Medford News: 1897 Medford-related
news items from
1897. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year. In January, 1897, Rev. George N. Annes, having closed his pastorate at Ashland, accepted that at Medford. There were some 20 additions in 1897. His pastorate lasted about two years and a half, when he left for California. Charles Hiram Mattoon, Baptist Annals of Oregon, vol. II, 1913, page 87 Slippery Charley.
The Times
printing plant, at Jacksonville, including the realty, presses, safe,
fixtures, etc., was sold last Saturday, under foreclosure proceedings
and judgment for $2821, in favor of C. W. Kahler, to the judgment
creditor, for $2250. The property was bid at a low figure on account of
the fact that there was little to bid upon but the realty. On the night
of December 24th, beginning immediately after midnight, Mr. Nickell
employed a lot of men and teams, and taking advantage of the
non-judicial character of the day to avoid injunction proceedings,
removed the presses and most of the fixtures--indeed, almost everything
that was movable, leaving the office literally gutted. The transaction
has created a genuine sensation in business circles, and Nickell is
being bitterly denounced upon every hand. This disreputable proceeding
on the part of Nickell will be looked upon as the logical climax of a
career of business crookedness and dishonesty without a parallel in
Southern Oregon.--Medford Monitor.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 7, 1897, page 3 INCORPORATED.--The Southern Oregon Fair Association, to hold a fair at Medford, was incorporated today at the state secretary's office, by A. S. Bliton, J. A. Whitman, I. L. Hamilton and J. W. Lawton. Daily Capital Journal, Salem, January 11, 1897, page 4
Judge Hanna has ordered the greater part of the Medford Distilling & Refining Company's property, which was disposed of at referee's sale, to be resold, on the ground that the price it was sold for was too low. The whiskey, which went for 2 cents per gallon, is to be resold; also all of the real estate and appurtenances. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, January 12, 1897, page 3
At the annual city election in Medford last week the following were the successful candidates: Mayor--G. H. Haskins. Trustees--Fort Hubbard, F. M. Plymale, J. R. Wilson, A. M. Woodford. Recorder--W. W. Stanfield. Treasurer--Chas. Strang. Marshal--William Churchman. The contest was a quiet one. The total vote was 334. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 18, 1897, page 3 Miss Jessie Cole of Medford, Oregon arrived here Tuesday on an extended visit to her niece, Mrs. W. D. Clumpner. "Personal Mention," Marshfield Times, Marshfield, Wisconsin, January 22, 1897, page 17 The name of the Western Hotel has been changed to Commercial, under its new management. "News of the City," Medford Mail, January 29, 1897, page 7 Work has been commenced on the racetrack at Medford's new fair grounds, and work on the buildings will be commenced as soon as material can be placed on the grounds. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, February 1, 1897, page 3
The Town Talk is a chatty little sheet just started at Ashland by Geo. C. Stanley. The Gold Hill News is a bright newspaper just started at Gold Hill. Its motto is "A Newspaper Not an Organ," which is what all sensible readers want, and the News is apt to succeed. "The Week's Jottings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, February 4, 1897, page 3 The usual serenity of our little city was somewhat marred last Monday night about nine o'clock by a shooting affray in one of the saloons in Medford. The affair appears to have been more of an attempt to exhibit bravado spirit than to cause any serious consequences, as there was apparently little cause for the act. John Edwards and W. Eaton were in Court Hall's saloon and in some manner became involved in a dispute over some trifling matter, which ended in a rough and tumble fight. In the scuffle, Edwards drew a revolver and fired, the ball entering the fleshy part of Eaton's leg near the thigh. Immediately after the shooting, Edwards made his escape, going south. The wound which Eaton received is not serious, as he was on the streets the next morning, although the ball had not yet been removed. It is stated by those who witnessed the shooting that Edwards did not really intend to shoot Eaton, but to shoot the floor with the intention of frightening him, but this is only conjecture of which The Mail knows nothing. It is not known whether Edwards will be arrested and prosecuted or not, but he ought to be, and the authorities would serve well the community by seeing that [an] arrest is made and, if possible, a conviction secured. The man who carries a revolver is not safe in any community, but still more dangerous is the man who shoots, whether intent upon doing harm or only in jest. After the shooting Eaton was taken to Drs. Geary & Pickel's office, where the wound was dressed. With the glimmer of springtime, not far distant, is noticeable the accustomed each year improvements. Not the least of these is a new cut stone sidewalk which Dr. B. F. Adkins and merchant I. A. Webb are making ready to put down on Seventh Street. The stone, which are being gotten out by F. W. Wait, are now being placed on the scene of action. The pieces are about two feet square and from four to six inches thick and are to be laid in cement. They are very nicely cut and cannot fail to be the requisites of a good, substantial, "wear-resisting" walk. The walk will be placed in front of the building formerly occupied by Cranfill & Hutchison, I. A. Webb's furniture store and the Racket store. The enterprise exhibited is truly commendable, more particularly as it places on the retired list about seventy-five feet of brick walks--which walks have very few friends among pedestrians. The brick walks are all right when new, but they soon become worn and are very uneven and not a pleasant thing to walk upon. The second sale of the Medford Distilling and Refining Company's property, both personal and real, under order of Judge Hanna, took place last Saturday afternoon. The property sold for about $2000 more than was received for it at the first sale, although the liquor--or the greater portion of it, sold for two cents per gallon--the same price as was bid at the former sale. The distillery plant and building were bid in by B. P. Theiss for $3010--one thousand more than was bid before. Mr. Theiss also purchased all the whiskey excepting fifty-six barrels--C. W. Palm having purchased fifty-one barrels and Wm. Ulrich five barrels. The five-acre tract of land in Cottage addition was bid in by C. W. Palm for $132, and a six-acre tract in the Ish addition was sold to G. W. Bashford for $130. The residents on the east side of South C Street are extending to J. H. Boussum whole armsful of good will for his kindly offerings in removing from the sidewalks many impediments which came in the way of the pleasant morning stroll. Merchant Plymale has a cracking good walk, but he cannot find the time necessary for a proper grooming of certain portions of it, but we do not presume that white caps will await upon him because of this; neither will there be any gun plays--because the neighbors and Mr. Plymale are all too good-natured for this, but unless he proceeds to groom at more regular intervals, some farmer will homestead that walk and will have it planted in sugar beets one of these bright mornings. Owings & Dutcher received their billiard and pool tables from the East last week, and on Monday last they were placed in position and the new billiard hall opened for business. Besides these tables they have put in a stock of candies, cigars and tobacco, which will be handled in connection with the business. They have fitted up their room in good shape, and if the place is conducted on the principles which they commenced, it will doubtless receive its patronage from the lovers of this pastime. That new cement walk around Hotel Nash is decidedly all right--all the same Chicago, all the same Greater New York--all the same Medford, the metropolis of Southern Oregon. But there is no josh regarding that work being all right and all us Medford people, as an expression of appreciation of Capt. Nash's enterprise, should doff our "tiles" to the gentleman--and hunt for occasions to do it--and also to Adam Clinedienst and Theo. Dunn, whose hands are molding this splendid piece of work. Miss Eva Wilson, who has been for a long time in charge of the Postal Telegraph office in Medford, left Thursday evening for Portland, where she will remain indefinitely. She has been in very poor health for several weeks but is now improved. She was accompanied by Mrs. J. H. Bellinger, who will remain in Portland for some time and will take a course of instructions in dressmaking, after which she (Mrs. Bellinger) will return to Medford and open dressmaking parlors in this city. Last Friday catalogued another business change in Medford, E. P. Orser, of this place, having purchased an interest in Williams Bros.' livery stable, and the business will hereafter be conducted under the firm name of Williams & Orser. Since Mr. Orser has been a resident of Medford he has proven himself to be an honest and upright gentleman, and The Mail feels justified in saying that any confidence reposed in Mr. Orser will not be misplaced--and the same can be said of Mr. Williams. On Friday evening, February 12th, D. C. Herrin, grand lecturer of the A.O.U.W. of Oregon, will deliver a free lecture upon the benefits of this order--at the opera house. A musical and literary program is being prepared for the occasion in addition to this lecture. Everybody is invited to attend. Mr. Herrin is said to be a fine speaker. He was formerly a photographer in this city. Judge Crawford, of Grants Pass, was attacked by footpads on his way home one night last week. He was struck with some heavy instrument but jumped away, avoiding the full force of the blow, and escaped. Several such occurrences have been reported at that place recently. Wm. Stockman, of Brownsboro, has taken a position as one of the chief persuaders on Bellinger & Hill's dray line. He is a brother-in-law of Joe Hill and is now at work learning the tricks that are peculiar to the two main guys of this popular line. Liveryman I. A. Mounce is quite seriously ill at his home on North C Street. Mrs. Mounce is also quite ill. In the family's double affliction much sympathy is being expressed by the entire community. Dr. Geary is attending them. The Medford flour mill, which has been closed down for the past month, is again in operation--work having been resumed last Monday. The mill will be run as long as the supply of wheat will permit. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Morey are the happy parents to a new girl baby which arrived at their South C Street home on Sunday last. Everybody [is] getting along nicely, and the new ray of sunshine is hailed with much joy. Miss Daisy Stanfield is assisting her father, Recorder W. W. Stanfield, as copyist in the city recorder's office. Miss Stanfield is a good copyist, and the books will surely be kept in a neat manner. Elsewhere in this paper will be found the dissolution of partnership notice of York & Jones, the real estate and insurance brokers. They will both continue in business in this city. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 5, 1897, page 7 Billee Taylor, who has been employed at the Hollinsworth bakery for some time past, left on the westbound train yesterday afternoon for Medford, Oregon.--Baker City Republican. A former Albany man. "Social and Personal," State Rights Democrat, Albany, Oregon, February 5, 1897, page 5 J. W. Lawton of Medford has made an assignment in favor of his creditors. Liabilities, $2,900; assets $4,200. A large number of farmers were in attendance at a mass meeting at Medford, called for the purpose of making arrangements for testing the sugar beet proposition in Jackson County. 75 farmers have consented to experiment with half an acre or more of beets. Merchants subscribed sufficient money to purchase the required seed. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, February 9, 1897, page 3
