![]() ![]() Medford Banking News A. L. Johnson, the land agent, has purchased Roberts & O'Neil's unfinished brick building at Medford, and proposes establishing a private bank in it when completed. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 24, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson has moved into his new brick building in Medford, which will be neatly fitted up for a bank. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 30, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson has just moved into his new brick dwelling, at the front of which is his banking room, fitted up with a fireproof vault of the most approved design. Negotiations are pending for the establishment of a bank at Medford with ample capital. "News of the Northwest," Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 18, 1886, page 2 There is a report that a bank will be opened in this place next spring. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1886, page 3 Says the Medford Monitor: We are pleased to announce that negotiations are pending for the establishment of a bank at this place with ample capital. Our safe, now in use, will be exchanged for a massive time lock steel chest for the use of the bank. "Here and There," Ashland Tidings, December 24, 1886, page 3 JACKSONVILLE, Dec. 30.--A. L. Johnson, proprietor of the Medford bank and publisher of the Medford Monitor, made an assignment today. His liabilities are placed at $3500. "Failure at Medford," Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 31, 1886, page 1 JACKSONVILLE,
June 3.
A. L. Johnson, the Medford banker, has left for parts unknown."News Items from Jacksonville," Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 4, 1887, page 2 It is reported that a bank will soon be opened in the brick building formerly occupied by A. L. Johnson. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 16, 1887, page 2 The Bank of Medford will soon be opened and ready for business. "Items from Medford," Oregonian, Portland, February 15, 1888, page 3 The bank will open at this place on September 1st. Medford has needed a good bank for some time, and all are pleased to know that a good reliable one is to be opened here. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, August 3, 1888, page 3 Medford Advertiser:--Our bank is at last an assumed fact. Mr. Bently will personally attend to the business and have everything running in a short time. He will be assisted by Mr. Vawter, a Linn County boy of good ability and integrity. "State News," Evening Capital Journal, Salem, August 6, 1888, page 1 The Medford Bank will be in operation in a very short time. Mr. Bentley is making preparations for the opening, and will soon be joined by his partner, Mr. Vawter of Eugene City. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 30, 1888, page 3 We learn from an Oregon paper that the Jackson County Bank, of Medford, Oregon, opened for business September 1st, with our former townsman, John R. Bentley, as president. John is a good banker and will give the people of Medford a solid financial institution. "Little Principles," The Democratic Principle, Syracuse, Kansas, September 6, 1888, page 1 The Jackson County Bank of Medford began doing an exchange and loan business the first of the present month. Upon the arrival of the full office fixtures in a few weeks, the new bank will commence doing a complete banking business. Mr. J. H. Bentley, the president, is a thorough banking man, and W. I. Vawter, the cashier, is a young man well qualified to fill his position. Both are acceptable additions to Medford's business men. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, September 14, 1888, page 3 The bank safe of the Jackson County Bank is a "multum in parvo" arrangement, a regular jewel of a safe, weighing but 800 pounds, yet perfectly burglar and dynamite proof, with chilled-steel bolts, and the latest design of time locks, with dial chronometer, etc. The engraving is very fine, and the cost of the safe was $800. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1890, page 3 Attention is called to the new advertisement of the Jackson County Bank at Medford, of which W. I. Vawter is cashier. It is one of the leading banking institutions of southern Oregon, and is steadily growing in popularity. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1890, page 3 W. I. Vawter returned Tuesday from Portland, having concluded the arrangements by which Medford will have a national bank with a capital stock of $50,000. D. P. Thompson, the Portland millionaire, who is interested in seventeen national banks in the Northwest, is one of the leading spirits in this organization. The Bank of Jackson County will be merged into the new concern. Mr. Vawter, who is a shrewd and clever business man, will be cashier. The First National Bank of Medford will open for business on October 1st next. It is rumored that A. L. Reuter, Wm. Slinger and Wm. Ulrich are going to start a bank in Medford. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, August 7, 1890, page 3 Other National Banks.
WASHINGTON, August 12.--Applications were filed with the comptroller of
currency for authority to organize the First National Bank of Medford,
Oregon, and the First National Bank of Telluride, Colorado.
Connersville Daily Examiner, Connersville, Indiana, August 12, 1890, page 1 The First National Bank of Medford will not open for some [time] yet, as a lot of government red tape has to be gone through with. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, October 9, 1890, page 3 The Jackson County Bank will soon be merged into the First National Bank of Medford. "Medford Notes," Oregonian, Portland, December 16, 1890, page 1 JACKSON COUNTY BANK, Vawter & Howard, corner 7th and C streets. Mr. W. I. Vawter established this bank in 1888 with a capital of $25,000, which has been increased to $35,000. Since its inception the business has steadily increased. The bank transacts a general business in loans, discounts, and deposits. Collections and insurances given special attention. Accounts of banks, bankers, merchants, and farmers are received on liberal terms. Personal attention is paid to the business of correspondents. The second member of this firm is Mr. G. W. Howard, Mayor of the city. He is a native of Missouri and has been here six years. Mr. Vawter, a native Oregonian, came here three years ago. P. W. Croake, The Rogue River Valley, "The Italy of Oregon," Glass & Prudhomme, Portland, Oregon. Undated, written March 1891. Jackson County Bank, filed January 20th. Capital stock $50,000, in 500 shares of $100 each; incorporators, W. I. Vawter, G. W. Howard, J. E. Enyart, Wm. Slinger, Charles H. [Pierce]. "Articles Filed," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1892, page 3 Since January 31st the Jackson County Bank has been an incorporated body, the incorporators being W. I. Vawter, G. W. Howard, J. E. Enyart, Wm. Slinger and Chas. H. Pierce. The officers in charge since the new regime came in are W. I. Vawter, president; Wm. Slinger, vice-president; G. W. Howard, cashier; J. E. Enyart, assistant cashier. The bank is in excellent hands, and a fine business is assured from the very start. The capital stock is placed at $50,000. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1892, page 2 The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Jackson County Bank was held at Medford last Saturday, and W. I. Vawter was elected president, Wm. Slinger, vice-president and J. E. Enyart, cashier. The directors for the ensuing year are W. I. Vawter, J. E. Enyart, Wm. Slinger, A. A. Davis and C. H. Pierce. Satisfactory dividend was declared besides passing a creditable sum to surplus account. The small amount of stock yet on standing was entirely taken up by the present leading stockholders and resolutions passed to increase the capital stock as fast as the growth of the valley would justify. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3 Don't fail to procure a Columbian souvenir of the Jackson County Bank before they are all gone. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 3 Mr. Long, a gentleman of means, is in Jacksonville today. He is looking for a location where to establish a bank. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3 The following piece of nonsense, which was telegraphed to the Oregonian from Jacksonville, is another illustration of the old saying that we must go away from home to get the news: "Considerable excitement prevails here on account of the Portland bank failures. Several of our citizens are heavy depositors in Portland banks, and the prevailing feeling of uneasiness over the financial situation is having its depressing effect here. The extra session of congress and the future policy of the administration is the all-absorbing subject of conversation." However, this is only a fair sample of the gush that is too often sent from Jacksonville as "news." "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3 An error crept into the estimate of the bank capital of this valley which is corrected by saying that Ashland carries the heaviest, $100,000.00. Alfred Hillman's uncle Dan has just sold some property in the latter city. But perhaps Jacksonville's bank, with a modest capital of $55,000.00, represents in its stockholders the heaviest backed names of one, and possibly another represents $400,000.00 of valuable property. At least two lease gold mines on shares from which large incomes are obtained. More about the mines comes to us daily and sometimes the fear arises that temptation will come strong enough to coax one of the "refugees" upon a prospecting tour when spring fully opens. But we had not exhausted the subject of banks, for a cashier said yesterday that banking was so much overdone in this valley that existing institutions could not make paying dividends, and that a new one would starve. But that is usually the "outside" cry of any successful business. Reese P. Kendall, "Pacific Notes," Western Call, Beloit, Kansas, January 19, 1894, page 1 Driving in Team Harness. Chas. Dunham has taken a position in the Jackson County Bank and will, for a time without date, assist cashier Enyart in the multifarious duties connected with that institution. The two will hook up well in double harness and will do good work in their respective positions. Mr. Dunham will have charge of the insurance department connected with the bank, and will, under the efficient tutelage of Mr. Enyart, acquire a knowledge of both insurance and general banking business which will be of much profit to himself as well as the bank. Both these gentlemen are thoroughly reliable and very accommodating, and the bank's patrons may expect a continued courteous treatment. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3 H. L. Gilkey has sold his stock of goods at Fort Klamath and returns to Medford to take the position of cashier at the Jackson County Bank, vice J. E. Enyart. The latter has accepted a good situation at Chicago. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 16, 1898, page 3 J. E. Enyart, for several years past the cashier of the Jackson County Bank, leaves for Chicago on Friday evening to accept a lucrative position. He has made many friends here, all of whom wish him unlimited success in his new home. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1898, page 3 From Montesano Vidette H. L. Gilkey, our well-known former townsman, is back to his first love and is again a bank cashier, holding that position with the Jackson County Bank, of Medford, Oregon. "County News," Aberdeen Herald, Aberdeen, Washington, June 16, 1898, page 1 Your correspondent is informed that Medford will have another bank soon. J. E. Enyart is organizing it. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 17, 1898, page 3 New floors are to be put into the rear rooms of the Jackson County Bank building and also into the front part of the building if it is thought best upon examination. The framework under the rear floors is almost entirely rotted away, and has partially let the floors down. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 12, 1899, page 6 Medford's new bank was organized last Saturday, with a capital of $50,000. The officers are: President, J. H. Stewart of Medford; vice-president H. E. Ankeny of Sterlingville; cashier, J. E. Enyart of Medford; directors, W. B. Roberts, R. H. Whitehead, J. H. Stewart, H. E. Ankeny, J. E. Enyart. A number of the prominent citizens of the county have taken stock. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 19, 1899, page 2 Our new banking institution opened for business on the morning of the 20th. It is called the Bank of Medford, and occupies handsome quarters on the corner of Seventh and B streets. The officers are: President, J. H. Stewart; vice president, H. E. Ankeny; cashier, J. E. Enyart; directors, H. E. Ankeny, J. H. Stewart, W. B. Roberts, W. F. Towne, R. H. Whitehead, Horace Pelton and W. S. Crowell. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 22, 1899, page 2 A NEW BANKING HOUSE.
Medford Bank Opened its Doors for Business Tuesday Morning-- A Mention of the Building--Bank Officers Elected.
On Tuesday morning of this week, June 20th, the
Medford Bank opened its doors for business.
For months past there has been under course of construction one of the best, if not the best brick structure in our blooming little city--in this is situated the Medford Bank--for this purpose the building was constructed. Its first floor was arranged in every detail in such manner as best suited to banking business. The interior of this structure is a model of neatness and grandeur throughout, while the exterior is as well lacking in none of these. It is a structure the city has every reason to be proud of from the foundation to the uppermost point. It is a structure so solidly built that centuries of time and use cannot wear away. The building is 25x86 feet in size and two stories high. It is built of brick with sand rock at both top and bottom of each of the several pillars and at door and window sides and corners. The two large front windows are of the best French plate glass. Its every bearing is as solid as rock, lime, cement and the best of wood can make. This building is located at the corner of Seventh and B streets. The entrance to the banking room is from Seventh Street through a massive door of the best sugar pine with plate glass panels. Once inside this lobby or waiting room the eye is at once riveted to the counters and office fittings. One glance at these and the master hand of Weeks Bros. and their corps of able wood workers is plainly in evidence. The Mail will venture the assertion that there is not a better piece of work of its kind in any city on the coast. The counters are of solid oak with curly ash for trimmings and panels. This is surmounted with a solid oak railing set with frosted and beveled French plate glass. At the back end of the counter is a good-sized room set apart from the banking room proper and will be for use by bank officials. This is divided from the other room with oak and glass partitions. Still beyond this is a directors' room, 16x24 feet in size, and beyond this is a 20x24-foot room which will be used undoubtedly for store purposes. A large safety vault has been provided for the bank's treasure and valuable papers. This has cold air ventilation and is positively fireproof. Inside this is a Diebold safe--a double timer, of the best of steel, and burglar proof. The upstairs, or second story, is divided into suites of rooms--six in number. A hallway extends the entire length of the building on the second story and each of these rooms opens into it. These rooms face on B Street, and from each of them there projects a large bay window. They are finished in sugar pine, and in each of them are marble wash basins and city water attachments. The first suite of rooms--fronting on Seventh and B streets--has been rented by Drs. Keene and Burnett, for dental parlors. The next ones by County Judge W. S. Crowell; the next will be a physician's office, and the last, or rear ones, D. T. Sears has secured for sleeping apartments. The building throughout is provided with electric lights. The ceilings of the first story are fourteen feet high and those of the second story ten feet high. This beautiful, massive and very conveniently arranged structure is owned by Hon. J. H. Stewart, the well-known orchardist, and who, parenthetically let us state, has made a fortune by growing fruit in Southern Oregon. The building, which cost upwards of $8000, was put up purposely for the Medford Bank's use, and every detail of its construction was superintended by Mr. Stewart. The architect who designed the building was Arthur Weeks, of San Francisco. G. W. Priddy did the brick work, G. Diek and F. M. Stewart the carpenter work, J. W. Richardson the plastering, J. E. Toft the painting and oil finish, and J. H. Butler the wainscot papering. ORGANIZATION
per previous arrangement those gentlemen who are now stockholders in
the Medford Bank met in the new bank building last Saturday and
perfected the organization of the bank association.
The officers elected were J. H. Stewart, president; H. E. Ankeny, vice president; J. E. Enyart, cashier; directors, J. H. Stewart, H. E. Ankeny, R. H. Whitehead, W. S. Crowell, W. B. Roberts, Horace Pelton, W. F. Towne. The stockholders, other than those whose names appear above, are P. B. O'Neil, G. W. Isaacs, Ben Haymond, W. H. Bradshaw and C. C. Beekman. Capital stock of the bank, $50,000. These are all representative business and moneyed men of Jackson County, and this fact places the new institution on a solid financial footing. Medford Mail, June 23, 1899, page 6 The Controller of the Currency has received a letter from J. E. Enyart, cashier of the Medford Bank, of Medford, Or., asking for blanks for making application for a national bank charter with a capital of $25,000. "Applications for Bank Charters," Morning Oregonian, Portland, March 20, 1900, page 1 The Bank of Medford has made application for a charter as a national bank, which will doubtless be granted. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1900, page 3 Gold Bricks.
President Stewart, of the Medford Bank, called us in Saturday to look
at their display of gold bricks from the Sterling mine. On a table in
the center of the office was piled up seven large gold bricks,
representing a cash value of $17,000. On the same table was a pile of
twenties to the value of some $13,000, making a total valuation of a
little over $30,000. The gold from the Sterling mine was only that
which had accumulated in the sluice boxes and which are cleaned up
about once each month, the general cleanup taking place later on when
the season's run is over. As this has been a good year for placer
mining, it is expected the Sterling's "cleanup" will amount to some
$150,000, while the other placer mines will show a large increase here
this year.
Medford Enquirer, April 27, 1900, page 5 At the Medford Bank is being displayed seven gold bricks, valued at about $17,000, which are the result of a late cleanup at the Sterling Mine of part of the boxes. The general cleanup will not be made for several months yet, and is expected to be a big one. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 3, 1900, page 3 ![]() The Medford Bank sent out Monday to its customers and friends in Jackson County 700 buckskin money pouches, with the compliments of the season. The pouch makes a very neat and useful present, and the recipients thereof cannot fail to appreciate the gift and at the same time realize the friendly motive which was parent to the idea of this appropriate Christmas remembrance. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 28, 1900, page 7 J. H. Stewart, Roberts & O'Neil, W. S. Crowell, Horace Pelton and others have disposed of their stock in the Medford Bank. It is stated that C. C. Beekman of Jacksonville, the pioneer banker, has become one of the principal stockholders of the institution, although he denies it. J. E. Enyart and Geo. R. Lindley will respectively continue to act as cashier and bookkeeper, having given general satisfaction. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 28, 1901, page 5 Cashier H. L. Gilkey, of the Jackson County Bank, of this city, has accepted a like position with the First National Bank of Grants Pass and will commence work in his new location about the middle of April. Mr. Gilkey and his most estimable family have been residents of Medford for nearly seven years, during which time, socially, they have brought very close to them a large circle of friends who are now regretting their departure. For the past three years Mr. Gilkey has been cashier in the Jackson County Bank and in a business way he has so conducted himself as to have become a prime favorite with the patrons of that institution and the business public generally. There are no better, more honorable and trustworthy men found anyplace in the land than is Mr. Gilkey. The position which he resigns here will be taken by G. R. Lindley, who has been bookkeeper for the Medford bank for several months past. He is a very competent young man and entirely trustworthy and will without a doubt fill his new position with credit to himself and satisfaction to the bank directors. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 6 G. L. Gilkey, cashier of the Medford Bank, has accepted a similar position withe the First National Bank of Southern Oregon, at Grants Pass. George R. Lindley, bookkeeper of the Medford Bank, has succeeded to Mr. Gilkey's former place. "Medford Brevities," Portland, Morning Oregonian, March 30, 1901, page 4 Geo. R. Lindley has assumed his duties as cashier of the Jackson County Bank, a position he is well qualified to fill, and will doubtless give general satisfaction. W. B. Jackson, who was formerly deputy county clerk, has become bookkeeper at the Medford Bank. He will no doubt fill the place acceptably, being well adapted thereto. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 5 M. L. Alford, late of Ashland, has been appointed assistant cashier of the Medford Bank. It is a good selection. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1901, page 7 M. L. Alford and his family have arrived from Ashland, to become permanent residents of our town. Mose has been appointed assistant cashier of the Medford Bank. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 2, 1901, page 7 The annual meeting of the board of directors of the Medford bank was held in Medford on Monday of this week. The books of the bank, and all the institution's transactions during the year were carefully looked into, and everything was declared to be in a very satisfactory condition. The officers elected were H. E. Ankeny, president; J. H. Stewart, vice president; J. E. Enyart, cashier; M. L. Alford, assistant cashier. Mr. Stewart, who has been the bank's president since its organization, two years ago, declined a reelection, owing to other business which requires his personal attention. The stockholders of the bank are H. E. Ankeny, J. H. Stewart, C. C. Beekman, R. H. Whitehead, Horace Pelton, Ben Haymond, James Pelton, W. H. Bradshaw and J. E. Enyart. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 7 At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Medford Bank the following officers were elected: President, H. E. Ankeny; Vice President, J. H. Stewart; Cashier, J. E. Enyart; Assistant Cashier, M. L. Alford. The stockholders are: H. E. Ankeny, J. H. Stewart, C. C. Beekman, R. H. Whitehead, Horace Pelton, Ben Haymond, James Pelton, W. H. Bradshaw and J. E. Enyart. Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, June 20, 1901, page 1
Z. Maxcy, bookkeeper at the Jackson County Bank, left this
week for a few weeks' visit with relatives in Arizona and California.
Will Jackson has taken his place in the bank during his absence.
LARGE PLATE GLASS FRONT"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 6 Z. Maxcy, bookkeeper at the Jackson County Bank, who has been at Salt Lake City visiting his venerable mother, returned last week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1901, page 5 Z. Maxcy, who for the past six years has held the position of bookkeeper in the Jackson County Bank, has tendered his resignation and will soon move to his homestead on Butte Creek, where he will do farming. If Mr. Maxcy proves himself as good a farmer as he has an accountant, there is little doubt of his success. He was as methodical in his work as is the sun in its movements, and few, if any, are the errors charged to him during his years of faithful service. His position in the bank has been taken by Lee Jacobs, ex-county treasurer. Mr. Jacobs is himself an expert accountant, a splendid penman and quite as full of commendable methods as is Mr. Maxcy. Will Jackson has taken a position as assistant bookkeeper at the Medford bank. He is a very competent young man and well versed in the duties required. His former position in Hutchison & Lumsden's general store has been taken by L. O. Howard, who was formerly with H. H. Howard & Co.'s grocery house, and his position is being filled by J. W. Shearer, who arrived here recently from the East. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 7 The Jackson County Bank sent to each of its patrons, as a Christmas present, a very handsome and convenient combination memorandum book, diary and book of general information upon matters which are almost daily sought by the average business man. The compliment extended cannot but be fully appreciated. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 2, 1902, page 7 Messrs. Ling & Boardman have but recently finished repapering the interior of the Medford bank. Aside from this work the woodwork was varnished anew, new linoleum was put on the floors and divers other beautifying touches were made about the place. The general partition arrangement of the establishment has been changed somewhat, and by this Cashier Enyart is given an office by himself in which he can transact the business of the bank and not interfere with the assistant cashier's work. The new arrangement adds materially to the convenience of the establishment and at the same time gives the place an appearance that's decidedly metropolitan. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 21, 1902, page 7 PURSE HOLDERS TO ORGANIZE.
Organization is the order of the day, and waste of energy is becoming
as unendurable as shiftlessness. The latest class to get together in
this valley are the bankers, who held an informal meeting at Medford on
Washington's Birthday to discuss more uniform business methods for the
transaction of banking in this valley. There were present representing
the several banks as follows: H. L. Gilkey, cashier First National Bank
of Grants Pass; L. L. Jewell, cashier Grants Pass Banking & Trust
Co.; W. I. Vawter, president of the Jackson County Bank of Medford; J.
E. Enyart, cashier of the Medford Bank; E. V. Carter, cashier Bank of
Ashland; E. A. Sherwin, president, and A. McCallen, cashier of the
First National Bank of Ashland.
Bankers in Session.
several bank organizations of Southern Oregon have taken steps leading
to the perfecting of an association which will have for its object the
establishment of a uniform system of business among the banking
institutions of this part of the state, and a further object being that
of occasional meetings for the interchange of ideas up in bank business
lines. A meeting was held at the Medford bank, in this city, last
Saturday for the purpose of organizing upon lines above mentioned. The
several institutions were represented by the following gentlemen: H. L.
Gilkey, cashier First National Bank of Grants Pass; L. L. Jewell,
cashier Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.; W. I. Vawter,
president of
the Jackson County Bank, Medford; J. E. Enyart, cashier Medford Bank;
E. V. Carter, cashier Bank of Ashland; F. H. Carter, vice president
Bank of Ashland; E. A. Sherwin, president, and A. McCallen, cashier of
the First National Bank of Ashland.
A committee was appointed to formulate plans for a permanent organization, and a second meeting will be called soon, to be held at Grants Pass. Medford Mail, February 28, 1902, page 6 Representatives of the banks of Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass met in our city recently for the purpose of comparing notes and making preliminary arrangements for the formation of an association whose principal object will be the establishment of a uniform system of banking in Southern Oregon. Those present were E. A. Sherwin and A. McCallen, president and cashier of the First National Bank of Ashland; W. I. Vawter, president of Jackson County Bank; E. V. Carter and F. H. Carter, cashier and assistant cashier of Bank of Ashland; J. E. Enyart, cashier of Medford Bank; H. L. Gilkey, cashier of First National Bank of Grants Pass; L. L. Jewell, cashier of Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. A meeting for permanent organization will soon be held at Grants Pass, when the report of the committee appointed to formulate plans thereof will be heard. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 6, 1902, page 4 Z. Maxcy, the Big Butte rancher, and ex-bank bookkeeper, was in Medford this week upon a visit to friends. He has grown a full beard since going into the tall timber, and many of his closest friends here passed him by for a stranger on the streets. He will be down until Saturday. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 6 The corner of North C and Seventh streets is the best site for a fine building in the city. The ground is occupied by a number of small buildings at present, but we understand there is a probability that the owners, Messrs. W. I. Vawter, A. A. Davis and G. W. Howard, will erect a three-story stone and brick building thereon at a not distant date--this is to be the new home of the Jackson County Bank, the pioneer banking institution of Medford. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 8, 1902, page 7 Z. Maxcy has accepted a position in the Jackson County Bank, for three or four months at least. This gives the bank three men aside from president Vawter to handle its business. The condition of affairs monetary are surely very flattering when banks require additional help to properly attend to the requests of their patrons, and locally the need of such help is a pretty good endorsement of this banking institution and its methods. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 12, 1902, page 7 Will Establish Branch Here.
Phoenix Savings and Loan Association, of San Francisco, is to have a
branch organization in Medford. This company is one of the largest and
strongest financial institutions of its kind on the coast, its
phenomenal success during the past few years testifying to the
confidence reposed in it by the investing public. The "Phoenix," as
[it] is generally known, is the only company in California which has a
permanent, non-withdrawable reserve fund now amounting to over
$100,000, which absolutely guarantees depositors against loss of every
character and description. This reserve fund has been principally
subscribed and paid in by the directorate, which includes such men as
Chas. E. Ladd, of Ladd & Tilton, bankers of Portland; Chas. R.
Bishop, vice president of the Bank of California, San Francisco; A. A.
Watkins, of the W. W. Montague Co., and president of the Board of
Trade, San Francisco; Geo. C. Boardman, general agent for the Aetna
Fire Insurance Co.; S. Prentiss Smith, director of the National Bank of
D. O. Mills, Sacramento, and Clarence Grange, late Building and Loan
Commissioner of the state of Montana.
The "Phoenix" is the only company in California which absolutely guarantees the profit and maturity of its stock, and in addition gives the depositors the benefit of any surplus earnings over and above the guaranteed rate. These businesslike features have been the chief factors in increasing the subscribed capital of this institution over $5,000,000 during the last two years. Loans for building purposes on improved property will be made in Medford, such loans repayable in monthly installments same as paying rent. On time deposits the association pays 6 percent annual interest, payable semi-annually. The public is invited to investigate the plan and methods of the "Phoenix." Having investigated a proposition one's opinion is of some value, whereas the opinion of a neighbor who has not investigated the matter is of no value. The company's agent engaged in the establishment of a branch here is Mr. C. C. Pyle, of San Francisco. He is stopping at the Hotel Nash. Medford payments may be made to the Jackson County Bank. Medford Mail, September 19, 1902, page 2 The Medford Bank has had made 2500 very neat and handy little twelve-inch rulers which are now being scattered gratuitously over the county, with the compliments of the officers of that institution. Every school child in the county is to be provided with one of these rulers. The name of the bank and the names of the directors are printed on either side--a neat way of advertising--and ought to be an effective way. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 31, 1902, page 7 ANOTHER BANK FOR MEDFORD
First National, with a Capital of $50,000, Is Authorized.
