Eifert and the Troubles at City Hall ![]() W. W. Eifert, January 12, 1913 Medford Sun (Eifert was a tailor.) The Ada Trouble.
The Republican
last Sunday contained an article concerning the case of W.
W. Eifert, who was arrested for embezzlement. The Ada Record has the
following to say about the difficulty:About three weeks ago Billy Crider, the sprinter, and a man named Shull came over from Lima to arrange a foot race with J. R. Gill. John had gone away then and some kind of a game was fixed up, so that $100 was left with W. W. Eifert as a stakeholder. The race was to come off at Lima the next day and Eifert and others from here went down. The race did not come off. Eifert claims the stake money belonged to Crider, and that Crider ordered Shull to deposit the money in his (Eifert's) hands. When the race was declared off Eifert claims he paid back the money to Crider and introduced testimony to prove that he did. Shull then comes and demands the money and refuses to have it any other way than that Eifert still had his (Shull's) money, as any dealings with Crider was illegal, he (Crider) having nothing to do with the stake. Eifert testified that Crider gave him $10 more at Lima. Shull had Eifert arrested for embezzlement and the case was heard before Esq. Woodard on Monday, R. F. Black appearing for Mr. Eifert and J. J. Ferrall, of Lima, for the prosecution. The Esquire discharged Mr. Eifert, and the plaintiff gave notice of appeal. The Republican, Lima, Ohio, October 10, 1890, page 3
W. Eifert has opened a merchant tailoring establishment in the building
next to the Rialto cigar store and is having the premises fitted up for
the accommodation of a first-class business of this kind. Mr. Eifert,
who came here several weeks ago from Ada, Ohio, has had many years
experience as a merchant tailor, and purposes to become a permanent
resident of Medford. With a new and up-to-date stock he is fully
prepared to do all kinds of ladies' and gentlemen's tailoring, and
guarantees his work in every respect.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 4, 1904, page 5 W. W. Eifert:--"The tailoring business is good. Just good enough to keep me busy all the time, but there is hardly enough work to warrant me in employing very much help. I am now making several very pretty summer suits. I'll leave it to you to say whether they are pretty or not. Fit? Well, if any suit I make does not fit, the purchaser has only to bring it back, and if I cannot make it fit his money is returned. The merchant tailoring business in Medford has, I fear, not been handled in a manner which tends to any great extent to build the trade or enhance its lucrativeness. No, I do not care to particularize, but I am going to say to you that there has been some very poorly made garments pushed off on indulgent but unsuspecting people. It is going to take time to overcome these conditions, but I think I can eventually get people to understand that I am a master of the art and am here to guarantee my every piece of work." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, June 16, 1905, page 1 BRILLIANT RECEPTION AT THE EIFERT
Medford Mail, October
26, 1906, page 1
The Eifert home, on South A Street, was the scene of a brilliant
reception given last evening in honor of the approaching nuptials of
Miss Jessie Eifert. About thirty ladies were present and with music,
vocal and instrumental made the evening one that will be long and
pleasantly remembered by the bride-to-be. Games and social converse,
with a delightful luncheon, concluded this enjoyable social affair.
Among those present were: Misses Leila O'Harra, Mary Colvig, Leona
Ulrich, and Mrs. Barnum, of Jacksonville, Misses Ora Patrick, of
Ashland, Misses Prudence Angle, Bernice Angle, Bertie Hall, Gladys
Heard, Mabel Kent, Edith Cranfill, Lottie Little, Grace Brown, Helen
Waits, May Phipps, Myrtle Lawton, Echo Nason, Miss Edith Butler, Mrs.
Maggie Cartwright, Mrs. Wm. Cattenach, Mrs. Hattie Gore, May Roberts,
Mrs. Edith Butler, Carrie George, Marie Nickell and Ethel Knisely, of
The marriage of William Barnum of Jacksonville and Miss Jessie Eifert
of this city was solemnized at the residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Eifert, on B Street, at eight o'clock Wednesday
evening, Rev. Shields of the Presbyterian church officiating. The
guests were the immediate relatives of the family and a few invited
friends.One of Medford's Fairest Daughters Weds Prominent Business Man of Jackson County. It was a very pretty affair and the house was charmingly trimmed for the occasion. The parlors were appropriately decorated with white chrysanthemums entwined in garlands of ivy; clusters of red berries and hearts furnished the decoration of the dining room and the hall had been transformed into a bower of ivy. The bride was handsomely gowned in white mousseline de soie over white taffeta and was attended by her sister, Edna, as bridesmaid. The groom was attended by his brother, John B. Barnum. The Norling orchestra discoursed its sweetest music and at the conclusion of the wedding ceremony the happy pair were showered with a deluge of white blooms. After receiving the congratulations of their friends, the bride and groom led the way to the dining room, where a bountiful course dinner was served. The Medford brass band tendered a serenade at the conclusion of the festal hour, which was graciously acknowledged. Mr. and Mrs. Barnum left on the night train, amid a shower of rice and the congratulations of friends, for a six weeks' tour in Southern California. On their return they will take up their residence in Jacksonville, where Mr. Barnum has business interests connected with the Rogue River Valley Railway. The Mail adds its congratulations to those of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Barnum, and trusts that life may hold for them a large measure of happiness and many years. Medford Mail, November 16, 1906, page 1 Eifert's New Store.
W. W. Eifert is preparing to move his gents' tailoring establishment
from Central Avenue to the new Hall building, on D Street. The store
Mr. Eifert will occupy is a large one and has a plate glass front. It
will be fitted up in first-class style, and a large stock will be put
in of the best and the very latest styles of materials.
Medford Mail, December 25, 1908, page 8 W. W. Eifert was removing his shop yesterday to his new quarters on Front Street, where he will have as neat and convenient a tailor shop as you will find along the line anywhere. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, February 5, 1909, page 6 W. W. Eifert has fitted out his establishment on Front Street with entirely new fittings, which are very pretty and show plainly the handiwork of a master mechanic--and all this in native Southern Oregon wood. Mr. Eifert is doing splendid business in his new location and has in stock a fine line of goods. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, March 5, 1909, page 6 Where and from whom can you get the highest class service in merchant tailoring in Medford? This well-known house has been doing business here for six years. The name applied to this tailor is the spirit of the age. He is a tailor to men of taste, furnishing high-grade suits at from $25 up. Carries a large line of imported and domestic fabrics in the latest shades and weaves, and the line is particularly complete in this fall's novelties. The styles and fit will appeal to careful dressers, the most particular attention being given to the details of each garment. W. W. Eifert, the Progressive Tailor, 10 N. Front St. "What Do You Know About This?" Medford Mail, December 9, 1909, page 6 ![]() OLIVER CARTER BOGGS Residence, Medford, Oregon. Office, Miles Building, 128 E. Main Street. Born Douglas County, Illinois, February 15, 1876. Son of Benjamin F. and Mary J. (Armstrong) Boggs. Married to E. W. Woodin, June 25, 1902. Attended Urbana, Illinois, public schools, preparatory department of the University of Illinois. Graduated from the University of Illinois, at Urbana, Illinois, 1902, taking the degrees of A.B. and LL.B. Represented the University of Illinois in annual debate with the University of Indiana, 1902. University of Illinois track team, 1894. Admitted to practice law in Illinois, 1902; California, 1902; Oregon, 1908. Deputy District Attorney in Jackson County, Oregon, March term, 1909. Masonic, B.P.O.E., Royal Arcanum and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternities. Republican. History of the Bench and Bar of
Oregon, 1910, page 92
dress of the average Medford citizen is above the standard of most
American cities, a fact that not only bespeaks progression and wealth
as regards the city, but also of the presence here of a tailor who is
the peer of any in the country. His name is W. W. Eifert, and he is
known throughout the valley as a maker of fine clothes for men. In
correctness of style, neatness of workmanship and the perfect fit of
garments, Mr. Eifert has established himself at the head of his art,
and the pleasing sight occasioned by the appearance on the streets of
well and stylishly dressed men is identified with the genius of the
cutting department and the methods of the workshop of this
establishment. Mr. Eifert has been here six years and keeps five people
constantly employed. He imports Scotch and English goods, and his
suits, overcoats, cravenettes and dress clothes are all specialties. In
the sample room there is always on display a large number of patterns
in piece goods, and every customer gets the benefit of Mr. Eifert's
lifelong experience in the selection of the best material and style
suited to his individual appearance. Mr. Eifert was a member of the
city council three years and belongs to the Masons, K.P.'s, Elks, Red
Men, the Crater Lake Club and Commercial Club.
W. W. EifertMedford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page 5 ![]()
the information of the voters of Medford, I take this method of
announcing my position on the principal questions of interest to the
people of our city.
RUNYARDIf elected, my time and services will always be available to the public, and suggestions and criticisms will at all times receive most careful consideration. Whenever it is apparent that the majority of our citizens are united in opinion opposite to my individual views, I will yield to the majority, regardless of my personal opinions. Our public market should be encouraged and developed along such lines as will result in the greatest advantage to the community. Our laws regarding sanitary conditions should be actively enforced, and supplemented by others if the existing ordinances are inadequate. My experience has convinced me that the suggestions offered from time to time by the women of the community, even before the right of suffrage was extended to them, have always been of value, and should receive the utmost consideration. Our present laws regulating the saloons and the sale of liquor, and such other restrictions as the council or people may hereafter enact, should be rigidly enforced, and if found inadequate, or insufficient, should be amended. Our water rates should be revised so that the cost of maintenance, and the necessary contributions to the sinking fund, may be equitably distributed among the consumers, but no surplus should be accumulated at the expense of the rate payer. The work of the finance committee and of the other principal committees of the council should be open to suggestion and subject to criticism, and the criticism, suggestions and cooperation of representatives of our various civic bodies should be invited and encouraged in such work. If elected I pledge myself to use my utmost endeavor to carry out the ideas outlined above, and to give Medford an impartial, progressive business administration. (Paid
Medford Mail Tribune, December
7, 1912, page 5Mayor Eifert Names L. Damon As Market Master, but Council Refuses To Confirm Owing to Preference for Man Who Has Made it a Success. O. C. Boggs Is City Attorney in Spite of Fact that Contender for Place Directed Eifert's Campaign.
