The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Mad for the Bicycle
Like most of America, Medford went crazy for the bicycle in the 1890s.

    VELOCIPEDES.--We acknowledge the receipt of a "complimentary" to the velocipede training school in San Francisco, but regret that we cannot attend. Velocipedes can be purchased there at manufacturer's price. Who will introduce one in Jacksonville?
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 20, 1869, page 3

    Velocipedes will soon be epidemic in Yreka. The people of that place couldn't get any smallpox, so they have to content themselves with the next novelty. One has been made there but it bucks so badly that the owner can only risk it after nightfall.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 27, 1869, page 2

    VELOCIPEDE.--Mr. Dave Cronemiller is making a velocipede--to be finished Wednesday.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 27, 1869, page 2

    The velocipede mania has become general. In Chicago they have a "rink" where the celebrities exercise themselves at the expense of four falls to a circle. In New York, Boston and Philadelphia the velocipedes have made their appearance on the streets, and no longer attract unusual attention. There are no less than forty new patents granted and under way, and the new and fashionable mode of locomotion bids fair in some quarters to revolutionize the livery business. It will be strange indeed if the American people permit themselves to be led captive by a wooden horse, and stranger still if the wooden horse distances the high-stepping thoroughbreds.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 6, 1869, page 2

    A SUCCESS.--Miller's velocipede is a decided success. The enterprising manufacturer has demonstrated that the thing can be ridden without any danger and has convinced the most skeptical that velocipedes will go if propelled properly. Almost every evening this week we have had an exhibition, and there is no longer any doubts in this community that the velocipede is bound to be a popular means of locomotion.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 13, 1869, page 3

    It is reported that Gen. Halleck is to furnish the infantry company at Ft. Klamath with velocipedes. It is thought that they will be more economical than horses, and a company of men scouring the country on them would inspire the savages with a wholesome terror.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 3, 1869, page 2

    Some of the Ashland boys have ordered a Columbia bicycle for amusement, and we expect to be well supplied with accident items in the line of broken bones, bruises, etc., during the summer.
"Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 18, 1880, page 3

    Some of the Medford boys are ambitious to try "grand and lofty tumbling" from the saddle of a bicycle.
Ashland Tidings, March 13, 1885, page 3

    Among other attractions during the band contest on Wednesday last was a bicycle race between little Bennie Fisher and Harry Miller. It was made a heat race, best two in three, and the earnestness of the boys and their determination to win made it interesting for the large crowd present. Bennie won the first heat, and in the second they collided, when it was decided a draw and the purse divided. The contest is likely to be renewed at some future time.

"Local Items,"
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 16, 1885, page 3

    The bicycle has arrived in Jacksonville, and several parties are wasting their energies upon it.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 1, 1887, page 3

    W. R. Andrews is the only bicyclist Jacksonville can boast of, and he rides his untamed steed well.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 3, 1887, page 3

    Fred Houck, while wrestling with a bicycle at Ashland one day last week, was thrown by the animal and had a bone broken in his arm, which had but just healed from a former break.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 17, 1890, page 3

    Fred. T. Merrill is having a carload of bicycles put together at San Francisco, especially with reference to the demands of the trade in southern Oregon, and will ship a consignment of them to Ashland in a short time. With the R.R.V. railroad and a full equipment of bicycles, this valley will be well fitted out for means of local transportation.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 27, 1891, page 3

Cycling the Coming Fad in Ashland.
    E. V. Mills and Ted Barclay each received handsome Victor safety bicycles from Chicago the first of the week, D. R. Mills having purchased them on his recent visit to that city. E. V. Was somewhat surprised upon the receipt of his machine, his father having bought it without his knowledge and made him a present of it. There are several other young men in town who contemplate getting machines before the summer roads come, and several young married ladies too, it is understood, and with the cyclers in town already having wheels, there promises to be an enthusiastic club in Ashland before the summer is over.
Ashland Tidings, March 13, 1891, page 3

    There are getting to be so many bicycle experts in Ashland that they talk seriously of organizing a cycling club during the coming summer and taking lengthy jaunts over the country. E. V. Mills and Ted Barclay are the latest to mount handsome "Victor" machines, just imported from Chicago.
"Here and There,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 20, 1891, page 3

    Ashland's bicycle club will receive an accession of four new members, as soon as their machines arrive from Chicago. D. L. Rice, C. F. Friz II, L. L. Merrick and G. C. Eddings are their names, and they will ride new Mail bicycles.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1891, page 3

Democratic Times, May 8, 1891 et seq., page 3

    The Ashland boys are establishing some records with their bicycles, Ted Barclay and Leslie Merrick having made the run from Ashland to Medford in 1 hour and 15 minutes recently, and the run to the county seat from Medford in 27 minutes. Since the knee-pants feature has been introduced some of the boys make better time against the wind than formerly, as there is not nearly so much atmospheric resistance offered by their calves.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 12, 1891, page 3

    The Salem bicyclist, Chauncey M. Lockwood, while going through this valley recently made the run over the road between Ashland and Grants Pass, 50.75 miles, in five and three-quarter hours.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 17, 1891, page 3

    One of the novelties of the coming fair will be a bicycle race, which will attract the fastest wheelmen of the district.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1891, page 3

    The bicycle race during the fair, between three riders from Grants Pass, was nothing if not dizzy, and the ease with which the boys mounted their vehicles after an upset was enjoyed by all. The time, 4:40, has never been beaten by pedestrians. Mr. LaFont was the winner, beating both Mr. Booth and another young gentleman.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 9, 1891, page 2

    F. W. Chaussee of Grants Pass was in Jacksonville last Saturday, having ridden the distance on his bicycle--about 30 miles--in less than seven hours.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1892, page 3

    Bicycling is all the rage in town at present, and a club is talked of.
"Local  General," Southern Oregon Mail, Medford, May 6, 1892, page 3

    The number of bicycles is getting to be so large in town that a club is talked of.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 13, 1892, page 2

    The number of bicycles and tricycles in Jacksonville and other towns of Rogue River Valley is increasing steadily. Anyone wishing the best of everything in this line should address Fred T. Merrill, Portland.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 20, 1892, page 3

    I. A. Webb received a brand-new "New Mail" bicycle direct from the factory this week. Ike thinks he can get the beast tamed down in a short time.
"Additional Local," Southern Oregon Mail, Medford, June 24, 1892, page 2

    W. E. Newton, of Portland, was here this week to place an agency for the Imperial bicycle, of which he is coast agent. Adkins & Webb took the agency. This machine is rather high priced, but it is well worth the money. Mr. Newton and a friend rode from Portland to Roseburg, a distance of 218 miles, in 28½ hours.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, June 24, 1892, page 3

    Attorney A. S. Hammond left Medford one day last week on a bicycle trip to Crescent City, his father and mother, sister and little daughter having started on the trip by wagon a day or two before.

"Personal," Ashland Tidings, June 24, 1892, page 3

    Rev. E. E. Thompson is becoming a very expert bicyclist.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 22, 1892, page 3

    Geo. Bloomer has been gradually taking the untamed spirit out of his new bicycle during the last few days, and is still able to be about. The wheel is the finest yet brought to the valley, and when the county treasurer gets it under complete subjection he can canvass the county more thoroughly than it has ever been done before.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 5, 1892, page 3

    Several of the young men of Jacksonville have invested in bicycles, and the number is gradually increasing..
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 12, 1892, page 3

    Alex Galloway and a friend rode out from Portland on bicycles last week. The young gentlemen are visiting G. W. Galloway, father of Allex.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, Medford, September 2, 1892, page 3

    G. W. Galloway and family have been entertaining their son Alexander, who occupies a responsible position in a leading Portland firm. In company with his friend, Mr. Browne, they rode from Portland to Medford on bicycles, making the trip in four days. They start home the last of this week.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, September 8, 1892, page 3

    County Treasurer Bloomer waddled into town Sunday on his bicycle.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, Medford, September 9, 1892, page 3

    Alex. Galloway and a young friend last week finished a trip by bicycle from Portland to this place and spent some days, the guest of the former's father.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 9, 1892, page 2

Frank Lenz
Frank Lenz

The Bicycle Tourist.
    Frank G. Lenz, who is making a tour of the world with his bicycle, arrived in Ashland Monday noon and stopped long enough to take his dinner at The Oregon. Mr. Lenz left New York on the 4th day of last June and has traveled 4125 miles in 102 days. His record for one day is 84 miles, and his average run 55 miles. He usually makes from 50 to 60 miles a day. On several days he rode from 70 to 80 miles, but finding that this pace made him lame, but he abandoned it and now seldom exceeds 60 miles. He was five days in making the trip from Wallula to The Dalles. The distance is 126 miles, but, owing to the severe sand storms and bad roads, he had to walk over 100 miles. From this place Lenz will ride to San Francisco, and passing some time there, will start for Japan. He will pass the winter in that country, China and India. He will go through Persia, Palestine and Turkey in the spring of 1893, and will then ride through Europe. He intends to return to New York in 1894. When his journey is completed he will have ridden over 20,000 miles.
Ashland Tidings, October 14, 1892, page 3

    F. G. Lenz, the transcontinental bicyclist, passed through the valley on Sunday last, stopping over on Saturday night at Gold Hill, to which point he was accompanied from Grants Pass by F. W. Chausse of the Observer at that place, a wheelman of local repute.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 14, 1892, page 3

    An asphalt road thirty or thirty-five feet wide from Chicago to New York has been proposed by leading bicyclists. It is given out, just as a joke, of course, that when attorney Hammond makes a visit to the World's Fair next summer he will switch himself and wheel onto this new road and take a spin down to "York."

"Weekly Round-Up," Southern Oregon Mail, January 20, 1893, page 3

    Banker W. I. Vawter has recently invested in a fine pneumatic tire bicycle, of the Rambler pattern. As the gentleman is no novice in manipulating these sort o' machines the customary crowd will not congregate to watch him take a header when it is a starter that is intended.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 3, 1893, page 3

    The code was so amended that hereafter bicyclists will not have to alight and bring their machines to a full stop when within a hundred yards of any person going in the opposite direction with a team. This law now applies to steam, portable or traction engines only.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3

    Court Hall is getting to be an expert on the bicycle.

"Central Point," Medford Mail, March 10, 1893, page 3

He Swiped a 'Cycle.
    One day last week attorney Hammond left his bicycle in the hall on the second floor of the Opera Block, and in consequence he was compelled to walk home in the evening. A boy by the name of Torey had sized up the machine and though it a nice thing to have. In the evening the bicycle was missing, and for several days its whereabouts was unknown to the owner. In the meantime Mr. Hammond was on a quiet hunt, and last Sunday he located the "wheel" in the Torey barn, where it had been carefully stored in the hay. Young Torey had told his companions that he had traded a gun for the machine, and he had made several unsuccessful efforts to swap it for a watch and other trinkets. The boy has gained a reputation in the neighborhood where he lives that is not such as most of us care about packing around. A warrant will be issued for his arrest today.
Medford Mail, March 10, 1893, page 3

No Room for Him.
    The Torey boy, who was arrested last week at the instance of attorney Hammond on a charge of appropriating for his own use the latter gentleman's bicycle, was given a hearing last Friday before Judge Walton, S. S. Pentz appearing for defense and A. S. Hammond for the state. By consent and solicitation of both attorneys the judge sentenced the young man to a term in the state reform school at Salem, where it was hoped he might learn some trade and grow to useful manhood. He was taken to Salem Friday evening by Deputy Sheriff Sizemore, but as the school was already full they both returned Sunday morning. As the sentence could not be executed the lad was allowed his liberty. While this affair ended so favorable to the culprit, it does not necessarily follow that a second charge would be lightly dealt with, and while we are on the subject we want to say that the movements of several other lads of about his age are being shadowed, and if positive proof is secured their sentence will not be the reform school, neither will the place to which they will go be too full to accommodate a few more.
Medford Mail, March 17, 1893, page 3

    It is said that amateurs in the bicycle line frequently make the trip from Portland to Salem and back in a day, the distance covered being 104 miles.

Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 2

    Hardly a week rolls by that some of our menfolks do not invest in a bicycle. The most recent ones to join the wheelmen are D. T. Lawton and Gabe Plymale.

"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 3

Bicycle Riding.
    I will give free instruction in bicycle riding in Ganiard's opera house tomorrow evening, Saturday, May 6th, and each succeeding Saturday evening thereafter, whenever practicable. I will exhibit a number of fine, high-grade wheels of latest and best makes.
    The ladies are especially invited to attend, and will receive as much instruction as possible during the evening. There will also be several lady riders in attendance. There will be no charge whatever for the ladies, but an admission fee of 25 cents for gentlemen and 15 cents for boys will be made.
D. L. RICE.       
Ashland Tidings, May 5, 1893, page 3

    Even the most adept professional men, whom the majority of the world's people believe equal to all occasions, are novices in many lines outside their professions, and none the least of them is Dr. Geary. In surgery and materia medica the doctor is quite at home, but when it comes to riding a bicycle successfully he is several leagues outside the front yard fence which surrounds his fine residence on Seventh Street. Alex. Galloway assured the gentleman of medicine that he could mount and ride a wheel as easily as he could convert an artificial eye into one of life, and upon this guarantee he made a purchase of a Falcon No. 1. The doctor and Alex. retired to a supposed secluded part of the city and there a circus was gone through with, which is alone peculiar to acrobats. Finally the wheel was led up alongside of a fence and the doctor gallantly mounted and after a little wibble-wabble byplay he rounded the corner in a truly dignified style. If the doctor wants to know how this escapade came to be printed he can call at D. H. Miller's hardware store and get--satisfaction.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, May 19, 1893, page 3

Bicycle ad, May 26, 1893 Democratic Times
May 26, 1893 Democratic Times

    That Medford will have a mounted police when Wes Johnson gets that "wheel," and if he isn't dismounted several times it will disappoint many people.
    That Dr. Geary has been "joshed" to his heart's content on that bicycle deal, and now to get square with the small bits of humor which have been flashed upon him at home, he proposes to get one for Mrs. Geary--and have a little fun all to himself.
"It Is Whispered About," Medford Mail, May 26, 1893, page 2

    The bicycle craze is becoming epidemic in Medford. Dr. Pickel, Wes Johnson and Elmer Bashford have each ordered one--of the New Mail pattern--sold by Beek, Whiteside & Co. When their new wheels arrive notice will be given in order that all may witness the riders' exhibition.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, May 26, 1893, page 5

    D. T. Lawton is moving about very cautiously these times and with the aid of a cane. Cause--horse's foot--'bout eleven hundred weight--planked squarely on his ankle. Lament--"can't ride my wheel."
    Mesdames I. A. Webb and E. B. Pickel each possess a bicycle and are mastering the art of riding very cleverly.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, June 2, 1893, page 3

    Alex. Galloway of Medford was at the county seat on Wednesday, to secure orders for bicycles.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 2, 1893, page 3

    Several ladies of Medford are learning to manage a bicycle in fine style, notably Mesdames E. B. Pickel, W. I. Vawter and I. A. Webb. It is healthy exercise, bu the looks of the thing--oh my!
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 2

    A much greater number of wheelmen are now rolling through southern Oregon daily than at any time before, and it begins to look as if this will be the principal means of locomotion in a very short time. As the road system of the country improves, it will be a much more comfortable system of going than it is at present. Much good work is being done on roads this season, however, and we look for vast improvement in the near future.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 3

    There will be a number of interesting bicycle races in Jacksonville on the 4th of July, which will be participated in by riders from every portion of southern Oregon, who will appear in the procession on that day.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 23, 1893, page 3

    We expect Elmer Bashford out here on that new wheel some of these days. Give him the whole road and get on the fence when you see him coming.

