News: 1900 Medford-related
news items from
1900. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year.
This Will Be Story of Gold Hill City Lots in Ten Years from Now
While delving through the old files in the Southern Pacific depot this
morning, agent A. S. Rosenbaum unearthed letters of instruction, dated
1900 and addressed to J. S. Howard, then agent here, placing the values
on lots comprising the [Medford] O.&C. townsite.This property, which now comprises the entire downtown portion of Medford, could have been bought then for a sum which would not now touch many of the blocks within its boundaries. According to the document, lots 10 and 11 in block 78, upon which the new Medford Hotel is being erected, were priced at $110 for the two. The present valuation of them is somewhere above $15,000. Two lots on the corner of Central Avenue and Fifth Street, recently offered to the federal government as a site for the new post office building for the sum of $12,000, were purchasable in 1900 for $350. Three lots west of the present Hafer residence could have been bought then for $160, while now it is not likely at $6,000 would handle them. Block 7, upon which is now located the Watt residence, could have been purchased for $300. This parcel is estimated now as being worth about $5,000. Gold Hill News, February 25, 1911, page 1 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 4, 1900, page 3
The trustees of the Medford Presbyterian Church have purchased a parsonage at a cost of $1500.
Work on the new depot has commenced, a number of carloads of material for it having arrived last week. Its location is not a sightly one, by any means. Chas. H. Pierce has disposed of his interests in San Francisco, to engage in the lumber business in southern Oregon, and with his family will arrive in Medford this month, for permanent residence. They will be quite welcome. It is rumored, and the authority seems reliable, that Geo. F. Merriman will be appointed postmaster of Medford, vice M. Purdin, whose term is about to expire. There are several other aspirants, among whom are H. G. Nicholson, C. W. Wolters and A. M. Woodford. Mr. Merriman has gained considerable distinction as a Republican politician, who never wanders after strange goods. His appointment would give satisfaction. Our city will hold its annual municipal election on the 9th. Several tickets have been nominated, and the following are the nominees: Mayor, D. T. Lawton, J. J. Howser; councilmen, Wm. Ulrich, G. P. Lindley, G. L. Schermerhorn, R. H. Whitehead, G. T. Jones, J. R. Erford, N. B. Bradbury; recorder, J. W. Lawton, W. T. Kame; treasurer, Chas. Strang; marshal, S. Murray, J. W. Tressler. PIONEER OF SOUTHERN OREGON PASSES AWAY
ASHLAND, Or., Jan. 4.--Jacob Wagner, a widely known pioneer of Southern
Oregon, died at his home here at an early hour this morning, aged 79
years. He journeyed across the plains in 1850 to Oregon. The following
year he went to Siskiyou County, California, and engaged in mining.Jacob Wagner, Former State Senator, Dies at His Home in Ashland. Special Dispatch to The Call Returning to this county, he settled on a farm. He was a volunteer during the Rogue River Indian wars and narrowly escaped death at the hands of treacherous Indians. He was at one time owner of the Ashland Flouring Mills, the first and for a long time the only mill in the county. In 1862 he served one term as State Senator in the Oregon Legislature from this county and was present at the special session called to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. He also served as county commissioner. Deceased was a man with a high sense of honor and justice and as a citizen, neighbor and friend he leaves his record as a rich legacy to be cherished by his children. A widow and five children survive him. A daughter, Mrs. W. H. Leeds, is the wife of the State Printer of Oregon, and a son, F. D. Wagner, is editor of the Ashland Tidings. San Francisco Call, January 5, 1900, page 5 OREGON PIONEER DEAD.
ASHLAND, Or., Jan. 5.--Jacob Wagner, a much esteemed and widely known
pioneer citizen of Rogue River Valley, died at his Ashland home last
night in his eightieth year. He mined in Northern California in 1851-52
and then settled on a donation claim in Southern Oregon, which is now
the site of the town of Talent. Removing to Ashland in 1852, he was
prominent in all the early business ventures of which the present city
of Ashland is the outgrowth. He was a volunteer in the Rogue River
Indian War, filled various local offices and served a term of four
years as state senator. Throughout a wide region where his extensive
business dealings made him well known there was, perhaps, no man who
enjoyed in a greater degree the general esteem of the people than this
amiable and aged pioneer.Salinas Daily Index, Salinas, California, January 6, 1900, page 1 The Jackson County Water Company, of Medford, has filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. The incorporators are F. E. Birge, Austin S. Hammond, H. L. Gilkey, W. S. Jones and Avery T. Searle; capital stock, $100,000. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 8, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 11, 1900, page 3 Rev. Father LaCroix will hold services at the Catholic Church in Medford Sunday morning at ten.
Prof. Narregan spends Saturday at the county seat, searching the county records for his abstract office. John F. Ritter, who recently returned from California, has purchased I. A. Mounce's interest in the business of Karnes & Mounce. The Jackson County Water Co. has filed articles of incorporation. The incorporators are A. S. Hammond, F. E. Birge, W. S. Jones, H. L. Gilkey, A. T. Searle, and the capital stock $100,000. Lin Purdin, who aspires to be a railway mail clerk, and took a civil service examination at Portland some time ago, has been informed that he did splendidly and is in line for the position he desires. It is rumored that Prof. Narregan would not be averse to getting the Republican nomination for county judge. W. I. Vawter is spoken of in connection with office of district attorney, which he is well qualified to fill. Homer H. Harvey, a thrifty young farmer, and Miss Lillian Weaver, one of our most popular belles, who are well and favorably known in this community, were married Christmas eve. They have the congratulations and best wishes of many friends. The annual election of the municipal officers, held last Tuesday, resulted in the choice of the following: Mayor, J. J. Howser, councilmen, J. R. Erford, G. P. Lindley, G. T. Jones, G. L. Schermerhorn; recorder, J. W. Lawton; treasurer, Chas. Strang; marshal, Sam. Murray. Mr. Howser gave the cranks a surprise party by defeating D. T. Lawton by three votes. The citizens of Medford are reported to have been feasted last night by their mayor-elect, J. J. Howser, and the brass band paraded to celebrate the joyous occasion. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 11, 1900, page 3 Medford Eye: District Attorney Watson was in town Monday looking into a case in which Hattie Howard and several young bloods of Medford and Jacksonville bear a conspicuous part. Miss Howard, who is yet under age, is inclined to be a little wayward, and her father is endeavoring to put on the brake a little. Several of the young men about town are reported as being in hiding and several more are shaking in their boots. Valley Record, Ashland, January 11, 1900, page 1 Wm. Winkle, of Canoochin [Kanutchan] Gulch, near here, was recently attracted by the barking of his dog, and found a large panther treed not over half a mile from his house. Mr. Winkle, who only had a .38-caliber Winchester, fired three times before killing the animal, which measured about ten feet. "Brownsboro Items," Medford Mail, January 12, 1900, page 5 Messrs. A. E. Austin and C. W. Brandon, proprietors of the Medford Steam Laundry, have purchased a steam engine and have the same installed in their establishment, and by its use the work of that institution is lessened by half. These gentlemen have purchased several new articles of machinery for the laundry, and when these are in operation they will have as fine a plant as there is on the coast. They are also figuring on securing a location nearer the town's center, probably near the Bear Creek bridge. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 12, 1900, page 7 Mayor Howser's Banquet.
Medford Eye. Mayor-elect
Howser gave his friends a banquet at his residence on the East Side on
Wednesday evening in honor of his election to the highest office in the
gift of the city [sic]. The
house was filled to overflowing. The band boys with their horns and big
bass drum were there, and the violin, the mandolin, the banjo and the
mouth organ all did their duty to the occasion. There were sedate
judges, cunning lawyers, long-faced preachers, heartless doctors, city
councilmen, enterprising merchants, Democrats, Republicans and
Populists, and that prying, inquisitive, meddlesome newspaper
correspondent. Some were as full as lords--of enthusiasm--on sweet
cider, coffee and cake, handed around by the genial host and hostess
and their assistants.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 13, 1900, page 6 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 15, 1900, page 2 Geo.
F. Merriman has been appointed postmaster of Medford, to succeed M.
Purdin, whose term expires next month. He will make an excellent
Wm. Ulrich was tried a second time this week, on a charge of buying deer hides. As before, the jury disagreed. The case was then dismissed upon motion of the district attorney. Colvig & Reames represented the defendants. Hon. J. J. Howser, who was elected mayor of Medford on the 9th inst., royally entertained a large number of his constituents at his residence a few evenings ago. He will administer the affairs of his new position with credit to himself and to the advantage of our city. The Medford McKinley Club has elected the following delegates to attend the Republican league convention in February: D. T. Lawton, delegate-at-large; C. W. Wolters, W. T. York, F. M. Stewart, A. M. Woodford, W. I. Vawter, I. A. Webb, A. Haberly, G. A. Gregory and H. G. Nicholson. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 15, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 19, 1900, page 3 The Medford D. & R. Co. has received a carload of sulfur, which it is selling very cheap.
The case instituted against the S.P.R.R. Co. by A. A. Davis and wife, for damages, has been dismissed. A large part of Davis' warehouse collapsed under the weight of the wheat stored in it this week, making a great noise and causing considerable commotion. A. H. Chessmore, the genial editor of the Eye, has sold his interest in that newspaper to a gentleman from Cottage Grove, who will take possession about February 1st. We are glad to learn that he will remain among us, however. Frank Shideler, who has been filling the position of prescription clerk in Haskins' drug store, with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of all, has gone to Los Angeles, Calif., where his parents reside, and will engage in business there. His friends wish him unlimited success. It is almost impossible to convict [a] violator of the state game laws, and yet it is very important and necessary that it should be done. A man named Ulrich has been tried three times in southern Oregon for killing deer out of season, and each time the jury has disagreed, although it may be presumed that there was enough evidence to convict. This is very unfortunate. [Portland Telegram. Did Willy ever kill a deer? If so, when? The following will represent our Republican club in the meeting of the state league, which will be held at Portland next month: G. A. Gregory, M. Stewart, W. I. Vawter, D. T. Lawton, A. M. Woodford, C. W. Wolters, I. A. Webb, Rev. A. Haberly, W. T. York, H. G. Nicholson. The list includes three defeated candidates for postmaster and their indignant friends. The successful Merriman-Keene combination was severely sat down upon by the club. All of which is amusing to outsiders. R. H. Halley is really ahead of Mr. Adkins, as he commenced excavating for the foundation for The Mail's new home several weeks ago.
Medford Mail, January 19, 1900, page 7 New Quartz Mill.
Ivan Humason, of Portland, who recently disposed of his drug business
in that city, has been visiting the valley during the past week. He
will put in a 10-stamp mill on the Chavner property, between Houck's
and the bridge at Gold Hill.
Ashland Tidings, January 22, 1900, page 3 Thos. Harlan, formerly of Medford, now publisher of the Register-Democrat at Portland, was in Ashland Friday in the interest of his paper. "Personal," Ashland Tidings, January 22, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 25, 1900, page 3 The
Medford Musical Association will give a concert at the opera house on
Friday night. There will be a chorus of 40 voices. Mrs. R. C. Brooks,
soprano, H. L. Andrews, baritone, and Miss Hattie Oliver, contralto,
will take the leading parts. R. T. Burnett and Miss Aileen Webber will
act as conductor and accompanist, respectively. It promises to be a
handsome affair.
The Eugene Guard says: The guns found back of Hall & Son's store the morning after the attempted burglary of F. E. Dunn's store by the two men captured by Night Watch Croner are about to find an owner. Chief of Police Stiles has received a letter from the marshal at Medford, stating that guns of that description had been stolen from G. L. Schermerhorn in that city. G. A. Gurnea, of Medford, has purchased 2 lots in the rear of the Loomis block on Fourth Street, and will erect a business block on them soon. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 25, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Brace Skeel, who has been employed in the electric light works at Salem, has returned home. His health is poorly.
I was surprised to see how cheap chenille curtains and chenille table and stand covers of all sizes are being sold by G. A. Gurnea of Medford. Chas. H. Pierce and wife arrive from San Francisco Friday, and will become residents of our town, having rented the Faris dwelling. They are quite welcome. Eugene Guard: Horace Mann, formerly editor of the Cottage Grove Messenger, has moved to Medford, where he will take charge of the Southern Oregon Eye. He is an able newspaper writer, and we wish him success in his new field. Silas J. Day, D.D.G.P., on the 24th inst. installed the newly elected officers of Rogue River Encampment No. 30, I.O.O.F., to wit: Frank Wilson, D.P.; H. H. Harvey, H.P.; W. T. York, S.W.; H. E. Boyden, scribe; Z. Maxcy, treasurer. Mayor Howser has become editor of the Free Press and uses the quill in vigorous style. He is against a fusion of the reform forces and advocates the nomination of a straight Populist ticket. The entertainment given at the opera house by the Medford Musical Association on Friday evening was much of a success. The numbers were of a high order, and the large audience liberally encored the performers, nearly all of whom did well. Mrs. R. C. Brooks of Eugene, soprano, and H. R. Andrews of Gold Hill, baritone, essayed the leading roles and confirmed the excellent reputation they enjoy. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 1, 1900, page 3 J. W. Dunn, former proprietor of the Medford Soda Works, has returned to Yreka, Calif., where his family resides.
Dr. J. M. Keene, a member of the State Dental Board, is making an official visit to Portland and incidentally viewing the political situation. Thos. G. Dews, who has been in the employ of Lindley & Co. at Snow, in the Jenny Creek section, arrived at Medford this week, accompanied by this family. He will do some work on his mines in Sterlingville district before returning. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1900, page 3 Mrs. J. C. Hall has been at Gold Hill, visiting her husband.
F. W. Roach and family have become residents of Medford. H. G. Nicholson is in Jacksonville, putting T. J. Kenney's waterworks in position. Mr. Segar of Eugene, the fruit buyer, is with us again. He is shipping several carloads of dried fruit out of the valley. "The Rialto," owned by Hall & Isaacs, will soon be remodeled. The ice cream parlors and confectionery department will be discontinued, we are informed. Geo. Kurtz, proprietor of the Medford cigar factory, who manufactures the New Deal and other popular brands, has been obliged to enlarge his premises. He will soon have handsome quarters. W. H. Barr, who has been visiting in the states east of the Missouri River during the past several weeks, returned last week. He informs us that the weather has been remarkably mild in that section as well as elsewhere. Two or three of our prominent citizens have had a rude awakening during the last fortnight. They took into their confidence one G. H. Willoughby, a "sporty" individual, who has been ostensibly selling furniture, maps and other supplies to school districts, and in turn he has taken them in for various sums of money. It now transpires that several of the orders that Willoughby claimed to have received, and which he hypothecated, were bogus, he having himself signed the names of school officials to them. He left southern Oregon on the night after Christmas, without saying goodbye to his bankers or leaving his future address. Sheriff Orme has offered a reward of $25 for his arrest. It is rumored that Willoughby has been captured, but the officials say they know nothing of it. Mrs. I. L. Arnold, who with her husband has been residing the past year or more at Medford, Oregon, where the Doctor is enjoying an excellent practice in his profession, that of a dentist, arrived in Canon City last Saturday and will spend several months visiting with relatives and friends there and in this county. "Local and Personal," Silver Cliff Rustler, Silver Cliff, Colorado, February 7, 1900, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 8, 1900, page 2 W. H. Bradshaw of Lake Creek, the Populist sachem, is with us today. He is a strong sympathizer with the Boers.
Rev. Father La Croix will hold services at the Catholic Church in Medford, Sunday, at ten o'clock a.m. and three o'clock p.m. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 11, 1900, page 3 Our new depot is looming up, and will be one of the handsomest and most convenient on the S.P. Co.'s lines.
The Democrats will meet at the city hall on the evening of the 14th for the purpose of forming a club. A general invitation is extended. The Medford Steam Laundry has changed hands again, G. B. Griffith, late of Klamath Falls, being the new proprietor. He will do first-class work. Miss Carrie George, the clever agent of the Postal Tel. Co., has been suffering from an attack of the measles. Frank Bellinger has been filling her place. W. L. Orr, foreman of the Olsen mill, and W. H. Moore, his father-in-law, who recently arrived in southern Oregon, spent a few hours at the county seat Saturday. Miss Myrtle Woodford and Miss Hollingsworth, who has been in the employ of Mrs. Sears for some time past, will open a millinery store in Medford next month. They are artists, and qualified to cater to the most fastidious tastes. White, Harbaugh & Co. have purchased of Main & Winchester of San Francisco the two-story brick building situated opposite the Bank of Medford. They intend to thoroughly renovate it soon, and then will have one of the finest and most commodious stores in southern Oregon. Shooting at Medford.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 11, 1900, page 3 Ed
Armstrong, a bricklayer, was shot and wounded three times by A. J.
Hamlin at Medford Sunday night. Two of the bullets struck him in the
right hip, not far apart, and ranged downward, while the other hit him
in the leg. Although two of the wounds are serious, they are not
necessarily fatal. The affray commenced in Charles A. King's saloon
over the interference by Hamlin in a game of cards in which Armstrong
was playing, who struck the latter. Both parties were ordered out of
the building, and the trouble was renewed on the street. Armstrong hit
Hamlin, and the latter then commenced shooting, with the result above
"Bud" Hamlin Punctures Edw. Armstrong with Three Shots from His Revolver--Armstrong Still Alive. A
very serious shooting affair, which may result in the death of its
victim, took place in Medford last evening at 8:40 o'clock. Edw.
Armstrong, a bricklayer and contractor, who is well known in this
locality and also in Northern California, and A. J. Hamlin, who
formerly lived on a ranch on the Mountain road, a few miles from
Jacksonville, became engaged in an altercation in a place known as
Collins' saloon. Both were, it is said, somewhat under the influence of
vinous potations, and were invited to leave the premises. After they
went into the street the quarrel was renewed, and it is alleged that
Hamlin drew his revolver and fired four shots, three of which lodged in
the body of Armstrong, two in the right groin and one in the calf of
the leg.
Hamlin was promptly arrested and lodged in the Medford city jail, where he now languishes, the preliminary trial having been deferred until the result of Armstrong's injuries can be ascertained. Armstrong was given prompt medical attendance, and at the hour of the Tidings going to press he was resting easily, but the physicians were unable to say what the outcome of his injuries would be. Both men were good friends as far as is known before the quarrel which resulted in the shooting. Armstrong bears a good reputation, and has an invalid mother dependent on him for support. Hamlin is a brother of Mrs. Carlyle, who was recently sent to the penitentiary for incendiarism committed near Medford. Ashland Tidings, February 12, 1900, page 3 Liquor Causes Murder. Medford, Ore.,
Feb. 11.--Edward Armstrong, a brick mason, was shot and probably
fatally injured tonight by A. J. Hamlin, a farmer living near here. The
men had been drinking together and became involved in a quarrel.
The San Francisco Call, February 12, 1900, page 3Medford Man Wounded by Jackson Rancher. Special Dispatch to The Call.
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 11.--Ed Armstrong, a bricklayer residing here, was
shot and probably fatally wounded this evening by A. J. Hamlin, a
rancher of Jackson County. Four shots were fired, three taking effect,
two in the right groin and one in the calf of the leg. They had been
quarreling in Collins' saloon. Collins put Armstrong out, Hamlin
following shortly after, when the quarrel was renewed with fatal
Armstrong bears a good reputation and has a mother dependent on him. Hamlin is a brother of Mrs. Carlyle, who was sent to the penitentiary for nine years from Jacksonville for incendiarism. Hamlin was arrested and placed in jail here. The Medford Enquirer has been purchased by Horace Mann, formerly of this county, and is being made to look like a newspaper. Mr. Mann has character and ability, and those elements will do more to build up a community than some of the elements that in these days are considered by some as more potent. He will prove a valuable acquisition to Jackson County. "Journal 'X-Rays'," The Daily Journal, Salem, February 13, 1900, page 4 Drunk and Murderous
Ore., Feb. 13.--A shooting affray occurred on the main street of this
city, resulting in the probable fatal wounding of Ed J. Armstrong by
Bud Hamlin.
The men were both under the influence of liquor, but had had no previous [omission]. Hamlin drew his revolver and fired four shots at Armstrong. The Evening News, San Jose, February 13, 1900, page 1 BUD HAMLIN HELD.
Story of His Shooting Ed Armstrong Sunday Night.
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 13.--The preliminary examination of Bud Hamlin,
charged with attempting to murder Ed Armstrong Sunday night, came up in
the justice court today. Several witnesses testified that the
intoxicated men met outside Collins' saloon, and after passing hard
words Armstrong kicked Hamlin into a glass door, breaking it. The
latter rose and fired three shots into Armstrong. The physician
testified that they may result fatally. Hamlin was bound over to the
circuit court on $1000 bail, which has not yet been furnished.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 14, 1900, page 4 Examined on Murder Charge.
The San Francisco Call, February 14, 1900, page 3
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 13.--The preliminary examination of A. J. Hamlin,
who shot Ed Armstrong here last Sunday, was held today before Justice
of the Peace James Stewart. Hamlin was placed under $1000 bonds to
appear before the next grand jury.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 15, 1900, page 3 W. I. Vawter has been elected city attorney by the council.