J. Runyard, who has directed the Medford public market since its
establishment, and to whose efforts the success of the market is
chiefly due, today continues to hold that position but simply because
the city council blocked Mayor Eifert's attempt to remove him by
refusing to confirm the appointment of L. Damon made by Mayor Eifert
Tuesday evening. Of the five councilmen present, only one, George
Porter, was favorable to a change, and Mr. Porter's motion to confirm
found no second. Action not being taken, the matter was deferred.
EIFERT SHOULD REDEEM HIS PLEDGESIn offering the name of Mr. Damon, Mayor Eifert stated that he was not playing politics but that Damon needed the place. He declared he had no fault to find with Mr. Runyard, but that he had decided upon a change. The council had not, so Runyard remains, much to the satisfaction of the patrons of the market. Boggs City Attorney
![]() Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, January 22, 1913, page 1 MEDFORD PLAN IS UNIQUE
MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 24.--(Special.)--Medford's newly elected Mayor, W.
Eifert, launched what is believed to be an innovation in American
municipal government tonight when at his formal installation he
announced that in addition to the office of Mayor and Council he would
appoint an advisory cabinet of prominent citizens from different walks
of life who would be asked to attend every meeting of the City Council
and confer with the city officers regarding all matters of municipal
administration. New Mayor Seeks Advice From Business Men of City. Representatives from the Commercial Club, the Women's Club, the corporations, the banks, the churches and the saloons will form the advisory committee, and though their suggestions will have no official force, Mayor Eifert declares that all opinions will be carefully considered and the different representatives will be regarded as experts in their several departments and that in this way an approximation of the commission form of government, which is impossible under the present city charter, will be attained. Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 25, 1913, page 1 MEDFORD MAYOR ACTIVE
MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 24.--(Special.)--Mayor Eifert has started another
innovation in municipal government here by announcing that the moribund
curfew law will be strictly enforced, and all boys and girls under 18
will be forced to retire from the streets at 8 o'clock in the winter
and 9 o'clock in the summer.Children Must Be at Home Now After 8 o'CIock at Night. "If the fathers and mothers will not see to keeping their children at home where they belong," declares the Mayor, "I will see what 1 can do about it it. Girls and boys on the streets after dark unaccompanied by their parents are not where they belong, and as long as I am Mayor I intend to see that they are home and in bed." Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 25, 1913, page 1
attention of Mayor Eifert is respectfully called to the following
pledge made by him in the newspapers to the people of Medford before
"If elected, my time and services will always be available to the
public, and suggestions and criticisms will at all times receive most
careful consideration. Whenever it is apparent that the majority of our
citizens are united in opinion opposite to my individual views, I will
yield to the majority, regardless of my personal opinions."
Public sentiment is strongly in favor of the retention of J. E. Runyard
as market master, because he understands the work and has made the
market a success.The socialists at their regular meeting Sunday adopted resolutions that speak for themselves, demanding that the market be kept for the people instead of being made a vehicle to pay political debts. If a call were issued for a mass meeting of men and women to consider the [public] market situation, resolutions similar to those of the socialists would be adopted by an overwhelming majority. There is absolutely no doubt but that the "majority of our citizens are united in opinion opposite" to the mayor's "individual views," therefore the time has come for him to yield to the majority. We call upon Mayor Eifert to redeem his campaign pledges, cease efforts to make the public market the spoils of politics, and reappoint the present market master. Medford Mail Tribune, January 27, 1913, page 4 Special City Council Committee Praises Runyard and Says He Followed Market Committee Instructions.
the ordinance creating the public market and outlining its function is
unconstitutional or contradictory to the city charter, mayor Eifert
would be exceeding his authority in removing marketmaster Runyard,
according to a finding of the committee which has been studying the
ordinance and the record of the market for the past year. The ordinance
declares that the city council shall appoint the marketmaster and takes
the appointive power, in this instance away from the chief executive.
After exhaustively examining the work of marketmaster E. J. Runyard for the past year, the committee of three appointed some time ago by mayor Eifert has reached the conclusion that Mr. Runyard should be retained. The committee has found that some of the rules of the ordinance have not been strictly lived up to, but it also found that the deviations from the letter of the law have been made by the sanction of the market committee. The first year of the public market has been found to be an unqualified success. It was a year of experimentation and a time to test out the ordinance and to improve upon it wherever necessary for the betterment of the institution. To blame the marketmaster for following changes suggested by the market committee, the committee finds, is not fair to Mr. Runyard. The committee's report will be presented to the council Tuesday evening. Councilmen Millar, Campbell and Summerville compose the committee. Medford Mail Tribune, February 17, 1913, page 1 EIFERT TO NAME NEW ENGINEER
Eifert will recommend the appointment of H. G. Stockman as city
engineer, to succeed Olen Arnspiger, at the meeting of the city council
to be held Tuesday evening, according to city hall gossip.
The appointment of Stockman will be met with opposition in the council, not on account of any disposition to belittle him, but because some of the councilmen held that Mr. Arnspiger's services are too valuable for the city to lose. Whether the opposition to the mayor's contemplated appointment is strong enough to prevent its being made remains to be seen. Medford Mail Tribune, February 17, 1913, page 6 FIGHT PROMISED OVER ENGINEER
Confirmation of the appointment of a successor to Olen Arnspiger, city
engineer, at the council session tonight seems doubtful, as a number of
the aldermen cling firmly to the belief that the city's interests would
be slighted by a change in that department. Since the announcement was
made that mayor Eifert would probably present the name of H. G.
Stockman for the place, there has been a considerable flurry in
political circles as at least one other man has had the impression that
the place had been promised him, if a change was to be made. It is
certain that the appointment will not be confirmed by the whole council
and that at least two votes will be cast against it.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 18, 1913, page 2 ![]() September 23, 1915 Medford Sun COUNCIL AND MAYOR MIX ON APPOINTMENTS Removal of Olen Arnspiger as City Engineer Starts Row-- People To Vote on Amendment to Charter--Reports Received from Committees. Popular Petition Is Criticized by Mitchell and Porter--Kelly Offers a Petition.
the smoke had cleared from one of the city's stormiest council
sessions, in which the mayor and councilmen boldly defied each other,
the following important measures were effected Tuesday night:
1. Confirmation was refused to mayor Eifert's appointment of Harry Stockman to succeed Olen Arnspiger as city engineer, whom he removed without cause Tuesday afternoon. 2. An amendment giving the power to remove city officials from office to the council and limiting the suspending power held by the mayor was ordered included in the special election ordinance, election to take place Mar. 6. 3. A report from councilmen Mitchell and Porter, as finance committee, criticizing the Mail Tribune's petition and stating that there was some satisfaction and some dissatisfaction with the public market as now operated, was read and filed. 4. A report from the special committee to investigate the past year's record of the market and marketmaster Runyard, stating that the market had been an unqualified success and that it would be maladministration to remove Runyard, was also read and ordered filed. Councilmen Campbell, Summerville and Millar composed this committee. Arnspiger Case First
fireworks started immediately
after the session opened. The news that mayor Eifert had Tuesday
afternoon discharged city engineer Arnspiger had filled the crowd with
excitement, which was blown to flame when Judge E. E. Kelly took the
floor when the mayor asked if anyone would like to be heard."I believe," stated Mr. Kelly, "that your honor did not consult the city attorney when you discharged Mr. Arnspiger, or else you would surely know that you have not the right to remove any city officials from office. "The charter only gives you the right to suspend an official until the next regular meeting of the council. I admit that by a stretching of the charter you could keep on suspending him at each meeting. I want to know if it is your intent to suspend him from time to time if the council refuses to accept this suspension of yours." "It certainly is," the mayor shot back. Kelly's Little Petition
"Then I
have a little petition to
offer the public at the special election called to vote on armory
bonds," replied Mr. Kelly. It may save you a lot of trouble and will
make it clear sailing. If you want to cut out horseplay and scrapping
over officials, and if you wish to really take the public in your
confidence, you will not oppose this petition."The petition, which was laid over until later in the evening and finally adopted by the unanimous vote of the council, is coupled with the bond issue ordinance and changes the date of that election to Mar. 6. It provides, in brief, that the mayor may appoint one city attorney, one city engineer, chief of police, street commissioner, marketmaster, and other employees as are required subject to the approval of the majority of the council. At any meeting the council, by a majority vote, may remove any official except the mayor. The mayor's power to suspend is limited to one time for any one officer unless written charges are made and submitted to the council. Major Asks Explanation
council's refusal to confirm
mayor Eifert's appointment of Harry Stockman as city engineer brought
out the real intense feeling of the session. In turn as each voted
against the confirmation, his honor asked explanations from councilman
Campbell, Millar, Stewart and Summerville. Mitchell and Porter voted
for the appointment, after explaining that personally they favored
Arnspiger but did not wish to oppose the mayor.Councilman Campbell replied, "Whether I have any objection to Mr. Stockman has nothing to do with the matter. I believe the city loses money if you remove a good engineer if you appoint one just as good, as it takes time to become familiar with the work. I have no objection to Stockman. The trouble is you think that the council is bound to confirm every appointment. If that is true why do we have the confirming power? Better take it away and make it a one-man government if we are not to be allowed to exercise our judgments." The other councilmen, who were asked to explain, stated they did not believe it would be good business policy to remove a good engineer for personal, political or other reasons, and Summerville, in turn, demanded to know why the mayor wished to appoint Stockman. "Because I believe he is a better man," was the answer. The Market Reports
finance committee, Mitchell and Porter, submitted their report on the Mail Tribune petition.
