Medford Pioneers: George H. Millar Be sure to also look into Millar's troubles with mayor Eifert.
Miss Mary Roden and Harry L. Schaub, both of West Lake Street, were quietly married at 7:30 Thursday evening at St. John's Catholic Church by Rev. McGuire. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. George H. Millar, of Pittsburg. "Roden-Schaub," The Repository, Canton, Ohio, June 15, 1906, page 17 Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Millar arrived in Medford Tuesday from Ohio, and expect to make this city their future home. They were intending to make Washington their abode, but while on the train, near Los Angeles, a fellow passenger gave them to understand that whatever they did they positively must not pass up the Rogue River Valley, in Oregon--and they did not; and furthermore, they are going to invest money in Medford and become permanently identified with us and our interests. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 14, 1907, page 4 New Circulation Manager.
Census date: May 16, 1910 Mr. G. H. Millar has taken a position as circulation manager of The Mail. He is right now engaged in preparing and sending out statements of subscription accounts. The Mail has
a considerable amount of money due on these accounts which, in many
instances, is no fault of the subscribers. We just haven't had time to
send out the statements. You, of course, expect to pay every cent you
owe. This The Mail firmly
believes else, if we did not, we would not allow the accounts to run.
Now the publisher of this paper would like very much to have every
subscriber who knows himself to be indebted to The Mail to
make it convenient to call at the office, get acquainted with Mr.
Millar and, incidentally, fix up that subscription account. Please do
this now--before it slips your mind.
Medford Mail, October 11, 1907, page 4 The Medford Brick Company commenced laying brick Monday on the new building which J. C. Hall is building on North Front Street. The building will be 50 by 75 feet in size. There will be two 25 by 75-foot rooms, one of which will be occupied by a moving picture show, and the other by a restaurant. Mr. Hall expects to take out the front to the adjoining billiard hall and put in one similar to the fronts which will be put in for the new rooms. "Local Happenings," Medford Mail, May 29, 1908, page 2 ARE COMING HERE.
G. H. Millar has Interested an Uncle Who Will Come from Chicago. Our
good townsman, G. H. Millar, is a booster for Medford and the Rogue
River Valley--and this in no uncertain tone. He has an uncle living in
Chicago, and through Mr. Millar's missionary work with the uncle three
or four other well-to-do citizens of that city have become interested
in this country and have written to Mr. Millar for particulars. Mr.
Millar has supplied them with all kinds of literature and copies of The Morning Mail, and
so interested have they become that they now ask for prices on 15- and
20-acre fruit tracts of land. These people, Mr. Millar says, will
surely be here.
Medford Mail, December 4, 1908, page 5 The appointment by assessor Grieve of G. H. Millar of this city to a deputy assessorship was one of the best moves Little Willie ever made. Mr. Millar is one of the best clerical men in Medford, and, besides all this, he has a mind which grasps ideas without first being put through the hammer and wedge process. And Mr. Millar will make good as deputy assessor, or it will be booked as his first failure. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, April 23, 1909, page 2 Name: Geo. H. Millar Residence: 329 Knight Street, Medford Occupation: Real Estate Salesman Birth location: Ohio (father Pennsylvania, mother France) Household members: Geo. H. Millar, 35, married 7 years Anna M. Millar, 28, wife, born in Ohio (father Belgium, mother Germany) Glenn Emmet Millar, 1, son, born in Oregon William A. Millar, 33, brother, married 9 years, born in Ohio Ida Millar, 25, sister-in-law, born in Ohio Aubrey L. Millar, 8, nephew, born in Ohio United States Census SOCIALISTS PUT A FULL TICKET IN CITY FIELD
Local socialists met Tuesday evening at the
hall on North Grape Street and placed a complete city ticket in the
field for the coming election. Inasmuch as the socialists polled over
200 votes in the Medford precincts at the last election, they have
become quite a factor in local politics.Will Enter Actively into City Politics at Coming Election-- Ernest E. Wolters, Union Man, Heads Their Ticket. To head their ticket, the socialists have named Ernest E. Wolters, secretary of the carpenters' union. Mr. Wolters has for several years past been a resident of Medford and has a large circle of friends. In the first ward, W. P. Gould was nominated for the city council, W. J. Dunnhill in the second ward and George H. Millar in the third. The socialists are preparing their platform, which they will submit to the public. The socialists state that as Mr. Wolters is actively identified with organized labor that he will poll a heavy union vote. Medford Mail Tribune, December 7, 1910, page 1 MANHATTAN CAFE TO BE OPENED TOMORROW
Excerpt, "W. H. Canon Elected Mayor," Medford Sun, January
11, 1911, page 1 The
Manhattan Cafe will open tomorrow (Thursday) morning on North Front
Street. This will no doubt be one of the finest and most modernly
appointed refreshment places in the city.
Everything is new and strictly first class. The large room is divided into two parts, with a door leading from the street to the tables or main room and one to the lunch counter. Everything will be served in season, and it is the aim of the management to make this the most popular eating house in the city. Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1910, page 5 MANHATTAN CAFE OPEN FOR BUSINESS
First Place in Medford to Turn on Gas from New Plant-- Fine Appointments and Cuisine. The
Manhattan Cafe, 18 and 20 North Front Street, was opened to the public
yesterday, and business was good from the start. Everything was new;
there are no holdovers from a former management. The proprietors,
Jesseman and Campbell, have shown clearly by their efforts put forth in
this enterprise that they understand the restaurant business thoroughly.
The restaurant is divided into two sections, one of which is devoted to a lunch counter constructed of maple and oak. The counter is forty-two feet long and will accommodate twenty guests. The seats are of the revolving kind and are fitted with backs. The woodwork behind the counter is Oregon fir and shows the beautiful graining of the native wood. The mission scheme has been inaugurated in the fixtures behind the counter, and it shows harmony and good taste throughout. The dining room, which occupies the other half of the room, is neat and well arranged. The main room contains seven large tables, and the boxes, at the end, enclose two more. The seating capacity of the dining room is forty persons and that of the lunch counter twenty, giving a total seating capacity of sixty. The walls and ceiling are beautifully frescoed, and on the south wall of the dining room is a twelve-foot painting of picturesque Crater Lake. The place is lighted with gas and electricity. It was the first place in town to turn on the gas, last night being the first night for the gas company to operate. The kitchen is large and strictly sanitary in every respect. The broilers and heating tables will be operated with gas, and in the future all the cooking will be done in that manner. Medford Sun, December 23, 1910, page 1 ![]() Residence, Medford, Oregon. Office, Miles Building, 128 E. Main Street. Born Douglas County, Illinois, February 15, 1876. Son of Benjamin F. and Mary J. (Armstrong) Boggs. Married to E. W. Woodin, June 25, 1902. Attended Urbana, Illinois, public schools, preparatory department of the University of Illinois. Graduated from the University of Illinois, at Urbana, Illinois, 1902, taking the degrees of A.B. and LL.B. Represented the University of Illinois in annual debate with the University of Indiana, 1902. University of Illinois track team, 1894. Admitted to practice law in Illinois, 1902; California, 1902; Oregon, 1908. Deputy District Attorney in Jackson County, Oregon, March term, 1909. Masonic, B.P.O.E., Royal Arcanum and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternities. Republican. History of the Bench and Bar of Oregon, 1910, page 92
Millar George H, restaurant 18 N Front, h 332 W Knight 1911 Medford city directory OUT OF RACE? "NO" SAYS MILLAR
George H.
