The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Medford News: 1893

The first three years of the Medford Mail are lost; 1893 was the newspaper's fifth year and is the second oldest to survive. Below are Medford-related news items from 1893. Also see descriptions of Medford and Jackson County for this year.

--The above distillery was built in the fall of 1891, since which time it has been running steadily. The grounds where the plant is located, adjacent to the city, consists of twenty-two and one-half acres. The building is 40x170 feet, and about sixty-five feet high, with a storage capacity of 30,000 bushels of grain. The engine is 150 horsepower, and all the machinery and equipments connected with the plant are of the best and latest improved pattern. Much of the interior fixtures are very fine, especially the still, which is of Mr. Medynski's own design and construction. His long experience as superintendent of the International Distillery, at Des Moines, Iowa, has given him an opportunity of further and broader study, as well as greater experience of this and kindred subjects. He is a master of civil and mechanical engineering, as is shown in the design and construction of the entire plant. The firm have on hand, in their storehouse, over 600 barrels of high-proof bourbon and rye liquors. Their sales up to this time have not extended beyond the limits of the state. Their wholesale house will soon be established in Medford, and their salesmen will canvass the entire coast. The present running capacity is 500 bushels daily, but they can and will probably increase it to 1,500 bushels daily.
    The senior member of the firm, Mr. F. V. Medynski, is a native of London, England, born February 6, 1851. His parents were Vincent and Sarah (Thompson) Medynski, the former a native of Poland, the latter of English birth. They had seven children, the subject being the fourth. He served seven years' apprenticeship as machinist and marine engineering, and came to America in 1871, locating in Chicago, where he engaged in shops for a time, and later followed his profession on the lake for some two years. He was next employed at the Phoenix Distillery for three years, when he again followed engineering and piloting on the lake until 1881, when he went to Des Moines, Iowa, and was engaged at the Atlas Distillery for several months. He next took charge as superintendent of the International Distillery, in the interests of George W. Kidd, for several years, at a salary of $3,000 a year. In 1889 he went to La Salle, Illinois, in the employ of the same gentleman, and built a distillery, which was purchased by the trust syndicate before being put into operation.
    He was married in Chicago, in April, 1876, to Ella Palmer, a native of that city. They have one daughter, Etta, and one son, deceased.
    B. P. Theiss is a native of Lee County, Illinois, born April 10, 1860. He was reared and educated in his native state. His parents were Godfrey and Barabe (Beever) Theiss, both natives of Germany, the mother now deceased, dying March 22, 1871. In a family of nine children, our subject was the third in order of birth. He followed farming until fifteen years of age. He then engaged in a still-house some eighteen months. The following twelve years he engaged in clerking in a merchandise house in La Salle, Illinois.
    He was married October 5, 1887, to Minnie Scott, a native of Illinois. They have one daughter, Geraldine. The family removed to Medford in 1890, where Mr. Theiss engaged in manufacturing spirits as above stated.

Rev. H. K. Hines, An Illustrated History of the State of Oregon, 1893, page 1148

    Jas. Herely, formerly of this place, is now a resident of North Yaquina, Wash.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1893, page 3

    Martha B. Howard to Mrs. Nettie Harris, lots [omission], blk 11, Medford. $125.
    O. Bursell to John Hockenjos, lot 1, blk 1, Short's add. to Medford. $235.
    Nettie Harris to William Ulrich, lot 7, blk 11, Medford. $125.
    Christian Ulrich to C. W. Palm, lot 5, blk 44, Medford. $1000.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1893, page 3

    The city fathers have made arrangements for fencing the city park at last.
    A. Fetsch now occupies comfortable quarters in the building formerly used as a shoe store by M. S. Damon.
    Miss Della J. Pickel, who has been teaching in the Salem schools, spent the holidays at home at Medford.
    S. Childers has been engaged during the last week in completing an addition to Pritchard's jewelry store.
    Mrs. James Wright of Roseburg has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Churchman of this place, during the last week.
    A handsome brick building, with a fifty-foot front, will ornament the corner on which the old Medford Hotel formerly stood.
    The new Episcopal Church improvements are completed at last, and the structure presents a very neat and attractive appearance.
    W. J. Fredenburg last week succeeded to the business of the Medford combination fence works, having bought out the interest of S. Childers.
    Geo. Hover had the misfortune to stab himself in the arm at the packing company's works one day recently, and has been unable to follow his usual avocation since.
    The explosion of a lamp in the Hotel Medford one day last week caused some excitement and an alarm of fire, but prompt action extinguished the flames before much damage was done.
    At the semi-public installation of officers of the Masonic lodge last week a number of invited guests witnessed the ceremonies and afterwards partook of a fine repast in the dining room of the Hotel Medford.
    M. Purdin has changed the name of the Grand Central Hotel to Hotel Medford, and as he has been busy in making long-needed improvements in the arrangements and management of the hotel, the traveling public will soon have to admit it to be one of the very best-managed hostelries in the southern part of the state.
    Medford is now the leading market in the valley for hogs and poultry, and the business of the packing houses is of vast importance to the general welfare of the county. Farmers have satisfied themselves at last that there is money in hogs of good strains and chickens, turkeys and other improved poultry, and the business is rapidly growing out of its initial stages.
    The city election takes place next Tuesday and is exciting considerable interest. Two tickets have been placed in the field, to wit: Citizens' nominations: Mayor, W. I. Vawter; councilmen, F. M. Plymale, J. W. Short, John Wilson, D. H. Miller; recorder, J. H. Faris; treasurer, G. H. Haskins; marshal, T. W. Johnson. People's Party nominees: Mayor, J. C. Elder; councilmen, J. R. Erford, E. W. Starr, E. P. Hammond, J. Wilson; recorder, J. H. Faris; treasurer, G. H. Haskins; marshal, E. W. Carder. Mr. Hart is an independent candidate for marshal.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1893, page 3

    A number of the little folks of Jacksonville, and some larger ones, visited Medford yesterday, to see the so-called New York aquarium and its stuffed whale, which is traveling over the United States in special cars.
    Fred. Barneburg and sons of Eden precinct have raised the largest steer of his age in southern Oregon. He is a graded shorthorn, will not be three years old until June and "tips the beam" at 2000 pounds. Who can beat this?
    Commissioner Hammond has been hearing a number of cases of alleged cutting of timber on government land at his office in Medford during the last ten days. Charles Hosley and the Dollarhide Bros. have been before him on complaints filed by some of their neighbors. This sort of business is too frequently the outgrowth of spitework, and the commissioner usually sees it in that light and discharges the accused.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1893, page 3

    J. D. Whitman, of Medford, who came in last week from the Lost River fishery, returned to Klamath County last Saturday. The river has been very high, and Mr. Whitman anticipates an early run of the fish this year.
    Mrs. Sarah E. Harlan, wife of Thos. Harlan, formerly editor of the Medford Mail, was taken to the insane asylum from Wasco County last week. The cause of her insanity is said to be excitement in a religious revival.
    M. J. Sweeny, who put up the quartz mill for the Ashland Mining Co., and has since been running it, left yesterday for San Francisco, to visit his family for a time. L. W. Thorndike, of Medford, takes his place in the mill during his absence.
    People who have fruit trees should not forget that winter is the time to apply a strong wash that will clean off the San Jose scale. Don't wait till the buds are swelling, but put the salt, sulphur and lime solution on now, while the trees are dormant.
    Medford's annual city election will take place next week. At a citizens convention held last Thursday evening, the following ticket was nominated: For mayor, W. I. Vawter; councilmen, J. W. Short, Ed. Worman, J. R. Wilson, F. M. Plymale; recorder, J. H. Faris; treasurer, G. H. Haskins; marshal, Wm. Churchman.
    All the towns along the railroad are again expecting to see railroad shops located within their limits, and the rumor of two trains a day is revived. Travel will have to increase vastly over its present status before the company will put on a local express between Roseburg and Redding.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 6, 1893, page 3

Real Estate Transactions.
    Volna Webster to W. R. Stammers Jr., 194 feet off north end lt no 4, Medford $50.
    Oliver Bursell to John Hockenjos, lt 1, blk 1, Short's addition to Medford, $235.
Ashland Tidings,
January 6, 1893, page 3

    Chris Ulrich to C. W. Palm, lot 5, blk 44, Medford. $1000.
    T. J. O'Hara to Robt. H. Halley, 162 feet off S end of lots 9 & 10, blk 8, Park add. to Medford. $250.
    Charles Nickell to Orchard Home Association, undivided portion of Orchard Home tract. $8000.
    Orchard Home Association to Portland Trust Company of Oregon, same property. $8000.
    C. W. Palm to Conrad Mingus, lot 5, blk 44, Medford. $500.
    Conrad Mingus to C. W. Palm, lot 1, blk 44, Medford. $500.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1893, page 2

    Now is the time to fight the San Jose scale on the fruit trees, and a strong wash at this season, in connection with heavy pruning of the tops of old orchards, will do much to save the trees.
    Mrs. Thos. Harlan, wife of the former editor of the Medford Mail, was last week committed to the insane asylum at Salem from Wasco County. Religious excitement having unbalanced her mind a second time.
    In speaking of the Keeley Institute of Forest Grove, Dr. R. Pryce in a private letter to the Times office says: "I am so glad I took the treatment at Forest Grove. I am an entirely different man. My system does not demand liquor any more. You cannot imagine what a relief it is to be free from the continual and incessant struggling of my former condition." The doctor is conceded to be one of the finest physicians ever located in southern Oregon, and his words ought to have much weight with those afflicted with the drink habit.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1893, page 3

Railroad Change.
    Considerable surprise was created locally when it was announced this week that W. S. Barnum of Medford has leased for a term of two years the rolling stock, track and privileges of the R.R.V.R.R. company, and that the road will pass under his control after the 20th inst. Barnum is one of the enterprising citizens of Medford, and as he will superintend and operate the road himself during the time that he has charge, cannot fail to make a success of the venture. As the particulars of the deal have not been made public as yet, we can only state that the terms of the lease are to the effect that all amounts realized from the operation of the road over and above a stipulated sum shall be paid to Mr. Buchanan as trustee for the company. It is rumored that E. G. Hurt of Medford will assist Mr. Barnum in operating the road.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1893, page 3

    D. P. Barnes and his daughter, Miss Frankie, were at the county seat one day last week.
    H. Kinney, who formerly followed his trade as a painter at Medford, is now stationed at Riddle, Douglas County. He passed through the valley this week, en route home from a trip to Los Angeles, Cal.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1893, page 3

    John Beek and bride last week returned from their bridal tour to the metropolis on the Columbia.
    The residents of this district want it enlarged so as to make it possible to still further improve our excellent schools.
    Frank Holt of the tonsorial parlors was made happy by the arrival of his better half from San Francisco last week, and they have since gone to housekeeping here.
    L. W. Thorndyke of this place last week went to Ashland to take charge of the mill of the Ashland mining company during the absence of M. J. Sweeny, at the bay city on a visit.
    J. H. Thorndyke last week sold out his feed and flour business at Medford and returned to mining at Galice Creek. J. R. Erford will carry on the feed business at the old stand.
    Dr. R. Pryce is now at Phoenix, A.T., in the hope of getting relief from throat and lung troubles, from which he has been suffering for some time past. He will probably not return home before spring.
    The distillery is now being run to its full capacity in order to get as much liquor manufactured as possible before the passage of the proposed law increasing the tax on whiskey and other distilled products by the national congress.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1893, page 3

    At the city election at Medford on Jan. 10th the following officers were elected: W. I. Vawter, mayor; J. R. Wilson, D. H. Miller, F. M. Plymale, E. W. Starr, trustees; J. H. Faris, recorder; G. H. Haskins, treasurer, and T. W. Johnson, marshal. There were 247 votes cast, and the election passed off quietly.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1893, page 3

Real Estate Transactions.
    Martha B. Howard to Mrs. Nettie Harris, lt 7, blk 11, C Street, Medford, $125.
    Chas. Nickell to Orchard Home Association, all the heretofore undisposed-of lands in the Orchard Home tract, $7500.
    Orchard Home Association to Portland Trust Co. of Oregon, above property, $8000.
    Nettie Harris to Wm. Ulrich, lt 7, blk 11, C Street, Medford, $125.
    Christian Ulrich to C. W. Palm, lt 5, blk 44, Medford, $1000.
    T. J. O'Harra to R. H. Halley, 162 feet off of the south end of lots 9 and 10; 50 feet wide each lt, blk 8, Park add. to Medford, $250.
Ashland Tidings,
January 13, 1893, page 3

    W. P. Wood, of Medford, Oregon, is stopping at the Douglas House. He is here looking for a location for a harness shop. Mr. Medford appears to be a thorough business man, and one who would be a valuable addition to our town. Ava is undoubtedly a good location for his business, and we would be pleased to have him locate among us.
"Local News," Douglas County Herald, Ava, Missouri, January 19, 1893, page 3

    The Mail has changed hands. As you all see, I have sold out the entire business to Mr. A. S. Bliton, and with this issue he takes hold where I leave off, and having had evidence of his capabilities as a newspaper man I bespeak for him an ever-increasing patronage in this, his chosen field. All advertising accounts due The Mail up to the 15th of January 1893 belong to me, except such as are now turned over to our successor Mr. Bliton. The subscription books belong to the new proprietor. He will finish out the time for those who have paid in advance on subscription, and all moneys due The Mail for subscription should be paid to him. Thanking all who have accorded me their patronage, I will now say good bye.
    Respectfully,                F. G. KERTSON.

Southern Oregon Mail, January 20, 1893, page 2

    As will be seen by the above valedictory, our brother journalist, Mr. Kertson, has slid himself from under the yoke of newspaper troubles and vexations. This yoke has been taken up by yours truly, who signs his John Henry to his epistle, and, as our delicate pedals have trodden thorns in the rugged uphill path peculiar and quite familiar to the noble pencil pushers and whose brilliancy illumines the firesides of our people for more than fourteen years, we feel ourselves equal to the emergency now at hand.
    We believe as the motto reads that "Man was born to hustle"--we shall hustle mightily that our readers get what they pay for--A NEWSPAPER. If we fill the bill in that direction our mission, as we have it mapped out, shall have attained the desired point of excellency. While we shall always be on the alert to catch all items of local and general news, we will in no way forget to guard carefully the interests of not Medford alone, but Jackson County as well. We know no clique, no faction. We know the residents of Medford and vicinity only as an intelligent newspaper-reading people--truly American in all things. We hope to conduct The Mail as to not only merit your support but to realize a direct benefit from that source. We have not laid our plans to revolutionize the newspaper business, but we shall watch every chance to improve The Mail, and when such chance is offered it will be filled with the best our shop affords.
    The subscription price of The Mail will remain as before--$1.50 per year--and the captain will be in his office at all hours.
A. S. BLITON.           
Southern Oregon Mail, January 20, 1893, page 2

The Guard Is Good Authority.
From the Eugene, Oregon Daily Guard.
    A. S. Bliton, formerly one of the proprietors of the Florence West, has purchased the Medford, Or. Mail, and has moved to that city. Mr. Bliton is a thorough newspaper man, and we predict will make a success of his new venture.

Southern Oregon Mail,
January 20, 1893, page 2

    The Mail has undertaken that which even in biblical days was considered an impossibility. We shall attempt to please everybody. If we fail it will be nothing more than the "same thing over again," and another peg driven in the list of successful failures of these modern days.
    Because that The Mail has changed hands it does not necessarily follow that its former patrons should be in any way backward about coming forward with their subscriptions and other patronage.
Southern Oregon Mail, January 20, 1893, page 2

Mrs. Harlan Insane.
    Mrs. Sarah E. Harlan, wife of the elder Harlan and mother of the boys who formerly conducted a newspaper and printing office in Medford, was committed to the insane asylum last week from Mosin, Wasco County. She is 56 years of age, and her present attack of insanity has affected her since she was 25. The cause is attributed to excitement in a religious revival.
Southern Oregon Mail,
January 20, 1893, page 2

    Hotel Medford is glistening in wondrous brilliancy since the exterior woodwork has been stained and varnished and portions of the interior papered and refitted generally. Landlord Purdin is making this hostelry as famous for its excellency as is the city of Medford for its beauty and prosperous businessmen. While our clever landlord is doing all these things, Joe Savage is assisting materially in making friends for himself and the house by attending strictly and courteously to the wants of the hotel's patrons.
    The Clarenden Hotel, which has been vacant only a few weeks, came near having another occupant this week. Mr. Walke, of Portland, who has been in Medford for a week or more, was endeavoring to negotiate for a two years' lease of the building, but as a lease for only one year would be given, he declared the deal off and left last Saturday for Grants Pass, where he will open a tin shop.
    If we should this week call Mr. Jones Mr. Smith and Mr. Smith Mr. Jones, it is not because that we love the one less or the other more, but simply that we don't know which is Mr. Jones or which is Mr. Smith.
    The Mail wants a correspondent in every precinct in Jackson County. We will supply each correspondent with copy paper and self-addressed stamped envelopes, together with free copy of The Mail.
    Among the old things which have recently become new is the sign on Hotel Medford. Why not "The Medford," Mr. Purdin? Isn't that more aesthetic--and more in keeping with our city?
    More or less controversy has been had of late over the Childers-Phipps lawsuit which was settled last month by the circuit court, giving judgment in favor of Childers, for $1000--which judgment has since been purchased by R. H. Whitehead.
    Among the 7th Street improvements is the new brick addition being built by Mr. D. T. Pritchard to his jewelry store. The Messrs. Childers are supplying the material and doing the bricklaying.  

"Weekly Round-Up," Southern Oregon Mail, January 20, 1893, page 3

    George Parker of the Medford business college was in town a few days ago, and reports the school growing rapidly. There are now over fifty in attendance and taking the business course.
    The distilleries over the land are filling up their warehouses, so as to have as much as possible in bond when the anticipated legislation relating to a raise in the government tax on spirits goes into effect.
    E. J. Curtis, who formerly kept hotel on the Siskiyous, and later the Arlington at Ashland, has leased the Clarenden at Medford and will take charge of it this week. The stable is leased with the hotel and will be opened at the same time.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1893, page 3

    Walt Plymale is attending the Medford business college.
    It is reported that the Medford Mail will soon become a Republican sheet.
    W. H. Newton and wife of Medford precinct were at the county seat one day this week.
    Governor Pennoyer has appointed J. H. Whitman of Medford and C. W. Whipp of Kerbyville as notaries public.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1893, page 3

Fine Trees.
    C. E. Stewart of Eden precinct is planting 2500 trees which he bought of the Central Point nursery. He says they are growing the finest trees there he ever saw. If you are in need of any go and do likewise.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1893, page 3

For Sale.
    If you wish to buy a good set of blacksmith and wagon-maker's tools call on F. Forman, Medford, Oregon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1893, page 3

    The Medford Business College, of which Prof. M. E. Rigby is principal, has accepted Prof. Rice's invitation to attend the literary society at Jacksonville next Friday evening. It goes without saying that an enjoyable time will be had by all those that are fortunate enough to receive an invitation.
"Jacksonville Items,"
Ashland Tidings, January 20, 1893, page 2

Real Estate Transactions.
    Conrad Mingus to C. W. Palm; lt 1, blk 44, Medford, $500.
    C. W. Palm to Conrad Mingus; lt 5, blk 44, Medford, reserving therefrom the building thereon, $500.
    B. S. Webb to Spencer Childers Jr.; parts of lts 10, 11, 12, 13, blk 14, Medford, $1000.
Ashland Tidings,
January 20, 1893, page 2

    The populists are somewhat agog over rumors concerning the new management of the Medford Mail. That paper has been under contract as a people's party organ, but it is whispered that it will take a new political shoot. Some say it is backed by Hermann, to work up his senatorial boom, and some even suspect it is to boom H. B. Miller for Hermann's shoes. Rumors are free and frisky, and the populists are already talking of starting a new organ of their own.

Ashland Tidings, January 20, 1893, page 3

    W. P. Wood, recently of Medford, Oregon, has rented the Harper property and moved his family in last week.
"Local News," Douglas County Herald, Ava, Missouri, January 26, 1893, page 3

    The transfer of a transcontinental railway would hardly create more of a furor than did the change in the rental of the Rogue River Valley [rail]road. The rumored boycott probably has no greater extent than the minds of a few gossip vendors.
Editorial, Southern Oregon Mail, January 27, 1893, page 2

    The Medford brewery and artificial ice company's building is receiving a few finishing touches this week. While it is hardly probable these people will be able to make ready to do any brewing this winter they are getting in good shape to manufacture ice as soon as the spring trade opens. By another winter those who really feel that life is not worth living without an occasional schooner of beer need not get desperate and shuffle off the mortal coil for the want of it--their demand can be supplied.
    Messrs. Davis & Pottenger are attracting increased attention to their far-famed grocery store on Seventh Street this week by suspending an appropriate sign over the sidewalk in front of their place of business.
    There is considerable talk of erecting a German Lutheran church in Medford in early springtime. Messrs. Hamilton & Palm have very generously agreed to donate grounds sufficient upon which to erect the building.
    Hotel Medford has a new office desk. Great is The Medford--one continual round of new things.
    The Medford distillery is running to its full capacity.
    It is altogether probable that the Rogue River Valley short line has the youngest conductor in its employ of any railroad in the world. His age is in the immediate surroundings of twelve years. His name is John Barnum and he is a son of Wm. Barnum, an engineer on the same road. The young man is said to be taking lessons in the guttural rendition of "TICK-ETS" and pays as little attention to questions asked by passengers as does the average real man conductor.
    Medford is decorating herself with new plumage every day. The latest is that Washington people are sending down to Mr. Geo. Crystal, of this place, for several of his celebrated pruning forks. Mr. Crystal has this very convenient article patented and is now at work making up a few hundred of them. The Mail don't know much about pruning, but if this implement fails to fill the bill we are unable to guess where the improvement could be made.
    Mr. Cogeshall has a two-story resident home on F Street nearly completed. Mr. C. is a newcomer but he seems to be getting right cleverly into the ways peculiar to Medford.
    Mr. F. M. Poe is carrying one eye in a sling as a result of having come in too close contact with a heavy hammer while engaged upon Mr. Pritchard's new building.
    Hotel Clarendon has been leased by landlord Purdin, of The Medford, and will be used only as a lodging house and in connection with The Medford.
    Contractor Lyon is busy these days ceiling the interior of the brewery. Mr. Lyon tells us that prospects for an unusual amount of work in his line for the coming spring and summer never were brighter. In fact, he has already drawn plans for several new buildings and is now figuring on their construction.
    The vacant building standing about an hundred feet north of Seventh Street and near the Clarendon Hotel is to be moved to the corner of Seventh and Front streets and will be used for a real estate office by Hamilton & Palm.
    Dr. Geary reports his two children convalescent and still further says he is positive the malady has not entered any other household in Medford. The doctor very prudently quarantined himself and family during their illness.
"Weekly Round-Up," Southern Oregon Mail, January 27, 1893, page 3

Getting Down to Business.
    The committee who have charge of the matter pertaining to the erection of the Medford Business College are now getting down to good, hard work. At a meeting of the committee Monday night it was decided that a building suitable for the emergency for several years could be constructed for $3,500, and with these figures as a basis of operations they are now out soliciting subscription. It seems to us that every resident of Medford who can possibly afford it ought to contribute as liberally as possible to this important adjunct to, or perhaps the principal factor in, Medford's enviable position as an educational center. We can all contribute a little--and we can well afford to when we realize the benefit such an institution will be to our town. Ashland people have made a bid of $3,000 for the college but we hardly think they will get it. Chances are all in our favor and if we let this opportunity to make a "ten stroke" for our town go by, we deserve no better fate than to lose it.
Southern Oregon Mail, January 27, 1893, page 3

Dear council give us street lamps,
    And give them to us soon,
Or we'll go over to Central Point
    And skip by the light of the moon.
"The Town Talker," Southern Oregon Mail, January 27, 1893, page 3

Got the Boys Guessing.
    Some of the newspaper boys hereabouts are jumping at conclusions in a most ridiculous and ludicrous manner as to the possible political complexion of The Mail. Here is the way the Ashland Valley Record has it sized up: "The new man will make an entire change and though at first it (The Mail) will be independent, by and by it will be a Republican paper and will advance the interests of Binger Hermann toward the U.S. Senate, so it is reported." And here is the conclusion the Ashland Tidings arrived at: "That paper (The Mail) has been under contracted as a People's Party organ, but it is whispered that it will take a new political shoot. Some say it is backed by Hermann, to work up his senatorial boom, and some even suspect it is to boom H. B. Miller for Hermann's shoes." And still another report, given out by the Jacksonville Times: "It is reported that the Medford Mail will soon become a Republican sheet." You are all at sea, boys. The Mail is a newspaper and isn't run in the interest of any one individual--except the publisher--but is run, and will continue to so run, in the interest of Medford and Jackson County. If we can be of service in the upbuilding of any enterprise which tends to advance this part of the country you can depend upon finding us in the front rank. We have never met Mr. Hermann but once and have never even spoken to Mr. Miller.
Southern Oregon Mail, January 27, 1893, page 3

    D. J. Lumsden, et al., to Emma Merriman; lot 14, blk 2, Lumsden's add. to Medford; $45.
    C. W. Palm to Conrad Mingus; lot 1, blk 44, Medford; $250.
    Conrad Mingus to C. W. Palm, strip 25x100 feet off lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, blk 44, Medford; $250.

"Real Estate Transactions," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1893, page 3

    Wm. Jones and son Wilbur drove up from their ranch in Medford precinct a few days since.
    We make a specialty of photographing the little ones. Come and try us. Rifenburg & Murphy.
    Rifenburg & Murphy, the S.F. photographers, leave Medford in thirty days for their annual trip through Idaho and Montana. Gallery open Sunday.
    C. C. Ragsdale of Colusa County, Cal., and Ben Peart of Pleasant Creek were in town on business pertaining to the settlement of the J. F. Ragsdale estate, during the week.
    It is thought a bill will be introduced in the legislature within a short time for the building of a state bridge across Rogue River below the mouth of Bear Creek near Tolo.
    Miss Maggie Bellinger last Friday evening, assisted by her mother and sister, Mrs. Emma Merriman of Medford, entertained a number of her little friends at an evening social in the happiest fashion until a late hour in the evening.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. Wm. Ulrich of Medford was in town lately, the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. T. J. Kenney.
    F. G. Kertson and family, lately of Medford, are in Salem at present. They are not certain where they will locate.
    J. H. Williams, lately of Gold Hill, arrived at Medford one day last week, and will remain some time. He has been in Portland for some time past.
    Mr. and Mrs. O. Harbaugh gave an evening social to a number of invited guests yesterday evening, in honor of Mrs. Harbaugh's cousin, Mrs. Wright of Illinois, who has been visiting relatives here for some weeks. Games, cards and choice refreshments combined to furnish a most enjoyable time until a late hour.
    Chas. Garfield of Solano County, Cal., who has been in the valley for some time past visiting the family of his wife's father, Arthur Wilson, was in Jacksonville last week in company with his cousin, W. H. Parker, Esq., and expresses himself as highly pleased with southern Oregon, where he had not visited for eighteen years before. He and his wife will return to California this week.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1893, page 3

    Sutton's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company at the opera house this evening.
    The Mail shows signs of improvement since the change in ownership.
    Ohley Mickelson is now assisting J. R. Wilson in his blacksmith shop.
    Bert Whitman spent the week in Portland and the cities to the north on fruit business intent.
    J. W. Lawton has a new and complete stock of harness and leather goods, and does the right thing in the line of prices.
    A. S. Bliton succeeded to the management of the Medford Mail last week, and F. G. Kertson hied him away to the northward.
    The Good Templars lodge recently organized here now has a membership of over 75, and accessions are constantly being made to the list.
    The new brick addition which D. T. Pritchard is building to his jewelry store on Seventh Street is rapidly assuming proportions.
    Recent arrivals among the extremely young in Medford would appear to indicate a scarcity of the gentler sex in the course of a few years.
    E. J. Curtis will take charge of the Clarenden Hotel at once. He has had considerable experience in this line and will no doubt give satisfaction.
    The Medford social club still continues its semi-monthly dances, and the club is flourishing, with a membership of about twenty couples.
    The new Presbyterian minister, Rev. Foster, and family arrived from their former location in the state of Washington, and will reside here in the future.
    M. P. Phipps last week went to the county seat for the purpose of satisfying the circuit court judgment recently obtained against him by S. Childers, Sr.
    The site for the proposed new business college is on the Adkins block in the west end of town. The building will cost about $5,000 if the present plans are carried out.
    The public schools of this place are now fuller than they have been at any time before, and Medford can boast of having one of the best-conducted public schools in the state.
    A traveling telescopist gave numerous citizens of Medford a chance to form a closer acquaintance with the stars for a consideration each, through his street telescope one evening last week.
    Many out-of-town students are now in attendance on the Medford business college, among the latest acquisitions being Misses Rosetta Waters, Ella Terrill and Mary Wilcox of Talent; Miss Mamie Isaacs and C. W. Angell of Medford.
    The Medford packing company have put [up] about 200,000 pounds of fine hog products, and will await the spring markets with the assurance of declaring large dividends next summer. Hog products are booming at present, and they have a nice lot put up.
    The recent improvements made to the exterior of the Hotel Medford are accompanied with a like improvement in the general management, and landlord Purdin is rapidly demonstrating his fitness and intention to run the best hotel in southern Oregon.
    The business college people enjoyed their visit to the county seat last Friday evening immensely, in spite of the long ride home in lumber wagons, caused by the fact that the train was not running at that time, after the conclusion of the public school literary entertainment to which they had been invited. The Medford contingent are of the opinion that the Jacksonville young folks know how to do such things up brown.
W. S. Crowell, March 20, 1910 Sunday Oregonian
March 20, 1910 Sunday Oregonian
    Hon. W. S. Crowell of Jacksonville precinct, late consul at Amoy, China, delivered an instructive and entertaining talk about the experiences of a Yankee in the Flowery Kingdom, and other reminiscences of his life abroad, illustrated by charts and curios, and the large audience attests the popularity of the gentleman his "evening talks." The entertainment was given under the auspices and for the benefit of the ladies' guild of the Episcopal Church.
    The ladies of Chester A. Arthur Relief Corps last week installed the following officers for the ensuing term: President, Mrs. Mannie M. Wolff; S. V. president, Mrs. Damon; J. V. president, Mrs. Sarah Whitman; secretary, Mrs. Bradbury; treasurer, Mrs. M. E. Davis; conductor, Miss Ida Redden; assistant conductor, Miss Verna Weaver; guard, Mrs. Etta Earhart; assistant guard, Mrs. Maggie Noble; chaplain, Mrs. Clara M. Brown. The officers were installed by M. E. Damon.
    C. F. Lewis, the mining expert, who has been acting as superintendent for a large firm of operators in Central American territory, arrived at Medford, his former home, one day last week, and will spend some time looking over the mineral field in this valley, especially about Gold Hill, with a view of reporting for the Chicago company with which he is interested. He is just recovering from an attack of yellow fever, which has recently been devastating the region from which he comes, and from which nine out of thirteen of his associates died.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1893, page 3

    The Medford Business College accepted Prof. Price's invitation to be present at the literary exercises Friday evening, and were highly entertained. The young ladies and gentlemen rendered their parts unusually well, and the debate was very interesting. The question was "Resolved, That the world owes more to statesmanship than to warriors." Last, but by no means least, was the lunch served by the young ladies, for which they deserve much credit.

"Jacksonville Items,"
Ashland Tidings, January 27, 1893, page 3

Real Estate Transactions.
    Charles D. Kellogg to W. I. Vawter & A. A. Davis; lt 11, blk 13, Medford, $1000.
    J. D. Lumsden et al. to Emma Merriman; lt 14, blk 2, R. Lumsden's add. to Medford, $45.
    C. W. Palm and wife to Conrad Mingus; lt 1, blk 44, Medford, $250.
Ashland Tidings,
January 27, 1893, page 3

    Rogue River Valley--Medford to Eagle Pass [sic], twelve miles; projected. J. S. Howard, Medford, Ore., chief engineer.
"Railroad Projects," Omaha Daily Bee, Nebraska, January 27, 1893, page 7

    After this issue the Southern Oregon Mail shall have done with its usefulness and in its stead will appear The Medford Mail. This change is made from a motive of respect to the town of Medford from whose businessmen we expect our support.
    As we see carloads of cured pork in its various forms being shipped from our pork-packing institutions we cannot but remark upon this branch of industries as one of the leaders of the many in our valley.

Editorial, Southern Oregon Mail, February 3, 1893, page 2

    Charles D. Kellogg to W. I. Vawter and A. A. Davis, lot 14, blk 13, Medford; consideration $1000.
    J. D. Lumsden et al., to Emma Merriman, lot 14, blk 2, Lumsden's addition to Medford; consideration $45.
    C. M. Palm and wife to Conrad Mingus, lot 1, blk 44, Medford; consideration $250.
    Conrad Mingus to John Weeks, lot ---- blk ---- in Medford; consideration $250.
    Conrad Mingus to C. M. Palm, lot ---- blk ---- in Medford; consideration $150.
    Conrad Mingus to C. M. Palm; lot 1, blk 44, Medford; consideration $500.
    C. M. Palm to Conrad Mingus, lot 5, blk 44, Medford, reserving therefrom the buildings thereon; consideration $500.
     B. S. Webb to Spencer Childers Jr., parts of lots 10, 11, 12, 13, blk 14, Medford; consideration $1000.
"From the County Seat,"
Southern Oregon Mail, February 3, 1893, page 2

    Mr. G. A. Hover, the gentleman who received a severe cut in the arm at the pork packing house some weeks ago, has been having a hard siege with erysipelas and blood poison the past week or two. It seems the wound healed over on the outside too soon and before the inner parts had been given sufficient time to heal properly, resulting in the wound opening up anew and worse than at first. The gentleman's life was despaired of for a few days last week, but he is now improving and will probably get around all right again, although it will be several weeks before he can again get to work.
    It is fair enough for one fellow to laugh at another fellow when he slips on a banana peel and strikes terra firma, but there didn't anyone even smile when Ed. Parsons rounded the corner of Seventh and C streets on horseback Monday afternoon and his horse slipped and fell flat, with Ed. on the under side. Mr. Parsons gathered himself together after the horse had gotten up and fortunately escaped with only a sprained ankle and a badly bruised leg.
    Last Thursday while H. H. Wolters, an employee of the Mathes meat market, was engaged in cutting sausage meat, the second finger of his left hand came in too close contact with the knives and the finger was so badly cut as to necessitate amputation at the first joint. The wound is doing nicely and the gentleman will be cutting sausage again in a short time, but we'll wager he'll cut more sausage and less finger hereafter.
    Messrs. Roberts & O'Neil have their new residence on A Street nearly completed. The main building is 24x26 feet in size with an L 12x18 and porches on three sides. It is a very neat, comfortable structure and is a credit to that part of the city as well as the builders, Messrs. Speas & McGee.
    Everybody almost has a "josh" to run up against Postmaster Howard and all because he was carrying his eye in a sling a couple of days, resulting from the effects of a bad cold and inflammation. It is all right for the boys to josh, but it is no joshing matter to Mr. Howard.
    Mr. S. Rosenthal is closing out his stock of goods at cost, preparatory to going east. His was the second store established in Medford more than nine years ago, and his departure is regretted by a large circle of friends here. He promises to return to Medford.
    The cold snap of Saturday and Sunday brings up for observation the peculiar exultation and pride felt by the young man whose mustache has grown long enough to become slightly frosted. There [are] several of the miniature in this line in Medford.
    Messrs. Nicholson Bros. have moved their stock of implements from C Street to the Barnum brick building on Seventh Street. The building to which they have moved has recently been fitted up expressly for their use.
    Hamilton & Palm have sold lots 7 and 8, block 33 to Macy Pickering; consideration $200; and Conrad Mingus to Fred Medynski, lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, block 45, consideration $1000, all in Medford.
    A new sidewalk is being built from Dr. Geary's place to the corner of G and Seventh streets. An extension of this walk along Ninth Street to Mr. Geo. Webb's place is contemplated.
    The Southern Oregon Packing Company shipped a carload of lard and bacon Saturday night, and Monday a carload of bacon and ham--both to Lang & Co., Portland.
    Mr. Sutter don't propose to have any more burn-outs, and to avoid them will substitute hot water pipes for fires in his greenhouse.
    Mr. J. O. Johnson's household effects, together with a driving team and carriage, were unloaded at the depot Saturday.
    Mr. Wm. Ulrich is building a residence on North C Street.

"Weekly Round-Up," Southern Oregon Mail, February 3, 1893, page 3

    Mr. Bert Whitman returned this week from his Portland trip. His business hence was that of disposing of a quantity of apples from his celebrated fruit packing establishment. He found fruit in quite good demand and unloaded a goodly amount.
    Mr. J. O. Johnson and family returned to Medford last week from Pacific Grove, California. Mr. Johnson was at one time a resident of these parts, and that he and his estimable family have returned to join our society is good news. He is the owner of a fine ranch near Medford, but for a time at least he will reside in the city.

"Purely Personal," Southern Oregon Mail, February 3, 1893, page 3

Greenhouse Nearly Consumed.
    Saturday morning the greenhouse belonging to Frank Sutter, on North C Street, was discovered to be on fire and before the flames were entirely squelched much damage was done to the plants and building. The fire caught from a defective flue and must have been smoldering nearly all night, as the interior of the building was badly smoked and charred. It was just before daylight when the fire was first discovered. The neighbors turned out with water buckets and by lively work the fire was put out, but not until the glass was nearly all broken out, the plants badly scorched and one side of the building burned out.
Southern Oregon Mail, February 3, 1893, page 3

The Town Talker.
    One of the dangers of being on a pedestal is that boys will throw things.
    But it was not necessary to stand in a conspicuous place last Saturday night to get a rap in the neck, or perchance over your "other eye." If you didn't get your hat knocked into a cocked eye, or your eye knocked into a cocked hat, it was no fault of the boys. If you missed one compact missile of the beautiful you were sure to catch another. No black eyes have resulted for the reason that the victims retreated and the volleys came in from the rear.
    Anyone can stand a few broken ribs, but when the "beautiful snow poet" perpetrates his lines on the public he adds suicide to insanity, and the burden of life truly overwhelms us.
Southern Oregon Mail, February 3, 1893, page 3

Railroad Changes.
    Negotiations have been pending for some time past between Honeyman & DeHart, of Portland, and C. H. Leadbetter of the Kennewick Irrigation & Canal Company up in Washington, for the transfer of the stock which the former gentlemen held in the R.R.V.R.R. Co., and the transfer was effected during the last week. C. H. Leadbetter succeeds Mr. Honeyman as president, and his son, F. W. Leadbetter, is the new vice-president of the company. It is announced through the daily papers that the company now intends to extend the road at an early date to the head of the sugar pine belt at the head of Rogue River, and from the fact that speculators are already engaged in bonding tracts of land in the valley, we rather incline to the opinion that it will not be very long until the dream of a railroad transversely across this valley will be realized. The Leadbetters are the managers of the irrigation project alluded to above and have under contemplation a like system for this valley. Who knows but what we may be on the eve of a boom when least expected.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3

    The price of wheat still remains at a discouragingly low figure, only 50 cents a bushel.
    Don't let the disagreeable weather hinder you from coming. We can make pictures without the sun by our new method. Rifenburg & Murphy, Medford.
    A peculiar disease is killing off the Chinese pheasants in great numbers in the Sound section, and it is feared it may prevent the stocking of this valley with the beautiful birds.
    Jos. France and his son have become interested in flouring mills at Athena, Umatilla County, and also in merchandising on Puget Sound. We are glad to learn that they are doing well.
    A party was given at Salem one evening last week in honor of Misses Lizzie Graves and Rose Cardwell, which was attended by a number of the principal members of the society of the capital city. It was a handsome and very pleasant affair.
    Johnny Barnum, son of W. S. Barnum, collects the fares on the R.R.V.R.R. in a most satisfactory manner, and claims the distinction of being the youngest conductor on the run. He hasn't had to eject a soul as yet for nonpayment of fares.
"Here and There," 
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3

    Geo. McMurray, the veterinary, last week departed for a trip to the southward.
    J. W. Bevins of Rock Point was last week enrolled at the Medford business college.
    Times are brisk about the Medford distillery, and it has for some time past been running to its full capacity.
    Geo. Crystal is manufacturing the patented pruning forks of his own devising, and is receiving a good many orders from fruit men from abroad.
    C. S. Descamp of the bay city arrived at Medford last week to follow the business of insurance in all its branches for the Phoenix insurance company.
    G. W. Isaacs, who was so severely hooked by his cow one day last week, is still carrying his arm in a sling, but is getting along nicely under the care of Dr. Geary.
    The Medford packing house will unquestionably clear ten thousand dollars from the present season's pack, owing to the recent raise in the price of pork products.
    Paul Demmer and his two brothers are making the wilderness to blossom at their places near Medford, and will soon have nice homes for themselves and families.
    Messrs. Hamilton & Palm having donated a lot for the purpose, it is highly probable a German Lutheran church will be built at Medford during the next few months.
    Hamilton & Palm have established their real estate headquarters in the building they purchased for the purpose of having it removed to the corner of Seventh and Front streets.
    Work at the brewery has been steadily in progress for a long time, and the business of making beer will soon be under way. A great deal of ice will be made also, as soon as Boreas goes out of the business himself for his annual summer trip north.
    James Hansen and daughter last week returned home from their trip to California, where the young lady had been undergoing medical treatment for hip disease. Another operation will be necessary soon, the surgeons think.
    The subscription papers have been actively circulated for subscriptions for the proposed new college building, since it was learned that Ashland has made a bid of $3,000 bonus if the school is removed to that town. The proprietors have no intention of making any change if the citizens of Medford show their usual liberal spirit in the matter.
    The local fish company, who are operating on the lake pike, a species of carp which abound in Tule Lake and make annual pilgrimages up Lost River in Klamath County, valuable in their dried state and for their oil, is making preparations to secure the bulk of the February run of the succulent fish, and the superintendent, J. D. Whitman, has a number of men busy at the scene of operations in Klamath County.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3

We Loan Money
To buy, build and improve your home at an average interest rate of only 1⅜ percent. Allow 12 years time in which to repay loans by small monthly installments. Pay investors big returns with absolute security. Assets over $100,000. For particulars apply to
L. L. Angle, Agent,
    Medford, Oregon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3

    The proposed railroad extension will result in an advance in the price of property at the county seat, as well as elsewhere in the valley.
    A number of young folks of Jacksonville attended the dancing party at Medford last Saturday night and report having had a most enjoyable time.
    O. Harbaugh's back enabled him to carry home the handsome mantel lambrequin which so many were desirous of obtaining last Monday evening.
    Father Watry departed for California during the week, and will hereafter be posted at some point in the golden state. He carries the best wishes of many of our citizens with him to his new location.
    Dr. James Braden returned home from a long absence at his Indiana home last Saturday evening, and will remain in this section during the next few months. He reports very cold weather back in the Mississippi Valley.
    Wednesday morning the mercury registered a lower temperature than for several years past in Jacksonville. At Peter Britt's observatory it was 13 degrees above zero for a few hours, while in several locations in town it was reported to have been a degree or two lower. Many house plants came to grief, owing to the fact that the ladies supposed their pots were out of danger for this winter.
    Rogue River Valley citizens are right onto themselves when it comes to realizing the value of a trust [i.e., a monopoly]. Recently managers of the Hotel Oregon at Ashland made a deal by which they consolidated that and the Ashland House management, and the consequence is both houses will do a good business, the one as a lodging house, the other as the hotel of the city. At Medford, landlord Purdin has also seen the point and has leased the Clarendon Hotel, which he will in future use as a lodging house annex of the Medford hotel, ensuring a good round profit from both buildings.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3

    We are sorry to learn that John Miller is suffering with heart disease, but is somewhat better at this writing.
    C. H. Leadbetter, a gentleman engaged in a large irrigating enterprise at Yakima, Wash., was in town lately with a view to setting on foot here. If he receives the necessary encouragement he will put in an electric plant at Medford and engage in some valuable irrigating enterprises in this valley.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3

Reported Sale of Rogue River Valley Railroad.
[Oregonian Jan. 31.]
    The Rogue River railroad, which connects Jacksonville and Medford, has been sold by Messrs. Honeyman & DeHart, of this city, to Mr. C. H. Leadbetter, a capitalist, prominently interested in the Kennewick irrigation canal. At a meeting of the directors of the road yesterday, Mr. Leadbetter was elected president, in the place of Mr. Honeyman, and his son, Mr. F. W. Leadbetter, was elected vice-president and general manager, in place of Mr. DeHart. It is the intention of the purchaser to extend the road at an early day some 25 miles east into the sugar pine forests at the headwaters of the Rogue and Butte rivers. The present line is about six miles in length, and has been paying a handsome profit during the past year.
Ashland Tidings, February 3, 1893, page 3

    Today will finish the soliciting committee's work in the matter of securing subscriptions to the Business College. The people of Ashland have made Prof. Rigby a proposition which must either be accepted or rejected tomorrow. The city of Medford has no idea of allowing this institution to leave its present location, but it is quite necessary that we secure the required amount at once. If we are to lose the Business College now after maintaining it for a year it would be better had we never have had it--it will react to the city's injury in a way not most desired. Prof. Rigby's proposition is a liberal, businesslike one and such as no person can raise the slightest objection to. He proposes to erect a building, to cost not less than $3,000, and to conduct therein a commercial school and business college, but before doing this he asks our people to donate to him $1,500. Subscriptions not due until after the building is completed. This, in our opinion, is a fair and square proposition and we can see no reason why our people should not put their shoulders to the wheel and push the project.
    Can you not assist a little in securing for Medford a good business college? Nothing is more desired in any town or city than good schools. Subscriptions are not due until building is completed. If the committee does not call upon you, and you feel you can help the matter along, just step into The Mail office--where a copy of the subscription paper may be seen.
    As we were about to remark: How do you like the appearance of the first page of The Mail? In the vernacular peculiar to this immediate vicinity, isn't that new heading "out of sight"?
Editorial, Medford Mail, February 10, 1893, page 2

    The snowfall of last Saturday and Sunday did not pass away entirely unused. Besides the small boy who put in a good portion of Sunday in piling up snowballs against his big sister's neck and this same big sister was similarly engaged in piling up congealed aqua pura in the immediate vicinity of the hearing apparatus of some other sister's big brother; besides these sport gatherers there were Mr. Taylor Payne and his lady friends who delved more deeply in exhilarating outdoor sport, when the snowflake flakes and the jingling sleigh bells jingle, by coming out with their two in hand, horses and cutter, for a jingle like you don't often get in Southern Oregon.
    Mr. A. M. Woodford is preparing to erect a fine dwelling house on the corner of Eighth and G streets. The building will be two stories high and 26x28 feet in size. Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson are the contractors who will erect the building.
    A new hardware firm is announced this week. Messrs. John Beek and J. A. Whiteside have purchased the stock of Simmons & Cathcart, and the new firm will open up for business under the new regime the first of next week. The retiring firm will seek a location elsewhere, and while we will regret their departure, we can but wish them the best of success in any new field they may select. The members of the incoming firm are both too well and favorably known to need of any eulogizing by us. That they may crown their new venture with success is what The Mail wishes them.
    A team of horses belonging to Chas. Dickison took a lively turn about town Wednesday afternoon. They started from the Klippel lumber yard, crossed the railroad track and made a liner for Hanley's saloon on the corner of Front and Seventh streets--where they struck the sidewalk and then up the walk on Seventh to Sears' millinery store where they were caught. Very little damage was done save a badly demolished wagon.
    Mr. Myron Skeel moved his household effects from Seventh Street to the east side Monday, where he expects to reside permanently.
    Mrs. Minnie Morine has opened a bakery and restaurant on Seventh Street, near the Lawton saddlery emporium.
    Last week M. H. Russell and J. L. Demmer were arrested for killing fish in Bear Creek with giant powder. They were brought before Justice Walton and each fined twenty dollars and costs which was paid. It is probable these parties had no intention of violating the law, but as ignorance excuses no man they were dealt with accordingly.
    Mr. Frank Galloway is making many improvements about his pleasant C Street residence. The interior is being overhauled and things changed around generally. Contractor Lyons is the gentleman doing the hammer and saw act.
    C. W. Wolters, the popular grocer, will hereafter be known also as the popular gents' furnisher. To his fine line of groceries he has just added a complete stock of gents' furnishing goods of the latest styles. It will be worth your while to call and see them.
"Locals Galore," Medford Mail, February 10, 1893, page 3

An Important Proposition.
    At the meeting of the city council last Monday evening a proposition was submitted to the city authorities by C. H. Leadbetter and son, who have secured control of the R.R.V.R.R. and now intend to extend the road at an early date to the headwaters of Rogue River, going via Eagle Point. They are making preparations to put in a thorough system of irrigating canals in the valley, to cover all the territory lying below the level of their ditch, which will convey water from Big and Little Butte creeks, and will circle around the valley at a level a little below the town of Talent. They made a proposition to furnish Jacksonville with free water for fire, town and park purposes, and to provide faucets at $1 each for private use, provided the town will guarantee the issue of bonds to the amount of $20,000, to bear 6 percent, payable in twenty years, to be given the company as a bonus upon the completion of the work, which they will undertake to have completed and in operation by the first day of September 1894. The proposition also covers electric lights for the city and private use, at a stipulated rate per month. The company professes to be amply able to carry out the work with their own means, and only ask that the bonus be guaranteed them upon its completion. It is well worth consideration, as with an abundant supply of water and electric lights this place would yet be of great local importance, to say nothing of being the pleasantest residence locality in Oregon. The main canal of the company is intended to be over one hundred miles in length. Big Butte Creek will furnish an abundance of water.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3

The School Marm's Sway.
    Jacksonville has presented a busy scene about the courthouse this week during the examination of [sic] teachers' certificates at the regular quarterly examination. Thirty-eight applicants presented themselves, of which number three were applicants for state diplomas. Those in attendance for county certificates were as follows: Misses Ella Benson, Julia Rodschaw, Ella Geary, Hattie Bliss, Zuda Owens and Jessie Spencer, of Medford; Kittie Wells, Hypatia Klum and Clara Terrill, of Talent; Lora Ray and Emma Ruth, of Gold Hill; Hattie Gleason, of Ashland; Edith Newton and Annetta Burch, of Central Point; Jennie Linvill, of Sams Valley; Laura Gilson, Amy Cantrall, Emma Reed, Nannie Ankeny and Bernice Cameron, of Jacksonville. Messrs. L. L. Freeman, Percy Newton, John Harvey, E. E. Van Antwerp and G. H. Samuels, of Central Point; John E. Potter, Herbert Linvill and John Sydenstriker, of Sams Valley; J. C. Moomaw, of Ashland; W. J. Freeman, of Gold Hill; George Parker, Wm. H. McDaniel, Day Parker and Joseph Wetterer, Jacksonville; Percy Wells, of Talent. The three applicants for state diplomas are Misses S. A. Wilson of Rock Point and Mr. J. F. Wisner of Applegate.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3

    Barb wire 5¼ cents per pound, net, to close out at Henry Smith's, Medford.
    Twenty percent discount on men's fine shoes, boots and clothing at Henry Smith's, Medford.
    The snow disappeared at Medford on Wednesday morning. The fall was very light at that place.
    All persons indebted to the estate of Henry Smith will save costs by settling up in the next thirty days.
    Rose Cardwell, Laura B. and Francis Fitch last week incorporated the Southern Oregon Water Co. of Medford. The capital stock of the corporation is $250,000.
    The past week has been a stormy one, considerable snow having fallen. There has also been more or less frost, which has frozen the snow so some of it still lingers.
    W. J. Fredenburg, who is now proprietor of the Medford fence works, is manufacturing a superior article. His prices are so reasonable and his fence so excellent that it should prove popular with all in need of fencing material.
    The fact that carloads of pork products now go out from this valley shows that the people have found out one of the most remunerative branches of agriculture elsewhere, the world over, and that henceforth we will produce a large proportion of the pork of the Northwest.
    Frank Huffer is said to be meeting with great success in the practice of his profession, the law, up in the Sound cities, and has already carried some important cases through the supreme court of Washington, with the right kind of a verdict for his client. He is another of the young men in whom Jacksonville justly takes pride.
    The Medford Business College is highly spoken of by the students in attendance there this year. Southern Oregon has long felt the need of such an institution and now that we have it our people should not fail to yield it a handsome support. The management deserves success for the energy displayed in building up and carrying forward to a successful issue this important addition to our educational interests.
    There have been some nice profits realized from prune raising in southern Oregon during the last year, and there will be many orchards set during the next few months. One cannot go amiss in setting out a fine prune orchard anywhere in this valley, for the great value represented in a pound of the dried product will enable them to be transported a long distance by wagon and yet yield a fair income for labor and capital invested. Two hundred dollars per acre represents the average income from an orchard in bearing, and that yield is oftener exceeded than not with careful cultivation.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3

    W. I. Vawter's little boy is regaining his health.
    Wm. Ulrich is erecting a nice dwelling on C Street.
    Glassware and crockery at Davis & Pottenger's at cost.
    Mrs. C. Mingus of Ashland visited her son and family at this place during the last week.
    The distillery company have finished their run for the present, and have closed down for awhile.
    Mrs. S. W. Speas is able to be about her household duties again after many weeks' illness with typhoid fever.
    The Southern Oregon [Pork] Packing Company last week consigned a carload of lard and bacon to Lang & Co. of Portland.
    Fifteen students of Medford Business College are taking the normal course, and four of the number intend to apply for state diplomas.
    In the absence of Rev. Hill at Portland last week the revival services at the Baptist Church in this place were carried on by Rev. Stephens and Mr. Heart.
    Contractors Speas & McGee are putting the finishing touches on the new residence of Wm. Roberts on A Street, and will prove one of the finest ornaments of our little city.
    Several new buildings are projected in Medford to be built within the next few months, and our contractors expect to be busy during the greater part of the season.
    Conrad Mingus last week sold four lots in block 45 to Fred. Medynski for $1,000, through Hamilton & Palm. The last-named firm sold Macy Pickering two lots in block 33.
    Bert Whitman has returned from his trip to Washington, but Geo. Addington remained awhile longer on the Sound. The latter has sold his timber interests in this county.
    Mrs. J. A. Slover, who has been troubled with rheumatism for some five months past, is able to be about again, and was down to her husband's drugstore for the first time one day last week.
    H. H. Wolters had the misfortune to lacerate the second finger of his left hand so badly while manipulating a sausage grinder one day last week as to necessitate the amputation of the finger at the first joint.
    Messrs. Cardwell and Fitch have taken out some nice quartz from their Willow Springs mine during the last week. A ten-stamp mill is about ready to begin crushing. Ralph Ridenour is in charge of the engine.
    All hope that Prof. Rigby's efforts to establish a normal class for higher training for teachers will prove successful. Anything that will tend to elevate the standard of the teacher's profession is greatly to be desired.
    Much damage was done to Frank Sutter's greenhouse by fire one day last week, in the early morning hours, the interior being badly charred and scorched before the flames could be extinguished. Many of his finest plants were entirely ruined.
    J. O. Johnson and family last week returned the second time to Medford and are content to make this place their permanent home in the future. They hail from Pacific Grove, Cal., this time, and say there is no place like the Rogue River Valley.
    Ed. Parsons' horse fell with him while rounding the corner on C and Seventh streets one day last week, and for a time it looked like it was all day [sic] with Ed., whose leg was badly bruised and his ankle sprained as it was.
    The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Jackson County Bank was held at Medford last Saturday, and W. I. Vawter was elected president, Wm. Slinger, vice-president and J. E. Enyart, cashier. The directors for the ensuing year are W. I. Vawter, J. E. Enyart, Wm. Slinger, A. A. Davis and C. H. Pierce. Satisfactory dividend was declared besides passing a creditable sum to surplus account. The small amount of stock yet on standing was entirely taken up by the present leading stockholders and resolutions passed to increase the capital stock as fast as the growth of the valley would justify.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3

