Medford News: 1895 Medford-related news items from 1895. Also see descriptions of Medford and Jackson County for this year. J. W. Att, who conducts a meat market in this city, was arrested today on a warrant sworn out by Joe Deik, charging him with assault. He was taken before Justice Walton and fined $15 and costs, which he paid. "Rogue River Road," Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 3, 1895, page 2 The 12-year-old son of W. E. Finney met with an accident at Medford which will disable him for some time. He was playing on one of the numerous ice-covered ponds about town when he slipped and fell, seriously fracturing the right thigh bone. He was assisted home and Dr. Geary called to reduce the fracture. The boy will likely be disabled for several weeks by the misfortune. "News of the Northwest," Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 3, 1895, page 4
Representative-elect Geo. W. Dunn, of
Ashland, the only Republican elected, was here New Year's looking up
his constituents and finding out all those wanting a committee
clerkship. He will undoubtedly receive the chairmanship of some
important committee and will have a number of clerkships to bestow on
somebody.Medford is making a response to the Nebraska sufferers' relief fund in both money and other material substances, the arrangements being conducted by Mayor Haskins. Medford was settled up principally from residents of that state. J. B. McGee, H. Klippel's former partner, is now receiver of the International Nickel Mining Co. of Riddle. J. W. Plymire, at the age of 56 years, passed away to the other world Monday evening just a few hours before the dissolution of the old year. The funeral took place Wednesday under the auspices of the A.O.U.W. While two lads were playing with a 22-caliber pistol the "gun" in the hands of young Crystal was discharged in the calf of W. Edwards' leg. A physician soon quieted the fear of the family by pronouncing it merely a flesh wound. Chas. Robinson, committed to the asylum last week, had been in the employ of Canyonville Lumber Co. in Douglas County. Pat Donoghue was down from Ashland buying poultry for his Pullman buffet business. The piano recital of the class of Mrs. Sayre, who was ably assisted by Miss Ora Adkins, an accomplished musician, proved a very pleasing entertainment and was much appreciated by the audience. Mrs. W. H. Simmons spent New Year's with Ashland friends. John W. Smith's family of Big Sticky have been having quite a siege with the measles. Mrs. S. and four of her boys, Rollin, Louis, Leroy and John, have all had them. Dr. Stanfield was called in and gave immediate relief. They are now in a fair way to recover, and Mrs. Smith, though she has been very ill, is convalescing. Mrs. John Schneider of Big Sticky is in a critical condition with inflammatory rheumatism. Valley Record, Ashland, January 3, 1895, page 3 J. W. Wiley, of Medford, shipped another consignment of hogs from that point to 'Frisco. Medford is the great hog market of Southern Oregon. "Late News Items," Capital Journal, Salem, January 4, 1895, page 3 Medford Items.
Geo. M. Love of Jacksonville is after a
job from the incoming state officials.Miss Effie Caster returned Tuesday from a visit with Ashland friends. Baker, the coal miner, spent Sunday with Ashland relatives. R. V. Beall, Jr., returned Sunday to resume his studies at the state university, Eugene. J. L. Wigle was in Ashland Wednesday on business. Ira Purdin was doing the Granite City yesterday. The eight cars of cattle and hogs Hockersmith has ready for San Francisco were sold and shipped to the Union Meat Co. of Portland. The Jackson County Republican bosses are not noted for very successful political management in their own county, but when it comes to wanting something from the state of Oregon's 16,000 Republican majority they are decidedly "in it." The penitentiary, for instance. Ever since it became popular for a judge to "break into jail" there are five Jackson County Republicans who want to "get into the penitentiary.'' Henry Brophy, now of Salem, wants the wardenship, and A. P. Talent wants the carpentership. H. W. Shipley of Table Rock wants to be superintendent, and G. F. Merriman, Geo. M. Love and Nat Langell are making a race for the wardenship. There are committee clerkships galore, with chances in favor of Mrs. Plymale and A. N. Soliss of Jacksonville, J. A. Whiteside of Medford and Mrs. C. W. Ayers of Ashland securing places. At any and all times public halls, opera houses, churches, etc., where the public are induced to assemble should be structures of unquestioned safety. The columns of newspapers are almost constantly filled with reports from all parts of the world of the fatal consequences attending mankind's stupidity along these lines. The springing of the death trap at Silver Lake, however, has driven home with a terrible death blow to the people of Oregon the importance of having such matters remedied before precious human beings as well as property are sacrificed at the shrine of greed. This session of the legislature will undoubtedly pass a law making it a felony for any owner knowing the safety of a public or semipublic building being in question and allowing it to be used. No hall should be without two means of egress and built in a substantial manner. There are many halls in this state that are panic breeders as well as death traps. Valley Record, Ashland, January 10, 1895, page 3 Sam'l. Willmott, of San Francisco, arrived in Medford last week and at once entered into negotiations with G. W. Bashford to take charge of the brewery department in his Southern Oregon Brewery. Work, such as cleansing casks and making malt, is now in progress at the brewery and within a couple of weeks brewing proper will commence. Architect Bennet has leased living rooms in the Halley Block and office room in the Hamlin Block. His family is now at Roseburg but will be here soon, and from the date of their coming they will be permanent residents of this city. Mr. Bennet's intentions are to make this his headquarters but he expects to do work in various parts of the valley. Medford Mail, January 11, 1895, page 5 Medford Items.
Mrs. Lippincott visited Ashland Tuesday.B. F. Crouch was in Ashland Saturday. J. A. Whiteside is in Salem after a female clerkship. Chas. Nickell is in Salem working the soldiers home. Geo. E. Neuber is in Tacoma to sell the Reid & Neuber mine on Elliott Creek. C. W. Palm, the real estate rustler, was in Ashland Tuesday. A son was born to the wife of Chas. Prim in Jacksonville the 10th inst. Geo. Justus, Chas. Hocum and Dick Perry are on Siskiyou with intention of buying Hosley's saw mill. Rev. E. E. Thompson, now an enterprising and wide-awake business man of the firm of Thompson & Meeker, was in Ashland today. Jerry Nunan, the Jacksonville merchant, is in Southern California for his health and Mrs. Nunan joined him last week. J. A. Whitman was at Ashland the first of the week shipping a carload of apples from Bert Tozer's place, the Houck ranch, to his warehouse. Mr. Whitman shipped another carload of apples to Texas Tuesday. The branch railroad survey as outlined in the Record in November has reached nine miles from Jacksonville. Coul and Jones stopped work and platted it for estimates on cost and have now commenced surveying the balance of the route to Sams Valley. Valley Record, Ashland, January 17, 1895, page 3 FOR SALE--TAILORING BUSINESS. Well established, at Medford, Oregon; value $500. For information address Tailor, box 154. The Morning Call, San Francisco, January 19, 1895, page 7 Mounce & Schermerhorn of Medford have dissolved partnership, I. A. Mounce continuing the business. "Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, January 24, 1895, page 1 Geo. H. Tyler has become possessor of the Wirth Photo Co.'s gallery in Medford as well as the plant which he owned, in Ashland. Mr. Wirth is badly involved. Miss Cora Baldwin is in charge of the gallery in Ashland and Tyler is running things at Medford. "Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, January 24, 1895, page 3 Geo. H. Tyler, the photographer, went down to Medford last evening to look after his business there. Mr. Tyler now owns the Wirth gallery at Medford as well as the Tyler gallery in Ashland, both of which were recently conducted by the Wirth Photo Co. "Personal," Ashland Tidings, January 24, 1895, page 3 Medford Items.
Mrs. P. W. Olwell of Central Point goes
to San Diego this week for her health.Chas. Newstrom and Maggie Nussbaum of Lake Creek were to be married this week. C. M. Talbott has been appointed agent for the State Insurance Co. Postmaster Howard of this city is in Ashland again rejuvenating himself with the medicinal sulfur springs in the Granite City. W. L. Badley and Miss Effie Laws, daughter of Henry Laws, were married near Woodville on the 17th inst. The grandparents of the bride acted as bridesmaid and best man. The survey for the proposed extension of the Rogue River Valley Railway from near Jacksonville to Sams Valley via Central Point is completed and engineer Coul is now figuring on the estimated cost of construction, etc. Misses Kate Hansen and Fannie Ralph, two Ashland belles, returned home Monday from a visit with Miss Ida Naylor and Mrs. Lippincott, respectively. L. D. Ward and Miss Maggie Manning, both of Klamath County, were married on the 20th at the residence of Miss Kate Lemberger in Jacksonville. Brooks, living in the county jail at Jacksonville until April term of court for maliciously destroying engineer McCarthy's house near Talent, attracts lots of attention by his mouth. He has a strong voice and sings all classes of religious hymns with a great deal of lyrical pathos and noise. He declares that he will not remain in jail until April and is allowed no extra freedom as he is such a crazy lunatic as not to have any more sense than [to] leave the jail these hard times and in this weather. Valley Record, Ashland, January 24, 1895, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
F. M. Mingus has had a new plank walk built at the Union Livery Stables
and also made other improvements to the property.
G. C. Wirth has rented a portion of the building occupied by attorney White and will represent an eastern picture-enlarging firm. W. I. Vawter was the fortunate individual to get the fine overcoat offered by A. Fetsch, the tailor, to the customer who would buy the most goods during 1894. L. B. Warner, agent of the Albany nursery, is selling a great many fruit trees, shrubbery, etc. He makes frequent visit to the county seat on business. The social entertainment given at the M.E. Church, South, on Monday evening, was a success. A large crowd was in attendance and the proceeds were about $20. Mrs. Wm. Ennis returned a few days since to her home at Yaquina Bay. Her husband will remain in this section for a while longer, as his health is much better in this altitude. J. A. Whiteside of Medford has been appointed by Representative Dunn clerk of the committee on mining. There are very few bills ever referred to this committee, and the people are rather curious to know how the clerk puts in his time to earn the salary. Democratic Times, January 31, 1895, page 2 Medford is improving, and aside from the number of bad things she is accumulating there is also some desirable institutions, the latest being a Y.M.C.A. "Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, January 31, 1895, page 1 Medford Items.
John B. Griffin returned Tuesday from a
trip to Hornbrook.G. P. Lindley and wife have returned from a trip up north. D. D. H. Yeager, the Jenny Creek timber land man, was here this week. R. F. High, the tonsorial artist, visited his parents and Ashland friends Monday and Tuesday. Harry R. Barbour, the carpenter, and Water Supt. Ira Dodge of Ashland were in town Tuesday. David Payne, who moved to Redding from the Trinity Center mines, came up Tuesday on a business trip. Chas. Fronk, formerly railroad agent in Medford, and now holding a similar position in Albany, recently purchased a handsome residence in this city. Bids for the erection of Hotel Nash on the Hotel Medford site will be opened on the first and work will probably be commenced by the 15th of February. Ex-Mayor M. Purdin and family left Wednesday to locate at Oakland, Cal., where Mr. Purdin expects to do something when the new railroad from San Francisco to Bakersfield starts up. Mrs. Helen Jackson left on [the] same train to visit her daughter at Santa Rosa. Mrs. D. A. Huling of this city slipped and fell last Friday morning and broke her left arm at the wrist. This is a great misfortune as the lady is not very stout, and it may go hard with her.--Myrtle Point Oregonian. The Hulings formerly lived in Medford, Mr. H. being engaged in the hardware business. Valley Record, Ashland, January 31, 1895, page 3 The mills of Ashland and Medford, Or., are purchasing wheat from the Umpqua Valley. "Northwest News," Pullman Herald, February 2, 1895, page 7 Medford
That Medford will have a real live boom this year that will make the
hair stand on end there is hardly any doubt. Among the buildings,
besides Hotel Nash, will be a brick block by S. Rosenthal, the
pioneer merchant; a two-story brick by W. B. Roberts with a possible
third story by the K. of P. for a hall. W. H. Parker and Capt. Nash
each contemplate the erection of elegant and costly residences.Valley Record, Ashland, February 7, 1895, page 3 A herd of wild cattle has been roaming the mountains between Rogue River and the south fork of the Umpqua in Oregon for twenty years, and it now numbers in the neighborhood of 500 cattle. They are wild as deer and difficult to approach. The practical harm they work is that gentle cattle belonging to farmers are enticed off and join this wild band. It is proposed to round them up and kill them. "Animal Life," Oelwein Register, Oelwein, Iowa, February 7, 1895, page 2 Medford Items.
Miss Adella Vertrees returned home to
Oro Fino, Siskiyou County, Tuesday.Fred Wright died Sunday of consumption, aged 28 years. The funeral took place Monday. W. J. Fredenburg, the enterprising young fence manufacturer, was in Ashland Saturday on business. Jos. W. Hockersmith returned Tuesday from Gazelle, having accompanied a shipment of stock to San Francisco that far. A. J. Fredenburg has returned from Red Bluff after an absence of some time and noted with pleasure the progress of the town. Gen. Thos. G. Reames, the Jacksonville banker, returned Tuesday from a business trip to San Francisco. In going to the bay city he got caught at Edgewood and was right in the blockade, unable to go either way until it was broken. That Medford will have a real live boom this year that will make the hair stand on end there is hardly any doubt. Among the buildings, besides Hotel Nash,will be a brick block by S. Rosenthal, the pioneer merchant; a two-story brick by W. B. Roberts with a possible third story by the K. of P. for a hall. W. H. Parker and Capt. Nash each contemplate the erection of elegant and costly residences. A. N. Soliss of Jacksonville went to Salem Monday to copy the assessment roll of Jackson County in the secretary of state's office. There was a misunderstanding between county clerk Jacobs on one side and the county court, assessor Jackson and the late assessor over the matter, and Jacobs would not allow anyone to copy the roll in his office who intended charging the county for doing the work, claiming the late assessor was the party to do the work as directed by the law. Valley Record Supplement, Ashland, February 7, 1895, page 5 Thompson & Meeker are making a splendid display of fine goods for little money. Look as you pass bay. The oil tank for the Standard Oil Company's station has arrived and is being placed upon the brick foundation. William Johnson has rented the building formerly occupied by Fetsch's tailor shop, on Seventh Street, and will occupy the same with a restaurant in a few days. The rooms are now being fitted up. Mr. Johnson lately came from western Washington and is accompanied by I. Hansen. Mrs. Johnson is expected in a few days. C. C. Pletcher again calls your attention to the fact that he is here, permanently located in Medford for the practice of dentistry. He does all classes of dentistry in a neat and careful manner and does an artistic as well as a durable piece of work and with the least possible pain, which can only be proven by giving him a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office in McAndrews block. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 8, 1895, page 3 Mrs. James Wright, of Roseburg, is making an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Churchman. "Personal," South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 8, 1895, page 3 J. S. Schott and S. L. Jessup of this city are preparing to give stereopticon entertainments at different points throughout the valley. They are well equipped and we predict a successful tour. W. L. Townsend removed his barber fixtures to a room on Front Street yesterday afternoon. The room formerly occupied as a barber shop in the hotel building will be utilized by the proprietors for accommodations in connection with the house. C. C. Pletcher again calls your attention to the fact that he is here, permanently located in Medford for the practice of dentistry. He does all classes of dentistry in a neat and careful manner and does an artistic as well as a durable piece of work and with the least possible pain, which can only be proven by giving him a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office in McAndrews block. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 12, 1895, page 3 RUNAWAY ACCIDENT.--F. M. Mingus met with an accident Friday evening which has confined him to his home most of the time since. While returning from Gold Hill with two companions his team became unmanageable and he was thrown to the ground and run over by the buggy. The accident occurred at a bad place on the hill just this side of that town, and Mr. Mingus was badly bruised about the head and on his side. The injuries are not severe, however, and he will be around attending his livery business again in a day or two. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 12, 1895, page 3 Al Strobridge left on the northbound train Sunday evening for a trip to his old home in Michigan. Mrs. W. J. Plymale, accompanied by her daughter Miss Mary, went to Salem Saturday evening to remain until the close of the legislative session. "Personal," South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 12, 1895, page 3 A. Fetsch, the Medford tailor, has moved to Grants Pass and gone in business with his brother. "Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, February 14, 1895, page 1 Medford Items.
