![]() ![]() Medford Pioneers: Charley Strang And his stepfather, Martin Vrooman. ![]() Charles Strang, 1886. DR.
OFFICE, next door
to the "Parker House," Spanish Flat.
County Argus, Coloma, California, February 25, 1854, page
3THE PLACE THEY KEEP THEM.--From Dr. Vrooman's drug store, and cigar and tobacco depot, we received a box of cigars, which we immediately tested, and pronounced them excellent. The Doctor has a fine assortment of the aforementioned articles, and intends always to have the best the market affords. His store is on Bird St. near the Plaza. Weekly Butte Record, Oroville, California, December 27, 1856, page 3 M. VROOMAN, Physician, Surgeon, Druggist. OFFICE--MINERS' DRUG STORE. Two doors from the corner of Bird and Huntoon streets, near the Plaza, Oroville, Dec. 12, 1856. Notice.
Dr. Vrooman are hereby notified that unless they pay up within two
weeks from the date of this notice, a list of their names, together
with the names of diseases, will be published.
Oroville, Jan. 19th, 1858.Chico Record, Chico, California, January 19, 1858, page 2 R E M O V E D.
Bird Street two doors from the post office, theater block. Office
hours, from 9 a.m. to 12 m., and from 2 p.m. to 6 o'clock. Calls from
the country, of responsible men, will be punctually attended. Rates of
charges the same as adopted by the Butte County Medical Society.
Chico Record, Chico, California, August 4, 1858, page 1 WASHOE DIGGINGS.
The following letter dated at North San Juan, Nevada County, says the Butte Record,
is from our old townsman, Dr. Vrooman, who has just returned from a
trip to Washoe Diggings. As containing much information, we present it
to our readers:
5, 1859.
M——: Having just returned from the newly discovered
Ophir, in the
would-be "Nevada Territory," I thought a short description of what I
have seen in my rambles there might interest you and others of my Butte
County friends. With that view I will attempt to describe as far as my
knowledge extends. An elaborate and lengthy description I am not
prepared to give, nor do I conceive it necessarily required.The country immediately about the diggings is broken and mountainous and almost a desert, being destitute of wood and water and vegetation of all kinds, except along the base of the mountains, and there the only growth is low, scrubby greasewood and sage bushes. Three valleys, varying from twelve to twenty miles in distance from the diggings, afford very good grazing, and occasionally in the cañons and ravines bunchgrass is to be found, and now and then a stunted live oak or cedar, but further than this it may be considered a part of the great American Desert, and looks no more like a gold country than the Sahara Desert looks like an agricultural one. The mountains are rocky and precipitous, looking like great masses of rock promiscuously thrown together without regard to kind, quality or form. The whole country has the appearance of having been at no very ancient period subject to volcanic action. Cinders and burnt rock are by no means rare, and I am reliably informed that craters exist not far from these diggings, and rumors are prevalent of recent eruptions which have carried great destruction in the greasewood tracts and creating great loss of life among grasshoppers and horned toads. In fact, were it not for three or four rich quartz veins that traverse the country it would afford but poor encouragement even for bugbear-hunting Californians. But speaking of quartz leads, the richest vein that was ever heard of has been found in this miserable desert by two stalwart and lucky sons of the Emerald Isle. This quartz lead runs northeast and southwest, and is situated about six miles west of the "Twenty-Six Mile Desert," on Carson River. The vein or spurs appear to possess three separate and distinct characters, materially differing from each other in color, quality and richness, and, I might say, in the character of the metal they contain. In the blue or blue-black lead, which is much decayed and easily broken, silver seems to predominate over the gold. I send you a sample of this sort of rock. In the gray or white rock, although the matter has been but partially tested, gold seems principally to reside. The gray and white quartz is very solid, requiring great power to crush it. They are working the lead by washing the dirt and rotten quartz for fifteen feet in width. The washing is done in common rockers. The tailings are ground in arrastras, worked by horse power. From forty-six buckets of the tailings taken from the rockers, Briggs & Co. obtained $502; what they made from the rockers I did not learn, but am told that the daily yield is from $100 to $300 per rocker. From the uniform speed of the laborers, it is my opinion that they do not wash over one hundred buckets per day to the rocker. The result of one assay, which I saw, was $11 to the ounce, fifty-four parts being silver and forty-six gold. The merchants, however, only allow $8 or $9 per ounce for this metal. Four or five claims at Ophir and two at Gold Hill are being worked successfully with arrastras. They are under the management of Judge Walsh of Grass Valley, and Briggs and Hammock--all thorough business men. Gold Hill is about a mile from the place where the rich quartz was first discovered, and, as I am informed, is equally as rich as the diggings about Ophir. The building of a wagon road from Ophir to Carson River is contemplated. The enterprising miners will doubtless push it through in a very short time. Another road from Gold Hill to Carson River is being built. The winters are said to be very severe, everything freezing up. The summers are dry and hot. I would not recommend any person to go there at present, unless he goes there prepared to purchase interests in rich quartz leads already discovered. As regards surface diggings, I shall be much disappointed if any are found there of richness. The best of diggings would be of little avail, water being so scarce. My impression is that this is a silver country and that this lead upon which all the claims are situated will eventually prove to be a rich deposit of silver ore. Perhaps miners might make something in the cañons and ravines in the spring, when water is plenty, but I doubt it. Lumber is worth $90 per 1,000 and has to be hauled from two to five miles, and is scarce at that. Sacramento Daily Union, September 13, 1859, page 2 WASHOE SPECIMEN.--We have in our possession, says the Butte Record, a specimen of rock, or ore, from the Washoe Diggings, sent us by Dr. Vrooman. It is of a very dark iron color, variegated with light streaks, small particles of metal, and occasional spots of a green tint. It is about the size of a piece of chalk and heavy for its dimensions. Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, September 18, 1859, page 2 MARRIED.
At the residence of Mr. Henry Curtis, Columbia Hill, on the 4th inst.,
by Rev. Mr. Cummings, Dr. M. Vrooman, of Oroville, to Miss L.
C. Curtis.
The cake was received, in large quantities, and of a very superior flavor. To the married couple we say, pax vobiscum! Hydraulic Press, North San Juan, California, September 8, 1860, page 2 DIED.
In Oroville, Jan. 2nd, LUCRETIA C., wife of
M. Vrooman, aged 19 years and 7 months.
Sacramento Daily Union, January 7, 1861, page 2 Walla Walla, Washington: C. [Wilhelmina] Strang, 37, keeping house, born in Prussia Charles Strang, 9, born in Oregon Emma Strang, 7, born in Oregon Helen Strang, 4, born in Idaho Territory U.S. Census, enumerated June 30, 1870 LETTER FROM DR. VROOMAN.
CITY, Oregon, May 15th.
ED. SIGNAL:--Being
unoccupied this morning, I devote the leisure from
previous engagement to your consideration. I left San Francisco on the
13th of March and arrived in the "City of the
Forest" (Portland) on the 10th. I had a very rough trip from
beginning to the end; there were no Ventura gentle zephyrs, but at
least half hurricanes. Portland is a very pretty place, but seems to be
dead. The Columbia and Willamette are fine rivers draining a large
country, consequently affording a large body of water. The country
immediately along the streams to Portland and up to the Dalles is
mountainous and covered with tall straight timber, principally fir,
which will afford timber enough for the whole coast for a century. The
climate to the Dalles seems to be moderately warm and damp. Along the
river from Astoria to the Dalles are numerous little cabins occupied
principally by fishermen and lumbermen, with occasionally a few acres
cleared off apparently for agricultural purposes. Some fine farms with
orchards and other good improvements are to be seen along the
Willamette. I cannot say that I am very highly prepossessed in favor of
this part
of Oregon. Above the Dalles the river is narrower, water deeper, and a
beautiful stream winding its way through hills and mountains covered
with sagebrush and bunchgrass. At two different points for a few
miles, in consequence of the rapidity in the river, we were carried by
railroad. In charging for freight up this river, conscience has no
bearing; they rob you from the beginning until you are handed over to
stage men and teamsters, then your size and purse are considered. I
took the stage at Umatilla and traveled over a rolling, hilly, half
barren country, ninety miles to Grand Rond Valley. On this route is
the Indian reservation, which is a good stock country; also to the
north of Pendleton is what is called Wild-Horse Creek, and around
Weston a very good country. It being in Walla Walla Valley, is rather
a fine climate. After leaving the reservation we cross the Blue
Mountains, which are well timbered and covered with snow, with fine
springs of water, occasional saw mills, and as you come into Grand
Rond, a fine grist mill. This valley is about 15 miles in diameter,
nearly round, and mostly adobe land, with a stream traversing its
entire length, affording abundance of hay land. Ranches are located all
around the valley; apparently good farms, well improved, good
houses, fenced, and fine orchards. They raise wheat, barley and oats
of a superior quality; very little corn in places. There are located
in this valley seven grist mills, and it is decidedly the largest
body of fine land I have seen since I left California. It is in fact
the only place I have seen where there are inducements to settle in
Eastern Oregon. It is surrounded by hills and mountains, covered with
rich nutritious grass or timber. In the mountains the elk, deer,
blacktail, mule, and moose deer roam the mountains in abundance. These
vary in size, the blacktail being the smallest.We now take our leave of Grand Rond Valley and travel over a rough hilly country 50 miles to Baker City, my present residence. This town is situated on Powder River, a valley three or four miles wide, surrounded by snow-covered mountains, which contain a small quantity of gold generally diffused through the soil. There are three or four mining camps, which have water ditches completed this season; too cold to work yet, but all look for a profitable season for mining this year. There appears to be considerable money in circulation, yet from my observation much credit is given to all classes. The climate here is the most changeable and disagreeable I have experienced in any country. I am located here, and perhaps will remain for a time indefinite. To sum up all advantages, climate, soil, productions and everything that makes wealth and happiness, I consider this country (Eastern Oregon) far inferior to almost any agricultural portion of California, and Ventura County a paradise; and it is my firm conviction and advice to each and every man that may be half way decently situated there, to remain; at least never think of exchanging it for any part or portion of Oregon. M. VROOMAN.
Signal, Ventura, California, May 25, 1872, page
We had the pleasure of a call on Wednesday evening from our old-time
friend and former resident of Butte County, Dr. M. Vrooman. The Doctor
departed for the sagebrush country in the spring of 1862, and since
that period has resided in Nevada and Arizona. A communication on the
resources of Arizona published some weeks since in the Record was from
his pen. He thinks of locating at Redding, and we hope he may meet with
Weekly Butte Record, Chico, California, January 12, 1878, page 3 MARTIN VROOMAN, M.D.
Times, Jacksonville, January 18, 1878, page
2P H Y S I C I A N A N D S U R G E O N. Jacksonville, Oregon.
Dr. Vrooman comes here with the intention of permanently locating
himself in the practice of his profession. Is a graduate, and, from
twenty-seven years' experience in the diseases incident to this Coast,
flatters himself as being able to give general satisfaction.
Office at the Franco-American Hotel. PROFESSIONAL.--In another column will be found the card of Dr. Vrooman, late of Chico, Cal., who intends permanently locating among us. The Doctor is well recommended and comes in quest of his health. Read what he has to say. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 18, 1878, page 3 Dr. Vrooman has purchased a lot on California Street and will put up a residence. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 3, 1878, page 3 WHAT WAS IT?--On Saturday last, while at Ashland, several of our young men, among whom were Chas. Strang and Alvin Cardwell, observed what they confidently believed to have been a balloon. It was first seen by Mr. Strang, apparently sailing steadily in a direction a little west of north. He at first thought it a kite, but others whose attention was directed to it at once pronounced it a balloon and could distinguish the basket swinging beneath. The statements of the young men are quite reliable and if they were not deceived somebody is "up in a balloon" and steering for a very inhospitable country. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 2, 1879, page 3 Dr. Vrooman can be found either at his office in Orth's brick or at his residence at all hours, day or night. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 17, 1879, page 3 Charley Strang is now holding forth at E. Jacobs' store. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 10, 1879, page 3 Chas. Strang has gone to Walla Walla, W.T., where he will take up his future residence. "Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 2, 1880, page 3 The Roseburg Independent says: "Chas. Strange, of Jackson County, was conveyed to the insane asylum last Monday." Incorrect, Bro. Kelly, Chas. Strang had charge of an insane man, but he, himself, has no symptoms of insanity; on the contrary he is a bright, intelligent young gentleman. Take the "e" from his name and there will be nothing strange about him. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 7, 1880, page 3 Dr. M. Vrooman has located at Linkville, where he will enter into the practice of his profession. We wish him success. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 7, 1880, page 2 NOTICE.