21.--Application to organize national banks were today approved as
The First National Bank, of Medford, Or., with a capital of $50,000, by George R. Lindley, William I. Vawter, A. A. Davis, F. W. Hutchison and G. P. Lindley; the First National Bank, of Montpelier, Idaho, with a capital of $25,000, by E. A. Burrell, G. G. Wright, George Romney, George T. Odell, Lewis S. Hills and Tim Kinney. Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 22, 1904, page 6 First National Bank of Medford.
The application of F. K. Deuel, William S. Crowell, Ernest V. Carter,
Leo B. Haskins and George W. Dunn to organize the First National Bank
of Medford, Or., with $25,000 capital, has been approved by the
Controller of the Currency.The above dispatch in the Portland Oregonian of April 1st created a ripple in business and financial circles in the city, as the first intimation the general public had of such an enterprise was the printing of this dispatch. Many inquiries have been made as to the probable location and time of opening of the bank, but there is no definite information to be had just yet. The organizers of the corporation have several locations in view, but until the papers arrive from Washington and a permanent organization is effected nothing will be done in this matter. In fact it may be two or three months before the bank is ready to do business. There are many formalities which the government requires to be observed in the establishment of a national bank, and all these details require time. Each step must be taken in its order and the Treasury officials decline to be hurried. The enterprise was entered into by its promoters for the reason that they believed the time had come when Medford had reached the point in her growth which justified the establishment of a national bank. The majority of the stock is controlled by Medford people, and the management and control of the institution will rest with citizens of this city. Medford Mail, April 7, 1905, page 1 NEW BANK ORGANIZED.
interior finish promises to be magnificent, conveying a sense of
richness and luxuriation. The whole lower floor will be occupied by the
bank, to which entrance will be had on the corner through two massive
mahogany doors over a tiled vestibule. The walls will be covered with a
high wainscoting, finished with marble base. The bank fixtures will be
of elegant and the most modern design. The upstairs, which will be
fitted up for offices, will be in keeping with the rest of the
building, affording strictly up-to-date accommodations for professional
a meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Medford,
held on Friday evening last, the following board of directors was
elected: F. K. Deuel, W. S. Crowell, Chas. Strang, of Medford, George
W. Dunn, E. V. Carter, of Ashland.
The officers are: W. S. Crowell; F. K. Deuel, vice-president; and M. L. Alford, cashier. The principal stockholders in the new bank and the officers are all residents of Medford and comprise some of our most successful business men. The bank is capitalized at $25,000, and all this stock has been taken up. Indeed, since the announcement that the application of the organizers had been approved by the comptroller of currency was made, there have been applications for stock in the institution which would have easily enabled the bank to start with double the capitalization--and it would have been all paid up. The directors, however, decided that under the circumstances a capitalization of $25,000 would be sufficient, for the time at least. Under the national banking law each stockholder is liable for twice the amount of the stock he owns, as a protection to the depositors and customers of the bank, thus the First National Bank of Medford has practically a capitalization of $50,000. The permanent home of the bank will be in the Howard building on 7th Street, between C and D, that property having been purchased Monday from J. W. Cox for a consideration of $7,500. However, the lease held by Geo. F. King [for the Medford Book Store] has fourteen months yet to run before its expiration, so that it is probable that the bank will establish temporary quarters elsewhere. In fact, the management has a five-year lease on the Phipps property at the corner of B and 7th streets, now occupied by Mrs. C. L. Corwin, the milliner, and the possibilities are that this will be the place where the bank will first transact business. It will be between forty and sixty days before the First National Bank will be ready for business, as there is considerable work--both physical and mental--to be done before things will be in running order. As stated in last week's Mail, this bank will be a Medford institution, pure and simple. The great majority of the stock is held by Medford people--and people who have been active in building up the city--the officers are all Medford men and the First National Bank of Medford marks another milestone in the progress of the, destined to be, greatest and richest city in Southern Oregon. Medford Mail, April 14, 1905, page 1 Medford Bank May Open.
NEWS BUREAU, Washington, April 22.--The First National Bank of Medford,
Or. was today authorized to begin business with $25,000 capital.
William S. Crowell is the president, F. K. Deuel the vice-president and
M. L. Alford the cashier.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 23, 1905, page 3 New Bank Opens.
The First National Bank, of Medford, opened its doors for business
Thursday morning, in the Phipps building, corner of B and Seventh
streets, which will be the temporary home of the bank for some months,
at least. The office fixtures of the bank are of eastern quarter-sawed
oak and of neat and tasty design. The railings are set upon a polished
marble foundation and the slabs at the cashier's and paying teller's
windows are of the same kind of stone. Two safes of the latest
pattern--one of them being of manganese steel, regarded as fire, water
and burglar proof--complete the office equipment at present. The bank
commences under favorable conditions, and the personnel of its officers
gives assurance of its stability. The officers are: William S. Crowell,
president; F. K. Deuel, vice-president; M. L. Alford, cashier.Medford Mail, June 16, 1905, page 4 New Bank Building.
are being prepared by Whiden & Lewis, of Portland, for a new
for the Jackson County Bank. The present quarters of the bank are too
small for the rapidly increasing business of the institution, and the
officials have resolved to build a permanent home for the bank. The
building will be located on the corner of 7th and C streets--on the
property owned by the bank. It will be a modern brick structure, two
stories high with a basement beneath, and will be furnished with every
convenience. The basement will contain the furnace for heating the
building by steam. The first floor will be occupied by the bank, and
the second floor will be cut up into office rooms. The building will
front forty feet on Seventh Street and have a depth of forty-five feet.
If the present plans can be carried out the entrance to the basement
will be by a flight of stairs from the sidewalk.
New Bank Opens.Work will be commenced as soon as possible on the building. It is the intention to have the excavation for the basement made and the foundation laid this fall, so that the construction of the building proper can be begun as soon as spring opens. If these plans work out properly, by this time next year an up-to-date building will stand on the corner now made unsightly by the "shacks" which occupy it. Medford Mail, July 28, 1905, page 1
First National Bank of Medford opened its doors for business Thursday
morning in the Phipps Building, corner of B and Seventh streets, which
will be the temporary home of the bank for some months at least. The
office fixtures of the bank are of eastern quarter sawed oak and of
neat and tasty design. The railings are set upon a polished marble
foundation, and the slabs at the cashier's and paying teller's windows
are of the same kind of stone. Two safes of the latest pattern--one of
them being of manganese steel, regarded as fire, water and burglar
proof--complete the office equipment at present. The bank commences
under favorable conditions, and the personnel of its officers gives
assurance of its stability. The officers are: William S. Crowell,
president; F. K. Deuel, vice-president; M. L. Alford, cashier.
Medford Mail, June 16, 1905, page 4 Directors of the Jackson County Bank expect to commence work on their new bank building soon after the first of next month. Notice to vacate will immediately be given those who are now renters on the land upon which they intend to build. This will necessitate the removal of Oral Burnett's jewelry store and Karnes & Ritter's confectionery store. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 8, 1905, page 5 Hon. W. I. Vawter has been president of the Jackson County Bank for fifteen years, and the bank has been doing business all these years in the same building, but some of the old directors have died and new ones have been taken in. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 26, 1906, page 5 The demolition of the old brick building at the northwest corner of 7th and C streets was commenced Monday of this week. The building was purchased nearly a year ago by the Medford Bank with a view to ultimately building a permanent home for the bank upon the site. "Medford Bank Will Build," Medford Mail, March 2, 1906, page 1 ANOTHER NATIONAL BANK.
soon as the necessary formalities are completed, which will be soon,
Medford will have two national banks. Application has been made by the
Medford Bank to the comptroller of currency for a charter to conduct a
national bank, to be known as the Medford "National Bank." The Medford
Bank was first established as a private bank, and has had a successful
career in that capacity. Now its officers and stockholders, believing
it can best conserve their interest and those of its customers as a
national bank, have taken steps to secure a charter.
Among the future plans of the bank is the erection of a fine bank building on the property owned by the corporation at the corner of 7th and C streets, which it is intended to make one of the most convenient and complete buildings for that purpose outside of Portland. The officers of the Medford National will be the same as those of the Medford Bank, which is merged in it, and are as follows: H. E. Ankeny, president; J. E. Enyart, vice-president; Geo. L. Davis, cashier; W. B. Jackson, assistant cashier. The incorporators are: H. E. Ankeny, C. C. Beekman, W. H. Bradshaw, Horace Pelton and J. E. Enyart. Medford Mail, March 16, 1906, page 1 Work on the new bank building is being retarded some because that not enough brick are now burned for the job. Childers Bros. have commenced work on a new kiln, and as soon as this is burned the work will be pushed as rapidly as possible. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1906, page 8 Three Banks at Medford.
now has three banks, while Grants Pass and Ashland have two each, and
Jacksonville and Gold Hill have one each. Medford's third bank was
started last fall as a national bank, and the Medford Bank is to be
made a national bank under the name of the Medford National Bank. The
backers of this bank are H. E. Ankeny, formerly of Jacksonville and
owner of the big Sterling mine, but now residing at Eugene, C. C.
Beekman, of Beekman's Bank, Jacksonville, C. H. Lewis, one of the
largest fruit growers in Jackson County, Horace Pelton, a big stockman
of Sams Valley, W. H. Bradshaw, a retired farmer residing in Medford,
and J. E. Enyart, vice-president of the bank when it was a private
corporation, will be vice-president and manager of the new institution.
The other officers of the bank will continue in their positions in the
new bank, they being H. E. Ankeny, president, and George L. Davis,
cashier and W. B. Jackson, assistant cashier.
The capital of the bank has been increased from $50,000 to $100,000. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, March 30, 1906, page 5
The First National Bank will remove to its brick building two doors
east of the Hotel Nash early this summer. The First National Bank is
the only national bank in Medford, and the "square deal" is what it
hands out to all. Wm. S. Crowell, president; M. L. Alford, cashier.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 6, 1906, page 7 S. Childers Tuesday morning resumed the work of tearing down the brick building, [northwest] corner of Seventh and North C streets. The work of razing this old structure has been delayed somewhat because that brick for the construction of the new building had not been made. Now, however, the brick has been made and the kilns will be fired this week. This is to be the new home of the Medford Bank. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 4, 1906, page 5 Quits Bank for Merchandise..
Or., May 24.--(Special.)--George L. Davis resigned his position as
cashier of the Medford Bank and will be succeeded by John Orth, the
present County Clerk. Mr. Davis returned today from a business trip to
Portland, where he completed his arrangements to enter as a partner the
firm of W. D. Garman & Co., wholesale dealers in general
Mr. Davis has been a resident of Medford for the past 18 years and has been identified with the business life of the city for most of that period. His resignation will take effect June 1. Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 25, 1906, page 9 National Bank at Medford.
NEWS BUREAU, Washington, May 28.--The Medford National Bank, of
Medford, Or., has been authorized to begin business with $50,000
capital; H. E. Ankeny, president; J. E. Enyart, vice-president; John S.
Orth, cashier; W. B. Jackson, assistant cashier.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 29, 1906, page 4 Medford Has the Record.
Across C
Street from the new Medford
National [Bank], spoken of in yesterday's issue, on the northwest
corner, the Jackson County Bank will erect its handsome new home [on
the northeast corner], said
by people who know to be the finest building of its kind projected on
the coast. It will be two stories high, 36 feet on Seventh Street and
66 and a half feet on C Street. The building material to be used in the
construction of this edifice is pressed brick throughout, with
trimmings of terra cotta. It will present an exceedingly handsome and
imposing appearance when completed. The firm of Whidden & Lewis
Portland are the architects of this building. L. L. Litherland has the
brick and excavation contract, and Augel & Son the carpenter
interior finish part of the work. To superintend the work here are Mr.
Ryan for Litherland and Mr. Herbert Angel on the carpenter work.
Excavation is now going on for the eight-foot-deep basement, in which
the furnace for heating the building will be placed.
the city of Medford there are three bank buildings being constructed at
the present time, and the two farthest apart are separated by a
distance of less than two hundred feet. These banks are not new
institutions, either, nor are they putting up any temporary structures,
but they are substantial, modern edifices, appropriate to the character
of the business institutions which are building them.
Probably nowhere in the United States is there a city of 3000 inhabitants in which three bank buildings are being erected at one time. At the northwest corner of C and 7th Street the foundation of cement has been laid for the three-story building of the Medford National; just across C street the excavations are being made for the foundation of the new home of the Jackson County Bank. Diagonally across Seventh Street [but not on the corner] the First National has a force of men at work preparing for permanent quarters for that institution. While the latter operations consist of repairing and refitting a building already standing, they mean practical reconstruction, both inside and out. When this work is completed Medford's three banks will each own its own building, which is also something out of the ordinary. Medford Mail, June 29, 1906, page 1
It is a noteworthy and significant fact, telling its own story without
need of further enlargement, that all the three banking institutions of
Medford are engaged in providing for themselves new and improved
quarters. An indication of prosperity few towns can boast of.
The First National Bank has acquired the Howard property on Seventh Street, formerly occupied by King Bros., and the work of reconstruction is now busily going on under the firm of Priddy & Stewart as contractors. The plans for this building, which are particularly handsome, have been prepared by Mr. L. A. Palmer, the well-known local architect. Like the other two bank buildings, this one will also use pressed brick as chief material. The west wall, with considerable alterations, will be used for the new building, but the whole front will be completely new. One of the features of this front will be a large plate glass window, measuring 9¾x7½ feet, in the center of the building, with the entrance to the bank to the right and the stairway to the left. There will be four windows to the alley on each floor, all with mullioned upper sashes. The inside is to be finished in golden oak, with marble base. Altogether this building promises to be an ornament to the site it will occupy. "Medford Leads All Other Coast Towns in Building Activity," Medford Daily Tribune, June 29, 1906, page 1 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK OPENS.
Monday morning a new sign reading "Medford National Bank" appeared on
the front of the Stewart building, showing that the change of the
Medford Bank from a private to a national banking institution had been
completed, and that Medford now had two national banks. Inside the
business was going on just the same as ever, except that a new face was
at the cashier's window, that of John S. Orth, ex-county clerk, who has
already taken up his duties as cashier of the bank.
The officers and directors of the Medford National Bank are as follows: President, H. E. Ankeny; vice-president, J. E. Enyart; cashier, John S. Orth, assistant cashier, W. B. Jackson; directors, H. E. Ankeny, J. E. Enyart, John S. Orth, H. I. Pelton, J. A. Perry, John D. Olwell, C. H. Lewis. Medford Mail, July 6, 1906, page 4 E. E. Angle and F. L. Litherland, of Portland, were in Medford this week on business. They are the contractors for the Medford National and Jackson County Bank buildings now nearing completion, and also have the contract for the building to be erected by the Jackson County Bank, between the new structure and the Hutchison & Lumsden building. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 12, 1906, page 5 "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, October 20, 1906, page 5 The Jackson County Bank will erect a brick building north of their present bank building. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 3, 1906, page 1 The First National is getting ready to move into its new quarters on Seventh Street. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 10, 1906, page 1 FIRST NATIONAL IN NEW HOME
Prosperous Banking House Pleasantly Situated in a New and Handsome Establishment.
no more stir or ostentatious display than has marked its phenomenal
financial achievements of the past year, the First National Bank of
Medford last week quietly transferred its business from its birthplace
on East Seventh Street to the new home recently completed for it in the
center of the business district.
The building is a handsome two-story brick structure 25x60 feet. The front is of buff-colored Newburg brick with stucco trimmings and in point of architectural design is the peer of any business house on the street. The cost of the building alone will approximate $15,000. The interior has been apportioned to a main banking room about 32x24, with a reception room 10x12 adjoining. A small room 14x18 opening off the banking room is being fitted up for the use of the directors. The interior decorations are plain, yet tasty and substantial, as are the office furniture and other essential fittings. The spacious vault is in the fullest sense the strong feature of the establishment. It has been so constructed with air chambers above and about the sides as to render it absolutely fireproof. If a further guarantee of safety from fire and burglars were necessary it is afforded by a massive, manganese steel, burglar-proof safe, with time locks and every modern device for resisting the arts of the most skilled burglar. As yet, criminal history records no instance of the successful plundering of one of these safes. The double steel fire and burglar-proof doors that afford access to the vaults during banking hours are equipped with the Hall Safe and Lock Co's double time locks that, once closed and set, defy the most scientific appliances of the clever burglar. A system of safe deposit boxes will be installed within a few days, which will enable those having valuable papers or other treasures not bankable to deposit them where they will be safe and easily accessible when required. The First National Bank of Medford was established June 15, 1905, since which time it has made the most remarkable growth of any financial institution in Southern Oregon. Its original capital of $25,000 was doubled at the close of its first year, and its available reserve fund has reached, during the seventeen months of its corporate existence, the handsome figure of $225,000. The volume of deposits has doubled within the past year, and the bank has established a standing among the financial institutions of the state and the coast that is creditable indeed to the business integrity and sagacity of its officials and board of directors. The present official staff and directorate, under which the organization was first effected, are: Officers--Wm. S. Crowell, president; F. K. Deuel, vice president; M. L. Alford, cashier. Directors--Wm. S. Crowell, F. K. Deuel, Chas. Strang, E. V. Carter and Geo. W. Dunn. Medford is justly proud of her substantial financial institutions. They are indicative of her wealth and prosperity, and upon her growth and development depends the volume of their business. Medford Mail, November 23, 1906, page 1 Dr. H. P. Hargrave will move to his new office rooms in the First National Bank building about the 1st of December. The doctor has a suite of very pleasant rooms, at the front and directly over the bank. These are fitted up and arranged with a view to convenience for a professional man of his class, and the doctor has good reasons to be elated because of his good fortune in securing them. The rear rooms of this building are also fitted up very nicely and will be used by Hon. W. S. Crowell, president of the First National Bank. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 30, 1906, page 3 The First National Bank has moved into the new quarters provided for it, a spacious two-story brick building in the center of the business district. Its new home was built at a cost of $15,000. The bank is equipped with modern fire and burglar-proof vaults and safe. Safe deposit boxes will soon be added to its service. The capital is $50,000, and its affairs are reported to be in a flourishing condition. The officers are: President, Wm. S. Crowell; vice-president, F. K. Deuel; cashier, M. L. Alford; directors, Wm. S. Crowell, F. K. Deuel, Chas. Strong, E. V. Carter and Geo. W. Dunn. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, December 1, 1906, page 1 The new advertisement of the First National Bank appears in this issue of the Mail, and shows an investment of $70,000 in its resources since the date of its last advertisement, six months ago. The remarkable growth of the First National Bank in the first eighteen months of its existence is evidence of public confidence in its fair dealing, fidelity and safety. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 4, 1907, page 5 The First National Bank of Medford, Ore., which began business in June, 1905, has recently moved into its new building, which is a two-story brick structure, located on the main thoroughfare. Fixtures are of natural oak, manufactured at home, and installed by a local contractor. Deposits of the bank are $270,000; the capital $50,000, and surplus $6,000. Officers are: President, Wm. S. Crowell; vice-president, F. K. Deuel; cashier, M. L. Alford. Increasing business has caused the Jackson County Bank of Medford, Ore., to provide a new building, located on a principal business corner. The part of the new building not occupied by the bank will be leased for office purposes. Equipment in keeping with the new building will be installed. This bank has $50,000 capital, $50,000 surplus, and over $500,000 deposits. Its officers are: President, W. I. Vawter; vice-president, B. F. Adkins; cashier, G. R. Lindley. "Banking and Financial Notes: Pacific Slope," Bankers' Magazine, February 1907, page 301 At a meeting of the directors of the Medford National Bank J. E. Enyart was elected president to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Henry E. Ankeny; J. A. Perry, vice-president; John S. Orth, cashier; W. B. Jackson, assistant cashier. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 2, 1907, page 1 The First National Bank of Medford, organized less than twenty months ago, with a capital of $50,000, shows a very flattering statement at the last call, on January 26. The deposits, which amount to nearly $200,000, seem to be carefully placed. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 9, 1907, page 1 The Jackson County Bank has added H. H. Harney to its office force. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 16, 1907, page 5 NATIONAL BANK IN NEW BUILDING
fine new building just completed by the Medford National Bank is a
fitting house for a financial institution of the importance of that
organization. Pressed brick is the principal material used in the
construction, while iron cornices, painted, sanded and paneled to
resemble stone, introduces contrast in the walls. It is three stories
high and has a double frontage of twenty-five feet on Seventh Street
and eighty feet on C Street. The entrance is through imposing beveled
plate glass doors finished to correspond with the interior in rich
mahogany and selected Oregon fir. The corridor is twenty-six feet long,
and the abundant light from three large plate glass windows on the
north, with solid glass front on Seventh Street, together with the
delicate cream tint on the ceiling and walls above the wainscoting,
give a pleasant air of loftiness to the room.
The floor is tiled and has a marble base. The desks, which are of solid mahogany, are mounted with substantial and ornamental iron rail with plate glass panels below, and there are three hinged windows for the accommodation of patrons. The vaults are strictly fire- and burglar-proof, and the office fixtures are complete in every detail. The office of the President, J. E. Enyart, is separated from the main office by plate glass and a partition of mahogany and plate glass doors. Two neat and commodious rooms having the entrance on C Street are occupied by Wm. Colvig, as law offices. In the outer office his son, Donald, has a typewriting desk and is employed as stenographer. The light is softened by the delicate cream tint of the walls, and the finish is selected Oregon fir with heavy oak doors. The present office furniture is to be replaced in about a week by modern fixtures ordered through Weeks & Baker. Mr. Colvig has recently added several hundred dollars worth of valuable works to his already extensive law library, and these are here conveniently arranged. The staircase, also opening on C Street, is designed to economize space and at the same time to provide an easy ascent and sufficient light. At its foot is a tiled entrance communicating with the bank proper, and finished to harmonize with the upper floors. On the second floor, Page & Lawton, real estate dealers, occupy a conveniently arranged office suite of four rooms at the front of the building, while the remaining office rooms on this floor, as well as those on the third, afford strictly up-to-date accommodations for professional men. All rooms throughout the building are supplied with hot and cold water. In the construction of the building, F. L. Litherland of Portland, with William Ryan as superintendent, has had charge of the brick work. Angel & Son, also of Portland, have had the carpenter contract, while David C. Lewis of Portland was the architect. The plumbing was put in by the local firm of W. A. Aitken, and the Rogue River Electric and Construction Company did the wiring. On the whole the building is one of the most modern in design and elegant in finish of any bank between Portland and San Francisco. It is built to fit into the surroundings as they will be ten years hence, with Medford the largest and most active town in Southern Oregon, with a population of more than ten thousand. Medford Mail, March 8, 1907, page 1 In order to increase its business and to afford a secure investment for the wage earners and those not having a method for putting their surplus funds to use, the Medford National Bank has established a savings department and will pay 3½ percent interest on deposits. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 8, 1907, page 4 ![]() March 18, 1907 Oregonian The Medford National Bank has decided to take advantage of the additional facilities given them by their new building and has arranged to open a savings department. This being in fact a department of the bank, will bring it directly under the supervision of the government through its national bank examiner, and will subject it to the same conservative requirements as the balance of the institution. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 16, 1907, page 4 ![]() March 18, 1907 Oregonian REMARKABLE PROGRESS OF MEDFORD'S
Medford National and Jackson County Banks Occupy New Buildings Recently Completed at a Cost of $80,000.
Medford National and Jackson County bank buildings, occupying the
principal corners in the business district, and but recently occupied,
would be regarded as a handsome addition to the business district of
any city in the Northwest. Both are models of architectural elegance,
both have been constructed on the most modern lines and are equipped
with every modern device for the protection of the banks' funds and
securities from fire and burglars. In exterior appearance and interior
finish both are attractive and beautiful, and both have been arranged
with the object of handling business with facility and dispatch. The
cost of each will be but little less than $45,000. In point of
stability and financial standing both are rated among the best banking
houses in the state. The directorate of each
the names of the financial pillars of this community, men whose names
stand for sterling integrity and sound business principle. Both have
safely established themselves in the good graces of the people of this
community by long years of business association, and by active interest
in the promotion of every laudable enterprise for the upbuilding of
this section. They are safe, progressive, ably officered and well
conducted financial concerns, and Medford is proud of them.
The Jackson County Bank was established by W. I. Vawter in 1888, with a capital of $25,000. Today its paid-up capital and surplus is about $90,000. The Medford National Bank has an equally enviable record. It has recently added a savings department, offering to the economically disposed an opportunity of securing interest on savings deposits. The long and successful career of these two financial institutions and the almost phenomenal increase in capitalization and volume of business is creditable to their management and an infallible indication of the prosperity of this section of Southern Oregon. Medford Daily Tribune, March 18, 1907, page 1 JACKSON COUNTY BANK BUILDING.
new addition to our substantial business structures has just been made
ready for occupancy, the same being the new home of the Jackson County
Bank, which is like the abiding place of the two other financial
institutions of our city, not only useful, but ornamental, a credit to
those who built it and is far ahead of its environment.
