![]() ![]() Medford Pioneers: The Weeks Family and Bear Creek Orchard Mr. A. J. Weeks, who has the fruit farm near Medford, will set out several thousand more young trees this year. None of his trees are in bearing yet. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 25, 1885, page 3 MARRIED.
residence of the bride's father, April 25th, by Rev. M. A. Williams,
Arthur J. Weeks and Miss Annie Belle Stewart.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 1, 1886, page 3 "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1890, page 3 John Weeks arrived from Canada last week for permanent residence here and will engage with his son, A. J. Weeks, in the furniture and box factory business at Phoenix. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1890, page 3 Weeks Bros. are keeping their furniture factory in constant operation at Phoenix, and will doubtless build up a fine business. "Here
and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April
17, 1891, page 3
Weeks & Co. of Phoenix were engaged during the week in putting in place the furniture manufactured at Phoenix, with which they propose to stock their business house in this place. The finishing touches will be put on by experienced workmen here. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 22, 1891, page 2 Mrs. Weeks one day last week severely injured her wrist by a window sash having fallen upon it, the heavy frame causing the bursting of an artery, which resulted in profuse bleeding. She is now convalescent, however. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 10, 1891, page 2 Weeks Bros. have been very busy during the past few weeks drying the immense amount of superior fruit from their 15,000 trees near Medford. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 9, 1891, page 3 One of our furniture dealers, John Weeks, exhibited to us last Saturday a rather unique set of napkin rings, which are to be sent to friends in the East. The rings were turned at the Weeks' mill, at Phoenix, from our native manzanita wood, and as this wood is hard and beautifully colored and susceptible to an exceedingly high polish, articles such as this manufactured from it make useful and pretty ornaments. "Local News," Medford Mail, January 14, 1892, page 3 John Weeks last week turned out a fine set of napkin rings at his furniture factory for shipment to eastern friends. They were made from the highly colored manzanita wood and were handsomely polished. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1892, page 2 S. A. D. Higgins is making preparations to open business in Medford, having purchased the building now occupied by Weeks Bros. He will keep a first-class stock of goods in his line. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 19, 1892, page 3 The Weeks Bros. are shipping three carloads of dried fruit to parties in Portland from their ranch south of town. "Local News," Medford Mail, March 3, 1892, page 3 Weeks Bros. of Medford precinct have lately disposed of three carloads of their fine dried fruit to Portland parties. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1892, page 3 The Weeks' furniture is being moved from its present quarters to a building on the south end of Front Street. "Local News," Medford Mail, March 10, 1892, page 3 Weeks Bros. last week shipped three carloads of dried fruit to Portland consignees. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 11, 1892, page 2 Weeks Bros., who have the large peach orchards south of Medford, have three carloads of dried fruit to ship to Portland. "Here and There," Ashland Tidings, March 11, 1892, page 2 S. A. D. Higgins has purchased the building on Front Street lately occupied by Weeks Bros., and will conduct a billiard hall, soda fountain and confectionery store there. He will keep a first-class place. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 11, 1892, page 2 Weeks' furniture store is now in new quarters at the south end of Front Street. They keep nice goods and sell at very reasonable rates. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1892, page 2 S. A. D. Higgins has fitted up the big building on Front Street, until lately occupied by Weeks Bros., for a billiard hall and temperance saloon, and will keep a first-class place. He has ordered a fine soda fountain, which will arrive in a short time. Give him a call. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1892, page 2 The Weeks Bros., of Phoenix, have just finished putting in two elegant mantles in the residence of Dr. Robinson of Jacksonville. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, April 22, 1892, page 3 A. J. Weeks passed last week at Oakland, Cal., and thinks of opening an architect's office in that place and resuming his old-time profession. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 29, 1892, page 3 Mrs. John Weeks of Phoenix has lately been entertaining her sister, Mrs. J. McKay of Woodstock, Canada. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1892, page 3 Miss Lena McKay from Woodstock, Canada is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Weeks, at Phoenix. The young lady's mother is also visiting at the Weeks ranch, and they will no doubt make this valley their permanent home. Miss Lena is an accomplished musician and artist and is a very desirable addition to our population. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, June 3, 1892, page 3 Mrs. John Weeks of Phoenix has been entertaining her niece, Miss Lena McKay of Canada, during the past few weeks. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 10, 1892, page 3 The Weeks Bros. are putting in new furniture throughout the business college. The fall term of this school begins September 1. Special teachers for each department will be provided. Gooseberries seem to thrive in this section far beyond the average. From the Weeks Bros.' ranch and from E. Russ' nursery samples of this fruit were sent us last week which averaged about three inches in circumference. They were of the Berkeley variety and were of delicious flavor. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 8, 1892, page 3 The new business college furniture is being supplied by Weeks Bros.' factory, and the school will be in readiness for the next term, which commences at the beginning of September. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 15, 1892, page 2 Willits & Weeks have been engaged during the last few days in remodeling and improving R. P. Neil's neat residence at Ashland. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 26, 1892, page 3 Medford Business College.
The opening exercises of the Medford Business College will take place
at the First Baptist Church at Medford. The following programme has
been carefully arranged for the occasion. Music will be furnished by a
drilled choir of thirty voices with orchestral accompaniment conducted
by Prof. John Weeks of Phoenix, an old-time conductor of music.1. Opening hymn, "All Hail the Power." 2. Prayer, Rev. J. F. Edmunds. 3. Anthem, "I'll Wash my Hands." 4. Address by Prof. C. S. Price, county superintendent. 5. Address by Rev. Stevens, Medford. 6. Anthem, "See, See they Come." 7. Address, W. I. Vawter, Pres., Jackson County Bank. 8. Address, Hon. W. H. Parker of Jacksonville. 9. Address, Prof. Gus. Newbury of Jacksonville. 10. Address, Rev. G. W. Black of Ashland. 11. Anthem. 12. Address, Hon. J. A. Whiteside, city mayor of Medford. 13. Address, J. D. Whitman of Medford. 14. Address, Rev. Ira Wakefield, Phoenix. 15. Closing hymn, "Old Hundred," by congregation. 16. Benediction by Rev. E. Russ, Medford. The entertainment is free to all and we take this method of inviting the public to attend. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 26, 1892, page 3 J. Weeks & Sons of Medford and Phoenix, the well-known workers in wood and manufacturers of furniture, etc., have shown some samples of their skill in J. Nunan's elegant residence in Jacksonville. Besides doing considerable of the fancy work on the edifice, they have manufactured five mantels from oak, which are marvels of workmanship and ingenuity. Their work will compare favorably with the best seen in larger cities. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 2, 1892, page 3 An Unique Display.
Bros. of this place have just finished and
put in place one of the finest bars in the county for landlord Purdin,
of the Medford hotel. It was nearly all of hard wood and finely
Mr. John Weeks, of the firm of Weeks & Orr,
gave an order for job printing to The
Mail Saturday,
the same being label cards for ten boxes of prunes which have been put
up by this firm and are to be put in the Oregon fruit exhibit at the
World's Fair at Chicago. The prunes put up are of the French variety
and said to be an excellent article. The unique part of the display
comes in in connection with the boxes in which this fruit is packed.
Each of the ten boxes is of a different variety of wood, and all of the
varieties a product of the country surrounding Medford, and are oak,
alder, laurel, yew, fir, birdseye pine, red cedar, manzanita, mountain
mahogany and white wood. This lumber was all carefully sawed at the
Weeks Bros.' mills in Phoenix and the boxes made by the same firm.
Oregon Mail, January 20, 1893, page 2
The display of Weeks Bros. of Phoenix at the World's Fair will attract much attention, consisting as it does of petite prunes, packed in ten cabinet made boxes, each of a different kind of wood indigenous to southern Oregon, including oak, alder, white oak, mountain mahogany, red cedar, laurel, yew, birdseye pine, fir and manzanita. This enterprising firm will never be found behind the times. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1893, page 3 John Weeks will erect a new furniture store on the lot on Seventh Street opposite the Clarendon Hotel in a short time. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1893, page 3 Weeks Bros. of Phoenix are turning out a large amount of excellent furniture, and are creating an extensive market for their manufactures. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 3 This section of the Rogue River Valley has an institution that for excellency in woodwork we are willing to wager has not a peer in this state. The institution to which we refer is none other than the John Weeks & Son's cabinet establishment at Phoenix. An elegant specimen of this firm's work is the new bar fixture recently put in at The Medford. The material used in their construction was Oregon oak for body work and manzanita trimmings. It is hand carved and very finely polished throughout. There is no question but that it is the most elegantly gotten up of any work of the kind in this part of the state, and all credit is due any institution which is capable of executing such work. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 7, 1893, page 3 "Phoenix Items," Ashland Tidings, April 7, 1893, page 2 The new hardwood bar of the Hotel Medford was designed and constructed by Weeks Bros. of Phoenix, and is one of the handsomest in the state. The following is a list of the committees which will make arrangements for the approaching teachers' institute: Entertainment--N. L. Narregan, Madge Griffiths, N. A. Jacobs, Ella McGuire, Lila Sackett, Della Pickel, Myrtle Nicholson. Arrangements--I. A. Webb, J. H. Faris, A. A. Davis, D. H. Miller, Charley Wolters, W. I. Vawter, M. Purdin. Music--M. E. Rigby, Della Pickel, Mrs. W. I. Vawter, J. R. Erford, Rev. T. H. Stephens, Prof. John Weeks, Ida Redden, Grace Faucett, Mrs. M. Pickel, E. Phipps, Mr. Chambers, May Isaacs, Sada Amann, Rebecca Shideler, Mrs. Clara Brown, D. T. Lawton, Mrs. M. M. Stephens, Rosetta Waters, organist. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 14, 1893, page 2 Miss Maud Weeks, of this place, makes a trip to Medford every morning and attends to her father's store at that place, and back in the evening, besides helping with the housework morning and evening. Show us another girl like that in the Rogue River Valley? We'd like to hear of her. "Flashes from Phoenix," Medford Mail, April 21, 1893 supplement, page 1 Mrs. Weeks, of this place, got pretty badly hurt last Thursday, in the furniture manufactory, he stepped on a board over the shaft, where the water wheel is and it broke, letting him fall to the bottom some distance below, he was bruised severely about the head and shoulders, but is getting along all right now, by the way it was a narrow escape. "Flashes from Phoenix," Medford Mail, May 26, 1893, page 1 Mr. Weeks, of the furniture manufactory, got badly jolted up a few days ago by a plank breaking and letting him fall several feet down into a hole by the side of the water wheel. His head and shoulders were bruised up pretty badly, but no bones broken. "Phoenix Items," Ashland Tidings, May 26, 1893, page 2 Messrs. Klippel & Marcuson have sold a large bill of lumber to Weeks & Sons, the same to be used in the construction of their new warehouse. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 3 The bar fixtures in James Coeti's saloon are exciting much admiration, and, as they are from the factory of Weeks Bros. of this place and Phoenix, due credit should be given one of our most promising local manufacturers. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 23, 1893, page 3 Keep it before the public that Weeks Bros., Phoenix, or at their sale rooms in Medford, is the place to buy all kinds of furniture at lowest prices. Talent News, July 1, 1893, page 4 SEE HERE! If anyone should ask you where he could get good furniture cheap, tell him at Weeks Bros. Phoenix or Medford. Their work is done by their own hands and is the finest to be found. Talent News, July 15, 1893, page 5 The Weeks boys are at Grants Pass this week putting in bar fixtures for L. L. Jennings of that city. The fixtures are a duplicate of those in the Hotel Medford. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 3 Prof. Narregan, accompanied by his wife and son, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weeks have gone down near the mouth of Rogue River, to spend a few weeks. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 11, 1893, page 3 Messrs. Weeks & Orr have shipped a number of boxes of pears, of a very choice variety and quality--to the world's fair this week. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 3 Last Tuesday night there were lively times out at the Weeks & Orr ranch. Fire started on some boards in the masonry of their dry-house, and for a time it looked like the whole business was a goner, but by quick and effectual work the fire was squelched, and the drier soon at work again. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 3 Forty tons of excellent dried prunes, all the product of one orchard, is a sight worth going quite a distance to look upon. The above-named product is what Weeks & Orr have piled up out at their splendid fruit ranch, south of Medford. The fruit is of excellent quality and has been carefully cured. They are not of the variety which has only a pit and a tough skin, but these when cooked spread out to nearly the size of a teacup and are more of prune and less of pit than the fruit grown in many other countries. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, November 3, 1893, page 3 WEEKS BROS.