    The fare on the R.R.V.R.R. will hereafter be fifty cents for the round trip.
    Prof. Rigby of Medford has been in town during the week, assisting in the quarterly examination of teachers.
    Articles of incorporation of the Southern Oregon Water Company were filed in the office of [the] secretary of state at Salem during the week. Capital stock $250,000. Incorporators Rose Cardwell, Francis Fitch and Laura B. Fitch.
    George D. Ridinger, formerly of this county, in a card published in the Albany Herald, acknowledges that he was the man that was cowhided in that city the other day, and says the whip was wielded by Mrs. S. W. Trainer. He also says: "Under the circumstances I rather enjoyed the publicity with which the medicine was administered."
    The weather has entirely moderated, and the backbone of the winter seems to be broken. The snow is nearly all off, and it is warm and pleasant. A balmy atmosphere indicates the approach of settled weather, and we are probably through with the severe winter. There is considerable snow in the hills yet, but if the present temperature continues it will remain but a short time.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3

    Merritt Bellinger last Friday celebrated his sixtieth anniversary of his birth by taking dinner with his daughter, Mrs. L. Bellinger [sic], in Jacksonville. Mr. B. has been a continuous resident of this valley for full forty years, and came to the state in the year 1850. He is among our most highly esteemed citizens, and his friends, to the number of legion, wish him many returns of the day.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3

A Normal School.
    On the first of May the Medford Business College will be turned into a normal school for the benefit and education of those who wish to become teachers. Prof. M. E. Rigby, the efficient principal, will be assisted by a competent corps of assistants, and nothing will be left undone to make the new candidate for public favor a success.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3

Real Estate Transfers.
C. W. Palm et al. to C. E. Delashmutt, lots 8 and 9, blk 18, Medford . . . 150
C. W. Palm to Conrad Mingus, lot 1, blk 44, Medford . . . 250
Medford Mail, February 10, 1893, page 3

    Hamilton & Palm have let the contract for remodeling their new real estate building to contractor Lyon.
    S. S. Penwell yesterday began moving his bakery from B Street to Seventh. He will occupy rooms with Z. Maxcy, the fruit and confectionery dealer.
    Mrs. Stanley is storing her household effects in her building on C Street preparatory to an extended visit in [illegible]thern California.
    It is told that during the heat of the affray at Hotel Medford last Saturday the Mail reporter secluded himself from harm's way by sliding into the twilight and there remaining until a body guard had been sent up to rescue him. This, however, is given little credence as reporters are known to be brave people, even more so than are women in a locality where mice abound.
    In the line of improvement comes an announcement that Mr. John Weeks is soon to commence the erection of a furniture store on Seventh Street and across the street from the Clarendon Hotel. The building will be two stories high and 24x40 in size. Mr. L. M. Lyon has the contract and will commence work as soon as material can be secured and weather permits.
    C. W. Skeel & Son, contractors and builders, are erecting a two-story residence in the west end of town of Wm. Ulrich. This is the sixth house that has been built for Mr. Ulrich by the same firm.
    There occurred on North C Street, in Medford, Wednesday, a little family ruction which bordered closely onto the line of fatalities, but as The Mail is not prone to hash and rehash family troubles we will not go into details. Another attempt by this party to inculcate family discipline by means of knocks and blows will not be dealt with so lightly either by this paper or the law.
    The Medford correspondent to the Jacksonville Times erroneously stated last week that the Medford distillery had shut down operations. Such, however, is not the case. The institution is running at full blast and is advertising for more corn and rye.
    Mr. W. J. Fredenburg, the famous fence manufacturer, is preparing to move his establishment from Seventh Street to the building recently vacated by Nicholson Bros., on C Street. He will also operate the bowling alley.
"Locals Galore," Medford Mail, February 17, 1893, page 3

He Shot But Didn't Kill.
    There was considerable consternation and a little cold lead sashaying about Hotel Medford last Saturday. It was just at the noon hour, a time when the average citizen is thinking of something more palatable to sustain the inner man than leaden missiles, that the affray of which we are about to write took place.
    The facts in the case as given the Mail reporter are about as follows:
    Joe Savage, clerk at the hotel, and the dining room girl on Saturday morning had indulged in a little skirmish in which it is told that Joe applied epithets which were not wholly relished by the girls, which, however, the cook declares was a mistake as he only swore at them, but be this as it may, there was a ruction raised and things might well be said to have been popping, as a matter of fact they did pop later on. One of the boarders at the hotel is Geo. Addington, who is a particular friend of one of the girls. The report of the trouble reached his ear and about twelve o'clock he called to Joe to come up into the sitting room. Joe complied and a fistic encounter ensued and the next report of the affair was from a forty-four caliber revolver in the hands of Addington. Savage in the meantime was making a slide down the stairs and out into the street. Landlord Purdin and a number of boarders, hearing the racket in the sitting room, started up the stairs just as Savage was coming down and the bullet came nearer hitting some of them than it did the one for whom it was intended. No arrests were made. New help has been procured at the hotel and everything is now moving along as smoothly as though nothing had happened to disturb the even tenor of the placid wave so becoming to that hostelry.
Medford Mail, February 17, 1893, page 3

    Mr. Joe Savage, the ex-clerk at The Medford, is now in San Francisco, but may probably return. Joe is the kind of a clerk you don't often find in a hotel and Mr. Purdin will do well to get him back again.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 17, 1893, page 3

It Was No Robbery.
    "A fair exchange is no robbery." So it was no robbery that took place on Seventh Street, near the Hotel Medford on Monday of this week, but a fair exchange. The facts of the matter are that two individuals traded boots on the street and that's all there was about it. Some very funny incidents have occurred about town recently, but this particular episode capped the climax. They made the exchange one boot at a time, and bathed their feet in a pool of water in the gutter to ensure a perfect fit. There is nothing particularly sensational in this, but it afforded much amusement to the spectators, and would have been highly enjoyed by many more who missed the performance.
Medford Mail, February 17, 1893, page 3

    For the past few weeks the railroad pulse in this vicinity has been beating many throbs above the normal condition. The Mail has said nothing of this important movement because that we preferred to hold over until something authentic might be arrived at. Things have not taken on such a shape that we can give them out to our readers with little fear lest we be called upon to deny the assertion made herein.
    Some few weeks ago a proposition was made our people by Mr. Leadbetter and son, the gentlemen who recently purchased the Rogue River Valley Railroad, which is in substance something like this:
    They agree to build, equip and operate an extension of the above-named railroad from Medford to a point known as the sugar pine belt about forty-five miles northeast from this place. They further agree to put in a system of water works for the town of Medford which will be sufficient to meet the demands of a city of 10,000 or more inhabitants and to supply sufficient power for all manufacturing interests that may develop later, as well as an irrigation canal from which they agree to water the "desert" and as much more of the valley as may be desired. And still further they agree to put in an electric light plant in Medford. They also agree that the headquarters for all these operations shall be at Medford.
    In consideration for all this they ask the city of Medford to give them $40,000, but from this amount is to be deducted the value of our present water system. They to accept city warrants in payment, but not a dollar to be due or paid until the completion of all this work.
    We have given you above a brief synopsis of the proposition, and by next week we hope to be able to publish the contract entire which is to be entered into by and between the city of Medford and the promoters of these projects.
    A person reading the above would naturally come to the conclusion that these railroad gentlemen were figuring wholly as benefactors to the city of Medford and the Rogue River Valley. If such an idea enters your mind, dissuade yourself of the notion at once. While it is true that they will expend upwards of an half million dollars in perfecting the projects and ask in return only $40,000, it is equally as true that the revenue from these many sources will be perpetual from and after the completion of this work, but the contract is so worded that no exorbitant prices can be charged either for water or light.
    In order that our city be placed in a position to accept this proposition it was necessary that a bill should pass the legislature authorizing the extension of the bonded indebtedness sufficient to meet the amount asked as a bonus. This was presented and passed both houses and by limitation became a law last Wednesday. It now becomes necessary to put the matter to a vote of the people. Notice of which will undoubtedly be published in these columns next week.
    In the opinion of The Mail--and we are pleased to note that it is the opinion of nearly every resident in Medford--there should not be a dissenting vote when the time comes to cast our ballot. The one and only argument which can possibly be raised against the project might be that of increased taxes, but this is so easily put aside as to hardly give a second thought. If you are in doubt as to who will pay the taxes, sit yourself down and with pencil figure, first, the amount of money this one company will expend in the construction of buildings and placing of machinery to operate all their different projects. Having written these figures on your tablets, which will reach a sum very near the six-figure line, make a small estimate of the amount of capital the completion of these projects will invite to our city by way of manufacturing enterprises, and you have--what? A city of between 5,000 and 10,000 inhabitants, and enough taxable property to pay five times the excess which the city's bonded indebtedness will amount to at the present time.
    We have endeavored during the past week to sum up what, if any, class of people will oppose the project. Surely it cannot be the land owner, who can but easily see a rapid advancement in prices of his realties and the demand increase tenfold. Neither can it be the mechanic who knows full well that the demand for his labor will be increased largely, and as the demand for labor fixes the price, his way to a ready competency is easily seen. The merchant, who has his business already established, fears not competition, but instead watches for more families to supply, knowing that the individual follows the masses. Surely he cannot object. The professional man, like unto the merchant, has served his patients or clients well, and all stand ready to recommend the long-established man in preference to the newcomer. Lastly, we all, or nearly all, of us have a little home which of necessity must advance in value and from which a price treble its present value might be realized.
    The Mail fails to find one argument against the carrying out of the projects, but finds many favorable to it.
    The tide in the affairs of Medford is at its flood. Will we grasp the opportunity to make this city the undisputed metropolis of Southern Oregon, or stand idly by and let the chance of a lifetime pass forever? Southern Oregon will have her metropolis, her commercial center for this resourceful section, and that soon. Medford has gotten the iron properly heated, and we must strike while it is hot. Give encouragement to every enterprise that will bring business to this city, and foster every project for the development of our tributary country; make Medford the nerve center from which all supply must radiate and toward which all demand must gravitate, and we will soon have the acknowledged metropolis of Southern Oregon.
Medford Mail,
February 17, 1893, page 2

    But little doubt is entertained as to the final extension of the R.R.V.R.R. to the timber belt, as the present owners are railroad men, and did not buy the road to gratify any puerile desire to own a line. It is hard to say what benefits will accrue to the valley from having a line stretching from the heart of the richest agricultural section to the vast timber belt, but it is safe to say that it will revolutionize business in this quarter of the world. The future of the Rogue River Valley is very much brighter than it was a short time ago.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 2

Orchard Home Association to Wm. Billson; lot 15, blk 4, Association tract; $250.
Ethel Holder to Callie Palm and Mrs. F. V. Medynski; lot 15, blk 22, Medford; $150.
"Real Estate Transfers,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 2

    Little Edna Hanley has been very ill during the past week.
    E. G. Hurt has been retained as city engineer until May 1, 1893.
    Mrs. Minnie Morine last week opened up a bakery and restaurant on Seventh Street.
    Joe Hockersmith, the "barrow baron," was at the county seat a few days since.
    Mrs. S. S. Pentz and baby boy last week returned from their visit to California relatives.
    Don't fail to procure a Columbian souvenir of the Jackson County Bank before they are all gone.
    Jas. Brandenburg was last week appointed to the position of street commissioner by the city council.
    Contractor Lyon has the contract for remodeling the new real estate building for Hamilton & Palm.
    Mayor Vawter has been at Salem looking after some legislation in which the town of Medford is interested.
    Frank Galloway's changes in his C Street residence are nearing completion, and the building presents a greatly improved appearance.
    The Medford distillery managers are now after the corn crop and all the rye they can get, and those having these grains for sale should lose no time in seeing them.
    Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson have taken the contract to put up a nice dwelling house for A. M. Woodford at the corner of Eighth and G streets during the coming spring.
    Fred Barneburg maintains his position as the leading cattle feeder of southern Oregon, and the shipment made by him to Portland last week of ninety head of stall-fed steers was the best that ever left the valley.
    Messrs. Beek & Whiteside last week succeeded to the business of Simmons & Cathcart, the hard [sic] merchants, and carry on the business at the old stand. Both members of the new firm are well-known Medford citizens and will do a good business.
    The two Medford citizens who infringed the law relating to the killing of fish in Bear Creek with giant powder pleaded guilty when arraigned in Justice Walton's court last week, and were fined $20 and costs each. They claim they were not aware of the existence of such a law.
    The bill amending the charter of Medford, so that the town can incur an indebtedness of $75,000, has passed the legislature and become a law. It will be necessary for the people to vote on the proposition to bond the town, and a two-thirds vote in favor of the measure must be obtained.
    Prof. Rigby has not yet definitely settled where he will permanently locate his future business college, but he is considering very tempting offers from Ashland as well as from Medford, and will not hastily abandon the field here. Medford cannot afford to lose the proposed college here under existing circumstances, and no effort should be spared by our citizens to ensure its continuing with us.
    This place naturally feels bright over the outlook for our future, for all realize that the proposed extension of the R.R.V.R.R. will mean a great deal for Medford. It will of necessity always be the commercial center of the county, and should the line reach to the timber belt, will be the manufacturing center as well. When hundreds of people of the valley metropolis are on the payrolls of large lumber manufacturing concerns a very different condition of things will prevail in this valley from that now existing.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 3

Teachers' Certificates.
    Miss Hattie Bliss of Medford and John E. Potter of Sams Valley were successful in obtaining first-grade certificates at the examination of teachers last week. The following obtained second-grade certificates: Miss Laura Gilson, Jacksonville; Miss Edith Newton and W. J. Freeman, Central Point; Miss Hypatia Klum, Talent; Miss Jennie Luwill and John Sydenstricker, Sams Valley, Misses Juda Owens, Julia Roschow and Ellen Geary, Medford; Miss Hattie Gleason, Ashland; L. L. Freeman, Gold Hill. Those who obtained third-grade were: Misses Kittie Wells and Blara Terrill, and Percy Wells, Talent; Misses Amy Cantrall, Emma Reed, Nannie Ankeny and Bernice Cameron, and George Parker, Wm. H. McDaniel, Day Parker and Joseph Wetterer, Jacksonville; Misses Benson and Annetta Burch, and Gus. Samuels and E. E. Van Antwerp, Central Point; Miss Lora Ray, Gold Hill; J. H. Linvill, Sams Valley; Misses Jessie Spencer and Emma Ruth, Medford. Several who obtained third-grade certificates ranked high in their general standing, but under existing laws only a third grade could be given them until they earn a higher by teaching.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 3

    Miss Laura Nichols of Eagle Point precinct returned home from attendance on the Medford business college one day last week.
    S. A. D. Higgins was up from Medford Tuesday evening and attended the party at the U.S. Hall but did not engage in the mazes of the dance. The Duke was looking unusually well, and while he said it was dull at Medford at present, he predicted that the young and growing town would be eventually the metropolis of the valley.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 3

    Misses Lizzie Graves and Rose Cardwell of this place returned home from their trip to Salem last Saturday.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 3

    The low temperature for the past week has unlocked the streams, and mines are reveling in plenty of water.
    Misses Ellen Bursell and Sophie A. Wilson, students of the Medford Business College, were awarded state diplomas.
    Miss Zuda Owens and Geo. Parker of the Medford Business College were awarded certificates at the late teachers' examination.
    The construction of the Medford Business College is now assured. The ground has been secured and work will be commenced on it as soon as the material can be got onto the ground. The building is to be a frame 40x60, two stories high and set on a brick foundation four feet high. This is an institution long needed in southern Oregon and will be an acquisition to our school facilities.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 3

The Railroad and Big Ditch Project.
    Medford people are confident that nothing will interfere with the aqueduct and timber-railroad enterprises, of which the project was reported in [the] Tidings last week. The bill permitting the bonding of the city passing the legislature, Leadbetter & Son offer for a bonus of city bonds in the sum of $40,000 to build the railroad to the timber, and also make the big ditch to take water from upper Butte Creek and carry it to Medford, where it will have fall to furnish power for electric lights and will supply the town with water. Leadbetter & Son will also agree to take the present water works system of the town off the hands of the city at a valuation of about $10,000. The water and light business will then be in the hands of the private owners, or company, but the city council will reserve the right to establish rates. The projectors of the enterprise have also made a proposition to furnish the town of Jacksonville with water from the same ditch, and put in an electric light plant for a bonus of $20,000. Along much of its course the proposed ditch would cover land, the irrigation of which would be profitable alike to the owners thereof and to the owners of the ditch. The proposed enterprises, if successfully carried out, would add greatly to the productive resources and to the prosperity of Jackson County.
Ashland Tidings, February 17, 1893, page 3

    "We art just commencing to open up our sugar pine and yellow pine forests in Southern Oregon," said G. B. Addington, of Medford, in that state, at the Arlington last night. "Our market at present is in Sacramento and San Francisco, but we hope to get up to Portland also. Our yellow pine makes a very fine finishing lumber. Our forests will average perhaps 3,000,000 feet to the quarter section, and the land is selling for from $6 to $15 per acre. The town I live in is in the Rogue River Valley, a very fertile section, and especially well adapted to fruit raising. There is a great deal of fruit raised there now on the bottom lands, but for lack of irrigation the uplands are uncultivated and are used only for sheep pastures in the spring and fall. There is plenty of water available for irrigating these lands, and a scheme is now on foot to use it for this purpose. The fruit-bearing lands are now selling for $200 to $250 an acre."
"The Passing Throng," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, February 23, 1893, page 4

    Wilmer McPherson took his stump puller to Medford and moved the building owned by C. W. Palm opposite the Clarenden to its present location. It is the boss thing to move buildings.

"Griffin Creek Gatherings," Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 1

    We believe the average Butte Creeker has the greatest assortment of profanity in store for present use when he goes to to plow sticky soil, of any people we ever heard--trying to do the matter justice is a trying ordeal. We say, boys, use kind and persuasive words, they will be just as effective.
"Lake Creek Creeklets," Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 1

    The people of Medford are alive to their own interests and the town's advancement. They do not propose to have filched from their grasp that which has been here established and maintained. They do not propose to have other towns gloat over the possession of that which they did not possess but could not retain. Medford people can always be counted upon as voting "aye" when the issue is one of importance and tends to the up-building of the town and the betterment of things generally. There are issues now at hand which require the united action of all. The construction of the business college is one of the important measures now being considered. While it is true that Prof. Rigby has been given to understand that the subsidy asked for will be forthcoming, yet there is need for every friend of education--and he who is not a friend to education is a poor specimen of mankind--to put his shoulder to the wheel and assist the great majority in securing this institution as a permanent fixture for Medford.
    The Medford correspondent to the Daily Oregonian, whoever he may be, is piling up big heaps of credit for himself and doing our town an untold amount of good in giving out to the world through this medium accounts of our rich mineral finds and the town's general development. He should be treated with kindly remembrance for the good already done and implored to get in and give us "a little more of the same," and the Oregonian, as an appreciation of its favors, should be more generally read in this locality.
    There is without question not another town in Oregon which is at present demanding so great an amount of attention as is Medford. She is the seat of gravity, that gravity which draws men in quest of homes and business from afar and near. There are eyes looking our way from all directions and the first positive assurance of the indicated developments will see our town flooded with strangers. We will enjoy a boom and a lasting one--not the spontaneous inflation of a few real estate egotists, but a boost such as our immense and varied resources are capable of maintaining.

Editorial, Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 2

Ethel Holden to Callie Palm and Mrs. F. V. Medynski, lot 15, blk 22, Medford . . . 150
Orchard Home Association to Wm. Ellison, lot 15, blk 4, Orchard Home Tract . . . 250
"Legal Transactions,"
Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 2

    The Mail household acknowledges a pleasant serenade Wednesday evening by the Medford public school band. Several fine selections were rendered and the head of that household regrets that upon this especial evening it was necessary that the crank of the printing press should needs be cranked. However, Mrs. and Miss Editor enjoyed the treat immensely and many rounds of praise were poured into our ears upon our return home.
    The small boy and the Chinaman are having just a little more fun than the average citizen these times. It is a standoff between the bowling alley and a Chinese Fourth of July, but when you get the two of them mixed up in the same block, life to the citizens in that vicinity isn't hardly worth staying here.
    Mr. Horace Nicholson is the very gentlemanly salesman who caters to the trade at the new hardware store of Beek, Whiteside & Co. Mr. N. is an old hand at the business, and his friends, of which there are many, will be pleased to meet him again in his old vocation.
    Mr. A. M. Woodford started the foundation for his new residence, corner of C and Eighth streets, Monday morning and will get in on the carpenter work as soon as material arrives. Being an adept in the use of hammer and saw he will put up the structure himself.
    The dissolution notice of Hockersmith & Klum appears elsewhere in this paper. Mr. Klum is the retiring member--Mr. Hockersmith continuing the business.
    Mr. W. A. Forbes reports having recently sold the P. C. Scott property on the corner of C and Eighth streets to Mr. J. R. Wilson.

"Locals Galore," Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 3

Needed in Southern Oregon.
From the Jacksonville Times.
    The construction of the Medford Business College is now assured. The ground has been secured and work will be commenced on it as soon as the material can be got onto the ground. The building is to be a frame 40x60, two stories high and set on a brick foundation four feet high. This is an institution long needed in Southern Oregon and will be an acquisition to our school facilities.
Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 3

An Open Air Concert.
    The Medford Public School Band came on Wednesday evening and did the honors in commemoration of the birth of Washington. They played in the open air for more than an hour, and the populace turned out en masse to hear the music and give encouragement to the boys, who are making rapid strides in the musical world. The boys were applauded and congratulated, and deservedly too, for they cannot be set back by any juvenile band of the same amount of practice.
    The band was organized about four months ago, and is, as the name indicates, composed of school boys, the youngest of whom is scarcely more than ten years old.
    The progress made by the boys thus far is remarkable, and they should receive encouragement on every hand.
    Following are the names of the members, and their respective parts: Prof. N. L. Narregan, teacher; Carl Narregan, president; Robert Dow, tuba; Brace Skeel, baritone; John Gainey, tenor; Will Isaacs, valve trombone; Ed. Redden and John 
Vandyke, altos; cornets--Carl Narregan, solo, B Flat; Prof. Narregan, E flat; Ira Purdin, 1st B flat; Ed. Vandyke, 2nd B flat; Ed. Fordyce, 3rd B flat; drummers--Bert Brown, snare, Scott Davis, bass.
Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 3

Real Estate Sales Lively.
    From the following sales reported to The Mail by Hamilton & Palm, the conclusion which is easily arrived at is that these gentlemen are either doing plenty of hustling or that real estate is in great demand. Here is their tablet of sales for the present week:
    From Conrad Mingus to H. McCarthy, 6½ acres in Mingus addition to Medford, consideration $585.
    Conrad Mingus to Mrs. ---- Johnson, 1½ acres in Mingus addition; $135.
    Palm, Slinger & Vawter to Chas. Stroup, lots 8, 9 and 10, block 17, original townsite; $330.
    Mrs. O. Gilberts to A. Slover, lot 9, block 52; $75.
    Geo. Justus to A. Slover, lot 5, block 71; $75.
    Chas. Nickell to Richard Perry, 4½ acres in block 1, Nickell's addition to Medford; $360.
    Conrad Mingus to L. M. Lyon, lot 20, block 41; $360.
"Legal Transactions,"
Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 3

George R. Justus to Alonzo Slover; lot 5, blk 71, Medford. $60.
John Byers to John Charles; undivided ½ of lot 7 in blk 20, Medford. $75.
J. W. Short to John L. Wigle; lot 4, in blk 2, Short's add. to Medford. $1.
D. W. O'Donnell to Mary E. Wigle; lot 4, in blk 2, Short's add. to Medford. $1200.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1893, page 2

    John Klippel, who has been residing at Portland for some months past, came out last week with a view to locating here should an opportunity present itself.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1893, page 2

    J. W. Graham has been in town in the interest of Leadbetter & Son and the proposed water ditch during the last few days.
    Miss Laura Nichols was welcomed back to her home at Eagle Point by numbers of her young friends in that section who tendered her a surprise party at the residence of her father, Thos. E. Nichols, shortly after her return from the Medford Business College.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. Pottenger is at present visiting her old home in Kansas.
    Mrs. Chagnon has been visiting relatives in the Butte Creek country for some days.
    S. S. Penwell now occupies rooms with Z. Maxcy, at the variety store on Seventh Street.
    The packing company last week shipped a carload of bacon to Wadhams & Co., of Portland.
    James Chamberlain of Roseburg is the new operator who succeeds Mr. Beek at the depot.
    The local flouring mill last week consigned a carload of mill-stuff to Redding, Cal.
    The scarcity of lumber in the local market is proving a great drawback to building operations in Medford.
    O. Holtan is now prepared to accommodate his patrons with the latest in fits and styles at his clothing parlors.
    Fetsch the tailor is now offering a fine, fresh stock of goods to his local patrons, and at prices to suit the times.
    The new house being built for Wm. Ulrich by C. W. Skeel & Sons is rapidly taking form in the western part of town.
    The carload of cattle shipped by Fred. Barneburg last week from this place was consigned to J. S. Castle of Portland.
    John Weeks will erect a new furniture store on the lot on Seventh Street opposite the Clarendon Hotel in a short time.
    W. J. Fredenburg will in future carry on the fence-making business in the building lately occupied by Nicholson Bros. on C Street.
    An elegant clock now adorns the walls of the lodge room of the I.O.O.F. of this place, having been presented by the ladies of the Rebekah degree lodge.
    Messrs. J. E. Enyart, M. W. Skeel, J. A. Whitman, M. L. Alford, G. W. Merriman and J. H. Redfield of Medford attended the shoot of the Ashland gun club at the granite city one day last week.
    Several carloads of live cattle and hogs have recently been shipped from Medford, and more are to follow. This section produces the best that goes into the Portland markets in that line.
    This place will not be behind hand in the march of improvement, and the bonus asked for to insure the retaining of the business college, and the erection of a commodious building to accommodate it, has been assured.
    There is no better orchard tract in southern Oregon than the Orchard Home tract, and it is kept in the very pink of condition by the untiring efforts of Henry Pohlman, an experienced orchardman, who is in charge.
    Mr. McCarthy of the firm of Johnson, McCarthy & Johnson last week returned to Medford preparatory to beginning the manufacture of ice again the coming spring. The factory will be operated to its full capacity during the next season.
    Mrs. Susie M. West last week returned to Medford from her temporary sojourn at Loyalton, Cal., accompanied by her brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. Grant, late of New Hampshire, who have some idea of locating in Medford for the future.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1893, page 3

Dental Notice.
    Dr. J. W. Odgers, the dentist, has permanently located at Medford for the practice of dentistry. From a continued practice of over fourteen years, he is prepared to guarantee entire satisfaction. Give him a call, office over Slover's drugstore, Medford.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1893, page 3

    Mr. W. J. Gooch, manager of the Economy Flour Bin, and his salesman have been canvassing the town the past week for the new patent and have taken a large number of orders. When the canvass is completed here they will make a tour of the country, visiting every house, and will be pleased to exhibit the bin to all who may desire so useful an article. For neatness and convenience there is nothing approaching it in use. This is its first introduction in this country, and the success with which it is meeting fully attests its endorsement by the public.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1893, page 3

    In making mention of the Medford Public School Band last week, the name of Ira Phipps, who plays the slide trombone, was unintentionally omitted.

"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 3, 1893, page 3

    Mr. Joe Savage returned from San Francisco Tuesday evening and is now at his old post--clerk at The Medford.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 3

    One of the most effective means for [ground squirrels'] destruction seems to be a trap in successful use in the large orchard belonging to J. H. Stewart at Medford, Or. He places, in fence corners about his orchard, boxes about one and one-half feet square at the ends and about four feet long. The top and two ends are united and can be lifted off the box. The ends do not reach quite to the bottom board, an open space of about four inches intervening [see Fig. 13], and enabling the animal to run through the box and out at the other end. On the bottom, midway between the two ends, pieces of pork rind are securely nailed. These pieces have been first soaked in a solution of strychnine, made by boiling strychnine in water. Kernels of corn may be steeped in the same solution and placed with the pork as an additional bait, but is more easily displaced and hence more likely to be eaten by some animal for which it is not intended. But the pork rind cannot be removed. The top is fastened onto the box by means of a couple of nails, which can be easily pulled out when putting in new bait.
    Mr. Stewart asserts that his trees are free from all attacks of this pest through using this very simple device.

"The California Ground Squirrel," Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 24, March 1893, page 21

    Geo. R. Justus to Alonzo Slover, lot 5, blk 71; Medford . . . 60
    W. I. Vawter to C. W. Palm, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, blk 17; Medford . . . 1
    D. W. O'Donnell to Mary E. Wigle, lot 4, blk 9; Short's add. to Medford . . . 1,200
    J. W. Short to John L. Wigle, lot 4, blk 9; Short's add. to Medford . . . 1
"Legal Transactions,"
Medford Mail, March 3, 1893, page 2

    The Mail is at work getting out the Medford Business College Journal. Prof. Rigby will have printed about 5,000 copies, and the same will be scattered quite generally over the entire state.
    "It is wonderful how business keeps up," remarked a passenger on the southbound freight the other day, after the train had made the fourth stop between Central Point and Medford.
    A. Fetsch, the tailor, has move from Seventh Street to two doors south of The Medford on Front Street. He has rooms nicely fitted up and hopes he is now so centrally located as to catch the trade he justly deserves from all sides. He has been jumping in and out of several different places since his coming to Medford but as the motive was not that of defrauding landlords there is no kick coming.
    Mr. G. A. Hoover, the gentleman who had so serious a time with his arm a few weeks ago, is so far improved as to be able to be out on the streets. As a few cords of his wrist were severed by the cut, thereby weakening his hand, it is probable as soon as the other parts are healed that he will have the cord attached again. The Mail is pleased to see him about town again, and should another operation be had hopes it will prove successful.
    The ranchers in the Roxy Ann neighborhood are jubilant over the new road which is being made and fenced. The road connects the Antelope and Foothills Road and is now nearly completed. Messrs. W. P. Dodge and G. W. Isaacs are the gentlemen who are pushing this project and to them big checks of credit is due.
    Banker W. I. Vawter has recently invested in a fine pneumatic tire bicycle, of the Rambler pattern. As the gentleman is no novice in manipulating these sort o' machines the customary crowd will not congregate to watch him take a header when it is a starter that is intended.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 3, 1893, page 3

Best Grounds in the State.
    The Medford Rod and Gun Club are jubilant over the selection of their present site for a shooting park. They have leased grounds of Mr. I. J. Phipps, just across Bear Creek, near town, and have them fixed up in extraordinarily fine shape. One of the redeeming features of the ground selected is that of a splendid background. The trouble generally in the valley is that looking in almost any direction your sight is confronted with a background of mountains. Our club's grounds is one of the few exceptions in this respect. Here the view is unobstructed for many miles. It is almost impossible to see birds when thrown from the trap if between the marksman and mountains.
    Our local club has some pretty good marksmen and it is expected there will be some interesting contests had this coming season between Medford and other valley towns. The shoot of last week showed more than an average good score, giving evidence of improvement.
Medford Mail, March 3, 1893, page 3

    Everybody interested in hog products has made money in Jackson County this season, the grower, feeder and packer having done equally well.
    Henry Klippel of this place received the Democratic nomination for the office of railroad commissioner, and should have been elected, but the Republicans persisted in outraging all rules of propriety by naming the Democratic member themselves.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3

    J. M. White to S. B. Conger; lot 2, blk 1, Short's add. to Medford. $400.
    J. W. Short to J. M. White; deed of reformation to last above.
    G. W. Howard to Elizabeth C. Wait; lot 3, blk 52, Medford. $60.
    Wm. Ulrich to Lizzie Legate; lots 9 and 10, blk 11, Medford. $700.
    J. W. Short to John L. Wigle; deed of reformation to lot 4, blk 1, Short's add. to Medford.
    Geo. H. Andrews to Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co.; lots 3, 4, 9, 10, blk 35, Medford. $200.
    J. M. White to Ella L. and J. W. Short; quitclaim to lot 2, blk 2, Medford. $1.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3

    J. A. Slover and Chas. Strang are applicants for the Medford post office.
    Our people are much elated over the prospect of an extension of the railroad to the big timber on Rogue River and the construction of an irrigating ditch and the equipment of an electric light plant. If Medford can be successful in carrying forward these important enterprises she can consider herself as fairly in the race for the manufacturing center of southern Oregon.
    The public school at Medford celebrated Washington's birthday in a most appropriate manner last Tuesday afternoon. There were recitations and songs by the students and an open air concert by the school band. There was quite a concourse of town and country people present, and all were very much pleased with the entertainment.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3

    Geo. S. Batty, secretary of the Orchard Home Association, has been in the valley several days, looking after the interests of his corporation, which is engaged in planting 214 acres of land near Medford with fruit trees. He was accompanied by Mr. Avery, a prominent real estate agent of Portland.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3

    The town is full of men selling flour bins. They will remain in the valley some time.
    The code was so amended that hereafter bicyclists will not have to alight and bring their machines to a full stop when within a hundred yards of any person going in the opposite direction with a team. This law now applies to steam, portable or traction engines only.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3

    The mining fever has broken out in Medford, Or., and professional business and laboring men are looking toward the hills and anxiously awaiting a settlement of the weather with a view of taking a prospecting tour. New impetus is given to the excitement each day by the return of prospectors with specimens of rich gold-gearing quartz and glowing accounts of the possibilities of the mineral belt of Southern Oregon. But all previous returns were totally eclipsed when D. H. Horn came to town with a pocketful of quartz. Many of the specimens contained almost an equal amount of gold and quartz, some of the particles of gold being as large as a pea. Five pounds of this rock, when pounded out by a hand mortar, produced over $100, which would run the percentage up to the modest sum of $40,000 to the ton.
    It is reported from Central Point, a station on the Southern Pacific four miles west of Medford, Or., that the railroad company has entered into an agreement with F. T. Fradenburgh to carry passengers between that point and Crater Lake in the Cascade Mountains. The distance from the railroad to the lake is eighty miles, and a stage line is to be established between the two points. Mr. Fradenburgh says the railroad has guaranteed him 1,000 passengers at $8 each. He has already purchased sufficient stage coaches to accommodate this number of tourists, and it is his purpose to erect a summer hotel at the lake. In good weather the road to the lake is all right for driving, and the round trip can be made in five days without a change of horses. It is thought that Crater Lake will be a popular resort for tourists and pleasure seekers this summer. The possibility of the reservation of this land by the government for a national park probably accounts for the action taken by the railroad.
"Occidental Melange," Pend d'Oreille News, Sandpoint, Idaho, March 4, 1893, page 1

Medford Mail, March 10, 1893
Medford Mail, March 10, 1893

    The fact exists--and The Mail hopes it will continue to exist, that more ranchmen and miners from distant localities do trading in Medford than in any other town in the valley. We meet men on the streets every day who, upon being questioned, tell us that they have driven a distance of from fifteen to sixty miles to do their trading in Medford. The sequel to this is not that they love our merchants more as friends than they do those nearer the boundary lines of their respective homes, but our merchants have struck the keynote which heralds soothing strains of glittering harmony to the trader's purse, and thereby a happy, prosperous relation is established. Medford has more live, energetic businessmen than any town [in which] it has ever been our good fortune to cast our lot. The principle of "quick sales and small profits" is the watchword in Medford, and it is a drawing card which redounds to the credit of every businessman of our town who has helped to make the quotation a truism.
Editorial, Medford Mail, March 10, 1893, page 2

    Among those who called at our office this week and learned a little of the "art preservative of all arts" were Mesdames W. V. Lippincott and M. Alford, of Medford, and Misses Belle Wagner and Fannie Ralph, of Ashland. As a matter of course, when we ought to have been looking our slickest we were right the reverse. The office floor was seven deep with exchanges [i.e., newspapers], our devil's face was ink tattooed, our compositors were smoking their cob pipes and applying epithets to the boss's copy which would not be pleasant for his ears, but it will not occur again. This office will henceforth be on dress parade every day in the week.
    Among the several improvements looked forward to is without a doubt the completion of the Medford brewery. We learn this week that matters looking to that end are taking on a very substantial appearance and that work will soon be commenced. A malt and bottle house, office and keg rooms will be the necessary acquisitions.
    Mr. W. P. H. Legate has purchased of Mr. Wm. Ulrich the resident property on C Street, between Fourth and Fifty, and has moved his family thereto. As the property is nicely located it will make a fine, cozy home when Mr. Legate shall have gotten things shaped about in proper order.
    Messrs. Roberts & O'Neil are arranging to plat a twenty-acre addition to Medford from their forty-acre tract, just across Bear Creek and adjoining town on the east.

"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 10, 1893, page 3

Why Will They Do It?
    "Why does not a small concern in this town prosper?" was asked a few days ago in the tailor establishment on Front Street. I think I am able to answer this question--because it is very plain; for the simple reason that some of the best merchants and citizens patronize outsiders more than home industry; because the "runners" are more of liars than the people here, but when it comes to business do some eastern people come to spend any money here? They do not. They don't come here and hire a team from the livery, nor will they do a banking business here; nor patronize a saloon or hotel except once or twice a year when they come to take the money away from town. This is the explanation of the above question.
A. FETSCH.               
Medford Mail, March 10, 1893, page 3

A Successful Hunt.
    In order to while away the evening hours, and also to afford some amusement to strangers within our gates, the boys, one evening last week, organized a snipe hunt. A committee was appointed to wait on the three strangers, who shall be nameless, but who are canvassing the county in the interest of a certain domestic necessary, and request that they join the party. The different maneuvers employed to entrap the unwary snipe were fully explained. It was further explained that the post of honor was invariably conceded to the strangers, in order to save them the more arduous labor of driving therefore they would be allowed to "hold the bag." "Gentlemen, it does not require any great amount of nerve to hold open the entrance to an ordinary bag, and, once opened, unlike the human mouth, we hope you will not find it difficult to close," said the committee in conclusion. The party gathered, and, with the unsuspecting strangers in their midst, the hunters disappeared in the shades of evening, bound up Jackson Creek to the haunts of the snipe. Nothing was heard of the party for some time. Soon, however, your correspondent, who was taking an evening stroll in that direction, heard sounds of conflict, shouts and cries and the sound of trampling feet, in the direction in which the hunting party had gone. I seated  myself in the shadow of a huge boulder and waited. Soon the sound of rapid footsteps approaching reached my ears and two forms appeared advancing at double quick down the creek, ever and anon casting apprehensive glances over their shoulders as they ran. "I guess they've killed the rest of 'em," gasped one, and then catching sight of your correspondent, "Oh, Lord! There's more of  'em!" and Nancy Hanks would have kicked the pneumatic tires off her sulky and laid down and died if she had seen the gait those valiant snipe hunters struck for town. In a few moments another procession appeared moving slowly out of the gloom. In front strode the colossal form of one of the tenderfeet (?) while the other two brought up the rear. Between, tied together with ropes, marched three of the crestfallen snipe hunters. "We thought," said one of them, "that we were going to hunt snipes, but those confounded 'flour bin men' were hunting suckers, and, by the great horn spoon, they caught 'em."
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 10, 1893, page 3

    G. B. Addington of Medford has been spending the week in Seattle on business.
    Bear Creek has furnished a limited amount of very good salmon the past two weeks.
    Levi Morris of Talent is now a member of the state horticultural commission, vice J. D. Whitman resigned, by grace of appointment by the governor.
    D. T. Sears of Medford aspires to be storekeeper of the Medford distillery, while Geo. R. Hammersley of Gold Hill would like to be gauger of the same institution.
    Probably the last carload of apples to go out of this valley the present season is that shipped from Clawson station in the upper valley recently by Bert Whitman of Medford. They were from the Dan Walker farm, and were of fine quality.
    Eagle Point expects something of a boom from the building of the Central Point flume as well as the towns in the valley. Preparations for the wave of prosperity are making in the shape of a proposition to bond the district for $1,500 for the purpose of building a two-story school house in the immediate future.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 10, 1893, page 3

    The public school at Medford celebrated Washington's birthday in a most appropriate manner last Tuesday afternoon. There were recitations and songs by the students and an open-air concert by the school band. There was quite a concourse of town and country people present, and all were very much pleased with the entertainment.
    Fetsch the tailor of Medford is now in permanent quarters two doors south of the Hotel Medford on Front Street.
    La grippe has loosened its grasp on Recorder Faris to some extent.
    Hamilton & Palm will soon have their new real estate office in shape for business.
    F. G. Kertson is now manager of a musical publican [sic] at Portland.
    Medford's gun club is earnestly engaged in practicing at their park near town, pronounced one of the best in the entire state, and will soon be in condition to meet any organization of southern Oregon or northern California before the traps. There are a number of fine shots in the club now, and more are being developed all the time.
    C. F. Lewis of this place has been down at Foots Creek during the last week, superintending the erection of the hoisting and pumping apparatus recently purchased by Miles Standish for his property in that section.
    S. H. Holt, of the State Board of Agriculture, was at Salem last week looking after many improvements being made at the state fairgrounds near Salem.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 10, 1893, page 3

The Economy Flour Bin.
    The flour bin men who have been in our midst for the past two weeks soliciting orders for the Economy Flour Bin are meeting with remarkable success. They surely have an article that recommends itself to housekeepers at sight and is beyond doubt one of the most useful articles for the household department that was ever invented and fills a long-felt want in every kitchen in the land. It consists of a bin holding either fifty or one hundred pounds of flour as desired and several drawers for soda and the various spices and seasonings used in the culinary department. It is made of a good quality of imported plate and elegantly finished with rubber japan which is thoroughly baked into the tin, making it impervious to dampness and free rust, consequently will last a lifetime. It has an oscillating sieve attached at the bottom, and by shaking it any quantity of flour desired can be sieved out without opening the bin. So when the bin is filled and the cover placed on, there is no need to ever remove it until the bin is empty. Consequently mice, rats, bugs and all other insects are excluded. It is intended to be placed on the kitchen table or a small shelf in the corner of the room for that purpose just high enough for the hand to take hold of the lever without stooping, which entirely does away with the old plan of dipping the flour out of a barrel, box or sack and often scattering it over the floor and getting it on the clothes, and wasting it generally. By using the Economy there is practically no waste, and you have the satisfaction of knowing the flour is clean. The gentlemen handling this article are representing a responsible company that is doing business over a number of states. They come highly recommended, and no one needs to hesitate in the least to deal with them. The manager of the entire business is here in person and will soon open up an office in Jacksonville which place he intends to make his permanent headquarters for the spring and summer. He will keep on hand in his offices a large- and small-sized bin filled with flour and invites the public to call and see that it works to perfection..
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 10, 1893, page 3

A. W. Clement, of Talent, the Victim of California Sharks.
    MEDFORD, Or., March 12.--(Special.)--Considerable anxiety is felt by the family of A. W. Clement, of Talent, this county, as to his whereabouts. He left his home about a month ago to go to Oakland, Cat., to consult a physician for cancer of the mouth. About a week later his wife received a letter which purported to have been dictated by him, giving his address as No. 162 Eleventh Street, Oakland, and saying that he was receiving medical treatment. Nothing further has been heard from him, and when a message of inquiry was sent today to the address given above, the answer stated that no such number existed on the street mentioned, and no knowledge of the missing man could be obtained. It is feared by his friends here that he has been the victim of confidence sharks.
    His stepson, W. P. H. Legate, of this city, will leave for Oakland tomorrow to make an investigation. A. W. Clement has lived in Jackson County for over twenty years and has a host of friends and many relatives living in this city. He is a well-to-do farmer and has done very little traveling, which leads his friends to believe that he has been victimized.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, March 13, 1893, page 2

    We make the following extracts from a private letter from Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon, dated March 2nd, giving some interesting facts regarding that country:
    "We are having delightful weather now, and gardens are being made and spring crops put in. We have not had near as much rain as usual this winter, so the mud is only hub deep instead of being clear over the wheels. While all those storms were raging in the north part of the state, and in the Willamette Valley, we had very good weather here.… Southern Oregon has got a boom this spring. Several rich ledges and pockets of gold have been discovered, some near here. A party of capitalists from Seattle are here, and have made arrangements to build a flume from near the headwaters of Rogue River to open up the vast forest of sugar pine up there. The shares have been sold, and our town being the terminus of the flume of course makes things lively. A bank will be established soon, and the Southern Pacific R.R. Company have contracted with a man hereto furnish him 1,000 tourists at $8 apiece, if he will put on a line of stages and run to Crater Lake, about 80 miles from here. He says he has ordered the coaches and necessary tents, etc., and will be ready for business in June. I only hope all this will materialize. The Rogue River Valley R.R. will be extended up the river also. They took a layoff not long ago, and swept the car out and gave it a coat of paint. The mail was carried to Medford in wagons, and the passengers walked down the railroad while all this was going on. Business was dull. The folks from the "states," as they say here, are not coming here by the hundreds, as they used to. They are wise, for when one has a good home there, they had better stay. When the climate and fruit is taken out, there is little here to induce one to stay.…
    "Eggs are low here now, only 12 cents per dozen; butter 20 cents, wheat from 40 to 52 cents per bushel, pork $6 per cwt., beef 10 cents per pound. Vegetables are plenty and prices reasonable. Apples are scarce and high, fish plenty at 5 cents per pound and sometimes cheaper than that. The canneries at the mouth of Rogue River were compelled to take out their nets this spring, so the run of fish is larger. There was nearly as many salmon canned at Gold Beach last year as there was on the Columbia."
Blue Valley Blade, Seward, Nebraska, March 15, 1893, page 3

    G. W. Howard to Elizabeth C. Wait, lot 3, blk 52; Medford . . . 60
    Wm. Ulrich to Lizzie Legate, lots 9, 10, blk 11; Medford . . . 700
    Geo. H. Andrews to Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co., lots 3, 4, 19 and 10, blk 35; Medford . . . 200
    J. W. Short to Mary E. Wigle, lot 4, blk 1, Short's add. to Medford, deed of correction . . . 1
"Legal Transactions," Medford Mail, March 17, 1893, page 1

    Macy Pickering, Medford's jolly drayman, and family were out visiting the Wilson and McPherson families last week.
    Edmond Redpath was in Medford the other day taking in the sights and trading in the town where a dollar will buy more goods than it will in any other town in the valley.
    Several of the kids, as well as a few of the older ones, took in the free show at Medford Monday. It was amusing to see the old men put their goggles on, and the old ladies pull down their veils when they saw that little dog walk down that rope, but where, oh where, were the goggles when the beautiful young lady came running down the rope in her fine costume? It took two men to catch her when she landed.

"Griffin Creek Gatherings," Medford Mail, March 17, 1893, page 2

    Several Phoenixites visited Medford this week on business. Our people know where to get the best bargains, and consequently nearly all go there to trade--and save money by so doing.
    Tayler, the Medford shoe man, is having J. B. Griffin tan a fine Angora goatskin for him, with the fur on, for a rug. Griffin can do those jobs up in a style most pleasing--if anyone should ask you.
"Flashes from Phoenix," Medford Mail, March 17, 1893, page 2

    Horace Nicholson gets funny sometimes and one of his peculiar freaks caught him Monday afternoon when he rushed into our office and exclaimed: "Say, come down to the store and see if you can't talk Beek, Whiteside & Co. off the notion of moving their stock of goods to Central Point." "Are they going to move?" we asked. "Got goods all packed up now." We hastened ourselves to the scene of "packing up" and sure enough there were the goods packed and standing in the middle of the room. We expostulated and entreated with them to change the course which we thought they had mapped out, but to no avail. We then began penciling on our little tab our grief and the town's grief at their departure and we predicted that they would return ere many moons and went so far as to intimate that if they went to Central Point they would go up the flume. Just about that time Mr. Whiteside let a double-geared stove [of a hint] drop from the second floor and we tumbled [to the truth]. They had their goods off the shelves making a few repairs. Hod. Nicholson is, as near as we can arrive at it, a delineator of facts not always in accord with Biblical teachings, but we'll try and square scores with him if it takes several years of our valuable life.
    The firm of Rifenburg & Murphy, photographers, has been dissolved, Mr. Murphy returning to San Francisco and Mr. Rifenburg continuing the business in Medford.
    A. Z. Sears is erecting a fine cottage residence on [the] corner of Fifth and F streets. The building is a beauty and is admired by all visitors to that part of the city.
    While Medford is claiming honors from almost every source of enterprise and industry we may as well, and very deservingly, claim something in the way of artistic oil painting. On the showcase in J. A. Slover & Co.'s drug store is displayed as fine a piece of work as one often sees, even in art studios. It is a painting by Mrs. J. W. Short, of Medford, and shows a deer emerging from the water of a beautiful lake, while in the background is pictured the soft, balmy glow of an autumn setting sun which strikes the grand mountaintips with a wondrous natural likeness. As a whole the picture is a beauty and gives credit to the lady's true artist touch.
    J. D. Whitman, the manager of the new canning enterprise, is a large fruit grower in Jackson County. He believes that Klamath County can raise good fruit in favored localities. He has his eye on a certain tract of land east of town and contemplates putting in forty acres to apples in the near future.--Klamath Falls Express.
    Mr. M. Alford and family have leased the Purdin residence, corner of C and Ninth streets, and are preparing to move there this week.
    Mr. P. J. Halley, one of the engineers at A. A. Davis' flouring mill, is laid up this week with a severe cold.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 17, 1893, page 3

    Dr. Emil Kirchgessner is a gentleman who has decided to locate in Medford [for] the practice of medicine. The doctor is recently from the Cook County Hospital, at Chicago, in which establishment he was house surgeon and physician. Himself and wife have taken rooms in Mrs. Sidney's residence, corner of B and Eighth streets.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 17, 1893, page 3

    The supreme court has granted a rehearing in the Beekman-Hamlin case. Argument will be had in a short while.
    Ashland boys are practicing with a view of maintaining their prestige on the ball field during the coming summer. They are reported to be getting together a strong team.
    Deputy Sheriff Sisemore went to Salem one day during the week, having in charge a boy named Torrey (who has been adjudged as incorrigible by the people of Medford), but found upon his arrival there that the reform school was already full to overflowing. He returned Sunday with his charge, who was subsequently discharged.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 17, 1893, page 3

    Miss Lucinda Shideler has gone to Grants Pass to remain.
    Chas. J. Howard, the surveyor, was in Josephine County last week.
    Miss Mary Carder of this place has departed for Castroville, Cal., to remain.
    Clarence Kellogg, who has been paying Medford a visit, has returned to Portland.
    Dave Cardwell, who has been attending the business college, has returned to Sams Valley.
    D. W. O'Donnell and wife last week departed for their future home at Eureka, California.
    D. H. Miller, Chas. Strang, J. R. Erford and J. A. Slover are candidates for the office of postmaster at Medford.
    Bert Whitman is still shipping numbers of Oregon red apples to the Sound country, having sent two carloads lately to Tacoma.
    Dr. J. B. Wait, one of our leading practitioners, is a candidate for the position of physician at the Pima Indian reservation in Arizona.
    G. W. Isaacs paid a business visit to Eugene during the past week. He has about recovered from the injury sustained to his hand by being hooked by a cow some time ago.
    At the meeting of the Medford Ice Company last week the following officers were elected; G. W. Johnson, president; H. H. McCarthy, secretary; F. W. Lutkemeier, treasurer and manager. The plant will be run to the full capacity during the approaching summer.
    J. M. Montgomery of Portland last week looked the valley over with a view of making a selection for the plant of a dry-house and cannery, to be put in at some available point by a syndicate of Portland men in the spring if the prospects are good for a large crop. Medford seemed to take his eye as the proper point.
    J. W. Hockersmith of this place is now alone in the management of his pork packing business, C. K. Klum having withdrawn from the firm. A syndicate of leading farmers of the entire valley have formed an arrangement with Mr. H. to enable him to operate on a large scale in the future, and the days of monopoly are ended in this line in the Rogue River Valley.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 17, 1893, page 3

    L. Shideler of Medford was at the county seat during the week. He says that the report that he has purchased land at Ashland is a mistake.
    Thos. McAndrew of Medford precinct was at the county seat not long since. He has been suffering considerably with rheumatism during the winter.
    Henry Klippel, one of the world's fair commissioners for Oregon, was at Salem last week, participating in the organization of the commission which will have charge of the work there.
    L. R. Fields will act as general manager of the S.P. lines in Oregon during the absence of Richard Koehler, who left last week for Germany, to meet and bring back to America his better half, who has been abroad for the last few months. This is Mr. K.'s first respite from business cares for over thirteen years, the time which he has been in the service of the C.&O. and S.P. companies.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 17, 1893, page 3

    Hon. J. D. Whitman is in Klamath County looking after his fishing enterprise.
    Over four hundred orders have been taken in the valley for the Economy Flour Bins in the last three weeks.
    C. B. Rostel, who had his ear injured by a fall when ex-President Harrison visited Medford, is in San Francisco under treatment.
    Call at the flour bin office--you will not be bored for an order, but they want everyone to see their article in use, for the sake of advertising it.
    Have you seen the large-size Economy Flour Bin? It is a daisy. Go to the office and see for yourself. As the old marksman would say, "It knocks the black out."
    The Economy Flour Bin Co. have fitted up a nice office in town in Ryan's building on Third Street, where all are invited--especially the ladies--to see the two sizes operate with flour in them.
    Mr. Gooch and family have secured comfortable rooms at the Orth residence and will remain in our midst for some time. Mr. G. is manager of the flour bin co.'s business in Oregon, and has several men soliciting orders in the valley at present.
    When you have gone to every place else in town and would like to sit down and rest for a few minutes, drop in at the flour bin office, where the manager, Mr. Gooch, will be glad to furnish you with an easy chair and a comfortable fire to sit by.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 17, 1893, page 3

A New Brick Block.
    For some months past Mr. R. H. Halley has had under contemplation the erection of a new brick block, but not until now has the project developed sufficiently to warrant his giving out the fact as an item of news. He informs a Mail reporter that as soon as sufficient brick can be procured he will commence the structure. The location of the building will be on the present site of this gentleman's wooden structure on [the west side of] C Street between Seventh and Eighth streets. The new block will be 60x46 7/8 feet in size and two story [sic] high. The first floor will be divided into two store rooms, one of which will be occupied by Mr. Halley and the other for rent. The second story will be fitted up for living purposes or offices. The structure will be built with all the modern styles of architecture and will be an ornament to that part of the city. It is quite probable work will be commenced next month.
Medford Mail, March 17, 1893, page 2

It Touched Men's Hearts.
    A casual observer to the office of Governor Pennoyer on Tuesday afternoon would have been the witness to a chapter from a story of real life, and a chapter such as would have touched his heart. In the executive chamber was a poor young mother and her six small children--one a babe of two months in her arms and the eldest a little girl of about 9 years. They were all tired and hungry and the mother had no friends nor any funds with which to provide food or shelter for her children. They had just returned from the asylum, where her husband and children's father was recently confined on a commitment from Jackson County. The woman said he was not insane, and had come from Jacksonville to Salem on Tuesday to secure his release. But the man, the doctors say, is demented and it will be months and months until he is able to work again. It was proposed by the governor to supply Mrs. Williams, for that was the woman's name, with money sufficient to take her back to her friends and supply her immediate wants, but she said she had neither home no friends, so provisions were made for the comfort of the children at the orphans home, to which place the little blue-eyed orphans were taken Tuesday evening.--Salem Statesman.
Del Norte Record, Crescent City, March 18, 1893, page 2

    Hamilton & Palm to S. H. Holt, 1¼ acres, in Mingus addition; Medford . . . 135.00
    Conrad Mingus to M. H. Hanley, lots 3, 4 and 5, blk 65; Medford . . . 375.00
    Wm. Ulrich to Lizzie Legate, lots 9 & 10, blk 11; Medford . . . 700.00
    Peter C. Scott to Robert H. Halley, part of lot 18, blk 20; Medford . . . 225.00
    F. G. Medynski to Hamilton & Palm, lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, blk 4; Cottage addition to Medford
    Hamilton & Palm to W. S. King, 3 acres in Mingus addition to Medford . . . 270.00

"Legal Transactions," Medford Mail, March 24, 1893, page 2

    Roxy Ann has been wearing her winter cap later than usual this spring.