The Clarendon Hotel has again changed
hands.Mrs. C. W. Palm is visiting Ashland friends. W. A. Rummel, the Klamath River miner, was here this week. W. H. Parker has let the contract for the erection of a fine new residence. L. Larson of Ashland is frescoing Neuber's new saloon at Jacksonville. Miss Mollie Miller, a Jacksonville belle, has taken a legislative clerkship at Salem. Capt. Nash is in Portland and expects to open bids for his new hotel when he returns. I. A. Webb and wife celebrated their crystal wedding at their home Saturday evening. Miss Jessie Langell is visiting at Klamath Falls, the guest of Mrs. Judge Hale and other relatives. John Crawford, a mining man of Scott Valley, Siskiyou County, was here this week, returning Wednesday. Circuit Judge H. K. Hanna returned Monday from a visit of several weeks with his family at Oakland, Cal. Assessor Geo. A. Jackson was in Ashland yesterday preparing to make his assessment and census enumeration. Wm. Ulrich, manager of the pork-packing company, was doing Ashland Monday. He will give $1000 towards a court house to have the county seat moved to Medford. P. J. McGee returned Sunday from a visit with his sister, Mrs. John B. Taylor, in Ashland precinct, whom he had not seen in four years. Miss Jo Nunan who was at Vancouver, Wash., paying Miss Wall a visit, was called home and came Tuesday morning, while Miss Fannie Nunan, who had just resumed her studies at an Oakland, Cal., school arrived home Tuesday evening. County Recorder Rawlings spent Sunday in this city with another newcomer from Iowa. Mr. Rawlings is worse than a real estate agent in bringing new settlers to Jackson County from his old Iowa home. The R.R.V.R.R. have formally announced to the Jacksonville town trustees that in order to extend their line to Sams Valley the town must buy 10 acres of land in the neighborhood of Hanley Butte The matter is under advisement. Walter S. Moss was here Monday in the interest of the Calhoun Opera Co. of 60 people who appear at the opera house Saturday evening. This is the only opera co. of any size that has exhibited in Jackson County. Moss will next season bring to Oregon Iola Pomeroy, a clever soubrette and daughter of the celebrated Brick Pomeroy. Valley Record, Ashland, February 14, 1895, page 3 Buy your cigars, tobaccos and candies at Lee Cown's, opposite opera house. The county court has established the following rates of peddler's license: 2-horse vehicle, 3 months, $20; 1-horse vehicle, 3 months, $15; 1 pack animal, 3 months, $10; foot peddler, 3 months, $5. They are entitled to a license for a shorter period of time by paying to the county treasurer 25 cents per day. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 15, 1895, page 3 S. L. Jessup and J. S. Schott went to Talent Wednesday, where they gave a stereopticon entertainment in the evening which was well attended. Mrs. D. High of Ashland, who has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Barneburg of this city, returned home Wednesday morning. Misses Etta Medynski, Minnie Worman, Jessie Benson, Edith Van Dyke and Messrs. Robert Faucett and E. E. Van Antwerp, of Medford, are among the applicants for teacher's certificate at Jacksonville. "Personal," South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 15, 1895, page 3 NEW LAW FIRM.--Capt. W. S. Crowell has purchased an interest in the legal business of attorney W. H. Parker and entered into a partnership with him for the practice of law. Mr. Parker has been practicing his profession here for some years and been a resident of Jackson County many more, consequently is widely known. Mr. Crowell has been residing near Medford about two years, arriving here from five years' service as U.S. Minister at one of the ports of China. Previous to receiving the appointment to that position he had for many years enjoyed a lucrative law practice at his old home in Ohio. He stands well with the profession, and his large experience will add to the public confidence in the new firm. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 15, 1895, page 3 NEW FIRM.--John W. Thomason and Jas. Gilchrist have formed a partnership and purchased the interest of T. A. Ireland in the Clarenden Hotel. The firm will be known as Thomason & Gilchrist, and as the gentlemen are experienced hotel men, are well assured of a successful business. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 15, 1895, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Needham have sold their beautiful home in this city, and will depart in a few days for Medford, Or., where they expect to reside in future. "Society: Vancouver," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 17, 1895, page 10 The second-hand store of John H. Morris was broken into last night and a number of articles taken. Among them are three revolvers, six knives and a Winchester rifle. Entrance was effected by breaking the glass in the front windows. No clue has yet been discovered which would lead to the identity of the burglars, although every effort is being taken to apprehend them. "Another Globe-Trotter," Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 18, 1895, page 3 W. H. McGowan is making preparations for putting in a complete stock of groceries with his China Bazaar. It is reported that gray wolves, driven from the mountains by the snow, have been heard in the neighborhood of Prospect. School Clerk Garl T. Jones is taking the census of this district, as required by the law providing for apportionment of state school funds. J. H. Norris, who has been a resident of Medford only a few months, has purchased an interest in the hardware store of J. Beek & Son, and the firm will hereafter be known as J. Beek & Co. The big patent from the United States to the Oregon & California railroad company has been placed on record in the recorder's office at Jacksonville. It fills over twenty pages of the records and includes 152,4099.43 [sic] acres. The Y.M.C.A. held their regular meeting at the M.E. Church South last Sunday afternoon and will continue to meet at the same place every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock until other arrangements are provided. O. U. Husted, of Central Point, was in Medford the first of the week. U. M. Damon has the agency for Mr. Husted's system of electric bells, and that gentleman was here to assist in putting in two services. I. A. Mounce and E. Wilkinson each had bells put in their business places. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 19, 1895, page 3 Store Burglarized.
second-hand store of J. Morris on the west side near the Clarenden
Hotel was entered by burglars last Saturday night and about $20 worth
of goods stolen.
The discovery was not made until Sunday morning, and the thieves had ample time to cover their tracks leaving no clue. The articles taken, according to Mr. Morris' statement, were three revolvers, a Winchester rifle and a lot of spoons and knives. Marshal Churchman is making an effort to apprehend the robbers. This is the first burglary reported to the Medford officials for several months. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 19, 1895, page 3 STOCK SOLD.--Assignee D. T. Lawton has sold the stock of groceries in the Wilson store to W. H. McGowan & Co. This firm has moved them to the stand occupied by the China Bazaar opposite the Clarenden Hotel, and will add to the stock. The fixtures of the Wilson store have not yet been sold, and the assignee states that it will be at least three months before final settlement is completed. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 19, 1895, page 3 BORN.--Neil H. West, a former resident of this city but now a sturdy rancher of Reno, Nevada, was presented by his wife, Mrs. Julia West, on the 14th inst. with a 10½-pound girl baby valentine. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 19, 1895, page 3 VETERINARY SURGEON.--Dr. G. M. McDonald has located at Medford permanently. During the next few weeks he can be found at the Hotel Medford or either of the livery stables in this city. After that time his headquarters will be at the fairgrounds racetrack near Central Point, although he will make regular trips to accommodate the Medford practice. His work so far has shown that he has a thorough understanding of his profession, being unusually successful. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 19, 1895, page 3 Medford Items.
Miss Carrie Roper was the guest of
Medford friends Saturday.Ex-Senator Cameron is taking in the closing days of the legislature. Seymour Palton was up from Grants Pass having his eyes doctored. W. I. Vawter was a visitor to the legislature this week, as also was Chas. Nickell. The second-hand store of J. Morris in Medford was burglarized out of $20 worth of goods Saturday night. Rev. E. E. Thompson has been doing Grants Pass in the interest of the proposed $10,000 Y.M.C.A. block. H. T. Booth of the state insurance company has appointed C. M. Talbott agent for Ashland and Mr. C. will soon move there. The free silver anti-Dolph Republicans here were put in great excitement when Senator McGinn went to Ashland Wednesday and all kinds of rumors and speculations were rife. The bond of Sheriff Patterson as tax collector has been approved in the sum of $20,000, with the following sureties: W. F. Songer, $1000; John Murphy, $1500; John Holton, $2000; D. B. Provost, $4000; S. U. Alfred, $1000; W. C. Butler, $1500; Joshua Patterson, $2000; Fred Hansen, $3000; O. Harbaugh, $2000; B. F. Myer, $2000. Valley Record, Ashland, February 21, 1895, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Needham departed last Tuesday for Medford, Or., where they expect to reside in future. "Out of Town: Vancouver," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 24, 1895, page 10 Mrs. Sarah Justus, wife of George R. Justus, died at her home at Medford Thursday evening of heart disease. She had done the washing and cooked supper, of which she ate heartily. Soon afterward, she said to her husband that she would make her mother a dress. She started to cut out the cloth, but complained of feeling faint, and died immediately. She was twice married. Her first husband, George McKnight, died here of heart disease about 15 years ago. She leaves a grown son by her first husband and an adopted daughter. "Little Boys and Gunpowder," Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 25, 1895, page 3 Medford is to be blessed with a new band. "Late News Items," Capital Journal, Salem, February 26, 1895, page 2 The diphtheria cases at Medford and Phoenix are being treated by the anti-toxin method, a bottle of the serum having been procured in Portland, and the result is highly gratifying. "News of the Northwest," Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 28, 1895, page 4 CLARK.--Died, at the home of his son, J. A. Clark, in Big Bend, Feb. 21st, Reuben Clark, aged 88 years, 8 months and 21 days. Deceased was born in Shutesbury, Mass. April 30th 1806, and emigrated to Ludlow, Vermont, at the age of 18 years. He was married Dec. 2, 1828 to Lucy K. Dodge, daughter of Moses Dodge of Andover, Vermont, with whom he lived fifty-one years, more than thirty years of which was spent in Rutland County. In 1862 he emigrated to Wisconsin, where several of his children were settled, and made a home in Big Bend. He was a constant attendant of the Free Baptist church, where he partook of communion a short time previous to his death. He leaves fifty-six living descendants, and the children who still survive are Mrs. H. P. Jackson of Lebanon, Dakota; B. F. Clark of Beulah; Carrie Damon of Medford, Oregon; Emeline Jackson of Muskego; W. R. Clark, J. A. Clark and Miss L. A. Clark of Big Bend. "Deaths," Waukesha Freeman, Waukesha, Wisconsin, February 28, 1895, page 1 Medford Items.
Wm. Ulrich was in Ashland and
the south this week.W. S. Barnum returned Tuesday from a two weeks' sojourn to Los Angeles, Cal. Morton Lindley of the Lucky Bart arrived from Sacramento yesterday, to remain 10 days. Representative J. A. Jeffrey is announced to speak at Central Point Saturday evening on the work of the legislature. The populists are well pleased with the splendid manner in which the Jackson County People's Party legislators acquitted themselves during the session. The sum of $7000 for the proposed Y.M.C.A. building has been subscribed and a building association will soon be organized to begin the construction of the edifice. Fisher & Kaufman have closed their store and shipped the goods to Centralia, Wash. S. Rosenthal has leased the room vacated and will use it while he is building his new brick block. The soldiers home was properly investigated and makes racy reading. Perhaps if other state institutions were also investigated by a freelance committee similar results might be probed. A cup of Parks' Tea at night moves the bowels in the morning without pain or discomfort. It is a great health saver and blood purifier. Sold by E. A. Sherwin. Valley Record, Ashland, February 28, 1895, page 3
Dr. E. B.
Pickel, of Medford, Ore., was the first doctor in Oregon to use
antitoxin in a case of diphtheria, securing a supply of the product
from Dr. Mingus, of this city.
"Personals," The Medical Sentinel, Portland, 1895, page 207 The Medford brewery has started up again, after being idle several months. "Oregon," Omaha Daily Bee, Nebraska, March 4, 1895, page 5 The well in Odd Fellows cemetery at Medford is down 246 feet and still there is not enough water to supply the demands of a windmill, but the lodge has given orders to go deeper and keep going until a sufficient supply of water is found. The well has cost thus far $371.25. "Northwest News Items," Capital Journal, Salem, March 6, 1895, page 2 There is another dry goods and grocery establishment in Medford, or at least there will be one in a few days. The new firm is made up of W. L. and P. J. Halley, and firm name and style will be "Halley Bros." Their place of location is in the McAndrews block--recently vacated by the big T store. Tuesday morning workmen were at work removing partitions and calcimining the walls. A large amount of the new firm's goods are already here, and about March 15th they will be placed on the shelves and counters and in shape for inspection--and sales will then open, or at least the boys hope they will. Get a sack of Snowball flour--Lumsden & Berlin, grocers, our agents. A little precaution sometimes, in fact ofttimes, prevents a considerable amount of unnecessary inconvenience and perturbance. In this line of thought we want to suggest to the people of this city that it would, right at the present time, be a very sane idea not to use the water from the city water works for laundry use or any other domestic purposes so long as there remains a case of diphtheria at Phoenix. The water used by the city is taken from Bear Creek and flows through the above place, and it is possible that germs diphtheric may be contained therein. As a precaution don't let's use it, for a few weeks at least. M. Purdin, ex-landlord at Hotel Medford, who is now in California, has decided to return to Medford and ply his vocation of former days, that of blacksmithing, he having purchased G. F. Merriman's tools of trade. Mr. Merriman, we understand, will leave for Salem, his new home, in about two weeks. "News of the City," Medford Mail, March 8, 1895, page 5 Medford has a board of trade, Captain Crowell, president; J. A. Whitman, secretary. Capital Journal, Salem, March 9, 1895, page 1 Medford school district is $10,633 in debt. "Northwest News Items," Capital Journal, Salem, March 12, 1895, page 2 Oregon Pioneer Kills Himself.
Ore., March 13.--William M. Sells, an Oregon pioneer of 1852 and member
of the family of circus renown, committed suicide at Garfield, Wash. He
served in the Indian wars of Rogue River Valley in 1853 and 1855.
Clinton Morning Age, Clinton, Iowa, March 13, 1895, page 1 Medford Items.
Miss Ora Justus is visiting in Seattle.Francis Fitch was in Portland this week. Mrs. Maggie Harris was visiting Ashland Monday. Crescent City, Cal., had three shocks of earthquake last week. Mrs. Lippincott returned from a visit with Ashland friends. The infant child of Allen Bish died last Thursday, aged 9 months. J. W. Beatty left today for Ethel, Mo., to take charge of a farm. A. C. Dixon, the Ashland lumber dealer, was here yesterday. Mrs. I. L. Hamilton was dangerously ill this week with heart disease. Fred McCullough, a relative of the Stewarts, is studying medicine with Dr. Geary. Mrs. Lon Walbridge left Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs. Crain, at Galt, Sacramento County. Rev. Father Desmarais, of Marshfield, has succeeded Father Faber and has assumed charge of his parish. For a clean shave or neat haircut and bath go to I. E. Deboy. who repairs watches and jewelry, Gold Hill. Gen. T. G. Reames returned Sunday from a business trip to San Francisco in the interest of Wm. Bybee. Medford has a Commercial Union with W. S. Crowell, president; Henry Klippel, vice-president; J. G. Whitman, secretary, and J. E. Enyart, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Morine, of Tolo, have taken up their residence in Medford, Frank having postponed their moving to Arizona until he makes another trip there. J. B. McGee was in town Tuesday from San Francisco, and intends throwing up the receivership of the Riddle Nickell mines if something does not turn up soon. M. Purdin returned Saturday from Oakland, Cal., and is having a dwelling house built on his lots. Mrs. Purdin and the children stopped at Sisson and will remain there until their new home is ready. Mr. Purdin has bought Merriman's blacksmith shop and will go into his old trade again. E. D. Rose, well known in Jackson County, returned Tuesday from a trip to his old stamping grounds in Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. His numerous friends were somewhat surprised to learn that he did not return home alone, but brought with him a fair bride, the lady's name being Mrs. Hibbard of Creston, Iowa, and the wedding occurred there about the middle of February. They will live in Medford. Valley Record, Ashland, March 14, 1895, page 3 Galvin Met with Guns.
Medford, March 12.--Roadmaster Galvin has been at work the past
week fencing the Southern Pacific Company's right of way north of
Medford, and today was compelled to cease operations. He built a fence
upon land owned by H. L. Hollingsworth last week, and it was pulled up
and destroyed, and today Mr. Galvin went down with three crews of
section men and again put up the fence, and was met by Mr.
Hollingsworth with two shotguns, who threatened to shoot the first man
who set foot on his land. They then went on to the land owned by John
Oconder and put a fence across his land, but he pulled up the posts as
fast as they were set. The company put up this same fence about a year
ago, but it was all pulled up, and it is understood that legal
assistance will be asked for and the fence built again.Valley Record, Ashland, March 14, 1895, page 3 Medford Items
Prof. Head is having a new house built.Phil Klippel of Kansas is visiting his relatives in this section. Lawyer Crowell went to Ashland Monday on professional business. Architect Bennet was in Ashland this week planning the work of a large brick block. An A.P.A. council with 25 members was organized at Medford last week by a delegation from Ashland. A letter from Kaspar K. Kubli denies the report that he has been converted or intends going to China as a missionary. Landlord DeRoboam is having the U.S. Hotel at Jacksonville painted, which greatly improves its outward appearance. Weeks Bros. are putting up some very fine furniture at their shop at Phoenix. You can get just what you order and things just to suit. F. J. McHenry, state deputy head counsel, Woodmen of the World, is in Medford organizing a lodge, after which he will visit Ashland on the same business. He is from Portland. Jacob Pheister leaves this week for a visit at his old home in the East. Robert Leonard, the rustling agent of the N.P., ticketed him through. Day Parker is again about Medford, having closed a successful winter's term as principal of the Gold Hill public school with Miss Rosa Griffiths as assistant. Dr. C. Minnis, formerly of Medford. was taken up by the police for insane in the railroad yards in Kansas City, Kansas, while wandering aimlessly about. He was from Portland on a business trip. Senator Holt returned Monday from Oregon City and Portland where he presided at the farmers alliance convention and at the conference of labor clubs in Portland. The Oregonian of Thursday and Friday gave the labor meeting and Senator Holt's speech quite an extensive notice. Henry Blackman, a U.S. internal revenue collector for Oregon and Washington, was here this week, being accompanied by Col. W. H. Yarborough, connected in the same service at Washington, D.C., and his, Blackman's, deputy, Col. A. J. Barlow of Gold Hill. Rev. Father J. Gibney, of Portland, one of the ablest pulpit orators of the Catholic church in the Northwest, will in the near future be placed in charge of the Catholic church of the Southern Oregon parish with headquarters at Jacksonville to fill the place now temporarily in charge of Father Desmarais of Coos Bay The case of the state vs. G. W. Hamlin, charged with assault with intent to kill his sister, Mrs. Rosanna Wilson, was tried before Justice Walton Friday and resulted in a dismissal, Dist. Attorney Benson having made another brilliant failure. Crowell & Parker ably defended Hamlin. The scrap occurred over the marking of the division fences and is one of the links of the bitter contention of the heirs of the late James Hamlin. It was demonstrated that both sides to this family quarrel are well-equipped with pugnacious fighting ability. Valley Record, Ashland, March 21, 1895, page 3 Near Medford, last Wednesday, a 4-months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. George Garrett was lying in a rocking chair near the fireplace, in which a hot fire was burning, when another child, 2 years old, came up from behind and tipped baby, chair and all into the fire. The child was quickly rescued, but not until one side of its face and neck were badly burned. For a time it was feared the child would not live, but it is now improving. "Northwest News Items," Capital Journal, Salem, March 27, 1895, page 1 Medford Items.