Within the last
decade, the manufacture of furniture has greatly advanced in Oregon,
both in extent of production and improved facilities. The demand for
Oregon furniture is ever increasing. In this line Weeks Bros., who have
their factory at Phoenix, four miles from Medford, are becoming well
and favorably known throughout Southern Oregon for the class of goods
manufactured as well as the prices at which they are sold. They
manufacture all kinds of styles and qualities of parlor, bedroom,
dining room, library and kitchen furniture. They employ several skilled
mechanics at their factory; the machinery, which is of the latest
and most improved kind, is driven by water power. They shortly intend
erecting a large store in Medford, where all kinds of furniture will be
for sale; undertaking will also be part of their business. At present
their stock in this city is not [as] complete as it will be found in
their new building. They make a specialty of bar, office, store and
bank fixtures. This business was established three years ago, the Weeks
Bros. having formerly been engaged in the same business in Woodstock,
Canada. They are go-ahead, enterprising gentlemen, who are doing much
towards building up the manufacturing interests of the Rogue River
Mail, December 1, 1893, page 1Messrs. Weeks & Orr shipped a carload of green apples to Portland Monday morning. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, December 1, 1893, page 3 Mrs. W. H. McGowan, a lady who, with her husband, has been stopping with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks, has been quite ill for the past couple of months--and at times life was despaired of--but entire recovery is looked for. Dr. Geary is in attendance. A later report says the lady is worse again. Messrs. J. and H. Weeks commenced work Monday morning on their new furniture building. The site chosen is to the north and across the street from the Clarendon Hotel. It will be 24x40 feet in size and two stories high. As soon as completed it will be filled with furniture, mostly of their own manufacture. Hotel, office and bar fixtures are particularly in their line of work, and as manufacturers of these articles they have no equal in Southern Oregon. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, December 8, 1893, page 5 Ham Wolters:--"Look at this, will you? I was out at the Weeks & Orr fruit ranch last week, and here is a sample of their dried fruit. Those are prunes. They are beauties, and no dodging the fact. These gentlemen have over 40,000 pounds of prunes, and this great pile of such delicious fruit is a beauty to look upon. The varieties of prunes which they have dried are petite, Rheingold, Italian and golden egg. Aside from the prunes they have a goodly amount of dried Bartlett pears and peeled peaches and--apples? yes, I was just going to mention that they had plenty of dried apples--sliced and as white as snow. The fellows who were talking discouragingly to these gentlemen a few years ago are now kicking at the price of wheat while Weeks & Orr, the orchardists, are negotiating for the sale of 40,000 pounds of prunes at a price not less than seven cents per pound. This is a distinction that has a difference." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, December 8, 1893, page 3 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, January 11, 1959 Weeks Bros. are putting up a two-story frame building at Medford for a furniture store. "Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, December 14, 1893, page 1 Mrs. W. H. McGowan, who has been quite ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks of Phoenix, for the past couple of months, is said to be better. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 22, 1893, page 3 Messrs. Weeks & Orr made a shipment of a carload of Ben Davis apples to Portland last week. Receipt of their arrival was postscripted with a note saying that they were a very prime article and nicely put up. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, December 22, 1893, page 3 Weeks & Orr of Eden precinct have been shipping a considerable quantity of apples of an excellent quality lately. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 11, 1894, page 3 Weeks Bros. of Phoenix are engaged in constructing a new building just west of the Medford depot, to be used as a furniture store, where they will keep a big stock of goods. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1894, page 3 Weeks Bros. brought to Medford from their factory at Phoenix, Tuesday, a full wagonload of furniture. These people have engaged the services of W. H. McGowan, son-in-law of one of the firm, as their Medford salesman, and the gentleman expects to commence housekeeping in the city as soon as Mrs. McGowan shall have recovered her usual good health. The lady has been very ill but is now able to be about the house and improving rapidly. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, January 26, 1894, page 3 Weeks Bros. brought a load of furniture to Medford last week from their factory at Phoenix, which will find ready sale here. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1894, page 2 Weeks Bros. are having a front put into their new store building, on West Seventh Street, that is truly a beauty. All the crooks, turns and funny businesses were turned out at their factory in Phoenix as well as all doors, sash and trimmings. Contractor Lyon is doing the carpenter work on this building, which will be completed now pretty soon. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 3 Weeks Bros.' new furniture store, west of the depot, is rapidly approaching completion and will soon be ready for occupancy. A fine stock of all kinds of furniture, as well as sash, doors and windows from the Phoenix factory, will be put in. This firm should be liberally patronized, as they manufacture an excellent line of goods. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 22, 1894, page 2 A. Fetsch, the tailor, returned last week from his visit to San Francisco. Since his return he has leased the store building, corner Eighth and D streets, and as soon as the building is vacated by Weeks Bros., which will be about April first, he will take possession and open up for business, his stock of goods having already been ordered. "News of the City," Medford Mail, March 23, 1894, page 3 A. Fetsch, the tailor, has leased the building on the corner of 8th and D streets, now occupied by Weeks Bros., and will take possession about April 1st. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1894, page 2 Some More Fine Cabinet Work. Weeks Bros. have commenced on some more of their most excellent work in the bar fixture line--for Wright's saloon. They have also put up some very fine store fixtures for Mrs. C. W. Palm's new millinery store, consisting of counters, shelving and a millinery case. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3 Moved to New Quarters. The furniture stock of Weeks Bros. has been moved to the firm's new and spacious sales rooms, on Seventh Street, where W. H. McGowan is in charge as salesman. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3 Messrs. Weeks & Orr shipped a carload of dried prunes--last year's crop--to Topeka, Kansas, last week. They expect to realize a fairly good price, particularly because of the fact that the fruit is not only first-class but the entire carload runs very even as to grade. These people still have about ten tons of last year's crop, which they expect to ship soon. Their crops this year, while not as large as last, is some better in quality. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 14, 1894, page 3 W. H. McGowan is making preparations for putting in a complete stock of groceries with his China Bazaar. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 19, 1895, page 3 STOCK SOLD.--Assignee of D. T. Lawton has sold the stock of groceries in the Wilson store to W. H. McGowan & Co. This firm has moved them to the stand occupied by the China Bazaar opposite the Clarenden Hotel, and will add to the stock. The fixtures of the Wilson store have not yet been sold, and the assignee states that it will be at least three months before final settlement is completed. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 19, 1895, page 3 Weeks Bros. are putting up some very fine furniture at their shop at Phoenix. You can get just what you order and things just to suit. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, March 21, 1895, page 3 Messrs. Weeks & Orr are among our most prominent orchardists, and in these gentlemen are recognized such growers as not only grow and pack fruit in such manner as will profit themselves but their products and work being such that will redound to the good of the entire valley. They have had returns from four carloads of Bartlett pears sent to Chicago, and these returns are very flattering. "They were in excellent shape, well packed and the fruit a good seller"--is the language used. Mr. Orr states that they take special care in packing and have had the same packers employed for eight years. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 27, 1895, page 5 W. H. McGowan has purchased the interest of C. W. Palm in the China Bazaar and will soon move his stock of goods to the Weeks furniture building, one door west, to which building is to be added a thirty-foot, two-story extension on the rear. Shelving will be placed on one side of the front room, and Mac will have charge of the two branches of business. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 14, 1896, page 5 Weeks & Orr, the celebrated and very extensive orchardists, expect to put up 10,000 pounds of evaporated prunes this year--which fact is conclusively evident that the prune crop is a long ways from being a failure--this off fruit year of ours. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 2, 1896, page 7 Weeks & Orr and F. M. Stewart are loading a car with evaporated prunes this week. The former will load 16,000 pounds and the latter 8,000 pounds, which will be shipped to Chicago, where a fair price is being paid. That the fruit will bring the top notch in price no person doubts who knows of the excellent manner in which these gentlemen put up their fruit. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 13, 1896, page 7 J. H. Stewart is making ready to ship apples next week. He estimates he will have twenty-five carloads of this kind of fruit. Weeks & Orr are figuring on their crop for about twelve carloads and will commence shipping next week. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 28, 1897, page 7 REAL ESTATE
following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county recorder
since the last report of The
Times:J. H. Stewart to A. J. Weeks, 54.04 acres in twp 38 s, r1w . . . 2161.60 Excerpt, Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1898, page 2 Weeks Bros., the Phoenix furniture manufacturers, have purchased the lot and building formerly occupied by Hugh Elliott on the west side and will remodel the same into a store and salesroom for undertaking goods. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 8, 1898, page 7 Weeks Bros. of Phoenix have purchased the building on the west side formerly occupied by Hugh Elliott, and will remodel it into a store room, where they will display a fine line of undertaking goods. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 11, 1898, page 3 Weeks Bros. of Phoenix recently completed an elegant counter for Gen. Vaupel of Ashland. It is a handsome piece of work. E. M. Orr of Eden precinct is being visited by his brother, R. B. Orr of Grand Rapids, Mich., who arrived with his family recently and may locate in southern Oregon. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 21, 1898, page 3 Court Hall has been having his Turf Exchange refitted in fine style. New paper and paint abounds everywhere--put there by the master hand of Messrs. Ling and Russell. A new refrigerator--and a good one--the work of Messrs. Weeks Bros., has also been put in. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 10, 1898, page 7 Weeks Bros.' furniture factory at Phoenix was idle last week, for the first time in five years, while undergoing repairs. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 20, 1898, page 3 Mrs. Arthur Weeks of Oakland, Calif. is paying a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1898, page 3 Weeks & Orr of Eden precinct are prominent exhibitors at the Oregon Industrial Exposition. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1898, page 3 ![]() A fragment of Weeks and Baker furniture "Phoenix Shavings," Medford Mail, October 7, 1898, page 3 ![]() The maker's mark on the back of the fragment pictured above E. D. Elwood, the jeweler and optician, has recently added a new oak wall case and mirror to his store fixtures. He now has four very beautiful cases--the work of Weeks Bros.--and these are well filled with a very fine line of silverware and jewelry. His place is one of beauty, and it is well worth one's while to call--just for a few moments of pleasure among things beautiful. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 7, 1898, page 6 Hon J. H. Stewart will gather enough apples from his extensive orchards in Eden precinct to make 25 carloads; and Weeks & Orr will have about 12 carloads for shipment. They represent a considerable sum of money. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 3, 1898, page 3 Choice apples are selling for fancy figures, there being a big shortage throughout the country. J. H. Stewart, Weeks & Orr and others are getting $1.25 a box for Newtown pippins and other favorite varieties f.o.b. the railroad. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 14, 1898, page 3 Arthur Weeks of Oakland, Calif., an excellent architect, is in Medford, crafting plans for the fine brick building Hon. J. H. Stewart, his father-in-law, proposes erecting soon. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 17, 1898, page 3 Weeks & Orr, of Eden precinct, are planting 34 acres in apples and pears, and will then have over 200 acres in orchard. They sold a large quantity of fine fruit at big prices last season. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 19, 1899, page 3 Dr. H. P. Hargrave, the popular physician, and Miss Maud Weeks, the amiable and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks of Phoenix, will be united in matrimony on the 29th. The Times extends congratulations and best wishes in advance. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1899, page 3 A FASHIONABLE WEDDING.
