Medford Pioneers: Clarence
Retiring from Trade after 46 Years, C. I. Hutchison Recalls Horse and Buggy Era of Tiny Town By Maude Pool
was of the old days, when farm families drove to town in the wagon and
felt free to talk to their grocer about the new baby and the bean crop,
that C. I. Hutchison, retired pioneer merchant of Medford, spoke today
when reviewing his long and successful business career.
About 40 years "behind the counter," Mr. Hutchison closed out his mercantile business at 31 North Bartlett Street last week, and is looking forward to more time for his personal interests, which he says have been sadly neglected. "Prior to 1910 I knew where nearly every one of my customers lived in this county, whether it was on Trail, Elk Creek or the Applegate," this pioneer recounted. "I had been up all those streams and visited the people in their homes. When they came to town they brought their lunches--oh, many a lunch has been eaten in our store," Mr. Hutchison related with pride during an interview at his beautiful home at 1306 West Main Street. "I've known those farmers who worked hard at planting and harvesting their beans by hand, hauling them to town to sell them for only 2½ cents a pound." Friendly Business.
It was to
this close personal
contact that he gave credit for cementing friendships and building up a
successful business. In those earlier years the firm of Hutchison
& Lumsden
served not only Rogue River Valley, but eight- or 12-horse teams drove
down from Burns, Prineville, Klamath Falls and northern California for
supplies."I was born in Indiana, and in 1889 Mrs. Hutchison and I came to Oregon. We came here to grow up with the country and to take our chances in the far West," he commented. "I did various kinds of work and was employed by another merchant in town. Medford was a little town of 500 then, without lights, water, sanitation or ice. "In 1893, with a loan from my father and mother which I later paid back, I was able to go into business. My father was of the old school; he believed in a boy making his own way. That year stands out prominently. It was the year of the world's fair in Chicago and the panic of '93. I was in Chicago buying dry goods. Boots and shoes were purchased in St. Louis and groceries in Portland and San Francisco." Business Expanded.
Hutchison's business was
opened under the name of Cranfill & Hutchison, situated in the
Adkins building near the present M.M. Department Store on East Main
Street. It continued for five years, during which time a branch store
was opened in Central Point.After two years in the Adkins location, the firm rented space in the George Lindley building, erected in 1896, which Cranfill & Hutchison later bought. This was at 213 East Main Street, which is the present frontage of the men's department at Mann's. In 1898 the Cranfill partnership was terminated. H. U. Lumsden became a partner with Mr. Hutchison and remained so until his death in 1927. The business was continued at the Hutchison Mercantile Store, located on North Bartlett. Since the first telephones were installed in Medford, the company retained the same telephone number, 38, which is now used by the Maytag company occupying the Hutchison store space. Throughout the years, Mr. Hutchison has had Medford's best interests at heart. He related something of its early growth and boom in 1910. In the late '80s the Medford Commercial Club was organized, succeeding the Medford Board of Trade. This latter organization consisted of about 20 men, with Mr. Hutchison as president. Working in conjunction with the Southern Pacific Company, the group edited an elaborate booklet describing the advantages of Rogue River Valley. As a result, there was an influx of thousands from New York, Florida, Maine and all other sections, with many investing in orchards here. John D. Whitman and Joseph H. Stewart were considered the fathers of the orchard industry, having become established before the influx from the East. Among other members of this early commercial club were Charles Strang and the late W. I. Vawter and Dr. J. F. Reddy. Life Then Happy.