F. Hubbard and wife of Sacramento, Calif. are visiting in Medford. H. C. Emery, a popular young man from Ashland, is chief clerk at Hotel Nash. Extensive preparations are being made for the Populist reunion that will be held here on the 22nd. F. M. Plymale, the well-known pioneer, is quite low and not expected to survive long, we are sorry to learn. A grand ball and cakewalk will be given at the opera house on the night of Feb. 22nd by Paine's celebrated orchestra. J. J. Brophy was a visitor in Medford the forepart of the week. He is busily engaged in improving his place on Lost Creek. If you want to register, and thus be able to vote at the coming elections, call on Jas. Stewart, J.P., at his office in Medford. W. E. Macaulay, the champion tamale manufacturer, has made a number of improvements on his stand. He never fails to please. Fred McCullough of Seattle arrived Tuesday morning for a short stay in Medford. He has a first-class position in the principal city of Washington, and has done well since he left here. Miss Carrie George, the popular representative of the Postal Tel. Co., is again at her post. She has been appointed agent of the S.F. Call, and has secured a large subscription list already. Miss Pearl Webb, the amiable and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb, gave a party at the residence of her parents Saturday evening, which was one of the pleasantest social events of the season. Grace Christa, aged 6 years, was committed to the charge of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Portland. She has been abused and deserted by her unnatural mother, who is evidently experienced in this line, having left three children under like circumstances to the charity of the world. A.
J. Hamlin, who shot Ed. Armstrong at Medford Sunday, was held to answer
by Justice Stewart. His bonds were fixed at $1,000, which he gave. The
wounded man is improving, and will soon be out again. The evidence
adduced at the preliminary examination was rather favorable to Hamlin.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 15, 1900, page 3 THE HEARING OF HAMLIN
For Shooting Edw. Armstrong in Medford Sunday Night, Before Judge Stewart Tuesday!--Hamlin Admitted to Bail. The preliminary
hearing of A. J. Hamlin, alias "Bud," charged with assault with a
deadly weapon on the person of Edward Armstrong, on the streets of
Medford Sunday night, following a quarrel which the men had engaged in
[in] Collins' saloon, a report of which was fully printed in Monday's
issue of the Tidings, took
place before Justice James Stewart in Medford Tuesday. District
Attorney C. B. Watson prosecuted the case on the part of the state,
while the defendant was represented by Messrs. Colvig and Reames of
Jacksonville. It being shown by the testimony of doctors Waite and
Stephenson, who attended the injured man, that the three shots which
had been fired into the body of Hamlin were not as serious in their
work as at first thought, and that the assault was not a premeditated
one on the part of Hamlin, nor entirely unprovoked, the judge held
Hamlin to appear before the next session of the Jackson County Circuit
Court in the sum of $1000.
Today's advices state that Armstrong is improving. Hamlin still remains in jail, having thus far failed to furnish the $1,000 bond required for his release. Ashland Tidings, February 15, 1900, page 3 Mrs. R. T. King returned to her home in Medford, Oregon Wednesday after a week's visit with Rev. S. Finis King and wife. "Local and Personal," Urich Herald, Urich, Missouri, February 15, 1900, page 5 Shooting Affair at Medford.
Medford had a shooting scrape to break the quiet and peace of the city
Sunday night about 9 o'clock in front of Collins & King's saloon.
A. J. Hamlin, better known as Bud Hamlin and son of the well-known
pioneer citizen the late James Hamlin, shot Edw. Armstrong, a brick
layer and contractor of that place. Four shots were fired from his
revolver and three entered the person of Armstrong.Both men were drinking during the evening and from the reports it appears that Hamlin was playing cards in the saloon with other parties when Armstrong began abusing and interrupting him. During the dispute the bartender ordered Armstrong out of the house and in going out, Armstrong challenged Hamlin to come outside and threatened to do him up. Hamlin came out, when Armstrong struck him, Hamlin replying with four shots from his .32-caliber revolver. Hamlin remained about the place and was soon taken into custody by Marshal Murray. Armstrong was promptly taken care of by a physician. The preliminary examination took place before Justice of the Peace James Stewart Tuesday, District Attorney C. B. Watson representing the state and Colvig & Reames the defendant. After hearing the evidence of the prosecution's witnesses the case rested. Justice Stewart bound Hamlin over to trial before the April term of circuit court and announced the bail at $1500. Defendant's attorneys made a plea for a lower bail but in vain. District Attorney Watson then asked the court for a reduction of bail, when the court fixed it at $1000. The amount was furnished by W. J. King and the prisoner released from custody. Armstrong has been about Medford for some time, is a good mechanic and considered a good citizen when sober, and is the main support of a widowed mother. Hamlin has had a more or less turbulent career in the courts. Last fall his sister, Mrs. Rosanna Wilson-Carlisle, set fire to his barn and hay stack, later confessed and is now serving a nine years' sentence in the Oregon penitentiary. Armstrong is still alive. The wound in the groin is the most dangerous. One ball went in the back and the other in the leg. Valley Record, Ashland, February 15, 1900, page 4 Shot Him Three Times.
usual Sunday evening quietude of Medford was broken in upon last Sunday
night when four revolver shots rang out in a quick succession, and when
the smoke had cleared away, Ed. Armstrong, a brickmason, was lying on
the sidewalk in front of the Turf Exchange Saloon, with three bullets
in his person, the same having been fired from a revolver in the hands
of "Bud" Hamlin. Armstrong was picked up by his friends and carried to
Hotel Nash, where Drs. Wait and Stephenson, who had been summoned,
examined the wounds, which were found, one in the right groin, one in
the right hip and one in the calf of the left leg. Two of the bullets
were probed for and were removed, but the one which entered the hip the
physicians were unable to remove. The wounds were dressed, and the
injured man was taken to his home in northwest Medford.
It was between eight and nine o'clock when the shooting took place. Prior to the shooting Hamlin and Armstrong had indulged in an altercation over some trivial matter, all of which had been brought to a fighting focus by an overindulgence in red liquor. Marshal Murray at once placed Hamlin under arrest, and he was put in the city jail and on Tuesday he was arraigned before Justice Stewart upon a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon. The case was conducted for the state by District Attorney Watson, and the defense was represented by Colvig & Reames. Hamlin was held for trial in the circuit court under bonds of $1000, which were secured with J. R. Wilson and M. Bybee as sureties. The evidence was in effect that the parties had been quarreling in the Turf Exchange Saloon during the evening, and but a few minutes prior to the shooting they were ordered out of the building by the proprietor. Armstrong went out first and Hamlin followed, and when standing in the doorway he (Hamlin) was seen to have a revolver, .32 caliber, in his hand. Armstrong started across the street toward the Nash and Hamlin walked alongside the saloon, telling Armstrong not to follow him. Bantering continued and they both turned back, coming together near the saloon door, when Armstrong struck Hamlin, and the shooting immediately followed. Armstrong will recover. Medford Mail, February 16, 1900, page 2 There will be no street lights for a few weeks. Mr. Proudfoot's contract with the city expired last night, and a new one will not be made at present. The board has under consideration a plan for harnessing up some one of the streams in the adjoining mountains and transmitting power to the city by wire. Should this project seem feasible an electric light plant will undoubtedly be put in by the city and the power for running it and the pumping plant secured as above stated. The undertaking, or at least the preliminary steps leading to a possible undertaking, is commendable, and the council in their efforts on these lines should have the endorsement of all our townspeople. Nothing will advance the town's best interest more than will the securing of cheap power for the town's use and for the use of manufacturing plants which may desire a location here. While this power proposition is being talked of it is to be regretted that an abundant supply of pure mountain water cannot be considered, but the councilmen deem this too expensive a project to consider at this time. Should a desirable site for water power be secured it is barely possible that the council will purchase Mr. Proudfoot's electric light plant, a proposition to sell having been made them by Mr. Proudfoot. I will pay $3 per dozen for all chickens, except old roosters, delivered at my place of business on or before February 17th. G. L. Davis. H. G. Nicholson has finished a big job of plumbing in T. J. Kenney's new residence in Jacksonville. This new home of one of Jacksonville's capitalists and hustling business men is one of the finest in that burg of beautiful homes, and Tom has good reasons for throwing bouquets at himself because that he possesses it. A. C. Nicholson, of this city, did the carpentering work on the structure. Dr. Goble, the optician, will be at his residence in Medford on Saturday of each week. Eyes tested free of charge. Corner Fourth and D streets. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 16, 1900, page 7 DEATH OF FRANCIS PLYMALE.
The San Francisco Call, February 19, 1900, page 3Was One of the Leading Citizens of Medford. Special Dispatch to The Call.
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 18.--Francis M. Plymale died here yesterday. He was born in Giles County, Virginia, March 17, 1833. His parents removed from Virginia to Illinois in 1835, and from Illinois to Rogue River Valley, Oregon, in 1852. Mr. Plymale took up a donation land claim in the heart of the valley and engaged in farming and buying and selling stock. When the Southern Pacific railroad was completed and the town of Medford established Mr. Plymale became partner in the mercantile business of Angle & Plymale. The partnership was dissolved a short time since and the firm retired from business. Mr. Plymale was a public-spirited man and has been one of the prime factors in Medford's growth and prosperity. He leaves a widow, two sons and three daughters, well provided for. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
The curious are wondering why Lin Purdin goes to Jacksonville semi-occasionally.
John F. White and family are at Jacksonville, having been called thither by the fatal illness of Mrs. W.'s father, T. G. Reames. Joaquin Miller lectured in Medford Monday evening to a good-sized audience. Most of his hearers expected too much and were disappointed. Dr. S. Abbott, the expert veterinary surgeon, is making Medford his headquarters. He has no superior in the state, and those needing his services will find his work first-class and charges reasonable. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 22, 1900, page 2
The case of smallpox at Grants Pass has put other towns of the
valley on their guard, and the people are admonished to use every
precaution possible to prevent the dreaded disease getting a foothold
in their respective localities. In Medford the mayor has posted notices
asking that those of our townspeople stay away from the depot when
trains are arriving or departing, who have no business to transact
there. The recorder has been ordered by the councilmen to post notices
advising our people to be vaccinated at once, and such notices have
been posted. It would hardly seem that people would need be cautioned
as to these matters as all know, or ought to, the serious consequences
of an epidemic of contagious disease. Cleanliness is one of the worst
enemies of disease germs, and everybody should see to it that their
premises are cleanly at all times. A heap of rubbish or a box of
decaying vegetables are breeding places for all disease germs. Remove
them from your premises. Haul them to the garbage yard or dumping
ground and by doing so you will fortify your family's health.
Billiard hall reopened by W. L. Townsend--patronage solicited and courteous treatment promised. Cigars, tobacco, nuts and candies carried in stock. Soft drinks. Strict order maintained. D. T. Lawton is tearing away the fence and old buildings from his lots on North B Street, and just as soon as S. Childers having been awarded the contract for putting it up. The building is to be a fine one, and no mistake. It will be 50x75 feet in size, one story high, with an elevated and artistically ornamented front. The building will front on B Street and extend back along the alley between Sixth and Seventh streets. On the front there will be six large windows and three doors, 7x10 feet in size, and on the alley side there will be three windows and one large door. When completed it will be used by the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., farm implement dealers, and for which company Mr. Lawton is local agent for Southern Oregon. For convenience this building will be an ideal one, and as an improvement to that part of the city it will be a monument to Mr. Lawton's worth as a public-spirited and progressive citizen. The old photograph gallery standing on the ground and being used by F. W. Wait as a marble shop will probably be removed to the west side of the track--onto some property which Mr. Lawton owns there. G. W. Priddy is going to run his brick yard to its fullest capacity this season, and within a few days he will commence the manufacture of brick for the new Halley block, which he has the contract to put up, and for which is now putting in the foundation. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 23, 1900, page 7 Childers Bros., at Medford, Ore., have their kiln of 100,000 brick nearly ready for burning. G. W. Priddy also has about 60,000 ready for burning. When these kilns are opened there will be renewed activity in building, as several parties are waiting for brick. "Pacific Coast News," February 25, 1900, quoted in Brick and Clay Record, May 1900, page 214 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 27, 1900, page 2 Hon. Peter Fordney has become a resident of Central Point precinct.
E. L. Gurnea arrived from Portland last week and will be joined by his family in a short time. Messrs. Reeves and Orser returned a few days since from Lakeview, where they had been on timberland business. D. T. Lawton will shortly commence the erection of a large brick block on B Street. Contractor Childers will do the work. W. Mahoney, the genial night operator of the S.P. Co. in Medford, is taking a vacation, and his place is being acceptably filled by Frank King. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 1, 1900, page 3
Fitch, Jr., who formerly resided at Medford, was one of the inmates of
a tourist car which was turned over in a collision with a freight
train, near Tracy, Calif., last week. He escaped with a sprained knee.
None of the others were seriously hurt.
G. F. Merriman has received his commission as postmaster of Medford and yesterday, March 1st, he took upon himself the duties incident to the position. The Mail don't see a thing in the way of George making a first-class postmaster, and we are of the opinion he will give us good service. There are two essentials quite necessary in successfully conducting a post office. One of them is the accommodation of the public to the greatest extent possible and not infringe upon the rules and regulations as laid down by the department. The other, and principal one, is to always have your office books posted to date and cash in the safe in sufficient amount to check even with the cash book. The public ofttimes expect more of a postmaster than the rules and regulations of the department will permit him to grant. When a postmaster tells you that he cannot comply with some request you have made or favor you have asked, don't get angry and cuss him. It will do no good. He knows the rules and regulations and you don't, and all the blasphemy you can heap upon him will not lessen his chances for serving out his full term as postmaster. There is little chance for controversy between postmasters and the office patrons, and a postmaster who is discreet will not engage himself in argument. On the other hand, patrons are entitled to courteous treatment at all times. Even if the same question is asked an hundred times a day by different parties, each is entitled to a civil answer. Messrs. Palm, Whitman & Palm, the gentlemen who are now engaged in manufacturing tin novelties--such as flour bins, bread and egg cases--and are doing a good business in that line, are soon to open a cigar factory. Their stock of goods has already been purchased, as have also the required tools, molds and presses. They will employ girls in the factor and will start in with five, but if business is such as they expect it will be they will put on at least twenty-five girls, perhaps more. Mr. G. F. Palm, one of the members of the firm, has for years been connected with a large cigar factory in Coshocton, Ohio, and is an all-round factory man. This Ohio institution employs 160 girls, and their cigars are known in all parts of the East. While the Medford factory does not hope to take on pretensions like unto the Ohio institution for a few years, still the proprietors are hopeful that such a condition may exist in the not very distant future. The firm will not give up the manufacture of their tinware, but instead will push into new territory with their goods. The merchants of Southern Oregon and northern California have been pretty well supplied, and the Willamette Valley will be the next field to cover. Ed Armstrong, who was shot a few weeks ago by Bud Hamlin, is said to be improving, and there seems nothing now in the way of his recovery. One of the three bullets, which could not be located when the wounds were first dressed, was removed this week by the attending physicians, Drs. Stephenson and Wait. Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale--50 cents for setting of 15. Will deliver at Davis' grocery story, Medford, each week. J. W. Smith. Dr. Pickel, assisted by Drs. Hargrave and Stephenson, on Sunday last performed a surgical operation upon a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simpson, the same being the removal of a tubercular diseased bone from the girl's leg below the knee. The piece removed was about two inches in length. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 2, 1900, page 7 Died.
At the family residence in Willow Springs Precinct, Jackson County,
Oregon, February 22, 1900 of pneumonia, Alvina Peninger, wife of W. H.
Peninger, aged 39 years.Mrs. Peninger, nee Vina Hess, was a sister of Mrs. Wm. Bomhoff and Mrs. F. Theilacker. She lived in this city for several years, where she gained the friendship of all who knew her, and who extend their sympathy to the bereaved family during their sad hours. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, March 3, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1900, page 3
The new depot is nearing completion and only awaits the painters now.
Miss Letha Hardin is acceptably filling a position as clerk in the post office. Miss Hollingsworth has opened an art studio in the opera block and is organizing a class. Ed. Armstrong, who was shot by Bud Hamlin a few weeks ago, is improving and is in a fair way to recover. Francis Fitch, the well-known attorney, has returned from California and will locate in Medford for the practice of his profession. G. W. Priddy will shortly commence the manufacture of brick for the new Halley block, which he has the contract for constructing. G. F. Merriman, Medford's new postmaster, assumed the duties of his office on March 1st. George will make an accommodating and efficient official. W. H. Parker is meeting with gratifying success in the disposal of his book "A Key to the Oregon Law," and states that over 500 copies will be required to meet the demand in this state. The city council has contracted with R. A. Proudfoot to supply the town with street lights for a few weeks until an electric light plant can be purchased. The council has under consideration two sources of power both on Rogue River, one near Tolo and the other near the Bybee Bridge. Medford is having a building boom. Capt. Nash has contracted with G. W. Priddy to put up the annex to the Hotel Nash. A. D. Helms is preparing to erect a 25x60 saloon building on his lot next [to] the Nash. J. E. Enyart, Ed. Bodge and Dr. Arnold will erect dwelling houses in the near future. Besides there are a number of other buildings in contemplation. The continued storms of last week kept a great many people away from the Populist reunion at Medford on February 22nd. However, quite a large number of citizens from various portions of the county were here. At 12:30 a bounteous repast was served at Woolf's Hall, to which about ninety people did full justice. After dinner the crowd adjourned to the opera house, where the meeting was addressed by a number of prominent populists. Medford is, at last, in a fair way to have pure mountain water at a reasonable expense. Williams & Belser, capitalists of San Francisco, have been looking over the ground with a view to bringing the waters of Little Butte Creek to Medford, and have submitted two propositions to the city. They do not ask for a bonus, simply a guarantee of patronage. They will build the canal necessary to bring the water and furnish the citizens of the town with water, provided they will use as much as in 1899, or will furnish the city authorities with so much water, to be disposed of by the citizens. At a mass meeting of the citizens held last week a committee was appointed to investigate matters and lay their findings before the city board. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 8, 1900, page 3 Walter Cofer, formerly of Medford, was recently married at Jackson, Calif.
L. Wigle is carrying his hand in a sling, as a result of getting that member too close to a steam wood saw in active operation. Wm. Clark, the well-known horseman, has recently purchased a full-blooded Clydesdale stallion. The animal weighs 1700 pounds. Capt. J. T. C. Nash last week received news from his old home in Maine for the first time in a number of years and thus learned that two brothers he had long thought dead were still in the land of the living. He had also been mourned by his family as dead. The school board has purchased a parcel of land lying between the school yard and the Medford-Jacksonville railroad, paying $215 therefor. L. A. Murphy and family have moved from Medford to their farm home, on Griffin Creek. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 6, 1900, page 7
As will be seen by dissolution notice, published elsewhere in this
paper, Drs. Odgers & Arnold have severed their connections and
are now doing dentistry in separate apartments. Dr. Arnold is in the
rooms formerly occupied by the firm, and Dr. Odgers has fitted up rooms
in the Adkins block.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 12, 1900, page 3 M. Purdin is visiting his son Ira at Redding, Calif.
Dr. Odgers and Arnold, the dentists, have dissolved partnership, and now each is doing work on his own account. The Medford school board has purchased the parcel of land lying between the school house and the R.R.V.R.R., paying $215 therefor. True Cox and J. A. Perry have leased ground from the railroad company just west of the old depot and will erect a warehouse 40x100 feet in size. Miss Emma Davis, formerly of Medford but now a resident of Crescent City, Calif., where she removed [some] time since with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Davis, was severely injured a [illegible] falling. Mrs. J. A. Anderson of Santa Rosa, Calif., formerly of this valley, visited friends in Medford last week while on her return from Portland, to where she had been called by the wounding of her son Arthur by the accidental discharge of a rifle. The people of Lake Creek are anxious for the success of the project to bring the waters of Little Butte Creek to Medford. A great deal of land in that section would be covered by the ditch, which is now unproductive on account of want of water. A successful operation was performed last week on W. H. Stewart by Dr. Jones & Shearer, consisting of removing twenty-seven pieces of skin from his shoulder and grafting them on his forearm. Mr. Stewart was badly scalded when but three years of age, and no natural skin had ever grown on the arm. Geo. S. Parker, formerly of Medford, late editor of the Ione Post, was arrested last week on a charge of embezzlement, in the misuse of money coming into his hands as U.S. commissioner at Ione. His many friends in this section will be loath to believe that George has been guilty of anything criminal and hope to hear of his exoneration. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 15, 1900, page 3
S.P. depot caught fire Wednesday from the flue and was in considerable
danger for a short time. The prompt arrival of the fire company and
good work on their part prevented what might have been a dangerous
conflagration. The timely discovery of the fire by conductor Neil of
the R.R.V.R.R. had much to do with the fortunate result.