"Griffin Creek Gatherings," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 1

    The bicycle boom still rages. We won't have any use for buggies and horses before fall if the present bicycle fad keeps on.

"Told in a Line--Or Two," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 1

    Dave Miller--we call him "Dave" because everybody else does and what's good enough for Dave is quite sufficient for us--has reached down into his purse and taken therefrom a sufficient number of sicles [shekels?] to enable him to purchase a bicycle. He is now breaking it to ride and if the arnica, splints, court plaster and bandages hold out he will make a crowning success of the venture. The boys tell that his experimental trip was out on the Jacksonville road and after bobbing along behind the wheel for a little more than a mile he hired a rancher to bring himself and wheel back to the city, telling the rancher that he had experienced a serious breakdown. He slid into town the back way and quietly set the wheel over the back yard fence. He applied arnica and bandages to his wounded members and upon inquiry from his good wife as to how he felt, he remarked that he was all right only just felt kinder sick and that he would ride that dinged thing if he crippled both legs in doing it. "I'll show Dr. Geary," said he, "that he's no more of a dandy in that line than I am. I can discount Ed. Pottenger now, even if he has been practicing out in that back alley for the last two weeks. I'll be doing tricks like Bob Galloway after about one more whirl. I think I had the cinch a little too tight this time, but say, I'd give seven dollars to see Charley Wolters put a bitting rig on a bicycle and run it around town."
    Everybody knows that Hotel Medford is equally as familiar with Renus [Hamilton], but everybody don't know that this gentleman has successfully mastered the art of a perpendicular attitude while astride of a bicycle, nor is Renus quite sure of it himself, but he is positive that he galloped one of those wheels up and down a back street one night recently from eight in the evening until six the following morning. This is Renus' story but even landlord Purdin who is deucedly trusting--naturally--has weighed this narrative in the balance and finds Renus ascending the uphill side in a manner which plainly labels him a prevaricator of no minute proportions.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 3

    Charlie Wolters is talking of getting a bicycle--double header--little chair up in front so he and Mose can both ride.
    Messrs. Beek, Whiteside & Co. received three new bicycles this week--one each for Mrs. I. A. Webb, Mrs. E. B. Pickel and Marshal Johnson.
    Landlord Purdin has invested in a bicycle for his daughter Iva. The lady is catching on to the ways of the machine very rapidly and rides nicely.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 23, 1893, page 3

A Pointer for Bicycle Riders.
    Irvin W. Larimore, physical director of Y.M.C.A., Des Moines, Ia., says he can conscientiously recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm to athletes, gymnasts, bicyclists, football players and the profession in general for bruises, sprains and dislocations; also for soreness and stiffness of the muscles. Mr. Larimore has used two bottles of Pain Balm and is enthusiastic in his praise of the remedy. When applied before the parts become swollen it will effect a cure in one-half the time usually required. It also cures rheumatism. For sale by Dr. Robinson, City Drug Store; also Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, June 23, 1893, page 3

Medford Mail, July 14, 1893, page 1
Medford Mail, July 14, 1893, page 1

    Everybody rides Imperial wheels--at Galloway's, Medford.
    The bicycle race at Jacksonville on the 4th of July will be an exciting one. Several fast wheelmen will contend for the prize.
    Messrs. I. A. Webb, Dr. Pickel, Attorney Hammond and Wes Johnson took a spin down to Tolo Tuesday on their wheels and upon returning they were challenged for a race at Central Point by E. Worman. Johnson and Pickel accepted the challenge and to their credit Mr. Worman's team was noticeable in the background and indulging in a feed of dust from the bicycle wheels when they reached Medford.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 30, 1893, page 3

    You have undoubtedly seen in illustrated papers the picture of an infuriated bovine in a china shop, but all this hilarity has been eclipsed by Charlie Wolters and his bicycle in a grocery store. He was practicing, and the codfish, bacon, canned goods, showcases, tin cans, Charlie and his bicycle were piled up several feet deep. Most stood looking on, and while thus engaged "that tired feeling" came over him as he began devising means of extracting and putting together again the several parts of Charlie's anatomy which were strewn about the store. The severed members were finally buckled together, and as Mose pressed the button Charlie did the rest. He plunged into the street and run off, bang against a telegraph pole. He then ran into a team of horses, got his wheel broken and a bruised leg. If there was anything he didn't run into, it was located on the second story--he wasn't reaching that high--was playing them close to the ground. If he insists upon a more rapid means of locomotion than the ordinary walk we would suggest that he put a pair of pedals and a seat onto a logging truck.

Medford Mail, June 30, 1893, page 2

Now Is the Time to Invest.
    Imperial and Falcon wheels for the next 20 days at cost at the North Pacific Cycle Co.'s branch at Medford. Call at the office or address Box 96, Medford, for further information.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, July 7, 1893, page 3

    J. A. Slover, of Grants Pass, is nothing slow as a bicycle rider himself. Last Sunday morning he started out from the above city on his wheel, arrived at W. H. Parker's place, near Jacksonville, for dinner, came over to Medford in the afternoon and back to Grants Pass in the evening. The entire distance traveled bing about sixty miles.
    Bicycling is the nearest to flying that human ingenuity has yet approached. Only one or two square inches of the bicycle wheel come in contact with the earth at any one time, so that the bicyclist, if he is not flying, is very near to it. If he has a pneumatic tire he literally rides on the air. This last sentence is a pun and copyrighted. Dr. Geary will please note.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 14, 1893, page 3

    Day Parker made a trip to Grants Pass last week on his bicycle, covering the thirty miles in three hours.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1893, page 3

    Court Hall, of Central Point, who rides a velocipede, came out winner in a race with the stage to our town last Thursday.

"Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, July 21, 1893, page 4

Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 2
Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 2

    G. E. Beeson and H. M. Harndon passed through Medford one day last week on their way from Vancouver, Wash. to San Francisco on bicycles. They reached Medford on the sixth day out.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 25, 1893, page 3

    Dr. Pickel while out riding on his wheel Monday unfortunately, for himself, ran against a small boy who was standing on the sidewalk and was thrown to the walk, resulting in a sprained wrist for the doctor. The boy should have received the injury, as he persisted in stepping in front of the wheel when the doctor turned out to pass him.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 3

    A traveling salesman for the house of J. K. Gill & Co., of Portland, Or., stopped at the Sherman restaurant to fill up the "tender" to his bicycle on Monday the 28th. Travel in this style is becoming popular, as it is cheaper and easier than by horseback.

"Talent Shavings," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893 supplement, page 1

    C. W. Wolters:--"Bicycle? No, thanks, I wouldn't bicycle, nohow. I sold mine. Had all the fun I wanted out of it. As a means of locomotion, from my point of view, the bicycle is not a crowning success."
"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 2

    The Roseburg boys were treated to a surprise party in the bicycle race at the fairgrounds last Saturday. They were of the opinion that it was a gift to their champion, Claude Cannon, and backed him to the whole extent of their ability. Day Parker of Medford won with the greatest ease, however, beating Cannon, who was second, fully 100 feet. Alex. Galloway was third.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 3

    Day Parker has every reason to have lingering about him a good chunk of pride. He is the champion bicyclist of Southern Oregon. He won the race at Jacksonville on the Fourth, but the boys thought there was some funny work and he wasn't given due credit. He won the mile race at Central Point last Saturday and is justly being congratulated by his friends. There is one thing dead positive, Day won't do any jockeying. If he don't win it will be because he cannot do it.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, October 6, 1893, page 3

    Day Parker has lost none of his last summer's aptness as a swift manipulator of bicycles. Tuesday, just to sort o' keep his hand in, he mounted his wheel at the corner of Seventh and C streets and started for the distillery, which is a little over a mile from the starting point. He made the distillery and return in just an even seven minutes and had to dismount to make the turn at the distillery. That's good riding, and if Day don't capture all the races in this line hereabouts another summer he will have fallen a long ways short of his present capability.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, January 19, 1894, page 3

    John and James Hayes, of Rock Point, and L. Smith, of Gold Hill, attended the ball at Woodville last Friday evening and report having a good time, with the exception of Jim, who, when coming into town, thought he was riding his wheel, and had the horse by the ears.

"Gold Hill Nuggets," Medford Mail, February 9, 1894, page 2

    J. R. Erford:--"When Dr. Geary used to drive a team in making his professional visits about the city and country he used to stop when near an approaching train of cars, get out of his buggy and hold the team by the head. I noticed him doing the same thing with his bicycle a couple of days ago--force of habit undoubtedly."

"Echoes from the Street,"
Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 2

Bicycles, Spring and the Young Man.
In the springtime when the gardens and meadows are aglow with blue and red the young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of bicycles, and it is painful to observe him crash ker-plunk into an awning post in his endeavor to break a wheel to drive in single harness. Medford sidewalks are this early in the season being besplattered with gore from the proboscis of the amateur bicyclist, who rides not wisely but too wobbly. The latest victim to the bicycle craze in Medford is I. A. Mounce, the Seventh Street confectioner. He rides bravely, if not safely--as all bystanders near the post office will vouchsafe when they recall his collision with awning posts and the sidewalk one day last week.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

I. A. Mounce:--"This is my partner, G. L. Schermerhorn. He is the famous long-distance rider and trick bicyclist of the Pacific Coast. You noticed him trotting a wheel up the street this week, did you? Well, isn't he a dandy? Did you notice his foot sliding out sideways once in a while when riding? He does that to keep from falling. As a matter of fact, he is so long between joints that it is possible for him to either walk or ride, at his own pleasure, when astride of a wheel. The pleasure hits him more favorable to walk, and that's what he's doing these days."
"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 2

    The medical profession of Medford are adopting the bicycle as a means of locomotion. Drs. Geary and Pickel have been making their city calls upon wheels since last summer, and now Dr. Jones comes under the wire with an Imperial with as much ease as any of the boys. Other professions are as well among the wheelmen. Attorneys Vawter and Hammond each ride for pleasure and exercise, while Rev. Fenton takes a spin around the city quite frequently for the same purpose. Among medical men the wheel is considered a great aid, not only in saving foot travel but in answering calls. Where immediate attendance is required they are a great time economizer.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, May 11, 1894, page 3

    Geo. Parker is one of the latest among the boys who have invested in a new wheel. It is an Imperial and is one of the finest in Medford.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, May 18, 1894, page 3

    John Redfield:--"I want to tell you that ten years from now the man or woman who walks will be an exception. When the manufacturers build wheels for one-legged persons, rig out family cycles on which papa, mamma and the children can take a spin, constructs quadruplets and puts together regular bicycle carriages, it is time to admit that the wheel has come to stay, just like the typewriter, the electric light and the telephone. If you are not already one of the riders you had better join the procession now. Take a few falls and a lifetime's enjoyment."

"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, June 1, 1894, page 2

    That druggist Strang has taken the agency for the Victor bicycle. He has a sample machine and can tell the boys--and the girls, too--of its especially fine points with an aptness which proves him "onto his job" to a certainty indisputable.
    That cashier Enyart is becoming an adept at "snap shooting" with his Kodak, and that he is getting together a fine collection of pictures. The one wherein he caught four bicycle riders--Ike Muller, Pete Henderson, Day Parker and Mort Fisher--is a fine one and a first-class photo of all the boys. It was caught while they were passing the bank while flying up Seventh Street on their wheels.
"We Hear It Said," Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 2

    Peter Henderson started Monday morning on his wheel for a week's visit to his son at Yreka, California. N. U. Damon accompanied Peter.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 3

    A bicycle contest between Lyle Rice, the railroad man of Ashland, and Geo. Parker of this city, will take place Saturday. The distance is five miles, on the road from Medford to Jacksonville. Parker will ride an Imperial wheel and Rice a Victor. Rice made the distance in 15 minutes one day recently.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, June 21, 1894, page 4

    Mail Office Devil:--"I saw a young lady the other morning with that crushed strawberry feeling on her face [i.e., blushing]. She had just got off her bicycle, and her bicycle had just got off the sidewalk. They were both picked up in the same basket by the street commissioner."
"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 2

    The bicycle race between Lyle Rice and Geo. Parker from Jacksonville to Medford on the county road, 5 miles, was won by Parker; time 16 minutes, 8 seconds. Rice was in the lead, but at the halfway station struck a snag that floored him. Parker then went to the front and was way ahead.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, June 28, 1894, page 3

Swift Bicyclists.
    Out in Rogue River are several rather swift wheelmen. Last week D. L. Rice, of Ashland, the Victor agent, and Geo. Parker, of Medford, had a friendly contest for speed on their wheels over the road from Jacksonville to Medford. The result was in favor of Parker, and the time taken to cover the 4½ or 5 miles was 15 minutes and 8 seconds. Starting out from Jacksonville Mr. Rice maintained the lead for about half the distance to Medford when he met with an accident that cost him his chances of winning. His wheel struck a rut in the road and threw him to the ground. The sudden change from a 20-mile gait was too much to overcome, and before he had recovered Parker was a quarter of a mile ahead and won the race easily. Rice rode a 31 lb. wood-rim Victor, and Parker an Imperial of the same weight, though Mr. Rice was 60 lbs. heavier than his competitor and had ridden his wheel from Ashland, 17 miles, the day of the race. The Tidings says Mr. Rice covered the distance from Jacksonville to Medford recently, under favorable wind conditions, in a trifle over 15 minutes, and thinks he would have made equally as good time on Saturday had it not been for the accident. There is likely to be some interesting racing before the season is over.
Roseburg Plaindealer, June 28, 1894, page 3

    That Day Parker is a speeder on a bicycle will not be questioned when we state that he had a race with one of the best wheelmen of Grants Pass last week, and after giving his competitor an eighth of a mile, the start to a half-mile race, he (Day) came within a few feet of beating him home.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, June 29, 1894, page 3

Parker Won the Race.
    The bicycle race between Geo. S. Parker, of Medford, and D. L. Rice of Ashland, came off last Saturday afternoon, and Parker was declared the winner. It was a five-mile race, from Jacksonville to Medford, and was for a purse of $15 a side --$30 to the winner. The start was made at the railroad crossing near the courthouse. At just 3:40 Robt. Galloway dropped the hat, and the wheels began rolling, and sixteen minutes and eight seconds later the timekeepers dropped the flags as Parker crossed the line--Rice a minute and fifty-two seconds behind. At the start Parker fell behind about twenty-five feet and kept about this much space between himself and Rice until about three miles of the race had been covered, when Rice's wheel began to wobble, and a few yards further he fell to the ground. Parker pulled by and was about thirty feet ahead when Rice was mounted and coming after him. From this point for a half mile it was a hard struggle with Rice to recover, but the distance between them kept growing, and when Parker came under the wire Rice was a good half mile behind.
    Another race is being arranged for between the same parties and over the same ground. This race will be for $50 a side. The date has not as yet been fixed.

