Hospitals Click here
for a little information about Sacred Heart Hospital or here
for more on E. H. Porter and his sanitarium.
Dr. W. L. Cameron has opened temporary
offices in the Hamlin block. Dr. Cameron is a graduate of the medical
department of the University of Illinois, at Chicago, and during all of
his college days he had access to work in five different hospitals and
the operations he assisted at were many. After his graduation he
practiced ten months at Lead City, South Dakota; returning again to
Chicago he took a four months' postgraduate course. Mr. Cameron is a
Jackson County boy, being a son of R. J. Cameron, of Uniontown. He is a
very ambitious young man and being possessed of all the requirements
necessary to a successful physician. There is not a doubt but that he
will build up a good practice here, as he has many friends who will do
all possible to assist him. He has secured permanent office rooms in
the Palm-Bodge new brick, and as soon as the structure is complete he
will move thereto. His friend, Dr. R. G. Gale, has decided to locate in
Jacksonville. Dr. Cameron's professional card appears in another column
of this paper.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, July 25, 1902, page 3 The health committee met Wednesday afternoon and appointed Dr. Cameron city physician and health officer, empowering him to officially direct the cleaning of all infected parts of the city and to insist upon as strict a quarantine as he deemed necessary. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 29, 1902, page 7 Dr. W. L. Cameron has been adding some new "implements of warfare" lately to his collection of surgical implements. Among them is an ophthalmometer, an instrument used in optical work, designed for the purpose of detecting the slightest variation or defect in the eye, and an electric laryngoscope, which is used for examination of the eye, nose and throat, in order to locate diseases of these organs. This instrument consists simply of a band, similar to the one a "hello girl" wears (only it fits on the doctor's, not the patient's, head fore and aft instead of amidships) with an electric light so placed as to rest on the forehead of the operator. In this way a strong light can be thrown on the spot sought to be examined. The mechanism of the ophthalmometer is too complicated for description here, but in connection with it Doctor Cameron has a most complete collection of instruments for operations and treatment for all disorders of the eye. Both the above appliances are new to this section of the country, but their utility has already been fully tested and admitted in the East. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 10, 1902, page 7 Dr. W. L. Cameron has rented a number of rooms in the Palm-Bodge block, upstairs, which he has fitted up in handsome style and supplied with many of the most improved instruments and devices known to surgery and medicine. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 21, 1903, page 1 A NEW HOSPITAL FOR MEDFORD
Only Hospital on the Southern Pacific Between Salem and Sacramento-- Fully Equipped and Is Strictly Up to Date. It can be
announced that Medford now has a hospital to add to the list of new
ventures that have been established in this city within the last four
months, of which there has been seven, representing as many different
lines of enterprise.
SUCCESSFUL HOSPITAL BEGINNINGThe hospital proposition has been under consideration for some time by Dr. W. L. Cameron and some of his friends, and their plans were to organize a company and secure a convenient tract of land and put up a suitable building, but sometimes events move faster than the promoters anticipate and this was the case with the hospital. Dr. Cameron has of late had an unusual number of surgical cases and, having no suitable place to handle them, was compelled to rent additional rooms to his office in the Palm-Bodge building and yesterday he had them fully furnished with linoleum upon the floors, white enameled iron bedsteads, stoves and the other furnishings that go to make a room comfortable and cozy. With the two hospital rooms the doctor has a suite of six rooms in this building, embracing a reception room, office, operating room and a diet room. As the building is new, and not been occupied before, it makes the aseptic conditions perfect. The rooms are all well lighted and cheery and the heavy brick walls, together with heavy partition walls, obviate all discomfort from outside noises. The hospital will be under the direct supervision of Mrs. Cameron, who is a trained nurse and a graduate of one of the leading training schools of Chicago. Assisting Mrs. Cameron will be Miss Talleen Eisenhart and Mrs. Jessie Farnsworth, both graduates and each having a thorough training in the hospitals of Portland. It will be the intention of Mr.and Mrs. Cameron and the nurses to make the hospital as near homelike as possible and keep down that air of suppressed excitement that is so noticeable in all big hospitals and which is so distressing to sensitive patients. So soon as additional rooms are required they can be had adjoining those now in use and when all the rooms of the upper floor of this fine block are occupied then a hospital building will be gotten under way. This is a small beginning, but then other hospitals have started small. The celebrated West Side Hospital, of Chicago, one of the largest institutions of the kind in that city, was started with but two beds by two physicians who found insufficient accommodations in the other hospitals for their patients. A special advantage this hospital has is that Dr. Cameron has his offices adjoining, [which] makes it possible for him to attend the patients at a moment's notice. Of his office rooms it can be said that there are no finer nor more completely furnished in all Southern Oregon, and they would not be out of place in a city like Portland or San Francisco. Dr. Cameron by his enterprise deserves and should have the hearty cooperation of every citizen of Medford in making a success of his hospital venture. Medford Success, January 23, 1903, page 1 Everything About the Hospital in Perfect Order-- Rooms All Occupied but Two More Are Being Furnished Ready for Use.
Though in working order less than a week, affairs about the Medford
Hospital are running along as smoothly as though the institution had
been established for a year or more. The diet room has been put in
perfect order, and dishes as dainty and appetizing can now be prepared
as the most fastidious patient could desire.
