![]() ![]() Frank and Fannie Hull Sarah A. Hull vs. Silas B. Hull; divorce. "Circuit Court Docket: Equity," Medford Mail, September 2, 1892, page 3 Mary Hull vs. S. B. Hull; divorce. "Circuit Court Docke," Medford Mail, April 3, 1896, page 4 Miss Fannie Hall, sister of Mrs. J. W. Odgers, of Darlington, Wis., is here for a visit with relatives. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 16, 1897, page 6 Frank Hull was quite badly injured last Saturday. He was harrowing a piece of ground and on turning a corner the horses became frightened in some way, overturning the harrow and driving one of the sharp teeth into his hip, inflicting a severe wound. He was carried into the house and Dr. Jones summoned. It is impossible to tell how soon he will recover from the injury. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 28, 1899, page 7 Frank Hull has taken a position as assistant in G. W. Mackey's photo studio. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, September 8, 1899, page 6 Frank Hull is employed at the Medford photograph gallery and making excellent headway. He will become one of the principal artists someday. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 16, 1899, page 2 F. H. Hull and his sister, Mrs. T. W. Beckett, were in Phoenix Tuesday last, preparing a monument on the grave of Mrs. Beckett's daughter, Myrtle. Medford Enquirer, March 9, 1900, page 3 Birthday Party.
It was on Monday of this week that Frank
Hull and
Homer Rothermel thought it fitting to celebrate their birthdays. The
former was twenty years old on that date and the latter fifteen, and a
joint celebration was planned for Monday evening at Mrs. S. A. Hull's
residence, west of Medford.Twenty-odd of the young people of Medford were invited and all were in attendance, and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed. Progressive games were played and various prizes were awarded. Miss Bertha Davis was awarded the lady's first prize--a salt and pepper set of solid silver; the gentleman's prize was won by Clarence Meeker, and was a pair of Belgian hares. The consolation prizes were awarded to Miss Jennie Woodford and Roland Mitchell. A splendid supper was served with Belgian hare meat the principal item in the first course. Coffee, cake, sandwiches and lemonade were also served with the birthday cake, in red, white and blue and as large as a washtub, the feature most noticeable and most sought after. After the above mentioned, refreshments had been served, boxes of candy were passed around. In one of the boxes was placed a picture of a pair of gloves, and the one fortunate in securing that box was presented with an order for a pair of gloves at a Medford store--and this lady was Miss Centenna Rothermel. Card tokens were then passed around and a prize given with these. Miss Fannie Hall secured this prize, which was a choice of three fine pictures. Other amusements followed, and not until a late hour did the party break up. Hacks were secured for the occasion, and the guests were taken from their homes to the party, and after the party were in like manner left at their roof-tree door. Both these young men were the recipients of many fine presents. Those in attendance were: Misses Fern Norris, Jessie Macauley, Centenna Rothermel, Fannie Hall, Bertha Davis, Etta Kenworthy, Cora Wiley, Lottie Wiley, Lottie Little, Blanche Toft, Jennie Woodford, Mabel Wilson, Pearl Beckett, Messrs. Ward Webber, Worth Harvey, Clarence Meeker, Robert Wiley, Clifford Beckett, Call Dusenberry, Bertie Orr, Mort Lawton, Roland Mitchell, Guy Lawton and Leon Howard. Medford Mail, November 2, 1900, page 6 ![]() Medford Mail, November 16, 1900. See F. H. Hull's ad in this issue of The Mail. He is making a big proposition to those wishing photographs. Work on all orders taken by him is guaranteed by H. C. Mackey & Boyd, of this city. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 16, 1900, page 7 Frank Hull:--"Last week I told the Mail readers in an advertisement that I was going to take orders for Christmas photos for H. C. Mackey & Boyd, and that I was going to give away a present. I've made different arrangements--that is, Messrs. Mackey & Boyd have. When I went to them to close up the agreement we couldn't come to a satisfactory understanding of affairs as I had remembered had previously been talked--and it was all off. I simply offer this in explanation of the why I will not be able to live up to the promises made in the advertisement. I hope, however, to soon commence taking orders for G. W. Mackey & Dunlap." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, November 23, 1900, page 7 Frank Hull is salesman in H. H. Howard & Co.'s grocery store for a few weeks. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 2, 1901, page 7 Mrs. S. A. Hull and son, Frank, returned Sunday from Colestin. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6 Frank Hull, who is agent for the Singer S.M. Co., keeps a full line of needles, extras, etc. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 10, 1901, page 7 Stan Aiken came down from Prospect this week and while here enlivened the town to quite an extent by giving us a runaway. His team became frightened at a bicycle while near the Simons second-hand store and ran east on Sixth Street, then south to Seventh, where they were caught after turning the hack bottom side up. In passing Mr. Purdin's place the hack was thrown astride his picket fence and the pickets were stripped from the posts the full length. Frank Hull, in endeavoring to stop the team, was thrown down and quite badly bruised but not seriously. Mr. Aiken was thrown from the hack and he, too, was injured but not badly. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 7 While S. S. Aiken of Prospect was in Medford last week his team ran away and caused quite a commotion. The wagon was almost annihilated, and Frank Hull, who tried to stop them, was considerable injured. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 17, 1901, page 7 Frank Hull has taken a position as salesman in H. B. Nye's Racket Store. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 7 W. E. Macauley and family left Thursday for McCallister Springs, for a week's outing. Frank Hull will have charge of Mr. Macauley's tamale stand during his absence. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 14, 1902, page 3 W. E. Macaulay of the Medford tamale manufactory is confined to his room, and Frank Hull is looking after the sales. Mac. hurt one of his legs severely while camping at McCallister's Springs. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 11, 1902, page 3 E. F. Winkler, the West Side shoemaker, was before Recorder Toft Thursday, charged with assault and battery upon the person of Frank Hull. The case was continued until 6 o'clock of the same day--too late for us to catch for this issue. The trouble grew out of a dispute over some photography. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 21, 1902, page 6 E. L. Chapale has sold his interest in the photograph gallery to F. H. Hull. It will be Mackey & Hull hereafter. Mr. Hull is a rustling young man, and the new firm should secure their full share of the picture business of this city. "Local News Notes," Medford Success, December 16, 1902, page 1 F. H. Hull has received a consignment of silverware from the company he represents--$73 worth in all. Frank has some very nice goods. "City Briefs," Medford Success, January 27, 1903, page 1 ![]() 1907 The Sketch TO ADVERTISE SOUTHERN OREGON Pictures One of the Most Effective Ways-- A Fine Selection Recently Prepared by a Medford Artist--Grand Fog Effect Medford Success, January 30, 1903, page 1 F. H. Hull has sold his interest in the furniture and rooms over Mrs. Mackey's restaurant to G. W. Mackey and will devote his entire time to his photographic interests. "City Briefs," Medford Success, February 6, 1903, page 1 The Elite Studio has had a change of management this week. F. H. Hull has bought the studio for the present month, but has secured the services of G. W. Mackey for the finishing work. The deal was completed last Wednesday and Mr. Hull took charge at once. On Thursday Frank Redden began soliciting orders for the studio and Mr. Hull expects to have others and start out himself soon, expecting to do everything possible to increase the business of the Elite. Frank is a hustling, energetic young man and deserves the patronage of the public. "City Briefs," Medford Success, February 10, 1903, page 2 Frank Hull has sold out his interest in the Elite Gallery in Medford to his partner, George Mackey, and will devote his time to view work. Mr. Hull has recently bought a large lens, making his outfit complete in every respect. He will visit all sections of the Rogue River Valley and take views of its many scenic attractions, as well as to take views of buildings and other places of interest. "Local Notes," Jacksonville Sentinel, June 19, 1903, page 2 Frank Hull will leave about the first of July for Crater Lake and Mt. Pitt where, for several weeks, he will give his attention to taking photographs of the various places of interest. Mr. Hull has made some fine views of valley points and in all probability will bring back some good ones from the mountains. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 26, 1903, page 7 Frank Hull and Cliff Beckett returned Saturday from a three weeks' trip up Rogue River and at Crater Lake. Mr. Hull took about fifty very fine views of the scenery along the route traveled. "Additional Personal," Medford Mail, August 28, 1903, page 4 Frank Hull has returned from his photo tour of Crater Lake and Klamath County and has pitched his tent in Medford. Mr. Hull got some remarkably fine views of Crater Lake and of Rogue River and Klamath Lake scenery. He has a panoramic view of this valley that is remarkable for its clearness and for the scope of territory covered, for it shows the entire valley from Table Rock to about Ashland, and so plainly that farm houses and orchards and all of the towns can be seen, and for a background to this beautiful valley scene the rugged heights of the Siskiyou Mountains show up bold and clear. As a souvenir to send to Eastern friends this view of the valley would be just the thing, for it would give them a comprehensive understanding of the topography of this section of Rogue River Valley and of the beautiful appearance of the valley and its grand scenery. "Local Notes," Jacksonville Sentinel, September 18, 1903, page 4 Frank H. Hull, the enterprising young photographer, of Medford, was married Oct. 29th in the parsonage at Denver, Idaho, to Miss Fannie E. Hall, Rev. J. C. Templeton officiating. The young people have been spending their honeymoon with friends and relatives in Idaho but are expected in Medford in the near future, at which place they have a wide circle of friends who wish them happiness and prosperity in their latest venture. Jacksonville Sentinel, November 13, 1903, page 8 MARRIED.
