The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Dr. Elias Hull Porter

    In the list of graduates from the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery we notice the name of Mr. E. H. Porter, who ranked at the head of his class. Commencement exercises were held on Wednesday evening of this week, and Mr. Porter is now a full-fledged M.D. He will join his family at this place in a day or two.
Big Sandy News, Louisa, Kentucky, April 15, 1898, page 3

    The contract surgeons have received their assignments as follows: . . . To Albany, W. Lepere, E. H. Porter, L. S. Hughes, G. T. Reis, H. H. Duke.

"Patients Doing Well: But Nine Left in John Blair Gibbs Hospital at Lexington," Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, November 19, 1898, page 6

    Contract surgeon Elias H. Porter is relieved from further duty in the Department of the East and will proceed to San Francisco for transportation to the Philippine Islands.
"Orders Issued to Members of Both Branches of the Service," Baltimore Sun, February 1, 1902, page 2

    Officers accompanying the Twenty-Ninth Infantry: .  .  . Contract Surgeons Frank Saggs, Joseph R. Parker, E. H. Porter.
"Sheridan Sails for Manila," San Francisco Call, April 2, 1902, page 5

    Mrs. E. H. Porter, wife of Dr. Porter, the army surgeon, has a letter from Gen. Sternberg allaying her fears as to the wounding of her husband in the Philippines. It was another Dr. Porter, a cousin of her husband, who was wounded.
Big Sandy News, Louisa, Kentucky, May 16, 1902, page 3

E. H. Porter.
    Clinton, Ky., December 15.--E. H. Porter, of Hickman County, died this morning in Clinton of pneumonia. He was an old-line Republican.
Cincinnati Enquirer, December 16, 1903, page 2

    Per U.S.A. T. Thomas . . . Dr. E. H. Porter, Cont. Surgeon . . ..
"Passengers: Arriving," Hawaiian Star, Honolulu, July 6, 1904, page 2

    Dr. E. H. Porter, surgeon of the United States army, stationed for the past three years at Manila, P.I., arrived in Calgary today with his daughter, to visit his brother [Col. Garnet C. Porter], the editor of the Herald.
Calgary Herald,
Calgary, Alberta, July 29, 1904, page 8

    Dr. E. H. Porter, of Washington, D.C., left last night after a visit of several weeks at Calgary.
"Local and General," Calgary Herald, Calgary, Alberta, August 24, 1904, page 5

    In the divorce and alimony case between Dr. E. H. Porter, an army surgeon, and Alice Porter, the doctor testified before Judge Spiegel yesterday as to the large amount of money he sent his wife while he was in the Philippines in 1902, 1903 and part of 1904. He also told of having talked to his wife in St. Louis and that she admitted that she had been living as the wife of another, and asked him what he was going to do about it, since he had been away in the Philippines having a good time. He was asked by the wife's attorney for the address of his daughter, whom he took away from his wife, and refused to give it, saying he might as well send her to disgrace at once as to do so. The Judge allowed him to give the address in a sealed envelope to the Court, this not to be revealed unless the Judge should award the custody of the child to the mother.
"Divorce Matters,"
Cincinnati Enquirer, January 8, 1905, page 24

Dr. E. H. Porter, After Bitter Struggle, Succeeds in Eluding Pursuers
and Retains Possession of Daughter
Despite Efforts of Dissolute Mother Father Manages
To Get Girl on Transport and Sails Away to Manila

    After many trials and tribulations Dr. Elias H. Porter, contract surgeon U.S.A., has evidently managed to get his little 12-year-old daughter out of this country and away from the hands of its mother. The fight for the child has been a bitter one. Dr. Porter, however, has apparently come out victorious, as he sailed away with his little girl for the Philippines on the transport Thomas, which left this port March 31. Dr. Porter, in his presentation of his case here to the army officials, said that when he returned last year from the Philippines and went to his home in Cincinnati, Ohio, he found his wife consorting with another man. The man in question, he said, was a cook, and a cook in a place of not the most savory repute. He found his little girl there in this same place. He immediately took the child away. He says he at once began proceedings for a divorce and that when the presiding judge heard the conditions of the case he was at once given a divorce. The court awarded the custody of the child to the father.
    Dr. Porter says that a great fight ensued on the mother's part to regain possession of the child. Dr. Porter came to San Francisco early in February, bringing his daughter with him. He made an attempt to sail away to the Philippines on the 28th of that month. In the meantime Mrs. Porter and her partner had rushed out to the coast to put a stop to the proceedings. Porter was afraid to make an attempt to get away on that date and with his little daughter went to the discharge camp at Angel Island, where they remained in seclusion. Mrs. Porter in the meantime put detectives on the track, but evidently the whereabouts of the hiding couple was not ascertained, as they were not molested while on the island.
    Mrs. Porter, it is reported, says that Dr. Porter did not get a divorce from her, but that he took the child away by main force.
    When the transport Thomas sailed on March 31 Dr. Porter decided he would make a bold stroke. He knew if he attempted to board the vessel the morning that she was scheduled to sail detectives would be on the dock and with a writ of habeas corpus would try to prevent him from taking the child away with him. To circumvent any such contingency it was arranged that Dr. Porter and the child should go on board the transport the evening before. This was done, and the couple quietly stowed themselves away somewhere on the ship, where they were hidden from view until the transport had glided out through the Golden Gate.
    The couple were so carefully concealed that the sergeant of the chief of staff of the medical department United States army could not locate them when he visited the transport the morning she sailed. Colonel John D. Hall, chief surgeon, Department of California, in speaking of the case said: "I don't know whether Dr. Porter got a divorce from his wife or not. I know that he bears an excellent reputation, as he served under me in the Philippines. He was efficient in his duties there. He stood in good favor of his brother officers in the islands. The arrangements for his going away were made prior to my being in command of this office here. I was at the transport Thomas the day she sailed, but I did not see Dr. Porter or his daughter on board. He was scheduled to sail and his reservations were made. I suppose on account of the conditions of affairs he kept in hiding."
    It is reported that Mrs. Porter was on the watch on the dock on the morning of the sailing, accompanied by a detective armed with papers to hold her daughter here.
    The Thomas is now on the way from Honolulu to Manila. So the next step to be taken by Mrs. Porter to recover her child will have to be made when the ship arrives at that port.
San Francisco Call, April 13, 1905, page 16

Divorce Suit of Doctor E. H. Porter Comes Up While He Is Sailing Toward Philippines.

