Simeon Rosenthal ![]() March 13, 1888 Southern Oregon Transcript S. Rosenthal, our clever merchant, contemplates a trip to 'Frisco next month. He goes for recreation and pleasure. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, August 29, 1889, page 3 S. Rosenthal is the happiest man in town, and his voice is pitched to a high key. His Republican friends (those who don't want to hear about the congressional elections) are afraid it is going to remain at high C all winter. Hurrah for Old Rosey and Cleveland. "Medford Notes," Valley Record, Ashland, November 13, 1890, page 3 New Store.
new firm will open at Gold Hill next week, to be known as Hammersley
& Rosenthal, which will endeavor to open the eyes of the public
the advantages of doing business on a strictly cash basis. Joe
Hammersley, who has been one of the efficient force at Reames &
White's store in this place for some time past, will have charge of the
new venture. They will keep a well-selected, first-class stock of goods.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 2, 1891, page 3 "Rosy" says it is an outrageous shame people don't appreciate his worth more. He got one vote for mayor last year, but this year he was left in the soup completely. "The Election," Medford Mail, January 14, 1892, page 3 S. Rosenthal has moved his stock of goods from Gold Hill to this place, and will again handle dry goods in connection with his extensive line of furnishing goods. Mr. J. L. Hammersley, who conducted the store at Gold Hill, will assist Mr. Rosenthal in the business here. "Local News," Medford Mail, January 28, 1892, page 3 Hammersley & Rosenthal have closed business at Gold Hill, and the goods have been removed to Medford. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1892, page 3 S. Rosenthal, the clothier and hatter of this city, is coming to the front as a politician, and his pet measure seems to be the tariff question. His knock-down argument on that subject is a corker for his opponents.. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 22, 1892, page 3 Rosy Was In It.
Rosenthal, the clothier and hatter of this city, has been playing the
role of detective this week. He found out that a rascally sonofagun was
trying to beat him out of an honest bill, so he got out the requisite
papers, jumped into a buggy behind one of Ed. Worman's best steppers,
taking along with him a limb of the law to be used if necessary, and
started up the valley. He came up with his man at Ashland, and the way
Rosy talked to that fellow would almost make a wooden man go down in
his boots. His delinquent customer wilted, pungled up the finances and
was allowed to go on his way, a sadder if not a wiser man. Rosy came
back a happy man, jingling about forty of those great big silver
dollars and proud that his game of bluff and strategy had come his way
so cleverly.
Southern Oregon Mail, August 12, 1892, page 2 S. Rosenthal last week successfully pursued the pleasures of the chase, the game being an absconding debtor, who thought he would need all his available cash in his prospective new location, and who had neglected to straighten up matters here before leaving. Rosy overhauled him at Ashland and forced him to disgorge at the point of being dragged back to Medford in handcuffs. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 19, 1892, page 2 S. Rosenthal spent a day recently at Grants Pass, renewing old acquaintances. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 2, 1892, page 2 Did he hold 'em? Ask "Rosy" what he held. "Did you see that job they put up on me last night? said "Rosy" to a gentleman who sat with him at breakfast in the Hotel Medford one morning last week. "Rosy" has a well-earned reputation as a most successful single-handed whist player, and when he indulges in a "quiet" game with a "particular" friend it is ten to one that he will get the odd. But the night referred to was an off one for "Rosy." "I held the king, queen and jack of clubs, the king, queen and jack of spades, and six trumps, and I didn't take a single trick. What do you think of that?" he continued in a stage whisper. "I played it for a long hand, but I was caught with a short suit." "Rosy" claimed that, while the proceedings were unusual, he took no particular note of the unexpected turn of the tricks at the time. He had always prided himself on a good night's sleep after a successful "sitting" during the evening, but this time his repose was interrupted, and he lay dreaming of his defeat. The vision in his dream was a tragedy in one act, which solved the mystery of the short suit. The plot was laid in the Hotel Medford. Scene--a room, where a game of whist was in progress, with himself as one of the principals in the game. Opposite him sat a person of large stature, with glaring eyes and stern countenance, who had survived many summers' suns and winters' winds. "Rosy" dreams on: the game progresses; new actors appear on the scene. It is the witching hour of night, and demons from a sulphurous clime are ushered in. In the mirror of his sleep "Rosy" sees himself bewildered. A demon passes behind him, hisses in his ear, and sends his hot breath whistling through the whiskers of the terrified Hebrew. The word had been passed, and a second devil, blacker than the ace of spades, which "Rosy" didn't hold, gives a sleight-of-hand performance on the opposite side of the table, while "Rosy" is wiping the sulphurous vapor from his eyes. The devil spake: "presto change"; the cards are dealt; the game proceeds. The hoary-headed player takes thirteen tricks. The audience applauded loud and long, and as "Rosy" gazed into his own crestfallen countenance, saw his record broken and the ambition of his life shattered, he started in his sleep, and finally awoke. On recovering his senses he might have been heard to exclaim: "Eureka! 'Twas a 'cold' deck." "The