This building stands on the northeast corner of C and Seventh streets, having a frontage on the former of thirty-five and on the latter sixty-six feet, and is two stories high, with a basement. The exterior walls are terra cotta brick, resting on a granite base, with concrete foundation, the latter rising to the level of the street. The cornices and other finishing work are also of terra cotta. The windows in both stories are of plate glass, large enough to give more than ordinary amount of light necessary for a business house and add greatly to the beauty of the structure. A corner entrance admits one to the bank proper, where a lobby runs along either wall, separate from the business and working room by a nicely finished base surmounted by a screen work of bronze copper in "old copper" imitation. On the right is a door leading to the private office of the bank president, which is made accessible to the working room by another door. At the left as one enters and at the extreme end of the lobby are three private booths, one of them being provided with a telephone, for the accommodation of depositors, and between these and the business portion of the bank is a door leading through the partition or screen dividing the lobby from the work room, and inside is a passageway, divided off from the working room, leading to the safe deposit vault, which is for the preservation of valuable papers and records. This vault contains over one hundred safe deposit boxes, each one having a key to be carried by the depositor and the bank having a master key, which it is necessary for the depositor to have in order to unlock the box. In other words, both keys are necessary in order to gain access to the box. On the easterly side of the safe deposit vault is the bank vault proper, containing one of the latest improved safes where is kept the "great heaps" of the precious metal and slips of paper bearing the stamp of Uncle Sam and which we have chosen as a nation to represent our great wealth. The safe and both vaults open with time locks. At the rear of the vaults, entrance to which is gained by a door from the working room of the bank, are the stock room and other private rooms of the bank officials. On the westerly side of the building, on C Street, is the stairway entrance to the second floor. The stairway is broad, and the steps are graduated in a manner that makes ascent easy. On the second floor are office rooms. The two rooms fronting on Seventh Street, one on C Street and an interior room which is lighted by means of a skylight, are occupied by Dr. Pickel. The corner room is a waiting chamber, while the room fronting on C Street is given to operating purposes. The interior room is occupied by the doctor's X-ray machine. The room fronting on Seventh Street contains Mr. Pickel's medical library, which is beyond a doubt the largest and most complete collection of medical works in the state. The other rooms on the second floor will be occupied by Hon. W. I. Vawter and M. Purdin, as law offices. The building is beautifully finished throughout, every room is made comfortably warm by means of hot water provided from the basement, and all modern conveniences are found in every department. Medford Mail, March 22, 1907, page 1 Medford is justly proud of her three banks and the handsome buildings which house them. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 23, 1907, page 4 The Jackson County Bank and the Medford National Bank have both recently moved into new and elegant quarters, each costing about $45,000. The two banks seem to be enjoying an equal degree of popularity and prosperity. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 30, 1907, page 4 MEDFORD
The Medford National Bank has installed the first Western Union
telegraph "time circuit" clock in this city. The timepiece is of the
best make, and is corrected hourly by telegraphy. These clocks are in
general use throughout the East, and are popular with the business
houses and railways, because they are always reliable, and are wound
and set automatically. Mr. Enyart but offers the opportunity of
starting either one off on observatory time when desired--Tribune.
. . . The misuse of banking terms by the uninitiated
results in confusion of ideas. While we know that the Jackson County
Bank is one of the stalwart institutions of Southern Oregon, $600,000
is a large sum to be carried as surplus. In banking parlance "surplus"
usually represents profits which have not been divided among the
stockholders of a bank. The Medford Tribune of
April 11 contained the
following: "A Correction--An error in the ad. of the Jackson County
Bank in this paper made it appear that the available surplus of that
pioneer financial institution is $60,000 instead of $600,000. We make
this correction for the benefit of the narrow-minded who sought to make
capital of the error." It is likely that available assets was meant.
The Medford
National Bank is one of the most firmly established financial
institutions in the State of Oregon and occupies its own building--one
of Medford's newest and most modern structures. The management of the
bank has had seventeen years' experience in Jackson County, and since
it was organized in July, 1906, it has experienced a growth that placed
it in the front rank, and now has resources to the amount of $400,000,
a capital of $50,000 and a surplus of $10,000. The Medford National is
the only bank in Southern Oregon having a savings department, and this
feature, together with the fact that interest is paid on savings
deposits, has won favor among the people. The officers are among the
best-known business men in the county. They are: J. E. Enyart,
president; J. A. Perry, vice-president; John S. Orth, cashier; W. B.
Jackson, asst. cashier; Horace Pelton, Wm. M. Colvig, J. S. Howard, J.
D. Olwell.
Medford Mail, April 26, 1907, page 2 JACKSON
The Jackson
County Bank, the pioneer banking institution, was founded by W. I.
Vawter in 1888, and during the history has been under his management.
It was incorporated under the state law in 1893 with a paid-in capital
of $25,000. The capital has since been increased to $50,000 and has an
earned surplus of $50,000, its capital and surplus of $100,000 giving
it the largest working capital of any bank in the city. It has the
largest deposit account of any bank in Southern Oregon, and total
resources of seven hundred thousand. Its officers and directors are: W.
I. Vawter, President; B. F. Adkins, Vice-president; G. R. Lindley,
cashier; L. L. Jacobs, assistant cashier; A. A. Davis, R. H. Whitehead;
and F. W. Hutchison. Among people who know the officers of the Jackson
County Bank, that institution needs no other guarantee. The new bank
building, recently completed, is among the best in Oregon and a
structure of which not only the officers of the bank but all citizens
of Medford are proud.
Medford Mail, April 26, 1907, page 3 FIRST
"The Youngest and the Strongest" is the claim made by the first
National Bank of Medford, and this assertion is substantiated by the
fact that this bank has had a more rapid growth than any other bank in
Southern Oregon, and has been forging ahead steadily since it began
business in 1905. Its growth in eighteen months has been $200,000, and
it has at the present time resources to the amount of $250,000. This
bank was the first in Medford to be established in a new home, and the
structure it now occupies is substantial, thorough in all arrangement
and one of the most beautiful in architecture. The officers and
directors are as follows: Wm. S. Crowell, president; F. K. Deuel,
vice-president; M. L. Alford, cashier; Chas. Strang, E. V. Carter, Geo.
W. Dunn.
Medford Mail, April 26, 1907, page 2 "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, April 27, 1907, page 4 OREGON.
Jacksonville--George Davis, of Medford, Ore., is arranging to open a
bank in Jacksonville. It is reported that the Oregon Banking &
Trust Company is associated in the enterprise.
The Commercial West, July 27, 1907, page 43 FINANCES IN THE SISKIYOU COUNTRY.
(By Our Special Correspondent in the Field.)
Coming down
through the Rogue River Valley and into Northern California, your
correspondent finds matters financial to be in a condition, generally
speaking, entirely satisfactory to those holding and handling the
ever-increasing funds of the wealth producers of these sections of
Oregon and California.
Deposits are increasing, and a steady and legitimate demand for money accommodation for the various business purposes, agricultural and otherwise, which these sections are enabled to foster, shows a promising broadening of a really substantial sort. Already famous for the exceptional quality of their fruit, and justly so, judging from the appearance of some of the specimens seen, the Rogue River orchard culturists will this year outdo all their previous efforts in the extent and grade of their product. This, in conjunction with a good general agricultural yield, naturally swells the deposits of the banks, of which there are no less than eight in the three towns visited--Medford, Jacksonville and Ashland--and one of these, open for business but a little over a week, already shows deposits in excess of $17,000, a most excellent showing for a new bank, located in a town of less than 1,000 population. The older banks are, of course, getting their share of the material proceeds derived from the growth of the district, and the officers of the various institutions view with considerable satisfaction their constantly expanding business, they not only holding ample funds for the accommodation of their customers, but goodly sums for employment elsewhere as well. A.B.
Excerpt, The Pacific Banker, Portland,
Oregon, October 26, 1907, page 2
Medford Banks Confident.
Or., Nov. 2.--(Special.)--The three banks in this city have had a busy
day. Deposits have exceeded withdrawals, and all local checks are being
cashed. The business in every line is best in Medford's history, and
confidence is expressed on every hand. It is not likely that the
holiday proclaimed will, for the coming week, be observed.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 3, 1907, page 22 November 4: Deposits for the past three days have exceeded the withdrawals. Unless gold shipments from the East are withheld too long it is not expected that the local institutions will be seriously inconvenienced. There is plenty of money in circulation, and everyone is confident that a few days will see everything straightened out. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 9, 1907, page 8 Easier at Medford.
Or., Nov. 13.--The three banks doing business here--the First National,
the Medford National and the Jackson County Bank--have been very
cautious lately and have refused to cash any large checks, but are
beginning to loosen and will soon resume normal business. People here
who have deposits in the banks have been very conservative, facing the
situation with full confidence that the banks are safe and sound, and
depositors now realize that the banks did the right thing in refusing
to allow them to draw out their deposits.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, November 14, 1907, page 6 National Bank Examiner Claud Gatch has just completed his inspection of Medford banks, which were found in excellent condition, from 40 to 50 percent of deposits being on hand in cash. Medford is still on a cash basis. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 16, 1907, page 8 The effects of the Panic of 1907 on Medford banks: MONEY IN MEDFORD BANKS
Reports to Comptroller Show Prosperous Condition in Fruit Center.
Or., Dec. 6.--(Special.)--Following the call of the Controller of the
Currency, Medford's three banks have since December 3 issued statements
which show the affairs of these concerns to be in excellent condition.
All have from 75 to 200 percent more reserve than is required by law,
and all depositors are standing firm in their confidence in the outcome
when the holidays are ended.
The present month finds much bustling among the owners of orchard lands. Already three carloads of fruit trees have been unloaded in Medford, where two carloads during the entire season was the record last year. The Spitzenberg and Newtown apples and Comice and Bartlett pears lead in the numbers being set out, although there will be probably be 100,000 peach trees, as well as a goodly acreage of prunes, planted. Morning Oregonian, December 8, 1907, page 6 CONFIDENCE IN LOCAL BANKS
there is no lack of confidence in Medford banks was shown Monday
morning, when for the first time since the 29th of October, when the
legal [bank] holidays were first declared--excepting those two days
when the governor's facetiousness tangled court business up some--the
banks were thrown wide open for business.
Promptly at nine o'clock a Mail reporter was on the scene watching for the big lines of depositors who would come to draw out the money that they had deposited in the banks. That's all there was to it--the scene and the shivering reporter on the corner. There wasn't any rush--not at all. A half hour, then an hour passed, still no rush. Finally a man came hastily up the street and entered one of the banks. "There goes the first of the run," said the reporter to himself, and he made a beeline for that bank. Entering, he saw the man with bills and gold and silver piled up before him. "At last," he thought, "the run has started." Then the man he had seen come into the bank quietly remarked to the cashier, "Just credit that to my account; business was so lively Saturday afternoon that I forgot to deposit until the banks had closed, and this stuff has been bothering me ever since." "Isn't there any run?" asked the reporter after the depositor had gone away. "Haven't seen anything that looked any more like it than what you saw a while ago," said the banker as the stacked up the coin just left by the depositor. And that was just the way it was in all the other banks. Business went on just the same as it always had done. Indeed, the deposits on Monday perhaps overbalanced the withdrawals quite a bit. Many business men had accumulated quite a lot of ready cash during the holidays, not knowing how long they would last and, wishing to keep the coin in circulation, did not put it in the banks and check against it. When the lid came off they immediately deposited their surplus cash. Medford Mail, December 20, 1907, page 1 "There is every prospect that the affairs of the Oregon Trust & Savings Bank will be wound up in the near future," said District Attorney A. E. Reames, who has returned from a protracted stay in Portland, where he has been aiding in straightening out the affairs of the bank. "Matters are in such shape that before long receiver Devlin will be justified in asking for the sale of the remaining assets and liabilities. Enough money will be received from the sale to pay out most of the depositors, and the purchaser will put up bonds to pay all remaining indebtedness within a year." It is understood that one of the Portland banks is figuring on purchasing the lease and business and working out the securities of the failed bank.--Medford Tribune. The "run" which was anticipated by some to occur when the [bank] holidays were declared off materialized, but it was in the direction of the receiving windows instead of the paying. Many merchants who had accumulated funds which they were keeping on hand to meet current expenses immediately resumed depositing and paying out by check soon as the holiday restrictions were removed. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, December 28, 1907, page 6 At the annual meeting of the shareholders of the First National Bank the same officers and directors as were chosen when the bank first organized were again reelected, and a semi-annual dividend of 4 percent was declared. The officers are: William S. Crowell, president; F. K. Deuel, vice-president; George W. Dunn, second vice-president; M. L. Alford, cashier; Orris Crawford, assistant cashier. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, January 25, 1908, page 6 The First National Bank wishes it known that 70 percent of the stock of the bank is owned by Medford people, and the balance is held in Central Point, Jacksonville and Ashland, about equally. "Northwest Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, April 25, 1908, page 6
First National Bank of this city has been made a United States
depository. This is the only bank in Southern Oregon to obtain such an
honor from the United States government, with the exception of the
First National Bank of Ashland.
The naming of the bank as a depository of the United States carries with it a deposit on the part of the government of $50,000. The fact that the government has seen fit to make a local bank a depository for government funds shows that Uncle Sam has faith in a local institution. It places Medford a little more on the map and adds another city touch. Last fall W. S. Crowell, the president of the bank, made a trip East for the purpose of looking up the matter, but the panic interfering, he could not make arrangements at that time. He received, however, the assurance that such a step would be taken by the government as soon as possible, and he was shortly notified to that effect. The First National Bank is one that reflects credit on a community, as are the other two banks of this city. Medford Mail, June 12, 1908, page 1 Through the efforts of president W. S. Crowell the First National Bank of Medford has been made a United States depository, being the only bank in Southern Oregon to obtain such an honor from the government with the exception of the First National Bank of Ashland. "Northwest Items," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, June 20, 1908, page 6 The First National Bank of Medford last week declared its usual semi-annual dividend of 4 percent. The bank continues in a most flourishing condition. "Northwest Items," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, July 18, 1908, page 6 CONDITION OF OUR BANKS
Address Delivered by W. S. Crowell
the recent meeting of the State Bankers Association the following
address was delivered by Judge W. S. Crowell of the First National Bank
of this city:
"I come from the place you all are seeking--Paradise. Paradise is located in the beautiful Rogue River Valley, where are produced those larger and luscious apples with which Mrs. Eve beguiled our father Adam in that bygone time, about which some of you have doubtless heard. We also grow fine fig trees, the same sort from which Mr. and Mrs. Adam had their first tailored suits built. "There are 10 banks in Paradise--I mean Jackson County--and all are prosperous. Jointly they control a half million dollars of banking capital, besides having deposits exceeding $2,000,000. "The panic, while for a time it interrupted business, caused no permanent injury to any of our local interests. During the holidays, while the 'lid was on,' all our banks remained open, and none refused cash when our customers needed it. In Medford the Southern Pacific deposited all its daily freight and passenger collections, amount[ing] to $5,000 or $6,000 weekly, in the local banks and took our exchange on San Francisco therefor. This kept fully $40,000 at home during the several weeks the lid was on that would otherwise have gone to San Francisco. This conduct of the railroad was much appreciated by the banks and citizens of Medford. "Since the legal holidays terminated, on December 16, deposits in our local banks have not materially changed. The demand for money is greater than it was a year ago. An active movement in real estate continues, and all our local business interests are prosperous. "The Southern Pacific railroad has largely assisted our local commercial bodies in advertising the resources of southern Oregon in the East, and this has resulted in increasing our population from 15 to 20 percent during the last year. The newcomers have largely been persons of means, and the investments which they have made have caused a very considerable increase of the resources of Jackson County, besides adding a refined and prosperous element to our population." Medford Mail, July 24, 1908, page 1 HANDSOME NEW CHECKS.
officials of the First National Bank of Medford deserve to be
congratulated in connection with their new checks. These have just been
received, and it is doubtful if any other bank on the coast, small or
large, has as handsome a check as has this enterprising local bank.
Not only are these checks very artistic, but each one issued is an advertisement for Medford and the valley. They are lithographed and in a brown tint; covering the whole front is a fruit orchard, while in the center appears a basket of fruit, on which is the letters 1st N. B., in a monogram. The checks will be ready for distribution in a few days. Medford Mail, August 7, 1908, page 1 The Fruitgrowers Trust Company, a corporation composed of Seattle and Medford capitalists, was organized here this week to conduct a general fund business. The capital stock is $50,000. The organization now owns over 500 acres of orchard lands near Medford, and contemplates the control of fully that many more in the near future. The directors are: Reginald H. Parsons, Seattle; John A. Torney, Seattle; Howard S. Dudley, Seattle; W. I. Vawter, Medford; Mayor Reddy, Medford; W. J. Martin, Medford; J. D. Olwell, Medford; Worrall Wilson, Seattle; and Albert B. Moses, Seattle. The Jackson County Bank, local agent for John Nuveen & Co., bond brokers of Chicago, are in receipt of the blank bonds for the $292,000 remaining of the bond issue of $355,000, and the brokers wish $20,000 of them signed at once and returned to their offices, showing that they are experiencing no trouble in their disposal. It begins to look as though the money would be on hand before the sources of supply for the new water distributing system had been determined. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, October 24, 1908, page 6 ![]() From a 1909 Medford booster booklet. CHANGE BANKING HOURS.
Medford Banks Will Open at Nine and Close at Three.
who have been in the habit of leaving their banking until half past 3
o'clock in the afternoon, and especially those who have been accustomed
to toting their cash to the aforesaid banks on about 3:45 o'clock and
even later, are hereby warned that on and after December 1 next, 3
o'clock will be the limit.
BANK BUILDING IS BEING RAZEDIn other words, all the banks doing business in Medford have agreed to close their doors and also to cease doing business in the general banking line with their customers after the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon of any day during the week. This is supposed to refer to everybody, but at the same time if an editor or one of the business men in Medford have a million or more to deposit and do not wish to take the risk of keeping it in the house "where rust doth corrupt and thieves break through and steal," they can probably make some special arrangement with the powers that be and get their lucre, filthy or otherwise, in the vaults, which are warranted to stand dynamite, gunpowder or fire. If any depositor feels inclined to doubt the truthfulness of the foregoing, he or she, as the case may be, is called to the official notice of all the banks of Medford, which is duly signed and sealed by the presidents thereof. Medford Mail, November 20, 1908, page 1 John Nuveen & Co., bankers of Chicago, who contracted for the Medford water bond issue of $365,000, for which the firm received a commission of $18,000, threaten to withdraw the offer for the bonds and substitute a damage suit unless the city agrees to its terms and pays accrued interest from the date of the bond issue, regardless of when the money is received by the city. The city council at a meeting held this week decided to refuse to pay for money that will not be received for a year yet. A crisis exists that may result in prolonged litigation and hamper the construction of the new gravity system. The banks of this city have agreed to close their doors at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, instead of at 4 as heretofore has been the custom. The new rule goes into effect December 1. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 28, 1908, page 6 All fear that Nuveen & Co., the Chicago investment bankers, who had contracted for the $50,000 Medford water bond issue, would refuse to take them was quieted this week by a message from the Chicago firm saying they would pay the interest on the issue accruing between the date of the bonds and the date of delivery, which was the point at issue. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, December 5, 1908, page 6 To date there has been no satisfactory adjustment of the difficulties existing between the city and John Nuveen & Co. of Chicago, the bond brokers, over the payment of the accrued interest on the gravity water supply bonds. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, December 26, 1908, page 6 John Nuveen & Co., of Chicago, have instructed W. I. Vawter, of this city, to meet with the city council and negotiate for them in the matter of the sale of the gravity water bonds which the council recently decided to resell in order to end the quibbling that has gone on since the bond house was awarded the bonds. A meeting of the council will be called in the near future, so that Mr. Vawter will have the opportunity to set forth what Nuveen & Co. intend to do. No doubt the Chicago firm will come to some agreement with the city at that time and accept the remainder of the bonds. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, January 2, 1909, page 6 The Jackson County Bank has elected W. I. Vawter, president; B. F. Adkins, vice-president; G. R. Lindley, cashier; and L. L. Jacobs, assistant cashier. Directors: B. F. Adkins, A. A. Davis, F. W. Hutchinson, R. H. Whitehead and W. I. Vawter. The capital stock has been raised from $50,000 to $100,000. Surplus is now $25,000. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 27, 1909, page 6 The city council is considering taking steps toward calling a special election to vote on the question of amending the charter so as to permit of additional bonding for the purpose of securing further extensions to the city distribution system. It is probable that a date for such election will be named in the near future. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, April 17, 1909, page 6 The semi-annual statement of the clerk of Jackson County shows outstanding warrants, including principal and interest, April 1, 1909, of $144,989.31, with cash on hand applicable to redemption of $38,504.07. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, May 1, 1909, page 6 The Jackson County Bank is considering plans for a new building, to be constructed of brick and stone, which will be a credit to both the institution and Medford. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, May 8, 1909, page 6 State Bank Examiner Steele was in Medford last week and gave out the following statement relative to the banks of the county: "I have visited the banks of Jackson County from one end to the other and find them all in splendid condition. Your country is prosperous and is rapidly developing. I hear much of conditions of this section, and I am leased to note that what I hear is verified by the condition of the banks of the county." Mr. Steele reports most favorable conditions throughout southern Oregon, the prosperity of the entire section being indicated by the growth of the financial institutions. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, June 5, 1909, page 6 The much talked-of West Main Street bank is now an assured enterprise. This will give Medford four banks. The site selected is at the northwest corner of West Main and Grape streets, and the building is now being put up. The promoters of the bank are G. L. Davis of Jacksonville and L. E. Wakeman of this city. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, July 2, 1909, page 5 Reports of the three Medford banks, as shown by the statements of June 23, are most gratifying to the reader, reflecting as they do the growth of the business of the city and the prosperity of the surrounding country. The daily clearing house transactions reach an average of over $30,000, and deposits of Medford's financial institutions now total $1,199,842. The First National Bank recently passed its fourth birthday. President W. S. Crowell, in honor of the event, gave a dinner at the Louvre, at which the directors and employees of the bank were entertained. The business of the bank has shown a steady increase, more than keeping pace with the growth of the city. This statement is corroborated by the fact that the resources of the bank are 22 times greater than at the time of organization. "Financial News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, July 3, 1909, page 6 Suit has been filed by Receiver J. F. Reddy, of the Medford & Crater Lake Railroad, against T. C. Devlin, receiver of the failed Oregon Trust & Savings Bank, and the German-American Bank, of Portland, to establish the validity of $81,500 certificates of deposit, the proceeds of the sale of the railroad. Papers are being prepared for a second suit to compel a public accounting of all transactions made at the time the failed institution was closed. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, July 10, 1909, page 6 Incorporation papers have been filed for the Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank of Medford, L. E. Wakeman, C. H. Corey and G. L. Davis being the incorporators. The capital stock is placed at $25,000. It is understood that the bank will open for business about October 1, in the Syndicate building, on West Main Street. The new institution will make the fourth bank for Medford. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, September 11, 1909, page 7 MEDFORD HAS NEW BANK
Institution Will Open November 1 with $50,000 Capital.
Or., Sept. 14.--(Special.)--With a capital of $50,000, and some of the
strongest men, financially, in the community as stockholders, the
Farmers & Fruitgrowers' Bank has just been organized. G. L.
of the Bank of Jacksonville, is president; L. E. Wakefield, recently
from Minnesota, cashier, and L. Niedermeyer, one of the largest
property owners in the city, vice-president. Other directors at I. W.
