![]() ![]() Medford Pioneers: Harold Union Lumsden Born
Lakeview, Minnesota on February 23, 1863, Harold Union Lumsden operated
a mercantile
business in Medford for over thirty-five years, thirty of those years
in partnership with Clarence
I. Hutchison. Lumsden was a former city
councilman, and at the time of his death was a city water commissioner
and vice-president of Jackson County Bank.
Death came to him on September 8, 1927 while
seated at
the breakfast table at his home at 610 South Holly. He was 64.
Mr. H. U. Lumsden, of Minneapolis, Minn., who has been at
Pass for several weeks, visited Ashland last Tuesday. He will return to
Minneapolis soon, and will undoubtedly take a favorable report of the
Southern Oregon climate.Elizabeth Freeman Lumsden died January 14, 1961, at the age of 95. She was born July 31, 1865, in Farmington, Minnesota, the daughter of Dr. T. N. and Jane Dennison Berlin. She was married in Farmington to Harold Lumsden on September 15, 1887. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, November 20, 1885, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Lumsden and their daughter Miss Carrie have returned from their extended visit to the eastern states. "Items from Medford," Valley Record, Ashland, December 27, 1888, page 3 A very pleasant surprise party was had at H. U. Lumsden's last Monday evening by their friends, who swooped down upon them unawares. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, January 10, 1889, page 3 D. J. Lumsden has gone to San Jose, Cal., to visit his wife. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, July 11, 1889, page 3 Mrs. Lumsden writes from the home of her late father in the East that he died soon after her arrival there in answer to the dispatch summoning her to his bedside. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 26, 1890, page 3 Miss Carrie Lumsden arrived from San Jose Friday of last week, and after visiting friends here a few days will continue on to Portland. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, May 6, 1892, page 3 D. J. Lumsden and family arrived from California a short time since and will spend a short time here. H. U. Lumsden and wife, who will make their future residence at Portland, are visiting their old home here. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 10, 1892, page 3 Died--Lumsden.
In Portland, Oregon, Sunday morning, October 15, 1893,
D. J. Lumsden, aged sixty years and ten months.
Deceased is an uncle of C. I. Hutchison, of this city, and was at once time himself a resident of Medford, and at the time of his death he owned considerable property here. His malady was paralysis. During his stay in Medford he made a great many friends, and all will grieve over his demise. The funeral occurred Tuesday under the auspices of the G.A.R. post, of which he was a member. Medford Mail, October 20, 1893, page 3 H. U. Lumsden of San Jose, Calif., a former resident of Medford, is here looking after his interests. He informs us that his father died suddenly of heart disease about a year since. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1894, page 2 H. U. Lumsden returned to Portland Wednesday evening. He has friends aplenty in Medford, and his visits are always welcome ones. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 3 H. U. Lumsden, who has been spending a few weeks in this section, has gone to Portland. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 26, 1894, page 2 Frank Amann has been busily engaged in putting down sidewalks during the past week, and completed six hundred and fifty feet of walk adjoining the Lumsden property in southwest Medford last week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 12, 1894, page 2 H. U. Lumsden, of Portland, and A. N. Berlin, of Kent, Washington, were in Medford several days this week looking after some city property interests. Mr. Berlin is a merchant in Kent, but like many another wise financier, has speculations in Medford. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 2 Another change has been made in the ownership of the Owl Grocery, this time the retiring gentlemen are W. P. H. Legate and John Morris, and the new owners are H. U. Lumsden and A. N. Berlin. Mr. Lumsden was a former resident of this city, and Mr. Berlin is from Kent, Washington, where he has been engaged in like business. Both are young men, possessed of good, sound business ability, and unless their looks and reputation greatly belie them they will be keen competitors for a goodly share of trade in their line. Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 3 W. P. H. Legate and John Morris have sold the Owl grocery store to H. U. Lumsden, who lately returned from California, and A. N. Berlin of Kent, Wash. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 2, 1894, page 2 Merchant H. U. Lumsden is at Portland this week .His family as well as the family of his partner, Mr. Berlin, will return with him. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 2 Merchant Berlin moved into his new C Street residence Wednesday. It's a very neat, cozy little home. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 19, 1894, page 3 At Lumsden & Berlin's is the place to get any kind of tobacco, cigars by the box a specialty--Hotel block. Wholesale and retail groceries. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 7, 1894, page 3 H. U. Lumsden and family, his mother, Mrs. D. J. Lumsden, and sister, Miss Carrie, arrived yesterday morning from Portland. They will reside permanently in Medford. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 2 Mrs. E. M. Lumsden and daughter, Miss Carrie Lumsden, arrived Sunday from their trip to Wyoming, Kansas and other eastern points to make their home in Medford again. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, September 20, 1894, page 3 Merchant A. N. Berlin has been ill a good part of this week--so ill as to make staying at home quite necessary. E. N. Warner has been working in team harness with Mr. Lumsden in the store during Mr. Berlin's, we hope, temporary absence. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 14, 1896, page 5 H. U. Lumsden and John Curry left for Portland Monday night where they go as delegates to the K. of P. grand lodge from Medford. "Personal," Medford Monitor-Miner, October 14, 1897, page 3 There is a new sign swinging in the breeze in Medford this week. H. U. Lumsden has purchased an interest in the C. I. Hutchison stock of general merchandise, and the new firm is Hutchison & Lumsden. Mr. Lumsden has been a resident and business man of our town for a number of years, and he has friends at every turn in the road who will be glad of an opportunity to do business with him in his new quarters. He is a good business man, an honorable citizen and is bound to do well in any line of business. The new firm is carrying an ad with The Mail, which can be found on another page. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 15, 1898, page 7 ![]() ![]() A Hutchison & Lumsden advertising card, 1898, SOHS M44C1 "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1898, page 3 Mrs. E. M. Lumsden, of Medford, Oregon, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Enyart. She will visit several weeks at her former home in Peru before returning to the Pacific Coast. Logansport Journal, Logansport, Indiana, July 10, 1898, page 1 Mrs. E. M. Lumsden, of Medford, Oregon, is visiting Charles Enyart and family, of the Northside. She will also visit several weeks at her former home in Peru before returning to the Pacific Coast. "Additional Items," Logansport Pharos, Logansport, Indiana, July 11, 1898, page 3 Mrs. E. M. Lumsden returned home Sunday from her quite extended eastern trip. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 30, 1898, page 7 Messrs. Hutchison & Lumsden have a window display of shoes that's worth anyone's time in looking at. Their salesman, Mr. McGowan, is truly an artist in window decorating. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 6 C. R. Buckman, of Casper, Wyoming, was in Medford last week visiting H. U. Lumsden and family. Mr. Buckman, who is a cousin of Mr. Lumsden, is an extensive stock raiser of Wyoming, and was on his way home from attendance at the recent woolgrowers' convention at Salt Lake City, Utah. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 6 H. U. Lumsden and wife are visiting relatives in Seattle. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 21, 1901, page 3 Little Ruth, daughter of merchant and Mrs. H. U. Lumsden, is quite seriously ill with fever. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 6 J. Berlin, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, arrived in Medford last Friday for an extended visit with his sister, Mrs. H. U. Lumsden. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 24, 1901, page 6 Mrs. E. M. Lumsden, who has been sojourning at Los Angeles, Calif. for several months, returned to her home in this city last Friday evening. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 6 Merchant H. U. Lumsden and family and Miss Fern Hutchison left this (Friday) morning for Pelican Bay, Crater Lake and other points of interest east of the mountains. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 16, 1901, page 6 Merchant H. U. Lumsden and family returned Sunday evening from a ten days' swing around the circle--Pelican Bay, Seven Mile, Ft. Klamath and Crater Lake."Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6 Will Jackson has taken a position as assistant bookkeeper at the Medford Bank. He is a very competent young man and well versed in the duties required. His former position in Hutchison & Lumsden's general store has been taken by L. O. Howard, who was formerly with H. H. Howard & Co.'s grocery house, and his position is being filled by J. W. Shearer, who arrived here recently from the East. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 7 Merchants C. I. Hutchison and H. U. Lumsden are over Steamboat way this week in quest of bear and other small game. Their friends will be deluged with hair-breadth escapes from chipmunks and vicious deer upon their return. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 6 Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Lumsden entertained a few of their friends at their pleasant home, corner of North B and Sixth streets, on Tuesday evening of last week. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McGowan, attorney and Mrs. W. I. Vawter, Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb, Miss Pearl Webb and Mrs. G. L. Davis. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 7 Dr. C. W. Rollings, of Portland, was in Medford a few days this week upon a visit to merchant H. U. Lumsden and family. The doctor and Mr. Lumsden's people were old-time Minnesota friends. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 28, 1902, page 6 Mrs. E. M. Lumsden is visiting at Portland and Tacoma. She will go East soon, accompanied by her brother, F. W. Hutchison. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1902, page 6 H. U. Lumsden and his son, Treve Berlin of Auburn, Wash., and J. L. Sheffield of Ashland are making a trip to Crater Lake and Pelican Bay. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 23, 1902, page 4 H. U. Lumsden and son, Treve, Treve Berlin, of Auburn, Wash., and J. L. Sheffield, of Ashland, left early Sunday morning for a ten days' outing, their itinerary embracing Rogue River, Crater Lake, Ft. Klamath and Pelican Bay. The men of the party are old-time schoolmates, and they will doubtlessly have a jolly time in recounting reminiscences of their boyhood days. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 25, 1902, page 6 Dr. T. N. Berlin, who is here upon a visit to his daughter, Mrs. H. U. Lumsden, was called to his home at Kent, Wash., very suddenly Tuesday by a telegram announcing the illness of his son at that place. He was accompanied home by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Treve Berlin, who was also visiting here, and whose husband is now out in the mountains with Mr. Lumsden. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, August 1, 1902, page 6 Mrs. H. U. Lumsden and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison left for Colestin Sunday for a few weeks' stay--where cool, fresh mountain air, mineral water and Medford people predominate. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 15, 1902, page 6 J. Court Hall and family have again taken up their residence in Medford, having moved here last week. They are occupying the Lumsden residence on North C Street, between Sixth and Seventh. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 3, 1902, page 6 F. W. Hutchison and his sister, Mrs. E. M. Lumsden, returned Friday from an extended trip north, south and east. They left Medford last spring and visited friends in Portland, Seattle, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Indiana, Chicago and points in Iowa and Ohio, coming back by the way of Southern California and stopping at Los Angeles, San Jose and San Francisco. While east they encountered all kinds of weather, from burning heat to disagreeable rains. They found many changes in their old home city--Minneapolis--and while having had an enjoyable trip, were heartily glad when they stepped from the train at Medford. Mr. Hutchison related that during the month of July last past, in Indiana, rain fell twenty-nine days out of the thirty-one in the month, and in Iowa during the seventeen days he was there rain fell on twelve of them. Speaking about precipitation, there does not seem to be anything wrong with Iowa and Indiana, but it comes in spells and they are all bad spells--for the people. For instance, a year ago last summer there was scarcely any rain at all during the whole season and all vegetation dried up, while last summer it was all wet and no dry. Old Oregon never in her whole history did a trick as mean as those two above mentioned. Here we get just a good bit of sunshine, just enough of rain--and then a heart that's glad. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 26, 1902, page 6
Miss Jessie Cole is cleverly filling the position of
saleslady at Hutchison & Lumsden's mercantile establishment.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1903, page 4 Mrs. H. U. Lumsden and daughter, Miss Ruth, left Monday morning for an extended visit with relatives in several points in Washington. "News of Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 24, 1903, page 31 On Friday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Lumsden entertained the ladies of the Lewis and Clark Club and their husbands at their beautiful home, corner North B and Sixth streets. There were fully forty guests present, and a most delightful evening was spent. As a matter of fact, no person can be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lumsden who does not enjoy an exceedingly good time. The invitations requested that each guest should dress to represent a book, and there were forty different books represented that evening. A prize was offered the person guessing the titles of the most books represented, which prize was won by Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Vawter. There was a choice program of vocal and instrumental music, and afterward the gentlemen were given the initiatory degree in the Lewis and Clark Club. The gentlemen had always supposed that the sterner sex had a monopoly on difficult fraternal initiations, but now confess that the initiatory work in the Lewis and Clark Club is beyond anything they have ever been through, and are wondering what the second degree will be. Delicious refreshments of ice cream, cake, coffee and punch were served. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 9, 1905, page 5 Merchant H. U. Lumsden has invested in a new Reo five-passenger touring automobile. The car is now here, and Harold is working overtime learning the kinks peculiar to animals of the "honk" species. The auto is a facsimile of the one Mr. Hutchison has, which has proven itself to be about the smoothest-running machine which has ever hit the high places on Josh Patterson's good country roads. If Mr. Lumsden gets as much real enjoyment out of his car as Mr. Hutchison has his, he is going to have a pretty good time all the time. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1906, page 5 Lawn Social.
