![]() ![]() Medford Pioneers: William Ulrich Born.
Jacksonville, on the 2nd inst., to the wife of Christian Ulrich, a
daughter.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 7, 1865, page 2 PETTY THEFTS.--Last week some scoundrels made a raid on Mrs. Ulrich's clothesline and stole a large amount of valuable clothing, and during this week three fine large geese were stolen from Jim Cardwell's on the school house knoll. Some rascals were surely spoiling for a charge of buckshot. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
December 5, 1868, page
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
July 31, 1869, page
Jacksonville, July 30th, Christian Ulrich, a native of Prussia, aged 60
PRAISEWORTHY.--We take pleasure in mentioning the first commendable act of the citizens of Jacksonville for the new year. Mr. H. Helms canvassed the town this week with a petition for the relief of Mrs. Ulrich, a widow woman with five children, four of them sick with the scarlet fever. The subscriptions to the petition were considerably in excess of $100, which will supply their necessities for some months. Democratic News, Jacksonville, January 8, 1870, page 3 Wm. Ulrich:--"In last week's Valley Record appeared an item, in the Medford correspondence, to the effect that a warrant had been issued at Grants Pass for the arrest of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company of this city, charged with selling adulterated lard. This item appeared last week, but up to the present date (Thursday, Nov. 29) no papers have been served upon the company. This delay would seem to indicate that the item was prepared wholly from manufactured timber, and possibly maliciously so. As secretary and manager of the company I will offer a reward of $500 to any person who will find one article of adulteration in lard put up by the company and in vessels bearing its trademark." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, November 30, 1894, page 2 State Food Commissioner H. B. Luce swore out a warrant in Ashland before Justice Luckey last week for the arrest of William Ulrich, manager of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company, at Medford, for selling adulterated lard. Another case has been started against Ulrich in Josephine County. "Northwest News," Hood River Glacier, Hood River, Oregon, December 29, 1894, page 1 Wm. Ulrich has returned from Del Norte County, Calif., where he purchased a large number of cattle for April delivery. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 28, 1898, page 3 "Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, January 8, 1900, page 2 Wm. Ulrich of Medford Arrested for Shipping Deer-Skins and Acquitted on Technical Points. It seems that deer skins have been frequently illicitly shipped from Medford, sometimes done up in sacks and billed as "dried apples" or in barrels as "pork" and other fictitious ways. Saturday, the 30th ult., six barrels, four of "dried shinbones" and two of "corned beef," were offered to the S.P. agent at Medford for shipment by a Mr. Shearer, drayman for the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co. The S.P. agent, not having any classification on his tariff sheet for "dried shinbones," inspected the barrels and, instead of shipping them to Dodge, Sweeney & Co., San Francisco, as the directions called for, notified Wm. Ulrich, who is the secretary and manager of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co., that the S.P. Co. would not receive them for shipment and ordered the drayman to take them away. The barrels were those commonly used for packing lard, were headed up tightly, and each one weighed about 115 pounds. Though a search warrant was issued and the packing house searched, the barrels were not found after their return to the pork packing company. Ulrich's defense was that, personally, he was not the shipper of the deer skins; that, personally, he did not transport to or offer the skins for shipment, and these flimsy technicalities appeared to have weight with the jury, which was composed of W. T. Kame, E. N. Warner, C. I. Hutchison, W. T. York and F. W. Wait, for they acquitted him of the charge. The case was ably prosecuted by District Attorney C. B. Watson, and Ulrich was defended by Hon. Wm. M. Colvig. It is believed that other prosecutions will grow out of this case, for the authorities are determined to put a stop to the outrageous breaking of the game laws that take place in this section of Oregon, and which have been facilitated and made possible only through the crooked shipments of the deer skins, packed and falsely labeled, as in this case for which Ulrich stood trial and was acquitted when the evidence was so strong against him. On Saturday a warrant was served on Wm. Ulrich in Medford, charging him with buying deer skins. The hearing in the case will take place before Justice Stewart in Medford Thursday, the 11th inst., when Ulrich will be defended by attorneys Colvig & Reames. Much interest is being taken in the outcome of the case. Ashland Tidings, January 8, 1900, page 3 Wm. Ulrich, manager of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co. at Medford, was arrested last week upon complaint of Deputy State Game Warden W. G. Kropka, charged with shipping four lard barrels loaded with deer skins to Dodge, Sweeney Co., San Francisco. The bill of lading said they were "dried shin bones," and Agent Lippincott and Assistant Agent Mahoney opened the barrels and found them to be packed with deer hides. District Attorney Watson conducted the prosecution and W. M. Colvig the defense. A jury was selected and after hearing the evidence declared Ulrich not personally guilty. The hearing was before Justice of the Peace James Stewart. Mr. Ulrich is on trial again today for buying deer skins. Valley Record, Ashland, January 11, 1900, page 3 Wm. Ulrich was tried a second time this week, on a charge of buying deer hides. As before, the jury disagreed. The case was then dismissed upon motion of the district attorney. Colvig & Reames represented the defendants. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 15, 1900, page 2 Ashland Tidings, January 11, 1900, page 3 The case will be retried in the same court tomorrow, Tuesday. Ashland Tidings, January 15, 1900, page 3 "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 19, 1900, page 3 Wm. Ulrich, who is afflicted with a tumor abscess, which affects his vitals, was taken to San Francisco Saturday, and will have an operation performed on him at the Waldeck hospital. He is very sick now. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 7 Word from Wm. Ulrich, who is in San Francisco, is to the effect that he is improving in health and that the physician thinks an operation will not be necessary. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 12, 1901, page 6 Wm. Ulrich is expected home this week. He went to San Francisco a very sick man, but he returns almost fully recovered, without submitting to an operation. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1901, page 7 Wm. Ulrich returned Sunday evening from San Francisco, where has been receiving medical treatment in one of the hospitals in that city. He is very much improved in health, and will soon be able to attend to his business affairs. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 6 Councilman Ulrich and family have returned to Medford from Eagle Point, where they have been living for a few months. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 5, 1902, page 6
Several weeks ago an article appeared in the Mail
announcing the probable establishment of a vinegar factory in Medford.
