, but not being able to keep up with the expenses attending such an enterprise, the management combined with it the advertising of the advantages of Placer County, Cal.
    The car carries twenty-four employees who make their home on board. Mons Leak, president of the company, and his wife occupy cozy apartments. A 6-horsepower engine is carried which runs the dynamos that furnishes the sixty-five incandescent lights. Fruits, woods, minerals and other products of Placer County too numerous to mention are to be seen. A gold rock valued at over $600 is on exhibit. The car remains here for three days, during which practical illustrations of the art of cooking can be seen. Mons Leak is a very affable gentleman, courteous to all, and his wife ably assists him in entertaining callers.
Oshkosh Daily Northwestern,
Wisconsin, September 2, 1892, page 1

Features of the Exhibit in Leak's Advertising Car.
    The Leak advertising cars have been a source of great attraction during their stay in this city. They have been literally crowded during open hours by admiring visitors. There are many ways of advertising, good, bad and indifferent, but this novel method is not only good but it contains features that are highly instructive as well as interesting to everyone. A similar exhibit of the products of northern California was given here a year or two ago, but the people have only now begun to fully appreciate and recognize this mode of presenting the resources of regions and the latest novelties of the ever-changing markets. Heretofore people may have had an idea that northern California was a section of limited resources and that because southern California gave us our oranges and apricots there was no other part of the state worth inspecting. But Mr. Leak is showing the people Placer County, in northern California, in most glowing colors. In fact this remarkable exhibit has aptly been termed Placer County on Wheels, a reference to which will be worth the space it occupies. When it comes to oranges, lemons, pomegranates, figs, raisins and other semi-tropical fruits this show from Placer County must indeed rival anything yet seen in this city. Think of peaches weighing two pounds, plums over three inches thick! Then there are specimens of gold-bearing quartz, black granite and other mineral products, showing a variety of resources not only including those [on] top of the earth, but those under the earth. Indeed, Placer County has received a "setting-off" in this exhibit which has caused no little amazement among those heretofore unfamiliar with that section of northern California. In fact, people are beginning to realize that there are other Edens in this country besides southern California, and that the section of bursted booms is not the only available location on the Pacific coast.
    Nor is the advertising scheme devoted wholly to Placer County. A corps of salesmen accompanies the cars, introducing and selling goods to merchants, the samples of which are exhibited or given away to visitors. The crowd of visitors is ushered through by manager Leak, who introduces each one to a taste of Schilling's pure California wine; then comes a sample draught of Rex brand of extract of beef made by Cudahy Bros. of Omaha; a taste of Thompson's wild cherry phosphate is offered and, as if by contrast, a box of Wadam's axle grease is presented to the visitor along with a sample bar of China soap from the factory of B. J. Johnson, Milwaukee. Next. Mr. Chapman entertains the ladies with instructions in cake baking with the Van Dusen patent cake molds. These are but a few features of this school of object lessons on wheels, to say nothing of Cretor's patent peanut and popcorn roaster in charge of "Texas," whose melodious voice shouting "Popcorn for the ladies and peanuts for the babies" attracts urchins from far and near. This method of advertising localities and introducing goods by means of a fair, museum, exposition and practical school all in one aggregation on wheels is enterprising to say the least, and the show made during the few days' stay in this city will long be remembered by the multitudes who visited it.
Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, Wisconsin, September 5, 1892, page 1

    The Leak Introducing Company, with two carloads of novelties, will arrive in Janesville Tuesday and will remain two days. Mr. Leak is a member of a San Francisco glove firm. He is introducing not only his gloves, but the fruits, etc. of Placer County, Cal.

Janesville Gazette, Wisconsin, November 14, 1892, page 4

Janesville Gets a Glimpse of the Attractions of a Fertile Part of California.
Sleeping Accommodations and Restaurant Facilities Are Given on the Cars.

    Janesville is entertaining today--and being entertained by--the Leak Introducing Company with its two carloads of novelties. The cars stand near J. S. Draper's warehouse, and have been thronged with people since early morning. One of the cars was formerly a handsome coach, but was altered to meet the demands of Mr. Leak's business.
    On the outside are glass cases with all sorts of articles for advertisements--fruits, soaps, yeast and suspenders, etc. Inside a like display is made, only a much larger scale. There are pears, peaches and plums that "knock out" anything ever seen in these parts; young men stand behind counters handing out samples of perfumery, soap, wine, advertising matter, etc., while another manufactures cakes for the ladies, telling them at the same time how they can do it as cheaply and economically as he does.
    The object of it all is advertisement. The county is full of business men who know their goods will be sold wherever introduced; and so Mr. Leak and his corps of able assistants constitute the "middle men" between the purchasing public and the manufacturers.
    Mr. Leak is the bustling member of a San Francisco firm of glove makers. He invented a glove some years ago that he knew the people would want, and hit upon the car idea of introducing it. He got the people of Placer County to go in with him to share the expense, and between them they advertise the gloves of the one and the fruits, climate, etc. of the other. Business men then had their attention attracted to the novel project, and now hundreds of them have had their business represented in the "combination." Salesmen also accompany the car and take orders for goods.
    Mr. Leak started out with six men--he now has twenty-four, and the number includes a corps of painters who paint signs on fences and buildings at the different places touched by the car.
    Mr. Leak is accompanied by his wife, a handsome, agreeable and cultured lady who, Mr. Leak said in introducing her to a reporter, "knows more about the business than I do myself." They occupy private apartments in one end of the car. In the daytime it is a comfortable and nicely furnished parlor; at night it is transformed into a cozy bedroom. The men sleep in the main part of the car, their beds hanging at the roof during the daytime. A colored cook prepares and serves the meals in the same room.
    In one of the cars is a steam engine and dynamo, which keeps seventy-two incandescent lights going whenever wanted. The cars are heated by steam.
Janesville Gazette, Wisconsin, November 16, 1892, page 4

    The Leak Introducing Company's cars were sent to Brodhead Saturday night.
"Snap Shots at Home News,"
Janesville Gazette, Wisconsin, November 21, 1892, page 4

    The Leak advertising car has been drawing large crowds of people for the past two days.
"Local Items," The Evening Herald, Monroe, Wisconsin, November 23, 1892, page 4

A Novel Way of Advertising--Two Cars That Are Worth Looking Through.
    If there is any man in this country who is a firm believer in advertising and keeping everlastingly at it it is Mr. Leak, president of the Leak Glove Manufacturing Co., of Gloversville, New York, and who also have a branch establishment in San Francisco.
    He has taken a very novel way of introducing his goods. The two cars now on the track near the high school building are filled with the goods he represents. The cars are called "Placer County on Wheels," and it has the fruit and mineral products of that famous country. Even the outside of the car is covered with the products of the country and samples of the goods that the company introduces. Aside from the fine exhibit of products, a cooking school is in operation in one of the cars, where a skilled cook gives lessons to the ladies in the art of cooking. This afternoon a large number of ladies visited the car and were delighted with the instructions. The cake is mixed before their eyes and put into an oven, and the whole process of baking is there fully observed. The ladies of our city are cordially invited to call at the car, see the exhibition and attend the cooking school.
    On either side of the car are large glass cases filled with exhibits of soap, dried California fruits, overalls, gloves, wines and liquors, and numerous other articles, besides handsome views taken in Placer County. In one end of the car is Mr. Leak's private office. Here he keeps a fine assortment of C. Schilling & Co.'s celebrated California wines and brandies, which he dispenses at the rate of a hundred cases a month.
    Mrs. Leak is present in the cars and gives everybody a cordial welcome and dispenses hospitality in a style that wins the good will of every visitor.
Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette, January 10, 1893, page 5

    The California car which, under the agency of the Leak Introducing Company has been exhibiting in Cedar Rapids the past three days the resources of Placer County, left this morning for Ottumwa. The car is working south and soon will be in Texas.
"The City in Brief," Evening Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, January 14, 1893, page 4

    The Leak Glove Company are moving from the D. S. Frank shop on South Main Street to the shop on the corner of Fulton and Fremont streets.
"Local Record," The Daily Leader, Gloversville, New York, January 31, 1893, page 7

    The Leak Glove Manufacturing Company have removed their business to the factory building corner of Forest and Montgomery streets.
"Local Record," The Daily Leader, Gloversville, New York, March 13, 1893

    H. L. Chadwick, of Chicago, representing the Leak Introducing Company, is in the city making arrangements for the exhibition of California fruit in a special car on North Main Street at the Wabash railroad. There will also be an elaborate display of "Schilling's Pure California Wines" on board. A notice of the exhibition will be found elsewhere on this page.

"Personal Mention," The Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, June 29, 1893, page 4

California Fruit Exhibit.
    Placer County, California on wheels, at intersection of North Main Street and Wabash tracks, near Mason County Coal Co.'s office, beginning Saturday, July 1st. Cars open both day and evening; electric lighted throughout. Everyone invited to visit these cars and inspect the finest exhibit ever sent out from California. Free cooking school for the ladies at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily during our stay.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, June 29, 1893, page 4

    The Leak Introducing Company's car left today for Springfield.
"News of Interest," Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, July 7, 1893, page 4

    LEAK ADVERTISING CAR.--The Leak advertising car has been drawing a large attendance day and night, and the gentlemen seem to be doing a fair business with our merchants. A Herald man called upon Mr. Leak and had a pleasant fifteen minutes' chat. The gentleman has been in the advertising business for a number of years and has been in every corner of the country. He is president of a large glove house in New York and a branch house in San Francisco. Mr. Leak says wherever he strikes a manufacturing town he finds business depression of every sort but a fuel town, as Oskaloosa is, enjoying the blessings of prosperity.
Oskaloosa Evening Herald, Iowa, August 23, 1893, page 2

    Last week Leak's advertising cars made a two days' stop in this city, and were visited by hundreds of people. About noon Friday one of the cars took fire from the explosion of a coal oil stove. The fire department responded promptly, but as it took fifteen minutes to raise steam the car, with the
exception of the trucks, was a total loss. A portion of the goods in the car was saved.
"Personals," Weekly Graphic, Kirksville, Missouri, October 20, 1893, page 3

    The directors of the Board of Trade at San Jose have decided to advertise the county in the East by sending out an exhibit car to be known as "Santa Clara County on Wheels."
"Santa Clara County," Mountain Democrat, Placerville, California, June 30, 1894, page 2

Two Cars of the California Introducing Company Now in This City.
    Two cars of the California Introducing Company are in this city today and will remain here until Sunday, when they will go to Emporium. The cars are handsomely painted and are fitted up in the interior with a fine display of everything that grows in California. There are glass jars filled with peaches, pears, plums and apricots, massive clusters of many-colored grapes, oranges, lemons, bananas and a world of other fruits, jars of vegetables, of nuts, of cereals, until the eye is fairly bewildered by the variety.
    T. C. Woodin is general manager, W. C. Pelol secretary and J. E. Weber advertising agent. There are 18 men with the outfit, and at night 100 electric lights are used to light up the cars. They are open day and evening, and a cooking school conducted in one of the cars is of much interest to the ladies. No admission fee is charged to see the exhibit.
    The cars are near the P.&E. passenger depot.
Evening Express, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, July 13, 1894, page 1

One of the California Introducing Company Drowned at Renovo.
    James Harry Chamberlain, aged 20 years, of Akron, Ohio, was drowned while bathing in the river at Renovo last night about 9 o'clock. A special to the Express states that it is supposed he was taken with cramp, as he called for help, and before it was possible for help to reach him he sank for the last time. The body was recovered in less than half an hour after the accident occurred. The young man was one of the party with the California Introducing cars, which were in this city Friday and Saturday but were taken to Renovo Sunday morning. He joined the company while the cars were in this city. An inquest was held over the remains by Justice of the Peace Smith. A telegram was sent to the mother of the deceased at Akron notifying her of her son's death.
Lock Haven Express, Pennsylvania, July 16, 1894, page 1

J. H. Chamberlin Loses His Life in the River at That Place.
Correspondence Gazette and Bulletin.
    RENOVO, July 16. A young man named James Henry Chamberlin was drowned here in the river opposite Fifth Street last night about 9 o'clock, where he had gone in to bathe. It is supposed he took cramps, as he called feebly for help, but before it could be rendered he sank to rise no more. After a search of half an hour or more his body was found near the place where he went down. He was a stranger in town, having arrived here on [the] Erie Mail in the morning in company with the two cars of the California Introducing Company, which are stopping here till this evening. He had only joined this company about three days ago at Lock Haven, and was agent for a phonograph company, and said he came from Cleveland, Ohio. Only a few hours before the drowning he had remarked to one of his companions that he had a mother and brother living in Akron, Ohio, to which a telegram has been sent. He was taken to the undertaking establishment of Dowus Beck, where John Smith, Esq. acted as deputy coroner and empaneled a jury to view the body.
Daily Gazette and Bulletin, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, July 17, 1894, page 5

    The California Introducing Company will give free exhibits of California products--fruit, wine and minerals chiefly--at their special exhibit cars, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. The cars will stand on the Erie, at the crossing of Main Street. Everybody invited. Free cooking school for the ladies.
"The City in Brief," The Marion Daily Star, Ohio, September 24, 1894, page 5

    At the Board of Trade meeting at San Jose Dec. 3, the exhibit committee was authorized to call on the various fruit unions to secure dried fruits to exhibit in a car to be called "Santa Clara County on Wheels" and to be used in teaching the people of the East how to cook such fruits.
"Santa Clara County," Mountain Democrat, Placerville, California, December 22, 1894, page 2

    Mondula Leak and others have been granted a patent on an egg case.
Evening News, San Jose, June 10, 1895, page 2

    The California Introducing Company's cars were sidetracked here Friday last, and the exhibition of fruits and other products of the Santa Clara Valley (?) were admired by numbers of visitors both day and evening. The chief object of the party in charge seemed to be the sale of goods which were offered at high prices to dealers and consumers alike.
"Postville Happenings," The Graphic, Postville, Iowa, June 27, 1895, page 3   The question mark is in the original article.