The Ladies' Aid
Society of the Presbyterian Church will give a lawn social at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Lumsden on Friday evening, May 11th, to
which all are invited. The ladies will serve strawberries, cake, ice
cream, coffee and punch. Aside from the fact that the socials given by
this society are always enjoyable occasions, the good cause in which
they hare given should make the attendance large and the receipts
larger. The Ladies' Aid Society is doing great work and ought to
receive substantial encouragement. Attend the social and help swell the
receipts. Don't stop at one dish of strawberries or ice cream, but take
in the whole menu and you will feel better both in mind and body
Medford Mail, May 11, 1906, page 4 Visited Table Rock.
H. U. Lumsden and family, C. I. Hutchison and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Metzger, of Logansport, Ind., had a most enjoyable automobile
trip to Table Rock. They climbed the rock and enjoyed to the full the
magnificent view from the summit. In telling of the trip Mr. Lumsden
said to a Mail reporter:
didn't take the machines to the top of the rock; there are some places,
you know, where the means of locomotion which nature provides us with
is superior to any other, the steep sides of Table Rock is one of them.
When we reached the summit Hutchison and I forgot that we were supposed
to be staid and steady men of family and business, and commenced
rolling rocks down the cliffs whenever we had an opportunity. At length
we came to the brink of a cliff over two hundred feet high. It was an
ideal place to roll rocks, and we took full advantage of it. The whole
party was standing on the edge, as near as they dared, in order to see
where the rock struck. It landed with a crash in the midst of a clump
of laurel--and then something happened that we hadn't bargained for.
Out of that brush patch leaped an immense buck, with spreading,
velvet-covered antlers and his smooth coat shining in the sun. Everyone
held his or her breath as the deer, with graceful bounds--seemingly
unfrightened--made his way around the cliff and out of sight. But you
should have seen those Indiana people. The sight of that deer alone was
worth all the trip to them. Then when we led them to the side of the
rock facing the main valley they could not express their admiration,
and no one can describe the scene. If you haven't seen Rogue River
Valley from the top of Table Rock, you haven't seen it."Medford Mail, May 18, 1906, page 1 There is quite a colony of North Dakotans in this valley. . . . H. U. Lumsden, a storekeeper, is another of the pioneers. He has been here twenty years. He was formerly a wheat buyer at Buxton. Stephen A. Nye, "Nye Writes Letter of Interest Locally," Evening Times, Grand Forks, North Dakota, December 6, 1907, page 6 SAD NEWS OF DEATH OF RUTH LUMSDEN
Sixteen-Year-Old Daughter of H. U. Lumsden Passes Away Suddenly, of Diphtheria, While Visiting in Washington.
All Medford was shocked this morning at the sad news of the sudden
death of Ruth Lumsden, the 16-year-old daughter of H. U. Lumsden, who
passed away last evening after a short illness which developed into
diphtheria while she was away with her mother in Kent, Wash., visiting
at the home of her mother's family. She has been slightly sick during
the last week, complaining of a sore throat, but no one apparently
suspected that it was anything serious until yesterday, when a telegram
arrived telling of her critical condition.
Mr. Lumsden instantly left for Washington on the early train yesterday morning, which brought him to Kent this morning, but too late, for his daughter had died early last evening. All her many friends remember her as a lovely girl, and their sympathy goes out to her heartbroken parents in their bereavement. As soon as arrangements can be made for bringing the body here the date of the funeral can be announced. Medford Daily Tribune, June 29, 1908, page 1 The Eastwood Cemetery sexton's records list Ruth's cause of death as "pantomime" poisoning--ptomaine poisoning. IN MEMORY OF RUTH LUMSDEN.
celebrate the virtues of the young
Needs no apology. The wise are they Who well prepare the warp when is begun The silken fabric of their conscious day. The soft, sweet fragrance of the maiden mind, In chastity's retreat kept and secure, Is like a blossom blooming where doth wind Mild streams, perennial, formed to endure For every maid whose character is laid, In moral rectitude and then is formed By some firm mother hand, on wisdom stayed, Will have remembrance where best gems are urned? For she: Is as a color tone within the rose, Is as a ruby in a temple's fane, Is as a star to point a vessel's course. What buds shall burst to bloom in sun-warmed isles, Brings but the incident fragrance of their span; No warrant e'er was given that their smiles Shall else than fade into the eternal plan. The radiant beam, swift driven from the sun, Dies out afar upon dim lengths of dawn; The cycled stars, which in bright or bits run, Shall fail their light, when their strength shall have flown. Thus would one sing of each blest mortal flower, Which fragrant blooms beside life's golden stream; Responsive to the sunshine and the shower; The substance, yet the shadow and the dream. She whom we write of--perished in her bloom-- Is as a blossom broken in the storm; The silver thread of life torn ere the loom Had caught the threads of strength unto her form. Thus hath she, like the attar of the rose, Passed on beyond the morning and the breeze; To rest upon some island of repose, And listen to the harp of eternities. Give hope an anchorage in some promised star. And she will guide her sail forever on; The wings of morning have borne Ruth afar. Into the heart of Lyra's purple zone. For she Is as a passing breeze on the green earth, Is as a breath out of the infinitudes, Is as a wreath hung on life's shrine, apace. D.