PHOENIX, OR., April 30, 1899.A very pretty wedding took place yesterday evening. The bride is Florence Maude Weeks, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks, and the groom H. Percival Hargrave, M.D., son of Mr. Wm. Hargrave, postmaster at Winnipeg, Manitoba. At the appointed hour, seven o'clock, Mendelssohn's Wedding March was played, as the bride entered the drawing room, accompanied by her father and Miss Grace Rose, who was met by the groom under a perfect bower of roses and blossoms. The young people stood while the Rev. Mr. Clyde, D.D., performed the marriage ceremony. The bride looked charming and pretty in a gown of ivory white brocade satin, en train, trimmed with chiffon, and carried a bouquet of white carnations and maidenhair ferns. Miss Grace Rose, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rose, carried the ring. She looked sweet, dressed in a white mousseline de soie, and carried pink roses. The groom was unattended. Immediately after the ceremony the guests went into the dining room, where they partook of a "grand souper de marriage." The rooms were profusely decorated with white lilacs and roses, sent from Oakland, Calif. The evening was spent socially by the friends of the young couple, who desired at once to felicitate them on the evening and to behold the happiness of one of Jackson County's charming young ladies; and the numerous gifts shown testify as to their popularity. The doctor has been a resident of Phoenix for the past three years. He has won the confidence and esteem of the people, and is most popular. Dr. and Mrs. Pickel, Mr. and Mrs. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Mathes and daughter, Ashland; County Clerk Newbury and wife, Jacksonville; Miss Gertrude Weeks, Oakland Calif. and Miss Macwhinnie, Woodstock, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave have taken the pretty Newbury cottage. Mrs. Hargrave will be at home after May the eighth. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 1, 1899, page 3 The Misses Florence and Grace Weeks are the guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Weeks of Medford, Oregon. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weeks, are also in Oregon. "Personal," Oakland Tribune, July 12, 1899, page 3 A handsome residence is being built on the Weeks farm in Eden precinct. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 31, 1899, page 3 One can hardly question the corn-raising capabilities of Southern Oregon soil after reading the following from the Valley Record: Weeks & Orr, the Eden precinct orchardists, sent to the Portland exposition 150 stalks of corn which weighed 800 pounds. This corn was raised on their ranch, and is a part of about 40 acres of that kind. Each stalk of corn had two ears, about 14 inches in length. The field from which it was taken will yield, it is estimated, about 54 bushels to the acre. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 19, 1899, page 3 W. L. Orr, of the firm of Robert & Orr, planing mill men, made a trip to Talent last Tuesday with a load of lumber for the new school house. "Medford Items," Gold Hill News, December 2, 1899, page 4 The larger orchardists are so encouraged by the prices received for their products that the acreage has been materially increased during the past year. A hasty glance at a few of the large orchards will give some idea of the extent of the fruit industry in the valley. The crop of Weeks & Orr yielded 550 boxes of apples, 2000 boxes of pears, 2000 boxes of peaches, 40,000 pounds of prunes, and 10,000 pounds of dried apples. G. A. Gregory, "Jackson County," Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 1, 1900, page 3 Hotel Nash has been taking on more style this week. Messrs. Weeks Bros. have put a new and much larger counter in the office--and on it is seen more of their exquisitely beautiful handiwork. It's a beauty on all sides and is another added ornament to "Shorty" and clerks Mahoney and Carver. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 20, 1900, page 7 Weeks Bros. have been awarded the contract for putting the shelving and counters in the F. K. Deuel building. The work will require about two months' time. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, September 28, 1900, page 6 ![]() Weeks and Orr packing house 1895, March 23, 1989 Medford Mail Tribune Messrs. Weeks & Orr, the orchardists, have just finished packing and shipping ten carloads of Yellow Newtown apples--the majority of which were shipped to eastern cities, where fancy Oregon apples bring the top-notch price on the market. In these ten carloads there were an even 6000 boxes, and the price they received for them here was close to a dollar a box. In all, Messrs. Weeks & Orr have shipped about eighteen or twenty carloads of fruit, including three or four carloads of Ben Davis apples and a half dozen or more of Bartlett and Winter Nelis pears. These gentlemen, as do a few other orchardists hereabout, put their fruit up upon honor and with a view to establishing a permanent trade wherever the excellent qualities of their fruit becomes known. The fruits of Southern Oregon have created an envious reputation in many of the best markets of the world--and it is the painstaking efforts of such gentlemen as these which have given it that reputation. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 23, 1900, page 7 Quite a number of the orchardists hereabouts have purchased gasoline engines with which to furnish power to operate their spraying pumps. The Olwell boys experimented with one last year and found it to be a great saving in labor and added proficiency to the service. The gentlemen who have made recent purchases are Messrs. Weeks & Orr., C. E. Stewart, Capt. G. Voorhies, J. A. Whitman, John Gore and Olwell Bros. The Mail has also purchased one, of the greater horsepower than the spray engines, for use in operating its presses. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 7 Fred Weeks of Medford, a subject of the King of England, has declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 5 Contrary to expectations, the valley has been visited by heavy frosts during the past few days which have materially damaged the fruit crop in some sections of the surrounding country. The pear crop has suffered the greatest damage. The orchards of Weeks & Orr, Clint Stewart and G. Voorhies were affected to a greater extent than the orchards nearer Medford. This is due to the fact that a heavy fog settled around Medford Saturday and Sunday mornings, which protected the orchards within the limits of its visitations. It is to be hoped that future developments will demonstrate that the injury done is not so extensive as at present appears. In view of the events derogatory to the fruit interest during the past week it is extremely fortunate that we have had a late, backward spring which precluded the too-early awakening of the fruit buds, in which case the fruit crop of the whole county would have been jeopardized. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 7 Dr. Robinson has embellished the City Drug Store with a large, handsome showcase, manufactured by Weeks Bros. of Medford, in which he is displaying a number of works of art and beautiful articles suitable for presents. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 2, 1901, page 5 Thos. Reed came up from Gold Hill Wednesday morning upon business. He is having a fine bar made for his saloon at Gold Hill by Weeks & Bros. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 6 Messrs. Weeks & Orr, the orchardists, report that prospects for a big fruit crop were never better than they are at this time. The frosts, while they killed considerable fruit, left plenty and to spare for a good crop. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 7 T. E. Pottenger, proprietor of the Central Meat Market, has recently placed in position a large refrigerator, the handiwork of Weeks Bros. It adds materially to the appearance and convenience of his market. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 6 Eugene Orr was unfortunate Monday in falling a distance of twenty feet while engaged in making repairs on a hay fork track, out at the Weeks & Orr orchards. He struck on his feet, but the fall was so great that his limbs and the bottoms of his feet were quite seriously injured. Fortunately none of the timbers which came down when he did struck him--else the injury would have been more serious. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 6 W. L. Orr is putting up a very pretty cottage for Frank Amy, at Central Point. The plans are by architect Palmer and are very neat in outward appearance, while the interior is very conveniently arranged. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 7 A new ray of sunshine entered the portals of the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Orr, of this city, Wednesday morning, the same being a nine-pound boy baby. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 7 It is with much regret that The Mail publishes the fact that Eugene Orr, of the firm of Weeks & Orr, orchardists, is quite seriously ill with Bright's disease of the kidneys. Dr. Pickel is attending, and Mrs. Osborne is nursing. Wednesday he was somewhat improved, but at four o'clock Thursday morning a change was experienced and the symptoms were less favorable. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6 Death of Eugene Orr.
The death of Mr. Eugene Orr occurred on Tuesday morning of this week.
Mr. Orr had been ill for just four weeks with Bright's disease of the
kidneys. From the very first little hope was entertained even for
temporary recovery, still everything possible in the way of medical
attendance and nursing was done for him, but all to no avail--that
dread disease, for which there seems no cure and rarely ever any
relief--had firmly planted itself and death seemed only a question of a
few days, weeks at most. It is thought that a fall received last May
superinduced the malady which caused his untimely death. He had
previously been in excellent health and was the picture of vigorous
Mr. Orr was born in Port Burwell, Ontario, on December 21, 1859. He was married about eighteen years ago in Woodstock, Ontario to Miss Edith Weeks, who, together with an only son, now sixteen years of age, survives him. He came to Jackson County fourteen years ago and soon after was joined by his wife and child. For the past twelve years he, in company with his brother-in-law, Mr. Alfred Weeks, has very successfully conducted one of the largest fruit orchards in the valley, the same now covering nearly 300 acres. For all these years Alf and 'Gene, as they were familiarly spoken of, have labored early and late, and have, by their wise judgment and never-ceasing energy, brought forth from Mother Earth an orchard which, for the past three or four years, has been paying them in part for their long hours of toil when they worked shoulder to shoulder for a competency of this world's goods. The demise of Mr. Orr at this time is especially sad because of the fact that prosperity had just opened its bin of abundance and the sunshine of ease and enjoyment for himself and family was fast dispelling the overhanging cloud of toil and inconveniences which they had performed and endured for so many years, hoping for a realization of those happy days of comfort and plenty now at hand--but, alas, to be enjoyed not. Deceased was an honored member of Talisman Lodge No. 31, K. of P., and of the Masonic lodge, both of this city, and in both of which he was an ardent worker and a strict observer of their teachings. He was also a member of the Order of Eastern Star, of this city. Mr. Orr was esteemed by all for his real worth as a citizen and neighbor. He was a most exemplary man in every respect, with a smile and glad hand for everybody. None knew Eugene Orr but to honor and respect. Besides a wife and son, deceased leaves three brothers and three sisters, R. B. Orr, of Central Point, Oregon, Addison, William and Miss Minnie Orr, and Mrs. Meek, in Michigan, and Mrs. Collins, in Portland, and friends in every part of Southern Oregon, but none mourn more than does his business partner for so many years, Mr. Alfred Weeks. Funeral services were held at the family residence, south of Medford, on Thursday of this week at 2 o'clock. Services were conducted under the auspices of the several lodges to which he belonged. Religious services were conducted by Revs. Hoxie and Clyde. Interment in Odd Fellows cemetery. Medford Mail, September 20, 1901, page 2 Arthur Weeks has sold his 160-acre orchard, south of Medford, to C. H. Lewis, of Portland, for $16,000. Mr. Weeks has purchased 160 acres of the Mike Hanley ranch, between Jacksonville and Central Point, paying $40 an acre, and will plant it to fruit trees this winner. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 6 Alfred Weeks has purchased the Herron place of 100 acres, south of Medford, and will plant the same to fruit. The price paid was $3500. Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 6 A. J. Weeks has completed the work of planting one hundred acres of apple trees on the property he recently purchased west and north of Medford. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 7
Weeks Bros. have the contract for putting in the fixtures for Mr.
Humason, the druggist. They will be finished in pure white with gold
Mr. Olwell Says Fruit Was Clean.
view of the fact that there is considerable talk being indulged in upon
the subject of the recent rejection of Southern Oregon apples in the
German markets, a Mail reporter
on Tuesday sought an interview with Mr. John Olwell, one of the Olwell
Bros., orchardists, of Central Point. The question was asked him: "Mr.
Olwell, what do you know about the rejection of our fruit in the German
"I know a great deal about it," said Mr. Olwell. "I am glad you mentioned it to me, because I feel that I ought to say something upon the subject in justice to Messrs. Weeks & Orr. We (Olwell Bros.) bought this fruit from Weeks & Orr and shipped it to Hamburg, Germany, in anticipation of receiving a fancy price for it, as we had been informed that first grade, clean apples were in great demand on the German markets and would bring an extraordinary high price. We bought this fruit from Weeks & Orr because we knew it to be absolutely free from infection of any kind and we knew that their orchard was clean. (That word cleans means entirely free from infection with Jackson County orchardists.) "To further guard against any possibility of rejection we had every box of this fruit inspected by Mr. A. H. Carson, horticultural commissioner of this district, and to the bill of lading we attached a certificate signed by Mr. Carson which was that the fruit was free from pest infection of any nature. These were sent with the fruit--and it was rejected--said to have scale on it. We know there was no scale. We have three reasons for knowing, any one of which would have been sufficient for us. We know that the Weeks & Orr orchard has no scale; we know that Mr. Alfred Weeks would not pack scaly apples, and we know that Mr. Carson would not certify to a document which he did not know of his own knowledge to be true. "Since the rejection of this fruit we have learned that any fruit from the Pacific coast states of the United States would be condemned by the German authorities. The reason for it we, of course, do not know, and the only reason we can surmise is that at some time, earlier in the history of Pacific coast horticulture, some unscrupulous shipper has unloaded infected fruit on the German markets." Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 6 Weeks Bros. have the contract for putting in the fixtures for Mr. Humason, the druggist. They will be finished in pure white with gold mountings. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 21, 1902, page 7 Dr. I. L. Arnold has sold his new residence and lot, corner C and Ninth streets, to W. H. Moore, the consideration being $1600. Mr. Moore is the father-in-law of W. L. Orr, the West Side merchant, and has been a resident of Medford for several months. He is a cracking good citizen, and Medford has good reasons to rejoice that himself and estimable family are now permanently anchored here. This real estate deal was made through the F. M. Stewart agency. Dr. Arnold expects to leave within a few weeks for Colorado, where he will practice his profession. The store fixtures for the Medford Drug Company were brought from Weeks Bros.' mill at Phoenix Monday, and the carpenters and decorators are now busily engaged in getting them in shape for Humason to open his store. Messrs. Ling & Boardman are doing the decorating work. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 7 C. H. Lewis, of Portland, owner of the Weeks & Orr orchards, was in the city Monday. He visited the farm while here and seemed well satisfied with the condition of things and the progress being made with the routine farm work. There is little danger of Alf Weeks, the manager, doing other than the right thing at the right time. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 6 Mark Baker, an employee at the Weeks Bros. furniture factory at Phoenix, met with quite a severe accident last Friday. He was operating a cutting-off saw, which was running at full speed, when his left hand came in contact with the saw, striking the third finger not far from the end, and splitting that member to the knuckle joint and on into the hand for a distance of nearly two inches. He came to Medford immediately, and the wound was dressed by Dr. Pickel. It is getting along all right and he will not lose the finger, but it will probably be stiff. It seems almost miraculous that his hand was not severed completely. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 7 The shelving, counters, cabinets and prescription case [in the new Medford Drug Store] were manufactured by Messrs. Weeks Bros., and upon every piece is plainly discerned the work of the artist hand that molded them. Much of the work is hand carved. All this woodwork, which is of native sugar pine, is painted a pure white with gilt mounting and tracing. "Medford's New Drug Store," Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 6 The Medford Drug Co. has put in a new cross counter and show case--very pretty--the work of Weeks Bros.--and in which will be displayed perfumes and Lowney's chocolates. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 6 Alfred Weeks:--"There will be twice as much fruit in the Weeks & Orr orchards this year as there was last, and I believe this same condition prevails all over the valley. No, frost will not harm the fruit now. It would require a good freeze to do harm, but I do not expect it--in fact, I feel confident we will have nothing of the kind. Our young orchard of seventy-five acres, which we set out five years ago, will have considerable fruit on it this year. I expect at least a carload of pears from it." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 7 The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Orr has been sick for some time past with pneumonia and last week its case was so serious that life was despaired of, but the little one is now rallying with every prospect of recovery. W. L. Orr is having the sidewalk widened out to twelve feet in front of the T. H. Moore property on Seventh Street, the sidewalk extending from F Street to the cement walk in front of the White-Thomas block, on the corner of G and Seventh streets. This increase in the width of the sidewalk will be a great convenience to both Mr. Orr and Mr. Goodwyn in giving them more space on which to unload goods for their stores. And it will be an appreciated convenience to the public, for the narrow sections in the sidewalk along Seventh Street are nuisances and an abomination that seriously interferes with the peace of mind and safety of persons traveling along that street. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 6, 1902, page 7 The Oregon Granite Co. is building the foundation to the neat residence G. L. Schermerhorn will put up for W. H. McGowan of Medford. Mark Baker, the well-known mechanic, has purchased an interest in the retail furniture business conducted by Weeks Bros. in Medford. The fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks of Phoenix will be celebrated at the residence of their daughter, Mrs. Dr. Hargrave of Phoenix, July 8th. The worthy couple have many friends who hope that continued happiness and good health are in store for them. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 19, 1902, page 5 Mark Baker has purchased an interest in the Weeks Bros.' furniture store at Medford, and he and Fred W. Weeks are now the owners of the same. "Medford," Valley Record, Ashland, July 3, 1902, page 3 The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks was celebrated Tuesday evening grand style at the residence of Dr. Hargrave of Phoenix, their son-in-law. The worthy couple were the recipients of many congratulations and best wishes, in which we join heartily. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 10, 1902, page 5 ![]() July 14, 1902 Oregonian CELEBRATED
Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks
of Phoenix, the Happy Couple--Half a Century
of Wedded Life--Friends Assist in Commemorating the Event.
