The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

The Craterian Theater

    The Medford Theater Company, which will build a new theater on North [sic] Central Avenue opposite the Ulrich grocery, filed articles of incorporation last week with the secretary of state at Salem under that name and for a capital stock of $50,000, with J. H. Cooley, Porter J. Neff and Chas. R. Cooley as incorporators.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, February 4, 1924, page 2

    The management of the Rialto Theater announced today that they had completed arrangements for the installation of a $15,000 organ which will be rushed by fast freight just as soon as the factory can complete it.
    Mr. Hunt says that they have given the organ problem a lot of study and have settled on a Robert Morton as being the best adapted for their use. Miss Bruce Putnam, formerly of this city, and who has been following organ work for the last two years and has played on every make of theater pipe organ, says that the Robert Morton is the sweetest voiced and causes less trouble mechanically than any she has ever used.
    Mr. Frank Showacre from the Morton factory has been in the city for several days measuring and testing the acoustics of the Rialto so as to get the proper combination of pipes and amount of volume that will be suitable.
    Mr. Hunt states that they are so sold on the Robert Morton that they have also ordered one for their new theater on Central Avenue and also Mr. Dunlap of the Grants Pass Amusement Company has ordered one for the Rivoli Theater in that city. These organs will be of varied sizes and of different combinations, each being built for their respective houses.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 16, 1924, page 2

    It is understood that the contracts for the construction of the new theater at Central Avenue and 8th Street have been or are about to be let, and that work will be rushed from now on to be completed about September 1st. Along the front of the excavated site for the building the promoters of the theater have placed a large bulletin board with the following information painted thereon:
    "A new theater for George A. Hunt & Co., Inc.
    "It isn't going to cost a million dollars.
    "It isn't going to be as large as the New York Hippodrome.
    "It isn't going to be as elaborate as the new Chicago Theater.
    "It isn't going to be heralded to the skies before it is finished.
    "We will be pleased to have your opinion when finished."
    It seems impossible to learn here just what is being planned in the way of rebuilding the Page Theater, although word comes from unauthorized sources that Dr. Frederick Page in Los Angeles and his associates are at present undecided whether to rebuild the Page or construct a hotel that will cover the entire southeast corner of Riverside and Main streets.
    It will be remembered that when Dr. Page left here for Los Angeles some time ago he formally announced that he and capital associated with him had decided to rebuild the Page, and that work would probably be begun on this venture inside of a few weeks from then. Since that time nothing has been authoritatively learned about the matter, nor has any work been done towards clearing away the ruins or the destroyed theater.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1924, page 8

New One for Medford, Ore.
(Special to THE FILM DAILY)

    Medford, Ore. — George Hunt is replacing his Page theater, destroyed by fire a few weeks ago, with a $200,000 modern fireproof building to seat 1,200, and will be ready in September.
The Film Daily, June 19, 1924, page 5

    George A. Hunt of the Hunt Theaters, Inc., announces the new Hunt's Craterian Theater will be ready for opening on or about September first.
    Negotiations are now under way for a legitimate attraction to dedicate the new theater, but owing to the actors' equity strike, it is a little uncertain as to any shows coming to the coast for the fall season, unless the strike is settled in the meantime. However, the premiere of one of the large road picture attractions will be obtained. This announcement will be made as soon as completed.
    "The handsome new theater will serve not only the large and prosperous section of Medford, a community of homes populated by families whose members like to take their pleasure together, old and young, but will also make its appeal to the residents of adjoining communities. The new Hunt's Craterian has been established to fill the needs of up-to-date movie and road show patrons, and the men whose vision have created it have seen to it that in every element, both great and small, it measures up to the best theaters in the country."
    A $30,000 three-manual Wurlitzer pipe organ has a prominent place in the equipment of the house, and a special musical program will always play a big part on the bill. The theater is said to have one of the most complete ventilating systems in the Northwest, 23,000 cubic feet of pure air a minute, keeping the atmosphere as it should be.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 28, 1924, page 2

New Wurlitzer for Craterian Theater

    The mammoth Wurlitzer for Hunt's new Craterian Theater has arrived and was unloaded last Thursday. Six large trucks were required to haul it, and the theater management held a sort of a parade hauling it down Main Street and around the city for a few minutes before unloading.
    The console is on display at the Rialto and is causing a great deal of comment. It is the largest theater organ in the state with the exception of the Liberty organ in Portland.
    The console is made with three manuals and has so many tablets, stops, etc. that it looks like the operator would have to be a magician to play it. It is made of solid mahogany and is beautiful. If this is a sample of the equipment the Hunt company is installing in the new theater, it certainly is going to be one of the greatest show places in the state.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 8, 1924, page 5

    The work of completing the new Craterian Theater, which will be opened sometime next month, is rapidly going forward and for some time Manager George Hunt has dalily camped on the job watching every detail of the interior construction work in order that there can be no flaw in making this new showplace one of the best and most modern in the state. When the new playhouse is thrown open many surprises will greet the public.
    A letter to the Hunt Theater Company from the Shubert booking offices in New York City compliments the local managers very highly on the selection of Hunt's "Craterian" for a theater name. They state that they think it so novel to tie up the famous Crater Lake in the name so that one cannot see or hear the name without thinking of the world-famous lake.
    While the management has so far been reluctant to state much about the new theater and its equipment, it is known that the large electric theater sign, which will grace the front of the building, has arrived and that it is 29 feet high, has the word "Hunt's" across the top in ten-inch letters and the word "Craterian" running down its length. At the bottom is the changeable letterboard to display the name of the attraction playing at any time.
    This sign is said to be without question one of the most elaborate ever seen in this part of Oregon. When Mr. Hunt was asked what it cost he only smiled and said, "Too much, too much!"
    The Medford theatergoers and others who have seen the new Wurlitzer console thought the Hunt company was going the limit, and now comes the news about the big electric sign with colored serpentine effect running around its entire length. These two features alone are evidence that the management is going to have things in city style throughout the theater.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1924, page 6

    A carload of new seats for the new Craterian Theater, which arrived in the city yesterday from Seattle, was being unloaded today, and a crew from the factory was expected to arrive here today to begin the work of installing these chairs.
    Although the work of completing the interior of the new playhouse has been rushed for some time and fast progress is now being made, it will probably not be completed and ready for use until October 20. The main part of the concrete floor has been laid and the remainder will be laid within a few days.
    The work of installing the chairs, however, will be undertaken at once on the finished part of the floor. These soft and luxurious chairs are of the latest type seats with four coil springs, cushion covered with leather. The about 100 loge seats will be still finer with velour coverings. They are of the very latest design and are exactly similar to the ones now being tried out by the Pullman company on some of their cars.
    Further equipment for the house and stage has been and is still arriving, which must be carefully housed until the theater interior is finished. Therefore Manager George Hunt with one hundred and one details to look after is one of the busiest of men and will be from now on until the Craterian is ready to astonish Medford and valley theatergoers when they behold it.
    There is much speculation as to what legitimate and moving picture attractions the new theater will play in its first few weeks, especially as to the opening legitimate show which will dedicate the house. While this information has not yet been given out by Manager Hunt, it is rumored that the opening attraction will be one of the latest dramas which has made a big hit in the East.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 1, 1924, page 3

    Work is progressing very fast on the new theater on South Central, and the decorators, organ men, loft rigging men, carpenters, electricians and others are working night and day.
    The big border lights have arrived and they are made with reflectors and each housing 500-watt lamps instead of the old type of 40s and 60s. The olivettes are made with 1000-watt capacity, six on each side, and certainly will light up the stage differently than the old type. The footlights, too, are in big lamps, 200 watt, and with this big system there will be no dipping of lights as of old, all being in natural colors and color screens.
    The stage is being equipped with 60 sets of lines besides the house scenery which makes the capacity for handling scenery second to none in the entire Northwest, the Heilig in Portland and Metropolitan in Seattle being the only ones of equal loft capacity.
    The sale of seats which started Monday for the opening attraction, Elliott Dexter in "The Havoc," Oct. 20, according to the treasurer, Miss Daley, was the largest first day she had ever experienced.
    Opening the theater at the same prices as the attraction is playing other cities is surely making a hit with local people, as it has been customary in opening theaters to charge $5.00 and $10.00 per seat.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 15, 1924, page 3

Initial Opening of Moving Pictures at Craterian Tonight
    Tonight ushers in the opening of movies at the beautiful new Hunt's Craterian Theater, "In Hollywood with Potash and Perlmutter," taken from the Broadway stage success. "Business Before Pleasure,' by Montague Glass, was chosen for the initial offering. The fifty-fifty partners in this new one are funnier than ever. Kidding the movies to the tune of a laugh that starts in the beginning and never ends. There are latest styles in fascinating femininity--hundreds of dazzling sirens--bewitching beauties--daring damsels all combined in one of the greatest rib-tickling pictures ever made.
    Movie patrons who like thrills with their entertainment are promised plenty of them in "The Chase," a special two-reel attraction booked especially for the opening performance.
    "The Chase" was made at St. Moritz, Switzerland, and features a group of international ski champions in the most thrilling picture of its kind ever made. The experts on the wooden runners do their hazardous and thrilling stunts on the almost vertical slopes of the mountains.
    Other items on the bill include a Pathe News, Felix and Crazy Cat cartoons and last but by no means least, Betty Brown at the Wurlitzer.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1924, page 8

    The opening of the Craterian Theater last night was a great success in every way, with the world fliers adding an unexpected touch of glamor when three of them appeared on the stage at the end of the third act of "The Havoc," while the audience cheered them to an echo. Elliott Dexter, with a few graceful remarks, paid them a tribute and expressed his delight in being accorded the honor of opening what he declared was one of the finest theaters anywhere in the country.
    There was a splendid audience, every seat being filled, and thanks to the herculean efforts of the entire working force there was not a single detail which was overlooked in preparing the new playhouse for its premiere.
    The evening's program was opened by a delightful concert on the new Hope-Jones orchestral organ by Miss Grace Brown, who was elevated from the pit to the stage level by the electric elevator which is one of the many unique features of the modern Craterian equipment. Miss Brown, with her usual artistry, brought out the melodic resources of this wonderful instrument with rare skill and feeling, responded to an encore and was the recipient of floral tributes from admiring friends.
    Before the play opened Mayor Earl Gaddis appeared before the footlights and on behalf of the citizens of Medford expressed his appreciation of the Hunt company, the builders of the theater, J. C. Cooley, P. G. Neff and Frank Clark, the architect, for giving Medford such a wonderful playhouse, expressing a universal sentiment,when he said the final outcome surpassed in its beauty and richness even the most sanguine expectations.
    The mayor was followed by Father Wm. B. Hamilton of St. Mark's church, who stressed the importance of such a theater in the artistic and esthetic life of the community. The environment in which we receive our impressions, Father Hamilton pointed out, is a vital factor in the permanence and power of these impressions. The importance of developing the esthetic nature of the individual was also emphasized, and the speaker closed with a truly eloquent tribute to the dramatic artists of the past and present who have done so much to enrich the emotional life of the people.
    "The Havoc" proved to be a play of novel situations, affording an excellent opportunity to Elliott Dexter as an unusually whimsical husband, who surrendered his wife to his friend Paul Hesort, a cad and blackguard of advanced views, admirably played by Boyd Irwin, and then turned the tables on him, by acting as an observer to the inevitable moral deterioration of the professional home breaker. The effectiveness of the dramatic struggle depended largely upon the women for whom the two men struggled, and unfortunately Miss Jean Nash did not create the illusion of allurement so essential to the success of such a situation.
    However, the play was only a detail in the evening's. entertainment. The theater itself was the big event, and with its beauty and charm made last night an evening long to be remembered.
    George Hunt was also called before the curtain at the end of the third act and applauded, but Mrs. Hunt did not heed the calls for her to come to the front. The new theater begins its film offerings tonight.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1924, page 8

    Raymond Ballard, organist at the Craterian Theater, and Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Wortman and son, organist at the Rialto, were callers at the B. E. Adams home here on Wednesday, March 3rd. Richard Adams is a new student of Mr. Raymond Ballard for piano and pipe organ.

