![]() ![]() The Hamlins Trouble magnets.
Trials have been had in the following criminal cases continued from the May term, A.D. 1855: Territory of Oregon vs. James Hamlin. Indictment for assault with intent to commit murder. Prim for Territory. T'Vault for deft. Verdict--Not guilty of assault with intent to commit murder, but guilty of assault. Sentenced to pay a fine of $250 and costs of prosecution. "U.S. District Court--Jackson County," Umpqua Gazette, Scottsburg, August 23, 1855, page 2 MARRIED.
Daily Union, August 21, 1857, page
In Jacksonville, O.T., on the 18th inst., by Thos. Arundell, J.P., WM.
daughter of James Hamlin.
In Jackson County, Oregon, Aug. 18th, Wm. Griffin to Mary Hamlin.
Sacramento Daily Union, September 14, 1857, page 2 Tiring of a miner's life, in 1857 [U. S. Hayden] engaged in clerical duties, for which he was well qualified, first accepting a position in the store of Kenney & Hamlin, then doing business in Jacksonville. "Gathered to His Fathers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1879, page 2 DIED. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 2, 1861, page 2 DIED:
In Jackson County, Ellen, aged 14,
daughter of Mr. James Hamlin.Weekly Oregonian, Portland, March 20, 1861, page 2 DIED.
Near Jacksonville, February 26th, MARTHA
ELLEN, daughter of JAMES
HAMLIN, aged 14 years and 7 months.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 9, 1861, page 2 Born.
Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 1, 1865, page
Near Jacksonville, on the 22nd, to the wife of James Hamlin, a daughter.
Oregon," Oregon
Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 11, 1867, page
3HAMLIN--On the 7th
inst., to the wife of Wm. Hamlin, a son.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
May 15, 1869, page
3HAMLIN.--At Willow
Springs, on the 5th inst., Susan Hamlin, daughter of Elvira Sherman,
aged 4 years, 3 months and 20 days.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
May 22, 1869, page
2HAMLIN.--At Willow
Springs, on the 5th inst., Susan Hamlin, daughter of Elvira Sherman,
aged 14 years, 3 months and 20 days.
Northern papers please copy. HELD TO ANSWER.--A quarrel arose, last Sunday, between Wm. Hamlin and John Griffin, in which Griffin drew a knife and made several unsuccessful attempts--in a running fight--to cut Hamlin. Griffin was arrested, and had an examination on Tuesday before Justice Wade--H. K. Hanna for the prosecution, D. B. Rea for the defense. Griffin was held to answer at the next term of circuit court, and gave bail for his appearance in the sum of $250. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 20, 1871, page 3 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.
One of the solid and prosperous farmers of Jackson County is a native
of Kentucky, having been born in Lewis County in that state in 1815.
Mr. Hamlin remained on his father's farm until he was twenty-five when
he started alone to the West, bringing up in Vermillion County, Iowa [sic],
where after a year's residence he was married to Miss Eliza Jane
Shearer, who still lives and [is] the mother of eight children. In
1845, Mr. Hamlin removed to Henry County, afterwards locating in Marion
County, on the Des Moines River, where he engaged in merchandising with
fair success, at Bennington, where he remained until 1852. In the
latter year Mr. Hamlin crossed the plains, coming direct to this
county, arriving here in time to secure a donation claim of three
hundred and 60 twenty [sic]
acres, located on the choicest land of this valley. Mr. Hamlin was
industrious and prospered, accumulating a large amount of cash and
stock and again ventured to embark in merchandising. Opening a large
general merchandise business in Jacksonville in partnership with Dan'l.
Kenney, Mr. Hamlin furnishing the means, it was continued until the
summer of 1861, winding up with a loss to Hamlin of over $40,000 and no
profit to Mr. Kenney, but quite beneficial to an unfaithful clerk named
Mowder. This was enough to have overwhelmed a common man, but James
rolled up his sleeves and went to work again with redoubled energy.
Spurning the advantages of the bankrupt law, he was treated leniently
by his creditors, and after seventeen years of hard work he has paid
every dollar of his indebtedness and still retains his valuable farm.
Mr. Hamlin is in many respects a remarkable man. He is one of the most
obstinate sticklers for his legal rights in Jackson County, always
resorting to litigation where wronged, and making himself very
troublesome to his opposers. Hamlin has always been a strong Democrat,
never asking for any political emoluments, but acting constantly from
principle with that party. His energy and thrift as a farmer are
proverbial, and his extrication from so heavy a burden of debt speaks
well not only for his management but for the profits of agriculture in
Southern Oregon. "Uncle Jim's" character as an honest, upright citizen
is known throughout this county, and he is an excellent specimen of the
square and unassuming American farmer and Western pioneer.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 12, 1879, page 2 DIED--HAMLIN--Nov. 4th, 1879, of typhoid fever, Lucinda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hamlin, aged 17 years. Ashland Tidings, November 1879 BORN.
HAMLIN--In Grants
Pass precinct, January 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamlin, a
daughter--weight 11 pounds.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1882, page 3 James Hamlin, born in Lewis County, Kentucky, April 1, 1815. Emigrated from Marion County, Iowa, and arrived in Oregon, Oct. 12, 1852. Engaged in farming. "Southern Oregon Pioneers," Oregon Sentinel, July 8, 1882, page 3 DIED.
precinct, Oct. 7th, James, infant son of T. J.
and Ellen Hamlin; aged 8 months.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 20, 1882, page 3 The several proprietors of the town [Medford], Messrs. Beekman, Phipps, Mingus and Broback, have divided their lots, each taking an agreed number, to which he has secured full individual title. Thus far lots to the value of about $8000 have been sold. The following list comprises most of the purchasers, although there are a few whose names are not down. Some of them have bought two or more lots each: W. B. Roberts, P. B. O'Neil, S. B. Hadley, Rachel E. Stanley, B. Rostel, Byers & Jacobs, D. H. Miller, H. C. Mulvany, T. E. Stanley, F. B. Voorhies, Augustus Johnson, Nettie L. Howard, Vrooman & Miller, R. T. McCullough, Wm. Egan, P. McMahon, J. W. Cunningham, James Hamlin, A. L. Johnson, S. L. Dolson, G. Naylor, F. Heber, Wm. Robinson, ---- Robinson, J. C. Slagle, A. A. Raine, Isaac Woolf, Thos. McAndrew, John Wolters, Wm. Angle, J. S. Howard, H. F. Torrey, Mr. Hurt. The lots range from $100 to $500, those in what is considered the business part of town, 25x100 feet are held at $300, and a higher price is asked for the corners. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, January 25, 1884, page 4 In the matter of a county road in Medford precinct, beginning on the western line of N. B. Evans' donation claim, running thence along the county road to Merritt Bellinger's claim and on the lines between the lands of Jesse Wilson and Mrs. Geo. Fordyce and between those of Jos. Crain and Jas. Hamlin, terminating at the intersection of the old stage road from Jacksonville to Phoenix. Road established. "County Commissioners' Court," In the matter of a county road in Medford precinct, beginning on the western line of N. B. Evans' donation claim, running thence along the county road to Merritt Bellinger's claim and on the lines between the lands of Jesse Wilson and Mrs. Geo. Fordyce and between those of Jos. Crain and Jas. Hamlin, terminating at the intersection of the old stage road from Jacksonville to Phoenix. Road established. "County Commissioners' Court,"
A ride to Jacksonville from Ashland calls attention to a number of new
buildings recently erected. At Talent there are three neat new dwelling
houses, besides other new buildings. At Phoenix there are several new
dwellings, that of Mr. Rose being the most prominent, and other
buildings have been greatly improved. Below Phoenix are seen new farm
houses on the places of J. H. Stewart and Jos. Hamlin (where a new barn
is seen also).--[Tidings.
River Courier, Grants Pass, December 10, 1886, page 1"Bud" Hamlin, of Medford precinct, was arrested Monday upon the charge of rape preferred by a Mr. Wood; and after a hearing before the justice at Medford was held in $400 bonds to appear before the next grand jury. The bonds were furnished. The alleged victim is a girl about fifteen years of age, daughter of Mr. Wood. The second trial of young Hamlin, on charge of rape, has occupied the circuit court most of the week. It was not concluded at last report. There were 47 witnesses in the case of the State vs. Hamlin, and their fees alone amounted to nearly $600. The present term of court will prove quite an expensive one. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 20, 1887, page 3 Judge Crawford made an excellent showing in the Hamlin case, and his abilities as a lawyer are conceded. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 16, 1888, page 2 It is the opinion that the present trial of the Hamlin case will cost Jackson County $15,000, says an exchange. The case from the beginning will probably cost the people $35,000. It should not have cost $1000. "Coast Notes," Morning Daily Herald, Albany, March 23, 1888, page 3 Jas. Hamlin and Judge Walker of Medford have wagered $300 each on the result of the presidential election. Uncle Jim always had a weakness for taking advantage of every opportunity to make money. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 25, 1888, page 3 Some excellent coal prospects have been found on the farm of Jas. Hamlin, a few miles east of town, and work is being done to see how extensive the deposit is. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 20, 1888, page 3 E. S. Hamlin of Medford called on us on business last Monday. He is lately from California and well pleased with our country. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1889, page 3 Geo. Hamlin has something of importance to say to trespassers on the land he recently purchased at sheriff's sale. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 23, 1889, page 3 Trespass Notice.
GIVEN that I will
prosecute all persons found trespassing on and after this date on the
land bought by me, on May 4, 1889, at sheriff's sale of real property
under execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Jackson County, in a suit wherein Jas. Hamlin is plaintiff and E.
D. Foudray and T. T. McKenzie are defendants. The public will take
notice accordingly.
Phoenix, May 12, 1889.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 23, 1889, page 3 James Hamlin to T. J. Hamlin, et al., lands in secs. 7 and 24, and part of donation claim No. 57, all in tp 38S, R2W; consideration, love and affection. Same to Eliza J. Hamlin, lots in Medford and Phoenix and one-half of donation claim No. 47, tp 38S, R1W, containing 320 44/100 acres; same. "Real Estate Transactions," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 28, 1889, page 2 The Beekman-Hamlin Case.
The supreme court in the case of C.