Since that time this prediction has been verified, and within a very
short time the plant will be in running order. Olwell Bros., of Central
Point, are the main movers in this addition to the manufacturing
concerns of Medford. They have leased the Slinger & Ulrich
house in northwest Medford and are busily engaged preparing the
for their purpose and installing the plant.
"New Medford Enterprise," Medford Mail, October 3, 1902, page 2 William Ulrich returned from the Willamette Valley Tuesday morning with five carloads of young cattle, which he had purchased for himself and Sheriff Rader. When the stock was unloaded here, two were found badly injured and five were dead. After being allowed a rest of several hours, the entire band was driven to Ulrich's ranch near Jacksonville and turned into the pasture. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 26, 1902, page 6 WILLIAM ULRICH. As a man of excellent business ability, who is shrewd and has been decidedly successful in whatever he has undertaken, Mr. Ulrich, who is extensively engaged in ranching pursuits in the vicinity of Eagle Point, Ore., may be rightfully termed a self-made man in the truest sense of the word, for at an early age he was deprived by death of his father and without educational advantages or capital he was forced to make his own way in the world. He was born in Burlington, Iowa, January 18, 1858, and two years later was brought to a home in the Far West by his parents, Christian and Barbara Ulrich, who took up their abode in Jackson County, Ore., in 1860. They settled in Jacksonville, where William grew to manhood. He attended the common schools of that city, but obtained but a limited education, for in 1869 his father died and thus early in life the son was thrown upon his own resources and compelled to work for his living. Obtaining employment on a nearby ranch as a chore boy, he worked one year for his board and clothes, after which he was paid wages, remaining on the same ranch for three additional years, and the following year he was employed in and about the mining camps. He then became apprenticed to learn the baker's trade in Jacksonville, and he followed that line of work there for five years. About that time the railroad was being built in that vicinity, and Mr. Ulrich followed truck teaming for about a year in connection with the railroad camps. Selling his team he went to Medford, and in 1885 he opened a fire insurance office there and did fairly well at this business. He was the organizer and promoter of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company, which did a flourishing business in Medford, and for five years was its efficient manager, while at the same time he conducted a retail butcher shop. He subsequently formed a partnership with Mr. Slinger and engaged in the cattle business, and together they carried on a profitable business until the death of the latter, whereupon Mr. Ulrich purchased the interest of his former partner and continued in the business alone. His home ranch in the neighborhood of Eagle Point contains twelve hundred and twenty acres and many improvements have been made upon the farm by Mr. Ulrich since taking possession of it, and it now ranks among the best in this section. He also owns an interest in another ranch up in the mountains, which at the present writing furnishes grazing for about six hundred head of choice Hereford cattle. The marriage of Mr. Ulrich took place in June, 1884, with Miss Emma A. Milner. Their family now consists of five children, whose names are William L., Earl, Annie, Gertrude and Loraine. In politics Mr. Ulrich is a Democrat, and his interest in the welfare of Medford was made manifest by his many worthy acts while a member of the city council, giving, as he did, his support to any and all measures that had a tending to better the condition of the city or the community at large. In fraternal orders, he is allied with the Ancient Order of United Workmen, being a charter member of Banner Lodge No. 23, of Jacksonville, Ore. Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904, page 836 Bill Ulrich, independent candidate for commissioner. That's the very latest Jackson County political dope. "It's this way," says Bill, "county warrants should be worth 100 cents on the dollar. Elect me and they'll be that way. I'm honest. I'm progressive. I'm a Medford man. The people want a square deal. I'll give it to 'em. Think I'll file for commissioner on the independent ticket. County business on a business basis is my platform. I've got the money to make a hot campaign. My hat is in the ring." By filing as an independent Bill will not need petitions. To date the only member of his party--the independent--to register is George Putnam. "Bill Ulrich Throws His Hat in Ring," Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1912, page 1 Lewis Ulrich, of Jacksonville, has been recommended by Senators Chamberlain and Lane for appointment as postmaster at Jacksonville. It is believed that he will be soon appointed to the position. Mr. Ulrich is well known in the county. Last fall he was the Democratic candidate for county treasurer. Although he made practically no effort in the way of a campaign he came near being elected. He has been a resident of Jacksonville for years. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, May 3, 1913, page 3 MAY BUILD AUTOMOBILES
are reliably informed that Messrs. J. A. Marsh and Roy Ulrich, both
well-known citizens of this city, will in the near future open a
factory for the construction of a new and improved axle for automobiles.Jacksonville Men Will Establish Factory and Machine Shops for Construction of Axles for Autos. Invented by J. A. Marsh of This City. The axle is the invention of Mr. Marsh and for which a patent has been lately received. The concern will be known as "The Marsh & Ulrich Front Axle Construction Co." The factory will be established for the present at the Chris. Ulrich planing mill, Mr. Ulrich having donated the use of building and grounds for this purpose. The idea of the invention may be gained from an examination of the illustration given herewith. Several manufacturers of autos in the East have examined a model of the invention and predict a good sale for the invention when placed on the market. The patentees have received several flattering offers from parties who desire to buy the patent outright, but have refused to sell, preferring to manufacture it themselves. It is the intention to manufacture the axle to fit any and al cars, new or second hand, and if business conditions justify, the firm will probably build a new flexible frame car which will equalize the weight upon each wheel under all conditions and on the roughest roads. Jacksonville Post, June 13, 1914, page 1 BURIED ALIVE IN WELL