Frank Hays has gone to his home in
Eastern Oregon.R. F. High, the tonsorial artist, was doing Ashland Tuesday. Pelton Bros. shipped beeves to Portland from Central Point Monday. Jos. G. Pierce spent Sunday in Medford en route from Seattle to Klamath Falls. Judge W. H. Reid of Tacoma arrived this week to look after his mining interests. A. N. Berlin, of the enterprising firm of Lumsden & Berlin, was at Montague this week on a business trip. J. F. Bragg was here this week arranging for the appearance, April 10th, of Miss Carrie S. Rudolph, the elocutionist. Miss Meta Woody, the amiable daughter of J. H. Woody, one of the solid farmers of this section, was married to C. E. Hukill this week. Al. Bell and Wm. Pruett left Tuesday for Reno, Nev., to work on ranches until fall. Henry Richardson, son of Jesse Richardson, is there. J. W. Thomason turned the Clarendon Hotel over to T. A. Ireland and the latter disposed of the same to S. S. Wilson, who will conduct it hereafter. The residence of Mr. Jones on the Henry Pankey place at Table Rock was destroyed by fire together with its contents last week, during the absence of the family. Gottlieb Elksnat, the skillful and experienced surveyor, went out to Klamath agency again Tuesday to remain until fall surveying out the government allotment. There are about 800 allotments to be made yet. The city council has awarded the contract for the extension of the city water works to J. Beek & Co., the enterprising hardware firm, for $1332.79. They are to furnish the material and complete the work. There will be 1520 feet of 4-inch pipe added to the system. Father Desmarais preached his farewell sermon Sunday morning and took his departure in the evening for Jacksonville, where he will locate. He leaves many friends here who regret to see him leave, but wish him abundant success in his new field of labor. Rev. Father Gibney, formerly of Astoria, will have charge of this parish. He is here and will no doubt be very well liked.--Marshfield Sun. Valley Record, Ashland, March 28, 1895, page 3 ![]() "News of the City," Medford Mail, March 29, 1895, page 5 Notes from East
While every individual spot in Medford is taking on some new garment of
beauty and improvement this spring it is a noticeable fact that East
Medford is a pace or two in advance of some other localities. A brief
mention of the condition of affairs as they exist east of the Bear
Creek bridge would doubtingly be of interest to many of our readers.
With this thought in mind a Mail
reporter wandered thitherward last week, and this is
what he found:
The first place on the right as we cross the bridge is where W. D. Beidleman, the harness maker, has an eight-acre tract of land, well fenced, well cultivated and in excellent condition for small fruits and vegetables. The house is occupied by Mr. Belknap. Next east from this is an eight-acre reserve owned by P. B. O'Neil. This is a fine building place, and many admiring glances are cast that way by the gentle sex as they pass. It seems a little strange that Barney should reserve one of the best home sites on that side of the river, unless he has some designs upon the affections of some of Medford's fair daughters. H. Tripp is next east with an eight-acre tract, which he is fitting up in splendid shape. He is at present living in a building which will eventually serve as his barn. During the coming summer he will erect a fine dwelling house on his property--one that will be an ornament to any locality. The gentleman is putting out several fruit trees and much shrubbery this spring. His will be a beautiful home when fitted up as mapped out. J. S. Hagey has the adjoining eight-acre tract. Upon this he has erected a small dwelling--to be the kitchen part of his proposed new residence--and a large barn. The place is well put out to fruit trees. These grounds are being well cared for, and if persistent efforts, money and a good soil can make a home of beauty, his will be such an one. Next east is an unimproved acre tract owned by J. R. Brown, and alongside of this is Perry Stewart's place, of two acres. Mr. S. has recently built a new house on his property, and in due time he will be strictly in the surf with his neighbors, with fruit trees and flower garden galore. Mr. Shott has the adjoining acreage, upon which is a small dwelling, fruit trees and a vegetable crop. The place is now occupied by T. J. Lewis, the miner, who is one of the best informed gentlemen upon mining matters in these parts and who has traveled extensively throughout the mining districts of nearly the entire world--and is nothing slow in proclaiming this is the garden spot for the product of the golden fruit. He now owns a rich mine west of Medford about eight miles. Hy-as ty-ee Betseyannspikes John R. Hardin lives next east, and is at home to all friends. His place embraces two and a half acres of land, and it is well cultivated and planted to fruit trees and shrubbery. He has a fine residence and is daily adding improvements to his splendid home. John is a miner in every sense of the word, and turns many an honest dollar to good use from that direction. His congeniality knows no bounds, and he continues to make new friends. One notch farther east is the four-and-a-half-acre tract owned by G. P. Lindley. Upon this place Mr. Lindley has built a fine large residence, to which he has recently added a 14x18-foot addition. His other buildings are in keeping with the dwelling, and the entire surroundings show plainly the marks of the gentleman's industrious hand. Walks have been laid, fruit trees set out, and all is a promise of much beauty. The Russ nursery comes next, but it is too elaborate an institution to give mention of in connection with this brief writeup. Next week we will round up the people on the north side of East Medford's main street. Medford Mail, March 29, 1895, page 8 Medford Items.
Walter Plymale went to Salem Saturday. C. H. Pickens is a resident of Boise City, Idaho. Jimmy Wilson, son of the Jacksonville postmaster, has returned to San Francisco to prosecute his pharmaceutical studies. Mrs. Taylor Payne has returned from a visit with her father at Junction. G. Elksnat, who went to Klamath County to do the allotment surveying, had to return on account of the winter hanging on too late out there. W. L. Miller, of the Oregon City land office, is visiting his home in Jacksonville. A. J. Stewart and wife have returned from their Old Mexico residence. T. K. Roberts expects to start a newspaper at Gold Hill, The Miner, in about two weeks. Deputy Head Consul F. J. McHenry, of the Woodmen of the World, organized Medford Camp No. 90 with the following officers: Geo. F. Merriman, Consul Commander; W. J. Bennet, Adviser Lieutenant; J. H. Redfield, Escort; W. H. Meeker, Banker; C. E. Wolcott, Clerk; John Bellinger, Watchman; Lee Cown, Sentry; A. S. Hammond, Gus Newbury and Dr. E. P. Geary to constitute the board of camp managers. Dr. Pickel was recommended as camp physician. Valley Record, Ashland, April 4, 1895, page 3 Report reaches us that boys, who would like to be men, and who want to act like men--real bad ones--are in the habit of congregating in old sheds and various other unused buildings about the city, and there put in their time playing poker; of course in a mild way, with only a nickel ante, but the habit is sufficiently alluring to take the boys from their homes and make gamblers of them. Parents should exercise the greatest possible vigilance in this matter and break up these little gatherings, which if diligently followed up cannot fail to result disastrously to the young men of our city. Hon. J. D. Whitman suggests that it would be a good business proposition for the fruit growers of the valley to unite and thoroughly test the efficiency of smudging for the protection of fruit from possible frosts. If all were to prepare for such an occasion by piling straw, manure or brush through and along the sides of their orchards, and when the thermometer reached a certain degree at which frosts might reasonably be expected to appear, touch[ing] a match to the heaps, a cloud of smoke would o'erspread the valley that would keep back a frost of more than ordinary severeness. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 5, 1895, page 5 Notes from East Medford.
Last week time and space put up the bars against our finishing the
brief writeup of East Medford which that locality so richly deserves
and which we had promised our many readers thereabouts. We fixed up the
south side of that part of town last week. We will begin our return to
the city on the north side--first assuring our readers that none of the
beauty and general worth of the locality has fallen away from itself
during our week's rest.
The first place we come in contact with is the very fine ten-acre tract of land owned by S. W. Speas. Upon this property is situated a very snug little residence, something of a farmhouse style, and located upon a slight eminence surrounded with other buildings in keeping with the general neat appearance there abounding. The gentleman has a splendid orchard, all of which is now bearing fruit. This property is on the market in tracts of from one to five acres--and a most desirable purchase it will be for he who gets any part of it. Next west is a two-acre tract owned by J. C. Ferguson and recently purchased from Mr. Speas. Upon this Mr. Ferguson will erect a dwelling house during the coming summer. One of the largest and most beautiful residences in all Medford is situated adjoining Mr. Ferguson's property, the same being the home of attorney G. W. White. The gentleman has 2½ acres of land which he is now fitting in splendid shape for nature to put on the finishing touches of beauteous green. In speaking of Mr. White's residence we could not do it justice if less space than half a column of type was taken; suffice it to say that it is a structure of much beauty, convenience and grandeur throughout. It was built last summer at an expense not small in figures, but its appearance and general usefulness of today evens up with the expense very nicely. L. G. Porter's home comes next in the line of our progression. Mr. Porter has five acres of land, all under splendid cultivation, and well set to fruit and shrubbery, and all carefully cared for. His residence is not as large as his immediate neighbors, but it is equally as beautiful and quite as convenient. Merchant Wm. Angle's large new house looms up most prominent and grand next in our path. This residence, like most others on the east side of the river, is new, fresh and beautiful, while the surroundings are being put in excellent shape both in way of added beauty and wealth of productions of fruits. Mr. Angle can justly lay claim to a home second to none. He has 2½ acres of land, all of which is under splendid cultivation. Adjoining Mr. Angle's home is an acre tract of land owned by B. F. Crouch and upon which he soon expects to build. In the interval of our writeup last week and this week one new residence has been built on the south side of the street, by Mrs. Butler, recently from Harrisburg. Medford Mail, April 5, 1895, page 8 Miss Alta Brous, of Medford, Oregon, is visiting her uncle, A. H. Brous, for a few weeks. "Prairie City," Newton Record, Newton, Iowa, April 5, 1895, page 10 Medford Items.
Mrs. Thos. Roberts has returned home to
Ashland from a visit with her sister here, who has been ill.Mrs. Wm. Slinger and Mrs. Nicholson have gone to Hastings, Mich., and Grinelle, Iowa, on a visit. Robert Leonard, the Northern Pacific ticket agent, was here Monday ticketing them over his lines. Col. D. D. H. Yeager, the Jenny Creek timber land cruiser, was here last Saturday and took Dr. Jones and L. L. Angle out to Jenny Creek Sunday. Mrs. Fred Klippel and children are here from Omaha to spend the summer with Hon. Henry Klippel. Chas. C. Chitwood, an experienced druggist of Ashland, is engaged in G. H. Haskins' drug store and also assists at the hello-ing on the telephone. The pork packing company are shipping their second carload of pork to Portland this month. S. Rosenthal's brick block is going upward. Rev. E. E. Thompson of the firm of Thompson, Van Dyke & Co. returned Sunday from a business trip to San Francisco. J. A. Whiteside came down from Salem Monday and left yesterday for California. The Southern Oregon Presbytery is in session here. Valley Record, Ashland, April 11, 1895, page 3 Grand Opening.
Goldstein & Nudelman, the proprietors of the Eastern Second
Store, are prepared to sell you anything in the line of second-hand
goods. They also have a large line of new house furnishing goods, which
they will sell at lowest cash prices. Store, corner of Eighth and F
streets, south of Clarendon Hotel.
Medford Mail, April 12, 1895, page 5 Medford Items.
W. L. Miller of Jacksonville returned to
Oregon City Sunday.S. F. Morine of Hotel Medford went to Ashland Wednesday. Mrs. Robt. Taylor of Ashland visited Medford friends Wednesday. Gold Hill is to have horse racing, foot racing and a dance on May Day. The Barneburgs shipped a carload of their fine beeves to Salem Monday. The Medford public school observed Arbor Day with appropriate exercises. John Reuter, a Portland medical student, is visiting his family at Jacksonville. Mayor Haskins and B. S. Webb were over their telephone line to Ashland Saturday. Mrs. K. Kubli has been elected a delegation to the state Rebekah convention from Jacksonville. Miss Bertie Jones and her escort were visiting Ashland Sunday, taking dinner at Hotel Oregon. Mrs. H. K. Hanna and son Leon returned to Oakland, Cal., after a visit with the judge at Jacksonville. Miss Mollie Barneburg and Mrs. John Barneburg were visiting Ashland friends this week on horseback. The ladies make a dashing appearance riding fiery steeds. The Eldrianna townsite boomers have sold $8000 worth of lots in their paper city on Butte Creek. The buyers are all in the neighborhood of Chicago. J. C. Hannah, of Rogue River, is supplying the valley towns with some fine ornaments of various descriptions manufactured by himself out of the potter's clay of Evans Creek. John Nyswarner is delivering it. E. Henrietta, of Portland, died in Medford Tuesday of consumption, aged 35 years. He was accompanied to Medford by his wife and they had been there only five days. Valley Record, Ashland, April 18, 1895, page 3 Medford Items.
Miss Irene Chitwood, of Ashland, has
moved to Medford to keep house for her brother, C. C. Chitwood, who is
running Mayor Haskins' drug store. Miss Lillie Watson was
visiting them this week.Mrs. C. W. Palm returned Sunday from a visit with the Johnson family in Ashland. Mrs. R. S. Taylor of the Taylor house at Jacksonville has been at death's door the past week with pneumonia. J. H. Wilson, son of Wm. H. Wilson, died near Medford Monday, aged 23 years, 4 months and 21 days. He was buried at Jacksonville Tuesday afternoon. James McPheren, who bought 40 acres from W. Griffith on the old Jacksonville stage road, is having a neat residence built thereon by B. F. Crouch. Geo. Isaacs, the tonsorial artist, is off on a trip to Siskiyou County. H. B. Miller has sold a two-year-old pacing Altamont filly to Fred Farmer of Portland for $500. Ed. Helms of Eugene has returned to Jacksonville to remain. There was a three-cornered business deal in Medford this week by which Isaac M. Muller retires from business in this city, and his stock of furnishing goods are taken by Thompson, Van Dyke & Co., who will also take his stand, and Chas. W. Wolters takes Muller's groceries and Wolters turns over to Thompson, Van Dyke & Co. the goods he kept in their line. Mr. Muller will soon move to Gold Hill and take charge of the store of Dr. A. C. Stanley, of which Max Muller is assignee. The ownership of the distillery is now in the circuit court. G. W. Bashford secured a one-sixth interest in the property two years ago, Medynski & Theiss being the original owners and the parties who started and built the distillery. They owned the big distillery that was finally driven out of Des Moines, Iowa, by the prohibition law, after fighting the cold water people of Iowa several years. But the cause of their present trouble is not cold water people. The gold bug with his gold basis prostrated and sandbagged the prosperity of the country and debts contracted a few years ago cannot be paid now. F. V. Medynski applied to the circuit court for the appointment of a receiver and a dissolution of copartnership, B. P. Theiss and G. W. Bashford being defendants to the suit. Medynski accuses the defendant of wrongful and fraudulent mismanagement of the firm's business. Valley Record, Ashland, April 25, 1895, page 3 Medford Items.
Miss Lillie Watson returned to Ashland
Tuesday.W. P. H. Legate was in Ashland Tuesday on a mining deal. J. A. Hanley was doing Ashland Tuesday on a business trip. Mrs. D. L. Minkler of Ashland was visiting Medford friends this week. Ex-Marshal Wes Johnson and Miss Hallie Hoyt were married at Grants Pass yesterday, Wednesday. Col. and Mrs. Edward Hill left Monday for Edsons' at Edgewood, after which they will visit San Francisco. Geo. W. Francis, who recently retired from the grocery business at Nashville, Mich., is here looking for a location. Supt. Newbury will hold the quarterly examination for teachers' certificates in the Medford public school house on May 8th. S. Rosenthal has purchased Dr. Stanley's Gold Hill stock of merchandise for 50 cents on the dollar and will add it to his Gold Hill store. Representative John A. Jeffrey went to Ashland Tuesday to defend Mrs. D. B. Reame in a criminal action against her by Epps & Co., of Phoenix, over a mining claim ditch. Geo. S. Howard while returning home in Sunday evening stumbled and fell on the railroad track, breaking the large bone of his right leg, above the ankle. The contract for the erection of another addition two stories high and alongside of the Hotel Nash was let to Fred Patterson of Roseburg for $6500. The work of erecting the same will begin at once. Capt. Nash will then have a fine piece of property. Valley Record, Ashland, May 2, 1895, page 3 Medford Items.