The first patient to be admitted was Mrs. William Cox, of Phoenix, but recently from northern Oregon, who was received last Saturday and operated upon for ovarian tumor. Though Mrs. Cox has been an invalid for some time, she stood the operation splendidly and she is rallying so well that her early restoration to health is but a question of a short time. The next patient will be Mrs. Nicholas Deitsch, of Jacksonville, who will be received tomorrow (Wednesday) for treatment. As the hospital started with but two furnished rooms this will fill them, and to provide for other patients that are expected in the near future Dr. Cameron is having two more rooms furnished, and other rooms will be added as the necessity arises for their use. Arrangements have been made to add sanitarium treatments to the hospital work, and patients suffering from nervous or dyspeptic disorders will be given thorough treatment by Miss Isenhart, who is a graduate in sanitarium methods as well as of hospital nursing. The Medford Hospital is starting off in a manner that presages well for its future success, but its success will be more certain if the citizens of this city will give it all the encouragement possible, by first visiting it and seeing for themselves how it is furnished and the system on which it is run, and then to speak a good word for it on every occasion possible. A Seattle or a Chicago man talks for the institutions of his town on every opportunity, and that is the way they have built up those cities to be the leaders in their sections, and that is the way to build up Medford to be the leading city of Southern Oregon. Medford Success, January 27, 1903, page 1 Dr. W. L. Cameron has rented six rooms in the Palm-Bodge block and will establish a first-class hospital at once. Full particulars will be given in our next issue. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 28, 1903, page 3 Medford's
Medford now has a hospital. Naturally it is not large, but in its
equipment and modern conveniences it is equal to the hospitals of the
large cities. Every convenience for the treatment of disease which are
found in the large hospitals are to be found here, although, of course,
the capacity of the institution is limited. Seven rooms of the upper
floor of the Palm-Bodge Building have been secured, including reception
room, consultation room, operating room, three bed rooms, and kitchen,
all fitted up in the most convenient and up-to-date manner. The
hospital will be enlarged as the necessity arises.To Dr. [Warren] L. Cameron belongs the credit for the establishment of this, the only institution of its kind between Sacramento and Salem. At present it will be conducted for the treatment of the doctor's own patients--cases where special care and treatment is required, but later he expects to be able to enlarge it so as to be able to admit patients of any reputable physician to a place where they can have the full benefit of trained nurses and professional care. Dr. Cameron has secured the services of Miss Eisenhart and Mrs. Farnsworth, two trained nurses whose ability is well known to the people of this vicinity. At present there are two patients in the hospital, and others are ready to be brought in as soon as matters can be arranged so that they may be properly handled. The first patient to be treated was Mrs. Wm. Cox, of Phoenix, who was operated upon Friday last for the removal of an ovarian tumor. The operation was entirely successful, and the patient is on the way to complete recovery. In speaking of the establishment of the hospital, Dr. Cameron said: "Ever since I located in Medford the necessity for an institution of this kind has been apparent to me. That there should be some place where accident cases could be promptly treated and where suitable quarters and care for the patients could be had seemed imperative. When I moved into my new office last week I did not expect to establish a hospital at once. On Thursday afternoon a message came that a patient was coming for an operation. I went all over town trying to find a place for her without success. Then I resolved to fit up this place, and I am glad the necessity arose at that time. Now I have a place where I can receive patients, and give them the care and treatment necessary to bring about the best results. As soon as the business will justify it larger quarters will be secured, and I expect in not a very long time to be in position to erect a suitable hospital building and equip it in a manner second to none of the city hospitals." Medford Mail, January 30, 1903, page 2 W. M. Cox of Phoenix was in Medford Tuesday to visit his wife, who is being treated at Dr. Cameron's hospital. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 4, 1903, page 1 Drs. Gale and Cameron one day last week performed a delicate operation on Mrs. H. Gilson of Sterlingville, which proved successful. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1903, page 1 Another operation was performed at the Medford Hospital a few days ago which, although a very dangerous one, promises to be entirely successful. It was performed by Dr. Cameron, assisted by Drs. Gale and Keene. The patient was Miss Elma Trafts, who some years ago had one of her legs hurt in such a manner as to render it useless. It was found necessary to amputate the limb at the hip. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1903, page 2 Miss Gertrude Johnston, who has been stopping with Mrs. A. Elmer, has been removed to the Medford Hospital, where she was operated on for gallstone by doctors Gale and Cameron. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1903, page 1 In the last issue of the now-defunct Success (?) there appeared an item to the effect that the Medford hospital would be moved to Ashland. This item was, we are informed, full of erroneous statements, but that part of it referring to the removal of the hospital was so wholly untrue that we have been asked to correct it. The hospital is now temporarily closed for a few days until a suitable house can be secured in which to reopen. The hospital will be conducted by Miss Eisenhart and Miss Huffer, two graduate nurses of experience, one of whom has practiced the profession in Medford for several months past. This hospital will receive patients from all doctors, and no discrimination will be made. We will give the location of the hospital next week. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 1, 1903, page 6 The Medford Hospital, under the management of Misses Eisenhart and Huffer, will be ready for business last of this week. The ladies, whose abilities as trained graduate nurses are too well known in Medford to require further introduction, have secured the Barnum residence on North C Street, formerly occupied by Dr. J. G. Goble, and have had it fitted up for their purpose in the best manner possible. The hospital will receive and care for patients from any of the physicians of Southern Oregon. Later on it is intended to have a regularly organized staff of physicians connected with the institution and thus place it on par with any of the city hospitals. Although the ladies in charge of this enterprise have received flattering offers from other towns in Southern Oregon to establish their hospital at these places, they have chosen Medford as the proper place for the institution, and it is up to the people of this city to see that they have the encouragement necessary to make the enterprise a success. Medford Mail, May 15, 1903 Born--On June 2, 1903, at the Medford hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Caswell, a fine boy baby. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 5, 1903, page 6 NOW
Archbishop Christie states that if proper effort is made the Sisters of
Mercy will build a large hospital. He favors Medford as a site and
defines proper effort as the donation of a hospital site and perhaps a
small subsidy.
Medford needs a hospital the worst way. At present there is no well-equipped place in southern Oregon for the care of the sick and injured except a small affair at Ashland. Medford is the center and metropolis, the natural site for a large institution of this kind. A large Sisters' hospital means a great deal for the community in which it is located. It is one of the best advertisements a place can have and will draw many people to the city it is located in. Medford itself at its present size could not support a large hospital, but the city and surrounding country together can. The Commercial Club and everyone interested in the future of the city should take the matter up at once and work to secure the hospital, for it is only by going after everything in sight and keeping after it that Medford can become a large city. Medford Daily Tribune, October 11, 1907, page 2 MEDFORD TO HAVE HOSPITAL
Will Have Large Operating Room
is to have a hospital, and that's good news, because that such an
institution is good to have in a town. It isn't always good to have it
filled all the time, because that is not the kind of an advertisement a
growing little city like ours is hunting. However, the stick and
maimed, like the poor, we have with us always and everywhere, and when
sick no place is quite so well suited to give proper care as is a
well-equipped hospital.
Mrs. Laura T. Gardner has leased a large building, corner of Tenth and E streets, from Mr. Eubank, and is now having the same fitted up for hospital purposes. There will be eight rooms for patients, besides a large operating room. This operating room is being fitted up and equipped by all the physicians of the city, and the hospital when ready for use will be patronized by all these physicians when occasion shall demand. The owner of the building is now supplying it with electric lights and telephone, and is having it painted. Mrs. Gardner is supplying the furniture for the patients' rooms. This brings an institution much needed. It behooves our townspeople to give it all the encouragement possible. No, you will not be expected to get sick or break a leg just to prove your loyalty, but you might be able to boost a little without working any hardship, either financially or physically. Medford Mail, July 24, 1908, page 1 Referring to the 1911 Medford Sanborn Map, the hospital must have been a former residence at 314 South E Street. SISTERS TO OPEN HOSPITAL
To Be Erected in Medford As Soon As Nurses Are Provided
will no doubt be good news to many citizens of Medford to learn that it
has been definitely decided by Archbishop Alexander Christie, of this
diocese, and others in authority connected with the Catholic Church
that a hospital is to be built here.