"We had a
happy life in Medford,"
this fine pioneer recalled, "because we had time to stop and greet our
friends. These days we are in too big a hurry in our autos. We have
lost real sociability, and we are missing much of life. When we go into
a big store to buy today, everything is mercenary and strictly
cold-blooded business."I wouldn't have the country go back in our standards of living, you understand, but I liked the old days," Mr. Hutchison philosophized. "We have merely exchanged neighborliness for what science gives us today. This is what we get when we grow up with the country. "In retiring from active business I want to thank our many, many patrons who, for so many years, have favored us with their patronage, many of whom began when we started and whose children, when grown up and married, also were customers of ours. And I want to thank the citizens of Medford and Rogue River Valley as well as of the surrounding country for the many favors extended to us during our years of business." Mr. Hutchison hopes to be able to turn to hunting and fishing before long, for which there was little time during his business career. "Yes, I hope I'll be able to swing a line out over the stream and to look down the sights of a gun to shoot a deer," he declared. Medford Mail Tribune, August
24, 1939, page 12
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Mr. Clarence Hutchison, of Keller, Troutman & Co.'s dry goods store, went to Rochester this morning where he will be married this evening to Miss Mattie Myers, daughter of Captain Ira B. Myers, of Peru. The ceremony will take place at the residence of a relative of the bride. Mr. Hutchison will return to this city tomorrow with his better half and immediately go to housekeeping in Mrs. Whitsett's house on Broadway. "City News," Logansport Pharos, Logansport, Indiana, November 17, 1887, page 5 Clarence Hutchison, late with Keller, Troutman & Co., contemplates locating in the South. "Personal Chroniclings," Logansport Chronicle, Logansport, Indiana, April 7, 1888, page 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchison are now living at Denver, Ind. "Personal Chroniclings," Logansport Chronicle, Logansport, Indiana, April 28, 1888, page 4 Clarence Hutchison and wife are in Medford, Oregon, their future home. "Chit Chat," Logansport Times, Logansport, Indiana, October 12, 1888, page 8 Mr. T. W. Hutchison and wife, of Denver, Col. [sic], who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Metzger, of Clay township, departed yesterday for Medford, Ore., to visit their son Clarence. "City News," Logansport Pharos, Logansport, Indiana, June 3, 1890, page 4 C. I. Hutchison during the week entertained his father and mother, F. W. Hutchison and wife of Denver, Indiana. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 20, 1890, page 2 To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchison, of Medford, Oregon, a girl. Mr. Hutchison was formerly a Logansport boy connected with Keller, Troutman & Co. Clarence is so highly elated over the advent that he proposes to start a chin beard at once. Logansport Journal, Logansport, Indiana, August 31, 1890, page 5
Hutchison having resigned his position in the general mercantile
business of the late Henry Smith and together with Mr. [Edward A.]
Welds, the patentee, will enter the field in the interest of the
[Medford Wire Brace Fence] company, and with their agents will make a
thorough canvass of the state of Oregon, and sell direct to the farmer
the exclusive right to use this fence on his premises.
"A New Corporation," Southern Oregon Mail, April 22, 1892, page 3 C. I. Hutchison has resigned his position with H. Smith & Co. and has taken the road in the interest of the Weld Wire-Brace Fence patent, going north on Tuesday evening. The Medford Wire-Brace Fence Company was organized at this place a short time since and articles of incorporation filed with the secretary of state and county clerk. The object of the organization is to dispose of rights to the Weld fence patent, conceded to be one of the most valuable inventions of modern times, and which is highly recommended by farmers and ranchers who have investigated its merits. The incorporators are E. A. Welds, president; C. I. Hutchison, vice-president and manager, and J. E. Enyart, secretary and treasurer. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1892, page 2 C. I. Hutchison reports the wire fence business booming in the Willamette Valley. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, June 3, 1892, page 3 C. I. Hutchison is back from his northern trip. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, June 24, 1892, page 3 C. I. Hutchison last week returned from his trip to the northward in the interest of the wire-brace fence works, and may be found at Henry Smith's. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 1, 1892, page 2 The Henry Smith store, which has been conducted so successfully for several years by Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Cranfill, will close its doors July 1st, and the goods that are on hand at that time will be boxed up and shipped to Wolf Creek, where the Smith Sons have a big mercantile establishment. About the middle of August the new firm of Cranfill & Hutchison will open out an immense stock of goods at the old stand. Mrs. Cranfill and C. I. Hutchison start for Chicago in a short time after the old business is closed out to select their stock of goods which will be replete in every line. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison of Medford, Oregon are the guests of relatives here.. "Denver," Logansport Times, Logansport, Indiana, August 4, 1893, page 1 Next Monday Messrs. Cranfill & Hutchison will begin moving the Smith stock of goods to the old store building on Front Street, and as soon thereafter as a new floor can be put in to their Seventh Street store they will open up their new stock of goods. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, August 25, 1893, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison returned last Saturday from their extended visit in the East. They report having had a delightful trip but [are] not at all loath to return again to the land of the glorious Rogue. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 25, 1893, page 3 New shelving and counters, as well as a new floor, are being put into the Cranfill & Hutchison building on Seventh Street. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 8, 1893, page 3 ![]() September 15, 1893 Medford Mail It does not require an overly keen eye to notice the big ad of Cranfill & Hutchison, on the opposite page. These gentlemen have recently opened their entirely new stock, which is undoubtedly as well assorted and complete a line of general merchandise as was ever brought to Medford. Their store is very nicely fitted throughout, and their goods are very attractive. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 3 Died--Lumsden.