Miss Hattie Howard, a Medford girl who gives the town marshal and the public considerable concern both in the manner of wearing striking and sensational colors and style of clothes as well as in other forms of conduct not laid down in the repertoire of a good girl's manners, has again been creating more excitement. A warrant was sworn out for her arrest last Friday, and it was intended to commit her to the reform school for girls the next day. But the officer was too slow with the warrant and the girl vanished and has not been seen about Medford since. Valley Record, Ashland, March 15, 1900, page 3 School Clerk Garl T. Jones has completed his work of taking the school census of this district. The total number of children of school age is 714; of this number there are 361 boys and 353 girls. Last year the census showed 673, the increase this year over last therefore being 43. C. H. Elmore is this week engaged in putting up a new Star windmill for Thos. Gilson, on North C Street. Mr. Gilson will put up a large tank and will have pipes connected thereto with which he will water his lawn and garden. A. H. Chessmore has wood choppers at work getting out several hundred cords of wood from his wood lot, recently purchased, on Griffin Creek. He will endeavor to supply the Medford market, in part, next winter. Street Commissioner Bert Hooker was engaged this week in putting in a bridge across the water ditch, near the Bradbury planing mill. He has also been putting in numerous culverts about the city. J. H. Ward, who formerly resided in Medford, has sold out his livery business in Montrose, Colo., and has moved to Boulder, same state. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 16, 1900, page 2 Miss Hattie Springer, who has been stopping in Medford several months with her sister, Mrs. L. H. Settles, left last week for Spokane, Wash., where she goes to work in a hospital, as nurse. Mrs. M. A. Stoddard, who has been in the valley for several weeks past visiting her sons, the Taylor boys, left Tuesday evening for Portland, where she resides with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Mundy. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 16, 1900, page 6 A fire alarm was turned in Wednesday, and very soon the fire boys were making a swift run for the scene of conflagration. It proved to be on the old depot of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, a spark from the Medford-Jacksonville shortline engine having ignited the roof of the depot. Water was soon turned on, and the fire was put out before any great damage was done. Had the fire gotten a little headway the depot could not have been saved, as there was a stiff breeze blowing at the time and the roof was very dry. A hole as large as a man's body was burned in the roof, and water from the hose soaked things pretty badly on the inside. F. V. Medynski left Monday night for Alaska. This time his objective point is Cape Nome. He will join a number of acquaintances at Seattle, and the party will go into Dawson over the pass. From the terminus of the railroad at the summit of the pass they will equip themselves with several dog teams and a couple of horses and make the trip to Dawson on sleds. Mr. Medynski will remain at Dawson until river navigation opens, when he will go to Nome and there do prospecting. Mr. Medynski has spent eighteen months in this northern country and has become thoroughly conversant with the topography of the country and the requirements of man in successful quests for the yellow metal. Among the welcome callers at the Mail office last Saturday was Michael Dillon, who bought the Richardson ranch from W. F. Williamson early in the winter. Mr. Dillon came here with his family from Clinton County, Mo. last November, and has become thoroughly settled. They are highly pleased with the climate and the reports of severe storms in their old home, while we are enjoying sunshine and flowers, serves to make them all the more so. The fourteen-month-old daughter of Mrs. F. E. Brown died in this city Monday morning from whooping cough. The little one had been sick for about six weeks. Funeral services were held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Butler, parents of Mrs. Brown, on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Haberly officiating. All Medford extends to the bereaved mother and relatives its most earnest and heartfelt sympathy. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 16, 1900, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 19, 1900, page 3 Mrs. J. C. Hall and son have returned from a visit to Gold Hill.
F. V. Medynski left a few days since for Alaska, his objective point being Cape Nome. The Republican Club of Medford elected officers at its meeting last week as follows: J. S. Howard, president; F. M. Stewart, vice-president; W. T. York, secretary; Carl Narregan, treasurer. Chief Engineer McCray of the Rogue River Ditch Co. arrived from San Francisco a few days ago and has gone to Little Butte Creek to commence work on the preliminary survey of the ditch. A Wayward Girl Found
Howard, a wayward girl of Medford, who had disappeared from home, was
found last week in Dunsmuir, where she had been arrested. "Captain" A.
S. Smith, it appears, had followed the young girl to Dunsmuir and
endeavored to procure a license to marry her there without success. She
was brought back to Medford on Thursday evening's train.
Ashland Tidings, March 19, 1900, page 2 Here is a piece of humor from Horace Mann's Medford Enquirer, not dry at all: Col. Hofer, of The Capital Journal, this month issued a very neat magazine, entitled "Truth." Among its contents we find an article which declares that Western Oregon is adapted to the rearing of a superior race. No doubt, from our experience in the Willamette Valley, the Colonel means a race of ducks. "Journal 'X-Rays'," The Daily Journal, Salem, March 19, 1900, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1900, page 3 L. G. Porter and wife made the county seat a visit one day this week.
The Bank of Medford has made application for a charter as a national bank, which will doubtless be granted. Only first-class, up-to-date work done at the Medford Photograph Gallery, opposite post office. Prices reasonable, nevertheless. Francis Fitch, who has again located in Medford for the practice of his profession, has been joined by his wife and daughter. They arrived from San Francisco one day last week. A. H. Boothby was robbed of a watch left at his boarding house in Medford. Two tramps were arrested and charged with the theft. Hattie Howard, the unfortunate Medford girl of 15 years, whose sad experiences in Dunsmuir were related in Monday's Tidings, was committed to the Magdalene Home, near Portland, Saturday by County Judge Crowell. Charles Prim of Jacksonville took charge of the girl on the way to her new home. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, March 22, 1900, page 3 The M.E. Church in Medford is being repainted and thoroughly renovated. When completed it will present a fine appearance. M. M. Gault, who has been engineer on the R.R.V.R.R. for several years, contemplates locating and engaging in business in Medford. Mr. Gault will open a machine shop there in the near future. "Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, March 22, 1900, page 3 Hattie Howard, a wayward girl of 15, was examined before Judge Crowell Friday, who adjudged her incorrigible and sent her to the Magdalene Home in Portland. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, March 23, 1900, page 3 Real Estate Transfers.
T. E. Pottenger to W. S. Jones, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 46, Medford . . . 75
W. I. Vawter et al. to Minnie Theiss, lot 4, blk 6; and blks 6 and 7, Beatty's addition, Medford . . . 1 Henry Vogeli to Geo. W. Isaacs, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 53, Medford . . . 633 P. H. Oviatt and wife to F. Barneburg, lot 1, blk 60, Medford . . . 250 Conrad Mingus to Lavina Mingus, 3.01 acres, also lots 5, 6 and 7, blk 2, all in Medford, love and affection . . . 5 R. H. Whitehead and wife to Edith Bradbury, lot 12, blk 1, and w½ of lots 1 and 2, blk 18, all in Beatty's addition, Medford . . . 100 Rebecca A. Finney to trustees First Presbyterian Church, Medford, lots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, blk 54 . . . 1500 Donna and J. A. Griffis to E. C. Wait, lot 6, blk 52, Medford . . . 150 N. B. Bradbury and wife to Josephine Poe, lot 3 and w½ of lots 1 and 2, blk 18, Beatty addition to Medford . . . 300 F. D. McCullough to F. K. Deuel, 1 acre, Galloway addition to Medford . . . 200 Medford Mail, March 23, 1900, page 5 Mrs. I. A. Mounce left Medford last Thursday for La Grande, near which place Mr. Mounce has rented a small farm and will engage in dairying. Miss Lizzie Townsend left Thursday evening for Portland, where she will remain for several months. Her Orchard Home tract of land is for rent. W. T. Nelson and family, of Oroville, Calif., arrived in Medford Wednesday evening. Mr. Nelson will be employed at the sugar pine mills on Rogue River. His family will remain in Medford. Mrs. Francis Fitch and daughter, Frances, arrived in Medford last week from San Francisco and will from now on make Medford their future home, Mr. Fitch having resumed the law practice in this locality which he left a couple or three years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarvis, of Salem, were in Medford Tuesday upon a visit to F. W. Starr and family. Mrs. Jarvis is a daughter of Mr. Starr. These people have chosen Southern Oregon as their future abiding place and have leased the dining room of the Gold Hill Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gray came down from Prospect last week. Mr. Gray is one of the owners of the extensive Prospect Lumber Mill. His visit down at this time was for the purpose of bringing Mrs. Gray to this city to start on an extended visit to her old home in New York state. Capt. G. Voorhies came down from Portland Tuesday to look over his big fruit orchard, out south of Medford. He finds everything in fine shape and the prospects more promising than they were last year. His visit was only a brief one, having returned to Portland Wednesday evening. Samuel Collins and family arrived in Medford Sunday from Whitehall, Iowa. Mrs. Collins is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moyer, of this city. These people come with the intention of remaining, and if they make as good citizens as Mr. and Mrs. Moyer we will be glad of their coming. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 23, 1900, page 6 Frank Wilson has added new show cases and side shelving to his bakery. Within a few weeks he will fit up ice cream parlors and put in a soda fountain, when he will be fixed to quench the thirst or appease the hunger of the weary wayfarer. F. M. Stewart and A. H. Chessmore have joined issues and are now doing business as the Southern Oregon Real Estate and Employment Agency. They have rented office rooms near F. M. Wilson's bakery, and Mr. Stewart is there installed as manager of the agency. Both these gentlemen are honorable citizens of our town and will undoubtedly get a share of the business. They propose getting out a descriptive pamphlet of the Rogue River Valley for use in supplying information to prospective locators. In another column of this paper they have taken space in which they invite patronage. George Kurtz is putting on more style than any of the business men these times. He has his cigar store newly fitted with solid oak shelving and counters--all made by Weeks Bros. George is building up a splendid cigar and tobacco trade--and he deserves it. He has had an uphill pull for two or three years, but the tide has now turned, and success seems within easy grasp. His place is a model of neatness throughout, and the goods he manufactures and keeps for sale have merit in them that invites trade. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1900, page 7 Mrs. Francis Fitch, of San Francisco, joined her husband here last Sunday. They will remain in this city permanently. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, March 25, 1900, page 14 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1900, page 2 A. H. Chessmore and F. M. Stewart have opened a real estate office and employment agency in Medford.
Medford has quarantined against Grants Pass on account of the smallpox in the latter town. Grants Pass has as a consequence sworn eternal enmity against Medford, says the Roseburg Review. There was a lively contest last Saturday between those in favor of Prof. Narregan for county judge and A. S. Hammond for district attorney and those opposed to them. The former won, though by a small margin. There came near being another shooting affray in Medford Saturday night. Two young men, one who quite recently came from Josephine County, and the other a resident of Gold Hill, became involved in a game of cards, when an old man named O'Brien, a companion of the former, pulled his pistol and might have shot but for the timely interference of a bystander. O'Brien has made gun plays before--once holding up a man who owed him a small sum of money, near Selma, Josephine County. Real Estate Transfers.
S. S. Strayer and wife to W. H. Hamlin, a parcel of land in Medford . . . 850
T. F. Gooch and wife to W. H. Hamlin, part of lot 10, blk 8, Park addition to Medford . . . 1 C. A. Clark and wife to Rebecca A. Finney, lot 14, blk 54, Medford . . . 1 Medford Mail, March 30, 1900, page 4 Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing by and
between J. W. Odgers and Ira L. Arnold, under the name and style of
Odgers & Arnold, dentists, is by mutual consent this day dissolved.
Dr. Arnold will continue business at the old stand, and Dr. Odgers has
fitted up rooms in the Adkins block.
Medford, Oregon, March 9, 1900.IRA L. ARNOLD. Medford Mail, March 30, 1900, page 4 Ivan Humason, promoter of the Gold Hill Development Company, returned from Portland Friday, where he attended the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Anna Jackson. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, March 30, 1900, page 5 Market Report.
The following are the prices paid by our merchants this week for farm
produce. This list will be changed each week as the prices changes:
Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47½
Mail, March 30, 1900, page 6Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Flour. . . . . . . . $1.50 per 100 lbs. Barley . . . . . . $1.10 " " " Mill Feed . . . . .90¢ " " " Potatoes . . . . . $1 " " " Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 per doz. Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17¢ per lb. Beans, dry. . . . . . . . . . 03¢ " lb. Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 " lb. Hams . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 " lb. Shoulders . . . . . . . . . . 09 " lb. Lard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 " lb. Hogs, live . . . . . . . . . . 03¢ " lb. Archie Ray, recently from Oakland, Oregon, has purchased the West Side blacksmith shop from I. M. Marcy. The work of grading H Street, north from Seventh, was commenced last week. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, March 30, 1900, page 6 Mrs. J. B. Rhinehart expects to leave soon for Southern California, where her husband has decided to locate. Lillian and Eugene will remain in Medford for a few months, at least. Miss Elva Galloway left Monday for Klamath Falls, where she will teach school. The Mail congratulates the school that is so fortunate as to have Miss Galloway as its teacher. Charlie Childs came down from Lebanon last week. He has been at work in a hardware store there for several months, but a complication in the firm's business affairs makes his return uncertain. Joe Shone came up from Yreka the fore part of last week and returned on Friday accompanied by his family. They expect to remain in that place, where Mr. Shone is engaged in business. The best wishes of all Medford go with them. They are good citizens and worthy [of] the respect and confidence of any town's people--but how they could pack up and leave their beautiful home in Medford is a stunner to us. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kurtz left for Portland Saturday with their little girl, whom they were taking to a hospital for treatment. It will be remembered that the little one burned its throat very badly a few weeks ago with concentrated lye, which it drank. Mr. Kurtz returned from Portland yesterday morning. He left Mrs. Kurtz and the little girl there and reports that a surgical operation was performed and that it was very successful. The child, which is only two and a half years old, was two hours under the effects of [the] anesthetics which were administered during the operation. Mr. Kurtz is satisfied the child will recover, but it will be two or three weeks before it can be brought home. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 30, 1900, page 6 There was a lively runaway in Medford last Saturday forenoon. S. E. Enney was driving a team through the streets hitched to a light wagon and carrying a large banner, telling of the Gardner auction sale--also ringing a bell at intervals. When he was passing the Davis flouring mill one of the horses became frightened at the banner and began running. The other horse joined with him, and the two came flying up Front Street at a very swift pace, notwithstanding Mr. Enney's efforts to stop them. As they turned toward the depot at the Nash Hotel one of the horses struck its head and shoulder against a large telephone pole and fell to the ground. The other horse sped on across the street with the wagon when it became tangled with the harness and wagon pole and was caught. Mr. Enney was thrown from the wagon and landed fully thirty feet away, but fortunately, and miraculously, escaped with only a few bruises. The horse which struck the telephone pole died a couple of hours later. An examination disclosed the fact that its back was broken. With such force did it strike the pole, which is an unusually large one, that the twenty or more wires at the top of the pole were badly tangled, and some them were broken from their fastenings. The horses belonged to Mr. Gardner, and his loss is keenly felt as the animal was a good one and a fine driver. The wagon is something of a wreck, itself. Liveryman J. A. Perry has purchased a dwelling lot from J. A. Morey, paying therefor $200. We would like to say that this is one of the very best building spots in all Medford, but as the property "jines" onto the little three-cornered parcel of realty which The Mail owns, a sense of blowing our own horn over Mr. Perry's shoulder comes over us and we don't dare say it--however, it's a good buy and one that Mr. Perry will never regret. He will probably build a fine residence thereon this summer. The Mail family has reason to congratulate itself--Mr. and Mrs. Perry will throw bouquets later--perhaps. Dr. W. S. Jones has decided to erect a ten-room dwelling on his property in Medford. The site for the new residence will be where now stands his present place of abode. The old house will be sold and moved away. His barn will be moved across the alley onto a couple of lots which he recently purchased from Ed. Pottenger. With this arrangement the doctor will have ample room to make a home place second to none in Medford. Work on the new building will commence in a few weeks. Cashier J. E. Enyart has purchased five lots from Conrad Mingus in block No. 44, Medford, paying $400 on the same. This property is situated on the corner of F and Sixth streets, east from A. M. Woodford's residence. Mr. Enyart has plans made for a fine residence which he expects to build thereon this season. If Jess puts up a residence like the plan he now has mapped out, he will have a home just a little prettier and more convenient than anything in Medford. H. H. Howard has had a spray pipe put in at his grocery store, for the purpose of sprinkling vegetables. G. L. Davis also has one of these sprinkling apparatuses, put in last season. They are a great help in keeping in a fresh condition the great quantities of vegetables handled by our grocers. George Deitrich has had carpenters at work for several days past finishing up his residence, corner I and Fifth streets. George has had this dwelling under course of construction for the past seven or eight years, but things have been coming a little tough with him, and not until now has he felt he could put on the finishing touches. It is a very pretty little place--and will be for rent when completed. J. M. Kenney is having a 16x26-foot residence built on the lots he recently purchased from Wm. Richards. This property is situated just west and across the railroad track from the Sutter greenhouse. Mr. Richards is also going to build on some adjoining lots which he owns sometime during the summer. Drayman A. Slover has purchased the Ed. Root residence property, corner of I and Fifth streets. The price paid was $125. It is quite probable Mr. Slover will put up a new building thereon during the summer, which will be for rent. Mr. Root will buy property elsewhere in the city. C. A. Burnett, who formerly lived at Brownsboro, later at Jacksonville, and still later at Wolf Creek, has donned a new garb and is now a full-fledged professor of hypnotism. He came up from Wolf Creek last week and will remain in Jackson County for a few weeks. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 30, 1900, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 5, 1900, page 3
T. J. Kenney of Jacksonville was in Medford one day this week. He has
made arrangements to have Main & Winchester's brick building, on
the corner of 7th and B streets, repaired.
Real Estate Transfers.
W. L. Webster and wife to D. Brooks, lot 7, blk 15, Medford . . . 400R. L. and Maud Beaver to J. A. Morey, lot 2, Harbaugh subdivision, Medford . . . 1 G. W. Howard and wife to Francis M. Plymale, land in Medford . . . 400 John S. Plymale et al. to Jane E. Plymale, interest in above property, love and affection . . . Francis G. Plymale et ux. to C. E. Stewart, trust deed to undivided 1/5 of F. M. Plymale place . . . 1 Malinda Haught and husband to G. L. Schermerhorn, lots 6 and 7, blk 45, Medford . . . 300 E. D. Root to Alonzo Slover, lot 1, blk 65, Medford . . . 125 Conrad Mingus and wife to J. E. Enyart, lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, blk 44, Medford . . . 500 Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 5 Miss Minnie Love, of Harwood, Mo., arrived in Medford last week and will make this place her home. She is a sister of Mrs. C. P. Snell, wife of attorney Snell. If the lady likes the country and the climate, other members of the family in Missouri will move here. J. R. Renken, wife and four children, and E. M. Wphoff, wife and four children, all of Crete, Nebraska, arrived in Medford Monday night. They are here for a permanent stay, and have rented houses in Medford and commenced housekeeping. They are farming people and are here in quest of farm homes. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Damon left Medford Wednesday morning for Oroville, Calif., where they will visit for a few weeks with their son, 'Lis, and family, after which they will go further south and visit other relatives and friends, among whom are C. O. Damon and family. They expect to be absent about two months. Henry Richardson, formerly a resident of Medford, but who for the last seven or eight years has made his home in California, returned to this city Monday evening and will remain during the summer hereabouts. He is a son of Jesse Richardson, of Beagle, this county. For the past year Henry has been in the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company as a bridge carpenter. Attorney G. W. White, of Portland, arrived in Medford Sunday morning. He will remain here a few days, perhaps a month, looking after business and visiting friends. He tells that Mrs. White and Floyd, who have been attending a medical college in Portland, have but recently passed their second year's examination. They still have two years to attend the college before they can graduate. At the expiration of that time Mr. White thinks his return to Medford is not improbable. A Mrs. Dent arrived in Medford Wednesday evening with her children, from Cadiz, Ohio. The lady expected to meet her husband here, but did not, and she had not been able to locate him up to noon yesterday. He is supposed to have been in this section for a couple of weeks, but no person remembers having seen anyone answering to his description. He was injured in Portland a few weeks ago, and if able now to get about it would be with the aid of crutches. Mrs. Dent is stopping with Mrs. Whiteside, in Medford. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 6 T. J. Goodwyn and C. E. Tull, of Bonanza, Klamath County, have purchased the Nash Livery Stables from Perry & Foster. The new proprietors arrived here with their families Wednesday. These gentlemen come here highly recommended, and if they prove themselves as worthy citizens as their predecessors, there will never be reasons to regret their coming. Mr. Perry will remain in Medford and devote his attention to the warehouse and commission business. Mr. Foster will visit his old home at Albany, but will return to Medford later and undoubtedly make this place his home. Dr. G. B. Cole has decided to locate at Eagle Point and will move his office thereto this week. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 6 T. J. Kinney was over from Jacksonville Wednesday arranging to make several improvements on the brick building formerly occupied by W. H. Meeker & Co. A new roof will be put on, a new floor put in--and divers other improvements. The building will be for rent. Dr. W. S. Jones is the happy possessor of one of the very best, if not the best, homes in Medford, he having this week purchased the G. W. White residence in East Medford. The amount paid was $2200, cash in hand. The original cost of this property, a couple or three years ago, was $3800, but Mr. White lives in Portland and did not feel that he could afford to have his money tied up here. There are two and one-half acres of the very best land in the valley, well set to fruit and berries, a very large, well-built and very convenient two-story residence on the place, and everything is in splendid repair. Mr. Jones can figure that he has made at least $1000 on the purchase. The place is now occupied by merchant Howard, who will vacate soon, giving Mr. Jones possession. It will work a hardship on Mr. H., as he has the grounds planted to flowers and garden stuff--in fact, the place is one solid mass of growing flowers and garden products. Orrin Whitman has been at work this week making over the Medford Book Store. He has removed a partition, thus enlarging his salesroom, and in some of the added space he has put a stock of Kodaks. Orrin in decidedly a hustling business man, and while he is doing business in a small way he is laying the foundation for a successful career. There are few young men who would work all night as Orrin did in making the necessary changes in his store. Such energy in one so young deserves to be rewarded--and it will be. W. V. Lippincott:--"We will move into the new depot on Saturday, April 7th. Friday night the building will be lighted throughout, and anyone wishing to go through the building and see what it is like on the inside are at liberty to do so; in fact I would like to have them do so. The company has put up a first-class, modern depot building, and I would like to have the people see for themselves that this is true." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 7 Town Purchases Lighting Plant.
The San Francisco Call, April 8, 1900, page 17Special Dispatch to The Call.