The Sisters of Providence, with headquarters at Montreal, Canada, have hundreds of hospitals throughout the United States and Canada which are built and maintained by their order, and their success in this line of work has been something wonderful. At the present time they are short of nurses and that is the only reason why work on the building has not been commenced here before this. Archbishop Christie some time ago decided that there should be a Sisters hospital at this point, and made a special trip to Montreal for the purpose of laying the matter before the mother superior of the order. When he returned he stated that the Sisters would open a hospital in Medford and would do so just as soon as they would be in a position to equip it with nurses. The Catholic Church possesses two different pieces of land very close to the city, in addition to that where the academy is built. Just which one of these will be chosen for the site has not been decided on as yet, but those in a position to know state that it will likely be somewhere in the vicinity of the academy. Medford Mail, September 4, 1908, page 1 The Sisters did not actually begin their service to Medford until May of 1911. THIRD
Drs. Conroy and Clancy Secure a Lease on Desirable Location and Equip a Modern Hospital.
is to have another private hospital and one that so far as appliances
and convenience in handling go will be a model one.
Drs. Conroy and Clancy have secured a lease on the John W. Cox residence, on South Central Avenue, recently purchased by Mrs. J. E. Enyart, for a term of years, and have fitted it up for use as a hospital. Conroy and Clancy have taken a contract to furnish medical treatment and hospital care to the employees of the Pacific & Eastern railway and have fitted up these quarters for that purpose primarily, but they will also be prepared to accommodate outside patients. The new hospital will have accommodations for about 20 patients, and it is already pretty filled up. The matron in charge is Mrs. Hiser, and she will be assisted by a competent corps of nurses. The contract with the Pacific & Eastern gives the firm about 600 men to take care of, and this number will be increased when a full force is put on in the spring. The location is an ideal one, the grounds and house being spacious and well arranged. Medford Mail Tribune, December 22, 1909, page 2 Medford needs a hospital, and the enterprise that will accomplish it for the city will come in for a full measure of praise. For some time it has been expected that the Sisters of St. Vincent would be guaranteed a site and $10,000 toward a hospital, and with that expectancy in view the sisters were asked and had signified their willingness to come. Now, it appears, various hitches have occurred, more especially in the shape of a growing feeling for the establishment of a non-sectarian institution. It is said a large percentage of possible contributors favor the non-sectarian as against the sectarian hospital, and this in spite of the fact that the sisters guarantee, after gaining the first stipulated amount, to develop an institution here which should cost not less than $100,000--they to assume all the responsibility for its completion and full success. This project has apparently received a decided setback. Be that as it may, the fact remains that we need and must have a hospital. Cities are few the size of Medford that do not possess at least one hospital, and many places very much smaller are ahead of us in this respect. Some of the women of Ashland a while ago started out to secure a hospital for their city; they easily raised the necessary amount, and now Ashland is deriving benefit from a $20,000 institution. That amount of money does not mean a large hospital, by any means, but it is equal to a fairly commodious structure and good equipment. (A large part of the equipment would probably be donated by different physicians.) The amount would doubtless be sufficient for a hospital that should have besides operating rooms and offices, two wards of twelve beds each, and several private rooms. In a well-constituted hospital not only should accommodations be suited to any-sized pocketbook, but there should be two or three free beds, endowed by private citizens, where those unfortunately unable to pay even the ordinary ward rate could receive the same good care. It is to be hoped that some definite results may soon be reported by those actively concerned in founding such an institution here. Medford Saturday Review, August 20, 1910, page 2 Medford May Have Fine New
The largest real estate deal in Medford city property
in five years was consummated Saturday, according to the Medford Sun, when Dr. E.
H. Porter bought from Dr. E.
B. Pickel the quarter block
opposite the federal building on Sixth and Holly streets, for a
consideration of $6,000. The deal was made through Earl S. Tumy.
Dr. Porter plans the erection immediately upon the site of a private sanitarium and hospital to cost $15,000. The plans for the building are now in the hands of the architect and will be ready early next week. Other details regarding the new project are in the course of formation. Jacksonville Post, April 7, 1917, page 1 ![]() The only known photograph of the Dow Hospital (at right), from the 1925 Medford High School yearbook.
Drs. Dow & Dow are fitting up a building of 18
rooms at
Medford and will move their hospital from Central Point about April
1st. The Dow hospital has made an excellent record during the past six
years at Central Point, and the rapidly increasing business demands
more room to accommodate its patrons. During the remainder of March the
hospital at Central Point will be open as usual.
News," Jacksonville
Post, March 16, 1918, page 3
![]() Jacksonville Post, April 6, 1918 "Local
News," Jacksonville
Post, April 6, 1918, page 3
Thursday morning at the Dow hospital in Medford, a very difficult and delicate surgical operation was performed on Ray Blackburn, former motorman on [the] S.O. Traction car, who was crushed between logs while unloading a car at the Applegate Lumber Co.'s mill last summer. A section of the backbone was removed, and substitutes for the protection of the spinal cord were made to take the place of the injured vertebra which was removed. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 21, 1919, page 3 NEW HOSPITAL FOR MEDFORD OPENED
Dow Association Hospital, in course of incorporation, opened this
morning. It is located at Central Avenue and Beatty Street, in the
former B. P. Theiss residence, with an acre of ground adjoining. An
addition will be built to the structure, increasing the hospital
facilities to 30 wards. Miss Lenora Patton, a graduate of the Good
Samaritan Hospital of Portland, will be in charge of a corps of nurses.
It is reported that the hospital will be incorporated at $100,000. Dr.
M. McM. Dow will be in charge.
![]() Medford Mail Tribune, September 15, 1921, page B2 Medford is to be the seat of the Dow Association Hospital, capitalized at $100,000. The incorporators are McMorris M. Dow, Myron G. Mordoff and Benjamin F. Lindas. "Dow Hospital $100,000 Company," Medford Mail Tribune, September 27, 1921, page 1 The forum luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce which was held at the Hotel Medford this noon was unusually well attended. Three new songs were introduced by official song leader Millard and two of them went very satisfactorily. Dr. E. B. Pickel acted as chairman and introduced the speaker, Father George B. Thompson of Portland, who delivered a concise, interesting and instructive address on the standardization of hospitals, pointing out the numerous advantages that standardization holds for the public and for the medical profession. He urged that progressive Medford citizens augment the helpful spirit which the sisters of the district Sacred Heart Hospital, situated in this city, are displaying in setting aside a part of the hospital for a public dispensary and that local physicians on the visiting staff of the hospital cooperate in the diagnosis of cases where surgery seems a necessity, without any extra charge to the patient for the services of the physician who is called in consultation. "Standardization of Hospitals Is Topic at Forum," Medford Mail Tribune, October 26, 1921, page 3 McMORRIS MARSHALL DOW, M.D.