A fiftieth
wedding anniversary is an occasion which few people hope or expect to
celebrate. It is because that these occasions are rare that attaches to
them the importance which commemorates the event. An half century of
life is in itself almost the allotted period, and many people are a
ways on the downward grade when they have reached that age, but when
one thinks of fifty years of wedded life, the thought appears to us as
almost too marvelous to be true, and in this particular instance, where
both the bride and groom of fifty years ago are as sprightly, almost,
and as clear of mind as are any of their children, the fact seems even
more marvelous. It was upon Tuesday evening of this week, July 8, 1902, at the pleasant home of Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Hargrave, in Phoenix that Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks celebrated their fiftieth anniversary of blissful, wedded life. There were fully sixty-five relatives and invited friends present upon this occasion, many of them with silvered or whitened locks--relatives and dear friends of this good, honorable and upright couple. All had assembled to do honor to their aged, but very happy neighbors, and the glad expressions of good cheer which were so illuminously portrayed upon the faces of all told plainer and more forceful than words of the joy they felt. It was an evening of glad rejoicing and the congratulatory words spoken to and of this aged couple will be pleasant memories to those upon whose ears they felt. Members of the family were very ably assisted in entertaining the guests by Mrs. Vawter, who sang several well-chosen and appropriate songs, Miss Webber with piano solos and the Misses Florence and Gracie Weeks, granddaughters of the host and hostess, gave two recitations each, all of which were listened to with much interest and pleasure, especially one by Miss Gracie, which was very appropriate and had been selected because of its being so fitting. Later in the evening the guests were invited to the lawn, where beneath bows of pine and oak there was spread one of the finest feasts ever prepared by the deft hands of Southern Oregon women. The scene was well lighted with Japanese lanterns and a picture of plenty and grandeur was presented. When the guests had taken their assigned positions alongside this heavily laden table, divine blessing was pronounced by Rev. Clyde. After all had partaken of the hospitality of their host and hostess Rev. Clyde read a few well and carefully selected lines, which he had prepared, touching upon the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Weeks, as he had seen them from his ministerial vantage grounds. Rev. C. H. Hoxie pronounced the benediction, and the guests again assembled indoors and an hour or more of very agreeable interchange of pleasantries and "shop talk" followed and between twelve and one o'clock the guests began taking their departure, expressing as they did so the congratulations and good fellowship which they felt for their host and hostess of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks were the recipients of many beautiful and valuable presents in gold, silver, cut glass and hand-painted china. The home of Mr. Hargrave was beautifully draped in old gold silk, with decorations of roses and nasturtiums. The souvenirs of the occasion were old gold ribbons, pinned in a bow with gold-headed pins, and upon the ribbons were printed the years "1852" and "1902." Those of the relatives present from a distance were Mrs. McKay, sister of Mrs. Weeks, and daughter, Miss Ida, of Canada; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weeks and son, Henry, of Oakland, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weeks and children, Misses Florence and Gracie and Master Stewart, of Oakland, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave, of Winnipeg, Canada. Those present from home and nearby points were: Ashland--Rev. and Mrs. Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Mathes, Miss Jessie Mathes. Medford--Rev. and Mrs. Hoxie, Hon. and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Vawter, Mr. and Mrs. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. Bliton, Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Dr. and Mrs. Pickel, Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, Mrs. Orr, Bertie Orr, Miss Webber, Miss Critchlow, Alfred Weeks, Mark Baker. Phoenix--Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Furry, Mr. and Mrs. Lehner, Mr. and Mrs. Epps, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood, Mr. and Mrs. Foudray, Mrs. Culver, Mrs. Furry, Miss Gertrude Weeks, Mr. Fred Weeks. A bit of history regarding these people will not be out of place here. Mr. John Weeks was born in England in 1828. In early manhood he took passage in a sailing vessel for Canada, where he engaged in the furniture and undertaking business at Woodstock. On July 8, 1852, he was married to Miss Sarah Lateman. The wedding took place in Woodstock, where the happy couple began housekeeping and where they resided until eleven years ago, when, with their children, they moved to Phoenix, Oregon, where Mr. Weeks re-engaged in the furniture and undertaking business, which business he still follows. Mrs. Weeks was born in Oxford County, Canada, in 1832. Ten children were born to them. Three of these died in infancy; the remaining seven are Arthur Weeks, of Oakland, Calif.; Alfred Weeks, Mrs. Eugene Orr and Mrs. W. H. McGowan, of Medford, Mrs. H. P. Hargrave, Miss Gertrude and Mr. Fred, of Phoenix. Medford Mail, July 11, 1902, page 2 Miss Emma Hawkins, of Des Moines, Iowa, arrived in Medford last Monday for an extended visit at the home of her uncle, W. H. Moore, and with her cousin, Mrs. W. L. Orr. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 18, 1902, page 6 W. L. Orr has rented the store room in the K. of P. building, known as the Gurnea stand, and next Monday will begin the work of moving his stock of goods from his present location on Seventh and F streets to the new location on East Seventh Street. In the K. of P. building Mr. Orr will have much more room than he now has, which will enable him to carry a larger stock and to make a better display. He does not, for the present, intend to add any new lines, but will increase the stock he now carries. Mr. Orr in moving into a larger building is but following the rule in this city, for no Medford merchant ever moves into a smaller building, for Medford is not on the decline. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 18, 1902, page 7 A Handsome and Unique Bungalow.
C. H. Lewis, who is one of Portland's leading merchants, and who last
year bought the splendid orchard south of Medford known as the Weeks
& Orr orchard, has let the contract to G. L. Schermerhorn to
erect for him at this orchard a cottage, or rather a bungalow, for in
style it will be entirely different from any residence about Medford,
being more like a bungalow of India. It will be
31½x32½ feet, one story, but with 12-foot walls.
There will be a board porch along two sides of the building, and on the
side facing Medford will be a balcony of a design both unique and
handsome, differing from anything in that line in Oregon. A fireplace
3x8 feet will add comfort and good cheer to this model home.
The bungalow will sit on an eminence in the center of the big orchard, and from the balcony a magnificent view can be had of the Rogue River Valley, dotted with towns and orchards, with historic old Table Rock in the distance and the Cascade and Umpqua mountains to the east and the north, while to the south Wagner Butte and the foothills of the Siskiyous can plainly be seen. Mr. Lewis had an eye to value when he purchased that big orchard, and he certainly had an eye to the beautiful when he selected the site and the design for his dwelling house upon it. Medford Mail, July 25, 1902, page 2 John Weeks, the well-known furniture manufacturer of Phoenix, and who with his wife celebrated their golden wedding but recently, was stricken with paralysis last Friday evening, while walking along the street. The shock was so great that he was rendered unconscious, and friends ran to his assistance and carried him to his home. Dr. H. P. Hargrave was summoned, and everything possible was done to restore him to consciousness, but it was Wednesday before it could be detected that he knew what was transpiring about him, and he is unable to move. Mr. Weeks, though seventy-four years old, has been a very strong, energetic man, and his partial recovery indicates that his great vitality may pull him through so he can yet enjoy life, though it is almost certain that he will be a cripple. Mr. Weeks is a man of sterling integrity and holds a place in the community such as few attain to, and he has a host of friends in Jackson County who hope that he may live to enjoy life for several years to come. On Wednesday he was able to sit up, but he could not speak. Wm. Davis has taken a position as salesman in the W. L. Orr grocery store. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, July 25, 1902, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weeks, who have been for the past three weeks on a visit with Mr. Weeks' parents at Phoenix and with relatives in this city, left Monday for their home in Oakland, Calif., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave, relatives from Winnipeg, Manitoba, who will pass a few weeks in California, after which they will return to Medford and spend the fall, before returning to their Canadian home.. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 31, 1902, page 4 Mr. John Weeks, who was stricken with paralysis a few weeks ago, continues to improve and is now able to take nourishment and has use of his body to some extent. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 1, 1902, page 7 Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Orr, of Central Point, have moved to Medford and are occupying the Kirchgessner residence, on North A Street. Medford society is glad of their return to our city. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 8, 1902, page 6 Grandpa Skeel has rented the store building on the West Side, formerly occupied by W. L. Orr, and himself and his blind daughter, Miss Etta, will conduct a candy and stationery store therein. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 8, 1902, page 7 John Weeks, manager of the Phoenix Furniture Manufacturing Co., who suffered a severe attack of paralysis four weeks [ago], which rendered him helpless and speechless, has recovered the full use of the left part of his body, and he has so far regained the use of his right arm and leg that he can feed himself and can walk about the house without assistance. The muscles of his face and throat [are] yet seriously affected, making it very difficult for him to talk, though he can make his wants known. Mr. Weeks has many friends who are very glad to know that he may yet enjoy his former good health. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 14, 1902, page 5 A. Johnson, who was formerly a member of the Medford Planing Mill Company, has severed his connection therewith and has taken charge of the Weeks Bros. manufacturing plant at Phoenix. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 15, 1902, page 7 Contractor Schermerhorn has commenced work on Mr. Lewis' unique bungalow residence. He has four carpenters at work and expects to complete the job in about six weeks. Mr. Lewis is the gentleman who purchased the Weeks & Orr fruit orchards last fall. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 29, 1902, page 7 Mr. C. H. Lewis of Portland, Or. purchased the Weeks & Orr orchard consisting of 140 acres of apples, pears and prunes. Weeks & Orr have another orchard just coming into bearing. "In Eden Valley," Pacific Homestead, Salem, September 4, 1902, page 1 Hunt Lewis, owner of the Weeks & Orr orchard, went to Portland this week, but will not be gone long. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 11, 1902, page 3 A. J. Weeks of Oakland, Calif., the expert architect, is in the valley, looking after his horticultural interests. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 18, 1902, page 1 At the Capt. Voorhies fruit farm, harvesting of the Bartlett pear crop was finished on Tuesday. The crop is reported to have yielded, equally as well, if not some better than the yield of last year, which was about twenty carloads. The harvesting of the later varieties of pears on this farm will begin next Monday. Also, at the Weeks & Orr fruit farm, the Bartlett pear harvesting was finished up on Monday. This crop has been up to the standard, both as to quality and yield. The large force of men employed on this farm are now engaged in cutting and caring for the corn crop; and in this capacity they will probably be kept busy until the later varieties of fruit are ready to gather. The general harvesting of the peach and pear crops in the valley has moved along smoothly and without a jar, the weather having been favorable to the saving of all the fruit, of which the growers can well feel thankful. The Weeks & Orr orchards are now owned by C. H. Lewis. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 19, 1902, page 7 W. L. Orr was appointed councilman to fill vacancy made by the appointment of councilman Toft to the office of recorder. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 2 A. J. Weeks of Oakland, Calif., the expert architect, is in Southern Oregon again, looking after his orchard interests. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 19, 1902, page 4 Another Big Sale.
Weeks, the well-known horticulturist, during the past week sold his
orchard, situated a few miles south of Medford, to A. H. Lewis, the
well-known Portland capitalist, who already owns the land adjoining.
About one hundred acres, nearly all planted in bearing trees, are
involved in the deal. The price paid was $13,000, or $125 an acre. Mr.
Weeks originally paid $40 per acre therefor. He still owns the land he
purchased from J. S. Herrin not long ago, which he will transform into
a fine orchard. His enterprise and energy well deserve the success they
have met.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 26, 1902, page 1 F. Weeks was at Phoenix Sunday, visiting relatives. He reports that the condition of his father is not improved. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 10, 1902, page 2 Sudden Death of Mr. John Weeks.
Mr. John
Weeks, of the firm of Weeks Bros., Phoenix,
Oregon, died very suddenly on Wednesday morning of this week, December
17, 1902. The body was found in about twelve feet of water in the
penstock into which the water from the flume flows in reaching the
water wheel which operates the mill. The presumption is that the old
gentleman, while making a tour of inspection of the mill that morning,
either accidentally slipped and fell into the water or that he suffered
a second paralytic stroke while standing on the edge of the penstock
and fell forward. He had gone to the mill but a short time before with
his son, Alfred, and while the son was engaged in business matters in
the mill the old gentleman had walked to the place where he met his
death. He was missed about a half hour later and a search was made,
resulting in the finding of his body as above stated. Coroner Pickel
was notified and, upon visiting the scene of the accident and hearing
the circumstances, decided that an inquest was not necessary.
