Notable Residents of
IOOF Cemetery
Some are notable for the way they
lived, some for the way they died.
Click here
for directions to the cemetery and an index to all the burials.
David Cottrell
Cemetery Block 222, Lot 2, Space 2
One of the four founders of the Oregon Shakespeare
Festival (along with his wife Lois, Angus Bowmer, and Bob Stedman).
Bill Cottrell was one of Angus Bowmer’s students at Southern
Oregon Normal School in 1935 when Bowmer got the idea to present
Shakespeare in the old Chautauqua building above Lithia Park.
“We were the whole crew—we did
everything,” recalled Cottrell. “Bowmer directed
the plays, his wife was in charge of costumes, and Stedman and Cottrell
did the stage and technical work. In addition, they acted in all the
plays, along with whoever else they could talk into
performing.” Cottrell went on to film and stage work,
appearing in “Julius Caesar” with Marlon Brando and
touring with “The Caine Mutiny.”
from a June 1981 clipping, SOHS
vertical file
Block 110, Lot 3, Space 1
Dutton Falls into Wheel; Is Killed
of Valley 8 Years
Said to Have Been Intoxicated--Team Does Not Run
Drags Unfortunate Man for More Than a Half Mile.
Dutton, who resides in the Antelope District near Eagle Point, while in
a drunken condition Saturday afternoon was killed by falling into a
wheel of the spring wagon he was driving on the Eagle Point Road. The
man was dragged for more than a half mile, his head striking each spoke
in the wheel. The team was not frightened and it did not run. Dutton
was still alive when the team was stopped but died shortly afterward.
Dutton had been in town during the
afternoon and started home shortly after 4 o'clock. After he had passed
Crest Brook about a mile he fell from the wagon onto the tongue of the
wagon, his head falling into such a position that each spoke of the
front wheel on the left hand side of the wagon struck his head. Tracks
in the road show that he was dragged for more than a half mile.
Professor [John] C.
Engelhardt, who resides in the first house on the left-hand side of the
road before reaching the top of the hill overlooking the desert, was
the man who stopped the team. He was working in a field nearby and
noticed the team coming along with no one in the seat. He called to his
wife in regard to the strange appearance of the wagon and then ran out
into the road and stopped the team. He then freed Dutton from the
position but the man died within a moment or two after he was freed.
The team was traveling on a walk and was stopped without difficulty.
Engelhardt then called the police force of Medford and notified them.
The exact manner in which Dutton lost his life will never be known. He
had been drinking while in Medford and it is believed that he had
become so drunk that he was powerless to help himself when he fell into
the wheel. Where his head was striking the wheel the paint is entirely
worn off the spokes showing that he had been carried a great distance.
His body was in a horrible condition, blood stains covering his head
and shoulders which had clotted with dust. His clothes were partially
torn from his body.
As soon as the police were notified Constable Singler and Deputy
Sheriff Shearer went to the scene. Chief Hittson and Deputy Coroner
followed, the latter with the ambulance in which the body was brought
to the city.
Dutton's son was in this city at
the time of the tragedy and was at once notified. He went at once to
the scene and later to his home where he had the sorrowful task of
breaking the news to his mother, brothers and sisters.
Mr. Dutton was a man of some sixty years of age. He lived in the
Antelope section and leaves a wife and eight children. They are Mrs.
Jane Hunt of Eddysville, Ore., George and William of Wisner, Idaho,
Charles of Corvallis, Ed and Fred of Medford, Henry of Fossil and Mrs.
Nellie Mooman of Williams. He had lived in this valley eight years,
coming here from the Willamette Valley. He was a native of Iowa.
The funeral services will be held from
Perl's undertaking parlors at 2:30 o'clock Monday. Coroner Kellogg will
hold an inquest Monday.
Mail Tribune, July 23, 1911, page 1
Block 223, Lot 1, Space 2
September 21, 1860-September
2, 1913
Elks and K. of P.
Lodge to Be in Charge—
Acting Mayor Summerville to Issue Proclamation for
City Council Honorary Pallbearers
Condition Serious—Executive Stricken Tuesday Night.
funeral services of Mayor W. W. Eifert,
stricken Tuesday by an attack of heart failure, will be held Friday
afternoon at 2:30 o’clock under the auspices of the Elks and
K. of P.’s.
The services will be held in the Elks Temple.
Other arrangements will be made late this afternoon.