One Way of Advertising
    Among all civilized people the value and benefit of advertising is recognized and appreciated. We of the profession, with many others, believe that newspaper advertising brings in most cases the best results. A short time ago large bills were put up around town announcing the intended visit of a car of fruits and products from Santa Clara County, California, and that the car would be open to visitors who might wish to examine the display and gain information as to the soil, climate, etc.
    The car, or we should say cars, for there are two of them, arrived last Thursday evening, and with their electric lights and outside display of dried fruits and pictures presented a very pretty and attractive appearance. Hundreds of people were soon surrounding the cars and viewing the exhibits, and it was some time after the usual closing time of the cars before manager Leak and his gentlemanly assistants had said good night to the last visitor. The crowds all day Friday and Saturday were evidence of the interest awakened. The interior of the cars was of course more interesting than the outside, as all found out who visited them.
    Before the arrival of this car there were not in all probability a dozen people in this county who had ever heard of Santa Clara County, California, say nothing of knowing anything about it. Now there are hundreds who have heard of its climate and resources and even some of its products. The samples of dried fruits shown were good, and the can of pears, the average weight of each pear being four pounds, was an eye-opener. Most of us look down on the prune with contempt, but their people seem proud of their prune display, and we think they have as fine an exhibit of this fruit as we have ever seen. They claim to raise the best of prunes and give reason for such being the case. Twenty-one persons eat and sleep on these two cars, that number of persons being necessary to look after and attend to things. A cooking school is conducted in the front car and samples of cake given to lady visitors.
    One thing that struck us as queer in going through was the fact that a people who would spend so much money in advertising should spend so little in putting out advertisements in the shape of reading matter.
    The car is sent out by the California Introducing Company, and besides displaying and advertising the soil, climate and products of Santa Clara County, is seeking to introduce a few novelties of merit. As an advertisement the scheme is a good one.
Spencer Herald, Iowa, July 17, 1895, page 2

    The California Introducing Company was here yesterday with two cars of sample produce from the Santa Clara Valley.
"Local and General," Rock Valley Register, Iowa, July 19, 1895, page 7

    "Mrs. Caroline S. Leak, a white-haired woman of 65," "is the divorced wife of the principal stockholder of the Leak Glove Company of Gloversville, now residing in New York City."
"Durrant Not Worried at the Leak Story," The San Francisco Call, August 17, 1895, page 16
Mrs. Leak testified in the double murder trial of Theodore Durrant, "The Demon of the Belfry." Caroline was Mondula's mother; his wife was the former Hannah S. Thurston, whom he married in 1889.

    Mrs. Leak is a bright, well-preserved woman, in the full use of every faculty, and her testimony was only offered to the state after the full and deliberate conviction that such a course was the only one to pursue. She has a son and daughter of her own, the latter, a Mrs. Burke, residing at Palo Alto or San Mateo. . . .
"Durrant in the Belfry," The San Francisco Call, August 18, 1895, page 5

Evidently Needs Posting.
    Referring to an important witness in the Durrant case, the Amsterdam Sentinel says:
    "Mrs. Caroline Leak is said to be the divorced wife of a man named Leak of the Leak Glove Manufacturing Company of Gloversville. A telephone message to this paper, late Saturday night, says that a man named Leak lives in that city, but there is no such manufacturing company there."
    The Sentinel's informant evidently needs posting on local affairs. The Gloversville directory will give him the information that the Leak Manufacturing Company is located on "Montgomery, corner Forest Street, Gloversville, and 521-7 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal." The branch has been established here several years.
The Daily Leader, Gloversville, New York, August 19, 1895

    The "California Introducing Car" did not arrive at this station till the afternoon of Thursday, the 12th. It introduced various kinds of fruits and fluid extracts. It found many citizens of town dry as a rain barrel in a summer drought. The car was fitted up with electric lights and "side" lights, and is practically a huge sample case on wheels, advertising a Chicago wholesale wine and liquor house. Thus prohibition Iowa gets it put onto her on the side which has the blind eye. The blowing of their chromatic or mermaid whistle at short intervals all day Friday did not lack much of being an insufferable bore, especially to students with lessons to get. "Santa Clara County on Wheels" is an index to a whole volume opposed to prohibition in the state of California.
"Local and Otherwise Wise," Monticello Express, Iowa, September 5, 1895, page 5

    On Monday we received a letter dated at Lake City, Minn., which said in substance that the California Introducing Company would have a car at this station on or about the 8th inst. (next Sunday), exhibiting the fruit and wine products of the Golden State, and particularly Santa Clara County. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to visit the car and inspect the products of California soil and climate. An extra from a Lake City paper says:
    There is also connected with this introducing car a cooking school for the purpose of explaining the best methods of preparing fruits, also the baking of choice cakes. This department is for the exclusive benefit of the ladies. Attendants will be found in every department who will gladly answer any questions regarding Santa Clara County and its products.
    The car and its occupants are in charge of Mr. Leak, who is accompanied by his wife. They have made [it] their home for the past five years and are authority on fruit culture. There are many other attractive features connected with the California Introducing Company's car, outside of the fresh and dried fruits, among these being the exhibits of twenty-five different firms. The ladies are all given a souvenir in the shape of a package of the most delicious wafers one ever tasted.
    Another grand feature of the car is its culinary department, which the ladies will surely enjoy. No one should fail to spend a few moments at the car.
"Local and Otherwise Wise," Iowa Postal Card, Fayette, September 5, 1895, page 8    Apparently by 1895 the advertising car no longer employed an advance agent.

A California introducing car showing the fruits and products of Santa Clara County attracted a good deal of attention in Monticello for two days this week. It was visited by a good many people, who were amazed at some of the fruit exhibits of that county. Other things were advertised, and during its stay dealers were solicited to handle goods shown. It was brilliantly lighted by electricity at night.
"Home News," Monticello Express, Iowa, September 19, 1895, page 5

A Fine Display To Be Seen at the Railroad About Wednesday.
    The California Introducing Company, with its handsome cars filled with the fruits and wines of California, will exhibit in this city about Wednesday. The cars will be sidetracked at a convenient point, where the public may visit the train and see the wonderful products of Santa Clara County. The exhibition is in charge of Mr. and Mrs. M. Leak, who travel the country over in showing the exhibit.
Morning Sun News, Iowa, November 7, 1895, page 1

    Go to the Union depot tomorrow and see the cars from summer land and what they can produce in that land of fruit and flowers. Seven to nine. All free.
    Santa Clara County on Wheels will be in Decatur tomorrow and will remain several days. Exhibit can be seen day and evening near the Union depot.
"Local News," The Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, December 12, 1895, page 3

California Wonders.
    What is there to see on the cars of the Santa Clara County exhibit cars? Bunches of grapes that weigh 10 pounds, pears that weigh 4½ pounds, and all the products of the famous Santa Clara Valley, well named the choicest spot in California. The exhibit train will arrive in Decatur tomorrow, and the public is invited to take a look through the cars, which will be located for several days near the Union depot.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, December 12, 1895, page 3

They Have Them.
    They have the choicest products of California in glass and tin and pull the corks for all kinds of people. Unfermented grape juice for temperance people and choice old wine for medicinal and table use. Who has all this? The Santa Clara County exhibit cars, which will be near the Union depot in Decatur Friday morning, Dec. 15. The exhibit will be in Decatur for several days.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, December 12, 1895, page 3

California Products from Santa Clara County--See Them.
    The great productive state of California on wheels is represented in Decatur, and the exhibit is truly amazing besides instructive, demonstrating the results of the wonderful climate of California. The products are from Santa Clara County, tastefully shown in a string of handsome cars, which are standing near the Union depot. All are invited to visit the cars and view the exhibit, which will be in Decatur several days.
    Mr. Leak, manager of these exhibit cars, is sent out by the Santa Clara County, California Introducing Company and also travels under contract for ten years with E. Schilling, famous dispenser of pure California wines. He travels anywhere and everywhere, and during the five years he has completed of the original contract has gazed upon and admired or not admired nearly every state in the Union. In company with his wife, who has been his constant companion, he has set off one end of a car for their sanctum, and it also serves as a private reception room. To one who is so fortunate as to receive a special invitation to consult the manager, he will hardly cling to the idea of leaving. Samples of wine is dispensed; not the adulterated, but pure, genuine wines of sweet flavor, beneficial to the invalid and harmless to the uninvalid.
    The cars themselves are a novel of beauty. On the outside standing out in glass cases are numerous lights reflecting as it were the beauties within. Two cars are used by the manager and his assistants, who number fifteen. They are all hustlers and receive you with open arms, eager and anxious to tell you and talk to you of the paradise of "the home of the brave and the land of the free." Their custom is to "make a town" notify the people of their presence and remain long enough to give everyone an opportunity of seeing what they have to see from the richest of Pacific states.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, December 13, 1895, page 3

California Products Viewed Daily by Hundreds.
    The two handsome cars carrying the products of Santa Clara County, California, which were to have arrived here last Friday night, were delayed 12 hours and reached here Saturday night at 9 o'clock. They were warmly greeted, as the cars were packed within a very few minutes after their arrival. As an exhibit it is the largest and handsomest that has ever been seen here. The products are tastefully displayed in two cars, which are stationed near the Union depot, and are very instructive, no one passing through the cars without being satisfied that the climate of California is truly a wonderful one.
    A large number of ladies are always in attendance at Prof. Knowlton's lecture on choice cake baking, which to all is very instructive. Every lady is admitted free. The hours are 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.
    It is also interesting to the men to listen to manager Leak's talk on wines in his private rooms on the cars. He demonstrates his talk by pulling the corks of twenty-one varieties of C. Schilling & Co.'s pure old California wines. He claims that the Schilling wine is equal to three-fourths of the high-priced imported articles and challenges dealers who think they have choice goods to compare samples. Mr. Leak is sent out by the Santa Clara County, California Introducing Company, and also travels under contract for ten years with E. Schilling, famous dispenser 
of pure California wines. He travels anywhere and everywhere, and during the five years he has completed of the original contract has gazed upon and admired or not admired nearly every state in the Union. In company with his wife, who has been his constant companion, he has set off one end of a car for their sanctum, and it also serves as a private reception room. To one who is so fortunate as to receive a special invitation to consult the manager, he will hardly cling to the idea of leaving. Samples of wine is dispensed; not the adulterated, but pure, genuine wines of sweet flavor, beneficial to the invalid and harmless to the uninvalid.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, December 16, 1895, page 8

    One order was made on the common law docket, In the case of the National Cigaret and Tobacco Company vs. the California Introducing Company, judgment was rendered by confession in favor of the plaintiff for $154.32 and costs.
"Circuit Court," The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, December 21, 1895, page 1

California Can Now Be Seen on Wheels at the Panhandle Depot.
    The California Introducing Company, with its handsome cars filled with the fruits and wines of Santa Clara County, California, now have a fine display on exhibition near the Panhandle station. The cars are beautifully lighted up with electric lights, and fine fruits preserved by a process known to fruit growers only can be seen in the interior of the handsome car. Mr. and Mrs. M. Leak have charge of the exhibition and are glad to show the same to all who will call. The cars are open each evening.
Daily Pharos, Logansport, Indiana, April 28, 1896, page 5

Santa Clara County on Wheels at the Panhandle Depot.
    The California Introducing Company's special car containing an exhibit of the many fruits and other products of Santa Clara County arrived yesterday and is now standing on the siding opposite the Johnston Hotel. The car will remain until Saturday, and will be open each day and evening for public inspection free of charge.
    Mr. M. Leak, the manager, is a hustler and very agreeable gentleman; there are sixteen people who travel with the enterprise, all of whom never tire telling of Santa Clara County resources.

The Prune Knight, California Building, 1893 Columbian Exposition
The Prune Knight, California Building, 1893 Columbian Exposition.
Note the jars of fruit and racks of booster literature.

    Those who did the California building at the World's Fair will no doubt remember the man on horseback, made entirely of prunes. It was Santa Clara County's exhibit, and cost $600.
    The car contains the choice of Santa Clara County's exhibit at the Atlanta exposition and is well worth seeing.
    We were presented with a souvenir publication, gotten out by the San Jose Board of Trade. The same contains over three hundred cuts and illustrations from the land of sunshine, fruit and flowers.