Mr. Weeks suffered a paralytic stroke last August, and while he had recovered from its effects to quite an extent, he was still very feeble, and it is more than probable that he, at the time of his death, suffered a second stroke. Mr. Weeks came to Phoenix with his family in 1891 and established the Weeks Bros. furniture and cabinet manufacturing business, since which time the work of that institution has adorned the homes and stores in nearly every town in Southern Oregon. He was born in England in 1828. In early manhood he took passage in a sailing vessel for Canada, where he engaged in the furniture and undertaking business at Woodstock. On July 8, 1852, he was married to Miss Sarah Lateman, and ten children were born to them. Three of these died in infancy; the remaining seven are Arthur Weeks, of Oakland, Calif.; Alfred Weeks, Mrs. Eugene Orr, Mrs. W. H. McGowan and Mr. Fred Weeks, of Medford; Mrs. H. P. Hargrave and Mrs. Gertrude Weeks, of Phoenix. Last July Mr. and Mrs. Weeks celebrated their golden wedding at the residence of their son-in-law, Dr. H. P. Hargrave. Many friends assembled upon that occasion to celebrate the happy event, and today they mourn the death of one of its principals and give to the widowed wife their heartfelt sympathy. Mr. Weeks was a noble man. In every act and deed throughout his whole life was embodied the principles of a true and honorable man. He was always active in business affairs--square and honest in all of them. In church and social matters he was always prominent, and the happy smiles and cheering words of "Pap" Weeks are pleasant memories. Funeral services will be held at the residence in Phoenix Friday at 1:30 p.m., Rev. Clyde officiating. Interment in Odd Fellows' Cemetery, Medford. Medford Mail, December 19, 1902, page 3 Councilman W. L. Orr returned last Thursday from a business trip to San Francisco and a pleasure visit to his old home at Pasadena. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 19, 1902, page 6 Laid to Rest.
funeral of the late John Weeks took place from the family residence at
Phoenix Friday, the services, conducted by Rev. Wm. Clyde of the
Presbyterian Church, being impressive. The remains were interred in the
I.O.O.F. cemetery near Medford, a large number of the deceased's
friends following them to their last resting place.
Mr. Weeks was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a truly good man. A skillful mechanic, enterprising and upright, he built up a large business and was highly respected by all who knew him. He was born in London, England, nearly 75 years ago, emigrating to Canada at an early age. In 1887 he removed to Southern Oregon with his family, locating at Phoenix. Mr. Weeks is survived by his wife and several children, all grown, who are: A. J., Henry and George Weeks, of Oakland, Calif.; Mrs. E. Orr, Mrs. W. H. McGowan, Fred Weeks, of Medford; Alfred Weeks, Mrs. Dr. Hargrave, Miss Gertrude Weeks, of Phoenix. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1902, page 1 A Sad Affair.
Wednesday morning the entire community was shocked to hear of the
tragic death of John Weeks, a prominent and highly respected citizen of
Phoenix. His lifeless body was found in the race that conducts water to
the furniture factory in which he was interested. It seems that in
company with his son Alfred the unfortunate man went to the factory,
and while the latter was looking about the premises he fell into the
water and was drowned. Coroner Pickel went to the scene of the
accident, but did not deem it necessary to hold an inquest.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1902, page 2 Suicide at Phoenix.
Weeks, of the firm of Weeks Bros. of Phoenix, committed suicide by
drowning on Wednesday morning of last week. His body was found in about
12 feet of water in the penstock at the end of the flume by which the
flour mill of Weeks Bros. is operated. He had gone to the
with his son, Alfred, who, being busy about the mill, failed to note
his father's absence for some time. A search was then made and the body
of the elder Mr. Weeks was found in the water.
Mr. Weeks was a very estimable man and had many friends. He leaves a wife and seven children. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 25, 1902, page 3 A. J. Weeks of Oakland, Calif., the architect, was in Jacksonville Thursday to consult with the directors of this district, who intend to replace the building lately burned in the near future. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 4, 1903, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Orr left here Sunday for East Oakland, Cal., where they expect to reside permanently. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 8, 1903, page 19 An agreement to sell the tract known as the Harris donation land claim, in this county, was made between A. J. Weeks, the owner of the property and C. H. Lewis, who is already the owner of the Weeks & Orr orchard, which it adjoins, and is partly set to fruit. The consideration mentioned in the deed is $12,000. It is considered well adapted to fruit raising, consisting of soil of a character similar to that of the Weeks & Orr orchard, which raises fruit of the very finest quality, says the Tidings. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 18, 1903, page 2 Alf. Weeks:--"This is pretty mussy weather for work in the orchards, but our men on the C. H. Lewis ranch are kept busy boxing the apples we have in bins. I shipped a carload of Ben Davis apples to Shanghai, China, this week. These are shipped to U.S. Consul Miller. We get pretty close to $1 per box for them f.o.b. Medford. Yes, it is quite true that the Ben Davis does not bring the top notch, but the Ben Davis trees are good producers and are sure bearers--every year. It is an established fact that along in January and February of each year the Ben Davis takes on some considerable coloring of respectability. At this season the choicer varieties of apples have disappeared and the people, even in coast cities, are clamoring for any old thing that's an apple, and it's right here that the Ben Davis fits in--and the price is all right, too." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, November 27, 1903, page 1 ALFRED WEEKS. Among the successful fruit-grower and businessmen of Medford may be mentioned Alfred Weeks, whose public-spirited efforts have contributed not a little to the upbuilding of Jackson County. When he came here in 1887 Mr. Weeks had the advantage of several years of experience as a furniture dealer and manufacturer in Woodstock, Canada, where he was born September 15, 1856. His father was an ambitious and successful man who had gained a competence as a merchant, furniture manufacturer and farmer, and the son naturally followed in his footsteps, especially as he had been placed to work in the manufactory at an early age. The enterprise of this Canadian father seems to have been handed down to his sons, for one of them came to Oregon at an early day and started the first fruit ranch of any size in the Rogue River Valley. He was successful in his new home, and, being convinced that the country offered unlimited inducements to the industrious and painstaking, wrote home glowing accounts of the soil, people and climate. In 1887 the northern home was further depleted by the starting for the West of Alfred Weeks, who, with his brother-in-law, Eugene Orr, made the long trip successfully, and entered into partnership with their already well-established relative. The three men had every reason to rejoice over their prospects, for they had one hundred and forty acres of orchard, including peaches, prunes, apples and pears, and they found a ready market for their fruit, which was the best possible to be found in this state. In 1897 a new orchard of one hundred acres was set out, but by this time Alfred Weeks had succeeded to the principal management of the orchards, for in 1890 his brother and brother-in-law had opened a furniture factory in Phoenix, and devoted much of their attention to the mercantile venture. In 1901 Mr. Lewis purchased the interest of the brother and brother-in-law, since which time Alfred Weeks has been sole manager of the orchards. Mr. Orr died in August, 1901, but the furniture business, conducted under the firm name of Weeks Brothers, is still catering to a flourishing trade. Alfred Weeks is a Republican in politics, and is fraternally connected with the Knights of Pythias. He has done much to elevate the standard of fruit growing in this county, and has given the subject that absorbing study into which all true agricultural enthusiasts are irresistibly led. He is a man of honor, intelligence and broad-mindedness, and commands the respect of all who are fortunate enough to know him. Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904, page 727 Arthur J. Weeks of Oakland, Calif. has sold the piece of fine land he bought about two years ago, which formerly belonged to the Hanley estate and is located on the Jacksonville-Central Point road, to Wm. H. Stewart. The most of it is already planted in apple and pear trees. The new proprietor will make this an ideal orchard and one of the very best in Southern Oregon. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 27, 1904, page 1 Weeks & Baker are fitting up one of the Moore buildings on West Seventh Street for undertaking parlors. This step has become necessary in order to make room in the main store for their furniture stock. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 10, 1905, page 5 Alf Weeks this week placed in position the new furniture for the K. of P. hall. Five fine native oak pedestals have been put in, also four large, massive officers' chairs. These articles of lodge fittings are unquestionably the best ever put into any lodge room in Medford--and we doubt if there are any better in the state. The design, workmanship and material cannot be excelled by any workmen in any country. The K. of P. lodge room is a place of beauty--and good to look upon. The lodge has expended fully $1000 in fitting up their new home. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 26, 1906, page 5 Messrs. Weeks [&] Baker are contemplating the construction of a rather imposing brick edifice to house their steadily growing business. The intend to build on the lot now occupied by their store room and shop, and the adjoining vacant lot, owned by the estate of the late Mrs. Moore. Negotiations for the sale of this piece of ground have practically resulted in its sale to the firm, an order from the probate court to that effect being expected soon. They will have a frontage of 50 feet, with ample space for display of stock. It is their intention to have a first-class, up-to-date building. "Many Projects Are Being Considered for the West Side," Medford Daily Tribune, June 30, 1906, page 1 Architect Arthur Weeks, of Oakland, Calif., arrived Monday on a visit to relatives and friends in this section. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 6, 1906, page 5 Weeks & Baker, the furniture dealers, are figuring upon the erection of a brick structure to accommodate their business, but have made no definite plans yet as to the size and arrangement of the building. "Things Boom on West Side," Medford Mail, October 5, 1906, page 1 ![]() Weeks & Baker on North Fir in 1907 The types made us say last week that Weeks & Baker's new building would be 25x40 feet in size when the item should have read 51x140 feet. Anybody with a mathematical turn of mind must have been considerably puzzled to figure out how 10,000 feet floor space could be contained in that sized building unless it was piled up some. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 19, 1907, page 5 L. D. Harris, superintendent of the Bear Creek Orchard, wants 30 men to thin out the surplus fruit. Experience is not necessary. The wages will be $1.25 and board. "Local Briefs," Southern Oregonian, Medford, May 18, 1907, page 5 Another Brick Store.
Weeks & Baker, the well-known dealers in furniture, will occupy
handsome new store before snow flies. They have begun tearing down one
of their frame structures on Seventh Street, adjoining that recently
constructed for T. H. Moore, and in its place will be erected a
substantial brick building two stories high, 25x140 feet in size, and
modern in architecture and its appointments. J. A. MacIntosh drew the
Medford is continuing steadily on its march of progress, and its record for 1907 will be a first-class one in every way. Southern Oregonian, Medford, July 31, 1907, page 1 New Building for Weeks &
& Baker commenced this week tearing down the old wooden
they have been using as a shop, in preparation for the erection of a
modern two-story brick structure for the accommodation of their
furniture and undertaking business. The building will be 25x40 feet in
size and the front will be of pressed brick; the show windows in front
will have plate glass seven feet in height and twenty-nine feet in
length, running around the corner of the building next [to] the alley.
The foundation will be of stone and the floor of the 25x40 wareroom will be of concrete. The ceiling of the lower story will be 16 feet high, and the room will have a gallery running around three sides of it. The upper floor will be devoted to carpets, etc., and will be 12 feet from floor to ceiling. There will be 10,000 feet of floor space in the building, all of which will be needed to accommodate Weeks & Baker's stock. George W. Priddy has the contract for the brick work on the building. Medford Mail, August 2, 1907, page 5 BUYS FARM AT MEDFORD
MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 6.--(Special.)--Mrs. Potter Palmer, Chicago's social
leader, left Medford last night after a five days' sojourn. Honore
Palmer, her eldest son, who accompanied her, purchased while here the
Alfred Weeks property, two miles south of Medford. He has arranged to
erect' a large residence and live a part of each year thereon. The land
purchased consists of 100 acres, for which Mr. Palmer paid $36 an acre.Honore Palmer Invests in 100-Acre Tract of Fruit Land. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 6, 1907, page 24 Last week Honore Palmer, the millionaire son of Mrs. Potter Palmer, of Chicago, who paid a visit to the Rogue River Valley with his distinguished mother, made the purchase of the Alfred Weeks orchard property near Medford. The price was $36,730 for the 102 acres of young apples and pears. Change in Business.
The firm of
Weeks & Baker has been dissolved, and the business will
be conducted under the name of Weeks & McGowan, Mark Baker
disposed of his interests in the concern to W. H. McGowan.
Weeks & Baker have built up a strong trade in the furniture and undertaking line during the past years, and as the new firm will conduct the business on the same general principles, there is no reason why like success should not be in store for them. Mr. McGowan, the new member, has been for many years connected with Hutchison & Lumsden's general merchandise store, and has a wide circle of friends throughout the whole section. Medford Mail, September 13, 1907, page 1 Distinguished Visitors in Medford
Medford has
been entertaining a party of distinguished Chicago people this week,
they being Mrs. Potter Palmer, her son, Honore Palmer, and family, and
another son, Potter Palmer, Jr. These people have invested considerable
money in orchards here, having purchased the Alf. Weeks orchard, and
are expecting to make a few other smaller purchases before they leave.