Acting Mayor John T. Summerville will issue a proclamation today
requesting that all business houses be closed during the hours of the
funeral. The council Wednesday morning ordered the city hall draped for
thirty days.
The active pallbearers will be three members from the Elks and K. of P.
lodges, and the honorary pallbearers the members of the city council.
All city employees will attend, and all city offices be closed during
the final services.
Mrs. Eifert, widow of
the late mayor, an invalid for years, is in a critical condition as a
result of the tragedy. She is under the care of physicians. An effort
to withhold the news from her was futile.
Deceased carried life insurance in the amount of $4,000, in two
policies of $2,000 each, in old line companies.
Justin Eifert, a son,
arrived this morning. Mrs. Buchter
will arrive tomorrow from San
from a broken honeymoon. Mrs. Charles Palm, a sister of Mayor Eifert,
spending the summer at
Pelican Bay,
will reach Medford
Mayor Eifert was alone
in the workshop of his tailoring establishment when stricken, and life
had been extinct for over an hour when the body was found at 9:50
o’clock by Dyer Flynn, a small boy [Diamond L. Flynn was actually
sixteen at the time], who entered the store to
telephone. The discovery frightened him, and he ran and told Sergeant
Pat Mego, who
investigated calling Deputy Coroner John A. Perl, a personal friend of
the dead official.
Mayor Eifert left his
home at seven o’clock to attend the council meeting, and en
route stopped at his shop, to attend to work a customer required today.
He had removed his coat, and seated himself on his work bench. In this
position, evidence shows, the first attack was felt. From there he fell
to the floor where found later. Death was painless, and there were no
signs of a struggle.
A wife, an invalid, and six children survive: the Misses Maria and
Ethel, Mrs. William Barnum, Mrs. Frank Isaacs, and Mrs. J. J. Buchter,
who was married Sunday,
and who is now on her way home from a honeymoon trip. One son, Justin,
mourns. There are other relatives in the east.
The news of the tragic death filled the community with sorrow. He was
the central figure in a bitter political battle, immediately following
his election last January, but this left no marks after settlement. His
loss is universally mourned. He had many warm admirers, and was a true
friend of the poor, giving to the needy, often at a personal sacrifice.
He was only in modest circumstances and the head of an ideal home and
family life.
William Walter Eifert
was born in Kenton, Hardin County,
Ohio, on
September 21, 1860. He resided there until he was 19 years of age, when
he moved to Ada,
Ohio, and
into the merchant tailoring business. He was married at the age of
twenty-one, and two years later went into business for himself,
continuing in the business until he moved to Medford, nine years ago,
and has been in the same business here ever since. He was always active
in fraternal circles, and being a Mason, Knight of Pythias, and an Elk.
He was past
chancellor of the Ada
K. P. lodge, and has been chancellor commander of [Medford K.P.]
Talisman lodge, three terms, and also delegate to the grand lodge and
grand prophet of that body. He has filled all the offices in the
Ashland lodge, B.P.O.E. except
exalted ruler, and in the Medford
lodge was past exalted ruler and was a delegate to the national
convention municipal government, having served at Atlantic City.
He had considerable experience as a
councilman in Ada from 1897 to 1901, and 5 years as a councilman in
Medford, from 1906 to 1911, during which time he was chairman of the
city water committee, member of the special committee which installed
our present water system, and for one term president of the council.
Last January he was elected mayor in a three-cornered race by a
majority of 100.
Medford Mail
Tribune, September 3, 1913, page 1
With the respect that flows from the heart of every person in the
community towards the memory of the late W. W. Eifert, who
while filling the highest honor and performing the highest duty in the
gift of his fellows, was summoned by the Father of all to lay aside
those duties for those we know not of; and that we may attest the
respect due him for his industry, kindness, and perseverance, which
gained for him the place he occupied, by virtue of my office as acting
mayor of the City of Medford, Oregon, I respectfully request of all
citizens of said city, that on Friday, September 5th, 1913, between the
hours of 2 and 4 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, they
lay aside their several callings and occupations, and close their
places of business during said time while the relatives and friends of
the departed are performing for him the last and sacred rites.