Millar, socialist candidate for councilman from the third ward, issued
a statement Saturday night flatly denying reports recently spread about
town to the effect that he had withdrawn from the race, as he wished to
leave Medford.
"I am still in the race," he said, "and am in to win. I do not intend to leave Medford, and in addition I never did." Medford Mail Tribune, January 8, 1911, page 2 Election of Millar as councilman is noteworthy from one standpoint, that being that he is the first socialist to be elected to office in Oregon. Councilman G. H. Millar has purchased an interest in the Manhattan Cafe. "Personal and Local," Medford Mail Tribune, February 2, 1911, page 5 MILLAR DEMANDS MAYOR'S REPORT
"No dagoes
employed in the paving of Grape Street from Sixth Street to Thirteenth," declared
councilman Millar at the city council meeting last night. If any [illegible] it will be a rough house and that will be worth talking about.
"My constituents on this street have authorized me to say that they
will not countenance the employment of this class.of labor on streets
adjoining their property when they have to pay for the work. Physical violence will be resorted to in
case any construction company puts Italians and other undesirables in
the force that paves Grape."At Session of the Council Tuesday Night, Councilman Millar Voiced Demands of Socialists of City for Annual Report of Mayor
Voicing, he said, the demand of the 235 socialists of the city of
Medford, Council G. H. Millar last night rose to the floor at the
meeting of the city council and demanded that the mayor publish the
annual statement of the condition of the affairs of the city called for
in chapter III, paragraph 14, of the city charter. Millar, at the first
meeting after he had taken office, requested the executive for the
report. Mayor Canon at the time replied that none had been prepared, as
he was not required to submit such a report.
Armed with a typewritten folio, purporting to be an excerpt from the charter of the city, Millar again demanded the submission of the document by the mayor, adding that there was no personal feeling back of the demand, but merely a desire on the part of the local socialists to go on record as showing that an omission had been made when the report had not been submitted "on the last regular meeting of the council before the annual election in each year" as required by the paragraph. Mayor Canon replied that if Recorder Telfer could find the time to compile it, the report would be made up. Medford Mail Tribune, March 8, 1911, page 8 MILLAR ASKS WHITE LABOR Councilman Millar Would Withhold Contract Until Company Agreed to Employ Only American Labor in Laying Water and Sewer Mains
effort was made by George H. Millar, socialist councilman from the
third ward, at a recent session of the city council to check the
granting of a contract to the Jacobsen-Bade Company until that company
had agreed to employ only American labor. The motion offered by Mr.
Millar was out of order at the time and it was not brought up again.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 20, 1911, page 8 GRAPE STREETERS TABOO DAGOES MUST NOT BE EMPLOYED IN IMPROVEMENTS ON THEIR STREET Will Resort to Violence Before Permitting Foreign Labor, Declares Councilman Millar This statement from Mr. Millar, coming before the vote of the council on the proposition of paving Grape Street, stunned the members of the council for a few minutes. However, they recovered themselves sufficiently to vote the Grape Street improvement, deciding to allow the labor [illegible] fully. This declaration on the part of Grape Street citizens against foreign labor is a culmination of the recent labor petition to the council, asking that such labor be forbidden in public construction work. Mr. Millar gave his unreserved support of the petition, in which however the council [illegible] it would take in action designed to relieve the situation. Medford Sun, July
8, 1911, page 6
Mr. Millar Explains.
Sun, July
9, 1911, page 5
In reference to the article "Grape Streeters Taboo Dagoes" printed in the
Saturday morning edition of The
Sun, I will
say that when I spoke at the last council meeting regarding the
resolution for paving that I did not speak from a socialist standpoint,
and only voiced the desire of a few of the residents of North Grape,
who think they should have a right to say who shall do the work for
which they are so heavily taxed. Also wish to state that I was not
quoted exactly, and what was said was said in a jocular manner, and not
for publication or socialist propaganda. "Physical violence" was not
mentioned, for why harm the foreigner for his innocence. The
wrong-doers are the contractors and city officials who permit such an
affair. The article as was written could be construed to look as though
I advocated violence. Far from it, as that would mean anarchy, and
socialism and anarchy are entirely the opposite. (Please see any
standard dictionary.) For the benefit of some of my critics and
inquisitors in the council chamber, will state that socialism is not a
mere system of laws; it is, rather, a method just as democracy is a
method. It proposes full democracy, both in politics and industry. To
make democracy effective, it demands the ownership by the people of the
productive property, which it proposes they shall control, in such a
way as to end profit, interest, and rent, and provide employment for
all who live, with their full social product as their reward. In a few
words, it is the best for all, not the best for the few, at the expense
of many.
Medford Council Refuses to Approve Union Men Only. MEDFORD,
Or., Aug. 16.--(Special.)--Supported by socialist councilman George H.
Millar, organized labor last night again tried to force the city to
recognize only union labor in construction work done for it, by
incorporating in the advertisement for bids for the new bridge across
Bear Creek a clause providing that contractors hire only union men. Mr.
Millar's motion received no second and the measure died on the mayor's
In their attempt last night the labor leaders were insistent that all three clauses, union men, union hours and union wages, be incorporated. The council was ready to require the union hours and wages, but not union men. Oregonian, Portland, August 17, 1911, page 10 I still continue to manage the Manhattan Cafe. The same service, grade of eatables and prices will prevail. Hoping for a continuance of favors. Geo. H. Millar, manager, Manhattan Cafe. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 7, 1911, page 2 Millar George H, restaurant 18 N Front, res 622 W 4th Polley Mrs Anna, waiter G H Millar Sullivan Jerry, helper G H Millar 1912 Medford city directory MILLAR CLEARED BY PARTY
preferred against George H. Millar, socialist councilman from the Third
Ward, fell flat when he was given a hearing before the socialist local
Sunday afternoon, the local voting 20 to 2 in his favor.
E. E. Wolters preferred the charges upon the ground that Millar was not doing his duty as a representative of the socialist party on the city council. He claimed that Millar was too busy with personal affairs to devote the amount of time necessary for the welfare of the party. He specified a number of matters considered by the council which Millar did not make a very good showing on from the socialist standpoint. The case occupied the entire afternoon, following which Mr. Millar was cleared of the charges by an overwhelming vote. As the socialists demand and obtain an undated resignation of every candidate for office before election, Millar would have been removed from the council by the local had he been found guilty. Medford Mail Tribune, weekly edition, June 20, 1912, page 3 Mrs. C. H. Eads and Mrs. George H. Millar left Thursday to spend a month at Camp Nick above Butte Falls. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1912, page 2 SOCIALIST MAYOR FOR MEDFORD
GEORGE H. MILLAR IS MUNICIPAL EXECUTIVE FOR TIME Mayor Canon and Other Councilmen Are Out of Town and Enjoying Vacations
and a socialist rule the city roost, for Councilman George H. Millar of
the Third Ward is the only city father on the job. The mayor and the
rest are on their annual vacation, the former attending a Democratic
meeting in Portland. Today and for some days to come Medford will be
ruled like Utopia Milwaukee and other socialists spots. Councilman
Millar is also nominal head of the police department, Chief Hittson
being ill with typhoid fever. Tuesday the kingpin ran his restaurant
and the city, with his coat off.