    Cincinnati, O., May 15.--While Doctor E. H. Porter, United States Army surgeon, is sailing toward the Philippines his suit for divorce from Mrs. Alice H. Porter on the charge of infidelity was heard today by Judge Swing, attorney Harry Hess appearing to represent the absent surgeon.
    Doctor Proctor names as co-respondent George Schaffer, alias George Arnold, who, Mrs. Porter says, is "merely a boy."
    She admitted that Schaffer came to her rescue financially; that she moved from Philadelphia to St. Louis because he did.
    Their apartments were so located, she admitted, that he had to go through her room to reach his own. Taking of testimony was not completed today. Attorney W. S. Ward of St. Louis represented Mrs. Porter.
St. Louis Republic, St. Louis, Missouri, May 16, 1905, page 5

    There was a sensation in the divorce of Dr. Elias H. Porter in Cincinnati when Judge Swing declared that no decision would be rendered till the 12-year-old daughter of the parties is produced in court, and drew from his pocket a sealed envelope, deposited with him by the father when the suit was fled, revealing the secret of her present domicile.
"Here and There," Interior Journal, Stanford, Kentucky, May 19, 1905, page 2

    Contract Surgeon Elias H. Porter, United States Army, is relieved from further duty in the Philippines division, and upon the expiration of his present leave of absence will proceed to Fort Reno, Oklahoma.
"Orders Issued to Members of Both Branches of the Service," Baltimore Sun, August 25, 1906, page 2

    Contract Surgeon Elias H. Porter is relieved from further duty at Fort Reno, Okla., and from duty at Fort Logan H. Roots, Ark., and will proceed to Fort Clark, Texas, and report for duty.
"Orders Issued to Members of Both Branches of the Service," Baltimore Sun, February 9, 1907, page 12

    Contract Surgeon WILLIAM M. ARCHER, Jr., from Fort Sam Houston to Fort Clark, vice Contract Surgeon ELIAS H. PORTER to Fort Worden.
"Orders Issued," New York Tribune, October 31, 1907, page 5

    The following first lieutenants, Medical Reserve Corps, recently appointed from contract surgeons, with rank from July 7, are ordered to active duty at their present stations: Albion M. Coffey, Harold L. Coffin, H. Newton Kierulff, Clarence C. Kress, Elias H. Porter and Elsworth Wilson.

"Orders Issued to Members of Both Branches of the Service," Baltimore Sun, August 5, 1908, page 2

    Leave of absence for one month is granted First Lieut. Elias H. Porter, Medical Reserve Corps.
    First Lieut. Elias H. Porter, Medical Corps, is relieved from duty at Fort Worden, Wash., and will proceed to his home, where he will stand relieved from active duty in the Medical Reserve Corps.
"Army Orders," Evening Star, Washington, D.C., August 28, 1909, page 3

Mrs. Elizabeth Porter, Formerly of Russellville, Ky., Dies.
    Omaha, Neb., January 12.--Mrs. Elizabeth Porter, late of Russellville, Ky., died here today at the home of her son, Thomas R. Porter.
    Mrs. Porter was born at Glasgow, Ky., 78 years ago, and lived in that state until seven years ago, when she came to Omaha. She was postmistress at Russellville, Ky., for many years before she came north.
    Mrs. Porter's husband, a Union veteran of the Civil War, died a number of years ago. She is survived by these children--Mrs. R. D. Bennett, of Louisville, Ky.; Dr. E. H. Porter, of the Medical Department of the United States Army; Mrs. B. W. Selford, of Alva, Okla.; G. C. Porter of Winnipeg; Mrs. C. B. Ritter, of LaJunta, Colo., and Thomas R. Porter, of Omaha.
Cincinnati Enquirer, January 13, 1910, page 7

    Mrs. E. H. Porter and infant son, Edwards Noble, arrived home from Detroit on Wednesday.
"Tiffin," Cincinnati Enquirer, January 30, 1910, page D6

Dr. Porter Gets Case from Dunsmuir, As Victim of Accident
Has Faith Only in One of Uncle Sam's Army Physicians.
    Showing the intense regard held by the rank and file of Uncle Sam's soldier boys for army physicians, J. S. Miller of Dunsmuir this past week put up with the pain from a fractured arm until he could reach this city and have Dr. E. H. Porter "fix it up." In the meantime he scorned the assistance of doctors in his own town, stating that "an army man or none" would treat the injury.
    Mr. Miller is an ex-soldier and had seen active service on the plains during the Indian wars. On his body he bears the scars of eleven bullets, all of which were received at the battle of Wounded Knee [sic]. Since his discharge he has been engaged in mining in northern California.
    Recently he learned that Dr. Porter, after twelve years' service in the army, had opened offices in Medford. So when he recently sustained a fracture of the arm he refused medical assistance until he could reach this city. Dr. Porter fixed him up.
    Dr. Porter came to Medford about six months ago and has just succeeded in getting into his offices in St. Mark's block. He entered the army at the outbreak of the Spanish-American War and served in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 20, 1910, page 5

In Spite of Vast Amount of Building in Medford, Supply Can in No Way
Equal the Demand--Houses Rented Long Before Completed.
    In spite of the fact that Medford has done more building during the past year than ever before in her history, not alone in the erection of business blocks, but also in dwelling houses, it is almost impossible for a person to find a house to rent in the city. Every day one can meet a score of persons on the trail of suitable houses to rent, and night, after a day spent on such a quest, generally brings no result but fatigue.
    Many of the new houses erected in Medford last summer were for the sole purpose of investment. And in scores of instances the houses were engaged before the foundations had been laid. Today there is scarcely a house to be had. The newcomer is forced to spend weeks in overcrowded boarding houses before he can secure what he needs.
    There is a demand in Medford for any character of building, from a two-room shack to a ten-room modern residence. No sooner is one offered than it is taken.
    As an instance of the eagerness with which house are taken, the experience of Dr. E. H. Porter is in point. He started the erection of a residence on South Oakdale. No sooner was the foundation in than applications began to pile up, and before a single stick of timber was in place the dwelling was rented.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 30, 1910, page 3

DR. E. H. PORTER--Diseases of women a specialty. Rooms 5, 6, 7, 8, St. Mark's bldg., Medford, Or. Phones: Office 4961, residence 4951.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 30, 1910, page 7

    Mrs. Porter, wife of Dr. Porter, and children arrived in Medford from the East last week. Dr. Porter has just finished a most attractive house on Oakdale Avenue, where they will make their home.
"In Medford's Social Realm,"
Medford Mail Tribune, December 25, 1910, page B7

