Pioneers: Dr. Elijah Barton Pickel ![]() Dr. Elijah Barton Pickel Dr. Pickel of Tennessee has located in our city to practice. "Medford Items," Oregonian, Portland, June 1, 1888, page 7 There are few who have any inclination for assuming the delicate and ofttimes unpleasant duties of coroner. Yet the office is of great importance and it is highly necessary that it be filled by a well-qualified physician. Such a man certainly is Dr. E. B. Pickel of Medford, whom the convention nominated for the place. He is an affable gentleman, and deservedly popular wherever known. "Our County Ticket," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 9, 1890, page 2 Dr. E. B. Pickel of Medford made the Times office a pleasant visit last Monday. He is one of the best physicians in southern Oregon, and was the Democratic candidate for coroner at the last election. Although his opponent obtained nearly 400 majority in Ashland, he made such an excellent run elsewhere in the county that he almost overcame the great odds against him. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 20, 1890, page 3 Talent's schools lose none of their excellence under the careful teaching of Miss Della Pickel as principal and Miss Cheney as assistant. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1891, page 3 Dr. Pickel last week purchased the fine lots fronting on 7th bought not long since by L. Shideler, and the lots fronting on 6th Street found a purchaser in the person of G. H. Haskins. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 3, 1891, page 3 Miss Della Pickel's pupils tendered her a most pleasant surprise party at her home in this place one evening last week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 22, 1892, page 3 Misses M. A. Theiss and Della J. Pickel last week departed for a few weeks' vacation, taking the train for Portland, going thence by steamer to the bay city, and home again after a trip through California.. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 17, 1892, page 3 J. C. Barnard, of Rockwood, Tenn., an old friend of Dr. E. B. Pickel, passed north Monday on his way to Albany to locate. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 8, 1892, page 3 The Misses Theiss and Della Pickel last week returned from their tour to Portland and San Francisco. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 15, 1892, page 2 Dr. E. B. Pickel had the pleasure of meeting an old-time friend on the overland train one day recently, in the person of J. C. Barnard of Rockwood, Tenn. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 15, 1892, page 2 Dr. B. F. Adkins and family, Dr. E. B. Pickel and wife, Mrs. J. E. Enyart and Mrs. George Davis left for Dead Indian Springs Tuesday to be gone several weeks. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 22, 1892, page 3 Dr. and Mrs. Pickel returned from the mountains Tuesday, leaving the rest of the campers still enjoying life in the woods. The doctor is the proud possessor of a wildcat skin, the result of his unerring aim with the rifle. He shot the animal just before starting home. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 29, 1892, page 3 Misses Theiss and Pickel have accepted situations in the Salem public schools. Medford thus loses two excellent school teachers whose services will be missed. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 2, 1892, page 2 Miss Pickel, of Medford, takes Prof. Whipple's room at the East School, temporarily owing to his late illness. "Short Bits," Evening Capital Journal, Salem, September 5, 1892, page 3 Misses Della Pickel and Mary Theiss have gone to Salem to teach in the public schools. This makes seven Jackson County teachers employed in the public schools of the state capital. "Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, September 8, 1892, page 1 Dr. Pickel of Medford made us a call one day during the week. He has been appointed to succeed Dr. Porter as coroner. This is an excellent appointment, as the doctor ranks high in his profession. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 9, 1892, page 3 Dr. Pickel is coroner of Jackson County at last, having been appointed by the county commissioners to succeed the late Dr. Porter. Dr. Pickel ran against Dr. Parsons for that position two years ago, when the two factions of the county physicians' ring made the campaign for that office so lively that it produced a tie, when Parsons drew the straw that made him coroner. At that time Pickel was a sort of non-union physician, but now the fraternity have sort of taken him in and turned their batteries of slander, billingsgate and general stinkingness on some other head. Physicians rank with piano tuners and fishwomen in their display of professional jealousy. "Brevity Basket," Valley Record, Ashland, September
22, 1892, page 3
Dr. E. B. Pickel has been making some nice improvements about his residence property, and will soon have one of the most attractive places here. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 30, 1892, page 2 Dr. E. B. Pickel lately enjoyed a visit from his old-time friend, J. C. Barnard of the Willamette section. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 14, 1892, page 2 Mrs. Pickel, mother of Dr. E. B. Pickel, is visiting her daughter at Talent. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, October 21, 1892, page 3 Mrs. Pickel, mother of Dr. Pickel, has been visiting her daughter, at Talent. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 28, 1892, page 2 E. BARTON PICKEL, M.D., a prominent physician of Medford, Oregon, was born in Monroe County, east Tennessee, September 17, 1861. He was the son of French and Mary H. (Matheny) Pickel. The former was a native of Virginia, of German descent, and came to Oregon and located in Medford, May, 1888. He died November 26, 1890. His mother was a native of Tennessee, of English extraction. Her people were early pioneers of Tennessee. The family consisted of ten children, E. Barton Pickel being the ninth child. At the close of the war the family removed to the state of Georgia, locating at Athens, but after one year returned to east Tennessee in Roane County. E. Barton attended the Grant Memorial University at Athens, Tennessee, and completed his course in 1880. He began the study of medicine at Rockwood, Tennessee, in 1883, with Dr. J. E. George, an eminent physician of the old school. He took his first course of lectures in the medical department of the University of Louisville, Kentucky, in 1885. He practiced medicine two years in Roane County, Tennessee, after which he again returned to Louisville, and there graduated in medicine and surgery, in the class of 1887 and 1888. He came to Medford in the same year, and has since enjoyed a good practice. The doctor is a man who always keeps abreast of the times, as is manifested by the number of medical journals to be found on the tables in his office. Although comparatively a new arrival at Medford, he has already gained for himself a reputation in the community, not only as a skillful physician, but also as a progressive and prominent citizen. He is a member of the State Medical Society, also secretary of the Medical Society of Southern Oregon, organized May 10, 1892. He is chairman of the City Board of Health, and was elected to the City Council in 1892. The doctor takes no active part in political parties, but is prominently identified with the orders F.&A.M. and I.O.O.F., and Camp degree of the last-named order. He has passed all the official chairs in the Subordinate Lodge, I.O.O.F. He was married in Loudon County, Tennessee, May 14, 1885, to Miss Mattie E. De Lashmutt, also a native of Tennessee. They have no family. Rev. H. K. Hines, An Illustrated History of the State of Oregon, 1893, page 431 DR. E. B. PICKEL
Mail, July 14, 1893 et seq., page 1
That is a very pleasant resident house on B Street between Seventh and
Eighth, owned and occupied by Dr. Pickel. Aside from this property the
doctor owns an one-fourth block on the corner of Seventh and F streets
which is a most beautiful building spot and upon which we opine he will
erect a structure someday in the future for his permanent residence.
Another piece of property belonging to this gentleman is located on
South C Street and upon which he will erect a five-room dwelling house
sometime next month. Mr. Pickel has resided in Medford five years and
came here from East Tennessee.
Dr. E. B. Pickel and wife left Tuesday evening for a visit with relatives at Chattanooga, Tenn., after which they will go to Chicago, where the doctor will take a course of lectures in the line of his profession. They expect to be absent about eight months. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 8, 1893, page 3 Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel returned yesterday from Chicago via the midwinter fair to remain. Dr. Pickel has been taking a postgraduate course in the medical and surgical college in the Windy City. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, April 12, 1894, page 4 It is rumored now that the Jackson County Democrats are going to follow the fashion so much in vogue this year of nominating ladies as candidates for county school superintendents, and that the nomination on the Democratic ticket in this county will be tendered to Miss Della Pickel of Medford. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, April 19, 1894, page 3 Dr. Pickel's New Office.
The professional gentleman above mentioned has secured office room in the opera house block--room five, where he will be located until--until he makes different arrangements. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 3 The school board has chosen the teachers for next year's term of school in the Medford public schools. Prof. N. L. Narregan for principal, Miss Elva Galloway, assistant principal; Miss Della Pickel, sixth grade; Miss M. A. Crouch, fifth grade; Miss Bursell, fourth grade; Miss Minnie Worman, third grade; Miss Viola Brandon, second grade, and Miss Minnie Coleman, primary and kindergarten. Three of the above named teachers are new to the schools this year. Miss Galloway is a daughter of our much respected townsman, Frank Galloway; Miss Crouch is a daughter of another of our worthy townsmen, B. F. Crouch, and has been engaged in teaching in Klamath County for some time. Miss Brandon is a Salem lady. The board feel that they have made a very good selection and that the schools in their hands will not lose any of their heretofore redeeming features as model places of education and culture. It will be noticed that seven teachers are engaged for this year instead of six, the number engaged last year. The growth in our school population made the addition compulsory. The rooms were all full last year, but to accommodate all who attend this year another school room is to be fitted up in a part of the building basement. Clerk Jones is now at work arranging all details for the commencement of school, about the first or middle of September. One feature in connection with the continued success of our schools is that nearly all teachers employed hold state certificates, or have paper entitling them to such certificates. "News of the City," Medford Mail, July 6, 1894, page 3 Mrs. Chastain, wife of Rev. S. B. Chastain, the Baptist minister of Central Point, died there Monday while undergoing an operation for consumption of the bowels, performed by Drs. Geary and Pickel. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, July 26, 1894, page 3 On the second floor are five rooms. At the front are two rooms. 12x17, and back of these are two more rooms, 12x15 feet in size, one of each front and rear rooms being now occupied by Dr. E. B. Pick,el and Dr. E. P. Geary. These rooms are nicely finished, are light and pleasant and in them are to be found all the modern appliances of the medical and surgical profession--large. easy and convenient operating chairs, cases of surgical instruments and a large and well selected library of medical works. To each of the offices is furnished water from the city water works. and also waste pipes from the bath basins. "Mayor Haskins' Ideal Store," Medford Mail, August 17, 1894, page 3 Dr. Pickel is quite at home on cherry culture, and he has grown trees of several varieties, all of which are loaded full to the limbs' tips with blooms and bear indications of a bountiful crop. So beautiful and promising are the trees that the doctor has had Tyler & Miser make photographs of them--which, by the way, is a good move, and one which ought to be more general. Pictures like these make excellent newspaper cuts, and the printers are looking for just such evidence of the good things enjoyed by Southern Oregon people. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 26, 1895, page 5 The Medford school board has elected the following teachers for the ensuing year: Principal, N. L. Narregan; vice-principal, Miss Elva Galloway; assistants, Misses M. M. Coleman, R. L. Warner, Viola Brandon, Ellen Bursell, Bessie Wait, Adele Pickel and C. Grace Foster. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, June 6, 1895, page 3 DRS. GEARY & PICKEL.