Miss Gertie Wheeler of Fort Jones,
Siskiyou County, is visiting Medford friends.A. C. Squires, who returned from Missouri, will move to Kansas with his family soon to locate. W. P. H. Legate returned Wednesday from a trip to Klamath River towns and Sisson, on a mining deal. Chris. Thompson, who has been in New England for several years, is visiting pioneer friends of Jackson County. Miss Mamie Isaacs returned Tuesday from a two weeks' visit with Ashland friends, the guest of Miss Elsie Patterson. Miss Emma Howard, Wells Fargo's agent at Ashland, and Thos. James, the mining expert, attended the concert Tuesday. The May dance at Rose's hall on Applegate was attended by about a hundred dancers. Rose's hall is celebrated as a successful place for first-class country dances where pleasure reigns supreme. Valley Record, Ashland, May 9, 1895, page 3 There is some talk of establishing a circulating library in Medford. That all cities the size of this need such an article isn't questioned, but the how to get it is a problem difficult to solve. It has been suggested that a subscription paper be started and, if an amount equal to $200 can be raised, start the library with this amount and add to it as money can be secured from various other sources. There is no doubt but that a library would be self-sustaining, in fact, it ought to return a revenue. This amount could be applied to the purchase of new books and ere many years had been numbered with those already gone we could have a library of which each of us would be proud. Perhaps some of our people would make donations of books to the library, or perhaps they would loan a few copies of different works. Agent Lippincott and attorney Crowell are fathering the library proposition, and any suggestions or donations you have to offer will be received by these gentlemen. Photographer H. L. Miser has been taking pictures of other people's babies for a time without date, but now there is an opportunity given for him to do a little work of this nature in his own family. Last Saturday there arrived at his home "one of the cutest little subjects" for a picture in the city--a girl baby, and all parties are happy and healthy, and H. L. is a "bigger man as Grant." The ad of Mackey, the photographer, appears in another column of today's Mail. The gentleman is here for a couple of months' stay, during which time he will give our people a chance to procure some of his excellent work. He comes well recommended, both as an artist and a gentleman of strict, honorable business principles. See the tent, near the Clarendon Hotel. "News of the City," Medford Mail, May 10, 1895, page 5 Medford Items.
B. B. Griffiths of Henley was here this
week.A. S. Hammond went to Klamath County Wednesday. Grant Eggers, the Ashland barber, is paying his folks a visit. Gen. T. G. Reames went to California Tuesday on a short trip. Wm. Ulrich was in Portland last week on business with two carloads of meat. E. L. Bashford was over in Siskiyou County this week working up the beer business. Miss Clara Hurst has gone to Ashland to take charge of the Hotel Oregon dining room. Fred. T. Fredenburg, the enterprising landlord of Hotel Oregon, was in this section Monday. Jacksonville is figuring on a city water works system and the trustees have engineer W. E. Coul figuring on the costs and plans. Geo. Parker and Fred McCulloch were seeing the Ashland bloods Sunday and escorted Sibley and Warner down from the Granite City. Jacob Neathammer reports that he lost $7200 instead of $5600, as reported, by someone who discovered the hiding place of his money. Mr. Neathammer has a clue to the thief. He is having considerable trouble and is advertising his wife, having left his bed and board, he will no longer be responsible for her debts. Valley Record, Ashland, May 16, 1895, page 3 There was a right smart skirmishing of people off of the streets last Saturday when C. Mingus & Son's team came prancing around the corner of W. H. Meeker's store, hitched to a gravel wagon. Frank Mingus and Will Ferguson were hauling gravel with the team when a fool notion happened to catch them just right (the horses), and they started to run. They rounded Meeker's brick store very nicely and removed the underpinning from that gentleman's street display stands. When in front of I. A. Webb's furniture store they collided with an awning post and there left the hind wheels of the wagon and Will Ferguson. The latter was thrown about a rod and struck on his head and shoulder in the street, but fortunately received no serious injuries. The team took the fore wheels of the wagon out on Seventh Street at a very swift pace, and when they arrived at the M.E. Church, South, they began gyrating about that edifice like they were bent on corralling all possible of that which is good, as a standoff for the evil doin's they had been a-doin'. The team was uninjured. There is something in the atmosphere of Medford which seems to have a bad effect upon the equine populace of this Hub City of ours as well as those of the same family who come "a-visitin' of us." Saturday evening a couple of the Mayborn boys were driving down Seventh Street when "without cause or provocation" their horse began bucking and kicking, about two kicks to each buck--and the bucks were right close together, and so severe were the kicks that the dash, thills and headboard of the buggy were cycloned, as it were, into kindling wood. No damage further than as above stated. The horse was caught in doing its double shuffle kick act. Another horse escapade was "cut up" Tuesday morning when a team belonging to Thos. Baldwin, of Brownsboro, while standing in front of Wolters' grocery store, took a flying leap into a distant uncertainty and didn't land squarely into a condition to be easily handled until they had torn up the dust for about a mile out on the Jacksonville road. No particular damage. Speaking of the aroma from ripe apples reminds us that it was nothing of so wholesome a nature that came from the rear of Hotel Medford [the Nash] last week, during the process of removing refuse matter and the accumulation of a dozen or more back number closets. The building of the new hotel will positively have one good effect--that of disinfecting that particular locality, but it would have been more agreeable to the denizens of this little city had the work of removing this refuse been performed at night, when the streets were not filled with people and when the warm rays of sun would not be there to encourage a greater unpleasantness. However, the work is done and we are all glad, not only of the cleansing, but of the occasion which brought it about. It was a nice little compliment which the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company a few weeks ago paid their local agent at this place, Mr. D. T. Lawton, it being that of appointing him general superintendent of all their business in Oregon south of Roseburg. Mr. Lawton is a very capable gentleman, and his appointment to this more responsible position is a deserved tribute to his excellent business qualifications. The change keeps him on the road between the various local agencies the greater part of the time. The company, he reports, is doing a fine business this spring. The Medford public school will graduate a class of fourteen this year. Following are the members of the class: E. Maud Johnson, W. A. Squires, James Stewart, Lawson G. Bradley, Walter D. Cofer, Carl J. Crystal, Francis M. Barnes, Orton H. Wiley, M. Grace Amann, Virgie A. Woodford, Jess G. Wait, John G. Van Dyke, Edith A. Van Dyke, M. Maysie Foster. John G. Van Dyke has been chosen salutatorian and Walter A. Squires valedictorian. The graduating exercises will be held at the opera house on the evening of Friday, May 31st. If you see "Studebaker" printed on the box, that wagon is all right. J. A. Whitman, Medford, sells Studebaker wagons, carriages, hacks and surreys. The new school district, east of Medford, which has been christened Morton, began its first term of school last Monday with seventeen pupils in attendance and Miss May Earhart as teacher. A new school house has been built, and everything is moving along nicely. Saloon building, billiard table and saloon fixtures for rent. Inquire of S. A. D. Higgins, Medford. The Jacksonville Times is responsible for the assertion that "Jimmie" Murray, the painter, has gone to California and left unpaid bills in Jacksonville. He is a brother of Charlie Murray of this place. We didn't figure he would do that sort o' thing. Fine chicken dinner at Star Restaurant every Sunday--for families. "News of the City," Medford Mail, May 17, 1895, page 5 Medford Items.
Dave Payne is up from Redding on a
business trip.Francis Fitch and wife are in the eastern states on a trip. S. S. Aiken of Prospect has been appointed a notary public. B. F. Crouch left Monday for Oakland, Cal., to remain a month or more. Miss Kate Chitwood was visiting Ashland friends and relatives this week. Ralph Bunch has returned from Ashland and is running W. L. Townsend's barber shop. D. T. Sears, U.S. government store keeper of the distillery, and M. Purdin, the blacksmith, spent Sunday in Ashland. Miss Alva McDowell, the school teacher, returned Sunday from a visit with Miss Minnie Predmore and other Ashland friends. Hon. B. F. Harding, a prominent citizen and public man in Oregon's history, is down from Lane County visiting Jackson County friends. Valley Record, Ashland, May 23, 1895, page 3 Medford Items.
C. A. Henry and J. D. Gagnon, a Montague
saloon man, were here last week.W. Honeyman was out from Portland this week looking after the R.R.V.R.R. D. Van Horn and wife of Butte Creek have gone to Pennsylvania to settle up Mrs. V.'s father's estate. Fred Harbaugh of Portland died Tuesday at the home of his brother, O. Harbaugh, of consumption. Major J. B. Brockenbaugh and W. A. Forbes left Wednesday for an inspection of the Jenny Creek timber belt. Capt. Nash is not feeling very good over the city council's refusing to put in a proper sewerage for his new hotel and is figuring on turning the hotel into store buildings. District Attorney Benson, A. S. Hammond and Judge Hale rode from Klamath Falls to Lakeview on bicycles last week. The cyclometer on Benson's wheel registered 103¾ miles. Mrs. Neathammer, Billy Bateman, and Wm. Ennis have been bailed out of the county jail, James Coets, Hamilton & Morine, C. O. Damon, and W. J. King going their bonds. Dr. B. F. Adkins and Mayor Haskins, with their families, leave this week in private conveyance for a camping tour of several months down in California and home via the coast and Humboldt and Del Norte counties. The livery business in Medford has been consolidated. W. P. H. Legate bought out the Davis & Shearer stable and then went into partnership with Frank Mingus in the old reliable Union Livery Stables. Mingus & Legate are well-known and popular with the traveling public. Kate Kehm Smith, the secular lecturer, in her address in this city denounced the A.P.A. and J.O. of A.M. as dangerous to true patriotism, contending that it is an effort to organize the Protestant church prejudice against the Roman Catholic church and would turn the world into a bigoted, fanatical religious war between sects. Valley Record, Ashland, May 30, 1895, page 3 There is an ordinance which prohibits cows running at large within the city limits of Medford, yet many of our people are compelled to build boxing about the young trees they set out along the street in front of their places of residence. The ordinance made to keep cows off the streets ought to be enforced. A law not enforced is worse than no law, because that people expect their property to be protected by it and do not apply the precaution they would if no such law existed. "News of the City,” Medford Mail, May 31, 1895, page 5 Marcus E. Jones left Thursday for Medford, Ore., in which place he will make his future home. "South Whitley, Ind.," Fort Wayne Gazette, Indiana, May 19, 1895, page 2 Marcus E. Jones left Thursday for Medford, Ore., in which place he will make his future home. "South Whitney, Ind.," Fort Wayne Weekly Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, May 23, 1895, page 12 Sam'l. Murry has severed his connections with the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company and is soon going to commence selling goods from a wagon among the farmers of the valley, his line being dry goods and groceries--in fact a general business of buying and selling among the ranchers. E. W. Tryer has taken the position with the S.O.P. Company vacated by Sam. Saloon building, billiard tables and saloon fixtures for rent. Inquire of S. A. D. Higgins, Medford. Wolters, the grocer, is laying in a large stock of fruit jars, which jars are to be sold so reasonable that they will not jar the purses of purchasers to any great extent. Charlie is always alive to the desires of his customers, of whom there are not a few, and which number is increasing daily, because--he treats everybody alike, and square. Wm. Barnum is building a 13x36 addition to his planing mill, the same to be used as an engine room. Mr. Barnum has men at work placing the twenty-five-horsepower engine formerly used by Skeel & Son. Work on Hotel Nash is being pushed ahead at a rapid pace. The second story wall is being put up this week, and by another Saturday night the brick work ought to be very nearly completed. Rev. E. L. Thompson of McMinnville will address the Y.M.C.A. at the opera house next Sunday at 4 o'clock p.m. The Gore Bros. quartet will furnish one or more musical selections. If anyone was to tell you that D. H. Miller is not going to have a gem of a home when his recent improvements are completed, you can call them prevaricators without a fear of contradiction. The hose company ordered a fire bell yesterday. It is to cost about $100 and will weigh 800 pounds. Of the above amount the hose company pays $36, and the town the balance. W. E. Phipps was brought before Recorder Webb Wednesday and fined $10 and cost, amounting to $13.50, for carrying concealed weapons. He pled guilty and paid his fine. G. W. Priddy will do the mason work on D. B. Soliss' farm residence; A. P. Green will do the painting and Klippel & Marcuson will furnish the lumber. "News of the City," Medford Mail, May 24, 1895, page 5 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fitch of Medford, Or., registered yesterday at the Lick. Mr. Fitch is an attorney and a son of the "silver-tongued orator," Tom Fitch. "Personal," The San Francisco Call, May 27, 1895, page 6 Medford Items.
Chas. C. Chitwood spent Sunday in
Ashland.Geo. B. Robertson, Esq., a Yreka lawyer, was doing Medford Wednesday on a business trip. Mrs. W. H. Parker has been quite ill and her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Slover, is up from Grants Pass. The latest sale of the Hotel Nash lease was from S. F. Morine to I. L. Hamilton on Tuesday of this week. Judge Hanna was holding a special term of circuit court at Grants Pass this week for Josephine County. J. E. Pelton was here from Ashland Wednesday, having sold 110 head of cattle to Hanley for the Montana buyer. G. L. Schermerhorn has bought the Medford planing mill plant and property for $2000. He is a practical mill man. Sheriff Patterson sold the Applegate Valley Hop Co.'s property on Applegate Saturday to Calhoun Bros. and others for $775 all told. The judgment called for $1384. Conductor Al Morris moved out Wednesday with a trainload of stock bought by J. A. Hanley in this county for J. C. Lonergan, representing the Burk Cattle Co. of Montana. Jacob Isler, of the timber section of Jenny Creek, was in Medford this week. He says the trip from Pokegama over the Siskiyous at this season of the year reminds one very decidedly of the scenes in old Switzerland. The Medford school board has elected the following teachers for the ensuing year: Principal, N. L. Narregan; vice-principal, Miss Elva Galloway; assistants, Misses M. M. Coleman, R. L. Warner, Viola Brandon, Ellen Bursell, Bessie Wait, Adele Pickel and C. Grace Foster. Evan Reames, who has been going right along making a brilliant record in school, the practice of law and all other walks of life, has made another dash and swooped down on one of Oregon's fairest daughters and made her his bride. The large circle of friends of this native son of Jackson County soil wish him supreme happiness and continued prosperity. F. M. Plymale returned Wednesday from his placers on Beaver Creek, quite ill. Torrey, Angle & Plymale have 30 feet of ground stripped to high points on their back channel, but their drainage is not low enough. They have considerable work to perform yet to get their claim in good paying order. Bud Johnson, the well-known young blacksmith now of Pokegama, surprised the natives Sunday by getting married to Miss Lucinda Anderson, an amiable and worthy young lady of Medford, the daughter of one of Southern Oregon's pioneer families. They left Monday for their new home in Pokegama. Capt. J. T. C. Nash is standing the town of Medford on its head, though himself but a quite recent comer. He is putting an addition to his hotel and wants the city council to put in a sewerage system. The council does not want to put the town any further in debt and would rather smell the common plebeian garbage of the town than pay interest on bonds that could never be paid. Capt. Nash don't like it at all and the latest ukase issued by him is to sell all his property at cost while he leaves the town. Valley Record, Ashland, June 6, 1895, page 3 The South Oregon Monitor, published June 7, 1895, is another of Mrs. [Mamie Isaacs] Riddle's prized possessions. At that time, G. H. Haskins was mayor of Medford, B. S. Webb was recorder and Charles Strang, who now makes his home on Medford Heights, was treasurer of the city. Charles E. Wolcott was editor and publisher of the paper. According to the Monitor the good citizens of Medford seemed to be having an argument over the building of a sewer. In an editorial, Captain J. T. C. Nash, owner of the Nash hotel (now the Allen Hotel) was bringing pressure to bear upon the city fathers over the sewage question. The editorial reads, in part, "And why, forsooth, should the City of Medford build a sewer for Capt. Nash's hotel, or for anyone else for that matter. Let Capt. Nash throw his slops it the street, even though it smell to high heaven. Our forefathers have stood as bad and who are we that we should be more holy than they." In the same publication a paragraph by McKarrehan Wilder reads: "My brow is in sack cloth and I sit down in ashes. There is wailing and sorrowing within the gates of the city. Jacksonville avenue is being fixed and my wheel won't whirl." Kinetoscope Shown
An announcement in the Monitor
told of the appearance of E. M. Keith at Strang's drug store to display
Edison's wonderful invention, the kinetoscope. The article described
the performances on the stage as being accurately pictured before the
eye."Old Newspapers Give Sidelights on City History," Medford Mail Tribune September 24, 1940, page 2 Medford Items.