They found many had signed because they wished to. Others because they
had been asked to, and still others who "thought it a fight between
Runyard and Damon."Some names represented people without the city limits, but the signatures were conceded to be genuine. They also stated that they found many people in favor of the market as run, and others opposed it. Quite a contrary report came from the committee which was asked to investigate the market for the past year. It exhaustively covered the year's work and concluded that the market had been run successfully and well, and that it would be a piece of maladministration to remove the marketmaster. The idea that Mr. Runyard has kept no books and has shown no receipts for money was silenced when the committee reported that Runyard has receipts from the city treasurer for all money turned over and has all money accounted for. After this report had been read the mayor asked the committee if it had found out whether Mr. Runyard had ever taken the oath of office, a technicality which seems to be the only one left for investigation. Summerville Appoints Committee
That the
marketmaster of the
future, whoever he may be, will have a council committee to work with,
councilman Summerville made the motion that a committee of three,
Millar as chairman, Campbell and Porter be named as market committee.
When the mayor refused to put the motion Mr. Summerville put it
himself, as president of the council, and received a majority vote.
Later the mayor re-put the motion and it was again passed by the
familiar four to two vote.After this motion was put mayor Eifert declared, pointing his finger at Summerville: "I'll tell you something. That market is to be run according to the ordinance or the ordinance will be changed." Where Arnspiger Stands
to the charter, when
mayor Eifert suspended Arnspiger Tuesday afternoon he remained
suspended only until the meeting Tuesday night. For the time
being he was again city engineer. The mayor declared after the session
that he would appoint Mr. Stockman Wednesday and that Arnspiger was
out. The council's refusal to confirm Stockman's appointment puts the
matter in a tangle which may only be straightened in the courts or
until after the special election Mar. 6 when, if the appointment
passes, the council will have the removal power and the mayor may
suspend but once, the man suspended to stay suspended only until the
next meeting.Medford Mail Tribune, February 19, 1913, page 1 PRAISE WORK OF RUNYARD IN CITY MARKET Special Committee Named by Mayor Reviews Growth of Market And Tells of its Beneficial Influence Under Present Market Master. ---- First Year Largely Experimental and Rules Altered To Suit Existing Emergencies.
The special committee appointed by Mayor Eifert to
investigate the public market has reported as follows:
Ore., Feb. 18, 1913.
To the Honorable
Mayor and City Council of the City of Medford
Gentlemen: Your committee instructed to investigate the condition of the public market of this city, and the conduct of its superintendent while he has been such officer, are glad to be able to report that we find the market in a most prosperous and satisfactory condition and that the work of the superintendent has been especially efficient and effective. He has succeeded to a gratifying degree in giving satisfaction both to the producers selling products in the market and to its patrons. He has not limited his work and efforts to the duties usually assumed by a market master but has in addition taken it upon himself to work with and advise producers to the end that the market might not be oversupplied with products which could not be disposed of each market day, and at the same time should be supplied with the largest possible number and variety of different products so that purchasers and consumers would find there everything necessary to meet their demands. Worked Under Orders
beg leave to state further that the
market master
has at all times worked in harmony with and has followed the directions
of the market committee of the city council and that he has never in
any respect deviated from the strict letter of the ordinance creating
the market either in respect to his duties, the hours of keeping the
market open, the making of charges for space or otherwise, except by
express direction of said market committee.We find that the market committee of the city council has in a number of particulars and at different times instructed the market master to deviate from the rules laid down in the market ordinance and for all such deviations the members of the market committee of the city council, holding such positions at the time the deviations were made, are willing to and do assume full responsibility. Market Ordinance
original market ordinance was copied
from the
Des Moines ordinance and was adopted before any steps had been taken
toward the erection of the market building or the opening of the
market. When the public market was placed in the direct charge of the
market committee of the council, the members of the committee,
realizing the great value and help that a successful market would prove
to the people of this city, took hold of the work assigned them with an
earnest desire and determination to make the market a successful one.
They found early that to do this it would be necessary to study the
conditions existing in this locality and be guided accordingly in the
operation of the market. They also discovered that the rules laid down
in the ordinance, which were suitable to a city the size of Des Moines,
in agricultural section of the Middle West, would not in all respects
be suitable to the conditions existing here.Guided by Results
Moreover, they become convinced that the
only way in
which to determine the best rules and methods for conducting our local
market would be to carefully watch the operation and effect of
different regulations and to experiment and make frequent changes until
such time as the whole mechanism was properly adjusted to meet local
conditions. It was not deemed advisable to attempt any change in the
market ordinance until sufficient opportunity had been had to
demonstrate that the changes which might be made were suitable and best
calculated to make the market a success. Accordingly the period through
which the market has so far gone has been largely one of experiment and
of adapting the market to meet the local situation.We believe that this course pursued by the market committee will meet with the hearty approval of every real friend of our public market and that criticism and objection there will come only from those who are either secretly hostile to the success of the market or those who place more importance on red tape and technicalities than on the success of the object aimed at. Success Crowns Policy
Certain it is that this policy has been
marked with
singular success. The public market has undoubtedly proved the greatest
stimulus to local producers that this valley has ever had. It has
resulted in materially lessening the cost of living to every resident
of this city and vicinity, and it has been patronized by a large and
ever-increasing portion of our people.Before the institution of this market, there was an ever-increasing balance of trade against the community; the products of the valley were being apparently discriminated against in favor of inferior products from California, and in many cases home growers were threatening a boycott on Medford business concerns because of what they regarded as unreasonable discrimination. The institution of this market has done much to dissipate the growing prejudice outside of the city against its business concerns and to establish an era of good will toward the city. Praise for Runyard
believe that the exceptional success
of the
market has been due largely to the ability, judgment and foresight of
the present market master, and that the city has been exceedingly
fortunate in being able to secure his services. He has brought to the
work a wide experience gained in a lifetime of successful
merchandising, and we believe that he has fully demonstrated his
peculiar fitness and capacity for his position. We believe it would be
exceedingly difficult to find, among our citizens, any man as well
qualified for the work. In addition the experience he has gained in
watching the practical operation of the market during the past eight
months has been almost invaluable. To make a change at this time, while
the market is in the midst of its formative period, would be largely
throwing away and losing the results of eight months valuable
experience, and we deliberately state that in our judgment such action
would be a glaring instance of maladministration, and we take this
opportunity of stating that we consider it our duty, not only as a
committee, but as individual members of the council, to resist any such
action in every possible way within our power, and we hereby pledge
ourselves to the people of the city of Medford, who are the
beneficiaries of this market, that we will do so.What Runyard Has Done
find that the market master has
practically his entire time to the work of this market. He has advised
and consulted with producers as to what they should grow and in what
quantities. He has by such advice and assistance done a great deal to
avoid overproduction in any one line and underproduction in others. He
has been diligent to discover the names of the producers of different
articles and products demanded by the people, and where there has
developed a shortage in any line of produce has advised those having
the same of such shortage and has in many cases succeeded in having the
market properly supplied. This has been necessary to the success of the
market because only a market where all goods can be supplied will prove
attractive to the consumers of the city, and it is needless to say that
without the presence of purchasers any market must necessarily prove a
failure.We find that the market master has every month paid over to the treasurer of the city the amount collected by him the previous month and has received his receipt therefor. Advised by Committee
market master has kept in
constantly with the market committee of the council and has at all
times kept them advised as to conditions and all problems arising but
has never made any formal report to the city council.We find that the market master has used his best efforts to prevent the market being used by speculators, and we believe that he has been exceptionally successful in this respect. We do not believe that the time has yet arrived for amending the ordinance but believe that the present market master and a committee of the council should be placed in charge of the market and should continue their investigations until they are satisfied as to what the rules and regulations governing the market should be and then that a suitable ordinance should be enacted. Respectfully, G. H. MILLAR
the undersigned former members of
the market
committee of the city council of the city of Medford, approve and
concur in the foregoing report.J. T. SUMMERVILLE W. N. CAMPBELL J. A. WATT
Mail Tribune, February 19, 1913, page 1G. H. MILLAR V. J. EMERICK
The Mail
regrets the stand that Mayor Eifert has taken--attempting to use the
authority of his office to build up a personal political machine. He
might expect opposition, not only on the part of the council but also
on the part of the people. He has only himself to thank for the
opposition which he is himself creating with every fresh move.