MEDFORD, Or., April 7.--The electric light plant in this city owned by R. A. Proudfoot was purchased by the city of Medford last night, the consideration being $8000. The city owns the water works here and will operate them in connection with the electric light plant. After mature consideration of this step by the recently elected city council this purchase was deemed both economical and advantageous to light and water consumers. Medford boasts the establishment of a cigar factory. It employs young women, and expects them to turn out 20,000 cigars weekly. "Oregon Notes," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 8, 1900, page 4
jury which decided the Hamlin case was about 18 hours in finding a
verdict, and recommended that the judge sentence the defendant to pay a
fine instead of sending him to the penitentiary.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 9, 1900, page 3Hamlin Guilty.
the trial of A. J. Hamlin, alias "Bud," charged with an assault with a
dangerous weapon upon the person of Edward Armstrong, on the streets of
Medford on the night of Sunday, March 11, held in Jacksonville, he was
found guilty, with the recommendation by the jury that he be fined.
Hamlin has been under a $1,000 bond. The jury was all night in its
deliberations. Sentence will probably be given today.
Ashland Tidings, April 9, 1900, page 2 Medford boasts the establishment of a cigar factory. It employs young women, and expects them to turn out 20,000 cigars weekly. The Daily Journal, Salem, April 10, 1900, page 3 Hamlin Convicted.
The San Francisco Call, April 10, 1900, page 3Special Dispatch to The Call.
MEDFORD, April 9.--The jury in the case of A. J. Hamlin, who shot and seriously wounded Ed Armstrong last November [sic], returned a verdict today of guilty of assault with a dangerous weapon, recommending the imposing of a fine as punishment. The court will pass sentence next Thursday. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 12, 1900, page 2 Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Damon left last week for Oroville, Calif., on a visit to their son 'Lis and family.
Miss Bessie Hammond, who is attending the U. of O. at Eugene, is visiting her parents in Medford. Thos. Collins of the Turf Exchange last week spent several days at Jacksonville, where he has many friends. Miss Iva Purdin returned last week from Kemmerer, Wyoming, where she has been teaching school for the past few months. G. W. Priddy has 60,000 brick ready for burning, which will be used on the brick buildings to be built in Medford during the year. Orrin Whitman has entirely renovated the Medford Book Store and enlarged the premises considerably. He has put in a stock of Kodaks. Henry Richards, formerly of Medford, but who has been a resident of California for several years, returned a few days since, and will remain during the summer. T. J. Goodwyn and C. E. Tull of Bonanza, Klamath County, have purchased the Nash Livery Stable from Perry & Foster and will conduct the business in the future. The Palm-Whitman-Palm cigar factory commenced operations last week with a small force, which has gradually increased until now eight girls are regularly employed in the business. The firm expects to supply the market with a better grade of domestic cigars at a lower price than is now being paid. The new S.P. depot at Medford was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies on Saturday last. The citizens of the town presented agent Lippincott with an elaborate office chair, which he doubtless appreciated, and treated him to a ride on the shoulders of some of their strong men from the old depot to the new, which last part of the program was carried through without any spill, much to his relief. The Medford Canal & Power Co. have filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. The incorporators are C. B. Williams of San Francisco, I. L. Hamilton and Rufus Cox of Medford and the capital stock $200,000. The object of the incorporation is the bringing of the waters of Little Butte Creek in a canal to Medford for municipal purposes and also to irrigate lands along its lines. It appears that the arrest of George Parker, recently mentioned in these columns, for embezzling money coming into his hands as a U.S. commissioner was caused by political jealousy. In Ione, where he lives, there are two factions. On the evening before his arrest George received money for a homestead filing, and as he was going to The Dalles, where the land office is located, the next day he did not send the money and papers by mail but put them in his pocket, intending to deliver them personally at the land office. The opposite faction learned of this and caused his arrest. He was promptly discharged on examination. Mrs. Carlyle Is Insane.
Salem dispatch of April 7th says: "Mrs. Carlyle, who came to the
Penitentiary last year from Jackson County, under a sentence of nine
years for arson, committed in burning her brother-in-law's buildings,
was examined yesterday afternoon as to her sanity, on complaint of
Superintendent Lee, County Judge Terrell, County Clerk Hall and Dr. W.
B. Morse conducting the examination. There was no doubt of her demented
condition, and she was committed by Judge Terrell to the Asylum,
whither she was conducted this forenoon.
"This is the fate of almost every female convict confined in the Oregon Penitentiary for any length of time, and no wonder. There is no provision by which female prisoners can receive air, exercise or attention required by a woman, and she is entirely cut off from human associations except in the routine visits of the male officers in the performance of their duties. This woman has been ill for several weeks, her illness being the result of the troubles incident to her age (about 44 years), and her condition during the illness was pitiable, challenging the attention of several charitable ladies who visited her. Her reason finally gave way, and she has been decidedly insane for several days." Medford Mail, April 13, 1900, page 2 State vs. A. J. Hamlin; verdict of jury: "We, the jury in the above entitled cause, find the defendant guilty of the crime of assault with a dangerous weapon, and recommend that it be made a finable offense." Hamlin shot Ed. Armstrong on the night of Sunday, February 11th, in Medford. He was sentenced yesterday to eighteen months imprisonment in the penitentiary. "Doings of the Circuit Court," Medford Mail, April 13, 1900, page 3 Mathias Scheissler, of Herndon, Kansas, is here upon a visit to his son-in-law, J. L. Demmer, and family. Ed. Tryer has moved to Medford from Williams Creek and has taken his old position with the S.O.P.P. Co. Mrs. C. K. Fronk arrived in Medford last week from Riverside, Calif., where she has been stopping for the past three or four months for the benefit of her health, which we are pleased to state is very much improved. Her husband, who is station agent at Albany, spent Sunday in Medford, visiting Mrs. F. and old-time friends. John B. Dent arrived in Medford last Friday from Portland. Mr. Dent is formerly from Cadiz, Ohio. His family arrived on Thursday of last week direct from Ohio, and he was to have met them here, but there was a misunderstanding as to the date of Mr. D.'s departure. Mr. Dent is a splendid-appearing fellow and one well read on public matters. He rented living rooms here and expects to remain, provided he can find a place that suits him for stock raising. W. H. Moore, father-in-law of W. L. Orr, who has been stopping in Medford since last fall, left Thursday for California points, and after visiting there a few weeks he will leave the coast for his home near Rosehill, Iowa. Mr. Moore will return to Oregon in August, and his family will undoubtedly come with him. Mr. Moore is one of the very best farmers in Iowa and owns a fine farm of nearly 200 acres and is a grower of blooded stock. While he likes Iowa from a business point of view the climatic and health-giving ozone of Southern Oregon suits him better. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 13, 1900, page 6 Miss Lila Sackett is now in charge of the Antioch school. The people in that district are to be congratulated upon securing her service. We learn that the officers and patrons of district No. 76, Wellen, were so well pleased with her work in their school last fall that they offered her higher wages and have hired her to teach their next term of school, beginning July 9th. More teachers with such a record are needed in Jackson County. U. S. Bartholomew has taken a position as salesman with the H. H. Howard & Co. grocery house, and J. T. Wiley, who has held that position for a couple of years, has taken a similar position with Hutchison & Lumsden's general merchandise establishment. Jas. Breman, who left Medford with his family for his old home at Bemidji, Minn., writes A. H. Hooker, in this city, that he will return by July 1st and that forty people will come to Southern Oregon with him. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, April 13, 1900, page 6 It is to be regretted that there are not more resident houses in Medford for rent. Scarcely a day passes that there are not from one to three applicants for houses by people who have come here from the East or other towns of the Coast. Every conceivable place of habitation is filled from sills to rafters, and the question as to the disposition to be made of others who may come is one difficult to answer. It would seem to us that parties owning vacant lots could see it to their advantage to erect dwellings upon them. As will be seen by [the] dissolution notice published elsewhere in this paper, the firm of DeRoboam & Orser, liverymen, has been dissolved, Mr. Emil DeRoboam, of Jacksonville, the senior member, having taken charge of the business, which will be continued by him. Mr. DeRoboam is a square, honorable gentleman, and all affairs of the stables will be conducted upon these lines so long as he has anything to do with them. Mr. Orser, we understand, will go to Idaho and engage in business there. J. H. Ray, who arrived in Medford last week from Halsey, Oregon, has rented the building formerly occupied by D. T. Pritchard, and within the next ten days will reopen the place with a full stock of paints, oils, glass and wallpaper. The style of the firm will be Ray & Long, but Mr. Ray will have full charge of affairs, Mr. Long not intending to move here at present. Mr. Ray is a married man, and his family will be here within a month. He is a practical painter and paper hanger but does not intend to follow that business here. He has painted for twenty years and is now satisfied to retire from the active list. Reames Chapter, Order of Eastern Stars, was organized in Medford on Wednesday evening of this week. The name "Reames Chapter" was given the organization in honor of the late Hon. Thos. G. Reames. The officers elected were--matron, Mrs. Mary E. Reeves; worthy patron, W. I. Vawter; associate matron, Mrs. E. D. Fellows; secretary, Mrs. Hattie Warner Gore; treasurer, Mrs. Etta Vawter; conductress, Mrs. Bessie Lumsden; associate conductress, Mrs. Nellie Whitman. The appointed officers have not as yet been named, neither has the meeting night been decided upon. W. F. Isaacs has purchased J. C. Hall's interest in the Rialto confectionery and cigar stand and is now doing business in single harness, but as he is pulling in hame collar he is able to handle the large business which the establishment enjoys. B. I. Stoner and Charlie Isaacs will retain their old positions under the new regime. R. A. Proudfoot will leave soon for Coquille, in Coos County, this state, where he will put in an electric light plant if suitable arrangements can be made. If no arrangements are made there he will possibly purchase a steamer and go to Nome, Alaska. Look out for La Flor de Alfonso--next week. D. T. Pritchard has moved his stock of jewelry, watches and clocks to Ashland. Mr. Pritchard is agent for the Seth Thomas Clock Company, and it was by the company's orders that he moved. There are still two good jewelry stores in Medford--which is quite enough for the size of the town, and aside from these there are tow jewelry and watch repair shops. D. D. Wood, the fellow who resided in Medford a couple of years ago, made soap for a living and did other work, has returned to the valley after a stay in Seattle and will manufacture soap in Ashland. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 13, 1900, page 7 In the matter of Hattie Howard, incorrigible, ordered that a warrant for $7.50 be drawn in favor of W. J. Howard for presenting her before the court pending an examination into the charge against her. "County Commissioners' Court," Valley Record, Ashland, April 13, 1900, page 3 Chas. Prim conveying Hattie Howard to Crittenden home, including admission fee of $20 . . . $78.35 "County Commissioners' Court: Bills Allowed," Valley Record, Ashland, April 13, 1900, page 3 SENT TO PENITENTIARY.
Eighteen Months' Sentence for Shooting a Man--Sister in Prison. MEDFORD,
April 12.--A. J. Hamlin, found guilty of shooting Ed Armstrong in
March, was today sentenced to 18 months in the penitentiary. Hamlin's
sister was sent to the penitentiary last year for arson, having set
fire to her brother's barn and grain stacks. Armstrong has nearly
recovered from the wounds received in the shooting.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 13, 1900, page 8 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 16, 1900, page 2 Rev. Haberly is conducting a series of revival meetings in Sams Valley.
Miss Iva Purdin is acting as one of Postmaster Merriman's assistants in the Medford post office. Ed. Tryer has removed to Medford from Williams Creek and again holds his old position with the S.O.P.P. Co. The livery stable firm of Orser & DeRoboam has been dissolved, Mr. D. retaining the management of the business. Wm. Slinger returned last week from Los Angeles, Calif., where he has been spending the winter, much improved in health. A child of F. Hollingsworth of this town was badly scalded one day this week, but is doing well under the treatment of Dr. Stevens. Mrs. C. K. Fronk of Albany, who has been spending the winter in Riverside, Calif., has been visiting relatives and friends in Medford lately. A number of citizens in Medford who are interested in the matter of establishing a creamery in this vicinity met at the opera house on Saturday last and steps were taken which may lead to the establishment of such an enterprise here. Hugh O'Neil of Applegate fell down the opera house stairs one day last week, while under the influence of too copious potations, and was rendered insensible for a time. He recovered sufficiently to take his departure homeward the next morning.
The town of Medford now owns its own electric light plant, having
purchased the same from Mr. Proudfoot last week, paying therefor $8400.
This includes quite a quantity of wire and poles not now in use besides
the lots on which the plant is located, together with several hundred
cords of wood. J. R. Erford has been appointed superintendent.
A chapter of the O.E.S. was organized at Medford last week with the following officers: W.M., Mrs. Mae Reeves; W.P., W. I. Vawter; A.M., Mrs. E. D. Fellows; secretary, Mrs. W. H. Gore; treasurer, Mrs. Etta Vawter; conductress, Mrs. Bessie Lumsden; A.C., Mrs. Nellie Whitman. The chapter was christened Reames chapter, in honor of the late T. G. Reames.
jury in the case [of] A. J. Hamlin, charged with assault with a deadly
weapon on Ed. Armstrong, which brought in a verdict of guilty with a
recommendation that the accused be fined, exceeded their prerogatives
under the Oregon law and Judge Hanna was left no option except to fix
the penalty at imprisonment in the penitentiary, the term fixed being
18 months. An appeal will be taken to the supreme court on the ground
that a majority of the jury were in favor of acquittal and only agreed
to recommend a fine as a compromise.
Real Estate Transfers.
M. S. and C. E. Damon to Rena Hubbard, title bond to land in Medford .
. . 250
J. E. Enyart and wife to C. W. Palm, lots 6 and 7 blk 44, Medford . . . 100 Medford Mail, April 20, 1900, page 4 C. E. Wilkinson left Tuesday morning for the Klamath hot springs, at Beswick, Calif. Mr. Wilkinson has been afflicted with rheumatism for some time past, and the purpose of his trip is to take mud baths for a couple of weeks, in hopes that a cure may be effected. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 20, 1900, page 6 Wilson's bakery wagon commenced making its regular three-times-a-week visits to Jacksonville this week. His Jacksonville days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. H. B. Nye, of Kalispell, Montana, arrived in Medford Tuesday. Mr. Nye is a mining man and is here looking over the mines of this district. W. W. Hawley, of Gull Lake, Minnesota, arrived in Medford Saturday. He has spent many a long year in the land of frozen winters and scorching summers--but since having seen Oregon and experienced some of its delights he will strike from the tablet of his memory the dreary seasons experienced in Minnesota and will henceforth be a resident of Southern Oregon. George S. Hollis, a newspaper man from Des Moines, Iowa, has been in Medford the past week upon a visit to The Mail's printer, F. W. Roach, and family. The two formerly worked shoulder to shoulder on the Des Moines Daily Register. Mr. Hollis is one of the best men on earth, a good printer and a practical operator of typesetting machines. He is very much taken with the Pacific coast and will undoubtedly locate in California, where he is sort o' figuring on buying an orange orchard--think of it, a printer with money enough to buy an orange orchard. Some green-eyed, crimson-haired, lop-eared, bow-legged, antediluvian miscreant, with no other motive for existing in this age of enlightenment than that of making life miserable for humanity, became imbued with the idea that he was possessed with a remote trace of the art of decorating and, with the aid of some hard substance, horribly marred the beautiful plate glass window in the grocery store of H. H. Howard & Co., on Seventh Street, last Wednesday. Although, with the passing of time, the hard feeling entertained by Mr. Howard toward this imitation of humanity has been somewhat allayed, yet, should the identity of the scoundrel be revealed, Mr. Howard promises to greet him with a warm reception. Cashier J. E. Enyart is having rock hauled for his new residence, corner F and Sixth streets. The contract for the construction of his residence has been let to N. B. Bradbury, who furnishes material and does the work. D. W. Hazel will have the superintendency of the work. R. A. Proudfoot:--"In your last issue you said I was going to buy a steamer and would go to Cape Nome. How in the world did you get that notion in your head? You thought I told you so? Well, you surely misunderstood me. I may go to Nome, but I'll not buy a steamer." F. M. Wilson and Boyden & Nicholson are out with newly painted delivery wagons. In the springtime merchants' fancy easily turn to thoughts of paint--happy thoughts--too few merchants with springtime paint thoughts. Messrs. York & Wortman this week sold the C. C. Hixon dye house property, on South A Street, to Mrs. Jacob Johnson; consideration, $150. Mrs. Johnson has moved to town and is occupying the property. Wednesday evening of this week was the last meeting night of the Medford Whist Club. It was the occasion of a general jollification in honor of a six months' term of weekly meetings. The meetings have all been held in Woodman Hall during the past winter, and by this arrangement much of the work formerly made necessary by entertaining at home has been obviated. The last meeting was a special occasion in many respects. The hall was especially decorated with roses and other choice flowers--all in great profusion. The luncheon was especially prepared and consisted of cold meats, sandwiches, delicious cakes, in number and variety almost unlimited, salads, coffee, fruits and pineapple sherbet that was delicious beyond the possibilities of description. In playing the game from which the club gets its name, the evening's amusement was made a little special by playing progressive instead of duplicate whist. At about 10:30 the game was declared off, and all were invited to the very inviting luncheon above described. At the finish of luncheon toasts were responded to by several gentlemen members. Dr. R. T. Burnett responded to "The Best Suit," J. A. Whitman to "The Winning Hand," Dr. J. M. Keene to "Trumps," H. H. Howard to "The Odd Trick," A. S. Hammond to "The Score." All were very pleasingly handled, and after three rousing cheers for the president, Mr. Hammond, the company broke up and moved itself homeward in the last flicker of the twelve o'clock electric light glimmer. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bliton, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Howard, Mrs. Heard, Mrs. Fellows, Misses Worman, Webber, Barneburg, Skeel, Foster, Messrs, Burnett, Hubbs and Keene. Frank Wait is moving his marble works to South D or Front Street. He recently purchased a 25x100-foot lot near the Nash Livery Stable, from M. M. Gault, and it is to this place he has moved. He is having a 16x40-foot show room and workshop built on the lot. The present building is of wood, but Frank has promised to put up a good brick structure just as soon as the brick is burned. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, April 20, 1900, page 6 Thos. McAndrews will soon commence the construction of his new brick block, on East Seventh Street. The wooden buildings now occupied by Hardin's barber shop and Davis' store room will be moved away, and the new brick will take their place. The building will be 25x80 feet in size and one story high--possibly two stories high--Mr. McAndrews has not fully decided this point as yet. Childers Bros. will put the building up. F. M. Stewart:--"Say, it is not every town, even in Southern Oregon, situated in the very heart of an agricultural and horticultural section, from the streets of which its people can see hydraulic mines in operation. Just look over there, little west of south--see that water flying in the air? That's from E. K. Anderson's hydraulic pipe. It is on, or rather near, Coleman Creek and is about six miles from Medford. Yes, Mr. Anderson is making some good cleanups." Dr. E. B. Pickel is having his fine West Seventh Street residence painted--a much lighter color than before--and the improvement is decidedly noticeable. To The Mail's eye light-colored paints are far prettier than dark, somber colors. At Gardner, Oregon, all the residences are painted pure white--and a most beautiful little town it is--and the admiration of not only its townspeople, but as well all visitors. Miss Nannie Matney has opened a dressmaking parlor in the Losher dwelling, on North C Street. Ladies are invited to call. A. Slover, the drayman, has lumber on the ground for use in the construction of his new residence, [southwest] corner of [H] and Fifth streets [block 65, lot 1]. The building will be 24x24 feet in size with a 12x12 octagon front, and all twelve feet high. It will be a very pretty cottage--one of which any person could easily afford to be proud. D. W. Hazel has the contract for its construction. F. K. Deuel has had a foundation put in on the alley between Seventh and Eighth streets--on the property he recently purchased from Mrs. McKee. The building to be put on the foundation will be 32x50 feet in size and will be used as a warehouse, in connection with Mr. Deuel's storeroom, now occupied by Messrs. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. D. S. Youngs writes from Albany that himself and Mrs. Youngs will leave there for Newport this week, where he will engage in cutting agates during the summer. D. S. is working up a big reputation for himself in this line of work--and he is turning out some fine goods, all of which find ready purchasers among the campers at the beach. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 20, 1900, page 7 The Kettle Drum Club, of Medford, composed of the following named young ladies, Miss Lillian Rhinehart, Jessie Gorman, Jessie Cole, Mollie Barneburg, Laura Cox, Minnie Cox, Jennie Hibbard and Mrs. E. E. Gore, have met regularly through the winter, and, besides engaging in many social enjoyments, have read many books, the last being "Hugh Wynne." A chapter of the order of the Eastern Star, named "Reames Chapter," for the late General Thomas G. Reames, of Jacksonville, has been organized in Medford, with the following named officers: Mrs. Mae B. Reeves, worthy matron; W. I. Vawter, W.P.; Mrs. E. D. Fellows, A.M.; Mrs. H. W. Gore, secretary; Mrs. Etta Vawter, treasurer; Mrs. Bessie Lumsden, conductress; Mrs. Nellie Whitman, A.C. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 22, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 23, 1900, page 3 G. L. Davis has purchased the well-known trotter, Hiac, from Fred Slagle, and will use him as a driving animal.