In Portland, Oregon, Sunday morning, October 15, 1893,
D. J. Lumsden, aged sixty years and ten months.
Deceased is an uncle of C. I. Hutchison, of this city, and was at once time himself a resident of Medford, and at the time of his death he owned considerable property here. His malady was paralysis. During his stay in Medford he made a great many friends, and all will grieve over his demise. The funeral occurred Tuesday under the auspices of the G.A.R. post, of which he was a member. Medford Mail, October 20, 1893, page 3 C. I. HUTCHISON
Mail, July 14, 1893 et seq., page 1
Occupies one of Mr. Enyart's pleasant little cottages. The gentleman is
formerly from Peru, Indiana, is a member of the new mercantile firm of
Cranfill & Hutchison, of this city, and is now in Chicago
goods for the firm.
Mrs. J. B. Myers, of Peru, Indiana, and stepmother of Mrs. C. I. Hutchison, is visiting in Medford for several days. The lady is making a tour of many western points and from here will visit the midwinter fair. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 2, 1894, page 3 Merchant C. I. Hutchison returned Saturday evening from a week's hunting and fishing tour at the headwaters of Pleasant Creek. While there he was the guest of his friend, Chas. Reaser, and by him was chaperoned to various points of interest. It had been Hutch's ambition to gaze upon the dens of the bear which are plentiful thereabouts, but about five feet of snow lying between him and their habitation was an obstacle he declined to surmount. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 2 The picnic held yesterday afternoon, at Zollinger's grove, near Adams station, was one at which intoxicating liquor was sold and as a consequence no less than fifteen fights took place between 2 o'clock and dark. Beer flowed like water, and finally the management of the picnic became frightened lest someone would be killed. About 1,000 persons from this city attended. Drunken women staggered about the grounds and challenged anybody and everybody to fight. Finally, about 2 o'clock, Frank Hutchison, of this city, was hit in the breast with a beer glass by a woman and retaliated by starting in to put the woman and three of her chums out of the grounds. He knocked one of them down, and a free-for-all fight was soon "on." Four special police hustled Hutchison to the other side of the grounds, followed by a crowd crying "kill him," "kill him," at every step. Hutchison was given a ticket and sent home, or he might have been badly hurt. "Disgraceful Affair," Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, July 5, 1895, page 1 Death of Mrs. Hutchison.
Mrs. D. L. Metsker, of the East End, has received notice of the death
of her only sister, Mrs. F. W. Hutchison, in Medford, Oregon. Mrs.
Hutchison, who had been in ill health, went to Oregon two years ago in
hopes of improvement in the climate. Her health was not benefited,
however, and she died after a protracted illness. Mrs. Hutchison
formerly lived at Denver, Ind., and is well known in Miami and Cass.
She was identified with the Baptist Church all her life and was an
earnest worker. Her remains will be interred in Medford. With her death
Mrs. Metsker is the only survivor of a family of six sisters and one
Logansport Reporter, Logansport, Indiana, March 3, 1896, page 3 News was received here Monday of the death of Mrs. Mollie Hutchison of Medford, Oregon. Mrs. Hutchison was formerly a resident of Denver[, Indiana] and has a host of friends here who mourn her death. She was a true woman in every sense of the word, and richly deserved the high esteem in which she was held. The sympathy of all their friends is extended to the bereaved husband and son. "Denver," Logansport Times, Logansport, Indiana, March 6, 1896, page 1 Frank Hutchison and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palm left the first of the week for Crescent City, Calif. to spend a month by the sounding sea. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 6, 1896, page 3 There has been a deal of shifting about among a number of Medford's householders this week, and part of last. To start out with, merchant C. I. Hutchison moved his family to his new residence out in Southwest Medford last Friday. F. V. Medynski moved his family into the residence vacated by Mr. H. on Monday, and the same day W. S. Barnum moved into his new residence, corner D and Sixth streets, and his former residence, corner D and Fifth streets, is now occupied by merchant W. S. Stevens. To keep up with the procession Rev. A. S. Foster has moved into the Narregan residence--vacated by Mr. Stevens. Joe Hill has also shifted places of abode. He now occupies the Noland residence, corner Fourth and D streets. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 4, 1896, page 7 Messrs. Cranfill & Hutchison have leased Mr. Lindley's new brick building, and as soon as it is completed, which will be in about a month, they will move their present stock of goods thereto and will add new goods to the lines already handled and in addition to these they will put in clothing. They expect to occupy the entire 140 feet with shelving and counters; this, however, provided warehouse room can be secured across the alley from the rear of the store. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 25, 1896, page 7 Wednesday marked the completion of G. P. Lindley's fine new brick, or rather the first floor, which is to be occupied by Cranfill & Hutchison, who are engaged this week in moving their large stock of goods thereto. The building is undoubtedly one of the most substantial in Southern Oregon, both inside and out. The main store room is just an even hundred feet in length, with a forty-foot store room in the rear and is furnished with fine counters and shelving. The fixtures throughout are natural wood--sugar pine--which has been made to glisten like glass by the artistic touch of the brush wielded by painter J. W. Ling. The windows are of fine French plate glass, furnished by Boyden & Nicholson, hardware dealers. The workmanship, from the laying of the first brick to the last blow of the hammer, is as nearly perfect as one generally sees. The second floor is partitioned off for office rooms, and these are commodious and well lighted as is all the rest of the building. It cost, complete, about $6000. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 13, 1896, page 7 Now Located in New Quarters.