C. Beekman,
respondent, vs. Jas. Hamlin, appellant, reversed the judgment of the
lower court upon grounds never before recognized in Oregon. Judge
Strahan, who rendered the decision, fell into the line of courts in
other states which have decided that a judgment that has been
undisturbed for a period of twenty years is supposed to have been paid,
and is consequently invalid after that date, unless, during the time,
the parties interested have had a specific agreement that the life of
the judgment shall be extended past the period aforesaid. Oregon courts
have always previously decided that a domestic judgment never dies, and
the statute of limitations was not pleaded in the lower court in this
instance. Mr. Beekman had recovered a judgment against Mr. Hamlin about
28 years ago for a sum in the neighborhood of $1300, which, at the rate
of interest then obtaining, had grown into the sum of $14,500. The case
has been remanded to the lower court to give the plaintiff an
opportunity to show, if possible, that a legal attempt had been made
during the twenty years to collect the judgment.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1890, page 3 Geo. Hamlin has purchased the Webster tract of 100 acres, one and one-half miles southwest of this city, for $4,000. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, October 7, 1892, page 3 The supreme court has granted a rehearing in the Beekman-Hamlin case. Argument will be had in a short while. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 17, 1893, page 3 As Friday's southbound train pulled out, Marshal Johnson and M. Purdin came very near pulling the pants off a young man called Tascott, who was trying to get across the state line. Tasker [sic] had been working for Jim Hamlin for a couple of months and that day forged Hamlin's name to orders on Angle & Plymale's store for a suit of clothes and the necessary trimmings to properly fit out a nice pretty young man; one that the girls would pronounce "so cute." He also owed Purdin a board bill, of course, because beating a board bill is another accomplishment for good standing in society. The marshal took him into the hotel while a warrant was being sworn out. The young man went out of the house the back way and taking the alley route managed to keep up a speedier pace than the crowd after him until one mile, when he got winded. He was taken to the Jacksonville jail, where the grand jury indicted him for forging another, on A. A. Davis, for $18. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, December 14, 1893, page 3 Another Man Gone Wrong.
C. G. Tasker, who had been in the service of Jas. Hamlin of Eden
precinct for a short time, forged his employer's name to several orders
on Angle & Plymale and other merchants of Medford one day last
week, securing a suit of good clothes and some money by his dishonesty.
Thus "togged up" and feeling as frisky as one of Jackson County's
"bloods," he was about to depart for other scenes when Jeff. Hamlin and
Marshal Johnson of Medford appeared. Although not armed with a warrant,
the officer dragged Tasker off the railroad train despite his struggles
and lodged him in jail. The grand jury investigated the case and found
an indictment against the rascal, who will doubtless serve the state in
the penitentiary.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 15, 1893, page 3 For the past few months there has been employed on the farm of Jas. Hamlin a young man by the name of C. G. Tasker. Some three or four weeks ago while Mr. Hamlin was ill in bed he gave young Tasker permission to sign his (Hamlin's) name to an order for goods on some of our merchants. This order was accepted all right, but it appears that Tasker did not stop at signing the one order but forged Mr. Hamlin's name to several others which were, like the first one, accepted by our business men. The amount obtained, in clothing and cash by these forgeries, reached to a sum in the vicinity of $100. Last Thursday the young man came to Medford with two of these forged orders and upon presenting one for $22.40 at Angle & Plymale's store received clothing in exchange. Another one, for $22.50, was cashed by A. A. Davis. Friday morning T. J. Hamlin, son of the old gentleman, came to Medford and upon learning of Tasker's maneuvers swore out a warrant for his arrest and as he was boarding the southbound passenger train Marshal Johnson laid hands on his man. He was brought before Recorder Webb, who is ex officio justice of the peace, and was by him bound over to the grand jury, attorney W. I. Vawter appearing for the state and attorneys Pentz & White for the defense. Upon examination before the grand jury he was indicted for forgery. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, December 15, 1893, page 3 Jas. Hamlin to Geo. W. Hamlin; deed of trust to entire estate. Love and affection. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 5, 1894, page 2 Tom Anderson took Jeff Hamlin way up Elk Creek to show him a stock range and while in that section killed deer for camp meat. Complaint was brought and Justice of the Peace Dunlap fined Hamlin and Anderson $15 each and costs. Costly meat, that. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, May 24, 1894, page 3 James Hamlin, a pioneer of Southern Oregon, died at his farm residence four miles from Jacksonville on Monday, aged 79 years and six months. Mr. Hamlin crossed the plains in 1852, arriving in Jacksonville in the fall of that year. He located a donation claim where he resided continuously until his death. He was associated with the late Daniel Kenney in the mercantile business in Jacksonville for many years. He was a man of great energy and enterprise and accumulated quite a fortune by his business enterprise. He leaves a family, consisting of his aged wife and eight grown children. The funeral took place in Medford Tuesday, the interment being in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. "Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, October 18, 1894, page 3 The death of James Hamlin occurred at his farm residence, four miles south and west of Medford, on Monday of this week. He had been ill for some time and the end was not unexpected. He was nearly eighty years of age and had been a resident of the valley for a great many years, during which time he accumulated a good-sized fortune. Funeral services were held at the Odd Fellows cemetery on Wednesday last. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 19, 1894, page 3 The Late James Hamlin.
Hamlin, a pioneer of Southern Oregon, died at his farm
five miles from Jacksonville, Oct. 15th, aged 79 years and 6 months. He
crossed the plains in 1852, arriving in Jacksonville in the fall of
that year. He soon after located his donation land claim and resided on
it until his death. In 1857, in partnership with the late Daniel
Kenney, he engaged in the mercantile business in Jacksonville,
continuing the business until Mr. Kenney's death, in 1860. Since that
time he had engaged exclusively in farming, and amassed quite a
fortune. He had much capital invested, principally in Medford property.
He was a man of the most pronounced opinions, and in his business
relations always settled every controverted question at law. He was
known of late years as the most frequent client in this part of the
state. Coupled with his marked individuality was a fine sense of
justice and a generous and speedy acknowledgment, whenever he was
convinced that he was in the wrong. He possessed, in a marked degree,
the hospitable spirit of the old pioneers, and his latch string was
always out. He was enterprising and public-spirited and was held in
high esteem in the community in which he had so long resided. He left
an aged widow and eight grown children. He was buried in the Medford
cemetery on the 18th inst.Valley Record, Ashland, October 25, 1894, page 1 The disagreements among the Hamlin heirs in regard to distribution of the estate, which threatened to involve the children in considerable litigation, has been settled up satisfactory this week. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, October 25, 1894, page 6 The case of the state vs. G. W. Hamlin, charged with assault with intent to kill his sister, Mrs. Rosanna Wilson, was tried before Justice Walton Friday and resulted in a dismissal, Dist. Attorney Benson having made another brilliant failure. Crowell & Parker ably defended Hamlin. The scrap occurred over the marking of the division fences and is one of the links of the bitter contention of the heirs of the late James Hamlin. It was demonstrated that both sides to this family quarrel are well-equipped with pugnacious fighting ability. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, March 21, 1895, page 3 Mrs. Eliza J. Hamlin, wife of the late James Hamlin, and a pioneer lady of Southern Oregon, died at the old homestead. She leaves a large family of grown sons and daughters. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, August 1, 1895, page 3 By the death of Mrs. Eliza J. Hamlin, which occurred Sunday, July 28, 1895, another one of Southern Oregon's pioneers passed away. Mrs. Hamlin with her husband, the late James Hamlin, crossed the plains to Oregon in 1851, and settled in Jacksonville. For about three years Mr. Hamlin was engaged in the mercantile business in Jacksonville, after which the family moved to the farm where he and Mrs. Hamlin lived until their death. Their home was blessed with a large family of children, all of whom are grown. By hard work and careful management they accumulated a goodly amount of this world's goods, which at the death of Mr. Hamlin was equally divided among the children. She was sixty-seven years of age. The funeral took place at the farm residence, three miles south of Medford, Tuesday at 10 o'clock and internment was made in Odd Fellows cemetery, near Medford. Ashland Tidings, August 2, 1895 Wm. Hamlin, late of Josephine County, has purchased John Webber's interest in the Medford delivery business. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 23, 1898, page 3 T. M. Howard, Jonas Justus and G. W. Hamlin of Medford were arrested for killing a steer and appropriating the meat. The men were bound over to the grand jury in the sum of $200. They gave bail bond and were released. "Oregon State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, June 13, 1898, page 2 T. M. Howard, Jonas Justus and G. W. Hamlin were arrested last week, charged with having killed a steer belonging to Henry Myer, of Butte Creek, on May 28th. The trial came up Thursday and the accused were bound over to await the action of the grand jury. Medford Monitor-Miner, June 16, 1898, page 3 Geo. W. Hamlin, who was indicted by the grand jury for the larceny of a steer belonging to Meyer & Sons of Lake Creek, was arrested by Sheriff Orme at his residence in Medford yesterday. He will be released on bonds today. Hamlin says he has never been out of the county since he was wanted by the authorities. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 10, 1898, page 3 Ole Oviatt and Chub Hamlin, two of our bad boys, were last week fined $5 and costs each by Recorder Lawton, for disorderly conduct. The former was the aggressor, and was stabbed in the arm and shoulder by the other. The wounds are not dangerous, although an artery was cut. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 23, 1899, page 3 Mrs. E. S. Adams of Grants Pass is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hamlin of this city. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 9, 1899, page 3 Property Burned.
large barn belonging to A. J. Hamlin, of Eden precinct, which contained
six horses and a colt, about 30 tons of hay, a large quantity of
harness, several farming implements, vehicles, etc., was burned by
incendiaries on the night of August 14th, at about 11 o'clock. A stack
of unthreshed wheat was set afire by the same parties and destroyed,
but the attempt to burn another stack failed. The total loss is
considerably over $1,000. Mr. Hamlin was at home at the time, asleep.
When he was awakened by his wife, the barn was already a mass of flames
and could not be reached on account of the heat. In the distance he
could see human beings running away from the grain stack, and he shot
his gun at them, without effect, however. His sister, Mrs. Rose
Carlisle, of Medford, with whom he has been having financial
difficulties, and her husband were immediately suspected of the crime,
and their arrest followed. They had an examination in Justice Stewart's
court at Medford, and were held to answer at the September term of
court. Their bonds were fixed at $1,000 each, in default of which they
were sent to the county jail. It is claimed that their horse and buggy
were tracked to their residence from the scene of the fire, the horse
being identified by a peculiarly shaped shoe he wore.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 17, 1899, page 3 Barn and Horses Cremated.