Pursuant to the well-known policy of economy of the council the councilmanic pay goes on the same as if they were sweating over paving ordinance remonstrances, instead of basking in pleasant spots in the cool and inviting mountains. Councilman Millar was presumably left behind to see that payroll was kept straight, and see that nothing of importance missed fire. The vacating squad will return in time for the next council meeting. It is the first time in the history of the city that so many councilmen felt the need of a rest at the same time. Medford Sun, August 14, 1912, page 1 SOCIALISTS WILL PROBABLY NAME TICKET SUNDAY
In all probability the local socialists will decide upon the personal [sic] of their ticket for the coming city campaign Sunday afternoon at one of their regular weekly meetings.
To date no inkling of who their candidates will be has been made public aside from the mayoralty. In regard to this office rumor has it that George H. Millar, present councilman, will be the nominee. Millard is conceded to be a candidate who will draw heavier outside of this party than any other man they could name. Medford Mail Tribune, November 29, 1912, page 1 G. H. MILLAR IS PROBABLE CHOICE
George H. Millar will in all probability be the candidate put forward
for mayor by the socialists of the city at the coming election. That he
is almost the unanimous choice of his party is certain.
The socialists held a meeting Sunday and discussed candidates at some length. Several names were suggested and talked over, but the only decision arrived at was to place a full ticket in the field, and to hold a meeting next Friday, when nominations will be definitely made. According to prominent members of the part their ticket will be about as follows: For mayor, George H. Millar; for city recorder, G. R. Satchwell, councilmen, first ward, J. C. Barnes; second ward, Alden Brackinreed and L. M. Thomas. No name has yet been suggested in the third ward. Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1912, page 1 MILLAR SELLS CAFE TO STOCK COMPANY
Manhattan Cafe has been sold by George H. Millar to a stock company
headed by Herman Haffner, former chef of the Hotel Holland. Mr. Haffner
will act as chef and manager. Others in the purchasing company are Ray
Maurer, W. A. Miller and E. W. Short. A further announcement of changes
in the direction of the cafe will be made later in the week. G. H.
Millar, former owner, has nothing to say as to his plans for the future.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1912, page 2 JOHN RETER IS CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR; SOCIALIST
The local socialists placed a full ticket in the field Friday evening
for the coming city election. Their candidates are as follows:
For mayor, John Reter. For councilman, first ward, J. C. Barnes; second ward, one-year term, I. M. Thomas, two-year term, Allan Brackenreid; third ward, George H. Millar. For recorder, G. R. Satchwell. The surprise in the nominations comes with the naming of Reter for mayor. It was expected that George H. Millar would be the party's choice, he being admittedly their strongest man. Mr. Millar, however, stated that business interests would interfere with a proper conducting of the mayor's office should he be elected. He consented, however, to be a candidate for councilman to succeed himself. Medford Mail Tribune, December 7, 1912, page 4 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1913 Councilman Millar Gives Views.
Editor Sun:
Councilman Millar's DefenseAs there seems to be considerable dissatisfaction concerning the appointments so far made known by the mayor, and the stand he assumes in regard to this matter, a mere suggestion will probably not be out of order, especially from one who disapproves of the spoils system now in vogue in our municipal affairs. My plan would be to elect to office the heads of the different departments of the city, such as city attorney, chief of police, market master, water superintendent, city engineer, street commissioner and city health officer. By adopting this plan we would succeed in curtailing the power of an executive, thereby substituting representative government for the more or less "spoils system" now in use. I believe this is a timely suggestion and worthy of some consideration. GEO. H. MILLAR.
"The Sun's Letter Box," Medford Sun, January 26, 1913, page 4 To
the editor: "Wasting Time in Our City Government." Under this heading
the power that "Ruhls" supreme in the sanctum of the morning paper
afflicts our community with one of this long-winded foamy comments on
public affairs. [This particular newspaper edition is now lost.] This artful critic must be losing his footing entirely,
otherwise he would not stoop to deal in personalities. All my steps
were taken after due consultation with many of my constituents, and
some advice of socialist comrades, and I decline absolutely any
responsibility of moves made by other councilmen relative to matters
that have come before the council under the new administration. No
doubt those gentlemen can and will speak for themselves. I consider it
an outrage, and unjustifiable on the part of the morning paper, to
accuse me of "having spent more time in the last three weeks devising
traps and ambuscades to pester and embarrass Mayor Eifert than to have
properly transacted municipal business."
None of my objections to appointments were of a personal character, and further, we socialists need not "devise traps and ambuscades," for we do all our business above board at all times. As far as Judge Kelley's amendment to the charter is concerned (and I do not doubt for a moment its sincerity), probably the morning paper knows more about it than I do, and I voted for it for the simple reason that at all times I prefer to have matters of importance go before the people for approval or rejection. It appears to me that the morning sheet must be sorely disappointed in its appointee, Mr. Eifert, and all that is implied in this paragraph. If anyone has a just right to complain of treatment received both within and without the council chamber, and this refers to [the] morning paper also, it is I--who has always found himself alone battling for public improvements. But I am satisfied that the council will take care of the city's affairs, notwithstanding the scurrilous attacks of the morning paper. GEO. H. MILLAR
Medford Mail Tribune, February 21, 1913, page 4
![]() September 23, 1915 Medford Sun COUNCILMAN IS ARRESTED UPON TWO CHARGES
G. H. Millar, Socialist from Third Ward, Arrested Upon Old Charge of Selling Liquor to Minor and Upon Charge of Immorality. Friends Claim Arrests Made to Influence Election Tomorrow and Result of Mayor's Threat to Get Him. Failing
to make the first case against Councilman G. H. Millar stick, he was
rearrested this afternoon upon an immoral charge, refused time to
prepare a defense and rushed to trial at once. After evidence by the
prosecution was submitted the defendant was given until Tuesday to
prepare his defense. The course followed permitted the charges against
Millar to have widespread circulation on the eve of election, without
giving him a chance to defend himself until after election.
Evidence submitted by the prosecution consisted of testimony of Mrs. Julia Levenberry, who for the past three years has conducted the Royal Rooming House [the upstairs floor of the vacant green building on the southwest corner of Main and Riverside], and Menno Davis, who admitted on the stand that the reason he went to City Attorney Boggs was because of a personal grievance against Millar. Their testimony was not damaging.
A Political Move.
Politics showed its hand more clearly than ever in
the charges against George H. Millar, socialist councilman from the
third ward, this afternoon when he was arrested upon a second charge,
that of immorality, shortly after 1 o'clock, and at 1:30 o'clock forced
to go to trial. Upon a plea by his attorney, Gus Newbury, that he be
given a chance to secure witnesses, City Attorney Boggs asked Mayor
Eifert, sitting as judge, to allow him to offer the testimony for the
city today, agreeing to allow Millar such time as he needed to round up
witnesses for the defense.
High-Handed Manner.
"What great political exigency is this," thundered
Newbury, "that calls for this high-handed manner of conducting a trial?"Boggs was insistent upon getting in the testimony today, Eifert granting his request. The second charge was brought against Millar today. It charges that he was guilty on a blank day of January of immoral practices at the Royal Rooming House in this city. The complaint was sworn to by Chief of Police Hittson. Robert C. Smith of Grants Pass has been retained to assist City Attorney Boggs with the prosecution. Mayor Eifert sustained the demurrer filed by the defendant's attorney to the first complaint, alleging sale of liquor to a minor on the ground that no specific instance was charged. After presentation of evidence by the prosecution this afternoon, the case was continued until Tuesday.