WARNING is hereby given that my books are in 'Squire Huffer's hands.
Those indebted to me the first day after next election will have to
bring a written excuse from 'Squire Huffer. Excuses published.MARTIN
Jacksonville, Aug. 31, 1880.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 1, 1880, page 2 Chas. Strang, stepson of Dr. Vrooman, is purveyor for several surveying outfits in Eastern Oregon. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 30, 1881, page 3 Chas. Strang, formerly of this place, is quartermaster for several surveying parties east of the mountains. "Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1881, page 3 Charles Strang, formerly of this place, is now permanently located at Lake Pend d'Oreille, Idaho Territory, working for the railroad company. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 16, 1881, page 3 Chas. Strang, formerly of this place, is clerk for the engineering department of the N.P.R.R. Co. at Pend d'Oreille. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1882, page 3 Another party, consisting of G. A. Hubbell and sister, Emma and Helen Strang, Mr. Anderson and others, have gone to Crater Lake. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 25, 1882, page 3 Chas. Strang, who is in the service of the N.P.R.R. Co., east of the mountains, arrived Tuesday and will spend a few weeks here. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 29, 1882, page 3
Chas. Strang
returned from Washington Territory this week to pay a short visit to
his mother--Mrs. Dr. Vrooman. Since leaving here he has been employed
with the engineer corps on the Northern Pacific and expects to return
in a few days--having only been granted a furlough for a short time.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 30, 1882, page 3 Chas. Strang, who has been employed on the Northern Pacific Railroad for some time past, has returned home. He says that there was a grand row in camp, which resulted in the deposing of Hallett and the letting out of the balance of the work to contractors. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 18, 1883, page 2 Mr. Dolson's headquarters are at Rock Point, where he has had a house built for his convenience. The W.U. Tel. Co. is also having a station put up there, which will be in charge of Mrs. A. W. Cawley. Chas. Strang is acting as Mr. D.'s clerk. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 22, 1883, page 3 Miss Emma Strang was voted the most popular young lady in town at Prof. Dutton's last lecture. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 6, 1883, page 3 Mr. Dolson's headquarters are at Rock Point, where he has had a house built for his convenience. The W.U. Tel. Co. is also having a station put up there, which will be in charge of Mrs. A. W. Cawley. Chas. Strang is acting as Mr. D.'s clerk. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 27, 1883, page 3 Messrs. Janoe, Patton and Strang, a jolly trio connected with Dolson's surveying corps, attended the Odd Fellows' party. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 26, 1883, page 3 "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 1, 1883, page 3 Chas. Strang, of Dolson's surveying party, was in town this week, who informed us that there was but one gang of Chinamen working on the railroad grade near Chavner's bridge, but that it will not be long before a large force is put to work in that vicinity. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 14, 1883, page 3 Chas. Strang has returned from Rogue River, having finished the railroad work in which he was engaged. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 19, 1883, page 3 Chas. Strang and Mr. Shambrook are acting as timekeepers for the railroad company. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 28, 1883, page 3 Dr. Vrooman and Chas. Strang of Medford have been visiting their relatives here. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1884, page 3 Dr. M. Vrooman of Medford was on the sick list several days this week. Since his return to Jacksonville his condition is greatly improved and he will return to Medford soon. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 26, 1884, page 3 ![]() February
20, 1885 Medford Monitor
![]() March 14, 1885 Medford Monitor Dr. Martin Vrooman died at Medford Friday last, after a lingering illness of consumption, aged 67 years. "Brief Mention," Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 21, 1885, page 5 Miss Helen Strang is visiting at John Carter's in this place. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 7, 1885, page 3 R. V. Beall and family, G. T. Hershberger, W. Sturgis, F. Amy and W. C. Leever of Central Point, W. Q. Brown and wife of Riddle and Chas. Strang of Medford have returned from a trip to Crater Lake. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1885, page 3 Married in Medford on the 17th inst., by Rev. Father Williams, N. A. Jacobs and Miss Emma Strang. "Correspondence," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, February 25, 1887, page 3 "Local News," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 5, 1888, page 3 At the Medford town election held Jan. 2nd, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: Dr. E. P. Geary, Mayor; A. Childers, D. H. Miller, C. W. Skeel and E. G. Hurt, Trustees; C. P. Strang, Treasurer; Judge Barkdull, Recorder; J. S. Miller, Marshal. "Local News," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 12, 1888, page 3 Miss Helen Strang will introduce moulding in her department in the Medford public schools. Together with map drawing, it is the best method of teaching geography we know of. "Local Gleanings," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1888, page 1 Notice.
hardware and drug business conducted by D. H. Miller and Chas. Strang
under the firm name of Vrooman Miller & Co., on and after this
date, will be continued under the firm name of Miller & Strang,
will pay all outstanding bills against Vrooman Miller & Co.
incurred in said business, and to whom all sums due Vrooman Miller
& Co. are to [be] paid.
H. Miller
Oregon, March 1st, 1888.Chas. Strang Southern Oregon Transcript, Medford, March 13, 1888, page 3 Chas. Strang, who has been representing Medford lodge in the grand lodge of the A.O.U.W., returned home during the week. Miss Helen Strang filled his place in the post office while he was gone. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 19, 1888, page 3 Chas. Strang has purchased a lot of M. S. Damon on C Street and will commence the erection of a neat residence thereon in a short time. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, June 27, 1889, page 3 The fine new residence of Chas. Strang on C Street is in the hands of the painter. Mr. S. expects to occupy it about the 1st of September. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, August 29, 1889, page 3 BORN.
STRANG--In Medford, Sept. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Strang, a son.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 12, 1889, page 3 A. D. Helman, D.D.G.M., recently installed the newly elected officers of the Medford lodge of Odd Fellows, to wit: W. I .Vawter, N.G.; E. B. Pickel, V.G.; H. E. Baker, Sec.; B. S. Webb, Per. Sec.; B. F. Adkins, Treas.; I. A. Webb, R.S.N.G.; T. W. Johnson, L.S.N.G.; F. Amann, Ward.; S. Rosenthal, Con.; S. B. McGee, I.G.; D. S. Youngs, O.G.; C. Strang, R.S.S.; H. F. Wood, L.S.S.; J. G. Gore, L.S.V.G.; I. A. Merriman, R.S.V.G. At the municipal election on Tuesday last the ticket nominated at the citizens' convention held last week was successful throughout. Much interest was shown in the election and considerable buttonholing of voters indulged in by several of the candidates. The best of order prevailed during the day. The total number of votes cast was 261, of which G. W. Howard received 216 for mayor. Of the successful candidates for town trustees, F. M. Plymale received 255 votes; I. L. Hamilton, 210; A. A. Davis, 160; Frank Galloway, 157. For recorder, D. T. Sears received 209 votes; for treasurer, Chas. Strang, 155; for marshal, John S. Miller, 135. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1890, page 3 Chas. Wolters was somewhat startled to find a lively centipede in a bunch of bananas received by him one day last week. It is about two inches long and may be seen in alcohol at Miller & Strang's drug store. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1890, page 2 Miss Helen Strang has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Strobel, at Walla Walla during the week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 27, 1890, page 2 MILLER & STRANG, Drugs and Medicines, Stoves, Hardware, etc., 7th Street, bet. C and D. This firm consists of D. H. Miller and Chas. Strang. The former was Postmaster for four years, and the latter City Treasurer for a like term. They deal in drugs, chemicals, patent and proprietary medicines and preparations; also carry a stock of stoves, hardware, cutlery, tinware, etc. They have a tinshop in the rear where all kinds of housekeeping articles are manufactured. We could recommend no more reliable dealers than Messrs. Miller & Strang. P. W. Croake, The Rogue River Valley, "The Italy of Oregon," Glass & Prudhomme, Portland, Oregon. Undated, written March 1891 D. H. Miller and Chas. Strang have dissolved the partnership heretofore existing between them, and Mr. Miller will hereafter conduct the hardware branch of the business, while Mr. Strang will have exclusive control of the drug department. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1891, page 2 The large room under the opera house is being fitted up for Chas. Strang's drug store by the owners, Angle & Plymale. "Medford News," Valley Record, Ashland, July 2, 1891, page 1 Staver & Walker's former machine hall has been elegantly fitted up for Charley Strang's drug store business, and he will this week take possession of his commodious quarters there. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 3, 1891, page 3 Miss Helen Strang is enjoying a visit in Yolo County, Cal., and will not return home for some weeks. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 13, 1891, page 2 The new circulating library, to be placed in Strang's drug store, arrived last week, and proves to be a very good selection of books. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 1, 1892, page 2 Chas. Strang is handling the Parmelee library at this place in a satisfactory manner. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 8, 1892, page 2 Bishop Morris and Charles Strang were down to Rogue River Monday on a fishing jaunt, but as the finny tribe are not biting much nowadays they were not successful in landing but a very few. The bishop has the reputation of being an expert angler, while Charley is considered the biggest crank on fishing in town. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 22, 1892, page 3 Teachers' Examination.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
August 12, 1892, page 3
The regular quarterly examination of applicants for teacher's
certificates is being held at the courthouse by Supt. Price, assisted
by Profs. Rigby and Newbury. The following is a list of those who have
presented themselves: Lillian Dodge, Lizzie E. Rossiter, Lora M.
Colton, Ida M. Wade, Anna M. Jeffrey, Hattie Elias, Helen Strang, J. E.
Potter, Miles Cantrall.
The youngest child of Chas. Strang is very ill. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, October 28, 1892, page 3
J. A. Slover and Chas. Strang are applicants for the Medford post
Squibs," Democratic
Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3D. H. Miller, Chas. Strang, J. R. Erford and J. A. Slover are candidates for the office of postmaster at Medford. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 17, 1893, page 3 Druggist Strang and family took Tuesday evening's northbound passenger. Mr. Strang goes to Eugene as a delegate to the Grand Lodge, while Mrs. S. and the boys stopped off at Riddle to visit friends. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 19, 1893, page 3 Mrs. Chas. Strang was down to the R. V. Beall farm Wednesday to visit her parents and to see her brother Vintie, who has just returned from school in California. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 1 MR. CHAS. STRANG
Situated between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets is the very pleasant
and cozy home of the above-named gentleman. The house is a structure
which presents a fine appearance and is surrounded by all varieties of
fruit trees and flowers in great quantities and colors. Altogether Mr.
Strang's place is as finely arranged and as pleasantly located as any
on the street, and there are some pretty god ones scattered hereabouts.