HULL-HALL--At Denver, Idaho, Oct. 29, 1903, by Rev. J. C. Templeton, Frank H. Hull and Miss Fannie Hall, both of Medford.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 18, 1903, page 4 Frank Hull, an excellent artist, has established himself in business in Jacksonville, in a big tent, near the railroad depot, and is doing a good business. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, April 13, 1904, page 1 Frank Hull has had his photograph tent set up at the Table Rock post office, and was soliciting orders. If all sat for pictures who spoke of doing so, he will make a good thing out of his stay among us. "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, August 5, 1904, page 8 Taken Up.
There came upon my premises, one and one-half miles west of Medford, on
October 2, 1904, one hog (sow) having ear marks by which owner can
identify her.
Owner please call for animal, describe same, pay charges and take it away. FRANK
Medford Mail, November
4, 1904, page 8
Frank Hull:--"Yes, I'm in the photograph business by myself now. I have quit the partnership business. It didn't seem to work right some way. I have my studio opposite the post office fitted up in good shape and have settled down for the winter." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, December 16, 1904, page 1 Frank Hull, the Art Studio man and landscape artist, of Medford, was in town Wednesday and made this office a pleasant call. Mr. Hull has but recently returned from trips to Crater Lake and other scenic localities of Southern Oregon and has a collection of Oregon views that is second to none in this section of the state. "Local Briefs," Jacksonville Sentinel, December 16, 1904, page 5 Frank Hull, the Medford photographer, made another trip to the new site of the Iowa Lumber Co.'s mill on Jackson Creek and reports that he was able to secure some very fine landscape views. "Local Happenings," Jacksonville Sentinel, January 20, 1905, page 4 Frank H. Hull:--"I note by your last week's paper that you stated I was fishing at Rogue River a few Sundays ago. Well, I was, in a manner, and I think I caught more fish than anyone else on the river that day. I was taking pictures for W. F. Isaacs, the 'Toggery man.'" "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, September 22, 1905, page 1 Benj. Hull, of Chicago, stopped off in Medford last week for a half day's visit with his half-brother, F. H. Hull, the Art Studio man. Mr. Hull is a traveling salesman for a Chicago wholesale house. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 10, 1905, page 8 Frank Hull, the Art Studio man, did a great turn at "hurry-up" work Tuesday afternoon and night of this week. At three o'clock Tuesday Dr. Ray placed an order with him for 300 souvenir buttons and 100 8x10 mounted views of the Gold Ray dam. Mr. Hull, with the assistance of his wife and Mr. and Mrs. McKinney, recently from Eastern Oregon, at once set to work on the job and by daylight Wednesday morning the entire order was completed and ready for delivery. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 17, 1905, page 5 F. H. Hull:--"Talking about making new business and getting in outside capital? Want to tell you that this week I received an order from Idaho Falls, Idaho, for 100 of those novelty mirrors I am putting out. The party will use them as advertisement for his business. Why, yes, I am doing a good lot of work in my photo novelties. They are new and in every respect novel--and that's what the people want--something different." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, December 15, 1905, page 1 Fred Hurst made an unprovoked assault upon Frank Hull on Wednesday of this week--for which he was arrested and Recorder Toft imposed a fine of $10, which he paid. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 23, 1906, page 5 POST CARDS--All who desire their names and address placed on list for the exchange of souvenir postal cards and who are willing to return a card, promptly, for each one received, may send ten cents in stamps to The Northwest Post Card Co., Medford, Oregon. Twelve post cards sent postpaid on receipt of 25 cents, or 25 for 50 cents. All different Southern Oregon scenes. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1906, page 5 POST CARDS--In the Saturday's issue of this paper will appear another post card local. All who cut it out and mail it to the Northwest Post Card Union, Medford, Oregon, will have their name placed on the exchange list free of charge and will receive post cards from all over the United States. Read next Saturday's Daily Tribune. "Local and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, March 23, 1906, page 4 Through a peculiar coincidence Frank Hull's birthday and that of his better half occurs on the 28th and 30th of October, while their wedding anniversary is sandwiched between these two dates. This triple holiday, falling so frequently, has been found so exhausting in the past that it was deemed necessary to compass the three festal occasions in one, which was done last Sunday, a goodly gathering of friends at the Hull home contributing to the joyousness of the anniversary. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 2, 1906, page 5 POST CARDS--All who desire their names and address placed on list for the exchange of souvenir postal cards and who are willing to return a card, promptly, for each one received, may send ten cents in stamps to The Northwest Post Card Union, Medford, Oregon. Twelve post cards sent postpaid on receipt of 25 cents, or 25 for 50 cents. All different Southern Oregon scenes. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1906, page 5 Talent Historical Society just unearthed a tattered copy of a June 1907 Post Card Magazine published by the Northwest Post Card Union, printed by the Hull Printing Company of Medford, Oregon. Hull Printing Company created a club which sent and exchanged picture postcards, and the contents of the one magazine THS possesses shows that this local picture card club had members from nearly a score of states across the nation. Our one copy lists members from Washington, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Alaska, Oklahoma Territory and Texas--though most of the members were from the Southern Oregon area. Talent Historical Society only has seen one copy of this rare club's booklet. Perhaps there are others floating around or buried in the attics of Jackson County. In any event, THS museum is pleased to have this one copy, but would certainly like to see our copy have a companion. The Historacle, Talent, Oregon, April 2011, page 7 Stealing Our Thunder.