Political Persecution.
What his friends denounce as political persecution
undertaken at this time in order to influence the vote at the special
election to be held Saturday culminated Thursday afternoon in the arrest
of George H. Millar, councilman from the third ward, on a charge of
selling liquor to minors, "sometime between May 1911 and March 20,
1913," Menno Davis, a minor, signing the complaint. Millar was
arraigned before Mayor Eifert Friday morning, and following the filing
of a demurrer to the complaint by his attorney, the case was continued
until this afternoon.Millar has been one of the "solid four" councilmen who have voted against the mayor in his efforts to oust Market Master Runyard and City Engineer Arnspiger. Threats to "whip him into line" are said to have been made by Eifert concerning Millar, but nothing came of it until the grand jury met the first of this week. Then charges against Millar for selling liquor after hours and to minors were made, City Attorney Boggs securing the witnesses and appearing before the grand jury himself against Millar. The grand jury has not yet adjourned or taken action in the matter. Friday a number of high school boys were subpoenaed to appear.
No Appeal Possible.
Friends of Councilman Millar declare the entire
proceedings against him to be but a method adopted by Mayor Eifert and
City Attorney Boggs to force him to change his vote on appointments
made by the mayor.From the mayor's court, it being a municipal court, there is no appeal to the circuit court. If Mayor Eifert finds him guilty and he wishes to appeal, a writ of review must be sought in the circuit court. This makes the matter unfair in a case of this kind, there being a doubt whether a jury trial can be secured or not. The mayor acts both as a prosecutor and as a trial judge, inasmuch as the city attorney is the mayor's legal advisor in all cases. Medford Mail Tribune, March 21, 1913, page 1 COUNCILMAN IS ARRESTED
Morning Oregonian, Portland, March 21, 1913, page 4Medford Official Charged with Selling Liquor to Minor.
MEDFORD, Or., March
20.--(Special.)--The first shot in a fight between the city council and
Mayor Eifert was fired tonight when councilman Millar, a bitter
opponent of the administration, was arrested on a charge of selling
liquor to a minor. He will be given a hearing Friday. Mr. Millar is
proprietor of the Manhattan Cafe and leader of the socialist party. He
declares he is innocent and that the arrest is simply a political move
to discredit him and help the mayor in the city election Saturday.At this election will be decided a proposed charter amendment, depriving the mayor of his removal power. If the amendment passes it will mean that the mayor will be without power to name his own assistants, and the majority of the council will be actual municipal government. The fight started over the mayor's appointment of a city market master when the council refused to confirm anyone but the incumbent. Two councilmen stood with the mayor at the council meeting Tuesday night. The lie [sic] was passed at frequent intervals. COUNCILMAN IS INDICTED
George H. Millar, Medford Socialist Leader, Charged with Liquor Sale. MEDFORD,
Or., March 22.--(Special.)--George H. Millar, Socialist leader and city
councilman, was indicted by the grand jury today on a charge of selling
liquor to minors. With Millar, indictments were returned against
practically every saloonkeeper in the city.
The true bills are the outgrowth of a warm political fight that has been waging for two months. Some of the witnesses before the grand jury were high school boys, who testified to buying liquor. All the indicted men furnished bonds. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, March 23, 1913, page 6 BOGGS' WITNESS, DAVIS, SAID TO HAVE SOLD BOOZE
Davis, star witness for the prosecution in the cases brought by Mayor
Eifert and City Attorney Boggs against George H. Millar, councilman
from the third ward, will probably be arrested on a complaint by Ernest
Reinking, a minor, for selling liquor. Davis is said to have carried a
pint flask of whiskey to Reinking and sold it to him for 25 cents.
It is reported that Davis has sold considerable liquor to minors heretofore and that his sudden spring into the limelight in connection with the Millar case brought about his own arrest. While Councilman Millar has nothing to do with the proposed arrest of Davis, it is reported that Millar had a score of witnesses waiting to impeach Davis' testimony and swear that he was not only unreliable but that he had been mixed up in several disreputable escapades in connection with the Royal Rooming House and the sale of liquor to minors. Young Reinking stated Friday afternoon that he had purchased the whiskey from Davis. He was taken to City Attorney Boggs, who prepared a complaint and asked Reinking to sign it. This the boy refused to do until he had consulted [with] his father. At noon today he had not returned, and the authorities now state that they will probably arrest both, one for selling and the other for purchasing liquor. Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1913, page 8 CASE AGAINST MILLAR RESUMED BEFORE EIFERT
case brought against George H. Millar by Mayor Eifert and City Attorney
Boggs for alleged immorality was resumed before Mayor Eifert this
afternoon at 3 o'clock. The council chamber of the city hall [second floor of the old fire hall, corner of Sixth and Front], where the
case is being heard, was jammed with spectators.
Millar has seven witnesses by which he expects to show that the charge against him is unfounded. He states that the only times he was ever in the Royal Rooming House was when he visited that place on business for the Manhattan Cafe [location of today's Howiee's]. Mayor Eifert, who as municipal judge forced the prosecution immediately after Millar's arrest Friday and heard the evidence for the prosecution, turned the case over to Justice of the Peace Glenn O. Taylor this afternoon to hear the evidence for the defense, on account of criticism of Eifert's conduct of the case by citizens. Taylor refused to act, and the mayor had to finish the hearing himself. Medford Mail Tribune, March 25, 1913, page 6 CUT IT OUT!
celebrated trial of Bardell vs. Pickwick has nothing on the famous
spite "trial" of Councilman Millar now in progress. Only a Dickens
could do it justice. As a village amusement the trial may be
entertaining--but otherwise it is an absurdity and a disgrace.
The washing of the dirty clothes of the community, this airing of petty scandal, this raking of the slums and rehearsal of vulgarities, this exhibition of youthful depravity, serves no useful purpose and is greatly to be deplored. Councilman Millar, who conducts a restaurant, is accused of frequenting an alleged disreputable lodging house. His defense is that his visits were frequent trips to deliver meals ordered. But is the matter of such importance that it must occupy the exclusive attention of mayor and city administration, and as many of the curious as can crowd in, for days at a time? If the administration is in earnest in the effort to enforce the law, why are not habitués of the house in question also arrested? If the house is what the city attorney claims, why is it permitted to continue in operation? A Negro lies in jail now for participating in a stabbing affray there since the spite trial began--and still nothing is done to clean up the dive. Medford must be growing small, degenerating, when such a petty case as that on trial commands such attention! It is a lapse into the deplorable backbiting, keyhole spying, backyard gossip of a vegetating village. With so much to do better and improve and develop, it is a shame for city officials to waste the golden hours of opportunity in listening to the tawdry tales that tarnish the repute of the spiteful teller as well as principals in this farce! In the ponderous judicial phraseology of the court, "Cut it out!" It is much ado about nothing, and the nothing smells to heaven. Medford Mail Tribune, March 26, 1913, page 4 CHARGE EIFERT WITH UNFAIRNESS IN MILLAR TRIAL
point blank that Mayor Eifert is manifestly unfair and prejudiced in
his rulings on the admissibility of evidence in the case of the city
vs. George H . Millar, for immoral conduct, Attorney Gus Newbury for
the defense at this morning's session of the court served notice of
motions asking change of venue. He asked time to prepare such a motion
which was promptly denied by the mayor. He then stated that he would do
so at his earliest opportunity.
