Pioneers: C. E. "Pop" Gates ![]() WASHINGTON, July 22.--The attorney general has ordered dissolution of what is commonly known as the Bath Tub Company, which is a combination backed by $100,000,000, and whose actions are felt in almost every home in the United States. One of the companies made defendant as a component of the trust is the Union Sanitary Manufacturing Company, which has a large plant at Noblesville, superintended by C. E. Gates. "Bath Tub Trust to Be Smashed by Federal Act," Indianapolis Sun, July 22, 1910, page 1 MANAGER C. E. GATES SAYS IT'S NO
SALE--Fine location for country home; thirty-six acres; only four
blocks from courthouse, steam and interurban roads, Noblesville, Ind.;
overlooking town and White River; fine cottage, extra-large barn, wind
pumps and good fences; all improvements the very best; five acres fine
woods; also contains baseball grounds and best half-mile race track in
state; price, $300 per acre. Address owner, C. E. GATES, Noblesville,
Ind.Declares Plan of Organization of Bath Tub Manufacturers Is No Secret. (Special to the Sun.)
Ind., July 22.--C. E. Gates, general manager of the Union Sanitary
Manufacturing Company, said Friday morning there was no secret about
the plan of organizing the bath tub manufacturers' organization.
"In one sense of the word," he said, "we are in a trust, and in another we are not. I would rather call it an association. It was organized about two months ago and includes all of the leading bath tub manufacturers in the country. We are operating under a government license, and the plan of our organization is no secret. In my judgment whatever action the government may take will not affect the Noblesville factory." Indianapolis Sun, July 22, 1910, page 1 Indianapolis Star, December 23, 1910, page 14 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, February 24, 1912 HOW TO BUY AN AUTOMOBILE Is Easy Matter for a Man to Check Up the Agents by Referring to a Catalogue--Freight Plus Factory Cost Is All.
automobile has come to stay. The demand for it has proven that it is
not a fad that will die in time, as it is well known that when a man
has once owned a machine, he will never do without one. The time has
come when every man in moderate circumstances or with a fair salary
wants one and when sold at a legitimate profit can own one. The time is
drawing near when fancy prices cannot be asked for a car.
250 MEMBERS LISTEDThe average man knows when he is getting value received, and he does not have to refer back many years to remember the prices on bicycles, etc., and to know that he can get as good a bicycle today for $40 as he had to pay $150 for a few years ago. There are as yet too many agents who expect to make a year's salary on the sale of from three to five machines. If you are expecting to buy a car, ask the agent for a catalogue, all manufacturers issue them, and see the price at which they are quoted at the factory, add to that the freight which can be had from the railroad company, and the value of the additional equipment you are to receive, and you can easily find out whether or not you are buying the car at the right price. In buying a car the purchaser should inquire as to the guarantee and satisfy himself as to whether the promised guarantee would hold good. A man selling automobiles should have an established place of business to enable him to back up his guarantee by taking care of his customers and looking after the machines he has sold, as it is an everyday testimonial as to the quality of the car and his word he has given the purchaser as to its durability and efficiency. A satisfied customer is the best asset a dealer can have. I am selling cars with a year's guarantee, and when I say this I mean it in every sense of the word. When a man buys a car from me I want him to feel at liberty at any time to drive into my place and have his car adjusted, should it need it, without any cost to him. And should any part break through any defect whatever I will replace it without any cost to him. It has been the general custom that as soon as you sell a man a car, you have no further interest in him and the less you see of him the better, but my idea is to keep in touch with every Overland car, whether I sold it or not. If it is running good I want to know it, and if it is running bad I want to know it. Also if it is running good tell the other fellow, and if it is running bad tell me. I want every man to feel that he is getting his money's worth. When a man feels that he is getting just treatment he will certainly be glad to recommend the seller to his friends. Don't buy a car on the spur of the moment; think it over, investigate for yourself the merits of the different cars, and after you have satisfied yourself as to which is the one to buy, then buy it and not before. C.
Medford Mail Tribune, February
24, 1912, page 12
reminiscences of pioneer and modern life of Indiana, 125 members of the
Rogue River Valley Hoosier Club met Wednesday night at the I.O.O.F.
Hall and enjoyed a most pleasant evening, which included a banquet and
an excellent program.
SOLD SATURDAYThe club is one of the largest state organizations in the city and has an enrollment of 250 members. Many delightful gatherings have been given in the past, and more are planned for the future. Chief among these is a picnic to be given on August 9 in honor of ex-President Benjamin Harrison, the only Indiana President. The meeting Wednesday night was called to order by president M. A. Rader. The program follows: Invocation, D. F. Wilson; "Reminiscences Around Noblesville," C. E. Gates; "Blossoms from Bloomfield," H. B. Graham; "Adrift in Logansport," Professor Stine; "Medford vs. Peru," Mr. Butler; "Spitzenbergs in Indianapolis," W. A. Jones; "Skinny Horse Race," August D. Singler. Following the program the following offers were elected: C. E. Gates, president; August D. Singler, vice-president; S. B. Graham, secretary and treasurer. Medford Mail Tribune, April 18, 1912, page 4
E. Gates, the Overland man, Saturday sold three automobiles to
residents of the valley. E. G. Brown of Medford bought a 40-horsepower
torpedo body touring car, J. L. Wilson of Griffin Creek purchased a
30-horsepower touring car, and M. M. Root, a newcomer to the valley,
also purchased a 30-horsepower car.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 26, 1912, page 3 PEOPLE CONFUSE C. E.
E. Gates, candidate for mayor, wishes to announce that he is in no way
connected with H. E. Gates, who recently erected a number of houses on
Rose Avenue and later left the city. Mr. Gates in making this
announcement states that a large number of people have him confused
with H. E. Gates and that he believes this impression should be
C. E. GatesMedford Mail Tribune, November 23, 1912, page 4 ![]() Pop Gates behind the wheel of a 1912 Overland. COMMUNICATION.
Mr. Gates Replies. To
the Editor:
Replying to Mr. Drumhill's article concerning my platform, I am pleased to know that, so far as it goes, it meets with his approval. His article has some very good suggestions, but there are others that would admit of considerable argument. Taking his suggestions in the order named: First, Salaries. It is generally conceded throughout this great land of ours that every man's time should be worth something, and there are very few, if any, places in this country where he devotes his time to any cause without some remuneration. Nevertheless I have not entered in this race with any idea of remuneration, and if at the next election the people deem it proper to vote to abolish all salaries of public officials, it will be perfectly satisfactory to me. Regarding saloons closing at 8 o'clock, we must endeavor to be just and equitable to all. The one clause in my platform, equal rights to all, special privileges to none, would cover this. We should be careful to not be overzealous in such matters and thoughtlessly persecute instead of prosecute. The government, state and city license them, and they pay more for the privilege of doing business than any other line of business. Eight o'clock in the evening is the time when everyone usually begins to enjoy themselves after their daily toil, and there should be no particular cause for crime this early in the evening. If I am not misinformed, there are no chairs and tables in the saloons at the present time. If the saloons live up to the laws as they are on statute books at the present time, they should be well regulated and orderly. If I were mayor, and your city charter would permit it, I would be more than pleased to have the justice of the peace act as police judge. I believe the mayor should feel that he is the servant of the people and, if he does not fulfill the oath of office, is subject to their criticism. Respectfully, C. E. GATES. Medford Mail Tribune, November 25, 1912, page 4
the last ten days a number of citizens have called upon me, requesting
me to become a candidate for mayor of the city of Medford. After due
consideration and consultation with citizens in all lines of business,
I have decided to announce myself as a candidate for said office. I
therefore present to the voters of Medford, for their consideration, my
platform, which is as follows:
An honest, open and above-board, clean-cut business administration. A fair and square deal at all times. Equal rights to all. Special privileges to none. A genuine people's public market. Regarding the liquor question. Personally I do not drink, never have, but as long as the government, state and city license saloons, and under strict regulation they obey the law, they are entitled to protection. Should they persist in disobeying the law, their license should be revoked. A careful accounting of all finances. All disbursements subject to public inspection and open for publication by the city press. Due consideration of all petitions for and against public improvements. A rigid practice of economy, except when such economy has a tendency to retard progress. I will further all progressive matters of general improvement for the city, but such must come within the scope of good business. I shall endeavor to use my best efforts for the keeping of the city in a sanitary conditions at all times. Whereas, after years of struggle, the women have been given the privilege of exercising their rights of citizenship, due consideration will be given them on all matters of public importance. Should I be elected, I assure the people that I will be mayor in fact as well as name. I will not be the tool of any clique, and will be influenced only by what I believe to be right and equitable. If the above platform meets with your approval and you believe I am capable of filling the office, I will appreciate your support. C.
C. E. Gates is a live wire. He sizzles and snaps. When he starts to do
anything he does it. Although he has been in Medford a short time, he
is well known and has made a splendid impression as a capable and
enterprising business man.
Here is his biography in a few words: C. E. Gates was born in Monticello, Ind., December 24, 1871. He has had a long and successful career in the line of large enterprises. Early in life he was statistician for the Columbus Construction Company of Chicago, Ill., and later accountant for the Chicago Economic Fuel gas company. In 1900 he became receiver's manager for the McElwaine-Richards Company of Noblesville, Ind., a large bathtub factory. He successfully managed this institution, placed it on its feet, reorganized it as the Union Sanitary Manufacturing Company and became its vice-president and general manager. For the last ten years his business has been that of taking crippled manufacturing institutions and placing them on their feet. The president of the Indiana State Board of Health states: "We know him as a doctor of crippled and embarrassed businesses." During his career as a manufacturer Mr. Gates was for several years president of the Enameled Ware Manufacturers Association and vice-president and chairman of the organization committee of the Soil Pipe Manufacturing Association of the United States. He was also president of the school board of Noblesville, Ind. Mr. Gates is a member of the Presbyterian Church, an Elk, K. of P., thirty-second degree Mason and a Shriner. Medford Sun, December 15, 1912, page 1 You can talk about automobiles, but when you are through talking and begin to investigate the qualities and the service, you will finally settle on THE
Do not believe all you hear but investigate for yourself--go to the
different repair shops and see if you see anyone spending any money on
an Overland. I have sold over fifty Overlands during the fourteen
months I have been in business in Medford, and not a single one has had
a replacement of any of the working parts of the car--neither has the
owner spent a single dollar for repairs. This is an absolute fact and
can be proven by investigation.
This is an absolute fact and can be proven by investigation. This is an unequaled record for the Rogue River Valley and surely is worth something to the man buying a car. If you want to buy a car with all the modern equipment, I have them also and it is an Overland. Any mechanic, after investigating, will tell you that we have the best self-starter on the market anywhere. Investigate the car, investigate the man selling them, investigate my methods of selling and the service I give to owners of cars; then inquire of owners of other cars as to how they have been taken care of and I will abide by your decision. If there were better cars made for the money, I would be selling them, for I have been offered the agency for nearly every car on the market. C. E. GATES
Medford Mail
Tribune, April 30, 1913, page 3
E. Gates, the Overland man, has leased the lower floor of the Sparta
building, corner Main and Riverside, for a period of three years. This
will give him the finest automobile show room and garage in Southern
Oregon--one of the finest in the state.
FOR FORDS AND COLE SIXESThe Sparta building was built in [1911] by John M. Root and is one of the best built and most artistic structures in the city. Its exterior is glazed white brick. The lower floor is surrounded by plate glass windows and mirrors. The front room will be used as an automobile show room by Mr. Gates, with the rear room as repair shop. An extensive line of auto supplies of all kinds will be carried and everything used in automobiling provided. Medford Mail Tribune, August 29, 1913, page 6 GRAND OPENING OF
E. Gates, "the Overland man," announces a grand opening of his new
sales and showroom in the Sparta Building Thursday evening. An
orchestra will play during the evening, and the public is cordially
invited to inspect the finest auto headquarters in Oregon, outside of
Medford Mail Tribune, September 10, 1913, page 2 RECORD CROWD AT
new quarters of the Overland automobile in the Sparta Building, Manager
C. E. Gates acting as host to the public. The Hazelrigg orchestra
furnished music and dancing was followed until eleven o'clock.