Acting Mayor of Medford.
funeral of the late Mayor W. W. Eifert
will be held at 2:00 o’clock Friday afternoon at the Elks
hall, under the auspices of the Elks and Knights of Pythias lodges. The
remains will
lie in state from 10 o’clock to 12 o’clock in the
morning at Elks hall and can be viewed by friends. The funeral sermon
will be preached by the Rev. W. F. Shields, and the funeral parade be
participated in by the various lodges with which the deceased was
Acting Mayor Summerville has issued a proclamation asking business
houses to close from 2 o’clock until 4 o’clock.
Relatives from out of the city arrived
today to be present at the funeral.
Mail Tribune, September 4, 1913, page 6
Funeral One of the Largest Attended in Medford’s
Many Beautiful Floral Tributes—Ceremonies Impressive.
Medford paid its last earthly tribute to the memory of the late Mayor
W. W. Eifert this afternoon at one of the largest attended funeral
services in the history of the city. Business houses generally and city
offices were closed out of respect to the dead executive. There were
many beautiful floral pieces, including one piece from the members of
the city council, one each from the fraternal orders and the city
departments, besides a wealth of flowers from friends in this city and
southern Oregon.
Elks Temple Packed
The Elks Temple was packed with people come to pay final tribute. The
services at 2:30 o’clock were conducted by the Elks, the
ritual of the order to departed brothers being read by Exalted Ruler A.
C. Burgess. Attorney B. F. Mulkey delivered the eulogy upon the
stricken official, referring to his labors in behalf of fraternalism,
and his loyalty and faithfulness to their precepts. The Rev. W. F.
Shields, of the Presbyterian Church, delivered the sermon telling of
the traits, works and kindliness of his life. Songs were given by Mr.
and Mrs. George Andrews, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gore.
Procession Long
The funeral procession marched down Holly Street to Main Street, thence
east to the grave, headed by the Medford band, and followed by the
police and fire departments, the Elks, the Knights of Pythias
and carriages containing
the Rev. W. F. Shields, immediate family and relatives, and a long line
of citizens in the order named. Members of the city council marched in
The active pallbearers were: Chas. Gay,
Ed. Pottenger and L.
M. Lyons of the Elks, and John Phlegar,
Henry Haswell and E. G.
Trowbridge of the Knights of Pythias.
The honorary pallbearers were Councilmen Stewart, Campbell,
Porter, Mitchell, Millar and Acting Mayor Summerville.
At the grave the services were conducted
by the Knights of Pythias, the funeral line halting on Main Street
while mourning relatives and friends filed past to the last resting
Mail Tribune, September 5, 1913, page 1
Hamilton Howell
Block 138, Lot 4, Space 2
Howell was
director of the Rogue River Valley Band.
band concert in the city park last night was much enjoyed by a large
crowd of people. As usual the streets surrounding the park and library
park were filled with parked autos, whose occupants joined in the
applause following each band selection by blowing the horns of the cars.
Medford Mail Tribune,
Sept. 2, 1920, page 2
The death of Harry H. Howell,
the well known musician, notice of which appears elsewhere in this
paper, will be regretted by thousands of residents of the city and
valley, where he contributed so much musical enjoyment. Especially will
his loss be felt in the Rogue Valley Band of which he was the leader,
and which so delightfully entertained the people of Medford and Ashland
with weekly concerts last summer.
Medford Mail
Tribune, November 29, 1920, page 6
Hamilton Howell died at the Dow Hospital November 28 after a short
illness from typhoid fever, complicated with blood poisoning, at the
age of 48 years, 7 months and 20 days. He was born at Black River
April 8, 1872. He was a well-known professional musician, who started
at the age of 13 years studying music and was the leader of the Rogue
River Valley Band at the
time of his death. He was a Spanish war veteran, having enlisted at
Superior, Wis.,
in Co. I, 3rd Wisconsin,
and served under General Miles throughout the war.
In the death of Harry H. Howell, Medford
and the community at large have suffered a real loss. For years he had
been a moving factor in all city and valley musical activities. A
musician of first class attainments, he was widely known as an
orchestra and band leader and freely gave of his time and work, much of
the time gratis, in the effort to build up permanent and varied musical
interest in the valley. He always showed splendid tenacity and
enthusiasm in his work, and was at the beck and call of any musician
who needed him. As a loyal friend he is mourned by all who knew him.
Mr. Howell leaves his wife, Florence,
one son Harry, and one daughter Roberta. He is also survived by a
brother, Cheney, and a sister, Mrs. Margaret Sevler,
all of Medford, Ore.