Newbury's charge that the court was manifestly unfair and prejudiced followed the overruling of a motion offered by Newbury to strike out all of the evidence submitted by City Attorney Boggs as to Millar's method of conducting the Manhattan Cafe, on the ground that it was in no way connected with the Royal Rooming House or with any immoral conduct on the part of Millar. Newbury cited Supreme Court decisions as to such evidence, stating that it would not in any court of law be admitted. Court's Ruling.
"This court is not the circuit
court nor the Supreme Court," declared the mayor, "and this evidence
will be admitted.""Then," thundered Newbury, "if this court is so all-powerful that it can set aside the circuit court, the Supreme Court and all of the law since the time of Blackstone, we offer a motion that the court is prejudiced and unfair. The evidence of the situation demands that we do this." "You can appeal," answered City Attorney Boggs. "You bet we can," retorted Newbury, "and what is more, it looks as if we'll have to. Further than that I'll bet you $50 that you will never get the evidence you have submitted here admitted before a real court of law." Mayor Refuses Change.
Mayor Eifert then refused Newbury
time to submit a motion for a change of venue, telling him to proceed
with the case. Newbury stated that he would prepare and submit the
motion anyway.Mayor Eifert opened the morning's session of the trial with a brief reiteration of his statement Tuesday afternoon that he intended to be entirely fair to the defendant. Newbury immediately followed with his motion to eliminate the evidence concerning the sale of liquor in the Manhattan Cafe. "If the mayor really means what he says, and it is not a mere platitude to tickle the ear of the public, let him suit his act to his word and try this defendant upon the crime charged in the complaint. What has his method of conducting his cafe got to do with an 'immoral act' at the Royal Rooming House as alleged? If this evidence is admitted why not bring in the fact that he probably stole a watermelon when a boy. Let's try him for what the crime charged." Boggs argued that the evidence was admissible inasmuch as it tended to show Millar's desire to commit immoral and unlawful acts. Mayor Eifert then ruled, precipitating the charge by Newbury. Says Witnesses Were Drunk.
Mrs. Julia Jackson, who conducts
the Royal Rooming House, was the first witness called Wednesday
morning. She testified that she had never seen Millar at the Royal
Rooming House except on business connected with his cafe. She said she
had never seen or known of his committing an immoral act. She testified
further that Ling and Elwood, who testified Tuesday afternoon, were
drunk when they visited the Royal the night they saw Millar leave
without a tray, and that Millar had never brought liquor to the Royal.Overrules All Objections.
The taking of the testimony was
punctuated throughout with objections by attorney Newbury. In each case
he asked a ruling of the court, and in each instance Eifert's ruling
was the same: "I'll admit the evidence."The city rested shortly before noon, and Millar took the stand in his own defense. He testified that he was in the habit of visiting the Royal Rooming House to solicit orders for meals, and then delivering them. Sometimes he tarried until the meals were eaten and paid for. He also testified that his orders at the Manhattan were strict in regard to the sale of liquor. At 12:15 the court took a short recess for luncheon. Piece of Change Promised?
That Menno Davis, the boy whose
evidence has been used as the backbone of the testimony against
Councilman Millar on the charge of selling liquor to minors, had told
them that he was to receive a "piece of change" from Mayor Eifert for
his testimony, is the declaration made on the witness stand in the
Millar trial this afternoon by Shine Edwards and Harry Campbell.The witness declared that Davis volunteered the information to them that he was getting a piece of change and that he named Mayor Eifert as the one who was to pay it. That the only liquor he had ever been offered in Medford was given to him by Mayor Eifert in the mayor's house was the testimony of George Gales, a 16-year-old boy. Mayor Eifert questioned the lad closely and remarked that he was surprised the boy would "lie in such a case." Offered to Withdraw.
The trial of Millar was resumed
Tuesday afternoon before a crowded house. On calling his court to order
Mayor Eifert made a short statement in which he stated that rumors had
spread around the city to the effect that he could not give Millar a
fair trial. He suggested the name of Glenn O. Taylor, justice of the
peace, as the trial judge, the council having power to so appoint, but
Mr. Taylor declined to serve. Other names were suggested but finally
Mayor Eifert continued, the defense expressing itself satisfied.Harvey Ling was the first witness to be called. He testified that on the night of January 25 he and "Ike" Elwood left the Natatorium, where they had been drilling with the National Guard, and went directly to the Royal Rooming House. There they remained for a few hours. On leaving they testified that they saw Millar leaving the Royal and with a tray of dishes. Following Ling, Elwood was called, who told practically the same story. They were also asked concerning the Manhattan Cafe but gave little testimony as to its conduct. Probing Manhattan.
Paul Schuler and Norman Merrill
were called by the city and asked concerning the conduct of the
Manhattan. Although Millar is being tried for immorality, much
testimony was taken regarding the Manhattan and the sale of liquor.
This evidence was taken over the objections of attorney Newbury for the
defense who declared that Millar was not being tried for selling liquor
to minors but for immorality. Schuler and Merrill knew little of the
Royal Rooming House and had never seen Millar in that vicinity.Al Hermiston, teamster, was called and testified as to the Manhattan Cafe as did Robert Fryrear, a former dishwasher, employed by Millar, and Everett McArthur, a high school boy, aged 18, who said he purchased a glass of beer at the Manhattan a year or so ago. Officer Cingcade and Chief Hittson testified as to the character of the Royal Rooming House and as to the conduct of the Manhattan Cafe. Neither knew of any carousals at the latter place. Medford Mail Tribune, March 26, 1913, page 6 NEWBURY BRANDS MILLAR HEARING GREAT OUTRAGE
by rulings of Mayor Eifert Wednesday afternoon on points of law, which
he branded as "amazingly unfair," and without precedent in "any court
in the world," attorney Newbury branded the Millar trial as the most
disgraceful he had ever witnessed. He accused Mayor Eifert and City
Attorney Boggs with conspiring to persecute a man who would not do
their bidding and admonished witnesses not to answer questions, calling
for a conclusion, in spite of the fact that Mayor Eifert ruled that the
questions might be answered.
"I am probably in contempt of court," shouted Newbury, "but the manner in which this trial is being conducted leads me to protest in this manner. Fine me if you wish, and I will pay it, but I want the city to know, as it is beginning to know, that this trial is an outrageous farce, with nothing of justice about it. Ask any twelve men in the city what they think of it and nine will tell you that it is a persecution and not a prosecution. The attitude of the court is plainly shown by its rulings." You keep quiet," admonished the court, leveling his forefinger at Newbury. "I don't think I will," retorted Newbury, as he folded his arms. Applause Follows.