"Brief News,"
Gold Hill News, March 4, 1926, page 3

    After various experiments of over a year, made by manager George A. Hunt of the Craterian Theater, and much study of the problem, as well as inspecting the airing and cooling conditions of many up-to-date Pacific Coast theaters, Mr. Hunt announced today that from now on, no matter how warm weather, the patrons of the Craterian will enjoy cool, fresh air.
    This is due to the installation of the Arctic Nu-Air cooling system, which makes the theater air as cool and refreshing as a sea breeze, say Fay Bragg, door man, and Bill Prouty, operator at the Craterian, and Fred Ryan, operator, and Carmen Evans, door man at the Rialto, over their coffee and doughnuts this noon. They are usually full of hot air, and consequently know what they are talking about.
    The installation of this cooling system has been going on for the past 30 days, and although a few minor parts of it are yet to be placed, and it has been tried out at times lately with much success, manager Hunt would not make a public announcement until he was sure. He is now so confident he is willing to wager anyone that with even a capacity audience, in the warmest weather, the audience will enjoy cool comfort while breathing pure washed air.
    The system includes a big blower located beneath the stage, which throws cold washed air up to the ceiling of the big auditorium and drives the old air out. All this with no noticeable draft. The air washer of the system is a great thing, as it runs the air through water before being circulated into the auditorium.
    The blower has a capacity of throwing out 60,000 cubic feet of air a minute, replacing the old air, but must be operated according to the temperature, else the theater would be rendered too cool.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 16, 1926, page 8

    So successful was the big New Year's Eve frolic at the Craterian Theater last night that manager Hunt will make it an annual event hereafter, and a more elaborate one. Friday night's joyous affair was in the nature of an experiment which worked out so successfully that the experience gained then make improvements to the general hurrah program hereafter.
    It was a large crowd that assembled at the theater, and they had a great time in speeding out the old year and welcoming in the new one. All became young again.
    Hundreds of good-natured jostling people were assembled about the theater entrance at 10:30 p.m. waiting to get inside to enjoy the fun that was to begin at 11 p.m. The doors were opened at 10:45, and in 15 minutes the theater was filled up with a happy and noisy bunch of celebrants.
    As each person passed into the lobby he or she was supplied with fancy paper headgear, bells, horns or some other noisemaking instrument, and confetti. As the large audience pranced to their seats and got settled, there began a jolly racket of all kinds of noises from the instruments and throwing of confetti, and many persons shouting in loudly exuberance of good feeling.
    Much of this racket was kept up all during the vaudeville program, only quieting down somewhat during several of the speaking acts. It was probably the first time in Medford that a feature moving picture was witnessed to the accompaniment of all kinds of noise, including the orchestra playing jazzy stuffy and such inspiring tunes as "There Will Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight."
    The program lasted over two hours, during which the audience, accompanied by the orchestra, sang "Bye, Bye Blackbird."
    The new year was ushered in a minute or so before midnight from the stage in an artistic and novel manner when little four-year-old Eloise Giblett, in fairy garb, burst out from the face of a big paper clock on the stage, amid loud shouts of greeting from the audience, and did a Charleston dance.
    Among the vaudeville acts were stunt and fancy roping by Pee Wee Le Beau; Marsh & Mack, female impersonators and singers; the Isabelle Mille company in a sketch; an act known as the Western Breeze; the Three La Mours in an athletic diversity and an afterpiece in which all the performers took part.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927, page 3

    The moving picture theaters were open as usual last night, only that all persons under sixteen years of age are forbidden to attend them, and all other public assemblages, as well as forbidden to be on the streets, by the special emergency infantile paralysis ordinance passed by the city council yesterday noon.
    There seems to have been a misunderstanding by a large part of the public, despite that the facts were plainly published in yesterday afternoon's Mail Tribune, for the theater patronage last night was greatly curtailed to what it had been. At 8 o'clock the audiences at the Craterian and Rialto theaters only numbered about 50 persons at each. Later on this attendance was increased, but was very much less than the usual Thursday night attendance.
    It seems that many people only read a part of the emergency quarantine story, or just glimpsed [sic] it over, for quite a number of passersby during the evening stopped in front of the entrance of each theater and asked the ticket cashier how long the theater would be closed. They expressed joyful surprise when told that the theaters were open as usual and had not been closed at all.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1927, page 5

    A record-breaking crowd of 1200 children took advantage of the generosity of George A. Hunt this forenoon by attending the annual Christmas matinee at the Craterian Theatre, where children commenced to gather an hour before the show commenced at 10:15. Included in the huge crowd were numerous out-of-town children, who had journeyed to the city especially to see their favorite, Harold Lloyd, in "For Heaven's Sake," one of the popular comedian's comedy successes.
    Carmen Evans, doorkeeper at the theatre, showed effects of the rush by dusty pants cuffs where seemingly hundreds of shoes had scuffed against them as their young owners hurried to gain seats inside the theatre. He seemed a bit tired, but in his eyes shone a light that it had made him happy to see the happiness of the many youngsters who had rushed by to see the show.
    Two boys were in such a hurry that not even the door stopped them, as one pushed the other through the glass of an entrance door. Outside of breaking the glass, no other damage was done.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 24, 1927, page 3

Geo. A. Hunt Co. to Add Latest Film Equipment--First Presentation in May--Theater Measured for Installation.
    Arrangements and negotiations have been completed by the Geo. A. Hunt Amusement Company for the installation of the Vitaphone and Movietone in the Craterian Theater at an expense of not less than $15,000. W. W. Simons, installation supervisor of the Electric Research Products Company of New York and Los Angeles, yesterday completed the surveying of the theater's projecting room, etc. It is expected that the machines will be in operation within six weeks.
    The bringing of these two marvelous mechanisms to this city gives to city and valley screen followers the same up-to-date service as is offered in metropolitan centers.
    It is highly probable that "The Jazz Singer," a wonder picture in which Al Jolson is the star, will be the opening number. "The Seventh Heaven," a Fox production, is also scheduled for an early appearance.
    The Vitaphone is used in screen productions, and has been perfected until the audience hears the words and singing of the actors in unison with the pictures. In "The Jazz Singer," Al Jolson is seen and heard in five of his songs.
    The Movietone is used with newsreels, and is the latest film feature. If a President speaks, is seen talking in a newsreel, his voice is heard, along with the cheers of the crowd. If the subject is an auto race, or airplane event, the hum of the motors is reproduced in natural tones.
    The Vitaphone is a marvelous contrivance that reproduces the voices of the actors and synchronizes the music of a film--that is of those pictures taken in studios by this process, and the Movietone, also marvelous, can be used with newsreels where the film is taken with the process. Not all films are taken by the new process, but many of the big feature pictures are.
    For instance, if the "Student Prince," now showing at the Craterian Theater, had been taken by the Vitaphone-Movietone process, while viewing this beautiful film you could hear the voices of the actors, you could hear the male chorus singing the captivating Old Heidelberg songs, and the clinking of their beer glasses.
    Medford will be the only city in the state outside of Portland having this modern equipment, except possibly Salem, where such equipment may be installed at the new Elsinore Theater in a few weeks.
    Where the Vitaphone-Movietone process is used in filming, and reproduced on the screen of a theater equipped with this wonder reproducing voice and music equipment, no theater organ or orchestra is used, as the music is canned in the film as the latter is made.
    For instance, in the "Seventh Heaven" feature picture, which comes here soon, the audience hears the music of a 107-piece symphony orchestra which played when the films were taken.
    This modern reproducing equipment can be used in short subjects on the theater program, taking the place of the regulation short comedy--as for instance star vaudeville acts could be given with the dancing of the actors and their voices being heard as well as their movements being seen.
    Not all the moving pictures to be shown at the Craterian will be given by this modern process when the Vitaphone-Movietone process is installed, but such films will be frequently given.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 30, 1928, page 8

Fog Near Canyonville Last Evening Forced Return to Roseburg--Play Hide and Seek with Storms--Chaplin Picture Shown Today.
    ROSEBURG, Ore., April 13.--(AP)--George Hunt, Medford theater man, a passenger in a plane piloted by Jack Evans, of Medford, was forced down here last night because of poor visibility between Canyonville and Medford. The plane arrived shortly before dusk, and as there was a low fog lying in the canyon south of Canyonville, the plane was unable to continue the trip.
    The ship was carrying films for Mr. Hunt's theater at Medford, delivery by train having been delayed so that a special trip by air was being made in an effort to get the films to the theater for a showing last night. The plane left here this morning to finish the trip.
    The plane arrived here at 10 o'clock this forenoon, and, according to Evans, would have arrived here last night in time for the first show at the Craterian Theater if a storm had not been encountered near Canyonville, making night flying extremely hazardous.
    The ship left Portland yesterday afternoon after 4 o'clock and had proceeded as far as Canyonville when Evans decided to turn back to Roseburg, as in the darkness it is hard to determine whether clouds are clouds or mountains.
    The journey to Portland was rough, and the plane was forced to dodge a number of storms by roundabout flying methods.
    The films, which are of "The Circus," featuring Charles Chaplin, will be shown on schedule today.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1928, page 1

    For the past week express and freight to Medford has brought case after case of the Vitaphone equipment for Hunt's Craterian, and the last of the shipments are due the coming week.
    The horns which distribute the sound throughout the theater are over six feet in diameter and are made of the very finest and most delicate sound resonation material.
    The engineers and installation crew are due to arrive the first of this week, and it will require about three weeks, assuring Medford of Vitaphone entertainment the latter part of May. The definite date and the opening attraction will be announced some time during the coming week.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 29, 1928, page 7

Vitaphone to Open May 24th Hunt's Craterian
    The crew of engineers and installation men from the electrical research offices in New York are rapidly working on the Vitaphone installation at Hunt's Craterian Theater this week, and all will be in readiness to present this much-waited-for attraction to Medford people on Thursday, May 24th.
    George Stringfellow, who is here in charge of the installation, assures Mr. Hunt that everything will be in tip-top shape and that he is also getting the most complete and perfect installation that has been been opened on the coast.
    The opening attraction with the Vitaphone will be "The Jazz Singer," starring Al Jolson, which will run for one week starting Thursday, May 24th.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 17, 1928, page 8

Al Jolson First on the Vitaphone
    The presentation of Vitaphone and Movietone to the patrons of Hunt's Craterian Theater marks one of the greatest achievements in the history of motion pictures in Medford, and the greatest event in the history of the theater.
    The Vitaphone brings to our city a new era of entertainment as startling and amazing as was the first motion picture witnessed some 20-odd years ago. Few people realize until they have seen and heard this marvel of the age just what they have in store for them. You are going to enjoy seeing and hearing the world's greatest artists, see them act, hear them speak, sing and play.
    The first on the Vitaphone program at this theater will be Al Jolson in "The Jazz Singer," a picture that follows quite closely the life of this world-famous comedian. Ordinarily when one thinks of Jolson they think of a happy blackface comedian who knows nothing but fun, but not until after you have seen and heard him in this great production--heard those mammy songs as he pleads them from his very soul--you don't know the Al Jolson whose songs you have enjoyed both on stage and on records.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1928, page 5

    An event of outstanding importance, theatrically, cinematographically and scientifically, is the installation in Medford of VITAPHONE, that created a veritable sensation when it was introduced in New York last August. The Vitaphone opens here on Thursday, May 24, at Hunt's Craterian Theater, with Al Jolson in "The Jazz Singer."
    Vitaphone is an invention of the Western Electric Company and the Bell Telephone laboratories. Said to be the greatest development in the movies since the perfection of the movies themselves, Vitaphone synchronizes voice and sound with motion, an effect engineers have been working for ever since the successful animation of pictures. The two large industrial companies achieved the goal and are giving to the public the result of their joint efforts.
    Vitaphone presents a long list of artists, vocal, instrumental and actorial, including Anna Case, Mischa Elman, Giovanni Martinelli, Al Jolson and Elsie Janis, five of the most celebrated artists in the country. In addition, as if to prove the range and versatility of the instrument, Will H. Hays, head of the movie men, delivers an address, and the Philharmonic Orchestra, under the leadership of Henry Hadley, one of the greatest musical organizations in the world, are seen and heard as if they took their turns on the program in the flesh.
Medford News, May 20, 1928, page 8