On Monday
night about eleven o'clock a
large hay and
stock barn belonging to Bud Hamlin was totally destroyed by fire.Mr. Hamlin's place is situated about three miles south of Medford and the fire was plainly seen by many townspeople who happened to be up at that hour. The barn which was burned was 20x40 feet in size with 12-foot sheds. In the barn there were about forty tons of hay, six horses, a suckling colt and three sets of team harness, and all were burned. The fire was first discovered by Mrs. Hamlin about eleven and she quickly awakened her husband and the hired help, and all rushed out and made strenuous efforts to save the building but to no avail. The flames had gained such headway that nothing could stop them. The fire, which was evidently the work of an incendiary, was started at the northwest corner, a corner furthest from the dwelling, and in the mangers of the horse stable. The fire had probably been burning fifteen minutes when first seen and the flames had by that time nearly encircled the building. The work of the person or persons who fired the barn evidently was not complete when the barn was fired and they repaired to several wheat stacks fully a quarter of a mile from the barn and there again applied a match. The wheat stacks were discovered in time to save two of them, but one was consumed. Mr. Hamlin reports having seen parties leaving the stacks soon after the fire was started there and he fired two rifle shots at them as they ran away from the scene of their dastardly work. There were between 200 and 300 bushels of grain in the stack that was burned. This fire was started about fifteen or twenty minutes after the roof of the barn had fallen in. Mr. Hamlin estimates his loss at about $1500, upon which there was no insurance. He had intended having some insurance written but was busy heading his grain and had been putting it off until he could get more time to attend to it. Mr. Hamlin, having seen the parties leave the wheat stacks, became suspicious of incendiarism and at once began a search of the premises for evidence which might lead to the capture of the criminals. The first evidence of the presence of the supposed criminals on the premises was made when buggy tracks were discovered on a knoll in a private road leading from the main highway to the farm buildings. These tracks were about a quarter of a mile from the highway and about 300 yards from the barn that was burned. Here the tracks showed that a buggy had been turned around hurriedly and driven back to the main road. This track Mr. Hamlin, with the assistance of two other men, was followed to Medford and when the school house was reached, which was about daylight Tuesday morning, Marshal Murray was called to their aid and the track was followed to the barn of J. A. Carlile of this city, whose wife was formerly Mrs. Roseanna Wilson, and a sister of Mr. Hamlin. Warrants of arrest were sworn out for both Mr. and Mrs. Carlile and a preliminary hearing was to have been had before Judge J. A. Stewart at two o'clock, but at the instance of the prosecution it was postponed until nine o'clock a.m. Wednesday. The evidence introduced at the trial was that there had been ill feeling between Mr. Hamlin and Mr. and ‘Mrs. Carlile for some time; that Mr. H. had received an anonymous letter threatening him personal injury. Evidence was introduced proving by expert testimony that the tracks in the Hamlin road were made by shoes taken from the Carlile horse, which shoe was of a peculiar shape and was taken from the horse by one of the witnesses on Tuesday morning. Judge Stewart deemed the testimony sufficient in warranting him in holding the parties to appear before the grand jury. Bonds were: placed at $1000 each and these not having been secured the parties were committed to the custody of the sheriff. The above facts were brought out at the trial and are not expressions of opinion by this paper. While it is true the circumstances point to the guilt of the parties under arrest, it is just as well true that there are some missing links in the chain of evidence which were not supplied at the preliminary hearing. Deputy District Attorney L. V. Stewart, of Grants Pass, and attorney W. H. Parker, of this city, appeared for the state and attorneys J. R. Nell and W. I. Vawter for the defense. Medford Mail, August 18, 1899, page 2 The
Medford Arson Case.
The grand jury brought in a true bill against J. Carlile and wife, held
for arson in the setting fire to a barn and other property belonging to
Mrs. Carlile's brother, Bud Hamlin, near Medford, a few weeks ago, and
the former was arraigned before Judge Hanna yesterday morning.Ashland Tidings, September 14, 1899, page 3 Sentenced
to Nine Years.
A sudden and unexpected finale--at least to the public--in the Medford
arson case took place in the circuit court Saturday evening. While
District Attorney C. B. Watson was in Ashland Saturday afternoon he
received a telephone message to come to Jacksonville at once. On his
arrival there he was notified that Mrs. Rosanna Carlile, who had been
indicted on the charge of setting fire to the barn of her brother, A.
J. Hamlin, last July, was ready to plead guilty to the charge. Court
was convened and Mrs. Carlile entered a plea of guilty, and waived time
for passing of sentence, whereupon his honor Judge Hanna decreed that
she be committed to the state penitentiary for a period of nine years.
Investigation of the case showed the district attorney that the evidence was not conclusive against the guilty woman's husband, John A. Carlile, and that in fact he had tried to dissuade his spouse from entering upon the crime, but was overruled by her. In view of these facts Mr. Watson made a motion that the charge of arson be dismissed against Carlile, which was done by the court. It will be remembered that A. J. Hamlin, living near Medford, lost his barn and some grain stacks one night in July by an incendiary fire. Buggy tracks in the soft soil led from and to the Carlile home, and the husband and wife were arrested immediately. Mrs. Carlile is a sister of Hamlin, and there had been an estrangement between them on account of some family property, the sister believing that she had been wronged by her brother in the distribution. This impression so worked on her mind that in a fit of desperation and revenge she fired Hamlin's barn. Ashland Tidings, September 18, 1899, page 3 Shooting at Medford.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
February 11, 1900, page 3
Armstrong, a bricklayer, was shot and wounded three times by A. J.
Hamlin at Medford Sunday night. Two of the bullets struck him in the
right hip, not far apart, and ranged downward, while the other hit him
in the leg. Although two of the wounds are serious, they are not
necessarily fatal. The affray commenced in Charles A. King's saloon
over the interference by Hamlin in a game of cards in which Armstrong
was playing, who struck the latter. Both parties were ordered out of
the building, and the trouble was renewed on the street. Armstrong hit
Hamlin, and the latter then commenced shooting, with the result above
"Bud" Hamlin Punctures Edw. Armstrong with Three Shots from His Revolver--Armstrong Still Alive.
very serious shooting affair, which may result in the death of its
victim, took place in Medford last evening at 8:40 o'clock. Edw.
Armstrong, a bricklayer and contractor, who is well known in this
locality and also in Northern California, and A. J. Hamlin, who
formerly lived on a ranch on the Mountain road, a few miles from
Jacksonville, became engaged in an altercation in a place known as
Collins' saloon. Both were, it is said, somewhat under the influence of
vinous potations, and were invited to leave the premises. After they
went into the street the quarrel was renewed, and it is alleged that
Hamlin drew his revolver and fired four shots, three of which lodged in
the body of Armstrong, two in the right groin and one in the calf of
the leg.
Hamlin was promptly arrested and lodged in the Medford city jail, where he now languishes, the preliminary trial having been deferred until the result of Armstrong's injuries can be ascertained. Armstrong was given prompt medical attendance, and at the hour of the Tidings going to press he was resting easily, but the physicians were unable to say what the outcome of his injuries would be. Both men were good friends as far as is known before the quarrel which resulted in the shooting. Armstrong bears a good reputation, and has an invalid mother dependent on him for support. Hamlin is a brother of Mrs. Carlyle, who was recently sent to the penitentiary for incendiarism committed near Medford. Ashland Tidings, February 12, 1900, page 3 Liquor Causes Murder.
Medford, Ore.,
Feb. 11.--Edward Armstrong, a brick mason, was shot and probably
fatally injured tonight by A. J. Hamlin, a farmer living near here. The
men had been drinking together and became involved in a quarrel.
Salt Lake Herald, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 12,
San Francisco Call, February 12, 1900, page 3Medford Man Wounded by Jackson Rancher. Special Dispatch to The Call.
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 11.--Ed Armstrong, a bricklayer residing here, was
shot and probably fatally wounded this evening by A. J. Hamlin, a
rancher of Jackson County. Four shots were fired, three taking effect,
two in the right groin and one in the calf of the leg. They had been
quarreling in Collins' saloon. Collins put Armstrong out, Hamlin
following shortly after, when the quarrel was renewed with fatal
Armstrong bears a good reputation and has a mother dependent on him. Hamlin is a brother of Mrs. Carlyle, who was sent to the penitentiary for nine years from Jacksonville for incendiarism. Hamlin was arrested and placed in jail here. Shooting Affray at Medford.
W. H. Hamlin has sold his residence property in West Medford to Benj.
J. Trowbridge, of Douglas County, Oregon, consideration $1050. Mr.
Trowbridge was formerly engaged in the mercantile business in Douglas
County and will probably follow a similar business here. He expects to
arrive in Medford soon with his family. The sale was made through R. T.
Lawton's real estate agency.
Feb. 12.--As the result of a saloon row, Budd Hamlin shot and seriously
wounded Ed Armstrong, a brickmason, at Collins' saloon at 9 p.m. last
night. The men quarreled, and as Armstrong stepped outside the doorway
Hamlin met him and fired four shots at the former, three taking effect
in the calf of the leg, the groin and the back. The attending physician
says Armstrong may never recover. Hamlin was placed under arrest, and
his preliminary examination was set for tomorrow before Justice Stewart.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 13, 1900, page 4 Drunk and Murderous
Ore., Feb. 13.--A shooting affray occurred on the main street of this
city, resulting in the probable fatal wounding of Ed J. Armstrong by
Bud Hamlin.
The men were both under the influence of liquor, but had had no previous [omission]. Hamlin drew his revolver and fired four shots at Armstrong. The Evening News, San Jose, February 13, 1900, page 1 BUD HAMLIN HELD.
Story of His Shooting Ed Armstrong Sunday Night.