recently there has come to light two or three cases of the smallest
kind of petty larceny that could be imagined outside of a deliberate
theft of candy from a child. The thefts consisted of the printing of
Southern Oregon orchard scenes on souvenir postals and labeling them as
belonging to other sections.
One of the most flagrant violations of the ethics of printing was committed by a San Francisco house [i.e., the Edward H. Mitchell Co.] which makes a specialty of printing postals. This house was sold Hull's well-known picture of "Midwinter Strawberries and Roses, in Southern Oregon," an actual photograph, and one of which thousands of copies have been sold. Mr. Hull orders these postals from the San Francisco house as he needs them. What was his surprise the other day, there[fore], to find in a consignment a number of the same postals labeled "Midwinter Strawberries and Roses in California." Think of the nerve of it. Stealing scenes from Oregon to bolster up California. Mr. Hull immediately wrote the firm demanding an explanation. Nobody knows how many people have been misled by this label. One other was the picture representing S. L. Bennett in the act of picking Newtowns in his orchard. This was found at Newport by a Medford man and was labeled "Hood River," and another well-known picture of the Bear Creek Orchard, where the familiar phiz of Street Commissioner Higgins is prominent in the foreground is boldly marked "A Hood River Orchard" when S. A. D. never saw Hood River and doesn't want to. Of course, it is not to be supposed that the fruit growers of Hood River or of California are responsible for this attempted deception of the people, but the thing has been done, and is being done all the time. We have this consolation, however, it won't take us long to get up another series of photographs, the trouble is to choose from the different scenes at our command. Medford Mail, August 2, 1907, page 4 CALIFORNIA STEALS CREDIT FROM
Medford Picture Postals of Rogue River Valley Products Credited to Golden State.
A San Francisco postal card publisher by the name of Edward H. Mitchell
has secured photographs of Rogue River Valley scenes and products and
has reproduced them in color. Some are labeled "Oregon Products" and
sold in Portland. The same pictures are also labeled "California
Products," and sold in California.
One of the cards is the photograph of Tokay grapes, which shows the late C. H. Manwaring standing behind clusters of flaming Tokays. The cards are labeled "Tokay Grapes, California" and "Tokay Grapes, Oregon." Medford gets no credit. Another card shows strawberries and roses grown in Medford. These cards contain the legends "Midwinter Strawberries and Roses in California" or "Midwinter Strawberries and Roses in Oregon." The Rogue River Valley is the only section of Oregon where such scenes can be photographed. Californians, in stealing credit for Oregon products, pay the sincere compliment of acknowledging the superiority of those products over those of the Golden State. Next California growers will be shipping their apples and other fruits under the Oregon label. The steal of credit for Oregon pictures by California has resulted in inquiries being made by travelers to ascertain the facts in the case, and the real estate firm of Page & Lawton have received several such. The following sample reply is being sent out: Medford, Or., Oct. 23.--F. E. Scott, Esq., Portland, Or.--Dear Mr. Scott: Your postal of inquiry regarding the place of nativity of these Tokay grapes, which it illustrates, duly received. The photograph was originally taken on the Manwaring place, situated about one mile west of Medford, C. H. Manwaring, deceased, being the individual in the picture, Frank Hull of Medford being the photographer. We enclose another steal of strawberries. These were grown by Job Wilder near Phoenix. Photo also taken by Hull. In October, 1906, a representative of Edward H. Mitchell, 3363 Army Street, San Francisco, called upon Mr. Hull here and purchased several of his photographs for the purpose of reproducing them, but not stating that they were to be used for the purpose of advertising California. And such is fame. Very truly yours, PAGE & LAWTON. Medford Daily Tribune, October 25, 1907, page 1 A large assortment of post card albums, just arrived at Hull's Postal Shop, 10c to $2.50. Come and see them, Hubbard building, near bridge. "Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, December 17, 1907, page 4 Frank Hull, the Medford photographer and postcard vendor, came up last Monday to photograph Buccioni, the Greek, who assaulted a fellow laborer at Steinman last fall. His victim is dying in a Portland hospital, it is stated. "Local Notes," Jacksonville Post, December 21, 1907, page 3 A few enlarged photos of Southern Oregon scenery, left over from the Christmas trade, will be given free with frames to fit, on receipt of retail price of frame. A limited supply. The Art Studio, Hubbard bldg., near bridge. "Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, January 10, 1908, page 4 Death of Mrs. Beckett.