Thomas, W. H. Stewart, James Campbell, recently from Minneapolis, and
A. C. Randall, of the Talent Orchard Company.
The new bank will open for business on November 1. Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 15, 1909, page 13 The Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, which will open here about the first of November, has completed organization. G. L. Davis, of the Bank of Jacksonville, has been elected president; L. E. Wakefield, cashier; and L. Niedermeyer, vice-president. The above-named officials compose the directorate, together with I. W. Thomas, W. H. Stewart, James Campbell and A. C. Randall. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, September 18, 1909, page 7 The Jackson County Clearing House Association, formed for the purpose of bringing the bankers of the county into closer business and social relations, held its first meeting September 17, rendering the following well-selected program: Address by chairman. The objects of the association--History of Jackson County Banking, Hon. E. V. Carter, cashier U.S. National Bank, Ashland. Remarks by the guest of the evening, the oldest banker in Southern Oregon, Hon. C. C. Beekman, of Beekman's Bank, Jacksonville. Is Free Exchange Good Banking? J. E. Enyart, president Medford National Bank. How Banks Serve Public Interests, Hon. L. L. Mulit, cashier First National Bank of Ashland. Should Cashiers' Signatures Be Plain or Complex, Hon. J. L. Hammersley, cashier Gold Hill Bank. Banks and Bankers, William S. Crowell, president of the First National Bank of Medford. The addresses of Judge W. S. Crowell, president of the First National Bank of Medford, and Hon. E. V. Carter, cashier of the United States National Bank of Ashland, were especially instructive and are reported in full in the Medford Tribune. Following the business session, the convention moved in a body to the Nash Grille, where an elaborate menu was served, and some fine after-dinner talks were enjoyed. Among the guests were: G. W. Dunn, H. L. Emery, E. V. Carter, Gwin Butler, F. H. Carter, George Ewbanks, L. L. Mulit, O. Winters and Mr. Vaupill of Ashland; C. C. Beekman, G. L. Davis and B. M. Collins of Jacksonville; J. L. Hammersley of Gold Hill; W. S. Crowell, Charles Strang, M. L. Alford, Orris Crawford, T. H. Howard, J. E. Enyart, John S. Orth, W. B. Jackson, W. M. Colvig, F. E. Merrick, J. A. Perry and James Campbell of Medford. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, September 25, 1909, page 7 The First National Bank of will increase its capital stock from $50,000 to $100,000, the change to go into effect as soon as the necessary papers can be returned from Washington. From present indications the new issue of stock will be far from a drug on the market. Hon. W. S. Crowell, manager of the First National, is to be congratulated on the steady growth of the institution. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 6, 1909, page 7 Judge W. S. Crowell, of the First National Bank, modestly refuses to accept the full credit for the growth of the First National Bank and states in the local paper that the First National has "the best lot of officers, directors and stockholders that a bank could possibly have and all the credit is theirs." "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 13, 1909, page 7 Messrs. Davis and Wakeman have arranged for speedy delivery of fixtures from San Francisco, so that the new West Side bank may open on time. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 27, 1909, page 7 The recent call brought out a showing of gain for local banks in eleven months of nearly a half million dollars. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, December 4, 1909, page 7 What is the name of the bank in Medford which is the United States Depository? This bank was established June 15th, 1905, with a capital stock of $50,000, and its resources at this time are twenty-seven times larger than when it began business. The official report to the Comptroller of Currency November 16, just a few days ago, showed the individual deposits in this bank to be $564,107.83--over a half million of dollars. Each year shows a substantial growth in the business of this bank. They offer every facility to the business man and the farmer and investor. Splendid safe deposit boxes for rent as low as $2 a year. First National Bank. "What Do You Know About This?" Medford Mail, December 9, 1909, page 6 What is the name of the bank in Medford whose resources total $621,489.98? Whose deposits exceed a half million dollars, according to the official statement of November 6th? Whose deposits have increased $107,372.04 since the first of September this year, showing the largest growth in the bank's existence? These facts should be of interest to anyone. Whose home is on one of the city's most central corners, a modern building, representing a value of $10,000? Who has commodious and convenient safety deposit vaults and boxes, modern facilities of all kinds? This bank is under the management of gentlemen, some of whom have had 20 years of banking experience in southern Oregon, and have an intimate knowledge of the lands in Jackson County, and seen some of them advance from $10 to $1000 an acre. They are therefore in position to select the best securities in the way of loans. This intimate knowledge of the people and property enables this bank to place its loans entirely throughout the county, with people of well-known commercial rating, thereby securing for its depositors the greatest factor of safety as against buyers of eastern securities. It not only helps the city of Medford by purchasing its bonds, which are gilt-edged, but is ever ready to extend banking assistance to home people, consistent with conservative banking methods. The Medford National Bank. "What Do You Know About This?" Medford Mail, December 9, 1909, page 6 You are asked to name the oldest bank in the city of Medford. Not for the purpose of boasting, but as a simple statement of facts, would say that this bank has the largest capital stock and also the largest surplus and undivided profits of any bank in Medford. The capital stock is $100,000, and the surplus and undivided profits amount to $41,437.04. This bank was established in 1888 and has had an unbroken record of prosperous advancement. It enjoys the complete confidence of the people, as shown by their deposits, which aggregate a larger sum than those of any other bank in the city. They pay interest on time certificates of deposit. The Jackson County Bank. "What Do You Know About This?" Medford Mail, December 9, 1909, page 6 The Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank of this city is opened and flourishing. The officers are: G. L. Davis, president; L. Niedermeyer, vice-president, L. E. Wakeman, cashier; and L. L. Jacobs, assistant cashier. Fifteen thousand dollars in deposits were received on the day of its opening. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, January 1, 1910, page 7 Deposits in the bank of Medford have increased over those of the year 1908 in the sum of $600,634.88. In 1908 only one bank, the Jackson County Bank, showed deposits of over half a million dollars. This year all three of Medford's old banks are in the half-million class. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, January 15, 1910, page 7 The Medford National Bank has its home in its own splendid building. The officers are: J. E. Enyart, president; J. A. Perry, vice-president; John S. Orth, cashier; W. B. Jackson, assistant cashier; directors, W. H. Gore, F. E. Merrick, Wm. M. Colvig and Horace Pelton. The First National Bank of this city held its annual meeting on the 11th inst. and elected officers as follows: W. S. Crowell, president; F. K. Deuel, vice-president; G. W. Dunn, vice-president; M. L. Alford, cashier; Oris Crawford, assistant cashier. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, January 22, 1910, page 7 The Jackson County Bank, Medford National Bank and the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank put in identical bids for the handling of the city's funds recently, and a resolution was passed by the city council accepting the offer and instructing the treasurer to divide the funds as nearly equal as possible between the three depositories. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 5, 1910, page 7 THREE GOOD BANKS.
Jacksonville Post, February
12, 1910, page
1Are in Fine Condition. One of Them in Business More Than Fifty Years.
We desire to call attention to the statements of three banks: Beekman's
Banking House, Jacksonville Office, and Farmers' and
Bank, published in this
issue of The
Post. The
first two are located in this city, and have been established for some
time, Mr. Beekman having established his banking business in 1856. This
is one of the oldest banking institutions in the state. Mr. Beekman
occupies a unique position in commercial circles, being president,
vice-president, cashier, director and sole stockholder and owner of his
bank; the only instance of the kind in Oregon.
The Farmer's and Fruitgrowers' Bank is located at Medford and has been in operation about two months. The statements published show that all three are in a healthy, flourishing condition, are carefully managed and entitled to the confidence and patronage of the public. Officers elected at the last annual election of the Medford National Bank are as follows: J. E. Enyart, president; J. A. Perry, vice-president; J. S. Orth, cashier; and W. B. Jackson, assistant cashier. The Medford National Bank at its annual meeting not only authorized an increase in capital to $100,000, but also the building of a three-story brick addition to the present bank building to cost $20,000, which will make the building 25x140 feet. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 12, 1910, page 7 In the last twelve months the banks of this city have increased to four, two have doubled their capital stock and deposits show an increase of 48 percent. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 19, 1910, page 7 The Southern Oregon Clearing House Association has requested J. L. Hammersley, cashier of the Gold Hill Bank, to deliver an address in this city on the postal savings bank question. The address is to be given March 10, and Mr. Hammersley has prepared an exhaustive paper on the subject. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 5, 1910, page 7 The First National Bank of Medford has been authorized by the Treasury Department to increase its capital stock to $100,000, a step in financial expansion which was voted by its directors some time since. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 19, 1910, page 7 At the semi-annual election of officers for the Jackson county Bankers' Association, the following were elected; E. V. Carter, of the Bank of Ashland, president; G. L. Davis, of the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank, of Medford, vice-president; J. E. Enyart, of the Medford National Bank, secretary; J. L. Hammersley, of the Bank of Gold Hill, treasurer. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 26, 1910, page 7 The vigilance of the Medford, Or. National Bank was the cause of Mike Golden's notorious bunk gang losing $5,000, which it was about to take away from C. Harthmier, a wealthy farmer of Spokane, Wash. Harthmier was persuaded to go into a "get-rich-quick" game by betting on "sure thing" races. His horse won, but the bunko men refused to cash in until the genuineness of his (Harthmier's) cover check could be established. In this process the Medford Bank, upon which the paper was drawn, became suspicious. Fearing that Harthmier was in the hands of thieves, the Medford bank sent a man posthaste down to San Francisco, where the game was on, and with the aid of Pinkerton's succeeded in getting the Spokane man of money out of the town, but not before he (the bank official) had condemned the "rotten police department" of the Bay City. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, April 9, 1910, page 7 Banks show unexpected growth in deposits and reflect the prosperity of the city and country. The percentage of gain in 14 months is 76. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, April 16, 1910, page 7 The First National Bank of this place has resources of over a million dollars. It is solid, secure and safe. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, April 30, 1910, page 7 D. J. Mathes, a former California banker, has become head bookkeeper in charge at the Medford National. "Northwest Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, May 21, 1910, page 7 The Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank was opened for business two days before Christmas, 1909, and now has deposits to the amount of over $200,000. This is all the more remarkable when it is considered that Medford already had three banks doing a large volume of business when the Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank was opened. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, July 2, 1910, page 7 At the last meeting of the directors of the Medford National Bank the capital stock was increased to $100,000. This is fully paid. The sum total of deposits in the several banks here shows an increase of nearly $200,000 over that of March last, and 50 percent gain over a year ago. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, July 16, 1910, page 7 Work has been commenced on the three-story brick addition to the building of the Medford National. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, August 6, 1910, page 7 JACKSONVILLE GETS BANK
Aug. 7.--(Special.)--Jacksonville will have a new bank September 1, the
Farmers & Fruitgrowers' Bank of Medford, which has been
operating a
branch house here, having sold out the local institution to local men.
A recent ruling by the state bank examiner made a change in the mode of
operating necessary, and rather than go to the trouble of
reincorporating both banks, as demanded by the ruling, the Medford bank
decided to dispose of the Jacksonville branch.Medford Branch Institution Taken Over by Local Men. The new institution will begin its existence under favorable circumstances. All Oregon is prosperous, and the country near Jacksonville is on the eve of industrial activity greater than any of the early mining days. Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 8, 1910, page 9 One of the first results of State Bank Examiner Wright's rule that under the Oregon law a bank can not maintain a branch in any city other than the one in which is its principal place of business, the Jacksonville branch of the Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank of Medford will be reorganized as a separate institution. Mr. B. M. Collins will retain his position as cashier and the active man in charge. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, August 13, 1910, page 7 CLEARING HOUSE FORMED
MEDFORD, Or.. Aug. 13.
(Special.)--Medford boasts of the distinction of being the
smallest city on the coast that has a clearing house
Representatives of the four local banks met this evening and formed the
Medford Clearing House Association.Four Banks of Medford Establish an Association. This step, the bankers say, has become necessary by reason of the large volume of business transacted in the city, and will be the means of saving time and labor. The post office was also represented by Assistant Postmaster Ralph Woodford, and that institution will clear all its money order business through the new association. The hour for making clearances will be 11 o'clock. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 6, 1907, page 24 MEDFORD MAY GET POSTALS BANK
A number of business men in the city have been working for the past few
days determining whether it will be expedient to endeavor and secure a
postal saving bank in this city. Medford, they say, is blessed with
good banking institutions, but local people wish to overlook nothing
which might be secured for the benefit of the city. However,
preliminaries in the way of putting into effect the postal saving
banks, as provided for in the bill under this heading, passed by the
last Congress, are as yet incomplete, but the post office department,
through the board of trustees, having charge of the proposition, is now
working on them, and as soon as everything is in readiness for opening
the postal banks in different offices throughout the country, it is
expected that the postal saving bank deposit will be received at the
local office.Business Men Are Considering Asking for Location of Bank Here If They Decide That One Will in Any Way Benefit City. The bill specifies that the board of trustees shall consist of the Postmaster General, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General of the United States. It may require three or four months more time before the preliminaries looking to the establishment of the postal bank are gotten through with. The bill itself does not provide all the rules and regulations that will govern the making of deposits under the new system. That is left to the board, which is now formulating these rules and regulations. No postal bank can be put in operation until work is complete. Some cities already have their applications in, but their requests for postal banks will not be granted until the preliminaries above are completed. Below are some of the provisions of the bill, showing what steps the depositors will go through, and what they must expect after the banks are in operation. "That the accounts may be opened deposits made in any of the postal saving depository established under this act by any person of the age of 10 years of over, in his or her own name, and by a woman in her own name, and free from control or interference by her husband; but no person shall at the same time have more than one postal saving account in his or her own name. "That at least $1 or a larger sum in multiples thereof, must be deposited before an account is opened with the person depositing the same, and $5, of multiples thereof, may be deposited, after such account has been opened, but no one shall be permitted to deposit more than $100 in any one calendar month; providing, that in order that smaller accounts may be accumulated for deposit, any person may purchase for 10 cents from any depository office a postal saving card to which may be attached specially prepared adhesive stamps, to be known as the 'postal saving stamps' and when the stamps so attached amount to one dollar, or a larger sum in multiples thereof, including the 10-cent postal saving card, the same may be presented as a deposit for opening an account. Additions may be made on any account by means of such cards and stamps in the amount of $1 or multiples thereof, and when a card and stamp are accepted as a deposit the postmaster shall immediately cancel the same. "That interest at the rate of 2 percent per annum shall be allowed and entered to the credit of each deposition, once in each year, the same to be computed on such basis and under such rules and regulations as the board of trustees may prescribe; but interest shall not be computed or allowed on fractions of a dollar, provided that the balance to the credit of any person shall never be allowed to exceed $500, exclusive of accumulated interest. "That any person may withdraw the whole or any amount of the funds deposited to his or her credit, with accrued interest, upon demand, and under such regulations as the board of trustees may prescribe." Medford Mail Tribune, July 24, 1910, page 6 Business men of this city are considering the matter of asking for the early establishment of a postal savings bank here. However, as Medford is blessed with good banking institutions, it has not yet been determined that the hastening of a postal savings bank will be of any benefit. This city now boasts the distinction of being the smallest city on the Coast with a clearing house association. One was organized here a few days ago. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, August 20, 1910, page 7 The total deposits in Medford banks now amount to $2,137,487. On January 1 they amounted to $1,863,668. The increase has thus been $273,919. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, September 17, 1910, page 7 The First National Bank building of this city is to be increased in size soon. Definite plans for this remodeling will be published later. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, September 24, 1910, page 7 "Medford is a good substantial town; we will take your bonds," said H. A. Nepher, president of the First National Bank of Cleveland, Ohio, when in Medford a few days ago. Mr. Nepher stated to Medford's city recorder that the First National Bank of Cleveland would be a consistent buyer of Medford bonds in the future. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, October 22, 1910, page 7 A record in rapid building has been established here by the contractors for the extension to the Medford National bank building, the annex having been erected within ninety days from the time the first shovelful of earth was turned in the excavating. Bank deposits in the four Medford banks in the past ten months of 1910 have increased 22 percent, according to the bank statements just issued. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 26, 1910, page 7 Medford to Get Another Bank.
Or., Dec. 8.--(Special.)--A new bank has been planned for Medford. The
institution will be a savings bank and trust company and will be known
as the First Savings Bank & Trust Company. The incorporators
are A.
E. Reames, J. D. Heard, E. C. Smith and C. K. Newhall. Messrs. Reames
and Heard are Medford business men, the other two incorporators being
Eastern bankers. The capital stock will be $50,000. Medford has four
banks already.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 9, 1910, page 18 Charles M. English, formerly of Niagara and Grand Forks, North Dakota, has been elected a director of the Fist National Bank of Medford, to succeed E. V. Carter, of Ashland. Owing to ill health, Mr. Carter has resigned from his position as cashier of the United States Bank of Ashland, as well as that of director of the First National of this city. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, December 17, 1910, page 7 The First National of this city has just purchased one of the most valuable corners in Medford. Although no authoritative statement has been made in the matter, it is generally expected that a large modern building will be erected thereon for the bank. The present banking rooms have been outgrown for some time, and are inadequate for the extensive business of the institution. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, December 31, 1910, page 7 During the quarter ending December 31, 1910, business to the extent of over $3,000,000 was handled by the local banks and post office in this city. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, January 14, 1911, page 7 It is said that Medford banks show greater growth as each month passes. The year's business has been very satisfactory, and there has been a big gain in deposits. The First National, of which W. S. Crowell is present, has increased salaries in all departments 20 percent. A handsome new building is to be erected for this bank in the near future. The Medford National is adding a two-story addition to its already modern bank building. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, January 28, 1911, page 7 SAVINGS
The First Savings Bank
& Trust Company
has taken a lease on the quarters being vacated by the Allen Grocery
Company, at Seventh and Central Avenue, Medford, owned by Dr. B. F.
Adkins. The corner will be entirely remodeled and fitted properly for
the institution. The new concern hopes to be ready for business within
the next 60 days.New Institution Will Occupy Quarters from Which Allen Grocery Company Is Moving-- Will Be Entirely Remodeled. THIS PUTS BANK ON EACH CORNER THERE New Permanent House Hopes to Be Ready for Business Within Next Sixty Days. The incorporators of the new company are C. K. Newhall, Earles S. S. Smith, J. D. Heard and A. E. Reames. The capital stock is $50,000. The incorporators of the new institution state that they intend to handle only savings accounts and to do a trust company business. They will in no manner enter the commercial banking field, which is occupied by four banks at the present time. Two of the incorporators--Messrs. Heard and Reames--are well known in the city, being residents of Medford. Their associates, Messrs. Newhall and Smith, come from the East, where they were engaged in the banking business. Medford Mail Tribune, January 31, 1911, page 1 During the past year a substantial growth has been made by the Jackson County Bank of this city. The deposits alone have increased from $90,000 to $660,000. The officers of this bank are: President, W. I. Vawter; vice-president, C. G. R. Lindley; cashier, C. W. McDonald, and assistant cashier, T. A. Fifer. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 18, 1911, page 7 One of the disadvantages of receiving country bank news from local papers without sufficient examination is the fact that in "fax and figgers" they are liable to be a way off. Brother Vawter, of the Jackson County National, will have to 'scuse us some this week, as last week we said that his bank had advanced its deposits from $90,000 to $600,000 in a year. Both of these figures are incorrect, as the 1910 directories give him deposits of over $700,000. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 25, 1911, page 7 City Recorder Telfer is in receipt of a letter from Frank W. Camp, of E. H. Rollins & Sons, who have established a branch office in Portland, to the effect that his company would like to be a bidder on the next issue of Medford bonds. "Our house," says Mr. Camp, "has already purchased a great many Medford bonds, and we are prepared to handle any and all that may be put on the market." All of which the local paper does not overlook as a direct compliment to Medford. Louis Beezer, of the firm of Beezer Brothers architects, was in the city a few days ago on business for his firm. Beezer Brothers have planned many of the finest bank buildings of the Northwest. Work is soon to begin on the new building for the First National Bank, of this city. It is to cost $5,000 [sic], and will be located on the site of the present quarters and additional ground. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 4, 1911, page 7 The plans for the new National bank building to go up here are in the hands of Beezer Brothers, architects, and will soon be finished. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 11, 1911, page 7 In our last week's issue mention was made of the proposed new bank building for the First National of Medford, and owing to a mistake in proofreading, the probable cost was placed at $5000 instead of $50,000. Inasmuch as the First National Bank of Medford is tearing down a structure costing more than the first sum named, to make room for the new building, we trust that the error was palpable on its face. The new building for the First National is to be of Bedford (Indiana) stone, and will cost upwards of $50,000. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 18, 1911, page 7 All previous records for the number of checks cashed in a single day were broken the other day when Medford's "million dollar bank"--the First National--paid 643. The daily average is between 300 and 400. This is the largest number ever paid in one day by a local banking institution. According to officers of the institution there was no apparent reason for the gain, the checks coming in as a mere matter of business. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 25, 1911, page 7 The phenomenal growth in less than six years of the First National Bank of this city is shown by actual figures taken from the bank's books. This bank opened for business in June, 1905, with a $25,000 capital. Each year the books have recorded an increase in resources, until that item now stands at $1,068,813.89. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, April 8, 1911, page 7
operations on the First National Bank building began Monday morning.
Saturday night the money and fixtures were transferred to the temporary
quarters at the corner of Central and Main streets, and business was
resumed there this morning. A barrier was placed across the sidewalk in
front of the building to prevent injury to passersby and the work of
dismantling the structure began. The building will be razed as soon as
possible and work on the new structure will begin.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 15, 1911, page 4 The First National Bank of this city is now in temporary quarters pending the completion of its fine new building. The bank was moved last week. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, May 27, 1911, page 7 The four banks of this place have received requests from Postmaster-General Hitchcock that they make application to become depositors for the funds of the postal savings bank to be established in Medford in the immediate future. These applications come to all banks alike, whether they are state or national, provided they are located in commonwealths where there is legal supervision. By this means the money that is deposited in the postal bank is kept in its own community and put back in circulation by loans from the four depositories holding it. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, June 3, 1911, page 7 The Medford National Bank has been designated as a depository for funds deposited in new postal savings banks of Southern Oregon. It is the first bank to be thus designated. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, June 17, 1911, page 7 Medford banks, as per published report, show a material increase both in deposits and reserve, commensurate with the growth and prosperity of the city and district. The gain is over a quarter of a million. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, June 24, 1911, page 7 The recently installed postal savings bank here is doing fairly well. During the first six days deposits in the sum of $1210 were made. The institution opened July 12. Postal savings banks throughout the country do not seem to be affecting local bank deposits. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, July 1, 1911, page 7 Medford Bank President Retires.
Or., July 13.--(Special.)--After serving 21 years as president of the
Medford National Bank of Medford, J. E. Enyart has resigned and will
retire to private life. The bank was established with H. E. Ankeny as
president in 1889 and in 1890 Mr. Enyart succeeded him to that office.
In five years under the direction of the retiring president the bank
has grown from an institution capitalized at $25,000 to one of
$125,000. W. H. Gore succeeds Mr. Enyart as president.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 14, 1911, page 6 That $1,000,000 will be expended in the improvement of Jackson County roads depends on the outcome of investigations now being made by attorneys to ascertain whether or not the law will permit the bonding of the county to that extent. Should the findings of the attorneys be unfavorable, the Medford Commercial Club will petition Governor West to call a special session of the legislature to make provision for the issue. The postmaster of this place has given out that $2,300 has been deposited by 39 persons in the savings department of the Medford post office. The greater number of the depositors are Americans. There are included in the number several Greeks, Russians, Italians and Austrians. No Japanese or Chinese have deposited money with the post office. While the total does not appear large, its size is more significant when one considers that not more than $100 can be deposited by any one person in a month. Several who desired to leave greater amounts had to be turned away. One person wished to deposit $1,350 and another $600. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, July 15, 1911, page 7 Owing to ill health and a desire to get more open air work, L. E. Wakeman, cashier of the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank, in this city, has retired until January 1, 1912. Mr. Wakeman will be succeeded as cashier of the bank by Lee L. Jacobs, who has been assistant cashier since the bank opened. R. F. Antle has been named assistant cashier. At the last annal meeting of the Medford National Bank, J. E. Enyart, president, resigned to devote his time to private interests, and W. H. Gore was elected to fill his place. The officers now are: W. H. Gore, president; J. A. Perry and F. E. Merrick, vice-presidents, and J. S. Orth, cashier and W. B. Jackson, assistant cashier. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, July 22, 1911, page 7 Besides the First National of this place, there are only two other buildings in the state built of Bedford, Ind. limestone. One is the courthouse and the other the Spalding buildings in Portland. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, August 5, 1911, page 7 The new banking house of the First National of this place is 45 feet by 140 feet in size, and two stories high. The interior is finished in African ribbon mahogany and Italian marble. It has the first fireproof safe to be erected here. The building will be completed by December 1. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, August 19, 1911, page 7 Magnificent Bank Building Now Under Construction CLASSICAL STONE STRUCTURE A CREDIT TO ANY CITY GRECIAN STYLE OF ARCHITECTURE FOR STATELY STRUCTURE
is now in course of construction in the heart of the business district
of this city a bank building which will when completed be the
"twentieth century" home for the First National Bank.