[omission] largest crowd that ever attended a business house opening in
this city filled the store from 7:30 till 1 o'clock. The room was
tastefully decorated.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 12, 1913, page 2 GATES' SUPPORTERS
Who will
be the mayor of Medford?TO CALL BIG MASS MEETING The answer is still unknown to the general public--and the members of the council are not talking. Supporters of C. E. Gates, who filed a petition of several hundred names requesting Gates' appointment, are indignant over the refusal of the council to even consider the petition and talk of calling a mass meeting of citizens to act on the matter. Mr. Gates says: "I have not sought the appointment, have not asked anyone to sign a petition, and have taken no part in the efforts made by any friends. I do not expect the appointment--but I cannot understand why the councilmen refuse even to discuss my appointment or to pay any attention to the petition filed in my behalf. At least, they might show the courtesy of a reason for ignoring the petition." Only one of the six councilmen is known to be favorable to Gates. Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1913, page 4
E. Gates has secured the agency of the Ford automobile and also the
Cole standardized six-cylinder car. He still retains the agency for the
Overlands. This will give him three grades of cars: low-priced, medium-
and higher-priced, and the finest auto show room in the state.
INTEREST OF WILLIAM A. GATESMr. Gates has just returned from Portland, where he placed an order for eighty Ford cars, which he expects to sell during the coming year. The Ford ranks as the best cheap car on the market, the virtues of the Overland are testified to by the fact that it was the best seller in the local market this season. The Cole ranks among the best of its kind. Medford Mail Tribune, October 10, 1913, page 5 Medford Man to Handle Cole.
Gray, of the Northwest Auto Company, wore a smile the other day that
wouldn't come off. It seems that he had just signed up for a good
contract a man known all over the Willamette Valley for his shrewdness
in buying and selling automobiles. This is C. E. Gates, of Medford, who
had been looking for a new agency but had hesitated for a long time as
to what cars he should handle. The contract was closed only after a big
Cole Six had been driven down from town to Medford and had been given a
grueling and exhaustive trial by Gates himself around the city of
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 26, 1913, page 50
C. E. Gates, Court Hall and Seely Hall returned Friday from Portland
where they attended the Northwest Auto Show. Seely reports seeing a
number of former Medfordites, some prosperous, and others privates in
the rear ranks of the army of the unemployed. All three proclaim the
auto show as a success and a great educational factor to buyers and
sellers of machines.
and Personal," Medford
Mail Tribune, January 31, 1914, page 2
C. E. Gates, the auto man, has
had a phenomenal record during the
two and a half years he has been in business in Medford. He began in a
building on South Riverside, where he sold the Overland cars and "put
them on the roads in Jackson County." By careful attention to business,
being accommodating at all times and selling goods with merit, he has
built up a wonderful business and moved into his present commodious
quarters about nine months ago, which is one of the most up-to-date
auto sales rooms and supply houses between San Francisco and Portland,
containing about 5,000 feet of floor space, which is the show room for
cars and the home of everything for the auto and the auto owner and
driver.A white tile front brick service station was recently completed just north of his show room, with 3750 feet of floor space and equipped to care for the cars he sells, Fords, Overlands and Coles. Mr. Gates is the pioneer auto dealer in Medford today as there is no man or firm in the city selling autos that was here when he came and only one firm running a garage that was operating one when he began business. During the two and a half years, Mr. Gates says, he has sold 350 autos in Jackson County, and of this number, 102 new and 15 second-hand cars have been sold since January, 1914. The phenomenal sale has been on Ford cars. Mr. Gates took the agency for Jackson County, north of a line across the county from east to west, north of Talent, January 1, 1914 and since that time has sold 96 new Fords, or one for about every 200 population in his district. The record sales during this time was early in June, when he sold twelve cars in twelve working hours. Mr. Gates has an extensive acquaintance all over the county and his store is becoming known as "the house of economy" and "the pride of the Pacific Coast." Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1914, page 5 Earl Fisher of the Gates garage has instituted a new Ford service whereby an auto is rented out by the hour the same as a horse and buggy. The owner furnishes everything but a driver. By this means people with auto driving inclinations but with no machine can be accommodated. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 30, 1915, page 2 C. E. Gates Thursday received a carload shipment of eight Fords. Eleven people were waiting for them. Some were so anxious for the machines that they assembled the parts themselves. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1915, page 2 The Stolen Pie, a local comedy with C. E. Gates as hobo, and Lowe Zundel the pretty vivacious cherry-lipped girl who likes to pick them, will be shown at the Star. The film has been dated in Grants Pass, Ashland, Gold Hill and Roseburg. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 15, 1916, page 2 C. E. Gates in the "Stolen Pie" will be shown in a few days. It's a scream. Star Theatre advertisement, Medford Mail Tribune, June 15, 1916, page 2 MEDFORD COMEDY AT STAR SUNDAY
Mail Tribune, June 17, 1916, page 5
The moving picture made in Medford by local talent is ready for showing
and promises to be a big hit. The photography, action, etc., is first
class. C. E. Gates makes a dandy tramp and does some very funny stunts.
He is supported by Lowell Zundel, who plays the woman, and who also
does some splendid movie tricks. No doubt this picture, which is the
first real movie play to be made in Medford, will prove one of the
biggest drawing cards the Star has ever offered. The cast includes Miss
Gladys Mumun, Browning Purdin, Gus Newbury, Catherine Swem, Charles
Campbell, Miss Marie Gates, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Nedd, J. W.
McNerney of
Portland, Carl Tengwald, H. C. Behling, J. A. Westerlund, Miss Laura
Gates, Dr. Hart, H. A. Latta, Charles Thomas, Fred Mears, Elmer Foss,
Chief Hittson, Officer Cady and hundreds of others. This picture will
be shown at the Star Theater onSunday.
of people Friday saw their friends and neighbors in action in the first
moving picture comedy ever acted in Medford. C. E. Gates, Lowe Zundel
and Carl Tengwald in the leading parts elicited favorable comments.
Many clever situations were evolved. The trick camera work was used to good advantage, the scaling of fences, high barns, auto garages, and the shoot-the-chutes were applauded. One scene in particular is worth mention, when a tramp is seen sitting upon the trolley tracks eating his pie when a car approaches and runs into him, picking him up on the fender and carrying him out of the scene. In the shooting scene on Main Street Chief of Police Hittson took six shots at the fleeing tramp, but the tramp was later seen running down South Oakdale Street. The arrival of the tramp in a side door Pullman and his subsequent chase through the railroad yards precedes the showing of a picnic scene on the library lawn. Before discovering the picnic the tramp (Pop Gates), however, makes an unsuccessful attempt to secure a handout at the homes of Mrs. J. C. Mann and Mrs. Katie Emig, the latter turning the hose upon him. Arriving at the library, the tramp makes off with a pie. This is what starts the trouble. After this, things move rapidly until he is placed under arrest. Twenty well-known ladies are featured in the picture, as well as hundreds of others who were in the picnic scene. Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1916, page 3 Marvelous Growth of the Gates
Automobile Co.
Mail Tribune, March 5, 1917, page 15
Within a few days incorporation papers of the C. E. Gates Auto
will be filed with the secretary of state. The growth of this
institution is nothing short of marvelous. Five years ago, the 3rd of
February, 1912, "Pop" Gates, the founder of the business, came to
Medford with a carload of automobiles, locating on South Riverside. The
business soon outgrew the place and on September 1, 1913, it was moved
into the Sparta building.
A line of auto supplies has been gradually added to meet the increasing demands. The room accommodated the business very nicely until June, 1914, when the addition of a garage on Riverside Avenue was necessary. In the fall of 1916 when Mr. Gates realized that the business was getting too big for one person to give every department the necessary personal supervision, which had contributed so largely to its success, and he induced a brother, W. A. Gates, to become associated with him, taking charge of the supply end of the business. In bringing him to Medford, he had a twofold purpose in view, one to relieve him of part of the load of conducting the business and the other to combat the mail order evil, which was beginning to be felt. Realizing that the best way to whip a man is to fight him at his own game, he selected his brother, who had spent 11 years with the world's second largest mail order house. "Pop" Gates says, "we used to have some fears of the mail order houses hurting our business, but we have taken good care of that. We can safely say that there is less money going to mail order houses from Medford for automobile supplies than from any town of its size on the coast. There is only one solution to the mail order problem and that is: Give the customer just as much for the money as he can get from the mail order house and at the same time give the very best personal service. We have a number of mail order catalogues in our store and if a customer becomes skeptical, we bring them out, put the goods on the counter and convince him in a jiffy that he should buy at home." Further growth of the business necessitated building an addition to the garage for a repair shop and a new departure from all established methods was made. This applies to Ford owners only. When the owner of a Ford brings his car to the shop for work he is told in advance exactly what the job will cost. That it is appreciated by car owners is clearly shown by the fact that six mechanics have been steadily employed throughout the dull winter months. On March 1st all the remaining floor space on the ground floor of the Sparta building was added and within the next thirty days a complete and up-to-date storage battery station will be put in operation in the room on Riverside, vacated by the motorcycle shop. "We still have a big job ahead of us," said Mr. Gates, and that is the reason we are incorporating. We believe that with George, Bill, and myself interested, the business will receive closer personal attention than could otherwise be given it. Bill will handle the supplies, while I will handle the car business in the city and George will handle it outside. It is our aim to give Jackson County autoists as complete an institution as can be found on the Pacific Coast." MAYOR'S SON ILL IN PARIS HOSPITAL
Because the Jackson County members of Battery E, 65th artillery, have
four months pay coming and are broke, Mayor Gates several days ago
wired United States Senator Chamberlain at Washington asking how money
could be sent to the boys in France. The answer just received is not
comforting. The senator wires that the way to send money is through a
money order addressed to some point in England, where it would be
forwarded to France.
If this procedure is followed it would be months before money would reach the recipient, and in the meantime the boys would probably have been paid off. Hence the Medford and Jackson County boys in the battery will probably be without any spending money for some time to come. Mayor Gates' special anxiety over this broken condition of the boys, according to recent letters received by their relatives, is the fact that his son, Sergeant George Gates, is sick in a military hospital in Paris with only 50 cents in his pockets. The mayor is anxious to hurl a big wad of money George's way. The Gates family is greatly worried about George. The first known of his illness was last Saturday when a letter arrived from him, dated May 27, saying he was still in the hospital, had been for three weeks and would be there three weeks longer, as the surgeons were trying out a new kind of vaccination on him. He did not state what disease he was ill with and wrote as though his folks knew all about his being in the hospital. His previous letter evidently never reached them. How would you like to be in a hospital in a strange country four or five thousand miles from home with only 50 cents in your pocket? was the plaintive comment written by George in his last letter. He also wrote that for two weeks there was no one in the hospital he could talk to, as the nurses and attendants were all French. "But the other morning," he continued, "an Irish Red Cross nurse blew into the hospital and now mebby we didn't have a good time talking." Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1918, page 2 RUSH WORK ON NEW BUILDING OF
Medford Mail Tribune,
January 15, 1920, page 3
*It was on the southwest corner--site of the Middleford
Parking Garage.
Ground was
broken by last week on the site of the big concrete building of the C.