It will be with a feeling of deep regret that the friends of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Priddy will learn of their sad misfortune in the death of their little fourteen-months-old child, which occurred last Tuesday, of inflammation of the lungs. The funeral was held Wednesday, from the Baptist Church, Rev. J. Merley conducting the services, after which interment was made in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Priddy have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community in the sad affliction visited upon them. Particularly is this a sad case because it is the fourth child which they have lost, leaving none living. Their oldest child died at the age of eighteen months. Attorney W. H. Parker, who has been assisting County Clerk Jackson in the clerk's office in Jacksonville for the past six months, has returned to Medford and has resumed his law practice. His office at this place has been temporarily closed, but hereafter he will be found at his former place of business in the Hamlin Block. Last Thursday Frank Bellinger, who has been suffering with a severe case of appendicitis and was in a precarious condition, submitted to an operation, and so successful was it that he is now thought to be out of danger. The operation was performed by Drs. Geary & Pickel, and considering the advanced stage of the disease the success which attained it is very gratifying to these gentlemen and is the occasion of much rejoicing by Frank's relatives and many friends. Section Foreman Kelley has his crew at work this week clearing the mud away from the street crossing south of the depot and raising and ballasting the sidetrack--all of which is an improvement. Now if Joe will hitch his little army of sturdy laborers to the gable end of that depot and jerk it out of the street, and so disable it as to compel the S.P. folks to build a new and larger one, we Medford people will see to it that he is made king of this whole domain. We call our readers' attention to two new ads this week--J. G. Van Dyke & Co. and A. C. Tayler, the foot fitter. The former firm is talking very positively and plainly about their dollar-a-pair shoe--you could not avoid seeing their ad if you desired to. A. C. Tayler has just returned from a visit to England and while absent made a close study of the "latest in shoes," and is going to give the people of Jackson County the benefit of his newly acquired knowledge. F. W. Wait is engaged this week in putting in a cut stone crossing from Mr. Haskins' drug store across Seventh Street to Messrs. Cranfill & Hutchinson's store. The walk is being put in by private subscription, but for a' that it's going to be a big accommodation to others than those who subscribed. Married--At the residence of the bride's uncle, Samuel McGee, Sunday, Feb. 7, 1897, by Rev. J. Merley, Miss Dorthia Crosby and Edgar Hollenbeak, both of Table Rock precinct. The Mail extends its congratulations and best wishes for the young couple's prosperity and happiness. Boyden & Nicholson have been doing a good bit of repairing and changing around at their hardware store this week. They have been double-decking a part of the storeroom and sectionizing the same into departments--all same big department stores--New York, Chicago, Medford. Rev. G. N. Annes is very much pleased with the reception given him by his new congregation at Medford, and hopes for a successful pastorate there. His health has been poor since leaving Roseburg, and Mrs. Annes is only recovering from a painful illness.--Roseburg Review. Mrs. A. N. Woody, of this city, is in receipt of information announcing the death of her mother, Mrs. Matilda Jarnagin, who died at Monroe, Iowa, on January 25, 1897, aged seventy-four years. She was the mother of seven children, all of whom survive her. Commercial travelers from the south tell us that our good friend, H. L. Gilkey, is getting on finely as a hardware drummer. They say he is getting into great favor among his fellow travelers and is well liked among the merchants. Theodore Huller, the tailor who has been employed in Al Reynolds' tailoring establishing for the past year, will open a tailoring business in Jacksonville next week. He is a first-class workman and will doubtless do a good business. M. S. Damon is making ready for the erection of a residence on his orchard home, on South A Street. When he shall have completed the structure he will move thereto from his South C Street property, which latter he has disposed of. The Monitor-Miner, of this place, has been organized into a stock company with a capital stock of $1200. The shares are $10 each. Dr. Kirchgessner, E. E. Phipps and G. R. Lindley are the incorporators. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 12, 1897, page 7 Waldroop & Karnes have had their Crater moved to the vacant lots on the corner of C and Seventh Street and are now open for business. Dan rather reckoned without his host in sending his Crater down Main Street at the appointed time as they found, when they attempted to haul the building, that it weighed a few thousand tons more than it looked. However, when they got that big dray team of Bellinger & Hill's attached to the front extremity there was nothing to be done but either go or something "bust," and it didn't "bust"--but just sort o' went. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 19, 1897, page 7 Says She Was Swindled.
The following telegram from Los Angeles, Cal. appeared in the daily papers of date February 13:
Mrs. Harriet B. Stanley has sworn to a complaint charging E. V. Smith with having obtained money under false pretenses. According to the complainant, Smith, who is twenty-five years of age, called at her residence, ingratiated himself into her confidence, and she loaned him $300 on the representation that he was going into the lumber business. Later he began making love to her, although she is sixty years of age. He also introduced to her a woman he said was his sister. He claimed that he had purchased a cottage for $3,500, on which $700 remained due, and this was intended for her. Mrs. Stanley advanced the money and allowed him to destroy his note for $300, whereupon he and his alleged sister, who Mrs. Stanley claims was his wife, left for Chicago. They have returned, and a warrant has been issued for Smith's arrest. Mrs. Stanley was formerly a resident of Medford, where she still owns considerable property. Medford Mail, February 19, 1897, page 7 The Medford brewery and ice works was purchased today by E. Merz, of Portland. This plant has been operated for the last three years by G. W. Bashford, who purchased it at receiver's sale. It is the only brewing and ice plant south of Albany, and has a large territory to draw from. It contains the latest improved machinery, and is valued at $15,000. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, February 26, 1897, page 2
The Medford Brewing Company . . . incorporated today. The principal place of business is given as Medford, but the well-known signatures of Henry Weinhard, Paul Wessinger and Elias Merz are affixed to the articles, indicating that it is merely a branch of a Portland house. "Incorporated," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, March 3, 1897, page 4
On the 30th of January two burglars escaped from the jail in Jackson County, Oregon. One is six feet tall, thirty years of age, dark brown hair and stammers when talking. The other is 24 years old, five feet 7 inches in height, has dark brown hair, blue eyes, and gave his name as Frank Murphy. Sheriff Barnes of Jackson County wants them. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, March 6, 1897, page 3 MEDFORD MURDER MYSTERY.
San Francisco Call, March 23, 1897, page 4Son of a San Jose Couple Arrested for the Alleged Killing of a Trapper.
MEDFORD, Or., March 22.--The coroner's inquest over the body of Gustav
A. Hall, the trapper found dead near his cabin at Elk Creek, has
resulted in the arrest of Lee Parsons, a young man living in that
locality, on the charge of murder.
Parsons is about 20 years old, and lived with his uncle a few miles from the scene of the shooting. He had visited Hall the day the latter was supposed to have been shot, and had taken dinner with him. It is supposed--and the supposition is supported by circumstantial evidence--that after eating dinner the two started out to set some traps, as Hall had a number of traps by him when found. Two tracks were found, as though the men had walked side by side until near the scene of the shooting. There the tracks indicated that Hall had gone ahead about fifty feet, when he was shot in the back of the head. One track was then traced back to the cabin, and thence to the Lewis farm. The boots that Parson claimed to have worn that day fit these tracks. Parsons is well known here. His parents lived in this city for a number of years, but moved to San Jose, Cal. three years ago, leaving him here with his uncle. No cause other than robbery can be ascribed to the shooting, and it is claimed Parsons knew that there was money in Hall's cabin. A thorough search failed to disclose anything of value in the cabin, but it was plain that the place had been entered and rifled after the shooting. Farmers had a meeting at Medford Saturday in the interests of sugar beet culture, and about 100 pounds of seed was distributed for tests. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, March 23, 1897, page 2
The evidence against Parsons, though purely circumstantial, is strong, and places the young man in a very bad light in the eyes of the people as well as the law. The body of Hall was found by Scott Morris and Marion Bailey on Tuesday of last week, and after notifying the neighbors an effort was made to locate the murderer, and in so doing they came across the tracks of two men leading from Hall's cabin to a point about half a mile distant, and about fifty or sixty feet from the body the tracks came together, indicating that one man had stepped behind the other, and it was from this point that the fatal shot was fired, the ball entered the head and came out above the eyes, tearing away almost the whole of the skull above the eyes. From the body one track was traced back to the cabin and from there to within half a mile of the farm of Edwin Lewis, who is an uncle to young Parsons. The track was easily followed as the snow was fully two feet deep and had not melted nor none had fallen since they were made. Suspicion at once fell upon young Parsons, and he was taken in charge by Deputy Constable G. W. Weeks and L. Martin, and at once acknowledged that he had visited Hall's cabin on the Sunday previous, but that Hall was not at home. He went up there to take a jar of pickles and said that as the man was not at home he had set the jar outside and returned by another route, giving an accurate description of his return trip. Search was then made for tracks upon the route named, but none could be found. Mr. Morris stated that the jar of pickles was found in the cabin and had been opened, also that the dishes upon the table indicated that two persons had eaten a meal there. It is supposed that the two men had eaten dinner after which they started out together to set some traps of game, and that while walking together, Parsons had conceived the idea of shooting his companion, and acting upon this fiendish idea he stepped behind him and fired the fatal shot. It is supposed that after shooting Hall the murderer went back to the cabin and after taking what money could be found had gone away, the tracks leading as before stated to within half a mile of Parsons' home. The tracks in the snow fit the boots which Parsons claimed he had worn on the day he went to Hall's cabin, with exception of a number of nails in the heel, which experts claim they were driven in the boots after they had been worn in the snow. Hall was a Swede about thirty-five years of age and had no relatives on this coast, at least so far as known. He came here from Minnesota about two years ago and located a homestead on upper Trail Creek, where he lived until his death. Lee Parsons is a young man about twenty-one years of age and lived with his parents in this city up to about three years ago when his parents moved to San Jose, Calif., and he went over to live with his uncle, Edward Lewis. The only object he could have had for shooting Hall was to get possession of his money. Hall was supposed to have had about $25 in his cabin, but no money could be found after the shooting. Parsons was taken to Jacksonville Sunday and lodged in jail and will have his trial at the April term of court. Hall's remains were buried near his cabin by friends soon after the inquest. Medford Mail, March 26, 1897, page 7 There is a movement on foot to build a cannery to can fish, fruit, clams, etc., at Medford. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, March 29, 1897, page 3
Arvil Perdue of Medford, Oregon was arrested Saturday for stealing five hogs. He was sent to jail pending trial. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, April 5, 1897, page 2
About seventy-five Jackson County, Or., farmers have agreed to put out a quarter of an acre each for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of beets the soil in that vicinity will produce, and also the amount of sugar the beets contain. Merchants of Medford have subscribed a sufficient amount to procure the necessary seed for making the test, so that the farmers will only be out the use of the land. If the test is favorable there are those who stand ready to put in a factory of a sufficient capacity to use all the beets that can be produced in the valley. "News of the World," Ukiah Republican Press, California, April 9, 1897, page 2 Frank Anderson, of Medford, was sentenced to 18 months in prison for burglary near Woodville, Oregon. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, April 10, 1897, page 3
The Sardine Creek Hydraulic Mining Co., of Denver, Colo., has incorporated a branch at Medford. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, April 13, 1897, page 4
Mr. McClintick, who left early last fall to visit with relatives and enjoy a change of climate at Medford, Oregon, returned last Saturday. Douglas Hazle, who lives at that place and has relatives here, returned with Mr. McClintick and will remain for some time. "Alden and Vicinity," Freeborn County Times, Albert Lea, Minnesota, April 16, 1897, page 5 Hotel Nash, Medford, is being renovated in first-class condition. A. C. Smith has purchased the Montague candy business at Medford. "Jackson County," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, April 19, 1897, page 3
San Francisco Call, April 22, 1897, page 3Tried at Medford, Or., for the Murder of a Trapper.