Al Jolson Vitaphone, Tomorrow
    The coming presentation of Al Jolson in "The Jazz Singer," at Hunt's Craterian tomorrow, is being awaited with considerable pleasure. It is in this picture, adapted from the celebrated play, that the blackface comedian makes his debut on the screen and is also the introduction of the Vitaphone to Southern Oregon people.
    The story it tells is not only full of appeal, but strikes a sympathetic chord that is not to be denied. Further than this, it is the first motion picture in which the Vitaphone is used in all of the musical sequences. Heretofore this marvelous instrument has merely supplied the musical accompaniments to pictures, but in "The Jazz Singer" it is used in several of the sequences with tremendous effect. Through it Jolson is seen and heard singing six melodies, some of them old favorites and others songs that promise to have lasting popularity. One of the songs, composed especially for the picture, is entitled "Mother, I Still Have You," and it is one of the comedian's greatest hits. In these Vitaphone numbers, Jolson's screen shadow has been as loudly applauded as the singer ever was in real life. "The Jazz Singer" is spoken of as the supreme triumph on the screen, and such it proves to be. There is a great cast surrounding Jolson in the picture, prominent among its members being the dainty May McAvoy, Warner Oland and the world's greatest cantor--Josef Rosenblatt.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 23, 1928, page 6

Medford News, May 24, 1928

    No greater tribute could be given Vitaphone, or talking movies, than that it is so perfectly natural that an audience, hearing it for the first time, is not conscious of any novelty.
    In the first performance of Al Jolson in "The Jazz Singer" at Hunt's Craterian yesterday afternoon, one went away with the impression that he had witnessed a superb spectacle.
    There was something of a start at the opening of the film when Will Hays, motion picture industry czar, appeared on the screen and spoke aloud. When the feature picture started, the vocal portion of the bill was so harmonized with the film itself that nothing seemed unusual or out of place.
    The usual subtitles flashed on the screen carried on most of the work of developing the picture. Only when Al Jolson sang, or when there was other singing, did the picture speak. One scene where the star spoke with his mother was made audible.
    The only thing uncanny was to hear a wonderful musical accompaniment, and notice that Betty Brown, organist at the Craterian, was not at her instrument. Vitaphone carried the musical score as well as the featured vocal selections.
    There can be little doubt but that George Hunt has performed a real service for this section of Oregon by making this type of entertainment possible.
Medford News, May 25, 1928, page 2

    The case of the dead coming suddenly to life could not have thrilled the large audience gathered at Hunt's Craterian Theater more last night than the first words which Al Jolson, the "Jazz Singer," pronounced verbally from his position on the shadowy and heretofore silent screen.
    Although warned through the newspapers and advance publicity the nature of the Vitaphone, the audience was obviously enraptured when it actually heard the first sound of a human voice in the show, and there was considerable craning of necks among the spectator-auditors as they endeavored to make sure they were not being tricked by some "real" actors planted somewhere on the stage.
    The show opened with an overture by the New York Symphony Orchestra, which came over the Vitaphone with impressive effect. This, with the introductory speech, elaborately accompanied by gestures, delivered by Will Hays, who has been partially instrumental in the development of the Vitaphone, together with the opening curtain, made the show surprisingly realistic and at once created an atmosphere necessary for its perfect enjoyment.
    The most commendable features of the new Vitaphone invention are the naturalness and trueness of tone, and the perfect synchronization of voice with action.
    "The Jazz Singer" was particularly effective in that the only words spoken were when the principal character was being featured.
    The ragtime-souled boy runs away from home, and no word is spoken in the following sad scenes in the home until his return years later, a well-known jazz singer. When the silence in the old house is broken then, by the first words sung by the singer to his mother, the effect is startling.
    "The Jazz Singer" opened yesterday at Hunt's Craterian Theater for a six-day engagement, playing four performances a day. George Hunt, who gave Medford theatergoers the earliest possible benefits of this new invention, is to be commended for his true civic spirit and congratulated for the success of the local installation of the Movietone and Vitaphone at an expense of $20,000.
    Only the Vitaphone is used in "The Jazz Singer."

Medford Mail Tribune, May 25, 1928, page 4

    As a result of a bit of mischievousness, seriously involving the possibility of a burglary charge, four local high school boys are in the toils of the city police department, following an escapade in which they took part last evening at the Craterian Theater. They had attempted to see a free show by crawling through a ventilator hole on top of the theater roof and might have been successful had not one of the quartet slipped, knocking loose a portion of the theater ceiling.
    The audience below, viewing the presentation of the movie, heard the noise of the breaking ceiling, became restless, but quickly quieted down. However, when William Prouty of the theater staff discovered the boys, turned on the attic lights and caused them to run in effort to escape, other members of the quartet began breaking through the ceiling.
    Someone saw light through the holes and shouted fire, and in a moment the audience was out of their seats, and had it not been for a number of level-headed persons a serious panic might have ensued. Upon being assured there was no trouble, the audience resumed watching the picture.
    The boys are to appear this afternoon at the police station, but as yet no decision has been reached as to what charge to place against them.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1929, page B2

    The audiences at Hunt's Craterian Theater the past few days were agreeably surprised when a new electrically lighted advertising drop curtain appeared on the stage between features of the film program, without any previous announcement.
    This curtain portrays a scene in Medford's business section in 1950, and while it may be somewhat exaggerated, [it] showed well-lighted, big, tall business buildings, almost skyscrapers, and many of them and other great coming improvements, prophetic of the city's future.
    Of course, here and there are scattered over the curtain electric signs on the buildings, advertising many of the city's business concerns. While these smaller signs are independent of the general illumination of the curtain, whose illumination changes colors several times while being perused, the whole makes a brilliant stage sight in the darkened theater.
    President George Hunt, in an interview, pronounced the curtain as a very artistic and quite scrumptious work of the painters' and electricians' futuristic, allegorical art, while manager S. G. Mendenhall, after looking in an old dictionary and emerging therefrom, designated the sign as a prodigious, impressionistic gem of the paragorical cubistic period.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 3, 1929, page 3

    Reorganization of the Hunt's Craterian and Rialto theaters, acquired this week by Fox West Coast Theaters, has been completed by Jules Reisman, resident manager, to conform with established Fox policy.
    "There will be no radical changes from the policy set by Mr. Hunt," said manager Reisman today. "The theaters will continue to be an integral part of the civic life of the city and community, just as they are in other cities where they have interests. The magnitude of the Fox organization in no wise lessens their interest in the city. They have prosperity and general welfare of the city as much at heart as any other established business."
    Manager Reisman will leave Sunday night for Portland, where he will book for this city the cream of the current films for presentation at the Craterian and Rialto theaters.
    "Under the Fox management, Medford will be on a parity with San Francisco and Portland in the securing of new films, and we will be able to present them to the Medford movie public upon the same dates, or nearly so, as they are shown in metropolitan areas. Medford people will be given the latest film attractions as speedily as it is possible to do so."
    Manager Reisman said that as fast as new movie equipment was proven practical, the local theaters would be equipped with it. A newly processed full stage width curtain is among the new improvements contemplated. The curtain is now in the experimental stage.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 20, 1929, page 5

    Handsome new uniforms are now being worn by the pretty girl ushers of the Craterian and Rialto theaters--and lest the motive for the chronicling of this fact might be misunderstood, the writer adds that the homely ones, if any, are also wearing the new garb, which was designed by the combined efforts of Sterling Mendenhall, the manager of these Fox theaters and Tom Ginn, the assistant manager, with the assistance it is understood of Mrs. Mendenhall and Tom's best girl.
    The Craterian uniforms consist of red velvet plush jackets cut psittacosis--no, not that, but that parrot disease name has such a hold upon a reporter's mind constantly. Of course, decollete is the word meant. Yes, red plush jackets and white flannel trousers.
    The Rialto girls' uniform consists of the same color jackets, also cut ptsitta--no, low necked, and black serge trousers.
    Not only that, but the manly young forms of the doormen of the two theaters are also enfolded in striking new uniforms. Lester Cash at the Rialto wears a maroon uniform with black trimmings, and that of Allen Petty at the Craterian of a blue color with gold trimmings. The doormen's uniforms were designed by Mendy and Tom at Merriman's blacksmith shop, the day of the recent three-below-zero freeze.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 1, 1930, page 2

    Notwithstanding the city council's action last night, declaring in favor of a permit being granted to Walter Leverette for the decoration of Sixth Street with flags, etc., incidental to the new Holly Theater's opening, and to permit the Craterian Theater to resume its Greater Movie Season decorations across South Central Avenue, the council committee on streets at a special meeting this forenoon declined to give the permit. The committee members present were Joseph O. Grey, R. B. Hammond and Eugene Thorndike, Chas. A. Wing of the committee not being present.
    The request of Walter Leverette, promoter and manager of the new Holly Theater, whose opening date has been set for September 1st, that permission be granted for the decoration of Sixth Street with flags and banners, from August 28th to September 3rd, calling attention to the completion of the fine new theater building and the opening of the new theater, met with favor of the city council last night, and the streets and roads committee of that body was practically instructed to grant such permit.
    While the mayor and councilmen deemed that the completion of the new structure and the theater opening was worth of celebration along Sixth Street, despite its advertising feature, the request was somewhat embarrassing, in view of the fact that when manager S. G. Mendenhall of the Fox Craterian Theater, at an expense of $40, strung flags and streamers across South Central Avenue in the vicinity of the theater Saturday night, calling attention to the Greater Movie Season, the police ordered them taken down Monday morning, as they were interpreted as a violation of the ordinance forbidding advertising banners to be strung across streets.
    In view of the fact that this was done, and realizing that in fairness the competitor theaters should be treated alike, the council also last night favored granting Mr. Mendenhall permission to redecorations, if he so desired, and also left this matter in the hands of its streets and roads committee for decision.
    Messrs. Mendenhall and Leverette are good sports, despite the fact that soon they are to be strong business rivals, Mr. Leverette deplored that the Craterian Theater had to take down its decorations and on hearing of it, tried to intercede with city officials to countermand the taking down order. And even after the decorations had been taken down, Mr. Mendenhall, although he thought the order was unjust and did not violate the ordinance, as his decorations were just flags, wanted Mr. Leverette to be granted permission for Sixth Street decorations of a similar nature in connection with his theater opening.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 20, 1930, page 3

    The city council committee on streets, which at a meeting yesterday forenoon when a quorum was not present refused to give Walter Leverette a permit to decorate Sixth Street with flags and banners from August 28 to Sept. 3rd, incidental to calling attention to the formal opening of the new Holly Theater and Holly Theater building on Sept. 1st, got together late yesterday afternoon by phone or otherwise, with Councilman Chas. A. Wing, who was absent from the forenoon meeting, participating and granted the permission.
    The committee also overruled its previous order, and granted the Craterian Theater management permission to decorate with banners and flags across South Central Avenue between Main Street and Eighth Street in celebration of the inauguration of the Greater Talkie season.
    At the committee's forenoon session yesterday Councilman J. O. Grey, R. B. Hammond and Eugene Thorndike were present. During the afternoon Messrs. Thorndike and Hammond changed their minds and Mr. Wing declared in favor of granting the permits.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 21, 1930, page 2

    Decorators from the National Theater Supply Company of Seattle arrived in Medford last evening and today started remodeling the Fox Craterian Theater. A beautiful new carpet of futuristic lines which displays rich tones is being laid in the lobby, and new decorations are being put in the front of the theater.
    Paul Randolph and E. V. Anderson are in charge of the work. S. G. Mendenhall announced this afternoon that the work would be completed in time for the observance of the sixth anniversary week, which opens Sunday.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 16, 1930, page 5

Cushioned Carpets of Modern Design Laid;
Redecoration Work Now Under Way.