Medford Mail, October 4, 1907, page 4 Weeks & McGowan are engaged this week in transferring their stock of furniture to their new quarters in the building just finished by them and opened up for business Wednesday. When fully arranged this will be one of the finest furniture show rooms in this part of the state. Large plate glass windows on the front and east corner furnish ample light for the front, and windows at frequent intervals on the east side makes the whole room light. The lower floor is devoted to the display of dining room and bedroom sets, sideboards and other heavy furniture, while a gallery in the rear is filled with chairs. On the second floor are displayed the carpets, rugs, curtains, portieres, couches, etc. This floor will be partitioned into departments, each one devoted to a particular line of goods, and the rooms will be tastefully arranged to show the goods to the best advantage. In the rear, upstairs and down, are large ware rooms; these also will be galleried. The one upstairs will contain the carpet sewing machine, mattresses, springs, etc., and the lower will be used as an assembling room for furniture. Take the store, "by and large" it is about as convenient and complete [a] furniture as could well be conceived. One of the most striking features is the abundant light. There isn't any dark corners, which counts a whole lot when it comes to showing goods. "City
Happenings," Medford
Mail, December
13, 1907, page 5
It seems that the parties operating the Weeks furniture mill are having considerable trouble with the dam across Bear Creek this winter, the water having washed around it several times necessitating a great amount of hard work and expense. "Phoenix Items," Medford Mail, January 3, 1908, page 9 J. A. Smith has leased the building formerly occupied by Weeks & McGowan, on West Seventh Street, and will move his tinshop thereto. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 3, 1908, page 11 Messrs. Shaffer & Cole have leased the Weeks Bros. furniture factory at Phoenix for the coming year and are now engaged in repairing and enlarging the plant so as to accommodate the constantly increasing business. The new managers are thoroughly conversant with the business in all its branches, and purpose to increase the capacity of the plant as the business may require. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 8, 1908, page 5 (From
Thursday's daily.)
The Palmer
people, who purchased
the Weeks & Orr orchards, have ordered fruit trees for planing
considerable amount of their land now not in orchard."Local and Personal," Medford Mail, October 9, 1908, page 5 BEST FRIEND THEIR MOTHER.
of the prettiest, most roomy and most convenient bungalows now being
built in Medford is the one which the Weeks boys, Arthur, Alfred and
Fred, are building for their mother, Mrs. John Weeks. It is being built
in the Bungalow addition, in West Medford, will have nine rooms, a
broad front porch, a screened-in porch at the back, and will be heated
with hot air from a furnace in the basement. It will cost about $2000,
and if the combined ingenuity and workmanship of all the boys and the
added architectural ability of Arthur can construct a beautiful house
and a comfortable home for the declining years of one of the best
mothers boys ever had, this will be such an one.
Medford Mail, October 16, 1908, page 1 The old flume and forebay at the Weeks furniture mill is being replaced with a new one. It is on the barrel plan, and will do away with the forebay. "Stringtown Items," Medford Mail, November 5, 1908, page 8 The hum of the Weeks furniture mill can be heard again this week. It has required a great deal of labor and expense to put the dam and ditch and flumes in shape for the winter's run. But they have plenty of work on hand. "Stringtown Items," Medford Mail, November 13, 1908, page 5 F. K. Deuel and Alf Weeks went down to their ranch at Rock Point [i.e., Del Rio Orchards] Sunday, where they are having 5000 pear trees planted this winter. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, December 18, 1908, page 5 ![]() Here for Holidays.
Weeks, of the orchard company of Weeks & Deuel, is in the city
spending the holidays. Mr. Weeks tells that he is decidedly busy at the
orchard near Woodville this winter. He is putting out 100 acres of pear
trees, comprising all the commercial varieties, and that he has put up
two and a half miles of rabbit-proof fence, this encircling a good part
of the land set to trees.
Last winter this company set 65 acres of apple trees and 15 acres of grapes, but unfortunately the rabbits did considerable damage to these vines. Medford Mail, December 25, 1908, page 5 Mrs. J. H. Stewart, accompanied by her friend, Mrs. E. M. Sherman, of Illinois, departed yesterday for Oakland, Cal., where she will visit for several months with her daughters, Mrs. Arthur Weeks and Mrs. H. M. Crowell. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, January 15, 1909, page 6 TWO-STORY BRICK.
reviewing the important elements comprising Medford's business
interests, a promising and distinctive place must be given to the
furniture and undertaking business of Messrs. F. W. Weeks, W. H.
McGowan and Albert Orr. They carry a large and complete stock of
everything in the furniture line, such as bedroom and dining room sets,
parlor sofas and davenports, chairs, rockers, etc., kitchen cabinets
and tables and make a specialty of carpets, rugs, linoleum and matting.
They have a $400 rack for showing rugs that will hold 120 samples, and
it is circled by a row of brilliant electric lights so one can shop
here at night. They have a machine for sewing carpet and an expert
employee to run it who also lays carpet, hangs shades, draperies, etc.
They have the exclusive sale of the Independent Stove Co.'s famous
Renowned Range and the Charter Oak heaters. The store is 70 feet front
by 140 deep, two stories with mezzanine or gallery floor.
Among the new buildings booked for
immediate construction in the city is the two-story brick block to be
put up by Weeks Bros., and will be occupied by Weeks & McGowan
addition to the rooms they new occupy on West Main Street.
WEEKS & McGOWAN CO.The new building will be 45x100 in size and will be built of brick and stone, and will be two stories high. This will cover the ground where previously stood the wooden building which was for years occupied by Weeks Bros., furniture dealers. The new building will also include the 20-foot alley running north and south through the center of the block, which alley was given the Weeks Bros. by the city in exchange for an alley opening on F Street. Medford Mail, February 26, 1909, page 1 There was unloaded at the depot yesterday a "dead wagon" [i.e., a hearse] consigned to Weeks & McGowan company. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, February 26, 1909, page 5 The Weeks & McGowan block, which is to be occupied by this firm as an annex to their present quarters, to accommodate their growing furniture business, is rapidly nearing completion. The brickmasons have about finished the walls and immediately a full force of workmen will be putting on the roof, laying floors and making ready for the interior finish. "West Side Growing," Medford Mail, April 23, 1909, page 1 Hunt Lewis, Walter F. Burrell and Captain Gordon Voorhies, all of Portland; Dr. Page, R. H. Parsons and C. E. Whisler, from the East, are representative of that class of moneyed men who, during the past several years, have gathered rich returns from investments in Rogue River fruit lands. Hunt Lewis, in 1902, bought the famous Bear Creek Orchard of 200 acres from Weeks & Orr, for $35,000. Strange to say, the people at that time thought Hunt Lewis had much the worse of the bargain. From the 85 acres of bearing orchard Mr. Lewis took off gigantic crops, averaging in receipts $1000 an acre, during the good years. In the summer of 1908 Hunt Lewis sold to a company composed of John D. Olwell, C. E. Whisler, Clarke & Meyers, for $160,000. These men now hold the property at $250,000, and judging from the returns expected from this year's crop, that figure is a reasonable one. Fifteen carloads have already been shipped from the 21 acres or Bartlett pears, and the picking is not yet completed. Arthur M. Geary, "Enormous Wealth of Rogue River Orchards," Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 5, 1909, page F2 Mr. Weeks is a licensed embalmer, and they have an extensive undertaking department. In all a $20,000 stock is carried, and as much more is invested in the building. They have been in business here six years and moved into the new building last June. They already find that they must enlarge in the spring. There isn't a store between San Francisco and Portland that equals this one. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page 9 Phoenix suffered the worst fire in her history at noon today, when Alfred Weeks' planing mill and half a dozen small houses were burned. The loss is estimated at $10,000; while it could not definitely be determined it is reported that there was no insurance. "Phoenix Devastated by $10,000 Blaze," Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1910, page 1 PHOENIX MILL DESTROYED
Medford Firefighters Aid in Battling Flames; Loss $10,000.
Or., July 13.--Fire, originating in the boiler room, destroyed the
Weeks' planing mill at Phoenix, five miles south of Medford, today, the
loss being $10,000. No insurance.
Medford sent up two chemical engines and 20 men in a special train to assist in fighting the fire. Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 14, 1910, page 1 Fire at Phoenix.
Jacksonville Post, July 16, 1910, page 1
Weeks Bros.' planing mill and furniture factory, and a few small houses
near at Phoenix were totally destroyed by fire, just before noon
The planing mill and factory were old institutions, having been in operation for fifty years, and the products had obtained an enviable reputation throughout Southern Oregon and California. The fire caught from a spark from the engine. Loss estimated at $10,000. ![]() Weeks
& McGowan, Medford
Mail Tribune, August 21, 1910
"All same Portland"--this will be the comment when Weeks &
Co. get their new five-cluster electric light stands erected in front
of the store on West Main Street. A visitor to Portland is struck with
the beautiful effect of the five-cluster light stands erected on the
edge of the walks in front of the stores and on both sides of the
principal streets. Weeks & McGowan have decided to
place the same kind in front of their store, and in a day or two one
store in Medford will have the same effect as is produced in the
largest city of the state.Weeks & McGowan Company to Put in the Five-Cluster Lights Now Becoming So Popular in the Large Cities. Nothing like keeping abreast of the times. Medford stores show as fine goods as can be seen in the cities--Medford merchants have as fine windows as those found in any city--Medford merchants advertise equal to most cities twice the size, and now the latest lighting innovation has been installed. Medford merchants will not be outdone. Medford Mail Tribune, August 10, 1910, page 5 ORCHARD BRINGS $300,000
Seattle Merchant Secures Rogue River Tract of 237 Acres.
Or., Dec. 5.--(Special.)--The Bear Creek Orchards, one of the finest
orchard tracts in the Rogue River Valley, was sold today to Samuel
Rosenberg, of Seattle. The consideration is in the neighborhood of
The orchard contains 237 acres, all of which is planted to fruit, about 175 acres in pears and the rest in apples. The price per acre averaged better than $1200 an acre. The sale was made through John D. Olwell, for a syndicate composed of Messrs. Whisler, Olwell, Clark and Myers. Mr. Rosenberg is a prominent merchant and hotel keeper in Seattle. Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 6, 1910, page 7 WEEKS AND McGOWAN STORE ON FIRE
Damage is Eight Thousand Dollars, Mostly from Smoke--Fully Insured
evening at 10:20 o'clock fire was discovered in the furniture store of
the Weeks and McGowan company on West Main Street. The fire started in
the loft at the northwest corner of the building. The first one to
discover it was Hugh Goodhue, a bellboy at the Hotel Moore. Goodhue was
standing on the sidewalk in front of the hotel when he noticed smoke
emitting from the front windows upstairs. He ran into the hotel and
gave the alarm by telephone. The department responded promptly and
Chief Eugene Amann, who was at home at his residence on North
Riverside, was just one minute in joining his company and taking
charge. A hose was placed from the alley in the rear of the building
and great quantities of water were poured into the building. By this
time the back end of the loft was ablaze, and the entire store building
was filled with smoke. The firemen in spite of fire and smoke broke
into the structure and commenced playing water on the flames at close
quarters. Several of the firemen were overcome, but with the assistance
of their comrades and willing volunteers were carried to fresh air. Guy
Corliss, a volunteer fireman and one of the first to respond to the
alarm, was overcome by smoke when he attempted to reach the seat of the
blaze. Horace Roberts, a volunteer fireman, was knocked down by falling
furniture and badly hurt in the face, but after medical attendance
returned for duty and stayed until the fire was extinguished.
When the fire broke out W. M. McGowan was downtown on an errand, and at the alarm was among the first on the scene. Fred Weeks was at his home on South Central, but arrived in time to superintend the removal of stock from the part of the building on fire. The value of the stock is estimated at $35,000, fully insured. W. L. Halley's agencies have $13,000 of this. The damage was mostly from smoke and water and will be about $8000, although correct figures cannot be given at this hour. This includes the damage to both building and stock. Mr. Halley, the representative of one of the insurance companies, was one of the first at the scene, and while working to remove the contents of the building suffered a severe injury to his right knee. One of the commendable incidents of the fire was the number of men who responded to a call for volunteers to relieve the exhausted men who were working to save the contents of the building but had become overcome. The owners of the building are Weeks Brothers and Mrs. Orr. Medford Sun, May 11, 1911, page 1 Medford Store Burns.
MEDFORD, Or., May 10.--(Special.)--Weeks &
McGowan's furniture store burned tonight. The damage to stock is $8000.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 11, 1911, page 7 NEW UNDERTAKING PARLORS SECURED
Weeks & McGowan company has leased all of the ground floor
space of
the Odd Fellows block, on Sixth Street, and have fitted up the two
rooms for a chapel and undertaking rooms. The space covered is 50x80
with two fine fronts and will give the company all the room required
for this line of business. The company's chapel on Main Street will be
closed, and this will be put to use as part of their furniture
Medford Mail Tribune, August 4, 1911, page 4 NEW AUTO HEARSE IS RECEIVED
and McGowan, local undertakers, have just received an Oldsmobile hearse
of costly make and finish. Its cost is $3200, delivered here. It has
154-inch wheelbase and 54 horsepower. It is finished in a two-tone
gray, is hand carved, and its interior is enameled. It is equipped with
electric lights, inside and out, with an electric button in the rear
interior by which the driver is directed without a spoken word. A
driver's mirror gives a convenient rear view of the street and road to
enable the operator to avoid collisions. The hood over the driver's
seat is finished on the interior with a sunburst effect in attractive
fashion. Elegant electric lamps, one on each side at the driver's
elbow, cost $85 the pair. It attracted much admiration when it was
driven through the streets to the Nash garage Tuesday.