"nothing succeeds like success" is a trite aphorism which seems to have
received recognition even as far back as the Dark Ages. Drs. Geary
& Pickel, the subject of this sketch, have, by their industry
by virtue of their ability, placed themselves in the highest rank of
the medical profession. These eminent gentlemen are both graduates from
our best medical colleges and since coming to Medford have gained a
very large and lucrative practice. They have successfully performed
several surgical operations which were apparently impossible. Drs.
Geary & Pickel are progressive men and aid all enterprises that
advance the city. They are located in the Haskins building, where they
have in their spacious reception rooms one of the largest and most
complete libraries in the state. We commend them to the favorable
notice of all readers as men of broad and liberal views and, as
physicians and surgeons, there are none more worthy of note in the
state of Oregon.
"Our Business and Professional People Briefly Mentioned," Medford Mail, May 28, 1897, page 3 Dr. E. B. Pickel of Medford has purchased the interest of his partner, Dr. E. P. Geary, and also the elegant home of the latter. It is said that Dr. Geary will go to California and locate in one of the large cities and devote his attention to the special line of the eye. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 20, 1897, page 3 Died--Pickel.
For the past week or more the end of all that's of this life for the
aged Mrs. Pickel has been expected, yet, while friends and relatives
had been in daily expectation of the worst, when the hour of final
parting came the grief was none the less keenly felt by those who were
nearest of kin to the good woman. For a number of years Mrs. Pickel has
been an invalid at the home of her son, Dr. E. B. Pickel, where the
best of almost constant attention has been paid her by the family, and
as well by a daughter, Miss Adele Pickel, and by this careful attention
life has been prolonged many months, if not years. Mrs. Mary Hale-Pickel was born in Pennsylvania, January 22, 1818 and died in Medford December 22, 1897, aged seventy-nine years and eleven months. Funeral services were held at the residence of Dr. E. B. Pickel, at 12:30 on Thursday, December 23, Rev. Annes officiating. Interment was made in the Phoenix cemetery beside the remains of her husband, who died several years ago. Medford Mail, December 24, 1897, page 2 John Wyland of Climax, who has been under treatment by Dr. Pickel of Medford for some time past, has returned home, much improved. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 17, 1898, page 3 Dr. Pickel has moved his family to his recently acquired residence property on West Seventh Street--the Dr. Geary place. He has had men at work for a number of days making changes in the outbuildings and yards. This is a wondrous pretty place and is being improved by the few finishing touches which the doctor is having put on. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 8, 1898, page 7 Dr. Pickel, assisted by Dr. Hargrave, on Tuesday performed a delicate operation on Cleve., the fourteen-year-old son of J. W. Manning of Klamath Falls. Several bones were removed from the lad's arm, which had been affected by rheumatism. The operation was entirely successful. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 29, 1898, page 1 Dr. E. B. Pickel is seriously contemplating the erection this season of a new residence on his property on West Seventh Street. "Additional
Local," Medford Mail, March
30, 1900, page 6
Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel celebrated their crystal 15th anniversary wedding Monday night. Elaborate preparations had been made at their handsome residence for the reception of the guests, who were numerous and greatly enjoyed the occasion. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 17, 1900, page 3 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY.
May of 1925 Medford was anticipating a special election to decide the
site of the new high school: The choice was between "the ballpark
site," site of today's McLoughlin Junior High School, and "the
P&E site," site of the former Pacific & Eastern railway
station and yards--today's Hawthorne Park. The east bank of Bear Creek
was notorious for being under water during the creek's frequent floods.Dr. and Mrs. E. Barton Pickel Observe Their Crystal Wedding.
for many seasons has the social side of Medford been so brilliantly
portrayed or gathered together under such pleasant environments as on
last Monday evening, the occasion being the fifteenth anniversary of
the wedding day of Dr. and Mrs. E. Barton Pickel. The large circle of
friends and social acquaintances of the popular doctor and his
estimable wife were kept in pleasing anticipation for several days
after the receipt of the invitations, and it is but a deserve
compliment to the host and hostess to say that the most sanguine
expectations of their guests were far outdone by the splendid
hospitality that greeted them. It is a fact often commented upon that
the elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. Pickel constitutes one of the happiest
in the city--and on this occasion they took, for the time being, all
their friends into its domain of peaceful joy and pleasure, and gave
bountifully of its cheerful and grateful influences to the favored
number who gathered on the gaily lighted lawn and in the cozy home to
extend their sincerest congratulations, and to wish the happy couple
many returning anniversaries.
The guests began to arrive at 8:30, and were received by Mrs. W. I. Vawter, who conducted them within, where the host and hostess were stationed to receive their congratulations. They were then extended the freedom of the home, the interior of which was like a glimpse of fairyland, or the dream of a lover of the beautiful--a garden full of rare and fragrant flowers and twining vines, festoons of sweet brier reaching from the walls to the chandeliers, and every nook and corner filled with potted palms and other pretty plants and cut flowers in abundance, the whole blending prettily into a color scheme of green and white. Without, the kindly moon lent its influence toward enlivening the scene, and its quivering bars of silver light sifted through the foliage of the oak trees and fell upon tables whose rich decorations formed the only artificial auxiliaries to the lavish blessings of nature, displayed on every hand. When the guests were bidden to be seated, the place of prominence was occupied, of course, by the host and hostess, Mrs. Pickel being elegantly and tastily costumed in a gown of light gray organdy trimmed in narrow bands of black velvet ribbon, and wearing orange blossoms, while the "groom" was clad in the conventional black--a reproduction of the costume worn on the occasion which was so happily commemorated on this evening. The menu, gracefully served by the young ladies of the Kettle Drum Club, assisted by Misses Woodford and Webb, consisted of cold meats, pressed chicken, salads, tomatoes, salted almonds, cherries, dates, ice cream, coffee and cake. Dainty favors accompanied each cover. Over one hundred guests were noted, among those from out of town being Mr. and Mrs. Carter, of Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Newbury, Dr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Love and John Miller, of Jacksonville, Dr. and Mrs. Hargrave, of Phoenix, and Mrs. Bradley, of Eugene. During the evening congratulatory telegrams were received from friends in Tennessee, and in Portland, Eugene and other places in Oregon. The pleasure of the evening was further increased by a delightful vocal and instrumental musical program consisting of vocal solos by Dr. Burnett, Mrs. Vawter, Maysie Foster and Carl Webb, vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gore, instrumental duet by Misses Webber and Foster, and a piano solo by Miss Webber. It was a late hour when the guests departed, and it is safe to say that no similar event in the course of years was more thoroughly enjoyed by those attending than this one, and that the good wishes of the guests were as sincere as they were numerous. The event was a social success in every way and reflects great credit on the happy host and hostess, and the Mail joins with their large circle of friends in wishing them many returning anniversaries. The tokens of friendship presented consisted of cut glassware, and were richly beautiful and very numerous; yet it cannot be doubted that Dr. and Mrs. Pickel will value them for their intrinsic value far less than for the loving remembrance of the donors. Medford Mail, May 18, 1900, page 6 The event of the season was the 15th wedding anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel, last Monday evening. The evening was perfect, and over 100 guests offered their congratulations. The house was beautifully decorated in green and white, and the grounds were ablaze with lanterns and lamps. Tables were spread on the lawn, loaded with nearly everything that could tempt the appetite, while in the parlors music was furnished by Medford's best talent. The presents were numerous and costly. Guests were present from Eugene, Ashland and Jacksonville. "Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 20, 1900, page 15 CRYSTAL WEDDING.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland,
May 20, 1900, page 15Delightfully Conducted Out-of-Town Social Function.
and Mrs. E. Barton Pickel celebrated the 15th anniversary of their
wedding on Monday evening at their beautiful home in Medford, and over
100 of their friends enjoyed the happy occasion with them. The
handsome, spacious grounds were lighted by innumerable Japanese
lanterns, and the entire house was ablaze with electric lights. On the
verandas, enclosed with draperies and made cozy with rugs and couches,
the lights were softly subdued. The entrance hall and all of the second
story was adorned with graceful arrangements of English ivy and
sumptuous supper was served at large and small tables, brilliantly
lighted, and prettily arranged, under the trees on the lawn. The floral
decorations of the tables were entirely of sweet peas. The favors were
dainty hearts, tied with lovers' knots. Many elegant and valuable
presents were received.