E. Gates Auto Company, at the southeast [sic]*
corner of Sixth and South Riverside streets, and the work of pouring
the concrete for the structure, which is expected to be completed and
ready for occupancy by April 1st, started today. R. I. Stuart is
the contractor and Frank Clark is the architect.
This immediate vicinity promises to develop into a new auto center of Medford, as several auto concerns are negotiating for the purchase of building sites there, and due to their efforts property is fast rising in price in that section. It is said that the corner lot opposite the new Gates building on Sixth Street is now held at $4800, whereas six months ago it could have been purchased for $1600. The Gates building will be 141 by 121 feet in dimensions, with one floor about 16 feet high, and so built that another floor can be easily added later on. The building will have an imposing front, and the large floor space will be divided into a car showroom and store for tractors and farm implements with a daylight repair shop in the rear. One unique feature of this building and a very desirable one is that there will not be a post on the entire floor. The structure will have a truss roof. GATES RESIDENCE WILL BE READY TO
Construction work is progressing fast on
the splendid new Dutch Colonial home of Mayor C. E. Gates, which with
its commodious walled-in grounds and commanding location will be one of
the finest residence properties in Medford and will be ready for
occupancy on April 1st, when the mayor and family will at once move in,
and Sam Richardson and family will move into the present Gates home, 31
Geneva street, which was purchased by Mr. Richardson some time ago.The concrete walls about the grounds are all ready, as is the modern garage and chicken coop, the deep cellar has been dug in the solid rock, and the walls are being poured for the fine new home. The location is on an eminence northeast of the Roosevelt School, at the corner of Queen Anne and Academy streets, and extending back to Jackson Street with the front on Queen Anne, and giving a magnificent view of the city and valley. An especially pleasing feature to Mr. and Mrs. Gates is that their new home is just outside the fog belt. The mayor is very proud of the outfit and says this will be his last move, calls it the old homestead, and says that he will live there until he dies, and in speaking of his eventually shuffling off he probably has in mind that luxurious chicken coop which is far too fine a place for chickens to dwell in. In the cemented and hardwood-floored barn will be kept a saddle horse and a cow if the splendor of their immediate surroundings allow them to exist long. George Gates is considering building a home immediately adjoining the new one of his parents. Medford Mail Tribune, January 31, 1920, page 6
It was with surprise that business circles in the city learned today
that William A. Gates has sold out his minority holdings to the C. E.
Gates Auto Company to C. E. Gates and George Gates, who hold
the remainder of the company's stock, and is no longer connected with
that concern.
Mr. Gates, who has been a resident of Medford for the past five or six years, during which time he was connected with the Gates auto concern in which he became a minority stockholder when it was incorporated in March 1917, will after a few weeks' rest with his wife and adopted daughter visit for a month at their old home in the East, after which he will return and look over the Pacific Coast with a view to entering business again. Medford Mail Tribune, May 13, 1920, page 3 Mayor C. E. Gates
One Christmas me and my oldest brother,
when we were about 10 years old, pestered our father until he gave us a
dollar each for Christmas. When we got up, we found a sack of candy and
a dollar in our socks, and we went right downtown and proceeded to
spend it. About noon we showed up at home, and then came the bluest
Christmas I had ever known. I had spent my dollar and had no toys to
play with. I managed to get through the day all right, but after that I
did not dictate what I was going to get from Santa Claus."How I Earned My First Dollar," Medford Mail Tribune, September 16, 1921, page 4 CHARLES EDWIN GATES.
Charles Edwin Gates is a splendid
example of sheer pluck and natural ability and a striking figure of a
self-made American. He is now serving as mayor of Medford, and his
capability and worth in office are widely acknowledged. He was born in
the little town of Monticello, Indiana, in December, 1871, his parents
being Jacob and Mary (Hastings) Gates, both of whom were
representatives of old pioneer families. His father was engaged in the
railroad business and spent thirty-three years of his life in
transportation service. When Charles E. Gates was but a youth of tender
years, the family removed to Pulaski County, Indiana, and there he
obtained a common school education. When but fifteen years of age he
taught in a small country school in order to enable him to secure a
commercial training in the Hall Business College at Logansport,
Indiana. It was not his educational qualifications that secured him the
teacher's job at that early age but the recognition on the part of the
school directors of the fact that the boy possessed rare executive
ability and much self-reliance, and as the school had been changing
teachers quite often they gave Mr. Gates the chance to see it he could
instill into the pupils some degree of obedience to rules. This he
emphatically did, at once giving the pupils to understand who
was master in the room. Following his graduation from the business college Mr. Gates decided to become a court reporter and for a brief period was in a law office, but that line of activity failed to appeal to him and he secured employment with the Columbus Construction Company, which at that time was engaged in building a pipeline for natural gas from Greentown to Chicago. Entering the company's office as a clerk Mr. Gates in less than four months had so impressed the managers with his natural ability that he was appointed statistician of the entire line. He remained with the company for eight years, a portion of which time was spent as chief accountant in the Chicago office. For several years afterward he was connected with the Economic Fuel Gas Company and in 1897 became associated with the McIlwaine Richards Gas Well & Supply Company, with which he continued in various capacities until 1901, when he was made general manager of the company's plant at Noblesville, Indiana, and held such responsible posts as president of the Bath Tub Manufacturers Association of the United States, vice president and chairman of the organization committee of the Soil Pipe Manufacturers Association and other kindred and mammoth business enterprises. The twelve years which Mr. Gates put in as an active worker in this field so undermined his health as to force his retirement from strenuous duty and in 1912 he came to Oregon seeking rest and health. Visiting Medford, Mr. Gates concluded he could find no better place on the coast and, sending for his family, at once established his home in this city. For a man of his energy and determination something must be doing all the time, so he turned his attention to the automobile business, becoming agent for the Overland cars. Something of his business ability may be seen in the fact that in the first season he sold seventy-seven cars and more than a hundred in the second season. In 1914 he accepted the agency of the Ford Company and since that period has handled only the Ford cars and Fordson tractors. On a prominent corner of the city he has erected a handsome garage and service station of one hundred and forty by one hundred and twenty feet, which is modern in every particular and detail and includes a large display room, accessories store, women's rest room which is fitted up to be of real service to his patrons, one of its many features being cribs for tired infants, repair shop and service station. Nothing has been omitted in the construction of this model garage. Twenty-six persons are employed in the plant, eleven of whom are expert mechanics. While he has developed an important enterprise in this connection Mr. Gates is also the vice president of the Farmers & Fruit Growers Bank of Medford, and in all things he displays sound business judgment as well as unfaltering enterprise. Mr. Gates was united in marriage to Miss Leah A. Farnsley, of a well-known pioneer family of Kentucky, and they have become the parents of three children: Eltha Marie, now the wife of J. Wesley Judge of Medford; Laura, the wife of James E. Kerr of Medford; and George E., who is associated with his father in business, the firm name being the C. E. Gates Automobile Company. George E. Gates has a notable war record, having enlisted in 1917. He was sent to Fort Columbia and later to Camp Lewis and in March, 1918, went overseas as a member of Battery E, Sixty-Fifth Regiment. He served with that command throughout the period of active duty in France, the close of the war finding him in an officer's training camp in that country. George E. Gates is a Mason, also a Knight of Pythias and an Elk. He was married and has an infant son, George E., Jr., the mother having passed away. The Masonic fraternity has long enjoyed the stalwart and loyal support of Charles E. Gates, who has attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite and is a member of the Mystic Shrine. While in Noblesville, Indiana, he occupied the post of exalted ruler of the Elks lodge and since coming to Medford was made chairman of the Elks building committee, which erected the handsome Elks Club building and is now chairman of its board of trustees. He was chairman of the Red Cross, also chairman of the Council of Defense and chairman of the Liberty Loan drives during the World war. For two terms he has been the president of the Medford Chamber of Commerce and he is now serving for the third term as mayor of Medford, his administration being characterized by a most businesslike and progressive spirit, productive of splendid results. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian Church and for the past seven years he has been on the church board at Medford. In a word his activities have had to do with all that tends to advance the material, intellectual, social, political and moral welfare of the city. His efforts have been a most potent force in producing results highly gratifying, and Medford places him among her most valued residents and names him as a splendid example of American manhood and chivalry. Charles Henry Carey, History of Oregon, 1922, page 378 POLITICS BLAMED BY MAYOR FOR FAIR DISMISSAL
Mayor C. E. Gates today
issued the following statement on his removal from the state fair board
by Gov. Ben W. Olcott:Statement Issued Saying Governor's Action No Surprise and "Politics Makes Queer Creatures Out of the Best of Men"--Portland Version. City of Medford, Oregon,
Ben W. Olcott,May 21, 1922 Salem, Ore. Dear Sir: Your letter of May 29th received, and I assure you it was no surprise to me. I accept it with the realization that politics makes queer creatures out of the best of men. I sincerely hope you will not be disappointed in the additional support you expect to gain by this act. I shall never forget at least the many compliments you paid me for valuable services rendered during the holding of the last fair, while now I am dismissed for the good of the service. Very truly yours,
The news contained in Portland newspapers reaching Medford late
yesterday afternoon that Governor Olcott had ousted Mayor Gates from
the state fair board, effective June 1st, of which he had been such an
active and conspicuous member, was a distinct surprise to the local
public, but not so much to the mayor himself, as he had long expected
some such move by the governor in view of the latter's decided stand
against the Ku Klux Klan and his own connection with the local Klan.C. E. GATES. Pop received the news with good grace, was exceptionally cheerful this forenoon, and discussed the governor's action freely and without rancor with friends, many of whom called at his business quarters this forenoon. He was also kept busy by Portland newspapers calling up this forenoon, and others from Portland and the north end of the state, about the rumor that he might become an independent candidate for governor. To all such queries the mayor replied that he knew nothing about such possible candidacy, all talk of which has originated in Portland and other parts of the state, beyond stray items appearing now and then in Portland and Salem newspapers that he was looked upon as a possible or probable independent candidate. He also stated that some time ago when it appeared that Governor Olcott had won the nomination over Charles Hall, the Ku Klux Klan candidate, several men from the northern part of the state had called him up by phone and asked him if he would not entertain the idea of running as an independent candidate for governor. The mayor did not take this question seriously at the time or since, and so stated to the inquirers and local friends with whom he talked about the matter. He so informed all telephone inquirers from the north today. The mayor has also received a number of inquiries of this nature, which were answered the same as the telephone inquiries. Mayor Gates has been a very active worker on the state fair board and is chairman of a number of its important committees. In fact contracts and other important business relating to the coming state fair are piled on his desk, and more coming in with every mail, awaiting his signature and views. He will have to hurry this state fair business out of the way by tonight, as the governor's edict retires him as state board member June 1st. Beyond his formal reply to Governor Olcott's dismissal letter, published above, Mayor Gates had no statement for publication on the affair today. The press version of the ousting is as follows: ----
SALEM, May 30.--C. E. Gates of Medford was today notified by Governor
Olcott of his removal as a member or the state fair board, effective
June 1. The removal, the governor explains in a letter to Gates, is
made for the "good of the service."Further than this, Governor Olcott refused to comment on his action in removing Gates, who was appointed to the fair board shortly before the state fair last fall. Speculation here, however, has it that the removal of Gates, who is said to be an active Ku Klux Klansman, signalizes a general house cleaning which may be expected to include all Klansmen who might be found within the ranks of the official family. The name of Gates has been prominently mentioned as an independent candidate for governor in the November contest, with the backing of the K.K.K. Gates, it is understood, sought the endorsement of the federated societies for his candidacy and only withdrew from the gubernatorial race when this endorsement was not forthcoming. The letter of the governor to Gates reads as follows: "This is to advise you that you are removed as a member of the state board of fair directors, such removal to become effective June 1, 1922. This action is taken under the provisions of section 4043, Oregon laws, for the good of the service." The governor stated Monday that he has another man in mind for the post and that the announcement of his appointment could be expected within a few days. POP GATES MEETS UP WITH MYSTERY
Their experience of last night encountered on their way home
by the
Pacific Highway from a visit with friends at Grants Pass will
never be
forgotten by Mayor C. E. Gates and Mrs. Gates. It was uncanny
thrilling, and is still a mystery. The head of the city and his wife were en route home at 1 a.m. in a big Studebaker Six auto, about a mile and a half this side of Rogue River, going at a twenty-five (censored) mile-an-hour pace, when the powerful flashlights showed a white object ahead in the road. "What can that be?" each exclaimed to the other. It was a moonlight night, and they didn't know, but as they approached nearer the white object was disclosed to be a man, garbed only in white pajamas, red bandanna handkerchief tied about his head, and wearing socks, who was busily engaged running at a swift pace, head to the front and looking neither to the right nor left. This greatly puzzled Mr. and Mrs. Gates, who could not account for the man's attire and actions at that hour. Neither did he slow up nor look around or up as the car flew (censored) past him, but maintained his onward speed at the right side of the road. As they passed by Mrs. Gates looked around and saw the man was still running. Was he intent on escaping from a pursuer or pursuers or was he running in his sleep? No one knows. While the Medford folks were still speculating on the meaning of the unwonted spectacle, their car came suddenly to a stop two miles on the other side of Central Point, having run out of gas, although its tank had, prior to the trip, been half filled with gasoline. The mayor thinks someone must have partially emptied the tank after it was filled. They waited there helpless on the highway, with nerves somewhat at high tension because of the strange sight of the running man they had seen on the highway some distance back, until finally a Ford car out of Central Point came along whose driver, on approaching, shouted out the welcome question, "Is that you, Pop?" However, on measuring his tank it was ascertained that his car had only a little gas. Nothing was left to do but hitch the two cars together in a sort of fashion, by which the big Studebaker was hauled by the little Ford back to Central Point. The fastening line parted just as the garage was reached in that town, but each car was able to swerve out of harm's way. The garage was closed, and Central Point at that hour, about 2 a.m., was like a graveyard in its quietness and darkness. Leaving the two cars, Mayor Gates started out to find someone--rather a hopeless seeming task, until quite a distance away he heard a cough around the corner of a nearby building. "Please come here out of that, any kind of a man will look good at this time of night," shouted the mayor. Back came the welcome words for the second time that night, "Is that you, Pop?" It was the night watchman, who happened to have a key to the garage, from which the Medford car was given an ample supply and the homeward journey continued without further mishap. Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1922, page 3 GEORGE GATES TRIES POLE VAULT AND
George Gates of the C. E. Gates Auto Co. is in the Sacred Heart
Hospital with a badly fractured left arm suffered yesterday afternoon
in a peculiar accident at the dual track meet between Medford High and
Central Point High at the Holly Street public schools athletic park in
this city.