JOSE, Cal., April 21.--John W. Parsons of this city today received a
telegram from the authorities of Medford, Or. announcing that his son,
Lee Parsons, had been acquitted of the charge of murdering Gustav A.
Hall, a trapper, near that place.
Young Parsons, who formerly resided in this city with his parents in the Richmond Building, on Second Street, and who is about 21 years of age, was arrested on the charge of murder on March 21. At the coroner's inquest which was held upon the dead man it was claimed that Parsons had visited him on the day he was supposed to have been shot, and that the tracks leading to the woods where the dead body had been found corresponded to his. Robbery was alleged to have been the cause of the crime. Parsons was arrested and held for trial. His friends in this city could not believe that the young man, who bore an excellent reputation, had been guilty of such a crime, and the telegram announcing his acquittal was warmly received. No particulars of the trial were given. Olson Bros. are making arrangements to establish a planing mill in this city in a short time. It will be supplied with all necessary machinery for doing all kinds of work in this line. A turning lathe will also be put in. Medford is at present without a planing mill, and the contractors will doubtless be pleased to learn that those people have decided to locate here. C. O. Damon, formerly of Medford, is now in San Francisco, where he has secured a good paying position as bill poster. He expects to soon send for his family, which is now at Elkton, this state. F. M. Damon is also down that way. He has a position as telegraph operator at Oroville but is now taking a vacation on his wheel through all Southern California. "A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, April 23, 1897, page 7 Messrs. Boyden & Nicholson, the hardware men, have leased the Adkins brick salesroom formerly occupied by Cranfill & Hutchison, and are now moving their stock thereto. The new building will give them more room and will be a much pleasanter place in which to do business. The room has been overhauled and fitted to suit the line of goods they handle. These gentlemen are building up a good business, which fact is the whyforeness of the necessity of increased space. They have a new ad in today's Mail. "A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, April 30, 1897, page 7 The Monitor Miner, of Medford, is now published by a stock company under the same management as before. The company have liquidated all obligations of the old plant. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, May 8, 1897, page 3
Mrs. C. W. Kaley [Kahler?] left yesterday for Medford, Ore. "Personal," Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, May 15, 1897, page 6 Rev. Eli Fisher, of Medford, has turned loose eight Chinese pheasants, one cock and seven hens, near Phoenix. At a meeting of the directors of the Southern Oregon district fair, in Central Point, it was decided to hold the district fair next fall at the new fair grounds near Medford, instead of at Central Point, where it has been held in the past. Medford is asked to raise $500 to meet deficiencies, should there be any, and this amount has been guaranteed. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, May 14, 1897, page 3
A. S. Bliton has become sole manager of the Medford Mail, one of the best newspaper properties in Southern Oregon. Mr. Bliton is a high-grade business rustler. "About Newspaper Men," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, May 18, 1897, page 2
Alexander Stewart died at the home of his daughter-in-law, about three miles east of Medford, Wednesday, May 12, aged 88 years and 10 months. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, May 18, 1897, page 2 Rev. Eli Fisher, of Medford, has turned loose eight Chinese pheasants, one cock and seven hens, near Phoenix. Sportsmen are requested not to molest them, but allow the species to increase. By permission of the game warden, Mr. Chris Vandran has shipped 12 pairs of Chinese pheasants to California. The captain of the steamer Homer will take them from Portland and use them for breeding purposes. "Over the State," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 20, 1897, page 3 Medford Miner: There are armies of gypsies and armies of the unemployed and armies of tramps, but the first army of worms has made its appearance in Medford at the property of H. Hollingsworth. They are similar to the southern tobacco worm and are in the thousands, coming, seemingly, from the northwest. It is not known how prevalent they may become, but their appearance should be watched and steps taken to destroy them. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, May 27, 1897, page 3 OUR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL
every city, we believe, the dry goods business has the distinction of
ranking first in position in mercantile affairs,as the goods handled
are staples, supplying numberless articles of use and universally
necessary. Of the houses engaged in this line of business in Medford,
we assert with confidence, from general report, that none occupies a
more prominent position with reference to the amount of stock carried,
extent of business transacted, convenience and commodiousness of
promises occupied than Messrs. Deuel & Stevens, and none are
superior to them in the high standard of commercial honor upon which
their operations are based. In addition to their extensive stock of dry
goods, they handle boots, shoes, wallpaper and window shades, clothing,
hats, caps, ladies' and gents' furnishings. They carry one of the
largest and most complete lines of carpets in all the latest designs
and shades.
Their shoe department is exceptionally well selected. Messrs. Deuel & Stevens' great success has been made by uniform courtesy and genial treatment of visitors and customers. Medford has reason to feel proud in the possession of such a house. THE NEW HOTEL NASH.
Medford Mail, May
28, 1897, page 3I. L. HAMILTON, PROPRIETOR.
hostelry is owned and partly managed by Mr. I. L. Hamilton, who is a
genial and clever gentleman. A good hotel is a haven of rest to weary
travelers. It is the temporary home of the many, and where comfort is
found, good fares served, courteous and polite attention given, it is
often with reluctance that the visitor or business man leaves it. Too
much praise can not be bestowed on the people who know how to keep a
hotel. Our host of the "Hotel Nash" answers this description,
and is a successful hotel keeper, as is asserted by the
patrons he accommodates. Bountiful fare is provided, the rooms are
comfortable, airy and cleanly kept, and in all its appointments "The
Nash" is strictly first class.
the various commercial and mercantile industries that assist in making
Medford the hub or center of Jackson County, there is none of more
importance to the general community than the real estate business. It
is a business requiring energy, industry and sound principles. One of
the most successful agencies in this city is that of Mr. C. W. Palm,
whose eminent fitness for its several branches has gained for him an
extensive business. The buying and selling of real estate and the
loaning of money are among the main characteristics of this business.
As a gentleman, he is accorded a high position in commercial circles
and is a pleasant man with whom to establish business relations. He has
several very desirable tracts in quantities to suit the purchaser,
ranging from $3.00 per acre up. It is safe to say that no such
information regarding real estate of the Rogue River Valley generally,
and Medford especially, can be obtained equal to that in Mr. Palm's
As a representative of our reliable and prosperous mercantile
establishments, the grocery house of C. W. Wolters calls for special
recognition among the substantial and enterprising institutions of
Medford, occupying a spacious salesroom in which is displayed a full
and carefully selected assortment of choice groceries, both staple and
fancy, green and dried fruits, teas, coffees, spices, sugars and a full
line of tobaccos and confectionery. He also handles crockery and
glassware very extensively.
Mr. Wolters has secured a large and lucrative trade, his patrons readily appreciating the advantages of dealing with a house whose representative may always be relied upon and whose efforts are directed to securing the best at the most reasonable prices. TAYLER, THE FOOT FITTER,
in the retail and custom boot and shoe business in the fall of 1891,
and has had a steady patronage ever since. He makes a specialty of only
handling solid, reliable footwear made by the best shoemakers that this
up-to-date country affords. Being a practical shoemaker, he only buys
the best boots and shoes at the lowest prices, the result of which is
that he has made many solid customers from the surrounding towns.
Having also learned the last-making business in London, it fully
qualifies him to choose boots and shoes made on foot-fitting
principles. If shoes were properly fitted, corns and bunions would be
unknown. Having had several years experience with Streeters Bros. of
Chicago, one of the largest retail boot and shoe houses in the world,
justly celebrated for handling foot-fitting boots and shoes, gives him
an inside knowledge which would be hard to get in any other way, of the
manufacturers who are making the best shoes at the lowest cost. Hence
he is able to give to the public the benefits of his experience, which
means a good shoe at the price of a shoddy one. Owning his own place of
business and no partner to divide the profits with, he is able to
compete with all comers.
giving sketches of the representative business firms of Medford in
connection with the resources of the county, it gives us great pleasure
to represent the house heading this sketch, which, from the magnitude
of its transactions as well as the superiority of the goods carried,
has attracted much trade to this city. His stock embraces furniture,
carpets, window shades, house furnishing goods and wallpaper, and
particular attention is given to upholstering and repairing. Those who
desire superior goods at low prices will further their interests by
calling upon Mr. I. A. Webb.
an evidence of what enterprise and close application to business will
accomplish, we have only to point to the establishment of Messrs.