Christian Ulrich, a well-known citizen of this place, was buried alive
by a cave-in of the well at his residence Wednesday evening about 6:30.Chris Ulrich Caught by Cave-in, Is Taken Out After One Hour. Not Seriously Injured. It seems that a bucket had been dropped into the well and Mr. Ulrich went down a rope for the purpose of recovering it and having got the bucket he attempted to climb out, using the crevices of the wall and footholds to aid his ascent. It is supposed that he loosened the rocks with which the well was walled causing a cave-in of rocks and dirt, completely covering the unfortunate man. Mrs. Ulrich gave the alarm, which was responded to by a crowd of rescuers who immediately began the retrieval of the debris covering the man in the well and after an hour of strenuous work he was taken out not much the worse for his experience excepting a few bruises. In falling Mr. Ulrich fortunately struck feet downwards which fact probably saved his life, for had he fallen upon his head he would likely have been suffocated before the rescuers reached him. The work of rescue was necessarily slow, as another cave-in was likely to happen at any time. Mr. Ulrich is to be congratulated upon his escape from what might have been certain death, for had the rock at the top of the well fallen only a miracle could have saved him. Jacksonville Post, September 4, 1915, page 1 L. ULRICH BUYS FOUTS GROCERY
deal was closed today whereby Louis Ulrich of Jacksonville will take
possession of Fouts Grocery store in this city on December 1st, and Mr.
Ulrich will move his family to this city as soon as he can dispose of
his property interests in the county seat. His general merchandise
business there will be sold. The cash consideration in the sale is not
made public aside from a payment of $2000.
The future plans of Mr. Fouts have not been definitely decided upon. Mr. Ulrich said today that he will move to Medford as soon as his business would permit, and that he intended to build a home in this city in the spring. He has been in business in Jacksonville for years, and is now postmaster at that place. He is one of the best known and most popular business men of the county. Medford Mail Tribune, September 23, 1921, page 8 BILL ULRICH GETS A WRITEUP IN
Portland Sunday Journal
printed a picture of William Ulrich of Medford and a sketch of his
career, of which the following is a part:William Ulrich, Democratic candidate for county judge of Jackson County, was born in Burlington, Iowa, in 1858, crossed the plains with his parents by ox team in 1860 and arrived in Jacksonville, Ore., in the fall of the same year. There were 60 wagons in this train and in [it] were such old pioneers as the Barneburgs, Furrys. Lavenburgs, Nortons, Youngs and others. Ulrich's father died in 1869. He was forced to work for his board and keep on the farm of Lyman Chappel on the Applegate, where he worked for two years. He then hired out to Chappel for four years at $20 per month and board and saved out of that small salary $16 per month. After the expiration of this term Ulrich came back to Jacksonville and learned the baker's trade, at which he worked for several years. He sold this business and moved to Medford when the railroad came to the Rogue River Valley, where he built the third business house in Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, March 3, 1924, page 8 The edition of the Oregon Journal quoted seems not to be the one microfilmed. WILLIAM
Democratic Candidate for COUNTY JUDGE ![]() Taxes can and must be reduced and I will reduce them by giving the people a business administration.The undersigned doesn't need any introduction to the old-timers in this valley, but some of the recent arrivals may be interested in knowing that I was born in Iowa in the year 1858, crossed the plains with my parents in 1860, settled in Jacksonville and have since then resided in this valley. I removed to Medford when the railroad reached the valley, and now reside in this city. Have been engaged in various undertakings and have had a reasonable success in business. Have been a retired business man since 1919, when the firm of Ulrich & Ryan closed a five-year term in the grocery line, meeting with a somewhat unusual degree of success. I have never taken much interest in politics, concentrating on business, as business should be conducted according to my ideas, and my experience convinces me that the business of Jackson County, which is really a corporation in the business sense, should be conducted on strictly business principles in the same manner as a good business man would supervise and conduct the business of a corporation. I want to be County Judge solely to give the people of Jackson County such a business administration, if they see fit to favor me with success at the polls, as will make this valley the most prosperous section of Oregon. Such business ability as I have will be devoted unsparingly to the interests of the people of Jackson County. And candor propels the statement that it is high time that the people were turning from the spending idea to that of saving for the next generation, and getting our affairs in better shape. When a budget is adopted, it should not be exceeded, except in extreme, unforeseen cases, such as fire, floods and other things over which no one has any control. How about it? Let me show what the application of business principles of county business can do. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM ULRICH,
Medford Mail
Tribune, October 31, 1924, page 5. A "county judge" was what we
today call a county commissioner.Candidate for County Judge. Jackson County vs. Wm. Ulrich
June 3, 1918, Deputy Assessor N. N. Lofland assessed the following
personal property to Wm. Ulrich: Money, $1000; stocks, warrants, notes
and accounts, $2000; 1 Ford automobile, 1917 model, $220; 1 cow, $40; 1
dog, $10. Total, $3270.