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 13.--The preliminary examination of Bud Hamlin,
charged with attempting to murder Ed Armstrong Sunday night, came up in
the justice court today. Several witnesses testified that the
intoxicated men met outside Collins' saloon, and after passing hard
words Armstrong kicked Hamlin into a glass door, breaking it. The
latter rose and fired three shots into Armstrong. The physician
testified that they may result fatally. Hamlin was bound over to the
circuit court on $1000 bail, which has not yet been furnished.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 14, 1900, page 4 Examined on Murder
San Francisco Call, February 14, 1900, page 3
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 13.--The preliminary examination of A. J. Hamlin,
who shot Ed Armstrong here last Sunday, was held today before Justice
of the Peace James Stewart. Hamlin was placed under $1000 bonds to
appear before the next grand jury.
J. Hamlin, who shot Ed. Armstrong at Medford Sunday, was held to answer
by Justice Stewart. His bonds were fixed at $1,000, which he gave. The
wounded man is improving, and will soon be out again. The evidence
adduced at the preliminary examination was rather favorable to Hamlin.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 15, 1900, page 3 THE
For Shooting Edw. Armstrong in Medford Sunday Night, Before Judge Stewart Tuesday!--Hamlin Admitted to Bail.
The preliminary
hearing of A. J. Hamlin, alias "Bud," charged with assault with a
deadly weapon on the person of Edward Armstrong, on the streets of
Medford Sunday night, following a quarrel which the men had engaged in
[in] Collins' saloon, a report of which was fully printed in Monday's
issue of the Tidings, took
place before Justice James Stewart in Medford Tuesday. District
Attorney C. B. Watson prosecuted the case on the part of the state,
while the defendant was represented by Messrs. Colvig and Reames of
Jacksonville. It being shown by the testimony of doctors Waite and
Stephenson, who attended the injured man, that the three shots which
had been fired into the body of Hamlin were not as serious in their
work as at first thought, and that the assault was not a premeditated
one on the part of Hamlin, nor entirely unprovoked, the judge held
Hamlin to appear before the next session of the Jackson County Circuit
Court in the sum of $1000.
Today's advices state that Armstrong is improving. Hamlin still remains in jail, having thus far failed to furnish the $1,000 bond required for his release. Ashland Tidings, February 15, 1900, page 3 Shooting Affair at Medford.
Medford had a shooting scrape to break the quiet and peace of the city
Sunday night about 9 o'clock in front of Collins & King's
A. J. Hamlin, better known as Bud Hamlin and son of the well-known
pioneer citizen the late James Hamlin, shot Edw. Armstrong, a brick
layer and contractor of that place. Four shots were fired from his
revolver and three entered the person of Armstrong.Both men were drinking during the evening and from the reports it appears that Hamlin was playing cards in the saloon with other parties when Armstrong began abusing and interrupting him. During the dispute the bartender ordered Armstrong out of the house and in going out, Armstrong challenged Hamlin to come outside and threatened to do him up. Hamlin came out, when Armstrong struck him, Hamlin replying with four shots from his .32-caliber revolver. Hamlin remained about the place and was soon taken into custody by Marshal Murray. Armstrong was promptly taken care of by a physician. The preliminary examination took place before Justice of the Peace James Stewart Tuesday, District Attorney C. B. Watson representing the state and Colvig & Reames the defendant. After hearing the evidence of the prosecution's witnesses the case rested. Justice Stewart bound Hamlin over to trial before the April term of circuit court and announced the bail at $1500. Defendant's attorneys made a plea for a lower bail but in vain. District Attorney Watson then asked the court for a reduction of bail, when the court fixed it at $1000. The amount was furnished by W. J. King and the prisoner released from custody. Armstrong has been about Medford for some time, is a good mechanic and considered a good citizen when sober, and is the main support of a widowed mother. Hamlin has had a more or less turbulent career in the courts. Last fall his sister, Mrs. Rosanna Wilson-Carlisle, set fire to his barn and hay stack, later confessed and is now serving a nine years' sentence in the Oregon penitentiary. Armstrong is still alive. The wound in the groin is the most dangerous. One ball went in the back and the other in the leg. Valley Record, Ashland, February 15, 1900, page 4 Shot Him Three Times.
usual Sunday evening quietude of Medford was broken in upon last Sunday
night when four revolver shots rang out in a quick succession, and when
the smoke had cleared away, Ed. Armstrong, a brickmason, was lying on
the sidewalk in front of the Turf Exchange Saloon, with three bullets
in his person, the same having been fired from a revolver in the hands
of "Bud" Hamlin. Armstrong was picked up by his friends and carried to
Hotel Nash, where Drs. Wait and Stephenson, who had been summoned,
examined the wounds, which were found, one in the right groin, one in
the right hip and one in the calf of the left leg. Two of the bullets
were probed for and were removed, but the one which entered the hip the
physicians were unable to remove. The wounds were dressed, and the
injured man was taken to his home in northwest Medford.
It was between eight and nine o'clock when the shooting took place. Prior to the shooting Hamlin and Armstrong had indulged in an altercation over some trivial matter, all of which had been brought to a fighting focus by an overindulgence in red liquor. Marshal Murray at once placed Hamlin under arrest, and he was put in the city jail and on Tuesday he was arraigned before Justice Stewart upon a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon. The case was conducted for the state by District Attorney Watson, and the defense was represented by Colvig & Reames. Hamlin was held for trial in the circuit court under bonds of $1000, which were secured with J. R. Wilson and M. Bybee as sureties. The evidence was in effect that the parties had been quarreling in the Turf Exchange Saloon during the evening, and but a few minutes prior to the shooting they were ordered out of the building by the proprietor. Armstrong went out first and Hamlin followed, and when standing in the doorway he (Hamlin) was seen to have a revolver, .32 caliber, in his hand. Armstrong started across the street toward the Nash and Hamlin walked alongside the saloon, telling Armstrong not to follow him. Bantering continued and they both turned back, coming together near the saloon door, when Armstrong struck Hamlin, and the shooting immediately followed. Armstrong will recover. Medford Mail, February 16, 1900, page 2 That Shooting Scrape.
Quite a serious shooting scrape took place Sunday evening about 9
o'clock in front of Collins & Kings' saloon. Edward Armstrong
A. J. Hamlin, while under the influence of liquor, got into a dispute,
so we are informed, in the saloon over a game of cards and Hamlin
slapped Armstrong, backing up the proposition by drawing a revolver.
They became so noisy that Armstrong was ejected from the building,
being followed out in a few minutes by Hamlin, where they stood for
some time quarreling; finally both started to leave in different
directions, but after taking a few steps returned to the front of the
saloon and resumed their quarreling, Hamlin standing holding a
revolver. Finally, Armstrong became so angry he struck Hamlin, knocking
him backwards against the glass door, breaking out a glass, but
otherwise not injuring Hamlin, who immediately commenced shooting,
firing four shots, three of which took effect, one in the groin, one in
the back part of the left hip and one in the calf of the leg. Hamlin
was soon after arrested and when he gave up his revolver told Marshal
Murray he wished to God he had had it before it happened. Armstrong was
given prompt medical assistance by Drs. Wait and Stephenson, who found
the wounds serious but not necessarily dangerous. Armstrong has
heretofore borne a good reputation, while the Hamlin family have long
been a source of expense to Jackson County. The preliminary examination
was held Tuesday before Justice Stewart. Through his attorney, Wm.
Colvig, he waived examination and Justice Stewart fixed his bond at
$1000 to appear at the next session of court, which was given by M. M.
Bybee and J. R. Wilson as sureties. At present writing Armstrong is
getting along as well as could be expected.Medford Enquirer, February 16, 1900, page 5 Shot in a Quarrel.
Medford, Ore.,
Feb. 13.--Edward Armstrong, a brick mason, was shot and fatally injured
by A. J. Hamlin, a farmer living near here. The men had been drinking
together and became involved in a quarrel.
Pullman Herald, Pullman, Washington, February 17, 1900, page 6 Ed Armstrong, who was shot a few weeks ago by Bud Hamlin, is said to be improving, and there seems nothing now in the way of his recovery. One of the three bullets, which could not be located when the wounds were first dressed, was removed this week by the attending physicians, Drs. Stephenson and Wait. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 2, 1900, page 7
jury which decided the Hamlin case was about 18 hours in finding a
verdict, and recommended that the judge sentence the defendant to pay a
fine instead of sending him to the penitentiary.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
April 9, 1900, page 3Hamlin Guilty.
the trial of A. J. Hamlin, alias "Bud," charged with an assault with a
dangerous weapon upon the person of Edward Armstrong, on the streets of
Medford on the night of Sunday, March 11, held in Jacksonville, he was
found guilty, with the recommendation by the jury that he be fined.
Hamlin has been under a $1,000 bond. The jury was all night in its
deliberations. Sentence will probably be given today.
Ashland Tidings, April 9, 1900, page 2 Mrs. Rosanna Carlisle Insane.
Salem, April 7.--Mrs. Carlyle, who came to the penitentiary last year
from Jackson County, under a sentence of nine years for arson committed
in burning the barn and horses of her brother, A. J. Hamlin, near
Medford, was examined yesterday afternoon as to her sanity, on
complaint of Superintendent Lee, County Judge Terrill, County Clerk
Hall and Dr. W. B. Morse conducting the examination. There
was no
doubt of her demented condition, and she was committed by Judge Terrill
to the asylum, whither she was conducted this afternoon.This is the fate of almost every female convict confined in the Oregon penitentiary for any length of time, and no wonder. There is no provision by which female prisoners can receive air, exercise or attention required by a woman, and she is entirely cut off from human association except in the routine visits of the male officers in the performance of their duties. This woman has been ill for several weeks, her illness being the result of the troubles incident to her age (about 44 years), and her condition during the illness was pitiable, challenging the attention of several charitable ladies who visited her. Her reason finally gave way, and she has been decidedly insane for several days. Valley Record, Ashland, April 12, 1900, page 1 State vs. A. J. Hamlin; verdict of jury: "We, the jury in the above entitled cause, find the defendant guilty of the crime of assault with a dangerous weapon, and recommend that it be made a finable offense." Hamlin shot Ed. Armstrong on the night of Sunday, February 11th, in Medford. He was sentenced yesterday to eighteen months imprisonment in the penitentiary. "Doings of the Circuit Court," Medford Mail, April 13, 1900, page 3 SENT TO PENITENTIARY.