The gentleman is a druggist by occupation and since his first coming to
Medford, nine years ago, he has been engaged in that business. He
carries a fine line of goods, and is enjoying a good trade. The date of
his druggist business dates back to '73 and was first entered upon in
Walla Walla, Wash. We almost forgot to make especial mention of the
great number and very rare varieties of flowers which are here found
and which are tenderly cared for by the good housewife--they are simply
Medford Mail, July 14, 1893 et seq., page 1 Charlie Strang, the druggist, took a three days' outing last week up at Rancherie--fishing, hunting and getting tanned, like a harvest hand. Mrs. S. and the boys made a visit to the farm home, near Central Point, during Charlie's absence. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 3 Medford's municipal election, held last Tuesday, was a close and lively one, resulting in the election of G. H. Haskins, the taxpayers' candidate for mayor. The balance of the citizens' ticket was elected, as follows: trustees, G. F. Merriman, D. H. Miller, E. W. Starr, J. R. Wilson; recorder, B. S. Webb; treasurer, Chas. Strang; marshal, Wm. Churchman. Interest centered principally on the fight for mayor, Mr. Haskins getting 13 majority. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 11, 1894, page 2 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Strang returned Tuesday evening from their visit at the midwinter fair. They, as a matter of course, had a splendid time, and since their return Charlie has bloomed out like the rose, a white one, in a new pair of clothes--including headgear--and he's looking foxier than anybody. Not to appear misleading, allow us to announce that that pair of clothes was purchased of a Medford tailor. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894, page 2 That druggist Strang has taken the agency for the Victor bicycle. He has a sample machine and can tell the boys--and the girls, too--of its especially fine points with an aptness which proves him "onto his job" to a certainty indisputable. "We Hear It Said," Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 2 Mr. Kerr, the telephone man, was engaged last Friday and Saturday in putting up poles and wire by which the residence of druggist Chas. Strang and Dr. W. S. Jones and the Strang drug store are supplied with telephone communication. It's an almighty convenient arrangement, that telephone, and it is particularly so to doctors and druggists. Mr. Kerr, we understand, has partially negotiated with several more of our citizens for instruments. The wires, which are now in working order, are doing the job up fine. Every sound uttered through the 'phones is very distinct, which is evidence of the excellence of the instrument used. Tuesday Mr. Jones kindly favored us with several fine piano selections at the doctor's residence and which were listened to by us in Mr. Strang's drug store. The music was well executed, and the sound lost none of its sweetness by being transmitted over a wire for a distance of several blocks. During the rendition of the music little Maud's voice could be heard chiming in for a chance to "talk to the 'phone," and then followed admonitions from Mrs. Jones. More of these instruments in use would save our business men many blocks of travel. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 3 CHAS. STRANG.
"Our Business and
Professional People Briefly Mentioned," Medford Mail, May
28, 1897, page 3DRUGS AND CHEMICALS.
Another enterprising establishment in the drug line is that of Mr.
Chas. Strang, who carries a well-assorted stock of drugs of all
descriptions, pure and unadulterated chemicals, proprietary medicines,
perfumeries, trusses, rubber goods, and almost an unlimited assortment
of toilet and fancy articles.
The most watchful care is exercised under all circumstances, and particular attention is paid to compounding prescriptions. We cheerfully recommend this house to the public. Mrs. Chas. Strang has been visiting at the home of her parents in Central Point precinct, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Beall, accompanied by her children.. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 3, 1898, page 3 There are some cases of diphtheria in the family of Chas. Strang, the druggist, and one of his twins is in a critical condition. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 8, 1898, page 3 The public schools resumed studies Monday, as Chas. Strang's family is convalescing and there seems to be no danger that the disease with which they are afflicted will become epidemic. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 12, 1898, page 3 East Medford: Charles Strang, 39, druggist, born Sept. 1860 in Oregon, parents born in Germany Mary B. Strang, 34, born May 1866 in Oregon, Father Maryland, mother Illinois Fred L. Strang, 12, born Oct. 1887 in Oregon Charles V. Strang, 10, born Sept. 1889 in Oregon Herbert B. Strang, 4, born Oct. 1895 in Oregon Robert B. Strang, 4, born Oct. 1895 in Oregon U.S. Census, enumerated June 12, 1900 Druggist Strang is the happiest man in Medford. Up to Friday of last week there were numbered in his household of little druggists four stalwart boys. Boys are all right and a good thing to have around, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Mr. Strang had quite plenty of good boys--and he was pretty well satisfied with his allotment, but when on the date above named there came to his home a little girl baby, his joys knew no bounds, and he has been playing horse with himself, flirting with his shadow and throwing bouquets at his pictures on the wall ever since. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 31, 1900, page 7 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Enyart, Chas. Strang and his sister, Miss Helen Strang, and Dr. W. S. Jones left last Thursday evening for San Francisco. Their mission in the city is that of securing treatment at a hospital for Mrs. Enyart and Miss Strang. A surgical operation was performed Tuesday upon Mrs. Enyart, the operation lasting three hours, and was very serious. A letter from Mr. Strang, written Tuesday, stated that the physicians had not decided what was best to do in Miss Strang's case. The lady has been ill for three or four years, part of the time almost helpless with spinal trouble. Information received from Mr. Enyart Wednesday evening was to the effect that Mrs. Enyart was in a very precarious condition but that she was rallying some from the effects of the operation. No further news had been received up to noon yesterday. The operation performed was for the removal of an ovarian tumor, which was said by physicians to have been an unusually large one. Mr. Strang telephoned Wednesday evening that he would return Friday evening, and that he would leave his sister there for treatment for a couple or three weeks. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 14, 1900, page 6 Word from San Francisco conveys the good news that Miss Helen Strang, who is in a hospital in that city, is improving. A slight surgical operation was performed last week for spinal trouble, with which she has been afflicted for a number of years. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 21, 1900, page 7 Miss Helen Strang, who has been suffering with a spinal trouble for some time, and was taken to a San Francisco hospital for treatment, is improving. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 27, 1900, page 3 Charles Strang:--"My sister, Helen, is still at the hospital in San Francisco. Yes, her health is improving. She writes that the improvement is not very fast, but that it is noticeable. We feel hopeful that in time she will fully recover." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, November 30, 1900, page 2 Miss Helen Strang returned Wednesday from San Francisco, where she has been for several weeks receiving medical treatment. We are sorry to state that she is not much improved. She was accompanied home by Dr. Jones and Mrs. F. L. Cranfill. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 6 Druggist Strang has secured the services of J. D. Butler, of Black Hill, South Dakota, a graduate of the St. Louis School of Pharmacy, as drug clerk. The young gentleman arrived in Medford Monday. He comes highly recommended as a gentleman and a druggist, and will make a valuable acquisition to Medford society, as well as an assistant to Mr. Strang in the capacity in which he is employed. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 22, 1901, page 7 A half-pound bottle of hydrozone exploded in the Strang drug store Tuesday evening, scattering glass and contents to many parts of the store. The report of the explosion was very like a pistol shot and was heard two blocks away. A piece of the bottle, which was of unusually thick glass, struck druggist Strang, who was twenty feet away, in the back, and while it did not injure him, a stinging sensation was felt for hours. This drug will not stand a warm weather test--and Tuesday was decidedly hot. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 26, 1901, page 7 The condition of Miss Helen Strang (who has been sick for a number of years) is critical, and she may not survive long. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1901, page 2 Miss Helen Strang, who has been sick for several years, we regret to learn, is at present very poorly and very little hope is entertained for her recovery. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6 Miss Helen Strang died at the residence of her mother on Monday, after a long and painful illness, from spinal disease. She was an amiable, accomplished young woman, and for a number of years was successfully engaged in teaching school. Miss Strang is survived by her mother, a brother and a sister, who with many friends mourn her untimely death. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 3, 1901, page 7 Death of Miss Helen Strang.
Miss Helen
Strang, aged thirty-five years, eight
months and twenty-six days,
died at the home of her mother, Mrs. Vrooman, in this city, on Monday,
September 30, 1901. The lady had been ill between five and six years
with spinal trouble, during which time she had taken treatment at
Portland and San Francisco hospitals and from local physicians, but her
condition gradually grew worse and, after all these years of suffering,
during which every remedy known to the medical profession was given a
trial, the Grim Reaper came and relieved her pains, but saddened the
hearts of every resident of our city.
Deceased was born in Lewiston, Idaho, from which place she moved to Jacksonville with her parents in 1878, and from there to Medford in the spring of '84, since which time she had been a resident of this city. She was one of the early-day school teachers of the city, having taught at a time when the building which is now Prof. Narregan's residence was in use as a school house. She was a member of the Episcopal Church, also a member of Olive Rebekah Lodge, No. 28, of Medford, in which she was an earnest worker and in which she had passed through all the offices. She was a most excellent lady, possessing a sweet, gentle disposition, and was a favorite in all assemblies, and all Medford mourns with the relatives the untimely demise of one so highly esteemed and one whom we all knew but to honor and respect. She leaves an aged mother, Mrs. Vrooman, one brother, Mr. Chas. Strang, of this city, and three sisters, Mrs. N. A. Jacobs, of Corona, Calif., Mrs. Minnie Strobel, of Walla Walla, Wash., and Mrs. J. Lineberger, of La Grande, Oregon. Funeral services were held at the Episcopal Church, on Wednesday, October 2d, at one o'clock, and were largely attended. Rev. Dawson, of Roseburg, was the officiating clergyman, and the services were under the auspices of the Rebekah lodge of this city, whose members attended in a body, thus paying their last sad tribute to their beloved deceased sister. The floral offerings were beautiful and in great abundance. Interment was made in the family burial lot in the Jacksonville cemetery. Medford Mail, October 4, 1901, page 6 A change occurred this week in the management of one of the old established business concerns of this city when Mrs. Eliza Slinger purchased the interests of Wm. Ulrich, T. J. Kenney and S. A. Carlton in the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company. The purchase includes the meat market, packing house and slaughter house in Medford, with their contents, between sixty and seventy head of cattle and about the same number of sheep and hogs, and gives Mrs. Slinger the controlling interest in the company. The other stockholders are Chas. Strang, Ed. Worman and W. H. Bradshaw. Ed. Binns, whose connection with the business under the former management has made him familiar with all its details, will act as manager, and will bring all the knowledge gained by his experience to bear to make the enterprise a success. Mr. Ulrich will devote his entire time now to his stock interests, in which business he will embark more extensively than at present. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 7 Ralph Woodford came up from Grants Pass Tuesday and will remain in Medford hereafter, he having taken a position as pharmacy student in Chas. Strang's drug store. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 6 T. J. Kenney, administrator of the S. Rosenthal estate, last Saturday sold the brick store building in Medford, which was part of the estate, to Fred Barneburg for $6950. Chas. Strang's bid was $6900 and Ed. Wilkinson's $5800. The property brought a good price, but the especially good location and the steady advance in the price of Medford business realty makes it almost impossible to lose on the investment. It is a good, safe place to put that amount of money--by far better than to have it scattered about the county in small loans. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 20, 1901, page 7 Ralph Woodford, who is assisting Chas. Strang, is making excellent progress in pharmacy. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1902, page 4 Dr. Butler:--"I had a letter from my brother, J. D. Butler, this week, and he tells me he has taken a position as traveling salesman for the Merrill Chemical Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio. His territory will be Utah, Montana, Idaho and part of Wyoming. Yes, he used to be in Medford--was pharmacist in druggist Strang's store. No, I have no idea as to salary, but he was getting $85 per month in a drug store over at Pocatello, Idaho, and he must be getting more than that now." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 7 Wm. Angle, owner of the Medford opera house, is planning to have his house rebuilt and enlarged this fall. The building will be extended back twenty feet, thus giving more room not only to the opera house but in the stores below, occupied by Chas. Strang and F. L. Cranfill. The stage is to be made larger and more complete in its appointments, and galleries will be put in so as to afford more seating space. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 25, 1902, page 7 There was a lively runaway in Medford last Monday, and it was miraculous that serious accidents did not result therefrom. Barneburg & Co.'s delivery horse became frightened while standing in front of merchant Deuel's residence. It ran down C Street, and when it reached that street's intersection with Seventh Street, the animal endeavored to turn a corner, but made a very sad failure of the attempt, but instead it ran almost straight across the street. The animal went crashing into the sidewalk at the front of druggist Strang's store. The cart it was hauling struck a telephone pole at the edge of the walk and stopped right there, but the horse was thrown upon its side and slid across the walk against the drugstore door. The door was broken in and the glass shattered, and when the animal was gotten under control its hind legs were in the drug store and its body on the sidewalk. Aside from a few bruises the animal was uninjured. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 7 Chas. Strang, the druggist, who has mining interests in Grave Creek district, is looking after them. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 31, 1902, page 4 Dr. W. S. Jones and Chas. Strang have returned from Grave Creek, where they have been looking after their mining interests. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 7, 1903, page 2 Boy Shoots Brother with Rifle.
Or., Feb. 14.--(Special.)--Virgie Strang, son of druggist Charles
Strang, aged 13, was accidentally shot by his brother, aged 15, with a
.22 rifle, at his grandfather's, R. V. Beall, six miles south of
Medford, late yesterday afternoon. He was carried to his home here by
four men on a stretcher, arriving early this morning. The doctors have
been unable to locate the bullet by the X-ray. It is a serious wound,
and recovery is doubtful.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 15, 1903, page 7 A Sad Affair.