The mayor's attack on the public market was unjustifiable and unwarranted. He lost public sympathy and support when he made it. He is losing it every day he continues it. The charter gives the mayor no authority to appoint committees of investigation unless authorized by the council--yet Mayor Eifert assumed this authority and the report resulting is a boomerang to his assertions. It proves conclusively that it is worse than folly to attempt a change in management of the public market. The city engineer's office is usually immune from politics. What has politics to do with engineer skill and ability? And if an engineer has made good, his familiarity with conditions and improvements already existing are an asset to the city. Realizing this, changes in municipal engineering departments are rare. R. H. Thomson was city engineer of Seattle for a quarter of a century. Andrew Rosewater was of Omaha for a longer period--and numerous instances might be cited. There is no complaint against Mr. Arnspiger. It is admitted that the has made extensive improvements satisfactorily and is conversant with the situation. There is then no reason for his removal, save that the mayor wants to use the city's offices to pay political debts. The majority of the council are to be commended for the stand they have taken against the conversion of the city hall into a political machine. Mr. Eifert represents the 27 percent of the votes he received--the council the other 73 percent. Before election, Mr. Eifert published the following pledge: "If elected, my time and services will always be available to the public, and suggestions and criticisms will at all times receive most careful consideration. Whenever it is apparent that the majority of our citizens are united in opinion opposite to my individual views, I will yield to the majority, regardless of my personal opinions." The petition presented the mayor, and public sentiment, ought to convince Mr. Eifert that it is time for him to "yield to the majority, regardless of personal opinions." Mr. Eifert should live up to his pledge and not commit political hara-kiri. Medford Mail Tribune, February 19, 1913, page 4 The City Hall Comedy of Errors To
the Editor:
The morning paper's comments on what it dubs "A Comedy" at the city hall, boiled down to their real meaning, are nothing more nor less than a shabby defense of the continued existence of the rotten spoils system in its application to Medford's municipal service. The writer is not an apologist for any former administration, and he is not personally concerned with any reflections which The Sun may see fit to cast on any former mayor, or his supporters. He is concerned, with the majority of Medford people, in the economical, efficient administration of municipal affairs. It will be time enough for any mayor to make changes in the list of municipal servants when he can demonstrate that any such proposed change will be beneficial to the public interest. A proposed change with no better justification than alleged private benevolence, or pettifogging technicalities, deserves the swift condemnation that such an attempt on the part of the present mayor has already happily met with. It seems to me that the whole wrangle [that] has arisen in the city hall springs from the mistaken attempt of a twenty-seven percent mayor to make himself the whole thing in a government supposed to be run by majority rule. While The Sun is asking public questions on this matter, why not shed a little light on these points also: Will the Sun say that a majority of Mayor Eifert's known friends and supporters, before election, expected, or would have approved, of the appointment of the present city attorney (who, by the way, was approved by the council, regardless of whether the appointment was good or bad)? How many votes would The Sun say it would have cost candidate Eifert to have made a pre-election announcement of his intention to appoint his present appointee? C.
Medford Mail Tribune, February
20, 1913, page 4
Flatly charging
mayor Eifert and city attorney Boggs with being responsible for an
investigation of his business methods at the hands of the present grand
jury and that they were actuated by a desire to "whip him into line"
and force him to vote "yes" when he wished to vote "no," George H.
Miller, socialist councilman for the third ward, in open council
meeting Tuesday evening delivered a short, pointed address, in which he
defied them to do their worst. Millar's remarks were punctuated with
resounding thumps upon the desk before him.
All was serene and calm as a painted ship upon a painted ocean until mayor Eifert submitted the name of Harry G. Stockman for appointment as city engineer. Then Millar, before the vote, arose and asked the privilege of making a few remarks. "There is little need for me to say," stated Millar, "that I intend to vote no on this appointment. In so doing I have several reasons, one of them being that I do not intend to submit to any intimidation on the part of mayor Eifert and his city attorney, Boggs. You may persecute me, Mr. Eifert, as much as you wish, in order to whip me into line as you told Frank Burgess you intended to do, but I am here to state that I will vote 'no' as long as I wish to vote 'no' in spite of you and your city attorney's efforts in persecuting me." "How have I persecuted you," broke in city attorney Boggs. "You know well enough," retorted Millar, "by having the grand jury investigate my business." "I did nothing of the kind," came the answer from Boggs. "You are a dirty, contemptible, criminal liar," shouted Millar. "You're another," rejoined Boggs. "I have already stated that you were a liar," remarked Millar as he sat down. A large delegation of socialists who were in the hall applauded Millar as he sat down. Then mayor Eifert asked the clerk to call the roll on the appointment. Mitchell and Porter voted yes, Millar, Stewart, Summerville and Campbell voting no. The city dads then serenely transacted other city business until near the close of the session. Then city attorney Boggs addressed the council, saying: "Quite a number of persons have come to my office with complaints of one kind or another, and as there is some question as to my position in regard to them, I would like to have the council tell me whether I am the person to whom these complaints are to be made. I would like to know if I have the power to investigate them or not. For an illustration: Several persons have complained to me about Mr. Millar's place. One of them complained of the boxes, several other complaints were made. I do not want to be personal but am merely citing this as an illustration, and I would like the council to instruct me how to act--one way or the other." Millar replied to Boggs by stating that he was being personally persecuted, and renewed charges of falsehood. The meeting adjourned in the heat of the argument. Following adjournment councilman Summerville told Boggs that he had better not call him a liar or he would hit him. Nothing came of this. Councilman Campbell was the next who got in an argument with Boggs, drifting from one thing to another until Boggs mentioned the campaign two years ago and accused Campbell of swearing in voters at the polls to defeat the prohis. Campbell then called him a liar and offered to bet Boggs $100 that he could not prove his charges and flashed the money in his face. Boggs said he did not have the $100 and was not as flush as Campbell. Councilman Mitchell wound up the fracas by stating that at two different times last year he tried to have Millar arrested but could get no action on the matter. Millar demanded an investigation but no action was taken. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1913, page 2 CITY DADS WILL ABIDE BY VOTE NEXT
deadlock which has existed between the mayor and the city council
regarding appointments in the city will come to an end next Saturday in
all probability with the vote to be taken upon the amendment to limit
the mayor's removal powers. The "solid four" state that if the
amendment is lost they will vote for any appointment the mayor chooses
to make, declining any further responsibility. On the other hand, if
the amendment is carried, the "solid four" will become a "solid six,"
the two councilmen backing the mayor agreeing to abide by the voice of
the people.
This brings the amendment to a clear-cut issue. If it carries it will mean the retention of men in office who a majority of the council believes have made good, and on the other hand its failure will mean that the mayor will be able to fill those offices with men he wants. This amendment bids for first place by a big margin in the interest in the election, the armory bonds to be voted on being a secondary consideration with most citizens. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1913, page 2 PUBLIC MARKET AS SPOILS?
Shall the public market be political
spoils?That is the real question to be decided at tomorrow's charter election. Mayor Eifert's first official act was an attempt to remove the present efficient market master, change the system and virtually put the market in the control of its enemies. Because Mayor Eifert has not been able to carry out his aims, has not made much progress in creating his political machine, he raises the cry now that he is being persecuted and his power taken away. The only power that the mayor loses under the amendment is the right to play horse with city appointments, to keep discharging capable men who have made good, without cause, the right to keep public service demoralized, as he has since his election. Experience has proven clearly enough that Mayor Eifert ought to lose this power. His attack upon the market is backed by the sinister enemies of the market, who hope for its demoralization and fizzle. A vote for the amendment is a vote for the public market as well as a vote against the spoils system. Medford Mail Tribune, March
21, 1913, page 4
For details of the George Millar arrest and prosecution, see the Millar page. LET THE PEOPLE RULE, MR. MAYOR
The city election demonstrated in no uncertain manner
the opinion of the people of Medford in municipal affairs.
The armory bond issue was defeated by a two to one vote, as it should have been. There is no necessity for an armory; it would be a needless luxury at this time. The passage of the charter amendment expressed public disapproval of mayor Eifert's course as plainly as it could be expressed except by a recall election. It was a vote of lack of confidence in the executive. The election was a mandate from the people to let merit govern appointments, and a protest against introducing the spoils system in municipal affairs. It is to be hoped that harmony will hereafter govern city affairs. But there can be no harmony with a mayor and city attorney devoting their energies to ruining the character and fastening jail sentences on councilmen. The election was a public repudiation of such tactics. They must cease if we are to have peace. The Mail Tribune again begs mayor Eifert not to commit political hara-kiri by ignoring the desires of the community and to remember that an administration is not measured by its officeholders but by its constructive accomplishments. In any program for civic welfare, the Mail Tribune will pledge the administration its support, but it declines to participate in petty squabbles over petty offices, and it will oppose introducing the spoils system in the public market. It is to be hoped that mayor Eifert's administration will do something besides fight over appointments. But to accomplish these results, the mayor must live up to his campaign pledge: "If elected, my time and services will always be available to the public and suggestions and criticisms will at all times receive most careful consideration. Whenever it is apparent that the majority of our citizens are united in opinion opposite to my individual views, I will yield to the majority, regardless of my personal opinions." If the mayor needed to be shown, the election was certainly an eye-opener. Medford Mail Tribune, March 24, 1913, page 4 SAUCE FOR GOOSE, SAUCE FOR GANDER
the present administration, the city attorney has become a criminal
prosecutor rather than a legal advisor. And he does not confine himself
to prosecuting city cases, but drums up evidence for submission to the
grand jury.