Medford Daily Tribune, July
1, 1908, page 2Medford, Oregon, June 30, 1908. (From
Thursday's Daily.}
fuller testimonial to the affection which her friends and schoolmates
had for her, nor of the respect in which her parents are held in this
community, could have been given than in the presence of the large
concourse of people who attended the funeral of Miss Ruth Lumsden
yesterday. It was not a crowd of curious people drawn thither by the
fascination which seems to exist in some minds for witnessing the
sorrows of others, but a gathering of loving, sorrowing friends, who
felt only in a less degree the grief of her immediate relatives. The
services were simple, consisting of a hymn by the Presbyterian choir,
of which church Ruth was a faithful and zealous member, a short prayer
by Rev. W. F. Shields, a second hymn, the sermon by the officiating
minister and the concluding hymn of the service.The casket, covered with flowers, was borne to the hearse by six of the dead girl's schoolmates, and as the cortege moved it was led by the Queen Esther Club, an organization connected with the Sunday school. In the morning, at the arrival of the train which bore her body, forty of the high school girls met the train and acted as an escort from the depot to the residence. During the time of the funeral the stores of the city were closed as a mark of respect. Medford Mail, July 3, 1908, page 1 H. U. Lumsden of Medford, Ore., accompanied by his family, arrived yesterday in his 40 horsepower Chalmers-Detroit touring car. The travelers report the roads in fair condition in northern California, but say that north of the California line that traveling is rough and rocky. Lumsden made an easy trip coming to this city in four days. He will leave the city for San Jose, after which they expect to visit Santa Clara, Del Monte, Los Angeles and even into Mexico. Oakland Tribune, California, October 4, 1908, page 29 OREGON MEN WILL INVEST
Option Taken on 50,000 Acres of Land in Old Mexico.
Options on 50,000 acres of agricultural land lying 200 miles west of
the City of Mexico, in Old Mexico, have been gained by four Oregon men,
who will leave this evening on the Shasta Limited for the south to
complete the deal.
The men who hold the option are: George F. and Charles H. King, timber dealers of Portland, and C. I. Hutchison and H. U. Lumsden, both merchants of Medford. The land, it is said, is rich and adapted for raising and adapted for raising tropical fruits, or pasturage. If the deal is completed, the new owners will try to form a corporation which will keep the land intact. The price to be paid for the land is not announced. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 12, 1910, page 9 MEDFORD MEN VIEW BULL FIGHT
But They Are Not Much Enthused with the Entertainment-- Too Much Blood and the Bull Has Too Little Chance.
and Charles King, H. U. Lumsden and C. I. Hutchison are in Mexico
looking over some mining and timber investments. Having an opportunity
to see a genuine bull fight pulled off in the regular Spanish style,
they attended one at a big celebration near the city of Mexico the
other day.
Mr. Hutchison writes to his father, F. W. Hutchison, that while the exhibition was exciting, it wasn't particularly pleasant. Six bulls and 18 horses were killed. The horses were ridden into the ring blindfolded and had no chance to escape the sharp horns of the bulls. The bulls didn't have any more of a chance, for after three or four horses had been killed the matador put the quietus on the bull. One man was injured by his horse falling on him when the bull charged, and the bull was loudly applauded by the audience for the act. It didn't save him, however, from the fatal sword of the matador. The party expects to be in the interior of Mexico for several weeks before returning home. Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1910, page 2 ![]() The Harold Lumsden House, 2009. The beautiful magnolia tree, at right, was removed in February 2017. LUMSDEN TO BUILD HOME
Things are doing out on South Holly Street.H. U. Lumsden Will Build a Fine Home in South Park Addition at Cost of $10,000--Things Are Coming in New Tract of Lots. First, the owners got together and platted a new addition to the city and decide to call it "South Park Addition." South Holly Street is one of the longest streets in the city and runs right through this new addition. The street is paved right up to this addition and will no doubt be paved all the way in a very short time. Cement sidewalks are already in on South Holly Street for some 3000 feet, and more are to go in. H. U. Lumsden will begin a fine home on [610] South Holly Street in the very near future. The plans are already in his hands, and the home when completed will cost about $10,000 or possibly more. The building restrictions and line limit in this addition will assure only first-class homes being built, and there is great prospects of many being built in this addition during the coming summer. If you want to see the finest lots in the city--lots that are being sold on a positive guarantee of 4 percent increase in one year--you should see one of the owners of this addition. C. W. Palm, H. U. Lumsden, C. I. Hutchison and F. W. Hutchison are the owners and will be pleased to tell you all about this new addition. Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1911, page C6 Medford Packing House Burns.
Or., April 4.--(Special.)--The packing house belonging to Hutchison
& Lumsden, just outside the city limits of Medford, was burned
the ground this morning at 6 o'clock. Several hundred packing boxes
were stored in the building. The loss is estimated at $1500, with no
insurance. The cause of the fire is unknown.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 5, 1910, page 6 ![]()
The Lumsden
residence now being erected in South Medford will use what is known as
broken ashlar face block [manufactured
by the Medford Miracle Concrete Company]
for the colonial fireplace and chimney, and for the large porch
foundations and porch columns, making a novel and beautiful finish, and
many others are planning residences of like material.