The funeral services will be held at the
Perl Funeral Home Tuesday, November 30, at 2:30 p.m., Rev. D. A.
Millard officiating. Interment in the Medford I.O.O.F. cemetery.
Medford Mail
Tribune, November 29, 1920, page 6
Fortunatus Hubbard
Cemetery NW Circle, Lot 33,
Space 3
Hubbard was a founder of the venerable Hubbard Brothers hardware
Funeral services for Fortunatus Hubbard, 79, Jackson County pioneer and
one of the early owners of the
present Hubbard Brothers company here, will be held at the Perl Funeral
Home Thursday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Louis C. Kirby, pastor of the
First Methodist church, officiating. Hubbard passed away Sunday at the
home of his son, Ferdie
A. Hubbard (IOOF NW Circle, lot 33, space 4), in Central Point.
Interment will be in Medford I.O.O.F. cemetery.
Hubbard, born May 28, 1866, in Illinois,
came to Jacksonville
in 1883 with his father who established an implement business in that
town. He went into business with his father in 1884 and the firm was
later moved to Medford
under the name of Hubbard Brothers. Fortunatus
Hubbard was the eldest of the Hubbard brothers and the last to survive,
Asahel C., Alexis
and Otis (IOOF block 19, lot 4, space 2) having all preceded him in
The deceased was married in 1894 to Theresa McKee (IOOF NW Circle, lot
33, space 2) of Jacksonville
and three children were born to the couple. All three, Earl of Seattle,
Ferdie of Central
Point and Aletha of
Seattle, survive. His second marriage was to Lydia Meadows, 440 South
Riverside, who survives, and
other survivors are a grandchild and great-grandchildren in Seattle.
Hubbard retired from active business in
1926 and in the interest of his health went to Crater Lake National
park as a ranger. The latter years of his life were spent with his son
and daughter in Seattle. He was a lifelong member of the Odd Fellows
lodge and also belonged to the Elks lodge, Kiwanis club and Rebekah
lodge while residing in Medford. Mr. Hubbard, active in the city's
civic affairs, was widely known as a public spirited citizen and held
in high esteem and regard while in business in Medford.
Medford Mail Tribune
, October 2, 1945, page 8
Block 133, Lot 4, Space 1
24, 1867-September 25, 1915
Emma and Henry A. Jansen
had lived in Medford for only a few years before her death; they had
been married 27 years. Henry
founded Medford Cement Brick and Block Works on the present site of
Larson's; he likely fabricated the
tall tree-shaped concrete marker, displaying the word " BROKEN."
Jansen, at her late residence, 335 South Orange Street, Saturday,
September 25th, 1915, aged 49 years 3 months. Native of Illinois. She
leaves to mourn her loss, her husband and daughter, Mrs. Ford Hills of
San Francisco, two sisters, Mrs. Philip Herbold, Los Angeles, and Mrs.
Chas. Dorow, Chicago. Funeral services will be held at the residence
Monday, Sept. 27th at 2:00 p.m., Rev. Hamilton officiating. Interment
at Masonic cemetery. Services at the grave will be conducted by Reames
Chapter, Order of Eastern Star.
Mail Tribune, September 25, 1915, page 2
Freeman Berlin Lumsden
IOOF Cemetery Block
39, Lot 1,
Space 2
31, 1865-January 14, 1961
Lumsden was one of the last living links to Medford's
beginnings when she died at the age of 95. Fortunately, she did leave
us one brief interview
in which describes life in Southern Oregon in the 19th century.
Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman Lumsden,
95, known as Aunt Bessie and a resident of Medford
over 72 years, died in a Central Point nursing home Saturday evening.
Mrs. Lumsden, the
daughter of Dr. T. N. and Jane Dennison Berlin,
was born in Farmington,
on July 31, 1865. She was also married in Farmington
Sept. 15, 1887 to Harold U. Lumsden.
The couple came to Medford
following year, where Mr. Lumsden
started one of the first general stores here. It was first located near
the old Nash Hotel, now the Robinson Hotel, and
later moved to the location now occupied by the men’s
department of Mann’s department store. Mr. Lumsden retired in
1927 and died
in September of the following year.
Mrs. Lumsden
was one of the early members of the First Presbyterian Church, having
joined it in 1897. She first became a member of the Order of Eastern
Star in Jacksonville,
and left to become a charter member of the Medford Reames chapter, OES.