    Extensive improvement and redecoration work that began ten days ago at the Fox Craterian Theater was completed yesterday and has resulted in a pleasing change in that popular showhouse through efforts of a crew of painters and decorators, working under the supervision of Paul Randolph of the National Theaters Supply Company of Seattle. One of the most outstanding improvements noted is a new carpet that has been laid through the theater, adding life to the interior of the already attractive showhouse.
    The carpet replaces one of a subdued color that had been in use for several years and is of a modernistic design, including a variety of colors. Its thickness acts as a cushion, sinking nearly an inch with every step. New lighting fixtures are another feature that will greet Craterian patrons during Anniversary Week and thereafter. The new fixtures result in more light for the lobby and foyer and further enhance the attractiveness of the theater.
    The box office has undergone a decided change through the application of paint and adds a new life to the lobby, all of which underwent decorations made up of several colors, but not of such brightness to leave a carnival effect.
    The work just completed is only a part of the improvement program planned for the Craterian and is being done by the Fox West Coast Company in keeping with its confidence in Medford. While the improvements represent quite an expenditure, a considerable sum will be expended before the completion of the program is realized, S. G. Mendenhall, manager, said yesterday.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 19, 1930, page B1

    One hundred and twenty children from Rogue River, Gold Hill, Central Point, Medford and many other sections of Jackson County gathered at the Craterian Theater last night for the birthday party sponsored by the management in celebration of the sixth birthday anniversary of the Fox Craterian Theater.
    "The party was a big success," S. G. Mendenhall, manager of the theater, stated this morning, "and the children were the best-behaved group I have ever had in the theater. I want to congratulate their mothers and teachers upon their conduct."
    The children arrived at seven o'clock in response to the invitations sent out by the theater management. There were 130 invitations mailed in reply to the coupons answered through the Medford Mail Tribune.
    Following the showing of "Rain or Shine," which was much enjoyed by the children, they were invited backstage, where the birthday table was arranged.
    Ice cream furnished by Franklin's Cafe and cakes sent to the party by the Colonial Bakery were served by girls from Franklin's. The long table was beautifully decorated with flowers.
    Boys and girls, ranging in ages from five to 18 years, whose birthdays are in October, joined in the festivities. While the second show was in progress the children were completing their party and no members of the audience were aware of what was happening backstage.
    A flashlight picture of the party was taken by B. R. Harwood, then the children departed through the stage door wishing the Craterian many more "happy birthdays."
Medford Mail Tribune, October 25, 1930, page 6

    He's the last oxen [sic] to cross the plains, and he left his home at Phoenix at 6 o'clock this morning to be in Medford to pull the covered wagon on one more journey through the streets--the black-and-white animal owned by J. C. Berrang of Phoenix.
    Mr. Berrang crossed the plains from Connecticut to Oregon with an ox team in 1924, traveling the original Oregon Trail. One member of the team is dead, and the surviving member pulls the wagon alone as he advertises "The Big Trail," pioneer picture, which opened at the Fox Craterian theater today.
    More than 50 pioneers, who made the journey west long before Mr. Berrang and his oxen, have registered at the Mail Tribune for tickets for "The Big Trail."
Medford Mail Tribune, December 3, 1930, page 2

    Local admirers of Mesdames Dressler and Moran sustained a disappointment last evening, when something went wrong with the intricate mechanism of the talkie machine at the Fox Craterian, and their picture, "Reducing," was finally called off and rain checks issued to the large crowd by manager Arch Holt. The machine was repaired in time for presentation of today's performance.
    The talking machine showed signs of going haywire early, and manager Holt announced that efforts to repair were underway. While this was done, Mrs. Holt rendered a number of selections on the pipe organ. She is an accomplished musician, and brought forth some of the sweetest music that has ever been produced on this particular Wurlitzer. The crowd expressed itself as desiring to hear more of Mrs. Holt's music.
    Whatever was wrong with the cinema was plenty, and it yielded more weird and rasping noises than a veteran auto of cheap and popular make. Enough was audible, however, in a few lucid spots, to show that "Reducing" is one of the best shows of the year.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 22, 1931, page 5

    Announcement was made today by Archie Holt, manager of the Fox Craterian Theater, that special organ features will be presented each evening between the first and second shows, with Leah Holt,  concert organist, at the console of the Craterian Wurlitzer.
    Mrs. Holt is the wife of the manager of the Fox West Coast Theaters interests in Medford, and she has just recently joined her husband in Medford, coming from the Elsinore and Capitol theaters in Salem, where she had been the feature organist for the past four years. Mrs. Holt is considered one of the best organists in the Northwest and has played in some of the larger theaters in Seattle, Portland, Salem and Boise, Idaho.
    She is one of the very few women organists who have been featured since the advent of the sound pictures and is a creditable reflection on her ability in concert work. Mrs. Holt has been in steady demand and the management of the Craterian expresses keen pleasure over the ability to present the added feature on the regular evening programs.
    "Raymon Overture" has been chosen by Leah Holt for her feature number on the current program, this selection being so arranged that it brings out most every solo combination on the giant Wurlitzer.
    The main picture on today's program at the Craterian presents Joan Crawford in "Dance Fools Dance." Several good short subjects together with the Fox Movietone News rounds out one of the best programs the Craterian has presented this season. Medford Mail Tribune, February 18, 1931, page 3

    Medford society will glimpse, not in the mirror, but at "The Mirror" tonight. For the annual tournament play of the local high school, which carries that title, will be presented at the Craterian Theater between the showings of "Unfaithful," feature picture.
    A record crowd is anticipated for this double bill, and theatergoers who have not purchased tickets in advance may still add to the high school fund by requesting high school tickets at the box office this evening. All will be sold at the same price.
    "The Mirror" will be presented by the local cast of the tournament in Eugene, April 4. Tonight's production will be the only one offered the local public. Miss Maurine Johnston is directing the one-act drama, and the characters are Maxine Bohnert, Harold GeBauer and Frank Graham.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1931, page 4

    Archie Holt, manager of the local interests of the Fox West Coast Theaters, announced today that negotiations have been completed for the installation of a new Conifer heat plant at the Craterian Theater. It will be installed soon by Newell & Son, heating and combustion engineers of Portland, and will use hog fuel from local mills.
    This type of fuel has been regarded as mostly waste matter and has been burned in large quantities at the local mill. However, the Conifer heating plant utilizes the fuel to perfection and gives forth more heat than oil plants, it is claimed.
    The Craterian Theater is the first building in Southern Oregon to install the Conifer equipment, and it is expected quite a number will be installed before the fall season begins. The Medford Fuel Company will supply the burning material, cut into small pieces, and shavings from waste lumber.
    Elbert E. Newell of Portland, heating engineer, has been in Medford several days completing arrangements for the installation of the Craterian heating plant and will probably be here until the end of the week in connection with other installations.
    Mr. Holt believes he can cut down the heating costs of the theater by 50 percent through the use of the new equipment.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 8, 1931, page 4

    Fox Craterian Theater offers a novel feature tonight at 8:30 when they will start a series of Monday night broadcasts from the stage of the Fox Craterian by remote control to radio station KMED.
    Earle Davis, Medford's popular entertainer, will act as master of ceremonies and will introduce all the talent. Jim Grieve's "Prospectors" will be featured tonight. The personnel of the orchestra is: Frank Stinson, violin; Wyott Clark, guitar soloist; Dewey Hill, piano, and Jim Grieve, accordion. There will be other entertainers.
    Special efforts are being expended to make the Craterian amateurs opportunity broadcast feature one of the most novel and entertaining features on the program, bringing before the public the finest talent of Medford and Rogue River valley. Music, novelty and comedy will be the order of the day.

Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1931, page 5

    The earthquake shock felt in the Rogue River Valley about 7:20 Sunday evening caused the Vitaphone machine at the Fox Craterian Theater to fail to synchronize with the picture being shown on the screen, Archie Holt, manager of the theater, reported this morning. About 7:20 was the time given by Mr. Holt that the needle slipped about two grooves on the record, causing the machine to talk off time.
    Operators were puzzled at the time as to the cause of the machine slipping, as the same records had been used in the midnight preview of "Politics," and the two afternoon showings, without any defects.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 18, 1931, page 6

    The Fox Craterian has come in for its share of the general improvement of Fox houses in Medford. A new, magniscopic, fireproof screen has been installed to accommodate the large-size moving pictures, and today new lenses are being installed on the projection machines so that all future Craterian pictures will be shown on the increased-size basis.
    An attractive title curtain is also being installed at the Fox Craterian, the auditorium and foyer are being brightened up with new drapes, and the front has been entirely redecorated. Acoustical drapes will improve the sound in the Fox Craterian materially.
    The Craterian's staff of entertainers, including Leah Holt, organist, "Chuck" Bier, crooning tenor, and Earle Davis, master of ceremonies, will continue to figure prominently in programs presented by this theatre. Attractive stage settings, originated by Lee Ryan, will also continue to be a feature of Fox Craterian programs.

"Holt Announces Improvement in Local Theaters," Medford Mail Tribune, August 19, 1931, page 8

Redheads Crowd Craterian Office on Prize Offer
    With a bevy of redheaded women visiting the Fox Craterian Theater this morning in answer to an ad in the classified section of the Mail Tribune, Don Geddes, Fox manager, was experiencing some difficulty in completing arrangements for the showing next week of "Red-Headed Woman," which opens at the theater Sunday.
    By a system to be announced later, the Medford woman with the reddest hair is to receive a lovely solid gold watch from the theater. The timepiece is being purchased from Larry Schade, local jeweler, Mr. Geddes announced.
    The feature picture, "Red-Headed Woman," is starring Jean Harlow and Chester Morris.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 8, 1932, page 5

Drama Presented at Fox Craterian by Local Players
    "Speaking to Father," the one-act domestic farce presented at the Fox Craterian Theater last evening by a group of young dramatists, will be presented again on the stage this evening, it was announced today by Don Geddes, manager of the theater.
    Under the direction of Ralph R. Bailey, who was their dramatic coach at Medford High School, the players ably presented the George Ade production, which won hearty applause from the audience.
    Members of the cast included Harold GeBauer, Adra Edwards, Robert Nelson, Helen Edmiston and Max Carter.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 14, 1932, page 7

Pet Contest To Be Craterian Feature
    Kiddies from all parts of Southern Oregon will gather at the Fox Craterian Friday and Saturday afternoon with pets of every description, cats, dogs, goats, white rats and what have you, to compete for a crisp dollar bill and tickets to Frank Buck's sensational animal picture, "Bring 'Em Back Alive." The children will parade across the Craterian stage with their pets and the audience will determine the winners by applause.
    On the Craterian stage Sunday evening the 11 winners in the pet contest will appear and the first prize winner will receive a crisp dollar bill, and all 11 children will be given tickets to "Bring 'Em Back Alive."
    "Regardless of what kind of pets they have, all children should enter this novel contest," manager Don Geddes said today. "'Bring 'Em Back Alive' is one of the most amazing animal adventure pictures ever screened, and tickets to this remarkable attraction will prove a real incentive to kiddies to enter the pet contest."

Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1932, page 5

    Ted Lewis, Paul Whiteman and Art Hickman have a real rival in little Harry Fredericks of this city when it comes to wielding a baton before a jazz orchestra. Harry, age 11, and his "Our Gang" dance band made their debut at the Fox Craterian yesterday as a feature of the Penney store's nickel matinee and won a rousing reception from a capacity crowd of youthful admirers. Harry, son of Dr. and Mrs. D. O. Frederick, is the leader and organizer of the youthful orchestra, and the members of the band are as follows: Gilbert Leland, clarinet, Dwight Short and Paul Hughes, trumpets; Dale Hale, saxophone; Norman Modey, drums and Billy Porter, piano.
    Little Barbara Shelby appeared on the Craterian stage with the "Our Gang" orchestra, following out the Hal Roach juvenile comedy idea. Although the new jazz band has been practicing for only a month, under the watchful eye of leader Harry Frederick, the Craterian crowds were delighted with the little harmony makers.
    Not only is Harry a peerless band leader, but also he will challenge Rudy Vallee's crown as a crooner. At yesterday's matinee he delighted the Craterian audience with a few clever steps and crooned a song that bespeaks a radio and stage future for the little Medford artist. [Harry was 21 years old in 1932.]

Medford Mail Tribune, August 25, 1932, page 2

    A novel Saturday morning matinee will be featured by the Fox Craterian Theater this week in cooperation with the Jackson County Relief Association. Don Geddes, manager of the Fox Craterian, has wired for a special picture to be shown at this benefit show, which begins at 10:15 a.m.
    Instead of the usual admission charge, those who enjoy the Saturday special matinee must present, at the box office, a quart of eatables or a quart of sugar. Three empty quart jars with covers will also gain admittance to the benefit movie program.
    Canned goods and jars secured during this matinee will be used by the Jackson County Relief Association in furthering the fine work already under way by that organization.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 8, 1932, page 3

Popular Comedian to Sing at the Craterian
    There is no more popular star before the public than Sir Harry Lauder, and the announcement of his appearance at the Craterian Theater Monday night, November 21, has aroused a preliminary interest that is notable. The present tour is one of many that the Scots comedian has made to this country, and it is an interesting fact that the popularity of this globe-trotting singing comedian constantly grows with the years.
    Lauder began his career as a mere performer--what is known in England as a "comic"--but he has long ceased to be that. With the years, and his varied experience, there has come to him the emotional as well as the fun-creating development of a great artist.
    This year's new songs have had the advantage of a tryout during Lauder's recent South African tour, and will be utilized in the local engagement. They are credited with being songs with the same "touch and go" that made and have always made "I Love a Lassie" and "She's Ma Daisy" exceptionally popular.
    As in other seasons, Sir Harry will have associated with him a company of clever imported and American entertainers.

Medford Mail Tribune, November 16, 1932, page 5

    George Hunt, former owner and manager of the Craterian and Rialto theaters, will take charge of the theaters again today, according to announcement made last night. The lease of the Fox theater chain was canceled last week by an order of the federal bankruptcy court and the theaters turned back to the former operator.
    Leases on the two theaters were given the Fox company in September of 1929, and have been operated by the Fox company since that time. Hunt has been purchasing pictures for a group of theaters covering Northern California, Oregon and parts of Washington, and will operate the local theaters under provisions of the group.
    "We will continue to operate the theaters much as they have been operated," Hunt said, "and will show only the best pictures available. No drastic changes will be made, at least for the present."
    Hunt will make his home here, he said, and will have active charge of the Craterian. Eino Hemmila will continue as manager of the Rialto. Hemmila has been manager of the Rialto for more than a year, and has made many friends.
    The Craterian Theater was built for Hunt, who operated it until 1929, and made it one of the most popular playhouses in Southern Oregon. A few immediate changes will be made, Hunt said, to the policies he found profitable to the theater and pleasing to the people of Medford when he formerly operated the theater.
    "I am glad to get back to Medford to make my home here and to conduct my business," Hunt said.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 7, 1933, page 1

    George Hunt, owner and manager of the Rialto and Craterian theaters, announced today a new policy for both houses, effective tomorrow at the Rialto and Thursday at the Craterian.
    The Craterian will show the "cream of the crop," in a manner of speaking, using only the very best pictures available and for longer runs than has been the policy for the past two or three years. Where the policy of the house has been three complete changes each week, hereafter there will be only two, thereby allowing everyone a chance to see the shows.
    Some of the pictures soon to be shown at the Craterian are "The Picture Snatcher," with James Cagney; Maurice Chevalier's latest release, "A Bedtime Story"; Mary Pickford in "Secrets"; "Tugboat Annie," which brings Marie Dressler and Wallace Beery together again; "Forty-Second Street," Warner Brothers' smash musical revue with Warner Baxter, Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Bebe Daniels and a host of other stars; and a long list of other notable attractions.
    The Rialto Theater, for a long time a favorite with show-goers, will inaugurate a straight first-run policy, showing pictures from all the leading producers. The first picture in the new policy at the Rialto is "Out All Night," starring Slim Summerville and Zasu Pitts in the third of their co-starring comedies. It has been said that this latest picture surpasses even their two previous vehicles, "The Unexpected Father" and "They Just Had to Get Married," both of which hung up box-office records wherever they were shown.
    "The reason for the change in policies for the two theaters is quite obvious," said Mr. Hunt, "and we intend bringing to Medford the very best that the entertainment world has to offer in an effort to make the two theaters once again known all up and down the coast for the superior entertainment offered."
    "Besides bringing the best product available for showing in our two theaters, we also intend making changes in the equipment, bringing it up to date, and otherwise making the theaters modern in every respect. 'The Working Man,' which we are now showing at the Craterian, and which has, incidentally, been making a decided hit with everyone, is only the beginning. Other big pictures will follow. The producers in Hollywood realize that the days of any old thing bringing crowds to the theaters is a thing of the past--that people are demanding better shows. The result is that all the major studios are putting forth all their efforts and a great deal of their money into better stories, more careful direction, the right casting of stars and all the other details that go to make good pictures."

Medford Mail Tribune, May 16, 1933, page 3

    Ever since the advent of talking pictures, engineers have been working almost day and night to make improvements in both recording and reproducing equipment.
    Today and tomorrow, the Craterian Theater will be closed while engineers are busy installing the latest electrical and mechanical achievements developed by the world's greatest engineers of theater reproducing equipment. The new RCA Fidelity sound system, that will enable patrons to catch hitherto unknown sounds and musical notes, is the same sound system that was installed in the new Radio City Music Hall and Roxy Theater in New York City and is one of the finest of these systems to be installed on the Pacific Coast. There is almost the same amount of improvement in this new equipment over the old system as there was four years ago when talking pictures suddenly made the silent picture a thing of the past. Where the old system faithfully reproduced sound over a frequency of 100 to 4000 cycles, the latest mechanical developments embodied in the new RCA High Frequency system has a frequency of from 50 to 10,000 cycles, creating a realism almost unbelievable--the actors seem actually present in person. They seem to stand out in bolder relief and one is not continually aware that it is, after all, only a picture.
    Although high frequency primarily involves an extension of the frequency range, the volume range is also materially extended to ensure the full effect being obtained. In the past it has been the custom in recording studios to "condense" the volume so that as extremely loud passages are approached in recording, they are cut down, and extremely soft passages are increased. With the greater volume range made possible by high frequency, music can be reproduced in such a way as to greatly enhance the emotional effect so vitally necessary to good music, especially orchestra music. This last, especially, will be particularly noticeable when the new system will be used with the showing of the next Craterian program, "42nd Street," in which music plays such an important part.
    Another forward step with the new sound system will be the elimination of "dead spots" in different parts of the auditorium. Heretofore there have always been two or three spots in which the sound could hardly be heard. With the new speakers, which are being installed on the stage, these dead spots will be a thing of the past. A person will be able to sit in any part of the auditorium and still be able to hear each sound perfectly. There will be no more of that straining to hear some certain line in the new show, and, failing to catch it, feeling thwarted in enjoying the picture.

Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1933, page 3

    George Hunt has bookings for the Craterian and Rialto theatres that are "the pick of the leading producers" and all are first-run pictures.
    "Owing to the fact that it is impossible to present the best pictures at the former prices without loss," said Mr. Hunt, "it becomes necessary to increase the prices to 15 cents for matinees and 25 cents evenings at the Rialto and 25 cents for matinees and 35 cents evenings at the Craterian."
    These prices are in keeping with the average in other cities, and the people will support Mr. Hunt in this small increase, appreciating the fact that the theatres are again home owned and the service formerly rendered the public by Mr. Hunt.
The Tattler, Medford, June 16, 1933, page 2

    Those attending the show at the Craterian theater the past few days have undoubtedly noticed all the work being done to the lobby and foyer. Painters have been working between shows and after shows at night. The foyer has already received a complete new coat of paint, with more to follow. New fixtures will be installed, new drapes hung, not only in the foyer and lobby, but also in the auditorium. In fact, the entire theater is undergoing its first redecoration for some time.
    After the interior has been completed, the exterior will also undergo repairs and alterations. A new theater sign and marquee, the very latest in neon signs, will be installed. The outer lobby will have new paint, with the box office also coming in for its share of refurbishment. When all this work is completed the Craterian will once again be the "ace" house of Southern Oregon, and patrons will be able to enjoy all the modern features in theater equipment.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1933, page 6

Craterian Lobby Made 'Brand New' for Super Films
    While the amusement portion of his house has gone "international," manager George A. Hunt has turned domestic and is practically changing the old Craterian lobby into a brand-new one.
    Of course it's all in celebration of his recent home-coming and in anticipation of the imposing lineup of super pictures now listed on the Craterian bill of fare.
    Outstanding among these will be "Dinner at Eight," which is so full of stars one wonders if there is room left for action; "College Humor," said to be funnier than it's journalistic counterpart; "Night Flight" with the Barrymores, Hayes and Gable of the screen out-geniusing each other, and a list too long to quote.
    But to return--while George is perspiring under the burden of new light fixtures and whatnot, audiences are keeping cool and apparently relishing the rough ride given Peggy Hopkins Joyce throughout the breezy picture "International House." Being an elongated review of radio and vaudeville talent, it is pretty good entertainment for the hot weather at that.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 14, 1933, page 11

    The G. Hunt magic lantern show has strung a sign across the street, which adds to the gaiety of the night life, and is beyond the reach of Ford or high school boy.
Arthur Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, August 20, 1933, page 6

    "Southern Oregon's Finest Theater" is the phrase used in George Hunt's Craterian Theater advertising, and theater men who have visited Medford during the last two weeks agree that it is one of the finest houses in the state. Workmen who removed the old sign last week completed the expensive remodeling program which has been under way at the Craterian for the past three months.
    The remodeling started in the projection room and on the stage, where the latest RCA high fidelity sound equipment and a new screen were installed. Then painters and decorators and painters commenced the task of hanging new drapes and light fixtures and installing new furniture in the attractive new foyer.
    The cooling and heating system has been brought up to date, making it possible to quickly cool or warm the theater at any time.
    The neon marquee and sign were designed and constructed in Medford by the Medford Neon Sign Company. The sign, which is 36 feet long and 7
½ feet high, is the largest over-the-street sign in Oregon outside of Portland, and the Craterian is the only theater in the state outside of Portland having interchangeable letters in the marquee, according to Roy Leonard and C. F. Strathouse of the local neon company. There is 650 feet of neon tubing in the sign alone.
    The Medford Neon Sign Company has just finished a new sign for Heath's drug store and Mark Jarmin's new drug store, and is constructing a 24-foot sign for the
Weed Theater in Weed, Cal.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 10, 1933, page 3

    Plans for the football benefit to be held at Hunt's Craterian Theater in the near future are being quickly formulated, it was announced yesterday by Dr. R. E. Lee, chairman of the civic affairs committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Within a few days Dr. Lee will announce the names of the committee chairmen who will work with him and also the exact date when the benefit performance will be shown.
    Inasmuch as everything for the affair is being donated, the Chamber of Commerce is endeavoring to obtain the interest of Carl Laemmle, president of Universal Pictures of Fifth Avenue, New York, and accordingly sent him the following telegram today:
    "The Medford High School football team is destitute for suits and the athletic fund is depleted. We are sponsoring a benefit at Hunt's Craterian Theater and Mr. Hunt has donated the theater, the help their salary, the newspapers the space. The entire receipts are to go to the high school and absolutely nothing to come out. Mr. Hunt advises that he has under contract 'Saturday's Millions' and knowing your admiration for American youth and your philanthropic spirit we were wondering if you would not donate this picture for the benefit."
    The picture "Saturday's Millions" mentioned in the above telegram is a football picture and will fit in with the benefit admirably, it was reported to Dr. Lee yesterday.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 8, 1933, page 4