"Factory in Medford Turns
Out New Style of Concrete
Blocks," Medford Sun, April
16, 1911, page 1A marriage license was issued to Miss Evelyn Lucile Messner of Dallas to Treve Berlin Lumsden, a banker of Medford.--Salem Capital Journal. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, August 30, 1920, page 2 NAME ALENDERFER LUMSDEN'S PLACE
Medford Mail Tribune, June 11, 1921, page 3
On account of the permanent removal of T. B. Lumsden to Los Angeles, it
became necessary for him to resign as a director of the Medford Chamber
of Commerce and in the vacancy created the board elected O. O.
Alenderfer, he having received the next highest vote at the final
election of directors last March.
In the short space of time which T. B. Lumsden served as a director he became a very valuable man on the board and his removal from Medford is regretted. The newly elected member of the board is no stranger to the people of Medford. While exalted ruler of the Medford Elks lodge he demonstrated his executive ability and won the confidence of the citizens by his fair decisions. The Chamber of Commerce is to be congratulated on having a man of his character as a member of its board. CITY COUNCIL NAMES LUMSDEN IN HILL'S PLACE
The feature of the city council meeting last night was the unanimous
election by the councilmen of H. U. Lumsden, the well-known merchant of
Hutchison & Lumsden company, as the second member of the council
from the second ward to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of A. L.
Hill from that ward about a year ago.It took less than half a minute to select Mr. Lumsden, whose selection is well liked by Mayor Gates and each councilman, because of his prominent standing, business ability and familiarity with the city's needs and affairs. "How about electing a councilman," said Mayor Gates after another piece of business had been transacted. "That's right," was the chorus. The Councilman Keene immediately moved the selection of Mr. Lumsden, which was quickly seconded, and the roll was called. Mr. Lumsden this forenoon, when asked if he would accept the office, promptly declared that he would not, and stated that he had so informed several councilmen who had broached the subject to him recently. "While I appreciate the honor conferred, I have no time to devote to the duties required of a conscientious councilman," said Mr. Lumsden today. When the mayor and councilmen heard of what Mr. Lumsden had said, they said, "He'll serve all right. He is drafted and must serve as a duty to the public, like the rest of us." Medford Mail Tribune, January 18, 1922, page 1
The homes of H. U. Lumsden and Robert Brownlee on South Holly Street
were entered and burglarized some time after midnight last night. The
entry into Lumsden's house was made through a window opening onto the
porch on the south side of the house. The burglars went through the den
downstairs before going upstairs where the four occupants of the house
were asleep.
Mr. Lumsden had gone to bed at midnight and had hung his clothes at the foot of the bed. When he awakened this morning his suit (coat, vest and trousers) and his shirt had disappeared. The clothes contained $35 in cash, Mr. Lumsden's gold watch, keys, a bill book containing lodge receipts, etc., and other personal effects, including a pet pipe which Mr. Lumsden has smoked for the past 30 years, more or less. The thief stopped when he got downstairs and went through the pockets of the clothes which he had taken, throwing the lodge receipts, the bunch of keys and several other things of little value on the floor. It is unfortunate and much to be regretted that he did not have the consideration to leave Mr. Lumsden's pipe, which was a very valuable one, stamped "Genuine French Briar," and made in Massachusetts from Oregon apple root. "Two Prominent Citizens Victims House Breakers," Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1922, page 6
It will be remembered that Mr. Lumsden lost a suit of clothes to the thief, in addition to $35 in cash, a watch and other things of value. The suit contained a pipe belonging to Mr. Lumsden. Fortunately the suit has been recovered and with it the pipe. The suit was found yesterday morning on the front lawn of the A. W. Walker residence, which is several doors north of the Garrett residence [on South Oakdale]. It was intact and still contained the pipe and Mr. Lumsden's Shrine emblem. A serious aspect of the case is, however, that, when found, the suspenders were absent from the trousers and have not yet been discovered. "Another House Entered, Lumsden Finds Trousers," Medford Mail Tribune, April 29, 1922, page 6 H. U. LUMSDEN TO ERECT BUILDING BARTLETT STREET
H. U. Lumsden of Hutchison and Lumsden announced Tuesday that he has
completed plans for the erection of a business building on the corner
of Sixth and Bartlett streets, work to commence about February 15th.
The structure will be of concrete, reinforced, with fronts on Bartlett and Sixth streets, and will be 100 feet by 60 feet, costing in the neighborhood of $15,000. Should occasion demand Mr. Lumsden is prepared to double the size of the building, to occupy the entire 200-foot frontage he owns on Bartlett Street. The Hutchison & Lumsden company will not move, the new building being erected to rent. The house on the lot, a pioneer landmark of the city, and the former home of Mr. Lumsden, will be moved or torn down. This is the second new structure announced for Bartlett Street within the last ten days. John W. Johnson will build an auto showroom at Eighth and Bartlett streets in the spring. Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1925, page 5
H. U. Lumsden is erecting a one-story concrete structure with 100 feet on Sixth Street and 200 feet on Bartlett to be occupied partly by Gates and Lydiard and an auto sales room. "Building Activities in Medford Greater Than for Many Years," Medford Sun, May 10, 1925, page C2 GRANDMA LUMSDEN CELEBRATES HER 91ST BIRTHDAY
Mrs. E. M. (Grandma) Lumsden, Medford pioneer, celebrated her 91st
birthday Saturday, August 27, at the home of her son, H. U. Lumsden, on
South Holly Street. Many of Mrs. Lumsden's friends called during the
day and evening to wish her happiness, and she received many beautiful
"Grandma" Lumsden has lived in Medford for forty years. Almost, in fact, before there was any Medford. Scattering farm houses and one or two country stores were about all that was here then. "Grandma" Lumsden was born near Dayton, Ohio, and was the oldest of twelve children. She was married in New York to D. J. Lumsden when 20 years old. She is still remarkably active for so old a lady. She comes and goes when she wants to and makes her regular trips downtown to do her shopping. When she goes upstairs she trips as lightly as though she were many years younger, never depending upon the banister for aid. Medford Mail Tribune, August 29, 1927, page 2
Well-Known Merchant and Citizen Stricken this Morning--Passing Shock to City-- Active for Years in Local Civic Affairs.
