W. Palm, 72 years old, longtime resident of Medford and one of Jackson
County's best-known citizens, succumbed to an extended illness at his
home on South Holly Street at Eleventh, at 7:00 o'clock Saturday
morning, June 17.
Mr. Palm was born at Lima, Ohio, on May 16, 1861. In the year 1888, at the age of 27, he took up his residence in Medford, where he has since resided. Soon upon his arrival here, he engaged in the real estate business, which he followed for a period of 25 years, and from which he retired 20 years ago. Besides his wife, Callie Eifert Palm, he leaves one sister and one brother, Mrs. Emma Starrett of Columbus, Ohio, and G. F. Palm of Portland, Ore. Funeral services will be held at the Conger chapel at 2:30 Tuesday with the Rev. William B. Hamilton officiating. Entombment will follow in the Medford memorial mausoleum. "Charley" Palm was not only one of Medford's first residents, but one of the largest holders of business property in the city. A great believer in real estate as an investment, he owned at the time of his death the business block at the [northeast] corner of Main and Front, partly occupied by Browns, a similar block of buildings at the [northwest] corner of Main and Fir, the corner occupied by Cleo's, also the Rialto Theater property, and many residence properties in various parts of the city. Two or three years ago Mr. Palm was stricken by a serious disease necessitating a major operation by Dr. Coffee of Portland, from which he never recovered. During this period, he bore his suffering with the greatest courage and fortitude, and even when his friends and family had given up hope he kept on fighting for his health. Up to within a few weeks of his death Mr. Palm attended to his own business affairs, being a familiar sight in the center of town where his properties were located, usually in his closed car with Mrs. Palm, his faithful wife and companion these many years, and his two devoted cocker spaniel dogs. Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1933, page 1 -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. W. Palm
sold six lots yesterday to San Francisco parties who bought to hold for
speculation.Real estate in Medford is becoming very desirable and many parties from the cities are securing interests here. Medford Mail, September 7, 1889, page 3 Now Is Your Chance.
adjoining the city park of Medford, the most desirable in town, will be
sold on the installment plan, and at very reasonable rates.
W. Palm
Times, Jacksonville, February 13, 1890, page 3
Lew Palm, a brother of C. W. Palm, investigated our surroundings with a view to locating permanently. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 26, 1890, page 3 C. W. Palm and I. L. Hamilton have organized a real estate agency in this place and will no doubt do a good business. They have secured the agency of Ish's and Nickell's additions to Medford. Mr. Hamilton will leave for Portland soon to obtain the cooperation of some first-class firm at the metropolis. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 4, 1891, page 2 Hamilton & Palm have inaugurated the idea of selling acres and town lots on the installment plan and are doing a good business. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 1, 1892, page 2 An elegant and fashionable line of millinery goods has just been received by Mrs. Palm. The fair sex should call and see them, as they are the latest. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1892, page 2 J. E. Shearer, the popular barber, who recently returned from Portland, has assumed charge of the shop formerly conducted by C. W. Palm on Front Street and thoroughly renovated it. He is a first-class workman and deserves a liberal patronage. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1892, page 2 Messrs. Hamilton & Palm having donated a lot for the purpose, it is highly probable a German Lutheran church will be built at Medford during the next few months. Hamilton & Palm have established their real estate headquarters in the building they purchased for the purpose of having it removed to the corner of Seventh and Front streets. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3 Conrad Mingus last week sold four lots in block 45 to Fred. Medynski for $1,000, through Hamilton & Palm. The last-named firm sold Macy Pickering two lots in block 33. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3 Contractor Lyon has the contract for remodeling the new real estate building for Hamilton & Palm. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 3 Hamilton & Palm will soon have their new real estate office in shape for business. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 10, 1893, page 3 Hamilton & Palm have bought the vacant Halley building on E Street, and will move it onto one of their lots in the rear of the Clarendon. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 2 Palm & Medynski have bought out the Howard property on Front Street and will provide themselves business quarters in the same. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1893, page 3 Hamilton & Palm this week sold 40 acres of the Pellett place, across Bear Creek, to a party from abroad for $3,500. Hamilton & Palm, the real estate agents, are doing a lively business, notwithstanding the dull times. They have sold several pieces of land and a number of town lots lately. They hold a large number of options on desirable farm and town property, and can fill almost any order for real estate in southern Oregon. As they are energetic and reliable, they are building up a big business. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 26, 1893, page 2 ![]() August 25, 1893 Medford Mail HAMILTON & PALM REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE
For several
years the firm of Hamilton & Palm has been identified with the
interests of Medford and Jackson County; and are thoroughly conversant
with the values of realty, both present and prospective. This firm
makes a specialty of handling Medford property and also have a complete
list of almost all the lands in the county for sale. These lands are
suitable for fruit and cereals, and can be purchased on very easy
terms. In city lots and additions they have some very choice bargains.
Property at present is at its very lowest on account of the late
stringency of the money market, and now is the time to buy. They look
after property for non-residents, pay taxes, etc., and also loan money
for eastern and non-resident capitalists at reasonable rates. Anyone
having business transactions with them will find them thoroughly
reliable and gentlemen who conduct all business on a basis of strict
integrity and honor. Another branch of their business is insurance, and
they represent some very strong companies. Anyone wishing information
concerning lands in this and neighboring counties will receive good
returns by corresponding with them. Mr. Hamilton formerly held the
office of assessor, which undoubtedly gives him a first-class idea of
values not possessed by others in the same business.