"Roxy Ann Rockets," Medford Mail, March 24, 1893, page 2

    Street Commissioner Brandenburg reports the laying of new sidewalks progressing rapidly. He has two or three different parties of workmen at work now, and they will probably continue in this line of improvement for a month or six weeks yet; at least there is that amount of work laid out. Aside from sidewalk building he has teams at work grading crossings. Monday Mr. Brandenburg and Surveyor Howard ran a line for a new walk from the corner of Seventh and G streets to a point three blocks south. An ordinance will probably be granted at the next meeting of the city council ordering the building of the same. This walk is intended to fill a double purpose, that of a sidewalk and a cover for the water ditch. Tomorrow or Monday Mr. B. expects, if the weather remains good, to commence graveling the Earhart and McAndrews roads, leading out of Medford.
    Mr. R. Besse has purchased the C Street Meat Market of G. W. Mathes and is now in charge of same. Mr. B. is carrying a good line of meats and if courteous treatment and liberal prices will build up a trade his is assured. His ad appears elsewhere in this paper.
    W. S. King has purchased three acres of land in the Mingus Addition and sometime during the summer he will erect a fine dwelling house thereon, and as soon as crops are garnered from his Sams Valley farm--which he has leased--he will move his family to our city.
    Mr. D. W. Speas has his fine, new residence, east of Medford, completed and the same is replete with all modern attachments and is a model of neatness throughout.
    Messrs. Hamilton & Palm have purchased the vacant Halley building on E Street and will move the same onto one of their lots, just south of The Clarendon.
    George Merriman is slicking up immensely about his C Street residence--several new shade trees being a part of the improvements.
    Mr. W. L. Halley has moved to the residence formerly occupied by druggist Slover, near Mr. Davis' place, on the west side.
    A petition for a new sidewalk, from the Clarenden Hotel, one block south and thence west one block, is being circulated.
    The Medford Fence Works received a carload of pickets this week, and Mr. Fradenburgh is rolling out different styles of fencing in a manner most astonishing.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 24, 1893, page 3

    Mr. W. T. York, an old North Dakota friend of the writer, is in our city and will be connected with the publication of The Mail. You will undoubtedly know more of him later. He a pretty good hustler and as that is one of the principal requisites necessary in newspaper work, we'll be getting to the front quite aplenty.
    Dr. W. S. Jones returned home last Saturday evening from his Iowa trip, and reports having had a most enjoyable visit with his parents and relatives. His wife and little daughter will make an extended visit there in hopes of benefiting Mrs. Jones' health, which has been very poor of late. Since his return the doctor has taken into partnership Dr. Emil Kirchgessner, who recently came here from South Dakota, mention of which was made in last week's Mail. Dr. K. comes highly recommended, and the new firm will no doubt do their share of the business.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 24, 1893, page 3

Supplying Tacoma with Pork.
    With every turn of the wheel Medford's products find a wider and more distant field for their consumption. Last Monday evening Mr. J. W. Hockersmith shipped a carload of fat hogs all the way to Tacoma, Washington, Verily, even Rogue River hogs are becoming famous, and in a distant land.
Medford Mail,
 March 24, 1893, page 3

Clean Up the Backyard and Alley.
    Having notice for several days that the section men are cleaning up the R.R. reservation and burning up the rubbish and filth, I was thinking what a healthy hint it is to our city council to order the backyards and alleys cleaned up, and burn up the trash and filth that has been accumulating in some places, for years, and by so doing improve the sanitary condition of our city, as this is more particularly the time of the year when the filth we see on every hand breeds malarial diseases and thus endangers the health of the people.
Medford Mail, March 24, 1893, page 3

    Nannie Barr to A. A. Davis; 2 acres adjoining Medford. $400.
    Homer F. Torrey to S. S. Pentz; lot 5, blk 34, Medford. $50.
    Joseph France to A. A. Davis; quitclaim to one-half interest in lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, blk 19, Medford. $5343.76.
    O.T. Company to A. A. Davis; lots 4 to 10 inclusive, blk 75, Medford. $440.
    Same to same; lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, blk 19, Medford. $375.
    Peter C. Scott to John R. Wilson; part of lots 18, 19 and 20; blk 20, Medford. $500.
    Same to Robt. H. Halley; part of lot 13, blk 20, $225.
    Orson Gilbert to Alonzo Slover; lot 9, blk 47, Medford. $75.
    Susan S. Sears to E. W. Starr; lots 5 and 6, blk 9, Beatty add. Medford. $125.
    Anna and Diantha Churchman to E. J. Churchman; 5 acres in Medford. $1.
    E. J. and Anna Churchman to Diana Churchman; 5 acres in Medford. $1.
    E. J. and Diantha Churchman to Anna Churchman; 5 acres in Medford. $1.
    John A. Morey to trustees Medford. M.E. Church, South; lots in Morey add. to Medford. $300.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1893, page 2

    Mrs. Chagnon, the dressmaker, has gone to Nevada, but may return soon.
    The local club dance last week was better attended than any preceding it.
    Dr. Jones' return from the East is a source of satisfaction to his many patients in Medford and vicinity.
    W. I. Vawter, who was admitted to the bar a few months since, is now practicing his profession here.
    J. R. Wilson and family have been entertaining Mrs. W. H. Redfield of Glendale during the past week.
    A great deal of building will be done here during 1893. Medford is certain to be the queen city of southern Oregon.
    J. M. White and family last week departed for their future home at Eureka, Cal., where they will engage in fruit raising.
    Mr. Hastings, who has been acting as miller for the Medford Distilling Co. for some time past, has gone to Portland to locate.
    The Medford brewery will be ready for business before warm weather comes, which will be glad tidings to the bibulously inclined.
    Several pieces of property about Medford will be platted and placed on the market in the form of town lots during the coming summer.
    The Stanley residence is now occupied by Medford's new physician, Dr. Emil Kirchgessner, late of the Cook County Hospital at Chicago, and family.
    The M.E. Church, South, through Judge Day, has purchased lots 5, 6 and 7, block 1, in Morey's addition to Medford, and will build a neat church building there in the near future.
    The public exhibition of the work of our district schools won many encomiums from visitors, and our people are agreed that school matters here are under most efficient management.
    The eight-mill school tax voted at the meeting of two weeks ago will be collected by the sheriff with other taxes under the new tax law; that is, if it has been legally levied.
    Davis & Pottenger have built up an enviable reputation as the only exclusive handlers of groceries in Medford, and are reaping the reward of their attention to business and care for the needs of the public.
    Messrs. Roberts & O'Neil are preparing to make another addition to Medford, having made arrangements for platting twenty acres of their land on the east side of Bear Creek. The town grows steadily and rapidly.
    Miss Emma Young, formerly of this place, passed through the valley during the week from San Jose, Cal. en route to Seattle, Wash., where it is said she will wed a gentleman by the same name. She stopped a few days at Medford.
    Quite a number of residents of Jacksonville have been at Medford lately, to visit Dr. Odgers, the scientific dentist, whose work is giving entire satisfaction to all his customers. He employs the latest devices in his line and charges reasonable fees.
    Willie Elder, son of our fellow townsman, J. C. Elder, who has been suffering with consumption for some time past, died on the 19th and was buried in the Jacksonville Cemetery the following day. He was a bright and worthy young man, and his untimely demise is generally regretted.
    R. H. Halley will replace his present wooden building on C Street, between 7th and 8th streets, with a brick block during the coming season, to be of the dimensions of 60x46 feet and two stories in height. The lower story will be divided into two store rooms, upper story devoted to residence flats and offices.
    The funeral of C. B. Babcock, who died at this place last week of asthma, was held at the Methodist Church, under the auspices of the Alliance, of which he was a member, and the remains were followed to their last resting place in Odd Fellows' Cemetery by many friends. Deceased was over 60 years old, and leaves a wife surviving.
    The marriage of Henry Pohlman (who is in charge of the Orchard Home Association's lands near Medford) and Miss Emma Kebutz [sic], which took place at the residence of Mr. Dammer, was attended by a large number of people. It proved one of the happiest events which has taken place in southern Oregon for a long time. A bounteous supper was spread, and dancing closed the festivities. The bridegroom and his fair bride were the recipients of the hearty congratulations of their many friends.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1893, page 2

    Stock has been turned out to rustle in many sections. Many are dying.
    There are five school marms living on adjoining farms in the vicinity of Roxy Ann.
    A large number of cattle are succumbing to the bad weather, to which there seems to be no end.
    There was a sudden change in the weather yesterday morning. For a few hours snow fell, but not a great amount remained on the ground for any length of time.
    Many thousands of dollars will be taken out of the placer mines this season, by reason of the unusual quantity of water, where comparatively nothing has been obtained for many years.
    The bad weather has been very trying on the stockmen in the hills, whose barns are beginning to look very springlike. Grass is getting good everywhere, however, and the trouble may be over for the season. The only men who are still complaining are the quartz prospectors, as snow still lies on the higher hills.
    The following altitudes of points in Jackson County are given by U.S. geological observation, as follows: Ashland Butte is called Siskiyou Peak and its altitude is given at 7662 feet. Wagner Butte 7249 feet. Sterling Peak 7377 feet. Siskiyou Tunnel 4585. Pilot Rock 6104 feet. Soda Springs 2394 feet. Medford 1398 feet. Talent 1444 feet. Jacksonville 1625 feet. Eagle Point 1329 Grizzly Peak 6000 feet. Mt. Pitt 9760 feet. Top of Green Springs  Hill on Linkville road 4713 feet. Crossing of Jenny Creek 3398 feet.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1893, page 3

    Everybody should have one--what? An Economy Flour Bin.
    Flour bins are becoming as numerous as snowbirds in December.
    Fresh vegetables are appearing in market, despite the snow.
    Strobel's merry-go-round, which has been in winter quarters here, will soon commence operations again.
    Every household should have an Economy Flour Bin. It makes a nice piece of kitchen furniture; and oh! so useful, handy and economical.
    Unless the weather becomes pleasant soon and remains so awhile, many farmers will not be able to sow as much grain as they wished.
    The Economy Flour Bin is gaining great popularity. Hundreds have already been sold in Jackson County, and the work has hardly begun.
    Miss Mollie Soliss last week finished a course of telegraphy and bookkeeping at the Medford Business College and returned to her father's ranch.
    P. J. Halley of Medford has begun suit in the circuit court against the S.P.R.R. Co., to recover damages in the sum of $10,000. He was one of the victims of the Lake Labish disaster.
    Eggs are plentiful again and selling at 10 cents a dozen. Thousands of dozens are being stored for future shipment to Portland and San Francisco whenever the price improves.
    There seems to be no end to the wet weather, and those farmers--and there are many of them--who have not finished plowing and seeding are becoming alarmed at the outlook.
    Attention is called to the professional card of Dr. J. W. Odgers, surgeon dentist, who has become a permanent resident of Medford. He is doing first-class work and never fails to please.
    Rev. Robt. Ennis, who cut his hand severely with a razor some time since, has almost recovered the use of the wounded member, we are glad to announce. Blood poisoning set in and something serious was threatened for awhile.
    Messrs. Leadbetter have been heard from several times during the past week, and will return in a short time to complete arrangements for the proposed extension of the R.R.V.R.R. They have the reputation of making things go, whenever they take hold of an enterprise, and the matter of extending the railroad to the timber belt will be the first thing on the programme with them when they return.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1893, page 3

    O. F. Babcock, a brother of Mrs. W. C. Engledow, is paying Jacksonville a visit, accompanied by his family.

    Geo. Wallihan of Portland, representative of the Orchard Home Association, was in the valley during the week.
    Misses Edelhoff and Hill of Wyoming are in town today, accompanied by Geo. Wallihan of Portland, [and] will invest in land somewhere in the valley, probably in a portion of the Orchard Home's Association tract.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. B. F. Stevenson, of Medford, Oregon, and Mrs. S. C. Stevenson, of Orleans, Ill., are visiting at the residence of James Stevenson, 835 West College Avenue.
"City and County," Daily Illinois Courier, Jacksonville, Illinois, March 24, 1893, page 1

    In the matter of privy situated on the property of C. F. Wall (Hanley's Saloon), the recorder was ordered to notify Silas J. Day, agent for said Wall, that said privy had been declared a nuisance, and unless said nuisance was abated either by cleaning or removal within 10 days that the same would be abated by the marshal at expense of C. F. Wall.

"Proceedings of Village Council," Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 1

W. P. Dodge Opines that Medford and Central Point
Will Be One Great City--Eventually.
Electric Street Railways will Connect Them--
Out of Chaos Will Come Peace Evermore.
    There seems to be a spirit of rivalry between the towns of Medford and Central Point. This should not be, and is not in accordance with the fitness of things. What Medford has gained in trade and population is not due to any natural advantages, but is chiefly due to the energy and perseverance of her citizens. Now it is not best to cry over spilt milk. What is good for Medford is certainly ditto for Central Point. If the enterprises now in contemplation are not interfered with, coupled with the mining industries already under headway in the valley, also not losing sight of the fruit industries which are coming to the front, there is surely cause for rejoicing. The enterprises and mineral resources are already attracting the attention of immigration and capital to our valley. This is not gossip, but is backed up by people coming from all parts of the East and South looking for homes and employment in this pleasant valley, away from the cold winters and blizzards of the East and the sultry summers of the South. Summing these things up one side and down the other and taking a bird's-eye view of the past and present achievements, and the future prospects, it does not take a Solomon to foresee a brilliant future for Medford and Central Point, and in fact the entire valley. Now all that is needed is to lay petty grievances aside and all put our shoulders to the wheel and the day will not be far distance when Medford and Central Point will be one continuous city with her electric lights and street railways for the benefit and happiness of her citizens. Why not? Scores of towns throughout the East have fulfilled this prophecy, if you choose to call it such, with less advantages than are in sight right here at present.
Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 1

Mr. Leadbetter Visits Medford and Gives Out
Some Very Encouraging Railroad News.
Engineer Howard Booked for Field Work
About April 15th--1,100 Tons of Iron Purchased.
    For the past month or two our readers have, without a doubt, been anxiously watching these columns for news regarding the proposed railroad enterprise. We are glad of the opportunity to this week give out some authentic news regarding the project.
    Mr. C. H. Leadbetter, president of the Rogue River Valley [railroad] system and a leader in matters pertaining to the extension of this road, was in Medford last Saturday and while here was interviewed by a Mail reporter.
    What can we say to our readers regarding the railroad project? was asked by the reporter:
    "You may say that Medford will get the railroad. If they don't get it this year they will next."
    When and where will the survey begin?
    "I will be in Medford again in two weeks. They may be long weeks--perhaps twenty days, but upon my return I will put a survey party in the field. They will begin work on the summit of the Cascades and will run a line into Medford."
    Mr. Leadbetter gave the reporter many more points tending to the general good [omission?] of the enterprise, but which are as yet not intended to be made known to the public, as the publication of them might possibly retard progress in the work.
    In conversation with Mr. J. S. Howard, who has been engaged to run the survey for the road, we learn that according to arrangements made between himself and Mr. Leadbetter he is to make a preliminary examination of the country in the vicinity of the north fork of Little Butte Creek to ascertain the most feasible route by which the desired point on the Cascade summit may be reached. As soon as this examination is completed a surveying party will be organized, with Mr. Howard as chief engineer, and a survey made over the route located by the examination and both ways from the summit or place of crossing the mountains. The date fixed for the examining party to start out is the second week in April, or so soon thereafter as the snow in the mountains shall have disappeared sufficiently to warrant expeditious work. The object in commencing work at the summit is that this one particular point is desired as a crossing and could not be so easily made--regarding grades--if commenced in the valley. When the survey is completed from the summit to Medford the party will return to the place of beginning and from there will run a preliminary line to Klamath Falls. It is possible Mr. Howard will go to Klamath Falls between now and the middle of April and look up a feasible approach to that city.
    It is given out on good authority that Mr. Leadbetter, while in the East, purchased 1,100 tons of rails, or an amount sufficient to build twelve miles of road, and the same has been ordered shipped to Medford.
    Regarding the water ditch project; It appears now to be a separate deal from the railroad, but, however, both are promised by the same company. Mr. Leadbetter has given out that we will get the railroad anyway, and the idea which occurs to us is that if we get the ditch we will be asked for a subsidy as talked of last winter.
    Everything seems now to be taking on a definite shape, and our people may well feel hopeful of the proposition materializing in a substantial form and entirely to the satisfaction of all interested.
Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 2

    E. J. Churchman to Anna Churchman, land in Medford, 5 acres, $1.
    E. J. Churchman to Diantha Churchman, land in Medford, 5 acres, $1.
    Anna and Diantha Churchman to E. J. Churchman, land in Medford, 5 acres, $1.
    O. and T. Co. to A. A. Davis, lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, blk 19; Medford, $375.
    Same to Same, lots 4, 5, 6, ,7, 8, 9, 10, blk 76; Medford, $140.
    Joseph France to A. A. Davis, undivided ½ interest in lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, blk 29; Medford, $5843.76.
    Wm. Johnson et al. to Southern Oregon Brewing, Ice and Cold Storage Co., lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, blk 41; Medford, $15000.
"Legal Transactions," Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 2

    The editor of The Mail took off his working harness last Sunday and appeared on the streets in dress parade. Nothing remarkable about this occurrence to anyone except ourselves, but as it was the first time in three months it was one of no small importance to us. Had it not been that we took that limp along, the one peculiar to our nigh foot, we would doubtless have been "run in" by the police as a confidence shark or a shell game fakir.
    The business place of Messrs. Hosler & Howard, on Front Street, is undergoing a general renovation this week. The partition between their former place and the barber shop has been removed and both rooms turned into one. W. H. Russell is now engaged in papering and painting the interior. A big improvement is noticeable.
    Messrs. Roberts & O'Neil have their fine new dwelling on A Street completed, and the same is handsomely furnished throughout. It has been a question of speculation as to who is to occupy this fine dwelling. It "mought" be Mr. O'Neil and again it "moughten." The odds, however, are big in favor of Mr. Roberts' son.
    Messrs. Holt & Bunch have moved their tonsorial parlors two doors south on Front Street. The present location is much larger and as it has been neatly painted and papered it presents a most pleasing and attractive appearance. W. E. Wever is the artist who did the decorating.
    A new deal is again announced at the Premium meat market, Gus Woody having purchased an half interest in the business of R. Besse. The firm name is Besse & Woody. H. H. Wolters will be retained as chief carver.
    J. W. Hockersmith shipped a carload of fat hogs to Portland Wednesday night. The hot output of the Rogue River Valley is no small item, and Mr. H. is no small shipper, if our local tab keeps correct "cases."
    Street Commissioner Brandenburg reports work moving on finely. He now has teams at work grading the street near Mr. Faris' residence, also teams graveling the Jacksonville road--twelve teams in all.
    G. W. Justus is making many improvements to his pleasant F Street property. The most noticeable is an addition to his residence, a new sidewalk, and improving the grounds generally.
    Prof. N. A. Jacobs is making many improvements about his fine new residence on C Street. When the lawn is seeded and the grass well grown it will be one of the finest in Medford.
    Landlord Purdin has purchased an owl for the express purpose of keeping Renus [Hamilton] company during the long stilly hours of night, when all nature sleeps except Renus and his owl.
    W. P. H. Legate and  Mr. Ulrich are improving the appearance of their C Street residences by the addition of new picket fences and sidewalks.
    The Medford Odd Fellows have teams and men at work grading the road leading from the city to their cemetery, south and east of town.
    G. W. Priddy has been given the contract for furnishing the brick for the new Halley Block, on C Street.

    Hardly a week rolls by that some of our menfolks do not invest in a bicycle. The most recent ones to join the wheelmen are D. T. Lawton and Gabe Plymale.
    P. J. Halley is preparing to erect a dwelling house on his property, corner of G and Fifth streets. He will begin operations within the next month.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 3

    Hon. J. D. Whitman returned to Medford last week from his fish cannery on Lost River, in Klamath County. The gentleman reports having put up a sufficient amount of fish for a test in the canning operations as well as to ascertain how they will take generally among consumers. Those who have eaten of these fish as put up by this company give voice to the sentiment: "Best canned fish we ever ate." The firm put up between six and seven hundred cans and dried about seven tons. The experiment has proved even more flattering than hoped for, and another season the industry will doubtless be pushed more vigorously.
    Conrad Mingus, the heavyweight real estate dealer at Ashland, was down from that city a few days this week transacting legal business with Hamilton & Palm and looking after the putting down of a considerable sidewalk about his Medford property--of which he owns not a little.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 3

    Take a look at Nickell's addition.
    Pritchard, watchmaker and jeweler, Medford.
    The funeral of C. B. Babcock, who died at this place last week of asthma, was held at the Methodist church, under the auspices of the Alliance, of which he was a member, and the remains were followed to their last resting place in Odd Fellows' cemetery by many friends. Deceased was over 60 years old, and leaves a wife surviving.
    Quite a number of residents of Jacksonville have been at Medford lately, to visit to Dr. Odgers, the scientific dentist, whose work is giving entire satisfaction to all his customers. He employs the latest devices in his line and charges reasonable fees.
    Willie Elder, son of our fellow townsman J. C. Elder, who has been suffering with consumption for some time past, died on the 19th and was buried in the Jacksonville Cemetery the following day. He was a bright and worthy young man, and his untimely demise is generally regretted.
    The M.E. Church, South, through Judge Day, has purchased lots 5, 6 and 7, block 1, in Morey's addition to Medford, and will build a neat church building there in the near future.
    The local club dance last week was better attended than any preceding it.
    The Stanley residence is now occupied by Medford's new physician, Dr. Emil Kirchgessner, late of the Cook County Hospital at Chicago, and family.
    Dr. Jones' return from the East is a source of satisfaction to his many patients in Medford and vicinity.
    J. W. Hockersmith last week shipped a carload of fat hogs to Tacoma, and will hereafter send his quota of pork supplies to the Sound cities as well as to Portland.
    L. C. Carson of the Mail force has given up his case to devote his attention to a rich mine on Wolf Creek, which he will develop to the utmost during the coming summer.
    Hamilton & Palm have bought the vacant Halley building on E Street, and will move it onto one of their lots in the rear of the Clarenden.
    Fredenburgh is getting a good trade in the combination fence line since he received a consignment of pickets by rail last week.
    Dr. Pryce is again able to take partial charge of his medical practice, and will write prescriptions for all who call at his C Street residence. He is gradually recovering his health, it is hoped.
    R. Besse has purchased the meat market of G. W. Mathes on C Street, and will hereafter cater to the wants of the citizens of Medford.
    S. H. Holt is now on the road for the Medford business college, and will make a thorough canvass of the valley and eastern Oregon as soon as the conditions of the roads improve.
    Isaac Woolf is preparing to erect a two-story building on the corner of 6th and streets, to be used for a general merchandise store.
    Dr. C. A. Ruggles of Dairy, Klamath County, has been at Medford under Dr. Geary's treatment for injuries sustained some years ago from a kick of a horse.
    Many new students are enrolling at the Medford business college, and it may well be regarded as among the important enterprises of the valley.
    A. Lamb of Phoenix is now running the barley crusher at the distillery.
    T. A. Drisco and wife, recently from Linn County, have the sympathy of all our citizens in the loss of their infant child one day last week.
    Davis & Pottenger last week opened the spring trade in the poultry line by a large shipment to the Bay City.
    The appointment of T. G. Spangler as U.S. gauger at Medford, vice J. A. Whiteside, resigned, on the 6th inst., was one of the first made by the new administration.
    W. S. King of Foots Creek will erect a nice residence on the three-acre tract he last week purchased in the Mingus subdivision.
    Arrangements are rapidly being perfected for the building of a new place of worship for the M.E. Church, South, in Medford, lots opposite the schoolhouse having been secured. The membership is limited, but they comprise some of our most substantial citizens.
    Hotel Medford now uses menu cards, which add to its metropolitan features. Landlord Purdin is the right man in the right place.
    Since the dissolution of the firm of Rifenburg & Murphy, Mr. R. is continuing the business of photography, but will not stay long. Mr. Murphy has returned to San Francisco.
    A. Z. Sears has been engaged in building himself a neat residence on his lots on the corner of 5th and F streets, which will add greatly to the appearance of that quarter of the town.
    The flour bin men have been circulating in Medford in a lively manner and have been taking many orders for their handsome and useful article of kitchen furniture.
    J. H. Faris, recorder and school clerk, is "under the weather," but we hope that he will soon be able to be about again.
    Street Commissioner Brandenburg is doing good work for Medford in pushing street and sidewalk improvements early in the season, and as he is already engaged on the graveling of the McAndrew and Earhart roads, it is evident we are to have still better thoroughfares out of Medford in the future than in the past. Much of Medford's prosperity is owing to the farsightedness of her citizens in the matter [of] perfecting the road system of Medford in the region adjacent to town, and while our citizens have had much to contend with, the work goes bravely on.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 3

    Wm. Johnson, et al., to Southern Oregon Brewing, Ice & Cold Storage Co.; lots 1 to 6 inclusive, blk 41, Medford. $15,000.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 2

    T. J. Kenney made a trip up Rogue River this week. He reports a considerable loss in stock during the past month.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 2

    J. W. Hockersmith last week shipped a carload of fat hogs to Tacoma, and will hereafter send his quota of pork supplies to the Sound cities as well as to Portland.
    L. C. Carson of the Mail force has given up his [type] case to devote his attention to a rich mine on Wolf Creek, which he will develop to the utmost during the coming summer.
    Miss Ora Adkins is visiting relatives at Halsey, Linn County.
    The teachers' institute set for the closing days of the last week in April, to be held in Medford, is attracting its due share of attention from the hands of our citizens, who are always glad to welcome the school teachers--especially the female portion--with open arms.
    Hamilton & Palm have bought the vacant Halley building on E Street, and will move it onto one of their lots in the rear of the Clarendon.
    Fredenburgh is getting a good trade in the combination fence line since he received a consignment of pickets by rail last week.
    R. Besse has purchased the meat market of G. W. Mathes on C Street, and will hereafter cater to the wants of the citizens of Medford.
    S. H. Holt is now on the road for the Medford Business College, and will make a thorough canvass of the valley and eastern Oregon as soon as the condition of the roads improves.
    Isaac Woolf is preparing to erect a two-story building on the corner of 6th and C streets, to be used for a general merchandise store.
    Dr. C. A. Ruggles of Dairy, Klamath County, has been at Medford under Dr. Geary's treatment for injuries sustained some years ago from a kick of a horse.
    Many new students are enrolling at the Medford Business College, and it may well be regarded as among the important enterprises of the valley.
    A. Lamb of Phoenix is now running the barley crusher at the distillery.
    T. A. Drisco and wife, recently from Linn County, have the sympathy of all our citizens in the loss of their infant child one day last week.
    Davis & Pottenger last week opened the spring trade in the poultry line by a large shipment to the bay city.
    The appointment of T. G. Spangler as U.S. gauger at Medford, vice J. A. Whiteside resigned on the 6th inst., was one of the first made by the new administration.
    W. S. King of Foots Creek will erect a nice residence on the three-acre tract he last week purchased in the Mingus subdivision.
    Arrangements are rapidly being perfected for the building of a new place of worship for the M.E. Church, South, in Medford, lots opposite the school house having been secured. The membership is limited, but they comprise some of our most substantial citizens.
    Hotel Medford now uses menu cards, which add to its metropolitan features. Landlord Purdin is the right man in the right place.
    Since the dissolution of the firm of Rifenburg & Murphy, Mr. R. is continuing the business of photography, but will not stay long. Mr. Murphy has returned to San Francisco.
    A. Z. Sears has been engaged in building himself a neat residence on his lots on the corner of 5th and F streets, which will add greatly to the appearance of that quarter of the town.
    The flour bin men have been circulating in Medford in a lively manner and have been taking many orders for their handsome and useful article of kitchen furniture.
    Mrs. Maggie Gruby has returned from Yreka, Cal., and will remain here for the present.
    Street Commissioner Brandenburg is doing good work for Medford in pushing street and sidewalk improvements early in the season, and as he is already engaged on the graveling of the McAndrew and Earhart roads, it is evident that we are to have still better thoroughfares out of Medford in the future than in the past. Much of Medford's prosperity is owing to the farsightedness of her citizens in the matter [of] perfecting the road system of Medford in the region adjacent to town, and, while our citizens have had much to contend with, the work goes bravely on.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 2

    Weeks Bros. of Phoenix are turning out a large amount of excellent furniture, and are creating an extensive market for their manufactures.
    Strobel's merry-go-round has emerged from its winter quarters and made its spring debut in Jacksonville yesterday. Mr. S. will take the road next week, going northward.
    P. Donegan of Beagle has lost about half his entire band of sheep during the past season. Geo. A. Jackson and Perry Foster of the same locality have also sustained severe losses.
    The time of year has arrived for the cleaning of back yards, and should the cholera make its appearance, the coming summer will then find us prepared to handle it. Every nook and corner should be thoroughly cleansed.
    Fruit growers have reason to anticipate an immense crop of fruit in this valley the coming summer, as the danger of frost will be about over by the time the trees are in blossom, it being later this year than ever before known in southern Oregon.
    The prospects for the extension of the R.R.V.R.R. to the big timber on upper Rogue River are thought to be good. It is said that a thousand tons of rails have already been ordered, some of which will be used in replacing those now used between Jacksonville and Medford.
    The practice of arresting men for alleged depredations in the line of stealing timber from government land to develop their homes is not viewed with favor by the people of the West, and while the U.S. officers have no option in the matter when a complaint is sworn out and a warrant issued for the arrest of the parties, the courts rightfully take a very lenient view of such depredations, and the persons accused, who are usually poor settlers, are uniformly discharged from custody.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 3

Has Bought the Iron.
    Medford, Or., March 27.--C. H. Leadbetter, of Tacoma, who has been in Medford several days, proposes to build an extension to the Rogue River Valley railroad, from this city to Klamath Falls, a distance of sixty miles. An engineering corps will leave Medford in a few weeks to make a survey of the proposed line. The new road will tap the sugar pine belt for a distance of 25 miles. Mr. Leadbetter has recently returned from the East, where he purchased the iron for 12 miles of the road at Pittsburgh, Pa. He expects to have this much of the road built by August 1. It is understood here that a deal has been made by the owners of the Rogue River Valley road with the Burlington & Quincy, whereby the latter will have a coast connection.
    (The C.B.&Q. has been taken in out of the cold by most of the short roads and projected roads of the Pacific Coast, but it probably never expected such luck as to be taken under the wing of the Rogue River Valley Railroad. It doesn't pay to be claiming too much in such enterprises, it rather destroys than creates public confidence.)
Ashland Tidings, March 31, 1893, page 3

    I visited the Medford school a few days ago and was very much interested and pleased with the systematical manner in which the school is governed. There is an organized band of music formed from among the members of the school and the children form outside and march double file, into the large hall and separate to their respective rooms to martial music, keeping step; and all is quiet, no jostling or hurry. The desks are not marred nor the neighboring fences or buildings broken or destroyed. Order and system rule complete, which is as necessary to the future welfare of the pupil as book knowledge. It should be the duty of our school board in employing teachers to see that they have capacity and will to govern with system, as well as ability to impart knowledge. When I saw the two hundred or more bright, intelligent pupils marching, my mind looked forward ten years when all these and the numerous others in all the schools of our county shall have become the men and women, who will do the business of the community, and I could not but think that great changes would have to take place in our financial and transportation system, for it will be impossible for so many to find the means of a livelihood in the same manner that the past generation has.
Edward Robison, Talent News, April 1, 1893, page 1

    We spent a few hours in Medford one day this week and were pleased to note the general energy and enterprise displayed by its leading business men. The town is not "booming" yet; it is growing rapidly and will continue to grow. Of course we took in the Mail office and succeeded in appropriating about a half hour of the editor's valuable time for which we should have received a "printers blessing," but Bro. Bliton was genial indeed, showing us through the printing room and giving us odd bits of information that we can make good use of. We don't know whether to congratulate Medford on its good fortune in capturing such an energetic newspaper man, or Bro. Bliton for having cast his lot in so thriving a town, but congratulations should come in somewhere.   
    While in Medford we added to our subscription list the names of A. C. Tayler, of the leading boot and shoe store; Davis & Pottenger, dealers in groceries and crockery; G. J. Woody, of the firm of Bess & Woody, butchers; and J. W. Lawton, the Medford harness maker.
Edward Robison, Talent News, April 1, 1893, page 4

A Letter from Headquarters.
    Mr. Leadbetter writes a letter which covers muchly of business and gives out some of his intentions which are very flattering for the future Medford and the country surrounding. Here is the letter:
    C. H. Leadbetter, President.
    Portland, Or., April 1, 1893.

Hon. W. I. Vawter, Medford.
    DEAR SIR:--It has been my intention to return to Medford before this, but a refunding of securities here has made it impossible for me to leave, and it now looks as though I would not get away for some days. I am very anxious to be there and shall as soon as matters are so they can be left here.
    My proposition, you understand, is to put you in waterworks and electric lights, with free water for city and park purposes. Lights and faucets not to cost more than one dollar each per month, when in use. I also propose to construct a canal from one of the Buttes, or both, or some equally available waterway, to irrigate the desert lying on the Rogue River and such other lands as may be desirable.
    The railroad will be extended to the eastward and some connection between it and the timber land further east will be made. I hope to make such arrangements as might enable us, sometime in the future not too distant, to make an opening into Eastern Oregon, east of Lake Klamath. We will also put a pipeline into Medford for water power purposes, and as an inducement for manufacturers to locate there, furnish cheap water power. I think our talk was only half rate for ten years as compared with other similar enterprises under usual circumstances.
    I would suggest that the board take the necessary action to place the matter of the subsidy before the people so that they may vote on it soon.
    There is nothing more that I can say to you except that I shall get away as soon as possible and spend considerable time with you during the coming summer.   
    Give my regards to [J. S.] Howard and others. I am very truly yours,
                    C. H. LEADBETTER.
    P.S. We want about 2½ years to complete the whole.
Medford Mail, April 7, 1893, page 2

Positively the Last Chance.
    Those wishing photographs taken by me must have the sittings made by the 11th of April, as I positively go away on the 15. This will enable me to finish all work before I close my studio in Medford. Respectfully,
Medford Mail, April 7, 1893, page 2

    This section of the Rogue River Valley has an institution that for excellency in woodwork we are willing to wager has not a peer in this state. The institution to which we refer is none other than the John Weeks & Son's cabinet establishment at Phoenix. An elegant specimen of this firm's work is the new bar fixture recently put in at The Medford. The material used in their construction was Oregon 
oak for body work and manzanita trimmings. It is hand carved and very finely polished throughout. There is no question but that it is the most elegantly gotten up of any work of the kind in this part of the state, and all credit is due any institution which is capable of executing such work.
    Last Saturday was April first, and the day was duly celebrated by the perpetration of many pranks by the juvenile world. The most extensive joke was that played on a farmer living between this place and Central Point, who was told by a small boy that a colt he had lost a few weeks ago had fallen into a ditch up the road a ways. The farmer unhitched from his plow and started out to extricate the colt--which he didn't find and is still looking for. He has sworn vengeance on the boy and is loaded with a double-barreled gun--and the boy goes cross lots when he reaches Mr. Farmer's place.
    Mr. Brandenburg has fifteen teams at work graveling the McAndrews road, leading out of Medford, and something over an hundred loads of gravel are being daily deposited. The sidewalk work is quiet just now owing to the supply of lumber having been exhausted.

"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 7, 1893, page 3

    W. J. Gooch, manager of the Flour Bin Co., has been in Medford several times during the week, accompanied by his wife.
    Doctors Demorest were in Jacksonville during the week on professional business. They do first-class work and deserve the large business they are getting.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 7, 1893, page 2

    A Medford dispatch to the Oregonian states: "The fact has just developed here that Governor Pennoyer has had the wool pulled over his eyes by a number of timberland sharks lately. It seems that several residents of this county have squatted on timber land in this vicinity awaiting an opportunity to make filings, and their land has been coveted by a company dealing in timber on a large scale. After exhaustive research the said company discovered several sections of school land in eastern Oregon which were pre-occupied by homesteaders, and they made a successful effort to have the governor claim the Jackson County timber land in lieu thereof, which they proposed to purchase for $1.25 an acre, just one-half the price of the government timber land. The action was protested against by the squatters, who claimed a previous right, and, when the matter was explained to the governor by a Medford lawyer, the former acknowledged that he had been a victim of misrepresentation, and in accordance revoked his agreement to dispose of the timber land in lieu of state school land. The timber sharks are somewhat disgruntled over their disappointment, but it will have a tendency to put a quietus on their operations in this section of the state."

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 7, 1893, page 2

    The prospects for a good grain crop are first class. Grain sown last fall or early in the season is growing nicely.
    This is the latest and wettest spring southern Oregon has had in a long time. Such weather is rare in April.
    Fruit trees are not showing much activity as yet, and very few are blossoming. This is considered a very favorable sign.
    Those farmers who have not been able to sow their grain, on account of the prolonged spell of wet weather, are becoming somewhat discouraged. As the season is late their misgivings are likely to prove groundless.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 7, 1893, page 3

    The flour bin canvassers are still in the country and doing a land office business.
    The Economy Flour Bin fills the economical, enterprising housewife's long-felt want. No wonder that they are so popular.
    Your household is incomplete if you have not an Economy Flour Bin. They are handsome, useful, ornamental. Be sure to get one.
    Hundreds of orders are being taken by agents for the Economy Flour Bin, because it is just what the energetic, frugal housewife needs.
    Mrs. E. Jacobs has our thanks for a liberal supply of matzos, or unleavened bread, which is eaten by the Hebrews during the feast of Passover.
    Don't fail to call on W. J. Gooch at his comfortable, inviting office in Jacksonville and see the Economy Flour Bin. You will find it worth your while.
    A carload of Economy Flour Bins will arrive in the valley, direct from the factory at St. Louis, in May. Give your order at once, so that you will be one of those served first.
    Wm. Coker informs us that Max Muller's sawmill, which manufactured a large quantity of lumber on Jos. A. Crain's land, situated a few miles east of Medford, last season, is ready to resume operations.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 7, 1893, page 3

    As you will notice, if you look at a line of type a few notches above this item, there is now a pair at the head of the Mail machine. Mr. W. T. York has associated his services with that of publishing this family journal and general newspaper. We will endeavor to make The Mail one of the best all-round newspapers in Southern Oregon. The success of our endeavor will depend largely upon the support we receive from our business men. The subscription price is $1.50 per year--no more, no less--send a copy to your friend.
    Great heaps of pride keep coming to the surface every time occasion offers us an opportunity to listen to the music furnished by the public school band. If there is anything which ought, and probably does, put a fellow to feeling right good and that life is worth something more than to be hurriedly shuffled off, it is good band music. A town ought always to give a band every possible assistance, and when Medford considers that her band is made up of school children, some of which are not more than twelve or thirteen years of age and that they furnish excellent music, equal to many city bands, we ought to get in and give the boys a little encouragement whenever occasion offers. The Mail is proud of the public school band.

Editorial, Medford Mail, April 14, 1893, page 2

    Saturday night the temperance billiard hall of S. Higgins, on Front Street, was broken into, or rather someone with a duplicate key unlocked the front door and walked in, and when once inside they proceeded to "tap" the money drawer, which they succeeded in doing by breaking the drawer loose from the counter. The drawer was taken to a rear room and its contents emptied on a billiard table and the shekels, amounting to eight dollars, were gathered in and pocketed, and the thief departed by the rear door. Mr. Higgins has a very good idea as to who the perpetrator is, and his shadow is crossing his trail at every turn. Arrests will doubtless soon follow.
    The Mail likes to make note of the general improved condition of many lawns this spring in Medford. Merchant D. H. Miller's lawn is not at all backward in coming forward with a new attire throughout. This place is being fitted up in fine shape. It is being leveled and reseeded, and on the north, east and south sides are being put out a fine hedge of Monterey cypress. L. P. Loretz, the experienced gardener, is getting in some of his best work on these grounds.
    Dr. J. W. Odgers has closed a contract for the construction of a new residence on his lots, one block south and west of the public school building. The building will be one and a half stories, the upright 20x32 feet in size and a kitchen addition 20x20 feet. It is to be finished throughout in the best possible manner and will be another beauty spot to that part of our city. Messrs. Davis & McGee have the contract for its construction.
    A. Fetsch, the Front Street tailor, has purchased three acres of land, in the northern part of the city, of Hamilton & Palm, and expects at a date not far distant to begin the construction of a fine residence. Mr. F. is evidently a permanent fixture in Medford, and we are glad of the prosperous turn of affairs, in a business way, which makes him one of us for keeps.
    Cabbage and cauliflower plants now ready for transplanting at Frank Sutter's greenhouse. Pepper, tomatoes and eggplants later.
    On account of bad weather and by special request I will remain in Medford and make sittings until the 24th of this month. This will enable all that wish photographs to secure sittings. Respectfully, A. G. Rifenburg.
    The dancing party given in the opera house last Saturday evening was the last of a series given during the winter. There were sixteen couples present and, as usual, a good time was had.
    C. F. Lewis is soon to commence several improvements on his residence, on A Street. He will build a good-sized addition and three porches. Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson will do the work.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 14, 1893, page 3

    W. A. Charles, representing the State Mutual Life Insurance Company of California, is taking a business inventory of our city this week.
    L. F. Lozier, of Bourbon, Ind., is in Medford taking a spin 'round the county looking for a suitable location. He is desirous of purchasing a small ranch so conveniently near Medford as to enable him to ply his vocation, which is that of carpentering, in the city and will reside upon the ranch.
    G. H. Haskins and family are preparing for an extended visit in the East. They will, of course, visit the world's far as well as many friends in Wisconsin. They will probably be absent several months and are figuring on having a general good time. The Mail hopes their expectations may be fully realized.
    C. C. Chitwood, a pharmacist from Ashland, is installed as a compounder of medicines at the Haskins drug store. His term of service in his present capacity will continue during Mr. Haskins' absence in the East.
    Dr. Jones left Medford Friday evening last for a second visit to Iowa. Upon the doctor's first visit, which was only a few months ago, he was accompanied by Mrs. Jones, who remained in Iowa in hopes of improving her health, but as the change did not prove as effective as it was hoped, she will return again to Medford with her husband.
    Rev. Hoxie and wife returned from Keno, Klamath County, last week and will now reside permanently upon their farm a few miles out of Medford. Mr. Hoxie has been filling an appointment in the above county during the past winter as pastor of an M.E. church. He reports having experienced a very rough trip coming over the mountains. Snow was so deep in many places that the axles of the wagon dragged in it, and in other places the mud was equally as deep.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 14, 1893, page 3

Improving the Park.
    While the improvements about the city are many and varied the city park is not being lost sight of by the Mayor and councilmen. They are now having set out about one hundred shade trees comprising maple, walnut, chestnuts and basswood varieties. They are also having built a fine picket fence, on the side fronting C Street. [This must be an error; today's Alba park is five blocks away from Central.] The great trouble in keeping the park in a better shape in the past has been the inadequate supply of water, but now that new pipes have been laid and more faucets attached, that difficulty may be expected to grow from that which has heretofore been anything but a thing of beauty. Mr. Hart, the engineer at the water station, has the supervision of park work in charge.
Medford Mail, April 14, 1893, page 3

    Vawter & Howard to A. A. Davis; lot near Medford. $1.
    D. J. Lumsden to W. I. Vawter & G. W. Howard; same property. $950.
    Mathilda L. Anderson to I. W. and Joseph A. Thomas; 5.41 acres near Medford. $550.
    A. L. Kotze to Fred P. Faris; lots 15 and 16, blk 1, Park add. to Medford. $50.
    J. W. Lawton to G. A. Hoover; lot 3, block 6, Park add. to Medford. $52.
    Zilpha E. McCubbin to same; lot 4, same blk. $40.
    Isaac Skeeters to John L. Wigle; lot 3, block --, Short's add. to Medford. $290.
    Gage M. Pierce to Hester A. Galloway; lots 7 and 8, blk 22, Medford. $300.
    John Arnold to Gage M. Pierce; same property. $150.
    Wm. Angle et al. to Medynski & Theiss; south half lot 1, Cottage add. to Medford. $50.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 14, 1893, page 2

    Chas. Chitwood is now employed at Haskins' drug store.
    Judge Crawford and wife have removed to Grants Pass. They are accompanied by the best wishes of their many friends.
    The new hardwood bar of the Hotel Medford was designed and constructed by Weeks Bros. of Phoenix, and is one of the handsomest in the state.
    Edna Hanley, who has been sick for several years past, has been relieved from suffering by death. She was a bright, amiable child, and bore her afflictions with fortitude. Her bereft relatives have the sympathy of all.
    The following is a list of the committees which will make arrangements for the approaching teachers' institute: Entertainment--N. L. Narregan, Madge Griffiths, N. A. Jacobs, Ella McGuire, Lila Sackett, Della Pickel, Myrtle Nicholson. Arrangements--I. A. Webb, J. H. Faris, A. A. Davis, D. H. Miller, Charley Wolters, W. I. Vawter, M. Purdin. Music--M. E. Rigby, Della Pickel, Mrs. W. I. Vawter, J. R. Erford, Rev. T. H. Stephens, Prof. John Weeks, Ida Redden, Grace Faucett, Mrs. M. Pickel, E. Phipps, Mr. Chambers, May Isaacs, Sada Amann, Rebecca Shideler, Mrs. Clara Brown, D. T. Lawton, Mrs. M. M. Stephens, Rosetta Waters, organist.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 14, 1893, page 2

    There was a heavy frost on Wednesday night. Ice formed on standing water.
    We learn that the peach crop was damaged somewhat by the frost Wednesday night.
    Fruit trees are beginning to bloom, and the average horticulturist is in a very solicitous frame of mind.
    Mrs. West has built herself a residence in the southern portion of town, opposite John Weiss' dwelling house.
    Several of our sportsmen attended the shooting tournament at Medford last week, but arrived too late to carry off any of the trophies.
    The case of P. J. Halley vs. the S.P.R.R. Co., lately started in the circuit court, was dismissed because the time in which such actions should have been commenced, according to statute, had elapsed. Mr. Halley was injured in the accident that occurred at Lake Labish.
    It is a fact worthy of notice that whenever anyone tires of life in southern Oregon and leaves for newer fields, he or she almost invariably returns within a few years. There are few sections of the universe where one can enjoy so many of the material blessings as in this more or less sunny land.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 14, 1893, page 3

    John Miller, who went to San Francisco last week for medical treatment, has not been encouraged by his physicians, we are sorry to state. He is suffering with liver and heart troubles.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 14, 1893, page 3

    Dr. DeBar, who is attending Chas. Dickison of Griffin Creek district, reports him somewhat better.
    The later frosts have thus far kept the fruit buds back, but the almonds bloomed too soon for their own good.
    The delinquent tax roll foots up about $17,000, which is exceedingly small, considering the stringent money market.
    The handsomest present you can make your wife is one of those handsome flour bins. Get one if you want to make her happy.
    And the good work goes on. Hundreds of these flour bins are being sold weekly in Jackson County. Why? Because they are useful, economical and ornamental at the same time.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 14, 1893, page 3

A Noble Mother Frightfully Burned Trying to Rescue Her Son
    Jacksonville, Ore, April 14.--The residence of Charles White, nineteen miles north of this place, on Rogue River, was burned last night. His son Clarence, aged 7, perished in the flames, and in attempting to save the boy, his wife was frightfully burned.
Evening Journal, Wilmington, Delaware April 14, 1893, page 1

    The introduction of bulletproof clothing as an offset to smokeless powder and improved two-mile guns will make the art of war one of pleasurable exhilaration, with very little danger. About the only people who will be injured by a war in the twentieth century will be overworked tailors and machinists.

Medford Mail,
April 21, 1893, page 2

    Jas. Coeti and family arrived in Medford Wednesday, from Missouri. These people have been making a tour of eastern Oregon, but somehow that part of the country didn't strike them particularly favorable, and at the suggestion of an acquaintance they returned not to Missouri but journeyed to our Italy land and--they like our country and our people and will probably locate right here. So mote it ever be.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 21, 1893, page 2

    There was a ball game on the Medford grounds last Saturday, between a Medford and Big Sticky nine. The games throughout didn't abound with as many "whitewashes" and "goose eggs" as would characterize a bangup good game, yet all players and onlookers had a pretty good time, except insurance agent Hunt, who was playing with the Medford nine and who made a mistake and caught a ball--and split his index finger open to the bone. Both nines have some pretty good players, but as this was the first game of the season the boys can easily be excused for not making a record which will admit of our publishing--the Medford team, however, won the game. A return game is expected to be played now pretty soon.
    The interests that is taken by parents who have sons that are members of the public school band is evidenced by the recent purchase of new instruments by Mr. A. A. Davis for his son Scott. The instruments purchased were a latest improved patent bass drum and a pair of the very finest Turkish cymbals, and the Mr. Davis Jr. handles them in a way very masterly. The cost of the instruments was $35.
    Prof. Narregan may well feel proud of his public school band. The boys are all progressing finely and are full to overflowing with good words for their instructor. A recent addition to the band's instruments, owned and manipulated by the professor himself, is a new E-flat flugelhorn, silver-plated and gold-mounted. It is one of the sweetest solo instruments manufactured and cost just an even forty dollars.
    L. F. Lozier, the gentleman who arrived last week from Bourbon, Indiana, has purchased five acres of land of Hamilton & Palm in Harbaugh's subdivision to Medford, and will soon commence the construction of a dwelling thereon after which he will move his family thereto from Ashland, at which place they have temporarily domiciled. He seems to harness himself into a good working team at once and The Mail is glad of his coming.
    Those accustomed to the pleasant aroma which comes from a bin of ripe apples can hardly notice any similarity between it and the unwholesome whiff of miasmatic ozone which is waft[ed] by the morning breeze to the olfactory organs of passing pedestrians from that illy kept gutterway on Seventh Street. It's a breeder of all things detrimental to good health and should be looked after at once.
    Eli Hogan and family, who recently arrived in Medford from Arkansas, have leased the Davis residence, corner of Fifth and B streets, purchased Mr. Davis' furniture and are now snugly ensconced therein. It's a very clever way these strangers have of dropping in here and settling down among us--and we like the way they act.
    A. M. Woodford expects to be domiciled in his new Sixth Street residence tomorrow or Monday. The gentleman has a finely planned and as taste[full]ly constructed a residence as one usually looks upon, while his grounds are so situated as to be the makings of a most beautiful lawn and grounds.
    Dr. Kirchgessner, the Chicago gentleman who has become associated with Dr. W. S. Jones' practice at Medford, has already had considerable to do and is rapidly establishing a reputation as a first-class physician.--Valley Record.
    A. Fordyce, living in the southwestern part of town, is going into the poultry business on a large scale. He has already received an incubator and has placed an order for sufficient picket fencing to fence a large yard with the Medford Fence Works.
    Messrs. Skeel & Son have received several carloads of lumber during the past week or two, which fact bears evidence that the building and manufacturing interests of Medford are keeping apace with the usual springtime prosperity of our blooming city, you know.
    There is a potato famine in Medford. Will some of our good ranchers who have this necessary article of sustenance corded up at home please disgorge their fertile ranches of some of its products?
    Messrs. Klippel & Marcuson are having built a good-sized sash and door house near their lumber office on Sixth Street. These gentlemen also received last week another carload of sidewalk lumber.
    Among the improvements soon to be made is that of a new hosecart house which is to be built on Sixth Street, between C and Front streets. It will be 16x21 feet in size.
    The new sidewalk on the west side of C Street is fast being put down. This walk is to extend north from Seventh Street to the intersection of the county road, near the distillery.
    Joe Savage is a female impersonator of no mean caliber and the few that he has haunted with his soft, woman-like voice have threatened a reception of birdshot.
    G. W. Priddy is having several improvements made about his residence. New porches are being built and the dwelling proper is being generally overhauled.
    Dr. E. P. Geary is improving the convenience of his residence, on Seventh Street, by adding a second story to his kitchen addition.
    Ed. Johnson, who owns property about a block south of miller Davis' residence, is preparing to erect a new dwelling house thereon.
    L. F. Wait, a nephew of the good doctor of the same name, has purchased three acres of land in the Nickell addition to Medford.
    The Medford distillery office is being moved from Front Street to the Palm Building, near Hotel Clarendon.

"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 21, 1893, page 3

    Miss Maud Weeks, of this place, makes a trip to Medford every morning and attends to her father's store at that place, and back in the evening, besides helping with the housework morning and evening. Show us another girl like that in the Rogue River Valley? We'd like to hear of her.