Daily Pharos,
Logansport, Indiana, April 29, 1896, page 5

On Exhibition at the South Side Railway Depot.
    California now has an exhibit at the Wabash depot. The fruit-growing qualities of this state are exemplified in a display of the products of the fruit farms in an advertising car in charge of Mr. Leak, a member of the board of trade of San Jose, Santa Clara County, Cal. The exhibit is given free of charge and is attracting very large crowds. The car will remain in this city a week.
The Fort Wayne News, Indiana, May 13, 1896, page 1

California Car People in Trouble at Kankakee.
    The Santa Clara car which was here a few weeks ago dispensing free wine to the thirsty is in trouble at Kankakee. The Democrat says:
    "The California Introducing Co.'s outfit, for the exhibition of Santa Clara County products, came here and stopped on 3-1 side tracks. The outfit and exhibition were very fine and attracted the attention and admiration of everybody. The evening's entertainment was closed by trouble in their own ranks. The bookkeeper, Chas. E. Camp, attached the goods, or part of them, for arrears of salary amounting to $480, and they were levied on by the sheriff and removed. It is not known just what course will be taken, whether the company will give bond and replevin or whether no action will be taken before the October term of court. Other employees also claim arrears of salary, and there may be other attachments filed under the one above."
Logansport Reporter, Indiana, July 27, 1896, page 6

A Car Advertising California Products in the East.
    SOUTH BEND (Ind.), July 30.--Jacob D. Henderson of this city was appointed receiver yesterday for the California Introducing Company, which has an advertising car of its products at Walkerton, on the suit of George F. Flood for $600 back salary.
    SAN FRANCISCO, July 30.--The officials of the State Board of Trade at 16 Post Street in this city said today that the California Introducing Company was a private enterprise. The people back of it were real estate owners around Roseville, a small town above Sacramento. They said the car had been as far East as New York and had received flattering press notices everywhere. From all accounts the car had accomplished a great deal of good in advertising California. It had left this state under the charge of H. M. Swasey.
The Record-Union, Sacramento, July 31, 1896, page 1

Free Exhibition.
    This evening, at 7:15 o'clock, the California Introducing Company's California Fruit Car will be at the Market Street railroad crossing and will be thrown open to the public. The car contains a magnificent exhibit of the fruit products of Santa Clara County, California that is well worth seeing. Everybody is invited admission free.
The Times Democrat, Lima, Ohio, January 2, 1897, page 8

    The Leak Glove Company has filed a petition for permission to disincorporate.
"City News in Brief," The San Francisco Call, January 16, 1897, page 7

    A car containing the products of Santa Clara County, California will arrive here this evening from Dayton and will remain in Xenia for a couple of days. Everybody is invited to call and inspect the exhibits free of charge. It consists of big apples, peaches, pears, etc., raised in California, and is being shown in various cities with a view of promoting immigration to that state. Another car, to which a small admission fee is charged, contains a whale.

Daily Gazette, Xenia, Ohio, February 1, 1897, page 3

February 2, 1897, Xenia, Ohio Gazette
February 2, 1897, Xenia, Ohio Gazette

Carload of California Products Now in Xenia.
    California is a state of golden character, in its mines, its climate, its productive soils, its healthfulness, its beauty and its fascinations. Situated about the center of the state, and protected on the east and west by mountain ranges of the state, is the county of Santa Clara, with its cities and its towns, its vineyards, its orchards, its prunes, apricots and peaches, its fig trees, its wonderful fruits, and its perennial beauty. It has no winter except its rainy season, one-half of which is beautiful as a dream. The rest of the year is made up of blue skies and delicious breezes, which ripen the grains and the fruits, the nuts and the grapes for the market. Its almonds and its English walnuts, its figs, its prunes are equal to the best grown in semi-tropical climes, while its grapes, often weighing as high as 10 pounds to the bunch, recall the story of Caleb on Joshua's return from spying out the "land of Canaan." Its soil raises the grandest wheat, rye, barley, alfalfa, corn, tobacco, cotton.
    In the county are five incorporated cities: San Jose, Gilroy, Santa Clara, Los Gatos and Palo Alto, and the taxes in these places range from 6.5 to 18.5. The population of the county is over 70,000. The cities receive their supply of pure water from mountain streams, the country from artesian wells. The Lick Observatory is situated on Mt. Hamilton, at an altitude of 4,443 feet above the sea level. San Jose has many public buildings of fine structure and admirable architecture, its courthouse costing $400,000 and its hall of records $285,000. Indeed, so highly do the people of Santa Clara County value their surroundings that its public-spirited citizens have fitted out a car, in which specimens of its cereals, its fruits and its various productions are on exhibition. This car goes from city to city and remains a few days at each place to allow the people to see what can be produced in a section of our own country. This car will arrive in our city about 6 o'clock this evening on the C.H.&D.R.R. and will be located there for free public exhibition tonight and for the next two days. Another car, to which a small admission fee is charged, contains a whale.
Daily Gazette, Xenia, Ohio, February 2, 1897, page 2

    "Santa Clara County and its Resources" is the title of a splendid souvenir issue presented to us by the gentleman in charge of the Santa Clara advertising car that was here last week. We suppose the work is the most elaborate and handsome souvenir of a single county ever gotten up in this country. It contains 325 9-by-12-inch pages of heavy enameled paper, more than 100 full-page engravings, and every page in the book has handsome engravings, illustrating scenery, public and private buildings and other matters of general interest, and added to this are elaborate descriptions of every [omission] interest in the county, and these are manifold. When it is remembered that this is the county of which San Jose (forty-five miles south of San Francisco) is the county seat and in which the Lick Observatory and Stanford University are situated, and besides is a great fruit, grain and cattle-producing county, we are not surprised at the magnificent views given. The work is supposed to have cost between $15,000 and $18,000--$10,000 of which is said to have been raised in private subscriptions, in three hours, by the Santa Clara County Board of Trade. Here is enterprise almost beyond conception, in pushing the interests of a county.
Daily Gazette, Xenia, Ohio, February 10, 1897, page 3

Fine Display To Be Exhibited this Evening. Also a Twenty-Four-Foot Whale Weighing 20,000 Pounds at the Pan Handle Station.
    The people of Newark will be given an opportunity this evening of viewing some of the wonderful products of California. A gentleman from Santa Clara County, Cal. will arrive here about six o'clock with two special cars filled with fruits, including peaches, apricots, oranges, grapes, etc. raised in Santa Clara County. Also a fine assortment of California wines and brandies. The cars will be sidetracked at the Pan Handle depot, and all who desire will be given the privilege of inspecting the display.
    In addition to the fruit display is a curiosity in the shape of a specimen of a whale forty feet in length, with a twenty-four-inch throat and weighing 20,000 pounds.
    This will be the finest display of fruits &c. raised in California that has ever been on exhibition, and our citizens should take advantage of the opportunity offered to inspect the same. Bear in mind that the cars will be at the Pan Handle depot at six o'clock this evening.

Newark Daily Advocate,
Ohio, March 9, 1897, page 5

    The two Santa Clara County, California fruit cars, of which mention was made in last night's paper, arrived on time and are now stationed at the Pan Handle depot, where they are open to visitors from nine o'clock through the day and evening. Such a display of delicious edibles of the fruit variety has never been seen in Newark, and a large number of people have taken advantage of the invitation to the public to visit the cars today. They will remain in the city until Friday.
    An original advertising device is that employed by the California fruit cars now in this city. An ordinary covered wagon traverses the streets, from which proceeds a stentorian voice that might have belonged to an ancient Cyclops. The mystery is explained when one views from the rear of the wagon a gigantic tin funnel, which magnifies the ordinary tones to an immense volume of sound.
"City Notes," Newark Daily Advocate, Ohio, March 9, 1897, page 5

Leak Glove Mfg. Co., (R. D. Redjisky pres) Hazle Martin manager 27 Montgomery and 521-7 Market St San Francisco Cal
Gloversville and Johnstown Directory for 1898,
page 121

Santa Clara County on Wheels.
    The Santa Clara County, Cal. exhibit cars will be in Van Wert, on the P.,F.W.&C. tracks, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 2, 3 and 4th, doors open from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. A small admission fee of 10 cents is charged to keep out objectionable characters. This elegant exhibit is sent out by the Board of Trade to travel from town to town and advertise the Garden Spot of the World. No farmer or tourist should miss seeing the exhibit. Teachers, scholars and everybody can profit by it.
    The Superintendent of Schools at Franklin, Ohio, thus praises the show:
    "All who visited the Santa Clara County Exhibit Cars expressed themselves in terms of highest praise. It is truly an educational exhibit, the best I have ever seen of the marvelous West."
Is also with the exhibit. It was captured ten years ago by some fishermen in the bay of Monterey on the Pacific coast. It is 36 feet long, weighed over 10,000 pounds and was supposed to be about 450 years old. And while it has a mouth ample in size and dimensions to have swallowed Jonah, yet its age precludes the possibility of being that whale. It is artistically mounted, and to see it will give you a pointer in natural history that does not occur more than once in a lifetime.
The Van Wert Times, Ohio, February 25, 1898, page 3

Products of Santa Clara County on Exhibition. A Monster Elephant Shark,
38 Feet in Length--Call at the P.F. Track on Main Street.

    When P.F. eastbound train No. 36 pulled into Delphos this morning, it brought along two cars that were sidetracked and were soon surrounded by a crowd, eager to understand what it all meant, as they had not been advertised.
    The reporter, being a privileged character, was soon admitted, and the sight that astonished him reminded him of the days of the World's Fair. There were bunches of grapes that weighed ten pounds, that might have been the bunch of grapes the spies found in the promised land.
    Apples weighing 3 pounds, pears 4½ pounds, plums bigger than hen's eggs, sugar beets that really looked as though they might make sugar, and in fact everything that grows on trees seemed to be on exhibition in the car. We were soon informed by the management that they were from California, and that their home in the great state was Santa Clara County, and that they were making a tour of the United States to enlighten the public that their little section in northern California fully bears out the name that California gave to it, the "garden spot of California."
    Car No. 2 is called the California Marine Museum. As one enters the door they look into the mouth of the largest fish ever captured, an elephant shark, with a throat capacity of 72 inches, 36 feet in length, weighing 10,383 pounds, large enough to feed a multitude of people. It was captured in the bay of Monterey by a party of fishermen who were pulling in their nets when the monster swallowed the fish in the net and part of the net, and after towing the boat 120 miles in 4 hours, came ashore, landing on a sandbar, where it was killed and taken to San Francisco and naturalized, the taxidermist pronouncing it the finest specimen he had ever seen.
    The small fee of 10 cents is charged for going through both cars, merely to keep out objectionable people. The cars will be here on the P.F. track at Main Street Tuesday and on Wednesday until 2:30 p.m. Cars open from 9:30 a.m. until 9:30 p.m., having their own electric light plant. Cars open this evening.
The Daily Herald, Delphos, Ohio, March 7, 1898, page 4

Fair and Marine Museum.
    The California Fair and Marine Museum cars will be on exhibition in Massillon Friday, Saturday and Monday, Dec. 16, 17 and 19. This wonderful display of the products of Santa Clara County, California is sent out by the board of trade of San Jose, and is intended to exhibit the agricultural products, such as cucumbers, string beans, carrots, sugar beets, wheat and other cereals, samples of the golden fruit, etc. They also exhibit the largest shark or fish ever captured in the world and many other rare specimens of marine monsters, such as a man-eating shark, weighing 460 pounds, sea angel or flying shark, sea sturgeon, baboon fish. It is the most elaborate exhibition of its character ever brought to Massillon, and it will well repay our citizens to visit it during its only short stay here. Farmers are especially invited. Admission is only 10 cents. Cars open day and evening.
The Massillon Independent, Ohio, December 12, 1898, page 2

    The car contains no less than 105 varieties of the choicest fruits, embracing dates, whose growth was supposed till recently to be out of the question in this country, pears that weigh seven pounds, immense peaches ripened in May and all other varieties of delicious fruits. The car contains a relief map made from newspapers, showing Santa Clara County near the bay, which enables farmers to raise everything without irrigation. Another interesting feature is asbestos in its natural state. The famous X-ray machine is also on exhibition in the car.
"The California Fair," The Courier, Connellsville, Pennsylvania, April 14, 1899, page 2

Magnificent Fruit and Great Marine Museum.--The Wonderful X Ray.
    The California fair and marine museum now exhibited in the two largest railroad exhibit cars in the world, on the siding at Tyrone station, are well worth a visit and decidedly worth more than the small charge for admission, ten cents. The first car shows the products of fertile Santa Clara County, California--fruit, vegetables, etc. which elicit admiration from all who see them. In the second car is the largest fish ever captured, a shark thirty-six feet long, and other marine curiosities.
    But most wonderful of all in these cars is the X-ray machine. This is a triumph of most recent inventive genius. Tyrone has never seen anything more remarkable. By the aid of the X-ray, one can see the bones in his hands and arms, nails in thick wood, articles inside of satchels, and even a bullet in a human body can be readily located. Don't miss the X-ray machine.
    Gentlemanly managers and assistants show every courtesy to visitors to the California cars. A pleasant and profitable hour can be spent there.
Daily Herald, Tyrone, Pennsylvania, June 27, 1899, page 4