Medford Mail, June 29, 1894, page 3

A Swift Ride.
    Geo. and Day Parker are two very swift bicycle riders and long distance boys as well. Last Sunday George rode to Grants Pass, and the next morning, accompanied by Day, started for Medford. The distance between Grants Pass and Medford is thirty-five miles, which was covered by the boys in just two hours and fifty-six minutes.
Medford Mail, June 29, 1894, page 3

    The Mail was most fortunate last week in having a bicycle rider, Geo. S. Parker, as one of its employees. The tie-up of trains was complete before we could get to press Thursday afternoon, hence the only way to reach our subscribers was by carriers. Mr. Parker and his bicycle were brought into service, and he was dispatched Friday afternoon to Central Point and Gold Hill, with the papers for these points and all post offices on stage routes out from these places. It was our intention to send him to Woodville, but even a good rider and an Imperial wheel can't carry a whole boxcar of Mails, and we were compelled to draw the line at Gold Hill--the weight of papers carried was about one hundred pounds. The time occupied in making the run and return, a distance of 24 miles, including a thirty-minute stop at Central Point and fifty-four minutes at Gold Hill, was four hours.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, July 6, 1894, page 3

    The Mail says that Day Parker of Medford rode from Ashland to Medford, 12 miles, the other evening in 44 minutes, and challenges any bicyclist in the state for a race for chalk, money or marbles.
"The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, July 19, 1894, page 3

   Dr. [E. P.] Geary as a bicycle hostler cannot be put down as a crowning success. As a matter of fact, the grooming of his wheel has been sadly neglected of late. It has neither been sponged, curried or rubbed down for several moons, and its neglect was becoming noticeable, but a few of the doctor's good friends gave him a benefit one day last week. He had left his wheel standing on the sidewalk while he did a little office work. In the interval his friends "swiped" the wheel and in the rear of one of their places of business they applied cleansing and burnishing lotions, and a short time thereafter the wheel was in its place again, but it had been transmogrified into a thing of beauty. The doctor came on the scene a little later, but the wheel he knew not--and for the next several hours he rode a borrowed wheel, believing someone had appropriated his.
    It is understood quite generally that Day Parker will get a challenge for a bicycle race. The challenger, we learn, is Claud Cannon, of Roseburg, and the place and date will be during the fair at Central Point in September. Cannon rode against Parker upon the same ground last year and was beaten, but his friends claim he threw the race. Whether he did or not, the Roseburg boys will find our sportive inclined people ready to back Mr. Parker for all the Douglas lads feel willing to part with. Now if Jimmie Bates can get a challenge for a footrace, to come off at the same place and date, there will be at least two interesting races. These boys are both square, and it can be positively said of them that they will not throw the race.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, July 20, 1894, page 3

    Day Parker is undergoing thorough bicycle training at the Central Point track, preparatory for a race during the fair. It is expected that Matlock, of Eugene, and Cannon, of Roseburg, will be competitors in the race. Both are crack riders, and the race, if it comes off, will be a most interesting one. If no race is had, Mr. parker will probably ride against time, and for the gold medal.
Medford Mail, August 31, 1894, page 3

    We have stated many times that Day Parker was a bicycle rider, and that he could ride quite cleverly, for a boy. We have been told by some that we were "talking through our headgear," or words to that effect, but the race at the Central Point fairgrounds last Friday proved beyond any reasonable grounds for doubt that we were talking good sense when we claimed for Mr. Parker [to be] a bicycle rider of no mean repute. This race was between Parker and Proebstel, a reported crack wheelman from Portland, but he was so easily done up that the prefix "crack" had been dropped from his cognomen. However, he is a very good rider, is fairly well muscled, and did good work, but Parker has better wind, is better muscled and is quicker motioned. The three heats rode were made in 2:39½, 2:40¼ and 3:04. This is a very slow time for bicyclists but the track is said to be a slow one, much of the distance being uphill and sandy. Mr. Parker has made a half mile on this track in 1:09½. The result of this race proved so satisfactory to Day and his friends, all hands knowing that the above figures do not indicate his speed by several notches, that he at once made application for admission into the races at Salem during the state fair. His application was accepted and next Monday he will enter his first race, and will have one race each day thereafter during the fair session. He is now at the Central Point track doing a few days' training work under the management of Prof. Proebstel, with whom he raced last Friday. Saturday evening he will leave for Salem and during his stay there will be handled by a representative of the Overman Wheel Company of Portland, which handles the Victor wheel. In these races Day will ride a nineteen-pound, sixty-four-gear wheel. At Central Point he rode a twenty-three-pound, sixty-three-gear wheel. Medford is glad because she can claim Mr. Parker as a resident of our city and we all hope for his success in the coming events.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, September 14, 1894, page 3

    Day Parker was too much for the bicyclists, and the state fair has barred him from entering the races there this week.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, September 20, 1894, page 3

     W. H. Schmerker, the boss miller of the Central Point and Snowy Butte mills, was out here Tuesday night, to attend a meeting of the I.O.G.T. On his way to his home in Central Point, while riding along on his wheel he was attacked by a cougar. He commenced to use the pedals in dead earnest and left his enemy in the rear.
"Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, October 19, 1894, page 2

    That was a happy move when the city council ordained that bicycles must keep off the sidewalk. A fellow don't need to put in two-thirds of his time dodging wheels and falling all over himself when he hears a bell ring.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, October 19, 1894, page 3

    Day Parker of Medford, Ore., and M. J. Proebstel of Vancouver, Washington, have been transferred to the professional class by the Racing Board.
"Among the Wheelmen," New York Times, December 11, 1894, page 7

    The bicycle, for male and for female, held sway. At any hour the summer resort hotel's energetic guest might organize a wheeling party that would go out and "bike" all over the countryside; and then come back so hungry that force was necessary to prevent their storming the kitchen and gnawing the asbestos from off the hot water pipes.
Ed Andrews, as told to Charles Hyskell, "The Andrews Opera Company," Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1934, page 3

    District Attorney Benson, A. S. Hammond and Judge Hale rode from Klamath Falls to Lakeview on bicycles last week. The cyclometer on Benson's wheel registered 103¾ miles.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, May 30, 1895, page 3

    Merchant I. A. Webb has been in bed several days this week and the family physician has been giving him a goodly amount of attention--all of which was required; and court plaster, bandages and splints have been the predominating household commodities for a time equal to the days of illness. Mr. Webb is really not sick but he is a badly disfigured community and it came about like this: Last week one day Dr. Pickel and himself were "jogging" their wheels on the new bicycle track--and "jogging" rather swiftly, when Mr. Webb's wheel struck a stone--and the rider struck the ground very forcibly and for nearly one full turn of the track he continued to plow mother earth with his proboscis and other parts of his anatomy. He was gathered up and brought home and is improving all right, but he was a badly broke up man--his face, hands and limbs all being badly bruised and the cuticle removed. Since the mishap the gentleman is wont to awaken during the night and sermonize. During one of these spells of lonesomeness he is reported by Mrs. Webb to have sent forth a little sermon something after this style: "We hereby warn our brothers, yes, and sisters, whether bloomered or not, that these wind-blowed-up bicycle wheels are devices of the demon of the river Styx. They are contrivances to entrap the feet of the unwary and skin the nose of the innocent. They are full of guile and deceit. When you think you have broken one to ride and have subdued his satanic nature, behold it bucketh you off in the road and teareth a great hole in your bloomerloons, and the cuticle from your nose. Look not upon the bicycle when it bloweth up its wheels, for at last--sometimes at first--it bucketh like a bronco, and hurteth like thunder, by jingo. Who has court plastered legs, nose and face? Who has ripped pantaloons? They that dally with a diabolical bicycle."
"News of the City," Medford Mail, July 5, 1895, page 5

    The land I now own on Newtown Street used to be the old bicycle race track. I bought it, and some real estate man divided it into lots.
"William Hamlin, Pioneer of Valley," Medford Mail Tribune, September 26, 1930, page B3

    Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palm left Sunday for Colestin, to be absent about a month. They rode their bicycles to Ashland and took the train from there--or rather Mrs. Palm rode to Ashland, Mr. Palm punctured his wheel and--well he walked, and the electric current that he threw out about that time burned out the telegraph instruments along the line--Palm was hot.
Medford Mail, July 19, 1895, page  4

    J. A. Whitman and John Redfield returned Monday from a trip to Klamath Falls on their Crescent bicycles, going from Medford to Klamath Falls in a day, the cyclometer showing the distance between the places to be 78½ miles. They report they could have gone on to Bonanza the same day had they desired. The cyclometer showed 66 miles from Klamath Falls to Ashland.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, August 1, 1895, page 3

New in Grants Pass--Old in Medford.
From the Grants Pass Courier.
    A young married lady stopping at one of our hotels with her husband had the audacity to appear on our streets in bloomers Monday afternoon. Her advent caused quite a ripple of excitement as she dashed down Sixth Street, and most of the spectators voted the bloomer costume "all right." This tasty apparel is the only one which permits a lady to ride a man's wheel, and a man's wheel is decided by experts as the only fit wheel to ride, as the frame is stronger and the guiding motion easier. Bloomers are so common now in all the large cities that their appearance causes no comment. Let Grants Pass folks show themselves as well behaved as those of big cities.
Medford Mail, August 2, 1895, page 5

Medford Mail, August 9, 1895

    John Beek, Jr. is a bicyclist with a record hitched to him that isn't slow. He returned from Portland last week, on his wheel, and made the entire distance, 328 miles, in four days. Considering that a good portion of the trip was made over a mountainous road the record is not so bad--considering the same thing over again, it is a record that's dog-blasted good.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, August 23, 1895, page 5

Medford Mail, August 16, 1895
Medford Mail, August 16, 1895

    Mrs. L. M. Nichols, the lady who conducts a photograph gallery in Central Point, was in Medford Tuesday--came up on her bicycle.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 27, 1895, page 4

    Bicycles are thicker around town than frogs after a spring rain. Pretty nearly everybody has a wheel, and as the streets are dry they begin to roll. It was three years ago that Charlie Wolters and Dave Miller had such a lively skirmish in taming their bronco bicycles. Dave subdued his, but Charlie gave up in disgust, not, however, until he had collided with every awning post in the city and had telescoped A. W. Bish's delivery team. He has again tackled the wheel, and with Mose Alford as a side propeller and main guy he is doing quite nicely. The Mail guesses not far from correct when it says that the number of bicycles rode in Medford last season will be more than double this year. Two hundred would no more than cover the number owned and rode in this city last year.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, February 21, 1896, page 5

    There comes to The Mail considerable complaint as regards the fast riding of bicyclists on our streets. No person would object to any great extent to bicycle riding on the sidewalks in such parts of the city where the travel is not great if they would ride slowly, but when they make a racing track of the sidewalks they must expect a protest. The sidewalks are no places for "scorching," and the sooner the riders realize this fact the longer will they be permitted to use the walks. Families who have children going to and from school are those most concerned. The Mail realizes that the walks are easy to ride upon, and we would dislike to see it become necessary for the lines to be drawn so close as to prohibit their use entirely by the wheels.
Medford Mail, March 20, 1896, page 5

    Fred Edsall is spending most of his wakeful hours these days tugging away at the combination which he hopes will let him into a secret that will enable him to master natural gravity and sail along through space with only a bicycle between him and terra firma. Fred has a good "bike" and is in dead earnest about the matter.
"Notes from Eden Precinct," Medford Mail, April 3, 1896, page 2

    Someone is getting funny with the bicycle boys. Out on North C Street the sidewalks in places have repeatedly been strewn with tacks—all of which omens not good to the pneumatic tires on the several wheels that circle in that direction. The man or boy who does this sort o’ thing is filled clear to the neck with cussedness, and the country which harbors such as he has no grounds upon which to be congratulated. Even had he no regard for the bicyclists he ought to consider the barefooted urchin who is liable to puncture the sole of his foot—and perhaps fatal results to follow.
Medford Mail, April 3, 1896, page 5

    The Medford bicycle club is busily engaged in securing funds for settling back scores on their track, after which they will begin the work of improving it. The continued rains have greatly retarded their efforts in that direction so far, but while they have been prevented from doing any active work on the track, they have been busily engaged in maturing plans for holding a grand field tournament here later in the season. They are figuring on drawing people from Roseburg [and] Ashland, and all southern Oregon promises to participate in the games, which will consist of bicycle racing, baseball and foot ball games, jumping and other forms of manly sport. There is no reason why they should not succeed in the undertaking, as Grants Pass held a similar tournament last year, which was a success in every particular, and we are posing as authority for the statement that the Medford boys can do anything that anyone else can. An invitation will be extended to all the towns in Southern Oregon, and a good time will be in store for those who attend.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, May 22, 1896, page 5

Medford Mail, May 29, 1896

    The Fourth of July arrangements committee desire to extend a special invitation to the bicyclists of Medford, Jacksonville and other points in the valley as well as those of Ashland and to join in the great bicycle parade at Ashland at the forthcoming celebration. It is hoped to have from 75 to 100 in the parade, which would prove a striking feature. Besides, an illuminated bicycle parade at night has been suggested as an interesting feature, too.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 11, 1896, page 3

    C. W. Palm, the real estate broker, now rides a brand-new red bicycle and has diamonds for a headlight.
    The bicyclists take as easily to the new sidewalk ordinance as do ducks to water. It's a little tough on them, but they are law abiding--hence the middle of the road is their path.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, June 26, 1896, page 5