Dr. McMorris Marshall Dow, engaged successfully in the practice of
medicine and surgery at Medford, was born in Lemars, Iowa, in June,
1882, and is a son of Herman F. and Mary E. (McMorris) Dow. The
ancestral line on both sides can be traced back to Revolutionary War
days and Chief Justice Marshall of the United States Supreme Court, the
first incumbent in that position, is numbered among his forebears. His
grandfather in the maternal line was Judge T. A. McMorris of the
supreme court of Colorado. The Doctor's father was a prominent merchant
of Iowa for a number of years, and at various points in the country the
family has taken active part in promoting progress and development.Dr. Dow received his training at the graded schools of Sioux City, Iowa, in the Michigan Military Academy, in the Sioux Medical College and in the San Francisco College of Physicians and Surgeons, from which he received his professional degree in 1905. He first entered upon active practice in Texas, remaining there for a year, after which he removed to Los Angeles, California, where he continued to follow his profession until 1910. He then accepted a call to the Andrew Wade Morton Hospital at San Francisco and remained as house surgeon of that famous institution until 1912, when he removed to Medford and established the Dow Hospital, which he conducts in addition to his extensive office practice. During the eight years in which he has made his home in Medford he has won a most enviable reputation as a surgeon of ability and has built up an excellent practice. He at all times keeps in touch with the trend of modern professional thought and progress, especially in the field of surgery, to which he bends his energies and attention. In January, 1920, Dr. Dow was married to Miss Fernn R. Beebe, a native of Jackson County, Oregon, and a descendant of Daniel Webster. They have one child, McMorris Marshall (II). While his professional duties have been onerous and extensive, Dr. Dow has by no means neglected his social and civic obligations. He is a thirty~second degree Mason and member of the Mystic Shrine, and he is also connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. To all public affairs of value he gives his enthusiastic support and yet is never neglectful of any professional duty and in order to advance his efficiency has taken postgraduate courses in New York and Chicago and attends clinics at Rochester, Minnesota, with the Mayo Brothers. The worth of his work is widely acknowledged and his friends esteem him no less for his social qualities and splendid personal attributes than for his professional skill. Charles Henry Carey, History of Oregon, 1922, volume II, pages 573-574 FORMER CLOTHIER IS DEAD
Herman F. Dow, former Sioux City clothing merchant, died in Medford,
Ore., March 21, according to word received here. At one time Mr. Dow
was the leading clothing merchant of northwestern Iowa, having four
stores, located in Sioux City and LeMars and in Norfolk and Hastings,
Neb.HERMAN F. DOW EXPIRES IN HIS WESTERN HOME. WIDELY KNOWN AS MERCHANT Former Owner of Line of Stores in Northwestern Iowa Dies After a Long Illness at Medford, Ore.--Was 69 Years Old. Funeral services were held Friday, March 24, Rev. W. B. Hamilton, of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, officiating. The pallbearers were brother Elks, Medford lodge 1168, B.P.O.E. Mr. Dow had been in failing health for some time and acutely ill for the last three weeks. He was 69 years old. He is survived by two children, Mrs. Charles H. Pierson, of Los Angeles, Cal., and Dr. McMorris M. Dow, of Medford, Ore., and a sister, Mrs. George M. Mordoff, of Medford, Ore. Sioux City Journal, March 30, 1922, page 10 NEW
Medford's new Community Hospital, located at 843 East Main Street in
one of the most popular and beautiful residence sections of this city,
will formally open for public use September 5th. The building has been
completely remodeled, and every possible modern hospital facility has
been installed with the exception of an X-ray, which will soon be moved
there. The new hospital will be run under competent business management
and conducted along modern standards of hospital management in regard
to keeping complete and comprehensive case records and histories of all
laboratory tests, X-rays, etc.
Miss Elsie Davidson, R.N., a graduate of Lawrence College in Wisconsin and the Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago, will act as superintendent of the new hospital. She will be assisted by Miss Gayle Pond of Illinois Wesleyan College, also a graduate of the Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago, and Miss Mary Versick and Miss Dorothy Krecker, both from the Greater Community Hospital of Creston, Iowa. The Community Hospital will be open to the public and profession in general, and its promoters declare it will be a welcome acquisition in the local medical field. Medford Mail Tribune, September 2, 1922, page 6 MODERN MEDICAL PLANT INSTALLED IN MEDFORD
Medford Mail Tribune, July 30, 1923, page 2
Drs. Stearns and Green have recently completed one of the most complete
and up-to-date suite of offices in the state. The suite was especially
designed by Drs. Stearns and Green after several months' consideration
of plans of modern office plants from different parts of the country.
It consists of six large rooms, covers a floor space of over twelve
hundred square feet, and all rooms of the suite without entering a
public reception room or hall.