"Flashes from Phoenix," Medford Mail, April 21, 1893 supplement, page 1

    Everybody buys the Economy Flour Bin.
    Going off like hotcakes--the Economy Flour Bins.
    Handsome, durable and economical--the Economy Flour Bin.
    Stacks of Economy Flour Bins are still being sold. They have no equal.
    The law requires teachers to attend the institute at Medford next month.
    The merry-go-round has been moved to Medford and will proceed northward from there.
    The canvassers for the flour bin will soon deliver the goods for which they have taken orders.
    Teachers should not fail to attend the teacher's institute to be given at Medford the first week in May.
    Flour has raised with the elevation of the price of wheat and is quoted at $18 a thousand at some of the mills.
    The neatest present which can be made the housewife is one of those flour bins. There is nothing like it.
    There never was an article which gained popular favor at once like the Economy Flour Bin. It takes at sight.
    The revolution in South America is nothing as compared with that being worked by the Economy Flour Bin in the average household.
    Economy is wealth; therefore invest in an Economy Flour Bin. There is no chance for loss of flour, spices, etc., when they are stored in one of these bins.
    "Seeing is believing"; therefore go to Mr. Gooch's office in Ryan's brick building and inspect the flour bins he has on exhibition there and be convinced that they are all that is claimed for them.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 21, 1893, page 2

    Invest in a flour bin and make your female relatives happy.
    Prof. Rigby states that he has no intention of making any change in the location of the Medford Business College.
    The fruit is all right so far, and an abundant yield is now predicted. But little damage was done to peaches and almonds by the frost last week.
    There is still a great deal of snow in the higher mountains, but the range is rapidly getting fine, and stockmen are assured of a good year for grass.
    John Slagle expects to develop a great deal of speed in "Chief," the promising two-year-old of G. L. Davis, which he has had in training for some time past.
    The miners are beginning to throng into southern Oregon, and prospecting during the summer will be carried on to an extent unheard of heretofore.
    The efforts of the Medford company to put the carp of the Lost River on the market in paying quantities is watched with much interest, as if successful it will open a new source of wealth in Klamath County.
    John H. Klippel, who returned from Lake County a few weeks since, is recovering from blood poison. For a while his case was deemed quite serious. One of his hands was injured while he was engaged in handling timber, and the wound, though small at first, threatened fatal consequences.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 21, 1893, page 3

    Geo. Morgan and family have removed to California.
    The bond election takes place next Monday. Be sure to vote.
    G. W. Priddy will furnish the brick for the new Halley block on C Street.
    The council had about 100 fine shade trees set out in the city park last week.
    Davis & Pottenger continue to make large consignments of chickens to the bay city.
    Miss Maggie Tice has departed from Medford to visit with a sister living at North Yamhill, Or.
    Mazie Lippincott, who has been attending St. Mary's Academy at Jacksonville, returned home this week.
    Rev. C. H. Hoxie last week returned here from Klamath County, where he has been laboring for many months.
    A. Fetsch is preparing to build a nice dwelling on the three acres of land he recently bought of Hamilton & Palm.
    G. H. Haskins and family will take in the World's Fair during the summer and will also visit friends in the eastern states.
    W. T. York is now associated with A. S. Bliton in the management of the Mail, and they are meeting with deserved success.
    B. P. Theiss of the distillery has been absent on a business tour of the Northwest, and will this week do California on a similar mission.
    O. Holtan is now equipped with one of the choicest and largest assortments of cloths for gentlemen's wear ever seen in southern Oregon.
    The Economy Flour Bin men are taking the place by storm and putting a bin in every household. The ladies pronounce them the most convenient article they have ever seen.
    Dr. W. S. Jones was last week summoned to the bedside of his wife, who was taken very ill at her old home in Iowa, where she has been for some time past, for the benefit of her health.
    Rifenburg, the artist, will remain in Medford for a few days longer, in order to accommodate the graduating class of the public school and others desirous of securing sittings.
    The neat, new dwelling house which has lately been erected by Messrs. Roberts & O'Neil, on A Street, is now occupied by D. Roberts and wife, who are the recipients of the congratulations and best wishes of their many friends.
    Much interest is being taken in the proposed voting of bonds for the ditch and railroad schemes, and there is scarcely any opposition manifested among our citizens, although they want it understood that both enterprises must go through if the bonds are to be issued.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 21, 1893, page 3

    Nothing short of a city of 10,000 people will satisfy Medford--and we'll have 'em just as sure--as Mr. Leadbetter carries out his part of the contract.
    The Medford business college when erected will be the only college of like nature in Oregon, and the second one on the Pacific coast, which owns its own building.
    The Medford Mail now sails under new colors. A. S. Bliton is editor and W. T. York manager. These gentlemen make a strong combination in newspaper work.--Central Point News.
    There is a premium on the rental of resident property in Medford. This state of affairs always shows up good for the appearance of a city generally, but it's mighty inconvenient sometimes to the newcomer. Vacant buildings have too much of that graveyard blankness to be of great interest to people desiring a location, but here in Medford there is little danger of frightening them with the cold, white bare walls of store buildings and residents. It is a positive, indisputable fact that there is not a desirable building for rent in Medford today. If there were more houses, more business blocks, chances are, by several odds, that there would be more people and more business. There are several real estate owners in Medford who, in our opinion, would reap a neat profit on the investment if they were to erect a few dwelling houses. Something must be done to accommodate the fast increasing population.

Editorial, Medford Mail, April 28, 1893, page 2

266 for Bonds and Only 6 Against--
This Was the Complexion of the Tally Sheet Monday Night.
'Twas a Victory We Are All Proud of
And Everybody Rejoices Over the Powers that Wrought It.
    Every resident of Medford ought to feel proud of his neighbor and his neighbor ought to feel proud of himself, and he doubtless does, and every good housewife or mother ought to feel proud of her husband and son; and all because why--because he walked up to the polls Monday and cast a vote in favor of turning the wheel of time from the deep-worn rut of inactivity peculiar to other localities in the valley, and cast a good, honest vote "For Bonds." Medford people have started the wheel to rolling, and by voting the bonds have said to Mr. Leadbetter, almost with one voice: We want you to build an irrigation ditch and a railroad, and we want you to supply our city with water, as it should be supplied, and we want you to light our city with electricity. In return for all these we cheerfully subsidize you to the extent of $40,000. Besides this amount--which we know to be but only small compared to the amount you will by necessity be required to expend--we give to you this expression of our confidence in your ability and intention to carry out the projects as mapped out. We have proven to you by our vote that we are a live people and know wherein lies our best interests. We have proven to you that we are a people who are willing to help those who help us, and further, that we are loaded and watching for chances to get in and "roll logs" for ourselves when you, with your promised projects, open up a means for us to show our hustling propensities.
    The vote was a surprise to everybody--even the judges and clerks of election took off their hats and bowed in reverence to the ballot boxes. We all expected, as a matter of course, that the bonds would carry, but no one figured there would be less than one opposing vote out of ten. That was the lowest estimate, but think of only one out of forty-five.
    The total vote polled was 273. The north side cast 148 for and three against. The south side 118 and three against. Of the six that were cast against bonds, one was a mistake, as the voter stated after his vote had been cast. This would make the votes one to 55. As a grand summing up, the result was wholly satisfactory and in line with the one thing most desired.

Medford Mail, April 28, 1893, page 2

The Medford Business College Sure To Be Built--
Site Chosen and Contract Made.
Will Commence Work Next Week--
Building To Be Completed by First of Next July.
    There is no longer any speculation as to the erection of a new business college in Medford. The grounds have been procured and the contract for the construction of the building has been let to Messrs. L. M. Lyon and H. F. Wood. The site chosen is on Mr. T. F. West's addition to Medford. The main building will be 30x60 feet with a 23x50-foot front and in cross head shape. It will be two stories high and both floors will be partitioned off into banking office and study rooms and will be so constructed as to be particularly adapted for business college work, with study and recitation rooms for the several branches taught by the institution. It will be not only a convenient building for the use to which it will be put but will as well be an ornament to our city which every city ought, and probably will, take a great amount of pride. Work will commence as soon as material can be procured, undoubtedly next week, and is to be finished within sixty days thereafter.
    To be more explicit as to the general construction of the building we give below the size of each room and the use to which it will be put:
    The main office will be 11x12 feet in size and will be for the use of the faculty. In it will be conducted all business with the students other than the regular study course. This office will be on the first floor, as will be also the general commercial room, which will be 30x45 feet in size. At the sides and ends of this room will be arranged a bank, post office, wholesale supply houses and shipment departments. These will be set off from the main business room by railings over which will be a wire netting, in which will be small windows where the commercial business will be conducted. The manner of conducting business in this department will be upon a thorough, practical, businesslike plan and in such a manner as is experienced in a general business way in everyday life. A recitation room 11x17 feet in size will also be on this floor. On the second floor will be a typewriting room 11x17; recitation room 12x17; telegraphy room 7x20 and main study room 30x36. This floor will be given almost wholly to normal work.
Medford Mail, April 28, 1893, page 2

    Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Haskins and children left Wednesday morning for the world's fair and many other points in the East. They will be accompanied by Mrs. M. E. Denison.
    Gotlieb Hess, an expert brewer direct from Germany, arrived in Medford yesterday morning. He will have charge of the Medford brewery, and while his services come high they are quite necessary.
    H. Klippel, the Medford lumber merchant, left last Thursday for a thirty days' visit at Chicago's big show. Mr. K. is one of Oregon's Fair commissioners and has gone thither on business in that line.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 28, 1893, page 3

    On Wednesday morning of this week, by invitation from Mr. T. F. West, we enjoyed a very pleasant drive over certain parts of the outskirts of Medford. Among the places we visited was the site of the business college. This is located about five-eighths of a mile from the post office, to the north and east, and is a most delightful building spot. Mr. West has a thirty-acre tract platted in this locality and out of it he has deeded to the college, and for exclusive college use, a two-acre lot. This is unquestionably as fine a site as could possibly have been chosen and if we mistake not the handwriting on the wall there will ere long be many residences erected in that particular locality. The land lays far above the water line and from it one commands a splendid view of the surrounding country.
    You fellows who know something about guns will enjoy a treat if you step into Redfield Bros.' gun shop, on Sixth Street, and take a gaze at the gun which John Redfield is making for D. H. Miller. In a few words we can tell you that it is a repeating rifle and single shot shotgun and shoots a 38-55 rifle shell. The barrels are one on top of the other--the rifle on top and the shell magazine is inside the stock. It is a fine piece of workmanship, works easy and rapid, and is plainly labeled with a master mechanic's hand. While it is not nearly completed one can, even now, see the fine points and the excellent mechanism of the arrangement. The gun when completed will weigh eight and a half pounds and will cost Mr. Miller an even hundred dollars, and will be cheap at that price. Mr. Redfield has applied for a patent.
    The Medford Ice Company will soon be in shape to begin the manufacture of ice, and about the middle of June they will be in readiness to begin making beer. They are now having made at Portland the necessary vats, kettles and steam fixtures. The capacity of the ice plant is eight tons every twenty-four hours and of the brewery fifteen barrels per day. They now have on hand ten or twelve tons of ice which was held over from last year and which will be sufficient to supply the demand until they are in shape to begin manufacturing.
    Several changes have been made in places of abode by Medford people this week. M. L. Heart has moved to the residence occupied by A. M. Woodford, the Mail editor would rather move than pay rent and has dropped into M. S. Damon's residence on C Street. Ed. Pottenger leaves the brick house on the corner of B and Ninth and has moved to Mr. Gore's place on  C Street. It has been sort of an "inside here and outside there" play while the "ladies changed here and the gentlemen right and left there."
    Attorney S. S. Pentz, of this place, has been offered the position of law editor in the office of the West Publishing Company, with headquarters either at St. Paul, Minnesota or Washington, D.C. Should Mr. Pentz accept the offer, which seems almost too flattering to allow its escape, he will doubtless reside at Washington, at which place he has many friends and relatives. It is a lucrative position, as well as one well up in editorial honor.
    Don't forget the Racket Store carries boys' and men's straw hats, ladies' and children's sun hats, children's summer caps, ladies' silk parasols and sun umbrellas, silk mitts and gloves, ladies', gent's and children's summer underwear and hosiery, novelties in dress goods and a hoist of other goods too numerous to mention, and all at prices that are below competition.
    Telephone No. 1 was put up in Medford Monday. The line will run from Dr. E. B. Pickel's office in opera block to his residence on B Street. The make of the 'phone is the Elliott Non-Electric. Hod. Nicholson is head lineman and he heels the poles like a schoolboy in cherry time. The doctor, however, reserves the right to do all the talking.
    Alva E. Danielson is a second edition of Edison. The young man is putting in all of his spare time experimenting with batteries and all manner of kadorences that run in that channel. His latest is the construction of a dynamo with which he will do plating in either silver, gold, nickel or copper. He expects to have his machine in operation pretty soon.
    D. S. Youngs, the second hand store man, is all broke up, but he is not nearly so bad broke as the shoe house which has been building his shoes for the past several years. The house has closed its doors and D.S. knows not from whence cometh his next foot gear. Tayler and Damon are figuring on doubling up on lasts and concocting all manner of schemes whereby the necessary amount of leather may be gotten.
    There is always a big rush of business at the Lawton harness emporium, but J. W. has found it convenient to handle the work himself by hustling early and late, until recently, when he engaged the services of Geo. Wilson, a harnessmaker of much experience, and now things are popping around that establishment.
    C. W. Wolters, the grocer, has made an addition of several feet at the rear of his salesroom. New shelving and counters are being put in and will be filled with his new line of crockery which he has recently received. If these extensions continue much longer it will be necessary to push the back alley over onto another block.
    Bishop Morris, he who held services in Medford last Sunday, is an old-time acquaintance of L. L. Angle, of this place. Their acquaintance dates back to boyhood school days in Pennsylvania. It is needless to say that they enjoyed a most interesting visit.
    While out prospecting last week W. K. Davis found, instead of a paying quartz ledge, a very unprofitable thicket of poison oak and in consequence his face and hands were badly poisoned.
    Men and teams are at work grading Eleventh Street. Improvements keep going on and we can't stop it--don't want to stop it nohow.
    Contractor L. M. Lyon has purchased a business lot on Seventh Street from Hamilton & Palm and soon expects to erect a business house thereon.
    J. W. Partlow, of Grants Pass, has rented the McAndrews building on Seventh Street and about the first of May will open a grocery store thereon.
    Ketchup--made from tomatoes--and homemade. Goes well with the doughnuts your mother used to make--at Wolter's.
    C. H. Perry has purchased five acres of Medford soil in the Nickell addition.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 28, 1893, page 3

    Dr. Jones and family have returned from Iowa and are once more permanently located in Medford.
    The bond proposition was carried almost unanimously last Monday, there being only six dissenting votes out of 285.
    Everybody is pleased over the result of the election last Monday, as it will probably ensure the consummation of a number of enterprises quite important to our future welfare.
    The business college is again attracting much attention, and it is thought it will remain here, about the required bonus having been raised.
    The people have sensibly decided that bonds should be issued to assist in furthering the enterprises proposed by Leadbetter & Co., for their consummation will make Medford a city.
    The Jacksonville Dramatic Association gave a performance at the opera house on Monday evening, which was well received by those in attendance. We are sorry to note that our people did not patronize it nearly so well as it deserved to be.
    The wheat crop of the valley is now all in the hands of a dozen persons, and were it not for the amount in store at the warehouse the local mill might have to run on short time. Davis' business sagacity, however, enabled him to secure a call option on a large amount which he has in store for the farmers.
    The Medford hose company is doing well and is managed by the following officers: D. T. Lawton, president; G. L. Davis, foreman; John Angle, 1st asst. foreman; W. T. Crane, 2d asst. foreman; U. M. Damon, secretary; W. R. Galloway, treasurer; W. J. Fredenburg, sergeant-at-arms; H. G. Nicholson, E. A. Langley and W. T. Crane, trustees.
    Medford is getting into fine sanitary condition, and the greatly improved condition of our road system, now the best in the county, proves the most drawing attraction to newcomers to settle among us. The city fathers have shown commendable foresight in bringing about the existing condition of affairs, as we shall reap a rich reward for it in the near future, when our boom comes on.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1893, page 2

    P. H. Oviatt of Medford, the political reformer, is in town today.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1893, page 2

    Orchard Home Association to Herbert L. Waterous; lot 7, blk 4, Association tract. $250.
    Same to Frank G. Waterous; lot 8, same blk. $250.
    Same to Wm. L. Smith; lots 5 & 6, same blk. $500.
    G. W. Isaacs et al., to Geo. E. Allen; .98 acres in blk 6, Galloway's add. to Medford. $250.
    Chas. Nickell to W. F. Shawver; west half lot 6, blk 15 [Medford?]. $200.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1893, page 2

    The Southern Pacific R.R. Co. has begun the fencing of its track in Oregon, and there arrived at Salem last week six cars of lumber and three of barbed wire. There are hundreds of miles in southern Oregon alone, and it will be fenced in at a cost of about $250 per mile. It is estimated that the expense of fencing will be recovered in a short time, as the amount of money expended in making good the loss of livestock is enormous. At the suggestion of Representative Nickell, this section was included in the law (passed by the legislature), which requires the S.P. Co. to do this fencing.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1893, page 2

The Latest Discovery.
    Central Point, Or., April 25.--The richest gold strikes in southern Oregon since the days of '52 have been unearthed within two miles of this place in the last two days, and the entire country around here is wild with excitement. If the present exodus from this point to the hills continues, the town will be almost depopulated before the end of the week. The scene of the Hershberger strike, mentioned in the Oregonian a few days ago, was visited today. The rich pay streak continues to grow richer, and they are taking out gold in large quantities. Within two hours this morning more than $500 in coarse gold was taken from the ledge. This mine is in the famous Willow Springs district, which has a gold-producing history dating back to 1852. Within a radius of one mile from the Hershberger claim there are no less than six rich pockets being worked, and from $50 to $100 are being taken out each day by a single miner. Fred. Downing has unearthed about 100 feet on one ledge, which contains a number of pay streaks that show pieces of gold as large as a pea. The main body of the lode is free-milling rock that will run $300 to the ton, and several thousand dollars will be taken from each pocket. The soil from the surface of all the ledges is filled with coarse gold, and is being sacked and stored. The excitement has reached neighboring towns, and prospectors are coming in on every train.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1893, page 3

    The mining excitement started in southern Oregon several months ago is still unabated.
    It was J. W. Hockersmith who shipped a choice lot of hogs to Albina from Medford. Joe has good backing now and will handle a large portion of the live hogs in the valley hereafter.
    The proposition to have the piece of road extending from Central Point to the desert improved at the county's expense is general one, and a lengthy petition was presented to the commissioners' court praying for the needed improvement. It is the great pass-way between the valley and the large scope of country in the Butte Creek section and north and west of Rogue River, and is easily susceptible to improvement, so as to make a good winter highway at small cost to the county.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1893, page 3

Dramatic Entertainment.
    The Jacksonville Dramatic Association gave two performances during the past week--the first at Jacksonville last Saturday evening and the other at Medford on the following Monday. "The Unequal Match," a popular comedy, had been chosen as best adapted to show the talent of the society, and it proved a good selection. Some of the performers did very well and all came up to general expectations. The excellent singing between acts by the Misses Linn and the music by the orchestra added zest to the entertainments. We hope that the association will reappear at an early date. It certainly deserves encouragement and liberal patronage.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, April 28, 1893, page 3

    It seems as if there will be no use for summer clothing this year.
    It will cost $98.50 for a round-trip ticket to the World's Fair
[in Chicago], which is only a slight reduction from the usual rate of fare.
    Dancing followed the entertainments given by the Jacksonville Dramatic Association at this place and Medford, and all present enjoyed themselves.
    Two new divorce cases have been started in the circuit court--one by Mrs. Cliff Newman against her husband, Sergeant F. Newman, formerly of Ashland, and the other by M. E. Rigby of Medford against his wife.
    Wm. Ulrich, representing the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co., has been buying hogs in northern California, and shipped two carloads to Medford last week, we are informed.
    W. J. Gooch, who owns the Economy Flour Bin patent, has been disposing of the right to sell that popular household article in several counties in the state to parties living in Jacksonville.
    A special train was run between Jacksonville and Medford last Monday evening for the accommodation of those who wished to attend the performance given at the last-named place by the Jacksonville Dramatic Association. A carload of our citizens took advantage of this inducement, which furnished almost half the audience in attendance.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1893, page 3

Six Were "Not in It."
    At the special election held in Medford last Monday upon the question of issuing $40,000 city bonds to be used as a bonus for the water works and electric power and light enterprises projected by C. H. Leadbetter, the town was almost unanimously in favor of bonding, there being only six votes against it in a town of about 275 or 280.
    Mayor W. I. Vawter, when in Ashland Wednesday, replying to the question when the bonds are to be issued, said he didn't know anything about that. The election only gave the city council authority to bond the city if in its judgment it is the proper thing to do. The council will now proceed to consider such proposition as may be issued by Mr. Leadbetter and will not issue any bonds until satisfied by assurances or guarantee that the projects to be subsidized are upon a solid basis of success.
    It is understood that Mr. Leadbetter proposes to bring to the town a supply of water for drinking and other domestic purposes, as well as for power; that he will supply water for irrigation of lands on both sides of the valley about Medford and Jacksonville, and will establish an electric lighting system in Medford. Water for city purposes is to be supplied free during continuance of his franchise.
Ashland Tidings, April 28, 1893, page 3

    The Mail has received a communication from someone in Medford who, we conclude, has been "sacked" by his girl, and he wants us to publish a lot of gush telling the rest of his boys to watch out for her. The communication will not appear in these columns, and while we think of it we want to say that The Mail is not a sewer through which this kind of personal slush can be drained off, neither are its columns a receptacle for the unloading of personal grievances between neighbors. If you have anything in the way of news, or a worthy object, the merits of which you wish to espouse, send in all you have on hand and they will be printed, but don't send personal nonsensical trash. Our wastebasket is already overloaded.
    Prof. Rigby has given proof of his confidence in Medford as the educational center of Southern Oregon by perfecting arrangements for the immediate construction of a business college. The material is now being placed on the ground and work on the building proper will commence inside of ten days. The erection of this building will necessitate the outlay of a large amount of money, and the institution will prove of great value to Medford. Would it not be a very proper act for us to "chip in" and assist Mr. Rigby in his undertaking? A subscription paper has been left at the Mail office and all who feel that they can make a contribution, even though small, are kindly asked to call at this office. Mechanics who can donate a few days work are also invited to register their names. Subscriptions not due until after building is completed.
Editorial, Medford Mail, May 5, 1893, page 2

    W. S. King came over from Bolt last Thursday to do business in Medford. He has purchased a chunk of real estate in our city, and ere the frosts of another winter shall have paid us a visit Mr. K. will be domiciled among us--and The Mail is glad of it. He's a good man to have around--and a hustler.
    D. S. Youngs left Medford Wednesday morning for an extended visit to the East. He will first go direct to New York City, where he will remain a few days, from there to Utica, N.Y., and visit his mother, thence to several others parts of the state and visit relatives, from there to Chicago and thence to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and by that time he'll have a very keen notion that Medford needs his attention, and he will make a straight shot for home.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 5, 1893, page 2

The poets blossom everywhere,
    The carpets get a lickin',
And every sign of spring is here
    Excepting the spring chicken.
                                                    --and spring.
    Mr. J. D. Whitman is considered about as good authority on fruit culture as is found in the Rogue River Valley. The Mail has interviewed the gentleman very briefly on the matter this week. He tells that at the present time there are three times as many peaches now formed than can possibly develop, and unless a frost should happen to thin them out this work will needs be done by hand. The only fruit, in Mr. Whitman's opinion, that has in the least been damaged by frosts is the apricot, and these only in a few places and very slight at that. Mr. Whitman has been connected with the fruit interests of this country for 7 years and makes positive the assertion that never before has there been as bright prospects for a most abundant yield as at the present time. The gentleman has seventy acres of land into fruit. He finds by experience that some varieties of fruit, particularly the apple, bear earlier when not cultivated. This he claims is because of the fact that when cultivated thoroughly there is a much greater growth of wood and very little fruit, while the uncultivated bear profusely. This, however, is not true of even all apple varieties. The Newtown pippin is slow to bear and attains a large growth before much returns may be expected, while the Ben Davis is the direct opposite under almost any circumstances. Mr. W. talked very little regarding his company's fish projects in the Klamath Falls country inasmuch, as he expressed it, there was little else to talk of except high water, and which has greatly retarded operations. The Lost River, he says, is much higher this spring than for many years.
    The Hanley Saloon, corner Seventh and D streets, has been decorated with a new coat of paint and the sign "Railroad Saloon" buried from sight of passersby--and it's a good act. If anything will give a place a black eye it is a sign with "railroad" tucked on one end. The name is becoming as much of an eyesore in Oregon as is "Minnesota Hotel" in North Dakota and Montana.
    G. W. Skeel's dray horse took one of its usual spins about the city last Friday. It started from near the depot and brought up on the east side of Bear Creek with the fore wheels of the wagon intact. It seems quite the proper thing for this horse to go off on a lark of this kind and no person seems to be at all surprised.
    Frank Galloway is no astronomer. On election night the boys sent up some paper balloons. Mr. Galloway caught sight of one of them when it was a few miles heavenward, and thought it was Mars--and wanted to enter into a fistic encounter with anyone who disputed his assertion.
    E. G. Hurt, the clever engineer at the water works, has resigned his position and tomorrow will start for his mine in Briggs Valley. It's about this season of the year that the boys at the camp figure on making a "cleanup," and that is the whyforness of Mr. Hurt's visit.

    "An unusually backward spring?" Well, yes, something like that. Even such an oldtimer as John Justus, who has lived in the valley since fifty-four, holds up his hands in horror at the way the weather has acted for the past two months. Says he never saw anything like it before.
    Liveryman Worman has invested in a new two-seated spring wagon which is an entire home construction. It was manufactured by J. R. Wilson, the C Street blacksmith, and while it is a beauty to look upon it is no less heap for stout and will run "a hundred years to a day."
    The advertisement of J. W. Partlow['s variety store] appears elsewhere in this issue. The gentleman has but recently arrived in M
edford, and while his full stock of goods has not as yet been received, he is open for business and offers special inducements for Saturday trade. Read his ad.
    B. F. Roberts reports having sold two acres of his recently platted property, east of Medford, to Mr. Hayden, a gentleman who has recently disposed of some mining property in the Willow Springs district. Mr. H. will erect a resident house upon his lots.
    W. M. Skeel is erecting a fine residence for his own use just east of Bear Creek. The location is quite a pleasant one and is not too near town, but just a right distance to be convenient. The house will be two stories and 22x28 feet in size.
    A new addition, 20x15 feet in size, is being built onto the south side of the Medford brewery. In this addition will be placed the new brewing machinery of the company which is expected to arrive now pretty soon.
B. F. Adkins April 30, 1905 Sunday Oregonian
April 30, 1905 Sunday Oregonian
    Dr. B. F. Adkins and family expected to leave Wednesday morning for Chicago, but owing to the illness of their daughter, Miss Ada, the trip has been postponed indefinitely.
    The general appearance of our city park has been greatly improved by the erection of a fine picket fence. The park has also been set out to shade trees.
    J. N. Walter, residing first residence north of Methodist church, desires to sell his household effects. A bargain will be given on all articles.
    The merry-go-round, with which the boys--and girls--have no small amount of fun, has been laid on the shelf for repairs for a couple of weeks.
    Report has it that Jas. Stewart, who owns a fine peach orchard just south of Medford, has decided to graft the entire orchard to prunes.
    Rock are now being hauled for the foundation of the new business college. One carload of lumber has also been received.
    Thos. Spangler has purchased the Conger property on B Street and will soon move his family thereto.
    Geo. Anderson is getting his bottling works in shape for a lively run of business this summer.
    E. W. Carder is the gentleman who now pulls the engine throttle at the water works.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, May 5, 1893, page 3

    B. F. Stevenson and wife last week returned from their trip to the Mississippi Valley states.
    Twenty-five converts were made by Rev. W. H. Brown during the continuance of his meetings at this place.
    Mrs. Rose DeGroot is now president of the local W.C.T.U., and Anna Hammond corresponding secretary, Mrs. L. L. Angle recording secretary; Mrs. J. W. Odgers treasurer.
    The next meeting of the Industrial League, which was organized at this place last week in the interest of the People's Party, will be held here on the 20th inst., when much business of importance will come up for consideration.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 5, 1893, page 2

    Much corn will be raised in Rogue River Valley during the coming season, as the protracted wet weather has made wheat growing out of the question in many sections.
    A large number of people, outside of the teachers, are attending the teacher's institute now progressing at Medford. Special trains leave Jacksonville every evening and are generally filled with people who go for the purpose of attending the night sessions of the institute.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 5, 1893, page 3

    The latest reports are to the effect that there is a good prospect for the consummation of the scheme to bring in the waters of Big Butte Creek into the lower valley for irrigating and other purposes by Messrs. Leadbetter & Son. We trust the project will materialize at an early date.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 5, 1893, page 3

    Attorney S. S. Pentz, of this place, has been offered the position of law editor in the office of the West Publishing Company, with headquarters either at St. Paul, Minnesota or Washington, D.C. Should Mr. Pentz accept the offer, which seems almost too flattering to allow its escape, he will doubtless reside at Washington, at which place he has many friends and relatives. It is a lucrative position as well as one up in editorial honor.--[Medford Mail.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, May 5, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. J. E. Enyart and daughter Hazel of Medford, Oregon have arrived in this city and will spend several months visiting among relatives and friends.
"Your Name in Print," Logansport Journal, Indiana, May 5, 1893, page 8

    The Mail has been shown the plans for the new Baptist parsonage which is to be built during the coming summer. The building will be cottage shape with twelve feet posts and if built entirely after the plans and views shown us it will be a very beautiful residence. L. M. Lyon has the contract for its construction and it will be built near the church. In architectural design the building is modern in every particular, while the interior will be as convenient and pleasant as the exterior is beautiful and modern.
    A move is on foot now to get together a bangup, good baseball team in Medford. They tell us there are some good twirlers of the sphere and bat swingers in town and if such is the case they ought to organize and prove their mettle. So confident are some of the boys of getting together a good team that they have asked us to print a challenge to any amateur club in the state of Oregon.
    L. E. Bender has opened a tobacco and confectionery store in the brick building on C Street, and is prepared to serve up all the delicacies that can possibly be had in this line. His candies are fresh, his cigars fragrant and his tobaccos tender to the tastes of those addicted that way. Read his ad. [His ad on page 2 locates his business on "C Street, Opposite Mail Office"]
    The new residence which merchant William Angle is erecting over on the east side will be, when completed, as fine as any in Medford. The design is a fine one and a credit to the architect. Mr. Angle has several acres of fine land surrounding his new building and when put in shape, as will needs be done to harmonize with the new house, he will have a home that will be the pride of the entire household.
    R. H. Halley has purchased, of Mrs. [Brentano], the vacant lot fronting on Eighth Street, near the gun shop, and when he gets in shape to commence work on his new brick block he will move one of his wooden buildings onto his recent purchase.
    The merry-go-round has folded its tents and silently stolen away. The business wasn't very rushing in Medford. The outfit was taken to Jacksonville where it will remain a short time after which it will drive its stakes in Ashland.
    Last week our "types" were made to say that the new addition to the brewery was to be 20x15 feet in size. We should have said 25x56.
    Messrs. Palm & Medynski have purchased the Howard property on Front Street and will put the same in shape for business purposes.
    The foundation for the Medford Business College was laid on Wednesday of this week.
    Postmaster Howard is moving his family into the Frank Mingus residence on the west side.
    Rev. Stephens and family on Tuesday moved from South C Street to the McAndrews residence on North C Street.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, May 12, 1893, page 3

    Judge Garl T. Jones, of Corvallis, Montana, is in Medford visiting Mr. Galloway's people. The gentleman is mixing business up with pleasure, and while he is visiting his friends he has one eye open to the opportunities offered by Medford for a business location. He will be a good man to have among us and we hope that he will see that which he seeks and decide to remain. He has decided, and Medford is the place.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 12, 1893, page 3

    John Wolters, Sr., is reported as being dangerously ill.
    J. W. Partlow is established in business in the McAndrew building.
    Mrs. F. Barneburg has been entertaining her daughter, Mrs. D. High of Ashland.
    A. Fordyce of this precinct is engaged in hatching chickens with an incubator on a large scale.
    The novelties offered by Redfield Bros. at their gun shop excite the admiration of sportsmen.
    Arnold Childers' 13-year-old son last week accidentally discharged a load of shot into his foot.
    Mrs. M. A. Waldron, mother of Mrs. A. H. Jackson, died at this place one day last week, aged 81 years.
    E. G. Hurt last week departed for his Briggs Creek mine, having resigned his position at the water works.
    Ed. Worman's new two-seated rig, made by J. R. Wilson, is a beauty, and one of the best vehicles in the place.
    D. S. Youngs is in New York at present, and will take in the Chicago show before returning home to Medford.
    J. A. Slover, Jr., has been at Grants Pass for several days and may become interested in Dr. W. F. Kremer's extensive drug store.
    The flouring mills at present are shut down and will remain closed for some time, owing to the large amount of flour accumulated.
    Hon. S. S. Pentz has been tendered and will probably accept the position of law editor of the West Publishing Company, and if so will remove to Washington city.
    The late public school entertainments were among the most satisfactory ever held in Medford, and all trust that they will be repeated at the close of school.
    H. F. Wood and L. M. Lyon have the contract to do the carpenter work on the new business college, which will doubtless be complete for occupancy in the fall.
    The lecture and musical entertainment under the auspices of the A.O.U.W. last Saturday evening were enjoyed by many. The order is enjoying a boom in this section at present.
    The ice, brewing and cold storage company have everything in readiness and will have their factory running on full time in a week or so. The brewing department will be operated after the first day of June by a first-class brewer imported for that purpose.
    Medford was full of school teachers last week. Supt. McElroy, Prof. Thos. Condon and other educators from abroad also attended the institute. Everybody was pleased with the proceedings, and our citizens are to be congratulated upon the interest and hospitality they evinced.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 12, 1893, page 2

    S. G. Wortman, et al., to Abbie J. Fiske; lot 12 to 16, blk 78, Medford. $1600.
    O. Harbaugh to E. Brown; 10 acres in tp 37s, r2w. $700.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 12, 1893, page 2

    Farmers are busily engaged in planting corn.
    F. G. Kertson, formerly of the Medford Mail, is said to have a job in the office of the West Side at Independence.
    There has been little frost during the past few weeks, and horticulturists believe that all danger from this source is over.
    Farmers are investing in the fanning mills now being introduced into the valley, finding it advantageous to clean their seed grain at home.
    The report in the Oregonian, sent from Central Point, to the effect that miners could not be obtained for $3 a day, is wrong. Much interest is being taken here, however.
    G. W. Stephenson last week shipped a carload of horses to the south, which he had bought for the Madeira Flume Company of Fresno, paying as high an average as $100 apiece for the animals.
    The Jackson County Flume & Irrigation Company was incorporated by Harry M. Ball, W. E. Coul and E. G. Coul, a few days since, with a capital stock of $1,000,000. The principal place of business will be at Central Point.
    The teachers' institute, held at Medford last week, was the most successful ever held in this district. The attendance was large, the programme first class and great interest was manifested throughout. Much credit is due Supt. Price and those who so ably assisted him.
    W. H. Parker returned home last week from experimenting with the Keeley treatment at Roseburg, and pronounces himself a new man. He was much troubled with nervousness and insomnia, and finds himself completely relieved from both troubles, as well as the tobacco habit, since undergoing treatment.
    The friends of Mrs. J. T. Guerin (formerly Miss Sarah Brown of this place) learn with pleasure that the operation which she was called on to undergo at the Good Samaritan Hospital at Portland recently was entirely successful and that she is rapidly regaining health and strength.
    Edwin Scott of the Oregonian, who was detailed to visit the southern Oregon mines and give a full description of them, has completed his work and returned to Portland yesterday, accompanied by his wife, who has been visiting relatives during the past fortnight. Mr. Scott is an excellent writer and his articles are both interesting and accurate.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 12, 1893, page 3

    The Economy Flour Bin beats a Sunday beau for solid comfort. Try one--the bin, we mean.
    Strobel's "merry-go-round" spend the 12th of May in Jacksonville, much to the pleasure of the children.
    The old man can go to lodge, if he only provides the careful housewife with an Economy Flour Bin. Try one.
    E. Hammond of Meadows precinct was in town this week. He says that 45 inches of rain and snow fell at his place during the past season.
    Your worse half isn't treating you properly if he hasn't attended to your needs and bought you an Economy Flour Bin ere this. Jog him up about it.
    Drs. Jones and Kirchgessner of Medford are contemplating the leasing of the Tolman vapor springs near Ashland during the coming year, with the intention of developing it as a health resort.
    C. D. Ball of Washington, the head of the Central Point Flume Co., has been busily engaged in getting ready to close contracts with parties owning land along the line of the proposed flume for the use of water from same when completed.
    The Jackson County boys employed in the extension of the Donahue system of coast railways in California write home that work is moving right along, and that the company intends extending the line to Crescent City soon. Should the proper effort be made, the road can be made to connect with the R.R.V.R., and would be of inestimable value in this valley, settling once for all the question of freights.
    Thus far the fruit crop appears to have escaped injury, and the problem that now confronts the orchardmen is how to thin out the superfluous fruit by artificial means. It is absolutely necessary that the work be done before the strength of the trees is expended on developing small fruit, and those who are well up in the business of horticulture will at once proceed with the thinning operation.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 12, 1893, page 3

A Justifiable Libel Suit.
    A Jacksonville, Ore. man has sued one of his neighbors for calling him "a bigger ass than Pennoyer." If that is not actionable there is little use for a libel law in Oregon.
Oswego Daily Times, Oswego, New York, May 13, 1893, page 2

A Sad Death.
    Mrs. Florence Enyart, wife of Jesse E. Enyart, of Medford, Oregon, died at the residence of her uncle David L. Metzger, 1412 High Street, last evening at 8:30 after a few days' illness, of congestion of the stomach, in the 30th year of her age.
    This is a peculiarly sad death. Mrs. Enyart arrived here about ten days ago to visit with friends and relatives, the first time she had been here since she and her husband moved to Oregon four years ago. Some days ago she went to the World's Fair, where she caught cold from exposure. Her trouble, which at first was not thought to be of a serious nature, took a sudden turn for the worse, and last evening she died after an illness of but three days. Up to within a few hours of her death her condition was not considered dangerous, and her sad and sudden death falls with striking force upon her family and many friends here. Her husband is the cashier of the bank at Medford, Oregon, and it will take him a week to arrive here, hence an announcement of the date of the funeral will be deferred until such a time.
    Mrs. Enyart was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Mitchell, of Adamsboro, and sister of Miss Nellie Mitchell, who graduated from the Logansport High School last year with the highest honors of her class, and who is at present at the State University at Bloomington. She was married to Jesse Enyart five years ago and leaves one child, a daughter four years of age. Her family has the united sympathy of the community in their sad and sudden bereavement.
Logansport Journal, Indiana, May 16, 1893, page 5

    A telegram was received this morning that Jesse Enyart had started from Medford, Ore., and would probably arrive here Sunday morning. The funeral of his wife will probably be held Sunday.
"The Latest Local News," Logansport Reporter, Indiana, May 17, 1893, page 3

    The result of Mr. Leadbetter's visit did not change materially the condition of railroad affairs, except that date for positive operations were set for June 10th. The gentleman seems sanguine as to the commencement and completion of the contemplated projects.

Medford Mail, May 19, 1893, page 2

    Even the most adept professional men, whom the majority of the world's people believe equal to all occasions, are novices in many lines outside their professions, and none the least of them is Dr. Geary. In surgery and materia medica the doctor is quite at home, but when it comes to riding a bicycle successfully he is several leagues outside the front yard fence which surrounds his fine residence on Seventh Street. Alex. Galloway assured the gentleman of medicine that he could mount and ride a wheel as easily as he could convert an artificial eye into one of life, and upon this guarantee he made a purchase of a Falcon No. 1. The doctor and Alex. retired to a supposed secluded part of the city and there a circus was gone through with, which is alone peculiar to acrobats. Finally the wheel was led up alongside of a fence and the doctor gallantly mounted and after a little wibble-wabble byplay he rounded the corner in a truly dignified style. If the doctor wants to know how this escapade came to be printed he can call at D. H. Miller's hardware store and get--satisfaction.
     The Howard property on Front Street, recently purchased by Palm & Medynski, is being painted anew and generally refitted. The color is a very "catchy" one and is a long ways ahead of many others which come under the dull, lifeless list.
    A team belonging to J. W. Wiley, of Phoenix, made things decidedly lively on C Street Tuesday evening. The wagon was ditched near Mr. Plymale's residence and the team brought up in Mr. Whitman's wheat field--not much damage.
    The citizens of Medford and vicinity are asked to meet at the opera house, Medford, tomorrow at 2 o'clock, and perfect arrangements for a Fourth of July celebration in this man's town.
    Councilman Wilson has men at work connecting water pipes with the C Street main and is having them run into his blacksmith shop, corner of C and Eighth.
    Wednesday the hosecart, and all paraphernalia pertaining thereto, was moved to its new quarters on Sixth Street.
    Photographer Rifenburg has moved his outfit to Grants Pass where he will remain a few weeks.
    Dr. Kirchgessner has moved his family to the G. W. Howard residence on Ninth Street.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, May 19, 1893, page 3

    Chas. L. Sherman, a practical painter and sign writer, of Salem, has decided to locate in Medford and is now here in readiness for business.
    Jacob Pheister, of Bourbon, Indiana, and father-in-law of L. P. Lozier, arrived in Medford last week and will without a doubt remain with us for all time.
    Mrs. Garl T. Jones and daughter Mable joined Mr. Jones in Medford Monday, and all are now nicely located in a residence on C Street. These people are from Montana.
"Purely Personal,"
Medford Mail, May 19, 1893, page 3

    Wm. Angle & Mary S. Angle to James Caiti; lots 5, 6, & 7 in blk 3, town of Medford. $300.
    O&T Co. to Wm. Angle; lots 5, 6 & 7, blk 3, Medford. $150.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1893, page 3

    Sugar is once more advancing as the fruit prospects improve, and the season draws nigh when sugar is principally used in preserving fruit.
    The proposition to put a custom stamp mill at Willow Springs to accommodate the miners and prospectors bids fair to materialize in a short time.
    Numbers of Medford and Central Point citizens have located claims in the Willow Springs district, and will do some systematic prospecting during the coming summer.
    The public schools of this place are endeavoring to get up an excursion party to accept the invitation of the Medford graduating class to attend their commencement exercises today.
    Jerry Heckathorn of Eagle Point has been out with the flume company's corps of surveyors during the week, and reports things progressing nicely in camp and a prospect of the scheme being found entirely feasible.
    Leadbetter & Son will start out their surveying party from this place in a short time, and work on the line of the new extension of the R.R.V.R.R. may be expected to begin soon. The gentlemen are about through with their undertakings in the northern country, and will be able to give their undivided attention to matters in this section from this time forth.
    The mining fever is on in earnest, and most real estate transactions these days have more or less to do with mining and mine development. This is as it should be, and we trust the fever will keep at a high tide until it is demonstrated beyond all doubt that we have in southern Oregon the richest mines in the Northwest today. Of course many will be disappointed at not being able to rake up ducats in the gulches, but the intelligent miner will find what he is seeking, if he will but look in the right places for the true fissure veins one reads so much about these days.
    Prof. Condon of the state university gave it as his opinion, at the lecture on geology which he delivered at Medford the other evening, that there is every probability of the future discovery of numbers of the true fissure veins in the mountains of this and Josephine counties, and predicts that systematic prospecting in the near future will demonstrate the accuracy of his judgment. The prospector is among us in force, and all who share the professor's opinion in regard to the mines of this section trust they will find the true fissure veins in sufficient numbers to induce capital to come in and develop our almost fabulous store of hidden wealth.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1893, page 3

Of Interest to Purchasers of Flour Bins.
    The Economy Flour Bin Co. are expecting a car of bins soon at Jacksonville. Parties who have given orders for same will please be ready, as the delivery will commence immediately on receipt of them.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, May 19, 1893, page 3

    D. I. Waldroop of Ashland is now compounding at the Hanley saloon.
    The foundation for the new Medford business college was laid without ceremony last week.
    Do not fail to drop in and see L. E. Bender's new stock of cigars and confectioneries on C Street.
    Mrs. A. S. Hammond and children have gone back to Iowa to visit home folks and the world's fair.
    The proposition to re-organize a first-class baseball club in Medford meets with general approbation.
    F. L. Cranfill last week returned to Medford after an extended visit with relatives in the Willamette section.
    Wm. Angle's new residence is rapidly assuming proportions and will be when completed as fine a house as there [is] in the place.
    Palm & Medynski have bought out the Howard property on Front Street and will provide themselves business quarters in the same.
    A. A. Davis was last week engaged in negotiating for a five-stamp mill for the Crawford mine at Willow Springs, in which he now owns an interest.
    Kit Bateman and family are now residents of the Willow Springs mining camp and will run the boarding house in connection with the Fitch-Cardwell mine.
    Misses Myrtle Woodford, May Nicholson and Bessie Wait attended the regular quarterly examination for teacher's certificates at Jacksonville last week.
    L. M. Lyon will soon begin the work of construction on the new Baptist parsonage, which is planned to be a very neat structure, spacious and well arranged.
    Alex Orme and family are again residents of Bolt, where Mr. O. has important mining interests awaiting development, but they will return to this place in the fall.
    W. F. Kett of Spokane Falls supplied the ore crusher to be used in the Fitch-Cardwell mine at Willow Springs to A. A. Davis last week, the latter being now a partner in the business.
    Hon. Garl T. Jones of Montana has been in town for some time past, looking over the situation as to the advisability of making his home here, and has concluded to buy property and settle among us.
    A half interest in the Hotel Medford property is offered for sale at a bargain, and anyone wanting to invest in the very best hotel business in the southern part of the state would do well to call soon.
    A very heavy hailstorm passed over this place during the night of last Tuesday, and while very little damage was done, some few windows were broken, and the hail was piled up alongside the buildings in town in great shape.
    R. H. Halley has bought the vacant lot on Eighth Street near the gun shop and will move one of the buildings from the property, on which he contemplates erecting his new brick block, on this lot when he gets ready for building operations.
    Jos. Stewart is said to be talking of grafting his entire peach orchard near town to prunes in the immediate future, and prune raising is demonstrated to be such a success that many new orchards will be set out next year. The fruit is less liable to be killed by frosts than peaches.
    There is every prospect of an immense fruit crop in the vicinity of Medford this year, as the frost line has about been passed in safety for this season, and will give employment to a great many persons, as the acreage in orchards in the valley is far greater now than most people suppose.
    The entire community was shocked this week to learn of the sudden death at Chicago of Mrs. J. E. Enyart of this city, who departed in company with a friend two weeks ago to visit in the East and to attend the world's fair. Mrs. Enyart died suddenly on Monday last, and the first reports which reached Medford were to the effect that her death resulted from attack of the cholera. It has, however, been learned since that she died at the home of her mother in Indiana of inflammation of the stomach and bowels. Her grief-stricken husband has the heartfelt sympathy of everyone in this sad bereavement.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1893, page 3

To Fruit Growers and Farmers of Southern Oregon.
    I am preparing a work on southern Oregon to be published about June 1st, which is to be devoted chiefly to fruit-growing in all its branches, and I want some facts and figures from those in the business to prove what I have frequently declared, "That every acre of land in southern Oregon INTELLIGENTLY and INDUSTRIOUSLY cultivated will afford a gross revenue of upward of $100 [sic] per acre per annum." My object in soliciting these testimonials for publication is to give prospective settlers a chance to communicate with those already engaged in this calling before leaving their homes elsewhere, and thus secure only the most desirable class of settlers. Southern Oregon is capable, by reason of its diversified resources and the great productive capacity of its lands, of supporting 500,000 people, and the sooner we get that number, the sooner will we get reduced railroad rates, increased markets, both home and foreign, for our products, increased land values and decreased taxes, and all the other advantages of a dense, self-sustaining population. There is no more danger of overproduction of the choice apples, peaches, prunes or grapes of the Rogue River Valley than there is of overproduction of its precious metals; and the sooner this fact is realized and acted upon by inviting further settlement, the sooner will the highest aims of civilization be accomplished. While I am in the real estate business and would like to handle your property if it is for sale, I do not require such permission or anything else of you, but will be satisfied with my share of the general good, following the development of this most important part of the state. In giving experience, correspondents will please mention age of trees, name and value of product per acre, name of post office, distance from railroad, and any other general information they may see fit to give. No charge of any kind is to be made for what appears in the work, and no commission or compensation of any kind will be considered earned through sales made, unless a written contract to that effect is held by me upon the land. Address
Portland, Oregon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1893, page 3

    J. C. Enyart, cashier of the Jackson County Bank at Medford, received a telegram last Monday evening, announcing the death of his wife that day at the home of her parents in Indiana. Mrs. Enyart had gone home on a visit, and by Monday morning's train Mr. Enyart received a letter from her, telling of her visiting the great fair at Chicago and having an enjoyable time with her friends at home. Mr. Enyart started Monday evening for Indiana.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, May 19, 1893, page 3

    The funeral of Mrs. Jesse D. Enyart, of Medford, Oregon, was held at 3 o'clock this afternoon on East High Street, conducted by Revs. Mareb and Woods. The sorrowing husband arrived from his far-off western home in time to attend the obsequies.
"City News," Logansport Pharos, Indiana, May 22, 1893, page 3

It Is Whispered Around
    That the latest fad of Medford dudes is to flirt with their shadow on the streets.
    That Medford will have a mounted police when Wes Johnson gets that "wheel," and if he isn't dismounted several times it will disappoint many people.
    That if the boarders at Hotel Medford were to decide the [Chinese] deportation question, they would deport French cooks first and attend to the Chinese secondarily.
    That when C. F. Lewis plants garden he puts in the seed all the same lawn grass--like the fellow that stole his dollar chickens--nineteen at a time and all in the same place.
    That when Dr. Pickel gets Marshal Johnson out for a few minutes' walk to attend a coroner's inquest it will be a lesser distance than six miles and the inquests will be fewer--unless it be one to sit upon the doctor.
    That Dr. Geary has been "joshed" to his heart's content on that bicycle deal, and now to get square with the small bits of humor which have been flashed upon him at home, he proposes to get one for Mrs. Geary--and have a little fun all to himself.
Medford Mail, May 26, 1893, page 2

Bicycle ad, May 26, 1893 Democratic Times
May 26, 1893 Democratic Times

    The fire department came near having a job on their hands Tuesday night. When merchant Partlow returned to his place of business Tuesday evening from the Mail office he lighted a lamp in the store, and soon after the said lamp proceeded to explode. The flames caught into a pile of clothing on the counter and before they could be extinguished about $200 damage was done to the goods. It took Mr. Partlow all his time, with blankets and wearing apparel, to head off the flames from destroying his entire stock. Had the fire gotten well under way it would have required very swift work to have saved the several adjoining buildings.
    Jacob Pheister, a recent arrival from Indiana, has purchased a five-acre chunk of land in the Barr addition, from E. J. Carder. The land is already set out to trees which are now bearing--thus has another of our new arrivals dropped into a splendid locality, a healthy climate and a field of abundant fruit.
    The bicycle craze is becoming epidemic in Medford. Dr. Pickel, Wes Johnson and Elmer Bashford have each ordered one--of the New Mail pattern--sold by Beek, Whiteside & Co. When their new wheels arrive notice will be given in order that all may witness the riders' exhibition.
    Frank Pfluger, of Portland, is at work putting in the new vats and tubs for the Southern Oregon Brewing Co. It begins to look like there was a positive assurance that this institution will be in readiness to commence operations now pretty soon--and when they do they can give the laugh to those who predicted such a thing would never be.
    J. A. Whitman is officiating as cashier in the Jackson County Bank during Mr. Enyart's absence. Carl Narregan has taken a position in the same bank for the purpose of learning the business. He is a bright young man and will surely make a success under the careful and thorough training of banker Vawter.
    Henry Taylor is a well-to-do rancher living two or three miles east of Medford. His fine farm will soon be decorated with a large, new grain barn, 50x54 feet in size and built in a style well befitting the surroundings. Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson are the contractors who have its construction in charge.
    On Thursday of this week, Charles Nickell, of Jacksonville, sold through the agency of Hamilton & Palm twenty acres of the Lacy place for $1,000. Considering the stringency of money matters we think this a good sale--it is needless to say the property is located near Medford.
    Commissioner Brandenburg has sidewalk work and street grading nearly finished--will be through this week with all work except the replanking of the Bear Creek Bridge, which will be commenced as soon as the lumber arrives.
    G. W. Priddy is now engaged in making brick for the new Halley Block. Mr. Priddy will also do the brick work on this building. Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson will do the wood work.
    The tonsorial firm of Holt & Bunch has been dissolved. Frank Holt has opened a new shop two doors south of the old stand, while R. G. Bunch holds forth at the old place of business.
    A. A. Davis has purchased 160 acres of land from J. C. Whipp this week. The land adjoins his company's mining property and extends down the gulch to the old stage road.
    Arthur Faris has accepted a position as clerk with Davis & Pottenger. He is a good boy for the position and will make a business man worthy [of] the name.
    W. F. Shawver is the gentleman who is superintending the construction of merchant Angle's fine residence, and it's a pretty fine piece of work--on all sides.
    L. P. Chandler has leased the Damon property, corner of D and Eleventh streets, and has moved his family thereto.
    L. E. Bender, the C Street confectioner, is making ready to open an ice cream parlor at his place of business.
    The Medford Ice Works commenced the manufacture of ice yesterday.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, May 26, 1893, page 5

    Mrs. Smith, of Ashland, and widow of our former townsman, Henry Smith, was in Medford Wednesday, looking after her business interests.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 26, 1893, page 5

    J. R. Erford has been appointed a notary public.
    J. F. Wait had charge of S. Rosenthal's clothing store during the latter's absence at Eugene last week.
    Rifenburg, the photographer, has removed to Grants Pass, where he will remain several weeks.
    Hamilton & Palm this week sold 40 acres of the Pellett place, across Bear Creek, to a party from abroad for $3,500.
    There will be a big crowd in Medford next Tuesday, when the G.A.R. will hold appropriate exercises, that being Memorial Day.
    Miss Belle Hoyt, who is employed at Angle & Plymale's mercantile establishment, has been visiting relatives at Grants Pass.
    Medford citizens have decided to join with Jacksonville this year in celebrating the glorious Fourth at the latter place and will not have a celebration of their own, we are glad to learn.
    The Medford physicians in attendance at the medical convention in Grants Pass recently were accredited with some of the ablest papers produced in the course of the entire convention.
    F. L. Cranfill and wife will soon embark in the mercantile business here on their own account, being now engaged in making preliminary preparations. They are too well known to need any recommendation at our hands.
    Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Enyart over the death of his wife at Logansport, Ind. last week. He had but read a letter from Mrs. E. when the telegram arrived announcing her death. Mr. E. immediately started east.
    This is Jacksonville's turn to hold a celebration, and we are pained to see some of our citizens agitating the question of celebrating the 4th of July at home. The county seat has been giving way to us every other year, and we should return the compliment.
    Hamilton & Palm, the real estate agents, are doing a lively business, notwithstanding the dull times. They have sold several pieces of land and a number of town lots lately. They hold a large number of options on desirable farm and town property, and can fill almost any order for real estate in southern Oregon. As they are energetic and reliable, they are building up a big business.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 26, 1893, page 2

    O. Harbaugh to Lewis F. Lozier; lot 5, Harbaugh's sub DC 76, twp 37s, s2w. $300.
    W. C. D. Evans to W. A. Forbes; lot 4, blk 43, Medford. $100.
    S. P. Conger to Hester A. Galloway; lot 2, blk 1, Short's add. to Medford. $450.
    Lorenz Demmer to John L. Demmer; 2 acres near Medford. $130.
    State of Oregon to Sylvester Arrasmith; same property. $100.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 26, 1893, page 2

    Jacksonville has a Fourth of July celebration only every two years, and its citizens visit other towns in the valley when they do not celebrate the national holiday at home. This has been the universal rule, and the Times is surprised that some of the people of Medford contemplate holding a celebration at that town this year.
    The S.F. Variety Store has disposed of a large number of California strawberries during the past few weeks, and is now dealing in the first crop of cherries from that state. As soon as local growers appear in the market these shipments will cease.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 26, 1893, page 3

New Goods! New Prices!
    The Front Street tailor still more in front. You will be fully convinced of that if you see the new line of excellent goods just received, which is already the second large shipment of this season. As figures prove, more work has been done during the last two months by A. Fetsch than ever was done in Medford in the line of tailoring during any two months by any tailor. No doubt Fetsch will be the leading tailor of this valley.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, May 26, 1893, page 3

    The merry-go-round is at Ashland.
    Vacation is almost here and the average pupil is happy.
    The R.R.V.R.R. ran over a cow belonging to Ol. Weaver, near Medford, a few days ago, and killed her. It was an unavoidable accident.
    The Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co. of Medford last week received a large quantity of choice lard from San Francisco. This institution is doing a big business.
    The M.E. Church, South, intends building a substantial place of worship at Medford and invites proposals for constructing the same. Judge Day of this place or Rev. W. H. Reagan of Grants Pass will receive bids until June 5th.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 26, 1893, page 3

    If you want a pair of boots or shoes that will exactly suit you as to price, quality and fit,  go to Tayler, The Foot-fitter, Medford, Oregon. If you can't get suited there, you may as well give it up and go barefoot or wear moccasins the balance of your life.
Talent News, June 1, 1893, page 4

Ten Tons of Fish Spoil.
From Klamath Falls Express.
J. D. Whitman, the Medford man who erected a cannery and evaporator on Los River and operated extensively early this spring in preparing large quantities of the fish of that stream for market, has met with a heavy loss. It will be remembered that he put up 700 cans and dried fully ten tons of the fish. The evaporator is built on an island in the river, and owing to the high water the building has been inaccessible. On Sunday, the 14th, B. G. Grigsby, who was looking after Mr. Whitman's interests, swam the stream with his horse and discovered that all the dried fish had mildewed and were spoiled. HE notified Mr. Whitman by mail, and the latter arrived here last week to find the report only too true.
    The wet season and the failure of Mr. Whitman to have air circulate freely through the building are the causes of the loss; the manager will doubtless profit by his experience and succeed better next year. The canned fish are said to be excellent, and Mr. Whitman has arranged to put up 60,000 cans next spring.