Rogue River Valley's Health-Giving Climate
By Dr. E. H. Porter
    "What is the character of the climate of Rogue River Valley?" is a question asked by every newcomer and prospective resident of Medford and vicinity.
    What are the prevailing diseases, the source of your water supply, and above all, is it healthful? Do you have electrical storms or wind storms? Is the valley a good secluded section for semi-invalids?
    There are many factors which must obtain if one is seeking climate for residential, health, comfort or business purposes. Those factors are temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, purity of air, latitude, altitude and local conditions, i.e., nearness to main towns, nature of soil, irrigation, cultivation, population, smoke, etc. The amount of sunshine, so important in the consideration of any climate, is governed largely by the humidity.
    As the Rogue River Valley enjoys about 300 days of sunshine yearly, and as the sun's rays are one of the most powerful disinfectants known to science, it naturally follows that this section is free from many of the diseases which are common to less-favored sections.
    The valley is free of the sudden changes of temperature so common east of the Rocky Mountains. During the winter the thermometer not often goes below freezing, and the hottest summer day rarely brings the mercury to 100 degrees.
    The heat is tempered by cooling northwest breezes, making the climate a most delightful one for the most delicate patients.
    While the humidity is great during the winter months, the shortness of that season, the lack of high winds and equitable temperature make the winter months as enjoyable as the remainder of the year.
    Climatologists would place this section in the category of climates as inland, medium altitude, both a sedative and stimulant, free from winds, electrical storms and sudden changes of temperature, a most ideal combination of conditions, one which is unequaled in the United States.
    The physiological effects of this section on the newcomer consist of increase in respiration and cardiac functions, increase in appetite and stimulation of the nervous system, and in an increase in both quantity and quality of blood.
    Burney Yeo, a former professor of King's College, London, in speaking of this section, is very enthusiastic and refers to its mild winters and cool summers, without extremes of heat or cold, making an ideal health climate.
    Owing to the mildness of this climate, the absence of extreme degrees of heat and cold, Rogue River Valley is suitable for a greater variety of invalids than is any other of similar size in the world. There is no climate in the world which has not its drawbacks, but fewer climatic disadvantages are found here than any other country in the world.
    For pulmonary diseases this section cannot be surpassed, and it is predicted that the time is not far distant when a a sanitarium for the treatment of diseases of the lungs will be established in the southern end of the valley.
    Pneumonia, the great killer of the eastern states, is neither common or very fatal in this section. Rheumatism, another disease which in the cold, wet sections of the East claims its yearly quota of victims, is rather uncommon.
    The water supply of Medford is one of the purest in the world, being derived from Fish Lake, a sparkling body of water at the foot of Mount McLoughlin.
    No human habitation is near to contaminate lake or river flowing therefrom.
    While there have been some cases of typhoid fever in Medford, without an exception almost, the source of infection can be traced to numerous old wells from which the water supply of many families was secured before the advent of the present water system. In many instances a few feet from these wells was to be found the family outhouses. Contamination from one to the other was an easy matter and very commonly occurred, producing intestinal diseases.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1911, page B5

Greater Medford Club Makes Preparations To Mount Collection of Birds
Presented to Them by Dr. E. H. Porter.

    The Greater Medford Club at its last regular meeting decided to start the work of mounting the collection of birds given to the club by Dr. Porter. Only a part of the birds will be mounted now. This collection consists of 500 birds from the United States and the Philippines which have been collected by Dr. Porter and will be the nucleus for the museum which Medford hopes to have sometime. Cases will be made, and the mounting will be done in Medford by Mr. Bartlett, who has made a reasonable offer to the club, and Dr. Porter, who is conversant with the habits of the birds, will direct the final placing of them. Cases will be built in a room on the first floor of the new library, where the birds will be on exhibition.
Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1911, page C1

    Breaking all records for size, the appendix of Frank J. Bushnell was removed last night at the Southern Oregon Hospital by Dr. E. H. Porter. The appendix was as large as a turkey egg and is attracting much attention among the physicians of the city.
    Mr. Bushnell is a hardy young man of 24 years. He is a carpenter and has lived an outdoor life, never suffering until a few days ago when he was bothered with what he thought was acute indigestion. He called on Dr. Porter, who diagnosed the case as appendicitis and performed the operation. The young man is doing nicely today.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 26, 1911, page 1

Dr. E. H. Porter, Retired Army Surgeon, Receives Instructions
To Hold Himself in Readiness for Duty with Army in Mexico.
    That the United States is contemplating sending its army across the border into Mexico if the situation there does not improve in the very near future is shown by telegraphic instructions from the Surgeon General of the United States Army received late Saturday by Dr. E. H. Porter of this city to hold himself in readiness for active duty. Dr. Porter, just before coming to Medford a year ago, had completed twelve years of service as an army surgeon, leaving it to take up private practice.
    If the orders come, Dr. Porter states that he will return to the service but only for the time that the army is engaged in hostilities.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 8, 1911, page 2


    There isn't a quart of red blood in Medford--that is, for sale. Fifty dollars was the price offered by Dr. E. H. Porter, but he failed to find a single person who was willing to give up that much of the fluid that makes life worth living for the 50 bones. The offer doesn't stand today, for it is not needed now. But when the doctor wanted it he sought in vain. No less than 50 big huskies refused the money, although from their appearance they needed money more than they did blood.
    Dr. Porter tried to get the blood Monday afternoon in the hope of saving a patient's life by a transfusion, but he could not find a person willing to undergo the slight inconvenience. The loss of a quart of blood from a grown person is not dangerous. It is said to be only a slight inconvenience, as it leaves one more or less weak for three or four days. Doctor Porter offered $50 and hospital expenses to the party who would "come through" with the juice. But there was none for sale.
    After appealing to several men uptown the doctor started down Front Street, south, in hope of finding some big lumberman or husky willing to take the risk. But they all reneged. The American people boast of their "red blood," but in Medford there isn't any--for sale.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1911, page 1

Dr. Porter Had Hard Time Getting Over the Mountains But He Succeeds in Doing So--
Camps Out One Night with the Bears.
    Dr. E. H. Porter, the first man to visit Crater Lake on the reverse gear. Yet that was only one of a number of exciting incidents which occurred during a recent trip to the natural wonder. Minor incidents included camping out all night at White Horse and having an experience with a bear.
    On the short rise near White Horse, Dr. Porter burned the low gear out of his car and was stalled. The shades of night were drawing fast when it occurred, and the doctor built a fire and prepared to make comfortable for the night. Some two hundred yards down the road he had emptied a can of gasoline and during the night was awakened by a great noise from that direction. He didn't investigate then, but early in the morning he walked back down the road to find out what had happened. Then he found out. One of the bears that infest that region had ambled along the road and, spotting the can, had evidently smelled of it but had not liked the scent of gasoline and thereupon slapped it. It was this crash that the doctor heard.
    But to return to the gears. With early dawn the doctor had a brilliant idea. He would take the reverse gear out and substitute it for the low. He did so and traveled clear to Klamath Falls on the reverse, where he had the car repaired.
    Dr. Porter reports the roads in a bad condition owing to the heavy teaming between Medford and Prospect.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1911, page 6