Eighteen Months' Sentence for Shooting a Man--Sister in Prison.
12.--A. J. Hamlin, found guilty of shooting Ed Armstrong in March, was
today sentenced to 18 months in the penitentiary. Hamlin's sister was
sent to the penitentiary last year for arson, having set fire to her
brother's barn and grain stacks. Armstrong has nearly recovered from
the wounds received in the shooting.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 13, 1900, page 8
jury in the case [of] A. J. Hamlin, charged with assault with a deadly
weapon on Ed. Armstrong, which brought in a verdict of guilty with a
recommendation that the accused be fined, exceeded their prerogatives
under the Oregon law and Judge Hanna was left no option except to fix
the penalty at imprisonment in the penitentiary, the term fixed being
18 months. An appeal will be taken to the supreme court on the ground
that a majority of the jury were in favor of acquittal and only agreed
to recommend a fine as a compromise.
Medford, April 12.--A. J. Hamlin, found guilty of shooting Ed Armstrong in March, was today sentenced to 18 months in the penitentiary. Hamlin's sister was sent to the penitentiary last year for arson, having set fire to her brother's barn and grain stacks. Armstrong has nearly recovered from the wounds received in the shooting. Hamlin took an appeal to the supreme court and is out on $2000 bonds, which he furnished, pending the decision. Valley Record, Ashland, April 19, 1900, page 1 D. B. Reame, G. W. Hamlin and T. Beckett went to Portland Tuesday, having been summoned as witnesses in a case that the U.S. grand jury will investigate. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 26, 1900, page 3 Bud Hamlin Goes to Pen.
A. J. (Bud) Hamlin has withdrawn his $2000 bond and appeal to supreme
court for reversal of decision in the case where he was convicted by
the jury and sentenced to 18 months in the penitentiary for shooting
Ed. Armstrong. Sheriff Orme takes him to Salem thisweek. Valley Record, Ashland, April 26, 1900, page 3 Mrs. Amos Smith went to Medford Saturday to see her brother, "Chub" Hamlin, who is ill with typhoid fever. She returned Monday. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 8, 1900, page 3 J. H. Ward has traded his two and one-half-acre orchard tract in West Medford to Wm. Hamlin for 146 acres of agricultural and timber land, on Rogue River, three miles this side of Grants Pass. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 6 A. J. ("Bud") Hamlin, who was sent to the penitentiary for 18 months for shooting Chas. Armstrong, has been discharged. He proved an exemplary prisoner and cut down his term materially. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1901, page 7 "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 7 Bud Hamlin has sold his farm of 269 acres, in Eden precinct, to Captain Voorhies for $9400. The property joins Mr. Voorhies' land on the west and will undoubtedly be set to orchard by that gentleman. It is good orchard land, better if anything than the 10 acres of orchard which Mr. Voorhies is now cultivating--and harvesting a big crop of fruit from each year. Mr. Hamlin expects to leave Medford within the next few weeks, but just where he will go to is unsettled. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 2, 1901, page 7 Geo. R. Young to Wm. H. Hamlin, lot 3, blk 3, Barr addition, Medford . . . 600 Joel Ward to Wm. H. Hamlin, lot 4, blk 3, Barr addition to Medford . . . "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 5 Bud Hamlin, who, with his family, left Medford a few weeks ago for the coast country, has purchased a 600-acre stock ranch, near Bandon, Coos County. The purchase includes several head of stock and all crops grown this year. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 27, 1901, page 7 Capt. Gordon Voorhies is preparing to plant to trees the 240 acres of land which he recently purchased from Bud Hamlin. This land adjoins Mr. Voorhies' old orchard, and when all is planted he will have 380 acres in trees--the largest orchard tract in Southern Oregon. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 8, 1901, page 6 Capt. Gordon Voorhies has ordered enough Yellow Newtown and Spitzenberg apple trees and Bartlett and Howard pear trees to plant the Bud Hamlin place, which he purchased a few months ago. There are about two hundred and sixty acres in the place, and it will all be planted. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 6 Mrs. Amos Smith, of Grants Pass, and Mrs. E. S. Adams, of Portland, returned Wednesday evening to their respective homes after a few days' visit in this city with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamlin. They were accompanied by their sister, Miss Julia Hamlin, who will visit at Grants Pass. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 28, 1902, page 7 The Hamlin building, which was sold by Sheriff Orme Saturday under a decree of foreclosure, was bought by Ed. Wilkinson, one of our capitalists, who bid $2,600, a big bargain. It is occupied by the Palm-Whitman Cigar Co. at present. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 27, 1902, page 4 The brick block occupied by the Medford cigar factory, and belonging to G. W. Hamlin, was sold at sheriff's sale last Saturday to Ed. Wilkinson for $2675. The amount of the mortgage and costs was $2393.78. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 6 C. A. Hamlin, after a two weeks' visit her with his parents, left Monday for Montague, where he has been working this summer. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 11, 1902, page 6 Assessor and Mrs. Chas. Crow, of Grants Pass, were in Medford a few days this week upon a visit to Mrs. Crow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hamlin. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 8, 1902, page 6 Married--In Medford at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l. Murray, on Sunday, September 28, 1902, Fred Hamlin, son of Jeff. Hamlin, and Miss Myrtle Murray. The young couple left Tuesday morning for Marysville, Calif., for a short stay. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 3, 1902, page 7 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crow, of Grants Pass, spent Sunday in Medford with Mrs. Crow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamlin. Mr. Crow is county assessor of Josephine County. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 10, 1902, page 6 A Nasty Case.
Jan. 29.--Mrs. Carlisle, sentenced to nine years for arson from Jackson
County, has informed the officers of the state prison that she charges
Second Warden Dilly with assault. The Governor made a personal
investigation of the matter this morning, and Dilly and prison druggist
Hull have been relieved from duty, pending final determination of the
facts. The latter's connection with the case is believed to be that he
knew of the woman's condition for weeks and did not report it.There is also a rumor that convict White, who recently escaped, was guilty of criminal relations with the woman. He acted as prison nurse, and so was privileged to enter her cell. Gov. Chamberlain says: "Nothing positive is yet known, but the matter will be investigated to the very bottom. We will not have the rules of the state institutions violated in the slightest particular, let alone in this flagrant way." Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 4, 1903, page 2 George Hamlin and A. Woolf engaged in an altercation Monday afternoon, which finally developed into a physical encounter. Hamlin landed a blow upon Woolf's physiognomy and the latter retaliated by smashing a bottle of medicine he had in his hand over Hamlin's head, then he proceeded to jab his antagonist with the ragged edge of the broken bottle. When the fracas was over Hamlin looked like the picture of a man who had been run over by an automobile. Both were arrested and on pleading guilty before Recorder Toft Tuesday morning were fined $5 each, which fines were paid. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 24, 1904, page 5 J. C. Hamlin, alias J. C. Rogers, the horse thief, was committed to the insane asylum by Judge Tou Velle Tuesday after examination by Dr. J. W. Robinson. Hamlin rented a horse and saddle of the livery firm of Boyer Bros. at Rogue River, Wednesday, and rode the animal to Wolf Creek, where he undertook to dispose of the animal. By peculiar coincidence the man to whom he offered the horse and saddle for the sum of $35 was Scott Boyer, a brother of the Rogue River firm. He at once recognized the horse as coming from the Rogue River stable and, suspecting crookedness, telephoned to his brothers. "Southern Oregon's Shortstories," Gold Hill News, July 11, 1914, page 1 HAMLIN IS HELD TO GRAND JURY IN
$3000 BONDS
George Hamlin,
accused of a statutory offense against a ten-year-old girl, was bound
over to the next term of the grand jury by Justice of the Peace Glenn
Taylor upon $3000 bonds. This is one of the heaviest bonds ever imposed
upon a man charged with a crime in the annals of Jackson County courts.
The court said the bond might seem excessive to some, but that in view
of the heinousness of the offense the bail demand was light.
Attorney Porter J. Neff, representing Hamlin, asked for a light bond, and was strenuously opposed by Prosecutor Kelly, who classified the testimony of Hamlin's alleged victim as "the most damnable he had ever heard." The defense also took exception to the prosecutor's inference "that to some communities men had been lynched for similar crimes." The mother of the little girl wept throughout the entire proceedings. Hamlin is a pioneer of this section, and has a family. He was arrested about 18 months ago for cutting a fellow socialist with a knife during an argument in a Front Street saloon an acquitted. Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1915, page 2 George Hamlin, arraigned before Justice of the Peace Glenn O. Taylor yesterday morning on a charge of committing a statutory offense against a ten-year-old girl, was bound over to the next term of the grand jury. The bonds were fixed at $3000. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, May 21, 1915, page 6 George Hamlin, charged with a statutory offense against a ten-year-old girl, was bound over to the grand jury by Justice Taylor of Medford Thursday. Bonds were fixed at $30.00. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, May 22, 1915, page 3 Medford Pioneer Under Bonds.
Or., May 22.--(Special.)--George Hamlin, accused of an offense against
a 10-year-old girl, was bound over to the next term of the grand jury
today by Justice of the Peace Taylor, under $3000 bonds. Hamlin is a
pioneer in this section and has a family.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 23, 1915, page 2 At a special session of the grand jury yesterday afternoon George Hamlin was indicted upon the charge of assault with intentions of committing rape. The assault is alleged to have been made upon a ten-year-old girl of this city. Hamlin was arrested a fortnight ago. He is a pioneer of the valley. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, June 2, 1915, page 2 GRADUATE NURSES GIVEN DIPLOMAS
The graduating exercises of the Sacred Heart Hospital were held at the
St. Mark's Hall last evening. Dr. E. B. Pickel gave the opening
address, which proved a most appropriate one. The diplomas were
presented by Dr. Emmens, and the presentation of the medals was made by
Dr. R. J. Conroy. Followed by a varied musical program, the closing
address was made by the Right Rev. Alexander Christie. A song by
Herbert Alford was much enjoyed. Two hundred people attended the
exercises. The graduating nurses are: Misses Angelina Provost of
Ashland, Miss Adalyn Hamlin of this city and Miss Mary K. Barba of
Little Shasta, Cal.