Who's Afraid of Big Bad Wolf
    "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" has been hummed, sung, whistled and played over the radio for the past couple of months. Practically everybody knows that the song was taken from the Walt Disney Silly Symphony "Three Little Pigs."
    "Three Little Pigs" is all in Technicolor and enjoyed the distinction of being the only short subject ever to be held over with a new feature attraction at the Broadway Theater in Portland. It comes to the Craterian Theater tomorrow on the same program with the Janet Gaynor-Warner Baxter feature, "Paddy, the Next Best Thing "

Medford Mail Tribune, October 17, 1933, page 8

    "Saturday's Millions" is the show to be shown at Hunt's Craterian Theater for the Medford football benefit on October 25, it was announced today at the Chamber of Commerce.
    The rally to be held as a preliminary to the big night will get under way this evening at 7:30 o'clock, when the high school band leads the procession of football teams and high school student body from the city park down Main Street.
    A program of songs, yells, band music and pep talks will be presented on the platform at the Chamber of Commerce, as a grand finale to the parade. C. E. Gates will be master of ceremonies.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 18, 1933, page 10

Twins in Medford Area To Be Guests Saturday of Siamese Twin Actors
    Parties may come and go, but who ever heard of a twin party--or a party of twins?
    Well, the Mail Tribune and the Craterian Theater are arranging a twin party, and those who are fortunate enough to see it at the Craterian matinee next Saturday will never forget it. First the Godino Siamese Twins--those two brothers whom nature joined together since birth--are to be the hosts and not less than one hundred sets of twins are expected at this novel party. Everything has been arranged for this unusual party, and all that is necessary for twins to obtain admission to the party is for them to come to the Mail Tribune, register their name and address and receive free tickets; if the twins are too small to attend alone, an extra ticket will be given to whoever is in charge of them. Simplicio and Lucio Godino, for those are the names of the Siamese twins, are anxious to meet all twins in this section, and after the big party a flashlight picture will be taken of the entire group, with the Siamese twins right in the middle. In addition Simplicio and Lucio will present each twin with a beautiful autographed picture of themselves, and these souvenirs alone will be cherished as a keepsake for years to come.
    Although suggestions have been made from time to time that perhaps the Siamese twins could be separated, scientists say such an operation or surgical experiment would be hazardous in the extreme. And why should they be separated anyhow? They're as happy as can be and get a great enjoyment out of their work in vaudeville as musicians, dancers and singers. They are mighty talented, too, according to advance reports. But to get back to the party, tickets are ready for distribution, and the party will be held Saturday afternoon at the Craterian Theater. So come on, twins, all ages and sizes are welcome to this party.

Medford Mail Tribune, November 13, 1933, page 5

Why We Think the Fox Theater Chain and Holly Theater Are a Menace to Medford and Vicinity and to Us--the Independent Theater Owners
    We think the past operation of the Fox Theater Chain in Medford is enough to put the stamp of disapproval forever upon them, for their whole purpose and aim seems, to us, to be along one line of thought, and that is to control all the theaters here.
    They purchased, last year, all the major film product, forcing the closing of the Holly. George Roy, who was operating the State Theater, was forced to quit, and the Roxy was forced to show pictures at ten cents and was barely able to remain open. They were unable to pay any decent salaries and were in a most precarious condition.
    This was all done by Fox with staggering losses to themselves; so we believe that if ever there was such a thing as unfair competition, this is it.
    We believe that every admission paid into the Holly Theater is a direct thrust at our very vitals, and appeal to you--the citizens of our own city--to spend your money with the independent, home-owned theaters.
    Both Mr. Newman and Mr. Rosenberg called upon George Hunt, agreeing to maintain the same policy and prices as Hunt's Craterian when they opened the Holly Theater. This agreement they have already broken by double billing and, really, you can expect anything. You have heard of "bread wars'' when bread was sold as low as one cent per loaf and, frankly, it is possible that theater admissions might go that low in Medford.
    They may show pictures that you wish to see, but in this case, we ask you to wait for their showing in our second-run theaters, which will show them shortly afterward.
Yours for a Greater and Better Medford
We, the owners, are
        GEO. A. HUNT THEATERS, Inc.
The independent theaters are
        STUDIO.         RIALTO.
        ROXY.            CRATERIAN.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1933, page 5

Scenic Films This Area at Craterian
    "Suskika," the magna-color talking film, produced by the Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association, will be shown for the first time to a Medford audience today at Hunt's Craterian Theater, it was announced by chamber of commerce officials yesterday. The film, according to those who have seen it, is one of the most beautiful scenic productions ever presented in Medford, and Crater Lake in its winter and summer setting plays a very important part in the picture.
    The Medford Chamber of Commerce 1s a member of the Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association and contributed funds toward the production of the picture, which it is expected will be shown to millions of people throughout the United States during this year.
    It is expected that the picture will create a vast amount of tourist travel for the area between Crater Lake and Mount Lassen. The picture will be shown for four days, it was announced.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1934, page 4

    The long-awaited Shasta Cascade Wonderland "movies" now being shown at the Craterian have made a great hit with local movie fans and are greeted at all performances with spontaneous and enthusiastic applause.
    Thanks to rapid action and condensed comment, a truly marvelous picture of the beauty spots of Southern Oregon and Northern California is given in a surprisingly short time. In fact, the one criticism of the showing, from a local standpoint, would probably be that it doesn't last long enough. The audience here is always asking for more at the final fadeout.
    This, however, will be an advantage in other parts of the country, increasing saleability and effectiveness--for where the views shown are unfamiliar, and of a country far away, it takes punch and tempo to arouse and hold audience interest. This film has both.
    Certainly, a better advertisement for Southern Oregon and Northern California could scarcely be imagined than this moving panorama of gorgeous color--the views of Crater Lake in winter, Rogue River, Pitt River and Mt. Lassen are particularly attractive.
    The film will be shown in all parts of the country.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 23, 1934, page 5

    Helen May's "Hollywood Movie Revue," staged last night at the Craterian Theater, and which will be repeated this evening at 9 o'clock, was viewed by a full house last night, and the entire program was punctuated with hearty applause for the amateur impersonators.
    Numerous movie stars were portrayed by Medford young people, with Betty Thorndike as Zasu Pitts, giving a musical reading "There Isn't Any School Here Anymore." Other impersonations were:
    Tom Brown, Dick Baize; Joe Twerp, Bob Murphy; Greta Garbo, Thelma Hulbert; Katharine Hepburn, Ruth Chitwood; Groucho Marx, Fred Snyder; Mickey Mouse, Nona Heyland; Harpo Marx, Bill Ryan; Joe E. Brown, J. C. Koppen; Marian Nixon, Marguerite Geer; Mae West, Hildegard Lang; Chico Marx, Earl Stevenson, and Minnie Mouse, Dotie Terret.
    An organ solo was played by Goldie Snyder, organist and musical director for the production, followed by the opening chorus, a scene in a Hollywood studio's dressing room. LaMurle Beck was featured in a solo and dance with chorus, and Miss May presented a clever tap number. Eleanore Langenberg of Roseburg was featured in a dance solo.
    Skits by the "movie stars" dotted the program, and brought laughter and applause from the audience. Ruth Luy's tappers, Dorothy Jenkins, Isabell Crouch, Mary Jean Cusick, Jean McPherson and Frankie Rinabarger, appeared in a number, and a dance trio by Ethel Chord, Helen May and Zoe Dell Lantis followed.
    Mickey and Minnie Mouse presented a dance number, and those in "Our Gang" who also danced were Odelle Ann Persons, Lois Hueston, Lorraine Adams, Melissa Persons, Muriel Platt, Jeannette House, Francis Jones, Jean Pruitt, Betty Reams, Janet Reter and Jean Smith.
    The revue closed with "Go to Bed, River," featuring LaMurle Beck, Ethel Chord, Helen May and Zoe Dell Lantis. Members of the various choruses were:
    Vernell Stevenson, Hazel Kellenbeck, Laura Wilson, Billie McKenzie, Lorraine Adams, Martha Shelley, Zoe Dell Lantis, Ethel Chord, Margarite Boyle, Katherine Brandt, Pauline Champlain, June Williams, Louise Underwood, Flora Silliman, Wretha Simonson, Sue Wetherell, Velma Gray, Margaret Geer, Patsy Hall, Evelyn McKee, Dorothy Burnett, Thelma Hulbert, Marcella Jones, Margaret Yeager, Mary Fisk, Helen Mercer, Margaret Edwards, Geraldine Bodenhamer, Georghanna Coats, Pearl Jones, Hazel Collins, Eilien Barry, Geraldine Grove, June Owen, Naomi Evans, Wilma Grove, Wylene Merritt, Mary Hall, Hildegard Land, Elsie Zellers, Betty Burgdorf, Ethel Mackay, Ruth Prince, Pauline McAllister, Helen Hall, Vera Hale, Verna Shelley, Fidelis Wagner, Winnibel James, Evelyn Robinson, Veva Hall, Dorothy Mercer, Thelma Edmonds, Phyllis Smith, Barbara Blue, Eleanore Langenberg, Maizie Whetmore.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 8, 1934, page 2

Pinto Colvig on Craterian Stage Thursday Night
    Haven't you often wondered how cartoons--particularly Mickey Mouses and Silly Symphonies--are made? On Thursday, "Pinto" Colvig, well known in Medford and for the past few years member of Walt Disney's crew at the Disney studios in Hollywood, will be on the stage of the Craterian Theater demonstrating the technique used in supplying the various noises in the manufacture of the animated pictures, and believe it or not, "Pinto" still is quite the musician and it is his "yellow clarinet" that makes cow moos, a derby hat that makes a roar like an airplane, besides many other clever uses of soundmakers.
    Colvig is no novice at entertaining. He has appeared over coast, national and international radio hookups many times. He is also author of the lyrics in the song, "The World Owes Me a Livin'," which the grasshopper sang in the Disney Silly Symphony "The Grasshopper and the Ant." Likewise, it was Pinto's voice which was heard as the grasshopper in the cartoon. His act will consist of explaining how sound effects are put into cartoons, and with a running patter of wisecracks and gags illustrates by doing some of the effects.
    On the screen will be "Here Comes the Navy," with James Cagney and Pat O'Brien featured. As the title implies, it is a rough and ready film story of the battleship boys, filmed with the cooperation of the United States navy.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1934, page 7

Crowds Enjoy Talk by "Pinto" Colvig
    An old friend of Medford's came home yesterday and, as the poets say, "a goodly crowd was there" to welcome him at the Craterian Theater, where "Pinto" Colvig is meeting old acquaintances and making new ones while he shows how sound effects are put into Mickey Mouse cartoons and the Silly Symphonies at the Walt Disney studios.
    Here to help celebrate Judge Colvig's 90th birthday, "Pinto" is at the same [time] demonstrating how clever use of everyday objects can create the necessary sound effects without going to big expense to catch the originals.
    A derby hat, of all things, emits the put-put-put of a motorboat; the famous "yellow clarinet' is used for the moo of a cow; a "six-buck" slide trombone picked up [at] a pawn shop creates the whine of an airplane; a bunch of bamboo when rustled together is the sound of a forest fire, and so on down the line with numerous little articles including bamboo sticks, balloons, gravel and what have you coming in for their share in various noisemaking roles. "Pinto" even sings a "Pluto" number, and while doing so emits some extremely realistic barks. It's interesting, to say the least, and yesterday's audiences found it very much so.
    On the screen, the feature picture, "Here Comes the Navy," has two Irish boys, James Cagney and Pat O'Brien (is that an Irish name!) as two gobs who hate each other with a bitter intensity. They carry on a feud that is punctuated with rapid-fire action and many thrills, winding up in a surprise climax. There are numerous shots of the Pacific Fleet in action and, according to all reports, which seem ably verified by the action of the film, the entire picture was shot with the cooperation of the U.S. Navy. The rescue of a gun crew from a flaming turret and the saving of a man carried aloft clinging to a ground wire of a dirigible are two of the most exciting moments.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1934, page 10