Union Lumsden, pioneer merchant and resident of this city, was stricken
suddenly at his home, 610 South Holly Street, this morning. Death came
as he was seated at the breakfast table. The said news came as a shock
to the city. He was apparently in his usual good health last night.
Death was due to heart failure.
Mr. Lumsden was one of the most widely known citizens of southern Oregon and Jackson County. For over thirty years, with C. I. Hutchison, he has conducted a mercantile business in this city. He was a former member of the city council, and a member of the city water commission at the time of his death. He was active in civic affairs, and a large property owner. He was also vice-president of the Jackson County Bank. Mr. Lumsden came to Medford in 1888 from Minnesota, and engaged in the mercantile business. Five years later he became associated with C. I. Hutchison in a similar line. The business at that time included the Klamath reservation district. Indians every fall and spring came with six-horse teams and bought half-year supplies from the firm. Mr. Lumsden was a friendly soul of sterling character, held in high esteem. He was born at Lakeview, Minnesota on February 23, 1863, and was 64 years of age. Mr. Lumsden was married September 15, 1887 to Miss Bessie Berlin, and to the union were born three children. A son, Treve Lumsden, resides in Oakland, Calif. His aged mother, who recently passed her 91st birthday, two grandchildren, and the widow survive. Mr. Lumsden was active in the fraternal life of the city, and with his friend and business partner, C. I. Hutchison, were the last of those who signed the charter for the founding of the Knights of Pythias lodge here. He was also a member of Medford Lodge A.F.&A.M., Crater Lake Chapter No. 32, R.A.M., Malta Commandery No. 4, Knights Templar, Ashland, and Al Kader Shrine Temple, Portland, Oregon. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the Perl Funeral Home and will be announced later. Medford Mail Tribune, September 8, 1927, page 1 C. I. HUTCHISON NOW SOLE OWNER PIONEER STORE
The dissolution of the old firm of Hutchison & Lumsden, general
merchandise, was announced today by C. I. Hutchison, who has taken over
the mercantile interests of the late H. U. Lumsden, after a partnership
lasting more than 35 years. The new business will be known as
Hutchison's Mercantile Store.
Mr. Hutchison assumes debts owed by the firm, and all accounts and notes due them are to be paid to the Hutchison & Lumsden account at the store. Aside from their partnership in the mercantile business, Hutchison and Lumsden were associated together in most of their property holdings in the city and valley. Among other real estate held in partnership by the two local men were the Hutchison & Lumsden building in which the store is located, and 40 acres of land in South Park. In spite of the growing tendency toward specialty stores, the Hutchison & Lumsden general merchandise store has continued to enjoy a wide patronage not only from Medford but from various sections of the valley, and has held a unique place among the business firms of Southern Oregon. Medford Mail Tribune, February 15, 1928, page 5 MRS. LUMSDEN, 94, ENJOYS VISIT AT NATURE'S WONDER
She will be 95 years old next August, and she still enjoys a trip to
Crater Lake--Mrs. H. U. (Grandma) Lumsden, the little lady with
sparkling eyes, who recovered from a serious illness earlier in the
spring with the vitality and good humor which have characterized her
life. She motored to Crater Lake yesterday and told friends today that
she had a jolly time.
The trip to the lake was made in observance of Mother's Day, with Grandma Lumsden the honored guest. Others in the party were Mr. and Mrs. Treve Lumsden and Mrs. H. U. Lumsden [sic]. The group stopped at Prospect, where Grandma Lumsden rested for a short time, then continued the trip to the rim of the lake, where she walked about in the snow, enjoying the scenery. She stopped at Prospect again on the return trip, had dinner there and completed the journey home. She is feeling fine today. Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1931, page 2
![]() Medford Mail Tribune, September 6, 1931, page 5 BELOVED PIONEER FETED BY MANY;
D. J. "Grandma" Lumsden is 95 today. And from the vine-covered home on
South Holly, where she lives with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. H. U.
Lumsden, she greets the world with the enthusiasm and faith which have
brought her an increase of friends with each year.
Showered with flowers and other birthday remembrances, the beloved little pioneer smiles at the date on the calendar and her rapidly approaching centennial. Her blue eyes, which have watched men return from several wars, guided knitting needles and spinning wheel and lowered before the sharp gaze of the Minnesota Indian, welcome callers from all sections of the valley. They are not dimmed by glasses, and the teeth which her smile reveals are her own. Seated in a large chair before her window yesterday with an open book resting in her slender hands, she reviewed for early callers a few of the experiences 95 years have brought. "I think people are about the same today as they used to be," she remarked, refusing to condemn the younger generation. "I like to read. I enjoy books more than anything. This one is a birthday present from my sister. I don't like silly books, but I find there are plenty of good ones written." Questioned as to her opinion of motion pictures, she answered: "I like the movies. But I can't hear well since my illness of last winter, and so I don't go to talkies anymore. I could hear all right until I was ill. "I have never driven a car. You see, they weren't stylish when I was young, but I love to go driving. I've no desire to ride in an airplane, though. If I have to fall I'd rather fall from an auto. "Oh, yes, I used to ride horses. I lived on a farm until I was married in '56. I used to go out in the pasture, catch my horse, bridle and saddle her and away I would go over the countryside," a new twinkle entered her eyes as she laid her book on the window sill. "I've lived in many states, in city and country, and I believe I like city life the best. Of course, there's lots of fun on the farm, too." Turning to talk of fashions, when hoop skirts were the mode, Grandma paused to go upstairs and bring down some photographs. She took the steps with the utmost ease and returned soon with a daguerreotype. The picture showed a girl with beautiful hair, attired in a velvet gown, enhanced with full sleeves and quaint basque waist. "It was my wedding dress," she explained, "wine-colored velvet." No review of a sturdy, simple life was given by Grandma as explanation of her good health. "My husband, my children, most of my brothers and sisters have crossed the great divide," she said. "I was the oldest of 12 children, born near Dayton, Ohio, in '36. I married D. J. Lumsden of Syracuse, N.Y. in '56. We had four children. They have all gone. My daughter, Carrie, and son, H. U. Lumsden, were well known here. My father died when he was 79, my mother when she was 84. "I have just a sister and two brothers left. My sister in Los Angeles is 20 years younger than I am." Mrs. Lumsden traveled to Minnesota with her husband behind a team of oxen in '56. Her husband, two brothers and two brothers-in-law fought in the Union army during the Civil War. Her husband also fought in the Indian war, and she knitted socks for her grandson, Treve Lumsden of this city, when he went to France. She has lived in Medford for 40 years. "I came here when the place was just mud, mud, mud," she explained yesterday. "I came west when the golden spike was laid, crossing the mountains by stage. "I have seen Indians, friendly and unfriendly, and I was scared to death of them when I glimpsed their shadows from under my sunbonnet in Minnesota." Mrs. Lumsden has known many sorrows, endured many hardships as the years went by, taking with them relatives and friends, but she has always continued to make new ones. Her visits with her nephew, C. I. Hutchison of the Hutchison and Lumsden store, and members of his staff are anticipated by residents of the valley who chance to meet her there. She hasn't stopped at the store for a chat since last January, but hopes to soon again. Each day she extends a jolly greeting to her two great-grandchildren, Ann Lee and Treve Lumsden, Jr., and their little friends, who call at her home. Medford Mail Tribune, August 27, 1931, page 6 Mrs. Lumsden Will Reside on Oakdale
Mrs. H. U.