    The nucleus for a museum has been started, as one hundred of the birds, which were given the club by Dr. Porter, have been mounted and are in cases at the Natatorium, where they will stay until the library is finished, a room having been set aside there which will be used as a museum.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 23, 1911, page B6

PORTER, Elias Hull, Physician and Surgeon; born, Russellville, Ky., Aug. 19, 1865; son, Elias and Elizabeth (Richardson) P. Edu: Bethel College, Russellville, Ky., 1880; M.D., Cincinnati College, Medicine and Surgery, Cincinnati, O., 1898. Married, Josephine Perry, June 6, 1907, at Worcester, Mass. Con. Surg., U.S. Army, 1898 to 1906; First Lieut. Med. Dept., U.S. Army, 1906-10. Member: Reserve Med. Corps, U.S. Army, Soc. Military Surgeons. Sou. Oregon Med. Soc. Res.: 1010 S. Oakdale; Office: St. Marks Bldg., Medford, Ore.
Harper, Franklin, ed., Who's Who on the Pacific Coast, 1913, page 458

PORTER, Josephine Perry (Mrs. Elias Hull Porter), 1010 South Oakdale Av., Medford, Ore.
    Born Worcester, Mass., June 6, 1874; dau. Joseph Stone and Lucy Ann (Day) Perry; ed. graded and high schools, Worcester, Mass.; Smith Coll., B.L. '96 (Biological Club); m. Worcester, Mass.; June 6, 1907, Dr. Elias Hull Porter; children: Robert Day, b. Oct. 17, 1908; Bertha, b. Feb. 16, 1910; Norris Kent, b. Sept. 14, 1912. Interested and active in church and in Good Samaritan Soc. Work. Mem. Greater Medford Club, Smith College Club, and of the Woman's College Club of Medford. Recreations: Walking, bowling, outdoor life. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Republican.
John William Leonard, Woman's Who's Who of America, 1914, page 654

    Born--To Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Porter of 1010 South Oakdale, Jan. 29, a nine-pound boy.

"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, January 30, 1914

    Little Sarah Green, age three years, seriously burned while playing with fire in a tent at the 401 Orchard three weeks ago, will be operated upon at Sacred Heart Hospital tomorrow morning by Dr. E. H. Porter. Skin will be grafted upon her side and lower limbs where the fire scorched the tender flesh.
    In response to the call for volunteers to furnish skin, four Medford women, who desire their names kept secret, have offered to make a noble sacrifice in an effort to save a little life, and portions of their skin, thoroughly tested for healthfulness, etc., will be grafted upon the little girl. More volunteers are expected this afternoon.
    The skin grafting operation is one of the most difficult known to surgery, the success being unknown for three or four days afterwards. Much local interest is being manifested in the result.

Medford Mail Tribune, June 17, 1914, page 6

    Last Tuesday evening the Men's Club of the Presbyterian Church gave a banquet at the church at 6:30, followed by a program: Quartet by Messrs. Mattox, Canaday, Bennett and Fleming; violin solo, Carlton Janes, accompanied by Mrs. Marsh; reading, Mrs. Fleming. Dr. E. H. Porter gave an address on "Philippine Islands and the People." About fifty men were in attendance. The next meeting will be held the second Tuesday in March.

"Society," Medford Mail Tribune, February 20, 1915, page 3

    Dr. E. H. Porter of this city, once an army surgeon and stationed at Fort Clark, Brackettville, Texas, has been ordered to hold himself in readiness for active service.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 13, 1916, page 2

    Dr. Porter of Medford, a retired army surgeon, has been ordered to report for duty at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, July 8, 1916, page 3

Medford May Have Fine New Hospital.
    The largest real estate deal in Medford city property in five years was consummated Saturday, according to the Medford Sun, when Dr. E. H. Porter bought from Dr. E. B. Pickel the quarter block opposite the federal building on Sixth and Holly streets, for a consideration of $6,000. The deal was made through Earl S. Tumy.
    Dr. Porter plans the erection immediately upon the site of a private sanitarium and hospital to cost $15,000. The plans for the building are now in the hands of the architect and will be ready early next week.
    Other details regarding the new project are in the course of formation.
Central Point Herald, April 5, 1917, page 1

    Frank Clark, architect, formerly located here, is planning details for a private hospital at Medford which Dr. E. H. Porter of that city will erect at the corner of West Sixth and Ivy streets. The structure will be of brick, two stories, covering the space of 42x55 feet. It will maintain an ambulance service, and both construction and equipment will incorporate the approved features of a model institution.
"Ashland and Vicinity," Medford Mail Tribune, April 9, 1917, page 3

    Dr. E. H. Porter, who is erecting the sanitarium on Sixth Street, left for Portland Monday evening to purchase equipment for it. The foundation of the structure has been completed, and work will be hurried on the superstructure.
"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, July 17, 1917

    The sanitarium being erected by Dr. E. H. Porter will be ready by October 1, furnished and fully equipped for business. The walls are now rapidly being completed. Dr. and Mrs. Porter made extensive purchases in San Francisco recently of the most modern equipment in every department of sanitarium work, and that stock will be ready for installation when the structure is completed.
"Invest $80,000 in Medford Business," Medford Sun, August 10, 1917

    Dr. E. H. Porter's new hospital near the Medford Hotel is nearing completion. The X-ray machine was installed yesterday, and the hospital beds have arrived. If there is no delay in shipments the hospital will soon be ready for occupancy.

"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, October 5, 1917

    The new brick and stone hospital building of Dr. E. H. Porter, which has just been completed at the corner of Sixth and Ivy streets, will probably not be formally opened for two weeks yet. All the furniture and equipment have arrived and are being put into place throughout the big structure. Dr. Porter has decided to have the institution known as the Medford Sanitarium.