Mail, December 1, 1893, page 1
Weeks Bros. have commenced on some more of their most excellent work in the bar fixture line--for Wright's saloon. They have also put up some very fine store fixtures for Mrs. C. W. Palm's new millinery store, consisting of counters, shelving and a millinery case. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 3 ![]() February 2, 1894 Medford Mail Things Do Move. Shifts in business locations are one of the things necessary to help fill the columns of a local newspaper and furnish a part of the means of a livelihood for the drayman. This week started in brisk in the moving line. Mrs. C. W. Palm began at early sunrise Monday morning to move her large stock of millinery goods and notions to her pleasant new location on West Seventh Street. C. W. laid his diamond pin away in his real estate office safe and packed boxes and things--just like one of the men--and a big job was soon over. No sooner was the little brick, on East Seventh Street, vacated by these people than did druggist Haskins begin moving his stock of drugs and drug sundries thereto. The move by Mr. H. is to enable him to put up his talked-of brick building on the ground of his old stand. He will begin the erection of his building as soon as the old building is removed, which has already been sold to C. W. Palm and will be moved across the track and placed fronting to the east and adjoining the distillery office. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 3 A Palace of Splendor. The ladies are expected to admire places of beauty, particularly when these places abound in spring hats and a couple of large mirrors, but this fact in no way prevents a newspaper reporter from feasting his eyes upon the beauties surrounding a well-kept, tastily arranged and well-stocked millinery store. This week while a Mail reporter was swinging about the city gathering in stray bits of news for our thousand subscribers his attention was attracted by the beautiful show window of Mrs. C. W. Palm's new millinery store on West Seventh Street. The beauties seen from the outside were an incentive to enter, which we proceeded to do. Here we found Mrs. Palm busily engaged in trimming hats for her extensive spring trade. While the lady was "just awfully busy" fixing up those lovely articles of women's headwear, she found time to show us about her little "beauty palace." At the west of the entrance is a most beautiful counter upon which is a showcase filled almost to overflowing with ribbons and other articles of millinery uses; back of this are as finely arranged shelves as one could well imagine the mechanic's hand capable of shaping. At the end of the shelving is a large, beautiful mirror, before which Mr. Palm revels in the splendor of that diamond pin, and where the many customers see themselves in their beauty of attire which none can but admire. To the left of the entrance is a large glass-front cabinet, which is another mode of the superior work turned out by Weeks Bros., cabinet makers. This is filled with dainty headwear for the juvenile family. There are many more articles worthy of mention which space bids us pass by without a chronicle, but as a whole this establishment is one of great splendor throughout and is truly a palace of beauty. All the interior woodwork was executed by Weeks Bros., and that we have in our midst such skilled workmen is a marvel to all. Mrs. Palm is enjoying a splendid business in her new home, and none seem to more deserve the patronage of the people than does this lady. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894, page 3 Hamilton & Palm have dissolved part ownership in the real estate business, C. W. Palm continuing the same at the old stand. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, October 25, 1894, page 6 W. H. McGowan has purchased the interest of C. W. Palm in the China Bazaar and will soon move his stock of goods to the Weeks furniture building, one door west, to which building is to be added a thirty-foot, two-story extension on the rear. Shelving will be placed on one side of the front room, and Mac will have charge of the two branches of business. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 14, 1896, page 5 C. W. Palm, the real estate broker, now rides a brand-new red bicycle and has diamonds for a headlight. Medford Mail, June 26, 1896, page 5 Frank Hutchison and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palm left the first of the week for Crescent City, Calif. to spend a month by the sounding sea. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 6, 1896, page 3 Mrs. C. W. Palm has just received a large and complete stock of fall millinery, comprising all the latest novelties in hats and trimmings, and respectfully invites the ladies of Rogue River Valley to call, examine goods and get prices. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 11, 1896, page 7 The Medford colony at Ft. Klamath is being increased this week, the following having passed through Ashland en route: W. H. Beidleman, Will Nicholson and Mr. Scott; also Dr. E. Kirchessner, James Wilson (of Central Point), Frank Hawk, Chas. Palm and John Arnold, who go into the stock business. Kirchgessner will invest in a second stock ranch. H. L. Gilkey will open a store with Mr. Stevens at Ft. Klamath. "Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, April 28, 1898, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palm, who have been visiting in Ohio, returned home Sunday. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 2, , page 2 C. W. Palm has received a new two-seated carriage, fitted with pneumatic tires, which is a model of comfort and durability. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 15, 1899, page 3 G. F. Palm left Wednesday night for Medford, Oregon, for an extended visit with his brother. "People We Know," Choshocton Age, Coshocton, Ohio, November 24, 1899, page 8 Mr. G. F. Palm is visiting his brother in Medford, Oregon. "Society Scintillators," Democratic Standard, Coshocton, Ohio, December 1, 1899, page 4 The Palm-Whitman-Palm cigar factory will be doing business next week. The company has leased a room on the West Side and have the necessary machinery for doing a big business installed therein. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1900, page 7 The Palm-Whitman-Palm cigar factory began operations last week. Practical work was commenced on Wednesday of last week when they started three girls to work and began the somewhat arduous task of teaching them the cigar making trade. When these three had acquired a knowledge sufficient to warrant them in doing certain parts of the work without assistance others were added until now they have eight girls regularly employed. The girls like the work very much, and as they acquire more knowledge of the business their interest seemingly increases. The first day sixty cigars was the most any one of them could turn out, but now, after only a little over a week's practice, these same girls are able to put out over 200 each day. The firm expects to be able to manufacture from 15,000 to 20,000 cigars per week, when they shall have added a few more girls to their force and everything is gotten in good working order. The firm expect to put their goods on the market within a few weeks, and will do this through the agency of traveling salesmen. They buy their tobacco in large quantities direct from the East, and as they save the jobber's commission on their manufactured goods, there is every reason apparent that they can supply the trade with a better grade of goods and for less money than is now being paid. Mr. G. F. Palm, one of the firm, and who has the work of selecting the tobacco and of making desirable combinations for good cigars, is a gentleman who has had a great many years' experience in that line of work and is acknowledged to be without an equal on the Pacific coast. Mr. Clifford Pavitt, a gentleman who, several years ago, was engaged in the manufactured of cigars in Medford, is employed in the establishment as foreman and superintendent in certain departments. The factory is located on the West Side, in a building formerly occupied for store purposes. The company positively declare that no flavoring will be used in the manufacture of their cigars--a guarantee which ought to sell their goods. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 7 The Palm-Whitman-Palm cigar factory commenced operations last week with a small force, which has gradually increased until now eight girls are regularly employed in the business. The firm expects to supply the market with a better grade of domestic cigars at a lower price than is now being paid. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 12, 1900, page 2 G. F. Palm, of the Palm-Whitman-Palm Co., left this week for the East. He will visit Chicago first and while there will purchase eight or ten thousand dollars' worth of tobacco, which will be shipped to Medford and manufactured into cigars for the company's coast trade. Mr. Palm will also visit his old home at Coshocton, Ohio. R. U. McClanahan, traveling salesman for the Palm-Whitman-Palm Co., arrived in Medford Tuesday, from a very successful trip to northern Oregon towns. He reports having sold more cigars this trip than he did up on the two trips previously made. He is now compelled to lay off for a couple of weeks--until the factory gets a few cigars ahead. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 6 ONE OF MEDFORD'S BEST ENTERPRISES
The Palm-Whitman-Palm Cigar Company a Concern of Much Worth to Our City. Goods Manufactured Find a Market Over the Entire State--New Fields Being Opened Up.
Palm-Whitman-Palm Cigar Manufacturing Company, which has been running
full blast for several months in order to supply the rapidly increasing
demand for their goods, has been compelled to close down for ten days
on account of their inability to secure sufficient and suitable stock
to supply their demands. Mr. G. F. Palm, their expert, is now in
Chicago for the purpose of purchasing a large quantity of tobacco, and
as soon as it arrives they will put on an increased force that will
enable them to double their output. They have been running a force of
sixteen girls during the last few months, and notwithstanding that they
have worked late and early, they have been unable to supply the demand.
At the present time they have only a limited stock of cigars on hand.
Some idea of the magnitude of the increase in their business can be had
from the fact that their first month's output of 16,000 has increased
monthly, in the face of the keenest competition by eastern
manufacturers, to a total of 60,000 for December. They intend to put
another traveling salesman in the field as soon as they are able to
meet their demands. They have secured customers in every portion of
this state, and their next move will be to invade California. They are
daily receiving letters from dealers commending their goods, which is
invariably accompanied with an order for more of them. To be able to
compete with eastern, or even western, manufacturers requires a grade
of goods the quality of which cannot be questioned. This is just what
they are putting up. Mr. Palm, who is an expert in the business, having
had twenty years of experience in eastern factories, has a personal
supervision over every article leaving their house, as well as every
piece of raw material used in the manufacture of their goods. He has
the reputation among leaf tobacco dealers as being one of the best
judges of leaf tobacco in the country. It is safe to say that there is
no man west of Chicago who understands every detail of the business
better than he. This enables them to put an absolute guarantee upon the
perfection of the manufactured article. Quality and cleanliness is
their motto, and it has been a winner for them. Medford is to be
congratulated upon having an industry of such solid financial and
business integrity as G. F. Palm, J. A. Whitman and C. W. Palm.