GROWTH OF BANKOrganized seven years ago, the bank has [had] an amazing growth and is referred to as southern Oregon's "million-dollar bank." A well-constructed, commodious and beautiful bank building is always an object of much civic pride to the people of any community. The building is designed in the Grecian Ionic style, and the Main Street front is executed in Bedford oolitic stone and gives a most monumental effect. The banking room, with its accessories, occupies a floor area of 5200 square feet and contains generous and well arranged quarters for the public, working force and officials. Two vaults, 16½ by 20 feet and eight feet high, are built of concrete with thick walls and heavily reinforced with twisted steel. The main banking room vault is subdivided into three compartments--cash, safe deposit and book, each having its own separate entrance, and all walls, floors and ceilings (every square inch) are protected with a system of electrical linings, which afford the most perfect protection against burglary yet devised. The construction, excepting only the second floor partitions [and] roof, is absolutely fireproof, having structural steel skeleton, reinforced concrete floors, tile partitions, brick walls and metal window frames and sash. The second floor will contain offices, well lighted and finished in quarter-sawed white oak. The stairways leading to this floor are of iron with white marble steps and wainscoting. The corridor floor, also floors and wainscoting of toilet rooms, are of marble. The ceiling of the banking room is 20 feet high and has an ornamental stucco finish with heavy beams and deep panels, giving an elegant effect. The main banking room is designed in the Roman classic style, and all fixtures, finish and furniture are made of fine imported marbles, African ribbon mahogany and bronze metal. Every detail of this work has been especially drawn by the architects so as to obtain an effect of absolute harmony, dignity and beauty in proportion and color. Every feature essential to the comfort and convenience of patrons and the official and clerical forces will be generously provided. This building is being erected by the men who organized and built up this bank to the proportions of a stalwart giant, and the new building is a material expression of that business policy which has given this bank such a marvelous growth and made it one of the strong growing financial institutions of the Pacific coast. Judge William S. Crowell, organizer and president, is a pioneer of Medford--lawyer, diplomat and financier, he has "made good," and few men have enjoyed the confidence and esteem of any community to a greater extent. The flourishing condition and healthy solidity of this bank, together with its magnificent new building, give evidence of his popularity and thorough knowledge of the banking business, as well as the needs and resources of southern Oregon's metropolis, Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1911, page 1 Nearly doubling deposits in one month, the amount in the Medford postal savings bank has increased from $4475 on July 24 to $8022 August 24. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, September 9, 1911, page 7 Judge Wm. S. Crowell, president of the First National Bank of this city, tendered his resignation of the office a few days ago to take effect on the 12th inst., and has been succeeded by F. K. Deuel. Judge Crowell will remain as one of the directors of the bank. In his letter of resignation, after submitting figures proving that the bank under his management had been very profitable to its stockholders, the Judge concluded as follows: "At this date the bank is as sound and solvent as twenty-dollar gold pieces. It has an unblemished reputation for fair and honorable dealing with all of its customers. And it has a beautiful new home almost completed. Your determination under this state of facts to change the management, but to leave the presidency in my hands, seems rather ungracious. My record as president and manager of the First National Bank is now finished; it needs no praise, and no defense. With great gratitude for Divine help and the steadfast confidence of my many friends, I now resign the presidency of the First National Bank." Under Judge Crowell's incumbency as presidency the First National has become the largest bank in Southern Oregon. Ashland and Medford can't agree on the million and a half bond issue for good roads. The vote in the county was two to one in favor of the measure, except in the city of Ashland where the majority was the other way. Various injunctions are threatening by citizens of the latter town, and the announcement has caused great indignation in Medford. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, October 21, 1911, page 7 At the last annual meeting of the Bankers Association of Jackson County, John S. Orth, of the Medford National, was elected president of the association, J. W. McCoy, of the United States Bank of Ashland, vice-president, Orris Crawford, of the First National of Medford, secretary, and G. G. Eubanks, of the Granite City Savings Bank, Ashland, was elected treasurer. The legality of the $1,500,000 bond issue for good roads sanctioned by the voters of Jackson County September 30, has been sustained, the judge contending that according to the state constitution as amended , a county may create county indebtedness for permanent improvements to its roads if it has the approval of those voting on the question. This approval he contended must be had by an election, for no other method was provided for securing the voice of the people. The legal principles involved, he declared, were the same as would be involved in creating an indebtedness of $1500 or $1.50, for under the present constitution the county could not create an indebtedness of any amount without the approval of the voters. The action against the bonds which was brought by Ed Andrews of Medford, will now be continued and an appeal will be taken by the attorneys representing him to the state supreme court. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 25, 1911, page 7 The Medford National Bank advertises many new depositors and $75,000 in new deposits. The officers of this bank are Wm. H. Gore, president, and John S. Orth, cashier. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, December 16, 1911, page 7 ![]() February 11, 1912 Pacific Banker ![]() February 29, 1912 Medford Mail Tribune L. E. Wakeman, of Medford, until recently cashier of the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank, has announced his candidacy for Republican nomination as county clerk. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 24, 1912, page 7 George L. Davis has resigned as president of the Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, that he may have more time to devote to the management of his large timber interests. Delroy Getchell has been elected to succeed Mr. Davis. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, April 20, 1912, page 7 Delroy Getchell, who has bought a substantial interest in and succeeded to the presidency of the Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank of this city, is an old-time Minnesota banker, having carried his bank in that state successfully through the trying days of 1893. For about eighteen years Mr. Getchell was a Minneapolis banker and incidentally was the first man in the banking business that Emery Olmstead, now manager of the Portland Trust Company, ever worked for, the latter remaining with him for six years. And there has been a close bond of friendship between them ever since. Mr. Getchell came out to the Rogue River Valley as a retired capitalist and because he liked the climate. But, like the warhorse of the scripture, he snuffed the banking business from afar until, upon a proper showing, he has succumbed to the real thing once more. Mr. Getchell is a public-spirited citizen and a genuine booster for Medford and the Rogue River Valley. Come on, you effete East, and send us more men like Mr. Getchell. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, April 27, 1912, page 7 The movement in favor of the Taxpayers' National Bank of Jackson County, the purpose of which will be to furnish money to build roads in that county, is still on. A bill has been forwarded to Secretary of State Olcott for his opinion, and it is proposed that this bill shall form a factor in the next general election for the county. The bill provides that the county court shall select seven men, whose business it will be to organize the bank. The county is then to vote bonds to the extent of $1,500,000, and these are to be deposited with the United States Treasury as a basis for the issuance of currency to the bank. The county treasurer is to be cashier, and as there is no procedure laid down, the inference seems that his principal duty will be to keep the bank open and hand out money to whoever elects to build a county road. The present valuation of the county is to be the reserve of the bank. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, June 1, 1912, page 7 ![]() June
29, 1912 Pacific Banker
Beginning with July 1, the Medford National adopted the system of mailing monthly statements to depositors, together with the canceled checks of the preceding month. Passbooks will be retained by depositors only as receipts for deposits. This is the first bank in Medford to install the modern system of handling customers' accounts. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, July 13, 1912, page 7 The bill to create a national bank in Jackson County was filed by W. M. Smith, of Medford, being sent to the office of the Secretary of State by mail. "State to Supply Argument Copies," Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 18, 1912, page 2 The problem presented by the marketing of the fruit crop has been well handled by the local banks. Statements at close of business September 4 shows in the main an increase of loans for the above purpose. All the banks show healthy reserves, which will be materially increased soon, as the returns continue to come in from crop shipments, and as deposits rise. The Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, under new management, has shown material gains even in dull times, and has shown its ability to care for new as well as old customers. This bank, although much the youngest in the city, now shows resources of over $200,000, and a strong reserve in cash and reserve banks of over $58,000. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, September 21, 1912, page 7
prosperity of Medford is amply testified to by the condition of its
banking houses, the surest criterion of actual business conditions. An
example of this is found in the growth during the past year of the
Medford National Bank, the officials of which are now taking
considerable pride in the growth of that institution during the past
year, having increased its resources during that period, which has been
one of dullness and near-depression throughout the nation, by
$170,664.18, while banks elsewhere have felt the effect of business
FORMAL OPENING OF NEWIt has just been a year since the institution was reorganized in a manner and William H. Gore became its president. At that time also, W. S. Crowell, who enjoys a wide reputation throughout Oregon as a successful and conservative banker, became associated with the institution. Mr. Crowell's friends are now giving him much credit for the splendid increase made by the Medford National, but he declares that the credit is not all due him, but in a large measure to the men who are associated with him in the bank. "The Medford National Bank assures all a square deal," states Mr. Crowell, "and I assure you that we are very grateful to our many friends for continued expression of appreciation and confidence. We are doing our best to maintain the reputation we have built up." Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1912, page 6 The Medford National Bank claims to have distanced all its competitors during the past year in gain and to have added to its resources $170,664.18, besides several hundred new depositors. The officers of this bank are W. H. Gore, president; J. A. Perry, vice-president; F. E. Merrick, vice-president; J. S. Orth, cashier; and W. B. Jackson, assistant cashier. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, September 28, 1912, page 7 The Medford National Bank takes considerable pride in the growth of that institution. It has just been a year since the institution was reorganized in a manner and William H. Gore became its president. At that time also, W. S. Crowell, who enjoys a wide reputation throughout Oregon as a successful and conservative banker, became associated with the institution. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, October 5, 1912, page 7 The Medford National Bank has made arrangements for the services of Judge W. S. Crowell for a term of years and his many friends throughout the state will be pleased to know of the connection. The judge has been with that bank one year and during that time the resources have increased $170,000. Judge Crowell has been in the banking business in Medford since 1905, is recognized as one of the leading bankers in the state and he will always be glad to meet his friends at the Medford National Bank. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 2, 1912, page 7 The name of John S. Orth, cashier of the Medford National Bank, is proposed for mayor of Medford and recently a campaign was launched in his favor. Although Mr. Orth is averse to accepting the position, it is believed that the support will be so strong that he will not feel justified in declining. "Country Bank News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, November 23, 1912, page 7 The large deposits in Medford banks, round about the first of the year, strengthened the impression that business is improving. "Oregon State News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, January 11, 1913, page 6 During the past year the Medford National Bank reports a deposit growth of 28 percent. "Oregon State News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, January 25, 1913, page 7 E. L. Estes, of Boise, Idaho, was placed under arrest as he was preparing to leave this city. The formal charge against him is obtaining money under false pretenses. He is alleged to have cashed a small check, drawn on a bank in Boise, at one of the local banks. The Medford bank, upon wiring, learned he had no funds at the Boise bank and placed him under arrest. Estes claims he was planning to cover the check on his arrival in Boise, but the police have received a wire stating he is wanted at Weiser, Idaho, on a similar charge. "Oregon State News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, February 1, 1913, page 7 All the banks of this city have united in boosting for the construction and completion of the Rogue River Valley canal system. They state it to be their belief that the Rogue River Valley can only be made to reach its maximum productivity by an elaborate and comprehensive system of irrigation. Under proper irrigation the Rogue River Valley could and will support a population of more than 100,000. The banks, therefore, are heartily commending the project to their customers and depositors and to landowners as worthy of the most careful and thoughtful consideration. "Additional Oregon State News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, March 1, 1913, page 6 Beginning Saturday, April 19, 1913, Medford banks will observe the custom prevalent in many cities and close at 12 o'clock noon. This action has just been decided upon by representatives of the banks. "Oregon State News," The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, April 19, 1913, page 7 VALLEY BANKS PROSPER
Medford Financiers Predict Deposit of $3,000,000 this Year.
Or., Oct. 26.--(Special.)--That the Rogue River Valley is entering an
era of renewed prosperity is indicated by the October bank statement,
just published, which not only shows increased deposits in each of the
four local banks, but shows a total increase in deposits over the
August statement of $337,482.
In comparison with the bank statement a year ago, the increase in deposits is $204,496.14. The total deposits in the Medford banks at present is $1,893,853.39, compared with $1,556,370.74 six weeks ago, and $1,689,357.25 a year ago. Local bankers are of the opinion that when the money for this year's million-dollar crop is entirely received, the total deposits in the Medford banks will approximate $3,000,000, which would be a new record for this district. Morning Oregonian, Portland, October 27, 1913, page 4 Reports of the four banks of Medford for the first months of 1914 show an increase of 17 percent in total deposits over the last quarter of 1913. Total deposits on March 3 were $2,820,917, an increase of $326,475 over the amount shown Dec. 31, 1913. The outlook for future business is extremely good. "Portland Letter," Jacksonville Post, March 21, 1914, page 1 BRAND-NEW PAPER MONEY REPLACES
is scarce, as it always is, but more so than usual in Medford today.
Banks this morning gave to business men paper money for the weekend
business, including some fresh, crisp notes signed by W. H. Gore and
John S. Orth of the Medford National Bank. Most of the transactions
today are being negotiated with paper money. The shortage of gold is
attributed to the heavy shipments of gold to Europe just before the war
broke out.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1914, page 2 The Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank of this city are remodeling their vault and installing a burglar-proof lining in it. The present vault is too small to accommodate their business, and about twenty feet of additional floor space is being added to it. The entire inside surface of the new vault will be lined with plates of steel [and] charged with electricity at all times, and if any attempt should be made to penetrate the walls, etc., or open the doors of the vault, an instantaneous alarm will be sounded by bell gongs on the street. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, April 20, 1915, page 6 SOUTHERN OREGON BANKERS MEET
a meeting of bankers of Lake, Klamath, Curry, Jackson and Josephine
counties, held at Ashland, Friday, group 4 of the American Bankers'
Association was organized. J. W. McCoy of Ashland was elected chairman
of the association; W. H. Gore of Medford, vice-chairman, and Marshall
Hooper of Grants Pass was elected secretary and treasurer. The meetings
will be held twice each year.
Banks will close during the summer months at noon hereafter. Medford Sun, May 30, 1916, page 5 Safety Deposit Boxes Robbed
The Bank of Jacksonville was entered by burglars some time Saturday
night or Sunday morning. They effected an entrance through a rear door
and by drilling two holes through the steel vault door they secured
admission to the vault where they proceeded to wreck the deposit boxes
rented to the patrons of the bank.Deeds, bonds, county warrants and other papers were thrown on the floor in a mixed assortment. About $500 cash, several watches, some diamond rings and other jewelry valued at $1500, which were stored in the boxes, were taken. Some silver coin amounting to $100, the property of the bank and which had been left out of the safe, was also taken. The bank safe which stands inside the vault was not disturbed, being evidently too tough a proposition for the burglars to tackle. The bank was protected by burglar insurance, which covers all loss sustained by the bank. Two carpenter's chisels left by the burglars are the only clues to the identity of the party or parties. Jacksonville Post, September 8, 1917, page 1 PRESIDENT OF J'VILLE BANK BEHIND BARS
Following the closing of the doors of the Bank of Jacksonville today on
order of the state superintendent of banks, W. H. Johnson, the
president, was arrested at the direction of Prosecuting Attorney George
Roberts charged with misstatement of the true condition of the bank to
the state bank examiner. The exact state of the bank's affairs will not
be known until after the official examination by the state bank
examiner, who with his assistants will arrive in Medford tomorrow.W. H. Johnson, President of Bank of Jacksonville, Arrested, Charged with Misstatement of Bank's Condition--Doors Closed by State Bank Examiner. Although the closing of the bank's doors will come as a surprise to the public in general, the Jacksonville institution has been known to be in difficulties in Medford banking circles for the past three weeks. Recently the local clearing house refused to honor checks on the bank, the same being held in Medford until the cash had been produced by President Johnson. Yesterday an unusually large amount of paper was presented; the Jacksonville bank was unable to meet the obligation, so the order from Salem followed as a matter of course. President Johnson did not appear particularly distressed by the occurrence, even when by failure to secure bonds he was forced to go to jail. Jacksonville, however, was thrown into a great state of excitement by the sensational news, and crowds of anxious depositors gathered before the bank all during the day. The last report of the bank gave the deposits at approximately $60,000, but at that time according to report, Jackson County funds totaling nearly $100,000 were on deposit. This evidence of perjury on the part of the bank president is the ground for his arrest. While expressing deep regret over the Jacksonville bank's predicament, local banking circles were not disturbed by the occurrence, as far as any effect upon the local financial situation is concerned. If present fears are sustained by the state examination, however, it is probable the business men of Jacksonville will suffer a hard blow. Most of the bank's depositors lived in the county seat or were ranchers in that section of the country. That the depositors will not lose everything is certain, but whether the percentage of loss will be great or small will only be known after the state officials report. W. H. Johnson, president of. the bank, and one of the best known citizens of Jackson County, has been connected with the institution since its organization. Always active in Jacksonville affairs, he has been prominent in church circles and has always enjoyed an excellent reputation. He is a married man and has two children. His loyal friends maintain [that] when the facts are all brought out, it will be shown that he has not been guilty of any criminal action, but Mr. Johnson thus far has made no public statement. Medford Mail Tribune, August 11, 1920, page 1 25 PERCENT MAY BE PAID DEPOSITORS
After working on the books of the defunct Jacksonville bank for six
weeks, State Bank Superintendent Will H. Bennett today filed his report
with the circuit court, showing assets or $217,527.18 and liabilities
of $319,000.00, with an estimate that the bank will be able to pay 25
cents on the dollar. The report shows that W. H. Johnson, the president
of the bank, who is now in jail awaiting trial for perjury, kept two
sets of books, and falsified his sworn statement of the bank's
condition on June 30th.State Bank Superintendent Will H. Bennett Makes Official Report to Circuit Court--Assets $217,527.18 and Estimated Liabilities $319,000--Expects Bank Will Liquidate 25 Cents on Dollar--Chaotic Condition of Institution. "The chaotic condition of the bank's affairs defies description," said Mr. Bennett, "and it may never be known where all the money has gone. Mr. Johnson enjoyed the highest reputation, and the most complete confidence of his patrons. Therefore by keeping one set of books for the public and another for himself, with no record at all of many transactions, it is physically impossible to determine the exact condition of affairs. The extent of the liabilities is only estimated, but after the most thorough investigation possible, I believe the bank will be able to liquidate about 25 percent. It may be more than this, it may be less, but in my judgment it will not be far from this figure." The report shows only a part of the bank's notes were reported; in fact $60,000 worth of notes were found stowed away in a drawer. The Liberty Bond record is a perfect muddle. Apparently a large number of patrons who purchased Liberty Bonds and left them at the bank had nothing but the solicitor's receipts to show the extent of their investment. No record at all was kept of Liberty Bonds sent to San Francisco to be converted. $6000 worth of Liberty Bonds were found deposited as collateral for one of Johnson's personal notes, while it was also found that the Liberty Bonds of George Fick, reported sold by Ladd and Tilton of Portland, were so sold and the amount credited to Fick's checking account, indicating this was a legitimate sale. No overdrafts as far as known were reported by Johnson but the examiners found about $72,000 in overdrafts. A large portion of the real estate assets of the bank consisting of the bank building and Jacksonville property is believed to be practically worthless at the present time, as there is little or no market for property in Jacksonville now. This involves several thousand dollars. Mr. Bennett pointed out that he was not in a position to make charges and he would make no comment upon the case from the standpoint of the criminal liability of Johnson, further than to state there was no doubt of the falsification of his statements. He also said there was no way for any bank examiner to have known the true condition of the bank, as long as there was no suspicion of the honesty of the banker, and the books as presented showed no discrepancies. It is apparent from the report that Johnson made a daily statement of the bank's condition, which balanced properly on the face, and then in a rough way kept a record of the actual condition of affairs for his own information. But even his own records are hopelessly garbled, incomplete, and useless. In fact the report indicates clearly that until Johnson himself explains, no one will be able to determine where the money has gone, and why Johnson conducted his affairs as he did. Apparently he could refuse no request for money, and did not even ask for security. Whenever a person couldn't get credit anywhere else he could get credit at the Jacksonville bank. On the other hand the patrons of the bank were equally unbusinesslike. They apparently acted on the assumption that Johnson was not only the personification of honesty but that his financial resources were inexhaustible. Many patrons handed over their financial affairs entirely to Johnson, and never asked for an accounting. The report throws no new light on the condition of the Jackson County funds, but it is known there was approximately $107,000 on deposit and if the bank examiner's prediction is borne out this means Jackson County will receive $26,750 and lose $80,250. It is believed there will be interesting developments, however, when the grand jury meets for the fall term. Bank Supt. Bennett has appointed E. D. Kahler of Central Point his deputy to look after the affairs of the bank from now on and make reports to the depositors. Mr. Bennett will now take a much-needed rest before he prepares material for Johnson's trial, when he will be one of the principal witnesses. Medford Mail Tribune, September 23, 1920, page 1 JOHN R. TOMLIN NEW DIRECTOR 1ST
Medford Mail Tribune,
January 15, 1921, page 2
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank was
held Tuesday, January 11. The management reported the most successful
year in the bank's history. After paying a dividend $20,000 was added
to the surplus. The resources of the bank at this time are over
All the old directors and officers were re-elected, John R. Tomlin being added to the board to fill the vacancy caused by the death of F. K. Deuel. The stockholders were well pleased with the bank's progress and complimented the officers for the same. Judgment for $42,203.72 Against Creditor Defunct Bank of Jacksonville, Ore.
MEDFORD, Ore., March 25.--One of the largest money verdicts ever
rendered by a jury in Jackson County was that given at Jacksonville
late today in a suit against Chester C. Kubli, a stockman, for
$42,203.72, alleged to be due on overdrafts, drafts and checks cashed
by the Bank of Jacksonville before it failed, the action being brought
by F. C. Bramwell, state superintendent of banks. The verdict was for
the full amount sued for, and this will now be made a part of the
assets of the defunct hank.Stockton Daily Independent, Stockton, California, March 26, 1921, page 1 JUDGMENT RETURNED
MEDFORD, Ore., March 30.--A jury in the circuit court of Jackson County
returned a judgment of $9,948 against A. W. Walker, Medford automobile
dealer, today in the civil action brought by State Bank Examiner
Bramwell for the recovery of approximately $40,000 in overdrafts and
promissory notes, alleged to be due the Bank of Jacksonville.Riverside Enterprise, Riverside, California, March 31, 1921, page 8 WOMAN IS INDICTED FOR DECEPTION PART
San Diego Union, May 22, 1921, page 16{Associated Press}
MEDFORD, Ore., May 21.--The Jackson County grand jury today returned
eight true bills, four in connection with the Bank of Jacksonville
failure last August.
Mrs. Myrtle Blakely, former county treasurer, is indicted on a new count, alleging "aiding and abetting an officer of a bank in making a false entry in the books of a bank with intent to deceive a person appointed to examine the affairs of such bank." This indictment replaces one submitted to the grand jury for consideration at the last term of court. R. D. Hines, former vice president of the bank, was indicted on three counts, one embracing the charge against Mrs. Blakely, and two for receiving deposits by an insolvent bank. Two "John Doe" indictments said to be in connection with the bank failure were also returned. Pete Stauff and Frank Kodak, asserted to have attempted to rob the Gold Hill bank in April, were indicted for burglary. Concludes Investigating Books of Defunct Bank
MEDFORD, Ore., June 20.--Investigation of the books of the defunct Bank
of Jacksonville was concluded today by Assistant Bank Examiner E. D.
Kahler, who has been engaged in the work since the institution closed
last August. According to Kahler, there is about $60,000 in notes
outstanding that will never be collected and between $75,000 and
$90,000 in overdrafts, the exact location of which is unknown.Cases arising from the failure have occupied Jackson County courts for nearly a year, and four cases are still pending. The former president is serving a ten-year sentence. Civil actions for the collection of money on overdrafts are also on the docket. Stockton Daily Independent, Stockton, California, June 21, 1921, page 2 HINES FINED $1000 AND GIVEN PAROLE BY JUDGE CALKINS
R. D. Hines, former vice-president of the defunct Jacksonville bank,
who was recently convicted of making a false report to a bank examiner,
was sentenced today by Judge Calkins to the payment of a $1000 fine, at
the rate of $50 per month, and was paroled to County Judge Gardner.
This sentence was handed down following the consideration of a petition
for leniency presented to the court signed by a number of citizens of
Jackson County.The court, in granting the parole to Hines, said that he had given the matter deep consideration for the past week, and that many influential and prominent people had come to him and urged that leniency be shown, because they felt "you are honest." The court further stated that "he felt Hines had a future," and that a prison term would work a hardship in excess of the crime. The court said he felt Hines would justify the confidence shown in him and the defendant, who was visibly affected, said he would give his best efforts in the future. Medford Mail Tribune, May 13, 1922, page 1 Jacksonville Bank Depositors to Get Ten Percent Only
SALEM, June 30.--Dividend checks for 5 percent of the total deposits in
the defunct Bank of Jacksonville are being prepared by the state
banking department for distribution among the depositors of the
institution, according to F. C. Bramwell, state superintendent of
banks. This is the first dividend to be declared since the bank was
closed in August, 1920, and Bramwell states that he does not expect the
total saved to the depositors out of the wrecked bank will exceed 10
percent. Checks in the first dividend will aggregate approximately
$12,000, out of a total of $250,000 in deposits.Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1922, page 5 BANKER JOHNSON VISITS IN J'VILLE,
Mail Tribune, February 19,
1923, page 8
According to residents of Jacksonville, William H. Johnson, former
cashier of the defunct Bank of Jacksonville, spent a few days last week
visiting friends and relatives in the county seat on a
furlough from
the state prison at Salem, where he is serving a ten-year sentence for
his connection with the bank failure. Johnson returned to the state
institution Tuesday evening, and was not accompanied by a guard.
Johnson is a trusty, and model prisoner, has the complete
confidence of
the prison officials. He visited with his aged mother, who is a
resident of the county seat, and was, according to report, in good
health and spirits.
The Bank of Jacksonville collapsed in August, 1920, and many county seat residents lost heavily in the crush, Jackson County being the heaviest loser. Johnson pled guilty. All the civil and criminal actions arising from the failure have been disposed of, with the exception of the Kubli and Owen cases now on appeal to the supreme court. The Jacksonville Post makes the following comment on the visit of Johnson to his old home town. "Evidently the prison officials have more faith in the honesty of 'Bank-looter Bill' than our citizens have, as he came alone without a guard. More people here would not trust him as far as you can throw a bull by the tail." JACKSON CO. BANK SATURDAY
formal opening of the new enlarged quarters of the Jackson County Bank
will be held tomorrow afternoon and evening from 4 to 9 p.m.
In the year 1888, when Medford boasted of a population of six hundred men, women and children, when the Southern Pacific depot occupied a commanding place directly in the middle of what is now the beginning of West Main Street, and when only farms could be seen from the grassy banks of Bear Creek, in that portion of the town that is now designated as across the creek, the Jackson County Bank was organized and founded. Beginning now its thirty-seventh year, only one business remains on Main Street that was flourishing at that time. Strang's drug store has the honor of being the oldest business in the town, with the Jackson County Bank ranking a close second. The bank was founded by the late W. I. Vawter, who was its active manager for over thirty years. The business was started in the room now housing Reddy's new jewelry store [in the Medynski building, southwest corner Main and Central], which in those early days was an entirely different-looking structure. A wooden portico or awning extending from the front of the building to the sidewalk providing a sheltered harbinger [sic] in the pioneer days for tobacco chewers. In 1906 the building now occupied by the bank was constructed. It was supposed at that time that the new quarters would answer the purpose for at least a century. How rapidly the community as well as southern Oregon has developed is evidenced by the fact that the bank has more than doubled in size in the last seventeen years, making the old quarters entirely inadequate. Believing that Jackson County is on the threshold of a very rapid advancement, early last spring the directors of the bank decided to complete remodel the banking rooms, installing new fixtures and vaults and doubling the space occupied. The new vaults are of the latest approved construction, being 18 inches of double-reinforced concrete and lined with a half-inch of steel boiler plate. There are nine tons of reinforcing steel also used in the construction. The new vault door for the safe deposit department measures 11 inches in thickness overall and weighs approximately 12,000 pounds. The banking room floor was originally three feet from the sidewalk and has now been lowered to grade. Four new entrances provide easy ingress and egress. The floor of the main lobby is of gray Knox Tennessee marble, while the marble for the counters is of St. Genevieve golden-veined marble. This marble is especially imported from the Swiss Alps, and this installation is the only one of its kind in the West. It is rich in color, being of a beautiful soft brown, streaked with yellow and gold. The wicket fixtures are of hand-chased cast bronze. The decorations have been handled with exceptional taste. The color scheme, consisting of tiffany blue coiling with old ivory leaf work on the cornice and soft tan sidewalls, which in conjunction with the elaborate lighting fixtures produces an effect of subdued elegance. The woodwork throughout is of genuine Honduras mahogany. The cages, six in number, are equipped with all the latest devices and appurtenances necessary for each department. The P. T. Ainge Company of Portland designed the work, and manufactured the fixtures. The bank will be open for inspection Saturday afternoon and evening from four until nine. Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1923, page B2 BANK HISTORY IS TOLD KIWANIS BY
At the Kiwanis meeting Vernon Vawter gave a talk on the functions of
the Federal Reserve Bank and a brief history of the Jackson County Bank.Mr. Vawter said their bank was first organized in 1888 by his father, W. I. Vawter, and G. W. Howard, both deceased, and was known as Vawter & Howard's bank. There were then less than 400 people in Medford and practically nothing west of the S.P. tracks except chaparral brush. The station was in the middle of Main Street and people could drive around it either to the north or south, depending on the mud in the street or whether another train was passing on the opposite side. In 1892 the Jackson County Bank was organized with a capitalization of $50,000 of which $25,000 was subscribed and the balance was from the earnings. In 1899 the capital was increased to $100,000, the increase being from earnings again. The directors were W. I. Vawter, G. W. Howard, J. E. Enyart, C. H. Pierce and J. H. Stringer, all of whom are dead except Mr. Pierce, who lives in Ashland, and Mr. Enyart, of California. The first annual statement of the bank in 1892 showed $56,000 deposits, in 1899, $100,000, in 1902, $162,000 and in 1917, $525,000, in 1910, $640,000, 1920, $1,054,000, in 1924, $1,208,000. Two peculiar facts are distinguishable in the deposits of this bank: First, the deposits showed marked increase each of the years the other Medford banks were organized as follows: Medford National, in 1902; First National in 1907; Farmers and Fruitgrowers in 1910. Second, that the deposits of the bank did not decrease when the people were investing thousands of dollars in war savings to help the government. Frank James of Bend, former chaplain of the state department of American Legion, and a Kiwanian here attending the Methodist conference, made a short talk telling of the different things the Kiwanis Club of Bend had put over. Secretary Spaulding of the Chamber of Commerce told of some of the future plans of the chamber and complimented the Kiwanis and other clubs for their assistance. Dr. W. W. Howard told of his trip east and said at Des Moines, Iowa, they have a time limit parallel auto parking law that exempts people living outside of the city. Medford Mail Tribune, September 23, 1924, page 6 Chime Clock Is Being Installed on
Jackson Co. Bank
Workmen today began installing a beautiful bronze chime clock on the
corner of the Jackson County Bank building. This clock, which chimes
every fifteen minutes, has four 30-inch dials, is as accurate as human
skill can devise, and is a gift of the Jackson County Bank to the
citizens of Medford. This clock weighs nearly a ton, is illuminated at
night and can be seen and heard from anywhere in the downtown section.