Mrs. Viola
G. Beckett, the wife of Thomas W. Beckett, died at the
family residence on the Manwaring place west of Medford on Friday
morning, May 8th. Mrs. Beckett has been ill for a number of years, and
for some time previous to her death she was in a precarious condition
so that the news of her death did not come as a surprise to her many
friends in this city.
Mrs. Beckett was a native of Lambertville, New Jersey. She came to this valley about fifteen years ago and has resided here since that time. She was married to Thomas W. Beckett in the East. Three children were born to her, and at the time of her death one son, Clifford, survived her, two daughters having died since her arrival in the valley. Her mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Hull, was with her at the end, having lived with her for a number of years. Frank H. Hull of this city was her brother. She was aged at the time of her death forty-two years, four months and seventeen days. The funeral was held at the grave, conducted by Rev. Goulder, the interment being in the Phoenix cemetery. The cemetery was crowded with her many friends, who gathered to pay their last respects. Mrs. Beckett was well known throughout the valley, and her character was such as to make her loved by many. Her illness, extending as it did over a number of years, confined her to her home to a considerable extent, yet all who came in contact with her marveled at her cheerfulness in spite of her affliction. Her death will be regretted by those who had the fortune of knowing her. Medford Mail, May 15, 1908, page 1 Verdict for Hull.
civil action was tried out yesterday in Justice Canon's court, wherein
Frank Hull was plaintiff and George H. Eldred was defendant before a
jury composed of W. J. Lawton, Asahel Hubbard, Samuel Richardson, W. C.
Reagan, J. R. Horning and J. W. Redden. The sum sued for was $45.50,
attorney F. J. Newman for plaintiff and O. C. Boggs for defendant. The
jury, after being out half an hour, returned a verdict in favor of
plaintiff for the full amount sued for.
Medford Mail, November 5, 1908, page 6 Frank H. Hull of Medford was making some photographs at the cemetery Tuesday; his wife accompanied him. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, April 3, 1909, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hull returned last evening in their automobile from an outing trip in the Grants Pass country. Mr. Hull reports good success fishing in the Rogue River and brought out four or five steelheads, one of which weighed seven pounds, and a number of salmon and trout. "Personal and Local Brevity," Medford Mail, September 24, 1909, page 2 Miss Mabel Hull of California is visiting her brother, Frank H. Hull. "Personal and Local Brevity," Medford Mail, October 22, 1909, page 2 Notice.
to the fact that our Christmas postals are coming in and we are crowded
for room to display them, we will offer all postals at a 20 percent
discount for one day only, Saturday, November 13. This will afford a
good opportunity for you to lay in a supply for future corresponding at
a price that will pay you. Look over our Christmas goods that are
coming in. It is a pleasure to show them.
Remember, $1 worth of postals will only cost you 80 cents next Saturday. The Blue Jay Postal Shop, 331 E. Main St., upstairs. Frank H. Hull, proprietor. Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1909, page 18 There is a certain post card emporium named after a very gay old bird, and combined with this is a first-class print shop that turns out work that is very creditable to the "art preservative of all arts." In fact, this is an art shop all around. For the holidays there will be found on display here the most complete line of cards, views and greetings, beautiful beyond extravagant expectation. Large stock of pyrographic supplies. It will pay you to climb the easy stairway to have a look at the fine display. Anything in printing is the motto here, also, and the man behind the business will make it his business to see that you are pleased. Blue Jay, Frank H. Hull, second floor, 331 E. Main St. "What Do You Know About This?" Medford Mail, December 9, 1909, page 6 ![]() December 15, 1909 Medford Mail Tribune FRANK H. HULL
![]() Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page B3 Ed Weston returned Wednesday from Southern California, where he has been on a business trip. Mr. Weston found the picture which has occupied a prominent position in the Medford booklets, as an illustration of how Tokay grapes are grown here, on postcards in Southern California with the headline "Picking Grapes in California." The picture is the reproduction of an actual photograph of the late C. H. Manwaring, taken in his vineyard near Jacksonville by Frank Hull. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 27, 1910, page 5 Census date: May 6, 1910 Name: Frank H. Hull Residence: 331 East Sixth Street, Medford Occupation: Scenic Artist Birth location: Kansas (father Iowa, mother Kansas) Household members: Frank H. Hull, 30, married 7 years Fannie E. Hull, 29, wife, born in Washington (father Wisconsin, mother Illinois) Occupation: None United States Census Buggies Must Carry Lights.
Or., Aug. 15.--(Special.)--Because of the new law which provides that
buggies shall carry lights, M. E. Root will be unable to recover
damages from Frank H. Hull, whose auto ran into him the other night.