Strang (second son of Chas. Strang, the well-known Medford druggist),
who is 13 years of age, is the victim of an accident that may prove
fatal. In company with his elder brother, Fred, he was visiting Mr. and
Mrs. R. V. Beall, their grandparents, who live near Central Point. The
former was in the act of climbing over a fence with a .22-caliber rifle
when the gun exploded, the bullet striking Virgil, who was sitting on a
horse nearby, in the groin, inflicting a very serious wound. The
injured boy was brought home immediately and Dr. Jones summoned. At
last accounts there was an improvement in his condition. The bullet has
not been located as yet.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 18, 1903, page 1 Virgil Strang, who was accidentally shot by his brother, is improving. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 25, 1903, page 3 Dr. W. S. Jones and Chas. Strang have been in Josephine County, looking after their mining interests. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1903, page 3 Coming to Medford in 1883, [David Henry Miller] started a drug business the following year, and later increased his stock by a complete hardware supply. In this he was seconded by a partner, Dr. Vrooman, of Jacksonville, the latter of whom managed the drug department, Mr. Miller taking charge of the hardware. The partners finally established a large and paying business, and after the death of Dr. Vrooman the drug department came under the management of Mr. Strang. This was the first business of the kind in Medford, and its success stimulated trade, and in time inspired the zest of competition. May 11, 1891, the partners divided the business, Mr. Miller still retaining the hardware department, which he has since increased, from both the standpoint of quantity and the variety of goods represented. He carries a complete line of stoves, ranges, paints, guns and ammunition, tinware and plumbing outfits, his stock being valued at about $6,000. "David Henry Miller," Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co. 1904, page 591 Druggist Chas. Strang is the only business man now in Medford who, thirteen years ago when the publisher of The Mail dropped into town, was engaged in the same line of business he is now and in the same building--in fact he has been in the same line and in the same building for fifteen years--and as druggist Woodford found occasion to remark, the same pill bottles are undoubtedly standing on the same shelf. There are other Medford business men who have quite a habit of clinging to the same business line, but none are there who have not made either a change in the personnel of the institution or a change of location. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 26, 1906, page 5 ![]() 1907 Reo touring car ad
Druggist Chas.
Strang has purchased a Reo 1907
touring car--just like H. E. Boyden's. Gee, when so staid, a
matter-of-fact, and nothing-but-business man as is our pioneer druggist
Strang gets the automobile craze, there's nothing left for the rest of
us to do but "hike" for the tall timber or buy an auto. Unfortunately
the only alternative left open for the newspaper man is to "hike." Mr.
Strang's car was purchased from Hutchison & Lumsden."City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 19, 1907, page 5 The telephone central is soon to be moved from the rear of the drug store of Charles Strang to their new quarters in the post office building. Mr. Strang has given up his place as local superintendent, the vacancy being filled by H. Patterson, who was sent from Portland by the company to take charge of the local field. The plant is to [be] enlarged, and the transfer to the new office is to be made as soon as possible. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 13, 1908, page 5 ![]() April 25, 1909 Medford Mail CHAS. STRANG
in the heart of Medford, that he has done as much as any other one man
to build, and located also in the hearts of the Medfordites, Mr. Chas.
Strang carries a full line of drugs, medicines, chemicals, stationery,
toilet articles and druggists' sundries. Mr. Strang is one of our
pioneer merchants, coming here in 1884, and his helping hand has been
felt in every advance of Medford. In his store his well-selected stock
is attractively displayed. He makes a specialty of prescription work
and is a skillful and reliable dispenser, having made a painstaking
study of pharmacy and using that care in compounding which begets
confidence and patronage. Mr. Strang's success is due to hard,
unceasing effort rather than to fortune, and his wealth is the result
of much self-sacrificing toil and the fruit of judicious investment. He
works for Medford with the same tireless energy that he works for
himself, and it is such men who make business for Medford, pay the
taxes, support the churches and schools and subscribe to everything
that is beneficial to the city. No man stands higher in the esteem and
confidence of the people of Medford than Chas. Strang, evidence of
which is his having held the office of city treasurer for 15 years and
his work as school director. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity
and owns considerable city property and alfalfa lands.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page B9
W. H. Halley has let the contract for putting in plate glass fronts
with marble base in his two store rooms just north of the Mail Tribune office.
The corner room, No. 22 South Central Avenue, will be occupied about April 1st by W. H. Meeker & Co., who will be compelled to move from their present location at that time to make room for Charles Strang, who owns the property, and is himself looking for a location, owing to the recent sale of his present quarters to Nichols & Ashpole, who wish to establish their meat market there. Incidentally Nichols & Ashpole must move from their present location because the Medford National Bank wishes to extend its building to the alley between Main and Sixth streets. "Halley Plans to Build New Front," Medford Mail Tribune, February 25, 1910, page 2 Mrs. C. W. Vrooman, mother of Mr. Charles Strang, who was accompanied to Crater Lake by her grandson, Mr. Fred Strang, returned Thursday night full of enthusiasm over the beauties of the lake no less than over the scenic interest of the trip. Going by rail to Weed and Klamath Falls, the agency was reached by a steam launch plying on Upper Klamath Lake, and from there Crater Lake was reached by the auto stage line. Mrs. Vrooman is 78 years of age and withstood the fatigue of the journey with the spirit of the true pioneer. Her desire to make the trip shows a fine vitality and a strong sympathy in the activities of everyday life. "In Medford's Social Realm," Medford Mail Tribune, September 11, 1910, page B14 Mrs. Charles Strang and her daughter have gone to Corvallis to attend the Oregon Agricultural school graduating exercises. Her son, Fred, is a member of the class. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 10, 1913, page 2 Mrs. C. Vrooman, a pioneer of Medford, arrived from Berkeley, Cal. Wednesday evening, and will be the guest of her son, Charles Strang, and his family for some time. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 21, 1914, page 2 MEDFORD DRUGGIST IS ENTHUSIASTIC
Charles Strang recently drove his Studebaker Six to Roseburg and
Riddle, where he took in the Riddle venison barbecue. Mr. Strang is one
of Medford’s most enthusiastic motorists, having owned three
cars. His
first was a four-cylinder Reo and the last two Studebaker Sixes.Mr. Strang has been in the drug business in Medford since 1884 and has in that time earned a reputation as a careful prescription compounder. Medford Mail Tribune, September 11, 1916, page 7 Wedding Bells in Medford.
The Medford Mail
Tribune gives
the following account of a charming romance which consummated in the
marriage of Miss Winnifrede Smith, who had been a guest of her aunt,
Mrs. H. C. Hulit of Ashland, and C. Virgil Strang of Medford, and which
took place in the latter city last week:
"The wedding came about unexpectedly. Mr. Strang, who is manager of the Strang pharmacy, and a pharmacy graduate of the O.A.C., and member of the Kappa Psi fraternity, together with his brother, Herbert, and Miss Smith, were enjoying a social time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Enders in Ashland, Monday night, when at a late hour a telegram came summoning Miss Smith home to Los Angeles to attend her sister's wedding. It was then and there decided by Miss Smith and Mr. Strang to get married that night. Jumping into an automobile with Mr. and Mrs. Enders and Herbert Strang, they hurried to Jacksonville, aroused County Clerk Gardner, obtained the wedding license and then speeded for Medford, where they rousted Dr. R. J. Conroy, who had first introduced Miss Smith and Mr. Strang, out of bed and had him join the wedding party. Then they went to the home of Rev. William B. Hamilton, awakened him from sound sleep, and a few minutes later were man and wife. "The bridegroom then called up his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strang, by telephone and told them to get up and get ready to receive himself and bride and the wedding party. "Early Tuesday morning the bride started for Los Angeles. She will return in about three weeks. The newly wedded couple have no completed plans for the future, but it is thought they will make their home in Medford." Ashland Daily Tidings, January 21, 1918, page 5 Charles Strang arrived home yesterday afternoon from Seattle, where he has been spending his vacation on the Seattle golf course. Between games Mr. Strang found time to visit with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes, who formerly resided in Medford. Mrs. Strang is still in Seattle and will not return for several weeks. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 31, 1927, page 2 HOUSE OF STRANG FEELS KEENLY THE
There is great grief at Strang's drug
store and at The
Bootery because Herbert H. Strang was fined $10 yesterday for speeding
his car on Main Street. Charles S. Strang, the father, has suffered
many blows during his residence in Medford ever since the flood, not
Noah's, but the one in which Bear Creek arose so high many years ago as
to almost wash away Roxy Ann. However, Herb's fall from good
citizenship yesterday was the worst blow of all.Bob and Virgil Strang are so ashamed at this break of their brother that they can hardly look customers in the face, and so concentrate on their feet. Herbert himself feels his disgrace so keenly that he has hardly been able to eat and sleep since, and the womenfolk of the Strang family are afraid to face their neighbors and sit weeping behind drawn window curtains. The grief of the father and brothers especially is due to the fact in the first place that Herb was caught, and second that through being caught he parted with $10 forever, and third that he did not come into police court like the other strong men of the West and take his fine from the police judge, but when arrested by Traffic Officer Prescott he paid over to him $10 rather than be forced to appear in police court. Herbert's only plea in extenuation for his crime is that while going along in his car his sporting blood got the best of him, as he was concentrating on watching a dog fight instead of on watching the speedometer. It has been many years since any of the Strang boys speeded, the last time being about four or five years ago when Bob and Herb, anxious to see a Medford High football game, divided the time between them, Bob seeing the first part of the game and Herb the second, which required quick pedestrianism on the part of each in covering the territory between The Bootery and the football field in time, so that each could see his share of the game. Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1928, page 3 Belles and Beaux Used Talcum
Powder; Few Tooth Brushes in Early Medford; Old Prescriptions Shown by
Mail Tribune, October 17, 1929, page 5(By Mary Greiner)
Telling a pioneer story all their own, the great sheaves of yellowed
prescription slips in the Strang drug store window look out upon modern
Medford from a background of experience 45 years old. Many of them
bearing a date in the year 1884, these ancient records hold a place of
honor in the local observance of National Pharmacy Week.
Through smoky eyes they hark back to the good old sagebrush and stagecoach days, when mining was the principal reason for existing--when making whoopee was called "going on a spree"--when cosmetics were sold only to the wicked theatrical folks who happened into the city--when a "chaw" of tobacco was followed by an honest man's drink and when "cigareets" were smoked only by the dudes. Dope Sold Over Counter
Then, too, in those days "dope" and opiates could be sold right over
the counter--morphine, cocaine and some of the others. Codeine, now so
common, was never called for then, nor were there any known addicts or
"dope fiends" in this section of the country, according to the pioneer
druggist.Patent medicines, which still have a mysterious fascination for many people, were the magical charms at the disposal of the drug store salesman which effected psychological cures for the entire family of their purchaser before the latter was halfway across the prairie in his spring seat wagon. "A drug store owner was not a good salesman unless he could sell a customer something he didn't call for before he left the place of business," said Mr. Strang. "More emphasis was placed upon salesmanship than upon the needs of the patient in those days," he said. Patent Medicine Sold
Back in 1884, children were still crying for Castoria, and Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was doing its stuff for females of the
species, according to the druggist. Tooth paste was not sold at that
time, nor was there too good a sale for tooth brushes, in spite of the
fact that there was only one drug store in town where they could be
purchased. Some tooth powder was disposed of through the drug store,
and some was concocted from ingredients prepared by the ingenious
housewives of those days.Dear me no--of course the girls never used cosmetics in those days! "Paint" was kept on hand for the few show people who wandered into the city at intervals--and of course was sometimes called for by that other type of person--whose unworthy existence was best expressed with a sigh of regret. Belles Used Talcum
Talcum powder, however, was sold then. It was used for babies as well
as by the young ladies and men who went to the dances. But both took
care not to use too much, else they'd make themselves too artificial.On the mellowed prescription blanks in the pioneer drug store window are the names of patients and physicians, many of whom have long since passed beyond, or moved to other parts of the country. The signature of Dr. M. Vrooman, well-loved pioneer physician who died in '85, is found on many of the earliest ones. Dr. E. P. Geary, who is now retired and living in Portland and who recently started on a long trip abroad, is another. The handwriting of Dr. R. Pryce, deceased, tells another tale of early-day sacrifices, and of countless long watches through the night at the bedside of invalid pioneers, many of whom lived long after the "family doctor" passed the help of human prescriptions to that great pharmacy for mortal ills beyond. CHARLES STRANG PIONEER OF CITY HAS A BIRTHDAY
Charles Strang, pioneer Medford druggist, September 12 last celebrated
his 70th birthday. He has been in business in this city for 46 years,
and insists on calling Central Avenue by the old-time moniker, viz: C
Street. He has lived in the Rogue River Valley for 52 years, first
appearing as a surveyor for the Southern Pacific.During his 70 years, he has never lost a day at his store on account of illness. He attributes his healthfulness to never taking any of his own medicine. He, however, has lost several days on account of golf, and was at it with vigor on his birthday. He is one of the most pronounced golf adherents in the valley, but scorns the bantam courses. On his last birthday eve, the front door of his store was "jimmied" by a stranger, who stole $350 worth of drugs. This is the first time anything has happened out of the ordinary to the Strang front door since horses ceased to run away, and in making the Main and Central turn, skidded into it without fail. This usually happened on Saturday afternoons. Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1930, page 6 Strang Drug Store
Strang has the second oldest concern in Medford and has been in
business 46 years, longer than any other one man. He opened the city's
first drug store in 1884, shortly after Hubbard Bros. started, and was
associated with Dr. M. Vrooman. These were the good old days when
ladies wore no rouge and practically no powder. Men hadn't heard of
safety razors then and used shaving soap instead of cream. If you said
it was for medical purposes, you could then buy the best whisky made
here for 50¢ a pint.