What originally was intended to land one of the councilmen, who would not wear the administration's collar, behind the bars, has resulted in the indictment and prosecuting of ten hotel men and liquor dealers of Medford for selling liquor to minors. The evidence was furnished by the city's gallant defenders, members of the national guard, some of whom it seems are addicted to deploying in squads to "rush the growler" [i.e., to get a container filled with beer at a bar] and are studying other tactics than military. According to the stories told the grand jury, a squad of the brave boys in khaki, after the arduous duties of the drill, would repair to various refreshment parlors, and order cups that cheered. Some of the soldier boys were of age, some were not, and the dispenser did not discriminate, foolishly presuming that the uniform guaranteed majority. If the liquor dealers were careless and sold liquor to minors, even though the offense was unintentional, they should be fined to make them more careful. To avoid future trouble, they should have prepared blanks ready for signatures of those whose age was questioned. But the youths who pass themselves off as of age can also be punished, and their punishment is the quickest way to check the habit. A state law provides a penalty for those who represent themselves as of age when they are not, and a Medford city ordinance makes it a misdemeanor for a youth to enter a saloon or purchase a drink. The evidence given by the boys in khaki before the grand jury is sufficient to convict all the witnesses, and the city attorney, who procured the evidence, should enforce the law. Both the liquor dealers and the youths should be prosecuted. Medford Mail Tribune, March 24, 1913, page 4 ![]() BOGGS EXPLAINS LETTER TO RESORT
new angle was given the political controversy raging in city affairs
Saturday by the publication of a letter written by City Attorney O. C.
Boggs to Mrs. Julia Jackson or Levenberry, landlady of the notorious
Royal Rooming House. Opponents of Mayor Eifert and City Attorney Boggs
were quick to make capital out of this epistle, declaring that it
showed that the administration was offering "protection" to the resort,
but failing to state just how the letter came into the possession of
others than those directly concerned.NEW ANGLE GIVEN TO CONTROVERSY IN CITY POLITICS BY PUBLICATION OF LETTER City Attorney Will Enforce Laws Against Royal-- Promises Full Statement on Millar Hearing The letter was written, according to friends of City Attorney Boggs, to forestall any possible attempt to induce Mrs. Jackson or Levenberry to change her testimony before the Millar investigating hearing, and to assure her that she would not be unjustly bothered. Action against the resort has been contemplated for some time. Following the publication of the letter, City Attorney Boggs issued this statement: To the Citizens of Medford: I have heretofore made no statement in the newspapers regarding my position as city attorney, although I have been repeatedly misrepresented in the Medford Mail Tribune. I now make the following statements: With reference to the letter published in the Medford Mail Tribune Saturday, March 28th, I have to say that any lawyer or any layman who will give the matter a moment's consideration knows that there is a difference between promising immunity to a witness and promising protection. I did not promise immunity to the proprietress of the Royal Rooming House and do not propose to do so, but I do intend to enforce the laws against this house as quickly as possible. With reference to the letter published in the Medford Mail Tribune Saturday, March 28th, I have to say that any lawyer or any layman who will give the matter a moment's consideration knows that there is a difference between promising immunity to a witness and promising protection. I did not promise immunity to the proprietress of the Royal Rooming House and do not propose to do so, but I do intend to enforce the laws against this house as quickly as possible. With reference to the many allegations in the Medford Mail Tribune that the suit of the City of Medford vs. George H. Millar, as now pending, is unjustified and brought by me for the purpose of persecuting the defendant, I promise the people a statement of the undisputed facts with reference to this case, as soon as the trial is concluded, which will justify its having been prosecuted in the most vigorous manner. O. C. BOGGS, City Attorney Medford Sun, March 30, 1913, page 1 ![]()
On what charges is city attorney Boggs to be removed from office by the
city council?
Is he to be removed for enforcing the city ordinances? Is he to be removed for conducting an investigation into councilman Millar's record and the character of the Manhattan Cafe? Or is he to be removed for protecting the proprietress of the Royal Rooming House from intimidation and violence following her testimony against a member of the city council? From one source we hear city attorney Boggs is to be removed to restore harmony. Who is to supply this harmony? The new city attorney? Will harmony be restored when this unknown pacificator announces that there are certain ordinances regarding the sale of liquor, the moral conduct of councilmen and the protection of boys and girls of Medford which are not to be enforced? Will the troubled seas subside by the council removing an official whose only offense has been an investigation of the record of one of their members? How about selling liquor to minors and violating city ordinances when another lawyer occupies the city attorney's chair? What if the Manhattan Cafe should continue to disregard the law and another terrible political conspiracy should be launched to punish its proprietor--just as though he were not a member of the city council? What would our new city attorney do under the circumstances? Would he also be guilty of acting in accordance with the city charter which specifically states that the mayor shall preside over all cases involving violations of city ordinances, or would he issue an official edict nullifying this portion of that document? We favor harmony. We are anxious for the city officials to get together on a solid working basis. But if the only way this city government of ours can be made harmonious is to remove a city official for enforcing city ordinances, then we see little hope for improvement until the present system is removed entirely. Medford Sun, March 30, 1913, page 4 BOGGS ASKED TO RESIGN BY CITY
George Porter Representing the Councilmen Requests City Attorney Boggs To Tender His Resignation on Political Grounds. Boggs Refuses To Resign and Council Will Remove Him at Its Next Session--Six Solid Now.
O. Carter Boggs will be removed as city attorney at the next regular
session of the city
council to be held next Tuesday evening, April 1. The "solid six," not
the "solid four," have so decided and will so vote.
Representing the council, George Porter, councilman from the first ward, called upon the city attorney this morning and requested him to tender his resignation. Boggs absolutely refused to accede to this request and so forces the council to remove him. Boggs declares that he intends to put the councilmen individually on record as regards the George H. Millar case, and for this purpose is said to have refused to resign. As the councilmen are practically unanimous in their denunciation of the "trial," Boggs' declaration as to putting them on record is not viewed with any alarm. Council a Unit.
members of the city council
declare that they believe city attorney Boggs' removal is demanded for
the welfare of the city. They hold him responsible for the turmoil
which has existed since the new administration took office and declare
that if it was not for his agitation and influence that they could get
along with mayor Eifert without any jangle or discord. They charge him
with using his office for political persecutions."I view the matter in this light," stated councilman Porter today. "The people showed at the recent election what they thought of the change in appointive offices and of the charges against Mr. Millar. The people are the supreme court in affairs of this kind, and I certainly will obey their mandates. I believe that Mr. Boggs is responsible for this discord and that he should go for the best interests of the city. Want Harmony.
"In the
future I believe there
will be no further split votes on appointments. We can and will get
together, but a new city attorney must be secured first."Members of the city council state they have no particular attorney in view to fill the office of city attorney. The mayor will not be hampered in choosing an attorney to take the place of Boggs. The chief charge directed by the councilmen at Mr. Boggs is to the effect that Boggs used his office for political persecution in the Millar case. Medford Mail Tribune, March 28, 1913, page 1 LET US HAVE PEACE.
The Mail Tribune is
inclined to think that the council is right in blaming city attorney
Boggs as the prime troublemaker and cause of municipal discord, and
that his removal might restore harmony. At any rate the experiment is
worth trying and is sanctioned by the vote at the special election last
POLITICAL CONSPIRACY.For five years Mr. Eifert served as councilman, part of the time as president of the city council. His relations with his associates were in the main harmonious. He rendered good service to the community. Hence there has been a great deal of disappointment and chagrin among his friends over his course as mayor, which is attributed to his following bad advice. The protection Mr. Boggs has accorded to the notorious Royal Rooming House, evidently in exchange for testimony, as indicated by the following letter, alone disqualifies him from the position he holds. The letter reads: March
21, 1913.
Julia Jackson,
Royal Rooming House, E. Main Street, City. Dear Madam: There may be some effort to bother or intimidate you on account of your testimony this afternoon. If anybody makes any indication of doing this, we want you to report the matter immediately to me, and I will see that you are not unjustly bothered. Very
truly yours,
O. C. BOGGS, City Attorney.
There are those who oppose Mr. Boggs' removal on the ground that he
should be continued in office to make the Eifert administration still
more unpopular and enable recall proceedings to be started in July,
when the six months of office required shall be expired. But the recall
is only a last resort and should not be used if possible to avoid.
Recall elections are nasty affairs, and have an injurious effect upon the community, resulting in bitter factional fights and leaving sores that are hard to heal. They destroy the cooperative spirit and unity of the people and should only be undertaken under extreme provocation. The mayor and council should drop their personal differences and get together for the good they can do. Pigheadedness has no place in civic affairs. Medford Mail Tribune, March 29, 1913, page 4
sometimes wonder whether P. T. Barnum was right after all when he said
the American people like to be humbugged.
If one can judge from talk on the street, nine people out of ten have swallowed this political conspiracy talk against Millar. How about the political conspiracy against Mayor Eifert? The present mayor has been thwarted and badgered by political enemies from the moment he took office. Disappointed politicians out of a job, former enemies, supporters of defeated candidates, all the disaffected forces have joined hands to embarrass the present administration from the outset. We are not defending the trial on the eve of election, it was a political blunder--we are not approving the trial of an enemy of the administration by the head of that administration--although that is the fault of the Medford charter and not the fault of Mayor Eifert--but when it comes to a charge of political conspiracy, there is time for the judicious to mourn. While Mayor Eifert has done his best to serve the people as head of the government, while there is not a suggestion of irregular behavior, or a whisper against the mayor's intentions or character, it is councilman Millar, the unspotted advocate of human betterment, a living wage for the girls and women, a higher social order, who is maligned and persecuted by a dire and diabolical political conspiracy consisting as far as active participation is concerned of Mayor Eifert and his city attorney. It would be positively amusing if it were not so unjust. Anyone who has followed political matters at all closely has come upon similar situations, in city, state and national affairs. Sudden prejudices take root, and it is impossible to remove them. Mayor Eifert certainly has something to expect from the sober second sense of the people who elected him. Medford Sun, March 30, 1913, page 4 "CUT IT OUT!" C. H. Pierce Wants to Know What City Official Is Being Persecuted
the editor: A certain newspaper published an editorial not long since
with the above title. It seemed to refer to certain political
conditions now existing in our city.