is with a feeling akin to pleasure that we are permitted to call the
attention of our customers and the public generally, that the steadily
increasing patronage which has been so liberally bestowed upon us
during the past three years has necessitated our removal to a larger
and more commodious place of business. The rapid strides which have
marked the growth of our little city have also evidenced the growth of
our business in a like proportion--for which fact we are profoundly
grateful--and we assure you, one and all, that we shall continue to
exert our best efforts to please you, and that a continuance of the
confidence shown in us will be fully appreciated. We wish to call your
attention to a few facts concerning our new quarters, which we believe
will be of interest to you. Our main salesroom is just an even one
hundred feet in length, which is filled from floor to dome with
merchandise. Our shoe department alone occupies 900 feet of shelving,
running length. There are 3500 pairs of boots and shoes, representing
$6000. Besides this, we have placed orders for several hundred more
pairs, which will be here soon. Our dress and piece goods department
occupies 400 feet of shelving running length, and contains a large and
varied assortment of the newest and latest dress patterns. We are sure
that the ladies will be interested in this department. Our grocery
department occupies six sections and is well stocked with both staple
and fancy groceries. We extend you, one and all, a cordial invitation
to call and see us, whether you wish to buy or not. We will take
pleasure in showing you through our store. Again thanking you for your
patronage in the past, and hoping that you may see fit to continue the
same, we are,
Medford Mail, November
20, 1896, page 7CRANFILL & HUTCHISON. E. M. Shafer, of Oshkosh, Wis., was in Medford for a few days this week, upon a visit to Mrs. Shafer, who is here visiting her sister, Mrs. C. I. Hutchison. Mr. Shafer is a traveling salesman for a Chicago burial goods house. His home is now in Oshkosh, but he is contemplating a move to Los Angeles or San Francisco. He stops only at the larger cities and in his travels covers all the states between Illinois and the coast. He is quite a large gentleman and always wears a silk hat, which two facts have caused him much amusement when on the road. In one town in Minnesota he was taken for ex-President Cleveland and given a good part of an ovation, which had been prepared for Mr. Cleveland, before the mistake was noticed--Mrs. Cleveland, who was expected to arrive, having by that time arrived on a special. At another time in old Mexico, a crowd of Indians gathered around him like flimflammers about a rural couple on circus days--the silk hat being a curio to them--and they didn't do a thing but guy the "heap big pale face" with the scalp protector. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 23, 1897, page 6 Messrs. Boyden & Nicholson, the hardware men, have leased the Adkins brick salesroom formerly occupied by Cranfill & Hutchison, and are now moving their stock thereto. The new building will give them more room and will be a much pleasanter place in which to do business. The room has been overhauled and fitted to suit the line of goods they handle. These gentlemen are building up a good business, which fact is the whyforeness of the necessity of increased space. They have a new ad in today's Mail. "A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, April 30, 1897, page 7 The firm of Cranfill & Hutchison of Medford has been dissolved. The stock of goods will be divided and both gentlemen will engage in business on his own account, Mr. Cranfill occupying Angle & Plymale's brick. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 10, 1898, page 3 H. U. Lumsden has purchased an interest in the mercantile business of C. I. Hutchison. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1898, page 3 ![]() ![]() A Hutchison & Lumsden advertising card, 1898, SOHS M44C1 "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1898, page 2 C. I. Hutchison left for Pasadena, Calif. a few days since, to visit his wife, who for several months past has been attending her sister, Mrs. Schafer, who is ailing with consumption. "Medford
Squibs," Democratic
Times, Jacksonville, January 19, 1899, page 3
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison returned one day last week from Pasadena, Calif., where the latter has been attending her sister, Mrs. Schafer, who is critically ill with consumption, for several months past. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 20, 1899, page 3 Mrs. C. I. Hutchison is being visited by her brother, H. B. Myers, an expert jeweler, who may conclude to locate here. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 6, 1899, page 3 Merchant C. I. Hutchison is having a 12x18-foot addition built to his residence, in West Medford, the same to be used for kitchen, pantry and bath room. E. W. Starr is doing the carpenter work. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 30, 1900, page 7 Messrs. Hutchison & Lumsden have a window display of shoes that's worth anyone's time in looking at. Their salesman, Mr. McGowan, is truly an artist in window decorating. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 6 Hon. and Mrs. Ira B. Myers, of Indiana, arrived in Medford this week for a four or six weeks' visit with their daughter, Mrs. C. I. Hutchison, and family, and their son, jeweler H. B. Myers. Mr. Myers is U.S. Consul at St. Johns, New Brunswick, and is taking a vacation and making a tour of the coast states. He has held his present position for four years, but prior to that he held a prominent government position on the Pacific coast.. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 6 Out at the pleasant home of merchant and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison there were assembled, on Wednesday evening of this week, some seventy-odd friends of these good people--who had been invited to this always-hospitable and congenial home to meet the Honorable Ira B. Myers and Mrs. Myers, parents of the hostess, who are here visiting from St. Johns, New Brunswick, at which place Mr. Myers is United States Consul. The evening, from eight until eleven, was very agreeably spent in pleasant converse, in listening to vocal and instrumental music and in taxing the brain while endeavoring to answer questions propounded on cards, the answers to which were found upon a copper cent, a piece of money of this denomination having been attached to each of the cards by a cord. The judges in this contest were Rev. Crandall, Prof. Narregan and Mr. Bliton, and the awards were to Miss Barneburg and Miss Webber, the former receiving the first prize, a fine purse, and the latter the consolation prize, which was a card bearing a few consoling words, which in street parlance was intended to "jolly" the recipient on to greater efforts in similar contests. A delicious luncheon of ice cream and cake was served at tables in rooms adjoining the reception halls. The rooms were beautifully decorated in profusion with locust blossoms and roses. On the lawn, and near the hall entrance, was pitched a tent, which, for convenience and the want of a better name was christened "Hutch's booth." It was in reality Mr. Hutchison's smokehouse, where his gentlemen friends refreshed themselves with fragrant Havanas, and near which both the ladies and gentlemen refreshed themselves at the fountain with strawberry punch. As a whole the evening was a most enjoyable one, and those present were glad of the opportunity offered to meet our town's distinguished visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Myers, and to do so amid such congeniality and good fellowship. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 31, 1901, page 7 Hon. and Mrs. Ira B. Myers, after a pleasant visit of several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. C. I. Hutchison and family, and their son, Harry B. Myers, left Saturday evening for their home at St. Johns, New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Myers made many friends during their visit here, who hope they will return to Medford at some future day. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 6 Medford, Oregon, is located in the Rogue River Valley, which is covered with great prune, pear, apple, peach and almond bearing orchards, some of which have two hundred acres of trees, the limbs of which are breaking with fruit. It is a land of roses and beautiful flowers, and of cultivated and educated people, refined and social, and keeping abreast of the times. She has many gold-producing mines surrounding her, and her fields produce an abundance of wheat, hay, corn, oats and garden products. The climate is a happy mean between the hot weather of Southern California and the cold winters of Washington. The currents which sweep the coast of Japan modifying and tempering her temperature, and beautiful mountains, some of which are snow-capped, sit round the valley, producing a magnificent panorama of scenery. Medford is the home of many old "Miami" [Indiana] people, among whom I met Frank Hutchison, Joseph Merley, my son-in-law, Clarence Hutchison, and my children, Harry and Mattie [Myers Hutchison]. Clarence has a large dry goods and general store, and Harry [Myers] has a jewelry store, both of whom are doing a nice business. Mr. Merley has a nice fruit farm, and with looking after that and preaching the gospel, his time is actively taken up. Ira B. Myers, "Across the Continent," Peru Republican, Peru, Indiana, July 5, 1901, page 6 Merchant C. I. Hutchison has recently built a neat little barn on his resident property in West Medford. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 1, 1901, page 6 In renewing for the Republican Frank W. Hutchison, of Medford, Oregon, writes that times are good and money plenty in that country. That they have had a very fine fruit crop in Oregon and sold it at big prices "Small Talk," Peru Republican, Peru, Indiana, December 6, 1901, page 5 Merchants C. I. Hutchison and H. U. Lumsden are over Steamboat way this week in quest of bear and other small game. Their friends will be deluged with hair-breadth escapes from chipmunks and vicious deer upon their return. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 6 Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Lumsden entertained a few of their friends at their pleasant home, corner of North B and Sixth streets, on Tuesday evening of last week. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McGowan, attorney and Mrs. W. I. Vawter, Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb, Miss Pearl Webb and Mrs. G. L. Davis. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 7 Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb and Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison returned yesterday from their quiet lengthy visit in Los Angeles. Mr. Webb's health is very much improved. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 6 F. W. Hutchison left Thursday evening for Seattle, for a visit with his sister. He will extend his trip to Minnesota and Indiana, and expects to be gone several months. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 19, 1902, page 7 Mrs. H. U. Lumsden and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison left for Colestin Sunday for a few weeks' stay--where cool, fresh mountain air, mineral water and Medford people predominate. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 15, 1902, page 6 Mr. Frank Hutchison, who has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Stewart, has returned to his home at Medford, Oregon. "Personal Mention," Kokomo Daily Tribune, September 22, 1902, page 5 F. W. Hutchison and his sister, Mrs. E. M. Lumsden, returned Friday from an extended trip north, south and east. They left Medford last spring and visited friends in Portland, Seattle, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Indiana, Chicago and points in Iowa and Ohio, coming back by the way of Southern California and stopping at Los Angeles, San Jose and San Francisco. While east they encountered all kinds of weather, from burning heat to disagreeable rains. They found many changes in their old home city--Minneapolis--and while having had an enjoyable trip, were heartily glad when they stepped from the train at Medford. Mr. Hutchison related that during the month of July last past, in Indiana, rain fell twenty-nine days out of the thirty-one in the month, and in Iowa during the seventeen days he was there rain fell on twelve of them. Speaking about precipitation, there does not seem to be anything wrong with Iowa and Indiana, but it comes in spells and they are all bad spells--for the people. For instance, a year ago last summer there was scarcely any rain at all during the whole season and all vegetation dried up, while last summer it was all wet and no dry. Old Oregon never in her whole history did a trick as mean as those two above mentioned. Here we get just a good bit of sunshine, just enough of rain--and then a heart that's glad. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 26, 1902, page 6 We have inadvertently neglected to mention that F. W. Hutchison and his sister, Mrs. Lumsden, recently returned from their trip east of the Rocky Mountains. They were gone six months and thoroughly enjoyed their visit. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 7, 1903, page 2
Miss Jessie Cole is cleverly filling the position of
saleslady at Hutchison & Lumsden's mercantile establishment.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1903, page 4 Mrs. C. I. Hutchison and daughter, Fern, of Medford, Oregon, who have been the guests of their cousin, Mrs. Charles R. Stewart, have gone to Logansport to visit other relatives. Kokomo Daily Tribune, July 10, 1903, page 5 Merchant H. U. Lumsden has invested in a new Reo five-passenger touring automobile. The car is now here, and Harold is working overtime learning the kinks peculiar to animals of the "honk" species. The auto is a facsimile of the one Mr. Hutchison has, which has proven itself to be about the smoothest-running machine which has ever hit the high places on Josh Patterson's good country roads. If Mr. Lumsden gets as much real enjoyment out of his car as Mr. Hutchison has his, he is going to have a pretty good time all the time. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1906, page 5 OREGON MEN WILL INVEST
Option Taken on 50,000 Acres of Land in Old Mexico.
Options on 50,000 acres of agricultural land lying 200 miles west of
the City of Mexico, in Old Mexico, have been gained by four Oregon men,
who will leave this evening on the Shasta Limited for the south to
complete the deal.
The men who hold the option are: George F. and Charles H. King, timber dealers of Portland, and C. I. Hutchison and H. U. Lumsden, both merchants of Medford. The land, it is said, is rich and adapted for raising and adapted for raising tropical fruits, or pasturage. If the deal is completed, the new owners will try to form a corporation which will keep the land intact. The price to be paid for the land is not announced. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 12, 1910, page 9 MEDFORD MEN VIEW BULL FIGHT
But They Are Not Much Enthused with the Entertainment-- Too Much Blood and the Bull Has Too Little Chance.
and Charles King, H. U. Lumsden and C. I. Hutchison are in Mexico
looking over some mining and timber investments. Having an opportunity
to see a genuine bull fight pulled off in the regular Spanish style,
they attended one at a big celebration near the city of Mexico the
other day.
Mr. Hutchison writes to his father, F. W. Hutchison, that while the exhibition was exciting, it wasn't particularly pleasant. Six bulls and 18 horses were killed. The horses were ridden into the ring blindfolded and had no chance to escape the sharp horns of the bulls. The bulls didn't have any more of a chance, for after three or four horses had been killed the matador put the quietus on the bull. One man was injured by his horse falling on him when the bull charged, and the bull was loudly applauded by the audience for the act. It didn't save him, however, from the fatal sword of the matador. The party expects to be in the interior of Mexico for several weeks before returning home. Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1910, page 2 Medford Packing House Burns.