Medford Sun, July 21, 1916, page 4 Samuel Rosenberg Dead.
Oct. 1.--Samuel
Rosenberg, owned of much valuable real estate in
Seattle, and pioneer clothier of this city, died this afternoon on his
fruit farm near Medford, Or., aged 57 years.
Morning Oregonian, October 2, 1916, page 10 Attorney W. E. Phipps of Medford has sold his ranch of 55 acres near Gold Hill to Deuel and Weeks of Medford, owners of the Del Rio Orchard. This orchard has ten acres in apples and cherries and the rest in alfalfa with a few acres in timber. The Bing and Royal Ann cherries raised by Mr. Phipps the past few years attained an enviable reputation and secure the highest prices in the eastern market. A Mexican fruit importer recently bid for the entire cherry crop at fancy prices for the trade in Mexico City. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, April 14, 1918, page 2 CORONER.
I hereby
announce my candidacy for the nomination for coroner on the Republican
ticket. Primaries May 17th, 1918.
Medford Mail Tribune, May
16, 1918, page 7ORR--News of the death of W. L. Orr, formerly widely known Medford business man, of Spanish influenza at Eugene this noon, was received in the city this afternoon. Mr. Orr was 40 years of age, and was the only son of Mrs. Mary B. Orr and a cousin of Mrs. James Leslie of this city. Mrs. Orr had been at his bedside since last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie will leave for Eugene this evening. Mr. Orr is survived by his wife and three children, two sons, 16 and four years, and one daughter, aged 20 years. He was a former street commissioner of Medford, and was for years in business here, part of the time in the grocery business and the rest in the harness business. The family removed from here about seven years ago. Mr. Orr was engaged in the garage business at Eugene. Medford Mail Tribune, October 22, 1918, page 4 BERT ORR BUYS OUT McGOWAN
change has been made in one of Medford's prominent business concerns,
the announcement having been made today that Albert E. Orr, one of the
partners in the Weeks & McGowan company, house furnishers and
undertakers, had bought out the interest of William H. McGowan in that
establishment last Friday and that henceforth the firm name will be
Weeks & Orr. The future plans of Mr. McGowan are as yet unknown.
About 12 years ago Mr. McGowan and Mr. Orr bought out the interest of Mr. Baker in the concern, which was then known as Weeks & Baker. The Weeks & McGowan company for the patronage extended in the past, and the new firm of Weeks & Orr also, express their gratitude and invite a continuance of patronage. These two young business men have a host of friends and acquaintances who wish them success. The retirement of Mr. McGowan from the local business field is regretted generally. Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1920, page 2 $12,000 FIRE AT DEL RIO ORCHARD
The Weeks and Deuel Del Rio warehouse at Rock Point near Gold Hill
burned to the ground last evening about ten o'clock at a loss estimated
at $12,000, partly covered by insurance. The packing house had just
been made ready for packing, which was to start this morning. There
were two carloads of box shook on hand, a carload of paper and all the
usual packing equipment. The origin of the fire is a mystery. As the
doors were open, it could not have been caused by spontaneous
combustion; in fact, the entire building seemed to burst into flame at
once as if it had been soaked with gasoline and a match applied. The
owners, however, make no charge of incendiarism. The only fortunate
feature of the fire is that none of the fine fruit at the Weeks and
Deuel orchard was destroyed. Luke Deuel went to Rock Point this morning
to assist Mr. Weeks in making arrangements for the packing of the fruit
at some other place. Halbert Deuel is in Portland.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1920, page 6 Arthur J. Weeks, formerly of Medford but now of Oakland, Calif., was a passenger on the stage on his way to an orchard he owns on Rogue River near Peyton. He remarked that forty years ago that day he planted the Bear Creek orchard. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1922, page 9 Man Who
Planted First Commercial Orchard in Valley
Got $10.20 per Box for Comice By Arthur J. Weeks Trail,
The summer of 1882 the writer was advised by the late colonel L. R.
Moores, located at Portland and land commissioner for the Oregon and
California railroads, to go to the Rogue River Valley and plant a large
commercial orchard to supply the Portland and northern markets. The
railroad company had just started to extend their roads from Roseburg
south, the terminus at that time, to connect with the Southern Pacific
at the state line. The terminus of the Southern Pacific was then at
Redding. 314 miles between Roseburg and Redding was covered with the
six-horse stagecoaches, running day and night and changing horses every
15 miles. It was expected it would take the railroad about five years
to reach Medford and the state line.November 22, 1926. In 1882 the codling moth had destroyed all of the fruit in the Willamette Valley, and the orchardists had given up shipping to their only market, San Francisco. There were many family orchards in full bearing in the Rogue River Valley, free of insect pests at that time. Having letters of introduction to C. C. Beekman, T. Reames, D. Linn, P. Britt of Jacksonville and Coolidge, a nurseryman at Ashland, all spoke in highest terms of the fruit grown, and Mr. Coolidge predicted the day would come when the valley and foothills would be one large orchard, irrigated by the stored waters of Rogue River and tributary streams. The summer of 1883, the writer returned to the valley and bought 160 acres two miles south of the proposed town of Medford and then selected right of way. The railroad company promised to put in a switch when the planned orchard came in bearing. My third trip was made to the valley October 1883, and the orchard work started. Over 15,000 trees were later put out, the larger number being hauled by freight teams from Riddle south. Trees set out were five thousand peach, 5000 prune, 5000 apples and pears, 350 cherries, 75 apricots, 25 almonds, 1 Kieffer and one LeConte, said to be blight-proof pears, each costing one dollar and expressage from the East, advertised as blight-proof. Eight years after the first pear trees were planted, one of the Bartletts died down nearly to the ground, said to be by blight. The top was cut off at the ground and sprouts grew up and later the tree was in full bearing. They were all sprayed with a solution of copperas for two years and apparently no blight appeared for a number of years later. 1500 of the peach trees set out were Muir, bought at San Jose at a cost of $500, freighted by steamer, rail and wagon extra. From the peaches and prunes planted the first carlots of dried fruit were sold and shipped to Mason, Ehrman of Portland. The railroads took the lion's share, charging $187 freight, ten-ton lots, while we were led to believe a rate of $56, the same as for our melons, would be given. Several crops of peaches and prunes were harvested, not paying running expenses. So we pulled up the ten thousand bearing prune and peach trees and replaced with pears and apples. One lot of French pear seedlings were set out and later top-grafted into Comice. When in bearing one carlot, consigned to Sgobel & Day, New York, sold for $10.20 per box, the highest price ever known. The apples came in bearing about that time and six thousand boxes were sent to the English market of Yellow Newtown Pippins, said to be the finest lot of apples ever seen in that market, netting 85¢ per box f.o.b. Medford. Two cars of Ben Davis, mostly 350 [sic] tier, were bought by San Francisco parties and shipped to Australia. At the time the Yellow Newtown Pippins were sent to the English market six thousand cars of eastern apples in bulk were on the car tracks at Chicago and no market. In the meantime Alfred Weeks and Eugene Orr, who had been given an interest in the writer's orchard, bought the John Herrin ranch of 202 acres adjoining and set the same to apples and pears of varieties we had successfully grown and found a market for. September 1901, Hunt Lewis of Portland bought the tract of 100 acres almost all in bearing trees and 102 acres of the Herrin ranch set out by Weeks and Orr. The remaining tract of the Herrin place, 100 acres, was later sold to the Potter Palmer estate. Rosenberg brothers, of the Bear Creek orchard, are now owners of the 202 acres first sold to Hunt Lewis. In September 1901, having disposed of my interests in the first commercial orchard set out in the valley in 1883, I then bought the Mike Hanley orchard of 170 acres, near Central Point, where the largest barn in the valley was burned a few months ago. I tile drained 100 acres and set it out to apples and pears. Before coming into bearing it was sold to W. H. Stewart. In 1884 J. H. Stewart, of Quincy, Ill., an expert orchardist and nurseryman, came west to find a new home where blight, codling moths and cold winter did not destroy both fruit and trees. Having a relative two miles east of the proposed town site of Medford, he came to the Rogue River Valley he had heard about. Gathering pears and apples from the pioneer family orchards, he said the Yellow Newtown Pippins and some other varieties the finest he had ever seen. He then decided to locate and bought the Ball ranch of 200 acres, 2½ miles south of the Medford town site, returning to his home at Quincy, Ill. He came back with his family the fall of 1885, bringing a carload of farming tools and trees and planted 200 acres, which was in the fall of 1885. In 1898, the orchard was in full bearing and sold to Colonel Voorhies, who is the present owner. It was the first sale of a commercial orchard in the Rogue River Valley. In 1901, the orchard now known as the Bear Creek was sold to Hunt Lewis of Portland. The fine fruit then grown drew the attention of the outsiders of means, who invested in lands and set out orchards all over the valley. Of the varieties introduced and suited to the valley the experimental stage had passed. The varieties, picking, packing, spraying, markets, had been established and there was no uncertainty about the business. The valley owes its wonderful growth to the success of the fruit business which drew the better class of permanent residents of means. J. H. Stewart and his brothers planted over 1200 acres of the first orchards and the Weeks brothers, Arthur and Al, and Eugene Orr over 800 acres. (Arthur J. Weeks, the author of this interesting article, now resides at Trail, Oregon, and is still planting trees and in the fruit business.) Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927, page H6 Alfred Weeks and his sister, Miss Gertrude Weeks, left last evening for their childhood home at Woodstock, Ontario, Canada, which they had not seen for 28 years past, to attend the reunion of the Old Boys Association of that place, which begins July 1st. They will be away for six weeks, as following their visit at Woodstock they will visit New York and some of the other eastern cities. Fred Weeks is in a hesitating frame of mind about going to Woodstock, which place he has not seen for 35 years, and may decide to go later on. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 13, 1927, page 2 Arthur J. Weeks, the man who planted the first commercial pear orchard in the Medford district, has returned from a visit to his birthplace at Woodstock, Canada, where the 60th anniversary of the founding of the province of Ontario was celebrated. Mr. Weeks, who lives in Berkeley, Calif., will remain here during the fruit season, looking after his ranch and the fruit harvest. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1927, page 2 Alfred Weeks and daughter Gertrude and Mrs. H. P. Hargrave and daughter Gertrude arrived in Medford this morning after spending several weeks visiting relatives in Woodstock, Ontario. Mr. Weeks also made the trip to New York City while away. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 27, 1927, page 2 A. J. WEEKS OF EARLY DAY FRUIT FAME IS CALLED
Arthur J. Weeks, who passed away very suddenly at his ranch home above
Trail early Friday morning, a notice of which appeared in yesterday's
issue of this paper, was a pioneer fruit grower of Southern Oregon. It
was in the summer of 1882 that Arthur Weeks was advised by the late I.
R. Moore, then of Portland and commissioner for the Oregon &
California Railroad, to go to the Rogue River Valley and plant a large
commercial orchard.There was no railroad south of Roseburg or north of Redding, but that span was covered by six-horse stages, changing horses every 15 miles. It was in this year that the codling moth had destroyed the fruit in the Willamette Valley, but the few family orchards bearing in Rogue River Valley were free from pests. Mr. Weeks secured letters of introduction to C. C. Beekman, T. Reames and D. L. [omission] P. Britt of Jacksonville, all of whom recommended the fruit industry in highest terms. Mr. Weeks left but returned the following summer and purchased large acreage south of the proposed site of Medford, and that fall the orchard work that has made Southern Oregon famous started. Over 15,000 trees were hauled from the town of Riddle by teams. For years afterward Mr. Weeks bought and sold orchard land, but the first venture above mentioned was on what is now known as the Bear Creek orchards. Arthur Weeks was born at Paris, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 15, 1853. It was after he had settled in Jackson County that he was married to Anna B. Stewart, to which union were born two daughters and one son, Florence E. Weeks and Mrs. S. L. Jory of Berkeley, Calif., where Mr. and Mrs. Weeks had also resided and where a large portion of his property is still located. Stewart Weeks, the son, resides on the ranch above Trail. His wife also survives. He also leaves three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. H. P. Hargrave of Berkeley, Mrs. W. H. McGowan, Gertrude Weeks, Alfred and Fred Weeks of Medford. Funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. W. H. Eaton at the Conger chapel at 2:30 Sunday. Entombment will be made in the Medford Memorial Mausoleum. Medford Mail Tribune, February 18, 1928, page 2
Arthur Weeks Dies at Northern
John Weeks, 74 years old, of 1514 LaLoma Avenue, passed away
night after a heart attack at the ranch of his son, John S. Weeks, near
Medford, Ore. He had resided in Berkeley for 30 years and spent much of
his time in the northern state.