Miss Della Pickel, a member of the junior class of the University of Oregon, came home last Friday, and soon afterward started for Mount Prospect, where she will teach the summer school. "Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, June 24, 1900, page 15 Dr. Pickel is having more fun than anyone with his new X-ray machine. He put the machine in a few weeks ago, at a cost of $600, but not until within the last few days has he had it in successful operation. The machine is complete in every detail and is sure to prove of great benefit to the doctor in his practice, especially in surgery cases, of which he has not a few. It is indeed a remarkable thing, this X-ray. Imagine looking right through one's hand or arm and discerning very distinctly the bones! That is just what it enables one to do--as many in Medford will bear witness. Harold Lumsden was in the doctor's office, with others, looking through the instrument on Tuesday evening of this week. Several years ago Mr. Lumsden suffered a broken arm. This was placed under the X-ray, and the break could be easily seen, also an enlargement of the bone at that particular point. The doctor's foot, with shoe on, was placed before the light, and the bones in the foot could be seen plainly, as could also be counted the large nails in his shoe heel. The ray will be used by the doctor in examining into the nature of broken bones, also in examination after they have been set to ascertain if they are in their right place, also in case of wounds from firearms in locating the bullet. The doctor has put a water wheel in his office, and this is the power which drives the electric machinery that produces the X-ray. This is the only X-ray machine between Albany, Oregon and Yreka, Calif. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 20, 1900, page 7 Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel, who have been rusticating on Applegate, got back Sunday. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 23, 1900, page 3 ![]() "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 22, 1900, page 3 Dr. Pickel's new residence on West Seventh Street is rapidly nearing completion. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 6 "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 22, 1901, page 6 ![]() Dr. Pickel's house on West Main, between the Vawter House and Hotel Medford, under construction in 1911. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 6 The commencement exercises of the University of Oregon are being held at Eugene this week. Two Medford.girls, Misses Bessie Hammond and Adele Pickel, are members of the graduating class. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 6 The cottage built by Dr. Pickel in the western part of town for renting purposes is a beauty. It is not rented yet, but will be in demand later. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 27, 1901, page 5 Miss Adele Pickel, who has been attending the University of Oregon, at Eugene, from which institution she recently graduated with honors, has returned to her home in this city. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 5, 1901, page 6 Miss Lulu Straw, who has been stopping in Medford for several months taking X-ray treatment from Dr. Pickel for face trouble, left Tuesday morning for her home at Yreka, Calif. She was very much improved, and will soon go to Klamath Falls, where she will receive like treatment by her brother, Dr. Straw. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 6 Dr. Pickel was called to Ashland last week to investigate a reported case of smallpox. One physician in that city declared the malady to be smallpox, but another physician differed with him in the diagnosis, hence Dr. Pickel's visit. Dr. Pickel pronounced it a well-defined case of smallpox, but in so mild a form as not to cause alarm. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 26, 1901, page 6 Miss Adele Pickel left Medford Monday evening for Bryn Mawr, Penn., where she will take a postgraduate course in the college at that place. Miss Pickel graduated from the Oregon state university [University of Oregon] last year. She will confine her studies to English literature at the above-named college. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 6, 1901, page 6 Miss Adele Pickel has gone to Philadelphia, to attend Bryn Mawr College. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1901, page 7 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry left Sunday morning for Albany, Oregon, where they will visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Mr. Perry is figuring on bagging a goodly number of China pheasants while in that locality--and Dr. Pickel, of this city, will join him in a few days of the sport--and try the mettle in his new fifty-dollar bird dog. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 4, 1901, page 6 Michael Galarneau and son, of Klamath County, were in Medford Monday. The young Mr. Galarneau was afflicted with one very badly crossed eye, and it was for the purpose of having it straightened that the visit to our city was made. The operation was decidedly a delicate and difficult one owing to the fact that the eye was so badly crossed, but it was very successfully performed, and when through with the young man could see as straight ahead with it as he could with the one not afflicted. When given a mirror to look in after the operation, the young fellow could hardly believe it was his own face that reflected in the glass. The operation was performed by Dr. Pickel. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 29, 1901, page 7 Speaking about guns--(a subject which we were not speaking of at all)--Dr. Pickel has the gem implement of quail slaughter. It's a Lefever gun with gold triggers and indicators and cost just $165--even coin--and was furnished him by H. G. Nicholson, the hardware man. It is unquestionably a beauty, and the possessor of it has just reasons to presume that trespass notices will be no barrier and that with gold glimmer on his gun he ought to be licensed to shoot any old thing in any old place. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 7 Dr. Pickel has finished setting out nearly sixth black walnut trees on his lots on West Seventh Street, where he last winter erected the handsome residence now occupied by John C. Lucius and family. He will also seed the grounds about the house to grass for a lawn. The doctor does not contemplate further extensive improvements at present, but will merely keep the land in sufficient cultivation to keep the trees in a thrifty condition. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 7 Miss Sadie Amann met with quite a serious accident last Monday. She was doing the family washing, and in rubbing a garment over the washboard in which a large sewing needle was sticking, the point of the needle struck the fleshy part of her right thumb and penetrated that member to quite a depth and broke in two, one part remaining in the thumb. The young lady came to Dr. Pickel's office, where the X-ray was turned on the thumb, and by it the needle was located between the bones, and three incisions were necessary to be made before the needle could be removed. The wound was dressed and the young lady is getting along all right, but it will be several weeks at best before she can use her hand. Dr. Pickel was assisted by Mrs. Osborne. It was only a short time ago that Mrs. Amann, mother of Sadie, met with an accident to her right hand, and from the effects of which she has not yet fully recovered. She was "shooing" some hens out of the yard when her hand came in contact with a sharp scythe which was hanging in a tree, making an ugly wound in the back of her hand, severing the skin for several inches. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 7 ![]() WAS RE-ELECTED.
Voters Showed Appreciation of Dr. Pickel's Services.
Dr. E. B. Pickel must have made a good coroner in the past is shown in
the fact that he was again elected. He went in on the Democratic
ticket, and has proved an efficient official.
"I always endeavor to do my duty to the best of my ability," he said. "Further than that I have nothing to say." Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 12, 1902, page 2 Miss Lillian McCall of Ashland, while in Medford this week, had one of her nether limbs, which has been giving her much pain, examined by the X-ray device. Dr. Pickel soon discovered that the knee was affected by tuberculosis. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 19, 1902, page 5 Miss Della Pickel, who has been attending the Bryn Mawr college, located near Philadelphia, is in Portland, visiting Mrs. Dr. Geary. She will soon return to Medford. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 26, 1902, page 2
Doctors Pickel and Cole, who have been east of the
mountains on timberland business, returned a few days since.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1902, page 5 Miss Adele Pickel, who has been selected to teach one of the departments of the Pendleton public school, has assumed her duties. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 2, 1902, page 4 Mrs. A. H. Peachey, of Mt. Pitt precinct, had the misfortune to break off a needle in [her] hand, and on Thursday of last week came to Eagle Point for surgical aid. Dr. Officer was called but was unable to locate the piece of needle, and on Friday she was taken to Medford, where Dr. Pickel used the x-ray to find it. It was taken out, but at last accounts she was suffering very much with her hand. She is now stopping with her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Bish, of Central Point. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, October 3, 1902, page 5 Dr. Cameron has rented the Dr. Pickel residence on West Seventh Street, formerly occupied by J. C. Lucus, and will move into it this week. Next year the doctor expects to build a residence of his own, and settle down as a permanent citizen. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 10, 1902, page 7 Dr. Pickel has of late been having some extensive improvements made in his offices, looking to the enhanced convenience thereof both to his patients and himself. A room formerly used as a store room is being fitted up for use as an x-ray and optical laboratory, being so arranged that all light can be excluded from it, making it more satisfactory for this class of work. The reception, consultation and operating rooms will be furbished up throughout, and when finished there will be no more neat and complete set of offices in the country anywhere. The doctor will also add to his already large collection of some of the latest appliances used in the healing art. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 14, 1902, page 7 John Pennington, of Ashland, is in Medford taking x-ray treatment from Dr. Pickel for the relief of a cancer which he has forming on his lip. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 21, 1902, page 6 John L. Pennington of Ashland is stopping in Medford at present. He has a cancer on his lip, which is being operated on by Dr. Pickel with his x-ray machine. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 26, 1902, page 2 Barney Mathews of Roseburg arrived in Medford Tuesday, accompanied by his father, who is afflicted with palsy and will be treated with the X-ray by Dr. Pickel. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 4, 1903, page 4 ![]() "No Chance for Germs," (bios of members of the State Board of Health), Morning Oregonian, Portland, March 20, 1903, page 10 ![]() January 17, 1904 Sunday Oregonian Dr.
Pickel received a carload of tiling this week, and the same is now
being delivered at his farm north and east of Medford.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 4, 1904, page 8 There was a pleasant party of little folks at the residence of Dr. Pickel on Tuesday afternoon, that being the seventh birthday of Carter Brandon, Mrs. Pickel's nephew. After an hour's play on the lawn the children were invited in and dainty refreshments were served in the dining room, which was decorated with pink roses and ferns. Then there were more games, including a peanut hunt, and blowing soap bubbles. Those present were: Frances and Lucile York, Mildred Bliton, Lincoln, Brown, Earl York, Frank Sack, Charlie Ray, William Vawter and Carter Brandon. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 18, 1904, page 8 Dr. Pickel:--"How are my ranching operations coming along? First rate. I have all my grain in, my alfalfa land is all plowed and ready for seeding, and nearly all my orchard ground is laid out ready for planting. I am getting ready to plant 8000 trees this year, and have the stock already on hand. I will commence planting as soon as rain comes. Since I acquired the property I have had several men and a number of teams at work constantly and am very much gratified with the amount of work accomplished. The trees I will plant consist of 4000 apples--2000 Newtowns, 1000 Spitzenbergs, and 500 Jonathans--1000 Winter Nelis pears, 1500 Beurre Bosc, 1000 D'Anjou and 500 Bartletts." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, November 18, 1904, page 8 In looking over the record of those who have distinguished themselves in public service, our thoughts naturally turn to the record of Dr. E. B. Pickel. The doctor has the record of being the handsomest mayor to date, and will probably continue to enjoy the distinction until we elect a suffragette. Dr. Pickel was mayor [1904-05] in the days when we drank Bear Creek "liquid." It was generally liquid. In those days if we wished to leave our homes at night we equipped ourselves with rubber boots, procured a lantern, and with fear and trembling sallied forth into utter blackness. If we reached our destination without stepping on the end of a board whose other end was not nailed down we felt that we were under the protection of a special providence. Dr. Pickel was largely instrumental in selecting the present site of Medford's pure water supply [Fish Lake], and for this service alone we think he is entitled to a place in "Medford's Hall of Fame." Minnie (Mrs. Harry C.) Stoddard, "Medford's Hall of Fame," Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1912, page 4 Mayor Pickel:--"I wish you would say to the merchants who are complaining of persons sampling their fruit that if they would put netting over the fruit they would at least keep some of the flies and bugs from sampling, and, incidentally, it might keep the mayor and other small boys out." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, July 28, 1905, page 1 ![]() May 17, 1906 Oregonian "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 12, 1906, page 5 Dr. E. B. Pickel will have office rooms upstairs in the new Jackson County Bank building. His suite of offices will comprise four rooms, two of which--his library and reception room--will front on Seventh Street, while his operating room will front on C Street and back of his library will be his X-ray room. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 30, 1906, page 3 Dr. Pickel Is Elected President.