Medford Mail, June 2, 1893, page 1

    No better evidence of a town's good standing is needed than its prosperous and well attended secret societies. Medford has several of these and all with a good membership--and a membership of the very best of men and women. The Odd Fellows have a membership of 85; the Good Templars, 80; Rebekahs, 61; Knights of Pythias, 55; G.A.R., 50; A.O.U.W., 46; Encampment, 35; Masons, 27; Women's Relief Corps, 26.
    It is a positive fact, and one which we all rejoice over, that just so sure as a stranger, with his family, stops off in Medford for a few days just so sure will he locate permanently. In selecting a place of residence a family man always looks for a town with good schools, a liberal sprinkling of churches and the moral standing of the community generally good. Such a place is Medford. There are fewer of the genuine tough characters in Medford than any town of its size we were ever in.
    Don't patronize peddlers. They are here today and away tomorrow. The dollars you give them are spent in another town. The dollars you give your home merchants are spent in your own town, and a portion of it is sure to again reach your purse--that spent with peddlers never. Chances are, also, that you get an inferior grade of goods for the same money you could buy a better article for at home--someone has to pay these roamers' traveling expenses--you can't afford to do it--your town can't afford to lose this money. Whatever you do, or say, regarding your town, stand solid for its merchants.
    Don't buy of peddlers. And here is another "don't." Don't send away to cities for articles that you can possibly get at home. You can better afford to pay from ten to fifteen percent more for an article at home than you can abroad. Keep your money at home. Patronize your home merchants. Shirt vendors and Yankee notion peddlers are human leeches. Don't let them draw the life blood from your town. Live, prosperous merchants make a live, prosperous town--that's the path we all want Medford to walk in. Close the door on peddlers and buy fewer money orders.
Editorial, Medford Mail, June 2, 1893, page 2

    Jos. Stewart, the big fruit man just south of Medford, has 4000 pear trees set out, 3000 of which are bearing this year. He expects to ship nine carloads of Bartlett pears direct to Chicago this summer. Talk about fruit--well yes, we have a few. The man that builds a cannery in this valley has laid the foundation to an income worth reaching for.
    G. E. Fox, a gentleman who but recently arrived in Medford from the East, has purchased the Premium Meat Market from Besse & Woody. He promises to keep his market well supplied with the choicest of meats and to treat his customers on the square. See his ad elsewhere in The Mail.
    The Medford Ice Works are now running at their full capacity and the quality of the goods turned out is very fine. The company has already made several shipments of ice to different points in the valley and orders are being received daily for larger amounts and from many different places.
    Messrs. Mark and Joe Goldstone, with their families, have moved to the Wm. Ulrich residence on North C Street, formerly occupied by J. A. Slover, who, by the way, has taken up his residence in Grants Pass.
    Stock inspector [B. W.] Dean reports the number of sheep in Jackson County to be 17,911. He says they are in an average good condition, but have suffered some from the exceptionally severe winter just passed.
    D. T. Lawton is moving about very cautiously these times and with the aid of a cane. Cause--horse's foot--'bout eleven hundred weight--planked squarely on his ankle. Lament--"can't ride my wheel."
    Ed. Wilkinson, the Seventh Street market man, adds great convenience to his place of business this week by placing therein a fine refrigerator--in size 4 1/2 x 5 and nine feet high.
    Mrs. Sherman has opened a boarding house in Medford, corner A and Seventh streets. She will furnish meals for two bits at all hours, also board by day or week.
    I. A. Merriman has sold his draying business with the entire outfit of horses and drays to a gentleman from Washington [E. H. Davis]--possession to be given tomorrow.
    Lew Bender is working up a good trade in the confectionery line. His ice cream is simply immense and sells just like that what it was intended for.
    W. R. Stammers, he who at one time was employed upon The Mail, under Harlan, was recently married in Selma, Calif. to Miss Ella Dorn.
    The frame work for the new Medford college was raised this week and enclosing work is being pushed as fast as possible.
    Rocks are now being hauled for the foundation to the R. H. Halley new brick block on C Street.
    Mesdames I. A. Webb and E. B. Pickel each possess a bicycle and are mastering the art of riding very cleverly.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, June 2, 1893, page 3

    Polk Hull, of Spikenard, was in Medford Tuesday. The gentleman has 320 acres of as fine land as they grow out that way which he is desirous of disposing of. Should he make the sale he will move to Medford for permanent residence.
    Mrs. O. Holtan and daughters, Helen and Ola, are out spending the summer on Mr. Holtan's ranch near Etna, and at which place the girls are attending school. In the meantime Mr. H., the C Street merchant tailor, is delving into the depths of the culinary department.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 2, 1893, page 3

    Numerous flour bin agents took their departure from this depot during the week to work in their respective territories. May success attend them.

"Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 2, 1893, page 2

    The hose cart is now in its new quarters on Sixth Street.
    It now appears probable that the next soldiers' and sailors' reunion will be held at this place.
    Mrs. Pritchard is at present entertaining her sister, Miss Ella Thompson of Eugene, who will spend the summer in this place.
    Shawver & Nicholson will hereafter follow the business of contracting, which they are eminently qualified to do.
    The commencement exercises of the Medford high school were all that was promised and reflected credit alike on the pupils and teachers.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 2, 1893, page 2

    Zilpha E. McCubbin to Fred P. Faris; lots 10, 11 & 12, Park add. to Medford. $200.
    Chas. Nickell to B. F. Stevenson; 20 acres in twp 37s, r2w. $1000.
    Martha B. Howard to C. W. Palm, F. V. Medynski & G. W. Bashford; lot 10, & part of lot 11, blk 20, Medford. $1100.
    Edward Brace to Clara A. Odgers; part of blk 3, in Galloway's add. to Medford. $190.
    Geo. H. Andrews to Emil Edelhoff; lots 5, 6 & 7, blk 57, Medford. $170.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 2, 1893, page 2

    Miss Nellie Gooch entertained a few of her friends last Monday afternoon, it being her fifth birthday.
    S. H. Cook and John O'Brien of Applegate are canvassing Josephine County for the Economy Flour Bin.
    The Economy Flour Bins arrived this week, and the agents will at once take the road in their several territories.
    Prospectors are more numerous than ever in southern Oregon. There is not a day but what one or more of them are seen in Jacksonville.
    Two circuses are on the way to gather up the shekels in these parts during the harvest months--Williams' consolidated show and the Raymond combination.
    The northbound express is often very heavily laden, four engines sometimes being necessary to pull the 16 cars of which the train is composed over the Siskiyous.
    Many of the trains coming north at present are in two sections, to accommodate the World's Fair traffic, but there will be no double-train service between Roseburg and Redding this season.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 2, 1893, page 3

    W. B. Roberts of Medford, one of Medford's leading citizens, spent a few hours in town recently.
    Linsy Sisemore, who has been acting as deputy sheriff for some months past, has gone to Portland to canvass the metropolis for the Economy Flour Bin.
    Judge Neil and family returned from their trip one day this week. They were gone but eighteen days, yet visited Portland, Nebraska, Ann Arbor and the World's Fair. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves, but were glad to get back.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 2, 1893, page 3

    Alfalfa is being cut. There is a big crop everywhere.
    A carload of ice was received at the Banquet yesterday.
    Miss Squires of Medford has been delivering the books she took orders for a short time ago.
    Alex. Galloway of Medford was at the county seat on Wednesday, to secure orders for bicycles.
    J. B. Dungan of Gold Hill precinct will leave for California in a short time, to canvass Yolo County for the Economy Flour Bin.
    Do not fail to attend the fruit-growers' meeting at Medford tomorrow. It is a matter that interests everyone, as the development of our orchard interests is of vital importance to all citizens. The matter of inaugurating a cannery enterprise alone should prove a sufficient inventive to action.
    B. F. Stevenson, who purchased 20 acres of the Lacy tract in Medford precinct last week, at $50 an acre, got a bargain, as it is one of the best locations in the valley.
    A number of residents of Jacksonville were at Medford on Decoration Day. They decorated the graves of the twenty soldiers lying in the cemetery before leaving town, however.
    A party complimentary to the agents for the Economy Flour Bin was given at the U.S. Hall last night, under the auspices of W. J. Gooch. It was well attended and passed off pleasantly.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 2, 1893, page 3

The Dried Fish Spoiled.
    J. D. Whitman, the Medford man who erected a cannery and evaporator on Lost River and operated extensively early this spring in preparing large quantities of the fish of that stream for market, has met with a heavy loss. It will be remembered that he put up 700 cans and dried fully ten tons of the fish. The evaporator is built on an island in the river, and owing to the high water the building has been inaccessible. On Sunday, the 15th, B. G. Grigsby, who was looking after Mr. Whitman's interests, swam the stream with his horse and discovered that all the dried fish had mildewed and were spoiled. He notified Mr. Whitman by mail, and the latter arrived here last week to find the report only too true.
    The wet season and the failure of Mr. Whitman to have air circulate freely through the building are the causes of the loss; the manager will doubtless profit by his experience and succeed better next year. The canned fish are said to be excellent, and Mr. Whitman has arranged to put up 60,000 cans next spring.--[Klamath Falls Express.
Ashland Tidings, June 2, 1893, page 3

    Dr. Geary, of Medford, was elected president, and Dr. Beard, of Josephine County, secretary of the Southern Oregon Medical Society at its meeting in Grants Pass last week.
"Oregon," Pullman Herald, Washington Territory, June 2, 1893, page 4

    Ashland Record: Chas. Sherman and Mrs. Emma Ball, recently of Salem, were married last week and will make their home at Medford.

"Personal and Local,"
Evening Capital Journal, Salem, June 8, 1893, page 1

    Mrs. A. S. Hammond and two children, from Medford, Oregon, are visiting her parents, C. H. Jakway and wife.
"Aurora," Oelwein Register, Oelwein, Iowa, June 8, 1893, page 4

    A. D. Dodson, at one time proprietor of the Medford News, is with us again and purposes making this place his future home.
    J. H. Biggs, a brother-in-law of S. H. Holt, left Tuesday morning for his home in Illinois, after a pleasant stay of several months here. He may return and make this his future home.
    E. H. Davis, the new drayman, arrived from Washington last week, accompanied by his wife and two children, and have taken up their residence in the dwelling recently occupied by S. H. Holt.
    Mrs. A. M. Woodford has had the pleasure of entertaining several of her sisters during the past few days--Mesdames Wm. Silver and Wm. McCurdy, of Independence; M. Dean, Riddle, and Jas. Clemens, Myrtle Creek. They all seem well pleased with Medford.
    A. P. Gordon, of Salem, has been looking over the valley the past week with a view of putting in a fruit dryer at one of the railroad points. Mr. Gordon says the prospect is flattering and that he has decided to put up a first-class patented machine, either at Central Point or Medford.
    E. H. Fawcett, of Osage City, Neb., is here looking after his property interests. He owns a choice 5-acre tract near the city which is planted in prunes. He is better satisfied than ever with Rogue River Valley, having been here two years ago, and expects to move his family out in a very few weeks. He has also taken a hand at prospecting since he arrived and showed us some nice specimens at this office the other day.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 9, 1893, page 2

    The brewery will be running in full blast in a few days.
    Myron Skeel and family have moved into their brand-new residence in East Medford.
    Our school directors have laid in a fine lot of good black oak wood for next winter--about 70 cords.
    J. W. Bates, formerly with W. L. Townsend, has rented the O.K. Barber Shop of Frank Holt.
    J. W. Partlow and family are residents of Grants Pass again, Mr. P. having closed up his store business here.
    Ed. Wilkinson has had a new coat of paint put on the front of his meat market. Ed. Johnson was the brush artist.
    Take a peep at L. E. Bender's new ad. If you want to smoke or chew, or tackle a nice dish of ice cream, drop in at Lew's.
    The new drayman, E. H. Davis, took full charge of the business the first of the week. R. Morey is assisting him.
    Lew Benders' ice cream sign is simply out of sight. Smith & Sherman executed this tasty piece of artistic lettering.
    The sidewalk that runs out on C Street as far as the distillery will soon be finished. This was a much-needed improvement.
    J. J. Ullman has purchased an acre and a half tract two blocks south of the distillery and will commence to improve the same at once.
    W. H. Hosler has sold out his saloon business to J. M. Howard, recently from Tennessee, who will continue selling goods in that line at the old stand.
    Dr. J. W. Odgers' new residence is looming up in great shape. The contractor, W. K. Davis, is pushing the work to completion as rapidly as possible.
    The lawn tennis club of this city has reorganized, and having had the grounds at Dr. B. F. Adkins' beautiful residence placed in order, are now ready for business.
    Attorney A. S. Hammond had about 400 feet of water pipe put in out at his place this week. Horace Nicholson, Beek, Whiteside & Co.'s popular salesman, bossed the job.
    L. M. Lyon, the contractor and builder, is the man that is building the addition to the Wortman house on Seventh Street. He built a fine, large refrigerator for the Coeti saloon, and is now at work placing one in the G. E. Fox C Street meat market.
    Milton Maule has just finished a big job of painting out at the Mrs. Sallie E. Ish farm. He used up about five hundred pounds of lead, fifty gallons of oil, a large amount of turpentine and varnish. Mr. Maule is an expert workman and always gives satisfaction.
    W. F. Shawver is making some substantial improvements on his property. He has moved one of his houses onto a lot across the street which he will fix up to rent, and another one he has placed in the rear of his lot and will use it for a storeroom and workshop.
    There is a new painting and decorating firm in Medford. Smith & Sherman is the new sign which swings out to the gentle zephyrs of sunny Oregon. Both these gentlemen are proficient workmen, and they have a large amount of work booked for the next few months. An ad elsewhere will tell you of the work they do.
    By request of several of our people Prof. Rigby has decided to open a children's department in the Medford Business College, but as his room is limited he cannot accommodate a great number. He wishes us to say that it will be necessary for all desiring to attend to be present next Monday. The term will be for two months.
    P. Outcault came out from Portland Sunday last to appraise the damage done by fire on J. W. Partlow's stock of goods. The business was fixed up Monday satisfactorily to all concerned, $137.38 being allowed Mr. Partlow as a full compensation for his loss. The German American Insurance Co., through their agent, D. T. Lawton, issued the policy.
    Garl T. Jones, who recently arrived in Medford from Montana, has purchased of J. W. Short his fine residence property in the northern part of the city, paying $3,500 therefor. The purchaser takes possession by the 15th inst., and can congratulate himself that he has one of the prettiest and choicest homes to be found anywhere. We are glad to have such citizens as Mr. Jones locate among us.
    S. H. Vawter, recently of this city, has taken charge of the Davis mine near Central Point, Ore. The Davis is a gold mine which is developed by a 160-foot tunnel showing a five-and-one-half-foot vein, the ore of which will assay $16, although pockets run from $200 to $500 per ton. A Huntington mill will be placed on the property immediately.--Spokane, Wash., Northwest Mining Review.
    The contract for erecting the M. E. Church, south, was let to L. M. Lyon, contractor and builder, of this place, for $1270. The structure will be put up on the lots across the street from the public school building recently purchased for that purpose. The main building will be 24x40 feet with a small classroom 14x24 feet. It is to be completed by Aug. 20. Mr. Lyon will commence active operations at once.
    There has been a shift made in the J. A. Slover & Co. drug business. W. H. Parker & Sons is the style of the new firm. Mr. Parker, whom almost everybody knows is strictly a man of business, tells us that sometime during the summer or fall the new firm will greatly increase their stock and add an extensive line of new goods at which time Mr. Slover will undoubtedly return to Medford and resume charge of the establishment. Mr. Parker's hustling business propensities has gained him the title "the busy man" and he sustains well that reputation. He conducts a law office in Jacksonville, a farm between Medford and Jacksonville and now he has tackled the drug business. The new firm's ad appears on another page of The Mail.
Last week in company with Prof. Rigby, the Mail editor enjoyed a pleasant drive out to the new business college. The building is progressing nicely and ere many weeks it will be completed. Where the building stands is a most beautiful spot of ground, dotted here and there with fine shade trees, and elevated sufficiently to give a fine view. When this building is completed it will be such an one as every resident in Medford ought to take pride in. It will be a great acquisition to our town's upbuilding as it will draw patronage from a distance of many miles.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 9, 1893, page 3

    Halley's new brick block will soon be up, as the foundation rock was hauled last week.
    Hon. J. H. Faris is about again after his recent illness, to the gratification of hosts of friends.
    Mrs. Sherman's boarding house on the corner of A and Seventh streets is quite well patronized.
    The family of O. Holtan, the tailor, are spending the summer at Mr. H.'s ranch on upper Rogue River.
    Medford continues to improve steadily. A number of new buildings will be erected during the coming year.
    The literary social held at the Baptist Church last Friday evening was quite a treat to those in attendance.
    Mark and Jos. Goldstone of Medford have removed their families to the Ulrich residence, which they will occupy in future.
    B. P. Theiss last week returned from a successful business cruise in the golden state, in the interest of the Medford Distilling Co.
    The ice works have been operated to their full capacity during the past week, and the weather has been encouraging to the enterprise.
    G. E. Fox, recently from the East, bought the Besse & Woody meat market at this place and will conduct the business hereafter.
    Miss Etta Skeel returned home from attending the school for the blind at Salem last week, and will spend the summer vacation here.
    I. A. Merriman is now out of the dray business entirely, having disposed of the business in Medford to a man from Washington last week.
    The framework of the new college building is up, and the structure is rapidly assuming proportions. It will be quite a handsome building when completed.
    C. I. Hutchison and F. L. Cranfill have formed a partnership, and will soon engage in merchandising at the old stand of H. Smith. They will make a strong and popular team.
    Ed. Wilkinson last week placed in position one of the very best refrigerators in southern Oregon, and will be able to handle his summer crop of meats to far better advantage on account of it.
    Several ladies of Medford are learning to manage a bicycle in fine style, notably Mesdames E. B. Pickel, W. I. Vawter and I. A. Webb. It is healthy exercise, bu the looks of the thing--oh my!
    Hon. J. H. Stewart is preparing to ship no less than nine carloads of Bartlett pears to Chicago during the coming summer, and will have oceans of fruit of all kinds. We trust he will receive ample reward for his nerve in giving orcharding a fair test on a scale in this valley, as he has expended a big fortune already on his splendid orchard.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 2

Bound Over.
    A representative of the Economy Flour Bin company and Mr. Roberts, representing the Central Point News, had a scrap the forepart of the week over an article the latter was charged with writing, over the nom de plume of "Farmer Hayseed." During the melee Roberts got his finger in Mr. Clopton's mouth and afterward preferred a charge of mayhem against his assailant. Judge Walton, who heard the case, held the defendant to answer at the next term of court, with bonds placed at $300, which were given.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 3

    Watch cleaning $1, and warranted by D. T. Pritchard, watchmaker and jeweler, Medford.
    J. W. Short of Medford has purchased W. S. King's property on Foots Creek. The latter will become a resident of our sister city.
    A much greater number of wheelmen are now rolling through southern Oregon daily than at any time before, and it begins to look as if this will be the principal means of locomotion in a very short time. As the road system of the country improves, it will be a much more comfortable system of going than it is at present. Much good work is being done on roads this season, however, and we look for vast improvement in the near future.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 3

The Economy Flour Bin.
    The majority of the newly appointed agents of the Economy Flour Bin Co. have gone to their respective territories and started to work, and from reports received thus far we are glad to announce their success. One man took six orders the first half day he canvassed, another reports twelve for his first three days' work, while a third, who had just worked a week, had twenty-five orders. We trust that all who are engaged in this new enterprise will meet with like success.
    On account of recent false and misleading reports published, we are requested to publish the following statement, given by some of the agents who have not yet gone to their counties, and who are some of the very best citizens of our county:
JACKSONVILLE, June 8, 1893.       
    Whereas, certain erroneous and false reports have been published and circulated concerning the operations of the Economy Flour Bin Company and their manner of conducting their business, we hereby state that we have severally made contracts with them to work a county, and after a thorough investigation can say that in our business relations and connections with them we have found nothing misrepresented. In fact all our transactions with them from the beginning have been entirely satisfactory.
J. C. Smith,
L. A. Rose,
E. F. Walker,
A. S. Moon,
J. F. Brown,
G. W. Hoxie,
Bloomer, Cronemiller & Co.,
C. C. McClendon,
J. N. Woody,
W. H. Bostwick,
E. P. Pickens,
Pelton & Sisemore.
    These parties all being financially interested in the flour bin business, have surely investigated the same satisfactorily, and if there had been any fraud connected with it some of them would surely have found it out. One of the men interested, L. A. Rose, states that he quit his work and put in his whole time for three days riding over the country, visiting Medford, Central Point, Jacksonville and every possible place where there was a shadow of a chance for information, and he is free to state that in no instance did he find anything wrong with the business; but all reports, when traced up, proved to be groundless.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 3

    Geo. Hollingsworth and wife, lately of Josephine County, have become permanent residents of Medford.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 3

    Orchard Home Association to Euphrasie Anderson; lots 16, 17, 20 & 21, blk 3, Association tract. $1000.;
    J. W. Short to Walter S. King; lots 1 &2, blk 31, Medford. $300.
    N. B. Bradbury to R. H. Whitehead; lot 12, blk 1, Cottage add. to Medford; & w ½ of lots 1 & 2, blk 18, Beatty's add. to Medford.
    H. F. Wood to Wm. Ellison; lot 4, blk 40, Medford.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 3

    Miss Emma Perry of Big Butte Creek, who has been ill so long in Medford, was successfully operated on by her attending physicians last week, and it is hoped her recovery will be rapid now.
    E. F. Walker took fifteen orders for the Economy Flour Bin in the upper valley in less than two days lately. Nearly everybody who is canvassing for the Economy Flour Bin reports success. This is one of the most economical, handy and ornamental of household articles, and consequently is proving quite popular.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 3

    The board of examiners appointed by Congressman Hermann began work at the state house yesterday. The list of applicants for admission to the military academy at West Point is as follows: . . . Amos Fries, Medford.
"The Cadetship Contests," Evening Capital Journal, Salem, June 10, 1893, page 1

    An exchange says the few bank failures occurring are simply a weeding-out process, a point worth considering.

"Told in a Line--Or Two," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 1

    Attorney A. S. Hammond enjoyed a pleasant visit last Saturday from his father, Jas. Hammond, of Ashland, and his daughter Miss Bessie, who is stopping with her grandparents at that place during her mother's absence in the East.
    W. T. York, of the Mail, is over at Florence, Lane County, for a few days renewing acquaintance with his old friends and listening to the sweet(?) carols of the dear birds--the sea gulls. He has a ranch--inside the incorporate limits of that fast-budding town--that's worth a million--more or less, and he goes thither to look after the well being of his crops.
    Gen. Thos. G. Reames and wife left for the East Saturday morning. They will attend the graduating exercises at the law school their son Evan is attending in Virginia, and will be gone about a month. Young Reames will enter at once upon the practice of his chosen profession, having selected Helena, Montana as the place to commence his life work. Evan has the right kind of stuff in him to make a brilliant and successful lawyer, and his many friends in Jackson County wish him all the success possible.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 1

    An excellent view of the city of Medford can be had by going to the top of the water works tower. A good place from which to point out the beauties of the city and valley to strangers. This is a tip to real estate dealers--no charges.
Editorial, Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 2

    The phonograph man was working the town last Saturday.
    Garl T. Jones moved into his new home in North Medford Monday.
    The A. J. Fredenburgs' brick residence is being finished by E. W. Starr, an expert workman.
    Chili-Con-Carne. What is it? Ask Davis & Pottenger.
    Geo. Brown is putting in a new wheel to raise the water out of Butte Creek to be used for irrigating purposes.
    The packer and shipper, J. A. Whitman, shipped fifty cases of eggs by express to the San Francisco market Tuesday morning.
    Messrs. Klippel & Marcuson have sold a large bill of lumber to Weeks & Sons, the same to be used in the construction of their new warehouse.
    W. P. Dodge's boring machine is at work near Ashland, drilling a well on the Boulevard for the new school district recently organized. Macy Pickering is running the drill. Mr. Dodge finished a well 133 feet deep for C. Svensen, east of Medford, not long since.
    Brous & Purdin is the name of a new firm that has just started into business in this city. They are both industrious and good hustlers, and we hope their highest expectations will be realized from their new venture.
    The cattle which are running at large in Medford are a source of great annoyance to Engineer Barnum of the Medford-Jacksonville short line. Someone has suggested an automatic whistle as a means of lessening his labors.
    I. A. Webb, he who owns and operates the big furniture emporium on Seventh Street, is having heap many sales in house refrigerators this summer. He has recently added 3000 rolls of new house paper to his already big stock.
    W. T. York writes from Eugene stating that a party of South Dakota men left that city a few days ago for the Rogue River Valley. They are looking for fruit land and will visit Medford. This is a tip to real estate dealers--no charges.
    On account of not being properly ventilated the floor in the Dr. Adkins brick building occupied by the Henry Smith store has become rotted and will have to be replaced with a new one which will be done before Cranfill & Hutchison open up their new stock of goods.
    G. E. Fox, the new proprietor of the Premium Meat Market, has his place of business fitted up in a manner which must be most pleasing alike to himself and patrons. The addition of a fine, large refrigerator is one of the much-needed improvements. Aside from this the general arrangement of the entire interior has been greatly improved.
    M. P. Phipps is having flagstone delivered to Medford with which he will lay an eight-foot sidewalk around his property corner of Seventh and C streets, beginning at Wm. Ulrich's office on C Street and extending to S. Rosenthal's clothing store on Seventh. This will be not only a great improvement, but will further beautify these portions of our business streets.
    "Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud"  "Homeward Bound," "The Shroud"--a grander or better poem was never penned. This is also true with the refrigerators built by L. M. Lyon--the best and the cheapest. There are several of his make in use in town and they give the best of satisfaction. If you need anything in the refrigerator line be sure and call on Mr. Lyon.
    Another chunk of Messrs. John Weeks & Sons' fine cabinet work has come to light in those elegant bar fixtures in James Coeti's Star Saloon. The fixtures are made from native Oregon wood entire and embrace oak, birdseye maple and ash, and are artistically carved and finished. They are beauties and on the same level, in line of excellence, with those at Hotel Medford. Mr. Coeti, by the way, has a finely arrange place of business, the same having been newly papered and painted.
    Here is a means which some of us summer bachelors may be compelled to resort to if the already protracted visits of our good housewives are protracted to any greater extent. It is done like this: Take your local paper, cut out an item and then send the paper to your wife. She will imagine you have been mixed up in some rascality and don't want her to find it out and will proceed to get home at once. As an antidote to this clever job we would suggest that you preserve the piece you cut out.
    The Henry Smith store, which has been conducted so successfully for several years by Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Cranfill, will close its doors July 1st, and the goods that are on hand at that time will be boxed up and shipped to Wolf Creek, where the Smith Sons have a big mercantile establishment. About the middle of August the new firm of Cranfill & Hutchison will open out an immense stock of goods at the old stand. Mrs. Cranfill and C. I. Hutchison start for Chicago in a short time after the old business is closed out to select their stock of goods which will be replete in every line.
    Landlord Purdin has been ordered, by the city council, to cease using water from the well near his hotel, as the waste water from the well makes a mudhole in the street and is therefore declared a nuisance.
    L. P. Chandler, a gentleman who but a few weeks ago arrived in Medford, is now moving his family into a residence on [the] corner of B and Ninth streets and will remain with us permanently. He will also open a wood yard in Medford and will keep all kinds and grades of woods, and will deliver same if purchasers desire. His ad appears in The Mail next week.

    The Palace tonsorial parlors have changed hands. The new man is G. A. Buffington, recently from Dunsmuir, California, but formerly of Portland. He comes highly recommended both as an artist in his line and a gentleman of exceptionally good standing. Possession of the business was given yesterday, and Mr. Buffington is now shaped to wait upon the people of Medford in a style peculiar to and strictly in accord with city tonsorial works. Mrs. Buffington is also here, and they will doubtless soon begin housekeeping.

    Everybody knows that Hotel Medford is equally as familiar with Renus [Hamilton], but everybody don't know that this gentleman has successfully mastered the art of a perpendicular attitude while astride of a bicycle, nor is Renus quite sure of it himself, but he is positive that he galloped one of those wheels up and down a back street one night recently from eight in the evening until six the following morning. This is Renus' story but even landlord Purdin who is deucedly trusting--naturally--has weighed this narrative in the balance and finds Renus ascending the uphill side in a manner which plainly labels him a prevaricator of no minute proportions.

    Dave Miller--we call him "Dave" because everybody else does and what's good enough for Dave is quite sufficient for us--has reached down into his purse and taken therefrom a sufficient number of sicles [shekels?] to enable him to purchase a bicycle. He is now breaking it to ride and if the arnica, splints, court plaster and bandages hold out he will make a crowning success of the venture. The boys tell that his experimental trip was out on the Jacksonville road and after bobbing along behind the wheel for a little more than a mile he hired a rancher to bring himself and wheel back to the city, telling the rancher that he had experienced a serious breakdown. He slid into town the back way and quietly set the wheel over the back yard fence. He applied arnica and bandages to his wounded members and upon inquiry from his good wife as to how he felt, he remarked that he was all right only just felt kinder sick and that he would ride that dinged thing if he crippled both legs in doing it. "I'll show Dr. Geary," said he, "that he's no more of a dandy in that line than I am. I can discount Ed. Pottenger now, even if he has been practicing out in that back alley for the last two weeks. I'll be doing tricks like Bob Galloway after about one more whirl. I think I had the cinch a little too tight this time, but say, I'd give seven dollars to see Charley Wolters put a bitting rig on a bicycle and run it around town."
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 3

    Elizabeth A. Smith to Edward A. Smith, lot 14, blk 30; lots 3, 4, 5, 6, blk 30, and lots 11, 12, blk 46; Medford . . . 1
    Orchard Home Association to Euphrasie Anderson, lots 16, 17, 20, 21, blk 3, Orchard Home Tract . . . 1,000
    J. W. Short to Walter S. King, tp 1, 2, blk 31; Medford . . . 300

"County Seat News," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 3

    J. W. Bates now runs the O.K. barber shop.
    A. D. Dodson, the newspaper man, is once more a resident of Medford.
    A new foundation has been put under the railroad water tank at this place.
    Miss Lucinda Shideler last week returned from her sojourn at Grants Pass.
    G. W. Priddy is preparing to burn a kiln of 200,000 brick. He always gives satisfaction.
    Messrs. Angle, Weaver and others have lately been prospecting in the Applegate section.
    Miss May E. Isaacs and Jas. Blevins last week were awarded diplomas at the business college.
    Mrs. J. L. Downs of Klamath County is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edwards.
    J. M. Howard, recently from the East, succeeds to the business of W. H. Hosler in this place.
    E. Johnson last week decorated the front of Ed. Wilkinson's meat market with a neat coat of paint.
    Amos A. Fries, who lately graduated from our local school, is now teaching successfully on Rogue River.
    Mrs. Col. Stone of Yreka, Cal. is in Medford under Dr. Pryce's treatment for asthma, and is somewhat improved.
    J. W. Parlow last week removed to Grants Pass, taking with him his stock of goods that were damaged by fire lately.
    Medford and Antelope baseballists tried conclusions at the grounds of the latter one day last week, the game resulting in favor of the Medford club.
    Milton Maule last week returned from Mrs. Ish's place, where he has been doing a large amount of painting during the last few weeks.
    E. H. Faucett of Osage City, Neb. has been at Medford during the week looking after his fine prune orchard near town, which will prove a valuable piece of property.
    W. F. Shawver has been making some important improvements during the last two weeks, shifting buildings and otherwise improving his premises.
    The Slover drug store is now controlled by W. H. Parker & Sons, who will conduct the business until Mr. Slover returns to Medford a few months hence. Jimmy maintains his residence here, but is temporarily employed at Grants Pass.
    Prof. Rigby has decided, at the request of numerous patrons of his business college, to open for two months during the summer vacation a children's business school, at which the youngsters may early in life learn the rudiments of ordinary business.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 16, 1893, page 2

    A. J. Stewart to Mary E. Stewart; .99 acre in block 6, Galloway's add. to Medford. $600.
    Fred P. Faris to Phoebe Taylor; lots 15 & 16, blk 1, Park add. to Medford. $125.
    Zelpha E. McCubbin to Phoebe Taylor; lots 13 & 14, blk 1, Park add. to Medford. $100.
    George W. Isaacs et al. to Anson L. Penwell; part of blk 6, Galloway's add. to Medford. $260.50.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 16, 1893, page 2

Sudden Death.
    J. H. Faris, a prominent citizen of Medford, died rather suddenly at his residence on the 14th inst., from heart disease. He had been ailing for several months and his death was not entirely unexpected. Mr. Faris had a large circle of friends, and his untimely demise is deplored by all who knew him. At the time of his death he held several local offices and was an active member of the A.O.U.W., G.A.R. and I.O.O.F. The funeral, which took place yesterday under the auspices of the last-named order, was the largest ever seen in Medford, showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Mr. Faris was in the 52nd year of his age and leaves a wife and several children.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 16, 1893, page 3

    The Economy Flour Bin Co. are filling orders for their wares.
    A general rain would be quite welcome, as some sections are needing it.
    Col. Maury is furnishing this market with early vegetables of an excellent quality.
    Fred Barneburg last week drove his cattle to their summer range in the higher Siskiyous.
    Parties from Salem will probably establish a fruit dryer at or near Medford in a few weeks.
    Frank Shideler and John W. Cox are handling the Economy Flour Bin for J. A. Crain in Mendocino County, Cal.
    C. F. Lewis of Medford makes a specialty of furnishing mining machinery and will quote lowest figures to anyone wishing to invest. Call on him before buying.
    At Medford the Odd Fellows have a membership of 85, the Good Templars 80, Rebekahs 61, Knights of Pythias 55, G.A.R. 50, A.O.U.W. 46, Encampment 35, Masons 27, Woman's Relief Corps 26.
    L. M. Lyon has taken the contract to erect a building for the M.E. Church, South, in Medford at $1200. It will be a most attractive structure, as Mr. L. does his work well. There were quite a number of bidders.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 16, 1893, page 3

    E. P. Pickens of Table Rock is in Humboldt County, Cal., selling flour bins.
    W. J. Gooch, manager of the Economy Flour Bin Co., has gone to Los Angeles, Cal. with his family.
    Mr. Clopton, one of the Economy Flour Bin Co.'s solicitors, is dangerously ill with hemorrhage of the lungs.
    Geo. Priddy of Medford, the brick mason, was at Jacksonville the forepart of the week, and built a chimney while here.
    A. J. Stewart and wife last week returned from their sojourn in Mexico and New Mexico, and will remain in the valley during the summer season.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 16, 1893, page 3

    The flower and vegetable gardens and the fruit orchards in and about Medford are a most beautiful sight to look upon. Verily, this is the paradise of the world.
    Of course Medford is all right, railroad or no railroad, but things would pop most mightily if Mr. Leadbetter should carry out his promised enterprises--and we still have faith.
    It is being whispered that the fruit growers hereabouts will soon be getting anxious as to what they are to do with their fruit. It will then dawn upon these good people that some means ought to have been provided months ago for handling their products.
    As the Medford Business College building nears completion we often wonder if our good people realize the importance which this institution will add to our fast-growing city. We wonder if you realize that it is the only institution of the kind between Portland and San Francisco and that such an institution will prove to be the best possible means of building up our city as an educational center. We wonder further if our people have loosened their purse string as much as they ought. Not a business man is there in Medford but what can well afford to contribute toward the erection of this building--and make good interest on the money invested. The college is now built but there must be some assistance rendered else it may not be occupied as soon as is expected. The name "Medford Business College" is one which will advertise our city the entire length of the Pacific coast. If Mr. Rigby is compelled to complete the college unassisted no person would have the right to say him nay should he christen it the "Northwest" or "Rigby" business college.
Washington Hand Press
A Washington hand press.
    As time moves on, in a way it got into the habit of doing years ago, and The Mail's subscription list grows larger, the need of a new and more modern printing press becomes more noticeable, and every time our old Washington press is handspiked around--over two thousand times each week--with a muscular movement which gives one "that tired feeling," we disclaim our loyalty to the man who invented this great boon to county newspapers and extend our reach over into the arena of modern machinery and power presses. Our reach over into that realm hasn't come in contact with anything in the press line as yet, but if our subscribers who are owing us will sort o' wend their way in our direction with the necessary collateral we will strive mightily to place The Mail office on a level with all other things modern in this garden spot of the great Rogue
    It has not been the intention of The Mail to allure, or attempt to allure, our readers on to any desperate means regarding the prospects of railroad extensions, but we have always had an abiding faith in Mr. Leadbetter's intentions, and we now have it from a source very reliable that the, to some, apparent inertia has not only strengthened our possibilities but has in reality made the success of the proposition more substantial than we had hardly dared to hope for, even in our most sanguine expectations. Upon Mr. J. S. Howard's return from Portland, recently, we interviewed the gentleman on the subject, and while he is not at liberty to divulge any of the inside plans of Mr. Leadbetter and his associates he is open in his expressions of confidence and says that never before have our chances been so flattering as right at the present time.
Editorial, Medford Mail, June 23, 1893, page 2

    Charles Milton is now hammering iron in J. R. Wilson's blacksmith shop.
    John Weeks & Sons have lumber on the ground for their new furniture store.
    The Medford Ice Company shipped a car of ice to Grants Pass Monday night.
    The new wood yard ad of L. P. Chandler appears in another column of The Mail.
    B. S. Webb has been appointed City Recorder to fill vacancy made by demise of Mr. Faris.
    G. A. Buffington has commenced housekeeping over his tonsorial parlors, on Seventh Street.
    Rev. E. E. Phipps has moved into the Mrs. White dwelling on C Street, recently occupied by Garl T. Jones.

    Charlie Wolters is talking of getting a bicycle--double header--little chair up in front so he and Mose can both ride.
    Messrs. Beek, Whiteside & Co. received three new bicycles this week--one each for Mrs. I. A. Webb, Mrs. E. B. Pickel and Marshal Johnson.
    Wm. Johnson and family have moved from North C Street to the Wortman residence on West Seventh Street.
    G. W. Priddy is nearly ready to fire a kiln of brick. He now has 155,000 in the kiln and when he reaches an even 200,000 he will begin firing.

    Landlord Purdin has invested in a bicycle for his daughter Iva. The lady is catching on to the ways of the machine very rapidly and rides nicely.
    R. H. Whitehead has erected a neat little barn at the rear of his large, beautiful C Street residence, and like all things peculiar to the habits of this gentleman, the barn is a neat little affair--with a cupola on top.
    J. W. Miller, the Seventh Street wagonmaker, says this late rain will completely ruin all small potatoes--make big ones of them. This is a pun and is original with Mr. Miller and quoted by Charlie Strang.
    The Medford Business College building is progressing finely. By the 10th of July it is expected the structure will be completed, and immediately thereafter the school will be moved and resume its work in the new home.
    Wm. Ulrich, manager of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company, tells us that his company will soon commence the erection of a 30x50-foot brick building, to be used as a refrigerator and general receptacle for meats.
    The new sign writing which Smith & Sherman are doing on the Southern Oregon Brewery is something beautiful to look upon, as will also be the sign they are painting for The Mail. These gentlemen are artisans of great ability.
    Medford will celebrate the Fourth away from home this year. Our people will, in all probability, go either to Jacksonville or Central Point. Will these towns return the compliment next year when Medford will celebrate?
    We were in error last week in stating that the Henry Smith stock of goods was to be shipped to Wolf Creek. The goods will be placed in the store room on Front Street where a division among the heirs will probably be made.
    The Redfield Bros. have moved their gun shop from Eighth Street to East Seventh where they have opened out on a more extensive scale in anticipation of an increased patronage. The Mail hopes they get it. They will also open a shooting gallery.
    If the city council was to take some action whereby that stagnant water in the gutter on the north side of Seventh Street could be permanently done away with there would be much rejoicing by the businessmen of that locality. A few loads of gravel would fix it plenty.
    F. W. Waschau, the gentleman who recently arrived in Medford from Missouri, has leased rooms near the Star Parlor Saloon, on Front Street, and as soon as his goods arrive he will open a jewelry store, and be one of us henceforth.
    R. H. Halley has commenced tearing away the old buildings and making ready generally for his new brick. The brick for this structure are now being made, the stone for the foundation are being delivered as is also lumber for the wood work. By the middle of July it is expected work on the building proper will begin.
    There is rejoicing in dog heaven, but the canine population of Medford is wearing crepe and shedding tears of sorrow and regret--old Rex has gone home. He was the well-known bird dog belonging to W. W. Cardwell and his demise was due to the fact that old Father Time decided his stay amid the trials and troubles of the wicked and perverse dog generation had been of a duration quite sufficient--hence the shuffling off--Rex has gone home.
    Perry McGee, living over on Williams Creek, was in Medford this week accompanied by his menagerie, consisting of a full-grown possum and her two young ones which he recently brought from Missouri. He was showing them to R. H. Halley and that gentleman after looking at them for a while figured that "them 'ar possum" was the only one thing needful to complete his earthly happiness. After a little dickering a shotgun [and] all its accouterments were decided to be about of equal value with the menagerie and the deal was made. Mr. H., it is said, will now begin negotiation with Mr. Palm for his long-eared pet, with the musical voice, [and] will then join league with the boys with the merry-go-round and hit the road.
    And still there is another new deal on in way of a business change. This time it is Messrs. Davis & Pottenger, the genial and very popular Seventh Street grocers, who have slid out of business. Their successors are Mr. John Morris, well known about Medford, and Mr. E. H. Fawcett, formerly of Osage City, Kansas. These gentlemen enter upon their new venture under the most flattering prospects as their predecessors have established quite a lucrative trade. That the former firm's reputation for good goods and honest weights and prices will be sustained under the new order of things is not questioned by those who are acquainted with the people who now manipulate the wires that operate the "masheen." Mr. Davis, one of the retiring members, will rest up for a few months and by so doing endeavor to improve his health which has not been of the best for some little time. Mr. Pottenger has no course mapped out except that he has decided to go fishing for a time, which literally means that he too will rest.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 23, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. H. B. Stanley left Medford Tuesday morning for Los Angeles, Calif., at which place she will remain a few months, after which will make a quite lengthy visit to relatives in New York state.
    F. W. Waschau and family arrived in Medford Monday evening from Kansas City, Mo. These people come with the intention of locating if anything like a profitable opening in a business way presents itself. Mr. W. is a jeweler, and should he locate that will be the line of business he will follow.
    Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fronk, of Albany, were in Medford last week visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Fronk, who, by the way, was at one time station agent at Medford, returned to Albany Sunday evening, at which place he is now the S.P. agent. Mrs. Fronk remains in Medford for a few weeks.
    Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Cathcart returned to Medford last Saturday from Sacramento, California. These people have arrived at the very sane conclusion that Medford in particular, and the Rogue River Valley in general, is about the most proper place in which to establish a permanent abode that they have seen during their sojourn of a few months. Mr. C. expects to engage in some business in Medford, the nature of which our reporter failed to catch. A genial hearty welcome is extended these people, and they cannot make their residence too permanent to please us all.
    Mrs. F. M. Plymale, accompanied by son and daughter Johnnie and Meda, left Medford yesterday morning for a visit at Albion, Calif. with Mrs. J. W. Curry, daughter of Mrs. Plymale.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 23, 1893, page 3

James McGuire Shot.
    The following telegram, dated at Jacksonville, appeared in the Oregonian of Wednesday:
    A fatal shooting affray occurred last night at the Blackwell diggings, six miles north of Jacksonville, in which James McGuire, an old pioneer soldier, was killed. McGuire was interested with George Ross and miller Murray in a quartz lead at that place, which has developed into valuable property. McGuire has had considerable trouble with neighbors. Being aged and decrepit, his disposition was erratic, and he was easily aggravated into violent ebullitions of temper. Last evening some boys were around his mine, and he took offense at some fancied or real grievance and started after the boys with a gun. He chased one boy into the barn, threatening to kill him, when the young fellow turned upon and shot him, the ball taking effect in his groin. He was removed this morning to the county hospital at this place, where he died an hour after his arrival. George Caldwell, who shot McGuire, is a son of Chris Caldwell, who killed a man in a dancehouse on the Siskiyou Mountains during the construction of the railroad over the mountain, for which he is now serving a life sentence in the penitentiary. Jimmy McGuire was a Mexican War veteran and had served with distinction during the Rogue River Indian Wars. He fought bravely at the battle of Hungry Hill, and distinguished himself by going with General Phil Sheridan to help remove the wounded soldiers from the battlefield under a heavy fire from the Indians. [Sheridan was not present at Hungry Hill.] In the Civil War he enlisted in the First Regiment of Oregon volunteers, under Colonel R. F. Maury. He has been in the United States service 10 years and 5 months during his lifetime.
    At the coroner's inquest held at Jacksonville Tuesday evening and nearly all day Wednesday the evidence given by Frank Heck, the only eyewitness, was to the effect that he and young Caldwell were out rabbit hunting and that they were upon McGuire's land--upon which land Mr. McGuire had posted notices forbidding anyone trespassing--and that McGuire threatened to shoot them and in fact did shoot at them, whereupon young Caldwell crept up behind a barn and, leveling his gun over a board, fired and shot McGuire, who was standing near his house. McGuire's statement before he died was that he did not fire a shot at the boys and that he was sitting on a stool near the house reading a paper at the time he was shot. Caldwell came to Jacksonville, gave himself up and his hearing was set for yesterday.
Medford Mail, June 23, 1893, page 3

    James H. Barnum to Kittie L. Webb, a parcel of land in the Phipps reserve to Medford . . . 250
    John W. Short to Edw. Johnson, ½ of lot 6, blk 15; Medford . . . 250
    Oliver Harbaugh to M. J. Crewe, lots 3 and 4, blk 15; Medford . . . 335

"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, June 23, 1893, page 4

    Orchard Home Association to Edward A. Pennock; lot 3, blk 4, Association tract. $250.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 23, 1893, page 2

    The beautiful rain.
    Corn and vegetables will be more benefited than any other crops by the rain.
    Haying is now progressing everywhere in the valley. The corp will be a good one.
    The rain makes the farmers smile again. Short crops in many portions of the county were threatened.
    A great deal of lumber has been shipped recently from the Galls Creek mill of Klippel & Marcuson to Medford.
    The place for holding the promised encampment of the G.A.R. in southern Oregon has not yet been fixed upon, but it will probably be at Medford, if the necessary funds are raised, and at some date during the fall months.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 23, 1893, page 3

The Canal-Railroad Enterprise.
    C. H. Leadbetter, the gentleman promoting the canal and railroad scheme from Medford to the timber belt, was on Sunday's train returning to Portland from San Francisco. He was accompanied by his son Charles and his attorney, H. J. Snively of North Yakima, late Democratic candidate for governor. Mr. Leadbetter says Mr. Snively was in San Francisco with him fixing up the securities for the inauguration of his plans and that, while the party will not stop at Medford this trip, they will return there about the 20th, accompanied by two or three special private cars with some railroad magnates and their ladies to make a trip to the timber belt to investigate the country.--[Record.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, June 23, 1893, page 3

    Beautiful weather is again prevailing.
    The Flour Bin Co. has filled nearly all of its orders, and Messrs. Coleman, Clopton and Tate expect to leave for California soon.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 23, 1893, page 3

    The Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co. intends putting up a brick building in town and engaging in the wholesale and retail butcher business on a large scale.
    The bar fixtures in James Coeti's saloon are exciting much admiration, and, as they are from the factory of Weeks Bros. of this place and Phoenix, due credit should be given one of our most promising local manufacturers.
    Dr. O. F. Demorest, the well-known dentist, who has been suffering with goiter for some time past, had the same removed by Doctors Jones and Kirchgessner. It was a delicate operation, but it was so successfully performed that the sufferer is improving rapidly from its effects.
    The well-known house of Henry Smith will close its doors on the first of July, and will in due time be succeeded by the new firm of Cranfill & Hutchison, who will open their large, elegant stock of merchandise about the middle of August. The unsold goods belonging to the Smith estate will be shipped to the store of Smith Bros. at Wolf Creek.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 23, 1893, page 3

    W. A. Forbes to J. E. Donnelly, lot 3, blk 40; Medford . . . 1

"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, June 30, 1893, page 1

    Everybody rides Imperial wheels--at Galloway's, Medford.
    The St. Charles Restaurant has blossomed out this week with a dandy new sign.
    Miss Hattie Eaton, a recent arrival from Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, is enrolled as student at the Medford Business College.
    The bicycle race at Jacksonville on the 4th of July will be an exciting one. Several fast wheelmen will contend for the prize.
    The firm of Smith & Sherman, painters and sign writers, has been dissolved. Mr. Sherman's ad appears elsewhere in The Mail.
That icebox at Fawcett & Morris' which has been causing a little commotion among purchasers of butter at that place has been made good by the box having been lined throughout with zinc.
    The threshing combination of True, Bashford, Fordyce & Wilson have received their large straw-burner traction engine of the Advance make and the sale was made through the agency of Merriman & Legate.
    James Gaines, living just west of Medford, knocks all the persimmons off the palm trees in some lines of agricultural pursuits. If he don't knock them off it is not because the rye he grows is not long enough. He brought a sample of rye to Medford this week which stretched the tape line out to a distance of seven and one-half feet.
    There are very few big heads in Medford of the human make--even spirits fermenti does not enlarge this portion of the anatomy to any great degree, but our vegetable gardens are well headed, and big headed. Wm. Angle brought in this week a head of lettuce which weighed one and one-fourth pounds.
    Messrs. I. A. Webb, Dr. Pickel, Attorney Hammond and Wes Johnson took a spin down to Tolo Tuesday on their wheels and upon returning they were challenged for a race at Central Point by E. Worman. Johnson and Pickel accepted the challenge and to their credit Mr. Worman's team was noticeable in the background and indulging in a feed of dust from the bicycle wheels when they reached Medford.
    Little Nora, the six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Biden, met with a sad accident Wednesday which resulted in her death the following day. She, in company with some other children, was playing at "burning brick" in the yard when her clothes caught fire and burned her so badly as to result as above stated. It is a sad affliction and the parents are nearly heartbroken. They have the deepest sympathy extended them by The Mail and their many friends.
    Little folks ofttimes undertake and accomplish tasks which many older ones, particularly the ladies, are timid about undertaking. Last Wednesday little Nora Coon, six years old, arrived in Medford on the overland from Seattle, having traveled the entire distance without companion or friend. She carried with her a lunch basket and satchel and encountered nary a mishap. She is a niece of Mrs. Gallagher, residing a few miles south of Medford. The little lady is indeed a brave one and possessed of bright, winning ways, which doubtless made her many kind friends on the trip.
The public school band came out Saturday evening and gave Medford people a treat to some of their most excellent music. Every time we hear the music of that band we think a whole heap more of Medford and our public school. The boys do nicely and if every parent whose son is a member of this school isn't proud of him then there is something wanting in the way of parental regard. The band rendered several fine selections in front of C. W. Wolters' place of business and when through the good-natured Charlie asked them all in for a drink of pop. It is noticeable that the band is playing more difficult music than a few months ago and as they seem to handle it as readily as did they the more easy pieces it is demonstrated that they possess the material requisite to musicians of high position.
    There was a lively runaway Tuesday, and for about a minute and a half it looked like there might be some serious results therefrom. A. E. Wood was engaged in unloading wood from a boxcar near the depot when his team became frightened at some small boys playing on top of the cars. The team started to run, and before Mr. Wood could reach them they were going zip flyee--like the Chinaman describes a toboggan slide--down Seventh Street, and if they didn't make good time it was no fault of theirs. As a matter of fact, they "just flew." They ran onto the north sidewalk near Mr. Tayler's shoe store, and in passing under the awning the wagon caught the posts and before you could mention it the awning lay flat on the sidewalk. When the wagon pole struck the next awning post, the horses and wagon piled up in a promiscuous heap and the runaway didn't run away any farther. The wagon was badly broken, but the team was uninjured.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 30, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. McCarthy, wife of engineer D. McCarthy, brought her little six-year-old daughter down Sunday to have Dr. Geary examine one of her eyes, which she had the misfortune of running a hat pin into, by falling onto it while playing a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy are almost heartbroken to know that medical skill can do nothing for the little one, and that she will lose the use of her eye entirely.
    R. H. Faulkner, a brick contractor of Grants Pass, was in Medford Monday looking over the city with a view to getting his finger in the mortar that will soon cement the walls of Medford's proposed brick structures. The gentleman reports Grants Pass as fast building up with good, substantial brick buildings, and he further stated: "I hear Medford is going to take on shape becoming to a great city now pretty soon."
    Dan'l. Cofer and family arrived in Medford this week from College City, Calif., and are now living in the residence corner Eighth and C streets. Mr. C. is accompanied by his brother, J. M. Cofer, who also has a family, but which is now at College City. These gentlemen are contractors and builders and have decided to remain in Medford. J. M. has sent for his family and will expect them to arrive now pretty soon.
    Mrs. S. M. West has been engaged as a teacher of painting in the Medford Business College, commencing with the fall term. Mrs. West has been an instructor in painting for several years and, as her work shows, she is an adept in that line. In the capacity which the lady assumes at the college she will teach painting in oil, pastel and crayon, and as we all know who have seen her art handiwork, the acquisition of these lines of study and by so efficient an instructor will be appreciated by college attendants and will doubtless tend much toward furthering the popularity of that institution. Several of Mrs. West's productions have been awarded first prizes at different fairs in both Oregon and California.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 30, 1893, page 3