When Newbury completed his
arraignment of the trial and the manner [in which] it is being
conducted, the large number of citizens present demonstrated clearly
the sentiment of the people at large by applause.Wednesday afternoon the defense offered its testimony. Judge Crowell, F. O. Burgess, C. W. McDonald and other prominent businessmen of the city testified as to Millar's good character and to the fact they had known of nothing derogatory concerning the Manhattan Cafe. Witnesses also testified as to the reputation of Menno Davis, chief witness for Boggs, for truth and veracity. It is very poor, according to them. Mrs. Gardner and Miss Stiles, employed by Millar, testified as to their orders concerning the sale of liquor at the Manhattan. Attorneys Newbury and Boggs mixed several times during the afternoon session. Newbury at one time accused Boggs of stirring up the indictments against the Medford saloon men. "How do you know that?" asked Boggs. "Why, like everybody else," replied Newbury. "It is a matter of common knowledge." That the spectators have little regard for the dignity of the court is shown by the laughter which greets each ruling in the case by Mayor Eifert. On the other hand, denunciation of the methods employed calls forth applause. Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1913, page 6 NEWBURY BETS A DOLLAR AND WINS THE MONEY
Gus Newbury, counsel for the defendant in the near-famous trial of
George H. Millar before Mayor Eifert for immoral conduct, won a dollar
at the Friday morning's session of the mayor's court Friday morning. He
didn't get the dollar, but he would have if the money had been up.
The wager was offered by Newbury after practically every objection he had offered to testimony had been overruled by the mayor. On cross-examination he asked a question patterned exactly along the lines and to the same effect as those asked by Boggs which Mayor Eifert had allowed to be answered. Boggs objected. "I'll bet a dollar," stated Newbury to the audience, "the objection is sustained." Gus won. Friday morning's session of the mayor's court, though short, was anything but sweet. Newbury has evidently decided that he will have to fight for a square deal, and he was on his feet objecting half of the time. He was overruled in every instance practically by the mayor while Bogg's objections were sustained. Mayor Eifert finally ordered Newbury to "shut up." So often were Newbury's objections overruled today that finally he quit cross-examining witnesses. "Don't you wish to ask any questions?" queried Boggs. "Sure not," retorted Newbury. "I couldn't get them in if I did." "Well now," came back Boggs, "don't get funny; this isn't a vaudeville show." "Oh! yes it is," was the reply, "and it's a dandy, too." The witnesses called by Boggs today were simply character witnesses. Their testimony was of little value either way. The case was continued until 10 o'clock Monday morning. Medford Mail Tribune, March 28, 1913, page 3 THE PROHIBITION BUGABOO.
We have been informed that unless the Millar trial is hushed up Medford will be made a dry town.
If anyone wants a dry town, hushing up the Millar case is the best way of getting it. Saloons in Medford are licensed, legally recognized by the people, but their existence depends upon their good behaviors. The worst enemy of the saloon in Medford the last few months has been the Manhattan Cafe. Selling liquor without a license, selling to minors and girls, may be something the Medford councilmen approve of, but the decent people of Medford don't approve of it. There are many people who do not favor a dry town. They don't consider prohibition the solution of the liquor problem. But if they have to choose between a dry town and a wide-open town, they will choose the dry town every time. Repudiating the investigation of the Manhattan Cafe, removing the officials responsible for it, tacitly sanctioning such exposures as have come out in the trial, will hurt the legitimate liquor business in Medford more than a dozen Millar trials. If the latest move by the Millar partisans is designed to ward off prohibition, they are in a fair way of getting what they wish to avoid. Medford Sun, March 30, 1913, page 4 EIFERT FINDS MILLAR GUILTY OF IMMORALITY "Painful Duty" Declares Mayor As He Assesses Maximum Fine of $50 on Councilman--Case Will Be Carried Up in Writ of Review. Newbury Charges Boggs with Prosecuting Millar for Political Effect in City Politics. Mayor
W. W. Eifert today found George H. Millar guilty of "immoral and
indecent" conduct and fined him the maximum amount under the ordinance,
or $50. Thus ends the case which was begun on the eve of a special
election a week ago Friday, and which has held the attention of the
city since that time.
It is openly charged and generally credited that the case against Millar came as the result of his refusal to support certain political programs of Mayor Eifert and City Attorney Boggs. Millar has been one of the four councilmen who have opposed Mayor Eifert's efforts to remove capable employees of the city in order to make room for his friends, and Eifert has been openly quoted as declaring that he would "whip Millar into line." Restaurant Probed.
The case can only be appealed to
the circuit court in a writ of review which will survey the law points
at issue. This will be done.Although Millar was placed on trial for immoral conduct, City Attorney Boggs insisted on introducing evidence concerning Millar's methods of conducting the Manhattan Cafe. Mayor Eifert supported Boggs in every contention nearly through the case, overruling all of attorney Newbury's objections. In nearly each case Newbury took exception. The defense literally tore the prosecution's case to bits as far as the charge of immorality was concerned. The only witness as to Millar's conduct at the Royal Rooming House was Menno F. Davis. He swore that he saw Millar at the Royal with one of the inmates. Impeached Only Witness.
The defense impeached Davis,
showing that he was a drug fiend, was drunk many times, and thoroughly
unreliable. Three other men, besides Millar, were in the room at the
time Davis was there. This is all of the evidence concerning the
immoral conduct introduced, and Millar established that he was there
for the purpose of carrying food from his cafe.When court convened this morning City Attorney Boggs opened the argument for the city. He spent much of his time in declaring he was not persecuting Millar and pleading for officials who were trying to enforce the laws. He was followed by attorney Newbury, who reviewed the entire case. The original complaint against Millar was not on file, and Newbury moved to dismiss the charge on that ground. It was overruled. Newbury in reviewing the argument bitterly attacked the city attorney for his attempts to blacken Millar's character for political purposes. He asked why the city attorney had not closed the place instead of attacking citizens, and if he must attack the character of citizens then why not arrest all the men, some of them who had sworn to it, who had been in the Royal Rooming House. On the conclusion of the case Mayor Eifert stated that it was his "painful duty" to find Millar guilty and assess a fine of $50 and costs. Medford Mail Tribune, March 31, 1913, page 1 WILL RESIGN IF FOUND GUILTY, SAYS MILLAR
Councilman from Third Ward in a Signed Statement Declares He Is Not Guilty of Selling Liquor to Minors As Charged. Replies to O. C. Boggs' Open Letter to Councilmen Asking If They Are Competent to Remove Millar. To the public:
In reply to O. C. Boggs' open letter to councilmen Porter, Mitchell, Summerville, Campbell and Stewart in which he asks if they are competent to remove me, I wish to state that I will relieve the councilmen from any action of this kind by tendering my resignation as soon as possible after a jury in the circuit court has found me guilty of selling liquor to minors, in violation of the state law, city ordinances and my oath of office. I am not guilty of selling liquor to minors and do not fear the outcome of a fair and impartial trial such as I will receive in the circuit court. GEO. H. MILLAR.
In such a
manner did George H. Millar, councilman from the third ward, dispose of
the charges which have been made during the past week to the effect
that his fellow officials were upholding him in violations of the law.