Medford Sun, June 9, 1915, page 6 The case of George Hamlin, accused of an attempt to commit rape, will be tried in circuit court next week. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 26, 1915, page 3 Twenty-four other convicts were paroled by the governor. They included George Hamlin, convicted in Jackson County of assault, and J. F. O’Brien, convicted in Lane County of obtaining money under false pretenses. "26 Oregon Convicts Paroled by Governor," San Jose Mercury-News, San Jose, California, June 14, 1916, page 8 Orchard properties continue active on the realty market in Southern Oregon. A number of first-class orchards changed hands during the past month. Among the newcomers here is M. M. Bilyeu of New York, who has purchased the Ed Hamlin block of pears and Newtown apples south of Medford. "Field Department," The Oregon Grower, magazine of the Oregon Growers Cooperative Assn., August 1920, page 8 LOCAL PIONEER RECALLS TIME OF THE
Medford Mail Tribune, December
10, 1923, page 8 The
Hamlins arrived in 1852 and endured the starvation
winter that year.
His hearing of complaints of its being so cold by several citizens
downtown this forenoon caused smiles on the part of W. H. Hamlin,
well-known pioneer citizen of the city, who is 81 years old, and put
him in a reminiscent mood, during which he recalled that 52 [sic] years
ago when he had just come to the Rogue River Valley a short time before
with his parents from Iowa, there was three feet of solid snow with
freezing weather for a continuous period of six weeks, which began
early in January.
The Hamlin family then lived in a tent under an oak tree 2½ miles this side of Jacksonville. Their meat supply was frozen so solid during that time that portions had to be chopped from it with an ax for every meal. It took an ounce of gold dust to purchase an ounce of salt in the general store in Jacksonville in those days. Mr. Hamlin, who despite his many years is unusually active physically and mentally, broke a young horse to saddle and driving, about one year ago. New Storage and Pre-Cooling Plant
at Medford.
Ore., July 3.--The Medford Pre-Cooling and Storage Company is
constructing a big pre-cooling and cold storage plant here,
representing an investment of more than $250,000, which will be ready
for operation in time to handle this season's crop. Officers of the
company are Archie S. Ash, president; H. G. Wortman, vice-president,
and H. W. Hamlin, secretary and treasurer.The Southern Pacific has granted a tariff whereby fruit can be pre-cooled and stored here instead of at Portland. A great many pears are grown in this district and growers are pleased that these added facilities will be available this year. The Chicago Packer, July 4, 1925, page 10
place. 7th and 8th grade, group of Medford and Ashland [schools].
Robert Christner, District No. 49, Roosevelt School.
"Oregon History Essays for
Jackson County Schools," Medford
Mail Tribune, July 4, 1926, page B6History of Schools in
Independence District, No. 15
The first school in this district was built in the year of 1862, and
was owned by a wealthy man. The district let him have a lease on it,
and they were to pay a certain amount of tuition per year, but as money
was scarce in those days they did not pay as quickly as he expected
them to, so he took the school and used it for his home.
The school house was made of rough logs cut in the woods nearby. The openings between the logs were filled up with mud. The only light in the building came from one window and a door. Rough benches took the place of desks. There were about twelve children attending the school, two of whom were Mrs. J. W. Mills and Jeff Hamlin, who gave me the information about this school house. When the district was left without a school house they had a hard time to decide what to do about it, but they finally joined the Phoenix district. This did not prove very successful, so in 1872 the Independence district, No. 15, was formed. According to old records the first board of directors consisted of J. A. Greaves, secretary; Q. N. Anderson, chairman. I. Ritter and J. Coleman were elected directors; B. Stevens was the first clerk. The first schoolhouse after the district was formed was built in 1872. The first teacher in this school house was Alice Wrisley; she was supposed to be the first white girl born in Jackson County. The school house was located about 75 feet from the present site of the W. H. Watts home. According to Elmer Coleman this school house was moved to what is now known as the Canfield place in 1874. The moving was done by putting long poles under the school house at each end, the poles were then raised up and four wagons, one at each end, were put under the poles; several teams of horses were hitched to the front of the building. As there were no roads then they had to cut a path forty feet wide to draw the school house through. After this was accomplished, school was continued. Elmer Coleman said about the only drinking water they had came from a creek that ran past the school house, known as Crauley Creek. They all drank out of the same tin cup. The school house was made of rough lumber and was 28x32 ft. Common benches twelve feet long served as desks. There were two windows on the east and west and a door in the north. There was a large porch at the north end of the building. About thirty children attended this school. A more modern school house was built in 1884 near the Hamlin place. There were about thirty children attending this school. The school house was about 28 feet wide and 40 feet long. There was a large stove in one corner and there were windows on the east and west sides. In later years the windows in the east side of the building were taken out and large windows put in the south end of the building. This building was totally destroyed by fire December 15, 1925. It will probably be replaced by a more modern building. HAMLIN--Lavina A. Hamlin died at her home, 522 South Newtown Street, Monday morning from pneumonia. Mrs. Hamlin had been in failing health for the past 12 years. She was a native of Oregon, born in Clackamas County, June 3, 1849, aged 79 years, 8 months and 22 days. Lavina Ann Armpriest was married to William Henry Hamlin, October 10, [1865], south of Medford at the old Hamlin place, and to this union were born nine children--four sons and five daughters. One son, Joseph, passed away at the age of 19. Mrs. Hamlin is survived today by her aged husband, William Henry; three sons, Sylvester, James W., and C. A. Hamlin, all of Medford; five daughters--Mrs. F. G. Nelson, Mrs. C. A. Crow of Medford; Mrs. E. S. Adams, Oakland, Cal.; Mrs. Amos Smith, Grants Pass, Ore.; Mrs. F. D. Eisman, Eugene, Ore.; 14 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. She was a member of the Christian Church for many years, and also a member of the W.C.T.U. Mrs. Hamlin was a fine Christian character, a good neighbor and mother. Funeral services will be held at the Perl funeral home Thursday at 2 p.m., Rev, Carman Mell officiating. Interment in Medford cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, February 26, 1929, page 2 SENTENCE HAMLIN TO 15 YEARS FOR
A holdup man, who went wrong on his first attempt, was sentenced to 15
years in the state penitentiary when LaVerne E. Hamlin, 26, appeared in
circuit court this forenoon for sentence, following his plea of guilty
last Monday. Hamlin, who confessed to holding up two orchard laborers
at the Westerlund orchards last month, has been a local resident for
some time and is a former employee of the orchard.
Hamlin was assisted in the crime by two local boys, scheduled to appear today in juvenile court. The boys searched Felix Samborski and Clarence Hedgepeth, while Hamlin kept them covered with a gun. Although officers had but few clues, the trio was arrested by the sheriff's office through a chain of evidence that had been wound around them, including comparison of wheel tracks at the bunkhouse and the fact that Hamlin has borrowed a gun a few days before the holdup. The three had also been seen together several times. Medford Mail Tribune, May 2, 1929, page 5 Jackson County Pioneer Says
Modern Children Lack Freedom
"The young folks of today couldn't be much worse than they are--but it
isn't their fault. They haven't enough freedom." This interesting and
rather different opinion was expressed by Jeff Hamlin, 75-year-old
Jackson County resident, who is still operating the farm upon which he
was born, two miles south of Medford.
The pioneer resident, who used to walk four miles to school in a blinding storm, after his several hours of early morning chores were done, to master his three R's until four in the afternoon, then walk home to many more hours of heavy farm work, does not envy the younger generation, in spite of the apparent ease with which they live. "When we went to a dance in the old days, it was an all-night blowout. And if we wanted to keep it up until five o'clock in the morning, that was our business," he said. "We weren't watched and hounded by the police like the kids are today. The sheriff and his officers never dreamed of sticking their noses into our parties. They somehow had the opinion that we could take care of ourselves," he said. "But the young folks today have no freedom. They can't get out into any kind of a crowd without having a policeman trailing them. They can't even take their best girls out for a little spooning without being in danger of an officer of the law poking his head into their car and making it his business. "I'm glad I lived my youth in the good old days. No, the kids themselves aren't bad today--but they're not given a chance to prove that they are decent. Folks are pretty much the same from one age to another. It's the present methods of supervision that are all wrong." Medford Mail Tribune, December 6, 1929, page 3 HAMLIN IS PURCHASER EDEN PRECINCT
EDEN PRECINCT, Ore., Dec. 17.--(Special.)--Ed Hamlin has purchased the
beautiful home of Mrs. Leta Furry on the highway south of Phoenix. This
is one of the most desirable homes along the highway between Medford
and Ashland. It consists of about 60 acres lying east of the highway,
part of which is across Bear Creek.
The large two-story house has nine rooms and porches all the way round, modern plumbing and large basement cellar. There is a fine drilled well, spacious lawn and fine shade and flowering vines and trees. Mr. Hamlin purchased a large tract of the land three years ago. Medford Mail Tribune, December 17, 1929, page B3 HAMLIN CASE IS HALTED BY AUTO
The civil suit of Mrs. Julia Crow against William H. Hamlin, 89, her
father, for the recovery of $5000, alleged to be due for nursing and
care of her parent, scheduled for opening this morning in circuit
court, was postponed until this afternoon. The delay was due to Mrs.
Crow and one of her chief witnesses being in an auto accident
yesterday, sustaining bruises and shock.George M. Roberts, attorney for Mrs. Crow, maintains that the case should be postponed until Mrs. Crow and witness have recovered from the road mishap. He was given until this afternoon to show cause and grounds for a continuance. The suit hinges upon Mrs. Crow's claim for $5000 she alleges is due for care of her mother (deceased), and father, over a number of years, asserting an agreement was made. Mrs. Crow's claims are contested by the father and other members of the family. Hamlin is an old-time resident of the valley and well known. Medford Mail Tribune, March 12, 1930, page 5 MANY TESTIFY IN $5000 CLAIM FOR
The trial of the civil suit of Mrs. Julia Crow against her father,
William H. Hamlin, 89, and valley pioneer, for the collection of $5000
alleged to be due for care of himself and wife during the latter's last
illness continued today in the circuit court.The defense has 20 witnesses to call, and the plaintiff half as many, so the case will not be in the hands of the jury much before Friday evening. The case hinges around a domestic quarrel, and testimony adduced by the plaintiff tended to show that after a family conference Mrs. Julia Crow had consented to come from Roseburg and devote her time to the care of her parents. Witnesses this morning testified that Mrs. Crow had left a prosperous apartment house business at Roseburg for this purpose, and that it was agreed that she should be recompensed. Practically all the witnesses called are kin, or friends of many years, of the litigants. Medford Mail Tribune, March 13, 1930, page 4 BITTERNESS SEEN IN HAMLIN FAMILY
Testimony--marked now and again by the bitterness of a domestic
quarrel--continued today in circuit court. in the civil suit of Mrs.