    Vaudeville, real big-time vaudeville--the first since Fanchon & Marco shows last played here--is coming to Medford.
    Ches Davis' Chicago Follies, a widely heralded road show, which has been playing in all the key cities from Chicago westward, will be on the stage of the Craterian Theater next Wednesday.
    There are 25 members of the Follies, headed by "Cunnel" Ches Davis, internationally known blackface comedian, and the Ten Barbarians, a novelty band, which presents what is said to be an entire show in itself.
    Every member of the cast is said to be a star in his or her own right. There are the Littlejohns, who will be seen in a sketch, "Garden of Jewels"; Ginger Stover, lightning acrobat; Frank Starr, billed as one of the world's best radio imitators; Phil Lopaz, clowning Australian comedian; the Matthews Twins, dancers; the Lewis Doll Dancers; Anita Muth, known as the "Vest Pocket Sophie Tucker"; Lewis and Ethel, adagioists, and Pattie Patterson, recording banjoist.
    The Follies is the first of a series of vaudeville presentations, and tentative plans are for a show every other week. Medford has not had any big-time vaudeville for several years, and if this show goes over as expected, the Craterian will arrange to have the Cushman Agency, a nationally known vaudeville booking company, set Medford as a regular road show date for the acts every other week.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1934, page 6

    Lloyd M. Seltzer, pianist-pipe organist from Chicago, will present a pipe organ concert this (Sunday) morning at 10:30 o'clock, at Hunt's Craterian Theater. There will be no admission charged for the concert.
    Mr. Seltzer has gained considerable reputation among music lovers in the Middle West, South and Pacific Northwest, and has played in Medford for the past nine months. The program, played on the three-manual Wurlitzer, is anticipated by many friends and acquaintances who have heard Mr. Seltzer during his stay in this city.
    A silver offering will be taken for relief and beneficial work.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1934, page 10

Medford Mail Tribune, August 4, 1935

    City police were confronted today with this question:
    Are there actual Hitler sympathizers in Medford, or was the exterior Craterian Theater exhibit wrecked during the night by ordinary vandals, anti-war cranks or practical jokers of the campus cut-up variety?
    At any rate, the police were investigating the act of vandalism in which simulated sandbags were ripped open, panels of photographs were torn out, a large searchlight from an American destroyer was knocked over. Complaint was filed with the police by Eino Hemmila, general manager of the Hunt theaters.
    The exhibit, in front of the theater, advertised "The Ramparts We Watch," the March of Time picture that opened a four-day run at the Craterian Theater yesterday. The photographs which were torn from their panels were from the motion picture "Baptism of Fire," the German film of the invasion of Poland which forms an integral part of "The Ramparts We Watch" and against the showing of which in this country Hitler was said to have filed a protest. "Baptism of Fire," it has been explained, was obtained for showing in this country after it had been seized by the British.
    The vandalism was discovered this morning. Apparently no clues were left.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 5, 1940, page 4

    Wednesday also brought a letter from Jack Matlack, exploiteer for George Hunt's four Medford theatres. Jack outlined Medford's opening drive on the war bond and stamp campaign. They mounted the Treasury Department's stock 24-sheet on a large semi-truck and drove it over the vicinity for three days prior to opening the drive. They captioned the stand: "Buy Stamps, Pledge Bonds . . . at your Medford theatres." The drive was climaxed on Sunday with the appearance of Johnny Sheffield and his military escort and the 13-ton tank which is part of the entourage.
Harold C. Donner, "Diary of a Roving Reporter," Boxoffice magazine, June 20, 1942, page 66

    Bill Demarest and George "Gabby" Hayes were stars of a benefit performance to raise $100,000 for the new YMCA in Medford, Ore. Robert L. Lippert donated the use of all four of his Medford theatres for the benefit. Frankie Woods, general manager in charge of theatre operation, and Matt Freed in charge of the Oregon district attended the function.
Boxoffice magazine, December 27, 1947, page 54

Medford Mail Tribune, May 19, 1948.
The date of "The Jazz Singer's" first showing was actually May 24.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 19, 1948

    Mort Bramson is still shuttle-running both the Seattle and Portland Screen Guild offices. Mort announced that on or about May 1, Screen Guild will world premiere "The Prince" in Medford, Ore. Starring Lenore Aubert and Alan Baxter, "The Prince" was made from a novel by James Fenimore Cooper.
Boxoffice magazine, April 24, 1948, page 66-C

Lippert in Town To Hear Stassen, Set Up Drive-In
    Robert L. Lippert, head of Lippert theaters, is in town today to hear and meet Harold E. Stassen, Republican presidential candidate, who was to speak at Lippert's Holly Theater this afternoon.
    The theater man stated that he is here also in connection with arrangements for the world premiere of the movie "The Prairie" at the Craterian  tomorrow and also to get matters set for construction right-of-way of the drive-in theater south of town.
    Lippert declared that he is much interested in Stassen's candidacy and that Stassen is his choice. Concerning the drive-in, he said that wet weather has held up start of construction. The drive-in planned ts the only one between Salem and San Francisco, Lippert reported.
    Here with him is Frank Woods, who has charge of theaters of the Lippert system.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1948, page 1

The Craterian, mid-June, 1949.

Theatre Collects Dolls for Needy Youngsters
    Matt Freed, district manager for the California-Oregon Theatres, Medford, Ore., converted the lobby of the Craterian Theatre into a doll collection depot to provide toys for needy children and to help publicize "Oh, You Beautiful Doll." The public was invited to bring old or broken dolls to the theatre, which in turn were delivered to the fire department for repairs. The dolls were distributed prior to Christmas, and aside from the publicity for the picture, the theatre received many letters commenting on the public spirit displayed.
Boxoffice magazine, January 28, 1950, page 44

    The Santocono touch will be seen in the Robert L. Lippert Craterian in Medford, Ore. Remodeling at the Craterian includes tearing out the inner and outer lobby, enlarging the box office, installing glass doors and a new concession arrangement.
Boxoffice magazine, June 21, 1952, page 54

Six Theatres Return to Lippert Banner
    LOS ANGELES--Robert L. Lippert has repurchased six theatres he sold to Electro-Vision Corp. three years ago: namely, the Craterian and Holly theatres and Starlite and Valley drive-ins at Medford, Ore.; the Varsity in Ashland, Ore.; and the Broadway in Yreka, Calif. Lippert now operates 17 theatres in California and Oregon.
Boxoffice magazine, July 23, 1962, page W-4

    Adding to the excitement of a picture at the Craterian one evening, an attractive blonde usherette fell from the balcony onto the startled patrons below, leaving them believing for the moment that still a new dimension had been added to movies.
    On another occasion, the Craterian as packed with patrons as they watched a Martin and Osa Johnson jungle film. An eager youngster, intent on "sneaking in," stuck his leg through the high ceiling of the theater, causing considerable excitement. The shower of plaster and the yelping of the frightened youngster did much to divert the attention of the audience from the rather dull scene of a boa constrictor squeezing the very dickens out of a zebra.
J.W.S., "Moving Picture Houses," Medford Mail Tribune, April 7, 1963, page 4

Panel Discusses Problems of Behavior at Local Movies
    "Friday night at the movies" from the viewpoint of the mothers, the police and the theater management was discussed by a panel at Tuesday's meeting of the Women's Association of Westminster Presbyterian Church.
    Mrs. Theodore P. Barss, program chairman, was moderator for the program. Under the year's theme of "Missions--The Christians' Call," the program was keyed to missions in Medford. Mrs. Barss pointed out that children spend more time at the movies Friday night than in Christian education during the week.
    Repeating the Chinese proverb, "One picture is worth ten thousand words," Mrs. Barss said, "Mothers should know more about the pictures from a moral standpoint."
    Panel members were R. H. Retzer, district manager of the Oregon California Theaters; Medford Chief of Police Floyd Clower, Mrs. Stuart McQueen, Mrs. Donald Whalin, Mrs. A. J. Johannson, Mrs. Fitzhugh Brewer and Mrs. Gordon Barker.
    "It is impossible to see all of the movies," the mothers declared, explaining that Medford is peculiar in that it is a one-theater town, and at times a two-theater town. Dealing only with the two downtown theaters--Craterian and Holly--they said that when only the Craterian Theater is open this limits where the children can go.
    Mrs. Johannson stressed that many Medford mothers depend completely on two sources to learn about the films. These are the Parent Teacher Association magazine [Parents] and the Theater Guide in the Mail Tribune. The newspaper ratings were said to be more liberal.
    Retzer explained that since he arrived in Medford about three years ago, he has attempted to keep the Holly Theater open, showing films primarily for adults. While he tries to separate strictly adult films from children's fare, there have been some exceptions.
    He felt that the panel program at the church was "commendable," mentioning that he had contacted the Mail Tribune last year in an effort to keep parents informed about the movies being shown. It was then that the Theater Guide was started in the local newspaper.
Note Behavioral Problems
    When the mothers on the panel complained of behavioral problems at the theater, Retzer noted that every problem "has a starting point." Some problems mentioned were "crowding" the ticket line (children joining friends farther up in line so they don't have to go to the end of the line); using the theater as a meeting place, where they will see and be seen; talking during the picture, poor dress and malicious damage.
    Particularly under fire was the first weekend of the showing of "That Darn Cat," a Walt Disney production. While the mothers stressed that it was an excellent film, there were behavior problems due to the size of the crowd.
    Retzer agreed, saying that he had never seen anything like the crowd that Friday night in his 33 years in the business. More than 2,000 persons above the Craterian Theater's capacity attempted to get into the building. By closing the theater, moving seven usherettes outside to control the crowd, and calling the police, he managed to keep the theater from becoming overcrowded.
Improvements Made
    Changes made since then include installing chains outside the building to control the ticket line, usherettes patrolling the line, installing lights in the rear row to eliminate dark corners, and increasing the number of usherettes who are to report to him when trouble is spotted.
    Retzer objected to calling the police or having police officers in the theater, noting that this has occurred only twice in his years here. The more recent incident took place when a young boy was caught setting off firecrackers during "That Darn Cat."
    Chief Clower also objected to having police officers at the theater, noting that "it isn't the department's business to scare kids. We would rather work with them."
    He felt the problem in many cases was due to parents thinking that Johnny will be all right as they have taught him right from wrong, so they never check on him.
    He noted that some theaters elsewhere in the state have prohibited children under 16 years of age attending unless accompanied by a parent. While they have lost money, Chief Clower said, the theater was not damaged.
Damage Noted
    Continuing on this subject, Retzer explained that the end curtains at the theater have been slashed, 64 theater chairs torn or broken, mirrors in the women's restroom broken, and the door to the same restroom broken three times by a 13-year-old girl.
    "We had to do away with the nice things," Retzer stated, after a shocked woman in the audience discovered why the mirrors and chairs were no longer available in the women's restroom at the Craterian.
    While Retzer believes that much of the trouble is caused by a lack of communication with the junior high school-aged student, he felt it was a case of "weeding out the true troublemakers."
    The theater 's policy is to put them out of the theater, he explained, but stressed that this couldn't be done with the smaller child. In such cases he removes them from the viewing area and calls the offender's parents.
Parents Uncooperative
    "But in the majority of the cases," the theater manager continued, "the parents are offended, stating flatly that it couldn't be their children. Only a few will express concern."
    Many youths will come to the theater fresh and clean, "go to the restrooms and come out a painted lady," Retzer stated. Others will buy their ticket, contact a friend as to what the film is about, then go off in a car which comes by. He also mentioned finding boys smoking (the parents are contacted) and in one case drinking. Since the 12-year-old boy had poured whiskey from his father's supply into a cold cream jar, Retzer questioned the taste. This boy was put out of the theater.
    Some felt, including Chief Clower, that maybe better dress would help the children's behavior. "Maybe the same dress as for a dance would result in better manners."
    Clower noted the cooperation his department has been getting from the theater management.
    Retzer showed interest in a suggestion that a late afternoon matinee be held, scheduled to start shortly after school is dismissed.
    During the program Mrs. Barss referred to charts to discuss the types of movies available at the two theaters since start of the school term. They were judged not for acting, scenery or how artistic, but what age range they were for. The conclusion was that during the 27 weekends, 10 had superb fare for children in the lower teens, 8½ were "hopeless" and the remainder were borderline.
A Booking Problem
    Retzer explained that he is in San Francisco every four to six weeks to discuss local bookings.
    "Sometimes I get my way, sometimes not," he stated.
    One of today's problems in films is that 30 years ago 800 films were being made each year. Today that figure has shrunk to 300, and everyone thinks in terms of color extravaganzas. There used to be the low-budget movies, such as the Andy Hardy series, Retzer explained.
    "We'll try harder," Retzer concluded.
    Mrs. Barss, in stressing the parental responsibility involved, concluded that "if we don't want the product, don't buy."
Medford Mail Tribune, March 24, 1966, page C7