Mrs. Emma Dunn arrived from San
Francisco Monday to visit her family at Jacksonville.Wm. Ulrich has returned from the Willamette Valley and left Tuesday for Northern California counties in the interest of the packing company. Francis Fitch returned Tuesday from San Francisco and the East. Mrs. Fitch was visiting her sister, Mrs. Bilger, at Olympia, and in San Francisco. Drs. Parson, Geary, Waite and Pickel Saturday performed a delicate operation for the removal of a cancerous condition on Mrs. J. G. McDonald of Tolo. She is recovering nicely. A Bimetallic League with about 100 members will be organized in Medford Saturday night at the opera house. A delegation from the Ashland league will be present and some interesting addresses on the live question of money are anticipated. The league is non-partisan and Republicans, Democrats and Populists can work with it without interference, just as the gold bugs always do when the interests of plutocracy are at stake. Grant Eggers, Geo. Markle, A. D. Kenyon, Clint Austin, F. D. Wagner, H. J. Hicks, W. C. Bevington, Will Fox and E. J. Kaiser, of Ashland, and Sheriff Patterson and W. C. Engledow, of Jacksonville, were the members from Granite Lodge, K. of P., that assisted Talisman Lodge in the burial of Gen. Schmitt Sunday at Jacksonville. Talisman Lodge brought the remains home from Crescent City, Cal., and conducted the lodge burial exercises at the Jacksonville cemetery. The funeral was largely attended. Valley Record, Ashland, June 13, 1895, page 3 "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 14, 1895, page 8 Medford Items.
Judge Dunlap returned from his
California trip Tuesday.Dick Perry has gone to Sisson on account of an attack of asthma. Alex Ireland and his dogs have returned from the headwaters of Chetco River with his horse loaded with bear and panther hides. Mrs. Hill and daughter, Mrs. W. I. Vawter, are visiting Eugene friends and attending the commencement of the state university. Mrs. Carrie Sletter, who has been visiting A. S. Eride's family at Willow Springs, has returned homeward to St. Paul via Los Angeles. J. Darneille, the 18-year-old son of J. K. Darneille, died Monday night of consumption. He was buried in the Jacksonville cemetery Wednesday. The silver organization has reawakened interest in the populist club. At their meeting on Saturday, June 29th, S. S. Pentz will deliver an address on "what should our money and banking be." Everybody invited. Taylor Payne has bought out the Chappell truck business and gone into partnership with Johnny Bellinger, making only one truck firm in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Payne moved to Medford from Jacksonville this week. C. B. Watson, W. N. Luckey, D. High and T. J. Howell were down from Ashland Saturday assisting in the free silver meeting. There was too much speech-making for organization, which has been postponed to Saturday of this week. J. A. Hanley and J. L. Demmer arrived home Wednesday from Klamath Falls, where they had been as witnesses in the Swingle murder trial. Demmer had the pleasure of being "held up'' by the stage robber in going to the Falls. W. B. Million, S. G. Eggers, E. A. Sherwin, Clint Austin, Wm. Fox, F. D. Wagner, J. H. McBride. H. J. Hicks, E. B. Myer, L. L. Merrick and Geo. Markle, a delegation from Granite Lodge, Knights of Pythias of Ashland, visited Talisman Lodge of this city Monday night. Mrs. Chas. J. Laird and two children arrived Wednesday from Little Klamath Lake to visit her folks east of Medford, this being her first visit since she left the parental roof on her wedding day. Mr. Laird was formerly in the stage-driving business but is now a well-to-do stockraiser. J. R. Rice, the "cowboy preacher," who preached on the streets with his wife in the valley towns last week, was raised in Jacksonville and was in his boyhood days the largest size as well as most incorrigible hoodlum in the county. He worked in printing offices and hotels, his father being a pioneer citizen. Valley Record, Ashland, June 20, 1895, page 3 Medford Items.
V. L. Holt is home from Drain state
normal school.Carl Narregan is home from the state university to spend his vacation. Mr. Pendleton of Shasta County is visiting his brother, J. C. Pendleton of Sams Valley. W. H. Parker and Ed. Worman are at Colestin. A lot of others will be there this week. L. McClellan of Portland is putting in a steam laundry plant in Medford which will be in charge of O. O. Smith. J. K. Darneille and wife were again stricken with a death in their household Sunday, their infant son Ralph having died of bowel complaint. D. T. Lawton returned Wednesday from a business trip to Shasta and Scott valleys. He reports fair crops in [the] latter, but Shasta Valley is all dried up and no crops at all. S. V. Sheffner, representing Baker & Hamilton of San Francisco, has recovered from his sick spell and arrived Tuesday to take up the creamery proposition in this valley in the way of inducing farmers to organize and buy plants. About 40 A.P.A.'s from Ashland, representing the leading and influential business and professional men of the Granite City, came down last Thursday night and had a powwow with their Medford brethren. Nearly all the well-known politicians of the two old parties seem to be high muckamucks in this growing order. The boys are piling over each other to get a comfortable seat on the band wagon. Judge W. N. Luckey and M. F. Eggleston, president of the Ashland Bimetallic League, were down from Ashland Saturday evening and made some racy remarks on the money question at the free silver meeting. Chas. E. Wolcott, editor of the Monitor, the Republican organ, was elected president of the Medford Bimetallic League, D. H. Van Antwerp vice-president, G. W. White secretary and treasurer, and G. W. White, S. S. Pentz and F. V. Medynski were appointed to draft constitution and by-laws. Valley Record, Ashland, June 27, 1895, page 3 Medford's Celebration.
The 4th of July celebration at Medford will be a grand affair. A
huge liberty car will be in the procession, as will Co. D., O.N.G., and
the Ashland public school cadets will fight a sham battle. The Ashland
band will furnish the music with the Medford band. Hon. Chas. W. Fulton
will deliver the oration and Miss Genevieve Reames will recite the
Declaration of Independence. There will be a grand ball in the evening.
In the afternoon there will be five bicycle races, one of which will be
for the championship of Southern Oregon and the other for championship
of Rogue River Valley. The celebration has been gauged on a grand
scale, and everything connected with it augurs well for an immense
success.Valley Record, Ashland, June 27, 1895, page 3 Kicks That the Kicker Has to Make. BY THE KICKER I
notice several of our
merchants have been industriously at work this week cleaning up about
the back doors of their places of business and decorating the fronts
with flags and bunting. No kick on that. It's a sensible idea.
I have a kick coming on some sidewalks of this city, and about the only way there seems to be to square myself will be to take that kick out on the protruding nail heads and ends of planks that clear the supposedly level surface by from two to six inches. There is need of repairs. "These are hard times," I hear a farmer say. Well, it is little wonder when you throw away your ashes and grease and buy soap; when you allow the manure to accumulate about your barns--and your fields in actual need of it; when you catch five-cent fish with a $4 rod; when you send your son out with a $40 gun and $20 dog to hunt 15-cent game. Your fathers didn't do this sort of thing--and they didn't cry hard times, because they didn't expect so much of the world as we do. They were content with much less--their notions were not as high strung as ours, but they all told us they were happy--we are not. Brevity is acknowledged the soul of wit. That being the case, the Kicker has compiled these brevities: Minister, have you a sermon to preach? Make it short. Lawyer, have you an argument to present? Make it short. Funny man, have you a joke to tell? Make it short. Ladies, have you pie crust or dresses to make? Make 'em short. Young man, have you marriage engagement on hand? Make it short. Obituary writers and presidents, make your messages short. It is not necessary to advise bank cashiers as to their accounts. They are sure to make them short. Sunday was a pretty warm day, as almost everyone will admit. The shady side of an oak and a cool draft from the "old oaken bucket" were hailed as treasures, but because the day was warm and a cool drink of water refreshing, there is no reason why the horse we drive or ride does not feel the heat and long for that cool drink--which he don't always get. I saw a young man ride up to a pump in this city Sunday, dismount and take several draughts of nature's cool beverage, but the horse, heated and dust-covered, got not a drop to moisten its dry lips. Such treatment is inhuman, and a man who will thus treat his horse is a man only in stature. "America for Americans." No kick on that. Medford for Medford people. No kick there, either; but the principle is not carried out to the limit of entirety. A Medford man's dollar which is going to be expended in the construction of new buildings, improving sidewalks and streets, is not the full value of the dollar to the city unless a Medford laboring man is given an opportunity to earn it. The business man or capitalist who employs mechanics from other towns to do his work is not building up a feeling of friendship among the less fortunate laborers at home that will strew his pathway with roses. Rose bushes have thorns, and if when gathering the fragrant flowers the gatherer insists upon taking bush and all, he must expect that the thorns will prick him. This is a free country, this America; but a fellow in exercising that freedom born of a loyal and independent people must use that discretion which is supposed to be innate with us all. Medford has mechanics in nearly all the several lines. They are capable men, honest and law-abiding, and there is a rivalry existing between them that demands a very keen, close figuring in preparing estimates upon construction work, in consequence of which no person is going to be "fleeced" who gives them a contract. The Kicker don't like to see things go otherwise--Medford for Medfordites. Let each town or city look after the interests of its own people. This is Medford and we are living inside the corporate limits of the city, and we have no right to go outside these limits to procure that which can be had inside, provided, of course, that our neighbors do not intrude upon the generosity which we feel we ought to extend. Medford Mail, June 28, 1895, page 4 W. M. Smith, better known as "Tennessee," dispatched several boxes of early peaches to Klamath Falls Wednesday. Shipments will not commence to any great extent until after the Fourth. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 28, 1895, page 5 Medford Items.
J. A. Whitman was in Ashland Monday on
business.Mrs. Nicholson returned Monday from her visit in Iowa. J. A. Hanley returned Sunday from a trip to Shovel Creek. Dr. W. S. Jones and family spent Sunday visiting Ashland friends. Geo. W. Barron arrived Tuesday to commence celebrating the 4th. Rufus Cole was over from the Siskiyou Mountain Monday on business. Hon. J. S. Herrin was down from Ashland Monday on a business trip. Lawyer Parker and his family will camp in the Chautauqua grove again this summer, moving after the 4th. W. H. Parker and Ed. Worman and daughter Miss Jessie have returned from Colestin for the celebration. Mrs. Chas. J. Laird and two children returned to Little Klamath Lake Saturday after a pleasant visit with her family, M. A. Casters. Geo. Justus, and his crew who have been logging for W. W. Taylor's saw mill at Dead Indian, arrived Tuesday to spend the 4th. After cutting about 75,000 feet more lumber Taylor will move his mill to his timber land on Dry Creek. H. F. Wood, formerly a contractor and builder of this section, but now holding a prominent position in the building and carpentering force of the P.I. Co. on Mt. Shasta division, arrived Sunday to spend 4th of July week with his old friends and neighbors. Valley Record, Ashland, July 4, 1895, page 3 Little Guy Lawton, son of councilman J. W. Lawton, fell from a tree Monday and cut his forehead quite severely, but not seriously. John Bigham, living out on Dr. Adkins' place, south of Medford, has entered a complaint that the small boys who go bathing in the river near his place are making themselves too familiar with his potato patch. He has the identity of the lads written where he will not forget it, and if they do not let loose of his potato vines, and stay loose, he will have them before Judge Walton. The new ads this week are those of J. A. Eggers, contractor and builder, who is working himself squarely into a good business--by good work and square deals; Jack Morris, the second hand dealer, also space for that fist of his; the Aloha evaporator is as well out with a blooming little ad informing the fruit growers that he is better equipped than ever to take care of their interests in a fruit way. Merchant Rosenthal is justly proud of his new store and hall--as "Rosy" says, "the finest hall west of Philadelphia." Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson put the front in Wednesday, and a very pretty one it is--from the Schermerhorn planing mill. Butler & Green are doing the painting--and these able artists are doing it immense. The hall is large, well lighted and arranged especially for the use of the Masons and Knights of Pythias.
Merchant I. A. Webb has been in bed several days this week and the
family physician has been giving him a goodly amount of attention--all
of which was required; and court plaster, bandages and splints have
been the predominating household commodities for a time equal to the
days of illness. Mr. Webb is really not sick but he is a badly
disfigured community and it came about like this: Last week one day Dr.
Pickel and himself were "jogging" their wheels on the new bicycle
track--and "jogging" rather swiftly, when Mr. Webb's wheel struck a
stone--and the rider struck the ground very forcibly and for nearly one
full turn of the track he continued to plow mother earth with his
proboscis and other parts of his anatomy. He was gathered up and
brought home and is improving all right, but he was a badly broke up
man--his face, hands and limbs all being badly bruised and the cuticle
removed. Since the mishap the gentleman is wont to awaken during the
night and sermonize. During one of these spells of lonesomeness he is
reported by Mrs. Webb to have sent forth a little sermon
after this style: "We hereby warn our brothers, yes, and sisters,
whether bloomered or not, that these wind-blowed-up bicycle wheels are
devices of the demon of the river Styx. They are contrivances to entrap
the feet of the unwary and skin the nose of the innocent. They are full
of guile and deceit. When you think you have broken one to ride and
have subdued his satanic nature, behold it bucketh you off in the road
and teareth a great hole in your bloomerloons, and the cuticle from
your nose. Look not upon the bicycle when it bloweth up its wheels, for
at last--sometimes at first--it bucketh like a bronco, and hurteth like
thunder, by jingo. Who has court plastered legs, nose and face? Who has
ripped pantaloons? They that dally with a diabolical bicycle."
"News of the City," Medford Mail, July 5, 1895, page 5 A RECORD AS A MARKSMAN.
Jesse Enyart Can Handle a Gun with the Best Shooters in the Northwest--He Is a Winner.
Enyart was formerly a resident of this city, and is well known here. He
now lives at Medford, Oregon, and has built up a reputation as a
marksman in the Northwest. At a tournament of the Northwest Sportsman's
Association, of which he is now vice president, held at Portland,
Oregon, Mr. Enyart won the second prize in the biggest event of the
tourney, and besides paying his expenses captured over $100 in prize
Logansport Journal, Indiana, July 6, 1895, page 3 The Celebration at Medford.
The ball in the evening was a social success in every way, the Ashland
Band furnishing superior music and B. Trainer's restaurant a splendid
supper.The 4th of July was celebrated in due form and proper ceremony. Medford had the largest crowd. Miss Genevieve Reames did herself great credit and added to her laurels as a gifted reader and elocutionist. Hon. Charlie Fulton's speech was patriotic and popular, lasting only 30 minutes and refusing to touch deep down on the problems of the day, but rather touching them up in a racy manner, Hon. W. I. Vawter was president of the day and acted with becoming dignity. Besides the Ashland band and its celebrated music, the Medford public school band in charge of Prof. Narregan also assisted with good effect. The Medford double octette sang a number of patriotic songs. The chief feature of the parade was Co. D., O.N.G., and the Ashland public school cadets, who executed with skill and ability many evolutions and movements unique and scientific. Capt. J. L. May made a splendid showing with his boys. Miss Ettie Medynski as Goddess of Liberty amidst a car of 44 satellites, was a grand and becoming sight. The Angel of Peace (Mrs. John Barneburg) driving a chariot with four spanking black horses abreast was a beautiful sight, and one calculated to make those Roman girls turn over in their grave with envy. The bicycle club made a splendid showing. Six bicycles hitched up and drawing z surrey was a clever novelty. The Calithumpians gave a burlesque prize-fighting match on a hay-rack platform and a minstrel performance on another. But the most fetching thing was a "new woman" leading a "new man" with a baby in one arm and a bird cage in another. The man had a rope around his neck and was pulled and nagged at considerable by the old hag. The bicycle race for Jackson and Josephine county was taken by Chas. Damon, Mr. Epps second. It was a five-mile race, and the time by miles was: 3:09 3/5, 2:58, 3:12, 3:20, 3:15 4/5. The prize was a $15 silver medal. In the ten-mile championship for the entire list of Southern Oregon counties there was no one willing to test the peerless rider, Day Parker, so he went against time and made the distance in 28:12 for a $25 gold medal. Young Whitman won both boys' bicycle races. Valley Record, Ashland, July 11, 1895, page 1 Medford Items.
Francis Fitch was in Ashland Monday on
business.Miss Mollie Barneburg visited Ashland friends yesterday. G. B. Van Riper of Ashland was in Medford Wednesday on business. W. W. Cardwell, formerly of this city, is the attorney for the imprisoned Cow Creek train robbers. W. J. Fredenburg has gone to Ashland and is running a horse swing on the Chautauqua grounds. Mrs. G. L. Webb and children, Mrs. R. T. Lawton, and Mrs. D. T. Lawton and children, Miss Fannie Haskins, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard are located at Colestin. A. R. McPherson, bookkeeper of the Petaluma Incubator Co. of Santa Rosa, arrived Tuesday for a three weeks' visit with his folks on Griffin Creek after an absence of two years. The Clarendon Hotel changed hands Monday and is now under the management of Mrs. S. E. Delk, who is putting in extensive improvements and will have it in first-class shape for the traveling public. Allen Bish and family met with a serious accident in a runaway Sunday. They were seated on a hay rack and the rack and children were thrown to the ground, seriously injuring Mrs. Bish's ankle and fracturing the right arm of their eight-year-old daughter, Dora. Valley Record, Ashland, July 11, 1895, page 3 Thomas James, the well-known mining man, will have the superintendency of development work at the coal fields east of Medford, Or., work upon which has commenced. "Among the Coast Mines," The San Francisco Call, July 12, 1895, page 12 Medford Items.