Mr. Gates, who in former years was an athlete, especially distinguished in pole vaulting, and who is still of an athletic turn of mind, or was until the accident happened, was the official starter of the meet. While waiting for the meet to begin he could not resist taking part in the pole vault practice being indulged in on the field by some of the school athletes. In making a high vault he, in landing in the hole for that purpose, slipped on the edge and broke his arm in two places. The member was broken square in two in one place. Saying nothing to anyone about the accident he walked away to his auto, in which his wife was waiting, drove away fast for Dr. Conroy's office and en route tersely told her that his arm was broken. First aid was administered by the doctor, and then the injured man was hurriedly taken to the hospital, where the fracture was set and his left side from hip to shoulder was encased in plaster. He will be laid up for weeks. This accident to Mr. Gates comes at a very inopportune time, as he is chairman of the committee in charge of the big automobile and motorcycle meet to be held here June 15, 16 next. His place, it is presumed, will be taken by Seely Hall, the vice-president of the committee. Medford Mail Tribune, May 17, 1923, page 5 'POP' GATES BACK WITH SEVEN NEW
Medford Mail Tribune, November
1, 1923, page 8
When former mayor and Mrs. C. E. Gates and their grandson, George,
arrived home from their two months' visit in the East yesterday they
brought with them seven new residents for Medford from the Hoosier
State, who will eventually swell the Gates' vote hereabouts.
The newcomers are: Mrs. Gates' mother, Mrs. Margaret Fernsley of Michigan City, Ind., who will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gates hereafter, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Kellogg and their four daughters, also of Michigan City, who will reside here. Mrs. Kellogg is a sister of Mrs. Gates. The oldest of the four daughters is 18, the next oldest between 16 and 17, and the other two are twin girls five years old. When the Medford-bound assemblage walked into the Imperial Hotel at Portland the other day the headwaiter shook hands with "Pop," and then knocked out a partition in the dining room to make room for seating the convention of ten. About that time Wm. A. Gates, who happened to be in Portland also at that time, wandered into the Imperial and remarked to brother Charles, "Is this a party or a neighborhood?" When they arrived in Medford yesterday morning, all happy to get there, it required a bevy of autos to convey them to the Gates home on Queen Anne Ave. "While we enjoyed our visit at our old homes in Indiana and in visiting relatives and friends in the East we are certainly glad to get back home again," said Pop Gates today. "In all our travels we saw no place that equaled Medford. Most of the time we were gone was spent in Indiana and Michigan points. "During the first six weeks I attended no less than five Kiwanis Club luncheons in as many cities. I also visited among other points while away the Ford auto factory, Port Huron, Mich., shook the hand of Lloyd George, the British statesman, and attended his meeting at Indianapolis, Ind., loafed about with various old friends at various places and had a general good time." ![]() C. E. GATES
Lincoln, Ford and Fordson
Located in Medford at Riverside and Sixth is the
distributor for the Lincoln, Ford and Fordson, and also carry
a complete line of accessories, attachments and implements. They are
one of the most metropolitan motor companies in this section.
Few cities of a like size in the nation can boast of such modern and up-to-date Ford Service. Not only because they are [an] authorized sales and service station for the Ford and Fordson, but because they render a most efficient service, this well-known automobile company has become known as the home of the Ford and Fordson in this section. When the firm started in business as the sales and service agents for the Ford, by careful management and good salesmanship, its business grew to large proportions, and foreseeing the future of the automobile business, it is able to offer the best of service for their line. That the Ford is universally recognized as the greatest motor value of the age is the opinion of the experts as well as the casual buyer. For service and reasonableness of price the Ford reigns supreme. The Ford commercial truck has come to be recognized as one of the indispensable features of the latter-day business equipment and has proven worthy, both in endurance and speed of the name it bears. It has become the popular truck for both the business man and the farmer and has greatly increased the progress and prosperity of both. When it comes to Ford parts, the firm is headquarters in this section. There are few establishments in the larger cities that carry a more complete stock of parts. This is a very important feature, as it saves the public much time when delay would be costly. The Fordson tractors stand without a peer, for never have these values been duplicated. They have the latest improvements, and it takes something besides engineering to furnish a tractor like the Fordson, for it cuts farm costs in half. Whenever power farming is being done Fordson is showing superior service. The managers are courteous and accommodating and will be pleased to show you the advantages of having this wonderful car. We are pleased to compliment the firm on the efficiency of their service, and the wonderful value of the car they have chosen to offer the public of this section. Central Point American, May 6, 1926, page 5 ![]() Gates
Motor Co., southwest corner of Sixth and Riverside. Medford Mail Tribune, January
2, 1926
The Gates Auto Company has moved its office to the center front room of their building and has installed the latest steel furniture, including filing cases, desks and counters, and have put in a new safe to match. This change was made to keep in touch with increasing business and for convenience and economy. "Personals," Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1926, page 3 The C. E. Gates Auto Company have started the erection of a second story to their present building at Sixth and Riverside to better accommodate its fast increasing business. This big improvement is expected to be completed by January 1st, the cost being $15,000. Bliss Heine, "Medford," Central Point American, November 5, 1926, page 5 C. E. GATES ON HIGHWAY COMMISSION
Ex-mayor of Medford Gates, "Pop" Gates, C. E. Gates,
everybody in southern Oregon (especially Ford owners) knows Mr. Gates
personally, and practically everyone in the state knows that Mr. Gates
is a member of the state highway commission appointed by Governor
Patterson this week. Southern Oregon is deserving of representation on
this important commission, and southern Oregon, in the person of C. E.
Gates, has furnished a member one hundred percent true blue and loyal
to Oregon. Mr. Gates is a worker and has never been found wanting when
there were any public duties to perform. Southern Oregon will benefit
by the presence of C. E. Gates on the highway commission.
Ashland American, April 8, 1927, page 2 The Press and "Pop"
Ole Pop Gates
So Hizzoner the Governor has appointed C. E. Gates, of Medford, a
member of the state highway commission, in succession to Judge Malone
of Corvallis, thereby giving Southern Oregon the first recognition that
section has had since the highway department was created. E. J. Adams,
of Eugene, was on the first commission. He was succeeded by Robert A.
Booth, who is just such a forceful character as H. B. Van Duzer. Both
Adams and Booth were residents of Lane County. Malone took the next
western Oregon vacancy.
The executive has made a wise choice. If he had hunted the southern section of the state over, and he probably did, he could not have found a man better qualified than Gates to fill this important position. Gates, familiarly and affectionately known as "Pop," has long been a prominent resident of Medford. He has been in the automobile business and knows roads. It was his county that pioneered in highway construction, Jackson being the original county to issue road bonds for a permanent highway from Central Point to Ashland. For years this stretch in the Rogue River Valley was the only paved road in the state, aside from the Columbia River Highway, and the thousands who motored to California the year of the Pacific International Exposition found the pavement in Jackson County a relief from the then awful roads through the Cow Creek and Pass Creek canyons. The national state editorial association went to Medford in the summer of 1919, and the live wires of Medford took the party to Crater Lake. It was the good fortune of the writer and his family to ride with Gates, who tooled his car over the rough-and-tumble Lake of the Woods road to the rim with never a simmer of the radiator. That was an unusual feat in those days. After Pop Gates has functioned on the highway commission a little while, that body will not be a one-man organization, unless that man is Pop. He is a big, broad-gauged, whole-souled person--with opinions. He has money enough to make the sacrifice of serving the state without salary, and he will give honest and capable service. We congratulate the governor and the people of Oregon. The state has had some very good highway commissioners. They have been men of integrity and have played politics as little as possible. Gates will be a worthy successor of Benson, Yeon, Booth, Thompson and a number of others. His job will not be as difficult as it was for some of his predecessors, who had to create public sentiment for good highways as they went along. Gates will not have to do that. But he will have ideas and will not be afraid to say no when appeals for new construction cannot meet the budget. His fellow townsmen will be pleased and so should the state in general, for Pop has the right stuff in him for this particular job and we believe he will make good.--Oregon City Enterprise. THE NEW HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER
Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1927, page B6
Rather than as a political appointment, we prefer to think of the
naming of C. E. Gates of Medford to the state highway commission as a
proper recognition of the unwavering support to and encouragement of
the state highway program given by Jackson County. The Southern Oregon
community was one of the first to awake to the advantages of paved
highways, and it has spent liberally of its own funds in furtherance of
this sort of progress. It has not heretofore been represented on the
Mr. Gates has been closely identified with political movements and is a party leader in Southern Oregon. There is no doubt some political obligation due him from Governor Patterson, for he was a warm supporter of the governor's candidacy. But Mr. Gates is also a man of business substance and affairs. He has the united support of his community for the position which has been offered him, and his statement of acceptance indicates a true conception of the large responsibilities that fall upon the highway commission. The statement assures us that his aptitude for politics will not intrude upon the business of the commission. We now recall that Governor Patterson, himself, has been fairly active in politics in Oregon, but in his as yet brief career as governor he has placed constructive ideals ahead of political considerations. We know of no reason why Mr. Gates should not do likewise.--Portland Oregonian. C. E. Gates Auto Company
The Gates Auto Company of Medford located on No. Riverside is the
distributors for the Lincoln, Ford and Fordson and also carry a
complete line of accessories. They are one of the most metropolitan
motor companies in Medford. Few cities of a like size in the nation can
boast of such modern and up-to-date Ford service. Not only because of
the equipment but because they render a most efficient service, this
well-known automobile company has become known as the home of the Ford
and Fordson in this section.LINCOLN--FORD--FORDSON When the firm started in business they started on the principle of careful management and courteous treatment of all patrons, and its business has grown to large proportions. That the new Ford is universally recognized as the greatest motor value of the age is the opinion of the experts as well as the buyers. For service and reasonableness of price the new Ford reigns supreme with the following standard equipment: Starter, Five Steel-Spoke Wheels, Windshield Wiper, Speedometer, Gasoline Gauge, Ammeter, Dash Light, Mirror, Rear and Stop Light, Oil Gauge and Ignition Lock. The experience gained in building 15,000,000 cars enabled Ford to put out a car with this equipment and at a price within the reach of all. With this car we believe Ford made a record that will never be equaled in the fact that over one-half million cars were sold before one was delivered. The truck embodies the same basic improvement as in the new passenger car chassis. When it comes to Ford parts this firm is headquarters in this section. There are few establishments in the larger cities that carry a more complete stock of parts than Gates Auto Company. This is a very important feature, as it saves the public much time when delay would be costly. The Fordson tractors stand without a peer, for never have these values been duplicated. They have the latest improvements, and it takes something besides engineering to furnish a tractor like the Fordson, for it cuts farm costs in half. Whenever power farming is being done, Fordson is showing superior service. The managers are courteous and accommodating and will be pleased to show you the advantages of having this wonderful car. We are pleased to compliment the firm on the efficiency of their service, and the wonderful value of the car they have chosen to offer the public of this section. GEORGE GATES, JR. GETS ALLIGATOR FROM GRANDPAP
The second baby alligator sent by C. E. Gates, now with Mrs. Gates in
Indiana, to his little grandson George, 8, during the past week arrived
at the Gates Motor Company this morning and crawled out of its round
bamboo cage very much alive and thirsty. His smaller brother, sent
several days ago, died on the way.