Lumsden has sold her residence at 610 South Holly and is moving the
first of this week to 211 North Oakdale, where she will be at home to
her friends.
Capt. and Mrs. Overmeier of Wyoming, who purchased the house on Holly, will make it their home in the very near future. Capt. Overmeier, a retired army officer, is interested in the lumber business here. Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1932, page 2 EUNICE LUMSDEN, BELOVED PIONEER, PASSES, AGED 97
Mrs. Eunice Maria "Grandma" Lumsden, beloved Medford pioneer, died at
an early hour this morning at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. H.
U. Lumsden, death destroying one of her fondest hopes, which had been
to reach her centennial, just three years distant.Mrs. Lumsden celebrated her 97th birthday last August, and had enjoyed good health until a few months ago, when strength seemed to desert the Viking-like spirit which had carried her through many illnesses that previously threatened her life. The hope which carried her through the trials of pioneer days and the horrors of several wars, to which she sent brothers, husband and grandson, suddenly ebbed away and relatives feared that death was going to conquer the very little woman, whose smile was known to Medford's oldest and youngest settlers. Mrs. Lumsden was born near Dayton, O., in 1836, as Eunice M. Hutchison, oldest in a family of 12 children. In Indiana in 1856 she was married to D. J. Lumsden, who preceded her in death many years ago. Four children were born to the union, and all of them have also crossed the great divide. Mrs. Lumsden lived on a farm until she was married, and later resided in many states, in city and in country. She traveled to Minnesota with her husband in 1856 behind a team of oxen. Her husband, two brothers and two brothers-in-law fought in the Union army during the Civil War. Her husband also fought in the Indian war, and her grandson, Treve Lumsden, formerly of this city, in the World War. Hers was never a particularly sturdy life; she was a very small woman, was terribly frightened by Indians, she used to recall, and did all of her years the things which brought pleasure to her in life, leading among them cultivating friends. She knew many sorrows and endured many hardships, but always continued to make new friends until illness confined her to home and bed. She came to Medford 45 years ago, when there was only mud where the streets now indicate a city. From then on she made Southern Oregon her home. Her son, H. U. Lumsden, and daughter Carrie were well known here, Mr. Lumsden being affiliated for many years with Mrs. Lumsden's nephew, C. I. Hutchison, in the Hutchison-Lumsden store. Mrs. Lumsden was a charter member of Reames chapter, O.E.S., in this city, from which pallbearers have been chosen for the funeral. She is survived by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lumsden of Medford: her grandson, Treve Lumsden of Hillsboro; two great-grandchildren, Anna Lee Lumsden and Treve Lumsden, Jr. of Hillsboro; one sister, Mrs. R. E. Charles of Los Angeles; two brothers, Irwin Hutchison of Miami, Fla., and Amos Hutchison of Rochester, Ind., and a nephew, C. I. Hutchison of Medford. Funeral services will be held at the Perl Funeral Home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. W. J. Howell of the First Presbyterian church officiating. Pallbearers will be: Orin Schenck, Ed Nichols, George Alden, E. M. Wilson, Lon Bishop and Cole Holmes. Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1934, page 1 Medford Woman Observes
90th Birthday;
Recalls When City Had 200 Population
In January of 1888, when Medford had a population of about 200, Mrs.
U. Lumsden came here from Minnesota as a bride. Today Mrs. Lumsden will
be 90 years old and believes that she has been privileged to live
through an interesting period of history.