Cranfill & Hutchison. Their close connections with the
manufacturers of the East and their ample capital, enabling them to buy
directly from the first hands and import their own goods cheaply, is a
sure evidence of their intention to provide as well for their patrons
in the future as they have done in the past. They carry a general
stock, embracing all the latest varieties and grades of dry goods,
boots and shoes, staple and fancy groceries and notions in endless
variety. We are quite sure their prices will please all patrons.
the handsome stores of Medford, one of the most complete is that
conducted by Mrs. Palm. From its foundation it took a leading position
among similar establishments, and now ranks as the largest in Jackson
County. The store is elegantly fitted up for the tasteful display of
her large stock, which embraces a complete line of millinery, straw and
fancy goods, feathers, flowers, laces, veiling, ornaments, trimmed
hats, etc., and in fact everything usually called for in a first-class
millinery store. An experienced corps of assistants is employed who are
all first-class, and no work leaves the establishment but such as has
been carefully inspected and pronounced perfect and becoming. Mrs. Palm
is a practical lady in this branch of business and feels great pride in
seeing her patrons presenting on the street the most fashionable
referring to various enterprises that are represented in this city, the
Medford Roller Mills are worthy of extended notice. The mills are fully
equipped with all the latest and most approved machinery for the
manufacture of the full high-grade roller process flour. Their location
enables them to obtain choice selected wheat such as is essential to
produce a superior grade of flour that these mills have an established
reputation for making.
They also manufacture graham flour, corn meal and feed of all kinds. They have a large city trade, as well as outside, from those parties who deal in a superior grade of flour. To those who live abroad and who have not used this mill's product, we can safely commend it as being far superior to most flour, and surpassed by none for quality and whiteness. B. N. BUTLER.
are few industries in Medford that require higher skill or more refined
taste than the jewelry business. The eminent success which has attended
Mr. B. N. Butler is a sufficient evidence of his thorough adaptation to
its requirements. By his excellent work in the way of repairing and by
fair dealing with all patrons, he has obtained the reputation of being
the best in the city. Special attention is devoted to cleaning and
repairing fine watches. Those doing business with Mr. Butler may be
assured of such treatment as is [in] accord with a just and liberal
house under review was established some years ago and has attained a
substantial footing in the trade and a lucrative patronage. The
premises occupied are spacious and well appointed, being stocked with a
full line of foreign and domestic hardware, iron and steel stoves and
tinware, cutlery, fishing tackle, guns and ammunition, paints, oils and
miners' supplies of all kinds. Everything in this line will be found in
this establishment from the leading manufacturers and furnished to the
trade at the most reasonable and considerate prices. The gentlemanly
proprietors are throughly experienced in the business, and their keen
perception of the wants of the trade need no higher praise than the
success they have already achieved.
seems to have been from the earliest antiquity the alcoholic beverage
that assimilates to the hygienic necessities of man, but when beer was
first manufactured is wrapped in the clear chronology of the past. The
beer manufactured by the Medford Brewing Company is considered in every
way equal to any on the coast and is regarded with great favor by those
best competent to judge, and dealers will do well to give this product
a trial, being assured their customers will appreciate a beverage
highly prized by all who have given it a test.
Messrs. Weinhard & Merz, the proprietors, have but recently taken possession of this plant, and we take pleasure in recommending this firm to any and all dealers. J. W. MARKSBURY.
nearly every city there exist stores, which from the magnitude and
variety of the stock carried, as well as the superior class of goods
and the low prices they are known to quote, makes them subjects of
public comment and notice.
Such is the case with the store of J. W. Marksbury. He deals in general merchandise of all kinds, such as dry goods, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, boots and shoes, groceries, provisions, tobaccos and cigars. Everything is arranged in the most inviting manner, and it is with full confidence that we commend it to the favorable notice of all who read this sketch. C. C. PLETCHER, D.D.S.
Pletcher graduated from Indiana Dental College, and about three years
ago he chose as his field of work Medford, where he has been successful
in building up a good dental practice,with what success his host of
patients both in the city and throughout the county give abundant
evidence. All that skill and painstaking care, assisted by the best
modern appliances, do in the dental art, is at the command of his
Dr. Pletcher will take his summer vacation about the last of June, to be gone for a few months, and we would suggest that any needing his advice would consult with him before that time. All that we can say, in conclusion, is that everything undertaken by him will be carried out on fair business principles satisfactorily to all concerned. H. C. MACKEY.
fidelity with which portraits are drawn by that great artist "Sol,"
when he is under proper control of the photographer, is truly wonderful.
By continued experiments, and close and patient observation, success
has been justly earned by those who have given the art their time and
thought and have patiently awaited the consummation of their hopes.
Mr. Mackey may truly be called a progressive photographer. All work leaving his establishment is strictly first-class. He has only been in the business in this city two years, but during that time, through his genial manner and courteous treatment to all patrons, his success has been phenomenal. W. H. SIMMONS.
business history of Medford would not properly represent the
enterprises of the city without some reference to the business
conducted by Mr. W. H. Simmons.
Mr. Simmons does an extensive business in new and second hand goods, furniture, crockery and glassware, pianos, organs and all kinds of musical instruments. He pays the highest market price for household goods of all description. He is a gentleman who is well known for his integrity and honorable conduct of business. We would commend our readers who may be desirous of anything in this line to call on or correspond with Mr. W. H. Simmons, and we are sure that they will be fully satisfied with quality, prices and treatment. F. P. SMITH.
the general business of Medford a grocery business forms a very
important part. Many enterprising houses are engaged in it. Among these
we are pleased to mention, for the benefit of our readers both in and
out of the city, the houses of Mr. F. P. Smith, who has recently
purchased the store opposite Williams' Livery.
He conducts one of the neatest stores in the city, which is fully supplied with a well-assorted stock of first-class staple and fancy groceries, provisions, dried and green fruits, tobacco and cigars. Mr. Smith is a close buyer and is satisfied with a small margin. J. MORRIS.
every city there are individual examples of men whose connection with
its business pursuits, whose prominence in all matters of public
enterprise, whose record for unflinching integrity, undaunted energy
and untiring industry, makes them objects of special note, not alone in
their homes, but wherever exalted commercial reputation is recognized
and respected. The subject of this sketch is one of the above referred
to. Mr. J. Morris is truly the "Yankee Trader." He makes a specialty of
trading Southern Oregon lands for eastern property. He also buys and
sells wagons, buggies, carts and harness, furniture, stoves, tinware,
crockery and glassware. In fact anything under the sun of any value.
The business enterprise which has marked the career of this gentleman
is worthy of imitation.
length of time this establishment has been in Medford makes a proper
subject of a few remarks in the business history of the city. They are
probably one of the oldest firms in their line on the Pacific coast.
They are importers and dealers in agricultural and farming machinery,
portable and stationary engines, buggies, carriages, spring and farm
wagons, harvesters and binders, mowers, hay rakes, seeders, plows,
harrows, etc., and are sole agents in Oregon, Washington and Idaho for
the celebrated Mitchell wagons. The trade of the company extends over
the entire Northwest. We feel sure that small dealers and farmers will
be benefited by opening up correspondence and business relations with
this house.
a paper circulating largely outside of the city and designed to call
attention to Medford as a commercial center, we take great pleasure in
giving a brief sketch of this well-known and popular agency.
Mr. McLeod does a general fire insurance and collecting business, representing some of the best companies in the United States, and in fact, in the world. The Lion of London being one of the largest fire companies in existence. The Home of New York is a sound, staunch, reliable company, one of the best, and does a very large business in the United States. He also represents the Queen of New York and the St. Paul of St. Paul, both thoroughly reliable companies. Mr. McLeod, since his beginning in this business, has characterized all his transactions by honesty and fair dealing, and with a business policy [omission] has built up a large and lucrative trade. Non-residents having interests in Medford or vicinity should open a correspondence with him, which will be promptly answered and will prove both profitable and advantageous. Aside from his insurance business he makes collections promptly. His charges are light, and his methods are admirable for the competent and reliable management of important and responsible matters of that kind. COMMERCIAL HOTEL.
a review of the city as a commercial center, there is perhaps no line
of business more appropriate for special attention or affording more
interest to those who visit the city than the accommodation of the
public. The Commercial Hotel is a large building furnished with all
modern conveniences, and special attention is given to commercial
travelers. Their table is spread with the best the market affords.
There is also a feed stable and wagon yard in connection, and the
proprietor is ever ready to give all guests the best of treatment.
great cry of the average man is for good meat and plenty of it
(together with bread and butter ad libidum). This has led the Southern
Oregon Pork Packing Co. to try to meet the demand by buying [all the] cattle they
can get--that is, where they can get well-fatted stock that will
produce juicy and tender meat. They deal extensively in beef, pork,
mutton, veal and sausages of all kinds. They enjoy every improved
facility for providing their entire trade in a prompt, neat and
attractive manner, with all kinds of meat from the best stock to be
found and at prices fair and reasonable.
the many resorts of this city there is none that is better known than
that owned by Mr. John Schneider. The main saloon is a large spacious
room with modern fixtures, and in the rear is arranged private and club
rooms. He handles exclusively famous Medford beer and soft drinks. He
also serves lunches of all kinds. His place is orderly and well
conducted and is enjoying a large patronage.
one of the important factors both of the manufacturing interests and of
the wholesale and retail trade of the city, this enterprise takes a
leading position. He manufactures all kinds and varieties of fancy
biscuits, crackers, bread, ice cream and ornamental wedding cakes. He
uses choice selected flour such as is adapted to his especial wants.
The trade of this house is annually increasing, and he is in every
respect capable of furnishing goods of the finest quality and making
prices as advantageous to the trade as any other house of like nature.
In the completion of a work of this character, every business that
evinces in its conduct genuine enterprise and energy is entitled to due
"The Crater," as it is familiarly known, handles all of the substantials and delicacies of the market. Choice fruits and confectionery, cigars and tobacco, ice cream and soda with pure fruit flavors are served in an appetizing and tasty manner. Everything about the establishment will be found first class. We can recommend "The Crater" to all who visit Medford. The gentlemanly proprietors take good care of their patrons and allow none to leave dissatisfied. BOYDEN & NICHOLSON.
an important feature in the growth and general progress of the city,
the hardware trade has played no insignificant part as can be
illustrated by the above house. They carry an extensive and complete
stock of hardware, tinware, stoves, window glass, edged tools and
cutlery, and give special attention to plumbing. They conduct business
upon a fair and honorable basis, and all goods are warranted just as
most reliable financial institution in the county is the Jackson County
Bank, with a capital stock of $50,000. They do a general banking
business, issue letters of credit on all eastern and European cities
and making collections on favorable terms at all points. The officers
are Wm. I. Vawter, President; B. F. Adkins, Vice President and J. E.