    A trip to California for 10 cents is the very flattering opportunity afforded by the exhibit managed by Mr. M. Leak in two special cars now at the Santa Fe crossing.
"A Very Remarkable Display," Hutchinson Times, Kansas, December 19, 1900, page 5

    The Leak Glove Manufacturing Company of this city, composed of Hazle Martin and Louis D. Radgesky, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Hazle Martin succeeds to all the assets of the firm and will pay all obligations and collect all bills.
"Local Record," The Daily Leader, Gloversville, New York, February 6, 1901, page 7

    THE UNDERSIGNED, composing the firm of the Leak Glove Manufacturing Company, of Gloversville, N.Y., do hereby consent that the said company or firm be and the same is hereby dissolved.
    The undersigned, Hazie Martin, succeeds to all the assets of the said firm and will pay all obligations against it and collect all demands owing to it.
    Dated at Gloversville, N.Y., February 6, 1901.
        by JULIUS ISAACS,
            His attorney in fact.
                HAZIE MARTIN.
The Daily Leader, Gloversville, New York, February 12, 1901

A Good Show for Ten Cents.
    As announced in yesterday's Register, the Santa Clara County, Cal. exhibit cars are here at the Santa Fe depot with their exhibition. They arrived one day ahead of time, but in spite of the fact that they were not expected the announcement that they were here attracted a large crowd last night. The big shark is the principal attraction, and everyone who visits the cars spends considerable time before the wonderful attraction. In addition to the shark there is an exhibit of fruit that is worth many times the price of admission. Then there are the monkeys, owls and various other things which tend to make the exhibit a treat.
    The managers desire that ladies and as many as can visit the cars during the day so as to avoid overcrowding the cars at night.
Iola Daily Register, Kansas, May 16, 1901, page 6

The Shark and the Fruit.
    The special cars bearing the exhibit of the wonderful products of Santa Clara County, California, and the big shark, arrived this morning from Chanute and will remain several days on the ice plant switch at the Santa Fe depot. People who have never visited California will find the fruit exhibit, which the people of Santa Clara County pay to have exhibited over the country, a revelation of what sun and irrigation can do with an apparently barren desert of sand. One of the chief things of interest and wonder, though, is the mammoth shark, thirty-six feet long, a perfect giant who convinces the doubting Thomas that the story Jonah told was not a fish story in the modern acceptance of that term. It is worth any man's dime to fix in his mind what the real size of a shark is. Ten cents admits to both cars, and the exhibit certainly is far more instructive and entertaining than ninety-nine percent of traveling shows.
The Iola Daily Register, Kansas, May 17, 1901, page 5

    The Santa Clara Exhibit Cars will leave tonight for  Colony, where they will spend one day [before] going from there to Garnett. Mr. Leak, the manager, says they have had good crowds while here and are well pleased with their visit.
"The Passing Show," Iola Daily Register, Kansas, May 18, 1901, page 5

September 18, 1901 Anita, Iowa Republican
September 18, 1901 Anita, Iowa Republican

    Yesterday the show car from Santa Clara County, California was sidetracked at Anita, and all day and evening it was visited by people from the town and surrounding country.
The Anita Republican, Iowa, September 25, 1901, page 5

October 13 through 19, 1901 Des Moines, Iowa Daily Leader
October 13 through 19, 1901 Des Moines, Iowa Daily Leader

    On Tuesday, Nov. 26th, the Santa Clara County, California exhibit car will reach Cedar Falls and remain at the Chicago Great Western depot for three days.
"Grand Fruit Exhibit," Semi-Weekly Gazette, Cedar Falls, Iowa, November 15, 1901, page 5

Sidetracked on Great Western Road Near Depot East Side.
    The California exhibitors with their products from Santa Clara County and the huge man-eating shark are in their cars on the C.G.W. tracks near the east side depot, where they are receiving many visitors. The shark is thirty-six feet long and weighed when captured 10,383 pounds. He has been on exhibition for many months and has been gazed on by many thousands. His eyes and brain are preserved in alcohol, one of the eyes being three times as large as the brains. There are many curiosities on exhibition including man-eating shark, hammerhead shark, sea devil, sea robin, etc. Santa Clara County last year raised 90,000 pounds of prunes. If Waterloo would consume five times the amount of prunes she does, her people would be healthier for it.
Semi-Weekly Iowa State Reporter, Waterloo, December 3, 1901, page 2

    All interested in the fruits of other climes and natural curiosities should visit the Santa Clara Car, which will reach Austin Tuesday Jan. 7th and exhibit on the 8, 9, and 10th on the C.G.W.R.R. track. . . . In the car with the big shark are many other wonders of the deep including a man-eating shark, a hammerhead, an angel fish, all well preserved, and a monkey-faced owl, an alligator and several monkeys, alive.
"California Car Coming," Austin Daily Herald, Minnesota, January 4, 1902, page 2

Fruits of Santa Clara County, California To Be Shown at the Omaha Depot.
    Beginning on May 19, and lasting for an entire week, there will be a very interesting exhibit at the Omaha station. It is the Santa Clara exhibit cars from California, sent out under the auspices of the Board of Trade, San Jose, Cal. The object is to advertise the county in California where the fruit is grown. The very car is built of California redwood and is almost a mass of glass showcases on the outside. It cost all of $35,000. In the horticultural exhibition is shown peaches that weigh 2¼ pounds, apples 3 pounds, pears 4½ pounds, bunches of grapes 10 pounds, asparagus, cucumbers 18 inches long, sugar beets 21 pounds, and so on.
    A second car contains a monster shark, 36 feet long and weighing 10,383 pounds with an age of 460 years. Besides this there is a rare collection of marine curiosities.
    A charge of only 10 cents is made that the exhibit may not be overrun with idle curiosity seekers.

Eau Claire Leader, Wisconsin, May 17, 1902, page 3

Enterprising Board of Trade Booms an Ideal California Domain in Novel Manner.
Two Cars Containing Wonderful Exhibits from the Coast Now in the City--Worth Seeing.
    Western enterprise is exemplified in a most effective manner by the people of San Jose, Santa Clara County, California, who have sent two cars containing a most novel exhibit on a tour of the continent. The cars are now on the tracks at the Omaha depot in this city and will remain here for a few days.
    The cars are sent out by the board of trade of San Jose and by an association that takes in Santa Clara County, one of the garden spots of the Pacific Coast. The exhibit is fine, and is of especial interest to any who have never visited the garden state. The vegetables, fruits, grains, grasses, etc. exhibited are all products of Santa Clara County. The car is in charge of Mr. Leak, who is at present absent, but is expected in Eau Claire during the week. In his absence the car is under the management of Mrs. Leak, assisted by Col. Weaver of San Jose.
    In connection with the fruit and vegetable display, many strange representatives of fish and animal life are on exhibition. The mammoth shark is one of the main features, and to get some idea of the tremendous proportions of this fish, read the following: Length 36 feet, throat circumference 72 inches, diameter 36 inches, body circumference 15 feet, diameter 5 feet and the enormous weight of 10,833 pounds. This exhibit is not only interesting to all, young and old, but from an educational standpoint it has many advantages, and is a splendid object lesson, especially for school children.
    The Eau Claire Commercial Association should visit the car and learn a valuable lesson in the art of advertising.
Eau Claire Leader, Wisconsin, May 21, 1902, page 4

    Friday, August 1st is the date for the Santa Clara County, California exhibit car to be in Humboldt.
"A Great Show," Humboldt County Independent, Humboldt, Iowa, July 24, 1902, page 6

Two Cars of California Exhibits on Track in Estherville.
    The board of exchange of Santa Clara County, California had two cars, filled full of fine exhibits, sea shells, mounted sharks, fish and animals on the M.&St.L. track near the depot last week. Perhaps the most interesting exhibit carried is a mounted shark about thirty feet long. This shark was killed off the coast of California a few years ago by some fishermen. The animal was 460 years old at the time of the capture.
    The exhibit car goes over the United States in the interest of Santa Clara County, to get people to go there and invest their money. This is a great fruit section of California.
Estherville Enterprise, Iowa, August 20, 1902, page 1

    The Santa Clara County, California exhibit car will be here for exhibition after the arrival of the Rock Island from the west on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 21st, and will remain on the track near the depot until the afternoon of Thursday, the 24th.
"Local and General," Rock Rapids Reporter, Iowa, October 9, 1902, page 5

    The exhibit cars from Santa Clara County, California will be in Spirit Lake soon.
"The Big Show Coming,," Spirit Lake Beacon, Iowa, October 17, 1902, page 3

Narrow Escape from Serious Injury.
    John Bard, an employee of the Leak Glove Mfg. Co., narrowly escaped serious injury at the factory late yesterday afternoon. Mr. Bard was assisting in the unloading of skins from a car, when in some manner one of the bales was lost control of and struck Mr. Bard a glancing blow, rendering him unconscious and also inflicting several bruises about the body. Although the bruises are of a painful nature, no serious results are anticipated.
The Daily Leader, Gloversville, New York, October 31, 1902

    The Santa Clara County exhibit car from California is billed for the C.R.I.&P. depot on the 18th, 19th and 20th of November.
"California Exhibit Coming," Palo Alto Reporter, Emmetsburg, Iowa, November 13, 1902, page 8

Wonderful Display Is Coming to Iowa City--Fruits, Vegetables and a Record-Breaking Shark.
    The California exhibition, of which everybody is now talking, will be seen here March 21-24 inclusive.
    The cars will be stationed near the Burlington depot, where all Iowa Cityans are cordially invited to visit it. The fee is merely ten cents, and the wonders in the line of fruits and vegetables from Santa Clara County will amply repay every visitor.
    A wonder above all others is the shark that weighs more than 10,000 lbs., and is capable of swallowing a cow whole.
    The exhibit will be amusing, interesting and instructive, and it ought not to be missed by anyone who can possibly call at the barns.
Daily Iowa State Press, Iowa City, Iowa, March 16, 1904, page 1

California Fruit Exhibit
    An exhibition of fruit and vegetable products from Santa Clara County, California will be exhibited at Otley one day, Wednesday, April 20, and at Pella Saturday, April 21, 22 and 23. The special train of two cars will arrive in Pella at 11:15 a.m. on the 21st, and will exhibit the balance of the day and all day Friday and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
    This exhibition is sent out by the San Jose Chamber of Commerce, and among other things they show peaches that weigh 2¼ pounds, apples 3 pounds, pears 4½ pounds, bunches of grapes 10 pounds, mammoth asparagus, cucumbers 18 inches long, potatoes large enough for a family meal, carrots 8 pounds each, sugar beets 21 pounds each.
    A monster shark 39 feet long is the principal attractions. The big fish occupies a car, the remaining room in which is filled with shells and other deep-sea curios. Ladies and children will be given free souvenir sea shells. We would advise everyone who can to be sure and see the exhibition. An admission fee of ten cents is charged.
The Pella Chronicle, Iowa, April 21, 1904, page 1

    On Friday and Saturday of this week a special train of the Santa Clara County exhibit cars, from California, will be in Belleville on the Rock Island track.
"California Fair and Marine Exhibition," Belleville Telescope, Kansas, October 14, 1904, page 1

    The Santa Clara County Exhibit Cars from California will exhibit on the Wabash tracks in Chillicothe Jan. 18, 19 and 20, opening each day at 8:30 a.m. and closing at 9:30 p.m.
"Santa Clara Cars Coming," Chillicothe Constitution, Missouri, January 12, 1905, page 6

The Santa Clara County Exhibit Cars from California Will Stop in Webster City.
Are Advertising Santa Clara County--Have 10,000-Pound Shark with Them.