The rooms are so arranged as to give the examining rooms absolute quietude, a very important requisite for delicate heart and lung examinations. The rooms are also fitted up with very complete facilities for X-ray and laboratory works, the doctors having given special attention to these features for several years. This enlargement is in conformity with the policy which Dr. Stearns has pursued since his advent in the practice of medicine in Medford fourteen years ago. Dr. Stearns was the first doctor to employ a graduate nurse as an office assistant, also among the first doctors to install a complete X-ray outfit in Medford. Dr. Green, who for the past year has been associated with Dr. Stearns, has always stood for the highest type of medical practice. After graduating from Rush Medical College in 1900, he took a year of hospital training before going abroad for two years of study. After returning from Vienna, he was offered a position on the faculty of his alma mater and for three years taught diagnosis and internal medicine at Rush Medical College. From there he went into a hospital and consultation practice at Creston, Iowa, for fifteen years, where he was closely identified with the building up of the well-known Community Hospital. The heavy work and responsibility in that severe climate caused a break in his health at different times, and two years ago he sold out and came west and in May 1922 took up his permanent residence in Medford. Drs. Stearns and Green plan to continue with the installation of additional equipment along all lines of modern medical advances. About a year ago, they were responsible for starting the Community Hospital at 843 East Main Street, which has enjoyed a liberal patronage since the date of its opening. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL COMPLETES YEAR
Last month marked the completion
of the first year of the Community Hospital. On the whole it has been a
very gratifying one to the promoters of this new institution. This
institution was started with the idea of furnishing to the public an
up-to-date hospital, small enough to still give a distinct individual
touch in the way of nursing, service and diet. This idea has been
consistently carried out throughout the year.The very best equipment was purchased throughout. Nothing but high-class graduate nurses have been employed, and the operating room has been fully equipped with everything necessary for safe and convenient work in surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. No time or money has been spared in seeing that the best of everything was procured for the comfort and well being of the patients. The public in general and the medical profession have shown their appreciation of this by their generous patronage, and the first year has been a successful one for the Community Hospital. Not only have patients from the Medford and the Rogue River Valley patronized it, but there have been several from the northern part of Oregon and California. This hospital has at all times been open to the medical profession in general and received patronage from thirteen different members of the regular profession. It has enjoyed a very enviable record in a surgical way. In spite of the large number of surgical operations which have been performed during the year, many of them of a major character, there has not been a fatality, thus far, following an operation. Medford Sun, October 28, 1923, page B6 The Medford Hospital, Inc., 704 N. Central Avenue. Fully equipped, graduate nurses only, reasonable rates. "Yourself and Others," Medford Clarion, November 2, 1923, page 5 PLAN IMPROVEMENT IN NEW HOSPITAL,
a meeting of the board of directors of the Medford Protestant hospital
last evening in the office of the hospital, a number of new members to
the board were installed and officers for the year were elected. The
new officers who assume their duties at once are as follows: President,
E. M. Wilson; vice-president, A. J. Hanby; secretary, Allen Mattison;
treasurer, Rev. Wm. B. Hamilton. Other members of the board are D. L.
Davidson, Central Point; Elmer Wilson, Medford; Mrs. J. C. Pendleton,
I. H. Paxson and W. C. Leever, all of Central Point. Also of Medford,
Ben Miller, Rev. D. J. Howe, Rev. King, Rev. J. B. Coan, Mrs. W. H.
Bryant, Mrs. Chas. W. Young.
The institution, which is incorporated, through its board authorized the sale of additional bonds and plans were completed for the erection of the second unit of the building. Excavation of the basement was ordered to proceed as soon as possible. The new unit will provide twelve additional rooms besides surgical and obstetrical rooms and a nursery. A staff of four graduate nurses are employed, and the board ordered the immediate employment of a superintendent for general supervision of the hospital. The hospital opened in September [1922]. About 400 cases have been received to date, three-fourths of which have been surgical. The mortality rate is said to be 3 percent, which is exceptionally low, especially with such a large percentage of surgical cases. 8000 hospital hours have been devoted to charity. This means that $1200 of charitable work has been provided. The hospital is open to the practice of all licensed physicians. Medford Mail Tribune, December 29, 1923, page 6 DR. DOW IS SUED BY MRS. DOW FOR ABSOLUTE DIVORCE
Suit for divorce was filed in the circuit court Monday by Fern R. Dow
against Dr. McM. M. Dow, charging cruel and inhuman treatment, and
asking for an absolute decree, the custody of two minor children, $50 a
month for their care, $50 a month permanent alimony, and attorney's
fees and costs.The complaint also alleges that the defendant "maintained an indifferent and superior attitude towards the plaintiff," and that "her life was made unbearable" by this alleged treatment. A disparity in age--the plaintiff is 16 years younger--is also set forth in the complaint. The papers also set forth "that the defendant is a practicing physician and surgeon capable of earning $500 per month," and the plea is made that the alimony and fund for the children's care be paid to the county clerk the first of every month, by court order. Medford Mail Tribune, December 9, 1924, page 6 Fern R. Dow vs. McMorris M. Dow. Divorce. "Circuit Court," Medford Mail Tribune, December 15, 1924, page 3 NEW HOSPITAL IS READY FOR PUBLIC OPENING
Community Hospital Will Soon Have Formal Opening-- Institution Represents Last Word in Up-to-Date Equipment and Modern Conveniences. FACTS ABOUT NEW COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Cost of building, $60,000. Capacity, 30 private rooms. Founded, 1922. Enlarged, 1926. Officers: President, S. M. Scott; vice president, Mrs. L. Carpenter; secretary, W. J. Warner; treasurer, H. W. Conger.
With the completion of the new $60,000 Community Hospital on East Main
Street, which will soon be formally opened, Medford will have two
up-to-date and modern hospitals, fitted to accommodate the medical
needs of both the city and surrounding territory.
The construction of a second hospital in Medford is in line with a postwar development extending all over the country. People now demand rapid recovery. They are no longer content to be ill as long as they formerly were. They also demand physical fitness, not only for their comfort and peace of mind, but as a matter of business efficiency. A modern hospital is essential to quick recovery. Hospital examination and observation are necessary for the average person who not only wishes the best possible care when ill, but wishes if possible to prevent illness. In other words, the hospital is the very foundation of the most important department of modern therapeutics--preventive medicine. That is why the American people are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in new hospitals today, and are saving thereby thousands of millions in reduced illness, fewer complications, greater productive efficiency, etc., etc. The new Community Hospital is the result of a persistent public demand for improved and enlarged hospital facilities in Medford. The first Community Hospital was opened four years ago, but soon could not accommodate the demand, so it was decided to build a new building, public assistance being asked and granted. The new building will have 30 private rooms, is 48 feet by 60 feet, of reinforced concrete, and while it is connected with the old hospital, is not an addition but is a complete hospital in itself. The building is three stories high with basement, in which a modern hospital kitchen has been installed, the floors being served with meals via a dumbwaiter. A large automatic elevator furnishes transportation from floor to floor, the latest electric service signals are installed in each room, while the hospital will have its own refrigeration and laundry plants. The room doors have been made so large that patients seriously ill can be moved from room to room and floor to floor without being taken from their beds. Needless to say the new building is absolutely fireproof. Not only is the construction of concrete, but the building is equipped with automatic fire doors, fireproof plaster board is used throughout and there are two-inch standpipes with fire hose connections on each floor. In a special wing by itself, the operating room, delivery room and nursery have been installed, well buffeted from other patients to eliminate all annoyance from noise. The main entrance of the hospital will be on the Main Street side of the new building, and on either side of it will be the waiting room and offices. In short the new Community Hospital has the very best and latest in hospital equipment which money can buy, answers a genuine public need, and is an institution of which every citizen in Medford and Southern Oregon may well be proud. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927, page B5
Medford Is Medical Center of Southern Oregon and Northern California
Medford is not
only the industrial and distributing, but the medical center of
Northern California and Southern Oregon.