The buggy was completely demolished by the collision and Mr. Root was
thrown clear of the wreckage. Mr. Root was going to sue the auto owner,
but on the opinion of his attorney that he could not recover [damages]
because of noncompliance with the new law, dropped the controversy.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 16, 1911, page 3 Auction Sale
Two o'clock Saturday, September 2, the entire stock and fixtures at the
Art Studio are to be sold at auction. Stock consists of pyrography,
photography and pierced brass goods, stationery, kodaks, wide-angle
lenses, moss agates and jewelry, ladies' and gents' furnishings,
typewriter, cash register, stereopticon machine and slides, celluloid
button machine, porcelain-lined lard rendering kettle, 8-day mission
clock, electric enlarging machine, new rag carpet, deerhide rug and
numerous other articles.
Everything to be sold. Souvenir for ladies. Private sale now on. 331 East Main Street, over Hubbard Bros. store, Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1911, page 2 In late 1911 Hull became an owner of Medford's troubled Savoy Theater, eventually moving it to Central Point. ![]() Medford Mail Tribune,October 11, 1911 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune,October 28, 1911 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune,January 5, 1912 The January 5th ad above was apparently the Savoy's last hurrah in Medford. Soon Hull reopened the Savoy in Central Point: Frank Hull of Medford has leased the Central Point opera house and will run a moving picture show here. "Central Point Items," Medford Mail Tribune, May 14, 1912, page 4 ![]() CALIFORNIA USES OREGON GRAPES AS AN AD PUT JACKSONVILLE GRAPES AND GROWER ON POST CARDS W. L. Halley Shown Picture of Late C. H. Manwaring As What Bear State Can Produce
That California often gets credit for what southern Oregon produces is
shown by a story told by Mr. W. L. Halley of Medford, who recently
returned from a visit to California.
While visiting in Santa Barbara Mr. Halley was shown around by a well-known real estate man of that city, and while visiting one of the commercial club rooms he noticed a photograph of some very fine grapes with the head and shoulders of a man just above. Here, said the real estate man, was a view of a Californian picking Tokay grapes in the Golden Gate state. ![]() The incident calls attention to the fact that southern Oregon grows the best grapes in the world, and California, with characteristic business enterprise, takes credit for it and capitalizes what Oregon has ignored. Medford Sun, August 8, 1913, page 1 HULL TOOK PICTURE OF GRAPES
Central Point Photographer Declares It's Habit with California
the editor: I noticed your mention in this morning's paper regarding
California's misuse of Oregon's grapes, and I would like to correct a
couple of errors in your statement regarding the same. In the first
place, this particular grape vine mentioned in the article [was] grown
by the late C. H. Manwaring, not "Manwarning," and his vineyard was
outside the city limits of Medford on the old stage road and not at
Jacksonville. I took the photo in 1907, not three years ago, for Mr.
Manwaring has been dead over five years.
This is not California's first offense, as they have used this particular grape picture on postals and publications numerous times; also the "[Midwinter] Strawberries and Roses," a picture which I took with strawberries from the noted patch of Job Wilder's of Phoenix and roses from Mrs. H. E. Boyden's pretty flower beds on North C Street, Medford. It may heat your engines a little to have our Oregon product used to advertise a neighbor state, but it makes the water boil in my radiator, for I am the guy who took these pictures and do not like to be disputed by Californians and tourists, as I have been many times, when I claim the credit for myself and Oregon. I have the negative of the grape (No. 3038) from which the photo was printed, also the strawberries and roses (No. 1966), and numerous times I found it difficult to convince skeptical people even when I produced these negatives. But even so, I believe that those who have been convinced will do enough real good advertising for us to offset the matter-of-form advertising done in California, for our product certainly must be worthy of notice and equal or superior in their minds, or they would not use it to help sell their lands. "Let 'er buck," boil and kick back through the carburetor, but California is liable to have a blowout, then we will give her the hightail as we go whizzing by. FRANK
Sun's Letter Box," Medford Sun, August
10, 1913, page 4
![]() Central Point Herald, January 4, 1915
Mr. Hull of
Central Point gave a free moving picture show Wednesday evening. He
will show pictures here every Wednesday evening at the Talent theater.
"Talent Tidings," Ashland Tidings, March 1, 1915, page 3 Hull Wakes Portland with Gaudy Shirt
Mr. Hull of Central Point, who secured the motion pictures of round-up
activities and the park crowds here, went down to Portland last week to
have the pictures developed and incidentally to secure publicity for
the coming round-up celebration. Mr. Hull went attired in a round-up
costume and is sure waking them up, as this letter from him denotes:Portland, June 22, 1916.