    The bicycle picnic which was advertised to take place last Sunday, along the bank of Rogue River, about two miles below Tolo, materialized in a pretty good time for nearly everyone who was present. There were probably 150 or 200 people on the ground and those who were there with the expectation of having just a nice, quiet little picnic--a boat ride on the river, a hammock swing in the shade, a lunch of fried chicken and such of everything as makes up a good dinner and a pleasant talk with neighbors--were not disappointed--in fact such had a pretty good time, but the fellow who wanted a whole circus with sideshow accompaniments didn't get what he imagined he was paying for. The Medford brass band was on the grounds--and there was good music galore--and all those people scattered thereabouts were grateful--because of the music. There were six or eight rowboats on the river, and these were kept busy so long as the crowd remained. Photographer Mackey was there with his camera and took several views of the bicyclists and their wheels, also a number of views of different boating parties on the river. Dan Waldroop was there with refreshments--and none were there who need either hunger or thirst.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, July 3, 1896, page 7

    J. A. WHITMAN returned Tuesday from a twelve days' trip over in Klamath County, and on his trip visited Klamath Falls, Lakeview, Ft. Klamath, and intermediate points. The whole trip was made on wheel and the distance covered averaged nearly fifty miles a day. He reports that many people throughout Klamath and Lake counties are making active preparations to come to Medford to purchase their winter supplies, that it will not be many days before the vanguard of the procession appears, and that indications point to one of the most prosperous falls in the history of Medford. People on the other side of the mountains pretty generally agree that Medford is the best and cheapest trading point in Southern Oregon, and that they are always treated right when they come this way, hence there is little, if any, indecision with them in the matter of where they will go.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 31, 1896, page 6

    Talk about your swift bicyclists, but Mackey, the photographer, is at present in the lead. Of course all who learn to ride a wheel are compelled to undergo a given amount of "dust-biting"--that is, they all are apt to let the machine get away sometimes, but in this line Mackey always leads. But he cares nothing for a few bumps and bruises, knowing full well that a liberal supply of arnica and Wizard Oil will make well such trifling ills, and he pushes ahead--looking forward, no doubt, to a match race between himself and Frank Wilson, the baker. Aside from tearing up the gravel for three hundred and sixty-three feet, removing about two yards of cuticle from different parts of his anatomy, badly soiling his clothes, putting eighty-four "stave-ins" in his silk hat and losing his watch, Mackey's first effort at learning the ways of a wheel was a success.
"Wheels and Wheelers," Medford Mail, July 31, 1896, page 2

     Jesse Hanks, a young man who came to Medford some time ago from Klamath Falls, rented a bicycle from J. A. Whitman on September 14, and was to return the same in two hours' time. He rode out of town in the direction of Central Point, but failed to return, and last Saturday he was located at Glendale by Constable Woolf, of this city, who had a warrant for his arrest, and Sunday brought him back to Medford. It appears that he had rode down to Rock Point where he left the bicycle with a party who agreed to return it to Mr. Whitman, but failed to do so. He was taken before Justice Jones Monday and had his examination postponed until Friday.
    Ira Phelps, the printer, is a bicyclist of widespread ability, but his ability slackened up on him a bit while returning from Central Point one evening this week, and his widespread was for the length and breadth of several or more rods of the highway between Medford and the above-named place. The covering of one side of his face was considerably removed, and he hasn't been doing a thing since but spending his wages in arnica baths and adhesive plasters.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, September 25, 1896, page 7

    The bicyclists of this city are circulating a petition for the consideration of the town board of trustees, praying for the repeal of the bicycle ordinance which was passed last spring and for the enactment of another one which would [be] commensurate with the wishes of the citizens in general and at the same time allowing the use of sidewalks for bicyclists under proper and just restrictions. The prohibitory terms of the proposed ordinance are of such a character that would ensure the safety of the pedestrians and would be of great service to the riders. Here are a few of the main prohibitory clauses: Riding at a faster rate than four miles per hour, to be prohibited. Every rider of a bicycle on a sidewalk to give warning of his approach by a bell, whistle or voice. Every male rider of a bicycle must dismount on meeting or passing a lady on a sidewalk less than five feet in width. Street crossings to be given invariably to pedestrians. Fines to be imposed for any violation of these clauses. The petition will be presented as soon as possible, and it is sincerely hoped by those interested that some provisions will be made for the convenience of those who are compelled to go to and from their place of business on bicycles.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, October 16, 1896, page 7

    It should be remembered by our bicyclists that the new bicycle ordinance, passed by the city council last week, does not affect in any wise the former ordinance, regulating the use of bicycles on the sidewalk between the depot and school house, in which wheelmen are forbidden to ride thereon between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, December 11, 1896, page 7

Due Consideration of the Popular Mode of Transit.
Little Danger of an Over-Indulgence in the Pleasurable Pastime of Wheeling--A Question of Public Taste and Morals.

    Up to the present time, no matter what may be the future changes, the chief claim of the bicycle upon our consideration is its utility as a means of rational and wholesome pastime and pleasurable recreation. While it is put to many uses purely economical in a business sense, still the balance is overwhelming on the side of mere amusement.
    Nor is this to be reckoned against it in our calculation. We Americans especially need to have play forced upon us; we are too much given over to constant money-grubbing and the feverish pursuit of sordid ambitions. There is small danger that we will fall too far in the direction of recreation and healthful pastime. Certainly the bicycle is a delightful source of emotion; it sends up through the rider an exhilaration indescribably comforting to weary nerves--and just here arise both the pro and the con of our argument.
    If to ride moderately is pleasing, to ride faster is charming, and to speed like the wind is intoxicating. The habit grows, the fascination gets [a] deeper and deeper hold, until, like all other overdone sports or pastimes, it becomes an almost incurable mania. The incorrigible scorcher is already scarcely less a nuisance in our streets and roads than the drunkard and the professional beggar. He casts a malign shadow over the whole subject of wheeling and forces right-minded people to shrink from public appearance on their wheels. The same or more may be said about a certain class of women and girls who for one reason or another choose to make bicycle riding an excuse for immodest and outlandish attire. Instead of honestly adapting costume neatly and becomingly to the needs of wheeling, they rush to the extreme suggested by a necessary change. Here a great question of public taste and morals forces itself into our minds, and it is not too early to give it serious attention.
    Overexertion is very hurtful to organic life. Mere waste is healthful if natural and promptly compensated by recuperation. Bodily exercise cannot go beyond the limit of safety without permanent injury to vital centers. This well-known law is too frequently broken by bicycle riders, especially the young and strong ones who feel keenly the sweet exhilaration of rapid movement under circumstances novel and peculiarly fascinating. A rich crop of diseases is sure to be reaped by these reckless sowers.
    Doubtless wisdom will control in the long run, wherefore it seems safe to take an optimistic view of the great wheeling epoch. Observation has led us to think that our young people are adapting themselves in the main with great good sense to the conditions imposed by their new means of enjoyment. It is comforting to the taste and a rare delight to the artistic perception to see them out of an evening, gliding along so silently and smoothly, skimming the roads as swallows skim the streams. Where there is so much fascination and so little urge toward evil surely the outcome must be good.--Chautauquan.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 15, 1897, page 4


    When Horton said he had no trouble learning to ride a bicycle--just got on and rode right off--I believed him. Some people are too prosaically clever to ever half enjoy life, and Horton belongs to this class. I do not. When I became possessed of a brand-new "bike," I knew I was going to have trouble, and nerved myself therefor. I was not mistaken. I did have trouble.
    Horton said he would come over and help me learn to ride. That's the trouble with clever people. I knew how Horton would help me to learn to ride. All clever people adopt the same methods.
    He would lead the wheel out into the smooth road with an air of supreme mastery, steady it for me to mount, and, having enticed me to a seat on the treacherous machine, deliver himself in this wise:
    "Now, take good hold of the handles--no, not too tight--they won't get away--just grasp them lightly but firmly; now put both feet on the pedals--steady now--don't be afraid, and--keep your balance." Then he tips the machine over to an angle of 75 degrees, gives me a start, and away I go. Now a bicycle that's well trained and knows it's mounted by a man who is its master would just as likely go at an angle of 75 degrees as any other way--I know because I have since taken pains to experiment. Not so a green and stubborn wheel that conceives it to be its duty to take the conceit out of a novice. Such a machine must be ridden exactly upright, both feet must sit exactly the same on the pedals, the handlebars must be grasped just so, and a thousand precautions must be taken that would cause that same wheel to feel insulted a month later.
    That's why my machine don't go the way my clever instructor had calculated. Instead it makes one or two miserable wobbles, turns into the only rough piece of road in the vicinity, shakes itself uncomfortably a couple of times, and then smashes into the ground with a force entirely unwarranted by the degree of momentum it has attained while comparatively upright.
    Then my friend comes up with a look of pained surprise on his face, as though I'd been going through all these maneuvers on purpose to disregard his instructions. He shows me just where the course I have pursued is diametrically opposed to his directions. Particularly he remarks that I must endeavor to keep my equilibrium. I thank him, perhaps facetiously, because a vigorous fall is not calculated to improve the temper, and remark that if he had only suggested that before it would have saved all the trouble. Then he gets offended, and I have to apologize. Then we try again.
    This time I am tired and disgusted. My knowing instructor is perfectly cool, but much more disgusted than myself. He insists that I am about the worst pupil he has ever seen. Then he discovers that he has an engagement and must leave. I thank him presumably for helping me with the wheel, really for going. As he disappears from sight I take the wheel back to the house, slam the door on it, viciously, and seek a place where I can rest and reflect.
    Maybe I did Horton an injustice, but that's about the way I imagined that he would help me to learn to ride. I told him I didn't think I'd have any trouble; besides I had almost decided to make my first trial at night. This moonlight ride idea of mine was one I had thought of long before I purchased the wheel. I love the moonlight. To me it seems most singularly fit that lovelorn youths should swear "by yon pale moon." There is no truth in Luna. She lies, she flatters and exaggerates. And yet we all must love her, for her falsehoods are of kindness. She draws the veil of charity over our shortcomings. The crude, unsightly nooks and crevices the sun, truth's mighty ally, delights to show, she passes by or touches with soft romantic light that makes the very things we most dislike by day at night seem beautiful. There is no stretch of nature's handiwork so mean, so rough and so devoid of charm but, touched by this divine magician's power, may be transformed into a fairy land.
    I take my wheel out into the broad avenue that passes the house. The moonlight shimmers through the leaves of the tall poplars that align the road. A gentle breeze makes the leaves rustle and dance. The tall trees quiver; and, save for the rubbing of the branches and the soft murmur of the winds, all is silent. A sovereign feeling of independence possesses me. The world is sleeping. I am alone with nature and the delights of night are mine. I mount my wheel triumphantly and start down the vista that stretches before me. My wheel skims like a bird over the smooth road. I emerge from the tree-lined avenue to an open country, where broad grain fields stretch away into the hazy distance. The deceptive moonlight lends to the waving grain the appearance of a vast lake. My eyes drink in the beauty of the scene, and the fresh, bracing atmosphere fills me with a peculiar intoxication. I throw back my chest, drink deep the airy nectar. I feel as though I would like to scream, sing, anything to vent my exuberance--
    Horton said I couldn't learn to ride at night. I'd be everlastingly running into chuckholes and other obstacles, and if I didn't break my neck (which didn't so much matter), I would probably cause the bicycle irreparable damage. That's the way with Horton. Whenever I get any particularly attractive idea he always spoils it with some of his practical suggestions. Now, if his suggestions were not practical it wouldn't be so bad. I don't a bit mind suggestions from friends, when I can show them the utter folly of acting upon them, but it is not so with Horton. Whenever he makes a suggestion I have learned by experience that that particular suggestion had better be heeded. I never forgive him for spoiling my plans, but I find it prudent to act on his advice, so this time I sadly put away my idea of making my first trip on a wheel a nocturnal one. I must face the ordeal in the cruel veracity of sunlight.
    I never could quite understand how everyone in the neighborhood found out that on that particular day I was going to make my first attempt at conquering the unruly spirit of a soulless mechanism. It was after nightfall when I brought the wheel home. I thought the secret was my own, and all things seemed propitious to a quiet contest between the wheel and myself, in which I should have won the laurels before the neighbors were apprised that the battle was on. To further ensure this result I had for several days studied the manners of veteran riders, especially when leading their wheels. I flattered myself I had this pretty near perfection. As I led the wheel out to the street I even stopped to examine a spoke critically, in precisely the manner I had seen an expert do the day before. It was in vain. The audience was in waiting.
    The prospect, as I looked up and down the street, appalled me. Every door and window seemed to have its occupants, Women waited patiently on front porches. Men lounged lazily over front gates. I don't believe that there was a house within four blocks that didn't have a man about it. And then--horrors! the street seemed infested with small boys. The small boy knows instinctively at what particular time and place a man is about to make a fool of himself, and he usually manages to be on hand to add zest to the performance. His comments on such occasions are not original, witty or wise, but are woefully effective.
    I believe I am a brave man. I once voluntarily acted as judge of debate in a young ladies' literary society, and I stand ready, for a sufficient inducement, to be one of a committee on awards at a baby show. Nevertheless, this once I was frightened. Not at the wheel. I had an affectionate contempt for that airy-looking skeleton of wood and steel, but I object to being stared at, particularly when I feel as if I am going to make an exhibition of myself.
    I put one foot firmly on the step, hopped along on the other, in the regulation style and stepped up. Now, I am certain that I had that wheel balanced all right. I had raised myself with extraordinary care, and if the wheel had been a steady-going machine of a year or so's service, it would have been all right. This was a new wheel, though, and its chief characteristic was concentrated villainy.
    That's why, just as I got my foot well off the ground and was putting my sole dependence on the step, the thing lunged over. I expected to see the wheel broken to pieces, but it was not injured. It had a mission to perform yet, and could not afford to break until it had accomplished it. That mission was to preach to me the doctrine of the total depravity of inanimate things.
    After picking up the wheel I looked around at my audience. I hardly expected applause, but thought I might reasonably look for mirth. I was even prepared to laugh heroically with them, but not a smile was visible. They all seemed interested, but not amused. They were reserving their merriment.
    The next time I had better luck. I succeeded in getting on the seat. This made it more interesting for the spectators, because when the wheel lunged, ran around in [a] circle and then collapsed, the situation was a good deal more ridiculous. As a source of amusement I saw it was going to be a success. After this fall, the men who had been lounging on the front gates sauntered up to where I was. The small boys, who had been viewing operations from a respectful distance, also drew around me. I was at the flood tide of my misery.
    I no longer regarded the bicycle as a soulless thing of steel, nickel and wood. It was a treacherous and emphatically animate monster to be put down at any cost. I grasped it savagely, placed it roughly in position and mounted. It threw me, but I tried again. I had forgotten the audience. The men advised, the boys jeered and the women laughed; I heard, I saw, but did not heed. I was mad. I was going to do or die, and several times the chances seemed greatly with the second alternative.
    At last I got the wheel to go around. A thrill of joy went through me. I saw the landscape slip by. I felt myself passing rapidly through space. The crowd which I had feared I now disdained. I was leaving them far behind. I felt that until that moment I had not known life. The hitherto existing relation of space to time was radically altered. It was almost as though a new world had been opened to me, and chief among all my delights was victory. On I spun over the fine country road; at last I was master--
    I ought to have noticed that gravel bed. Exaltation is a good thing in its place, but its place is not astride a brand-new wheel. I picked myself up laboriously. The wheel was only partially ruined. Just a matter of bent pedals and crimped handlebars. I was a good deal worse used up myself, but that didn't matter. I had conquered the wheel, and henceforth I knew I would be master of that or any other wheel; and I am.--Outing.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 15, 1897, page 4