Or., April 4.--(Special.)--The packing house belonging to Hutchison
& Lumsden, just outside the city limits of Medford, was burned
the ground this morning at 6 o'clock. Several hundred packing boxes
were stored in the building. The loss is estimated at $1500, with no
insurance. The cause of the fire is unknown.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 5, 1910, page 6 Mrs. C. I. Hutchison and daughter Miss Fern left last night for Portland, where Miss Fern will take up her musical studies for a couple of months. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 7, 1911, page 2 F. W. HUTCHISON, AN OLD PIONEER, PASSES AWAY
F. W. Hutchison, one of Jackson County's best-known pioneers, died at 6
o'clock last night at the residence of his son, C. I. Hutchison.
Francis William Hutchison was born August 5, 1838 near Dayton, O., being the oldest son of George and Cynthia Louise Hutchison. He was married to Mary Ann Brower, February 20, 1862, and to this union one son, C. I. Hutchison of Medford, was born. Mrs. Hutchison died March 2, 1896. Mr. Hutchison came west in 1893, and has made his home in Medford with his son since that time. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. E. M. Lumsden of Medford and Mrs. Rose E. Charles of Los Angeles. Three brothers are left to mourn the deceased, J. J. Hutchison of Florida, Warren M. Hutchison of Lagro, Ind., and Amos I. Hutchison of Warsaw, Ind. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at Perl's undertaking parlors. Medford Mail Tribune, January 12, 1921, page 8
Larkin Reynolds, the well-known contractor of this city, was operated
on for appendicitis at Sacred Heart Hospital on Monday. It will be
recalled that Mr. Reynolds served in the late war in France and Ireland
and was chief carpenter's mate at its close. He has been a contractor
here for years and previous to his illness was engaged in the
construction of "The Villa," the fine new home of C. I. Hutchison, West
Main and Ross Court, upon which work will be suspended until his
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1921, page 2 The bungalows built by Henry Callighan and Carl Bowman on South Holly Street and the C. I. Hutchison residence on West Main are nearly complete and ready for occupancy. "Building Boom Continues," Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1922, page 6 Mrs. Ray Harrison of Seattle is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison and family at the Hutchison home on West Main Street. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 11, 1922, page 2 Among the new residences under construction at the present time are the C. I. Hutchison place on the corner of West Main and Ross Court which, when finished, will be one of the finest residences in the city. . . . "New Building Boom in City Is Under Way," Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1921, page 1 The bungalows built by Henry Callaghan and Carl Bowman on South Holly Street and the C. I. Hutchison residence on West Main are nearly complete and ready for occupancy. "Building Boom in City Continues," Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1922, page 6 Among the handsome homes completed this year is that of C. I. Hutchison on West Main Street, costing close to $15,000. "Biggest Bldg. Boom History of Medford," Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1922, page 18 FERN HUTCHISON LIKED HER HUGE XMAS STOCKING
What Miss Fern Hutchison found inside her stocking Christmas morning
was not more surprising than the stocking itself, according to local
friends, who are still chuckling over Medford's champion Yuletide sock.
A giant peach-colored sock, the foot of which measured more than two feet long, and the top of which was 42 inches in circumference, was made by the girls in the Hutchison-Lumsden store Christmas Eve as a surprise to the lucky girl, who was going to receive a southern silver muskrat coat from Santa Claus. The sock originated in the mind of her daddy, C. I. Hutchison, but he gives credit for the execution to the girls of the store, with occasional suggestions to the men employees. The sock was telescoped with cardboard to make it stand out stiffly, and around the top was a huge red ribbon garter with an artistic bow. The beautiful fur coat was hung on the stocking, from the top of which oozed an enormous red ribbon flower. When Miss Fern marched into the living room on Christmas morning she found the stocking in front of the fireplace. After the first thrills and excitement were over she announced that she would hang up the same beautiful stocking every Christmas, and her father began to wonder whether or not it was a good idea after all. Medford Mail Tribune, December 28, 1927, page 2 C. I. HUTCHISON NOW SOLE OWNER PIONEER STORE
The dissolution of the old firm of Hutchison & Lumsden, general
merchandise, was announced today by C. I. Hutchison, who has taken over
the mercantile interests of the late H. U. Lumsden, after a partnership
lasting more than 35 years. The new business will be known as
Hutchison's Mercantile Store.