Town Talker," Southern
Oregon Mail, January 20, 1893, page 2
S. Rosenthal is one of the delegates from Medford lodge, I.O.O.F., who was in attendance at the grand assembly at Eugene this week. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 19, 1893, page 3 J. F. Wait had charge of S. Rosenthal's clothing store during the latter's absence at Eugene last week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 26, 1893, page 2 S. Rosenthal, the Seventh Street clothier, tells that ere the flowers bloom again in the spring he shall have arranged for the erection of a brick block where his wooden building now stands. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 23, 1893, page 3 S. Rosenthal is figuring on leaving for New York City the last of next month to visit his brother and sister. He will be absent about six weeks or two months. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 3 Merchant S. Rosenthal expects to leave for New York August 25th. He desires that all parties owing him should call and settle on or before that date. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, August 11, 1893, page 3 Merchant S. Rosenthal left Medford Monday evening for a three months' visit with relatives and friends in New York City. His Medford friends will wish him a pleasant trip and will extend a hearty welcome upon his return. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 3 S. Rosenthal, our popular clothier, has gone east to pay his relatives a visit and take a peep at the World's Fair. It is whispered that for many years he has been engaged in a correspondence with one of the fair daughters of New York City and may fall a victim to her charms. Anyhow, his many friends hope that he will have a nice time. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, September 8, 1893, page 2 S. Rosenthal returned last Friday from his quite lengthy visit in New York City and at the world's fair. He is brim full of good things to say of the big eastern cities and the manner in which he was treated by his friends. Medford isn't quite herself without "Rosy," and all are glad he is with us again. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 27, 1893, page 3 "Did you see my elephant?" is a question put by "Rosy" to a goodly number of our people yesterday. A visit to "Rosy's" place proved conclusively that he had an elephant, all right. It is a miniature animal, and by means of clockwork is kept in motion continually--good show for the boys, and the men, as well. Mr. McGowan, a brother-in-law of Mr. Orr, and an old-time clothing dealer, turned in Tuesday and fixed up Mr. Rosenthal's show windows in the most approved style. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, November 3, 1893, page 3 The past few chilly mornings and evenings are what occasions the gay young man to go deep into his inside pocket for a little change with which to replace his ice cream suit with something more in keeping with the temperature. The young man, whether he be gay or not, does not need go deep into his "jeans" to get well fitted out at "Rosy's." Mr. Rosenthal has a fine line of overcoats, warm, heavy dress and business suits, all-wool underwear and in fact everything needed to fit you out--and VERY cheap. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, November 24, 1893, page 3 "Rosy's" New Salesman. Mort Foster has accepted a position as salesman in S. Rosenthal's clothing establishment. Mr. Foster is an old hand at the business, and the manner in which he has rearranged the goods in the several departments tell of his ability to handle the articles, while his earnest efforts to please both proprietor and patrons is noticeable at every turn. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3 The 10th day of Tishri is the great Day of Atonement, according to the Hebrew religion. This date is even with the 10th of October of our calendar, and was Wednesday of last week, upon which date S. Rosenthal, our only Jew resident, did reverence to his religion by fasting. This is the only fast day, and is kept by the believers in that religion all over the world, from sundown on the 9th until sundown on the 10th. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 19, 1894, page 3 S. Rosenthal, the pioneer clothing merchant of Medford, and one of its solid men, will erect a fine brick building on the right of his present store early in the spring, the brick having already been engaged. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, November 22, 1894, page 4 S. Rosenthal has purchased Dr. Stanley's Gold Hill stock of merchandise for 50 cents on the dollar and will add it to his Gold Hill store. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, May 2, 1895, page 3 S. Rosenthal, besides blossoming out with one of the biggest bricks in town, as well as an extensive store in Gold Hill, has spread out still further and will put in a big store in Klamath Falls. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, July 25, 1895, page 3 E. W. Williams and S. Rosenthal have begun a suit against E. A. L. Smith and have asked for the appointment of a receiver for the Gold Hill Mercantile Co. Judge H. K. Hanna has Harry Hosler of Medford in charge temporarily. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 9, 1897, page 3 Our popular clothier, S. Rosenthal, recently received the sad intelligence that his sister, Mrs. Henschel of New York, died on Jan. 15th. She was an estimable lady and highly respected by all who knew her. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1898, page 3 S. Rosenthal of Medford, the prince of clothiers, has leased Gold Hill's new brick store, and will stock it with one of the largest and best stocks of general merchandise ever brought to the valley. There is no doubt of his success, for he always treats his customers royally. I. M. Muller and Oris Crawford will assist him in his new enterprise. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 28, 1898, page 3 S. Rosenthal, the genial clothier, has been at Gold Hill on business in connection with his new store there. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 15, 1898, page 1 Joe Parker officiates as salesman in Rosenthal's clothing emporium, and fills the position creditably. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 26, 1899, page 3 S. Rosenthal, the leading clothier, spent a day at Gold Hill last week, looking after his extensive mercantile interests. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 7, 1899, page 3 S. Rosenthal, the pioneer merchant, has purchased the goods formerly owned by White, Harbaugh & Co., paying $6,000 therefor. It is a fine, big stock. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 20, 1900, page 2 S. Rosenthal is placing the fine, large stock of goods he bought from O. Harbaugh in his store at Gold Hill, which will give him a first-class assortment of general merchandise. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 30, 1900, page 3 Merchant Simeon Rosenthal left Tuesday morning for a two weeks' visit with relatives in San Francisco and other California cities. Mr. Rosy has mapped out two weeks of great pleasure with his kinspeople--and none there are more capable of having a good time than is he. No people esteem so highly their relatives as do those of the Jewish extraction--and Mr. Rosenthal and his people are no exception. While in the city Mr. Rosenthal expects to purchase a large amount of goods for his Medford and Gold Hill stores. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 21, 1900, page 6 S. Rosenthal, southern Oregon's leading clothier, has been making San Francisco a visit. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 27, 1900, page 3 Merchant S. Rosenthal returned this week from his visit to relatives in San Francisco. He was accompanied by his nephew and niece, who will be in the valley a few weeks upon business. While in the city Mr. Rosenthal purchased a large stock of fall and winter goods--which he will advertise in these columns next week. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 12, 1900, page 6 S. Rosenthal, southern Oregon's leading clothier, was accompanied home from San Francisco by his nephew and wife. This was his first trip to the bay city for many years, and he is still recounting his many episodes. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 18, 1900, page 3 S. Rosenthal, who has been nominated for mayor, should be elected. He is a successful business man, and would administer our city affairs in an unostentatious and economical manner. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 10, 1901, page 2 S. Rosenthal came down from Medford Sunday evening, to superintend the taking of stock in his store at this place. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 3 S. Rosenthal has been in Gold Hill this week looking after his mercantile interests in that place. Earl Calkins is in charge of his Medford store. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 6 ROSENTHAL--In Medford, Or., June 16, 1901, Simeon Rosenthal, beloved brother of J. Rosenthal and Mrs. Esther Cohn and Mrs. Pauline Knopf, all of New York, a native of Germany, aged 65 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. "Died," San Francisco Call, June 17, 1901, page 9 Died of Heart Failure.
June 17.--Simon Rosenthal, a pioneer merchant of Medford, was found
dead in his room in the rear of a store building about noon yesterday.