A sand box and long pan of water was furnished for the southern visitor in the window of the motor company on Riverside Street, and he plunged into the water with keen and obvious relish, after which he crawled out into the warm sand and basked in the sunshine throughout the morning. Believing that he might be hungry and being at a loss as to the proper menu for the alligator, one of the employees called up a local seed and feed store. He was told that Florida crocodiles generally relished morsels the size of little George. Upon hearing the news, Little George, to demonstrate Medford's hospitality to strangers, volunteered to dig a week's supply of angle worms for the newcomer. The reptile will remain the Gates company window until he recuperates from the strain of the long trip. Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1928, page 5
![]() January 1, 1928 Medford Mail Tribune EXPECT POP GATES TO RETURN SUNDAY
SALEM, Ore., March. 11.--(AP)--Governor Julius L. Meier today appointed
Charles K. Spaulding, Salem senator, lumberman and capitalist, as a
member of the state highway commission, succeeding C. E. (Pop) Gates of
There will be little rest for C. E. Gates for some
time after his arrival home from Miami, Fla., where he attended the
Shrine convention as a delegate from Hillah Temple, and various stops
in Indiana and Illinois, and at Los Angeles, while en route home. He
left on the eastern trip about the 10th of last month.
Hardly will Pop have time to say "howdy-do" to his folks, and look over his place of business to see if it is still there, consult a moment with George to see how business has been going, and reune with grandson George for an hour or so, than he will be besieged by state and local importuners about Pacific Highway and county fair matters, and the like, as much has been awaiting his coming. He is now pegging towards home as fast as the trains will carry him, barring a day or so stop at Los Angeles on business, where he now is, and is expected to arrive home Saturday night or Sunday. Medford Mail Tribune, May 15, 1928, page 2 POP GATES LOST HIS VOICE, BUT LIKED HIS TRIP
After having traveled over 10,000 miles since leaving for the national
convention of the Shrine at Miami, Fla., a month ago, and visiting
various large and small cities in the Far West, Middle West, South and
Southwest, C. E. Gates arrived home last Saturday noon, sold more than
ever before on Medford and the Rogue River Valley as a beautiful
residence place.This is not boost talk on the part of Pop--he says he honestly felt it Saturday and still feels it today. He saw many other pretty places, but their greenery was artificial--he hardly knows how to express it, but it was not like the good old grand scenery of Oregon. Something different in the atmosphere of those other places, but what's the use--he can't tell just why Medford and the valley is so beautifully different to him. "I felt it when coming down the Siskiyous Saturday and when I stepped from the Shasta train at Ashland into George's waiting automobile in which we rushed through the valley to home," said Mr. Gates. While Pop could talk for hours about the wonders of the Shrine convention, Miami and the other cities and section visited, including Houston, Texas, where he watched the building of the great auditorium for the national Democratic convention, and which city he declares is the prettiest large city he has ever seen; New Orleans, where he ate every toothsome edible known, etc., the most impressive feature of the trip to him was that he lost his voice singing, several times, en route on the Shrine train, at Miami, and arrived in Miami without being able to utter a word for a day or more. To anyone who knows Pop Gates well, his suffering at this mishap must have been excruciating. The writer of this article would like to go fishing with him someday when he is speechless. Now as to the route he covered, going, with short stops at the various places--Portland to San Francisco, to the Grand Canyon, to Albuquerque, N.M., to Houston, Tex., to New Orleans, to Jacksonville, Fla., to Miami, where he stayed five days. He did not take the side trip to Havana, Cuba, because of lack of time, as he desired to visit various places en route back to Medford. The weather was nice and warm in Miami--a peculiar warmth, as he carried his top coat at all times. As long as he was walking he did not need it, but as soon as he stopped he found it necessary to put the coat on. Mr. Gates left for home the morning of May 4th, drove 279 miles through the Everglades to Babson Park, Fla., and next day took the train to Jacksonville, Fla., from where he visited Atlanta, Ga., Louisville, Ky., Indianapolis, Noblesport and Logansport, Ind., stopping at each place for a visit, and then on to Winamac, Ind., his native place, to visit his sister and her family. The sister had arranged a joyful surprise in having his brothers John of Port Huron, Mich., and Henry of Quincy, Ill., and their wives present for a joyful reunion. The latter weighs 298 pounds, is the largest of the Gates brothers, and Pop, the youngest of them and weighs only 204 pounds. Skinny Bill Gates of Medford, who used to weigh between 200 and 300 pounds, would have felt odd among these big brothers. From Winamac Mr. Gates went to Chicago, where he spent several days, then on to El Paso, Texas, where he spent a day, after which he visited Los Angeles for a day or two, San Francisco for a day and then came on home to Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, May 21, 1928, page 2
Mail Tribune, July 7, 1929, page 7
"Pop" Gates, Medford's veteran automobile dealer, once sold Overlands
instead of Fords. That was 18 years ago, and what's more he had a
chauffeur who drove at a speed of 25 miles per hour while Pop sat in
the back seat with the "prospect" and talked furiously about this or
that if the engine showed signs of refusing to function when they came
to a hill or rough stretch of road.
More than 100 car dealers have started business in Medford and decided to move on since Mr. Gates started selling Fords in 1913, he told a reporter Saturday in discussing his 18 years in the game. "Fords are the best cars on the market--that's why so many people buy them," Mr. Gates declared. And he should know, for there's probably not another Ford agent in the state of Oregon who has been selling Fords as long as the local dealer. From meek little machines with big horns to good-looking cars, he's seen them develop and gain in popularity each year. What Mr. Gates doesn't know about cars, the people who buy them, and those who don't, isn't worth knowing. He claims women are better drivers than men--they learn faster and aren't so reckless as their husbands. Since January, 1929, 119 Ford cars have been delivered by the C. E. Gates Auto Company to Jackson County residents. During the month of January last year no cars were sold. In January, 1929, 40 Fords were delivered by the Gates company. An example of the rapid increase in Ford sales is the fact that 15 cars have already been sold to date this month by Gates' two salesmen, C. A. Whitman and H. Froreich. "Ten years ago I was ready to quit the automobile business, as I thought that practically all the people who could and would buy a car already owned one," Mr. Gates said. "Now I'm convinced that every family will have at least three cars before many years." "Pop" Gates Has "It"
Oregon Voter, in
its issue this week, prints a character sketch of C. E. (Pop) Gates of
this city, mentioned as a candidate before the Republican nominating
committee, scheduled to meet Friday, July 25.