With the completion of the new Community Hospital, Medford's hospital facilities are unequaled by any city on the Coast between Eugene on the north and Sacramento on the south. Medford's physicians and surgeons, moreover, have a deserved reputation for excellence all along the Coast. People come from all parts of Northern California and Southern Oregon for diagnosis and treatment, as well as for the advice of specialists. Statistics show Medford's climate to be about as healthful as any climate could be. It is a perfect mean between the extreme precipitation and dampness on the north, and the monotonous aridity on the south, with a maximum of sunshine and yet with a good climatic variety. As a result, although Medford is in no sense a health resort, it is popular as a residence city because there is little sickness, and at the same time, when there is sickness, there is every provision for properly taking care of it. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927, page B5 COMMUNITY IS POPULAR HOSPITAL
Community Hospital, located on East Main Street, is one of the best
equipped and most popular institutions of the kind on the coast. It is
well built and arranged, splendidly managed, and the business for 1927
showed an increase of 33⅓ percent over 1926.
The Community Hospital was the result of a public demand for enlarged hospital facilities in Medford. The first building was erected and opened five years ago, but soon proved inadequate to accommodate the demand, and it was decided to build a new structure. This was accomplished in 1927 by the erection of a reinforced concrete building 48 by 60 feet, with 30 private rooms, and while it is connected with the original structure, it is a complete hospital in itself. The new building is three stories high with basement, has a modern hospital kitchen, the floors being served with meals via a dumbwaiter. An automatic elevator furnishes transportation from floor to floor. The latest electric service signals in each room. Has a complete electric refrigeration throughout and all other modern equipment. The new building is not only absolutely fireproof but is equipped with automatic fire doors, fireproof plaster board being used throughout, and there are two-inch standpipes with fire hose connections on each floor. In a special wing by itself, the operating room, delivery room and nursery have been installed, well buffeted from other patients to eliminate all annoyance from noise. The hospital is open for patients from all physicians and surgeons. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page D2 SACRED HEART HOSPITAL, MEDFORD
Sacred Heart Hospital is one of the largest in southern Oregon, is a
very imposing fireproof structure which may be seen from the business
part of the city and the valley around, is located on high ground in
the eastern part of Medford. It was constructed in 1911 at an expense
of $145,000, exclusive of furnishings and equipment, and served the
needs of a large territory in Oregon and California.
The structure has five stories in the main building and four in the wings, and affords over 100 beds in the several wards and private rooms. Laboratory and X-ray equipment is very complete, and a staff of fourteen Medford and southern Oregon doctors and surgeons affiliate with the hospital, which is also open to visiting surgeons and doctors. Completely detached as far as personal contact goes is an isolation ward, complete in itself with a kitchen and other necessary sickroom requirements. The hospital conducts a training school for nurses. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page G8 COMMUNITY IS POPULAR HOSPITAL
The Community Hospital, located on East Main Street, is one of the
best equipped and most popular institutions of the kind on the Coast.
It is well built and arranged, splendidly managed, and the business for
1927 showed an increase of 33⅓ percent over 1926.The Community Hospital was the result of a public demand for enlarged hospital facilities in Medford. The first building was erected and opened five years ago, but soon proved inadequate to accommodate the demand, and it was decided to build a new structure. This was accomplished in 1927 by the erection of a reinforced concrete building 48 by 60 feet, with 30 private rooms, and while it is connected with the original structure it is a complete hospital in itself. The new building is three stories high with basement, has a modern hospital kitchen, the floors being served with meals via dumbwaiter. An automatic elevator furnishes transportation from floor to floor, the latest electric service signals in each room. Has a complete electric refrigeration throughout and all other modern equipment. The new building is not only absolutely fireproof, but is equipped with automatic fire doors, fireproof plasterboard being used throughout, and there are two-inch standpipes with fire hose connections on each floor. In a special wing by itself, the operating room, delivery room and nursery have been installed, well buffered from other patients to eliminate all annoyance from noise. The hospital is open for patients from all physicians and surgeons. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page C2 LOCAL HOSPITALS WIN HIGH RATING
The Community Hospital and the Sacred Heart Hospital of this city are
among the hospitals of the United States given highest standing by the
American Medical Association, according to the telegram received today
from Boston, Mass.One nursing school of this city, presumed to be the Sacred Heart Hospital nursing school, is also listed as one receiving national recognition of the American Medical Association. Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1931, page 8 SACRED HEART LISTED AS APPROVED HOSPITAL
Included in the names of hospitals in Oregon which investigators for
the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, have placed on their list as
meeting the requirements ensuring safe and efficient service to the
patient, is that of the Sacred Heart Hospital.The list of approved hospitals was announced this morning at the fourteenth annual conference of the college, being conducted in New York City. The organization represents approximately 10,000 leading surgeons of the United States, Canada and other countries. Dr. Charles T. Sweeney of this city, who is attending the convention, will receive the fellowship degree of the college while in New York. Medford Mail Tribune, October 12, 1931, page 6 HOWARD IS HEAD OF OSTEOPATHIC ASSN. FOR STATE
W. W. Howard, a successful physician in this community since 1912, who
was elected this year to the presidency of the Oregon Osteopathic
Association, is manager of the new osteopathic clinic and hospital
which will be officially opened Thursday, August 1.
"I am very happy to have the pleasure of introducing to my practice and to the people of the Rogue River Valley Dr. Russell R. Sherwood, who became associated with me in practice last October. He has specialized in obstetrics and major surgery, which type of practice necessitates hospital facilities, and because such facilities were not open to us in this city it became necessary for us to open a place of our own, which we have done. We hope that it will meet with your approval. I have greatly appreciated your patronage in the past and will welcome it in the future," stated Dr. Howard. Dr. Howard was graduated from the American School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Mo. in 1912, and passed the Missouri and Iowa state board examinations. After "landing" in his home in Iowa with three dollars in his pocket, Dr. Howard decided to go west, and wrote to all the towns in Oregon for information. The letter he received from Medford was written by Judge Colvig, then secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, who told of the beauty and opportunities of the valley so persuasively that Dr. Howard came here after passing his Oregon state board examination in 1912. "I had a letter of introduction to Frank Rhoades," Dr. Howard recalled, "who telephoned City Engineer Olen Arnspiger, and together they took me for a ride, completely 'selling' me the city. I opened my office December 23, 1912, in the Garnett-Corey Building, which is now the Liberty Building." After a discouraging start, Dr. Howard built up a highly successful practice. In 1919 he entered the Los Angeles College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons to specialize in eye, ear, nose and throat. Dr. Howard had as his instructor Dr. T. J. Ruddy, originator of the tonsil technique that Dr. Howard has used successfully for the past 15 years. Dr. Ruddy will be in Medford for the opening Thursday. Medford Mail Tribune, July 30, 1935, page 7 LATEST EQUIPMENT AUGMENTS SERVICE
AT HOSPITAL HERE Community Institution Adds Complete X-Ray Unit and Artificial Fever Cabinet for Diagnosis, Treatment
made recently at Community Hospital include installation of a complete
X-ray diagnostic unit and an artificial fever cabinet. Both are now in
use and are said to be giving excellent results.