Mr. Millar's statement followed one from O. C. Boggs, in which the
latter asked the city councilmen if they were competent to remove
"It is needless for me to state," said Millar Wednesday, "that there is an indictment pending in the circuit court charging me with selling liquor to minors. I anticipate no trouble in proving myself innocent of the charge, as I am not guilty. "However, to relieve the public from any misapprehensions which they have regarding the matter, I have prepared a statement promising to resign at once if proven guilty." Boggs' open letter to the councilmen is as follows: To Councilmen Porter, Mitchell, Summerville, Campbell and Stewart: What the people want to know is, are you competent to put George H. Millar off the council when it has been shown that he has violated his oath of office? The evidence in the case of the City of Medford vs. George H. Millar, and the evidence was undisputed, showed that he had sold liquor to six minors while he was councilman. There is an ordinance in the City of Medford prohibiting the sale of liquor to minors. What are you going to do about it? Are you competent to do anything about it? The evidence showed that he has a federal license but no city license to sell liquor. Why does he have a federal license and no city license? What are you going to do about it? Are you competent to do anything about it? There is a state statute which says that an officer's seat becomes vacant when he is convicted of violating his oath of office. George H. Millar took oath of office to support the ordinances of the City of Medford. The citizens of Medford want to know what are you going to do about it? Are you competent to answer? O. C. BOGGS, City Attorney.
A statement to
the effect that Councilman Campbell was appointed by Mayor Canon is
untrue. Mr. Campbell was elected by the city council, the mayor not
even having the power to suggest his name.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1913, page 1 MEDFORD OFFICIAL FINED
MEDFORD, Or., April
1.--(Special.)--Councilman George H. Millar, socialist representative
from the third ward, was found guilty Monday in the Municipal Court of
immorality and given the maximum fine of $50. Through his attorney, Gus
Newbury, the case will be appealed to the Circuit Court for a writ of
review.Councilman Convicted of Immorality Now races Another Charge. The people of Medford are divided on the case, and the churches Sunday took up the matter in the pulpits, upholding Mayor Eifert and City Attorney Boggs in their prosecution of the city official. A petition is also being circulated to be presented to the Council tomorrow protecting against that body's determination to remove the City Attorney. Councilman Millar also faces a charge in the Circuit Court of selling liquor to minors, the case being set for the end of the week. Aside from the liquor charge the third ward Councilman is accused of selling liquor without a city license and disregarding the closing ordinance. Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 2, 1913, page 12 Circuit Court
George H. Millar vs. the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. W. W.
Eifert as mayor and ex-officio judge of the city court of the city of
Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. Writ of review. Petition for writ of
review, order to issue writ of review and undertaking filed."Court House News," Ashland Tidings, April 10, 1913, page 1 JUDGE CALKINS UPSETS RULINGS OF JUDGE EIFERT
Celebrated Millar Case Reversed by Circuit Court Who Reverses Municipal Judge on Four Points on Which Appeal Was Taken. Circuit
Judge Calkins Wednesday returned a decision in favor of the defendant
in the celebrated case brought by the city administration against
Councilman George H. Millar, accused of immorality, in which no appeal
was taken from the rulings of Major Eifert as municipal judge.
On the four main points of contention, the major was reversed, and practically all the mayor's rulings swept aside as illegal, the court holding with the contentions of the defendant's attorney throughout the trial. The case was brought by attorney Boggs, then-city attorney, who acted as prosecutor for the city. It grew out of the attempt to punish Millar for selling liquor to an immoral resort. Millar was convicted and fined. The success of the appeal remits the fine. Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1913, page 1 BOGGS STILL ON TRAIL OF COUNCILMAN MILLAR
request of attorney O. C. Boggs, who acted as prosecutor in the Millar
trial, Judge Calkins has postponed the filing of his decision reversing
the rulings of Municipal Judge Eifert until attorney Boggs can be
heard. The latter contends that the failure by Recorder Foss to file
the complaint ten days before the hearing invalidates the appeal.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1913, page 2 MANHATTAN CAFE CLOSED BY SHERIFF
Manhattan Cafe, owned by Councilman George Millar, was closed by the
sheriff Sunday, and placed in charge of Constable Rankin Estes. The
place was operated Sunday to secure enough funds to pay the help the
week's salary. The action of Sunday has been coming for some time, it
is said. Councilman Millar and family are at Crater Lake, where they
went Saturday for a short outing. No action towards the final
disposition of the restaurant has been taken.
The attachment was filed by Young & Hall for rent totaling $90. The Nash Grill purchased all the perishable goods on hand. Medford Mail Tribune, August 18, 1913, page 1 CALKINS DECIDES MILLAR CASE IN DEFENDANT'S FAVOR
Calkins on Friday decided the case of George H. Millar vs. the city of
Medford in favor of Millar and set aside and annulled the judgment of
Mayor Eifert wherein he found the defendant Millar guilty of violating
a city ordinance in the city of Medford.
The case will be remembered as one awakening much adverse discussion at the time of the trial in the local city court, and the manner in which it was conducted against the defendant and the frequent tilts between the mayor as judge of the city court and the defendant's attorney, Gus Newbury. After the defendant Millar was found guilty by the mayor and sentenced to pay the maximum fine of fifty dollars or languish in the city jail for 22 days, a writ of review from the circuit court was prosecuted by the defendant's attorney Newbury and the matter brought on for consideration before Judge Calkins. Some time since after the case was presented Judge Calkins had announced from the bench his decision in favor of Millar, but before the judgment entry was made on the journal of the court. Attorney Boggs (who was not at that time city attorney) appeared before Judge Calkins in open court and requested the privilege of re-arguing the case to the court, and the request was granted, but the court, after hearing attorney Boggs, failed to find any cause for receding from his original decision and finally decided the case in favor of Millar. Medford Mail Tribune, August 23, 1913, page 1 MILLAR FILES PROBE CHARGES AGAINST CHIEF
H. Millar, socialist councilman from the third ward, has filed charges
alleging incompetency and unbecoming conduct against Chief of Police J.
F. Hittson. The action is said to be an outgrowth of the immorality
charges made against Councilman Millar last winter. Friends of the
socialist leader say he threatens to bring suit for damages against
Mayor Eifert and former City Attorney O. C. Bogs. Councilman Millar
denies this intention.
The charges against Chief Hittson are embraced in allegations concerning John Caspal, a journeyman photographer, and E. Minear, a country youth. It is alleged that Chief Hittson failed to account for a fine collected from Caspal for violation of a city ordinance and, in the Minear case, failed to turn in cash collected for pound fees. Chief Hittson was cleared of the Caspal charges by the evidence. Testimony on the charges was heard at a secret session of the council Friday and will be resumed at the regular council meeting tomorrow night. There was a disposition on the part of both sides to keep the news dark, claiming it was for the best. Sensational developments are anticipated at the hearing. The resumption of the political hostilities of last winter have been brewing for a couple of weeks, fraternal and business influences being exerted, without success, to halt any action. It is also asserted that dissension on the police force is responsible for a portion of the agitation. Relative to the publicity given the charges Councilman Millar said: "Chief Hittson should not worry half as much as others about the charges if he has any kind of a plausible story. The charges were made only for a thorough investigation while the principals were in town. The Sun must be severely strained for news when I made no 'graft charges,' and my complaint signed states: 'Incompetency and conduct unbecoming an officer.' Chief Hittson will get a fair and impartial hearing if I can assist it. I was asked to have the several complaints aired by quite a few reputable citizens, but believed that a secret session was all that was necessary for the council and principals to be heard. The John Caspal case was decided favorable to Hittson, as per the evidence of Caspal. I notified Chief Hittson personally at the time of making out the charges what I had done. This may be the 'grudge' some are speaking of, but their imagination must be stretched to the limit to accommodate the idea. It is possible that again there is much ado about nothing." Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1913, page 6 A number of Japanese have purchased the Manhattan Cafe, formerly owned by Councilman George Millar, and will open the same as a restaurant. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1913, page 2 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, November 26, 1913 On the recall
petitions, V. J. Emerick was named to oppose Councilman Stewart in the
Second Ward, and Dr. H. P. Hargrave to oppose George H. Millar in the
Third. Mr. Emerick has served two terms on the council, is a heavy
property owner and retired stockman, with large interests in the city.