He was a native of Woodstock, Ontario, Canada, and had been interested in Berkeley property during his residence here. He was well known and loved by a large circle of Berkeley friends. He visited his home here for a short time a month ago and then returned to Medford. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Anna B. Weeks, and three children, Miss Florence E. Weeks and Mrs. Grace Weeks Jory of Berkeley, and John Weeks of Oregon. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in Medford, Ore. Berkeley Daily Gazette, February 18, 1928, page 18 BERT ORR PLANS CROWN HILL HOME
Bert Orr is contemplating the erection of a residence to cost between
$10,000 and $12,000 on the Crown Hill road, near the home of Ben
Trowbridge. Architect Frank Clark is drawing the plans.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 3, 1928, page 6
Weeks & Orr have been awarded the contract for all window shades in
both the new high school and the Washington School, it was announced
today. Several Portland firms submitted bids along with other local
stores in competition for the large contract.
A total of five hundred shades made of Brenlin cloth have been ordered for the buildings, F. W. Weeks stated this morning. Brenlin shades are particularly durable as well as attractive. Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1931, page 5
Fred W. Weeks, pioneer
merchant and business man of Medford and longtime resident of Jackson
County, passed away at his home, 38 North Orange Street, at a very
early hour this morning following a serious illness for the last week
and a gradual decline in health for more than two years.Mr. Weeks was born at Woodstock, Ontario, Canada, January 2, 1871. At the age of 19, he came to Jackson County, Oregon, and with his father, John Weeks, in the year 1890, started a furniture store on the corner of Front and East Eighth Street in Medford. During this time the family resided in Phoenix where John Weeks and sons at the same time set up and operated a furniture factory and turned out their own merchandise, many pieces of which are yet in use throughout the valley. In connection with their furniture business, they also engaged in undertaking and also manufactured coffins commonly used in those days. Later the firm was known as Weeks & McGowan with A. E. Orr, a nephew, associated. The firm is now known as Weeks & Orr which, in 1920, disposed of the undertaking business. Thus the Weeks furniture business has endured and prospered for more than 42 years. Fred Weeks was a member of the Elks and higher degrees of the Masons of Medford and a charter member of the W.O.W. of Phoenix. He was married to Mae Pickens in 1920 and besides his wife he leaves three sisters and one brother, Alfred Weeks; Miss Gertrude Weeks and Mrs. W. H. McGowan of Medford and Mrs. H. P. Hargrave of Berkeley, Calif. Also the following nieces and nephews, A. E. Orr of Medford; Stewart Weeks, Trail; Florence Weeks. Mrs. Grace Jory and Gertrude Hargrave, all of Berkeley. Remains are at the Conger Funeral Parlors where arrangements are being made and which will be announced in due time. Medford Mail Tribune, December 1, 1932, page 1 ALFRED WEEKS IS CALLED BY DEATH
Alfred Weeks, member of a well-known pioneer family, died late last
night following a two weeks' illness at his home on North Central
Avenue.A resident of Southern Oregon for many years, Mr. Weeks was prominent in business and lodge circles. He was half owner of the Del Rio orchards, a member of the Elks lodge, and had gone far in Masonry. He was a brother of the late Fred Weeks and had numerous other relatives in the valley. Funeral arrangements will be in charge of the Conger parlors, and a complete obituary will be published Monday. Medford Mail Tribune, September 17, 1933, page 1 ALFRED J. WEEKS FUNERAL WILL BE
J. Weeks,
prominent resident of Jackson County since 1887, always associated with
projects for the advancement of the Rogue River Valley, particularly
through the fruit industry, died at his home here late Saturday night,
following a short illness, his death coming as a shock to
relatives and
friends throughout the valley.Born in Woodstock, Ontario, Mr. Weeks came to Medford 46 years ago and with his brother, Arthur Weeks, and brother-in-law, Eugene Orr, entered the fruit business, setting out and operating the well-known Bear Creek orchard. He was also interested in the development of a number of other orchards throughout the valley. In 1907, with his sister, Mrs. Edith Orr, and the late F. K. Deuel, Mr. Weeks purchased the old White place at Rock Point, 14 miles from Medford. It was developed into one of the finest orchards in Southern Oregon, known as the Del Rio Orchards. The place was operated by Deuel, Weeks and Orr. Mr. Weeks continued as one of the active owners until his death. Mr. Weeks was a member of a family of seven, and was always interested in sports as well as the industrial life of this community. He belonged to the Champion Amateur Active baseball club of Canada in 1879 and never lost interest in the game, attending all contests here whenever possible. As a man of sterling character, cheerful disposition and kindliness, Mr. Weeks was known throughout his many years in the Rogue River Valley, where he was beloved by all who knew him. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias order, having a 25-year membership, and was also affiliated with the Medford Elks lodge. He is survived by three sisters: Miss Gertrude Weeks and Mrs. W. H. McGowan of Medford, and Mrs. H. P. Hargrave of Berkeley, Cal.; two nephews, Albert E. Orr and John Stewart Weeks of Medford; and by three nieces, Miss Florence Weeks, Mrs. Grace Jorey and Miss Gertrude Hargrave of Berkeley, Cal. Funeral services will be held at the Conger chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Rev. W. J. Howell of the Presbyterian church delivering the sermon. Services will be followed by interment in the family plot in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. A resolution, expressing the loss, realized by the Rogue River Traffic Association in the death of Mr. Weeks and extending sympathy to his relatives was passed today at a special meeting of the traffic association and fruit shippers of the Medford district. It reads: "Be it resolved that this association, and the fruit shippers of the Medford district, feel deeply the loss we have suffered in the passing of our esteemed friend and fellow-worker, Alfred Weeks, and that it is our desire that an expression of our greatest sympathy be extended to those bereaved. "Be it further resolved that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the association, and the secretary directed to communicate the same to the bereaved family." Medford Mail Tribune, September 18, 1933, page 5 Alfred Weeks, Part Owner Del Rio Orchard, Dies
Alfred Weeks, of Medford, well-known pioneer of the Rogue River Valley,
died late Saturday night following a two weeks' illness. He was well
known in this community. Mr. Weeks was half owner of the Del Rio
orchards, located just west of Gold Hill. He was a brother of the late
Fred Weeks of Medford. Funeral arrangements were in charge of the
Conger parlors.Gold Hill News, September 21, 1933, page 1 Former Berkeleyan Dies in
Medford, Ore.
were held in Medford, Ore. yesterday afternoon for Mrs. Anna
B. Weeks,
widow of Arthur J. Weeks, and a former resident of this city. Mrs.
Weeks was born in Hannibal, Missouri, in 1856 and came west in 1885
with her father, the late Joseph Stewart, from whose orchard the first
fruit was shipped out of the Rogue River Valley. [This last statement is
incorrect. See here.]
Mrs. Weeks leaves two daughters, Mrs. Florence Weeks and Mrs. Grace Jory, both of Berkeley, and a son, J. Stewart Weeks, who resides at Trail, Oregon. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Cora Hill, who lives at Medford. Her husband, the late Arthur B. Weeks, passed away eight years ago. Berkeley Daily Gazette, January 26, 1939, page 13 Furniture Store To Celebrate 67
Years in Business
Starting Monday, Weeks and Orr Furniture store, 114 West Main St.,
Medford, will celebrate 67 years of business here.
In 1892, the firm first established a small store on Front St. and, in the same year, opened a small furniture manufacturing plant in Phoenix.
At the turn of the century, the original concern moved to West Main St.
in the same location now occupied by the present store.
In 1953 a rebuilding program was undertaken and the firm expanded into the old Rialto Theater area. Today two full floors and a large mezzanine area provide 23,000 square feet of display space for Weeks and Orr, with 14,000 additional square feet of space in a separate warehouse. The Medford store is associated with 65 other independent member stores in the "Westore" organization for combined volume purchasing. Eugene Orr, owner and general manager, has been active in the local organization since 1932 with the exception of the World War II period when he served with the armed forces. He has long been prominent in civic and veterans affairs, has served as chairman of the Medford Retail Merchandise Association, is a past commander of Medford Post 15, American Legion, and past commander of [the] Legion's District 13. Orr is now national rehabilitation officer for Oregon. Medford Mail Tribune, January 11, 1959, page 12 Open House to Mark
Completion of Weeks & Orr
Store Remodeling Program Five Generations Continue Business; Store Now Modern
Open House at Weeks and Orr Furniture store on West Main St.,
beginning at 9 a.m., Wednesday, August 12 through Saturday,
15, will observe completion of a remodeling program which has been
under way for the past seven months. Ben H. Todd, architect, was in
charge of the program.
Owners of the store are Albert E. Orr, who has been with the business for 47 years, and his son, Eugene Orr, with the company 21 years. Eugene Orr's son, Gregory Orr, employed there for two years, is the fifth generation of the same family connected with the furniture store. To Give Prizes Free prizes will be given during the opening, and the public is invited to inspect the store. The first 3,000 women to call in person will be given gifts, the managers have announced. Only the outer walls remain of the original brick building which housed the furniture company at the time the remodeling was begun, Eugene Orr said last week. The first section of the brick building was erected in 1907 and stood next to a frame building which had housed the firm since the early 1900s. (The frame building was removed to the present Dean's Pontiac agency location and was not torn down until World War II.) In 1909 the brick building was completed on the same ground on which the frame building had stood. 23,000 Feet Total space in the store now is 23,000 square feet, about 7,000 square feet of sales room added by the remodeling. There also are about 14,000 square feet in the firm's storage space in another location. Until 1917 the furniture firm also included an undertaking business. This part of the business then was sold to Conger Mortuary. The Weeks and Orr Furniture Company, originally known as Weeks Brothers, was begun in 1892 in a store building on Front St. Much of the furniture sold was made by the firm's factory at Phoenix. The factory burned in 1905 and was not replaced. John and Fred Weeks, originators of the business, were Albert Orr's grandfather and uncle, respectively. Later the firm was known as Weeks McGowan and Company and was operated by Fred Weeks, W. H. McGowan and Albert Orr. Albert Weeks, a business associate, and Albert Orr's father, Eugene M. Orr, are credited with planting some of the first commercial pear orchards in the valley, reported to be the Klamath, Del Rio and Bear Creek orchards. In 1917 the firm became Weeks and Orr Furniture Company. Since the remodeling, the business will concentrate on furniture, rugs and carpeting sales, the owners said. No appliances, linoleums or television sales will be included, they point out. The store now is one of the most modern on the Pacific Coast, the managers state. Front of the building is finished in porcelain steel, said to be the third such installation in Oregon. Miss Sarah Hardin will be in charge of sales of baby equipment, for which a new department has been added. She also will have charge of other specialty items, including bedroom furniture and bedspreads. No other additions to the staff are planned for the present time. Some of the firm names which manufacture merchandise sold by the firm include Magnuson's, Builtwell, Simmons, Drexel, Bassett, Los Angeles Period, Doernbecker, B. P. Johns, Sterling Maple and Veal Maple, Serta, Rutherford, and Hood, Berkliner and Virtue chrome. Medford Mail Tribune, August 11, 1953, page 5 Weeks & Orr Store Changes
By ROBERT STERLING Mail Tribune Staff Writer
Weeks & Orr
Furniture store, a downtown Medford institution for 92 years, will be
sold to Winans furniture store of Ashland, owners of both stores
confirmed today.
Dick Orr, co-owner along with brother Greg Orr, said an "earnest money agreement" was reached Saturday with Winans' owners Mark Winans and Joe Pedrojetti. Winans and Pedrojetti, who had planned to build a new store in Ashland to replace their 12,000-square-foot store at 1801 Oregon 99, will instead liquidate their stock and move to Medford. Orr, who is also president of the Southern Oregon Historical Society, said the decision to sell the longtime family operation at 114 W. Main St. was not easy. He said that after 18 years in the furniture business, "I wanted to try something different, spend more time with the kids, have two-day weekends." He said he would be involved in "stocks and bonds" in Medford, but declined to be more specific. Greg Orr, who has been in the business for 30 years, will open a small specialty furniture shop with his son and daughter, Mike and Patty Orr. Although details have not been worked out, the store will open in an area shopping center, Greg said. Dick Orr said the decision to sell came after three large furniture chains had made offers to buy the 30,000-square-foot store. But he said he and his brother wanted to sell to a smaller, independent firm. Winans said he was "honored" that the Orr brothers agreed to sell to him and his partner. He said that the two furniture stores plan to hold a joint liquidation sale "within two weeks." He said the new store will be called Joseph Winans and will open in Medford this fall. He said their new store will have all-new stock and will feature "several galleries of high-quality, affordable furniture." Winans has been in Ashland nearly seven years, Winans said. He said that with the larger store, "We'll be centrally located, and we feel we'll be able to do a lot more for the valley." The history of Weeks & Orr goes back to 1892, when two sons of John Weeks, a furniture maker in Phoenix, opened Weeks Bros. Furniture next to the current site of Weeks & Orr. [Sources above place the 1892 store on Front Street.] The current brick building was built in 1909. Albert "Bert" Orr, the only son of Michael Orr--Dick and Greg's great-grandfather, who was married to a daughter of John Weeks--joined Fred Weeks and Will McGowan to run the business. Bert Orr bought out McGowan in 1922. His son, Gene, then bought the business from the Weeks' side of the family when Fred Weeks died in 1932. The business was handed down from Gene, who retired in 1980, to Dick and Greg. It is now the largest furniture store in the Medford area. Medford Mail Tribune, July 25, 1984, page 2 Last revised November 25, 2024