"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, October 25, 1917

    Although the sanitarium has been open and doing business for the past two weeks, the formal opening of the new Medford Sanitarium, which is pronounced by experts to be one of the most modern and complete institutions of its kind on the Pacific coast, will be formally opened Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 1 to 8 p.m. The public is invited to inspect the building and its appointments.
    The sound- and fire-proof handsome three-story brick building, which stands on a commodious lot at the corner of Sixth and North Ivy streets, was designed and built especially for sanitarium purposes, based on the latest approved and tested ideas, and the institution is equipped with modern hospital appliances and conveniences, with particular attention to light, sanitation, bathing and fresh air facilities.
    The sanitarium can care for twenty-five patients at one time. The first and second floors are devoted to the care of patients, the top floor is given over entirely to the surgery and obstetrical department, and the basement is occupied by the Turkish bath establishment, which is for the use of the general public. A modern elevator does away with all climbing of stairs.
    Every patient's room has its own connecting sleeping porch and essential conveniences and appliances, including individual telephone connected with the sanitarium exchange by which the patient can talk from his or her bed to anywhere in the city or long distance.
    In six of the rooms there are private shower baths and lavatories, and on each floor are other shower baths and lavatories for the general patients.
    The beds are of the latest approved hospital design, being adjustable to all angles to suit the patient.
    The nursery department, whose equipment is the latest in the market, can accommodate ten babies or small children, and has the bassinets, or swinging beds. The rooms for the nurses of the department connect directly with it. A unique feature of the nursery is that around its walls there is a frieze of storks.
    A feature of the sanitarium much appreciated by patients is the commodious sunroom on the second floor, where the convalescents can congregate and read and write and enjoy the sunshine seated in reclining chairs or lying on couches.
    The top floor is devoted entirely to the surgery and obstetrical departments, which has all the equipment of a modern surgery. Here the color scheme departs from the former usual white of surgical rooms of hospitals, objected to by most surgeons and physicians because of its peculiar glare. The walls and ceilings are in the same cream color soft tones as feature the patients' rooms throughout the building.
    The X-ray department on this floor, completely fitted up for taking pictures and giving treatments, is equipped with one of the most powerful machines on the Pacific coast, which can take a picture in one-tenth of a second that four years ago would have taken from twenty to thirty minutes to take.
    All through the big sanitarium cream is the prevailing color on the walls and ceilings.
    The commodious kitchen is a model of cleanliness and sanitation and has patent germ-proof white-top glass tables. All the cooking is done by electricity and gas. In the kitchen there is a total absence of towels and wash rags. A patent dishwasher, operated by electricity, washes all dishes, etc., dries and sterilizes them. Every dish, cup, knife and fork goes through the washer and is dried and sterilized.
    At the front of the building, on Sixth Street, off from the general reception rooms, is the private office of Dr. E. H. Porter, the proprietor and manager of the sanitarium.
    Anna J. Morgan, a graduate of the Wesson Memorial Hospital of Worcester, Mass., and until recently supervisor in the Kansas City Hospital, is the superintendent of the sanitarium. Included in the corps of nurses is Miss Littlefield, a graduate of Merritt Hospital, in Oakland, Cal., and several young ladies in training.
    The Turkish bath department in the basement fills a long-felt want in Medford, and is in charge of Dr. and Mrs. Briggs, who came here from Minneapolis to conduct this feature. Here Turkish, electric, vapor, hot-room, shower, needle and plunge baths are given.
    A feature of this department is the sitz bath, with bidet spray, being especially designed for the diseases of women.

Medford Sun, December 5, 1917

    Dr. E. H. Porter, for years one of the best-known physicians of Medford and who is proprietor and manager of the Medford sanitarium, is in a critical condition at the sanitarium. During the early morning hours and this forenoon his demise was hourly expected, but early this afternoon Dr. Sweeney of Medford and Dr. Jarvis of Ashland after a consultation decided that he had a fighting chance.
    Dr. Porter, who after a week's illness with an infection of the hand left his bed early Sunday evening apparently recovered, and arose Monday morning and worked hard all day, last night became much worse. He realized his serious condition Tuesday and spent most of the day, as much as his strength would permit, in straightening out business matters and preparing for the worst.
    Mrs. Porter and their four children are in Worcester, Mass., her former home, spending the summer visiting relatives and friends. As soon as Dr. Porter's condition was realized a telegraphic message was sent her. This morning Dr. Porter himself dictated a telegram to her and signed it. Up to early this afternoon his mind was clear. Dr. Porter spent several hours with his attorney, Rawles Moore, this forenoon, and also had discussions with a few intimate friends who were admitted to his room.
    Dr. Porter had been in ill health for several months past, and only recently returned from a three weeks motoring and camping vacation trip in California, apparently restored to bodily vigor and strength. Last week Tuesday, while doing some pruning work at his ranch, he scratched his right hand, which became infected. That night he was seized with fever and chills and took to his bed at the sanitarium, where he remained until Sunday evening when he arose and went out to his ranch for a short visit. He arose yesterday morning feeling good and put in a hard day's work caring for patients and transacting business.
    He was still feeling all right early last night and spent considerable time caring for his patients and entertaining them. He played the Victrola at the sanitarium for his own amusement for a while and then played selections asked for by the patients, himself running up and down stairs asking each for his or her favorite record, which he played.
    After the impromptu concert he received a young man on whom he was to operate this morning and put him to bed. Later Dr. Porter became quite ill, and Dr. Sweeney was summoned, as Dr. Barber, his personal physician, was at Crater Lake. Dr. Swedenburg of Ashland was also summoned, as were practically all the physicians of Medford. It seems that the blood poisoning from the infected hand had spread through his system and had affected the muscles of the heart. Dr. E. R. Riddell, a close friend of Dr. Porter's, also spent the night by his bedside.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 30, 1918, page 2

    The crisis in the condition of Dr. E. H. Porter was passed early Tuesday afternoon, and unless something unforeseen comes up he is regarded as on the road to recovery. His condition was much improved this forenoon. But up until the time the crisis was reached and passed the doctor's life hung by a thread. Dr. Jarvis of Ashland, Dr. Sweeney of this city and Mrs. Mabel Moore, the Ashland trained nurse, have the patient in charge.
    Mrs. Porter and children, who have been spending the summer at Worcester, Mass., were all ready to start from that city this morning for Medford, but on receiving an urgent telegram from Dr. Porter not to come decided to remain there unless later alarming news was sent. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green of Portland, the former a niece of Mrs. Porter's, arrived in the city to be at Dr. Porter's bedside.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 31, 1918, page 4

    The Medford Sanitarium, which was closed last week owing to the necessity of Dr. E. H. Porter taking a several months' rest to recuperate from his recent illness, will be reopened for business on or about January 1st, on Dr. Porter's return home from Worcester, Mass., for which city he left Saturday night to join Mrs. Porter and the children who have been spending the summer there. During his sojourn in the East Dr. Porter expects to take a light course of post-graduate work in the medical school of Harvard University.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 19, 1918, page 4