    The Freeman-Tribune is in receipt of the following self-explanatory letter:
    Chamber of Commerce, San Jose, Cal., March 5.
    Eds. Freeman-Tribune: Please inform your readers that the Santa Clara County exhibit cars from California will reach Webster City Thursday, March 16, on the C.&N.W. railroad and will exhibit the 16th, 17th and 18th all day. Will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m
    This display of tropical, semi-tropical and temperate clime fruits and vegetables were all raised in Santa Clara County, California, and are undoubtedly the finest ever grown and are wonderful when it is understood that way. They are sent out by the San Jose Chamber of Commerce to advertise and induce immigration to that county in California and have been visited by many thousands, all pronouncing them the finest ever seen. The museum car is filled with the wonders of the deep. The principal attraction is a monster elephant shark, caught in Monterey Bay, on the coast of California, and we claim it is one of the greatest natural curiosities ever exhibited. This wonderful sea monster is so large that some people might think it impossible for it to be genuine, but if they will only give it a second thought they will know that the Chamber never would send out anything only the genuine; they send this along with the exhibit so they can give the visitors $1 worth for the 10 cents charged for admission. This helps to keep out the element that crowds a free exhibition and give the class of people we wish to reach room and time to investigate our claim as the garden county of the world. The Chamber of Commerce has found out by experience that this way gives the best satisfaction. All visitors to the cars will be given free a souvenir sea shell. The only requirement to receive this shell is that men must have a red card, which can be secured at the stores of the city where they will be left by our advance agent. Yours respectfully,
M. LEAK, Mgr.           
Webster City Tribune, Iowa, March 10, 1905, page 1

    The wonders of California will be brought to our doors, Friday and Saturday, March 24 and 25. An advertising car from the wonderful Santa Clara County, California will be on the Northwestern track in Laurens. Take a day off and bring your wife and children and see what can be seen at no other place outside of California. A monster shark 36 feet long, weighing 10,383 pounds and Jim Corbett, the largest ostrich ever hatched in California, are exhibited in one car. A ten-cent ticket admits to both cars. Be sure you get a red ticket at the stores and get a souvenir shell free.
The Pocahontas County Sun, Laurens, Iowa, March 16, 1905, page 1

    The California Fair and Marine Museum will arrive in Hawarden with two special cars at 1:10 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, and will exhibit that afternoon and all day the 7th and 8th.
"California Museum Coming," Hawarden Independent, Iowa, March 30, 1905, page 2

    The California exhibit of fruit, grain, vegetables, relics and curiosities, which was here in special coaches at the Northwestern depot from Saturday morning till Monday evening, was visited by large crowds and was well worth the small admission fee charge. The principal object of the exhibit was to show how luxuriously fruit etc. grow in California, and especially in Stanislaus County, and to induce people to invest in that section. The showing of fruit was splendid. The peaches, oranges, prunes and grapes made one's mouth water to look at them. We have not had their equal before. The productiveness of the soil could be judged by the great height of the oats, hemp, wheat and corn displayed. One cornstalk measured 19½ feet. The live alligator attracted considerable attention, but the monkey a good deal more. The mammoth shark that was represented looked more like a whale than anything else. We understand that the managers appointed C. D. Best as their local land agent.
"Local Overflow," Algona Advance, Iowa, October 12, 1905, page 8

July 5, 1906 State Center, Iowa Enterprise
July 5, 1906 State Center, Iowa Enterprise

    The Stanislaus County Exhibit Cars from California will reach Janesville at 11:40 a.m., C.&N.W.Ry., and will be open to the public Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Admission 10¢.
The Janesville Daily Gazette, Wisconsin, November 14, 1906, page 5

An exhibit car from Stanislaus County, California, containing fruits and other products of that county, will be on the Cherry Street side track this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
"Notes of Interest," The Marshfield Times, Wisconsin, February 6, 1907, page 1

Interesting Exhibit from the State of California Soon To Be Made in this City--Some Data.
    Considerable interest is being taken in the coming exhibit of California products to be made in this city, opening Saturday and continuing for five days. The exhibit is carried around the country on several cars and consists of specimens of fruits, flowers and curios intended to demonstrate the natural facilities of Stanislaus County, California, which county the expedition has been sent forth to exploit. The exhibition has been pronounced excellent and worthy in the various cities thus far visited, and it is expected to afford pleasure and education to the school children of the city, as well as many of their elders. The cars will be stationed at the north side Northwestern passenger station.
The Daily Northwestern,
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, February 28, 1907, page 7

February 28, 1907 Oshkosh, Wisconsin The Daily Northwestern
February 28, 1907 Oshkosh, Wisconsin The Daily Northwestern

Providence Placed Talisman in His Hand When He Was Thrown Unconscious Among Cannibals.
    Of all the many mysterious products of the ocean, none can compare with the sea bean. Scientists are divided as to its origin, as no one has ever seen the shrub or vine on which it grows, and it is never found save when the bosom of the deep has been rent by a hard storm, when the sea beans, cast forth from some mysterious depth, are found scattered along the beach, derelicts of the tide. There are numerous varieties, large and small, and some are very rare, especially the large liver bean, and the banded bean. The savage tribes which inhabit the South Seas regard them as almost sacred, and look upon the lucky possessor of one of the rare varieties as particularly favored by the gods. Dusky belles, having in their possession these rare products of the deep, will fight for their treasure against all comers, as they believe that the sea bean gives them unusual power, especially in love, and that any man on whom their affections are set must yield to their charms if they but touch him with the lucky bean. One touch of the bean binds their lover to them forever.
Sea Beans    Mr. Leak, manager of the Stanislaus County exhibit cars from California, is the fortunate possessor of a rare specimen which has a thrilling history which would seem to prove the superstition of the savages of the South Sea Islands. It was given to him by a sailor friend, who was wrecked in a mighty storm which swept the tropical seas. The sailor, unconscious and nearly dead, was washed ashore on an island, and when he recovered his senses he found himself surrounded by a crowd of savage men and women. They were cannibals, and his fate would undoubtedly have been a horrible one, but suddenly a native saw grasped in the sailor's hand one of the rarest of the sea beans. Where it came from and how it happened that he held it when he was cast upon the beach he never knew, but the superstitious natives looked upon him as one especially protected by the gods, and the bean proved to him a lucky one indeed, for it undoubtedly saved him from a terrible fate. Some years ago Mr. Leak befriended this old sailor in San Francisco, and as a reward this lucky bean was presented to him, and he values it highly. "I am not suspicious," said Mr. Leak in speaking of this bean, which he has had made into a watch charm, "but I have not had any very bad luck since I was presented with the lucky bean by my old sailor friend Seth."
The Daily Northwestern, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, February 28, 1907, page 7   This story ran in newspapers along the exhibit car's route for over a year 1907-08. Apparently the advance man carried it with him, as it's always the same story, printed from the same type (or electrotype), with identical typos and wear. The story reappears through 1914, though by then the cars had been renamed the North of Bay Counties Exhibit Cars.

    The Stanislaus County exhibit cars are arranged with show cases attached to the outside of the cars showing specimens of grains, fruits, grasses, etc. raised in Stanislaus County. It also shows a number of large photos showing the system of irrigation.
Filler, The Daily Northwestern, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, March 4, 1907, page 6

November 2, 1907 Ironwood, Michigan News Record
November 2, 1907 Ironwood, Michigan News Record

    Millions of people have passed through the Stanislaus County Exhibit Cars in the time they have been out, and thinking people are always pleased. Will be in Ironwood Nov. 14, 15 and 16, Hurley Nov. 12 and 13, Bessemer Nov. 18 and 19, Wakefield Nov. 20 and 21.
"Additional Local," Ironwood News Record, Michigan, November 2, 1907, page 9

November 28, 1907 New North, Rhinelander, Wisconsin
November 28, 1907 New North, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

    Millions of people [have] passed through the Stanislaus County Exhibit Cars in the time they have been out, and thinking people are always pleased.
    The Stanislaus Co. Exhibit Cars from California will reach Rhinelander on the C.&N.R.R. Saturday morning December 7, and will exhibit only 3 days, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, December 7, 9 and 10. Open at 8 a.m. and close at 9:30 p.m.
New North, Rhinelander, Wisconsin, November 28, 1907, supplement page 1

California Cars Coming.
    The Stanislaus County exhibit cars from California will reach Stevens Point over the Green Bay road on Tuesday, Jan. 28th, and will remain here four days, to the 31st inclusive. This will be a grand opportunity to see a great display of tropical, semi-tropical and temperate climate fruits and vegetables, all raised in Stanislaus County, and are the finest ever grown.
The Gazette, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, January 15, 1908, page 1

E. H. Anders, advance representative of the Stanislaus County exhibit cars, spent the day in the city making arrangements for the appearance of the car here on Jan. 28, 29, 30 and 31. The cars will be exhibited at the Green Bay & Western depot.
"City Briefs," Stevens Point Daily Journal, Wisconsin, January 25, 1908, page 4

    The Stanislaus County Exhibit Cars from Stanislaus County, California, will reach Oshkosh Friday noon and be stationed at the Wisconsin Central depot for three days, Friday, Saturday and Monday, April 10, 11, 13, and open at 8:30 a.m., closing at 9:30 p.m. Car No. 1 is filled with the choicest products California can produce and is a wonder to agriculturists. Car No. 2 is filled with curiosities from the sea, a monster basking shark, 36 feet long and weighed 10,383 pounds, and numerous other denizens of the deep. They have live monkeys, cavies, alligators and a real live Teddy Bear that does numerous tricks to please the children. It comes to us recommended highly by superintendents and professors and teachers as of first-class value as an education to inquiring minds, and students of agriculture, horticulture and zoology, and no student of inquiring mind should miss it. General admission to all, large and small, 15 cents, and all are presented with a beautiful seashell or lucky sea bean as a reminder of their visit free. At Wisconsin Central depot April 10, 11 and 13.

The Daily Northwestern,
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, April 9, 1908, page 2

    The Stanislaus County museum exhibit cars from California arrived this morning and are set at the foot of Water Street near the Union depot. The exhibits have already attracted much attention, and all afternoon a line of people passed through the cars and were shown the exhibits.
"50 Years Ago," The News-Palladium, Benton Harbor, Michigan, June 25, 1958, page 2

Stanislaus County Exhibit Cars As a Most Interesting County Fair.
    One entire county of sunny southern [sic] California, with all the magnificent features of that great state, can be seen in two coaches on the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks on and after tomorrow. The two cars are sometimes called "Stanislaus County on Wheels," as all the products of that great state will be portrayed there under the management of M. Leak, who for the past year has been making a tour of the country, five weeks of which he spent in this state.
    Two cars and the display are an advertisement of the Stanislaus County board of trade and were fitted at a cost of $60,000. The daily expense of running them is $60. The main function of these people is to induce people to leave their homes and take up homes in the West where, as it will be shown in the exhibit, prosperity reigns. All the attracting features of California are shown in the two exhibit cars, which arrive tomorrow and remain for four days.
    The display is not confined to Stanislaus County alone, but contains more than one thousand features of sufficient variety to prove of much interest to all those who see them. The greatest attention is paid to fruits, although large potatoes, products of the rich California lands, and immense peaches can be found in the exhibit. It is well worth one's time to pay a visit to these two cars and see what can be raised in the land of the Golden Gate. A mammoth shark, weighing exactly 10,838 pounds, will be an attraction which can be seen while the cars are in the city. The monster measures thirty-six feet in length.
    Besides the above a large collection of seeds will be on display, and something above the ordinary can be seen in the way of small displays, coin collections, whale ribs and bones, man-eating sharks, monkeys, redwood bark and thousands of other exhibits which cannot help but please and instruct both old and young.
Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Indiana, June 12, 1909, page 2

Secretary [Robert Newton] Lynch then gave an interesting resume of the work being done in the way of acquainting the people of the East with the almost unlimited resources and possibilities of this section. He was especially enthusiastic over the results derived from the exhibit cars which the association has contracted for for a period of five years, to tour the East and demonstrate by a varied line of exhibits showing the products of the country. He asked for the cooperation of Ukiah and the entire county in carrying on the work.
"Hospitably Entertained," Dispatch Democrat, Ukiah, California, January 14, 1910, page 1

    Manager M. Leak of the North of the Bay Counties Exhibit writes that since December 5th they have been at Chicago Heights, Ill., where the exhibits were stored in two cars. He says that the cars were steam heated and that they have had zero weather all of the time. The exhibit cars have been cleaned inside and out and will present a bright new appearance. Arrangements have been made with the Erie system by which all of their lines will be covered through Indiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York. This itinerary will cover about eighteen months. Mr. Leak makes an earnest appeal for literature on Mendocino County. The exhibit cars will not do all the work, as the counties of the association which have the best literature will get the best results. While Mendocino County has a splendid booklet which has recently been issued by the board of supervisors, there is no follow-up matter, which is of the greatest importance.
Ukiah Republican Press, California, January 28, 1910, page 1

To the Public:
    SOME TIME AGO I offered a VALUABLE PREMIUM to the party that visited the NORTH OF BAY COUNTIES EXHIBIT CARS from CALIFORNIA and wrote up a description of their visit, one that the public could read and thoroughly understand what a wonderful collection this is of the natural products of the land and sea. No one so far has done it; all fall down on the job, especially on the MONSTER SHARK, as all are not students of ZOOLOGY.
    This specimen is so large it staggers them. Still, we have books that tell of the Basking Shark 68 feet long, twice as long as this one. We all can read of whales, sharks, devil-fish, mammoth tortoises and sea turtles and other denizens of the deep, but OBJECT LESSONS like this go far ahead of reading.
    Please remember, ONLY TWO of these MONSTERS have been preserved for public exhibition, this one and one in the private museum of Prof. David Starr Jordan

of Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, California.
    When we invite you to come and inspect this wonderful collection of curios we know that NONE OF YOU has ever seen such a collection brought right to your door for the small price of admission, 25 cents, and you will appreciate it.
        M. LEAK,
        Manager, North of Bay Counties Exhibit Cars.
    At Greenville all day, July 23, 25 and 26 and until 1:32 p.m., Wednesday, July 27.
The Evening Record, Greenville, Pennsylvania, July 19, 1910, page 3