Medford Mail, January 11, 1901, page 2 The Palm-Whitman-Palm Cigar Company are preparing to make a thorough test of the adaptability of Jackson County soil for the growing of leaf tobacco. They have a quantity of tobacco seed, also plants, which they will supply to those wishing to make a test of the matter, and will gladly give full instructions as to its culture. They will supply government instructions, in pamphlet form, as well as personal aid in the matter. It is thought tobacco can be grown here. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 8, 1901, page 7 The Medford cigar factory, doing business under the firm name of the Palm-Whitman-Palm Company heretofore, has been reorganized and incorporated into a stock company, the names of J. A. Whitman, G. F. Palm and H. M. Crowell appearing in the articles of incorporation filed with the secretary of state. C. W. Palm, one of the original members of the company, sold his interest to J. A. Whitman and his brother, G. F. Palm, several days ago. The experimental stage of this rapidly growing concern has been safely passed, and it will now become a potent factor in the cigar manufacturing business of the state. Since the establishment of the business they have been handicapped in various ways, one of which was the difficulty in securing a sufficient amount of leaf tobacco of the desired grade to fill their orders. Another difficulty with which they have been contending was the lack of room to work to an advantage enough employees to manufacture an excess of 60,000 cigars a month. Both of these drawbacks have now been removed. They have leased the Geo. W. Hamlin brick building on South D Street, and are now located therein. They now have two men on the road, at present, and will increase their force of cigar makers to fill the increased sales which they anticipate by reason of the employment of a second traveling salesman. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 7 B. I. Stoner is now traveling in the Willamette Valley for the Palm-Whitman-Palm Co. Palm-Whitman Co. have incorporated with a capital of $6000, divided into shares of $100 each. G. F. Palm, J. A. Whitman and H. M. Crowell are the incorporators. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 25, 1901, page 2 Hard copy at SOHS. C. W. Palm and J. E. Bodge have been investing in a chunk of Medford real estate. The deal was closed Wednesday and transfers to them the business property on the corner of Seventh and D streets, and the purchase was made from T. J. Kenney, of Jacksonville, who has owned the property for the past couple or three years. The price paid was $5000, being an advance of $500 over the price paid by Mr. Kenney. This is unquestionably one of the best business locations in the city, it being central and on a corner where there is a great amount of travel. The place is now bringing in a monthly rental of $65 or $70. The present owners are not at present contemplating any change in the buildings thereon, but it is not improbable that a brick will be built inside of a few years. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 7 C. W. Palm and J. E. Bodge have purchased the corner lot, 50 by 100 feet, on Front and Seventh Streets, from T. J. Kinney, of Jacksonville. Consideration, $5000. "Medford Brevities," Morning Oregonian, March 30, 1901, page 4 The Palm-Whitman Company are now working twenty-three girls and three men in their cigar factory, and their traveling salesmen are finding a market for all the goods the factory can turn out. This is by far one of the best business institutions in this city--and it is gradually taking on more help and thereby adding to the possibilities of its output. This factory affords employment to a class of labor which was previously unemployed. In short it has made many girls independent of parental support who were previously dependent. They are provided with a clean, large and light room in which to work, and the work itself is not hard. The moral surroundings are good and the reputation of any girl is not jeopardized when she takes employment to this establishment. The goods the firm manufactures are first class in every particular, and it is gratifying to the proprietors--and as well as to our townspeople--to note the large sales which their traveling representatives are making. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 19, 1901, page 7 H. L. Palm, of Pendleton, is in the city this week visiting his brothers, C. W. and G. F. Palm. Mr. Palm has been engaged in the stockraising business in Umatilla County, and is on his way to Yreka, Calif. upon business. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 6 H. L. Palm, of Pendleton, arrived recently to visit his brothers, C. W. and G. F. Palm, of this city. "Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, June 9, 1901, page 15 Palm, Whitman & Co., cigar manufacturers, recently placed a large wire netting sign on top of their building, which shows off to a great advantage--it is the design and work of G. F. Palm. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 6 The following complimentary notice of the Palm, Whitman & Co., cigar manufacturers of this city, appeared in the Roseburg Plaindealer, June 20th: "Roseburg lovers of a good smoke, with whom the products of the Palm-Whitman-Palm Co. at Medford are becoming decidedly popular, would create an increased demand for these cigars if they could take a turn through the factory. The enterprising company now employ thirty-one girls, regularly, in addition to several high-salaried men, and the sum paid out weekly for tobacco of the different grades used is something surprising. Bert Whitman, who is one of the firm, showed the Plaindealer representative through the factory last Saturday, and pointed to a bundle of tobacco about the size of a ream of wrapping paper, on which the import duty alone was $300. The company is now putting out a large number of different brands, for which there is a good and growing demand." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 7 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palm returned Wednesday from their several weeks' outing at Pelican Bay. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 6 The Palm-Whitman Co., cigar manufacturers, have resumed work on their factory after a few weeks' layoff. They have nearly their full force of help at work and are turning out cigars at the usual rate. One of their traveling salesmen, R. U. McClennahan, has been ill for several weeks and is still unable to go on the road, but he is improving and will probably be able to resume his work in a few weeks. His route will be covered by another salesman until he recovers. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 4, 1901, page 7 Harry Palm, a brother of C. W. Palm of Medford, died recently at Redding, Calif., where he has been following his avocation [sic] of barber. He was 51 years old. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 21, 1901, page 5 Chas. Pierce, the gentleman who is arranging to establish and fruit and vegetable cannery in Medford, has purchased W. S. and H. M. Crowell's interest in the Palm-Whitman cigar factory in this city. Mr. Pierce is a hustling man of business, and the Mail is heartily glad he is to become a permanent resident of our city. He has progressive ideas on business lines and as well a determination to carry his projects and enterprises to a point where good is sure to come to himself and the people generally. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 6 C. W. Palm was called to Redding, Calif., on Thursday night of last week by a telegram announcing the death of his brother, H. L. Palm. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 7 The Palm, Whitman & Co. cigar factory is overrun with orders just now. Last week they were over 40,000 cigars behind on orders, but have managed to reduce that to 30,000 at the present time. The company has a force of from 28 to 32 people working, and expects to increase the force to 35 or 40 during the present rush. The factory will have to turn out 100,000 cigars this month in order to catch up with the orders now filed. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 29, 1901, page 6 G. C. Miller, traveling representative for the Palm, Whitman & Co., cigar manufacturers, came in last week with a goodly number of big orders. His territory is eastern Oregon and eastern Washington, and while these sections are practically new to this firm, he did a splendid business. The quality of goods these people put up makes work easy for their traveling salesman, and when is coupled with this the fact that Mr. Miller is a hustler and is a gentleman well liked all along the line, there are really no grounds for anything but success. The company turned out over 60,000 cigars last month, and the output this month will reach over 100,000. It is expected that more help will be put on after [the] holidays. If Medford had a few more institutions of this character there would be a noticeable increase in the wage-earning capacity of our townspeople. Practically all the money paid for help comes from outside towns, which fact makes the institution manyfold better for Medford than it would be if the sale of the goods depended wholly upon a local market. A fruit cannery would be upon these same lines and would be in a ratio equally as beneficial to our immediate locality. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 7 D. F. Fox, deputy internal revenue collector, was in the city this week looking after matters in connection with his office--the same being the taking of an inventory of stock on hand at the Palm, Whitman Co.'s cigar factory. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 3, 1902, page 6 Messrs. Palm, Whitman & Co., cigar manufacturers, have put in a gasoline engine for operating machinery in their factory. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 7 G. F. Palm:--"You ask, can good cigar tobacco be raised in Jackson County? With reasonable care and cultivation, yes. Now, here is a sample of tobacco, raised by Clem Parker, on the edge of town. It is first class in every respect. Here is some more raised near Phoenix that is also of good quality. The trouble was last year we got our plants into the hands of some parties who would not take the necessary trouble, and as a consequence they failed to produce anything. Everyone who took care of the plants and understood the business made a good showing. There are only a few states in the Union where good cigar tobacco can be raised, and I think that Jackson County is one of the favored localities. Yes, we are going to continue the experience this year. We will put out several thousand plants ourselves and besides will furnish seed and a limited number of plants to parties whom we are certain will take proper care of them. I see no reason why the tobacco industry should not become a factor in the development of Southern Oregon." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 31, 1902, page 7 Messrs. W. T. York and C. W. Palm have formed a partnership and will hereafter conduct their real estate and insurance business in team harness. They are both oldtimers in these businesses in Medford, and the consolidation of their affairs makes a team hard to beat. Both have a large list of good property for sale and, as they are well and very favorably known, there are good grounds for believing they will do a good business. They haven't thrown up quarters as yet to determine the style of the new firm. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 21, 1902, page 7 The Palm-York Company has fitted up office rooms in the rooms formerly occupied by George Kurtz' cigar factory. This is a very convenient location and a very pleasant place for prospective real estate purchasers to linger while the many virtues of the Rogue River Valley are being extolled by the proprietors. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 6 M. F. McCowan has taken office room with the Palm, York real estate office and is following the vocation of locating parties on homesteads and timber lands and is said to have a good list catalogued for entry. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 7 The Palm Whitman Co. reports that for the month of May their sale of cigars has amounted to over $4000. This is a slight increase over the preceding four months of the year and is a big increase over the sales for May last year. Their traveling salesmen are enjoying a splendid business everywhere they go and the popularity of their leading brands of cigars is growing in localities where known and new fields are continually opening up. This institution is the means of bringing much outside capital to Medford, and it deserves a good word and all patronage possible from every citizen of the city. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 6, 1902, page 7 The brick block that A. J. Stewart is having erected on Eighth Street is rapidly nearing completion, and if no delays are encountered the building will be ready for occupancy about the first of July. S. Childers has the walls up and E. W. Starr is pushing the carpenter work with all possible haste and will have the roof ready in three or four days so that the bricklayers can put up the fire walls, after which the tinners will put on the tin roof. The building, which is 50x55 feet, is to have a cement floor, and it will be an ideal workroom for the cigar factory. Messrs. Palm and Whitman have leased the building, and they will move their factory as soon as it is ready for them. "Building Notes," Medford Mail, June 13, 1902, page 3 The new cigar factory building will be completed by the end of this week. The tin roof is on, so that completes the work above, and the cement floor, the last of the work below, was completed Wednesday by Childers Bros. The work of moving the cigar factory from its present place to the new building will be commenced next week, and Messrs. Palm, Whitman & Co. will have everything in running order in their new factory within ten days. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 4, 1902, page 7 G. W. Priddy drew the fire Monday from a kiln containing 120,000 brick. He got a good burn, and they are of fine quality. He will commence in a short time to deliver brick for the new Palm-Bodge block. Mr. Priddy is having the brick molded for another big kiln which he will burn in the near future. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, July 11, 1902, page 6 The work of getting material on the ground for the Palm-Bodge new brick store building was commenced this week. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 25, 1902, page 7 The Palm-Whitman Co. report that they are unable to fill all the orders that come in for their cigars. They are working thirty-two hands on full time and would put on a dozen more girls if they could secure them. This is one of the very best institutions for Medford that there is in the city--and our people are fast awakening to this fact. Their payroll is no small item. It is cash in hand every Monday--and the merchants get the benefit. In this line it might be well to state that the merchants of the city are doing all they can to assist the factory owners. Those of them who smoke almost invariably ask for a home product cigar when they step up to a cigar stand. This little appreciation of the goods put out has much to do in encouraging the enterprise. Right now the factory is putting out a cigar, "The Little Medford," which is declared to be the best cigar ever put on the market. Mr. Palm, who has been engaged in the manufacture of cigars, says it is the best article he ever put out. Our townspeople can help the factory right now by putting forth an effort to secure some additional help. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 24, 1902, page 7 When Fred Luy moves his barber shop from the place where it now is to his new room in the Palm-Bodge block the old shop room will be vacated for the first time since 1885. During all these seventeen years the room has been in continuous occupancy by a barber. There have been several different men at the chairs, but it is the only business building in the city which has been occupied continuously for any one kind of business. D. H. Miller, one of our hardware merchants, has the distinction of being the occupant of one building for the greatest length of time. He has sold hardware over the counters in the Hamlin block since 1886. It was Mr. Miller who occupied the first business house that was built in the city. The date was way back in '83, and the building is now standing on the corner of Eighth and D streets and is occupied by the Palm-Whitman cigar factory. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 31, 1902, page 7 Wanted--Five or six girls to work in Palm-Whitman Co.'s cigar factory. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 7 Jeweler Elwood and C. W. Palm have recently purchased fifty-five acres of the old Enoch Walker place and will cut it up into smaller tracts and offer it for sale. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 21, 1902, page 6 About Christmas time will see the completion of the finest brick block in Medford, and one which would be a credit to many towns of larger size. Everybody, of course, knows that the Palm-Bodge building is meant. After many vexatious delays the finishing touches are now being put on. The rooms of the lower floor are all plastered and the glass fronts and doors are being put in. Upstairs some plastering remains to be done yet, but that part of the work will soon be finished. Seventh and D Street corner, to be occupied by Young & Hall, is done and J. Court is now busily engaged in getting his bar fixtures, etc., in shape for the opening, which will occur in a few days. When finished it will be one of the handsomest saloons in the state outside of the large cities. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 28, 1902, page 7 R. U. McClanahan has taken a position as bookkeeper and shipping clerk with the Palm-Whitman cigar company. Mr. McClanahan is a capable man in almost any capacity--and he will not be found wanting in his present position. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 26, 1902, page 6 CIGAR FACTORY TO REMAIN HERE.
For some time past there has been much talk rife in Medford which was
in effect that the Palm-Whitman cigar factory was to move from Medford
to another point, but the danger of this is now wholly and entirely
done away with by Mr. J. A. Whitman purchasing the stock in the company
which was owned by a party favorable to the removal of the factory.
This cigar factory is a home institution now in every sense. It affords profitable employment to a great many persons. With these two very important points in the city to handle all of the products of this institution they possibly can, and it as well behooves every smoking citizen of the town to smoke a Medford product. Medford Mail, November 20, 1903, page 1 Ground will be broken this week at Sellwood on East Thirteenth Street and Tenino Avenue [in Portland] for the Palm-Whitman Cigar Factory, which is to be moved from Medford. The building will be 100x50, two stories high. A quarter block has been secured, so that more buildings can be erected as the plant is increased. The employees will be mostly girls and young women. About 20 skilled hands will be brought from Medford, who will "break in" the green hands. At first 50 will be required, but the plant in full operation will employ 100 hands. The work is perfectly clean, and is said to be healthful. Wages earned by the girls are said to equal those paid at woolen mills. Sellwood people showed their enthusiasm for this factory by taking $5000 in stock in the cigar company and in providing the ground and building. If the Portland Woolen Mills should move somewhere else, the suburb will still have a large payroll. "Building Is Resumed," Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 11, 1904, page 14 A Heavy Loss to Medford.