She was
also a charter member of the Daughters of the Nile, a charter member of
the first civic club in Medford,
known as the Lewis and Clark club, and was a member of
first library board.
Survivors include a niece and foster
daughter, Mrs. Edith G. Grigsby, Medford; a grandson, Dr. T. B.
Lumsden, La Grande; a granddaughter, Mrs. Anne Kirkpatrick, Baker; and
a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lucille Lumsden, also of Baker; and seven
great-grandchildren. A son and two daughters preceded her in death.
Medford Mail Tribune,
January 16, 1961
IOOF Cemetery Block
221, Lot 4,
Space 1
15, 1895-May 31, 1930
Forest Service pilot, air racer. Funds for McKinney's headstone were
raised by a benefit air show at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey.
Arrested for
No Pilot's License, Ive McKinney Sails Away
July 9--Ive McKinney, aviator formerly of Medford, is being sought by
local state traffic officers to answer to charges placed against him
for operating an airplane without a proper pilot's license. McKinney
was in the city shortly before the 4th of July, and at that time he was
arrested and told to appear before Judge Taylor the following morning
after arrest, but instead of doing so left for Myrtle Point, Oregon, to
take part in a celebration there. Upon his arrival there he was
apprised of the fact that the officers of Jackson County had informed
Coos Bay officials to apprehend him. Forthwith he put up $50 bail at
Myrtle Point for his appearance at the local justice court.
According to late reports, instead of
coming to
Medford he went on to Montague, thence to Mount Shasta City, Calif.,
and then to Wallace, Idaho, where it is said he has a contract for
transporting iron pipe by airplane.
Daily Tidings, July 9, 1925, page 1
Overturns Capt. McKinney's Aircraft
As He Makes Vertical Bank at Teterboro.
TETERBORO, N.J., May 31.--When his
plane sideslipped on a turn in an airplane race here today, Captain Ive
McKinney, former army flier and widely known stunt pilot, crashed on
the edge of the Teterboro Airport and received injuries of which he
died in the Hackensack Hospital.
The race, one of the closing events of a
two-day air carnival, was held for the benefit of the Passaic Chapter
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. McKinney, who had thrilled thousands
with his hair-raising stunts over airports near New York for several
years, was flying low, barely skimming the treetops and cutting corners
sharply. On the second lap he pulled the New Standard plane into a
vertical bank to round the sound pylon and a sudden gust of wind
flipped the plane upside down.
pilot struggled to right the ship by a maneuver known as a half roll,
but the loss of altitude which always accompanies the roll carried him
so low that his wing tip caught in the rough ground. The plane
cartwheeled over and came to rest near the airport boundary, a complete
wreck. Spectators and airport attendants rushed to the scene as the
other contestants in the race quickly landed.
unconscious pilot was dragged from the wreckage. Despite the speed at
which the accident occurred McKinney's long experience enabled him to
take the precaution of cutting his ignition switches off and that
probably prevented the plane from taking fire. His legs and jaw were
broken and he was injured internally. He died in the hospital at 8:30
McKinney had lived in Hackensack since
his employment here as a pilot and instructor in the New Standard
Flying Service. He had been connected with many aviation enterprises
and had had several bad accidents within the last two years. Since last
August he had crashed three times on this airport, but his injuries
were relatively slight and a few weeks found him again in the air,
stunting. Before he came here he was the leader of the Gates Air
Circus, which toured the country on stunting exhibitions and finally
installed itself at the Holmes Airport in Queens. He also had a severe
accident at that airport. A week or so later he hobbled to the field on
crutches, gave them to a mechanic and took off on a series of combat
maneuvers in his crippled condition.
He was considered one of the leading
circus fliers of America.
McKinney was born in [Harriman,
Tennessee]. He was 35 years old and was engaged to be married to Miss
Grace Ayres of Ridgefield Park, N.J. She was on the field at the time
of the accident.
The New York Times,
1, 1930
Hit by Gust of Wind During Race in New Jersey--
Was Pioneer of Medford Flying.
TETERBORO AIRPORT, Hasbrouck Heights,
N.J., June 2. (AP)--Captain Ive McKinney, Hasbrouck Heights, died
Saturday night of injuries received when his plane was turned over by a
gust of wind during a race, and crashed from a height of 50 feet.