The six sacred words, "Lord through this hour be Thou our guide, so by thy power no foot shall slide" have chanted down through the century, the original melody being played in the tower of the famous Westminster Abbey and since duplicated wherever chimes are heard. This public timepiece is a permanent expression of a desire on the part of the Jackson County Bank to be of unselfish service to the entire community. In telling the story of time, the clock is fittingly placed on the oldest bank in Medford. In speaking of the bank's gift to Medford, an official of the bank said, "It is hoped the chimes will mean something to all the people, that they will have a message for the youngster on his way to school, a thought for the business man and an inspiration for all." The clock is a product of the O. B. McClintock Company of Minneapolis, exclusive manufacturers for chime clocks for banks. Similar clocks have been installed for over 3000 leading banks throughout the United States. Medford Mail Tribune, October
27, 1925, page 3
Medford Banks Burglar Proof
Expensive System Being Installed Vault Robbery Now Impossible
It doesn't pay to be a burglar.
Particularly unprofitable, robbery percentages show, is the gentle art of taking something that doesn't belong to you from a bank. The stickup game is virtually impossible in modern protected banks like those of Medford, and in this city the night thief who attempts to work a vault combination or open a safe by force will in the future have no chance of getting anything but a stiff jail sentence. Big city banks have practically all installed a highly sensitive electric alarm system manufactured in Minneapolis. This device, it has been proved, makes safe and vault robberies an absolute impossibility. Three of Medford's banks this month will be able to announce installation of this alarm system, the average cost of which is $3000. The night marauder cannot even slightly move a combination knob without sending a circuit message to the police and to the community by means of a great warning gong. Placement of the system in the Medford National, Jackson County and First National banks provides for a double steel plate, and between them a tinfoil to carry three separate wire circuits. After being set off, the gong rings for 15 minutes, and automatically resets itself and sounds anew if further attacks are made. E. H. Hauptvogle, in charge of the three local installations, says that an expert cracksman cannot get to the contents of a vault without giving himself away. "One-thousandth of an ampere power turns in the alarm," declared the mechanician. The entire system is electrically controlled, and the eight-day clock with its batteries is so effective that were an outside cable or wire to be cut the gong would ring incessantly. It is impossible, said Hauptvogle, to put the gong out of business. In Medford, a city of 10,000, several millions in cash and securities rest in deposit boxes. With the three installations, complete protection is now given at all four Medford banks. Banking places in this city have the finest homes of any city on the coast under 25,000 population. Insurance companies value one of the structures at $142,000. Before long, it is predicted, Medford's four banks will have total deposits of $5,000,000. Jackson County News, March 12, 1926, page 1 LOCAL BANKERS PREDICT 1927 BREAK
1926 Good, But Next Year Expected to Be Better--Bank Deposits Over $5,000,000 Mark Steady Increase in Last 15 Years. DEPOSITS OF MEDFORD BANKS Year Total, Four Medford Banks 1911
. . . . . . . . . $1,657,647.00
With every favorable indication present, Medford bankers confidently
believe that while 1926 was a comparatively good financial year, 1927
will be better. Medford, they believe, is on the verge of one of the
greatest prosperity eras ever experienced, based upon lumber
development, promises of bumper farm and orchard crops due to heavy
rainfall, and a tourist traffic that is expected to be heavier than
ever during the ensuing summer.1912 . . . . . . . . . 1,735,364.00 1913 . . . . . . . . . 1,717,095,00 1914 . . . . . . . . . 1,790,000.00 1915 . . . . . . . . . 1,681,824.00 1916 . . . . . . . . . 1,854,686.00 1917 . . . . . . . . . 2,217,812.00 1918 . . . . . . . . . 2,438,308.00 1919 . . . . . . . . . 3,173,787.00 1920 . . . . . . . . . 3,504,872.00 1921 . . . . . . . . . 3,158,663.00 1922 . . . . . . . . . 4,013,308.00 1923 . . . . . . . . . 4,190,560.00 1924 . . . . . . . . . 4,377,244.00 1925 . . . . . . . . . 4,857,416.00 1926 (Nov. 1) . . 5,214,893.00 Bank deposits, always regarded as a barometer of any community's financial health, plainly show at a glance the general trend of conditions. In Medford deposits have been persistently climbing, jumping approximately four million dollars in 15 years, with the most noticeable increases made during the several years past. One bank reported that savings accounts had increased approximately 15 percent in amounts during the past 12 months, and that percentage is believed to be about the average of the four banks in the city. Agriculturally speaking, Medford, as a result of being located in the center of a rich and fertile farming country, should share extensively in the prosperity 1927 promises. Storage lakes and dams for local irrigation systems have already enough water to ensure a supply throughout next summer. The payroll of the city, through the continued development of the former industry by the construction of two new saw mills, one a plant large enough to rival any in the state, and the other to run in conjunction with a local box factory, will be made larger when both get into operation early this year. While removed some distance from the city, logging activities in the Butte Falls country, nevertheless, are closely connected with various angles of local business. With the arrival of the harvest seasons, commencing in July and often continuing until November, is nearly over [sic], payrolls will quickly increase, giving employment to hundreds of fruit pickers, grain and hay harvest hands, packing house workers and numerous other employees, many of whom come from out-of-state points. An important item in the prosperity that has been Medford's is the ever-increasing tourist traffic, bringing residents from all parts of the Union to and through Medford on long and short motor tours. A conservative estimate was placed on last year's tourist business by the assertion that $6000 in traveler's checks were spent in Medford daily, that amount having been turned in to local banks by merchants, on the average. This amount represents expenditures made for practically all commodities and supplies sold in the city, including such purchases as tires, accessories, groceries, souvenirs. Due to the fact that advertising of one of Southern Oregon's scenic wonders, Crater Lake, located 80 miles northeast, is gradually becoming more and more widespread throughout the nation, tourist traffic, both by motor and trains, has shown a constant increase each year, and 1927 is expected to exceed the record-breaking number of people who visited there last year. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927, page D5
Fidelity State Bank Is Consolidated with Jackson County Bank
After today the Fidelity State Bank will be no more. Such was the news
which came to the depositors of this city by the morning's mail in the
way of an announcement from the Jackson County Bank of Medford, that
institution having assumed the liabilities of the local institution.The consolidation was the result of many weeks' consultation between the directors of the local bank and the Medford institution. The reason given for the action by the directors of the Fidelity State Bank is the lack of support by Gold Hill people. The following letter over the signature of cashier Zimmerman is self-explanatory. Due to the fact that the amount of business was not large enough in volume to make any money for our stockholders the directors of the Fidelity State Bank with the consent of the state banking department have voted to discontinue and have disposed of certain of the assets to the Jackson County Bank of Medford who are taking over our deposit liability in full. This move is made in the exercise of prudence and for the benefit of all the people concerned. When the Gold Hill Bank was closed over three years ago it served to shake the confidence of our little community to such extent that it has never recovered, and much of our business is being done at other points which lessens the amount that comes here, and this with the expense which is higher that a few years ago makes this move the prudent thing to do. While we regret to take away an institution from the community, if it is not making any money it is wise to not continue, hence our action. All our customers will have their deposits in the Jackson County Bank beginning April 1, and the outstanding checks and time deposits will be paid by them in the regular course and you can mail them the deposits very readily and we can vouch for the honesty, integrity and standing of the Jackson County Bank and their excellent corps of officers to whom we commend you. They are the pioneer bank of Jackson County, and while they are conservative you will find them gentlemanly and courteous and we trust that you will use them as your financial agent in the future. We feel that they have done a service to our community in agreeing to take the bank over as they have. WALTER ZIMMERMAN
Anyone in business in the city can easily appreciate the position of
Mr. Zimmerman, for fully three-fourths of the business is at present
transacted on out-of-town banks. Just what arrangements will be made to
care for the cement payroll has not been stated, but some arrangement
will undoubtedly be made.Cashier In an interview with Mr. Zimmerman this morning he stated that he was sorry to discontinue the service of the bank at this place but that he must take some action to save the institution. He said that few of the wealthy individuals of the city were patrons of the bank and even [some] of the stockholders had affiliations elsewhere. Gold Hill News, March 31, 1927, page 1 The many Medford friends of George R. Lindley of Klamath Falls, and former well-known banker, will learn with interest that he recently resigned as vice-president and director of the American National Bank of Klamath falls and has sold his stock to enter into private business in that city. Mr. Lindley and family left Medford years ago after 21 years here in the service of the Jackson County Bank. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 5, 1927, page 2 JACKSON COUNTY BANK ORGANIZED
Thirty-nine years in active, successful business in Medford! That is
the record of the Jackson County Bank in this city, and the officers
and directors of that institution are celebrating a marked increase in
banking business during recent months along with Medford's Jubilee of
Visions Realized.
Looking over the old books of the bank it is found that on September 1st, 1888 deposits were $56,737.00, while on September 1st, 1927 deposits were $1,675,141. The growth of this old bank is thus seen to be more than commensurate with the growth of the territory. This growth is due partly to the fact that the officers and directors have always endeavored to lend support to enterprises, tending to make business better and life happier. When the bank first opened its doors in 1888, only about five hundred people were living in Medford. No doubt the fondest hopes of the bank's founder, the late W. I. Vawter, would be more than realized if he were living and knew of the splendid progress the bank as well as the community has made the last twelve years. The Jackson County Bank has enjoyed a reputation for generous cooperation in civic enterprises, and this institution has done much to encourage development in this city during its 39 years here. Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1927, page D7 ASHLAND FIRST NATIONAL BUYS TALENT BANK
The First National Bank of Ashland has purchased the entire assets of
the State Bank of Talent. The deal has been pending for some weeks and
was concluded on Thursday of this week. This is the largest transfer in
banking circles in Jackson County for several years. All of the
business of the Talent bank will be transferred to the Ashland
institution.Cashier E. B. Adamson of the Talent bank is now assisting in the Ashland bank while Mr. H. W. Fram, Talent assistant cashier, will devote his entire time to his orchard. Clara M. Wood.
Clara M. Wood, who since 1920 has been assistant cashier of the Medford
National Bank and for nineteen years has been associated with that
institution, gives Medford the distinction of having a woman bank
executive. She is also a member of the National Women's Banking
Organization and widely known in southern Oregon and state banking
and Professional Women Achieve Much," Medford Mail Tribune, January
1, 1928, page F4
The Jackson County Bank
201 East Main Street in Medford is the location of the Jackson County
Bank which is the oldest bank in Jackson County, as it was established
in 1888. This bank has been a most important factor in the upbuilding
of this section of Oregon, and one of the strongest recommendations is
its list of officers which consists of the following:--C. W. McDonald,
Pres.; C. I. Hutchison, Vice Pres., V. H. Vawter, Cashier; W. I.
Vawter, Assistant Cashier; S. V. Davis, Assistant Cashier; and
directors which consists of the following:--T. W. Miles, V. J. Emerick,
V. H. Vawter, R. F. Antle, C. W. McDonald, C. I. Hutchison, W. I.
Vawter and S. V. Davis.COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE Among the financial institutions of this part of the state there are indeed few which can show more substantial progress than this well-known institution. From the date of its organization up to the present time they have been noted for their sound, energetic and conservative business, commanding a marked degree of the confidence of their depositors and the confidence of their depositors and the public at large, a condition that is the tim [sic] of the officers and executive board. This is the only bank in this part of the state that have arranged facilities for after-hour depositing. Depositors of this bank may through this arrangement make deposits at any time of day or night. They have every electrical burglar protection to their vaults, so in banking here you are assured full protection to your funds. Another feature is the savings department, where courtesy and efficiency are always in evidence, and many who have never enjoyed the confidence which the possession of a bank account gives to every man will find this savings department a steppingstone to success. Many people from the surrounding territory have found this a very desirable place to accumulate quite a fund for the proverbial rainy day. It is arranged not only for the convenience of the officials of this bank, but as well for the accommodation of the public. Real magnanimous service to the public has been the policy of this bank since its inception, and thus the people have learned that it is the intention of the management that they should not only give interest but show it.
Splendid Condition of Eagle Point Bank
The report of the First State Bank of Eagle Point at
the close of business January 2 shows that institution to be in first-class condition.The resources were $126,935.22. Deposits have steadily increased during the past year and there are now 450 depositors on the books. H. E. Campbell, cashier, says the past year was the best in the history of the bank and the earnings were better than 10 percent on the capital and surplus. Mrs. Hazel is now assistant cashier. She has been with the bank the past six months. Medford Mail Tribune, January 10, 1929, page 3 BANK RESOURCES SHOW GAIN OVER FIGURES FOR 1928
The stability of Medford's financial health was again shown in the
recent publication of statements from the four local banks, showing
combined deposits and resources of $5,962,017.74. This total reveals an
increase for the same period last year and is indicative of the growing
condition of the four banking institutions. Out of the four, one bank
is in the two-million-dollar class, and two others are rapidly reaching
that point.Figures compiled yesterday show savings accounts to be an important feature of Medford's financial life, with a total of $2,072,375.04 included in time deposits. Demand deposits have a total of $3,202,836.15, making a total of $5,275,211.19 for both divisions. For instant distribution, the banks have cash on hand amounting to $870,226.78 and have combined loans and discounts of $2,841,240.27. The buildings in which they are located, including fixtures, have a value of $255,104.80. Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1929, page 5 V. H. VAWTER QUITS BANK FOR SOUTH
The following announcement was issued today by the Jackson County Bank:
"Mr. Vernon H. Vawter, president of the undersigned bank, and member of the Federal Reserve Board for this district, has severed his active connection with this bank in order to associate himself with other banking institutions in the South. However, he is still retaining his stock in the bank and will likewise continue to be a member of the board of directors and return from time to time to render any assistance which might be necessary relative to the affairs of this institution. The other personnel of the bank will continue as before and the same service and cooperation will be given to all of our customers. "JACKSON COUNTY BANK
Medford Mail Tribune, March 12, 1930, page 1By Scott V. Davis, W. I. Vawter C. I. Hutchison T. W. Miles R. F. Antle V. J. Emerick C. W. McDonald Board of Directors" FIRST NATIONAL BANK CELEBRATES 25TH ANNIVERSARY
With a force of but one cashier and headquarters in a small wooden
store house at the corner of Main and North Bartlett streets, the First
National Bank of Medford was opened April 7, 1905. The capital at that
time was $25,000.Tomorrow, Monday, marks the first quarter of a century in the life of the organization, which has steadily grown along with the city of Medford and all Southern Oregon until the capital, surplus and undivided profits are $201,950.61. The first step of progress to be made by this bank was in 1906 when it was moved to a brick building which then occupied a portion of the present site and was considered one of the more pretentious business houses in Medford. In five years its resources passed the million-dollar mark, and the steadily increased volume of business again necessitated larger and better facilities for the convenience of the bank's patrons, officers and employees. Additional property was purchased and work began on the present building May 14, 1911. "Amid a garden of flowers and palms to the inspiring notes of the Medford string quartet, the doors of the new First National Bank of Medford were opened to the public Saturday afternoon. "All Medford was there, including women, children and babies, and on all sides were heard expressions of wonder and praise for the building and the energy and skill of the men who have made it possible," said the Medford Sun, March 3, 1912, in telling of the opening day. Social events were scheduled to mark the bank's achievement, and all Southern Oregon joined in celebrating. Officers of the bank at that time were: F. K. Deuel, president; Charles M. English, vice president; M. L. Alford, cashier; Oris Crawford, assistant cashier. Directors were: F. K. Deuel, Charles M. English, J. E. Watt, Charles Strang, M. L. Alford, George Dunn and J. H. Cooley. The following men are officers of the First National Bank of Medford at the end of the first quarter century: B. E. Harder, president; Charles M. English, vice president; Oris Crawford, cashier; O. D. Frazee, assistant cashier; R. E. Sweeney, assistant cashier, and E. Thorndike, assistant cashier. Directors are: Charles M. English, B. E. Harder, George W. Dunn, John R. Tomlin, James Owens, Oris Crawford and H. S. Deuel. Medford Mail Tribune, April 6, 1930, page 3 FINAL DIVIDEND JACKSONVILLE BANK SENT OUT
SALEM, Ore., April 10.--(AP)--Checks covering the final dividend of 2.8
percent on all deposit claims against the Bank of Jacksonville,
insolvent, were mailed today by A. A. Schramm, state superintendent of
banks.Superintendent Mail 2.8 Percent on Claims-- Affairs Much Involved by Defalcations. Total claims filed in the liquidation amount to $234,658.18, and the final dividend will disburse $6570.36. One dividend of 5 percent has previously been paid in liquidation of this bank. The affairs of the bank, which was closed August 11, 1920, were much involved due to the defalcations of the officers, one of whom served a term in the penitentiary. Schramm said that it has not been possible to close the liquidation, which is the oldest one now pending in the banking department, until a decision was reached in the case of the Firemen's Fund Insurance Company against A. W. Walker and others, for the reason that if a decision unfavorable to the banking department had been made there would have been no funds with which to pay a further dividend. The supreme court gave its decision favorable to the department in February and Mr. Schramm said the liquidation will be closed immediately after the payment of the final dividend. Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1930, page 1 LOCAL BANKERS ADD TO SAFETY FROM BANDITS
Following the attempted bank robbery
at Central Point today, the four Medford banks, through their heads,
announced they would take precautionary measures to prevent any
repetition of the criminal adventure here. Guards will be stationed in
the banks, along with the already established safeguards.
The banks are the First National Bank, B. E. Harder, president; Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank, Delroy Getchell, president; Medford National Bank, W. H. Gore, president, and the Jackson County Bank, T. B. Lumsden, president. Similar action will be taken by banks at Ashland, Eagle Point and other Southern Oregon points, it was indicated. The presence of a large number of transients in Southern Oregon, attracted here by the fruit season, and the reported start of construction work on Hill lines near Klamath Falls has heightened the watchfulness. In the ranks of the floating population are many undesirables. As a further protective step, the authorities will launch a roundup and all not engaged in work will be ordered to move on. Medford Mail Tribune, September 9, 1930, page 2 Jackson County Building &
Jackson County Building & Loan Association, termed by the state
commission as "one of the best managed and most prosperous associations
in America," started in 1909 with Bert Anderson as president and O. C.
Boggs as secretary and general manager. From the date of incorporation
investments began to be made in the stock of the association, but very
slow progress was made during the first few years. Assets of about
$50,000.00 were accumulated by the beginning of the war period, and
remained at that approximate figure until the period of development
began soon after the war years, when the cities of Jackson County began
to feel the period of increased prosperity. Rapid strides were made in
the following years, and now assets of over $1,250,000 are carried on
the books of the organization.
Nearly two thousand loans have been made to residents of Jackson County for home buying, building or improving purposes, and all funds used have been deposited by other residents of the county who realized the great service such an organization was able to render in furthering the prosperity of the locality. O. C. Boggs is still in the same capacity as secretary and general manager, and C. M. Kidd has served as president since 1917. "Brief History of Old-Time Medford Firms Given," Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1930, page 8 JACKSON COUNTY BANK
On E. Main at [Central] in Medford.Under the direction of astute financiers who have guided this well-known bank to substantial progress evidenced by the large business it enjoys and its enviable reputation for safety to depositors. One of the institutions that gives stability to the financial and commercial interests of the country is this modern banking house. From the day that it first opened its doors to the people it has always been under the management of conservative yet progressive men, of broad and liberal views in the matter of caring for their patrons' needs, yet men who have carefully guarded the best interests of the depositors by demanding the fullest security and adhering to the cardinal law of finance. This invariable policy has gained for this well-known bank the greatest confidence of the people of all the surrounding country, and among its customers you will find the majority of the community's most prominent men and firms. The savings service is a great convenience to the people as this is a perfectly safe place to keep money and then it draws interest right along. A specialty is made of small accounts and the very best attention is given. Many people from the surrounding territory have found this a very desirable place to accumulate quite a fund for the proverbial rainy day. This is one of the absolutely essential institutions which makes possible the expansion and growth, not only of the community at large but of the individual business and enterprises. It also promotes the progress and happiness of the individual homes by providing modern saving facilities. In making this review of the onward progress of the community we wish to compliment the Jackson County Bank, its officers and its directors and direct attention of readers to this strong financial institution. Gold Hill News, December 6, 1930, page 5 First National Bank
On E. Main St. in Medford is a well-known pillar of strength that adds
to the financial stability of the community and aids in the
commercial, industrial and even social progress of Medford and
vicinity by rendering banking and finance, embracing all features of
this service. Under direction of widely experienced financiers, this
bank has proven to be a great convenience to the people of this section
generally as it renders a metropolitan service in all financial
matters. It is one of the important and essential features of the
organization of the community which has given added impetus to the
growth and development of the city and this vicinity. It has materially
assisted in the upbuilding of the country and has become indispensable
to the community.They occupy most convenient quarters where every modern facility has been provided for the expeditious transactions of the business of the people as well as accommodation of the officers and assistants. Any business or profession which renders modern, reliable and efficient service to its patrons will progress with its environment. This is quite true of the banking business, and is particularity true of this admirable bank. So well have they served the community that they have provided every convenience for their investors. This well-known bank is an institution that makes the progress of the community possible. Its service is absolutely essential to the expansion and growth of this section. We are indeed fortunate to have such admirable and such dependable banking and financial service. The First National Bank renders a bank service that is ably presided over to render personal, social, domestic, industrial or a financial way to anyone. If you have any problem in your life's work that you have not solved successfully go in and talk it over with men in charge of this department and they may be able to render you assistance that will place you on the road to wealth and happiness. The officers are among the community's most successful and well-known men of affairs, who have for years been intimately associated with the progress of not only the city but of the community. In this comprehensive review of our onward progress, we cannot fail to compliment them upon giving us a financial institution such as this well-known bank. Gold Hill News, December 6, 1930, page 6 JACKSON CO. BANK HOLDS CONFIDENCE
The Jackson County Bank broke forward to the new year with the greatest
feeling of optimism--a new year with new opportunities.
It is generally conceded that we are passing through a period of business depression throughout the entire world, and it is natural to expect that our United States would experience in many respects this depression. The most gratifying feature of our experience has been the continuing friendship evidenced in many ways by those with whom we come in contact. We welcome the New Year in a spirit of hope and confidence, and we wish that it may bring to all health, happiness and a full measure of prosperity. Medford Mail Tribune, December 31, 1930, page B1 ![]() October 1, 1930 Medford Mail Tribune CITIZENS BANK IN ASHLAND WILL BE LIQUIDATED, WORD
Following an examination by the state bank examiners, the Citizens'
Bank of Ashland voluntarily closed its doors this morning. A posted
statement said the action was taken as a means of protection to
depositors and that the condition of the institution was such that
liquidation could not be made promptly. The bank is now in the hands of
the state banking board and examiners.The statement signed by H. O. Vogt, assistant state superintendent of banks, and G. E. Cusick, state bank examiner, said that the move in no way affected the two other banks of Ashland or of the county. Other banks of Ashland were examined by the state banking officials and reported in "extremely favorable condition." Proceeds of liquidation of the closed bank will be started at once, and depositors are expected to receive nearly full value on deposits. Jackson County, according to Treasurer A. C. Walker, has $57,000 on deposit, protected by $60,000 worth of securities. Closing of the bank, in the official statement, was attributed to the gradual withdrawal of accounts by depositors, inability to collect loans, depreciation in the value of bonds, slackness in re-discount paper and dullness in banking business. No excitement among Ashland citizens attended the closing of the bank, and normal conditions prevailed at the other banks, aside from a rush of business men, former clients of the closed bank, to open new accounts. The closing was not even a subject of more than casual street discussion. The state bank examiners' statement in full is as follows: "On account of the depreciation in investments, difficulty in collecting on loans under present conditions, and the declining volume of deposits, which curtailed earnings, the directors of the Citizens' Bank of Ashland have deemed it to the best interests of the depositors to turn its affairs over to the state superintendent of banks for liquidation. "On behalf of the board of directors (signed) V. O. N. Smith, secretary." The directorate of the bank is composed of W. H. Poley, Dr. F. G. Swedenburg, V. O. N. Smith, E. B. Barron, C. B. Lamkin, F. F. Engle and W. F. Loomis, all well-known residents of Ashland and the county. W. H. Poley was president, and V. O. N. Smith, cashier. The bank was established about 20 years ago. Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1932, page 1 LIQUIDATION OF CITIZENS BANK TO TAKE 100 DAYS
Liquidation of the affairs of the Citizens' Bank of Ashland, which
closed yesterday voluntarily to be placed in the hands of the state
bank examiners, will take in the neighborhood of 100 days, in the
ordinary course of such procedure.Until a full examination of the assets have been made, no definite information will be forthcoming on the amounts to be received by depositors. Improvement in the bond markets would enable the bank to pay off at close to 100 cents on the dollar. Depreciation of bonds was one of the decisive factors in the state of the bank. No official data on the subject has been issued, but it is expected that settlement will be made in excess of 50 percent of the deposits. Jackson County had on deposit in the bank approximately $57,000, which is protected by in excess of $60,000 worth of gilt-edge securities. The state banking laws give full protection to all state, city and county deposits. Ashland citizens viewed the situation with calmness because of the high community confidence in the directorate, which was composed of citizens of long and high standing for business ability and integrity. The business life of the Lithia City was unperturbed by the event. Medford Mail Tribune, March 15, 1932, page 8 1ST NAT'L. BANK TAKES OVER THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK
The First National Bank of Medford today assumed the deposit
liabilities of the Jackson County Bank, which Saturday voluntarily
summoned State Banking Superintendent A. A. Schramm of Salem and
national bank examiners, following heavy deposit withdrawals last
Friday and Saturday.Crisis in Local Institution Induced by Heavy Withdrawals Recently Is Successfully Surmounted The action of the First National Bank in stepping into the breach was voluntary and under the advice and guidance of the state banking department and the national bank examiners. By the step the city and county was spared a serious financial situation, and the arrangement was termed an exhibition of splendid civic unity and cooperation. Statement to Come.