June 6, 1919, Mr. Ulrich paid the tax on $270, amounting to $10.91, but refused to pay on the money, stocks, etc. The total tax was $132.11, which left $121.20 unpaid. The unpaid balance was applied to the home of Mr. Ulrich on July 23, 1920, the total cost, penalty and interest being $173.66. In 1922, when the county started foreclosure on its delinquent tax liens, Mr. Ulrich's home was advertised for sale. Mr. Ulrich came into the sheriff's office and offered Sheriff Terrill fifty percent of the total amount due if they would receipt the bill in full. When this was refused he went to the county court and on December 9, 1922, the court made an order ordering the sheriff to accept $100 in full payment. This the sheriff refused to do. Then Mr. Ulrich filed mandamus proceedings against the sheriff to compel him to obey the orders of the county court. This hearing was held before Judge Thomas, and in a decision rendered April 23, 1923, Judge Thomas held that the county court exceeded its authority and that Ulrich would have to pay the total amount. Upon the rendering of this decision, Mr. Ulrich filed a motion for an appeal to the supreme court, and the case is awaiting hearing in that court at the present time. The following excerpts are from the decision which Judge Thomas rendered in this case on April 23, 1923: [lengthy excerpts not transcribed]
The official
records of Jackson County show that in 1919 Mr.Ulrich was assessed $400
for money, bonds, mortgages, etc.; $200 for one Ford car; $40 for one
cow, and $20 for a dog, a personal property assessment of $660; tax on
same, $61.91; real estate, $9470; tax, $389.96; also, Ulrich &
Ryan, general merchandise, $12,000; tax, $580.80. Of the above an
assessment of $920 seems to have been disputed, is unpaid, was
foreclosed by Jackson County and is now owned by the county.
In 1920 Mr. Ulrich's personal assessment was $540, covering $600 in money, bonds, etc., and one $40 cow. The Ford and the dog do not hereafter appear. Tax, $32.35. Real estate, $3210; tax, $176.45. Ulrich & Ryan, real estate, $320; tax, $13.78. This year Mr. Ulrich resisted payment on an assessment of $720; tax, $27.95, which has been foreclosed by Jackson County and is now held by the county. In 1921 he was assessed $50 for personal property, tax $3.11, and $3040 for real estate. Tax, $181.14. Resisted payment on an assessment of $320, tax $19.24, which has been foreclosed by the county. No assessment against Ulrich & Ryan. In 1922 he does not appear to have been assessed for any personal property, but was assessed $3040 for real estate. Refused payment on a valuation of $320. Tax $13.84, which has been foreclosed by the county. In 1923, no personal property; real estate, $3040; tax, $172.37. Resisted payment on $320, which has been foreclosed by the county. Mr. Ulrich's rating as a wealthy man is a matter of general knowledge in Jackson County. Mr. Taxpayer, do you think Mr. Ulrich has done his fair share towards the support of our schools, our county, or the city or state in which he lives? Don't you think that if he had paid more you would have had to pay less? (Paid
Ashland Daily Tidings, November
1, 1924, page B1
Mail Tribune, October 29, 1926, page 7
Christian Ulrich died at his home in Jacksonville, October 28, after a
lingering illness, aged 73 years, 10 months and 22 days. He was born at
Burlington, Iowa, December 6, 1852. His parents were part of a caravan
of 47 wagons with ox teams which crossed the plains in 1860 and which
took six months time in crossing the plains. Many of these families
were the founders and builders of this community.