A family named Rankin, who arrived in Medford several weeks ago, have been afflicted with diphtheria, but are now recovering. J. R. Proudfoot of Medford has gone to Coquille City, Coos County, to look after a proposition to put in an electric light plant at that place. Fred Clarke and Clyde Smith, aged 19 and 18 years respectively, were arrested last week for stealing some tools from John Perdue sometime in February. They were confined in jail for several days, but, while taking supper at the Star Restaurant on Sunday evening, escaped from the marshal during a short absence of the latter. At a meeting of Protection Hose Co. No. 1, held last week, the following officers were elected: H. G. Nicholson, president; J. H. Norris, vice-president; J. W. Curry, secretary; W. W. Bates, assistant secretary; H. G. Nicholson, foreman; C. Perdue, assistant foreman; J. W. Lawton, treasurer; A. J. Fredenburgh, sergeant-at-arms. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 26, 1900, page 3 E. P. Orser left for Idaho Tuesday, expecting to locate in that state.
D. B. Reame, G. W. Hamlin and T. Beckett went to Portland Tuesday, having been summoned as witnesses in a case that the U.S. grand jury will investigate. Billiard hall re-opened by W. L. Townsend--patronage solicited and courteous treatment promised. Cigars, tobacco, nuts and candies carried in stock. Soft drinks. Strict order maintained. Medford Mail, April 27, 1900, page 2 The Wells, Fargo express office will be removed to the new Cox-Perry warehouse as soon as that building is completed. Local agent George Faucett will then have a much larger and more commodious room, besides being nearer to the station. Word was received Tuesday evening, from Ft. Klamath, to the effect that Mrs. C. T. Nicholson, instead of improving in health, was much worse, and there was little probability of moving her to Medford for some time. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, April 27, 1900, page 3 Real Estate Transfers.
D. L. Browning and wife to R. L. Sabin, trustee, trust deed, to land in
Grants Pass; also in Medford . . . 1
Eunice C. Edwards and husband to A. H. Chessmore, lot 10, blk 33, Medford . . . 30 A. Slover to Amelia Elmer, lot 1, blk 65, Medford . . . 600 Ella J. Cole, single, to A. Z. Sears, lots 7 and 8, blk 56, Medford . . . 100 Medford Mail, April 27, 1900, page 5 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stinson and daughter, of Vinita, Indian Territory, arrived in Medford Wednesday evening. They will probably locate in the valley and engage in farming. E. P. Orser, Henry Head and Gertie Vowels left Medford Tuesday evening for Wallace, Idaho, where they expect to reside. Mrs. Orser and family will follow in a few weeks. Mr. Vowels and family have been at Wallace for several months. Miss Carrie George, the Postal Telegraph operator, will leave Monday for a month's visit with relatives in Chicago. Arthur Mahoney, brother of Wallie, the Western Union wire manipulator, will have charge of the Postal office during Miss George's absence. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Nicholson were over at Wellen last week enjoying a several days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Carlton. While the women folks were doing visiting, Horace and "Uncle" Dolph were putting a forty-dollar bath outfit in farmer Carlton's fine residence. Rev. J. E. Kenworthy, of Lake County, California, together with his son, William, arrived in Medford Monday evening. The elder Mr. Kenworthy is a brother of Mrs. S. G. Edwards of this city. These gentlemen are here intending to either buy or rent a small farm and make Southern Oregon their future home. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Huffer, Jr. were over from Jacksonville last Thursday. Mr. Huffer was looking over Medford with a view of removing his candy, cigar and fruit store here from Jacksonville, if a suitable location can be secured. He is a pleasant, popular gentleman, and it is hoped he will arrange to locate in Medford, where he and his family would be welcomed additions to our business and social circles. H. B. Nye, the gentleman who arrived in Medford last week from Kalispell, Mont., has decided to remain in Southern Oregon for several months at least--possibly become a permanent resident. He is a nephew of our good friend, Hon. Chauncey Nye, who lives at Prospect. Mr. Nye is a mining man of experience and means and will undoubtedly invest in Southern Oregon property. His father is expected to arrive this week. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 27, 1900, page 6 One of the big windows in H. H. Howard & Co.'s grocery store contains an unusual attraction in the shape of two pictures, if they may be so called, each about five feet square, in which the objects are all represented by inlaid wood of various colors, but as true in form and proportion as they could be drawn or painted. They are the work of Olaf R. Bjerregaard, a Danish gentleman, whose home is at Prospect, this county, and almost incredible though it seems, they have been made with only the aid of a knife, saw, plane, and a few little improvised tools which Mr. Bjerregaard made himself. These two pictures, which are not the first of this man's ingenious creations seen in Medford, represent more than a year's work--each one bearing silent testimony to the patient toil, the persevering determination and the tireless application that made from rough logs and shapeless sticks a rare work of art that at once pleases the eye and awakens admiration for the genius and pluck of a true born, natural, though uninstructed, artist. One picture is of a typical mountain home, and is without special interest aside from its artistic beauty. But the other, representing a Denmark farm, is not only prettier, but has more of a fascinating interest. It is a true representation of Mr. Bjerregaard's boyhood home, and was made entirely from memory. The perspective is excellent, and the details are filled in with as much taste and accuracy as if reproduced from a photograph, although it is many long years since Mr. Bjerregaard left the scenes pictured. Black oak, cedar, yellow and white pine, laurel, etc., all Oregon wood, have been used in the inlaying. The worker has shown his true artistic talent in many ways, for instance, in choosing dead, waterlogged sugar pine from which to make the clouded sky. Water is represented by white pine, etc. The pictures were brought down for exhibition only, for, while they are for sale, it is quite probable that Mr. Bjerregaard will send them, or at least the "Denmark farm," back to his native land. They are worth some examination, and are being admired by many. Marshal Murray gave the password to a couple of undesirable prospective citizens Wednesday evening, and as a result the floating population of Medford is two souls smaller--and doubtless two degrees better. A woman who first gave the name of Lydia Wigle, and later on that of "Mrs. Dr. Abbott," has been hanging around town for several weeks past, giving more or less annoyance to the lynx-eyed guardian of the city's peace and happiness. A few days ago a man came in from the north and camped on the trail of the sociable Lydia, giving it out on the q.t. that he was the sheriff of King County, Washington on the lookout for the supposed murderess of a book agent in Seattle--a crime of that kind being committed there recently. Mr. Murray endeavored to extend such official courtesies as became apparently needed, but in the course of a few days had his suspicions aroused by the large and varied assortment of conflicting stories told by the alleged sheriff, and finally discovered that the stranger and the woman who claimed the name of Wigle were really man and wife, that the husband had suspicions as to the fidelity of his spouse, and had assumed the character of an officer to enable him to gather definite information regarding her conduct. Therefore Mr. Murray called the amateur detective down, and upon his failure to produce satisfactory proof of his alleged official position, ordered the couple to leave town, which they at once did, going north. E. A. Hicks has purchased the O. Harbaugh property, situated on North F Street, opposite the Rogue River Valley Railroad depot. The price paid was $300 and possession will be given July 1st. The place was a bargain at the price paid, and Elmer is throwing bouquets at himself because of his good fortune. The sale was made through the Stewart & Chessmore real estate agency. Miss Blanche Toft is doing typesetting in the Mail office for a few weeks. This acquisition increases the number on the office payroll to an even six--four girls and two boys--old boys. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 27, 1900, page 7 Medford Enquirer: Hon. J. A. Jeffrey, the Union nominee for district attorney in the Third District, has many friends in this county, who hope to see him elected. He made the best district attorney this district has ever had. "Journal 'X-Rays'," The Daily Journal, Salem, April 27, 1900, page 4 H. H. Howard has on exhibition at his store one of the most unique specimens of inlaid work in wood we have ever seen. It is the work of O. R. Bjerregaard, of Prospect, and represents a Danish farm scene. Medford Enquirer, April 27, 1900, page 5 A SERMON ON FUSION
J. B. Osborne of Georgia, who is in Oregon as a representative of the
mid-road populists, in opposition to the fusion of the Populists and
Democrats, spoke as follows at Medford:What a Mid-Roader from Georgia Told the Oregonians. Talk About Imperialism Is All Claptrap, and the Democrats Well Know It. "Many of our people were led astray by the promises and apparent reforms of the Democratic Party. I do not wish it for myself, or for anyone else, to have the power to say what political party any citizen shall support. But the time has come when men can no longer affiliate with the Populist and Democratic parties at the same time. Those of us who believe in the principles of populism will stand for the party of populism, and those who think the Democratic Party good enough for them will have to announce that they are Democrats. The Democratic Party has never stood for the principles of populism, but until 1896 were its open, bitter opponents. "They are to make a campaign this year on imperialism, trusts and money, and for the benefit of some populists who still think that there is no difference between the Democrats and populists on these questions, I will speak briefly on each of them. Imperialism Is All Claptrap.
"The talk about imperialism is all political claptrap, and the
Democrats know it. There is more political imperialism in the Southern
states, inaugurated and perpetuated by the Democratic Party, than there
is or could be in the Philippines. In South Carolina the constitution
makes a property or educational nullification of citizenship that
disfranchises two-thirds of the voting population. In Georgia the
constitution makes a tax qualification that disfranchises over 125,000
voters. In Alabama they let them vote yet, but always count Democrats
in. In Mississippi the constitution makes an educational qualification
so rigid that the whole state casts only 46,000 votes; still they have
seven congressmen. In Louisiana they have copied the South Carolina
provision of educational and property qualification, with the
difference that it shall not apply to white men. In North Carolina they
are preparing to do the same thing this year. These constitutions were
all made by Democrats, entirely, and what Kentucky lacks in regard to
constitutional disqualification she seeks to accomplish through the
most outrageous law ever enacted--the Goebel election law. Are Democrats in favor of political liberty? Not if judged by their acts.No Fear of an Emperor.
"America will never be governed by an emperor. We already have an
empire of wealth that rules this country, and that is the imperialism
the American people have to dread and want to get rid of. To talk of a
political imperialism in distant islands is only to keep the people's
attention away from the main question at home, as was done on the
tariff questions, and the leading Democrat of Nebraska (Bryan) did his
part of it on the tariff question, as he is now doing on foreign
imperialism. Mr. Bryan enlisted in the war, was ready to shoot men whom
he never saw, used his influence to have the Paris treaty ratified, and
now opposes the terms of the treaty."We are now preparing, without one word of protest, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, at St. Louis, in 1904. If it was wrong to purchase the Philippines, why was it not wrong to purchase the vast domain from Louisiana to the Pacific Coast? But, as I said in the beginning, the only imperialism that we need to fear in America is industrial imperialism, that makes slaves out of the millions who work and produce the wealth of our country, and all other talk on that subject is simply to get the people to chasing political rainbows, while the slave's chains become harder and harder to break from our own necks. What do they have to say about trusts? Mr. Bryan, some time ago, had a remedy. It was to license them. Does any populist believe in that? No. The Chicago platform wanted the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission enlarged, so they could more completely control the railroads of the country. Does any populist believe in that? No. Populists know that it is just as impossible to stop the formation of trusts by law, by the appointment of any kind of a board of control, as it is to annul the principle of gravitation by the same agencies. Populists know that the only remedy for the trusts is for all the people to get into the trusts, by the public collective ownership of all public necessities and natural monopolies; hence no populist can entertain for a moment the position of the Democratic Party on trusts. Sudden Conversion to Silver.
"But, now, as to the money question. They claim they are squarely with
us on that question. But now, before I go into details on that
question, I want to call your attention to the sudden conversion of the
Democrats even to free silver. In 1892 the Democratic Party stood for
the repeal of the 10 percent tax on state bank issues, which meant to
supplant all kinds of United States money with state bank money. In
1893 Cleveland's administration repealed unconditionally the purchasing
clause of the Sherman law that was putting $4,500,000 in circulation
every month. In 1894 every state convention of the Democratic Party in
the South endorsed the administration of Cleveland as eminently wise,
patriotic and statesmanlike, and where free silver resolutions were
offered they were overwhelmingly defeated. But in 1896, if you would
meet a southern Democrat in the road and ask him how was crops, he
would say, 'Free silver.' If you would ask him how was his family, he would say, '16 to 1.'
Why this sudden change of front? The increase of the populist vote in
the South threatened to lose the political supremacy of Democracy in
the South; therefore, the Populist Party must be killed by the
Democrats endorsing free silver at 16 to 1 and claiming to accept our
position on finance, but the Chicago platform does not contain a single
populist principle on finance, and to prove that I submit the following
proposition:All Silver Given by Republicans.
"For the benefit of some populists who think the Democratic platform
made at Chicago on which Bryan and Sewall were nominated is a populist
platform and good enough for them, I will throw out a few thoughts: "1. I claim that Democratic free silver will ruin you and populist free silver will do you good. 2. I claim that Democratic free silver is twice as bad as the gold standard. 3. I claim that their basisn of a national currency, being gold and silver, is worse than the national banking system. 4. I claim that the Democratic Party has never given the American people any legislation in favor of silver, and all the silver in circulation today came into existence by Republican legislation. "Now, as to the first proposition, I submit the following: If a free silver Democratic administration should succeed and redeem a pledge, which would be the reverse of all pledges made in the past, and pass a free coinage law, the result would be that the owners of gold would withdraw it all, $612,000,000, from circulation; banks would withdraw all their loans and contract the currency to the fullest extent; mortgage companies would foreclose all their claims, and in the midst of all this England would dump American securities on the American market, creating the greatest financial panic the American people ever saw. "A Democratic administration would be powerless to help itself because they deny the government the right to make money; hence it would ruin you. Not so the populist administration. If they should pass a free coinage law, the gold men would withdraw their gold and the populists would supplant it with the full legal tender paper currency, not redeemable in any specific commodity. The charters of all the banks of issue would be repealed, the power of contracting currency taken out of their hands, and to save the homes of the people they would issue money directly to the people on their individual security. Hence populist free silver would do you good. "Now, as to the second proposition: Everything that is bad about the gold standard is also bad about the Democratic free silver, only more so. The principal objection to the gold standard is that it puts the finances of the country in the control of a few thousand men, because under the gold standard, with all our money redeemable in gold, holders of government paper could withdraw the gold and the government would then be forced to get back to the gold basis. Under the gold standard the government has a way to issue bonds to get hold of the gold by import duties. Under the Democratic free silver the government would have no way to get either gold or silver, as the paper money which they would issue, redeemable in coin, gold or silver, would be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private, and so people would pay import duties and other public dues in government paper. "Consequently when Wall Street got a lot of government paper they would take it to the government treasury to be redeemed, and the government, having no coin to redeem it, would be forced to issue bonds to get gold and silver and they would have to issue twice the amount of bonds to get a double basis back. So it is twice as bad. "Now, as to the third proposition: The objection to our national banking system is that your national currency, being based on bonds, the bondholders owning the basis, control your money completely. The Democratic platform proposes to take the basis off bonds and place it on gold and silver. There are about 4000 bondholders, but less than 400 men own and control the gold and silver properties of the country. If the bondholders can control your currency when it is based on bonds, then the gold and silver mine owners can control it when it is based on coin. "The populists want a national currency based on all the property of the people, so that all the people can control it. As there are fewer men controlling gold and silver than the number controlling bonds, it must be true that a gold and silver basis is worse than a bond basis. Coin redemption is the credit-strengthening act of 1869, the greatest financial conspiracy ever enacted against American liberty, and now a part of the Democratic platform. Challenge to Democrats.
"Fourth proposition: I challenge any Democrat to produce a law passed
by a Democratic administration that gave the American people one silver
dollar or any other kind of a dollar now in existence, or to deny the
fact that the Democratic Party repealed the law passed by Republicans
that was giving us 50,000,000 silver dollars every year."Colfax Gazette, Colfax, Washington, April 27, 1900, page 8 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 30, 1900, page 2 C. W. Wolters and wife are visiting relatives and friends at Klamath Falls.
A young man named Rankin, a recent arrival in Medford, died of diphtheria on Wednesday of last week. He had almost recovered, but complications set in which resulted in his death. W. H. Sailor, a man of about seventy years of age, was held up near J. W. Curry's residence one night last week by a footpad, but made such a stout resistance that the robber desisted and fled. Miss Carrie George, who has so efficiently filled the position of Postal Telegraph operator in Medford for the past year, left for Chicago on a visit, to be gone a month. Arthur Mahoney, a brother to the Western Union man, will have charge of the Postal office during her absence. The Sugar Pine Company, of Medford, haul their lumber from their mill to Medford with a traction engine, hauling 25,000 feet at a load, taking 24 hours to make a trip. One hundred carloads of boxes are used annually in the Rogue River Valley, and this firm intend to utilize for boxes the lower grades of sugar and yellow pine. The Sugar Pine Co. own 15,000 acres of timber land. Rogue River sugar pine is a beautiful natural finish wood, and a great variety of artistic grain and coloring may be obtained when it is worked up into finished products. North of Medford is to be found a body of sugar pine and yellow fir. "Oregon Mills," The Columbia River and Oregon Timberman, May 1900, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 3, 1900, page 3 Don't
overlook the street parade of Norris & Rowe's big trained animal
show. It will be unique as well as handsome and interesting.
At the Medford Bank is being displayed seven gold bricks, valued at about $17,000, which are the result of a late cleanup at the Sterling Mine of part of the boxes. The general cleanup will not be made for several months yet, and is expected to be a big one. Mrs. Jos. H. Ray and three children, and Mrs. H. Bruce, mother of Mrs. Ray, arrived in Medford last week and will make this place their future home, Mr. Ray having engaged in the sale of paints, oils and wallpaper here. The family is now housekeeping in rooms over and adjoining the salesroom, corner North B and Seventh Street. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 4, 1900, page 6 Claire Morey has taken a position as salesman in the grocery store of Warner & Wortman's, and Frank Loder succeeds him as deliveryman for the same firm. Both are bright young men and cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Childers Bros. commenced burning their large kiln of brick Monday morning. They expect to have brick for use by the middle of next week. G. W. Priddy has also put fire in his kiln. Look out for La Flor de Alfonso--next week. R. H. Hodge, a recent arrival from Iowa, has purchased a twenty-two acre tract of land, near Central Point, from A. O. Heatherly. John Beek, Jr., formerly of this city, is now living at Big Timber, Montana, where he is the manager of the Big Timber Racket Store. A letter from R. A. Proudfoot states that he is making ready to go to Cape Nome, Alaska. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, May 4, 1900, page 6 H. M. Coss, of Portland, is in Medford arranging to open a musical instrument store in the Childers brick block. He will put in a full stock of pianos and organs and may add smaller instruments thereto at a later date. It will be gratifying to intending piano and organ purchasers to know that we are to have a permanently established music house in the city. These fellows, who have been dropping in here with a great bellow of trumpets and remain a few days when their freight is repacked and they are off again to establish themselves in another town, are a menace to the well-being of any locality--in that they reap a harvest of shekels from fields where they have sown not even pennies. If Mr. Coss comes here with the intentions of remaining and will sell our people good instruments at a fairly reasonable figure, he can build up a good business. ![]() ![]() Dewey Washing Machine Patent Model The Stayton Mail says: "The resignation of Rev. Edw. Gittins as pastor of the M.E. Church in Stayton is expected about May 15. This action on his part was made necessary by the illness of Mrs. Gittins." Rev. Gittins was formerly pastor of the M.E. Church in Medford. The family has a great many friends here who will regret to learn of Mrs. Gittins' poor health. Miss Icie Matney came over from Applegate this week and will assist her sister in doing dressmaking. These ladies are located in the Losher residence on C Street and are enjoying a splendid business. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 4, 1900, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 10, 1900, page 3 C. H. and John Barkdull of Medford and Cal. Cunnyngham of Portland have returned from the Applegate mines.
Miss Ella Hanley, who is now paying Medford a visit, will in a short time leave for Alaska, where she spent last summer. Geo. P. Lindley is one of our best and most progressive business men, and has the qualities necessary for a good county commissioner. He will receive a big vote among his neighbors and all who know him. Mrs. John Osborne is in Gold Hill this week upon a visit to Mrs. Ray. Dr. Ira Phipps came down from Ashland Saturday and spent Sunday with home folks. Mrs. E. Kirchgessner and children of Central Point were among Medford friends Monday. Joe Thomas left Medford Monday morning for a month's visit at his old home in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Court Hall is in Medford this week packing his household goods preparatory to moving his family to Gold Hill. J. D. Bridges left Tuesday for Montague, Calif., where he has secured employment. His family will remain in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Damon returned Tuesday evening from a several weeks' visit to their son, U. M. Damon, and family, at Oroville, Calif. Mrs. E. C. Wilkinson was at Tunnel Nine last week upon a visit to the bedside of her father, Jesse Gage, who was seriously ill with pneumonia. James Brennan writes from Bemidji, Minnesota, that he has disposed of his hotel property there and that he will return to Medford to remain, and that several families will accompany him. J. A. Whitman left Sunday evening for the Coos Bay country--to look into the probable fruit prospects of that locality. In former years Mr. Whitman has purchased a great amount of fruit in that locality, and it is not improbable that he will be in the field again this year. Mrs. J. S. Lindley, formerly Miss Anna Phipps, arrived in Medford Sunday from Fairhaven, Wash., and will visit for a few weeks with relatives and friends hereabouts. Mrs. Lindley likes the Sound country very much and says her husband has a splendid position as wharfluger at the ocean docks in Fairhaven. D. T. Lawton returned Tuesday evening from his visit to several towns in northern California in the interest of his company--the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company. He reports business fairly good, but saw no place where he would rather live than in Medford. At Chico he saw S. U. Mitchell, formerly of Medford. Mitchell is following his old vocation of training horses and has several patrons. Mr. Lawton will attend to matters at home for several weeks at least. Mrs. L. A. Bristo and children arrived in Medford yesterday from Union County, Oregon. Mrs. Bristo is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Stinson, who live near Medford. Mr. Bristo is expected down this way soon and the family will probably then make this valley their future home.