More patent medicines were used then, and a big part of the business was horse remedies, which have been replaced by cat and dog remedies. Strang's Drug Store has filled more than 125,000 original prescriptions and often goes back over 20 years for a refill. They carry a complete line usually found in a first-class drug store. "Brief History of Old-Time Medford Firms Given," Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1930, page 8 BOB STRANG HURT BY SWINGING HOE
Bobbie Strang,
8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strang, is recovering today from
a serious cut received yesterday while gardening with his little
playmate in a neighboring garden. The playmate in an extra vigorous
spirit of hoeing missed the ground and struck Bobbie's head. The blade
cut a deep wound in the right-hand side and entered the skull a little
way just above the temple.
The little boy was rushed to the doctor, and several stitches taken in the wound. He is reported to be getting along nicely today. Medford Mail Tribune, March 10, 1931, page 2 Charles Strang family came from Maine around the Isthmus b--Portland on east side 1860 only three houses and a tannery only buildings on east side Family moved to Walla Walla where he served apprenticeship in drug store Family moved to Jacksonville 1878 " " " Medford Mar. 1884 First store corner 8th & Front N.E. cor Moved soon '86 to Marsh location on Main Present store bldg built by Williams 1891 moved to where Ashpole's Meat Market is 1910 moved to present location Wilson Opera House built by Wilson who had a blacksmith shop N.W. corner C & 8th Angle Opera House built about 1890 "Medford Notes," SOHS MS156, folder 1 The ms. is uncredited, but is comprised of notes for Jane Snedicor and Frances Haskins Cochran's 1932 history of Medford. ELLA L. SMALL, MOTHER OF MRS. STRANG, PASSES
Ella L. Small, widow of the late William C. Small, and mother of Mrs.
Fred L. Strang, passed away at 535 Mary Street late Tuesday afternoon,
after an illness of the past few months. She would have celebrated her
76th birthday on the seventh of this month.Ella Lee Stott was born in Norfolk, Virginia, April 7, 1857, and was married to William C. Small, December 21, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Small lived for 35 years in Washington, D.C., where Mr. Small was connected with government work. They moved to Medford in March, 1922 to make their home with their daughter. Later in that year they transferred to Roseburg, where Mr. Small passed away in 1924. In June 1930 Mrs. Small came back to Medford to spend the remainder of her days with her daughter. Mrs. Small was a member of the Presbyterian church for nearly fifty years, her membership having been transferred to the First Presbyterian church of Roseburg in 1923. Beside the one surviving daughter, there are also two grandchildren, Mary Lee Strang,aged 11, and William C. Strang, aged 13, and a niece residing in Philadelphia, Pa. Remains will leave Medford Friday morning on the Shasta, and funeral services will be held at the Ritter chapel in Roseburg the same afternoon at 3 p.m., Rev. Alexander Muirden, pastor of the Presbyterian church of that city officiating. Interment will take place in the Roseburg Masonic cemetery beside her deceased husband. Perl Funeral Home made arrangements. Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1933, page 8 ![]() Charley Strang Is 'Vet' of Veterans Well-Known Local Druggist and Business Man Will Round Out Half Century of Business in This City March 1, 1934; Fishing and Golf Have Caused Years to Bear Lightly on Him By LEE TUTTLE
Charley Strang can give any other man "cards and spades" and still
emerge on top of the heap as the veteran businessman of Medford. To be
exact, Mr. Strang will have been continuously the owner and head of
Strang's Drug Store 50 years on March 1, 1934. [Dr. Vrooman's drug store was in
operation in early February, 1884.] He
holds not only the
record as the veteran businessman of this city, but there are few in
the state who can equal or excel his record.
There are many interesting facts connected with the long and successful business career of Charley Strang. He was born in East Portland in 1860, when there were only three families residing in that district. He established the first drug store in Medford. He never sought public office. He is really the originator of the gray hackle trout fly with the yellow body, and at the age of 73 years plays 18 holes of golf four or five days of every week. In connection with the fact that he opened the first drug store in Medford he carries on his slogan three [sic] words: "still a drug store," meaning that he has stuck strictly to the drug business, and has dodged the soda fountain, lunch counter, and other sidelines found in a majority of drug stores today. When a small boy Mr. Strang moved with his parents to Walla Walla, where he was reared, and where he served three years of apprenticeship as a druggist. Immediately following they moved to Yolo County, Calif., and from there to Jacksonville in 1878, where his stepfather, Dr. M. Vrooman, practiced medicine. The completion of the S.P. [at the time the O&C] railroad through Rogue River Valley in 1883 [completed to Medford in 1884; to California in 1887] induced Dr. Vrooman to move from Jacksonville to Medford in 1884, which was then only a village, and it was through the persuasion of Dr. Vrooman that Mr. Strang opened the first drug store here. [The newspapers consistently describe the drugstore as part of the Vrooman & Miller firm; Strang isn't mentioned in print in association with the store in either 1884 or 1885.] Pharmacists were not required to register at that time, and Strang's first registration was recorded on May 21, 1891. He opened his store at the corner of North Front and Eighth. A year later he moved to the present location of the Marsh grocery [130 East Main], where he operated until 1891, when he moved to the location now occupied by the Nichols & Ashpole meat market [206 East Main]. In 1910 Strang moved to his present home [231 East Main], which he erected prior to that year. Dr. Geary First Physician
Strang says the only firm in existence today that was in business at
the time he began his career in Medford is the implement firm now
conducted by Hubbard Bros., in which they succeeded their father.
"Dr. E. P. Geary, now a resident of Portland, was the only physician in Medford when I located here," said Mr. Strang. "Dr. Vrooman, my stepfather, followed immediately after Dr. Geary and practiced here until his death." Strang says of the Medford of 1884: "It was only a village then. The only roads leading into the town was the McAndrews road, following the section line, and the road that is now Pacific Highway. Although several people moved over from Jacksonville upon the completion of the railroad, those remaining there were bitterly jealous of their new rival." Aside from his interest in farming, Mr. Strang has devoted all of his business energies to his drug store. Twenty-five years ago he and F. K. Deuel, now deceased, purchased a fine 225-acre farm on Sams Creek, which he and the Deuel estate still own and operate under lease. Was Enthusiastic Fisherman
nearly all successful men who
have enjoyed long business careers, Mr. Strang has been a follower of
outdoor sports. "I was an enthusiastic fisherman for many years," he
related, " and I am credited with having originated the yellow body on
gray hackle trout flies.""I was fishing in the Rogue one day and paused long enough to sit down on the bank of the stream to eat my lunch. Directly in front of me was a riffle and I observed a yellow periwinkle [a caddisfly] leave its shell, only to be immediately snapped up by a fish. That gave me an idea, and the next time I started for the Rogue I wrapped the body of my gray hackle with yellow silk thread. I had unusual luck. I reported my experience to other local fishermen, and soon many of them were following the practice. "I was carrying a stock of fishing tackle at the time and late that fall I ran out of gray hackles. I communicated with our wholesale house at San Francisco and they reported they were out, but advised me that they knew a man who was good at tying flies. Although I knew that the hand-tied product would be more expensive, I ordered a gross, giving instructions that the bodies be yellow. The popularity of the yellow-bodied fly had spread to other sections and that winter the wholesalers ordered a large volume from Germany, and they have been one of the most popular hooks to this time." Golf Keeps Him Young
years ago Mr. Strang started
playing golf and today he is as enthusiastic over that game as he was
over fishing. "I never miss more than two or three afternoons a week,
and usually play 18 holes."He loves the game for the sport of it, and the exercise that it affords. "Golf," he says, "has pulled me down from an old man of 72 to a young man of 60." He acts and looks 60 years or less and enjoys perfect health. Family All Living
Mr. Strang
was married to Mary
Beall, daughter of R. Vinton Beall, pioneer Jackson County resident, in
1888. Four sons and one daughter were born to the union, and all are
living. Virgil is associated with his father in the drug business. Bob
and Herb are proprietors of The Bootery, and Fred L. is also a resident
here. The daughter, Mrs. R. H. Holmes, resides in Spokane.Mr. and Mrs. Strang occupy a comfortable and modern home on Medford Heights [at 116 Medford Heights Lane]. The only public position ever held by Mr. Strang was that of school board director, two terms, and city treasurer for the long period of 14 years. Although often pressed to seek county and other higher offices, he decided it a better policy to stick to his business. Veteran of I.O.O.F.
Mr. Strang
was presented with a
30-year veteran's jewel in the I.O.O.F. lodge so many years ago that he
has forgotten the date. He has long been a Mason and is a member of
Hillah temple of the Shrine. He is also a member of the Medford lodge
of Elks.Asked what he considers the major policy upon which he developed and maintained his business, Mr. Strang said: "I always considered my customers first. I knew that if I treated them right that they would come back. The reason I have accumulated some property is that I always lived within my income." Mr. Strang confidently expects to be playing 18 holes of golf and meeting and waiting on customers at his drug store March 1, 1934, which will complete a half century of continuous business in Medford. Medford News, June 23, 1933, page 1 Druggist Bewildered by Throng of Gyp Artists
A man rushed into Strang's drug store, the first of the week, all out
of breath, and asked Charles Strang, the pioneer druggist, if he could
borrow a hammer for a few minutes to fix an auto tire rim. The pioneer
druggist obligingly loaned him his pioneer hammer. That was the last
seen of hammer or borrower. It is thought he took it to a second-hand
store and sold it for a dime.Thursday afternoon a well-dressed woman entered Strang's and asked for some kidney pills. Virgil Strang waited upon her. The pills were for the customer's mother who, it was explained, was seated in an auto "around the corner." Four varieties of kidney pills were produced, and the daughter was uncertain which kind her mother used. "Would it be all right if I took these four boxes of kidney pills out to the car and find out which brand mother uses?" asked the daughter. Virgil Strang thought this "would be all right." The woman now has a winter's supply of kidney pills, because a few moments later, when Virgil Strang went out to investigate, he could find no auto, mother, daughter or kidney pills. About supper time last evening, two young men came into Strang's, and one wanted an ounce of something, in the back room. Charles Strang went to get it for him and when he returned a handful of safety razor blades was missing. The matter of the missing kidney pills was reported to the city police, who are looking for a well-dressed lady. Merchants are advised by the authorities to be on guard against petty gypping and thieving, and particularly against short-change artists, [who] specialize in asking for a $10 bill to put in an envelope, and because the hand is quicker than the eye, sometimes leaves the merchant holding an empty envelope. Medford Mail Tribune, September 24, 1933, page 10 STRANG IN DRUG STORE BUSINESS
the early days when no decent woman used rouge or lipstick, and
medicines were limited to old-fashioned remedies and pills, Charles
Strang opened a drug store in Medford where the Lewis Super Service is
now located. [An
unpublished interview with Strang places his first store across the
street from Lewis', on the northeast corner. This is supported by the
1888 Sanborn
Fire Insurance map of Medford.]