Mr. Ulrich had been a resident of Jacksonville for sixty-seven years. He was an honest and upright citizen and will be mourned by a host of friends besides his family. He was a charter member of Jacksonville lodge, I.O.O.F. and Rebekahs, being a member for more than fifty years. Also a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was married October 13, 1875 to Alice Gilson, and to this union were born seven children. Two of them passed away in infancy. He is survived today by his wife, Alice, and two sons, Louis Ulrich of Medford, Roy Ulrich, Jacksonville, Mrs. J. T. Buckley, Ruch, Ore., Mrs. H. K. Hanna, Jacksonville, Mrs. G. R. Chapman, Gold Hill, Ore., six grandchildren and one brother, William Ulrich, Medford, two sisters, Mrs. T. J. Kenney, Medford and Mrs. L. L. Savage, Alameda, California. Funeral services will be held at the Perl Funeral Home, Sunday, October 31st at 2:30 p.m., Rev. E. McVicker officiating. The pallbearers will be from his lodge, and the I.O.O.F. lodge will have charge at the grave. Interment in Jacksonville cemetery. CHRISTIAN ULRICH
Christian Ulrich, a pioneer of this county, died at his home in
Jacksonville, October 28, after a lingering illness, at the age of 73
years, 10 months and 22 days. He was born at Burlington, Iowa, December
6, 1852. His parents were part of a caravan of 47 wagons with ox teams
which crossed the plains in 1860 and which took six months' time in
crossing the plains. Many of these families were the founders and
builders of this part of the state. Mr. Ulrich has been a resident of
Jacksonville for sixty-seven years and bears a very enviable reputation
as an honest and upright man. Mr. Ulrich is survived by his wife and
five children, one of his daughters being Mrs. G. R. Chapman of this
city, who was at his bedside.Funeral services were held at the Perl funeral parlors in Medford, and burial was in the Jacksonville cemetery. The I.O.O.F., of which he was a member for many years, had charge of the service at the grave. PIONEER HOUSE AT STERLING IS FIRE
APPLEGATE, Ore., Sept. 7.--At eight o'clock Monday morning fire
destroyed the ranch house of C. T. Bammer at Sterling. The fire started
on the roof of the kitchen and the two-story structure was soon
consumed by the flames. Two trunks and their contents and a small
amount of bedding was all that was saved, as fire sweeping in at the
open windows, the family was forced to seek safety. The 10-room house
was originally the home of Thomas Wilson and wife, pioneers, and was
built by Chris Ulrich, all those having passed from this life. There
are many expressions of regret at the loss of the old building, as it
was the last house left of what was once a thriving mining settlement
of several hundred inhabitants. The house was in a good state of
preservation, Mr. Bammer having refinished the interior. The loss is
estimated at $3000, partially covered by insurance.
Medford Mail Tribune, September
9, 1927, page B1
The Halley Block with its nearly 140,000 square feet of ground-floor space contains five business rooms, occupied by these prominent firms. . . . The double store room in the center of the block houses "Louie's" [Ulrich] Cash Grocery. This is a home name in every local household. The store carries leading national brands, fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Free delivery, combined with courtesy to customers, has won much favor for "Louie's" store. "Halley Building Home of Many Medford Firms," Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page H PIONEER WOMAN OF J'VILLE TELLS OF
She rocked back and forth in a chair made of willow limbs. And as she
rocked she talked of the days when cars and airplanes were only dreams.
Behind her was a shelf lined with relics of the past. In front of her
was a cupboard whose dishes had held food for many a pioneer.The kindly gray-haired woman was Mrs. Roy Ulrich, one of the Native Daughters of Jacksonville, and she was watching over the large and interesting collection of relics in the museum fixed up by Mrs. H. H. Sargent several years ago and now taken care of by volunteers who open up the place certain days of each week in order that visitors may see the curios. "Over 74 years ago my mother and father went to dances at Yreka, traveling the 80 miles from Sterlingville to that place on horses, dancing all night, and returning to their home to rest up for another affair," the pioneer told the Mail Tribune reporter and remarked that it was rather difficult, she guessed, for the girls to ride that far without getting their hoop skirts out of shape. Not for many years did this couple, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilson, live a carefree life, for times were hard at Sterlingville and children added to the responsibilities. Although it was only nine and a half miles from the little mining town to the then important city of Jacksonville, regular trips for groceries and supplies were made but twice a year, Mrs. Ulrich related. Driving his team of oxen her father went to the stores and stocked up the cart with sugar, flour and rather poor clothing materials for his family, the oldest of which was Alice, Mrs. Ulrich. There were eleven others, eight of whom are now living. From Sterlingville the family moved to a farm near the Smith River. Five years later they started back to the mining district and on the way lost all of their furniture, clothing and money in a flood which washed away their wagon. The horses were rescued and the family came the remainder of the way horseback through three days and nights of cold rain. "When we got to Sterlingville we had no money and no place to go. There was one vacant cabin and so we moved in. My father borrowed money and took up a claim. One of the grocers at Jacksonville let him have supplies on time and within a year we had paid for the mine and we were happy," the pioneer daughter said. Mrs. Ulrich was married fifty-two years ago to Roy Ulrich, who built the house in Jacksonville which has been their home ever since that time. No matter how often a stranger calls on her for information about this or that relic ranging from aged newspapers, a piano long since parted from any musical qualities to strings of friendship buttons, this brisk Native Daughter is right there with the story. Medford Mail Tribune, September 9, 1928, page 6 LEWIS ULRICH TO ENTER BUSINESS
Lewis Ulrich, former prominent grocer of Medford, will embark next week
in the insurance and real estate business, the exact location of his
quarters as yet undecided.Having considered this line of activity for some time, Mr. Ulrich has just returned from a trip to Portland, where he was successful in making connections with prominent insurance firms, including the Prudential Life Insurance Company, and others. That his place of business will be located in either the Liberty Building or the Medford Building was the announcement made by Mr. Ulrich this morning. Medford Mail Tribune, February 27, 1929, page 2 ULRICH MOVES OFFICE TO LOAN ASSOCIATION
Medford Mail Tribune, April 29, 1929, page 2
Lewis Ulrich, who recently opened an insurance office on the fourth
floor of the Medford building, has moved his place of business in with
the Medford Investment Company, the headquarters for the Southern
Building and Loan Association, at 125 East Sixth Street.
Mr. Ulrich will handle the insurance and real estate department in this new location and invites his present clientele to visit him at the new address.