The article is as follows: "When it comes to personality, C. E. Gates of Medford radiates it like the rising sun on a poppy bed--he just naturally warms you into opening up. He would fill the governor's chair to overflowing with an abundance of genial physique. Light on his feet as a toe dancer, brimming with energy, quick in understanding, sympathetic as a listener, cordial, persuasive. No, he is neither a bond salesman nor a Wall Street magnate. He made one fortune selling bathtubs and another selling Fords. His home town he served by becoming its mayor without salary but with success and re-elections for as long as he felt he could serve. His larger public service in recent years has been as a member of the state highway commission, to the affairs of which he has given a considerable part of his time. No man ever looked more like a business governor ought to look, and he has plenty of insides to back up his impressive front. "'Pop' Gates, as he is affectionately called by his intimates, is an Oregonian by choice. He was a business man of national reputation in his line before he came here nearly twenty years ago, having been president of the Enameled Ware Manufacturers Association of the United States, re-elected six times after his first year's term and seeing his handsome portrait republished time and again in bathtub, washstand and kitchen sink trade papers. He also was vice president of the Soil Pipe Manufacturers Association of the United States, with his picture published alongside of hollow iron cylinders. It was a breakdown in health that caused him to visit Medford, and he became so enamored of the place that he sold out his manufacturing interests, located there in 1911 and started an automobile agency at once, at a time when Fords were just rattling in as a new kind of a road nuisance. "Gates is a native of Indiana, where the per-acre yield of politicians is the highest of any state. He was a Christmas present, but arrived one day early, December 24, 1871, and has been prompt ever since. His parents removed to Winamac, Indiana, and he was raised there, got some high school education and earned his way through a Logansport business college. When sixteen, he actually got himself hired to teach a rural school, thus proving what appearances can accomplish in impressing a country school board. But his inclination was for business, and he went to Chicago hunting for clerical work. He found it in the statistical department of Chicago Economic Gas Company, rising during eight years to an administration position in its accounting office. In 1897, Gates removed to Indianapolis to enter the employ of the McElwaine Richards Company, wholesale plumbers' supplies, and three years later was sent by that company to Noblesville, Indiana, to manage their enamelware manufacturing plant. He became vice president and general manager of the Union Sanitary Manufacturing Company, and rose to the prominent position in the trade that we have indicated above. In his full dress suit at association banquets everyone who didn't happen to know him asked who that handsome gent was. "Medford had just undergone its first big boom when Gates arrived, and even the advent of his numerous and healthy family did not save it from a heavy decrease in population. The city had been paved enthusiastically, but the assessments didn't yield enough to meet the improvement bonds, and the city government was as broke as if it had been located in Florida. There was a million dollars due and nothing to pay it with except real estate and future prospects. "'Pop' made himself part of Medford, and he was there to stay. The business men and taxpayers turned to him to take the job of mayor. He did so on condition that at the same election when his name was submitted, a charter amendment would be carried abolishing the salaries of mayor and councilmen. The measure carried almost unanimously and 'Pop' was elected. He served six years without salary or expense account, from 1916 to 1922. "Refinancing the city was the first task. Improvement bonds had been sold as low as 66 in order to get paving in front of every lot before new lots were subdivided. Pop's administration succeeded in refunding the city debt by selling a big new bond issue at par, and was smart enough to stick the bond buyer with the $1,575 cost of engraving and printing the new bonds, so the city got the entire face value of the issue without a nickel discount. "With the city's finances straightened out, Pop got busy with the Chamber of Commerce. He was the embodiment of the spirit that has made Medford famous, and he represented the community in negotiations for industries and investments. Medford started to grow again, and when he quit mayoring in 1922 it was beginning to be a city of substantial payrolls. The 1930 census finds it one of the larger cities of the state in population, and economic statistics reflect its prosperity. Pop's influence was in favor of community sentiment friendly to industry, and Medford is justly proud of its fine payroll institutions. When Pop came to Oregon, the good roads movement had hardly been conceived. He was one of its pioneer organizers. Jackson County was the first in Oregon to pave highways--it was ahead of Multnomah in this enterprise, which has transformed the state. He served as executive committeeman in the first campaign for state highway bonding, appeared before the legislature to promote good roads and became a statewide figure in that cause. It was logical that when the late Governor Patterson was reorganizing the state highway commission in 1922 that he would choose Gates as one of the three members. Gates brought to bear a wide business experience along with his enthusiasm for highway development, and by his services on the board has demonstrated caliber. "So impressed was Oregon by the Gates personality that he had lived here hardly ten years before he was mentioned as governor. Naturally tolerant, he stepped into trouble by permitting himself to be boomed by Ku Kluxers in the heyday of their power in 1922, but gracefully stepped out again when he discovered the fanaticism of the movement. None who know him hold this episode against him, for he is the reverse type from the bigot. His prominence has been such that he has been "among those mentioned" during every pre-primary gubernatorial prospecting since. Issuing a statement that "I have decided not to become a candidate this year" has become a habit with him. Usually he didn't issue it until after he got a lot of mention, as he visibly luxuriates in the sensation [of] basking in political sunshine. "Genial, Pop is a joiner. He is a high-up Mason, belonging to all the orders; has served numerous terms as Elks Club trustee; is a prominent K. of P. and Dokie. On so many Medford and state chamber committees that we have lost count. Twice president in the state AAA. Was a state fair commissioner. President of the Jackson County Fair Association. President of the Northern California-Southern Oregon Development Association. Vice president of the Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank of Medford. Owns his own business premises and home, and considerable other Medford real estate, and is a substantial investor in real estate elsewhere in Oregon and in securities. Busy all the time and finds lots of time in which to visit, to laugh and to play. Drop in and see him among his new Fords and you'll feel like a family reunion. "Oregon was a big gainer by Pop Gates' arrival in our state. We wish we had more like him. He is of gubernatorial stature--both ways--and is sound of wind, limb and judgment. Rings true--no plugs." Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1930, page 7 WHO IS AGAINST POP GATES?
To the Editor:What is the matter with C. E. Gates for Governor? Why should "Pop" be favored by many Republican leaders and newspapers in other parts of the state and be opposed by his own home-town newspaper and the local Republican machine? This creates a strange impression in other parts of the state. From what I can learn "Pop" would have an excellent chance, if he received the support at home that a leading citizen of this community is rightly entitled to would like to have the Mail Tribune explain its attitude, and many of my friends feel the same way. Why go to Salem or Bend for a Governor when we have a better one right here at home? A NEIGHBOR.
As a rule, we pay no attention to anonymous communications, but as the
above appears to be written in good faith, and is based upon a complete
misapprehension concerning this paper's attitude toward the candidacy
of a favorite son, we see no objection to making it the text of today's
leading screed.The Mail Tribune is certainly not opposed to C. E. Gates as Governor, and if he should receive the Republican nomination we would do everything in our power to secure his election. Moreover, while we can't speak officially for the Jackson County Republican organization, from what we can learn, the local representative not only isn't opposed to Mr. Gates, but is strongly for him and will fight for his nomination as long as there is the slightest chance of his securing it. We don't know to precisely what "Republican leaders and newspapers in other parts of the state" our correspondent refers, but the more there are the better we would be pleased. We haven't always agreed with Mr. Gates in the past, but the differences which caused past disagreements have long since ceased to exist, and if he can secure the nomination we will be for him 100 percent, not simply as a matter of local loyalty and pride, but because we believe he would make an excellent chief executive. So our anonymous "neighbor," as far as this paper is concerned, is--as the saying goes--"all wet." There will, no doubt, be many favorite.sons to come before the state committee convention, but, as far as loyal support back home is concerned, none will be better off than Pop Gates. While the viewpoint of Neighbor" is entirely mistaken, we think we can understand the cause of his misapprehension. We did not believe at the outset--and don't believe now--that Mr. Gates, or any other Southern Oregon candidate, has much chance of securing the gubernatorial nomination. With Eastern Oregon holding the balance of power in the convention, and with Multnomah holding the voting power, in the election, the chance of putting over a candidate from this area, via any representative convention, is, in our opinion, extremely remote. Mr. Gates has been renamed to the state highway commission. He is of great value to this part of the state in that position. We felt--and still feel--that it would be better politics and better business to make sure of this position, rather than run the risk of losing it by placing all our cards on the outside chance of landing the Governorship. However, in this stand we were overruled--properly so, no doubt. At any rate, we frankly admit we have never been able to master the fine points of politics. And we also admit that for Jackson County to have a Governor who can select the members of the highway commission would be preferable to having only one member on it. At any rate, Pop threw his sun-bonnet in the ring. And it seemed hardly necessary then--or now--to proclaim that the Mail Tribune and his fellow townsmen are for him. But we face, in this gubernatorial contest, not a theory but a condition, And that condition is that the final outcome will be decided, NOT by favorite-son enthusiasm, NOT by newspaper support, but by 36 representatives of the Republican Party, from every county in the state, each considerably concerned about THE DESIRES OF HIS OWN BAILIWICK. So all we can say, or do, is this: If any of those 36 would be for Pop Gates, if they didn't believe he lacked the united support of the people and newspapers of his home town; then they are as far up a tree as the distressed and misguided "neighbor" above mentioned, and then can--and are hereby directed--to plop down their votes for Pop, pronto. Medford and Jackson County may not possess all the virtues in the world. but one virtue they certainly do possess, that is the virtue of civic and community loyalty, united and unremitting enthusiasm for their own people, absolute devotion to whatever will promote their common welfare. With C. E. Gates a candidate, they are for him, and if he should get the nomination they will take off their coats and do everything possible to elect him. There, "Neighbor," is your answer! Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1930, page B4 POP'S BIRTHDAY SECRET IS OUT IN OREGONIAN
Pop Gates, who has been posing here at home and elsewhere throughout
the state as a promising young fellow, although it was generally known
that he was a Christmas baby, was exposed by David B. Hazen, who
usually only writes about aged war veterans and not war horses, in
yesterday's Oregonian, as follows:
"Pop Gates gladdened this world 30 minutes before midnight on Christmas Eve, 1871. His birthplace was Monticello, Ind., but while he was a mere tot the family moved to Pulaski County, Indiana. He attended the common schools in his home county, and when 15 years old became a Hoosier school teacher. "When school was ended, the teacher entered Hall Business College at Logansport, Ind. After graduating he went into a law office to study court stenography. Not liking law nor stenography, Mr. Gates soon found a clerkship with the Columbia Construction Company, continuing with it eight years. "Later he worked for a number of Indiana gas companies, then was made president of the Bath Tub Manufacturers' Association, which forced him to live in Chicago. Not liking this, he resigned and moved to Noblesville, Ind., where he was engaged in business for 11 years. There he joined the Elks, and in 1908 was exalted ruler of the Noblesville lodge. He moved from that city to Medford in the fall of 1911. He had suffered a nervous breakdown, so was making a quiet tour of the West. Reaching Medford, he liked the city so well he wired for his wife to come right out. And they've lived happily ever after. "Charles Edwin Gates began selling Overlands in Jackson County, but in 1918 he took over the Ford agency there. He was first elected mayor of Medford in the fall of 1915, and was twice re-elected. As soon as he took office he had the salary abolished. He served eight years as chairman of the Medford Elks' board of trustees. "Years before moving to Oregon, Mr. Gates married Miss Leah H. Farnsley, daughter of a noted Kentucky family. Their children are Mrs. J. W. Judy of Portland, Mrs. Aubury Dean of Medford and Geo. E., who is in the automobile business with his father. 'Pop' Gates, as his friends call him, is a member of the state highway commission and president of the Northern California-Southern Oregon Development Association." Medford Mail Tribune, December 26, 1930, page 6 POP GATES OUSTED BY GOV. MEIER
Chas. K. Spaulding, Salem Sawmill Operator, Named to Highway Commission --'It's All Right with Me' Is Comment of Gates. The governor said the appointment was effective immediately. Spaulding was appointed to the state senate from Marion County by Governor Meier at the opening of the last legislative session to succeed Lloyd T. Reynolds, deceased. ----
The removal of the southern Oregon member of the state highway
commission has been expected by those on the "inside" and occasioned
little surprise. The announcement has been expected for a week when
upstate political conditions began shaping toward that end.
"It's all right with me," said Mr. Gates this afternoon. "Julius will get more kick out of that than I do. Now I can stay home and earn a living." Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1931, page 1 CROAKERS CAUSE POP GATES PAIN
E. (Pop) Gates, ex-member of the state highway commission, is telling
this one: "These people who croak about depression make me sick. It's
just like what Jonah told the whale. The whale had swallowed him and
then got sick. Said Jonah to the whale, 'You old fool, if you'd had
sense enough to keep your mouth shut this wouldn't have happened.' If
more people would keep their mouths shut and tend to business, this
depression would be over before we realized." Mr. Gates was in Portland
for the dinner tendered his former colleague on the highway commission,
H. B. VanDuzer. He reports that conditions are good in Medford and that
the pear growers are getting good prices for their fruit. The community
chest campaign is about to start in the Southern Oregon city. Mr. Gates
was at the Imperial Hotel.--Oregonian.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1931, page 4
Gates to Display All Ford Types in Open Air Salon
The C. E. Gates Auto Company will open the Ford open-air salon at the
old junior high school location at Fifth and Bartlett streets tomorrow.
All body types of the new Ford V-8 will be on display for three days from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.One of the features of the show will be a cutaway chassis of the new V-8, which was made in Detroit at a cost of $5000. This shows all the working parts in action and demonstrates the simplicity and sturdiness of Ford construction. There will also be a cutaway body display. Talking pictures will be shown each day of the exhibit. C. E. Gates says arrangements have been made to give visitors a chance to ride in and drive the new cars. Medford Mail Tribune, August 14, 1932, page 1
Nominating petitions of C. E. Gates, former state highway commissioner,
ex-mayor of Medford, and a leader in development of the city and county
for a score of years, were filed yesterday afternoon with the county
clerk.More than 1000 names were on the petitions. Over three hundred of this number were from Ashland--more than the required number of 257--to ensure placing the name on the November ballot. More than half the names were secured from districts outside of the city of Medford. Gates in a public statement declared that he would make a campaign for business efficiency in the county judge office, and the restoration of peace and harmony in Jackson County as the main objectives. The statement is as follows: "After due consideration of the many requests of the people of this county, I have decided to enter the race for the office of county judge at the coming election. "In doing so I realize the grave responsibilities connected with the office and the feeling of unrest of the people at this time, on account of the depression and the over-burden of taxation that is confronting them. "I have lived in this county for nearly twenty-one years and have traveled over the entire county many times and am personally acquainted with most of its citizens, and firmly believe that I am familiar with their needs. Our system of taxation must be revised to prevent the loss of homes and farms. In meeting our budget for taxation, our expenses should be reduced, instead of finding more ways of raising taxes. If I should be elected to this office, I will endeavor at all times to give to that office a cleancut business administration, with economy that is consistent with good business, with the thought of the tax payers' problems always in mind. "For our county to be successful we must have harmony at all times. We are now torn by depression, and this alone has affected the value of our real estate to a great extent. I shall if elected do everything in my power to correct this and by working with the people and for the county as a whole, I firmly believe this condition can and will be corrected. Everything I own is subject to taxation and your interest in this matter is my interest, for the only way that you and I can survive is by a reduction in taxation and a revision of the present system. I hope during the month of October to visit the people of every community of this county and discuss with them our mutual needs and remedies for our present deplorable condition." Checking of the names on the Gates petition was complete Saturday. Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1932, page 1 'Pop' Gates States His Platform
C. E. "Pop" Gates filed his petition for County Judge [Commissioner] last
Friday afternoon. Mr. Gates, who is a well-known resident of the
county, has been urged by several of his friends to make the race as an
independent candidate in hopes to defeat Earl H. Fehl, who won the
Republican nomination in the primary. It is felt by many that Mr.