In the minds of many citizens there seems to be a question as to what ought to be "cut out," the lawbreakers or the officers who are keeping their office oath. There is a great howl about political persecution against a certain official who has been arrested and tried for alleged violation of law. Where should the cutting out come in, against the violators of the law or the officer faithfully keeping his oath of office? The law-abiding citizens should at once look into this matter, and if it is found that the officer, with a clean reputation, and trying to do his duty in the enforcement of law, is not in reality the man who is being persecuted instead of the other fellow. Has our fair city come to the awful moral condition that a clean, honest man cannot hold office without being hounded out by a mob of lawbreakers and their sympathizers? If such is the condition, which it seems is the case, it is high time to "cut it out." C.
"The Sun's Letter Box," Medford Sun, March
30, 1913, page 4
In defense of
his letter promising protection to the keeper of the city's solitary
dive in exchange for her testimony in the Millar trial, city attorney
Boggs, in a public letter, asserts:
With reference to the letter published in the Medford Mail Tribune Saturday, March 28, I have to say that any lawyer or any layman who will give the matter a moment's consideration knows that there is a difference between promising immunity to a witness and promising protection. I did not promise immunity to the proprietoress of the Royal Rooming House and do not propose to do so, but I do intend to enforce the laws against this house as quickly as possible. "Proprietoress" is good. It requires a word all its own to fit the occupation--and the resourceful city attorney has met the emergency. In the subtle reasoning of the official, there is a vast difference between immunity and protection--yet to all intents and purposes he has given the "proprietoress" an immunity bath--protection from police interference and immunity to operate. Councilman Millar is accused of immorality, but instead of confirming evidence to the charge, the city attorney is trying to prove that he sold liquor in his restaurant to minors. Why not try him upon this charge? Why besmirch his reputation with one charge and proceed to prove a matter outside the charge? If liquor was bought by minors, why not help stop the illegal proceedings by arresting the minors also, who are breaking the law just as much as the liquor dealers? Yet Mr. Boggs gives them protection also. Mr. Boggs has been city attorney for three months. During this time he has made no attempt to close the Royal. Why? The Mail Tribune believes in law enforcement, but enforced impartially. It does not believe in converting law enforcement into a political game to punish opponents. It does not believe in promiscuous immunity baths to "proprietoresses" of off-colored resorts and to youthful hoodlums, in order to "get" someone who cannot be whipped into line to support a political program. Medford Mail Tribune, March 31, 1913, page 4 DEFENDS LETTER TO 'PROPRIETORESS'
attorney Boggs has issued the following letter in defense of his letter
to the proprietress of the notorious Royal Rooming House promising her
To the Citizens of Medford: With reference to the letter published in the Medford Mail Tribune Saturday, March 28, I have to say that any lawyer or any layman who will give the matter a moment's consideration knows that there is a difference between promising immunity to a witness and promising protection. I did not promise immunity to the proprietoress of the Royal Rooming House and do not propose to do so, but I do intend to enforce the laws against this house as quickly as possible. With reference to the many allegations in the Medford Mail Tribune that the suit of the city of Medford vs. George H. Millar, as now pending, is unjustified and brought by me for the purposes of persecuting the defendant, I promise the people a statement of the undisputed facts with reference to this case as soon as the trial is concluded, which will justify its having been prosecuted in the most vigorous manner. O. C. BOGGS,
Mail Tribune, March 31, 1913, page 6
The city
council will probably play to a crowded house tonight, the chief
attraction to be offered the public being the removal of city attorney
Boggs. According to the councilmen, today Boggs will be removed by
unanimous vote.
A petition has been circulated by Boggs' friends asking the council to retain him. The petition also pledges all of the signers to be at the council rooms tonight, and to aid in starting a recall against the councilmen who vote to oust Boggs. Boggs was asked last Friday to resign, which he flatly refused to do. Since then he has been busy having pressure brought to bear on the councilmen to change their minds, but in this he has been unsuccessful as the councilmen believe that he must be removed in order to restore harmony. The councilmen believe Boggs responsible for much of the discord between their body and the mayor. Considerable other business is to be transacted by the council. Medford Mail Tribune, April 1, 1913, page 8 COUNCIL AND MAYOR WAR
Climax Expected at Medford Tonight in Municipal Struggle.
Or., March 31.--(Special.)--The contest between Mayor Eifert and the
city council will reach a crisis tomorrow night, when the council will
remove City Attorney Boggs, who has been prosecuting the trial against
councilman Millar for immorality. Councilmen Mitchell and Porter, who
formerly supported the mayor, have gone over to the other side, and the
council now presents a solid front against the administration. The
cause of this change is given as a desire on the part of the council to
restore harmony.
The mayor declares that unless City Attorney Boggs voluntarily resigns he will reappoint him and the fight will be on again. Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 1, 1913, page 11 CITY ATTORNEY REMOVED
Or., April
1.--(Special.)--With the Council chamber filled to overflowing the
programme announced by the Councilmen several days ago was carried out
tonight and City Attorney Boggs was removed from office. Mayor Eifert
made no appointment and the office probably will be vacant technically
while the Mayor will continue to employ the services of Mr. Boggs and
present a bill for same. The session was quiet.War Between Medford Mayor and Council Continues. A protest against the removal of the City Attorney, and signed by more than 100 voters, was ignored by the Council. The municipal business of Medford has been at a standstill for several weeks now due to the warfare between the Mayor and the Council. Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 2, 1913, page 1 MAYOR EIFERT IS THROUGH WITH
an executive session of the mayor and members of the city council
Wednesday evening from which all others were barred, mayor Eifert
announced that he was through with the fight which has existed between
members of the council and himself and that he would no longer attempt
to force the appointments of city officials but allow the councilmen to
choose who they desired. His only condition was that the council pick
an entire list and relieve him of stating his preference for anyone.
Mayor Eifert's move is said to have come as a surprise to those who
have been supporting, and those who have been opposing his moves.
"I am through with the fight," states the mayor, "and I am willing that the council shall have the power they have prevented me from having. I wish harmony to prevail in civic affairs for the good of all." The council has not yet signified as yet its choice of employees, but it is almost a certainty that E. J. Runyard will be retained as marketmaster and O. Arnspiger as city engineer. It is also believed that Hittson will remain as chief of the police department. A city attorney has not yet been decided upon. Among those most prominently mentioned are Judge Purdin, E. E. Phipps and R. B. McCabe. The council will meet Friday evening, when the matter will probably be further discussed. Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1913, page 3 A gathering of citizens which jammed all available standing room in the council chamber, overflowed in the corridors and stairs outside and even extended to the sidewalk, last evening witnessed the city council, about which so much of turmoil and discord has been reported recently, transact a great amount of city business without a single discordant note or show of jangle. The councilmen and mayor had no words of anger to hurl back and forth, but all seemed to work together for the common good. Even the removal of the city attorney which, it was reported, would loose the dogs of war, passed without the semblance of discord and by a unanimous vote. The crowd which had gathered in the expectation of verbal fireworks was disappointed in that respect but agreeably surprised by the manner in which the city dads transacted business of import to the welfare of the community. "City Dads Work Without Discord; Boggs Removed," Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1913, page 3 TEAMWORK NEEDED
is to be hoped that mayor Eifert is sincere in his harmony talk to the
city council, though his refusal to have anything to do with naming [i.e., appointing]
city officials, simply because he was not permitted to name all of
them, casts a shadow of suspicion upon his sincerity.
The mayor's abdication offer is intended to be magnanimous in the extreme, but while the people would not sanction the introduction of the spoils system in civic affairs, and rebuked the mayor for the attempt at the special election, it is doubtful if he has any right to decline cooperation in the selection of such officials. The mayor's attitude is somewhat on the lines of the spoiled child, sulking because he cannot have his way and refusing to play in consequence. But let us all hope that the jangle and discord of the recent months is a thing of the past and that effective teamwork will be forthcoming. A government divided against itself cannot be efficient. Best results are forthcoming when harmony prevails. There is opportunity for much creative and constructive work, and the opportunity should be accepted. Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1913, page 4 MAYOR EIFERT
out by the constant opposition of the Big Four, discouraged at the
support he was receiving from the people, worried lest continued
turmoil would seriously injure the health of Mrs. Eifert, who has been
in a dangerous physical condition for some time, and in a last effort
to restore harmony in municipal affairs, mayor Eifert at a secret
meeting of the city council last night gave his administrative power to
that body, and gave up the fight which he has been carrying on against
overwhelming odds ever since his election.
"I am through," said the mayor after a meeting with a citizens committee, "and from now on the majority of the city council can have the power which they were unwilling I should yield. If I were a man of independent means, if I had no one to consider but myself, I would continue to fight to the bitter end, for I know I was right and I believe ultimately that people would have accepted my side. But the last three months of discord and continued opposition have been injurious to my business and the happiness and peace of mind of my family. I can't keep up the struggle any longer. At the election for the amendment to the charter I was not given a vote of confidence, even though the result of that election may not have been a repudiation of my position. It removed the support that I feel I must have at such a time. The city council can have my appointive power from now on. I will appoint their men for the positions that must be filled." The council suggested that the mayor name his preferences for the positions, but this he refused to do. "I don't feel justified," said the mayor, "in naming a part of the administrative officers and not naming them all. I have given you the power which you were unwilling I should exercise. It is your place to name your own men." The council were not ready to announce their selection last night. The appointment will probably be made at the meeting of the council Friday night. This action brings to an end a bitter factional fight which has disrupted local affairs since the first of the year. From the time that the mayor was elected he has been badgered and opposed by the majority of the council; his appointments of marketmaster and city engineer were not confirmed, and at a special election his removal power was practically removed. Although his appointment of O. C. Boggs as city attorney was confirmed following an investigation into the record of councilman Millar by that official, the Big Four was welded into the Big Six, and at the council meeting Tuesday night the city attorney was removed, after being in office three months. With his relinquishment of the appointive power mayor Eifert has neither the power of naming his officers nor removing them, and the responsibility for good government in Medford rests with the majority of the city council. --------
the public:
In reply to O. C. Boggs' open letter to councilmen Porter, Mitchell, Summerville, Campbell and Stewart in which he asks if they are competent to remove me, I wish to state that I will relieve the councilmen from any action of this kind by tendering my resignation as soon as possible after a jury in the circuit court has found me guilty of selling liquor to minors, in violation of the state law, city ordinances and my oath of office. I am not guilty of selling liquor to minors and do not fear the outcome of a fair and impartial trial such as I will receive in the circuit court.--Geo. H. Millar. Medford Sun, April 3, 1913, page 1 MAYOR EIFERT SACRIFICES HIMSELF
Eifert, to the surprise of many of his supporters, gave up the fight
last night and handed over the appointive power of his position to the
members of the city council.