     The warm days of last week brought out the wheelers in large numbers. The roads are getting in good shape, although they are at present just a little bit too rough for swift wheeling. Another week of warm weather and they will be in fine shape. There will without doubt be a few rainy days this month, but a shower now and then would be beneficial to the roads.
- - -
    J. A. Whitman reports the sale of eighteen Crescent wheels last week.
- - -
    Geo. Kurtz is getting to be quite a scorcher, notwithstanding the fact that he only has use for one pedal.
- - -
    Bloomers have been laid aside by most all lady bicyclists, and the demand for the drop-frame wheel is much greater this year than last.
- - -
    A. S. Bliton has purchased an Ajax wheel from Boyden & Nicholson, and if he can get enough nerve and time together he will learn to ride.
- - -
    Sixty wheelers were arrested in one evening in Portland last week for violating the ordinance regulating speed and requiring lamps after night.
- - -
    Merchant A. N. Berlin rides one of those new wood frames, and is as proud of it as a boy with a new pair of boots. The wheel was purchased from Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
- - -
    The demand for wheels this year is much greater than last. Prices are considerably lower, which fact places them within the reach of a greater number of people, and the result is a greatly increased sale.
- - -
    Billie Bates has purchased a Phoenix racer from D. T. Lawton, agent for the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company. Deputy County Treasurer Lindley has also purchased a wood frame Brabe from the same agency.
- - -
    Right now is a good time to agitate for the building of a bicycle track between Medford and Jacksonville. Each city has a large number of bicyclists, and a good track connecting the two towns would be a source of great pleasure to them.
- - -
    It will be some time before the road to the river will be in good riding order, especially the "sticky" portion of it, but the most of that lies between this city and Central Point, and that run can be made on the S.P. track.
- - -
    It is expected that a sufficient portion of the Southern Oregon Fair Association's track will be completed this week to permit of taking a spin on the wheel. It is a nice ride out to the grounds and one that will be enjoyed by a large number during the coming season.
- - -
    The wheelmen of Oregon City propose to make a test case of a recent accident to a rider caused by a teamster refusing to give him a reasonable right of way on a public road. The teamster is determined to fight the charge preferred, and the result is awaited with interest by all bicyclists.
- - -
    Portland wheelmen are agitating [for] the building of a track from that city to the snow line on Mt. Hood. It has been suggested that the track be built of dressed plank one foot wide and laid lengthwise--five planks wide. This would make a splendid track and one on which it would be a pleasure to ride.
- - -
    A party of Medford's bicycle enthusiasts were in Jacksonville Sunday afternoon, and while "resting" John Dyar and Geo. Neuber borrowed a wheel each from a couple of the boys presumably to take a turn around a block, but they failed to turn until they reached Medford--and they were fortunate enough to reach this city in time to take the train home. John said he was completely "give out," and "Bum" took a header, resulting in the loss of three-quarters of an acre of cuticle on his left knee and a large rent in new $7 pants.
- - -
    Wheelmen should be careful about riding on the sidewalks and not violate the ordinance regulating such riding else they be deprived of the right, and that would cause a large heap of inconvenience. The names of several bicycle riders who "scorch" on the sidewalks have been reported to the city council, and unless this scorching is promptly stopped these parties as well as all other riders will be prohibited from riding on any of the sidewalks. The streets are now in excellent shape for riding, and there is no need for using the sidewalks. If the marshal was to arrest a few of the violators and the recorder fine them $10 each, the practice might in this way be stopped.
Medford Mail, April 16, 1897, page 6

    Two young men in gray bicycle suits passed through town on wheels Friday labeled "Post Intelligencer from Seattle to  San Francisco on a Fowler." They got as far as Bloody Run when one of them "took a header" and smashed his wheel. They loaded their bicycles on to the train Saturday morning and took it the rest of the way on Mr. Huntington's set of wheels.
"The Week's Jottings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 27, 1897, page 3

    Among the many industries and enterprises of Medford, the establishment of Mr. J. A. Whitman is one of the most prominent. Mr. Whitman is sole agent for the famed Crescent bicycle, which, without doubt, stands at the head today among the many different makes. He handles this wheel exclusively, because he considers it the best, and being an expert in this line, he is fully competent to judge. He is also agent for the celebrated Studebaker wagons and carriages, which are so well and favorably known that comment is unnecessary.
    Mr. Whitman is one of the largest buyers of Oregon fruit and ships in car lots to Chicago and Southern points. With the present prospects of the large crop he will probably ship 100 cars of fruit this season.
"Our Business and Professional People Briefly Mentioned," Medford Mail, May 28, 1897, page 3

    Constable Blackwood has purchased a new bike. While trying to break the thing to ride, it became unmanageable, throwing him against a fence, bruising him somewhat.
"Phoenix Clips," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 10, 1898, page 3

    That bicycle intent at punism was all right had Bliton [editor of the Medford Mail] agreed to allow it to run in the usual trail of an April fool joke, but he didn't--hence the fun that was to have been was transformed into a real live business proposition of tremendous proportions. It was like this: On the morning of April 1st Bliton tied his bicycle to a convenient hitching post in front of the Hotel "Shorty" [Shorty Hamilton--proprietor of the Nash Hotel]. J. H. Bellinger and his able aide, Mr. Milligan, figured that it would be a real sport to "soak" Bliton's wheel for a few "schooners" of beverage, and they had a real immense laugh at our expense--which laugh and the consequent results were something after the pattern of the sport which our grandfathers used to tell us that an Irishman had with a bull. To shorten our story we will say that upon a certain bright, sunshiny Monday morning, the first one following April 1st, Mr. Milligan led Bliton's wheel from behind Court Hall's bar [the Turf Exchange, at Main and Front] to The Mail office door and there left it--and Bliton paid not a cent of the debt contracted when the wheel was left as collateral security to quench an April fool thirst--but, upon the debt side of our ledger on a page where J. H. Bellinger's name appears at the head is found this item: "To use bicycle three days, at $1.50 per day--$4.50." There is, our readers will observe, a genuine joke connected with this affair, but there has a mist gathered over Mr. Bellinger's eyes and he sees it not a little bit.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 15, 1898, page 7    Translation: Bellinger and Milligan "borrowed" Bliton's bike to use as collateral for some beer, but when they returned it Bliton billed them for approximately three days' wages.

    Bicycles are coming down in price. By saving the money they formerly spent in bicycle shows the manufacturers are able to put high-grade wheels on the market for $40, $50, or $60, and a leading maker who has been selling his wheels for $100 has now reduced his price to $50. Another is said to have declared that he is going to let the dealers have his wheel at $25 and sell them for what they can get. It is generally conceded that the chainless wheel is the only one that will bring $100, and the demand for it is limited to the wealthy class of riders.

Gold Hill News, April 23, 1898, page 4

    Prof. Day Parker has been re-engaged as principal of the South Ashland School. He is making rapid progress as an educator and never fails to give satisfaction.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 20, 1898, page 3

Medford Mail, July 1, 1898

Billie Taylor, who formerly conducted a confectionery stand in Medford, and who is engaged in the same business at Eugene, fell from his bicycle one day last week and broke the cap of his right knee.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1898, page 3

    Misses Lillian Rhinehart and Mamie Knox left for Eugene Saturday and will be gone about a month. They went by wheel. Miss Nellie DePeatt is in charge of the Postal Telegraph office during the absence of the latter.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1898, page 3

    Miss Clara Skeel, who excels as a bicyclist as well as a stenographer, rode to Grants Pass on her wheel last Sunday. We are glad that she did not prolong her stay.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1898, page 2

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 7, 1898, page 1
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 7, 1898, page 1

    E. Wilkinson made a trip to Applegate on his wheel last week, but collapsed before getting back.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1899, page 2

    District Attorney Watson appeared on the streets Tuesday with a badly sprained hand and a slightly disfigured countenance, and has been busy ever since trying to account for his injuries. He testifies that while taking a little exercise on his wheel it got the best of him and walked all over his prostrate form. For a moment he imagined he was a Filipino army struck by American troops.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 13, 1899, page 3

    The team of Mr. Swinning of this precinct were frightened one day last week by a boy on a bicycle, and overturned the cart to which they where attached, throwing Mr. S. under the wheels and bruising him quite severely. The cart was wrecked, but no further damage done.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 17, 1899, page 3

     The law taxing bicycles $1.25 per year, the proceeds to be applied for the construction of bicycle paths along county roads is now in force, and Sheriff Orme is making arrangements for the collection of the same. Deputies will be appointed at different points in the valley for the purpose of receiving the money and issuing of the tags.
    Sheriff Orme was at Ashland yesterday making arrangements for the collection of the state bicycle tax in that vicinity. He appointed Geo. Stanley special deputy for that purpose. D. T. Lawton will collect the tax at Medford. The county court has purchased 500 tags, which is probably too small a number.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 20, 1899, page 3

    Someone had the audacity to "swipe" George Faucett's wheel while he was at choir practice last Thursday evening, and nothing was seen of it until the following morning when it was found at the Hotel Nash considerably scratched and showing hard usage.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 28, 1899, page 7

    Saturday was the last day of grace for the payment of the bicycle tax. Not nearly so many have settled with the sheriff or his deputies as was expected.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 1, 1899, page 3

To Bicyclists.
    Sheriff Orme has the tags required, and requests those owners of bicycles who have not paid the tax provided by law to settle the same on or before the 20th of May. All who fail to pay by that time will be delinquent and be liable to a penalty of $1 each.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, May 4, 1899, page 3

    The wheelmen of Gold Hill have subscribed money for the purpose of building a bicycle track.
    A convention of the owners of bicycles will be held at Medford on May 23rd at the opera house at 2 p.m. The object of this convention is to discuss the best localities for the construction of the bicycle paths provided for by the law passed by the state legislature, funds for which are raised by the tax on wheels. A committee appointed by this convention will appear before the county commissioners at the June meeting of that body with the recommendations of the convention.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 11, 1899, page 3

The Wheelmen Meet.
    A large number of bicyclists met at Medford last Tuesday and organized a local league by the election of A. E. Reames of Jacksonville as president and G. A. Gregory as secretary. It was announced that the tax on bicycles, levied in accordance with a law passed by the last legislature, had produced $478, and that this sum would be considerably increased in a short time, as quite a number of wheelmen had not settled with the sheriff. It was decided that two paths should be built along the public highway, one between Jacksonville and Medford and the other from Ashland in a northerly direction. The county court will be waited on at its June session by a committee, which will make known the wants of the league.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, May 25, 1899, page 3

    It is estimated that between 750 and 800 bicycles are in use in Jackson County alone, which represent an outlay of about $40,000.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 25, 1899, page 3

    A petition is now being circulated, asking the county court to use all the funds available for the construction of a bicycle path. Half north of Ashland and the other half north of Medford along the county road. This we believe is the proper caper, as it will give service to the greatest number of riders. If you have not already signed it, call at the News office and do so at once.
Gold Hill News, May 25, 1899, page 5

    According to the tags sold by Sheriff Orme and his representatives at the towns mentioned, there are 40 bicycles in Jacksonville and vicinity; Medford has 207; Ashland, 143; Gold Hill, 61; Central Point, 27. The sentiment of the wheelmen is generally in favor of building granite paths, so that they can be used the year 'round.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1899, page 3

    Central Point and Gold Hill bicyclists, as well as others residing further north, are dissatisfied with the location of the paths agreed upon at the late convention, and will file a protest against the action of that body with the county court. The petition they are circulating asks the court to divide the sum realized from the bicycle tax for building a path on the main road between Ashland and Medford and on the main road between Gold Hill and Medford.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 1, 1899, page 3

In the Matter of Paths for Bicycles and Pedestrians in Jackson County.
Ordered by the Court, that bicycle paths shall be constructed along the sides of the public highways of Jackson County so as not to interfere with or impede travel thereon.
    And the Court further orders that the location and construction of such paths shall be confided to a committee of four wheelmen of said County, to wit: E. D. Briggs of Ashland, John Orth of Jacksonville, J. W. Lawton of Medford and W. M. Holmes of Central Point. That said committee shall be and is hereby authorized to fix and determine where said paths shall be built, and the time and manner of constructing the same, that said committee shall not receive any compensation, but it shall make a report to this Court at the end of every month as to the nature and amount of path work performed together with a detailed report of the amount of money expended, and for what purpose expended, which report and all expenses incurred shall be subject to the approval of this Court. And it shall also report in full all contracts made by the committee in the construction of said paths; that said committee shall not have any power or authority to incur any debt in excess of the amount of money in the path fund, nor will Jackson County be responsible for any debt or liability made or caused by said committee; that this Court recommends to said committee G. M. Grainger as a capable person for the position of Superintendent of Construction of paths and authorize said committee to employ him, or any other capable person, as such superintendent and authorize said committee to fix said superintendent's compensation, subject to the conditions herein provided; that such superintendent shall have charge of the work of constructing said paths, subject however to supervision and control of a majority of said committee; that receipts shall be taken for all moneys expended, showing for what purpose it was expended and said receipts shall be transmitted with the current monthly report made by said committee to this Court and no money shall be expended, except on receipt given by the person or persons receiving said money.
    All bills must be O.K.ed by the superintendent and endorsed "Approved" by said committee, or by its chairman and secretary.
    This Court reserves to itself the right to alter, amend or rescind this order at any time.
Jackson County Commissioners' Journals, June 9, 1899, volume 11, page 429

    Some scoundrel has been distributing tacks, sharp side up, in Gold Hill, which caused several bicycles to be sent to the hospital.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 19, 1899, page 3

    Recorder J. W. Lawton has been appointed a member of the bicycle path committee. Mr. Lawton is a very capable gentleman in any capacity, and he will not be found wanting in this.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 23, 1899, page 7

    A. Day Parker goes to Paisley in Lake County as principal of the school at that place. The people of Paisley are to be congratulated on securing a man who knows how a good school should be conducted.