Enyart, Cashier.
desire to make mention of an enterprise which is of importance to the
people both in and out of the city. The notion department of the "Fair
Store" is owned by Mr. J. Merley, who carries a well-selected stock of
ladies' and gents' furnishing goods and notions of all descriptions. At
all times the stock is full and complete. His prices are as reasonable
as can be found in any establishment of this nature. His dealings with
the general public is straightforward and reliable in every particular.
This department of the "Fair Store" is owned [by] and
under the able management of Mr. J. H. Miller. His stock embraces all
the latest novelties in ladies' and gents' fine shoes and of all the
prevailing shades and colors. The business standing and general
reputation of the house, as well as the liberal manner of dealing, is a
subject of the most favorable comment.
Another enterprising establishment in the drug line is that of Mr.
Chas. Strang, who carries a well-assorted stock of drugs of all
descriptions, pure and unadulterated chemicals, proprietary medicines,
perfumeries, trusses, rubber goods, and almost an unlimited assortment
of toilet and fancy articles.
The most watchful care is exercised under all circumstances, and particular attention is paid to compounding prescriptions. We cheerfully recommend this house to the public. A. V. REYNOLDS.
is with pleasure that we call the attention of the public to the
well-conducted and the stylish establishment of the above. From the
superiority of his work and polite attention shown to patrons has
enabled him to work himself up to one of the leading tailors in the
county. His work is strictly first-class and satisfaction is guaranteed.
Comparatively few people know what constitutes a perfect title to real
estate, and very frequently persons invest their money in lands without
knowing anything about the actual condition of the title. It is not the
purpose of this article to explain what constitutes a good title; that
is a question for lawyers to determine. But we wish simply to direct
attention to a few simple but very important matters which are
generally overlooked by people when buying and selling land or lending
money on real estate security. Many persons buy and sell land in about
the same offhand manner that they would buy and sell hay or horses.
Everybody knows that deeds and mortgages have to be recorded, but few
seem to realize that the record is really what determines the validity
of the title. For example, the deed held may have been drawn by the
most skillful lawyer and made perfect in every particular, but if it is
not properly recorded your title is defective until the record is
corrected. Perhaps there may have been a mortgage against the land and
you may know that it has been paid and satisfied long ago, but unless
the record shows a proper cancellation your title to the land is
imperfect. Property often changes hands through the medium of sheriffs
and administrators, and unless the record shows clearly that all such
transfers were in all respects legal and regular the title is defective
and must be perfected.
If all who buy land or invest in mortgages would insist on a complete abstract every time, the cost would be very trifling and it would often avoid trouble and expense in the future. Mr. Whitman will furnish correct abstracts of all lands in Jackson County at reasonable rates. His office is in the rear of Jackson County Bank. W. H. MEEKER & CO.
establishment, which ranks among the leading houses of Medford, is one
of the largest in the city. To their superior skill, able management
and untiring industry is due the success which they have attained. They
carry a large and varied stock of both foreign and domestic dry goods,
clothing in all the latest designs, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods
in endless varieties, notions and all novelties in the market. The
customers of this well-known house comprise many of our best citizens,
who testify to the popularity of the house. The business standing and
general reputation of the house, as well as the liberal manner in which
the business is conducted is a subject of most favorable comment;
while, in view of its facilities and the long experience of its
proprietors, it is not much to say that those forming business
relations with it will secure and advance their best interests.
of the best appointed livery, feed and sales stables in Jackson County
is that conducted by Williams Bros. Their stables are well supplied
with fine buggies, carriages, hacks, horses and turnouts of every
description, and gives particular care and attention to boarding horses.LIVERY AND SALES STABLES. Messrs. Williams Bros. are prepared to furnish hacks or rigs night or day, upon the shortest notice, and their prices are most reasonable. Personally, nothing need be said concerning the proprietors of this establishment. The business is conducted upon the broadest basis of equity, and those dealing with them may rest assured that they will receive courteous treatment and at fair rates. HUBBARD BROS.
Jackson County has no similar establishment in her midst that is more worthy of note in this issue than that of Hubbard Bros.AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. This firm has, for many years, done business in Jackson County. Here can, at all times, be found one of the most complete stocks of farm machinery, threshing and harvesting machinery, agricultural and farming implements, including supplies and parts for same. Few establishments are so reputable, and so able to advance the interests of their patrons as this. The length of time they have been in business, their manner of conducting it, that is, upon so honorable and liberal basis, always pursuing a policy which may be styled the only correct one: that of absolute reliability, strict integrity and unwearing enterprise renders this firm as desirable a one to do business with as can be found in Jackson County. J. A. WHITMAN.
Among the many industries and enterprises of Medford, the establishment
of Mr. J. A. Whitman is one of the most prominent. Mr. Whitman is sole
agent for the famed Crescent bicycle, which, without doubt, stands at
the head today among the many different makes. He handles this wheel
exclusively, because he considers it the best, and being an expert in
this line, he is fully competent to judge. He is also agent for the
celebrated Studebaker wagons and carriages, which are so well and
favorably known that comment is unnecessary.BICYCLES, VEHICLES, FRUIT SHIPPER. Mr. Whitman is one of the largest buyers of Oregon fruit and ships in car lots to Chicago and Southern points. With the present prospects of the large crop he will probably ship 100 cars of fruit this season. J. W. ODGERS.
the dentists we find Dr. J. W. Odgers. He has made his chosen
profession a lifelong study. His ideas and practices are modern in
every respect, making quite a specialty of bridgework, and can save any
shell of a tooth. While his work is of the best, his prices are such as
to meet the times. He is extremely courteous and is ever ready to give
advice to any and all. His office is in the Phipps block, opposite
Jackson County Bank.DENTIST. DAVIS & GILKEY.
compiling the various industries of Medford, the retail grocery trade
assumes a decided importance. Among these, Messrs. Davis & Gilkey
occupy a conspicuous position. The premises are stored with a complete
stock of staple and fancy groceries, flour, feed, teas, coffees and all
kinds of provisions, in fact everything to be found in a first-class
establishment can be purchased here at the most reasonable prices. They
are extremely cordial people to deal with and employ none but competent
and genial clerks. One is always assured of prompt attention, and we
take pleasure in recommending this store to any who have not had the
opportunity of visiting it.FANCY GROCERIES. HOTEL NASH BARBER SHOP.
of the most necessary and convenient institutions of the times is a
well-conducted barber shop, and the one to which we refer here is well
known as one of the best arranged and most ably conducted
establishments of its kind in Medford. Its proprietors, Messrs. Bates
Bros., are artists of merit in this line. Their shop is handsomely
furnished with all modern improvements and appliances, and their bath
rooms are always neat, clean, and the best of service given.BATES BROS., PROPRIETORS. S. ROSENTHAL.
leading establishment in men's furnishings is the subject of this
sketch. Coming here several years ago with a spirit of enterprise and
genuine Western progressiveness, united with a far-seeing sagacity that
has kept pace with the demand of the public for the line of goods here
displayed. The house deals in a first-class and well-selected stock of
clothing, furnishing goods, boots, shoes and miner's clothing bought
direct from first hands for cash and laid down to the trade of Medford
at prices which protect him from being undersold.CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS. MRS. R. F. ANDERSON.
convenience, not to say the necessity, of a first-class restaurant to
the general public is best known to the people, who by lack of domestic
comforts and home privileges are compelled to patronize them.RESTAURANT. The restaurant owned and personally managed by Mrs. R. F. Anderson is centrally located, as well as one of the most patronized. She has catered to the wants of the people for a long time, and has an established reputation. One wishing an up-to-date meal, quick service and low prices will do well to call upon Mrs. Anderson. TURF EXCHANGE SALOON.
to the things of friendship, may they never rust" is a toast that is
truly noble. Such is the motto of the "Turf Exchange," a well and
favorably known resort opposite the Hotel Nash. Mr. Hall handles
nothing but the best foreign and domestic wines, liquors and cigars. He
makes a specialty of the very best of brandies and Cyrus Noble whiskey.
One wishing to while away an hour will meet with courteous treatment at
"nothing succeeds like success" is a trite aphorism which seems to have
received recognition even as far back as the Dark Ages. Drs. Geary
& Pickel, the subject of this sketch, have, by their industry and
by virtue of their ability, placed themselves in the highest rank of
the medical profession. These eminent gentlemen are both graduates from
our best medical colleges and since coming to Medford have gained a
very large and lucrative practice. They have successfully performed
several surgical operations which were apparently impossible. Drs.
Geary & Pickel are progressive men and aid all enterprises that
advance the city. They are located in the Haskins building, where they
have in their spacious reception rooms one of the largest and most
complete libraries in the state. We commend them to the favorable
notice of all readers as men of broad and liberal views and, as
physicians and surgeons, there are none more worthy of note in the
industry of this nature when conducted as is displayed by D. H. Miller
is worthy of special mention. He carries a well-selected stock of shelf
and heavy hardware, stoves and builder's material, tinware, paints and
oils, fishing tackle and ammunition, and makes a specialty of miner's
supplies. He conducts his business on a sound basis and in a liberal
manner, and we may add that the business he now controls speaks in the
most expressive language of the confidence and esteem with which he is
so widely and justly regarded.HARDWARE AND BUILDER'S MATERIAL. J. R. ERFORD.
cannot well complete a list of the industries of Medford without
calling attention to the establishment of Mr. J. R. Erford. He handles
a large line of flour, feed, hay and grain of all kinds. The proprietor
is a practical man of business and thoroughly experienced in this
particular line, and we take great pleasure in commending him to all
readers of the Medford Mail as a thorough, reliable and honorable merchant.FLOUR AND FEED. MRS. J. S. HOWARD.