He was attired in his night clothes and was kneeling on the floor with
his head on a chair. He had been ailing several days, and retired
early, and from all indications had died in the early part of the
The coroner's jury rendered a verdict that deceased came to his death through heart failure, brought on by old age and business care. Mr. Rosenthal was a charter member of I.O.O.F. and had been a merchant here since 1883. His sister in San Francisco was notified and will arrive this evening. He was 76 years old and a widower. Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 18, 1901, page 5 ROSENTHAL--In Medford, Or., June 15, Simeon Rosenthal, beloved brother of J. Rosenthal, Mrs. Esther Cohn, Mrs. Pauline Knopf, all of New York, and the late Solomon and Simon Rosenthal, a native of Germany, aged 65 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services this day (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock, at the Odd Fellows Hall, corner of Seventh and Market streets, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows' relief committee. Interment, Hills of Eternity Cemetery, by 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Townsend streets. "Deaths," San Francisco Chronicle, June 19, 1901, page 10 DEATH OF S. ROSENTHAL.
Simeon Rosenthal, a well-known merchant of Medford, was found dead
in his bed in his store about 9 o'clock Sunday morning from heart
disease. Saturday evening his friend, Mr. Scharff, visited him in his
store and about 9 o'clock invited him to spend the evening with him at
Hotel Nash. Mr. Rosenthal complained of feeling too ill and escorted
Mr. Scharff to the door of the store and bid him good night.The Esteemed Pioneer Hebrew Merchant of Medford Dies Alone of Heart Disease. Mr. Scharff went to the store the next morning to see how his friend was, but the store was locked. With I. L. Hamilton he went around the back way and, looking in, they saw Mr. Rosenthal lying alongside of his cot seemingly dead. They broke in and the situation of affairs indicated that Mr. Rosenthal had quite likely died soon after Mr. Scharff had left him the night before. Rosenthal had partly disrobed when he was overtaken by death and sank to the floor, his face buried in the bed clothing. Dr. E. B. Pickel, coroner of Jackson County, called a jury and inquired into the facts. The verdict was that the deceased had came to his death by heart disease. Valley Record, Ashland, June 20, 1901, page 1 Death of S. Rosenthal.
Sunday morning, about 11:30 o'clock, Simeon Rosenthal, the pioneer
clothing merchant of Medford, was found dead in his rooming apartment
in the rear of his store in this city. The discovery of his body was
made by I. L. Hamilton and J. D. Scharff, a commercial traveler in the
employ of a Portland wholesale establishment. Mr. Scharff, who has
known Mr. Rosenthal intimately for several years, spent the early part
of Saturday evening with him, and on going to the hotel arranged to
meet him Sunday morning. At the hour agreed upon, 9:30, he went to the
front entrance and finding the door still locked, shook it several
times to apprise Mr. Rosenthal of his presence. Not receiving a
response he left, but returned shortly and again tried to gain an
entrance. This he repeated several times, and finally concluded that he
was ill, as he had complained during the evening previous of not
feeling well. He also noticed that the morning papers, which Mr.
Rosenthal always read early, had been taken inside. Mr. Scharff went to
the hotel and suggested to Mr. Hamilton that they should investigate
the cause of the non-appearance of Mr. Rosenthal, as no one could be
found who remembered having seen him during the day, something unusual,
as he had always been an early riser. Together they went to the rear
window of the building, and upon looking inside saw his dead body in a
kneeling posture, one arm resting on the sofa and the other on a trunk.
They immediately gave the alarm, and County Coroner Dr. E. B. Pickel
was called, who at once took charge of the remains, and at 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon empaneled a coroner's jury and held an inquest over
the remains. After viewing the body and inquiring into the
circumstances of the discovery of the body, as related above, the jury,
composed of F. O. Hurd, W. T. York, J. H. Boussum, Frank Amann, L. T.
Porter and D. Brooks, returned a verdict attributing his death to
natural causes, and assigned heart failure as the immediate cause of
his death. Just how long he had been dead could not be ascertained
without a postmortem examination. No one could positively assert that
he had been seen since Saturday evening, although T. W. Johnson thinks
that he saw him about 6 o'clock Sunday morning, when he drove through
the street on his way to the brewery to secure his ice for Sunday
delivery. While quite certain, he could not swear to the statement, and
the time of his death is entirely conjectural. His regular Sunday
morning bath had been prepared, and from the condition of his body it
is thought that he had arisen at his regular time and was in the act of
disrobing for his bath when he was stricken. A nephew of the deceased,
residing at San Francisco, was notified at once by telegraph, and
acting upon orders received from him, the body was taken in charge by
I. A. Webb, the undertaker, and by him embalmed and prepared for
shipment to San Francisco for interment, which was done Monday evening.