No formal statements were forthcoming today from state and national
bank officials, or the directorate of the two banks concerned. As soon
as the clerical work necessary is finished a complete statement,
however, will be made.The cessation of the Jackson County Bank, established in 1888 and one of the oldest banking houses in Southern Oregon, was attributed by bank heads and banking officials to a "whispering campaign," under way for several weeks, which spread over the city and county and which reached high tide last Saturday, when heavy withdrawals were made. Saturday the Jackson County Bank directorate and officials called in the state bank superintendent and the details of the waiver transfers discussed and completed. Adopt Waiver Plan.
Under the waiver deposit plan, the First National Bank takes over
choice assets of the Jackson County Bank, which together with the
amounts waived by depositors will be sufficient to pay the remaining
deposits. The remaining assets of the Jackson County Bank are to be
placed in a trust, to be liquidated for the benefit of the amounts
waived by the Jackson County Bank depositors.The text of the deposit waiver signed by Jackson County Bank depositors is as follows: "In consideration of the First National Bank of Medford, Ore., assuming the deposit liability of the Jackson County Bank that shall remain after the same have been reduced by this and similar waivers of other depositors, I, the undersigned, being a depositor of the Jackson County Bank, do hereby waive ............. of my .............. deposit and authorize the reduction by said amount. "This waiver is made in consideration of similar waivers of other depositors and to be effective only when such waivers have been obtained in an amount sufficient to make possible said assumption of said deposit liability." Depositors Sign Waiver.
Depositors of the Jackson County Bank responded to the appeals,
starting Sunday afternoon. They were advised by telephone to come to
the bank, and all afternoon there was a large crowd waiting to sign.Officials of the Jackson County Bank expressed a deep appreciation of the helpful loyalty manifested by their clients. Jackson County funds on deposit in the Jackson County Bank totaled $72,980, protected by $80,000 in prime securities, according to County Treasurer A. C. Walker. Little Excitement.
The action of the Jackson County Bank caused but a minimum of
excitement among the depositors, and business today at the three other
banks of the city was normal this morning when the banks opened. There
was a large crowd of curious outside of the banks, but no unusual
activity within.Speedy adjustment of the situation is universally declared to be a business aid to the city and valley, and makes funds available at an early date, instead of the long period for formal receivership and liquidation. The banking life of the city, it is believed, will be strengthened and the community ultimately benefited. There was keen interest in the negotiations throughout the county, and the solution presented and adopted fostered new confidence. Officers, directors and employees of the Jackson County Bank and First National Bank worked all Sunday afternoon and night, and all day today, perfecting the new arrangement. Medford Mail Tribune, March 21, 1932, page 1 BANK DEPOSITS PUT IN VAULTS, FIRST NATIONAL
The deposits of the Jackson County Bank--checking and
saving--transferred to the First National Bank of this city over the
weekend, under direction of state and national bank examiners, were
formally placed in that institution this morning with normal calmness
and confidence.Formal Transfer Today--Calm Prevails--Airplane Brings Million in Currency--May Probe 'Whispers' The safety deposit boxes of the Jackson County Bank will be moved to the First National Bank as soon as possible, when they will be available for box holders. In the meantime, box holders can gain access to their safety deposit boxes at the Jackson County Bank upon request. The savings account deposits will be moved to the First National Bank this afternoon. An added force of clerical help has been engaged to handle the increased business. Assets Listed
State bank officials and aides today were busy listing the assets and
attending to other routine work incidental to the suspension of the
Jackson County Bank. This will require two or three days.According to City Treasurer Gus Samuels, approximately $20,000 of city funds on deposit in the Jackson County Bank were fully protected, and no part thereof will be lost. The period required for liquidation is problematical, and depends largely upon local economic conditions. The action of the state bank heads in consummating the transfer of the funds, and thereby making available for local business and circulation $750,000 in deposits that might have otherwise been idle for an indefinite period, acted as a tonic on conditions. The move also averted a possible run or application for receivership. Airplane Brings Currency
An airplane with $1,000,000 in currency arrived Monday afternoon for
distribution in Jackson County banks as a precautionary measure. The
shipment came from Portland upon orders from the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco. Arrival of the treasure was not known until it had
been stored away in bank vaults.Collapse of the Jackson County Bank, established in 1888, was the cause of wide regret and was emphatically attributed to a "whispering campaign." The deposit withdrawals started early this year and reached their peak Friday and Saturday morning. Public opinion has already started to manifest an aversion to rumors and tattling on a wholesale basis. May Probe "Whispers"
There is a federal and state law making circulation of false statements
about the condition of a bank a felony, with a heavy prison sentence as
a penalty. No information upon any possible legal action against
"whisperers" has been revealed by authorities. It is predicted it will
be called to the attention of both state and federal grand juries at an
early date for a probing.No decision has been reached upon the disposition of the Jackson County Bank building or its fixtures and equipment. Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1932, page 1 BANK 'WHISPERS' WILL BE PROBED UPON COMPLAINT
The district attorneys office announced today that it was prepared to
launch an investigation of the "whispering campaign," assertedly
directed against the Jackson County Bank for a considerable time before
its deposits and business were transferred to the First National Bank
of this city. The closing of the pioneer financial institution was
generally attributed to "whisperers."The matter would come before the county grand jury upon application of a bank official or interested depositor. The 1931 legislature passed a law providing that "any person or persons who shall willfully or knowingly spread false or malicious reports by letter, printed matter or word of mouth about the solvency of any bank or banking institution shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to not less than one year in the county jail and fined not less than $1000 nor more than $5000." Both jail term and fine can be inflicted. Federal penalty for the same offense is more severe. The banking life of the city was normal today, but with considerable activity due to new accounts being opened. A force of clerical aides were engaged in the Jackson County Bank, preparing final statements and conducting other details. Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1932, page 3 DAVIS APPOINTED FOR LIQUIDATION JACKSON CO. BANK
Scott V. Davis, former assistant cashier of the Jackson County Bank,
has been named liquidation agent by the board of directors and has
assumed his duties. He will have charge of the liquidation of the
assets of the Jackson County Bank not taken over by the First National
Bank in the recent transfer. They total approximately $350,000 and
include long- and short-time notes, bonds, claims, judgments and real
estate. For the present agent Davis will maintain office in the Jackson
County Bank.Length of time for the completion of the liquidation is problematical, dependent largely on crop and economic conditions. Included in the assets is the Jackson County Bank building [northeast corner of Main and Central], regarded as one of the leading business sites in the city. Agent Davis said today that several inquiries had been received for the lease or sale of the building, but none had taken definite form. Medford Mail Tribune, April 7, 1932, page 1 TOLLEFSON CONFESSES ROBBERY
Alvin Tollefson, 25, cashier of the Central Point State Bank of Central
Point, confessed to Sheriff Ralph G. Jennings this afternoon that the
reported holdup of the bank yesterday was a ruse to cover up
defalcations in his accounts. Tollefson signed a statement, admitted
that he had lost $500 in gambling games and that he took the money from
the bank.CENTRAL POINT BANKER ADMITS HOLDUP A RUSE Young Cashier Hoped to Cover Defalcations, Confession Given District Attorney and Sheriff Tollefson reported a loss of $1390 in the purported robbery, and $690 of this amount was found in a coffee pot at his home in Central Point this afternoon. "Load off Chest"
After signing the statement, Tollefson expressed satisfaction that "a load is off my chest."In his statement, Tollefson declared that his wife or other members of his family knew nothing of his acts. He hid the $690 in the coffee pot while his wife was asleep last night. Suspicion was attached to Tollefson shortly after he reported the robbery, when the sheriff and state police were unable to find any resident of Central Point, near the bank at the reported time of the robbery, who had seen the bandit leave or enter the building. Tollefson was taken to the courthouse to identify two suspects. It was at this point that he admitted his guilt. Hoped to Cover Defalcation.
The statement sets forth that Tollefson hoped to cover up his
defalcations, lost in gambling, and that he feared an unexpected
arrival of a bank examiner.Tollefson was closed this afternoon with District Attorney George A. Codding, Sheriff Ralph Jennings and Capt. Lee M. Bown of the state police. Tollefson is a fine-appearing man of about 25 years, and has been a resident of the Central Point district for seven years. His father owns a controlling interest in the institution. The family formerly lived at Stites, Idaho. The denouement came as a distinct shock to the family and friends and acquaintances. Tollefson is a star tennis player. May Waive Hearing
Further legal action in the case depends on circumstances, but it is
expected that Tollefson will waive a grand jury hearing. Under the
Oregon banking law covering embezzlement, he is liable to a prison
sentence of from one to 20 years and $5000 fines.In a robbery of the Central Point State Bank, September 9, 1930, Tollefson was the hero, firing shots at the bandit as he fled in a rented auto. Robert Glenn, a transient resident of this city, is now serving 15 years in state prison for the first holdup. Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1932, page 1
Medford banks closed their doors this morning following receipt of a
proclamation from Governor Julius L. Meier, announcing a three-day
moratorium throughout the state. They will remain closed, heads of
banks stated, until Monday morning, when regular business will be
resumed at the usual time. The same program has been adopted by all
three banks of the city, and it was believed that Ashland banks would
join the local institutions in the manner in which they will observe
the moratorium.While doors are closed for the three-day period to regular business, persons wishing access to their safety deposit boxes will be granted admission, and the banks will distribute change in return for currency in order to cause no cessation in buying and selling. No checks, however, will be accepted before Monday, and no withdrawals will be granted. The Federal Reserve Bank in Portland, a telegram received from there informed bankers, will continue transaction of business, except as limited by the state holiday. No other banks are remaining open for business, B. E. Harder, president of the First National Bank, declared in contradiction of press reports to that effect. Several Portland banks, he stated, are open to the same type of business as the Medford banks are carrying on. He described as false any reports of withdrawals, adding that the banks might be allowing small change to persons in danger of going hungry, but that no regular business was being transacted, according to instructions wired from the Rose City. The same program is being carried out by banks of California and Arizona, he further stated, and declared as absolutely false any rumors about town predicting a longer moratorium. ----
A statewide three-day bank holiday ordered today by Governor Julius L.
Meier was met generally throughout Oregon with the decision of bankers
to remain open for the transaction of what was described as "necessary
business."(By the Associated Press) Only in few cities of the state did the banks remain closed. The First National Bank of La Grande, which had been closed for more than four months, reopened this morning, and its officers said the bank would not observe the holiday. Governor Meier issued the order designating today, tomorrow and Saturday as legal holidays "to permit the enactment of necessary regulatory and stabilizing legislation in line with federal enactments and legislation enacted by other states." It was essential for the protection of all depositors, he said, that bank withdrawals be suspended for a "brief period." The larger banks in Portland posted signs announcing the holiday, but soon after the regular opening hour these signs were taken in and business transacted, but withdrawals of only comparatively small amounts were permitted. The bank of which Governor Meier is chairman was among those remaining open. Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1933, page 1 BANKS OPEN; SERVICE IS LIMITED
Medford banks opened for restricted business today, following the brief
observance yesterday of the holiday period proclaimed by Governor
Meier. While the holiday is still in effect until Saturday night,
according to the proclamation, it is not mandatory and Southern Oregon
banks, joining those of Portland and several other sections, will
transact business where considered necessary.MEDFORD JOINS REST OF STATE CURTAILING COIN Restricted Withdrawals and Necessary Business Permitted by Local Institutions--Neighbors Conform Under this program, B. E. Harder stated today, some withdrawals will be permitted, change will be granted and persons will be granted access to safety deposit boxes. Any other business of real importance will be permitted in a limited manner. Such observance will be continued throughout the holiday period, Mr. Harder stated, and whatever other laws may arise regarding the banking situation will be observed by the Medford group. Banks of Ashland, Klamath Falls and Grants Pass are conforming. Opening of the banks today on a restricted basis was welcomed by all business houses and had already at noon today revived buying and selling activities, practically at a standstill yesterday. ----
PORTLAND, March 3.--(AP)--Banks in nearly every city in Oregon remained
open today fer the transaction of necessary business, although a
three-day bank holiday was proclaimed yesterday by Governor Julius L.
Meier.Members of the Portland clearing house held an informal meeting late yesterday and agreed to follow the policy adopted on the first day of the holiday to grant limited withdrawals and to accept new deposits, dating them as of March 6. It was expected this policy would be generally followed throughout the state, with probably not more than 10 of Oregon's 158 banks remaining closed. Courts Adjourn.
Meanwhile, however, courts remained adjourned on advice from the state
supreme court that they could not legally function during the
proclaimed holidays. The Portland city council, on a similar
assumption, postponed until Monday its meeting scheduled for yesterday.The holiday was not mandatory, and superintendent of state banks advised the institutions they might use their discretion in the matter. Governor Meier, in proclaiming the three days through Saturday as legal holidays, said he did so "to permit the enactment of necessary regulatory and stabilizing legislation in line with federal enactments and legislation enacted by other states." Checks Accepted.
Because of the decision of most of the banks to allow limited
withdrawals, practically no talk was heard of adopting any
extraordinary medium of exchange in this state. Stores, though not
generally cashing checks, were accepting them in payment for goods in
some cases for amounts more than the goods, where the sizes of the
purchases justified.While the First National Bank of La Grande chose the first day of the holiday to reopen after having been closed four months, banks in Bend, Medford and Astoria were closed, and one of two in Marshfield did not open. At Salem legislators continued today the work that carried them far into the night on the "regulatory and stabilizing legislation" suggested by the governor. State officials and financiers willingly worked with the legislators in shaping the emergency measures. These were expected to be patterned after the Couzens national act, giving the comptroller of currency all the authority over national banks, which the states vest in their respective bank superintendents. No Cause for Alarm.
"There is no cause for alarm over the condition of Oregon banks," Superintendent Schramm declared.Every bank in Portland today was open for limited operation, and it was announced this policy would be continued Saturday. Similarly, banks throughout the state were permitting depositors to withdraw funds for necessary expenses, legitimate emergencies and payroll requirements. The city of Portland met all payrolls from local banks, and business was conducted as usual at the Portland branch of the state tax commission office, where state income tax returns were being filed and payment made. The office accepted checks dated March 6. Banks Praised.
Appreciation of the service rendered by the banks in remaining open in
the face of the holiday order was voted last night by leading
retailers, wholesalers and jobbers who met to discuss the matter with
Portland bank officials.Unjustified public alarm was the chief danger seen in the present situation, they said. The merchants pledged themselves to combat this alarm to the best of their ability. ----
SAN FRANCISCO, March 3.--(AP)--Banks in eight far western states were
closed or operating under restrictions today while general business
carried on despite the handicap of approximately $3,000,000,000 in
frozen deposits and legislators studied proposed relief measures."Bank holidays" proclaimed by governors prevailed in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. The various governors, following the lead of Governor James Rolph, Jr., of California, who acted Wednesday night, stressed the threat of heavy withdrawals as the reason for their actions. One state executive, Lieutenant Governor George E. Hill of Idaho, who acted in the absence of Governor C. Ben Ross, declared the situation was "a national problem." He predicted "national legislation within the next few days after the inauguration to deal with the condition." Generally Observed.
Banks in all states, with the exception of Oregon, were reported
generally observing the proclamations, which reached seven last night
as Governor Henry H. Blood of Utah placed that state on a holiday basis.The extent of the holiday periods varied in the several states. Monday was specified in California, Oregon and Arizona as the day on which banking was expected to be resumed, probably on a restricted basis. Washington's moratorium will end at midnight Monday. Idaho's will continue for 15 days until midnight of March 17. Nevada's was for four days starting yesterday. The Utah proclamation specified March 3, 4, 6 and 7 as legal holidays. New Mexico declared a four-day holiday starting today. The proclamations were all statewide, though they varied as to the extent in which they affected business. In Oregon, the question of observing the holiday was left to the discretion of individual banks. Washington's moratorium was not mandatory. Idaho's was limited to banks and trust companies. Medford Mail Tribune, March 3, 1933, page 1 OREGON BANKERS PLAN SCRIP FOR IMMEDIATE USE
PORTLAND, March 6.--(AP)--Members of the Portland clearing house
association were meeting here today to formulate a plan of action
coinciding with the national bank policy proclaimed by the President.Policy to Conform with National Proclamation Is Formulated at Portland Meet--Change Is Allowed A means of providing a medium of circulation for transacting vital business was imperative, it was said. Some form of scrip was expected to be agreed upon. It was indicated here that an issuance of scrip would be made available to banks throughout Oregon and that banks in other cities of the state would adopt the same system used by members of the Portland clearing house association. Details Not Divulged.
Some plan similar to that used in 1907, when clearing house
certificates in small denominations were placed in circulation, were
considered today, but details were not divulged.The clearing house in Portland opened a change-making depot during the day through the cooperation of the federal treasury and the federal reserve system. Only silver and currency were handled. No gold was to be given out in change transactions. Each Portland bank in the clearing house association [is] to send a teller to the change depot. The service was to continue throughout the bank holiday period. No Checks Cashed.
No checks were to be cashed. No currency of higher denomination than $20 was to be handed out.John C. Ainsworth, chairman of the board of directors of the United States National Bank here, said he believed the limited withdrawals allowed last Thursday and Friday gave business a needed impetus here. "More than $3,000,000 was withdrawn from the clearing house banks in those two days," he said. "This money has placed most of the depositors in a position to meet their day-by-day expenses for at least a week longer." All clearing house banks in Portland today gave safety deposit box patrons access to their boxes. Only a few instances throughout the state, it was said, where smaller banks have their safety boxes in the regular bank vaults, would it be difficult for depositors to reach their belongings. R. T. Platt, attorney for the United States National Bank, said today it is perfectly permissible to pay bills by check and that checks so issued will be honored at the expiration of the bank holiday period as of that day. Medford Mail Tribune, March 6, 1933, page 5 SCRIP--WHAT IT IS AND HOW USED AS EXCHANGE
NEW YORK, Mar. 6.--(AP)--What is scrip, how does one get it, and how does one use it?The answers to those questions were being learned by millions today as bales of the freshly printed emergency currency were prepared for distribution. Clearing house scrip, being prepared by the New York Clearing House Association, consists of paper certificates based on bank deposits. They are issued by a group of banks, rather than by one banking institution. Although details of the certificate plan announced yesterday by Mortimer Buckner, head of the clearing house association, have not yet been made public, it was believed the new medium of exchange would be paid out by the banks in lieu of the old. A depositor appearing at a bank to cash a check would be given the certificates to the full amount of the check. It would also be the money in which paychecks were cashed, and it would be accepted by merchants, landlords, railroads and others instead of the old currency. Bankers said that since the scrip would be accepted for deposit at parity by all clearing house members, it would serve as a satisfactory medium of exchange. The certificates, which represent actual deposits, will be issued, it was believed, in denominations ranging from $1 up. It was the understanding here that banks, when they reopen, might be permitted to pay out fractional coin--that is, coin ranging from pennies to half dollars--to meet the need for change. Pending authoritative statements, it was the belief that bankers were working out a plan for a uniform standard of collateral throughout the country. In this way, New York scrip could circulate in other cities, and vice versa. Thus it appeared that the new money might be acceptable at or near parity throughout the nation. Bankers recalled the crisis of 1907, the last occasion on which scrip certificates were used here. They were, in effect, liens or obligations against the assets of the banks. In New York they were used primarily for payments between banks, but in other sections they circulated just like money. When the need for them disappeared they were retired as fast as they were deposited in banks. Generally, it may be said that clearing house certificates are a new kind of money, usable as such in the ordinary transactions of business. During the duration of the emergency they are not cashed, however, and thus they do not deplete the bank funds. Medford Mail Tribune, March 6, 1933, page 5 LOCAL SCRIP PLAN FOR RELIEF
Business was looking up in the city of Medford this afternoon, and a
brighter outlook flooded the horizon for merchant, buyer, employer and
employee, as a meeting called to launch an emergency issue of local
scrip opened at the chamber of commerce at 2 o'clock.BUSINESS FIRMS OF CITY JOIN IN PRINTING MONEY Brighter Outlook Prevails As Decision Made to Meet Emergency -- In Circulation Wednesday Morning For money of any other clink or color "smells the same" to Southern Oregonians, if it will buy. And that's what local scrip will do. The chamber of commerce expects to have it in circulation by tomorrow morning, starting a complete turnover of the wheels of business, partially paralyzed since declaration of the banking holidays. Business Men Backers.
The scrip will be underwritten by a group of local business men and
will be in an amount judged sufficient to care for the immediate
necessity. If further issuance is found necessary, it was explained
this afternoon, another group of business men will be called in to
participate in its launching.The chamber of commerce meeting this afternoon was preceded by one held at the city hall, at which B. E. Harder, president of the First National Bank, explained thoroughly the banking situation, urging an extension of credit as the cornerstone of commerce, and the best solution of the present situation. He predicted the arrival here by Friday of clearing house certificates to be issued out of Portland and approved temporary plans to issue local scrip, saying that it could do no harm and would undoubtedly furnish immediate relief here. The city hall and auditorium and corridors were filled to capacity for his talk, and many persons were unable to gain entrance. Bakery Has Own Issue.
The Colonial Bakery today launched its own scrip to care for the
payroll in the amount of $585. The certificates will be accepted as
payment for merchandise at the Colonial Bakery or by any grocer or
merchant selling or serving products manufactured by the Colonial
Bakery.Clearing house certificates expected here within a few days will bring retirement of the local scrip, according to the plan. Both are expected to stimulate buying and discourage any tendency toward hoarding, Mr. Harder pointed out this morning. Clearing house certificates are being issued in preference to regular currency, Mr. Harder explained to prevent hoarding and start an immediate circulation of a medium of exchange. Hoarding Problem.
"Currency put out now," he stated, "would probably go into hiding.
Clearing house certificates will be spent, bringing the business
turnover needed. Portland will pay us clearing house certificates
against our balance, enabling their circulation here as soon as they
are out."Listing the banking regulations in effect for today, which will liberalize considerably the situation of yesterday, Mr Harder stated, "Front doors will remain closed, but side doors will be open. We will permit withdrawals to drawer of check only in amount limited to necessity. All checks will be okayed by an officer before payment. No deposits will be accepted. No drafts will be issued. Access to safety deposit boxes will be permitted, and change will be made. No gold certificates or gold will be paid out in making change or cashing necessary checks." Sees Relief Thursday.
In explaining failure to permit deposits, Mr. Harder brought to the
Medford audience one of the most optimistic predictions of the day.
"When President Roosevelt appears before Congress Thursday," he
declared, "it is my belief that his plan will provide for acceptance of
deposits in the way of trust funds and that new deposits will be
guaranteed by the federal government. Such action would immediately
restore confidence in business and bring forth money in hiding; the
wheels of industry would start turning. I am not saying that this will
happen," Mr. Harder added, "but it is my belief that it is the logical
thing to do and that it will probably be done."Urging the continuance of buying on the part of the public and the extension of credit by merchants, Mr. Harder declared, "I would rather have a man's credit than the goods on my shelf. Credit ts the life's blood of this country. It is still the cornerstone of commerce." Not Enough Currency.
Answering the question: "Why is this country in this position?" Mr.
Harder stated, "It is because of our system of doing business. We pay
by check. In the United States there are deposits in the banks
amounting to sixty billion dollars. In circulation there is only seven
billion dollars in currency. If all want their money at once, there is
naturally not enough to go around."He then turned to the situation which arose in New York where eight hundred million dollars was withdrawn during three days and converted into gold, necessitating the banking holiday. As a result, Mr. Harder stated, "we are temporarily off the gold standard. No gold or gold certificates are to be paid out in making change." Full faith in the presentation of a workable plan by President Roosevelt when Congress meets Thursday was expressed by Mr. Harder. He advised his listeners, however, not to expect the problem to unwind Friday, as it is a national and a world issue. "Europe," he said in closing, "is waiting to see what the United States will do." Medford Mail Tribune, March 7, 1933, page 1 BANKS ENJOY BIG DEPOSIT INCREASE
Yesterday was a big day for Medford banks, and today was starting out
to be another one, when bank officials were interviewed this morning.