nothing that contributes to a disclosure of the industries and
advantages of Medford we make mention in this issue of the inducements
offered to the public of the well-conducted store of Mrs. Howard. She
carries a general line of dry goods and groceries, crockery and country
produce. This house is truly a pioneer of Medford, having been
established in the county some twenty-four years, and is well deserving
of the reputation she has acquired for strict attention to business and
liberality in all dealings. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. The railroad company in Jackson County brought suit against the county to restrain. the collection of $18,000 taxes, alleged to be due the county. With the Oregon & California company is joined in the suit the Southern Pacific Company, against which no taxes are assessed. As the Southern Pacific Company is a foreign company, this would give the federal courts jurisdiction, should that company remain a party to the suit. "Brief Pacific Coast News," People's Advocate, Chehalis, Washington, May 28, 1897, page 7 The first races on Medford's new fair grounds took place on Thursday. The track was rather heavy. The Medford Mail gives a fifteen-column writeup of Jackson County, which gives that county what it deserves. The Mail is to be congratulated upon its effort. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, May 29, 1897, page 3
Judge Stanfield, of the Medford justice court, on Tuesday fined Deputy District Attorney White, attorney S. S. Pentz and Robt Jeffrey $5 each for contempt of court. White is one of the leading populists of the county, Pentz is the late Democratic candidate for district attorney and Jeffrey is the brother of the populist district attorney. White and Pentz were engaged on a case in the local court, and in passing their compliments back and forth one called the other a liar. Attorney Pentz denied it and grappled White around the neck, it is said, a regular Corbett-Fitzsimmons "physical culture exhibition" following. Young Jeffrey attempted to coach the deputy district attorney and was fined for his trouble, along with the principals. The escapade is said to have given another setback to the "union of reform forces." "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 3, 1897, page 3 Your correspondent is in receipt of a beautiful card announcing the graduating exercises of the Medford, Oregon, high school to be held in that city this evening, and among the list of fifteen graduates we notice the names of Scott V. Davis and W. D. Hazle [D. W. Hazle?], formerly two of Alden's young lads. "Alden and Vicinity," Freeborn County Times, Albert Lea, Minnesota, June 4, 1897, page 5 Dr. E. Kirchgessner, the populist coroner of Jackson County, publishes a card in a Medford paper, denying the report that he is not a regularly registered physician. Attorneys Pentz and White and Bob Jeffrey, who were fined in Justice Stanfield's court at Medford last week for indulging in a fistfight, had their fines remitted, supposedly on account of the prominence of the parties involved. The almond orchard of C. E. Stewart of Eden precinct, which comprises about 2000 five-year-old trees, is reported to present one of the prettiest orchard scenes in the valley with its well-loaded and well-cared-for trees, and from present prospects ought to yield the owner a fair return for his industry. Medford people will undoubtedly be in attendance at the Fourth of July celebration at Jacksonville. These same people will, without a doubt, attend the Chautauqua at Ashland. The Southern Oregon district fair will be held at Medford this fall. Will the citizens of these two towns propose to be with us upon the fair occasion?--Medford Mail. We'll be fair with you, Bliton; but the Chautauqua comes first, remember--Medford must set the pace this time. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 7, 1897, page 3 The Barneburgs drove out about 250 head of cattle to their range in the Deadwood section beyond Dead Indian last week for summer ranging. They have added some improvements at their Deadwood ranch this season, fencing up 300 acres of the ranch there. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 10, 1897, page 3 Miss Mollie High of this city is visiting her aunt, Miss Mollie Barneburg, at Medford. Miss Esther Silsby has discontinued giving vocal instruction in Medford until next September. I. A. Mounce has purchased an interest in the billiard hall and confectionery store of A. O. Young at Medford. “Local,” Town Talk, Ashland, June 12, 1897, page 7 Medford's Latest.
Miss Elva Galloway is visiting friends in Portland.J. H. Butler has moved into his new residence in west Medford. Born—In this city to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lance, Jr., June 5, 1897, a son. Mrs. J. H. Bellinger left for Portland last Saturday to be gone for some time. Miss Letha Hardin is visiting the families of James McDougal and Mrs. Penning near Gold Hill. A. A. Roberts of Sisson, Cal. has rented the residence of Sherman Orton and has moved his family into the same. Mrs. Lucy Hall and Miss Mattie McGee left Wednesday morning for a several months visit with friends in Paradise, Mo. Town Talk, Ashland, June 12, 1897, page 12 The large barn on the farm of A. Harbaugh, 2½ miles west of Medford, burned to the ground Sunday night, together with 40 tons of hay. The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss is $1000, and the insurance $400. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 17, 1897, page 3 Miss Nellie Mitchell, formerly of this city, who has been teaching in the Alexandria city schools, will go to Medford, Oregon and California shortly to spend the summer, the guest of relatives. "Additional Local," Logansport Daily Reporter, Logansport, Indiana, June 19, 1897, page 5 A business transaction of some importance in the valley was completed at Central Point Saturday when the Central Point flouring mills changed hands. The purchasers, being W. J. Virgin of the Ashland mills in partnership with W. I. Vawter, the well-known Medford banker. As I. J. Phipps of Medford was returning home from the Normal commencement exercises at Ashland last Thursday evening with his family, Mrs. Mayor Haskins and Mrs. Sayre, his team took freight and ran away, upsetting the hack and quite seriously injuring Miss May Phipps and Mrs. Haskins and bruising several others of the party, though none were dangerously injured. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 21, 1897, page 3 Miss Nellie Mitchell, who taught school the past year at Alexandria, will spend the remainder of the summer at Medford, Oregon. "Additional Items," Logansport Pharos, Logansport, Indiana, June 21, 1897, page 3 Mrs. J. C. Hill of Medford, Ore., together with her children, went to Seattle Sunday. They came in last week from Bremer where they had been visiting relatives. Mrs. Hill is very low with consumption. Chehalis Bee, Chehalis, Washington, July 23, 1897, page 7 W. E. Jacobs of Ashland and G. W. Bashford of Medford have purchased the Rose flouring mills at Roseburg, the deal having been negotiated the first of the week by W. J. Virgin and Mr. Bashford. Mr. Jacobs and E. L. Bashford, it is understood, will take supervision of the business and fit up the property in first-class modern style. The consideration was $7000. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 24, 1897, page 3 D. W. Crosby, of Medford, has gone to Walla Walla, Wash., to take a position in a hotel there. "Here and There," Ashland Tidings, July 1, 1897, page 2 Mrs. Tayler, wife of A. C. Tayler of Medford, died rather suddenly on Sunday evening. She had been ill for some time but was recovering and had been pronounced out of danger when she was taken suddenly worse and died shortly thereafter. Deceased was a native of Gosport, England, and was in her 31st year. She leaves several small children. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, July 1, 1897, page 3 Still Winning.
Jesse Enyart, of Medford, Oregon, in a letter to his
brother Charley, the mail carrier, states that he had just returned
from the annual shooting tournament of the Northwestern Sportsmen's
Association at Anaconda, Montana. Mr. Enyart is vice president of the
club, and at this meeting added much to his fame as a good marksman and
captured nearly two hundred dollars in cash prizes. He would have done
much better had it not been for the inclement weather. Snow covered the
ground the first two days of the shoot.
Logansport Reporter, Indiana, July 6, 1897, page 8 Jerry Parks left for Medford, Oregon, Monday, where he has a position to teach school. "Scottsville Scintillations," Beloit Gazette, Beloit, Kansas, July 15, 1897, page 2 In the excitement of a horse race at Medford, several persons rushed onto the track, and the horse which jockey Merritt was riding ran over them, some of whom may die. "Oregon," Mountain Democrat, Placerville, California, July 17, 1897, page 2 Mrs. J. C. Hill of Medford, Ore., together with her children, went to Seattle Sunday. They came in last week from Bremer where they had been visiting relatives. Mrs. Hill is very low with consumption. Chehalis Bee, Washington, July 23, 1897, page 6 E. D. Elwood, formerly of Newberg, Ore., opened a store at Medford, Ore. H. A. Myers is having a building remodeled at Medford, Ore., which when completed he will occupy with a stock of jewelry. "Pacific Northwest," The Jewelers' Circular, July 28, 1897, page 29 The following are the Medford teachers: Prof. Gregory, principal, $100 per month; Miss Elva Galloway, vice-principal, $50 per month; Miss Minnie Coleman, primary; $25; Miss Elsie Roof, assistant primary, $25. All the other teachers except Miss Grace Foster, who resigned, are retained at a salary of $30 per month, namely: Misses Bessie Wait, Mary Davidson, Adella Pickel, Ellen Bursell, Robin Warner and Mrs. Mary Peters. "Oregon Department," Northwest Journal of Education, September 1897, page 15 Wm. Hall, agent of the Northern Pacific Express, has received a sample package of the peaches and other fruit grown on his farm farm in the Rogue River Valley, Medford, Oregon. The fruit is of first-class quality, and from this district Winnipeg is now receiving a very considerable portion of its fruit supply. Mr. Hall's orchard has come on well, and the crop this year will considerably more than pay the expenses of management. "Reportorial Round," Logansport Reporter, Logansport, Indiana, September 15, 1897, page 8 J. A. Anderson, of Medford, has received an analysis from the chemist in the Spreckels sugar factory showing a high quality in beets grown by him. Daily Capital Journal, Salem, September 20, 1897, page 2