Or., Dec. 17.--(Special.)--The State Board of Health met here today and
elected E. B. Pickel, of Medford, president, and E. A. Pierce of
Portland, vice-president. As secretary, Mr. Yenny holds his office
during the pleasure of the board. No election of secretary was
necessary. The other members present were: Alfred Kinney, of Astoria;
W. B. Morse, of Salem; Andrew C. Smith of Portland, and C. J. Smith of
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 28, 1906, page 5 Dr. E. B. Pickel of this city has been given more professional honor. He was last week elected president of the Oregon State Board of Health. The governor appoints this board and its members elect its officers. The board is composed of some of the most prominent and learned medical men of the state, hence and election to its presidency is no empty honor. Aside from this Dr. Pickel is also president of the Oregon State Medical Association, which has a membership of 365. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 4, 1907, page 5 Street Commissioner Higgins:--"One evening last week, as I was passing by the new Jackson County Bank building, I heard someone hammering on a window above me and calling for assistance, and looking up at a window in the third story I beheld the faces of doctors Pickel and Hargrave. My first impression was that they had been kidnapped, but they called to me and told me to go for Wes Johnson. I found Wes and we went to the building, where we found the two above-named gentlemen waiting, but very impatiently, for they were getting hungry. It happened that Dr. Pickel had invited Dr. Hargrave to go to the bank building and look at his new offices, and they tarried so long that all the men left the building and the door was locked by Wes Johnson. The two prisoners had called to innumerable persons who passed along the street, but they only smiled, waved a hand and passed on, thinking nothing of seeing the two doctors at the window. When relief came the two men were somewhat in a bad humor, as it was the hour for their evening meal, and they were beginning to think that they would be compelled to remain prisoners for the night." "Things Told on the Street," Medford Mail, March 1, 1907, page 1 On the westerly side of the [new Jackson County Bank] building, on C Street, is the stairway entrance to the second floor. The stairway is broad, and the steps are graduated in a manner that makes ascent easy. On the second floor are office rooms. The two rooms fronting on Seventh Street, one on C Street and an interior room which is lighted by means of a skylight, are occupied by Dr. Pickel. The corner room is a waiting chamber, while the room fronting on C Street is given to operating purposes. The interior room is occupied by the doctor's X-ray machine. The room fronting on Seventh Street contains Mr. Pickel's medical library, which is beyond a doubt the largest and most complete collection of medical works in the state. The other rooms on the second floor will be occupied by Hon. W. I. Vawter and M. Purdin, as law offices. "Jackson County Bank Building," Medford Mail, March 22, 1907, page 1 Dr. E. B. Pickel is making many improvements about his pretty West Seventh Street home. The house is being raised about two feet, new foundation put in, basement built for a furnace, and the entire dwelling will be piped for hot air heating. A new and much larger porch is also being built. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 23, 1907, page 5 Hon. W. I. Vawter and Dr. E. B. Pickel have laid plans for some beautiful landscape gardening about their homes on West Seventh Street. They each have half a block near the center of which are their residences, and they propose uniting the grounds and making them over into beautiful lawns, driveways, terraces and bowers of roses and other flowers. All the fences and hedges will be removed, and on the property line at the rear of the houses will be erected a fine barn for the use of both. A Portland landscape gardener is now working on a design. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, May 29, 1908, page 5 Medford Mail: Miss Della Pickel, sister of Dr. E. B. Pickel of this city, who has been in the valley for several weeks visiting her many friends, started yesterday on her return to Douglas, Alaska, where she is principal of the public schools. She will stop en route at Eugene and Portland, where she has many warm friends. "Personal," Eugene Daily Guard, August 7, 1908, page 8 Following the sale to Honore Palmer comes another one of interest J. S. Cannon, C. W. Perkins and B. Gilman of San Francisco, and T. W. Roberts of Fresno, Cal. purchased Dr. E. B. Pickel's ranch, known as the "401" ranch, and containing 561 acres, 235 acres planted to commercial varieties of apples 1 to 4 years old, and 100 acres ready for planting. The balance is planted to pears. While the exact price has not yet been made public, it is known to be over $100,000. "Palmer Buys at Medford," Morning Oregonian, Portland, November 13, 1908, page 9 Dr. E. B. Pickel, of Medford, ordered a Packard 18 touring car last week from the Keats Auto Co., delivery to be made in March. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 20, 1908, page D7 ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET OF 401 ORCHARD TRACT
syndicate of Californians who recently purchased from Dr. E. B. Pickel
the celebrated 401 Orchard have organized the 401 Orchard Company,
capitalized at $250,000, which has offered a portion of its stock for
sale. The company has issued an attractive and elaborately illustrated
catalogue containing views of Medford and the Rogue River Valley, as
well as the 401 Orchard, which is all that could be asked in an art and
literary way, and will doubtless be the means of interesting many
people in this section.
Southern Oregonian, Medford, January 16, 1909, page 3 DR. PICKEL BUYS KILGORE PLACE FOR $36,000
Dr. E. B. Pickel, who recently sold the 401 Orchard, has purchased from
John M. Root the Kilgore place, consisting of 155 acres, just east of
Medford, paying $36,000 for the same. The deal, like many others about
to be made, has been pending for some time, awaiting the result of
Tuesday's election, and was not closed until it was known that
prosperity in Medford was to continue.
Upon the land is 28 acres of four-year-old Newtown apples and five acres of Bosc pears. There are 88 acres of Bear Creek bottom land in alfalfa. The tract is one of the best in the valley. It was bonded last spring by Mr. Root from Mr. Kilgore. Three years ago the land sold for $16,000, an increase of $20,000 since. Southern Oregonian, Medford, January 20, 1909, page 1 The history of this ranch reads like a story out of the Arabian Nights in the magicry of the sudden fortunes that it has made for its owners. A few years ago it was a wheat farm. Then Dr. E. B. Pickel bought it for about $25 an acre. He improved it, and last June he sold it to the 401 Orchard Company for $110,000. "The '401' Ranch," Medford's Magazine, April 1909, page 7 ![]() A 1909 Packard like Dr. Pickel's.
dignified doctors have to encounter the humorous side of things at
times, but they must always have the happy faculty of retaining under
their lids anything in the way of a joke in which they are the
unfortunate ones. Doctors, of course, according to the ethics of their
profession, must at all times keep up a dignified bearing that is in
keeping with their calling. However, the Evening Telegram has
got wise to a good story in which a prominent Rogue River Valley
physician is a conspicuous party. The Telegram says:Marooned on an automobile in the middle of Bear Creek, a few miles from Medford, Or., a party of physicians, including two Portland medicos, were forced to remove their shoes and hosiery, roll up their trousers and paddle around in the icy water for half an hour before they managed to drag the machine upon dry land. Running at a dangerous rate of speed against time, because of the delay, the automobile pulled into Grants Pass just in time for the Portland men to see their train pulling out. Waiting two hours for the second section, which was crowded, they had to curl up on the hard seats of a smoker and pass a most uncomfortable period until they reached home. Now that their strenuous adventure is past, the physicians perceive its humorous features, but they are not doing any advertising, at that. Several persons from Grants Pass, however, are not so uncommunicative. In substance, here is what they tell: Stuck in Midstream.
Dr. Coffey
and Dr. Pierce attended
the annual meeting of the Southern Oregon Medical Association at Grants
Pass May 11. The former read a paper on "Cancerous Growths and Modern
Treatment," the latter on "Tuberculosis." To show the appreciation of
Grants Pass physicians, Dr. E. B. Pickel took them for an automobile
tour of the Rogue River Valley, incidentally desiring to make them
jealous of his fine new machine. Mrs. Pickel and 11-year-old Carter
Pickel rode with them.![]() Shoe Laces the Cause.