Warning from Dr. Porter
    An intensely interesting letter was received by the Mail Tribune today from Dr. E. H. Porter, who is at Worcester, Mass., describing the [Spanish influenza] epidemic in the East, the symptoms and effects of the disease, preventive measures, etc., and advising that Medford take precautions. The letter follows.
    "Your issue of September 28 contains an editorial on the subject of Spanish influenza, and from its tone will lead your readers to believe that the disease is not a serious one. Now, do all in your power to eradicate that belief. It is the most terrible epidemic ever visiting America and is very fatal. It is a new disease caused by an heretofore unknown bacilli, but has recently been isolated.
    "The onset of the disease is very similar to that of an ordinary attack of grippe, but much more sudden and severe. Many cases begin as a pneumonia, while others are sick several days before pneumonia symptoms appear. Those beginning as a pneumonia are usually dead in 48 hours. The pathological findings in the dead are very similar to those found in the lungs of those dead from drowning, with the addition of erosions in the bronchial tubes. The vaccines and serums which have heretofore been used in the treatment of grippe are worthless in this disease. During the past week we have secured a small supply of vaccine made from the new bacilli and have inoculated some of the physicians and nurses who are in attendance on influenza cases, but up to date cannot say what the effect will be. Neither can we do so until the vaccine is obtainable in larger quantities which will require several days longer. Am in hopes I can secure enough to send some to the Medford physicians before the epidemic reaches there, and reach there it will, and then look out.
Boston Has 80,000 Cases
    "The disease appeared in Boston early in September, and on the 11th there were 11 deaths. From that date to noon October 5, there had been 2270 deaths, with over 80,000 cases. Throughout New England this is the story told in every town. Every church, school, saloon, billiard hall and theater are closed, and public gatherings are tabooed. To prevent congestion on street cars during the rush hours of business, the health boards have ordered certain classes of business to open and close at certain hours. One sneeze or a cough in a crowded car from an infected person, and there are 20 new cases. The slogan in this section is 'cover that cough and sneeze.'
    "During the past ten days I have been doing my bit at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. That large institution has closed its doors to all but accident cases and influenza patients, and it is more than full. I have been through several epidemics of cholera, smallpox, yellow fever and bubonic plague, and in those the attendants could protect themselves, but in this epidemic the attendants have suffered severely, and the only protection possible is to wear masks of gauze over the face. Calls have gone out to other sections for doctors and nurses, and several states west of the Hudson River have sent details, and yet the demand far exceeds the supply. In one large hospital at this place (Worcester), with 50 nurses on duty, there were over 40 down at one time, with several deaths.
Be Careful in Sneezing
    "As the disease is an easy one carried through the air, by the particles of sputum thrown off by a sneeze or cough, when it appears in Medford, if the health officer will isolate, isolate and again isolate the infected, close the schools, churches, theaters, etc., fine everyone who does not cover a sneeze or cough or expectorates on the street, you may escape a severe epidemic. Children and the aged do not seem as susceptible to the disease as the robust middle-aged person."
"Ban Upon All Gatherings in City Monday," Medford Mail Tribune, October 12, 1918, page 1

    Verni Stephenson and Miss Pearl Watkins, of Watkins, Oregon, were married at the Medford Sanitarium Monday afternoon, Rev. D. E. Millard officiating. Miss Watkins was a patient at [the] sanitarium, recovering from an attack of typhoid fever and being unable to leave the hospital, had the ceremony performed in her room. The wedding day had been set long before the young lady was taken ill. Both of the young people are well known here.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, May 24, 1919, page 3


    Medford, July 15.--Dr. E. H. Porter cleaned up his private office in the Medford sanitarium last night. He washed the baseboard and the book shelves of his medical library with a decoction containing three pints of gasoline in a pan. Then he dusted and rearranged his books and, stepping back a few feet to admire his handiwork, struck a match to light his pipe, tossing the lighted match into the pan of gasoline.
    There was no explosion, but the flames rose and spread with great rapidity, the doctor fighting them as best he could with a rag and his pipe, but by the time the firemen had arrived and extinguished the fire the book case had been badly charred and the majority of the $2000 worth of medical books were ruined, to say nothing of the damage to his oak top desk and the walls and ceiling, amounting to about $100.
    Dr. Porter asserts with all sincerity that he thinks when he struck the match its head flew off into the basin, but the firemen found the partially burned matchstick lying in it.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 15, 1919, page 5  Subsequently reprinted in the Jacksonville Post, July 19, 1919, page 1

    Among the possibilities for the near future is the sale of the Medford sanitarium by purchasers who desire this large, sightly and comparatively new brick structure with a view to remodeling it into a high-class apartment house. Negotiations are now on between Dr. E. H. Porter and several different persons who desire to purchase the property, two of whom have the apartment house idea in mind.
    Dr. Porter, who recently decided to sell the sanitarium, his home on North Oakdale and other property and go east to join Mrs. Porter and their children, had hardly arrived home last Sunday from a vacation trip of 16 days when he was approached by buyers for both the sanitarium and residence, and news of the sale of both properties may be expected shortly.
    His reason for selling out and going east is explained by the doctor as due to the fact that Mrs. Porter and the children, who have been at Worcester, Mass. the past 16 months due to the long illness followed by the death of Mrs. Porter's mother, will have to remain there a year or two longer, as the will left by the dead woman bequeathing her extensive estate is now in litigation, which will last for a year or two before it is settled, and this litigation will require Mrs. Porter's presence there constantly.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1919, page 2

April 14th [1920]
    In the evening I attended a Hard Times social [a party in hobo costume] at the K. of P's. given by the sisters. Those who attended wearing regular clothes were fined two bits. I paid my fine but Ed. Gore refused to pay anything. He carried the thing too far in his refusal, for before he knew it or the crowd realized it he was out in the ante room down on top of Doc. Porter who somehow in the scramble was downed first. But Doc. held on to Ed. just the same all right until Palmer and Beach got his silk socks off. The socks were offered for sale at auction before the crowd who fairly yelled at the situation. No one took them so sock and shoes were returned to Ed who went home—without paying his fine. He will probably stay home from the K. of P. for the rest of his life.
Diary of Fred Alton Haight

Woman, 60, Killed in Auto Collision
    CHOWCHILLA, April 25.--(AP)--Thrown to the pavement when cars driven by Dr. E. H. Porter of Medford, Ore., and S. F. Saunders of Chowchilla crashed on the Pacheco Pass highway, Mrs. B. F. Saunders, 60, was instantly killed this evening. The six others injured are: Dr. E. H. Porter, Mrs. E. H. Porter, Bertha Porter, B. F. Saunders, Margaret Clendennen, Edward Clendennen.
Oakland Tribune, April 25, 1928, page 1