J. A. Whitman has returned from Portland, where he has been spending
some time making arrangements for the removal of the Medford Cigar
Factory to that city. He has rented a large building, which is being
put in shape for its reception. This has for a long time been Medford's
principal manufacturing enterprise, giving employment to quite a number
and distributing several thousand dollars here every year. Its removal
will be a serious loss to our city, which has none too many
manufacturing enterprises anyway.Messrs. Palm and Whitman enjoy a large business, nearly all of which can be better accommodated by them at Portland. The change will also enable them to get a great deal of trade that could not be obtained here. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 13, 1904, page 2 Sellwood Gets the Factory
Through the activity of the Sellwood Board of Trade that suburb secures
the large cigar manufacturing concern of Palm-Whitman Co., of Medford,
which will have a capital stock of $50,000 and employ when in full
operation 100 hands. The final arrangements for securing land and
putting up a suitable building were completed last Wednesday by J. A.
Whitman and D. M. Donaugh, president of the local board of trade, and
Mr. Whitman left for Medford, where he will arrange to transfer the
business to Portland.Portland Oregonian. The Sellwood Board of Trade took the matter up with Mr. Whitman a week ago, after the latter had made investigation of locations for the plant. Sellwood takes $5,000 stock in the concern. J. N. Nickum, A. C. Mowrey, A. N. Wills and other prominent citizens subscribed largely. A building site 100x100 was secured on the corner of East Thirteenth Street and Tenino Avenue, just north of the Firemen's Hall, and on the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company's line. Mr. Nickum and Mr. Mowrey secured the site and will put up the building, which will be 100x50 for the present. The people of Sellwood have begun to excavate for the foundation. The company takes a three-years lease on the ground and building with option of purchase. The company, which has been operating at Medford for the past four years, desired to get near the center of business. It has turned out 900,000 cigars a year. In its new quarters at Sellwood Mr. Whitman said the output would be much larger. About 20 skilled employees will be brought from Medford, but the remainder of the help will be obtained in the neighborhood. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 13, 1904, page 4 CELEBRATE FACTORY OPENING.--Citizens of Sellwood will celebrate completion and opening of the Portland Cigar Factory in that suburb Saturday evening with a reception and dance to the owners and operatives on the second floor to the factory building. A considerable number of young women and young men, skilled hands, have come from Medford, where the concern was formerly located, and one object of the affair is to make them acquainted in their new home, and welcome the promoters of the enterprise to Sellwood. Ice-cream and cake will be served. All will be welcome without charge. James Mallett, Bert Lance and H. H. Carey are the committee of arrangements. Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 16, 1904, page 7 Sale of Property at Medford.
MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 6.--(Special.)--N. L. Niedermeyer, of Jacksonville,
today purchased J. E. Bodge's interest in the Palm-Bodge brick block
here. The consideration was $11,000.
Morning Oregonian, October 7, 1904, page 4 Tuesday evening C. W. Palm and J. E. Enyart had a pugilistic encounter upon the street near the Rialto cigar store, the outgrowth of a feud of long standing. After mixing [it] up a little, without particular damage to either, the belligerents were separated and agreed to bury the hatchet--for the time being. Wednesday afternoon they appeared before Recorder Toft, pled guilty and were assessed $10 each as a contribution to the city's exchequer. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 26, 1904, page 5 C. W. Palm:--"We saw D. S. Youngs, formerly a Medford resident, when we were at Newport recently. He is a lapi--something--yes, lapidarian, thats it--a man who cuts, grinds and polishes stones. He is making all kinds of money and has all the work he can handle." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, August 31, 1906, page 1 PLANS TO ERECT BUSINESS BLOCK AND
Large Property Owner Announces Plans Involving Extensive Construction-- Predicts Building Boom in Medford.
W. Palm, one of the largest owners of Medford realty and buildings,
predicts a building boom for this city within the next six weeks, and
heavy building operations next spring.
"There is a need for about 100 more residences in the city right now," says Mr. Palm. "The people have got to have some place to go, and I intend to build a few modern, up-to-date bungalows myself on residential lots, and if the returns justify it I will build more. I am having plans drawn now to see what it will cost me." Mr. Palm plans a remodeling of his property on Fir Street, with a 50-foot front on Main Street, in the spring. He intends to put in new modern fronts on the row of brick buildings with plate glass windows and new floors and roofs. The buildings now occupied by G. L. Davidson, the Success Chop House, and the Medford Chop House will be torn down and a one-story building erected, that, according to Mr. Palm, "will be a credit to the city." "I have built nine brick buildings in this city, and have saved the corner of Main and Fir Street on which to erect a structure that I could get up early in the morning and feel proud to stand in front of. The investor is beginning to see daylight on the cost of labor and material, and if things keep on the way they have, I will build there early next spring. I am going to have my plans all ready, so the work can be rushed to completion." Medford Mail Tribune, September 2, 1921, page 8 MR. & MRS. CHARLEY PALM TO ARRIVE HONOLULU SOON
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 10.--Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palm of Medford, Ore. will
arrive in Honolulu December 13 on the Dollar Round-the-World liner President Harrison
on a tour of the world. They plan to make the circuit of the globe by
easy stages using several of the fleet of seven American liners which
inaugurated the first regular around-the-world service in history a
year ago.
After visiting the Hawaiian Islands they will continue across the Pacific to Kobe and thence through the Inland Sea of Japan to Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore, Penang, Colombo, Suez, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa, Marseilles and back across the Atlantic to Boston and New York. The last leg of the around-the-world journey is through the Panama Canal via Havana to Los Angeles and San Francisco. The continuous voyage on a Dollar liner is made in 110 days on a timetable schedule every two weeks to 21 of the gateway ports of the world. The Palms will stop over at several of the sports to visit the interesting places of the world and continue their journey in a leisurely manner on any of the Dollar liners which sail continuously westward with the sun fortnightly. In making the circumnavigation of the globe, they will sail on several of the around-the-world fleet which includes, besides the President Harrison, the presidents Hayes, Garfield, Polk, Adams, Van Buren and Monroe. Medford Mail Tribune, December 10, 1924, page 5 PALM RETURNS FROM CLINIC EXAMINATION
Charley Palm returned from Portland on the morning train Sunday after a
week undergoing observation at a hospital in that city. He went to
Portland with J. W. Wakefield, who has been quite seriously ill but is
now reported much improved though he will stay in Portland probably two
or three weeks longer under the care of Dr. Rockey. Mr. Palm has not
been feeling very fit himself of late, but the rest in Portland did him
good and he says after a few days at home he will be hitting on all six
cylinders again.Medford Mail Tribune, October 5, 1931, page 8 PALM ESTATE IS VALUED $145,531
The last will of the late Charles W. Palm, Medford capitalist and
realty owner, was filed for probate yesterday. The will bequeaths the
entire estate to the widow, Mrs. Callie Palm, and named her executrix,
without bonds. The will was signed November 24, 1931, with F. J. Newman
and R. B. Beeson as witnesses. All previous wills are revoked.Papers filed with the will placed the "reasonable value" of the estate at $145,531. Of this amount, the real property is placed at $84,031 and securities and other paper at $61,500. It is also set forth that with Niedermeyer, Inc., the estate includes business property in Medford with a yearly rental profit of $4500. L. Niedermeyer, J. C. Brown and J. W. Brown are named as appraisers of the estate. Medford Mail Tribune, July 6, 1933, page 6 FOUNTAIN MOVING PLAN IS OPPOSED
delegation of women, representing several Medford clubs, called upon
Mayor E. M. Wilson this morning to voice objections to the proposed
removal of the fountain in the city park for erection of a memorial to
the late C. W. Palm.