Mr. Hutchison assumes debts owed by the firm, and all accounts and notes due them are to be paid to the Hutchison & Lumsden account at the store. Aside from their partnership in the mercantile business, Hutchison and Lumsden were associated together in most of their property holdings in the city and valley. Among other real estate held in partnership by the two local men were the Hutchison & Lumsden building in which the store is located, and 40 acres of land in South Park. In spite of the growing tendency toward specialty stores, the Hutchison & Lumsden general merchandise store has continued to enjoy a wide patronage not only from Medford but from various sections of the valley, and has held a unique place among the business firms of Southern Oregon. Medford Mail Tribune, February 15, 1928, page 5 BIRTHDAY FLOWERS TO C. I. HUTCHISON
C. I. Hutchison, pioneer merchant of Medford, was surprised
yesterday noon by the employees of his department store, who presented
him with a huge basket of golden chrysanthemums upon his return from
lunch. The occasion was Mr. Hutchison's birthday.Although the "gang" loyally refused to divulge their employer's age in his absence yesterday, they did mention the fact that he had been in the mercantile business here since 1903. The basket of chrysanthemums was on display in the store throughout the afternoon yesterday. Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1928, page 6 Hard Times?--Local Folk Remember Real Hardships
flying, flying. The sun obscured by their wings for several days. All
crops eaten up. Those were hard times when Delroy Getchell, president
of the Farmers' and Fruitgrowers' Bank, was a little boy back in
Minnesota."The state of Minnesota repudiated; couldn't pay its obligations. Times aren't hard now!" Mr. Getchell exclaimed, when interviewed yesterday. "There's plenty of money in the banks, plenty in reserve. The only trouble is, people are waiting for a lower level to start building, spending it. "If people would spend money on things they need, things that should be done, the so-called depression would he broken in 30 days. Times aren't hard now. People just think they are. "Why, when I was a little boy, they killed the grasshoppers. New crops grew and the state of Minnesota carried on. Then came a cyclone--a real one, too. It killed 68 people, injured many and swept the Mississippi River dry between St. Cloud and Salt Rapids. Times were really hard then." They were also hard when Mrs L. O. Caster's father, T. B. Ellison, came here from Missouri with 25 cents in his pocket and five children to feed. "But he didn't complain about it," Mrs. Caster, in from Eagle Point to shop, told friends yesterday. "He had traded for a place near the 401 Ranch. What we didn't have we went without. Put up our own meat, raised cane, made sorghum, butter and bread. We didn't have any spending money and didn't go any place to spend it." "Those were the days when women wore red flannels and black corsets," C. I. Hutchison, local merchant, contributed. "They didn't spend 25 cents then where they spend dollars today. Had they gone in for any luxuries their troubles would have been mountains, where we have molehills. It is all a state of mind." Medford Mail Tribune, October 14, 1931, page 1 The Hutchison Mercantile Company, the oldest of its kind in the city, is moving to the building recently vacated by the Wm. Hammett Plumbing Company [31 N. Bartlett]. Hutchison Mercantile Company has been in the same building since it was first organized under the name of Hutchison & Cranfill, in 1896, 39 years ago. The name Cranfill was associated with the store for only a few years, at which time the ownership of part interest changed hands, and the name of Hutchison & Lumsden was taken. The firm operated under this name until about seven years ago, when, upon the death of Mr. Lumsden, September 8, 1927, the name became what it now is. It is the only general merchandise store of its kind in Medford. "Local Business Concerns Change to New Location," Medford Mail Tribune, January 20, 1935, page 3 Clarence Hutchison Funeral Thursday
Medford Mail Tribune, November 10, 1953, page 1 Funeral services for Clarence I. Hutchison,
89, pioneer Medford resident and former merchant, who died at a local
hospital Monday, will be held at Perl funeral home Thursday at 2 p.m.
with Rev. George R. V. Bolster, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church,
officiating. Entombment will be in Medford memorial mausoleum.
The deceased, who had been an Oregon resident continuously since 1890, was born in Denver, Ind., in 1864. He was associated with the firm of Hutchison and Lumsden in the general mercantile business here for many years. He was a member of Medford Masonic lodge and Hillah Temple of the Shrine. Survivors include his wife, Mattie, and a daughter, Fern Hutchison, Medford. MATTIE M. HUTCHISON
Mrs. Mattie M.
Hutchison, 87, Medford resident for 68 years, died in the family home
at 1306 W. Main St. Saturday evening.
Mrs. Hutchison was born in Peru, Ind., March 6, 1870. Her late husband, Clarence I. Hutchison, was one of the first grocers in Medford. His store was known as "Hutchison and Lumsden's." Mrs. Hutchison was a member of Reames Chapter 66, Order of Eastern Star. She is survived by her daughter, Miss Fern Hutchison, who lived with her mother. Funeral services will be held at the Perl funeral home at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday with Dr. D. Kirkland West of the First Presbyterian church, Medford, officiating. Burial will be in the Medford memorial mausoleum. Medford Mail Tribune, November 11, 1957, page 11 An application from Dwaine Smith, operator of Classic Studios, to operate a photographic studio as a home occupation in a multiple-family zone at 1306 West Main St., was approved by the commission after Smith agreed to abide by certain sign restrictions. "Home Business Request Is Approved," Medford Mail Tribune, August 12, 1962, page 6 Last revised February 18, 2024 |