Mr. O. T. Bergner, Ashland, Ore,Kind Friend: Well, it's a winner! It is a pleasure to make this trip, because I believe from the interest shown all along the line that it is a success. My outfit is so loud that they could hear me coming and gathered in crowds at the stations to greet me. No, but every sucker in seeing distance from the train knew there was something out of the ordinary in the wind. I got off at almost every town and passed out a few poems, and if everyone didn't get one, men and women would come to my window and ask for one and talk until the train pulled out. Early in the day I passed out a few poems in the smoking car and someone carried one into the other cars. Soon the brakeman came in and said the people were asking for them, so I passed them out through the other cars. They are the best ad you have, and I would suggest that you have another 1,000 printed for California. Men and women all along the line, and even on the streets of Portland, when I arrived here last night, would yell out "Let 'im buck" and wave as though they knew me. Just finished breakfast, and as soon as the offices are open I am going out after them. I'll probably get my name in the papers, but "Ish ka fret." [Yiddish: "I should worry?"] A policeman came up to me at the train at a small town in quest of Southern Oregon, and said my loud shirt woke him up, and he came to meet the train to see what all the noise was about. Poor old Southern Oregon, it will never be the same again. Some of those who have been asleep for years have awakened, and the dead ones turned over in their graves. But, "Let 'im buck," that's all I hear, anyway. Well, believe me, Portland knows Ashland is going to have a round-up! I appeared before the Commercial Club banquet at the Hotel Oregon grill and by special arrangement with the police department entered the grill unbeknown to the crowd and fired a "41" blank, at the same time letting out a "Let 'im buck" yell, then after extending a cordial invitation to the club to attend our big celebration, I made my "exit" with another "shot," "Welcome--Ashland round-up day." Have walked the streets continually today, and received many comments as well as many promises to visit Ashland. Am leaving on this train for Hillsboro to wake up that said town. Pictures are good, and will get out tomorrow night for Roseburg, reaching Ashland Sunday morning on "Shasta" as arranged. I would suggest that you be sure and have 1,000 more of the poems printed. Everyone wants them. People in autos even stop on the street to read my pennant. Have the pennant on my back--boots, spurs, bandanna and gun, and with the shirt--well, that shirt gets the ladies. Watch your wife when I come to Ashland! Occasionally when I start across the street when an auto is coming, I hold up my hand for them to hesitate and I walk ahead of them. It gets a laugh. "Nuff ced." Out of paper. Good-bye, HULL. Ashland Tidings, June 26, 1916, page 1 King Sulphur Is Taken in Movies
"Movie man"
Hull of Central Point has sent another batch of films to the company at
Portland to be developed. Mr. Hull is on the job every minute and gets
all of the really interesting events in the country. On a recent
sunshiny day the sulfur cave [in
Lithia Park]
was the scene of impressive ceremonies when King Bergner, attired in
the royal robes in which he presided over the King Sulfur Saturnalia,
participated in some "action" for the movies, which will be shown here
some time later.
Ashland Tidings, July 31, 1916, page 3 Frank Hull of Central Point has sold his string of movie houses at Central Point, Eagle Point and Talent to Hall and Riley of Eagle Point, who will take possession immediately. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1916, page 2 Frank Hull has again taken charge of the Savoy Theater, and has remodeled the building inside, which is a great improvement in the way of comfort for those who attend. "Central Point," Medford Mail Tribune, December 7, 1916, page 5 ![]() June
4, 1917 Ashland Tidings
Frank H. Hull left Monday night last for his new home in Geyserville, Cal., Sonoma County, where Mrs. Hull preceded him some months ago. They expect to go in business there. "Central Point," Medford Mail Tribune, March 8, 1918, page 5 FOR SALE--Or exchange, auto truck, job printing plant, roll top (attorney's) desk, safe, two pianos, studio camera, two box ball alleys, moving picture machine, sheet music at two for 15c, etc. Must be sold within the week. Frank H. Hull, Central Point. "Classified Advertisements," Medford Mail Tribune, August 16, 1919, page 5 Census date: January 6, 1920 Name: Frank H. Hull Residence: 4639 Fourth Street, Chico, California Occupation: Printer, Job Printing Birth location: Kansas (father United States, mother New Jersey) Household members: Frank H. Hull, 39 Fannie E. Hull, 38, wife, born in Washington (father Wisconsin, mother Michigan) Occupation: Assistant Printer United States Census "All of us are naturally curious by nature, and if there is a mystery connected with anything we all want to know what it is," says Frank H. Hull, a merchant of Chico, California. "If you interest your customers in anything that is the least bit mysterious they will do everything they can to find out what it is. "A short time ago I devised a special kind of envelope for my correspondence and on the cover, up near the stamp, I made this little