his dignity, the
physician broke limbs off trees and gathered driftwood to build a
pontoon bridge to the automobile from shore. Part of the time was spent
in rescuing with a pole the personal effects of the chauffeur, which
dropped into the creek while he was cranking up. The pontoon gave way
just in time to let Dr. Pierce and Dr. Pickel, who were proceeding
shoreward, off the water wagon.Then the physicians removed their shoes and hosiery and rolled up their trousers. After much coaxing, Dr. Coffey was induced to assist in helping get the machine out of the creek. This performance took almost half an hour, and before it was over all three had cold feet. Then the run for Grants Pass to catch the train began, the "speedometer" showing a gait of 30 miles an hour over a rough road. "If it hadn't been for you and Pickel losing five minutes lacing your shoes after we got the auto out of the creek, we wouldn't have to sit up all night," growled Dr. Pierce, as they gazed after the train vanishing Portlandward. Medford Mail, May 21, 1909, page 8 They Elect the Teachers
The Douglas school board had an all-day session last Saturday, but at
its termination the teachers for the coming year were selected. They
are as follows:Miss Robin E. Conn, 1st and 2nd grades; Miss Grace Hall, 3rd and 4th grades; Miss Ella Hogan, 5th and 6th grades; Miss Thora Smith, 7th and 8th grades; Miss Susanne W. Homes, assistant principal, and Miss Adele J. Pickel, principal. The latter two teachers will have charge of the high school department, comprising the grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. The Misses Conn, Smith and Pickel held positions in the school during the term just completed and are well known to the people of Douglas. Miss Hall is from Seattle; Miss Hogan from Tacoma, and Miss Homes from Ashland, Oregon. Miss Elna Olson, who taught the past term, was not an applicant for reappointment. Douglas Island News, Douglas City, Alaska, June 16, 1909, page 3 Miss Susie Homes of the Ashland High School stopped off to visit Mrs. F. M. Carter. She will later go to Douglas, Alaska, to take a position in the same school in which Miss Adele Pickel, a former Eugene High School teacher, is teaching. "Eugene," Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Washington, July 23, 1909, page 9 HAD ENJOYABLE TRIP
Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel and their nephew, Master Carter Brandon,
arrived home yesterday, after a trip of four weeks throughout the
Pacific Northwest and all the southwestern ports of Alaska.Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel Return from Visit to Alaska While in Seattle, Dr. Pickel read a paper on "Nephritis and Its Comparative Frequency Over the Pacific Northwest," before the convention of the Pacific Northwest association which is composed of the medical associations of Oregon, Idaho, Washington and British Columbia. After the convention was over they sailed for Alaska, touching the ports of Wrangle and Sitka, and thence on to Juneau and Douglas. Here they visited the doctor's sister, Miss Adele Pickel, who has charge of the Douglas schools. While at Douglas they visited the Treadwell mine. This mine is one of the greatest, as well as the most unique in the world. It was discovered long before the Alaska rush by the Russians. The work was abandoned by them, and in the '90s was taken up by an American company. Since the ore was very low, and there was such an enormous lode, they devised the scheme of quarrying. The mine is worked very similar to a huge quarry, the ore being quarried out, conveyed to the quartz mills below, which are the largest in the world in regard to the number of stamps under one roof. There are within one of them something like 1500 stamps. A person not being able to speak to another because of the noise, a sign language is used instead. After a week's stay at Douglas, Dr. Pickel and his party left for Skagway and thence took the White Pass & Yukon Railroad for Lake Bennett. Dr. Pickel stated that he enjoyed his trip very much and that the weather was grand except for a little rain, though he said, "I'm glad to get back." Medford Mail, July 30, 1909, page 5 It is to the venturesome spirit of Dr. E. B. Pickel, a well-known physician of Southern Oregon, that the people of the Rogue River Valley owe the opening up to the planting of orchards of the large tract of land known as Big Sticky, however, better known among those familiar with the locality by several unmentionable aliases. In winter the roads through this district are impassable to a wagon. Even in a light buggy a driver must get out every few rods and knock the mud off the wheels with a club. To work this land as an orchard needs to be worked was considered impossible, and there was little belief that the land would ever grow trees. In fact grave doubts were expressed as to Dr. Pickel's mental arrangement when he, in the season of 1905, set out 8,000 trees, covering 140 acres. But when he followed this up by planting 4,000 more trees the next year it was freely predicted that Dr. Pickel was heading for the wall. Little did anyone, even the doctor, think that three years after the first planting the orchard would be sold at a profit of nearly $100,000. The story of Dr. Pickel's buy on Big Sticky reads like a fairy tale. It appears that the doctor and his wife had nearly completed plans for a trip abroad, but through the influence of Dr. Van Dyke, of Grants Pass, they became interested in orchard land and decided that if a suitable buy offered itself they would take it and postpone the trip abroad. One day Dr. Pickel was called on a case over into the Big Sticky district and his driver, who was familiar with the country, pointed out the Bush ranch of 161 acres which was about to be foreclosed by the state for the interest on money borrowed from the school land fund. Next to it was the Smith ranch of 240 acres which the driver said could be bought for $4000. Right then and there, Dr. Pickel forgot all his desires to see the cathedrals and art galleries of the old world. Instead he bought both farms, paying $6500 for the 401 acres. The trees set out on the 401 Ranch, as the orchard was called, grew fine, despite the dismal predictions. The soil was even found workable if handled at the right time and in the right way. The second year Dr. Pickel bought 160 more acres, but the farm was still known as the 401 Ranch. Last spring, feeling that the undertaking was too great for a single man to handle, the doctor sold out to a stock company for $110,000. The land, the trees, the improvements and the labor expended cost Dr. Pickel $35,000, leaving the difference as a handsome profit on a three-years' investment. The doctor has since then bought another place which he is developing. Now, nearly the whole of Big Sticky is being set out or has been set out to orchard. Arthur M. Geary, "Enormous Wealth of Rogue River Orchards," Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 5, 1909, page F2 The Douglas[, Alaska] school is a full 12-graded school, and the rapid advancement of this Alaskan school is due to the effort of a Medford, Or. woman, Miss Adele Pickel, who used every available means to raise the school to a level with any first-class school in the Northwest. Minnie M. Bayne, "Largest Mine in the World," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 26, 1909, page F4 A Communication
Mr. Editor:--There are many patrons of your esteemed sheet who would be
glad to voice their pleasure in the reelection of the present corps of
teachers of the Douglas school and their acquiescence to serve. We are
truly fortunate in securing their services, and no one appreciates them
more than the patrons of the school.The recent debate of our high school with the Juneau High, over which there was such keen interest, is sufficient proof of the ability of some of them. It is a satisfaction to know that interest in the debate was strong on both sides of the channel and that in Juneau as well as Douglas there has been a generous recognition of the uncommon ability in the handling of the subject. This debate has certainly done more to strengthen the ties of friendship between the two Gastineau cities and to stimulate a healthy rivalry between the schools than anything of previous occurrence. How many people, outside from the teachers, students, intimate friends and a few outsiders, realize to whom the greatest credit is due for Douglas' victory? A great deal is due to the untiring efforts of Miss Adele Pickel and Miss Susanne Homes in securing and placing of material, much to the contestants, for where in America, or the whole world, can there be found better material with which to work than among our Alaskan girls and boys (prick up your ears, boys, this means you, too), but of what value is even the best material without a master hand to shape it? To Miss Thora Smith, the coach for the Douglas team, the honor is due. Do you realize the long, tedious hours, early and late, poring over dry statistics, digging down to the very origin of government, sorting and classifying material, cutting out here, putting in there, correcting and condensing of argument, drilling of contestants, carrying on of regular school work, sacrificing of social pleasures and much-needed rest? All of these things require a determination and perseverance that should arouse our sincerest admiration and appreciation. Let us give "three cheers for Miss Thora Smith" and the Douglas teachers; may they leave for their summer holidays with a full sense of the appreciation in which they are held by the people of Douglas Island. Thanking you for the use of your columns, I remain, respectfully, A PATRON.
Douglas Island News, Douglas City, Alaska, May 11, 1910, page 2Mrs. V. L. Holt entertained Friday afternoon in honor of her sister [sic], Miss Adele Pickel of Alaska. Miss Pickel formerly taught in the Eugene High School. She will teach in Alaska again this year. Mrs. Holt's guests were Mesdames Straub, Stafford, Dalzell, Balch, Small, Hannah, Collier, Elizabeth Chase, Jonathan Johnson, Loehr, Adams, Carroll, and Misses McCornack, Emma Chase, Nettie Chase, Bertha Chase, Cara Chase, Loehr and Carroll. "Society," Eugene Guard, August 20, 1910, page 10 The Cordova Alaskan says that Miss Adele Pickel has gone from that place to Valdez to become the bide of Wm. H. Kramer. Miss Pickel was formerly principal of the Douglas public school. Kramer is a clerk in Blum's store at Valdez. "The Local Field," Douglas Island News, Douglas City, Alaska, June 14, 1911, page 3 Emerick Bros. and S. Childers have perfected arrangements for the erection of a brick building on South Bartlett Street, between Main and Eighth streets. . . . The old residence now on the lot will be taken down by Mr. Childers and the material worked into a new dwelling on property he owns on the east side. This residence is one of the early Medford landmarks and 20 years ago was occupied by Dr. Pickel. "Build Garage on Bartlett Street," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, April 18, 1912, page 8 Berdan & Sons commenced work Tuesday morning moving the old dwelling house south of the Kentner company's store to South Riverside, where it will be repaired and made suitable for residence purposes. Excavating will at once commence on the vacated lots by S. Childers for the erection of a large brick garage, which will be owned by Mr. Childers and the Emerick brothers. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 23, 1912, page 2 Dr. E. B. Pickel--I believe that the greater majority of the best women would not go to the polls, while the more ignorant and those of socialistic tendencies would be apt to. "What Medford Men Think About Suffrage for Women," Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1912, page 8 HEART WEAK, ETHER KILLS
MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 9--(Special.)--L. E. Hoover, 58 years old, a pioneer
in the Rogue River Valley, died suddenly Thursday in the office of Dr.