As stated above, Mr. Rosenthal was one of the first merchants to engage
in business in Medford, having come here when Medford was only a
townsite, with a few scattering houses. He was a member of the I.O.O.F.
lodge, of this city, under whose direction his body was shipped to San
Francisco. Mr. Rosenthal was engaged quite extensively in the
mercantile trade. In addition to his large clothing establishment at
his place he owned a general merchandise store at Gold Hill, which has
been under the management of Oris Crawford, of that place. He also owns
the two-story brick building which he occupied. He had not been
enjoying good health for a number of months, and at the time of his
death was making preparations to go to San Francisco for treatment. His
sudden demise is a matter of universal regret, and his familiar figure
will be greatly missed by his old-time friends and associates, all of
whom esteemed him very highly. Just what disposition will be made of
his business affairs is not known at this time, but his relatives will
probably take charge of them. Mr. Rosenthal was thought to be about
seventy-five years of age, but Mr. Scharff testified at the coroner's
inquest that he told him Saturday evening that his age was sixty-seven
Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 2 S. ROSENTHAL DEAD.
S. Rosenthal, the well-known and respected pioneer merchant of Medford,
passed away suddenly in his room sometime between 10 o'clock Saturday
night and noon Sunday, June 16, 1901. He attended to the locking up of
his store at the usual time Saturday night, and this was the last time
he was seen alive. At about 11:30 Sunday morning Mr. Hamilton of the
Nash Hotel and Mr. Scharff, a traveling man, having not seen anything
of Rosenthal during the morning, went to the store where they on
looking in at the back window saw him in a kneeling position against
his lounge dead. He had been complaining of feeling ill for some time
and his illness was attributed to heart disease and to this disease is
accorded his sudden demise. A coroner's jury was summoned by Dr. Pickel
and examined into the matter with the result of finding in accordance
with the above facts.
Mr. Rosenthal came to Medford in 1884, and was one among the first to establish themselves in business here. He also conducted a store at Gold Hill. He was an Odd Fellow and highly respected in this community, and at the time of his death he was about 75 years of age. A sister of the deceased resides in San Francisco, to which city the remains were shipped for interment on Monday night's train. Medford Enquirer, June 22, 1901, page 4 Resolutions of Respect.
The following resolutions were passed at the last
regular meeting of Medford lodge NO. 83, I.O.O.F.
WHEREAS It has pleased Almighty God in His infinite wisdom to remove from our lodge circle and this community our honored and respected brother, Simeon Rosenthal, therefore be it. RESOLVED That in the death of Brother Rosenthal this lodge has sustained a social and influential loss, especially so because of the fact that our good brother was a charter member of this lodge and as well a past grand thereof, and be it further RESOLVED That the sympathy of the members of the lodge is hereby extended to the relatives of the deceased brother; also be it RESOLVED That a copy of these resolutions be placed upon the minute book of this lodge and a copy of same published in the local papers. I.
Medford Mail, June
28, 1901, page 6J. R. WILSON, Z. MAXCY, A. S. BLITON, Committee. Thos. J. Kenney, of Jacksonville, has been appointed administrator for the estate of S. Rosenthal, deceased, and has taken charge of the property belonging to the estate. He is at Gold Hill this week taking an inventory of the Gold Hill store, and as soon as the work at that place is completed an inventory of the clothing stock at the Medford store will be taken and the store opened for business. Mr. Kenney is a good business man, and will get every penny possible for the heirs out of the estate. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 7 The estate of S. Rosenthal has been appraised at $24,271.39, of which $7500 is real estate. The personal property will be sold at private sale, bids to be opened Aug. 15th. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1901, page 7 T. J. Kenney, administrator of the S. Rosenthal estate, is advertising elsewhere in this paper that he will sell, at private sale, all the personal property of said estate, consisting of a stock of general merchandise at Gold Hill and a stock of clothing at Medford. Bids for the same will be opened on August 15th. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 2, 1901, page 7 The stock of goods belonging to the estate of S. Rosenthal were today sold to parties from San Francisco for $7260, which is much less than the appraised value of the goods. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 15, 1901, page 5 The Medford and Gold Hill merchandise stocks of S. Rosenthal, deceased, were sold yesterday by administrator Kenney to Max Cohen, of San Francisco, for $7,260. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 16, 1901, page 7 Gold Hill and Medford Stores Sold.
MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 15.--T. J. Kenney, of Jacksonville, administrator of
the estate of Simon Rosenthal, deceased, today sold the personal
property of the estate, consisting of two stocks of clothing and
merchandise, together with the store fixtures in Medford and Gold Hill,
to Max Cohen, of San Francisco, for $7260. Mr. Cohen left for San
Francisco this evening, but will return the first of the week and take
charge of the goods.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 16, 1901, page 4 The goods which were bought from the Rosenthal estate, by San Francisco parties, are being offered for sale. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1901, page 5 Fifield & Co. have secured a lease on the I.O.O.F. brick store building occupied by the late S. Rosenthal, and will take possession October 1st. It is reported H. B. Nye will move his stock of goods and business from Medford into the building now occupied by Fifield & Co. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, September 20, 1901, page 3 Get a suit of good clothes at half price. The Rosenthal stock is being closed out. The stock is a good one, and the prices are cut squarely in two in the middle. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 27, 1901, page 7 The big stock of goods which was purchased from the Rosenthal estate by San Francisco parties is being simply slaughtered. Such low prices for articles of good quality were never heard of before in southern Oregon. Mr. Brieger, the manager, who is an efficient and clever business man, is sparing no pains to make the sale a success, and has several excellent assistants. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 24, 1901, page 5 The slaughter sale at Rosenthal's store is proving a great success. Immense bargains are given there, and goods are going off like hotcakes. The Rosenthal building situated on 7th Street will be sold by the administrator at private sale after Dec. 1st. It is one of the finest structures in our city. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1901, page 2 All the counters and showcases of the Rosenthal estate in Medford for sale cheap. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 1, 1901, page 6 A. Brieger is packing the goods purchased of the Rosenthal estate by San Francisco parties, and will ship them to Portland at once. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 14, 1901, page 7 A. Brieger, the gentleman who has had the management of the Rosenthal closing-out sale, received orders last Saturday to pack the entire stock and ship at once to Portland, where it will be put with three other stocks from different towns in the state and the whole put on the Portland market. Mr. Brieger was the second manager sent here to sell out this stock and was fairly successful, but he was handicapped by not having been placed in charge at the opening. He is a capital good fellow, a perfect gentleman and a good man of business, and although his stay here was brief he made many fast friends. His salesman, A. Erb, is also a fine gentleman and one who invites rather than repulses trade, but the fates were against them both here--the business had in some way been "Jonahed." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 7 What remains of the Rosenthal goods is being offered for sale in Portland, together with several bankrupt stocks. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 28, 1901, page 7 T. J. Kenney, administrator of the estate of S. Rosenthal, on Saturday sold the fine two-story brick building belonging thereto and situated on 7th Street to Fred Barneburg. The price paid was $6950. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1901, page 7 T. J. Kenney, administrator of the S. Rosenthal estate, last Saturday sold the brick store building in Medford, which was part of the estate, to Fred Barneburg for $6950. Chas. Strang's bid was $6900 and Ed. Wilkinson's $5800. The property brought a good price, but the especially good location and the steady advance in the price of Medford business realty makes it almost impossible to lose on the investment. It is a good, safe place to put that amount of money--by far better than to have it scattered about the county in small loans. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 20, 1901, page 7 I. L. Hamilton:--"Several years ago, just after Simeon Rosenthal--may his spirit rest in peace--had builded his brick which for many years bore his name, I was crossing the street to meet an incoming passenger train, when 'Rosy' hailed me and introduced me to 'mine nephew.' Just at that moment the train came came in, the young man swung aboard and was gone. I never saw him since. I asked Rosenthal afterward what his nephew's name was. 'How de teffel should I know,' said Rosy. 'He was mine sister's poy and I don't know de name of de man she married.'" Excerpt,
"Street Echoes," Medford
Mail, November 17, 1905, page 1
Jim Bates:--"Say, Bliton, remember six years ago last Halloween? I do. Crowd of us boys and girls borrowed a lot of rope from you and then, after you had gone home, we took that same rope and tied up your office doors. It was a mean trick, all right--we knew it was at the time, but it was fun we were after. That was the same Halloween that the boys got into trouble with 'Rosey'--and he had five or six of them arrested." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 1 Last revised September 9, 2023 |