notation, 'there's a message 'neath the stamp for you.' Naturally every one of the customers who received a letter from me was attracted by this odd notation and took the first opportunity to look under the stamp; and when he did so he found an exact reproduction of one of my products. "Of course I have no way of ascertaining just how much of my increased business I can attribute to this little device, but I do know that a great many of my customers have told me about it and have seemed particularly pleased with it, which is gratifying to me." "12 Little Knacks That Save," System, the Magazine of Business, July 1920, page 56 A divorce action which aroused considerable interest in Chico, Calif. recently concerned two former well-known local residents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hull. Mr. Hull was interested in the printing business here for some time and later operated the Savoy Theater in Central Point, where he also operated a store and a printing office. He and his wife moved to Chico eight or more years ago to open a hardware business there. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1927, page 3 CHICO, Jan. 14.--Mrs. Effie G. Ference, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Guynn of Chico, was married in Marysville to Frank H. Hull, Chico merchant. "Chico," Oakland Tribune, January 15, 1928, page 50 Hull Frank H. (est. 1919), 1152 Park av.[, Chico, Calif.]; tel. 887. Frank H. Hull, prop. and buyer. Job printer. Printing Trades Blue Book, 1925 (page 45) and 1928 (page 67) editions MRS. SARAH HULL PASSES, AGED 88
Mrs. Sarah Adaline Hull, known familiarly to many in Medford as "Aunty
Hull," died early yesterday morning at her home here, following an
illness of the past two months. She was aged 88 years and nine months
at the time of her passing, and had resided in this city for the past
forty years.Sarah Adaline Shepherd was born at Lambertville, N.J., August 8, 1843. She is survived by one son, Frank Hull of Chico. Mrs. Hull was a member of the First Christian church of this city, where she was active in the work until failing health made it impossible for her to carry on. She attended church services faithfully until shortly before Easter, this year. Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock at the First Christian church, with Rev. D. E. Millard and Rev. W. R. Baird in charge. Interment will be in the Medford Mausoleum. Medford Mail Tribune, May 23, 1932, page 8 FRANK HULL IN CITY TO ATTEND
Frank H. Hull, of Chico, Calif., arrived in Medford last evening to
attend the funeral service this afternoon for his mother, Mrs. Sarah
Hull, who died early Sunday morning.
The funeral was conducted at the First Christian Church with Rev. D. E. Millard, assisted by Rev. W. R. Baird, officiating. Entombment was made in the Medford mausoleum. Arrangements were in charge of Conger's funeral parlors. Medford Mail Tribune, May 24, 1932, page 4 SARAH HULL WILL UP FOR PROBATE
The will of the late Mrs. Sarah A. Hull, pioneer resident, was filed
today in circuit court for probate. Mrs. Hull died May 22 last, and the
will was made in January 1931.The bulk of the estate is left to two great-grandchildren, Clifford S. Beckett and Ruth E. Beckett of Eugene. The will provides that they share alike in all real and personal property, after other provisions have been fulfilled. Frank H. Hull, a son of Chico, Calif., is left a promissory note for $250, and $5. D. E. Millard, of this city, is left a combination desk and bookcase belonging to the deceased. The will named Millard as an arbiter, by one clause, if a certain contingency, now passed, should arise. The will also provided that Clarence Pierce of this city be named as executor. J. W. Wakefield, Henry Currier, and Pauline Roberts are appraisers of the estate. Medford Mail Tribune, June 3, 1932, page 6 ![]() Former Resident of Valley Dies in
Mail Tribune, September 26, 1949, page 4
Word has been received here of the death of Frank H. Hull in Chico,
Calif., on August 31. The deceased was a former resident of Medford and
Central Point.
Mr. Hull was the son of the late Mrs. Sarah H. Hull and came to the valley to live about 1887. He was a native of Hiawatha, Kans., born there on October 28, 1880. In Medford he was a scenic photographer and job printer. He moved to Chico about 30 years ago, where he operated a furniture and hardware store, retiring about 10 years ago. Kindness Is Rewarded by Bequests
in Will Left by Chico Man
OROVILLE (Butte Co.), Sept. 30.--An estate valued in excess of $10,000
will be distributed according to the will written by Frank H. Hull and
covering 20 pages of notebook paper.
Hull, a second-hand dealer in Chico, died August 31st. Among other bequests, the will gives $25 war bonds to the newspaper boy on whose route the second-hand store was located, to a neighbor boy, Billie Striegel, because of attentions paid during Hull's last illness, one to Henry Penner, a longtime clerk, and another to the mail carrier, Howard Berry, for his courtesy. The principal beneficiaries are Alice B. Muncey Towne, Hull's housekeeper, willed the home and half the residual estate, sharing with his divorced wife. Others include the Butte County Tuberculosis Association, the Boy Scouts, Red Cross, Community Chest and the hospital of the University of California. Sacramento Bee, September 30, 1949, page 8 Last revised August 10, 2023 |