Captain Ive McKinney, 35, pioneer Oregon aviator and former Medford
resident, was killed at Teterboro, N.J., Saturday, when his plane
crashed in an air race, according to word received here yesterday by
relatives. Captain McKinney lived here for several years and is
remembered by many southern Oregon residents.
He was born in Harriman, Tenn., April
15, 1895, and came to Medford with his family in 1918. He joined the
air corps here in 1919 and was stationed at the local airport for some
time while in the service. Later, he engaged in flying service and was
one of the first to carry passengers here.
Mr. McKinney is also remembered for his
stunt flying at local fairs and celebrations. He crashed at the
fairgrounds once in 1926, but was not injured. For several years he has
been in the airport and flying business in Teterboro, N.J.
He is survived by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. McKinney, two brothers, John and Huse, and a sister, Mrs.
Sam Colton, all residents of Medford. The funeral will probably be held
Mail Tribune, June 2, 1930, page 1
Cemetery Block 215, Lot 3, Space 3
John Osborne, Contractor,
by Jump from
Temporary Insanity Caused by Drink
Blamed for Rash Act--Funeral
Services To Be Held
Osborne, a contractor, age 45 years,
living in Medford;
for many years, committed suicide Saturday at noon, by leaping from the
roof of the Medford Hotel. Temporary insanity, caused by an unsatisfied
craving for liquor, prompted the mad act. Death was instantaneous, and
scores of people hurrying homeward at the noon hour saw the body hurl
through the air and strike the Main Avenue
pavement with a sound like the muffled report of a revolver.
Recently an order of the county court was issued upon the request of
relatives and friends of the dead man, asking he be forbidden the sale
of liquor. This preyed upon his mind and coupled with other worries,
brought him to an irresponsible condition.
Just before his leap, Osborne walked into Olmstead's grocery store, and
immediately left without a word. He went to the Medford Hotel and asked
Henry Wolf, the elevator boy, to take him to the roof, stating that he
wished to see the scenery. This was done, and was
the last living act of
the man before he leaped to his death five stories below.
The flying body was seen in the air by Dr. Porter, who rushed to his
aid after he struck. Osborne struck upon his back, and every bone in
his body was broken by the force of the impact. The only outward mark
was a slight abrasion on the chin, probably caused by some other
After reaching the top of the building Osborne evidently feared that he
would be stopped, for he rushed to the edge, halted for a moment,
and then plunged
downward. Mr. Garrison and other eyewitnesses saw the man standing on
the edge, wondered what he was doing, and turned away in horror after
the leap.
After the suicide Coroner Kellogg of Gold Hill was called, and an
inquest decided unnecessary, the facts in the case being strong.
Osborne is survived by a wife, daughter
and son, the latter living in California. The funeral will be held
Monday at two o'clock from the late residence, 512 South Oakdale, the
Rev. E. O. Eldridge officiating. The services will be under the
auspices of the Woodmen of the World. Interment in Odd Fellows cemetery.
Medford Sun, April 20, 1913, page 1
The funeral of John Osborne, who died in this city on Saturday last,
was held yesterday from his late residence, 512 South Oakdale Avenue.
The services at the house were in charge of Rev. E. O. Eldridge, pastor
of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Mr. Osborne was born in Maidstone,
England, and was
51 years of age at the time of his death. He was a man of many sterling
qualities and noble traits of character, a devoted husband and father.
He leaves to mourn him his widow Mrs.
Osborne, a daughter, Eva, and two sons living in California. His father
and two brothers also survive him in England. The services at the grave
were in charge of the Woodmen, a lodge of which Mr. Osborne had been a
member for years.
Mail Tribune, April 23, 1913, page 4
Olivia Dyre
Cemetery Block 215, Lot 3, Space 4
Osborne, the first Registered Nurse in Oregon, was the wife of John
Osborne, above. She died twenty-nine years after John, and is buried
beside her husband in space 4.
Olivia Dyre
Osborne (class of 1892, Illinois Training School for Nurses, Chicago,
Illinois) [died] on March 27 [1942] at the Community Hospital, Medford,
Oregon. For fifteen years Mrs. Osborne did private duty nursing. In
1895, as a bride, she went to Medford, Oregon, and it was through her
untiring efforts that the law governing the registration of nurses in
that state was passed. Subsequently, in 1911, she became the first
registered nurse in Oregon. She served on the Board of Nurse Examiners
from 1911 to 1923 and was elected its first president, serving in that
capacity until 1918. Later, a selected secretary, she served the Board
for five years.