That was in 1884 after the 24-year-old Charles had served
as an apprenticeship in Walla Walla, Washington. Tomorrow his southern
Oregon customers will be offered special price reductions in
celebration of his fiftieth anniversary as a druggist in the pear city.
This event will continue for some time.
The original Strang Drug Store was a modest establishment, and its owner even then made no exception to the rule that other lines of merchandise were out of place in the drug business. Strang's store was moved to Main Street in 1885 in the location now occupied by Marsh's Grocery [130 East Main], and the following year Miss Mary Beall, daughter of a pioneer family, became Mrs. Charles Strang. From 1891 to 1910 Medford's first drug store was operated where the Economy Meat Market now is [at 206 E. Main], and from that year on it has been located at 231 East Main Street. Bundles of prescriptions, 130,592 of them, are on display in the show windows at Strang's along with old pictures of Medford, and bottles which have been in use for 50 years. Always in a prominent position is the sign "Still a drug store." Virgil Strang, associated with his father, has been a registered pharmacist since 1913. Three other sons, Robert, Herbert and Fred L. Strang, own the Bootery Shoe Shop next door to the drug store. Mrs. R. H. Holmes, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strang, lives in Spokane, Washington. His healthy tan complexion and young appearance, in spite of 72 years, Mr. Strang owes more or less to golfing, he said today. Five afternoons each week for a number of years, in good weather, he has walked golf balls around the Rogue Valley Golf Course. Medford Mail Tribune, March 29, 1934, page 7 ![]() Charles Strang circa 1940 Charles Strang,
Druggist, Rounds Out Full 50 Years
of Business in Medford Is Senior Merchant in Medford and Perhaps in State; Has Been at Head of Drug Firm for Half Century, and Still Active; Anniversary This Month After
having been in business in Medford continually since 1884, Charles
Strang, manager of Strang's Drug Store, is rounding out a full 50 years
of business here. He started his first drug store in March of 1884, in
a small store at the corner of Eighth and Front streets, the year after
the railroad was built through Medford. [The railroad was built in 1884.]
Today his store is located at
231 East Main Street, and is considered one of the most up-to-date and
modern drug stores in the West.
Strang's fiftieth anniversary in business in Medford is being observed by the store this week with an interesting display depicting the 50 years of growth and change. Side by side are the first prescription issued to Eddie Harper, in March of 1884, made out by a Doctor Horace S. Grant of Crescent City, and one made out this week by Dr. Charles T. Sweeney, numbered 130,592. "The most unusual prescription I ever got," Strang said, in speaking of prescriptions, "was made out on a shingle. I kept it around for a long time, but it got lost. A carpenter here got sick and the doctor picked up a shingle to write the prescription on." Is Senior Medford Merchant
Strang has
seniority over all
other Medford merchants and all other business concerns. There is even
some argument as to whether or not Strang is the senior merchant in the
state, as regards one man being at the head of one business. Other
business concerns are older, such as Meier and Frank's store of
Portland, but they have not been under one man's management since their
inception."If I remember right," Strang said, "Hubbard's store was started in the fall of 1884. [Hubbard's Medford warehouse was completed in March.] They will be observing their fiftieth anniversary this year too. The boys who are running the store now were just young fellows then, but they didn't take over active management of the store for several years." One of the pictures in the window of Strang's store shows the interior of the store in 1895. Strang is standing at the front of the store, and has a fancy-looking handlebar mustache. The showcases in the picture are still in use in the back end of Strang's store, although the front showcases are new and modern. Remembers Floods
knowledge of people and
affairs in Jackson County is, perhaps, the best in Medford. Although he
wasn't here in the winter of 1861-62, he has acquainted himself with
the facts concerning the flood of that year, which was the worst flood
known in Jackson County history.At that time the channel of Bear Creek was narrow, and ran through Medford about the place where John Mann's house now stands [at 815 East Main]. The flood was exceptionally bad because of the narrow channel, and the present channel was cut at that time. The flood of the winter of 1890 Strang remembers well. More than fourteen inches of snow covered the valley, and the Southern Pacific trains were held up at Dunsmuir, due to the heavy snows in the mountains there. One night, it started to rain, a hard, warm rain, and the snow sloughed off the mountains and the valley floor almost overnight. Bridges all went out, and the valley was inundated. At Cow Creek a landslide slid off a mountain, making a 50-foot dam in Cow Creek, putting the Southern Pacific tracks under many feet of water. For forty days, the Rogue River Valley was without outside communication. No freight could come in, and no mail reached the city. After the trains did get through, it took the post office force, which consisted mainly of J. S. Howard, postmaster, several days to get it distributed. Merchants Ran Short
Stores ran
entirely out of
merchandise, and things looked serious, Strang said, and some small
consignments of goods brought over from Dunsmuir by wagon saved the day.Strang said he got the $1800 capital he started his store with by working in a railroad construction store. He saved the $1800 in three years, and had served his apprenticeship as a druggist in Walla Walla. He worked on the Southern Pacific [then the Oregon & California] railroad when it was built through Medford in 1883, before he opened his store in 1884. The first store was at the corner of Eighth and Front streets, the second at 130 East Main from 1885 to 1891, the third at 206 East Main from 1891 to 1910, and has been located at 231 East Main from 1910 until now. Has Large Family
Strang has
four sons, all in
Medford, and one daughter, Mrs. Robert Holmes, living in Washington.
The sons are Fred L., C. Virgil, Herbert and Robert. Herbert and Robert
Strang manage The Bootery, Virgil Strang assists in the drug store, and
Fred L. Strang is an accountant. Robert Holmes, his son-in-law,
formerly lived at Central Point, and was known there as "Bob" Holmes.
He worked for Southern Pacific then, and still does.Strang married Mary Beall, daughter of Vinton Beall, and sister of Vinton Beall Jr. The Strangs also have five grandchildren. Medford News, March
30, 1934, page 1
22.--The annual reunion and picnic of the descendants of William and
Maxamilia Riddle, pioneer settlers of the Cow Creek Valley, was held
Sunday, Aug. 19, at the Fitzgerald auto camp on the Umpqua River. About
ninety-five relatves and friends were present to enjoy the occasion and
renew old acquaintances. E. M. Wilson, of Ashland, grand master of the
Masonic lodge of Oregon, was one of the visitors present. A bountiful
picnic dinner was spread on the long table at one o'clock and
quantities of melons, grapes and apples were enjoyed during the
afternoon. Croquet, horseshoe pitching and other diversions entertained
the younger members of the crowd.
Those present were the following: Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wilson and Mrs. Letty Harvey, Ashland; Mrs. Ann Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Strang, Fred Strang and son Billy, Helen Strang Holmes, Marian Beall Holmes and Marie Merriman Bennett, of Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wharton, Laura Fiekert Donnell, George R. Riddle, Dr. and Mrs. Con Durland, of Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Nichols, Raymond Nichols, Miss Lily Davlin, Sherman McBee, of Brockway; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Secanti and Richard Michael Secanti Jr., Mrs. Dona Catching, of Portland; Mrs. William Sleeman and daughter Naomi, of Nome, Alaska; Jake Ryan, of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Catching of Drain; Oren Ledgerwood, Myrtle Creek; Mrs. W. C. Winston, of Winston; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Quine, Mrs. C. W. Hunt, Adeline Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Catching and daughter Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Quine, Patricia and Joyce Quine, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Quine, Bette Quine, Mrs. E. R. Hanan, Myth Hanan, Mrs. Edna Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Weaver, Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Seely, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Al Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn N. Riddle, Mrs. May Fate, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Crow, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Cornutt, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pruner, Merna, Dalton and Priscilla Pruner, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Riddle, Mrs. Effie Ledgerwood, G. O. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. George Frater, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Logsdon, Lillian Logsdon, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Grant, Helena Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. Art Johnson and son, Jimmie Lee; Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Nichols and son James; Mable Jane Fisher, Riddle. News-Review, Roseburg, August 22, 1934, page 3 RIDDLE CLAN GATHERS
Hundred Attend Annual Reunion of Pioneer Families.
RIDDLE, Or., Aug 22.--(Special.)--Nearly 100 members of the Riddle clan
and friends attended the annual reunion of the pioneer family here
Sunday. The family is descended from William H. and Maximilia Bouseman
Riddle, who settled here in 1851.
Among those present were the following: Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wilson and Mrs. Letty Harvey of Ashland, Mrs. Ann Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strang, Fred Strang and son Billy, Helen Strang Holmes, Marian Beall Holmes and Marie Merriman Bennett of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wharton, Laura Fiekert Donnell, George R. Riddle, Dr. and Mrs. Con Durland of Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Nichols, Raymond Nichols, Miss Lily Davlin, Sherman McBee of Brockway, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Secanti, Richard Michael Secanti Jr. and Mrs. Dona Catching of Portland; Mrs. William Sleeman and daughter Naomi of Nome, Alaska; Jake Ryan of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Catching of Drain, Oren Ledgerwood, Myrtle Creek; Mrs. W. C. Winston of Winston, Mr. and Mrs. George Quine, Mrs. C. W. Hunt, Adeline Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Catching and daughter, Helen Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Quine and daughters, Patricia and Joyce; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Quine and daughter, Bette; Mrs. E.R. Hanan, Myth Hanan, Mrs. Edna Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Weaver, Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Seely, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Al Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn N. Riddle, Mrs. May Fate, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Crow, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Cornutt, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pruner, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Riddle, Mrs. Effie Ledgerwood, G. O. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. George Frater, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Logsdon, Lillian Logsdon, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Grant, Helena Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. Art Johnson and son, Jimmie Lee; Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Nichols and son, James; Mable Jane Fisher, all of Riddle. Oregonian, Portland, August 23, 1934, page 3 STRANG MANAGED FIRST TELEPHONE
Switchboard Installed in Drug Store in 1898-- Few Subscribers Until Jacksonville Tolls Erased
The telephone today is looked upon as an indispensable convenience if
not a commercial and social necessity, but there was a time in Medford
when it was viewed as an extravagant and unnecessary luxury. And
Charles Strang, owner of Strang's Drug Store, recalled today just when
it was when telephones were frowned upon in this locality.
The memory took Mr. Strang back to 1898, when Medford's first switchboard was installed in the back of his pharmacy, then situated where the Economy Meat Market now stands [at 206 E. Main]. At that time the Pacific States Telephone Company had just linked up San Francisco and Portland and was endeavoring to build up its telephone business along the line. Switchboard service had already been inaugurated in Ashland and Jacksonville, and the company sought to establish its business here, Mr. Strang recalled. Few Cared for Phones.
The result was that a small board was set up in the rear of the Strang
drug store, and Mr. Strang became the first operator. He built up his
patronage to 15 to 16 subscribers, but there the expansion stopped, as
no one outside of a few physicians and business men showed even passing
interest in the blessings and conveniences the telephone was supposed
to bring, Mr. Strang related.Despairing of the poor showing, an official of the company came to Medford from San Francisco and asked Mr. Strang if he had no suggestions as to how the patronage might be increased. "Yes, I have," Mr. Strang replied. "Establish free service between Medford and Jacksonville." That was done, Mr. Strang said, and tolls between the two points were eliminated. Business began to grow from then, for Jacksonville was at that time the county seat, and there was naturally considerable communication between the two cities. Soon it became necessary to install another switchboard in the pharmacy, and it was not long before a third board was needed to handle the increased business, Mr. Strang said. First Operators Named.
The first full-time operator to be employed at the drug store
switchboard was Lillian Barr, now Mrs. Ralph Woodford of this city, it
was recalled by Mr. Strang's son, Fred, who by then had become an
interested observer of the telephone business. The second operator was
Florence Toft, who subsequently married and now resides in Los Angeles.