"Purely Personal,"
Medford Mail,
May 11, 1900, page 6
The Medford and Butte Creek water ditch is again matter for discussion. There has never been a doubt in the Mail's mind but that the ditch would be built and now, when the promoters tell us that excavation work will be commenced within thirty days, we are not surprised--expected it all the time. The renewed interest manifest right now comes about by the visit of interested parties to the scene of action. On Sunday evening Messrs. C. D. Vincent, L. C. Williams and Vic McCray arrived in Medford, and early Monday morning the three started out over the line of the proposed ditch--the two first named gentlemen not having previously been over the line. Mr. Vincent is one of the firm, and Mr. Williams is a son of the Mr. Williams who is at the head of the firm and who was here several days last winter in the interest of the ditch. These gentlemen returned Monday evening and at once left for San Francisco to perfect arrangements for immediate work on the ditch. They were very much pleased with the surroundings and were in no ways averse to positively stating that the ditch would be built. Mr. McCray, the engineer for the company, will remain here and do some surveying preparatory to excavation work. W. F. Isaacs, proprietor of the Rialto, has opened in connection therewith the "Japanese Ice Cream Parlor," an elegantly appointed little grotto, which will undoubtedly be the popular temporary resting place of many a weary pilgrim during the long summer months. The room adjoining the Rialto has been newly and richly papered and decorated until its interior resembles in appearance a Japanese art store, with its artistic arrangement of parasols, fans and lanterns. There are nine tables, each of which will accommodate four persons, and the list of frozen dainties served will include ice cream and crushed fruits, cream soda, fruit ices of all flavors, etc. The parlor is now open and ready for the accommodation of those who enjoy the choicest of luxuries served in the most tempting manner. Dr. Goble, the optician, will be at his residence in Medford on Saturday of each week. Eyes tested free of charge. Corner Fourth and D streets. H. C. Mackey's studio, in the Hamlin Block, is a thing of beauty these days--since Mr. Mackey has removed all the old pictures and decorations from the walls, and replaced them with his new and up-to-date photos. One cannot spend an hour more pleasantly than in looking over the grand display in this studio. In every picture put out by Mr. Mackey there is plainly seen the careful touch of the true artist's hand. There is not a better artist in all Oregon than is Mr. Mackey, and we question there being his equal south of Portland. Attorneys A. S. Hammond and Carl Narregan have hooked themselves in team harness and will henceforth do business under the firm name and style of Hammond & Narregan, with offices upstairs in the Medford Bank block. The firm will do a general law business, also abstracting and conveyancing, they having succeeded Narregan & Narregan in this line. The Mail can see no good reason why this firm should not do a splendid business. Mr. Hammond is justly credited with being one of the very best lawyers in Southern Oregon, while Mr. Narregan has become thoroughly conversant in all matters of abstracts, and is himself nothing slow as an attorney. G. W. Priddy has secured the contract for the erection of A. M. Helms' saloon building, and work is to commence at once. The building will be of brick, one story high and 25x60 feet in size. Mr. Priddy will also commence work on the Halley Block next week. The Norris & Rowe animal show gave two exhibitions in Medford last Friday, to two very small audiences. The street parade was good, as were also many of the tricks performed by the ponies and dogs, but there was seemingly so much ill treatment of the animals that the audience did not fully appreciate the feats performed, because of their sympathy with the animals. The show would doubtlessly have been better attended had it been advertised. It was advertised only in the Jacksonville Times and Medford Free Press. Speaking of bushels to put a light under reminds us that these show people could not have found two better subjects to obscure the light of their supposedly first-class show. Childers Bros. are now putting in the foundation for D. T. Lawton's new brick building on North H Street. The laying of brick will commence next week. These gentlemen will also commence work on J. R. Wilson's building next week. Dr. Odgers' dental offices will be opened in Medford on May 1st--in the Adkins Block. Frank Wilson has added to his bakery a fine new soda fountain, and proposes to dispense soft drinks that will be veritable palate ticklers. Rev. E. F. Wilson is jubilant over the arrival of a new boy baby at his home--the arrival of which is dated last week. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 11, 1900, page 7 Miss Mollie Barneburg entertained the Kettle Drum Club, with its men friends, Friday evening May 4. "Crokinole" and cards furnished the entertainment for the evening, after which a dainty lunch was served. A party was given at the Opera Hall Saturday evening, May 5. About 15 couples were present, and dancing was the chief feature of the evening's entertainment, after which all repaired to the "Rialto," where refreshments were served. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 13, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 14, 1900, page 3 Julius Goldsmith, a prominent merchant of Eugene, who formerly did business in Medford, is paying us a business visit.
The fine, large warehouse being built alongside the R.R.V.R. Co.'s track for True Cox and Mr. Perry will be of great convenience to the people of the valley. It will be used for storing produce of all kinds. A few thefts have been committed in town since Al. Helms' saloon was entered and robbed of a sum of money, but they have been of minor importance. Nevertheless our citizens cannot be too cautious, as thieves have multiplied even in these piping times of Republican prosperity. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 17, 1900, page 3 Mrs. Geo. Howard had another attack of hemorrhage of the lungs a few days ago, and has been very poorly since.
Al. Helms is tearing down his frame building on Front Street, and will replace it with a fine brick. He is occupying the Hamlin building in the meantime. Dr. J. M. Keene returned Tuesday from one of his political pilgrimages to Portland. The people of southern Oregon will soon hear something drop which they are not expecting. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel celebrated their crystal 15th anniversary wedding Monday night. Elaborate preparations had been made at their handsome residence for the reception of the guests, who were numerous and greatly enjoyed the occasion. Vic McCrary, engineer for the Medford Butte Creek Ditch Company, has been at work this week with a party of surveyors in the vicinity of Fish Lake. Mr. C. H. Williams, one of the members of the ditch company, arrived in Medford Wednesday evening and will go out over the line. The indications are growing brighter for this project every day. The Mail firmly believes the company mean business and will build the ditch--provided our people meet them half way. Dr. Goble has invested in Belgian hares--and proposes to stock the country and the markets with this table delicacy. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, May 18, 1900, page 3 The Festive School Girl.
From Saturday's Albany Herald.
"A woman in the habit of a school girl in short dresses was in the city yesterday and last night begging for funds to assist her in completing a course in a business college. As she is a cripple and has to walk with the aid of a crutch, she succeeded in getting together the small sum of about $25 for her day's labor. She gave her name as Lottie Smith, but where she came from no one seems to be able to tell. "This is the same person, so the officers say, who was arrested and tried at Coburg a short time ago for hiring a livery rig in that city and going to Junction City and leaving the rig. At Corvallis she was known as Tillie Hobson and claimed to be a close relative of the hero Hobson, of Santiago fame." The same school girl (?) was in Medford last week and succeeded in gathering many shekels from the purses of our sympathetic townspeople. The Eugene Guard says she raised $50 in Eugene. Medford Mail, May 18, 1900, page 3 Capt. Gordon Voorhies and family arrived from Portland Monday morning and will spend the summer at their orchard home, south of Medford. Scott Davis and Mrs. W. L. Halley were at Ashland the first of the week to visit at the bedside of their mother, Mrs. A. A. Davis, who is quite seriously ill. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 18, 1900, page 4 Marshal Murray and W. H. Hembree engaged in a slight difference of opinion last Thursday relative to the care of Mr. Hembree's horse, which led to a rather serious misunderstanding, some words, an arrest, a fine and a reconciliation. It seems Mr. Murray told Mr. Hembree to put the horse in question in a safer place, intimating he would be compelled to shoot the animal in case it got out of the enclosure. Mr. Hembree didn't think the marshal would carry out the threatened execution, and told him so plainly. Their dissenting opinions led to a warm argument, in the course of which a few complimentary terms were exchanged, one of the latter enraging our worthy peace officer to such an extent that he proceeded to give his opponent a little "shaking up." Mr. Hembree then had Sam arrested, charged with the use of language forbidden by statutory law and also by town ordinance, a fine paid and the matter dropped. These little affairs are to be regretted, of course, but they will happen even in the best-regulated communities, as was proven by the case in point. The Mail is pleased to say, however, that no ill feeling exists as a result of the episode. Those of our citizens who feel an interest in the Odd Fellows cemetery will learn with gratification that the difficulty in gaining access thereto, particularly at a time when the roads are bad, will be greatly overcome in the near future. The local lodge of Odd Fellows has purchased two and a half acres lying between the county road and the entrance to the cemetery, on which a road will be built which will afford many advantages over the one in present use. It will not only lessen the distance considerably, but will do away with climbing the big steep hill, avoiding nearly thirty-six feet of grade. In the past there have been many occasions when heavily loaded vehicles were gotten up the steep hill with the greatest difficulty, and coming down has been even harder and often positively dangerous. A fuller explanation of the plans to be followed will be given later. The Southern Pacific Company is figuring on adding considerable more sidetrack room in their Medford yards. The sidetrack now in use on the west side will be moved further west, and a "passing" track will be put in between the west or freight track and the main line. The track between the depot and the main line will be extended to some distance on the south end, thus giving more room for unloading merchandise and local freight. A wood yard track will also be put in at a point near the packing house. W. H. Hembree has several of his celebrated Dewey washing machines manufactured and on the market--and a number of them already sold. The machine is unquestionably the best article of its kind on the market. A week's washing for a large family can be gotten on the line in from thirty to forty-five minutes--and the clothing will be clean--cleaner than they can possibly be gotten by hand. The machine sells for $8 and with it goes a guarantee that it will fill the bill as recommended. Manager George Faucett, of the Wells, Fargo express office, states that just as soon as the old Southern Pacific depot is removed--which will be in a few days--and a sidewalk is built across the track and in front of the Cox-Perry warehouse, he will remove the office to the new building, occupying the southwest corner room. The increasing business of the company makes larger quarters necessary, and the new location will be much more convenient for the agent, and no less so for the patrons. A. A. Davis is having one of his old wheat warehouses, near the depot, torn down. He will extend the remaining house to the north forty or sixty feet--same width as the old one. This will give him more room for storing the immense wheat crop which is now promised. "Rube" and Frank Shields, two very clever trick bicycle riders and balancers, gave a pleasing display of their abilities Tuesday in two performances before Hotel Nash, showing to large audiences and receiving in return liberal compensation in the way of contributions. J. W. Curry, formerly of Medford, writes The Mail from Washington, D.C., to the effect that he passed a very satisfactory examination for his governmental position and that he would go to work in a few days, but he did not know in what department he would work. Both the G. W. Priddy and Childers Bros. brick kilns were opened Monday and the work of hauling the brick to their respective places of use about the city begun. Work was commenced Tuesday on the D. T. Lawton and R. H. Halley blocks. John Gainey has taken a position as salesman in Hutchison & Lumsden's general merchandise store. J. T. Wiley formerly held this position, but he was obliged to give it up because of poor health. T. W. Johnson is a candidate for the office of constable for Medford precinct. He was nominated by the Democrats. The Republicans did not put up a candidate. All were satisfied to let Wes have the office. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 18, 1900, page 7 Mrs. Laura Bradley, of Eugene, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Merriman. The event of the season was the 15th wedding anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel, last Monday evening. The evening was perfect, and over 100 guests offered their congratulations. The house was beautifully decorated in green and white, and the grounds were ablaze with lanterns and lamps. Tables were spread on the lawn, loaded with nearly everything that could tempt the appetite, while in the parlors music was furnished by Medford's best talent. The presents were numerous and costly. Guests were present from Eugene, Ashland and Jacksonville. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 20, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Joe Parker is now baggage master at Medford, and fills the position creditably.J. W. Curry has gone to Washington, D.C., to take a clerkship in the census bureau, at $100 per month. The job will last a few years. The 12-year-old daughter of J. D. Heard fell from a fence which she was climbing in order to gather some wildflowers one day last week and sustained a broken arm. Medford is making celebrations for one of the biggest celebrations of the 4th of July ever held in Southern Oregon. The committee appointed to solicit funds reports gratifying success, and over $500 has been pledged, with a considerable sum prospective. H. Hembree and Marshal Murray had a dispute one day last week concerning a stallion owned by the former. Language more forcible than elegant was indulged in by the officer, whereupon his opponent retaliated by having him arrested. Recorder Lawton fined the marshal five dollars and costs. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 21, 1900, page 3 "Capt." Smith and Hattie Howard.
Portland Welcome, May 12.]Captain A. C. Smith is behind the bars. The Welcome predicted, about a month ago, that he would eventually be. The charge against him is for abducting and unlawfully detaining a female person, under the age of 16 years. That female person is Miss Hattie Howard of Medford, Jackson County, who now has the measles, and is, incidentally, enjoying the prospects of becoming a mother. For more than a year Hattie Howard has defied parental authority. She was bad by nature and by habit. She rapidly became incorrigible and finally permitted herself to be spirited away by the old scamp who is now in jail in this city on her account. After the sensational elopement from Medford, the authorities pursued, overtook and apprehended the girl. The old man escaped. Hattie Howard was sent to the Florence Crittenden Home in this city, her parents and friends believing that a term of treatment and counsel in such an institution would redeem the wayward girl from the consequences of her wicked tendencies. When in the Crittenden Home in this city, however, Captain Smith appeared and, in a plausible talk to President Riggs, obtained permission, under surveillance, however, to visit the girl in the interest of her grandparents. On the day following his first visit, Hattie escaped and was next heard from at The Dalles, to which point she had flown with her aged lover. Again the couple were located at Arlington, at which place the antiquated Lothario seems to have deserted the lass in her distress. Her father sent her transportation to her home at Medford. Search for Captain Smith, however, was being prosecuted with vigor by the police department of this city, when, on Thursday, Detective Wiener registered the old scoundrel at the station on the charge above suggested. Captain Smith is patriarchal in appearance, and very suave in manner. He is an uncommonly plausible crook in his explanation of his tribulations, but the likelihood is that now he will have to support his story with something more than a mere narrative of events. Judge Crowell of Jackson County will be especially pleased at Captain Smith's apprehension. Smith is a Grand Army man, with long, white beard and a pretentious countenance. It has been suggested that he may be in the employ of bawdy houses as a procurer. The statements he has made to the buxom girl he induced to leave a comfortable home and good parents seem to support that suspicion. He will probably be arraigned in the municipal court on Monday. Valley Record, Ashland, May 17, 1900, page 2 There can be no doubt but what the Crowell-Klippel ring is in favor of the election of either Narregan or Prim as county judge. The votes it can control will be thrown to whichever is considered the strongest candidate. It makes no difference to them which is elected. The only principle they consider involved is the control of county affairs by their little clique. If voters will read between the lines of the matter published last week in Crowell's personal organ, the Medford Enquirer, they will have no trouble in ascertaining that such are the facts. -----
Judge Crowell
has been so busy with political schemes during the past several months
that he is not often found in his office at the county seat. Just now
he has turned his transcendent talents toward furnishing matter for his
urinal [sic], the Medford Enquirer, vilifying
people and questioning their Democracy because they do not see fit to
support his pet candidate for county judge. Perhaps his honor is not to
be blamed so much for this. He was smart enough to know that he could
never be reelected; but he does like to manipulate and dictate so well
that, if he cannot lord over things in person, he is perfectly willing
to do so through a substitute.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 24, 1900, page 2 Leon Howard returned home Tuesday from Medford, Oregon, where he has been for two years. "Local," New Ross Mail, New Ross, Indiana, May 25, 1900, page 3 The Ladies' Musical Club met Saturday, May 19, with Mrs. G. A. Gregory. The programme embraced vocal, instrumental and mandolin music, by American composers. At the roll call, each member responded with a suitable anecdote or quotation. It was decided to name the organization "The St. Cecilia Musical Club." Last Monday and Tuesday evening were given up to surprises in the Lawton families. Monday evening was the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Lawton. About 50 relatives and friends gathered at their home to offer congratulations. Refreshments were served and substantial gifts were made. On Tuesday evening occurred the 56th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawton, parents of Messrs. D. T. and J. H. Lawton, and Mrs. G. H. Haskins. Mrs. Haskins issued invitations, and her commodious house, beautifully decorated with evergreens, was well filled, when Grandpa and Grandma Lawton were invited to spend the evening. Lunch was served and presents were made to the old couple. The Medford Band was present. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 27, 1900, page 14 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.
The following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county
recorder since the last report of The Times:C. W. Palm to estate of T. A. Harris; lot 2, and s ½ lot 3, blk 19, Medford . . . 1.00 Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 28, 1900, page 2 A CARD.
TO THE PEOPLE OF JACKSON COUNTY:I have chosen the thriving little city of Medford for my future place of business, it being centrally located in one of the most fertile and prosperous valleys of Oregon. My intention is to open a first-class piano house and deal directly with the manufacturers, to enable my patrons to procure a piano or organ at the lowest possible figure. I take pleasure in announcing that I am general agent for the well-known Chickering, Weber, Jacob, Doll and Kimball pianos, which are all high-grade instruments; also medium-grade pianos, namely: Stuyvesant, Wheelock, Singer and others, and the Kimball, Burdett and other organs. I am also pleased to announce to the public that Miss Mae Ross, an accomplished music teacher of Portland, will give piano lessons in or out of the store. Miss Ross will also take your orders for music of all kinds, to be delivered on short notice. In connection with the music business I have the old and reliable Singer sewing machine, the best machine that was ever made and is the best today. All goods sold on easy payments, and a liberal discount allowed for cash. Come in and examine my stock. Anything wanted in my line, not in stock, will be ordered at once to suit the purchaser. H. M. COSS.
Childers' Block, Medford.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 28, 1900, page 3 The Sugar Pine Co.'s big traction engine and train brought the first load of lumber of the season from Big Butte to Medford, 26 miles, last week, being 16,000 feet. A. A. Davis is superintending the hauling. The company have 16 teams hauling the lumber from Gray's mill to Big Butte, a distance of 16 miles. Valley Record, Ashland, May 31, 1900, page 1 A. H. Walker and E. A. Hicks have formed a partnership and will at once commence the work of getting out monument rock from their quarry, near Jacksonville. Both are experienced marble and granite workers, and they will open up works at Medford, where they will do both a retail and wholesale business. They have a large quarry of splendid work and will get out a carload of its best products, which will be shipped to Medford next week. These gentlemen also have a quarry near Tolo. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 1, 1900, page 7 This is the beginning of Oregon Granite Co. The Sugar Pine Company's big steam road engine came into Medford Wednesday with about 16,000 feet of lumber. This is the first trip of the train this spring. The hauling with the engine this season will be wholly from Big Butte, 26 miles from Medford. The company now has 16 teams engaged in hauling lumber from the Gray mill to Big Butte, a distance of 16 miles. "Oregon Notes," Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 2, 1900, page 4 A street sprinkler will go into operation at Medford Monday. "Oregon Notes," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, June 3, 1900, page 5 A Novel Entertainment.
The ladies of
Medford have planned a charity in aid of the famine sufferers in India,
on the evening of Wednesday, June thirteenth, at the new warehouse of
Messrs. Cox & Perry. There will be vocal and instrumental music and
a cakewalk by the little folks led by Otto Bradley of Eugene. The price
of admission has been placed at ten cents. The table committee, of
which Mrs. B. P. Theiss is chairman, will serve ice cream and cake.
Other refreshments will be served from the various booths presided over
by our young ladies dressed in appropriate costumes. Miss Jessie
Worman, as a gypsy fortune teller, will be in charge of the palmistry
booth, and Miss Laura Cox will preside at the weighing machine. It is
hoped that the people of Jacksonville, always ready to give in every
good cause, will assist in these efforts to relieve the starving
millions of famine-stricken India. Mr. Barnum has agreed to run a
special train on the evening of that day, if enough people will
patronize it.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 7, 1900, page 3 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.
The following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county
recorder since the last report of The Times:Almira Whetstone to Anna M. Loder, lots 7 and 8, blk nineteen, Medford . . . 200.00 Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 7, 1900, page 3 R. H. Halley is at work on the second story of his new brick block. The front piers for the first story were put in with brick and stone, and are very pretty--and substantial. The first floor of this building will be the new home of The Mail. The second story will be for sleeping rooms for the Halley house. W. L. Halley is superintending the carpenter work on the job, and G. W. Priddy is doing the brick work. Medford Mail, June 8, 1900, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Jas. Gaines, the aged capitalist, died at his residence near Medford
Friday. He leaves a wife and several children.The commencement exercise of Medford's high school took place Friday night. They proved to be of a high order, reflecting much credit on pupil and teacher alike. The programme rendered was a first-class one in every particular. A dispatch in the San Francisco Bulletin says: The citizens of Medford propose to celebrate Independence Day on a grand scale this year. The programme is elaborate, consisting of a parade of civic and military societies, oratory, games and races during the day and a grand pyrotechnic display in the evening. The day's festivities will be concluded with a grand ball. There are twenty-four contestants in the field for the honor of goddess of liberty. Great interest is taken in the contest, which promises a large fund for celebrating purposes, and the committee will have "money to burn" on the Fourth. The leaders in the contest at present are Misses Tessie Saltmarsh, Mollie Barneburg, Lillian Barr and Grace Foster. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 11, 1900, page 3 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.
The following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county
recorder since the last report of The Times:I. J. Phipps to Orson Gilbert; lots 5 and 6, blk 3, Medford . . . 375.00 Henry Pohlman to Portland Trust Co.; lots 24 and 25, blk 7, Orchard Home Association tract . . . 150.00 Excerpt, Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 11, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
S. R. Reeves, having disposed of the Hotel Nash to I. L. Hamilton, will locate in Ashland.Attorney Parker has returned from the northern part of the state, where he has been canvassing for his "Key to the Oregon Law," with gratifying success. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 14, 1900, page 3 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.