Emma Alice Milner Ulrich, 69,
passed away at her home, 358 S. Oakdale Street, early Friday morning,
after an illness covering the past three years, most of the time being
bedfast. She was born at Plymouth, Indiana, January 18, 1863. She came
to Jacksonville, Ore., with her parents at the age of 12 years, and was
united in marriage to William Ulrich June 4, 1884 at Jacksonville,
later coming to Medford, where Mrs. Ulrich has lived except for five
years spent on their ranch at Eagle Point, Ore.She was a woman of fine Christian character and will be mourned by a large circle of friends besides her family. She leaves her husband, William Ulrich, who is seriously ill at the present time, two sons, Leo Ulrich, Sheridan, Wyoming; Earl Ulrich, Prospect; Mrs. H. E. Carnell, Klamath Falls, Ore.; Mrs. T. A. Carlton, Prospect; Mrs. William Young, Medford, also four grandchildren, Maxine and Erlene Young and Thayer and Tommy Carlton. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the Perl Funeral Home and the time of funeral services will be announced later. Medford Mail Tribune, December 30, 1932, page 4 Former Resident Dies in Medford Friday
Emma Alice Ulrich, 69, a former resident of Jacksonville, passed away
at her home in Medford Friday morning, December 30, after an illness
covering the past three years.She was born in Plymouth, Indiana, January 18, 1863. She came to Jacksonville with her parents at the age of 12 years, and was united in marriage to William Ulrich June 4, 1884, later moving to Medford. She leaves her husband, William Ulrich, who is seriously ill at the present time, two sons, Leo Ulrich, Sheridan, Wyoming; Earl Ulrich, Prospect; Mrs. H. E. Carnell, Klamath Falls; Mrs. T. A. Carlton, Prospect; Mrs. William Young, Medford, also four grandchildren, Maxine and Erlene Young and Thayer and Tommy Carlton. Funeral services were conducted from the Sacred Heart Catholic church in Medford Monday morning, January 2, at 10 o'clock, Father Francis Black officiating. Interment was in the Medford I.O.O.F. cemetery. Jacksonville Miner, January 6, 1933, page 1 WILLIAM ULRICH, COUNTY PIONEER,
Ulrich, Jackson County pioneer and well-known resident,
passed away at
his home, 358 South Oakdale, early Saturday morning at the age of 75
years, 14 days. He had been in declining health since July 1928, when
he suffered a paralytic stroke, and had been seriously ill since the
passing of Mrs. Ulrich in December 1932. William Ulrich was born at
Burlington, Iowa, January 28, 1858. At the age of two years, he came
west with his parents, Christian and Barbara Ulrich, who took up their
residence in Jackson County, Oregon, in 1860.
They settled in Jacksonville, where William grew to manhood. He attended the common school of that city, though he obtained but a limited education, for in 1869 his father died, and he was thrown upon his own resources, making his living by labor acquired on a nearby ranch as chore boy for his board and clothing for the first year, after which he received wages for the next three years. After this he found work about the mines and then became apprenticed in the baker trade in Jacksonville and followed that for five years. He then took up truck teaming for the camps of the new railroad then being built in that locality. That lasted about one year, and he then came to Medford and in 1885 opened a fire insurance office, in which he did well for those days. Mr. Ulrich was the organizer and promoter of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co., which did a flourishing business in Medford under his efficient management, while at the same time he conducted a retail meat market. He subsequently formed a partnership with Mr. Slinger and engaged in the cattle business until the death of the latter, whereupon Mr. Ulrich purchased the interests of his partner and continued the business alone. At this time he moved with his family to Eagle Point, where for five years they resided on a stock ranch and moved back to Medford about 1910. He later associated himself with Luke Ryan in the mercantile business, from which he retired. Mr. Ulrich's acquaintance extends throughout southern Oregon, where he was known as a man of fine character and one whose word could always be depended upon and considered honest in all his dealings. He was married June 4, 1884, to Emma A. Milner, to which union were born five children, William L. Ulrich of Sheridan, Wyo.; Earl of Prospect, Ore.; Mrs. H. E. Cornell, Klamath Falls; Mrs. T. A. Carlton, Prospect; and Mrs. W. A. Young of Medford. Also two sisters survive, Mrs. T. J. Kenney of Medford and Mrs. L. L. Savage, Cotati, Calif., and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Howell at the Conger chapel at 2:30 Monday. Interment in Medford I.O.O.F. Cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, February 12, 1933, page 4 EAGLE POINT
EAGLE POINT, Feb. 15.--(Spl.)--William Ulrich, who died in Medford
February 11, was a local resident for many years, having been engaged
in the ranch and cattle business and was an old pioneer of the valley.