She was a sister of the late Ray Toft. The third operator to be
employed at the drug store was Miss Edna Eifert, who now is bookkeeper
at the Hutchison Mercantile Co.Mr. Strang said for his compensation he received a percentage of the phone rentals and tolls, out of which he had to pay the employees and take care of other expenses. He recalled with a chuckle that it always cost him more to operate the service than he received. After ten years the subscribers exceeded 600 in number, Fred Strang related, and a separate office was established by the telephone company. While a student at the University of Oregon, Fred himself worked for the company during vacations, his job being to drive about the countryside in a buggy to collect rentals and to remove the wall phones when payment was refused, though he was called upon seldom to snip the wires, he said. "Those were the real horse and buggy days," the younger Mr. Strang commented. Strang's Drug Store, incidentally, was the first pharmacy to be established in Medford. It was opened by the elder Mr. Strang in March 1884, when the city's population was only 200, Mr. Strang having come here from Jacksonville, where his parents resided. Mr. Strang has now passed his 76th birthday, but he is still hale and hearty and in active charge of his pharmacy, which he has conduced here continuously since 1884. Medford Mail Tribune, September 27, 1935, page B1 Prominent Couple Will Mark 50th
Scores of Medford and valley friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strang,
prominent residents, are preparing to send congratulations to the
well-known couple on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary
which they will observe Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Strang will be hosts of a family dinner at their home on Medford Heights Tuesday evening and will receive friends during the evening hours from 7 until 10 o'clock. Mrs. Strang was formerly Miss Mary Beall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Beall, pioneer residents of the valley. She was born in the old family residence on Beall Lane and has spent her entire life in the valley. Mr. Strang came to Medford from Portland in 1880 [sic] when the first railroad was laid through this section. He was connected with the railroad for a few years and then went into business in 1884, continuing until his retirement two years ago. He was connected with numerous civic improvements and is known as one of Medford's first citizens. Mary Beall and Charles Strang were married November 3, 1886, in the Beall home, taking up residence in Medford immediately. The marriage ceremony was performed by Father [Moses L.] Williams, founder and first minister of the Presbyterian Church here. They have five children--Fred L., Charles Virgil, Herbert and Robert, twins, and Helen, now Mrs. R. H. Holmes of Spokane, Wash. Five grandchildren are also included in the family. A quiet observance is planned by the Strangs, but relatives and friends throughout southern Oregon will join in sending sincere best wishes to the couple. Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1936, page 3 Charles
Strang Family Gather for Reunion
The first
family reunion to be
held in years was an event of Christmas Day at the Charles Strang home
on Medford Heights.All of the children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Strang gathered that day for an enjoyable dinner celebration. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strang. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strang and children, William and Mary Lee, Mr. and Mrs. C. Virgil Strang, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strang and sons Robert Jr., and David of Reno, Nev., Herbert Strang and Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Holmes and daughter Marian of Spokane, Wash. Mrs. Holmes is the former Helen Strang. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1939, page 4 75th Birthday
Celebrated by Mrs. Charles Strang
Mrs. Charles Strang was honored Saturday afternoon when her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fred Strang, invited a small group of girlhood
friends to the Strang home, 416 South Central Avenue, to celebrate her
75th birthday.Spring flowers were arranged on the luncheon table where covers were laid for Mrs. E. M. Wilson, Mrs. Court Hall, Mrs. Charles T. Sweeney, Mrs. John White, Miss Molly Britt of Jacksonville, Mrs. George K. Quine of Roseburg, Mrs. Joe Wharton of Grants Pass, Miss Mary Lee Strang and the hostess. Mrs. Quine and Mrs. Wharton are both cousins of Mrs. Strang. The afternoon was spent visiting and recalling old times. Mrs. Strang is a pioneer of this valley, having been born on Beall Lane. She is the daughter of an old pioneer family, her parents being the late Mr. and Mrs. Vinton Beall. Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1941, page 4 CHARLES STRANG, PIONEER DRUGGIST,
Strang, pioneer Medford resident and business man and the
druggist in Oregon, died in a local hospital at 9:45 Monday evening
after a lengthy illness. He was in his 82nd year. He resided at Medford
Heights.CALLED BY DEATH 82-Year-Old Business Man Long Identified With Civic, Fraternal Affairs. Mr. Strang, known and loved by many, was a resident of Medford for more than 60 years. He pioneered many ventures here. He began in the drug business here in 1884. He was the first manager of the Pacific States Telephone Company in Medford, filling the position from 1898 to 1908. It was through his efforts that telephone service was maintained between Medford and Jacksonville without toll charges. Early Treasurer
Mr. Strang took an
interest in all phases of life and served in a number of public
capacities. He was city treasurer from 1890 to 1906. Another pioneer
position he filled was that of timekeeper and paymaster for
construction crews of the Oregon and California Railroad as it was
extended southward from Portland to Ashland in 1882.A native of Oregon, Mr. Strang was born in Portland on September 12, 1860. He was united in marriage to Miss Mary Beall at her home on Beall Lane November 3, 1886. The couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1936. Mr. Strang, a man who made friends readily because of his gentle philosophy and sympathetic understanding, loved the outdoors and was active until his last illness. He was also active in fraternal affairs. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge for many years, of the Elks lodge for 25 years. He was a member also of Medford lodge 103, A.M. and A.M. Knights Templar, Commandery and Hillah Temple of the Shrine. He was a life member of St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Funeral Thursday
Mr. Strang is survived
by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Robert H. Holmes; four sons, Fred L.,
Charles Virgil, Herbert B. and Robert B. Strang; a sister, Mrs. Emma
Jacobs of Los Angeles, and five grandchildren.Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, the rector, the Rev. Herald G. Gardner, officiating. Entombment will take place in the Medford Memorial Mausoleum, where final rites will be conducted by the Elks lodge. The body will lie in state at the Perl chapel from 10 a.m. until noon Thursday, and friends may pay their last respects at that time. Medford Mail Tribune, February 24, 1942, page 1 William Strang on Special Work
for Douglas Factory
William C. Strang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Strang of this city,
left Santa Monica, Calif. by plane last Tuesday for one of the Florida
naval air bases, on a special assignment as hydraulic specialist for
the Douglas Aircraft Co., according to word received here. Since last
May, Mr. Strang has been hydraulic coordinator of the Douglas El
Segundo factory. With his wife and son he is a resident of Santa Monica
and has been an employee of Douglas Aircraft Co. for four years.
Previously for seven years he was a carrier of the Medford Mail Tribune
and a member of the 1938 graduating class of Medford High School.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 30, 1943, page 10 EMMA STRANG JACOBS
Emma Strang Jacobs, sister of the late Charles Strang, passed away Jan.
12 at Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Jacobs was born near Salem, on March 3,
1863. She spent her childhood in Jacksonville and Medford, and was
united in marriage to Newton A. Jacobs in Medford on Feb. 12, 1887. He
passed away April 20, 1918.Mrs. Jacobs has lived with her son, Newton F. Jacobs, in Los Angeles for the past 23 years. Besides her son, she is survived by one granddaughter, Mrs. Helen Seeman, Los Angeles; one grandson, Dr. Newton Frank Jacobs, naval dental surgeon, stationed aboard the U.S.S. Santa Fe, and one great-grandson, Robert Seeman of Los Angeles, also several cousins living in Medford and vicinity. Funeral services will be conducted from the Perl Funeral Home Friday at 1:30 p.m., with the Rev. Father George R. Turney, rector of Saint Mark's Episcopal church, officiating. Interment will be in the family plot in Jacksonville cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, January 17, 1946, page 7 STRANG FUNERAL 3:30
Funeral services for Mary
Beall Strang, 79, native daughter of Southern
Oregon who died at the Strang home on Medford Heights Wednesday night,
will be conducted at St. Mark's Episcopal church Saturday at 3:30 p.m.
with the Rev. George R. Turney in charge. Entombment will take place in
the Medford Memorial Mausoleum.Mrs. Strang's body will lie in state at the Perl Funeral Home Saturday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and friends may call between those hours. Reames chapter of the Eastern Star will conduct a service at the mausoleum. Born on Farm
Mrs. Strang was born on the Beall farm on Beall Lane, near Central
Point, May 17, 1866. In spite of advanced years, Mrs. Strang retained a
keen interest in social and civic affairs, devoted much time to her
family and had a wide circle of friends throughout the valley. Her
husband, Charles Strang, pioneer Medford druggist, passed away Feb. 23,
1942.The deceased was a pioneer member of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, a charter member of Reames chapter and a member of the Daughters of the Nile. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Helen Holmes, four sons, Fred, Virgil, Herbert Strang, all of Medford, and Robert Strang of Reno, Nev., who is here for the funeral service. One brother, R. V. Beall, lives on Beall Lane. Also surviving are three grandchildren, William C. Strang, S1c, stationed at Corpus Christi, Tex., Mary Lee Strang. Medford; Robert C. Strang with the army and stationed at Camp Bowie, Tex. Medford Mail Tribune, January 25, 1946, page 5 Robert Strang and Son Visit
Family in City
Robert B. Strang and son, Robert C. Strang of Reno, Nev., are guests in
Medford in the home of Mr. Strang's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert H. Holmes, 19 Portland Avenue. The two men are also
visiting with two brothers, Virgil and Fred L. Strang, and from here
will go to Grants Pass the last of this week to spend some time with
Mr. Strang's twin brother, Herbert B. Strang.Medford Mail Tribune, June 21, 1951, page 6 'Old Timers' Night for Elks
The Elks "Old Timer's" night Thursday will bring the four Strang
brothers together for a family reunion. Herb Strang, Coos Bay, and
Robert B. Strang, Reno, will visit their local brothers, Virgil and
Fred Strang, and a sister, Mrs. Robert Holmes.Virgil has been a member of the Elks for 45 years, Fred 43 years and Herb and Robert 40 years. Herb and Robert formerly operated a shoe store in Medford next to the Pioneer Drug Store operated by Virgil and their father, Charles Strang. Robert B. Strang will be accompanied by his son, Robert C. Strang, who is an Episcopalian minister at Hawthorne, Nev. He was born in Medford. He served in the Army engineers for 3½ years, and he is a graduate of the University of Nevada and the University of California. He recently attended the Civil Air Patrol chaplains conference in Portland. Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1959, page 14 ![]() Retired Pharmacist Is Now a
Country Gentleman
By Eva Hamilton Mail Tribune Staff Writer
was a time when settlers in the Rogue River Valley viewed advertising
signs as a mark of civilization. They welcomed their sudden appearance
on fences, outlining the grain fields; on mountain bridges and barns.