    John L. Wigle to Spencer Childers, Sr.; 23.23. acres in twp 37s, r1w. $500.
    Spencer Childers, Sr., to John L. Wigle; deed of correction to 23.22 acres in same twp. $500.
    Spencer Childers, Sr., to Arnold Childers, 30 acres in same twp. $1200.
    J. W. Short to Walter S. King; lots 1 & 2, in blk 31, Medford. $300.
    Eliza A. Smith to Edward Smith and Sylvester Smith; lot 14, blk 20, and lots 3, 4, 5 & 6, in blk [omission], and lots 11 & 12, in blk 46, Medford. $1.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 30, 1893, page 3

    Frank Van Dyke is at home for the summer months.
    J. E. Hill is this week visiting at his old home in Missouri.
    G. W. Priddy is about ready to light the fires under a kiln of 200,000 fine brick.
    W. L. Townsend, the barber, is at Ashland, but will leave for other scenes soon.
    Medford will not indulge in a celebration this year, but most of her citizens will go to Jacksonville.
    Mrs. Chas. Fronk has been visiting relatives here during the last week and will remain some weeks.
    Since moving to their new quarters, Redfield brothers have added a shooting gallery to their attractions.
    Charlie Howard and a crew of men are again at work in the field viewing land for the O.&C. company.
    Rev. C. M. Hill and family of Portland have been the guests of Mayor Vawter and family during the week.
    The Smith stock of goods will not be shipped to Wolf Creek as advertised, but will be divided among the heirs.
    F. W. Waschau, late of Missouri, will shortly open out a fine stock of jewelry in the rooms rented by him on Front Street.
    The town council last week appointed B. S. Webb to act as town recorder for the remainder of the term of J. H. Faris, deceased.
    D. Whetstone and wife went to Salem during the week to visit their son Daniel, who has been in the asylum at that place for some time past.
    The ladies of the M.E. Church gave a most enjoyable ice cream and strawberry festival at the opera house hall one day during the week.
    The firm of Davis & Pottenger has been succeeded by J. Morris, formerly roadmaster of the R.R.V.R.R., and E. H. Fawcett, lately from the East.
    S. H. Holt is now taking orders for the Leavitt dehorning clipper, which will prove of great benefit to cattle men as well as to the dumb brutes themselves.
    Work on Halley's new brick block is well under way, and it goes without saying that Medford is going to have an addition to her business houses of no mean proportions.
    The ten-year-old son of J. G. Wigle last week fell from a horse, breaking his arm just above the wrist, the fracture being successfully reduced by Drs. Jones and Kirchgessner.
    Ed. Wilkinson last week bought two hogs from Mrs. Fordyce, living near town, for the sum of $48.85, the animals weighing out at 977 pounds, and the price paid being five cents per pound.
    By the 10th of July at latest the new business college building will be ready for occupancy, and from that time forth Medford will rank as one of the leading business college towns on the entire coast.
    Pritchard's jewelry is always in the lead when it comes to attractiveness and quality, and the ladies' watches he has been displaying lately are gems indeed and catch the eye of every lady who passes his place of business.
    Geo. Buffington, lately of Dunsmuir, and one of the best barbers in northern California and southern Oregon, has bought W. L. Townsend's barber business and may be found at the old stand. He does everything after the latest style and in a first-class manner and never fails to give satisfaction.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 30, 1893, page 2

    Keep it before the public that Weeks Bros., Phoenix, or at their sale rooms in Medford, is the place to buy all kinds of furniture at lowest prices.
Talent News, July 1, 1893, page 4

    J. N. Engledow, the painter, has become a resident of Gold Hill precinct.
    C. H. Walworth and family have removed to Waldo precinct, Josephine County.
    J. C. Barnard, the popular school teacher, has become a resident of Central Point.
    R. F. Hazel and family have returned to their former place of residence in Minnesota.
    Mesdames M. and J. Goldstein have been entertaining their sister, Miss May Senders of Eugene.
    The view from the top of the water works tower is one of the best to be had of Medford and its environs.
    Business at the Medford post office is increasing steadily. On the adjustment of salaries just made by the department at Washington the postmaster's salary was increased from $1100 to $1200.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 7, 1893, page 2

    G. H. Ellis has removed from Medford to Talent.
    Barneburg & Sons of Medford precinct have removed their bunch of 500 selected beeves to their summer camp in Railroad Prairie for the season.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 7, 1893, page 3

Real Estate Bargains.
    A choice opportunity to purchase one or more small tracts of the best alfalfa or fruit land in Rogue River Valley, all under cultivation. Terms one-fifth cash, balance 5 years' time, or to suit purchaser, or a discount of 5 percent, for all cash. This tract lies about midway between Medford and Jacksonville. The R.R.V.R.R. has a station on the premises and runs through them. Title perfect. Call on or write to A. H. Maegly, the owner, 127½ First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, July 7, 1893, page 3

Now Is the Time to Invest.
    Imperial and Falcon wheels for the next 20 days at cost at the North Pacific Cycle Co.'s branch at Medford. Call at the office or address Box 96, Medford, for further information.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, July 7, 1893, page 3

    Barns are now being filled with new hay.
    A. N. Soliss has severed his connection with J. Nunan's mercantile establishment and is now employed at the county recorder's office.
    N. H. Spencer of Griffin Creek, who has one of the finest places in southern Oregon, is building another big barn and making other improvements.
    The case of Emma Cooper vs. Calistia and W. J. Phipps, appealed from this county by the latter, was argued and submitted in the supreme court this week.
    Mrs. G. W. Crystal of Medford has our thanks for some raspberries, which were of a superior quality and duly appreciated. She is ready to fill orders for them in any quantity.
    A considerable sum of money was spent in Jacksonville and Central Point on the 4th of July, in one way or another, showing that times are not as hard as they might be in southern Oregon.
    Jacksonville has been infested with a number of fakirs lately, who, fortunately for the good of the country, have departed hence. There were tightrope walkers, contortionists, alleged Indian scouts, cowboys, etc., galore for awhile.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 7, 1893, page 3

    W. A. Forbes to J. E. Donnelly; lot 3, blk 40, Medford; $1.
    Ollie Brentano to R. H. Halley; lot 17, blk 20, Medford; $300.
    Minerva A. Meeker to Frank H. Meeker; quitclaim deed to 8⅓ acres in Medford; $1.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 7, 1893, page 3

    A free reading room will be one of the improvements added to the new Mail office. All our exchanges [i.e., exchange newspapers], the leading magazines and all statistical books will be placed on file and for the free use of all who care to read them.
Editorial, Medford Mail, July 14, 1893, page 2

    R. H. Halley has commenced work on the foundation for his new brick.
    Dr. Adkins is improving his Seventh Street property by putting down a new brick sidewalk.
    The new stone sidewalk in front of Parker's drug store is going to be a lulu, and no mistake.
    The baseball boys have recently put up a good, substantial backstop at their grounds--opposite Davis' flouring mill.
    Lumber for the new Baptist Church parsonage has been ordered, and as soon as brick can be procured work on the foundation will begin. Contractor Lyon will do the mechanical work.
    Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson have just finished the construction of that big barn for H. H. Taylor and will soon commence work on an addition to Geo. Merriman's residence, on South C Street.
    A new sign--the Owl--with "one eye open for bargains," is conspicuously displayed on the awning of Fawcett & Morris' grocery. It is the work of Sherman the painter and is an excellent exhibition of his skill as a sign writer.
    It is quite noticeable that many noxious weeds are growing about our streets. The city council would do the city a kindness by issuing an ordinance compelling property owners to destroy all weeds growing in front of their places of business or residence. As a matter of pride we ought to destroy them without any compulsion on the part of the council.
    The new ice wagon of the Southern Oregon Brewing Company appeared on the streets of Medford yesterday, making the rounds of ice delivery. It is most decidedly a beauty and an "up to date" metropolitan turnout. The lettering on the sides is the work of Sherman, the painter, and it's a good job. The word "Ice" gives one the chills to look at it--it's weighted down with imitation ice.
    P. W. Olwell, the big, prosperous fruit man north of Medford, is preparing to care for his fruit in a manner most commendable. He has purchased a fruit dryer and the company's agent, A. P. Gordon, is now engaged in putting the same in shape for use.
    C. C. Taylor, one of the big ranchers east of Medford, was in the city Monday stocking up with goods for his big seventeen-hundred-acre farm. Until recently Ashland has caught these people's trade, but things are changing in these days of our progress, and Medford reaps a corresponding benefit.
    J. A. Slover, of Grants Pass, is nothing slow as a bicycle rider himself. Last Sunday morning he started out from the above city on his wheel, arrived at W. H. Parker's place, near Jacksonville, for dinner, came over to Medford in the afternoon and back to Grants Pass in the evening. The entire distance traveled bing about sixty miles.
    Bicycling is the nearest to flying that human ingenuity has yet approached. Only one or two square inches of the bicycle wheel come in contact with the earth at any one time, so that the bicyclist, if he is not flying, is very near to it. If he has a pneumatic tire he literally rides on the air. This last sentence is a pun and copyrighted. Dr. Geary will please note.
    Street Commissioner Brandenburg is engaged this week in putting in bridges over the public water ditch at the corner of Fifth and E and Seventh and E streets. He also has teams hauling gravel and filling in around the water flume on Mr. Whitman's property, south of town, which has sprung a leak and is irrigating Mr. Whitman's orchard too plentifully. Several new crosswalks have also been put in on North C Street.  
    A Eugene girl recently found a lot of love letters written by her father to her mother many years before they were married. The daughter read them to her mother pretending they were of recent date, and substituted her own [name] for that of her mother, and the name of a young man well known to both, for her father's. The mother was very much disgusted, and has forbidden her daughter to go with a young man that will write such nonsense and sickening stuff.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 14, 1893, page 3

    A. J. McLeod, he who some six months ago left Medford for Florida, returned this week and has accepted a position with J. A. Whitman as superintendent of his fruit packing establishment. Mr. McLeod during his absence made a purchase of an orange grove in Florida, a portion of which is now bearing fruit.
    Messrs. David Worden and E. T. Roup, accompanied by their families, arrived in Medford Tuesday and are now out at J. P. Tucker's place. These people are friends of Mr. Tucker and came all the way from Wallowa County, in the extreme northeast of Oregon, with teams and wagons. They will remain several months and perhaps will decide to stay for all time.
    Mrs. S. M. West will leave tonight for Chicago. She expects to be at the world's fair two or three weeks and will make a special note of the art exhibits, thus when she returns and assumes her artist duties in the Medford Business College she will be in a position to give her pupils a description of the art grandeur displayed in the world's fair galleries. She will also visit with friends at Lincoln, Nebraska, and will be absent about two months.
    G. H. Haskins and family returned Wednesday from their extended visit in the East and the world's fair. They report a most pleasant time, and we couldn't think of mentioning the many places of interest they visited. If you have survived the descriptive ordeals of Ben Webb and D. S. Youngs and your arms are still intact, give Mr. Haskins a whirl at them. Their talks, however, are interesting and few there are who do not like to hear them.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 14, 1893, page 3

Minerva A. Weeks to Frank H. Weeks; Weeks add. to Medford, 8½ acres . . . 1
O.H. Association to Katharine Philpot, lt 3, blk 3, O.H. tract . . . 250
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, July 14, 1893, page 4

    Jno. E. Pelton, sheriff, to Josephine Poe; 28 acres in twp 37s, r2w; $1157.83.
    Orchard Home Ass'n. to Katherine R. Philport; lot 3, blk 3 Orchard Home tract; $250.
    Jos. Downing to C. Nettie Faber; 7.60 acres in twp 37s, r2w; $152.
    John H. Downing to James L. Downing; 8.66 acres in twp 37s, r2w; $250.
    Jas. W. Plymire to Annie L. Plymire; 3 acres in twp 37s, r2w; $1.
    Jas. W. Plymire to Annie L. Plymire; 320.04 acres in twp 37s, r1w; con. love, etc.
    Orchard Home Ass'n. to Andrew A. Allen; lots 23, 36, 37, 40 and 41, blk 3, ass'n. tract; $1250.
    Jas. Helms to Geo. L. Helms; 147 acres in twp 37s, r1w; $2600.
    Jos. Downing to J. H. Downing; 80 acres in twp 37s, r2w; $400.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1893, page 2

    Corn is growing nicely, and there will be a big crop of it.
    Wednesday night of last week southern Oregon was treated to a steady downpour of warm rain. Some hay was damaged, but the loss will be nothing compared to the impetus given late grain, corn and gardens. The biggest loss heard of was to Robert Faulkner's brickyard in Grants Pass. Mr. F. had 35,000 newly molded bricks lying in the yard ready for the kiln, but the steady rain washed them level to the ground. The total fall during the storm amounted to 1.17 inches in Josephine County.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1893, page 3

    B. S. Webb has been appointed town recorder and school clerk, to succeed the late J. H. Faris.
    Miss Mary Theiss, the school teacher, has gone to Chicago.
    Miss M. Wait, who recently graduated from the Portland high school, has returned home.
    G. H. Haskins, the well-known druggist, has returned from his eastern trip, accompanied by his family.
    Mrs. F. L. Cranfill and C. I. Hutchison have gone to Chicago to visit the World's Fair and buy goods for their new store.
    J. Thorndyke, who has been employed at Ennis & Cameron's mines in Galice Creek district, returned home a short time since.
    The soldiers' and sailors' reunion will be held at Medford on Sept. 19, 20, 21 and 22. It will be an interesting affair, and the attendance will doubtless be good.
    W. B. Roberts has been appointed to fill the vacancy in the city council, to succeed J. W. Short, who has gone to Foots Creek. He will make a first-class official.
    J. E. Enyart and J. A. Whitman have returned from Portland. They did some good shooting at the state sportsmen's tournament and returned with several prizes.
    The school directors did well in re-engaging the services of Profs. Narregan and Jacobs. They are first-class teachers and labor hard for the success of our school.
    The ball-tossers who went from Medford to play the Grants Pass club on July 4th were beautifully scooped; not because they are poorer players but because they lacked practice. It was their own fault that they lost.
    The following teachers have been selected to serve during the school year in addition to Profs. Narregan and Jacobs: Misses Della Pickel and Ella Bursell of Medford, Miss Nora Batchelor of Clarinda, Iowa, Miss Abbie Sinclair of Silverton, Or., and Miss Annie Nichols of Copley, Calif. The ladies receive $45 per month each.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1893, page 3

    Don't forget the circus at Medford on July 26th.
    Thos. Morine of Medford has been appointed a deputy U.S. marshal.
    Miss Bessie Hammond of Medford was awarded a gold medal at the recent flower show in Portland for writing the best essay.
    The dead walls are ornamented with circus posters, and the small boy is looking forward to July 26th with considerable expectancy.
    Some of the prune growers of southern Oregon had been doubtful about the crop for some time, but an examination of the orchards now shows the trees well laden, and the prospects are much better. The cold weather after the blooms appeared threatened to destroy the crop. There will also be a good yield of pears and apples, and taken all round it is not a bad year for fruit in Oregon.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1893, page 3

    SEE HERE! If anyone should ask you where he could get good furniture cheap, tell him at Weeks Bros. Phoenix or Medford. Their work is done by their own hands and is the finest to be found.
Talent News, July 15, 1893, page 5

    The New York men have arranged to build a railroad from Medford to Klamath Falls, via Mount Pitt, a distance of seventy-five miles, passing through a large body of land belonging to the Central Pacific.
    The town of Medford has voted $40,000 in bonds to assist the line, and capitalists of Portland have agreed to take $500,000 in the bonds. The balance of the money needed has been arranged for, and the building of the road seems to be assured.
Excerpt, "Meeting Success: Stock in the Valley Road Readily Taken," The Morning Call, San Francisco, July 15, 1893, page 9

    SAN FRANCISCO, July 18.--A syndicate of Portland and New York capitalists are negotiating for the purchase of 50,000 acres of timber land in the neighborhood of Medford, Oregon, belonging to the Southern Pacific railroad. It is understood that the purchase price is to be $500,000. The railroad has made the figure of $10 an acre, but the syndicate is endeavoring to secure a lower figure. C. H. Leadbetter, acting for the syndicate, has offered $7.50 per acre, but Mr. Huntington has refused to go below $10. W. H. Mills, acting on instructions from New York, left for Portland on business connected with the proposed sale.

"Pacific Coast News," Evening Capital Journal, Salem, July 18, 1893, page 4

    A good, live, progressive city of over 2,000 people and no photographer--that's Medford.
    It is altogether probable that the petit burglaries which have been perpetrated in Medford of late are the work of some of the boys of our town. If this be the case it is high time a full stop was registered--before they shall have arrived at a point of more desperate outlawism. It becomes us all to appoint ourselves a committee of investigation ere it be too late and we are made the butt of their thievish notions instead of our neighbors.
Editorial, Medford Mail, July 21, 1893, page 2

Will Have Electric Lights--Perhaps.
    Mr. E. C. Sharpe, of Portland, is in Medford this week endeavoring to arrange for putting in an electric light plant in our city. This he will do provided the city will give him a franchise. He asks no bonus but expects, of course, that the city will agree to take on a certain number of lights. The matter, so far as Mr. Sharpe is concerned, will be settled today, or so soon as a conference can be had with Mr. Leadbetter and the city council. Mr. Sharpe proposes to put in a plant with a capacity of twenty-five arc and 500 incandescent lights and will have the same in running order by the first of October--if the franchise is granted. The cost of the plant will be near $10,000. The convenience and general usefulness of these lights are known to almost everybody and we will wager a guess that not a man in Medford is there but what would be in favor of granting the franchise. There is probably nothing which so greatly improves a city and gives it so metropolitan an air as do electric lights.
Medford Mail, July 21, 1893, page 2

    Watchmaker Waschau has decided to move from Medford to Jacksonville.
    Jas. L. Slowell has purchased an interest in the Roxy Ann Saloon of J. M. Howard. The firm name is J. M. Howard & Co.
    R. H. Halley has wisely decided to lengthen out his new brick fifteen feet--making it seventy-five instead of sixty as was first talked.
    D. T. Lawton's little cottage residence on North C Street is, as the ladies would give expression, "just a love of a thing." It is not large but is neat, cozy and nicely located.
    In establishing the grade level of South C Street it is found that Mr. Halley, in order to be on a level with the grade, will be compelled to lay the foundation for his new brick block about a foot below the sidewalk as it now stands.
    N. B. Bradbury, residing on North C Street, is but just commencing to get his finely located plat of land into proper shape, but he has peach trees that are productive to a degree almost incredible. Think of a peach tree only two years old and bearing peaches nearly the size of your fist! This gentleman has them--of the Alexandre variety.
    A little trouble, or more proper, a misunderstanding, exists among the directors and stockholders of the Southern Oregon Brewing, Ice and Cold Storage Company and in consequence of which I. L. Hamilton has been appointed receiver. From one of the stockholders we learn that by the appointment of a receiver it does not necessarily follow that the company is insolvent. The value of the plant is between twenty and twenty-five thousand dollars, and the outstanding indebtedness only aggregates about seven hundred.
    The services of Rev. E. E. Phipps have been secured by the Medford Business College to date from the opening of the fall term in the new building. Rev. Phipps will teach Latin and Greek and, as a matter of fact, will have full charge of the normal department of the college. Mr. Phipps is a thorough student, probably few better in the state, a gentleman in every respect and the fact that his services have been secured will greatly augment the deserved popularity of this institution. It is also the intention of the management of the college to add a two years' preparatory course to the college curriculum. This course will prepare students to enter the state university.
    Thos. Morine has been appointed deputy U.S. marshal for the district of Oregon. The appointment comes to him from H. C. Grady, who was recently appointed marshal for this district by President Cleveland. This is the office which was formerly held by Parker, of Ashland, who left this part of the tall timber when there wasn't anyone looking a few months ago, and which office was turned over to H. G. Nicholson, of Medford. The appointment of Mr. Nicholson's successor is no surprise to Horace, as his political complexion is just a little off color with the present administration. Mr. Morine will doubtless prove himself a worthy officer. The gentleman has also been appointed deputy tax collector for the Medford precinct.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 21, 1893, page 3

    Joe Goldstone will leave Eugene tomorrow for Chicago and New York. He goes east to buy goods for his Medford New York cash store.
    Dr. B. F. Adkins, wife and daughter Ora left Medford Tuesday evening for an extended visit with relatives in Indiana. They will also spend several days at the World's Fair and will be absent from Medford from three to six months.
    Lew Bender gathered in the shekels quite aplenty from the sale of cooling refreshments on the ball grounds Tuesday. Lew is working up a good trade in his line--and he deserves it. His ice cream is excellent and draws a good trade.
    F. Morgan, residing on the Harbaugh place on Butte Creek, was in Medford Monday. The gentleman came with his buggy loaded with a multiplicity of immensely fine vegetables from well-cultivated farm--and The Mail will "saw off" on dry feed and eat vegetables for a time.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 21, 1893, page 3

    Ira Purdin is chief clerk at Hotel Medford.
    Judge Walton is paying relatives in Montana a visit.
    Work has been commenced on Halley's brick building.
    Mrs. S. M. West, the well-known artist, has gone to Chicago.
    A. J. McLeod, who owns an orange grove in Florida, has returned to Medford.
    Work will soon be commenced on the Baptist parsonage by the contractor, Mr. Lyon.
    Rev. F. J. Edmunds, who has been stationed at Klamath Falls, has returned to Medford.
    The building of the M.E. Church, South, in this place is looming up. It will be a handsome structure.
    Shawver & Nicholson will soon commence the enlargement and improvement of Geo. F. Merriman's residence.
    Pritchard's new stock of jewelry is complete, and all who call are amazed at the reasonable prices at which he his selling.
    The Southern Oregon Brewing Co. has commenced operations and is supplying the market with the best of ice and beer. They have a fine, big wagon on the road.
    Malicious parties are circulating stories concerning Dr. J. B. Wait's domestic relations, which are false in every particular. He is a good citizen, a kind husband and father, and a skillful physician as well. The slanderers will be brought to justice if they persist in their dirty work.
    The newly elected officers of L. L. Polk Alliance No. 265 were installed on the 8th, to wit: J. A. Smith, president; Bertha Langley, vice-president; A. D. Dodson, secretary; Etta Hollingsworth, treasurer; S. H. Holt, lecturer; J. W. Miller, chaplain; G. E. Allen, doorkeeper; Milly Tryer, ass't. doorkeeper; Harry Hollingsworth, steward.
    Medford's club of ball tossers redeemed themselves last Tuesday by defeating the Grants Pass club by a score of 24 to 9, the game being called on the 7th inning. The day was hot and brilliant plays were not numerous. With plenty of practice our boys will put up as good ball as any in southern Oregon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3

To the Public.
    Whereas, it has been reported that I whipped my wife at Medford, Oregon, on or about the 30th day of June, 1893, and whereas said report is wholly untrue, now, therefore, I do hereby brand the report that I ever whipped my wife or ever attempted to whip her, either on the said 30th day of June or on any other date, as a vile and malicious falsehood; and I further brand the person who started such a report as a vile and malicious liar.
J. B. WAIT.           
    State of Oregon, County of Jackson.
    I, Elizabeth C. Wait, being first duly sworn, say that I am the wife of Dr. J. B. Wait of Medford, Oregon; that the report that my said husband whipped me on or about the 30th day of June, 1893, or ever attempted or threatened to whip or strike me at any time during our thirty-two years of married life, is false and scandalous in every particular.
ELIZABETH C. WAIT.           
    Subscribed and sworn to before me this July 18, 1893.
MAX MULLER,           
County Clerk.           
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3

    Fruit prospects continue first-class.
    A large quantity of fine hay is being hauled to town.
    The farmers are busy, and the towns are correspondingly duller.
    A band of gypsies is infesting southern Oregon. Look out for them.
    The hegira to the hills, springs and watering places will soon begin, now that warm weather is upon us.
    Wm. D. Willis of Ashland precinct, the well-known hunter of game and bee trees, was in Jacksonville and Medford yesterday, disposing of a lot of fine honey.
    The syndicate which is operating the nickel mines near Riddle is said to have bought Capt. Nash's placer mines in Cow Creek district, paying $100,000 therefor. It is said to be first-class property.
    Southern Oregon is going to have a good crop of fruit this season, but our horticulturists can't ship the product out to any advantage in individual shipments. They should organize, have the fruit properly graded and packed in this city and at other available points, and ship by carload lots. In no other way can fruit-growing be rendered remunerative, and we had just as well recognize the fact now and govern ourselves accordingly. The columns of the Times are open for discussion of methods and measures, and let someone take the lead and call a meeting in time to act. To neglect organization is to throw away your opportunity.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3

    Col. Robt. A. Miller returned home on Monday, but left for Portland the following day. He will assume his duties as register [sic] of the Oregon City land office at once.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3

    D. P. Brown and wife of Ft. Bidwell, Cal. were in Medford last week, visiting Mrs. W. W. Cardwell, who is Mrs. B.'s sister.
    Geo. R. Neil and Will. L. Miller, who have been attending the law school at Ann Arbor, Mich., have returned home. They were in the class which graduated last month.
    F. W. Waschau, an expert watchmaker and jeweler, has located in the U.S. Hotel building, one door west of J. Nunan's mercantile establishment. Read his advertisement in another column.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3

Electric Lights for Medford and Jacksonville.
    Mr. Sharp, representing the General Electric Co. of Portland, was in Jacksonville on Wednesday for the purpose of seeing what encouragement he could get from our citizens toward the scheme of joining the county seat and Medford by electricity. If he thinks that it will prove a paying investment, steps will be taken at once to put in a plant and light both towns with the same power. The Times believes that the enterprise would prove remunerative, and hopes to see negotiations speedily consummated.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3

Railroad Men in Medford.
    A party of railroad men, including C. H. Leadbetter of North Yakima, Wash., president of the R.R.V.R.R. Co., arrived at Medford this morning. It is said that they will make a thorough investigation of the scheme of connecting southeastern Oregon with the S.P. system by the extension of the R.R.V.R.R. 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3

    Last week we said that Medford had no photographer--this week we have two. In the face of this there are perhaps those who will say advertising doesn't pay.
    One by one Medford is giving a black eye to the shipments of the necessaries of life into our city by manufacturing the articles herself. There was a time when ice was shipped from outside towns to supply Medford, but our lively little city has reversed the order of things and now we do the shipping.
Editorial, Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 2

    Contractor Lyon commenced work yesterday on the new Methodist parsonage.
    Beer five cents per glass at Coeti's Parlor Saloon.
    A continuation of that new stone sidewalk down past the Racket Store is a good act.
    Harry Hollingsworth has opened a bakery on Seventh Street--near Lawton's harness shop.
    Street Commissioner Brandenburg is at work clearing the streets of those treacherous thistles.
    The wood work on the new M. E. South Church is completed and the plasterers are now at work.
    R. H. Halley has leased his tinsmith tools to Eli Hogan, and as soon as a suitable location can be secured a shop will be opened.
    The Medford Business College will close its present term this week. It will open again September 5th in the new college building.
    R. H. Whitehead is building a 14x24 feet addition to his fine C Street residence. Dan'l. Cofer is the gentleman doing the work.
    Beer five cents per glass, hereafter, at the Roxy Ann Saloon. Medford whiskey 5 cents per glass.
    N. A. Jacobs is making ready to move into his new South C Street residence--a new addition is among the improvements being made.
    A store building has been rented on Front Street for a bakery. Who the parties are or where from we could not learn, but they are making ready for business just the same.
    E. W. Starr, who has been employed out at Mrs. Ish's big farm for the past few weeks in repairing her granary, reports that this lady will commence her wheat harvest today. She has four hundred acres to cut and estimates the average yield at twenty-five bushels per acre.
    John Morris, the merchant, had a little circus all by himself Tuesday last. He was driving up Seventh Street with his delivery wagon when his seeming pleasure took a turn, and he landed on the ground somewhat mixed up with reins and wagon wheels. Geo. Merriman had unintentionally put up a job on him--didn't put the burr back on the wheel when repairing the vehicle.
    Messrs. Skeel & Son are doing a heap plenty work this season in the manufacture of fruit boxes. They are supplying the country for quite a distance and as the article put up in a good one there is no kick coming, except by the manufacturers of the same goods in other towns, and into whose territory these gentlemen's good work is extending.
    G. L. Webb has leased the north half of the Halley brick block--ground floor, and about October first the Racket will move to its new abode. The building will be much larger than where he now is and a much better display can be made.
    Shawver & Nicholson have commenced operations on Halley's new brick. Ditto G. W. Priddy. There will be a building up there in a few weeks that will be a credit to C Street--and The Mail will have rooms on the ground floor--go 'way trouble.
    Goodman Noble has purchased M. S. Damon's shoemaking tools and will soon open a shop in one of the front rooms of J. R. Erford's feed store. Mr. Noble invites a liberal sprinkling of work in his line and promises satisfaction or no pay. Good work is his motto.
    Mrs. Frank Sutter remembers The Mail this week to the extent of the donation of a number of boxes of berries and a fine bouquet of flowers. In the collection was a box each of very delicious Japanese wine berries and blackberries of a fine variety and very palatable.
    Messrs. J. H. Coyle and W. G. Cutbirth, of Stockton, Calif., have opened a photographer's gallery in Medford--in the Hamlin Block on Seventh Street. They are both married men and their families are with them and all propose to remain permanently. Work is coming in fairly well and they feel correspondingly encouraged. They are said to be first-class artists and such being the case they deserve our patronage.
    To Ulysses M. Damon the people of Medford are indebted for a small chunk of excitement on circus day. The circus had arrived--and then a gloom like unto the continued peal of a death knell had settled over the city--but Mr. Damon livened things up a little. He drove his horse and buggy down where the big elephant was confined in the little tent. The horse, upon seeing this big elephant emerge from this little tent, took fright and ran away. Alex. Hanley was in the buggy at the time and was thrown to the ground. He was injured slightly--enough, however, to keep him from seeing the lions eat meat, and this last was considerable of a bruise on his circus ardor.
    Medford people who reside in the vicinity of the Seventh Street Bear Creek bridge wish us to gently call the attention of the city board to the fact that the small boys are making of that particular portion of Bear Creek a swimming resort and in too close proximity to their respective places of abode--and that these swimmers are more scantily attired than is considered within the boundaries of even a slight degree of modesty. If on the opposite side of  the river from the city is outside the limits a state law "made and provided for in such case" should be resorted to.
    Vice President Stevenson passed through Medford Monday evening. There were probably two or three hundred people at the depot to welcome his coming. Tom Reams, of Jacksonville, who is personally acquainted with Mr. Stevenson, came over especially to meet the distinguished gentleman and was the hi-you muck-o-muck of the occasion. The Vice President appeared on the car platform and was introduced to Mayor Vawter and several other citizens. The ladies had prepared a very fine bouquet of flowers, which was presented to him and received with many expressions of gratitude.
    The party of railroad officers which left Medford last Friday for a tour of inspection in the timber belt in the Big Butte country returned Wednesday afternoon. Their first night's camp was made three miles from Eagle Point, on Little Butte Creek, and the next place of camping was at the bridge on Big Butte. Here they camped five nights, and from this point the party made a tour of inspection for quite a distance on all sides. They visited the Rancheria country and the base of Mount Pitt. Their guide, postmaster Howard, also located for them as near as possible the most feasible route through the pass. The entire party were very favorably impressed with the country, and Mr. Mills expressed himself as being greatly surprised at what he saw by way of timber and agricultural lands. He had associated the county with rugged canyons and high ridges, but when he found a level tract of country and heavily timbered with the finest of giant sugar pine trees, his astonishment and admiration knew no bounds. On Tuesday Mr. Leadbetter, Sr., joined the party at the camp and returned to Medford with them on Wednesday. The same evening Mr. Leadbetter returned to Portland, and the following morning Mr. Mills and his party left for San Francisco. The general conclusion to be drawn from these officials' visit over a portion of the proposed route and their report of entire satisfaction is that of the three possible routes mentioned last week from the S.P. to the Klamath country, the one from Medford is by far the most feasible and will be the one over which the road will be built. Mr. Leadbetter will return to Medford again about August 10th and will go over the entire proposed route, after which he says surveying will be commenced.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 3

    Grant Eggers, of Portland, formerly of Coos Bay, has accepted a position with R. G. Bunch as artist in the Medford tonsorial parlors. Mr. Eggers comes highly recommended and will add additional popularity to that institution.
    Charlie Strang, the druggist, took a three days' outing last week up at Rancherie--fishing, hunting and getting tanned, like a harvest hand. Mrs. S. and the boys made a visit to the farm home, near Central Point, during Charlie's absence.
    Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolsey, and niece, of Oakland, Oregon have been stopping in Medford for a few days. Mr. W. is in quest of agricultural and fruit lands and on Tuesday last was driven out through the country in various ways by real estate agent Hamilton.
    W. Carroll returned recently from a few weeks' visit in Wisconsin and at the world's fair. Mr. C. is the gentleman who recently purchased the fine Pellett farm, north and east of Medford. He was formerly sheriff of Waupaca County, Wis., and was called east as witness in a big murder trial.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 3

    A. S. Hammond has been appointed a notary public by Gov. Pennoyer.
    J. A. Whitman has already shipped a considerable quantity of peaches to northern markets.
    Mr. Hudson is assisting Mr. Lippincott at the depot, succeeding Mr. Chamberlain, who has returned to Roseburg.
    Dr. Demorest, the dentist, has recovered from his illness and is again in his office. He is kept busy and is doing first-class work.
    Washburn's circus brought a big crowd to town last Wednesday, but it seemed as if the majority only patronized the free part of the show, and wise they were, too. The parade was on a par with the ring performances, etc., and the public was therefore forewarned.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1893, page 2

    Up in southern Oregon the Southern Pacific Railroad Company has an extensive tract of timber land. One tract, embracing some 50,000 acres, is situated in the neighborhood of Medford, a town on the line of the Shasta route. A syndicate of Portland and New York capitalists want to purchase this tract, and C. H. Leadbetter, representing the syndicate, is now negotiating with Mr. Huntington for the purchase of the land, and in all probability the sale will be made before the summer is over. It is understood that the purchase price is to be $500,000. The railroad has made a figure of $10 per acre, but the syndicate is endeavoring to secure a lower figure. Leadbetter's offer was $7.50 per acre, but Mr. Huntington has refused to go below $10. W. H. Mills, acting on instructions from New York, left for Portland last night on business connected with the proposed sale. Before returning he will visit the timber tract. If the syndicate makes the purchase it contemplates building a railroad for a distance of seventy miles east from Medford. The object in constructing the road is mainly for the purpose of hauling timber to Medford and shipping it from that point to Portland and the Puget Sound country. Considerable other traffic will be obtained, however, because it is the intention to build the road to the town of Klamath Falls, formerly known as Linkville. The town is on the Link River, which connects the two Klamath lakes. The citizens of Medford have voted to subscribe $40,000 toward building the line. Preliminary surveys already made are for a road that will start from Medford and run northeast up the Rogue River Valley to where Little Butte Creek empties into Rogue River. The line then runs east for about ten miles, upon which are the upper and lower Klamath lakes. Before the deal is consummated it is not unlikely that Mr. Huntington may take some stock in the road. For several years he has had in mind a road to Klamath Falls, and has had a survey made from a point in this state, where the Shasta route crosses the Klamath River, along the latter to that point. He has not seen fit to build it yet, and probably could never do so if the Medford road is constructed.--[S.F. Examiner, July 20.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1893, page 2

    D. J. Lumsden et al. to Mollie Bateman; lots 8 and 9, blk 3, Lumsden's add. to Medford; $55.
    Andrew Cantrall and wife to D. H. Barneburg and wife; lot 1, blk 3, Galloway's add. to Medford; $425.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1893, page 2

    In an interview with a representative of the Oregonian, W. H. Mills, general land agent of the S.P. Co., said: "The situation is just this: Portland capitalists, who claim to have the backing of eastern and London financiers, propose to buy our lands, and we will sell them at a reasonably low figure in order to encourage the construction of branch lines connecting with the main line. The Southern Pacific will have nothing to do with the building of the road. Branch lines add to the volume of business of the main line, and consequently we should offer encouragement to the promoters of them, and will be enabled to sell the lands much cheaper than otherwise. My business here is to meet those capitalists, whose names I will not disclose at present, and take them over the proposed line. I have not had any conference with them, but will probably meet them today. The lands which the capitalists propose to buy have been examined by them are are very valuable. Every acre contains fine timber, and the building of the road will develop a very profitable enterprise. To appreciate the benefit of a transportation line in that section one must be familiar with the rich country that awaits an outlet. There are the upper and lower Klamath lake regions, which would be tapped by the line. These are rich agricultural lands, but their development has been retarded by the poor transportation facilities. Farmers are compelled to haul their produce in wagons, which is rather expensive, and they labor under other unfavorable conditions. Besides this, there are thousands of acres of sugar pine timber, which is worth $45, and other timber worth $18 per 1000 feet. Brilliant inducements are offered to lumbermen, and when developed these enterprises will bring millions of dollars into the state. Three lines have been surveyed into the country. The one which I consider the most feasible, because it is better suited to the topography of the country, is from Medford north or northeast to the course of the Butte Creek, along the valley through the foothills of Mount Pitt and thence to Klamath Falls. This line would be about 70 miles in length. A second line, with surveyed branches from the Southern Pacific, passes through the Mount Shasta timber belt and enters the Klamath country from the south. A third one is talked of from Ager up the Klamath River Valley. If the first route is selected the traffic would flow toward Portland; if the second, toward San Francisco, because after the freight is hauled over the main line it would not pay to haul it back over the mountains to Portland. In the same way, stuff hauled over the line to Medford would have to come to Portland, because it would not pay to ship it south over the mountains." Mr. Mills said that he preferred to see the route selected which would be of the most benefit to San Francisco, but he thought the Medford route the most feasible, and a road could be constructed there easier than on any other line surveyed.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1893, page 3

Camping Party.
   W. H. Mills, general land agent of the S.P. railway system, and C. H. Leadbetter, lessee of the R.R.V.R.R., accompanied by their families and several friends, arrived in a private car at Medford on Thursday of last week and left for the Big Butte Creek section soon afterward. The party consisted of Mr. Mills and wife, their daughters, Misses Bessie and Ardella, Misses May Denman and Alberta Bancroft, of San Francisco, C. H. Leadbetter and wife and their daughters, Misses Bertie and Sadie, of North Yakima, Wash., Geo. H. Andrews and wife of Portland, Mr. Brainerd of the Seattle Times, C. H. Leadbetter, Jr. and family of North Yakima and Louis Pittock of Portland. They camped at several places along the road, returning to Medford on Wednesday. In conversation with a representative of the Times, all expressed themselves as delighted with their trip. Mr. Mills was considerably surprised over the magnitude and value of the Butte Creek and Rogue River timber belts and spoke in high terms generally of the valley and the country he saw. He said the situation was full of possibilities, but further than that declined to say anything in reference to matters most important to us. Mr. Leadbetter, however, assured us that everything looked favorable for the extension of our railroad. He was not prepared to go into details at this time.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1893, page 3

Arrested and Discharged.
    Luther Porter of Medford, who has been acting as cruiser for Julius E. Miner and his colleagues in the big timber belt on upper Rogue River, was arrested this week, upon a complaint issued out of the U.S. district attorney's office at Portland, charging him with conspiracy to defraud the government. E. G. Salstrom was named as the prosecuting witness, although we learn that he denies having had anything to do with the matter in any form. Mr. Porter had an examination before A. S. Hammond, U.S. Commissioner, at Medford, on Tuesday and was discharged. Mr. Miner, hearing of the affair, came down from Washington a few days since, and was also placed under arrest. He was tried in the same court yesterday and likewise discharged.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1893, page 3

Reduction in Suits.
    A. Fetsch, merchant tailor at Medford, in order to make room for his fall goods, is closing out his present stock and for a short time will make a reduction of 10 percent all 'round. He has a fine line of most fashionable cloths, and those desiring suits will do well to take advantage of the bargains he offers. Mr. Fetsch is a first-class tailor and never fails to give satisfaction.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1893, page 3

    Nice, juicy oranges, two for five cents, at the S.F. Variety Store.
    Heading is in progress and threshing will commence in a few days.
    The grain is ripening fast and in some places is ready for the thresher.
    The sale of the real property belonging to the estate of H. Amy, deceased, has been postponed until a future day, as there were no bidders.
    Quite a number of the residents of Jacksonville attended the circus at Medford on the 26th. Afterward most of them wouldn't acknowledge that they had been there, however.
    A number of improvements are being made in different portions of Jacksonville. The pioneer town of southern Oregon is not only holding its own wonderfully well, but improving steadily.
    Frank Theising of the City Brewery is making arrangements to manufacture beer of a first-class quality, and has ordered machinery of the latest pattern with that end in view. With this and the Medford breweries making the best malt liquors, there will be no further necessity of importing liquid refreshments of this kind.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1893, page 3

    F. H. Page of Portland has been in the valley looking after the fruit and watermelon crop.
    J. A. Goff of Grave Creek, the pioneer miner, called last week. We are sorry to learn that his health is not the best.
    Peaches and apricots have made their appearance in this market, and are of an excellent quality. The former are sold for two cents a pound.
    Several of the Democratic citizens of Jacksonville went to Medford to pay their respects to the Vice-President and his party. They were cordially received by Mr. Stevenson, who is a genial and unostentatious gentleman. At Medford he was presented with handsome bouquets of flowers by some of the ladies.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1893, page 3

    C. A. Sprandle will probably move his electric light plant to Medford, providing suitable arrangements can be made with that city. It is a fine plant, and if Medford wants electric lights she can do no better than to contract with Mr. Sprandle for furnishing them.
"The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, August 3, 1893, page 3

    A couple of itinerant photographers, who have been selling coupons entitling the holders thereof to photographs at reduced rates, are reported to have skipped from Medford, which was the base of their operations. They did poor work and have acted the part of the mountebank generally since leaving California, where they should have remained. The people to the north should be chary of them, as they are traveling that way. Another first-class fraud was Dr. H. Roszas, whose mellifluous peals of laughter echoed through the saloons of Jacksonville and neighboring towns for several weeks. He spent most of his time in guzzling beer and sounding his own praise as a physician, yet at the same time he succeeded in collecting a considerable sum of money in advance for medicine that he never intended to furnish. This alleged doctor practiced the same game at Yreka, Cal., from which place he wandered southward. Look out for him.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3

More Bonds Redeemed.
    Notwithstanding the dull times, Jacksonville continues to assert her solvency and redeem outstanding indebtedness. A call for the redemption of $500 worth of the bonds which were issued to assist in the construction of the R.R.V.R.R. has just been made. While the pioneer town of southern Oregon has no floating debt and is steadily paying her bonded indebtedness, the financial condition of many other towns in Oregon is becoming worse.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3

    Arthur Wilson of Medford precinct was in Jacksonville Tuesday, after material to renovate his buildings.
    The R.R.V.R.R. arrives 15 minutes later than usual in the morning, as the southbound overland gets to Medford 15 minutes later than formerly.
    The recent tournament of the Ashland gun club was a success. J. E. Enyart of Medford won the gold medal, and J. H. Redfield of the same place captured the silver trophy.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3

    E. J. Montague, et al., to Geo. R. Young; lot 3, blk 3, Barr's add. to Medford. $800.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3

    A conference of ministers of the M.E. Church for this district was held at Medford a few days since.
    W. M. Smith of Eden precinct, who has one of the finest orchards in southern Oregon, is shipping a large quantity of large, luscious peaches to northern markets.
    Jacksonville is visited by several fruit and vegetable peddlers every day, and all of them seem to dispose of considerable quantity of their produce. This town is said to offer the best cash market in the valley.
    The careless camper is again in the land, and the atmosphere is becoming heavy with smoke. Will people never become tired of starting fires in the hills that cause so much destruction to public and private property? The last legislature passed a law providing a severe penalty for setting out fires, either maliciously or otherwise, and it should and will be strictly enforced.
    The following piece of nonsense, which was telegraphed to the Oregonian from Jacksonville, is another illustration of the old saying that we must go away from home to get the news: "Considerable excitement prevails here on account of the Portland bank failures. Several of our citizens are heavy depositors in Portland banks, and the prevailing feeling of uneasiness over the financial situation is having its depressing effect here. The extra session of congress and the future policy of the administration is the all-absorbing subject of conversation." However, this is only a fair sample of the gush that is too often sent from Jacksonville as "news."
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3

    H. E. Baker has returned from a prospecting trip in northern California.
    O. A. and F. Hubbard, Jr. and B. W. Miller started for Lakeview a few days since. John Angle has also left us.
    The Medford Business College is nearing completion, and it will not be long before it will be occupied by Prof. Rigby and his classes. It is a handsome and commodious building, well fitted for the purposes for which it is intended. No doubt the college will be liberally patronized, as it should be.
    John Redfield is the happy possessor of the silver medal offered to the person who would make the best score at the first annual tournament of the Ashland gun club. He won handily and would prove a formidable competitor of any marksman in southern Oregon. J. E. Enyart, who is also one of the very best "shooters" in this section, captured the gold medal presented by the Multnomah club. It will be seen that the Ashland boys were not "in it" with Medford's representatives, although some of them shot well.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3

E. J. Montague and wife to Geo. R. Young, lot 3; Barr's add. to Medford . . . 800
John Cox et al. to W. I. Vawter, lot 13, blk 47; Medford . . . 200
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, August 11, 1893, page 2

And They Do Build
    Considering the inside and outside of the very scary condition of money matters all the country over, there can hardly be said to be a dearth in the building line in Medford. Our business seems to be moving on about as usual among the city merchants and the steady trend of the onward march of progress and improvements are noticeable. New or enlarged business, as well as increased population, requires new buildings, and the demand is being met with a sentiment of push which tends not to a backward move. There are several new buildings now underway or contemplated, a list of which we give below:
    The Halley brick block, on C Street, will be ready for occupancy in a few weeks. The brick work is expected to be finished next week.
    The very neat Baptist parsonage, on North C Street, is fast nearing completion. It will be a one-story cottage and when in shape to be occupied it will be one of the neatest in the city.
    Postmaster Howard has just commenced the foundation for his fine two-story residence building, adjoining the Baptist parsonage on C Street. In architectural design it is promised to be second to none.
    Over in the Roberts & O'Neil addition to Medford W. B. Roberts has recently sold a five-acre tract of land to a Mr. Scott, from Eastern Oregon, and that gentleman will soon commence the direction of a dwelling for himself and family, who are now camped on the ground awaiting the time when the new house is ready for occupancy.
    J. R. Hardin has his new dwelling well under way, and ere the sun's rays of many more days shall have reflected the shadow of this gentleman across his path--his family will be nicely ensconced in their new and pleasant home.
    The Southern Oregon [Pork] Packing Company have closed the contract with Messrs. Starr & Drisco for the erection of a 20x60 cold storage building to be built adjoining their packing house. The contract was let for $395.
    A. J. Stewart is figuring on erecting a fine residence in the south and west part of town, near Prof. Narregan's place.
Medford Mail, August 11, 1893, page 3

C. W. Skeel ad, August 11, 1893 Medford Mail
C. W. Skeel ad, August 11, 1893 Medford Mail

    Eli Hogan opened his tinshop on Front Street today.
    Dan'l. Cofer has been awarded the contract for the erection of Postmaster Howard's C Street residence.
    Beer five cents per glass hereafter at the Roxy Ann Saloon. Medford whisky 5 cents per glass.
    M. M. (alias Shorty) Pickering is engaged for a time as heap big iron hammerer in the Wilson blacksmith establishment.
    Garl T. Jones is changing things about out at his B Street residence--moving his barn and a whole lot more improvements.
    Asa Fordyce, residing just south of Medford, threshed out fifty acres of wheat Tuesday which yielded 1573 bushels, or nearly thirty-two bushels to the acre.
    The Medford Brewery has placed its beer on sale, and those who have sampled it say it is just as good as the average and in some respects several notches ahead.
    D. S. Youngs is making some improvements at the front of his store building. He is taking out the awning posts and putting in bracket supports instead and is as well widening his sidewalk to eight feet.
    Charlie Sherman, the Medford popular painter, is over at Jacksonville this week engaged in repainting the coach and engine of the Medford-Jacksonville short line.
    The family of J. C. Hill, from eastern Oregon, arrived in this city this week and are now housekeeping with Mr. Stockham on B Street. Mr. Hill is a son-in-law of Mr. Stockman.
    It is given out that Attorney W. H. Parker, who has recently disposed of his fine farm at a good round sum, will move his family to Medford, establish a home and open a law office--and still they keep coming our way. We can stand a whole lot of fellows like Parker.
    L. Henderson and R. Jorgensen, of Woodville, are the gentlemen who are making ready to open up the bakery and restaurant on Seventh Street. They expected to be open for business Sunday but owing to the fact that their oven collapsed when a fire was started, it will be a few days later before they are ready to supply the market.
    Mrs. S. M. West, who left Medford a few weeks ago for a visit with friends in Nebraska, has recently been appointed, by ex-Governor Furnace, to the position of expert judge in the art department of the state fair at Lincoln. The lady's knowledge of art is evidently receiving merited recognition abroad as well as at home. She will teach in the art department of the Medford Business College the coming year.
    Real estate has been changing hands in pretty good-sized chunks in the vicinity of Medford this week. Messrs. Hamilton & Palm are responsible for the following sales: W. H. Parker to a Mr. Raphaltz, of Kansas, eighty-four acres of improved land and thirty-six acres of timber land, between Medford and Jacksonville; consideration, $7,000. Frank Amy, to a W. Rawlings, 100 acres near Central Point; consideration, $3,000. The gentlemen also sold four and one-half acres of land in Barr's addition to Medford to F. W. Waschau, the Jacksonville jeweler.
    While you are speaking of fruit dryers there isn't any fault to be found with those put up by D. H. Miller, our hardware merchant. T. A. Newman, of Butte Creek, was in Medford Wednesday and loaded one of them into his wagon which has a capacity of 700 pounds of prunes each twelve hours or 1000 pounds of apples every nine hours. The machine looks to be able to do all that is claimed for it and as a similar one has already been tested it is no guesswork whether it will perform its work or not. Mr. Newman has twelve acres of prunes which he proposes to put through it.
    At the meeting of the city council last Monday night contracts for furnishing 105 cords of wood were let to the following parties: Beek, Whiteside & Co., 25 cords; L. A. Murphy, 25; H. Griffin, 80; W. H. Barlow, 25. There were several other bids in but all were rejected in cases where the price per cord was higher than $3.75. The delinquent tax list was turned over to the marshal with instructions to collect. The marshal was also instructed to notify property owners to repair sidewalks, where needed. The driving down of the nails, which have worked loose and now project from a quarter to three-quarters of an inch above the level of the walk, is considered a much-needed repair and the marshal's instructions cover this point.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, August 11, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. Jason Kellogg returned from Portland Tuesday. She expects to remain in Medford for some time and will occupy her residence in town, corner C and Sixth streets.
    W. C. Stockham and family are among the latest arrivals in Medford. They are from Eastern Oregon and are here for permanent residence. They have rented a dwelling on B Street and are now housekeeping.
    Mrs. F. L. Cranfill returned Tuesday from her several weeks' visit at the world's fair. The lady reports having had a very pleasant time and also states that she purchased a fine stock of goods for the new mercantile firm of Cranfill & Hutchison, which are expected to arrive in about three weeks.
    Mrs. F. M. Plymale and daughter Meda returned Tuesday evening from their extended visit at Albion, Calif. They were accompanied by Mrs. Plymale's daughter, Mrs. John Curry, and three children, Ethel, Gladys and Ray, who will remain in Medford a few weeks for a visit with relatives and friends.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 11, 1893, page 3

An Official Gone Wrong.
    The people of Jackson County are agitated considerably over the disappearance of Geo. E. Bloomer, county treasurer, who has not been seen since last Saturday afternoon, when he left Medford for Ashland on the freight train. He had been called upon for a settlement by the county commissioners' court and should have made it on Tuesday. When the appointed time arrived he was not present, nor has he appeared since. Bloomer's whereabouts are unknown, but he is somewhere north of here, as he was a passenger on the train which left Ashland for Portland Saturday evening. What sum of money he is short has not been ascertained as yet, but enough is known to place the shortage at several thousand dollars. Bloomer was a popular young man with a promising future, and had many friends. His defalcation and subsequent flight is a genuine surprise to all. What he did with the money that is missing is not known, but it seems to be the general opinion that he spent the most of it foolishly, as he had very extravagant habits. It is to be hoped that Bloomer will yet return and straighten out matters. His bondsmen are Ben Haymond, J. Nunan, K. Kubli and Chas. Nickell.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 11, 1893, page 3

    Business about the courthouse, as well as everywhere else, is quite dull.
    There is a considerable acreage of sorghum, which promises to yield well.
    The grain crop is turning out well--much better than expected in many places.
    A great deal of prospecting--more than ever--is going on in southern Oregon.
    Blackberries are plentiful and of fine quality. They are selling at 20 cents a gallon.
    Offers are now being made of 15 to 18 cents on hops, and it is expected that the price will go higher.
    Railroad employees were compelled to forgo their usual monthly settlement, as the S.P. Company is short of cash, like nearly everybody else.
    S. W. Kindle, who has charge of I. W. Thomas' orchard, situated between Jacksonville and Medford, is shipping peaches and plums of a good quality to Tacoma and Portland.
    Cattle are still cheap, with some prospect of an improvement in price. In Klamath County buyers are offering $18 to $21 per head, but better offers are expected as the season advances.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 11, 1893, page 3

    Rev. E. E. Phipps and wife are in the Dead Indian country, on a rusticating trip.
    Clarence Kellogg of Portland is visiting at Grants Pass and Medford. Wonder what's the matter?
    Prof. Narregan, accompanied by his wife and son, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weeks have gone down near the mouth of Rogue River, to spend a few weeks.
    Mrs. J. H. Faris, whose husband belonged to the A.O.U.W., has already received the $2000 to which the beneficiaries of all members of the order are entitled.
    Mrs. Cranfill, who has been at the World's Fair, returned home on Tuesday. Assisted by C. I. Hutchison she purchased a fine large stock of goods for this market.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 11, 1893, page 3

    A. A. Davis of Medford has been in Josephine County this week looking after the flour market.
    Will. Olwell, who has been paying his relatives and friends in Rogue River Valley a visit, started Sunday on his return to Davenport, Wash., where he is employed in the mill of Davis & Howard.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 11, 1893, page 3

    The atmosphere is full of smoke, which is becoming denser every day, showing that the reckless hunter or camper is either oblivious of or defies the law against setting out fires. He may come to grief, and soon, too.
    The rolling stock of the R.R.V.R.R. Co. is being overhauled, and passengers, express and mail will be hauled by stage for a short time. Mr. Sherman of Medford is repainting the passenger car, and the observation car was in use for several days. Mr. Barnum is now overhauling the engine.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 11, 1893, page 3

Bright Prospects Ahead.
    Prof. M. E. Rigby, principal of the Medford business college, was in Jacksonville on Wednesday looking after the interests of that popular institution of learning. He is meeting with much success in his canvass and has disposed of about 40 scholarships, and this during the hardest times ever known in southern Oregon. Vacation will soon end, and studies will be resumed with a competent corps of teachers in the new college built expressly for the purpose, which is a fine, large structure pleasantly situated a short distance from town and is especially adapted for the purpose. Prof. Rigby is deserving of much credit for the energy and enterprise he has manifested in building up so successful an institution. He has filled a long-felt want, and the people of Jackson and Josephine counties owe it to themselves to see that he is liberally patronized.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, August 11, 1893, page 3

Visit to a Sample Fruit Farm in Southern Oregon.
    The Medford Mail thus describes a visit to a typical fruit farm in Southern Oregon, owned by Joseph Stewart:
    "The farm is located 3¼ miles south from Medford. The land is very fertile and seems particularly adapted to the culture of fruit. There are 160 acres of land--not a large farm would it be for growing wheat, but an immense affair when planted entirely to fruit trees. Of this 160 acres Mr. Stewart has 60 acres planted to pears, Bartlett variety, and from which they are expected to gather this year from 8000 to 9000 boxes of fruit, each box weighing 40 pounds, or, in other words, nearly 20 carloads. Just think of it! More than an entire trainload of Bartlett pears, all from one farm. We made a drive through the orchard, and remarkable as it may seem, there is not a weed in the whole orchard. The trees are loaded to the utmost capacity, many of the branches reaching to the ground, yet bearing their immense burden without breaking. The sight which presents itself is one for which descriptive adjectives have not as yet been coined equal to do the occasion justice. As far as the eye can reach, down long rows of uniform trees, nothing but large, healthy Bartlett pears are seen growing. It is a sight worth going miles to see. Aside from this pear orchard are 50 acres of late winter apples which are bearing well and in a very healthy condition. The farm has quite an orchard of peach trees, but with these Mr. Stewart is making no special effort. Last spring he grafted prunes onto 1200 of his peach trees, and the result bade fair to be an exceptionally flattering one, as nearly all the grafts are growing well and seem even more thrifty than do the natural branches. The reason given for this grafting operation is simply that prunes are more profitable than peaches and do not crowd so closely onto his pear harvest, and are much easier to handle. During the fruitpicking and packing time 75 or 80 hands are employed in caring for the fruit, and seven or eight during the other months. Mr. Stewart also supplies the Portland market with about 10 tons of rhubarb each ear. Aside from this large home orchard Mr. Stewart has 78 acres planted principally to apples, joining Mr. Whitman's orchard, near Medford.
    "The 20 carloads of pears, spoken of above, will be shipped to Chicago and New York markets, the refrigerator cars to be used in their transmission. The orchard of which we have above written is only about 7 or 8 years old, which fact proves conclusively the great results that can be accomplished in fruit-raising where careful attention is given and knowledge of fruit culture is possessed, as is the case with Mr. Stewart."
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 12, 1893, page 6

    The outlook for the loosening up of hard times in the East is becoming apparent. The telegrams of August 14th tell us that a score of cotton mills in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, employing 8000 operatives, have resumed work, while in Pittsburgh the iron and steel mills, employing 15,000 men, have given notice that they will start up at once.