"County School Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 5, 1899, page 1

    Nothing has been heard of those bicycle paths, although a considerable sum of money lies in the county treasury applicable to their construction. What's the matter?

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 12, 1899, page 3

    How about that bicycle path? This is quite the correct weather for building it. The ground is moist enough to work well, but not wet enough to be muddy. Why don't that committee get together and do business.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 3, 1899

Bicycle cartoon, November 6, 1899 Democratic Times, Jacksonville, Oregon
November 6, 1899 Democratic Times, Jacksonville, Oregon

    Construction of a bicycle path between Central Point and Tolo is being pushed. The path will be extended from Gold Hill to Medford, and the Free Press of that place hopes that in the course of time the path will run from Medford to Portland.
"Oregon Notes," Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 25, 1900, page 4

    The proposed bicycle paths in Jackson County, according to plans which were decided on long ago, will be built during the present year. The only work in this line which has been done so far is between Central Point and Gold Hill.

Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, February 15, 1900, page 3

Smooth Schemes by Which Dealers Are Victimized.
Curious Stories of Thefts by Respectable-Appearing Persons--
Women Are Engaged in the Thieving.

    Whether bicycling in the long run is cheaper than riding in street cars, it is certain that some persons of unscrupulous tendencies make money by their cycling adventures. They are those who make a practice of stealing bicycles and selling them for what they can get. Four or five years ago, when the price of the cheapest wheels almost equaled that of the best in the market today, the business of bicycle stealing was really in its infancy. Men who had engaged in various lines of crookedness soon discovered that the demand for wheels at a low price furnished exceptional inducements for them to make bicycle stealing a regular occupation, and the tactics they employed in order to get possession of machines were numerous and often extremely clever.
    During the last two years wheel-stealing has been carried on to a greater or less extent, but until this summer comparatively few complaints have been heard from dealers and individual riders since 1896. The thieves have lately started out again in great earnestness, and their modes of operation differ in many respects from those pursued formerly. Dealers tell some curious stories of the way they have been robbed by honest-looking and apparently respectable persons who have come to their shops ostensibly to buy or to rent wheels.
    "Last week," said a dealer on the west side, "a young man came into my store and asked to see a new man's bicycle, with a 24-inch frame. He said that his own wheel did not run smoothly and that he desired to get another one. He inquired my cash price for one of the best machines in the store and then decided that he would like to exchange his old wheel for the one we were examining. 'Where is your wheel?' I asked. 'Of course I must see it before I can tell how much I will be able to allow you for it.'
    "'It's five or six doors up from here, in a repair shop,' said my visitor. 'The repairer had one of the wheels off about five minutes ago and was straightening the front fork, which I bent a little in an accident. If you will just step in there for a moment you can see it.'
    "The man's apparent honesty and uncommonly frank expression of countenance made me less suspicious than I would be generally, but I had already had some experience with smooth-talking individuals, and made up my mind I would not be taken in by them again. I was alone in the shop at the time, but resolved, nevertheless, to see if there was anything in the man's game. So I agreed to step over to the other place with him and take a look at his wheel. When we arrived there, instead of walking to the back of the shop, where the repair department was, I stopped purposely about six or eight feet from the front door to look at a machine which, I remarked, had a very odd appearance. A few seconds later I walked out of the shop, and as I did so saw a man rush into my store. When I got there he was just coming out with a new $75 bicycle and seemed embarrassed when he met me face to face.
    "'I was just seeing how easily this wheel runs,' he exclaimed when I confronted him. 'If I can dispose of my own bike, I'll come back in a day or so and buy this one. It is a daisy.'
    "'Oh, yes,' said I, 'it's a beautiful machine, but if you had got it outside of this door when I saw you, you bet I would have your picture in the rogues' gallery.' His explanations were profuse, but they didn't convince me of his honest intention. The fact is that he was watching for me to go into the other shop, and the moment I did so he improved his opportunity.'"
    "We do not fear the men thieves nearly so much as we do the women," said another denier. "If, for example, a man comes in here to rent a bicycle and we have any doubt as to his honesty, we flatly refuse to let him have it. But with women it is different. A woman may come in all rigged out for a spin and with her face covered with smiles. She has been told that our wheels are better than those in other places and she wishes to hire one for a couple of hours. When we inquire her address she gives one that is a mile or so away--too far, of course, for us to send around there to see if it is genuine--adds that she is so and so and expresses great surprise that we should for a moment doubt her sincerity. We tell her that it is against our rules to let a wheel to anybody we don't know, and that we can scarcely make an exception in her case. Then she tosses her head, snaps her eyes, and declares that the whole thing is absurd and that she is to be deprived of a whole afternoon's pleasure on account of our abominable system of red tape. Under such circumstances it is mighty hard to deny the request, but we have to do so. If we didn't, it would be only a short time before our shop would be in the hands of a receiver."--N.Y. Sun.
Medford Mail, February 16, 1900, page 4

    Merchant Howard contributed $5 to the town's running expenses one day this week--too many sidewalks in the way and some of them had to be ridden on by a bicycle, but it was not compulsory that someone should be looking on at that particular time--but there was, and Harry's exchequer was depleted five dollars' worth.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 9, 1900, page 7

Medford Mail, March 9, 1900

The Bicycle Tax and Road.
    Alex Orme, the sheriff of Jackson County, was in Ashland Tuesday, in connection with the state bicycle tax law. He has appointed J. W. O. Gregory, of this city, his deputy to collect the tax in Ashland, and brought the aluminum tax tags which are exchanged with the festive bike owner for his $1.25 yearly tax. There are between 700 and 800 bicycles in use in this county, the amount of tax collected last year from them amounting to around $800. The money so collected is to be used for the improvement of the roads and the building of a bicycling track. The work on the proposed track has been delayed owing to the obstruction of certain telegraph poles along the county road between here and Medford; but it is now understood that the County Court has arranged for their removal, and work on the track will commence at an early date, the work starting from the Medford end and continuing this direction. It is expected that the tax raised from the bicycles will be larger this year than last, for it is reliably reported that there are a larger number of the machines in use than last year.
Ashland Tidings, March 15, 1900, page 2

    E. E. Lyons has been appointed agent for the Rambler bicycle in Jacksonville, and has opened a cyclery in the building opposite the post office.
    A bicycle path is being built along the county road between Jacksonville and Medford, which will be completed in a short time. The plowing and grading has already been finished.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1900, page 3

Bicycle Tax.
    Bicycle taxes are now due and must be paid before May 1st. Owners of wheels have been very dilatory in regard to this matter. Taxes have been due since March 1st. A penalty will attach after May 1st. Recorder J. W. Lawton is bicycle tax collector for Medford.
Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 6

    Sheriff Orme informs us that the bicycle tax must be paid before May 1, 1900. Mr. Orme is especially desirous that this tax be paid before the above date, as the money is needed in the construction of bicycle paths. After May first he will be compelled to enforce payments of tax, in compliance with the bicycle tax law.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 13, 1900, page 7

    A bicycle path connecting Medford and Jacksonville, a distance of five miles, is well under way. John H. Orth, of Jacksonville, has charge of the construction. Substantial fills and durable bridges are to be used where needed. The track is five feet wide, and well graveled the entire distance. This is the first path constructed in the county, and wheelmen are watching it with much interest. Work will soon be undertaken at three other points, and with this year's tax there will be sufficient funds to make a fair showing of good paths.

"Medford to Light Itself," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 15, 1900, page 4

    A. M. Woodford has been appointed bicycle tax collector for Medford, by Sheriff Orme. Bicycle taxes become delinquent after May 1st. The tax on each wheel is $1.25; after May 1st it will be $2.25. Few there are who can afford to pay this extra dollar. The sheriff is empowered to levy upon and sell all bicycles upon which the taxes, with the added penalty, are not paid by May 1st. There were about 400 bicycles in this immediate locality last year, and this number has probably been increased at least 150 since that time. Of these 550 wheels the taxes on only nineteen have been paid.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 20, 1900, page 7

    D. H. Miller, the hardware merchant, received a bad fall from the hurricane deck of a bicycle last Sunday morning--one that he is not apt to forget in a hurry. He led the wheel out to a good starting point near his residence, and endeavored to mount in a manner quite different from his accustomed way--and it may be stated, also, that his manner of dismounting was rather unusual. He says that the wheel started off all right under the new order of things, but somehow he didn't; at least the start was uneven, and as a pleasure trip the ride was not a success. Mr. Miller received some bad bruises and severe strains, from the effects of which he has not yet entirely recovered.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 27, 1900, page 7

    J. I. Fredenburg is superintending the work this week on the bicycle path between here and Phoenix.
Medford Success, April 27, 1900, page 5

    Frank Smith left Medford Wednesday, on his wheel, for Philadelphia, Penn. He proposes making the entire distance on the wheel.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 4, 1900, page 6

    "Rube" and Frank Shields, two very clever trick bicycle riders and balancers, gave a pleasing display of their abilities Tuesday in two performances before Hotel Nash, showing to large audiences and receiving in return liberal compensation in the way of contributions.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 18, 1900, page 7

    "Babe" and Frank Shields, two very clever trick bicycle riders and balancers, gave a pleasing display of their abilities Tuesday in two performances before Hotel Nash, showing to large audiences and receiving in return liberal compensation in the way of contributions.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 18, 1900, page 7

March 23, 1900 Medford Mail
March 23, 1900 Medford Mail

    While riding up Seventh Street in Medford last Saturday evening, on a bicycle, Irwin Eckelson ran into a wheel ridden by Miss Letha Hardin and was thrown violently to the ground. His left leg was so seriously injured in two places that he is likely to be confined to his bed for some time.
"Local Notes,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 28, 1900, page 3

    Everett Geary, a son of Dr. Geary of Portland, arrived in Albany one day last week, coming all the way on his wheel. The little fellow is only 12 years old, and made the trip from Portland to Salem in half a day, stopped overnight and came to Albany the next forenoon.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 16, 1900, page 2

    Eugene Amann left Wednesday for Oroville, Calif., where he goes to work in a mine. He will ride his wheel the entire distance--250 miles. 'Gene is a mighty fine young man, and his friends here--of whom there are several--and then some--all wish him a pleasant trip and lots of work--at a good price.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 27, 1900, page 2

    M. M. Gault, the well-known machinist, has added another line to his business, that of bicycle repairing. He keeps on hand fixtures and extras of all kinds, and guarantees satisfaction.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 9, 1900, page 3

    Day Parker, whom we last reported in Cork, Ireland, has arrived in New York City and will probably remain there until spring, if not permanently.
"Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 6

    Complaints against the use of the bicycle path, between this city and Jacksonville, for a wagon road, are being made, and unless the practice is discontinued, the law regulating the matter will be enforced.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 7

    The snow and rain this winter has knocked out the bicycle riding completely, and it will be some time yet before bicycle riding can be enjoyed in this county.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 28, 1901, page 5

Bicycles Taxed One Dollar.
    The new bicycle path law which went into effect Tuesday, with an emergency clause attached, authorizes county courts to construct bicycle paths and to levy a license tax of $1 upon each person riding a bicycle in the county. The act provides for the issuance of a tag similar to that issued under the old law. It is made unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle upon a bicycle path without having paid the license tax. The sheriff is authorized to seize a bicycle and sell the same as upon execution, in order to realize the amount of the tax. The law also requires that every bicycle shall be provided with a bell and at night with a good light. Bicycle paths constructed under the old law are declared to be bicycle paths under the provisions of the fact. It is expected that this act will be legal, in that it provides a license for riding, and not a tax upon the bicycle.
Medford Mail, March 1, 1901, page 2

The New Bicycle Law.
    The new bicycle path law, which went into effect Feb. 26th, authorizes county courts to construct bicycle paths, and to levy a license tax of $1 upon each person riding a bicycle in the county. The act provides for the issuance of a tag similar to that issued under the old law. It is made unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle upon a bicycle path without having paid the license tax. The sheriff is authorized to seize a bicycle and sell the same as upon execution, in order to realize the amount of the tax. The law also provides that every bicycle shall be provided with a bell and at night with a good light. Bicycle paths constructed under the old law are declared to be bicycle paths under the provisions of this act. It is expected that this act will be legal, in that it provides a license for riding and not a tax upon the bicycle.
Democratic Times, 
Jacksonville, March 7, 1901, page 2

    An ordinance to prohibit the riding of bicycles, tricycles, velocipedes and tandems upon any and all sidewalks within the limits of the city of Medford and to regulate their use upon the streets and roads therein, was passed. The ordinance prohibits riding bicycles on any sidewalk in the city and prohibits riding a bicycle on the business streets at a great rate of speed than six miles an hour. The penalty for violation of this ordinance is a fine of from $5 to $100. It goes into effect April 1, 1901.

"City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 2

    The warm days of spring are quite naturally turning the eyes of bicyclists in the direction of the bicycle dealer, and while the eyes wander thitherward thoughts of the purchase of a new wheel also go in that direction. There is no wheel made that's better than the Rambler--as hundreds of riders in Southern Oregon will bear witness. H. B. Myers is agent for these wheels in Medford. He is prepared to make satisfactory prices and give guarantee as to quality and durability of the wheel. Cyclery west of Cox & Perry warehouse, on Seventh Street.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 7

    An amendment to ordinance No. 4 was passed permitting persons who are crippled and unable to walk to ride a tricycle upon the sidewalks within the corporate limits of the city.

"City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 2

    It is now learned that the law enacted by the state legislature, providing for a tax of $1 on every wheelman for the purpose of building bicycle paths, was passed too late to permit the levy for this year. Few wheelmen, however, manifest any desire to pay the tax, and the sheriffs of the various counties in the state are accepting the money tendered them by bicyclists who desire the construction of paths, and the money will be used for this purpose regardless of the construction placed upon the law. The provisions restricting from riding on the paths those who have not paid the tax is in effect and will be enforced. The county commissioners of this county have informally resolved to take no action this year in regard to the paths, or the tax for its maintenance.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 7

    S. S. Pentz of Medford, attorney at law, has arranged the preliminaries of a proceeding that will result in the recovery from the county of the money paid on account of the bicycle tax. All those holding tags or receipts are requested to send or bring them to him, as he wishes to proceed without delay.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 25, 1901, page 3  Hard copy at SOHS.

    A. M. Woodford has taken the agency for the Columbia bicycle.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 6

    A noted mechanical inventor says there will never be a successor to the bicycle because "there can never be a less amount of material put together with greater skill, that will answer the purpose of human locomotion with greater pleasure and ease, or at less original cost and current expense to the rider. To consider its lightness; its delicate beauty of appearance; strength and endurance, the price at which it is sold, the uses it serves, and the pleasure and health it gives the rider, it must unhesitatingly be pronounced the consummate achievement of our mechanical development and the most beneficent contribution that invention has made to civilization. It is so unique and superlatively perfect that it has no rival and can have no successor."