They also voiced objections to the planned removal of the horseshoe pitching court, which offers diversion to many elderly Medford men without other means of recreation. The chief objection to the memorial plans, however, was directed to the disturbance of the old-time fountain, which was donated to the city during the early days by the Greater Medford Club. The memorial, according to plans recently presented the city council, is to be erected by Mrs. Palm in memory of her husband, and is to be a thing of beauty, an accomplished architect having been engaged to draw the plans. No definite action regarding the matter has been taken by the city council. At the last meeting, however, it was voted to approve the removal of the horseshoe pitching court for location of the memorial. The women, appearing before the mayor, were invited to confer with the city council today, and it is understood the matter will be presented at the regular meeting of the city dads tomorrow night. Medford Mail Tribune, March 5, 1934, page 5 PALM MEMORIAL PLANS DESCRIBED FOR COUNCILMEN
In the interests of the gift to the Medford city park planned by Mrs.
C. W. Palm, H. O. Frohbach appeared before the city council in session
last night. He stated that the plan does not provide for a monument to
the late Mr. Palm, but for a fountain, pool and other statuary work,
given as a tribute from the Palms to the people of Medford.He stated that he believed the protests to the plan, made by local clubs and individuals, were made because of a misunderstanding on the part of the people. No further protests were filed at last night's meeting, but objections were voiced prior to the meeting by an individual who maintained that the establishment of the memorial would set a precedent which would cause the city considerable trouble in the future. Objections filed by women of the city Monday were based upon plans to remove the present fountain, donated by subscriptions from early settlers. Considerable disapproval of the plan has also been based upon intentions to remove the horseshoe pitching courts from the city park. Medford Mail Tribune, March 7, 1934, page 3 PALM ESTATE VALUED $133,256 LEFT WIDOW
Estate of Charles W. Palm, late Medford capitalist, has been appraised
for the purpose of payment of the inheritance tax at $133,256,
according to schedules filed in the county clerk's office.Amount of the inheritance tax is computed at $3,437.82. Mrs. Callie Palm is the sole heir. Medford Mail Tribune, March 13, 1934, page 1 PLANS FOR PALM MEMORIAL GIVEN TO CITY COUNCIL
Several city ordinances, including the acceptance of plans and
authorization of constructing the pond and statue in the city park, as
a gift from Mrs. Charlie Palm, were passed at the city council meeting
last night. Consideration of the ordinance to tax beer dispensaries in
the city was tabled until next Tuesday evening, when the council will
continue this week's meeting.Beer dispensers of the city will meet Thursday evening at the city hall with members of the license committee, C. C. Darby, chairman, Dade Terrett and Fred Heath. Other members of the council were urged to be present, at which time retailers and dispensers will discuss the proposed ordinance. Attorney Frank Newman appeared before the council representing Mrs. Palm, and presented blueprints to show plans for construction of the pool 14 by 26 feet, with a granite coping 6 by 8 inches around the outer edge. At one end of the pool will be a granite rock with floodlights for illuminating the statue at night. Plans have already been cared for to provide additional light if necessary. There will also be a granite drinking fount. Also the possibility of the construction of a drinking fountain for dogs, and a bird bath. The pool, Mr. Newman told the council, will be surrounded by a cement walk with two seats ten feet in length, of granite slabs, at each side. Of the best Italian marble, and to be made by one of the best available sculptors in Italy, will be the statue of a youth with two dogs. Contract has already been let to the local granite company for the construction of the pool, which will replace the fountain in the park at the present time. The dedication will simply say: "Dedicated to the city of Medford, Ore., by Charles W. and Callie Palm, 1934." An ordinance was passed releasing some property to David M. and Grace Deter, they being represented at the meeting by Attorney Hilding Bengtson. Consideration of a voucher system for presenting bills to the city was delayed until the Tuesday meeting. A beer dispenser's license was issued to Harry Prentice by the council upon the recommendation of the license committee. Prentice is to operate a confectionery and lunch stand on East Main Street in the building formerly occupied by the Monarch Seed and Feed Company. The group voted to turn on all the lights on Sixth Street during the week of the jubilee, and installation of new lights between Ninth and Sixth streets on Riverside was voted on favorably. Medford Mail Tribune, May 16, 1934, page 1
the direction of the Flynn Electric Company here, the beautiful Palm
memorial fountain in the city park is rapidly nearing completion, it
was learned today.
The main feature of the fountain is the marble figure of a young man, playing with his two cocker spaniels. The pedestal upon which the statue stands is carved from Oregon granite, and rises from a mirror pool made from the same material. When the memorial is finished, the pool itself will have pond lilies on its surface, and will be lit by four lamps, the shafts of which will be in matching granite. A floodlight, partially submerged at one end, will flood the white statue with soft light. The statue is of white marble carved to order at Carrara, in southern Italy. It is the individual work of one sculptor, and has taken five months to complete. When the order was first filed last year, it was accompanied by a photograph, in which a young Medford man posed with two spaniels. A small clay model was made in the Italian shops and sent to Mrs. Charles Palm, the donor of the memorial, for approval. The approval was forwarded, and work begun immediately. It was received here recently and mounted upon the pedestal, but was immediately veiled pending dedication, the date for which has not yet been announced. According to Thomas K. Flynn, whose company is superintending the entire construction, the statue and pool is not a memorial to Charles Palm, who died last year, but a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Palm to the city of Medford. The new statue and fountain cost over $7,000, it was learned. The granite work was done by the Oregon Granite Works here, Elmer Hicks, manager. Medford Mail Tribune, January 13, 1935, page 3 ![]() April
19, 1935 Medford
Mail Tribune
again held an impromptu unveiling of the Palm memorial statue in the
city park Saturday night, according to a report on file at the city
police station. City Officer Sloniker, who saw four boys about 18 or 20
years of age take the canvas covering from the statue and throw it
down, gave chase, but the hoodlums escaped in a car after having first
hung a placard around the statue.
PALM MEMORIAL DEDICATION SETThe placard was a picture of a dog with a can tied to its tail. The officer removed this and hung the canvas in a tree, intending to pick it up upon the completion of his beat. The canvas was stolen from the tree later in the evening, probably by the same marauders, the police stated today. They are still actively working on the case. Medford Mail Tribune, April
1, 1935, page 3
The beautiful statue, pool and drinking fountain
to the people of Medford as a gift from the late Charles W. Palm and
Mrs. Callie Palm will be unveiled and dedicated at a ceremony in the
city park on Good Friday, April 19, it was announced today by attorney
Frank Newman, who is handling the affair for Mrs. Palm.