Julia Crow against William H. Hamlin, her father, for the collection of
$5000 alleged to be due for the care of the mother. The taking of
testimony will probably be completed late today, and the final
arguments presented tomorrow morning, and the case given to the jury by
early tomorrow afternoon.The trial to date has been marked by conflicting testimony on both sides. The family, well known in Jackson County, is divided. There were several lively legal tilts between opposing counsel. Mrs. Vina Eisman testified at the morning session, and said that during the period Mrs. Crow asserts she was attending her mother, they went to dances and shows together. She testified that Mrs. Crow, during the summer months had spent from a week to a month on the Eisman ranch. The defense objective was to minimize and impeach the claim of Mrs. Crow that the care administered was exacting, and required constant attendance. Mrs. Eisman, before the court could rule upon an objection, denied the statement. "I would not care for Mother as Julia is doing for all of Josephine County." The court also checked the witness when she tried to answer the question attributed to Mrs. Crow: "I hate the old devil, and you would too if you had been around him as I have." The father, 89 years old, who has been a patient witness, straightened in his chair at the query, and appeared distressed. During the five-minute recess he was comforted by relatives. Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1930, page 5 MRS. CROW GIVEN $2289 FOR CARE OF
A verdict in favor of Mrs. Julia Crow for $2289.60 and attorney's fees
of $216 were returned here this noon by the jury in her civil suit
against her father, William H. Hamlin, Jackson County pioneer. The jury
deliberated about an hour and a half. Mrs. Crow sought $5000 and
attorney's fees.The case was bitterly fought, and was marked with family rancor. The defense called 25 witnesses to the stand; the plaintiff half as many. Mrs. Crow based her suit upon the claim that she cared for her mother, and that a family agreement was made whereby she was to "be well paid for her services." She further maintained that she left a flourishing apartment house business at Roseburg. She was opposed in her contentions by two brothers and three sisters, and her father. The plaintiff was represented by attorney George M. Roberts, and the defense by attorney Gus Newbury. The testimony in the suit was highly conflicting. R. A. Settlemire acted as foreman of the jury. Medford Mail Tribune, March 15, 1930, page 8 CLAIMS HAMLIN SEEKS TO EVADE
Claiming that her father W. H. Hamlin is not mentally responsible,
Julia Crow filed suit in circuit court against him yesterday for the
collection of a judgment of $2,289.60, awarded her as the result of a
trial here several weeks ago when she sued her father for fees claimed
to be due for several years' care she gave her ailing mother.The complaint alleges that her father signed over his entire property to sons to avoid payment of the judgment. J. W. Hamlin, W. H. Hamlin and Earl Tumy are named as co-defendants. William Hamlin, Pioneer of Valley,
Recalls Days When Redskins Troubled (By Eva Nealon)
Eyes that sighted the Pawnee Indian far down the dim wagon tracks
leading on to the Hudson Bay fur traders trail back in 1852,
as oxen
pulled their heavy loads on toward the western ocean, reflect today the
life and adventure which stirred the early pioneer, as their owner,
William Hamlin, 88, of this city, reviews the "trip" as a 10-year-old
boy across the "old" Platte River, over the plains to Jacksonville,
Ore., 78 years ago.With his cap set on his head at a jaunty boy angle, revealing locks of streaked hair, not yet gray, and steady hand resting on the butt of his gun, he told his story this morning. "I guess I can talk to you;" he smiled and pushed the cap a bit further back on his head. "I used to talk to the Indians back here in the '50s and '60s down on Bear Creek." He pointed toward the quiet stream that still wends its way through Medford. "No, I didn't like the Klamath Indians. I wanted to kill them all. "It took us six months to the day to come across the plains from Iowa to Oregon," he explained, returning to the "big trip." "We followed the trail of the Hudson Bay trappers and came to within three miles of Jacksonville. "When we crossed the Platte River there was a Pawnee Indian who asked to sleep under our wagon until we had passed a tribe he was afraid of. We let him. And the third morning one of the ponies, which stood at the end of the wagon, was gone, We sighted him down the trail and my father wanted to kill the Indian but knew it would start them all on the war path." There were nine men in the two wagons driven across by Mr. Hamlin's father and uncle. They brought 90 head of cattle with them, he said this morning, and many horses, but the Indians stole all the horses but one before they reached Jacksonville. "The biggest stealing occurred at Fort Klamath," he explained, "and the only horse saved was the young colt, which preferred food scraps to grass and hay. She was hanging around waiting for 'grub' at the wagon while the other horses were pasturing the morning when the Indians came and stole them all but her. We came on with the oxen." [Fort Klamath did not exist in 1852; it wouldn't be established until 1863.] Stopping at Ashland, the party visited the first sawmill operated in Southern Oregon, having met "Cludge" [Clugage?], who took over the mill, while en route. Mr. Hamlin's father and he started hauling lumber for him, each driving four yoke of oxen. Mr. Hamlin was then a boy of 10 "and one that could handle oxen," he boasted this morning. "What I liked was cracking the whip." He later hauled supplies to the soldiers at Fort Klamath and teamed to Crescent City and Roseburg, During the big snow of '52 for six weeks the valley was practically isolated from Portland, and the price of flour reached $50 a sack. "My father waited a week and got ours for $25," Mr. Hamlin smiled as if relishing the memories of hardships. "It tasted good without salt too, I'm telling you. If you had been here then with salt you could have had an ounce of gold dust for every ounce of salt. Our cattle were thin from the trip over the plains, so we traded for a fat steer, killed it, and hung it in a tree to freeze, then cut pieces from it with an ax. It tasted good without salt, too," he added with the short, jovial laugh which is one of his most noticeable characteristics. "Most of the good land here was taken up before I was old enough to take over a donation claim," he turned to the question of settlement. "So I filed on 600 acres this side of Grants Pass. Oh, yes: I did some mining, too," he admitted, "and I worked on the railroad. The land I now own on Newtown Street used to be the old bicycle race track. I bought it, and some real estate man divided it into lots. "One of the greatest tragedies of the old days," he returned to the pioneer times, "was the fire which broke out sometime in the '60s and burned all through the hills. The Indians set it out and burned up a lot of the ranchers' rails. Then [in 1853] someone came riding through the valley calling 'White man killed,' and everyone rushed to old Fort Hoxie and stayed until the Indians settled. Later they broke out again and we cleaned them up at Table Rock. [The "battle of Table Rock" took place near the headwaters of Evans Creek, not at Table Rock.] They killed one of our good men there." A sad expression came to his face for the first time during the story. Asked about his gun, he laughed again. "No, I'm not going hunting. Just trying to trade it off. My hunting days are over; I used to hunt when a man could hunt when he pleased, when deer and bear were thick on Bear Creek. We used to hitch up the oxen and go down and pick wild plums, too. "I've never been in bed sick one day of my life," he added, to assure the reporter that physical weaknesses don't keep him from following new hunting trails. "Vaccinations never took on me. I went barefooted all through the winter of '52 and didn't feel cold either," he concluded. Medford Mail Tribune, September 26, 1930, page B3 In 1852 William Henry Hamlin, a boy of nine, joined the migration from Iowa. His family did not come in a regular train, but organized a party of relatives with two big wagons for the people and a spring wagon to carry "the grub." "We met our first Indians just after we crossed the Platte River. We got here all right. The last day of December we landed three miles this side of old Jacksonville. We bought a beef from a miner and hung it on a tree. It froze so hard we were chopping steaks from it with an ax for the next six weeks." J. W. Lindsay was 12 years old when he crossed the plains in '64 from Missouri. He reviewed many interesting events of the trail while talking to Mr. Hamlin Wednesday in the Mail Tribune office. . . . Mr. Hamlin and party kept their horses until they got to Klamath and lost them all but a pet pony there. "We all made the trip in Studebaker wagons," he volunteered while Mr. Lindsay told his story. "Lots of them went on from Oregon to other camps, but I notice most of them were glad to get back. So I stayed right here. I was one of the first teamsters in this country." "Wm.