Dr. Hargrave is a native son of Jackson County, a physician and
surgeon, property owner and owner of a drug store.
CANDIDATE WORKS HOUSE-TO-HOUSE SYMPATHY PLEACouncilmen Stewart and Millar, under recall, filed their reasons for not being recalled Monday and withdrew them this morning for more elaboration. They will file according to law this afternoon. "Business Men's Ticket Filed for Coming Election," Medford Mail Tribune, January 6, 1914, page 2 Candidates
for city offices deserted the business district today and went forth
into the residence sections to scare up votes. This included entries
for the city recordership and lieutenants of councilmen Stewart and
Millar in the second and third wards. Councilman Millar made a personal
house-to-house appeal. Both councilmen facing recall utilized the
sympathy chord.
The betting blood of several citizens has been stirred. The second ward, where the hottest fight is being made, holds one Stewart supporter who wants to wager even money Emerick will lose, despite the fact the recall petition signatures put the odds in his favor. With the Baptist minister out of the race, Councilman Millar's stock dropped in the third, a split vote being conceded as his one chance. The Rev. R. W. McCullough has issued the following statement: My only reason for running as a candidate for councilman of the Third Ward was the statements made by some of the citizens' committees after the nominations were made. Then after interviewing the candidate on the moral issues of the city and their failure to declare themselves. My act was of my own volition. I wish to make it clear that no man of the city council ever advised me to action. As an intelligent student of city government for over 20 years and in the light of the progress of the times, I still believe in my platform for the city of Medford, and for the city's success, must be adopted in the near future. Feeling satisfied that my candidacy has revealed to me where the "would-be" reformers of the city stand and wishing now to give them a free hand to see what they will do for the city which shall be awaited with intense interest and believing there would be lack of moral support, I withdraw my candidacy for councilman of the Third Ward. ROBERT WILLIAM McCULLOUGH
Medford Mail Tribune, January 10, 1914, page 4
An affidavit by Mrs. Julia Levenberry, former proprietor of the notorious Royal Rooming House, which exonerates Councilman Millar for the part he was alleged to have played in its affairs, was shown by Mr. Millar to the Rev. R. W. McCullough Saturday and is playing its part in his campaign. That Millar's cause is almost hopeless is the general opinion. "Businessmen's Ticket Certain To Be Elected," Medford Mail Tribune, January 12, 1914, page 1 Councilman Millar lost by a vote of 283 for Hargrave to 244 for Millar, D. Hargrave's majority being 39. "Citizens Ticket Wins at Polls by Large Vote," Medford Mail Tribune, January 14, 1914, page 1 William Ulrich will offer for sale at public auction, on Saturday, July 11th, at 1:30 p.m., at No. 16 North Front Street, and known as the Manhattan Restaurant, a large assortment of furniture and fixtures, dishes and groceries. Terms strictly cash. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1914, page 2 Mrs. George Millar and son have returned from an extended visit with friends and relatives in Canton, Ohio. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 10, 1914, page 2 Mr. and Mrs. George Millar of Medford, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Reter for several days, returned to their home Monday. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, January 2, 1915, page 3 George Millar is in the city for a few days visiting friends and relatives after a two months' trip through western California on business. Mr. Millar spent considerable time in Eureka and Crescent City. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1915, page 2 Millar George H (Anna M), cook Hotel Medford, res 330 Knight 1914 Medford city directory. Millar doesn't appear in the 1916 directory. Census date: January 10, 1920 Name: George H. Millar Residence: 416 West Fourth Street, Reno, Nevada Occupation: Traveling Grocery Salesman Birth location: Massilon, Ohio (father France, mother unknown) Household members: Geo. H. Millar, 45 Anna M. Millar, 36, wife, born in Canton, Ohio (father Germany, mother Belgium) Anna Radin, 77, mother-in-law (widow), born in Belgium (parents Belgium) Glen E. Millar, 11, son, born in Oregon United States Census Census date: April 28, 1930 Name: George H. Millar Residence: 651 Evans Ave., Reno, Nevada (homeowner, house value $7,000) Occupation: Commercial Traveler Birth location: Ohio (father France, mother Pennsylvania) Household members: George H. Millar, 54 (28 at first marriage) Anna M. Millar, 48, wife, born in Ohio (21 at first marriage), no occupation Glenn E. Millar, 21, son, born in Oregon, no occupation United States Census Mr. and Mrs. George H. Millar of Reno, Nev. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Schaub, 2448 Mahoning NE, and will be joined by their son, Dr. Glenn E. Millar of Sacramento, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roden and family of Hamilton also were weekend visitors at the Schaub home. "Frank Cashin and Bride on Wedding Trip," The Repository, Canton, Ohio, August 6, 1935, page 14 FORMER CANTON MAN MARIETTA DELEGATE
George H. Millar, social security number 570-287-7689Will Represent Nevada at Northwest Territory Celebration.
George H. Millar of Reno, Nev., a former resident of Canton who was
employed at the Deuber-Hampden Watch Co., today was commissioned by
Richard Kirman Sr., governor of Nevada, to represent the state of
Nevada at the opening celebration of the observance of the Northwest
Territory founding in Marietta Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Millar, who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Schaub of 910 12th St. NE, will motor to Marietta early tomorrow to take an official part in the celebration. The Repository, Canton, Ohio, April 6, 1938, page 5 George Millar Funeral Will Be Held Tomorrow
Funeral services for George H. Millar,
90, a salesman in California, Nevada and Southern Oregon for many
years, will be held tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the New Mission Chapel of
Andrews & Greilich.
Millar, a veteran of the Spanish-American War and father of a Sacramento physician, was found dead yesterday in his home at 3144 N St. by a granddaughter, Dorothy Harkins of Fair Oaks, after he failed to answer his telephone. His son, Dr. Glenn E. Millar of 1324 Normandy Lane, said Millar suffered from diabetes and a heart ailment. Moved to Reno
Millar was born in Massillon, Ohio, and worked as a watchmaker there
before enlisting in the army and going to Cuba to fight in the
Spanish-American War. Then he moved west to Reno to enter the wholesale
grocery and candy business. He covered a vast, three-state area,
representing several California firms before settling in Medford, Ore.,
where he purchased and operated a restaurant.Retirement brought him to Sacramento about 26 years ago In Reno Millar belonged to Washoe Masonic Lodge No. 35, Free & Accepted Masons, the Spanish-American War veterans group and the Scottish Rites Bodies. His survivors, in addition to the son, are a half-brother, Ray Maurer of Oakland; five grandchildren, one of whom is a doctor in Portland, Ore., Dr. Glenn E. II; and two great-grandchildren. Millar will be buried beside his wife in the Masonic Lawn cemetery. An honorary rifle squad and bugler will pay final respects, through the courtesy of the Veterans Affiliated Council. Sacramento Bee, December 30, 1965, page 20 Born January 17, 1875, Ohio Died December 28, 1965, Sacramento Mother's Maiden Name: Cross California Death Index Last revised December 23, 2022 |