The X-ray unit was installed by the General Electric X-Ray Corporation. It afford Community Hospital patients the same high standard of X-ray diagnosis as is procurable at the best institutions in Portland and San Francisco, it was stated by C. W. Frost, corporation technician. Hospital attendants said the artificial fever cabinet was giving gratifying results. As its name implies, the cabinet produces an artificial fever to wage war on a variety of microbes. Fever Therapy New.
therapy is now being used in
the treatment of a number of diseases, including gonorrheal arthritis,
syphilis, bronchial asthma and chronic infectious arthritis. Treatment
by artificial fever has aroused considerable interest in medical
circles, and numerous articles have been published in recent months in
magazines of general national circulation.The new X-ray equipment occupies a whole room at the hospital. It comprises a combination radiographic and fluoroscopic tilting table used in conjunction with a radiographic rail-mounted X-ray tube stand unit, vertical cassette tunnel, stereoscopic illuminator and a complete darkroom equipment for film processing. The X-ray apparatus is in charge of a qualified technician. The entire X-ray equipment is exceedingly compact, being installed in an ordinary-size room which leaves ample space for patient, surgeons, technician and nurses. It is entirely shockproof, thus providing safety for both patient and operator and making possible the administering of anesthetics right in the X-ray department. Aid to Patient.
"This unit
is equal to any in
Oregon as to the quality of the work it will produce, and is superior
to most," Mr. Frost said.The tilting table affords radiography and fluoroscopy in all positions of the patient, from vertical to trendelenberg. It is designed for the utmost convenience of the patient. The fluoroscope is of improved design, traveling and being usable the entire length of the table. Its range of operation is considered advantageous because the patient does not have to be moved. The X-ray tube also is easily moved from one end of the table to the other, and it may be used in any position most convenient for the patient. It may also be extended beyond the edge of the table for use in cases where the patient is too seriously ill to be moved from his bed. In such cases the patient may be wheeled in his bed into the X-ray room. The vertical cassette is used for vertical chest radiography or for any work where better diagnosis is obtained when the patient stands or sits. Rapid Exposure.
equipment, Mr. Frost
explained, has sufficient power to do most work in fractional second
time and permits taking chest radiographs in one-twentieth of a second.
Through this speed greater detail and sharpness of outline are
obtained, he said."Fractional second exposures are advantageous where the patient cannot remain still or where there is involuntary motion due to heart action as in the chest cavity," Mr. Frost related. The stereoscopic illuminator is used to show the radiographs to the best advantage through adequate lighting. It is also of great value, Mr. Frost pointed out, in viewing two radiographs simultaneously to produce depth or a third dimension of some pathology. This is important, for example, in determining the extent of a fracture or other injury and provides the examining surgeon with information necessary for a correct remedy for the condition, Mr. Frost emphasized. The darkroom has modern water temperature control to insure uniformly good results in film processing. It is equipped with several innovations and conveniences which are designed for efficiency and perfection of work. Medford Mail Tribune, September 16, 1937, page 14 ![]() OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC AND HOSPITAL
In Medford at Jackson and Bartlett, phone 496.
This hospital is convenient for the people from all over this section of the country. The very finest of equipment, careful nursing, and the most able professional service is a feature of this hospital. Prepared to take care of emergency cases. There is nothing more important to the onward progress of our community than a hospital service of this kind presided over by those who have made a special study of the afflicted--those who are unfortunate because of physical or mental defects. They feature general hospital service, general practice and surgery. They give the most patient service here. The management is to be commended upon devoting their life to the work which is so much needed to make everyone fit to be a Spartan. The change in methods from the olden times is well exemplified in the work of this hospital which typifies modern civilization. This well-known hospital occupies commodious quarters, is excellently appointed and most modernly equipped. The rooms are well furnished and pleasant, and an air of hope is inspired by the furnishings that have been selected by the decorator with this end in view. They give all patients a thorough examination, and during treatment they are cared for by nurses who are able, painstaking and follow the directions of the medical department. This accounts for the rapid recovery of people coming here and for that fact remain in good condition for years afterwards. The Osteopathic Clinic and Hospital is always prepared to take care of urgent cases in the most rapid and efficient manner, but it is always best for those expecting to go to the hospital to make arrangements in advance. This ensures a private room and many conveniences. Gold Hill News, October 21, 1937, page 5 SWEARINGEN
No changes in the policy or staff of the Community Hospital in Medford
are contemplated as a result of the death of Miss Phyllis Swearingen,
superintendent and part owner, the board of directors announced this
week, following the reading of Miss Swearingen's will.
The announcement was made through Mrs. Leonard Carpenter, vice-chairman of the board and acting head in the absence of Alfred S. V. Carpenter, chairman. The will left Miss Swearingen's share of the hospital stock to her partner, Miss Mabel Coffeen, to her brother, William Swearingen of Iowa City, Ia., and to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Swearingen of Iowa. Miss Swearingen came to Medford 20 years ago from the East to become affiliated with the Community Hospital, which has grown through her guidance to an accredited standard hospital, recognized by the American College of Surgeons. In addition to carrying on her profession in the field of medicine, Miss Swearingen, in spite of increasing poor health, played an active role in the life of the community. Time after time, by determination and courage alone, it seemed she temporarily conquered the illness which ended her very useful life last week. Members of the hospital board, which will carry on, are Alfred S. V. Carpenter, Mrs. Leonard Carpenter, Cole Holmes, Eugene Thorndike, Mrs. Porter J. Neff, Ralph Norris, Leon Boomer and Allen R. Smith. Medford News, May 28, 1948, page 2 My tonsils were removed [in Warner W. Howard's Osteopathic Clinic & Hospital, 215 East Jackson,] in 1948. I was put under with ether, which was horrible. Two osteopathic doctors had offices downstairs, one on each side behind the big windows. Upstairs, the central bedroom on the west side was used as an operating room. Other bedrooms were set up as a mini hospital. After the surgery, I convalesced in a bedroom on the east side. There were three hospital beds in that room, and I have a vague memory of beds in an adjacent room. I can't say how long I stayed there, but I clearly remember my dad carrying me down the stairs on his shoulders when it was time to go home. That was dramatic because the stairway was open on one side to the foyer with its double-high ceiling. John Patton, personal correspondence, May 12, 2014 New
Tax Levy To Provide Funds for Hospital
A proposal authorizing a 2½-mill tax levy, for one year, to
additional money for construction of a county hospital, will be placed
on the November 2 election ballot, County Judge J. B. Coleman said here
today. The measure, if approved, will raise about $115,000, which,
added to the $107,000 on hand, will complete the building.