Mrs. Osborne was interested not only in
creating a high educational standard for nursing but also in the nurse
as an individual. Her fine contribution to nursing was given
recognition at the silver anniversary of the Oregon State Nurses
Association in 1927, and the same year she was made an honorary member
of District 4 of the state association. It was through her initiative
that the nurses registry at Medford was established, which she directed
until the time of her last illness.
"Obituaries," American Journal of Nursing, June
1942, page 718
Mrs. Olivia Dyre Osborne, one of Oregon's first trained nurses, passed
away at a local hospital Friday afternoon following six weeks' illness.
Mrs. Osborne, the first registered nurse in the state, was for many
years an active member of the Oregon state examining board for nurses,
having been appointed upon formation of that body by Governor Ben
Olcott. She was an honorary member of the Oregon State Nurses
Association and well known in nursing and medical circles throughout
She came to Medford in 1895, before the
city had any
hospitals, and until her death conducted the official District 4
registry for graduate nurses. Her home was at 512 South Oakdale Avenue.
During Mrs. Osborne's long connection
with nursing
and the healing art she had seen great development and many changes in
techniques. She retained a keen interest in her profession throughout
the years and during her long and active career she gave unstintingly
both to her work, her sister nurses and her community.
Mrs. Osborne was a graduate of the
Illinois Training
School connected with the Cook County Hospital in Chicago. For a number
of years she was assistant superintendent of the Presbyterian Hospital
in Chicago.
A lifelong member of the Methodist
Church and
daughter of a Methodist minister, Olivia Dyre was born in Southampton,
Ontario, Canada. She was united in marriage to John Osborne in
1895, coming to Medford as a bride in that year. Mr. Osborne passed
away here in 1913.
Mrs. Osborne is survived by a brother,
Milton Dyre,
Calgary, Alberta, one daughter, Mrs. Eva Jane Bohall, and four
grandchildren, all of San Francisco.
Funeral services will be conducted by
the Rev. L. F.
Belknap in the Conger Chapel, at 10:30 a.m. Monday. Interment will be
in the Odd Fellows cemetery.
Pall bearers will be William Warner, H.
C. Best, Frank Van Dyke, C. H. Paske, Berthold Barnum and C. H. Gile.
Mail Tribune, March 29, 1942, page 12
Cemetery Block 113, Lot 1, Space 3
F. Osenbrugge Worried Over Business, Health and European War
Suicide at Home--Left Farewell Notes to Friends--
in Medford's Affairs.
F. Osenbrugge, a pioneer of Medford, former city councilman and
treasurer of the Commercial Club, and large property owner, committed
suicide this morning at his home, 401 South Riverside, by shooting
himself in the head with a revolver. The act was committed between 5:00
and 7:00 o'clock. Notes left behind indicate that worry over business
affairs, failing health, and the fortunes of the German army in the
great struggle prompted the deed.
Osenbrugge was about 70 years of age,
and well known throughout the
city and valley where he had lived for 20 years. There will be no
inquest. The news came as a shock to the city, but intimate friends
said that owing to recent despondency it did not surprise them.
The body was found by Dr. Barber about 7:00 o'clock, when he went to
make his regular call. Osenbrugge has been under a physician's care
for some time. Failing to secure a response to his knock at the front
door, Dr. Barber went to a window on the side and peering through saw
the outstretched body on the floor, with one hand poised. It was
evident that standing before a mirror, the fatal shot was fired. Death
was instantaneous. None of the neighbors heard the report.
An investigation brought to light farewell letters written to friends
and relatives. In some the thought was expressed that he was tired of
life. In others were written the hope that "enemies of the Fatherland
would be punished." The European war was closely followed by the dead
man, and he took an intense interest in the rising and falling fortunes
of the belligerents.
Osenbrugge had been a resident of the
Rogue River Valley for 20 years,
during which time he had been engaged in the feed and implement
business. He retired from these pursuits five or six years ago, and
devoted his time to his property interests. He was treasurer of the
Commercial Club for a number of years and also city councilman for
several terms.
A daughter, Mrs. Walter Antle, and a son living at Ruch survive. The
funeral announcement will be made later.
Mail Tribune, July
28, 1915, page 1
Judson Phipps
Cemetery Block 30, Lot 2, Space 1
Founder of Medford.