Medford Mail,
August 18, 1893, page 2

    Mr. Lynch, an Etna rancher, is figuring on soon moving to Medford.
    Ed. Pottenger has his new residence, on F Street between Eighth and Ninth, well under way.
    H. F. Wood has the contract for building Mr. Stewart's residence. The building they tell us is to be a beauty.
    G. L. Davis has opened an office in the Stanley brick building on C Street. His business is that of buying poultry and eggs.
    Miss Weaver has closed her dressmaking establishment on Seventh Street. She expects to soon leave for the East and the world's fair.
    The Premium Meat Market is temporarily closed. Mr. Fox informs us that as soon as the warm weather is over he expects to open again.
    The nails in our sidewalks are a source of great annoyance to pedestrians. They should be either pulled out or driven down, and it would be for the benefit of the public if either plan was adopted.
    Rev. Phipps has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Medford M.E. Church. His acceptance of the position as principal of the academic and normal departments of the Medford Business College is the why of his resignation.
    Daniel Cofer's ad appears in The Mail this week. The gentleman is a contractor and builder and is recently from Sacramento where he has been engaged in this business for many years. He has two hundred cottage designs from which patrons may select.
    Contractor Lyon finished his work on the new business college Wednesday and from him we learn that the institution is in good shape, not only architecturally but financially as well, and that, judging from indications, Prof. Rigby will open his school with a large attendance.
    Some of our people, to protect their spring chickens from the light-fingered pilferers, are said to be placing loaded shotguns in a position where they will explode when the coop door is opened. It's a good scheme and will make business for the doctors and undertakers.
    Little Fay Sears was taken suddenly ill Saturday night with spasms and for a time life was despaired of, but medical assistance being immediately called the little sufferer was soon made easier and is now getting on very nicely. The little one is the pet of the whole city, and her illness caused many an anxious inquiry.
    On Monday, August 28th, J. H. Stewart, the big fruit grower, will commence his work of packing Bartlett pears. He expects that ten carloads will be required to complete the pack. He will ship from Medford over the Southern Pacific to Portland and to the east over the Union Pacific--the eastern destination has not as yet been decided upon. The car will be iced here and will require about a ton of ice to the car.
    The chicken thief is making heavy demands on the chicken houses in Medford. George Merriman is shy about twenty spring chickens and I. A. Merriman also lost a few dozen one night last week. But what hurts Ike a little harder than the loss of his chickens is that he, being in the poultry business, was called upon to buy these same chickens again a few days later, and from the person whom he had every  reason to believe had stolen them.
    The editor that wouldn't print a paper in the Rogue River Valley, and more particularly in Medford, and be glad of the chance, is of a far different cut than the publishers of The Mail. The land is a most bountiful one and many of its products reach this office. A box of very large, mellow and decidedly luscious peach plums from E. G. Hurt, red, black and wine berries, that would tempt the goddess of epicure, from E. P. Hammond and blackberries which measured one and a half inches in length and two inches in circumference from G. W. Crystal were a part of this week's diet at the Mail office. All these delicacies for the sustenance of the inner man and a bouquet nearly the size of an half bushel measure, and made up of the most delicate, rare and fragrant flowers any print shop was ever presented with, from Mrs. C. J. Howard, brings out again the expression, who wouldn't be a Medford newspaper man?
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, August 18, 1893, page 3

Lewis Shideler to E. B. Pickel and Mattie E. Pickel, ½ lot 14, and all of lots 15, 16, 17, 18, blk 67; Medford . . . 600
B. F. Cummons to Elizabeth Cummons, lot 2, blk 33; Medford . . . 30
A. Garrick to Thomas A. Work, lots 5, 6, blk 75; Medford . . . 10
Same to same, lots 1, 2, 3, blk 76; Medford . . . 10
J. K. Darnell to Caroline D. Mickey, lots 3, 4, blk 48; Medford . . . 550
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, August 18, 1893, page 3

    Pastor T. H. Stephens has just closed his first year's labor with the Medford Baptist Church. Following is a summary of the year's work: Total number of members received, seventeen; total amount of money raised and expended for all branches of church work, $1,234.80; number of services held, 308; average attendance at regular Sunday service, 70; prayer meeting, 20; Sunday school, 52; number sermons preached during the year, 128. The pastor has made 210 visits; distributed 541 pages of religious literature. The church is in a fairly prosperous condition. The present pastor has an indefinite call to serve this church, and the present relationship will continue as long as the indications of providence are favorable and mutual satisfaction exists.

"Among the Churches," Medford Mail, August 18, 1893, page 3

    N. A. Jacobs left Tuesday morning for a two weeks' outing at Colestin. No person deserves a good time more than Nute, and The Mail hopes he has it. A few weeks of solid rest will better fit him for his year of hard school work soon to commence.
    Traveling Passenger Agent Jones, of the Southern Pacific, was in Medford Sunday and Monday on business. When here he made it a special mission to renew acquaintance with Dr. Geary and talk over old-time days when the S.P. was being constructed and the doctor was the company's surgeon.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 18, 1893, page 3

Dwelling House Burned.
    The incendiary fiend has again started his nefarious work, and once more every resident of Medford is in terror lest their residence may be the next upon which this wretch may vent his mania. Last season about this time began a series of conflagrations of mysterious origin, and last Monday night's fire would seem to indicate that we were this year to have a duplicate.
    The first fire of the season occurred last Monday night, and the flame's subject was the vacant residence house owned by G. R. Young and located near Mr. Beek's residence in the southwest part of Medford. The fire broke out between 10 and 11 o'clock at night, and in a very short time the structure was in ashes. As the building was outside the reach of the fire company, it was impossible to save any part of it. That the fire was of incendiary origin is not questioned by the neighbors. That $500 reward is awaiting an owner in any person who will cause the arrest of the man or boy who, upon trial, is convicted of setting a fire to any building in Medford.

Medford Mail,
August 18, 1893, page 3

    Upon the return of W. H. Mills from Oregon the San Francisco Chronicle published this article:
    "In company with a party of eastern and Portland capitalists he has been viewing a lot of timber land lying east of Ashland and Medford belonging to the Southern Pacific. These capitalists propose to build a railroad through that region from Medford to Klamath Falls, and were negotiating for the purchase of the Southern Pacific's timber lands. It was Mr. Mills' business as land agent for the company to grade the lands.
    "The negotiations were satisfactorily concluded, a price set and accepted, and the purchasers given until the 31st of August to make a further examination. The transaction is a large one, involving the sale of between 45,000 and 50,000 acres of splendid sugar pine land. If it is finally consummated a great lumbering enterprise will be inaugurated.
    "The proposed road will pass through a basin containing at least 300,000 acres of the choicest sugar pine. The growth is dense and the trees of great height and size. This magnificent tract of timber can be made marketable by the proposed road, which will also furnish an outlet to Lost Valley, in eastern Oregon. Lost Valley is about 60 miles long and from 10 to 20 wide, with a very fertile soil.
    "The trade of the region thus to be opened up will go to Portland, as the haul that way will be shorter and the grades lighter. Coming this way, the heavy grades of the Siskiyou Mountains have to be climbed. Going north they are avoided. Were the road to tap the Pitt Mountain and Klamath Falls country to connect with the Southern Pacific on this side of the Siskiyou Mountains at or near Castle Crag, the trade would come to San Francisco. Making the connection on the other side somewhere in the Rogue River Valley diverts it to Portland. That is why Portland capitalists are backing the scheme. In furtherance of this idea the condition that the Southern Pacific shall not make a lower rate from the point of junction to San Francisco is attached to the sale of the timber lands."
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1893, page 2

    John C. Cox, et al., to W. I. Vawter; lot 13, blk 47, Medford; $200.
    Mary E. and W. B. Roberts to J. S. Schutz; 5 acres in twp 37s, r1w; $750.
    Cora E. and L. M. Lyon to Jane Hooker; 6.31 acres in twp 37s, r2w; $600.
    Lewis Shideler to E. B. Pickel; property in Medford; $600.
    B. F. Cummons to Elizabeth Cummons; lot 2, blk 3, Medford; $30.
    Orchard Home Ass'n. to Geo. S. Marsh; lots 1 and 2, blk 4, Ass'n. tract; $700.
    A. Gomek to Thos. A. Work; lots 5 and 6, blk 75, Medford; $10.
    Same to same; lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 76, Medford; $10.
    Jno. W. Short to Garl T. Jones; 4 acres in twp 37s, r1w; $3500.
    S. H. Duffield to W. D. Sutherlin; land in twp 37s, r4w; $2500.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1893, page 2

    Harvest is at is zenith and is turning out better than expected.
    Hay is selling for six dollars per ton in the stack at Sams Valley.
    C. Carr and his newly made wife of Foots Creek have returned from California and are at Medford.
    Flour has tumbled in price and is quoted at $16 a thousand. It will probably go lower as harvest progresses.
    Jas. Leonard, who was formerly engaged in business at Medford, is now in the employ of Wm. Naucke at Kerbyville and doing well.
    The circus will soon be in the land to gather the remaining shekels. The flaming posters and the loud-sounding advertisements are already in the accustomed places.
    Watermelons have made their appearance in town. There was a large acreage planted in melons this year, and the shipment from the valley will be greater than ever. Southern Oregon excels in this product.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1893, page 3

    Geo. Mickey and wife were at the county seat on Monday. They are now located at Medford.
    It is announced that Col. Robt. A. Miller and Mrs. Sarelia Grubbe of Salem will soon enter the holy bonds of matrimony. Joy and prosperity be with them.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1893, page 3

    Keep away from the circus. Spend your money for some better purpose.
    Medford will soon have electric lights, and Jacksonville will probably be included in the system about to be inaugurated.
    Don't attend the circus. It is a colossal humbug and does not merit patronage. The representations made on the big posters are false and misleading.
    Miss Kate Plymale accompanied a party of Medford people, among whom were Mrs. Horace Nicholson, Miss Brous and Gabe Plymale, on a two weeks' trip to Crater Lake, leaving Medford last Tuesday.
    According to the Klamath Falls Express the old survey as made by Hon. Jesse D. Applegate across the Cascades in the early '70s will most probably be adopted by the prospectors of the contemplated railroad line from Medford to Klamath Falls, Or. The route is most plausible, as it has an easy grade up Butte Creek to the plateaus in the neighborhood of Fish Lake and Lost Prairie, Buck Lake, Aspen Lake, and thence to the Klamath Basin.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1893, page 3

    J. North and his newly made wife have gone to Roseburg to permanently locate. We wish them much joy and prosperity.
    Roseburg's electric light plant is about to be removed to Medford, which ranks as one of the most progressive and enterprising towns south of Portland.
    A small building in the southwestern part of town, belonging to Geo. R. Young of California, was burned last Tuesday evening. It was unoccupied, and the origin of the fire is unknown.
    Frank Wait has two teams engaged in hauling flour from Grants Pass to Waldo for A. A. Davis, who secured the contract for furnishing H. Gasquet with 110,000 pounds thereof.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1893, page 3

A Big Real Estate Deal.
    For the past few weeks there has been in progress of negotiation a real estate deal in this locality which is of no small proportions, and last Monday week the transfer was made. The tract of land is located twelve miles north of Medford, known as the Pat Donegan ranch, and embraces 4200 acres of as fine land as the Rogue River Valley possesses. The land was in the Hamilton & Palm real estate agency for sale, and to them is due the credit of locating at least fifty families in the valley, as it was to a colony of Polish people from Portland and Nebraska that the land was sold. The price paid was $33,660. Surveyors are now at work subdividing the land into tracts of eighty acres each and upon which will be located a family of Polanders. The land in question is said to be very productive and is adapted to both agricultural pursuits and fruit culture. Twenty families of these settlers are expected to arrive within a very few days and begin the erection of dwelling houses and barns. Messrs. Hamilton & Palm have agreed to build a suitable school house and church for the settlers, and they will soon begin work upon the same.
    It is deals of such importance as the above which tends greatly to the fast development of our country and to none others is the credit in this instance, as in many more, due but to Messrs. Hamilton & Palm. The real estate deals made by these gentlemen speak volumes of praise for their straightforward manner of doing business.
Medford Mail, August 25, 1893, page 2

    The Halley brick block is ready for the roof.
    W. E. Phipps, brother of Rev. [E. E.] Phipps, has engaged to teach the Neil School, near Ashland.
    Shawver & Nicholson have secured the contractor for erecting L. C. Shideler's residence in the Barr addition.
    W. J. Fredenburg has closed his fence manufactory on C Street and moved the machinery to his residence, corner of F and Eleventh streets.
    Wanted:--Ladies to canvass for me. Agents can make from six to twelve dollars per week. Address Mrs. J. H. Faris, manager of branch office for the Women's Co-Operative Toilet Co., Medford, Ore. Lock box 74.
    Haskins, the druggist, has a new ad this week. He also has a new sign, "The Mortar,"--on Seventh Street. You can't miss seeing it if you wanted to and Mr. Haskins don't want you if you could.
    Scott Morris was exhibiting a newfangled fence machine on the streets last week. It makes a fence similar to the Fredenburg style, but it is made in the field as fast as you want to use it.
    Messrs. Weeks & Orr have sold their crop of Bartlett pears to Portland parties and next week they will commence picking. They expect to have between six and eight carloads--all of which will be shipped to Chicago direct.
    Wm. Simmons, the recent purchaser of the C Street Second Hand Store, wants us to tell the people that they can be found at the old stand and always ready to sell a good new or second-hand article cheaper than you can get it at any other place in Medford.
    Next Monday Messrs. Cranfill & Hutchison will begin moving the Smith stock of goods to the old store building on Front Street, and as soon thereafter as a new floor can be put in to their Seventh Street store they will open up their new stock of goods.
    Many of the ranchers are beginning to shape their business in such a manner as will enable them to move their families to Medford now pretty soon in order that their children may attend our public schools. A good school is appreciated everywhere--and Medford possesses that article.
    Landlord Purdin has instituted a little Chinese exclusion act all by himself. He now employs only white help--and his boarders haven't been heard to enter a protest. White help is preferable to Chinese in almost any capacity and we ought to encourage the deportation of the latter by not employing them.
    L. C. Shideler has purchased a two-acre tract of land in the Barr addition to Medford and will at once commence the erection of a dwelling house and is now at work fencing the same. The property is located in a very desirable neighborhood--just south of M. Maule's place and right close to Mr. Fawcett's residence.
    A. E. Anderson has purchased block sixty-five in Medford original townsite--except one lot. The consideration was $550 and the deal made through Hamilton & Palm's real estate agency. Mr. Anderson is figuring on the possible erection of a residence thereupon sometime not far distant. He will also purchase another tract of six acres of land in the Orchard Home.
    The Medford electric light plant proposition, spoken of in The Mail a few weeks ago, has gone by the boards. Mr. Sharpe, the promised promoter, has decided to put in a plant at Roslyn. Mr. Sharpe is the kind of a gentleman who would be a credit to Medford both in a business and social way and we dislike very much that things have so shaped themselves.
    Benj. Eggleston will open a produce and commission house in Medford next Monday. He will pay highest market price, in cash, for apples, eggs and poultry. Mr. Eggleston is far from being a stranger in this locality, he having bought produce in both Medford and Ashland for a number of years. He is located on South C Street opposite the Halley brick block. See ad in this paper next week.
    D. S. Youngs has sold his store and stock of goods, on C Street, to Wm. Simmons. Mr. Simmons is the gentleman who some few months ago was in the hardware business in Medford. He is a good, thorough businessman, and if such a good citizen as Mr. Youngs must retire no better man could take his place than Mr. Simmons. Mr. Youngs has a nicely located resident lot near Mr. Davis' residence, which he is desirous of disposing of before going east.
    The Mail's job office has been kept pretty busy this week. Envelopes for J. A. Whitman, the gentleman who packs and ships heap plenty of Southern Oregon's delicious fruits; letterheads for Weeks & Orr, the gentlemen who grow fruit of a superior quality and in immense quantities; posters, certificates and programs for the Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion, which is to be held in Medford on September 19, 20, 21 and 22; letterheads, envelopes and cards for G. L. Davis, who has just opened a produce house on C Street in Medford, and who buys all the eggs and poultry the farmer may bring in--and pays cash for them.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, August 25, 1893, page 3

August 25, 1893 Medford Mail
August 25, 1893 Medford Mail

A New Place of Worship.
    Situated on West Seventh Street and directly across the street from the public school building is the new M. E. Church South. It is a most beautiful structure, presenting so neat an architectural construction on the outside that while it covers not many acres of ground it nevertheless attracts much attention and pleasant comment. "It's a little beauty" is the general expression. Inside it is divided into an audience and class room and vestibule, and when completed it will be a beauty inside as well as out. It is expected the edifice will be completed by September 13th, upon which date the Western and Southern Oregon Conference will meet in this city, and at that time the church will be dedicated. The church will have a membership of something over twenty and the indications for good church work seems very promising. The present pastor is Rev. R. A. Reagan, who resides at Grants Pass and has charge of the field in that city as well as in Medford. Presiding Elder H. S. Shangle informs us that it is expected Bishop O. P. Fitzgerald, of Atlanta, Georgia, will be at the conference and will address the assembly.
Medford Mail, August 25, 1893, page 3

    Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison returned last Saturday from their extended visit in the East. They report having had a delightful trip but [are] not at all loath to return again to the land of the glorious Rogue.
    Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Anderson and child, of Billings, Montana, are in Medford for a few days' visit. These people are old friends of W. E. McCauley, of this city. Mr. Anderson is a passenger conductor on the N.P. and is also the owner of land in the Orchard Home. He is an almighty fine fellow to meet, and The Mail hopes his interests in Medford ere long will become so extended as to require his continued personal attention.  He tells us that several of his friends up in Montana are talking of investing in Orchard Home property. If they are all of the same cut as himself and Mac. we will be glad to welcome them.
    G. W. White, of Fair Haven, Washington, has been in Medford for the past week or more looking up a location, and judging from his real estate purchases he has found what he was after. He has purchased two acres of ground from Porter & Johnson, east of Bear Creek, and has also purchased the business lot and buildings, on Seventh Street, from D. T. Pritchard. Mr. Pritchard, however, will not retire from business but will rent the business from Mr. White. It is Mr. White's intention to return to Medford and establish himself as a permanent resident, next spring.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 25, 1893, page 3

Silas J. Day et al., trustees to Michael Briggs, ½ acre land near Medford . . . 1
C. C. Beekman to August E. Anderson, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, blk 64; Medford . . . 550
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, August 25, 1893 supplement, page 1

    J. H. Redfield was at Grants Pass this week, sporting his silver medal.
    Some sickness is prevailing in town, but no fatal cases are reported so far.
    Ed. Pottenger has recovered from a two weeks' spell of sickness and is about again.
    I. Skeeters returned from Josephine County this week, much improved in health.
    H. Oviatt and O. Holtan are spending a few weeks in prospecting in Josephine County.
    Mrs. Nettie Harris expects to leave for Canada in a short time, to visit her late husband's mother.
    The Medford Brewing Co. has engaged the services of a brewer in Portland, who will arrive here during the week.
    Orrin Russell of Josephine County was here last Tuesday. He has been managing Wm. Bybee's mines in Josephine County.
    C. C. Beekman has sold a block of land in the northwestern portion of Medford to Mr. Anderson, a N.P. conductor. There are eleven lots, and the price paid was $550.
    Prof. M. E. Rigby of the Medford Business College was brutally assaulted and beaten by a plasterer, who had been in his employ. The fellow was arrested and fined, but not half enough.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 25, 1893, page 2

    Geo. Wallihan, representing the Orchard Home Association, spent several days in Jacksonville and Medford the forepart of the past week, accompanied by Mr. Anderson, a N.P.R.R. conductor, and his family.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 25, 1893, page 2

Poultry and Eggs Wanted.
    The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for poultry of all kinds; also eggs in any quantity. Office on C Street, back of Jackson County Bank.
GEO. L. DAVIS.           
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 25, 1893, page 3

Bound Over.
    Mr. Hess, who has been acting as brewer for the Medford Brewing Co., was arrested this week, charged with an assault with a dangerous weapon. Justice Dunlap was called upon to adjust the difficulty and held the defendant to answer, placing his bonds at $250, which were furnished.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 25, 1893, page 3

    There is a standing reward of $500 at Medford for the capture and conviction of incendiaries. It has had a good effect.
    Horace Pelton of Sams Valley brought a load of the finest watermelons we have seen so far this season to Jacksonville last week.
    The prune business will bring lots of money into southern Oregon. Plant a prune orchard and stop the cry of hard times.
    Our hop column tells of the first sale of this year's crop in London, at over 22¢. This should make hops in Oregon worth a fraction over 17¢. It is a very good starter for the new crop.
    O. L. Walden, our broom maker, was at Grants Pass last week and took a number of orders. He has a considerable quantity of fine broom corn growing in Miller's field alongside the road to Medford.
    Owing to the stagnation in the transportation and freighting business, the S.P.R. Co. has issued an order cutting down the number of working days of the men employed, which affects over 4,000 men. The shop men are given 4 days each week, of 8 hours, in place of 6 days, besides a dismissal of one-third of the force, which saves $100,000 per month.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 25, 1893, page 3

A Big Shipment.
    Hon. J. H. Stewart of Eden precinct, the well-known horticulturist, who has one of the largest and best orchards in the state, is getting ready to ship a trainload of his unsurpassed pears to the market of the northwestern and eastern states. It will be the most extensive shipment of fruit ever made from southern Oregon, and shows what may be expected in the future of this fruit-growing section. Besides this vast amount of pears, Mr. Stewart will have a large quantity of apples, to say nothing of melons, vegetables, etc., for sale. His example is worthy of emulation.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, August 25, 1893, page 3

    There is a standing reward of $500 at Medford, Or., for the capture and conviction of incendiaries.
"Current Coast Cullings," Woodland Daily Democrat, California, August 25, 1893, page 2

The Heavens Be Praised.
From the Eugene Register.
    The Kickapoo Medicine Company will close up shop and quit business today. They will pack their things and store them in this city, while the people will be discharged, some of them remaining here and some going east.
    This combination of money filchers were headed this way, and it is a kind providence which heads them off before they reach us. A gang of flour bin fakes, two circuses, and a defaulting county treasurer is quite as much of the fake infection as we can reasonably be expected to tolerate in one season.

Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 2

    Herman Lenhart, of Portland, is the new brewer at the Medford Brewing Company's establishment.
    Hamilton & Palm have purchased lot 10, block 1, Cottage addition to Medford, from a Mr. Prail, of Portland.
    Druggist Haskins is getting lumber on the ground preparatory to the erection of a new store building another spring.
    The picket fence factory was moved to East Seventh Street instead of Mr. Fredenburg's residence, as stated last week.
    The Medford Business College will open next Monday. The school will be conducted for a few weeks in the hall over the post office.
    A. D. Dodson has purchased an acre of land, being lot 7 block 38, original Medford, and we understand will erect a dwelling house upon it.
    The new ad of Benj. Eggleston appears in today's Mail. The gentleman is in the commission business and is open to all the trade that comes.
    Henry Hansen, who lives a couple of miles east of Medford, is happy to a superlative degree. There came to his home a bright little boy baby last Friday.
    The Smith stock of general merchandise was this week moved to the old store room on Front Street, where it is expected the remainder of the stock will be closed out.
    Messrs. Starr & Drisco have the cold storage building well under way. It is being built adjoining the Southern Oregon Packing House--and will be completed in thirty days.
    Jas. Stewart began the shipment of his crop of Bartlett pears last Tuesday. He will load and ship one car a day for at least fifteen days. The first shipments are being made to Chicago.
    Henry Pohlman, the gentleman who superintends the Orchard Home farm, has his new cottage residence nearly completed. It is a fine structure and is justly admired by all who see it.
    One week from next Monday, Sept. 11th, the Medford public school will open for another school year. If the school's success for the next year be a duplicate of the past there will be no kick coming.
    Robt. Galloway has severed his connection with the Angle & Plymale mercantile establishment and expects to attend the Medford public school the coming term. Gabe Plymale takes his place in the store.
    As a proof of the fact that there is still a demand for more tenement houses in Medford we have but to mention that before Mr. Lumsden's property on C Street had been vacated six hours there were six applicants to rent it.
    Jorgensen the Baker has an ad in today's Mail. The gentleman is opened for business on East Seventh Street and is having a good trade. His breadstuffs as well as pastry is said to be a fine article and is fully appreciated.
    Wm. Ulrich has a foundation laid for a new tenement house on North C Street, adjoining the property now occupied by the Messrs. Goldstone. It will be a duplicate of that building. C. W. Skeel & Son will put up the building.
    Spence Childers is preparing to burn a kiln of brick for use another spring in erecting a two-story brick block on C Street, just south of the Mail office. There will be some several brick blocks in this man's town if those that are now promised are built.
    J. D. Whitman has recently erected a new and improved fruit dryer at his fruit farm, which is said to be one of the best, if not THE best, designs yet brought out. It is an original design with Mr. W., and the dryer has a capacity of 3000 pounds of prunes per day.
    Last Monday in Judge Walton's court the case of assault and battery brought against Geary Johnson by Gotleib Hess was called for trial. Attorneys Vawter and Hammond appeared for plaintiff and W. W. Cardwell for defendant. Acquittal was the verdict brought by the jury.
    W. H. Parker has rented the Hutchison residence in West Medford and is now moving his family into the same. He has decided to make Medford his home for the future, notwithstanding the fact that he has had some very flattering propositions made him to enter into partnership with a big Portland law firm.
    M. S. Damon has been at work this week building a fruit drier for his own use. He has a two-acre orchard on B Street that is as fine as they grow 'em. Every tree is loaded with fine varieties of fruit. Some of the trees are so heavily loaded that many branches have been broken down by the fruit's great weight.
    Dr. Demorest is back from his vacation at McAllister Springs, and he wants us to say that people desiring any work in the dentistry line will find him at his post of duty at all hours of the day--in opera block, Medford. His brother, Dr. O. F. Demorest, has returned from his mountain trip and he too will soon resume office work.
    Dr. Pickel while out riding on his wheel Monday unfortunately, for himself, ran against a small boy who was standing on the sidewalk and was thrown to the walk, resulting in a sprained wrist for the doctor. The boy should have received the injury as he persisted in stepping in front of the wheel when the doctor turned out to pass him.
    There are houses of ill repute in Medford, and those respectable people who are so unfortunate as to be residents of the localities where these houses have been opened are justly indignant that such things should be tolerated, and it is to the end that the city council's attention may be called to their existence that the information is given us for publication. A wholesale arrest of these inmates and their patrons might be a means of lessening their number.
    Another good-sized real estate deal was brought about this week wherein Geo. Mitchell sells to G. P. Lindley his twenty-acre fruit farm situated across Bear Creek and about three-quarters of a mile from Medford. The entire twenty acres is put out to fruit and being so close to the city is a most desirable property. The price paid was $3300, and the sale was made through the agency of Porter & Johnson, Medford real estate dealers. Mr. Lindley is from Linton, Washington, and will doubtless move here for permanent residence.
    One good turn deserves another. A few weeks ago the boys about town were having a laugh on Bert Whitman for shooting ducks after life had been extinct for several hours, but we haven't heard of his "swiping" any green pumpkins thinking they were ripe watermelons, but that is what cashier Enyart did a few nights ago. He and Bert Whitman were out driving and Bert kept thinking how he was to get even on the duck deal when a happy thought struck him real hard. "Whoa! There are watermelons out there, Enyart, swipe 'em," and Bert pointed to a green field some distance from the road. Mr. Enyart proceeded to "swipe 'em," and after packing a couple of the largest melons he could find over two rail fences and a quarter of a mile of stubble ground he showed up at the place of starting. He then proceeded to carve, but the green pumpkin he carved and the ripe melon he thought he carved don't belong to the same vegetable family. Bert laughed and said something about duck, and then Enyart said something, but it wasn't a quotation from his Sunday school lesson leaf.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 3

    C. O. Damon and family arrived in Medford yesterday from Elkton, Oregon, and will reside in this city hereafter.
    G. W. White left Tuesday evening for his home in Washington. He expects to return in about three weeks with his family and will from then on be one of us.
    Merchant S. Rosenthal left Medford Monday evening for a three months' visit with relatives and friends in New York City. His Medford friends will wish him a pleasant trip and will extend a hearty welcome upon his return.
    John Redfield was summoned to Grants Pass last week to give expert testimony in the Slagle-Josephs murder trial. John being a gunsmith of renowned reputation, he is ofttimes called to give testimony where firearms are used as the instrument of assault.
    R. W. Gray, of Prospect, was doing business in Medford Monday. He reports things mighty busy out his way. Says he will soon have a shingle mill in operation on Mill Creek and that he expects to get out a good article and further expects to find sale for all the work he can turn out.
    Mrs. A. M. Wright and two children, of McFall, Missouri, arrived in Medford last Thursday. Mr. Wright has been stopping in Medford for the past few months and working at carpentering. They are now keeping house in the Lumsden property on C Street, recently vacated by Mrs. Parsons.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilkinson, of Live Oak, Calif., were in Medford a few days this week gleaning notes for a write-up of the Rogue River Valley, to be published in a Sutter County, California newspaper. Mr. W. is an invalid and moves about by means of a large invalid's chair on wheels. These people were accompanied by J. W. McGraw, an attendant.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 3

Daniel S. Youngs to William H. Simmons, lot 2, blk 22; Medford . . . 1,800
Simon Rosenthal and W. I. Vawter et al., to G. W. White, lot No. 12, blk 13; Medford . . . 1,000
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 3

    Zip [the Lake Creek correspondent] can hardly breathe for the stifling smoke. If we had power over the miscreants who are applying the torch all over Oregon--well, perhaps it would not be prudent to say what we would do, but we will venture to say we would be tempted to a rigid enforcement of the law against such wicked criminals.

"Lake Creek Creeklets," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893 supplement, page 1

    Mr. Hess, the brewer, has gone to Portland, but will return on Saturday.
    The beer manufactured by our brewery is of an excellent quality and gives general satisfaction.
    Miss Maggie Tice has returned from North Yamhill, where she has been living since last November.
    We are sorry to hear that Walter Tice is seriously ill with consumption, and is not expected to survive long.
    Mrs. Ira Phelps and children arrived from North Yamhill on Wednesday, for permanent residence. They will soon be joined by Mr. P., who has sold his newspaper plant.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 1, 1893, page 2

    W. H. Barr to Lewis Shideler; property in Medford. $400.
    C. C. Beekman to August E. Anderson; lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12, blk 65, Medford. $550.
    D. S. Youngs to W. H. Simmons; lot 2, blk 22, Medford. $1800.
    A. S. Johnson to G. W. White; property in Medford. $600.
    W. I. Vawter, et al., to G. W. White; lot 12, blk 13, Medford. $1000.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 1, 1893, page 2

    MEDFORD has no photographer--just think of it! A city with a population of over two thousand people and no photographer. The Mail editor is not so handsome that he desires particularly to be focused, but there are a whole lot of good-looking girls and boys, whose ages range all the way from the cradle to pretty close to the grave, in this city who would look well in a frame but--no photographer no picture, no picture no frame. If some good, reliable artist will anchor a base right here in Medford and can prove by his work that he is a workman worthy the hire he will do a good business. No fakes need apply--our people have been bilked quite aplenty.
Medford Mail, September 8, 1893, page 2

    "Medford is the liveliest town in the valley"--is an expression used by all visitors to our queen city. The streets present a lively scene these times. Ranchers' wagons are seen coming from all directions loaded with with sacks of grain and heaped high up with fruit. Verily, Medford is indeed a metropolis.
    There are few idle working men in Medford right now--no excuse for being idle with all this bountiful fruit crop being harvested, yet there are plenty laborers to handle the work--we don't need any outside assistance. We are a little family of ourselves and our people patronize the laboring man who is a member of this family--no transients get employment, only in emergencies.
    Medford has no photographer--just think of it! A city with a population of over two thousand people and no photographer. The Mail editor is not so handsome that he desires particularly to be focused, but there are a whole lot of good-looking boys and girls whose ages range all the way from the cradle to pretty close to the grave, in this city who would look well in a frame but--no photographer no picture, no picture no frame. If some good, reliable artist will anchor a base right here in Medford and can prove by his work that he is a workman worthy the hire he will do a good business. No fakes need apply--our people have been bilked quite aplenty.
Editorial, Medford Mail, September 8, 1893, page 3

Wedding Bells.
    Gus Newbury and Miss Nellie Rose were united in matrimony at the residence of Mrs. S. Colver in Phoenix last Wednesday evening. The old historic parlor, which has been the scene of so many like events in the past, and around whose walls cluster so many remembrances of pioneer days, was handsomely decorated for the occasion. The marriage ceremony, simple and yet impressive, was performed by Rev. Robt. Ennis of Jacksonville. The toilette of the bride was handsome and greatly admired. When congratulations were over the guests sat down to a table laden with the choicest delicacies of the season. Mrs. Colver had left nothing undone to make the occasion a decided success, and succeeded admirably. The young couple were the recipients of a number of beautiful presents, tokens of the well wishes of the favored few who were present. Mr. and Mrs. Newbury are well and favorably known throughout southern Oregon, and the event was a pleasant surprise to their many friends, whose sentiments we speak when we say that all join in the wish and confidence that the new home may be a happy one, attended by prosperity and through whose portals no shadow of sorrow may ever come.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, September 1, 1893, page 3

    Harvest is approaching an end in southern Oregon. Crops are turning out better than expected, and the yield will be fully an average one.
    Robt. Ralph, formerly of Ashland, but now living at Gazelle, Calif., demurs because the Medford Mail said he was a tramp and was sent to the insane asylum. His name was confounded with Robt. Rolph, a genuine hobo, who was sent to Salem by the authorities of this county; that's all.
    The R.R.V.R.R. Co., through its representative, W. S. Barnum, has suspended the midday trip heretofore made between Jacksonville and Medford, as the business would not justify its continuance. It is to be hoped that the suspension will be only temporary, as the one o'clock train was quite a convenience.
    The wife of T. F. Atterberry of Table Rock precinct died on Sunday last, of dysentery, aged about 45 years. She was a sister of Dr. A. C. Stanley of Gold Hill, with whom she came to this county from California a number of years ago. Mrs. Atterberry was a lady of many estimable qualities, and her untimely death is regretted by many.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 1, 1893, page 3

    A. H. Maegly and family will arrive from Portland Sunday morning, to enjoy Rogue River Valley's fine fruit and climate. Mr. M. will remain in Jacksonville until Monday, but his family will make an extended visit with relatives and friends before returning.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 1, 1893, page 3

    The following programme has been arranged for the southern Oregon soldiers' and sailors' reunion, which will be held at Medford on Sept. 19, 20, 21 and 22, 1893:
    Day Session.--1st. Reception at depot and escort to camp by the post and women's relief corps of Medford; assignment of quarters to members and their families, by quartermaster; registering and signing roll with adjutant. At 2 o'clock grand parade and inspection. Four o'clock, bicycle race, for premium ribbons; first red, second white, third blue.
    Evening Session.--Entertainment by the ladies of the W.R.C. of Medford, at the opera house, to wit: Singing, male quartets; prayer, Rev. T. H. Stevens; address of welcome, Mayor Vawter; response, F. M. Stewart, district commander; singing, male quartet; musical entertainment, Medford band; reading of orders.
    Day Session.--Salute at sunrise; roll call and guard mount at 6:30 o'clock; eight o'clock, skirmish drill, Company D, Ashland national guards; grand parade to and from depot at 9:30, assembling at grandstand afterward; music by band; prayer, Rev. Alex S. Foster; ten minutes' talk, Hon. H. B. Miller, of Grants Pass; oration, E. B. McElroy, state superintendent of schools. The afternoon will be taken up by the Medford rod and gun club's first annual shooting tournament. Six o'clock, dress parade, inspection by department and district commanders.
    Evening Session.--Campfire, opened by Hon. W. S. Crowell of Jacksonville and Abe Axtell of Grants Pass.
    Day Session.--Salute at sunrise, seven o'clock, roll call; from eight o'clock until twelve, gun club shoot; at 2:30 o'clock, at the pavilion, there will be a ten minutes' talk by J. C. Cooper, department commander; prayer, Rev. E. E. Phipps; oration, Rev. Robt. McLean, of Grants Pass, "One of the Boys," followed by numerous other speeches; four o'clock, game of baseball, old "vets" of Grants Pass and Ashland; 6:30 o'clock, dress parade, inspection by officers of the association.
    Evening Session.--Campfire, opened by the commander of Burnside Post, Ashland, followed by others.
    9:30 o'clock, location of next reunion; ten o'clock, election of officers; eleven o'clock, reading of bylaws as compounded by the committees appointed for this purpose at Grants Pass, Ashland and Medford; adoption of code of bylaws to govern the association in the future; also any other business that may properly come before the association.
    Tents, fuel and straw will be furnished free to old soldiers and sailors and their families. Those wishing return certificates, at one-third fare, as per agreement with the S.P. Company, can secure them at any time during the encampment by applying at the adjutant's headquarters. This applies to all who attend the reunion.
    F. M. STEWART, District Commander.
    J. R. ERFORD, District Adjutant.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 1, 1893, page 3

    Benj. Eggleston is doing a pretty good business in the purchase of fruit.
    Every nook and corner of this whole valley is filled to overflowing with fruit.
    Mrs. Sayers, the music teacher, has changed her residence from South C Street to Sixth Street, between B and C.
    Charley Damon and family are arranging to commence housekeeping in their residence, corner D and Eleventh streets.

    The S.P. pay car passed through Medford last Friday, and the boys soon after were jingling the yellow coin. They were all paid off in gold.

    Contractor Wood is pushing the construction of the Stewart residence in west Medford and the same will soon be ready for occupancy.
    Mr. Shiner is moving his family into the Edwards residence, corner of D and Sixth streets. The gentleman is thinking quite strongly of going into business in Medford.
    C. W. Wolters has been ill with inflammation of the bowels for the past few days. He is reported better today. No face is more missed from the business haunts than is Charlie's.
    Postmaster Howard's fine, new residence on C Street is fast taking on shape like unto a well-arranged dwelling. Contractor Cofer is getting in some of his best work on this job.
    Ed. Wilkinson is building an addition to both his packing and smoke houses--just doubling their size. Mr. Darnell is doing the carpenter work. Ed. proposes to buy all the hogs in sight this fall.
    J. H. Thorndike was making a vigorous kick in our office Wednesday because some fellow has fallen into the habit of milking his cow at noonday. A tourist printer, in the office at the time, suggested that as a remedy he pasture her a little farther from the railroad.
    That little thunder shower of Monday night was a surprise to everybody. J. R. Erford claims 'twas the result of those several cannon shots fired Monday evening, and he is now figuring on how he can get in a royalty as a rain producer--wants to raise money to pay off Jacksonville's claim for having closeted the cannon so cleverly since '59.
    J. B. Wrisley, residing a short distance north of Medford, is a tiller of the soil of no small caliber. He grows everything--and everything he grows is big. He has a field of corn which promises a most abundant yield. Nearly all the ears--and the stalks are well eared--measure twelve or fourteen inches in length and some measure sixteen inches.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 8, 1893, page 3

    A. S. Johnson to G. W. White, property in Medford . . . 6,000
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, September 8, 1893, page 3

    K. Kubli left Sunday for the Harvard University, at which place he will take a two years' law course. Mr. Kubli is an unusually bright young man, and The Mail feels assured of the fact that he will crown himself with new laurels at Harvard and will return to Oregon to be one of its most brilliant attorneys.
    Dr. E. B. Pickel and wife left Tuesday evening for a visit with relatives at Chattanooga, Tenn., after which they will go to Chicago, where the doctor will take a course of lectures in the line of his profession. They expect to be absent about eight months.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 8, 1893, page 3

    Mr. Cobb, a newcomer, lost his infant child a few days ago, of cholera infantum.
    A child belonging to an emigrant died at this place a few days since, of summer complaint.
    W. H. Parker, Esq., the well-known attorney, has removed to Medford with his family. We are always pleased to receive such accessions.
    Dr. Allen Griffiths of San Francisco lectured on theosophy at the opera house on Wednesday evening. He handled his subject with ability and interested his audience very much.
    Grandma Childers, who had her hip broken some time since, never rallied from her injuries, and died one day during the past week. She was over 80 years of age and had many friends.
    S. Rosenthal, our popular clothier, has gone east to pay his relatives a visit and take a peep at the World's Fair. It is whispered that for many years he has been engaged in a correspondence with one of the fair daughters of New York City and may fall a victim to her charms. Anyhow, his many friends hope that he will have a nice time.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 8, 1893, page 2

Wandered Away.
    The Ellensburgh (Wash.) Capital says that "Dr. C. Minnis, of Portland, who is visiting relatives in Ellensburgh for his health, wandered away last Tuesday morning while in demented condition, and although a vigorous search was kept up steadily no trace of him could be found. The next morning he returned and said when he came to himself he was about 17 miles up the railroad track. He had had nothing to eat during the 24 hours, but otherwise was none the worse for his wandering." He formerly lived in Medford.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 8, 1893, page 3

    Wonder if it is because the district fair is going on at Roseburg that rain fell this week.
    Jupiter Pluvius has come to the assistance of our street sprinkler and gives it a temporary vacation.
    Corn will be benefited some by the rain, although not nearly so much as if it had fallen several weeks ago.
    Fruit-growers of southern Oregon are disposing of peaches in the Crescent City market at 90 cents a box. Three wagonloads went over last week. This region produces the finest peaches on the coast. We have often wondered why the people of this section have not erected a cannery.
    John O'Brien of Applegate has a fine alfalfa meadow, from which he expected to obtain a large quantity of superior seed for market. He was doomed to disappointment, however, as the grasshoppers took possession and stripped the blossoms off nearly the whole of it. As there would have otherwise been several thousand pounds of seed, Mr. O'Brien's loss is a considerable one.
    The new postal money orders to be provided by the government will soon be issued. In the new system there will be no complication. Sheets will be issued calling for amounts from one cent to $3, which can be torn off to suit the purchaser. The postmaster will have no writing to do on it, the sender simply endorsing it the same as a check or a draft. One cent will pay the charges on any amount up to $3, instead of three cents, as now.
    Nearly thirty females have been employed at Hon. J. H. Stewart's farm near Phoenix the past few weeks, in wrapping and packing Bartlett pears for the eastern and northwestern markets. The product of the entire orchard of sixty acres has been purchased by F. H. Page & Son at 1½ cents per pound and is of the finest quality. As about fifteen carloads will be shipped, Mr. Stewart will receive about $4000 gross for his pears. He is one of the most prominent, painstaking and intelligent horticulturists on the coast, and well merits his success.
    The price of lumber is very low in the markets of the world, and there is little sale for it even then. The extensive plant of Hobbs, Wall & Co., Del Norte County, Cal., has been running on a losing scale, and they were on the verge of closing it down indefinitely. Before doing so, however, the management went to the employees and requested them to form some plan that would be the means of keeping the mill running. A cut of 10 percent in wages was agreed upon, and work is progressing.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 8, 1893, page 3

    Orchard Home Association to Chas. E. Werst; lots 19 & 22, blk 3. $500.
    Eneas McLean to Fred. W. Waschau; lot 4, blk 4, Barr's add. to Medford. $900.
    Spencer Childers to Roberts & O'Neil; property in Medford. $900.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 8, 1893, page 3

Shooting Tournament at Medford
    There will be a shooting tournament at Medford Thursday and Friday of next week, during the G.A.R. encampment. The programme consists of twelve matches, as follows: Ten singles, 20 singles, 9 singles and 3 pairs, 25 singles, team shoot at 10 singles per man, 20 singles, 25 singles, 12 singles and 2 pairs, 20 singles, team shoot at 6 singles and 2 pairs, 15 singles and 10 singles. The American Association rules for 1893 govern the shoot. A rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip has been secured between Portland and Ashland. The shoot will be given by the Medford Rod and Gun Club, and a cordial invitation is extended all lovers of the gun.
Roseburg Plaindealer, September 14, 1893, page 3

    That Medford is truly the business center of the great Rogue River Valley cannot be made more apparent than by an observation of the great number of teams seen tied to the several hitching places about town. Last Saturday was an exceptionally lively day. Every available hitching place for teams in the city was occupied. Eighth Street was lined with teams on either side, while C, Seventh and D streets wore the appearance of Wall Street, only ours were peopled with silver advocates instead of gold bugs. The popularity which Medford is gaining for herself as a trading center is the envy of all neighbors, but the ranchers near and far have gotten onto the way we do business and here is where they congregate. Fair, honest and liberal dealing are merits fully appreciated, and the reward which our city is now reaping is the result of this sort of treatment.
Editorial, Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 2

A Couple More Conflagrations.
    The incendiary fiend is still with us and is getting in his work at various parts of the city. Last Tuesday evening when Wallace Woods was returning from church, a few minutes past 9 o'clock, and when passing a shed, formerly used for storing lumber, near the Clarenden Hotel, he discovered the building to be on fire and quickly gave the alarm. The fire company was soon on the ground and had a stream of water plying on the flames, which squelched them before any great damage was done. The fire started in a pile of hay in the west end of the building, and as it was in the extreme outer edge of the pile, it could not have been from heated hay, and no other theory as to its origin than incendiarism can be arrived at. The building belongs to G. W. Bashford, and is being used by J. A. Whitman as a stable. His horse was in the stable at the time of the fire, and had not Mr. Woods turned the animal out when the fire was first discovered, it would have soon smothered to death. The prompt and efficient work of the fire company is being most favorably commented on.
    When Art Nicholson was returning home from the first fire, about 12 o'clock, and when passing John Redden's barn, he saw smoke coming therefrom, and upon investigating discovered a lot of straw and chaff in one of the mangers to be on fire. A few pails of water soon put out the flames, and another conflagration was arrested. This fire also was the work of an incendiary. That $500 reward is still being offered by the citizens to the person who causes to be convicted anyone caught setting incendiary fires.
Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 2

A New Law Firm.
    There isn't as much litigation in this city of Medford as one would naturally expect in a place of its size, but it is necessary that there be attorneys to do what business in that line there is going. A new law firm has been formed and their shingle will soon be swaying in the soft zephyrs of Oregon's Italy. The members are A. S. Hammond and Judge Webster. Neither of these gentlemen are novices in the law business, both having been practitioners at the bar for a number of years, and as they are well and favorably known in both Jackson and Josephine counties, it is safe to guess that they will handle their share of the work. They have office rooms in Odd Fellows' block--the three front ones, recently vacated by Dr. Pickel, and Miss Weaver--and they are now being fitted up in fine shape.
Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 2

    Judge Webster will occupy the Brandenburg residence, on Sixth Street, when vacated.
    Prof. Rigby has moved his school to the new business college, and the school now bids fair to be a flourishing institution.
Fetsch the Tailor ad, Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 2
Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 2
    That is a well-gotten-up ad--that one of Fetsch, the tailor, and is the handiwork of Alva E. Danielson, the boy printer.
    Eli Hogan, the Front Street tinner, has contracted to manufacture 6,000 lard pails for the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company.
    The Medford Distilling and Refining Company will store wheat for ranchers who have no store-room on their farms.
    The dedication of the new M. E. church, south of this city, will take place next Sunday at 11 o'clock a.m. Sermon by Bishop O. P. Fitzgerald, D.D., of Atlanta, Ga.
    Shawver & Nicholson began work yesterday morning on the new residence of L. E. Shideler. The main building will be 14x26, with two wings each 16x19 and all two stories high. There will also be two porches.
    Goodman C. Noble, the East Seventh Street shoemaker, has an ad on the first page of this week's Mail. Mr. Noble is a first-class workman in his line, and, as he guarantees his work, he is getting a good share of the city's trade.
    Bid adieu to that gloomy countenance. Brace up and walk down the street with the old-time snap. These are hard times, but it will do no good to cry your eyes out over the matter. So look pleasant and help cheer up the other fellow. These times won't last long.
    East Medford's population is increasing, and the particular spot of increase is at the pleasant home of Myron Skeel, when last week Wednesday there arrived a dandy little baby of the female sex. Mother and child doing nicely.