Signs of restored confidence were expressed in the steady line of
customers visiting the banks, and deposits for the city of Medford
yesterday totaled $259,859.64.Many new accounts were opened, it was stated, and no accounts closed. The First National Bank alone took in deposits amounting to $191,000. Checks totaled $85,000. The substantial increase in business was welcomed by bankers as an expression of the confidence Jackson County people have in their banks, which they stated is deserved and valued. Medford Mail Tribune, March 16, 1933, page 1 MEDFORD NAT'L. IS REORGANIZED FOR INCREASED SCOPE
Announcement was made today by the stockholders of the Medford National
Bank that they had organized an entirely new bank, to be known by the
former name, under the new banking act of 1933.Closer Cooperation with Government Possible Under New Arrangement--Same Officers Keep Posts The bank has a new capital of $100,000, with a surplus of $12,000. The stock in the new bank was subscribed and paid in by a majority of the old stockholders, all well-known residents of this city and county. The directors and officers of the newly organized bank are as follows: J. A. Perry, president and director; A. C. Hubbard, vice-president and director; George T. Frey. cashier and director; Clara M. Wood, assistant cashier; J. F. Wortman, C. W. Ashpole and George M. Roberts, directors. All the above were officers and directors in the old bank. The new bank is organized under the new banking act of 1933, which provides for closer cooperation with the government, and better facilities in the handling of banking affairs. The new bank operates under charter No. 13771 from the Treasury Department of the United States, through the Comptroller of the Currency. The new bank has assumed and has taken over all of the deposit liabilities of the old bank, and has accepted all the liquid assets of the old bank, with the bonds, securities and other assets at the present market value, and will continue to function and transact business in the same manner as the old bank, with these new distinct features. Directors of the institution held a meeting last night. Satisfaction was expressed at obtaining a charter under the 1933 banking act, and the new order formally approved. Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1933, page 1 DEPOSITS IN ALL MEDFORD BANKS NOW GUARANTEED
The three Medford banks have qualified under the Federal Deposit
Insurance, which went into effect today, it was announced this morning,
following receipt of official notice from the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation.Under this provision, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation guarantees all individual deposits, both commercial and savings, up to $2500. The new ruling is expected here, as well as in other cities of the nation, to relieve the public mind of any doubts which have grown up as to the safety of money in banks. It will undoubtedly restore public confidence in the banking system and bring a return of sound banking conditions, which will be reflected in all other lines of business. Few other details regarding the operation of the insured deposits were reported today, due to the fact that the bankers' code will not become effective until February 1. In answer to questions regarding whether or not there will as a result be increased charges on checks, bankers stated that there would not be until February 1, at least. All changes affecting the customer under the code will not go into effect until that date. The public will be advised fully regarding all details as soon as the code becomes effective. The banks here now have their certificates of qualification and will issue statements from time to time to keep the public instructed regarding all developments under the federal deposit insurance. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1934, page 2 Medford Deposits Show Gains Since March Moratorium
Deposits in Medford banks, for December 30, showed an increase of
approximately 15 percent over last March. when the national bank
moratorium was called.The increase is shown in statements published today, upon call of the Treasury Department. Cash increase on deposit, in round numbers, is $329,000. On March 15, 1933, at the time of the bank holiday the total cash deposits totaled $2,246,000. On December 30 last, the deposits totaled $2,575,000. The increase was regarded as a sign of returning optimism and confidence. Medford Mail Tribune, January 7, 1934, page 1 FURNITURE OF DEFUNCT BANKS ORDERED SOLD
In the liquidation of the Citizens' Bank of Ashland, an order was
signed yesterday by Judge H. D. Norton, authorizing the state bank
superintendent to sell certain furniture of the institution that closed
its doors March 12, 1932.Paul Merriam of Ashland bid $7.50 for an oak top desk, T. P. Restigan of Portland bid $14 for four oak chairs. An order was signed also authorizing the sale of a filing cabinet and a signature card case to T. P. Restigan of Portland for $21. The furniture belonged to the State Bank of Central Point that closed its doors January 12, 1933. Medford Mail Tribune, March 16, 1934, page 11 MEDFORD BANKS REPORT HEALTHY DEPOSIT GROWTH
A comparative statement of deposits in the three Medford banks, as of
March 1933 and March 1934, show an increase of 21 percent, and a net
increase of $493,480.48.The figures are for last March, when President Roosevelt called the bank moratorium, and for this March, and indicate a return of confidence on the part of the people, and are a reliable index of the return of prosperity. On the last federal bank report call, issued last week, the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank showed deposits of $223,475, an increase of $69,247.46 over March, 1933, when the deposit total was $154,227.75. The Medford National Bank last March had $525,448.55; this March $523,691.70. The First National Bank on the last federal report call has on deposit $2,092,502.93, and had $1,666,903.06 last March, an increase of $425,689.87. Another prosperity item is reported by the sheriff's office. Collection of unsecured personal property taxes show a decided increase over last year, when they reached a low mark. The amount to date is between $10,000 and $11,000, a gain of between $6000 and $7500 over a year ago. The county court and sheriff's office have made an effort to collect the personal property tax. Deputy Sheriff Stansbury, assigned partially to this work, had collected up to last Saturday, $4,441.14 of personal property taxes. The balance of the total was remitted voluntarily to the sheriff. Collection of other taxes of the county shows a 25 percent gain over last year, the tax collection department reports. Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1934, page 1 SOUTHERN OREGON BUILDING & LOAN NOW FEDERALIZED
Southern Oregon Building and Loan Association today received a telegram
from Washington, D.C., stating that a federal savings and loan charter
had been mailed to the local office and, according to R. F. Kyle,
secretary-manager of the organization here, the local association will
be known as the First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Medford.The telegram from the capital was received in response to a request sent from the building and loan association, asking for the charter for real estate financing at this time. Mr. Kyle said today that through the granting of this charter, funds not only for real estate but remodeling and new construction will be available. These loans will be sponsored and supervised by the United States government and are particularly timely, since the announcement of the federal home building program last week. The following explanation of the new federal rating has been made: A federal savings and loan association is a privately managed, mutual thrift institution which is organized and directed by responsible local business men and owned by all of its shareholders. Money is invested in its shares by many people, in large and small sums. That money is loaned by the association to local home owners, secured by sound first mortgages on their homes. Loans by a federal savings and loan association must be made mainly on homes located within 50 miles of the association's office, and owned by people of good credit standing and ability to meet their loan obligations. Such loans must be conservative in amount, and must be paid off by monthly installments. The term of payment must extend over a period of not less than five years nor more than 20 years, at the end of which time the loan has gradually been repaid. This form of loan has never been surpassed in safety for the lender, and in its economy and soundness for the home owner. Before any federal savings and loan association is chartered careful investigation is made as to the character and responsibility of its proposed management. Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1934, page 6 Medford's Banks Receive Deposit Insurance Signs
Medford banks today received from the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation at Washington the official signs as shown above, which will hang at all receiving windows as visible evidence that the depositors of the institutions are insured.The Medford banks are among more than 14,000 licensed banks in the country receiving the signs. Insured banks are able to offer protection to their depositors up to $5,000. Statistical studies have shown that this maximum fully protects more than 97 percent of all the depositors in insured banks. A statement by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation follows: "The purpose of the signs is to let depositors know which banks are insured. Heretofore, although 90 percent of the licensed banks are insured, depositors have had no easy means of identifying them. "If, by any unforeseen circumstance, an insured bank should suspend, the insurance corporation would begin paying off the depositors just as soon as a receiver was appointed for the closed institution. The depositors would receive their money in a few days instead of waiting months or years, as was the case in the former method of liquidation. This is not only a benefit to the depositors, but it saves the community from a terrific economic and social blow. When the depositors receive their insured accounts they assign their claims to the insurance corporation. Thereafter liquidation proceeds on a businesslike basis with the maximum chance of the corporation and other creditors being paid in full." Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1934, page 2 LOCAL LOAN BANK CARRIES FEDERAL SHARE INSURANCE
C. M. Kidd, president of the Medford Federal Savings and Loan
Association, announced yesterday that the association now carries full
federal share insurance for all share accounts up to the sum of $5000.
This insurance, Kidd stated, insures investors that their accounts up
to the $5000 mark are fully covered in case the institution should go
defunct, at no direct cost to the patron.Accounts are automatically insured at face value, with the cost of the insurance borne as part of the operating expenses of the association. The earnings of the patron will only be lessened one-fourth of one percent for the protection. Kidd said the Federal Savings and Loan Association, recently organized, is sponsored and supervised entirely by the federal government, but is strictly a local institution. Funds are loaned on first mortgages on improved property in this community. The type of application for mortgage loans is sound financing, Kidd said, and the association has already received several applications for new construction work. The Federal Savings and Loan Association is expected, through its normal growth and investments by the federal treasury, to take over the home mortgage loan business in this community, the president declared. Kidd said that all federal savings and loan associations must qualify for share insurance which serves to establish confidence. Medford Mail Tribune, December 23, 1934, page 12 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK SOLD
U.S. NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND TO RUN BANK AS BRANCH Long Negotiation Consummated--Frey Will Manage-- Perry Retiring--Will Be Seventeenth Unit
is announced by officials of the Medford National Bank that that
institution has been purchased by the United States National Bank of
Portland, a pioneer Oregon institution.
It has been rumored for some time that negotiations were being carried on between the big Portland bank and the local bank, as the United States National has long felt that it would like to extend its service to this important center of southern Oregon. Consummation of the deal and approval by the comptroller of currency result in bringing to Medford a direct branch of not only the largest bank in Portland, but the largest bank in Oregon. At the time of last official call, as of November 1, this bank had deposits of approximately 99 million dollars, while in the purchase of the Medford National its deposits will jump another $900,000. Total resources of the bank at last call were $106,805,046.12. Is 17th Unit.
Medford branch becomes the
seventeenth unit of the United States National, four branches and the
headquarters bank being located in Portland, and other branches at
Eugene, Albany, Salem, Mount Angel, McMinnville, Oregon City, St.
Helens, The Dalles, Pendleton, La Grande and Ontario.It is announced that the entire operating personnel of the Medford bank will remain intact and continue to function as usual, except that it will now be an integral part of the Portland bank, operating on a capital structure of approximately eight million dollars and with its capacity in excess of $100,00,000. George T. Frey, heretofore cashier, has been appointed manager of the bank. J. A. Perry, who has been chairman of the board and president, will, it is understood, retire and devote himself to private interests. Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, November 27, 1935, page 1 1ST NATIONAL BANK PURCHASED
BECOMES BRANCH OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND A. A. Schramm Becomes Manager-- Thorndike and Crawford Remain As Assistants--Harder Advisor
morning when the First National Bank opens for business it will be as
the Medford branch of the First National Bank of Portland. Arrangements
for the purchase of the First National Bank were completed recently.
The transaction included the purchase of the building and fixtures and
involved over $3,000,000 in deposits. Announcement of the transfer was
made today by B. E. Harder, who for the past 14 years has been
president of the First National Bank of Medford.
Harder To Advise
Harder, while retiring from
active banking, will remain with the branch in an advisory capacity. A.
A. Schramm, for eight years superintendent of banks in Oregon, has been
named manager of the branch. Eugene Thorndike and Oris Crawford will be
assistant managers, and others who will continue their work on the
staff of the Medford branch of the First National Bank of Portland are:O. D. Frazee, W. L. Beeney, R. E. Payne, Robert Hart, Bert Rostel, R. E. Sweeney, Kenneth Childreth, Edith Jacobs, Mildred Schuchard, Maurice Butts, Paul McDuffey, Dick Isaacs, Glen Thomas and Barbara Wall. J. H. Mackie, vice-president of the Portland bank, and H. A. Freeman, cashier, are in Medford completing details of the transaction. Mr. Schramm arrived today from Salem to take over his new duties. Growth Cause of Action
rapidly developing business
of southern Oregon requires the vast resources of a statewide financial
organization," stated Harder in commenting on the transaction. "During
the past 15 years I have watched Medford grow from a village to a
thriving community of more than 12,000 population. As president of the
Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, I have had an active part in the
program of sectional development that is making Medford the center of a
vast area of widely diversified industries. The financial requirements
and trading facilities of Medford have outgrown community service and
today demand statewide and worldwide facilities such as will be
available through the First National Bank of Portland."History of the First National Bank of Medford has been one of consistent growth. In 1905, when Medford had less than 3000 population, this bank was organized with a capitalization of $25,000. During the past 30 years it has grown to be one of the most important banking units of Oregon, with resources in excess of $3,00,000. When the bank opened for business in 1905 Medford had no brick buildings [this is incorrect], and the bank was housed in a wooden structure at the corner of Main and Bartlett streets. A year later better quarters were provided in a new brick building constructed at the present site of this bank. In five years resources of the First National had passed the million-dollar mark, and the increased volume of business necessitated larger and better facilities. In Modern Building
property was purchased
and the present bank quarters were constructed, stone, brick, steel and
reinforced concrete being employed to make the building modern and
fireproof. The building was completed March 2, 1912, and after more
than twenty years this structure is still considered one of Medford's
finest buildings.In 1921 Ben Harder arrived in Medford to assume presidency of the First National. During the boom years of 1921 to 1931, when Medford population increased 92 percent, Harder continually adjusted and increased the facilities of the First National to meet the growing demands of this community with the result that this bank has a record today as one of Oregon's soundest and most substantial banking enterprises. "The transaction, which tomorrow will make this bank a branch of the oldest national bank in the West, is one more step in the growth of Medford's pioneer bank," stated Harder. Among Important Links
is one of the most
important communities in which we have established a branch," stated
Mackie. "It is gratifying to build a branch here on such a foundation
as the First National Bank of Medford and with such men as Harder,
Thorndike and Crawford to assist us. We are doubly fortunate to secure
Mr. Schramm as manager. His wide experience throughout the state over a
period of more than twenty-two years will be invaluable in this rapidly
growing district."In addition to his experience with the state banking department, Schramm served in different capacities with banks at Corvallis and Salem. Thorndike has been with the local bank more than five years and has had 23 years of banking experience in southern Oregon. Crawford came to the First National only two years after its organization and has been with the bank continually for more than 28 years. Both will continue their work with the Medford branch of the First National Bank of Portland. Medford Industry Aided
"Since the
founding of Medford the
First National Bank of Portland has transacted business in this
district," stated E. B. MacNaughton, president. "For many years we have
aided in financing the Medford pear crop, which is the finest in the
world, and have extended our facilities to other industries in this
district. In becoming land owners and bankers of Medford we will be
able to render a more complete and adequate service and greatly augment
our statewide banking facilities."The First National Bank of Portland was organized in 1865 and received the first national banking charter to be granted west of the Rocky Mountains. The pioneer bank has had an enviable record of growth and today maintains branches in Astoria, Albany, Condon, The Dalles, Gresham, Hillsboro, Heppner, Pendleton, Stayton, Salem, Union, Tillamook, Woodburn, La Grande, Enterprise, Lakeview and Nyssa as well as eight Portland branches. Opening of the Medford branch tomorrow morning will make this the 26th unit of the First National group. Resources of the First National Bank of Portland at last statement call on November 1, 1933 were $70,766,126.51. Second Bank Sale
Sale of
the First National Bank is
the second such transaction announced in Medford this week, the Medford
National having been taken over Wednesday by the United States National
Bank of Portland, to be conducted as a branch of that institution.Medford Mail Tribune, November 29, 1935, page 1 U.S. NAT'L. BANK PURCHASES
Records, Funds, Safety Deposit Boxes Being Transferred to U.S. Bank Today
interests of the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank have been combined with
those of the United States National Bank, which has one of its
important units in Medford, it was announced Saturday by F. E. Wahl,
president of the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank.
"It is the belief of the stockholders owning control of the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank that the interests of the bank's customers and the community at large will be well served by welding the affairs of the two banks together," Mr. Wahl said. "The United States National Bank not only has a unit in Medford with quarters adequate to handle the business of this bank as well as its own business, but affords through its resources of more than $140,000,000, and its statewide operation through many other units, a scope of service which it is believed will bring additional benefit to customers and to the community at large." Transfer Records
In making
effective the
combination of interests, the records, funds and safe deposit boxes
intact will be transferred over the weekend to the quarters of the
United States National at the corner of Main Street and Central Avenue,
where on Monday morning customers of the former Farmers and
Fruitgrowers will find everything in readiness for them to transact
their banking business as usual.President Wahl and other employees will also be at the new location Monday to greet the bank's customers. Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, March 24, 1940, page 1 HARDER, BEN E. Retired Banker. b. Idaho, September 4, 1875; educated University of Washington, LL.B. 1905; Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; m. Elizabeth Duncan of Pendleton May 20, 1913; resident of Oregon since 1883; cashier Farmers and Merchants Bank, Lind, Wash. 1906-07; Bank of Haines, Oregon 1908-14; Citizens National Bank, Baker 1905-20; president First National Bank of Medford 1921-36; now retired; bank sold to Portland First National Institution (director); director First National Co.; past president, Jackson County Chamber of Commerce; member Town Club, University Club; Mason; Elk; Republican; Protestant; home Old Stage Road, Medford. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 244 KYLE, ROBERT FLOYD Savings and Loan Executive. b. Republic County, Kan., Nov. 27, 1898; son of Robert and Vinnie (Fisher) Kyle; educated grade and high schools, Central Point, Oregon; Oregon State College B.S. 1921; Delta Upsilon; Scabbard and Blade; m. Metta Pulley of Los Angeles, California, Nov. 22, 1924; children Robert Jr., Richard R. and Jean Arden; entire activity devoted to investment banking business since 1921; with G. E. Miller and Co., Portland and Los Angeles 1925-32; secretary-treasurer and manager First Federal Savings and Loan Association, Medford, 1934 to date; assisted in government procurement of war lands and properties World War II; former finance officer Boy Scouts; served U.S. Navy World War I; commissioned 2nd Lt. U.S. Army 1921; director American Legion several years; director Housing Commission, former chairman; past chairman O.P.A. Price Panel; president Oregon State Savings and Loan League; chairman city budget committee; member war finance committee; S.R. Mason; Hillah Shriner; Republican; Protestant; home 609 S. Oakdale; office 27 N. Holly, Medford. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 328 Bank's Growth Told Since Founding
in April of 1905
The move of the Medford branch of First National Bank of Portland to
its new, modern quarters has caused many in the Medford area to
remember the history and growth of banking in this community.Business Moves Several Times Medford has had banking since April 7, 1905, when the town's first bank, the First National Bank of Medford, was founded. [Medford's first bank opened in 1885.] The business began in a small store room at the northeast corner of Main and Bartlett sts., with capital of $25,000, and a working force of only the bank's cashier. Needed Larger Quarters Capable management and the growth of the business interests in the community contributed to the prosperity of the bank, and larger quarters soon were necessary. In 1906, the bank moved to larger and better equipped quarters in a brick building, which at that time occupied a portion of the original site. [The 1906 building was at 120 East Main.] The bank's rapid growth continued. Within five years its resources passed the million-dollar mark, and the increased volume of business necessitated another move to still larger, more convenient banking quarters. The present old First National building was constructed in 1911 and 12, and has been occupied ever since by the bank. Joins System The First. National of Medford became the Medford branch of First National of Portland in 1935, and seven years later it was necessary to remodel and enlarge the facilities to keep pace with the growing community. Only one of the original officers and directors of the old bank still survives. He is George W. Dunn, 91-year-old resident of Ashland, who was a director of the bank when it was chartered. He was later president of the First National of Ashland, which was succeeded by the Ashland branch of First National of Portland. Dunn also served for many years as a state senator. In 1921 Ben Harder came to Medford as vice-president of the First National of Medford, and within six months became president of the bank. He continued in that post until First National of Portland purchased the bank in 1935. Harder, 75, is now retired and resides in Medford. Three Managers Since becoming a branch of First National of Portland, the bank has had three managers. A. A. Schramm was the first manager, but he remained only six months before being transferred to another assignment. Eugene Thorndike, who retired several months ago as vice-president of the branch, became manager in 1935 and continued in that position until being elevated to vice-president in 1952. He retired last year. At that time Elwood Hedberg, the present manager, became the operating head of the bank. Hedberg is a native of Jackson County, having been born and raised in Ashland. He began his banking career at the Ashland branch of First National in 1923, and has been in Medford since 1942. Fastest Growing In recent years the Medford branch has become the fastest growing banking office in the First National statewide system, illustrating well the spectacular record of growth of banking, agriculture and other commercial industries in the Medford area. Figures released by Hedberg show that in December, 1935, when the bank became a branch of the statewide bank, deposits totaled $3,000,000 and total loans amounted to less than a half million. Since that time, deposits have increased nearly nine times that amount. By 1945, ten years later, deposits had climbed to nearly $19,000,000 and loans were past the $2,000,000 mark. Last week, deposits at the branch were $27,000,000 and loans totaled $10,000,000. "This steady growth of the Medford area, reflected in the continually increasing volume of business at First National's local branch, has made the new banking facilities necessary," Hedberg said. Medford Mail Tribune, January
9, 1955, page 14
National Bank of Oregon entered Medford on Nov. 30, 1935, when the
statewide bank purchased the assets and assumed the deposit liabilities
of the old First National Bank of Medford.
HISTORY OF JCFPopulation and economic expansion within the city led to the opening of the South Riverside branch in February of last year and the West Medford branch last November. Other Jackson County branches of First National include Ashland (1937), Central Point (1947), Phoenix (1961) and White City (1963). Growth of the bank in the Jackson County communities it serves is reflected in a comparison of deposit and loan totals for this year with those of 10 years ago. At mid-year the seven banking offices in the county listed deposits of $52,772,849.42 and loans of $29,326,106.20. In 1955, the bank had $39,219,868.29 in deposits and $17,003,677.48 in loans in the county. "First National Bank to Note 100th Anniversary Tomorrow," Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1965, page 9
February 1909--Jackson County Federal founded, known as Jackson County
Building and Loan. Located in the Medford Furniture and Hardware
Building, Suite 427, on the corner of Sixth and Main, Medford.
1921--Moved to a new location at 30 No. Central Avenue (Burch's Shoes). In spite of the depression, Jackson County Building and Loan kept its doors open. 1932--Purchased property at 126 East Main, Medford. 1934--Medford Savings and Loan Association was formed. Moved to its new location at 126 East Main, Medford. 1937--Jackson County Building and Loan merged with Medford Federal Savings and Loan and the name was changed to Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan. It was then federalized and savings accounts were then insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC). 1940--JCF remodeled the building at 126 E. Main Street, Medford. The front of the building was remodeled as well as the interior to better utilize the work space. 1949--This marked the beginning of the piggy bank as a symbol for JCF. To this day we still have the same snooty pig mold. June 1955--Association bought property on the corner of Main and Front streets for the future home of the Medford office. 1958--Plans were approved for the Medford office. December 1959--The Ashland branch was opened at 336 East Main Street, Ashland. December 1960--Medford branch moved to a new office building at 2 East Main, Medford (present location). October 1963--Grants Pass branch was opened at 409 S.E. Sixth Street, Grants Pass. March 1970--Ashland branch opened for business in its new building at 183 East Main, Ashland (present location). April 1972--Grants Pass branch moved into a new office building at 150 N.E. "E" Street, Grants Pass (present location). March 1973--JCF went on line system with computers. May 1976--Jacksonville branch opened for business at 185 E. California Street, Jacksonville (present location). Summer 1977--Built new wing onto the Medford branch and home office building at 3 East Main Street, Medford (present location). August 1978--Central Point branch opened for business at 510 East Pine Street, Central Point (present location). July 1979--East Medford branch opened for business at 1217 Crater Lake Avenue, Medford (present location). December 1980--Black Oak branch opened for business at Black Oak Village Shopping Center, 2630 Barnett Road, Medford (present location). February 1981--JCF Plaza building at 1225 Crater Lake Avenue, Medford, completed. Operations, accounting, appraisal, office services, savings servicing, NOW accounts, loan servicing, and loan closing departments occupied this building, as well as tenants leasing office space. April 1981--Williams Plaza branch opened for business at 1646 Williams Highway, Grants Pass (present location). JCF typescript dated October 23, 1981, SOHS vertical files Oregon Bank Reopens Doors as Branch Under New Name
Times-News, Twin Falls, Idaho, May 3, 1983, page D1By ROBB FULCHER United Press International
ASHLAND, Ore.--The failed Heritage Bank, closed by the state and sold
by federal authorities, reopened Monday as a branch of Valley of the
Rogue Bank.
It was "business as usual" for customers of the bank, said Dorothy McOuat, a spokeswoman for the Rogue River-based institution that bought Heritage Friday, the same day it failed. Valley of the Rogue has assumed all of Heritage's loans "except for the bad ones," McOuat said. Valley of the Rogue also bought another failed bank, Bear Creek Valley Bank in Phoenix, about a month ago. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which was appointed receiver to sell the failed bank, took over some "very delinquent, uncollectable" loans, she said. The Heritage Bank was declared insolvent and shut down Friday by Oregon Banking Superintendent John B. Olin. The FDIC was named receiver. A single-branch bank chartered Feb. 13, 1979, it was the 46th largest bank of 96 operating in the state as of Dec. 31, 1982. It had assets of $16.7 million and deposits of $15.4 million as of March 28, 1983. Loan losses, many linked to real estate and timber industry ventures, pushed the bank into insolvency, state officials said. The failure followed the March 18 closing of Columbia Pacific Bank and Trust in Portland and the March 25 failure of Bear Creek Valley Bank in Phoenix. "During 1982 and 1983, Heritage Bank experienced serious loan losses and had other earnings and liquidity problems," Olin said. "The bank has been unsuccessful in raising capital, and the loan losses finally exhausted the bank's capital funds. "The deposit assumption was made possible by assistance from the FDIC and avoids the necessity of a payoff of the estimated 4,400 accounts in the failed bank," the FDIC said. "It also prevents possible financial loss to the owners of deposits that exceed the statutory insurance limit of $100,000. "In addition to assuming about $15 million in deposits and other liabilities, Valley of the Rogue Bank has agreed to pay the FDIC a purchase premium of $25,000. The assuming bank will purchase the failed bank's securities in installment loans and certain other assets." To facilitate the transaction, the FDIC will advance cash amounting to $1,065,000 to the assuming bank. In addition, the FDIC will retain assets of the failed bank with a book value of $10.6 million. Columbia Pacific was dissolved when a buyer would not be found, creating the worst bank failure in Oregon since the Great Depression. Bear Creek was taken over by another bank and reopened the Monday following its closure. Last revised January 28, 2025 |