Medford Mail, May 31, 1901, page 2

    Joe Hibbard returned to Medford Monday from Portland. He rode his wheel the entire distance.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 6

    When A. E. Voorhies, well-known Grants Pass publisher, came to Crater Lake 35 years ago, it required more than five days to make the 112-mile journey, he recalled when a park visitor this week. Accompanied by a friend, he made the trip by bicycle.
    Pedaling was fairly good until he reached Prospect, and he was able to keep up with the pack horse carrying camping equipment and supplies, he remembered. After Prospect, the road became rough and muddy and too difficult for pedaling, he said. So he began pushing the bicycle, but mud caked so thickly on the wheels he was forced to carry the machine most of the way to Union Creek, he related.
"Voorhies Recalls Five-Day Journey to Crater Lake," Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1936, page 4

    Mr. Patty, a member of the firm of Litchfield & Patty of Medford, the popular bakers, who is quite a bicyclist, made the trip between this place and Jacksonville, about five miles, in quicker time than has ever been ridden. He started with the train and beat it a few minutes.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 8, 1901, page 5

    The bicycle craze is gradually dying out. Two or three years ago the Oregon Road Club would have 20 or 30 members out every Sunday making country runs, and hundreds of others would be wheeling about the country in all directions. It has been found that such sport is wearing; that the cost of maintaining a bicycle is not trifling; and that the risk of accident to the rider and to pedestrian is greater than was imagined. In short, that the game is hardly worth the candle.

"Here and There,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 14, 1901, page 4

    Say! Are you going to ride a wheel this season? If so, call and see our new line, comprising Phoenix, Mitchell, Snell and Yale wheels. We are strictly in it this year in wheels. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., Medford, Oregon.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 7

    T. E. Kelsoe and Leon Evans, recent arrivals from Imperial, Nebraska, have purchased the west side cyclery from H. B. Myers. These fellows are both thoroughgoing young men of business and are socially very fine gentlemen to meet. They will handle the Rambler bicycles and will carry a full line of bicycle supplies. They have ordered an unusually large stock of goods and propose to be in a position to meet all demands upon them for these high-grade goods. Chas. Perdue will continue his repair shop in the rear of the cyclery. Mr. Myers, who has made many warm friends in Medford during his stay here, will leave soon for Kingman, Arizona, where he will be employed in a new smelter which Messrs. J. D. Heard and M. Armstrong are now building.

"City Happenings,"
Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 7

    F. W. Chausse of the Grants Pass Observer rode into Medford Monday on his gasoline bicycle.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
August 28, 1902, page 5

    T. E. Kelso, the clever proprietor of the Medford Cyclery, is in the hills, looking for big game.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
November 6, 1902, page 2

    Because he does not believe a bicycle is entitled to be placed in the same class with a horse, mule, cow or other domestic animal, Governor Chamberlain has vetoed Senate Bill No. 14, which made the crime of stealing a bicycle the equivalent of horse-stealing, and fixed the penalty the same, making it a penitentiary offense.

"Brief Mention,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 25, 1903, page 2

Not on the Program.
    James Fletcher, a Roseburg boy twelve years old, rode up on his bicycle to the foot of the stairs erected for the use of the "Champion Bicycle Rider of the World" with the Southern Carnival Company shows. He then deliberately took the wheel in hand and mounted to the top of the platform, and steadying himself for less than one second and with only one foot on the pedal he rode at lightning speed from the top of the platform to the bottom, when he mounted the wheel and rode off up the street.
    He wanted to make another trial, but the Southern Carnival men were soon on the ground and threatened him with arrest and all that kind of talk for interfering with their property. They doubtless saw that if a boy like James Fletcher could do the "wonderful feat" so easily that the glory would depart from the show, says the Plaindealer.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 8, 1903, page 4

    Some of these days a small boy will take a "long chance" at the Southern Pacific depot that will be just a little too long. Then there will be sorrow in some family and a lifelong bitter memory to some railway engineer. Boys have the habit of taking short rides on the steps of the cars, although this practice has been stopped to a great extent by the vigilance of the officers and the ordinance against it; but every once in a while some young American conceives the idea that it is necessary that he get to the other side of the track just as a train pulls in and makes a dash in front of the locomotive. The consequence is that spectators hold their breath until the reckless "kid" is safe and then regret that he didn't get bumped hard enough to give a realization of the chances he was taking. The other day just as northbound train No. 16 had gotten under fair headway pulling out of Medford, a small boy on a wheel attempted to cross the track in front of the engine. His wheel slipped on the rail and he fell squarely on the track. A bystander pulled the bicycle off the track, and the engineer stopped the train with a suddenness that brought the seated passengers to their feet and those standing to a recumbent position. When the train stopped the pilot was within three feet of where the boy lay on the track. If he had been killed no blame could have attached to anyone, but the sorrow and regret mentioned in the first lines of this item would have been none the less poignant.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 21, 1905, page 5

Changed His Mind.
    Last Monday Bob Swinden took a notion he could make more money as a trick bicycle rider for Barnum & Bailey, so he tried fancy riding down the hill, with the result that Lon Applegate carried him home. Bob says he don't think circuses are any good anyway.--Gold Hill News.
Medford Mail,
August 25, 1905, page 8

    There is an ordinance in the city of Medford which prohibits the riding of bicycles on our sidewalks. This ordinance is being violated, nearly every day--by boys mostly. Arrests will surely be made if the practice is not stopped. Especially is this ordinance violated on gravel walks, which do not seem to be considered by the riders as sidewalks. The habit is more dangerous to pedestrians because of the fact that they know of the ordinance and do not expect to meet or be run down by bicyclists.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 25, 1906, page 5

    Chief of Police Charles Turpin has been warning the offenders of the ordinance forbidding the use of sidewalks by bicycle riders, and in the future those who are found riding their machines on sidewalks will be prosecuted. Lately there has been a great deal of this going on, and the Chief thinks that it is time it is stopped.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 13, 1908, page 5

Press Democrat's Team Is Seeing Much Country
    From Victor McDaniel and Ray Francisco, the "Press Democrat's Seattle Exposition Bicycle Team," two interesting diary letters have come to hand. The boys have been having a hard time of it getting over mountain grades and have had their share of "tire troubles," as will be seen from a perusal of their letters. The last letter from Grants Pass, Oregon, is full of interesting detail, which will be read by their many friends in Santa Rosa. These two lads, making their way to the Seattle fair, have attracted much notice, and very often the Press Democrat receives calls from their friends to know how they are getting along. Here are the letters:
    Ashland, Oregon, Aug. 27.--We had such a hard job pushing our wheels from Sisson to Weed through the land that we concluded to rest a while at Weed. We heard that roads were hardly passable from there through the mountains for a bicycle so we thought we would take the train to Ashland. In the meantime we worked in the sash and door factory of the Weed Lumber Company so as to earn enough for carfare to Ashland, as we did not care to use any out of our own pockets for that purpose. We bought our tickets for the 12:20 train Thursday. There were two divisions; one ten minutes behind the first. We wanted to ship our bicycles all packed, because it was much trouble to unpack them. But the first division did not carry baggage, and we found out from the brakeman that we would have to take everything off. We led our bikes off to one side of the track and took everything off and put it in one large bundle. We only had ten minutes to do all this in and we had to have them checked. The train whistled for the station and the baggage man was busy. But we managed to get everything on and pay the charges of twenty-five cents extra on each bicycle for shipping them over the line. As the train pulled out we took one long farewell look at Mt. Shasta. We had become quite well acquainted with this massive lump of dirt, for we had slept within plain view of it for five nights.
    For about thirty minutes there was a gradual slope downwards into Shasta Valley. This little valley is rich with cattle and grain. These results are obtained by irrigation. We passed through the small towns of Edgewood, Gazelle and Montague. From here the land became rolling, and a little farther on we crossed the Klamath River and stopped at Hornbrook, where an extra engine was coupled on. The climbing began from here at an elevation of about 1890 feet, and within two hours and a half we passed the 4,000 mark. As most everyone knows, the trip through the Siskiyous is one not to be forgotten. First came the low, dry hills, covered with very spare vegetation, next the timber, and here the beauty of the Siskiyous began. A steady climb upwards was encountered. We found this to be one of the most crooked roads on the coast. Passing over high trestles, where one could look down and see the track in at least two places below, many figures were cut by the track in winding its way down. In one place the track led into the side of the mountains. On coming out on the other side it turned around and tunneled back into the same mountain and came out many feet below the first tunnel. We crossed over the famous Dollarhide trestle and enjoyed the scenery immensely all the way down to Ashland. Ashland is a very pretty little town, and in fact all of Oregon that we have seen so far has impressed us very much.
    We walked through the town and saw men at work laying bitumen on Fourth Street, which reminded us of the work that was going on in Santa Rosa when we left. This is a great fruit belt through here. One place we saw apples that we couldn't get both hands around.
    The second budget is from Grants Pass, Ore., Aug. 29, and is as follows:
    August 27.--Victor had to have four new spokes put in his back wheel this morning. We left Ashland about noon and started on our first Oregon roads. They were pretty dusty on account of being run over about six times a day by a traction engine hauling seven wagons of gravel. The road was this way for about three miles and from there on we found fine riding to Medford. A strong north wind was blowing all day. We rode to Medford in about two hours and were surprised to find such a trim little town. Medford is situated in the Rogue River Valley and is surrounded by a rich farming country. (By the way, farmers here are getting $2.50 per box for their pears. They ship them to New York and Chicago.) One farmer called us in and gave us all we could eat. We left Medford about 2:30 p. m. and started on our way to Grants Pass. Before we had gone two miles Victor had a blowout. The casing on his back wheel, being weak in one place, came out of the rim and exploded the inner tube. A place about four inches long was torn in the tube. This was fixed easily and we rode on for about a mile, thinking we had got off easy, when all at once the casing came out again and another blowout occurred. It was now time to do something. We walked back to the nearest ranch, unpacked the wheel, and Victor took the casing back to Medford, where he shipped it back to Santa Rosa. It is a guaranteed tire and should be replaced. This was our first real trouble, having come this far with only one small puncture. We had brought an extra casing and tube with us and these were quickly put on. The casing was old so it had to be taped in several places, but it is still holding air. We hope it will stay with us until we get to Roseburg to where the new outer casing is to be shipped. It is now "Roseburg or bust."
    Aug. 28.--We started on the road to Grants Pass and found good roads. The roads were filled with teams. Ringling Bros. Circus was going to show in Medford today and all the farmers and their families were going. We passed through Central Point and had good wheeling to Gold Hill. Here we crossed the Rogue River (a sporting goods store in Medford offers an $80 fishing outfit to the one catching the largest steelhead in this stream this season). We are out of it when it comes to fishing and hunting in Oregon. We would have to have a fishing license and pay $10 for a hunter's license. Between Gold Hill and Woodville we passed a large forest fire. In one place the fire had burned the base of a huge sugar pine and it had fallen directly across the road. We had to climb around through the brush to get on the road again. About a quarter of a mile on, while everything was going along smoothly on practically level road, Ray's wheel let down under him. He dismounted and found the frame had broken in two places, as shown by the rough sketch. This was enough to make anyone disheartened, and Ray has a feeling for the maker of the wheel. A council was held on the roadside and it was decided that the only thing to do was to strap the frame together and walk to Grant's Pass, six miles away. We took the railroad because it was shorter and made fairly good time. We passed some deserted placer mines where the old sluice boxes and flumes were still standing. These places were very interesting and we spent some time looking around. We stopped in at one ranch to get a drink and were just in time to see the rancher dressing a young spike buck. He had killed it within half a mile of the house only an hour or so before.
    We followed the Rogue River on to Grants Pass, arriving here about 5:30. A cyclery was found where a new frame was sought, but it was found best to have the old frame repaired. This is to be done on Monday, August 30, and we intend to move on as soon as this is done.
    Aug. 29.--We have spent the day in the town park resting and writing.
Yours Very Truly,
    Victor McDaniel,
    Ray Francisco.
    P.S.--Our Motto is "Beat it while your tires are good."
Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, California, September 1, 1909, page 3

Machine Backs into Rider and Wordy War Follows
    A regrettable and yet a careless accident occurred yesterday, but opinion differs as to who is to blame.
    As C. O. White of Myrtle Creek, a wealthy rancher and mine owner of Douglas County, was backing his automobile, a Rambler, out of W. M. Hodson's garage, he accidentally run into P. A. Children, who was riding a wheel, and knocking the rider off, run over the wheel and bent the frame.
1909 Rambler ad
1909 Rambler ad
    Children had tried to ride around the back of the machine and, seeing he was going to be caught, tried to ride up the bank, but failed, and the next minute milk [sic], man, wheel and auto mixed it. The wheel came off second best.
Fault of Both.
    Children stated that the driver did not blow his horn, and all the bystanders agree with him on this point, but they all said that he could have gone in front of the machine, as he had lots of room, and since the machine was moving backwards this was the logical direction.
    Mr. White offered to settle immediately and was very reasonable, and if there had been no words over the affair would have settled for $20, as he asked W. M. Hodson if that would be enough.
Hot Dispute Follows.
    After a hot dispute over the cause and the responsibility for the accident he offered $10, and then, getting angry, stated that he would give $5 and no more.
    As had been stated before, the accident was the result of carelessness on one or the other's part, but as to who was to blame, opinions differ. Each side, of course, says it is the other fellow, but close examination will prove both at fault.
    The affair turned out very fortunate, in that the rider, who has just recovered from an attack of typhoid fever, was not hurt.
Medford Mail, October 15, 1909, page 5

Ordinance Prohibiting Riding on the Walks in City Will Be Rigidly Enforced
    Hereafter the ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks anywhere within the city limits will be rigidly enforced. Lately the law has been allowed to be non-observed in certain districts, but the many narrow escapes from accidents and the recklessness of the riders has caused a resolve on the part of the city authorities to enforce the law.
    There are only two exceptions to this ordinance, i.e., mail carriers and persons who are crippled.
    Mayor Canon said: "We have not fined any of the violators of the ordinance yet, but have simply warned them. Hereafter, however, the penalty will be inflicted."
Medford Mail Tribune, May 4, 1910, page 3

    The town council passed an ordinance Monday night forbidding the riding of bicycles on Pine, Fourth and Second streets.
"Central Point Items," Medford Mail Tribune, August 24, 1910, page 2

Thrown from Wheel and Run Over by Automobile,
Man Escapes Death--Shoulder Dislocated--Is Badly Injured.
    Thrown from his bicycle and rolled over and over under the wheels of an automobile driven by Mr. Waterman, chauffeur for Walter Boyd, Frank Miller of Central Point had a miraculous escape from death about 6:45 o'clock Saturday evening. Passenger train No. 16 of the Southern Pacific had just pulled in, and the road on both sides of the tracks was packed with automobiles and conveyances of all sorts. Turning from North Front Street south [sic!] into Main Street, Waterman was forced to cut a square turn on account of an automobile and a buggy standing side by side at the curb, thus being thrown past the center of the street. In the machine with the driver were Mrs. Walter Boyd, Mrs. T. G. Boyd and Mrs. E. C. Ayler. Miller was coming north on Main Street and had crossed the railroad tracks when he saw the automobile and according to the spectators dodged to the left. Waterman turned to the right, as the rules of driving require, but upon seeing the bicycle rider turned to the left again, as did Miller, and the two crashed together not ten feet from the south curbing. Miller was thrown directly between the front wheels, and it is a mystery how he ever passed under the front axle. He was forced through in some way and rolled head over heels under the machine, striking his back and head furious blows against the bottom of the machine and the pavement. Waterman applied his brakes immediately and brought his car to a standstill and went to the assistance of the injured man. Miller was taken immediately to the office of Dr. Stearns, where he was found to be badly bruised about the body and his right shoulder dislocated. His clothes were badly torn, and his scalp was severely lacerated.
    As yet no blame can be attached to either party, but Chief Hittson has the names of several witnesses, and the matter will be more closely investigated.