Chowchilla, Calif., Woman Killed As Result of Auto Crash Yesterday--Mrs. Porter Sustains Broken Ribs--Medford Folks on Trip, Mishap Victims.
    CHOWCHILLA, Cal., April 25.--(AP)--Mrs. B. F. Sanders, 60, of this city was killed last night when she was hurled from the automobile of B. F. Sanders in a collision with the machine driven by Dr. E. H. Porter, of Medford, Ore., on the Pacheco Pass Highway.
    Those injured are: Dr. E. H. Porter, hand lacerated and body bruises; Mrs. E. H. Porter, body bruises and four broken ribs; Bertha Porter, daughter, bruises and contusions of the body; B. F. Sanders, 64, possibly internally injured; recovery despaired of by doctors; Margaret Clendennen, 11, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, abrasions of both legs, cuts on body; Edward Clendennen, 13, bruises.
    The Porters were picked up by passersby and taken to a Madera hospital.
    Coroner Jay of Madera took charge of Mrs. Sanders' body, and an inquest will be held this afternoon.
    The Sanders party was en route to dine with the Clendennen family when the cars crashed on Pacheco Pass Highway, six miles southwest of the Golden State Highway. Dr. and Mrs. Porter were en route to San Francisco from Los Angeles.
    CHOWCHILLA, Cal., April 25.--(AP)--Mrs. B. F. Sanders was killed and her husband was seriously injured here yesterday when an automobile driven by Dr. E. H. Porter of Medford, Ore., crashed into the one operated by the Sanders.
    Mrs. Porter suffered a broken rib, and two grandchildren of the Sanders were bruised. Both cars were wrecked.
    Dr. and Mrs. Porter and daughter Bertha left last Thursday in their touring car for Los Angeles, where they had planned to spend a week or ten days visiting friends and attending to business matters, and outside of the dispatch no other information had been received here concerning the crash. Dr. Porter last year with his family took a long motor trip through the eastern states and encountered no trouble during his several thousands of miles of driving.
    Both Dr. and Mrs. Porter are well known in this city, where they have lived for many years.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 25, 1928, page 1

    A long distance telephone message was received here at 1 o'clock this afternoon by John Perl from Dr. E. H. Porter at Madera, Calif., asking that he hurry his new modern eight-cylinder invalid carriage to that place to bring Mrs. Porter, who is in the Madera sanitarium recovering from injuries received in the bad automobile collision several days ago in California, while she and Dr. Porter and their daughter, Miss Bertha, were en route in their car to San Francisco.
    This would indicate that the family are returning home, and it is understood that Dr. Porter and Miss Bertha will come along in the invalid carriage with Mrs. Porter, and that the latter two were not injured, beyond bruises, in the accident. The invalid carriage, in charge of Billy Hooker, driver, left shortly after the message was received for Madera, which is about 400 miles distant, and the entire party is expected to arrive in Medford tomorrow or Sunday forenoon.
    According to a letter Mrs. John Perl received from Mrs. Porter yesterday, and written for her mother by Miss Porter, Dr. Porter has been released from all blame for the accident. The signature of Mrs. Porter to the letter was in a trembly scrawl, showing the nervous condition of the writer. In a very brief sentence signed by Miss Porter herself, the letter said: "Dad and I are fine."
    Mrs. Porter's letter was in part as follows:
    "Here I am in the Madera sanitarium with a few broken ribs as the result of an automobile accident yesterday. All the blame has been placed on the other party, and as they have suffered I should not complain--but, oh, how I ache. It will be several days before I can leave here.
    "Tell Mrs. Chaney there will be no May Day party for me in Medford. Phone Mrs. Swigart that I am incapacitated for garden work, and phone Mrs. John Crews that I will miss club for several weeks.
    "Don't worry--nothing serious. Will all be fine. Just ribs, back and shock are my lot."
Medford Mail Tribune, April 27, 1928, page 8

    Dr. E. H. Porter, through his attorney, Porter J. Neff, this afternoon filed his answer to the damage suit of B. F. Sanders of Madera, Cal., for $30,000 damages for the death of his wife and injuries to self in an auto accident in Madera County, California, on April 24 last. Sanders seeks $15,000 for the death of his wife and $15,000 for injuries to self.
    The answer admits the main facts of the complaint, but charges that the accident was directly due to the carelessness and negligence on the part of Sanders, alleging that he "drove his Ford coupe upon the intersection of the highway, making a collision unavoidable."
    Dr. Porter also sets forth in his answer that his automobile was visible at all times, and "due caution was not exercised by said Sanders."
    The accident occurred about 6 o'clock on the morning of April 24 on the Pacheco Pass Highway. Mrs. Sanders was killed as a result of the crash and Sanders injured. Mrs. Porter of this city was also severely hurt and was brought back to her home in this city by ambulance.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 20, 1928, page 5

    Of good news to his many local friends is the fact that it will be unnecessary for Dr. E. H. Porter, who sustained injuries in an auto crash in California several months ago, to journey back to Rochester, Minn., to take treatment at the Dr. Mayo clinics. Dr. Porter returned Sunday from the Stanford hospital where it was learned that he sustained a fractured hip bone as a result of the crash, with the bone being driven together and somewhat shattered.
    A course of treatment was outlined in California and will be taken from Dr. Mayo, but will be given at his home here through Dr. A. F. W. Kresse. Dr. Porter is able to be up and around with the use of a cane, but it will be several months before he expects recovery to be complete.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1928, page B6

    Dr. E. H. Porter, who has spent most of the past three weeks in bed and expects to pursue the same course for the next two months, in order to allow a broken hip to heal properly, was seen downtown this forenoon, walking with a cane, having been compelled to break into this remedial routine because of some urgent business.
    It seems that last summer when the car of Dr. and Mrs. Porter collided with another car on the road near Madera, Cal., in which accident Mrs. Porter was so badly injured and he badly bruised, that unbeknownst to him, until about a month ago, he suffered a broken hip.
    Following his return home from that accident and full recovery from the bruises and bumps sustained, Dr. Porter suffered much pain in his spine and in other parts of his body, which he for weeks attributed as a sort of hangover from the accident, but never even suspected that his hip was broken until about a month ago. Following a hunch given him by Dr. J. J. Emmens, he decided to go to the Mayo Brothers' hospital at Rochester, Minn., and undergo a thorough examination there in efforts to find out what ailed him.
    En route to Rochester, he stopped off in San Francisco on some business matter, and while talking with a physician friend there the latter induced him to go to the Stanford hospital and be examined. Examination disclosed the broken hip, and he returned home and has been taking this lying in bed most of the day, and early to bed at night treatment ever since, with only a short time on his feet daily at home.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 8, 1929, page 7