The following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county
recorder since the last report of The Times:D. I. Phipps to Mrs. A. R. Phipps; three-tenths int in land in Medford . . . 3000.00 Anna B. Lindley to Mrs. A. R. Phipps; one-tenth int in same property . . . 600.00 W. R. Johnson to Mrs. C. L. Corwin; lots 11, 12 and 13, blk 4, Park add to Medford . . . 1000.00 Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 14, 1900, page 3 The charity fete given by all Medford ladies at the Cox-Perry warehouse Wednesday evening was a complete success. It was a benefit entertainment for the relief of India sufferers, and as a result a little more than one hundred dollars will go to the relief of those unfortunates. The ladies outrivaled their most sanguine expectations in the preparation of the fete, and the public generally opened wide its purse and gave of its contents bountifully. The evening was rainy and cold, but this did not keep fully four hundred people from attending the fete. The room was elaborately, grotesquely, uniquely and very tastily decorated with flowers, vines and bunting. The north end of the room was set apart for entertainment, while in the south end there were booths and set tables. To the left of the door was Misses Foster and Webb's chafing dish booth; next to this was the Japanese booth, presided over by Miss Rhinehart; next to it was the Indian booth, with Miss Haskins as the Indian princess. Across the room was the gypsy booth where Miss Worman piloted visitors to the tent of Mrs. Birge, the fortune teller. Mrs. Vawter and Mrs. Pickel presided at the frappe booth. All these ladies were in costume suited to the nature of the booth they presided over. The scales, where people were weighed at from five cents to two bits a one, were presided over by Miss Laura Cox and T. E. Pottenger. The program was a good one throughout. The opening number was music by the high school band, followed by a couple of selections by the mandolin quartet, address by Rev. Haberly, recitation by Otto Bradley, vocal solo by Miss Medynski, piano solo by Miss Ross, vocal solo by Miss Maysie Foster, another selection by the mandolin quartet, and then followed the kindergarten cake walk. This was the feature of the evening's entertainment and was decidedly a masterly production--and due credit is given Miss Rhinehart for having so cleverly drilled the little folks. Those who took part in the walk were Ruth Norris and Fred Deuel, Enid Hamilton and Vernon Vawter, Hazel Enyart and Otto Bradley, Fern Hutchison and Earl Ulrich, Fay Sears and Newsome Harrison. Following the cake walk came the cake eat. The tables were bountifully laden with everything delicious and palatable and were liberally patronized. AS a whole the occasion was a grand success and proves to a demonstration that there is hardly a limit to the ends which the good ladies of our town can accomplish when there is concerted action. Gee, but Medford has some people who have almost an unlimited amount of nerve--and they seemingly carry it with them, even into the middle of the night. G. L. Schermerhorn and his good wife are in the habit of enjoying the cool of the evening in easy chairs on their lawn, and Tuesday evening was no exception to this general rule--but there were exceptions--and objections manifest on Wednesday morning when Mr. S. discovered that after he had retired the night before someone --probably two or more--had occupied those same easy chairs, had "cracked" several bottles of beer and inhaled the opium from several cigarettes--the evidence being empty beer bottles and partially smoked cigarettes strewn about the lawn. Mr. S. isn't making very much of a kick, but is declaring that when a good time is on at his place he wants to be it--or a part to it. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 15, 1900, page 7 Mrs. Lavina Howard and sons, Curtis, Willard, Leon and George left Monday morning for Medford, Oregon, where they will make their future home. "New Ross," Crawfordsville Journal, Crawfordsville, Indiana, June 15, 1900, page 5 Mrs. Lu Marhoffer has returned home from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Reames of Gold Hill, Jackson County. G. W. Colvig, father of Mrs. Bertram Stone of this city, was elected Representative from Josephine County, Oregon. Mrs. W. F. Wulf left Monday on the stage for Medford, Oregon, where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Gilbert. "Local News Briefly Told," Del Norte Record, Crescent City, June 16, 1900, page 3 Mr. Ward, of Rockford, Ill., is visiting his nephew, H. G. Wortman. Mrs. M. Boyd, of Absaroka, North Dakota, is visiting her daughters, Mrs. York and Mrs. Bliton. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, June 17, 1900, page 15 Mrs. T. L. Crandall left Friday to join her husband at Medford, Ore. "Ogden," The Salt Lake Herald, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 17, 1900, page 14 Crete Teachers Elected.
CRETE, Neb., June 16.--(Special.)--At the recent school board meeting
of the Crete high schools, all the teachers were elected with the
exception of three, Miss Maud Johnson, Miss Belle Atwater and Prof. A.
A. Reed. These three teachers were elected: Miss Mary Conway of Urbana,
Ill., Miss Ada Bahner, Miss Rosa Laders and Miss Neva Haight. The place
left vacant by the resignation of Superintendent A. A. Reed was filled
by Prof. George A. Gregory of Medford, Ore.
Omaha Sunday Bee, Omaha, Nebraska, June 17, 1900, page 3 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.
The following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county
recorder since the last report of The Times:N. R. Johnson to Mrs. C. L. Corwin; lots 11, 12 and 13, blk 4, Park add to Medford . . . 1000.00 Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 18, 1900, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
F. W. Roach and family left Medford for Roseburg, where he has secured an interest in the Plaindealer.Mrs. J. K. Darnell and sons returned from Yreka, Calif. a few days since and will reside in Medford during the summer. The boiler of the electric light plant blew up one day last week, and the town has been in blackness for several nights in consequence. Wm. Slinger, one of the prominent citizens of this place, died Sunday evening after a short illness. He leaves a wife and an adopted son, besides a wide circle of friends to mourn his loss. It is rumored that C. W. Wolters will shortly assume charge of the general merchandise stock of White, Harbaugh & Co., negotiations for the purchase of the same being now under way. Miss Lillian Barr was elected to represent the goddess of liberty in the 4th of July parade at Medford, receiving 1496 votes. Her nearest competitor being Miss Tessie Saltmarsh with 794. Medford Camp, Woodmen of the World, elected officers last week as follows: Consul, Perry Stewart; A. L., J. W. Wiley; escort, W. J. Fredenburgh; watchman, F. M. Jordan; sentry, A. S. Wells. Norman Torrey and W. S. Sleppy of Coleman Creek were fined $7.50 each by Recorder Lawton last week for cruelty to animals, in beating their team for being unable to haul a load of wood they had brought into the city. Despite stormy weather the charity fete given at the Cox & Perry warehouse last Wednesday evening was well attended and a very successful affair. The programme was excellent and well rendered. In the neighborhood of $100 was realized. At the annual election officers of the Bank of Medford, the following were elected: President, J. H. Stewart; vice-president, H. E. Ankeny; cashier, J. E. Enyart; directors, W. S. Crowell, R. H. Whitehead, W. B. Roberts, Horace Pelton, W. F. Towne. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 18, 1900, page 3 Mrs. T. L. Crandall left today to join her husband, Rev. Crandall, at Medford, Oregon. "Random References," Semi-Weekly Standard, Ogden, Utah, June 19, 1900, page 8 The salaries of the postmasters of Ashland and Medford have been raised $100 a year each. They get $1700 and $1500 per annum respectively now. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 21, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Medford is full of Woodmen of the World, who are attending the biannual
district convention of western Oregon as delegates. Several interesting
sessions were held.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 21, 1900, page 3 Dr. Pickel removed a cataract from Mrs. Jacob Johnson (colored) on Monday of this week. The old lady has been nearly blind for three or four years, and when her vision was restored she was so elated that a prolonged prayer was indulged in. The operation was a success, and her eyesight is almost entirely restored. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 22, 1900, page 7 Medford will issue new bonds to take up the present outstanding ones, and to redeem the unpaid 8 percent city warrants. The question was put to a vote Monday, and was carried almost unanimously. Petitions are being circulated in Ashland, Medford, Gold Hill and Central [Point], asking Governor Geer to call a meeting of the board of regents of the Ashland Normal School, and reconsider the election of a successor to Professor Van Scoy, as president of the college. It is expected that 1200 to 1500 names will be secured. While the Governor is a member of the board, he was not present at the meeting when the faculty was chosen, and the petitioners solicit his influence to bring the matter up again. "Oregon Notes," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, June 24, 1900, page 4 Cashier Gilkey has moved into his new residence in West Medford. Rev. A. S. Foster and family left for their new field of labor last Thursday. Miss Lillian Barr has been chosen to represent the goddess of liberty in the Fourth of July parade. She received 1496 votes, while her competitor, Miss Tessa Saltmarsh, had 794. The "benefit" given by the ladies of the city last Wednesday evening for the benefit of the India sufferers was a success. The proceeds were $105.50, which, added to what had been given by the churches, makes very nearly $350 sent to India from Medford. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, June 24, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
White, Harbaugh & Co. are invoicing their stock of goods, which will be disposed of by Chas. W. Wolters.Last week Dr. Pickel successfully removed a cataract from the eye of Mrs. Jacob Johnson (colored), who has been nearly blind for several years. Grant Shell and Wm. Eaton had an altercation one day last week, during which the latter struck the former on the head with a rock, inflicting a very painful wound. Bert. Brown left last week for St. Jo, Mo., where he has secured a good position with a prominent dry goods firm. His many friends wish him success in his new home. The proposition of issuing new city bonds in payment of those outstanding, and for the redemption of outstanding warrants, was carried at a special election held on the 18th, by a vote of 102 to 28. E. Weston arrived from Iowa recently, and has formed a partnership in the photograph business with G. W. Mackey. Mrs. W. (nee Alta Brous) is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. I. Waldroop of Etna, Calif. The fete held in Medford recently, for the benefit of famine-stricken India, netted $105.55, which amount has been forwarded to New York. It was a very successful affair in every way, and reflected much credit on the participants as well as those having it in charge. Hon. Geo. C. Brownell of Oregon City, one of the most eloquent and entertaining orators in the state, will deliver the oration at Medford's 4th of July celebration. Our people are to be congratulated upon this choice. Miss Mae Merriman, the popular elocutionist, will read the Declaration of Independence. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 25, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Dr. Keene has recovered his usual good health and has returned to Medford from Ashland.Ed. Armstrong and C. H. Wallace, the bricklayers, have gone to Lakeview to work on the buildings being constructed there. J. A. Whitman and C. W. Palm were in town Tuesday, in the interest of the manufacturing establishment at Medford in which they are interested. One of the events of the season will be the dancing party that will be held at the Perry & Cox warehouse on the night of July 4th. Paine & Simmons' celebrated orchestra will furnish the music. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 28, 1900, page 3 Very nearly everybody, that is, the majority of people--or, well, there are some anyway, who think nothing will doctor a rattlesnake bite equal to red liquor, but Mrs. C. T. Payne, who lives out south and east of Medford, has a sure [cure that] while not as pleasant, perhaps, to administer, is equally as effective as liquor, and it is nothing more nor less than soft soap and coal oil. A few weeks ago a cow, which was on the Payne range in the mountains, was bitten on the jaw by a rattler. A thorough application of the above-named articles was made, and a cure was effected. Two other cows and a colt, in days agone, have been bitten on this same range, and the same application as effectually made in each case. What's good for a rattle bite on a cow ought to be just as good for a rattle bite on a man. Hereafter The Mail want all persons who persist in exposing themselves to rattlers to have with them a bottle of soft soap and coal oil. It's just as good as red liquor and is a mighty sight cheaper--and don't injure the constitution to pack around. There's not the least danger in the world of a man getting on too big a jag of the soap cure--but there is of the liquor remedy--as has been proven upon a couple or more occasions. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 29, 1900, page 7 Committee Wants Help.
Fourth of July parade committee have on their hands just a little more
work than they can make away with and they want some help. They want
every woman and man in the city who can possibly spare a few hours'
time Monday and Tuesday to meet with them at the Whitman implement
house and help decorate floats, chariots and liberty cars. The work
will be done under cover--a large shed having been fitted up for the
Medford Mail, June 29, 1900, page 7 H. Eaton has returned from Medford, Oregon to his home in Twin Lakes, and will remain during the summer. "Paragraphs About People," Freeborn County Standard, Albert Lea, Minnesota, July 4, 1900, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Miss Carolyn George has returned from her trip to Chicago.
S. T. Sears has returned from his sojourn at Klamath Hot Springs. Geo. Porter has gone to Portland, where he expects to get employment. "Shorty" Hamilton will again take charge of the Hotel Nash next Saturday. Fred. Slagle, who has been quite ill during the past few weeks, is convalescent. L. C. Narregan and C. O. Ramsey of Medford were in Jacksonville Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Annie Fairclo of Ashland is visiting in Medford, accompanied by her two children. Mrs. I. A. Webb entertained a few of her friends at her residence in Medford last Friday evening. Miss Grace Odgers, who has been attending the Pacific University at Forest Grove, returned last week. Mrs. A. S. Rosenbaum of Wolf Creek has been visiting with Miss Mamie Isaacs of Medford during the past week. The Medford Free Press has suspended publication, and the plant has been purchased by A. H. Chessmore and Geo. Webber. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 5, 1900, page 3 C.
H. Barkdull, one of the oldest pioneers of southern Oregon, died at the
residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. O'Brien of Applegate, last Thursday.
He was a man of many estimable traits of character and highly esteemed
by the many who knew him.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 5, 1900, page 3THE FOURTH IN MEDFORD.
Largest Crowd in Attendance that Ever Congregated in the County. The Entertainment Was Hardly Adequate for the Size of the Crowd. The Non-Ascension of the Balloon Was a Great Disappointment to All. That
Medford's Fourth of July celebration was a success so far as crowd was
concerned no person will gainsay. Conservative estimates place the
number at from 6000 to 8000 people. Sheriff Orme, who has undoubtedly
attended every large gathering held in the valley for the past thirty
years, declares the one here Wednesday to be the largest ever
congregated upon any occasion.
There were people here from all parts of the valley; there were people here from the mountain homes, the homes from beyond the mountains, and from those many miles into California. Much of the interest in the celebration was centered upon the balloon ascension, and when it was found to be impossible to make the ascent, or rather, to inflate the balloon, because of the stiff wind which was blowing, a feeling of disappointment came over the countenances of pretty nearly everybody--and a cold, clammy cloud was spread over the entire day's program. That the entertainment was inadequate for the demands and, in reality, the deserved attention of the immense crowd is understood fully by all Medford people, and especially by the committee in charge. The excuse, one of them, which can be offered was the want of concerted action on the part of our townspeople. The procession formed at ten o'clock, near the Whitman warehouse, and moved about the principal streets in the order as advertised. Hon. Alex. Orme, marshal of the day, and his assistants, John Olwell, G. L. Schermerhorn and J. A. Whitman, led the procession, followed by the Medford band, a carriage containing Wm. Colvig, orator of the day, Rev. Crandall, the chaplain, Mayor Howser and Hon. T. Cameron. Following next was the decorated wagon bearing the forty-five little girls representing the states of the union, under the protection of Messrs. G. C. Noble and F. M. Stewart. Next in line was the Goddess of Liberty car, upon which was the elected Goddess, Miss Lillian Barr, and her guards, Messrs. M. S. Damon, L. T. Pierce, Jas. Grieve and Will Cottrell, the two former in G.A.R. uniforms and the latter in the uniforms worn by them in the late unpleasantness with the Filipinos. The Angel of Peace car came next with Miss Jennie Woodford as the angel. The G.A.R. boys, in uniform, were the next in line, then the chariot, hitched to which were four black horses and driven by Miss Laura Cox. The hose company followed, with the balloonist's car next. A miniature representation of the U.S. cruiser Olympia was the next float, following which was a float bearing Miss May Phipps, representing the state of Oregon, followed by the float Medford, upon which rode Miss Edith Webb. After these came the floats of a few business houses, they being the Coss Piano House, Misses Etta Medynski and Nora Bates riding decorated bicycles and bearing a large banner upon which was lettered "Miss H. A. Medynski, Milliner," G. A. Gurnea, advertising his Racket Store, W. H. Hembree his Dewey washing machine, and S. Bradbury with a four-in-hand tandem sulky team. The exercises at the grove were first class. The music furnished by the Choral Union was widely commented upon. Attorney A. S. Hammond, president of the day, made very appropriate opening remarks; Miss Mae Merriman recited the Declaration of Independence in a manner that elicited the most favorable comment by every person within hearing. Attorney W. M. Colvig's oration was forceful and as eloquent and masterly as are all efforts of like nature undertaken by that gentleman. The exercises were good throughout and all praise is due those who so generously contributed to make them such. The Mail wants to say right here that Medford is under great obligations to Mr. Colvig. He was not on the bill for the oration, but the committee was disappointed in securing the speaker they had advertised, but Mr. Colvig is always ready to aid in times of distress and he very generously gave to us the assistance asked for, and for all of which we are most grateful. This same feeling of gratitude also goes out to Mr. Hammond, who officiated in Mr. Crowell's stead as president of the day, Mr. Crowell being too ill to participate in the exercises. At 1:30 John Hardin's callithumpians made their street parade and gave their exercises at the public grounds. This was good--what there was of it, but the captain was handicapped, as were all other committeemen, by having banked on promises of help, which promises were evidently made with no intent of being fulfilled. The balloon ascension was to have taken place at two o'clock, but the wind was so strong as to make the inflation of the balloon impossible. Prof. Nelson and his assistant, Prof. Merritt, were on the ground and had everything in shape for the ascent, but it was absolutely impossible--in consequence of which they did not earn, nor were they paid, the $125 which they were to have received. An effort will be made to make an ascension tomorrow, Saturday, forenoon, as soon after 10 o'clock as the weather will permit. The baseball game was the principal feature of the day, and it was a hot contest. The game was between Eagle Point and Medford teams and was won by the former on a score of 20 to 13. The purse was $50. A few races were put on during the afternoon, but the accident which befell H. G. Nicholson, chairman of the sport committee, early in the day, threw this work into other hands and the program could not be carried out as it was planned. The parade committee, Messrs. J. A. Whitman and G. L. Schermerhorn, is entitled to a great amount of praise and have received the favorable and grateful comment of all who know the ins and outs of the celebration work for their untiring work in making the parade the very creditable feature which it was. They were assisted materially by a few of our townspeople and to those the committee desire us to express their gratitude. Medford Mail, July 6, 1900, page 2 The Southern Oregon Historical Society has a series of photographs taken of this parade in the Medynski collection. As a horse trader John Bigham is not putting himself up as a shining mark. He was fleeced in a deal last week, but it required three men to do the job. Camped near the Edwards place, in the northern outskirts of Medford, there were, at that time, three men--their names Mr. Bigham did not learn, and whether they have left town now or not The Mail does not know. They are traveling through the country and seemingly make their living by horse trading. Here is their plan of operating as told by Mr. Bigham. --One of them, in farmer's garb, drove to his place with a team and lumber wagon and "stumped" Mr. B. to trade a young mare he had for one of Mr. B.'s work horses. Mr. B. suspicioned something and did not trade. A little later Mr. B. came to town and here encountered a second fellow who had a "hoss" to trade. It was the same animal previously shown him but hitched with another horse and on the other side of the pole. Mr. B. did not recognize the animal as the one shown him earlier in the day, and after bantering for a while a trade was made, Mr. B. paying $10 "to boot." After the trade was made the horses were exchanged and Mr. B. started out to have a turn about town and enjoy the fruits of his bargain, but after getting no further than East Medford he discovered that he had been bilked--the mare was wind-broken--and she had a bad case of it. After this discovery was made a third fellow happened along with a little bunchgrass pony, worth about twenty cents at the Linton horse cannery, and offered to trade for the wind-broken mare. Mr. B. could see no other way to get home, and out of a very bad deal, and a trade was made--and that's all there is to it except that Mr. Bigham has learned since that it was a scheme all around, that the three fellows were partners and that the biggest mistake he made was when he traded for the bunchgrass pony, as the jockeys would never have left town without the mare. It is alleged that the wind-broken mare has been traded no less than a dozen times since the party left Roseburg--and she is still in their hands. She is their stock and trade, and their business is that of fleecing unsuspecting, honest farmers. This item is printed as a warning to farmers. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 6, 1900, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 12, 1900, page 3 Prof.
G. A. Gregory, who has been school superintendent of Jackson County
during the past two years, left for Nebraska last week accompanied by
his family. He has secured a lucrative position in a school there.
George Coulter and Waldo Danielson will leave Monday for Lakeview. They have painted three or four hundred signs for Medford business men, and these they will put up along the road on their way over. They expect to be away all summer. Medford Mail, July 13, 1900, page 2 The balloon ascension, which was made in Medford last Saturday by Prof. Chris. Nelson, was the prettiest and most successful ascent the writer has ever witnessed--and he has seen several. The day was calm--scarcely enough wind blowing to turn a leaf on the trees. The balloon was inflated very quickly when the work of inflating had been commenced, and at 11 o'clock the twenty-odd men who were holding it down were given the word to "let her go"--and the monstrous bag of gas was at once moving upwards with the balloonist hanging by his hands to the trapeze. Prof. Nelson let go his hands and caught by his feet in the trapeze and hung thus for a few seconds, then back to a standing position on the bar--the balloon in the meantime ascending at a rapid pace. When about two hundred feet from the earth it swung slightly to the north then gradually back to the south, but all the time going nearly straight up. When about 2200 feet high the parachute was cut loose, and for a few hundred feet the descent was rapid. The parachute then opened and the descent was slower, and a very easy landing was made in J. R. Wilson's yard about a block south of the starting point. As soon as the parachute was cut loose the balloon turned upside down and a great cloud of gas escaped from it, and it came down with tremendous speed, landing in J. A. Perry's yard, about a block east of where the parachute came down. The whole affair was very pretty, and the fact that no accidents resulted made it all the more pleasing. It was indeed too bad that the ascension could not have been made on the Fourth, as billed, but when the amount of fire required to inflate the balloon was known to the people it was readily understood why it could not have been inflated with the wind blowing as it did on the Fourth. Why, with no more wind than there was Saturday--and there was really none at all--the flames went ten feet high inside of the balloon when it was being inflated. There were probably 1500 or 2000 people on the grounds to witness the ascension Saturday. The main object which the committee had in sending the balloon up on Saturday, when it was known that the ascension could not be made on the Fourth, was to prove to the people that it was no fake--that the balloonist was here to make the ascension and would have done so had there not been a heavy wind blowing. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 13, 1900, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 16, 1900, page 2 Miss Beaver of this precinct has been at the Sterling mine, visiting the Misses Ankeny.