    E. H. Anders, in advance of the North Bay (Cal.) Exhibit Cars, was in the city today arranging some of the details as to the exhibit of the cars in the city next week. The cars are at Little Valley this week and will arrive in Olean on the 21st and remain here until the 25th.
"Exhibit in Olean Next Week," Olean Times, New York, September 15, 1910, page 3

September 19, 1910 Olean, New York Times
September 19, 1910 Olean, New York Times

To the Citizens of Olean--
    The Olean Fair of 1910 is now over, and your many friends have gone to their respective homes; all declare the fair a huge success, and such it has truly been.
    One big feature that helped make the week a success still remains, the North of Bay Counties Exhibit Cars, at the Shawmut depot. The exhibit will remain until Saturday night at 10:30.
    In the first of these beautiful cars may be found the grandest array of fruits and vegetables ever exhibited in this section. The second car is filled with curios from all over the world, and last but not least, The Monster Shark, 36 feet long and weighing 10,383 pounds. At night the cars are brightly lighted, and a free outdoor exhibition is on view at all times. The price of admission to this wonderful exhibition is adults 25¢, children 15¢ (with school card, 10¢). All receive handsome souvenirs.
Olean Times, New York, September 23, 1910, page 7

A Card to the Citizens of Indiana.
    Do not confound the North of Bay Counties Exhibit Cars with any other exhibit cars that have ever visited the city of Indiana.
    We are not selling land, neither are we advertising for railroads.
    We are sent out by the twelve boards of trade, made up of the business men and ranchers to promote immigration to our particular section of California, and show the products which we raise without irrigation.
    We are here to show you what is being done daily in the land of sunshine, fruits and flowers, where the harvest starts on New Year's Day and ends on New Year's Eve.
    The inducements we offer in our part of California in climate, soil and opportunities are unsurpassed in any other section of the West.
    Our expenses are heavy. We pay for everything as we go, and we find it necessary to make a small admission charge, as do all world's fairs, to help defray expenses.
    The two cars are filled with a grand array of fruits and vegetables, curios and relics from all over the world, including the largest shark ever captured, all going to make up what might be termed a little world's fair on wheels, and the most instructive exhibit that has ever paid your city a visit.
North of Bay Counties Ass'n.           
Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania, January 11, 1911, page 1   This advertisement ran in towns along the cars' route throughout 1910 through 1914.

The North of Bay Counties, California Exhibit Cars and big shark were at the Shawmut depot on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and were visited by many spectators. The exhibit is truly a world's fair on wheels, and is well worth one's time to visit. It is made up of specimens of fruits, plants, products, novelties, photographs and in fact everything typical to California. Besides the monster shark there are other specimens of queer fish, birds and animals. The exhibit is housed in two of the finest-appointed cars on the road. The train is brilliantly lighted by its own electric lighting plant.
"Local Pencilings," The McKean Democrat, Smethport, Pennsylvania, April 20, 1911, page 5

California Exhibit Cars Coming.
    The North of Bay Counties of Exhibit Cars from Sunset Land, California will visit Wellsboro Oct. 18th, 19th and 20th. The cars will contain fruits and vegetables, a California-bred ostrich, a monster elephant shark, an octopus or devil fish, a bulldog shark, a cage of Philippine monkeys, a gila monster, sea turtles and the largest collection of seashells, corals, [and] natural history specimens ever placed on public exhibition. In a card the management says:
    "We bring to your city the only train of exhibit cars in the world carrying its own electric light plant. We do not give a street parade, but we have twenty-four large showcases on either side of these magnificent coaches, making a free outside exhibition at all hours.
    "Our object is to advertise North of Bay Counties, California, whose boards of trade have spared neither time, pains or money to place this, the most gorgeous exhibition possible for the human eye to gaze at."
The Wellsboro Gazette, Pennsylvania, September 21, 1911, page 1

Rolling Palace Can Be Seen at the Castanea Station for Three Days Soon
    The North of Bay Counties exhibit cars will be at the New York Central depot in Lock Haven on Wednesday, October 25, to remain until Friday evening following. The cars will arrive at 8:23 Wednesday morning and leave after 10 o'clock Friday night. The exhibit will be open during the day and evening on October 25, 26 and 17, and the price of admission will be 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for children.
    This exhibition is not to be compared with the ordinary 25-cent shows. A great deal of money has been expended on this rolling palace of exhibits, and it will be found of an interesting nature. The North Bay counties are directly north of San Francisco, where the sun shines 300 days in the year, and where hail storms, ice and snow are unknown. Among the interesting things shown at this exhibit is the monster elephant shark, 36 feet long and weighing 10,383 pounds. This monster is said to be 460 years old and was captured in Monterey Bay by Captain Emanuel Perris and a crew of eight men.
Lock Haven Express, Pennsylvania, October 11, 1911, page 4

    The North of Bay Counties, California exhibit cars arrived in Wellsboro last Wednesday noon and left Friday afternoon. Large crowds went to see the exhibits of California products, which were very interesting and instructive. The cars are lighted by electricity from a power plant carried on the museum car.
"Right About Home," The Agitator, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, October 25, 1911, page 5

    E. H. Anders, traveling in advance of the North Bay counties exhibit cars from California, arrived in the city yesterday. The cars will arrive here Saturday and will be stationed near the Reading station.
Gazette and Bulletin, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, October 26, 1911, page 10

    The need of more literature was brought to the attention of the delegates by a letter from M. Leak, manager of the exhibit cars now touring the East under the auspices of the association.
"County Boosters Hold a Meeting," Ukiah Republican Press, California, March 1, 1912, page 1

To the Public:
    When it was suggested that I take the management of the North of Bay Counties Exhibit Cars from California, I answered I WOULD ON CERTAIN CONDITIONS, namely, that they furnish the FINEST EXHIBIT CARS ever sent out by any other section before, with its own electric light plant, so we could exhibit evenings as well as in the daytime, and gather their WONDERFUL PRODUCTS from their orchards, vineyards and ranches, put up by experts, so it would be a "WONDER" itself, and secure a Marine Museum and Curiosities from ALL OVER THE WORLD, so the OLD and YOUNG, RICH and POOR, EDUCATED and ILLITERATE could visit and spend hours profitably.
    They have done so, and I extend an invitation to all, knowing that we have the most original, new and UP-TO-DATE EXHIBIT ever brought to your city, and a perfect system of convincing the public of the fact that our five counties contain more inducements for the Homeseeker and the Tourist looking for a perfect climate and beautiful scenery. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF what we are doing.
    We make a small charge of 25 cents for admission, to help defray expenses and enable us to give valuable souvenirs suggestive of California--something all will keep to remember us by.
    Yours very respectfully,
Manager, North of Bay Counties Exhibit Cars.
    WE DO NOT SELL LAND, but we want to interest you in our section of the Golden State.
    Will exhibit March 21, 22 and 23 at Philadelphia & Reading station between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. Admission, adults 25¢, children under 15 years 15¢.
Gettysburg Times, Pennsylvania, March 16, 1912, page 3   Like the January 11, 1911 "card," above, this advertisement ran in towns along the cars' route throughout 1910 through 1912.

Will exhibit March 21, 22 and 23 at Philadelphia & Reading station between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. Admission, adults 25¢, children under 15 years 15¢.
"A Card to Citizens," Gettysburg Times, Pennsylvania, March 30, 1912, page 2

    The North of the Bay Counties Exhibit Cars are now traveling over the Phila. & Reading R.R. in Pennsylvania. This itinerary will occupy their time until July 8. Thousands of people are visiting the cars, and this summer many of them will come to locate in this section.
Ukiah Republican Press, California, May 24, 1912, page 3

Exhibit Cars Anticipated.
    Tyrone people are looking forward to June 15,1 6 and 17, when the North of Bay Counties Exhibit Cars will be here. The North of Bay counties are directly north of San Francisco. With this exhibit is a monster elephant shark, 36 feet long, weighing 10,383 pounds, alligators, a devil fish measuring 10 feet across and Jim Corbett, a California-bred ostrich. This train of exhibit cars is the only one in the world carrying its own electric light plant.
The Altoona Mirror, Pennsylvania, June 10, 1914, page 12

California Exhibit Cars Coming.
    The North of Bay Counties Exhibit Cars from California will visit Frederick next month, and according to the itinerary will arrive here Sunday, October 4, to show for four days. The trip of the cars is made for the purpose of boosting that section. The exhibits are said to contain much of interest.
The Daily News, Frederick, Maryland, September 18, 1914, page 3

    Superintendent W. F. Slaton has advised the teachers and children of the city schools to visit the California exhibit, now on a tour of the country, in a letter which he has sent to all the schools describing the various curios and agricultural and marine displays. The exhibit is housed in two cars now stationed at Bartow Street, just back of the Orpheum Theater.
    One of the features is a monster black elephant shark, which has been loaned the collection by the Leland Stanford University. When captured off the coast of California in 1905 it was 460 years old. It weighs 10,383 pounds and is 36 feet long.
    The exhibit has been sent on a tour of the United States by the nineteen boards of trade of the seven north of bay counties at an initial cost of $60,000. Its purpose is to set forth the agricultural and horticultural attractions of this section of the state. It will remain in Atlanta until May 20. It is open from 9:30 o'clock in the morning until 8:30 at night.
The Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, May 12, 1915, page 9

    To show Georgians the latest methods of displaying a state's products to the public, M. Leak, manager of exhibit cars department of the Georgia Chamber of Agriculture, will leave Sunday for the state fair at Macon with two cars. This announcement was made yesterday at the Ad Men's luncheon by Mr. Leak, who spoke on the virtues of such advertising.
    The two cars, which are to be filled with Georgia products and taken over this state and other parts of the country, are now on exhibition near the Terminal Station. The mayor and members of general council, the Ad Men and the Rotary Club have already inspected the cars. They will be open to the public until Saturday evening.
    The cars came to Georgia last June filled with products of California after a trip over the country lasting three years. They are still equipped with the products of the Pacific coast. These will be supplanted with the products of Georgia after the fair at Macon.

The Constitution,
Atlanta, Georgia, October 22, 1915, page 4

The state chamber, following out instructions issued to the executive committee at the annual meeting of the organization in Macon on the 26th of September, is planning a year of activity beyond that ever before attempted by a similar organization for the state.
    The Georgia exhibit cars, a publicity plant now valued at more than $20,000, and embracing a general exhibit car stock[ed] by the state agricultural department, and a curio car which will draw the people, no matter where the car shows, is rapidly nearing completion and will be ready to start rolling on the first or second week in January.
    It takes nine people to man this outfit, which is complete in every detail, even having its own electric lighting plant on board. The manager of the cars, Mr. M. Leak, and who is to operate the cars for the Georgia Chamber of Commerce under a five-year agreement, is a man of wide experience in this line of work, and his wife, who accompanies him and makes her home on the cars, is one of the most lovable of women, and it was partially through her influence, because she had become so interested in Georgia and the Georgia people, that Mr. Leak and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce finally reached an agreement.
    The cars, as to appearance and equipment when they start rolling the first week in January, will be far superior to the cars which Mr. Leak has managed for California for the past ten years, embracing, as they do, every good feature of the older cars and dozens of new features which have never been put into exhibit cars before this time.
Will Roam Georgia First.
    The cars will be routed through Georgia for six months previous to their departure for the Middle West and East, this being done in order that the people of Georgia may see and approve or disapprove of the exhibit which the chamber is preparing to send through the country exploiting the resources and advantages of the state.
    At every place where the cars are exhibited the motion picture on Georgia will also be shown, provided there is a hall or theater where the pictures can be run. The names of every person entering a picture house to view the picture and who pass through the cars will be taken and forwarded back to the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, with proper notation on the cards, showing those who have expressed special interest in the state or who may be live prospects for the active communities of Georgia to go after as future citizens.
"Extended Scope of Activity Planned by State Chamber, The Atlanta Constitution, Georgia, December 19, 1915, page 15