Iradell Judson Phipps, one of the earliest settlers of Jackson County
died at his home, 328 N. Riverside, Medford, on August 22, 1913, at
3:30 p.m., after an illness which dates back several years. He was born
in Owen County, Indiana, on March 1, 1838. When a young man he moved
with his parents to Unionville, Mo., where on April 21, 1861, he was
married to Calista P. Downing.
He crossed the plains in 1862 and located in La Grande, Baker County,
Oregon. In 1865 he moved to Jackson County, where the city of Medford
now stands, and became one of the founders of the city. He was a man of
marked ability and identified himself with all the various interests of
the community, and by his gifts and donations aided largely in the
development of one of the most beautiful cities in Oregon. Mr. Phipps
belonged to that class of sturdy pioneers who, by their ability and
indomitable energy, made possible the splendid civilization that we
today enjoy in this great northwest country. He was a familiar figure
upon the streets of our city until enforced illness in the last few
years necessitated his retirement to the quiet of home, where he was
most tenderly cared for by the loving hands of wife and children.
Several winters were spent by him in his home in Redlands, Cal., in an
attempt to recover his failing health.
In early manhood he was converted to a Christian life and became a
charter member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Medford, and
for forty-nine years he was actively identified with all the religious
interests of our community. He was a devoted husband and loving father
and liberally provided for his home and its needs. In the death of Mr.
Phipps Medford has lost one of its leading and most influential
He leaves a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn his loss,
among whom are his widow and four children, William J. of Alberta,
Canada; D. Edward, Dr. Ira D. and one daughter, May, of Medford. Two
other children, Franklin and Joseph, died in childhood.
The funeral will take place Sunday at 2:30 o'clock from his late
residence on Riverside Avenue.
Mail Tribune, August
23, 1913, page 6
Howard Stewart
Cemetery Block 92, in the aisle between lots 1 and 2
Early commercial orchardist;
founder of the Medford Bank.
a pioneer fruit grower of Jackson County, Joseph H. Stewart takes first
rank, and his products are shipped to all parts of the United States
and Europe. He is a profound student of everything pertaining to
horticulture, and is one of the best posted men in his line between the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans. When he first came to Oregon, people
generally questioned the advisability of raising fruit [not true--nearly every issue of
every local newspaper of
1883 and 1884 extolled Southern Oregon's virtues as a fruit-raising
region], but there are many today who wish they had
followed his example.
Owing to early association with his father's nursery [in Adams County,
Illinois], Joseph H. Stewart had scant opportunity for attending
school, a deficiency which has since spurred him to unusual effort
along educational lines. Ambitious and resourceful, he firmly believed
that Oregon held exceptional opportunities for the fruit grower, and in
the spring of 1884 he took a trip to the state, investigating the soil
and general prospects. Well pleased with what he found, he returned to
his family in the fall, and in February, 1885, located in the Rogue
River Valley. Two months later found him in Illinois, negotiating for
the sale of his property, with the proceeds of which he removed his
belongings to the coast. Needless to say, fruit trees constituted a
large part of the outfit. The first year in the valley he had one
hundred and sixty acres under orchard, and the next year an additional
one hundred acres. In 1890 he shipped the first carload of fruit out of
Jackson County [even the
newspaper announcing Stewart's arrival in Medford makes it
clear that fruit is already being shipped in quantity],
and in 1896 his output consisted of ninety-five carloads of apples and
pears. Mr. Stewart has sold the first two orchards which he started,
and at present has about four hundred acres devoted exclusively to
apples and pears.
In 1898 Mr. Stewart built a fine residence in the Cascade Mountains, on
the Upper Rogue River, surrounded by thirty acres of orchards, and
fitted with every modern improvement. He has taken an active part in
the business life of Medford, and in 1899 was one of the organizers of
the Bank of Medford, owning the bank building and serving as the
president of the concern for two years, and is now its vice president.
Mr. Stewart is encouraging fruit growing in his children, and his son
William is one of the large fruit ranchers of Jackson County. One
child, June I., died at the age of twenty, and three daughters, Mrs. A.
J. Weeks, of Oakland, Cal., Mrs. H. M. Crowell and Mrs. D. R. Hill, are
living. Mr. Stewart is a Democrat in political affiliation, and
fraternally is a charter member of Blue Lodge No. 103,
A.F.&A.M. of Medford.
and Biographical Record
of Western Oregon, 1904
revised July 23, 2010