Douglas Hazle received a message yesterday stating his daughter at Medford, Oregon was dangerously ill and accordingly he left this morning for home. "Alden and Vicinity," Freeborn County Times, Albert Lea, Minnesota, October 1, 1897, page 14 Recent shipments of livestock from Southern Oregon are unusually large. The amount of money left in the vicinity of Ashland is $29,500. The cattle were shipped to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and to Atkinson, Illinois. "Coast Industrial Notes," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 2, 1897, page 320 Sam Murry is erecting a neat and commodious residence on his C Street property. The most complete line of fall millinery will be found at Mrs. C. W. Palm's. J. N. Flook, of Roseburg, and Miss Ethna McGrew, of Ashland, were married at Jacksonville last Thursday by Justice Dunlap. Married--At the Baptist parsonage, Medford, Oregon, October 11, 1897, by Rev. George N. Annes, L. F. Crow and Wilma Bowman. Rev. Robt. McLean, of Grants Pass, had a fistic encounter with a saloon man of that city last Monday in which he got decidedly the worst of it. The quarterly conference of the M.E. Church, South, will be held Saturday at 2 o'clock p.m. at the church--preaching services on Sunday following. If anybody asks you if Stickel has burned his bricks yet, tell him yes--two hundred thousand of them. Rev. J. S. McClain, pastor of the M.E. church for Gold Hill and Central Point, will preach at Gold Hill next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Stickel will build you anything on earth or even under the earth, from a privy vault to a mansion with bay windows, out of Fairview bricks. The Presbytery for Southern Oregon met in the Presbyterian church here yesterday afternoon, and continues in session today, when they will adjourn to the Synod, which is in session at Grants Pass. W. S. Love of Portland and Miss Halle Million, of Ashland, were married at the former place last Saturday, Oct. 9th, Rev. J. J. Walters, of Centenary M.E. church, officiating. They will reside in Portland. Lafayette Gall, an old and respected citizen of Willow Springs precinct, died at the family residence Tuesday, October 12th. J. R. Hardin, a nephew of the deceased, was telephoned for, but could not go, on account of the illness of his wife. The ball game between the Beantown hens and the Medford nine was attended by about three hundred people Tuesday. The game was tallied at 17 to 16 in favor of Medford. Of course the boys didn't try. Any kid nine could have whitewashed them. There will be a social at Wolfe's hall Thursday (tonight) given by the Baptist young people. It is to be known as the Klondike social--gold diggers, liquid gold, gold crystallized, Klondike scarcity and gold nugget and tailings will be served. Everybody invited. A pie social was given at Ashland last Friday evening by the Degree of Honor lodge A.O.U.W. of that city. The following persons went from Medford: E. W. Carder, F. A. Bliss and wife, Mesdames Peter and Hagey, E. A. Johnson, O. P. McGee and wife and E. Hubbard and wife, besides about nine persons from Jacksonville. All report having had a most enjoyable time. Saturday morning about 9 o'clock, Joseph Alnutt, 11 years of age, was in Messenger's mill and concluded he would like to try to feed the resaw machine. He placed a board between the rollers and neglected to let go of it in time and his right hand was drawn into the machine. The machine was stopped and the unfortunate boy's hand pulled out. The thumb was broken and the hand mashed to the wrist.--Ashland Tidings. There was a meeting last Saturday evening at the Woodman hall for the purpose of inducing the ladies to organize a circle. Miss Maude Gallant, of Ashland, was present and explained the modus operandum to the entire satisfaction of all present. Another meeting was held Wednesday evening at which an organization was expected to have been made, but as we go to press Wednesday evenings we could not get the particulars in this issue. The barber shop and confectionery store of Wendt & Puhl at Jacksonville was destroyed by fire last Saturday night. It caught from a lamp which fell while Mr. Wendt was attempting to extinguish it for the night, and the flames spread so rapidly that only the prompt response of the firemen saved the walls of the building. P. J. Ryan, the owner of the building, is having it repaired, and the same boys will occupy it again. No insurance was on either building or stock. On Friday the 21-month-old son of F. S. Young, foreman of the Ashland laundry, fell backwards off a chair and struck his head against a slat lying on the floor from which a nail was protruding. The nail entered the little fellow's skull at the base of the brain, and Dr. J. S. Parson was hurriedly called and extracted the nail and dressed the ugly wound. The child suffered a great deal as a result of the accident, but will eventually come all right, as no fears are entertained unless meningitis sets in.--Ashland Tidings. Medford Monitor-Miner, October 14, 1897, page 3 PERSONAL.
W. L. Pyle, of Gold Hill, was in Medford last Friday.Steve Swacker, of Gold Hill, went to Montague Sunday. Eli Fisher made a business trip to Grants Pass Monday. Attorney A. S. Hammond is attending court at Lakeview this week. Hon. S. A. Carlton, of Wellen, was in Medford on business Monday. Mark Baker and C. F. Young, of Gold Hill, were in Medford Tuesday. Attorney A. N. Soliss went to Grants Pass on legal business last Friday. Judge Frank Williams, of Ashland, was in Medford Tuesday on business. Attorney G. W. White and wife went to Grants Pass last Wednesday, returning Sunday. F. E. Birge, the mining man, left for his Josephine County mines Monday evening. Dave Mardon, the Kanes Creek miner and rancher, was in Medford Friday on business. Ref. G. F. Strange, of Ashland, came down Tuesday to attend the Presbytery in session here. Miss Hattie Bliss, accompanied by Mrs. Wilhite, of Sams Valley, spent Sunday in Medford. Dr. E. P. Geary went to Portland last week to attend the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias. W. O. Johnson, wife and baby were in from Bly last week, purchasing supplies and visiting friends. Dr. and Mrs. Cox, of Klamath Agency, are in Medford, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Sears. J. T. Bates, of Waldo, was in Medford yesterday looking after business and shaking hands with friends. J. H. Brantner, of Applegate, is in Medford, being laid off by rheumatism, which it is hoped will soon be cured. Miss Ella Griffis, one of Ashland's teachers, made her home folks at Gold Hill a visit last Saturday and Sunday. R. H. Whitehead, the capitalist, made a trip to Josephine County last Friday to look after some mines in which he is interested. Perry Foster, the Beagle rancher, was in Medford Tuesday, and hereafter the Monitor-Miner will be a weekly visitor at his home. H. U. Lumsden and John Curry left for Portland Monday night where they go as delegates to the K. of P. grand lodge from Medford. Geo. F. Robertson, the genial representative of the Blake-McFall paper house, of Portland, was in the valley several days the past week. J. W. Bigelow, of Climax, was in Medford on business last Friday, and while here remembered the Monitor-Miner on subscription. D. H. Harris, of Bly, Klamath County, was in Medford yesterday. He will visit friends on Evans Creek for a week or two before returning. G. S. Hosmer, of Lake Creek, called at our office Wednesday, and besides giving us words of encouragement left a dollar on subscription. Geo. Heckathorn, the prosperous Eagle Point rancher, was doing business in Medford last Monday and remembered the Monitor-Miner. Kip Van Riper, wife and two boys, together with Smiley Patterson, Mrs. Van's father, of Bonanza, were in Medford buying supplies last week. T. J. Conover and wife, of Eagle Point, were in Medford Monday. Mr. Conover delivered us a good load of oak wood, which is legal tender at our office. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Vawter returned from Springfield, Ill., last Thursday, where Mr. Vawter had gone as a delegate to the Grand Lodge I.O.O.F. R. S. Sparks and son, J. S. Sparks, and Geo. McDonald, together with their families, were over from Langell Valley Tuesday, laying in their winter's supplies. Mr. and Mrs. Ham Wolters and children left Sunday for Fresno, Calif., near which place Ham takes charge of his sister's ranch--a permanent and paying position. Charles Swingle, of Langell Valley, passed through Medford by team last Sunday, having made the trip to lower Willamette Valley points and this far on his return. Hon. S. H. Holt returned from Salem Sunday morning, where he had been attending to his duties connected with the state fair as a member of the state board of agriculture. Ed Beck came over from Happy Camp, Calif., last week and is visiting his numerous friends about Woodville. He will return in a few days to Happy Camp, where he has a good job. F. J. Creed and family will soon move to Lakeview to make their home there. While we are sorry to lose such citizens from Jackson County, we congratulate the people of Lake County on their accessions. District Attorney Jeffrey returned from Salem last Sunday morning, where he has been to represent the state in the Pheister murder case appealed from Josephine County. He did not stop in Medford but continued his journey to Lake County, where circuit court is now in session. A. Reynolds, the tailor, left last Thursday for Marysville, Calif., where he went to take a car of stock and household goods, and to look after his farming interests. Prof. L. L. Freeman will have charge of the Reynolds ranch, and Mr. Reynolds will conduct his tailoring business in Medford. Prof. G. A. Gregory, Mrs. Peter, Misses Fannie Haskins, May Phipps, Della Pickel, Elva Galloway, Minnie Colman, Grace Amann, Elsie Roof, Mina Stoop, Robin Warner, Mary Davidson, Emma Reed, from Medford, Prof. Benson, of Grants Pass, Profs. Barnard and Dailey, Misses Clemens and Hall, of Central Point, and C. F. Shepherd, of Jacksonville, were among those who went up on Wednesday morning's train to attend the teachers' institute at Ashland. The editor of this paper and wife spent a very pleasant afternoon last Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carney at their excellent home in Jacksonville. Mr. Carney recently leased the large ranch of J. Nunan lying adjacent to the county seat, and has everything in readiness to put in a large crop. It is a fine farm, convenient residence, good barn and outbuildings, and between the two--a good landlord and an up-to-date tenant--prosperous results may be expected. Medford Monitor-Miner, October 14, 1897, page 3 Burned to Death.
The saddest accident that has occurred in Medford for many years
happened to Mrs. Mary Ellen Wigle, wife of I. L. Wigle, last Friday
morning.The lady was cooking breakfast and by some means a pan of grease caught fire, and in trying to extinguish it the fire caught her clothing. Before the flames could be extinguished her clothing was almost all burned off and her body was so badly burned that she died about 6 o'clock Friday evening. Mrs. Wigle was born March 17, 1848, making her 49 years, 6 months and 21 days old at the time of her death. She leaves a husband, two sons and two daughters here in Medford, besides numerous friends to mourn her untimely death. The funeral services were held at the family residence on Saturday afternoon conducted by Rev. Eli Fisher, and the body was shipped to Harrisburg, near which place it was buried on Sunday. Mr. Wigle accompanied the body to the place of interment. Medford Monitor-Miner, October 14, 1897, page 3 The following communication is gladly given space: "Editor Capital: Will you please correct the article in regard to the accident at Valley Junction which caused Wilson's death. His name was Andrew A. Wilson. The undertaker said he found no traces of liquor in his system. His stepfather is B. W. Bowen, professor at the People's Commercial College. His mother is living and was visiting at Lacona at the time of the accident. He has a brother in Medford, Ore., a sister at Council Bluffs, one at Lacona, who is married to C. Murray, and his youngest sister, Emma V. Sharp, wife of J. W. Sharp of Easton Boulevard, this city. His relatives heard from readers of the morning Leader of his death, hastened to Valley Junction and had the body prepared to ship on the 4:30 Indianola train on Tuesday evening a week ago. He was buried on Wednesday by sorrowing relatives and friends. Some of the city papers said the body was still unclaimed by friends. His relatives feel sad that any such report was printed and ask that it be corrected. Mrs. D. Sharp." "The City," Daily Iowa Capital, Des Moines, October 20, 1897, page 7 Died from Her Burns.