Great Banquet Announced To Celebrate
Starting of Exhibit Cars on Five-Year Tour
    Bright and early Monday morning, January 17, the exhibit cars of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, which have been in course of construction and stocking for the past six months, will roll up on the spur track of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, in front of the Kimball House, and be ready for inspection by the public. The cars will remain at this point from the 17th to the 26th of January, at which date they will start their journey around the state, it having been decided to run the cars for six months inside of Georgia, in order that the people of the state might know just what they are, and that the cars might pick up in their travels through the state other articles of Georgia products calculated to interest and impress the people of the North, East and West.
    An admission charge of 25 cents for grown people and 15 cents for children will be made during the stay of the cars in Georgia, this money to be used in partially defraying the expenses of operation of the cars after they leave the state. The cars are to be run on a strictly business basis, and the railroads, both inside and outside the state, will be paid regular transportation charges, it having been decided that this was the best policy for the organization to pursue in their operation, asking no special favors in connection with the operating of the cars.
Georgia Queen on Cars.
    On Monday, the 17th of January, the cars will be thrown open for their first public inspection. Miss Regina Rambo, named Queen of Georgia by popular vote last fall, will be on the cars to receive and cordially welcome the public. Each other day the cars are on exhibition in Atlanta some maid of honor from nearby towns will be asked to receive and welcome the public.
Regina Rambo, Queen of Georgia, 1910.
Regina Rambo, Queen of Georgia, 1910.
    On Tuesday, the 18th, it will be Miss Noble Clay of Decatur, and some other young lady for each other other seven days the cars are in Atlanta.
    After the cars leave Atlanta at each town they exhibit the maid of honor of the Georgia Festival, if there be one from the town, will be asked to receive and welcome the public during the stay of the cars in her home town.
    The starting of the exhibit cars marks the first step in the publicity campaign of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, and it is believed by the officials of the organization that after the public has carefully inspected the cars that they will say it is one of the greatest moves yet made to advertise Georgia.
Big Banquet Planned.
    Plans were put in motion yesterday to celebrate the starting of the cars on their long five years' journey for the state of Georgia, by the holding of a great statewide banquet in the capital city of the state on the night of January 26, which would be in the nature of a great get-together affair, when the bands will be clasped round the state, and the entire state get ready to work for Georgia and Georgians for the next five years, laying aside small differences and standing united on one platform for the good of the commonwealth. Prominent men from all parts of the state will be on the speaker's list, and the banquet will be held at some central place, with not less than three hundred plates set for the occasion. Georgia products, and none other, will be served on the menu, and Georgia orators will provide the mental feast.
    Invitations to the banquet will begin going out early this week, and it is probable that the three hundred plates will each have a claimant within a very few days.
January 9, 1916 Atlanta Constitution
Description of Cars.
    The two cars which the Georgia Chamber of Commerce will run are as complete, or more so, than any cars ever run for any section or state in the country. They contain actual samples of hundreds of Georgia's most notable products, agricultural, mineral and others of interest to the homeseeker. The halls of the cars are wainscoted with Georgia marble of varied colors, and over the top of the marble are photographs of various scenes in Georgia, including scenes of the great animal industry convention at Quitman last spring.
    The peaches, apples and other fruits in glass jars are indeed a tempting sight, and the preserves and other good things to eat, in jars and cans, put up by the Girls' Canning Clubs of the state, all go to make up an exhibit of Georgia products not to be found as complete anywhere else in the state.

The Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, January 9, 1916, page 25

January 16, 1916 Atlanta Constitution
    Georgia on Wheels, the exhibit cars of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, will be formally thrown open to the public tomorrow at noon when Governor Nat. E. Harris will arrive at the cars and spend an hour welcoming those who come to inspect this notable exhibit of Georgia's attractions and resources.
    In addition to Governor Harris there will be on the trains as a receiving committee Miss Regina Rambo of Marietta, Harvest Festival Queen of all Georgia, Hon J. D. Price and Dan G. Hughes of the department of agriculture, Hon. Walter G. Cooper, secretary of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, Hon V. H. Kriegshaber, new president of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, W. B. Royster, secretary of the Griffin Board of Trade, P. C. McDuffie, who was chairman of Atlanta's agricultural day parade last fall, Julian Boehm, president of the Atlanta Ad Men's Club, the members of the executive committee and officials of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and about twenty-five other prominent citizens of Atlanta and Georgia.
Cars Centrally Located.
    Through the kindness of D. B. Carson, general manager of the N.C.&St.L. railroad, the lessees of the W.&A. railroad, the cars are to occupy during their stay in Atlanta the most prominent and best located trackage exhibit space in the city. The cars will be under the shadow of the Kimball House.
    M. Leak, the manager of the cars, and his wife were happy on Saturday afternoon, realizing that all was in readiness for the start of their long five years' journey in the interest of all Georgia. Mr. Leak plans to make the work of the cars the most effective of anything of its kind ever before attempted.
Unusually Complete Plant.
    "This plant," said Mr. Leak, "fulfills the dreams of my life in this line of work. It is the most complete and perfect plant of its kind of which I have ever had any knowledge, and I have been in this line of work for over ten years. It is going to be my earnest effort to make the work of the Georgia exhibit cars the most effective of any cars that have ever been run for any section or state, and with this plant I am sure we can do it."
    The outside panels between the windows of the cars have been painted a rich yellow and will be offered to the various towns and counties of the state for advertising purposes at a very nominal monthly renting.
    The cars will remain on the spur track in front of the Kimball House all this week, and the public is urged to visit them and make such criticisms as may occur to them in regard to the exhibits and the general plan of the cars. The cars will be open until 10 o'clock at night, lighted by their own electric plant and heated by their own steam heating equipment.
    An admission price of 25 cents will be charged for grown people and 15 cents for children while the cars are running in Georgia, the money to go towards defraying the operating expense of the cars after they leave the state. Every quarter, therefore, deposited with the cars is helping just that much towards operating the plant away from the state.
    In addition to the railroad transportation and general advertising expense, the cars require a crew of seven people to operate.
The Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, January 16, 1916, page 6

    F. Marion Jack, of Atlanta, has been named by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce as the secretary of the Georgia exhibit cars which leave Atlanta Wednesday morning upon a five years' tour of the United States. He was born and reared in Atlanta, and has numerous friends in all parts of the state. He also knows the state, with its varied sections and resources, intimately. Mr. Jack is a nephew of Brigadier General Melville Cager Martin, of the Thirty-First Georgia regiment.
"Georgia Exhibit Cars Start Tour this Week,"
The Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, January 24, 1916, page 6

Throngs Visit Exhibits of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce.
    "Crowded to the limit of our capacity all day long," was the report of Manager Leak of the Georgia Exhibit Cars to the office of the organization late Tuesday afternoon. "This has been the best day's business since the cars were opened, and in view of the fact that we leave Atlanta tomorrow at noon, to be gone for five years, we anticipate that we will have difficulty in taking care of the crowds which will come to the cars Wednesday morning."
    Orders were issued from the office of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce Tuesday afternoon for the cars to be switched at 1:15 p.m. from the Union depot to the Terminal Station, where they will be attached to the 2 p.m. Atlanta and West Point train for Newnan, Ga. The cars will spend a day and a half in Newnan, moving from there to LaGrange and spending about three days at LaGrange.
    From LaGrange the cars will go down the A.,B.&A. railroad, stopping at Manchester, Talbotton, Montezuma, Vienna, Cordele, Fitzgerald, Tifton and Moultrie.
    From Moultrie they will go over the B.M.&W. railroad to Valdosta, reaching Valdosta on February 22, and remaining there for three days during the conservation conference and convention, which is to be held February 22, 23 and 24.
    During their stay in Atlanta the cars have attracted much more attention than was anticipated, and during the last two days they have been crowded. The small admission charge which is being made to assist in defraying the tremendous cost of operation has been heartily approved by all who visited the cars, and letters have been pouring into the office of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce commending that organization for its work in equipping and getting the cars ready to roll.
    Commendation for the contents of the cars has come from many sources, and the officials of the state chamber of commerce are exceedingly gratified over the reception given the cars in Atlanta.

The Constitution,
Atlanta, Georgia, January 26, 1916, page 7

    The Georgia exhibit cars moved from the Union Station at 1:30 o'clock yesterday and were attached to the 2 p.m. Atlanta and West Point train, beginning their long five years' journey.
    Manager Leak was probably the happiest man in the crowd. He said: "After seven months of work we are on our way. The cars are the most perfect I have ever operated and are far superior to any I have ever seen advertising any state or section. I am the happiest man you can imagine."
    A motion picture was made of the cars just previous to their departure and also as they were moving out. Miss Beckham, one of the Boulevard teachers, and fifteen of her pupils were the last to view the cars before they left Atlanta, and remained in the cars as they were being switched from the Union depot to the Terminal Station, leaving the cars after they arrived at the Terminal Station.
    Among those on hand when the last photograph was taken just previous to the departure of the cars were Charles J. Haden, J. D. Price, St. Elmo Massengale, Colonel P. C. McDuffie, Julian Boehm and about fifty other prominent citizens of Atlanta.

The Constitution,
Atlanta, Georgia, January 27, 1916, page 6

    "Facts about Georgia" is the name of a book that will be issued in the next few months under the direction of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce. This book will be distributed at all towns visited by the exhibit cars. The book is being compiled by Louis N. Geldert, who has been collecting data for the last three months. The book will be liberally illustrated.
The Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, January 28, 1916, page 9

State Publicity Campaign
Auspices of Georgia Chamber of Commerce
    The Georgia Exhibit Cars of State Resources, the Georgia Motion Picture Show and the book of "Facts About Georgia," are co-ordinate parts of a systematic country-wide plan of publicity for Georgia and her products, inaugurated by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, to make known to the rest of the world the manifest advantages of living and laboring within Georgia's wide borders.
Georgia on Wheels
    The Exhibit Cars, which, after a six-month's tour of this state, will travel through the entire country, North, East and West, for a period of five years, constitute the most substantial effort yet made by the chamber to advertise Georgia's resources and induce citizens of other states to invest in homes and lands in this State. These cars are managed and conducted by M. Leak and his wife, who are favorably known from coast to coast as experienced exhibitionists, and who are thoroughly imbued with the "Georgia Spirit." A crew of five men accompany the cars on their tour as assistant caretakers and lecturers. The cars are veritable exposition palaces on wheels, and in addition to the exhibits, carry their own lighting and heating plants, and provide sleeping and eating accommodations for seven people.

From Facts About Georgia, 1916--Resources of George Exhibit Car

Mondula and Hannah Leak at right. Governor Harris is standing above Mrs. Leak.

    Car No. 1 contains carefully arranged exhibits of the agricultural, mineral and industrial resources of the State of Georgia. It was stocked by the State Agricultural Department, and it required uncommon ingenuity to get anything like a representative range of products into such limited space, and to display them to advantage. The car is 72 feet long, and with 24 outside glass show-panels, presents a striking appearance.
    Car No. 2 contains the museum or natural history feature of the show, and this collection of specimens, gathered from the wide world, is valued at from ten to fifteen thousand dollars. A monstrous shark, 37 feet in length, is the chief item on the list of attractions in this car.
    "Georgia on Wheels" was officially opened for public inspection in Atlanta January 17, 1916. The picture of the cars on page 121 shows the Governor of the State, the President of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, and other officials and leading citizens of the state present at the opening exercises. These gentlemen declared the cars to contain a creditable exhibition, calculated to give a favorable impression of the state and its resources, and bespoke for them a cordial reception in whatever part of the world they traveled.

Louis N. Geldert, Facts About Georgia, 1916, page 121

    H. C. Arnall Jr., mayor of the city of Newnan, has written President Charles J. Haden of the Georgia chamber of commerce the following very strong letter boosting the Georgia exhibit cars which have just left Newnan after a very enthusiastic reception:
    Dear Mr. Haden--I have had the pleasure of visiting the Georgia exhibit cars and was so enthused over them that I felt I must write you to let you know what I think of the exhibit. I always knew we had a great state, but I never realized until I visited the cars that you could get such an exhibit of Georgia products. I have talked with several people who have visited the cars, and we all agree that it is the greatest advertising scheme we ever saw for the grand old state of Georgia.
    I think the counties that do not take advertising space on the cars are standing in their own light, and I certainly hope that old Coweta County will be one of the first to take a space.
    In securing the service of Mr. and Mrs. Leak you certainly have the right people, for they are so courteous and polite to all; not only that but they know exactly what to do, and I think the state is fortunate in having those people in charge of the exhibit and should be congratulated in securing them.
    Wishing you much success, I am
(Signed)     H. C. ARNALL JR., Mayor
The Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, February 3, 1916, page 4

    The exhibit cars of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, which are touring the state, continue to draw large crowds. On Wednesday at Fitzgerald one country school of the county walked in a body three miles to the cars and three miles back in order to see the cars. The head of this school, after visiting the cars, gave the manager a strong letter of endorsement.
    At Cordele the cars were crowded during their two days' stay. The limit of capacity was reached several times, and on one occasion the doors had to be closed to prevent further crowding of those already in the cars. Major J. Gordon Jones, of Cordele, praised the exhibit in the highest terms.
The Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, February 18, 1916, page 9

Western Expert Converted into a Georgia Booster
Exhibit Car Manager Is Amazed by State's Resources,
But Thinks We Need Cooperative Marketing.