The structure fills a need long felt in this city for a center of interest in the city park in which it is located. The clear white marble of the statue proper, contrasted against the green summer foliage of the trees in the park, will undoubtedly be a striking feature of Medford's civic showplace. Nine months have been devoted to the completion of the structure, the prolonged time having been made necessary through the fact that the statue itself was sculptured in Italy. The base, fountains, coping and seats were quarried at the Blair quarry in Ashland. The structure will be bathed in a soft light at night by the four trim light fixtures at the corners of the plot, and a vertical beam spotlight installed in the coping of the west end of the pool will bring into clear relief the statue proper. Mrs. Palm has arranged for the placing of pond lilies in the pool, although they will in all probability not be ready for the official dedication. They are now being developed locally specially for this purpose. It is hoped that fair weather will be in evidence on the day of the presentation by Mrs. Palm to the mayor and city council, so that the people of the city can attend the ceremony. All labor performed on the structure was provided locally, the Oregon Granite Company of this city having taken the contract for completion of that phase of the work. T. K. Flynn of the Flynn Electric Company had general supervision of the work and also installed the electrical equipment. Both firms have demonstrated the excellency of local work. Further announcement about the dedication will be made later. Medford Mail Tribune, April
10, 1935, page 1
a very fitting and impressive ceremony this afternoon the Palm Memorial
in the city park was formally presented to the city by attorney Frank
J. Newman, representing the donor, Mrs. Callie Palm, widow of the late
Charles W. Palm, and accepted on behalf of the city by Mayor Geo.
Porter. A more beautiful day for such a ceremony could hardly be
imagined, scarcely a breath stirring in the budding trees, warm sun
shining from a clear blue sky and casting shadows on the fresh green
grass. A large crowd of representative citizens and old friends of the
Palm family gathered to listen to the dedication ceremonies and pay
their respects to one of Medford's best known business men and early
Rev. D. E. Millard sang two numbers during the ceremonies, "The Prayer Perfect" by James Whitcomb Riley and "Trees." The presentation address by attorney Newman follows: "Hon. Mayor, gentlemen of the City Council and citizens of Medford: "I deem it an honor and pleasure to be chosen as spokesman for the late lamented Charles W. Palm and his estimable wife and widow, Mrs. Callie Palm, to tender to you gentlemen, as the official representatives of the people of this city, a useful and beautiful token of the esteem in which the citizens of this city and valley were and are held by these two pioneers of our city. "Both Mr. and Mrs. Palm were born in the state of Ohio, and were married at Kenton, Ohio on the 3rd day of March, 1881. "They moved to this city in the early spring of 1888. Medford at that time was merely a village with a population of about 200. Practically all of the business buildings were on the east side of the Southern Pacific railroad. There was not a foot of paved street or even a cement sidewalk in the entire village. Bear Creek furnished the only source of water supply and was used not only as a protection against fire but for most domestic purposes as well. Some of the drinking water, however, was derived from shallow wells scattered throughout the town. "Filled with strength and vigor, this young couple established their home in the midst of these surroundings, and both lived to see Medford grow to a prosperous and thriving metropolitan city. "By the exercise of good judgment, thrift and unceasing effort they succeeded in acquiring considerable property in this city and county, from which investments they later realized a substantial and comfortable income. "Having fully enjoyed nearly fifty years of actual and continuous residence in Medford, and having met with success in their prudent investments, Mr. and Mrs. Palm naturally felt that they would like to leave to the citizens of this city and valley, present and future, some fit and suitable token of their esteem. With that aim in view, they spent much time and thought to that worthy and worthwhile object. "Before their plans were fully matured, however, death overtook Mr. Palm, who passed away in this city on the 17th day of June, A.D. 1933, leaving Mrs. Palm and a host of friends to mourn his departure. "Undaunted by her great loss through the death of a loving husband, Mrs. Palm determined to complete alone the plans she and Charlie had so long worked upon, and which each had hoped to see accomplished before death overtook either. "Considerable correspondence and negotiations were carried on with the heads of the departments of art of the universities of Oregon and Washington, and Mrs. Palm personally visited several institutions of art in the larger cities of the United States in quest of information or suggestions which might aid her in choosing the most useful and suitable design for the desired purposes "After thoroughly considering the many suggestions made, and examining models submitted, Mrs. Palm chose the design, conceived largely by herself, and now fittingly embraced and included in this beautiful and useful structure which she and Mr. Palm now take pride in presenting to the people of this city." (Statue unveiled at this point.) "Lovers of all mankind, the great out of doors, animal life in general, and dogs and birds in particular, Charles and Callie Palm have here sought to provide for the comforts and pleasures of each. "As you observe from your survey of this structure, the prevailing and outstanding figure is that of youth, strong, happy and hopeful, represented by this figure of the boy just budding into manhood. "At the westerly end of the structure a drinking fountain has been provided where men, women and children may freely refresh themselves by drinking the pure and sparkling mountain spring water from Medford's million-dollar water system, a fit and worthy substitute for the putrid waters of Bear Creek. "Surrounding the statue will be observed a spacious pool of this same pure spring water, restful and refreshing to the citizens who visit our park daily in quest of rest and quiet, for whose convenience also seats at the sides of the pool have been provided. In the pool water lilies have been planted which will later blossom, giving an additional beauty to the pool and its surroundings. "By the side of the boy you will observe two beautiful dogs, fit and loving companions to every worthwhile boy or man. Show me a person who has never loved a dog, and I will show you one who has failed to grasp one of life's greatest pleasures. "U.S. Senator George G. Vest once made use of this beautiful tribute to canine affection and fidelity: "'Ladies and gentlemen: The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son and daughter that he has reared with loving care may become ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has he may lose. It flies away from him when he may need it most. Man's reputation may be [lost] in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees and do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend a man may have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is the dog. "'Ladies and gentlemen, a man's dog stands by him in prosperity and poverty, in health and sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground when the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. "'When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces he is as constant in this love as the sun in its journey through the heavens. If fortune drives the master forth an outcast into the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to guard him against danger, to fight against his enemies, and when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws and his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death.' "At the easterly edge of the pool a fountain has likewise been provided at which man's faithful friend, the dog, may also enjoy the refreshing coolness of pure mountain springs, while at the base of the statue [you] will observe a bird bath, in which the birds of the air may take their morning dip. "Nearly a year ago, the Oregon Granite Company of this city took the contract for the completion of the structure, and the work has progressed from that time until completion, under their management, and under the general supervision of T. K. Flynn of the Flynn Electric Company of this city, who also installed the electric appliances in connection with the structure. "An examination of the finished product is a strong recommendation of efficiency on the part of each of these firms, and am pleased to state that the work progressed to completion without any dissension or misunderstanding of any nature. "Outside of the statue itself and the sculpturing thereof, all material used in the structure is of Jackson County origin, and all