Medford Mail Tribune,
May 7, 1911, page 3

    A narrow escape from a serious accident was afforded only by the prompt handling of Mr. M. P. Schmitt's auto, as he was turning his car west on Main Street from Laurel recently. A Western Union messenger boy was riding down the north side of Main Street, going east and at top speed, although he was riding on the wrong side of the street. Mr. Schmitt, as soon as he caught sight of him, turned his car still further to the right to avoid a collision, but the boy, instead of steering out to his right and toward the middle of the street, turned his wheel also to the left, bringing him squarely in front of the moving car. Mr. Schmitt immediately applied the brake and threw in his reverse, stopping the car while the boy, dodging almost from under the front wheels, passed between him and the curb and continued on his way rapidly down the street. Had it not been for Mr. Schmitt's coolness and prompt handling of his car, nothing could have prevented a most serious accident, possibly involving the death of the careless bicycle rider.
    A great deal of complaint has been made recently to the authorities by teamsters and auto drivers about the carelessness and reckless riding of boys on bicycles, and an incident connected with the affair noted above adds point to their protests. Yesterday Mr. Schmitt encountered the messenger in the corridor of the Garnett-Corey building, and in a friendly and considerate manner taxed him with his carelessness, and warned him to use greater caution in the future, to all of which the boy, after admitting that he was clearly in the wrong, replied, in an impudent manner, as he turned away, "I was riding on the smooth side of the street, and I always will!"
Medford Sun, June 16, 1911, page 5

    Cecil Johnson and Abram Myers knew the exact geography of a Sams Valley melon patch, where the fruit of the vine grew to unusual size and truly remarkable flavor. Both boys own bicycles, which as the war dispatches inform us are of great strategic advantage in a well-ordered raid. There is a rumor in Sams Valley of heavy firing to the west of Eddington's melon garden, heard on Monday afternoon, of a rapid retreat before the enemy's light artillery, of a scouting expedition which recovered the deserted bicycles, and a subsequent cloud of dust on the main highway. By persons who have no business to cast suspicion upon two well-intentioned and normal young Americans, the dust cloud is said to have been caused by two bicycles breaking all records between the valley and this city.
"Local News Notes,"
Gold Hill News, August 22, 1914, page 3

    Earl Taylor brought home a fine deer from Evans Creek last week. He is probably the only hunter who went on a bicycle and brought home game 32 miles on his wheel.
"Willow Springs Twiglets," Medford Mail Tribune, November 5, 1914, page 5

    Boys on bicycles who cling to automobiles or other vehicles as the latter spin along the streets of the city are warned to abandon that dangerous habit at once. Parents of boys who are foolish enough to risk their lives in such a hazardous pastime ought to help the police department to stop it.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 10, 1916, page 2

    Miss Helen Wilson, [daughter] of Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Wilson and one of the most attractive members of the younger social set, lost her bicycle the other day and told "Sonny" Austin about it. Sonny's rolled and his dark complexion reddened with anger when he heard of it, for Sonny has a "wahm" place in his heart for Helen. Sonny said nothing, but he had an idea and very soon caught up with a crowd of youngsters who were taking turns riding on a bicycle. "Wh'ard you all git dat w'eel?" inquired Sonny. "We bought it at Wilson's," was the reply. "You all come to Wilson's wid me," said Sonny, "Or I calls a cop." And they all did, for only one of the boys knew the wheel had been stolen, and he was too scared to run. Mr. Wilson gave the guilty boy a stiff lecture, thanked Sonny and presented Miss Helen with the wheel. Yesterday the gallant youth was rewarded by a pink ice cream cone--Sonny's favorite color--from the hands of the grateful young lady.
"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, August 11, 1918, page 2

    The first annual Rogue River Amateur Bicycle Race meet was held very successfully yesterday on the Pacific Highway, finishing at the Natatorium.
    The following events took place, with winners and prizes as given:
    Mile race for boys under 13 years, first prize by Clarence Williams, gold watch furnished by Eclipse Manufacturing Co. Second prize, bike horn furnished by C. E. Gates Auto Co.
    Mile race for boys under 15 years, first prize by Jesse Blackburn, gold watch and chain furnished by New Departure Co. Second prize, bike pump furnished by W. R. Gaylord.
    Free-for-all mile race, first prize by Richard Singler, set of gold pins and cuff buttons, furnished by Harley-Davidson Motor Co. Second prize by Harold Campbell, pair pliers furnished by W. R. Gaylord.
    Mile handicap race, first prize by Richard Singler, a gold-filled honor medal furnished by United Cycle Trade Directorate of New York City. Second prize by Adelbert Elliott, racing saddle furnished by Persons Mfg. Co.
    Slow race, first prize by Jesse Blackburn, solar gas lamp furnished by C. M. Hall Lamp Co. Second prize by Harold Campbell, trip cyclomotor furnished by Veeder Mfg. Co.
    The races were started by Mr. F. E. Martin. Time was kept by Mr. Homer Calkins. The prizes were presented by W. R. Gaylord.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 31, 1919, page 3

    That Bicycle Day, next Saturday, will be a big event is indicated by the enthusiasm and interest evinced by the majority of the cyclists in the city. Arrangements have been perfected, such as the order of the parade, which opens the occasion, the routine of events and the selection of judges.
    The parade, which commences at 2 o'clock, will be headed by State Traffic Officer J. J. McMahon, followed by Mrs. Ernest Scott, riding a new Harley-Davidson single motorcycle in front of the girl cycle riders. State Traffic Officer C. P. Talent is next in line with scout masters followed by Boy Scouts; with boy comic, scooters, tricycles and boy riders ending up the parade, which will commence at Ernest Scott's Cycle Shop on North Front Street.
    The events of the day are as follows: Judging best decorated bicycle; judging most comic "getup," awarding of cup to school that has most riders in parade; Western Union and postal boys' race; Boy Scout inter-troop race; girls' bicycle race; one-half-mile boys' race; one-quarter-mile boys' race and last, the plank ride.
    The judges are announced as Horace L. Bromley of the California Oregon Power Company; Miss Jeunesse (Sally) Butler of the Jackson County News; A. J. Crose and Carl Y. Tengwald.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 6, 1926, page 5

Bicycle Parade Was Big Success
    The children's bicycle parade, from Scott's bicycle store to Abner K. Kline's shows, was a big success last night. All who participated were given free tickets to all the Kline shows, and the children certainly had a royal time.
    The show closes tonight and leaves tomorrow for the second engagement at the strawberry festival at Roseburg.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 15, 1926, page 3

    J. Howard Rodda, well-known bicycle rider and representative of the cycle trades of America, is in Medford again and has arranged with the local bicycle dealers for a bicycle parade, which takes place here Saturday, April 16 at 10 o'clock.
    The object of the parade will be to teach the proper manner of riding bicycles, especially through crowded streets. A safety-first demonstration and general instruction regarding bicycles will also be given.
    Parade prizes, including gold watches, trophy cups, medals and bicycle accessories, will be awarded for the best-decorated wheels, comic makeups, Boy Scouts in uniform, the school with the largest number of entries. Mr. Rodda will visit some of the city schools during recess hour and give lessons in road deportment.
    All boys and girls who ride bicycles are urged to have their wheels ready and join in the parade. Older persons are also invited to get out their bicycles and take part in the celebration. Prizes are also to be offered to them.
    Those who participate will have an opportunity of competing in a novel event, riding on a plank 150 feet long, 5 inches wide, and 1 inch high. This is an interesting and amusing contest, yet safe for the youngest rider to attempt. The first prize to the rider covering the greatest distance on the plank will be a gold watch. There will be no entry fee for this event or the parade. In fact, everything is free.
    Every rider in the parade, as well as those without bicycles, will be presented with a valuable book on safe cycling. Safety first is the slogan of the promoters of the parade, and there will be no racing along the road.
    Place will be announced tomorrow, where a safety first demonstration will be given, together with the awarding of the prizes.
    Mr. Rodda was in Medford two years ago, and since that time has been in 44 cities in nine different states, and has talked to over 150,000 school children on "safety first" principles.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 12, 1927, page 10

    Bicycling was a safer sport back in the gay nineties than it is today. Even though the skirts of the school girls were long and voluminous, hazards were not so great as at present when the gang returning for lunch uses the railroad platform for a race track, according to J. C. Carle, freight and passenger agent for Southern Pacific.
    Mr. Carle, who has repeatedly asked schoolchildren to keep off the platform, is issuing another appeal to students, parents and officials of schools and police force.
    For the past several days children have been trying to beat the Shasta [train] across the tracks when they come down Sixth Street during the noon hour. Railroad officials, on the train and off, have watched the race with great anxiety, they stated today noon, fearing that the wheels would stall or waver on the tracks, throwing the riders under the engine.
    "If the practice is continued," Mr. Carle said this morning, "it will be only a short time until some child is seriously injured or killed. Accidents of a similar nature are reported from time to time in other cities. They should serve as a warning to local people, and we hope Medford will not be faced with such a tragedy."
    Since the warnings of railroad employees have been consistently ignored, Mr. Carle suggests it is time for mamas and papas to take a hand in keeping their offspring off the railroad tracks when the trains are pulling in.
    The situation, he adds, is hazardous not only for the schoolchildren but for passengers and people waiting on the platform.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1930, page 5

    The land I now own on Newton Street used to be the old bicycle race track. I bought it, and some real estate man divided it into lots.

Eva B. Nealon, "William Hamlin, Pioneer of Valley, Recalls Days When Redskin Troubled," Medford Mail Tribune, September 26, 1930

Council Is Asked by 20-30 to Supervise Traffic--
Steps Are Taken to Have Broken Sidewalks Fixed.
    Regulation of bicycle traffic was brought a step nearer last night when the 20-30 Club requested the city council to promulgate a supervisory ordinance as a means of curtailing accidents.
    Mayor C. C. Furnas informed the club representatives that the council had been working on a regulative ordinance for some time, and he referred the data submitted by the service organization to the public safety committee and the city attorney.
    The committee was asked by the mayor to bring in a report at the next council meeting. Meantime the 20-30 Club was invited to sit with the committee in drafting the necessary control ordinance.
Careful Study Made.
    The 20-30 Club was represented by Harry Pinneo, district governor, Al Dalara, vice-president, and Howard Hamilton, who compose a committee appointed by the club some time ago to investigate the bicycle problem.
    Mr. Pinneo, spokesman for the group, said that a study of records for the past 18 months showed bicycle accidents to be increasing. He stated that the club had made a thorough study of the situation, procuring copies of ordinances in cities having bicycle regulation, checking results of the ordinances, and obtaining samples of license plates, registration cards, etc. Copies and samples of all these things were submitted to the council for study, together with a model ordinance prepared by the 20-30 Club.
    W. P. Stewart, chairman of the public safety committee, invited club members to confer with him regarding preparation of an ordinance, saying that simplicity was a prime requisite in any regulation of bicycle traffic.
Club Offers Help.
    Mr. Pinneo said the 20-30 Club was prepared to stand the expense of enforcing any regulative ordinance for the first year of its existence. If an ordinance is adopted, he stated, the club would conduct an educational campaign to acquaint bicycle riders with the aims and purposes of the supervision. He emphasized that the education of youthful bicycle riders would be of permanent value in training them as potential drivers of motorcars.
    On motion of M. N. Hogan, the council adopted a vote of thanks and appreciation for the club's cooperation and offer of assistance.

Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, October 20, 1937, page 1

    The party will be held in conjunction with the 15th anniversary of the organization of 20-30 clubs throughout the United States. H. D. Kem, advertising manager of the California Oregon Power Company, presented a program of educational films on bicycle traffic at Tuesday's meeting. The club is particularly interested in bicycle control, having sponsored a bicycle traffic ordinance for Medford.
"Club Party," Medford Mail Tribune, January 7, 1938, page 11

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Road History
    Do you remember, or did you ever stop to think, that the bicycle is the grandpapa of the Oregon State highway financing system?
    Did you ever hear of the Century Club, a bunch of strong-legged and sound-lunged, rugged pedal pushers who had achieved the distinction of pedaling their bikes for a "century run" (100 miles in a day); guys like Fred T. Merrill of Portland, Watt Shipp of Salem and a long list of others. Their favorite run was from Portland to Salem and return, or vice versa, during which endeavor they struggled up and coasted down the New Era Hill and other of the tough spots along the road.
    So manfully did they pedal and so earnestly plead, that the 1901 legislature took pity on their straining extremities and passed a law providing for the construction of "bicycle paths on either or both sides of all public highways of the state for the use of pedestrians and bicycles."
    To finance the construction an annual tax of $1 was levied upon "all persons riding bicycles." The bicyclist paid the $1 to the county clerk and received a tag which, the law decreed, "must be securely fastened to the seat post of each and every bicycle."
    Any untagged rider caught on the pathway or riding without the tag on the stern post after April 1 was to have a warrant issued against him with which the sheriff would seize the bicycle and sell it for the amount of the tax, and costs. The "object and intent" of the law, the legislature said, was "to provide for a highway separate from that used by teams and wagons."
    So that statute of 1901 was the precedent for and the granddad of the present system of automotive licenses, gasoline taxes, fines and penalties which were established a decade later and dedicated to the task of constructing the state highway system.
Excerpt, Central Point American, September 1, 1949, page 3

Last revised June 16, 2024