    The Polish people who recently purchased, as a colony, the Donegan ranch, are beginning to arrive from Nebraska. Last week J. Zombra and family showed up at the ranch, as did also the family of Mr. Kott. The head of the latter household has been stopping hereabouts for several weeks.
    J. A. Whitman shipped a carload of apples to Tacoma last Saturday. This was the first apple shipment of the season, and the varieties of fruit were the Gravenstein and twenty-ounce Pippins. They were a fine specimen of the apples from here, and ought to bring a good price in the Sound country.
    G. R. and G. P. Lindley and their families are now nicely settled on their recent purchase, the Mitchell farm, and all hands are turning themselves loose in making repairs and fixing things up generally. These people are from New Whatcom, Washington, and are just the stamp of the truly American people to whom we all feel extending a hearty welcome.
    It does not require an overly keen eye to notice the big ad of Cranfill & Hutchison, on the opposite page. These gentlemen have recently opened their entirely new stock, which is undoubtedly as well assorted and complete a line of general merchandise as was ever brought to Medford. Their store is very nicely fitted throughout, and their goods are very attractive.
    Wm. Ulrich has been granted permission by the city council to put in two stone crosswalks. This is done as an experiment, and should they prove suitable and not more expensive than the plank walks, it is probable more will be put in at different times and places and as occasion demands. One of these crossings will be put in at the corner of C and Ninth streets and the other on West Seventh Street, near Dr. Geary's residence.
Redfield Patent Music Turner
    The ingenuity of some people is always worthy of mention. There is a whole heap of that article wrapped up in those Redfield boys. Their latest invention is that of a music leaf turner, for use on either piano or organ. The device, which they have recently secured a patent on, is quite novel in its construction and seems to be possessed of the requisites which will make it a welcome friend to the musical world. The device is so arranged that the performer at a piano, by pressing a small spring or button which is located near the keyboard, can turn either way, from one to ten leaves, or book or sheet music. The boys expect to soon begin the manufacture of their invention.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 3

    Day Parker will commence school teaching in the Heber Grove district next Monday.
    Miss Elva Galloway, who went East a few weeks ago visit friends, has accepted a good paying position as teacher in the public schools at her old home in Indiana.
    S. S. Penwell and family have moved from Leland to Medford and will remain here for some time. Mr. Penwell and son, Bud, are now up on Wagner Creek doing a little prospecting.

    Roberts & O'Neil have purchased from Mr. Childers the lot and building just south of the Mail office, and next spring these gentlemen contemplate the erection of a two-story brick building.

    Frederick Vermeren, of Belgium, is here looking for a location for a colony of his countrymen. He is thinking of purchasing a 200-acre tract of land near Medford and settling upon it for one year and if at the end of that time the soil and Southern Oregon climate is to his liking, he will proceed to locate his colony.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 3

    A new post office is about to be opened in Meadows precinct, about seven miles from Spikenard, with Miss May Sackett as postmistress. It will be called Asbestos.
Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 3.

    We Talent people were somewhat startled by loud reports of thunder down the valley last night and expected, of course, to see the dust turned into mud this morning, but we learned it was the Medford people giving expression to their joyfulness by firing a salute after learning they might keep the cannon till after the [old soldiers'] reunion. We are all glad of this privilege.
"Talent Shavings," Medford Mail, supplement, September 15, 1893, page 1

    J. S. Hagey to E. B. Pickel; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 9, blk 2, Medford. $500
    R. H. Halley to G. W. Priddy; property in Medford. $400.
    Lewis Shideler to Nannie Barr; property in Medford. $10.
    Nannie Barr to Lewis Shideler; property in Medford.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 15, 1893, page 2

    M. S. Damon of Medford also lost his evaporator [to fire] this week.
"A Chapter on Fires," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 15, 1893, page 3

    A Salem dispatch of the 11th inst. gives the information that Col. Robert A. Miller, register of the Oregon City land office, and Mrs. Serelia G. Grubbe, late superintendent of the Salem schools, were married that morning at the home of the bride's parents at Waldo hills. The contracting parties have a host of friends and acquaintances throughout the state, all of whom join the Times in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey upon the matrimonial seas.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 15, 1893, page 3

    There is an abundance of fruit of all kinds. It is of a fine quality and very cheap.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 15, 1893, page 3

    A great deal of fruit, tomatoes, etc. is now being shipped from the valley. A large quantity is being dried and will doubtless find a market in the future.
    The annual conference of the M.E. Church, South, is being held at Medford, and preachers from every portion of southern and western Oregon are in attendance. Bishop Fitzgerald, who was formerly located in San Francisco, presides. Much interest is being taken.
    A large quantity of rain fell from the 7th to the 12th insts., more than has ever fallen so early in September in many years. It proved a great inconvenience in several ways, especially to farmers who had not finished harvesting their crops. The damage done was not great, however.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 15, 1893, page 3

    Farmers have already commenced plowing in different parts of southern Oregon.
    The weather is pleasant again, and threshing will be resumed at once. In some places the rain wet stacks of unthreshed grain to a depth of several feet.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 15, 1893, page 3

    Lys. Damon was at Jacksonville one day this week, filling Miss Susie Turner's place at the railroad depot.
    The annual conference of the M.E. Church, South, is being held here, and the town is full of preachers. The traditional yellow-legged chickens consequently roost high.
    Miss Edith Day of Portland, who made that quick trip between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts by railroad a short time since, is paying her mother, Mrs. Sutter of Medford, a visit.
    There were two alarms of fire during the week. Two barns in different parts of town had been set afire, but fortunately the flames were extinguished before any serious consequences resulted.
    Joe [sic] Coeti has built up a nice business because he keeps the best of wines, liquors and cigars and knows how to treat the public. He was the first saloonkeeper to introduce five-cent beer.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 15, 1893, page 3

    Robert H. Halley to George W. Priddy--162 feet off the sound end of lts 9 and 10, blk 8, Park add., Medford; $400.
    Orchard Home Association to Chas. E. West--Lots 19 and 22, blk 3, Orchard Home Association; $500.
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, September 15, 1893 supplement, page 1

    Incendiaries made three attempts last week to burn Medford. The town authorities offer a reward of $500 for the apprehension of the guilty parties.

"The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, September 21, 1893, page 3

An Oregon Reunion.
    MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 21.--Although the weather is quite cool, with occasional showers, the second annual reunion of the soldiers and sailors of Southern Oregon is progressing very satisfactorily. A large crowd is in attendance from Ashland, Grants Pass and other points of Southern Oregon. Hon. H. B. Miller, of Grants Pass, made an interesting talk this afternoon. Company D of the National Guard, of Ashland, was down today in full force, and went through a skirmish drill for the entertainment of those present.
    The first annual tournament of the Medford Gun Club commenced today, and is being participated in by several sportsmen from abroad as well as local marksmen.

"General News Notes,"
Evening Capital Journal, Salem, September 21, 1893, page 1

    Thomas F. West to D. H. Miller, lt 6, blk 2; West's add. to Medford . . . 1,900
    Welcome Fowler to C. W. Palm, undivided ¼ interest lt 9, blk 32; lt 78, blk 33; lts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, blk 48; lts 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, blk 74; and all of blk 51, 78, also undivided 1/8 interest in blk 50; lt 8, blk 52 and lts 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 17, 12, blk 72; lts 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, blk 73; also all of lts 1, 2, blk 48; Medford . . . 630
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, September 22, 1893, page 2

    Every resident of Medford is proud of the public school band.
    About three hundred pupils are enrolled in the Medford public schools.
    E. W. Starr is getting things in shape for the erection of a dwelling house on his property on North C Street, near I. L. Hamilton's residence. The property will be for rent.
    Attorney L. R. Webster, formerly of Jacksonville, has moved his law office to town and is now located in rooms in the Odd Fellows' block, with Attorney Hammond.
    The Halley block is being lathed and plastered and ere many more weeks will be ready for occupancy. It is a fine structure and none will appreciate it more than will The Mail.
    A little street graveling has been going on this week on West Seventh Street, between the Clarenden and railroad track. Approaches to several crosswalks have also been graded.
    A. P. Strobridge came near being a subject of the fire fiend's mania last Thursday night. Just before retiring he made a survey of his premises--as most of our townspeople are doing these times--and piled just under the edge of his porch he found a handful of shavings, which had evidently been put there by unknown parties with incendiary intent.
A stranger in Medford a few days ago was discovered making a vigorous search round about a big burdock bush. Said he was looking for fruit and if he didn't find any on it, it was the first tree or bush that he had found since coming to Medford that wasn't full to the brim. "They tell me that telegraph poles grow fruit in this country, and I have half a mind to believe it."
    A tramp printer:--"Say, I didn't hardly dare stop at this man's town of Medford! It's been just like a funeral all along the line until I hit this place, and I felt kinder homesick for the old haunts that wear whiskers and are moss covered. But say, this town is a dilly and no mistake. Lively? Well yes, a few. You ought to get into some of the charnel house towns further up the line."
    Our people were hustled out of bed again last Friday night by the alarm of a fire. This time the fire was a little further out and more serious than the one spoken of last week. About eleven o'clock of the above date the barn, recently purchased from R. H. Halley by G. W. Priddy and occupied by J. Tressler, was discovered in flames and before assistance could be given the fire was so well under way as to make it impossible to save the building or its contents. In the barn was a fine team of horses, valued at $250, and a new set of double harness all owned by Mr. Tressler. These were burned together with an adjoining barn owned by G. C. Noble and in which were three tons of hay. Mr. Noble was the first at the fire and his first move was to try and get the horses out but upon entering the stable he found the fire had already reached the animals and the mane and tail of one was then on fire. They were pulling back on the halters so heavily as to make it impossible for him to untie them and as he had no knife with which to cut the halters he was obliged to leave them to burn with the building. The fire was started in a pile of hay in the wagon shed and like previous fires was of incendiary origin. The hose company was out but the fire was beyond their reach. The loss is a heavy one to Mr. Tressler and is most keenly felt as he gained a livelihood for himself and family by team work about town. A subscription paper is being circulated about town to raise funds to buy him a new team and is being very liberally subscribed to. Could the fiend who set the fire have been found that night, or even now, there are chances that judge and jury service would not be required.
    The very mysterious disappearance of Chas. S. Sherman, the sign writer and painter, has occasioned no small amount of street talk. On Tuesday, Sept. 12th, he left home telling his wife that he was going to Jacksonville to do a few days work. As he had neither returned nor sent any word to his family Mrs. Sherman became a little uneasy and on the afternoon of the following Friday she went over to Jacksonville and learned that he had not been there any time during the week. She returned to Medford, but has not as yet gained any clue as to his whereabouts. He was seen in Medford on the evening of the day he was to have gone to Jacksonville and by some is supposed to have taken the midnight northbound freight for parts unknown, while others hint at the possibility of foul play. He left a few unpaid bills, but . . . the fact that he paid several small ones only a short time before he left is one of the points held in defense of the foul play theory. Whether he has skipped or been put out of the way is a matter which ought to be investigated. If he has skipped he should be hunted up and made to return and provide for his family which he left in almost destitute circumstances. If he has been foully dealt with then most assuredly the matter ought to be investigated and the guilty ones brought to justice. The conductor of the northbound freight on the night of Sept. 12th remembers that a man got on his train at this place, but did not notice him in particular and could give no description of him. This fact bolsters up the "skip" theory, while as he was known to have had some little money on his person the foul play possibility is brought to mind. Sherman has lived in Medford since early last spring and was married a few weeks after coming here. Mrs. Sherman has been interviewed by a Mail reporter. The lady, of course, is feeling very badly, but has faith in her absent husband, and is of the opinion that if he has left the country he did so when under the effects of liquor and that when he has fully awakened to a realizing sense of the situation he will either write to her or return. Sherman, while not an habitual drinker, has been indulging quite freely of late.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 22, 1893, page 3

    S. P. Conger was in from his mine on Rogue River Friday last, and with him was a bottle of gold dust amounting to $188. This he said was from quartz from his mine which had been pounded and washed out by hand. If he gets his much from a hand mortar the amount to be had from a stamp mill using this same quartz would be hard to guess.
    A. G. Rifenburg, the photographer who was in Medford last winter and did such excellent work, has returned to Medford to remain a few weeks and close out his stock of plates and other material. The gentleman has purchased a placer mine in the vicinity of Cow Canyon and proposes to give mining his undivided attention.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 22, 1893, page 3

The Soldiers Are Here.
    The Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion now being held in Medford is one grand success and much pleasure is being had. Yesterday morning there had [been] 134 soldiers registered, and Adjutant Erford expected at least twenty or thirty more would register during Thursday. Commander Stewart is carrying the honors of the day with becoming dignity, and as we are locking our forms for press we hear him shouting, "Adjutant, form your battalion," which is the final step for the third day's pleasures. The program is being carried out minutely, the cannon is being fired each morning at sunrise--and a few more times after the sun has "riz." Members of Company D, of Ashland, are here donned in their blue pairs of clothes; the cannon is crippled, but it keeps banging away like it did when the Modocs were its target; the band is furnishing splendid music and is the recipient of many compliments; the registered Sons of Veterans number twenty-three; the Relief Corps registration we did not get, but there are a great many of the good ladies present. The weather was damp Tuesday and Wednesday, but despite this there were between two and three thousand people in attendance Wednesday, and as yesterday morning opened clear and bright the number present was probably much larger. A full report of the Reunion will appear in the columns next week.
Medford Mail, September 22, 1893, page 3       The Jacksonville cannon did not participate in the Modoc Indian War.

    A. G. Rifenburg, the photographer, has returned for a short stay in Medford.
    The soldiers' and sailors' reunion brought a big crowd to town this week. Everything passed off nicely.
    Two Medford boys have invented an appliance by which the leaves of sheet music may be readily turned by the performer at the piano. It has been patented, and is said to be practical.
    Frank Gross of Medford left last evening on the express for his home. Mr. Gross was a passenger on the overland train last Wednesday evening, when he accidentally fell off one of the car steps into the dry watercourse a few rods south of the depot. He had several ribs and a collar bone broken, besides got a severe gash on the head. He has sufficiently recovered from his injuries to be able to go home. It was believed he was inside the car last evening when the train pulled out and not endeavoring to get down on an imaginary step.--[Salem Statesman.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1893, page 2

    F. Waschau, the watchmaker, has closed his shop at this place and gone to Medford.
    Company D, O.N.G., of Ashland, is participating in the soldiers' and sailors' reunion at Medford.
    Quite a number of the residents of Jacksonville have been attending the soldiers' and sailors' reunion which has been going on at Medford this week.
    Gus Carlson, while at work with a steam wood saw in Portland, one day last week received fatal injuries. It is said that the unfortunate man formerly lived at Medford.
    C. O. Haines of Medford and five others caught 350 pounds of fine trout in upper Rogue River last week, which they found no trouble in disposing of in Jacksonville and vicinity.
    Since the rain vegetation seems to have acquired a freshness only witnessed during the spring months, and the atmosphere has attained that clearness for which our climate is so remarkable.
    S. W. Kindle, who has charge of I. W. Thomas' orchard in this precinct, is engaged in drying a large quantity of fruit by means of the old Alden fruit dryer, located in the northeastern portion of town.
    David C. Bogart, who was one of the first conductors on the O.&C.R.R., died at Portland on the 19th, aged 73 years. He held the position of crier in the U.S. district court at Portland during late years.
    The wet weather of the past fortnight interfered considerably with the shipping, packing and gathering of fruit, as well as the threshing of grain. It was a general rain, extending along the whole length of the coast.
    The shipments of fruit this year have been greater than usual. Large quantities of melons have also been sent to Portland and the Sound. Our fruit industry is not nearly developed, and will eventually be a source of great revenue to our orchardists.
    There never was such an abundance of fruit of a superior quality grown in southern Oregon as this season. Nowhere can better fruit of any kind be found than in Jackson and Josephine counties. Even California is not in the race when some varieties are considered.
    A larger number of turkeys than ever before have been raised in this county, and will bring in a snug sum of cash when the holiday season arrives. Our farmers should make the raising of poultry a specialty, as such always commands a ready market at good prices.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1893, page 3

Medford Telegrams.
    Medford, Or., Sept. 16th.--A barn in the western part of town was discovered on fire about 11 o'clock last night. The barn and contents, together with a span of horses, were consumed. This is the third attempt to fire the town this week. Much excitement prevails. The town authorities offer a reward of $500 for the apprehension of the guilty parties.
    Medford, Sept. 20th.--Although the weather is quite cool, with occasional showers, the second annual reunion of the soldiers and sailors of southern Oregon is progressing very satisfactorily. A large crowd is in attendance from Ashland, Grants Pass and other points of southern Oregon. Hon. H. B. Miller of Grants Pass made an interesting talk this afternoon. Company D, of the National Guard, of Ashland, was down today in full force and went through a skirmish drill for the entertainment of those present.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1893, page 3

    Welcome Fowler to C. W. and Lewis Palm; Medford property. $630.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. Nettie Barr of Medford is now residing with the mother of her late husband in Canada.
    Crit. Tolman has returned from Alaska, having been relieved of the government position he held there.
    Judge Webster has formed a partnership with A. S. Hammond for the practice of law at Medford, but will still reside here. He has been a resident of Jacksonville for several years, during which time he made many friends, all of whom wish him the fullest measure of success.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1893, page 3

    Indian summer is now prevailing.
    We are pained to announce the death of Harry Tice, at the residence of his mother at Medford last week. He was an industrious and honorable young man and had many friends. His remains were buried beside those of his father in the Jacksonville cemetery.
    The soldiers' and sailors' reunion brought together a big crowd at Medford and proved much of a success. The exercises were of an excellent character and quite interesting. Very few were aware of the fact that there are so many veterans of the Civil War in southern Oregon.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1893, page 3

    Henry Tice, a son of the late John Tice, died last Friday evening at the home of his mother in Medford, after an illness of several months, of consumption--the consequences of a severe attack of pneumonia which he suffered in Idaho last winter. Harry was an industrious, worthy, genial young man whose death will be regretted by genuine friends wherever he is known. Mrs. B. R. Willits, of this place, his sister, was with him all week, returning home after the funeral on Sunday.
Ashland Tidings, September 22, 1893, page 3

    Two Medford, Or., boys have invented an appliance with which the leaves of sheet music may be readily turned by the performer at the piano. It has been patented and is said to be practical.
"Current Coast Cullings," Daily Democrat, Woodland, California, September 23, 1893, page 3

Rogue River Valley Fruit.
    When we say that the fruit crop of the Rogue River Valley this season is wondrous in both quantity and quality, we say but the one word which tells of what is daily met by the eye's vision. Fruit trees of all description have been taxed to their greatest possible capacity; the branches have been broken by the great weight of fruit, the ground in many instances is literally covered with the fruit, which has fallen from the trees and allowed to remain there for the want of means to properly care for it. This sight is a strange one to the writer, who for twelve years has lived in a country where even windfall fruit would be considered a luxury and only to be enjoyed by those whose purses were well weighted with gold dollars. As we notice orchards of young trees, not taller than a man's head, loaded, every branch, with ripe, luscious fruit, a contrast between this seen and the bleak prairie country of the western middle states passes through our minds. The vision of the eye is carried back to the country where for miles and miles one may travel without seeing a tree of any kind  much less a fruit tree--and yet this country is inhabited. Our vision is drawn nearer and we see again the bounties of the fruit crop of our valley. Turn whichever way we will and the eye is met with fruit-laden trees, the trees varying in age from two to ten years. We speak to a citizen, perhaps the owner of an orchard, regarding his immense crop. He replies, "Yes, pretty good crop," but he don't appreciate its worth; he has seen the same thing for years. It is something he has grown to believe a certainty. It is the newcomer who fully enjoys this wondrous product. If the people of some of the eastern states could see these vast orchards of rich, ripe fruit this valley entire would be peopled like unto the suburbs of our large cities. But while we are speaking of the fruit generally, let us give you a few figures.
    Through the courtesy of station agent Lippincott we enabled to give some correct figures. From September 1st until the 20th of the same month there were shipped 586,440 pounds of fruit, or a little more than twenty-nine carloads. Of this amount seventeen carloads were Bartlett pears and all these from the farms of J. H. Stewart and Weeks & Orr. The above amounts are only the green fruit shipments of peaches, pears, prunes and very few early apples; the dried fruit, of which there will be a large amount, is not as yet being put on the market. Aside from the figures given is to be considered the vast amount of later fruits, which are now being gathered and packed for winter shipment and comprise mostly apples with a few late pears. No approximate figures can be arrived at as to the amount of fruit which is being dried, but through the kindness of those who are running driers we hope to be able to compute figures from this source, which we opine will be much greater than those above given.
Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 2

    W. J. Fredenburg to Andrew J. Fredenburg, lots 11, 12, blk 52; Medford . . . 200
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 2

    C. W. Wolters:--"Bicycle? No, thanks, I wouldn't bicycle, nohow. I sold mine. Had all the fun I wanted out of it. As a means of locomotion, from my point of view, the bicycle is not a crowning success."
    J. H. Stewart:--"Our pears are giving better satisfaction in the East than those of California. I received a letter from Tennessee saying they had received some of them and in the same letter was an order for more."
    D. T. Sears:--"I attended the state fair when at Salem. The fair was good and the races exceptionally so, but there were no people there. The lightest attendance for several years. I am 'clear gone' on that hop industry. There is surely money in growing hops, and then it gives employment to a great number of men, women and children."
    A Citizen:--"It is a strange coincidence, but a fact, that all the ministers, five in number, in Medford live in C Street. I guess probably they are as much needed on this street as any other--perhaps there is just a little more room for ministerial work. This conclusion is arrived at from the fact that I don't see many C Street people in attendance upon divine worship."
    D. S. Youngs:--"I want to tell you that Medford ought to be proud of the public school band. Why, just think of these little tads playing in a band. They are the little fellows that five years ago I used to toss around on my hand and now they are marching the streets playing excellent band music. Prof. Narregan is entitled to an unlimited amount of credit for his efficient training."
    Attorney Hammond:--"You haven't seen our new office. Come up while I show you around. This is our main office--little small, but there is plenty of room when you figure in the other two apartments. This is Judge Webster's private office and this is the private room of yours truly. Yes, that's a pretty good library, but it's not all here yet. Judge Webster says he is booked for years of law practice in Medford and those are my sentiments, too. If there is any law business to be done we will get our share."
Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 2

    Johnson & Porter, real estate dealers, have a new sign over their offices on C Street.
    The new stone crosswalks are being put in and are seemingly going to be a big improvement.
    It is reported that the Premium [meat] market will be opened again about October first, by Wm. Ulrich and others.
    Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kellogg have taken rooms in Hon. Garl T. Jones' residence, on B Street.
    The new stone walk is being extended north on C Street. There is also a new brick walk being put in on Seventh Street, in front of Dr. Adkins' vacant lots.
    J. W. Lawton, the gentleman who caters so good-naturedly to the patrons of the Seventh Street horse furnishing emporium, has been quite ill for the past week or ten days.
    A. Fetsch has purchased the Roxy Ann Saloon, on Front Street. Fred Lutkemeier is the gentleman who dispenses liquid refreshments to the patrons of the Roxy Ann.
    Mr. Stewart, of Medford, will realize $4000 from 60 acres of Bartlett pears. The crop made about 15 carloads and was gathered, packed and shipped without expense to the grocer.--Oregonian.
    Justine Wigle, while engaged in dipping prunes out at the Weeks & Orr fruit farm last Saturday, accidentally slipped from a board into the lye vat and as a result his feet and ankles were badly burned.
    Miss Grace Foster is attending the Salem university. She is a very bright young lady, a graduate of the Medford public schools and has many friends who will wish her any amount of success in her new field of study.
    M. S. Damon is having lumber placed on the grounds for a new residence on his South D Street property, near J. K. Darnell's place. He will build not very large, but substantial, and will either occupy it himself or rent.

    The fruit of the Rogue River Valley is not all being shipped out, but a goodly amount of it is being canned and preserved for winter use. D. H. Miller, the hardware man, has sold thus far this season 7920 fruit cans. Of this number about half were half-gallon cans and the remainder quart cans.
    Mr. Phelps, he who used to publish a newspaper in Medford, is expected to return again to this place next week.
    Dr. Kirchgessner is not very great in stature, but there was a smile on his face Monday morning that would cause a Samson to blush with envy. There were the best of reasons for this facial expression of pleasure--there arrived at his home a ten-pound boy baby on Sunday night, and that was the whyforeness of the whichness of the doctor's elongated smilets. Mother and son doing nicely.
    All of us are subject to the mishaps of life, and while one is one too many to be taken with a relish, two is doubly so. Last Sunday evening Frank Wait returned from Grants Pass, where he has been engaged in hauling flour to Waldo, and the same evening one of his horses was taken sick with colic and died. The next morning a fine milch cow belonging to Dr. Wait, but being cared for by Frank, was run over by the Medford-Jacksonville train and both her hind legs cut off.
    Last Tuesday about noon the daughter of M. Haines, residing just across Bear Creek, met with an accident which may be so serious as to prove fatal. The girl, who is about twelve years old, was standing in the yard when one of Mr. Haines' horses entered through a gate and moved toward the child. The threw up her hands and started toward the animal to drive it away when it wheeled and kicked her on the forehead, breaking in the skull. Drs. Jones and Kirchgessner were called and administered all possible relief. As we go to press she is resting easy, but is far from being out of danger.
    Chilson Smith has moved his family to Medford from his ranch near the Rogue River bridge. The gentleman has purchased the Woodford residence, corner D and Eleventh streets, where himself and family are now cozily situated. They will remain here permanently.
    There was a hurry-scurry time about this city of Medford Wednesday morning, and well there might be, [when] great volumes of smoke were seen to issue from the residence of A. E. Wood on South E Street. A crowd of willing workmen had soon congregated and by the time the hose company arrived the fire was well under control and nearly extinguished by the means of water from a small lawn hose. The fire started from a defective flue and was making lively headway between the ceiling and roof. Had this house burned others adjoining would surely have met a like fate.
    No news has as yet been received as to the whereabouts of C. S. Sherman, whose mysterious disappearance was mentioned in this paper last week. There is probably no question but that he "skipped," as this kind of business, we learn, is a part of his past record, he having as unceremoniously left his first wife as he did his present one. While Mrs. Sherman has our sympathy in her troubles, she as well has our congratulations upon being well rid of a husband who cares so little for home and family. Mrs. Sherman is spoken of by all who know her as a very respectable lady, pleasing of address, economical and hard working, and had her husband seen fit to have acted the man they would have gotten along finely in Medford and been the gainers in a financial way. We understand the lady, and her two bright little girls, will soon join her mother and sister at Portland.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 3

Card of Thanks.
    To the citizens of Medford, who were so kind to us at the time of our recent fire and who rendered such timely assistance in putting out the flames and in removing our household effects, we wish to express our gratitude. We are also under especial obligations to the good ladies of this city for their assistance in carrying back into the house and rearranging our goods.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. WOOD
Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 3

    Harry Angle, of Coos Bay, is in Medford for a visit with his cousins, Wm. and L. L. Angle, of this city.
    Wallace Galloway, of Missoula, Montana, is here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Galloway. Mrs. Ethel Grinnell, of Portland, a daughter of these people, is also visiting in Medford for a few weeks.
    Capt. J. T. C. Nash, formerly owner of the Victory ledge in Cow Creek Canyon, was in the Rogue River metropolis last week and from him we learned a bit of mining news, to the effect that he has sold his placer mine in the canyon to a stock company for $100,000. The gentleman further stated that he has worked his claim alone for the last four years and has in that time taken out $20,000. He says had he been a young man nothing short of an even million would have purchased the claim.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 3

    Dr. Wait's cow was run over by the train from Jacksonville last Monday. It was an unavoidable accident, however.
    Clarence Kellogg and wife have returned from their visit to California and may permanently reside here.
    Edwin Worman left Medford last week for a visit to his old home east of the Rocky Mountains. He will also "take in" the World's Fair.
    All our attorneys were at the county seat on legal business one day this week. The case of G. W. Bashford vs. the S.O. Brewing Co. was under consideration.
    A. Fetsch has purchased the saloon formerly conducted by Howard Bros. and will keep the best of wines, liquors and cigars. Mr. Lutkemeier is officiating as chief mixologist.
    A. E. Woods' residence had a narrow escape from destruction by fire on Wednesday. His son accidentally discovered the blaze before much headway had been made, and the hose company found no trouble in preventing what might have been a conflagration. Mrs. Woods received severe injuries by falling downstairs during the excitement.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1893, page 2

    Emil Edelhoff to Hugo Donzelmann; lots 5, 6, 7, blk 57, Medford; $900.
    W. J. Fredenburg to A. J. Fredenburg; lots 11, 12, blk 52, Medford; $200.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1893, page 2

    P. Chartrand of Medford precinct has sold his 5-acre tract to J. R. Howard, for $500.
    C. H. Walworth and family have left southern Oregon, and their present address is unknown.
    Bacon is scarcer than usual. The S.O. Pork Packing Co. of Medford will offer a new lot for sale in about a week.
    A large quantity of wood is now being hauled to town. Prices are about the same as usual, although cash customers are getting oak and pine wood for $3.50 and $2.50 respectively. These rates are quite different from those which obtain at Yreka, Calif., where pine and fir are quoted at $4-$4.25 per cord and hardwood at $6-$7.
    F. W. Wait, of Medford, has been hauling flour to Waldo for some time, which goes to the Happy Camp mines. The last of the 100-pound [sic] contract was delivered Friday. From Waldo the flour has to be packed 23 miles further into the mountains, and 46 pack animals are used for transportation from there. About 500 miners are at work around Happy Camp.
    The Grants Pass Observer says that a gentleman was in that city last week, looking up the matter of establishing a telephone system. The intention is to connect Grants Pass with Jackson County towns, and eventually with Portland.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1893, page 3

    Eighty cents a hundred is being paid for barley at Medford.
    The divided riding habit has made its appearance in Jacksonville.
    Excellent beer is manufactured at the Medford brewery and promises to supplant the Fredericksburg and Weinhard brands in southern Oregon.
    Mrs. Lucinda Justus, relict of Wm. Justus, a pioneer of southern Oregon, died at Medford at the beginning of the week. She leaves several grown-up sons and daughters and several grandchildren.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1893, page 3

    The Mail will venture the assertion that there is not a more gentlemanly and accommodating station agent on the entire line of the Southern Pacific than is W. V. Lippincott. His attention is always devoted to the best interests of his employers, but at the same time he does not lose sight of the fact that although he be an employee of a great corporation he can be a gentleman still and treat courteously the many patrons with whom he is called upon to transact business.

Mail, October 6, 1893, page 2

    Emil Edelhoff to Hugo Donzelmann, lts 5, 6, 7, blk 57; Medford . . . 900
    David C. Waldron et al. to C. F. Wagner, lts 12, 13, blk 15; Medford . . . 1
"From the County Seat," Medford
Mail, October 6, 1893, page 2

Geo. H. Chick in Limbo
    People who lived in and about Medford something like seven years ago will well remember the name of "Geo. H. Chick." It was he who was so smooth and glib of tongue as to interest several of our people in a new process for reducing refractory ore, and very cheaply. He preyed upon the kindly indulgence of our people to the extent of persuading them to invest money in a stamp mill, which was built just across the railroad track from where the A. A. Davis flouring mill now stands. After the machinery had been purchased and the mill erected Chick and his process failed to materialize and those who invested were beautifully left, as his process was only an imaginary one and intended for no other purpose than to defraud. He made little or nothing out of his Medford deal but at Redding he fleeced one man out of $15,000 on the same proposition. From California he went to Kansas and this is what the telegraph dispatches say of him there:
TOPEKA, Kan., Sept. 14.--At the meeting of the stockholders of the Chick Short Method Silver Smelting Co. held last night it was decided to close up the affairs of the concern in the best and quickest manner. The present management has discovered, it is believed, that the assets of the company will be sufficient to pay all liabilities without any further assessments on the stock. At this meeting was read the first accurate report ever made of reducing refractory and worthless ore by the Chick process. It is on this report the present action is based.
    George H. Chick came from California about three years ago and by his representation of the matter induced capitalists in Omaha and many cities in Missouri and Kansas to take stock and build a smelter. Pittsburg willingly gave land and erected the necessary buildings, and Chick began what the stockholders now denounce as a swindle. When sales of stock would diminish he would declare a dividend of 5 percent a month, which never failed to bring more cash.
    The charges made against him and his officers are numerous and grave, and an officer is now on the way to Wyoming to bring him back for trial on the charge of swindling. Other charges will be lodged and papers issued so that should he escape punishment under one he will have to meet others. The closing up of the business will be slow because Chick and his secretary have carried the books to some other state, making it very difficult to obtain a correct statement of the affairs of the company.
    It was shown at this meeting that Chick began his famous career with this famous company without a dollar. He now has the cash, and the stockholders have a fine stock of valuable experience.
Medford Mail, October 6, 1893, page 3

    A. M. Woodford is employed as clerk at the Henry Smith store on Front Street.
    N. A. Jacobs has moved into his new residence on South C Street--and a mighty fine house it is, but no better than Newt. and his good lady deserve.
    "Mamma," asked a little Medford girl, "may we play keeping store in here?" "Yes, but you must be very, very quiet." "We will, we'll pretend we don't advertise."
    Clarence Kellogg has commenced the erection of a fine little five-room cottage on his property on B Street, near druggist Haskins' residence. L. M. Lyon is doing the carpenter work.
    George Mickey has purchased the old Rogue River Valley Railroad tool house and has moved the same to his residence, corner of E and Eleventh, and will use it as an addition to his house.
    Joe Goldstone and family returned to Medford Monday. Mrs. Goldstone and son have been visiting parents in Eugene while Joe was in the East buying goods for the New York Cash Store.
    W. E. Carroll is erecting a very fine farm residence on his Coker Butte property. The gentleman is going to have an all-fired fine place out there when he gets it fixed to suit his likes of a typical farm home.
    The death of a little seventeen months' old child of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Dodson occurred last Wednesday, resulting from typhoid fever. Mr. Dodson has also been quite ill for several days past with chills and fever.
    Medford people, these cloudy nights, are in about the same fix Moses was when his candle went out. However, we have that promise of electric lights inside of f[illegible] months.
    Sherman, the bilk painter, is reported to have been seen recently in Salem. It is further given out that he took away about $150 in good, hard cash--which he should have left here to make square a number of bills, as yet unpaid.
    Mart Hurst, residing four miles from Wellen, has sold his farm of six hundred acres to Wm. Laws. The prices paid we were unable to learn. Mr. Hurst, we understand, will move to Medford, buy property, build a residence and anchor right here.
    The city of Medford is fast filling up with the families of farmers who are moving here for the purpose of schooling their children. Medford has schools which invites them all--and upon gaining a knowledge of their efficiency the invitation is in almost all cases accepted.
    Sherman Orton, as head cook, and W. D. Davis, second--both white--is the way the cookery of Hotel Medford is being handled at present. The patrons of that hostelry weep not when the Chinese cooks are given a ticket of go. Their only wish is that they will stay gone.
    A. J. Stewart's new residence, corner of Tenth and F streets, is nearly completed. It is an eight-room residence, very nicely situated, is very conveniently arranged and tastily finished in the interior while the outside is so arranged as to present an imposing and pleasant appearance. H. F. Wood did the woodwork and our good friend, F. M. Poe, is doing the plastering.
    They grow some pretty good fruit down near Rogue River, if anyone should ask you. C. A. Dickison brought in Wednesday from his father's farm twenty-ounce pippin apples that measured twelve and a half inches and potatoes that weigh two and a half pounds. Mr. Dickison, W. R., has 130 acres of land along the Rogue capable of producing this sort of product and is in consequence a valuable parcel of this Italy of ours.
    W. A. Forbes reports the sale of the Gotlieb Elksnat piece of property, adjoining Medford on the west and comprising fourteen acres, to Thos. Loynachan. The price paid was $1200. Mr. Loynachan is recently from Placerville, California, and as his family arrived Sunday he expects to soon be quartered on his new purchase. He expects to plant the entire fourteen acres to fruit this fall.
    It is almost one continued round of fruit in this man's country. No sooner is the first crop of berries out of the way than does the second crop come on. Mrs. Frank Sutter reports having gathered strawberries from her vines in sufficient quantities to well supply the table, and F. M. Poe is in the field with a second crop of red raspberries. Of course, these second crop berries are not very plentiful, but they are most delicious what there are.
    Returns have been received from the several carloads of Bartlett pears shipped from Medford to Chicago, New York and other eastern points. In all instances they are reported to have arrived in splendid shape and their excellent quality is loudly lauded, and our growers are daily in receipt of letters of inquiry regarding their culture and the chances for others to engage in similar pursuits. The fruit of the Rogue River Valley is a great advertising medium.
    Day Parker has every reason to have lingering about him a good chunk of pride. He is the champion bicyclist of Southern Oregon. He won the race at Jacksonville on the Fourth, but the boys thought there was some funny work and he wasn't given due credit. He won the mile race at Central Point last Saturday and is justly being congratulated by his friends. There is one thing dead positive, Day won't do any jockeying. If he don't win it will be because he cannot do it.
    Members of the Protection Hose Company met Wednesday evening and took in as new members H. H. McCarthy and W. T. York, and Mr. McCarthy was elected first assistant foreman. The gentleman has been a member of a fire company in Portland and his services will greatly augment the proficiency of the Protection boys. The company is now circulating a petition asking the city council to buy a bell, to be used in calling the boys together in times of fire. It is quite necessary that something of this kind be procured, and it ought to be the wish of all who have property to protect that the petitioners' request be granted. Next Wednesday evening the company will meet again and it is desired that all members be present.
    Vice President Crocker, of the Southern Pacific, has announced that his company does not propose to make any fight against the hordes of tramps who are beating their way on freight trains. He has arrived at the conclusion that it is useless to unload the ticketless tourists, because they get aboard again in sufficient numbers to overpower the trainmen. For the last week or more nearly every freight train has from fifty to seventy of these tourists aboard. Tuesday's southbound train was pulling an empty boxcar in which were sixty-eight. They do not attempt to conceal their presence, but instead when the train pulls into a station they open the doors, climb out and walk around on the depot platform--just like pay passengers--but when the train pulls out every one is in the car, and thus they ride unmolested and without price.
    Last July Ted Howard dug a well on his lot on North E Street. Nothing remarkable about this fact, but as last week when working about the gravel which was taken from this well he picked up a piece of metal which closely resembles gold, there is, indeed, something remarkable connected with it. The piece of metal which he found has been tested by acid and is to all appearances solid gold. Experts have also examined it and are of the opinion that it is nothing more or less than gold. Its value, if gold, is something over $29. Another question, as yet unsettled, is as to whether it is a nugget or a relic. There are dents in it as of hammer marks, but some are positive these were caused by its coming in contact with heavy rocks. In the gravel near this piece Mr. Howard found a small nugget containing about fifty cents of gold. Both of these it is thought were dug up about six or eight feet from the surface. This fact would seem to strengthen the theory advanced by several that many parts of this valley would prove rich placer fields. A later report says Mr. Howard has sold the above relic or nugget for $60. And still another report says that where it was found is the identical point where, several years ago, a counterfeiter was killed, and this metal was a part of his stock in trade. If this story spreads out very much more it will savor of fish quite aplenty.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, October 6, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. C. S. Sherman and children left Wednesday evening for Portland.
    G. W. White and family arrived in Medford yesterday morning and will make this city their future home. These people are from Washington and are acquaintances of the Lindley families. It was Mr. White who purchased the Pritchard property some few weeks ago.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 6, 1893, page 3

    The wife of Jas. A. Slover, Jr. has returned from Portland, considerably improved in health.
    A 12-year-old daughter of M. Haines of Medford was kicked in the forehead by a vicious horse. The child's skull was crushed, and her recovery was doubtful for a time.
    H. F. Wood, the architect and contractor, has just completed a big refrigerator, capable of holding three tons of ice, for the S.O. Pork Packing Co. This institution is rapidly becoming one of the most important in southern Oregon.
    The business college is in its new quarters and opened last Monday with flattering prospects. The following students were enrolled: Miss Amy Safford, Eagle Point; Misses Effie and Lutie Burch, Table Rock; Misses Donna and Forna Holt, Medford; Grant Rawlings, Central Point; Everett Sherrill, Woodville; B. Breese, Talent.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 2

    Roads are muddy everywhere.
    It seems as if winter has commenced in earnest.
    The weather has turned cool, and fire is found comfortable nearly the entire day.
    Won't it ever quit raining? Everybody has had an elegant sufficiency of moisture.
    Mrs. S. E. Ish, who platted Ish's addition to Medford, has a number of choice lots for sale, as also farming land adjoining and near to Medford. Read her advertisement in another column of the Times.
    The rainy weather of the past month, which is unprecedented, has been interfering with the gathering of fruit, vegetables, etc. A cessation of hostilities before serious damage ensues is generally desired.
    B. F. Peart of Central Point informs us that Wm. Bostwick of Walla Walla, Wash., who traded for Theron Ragsdale's land in Willow Springs precinct, took possession of the same during the week. Such accessions to our population are always welcome.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 3

    J. M. Childers and his son Allen, of Sams Valley, were in town yesterday.
    I. M. Harvey, one of Medford precinct's prominent citizens, is in town today.
    G. Elksnat, the well-known surveyor, has sold his farm near Medford and removed to Jacksonville.
    A. N. Soliss, who is studying law in the office of Hon. W. M. Colvig, has been appointed a notary public by Gov. Pennoyer.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 3

    W. S. Barnum, who is in charge of the R.R.V.R.R., informs us that he will probably resume the midday trips which were suspended a short time since.
    The many friends of David N. Birdsey of Foots Creek precinct will be pleased to learn that he has returned from the Ensor Institute at Portland, managed by Dr. W. F. Kremer, lately of Grants Pass, completely cured.
    The Roseburg boys were treated to a surprise party in the bicycle race at the fairgrounds last Saturday. They were of the opinion that it was a gift to their champion, Claude Cannon, and backed him to the whole extent of their ability. Day Parker of Medford won with the greatest ease, however, beating Cannon, who was second, fully 100 feet. Alex. Galloway was third.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 3

    The undersigned has for sale town lots in Ish's addition to Medford, and also farming land adjoining and near to Medford, Oregon. For further particulars address me at Jacksonville post office or call on me at my residence on the Jacksonville-Medford wagon road.
MRS. S. E. ISH.           
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 3

    Zelpha E. McCubbin to Volna Webster, lots 15, 16, blk 7, Park addition to Medford . . . 100
    W. G. McCubbin to William M. Dean, lts 6, 7, 8, blk 1; Medford . . . 185
    Wm. M. Dean to W. H. Woodburn, same property . . . 5
"From the County Seat," Medford
Mail, October 13, 1893, page 2

    Mr. Wolsey has moved to the resident property just north of the M. E. Church.
    C. M. Boardman is the artist who is applying paint to Postmaster Howard's new residence.
    J. W. Collins is the new caterer in the dining room of the Medford restaurant and bakery.
    Mrs. Culp has moved into the Barnum residence, recently vacated by Mrs. Sherman, on Seventh Street, near the bridge.
    John Brumbeaugh and family, recently from Oakland, this state, have rented resident property out near the distillery, on C Street.
    Julius Goldsmith, formerly a grocer of Medford, is now employed with the Carlos Umia Wood and Willow Ware firm of Portland.
    Mrs. M. J. Ragsdale, of Portland, has leased the residence, corner of B and Seventh streets, and has opened a dressmaking establishment. Her friend, Miss L. M. Center, also of Portland, will remain the winter with her.
    J. A. Whitman has carpenters at work enlarging his fruit packing house--going to duplicate his present building as to size, 24x48, and it is to be built [ad]joining the original on the south.
    Messrs. Beek, Whiteside & Co. are making some several improvements about their store building this week--a double deck in their store room and new lamps in the sales room.
    A. H. Brous, brother of Mrs. Miller, is the gentleman who is doing bookkeeping in D. H. Miller's hardware emporium. He is said to be an expert accountant and is a pleasant addition to the store help.
    Merchant Miller received a letter from painter Sherman last Saturday at Ashland. He stated in his letter that he would fix up all bills contracted in Medford. His reason for quitting Medford is not given.
    L. A. Murphy, having recently made proof on his fine Griffin Creek farm, has moved his family to Medford that his children may enjoy our excellent schools. He is occupying the Cantrall property, just south of the schoolhouse.
    I. Woolf has the framework up for his new C Street store building. Despite the hard times the buildings keep going up, but believing the statements made by people coming from other parts of the country, we don't know anything about hard times in Medford and Jackson County.
    George Buffington has been fixing things up very smooth and pert about the Palace Barber Shop. He has repapered and repainted the place, and instead of Old Virginia cigarette and porous plaster [a type of bandage] display placards on the wall he has real pictures nicely framed, and the place has more the appearance of what the name indicates.
    Notice appears elsewhere in The Mail regulating the sidewalk grade on the north side of Seventh Street, from C to A streets. This move will add materially to the appearance of the street and does not inconvenience the owners to any great extent except that of a new walk. Surveyor Howard established the grade Tuesday and it is found that the changes to be made will be very slight east from Mr. Wilkinson's market, but west of that point the walk will needs be lowered from ten inches to a foot.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, October 13, 1893, page 3

Addington Arrested for Murder.
    SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 9.--What will be a fatal affray occurred in a saloon at Hamilton today. Geo. B. Addington, owner of a shingle mill, quarreled with Swan Peterson while playing billiards, and struck him over the head with a cue. Peterson will die. Addington is a Southerner of good education, 31 years old and very popular about Edison and Mount Vernon, where he lived several years. He was arrested and will be taken to the Mount Vernon jail.
    Addington used to live in Medford and is the fellow who shot at Joe Savage in the Hotel Medford sitting room last winter. He is evidently a better shot with a billiard cue than a revolver--which in this instance is an accomplishment that will not tend to his general well-being.
Medford Mail, October 13, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. E. H. Fawcett, wife of our good groceryman by that name, arrived in Medford Monday night from Osage City, Kansas. They will soon commence housekeeping in the Hosler residence corner G and Sixth street.
    W. H. Berry, of Lotah County, Idaho, who with his family has been camping about Medford for some three or four weeks, has decided to rent a dwelling house in the city--if he can find a vacant one--and remain with us.
    W. J. Adams and family arrived in Medford last week from Sonoma County, California. They have rented a dwelling house on South C Street, opposite druggist Strang's place. Mr. Adams is a carpenter by trade but can turn his hand to many other vocations.
    L. P. Chandler and family expect to start next Tuesday for Crescent City, where they will make their future home. These people are the kind we cannot well afford to lose, but we can't expect to keep all the good ones. May success in big chunks fall on them is the worst wish The Mail can extend.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 13, 1893, page 3

    Wm. G. McCubbin to Wm. M. Dean; lots 6, 7 and 8, blk 1, Park add. to Medford. $185.
    W. M. Dean to W. H. Woodburn; same as last above, $5.
    I. J. Phipps to Kittie L. Webb; quitclaim to lot near Medford. $10.
    W. H. Turner to Wm. Turner; lots 5, 6, 7 and 18, blk 7, Park add. to Medford. $1.
    Zelpha E. McCubbin to Volna Webster; lots 15 & 16, blk 7, Park add. to Medford. $100.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 13, 1893, page 2

    C. O. Damon, who has been in Douglas County for some time past, has returned to Medford.
    W. L. Townsend, the barber, has gone to San Francisco, and may remain permanently in California.
    Geo. Davis' handsome trotter won the two-year-old race at the Yreka fair, beating S. U. Mitchell's Woodland in good time.
    Henry H. Richardson, who is employed at Reno, Nev., is expected home next January, but will "take in" the midwinter fair before returning.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 13, 1893, page 2

    The weather has turned cool, and stoves have been put in their places for the winter season, which seems to have begun already.
    Attention is called to the card of Webster & Hammond, who recently opened a law office in Medford. Both are well-known and successful practitioners.
    The hog market is active, owing principally to the fact that pork commands a good price and grain goes begging. A large part of this season's cop will be fed to hogs.
    Rev. Robert McLean of Grants Pass, who has always posed as the leading religious crank of southern Oregon, is adding to his fame by talking on the streets and in the pulpit in favor of the Chinese.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 13, 1893, page 3

    Lou. Bender of Medford was in Jacksonville on Wednesday, accompanied by his sister, who arrived from the East not long since.
    B. F. Crouch of Medford made us a call on Wednesday. He has almost recovered from the injuries he sustained by falling from a scaffold last May.
    Mrs. C. Mingus of Ashland is at Portland, paying a visit to her son Everett, who is located at the metropolis and enjoys a good practice as a physician.
    Dr. Kirchgessner of Medford made Jacksonville a professional visit one day this week, having been called to treat the Misses Hogan, who are attending St. Mary's Academy. The young ladies have been suffering from enlarged tonsils, and the doctor successfully removed them.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 13, 1893, page 3

    Max Muller's sawmill, which has been operated in Medford precinct for the past two years, has shut down for the season, after a successful run.
    Flour is retailing at 65 cents a sack in Jacksonville and can probably be bought for less by the thousand pounds. This is the lowest quotation we ever heard of.
    Gottlieb Hess, a first-class brewer, has leased the old Wetterer brewery and will put it in shape for business. He was for a time in the employ of the S.O. Brewing Co. of Medford.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 13, 1893, page 3

    Medford has reasons for congratulating herself right at this time that she is not a railroad division headquarters. The tramps are having a hilarious time at those places and life and property are greatly endangered.
    Is the city of Medford drawing any nearer to the electric light goal? It is really a pity that we cannot compel those whom the city have subsidized for the purpose to either carry out the contract or throw up all claim to the subsidy and franchise.
Editorial, Medford Mail, October 20, 1893, page 2

    William H. Turner to William Turner, lts 5, 6, 7, 8 [sic]; Medford . . . 1
    I. J. Phipps and Celeste Phipps to Kitty L. Webb, land in Medford . . . 10
"From the County Seat," Medford
Mail, October 20, 1893, page 3

    "Col." Jacob Johnson has moved into his residence, corner B and Ninth.
    The plaster finishing coat is being put on the interior of the Halley block.
    Merchant Wm. Angle has moved to his beautiful new residence, east of Bear Creek.
    John Justus has moved to the G. M. Price property, corner of D and Fifth streets.
    As will be seen by dissolution notice published elsewhere, the firm of Merriman & Legate has been dissolved, Mr. Legate retiring and Mr. Merriman continuing the business. All accounts are payable to Mr. Legate.
    Attorney S. S. Pentz, office in Odd Fellows' block, has a card in today's Mail. The gentleman is prepared to attend to all matters of mining, corporation and commercial law. He is also a notary public and makes a specialty of collections.
    Dr. O. F. Demorest, the dentist, desires us to say that he is again at work in his office and prepared to attend to all kinds of dental work. Office in opera block, Medford. Work executed in the most approved and modern style and at reasonable prices.
    John F. Reed, a recent arrival from Heppner, Oregon, and brother-in-law of R. H. Halley, has purchased five acres of land from Roberts & O'Neil, across Bear Creek, and will soon begin the erection of a dwelling thereon. The price paid was $150 per acre.
    W. P. H. Legate has traded an undivided half interest in the blacksmith shop on Seventh Street, together with his residence property on North C Street, to B. S. Webb for an eight-acre tract of land on the south side of the street and just across the Bear Creek bridge. Mr. Legate expects to move his family thereto sometime next week.
    The students of the Medford Business College have organized a literary society. Grant Rawlings is president; Austin Holt, vice president; Zora Bliss, secretary; and Luta Burch, treasurer. The society meets every Wednesday evening in the college building and is well attended.
    A. Fetsch, the Front Street tailor, has purchased, through the agency of Hamilton & Palm, the Youngs property, corner Tenth and D streets. Mr. Fetsch's recent purchase is only another evidence of the gentleman's prosperity in business. It is a pleasure to note the success of men so worthy of it as is Mr. Fetsch.
    Someone has said, and maliciously we think, that fruit trees, especially apple trees, were short-lived in the Rogue River Valley. We have an instance at hand which gives the positive lie to such assertions. One day recently we called at the residence of J. H. Wilson, one mile south of Medford, and were here shown apple trees thirty-eight years old and as thrifty as many of the much younger orchards. They were all heavily loaded with the choicest of winter fruit.
    "Not a vacant house in Medford," is what we hear nearly everybody saying, and what everybody says is almost always true. True it is in Medford and well it is 'tis true. There have been many new dwelling houses erected in Medford during the past summer and that none of them are vacant is a pleasing aspect. While other towns are hanging on to the ragged edge of forlorn hope with the grip of death, Medford is forging new links in her chain of prosperity.
    The large new residence of Mr. Shideler's is nearly completed, and a fine structure it is. 'Tis well 'tis so, otherwise it would not harmonize with its neighbors. Mr. Barr's brick on the corner is a fine building as is also Mr. Maule's a little further south. On the opposite side of the street is Messrs. Whitman, Fawcett and Hill; all have large and very pretty residences and beautiful grounds. Mr. Shideler is to be congratulated in his choice of a location, and the neighbors ought to feel pretty good over his coming.
    From a Seattle paper of Oct. 10th we clip the following: "A gentleman who arrived from Hamilton today gives the following story of the Addington fracas: 'Addington is part owner of the Mountain View Saloon. Sunday night he was tending bar late, and Swan Peterson, a large Norwegian, was drunk and quarrelsome. After playing cards nearly all night Peterson and Addington got into a quarrel and Peterson went behind the bar to whip Addington, who to save himself floored the big Norwegian with a beer mug. After carrying him away and working for some time to bring him to, Addington went to bed. Justice of the Peace K. O. Walders came to town and hearing of the trouble at once jumped to the conclusion that Peterson was dead and Addington had fled. He sent telegrams out intended to intercept Addington in all directions. Later Addington came down and was promptly arrested. When I left he was about to give $500 bonds. Peterson, the doctor says, will recover.'" A brother of Addington, residing near Medford, is reported to have received a letter from George saying that he was all right and that Peterson would recover.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, October 20, 1893, page 3

The Fruit Industry Responsible.
    The following from the Rural Northwest, published at Portland, proves to what extent a well-patronized newspaper can assist in developing a town and its surrounding country:
    "The fact that the Medford Mail has been enlarged on account of increase of advertising patronage is an indication that times are more prosperous just now in the Rogue River Valley than they are in the greater part of the country. The growth of the fruit industry in that section is probably responsible for this pleasant condition."
    Note, if you will, the point upon which the writer bases his assertion regarding the valley's prosperity. Is your ad to be found in The Mail's columns? If not, ought it to be there? You try and help us, and we will help the whole valley.

Medford Mail,
October 20, 1893, page 3

    Dave Williams has gone to McMinnville to enter college there.
    John Brumbeaugh, recently of Oakland, Douglas County, has located with his family in Medford.
    I. Woolf has the framework up for his new store building on C Street. In spite of the hard times Medford is steadily improving.
    Henry H. Richardson, who is employed at Reno, Nev., is expected home next January, but will "take in" the midwinter fair before returning.
    George Davis' horse, Oregon Chief, captured the first money in the two-year-old trot at Yreka last week, and also third money in the three-year-old race.
    A surprise party was given Miss Grace Odgers on her birthday, last week, which was a very pleasant affair and was thoroughly enjoyed by the participants.
    Stock shipments are commencing in earnest. J. W. Hockersmith commenced operations last week by shipping 432 sheep and 71 head of hogs to San Francisco and expects to make a shipment to Portland in a few days.
    The following pupils were enrolled at the Medford business college: P. H. Dailey, L. L. Damon, Misses Hattie Eaton and Lila Sackett, all of Medford. The school is growing rapidly and prospects for a large attendance are good.
    A literary society was organized by the students of the college this week. The following officers were elected: Grant Rawlings, president; Austin Hall, vice-president; Miss Zora Bliss, secretary; Miss Luta Burch, treasurer.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 20, 1893, page 2

    Grant Childers, who is visiting relatives and friends in Sams Valley, was at the county seat the forepart of the week.