work was performed by local labor. "The marble used in the statue is the white imperial Italian marble from the Carrara marble quarries at Carrara, Italy, and the sculpturing was done there. As you will observe, it is of the very highest quality. The Oregon Granite Company, in securing the statue, worked through the H. A. Whiteacre Company of New York City. "On the granite base of the statue you will observe this simple inscription: "'Dedicated to the city of Medford by C. W. and Callie Palm, 1934.' "At this time, Mr. Mayor, gentlemen of the council and citizens of Medford, I take great pleasure in introducing to you Mrs. Callie Palm, widow of the late Charles W. Palm, who has gladly provided this beautiful improvement to our park, and comfort to our citizens, and who at this time presents to you the title to this memorial. "Accept it, care for it as its high qualities merit, and preserve it for the present and future use and benefit of the people of our city and valley. May they derive as much pleasure and satisfaction from its use as Mrs. Palm has experienced through presenting it to them, is the fervent wish of our mutual friends, Charles W. and Callie Palm. "I thank you." This was followed by the acceptance address from Mayor Porter: "My dear Mrs. Palm, it is indeed a pleasure to me as mayor of this city to accept from you this very beautiful and useful gift to the people of this city and valley. I wish to thank you most sincerely, and to assure you that the members of this city council, and our citizens generally, greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness in providing this beautiful structure for the use and enjoyment of the people of this city. I can assure you that it will be maintained by the city in the future in its present state of beauty and usefulness, and that it will be cherished as coming from two of the oldest and most respected citizens of this city, yourself and Mr. Palm, whom we knew and greeted as Charlie. "I have known both you and Mr. Palm very well for more than forty years, and I can never forget the pleasant associations which I had in my boyhood days through visiting at your home and associating with Charlie, and the ponies and dogs which he kept, not only for his own gratification, but for the use and enjoyment of the young boys of this city generally. "Both you and Charlie were a source of great inspiration to the young boys and girls during my early childhood days, and I see among those present many who, like myself, are now turning gray, but who look back upon those happy days spent at the Palm home in pleasant association with the pets kept by you and Mr. Palm as some of the happiest days of our lives. "I wish to congratulate you upon the effort and thoughtfulness displayed in the creation of this beautiful statue and pool. It certainly shows much thought, and is emblematic of the life spent by you and your estimable husband in this city, for you have here incorporated the ideals which you and he entertained throughout your entire life for the boy, the man, the dog and bird life, all so beautifully and appropriately embraced in this magnificent gift which you have made to our city and people. "For years to come this monument will stand as a token of love and respect entertained by Charlie and yourself for the people of this community, and I can assure you that the gift is accepted by the people of this city as a fit and suitable token of your love for them, and their high regard and esteem for you and your late husband. "Therefore, Mrs. Palm, as mayor of this city and as councilmen of the city of Medford, we hereby gladly accept from you this beautiful, fit and useful gift to the citizens of this city and valley, and publicly acknowledge our most sincere gratitude to you, and the late Charles W. Palm, for this magnificent structure. Be assured it will be preserved and maintained in its present condition of loveliness, beauty and usefulness for the future enjoyment of our citizens, and the pleasant memories of our associations with you and Charlie will cling about it for countless years yet to come. Again, we thank you." Medford Mail Tribune, April
19, 1935, page 1
A special guard will be posted in the city park [on Halloween] either in uniform or plain clothes to prevent any further mutilation of the beautiful Palm memorial statue there which was smeared with walnut dye several weeks ago. A paste has been applied to the statue, and it is believed possible that some of the stain may be removed. "Hallowe'en Vandals Will Be Arrested Is Warning from Police," Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1935, page 5 Mrs. Callie Palm Honored on Ninety-Fifth Birthday
Wearing a white dress which she made about 75 years ago, Mrs. Callie
Palm posed Wednesday for her 95th birthday anniversary picture. The
dress is of white linen, embroidered by herself, and handmade Irish
lace. Born September 3, 1863, in Kenton, Ohio, Mrs. Palm came to
Medford with her husband in 1888 and has lived here since that time.
The well-known woman was honored at a tea at her home, 343 South Holly
Mrs. Callie Palm, who has watched Medford grow from a village, celebrated her 95th birthday anniversary September 3. Mrs. Palm was honored at a tea given by her niece, Mrs. E. N. Eldridge, assisted by a second niece, Mrs. Harold Burk, and other relatives. The tea was held in Mrs. Palm's home, 343 South Holly Street, which adjoins the Eldridge home. The tea table was centered with pink dahlias and a big cake which held 95 candles in such a fashion that each piece cut held a small candle. Other bouquets were of pink dahlias, and of red carnations. About 55 guests called during the tea. Mrs. William L. Barnum, who came from Portland for the tea, poured. Mrs. Palm wore a dress of embroidered linen and handmade Irish lace which she made for herself about 75 years ago. Mrs. Palm and her husband, the late Charles W. Palm, came to Medford in 1888 from Kenton, Ohio, Mrs. Palm's birthplace. They rented a building on South Front Street, where they operated a variety store, and later Mr. Palm built a small frame structure on the corner of Main and Fir streets; Mrs. Palm still owns the building on that corner. At the time it was erected, it was the only building west of the Southern Pacific railway tracks. When the Palms moved into the building, Mrs. Palm added a millinery stock to the variety store, since she was a trained milliner, and later they disposed of the variety stock. Mrs. Palm was in business for 19 years. Later the couple built the home on South Holly Street where Mrs. Palm still lives. A statue in the library park was erected in Mr. Palm's honor. In recent years Mrs. Palm, a devoted Presbyterian, donated the carillon bells which now sound daily from Medford First Presbyterian Church. At 10 a.m. on the day of Mrs. Palm's 95th birthday, "Happy Birthday" was played by the chimes. Mrs. Palm remains active and interested in the affairs of the city, state and nation. Every Sunday morning Mrs. Palm is to be found attending the 11 o'clock service at the church, and the coffee hour which follows. One of her diversions at home includes cards, and she is particularly fond of canasta. Here for the event Wednesday were Dr. and Mrs. William L. Barnum and sons, Bill and Bob, Oswego, Ore.; Miss Karen Kisky and Mrs. Marguerite Elliott, Portland, and Kirt Watson, Alameda, Calif. Dr. Barnum is a son of Mrs. Eldridge. Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1958, page 18 ![]() Mrs. Callie Palm, Long-Time
Valley Resident, Dies Here
Mrs. Callie Palm, 97-year-old early valley resident,
died Saturday morning at a local hospital.
She had been in the hospital about a month. Mrs. Palm was born Sept. 3, 1863, in Kenton, Ohio. She came to Medford with her husband, the late Charles W. Palm, in 1887. She celebrated her 95th birthday in her home at 343 South Holly St. Sept. 3, 1958. The Palms rented a building on South Front St. where they operated a variety store shortly after they came to Medford. Later Mr. Palm built a small frame structure on the corner of Main and Fir Sts. Mrs. Palm still owned the building on that corner. When it was erected, it was the only building west of the Southern Pacific railway tracks. [Possibly the only store building, but it was preceded by the Clarenden Hotel and many residences.] When the Palms moved into the building, Mrs. Palm added a millinery stock to the variety store, since she was a trained milliner, and later they disposed of the variety stock. Mrs. Palm was in business for 19 years. Later the couple built the home on South Holly St., where Mrs. Palm lived until she entered the hospital. A statue in the library park was erected in Mr. Palm's honor. In recent years Mrs. Palm, a devoted Presbyterian, donated the carillon bells which now sound daily from the United Presbyterian Church. Up to her death Mrs. Palm kept an active interest in local, state and national affairs. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the First Presbyterian Church. The Rev. D. Kirkland West will officiate. Chapel Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. Medford Mail Tribune, October 16, 1960, page 9 Last revised February 3, 2025 |