The Ulrich ranch was bought by a Mr. Hamilton of San Francisco, who has
since died. Much of the property has been subdivided, part being taken
into the town of Eagle Point. The house was one of the largest and
finest here at that time and is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Hoffard.Formerly a part of the ranch are the old Rudolph Weidman ranch, the Wilson dairy, the John Smith ranch and the Lester Throckmorton ranch, together with some land owned by the Eagle Point Irrigation Ditch Company and many smaller places. It does not seem this section has been growing rapidly, yet this instance of large acreage, owned and operated 20 years ago by one man, the same acreage now houses about 50 families and business concerns, shows considerable growth for a farming community. Medford Mail Tribune, February 15, 1933, page 7 Wedding Gown Tea Stirs Memory of Pioneer Days
June days are still two months away, but interest in weddings and
brides is paramount in Medford today. All because of the intriguing
frocks, photographs and newspaper clippings brought to light by members
of the Parent-Teacher Association while planning for their "wedding
gown" tea to be held at the Colonial Club Saturday.And the groom's apparel, which the modern society editor has let slide into newspaper extinction through neglect of her pen, has returned to the spotlight via an article from the Jacksonville Times of October, 1881. The article reports the wedding of Ella Prim, daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. P. P. Prim, to Charles Nickell, the first social event to occur in the Presbyterian church of Jacksonville, completion of which was rushed for the affair. "Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Prim request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter, Ella, to Charles Nickell, October 5, 1881, in the Presbyterian church in Jacksonville. Ceremony at eight o'clock. Reception at family residence after ceremony," the yellowed invitation sent out in advance of the event reads. It is printed in the fanciest lettering of the day. The gown worn by the bride is now in the possession of the Nickells' youngest daughter, Mrs. Lewis Ulrich. It is a copy of the one worn by Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes on the occasion of her marriage to President Hayes. It was made in San Francisco, and the bride-to-be and her mother were required to make frequent trips by stage from Jacksonville to the bay city for the fittings. Five days were spent traveling to the city and five on the return journey. Of the gown the newspaper report by "Eleane" says: "The bride was dressed in plain and brocaded cream-colored satin. Made sash basque with trimmed skirt and shirred, square train, fringed with crepe ruchings." With it went "elegant cascades" of cream-colored Spanish lace, with silk tassels and orange blossoms. "A magnificently embroidered" veil, looped with orange blossoms, was worn with the gown, as were 10-button cream-colored kid gloves and white kid sandals. (The gown is on display today in Adrienne's shop.) Then of the groom, the society editor speaks. "The bridegroom wore an elegant suit of black broadcloth, Prince Albert style, with cream-colored satin tie, kid gloves and buttonhole bouquet of orange blossoms." The ceremony was read by Rev. M. A. Williams, and following the wedding the Prims' "elegant house was ablaze with light and the spacious parlors magnificently decorated" with evergreens, autumn leaves and "most rare and beauteous blossoms." The article also mentions that the groom "is the editor and proprietor of the Jacksonville Times." The following day the newspaper ran a list of the gifts received by the bride, with the names of the givers. In J. Verne Shangle's display window today there are found further evidences of the interest aroused in wedding news of other days. Pictures of the first white couple married in Jackson County, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Dean, are there. The date was November 1, 1852. Their youngest daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farra of Central Point, are also shown in wedding attire. Pictures of Farine Love, bride of 1881, and her bridesmaid, and of Kate Dorwin Lockland in a gown of the same period, were also drawing much attention to the display this morning. Impressions and
Observations of the Journal Man
"My father started a soap factory at Jacksonville, Or., in 1861," said
Mrs. T. J. Kenney of 812 Bennett Street, Medford. "My maiden name was
Rosa Ulrich. I was born in Iowa on January 9, 1860. My parents started
across the plains for Oregon when I was 9 weeks old. My father,
Christian Ulrich, was born in Germany. He sold soap all over Southern
Oregon. He bought fat from butchers and others, which he made into hard
brown soap. For local use he made soft soap; he also made candles. He
ran the factory until his death, in 1869. He was 69 at the time of his
death. My mother died at the age of 73.By Fred Lockley "I went to school at Jacksonville to Professor Robb. I was 17 when I was married, on December 23, 54 years ago. We were married on my husband's birthday, at Jacksonville, by a Presbyterian minister. My husband for many years operated a harness store at Jacksonville. He made pack saddles, sidesaddles, stock saddles and harness. Later, he had a grocery store there. He is now working in a lumber yard. "My sister Amelia married Adam Schmidt, a cooper of Jacksonville. Chris was the next child, then William. I was next. My sister Emma married James Dolsen, an engineer on the Southern Pacific. Lillie married Ladd Savage of Jacksonville; she lives in Sacramento. She and I are the only ones of the family now living. My husband and I have had seven children, three of whom are still living." ----
"I was born in Jacksonville on July 31, 1883," said Christian J.