Miss Mollie John has returned home to
Williams Creek from a visit with Jacksonville friends.Col. R. F. Maury and family and Mrs. James Fay, Jr., are at the Dead Indian Soda Springs. Mrs. J. W. Merritt of Central Point goes to Portland and the seashore this week to remain some time. Arrin L. Davis and Miss Rose N. Brooks have been granted a license to wed by County Clerk Jacobs. Wm. M. Colvig, the Jacksonville lawyer, has gone to Portland to attend the A.O.U.W. convention, as also W. J. Plymale and Adam Schmitt. Mary Estell, the 16-year-old daughter of J. W. Redden and wife, who died Saturday, was buried in the I.O.O.F. cemetery Monday afternoon, Rev. E. E. Thompson conducting the religious rites. Valley Record, Ashland, July 18, 1895, page 3 Sam Murray and L. Nudelman started out again this week with their wagonload of merchandise. This trip will be made from here to Crescent City, from there south to Ukiah, and from there they will go east a ways and back home. They have made a couple of trips over in Klamath County, where they traded largely with the Indians--and did well, financially, off of the trip. They carry a line of merchandise and gents' and ladies' furnishing goods. "News of the City," Medford Mail, July 19, 1895, page 5 HE WANTS A WIFE.
Labor Commissioner Fitzgerald Requested to Furnish a Good Woman.
Commissioner Fitzgerald was greatly amused yesterday at a request for a
wife made to him in writing from a farmer whose post office address is
at Medford, Or. On July 21 the farmer wrote the following letter,
evidently in good faith:
I have what you may very likely think a strange request to make. Can you find among the unemployed women applying to you for situations a good, honest working woman of middle age who would be willing to come out here and get married and have a good, comfortable home of her own? If you should see fit to interest yourself I might say that I would prefer a German Protestant woman, one really in need of a home. I would not object to one small child. I have a good home and some property in real estate, and can support a wife. Can send you good references. Would want a woman that had been raised in the country. Yours truly, B.
Please use enough of your valuable time to make reply.
The San Francisco Call, July
24, 1895, page 4
The letter
excited the Commissioner's ire. "Does that fellow think that I am
running a free marriage bureau connection with the employment bureau?"
he said.
The registration of those who want work is increasing every day, but as an encouraging offset the orders for help are now coming in rapidly, and many worthy people are furnished with work every day. Medford Items.
M. R. Hart has gone to Shasta County to
work.W. E. Coul, wife and child went to Colestin today. John Demmer was operated on for appendicitis last night. Mrs. M. Purdin and children returned Tuesday from a visit with relatives at Sisson. E. F. Walker has gone to Grave Creek with a force of men to operate a placer mine of his. There were 50 people camped at Colestin the forepart of this week, nearly all of whom are Medfordites. Kate H. Anderson is suing for a divorce in Lane County from Chas. Anderson, and asks that her maiden name, Kate H. Jones, be restored. Thos. McAndrews and daughter, Maggie, and Mrs. R. Chavner of Gold Hill went to Colestin today to stay awhile. Tom will go to Pokegama on a business trip. Prof. J. M. Horton and Miss Carrie Cronemiller were married at Jacksonville Wednesday and took the evening train for Portland on a wedding trip. S. Rosenthal, besides blossoming out with one of the biggest bricks in town, as well as an extensive store in Gold Hill, has spread out still further and will put in a big store in Klamath Falls. Mrs. C. C. Beekman and daughter, Miss Carrie, left Jacksonville Tuesday for Portland and Mr. B. will join them next week for their eastern visit. Miss Carrie will make a year's tour in Europe with a party of friends. In the election of teachers for the state university at Eugene Prof. N. L. Narregan, for many years principal of the Medford public school, was chosen dean of the preparatory department; Prof. Letcher of Corvallis state agricultural college, professor of mathematics; Prof. Washbourne of same place, professor of biology; Prof. Young of Albany college, political economy; Prof. Friedel of Leipzig, physics; Profs. Bailey and Collier, professors emeriti. Valley Record, Ashland, July 25, 1895, page 3
As published in yesterday's Call the
Labor Commissioner received a letter from an Oregon farmer, who
requested Fitzgerald to find for him a wife among the unemployed women.
Fitzgerald has sent the following answer to the letter:
B. F. Crouch, Medford, Or.--DEAR SIR: I am in receipt of your application for a wife, and since this is my first experience of the kind that I have ever had, I shall take particular pains to do the job up brown. Kindly send me references and full information, and I shall make a personal matter of it and find you a thoroughly good woman. Yours, truly, E.
Free Labor Bureau," The
San Francisco Call, July 25, 1895, page 9Commissioner of Labor. Mr. Crouch of Medford, Or., is angry because his letter to Labor Commissioner Fitzgerald was made public. "City News in Brief," The San Francisco Call, July 30, 1895, page 7 Medford Items.
Mrs. Ella Smith has gone to Pokegama to
join her husband.Wm. Ulrich was doing Siskiyou County this week on pork business. Rev. R. P. Kendall is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Poley, in Ashland. Dr. S. C. Force, the Ashland dentist, was doing business here this week. Tom McAndrews has returned from his trip to Colestin and Pokegama. Henry Bleecher has returned from a business trip to Klamath County. Percy McKenzie, the Jacksonville printer, went to Yreka Tuesday to work at his trade. Engineer Chas. F. Lewis left Tuesday for Stockton, Cal., where he has a position with the valley railroad. Mrs. R. P. Fabj and son are spending a few days in town, Mr. F. being in Southern Oregon on insurance business. W. P. H. Legate has retired from the Union livery stables, and C. Mingus & Son are again sole owners of the same. John Dunning has received the contract to furnish the school district with wood at $3 per cord for oak and $2.50 per cord for fir. J. O. Holt, the teacher at Yainax Indian school, is visiting his folks in Jackson County. He attended the institute at Tacoma. W. H. Parker and family, I. M. Muller and family and James A. Slover and family all returned from their Colestin camp Tuesday. Mrs. Eliza J. Hamlin, wife of the late James Hamlin, and a pioneer lady of Southern Oregon, died at the old homestead. She leaves a large family of grown sons and daughters. Mrs. D. T. Pritchard of this city died at Roseburg Sunday of consumption, aged 35 years. The funeral took place in that city Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Pritchard is in the jewelry business in this city. Hon. W. 1. Vawter of Medford is being prominently mentioned for the Republican nomination for congress. Mr. Vawter has the elements of a good Republican candidate. He is a lawyer and president of a bank, a native son of Oregon, a graduate of its state university and identified with the state in every way. J. A. Whitman and John Redfield returned Monday from a trip to Klamath Falls on their Crescent bicycles, going from Medford to Klamath Falls in a day, the cyclometer showing the distance between the places to be 78½ miles. They report they could have gone on to Bonanza the same day had they desired. The cyclometer showed 66 miles from Klamath Falls to Ashland. Stock Inspector James Helms and his deputy, Geo. W. Stephenson, were at Chas. Rider's in Willow Springs precinct this week and met James Withycombe, the state veterinary, to kill a horse quarantined for gleet by the stock inspector. The horse got over his cold and was discharged. A horse on Mrs. S. E. Ish's farm was put into quarantine for gleet the same day the Rider horse was discharged. Valley Record, Ashland, August 1, 1895, page 3 D. T. Pritchard, who came up from Medford to attend the sickbed of his wife last Sunday, and who by a decree of death it was made the sad duty of laying to rest in the tomb his beloved wife, will return to Medford tonight on the overland. Mr. Pritchard contemplates returning to Roseburg in the near future to permanently reside. Mr. Pritchard is a jeweler, and if he returns will set up in business here. "Brief Mention," Roseburg Plaindealer, August 1, 1895, page 3 Died.
the residence of E. J. Montague in North Roseburg, July 29th, Laura D.,
wife of D. T. Pritchard, aged 36 years. The funeral services were held
in the M.E. Church, South, at 2 p.m., Rev. J. A. Crutchfield conducting
the services. A large number of sympathizing friends and neighbors were
in attendance. The remains were given sepulture in the Odd Fellows'
Roseburg Plaindealer, August 1, 1895, page 3 Angry Because His
Letter to Fitzgerald Was Published.
days ago Labor Commissioner Fitzgerald received a letter from B. F.
Crouch of Medford, Or., asking him to find a woman in the Free Labor
Bureau who would be willing to go to Oregon and marry Mr. Crouch. The
Labor Commissioner replied:
I am in receipt of your application for a wife, and since this is my first experience of the kind that I have ever had, I shall take particular pains to do the job up brown. Kindly send me references and full information, and I shall make a personal matter of it and find you a thoroughly good woman. Mr. Crouch was evidently displeased that his desires should be made public, for he wrote the following letter to The Call: MEDFORD,
Or., July 27, 1895.
Editor Morning
SIR: In your paper of 24th inst., I notice that you published a letter
I wrote to the California Free Labor Bureau. The letter in question was
not intended for publication, but I suppose you got it in by accident.
I enclose Mr. Fitzgerald's reply. Turnabout is fair. Please publish his reply. This reply of Mr. Fitzgerald's was evidently written by some mischievous clerk, and I swore a large-sized oath. I might send him a description of your humble servant, but then I did not do so. I might send him references, but will wait until the weather is cooler. Yours truly, B. F.
San Francisco Call, August 1, 1895, page 12
New in Grants Pass--Old in
A young married lady stopping at one of our hotels with her husband had the audacity to appear on our streets in bloomers Monday afternoon. Her advent caused quite a ripple of excitement as she dashed down Sixth Street, and most of the spectators voted the bloomer costume "all right." This tasty apparel is the only one which permits a lady to ride a man's wheel, and a man's wheel is decided by experts as the only fit wheel to ride, as the frame is stronger and the guiding motion easier. Bloomers are so common now in all the large cities that their appearance causes no comment. Let Grants Pass folks show themselves as well behaved as those of big cities. Medford Mail, August 2, 1895, page 5 Medford Items.
L. Shideler has returned from his tour
through California.Miss Angie Mullen returned Monday from a visit at Ashland. Ed. Worman returned Wednesday from Ashland and Colestin excursions. Mrs. E. DePeatt, of Umatilla County, is visiting her relatives at Jacksonville. W. L. Grinnell, wife and son of Portland are visiting G. W. Galloway at Medford. K. Kubli of Jacksonville was given a big surprise party on the 1st inst. in honor of his 65th birthday. Some of W. R. Jones' farm turned off 40 bushels to the acre. Everywhere crops have turned out well. Major Haskins, B. S. Webb and Dr. Adkins, accompanied by their families, are home from their coast tour. Francis Fitch and wife and J. B. McGee took Tuesday's train for San Francisco, the former continuing on to Southern California for a visit with relatives. Dr. Kirchgessner and C. I. Hutchison drove to Colestin Saturday night and home Sunday night, having been up to spend Sunday with their wives. Judge Walton returned from Colestin Monday. He is suffering from heart disease and has lost 40 lbs. in flesh the past month. Prof. Horton and wife, G. M. Love and wife, Misses Helen Colvig, Agnes Love and Mollie Miller of Jacksonville, have gone to the beach at Crescent City. W. G. Bish [Wallace G. Bishop?] is in the county from Iowa visiting relatives. Valley Record, Ashland, August 8, 1895, page 3 A Peculiar Death.
MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 12.--B. Simpson [A. H. "Bee" Simpson]
pushed from a sidewalk here Saturday afternoon and his neck broken. He
had been having some trouble during the afternoon with W. M. Gainey,
but nothing serious resulted from the altercation. After Gainey had
gone home, Simpson mistook William Crane for Gainey and came at him
with a board. Crane, in his own defense, pushed Simpson backwards and
the latter fell from the walk to the street, a distance of about two
feet, resulting as above stated.
Simpson had been a resident of this county since 1853, and was about 60 years old. No blame is attached to Crane. Capital Journal, Salem, August 12, 1895, page 1 A number of blacksmiths of Rogue River Valley have formed a union, with Hugh Elliott of Jacksonville as president and Geo. F. Merriman of Medford as secretary. The main object of the organization is to maintain a reasonable price for blacksmithing. It is proposed to put horseshoeing at $2.00, with a 10 percent discount for cash. Another meeting will be held soon, when nearly all the blacksmiths in Jackson County are expected to become members.--Times. Capital Journal, Salem, August 12, 1895, page 3 Medford Items.
Mrs. Ish is building a $1600 residence
near Medford.Francis Fitch returned Wednesday from a trip to California. W. S. Crowell is spending the week at Colestin for his health. Chas. Nickell returned Sunday from Northern California and is now doing the Willamette. L. B. Warner proposes the erection of a two-story residence on the lot he purchased of J. D. Whitman. B. F. Crouch went to Siskiyou Wednesday and met a nice-looking lady from Oakland, Cal., who came up on a visit. Dr. James Braden arrived this week from Indianapolis, Ind., on an annual business trip to his mining and other properties at Gold Hill. Hon. J. H. Stewart will market 15 carloads of Bartlett pears and is erecting the largest dry house in the valley to handle his prune crop. The funeral of the late A. H. Simpson took place from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Skeeters, in this city Monday afternoon, the burial being in Jacksonville cemetery, Rev. A. S. Foster conducting the religious services. He came to Jackson County in 1852 and had many friends who feel sad at the manner of his taking off. Valley Record, Ashland, August 15, 1895, page 3 Mrs. James Cotie and children of Medford, Ore. were guests of Mrs. Kellogg Saturday. "Purely Personal," Darlington Record, Darlington, Missouri, August 15, 1895, page 1 Started on a Long Journey.
Ind., Aug. 14.--Richard Stringer and his son Charley left here on a
wagon trip to Southern Oregon, a distance of nearly 4,000 miles. They
expect to be on the road six months.
Delphi Times, Delphi, Indiana, August 16, 1895, page 8 AN INCENDIARY FIRE.
Tramps Accused of Destroying a Medford Schoolhouse.
Or., Aug. 19.--The Medford public schoolhouse, costing $15,000, was
burned to the ground at 1 o'clock this morning. The fire was
undoubtedly of incendiary origin, and two tramps who were severely
handled by the Medford police the day before are suspected.
The school directors at a meeting today offered a reward of $1000 for the apprehension of the guilty parties, and made arrangements for the construction of a new brick schoolhouse. The burned building was covered by $7000 insurance. San Francisco Call, August 20, 1895, page 3 Medford Items.
Mrs. E. DePeatt has returned home to
Athena, Umatilla County.Gen. T. G. Reames has returned from a business trip to Portland. Edwin Russ, East Side custom mill, chops all kinds of grain for cash or toll. Rev. Father Desmarais has gone to his old home in Canada and may conclude to remain. John Foster on Dry Creek lost a fine milk cow last week. It was bit in the teat by a rattlesnake. L. C. Coleman, the San Francisco capitalist, arrived Tuesday to remain several weeks looking after his financial interests. Medford is to hold a school meeting Aug. 31st to vote on the subject of a new school house and the bonding of the district for the same. J. C. Turnedge of Climax cut an ugly gash in his ankle and split the bone. He was slashing with a double bit and caught in the brush. The "open season" of this city's firebug is on, and everybody in Medford is alarmed. If ever squarely detected a lynching bee is ready for the villain. Miss Ella M. Briggs, the lovable daughter of Geo. S. Briggs, died at her home Friday evening. Rev. M. L. Lute conducted the religious exercises at the funeral Sunday afternoon. Wm. Herriott, the Evans Creek sawmill man, was arrested on a warrant sworn out in Justice Simon Simpkins' court at Woodville, charging him with an assault with a dangerous weapon on two ladies of the same neighborhood. The trial took place Monday, Wm. M. Colvig for the defendant, and Mr. Herriott was acquitted. Valley Record, Ashland, August 22, 1895, page 3 Medford's Incendiary Fiend.
Medford's public school house
and its furnishings were burned to the ground just after midnight on
Sunday night. The building was erected about five years ago by Geo.