Gates' record as a progressive business man and long the mayor of
Medford would enable him to carry the field against Fehl.
The candidates now in the field are Earl H. Fehl, Republican; Wm. E. Phipps, Democrat; Pipes, independent and Gates, independent. Mr. Gates has issued the following statement regarding his candidacy: To the People of Jackson County
After due consideration of the many requests of the
people of this county, I have decided to enter the race for the office
of County Judge at the coming election.
In doing so I realize the grave responsibilities connected with the office and the feeling of unrest of the people at this time, on account of the depression and the overburden of taxation that is confronting them. I have lived in this county for nearly twenty-one years and have traveled over the entire county many times and am personally acquainted with most of its citizens, and firmly believe that I am familiar with their needs. Our system of taxation must be revised to prevent the loss of homes and farms. In meeting our budget for taxation, our expenses should be reduced, instead of finding more ways of raising taxes. If I should be elected to this office, I will endeavor at all times to give to that office a clean-cut business administration, with economy that is consistent with good business, with the thought of the taxpayers' problems always in mind. For our county to be successful we must have harmony at all times. We are now torn by dissension, and this alone has affected the value of our real estate to a great extent. I shall if elected do everything in my power to correct this, and by working with the people and for the county as a whole, I firmly believe this condition can and will be corrected. Everything I own is subject to taxation and your interest in this matter is my interest, for the only way that you and I can survive is by a reduction in taxation and a revision of the present system. I hope during the month of October to visit the people of every community of this county and discuss with them our mutual needs and remedies for our present deplorable condition. Sincerely, C. E. GATES. Central Point American, September 29, 1932, page 1 They Don't Know Pop
The opponents of C. E. (Pop) Gates must be scared to death. Only
desperation, caused by fear of defeat, can explain their latest efforts
to discredit Medford's independent candidate for county judge.For it must be plain to any rational mind, to attack Pop Gates, on his splendid record as mayor of this city, during one of its most critical and trying periods, can only prove a boomerang to those responsible for it, by bringing the truth regarding that administration before the people of the city and county as a whole. And in the light of that truth, instead of the people being less enthusiastic for him they will be more so. For nothing in Pop Gates' long and loyal service to this community, and his state, is MORE to his credit, or provides more CONVINCING EVIDENCE of his fitness for the position to which he now aspires, than his record as mayor of Medford. When Pop was elected mayor of this city, Medford faced a situation practically identical with the situation now faced by Jackson County. There was a huge bonded debt, business was prostrate, civic bankruptcy looked to be just around the corner. Then as now it was in answer to an overwhelming popular demand, and a willingness to sacrifice himself for the welfare of his community, that Pop Gates agreed to run for mayor. Elected by an overwhelming majority, what was his first official act? He initiated and passed an ordinance, deriving himself and members of his council of any pay, and he served without pay not only through that term, but through TWO SUCCEEDING TERMS--and that has been the course pursued by mayors and councilmen of this city ever since. What was his second official act? He found the city budget to be based upon a tax levy of 21.9 mills. He called in the budget committee and members of his council, and told them that that tax levy was too high; he demanded that the budget expense be drastically cut for the ensuing year--cut just as low as sound business sense allowed. This was done. WHAT WAS THE RESULT! From a tax levy of 21.9, Medford was given a tax levy of 14.6; then to 12.6; then 12.9--as conditions improved and public improvements became necessary, the tax levy was raised, BUT-- During ALL THIS TIME, DURING HIS THREE CONSECUTIVE TERMS, THE AVERAGE TAX LEVY under Pop Gates was 14.5, as against 21.9 when he assumed office. Now we ask the fair-minded people of Jackson County whether that record--known to every resident of Medford who lived here at that time, but unfortunately not known, in the outlying districts--is, or is NOT to Pop Gates' credit? Does it prove more clearly and convincingly than any other one thing could that he is supremely fitted to do for Jackson County what he did for the city of Medford, or does it NOT? Every candidate, from constable up, is promising to reduce taxes. But here is a man who not only PROMISED to cut them, but DID CUT THEM! And he cut them under conditions almost identical with conditions at the present time. He did for the city of Medford precisely what we believe the people of this valley wish to be done for Jackson County. He reduced expenses, he reduced taxes; by courageous leadership and intelligent administration, he pulled this city out of the most critical financial crisis it had ever faced, and put its affairs on a sound business basis, which endured for years after he retired. AND DURING THOSE THREE ADMINISTRATIONS OF POP GATES, THE PEOPLE OF MEDFORD ENJOYED THE LOWEST AVERAGE TAX LEVY IN THIS CITY'S HISTORY, FROM 1916 TO THE PRESENT DAY. Then why is this record pointed out as an argument against the independent candidate for county judge, by his enemies! We can find only one answer. Alarmed by the sensational support Pop Gates is receiving, having NOTHING they can legitimately say against him, in a spirit of sheer panic and desperation, they have fallen back on their only stock in trade, misrepresentation, personal abuse and mudslinging--and have unthinkingly brought Pop Gates' record as mayor into the mess. It is a significant fact that the record of Pop Gates' administration as mayor was NOT made an issue in any Medford paper--where the facts concerning it are so well known that such tactics, instead of injuring him, would merely increase the enthusiasm and solidify the support behind him. No! the mudslinging brigade sneaked off to Jacksonville, and it was placed in the columns of that very EXCELLENT--but we fear, imposed upon--weekly, the Jacksonville Miner. (At any rate the editor frankly states he left the truth of that article to others, and had no personal knowledge of Pop Gates' administration, for he did not live in the valley at that time.) Then by printing the tax levy during the Gates administration, WITHOUT COMPARING IT WITH THE TAX LEVY BEFORE OR SINCE, an attempt was made to make the slight increase, when business conditions improved, appear as an indication of extravagance and inefficiency, when exactly the reverse was true. As above stated the record of the Gates administration is well known in Medford. But it is not known in the country districts. Moreover there is a perfectly natural prejudice against and suspicion of Medford among many rural voters. So OBVIOUSLY the mudslinging brigade figured they could capitalize the ignorance of what Pop Gates had done for Medford, the general suspicion and discontent that has been aroused by years of misrepresentation and agitation to get votes for themselves and take them away from Medford's candidate. BUT UNLESS WE ARE GREATLY MISTAKEN THEY FIGURED WITHOUT THEIR HOST. Pop Gates, in sharp and refreshing contrast to his opponents, does not sling mud, and will not. He has said nothing against the motives or characters of his opponents, and he won't. He has carried the same ideals and principles into this political campaign he has used for so many years in his private business--"a fair field and no favor--a square deal to all." But those who mistake this attitude for cowardice--or think that Pop isn't a two-fisted FIGHTER--are due for a rude awakening. He isn't going to throw mud at anyone else, but neither is he going to lie down supinely and let anyone else THROW MUD AT HIM. He is going right out in the country, meet the people face to face. He is going to accept this challenge regarding his administration as mayor of Medford, and is going to tell the people of the entire county the FACTS CONCERNING IT. Before this campaign is over only those who don't care for the truth will have any excuse for not knowing it. So far as this paper is concerned we are glad the anti-Gates cabal has tried to make his administration of this city an issue against him. For the more the people know about that record, the more they will agree it is one of the strongest arguments in favor of putting Pop Gates in charge of county affairs at this most critical time that could be imagined! That record alone SHOULD elect him by an overwhelming majority. Medford Mail Tribune, October 16, 1932, page 4 GATES CELEBRATES 22D ANNIVERSARY
Twenty-two years ago today C. E. ("Pop") Gates sold
his first Ford car in Medford. He started his business in the Rogue
River Valley soon after coming to Oregon from Noblesville, Ind., with
hopes of improving his health. Fruitful orchards and other signs of a
bright future for this territory encouraged Mr. Gates in his new
Each year as the once "rattling good car" is improved upon and Henry Ford presents the motoring public with a better-looking and noiseless model, "Pop's" pride in his Fords increases. He has made a success of himself and his business in Medford, a long list of activities testifying to his popularity and capability as one of the real fighters for Medford's interests. Mr. Gates has driven his Model T's to the state capital as member of the state highway commission four years, and as chairman of the state fair board for two seasons. In 1916 he was elected mayor of Medford. For six years he served in that capacity, seeing the town through good times and bad, and refusing to accept payment for his time and expenses. His friendly smile and genial personality have won for "Pop" hosts of admirers throughout the state, and at times his political activities have been met with opposition and always with a great deal of publicity. "Pop" Gates now shares his position as one of Medford's leading automotive dealers with his son, George. Their very modern two-story sales and service building is located at the corner of East Sixth Street and North Riverside. Medford Mail Tribune, February 2, 1934, page 9 GATES COMPANY IS DISTRIBUTOR OF FORD PARTS
The C. E. Gates Auto Company of this city has been appointed by the
Ford Motor Company as wholesale distributors of genuine Ford parts for
Southern Oregon, according to an announcement yesterday by C. E. "Pop"
Gates. This is in line with the new policy recently established by the
Ford company and will give garages and fleet owners the same discount
on Ford parts they have been purchasing from other parts houses.Arthur Gorham, in charge of the parts department of the C. E. Gates Auto Company, has been selected as salesman and will call upon the trade at once in a new-type sales and delivery car, according to Mr. Gates. Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1934, page 9 'POP' GATES ROUNDS OUT 24 YEARS IN ROGUE VALLEY
was just 24 years ago Sunday that C. E. (Pop) Gates came to Medford
with two carloads of Overland cars, to start the automobile business
here and later became the "man who put Ford in Medford."