Colvig Believed First of Pioneers," Medford Mail Tribune, November
28, 1930, page 6
Henry Hamlin died at his home,
522 South Newtown Street, early Saturday morning from advanced age and
heart failure, aged 89 years. He was born in Champaign County,
Illinois, March 31, 1843 and at the age of nine crossed the plains with
his parents by ox team in 1852, landing in Jackson County the same
year. His parents, James and Eliza Hamlin, settled on a donation land
claim four miles south of Medford, now developed into some of the
finest orchards in the valley.Mr. Hamlin had resided in Jackson and Josephine counties for eighty years. He was married to Lavina Armpriest, October 10, [1865] at Crescent City, Calif. To this union were born five daughters and four sons, Mrs. Ida Nelson, Medford; Mrs. E. S. Adams, Oakland, Calif.; Mrs. Amos Smith, Grants Pass, Ore.; Mrs. F. D. Eismann, Medford; Mrs. Charles Crow, Medford; S. V. Hamlin, Salem, Ore.; J. W. Hamlin, Medford and C. A. Hamlin, Medford, 14 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild. One son is dead. Funeral services will be held at the Perl Funeral Home, Tuesday, November 15 at 2:30 p.m., Rev. D. E. Millard officiating. Interment in Medford cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, November 13, 1932, page 4 A parole is also sought now for Laverne E. Hamlin, sentenced from this county in April, 1929, to serve 15 years for assault and robbery. With two others, Hamlin held up an old man in a cabin near the Westerlund Orchard tract. He is now eligible for parole, after five years behind prison walls. It is understood that he also has employment assured if freed. "Pardons Sought for Jackson Co. Pair in Prison," Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1934, page 4 LILLIAN HAMLIN, STRUCK BY AUTO;
Occurs in Front of
Victim's Home
Mrs. Lillian
Mae Hamlin, 49, Route 1,
Box 436, was fatally injured about 4:30 p.m. yesterday when struck in
front of her home on the Jacksonville-Phoenix highway by a car operated
by Melvin P. Scott, 27, 9 Hawthorne Avenue, Medford, according to the
Conger-Morris ambulance attendants called to the scene.on Jacksonville-Phoenix Highway She was taken to Sacred Heart Hospital, where she died about 7:15 p.m. Her death was the 16th auto accident fatality in Jackson County so far this year. The attending physician stated that death was caused by a skull fracture, many broken bones, including a broken back, and multiple internal injuries. Trying to
Aid Dog
to Deputy Coroner Carlos
Morris, the woman had taken the mail from the family mail box and was
recrossing the road to her home when the accident occurred. Morris said
that witnesses reported that Mrs. Hamlin apparently thought the Scott
machine was going to hit the Hamlin family dog and was struck while
trying to rescue the animal.Mrs. Hamlin is survived by her husband, Bert; a daughter, Mrs. Beverly Fearing, Jackson Bay, B.C.; two sons, Melvin C. Parker, Port Nevelle, B.C., and Clifford Parker, Medford; her mother, Mrs. Lulu Dennis and stepfather, Eugene, and three brothers. A more complete obituary will be published and time of funeral will be announced later. Perl Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Scott was not held, state police said. Medford Mail Tribune, December 23, 1947, page 1 THOMAS HAMLIN Funeral services for Thomas Jefferson Hamlin, 97, who died at his home on Route 1 Wednesday, will be held at Perl funeral home Saturday at 1 p.m. with the Rev. D. E. Millard officiating. Entombment will be in Medford Memorial Mausoleum. The deceased was born in Medford on Aug. 21, 1855. He was educated in a log cabin school at Phoenix and was a farmer. He was married to Mary Ellen Lundy, who died several years ago, in 1878. Survivors include three sons, Everett and Bert, Medford, and Fred, Beaver Creek, Ore., a daughter, Mrs. George Pellett, Brawley, Cal.; four grandchildren, 10 nephews, 14 nieces and one great-grandchild. Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1951, page 13 Funeral Friday for J. W. Hamlin,
Pioneer Resident
services for James
Hamlin, 85, a resident of the Medford area all his life, will
be held
at Perl funeral home Friday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. N. J. Tully
officiating. Entombment will be at Medford Memorial Mausoleum, where
the Medford IOOF lodge will conduct services. He died at his home, 137
North Oakdale Ave., Tuesday.Mr. Hamlin, a farmer, was born Jan. 10, 1869, on a donation land claim in the Kings Highway district where his grandfather settled in 1852. The deceased was married to Miss Grace E. Heston, who survives, at Grants Pass on Dec. 31, 1896. He had been a member of the Odd Fellows lodge since 1916 and was awarded the Degree of Chivalry by the lodge for outstanding service. He also was a member of Rogue River Encampment 30, IOOF, Canton Siskiyou 16 and Rebekah lodge 28. Besides the widow, survivors include a son, Lloyd E., Medford; four daughters, Mrs. Edna Mole, Medford; Mrs. Ruth Elder, Ontario, Ore., and Mrs. Ruby Wyatt, Eagle Point; seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; a brother and four sisters. Medford Mail Tribune, July 29, 1954, page 15 CHUB HAMLIN
Alfred Hamlin, 75, died at his home, 104 South
Laurel St., Wednesday.
Mr. Hamlin was born near Grants Pass, March 15, 1880, and for several years operated a grocery store and meat market in Medford. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hamlin, came to Oregon in 1852 in a covered wagon with oxen teams. He was a member of the Medford Elks Lodge for 39 years. He is survived by his wife, Nora E. Hamlin, to whom he was married for 53 years; one son, Warren R. Hamlin, and two grandsons, William Thomas Hamlin and John Warren Hamlin, of Medford; two brothers and four sisters. Funeral services will be held at Perl funeral home at 1:30 p.m. Friday with the Rev. D. Kirkland West of the First Presbyterian Church officiating. Entombment will be in Medford Memorial Mausoleum. The family has requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be sent to the American Cancer Fund in care of the local postmaster. The Medford Elks Lodge will participate in funeral services. Medford Mail Tribune, February
23, 1956, page 15
BERT HAMLIN Funeral services for Bert Hamlin, 73, who died Sunday, will be held at Perl Funeral Home Friday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. D. E. Millard will officiate. Private committal services will be held at the Medford Mausoleum. Mr. Hamlin was born Sept. 23, 1887, in Medford. He was a retired orchardist and farmer. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Bertha Pellett, Brawley, Calif., two nieces; one nephew and several cousins. Medford Mail Tribune, February 8, 1961, page 11 C. S.
Hamlin, Veteran Reno
Printer, Dies
Hamlin, veteran Reno printer and long-time resident of the
died Sunday in a local hospital after suffering a heart attack at his
home earlier in the day.Mr. Hamlin, born in Medford, Ore. April 23, 1894, spent his early life there and in Alturas, Calif. and in his youth was a buckaroo for the Miller and Lux interests. He enlisted in the U.S. Army during World War One, serving abroad and receiving wounds in combat. After his release from service he came to Reno and learned the printer's trade on the old Nevada State Journal. He joined the Reno Evening Gazette composing room force in 1926. In the late 1930s he became interested in real estate and developed a subdivision off Plumb Lane. He also at various times operated a service station, but followed his trade as a Linotype operator throughout the years. Mr. Hamlin was a member of Alturas Lodge No. 248 F&AM, Scottish Rite Bodies of Nevada and Kerak Temple of the Shrine. He was a member of the Shrine's Legion of Honor, composed of war veterans. He was also a member of St. John's Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Alma Hamlin, a son Jack Hamlin and two grandchildren, Thomas and Daniel Hamlin, all of Reno, and a sister, Mrs. John Walsh of Sacramento. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 1:30 p m in the home chapel of the Ross Burke Co. with Rev. William Clawson of St. John's Church clergyman Wadsworth Lodge No. 25 F&AM will conduct committal services in the Masonic section of Mountain View Cemetery. Reno Evening Gazette, December 11, 1961, page 1 Longtime Resident Grace Hamlin
Mrs. Grace
Hamlin, 94, widow of the late
James William Hamlin and a long-time resident of the Rogue Valley, died
Tuesday night in a Medford nursing home.As Grace Heston, Mrs. Hamlin came to Southern Oregon from Iowa in 1895. Christmas Day of the same year she was married in Grants Pass to Mr. Hamlin. They made their home in Grants Pass for about 10 years, then moved to Brownsville in the Willamette Valley. In 1918, they returned to Jackson County and established their home at 137 N. Oakdale Ave., where they resided until after Mr. Hamlin's death. Mrs. Hamlin was a member of the Rebekah Lodge for more than 40 years and of the First Methodist Church of Medford. She is survived by one son, Lloyd Hamlin, Medford; and four daughters, Mrs. Stella Darby, Ashland, Mrs. Ruth Elder, Ontario, Ore., and Mrs. Ruby Smith and Mrs. Edna Mole, both of Medford. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Perl Funeral Home. Medford Mail Tribune, December 8, 1965 Nora Hamlin Dies; Here Since 1892
funeral services for Nora
Hamlin, 88, of 104 S. Laurel St., who died Monday, will be
held at 11
a.m. Wednesday at Perl Funeral Home. Dr. D. Kirkland West will
officiate. Entombment will be in the Medford Memorial Mausoleum.Mrs. Hamlin was born Nov. 27, 1880, in Princeton, Mo. She had lived in Medford since 1892. She was a member of the Christian Church. In 1903 in Medford, she was married to Charles Alfred Hamlin, who preceded her in death in 1956. Survivors include one son, Warren B. Hamlin, Medford; two brothers, James W. Bates and Clarence Bates and one sister, Mrs. Cora Gay, all of Medford; two grandson, Thomas W. Hamlin and John W. Hamlin, and two great-grandchildren, Cinda Hamlin and Katherin Hamlin, all of Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, June 1969 JESSIE J. HAMLIN Funeral services for Jessie J. Hamlin, 73, of 602 Arnold Lane, who died Friday, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Perl Funeral Home. The Rev. Ross Knotts of the First Methodist Church and members of Adarel Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will officiate. Private internment will be in Memory Gardens Memorial Park. Mrs. Hamlin was born April 22, 1898, in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. She came to the United States at the age of fourteen years. She lived in Oregon for 60 years and for the past 59 years she has made her home in Medford. She was a member of the Adarel Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, the Griffin Creek Grange and the Olive Rebekah Lodge. On July 31, 1921, in Brownsville she was married to Lloyd E. Hamlin, who survives. Other survivors include two brothers, Charlie Robertson, Bonneville, Ore., Fred Robertson, La Duc, Alberta, Canada, and one sister, Mrs. Lilly Niven, Calgary, Canada. Medford Mail Tribune, January 3, 1972 LLOYD E. HAMLIN Memorial services for Lloyd E. Hamlin, 78, of 602 Arnold Lane, who died Monday, will be held at 2 p.m. Sept. 25 at the Perl Funeral Home. The Rev. Ross Knotts, pastor of the First Methodist Church, and Ross Gilkinson of the Masonic Lodge will officiate. Friends who wish to pay their respects may call at the Perl Funeral Home until 8:30 o'clock tonight. Mr. Hamlin was born Nov. 3, 1897, in Grants Pass. He was a veteran of World War I, serving as a pharmacist mate in the U.S. Navy from May 7, 1917, to May 6, 1919. He lived in the San Francisco Bay area from 1919 until 1931 when he moved to Medford where he has made his home since. He was a past master of Warren Masonic Lodge of Jacksonville, Scottish Rite, the Royal Arch Masons, Malta Commandery and the Hillah Temple Shrine. On July 31, 1921, he was married to Jessie Jane Robertson, who preceded him in death Dec. 31, 1971. He is survived by a daughter, Roberta Porter, Medford; a sister, Ruby Wyatt, Jacksonville, and three grandchildren. One daughter, Marian Hamlin, died in 1929. Medford Mail Tribune, September 16, 1976 Last revised January 19, 2025 |
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