Catchings, a Riddle contractor. The origin of the fire is believed by
all to have been incendiary and the work of a fiend who burned several
barns last year and made two unsuccessful attempts to set the school
house on fire. Much uneasiness and indignation is felt at Medford at
the presence of such an unwelcome reprobate in their community. The Monitor gives the
following account of the affair:The fire was discovered shortly before 1 o'clock Monday morning. G. L. Schermerhorn was returning to town and drove in from the west. When within a block or two of the school house he noticed a light in the rear but drove past the front to ascertain the cause. Not a glimmer was visible from that point so he returned and passed down the side street and when just past the building be saw flames climbing the posts of the rear porch. Whipping his horse into a run he was soon at the hose house ringing the alarm. Enough fire boys were soon on hand to attach the hose cart to his buggy and the horse was started back to the fire on a run. Within eight minutes from the time the fire was first noticed the hose was attached to the hydrant and the water turned on. But, oh, what a disappointment to the fire laddies, there was no pressure. Only 12 feet of water in the tank and no steam to pump with. A bold break was made for the building, however, but the heat prevented their approach. By this time the flames had broken through from the rear porch to the lower hallway and then spread like a flash to the upper hallway and front. In a moment the middle of the structure was all on fire and the pine and fir material finished in hard oil made a fierce heat. Seeing a stream could not be made to reach the fire without pressure the firemen turned their attention to saving the M.E. church, south, across the street. The hose was divided and two nozzles used, but the water scarcely reached the eaves. The roof was smoking several times and had five minutes more elapsed before the engines began pumping all efforts to save the church would have been futile. As it was, the building was badly scorched outside and some damage done the interior. The school house burned furiously and in less than three-quarters of an hour nothing was standing above the walls. Hundreds of people were attracted to the scene and watched the progress of the fire with mingled feelings of regret and anxiety. Anxious lest the spirit which prompted some archfiend to perpetrate the dastardly act of firing the cherished property of all the people of Medford, might continue the depredations until our little city would be considered an unsafe home. When the first parties reached the scene the fire could have been controlled easily had water been available. There was a box room about 10x12 feet, 10 feet high under the rear porch which was easily accessible from either side of the steps, there being no doors except the one from the room into the basement, which was locked. The most plausible theory is that the incendiary passed under the steps to this room where with the proper arrangement of combustible material fire would burn unnoticed until it broke through the porch above and allow one ample time for escape. The building was constructed with two main parts, with the hallways on the upper and lower floors between and the observatory and cupola over the middle. When the fire broke from the rear porch into the building it extended to the front and all over the middle portion upstairs as well as below almost like a flash. Joe Frizell of Ashland was one of the first to see the fire. He was coming down the side street near the church when he noticed the light and started running to give the alarm. While making inquiry at the hotel for the location of the fire bell Schermerhorn passed him. He started back with the fire boys, and fell near the depot from exhaustion, the wheel of the hose carriage striking the calf of his leg below the knee, badly bruising the muscle. He is about on crutches. Medford was all excitement again the next night, about 3 o'clock Tuesday morning, when the barn on Geo. Justus' residence, a few blocks from the burned school house, was all ablaze and was nearly burned to the ground when put out by the fire department with a full head of water. The loss was $300, covered by $200 insurance. The same incendiary is suspected. Valley Record, Ashland, August 22, 1895, page 3 THE FIEND AND HIS FIRE
Medford's Beautiful Public School Building in Ashes. Fire of Incendiary Origin Loss $11,000, Insured for Only $7,000.
The Medford public school building burned to the ground last Monday
morning about one o'clock. The first one to discover the fire was Miss
Ida Redden, who was at the residence of her sister, Mrs. E. W. Carder,
at ten minutes before one o'clock. Her attention was attracted by
someone running along the sidewalk, away from the burning building, and
who when near Mr. Carder's residence yelled "Fire." The young lady at
once called to Mr. Carder, and he was soon on his way to the school
house, which was only a couple of blocks from his residence. Mr.
Carder, being the engineer at the water works, proceeded directly to
the pump house but passed within about a rod of the burning building.
As he passed he stopped long enough to take a view of the fire, and its
exact location. He states that the fire at that time was quite small
and was directly under the steps on the south side of the building.
Under the steps was a stairway leading to the entrance to the basement.
Before he had reached the water tanks the flames had reached to the top
of the steps and were spreading quite rapidly. By this time the alarm
had become quite general and the hose team was on its way to the scene,
the hose cart being in tow of G. L. Schermerhorn's buggy.
In a very short space of time the streams of water were at the disposal of the firemen, but by this time the flames in the school building were beyond control, and the attention of the hose boys was turned towards the Southern Methodist Church, which was the nearest structure to the fire. It was only a few moments until the pumps were working with the pressure on the mains, and thus the company had plenty of water, although before the pumps were started the pressure was quite light, owing to the fact that two three-inch streams were being supplied by a four-inch main. There was fourteen feet of water in each tank, which would have lasted several hours even if the pumps had not been started, but of course the pressure would have been light. The school building was erected in 1891 at a cost of about $8000. It contained fully [illegible] worth of furniture, blackboards and other equipments, every piece of which was destroyed. The building and fittings were insured for $7000. How the fire originated is a mystery, as well also as those fires which occurred in the past, with not the least shadow of a chance for them to be other than incendiary. No one has been able to locate the parties who, at former fires as well as the one of Monday morning, have been heard running away from the burning building. Last Friday a gang of hoboes made their headquarters at the railroad water tank where two kegs of beer were consumed, and they became so noisy that the same evening they were all "jugged" by Marshal Churchman, in doing which several club and fist rounds were indulged in. On the following morning they were given their freedom with the understanding that they leave the city. This they did not do and were reported to have been in town as late as Sunday night, and a number of our citizens advance the idea that they set fire to the school building to even up with the arrest. At all events they have not been seen since the fire. Another theory is advanced by many that the building was fired by the same person who had a hand in former fires, and this opinion seems the most plausible. GEORGE
Following close in the
wake of the school house fire, and upon Tuesday morning before the
excitement had subsided, was the burning of the barn owned by George
Justus, and located on South F Street, about two blocks from the fire
of the night before. This latter fire occurred about three o'clock
Tuesday morning, and like all previous ones was without doubt of
incendiary origin. The barn was unoccupied and only contained some hay
and a number of articles of small value. The fire was first discovered
by Robt. Lawton, night engineer at the water tanks. He immediately blew
the whistle, which was responded to by other alarms, and the hose
company was soon on the ground, but were unable to save the building
owing to its inflammable character.----
The school library, which was burned, was valued at $75.FIRE NOTES. The public school band lost two drums, two horns--alto and tuba--and about $25 worth of music. The M.E. Church, South, was charred somewhat, but comparatively little damage was done it--for all of which the good work of the fire boys is responsible. It matters very little who was the real discoverer of the school house fire. The more important discovery right now would be the fiend who set the fire. When the false alarm was sounded Tuesday night, Joe Kelley is quoted as saying to his family that he knew there was no fire on, but that the alarm was given to announce that the fire fiend had been found and that he would go downtown and help hang him. Every effort is being put forth to locate the party, or parties, who have been causing this wholesale destruction of property, and it is hoped that they may soon be brought to justice. The weather having been so dry and hot for the past several weeks, every article exposed to the sun's rays has become so inflammable that very little encouragement is required to cause it to burn. G. L. Schermerhorn is entitled to big lumps of credit for hitching to the hose cart with his horse and carriage and hauling it to the fire. Gordon is all right almost any place--more especially at a fire. Joseph Frizell, of Ashland, a lineman for the Pacific Postal Telegraph Company, was assisting in getting the hose to the fire and was knocked down and the hose cart ran over his leg, bruising it considerably. The city council has offered $1000 for the arrest and conviction of the party, or parties, who set fire to the school building. This should attract the attention of some experienced person who can locate the work. While the firemen were playing on the church it was necessary to keep their clothing soaked with water to prevent them from catching fire. Councilman J. W. Lawton was given a full bucket of water squarely down his neck. When an half dozen, or less, firemen are running to a fire at night with the hose cart, a little help should be given them by citizens who are passing on the street. When the boys call for help you can figure that they need it or they wouldn't call. A meeting of the voters of the school district has been called for August 31st to take steps towards the rebuilding of the school house. In all probability a larger and better house will be erected--most likely a brick building will be the choice of the voters of the district. An alarm of fire was turned in at 1:30 Wednesday morning, but no fire was discovered. The alarm was charged to Dr. Wait, who fired the first pistol shot, but the doctor was all right--he saw a blaze leap up from the Justus barn ruins and thought it was a new fire. Pretty nearly everybody was aroused by the continued whistle blowing and bell ringing, but they all forgave the doctor his unintended joke when the falsity was made known. At every fire there are always several or more kicks coming because that Mr. So-and-So did not do this or did do that. These kicks come from people who do not realize that all men are not of the one mind--especially at a fire. The Mail is charitable enough to believe that every man upon these fire occasions does to the best of his ability that which he believes to be to the best interests of those whose property is being destroyed and to the town's best good--hence all are entitled to a given amount of credit. ----
Without a particle of malice toward any
person and brimming full of charity for all, the Mail feels
that a word of explanation is due those who labored so assiduously to
check the flames of devastation, and in refutal of erroneous reports
circulated. First--We have proof positive that only nine minutes of
time elapsed from the time fire was first started in the engine until
the pressure was turned on in the main. This report comes from Ernest
Langley. Had this time been even three times nine minutes the
conditions so far as Mr. Carder, the engineer, was concerned would have
been the same. He worked with a will to accomplish the best and
quickest good, and is entitled to credit rather than censure. As to the
amount of water in the tanks, we have the word of three honorable men
that there were fourteen feet of water in the tanks at the time the
hose was first made fast to the hydrants. The lack of sufficient
pressure when the hose was first attached is explained by stating that
two three-inch hoses were feeding from one four-inch main. As to the
statement that the hose team could have saved a part of the school
building had there been sufficient water, we have the word of Dr. E. P.
Geary, who states that by the time he could dress and get out into his
yard the tower was on fire and the hose cart had just arrived. This
being the case, there surely was no hope of saving any part of the
building and the fire boys followed the one and only wise course--that
of protecting nearby buildings, and by their prompt action the M.E.
Church, South, was saved. J. W. Curry, one of the firemen, states that
not more than four minutes had elapsed from the time the hose was
attached until the engine was pumping into the main. In reference to
the irregular working of the pumping engine when pressure was on the
main, we wish to explain that this is one of the necessary
requirements. During all the time water was being used engineer Carder
stood with his hand on the throttle and regulated the cylinder stroke
by the amount of water being used--the pressure not to exceed one
hundred pounds--this amount of pressure is made the limit because that
the mains will not stand a greater amount. When water is being used at
a fire it is not an uncommon thing for a kink to get in the hose, thus
reducing the flow of water and increasing the pressure--hence the
engineer must watch these things, as well as the shutting off of the
water entirely by the firemen, and regulate the pumping pressure
accordingly.THESE ARE FACTS. Medford Mail, August 23, 1895, page 1 D. I. Waldroop didn't like South C Street as a place of business, but to get on Seventh Street it was necessary to put up a building--which he did, near Hamilton & Palm's real estate office. It is a frame building, covered with corrugated iron and tin. The interior has been beautifully papered and painted and presents a fine appearance. Dan has christened his little palace "The Crater," in honor of that beautiful Crater Lake painting which was painted by Mr. Corson a few months ago and by him presented to Mr. Waldroop. This picture will be placed over the new store. Dan opened up for business this morning. Read his ad in another column of this paper. Nearly every day we hear someone telling of the "crying need" for more buildings in which to open business on Main or Seventh Street. The "need" will be "crying" just as loud as now until suitable brick store buildings are built on North and South C Street. Property owners on this street are losing sight of their best interests by not inviting greater value to their property by putting up larger and more substantial buildings. There was a fakir on the streets Monday. He procured a license from Recorder Webb to do street peddling and gave his name as Wm. Carter. Soon after the license had been procured he opened up for business near Hotel Nash, but his business was a nut proposition and a fake, and the recorder proceeded to call in the issued license, but not until some of our unsuspecting people had been hornswoggled into the purchase of several of the nuts. The blacksmith shop of Merriman & Purdin has dissolved partnership, Mr. Merriman having purchased Mr. Purdin's interest. Mr. Russ has moved his chop mill from the sidehill location to level ground further from the residence. He is prepared to do all kinds of chop work. "News of the City," Medford Mail, August 23, 1895, page 5 Medford Items.
Edwin Russ, East Side custom mill, chops
all kinds grain for cash or toll.George F. Merriman, the blacksmith, has purchased the shop formerly owned by Merriman & Purdin. Valley Record, Ashland, August 29, 1895, page 3 Willis Townsend, sometimes called the "Jedge" by the boys, because of his leaning always toward the side of right and justice--whether it be to the value of a "white" or "red"--has inaugurated himself into a complete and entire real estate and insurance agency. He will have office room with C. W. Palm. Mr. Townsend has proven himself, since his coming to Medford, to be a pretty square gentleman and businesslike on all sides--and a hustler. He proposes to follow the above business and do the right thing by all parties. See his ad in another column. The half past seven closing move, which is now on in Medford, is working to a degree of much satisfaction to the merchants. They have heretofore been compelled to stand behind the counters until nine or ten o'clock, but to be given the evenings for a home visit with their families is indeed a pleasure. As very little of the evening trade comes from the country, the closing will hardly work a hardship upon the general business of the city. We townspeople can as well do our trading before the closing hour--and no inconvenience comes therefrom. It is hardly more than fair that we give our merchants a chance for a few hours' time at home with their families. "News of the City," Medford Mail, August 30, 1895, page 5 Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, with a population of 967, has a business college with a building especially erected for the purpose. Marysville, 5,000 population, has no college. "What Others Are Doing," Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, September 1, 1895, page 1 John C. Hutchinson's Estate.
JOSE, Cal., Sept. 10.--Lulu Blabon today petitioned for letters of
administration upon the estate of her father, John C. Hutchinson, who
died in Monterey County on August 19, 1895. The estate consists of
property in Monterey and this county, and is valued at $5672. The heirs
are the petitioner, Lulu Blabon, who resides in this city; Maggie
Caldwell of Medford, Or., and Amelia I. Caldwell of Contra Costa County.The San Francisco Call, September 11, 1895, page 4 Were Jefferson Pioneers.
Jefferson, Ia., Sept. 12.--Telegraphic information is just received
from Medford, Ore., of the death of Judge Walton and his wife. They
came to Jefferson in 1853, before there was a town, and opened a hotel
and store, and, in fact, founded the town. In 1871 Mr. Walton moved to
Oregon, became a judge and prominent in public affairs. He died at the
age of 79 and the following day his wife died, and both were buried the
same day.
Mitchell Daily Republican, Mitchell, South Dakota, September 13, 1895, page 1 Medford Items.
J. M. Brous and Cleveland Sears are
attending the state fair.T. D. Gilmore, assistant railroad agent at this place, spent Sunday with his parents in Ashland. Senator Holt and his son Austin are at the state fair in Salem engineering the Jackson County exhibit for the purpose of capturing the first prize. Mrs. O. Harbaugh and Miss Edith Priest returned Sunday from a six weeks' absence in Washington on a visit with Edith's relatives at Mt. Vernon and Seattle and a call on Mrs. Harbaugh's relatives in Portland. Judge Hanna is holding court at Grants Pass, where the trial of Chas. Fiester for brutally drowning his wife last May commences today. The grand jury indicted G. A. Niccom on two counts for larceny of cattle. He pled guilty and will be sentenced today. Butler, Barrett & Stewart of this city were the lowest bidders and were awarded the contract for the erection of the new school house, have given the bonds and commenced work. The district has also purchased 260 desks and other furniture at an expense of $1900. Drs. Parson, Geary, Waite and Pickel on Tuesday performed a successful surgical operation on Assessor Geo. A. Jackson and he is recovering nicely. One of our enterprising farmers, Jim Howard, has a cultus son. The boy stole several loads of wheat and sold it to Virgin & Co. and yesterday was ready to skip the country when his father had him arraigned before Judge Purdin for larceny. Valley Record, Ashland, September 26, 1895, page 3 ![]() September 27, 1895 Medford Mail MEDFORD IMPROVEMENTS.
W. F. Halley
has arrangements all made for the erection of a two-story brick
dwelling house, corner of Fifth and G streets. It will be 24x30 and
will cost something like $1500. S. Childers will do the brick work.A Bunch of Varied Improvements Being Made in the Metropolis of the Valley.
hardly seems possible, yet it is a fact, that Medford has continued to
grow during the past two years--when times were so deucedly depressing
almost everywhere else. That our city has been growing and is still
doing business in that line is just as true as the fact that the
farmer's wagon wheels go round and that they gyrate Medford way
weighted with the products of the soil and returned equally as heavily
loaded with merchandise.