Kenney. "My father, T. J. Kenney, was also born in Jacksonville. He was
born on December 23, 1855. He works in the lumber yard at Medford. His
father, Daniel Moe Kenney, came to Oregon in 1845. In 1875 my father
started a harness and saddle shop in Jacksonville. Later, he ran a
grocery store. I have been running this second-hand store for some
time. I went to school in Jacksonville until I reached the 10th grade,
and then went to work in my father's hardware and grocerystore. Later, I worked in a hardware store at Astoria, and for four years I worked for the Pacific Hardware & Steel Company in Portland. Later, I worked for a hardware store at Medford. "I was married on September 25, 1907, to Anna Lyden. She came from Detroit. We met in Jacksonville. Our oldest daughter, Fosma, married J. S. Rood. He is in the government service in Alaska. They were down to see us last Christmas. My son-in-law has charge of the government reindeer herd and settles disputes between native reindeer owners. The government furnishes them fuel, and they have a very comfortable home. They have a radio, a washing machine and a gasoline flatiron. They put reindeer skins between the roof and the ceiling, which keeps them snug and cozy in winter. "Our son Donald is in construction work in California. Bobby, our youngest, attends school in Jacksonville. "My mother's maiden name was Rosa Ulrich. There were seven of us children, three still living. My sister Frances lives at Medford. Mervyna married Walter Kentner. They live at Santa Barbara. "It will pay you to take a walk around Jacksonville and see where miners are digging shafts and tunnels in back yards. A lot of men who would otherwise be on relief are making wages, and every once in a while someone strikes a pocket and gets out quite a bit of coarse gold." Mr. Kenney's grandfather, Daniel Moe Kenney, was active in the effort to create a new state out of Southern Oregon, in 1854. The movement originated at Yreka, Cal., and was strongly championed by the editor of the Yreka Herald. At a meeting at Jacksonville on January 7, 1854, it was decided to hold a convention on January 25 for further discussion. Those who met drafted a memorial to Congress and to the Oregon and California legislatures. The new state was to include Northern California and Southern Oregon. United States Senator Joseph Lane wrote to friends in Southern Oregon that such a move would delay the admission of Oregon as a state, so the movement was dropped. Among those prominent in this agitation were T. McF. Patton, later ambassador to Japan and for many years a prominent book dealer at Salem; D. M. Kenney, L. F. Moser, George Dart, C. S. Drew, John E. Ross, J. A. Lupton, Martin Angel, Richard Dugan, G. L. Snelling, A. McIntyre, William Burt, S. C. Graves, Anthony Little, C. Simms, S. Etlinger, Jesse Richardson and W. W. Fowler. There was also a very active group at Yreka, who hoped that Yreka should be the capital of the proposed new state. Oregon Journal, Portland, July 9, 1936, page 10 Earl Ulrich Dies at Prospect
Home; Widely Known Here
Earl Ulrich, well-known Jackson County resident and son of a pioneer
Southern Oregon family, died suddenly at his home in Prospect
yesterday. He was 63.
Mail Tribune, August 30, 1951, page 1Mr. Ulrich was born in Medford on Feb. 15, 1888, and has lived in Jackson County all his life. Most of this time he made his home near Prospect, where he engaged in farming and raising cattle. He was the son of William and Emma Ulrich, who were among the pioneer arrivals in the early days in Jackson County. They died several years ago. Survivors include his wife, Hazel, three sisters, Mrs. Loraine Young, Medford; Mrs. Gertrude Carlton, Gold Hill, and Mrs. Anna Cornell, Klamath Falls; two nieces, Mrs. Earlene Miller and Mrs. Maxine Myers, and a nephew, Tommy Carlton. Lodge Member 40 Years Mr. Ulrich was a member of the Medford Elks lodge for the past 40 years, and also belonged to the Prospect Lions club and the Upper Rogue River Grange. Funeral services will be conducted from the Perl funeral home at 11 a.m. Saturday, under the auspices of the Elks lodge. Interment will follow in the IOOF cemetery here. Active pallbearers will include Roscoe Larson, Dewey Hill, Tracy Boothby, Lester Wilson, Herb Carlton and Ludo Grieve. Honorary pallbearers will be Eugene Thorndike, Clinton Wood, Fred Fry, Harry Hart, Tom Ross and Grover Corum. Portland Woman Guest in Medford
Mrs. A. J. Eckelson, Portland, has
been a guest in Medford of her cousin, Mrs. Lewis Ulrich, 839 Minnesota
Avenue.Mrs. Eckelson and Mrs. Ulrich were both born and reared in Jacksonville, and both are granddaughters of Paine P. Prim, an early supreme court judge of this state. The two women visited the Jacksonville museum where a number of family heirlooms are exhibited, including the wedding gown of Mrs. Eckelson's mother, who was Effie Bybee before her wedding to Charles Prim. Mrs. Eckelson is the former Bertha Prim. This was Mrs. Eckelson's first visit to the museum, and she expressed pleasure in and approval of the institution. During the picture-taking at the home of Mrs. Lewis Ulrich, Mrs. Ulrich and photographer Bob [Vroman] discovered that she had been a playmate of his mother, the former Mable Reeve, when the two had both lived in Jacksonville as girls. Mrs. Ulrich, who was Marie Nickell, and Mable Reeve, now Mrs. E. Vroman, were both born in Jacksonville, and Mrs. Ulrich recalled the other Reeve children, Della, Lena and Clarence, whom she had also known. Reminiscing about former days in Jacksonville, Mrs. Ulrich said that she and her chums sometimes traveled to Woodville, now called Rogue River, to visit the Birdseye family and other friends. By horse and buggy, the trip took an entire day. The travelers would spend the night in Woodville, visit the next day and the third day would be spent on the return trip. Mrs. Ulrich was born in the brick house which stands near the Jacksonville museum. The home belonged to her grandfather, Judge P. P. Prim (Mrs. Ulrich's mother was Ella Prim), who came across the plains in the early 1850s when the gold fever was on the land. He later was one of Oregon's first chief justices of the state supreme court, and was one of the founders of the Pioneer Society of Oregon in 1879. "Potpourri" was especially interested in the painting by Dorland Robinson which Mrs. Ulrich owns. This gifted young woman, daughter of the pioneer physician, Dr. J. W. Robinson, died rather young but some of her works are prized possessions of Jackson County families. Her father established a drug store in Jacksonville which served residents for many years and then for a time ceased to operate. It was recently re-established and is now being operated as part of the Foster chain in the county. Olive Starcher, "Potpourri," Medford Mail Tribune, March 1, 1959, page B7 Last revised January 13, 2025