    Junior Porter, the promising high school heavyweight hope, despite the sunshine and balmy atmosphere of this forenoon, was seen watering the lawn of the Cargill Court, which is owned by his paw and maw, wearing a heavy closely buttoned raincoat, rubber boots and a sou'wester while he handled the hose.
    All of this seemed to display a hatred of getting wet and mussing up his manly beauty. Be that as it may, Junior does not entertain the same aversion to getting wet inside, as he was noticed during his lawn irrigation exercise to walk around the block to DeVoe's several times and therein get outside of sundry soda waters.
    Junior bears the reputation of being a hard worker on his school vacation days, his favorite toil being to climb in and out of an auto. He makes the claim that this is weight-reducing, as the friction of the atmosphere wears down his body during a car ride.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1929, page 2

    E. H. Porter, Jr., who will be 16 years old next January, and who is better known locally as Junior, is full of grievances since his arrest late Sunday night by Sheriff Jennings while speeding at 50 miles an hour on West Main Street en route home from having taken a girl to her home.
    He is especially peeved at the heavyweight reporter of the Mail Tribune who, in writing up the account of his being fined $15 and costs in the city court, in a hurried state of excitement unfortunately used the name of his older brother Norris Porter as the culprit.
    "Think of it!" said the irate Junior late last night--"soaked nineteen bucks of my hard-earned money by Judge Taylor and, after being abused and threatened by the sheriff, district attorney and other officers, and not even getting my name in the paper; Norris being given all the credit! Can you beat it?"
    Junior also feels keenly humiliated over Sheriff Jennings catching him. He said that if he hadn't turned his head to expectorate, and then slowed up to turn a corner the shrievalty gentleman would never have caught him.
    Then, too, Junior, who is the yell leader of the senior high school, says he always had understood Judge Taylor was a great friend of education. "Yet he ignored my honored position as yell leader and soaked me 19 bucks," Junior lamented. "If he'd stopped to think how many soda waters that would buy, he would not have reverted to nature and been so cruel.
    "By the way, I paid that fine out of money earned by my own hard toil working for Father out on the farm, operating a tractor, etc. I think that Father was really happy that I was pinched. The worst of it is that he has speed on the brain now, and today called me down for starting a tractor too fast. Woe is me. I'll probably never hear the last of this.
    "Betcherlife I'll be good from now on. Who wouldn't be, with the sheriff, prosecutor and all the other peace officers gunning for 'em? I won't even touch the steering wheel of any car until six months from now when I am a man 16 years old."
    While Junior is paying his own fine the joke is somewhat on his father, Dr. E.H. Porter, for to make use of Junior's services on the Porter farm 14 miles away, this side of Eagle Point, Doc has to drive the youth back and forth from home to the farm during the next six months.
    "By the way," was Junior's parting shot on terminating last night's interview, "don't you ever get anything right in your sheet?"
    Bob and Norris Porter, the older brothers of Junior, feel the latter's disgrace keenly, especially that part of it in his being so slow as to be caught by the sheriff. In addition, Norris is conspiring with a lawyer to bring a suit for $100,000 against the Mail Tribune for taking his name in vain.
    In the meantime, the traffic and other officers will continue to wage war against any boy or girl under 16 years old caught driving a car. The law forbids anyone under 16 driving a car.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1929, page 2

    Nearly six hundred people attended the opening of the winter quarters of CCC Camp Kerby at Selma last night when three officers of the CCC's were initiated into the Grants Pass Cavemen's organization.
    Major James R. Bibghaus of the Medford CCC headquarters, Captain Chauncey Lee Pierce of Camp Kerby and Dr. E. H. Porter of the CCC's were taken into the Cavemen, being required to eat raw meat and drink the blood of a dinosaur. Captain Harold E. Stow of the Medford headquarters also attended the celebration. He was previously initiated into the mysteries of the Cave group.
    A dinner, program and dance were put on by the boys in the camp.

Medford Mail Tribune, November 24, 1933, page 1

    Private services for Dr. Elias Hull Porter, who passed away in Portland Tuesday, will be held in Conger-Morris Chapel Friday afternoon with the Rev. Holly Roy Jarvis officiating. Friends are requested not to send flowers and instead make a contribution to the Alex Sparrow Memorial Foundation.
    Dr. Porter was born in Russellville, Ky. on Aug. 19, 1865. He studied medicine at the University of Cincinnati and in 1898 volunteered for service in the Spanish-American War. He served as a contract surgeon and during his service was stationed for a time in every state except Vermont. He was in the Philippines from 1902 to 1906 and arrived back in San Francisco the day after the earthquake. He was united in marriage in Worcester, Mass. in 1907 to Josephine Perry, who survives. He received his discharge in 1909.
    He took postgraduate work in Boston and came to Medford in 1909 and practiced medicine until poor health forced his retirement about 1926. He built and operated the Medford Sanitarium, which is now the Cargill Court, for several years. He was also a contract surgeon during the entire period of CCC in Southern Oregon. The deceased was a member of the Christian Church, AF&AM 103 and a Shriner.
    Surviving, besides his widow, are four children, Mrs. Berte P. Morse, Medford; Robert D., Klamath Falls; Norris K., Medford; Dr. E. H. Porter, Chicago; ten grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Jennie Bennett, Louisville, Ky.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1949, page 13

Funeral Services Set on Monday for Josephine Porter
    Funeral services for Josephine P. Porter, 89, of 1641 Ridgeway, who died Friday, will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at St. Mark's Episcopal Church.
    The Rev. George R. V. Bolster, rector of the church, will officiate. Interment will be private. Perl Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
    Mrs. Porter was born June 6, 1874, in Worcester, Mass. She was graduated from Smith College in Massachusetts in 1896, after finishing her early education in Worcester, Mass.
    In her early life, she made several trips to Europe. She was an art enthusiast, collecting many items of interest, especially in Russia, where she spent much of her time while abroad.
    On June 6, 1906, in Worcester, Mass., she was married to Dr. Elias H. Porter, who died in 1950.
    She and Dr. Porter moved to Medford in 1908 where they were instrumental in the financing and building of the first health sanitarium at 331 West Sixth St. The building was later remodeled to an apartment house and is now known as Cargill Court.
    Mr. and Mrs. Porter also operated a pear orchard south of Medford for several years. Mrs. Porter was an active and early member of the Medford Eastern Star.
    Survivors include three sons, Robert D. Porter, Eugene, Ore., Norris K. Porter, Medford, Elias H. Porter, Jr., Santa Monica, Calif.; one daughter, Mrs. Berte Thurston, Medford; nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
    Memorial contributions to the Red Cross may be made in Mrs. Porter's name, relatives announced.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 20, 1963, page 7

Last revised December 8, 2024