    Quitman, Ga., March. 4--(Special)--Amusingly enough, the first mission of the Georgia exhibit cars fitted out by the State Chamber of Commerce has been to convince the manager of the cars, M. Leak, that Georgia is a very great state indeed. For Mr. Leak is from California, and for a number of years Californians have so freely conceded that theirs was the wonder state of the union until everybody else believed it.
    After spending six months in Georgia, Mr. Leak confesses himself as being frankly amazed by what he has seen. While in Quitman with the exhibit cars this week Mr. Leak said:
    "For ten years I was in charge of the exhibit cars sent out to advertise California, and I know conditions. Georgia has many advantages California lacks. California is 3,000 miles from market and has to ship her fruits green, with a loss of flavor. You are close to the market. California is dependent on irrigation, and you are not. And in my tour of the state I have been amazed at the range of climate and products.
To Start Big Orchard.
    "Why, here in the car I have apples from North Georgia as fine as those of Oregon, and from South Georgia oranges and grapefruit. And I find a lot of Georgians who visit the car surprised to know that tropical fruits grow to perfection in Georgia. There are fortunes in your figs, and Mrs. Leak and I are already planning to buy land and start a fig orchard. They grow almost wild here, and yet California ships figs to your merchants.
    "And sweet potatoes. I had never seen any except the Jersey potatoes, and I did not like them. In Georgia I am eating them every day; they are delicious, and there are thousands of people in the country who would buy them if they could get them.
    "Your Mr. H. G. Hastings, of Atlanta, says he believes anything will grow here, for he is constantly being surprised by someone sending him an entirely new product that is being grown by them. Here on the car I have huge ripe olives, almonds, English walnuts and other rare fruits and vegetables that you people have grown. There is one man in Georgia who grows olives and makes oil for home use. Here in Brooks County a farmer has produced a beautiful quality of starch from cassava.
    "We have forty-five varieties of hay on the car as part of the farm exhibit. And your minerals and marbles are wonderful. Part of the car is paneled with Georgia marble, and I have nineteen minerals, none of which have been fully developed, I understand. A man from the north visited the car the other day. He was on his way to Alabama to look at mica mines. I have a sample of mica, and he took the address of the owners. It was exactly what he was looking for.
Cooperative Marketing Needed.
    "It seems to me," continued Mr. Leak, "that in Georgia you need cooperative marketing. You have the products in marvelous abundance, and your farmers are evidently progressive. But they will never get what is coming to them until they get together and standardize their output and market it on a cooperative basis. That is done altogether in California. The egg and poultry exchange in Petaluma, a town of 7,000, is an example. The farmers bring all their eggs and poultry to the exchange, which sells for them, and twice a month they get a check. As a result not a merchant in Petaluma keeps books; all business is cash. The farmers get cash and pay as they go.
    "I have heard of your fine hams here in Brooks County. In California they would have a ham exchange. I understand that a few of your farmers ship direct to customers outside your territory. How much it would mean to your county if all your hams were sold by an exchange and the farmers got good cash prices for them."
    From all of which it will be seen that Mr. Leak is already a good Georgia booster. The Georgia cars are really a state fair on wheels. They are on a six months' tour of the state, and late next summer will start on a five years' tour of the country, showing to farmers of the Northwest samples of what our lands will do and taking to them the message that where they grow one crop a year in the cold sections they may grow three and even four here.
The Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, March 5, 1916, page 60

Secretary Clarke Dines Boosters.
    Macon, Ga., April 17.--(Special)--Manager Edward Young Clarke, of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, gave a supper here tonight at the Hotel Dempsey, in compliment to W. H. C. Johnson, the secretary of the Macon Chamber of Commerce. In addition to Mr. Clarke and Mr. Johnson, present were Eugene Southwick, field secretary; Verne H. Barber, manager Georgia picture; Louis N. Geldert, manager of publications; and M. Leake, manager of exhibit cars. Brooks County ham was one of the features of the bill of fare.
    Tomorrow at noon the Georgia chamber gives a luncheon at Dempsey in compliment to its one hundred and fifty Macon members, and all the workers of the Georgia chamber will tell what and how they are doing their part of the work. President Haden will be among the speakers and Eugene W. Stetson will preside at the luncheon.

The Constitution,
Atlanta, Georgia, April 18, 1916, page 4

To Restock Exhibit Cars
    Atlanta--Plans made here will mean that the Georgia exhibit cars, just before leaving the state on November 1st for a tour of five years through the East and West, will be restocked, re-equipped and put in that shape which will present to the country at large such a demonstration of the state's resources and possibilities--particularly of an agricultural nature--as probably has never before been offered, under circumstances of supervision.
Union Recorder, Milledgeville, Georgia, August 29, 1916, page 4

Though mentions in Georgia newspapers suggest that the Georgia exhibit cars traveled at least through the summer of 1917, I have been unable to find any newspaper record to confirm their ever visiting outside of that state. It seems likely that WWI railroad restrictions limited their travel; economic disruption after the war may have ended the project--originally intended to last for five years--hence the auto tours of 1918:

Fifty Cars from Fitzgerald Are on Road for Six Days
And Will Arrive in Milledgeville Saturday Afternoon

    Milledgeville is to be the host of a seeing Georgia touring party for a short time this coming weekend, when a number of automobiles will arrive here with a large number of citizens sent out from Fitzgerald by the Chamber of Commerce of that city.
    At a full house meeting of the board of governors of the Fitzgerald Chamber of Commerce held Friday night, the final details in regard to the monstrous Seeing Georgia Tour of the Chamber of Commerce were completed. The tour started from Fitzgerald at 8:00 o'clock Monday morning, and reports from the various committees in charge of securing cars for the tour stated that there were in excess of 50 cars in the tour when it left Fitzgerald. These tourists will arrive in Milledgeville next Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, according to the schedule.
    The official publicity car of the tour is running twenty-four hours ahead of the tour, completing the details in regard to the accommodation of the tourists in each city, and distributing literature announcing the exact hour of arrival of the tourists. In the publicity car are B. L. McCoy, W. R. Tucker, publicity agent of the tour and Isidore Gelders, editor of the Leader-Enterprise, Fitzgerald
    The official scout car of the tour will run from thirty minutes to an hour ahead of the tour. In the scout car will be T. R. Gentry, of the Southern Bell Telephone Company, Edward Young Clarke, secretary and manager of the tour, and Mondula Leak, president of the Southeastern Exhibit Association.
    The official pacemaker's car will set the pace of the tour at 20 miles per hour. In the pacemaker's car will be Pacemaker L. L. Griner, who is president of the Fitzgerald Chamber of Commerce, J. C. Brewer, Chairman of the Rules Committee of the tour, and Homer Waters, chairman of the music committee of the tour.
    President Griner has a number of relatives and friends in Milledgeville who will be interested in learning of his trip to this city.
    At arrival at the edge of each town and city through which the tour passes, the pacemaker's car will stop and wait until every car in the tour has arrived, and the tour will pass in solid formation through each city along the route. On leaving each city they will again scatter out, putting sufficient distance between each car to avoid the dust.
    The first day's run of the tour will be from Fitzgerald to Indian Springs, with a thirty minutes' stop at Hawkinsville and a dinner stop at Macon, the night being spent at Indian Springs.
    The second day's run of the tour will be from Indian Springs to Atlanta, with a thirty minutes' stop at McDonough, the night being spent in Atlanta.
    The third day's run of the tour will be from Atlanta to Tallulah Falls, with thirty minutes' stops at Buford, Flowery Branch, Cornelia and Demorest, the tourists taking dinner at Gainesville and spending the night at Tallulah Falls.
    The fourth day's run will be from Tallulah Falls to Rabun Gap and return to Tallulah Falls, with thirty minutes' stops at Mountain City and Rabun Gap, the tourists taking dinner at Clayton and spending another night at Tallulah Falls.
    The fifth day's run will be from Tallulah Falls to Athens, with 30-minute stops at Toccoa, Lavonia and Hartwell, the tourists taking dinner at Elberton and spending the night at Athens.
    The sixth day's run will be from Atlanta to Macon with thirty minutes' stops at Madison, Milledgeville, the tourists taking dinner at Eatonton and spending the night at Macon.
    The seventh day's run will be from Macon to Fitzgerald without stopover on the central route of the Dixie Highway.
    The committee in charge of the tour, together with Secretary and Manager Edward Young Clarke, are arranging every detail of the tour in orderly manner and the tour will run--barring accidents--with the precision and on as good schedule as a through passenger train of many coaches.
    The committee has announced that the object of the tour is threefold:
    1. As a recreation for the citizens of Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County and to enable the scores of citizens of that section to see North and Middle Georgia and the wonderful scenery who have never been to these sections of Georgia.
    2. To allow citizens of the county who formerly lived in North Georgia to visit their friends and relatives and thus have a happy reunion.
    3. To advertise Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County to the citizens of the state living outside the county.
    Upon their arrival in this city, the tourists will be met by a welcoming delegation and the visitors will be invited to assemble on the lawn of the court house
    A short address of welcome will be delivered by a prominent citizen of this city following the arrival of the Seeing Georgia party and several short speeches will be made by a number of the visitors during their stay in Milledgeville, which will be limited to one hour, according to the arrangements mapped out.
Milledgeville News, Milledgeville, Georgia, July 24, 1918, page 7

Southern Exhibit Association Plans Important Work
    Atlanta, Ga.--Definite announcement of the plans of the Southeastern Exhibit Association for a Georgia Publicity Campaign to be launched January the first by that organization were given out by Mondula Leak, the president of the association. The executive committe of the organization has had the matter under consideration for several weeks but did not take final action on same until it had thoroughly investigated all phases of the proposition
    In discussing the campaign Mondula Leak, the president of the association, said:
    "The campaign will be different in many ways from any similar campaign ever conducted. While it will be necessary to exploit the state as a whole, we feel that the mistake made in the average campaign of this kind has been its too general character. We propose to devote our energies to the exploitation of definite cities and counties and to exploit definite things in these cities and counties. In other words we expect to conduct such a campaign as will bring immediate and tangible results to the communities lined up with us in the campaign."
    Frank T. Reynolds, the treasurer of the association, who is also secretary of the Georgia State Automobile Association, was enthusiastic over the outlook for the campaign. "We are launching the campaign," said Mr. Reynolds, "only after the most mature and careful deliberation and after having consulted with some of the most prominent men in Georgia. Every man approached has heartily agreed that the state faces the supreme opportunity of its history for commercial and agricultural development. The presentation of the opportunities offered investors and settlers in Georgia at the present time will be the work of the forces of the campaign. And we will present definite opportunities to the investor or settler."
    In order to meet the requirements of the campaign as regards office space, the offices of the Southeastern Exhibit Association will be moved on January first from their present location in the Chamber of Commerce Building to the fourth floor of the Flatiron Building, where large and commodious quarters have been leased.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, December 5, 1918, page 3

Leak, Mondeula (Hannah) h. 605 S. Rosemary
West Palm Beach city directory, 1921

    Mr. and Mrs. Mondula Leak of 638 Gardenia Street expect to leave soon for a tour to New York and through the New England states, where they have numerous friends and relatives. If Mr. Leak's health will permit, their itinerary will also include San Francisco, Calif.
"City Briefs," Palm Beach Post, West Palm Beach, Florida, July 17, 1924, page 5

    Mr. and Mrs. Mondula Leak of 638 Gardenia Street have returned from the New England states, where they spent the summer months. Friends will regret to learn that Mr. Leak is seriously ill. A special nurse accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Leak from New Haven, Conn.

"City Briefs," Palm Beach Post, West Palm Beach, Florida, October 5, 1924, page 6

    Funeral services for Mondula Leak, who died at his home, 618 Gardenia Street, early yesterday morning following a long illness, will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Ferguson chapel.
    Mr. Leak, who was 73 years old, was born in Gloversville, N.Y., where he made his home until he went to San Francisco at the age of 20. In that city he went into the glove manufacturing business, which later developed into one of the largest factories in San Francisco.
    Several years later Mr. and Mrs. Leak began their 25 years of travel, with two California state fair exhibit cars. During this time they covered practically every state in the Union, eventually making their way to West Palm Beach four years ago.
    Since that time they have made their home in this city. During the past two years Mr. Leak had been in very poor health, and since his return from a summer in the North a few weeks ago, he had grown steadily worse.
    Mr. Leak is survived by his wife; one sister, Mrs. George L. Merguire of San Francisco; and a niece, Mrs. Maud Burr Bailey of West Palm Beach.
    The Rev. W. A. Wye of the Holy Trinity church will be in charge of the services on Sunday, and interment will be at Woodlawn cemetery.
"City Briefs," Palm Beach Post, West Palm Beach, Florida, October 17, 1924, page 1

Leake, Hannah (widow of Mondeula) h. 638 Gardenia
            Mrs. Bessie G., typist at BD Cole [an insurance company]

West Palm Beach city directory, 1925

Leak, Mrs. Mabel h. 638 Gardenia
West Palm Beach city directory, 1930

Leak, Hannah h. 638 Gardenia
West Palm Beach city directory, 1935

Leak, Hannah h. 638 Gardenia
West Palm Beach city directory, 1939


Woodlawn Cemetery, West Palm Beach, Florida

    Another stultifying attraction was the "Giant Whale" that used to come to Medford on a railroad flatcar. Smelling strongly of embalming fluid, the huge sea mammal was in a tank on the siding near the Main Street crossing. It was fortunate that this happened but once every two or three years, because the arrival of the whale threatened to drive every cat in town crazy at the thought (and smell) of such a big fish.
J.W.S., "Circus Days," Medford Mail Tribune, April 14, 1963, page 4

Last revised May 11, 2022