For the signs indicated that someone had "passed this way" and might again. There was no clamor for zoning or highway beautification. The valley was young and so were the towns within it, especially Medford, where ambitious men had come to sell. These men were openly and jubilantly competitive, and country folk, many of them hungry for a link with city life, eagerly accepted the messages announcing their wares. In this welcoming atmosphere two signs typical of the spirit of the day, frequently appeared--"Haskins for Health" and "Strang for the Sick." Now a 'Country Gentleman'
Haskins signs were black and
white and appeared first, according to C. Virgil Strang, retired
pharmacist, now a "country gentleman" in Sams Valley.![]() The leaders in this friendly rivalry were George H. Haskins, father of the late Leon B. Haskins of Medford, and Charles Strang, father of Virgil, both boasting of pioneer roots on at least one side of his ancestral tree. Their relationship was rather like that of lawyers who wrangle as foes at the bar of justice, then meet as boon companions outside the courtroom. While the signs sought to bag the business, the men assisted each other in meeting demands of customers. If Strang ran out of something, Haskins hurried through the alley to supply it, and Strang showed him the same courtesy. The tradition was continued by their signs. "We always argued a bit over which family entered the pharmaceutical business first in Medford," Strang commented. "But I know the Strangs did. The Haskins were here, but they didn't open a store until a few months later, my dad always contended. Both stores, however, were established in 1884." [Vrooman opened his drug store in early February 1884; Haskins didn't open until August.] ![]() Had Beginning in Jacksonville
The Strang
family association with
medicine had its beginning in Jacksonville and Walla Walla. Charles
Strang's stepfather, Dr. Martin Vrooman, and Dr. James Robinson opened
a drug store in Jacksonville, where both practiced medicine. The store
was opened about 1880, and Dr. Vrooman later moved to Medford. Concrete
evidence of the pharmaceutical history is found in displays recently
added to the Jacksonville Museum.Charles Strang learned pharmacy in a drug store in Walla Walla but forsook the profession for a time to earn "bigger money" working for the Northern Pacific Railroad and the California and Oregon Railroad, predecessor of the Southern Pacific. His reason constitutes another interesting chapter in the story told by his son. Ferdinand von Stang was Charles Strang's father. He was a builder and designer in Germany and constructed homes for no less a personage than the Kaiser. When he started to America with his bride, Wilhelmina, he lost his title of von. He added the "r" to his name, which converted it into English (rather than German) derivation and became Ferdinand (Fred) Strang. Inherited His Ability
continued to build in the
United States, and it is probably from him that C. Virgil Strang
inherited his ability in architecture. The change of name and the new
challenge to build, however, failed to conquer the German's
overwhelming nostalgia for his homeland."We think he went back to Germany. He was homesick," Strang explained his grandfather's disappearance after he came to Oregon, where he engaged in construction. Several buildings of his creation still stand at Oakland. His widow and children moved to Jacksonville, and Charles Strang found working for the railroad a more lucrative source of income to support his mother and sisters, which he did until Wilhelmina Strang became Mrs. Martin Vrooman. It was a wise decision. For he was working for the railroad when he met Mary Beall, who became Mrs. Charles Strang, linking the family with a long list of Oregon pioneers. The ancestry has contributed to the versatility of the Sams Valley Strang. Almost obsessed with a love of the land and the open country sought by the pioneers, he yearned to build, to pursue architecture, which he also studied while learning to follow in his father's footsteps. He loved sports and he loved music and tried them all. ![]() Remains Professional Pharmacist
he remained
professionally a pharmacist. He received a degree in pharmacy and as a
pharmaceutical chemist from Oregon Agricultural College, now Oregon
State University, Corvallis."During 50 years one can roll a lot of pills, fill a lot of prescriptions," he commented on his membership in the Jubilee Group of the Oregon Veteran Druggists' Association, granted in recognition of his half-century as a registered pharmacist. "When I joined Western Thrift in 1945 after closing our drug store I had filled 150,000 prescriptions," Strang said. Virgil Strang started his career at an early age in the family drug store, and there he learned other trades, too. The telephone company switchboard was located behind the prescription case, since his father was manager for the early telephone service in Medford. If the voices didn't carry through, Strang recalled, he often relayed the messages from Portland to San Francisco. The most exciting moment, he remembers, was during the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. He was studying at the switchboard, where he did much of his school work, and the building shook. He went on to school, and when A. S. Bliton's Medford Mail extra hit the streets Strang had already told fellow students all the news. Envy of Their Friends
received $16 a month for his
work at the switchboard, and this enabled him to "go to the
nickelodeon" whenever he wanted to. This, he remarked, made the Strang
boys the envy of their friends. With all his work, he still found time
to play basketball, football and become a light heavyweight wrestler.
He didn't shun music, either. In high school and later in college this
sealed his strong bond with the late Pinto Colvig, who left
college to join the circus band and became the many voices of Disney
characters and later Bozo the Clown.In fact, Strang maintains, it was during their college band playing days that "Pinto started talking like a dog." Their dog, "Booze," was given to howling at the "music," and the whole idea developed there. Pinto, who lacked one day of being Virgil's twin, didn't take college very seriously. He entered largely to be agreeable, Virgil said. When it came to registering, he told the officer of admissions he wanted to take "music, drawing, history and campustry." When the man looked puzzled, Pinto explained that "it was all about him--the campustry. Acres and acres of it and dozens and dozens of coeds. "It was no surprise to his friends when Pinto left college to join the circus band," his longtime Medford comrade commented. Receives Portrait of Pinto
In 1956,
Strang received a large
portrait of Pinto as Bozo the Clown on his birthday, Sept. 10. Pinto's
birthday was on the following day. The inscription read: "Happy
September birthday from one Rogue River Valley virtuous Virgo to
another, Pinto.""Those were the days," Strang sighed, then quickly added: "I always said I wanted to retire on the farm, on this place, and here I am." With an expression of obvious contentment, he gazed across the wide acres, golden and red with nature's autumn fling. Acres that have been in the Strang family, he didn't say how many years, and which were long before that the land of Chief Sam for whom the valley is named. Medford Mail Tribune, October 27, 1968, page B1 A Medford Family History
For many years residents of Jackson County confined their retrospection
to Oregon pioneers.
Their ancestors who crossed the plains in covered wagons became the heroines and heroes of their memories and of the tales told. Today, the Bicentennial observance has brought about a change. There was no Oregon 200 years ago, so many individuals are looking into their earlier heritage and some are finding that in Colonial times they had ancestors of equal "Herculean stance." Fred Strang is one of these. The ancestor of whom he speaks is Col. Ninian Beall, called the "Rock of Dumbarton." The Dumbarton Oaks estate mansion in Georgetown, D.C., took its name from the Rock of Dumbarton on the River Clyde, scene of Ninian Beall's last battle in Scotland. The brave Scot, also, was original patent holder of the land on which the White House now stands. His descendants and his properties continue to find a place of honor in the news reaching from Washington, D.C., to Oregon. Georgetown, D.C., has its Beall Street and its Dumbarton Street. St. John's Episcopal Church in Georgetown has its memorial boulder dedicated to Colonel Ninian Beall in 1910. The Hyattsville, Md., Presbyterian Church has the silver communion service presented by Ninian Beall in 1707. Some pieces were replaced in 1906 by Alpheus Benjamin Beall of Sioux City, Iowa, great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Ninian. The inscription states "so far as known," it is the oldest in use in the Presbyterian denomination in America. The Dumbarton Oaks Conferences of 1944 among the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union and among the United States, the United Kingdom and the Republic of China (Nationalist) met on the estate given to Ninian Beall in 1702. Selection of the name of Georgetown is believed to have been in honor of George Beall, son of Ninian, according to Louise Payson Latimer's history, "Your Washington and Mine." For years the name was hyphenated "George-town." The University of Oregon has its organ and Beall Concert Hall dedicated as a memorial to the mother of the late Robert Vinton Beall of Central Point and other pioneer women of Oregon. Beall left his estate to his alma mater in 1961, specifying that it provide for such a memorial. Jackson County has its Beall Lane. It fronts the former Beall farms south of Central Point on which Robert Vinton Beall, Sr., and his brother, Thomas Fletcher Beall, settled after mining in Josephine County and the Jacksonville area in 1852. Two descendants of the Jackson County pioneer Bealls still call this area home. They are Strang and Helen Strang Holmes, of Medford, son and daughter of Charles and Mary Beall Strang and grandchildren of Robert Vinton Beall Sr. and Ann Maria Riddle Beall. Thomas Earl Beall, formerly of the Rogue River Valley, a grandson of Thomas F. Beall, resides near Roseburg. Historical papers note that Ninian Beall was "the progenitor of at least four governors of Maryland." Named are: Samuel Sprigg, Enoch Louis Lowe, Thomas George Pratt and Edwin Warfield. George Beall, former U.S. attorney for Maryland, has figured prominently in news of the 1970s. He led the investigation resulting in the resignation of Spiro Agnew as vice president. He also was named "outstanding man of the year" by the Baltimore Jaycees, according to the Jan. 23, 1974, issue of the Oregon Journal. He resigned last year as U.S. attorney to join a private law firm. U.S. Sen. J. Glenn Beall Jr. (R-Md.), whose current term ends in 1977, is a brother of George. Their father, J. Glenn Beall Sr., was a U.S. Senator for Maryland from 1953 to 1965. Of particular interest to newspaper publishers almost a century ago was Horace Beall, a patent attorney in Washington, D.C., for 60 years. He died in 1946 at the age of 81 and was listed as one of the first operators of the Mergenthaler linotype. He demonstrated "its use before President Arthur and his cabinet in 1885 and set his first type on the machine for a newspaper in a Baltimore shop." When Strang was in Washington in 1921 he met Glen Beall who was at the time "a young lawyer; recently graduated from Harvard University Law School," he recalls. The local man lived in Washington, New Jersey and North Carolina for three years and on June 11, 1919, Elsie Carleton Small and he were married in Washington, D.C. They now make their home of 540 Pennsylvania Ave., Medford. East, west, north and south the Beall name is pronounced "Bell," except by newcomers. The westward movement of the family began in 1834 when Thomas Fletcher Beall, Sr., lineal descendant of Ninian Beall and a War of 1812 veteran, moved from Maryland to Springfield, Ill. "Influenced by reports of gold discoveries in Oregon and California," Strang said, "the two sons Robert Vinton Beall and his older brother, Thomas Fletcher Beall, early in 1852 left Springfield for Oregon. With a six-mule team from St. Joseph, Mo. they made the trip to Oregon City in 78 days. Subsequently they settled on adjoining farms. On one, the beautiful old house constructed by "Vint" Beall, who followed the carpenter trade in Springfield, is still standing and occupied. The large black walnut in the front yard was designated in 1973 as candidate for the national champion big tree title in its species. It is 119 years old. "Grandfather Vint Beall often said his first view of the Rogue River Valley from the hills beyond Jacksonville was the most beautiful sight he ever beheld," Strang continued. "On April 10, 1864, Vinton Beall married Ann Mariah Riddle at the farm now known as Glenbrook near the town of Riddle in Douglas County. Their children were Mary Beall Strang and Robert Vinton Beall Jr." The appropriateness of the expenditure of $166,000 from his Uncle Vint's estate is emphasized by Strang, who attended the dedication of the memorial organ, built and installed by Juergen Ahrend of Germany, said to be one of the world's outstanding organ builders. The musical career of Robert Vinton Beall, Jr., he explains, "was cut short in 1893 when he was 15 years old. A severe illness with spinal meningitis broke his ear drums. He had no hearing for the remainder of his life. He attended schools for the deaf in Salem and Berkeley, Calif., preceding several years at the University of Oregon. After the death of his father, he carried on as a successful diversified farmer from 1915 until 1958 when he sold the farm to George Flanagan and Associates." Many reports have been written of the dedication of the organ and of the 1974 name change of the university's music auditorium to Beall Concert Hall. President Robert D. Clark presented Certificates of Commemoration to Strang and his brother, the late Robert Beall Strang of Reno, Nev., nephews of the donor. Displaying a scrapbook and publications dealing with "the famous Colonel Ninian Beall, a celebrated personage," Strang called attention to several passages. They tell of Beall's exile to the Barbados and thence to Maryland after [being] routed by Cromwell and Monk at the battle of Dunbar (same as Dumbar, the books note) in 1650. He became prominent as a tobacco planter and was appointed Commander in Chief of the armies of the Province of Maryland. He inaugurated a "most thorough system of ranging throughout the borders of the provinces ensuring the safety and defense of the plantations." The Indians were quickly subdued and placed on reservations. For his military services Col. Beall was given large tracts of land in what is now Georgetown and the District of Columbia. At the time of his death he had "patented over 25,000 acres, for which he received certificates of survey for more than 13,000 acres." Included were: Rock of Dumbarton (795), Bacon Hall (300), Beall's Meadows (1,088), Beall's Choice (690), Collington (300), Edonborough (380), Friendship (600), Good Luck (853), Maiden's Dowry (700) St. Andrews (980), Troublesome (300), Largo (1,031). "He favored the establishment of the Church of England as the state church of the colony in 1692 although he was a Scotch Presbyterian who donated the church land. His broad Christianity was also shown when in 1691 he asked Quaker Thomas Wilson to his home to hold his meeting." Persons entering St. John Episcopal Church on the east corner of Potomac and O streets in Georgetown will see the huge boulder, another testimonial to his service. The bronze tablet on it reads: "Colonel Ninian
grateful recognition of his services upon all incursions of Neighboring
Indians the Maryland Assembly of 1699 passed an 'ACT OF GRATUITY.' This
memorial erected by the Society of Colonial Wars in the District of
Columbia, 1910."Born Scotland 1625 Died Maryland 1717 Patentee of Rock of Dumbarton Member of the House of Burgesses Commander-in-chief of Provincial Forces of Maryland. Medford Mail Tribune, May 2, 1976, page C1 Last revised November 25, 2024 |