Craterian Theater Closes
Spanish Language Shows to Continue

Mail Tribune Staff Writer

    Tuesday, Oct. 21, 1924. The first movie shown at Hunt's Craterian is "In Hollywood," a comedy with Norma and Constance Talmadge.
    The theater, on Central Avenue near Main, opened the night before with a stage show, the actor Elliott Dexter in a dramatic reading.
    Thursday, Aug. 23, 1984. The last Hollywood movie to be shown is "Sheena," a fantasy about a woman who rules jungle animals.
    About 60 days short of 60 years after the Craterian opened, Maestri Management Corp., San Francisco, has decided to close the theater, except for an occasional special program. Spanish-language movies will continue at the Craterian on Sundays. An evening repeat of the usual Sunday Spanish matinee has been added on a trial basis.
    Robert Maestri, president of MMC, said Thursday from San Francisco that a number of factors governed the decision to close the theater. Most are related to poor attendance brought about in part by the increase in the number of movie theaters in southern Oregon in the last five years.
    In 1979, Medford had three indoor one-screen theaters: the Holly, the Craterian and the Cinema Center, all operated by subsidiaries of MMC, which also owns and operates the Starlite Drive-in.
    Now, in Medford, the Medford 4 Cinemas and Cine 4 have eight screens between them. In White City, The Movies operates six screens under one roof. In Ashland, the Varsity has four, including a 16-millimeter theater. The Rogue River Cinema in the city of Rogue River has one screen. Medford 4 Cinemas is owned and operated by a subsidiary company of MMC. The others are competing theater interests.
    Another reason is the scarcity of suitable "product" to divide among the theaters. Maestri said that he has had increasing difficulty in trying to find the kind of picture he'd like to book into the Craterian. He said that booking family-type pictures into the theater hasn't worked as well as it once did, because families usually go now to the smaller, newer theaters which have more modern equipment and convenient parking.
    The Craterian, Holly, Starlite and Cinema Center are operated by Oregon-California Theaters Inc. Don I. Evans is the district manager in Medford.
    Oregon-California leases the Craterian from Central Avenue Properties Inc. and the Rogue Valley Art Association, which each own undivided half interest in the building. Principals in Central Avenue Properties are Mrs. Shirley Lowry and Medford lawyers Otto Frohnmayer and William Deatherage.
    Evans said the lease between Oregon-California Theaters and the building owners expires in January 1985.
    Maestri said that projected operating overhead during the winter months is high in comparison with the theater's thin box office receipts, so he decided to close it.
    "Otto Frohnmayer's been about the most wonderful landlord we could ever have," Maestri said, adding, "We're just not getting enough people to go there."
    Jean Boyer Root, speaking for the art association, said Thursday that announcement of any plans for future use of the theater would be premature at this time.
    Evans has previously said that should the theater be used for stage shows, extensive remodeling would be required to bring the structure up to code. He said the stage would have to be reinforced, among other necessary renovations.
    The Craterian seats about 800 people, about 50 fewer than the Holly. Maestri said that the single-screen design of both theaters limits the programs they can offer.
    Maestri said he has no plans to close the Holly. He said that MMC redecorated the interior and exterior of the Holly a few years ago. The corporation owns the Holly, at the corner of Holly and Sixth streets, and rents office and shop space in the theater building.
    The Robert L. Lippert Co., predecessor to Maestri, began operating theaters in Medford in 1947. Other theaters included the Esquire, once located on the south side of East Main Street near the Bear Creek bridge, and the Rialto, on West Main Street in the present location of the Weeks and Orr furniture store. Maestri's father was Lippert's partner. He acquired the company after Lippert's death.
    Maestri said, "I think we've reached kind of a textbook case in this particular instance. Old downtown theaters just become old."
Medford Mail Tribune, August 24, 1984, page B3

Craterian Theater, March 1, 1998 Medford Mail Tribune
Crate Knocks 'Em Out
Restored Medford Theater Gets Mostly Fine Reviews

of the Mail Tribune

    The night the Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater debuted [a year ago], low riders cruising Medford's Central Avenue gawked at women in furs bathed in the glow of the opening-night lights.
    If the Cadillac crowd noticed the parading young people, it gave scant sign. The crowd was tuned in to the reborn Craterian, a 1920s grand lady once fallen on hard times, now risen like an old actress restored magically to a youth more vibrant than ever.
    Whatever changes were at hand in Medford, one thing was sure: The Craterian would be noticed.
    "Now, it all begins," executive director Steve McCandless wrote in an opening day letter to the public one year ago.
    A boffo debut is one thing, but nonprofit arts groups these days must walk a perilous line that winds between artistic quality, community taste and financial imperatives. So far, the Craterian seems to be on track.
    Income for the first 10 months was 3 percent more than projections. The totals for the year so far: 110 events with an attendance of 46,066 and a gross of $456,000.
    That's a lot of action in a formerly moribund chunk of town. But after a $5.2 million refurbishing (including $400,000 from the city, $1.4 million in urban renewal money and $500,00 from the state lottery), there was a lot to build on: a glitzy new space with 742 seats, good sight lines, good acoustics, a classic proscenium arch. There are five wheelchair-accessible areas (two in the balcony, three on the main floor) and an FM broadcast system patrons can rent. There are the dressing rooms, the elevator, the sound, the lights. An enthusiastic corps of more than 100 volunteers.
    Two kinds of shows are presented at the Crate: those of the nonprofit theater's presentation arm, called the Craterian Performances Company, and those of various user groups from the community that rent the space.
    So far, 86 events have been put on by community groups and 24 by the CPC. Some three dozen users have mounted shows in the new facility, ringing up more than $295,000 in ticket sales, not counting the Pear Blossom Pageant and the Medford Jazz Jubilee, which sell their own tickets.
    The Craterian Performances Company's ticket sales as of Feb. 22 amounted to $161,000.
    Rental events have sold an average of 431 seats and played to 58 percent of the theater's capacity. CPC events have averaged 454, or 61 percent.
    The Crate's budget for the first 10 months was $380,000. Although end-of-year figures aren't in, McCandless can point with pride to income exceeding expenses.
    "We're in very good shape," he says.
    Many who aren't watching the numbers agree. Jan Schmitz recalls her reaction on seeing her first show at the new theater, a Portland Symphony concert.
    "It was so comfortable," she says. "And I was so pleased with the sound. I was so surprised I loved it so much."
    Schmitz, a sometime theater-goer who lives in east Medford, says an added bonus is that she can walk to the theater.
    Users say the facility is first-class, but not cheap.
    "They're wonderful," says Tom Olbrich of Southern Oregon University's Program Board. "Very professional. Incredibly easy to work with."
    Olbrich presents the shows in SOU's One World and voxPOP music series and has rented the Crate several times, bringing to Medford big-name entertainment that once would have automatically gone to Ashland.
    The acoustics have drawn raves from audiences and users alike. Olbrich, who worked as a sound engineer for several years at Jefferson Public Radio, says acoustics are good almost anywhere, even under the balcony.
    "They've taken pains to fly speakers high to reach the balcony and put reinforcement speakers underneath," he says. "It's good under there and great everywhere else."
    The Crate's system is state-of-the-art but not large. The CPC contracts with Oregon Stage Lighting when additional sound is needed.
    One complaint is the cost of renting the theater. The Pear Blossom Festival, for example, decided it couldn't afford it this year.
    Minimum rent for a performance is $600 for the day for a local nonprofit. For local commercial groups the minimum is $900, for out-of-towners $1,200. The theater requires that groups use its house manager and technical director at $18 an hour each. Production demands can drive the price up from there.
    Olbrich says a show with singers Cesaria Evora and Irene Farrera in November cost him $3,400 in theater costs, or $5 a seat.
    "That's fair," he says.
    Some business people say the Craterian is a key to a comeback in the downtown core.
    "I think it's going to be a boon," says former Chamber of Commerce head John Nuich, whose jewelry store is around the corner on Main Street.
    "It will make people think about coming downtown."
    Others say the theater hurts merchants by exacerbating an already critical shortage of parking.
    "They want specialty shops with the owner behind the counter," Robert Crone says. "But people have to be able to park. People are aggravated."
    Crone's men's wear shop is across the street from the theater.
    McCandless says the biggest surprise to him has been simply the number of events. The list of users has reached past performing arts groups to include Rogue Community College, scholarship pageants and community projects such as Rogue Valley Civic League workshops.
    "Our vision was it would be multipurpose," he says.
    Weighing marketplace realities against a goal of presenting worthwhile entertainment is a constant balancing act. Part of the Craterian's mission is to present fare people otherwise wouldn't have a chance to see. That doesn't always translate into mass appeal.
    The National Theater of the Deaf, which the CPC presented Nov. 16 in Ibsen's "Peer Gynt," lost about $4,000.
    "We knew it was a reach, but people otherwise wouldn't have had a chance to see it," McCandless says. "We know that some shows won't make money. They're a component of our community outreach."
    A similar fate befell Il Giordino Armonico, an acclaimed Italian Baroque group that drew raves but only about 250 people.
    "But somebody came up to me at a dinner party and said it was the finest chamber ensemble performance they'd heard anywhere," McCandless says.
    The Crate probably won't program chamber music anymore. The well-regarded Chamber Music Concerts series is firmly established in the valley, and there's only so much interest and money.
    Some pitfalls are impossible to foresee. A recent production of "Winnie the Pooh" by a nationally known theater company featured actors who didn't look anything like the younger set's idea of the characters--or the photos McCandless says he got from the company. He gave discounts to future shows to disappointed Pooh fans to make up for the faux pas.
    Meanwhile, work on the theater continues. A new grant has permitted resumption of work on upstairs rooms called the forum and the studio. One is designed for meetings and receptions, the other for readings, dances and small performances. Still needed: $90,000 for wish-list stuff, including lobby furniture.
    If there's a warning light on the landscape, it may be the ratio of earned to contributed income. Earned income is money from events. Contributed income is from memberships, sponsorships, grants and gifts.
    The average for nonprofit theaters is about 60 percent earned/40 percent contributed. The Crate has been running 65/35.
    "We'd like to bring it up to between 40 and 50 percent," McCandless says.
    That would take an increase of 14 to 42 percent in contributions.
    In last year's membership campaign, the Crate raised $45,000, some 50 percent more than its target. McCandless says they're shooting for $60,000 this year.
    This summer, the Crate presents the Missoula Children's Theater's "The Wizard of Oz," with local kids getting a chance to take part.
    The CPC doesn't do music in the summer. In part that's a decision not to compete with the Britt Festivals in Jacksonville.
    "It's also a time to catch our breath," McCandless says.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 1, 1998, page 1

Last revised February 3, 2025