E. B. Pickel while having a dislocated hip set in place. Mr. Hoover was
hurt Monday in an automobile accident near Roseburg when the car went
into a ditch and he was painfully, though it was not supposed
seriously, injured. When able to travel he was brought to Medford,
arriving this afternoon at 3:20. He was taken to Dr. Pickel's office
where, after an examination, it was decided to administer an
anaesthetic and set the dislocation.L. E. Hoover Expires at Medford as Hip Is About to Be Set. Mr. Hoover explained he had a weak heart, so ether was used and great care exercised in its application. He had not become entirely unconscious before heart action suddenly ceased, and although electricity and artificial respiration were tried for two hours, the sparks of life could not be revived. Mr. Hoover has lived in the valley for 30 years, having been brought to Roseburg at the age of 3. He leaves a wife, two sons, Charles, of Los Angeles; Walter, of Medford, and a daughter, Mrs. J. E. Follie, of Medford. Oregonian, Portland, August 10, 1912, page 1 Carter Brandon was elected yell leader for the local high school at a meeting of the student body the middle of the week. Nick Oolman, who has previously held the position, was recalled, as it is charged he was negligent in his duties. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, April 10, 1915, page 6 PREPAREDNESS MAKES SUCCESS IN FRUIT RAISING
"I would buy Rogue River orchards today more cheerfully than ever if I
had the money," said Dr. E. B. Pickel in the presence of a party of
citizens who were discussing the present situation as enlivened by
recent frost injury. "Just two things are required to make orcharding a
fine success in this valley," continued the doctor, "and they are
adequate preparation to protect the orchards from frost and from
drought. The former can be done inexpensively, in proportion to the
great benefit derived, and the latter, an absolute necessity, will
practically double the value of the output. These things provided, and
there will be no excuse for our not having the best fruit district in
proportion to its area on the Pacific coast today."Had we been provided with irrigation during the last two seasons in which we suffered from drought on account of its absence, we would not now hear any local hard times talk. But we weren't prepared. Had we had ample frost protection this year, as we should have had the foresight to provide, we would not now be talking about our losses. "About it all there is one good thing. That is the lesson there is in it. It ought to be worth two or three million dollars. Come to think of it, that's not so bad for one season. But the only way we can turn it to profit is by using the lesson in proper and adequate preparation against drought and frost next year. That is the only way we can come out ahead on last year and this." Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1916, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kramer, of Valdez, Alaska, are visiting the family of Dr. E. B. Pickel of this city. Mrs. Kramer is a sister of Dr. Pickel and was formerly a member of the teaching staff of the Medford high school, being well known in this city. She was a delegate at large to the national convention of Women's Federated Clubs held in New York last month, and is now on her way home. They will stay three or four days in the city. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1916, page 2 Former Eugene Teacher Coming--Mrs. Kramer, formerly Miss Adele Pickel, once a Eugene teacher, is expected to arrive in the city this week to visit at the home of her nephew, J. O. Holt, manager of the Eugene Fruit Growers' Association. She is now residing in Alaska, and has been to New York as a delegate to the national women's convention. "Caught in the Rounds," Morning Register, Eugene, June 8, 1916, page 5 PICKEL PLANNING TO MOVE RESIDENCE
E. B. Pickel is contemplating the moving of his residence, corner of
Ivy and Main, to the lots owned by him on Summit Avenue, on Main
It is planned to cut the house in two parts, through the east and west sides, then move it out Ivy to Sixth, then to Oakdale, out Fourth to Summit Avenue, and then to its location. It is impossible to go out Main on account of the trolley wires. Fourth Street is thirty feet wide and Summit Avenue is twenty-eight feet, which necessitates the cutting of the residence to fit the streets. The present location is surrounded by business houses and is a business block. The taxes are close to $600 per year, or a rent of $50 per month. It is surrounded on three sides by 550 feet of pavement. The Vawter residence has been let to the University Club, and it is probable a business block will be erected on the Pickel property. Contractor Moffat will have charge of the moving of the residence. It will cost in the neighborhood of $1500 to move and construct a new foundation. Medford Mail Tribune, June 16, 1916, page 3 The move was never carried out. The Pickel house eventually became a restaurant, remaining so into the early 1930s. ![]() Fountain Lodge restaurant, the former Pickel House, from a postcard mailed in 1924. For Sale--153 Acres $150,000 BROOKHURST A Magnificent Country Home Now on the Market Over 5000 pear trees, best commercial varieties, seven years old 1400 Newtown apple trees eleven years old 50 acres of alfalfa on choicest Bear Creek bottom land One among the
"show places" of the famous Rogue River Valley, located on the Crater
Lake Highway, one mile from the city of Medford, the metropolis of
Southern Oregon.
Climate unexcelled, no extremes of temperature. Mean minimum temperature for 25 years for coldest month of the year, January, 30 degrees above zero. ALL UNDER FENCE--ALL UNDER IRRIGATION
"I consider
this remarkable increase in returns from my orchard ($254.30 net per
acre on eight-year-old pear trees) the direct profit arising from my
investment in irrigation," said Mr. Stone of Medford.
Irrigation adds 500 percent to the value of an orchard, 150 percent to alfalfa. "My net gain on alfalfa was $20.50 per acre by the use of water," states F. H. Hopkins of Central Point. DR. E. B. PICKEL, Owner
Medford Mail Tribune, December 26, 1916, page 2ORCHARD THINNING IN MOVIE PICTURES
Medford will soon have an opportunity again to see a portion of itself
in the widely exhibited Mutual Weekly. On Monday Dr. E. B. Pickel,
owner of the Broadhurst apple orchards, chaperoned a group of Medford
college and high school girls on a thinning excursion, and motion
pictures of this expeditionary force were made by A. C. Allen. The
Mutual company will release these scenes within two or three weeks.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1917, page 2 Dr. E. B. Pickel is the new health officer of Medford, having been appointed to that position last night by Mayor Gates, the council unanimously confirming the appointment. He succeeds Dr. Clara Dunn, who resigned the office some time ago. Dr. Pickel only consented to take the position with the provision that the salary be raised from $25 to $50 a month. The council voted the increase. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 6, 1918, page 2 Former Resident Dies-- Mrs. J .J. Holt, aged 70, passed away at her home in Medford at 3 p.m., February 8. She is survived by her husband, three sons, J. O. Holt of Eugene, W. L. Holt of Portland, Theodore P. Holt of Silver City, Utah, and two daughters, Mrs. Rev. W. B. Moore of Junction City and Vesta Holt of Medford; a brother, Dr. E. B. Pickel of Medford and a sister, Mrs. Wm. Kramer of Long Beach, Washington. Mrs. Holt was for years a member of the Presbyterian Church. The remains have been sent to Eugene, and services will be held from the Gordon and Veatch chapel Tuesday, February 10, at 2 p.m. Rev. Wm. M. Case will be in charge of the services, and interment will be made in Masonic cemetery. Eugene Guard, February 9, 1920, page 6 MRS. HOLT, PIONEER, PASSES
Mrs. J. J. Holt, a pioneer of this state, died at Medford Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the age of 73 years, and the remains will be
interred in Eugene this afternoon.
Mrs. Holt had been ill for six weeks from a paralytic stroke. She is survived by her husband, three sons, J. O. Holt, of Eugene; Victor L. Holt, of Portland, and Theodore Holt, of Silver City, Utah; two daughters, Mrs. W. B. Moore, of Junction City, and Miss Vesta Holt, of Medford, besides six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. She is also survived by a brother, Dr. E. B. Pickel, of Medford, and a sister, Mrs. William Kramer, of Ocean Park, Wash. Mrs. Holt had been a lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church. The funeral will be held at the Gordon and Veatch chapel this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the remains will be interred in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. Rev. William Moll Case will conduct the services. Morning Register, Eugene, Oregon, February 10, 1920, page 2 PICKEL RANCH IS SOLD ARMY MAN PRICE $45,000
Lieutenant O. V. Morrow purchased Brookhurst, formerly owned by Dr. E.
B. Pickel, northeast of Medford Tuesday, through Brown and White,
consideration, $45,000.
The ranch consists of 153 acres, 60 acres of which is in pears, 6 acres in apples and the balance in alfalfa and barley. The improvements are first class and the entire ranch is under the Roguelands ditch. This is one of the places that has been under the supervision of Bert Anderson for two years, is in first-class condition and produced wonderful crops last year. Lieutenant Morrow has a splendid record in the recent war. Enlisting as a private, he went to France with the Second Devision early in 1917 and saw plenty of active service at Verdun and Chateau Thierry, with the Second Division, and was afterwards promoted and transferred to the 42nd, or Rainbow, Division, and was in the Argonne. He was gassed twice during his service. The lieutenant thinks this climate, valley and city the best he has ever seen. Medford Mail Tribune, March 17, 1920, page 8
Another army man has gone back to the farm. This is Lieutenant O. V. Morrow, a gallant officer with the Rainbow Division, who saw much service in France. He has purchased Brookhurst, formerly owned by Dr. E. B. Pickel. This ranch consists of 153 acres, 60 of which is in pears, six in apples and the balance in alfalfa and barley. "Thursday's News," Ashland Weekly Tidings, March 24, 1920, page 3 A fruit ranch sale of interest recently took place at Medford, when Lieutenant O. V. Morrow purchased Brookhurst, the large place formerly owned by E. B. Pickel, near Medford. The ranch, which consists of 153 acres, 60 acres of which are in pears, 6 acres in apples and the rest in barley and alfalfa, sold for $45,000. The entire acreage is under irrigation and is considered one of the best-producing fruit farms in the Medford district. "Northwest Fruit Notes from Here and There," Better Fruit, April 1920, page 25 Dr. E. B. Pickel, Medford's premier physician and health officer for many years, crowded a lot of substance into a few words the other day when a friend told him he was going to vote for the P.&E. site, because the tourists traveling on the Pacific Highway and east on Main Street to the Crater Lake Highway could all see the high school building. The doctor replied--"Yes, when they see it, all they will say about it is, 'What a hell of a place to build a high school!'" Medford Mail Tribune, May 14, 1925, page 6 Mrs. Adele Pickel Kramer of Seaside and Miss Vesta Holt of New York City are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Holt. Eugene Guard, June 12, 1926, page 13 TOFT'S PROPERTY, FOUNTAIN LODGE, SOLD TO HUTTON
An important real estate transaction in the western fringe of the
business district was consummated today when the Fountain Lodge
property, directly opposite the city park and located at the corner of
West Main and Ivy streets between the Hotel Medford and the University
Club, was purchased of Ray H. Toft, owner, by Harry Hutton, lessee and
manager of the Hotel Medford. The consideration was not given out, but
is understood to have been well up in the thousands. Possession is
given July 1.
Mr. Hutton says he bought it simply as a good business investment, and regards it as a crackerjack one, as the more he has seen of Medford since he has been a resident here for the past year and a half, the more firmly is he convinced of Medford's future growth and prosperity. He regards himself as extremely fortunate in being able to get hold of such a finely located property. The property fronts 150 feet on Ivy Street and 110 feet on West Main. For the present Mr. Hutton says the Fountain Lodge, which is the former home of Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel, will continue to be operated as a first-class rooming house, as it has been by Mr. and Mrs. Toft. Inasmuch as the location is a very desirable one for a business structure, apartment house or even for a downtown residence, the property, it is generally thought, will not be devoted very long to rooming house use. Mr. Toft, of course, will continue to reside in Medford, and from July 1 on will devote his entire time to the Medford Bonded Warehouse, which he owns, and to his real estate holdings in Jacksonville, some 20 pieces. Mr. and Mrs. Toft plan to buy or build a residence in Medford in the very near future. Medford Mail Tribune, June 20, 1929, page 3 DR. PICKEL KNEW CULT FAMILY AS EARLY RESIDENTS
Medford Mail Tribune, October 15, 1929, page 3
Among the dozens of Medford people who knew Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rhoads,
former valley residents, whose adopted daughter, Willa, is alleged to
have met death in weird cult rites, of which the Rhoads were leaders, is Dr. E. B. Pickel, pioneer physician.