The Islander, Friday Harbor, Washington, October 21, 1897, page 4
Medford, Or., Oct. 12.--Mrs. Mary E. Wigle, who was burned yesterday
morning by her clothing catching fire while she was preparing
breakfast, died at a late hour last night, after several hours of
intense suffering.
B. N. Bunch, of Medford, fell Oct. 25 on Sterling Creek, and his right leg was broken below the knee. He and another own a mine in that section, and had just completed arrangements to begin work today. Mr. Bunch took a pan of dirt and started to the creek to wash it. He tripped on a small stick lying across the path and fell. He was brought to Medford on a lumber wagon, a distance of 14 miles, arriving here late at night, when the fracture was reduced, and he is now resting easy. Mr. Bunch is over 60 years old, which makes the accident all the more serious. Daily Capital Journal, Salem, October 26, 1897, page 1 The match between hunters from Medford and Jacksonville last week was won by the sportsmen from Jacksonville. Although the day was wet and rather unfavorable, some very good scores were made, as follows: Jacksonville--A. E. and Will Reames, 416 points; George E. Neuber and Charles Prim, 153; J. S. Orth and H. D. Kubli, 201; H. Pape and K. Kubli 540. Total points for team, 1310. Medford--John Beek and Charles Perdue, 107 points; J. E. Enyart and Bert Brandenburg, 158; J. A. Whitman and J. D. Heard, 243; F. Wilson and W. Simmons, 123. Total points for the team, 631. The game killed by both sides consisted of 321 quail, 4 ducks, 25 doves, 3 gray squirrels, 26 rabbits, 3 snipes, 10 sparrow hawks, 7 large hawks. Daily Capital Journal, Salem, November 19, 1897, page 2
The Klamath County Indians have been trading in Medford the last week in large numbers, and they were well supplied with money. One family recently bought four silk dresses. "Oregon News Notes," Omaha Daily Bee, Nebraska, November 22, 1897, page 5 At Medford a potato social was recently given, at which about fifteen bushels of potatoes were received. The potatoes contributed were given to the poor of the city. This is a novel scheme. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, November 29, 1897, page 2 MARRIED.
San Francisco Call, November 29, 1897, page 11BARTLE-JOHNSON--In
Yreka, November 24, 1897, John Bartle of Siskiyou and Emma Johnson of
Medford, Or.
Prof. G. A. Gregory, another Doane college boy, and for years a teacher in Gates College, Nebraska, has been for three years superintendent of the schools of Medford, Ore. H. Bross, "A Little Journey to Portland," Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, December 6, 1897, page 8 There have been shipped from Medford station this season thus far about 40 carloads of apples, and there remains yet to be shipped about 20 carloads more of merchantable apples. This includes fruit hauled from Applegate and surrounding country. Two carloads of dried fruits of different varieties have been shipped eastward from that station, too, and about eight carloads more remain to be shipped, says the Ashland Tidings. "Local Notes," Lincoln County Leader, Toledo, Oregon, December 7, 1897, page 4 W. Stewart has sued the Southern Oregon Packing Co. before Justice Jones' court, in Medford, for $230.35, alleged to be due for 30 head of hogs, and obtained judgment for the amount with costs. E. W. Williams and S. Rosenthal have begun a suit against E. A. L. Smith and have asked for the appointment of a receiver for the Gold Hill Mercantile Co. Judge H. K. Hanna has Harry Hosler of Medford in charge temporarily. Medford lodge No. 103, A.E.&A.M., at its last regular meeting elected the following officers for the approaching Masonic year: J. E. Enyart, W.M.; J. A. Whitman, S.W.; H. U. Lumsden, J.W.; Zach Maxcy, treasurer, W. V. Lippincott, secretary; J. K. Darnell, tyler. Medford camp No. 90, Woodmen of the World, has chosen the following officers for the new year: F. W. Wait, C.C.; P. Stewart, A.L.; F. M. Wilson, banker; George E. Weber, clerk; A. S. Wells, escort; G. W. Priddy, watchman; A. C. Smith, sentry; L. E. Hoover, past consul. Following are the new officers of Talisman lodge No. 31, K. of P., of Medford: A. C. Hubbard, chancellor commander; J. H. Butler, vice-chancellor; F. M. Wilson, prelate; W. W. Woods, M. of W.; F. J. Wait, K. of R.&S.; W. S. Jones, M. of F.; J. E. Enyart, M. of E.; James Bates, M. at A.; E. Orr, I.G.; H. C. Mackey, O.G. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 9, 1897, page 3 ![]() SHE
San Francisco Call, December 9, 1897, page 5
The inhabitants
of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia have recently been given an
opportunity to learn something about California, its multitudinous
resources, its glorious climate and its unsurpassed scenery, which they
were not slow to take advantage of.
Miss Helen Kelleher, the distinguished young elocutionist, has just completed a tour of the Northwest, during which she delivered her delightful lecture on "Picturesque California" to no less than 23,000 people. Miss Kelleher began her tour on October 1 and lectured to forty-four audiences in forty of the principal cities and towns, returning to her home in this city the 4th inst. Her tour was under the direction of fifty prominent citizens of all parts of California, who have the welfare of the state at heart and adopted this novel plan of placing its advantages before our northern neighbors. ![]() "I was aware that the people of Oregon and Washington were intensely loyal to their respective states," said Miss Kelleher last evening, "and I began my tour half fearful that my lecture would be coolly received. I was most agreeably surprised, however, for everywhere I went I was greeted with big houses, and at many places people were turned away. At Seattle 3300 people attended my two lectures, and at Portland, Tacoma, Victoria and the other large towns the houses were in proportion. At Medford, Or., a town of 1400 inhabitants, 800 attended the lecture, over half the population, and the hall would not accommodate all who applied for admission. "What gratified me most was the interest manifested in California. As a rule at the beginning of the lecture audiences were rather indifferent, but as the different views were thrown on the screen they became enthusiastic over the varied resources of the state, and at the close of each lecture I was plied with questions regarding different sections. I have had as many as 300 people waiting to question me about California after the conclusion of a lecture. "I feel sure that my tour will result in material good to the state, for although the northern people are fairly prosperous, they are beginning to realize that there is a land to the south of them that is fairer and more promising than their own can ever possibly be. All during my trip and since my return I have been deluged with letters of inquiry from people who heard my lecture." Miss Kelleher is preparing for a tour that will begin soon after the first of the year and will extend through the East to the Atlantic Seaboard, covering a period of five or six months. Only the larger cities will be visited, and Miss Keller expects to deliver not less than 150 lectures. With the splendid views with which she illustrates her lecture this will be one of the best advertisements the state has ever had in the East and will doubtless be of great benefit. Miss Kelleher is a California girl and is gifted with rare elocutionary abilities. Added to this she has a beautiful face, fine figure and a most charming personality, which combine to win over her audiences at once. The lecture she delivers on "Picturesque California" was written by herself and is one of the most entertaining as well as instructive discourses ever listened to. During the Christian Endeavor convention in this city last summer Miss Kelleher delivered her lecture to an audience of 10,000 people, and was the recipient of a flattering reception by her auditors. Dr. E. B. Pickel of Medford has purchased the interest of his partner, Dr. E. P. Geary, and also the elegant home of the latter. It is said that Dr. Geary will go to California and locate in one of the large cities and devote his attention to the special line of the eye. The G.A.R. post of Medford elected the following officers on the 11th inst.: H. Hooker, commander; R. N. Johnson, S.V.C.; W. H. McGee, J.V.C.; L. Wiggins, surgeon; G. C. Noble, chaplain; A. T. Drisco, Q.M.; W. K. Davis, O.D.; Dwight Andrus, O.G.; J. G. Grossman, guard. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 20, 1897, page 3 Chas. Gray to LaFayette Wiggin; land in tp 37s, r2w . . . $125.00 August Carlson and wife, Oliver Harbaugh and wife to T. Hubbard and A. C. Hubbard; lt 17, blk 3, Medford . . . 440.90 Geo. H. Andrews to Maria Plumerth; lots 11, 12, blk 1, Medford . . . 100.00 "Real Estate Transactions," Ashland Tidings, December 20, 1897, page 3 Mrs. Thomas S. Spangler, of Medford, Oregon, died at that place December 4th. She went west from this place fifteen years ago. "Some Recent Deaths," Semi-Weekly Express, Terre Haute, Indiana, December 21, 1897, page 5 Relatives in this city this week received word of the death at Medford, Oregon, on December 4th, of Mrs. Thomas S. Spangler, whose husband was formerly a well-known gauger at the distillery. The Spanglers left here for the West about fifteen years ago, Mr. Spangler taking a position in the revenue service. He is still a gauger in the distillery at Medford. Mrs. Spangler was a daughter of George Duddleston, of Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and a sister of Mrs. Francis M. Blything, of Chestnut Street. Her husband and one daughter survive her. "Of Local Interest," Saturday Evening Mail, Terre Haute, Indiana, December 25, 1897, page 5 G. G. Gammans of Portland, and G. W. White of Medford were made notaries today. "State House News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, December 29, 1897, page 1
She Is Stricken with Fever at Her Father's Home in Oregon.
June Stewart, a young lady exceedingly popular in
this city, lies at the point of death at her father's home in Medford,
Oregon. She was stricken with typhoid fever and though constantly under
medical attention, her condition failed to improve, until now there
is no hope for recovery and the end is momentarily expected.
Miss Stewart's sister, Mrs. Weeks, of Highland Park, left last evening for Medford, hoping to reach the bedside before the end came. Miss Stewart is a member of the Tenth Avenue Baptist Church and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew her. She is both handsome and talented, and her sweet disposition readily won her friends wherever she went. The unfortunate young lady expected to spend the holidays in Oakland with her sister. Oakland Tribune, December 31, 1897, page 2 George Gavitt of Centralia has gone to Medford, Ore., to run a paper. Chehalis Bee, Chehalis, Washington, December 31, 1897, page 7 For more complete names of persons identified by initials, see the Index. |