In 1888 one of the new town's main buildings was the Nash Hotel (now the Allen Hotel), there was no bank, but three churches, the Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist, had been organized. [The Hotel Medford at Main and Front would not be renamed by Capt. Nash, its new owner, until 1895.] The Southern Pacific Railway had completed its line through the valley only the week before the Lumsdens arrived. [The golden spike uniting the northern and southern sections of the Oregon and California Railroad was driven in Ashland on December 17, 1887. Interestingly, it was the same spike driven at Promontory Point eighteen years earlier.] The Lumsdens' first home was located where the Woolworth store now stands [near Sixth and Central], and later they lived in a home on the corner of Sixth and Bartlett streets. Mr. Lumsden and his wife's brother, A. N. Berlin, now of Seattle, operated a grocery store located back of the Nash Hotel for a few years, and after a time the Lumsdens moved to California, where they lived briefly. Returning to Medford, Mr. Lumsden became a partner in Hutchison and Lumsden, a general merchandising firm located in a building where Mann's Department Store now stands [near Main and Central]. This business was in operation for 35 years. "I hardly know Medford now," said Mrs. Lumsden, speaking of the city's growth and development. "I could easily get lost, especially on the east side. When my friends take me for rides around the east side districts, I remember how my father-in-law used to say 'don't buy or build on the east side--there's too much danger of flooding.'" She recalled that this was true in those days, Bear Creek having flooded scores of residents from their homes at different times. Mrs. Lumsden remembers the first car the family owned, a Reo, and recalled how it once was stuck in the mud about where the new Rogue Valley Bank building is located [at 1109] Court Street [current site of Medford Fabrication]. Before purchasing the car, the Lumsden family made long trips using horses and wagons, or hacks. Mrs. Lumsden particularly remembers the first time the family set out on the four-day drive to Crater Lake. Shortly after leaving she became ill and in Union Creek was forced to remain in bed. The stay in Union Creek lasted for about six weeks, for she had typhoid fever. The next time the family set out for the lake, Mr. Lumsden chose another route for the beginning of the trip. The wagon road was so rough the couple tied the children in the back seat of the vehicle to keep them from falling out when it bounced over big rocks and fell into deep holes. "The first day we reached Elk Creek and the second day we had driven as far as Prospect," she recalled. Bad as was the road to Crater Lake the one to Lake o' Woods was worse, she said. Mrs. Lumsden's early-day activities included membership in Adarel chapter, Order of the Eastern Star in Jacksonville, and in those days she made the trip to Jacksonville by horse and buggy to attend chapter meetings. In 1900 she helped organize Reames chapter in Medford, and was its third worthy matron. She has been a member of First Presbyterian Church since 1897. During the interview Mrs. Lumsden removed her wedding ring from her hand and explained she was especially proud of the ring because it is made of Oregon gold. Mr. Lumsden bought the gold of a man who had mined it near Wolf Creek, and mailed the metal to his fiancée in Minnesota. A Minneapolis jeweler made up the plain gold band which Mrs. Lumsden has worn ever since her marriage in 1887. Mrs. Lumsden is a native of Farmington, Minn., and as a girl was Bessie Berlin. One of the first clubs in Medford was the Lewis and Clark club, organized as a civic group. When Mrs. Lumsden served as president, she appointed a committee to work towards securing a library. She recalls that on the committee, or "library board," were Dr. J. F. Reddy, W. I. Vawter, a banker, Mrs. E. B. Pickel, who now lives in California, Mrs. Paul Tice and Mrs. M. L. Alford. The committee induced C. C. Beekman, Jacksonville banker, to donate land for the library and with the aid of a Carnegie library grant the first building was eventually erected. [The Democratic Times of March 2, 1888 says Beekman was paid $275 for the lot. The library donation myth is likely a confabulation with Beekman's donation of two lots on West Main to the Presbyterian church.] Medford's early-day residents enjoyed parties, as they do now, and Mrs. Lumsden remembers one the Lewis and Clark club gave. Guests were to dress to represent the name of a book. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. T. York, with Mr. York dressed as "Innocents Abroad" and his wife as "A Long Look Ahead." Mrs. Ed Warner's costume was "The Light That Failed" and Dr. Bundy came attired as Shakespeare. W. I. Vawter was "The Prospector" and Mrs. Vawter the "Kentucky Cardinal." Mrs. Lumsden and her mother-in-law were dressed as "Adam Bede" and "Bittersweet." Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gore had signed the program book, but failed to note what costumes they wore. Mrs. Lumsden will spend today with her niece and foster-daughter [Edith], Mrs. James A. Grigsby, and Mr. Grigsby at their home on the Rogue River [near Eagle Point]. The Lumsdens had three children, Hazel, Treve and Ruth, but none are now living. Mr. Lumsden died 28 years ago. Mrs. Lumsden's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Treve Lumsden, her grandson and granddaughter all live in other Oregon cities and none will be able to join the Medford woman on her 90th birthday. She has three great-grandchildren. Mrs. Lumsden sold the family home at 610 South Holly Street several years ago and has made her home since in apartments. She now lives at The Plaza with her companion, Mrs. Emily Anderson. In spite of her 90 birthdays, this charming and interesting woman leads an active life in Medford. She enjoys a wide circle of friends, attends occasional meetings, plays cards and keeps up with current events by way of radio and television. Failing eyesight prevents her from reading. Mrs. Lumsden has lived in Medford so long that she says she would not dream of making her home anywhere but Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, July 31, 1955, page 6 Mrs. Lumsden Dies in C.P.
Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman Lumsden, 95, known as Aunt Bessie and a resident of Medford for over 72 years, died in a Central Point nursing home Saturday evening.
Mrs. Lumsden, the daughter of Dr. T. N. and Jane Dennison Berlin, was born in Farmington, Minn., on July 31, 1865. She was also married in Farmington on Sept. 15, 1887 to Harold U. Lumsden. The couple came to Medford the following year, where Mr. Lumsden started one of the first general stores here. It was first located near the old Nash Hotel, now the Robinson Hotel, and later moved to the location now occupied by the men's department of Mann's department store. Mr. Lumsden retired in 1927 and died in September of the following year. Mrs. Lumsden was one of the early members of the First Presbyterian church, having joined it in 1897. She first became a member of the Order of Eastern Star in Jacksonville, and left to become a charter member of the Medford Reames chapter, OES. She was also a charter member of the first civic club in Medford, known as the Lewis and Clark Club; and was a member of Medford's first library board. Survivors include a niece and foster daughter, Mrs. Edith G. Grigsby, Medford; a grandson, Dr. T. B. Lumsden, La Grande; a granddaughter, Mrs. Anne Kirkpatrick, Baker; and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lucille Lumsden, also of Baker; and seven great-grandchildren. A son and two daughters preceded her in death. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Chapel Mortuary. Medford Mail Tribune, January 16, 1961, page 7
Last revised February 1, 2025 |