Dr. Pickel has known Mr. Rhoads for more than 40 years, and remembers her as a little girl. She lived with her parents and a large family on a farm at the foot of Roxy Ann, which is now part of the Westerlund orchard tract. She still has brothers and sisters living in these parts. The physician says the Rhoads were a typical American family, no different from any other early-day family here. Dr. Pickel was also well acquainted with Mr. Rhoads and describes him as "a pretty good sort of a fellow." Rhoads operated a sawmill in the Sams Valley district, and later moved to Klamath County. He was a hard worker. Virgil Strang had a casual acquaintance with Rhoads and remembers him as the employer of a childhood friend--Charles Boussum. Boussum, later a member of the Medford fire department, was employed by Rhoads in his Sams Valley sawmill. ANCIENT TREES ON MAIN ST. ARE CUT
Many citizens were not only surprised, but grieved as well this morning
to see laborers chopping down two large trees in the back yard of the
former Dr. Pickel home on West Main Street, between the University Club
and the Hotel Medford, especially as one of the trees was a beautiful
cedar. The other was a walnut tree. The property is owned by Harry
Hutton, lessee and manager of the Hotel Medford, the latter being owned
by Emil Mohr.The trees are being removed to make way for a new parking place for hotel guests, as the management had been told by Mr. Mohr that it would have to do away with the present parking place of the hotel, immediately adjoining that property on the west, for he wanted to use it for some other purpose. Mr. Mohr said today that he was not ready yet to state his purpose in wanting the lot vacated. When told of various rumors as to a new building or of the establishment of another midget golf course, he told the inquirer not to get unduly excited. Medford Mail Tribune, September 17, 1930, page 7
Dr. E. B. Pickel, who has been seriously ill since Saturday, is
reported in a slightly improved condition today. He is confined to his
home on Summit Avenue. Although he is resting easter this afternoon,
his condition is still described as critical by the attending physician.Medford Mail Tribune, February 29, 1932, page 8 DR. E. B. PICKEL, PIONEER MEDIC
Three-Day Illness Fatal for Man Known Throughout State Medical Circles--Prominent Civic Affairs.
an illness of only three days, Dr. Elijah Barton Pickel, who pioneered
medicine in Medford and the Rogue River Valley, died early this morning
from a heart ailment at his home, 54 Summit Avenue, at the age of 70
years, 5 months and 14 days.
Dr. Pickel, well known and beloved by hundreds in southern Oregon, and in medical circles throughout the state, took a prominent part in the city's activities up until the time of his sudden passing. Since coming to Medford in the spring of 1888 he had consistently aided in progressive moves, having conceived and carried out the idea of building Medford's first hospital, the Sacred Heart. [There were several private hospitals before Sacred Heart was built. Sacred Heart was the first purpose-built hospital building in Medford.] He was also a member of the company which erected the Hotel Medford and served for some time as mayor of Medford. A city health officer for many years, the children of Medford found in Dr. Pickel one of their staunchest friends, who always had a smile and cheery word for all. Dr. Pickel also helped organize the state board of health, being a charter member. He served on the board for 18 years and was twice president. Dr. Pickel was born in Sweetwater, Tenn., and received his academic education at Athens, Tenn. He received his degree in medicine at the University of Louisville, in Ky., March 1, 1888, just 44 years ago today. In 1894 he took addition work at Illinois College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago and received his second degree as doctor of medicine and surgery on April 3 of that year. On May 14, 1885, Dr. Pickel was married to Mattie E. Delashmitt in Philadelphia, Tenn. By invitation he became a fellow of the American College of Surgeons in 1920. He also was a fellow of the American Medical Association. Dr. Pickel was past president of the Oregon State Medical Association, of the Southern Oregon Medical Association, and of the Jackson County Medical Association, having helped organize the two latter societies. When coming to Medford in 1888, he was associated with Dr. E. P. Geary, who later moved to Portland, and Dr. Pickel took over his practice. He had remained in practice here constantly, except for brief sojourns to medical centers and to receive his degree at Chicago. Dr. Pickel was a prominent orchardist in the valley, formerly owning the 401 Orchard and Brookhurst Orchard. Surviving him are his wife, Mattie E. Pickel; one sister, Mrs. W. H. Kramer of Seaside, and one nephew, Carter Brandon of San Francisco, who was reared and educated by Dr. and Mrs. Pickel; also other nieces and nephews. Dr. Pickel was a member of Medford Lodge No. 103, A.F. and A.M., Malta Commandery of Ashland, Hillah Shrine Temple, and Reames Chapter No. 66, O.E.S. He was a member of the Baptist Church. Funeral services will be conducted from the Perl funeral home Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with Rev. W. H. Eaton officiating. The remains will be forwarded to the Portland crematory for cremation. The remains will lie in state Friday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., in order that friends might pay their respects. Medford Mail Tribune, March 1, 1932, page 1 DR. E. B. PICKEL DIES AT HOME;
Elijah Barton Pickel, one of the pioneers in surgery and medicine in
the Rogue River Valley, died Tuesday morning from a sudden attack of
heart failure. He had been ill only three days.
Mr. Pickel was city health officer for many years and leaves a host of friends. He was connected with the state board of health for years. He came to Medford in 1888, and has been prominent in city and county affairs since that time. A backer of all civic projects, and a consistent worker for the health of the children of the valley, Dr. Pickel helped to organize the state health board and served for many years as an outstanding member. He was one of the backers of the building of the Sacred Heart Hospital, and of the Medford Hotel. Born in Tennessee
in Sweetwater, Tennessee, he went through the lower grades of school in
Athens, Tenn. He received his degree in medicine at the University of
Louisville in Ky., on March 1, 1888. On May 14, 1885, he was married to
Mattie E. Delashmitt in Philadelphia.Dr. Pickel was a member of the American Medical Association, the Southern Oregon Medical Association and the Jackson County Medical Association. He was a prominent orchardist here, being a pioneer in the pear industry in the valley, and was at the time owner of the 401 and the Brookhurst orchards. He was a member of the Medford Lodge No. 103 of A.F. and A.M., Malta Commandery of Ashland, Hillah Shrine Temple and Reames Chapter No. 66, O.E.S. He was a member of the Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Mattie E. Pickel, one sister, Mrs. W. H. Kramer of Seaside, and one nephew, Carter Brandon of San Francisco, who was reared and educated by the Pickels. Funeral services will be held at the Perl Funeral Home tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, and the body will be taken to Portland for cremation. Central Point American, March 3, 1932, page 1
Among the many letters received by Medford relatives and friends of the
late Dr. E. B. Pickel is one received from Dr. Frederick Stricker,
state health officer, which expresses the sentiment of all. The letter
received by Dr. L. D. Inskeep, local health officer, reads in part:"I had known him for the last 25 years and I feel as though I had lost a member of my own family. "I know the people of Medford realize what he has done for that community and that they owe him a great deal." Medford Mail Tribune, March 6, 1932, page 4 DOCTORS REGRET DEATH OF PICKEL; DRAW RESOLUTION
Jackson County Medical Society met at the home of Dr. A. F. Kresse for
regular session Wednesday and the paper for the evening was given by
Dr. B. C. Wilson, who dealt with injuries and general medical cases.The following resolution was passed by the society as an expression of the great loss realized in the death of Dr. E. B. Pickel. "Whereas a charter member, first president and an organizer of the Jackson County Medical Society has died since our last meeting, whose memory is deserving of our honor and respect, and, "Whereas, in this hour of bereavement, the Jackson County Medical Society desires to express its sorrow for the death of Dr. E. B. Pickel, we pay tribute to his memory and cherish a deep regard for his many virtues, and, "Whereas, he spent the best of his citizenship and manhood in ministering professionally to the ills and distress of the human body, adding luster to our noble profession; therefore be it resolved that the Jackson County Medical Society take this method of commending his life work and effort, to the emulation of those left behind, appreciating the goodness of his virtues as our example, "Resolved that a copy of this resolution be placed on our records and that a copy be sent to the widow with our kindest sympathy and good will. "Committee--
Resolution, recently unanimously adopted by the council of the Oregon
State Medical Society, is added to the long list written in memory of
Dr. E. Barton Pickel, beloved physician of this city. The resolution
reads:"We, your committee on necrology, think it is fitting that some special record should be made by the council of the death of E. Barton Pickel, our beloved associate, who will meet with us no more, his death having occurred March 1, 1932. "Few medical men in the state have been so long, so generally and so favorably known as Dr. Pickel. We shall greatly miss him from the meetings of this council and of the state society. He has been a familiar figure in these meetings for so many years. "He was president of the Oregon State Medical Society in 1907, but had been a regular attendant long before that. For several years he was a member of the state board of health, and has held many positions of honor in our profession. "His kindly and genial manner, as well as his wise counsels and high professional attainments, have always made him a welcome guest at any medical assembly. "It requires unusual and sterling qualities to enable a man, living remote from any great medical center, to acquire and hold so strong a position in the whole profession of the state as did E. Barton Pickel. "We extend to the bereaved family the heartfelt sympathy of this body and recommend that this special resolution be made a part of the minutes of this council, and that copy of the same be sent to the family of our departed member and friend. "Respectfully submitted,
"COMMITTEE OF NECROLOGY, "William Kuykendall, Chairman, "Andrew C. Smith, "A. J. Giesy.'' OIL STATION WILL REPLACE LANDMARK
"Fountain Inn," at the corner of Main and Ivy streets, across from the
Hotel Medford, is being wrecked to make way for a service station, and
work on preparing the grounds will be started soon after the building
is torn down, according to information received. The giant oak and
magnolia trees in the yard, all more than 35 years old, will not be
Fred Wahl, administrator for the Ray Toft estate, has announced that terms of the lease specified that the trees would not be chopped down. The building was formerly the residence of E. B. Pickel. Medford News, November 3, 1933, page 1 MOVE MAGNOLIA TO COURT HOUSE
Initial steps have been taken for the removal of the magnolia tree on
the lot at the corner of Main and Ivy streets to the court house
lawn--a block away--where it would serve as a memorial to the late Dr.