There has been a great deal of talk recently about political conspiracies; perhaps the people of Medford will realize in time that mayor Eifert has been persecuted and thwarted and conspired against as has no city executive in the history of Medford. We have done what we could to aid the mayor, to secure him the authority that is necessary in the position, to allow him a chance either to make good or fail to make good, but for reasons stated in another column of this paper Mr. Eifert decided that he could not afford to continue the fight longer. Whatever the disappointments of his supporters may be, the only course before them and the people of Medford now is to accept the situation as it is and work together to bring order out of chaos and secure as good and efficient city government as is possible under the circumstances. Meanwhile mayor Eifert should receive the gratitude of all fair-minded people for the personal sacrifice which has made it possible for the warring factions to get together and harmony be restored. Medford Sun, April 3, 1913, page 4 Arthur H. Davis Makes Statement
the editor: As the father and guardian of Menno F. Davis, I wish to
bring before the public at large the sworn statement which was made by
councilman Geo. H. Millar, convicted of a crime of immorality, that my
son was a drinker and a drug fiend.
This statement was made by councilman Geo. H. Millar, in his sworn testimony, and the record of the trial of said councilman stands as proof of same. I wish through your paper to brand that statement as false and a smirch on the character of my son. In demanding the resignation of city attorney Boggs, the city council, in my estimation, put their stamp of approval on such men as convicted of immorality, because he is a councilman. Are the councilmen of Medford afraid that their closet door will be opened and that they will be placed in the limelight, that they want the city attorney to resign? Are they afraid to carry out their duty to enforce the laws of Medford, as they took their oath of office to do? If such is the case then it is time for those that have sons and daughters to get together and wipe such a council out of our midst, by compelling them to resign office and place men in their place that have the sand and backbone to enforce the law. This city of Medford cannot be run by a bunch of second-rate ward heelers, and be a safe place for the law-abiding community to bring up their family in. What does the curfew bell ring for if it is not for the protection of our children? What are the council doing if they put their stamp of approval on a councilman who has a lad bring trays of food to him at 12 and 1 o'clock at night to a rooming house that has the reputation that the Royal Rooming House has? I will ask the public at large if they would think that an officer of the law is not violating his oath of office when he has a boy of eighteen years go to a place of this repute and especially in the middle of the night. Yours
"The Sun's Letter Box," Medford Sun, April
J. G. Martin Unable to Endure
Fumes in City Hall
the editor: Last Tuesday evening I accepted a kind invitation from my
friend, Mr. G. W. Dow, of the Home Grocery, to accompany him to the
council meeting, it being our first visit to see and hear the evening
exercises by the big four or six that we have heard and read so much
about of late. It so happened we were a bit late in reaching the city
hall, which we found full of velvet tobacco smoke and jammed with many
of the business and representative citizens of the city minus ladies. I
got lost from my friend Dow, and in the next half hour I was firmly
anchored and wedged in tight as the proverbial sardine. At this point I
began to realize my cramped and uncomfortable position and the foul
smoky surroundings, and at once began looking about me for a way of
escape. That looked both difficult and discouraging, for I felt as
though I was growing more and more like a U.S. revenue postage stamp.
But the thoughts of freedom and fresh air encouraged me to make a start for the street, but on turning suddenly around I collided with a lady with my whole system so full of smoke I was unable to apologize although extremely modest in the presence of ladies. I almost fainted while trying to squeeze by her, but I finally reached the street where I found about 250 interested citizens waiting to get a seat or standing room in the city council chamber. They at once asked about room. Disappointed in my first visit to Medford's city hall, for I expected a good, clean, comfortable seat and try and form an unbiased impression of the doings of our city fathers, perhaps mixed with a little fun and excitement something like the Apache Indians when they go on the warpath, but it was not to be, so I hurried home to wait for the newsy morning Sun and see what external injuries I had received in the jam. I found my front side, back side, right and left side badly bruised, and am now laid up for repairs waiting patiently for another city election with a square deal to the entire city. J. G.
"The Sun's Letter Box," Medford Sun, April
5, 1913, page 4
Assistants for Mayor Eifert Named with Speed and Harmony.
Or., April 5.--(Special.)--With the appointive power of the Mayor in
their hands the City Council went through the formality of naming his
honor's assistants tonight with a celerity and harmony which has not
been seen in municipal affairs since the fight against Mayor Eifert
started at his election last January.
R. B. McCabe was appointed City Attorney, J. F. Hittson, chief of police; E. J. Runyard, city market master, and O. Arnspiger, city engineer. With the exception of the first-named all the appointees were held over from the former administration of Mayor Canon. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 6, 1913, page 6 Circuit Court
George H. Millar vs. the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. W. W.
Eifert as mayor and ex-officio judge of the city court of the city of
Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. Writ of review. Petition for writ of
review, order to issue writ of review and undertaking filed.
"Court House News," Ashland Tidings, April 10, 1913, page 1 MEDFORD MAYOR IS DEAD
William Eifert, Prominent Elk, Found in Rear of Tailor Shop.
Or., Sept. 2.--(Special.)--William Eifert, aged 52, mayor of this city,
was found dead in the rear of his tailor shop about 9 o'clock tonight.
It is supposed his death was caused by heart trouble.
Mr. Eifert came to Medford about ten years ago from Akron, O. He was a past exalted ruler of the Elks. He leaves a widow, one son, a Southern Pacific fireman, and five daughters. Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 3, 1913, page 1
STRICKEN IN HIS STORE WHILE ON WAY TO COUNCIL. HEART FAILURE IS THE CAUSE Deceased Was Formerly Member Ashland Lodge, B.P.O.E. and Has Many Friends Among Local Elks Who Mourn His Death.
W. Eifert, mayor of Medford, died suddenly in his place of
business Tuesday evening. The Sun
of Wednesday morning says:
"The last summons came between the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock Tuesday night, in the workshop of his place of business on West Main Street. Heart disease was the cause of death, as far as a cursory examination by Dr. R. W. Clancy could determine. Particularly pathetic is his sad end. A daughter is on a honeymoon, and his wife is an invalid, in poor health, for whom fears are felt when the news is broken. "Mayor Eifert left his house at 7:15 o'clock to attend a regular meeting of the city council. He stopped at his tailor shop, and the Death Angel called. The council adjourned after he failed to appear. The news of his death fell with a heavy pall on the community. "The body was discovered at 9:50 o'clock by D. Flynn, a boy 16 years old, whose brother, A. A. Flynn, occupies the same building. He entered the store to telephone and found Mayor Eifert lying on the floor by his work bench in the rear of the building. Frightened, he called Sergeant Pat Mego, who investigated and called Deputy Coroner John A. Perl. Life was extinct. "Death was painless. He was in his coat sleeves, his coat lying on the bench, where he had arranged pieces of cloth. The first attack came when he was seated on the bench, and, weakened, he fell to the floor. Everything was in order. "Tuesday the stricken executive was in good health. At the close of the day he went to his home, leaving for the council meeting. The funeral arrangements will be made today, the Elks and other fraternal orders of which he was a member taking charge of the last sad rites. A proclamation will be issued by the city authorities. "A large family survives, a wife, five daughters, Marie, Ethel, Mrs. Frank Isaacs, Mrs. William Barnum, and Mrs. J .J. Buchter who is in San Francisco on a honeymoon, being married Sunday, and a son, Justin." Mr. Eifert was prominent in fraternal circles, having been a Mason, a K. of P. and an Elk. He was for several years a member of Ashland Lodge, No. 944, B.P.O.E., holding every office except exalted ruler. He was past exalted ruler of Medford lodge at the time of his death. Ashland Tidings, September
4, 1913, page 1
Medford Business Houses Closed Friday Afternoon for W. W. Eifert Funeral.
the business houses of Medford were closed Friday afternoon while the
business men and citizens of that city paid their last tribute to the
memory of the late W. W. Eifert, mayor of the city, who died suddenly
Tuesday evening last while on this way to the regular meeting of the
city council.