During the years of 1944, 1945 and 1946, a tax levy of one mill was voted, and this raised the $107,000, but increase of building costs since then made the fund inadequate for the desired building. Voters of the county will vote on a second measure, providing for a levy of one-half mill for preservation of the old county courthouse in Jacksonville as a museum for southern Oregon historical lore. A caretaker's residence will also be provided for the museum. The new county hospital will be built behind the present buildings, and an additional acre of land will be purchased by the county to provide additional room for the building. Some of the present buildings will be moved and utilized, County Commissioner Arthur Pawell said, but the main building will be torn down and the material used. An isolation ward is also planned for the county hospital, which is a much-needed facility in the county. Medford News, October 8, 1948, page 1 Former
Hospital Due for Dismantling
Dismantling of a large building on South Central Ave., at 11th St.,
until recently used for an apartment house, is now under way.
The building at one time was used as a hospital, previous to the construction of Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford oldtimers have reported. The property was recently purchased by M. M. Huggins, General Petroleum Company operator at 936 South Central Ave. His plans for the ground have not been announced. Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1953 NEW
Construction of the Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital will start within
three weeks.
The $1,937,425 structure will be completed in 518 working days. Excavation and foundation work for the big building will get under way almost immediately. Steel deliveries have been set to arrive within three weeks. These this week were the plans revealed by the group of business men handling the affairs of the hospital after last Friday's meeting at which a contract was signed with A. V. Petersen Co. for construction. The original bid by Petersen for the hospital was $2,040,404, but the directors knocked the figure down to $1,937,425 without, they said, losing any of the basic elements of the original plan. The hospital is being constructed with funds from a federal grants and largely by donators as well as by public subscription. Rogue River Times, July 27, 1956, page 1 ![]() April 1, 1960 Rogue River Times Member of Hospital's Board Mentions Problems of 1935 Operating
a hospital during the Depression years was a true challenge to
resourcefulness, according to Eugene Thorndike, senior member of the
board of Rogue Valley Hospital.
Jackson County was fortunate in having people with resourcefulness, he added, when urged recently to recall those days when Rogue Valley Hospital's predecessor was operated as Community Hospital on East Main Street. The occasion for recollection was a meeting of the present hospital board at which service pins were presented [to] four members. The late Miss Phyllis Swearingen was credited with the greatest amount of resourcefulness when Thorndike, who received a 30-year service pin, reviewed the past. Sharing honors with Thorndike were Alfred S. V. Carpenter, also a 30-year member; Otto J. Frohnmayer and Leon O. (Doc) Boomer, who were recipients of 25-year service pins. Deserving of Orchids
Assisting Miss Swearingen in the
hospital operation was Miss Mabel L. Coffeen, now of 1216 E. Main St.,
Medford, Thorndike said, adding that both women were deserving of
orchids.Many hospital patients, who were without money, and most people were at that time, paid their bills in produce, Thorndike recalled. This was where Miss Swearingen's resourcefulness "really showed." She had a 10-acre farm, and the livestock which was turned into the hospital in lieu of cash was placed on the farm until it could be converted into pork chops and steaks for the hospital menu. Miss Swearingen learned to be a "wheeler and dealer," adding knowledge of hog, beef, chicken and turkey prices to her understanding of nursing and hospital administration. She knew how to trade services for potatoes, eggs and fruits, too, without letting the hospital suffer too much, Thorndike noted. It was her farm, however, he insisted, that really enabled the hospital board to operate the institution during that period. Bartering System
If the staff couldn't have
accepted livestock and poultry, the hospital wouldn't have been paid in
many, many instances. Without Miss Swearingen's farm as the
"go-between," the staff couldn't have accepted such a bartering system."Those were the days of real deficit financing," Thorndike, a retired banker, admitted. "Nobody, just nobody, had money. Those girls did a wonderful job." Another way in which the old Community Hospital was unique was in respect to fire prevention, Thorndike continued [in] his survey of the past. "I think it was the only hospital which had its own fire department." It was composed of neighborhood volunteers who were trained to rescue patients from the hospital in case of fire. Without these neighborhood volunteers, Thorndike commented, the hospital board members couldn't have slept well, knowing the hazards of operating a frame building, which was rapidly becoming a firetrap. Morale Builders
The assistance of Dr. Edwin R. Durno during those years was also recognized by Thorndike.He pointed out that the now-retired physician is the only doctor now in Medford who came to the aid of Misses Swearingen and Coffeen during the dark days. He helped them keep up their morale, as did the late Mrs. Leonard Carpenter, president of the board for 15 years, Thorndike stated. Viewing the modern Rogue Valley Hospital, which had its origin in that old Community Hospital, makes all struggles of the past seem "very worthwhile," the senior board member concluded. Medford Mail Tribune, August 5, 1965, page 10 Stevens Street Facility Renamed; Changes Planned
and renaming of the former Christian Medical Foundation Hospital at 625
Stevens St., Medford, was announced today.
The facility, which also was previously known as the Hawthorne Convalescent and Physical Therapy Hospital, has been renamed Southern Oregon Hospital, Medford. Franklin J. Smith, owner of Southern Oregon Hospital, Grants Pass, and former administrator of Josephine General Hospital, Grants Pass, for eight years, has been appointed administrator of the Medford facility. It will operate as a convalescent hospital temporarily, Smith announced, while surgery facilities are being added. Plans are under way to obtain licensing as a general hospital about June 1, he explained. One wing will be reclaimed for convalescent hospital patients. Registered nurses are on duty 24 hours a day, with x-ray, medical laboratory and physical and occupational therapy services available, Smith added. Has 102 [sic] Beds
The physical plant accommodates 120 [sic] beds at present and is designed for a maximum capacity of 130, in private, semi-private and ward rooms."The single-story construction is designed for convenience, efficiency, safety and maximum comfort. Other features include piped-in oxygen, air conditioning, electronic air filtering and two-way audio nurse call system," Smith said. Smith, a graduate of the University of North Dakota, and his family reside in Grants Pass. Since 1945 Mr. Smith has managed Southern Oregon Health Service with offices in Grants Pass, Medford and Roseburg. The couple has four children. Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1966, page 1 "Old Theiss Home in Medford Becoming Community Center," Medford Mail Tribune, December 10, 1967, page B4 Last revised February 4, 2024 |