E. B. Pickel, pioneer physician, who planted the tree in his yard 30
years ago. It is one of the few magnolia trees in Southern Oregon and
gives forth in season rare and fragrant blossoms.A service station will soon be erected on the corner, and the lease provides that none of the main trees be cut down. Mrs. A. E. Reames of the Garden Club fostered the memorial idea. Fred E. Wahl., administrator of the estate [omission] Ray H. Toft, said two offers of $50 each had been received for the magnolia tree. Wahl thought the tree would be transplanted to the court house, though no definite decision had been reached. Medford Mail Tribune, February 22, 1934, page 3 MAGNOLIA MOVING PROVES HEAVY JOB
Moving of the magnolia tree in the Dr. E. B. Pickel yard, at Main and
Ivy streets, to the courthouse yard was under way this morning. A large
crowd watched the loading of the tree on the trailer for transfer to
the courthouse lawn. The tree was planted more than 30 years ago by the
late Dr. E. B. Pickel, beloved pioneer physician. It is one of the few
magnolia trees in Southern Oregon.The magnolia will be replanted near the southwest corner of the courthouse, and a hole has been prepared for it. Once in this spot it will be surrounded by peat moss, and thoroughly watered. The peat acts as both a fertilizer and a moisture retainer. The General company will erect a service station on the corner. The oil company paid the expense of moving the magnolia. The service station will be built of brick, in the colonial style, and will utilize the shade trees on the lot and add other floral features, it is reported. Medford Mail Tribune, March 13, 1934, page 4 MAGNOLIA'S FATE KNOWN IN YEAR
The magnolia tree that was planted by Dr. E. B. Pickel at Main and Ivy
streets more than 30 years ago, and presented to Jackson County and the
Medford Garden Club by Mrs. Amelia Toft, has been moved to the
courthouse lawn. It stands near the southeast corner.According to Austin Welt, landscape gardener, who had charge of the removal, it will take a year to determine whether the tree, said to be the only one of its kind in Southern Oregon, will survive the transplanting. It has better than an even chance to live, according to Welt, as it is naturally hardy and has no tap root. It has been surrounded with peat, which acts both as a fertilizer and a moisture retainer. Offers of $50 to $100 were made by valley residents for the tree. The expense of moving the tree was borne by the General Oil Company, which will erect a service station on the corner. Medford Mail Tribune, March 16, 1934, page 5 MAGNOLIA TREE SURVIVES MOVE
The magnolia tree, transferred from the Dr. E. B. Pickel yard at Main
and Ivy streets to the courthouse yard, is starting to bud and giving
other signs that it will survive. Its leaves are also starting to fade
and fall, and new ones are sprouting. It will be a year before a final
verdict will be rendered by the tree itself on its life, as it takes
that long to complete its cycle.Yesterday a trench was dug around the tree and filled with water to provide moisture. Work of grass seeding the courthouse lawn will be completed soon. The lawn was fertilized and double seeded, and the first sprouting of grass is due the end of the week. Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1934, page 7 Called to Portland--Mrs. John F. Lawrence left Friday evening for Portland, called there by the sudden death of her uncle, William Kramer, who passed away at Seaside, Oregon, Thursday evening. Mr. Kramer was the husband of the late Dr. E. B. Pickel's sister. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 15, 1934, page 7 OLD HOME GIVES WAY TO STATION
Several of the trees are still there; a new General Petroleum service
station, at the corner of West Main and Ivy streets now occupies the
property where one of Medford's oldest homes stood until this spring,
when it was razed to make way for the station and its equipment.The large white house, familiarly known in Medford as the Pickel residence, was built in about 1892 by the late Dr. E. P. Geary. In 1893, Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel went to Chicago to the World's Fair, and Dr. Pickel took his second medical degree at the University of Illinois the same year. Upon their return to Medford, Dr. Pickel and Dr. Geary entered partnership, and remained together until Dr. Geary moved to Portland in 1898. It was then that the Pickels purchased the Geary home, remodeling it so that downstairs there was a reception hall, also a large living room, library, dining room and kitchen. Upstairs there were four bedrooms and a sleeping porch. The Pickel place, with its beautiful array of flowers, particularly hyacinths, narcissi and tulips imported from Holland, arranged in attractive beds and borders, was always considered one of the most colorful and prominent homes in Medford. Dr. and Mrs. Pickel entertained many friends at their home, and one distinguished visitor was the author, David Starr Jordan, who was their guest. Many doctors from the Atlantic Coast as well as the Pacific Coast were entertained by the late doctor and his wife. Shortly after moving into the house, Dr. and Mrs. Pickel sent to Florida for a magnolia tree, which they planted in the yard. When the house was torn down, the tree was transplanted to the Jackson County courthouse lawn, as a memorial to Dr. Pickel, who died a short time ago. Twelve years ago Dr. and Mrs. Pickel sold their home to Ray Toft and moved to 54 Summit Street, where Mrs. Pickel still makes her home. Mr. Toft converted the dwelling into The Fountain Inn, and several rooms were added. This last spring, to make room for the General Petroleum station, the house was torn down. However, the trees were left standing, with the exception of the one moved to the courthouse. Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1934, page 4 Lovely Magnolia Tree is Dedicated
Sun shone
with the warmth of its native southland upon a magnolia tree in Medford
last Wednesday afternoon, and it lifted its leaves as if in thanks to
Mother Nature, who gave magnolias in the beginning the ability to grow
in this as well as in the southern zone. For this magnolia has changed
homes several times, each time to grow to greater beauty, perhaps
because of the unusual care given it in its youth by Jackson County's
pioneer physician, Dr. E. Barton Pickel. To his memory it was
officially dedicated Wednesday afternoon in the Jackson County
courtyard, where it is adapting itself to change in environment with
life and the spirit which characterized the old-time doctor.to Memory of Late Dr. E. B. Pickel The dedication was preceded by a beautiful eulogy to that southerner who became so great an Oregonian. It was spoken by Senator A. Evan Reames, who also dedicated the tree on behalf of the Medford Garden Club and presented the order to the Jackson County Court, making a permanent record of the gift and the dedication. The plaque, placed upon the tree's sturdy trunk, reads, "Dedicated to Dr. E. Barton Pickel, the Beloved Physician, 1861-1932. The Medford Garden Club." "In 1899, the Doctor and Mrs. Pickel obtained this tree in its southern home, and, through the succeeding years, cared for it and enjoyed it greatly," Senator Reames told the court and friends, who gathered in the autumn sunshine. "Dr. Pickel attained great eminence in his profession; he was always kindly and of a very happy disposition. This evergreen, with its constant freshness, is a fitting emblem to his memory." The Pickels had lived in Medford just ten years when they brought the magnolia to this city. For years and years it grew in the yard of their old home on West Main Street just across Oakdale from the Hotel Medford. The Pickels bought that well-remembered home from Dr. E. P. Geary, with whom Dr. Pickel was in practice, Dr. Geary going from Medford to Portland. The tree grew and so did Dr. Pickel's reputation as a doctor of the soul, as well as the body, a completeness which belonged more to the old-time doctors than to those of today. He conceived and carried out the idea of building Medford's first hospital, the Sacred Heart [It was Medford's first purpose-built hospital, but not its first hospital]; he was a charter member of the Oregon State Board of Health, appointed by Governor Chamberlain, and was three times president of the board. He was a life member of the Oregon State Medical Society and president of the organization, a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, by invitation. He helped organize the Southern Oregon Medical Association and the Jackson County Medical Association, and served as president of both. For many years he was city health officer in Medford. He was mayor and an active participant in all progressive activities of the city. As a tree spreads its branches to increase the shade it offers to humanity, Dr. Pickel spread his inspiring personality into many fields. In 1932 he ended his work here; his magnolia lives on as does the memory of him. Medford News,
October 20, 1939, page 1 The "Pickel tree" survives, on
the south side of the Jackson County Courthouse.
"Illusion of coolness on the warmest day. Stand directly underneath the magnolia tree on the south courthouse lawn and look up through the huge green leaves at the big creamy-white flowers. Thank you, Dr. Pickel, for once planting the same tree in your front yard, now an oil station on North Ivy St., just east of Hotel Medford." Sallie Butler, "Sallying Forth," Medford News, July 14, 1950, page 6 BRANDON, (JAMES) CARTER Chamber Commerce Executive b Decatur, Tenn, Nov 15, 1897; son of James and Katherine (De Lashmutt) B; educ, high school, Medford, Oregon; Univ of Oregon, (School of Commerce); Beta Theta Pi; m Louise Halsley of Muncie, Indiana, 1927; ch, J Carter, J Joan; began as asst cashier; Luckenbach S S Co, San Francisco, California; mgr, export dept, Thomas W Simmons Co, Hong Kong, 1920-22; Pyne Hughman and Co, Calcutta, India, 1922-24; asst mgr, International Engineering Co, Bangkok, Siam, 1928-31; general mgr, San Francisco Better Business Bureau, 1932-36; with Ferris and Hardgrove, investments, Portland, 1938-42; mgr, Foreign Trade and Alaska Dept; Chamber Commerce, since 1944; member, West Coast advisory committee, Office of International Trade; Field Counselor, ECA; commissioned lieut, World War I; mem, Alderwood Country Club (dir), Propeller Club, Portland Shipping Club; Legionnaire; Mason; Republican; Presbyterian; home, 1534 NE 26th; office 824 SW 5th St, Portland. Capitol's State Who's Who Combined with Who's Who for the Western States, July 1953, page 142 Last revised February 3, 2025 |