The funeral was largely attended and was conducted under the beautiful ritual of the Elks, the Knights of Pythias attending in a body. The city council at its meeting Friday evening postponed the election of a mayor until a special meeting to be called later. There are several parties talked of for the position. Ashland Tidings, September 8, 1913, page 1 Mrs. W. W. Eifert and daughters Marie and Ethel leave this afternoon on an eight months' visit to friends and relatives in Ohio and Indiana and other eastern points. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 23, 1915, page 2 Early Medford Telephone Operator
Recalls Some Experiences
Many are the tales a telephone operator of
the early days could tell--if she would talk.Mail Tribune Staff Writer She worked before the word "automation" was coined. She worked in an era when the "wonderful invention" needed a warm heart and sympathetic ear as well as human hands to keep it operating in the manner to which patrons so quickly became accustomed. With these statements, Mrs. H. R. Burk of 111 King St., Medford, agrees. She is the former Edna Eifert, one of Medford's earliest telephone operators--one of the first voices to respond to "Hello Central." When the exchange was new and communications poor, she often had to repeat the conversation for both participants. Had To Be Trusted "Central," as she was called--and she was frequently called--just had to be trusted, and she could be. The "hello" girl's lips were sealed then--and Edna's are today. "VIP" and "top secret" were not in her vocabulary, but observance of the Golden Rule was in her character. Considering the exodus of families into this valley from the East when Mrs. Burk was with the telephone company, it is no wild supposition to believe that there were many long distance calls put through the Medford exchange. There were many romances in the making and in the breaking. Many big financial deals were being "firmed up" in Medford's "Boom Days." Mrs. Burk could probably write a book with a different angle on Southern Oregon history, just by quoting those conversations, but anyone who thinks she is about to betray that trust is just a dreamer. Will Not Be Told The persons involved may be "no longer of this world," but their conversations on the Bell telephone will not be told. There were several telephone companies in early Medford, present files of Pacific Northwest Bell reveal. There was the old Sunset Company, probably the first; the Pacific States Company and the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company. It was for Pacific that Edna worked. There were two telephone directories during one period of the early 1900s with telephone exchanges in Medford and Ashland. The fire department and the police department had numbers with each. If the person reporting a fire or trying to call police failed to get a response from the number in Directory No. 1, the patron was advised to "call Central" and ask for the Directory No. 2, number. In Drug Store When Edna became operator, the switchboard was in the back of Strang's drug store on Main Street. It was Charles Strang, father of Fred Strang of Medford, who got the exchange established here. It failed to serve more than 15 or 16 patrons until he granted free tolls to Jacksonville, then the county scat. The exchange remained in the drug store until 1908, when it was moved to North Central Ave., the present location of the Western Thrift store. "Hello, Edna," was the common greeting in those days. The joys, the sorrows of many families were reported to Central. Narrow escapes from disaster and death were sometimes made possible by the telephone girl. Recalls Hearing Voice Edna recalls a voice whispering, "I'm so sick." She immediately knew from whom the call had come and summoned the woman's husband. He arrived at his home in time to bring her out of a heart attack. He later told the operator he asked his wife why she hadn't called him and she replied, "I knew Edna would find you." In town, all calls came through "Central." Knowing this, the reporter asked Edna a number of questions regarding Medford events and people. Her repeated answer was, "I can't tell you about that." Her husband, a former Salem resident who came to Medford as building superintendent for construction of the Jackson County courthouse annex, thinks it is quite a coincidence that his first wife was also a telephone operator in the early life of a communication system. She was Nancy Crabtree, first switchboard operator in Cambridge, Iowa. Some families go through life floating along on the edge of the stream or just treading water in the quiet pools. Others seem destined to swim in the main current all the way. As a result their names become linked with history--of a business, of a town or a nation--dependent upon the area of their endeavors. They are participants in events that will be remembered; associates of persons, successful and unsuccessful, but known. The Eifert family was one of these. When Edna was a young girl in Ohio her father was a Democrat. There are still Democrats in Ohio and there's nothing so memorable about that. But since he was a Democrat when the famous Commoner, William Jennings Bryan, was running for president, and his daughter Edna was invited to sing on the same platform with the "silver-tongued orator," it is remembered. A tour to Niagara Falls in 1901 with the chorus from her college was not a momentous occasion, in itself. But when the chorus arrived to hear that the President of the United States had been shot by an anarchist just 1½ hours earlier in nearby Buffalo, that, too, was not to be forgotten. President McKinley, a native of Ohio, died a week after the shooting to go down in history as another "assassinated President." Mrs. Burk was a student at Ohio Northern University at Ada on that September day in 1901. The university must have been, even at the turn of the century, a school which offered a wide program. For, although Mrs. Burk was a music major, she was prepared in the commercial field, too. Coming to Medford, she operated the telephone company's switchboard. She later supervised the telephone operators, was bookkeeper for Warner, Wortman and Gore, one of the city's largest groceries; cashier and bookkeeper for Hutchison and Lumsden general mercantile store, operator of the U.S. post office substation on Bartlett Street and secretary to the carpenter's local union. Ready To Repeat Knowing people in all sections of Jackson County, she was rated as the cub reporter's best friend. She was always ready to report visitors from the Applegate, Brownsboro, Ashland, Gold Hill and Prospect when "towning" was regarded as news in the Local and Personal column. The Eifert family, W. W. Eifert, who became mayor of Medford, Mrs. Eifert, their five daughters and one son, came to Medford at the insistence of Charley and Callie Palm, who had arrived earlier. Mrs. Palm was Mr. Eifert's sister. Their stories of the Southern Oregon country led the Eiferts to hire a coach on the Southern Pacific and start west. Medford was about the size of Ada, but Ada was old and Medford was new and Ada was a college town. The Eiferts soon found, however, that there was a migration into Jackson County of "people interested in the better things of life." Their daughters had been given the "advantages," training in elocution and music. Edna soon moved into the productions of the Andrews Opera Company, church choirs and lodge functions. She, also, sang at funerals. Refuses To Sing "People who think there is race prejudice here now should have been here then," she commented last week. "There was one Negro family in town. The man's wife died. The regular soloist for the undertaking parlor refused to sing at a Negro funeral." The late John Perl, whose funeral home was then on Bartlett St., came to Edna. "Of course, I'll sing," she remembers telling Perl. Later the grateful Negro came to pay her. She refused to take the money but at Christmas was recipient of a "beautiful gift" from him. The first movie theater Edna remembers in Medford was the old Savoy, at which she sang. It was located on North Front St. The words of songs were flashed on the screen. She also sang at the Page Theater on East Main at Bear creek. It was gutted by fire in the 1920s. Glamorous Moment One of her most "glamorous moments," however, was singing the role of the Queen in "Iolanthe," which was presented at the fairgrounds by the Andrews Opera Company under auspices of the Greater Medford Club. Her costume was shipped from San Francisco for the production. The opposite in costuming was experienced when she consented to fill in as Katisha in "The Mikado." The singer to be imported for the role failed to appear. Edna had been playing one of the Three Little Maids in an attractive makeup. She still remembers the comments of the late James Stevens, who got her ready for the part. Another treasured recollection of her singing career takes her back to World War I. She was a member of a chorus invited to sing with Madame Schumann-Heink when the famous opera star came to Ashland to raise funds for the American Red Cross. Madame Schumann-Heink, who had sons in the American army, the German army and the German navy, sang in camps and for Red Cross chapters throughout the United States. Entertainment was through participation in the early 1900s. Recalls Serenades Edna recalls the many occasions upon which her sister, Jessie, now Mrs. E. N. Eldridge of Medford; Jessie's former husband, Bill Barnum, and Leon Hanna, brother of former Circuit Judge H. K. Hanna of Jacksonville, used to serenade her and her friends. The Barnums, who owned and operated the Rogue River Valley railroad, had a "Briscoe" car, which was the pride of father W. S. Barnum. His son and daughter-in-law used it as conveyance for their serenading tours with accordion and saxophone. For (she can't remember how many) years Edna sang in the Presbyterian church choir, which she also directed. Her mezzo-soprano voice is remembered by many persons who were in the congregation when she, standing on the balcony, led the singing of "God Bless America" during World War II. As grand warder of the Order of Eastern Star, she attended the Grand Chapter meeting in Portland in 1926 and sang "Open the Gates of the Temple." She is past worthy matron of Reames chapter in Medford. A reference to the Eifert family recently appeared in the Mail Tribune "Flight of Time" column. Dated Sept. 5, 1913, it read: "Funeral services for Mayor W. W. Eifert, largest in city's history." Medford Mail Tribune, October
6, 1963, page 6
Eifert Daughters Have Reunion
Summer, the time for reunions, recently brought together four daughters
of an early Medford mayor, Will W. Eifert, who came to the Rogue River
Valley in 1902 from Ada, Ohio.
The ages of the four daughters add up to 337 years. The eldest, Mrs. Edna Burk of Medford, observed her 90th birthday in March. The youngest, Mrs. George (Marie) Crosbie of Concord, Calif., is 79. The in-between sisters, Mrs. E. N. (Jessie) Eldridge of Medford, and Mrs. Merritt (Ethel) Schoonover of Portland, are 88 and 80 years of age, respectively. All were entertained at a family party at the home of Mrs. Eldridge's son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. William L. Barnum, 245 Yale Drive. It was the first time they had been together for, no one could say exactly how many, many years. They reviewed a lot of Medford history unknown to the other guests, covering the years of 1902 to 1975. The operas, the show business, railroading, politics and lodges were covered in their reminiscing. Mrs. Burk and Mrs. Eldridge are both 50-year members of Reames chapter, Order of Eastern Star. They have made Medford their home since they came from Ohio with their parents, Will W. and Rose Eifert. Their father was mayor when he died in 1913. There were two other members of the family, a brother, Justin Eifert, who moved to the Roseburg area, and Mrs. John J. (Cleone) Buchter, who remained in Medford, both deceased. The way their mother managed to continue the rearing of a family of six, in a state she had known for just 11 years when she became a widow, drew the most praise in the foursome's conversation. Medford Mail Tribune, July 27, 1975, page B2 Last revised June 23, 2022 |