No time has there been since the coming to the city of the present publishers of the Mail but that there has been a steady, sure building growth. The buildings have not been put up with a hurrah and a jump but just fast enough to meet the demand of trade. These structures have been largely of brick, and on them has been fixed a surface of permanence that fosters not retrogression. At the present time there is a little unusual flurry of building, and it is of such nature as to omen good to our fast-developing Hub City. We give below a mention of the buildings now in course of construction--and there are mechanics here sufficient in number to build them all: B. B. Gearvais is erecting a 16x24-foot cottage on H Street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. M. W. Skeel's new residence, in Southwest Medford, is enclosed and will soon be ready for occupancy. George Justus is building a 24x44-foot barn on the site of the building recently burned. L. M. Lyon is doing the work. Blacksmith C. W. Milton is nearing his neat and well-built cottage to a finish. This is on West Tenth Street and will be an added beauty to that part of the city. Joe Shone has the foundation laid for his new residence in North[we]st Medford, but the gentleman is so dog-blasted busy with other work that he gets but little time for his own house. Mrs. A. A. Kellogg is arranging to remove her former store building, corner Sixth and C streets, to another part of the lot and when an addition is made thereto use it for a residence, exclusive. The brick work on Councilman J. R. Wilson's blacksmith shop is finished and the carpenters are now at work laying floors and putting in windows and doors. Brooks, the tinner, is putting on the roof. J. C. Furguson's new residence across the river is pretty close onto a finish, and a fine building it is. While we are mentioning it there are several fine residences in that particular locality. G. W. Williams is building Mr. Furguson's residence. Hon. Henry Klippel, one of our enterprising lumber merchants, has his beautiful five-room cottage on North H Street enclosed, and the same will soon be ready for occupancy. A more extended mention of this structure was made a couple of weeks ago. Ed. Wilkinson's new brick block, in which Ed will carve steaks to the general liking of all who come, is fast narrowing down to a finish, so far as the brick work is concerned. This will positively be the gem of all the buildings--and of which Ed is justly proud. J. O. Johnson, the Table Rock rancher, has purchased a tract of land just south of Dr. B. F. Adkins' residence--50 feet wide and long enough to reach to the bank of Bear Creek. Upon this land Mr. Johnson is having laid a foundation for a five-room brick cottage. The main part of the building will be 30x35 with an ell 14x24, and a porch on two sides. The structure will cost not less than $1800. S. Childers will do the brick work. W. J. Bennet, architect. A new brick block which is soon to be erected will be situated between I. A. Webb's and W. H. Meeker & Co.'s stores, south side of Seventh Street, and will be built by Dr. B. F. Adkins and Mrs. Dennison, who each own a twenty-five-foot lot. The block will be 50x100 feet, two stories high and of brick. The first floor, of Mrs. Dennison's half, will be occupied by Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company and J. W. Lawton's harness shop, each taking twelve feet of the twenty-five. A few weeks ago we made mention of a new residence which L. B. Warner, the fruit tree man and insurance man--and Mail solicitor--was going to build. He now has Chas. Pheister at work laying the foundation and hopes to get the building up before the winter rains set in. It will be two stories high, six rooms below and three above. This will be a frame building and will cost about $1800. It will be located near Attorney J. H. Whitman's residence. W. J. Bennet, architect. Last week we spoke of the new brick residence to be built by S. Childers, Jr. This building will be quite unique in design, the verandas and porticoes being also of brick. It will be a two-story building with six rooms below and three above. The sitting room, parlor and dining room will be connected by folding doors and can all three be thrown into one room when required. The foundation for this building will be commenced within a few few days. The cost of the structure will be about $2000. W. J. Bennet, architect. The new brick school building, which is to cost $12,000, is one of the most prominent buildings which is entitled to mention in these columns. Work on the foundation was commenced Saturday morning. The whole work of construction in its several lines will be pushed to its quickest possible completion. The contractors are Butler, Barrett and Stewart. The subcontractors: On stone work, Frank Wait; brick work, G. W. Priddy; iron work, such as bolts, ties, etc., G. F. Merriman; painting, Ling & Boardman. Medford Mail, September 27, 1895, page 4 Mrs. G. L. Webb wants to see you at "The Racket." We will give 10 percent reduction on every dollar's worth of goods (except school supplies and "special sales") until the new goods begin to arrive from New York. Manager C. O. Damon, of the Medford opera house, has arranged for a series of attractions--six in number--for the coming winter season. The first of these will be The Artist Trio, comprising Miss Laura McManis, the world's greatest whistling soloist, Miss Cornelia May, reader and pantomimist and Miss Julia Phelps, harp soloist and pianist. These people will probably appear about November 1st. Following them--about a month later--will appear Captain Jack Crawford, the poet-scout, late chief of scouts of the United States army. It was Mr. Crawford who wrote "Private Brown," a story which a few months ago was published in these columns. After him will come Mr. Benjamin C. Chapin, impersonator and dramatic interpreter. Still later the Aramenti Concert Co., headed by the celebrated prima donna of New York, Mme. Julia Aramenti. And a month later than this "Brooks and Macy"--Fred Emerson Brooks, the California poet-humorist, J. Williams Macy, the New York buffo basso and humorist. Mr. Damon is entitled to a liberal patronage for the enterprise displayed in securing a visit from these able entertainers. Messrs. Weeks & Orr are among our most prominent orchardists, and in these gentlemen are recognized such growers as not only grow and pack fruit in such manner as will profit themselves but their products and work being such that will redound to the good of the entire valley. They have had returns from four carloads of Bartlett pears sent to Chicago, and these returns are very flattering. "They were in excellent shape, well packed and the fruit a good seller"--is the language used. Mr. Orr states that they take special care in packing and have had the same packers employed for eight years. It is reasonable to presume that the element known and characterized as hobo will make itself scarce in this little city of ours when it becomes known among them that the city council has purchased balls and chains--the same to adorn the ankles of these gentry when caught idling about the streets. Any of these parties corralled by the city marshal are to be put to work cutting weeds or hammering rocks on the streets for a time equal to a cash payment of a fine for vagrancy. Joe Hill has sidetracked his ambitions as a driver of a dray team. In fact, he has graduated in that line of work and is now laying brick on the new school building. He has been doing steady work for about two years and has behaved right cleverly--but he couldn't do anything else--it isn't in him to be crooked. Art Faris takes his place on the dray. Telephone connections have been made with Gold Hill, an instrument having been placed in the post office in that town this week. The line will soon be completed to Grants Pass, when all the towns in the valley, along the railroad, will be in speaking distance of each other. The Clarendon Hotel has changed hands again. This time Mrs. S. E. Delk retires and Chas. McGowan, of Ashland, takes possession--Tuesday morning. Mrs. Delk has moved to the Justus residence, on South G Street, where she will keep a few boarders. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 27, 1895, page 5 I have for sale the Clarenden Hotel property and barn. Willis Griffin, Medford, Ore. A large new sign has swung itself to the gentle and exhilarant zephyrs of a pure Southern Oregon clime--at the front of the erstwhile Clarenden Hotel, and instead of reading "Clarenden Hotel" it is "Western Hotel." Landlord McCown is making many changes about the house, all of which seem to tend to its betterment. Medford Mail, October 4, 1895, page 5 Justice Purdin had a case of assault and battery on Wednesday of last week which was one of no little interest, especially during the trial. Wong Sing, a Chinaman who, having dug gold on the Applegate for a period of many months, decided to return to the land of his birth, and after taking a last, long look at the famous Applegate, struck out for China and way points. He arrived safely at Medford but had met a number of "the boys" at neighboring camps, where he had gazed at the ceiling through the bottoms of too many beer mugs, and when he at last brought up at Toy's wash house, which is Mongolian headquarters in this city, he was loaded to the full capacity of fullness. After a friendly chat of a few moments Wong Sing became desirous of celebrating his departure, and seeing no better way in which to do so he gave old Toy a good "thumping." This done, he started for the train, but Toy was not satisfied to see his brother countryman depart in so much glory, so he had him arrested. He was taken before Justice Purdin, and after refusing the assistance of a number of our attorneys, was given an examination. Attorney Hammond appeared for the state, and the Chinaman pled his own case. It did not take long to convince the court that Wong Sing was guilty of a malicious assault, and he fined him $20 and cost--in all $28.50. The Mongolian assaultist was inclined to argue the point, but soon gave it up and proceeded to produce, and the school fund is just an even twenty better off. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 11, 1895, page 5 Killing of B. Simpson at Medford.
Dr. D. M. Brower, coroner of Jackson County, was called to Medford
Saturday evening and summoned N. R. Johnston, J. W. Curry, J. I. Hill,
C. O. Damon, Geo. Coulter and Geo. Mickey as a jury to examine into the
cause of the death of A. H. Simpson, an old resident of Jackson County,
better known as "B." Simpson, who met his death in a peculiar manner in
front of the "West Side Saloon," located between the Clarendon Hotel
and the Medford distillery office. The jury found deceased to be in his
66th year, a single man and a native of Kentucky, and the immediate
cause of his death was "extravasation of blood at the base of the
brain, produced by falling from the sidewalk while in an intoxicated
condition." Dr. Waite made the medical examination. A little before his
death Simpson and a young man named Bill Ganey get into a wordy combat
and soon got together with a chair and board, respectively. They were
parted by bystanders, among whom was W. T. Crane, another young man, a
native of Jackson County. Simpson went into the saloon but returned
soon and gave Crane considerable of a cussing. Crane moved his seat to
get away from Simpson, but the latter's fighting Kentucky blood was up
and he was after another scrap. Crane arose from his seat and with his
clenched fist landed a blow on Simpson's neck, which knocked the old
man off the 18-inch elevated north sidewalk on the ground, and in four
minutes he was dead. His head and shoulders in striking the hard ground
caused a hemorrhage from the ruptured arteries at base of brain.
Simpson raised his head and started to get up, but fell back and soon
breathed his last. No blame is attached to Crane for being the cause of
his death, as the lick he struck would not in itself have done any
damage. Valley Record, Ashland, October 10, 1895, page 1 Accident at Ashland.
Or., Oct. 14.--While J. A. Enyart of Medford was reloading his shotgun
this afternoon the shell exploded and his left hand was blown off. Mr.
Enyart is the father of J. E. Enyart, cashier of the Jackson County
Bank, who is the champion trap shooter of the Northwest.
The San Francisco Call, October 15, 1895, page 3 P. S. Enyart of Medford came near losing his left hand while extracting the cap from a shotgun shell. The cap had been snapped but did not explode, and the shot was out of the shell. Enyart did not know that the shell contained powder. Medical aid was summoned and the hand sewed up. He will not lose the use of the hand but will be crippled for awhile. "Pacific Coast News," Capital Journal, Salem, October 15, 1895, page 1 THE TORCH AT MEDFORD.
Medford is afflicted with a fire bug in its midst, and a fiend of the
blackest infamy at that. The Presbyterian church was burned Tuesday
night. The fire was discovered about 11:30, having originated in the
basement, and the flames enveloped the whole structure with such
rapidity that it is believed the building had been prepared for the
conflagration. Though the shell of the building and the bell still
stand, the building and contents are a total loss. Their fine school
house having been burned down the first part of August, the public
school was being conducted in the churches until the new $12,000 school
building now under construction is finished. Several hundred dollars
worth of public school supplies in the Presbyterian church were
destroyed. This church is located near the schoolhouse.The School-House Fire Bug Opens the Fall Campaign by Laying Low the Presbyterian Church. The church cost $2000 and was covered with $700 insurance. The city fire plugs were tampered with and left running in many places to prevent heavy pressure. Many believe the new brick school house will be fired as soon as built. Valley Record, Ashland, October 17, 1895, page 3 The People of Medford, Oregon, Exasperated Over the Burning of a Church. The origin of the fire was undoubtedly incendiary and the work of the same firebug who burned down Medford's handsome schoolhouse a few months ago, besides setting fire to other buildings. The community is again terror-stricken, as it is expected the firebug will do as he did before, follow this up with other fires, and many predict the fiend will burn down the new schoolhouse as soon as it is finished if he is not caught before. The people are exasperated and should anyone be caught in the act extraordinary remedies would be applied. The San Francisco Call, October 17, 1895, page 3 STILL ANOTHER CONFLAGRATION.
The Presbyterian Church the Object of the Fire Fiend's Wrath. This Beautiful Edifice Entirely Consumed--Loss About Two Thousand Dollars.
The destructive flames have again visited our city. The fire fiend is
again at work. Tuesday night at half past eleven o'clock the vigorous
ringing of the fire bell awoke many of our citizens from their sound
slumbers, and in a few minutes our streets were lined with an excited
throng, hurrying in the direction of the fire, which was soon located
in the Presbyterian Church, corner Seventh and H streets.
The hose team were soon at work and did good service in getting the flames under control. It was but a few short moments, however, until the once-handsome structure was a mass of charred ruins. The walls and the belfry are still standing, and the bell is about all there is left of the entire structure, uninjured--in fact, the building is a total loss. The cause of the fire, like those which have previously visited our city, is wrapped in mystery. Those who were first to notice the flames state that the fire started at the south end of the building and under the pulpit. It started in the basement, and the fact is plainly demonstrated by a careful survey of the ruins that it did not start from the furnace as at first reported and which is located in about the center of the building--in the basement. On the south end of the building there was a door leading into the basement, where the furnace was located and which was used as a store room for wood and other articles which were a part of the church property. This door was fastened with a padlock, and was always kept locked. It is the general belief that the hasp was torn off and in this way access was gained to the basement, where, in all probability, as demonstrated by other incendiary attempts, a quantity of combustibles were arranged, and the whole fired by means of a fuse. In all events it is not at all probable that the fire started from the furnace, as there had only been a low fire in it Tuesday morning, and at eleven o'clock the fire was entirely out and the condition of things about the basement was looked after by the janitor, Mr. Turner. The church was being used for school purposes, and a large number of books was left there, and, of course, they were a total loss, which falls quite heavy upon some of the children, who are hardly able to purchase new ones. The entire contents, including a small library--valued at about $100--an organ and other furniture was all burned. The loss will foot up about $2000, and the building was insured for but $700. The church organization is in a prosperous condition, and active steps will be taken at once to rebuild, but just what kind of a building will be erected has not as yet been decided upon, but will be in a few days. The Mail trusts that these people will be able to erect a building which will stand as a model of its kind; one which Medford will be proud of and can be looked to as a structure of beauty and usefulness. Medford Mail, October 18, 1895, page 4 Judge Hanna, who sentenced Charles Fiester, the wife murderer, to be hanged in Grants Pass November 29 next, has only passed the death sentence once before, which was upon John Justus, for killing his father, some years ago. Justus' sentence was commuted to life imprisonment and he was pardoned out in a few years. Capital Journal, Salem, October 18, 1895, page 2 HAND MANGLED.
A Former Resident of Logansport Badly Injured.
Enyart, of Medford, Ore., a former well-known resident of this city,
met with a serious accident last week. He was reloading cartridges for
a shotgun and in extracting a cap from a shell which he thought was
empty it exploded, stripping his hand of flesh and laying it bare to
the bones and tendons. It is thought that amputation will not be
necessary, although he will be permanently crippled.
Logansport Reporter, Indiana, October 21, 1895, page 8 INSANE.--E. P. White, aged 40 years, of Medford, Jackson County, was received at the insane asylum last evening. Capital Journal, Salem, October 23, 1895, page 4 The following notaries were appointed today: Chas. E. Wolcott, Medford. . . . "State House News," Capital Journal, Salem, October 28, 1895, page 4 As a Chinese tradesman Horace Nicholson is hardly up to the standard of those of Oriental birth. On Monday of this week one of the almond-eyed, with braided appendant, went into the store of J. Beek & Co. after quicksilver. The Mongolian didn't just exactly kum-tux the name of the article he wanted, but with the fingers of one hand he endeavored to pick up an imaginary something from the palm of the other, saying as he did so, "You catch him, you no catch him; you got him?" Horace insisted that it was a flea he wanted, but fleas didn't go with the Chinaman, and when he said something about gold dust Horace fell behind the counter, apparently dead, and John Norris came to the rescue and sold the Chinaman twenty-three pounds of quicksilver. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 29, 1895, page 3 Mrs. J. H. Page accompanied her son Fred as far south as Medford on his trip into the valley Wednesday. "From Oregon Cities: Ashland," Capital Journal, Salem, November 30, 1895, page 1 Medford's Postmaster.
J. S. Howard's term quits on
the 17th inst. and the many candidates for the place are hustling hard.The Record believes that the man to be named is not considered a candidate by the candidates and that his appointment will surprise the local talent. That man is Hon. W. H. Parker, ex-Democratic county clerk. Our reason for thinking that Mr. Parker has touched the right place is from a letter received from a gentleman named Ikleheimer, of Wall Street, New York. Ikey claims to know just how the situation stands. Miss Martha Cardwell, postmistress of Central Point, has sent in her resignation, so it is reported. Valley Record, Ashland, December 5, 1895, page 3 Three important water enterprises are already on foot. One is to bring water from Bear to Kanes Creek, a distance of twenty miles, at an estimated cost of $15,000. Another project is to bring water from Butte Creek, over forty miles. This will be expensive. It will give water all the year around. James G. Birdsey, who has a large holding on Kane Creek, is at the head of these enterprises. James Branden, an Indian man, is at the head of a still larger enterprise, to reconstruct an old canal on Rogue River, first, four miles to Gold Hill, and then six miles to Foots Creek. The canal will be sixteen feet on top, eleven feet on the bottom and five feet deep. "Growing Northwest," Corvallis Gazette, December 5, 1895, page 2 Harry Angle is walking with a cane now. The severe injury to his leg resulted from a fall down a stairway in the dark. Mrs. M. Kessler, with her two daughters, Mabel and Francis [sic] and her little sons, arrived from Klamath Falls Sunday and will take up their residence here. "From Oregon Cities: Medford," Capital Journal, Salem, December 6, 1895, page 4 He's a Printer--a Bad One.
Many of the early day residents of Medford--those dating their
residence seven or eight years back--will remember a family who
lived here by the name of Broback. The old gentleman, when here, having
been interested to considerable extent in Medford real estate. There
was a crippled son, F. W. Broback, in the family. From here the family
moved to Ukiah, Calif., and the son, for amusement started a job
printing office and after learning printing did a good
business--in fact, too good of late, for his general well being.
He has not been doing a legitimate line of printing, but instead, has
been printing obscene books and circulars and has, according to the
Examiner, been placing them in the hands of agents in many localities
on the coast and from the same of which he has gathered a good bit of
money. The Federal officers have been endeavoring to trace the origin
of this literature for several months and this week succeeded in
capturing Broback and his outfit. He was in the act of completing a 500
order for these indecent books. His bond was fixed at $3000.
Medford Mail,
December 27, 1895, page 8
Last revised August 31, 2023 For more complete names of persons identified by initials, see the Index. |