Gates came from Noblesville, Indiana, where he was a manufacturer of enamel bathtubs, to Medford in February of 1912. He has never been sorry that he came. "There were only two Overland cars in the county when I came here," Gates said yesterday, "and they were old planetary-type cars, one owned by Colonel E. E. Kelly, and the other owned by Colonel Washburn. I sold 77 of the Overlands my first year, and by August, 1913, I had sold 172. ![]() "When I took over the Ford agency, there was only 12 Fords in the county. I took the agency in July, 1913, and was in the old building that Tobe Osenbrugge is in now. [Gates, and later Osenbrugge, were located at 132 S. Riverside.] In the fall of 1913 I moved into the Sparta Building, and later built the building that the Medford Domestic Laundry is in now. We used that for a showroom and storeroom. In June, 1920, we moved into the building we're still in. We are planning some improvements in this building that will make them sit up and take notice, just as soon as things get a little better. "The automobile business is coming back fast," Gates said. "In 1932, for instance, we sold only 54 cars. Last year we sold 210. That's new cars. We're going to beat that this year." During Gates' career in Medford he has not only been one of the city's civic leaders, but has gained a prominent place in state affairs. His Fords have been owned in every nook and cranny of the county, hardly a family but what has, at some time or another, owned a Ford. Medford News, February
5, 1936, page 1
Receives Congratulations
C. E. "Pop" Gates, the "grand old man" of Medford
automotive circles, has received a personal telegram of congratulation
from J. R. Davis, general sales manager for the Ford Motor Company,
upon the occasion of his completion of a quarter-century as Ford dealer
here. Mr. Davis' congratulatory telegram reads as follows:
"Please accept my congratulations upon the completion of your 25th year as a Ford dealer. We hope this connection with the Ford Motor Company has been pleasant and profitable to you and that you may have many more years of success in selling Ford products." This quarter-century of service as Ford dealer does not accurately measure "Pop" Gates' experience in the automobile business in Medford. For a year and one-half, he handled the then-popular Overland car, with showrooms at Main Street and Riverside Avenue in the Sparta building. Actually, Mr. Gates has had approximately 27 years of service, entitling him to the undisputed rank of "dean" of Medford automobile dealers. During this long period, C. E. "Pop" Gates has devoted many years to faithful public service. For six years he served as mayor of Medford, for three and a half years on the Jackson County fair board and four years on the Oregon state Highway Commission. During the world war Mr. Gates devoted his efforts to heading Liberty Loan drives and to the chairmanship of the wartime Red Cross here. His war period service also included many public addresses as one of the "Four-Minute Men." During the span of 27 years, many changes and developments have been made in the automobile industry, and Mr. Gates and his company, the C. E. Gates Auto Company, have kept pace with progress through periodical expansion of buildings and facilities. In recent years, the Lincoln and Lincoln-Zephyr lines have been added, both handled here by the Gates Auto Company. George Gates is associated with his father in the management of the present company. Medford Mail Tribune, October 13, 1938, page 5 C. E. Gates, Dean of Medford Auto
Row, Retiring from Business
LAPHAM MOTORS WILL TAKE OVER FORD CO. AGENCY "Pop" Gates to Enjoy Year of Rest After 28 Years in Auto Business Here.
Announcement was made yesterday of the retirement of
C. E. "Pop" Gates, head of the automobile company bearing his name and
dean of Medford car dealers.
"I'm not going to do anything but rest for a year and thoroughly enjoy living in this truly wonderful Rogue River Valley," Mr. Gates declared. The business has been acquired by C. A. Winetrout of Grants Pass and his associate, S. C. Lapham of Roseburg, who will take charge on February 10. The business will be conducted under the name of Lapham Motors, Inc., with Mr. Lapham, who will move to Medford, in direct charge as company head. The new corporation will lease the building and plant, situated at Riverside Avenue and Sixth Street. "Pop" Oldest in States.
The C. E.
Gates Auto Company will be kept intact as a corporate entity for some
time to liquidate the stock of used cars on hand and to wind up other
phases of the business with which Lapham Motors. Inc. is not concerned."Pop," as Mr. Gates is affectionately known, is one of the oldest Ford dealers on the west coast, oldest in Oregon in point of service. He is in his 27th year as Ford dealer here. He has seen the Ford product develop from the sturdy and versatile "Tin Lizzie" Model T to the present line of luxury vehicles. Last Friday marked the 28th anniversary of "Pop's" entrance in the automobile entrance here. Before becoming a Ford dealer he handled the Overland, with showrooms in the Sparta Building at Riverside Avenue and Main Street. Ford Regrets Loss.
"The Ford
Motor Company sincerely regrets losing 'Pop' as its dealer in Medford,"
said S. Y. Armit, the company's direct representative in this district.
"The Ford company has never had a dealer who has been more cooperative
than Mr. Gates, and we're going to miss him greatly."Though he has put in 28 busy years of automobile business. Mr. Gates has found time for public service to his community, state and country. For six years Mr. Gates served as mayor of Medford, for more than three years was a member of the Jackson County Fair board, and for four years was a state highway commissioner. He is a director and vice-president of the Oregon State Motor Association, an affiliate of the American Automobile Association. During the World War, Mr. Gates devoted his efforts to heading Liberty Loan drives and to the chairmanship of the county Red Cross chapter, then engaged in war relief work. He also served as one of Medford's "Four-Minute Men." Long in Public Service.
In many
similar ways, "Pop" has been at the service of the public throughout
the years of his long residence here, and civic leaders with whom he
has worked were unanimous in their declaration that he has well earned
the rest that he now seeks.During the long span of years he has been in business here, Mr. Gates has seen many changes and developments take place in the automobile industry. His company has kept pace with the ever-improving and ever-growing industry by the periodic expansion of buildings and facilities. In recent years the Lincoln, Lincoln-Zephyr and Mercury cars have been added to the Ford line handled by the C. E. Gates Auto Company. Mr. Winetrout has been a Ford dealer for almost 21 years and is widely known throughout southern Oregon. He is retaining his other Ford dealer interests, including his business in Grants Pass. Lapham Experienced.
Mr. Lapham
has had 14 years of Ford experience. He has operated Lapham Motors in
Roseburg for the past two and a half years. Prior to his going to
Roseburg he conducted the Ford agency in Lakeview for two years. Before
coming to Oregon he spent years with the Ford factories in Detroit and
San Francisco. He has sold his Roseburg interests to an associate.There will be no changes for the present in the plant setup here, and practically all of the personnel will be retained, Mr. Lapham said. Medford Mail Tribune, February 4, 1940, page 10 C. E. (POP) GATES QUITS AFTER
After nearly thirty years as Ford dealer in Medford, the C. E. Gates
Auto Company has retired from the game. This week came the announcement
that the company has sold its interests to the Lapham Motor Co. of
Roseburg, which had taken possession. Mr. Gates and his son, George,
who has been associated with his father since the World War, will
continue to handle the used car department until the present stock of
cars has been liquidated.
Mr. Gates is one of the oldest Ford dealers on the coast and the oldest in Oregon in point of service. Last Friday marked the 28th anniversary of his entrance in the automobile business in Medford. Before becoming a Ford dealer he handled the Overland, with headquarters in the Sparta Building. During these 28 busy years, Mr. Gates has found time to take an active part in civic affairs. For six years he served as Mayor of Medford. For more than three years he was a member of the State Highway Commission. He is a member of the board of directors of the Oregon State Motor Association and of the Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, besides taking part in many other civic activities. Mr. Gates says he has no special plans for the future, except that he is going to rest for the next year. Central Point American, February 8, 1940, page 1 Two Elected as Life Members of C.
of C.
C. E. "Pop" Gates and Wm. F. "Bill" Isaacs were
elected life members of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce by the
board of directors at their regular meeting July 14. The two have
retired from active business.
"During their active business life, they were strong supporters of Chamber of Commerce activities and held many important offices and participated in all of the projects undertaken by the organization," the committee report said. "In recognition of these services for which the community is very grateful, the membership committee recommends the election of Messrs. Gates and Isaacs as life members." The board of directors unanimously approved the recommendation of the membership committee, of which Joe Early is chairman. Central Point American, July 20, 1944, page 3 C.
E. (Pop) Gates, Civic Leader Here, Taken by Death
Served as Highway Commissioner, Mayor
E. (Pop) Gates, 80, longtime automobile dealer here and
former mayor of Medford, died last night at Salem. He had been in poor
health for some time.
Mr. Gates, who had resided here for about 41 years, operated the Gates Auto Company, a Ford dealership, retiring from the business at the outset of World War II. From 1919 through 1922 he served as mayor, taking the lead in straightening out city finances during his term. His public life included service as a member of the State Highway Commission. Mr. Gates also had held the office of vice-president of the Oregon State Motor Association. He was a past exalted ruler of the Elks Lodge here, a 32nd degree Mason and a Shriner. Born in Indiana He was born in 1871 at Burnetsville, Ind., and came to Medford from Noblesville, Ind., where he had been vice-president of the Standard Manufacturing Company, maker of plumbing appliances. The family home here is at 513 West Second Street. Survivors are his widow Leah; a son, George, Medford; two daughters, Mrs. Laura Dean, Medford, and Mrs. Marie Judy, Bend; a brother, William A. Gates, Medford; five grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Perl Funeral Home has charge of funeral arrangements. Medford Mail Tribune, March 26, 1952, page 1 "Pop"
Civic and public service hold few rewards. Usually the
personal satisfaction in earnest effort to get things done for the
common good, to be of help to one's fellow men, is about all that can
be toted up on the credit side when life's ledger is closed.
There was more than that, however, for Charles E. Gates when there came the final balancing of the book. For Pop, as he was known from one end of Oregon to the other, left not only a long and impressive record of endeavor on behalf of his city and state but tangible evidence of accomplishment as well. It was during his time as mayor of Medford that the city put into use a new water supply, substituting the pure and cold flow from Big Butte Springs which gushes forth at the foot of Mt. McLoughlin, for the contaminated and insufficient water from Fish Lake. This major project sounds easy of accomplishment as it is told now, but there was a long and bitter legal battle for the right to use of the springs, there was the campaign for sale of $1,000,000 in bonds to finance the pipeline, and there were other vexing matters which required vision and leadership to finally resolve. Pop Gates worked hard for this project, and Medford's present unsurpassed water system is one of the things for which our residents will always revere his memory. The work of straightening out the city's depression-snarled finances was another major accomplishment recorded during his administration as mayor. His efforts on behalf of good roads brought appointment as a state highway commissioner and as a director of the Oregon State Motor Association, in which capacities he was able to render service to the entire state. Pop's ability and capacity for leadership were also recognized by his election to highest office in the civic and fraternal organizations with which he affiliated. With his passing Medford loses a link with one of the most trouble-beset yet most progressive and interesting periods in its history.--E. C. Ferguson Medford Mail Tribune, March 28, 1952, page 10 Funeral Services Are Scheduled
for George E. Gates
E. Gates, 61, of 235 South Oakdale Ave., well-known Medford
resident, died Thursday afternoon in a local hospital.
Funeral services will be held at the First Presbyterian Church at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. The Rev. D. Kirkland West will officiate assisted by members of Medford lodge 103 AF&AM. Private committal will be in Siskiyou Memorial Park. Mr. Gates will lie in state at Conger-Morris Funeral Home Friday evening. Mr. Gates was born Jan. 15, 1896, in Chicago, Ill. He came to the valley in 1912 with his parents, Charles E. and Leah A. Gates. He graduated from Medford High School and entered the University of Oregon. He was a veteran of World War I, entering the service April 6, 1917 at Medford and receiving his discharge as sergeant February 28, 1919 at Ft. Lewis, Wash. In Auto Firm He was married Sept. 1, 1922 in Grants Pass to Dora Rose Herman, who survives. From 1919 to 1940 he was associated with his father in the C. E. Gates Auto Company. Since 1940, he and Mrs. Gates have owned and operated the Gates Furniture store of Medford. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church; Elks Lodge 1168; Medford Lodge 103, AF&AM; Medford Scottish Rite; Hillah Temple, AAONMS, Ashland; Medford Rotary Club; Sigma Nu fraternity, and Medford Post 15, American Legion. He was a member of the Oregon State Furniture and Bedding advisory council appointed by Gov. Douglas McKay on July 25, 1952, and a member of the Civil Service Commission of Medford. Survivors, besides his wife, include two sons, George E. Gates Jr., Grants Pass, and Philip E. Gates, Ashland; his mother, Mrs. C. E. Gates, Medford; two sisters, Mrs. A. Z. Dean, Medford, and Mrs. Roy Thielman, Bend, and four grandchildren. Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1957, page 1 Last revised January 30, 2025 |