W. V. Lippincott, the genial agent of the S.P. Co. at Medford, was at the county seat one day last week, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Mazie. The Southern Oregon Poultry Association, recently formed in Medford, has about 50 members. It contemplates holding a poultry show during the coming winter. Everett Geary, a son of Dr. Geary of Portland, arrived in Albany one day last week, coming all the way on his wheel. The little fellow is only 12 years old, and made the trip from Portland to Salem in half a day, stopped overnight and came to Albany the next forenoon. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 19, 1900, page 2 Mrs. Anna Wolf of Crescent City, Calif. (nee Gilbert) is paying her parents a visit.
W. T. Clemmens, who is an experienced miner, has gone to the Applegate section on a prospecting trip. T. D. Conklin of Leeds was in Medford not long since. He expects to become a resident of our town in the near future. Our community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Brace Skeel, although he had been in poor health for some time. He died at Salem, where he had been in the employ of the electric light and power company, last Monday, from hemorrhage of the lungs. His remains were brought to Grants Pass, where his parents reside, for interment. Brace was a resident of our town for a number of years, and became an expert electrician. He was an upright, industrious young man, and popular with all who knew him. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 23, 1900, page 3 W. B. Roberts, who is under the treatment of Dr. Bohannon, for cancer, is recovering rapidly.
Mayor Howser is disporting himself at Clatsop Beach.Mrs. J. W. Odgers is visiting at Darlington, Wisc. G. V. Stickel is at Gold Hill, manufacturing a large kiln of superior brick. Joe Caskey has returned from Portland and is Merriman's blacksmith shop again. J. T. C. Nash and family have gone to Maine, to visit the Capt.'s old home in that state. John W. Curry is employed in the agricultural division of the government at Washington. G. L. Schermerhorn has sold his business on the west side of the track to J. T. Wiley, H. H. Howard & Co.'s salesman. M. S. Biden, the clever young shoemaker, is assisting his father at the ranch on Evans Creek he recently purchased. District Attorney Reames was in Grants Pass this week on official business. He is proving a capable and energetic officer. Only first-class, up-to-date work done at the Medford Photograph Gallery, in Adkins' building. Prices reasonable, nevertheless. O. W. Fox and his wife (nee Meda Plymale) are spending their honeymoon in Klamath County. We wish them much good luck and wedded bliss. Mrs. True Cox, eldest daughter of J. F. Gregory, is at Colestin for the benefit of her health, which is precarious. She is being attended by her sisters. The German Lutheran Church in this city was dedicated last Sunday in the presence of a large congregation. Prof. F. Merz of Douglas County and Rev. E. Meyer of Oregon City assisted Rev. Mr. Sack in the ceremonies and services which were interesting and impressive. While W. J. Mahoney and Miss Carrie George were out driving a short time since, one of the neck straps broke and let down the pole. The horses then started to run away, but Mr. M. steered them into a fence, causing a collision that threw himself and Miss G. out of the carriage. Fortunately neither were hurt. The horses were cut severely by the barbed wire. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 26, 1900, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 30, 1900, page 3 New gutters are being built along Hotel Nash.
E. Worman is making his annual sojourn at Colestin. J. W. Wolters is furnishing this market with superior milk. D. G. Karnes has returned from his vacation in northern California. Mr. Hicks, the stone cutter, spent Sunday with relatives in Jacksonville. It is rumored that C. W. Wolters will engage in the mercantile business at Talent before long. Dr. R. T. Burnett, the popular dentist, recently returned from a professional visit to Douglas County. Cox & Perry, managers of the new warehouse, are doing a good business. They have commenced to take in wheat. ![]() Miss Mamie Isaacs has gone north, to visit with friends at different points in Oregon and Washington. She may extend her trip to Vancouver, B.C., where her brother George is engaged in business. The Fruit and Poultry World is the name of a new paper which circulated its first issue on Wednesday, July 18th. Coquille City Herald, July 31, 1900 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 2, 1900, page 2 O. C. Parsell has removed to his ranch in Poorman's district.
Mrs. C. I. Hutchison and Mrs. W. I. Vawter will leave for Newport in a few days. Quite a number of Medford's citizens are sojourning at Colestin during the heated term. The health of J. A. Hanley, which has been precarious for some time past, is somewhat improved. Al. Crystal, who is conducting a saloon at Warmcastle, Calif., is paying Medford a visit, accompanied by his wife. Gus. and Art. Nichols of Butte Creek were in Medford Tuesday, having brought a lot of fine hogs to market. H. W. Jackson of this city has purchased the Copper Prince mine, situated in Smith River (Calif.) district, of C. W. Price, paying $100 therefor. Miss Fannie Haskins, Aileen Webber and Grace Foster of Medford and Miss Bernice Cameron of Applegate have gone to Newport, to spend a fortnight by the sounding sea. An officer in the U.S. Army, accompanied by Geo. Stephenson and S. R. Reeves of Ashland, were in Medford Monday and Tuesday, for the purpose of purchasing saddle horses for the U.S. government. Quite a number of animals were inspected, but only about 20 head accepted. The price ranged as high as $50. Dr. R. T. Burnett, formerly of this city, now located at Medford, Or., is spending a few weeks here. "Society," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 5, 1900, page 12 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 6, 1900, page 3 W. I. Vawter, the attorney, who has been quite ill, is able to be about again.
E. Merz, the champion brewer of southern Oregon, was at the county seat Friday. John Ocandor of Salvation Army fame has returned from a missionary trip through Oregon. R. Rouse of Medford, Al. Helms' genial assistant, was in Jacksonville a few days ago, accompanied by Oliver Helms, on interesting business. Prof. Narregan, who has been rusticating in [the] southwestern part of Josephine County, returned Friday night. He brought home parts of two deer he had killed. Our city council has accepted the bid of the Medford Bank for $30,000 of the bonds recently issued, which are to run ten years and draw 5 percent interest. New York capitalists, who hold the present indebtedness of the city, offered a loan of $45,000 at 5½ percent. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 9, 1900, page 3 Thos. G. Dews is in Klamath County, in the employ of W. W. Finley. His family will soon join him.
Emil Peck of Lake Creek was in Medford this week. While here his team became frightened and ran away. M. M. Gault, the well-known machinist, has added another line to his business, that of bicycle repairing. He keeps on hand fixtures and extras of all kinds, and guarantees satisfaction. The directors have selected the following persons to serve as teachers of our public schools during the coming year: Prof. N. L. Narregan, principal; Miss Gertrude Sutton, vice-principal; Misses Grace Foster, Grace Amann, Maysie Foster, Fannie Haskins, Mae Phipps, Julia Fielder and Emma Reed. Somebody left a female infant, about six weeks old, on the porch of the residence of B. N. Butler, the jeweler, early Sunday night. The party who did so disappeared in the darkness after knocking on the door. Mr. Butler responded to the call and found the package containing the baby, but did not open it until his son and Marshal Murray were summoned. The waif has been placed in the care of the parties conducting the restaurant on C Street, for the present. Accompanying it were a few clothes, a bottle each of soothing syrup and paregoric; also a note from the heartless parents, saying they were unable to support the child. They evidently had been at Grants Pass, as the name of that town was printed on the label of one of the bottles found in the bundle. Baby Sensation at Medford.
Medford is having a mild sensation over a surplus baby girl six weeks
old which was found on the doorstep of the residence of B. N. Butler,
the jeweler, early Tuesday morning. A note attached to the precious
package said the baby was left for protection, the parents being unable
to care for it, that the parents were married August 13, 1899, and
wished the child to receive a Christian training.Investigation failed to bring a clue in Medford as to the owners of the babe, and it was surmised that the kid was brought here on the night train that leaves Ashland at 2:50 a.m. Valley Record, Ashland, August 9, 1900, page 3 The city of Rockland [Maine] was astonished by the return of Captain John T. C. Nash, of Medford, Ore. He had not been heard from in his town for thirty-eight years, and he returned to meet two brothers who have been keeping the old home. He had been supposed to be dead for many years, and he in his turn believed that his brothers had been lost at sea. During the time that he has been in the West he has moved through all the gold-producing states and is now said to be the wealthiest man in his town. He owns the principal blocks and controls large interests. Now that he has found his people again he will spend most of the summer at the old home. "Old Homes Revisited," The New York Tribune, August 12, 1900, page 13 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 13, 1900, page 3 Mayor Howser, who has been at Clatsop beach, returned last week.
Mesdames Hutchison and Vawter are among the many sojourning at Yaquina Bay. W. T. Clemmens, who was on a prospecting trip in Josephine County, has returned home. Chas. W. Wolters, late of Medford, has purchased F. P. Roper's stock of goods at Talent. F. W. Wait has been shipping some fine marble work to Klamath and Josephine counties lately. A. S. Hammond and family are camping in the Steamboat district, which has become a popular resort. C. P. Snell, the attorney, returned last week from a professional trip to Douglas County. He has appealed the Gorsline case to the supreme court. Fred and Lannes Klippel, who went to Nome last spring, returned Saturday. They do not entertain so good an opinion of that section as they did some time ago. Mrs. A. A. Davis died at the family residence in Medford on the 10th inst., after a lingering illness. She was a lady of many good qualities and highly respected by all who knew her. J. A. Whitman has sold his buildings and carriage business to F. Osenbrugge, a newcomer, who has had considerable experience in that line. Bert will engage in the handling of fruit on an extensive scale. The team of Henry Pohlman, the clever manager of the Orchard Home Association's tract, ran away one day last week and smashed the wagon into smithereens. His son was aboard at the time, but fortunately escaped unhurt. L. L. Jacobs of Jacksonville, late county treasurer, has accepted a position with H. H. Howard & Co., grocers. Lee is a good business man, clever and upright, and will doubtless give general satisfaction in his new position. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 16, 1900, page 3 Buyers of cavalry horses for the U.S. government will be at Medford next Wednesday.
The authorities of the city of Medford have made a contract with Mr. Williams, representing the Southern Oregon Irrigation and Power Co., to furnish the city with water from the Butte Creeks at the rate of four cents per thousand gallons for the first 250,000 gallons, two cents per thousand for the next 350,000 gallons, and 1½ cents per thousand for any amount above those quantities. It is said to be the intention of the company to commence work on the ditch very soon. The enterprise will prove quite important in more ways than one. Hon.
J. H. Stewart of Medford, who owns a body of land on upper Rogue River,
has started a big orchard there, and will soon have 80 acres planted in
pear trees.
Dillon Hill, a prominent fruit grower of Pooh Bah precinct, was in Jacksonville yesterday, contracting for the delivery of pears for domestic use at two cents a pound. Chas. H. Leadbetter, who had the R.R.V.R. leased a number of years ago, with the alleged intention of extending it to the Butte Creek and Rogue River sections, is now conducting a big sawmill near Washougal, Wash. He cuts a big swath wherever he goes, but his career in southern Oregon was not such as to impress anyone with his reliability. Frank Ward, of Rockford, Ill., is visiting his nephew, Harry Wortman. Dr. N. W. Judd and father, J. S. Judd, of Chicago, and Dr. and Mrs. Pickel have been rusticating in the mountains near Medford for the past week. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 19, 1900, page 14 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 20, 1900, page 2 Thos. Collins has sold his interest in the Turf Exchange to his partner, W. J. King.
Representatives of the U.S. government will be in Medford on the 22d, to buy horses and mules. Misses Silsby of Ashland, the popular musicians, have been visiting in Medford, being the guests of Mrs. I. A. Webb. Mrs. J. E. Enyart, who is considerably indisposed, will soon leave for San Francisco for treatment at the Lane hospital. H. Gurnea, one of our most enterprising citizens, is making preparations to build a fine brick building on his lots near the Ashland railroad depot. S. Rosenthal, the pioneer merchant, has purchased the goods formerly owned by White, Harbaugh & Co., paying $6,000 therefor. It is a fine, big stock. W. F. Crosby and Rufus Cox, the festive grain manipulators, went to Althouse, Josephine County, last week, to invest in a mine. Negotiations will soon be concluded. Judge Day of Jacksonville was in Medford Saturday and Sunday, attending the quarterly meeting of the M.E. Church, South, which was presided over by Rev. H. S. Shangle, P.E. His wife accompanied him. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 23, 1900, page 3 Miss Erma Wigle has gone to North Yamhill, to visit an aunt who is quite ill.
Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel, who have been rusticating on Applegate, got back Sunday. Mrs. A. M. Woodford is visiting in Grants Pass, accompanied by her daughter Ruth. Dr. R. T. Burnett, who has been at Eugene and Astoria, returned to Medford Wednesday. We are sorry to learn that he intends leaving us. Thos. Collins, who now travels with the circus, was at the county seat Monday. He expects to leave as soon as his friend Wolff will permit it. E. G. Holman and W. G. Palmer have returned from Mt. Reuben district, where they have been doing some development work for Dr. J. S. Moore. Fred. Barneburg had one of his eyes hurt by a piece of wire he was cutting, from a coil striking it. He injury was painful, though fortunately not serious. Mrs. W. V. Lippincott left for San Diego, Calif. this week, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Mazie, whose health has been poorly for some time past. They may extend their trip to Arizona. W. H. Parker has gone to Portland, to arrange for the publication of three new legal works he has lately finished, each of which will make several hundred pages, and is pronounced valuable by judges. He is to be congratulated on his success. Jas. C. Calvert of Grants Pass, a clever young man well known in mining circles, and Miss Jessie Gilson, the handsome and amiable daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Gilson of Medford, were united in matrimony at the residence of the bride's parents on Tuesday afternoon. The couple are well and favorably known in southern Oregon, and have the congratulations and best wishes of many friends. Most of our people are disgusted with the Mail's silly account of the late baseball game, in which the Grants Pass nine and those who accompanied them to this city were abused and maligned in an unwarranted manner. Bliton so often has written himself an ass and displayed his small, jealous nature so frequently, that we have become accustomed to it. Our neighbors should not consider him seriously, for it is not worth their while.
Parties representing the U.S. government were in Ashland and Medford
this week, for the purpose of buying horses and mules. Several parties
had been purchasing animals for this inspection during the past few
weeks, a large number of which were accepted and will be shipped to the
Orient as soon as possible. Alex. Martin of Klamath Falls alone
submitted 70 horses and 40 mules at Ashland.
Manning & Son, who had the contract to saw 1,000,000 feet of lumber at Gray's mill in Flounce Rock precinct for the Oregon Sugar Pine Co., have finished it. The lumber is being hauled to Medford by the big road engine and iron wagons owned by that corporation, which will be unable to get it all to market this season. It is probable that it will build a sawmill in the Big Butte section in the near future, where it owns a large body of timber. C. O. Damon was one of Ringling Bros.' gang of bill posters. He was shaved smooth, and even some of his creditors did not recognize him. H. M. Coss of the Medford piano house has sold District Attorney Reames an elegant Chickering piano for his wife. He is disposing of quite a number of musical instruments. Mrs. Jesse L. Fisher, of Medford, is visiting relatives in and near Roseburg. "Roseburg," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 26, 1900, page 12 Mrs. L. B. Littlefield, of Sacramento, Cal., is visiting her brother, B. N. Bunch. Mrs. Ira Phelps and sons, Earl and Francis, of Scio, Or., are visiting Mrs. Phelps' mother, Mrs. Tice, and Medford friends. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 26, 1900, page 12 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 27, 1900, page 3 L. A. Robertson of Sams Valley was here Friday, attending the horse and mule sale.
Jas. D. Stevens of Josephine County was in Medford with a lot of horses and mules Friday, some of which were purchased by the government's representative. Thos. Sly, a pioneer of Jackson County, who has been in the Deschutes region for some time, was in Medford Friday. He is over 84 years old, but still hale and hearty. Orrin Whitman, the energetic proprietor of the Medford Book Store, is offering his extensive assortment of Kodaks, etc. for sale at greatly reduced rates. Be sure and give him a call if you wish anything in that line. Our town was full of parties from different parts of the country, who had horses to sell to the government buyer. Many of them went away disappointed, as the greater part of the demand had been supplied at Ashland from Klamath County. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 30, 1900, page 2 D. Cofer, the expert mechanic, has gone to California.
Justin Wigle is located at Mills City, Oregon, and getting along nicely. The directors of Grove district have engaged the services of Miss Odgers of Medford, who will doubtless give satisfaction. The Seventh Day Adventists are holding a big camp meeting in Medford, which is well attended and creates considerable interest. A number of camps are pitched near the school house. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 6, 1900, page 2 Will. McGowan has returned from a trip to the eastern states and Canada, much pleased with his visit.
It is reported that the Medford Brewing Co. will suspend the manufacture of beer after this month. Fred Klippel and wife, L. P. Klippel and Miss Allie Klippel, who have been at Cinnabar during the past month, returned this week. The report that Dr. R. T. Burnett, the clever dentist, intends leaving Medford is erroneous. He has no such intention whatever. The Paine & Simmons orchestra has dissolved for the present, Mr. Paine's wife being very sick and Mr. Simmons having gone East on a visit. Pleasant Smith, a pioneer of Sams Valley, was in Medford Tuesday, seeking treatment for his eyes. He is almost blind, we are sorry to say. The Medford World, a fruit and poultry journal, has been changed from a weekly to a semi-weekly publication. It deserves a liberal patronage. E. F. Walker, one of the earliest pioneers of southern Oregon, died at his residence in Medford on the 6th. He was an industrious, upright man and highly respected by all who knew him. Geo.
Wolff and J. Kirchmann, his brother-in-law, who have been operating in
Medford and vicinity, have skipped for more congenial climes. They
mortgaged and sold their personal property several times, and bilked
everybody they could.
Mrs. Rivers and daughter, who have been here since last fall, started for Medford, Oregon, their home, Tuesday. The friends of both parties wish them pleasant journeys. "Freeborn," Freeborn County Times, Albert Lea, Minnesota, September 7, 1900, page 17 Enoch Walker.
The San Francisco Call, September 8, 1900, page 5Special Dispatch to The Call.
ASHLAND, Or., Sept. 7.--Enoch Walker, a pioneer of the early fifties, died at his residence near Medford last evening, aged about 83 years. He participated in the Southern Oregon Indian War; was actively connected with the early history of this section and was well known throughout Northern California as well. Several children survive him. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 10, 1900, page 2 Francis Fitch, the attorney, who has been to New York on business, returned home this week.
Miss Ella Hanley left last week for San Francisco, where she will remain some time for the benefit of her health. The Bryan club will hold a meeting on the evening of the 14th, which will be addressed by several speakers. A Bryan club with a large membership was organized in Medford Sept. 1st. The following officers were elected: President, J. R. Wilson; vice-president, E. P. Hammond; secretary, Jas. Stewart; executive committee, J. A. Whitman, R. P. Little, J. G. Hodges. The club meets the second and third Fridays in each month. The patrons of the Medford post office are much amused at the importance assumed by one of our local newspapers, which seeks to leave the impression that our worthy postmaster is endeavoring to curtail its influence and usefulness through the authority invested in him by virtue of his position. Mr. Merriman spares no pains to accommodate everybody, but insists on transacting his business in a legal manner, even if it interfere with the ideas or pocket of some prejudiced individual. NORTHWEST DEAD.
Mrs. Caroline Barbara Hoffman, Prominent Pioneer.
ASHLAND, Or., Sept. 10.--Mrs. Caroline Barbara Hoffman, one of the most
widely known of the pioneer women of Southern Oregon, who a few days
since sustained severe injuries from a fall, died at her home in
Jacksonville last evening. She was a native of Maryland, and came to
the Rogue River Valley in 1852. Six daughters of the deceased survive
her--Mrs. C. C. Beekman, Mrs. David Linn and Mrs. J. C. Whipp, of
Jacksonville; Mrs. M. H. Vining, of Ashland; Mrs. George B. Davis, of
Eugene, and Miss Kate Hoffman, of this city.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 11, 1900, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 13, 1900, page 3 Our town is being visited by a large number of Indians from Klamath County, who are on their annual trading expedition.
Roy Bartlett, the popular clerk of Josephine County, R. K. Montgomery of the S.P. Co. and over a hundred other residents of Grants Pass were here on circus day. Mr. Meade, the genial foreman of the Oregon Mining Journal, was among those who came from Grants Pass to attend the circus. It was his first visit to our town. The largest crowd that ever assembled in Medford was seen on our streets on circus day. Some estimated that there were nearly 8000 people there, but this guess is probably a couple of thousand out of the way. John Saylor, who came from east of the mountains a short time ago, died in Medford Saturday. He was without means, but Thos. Collins and W. J. King, those princes of good fellows, saw that he had a decent burial. Mr. Saylor was an upright, industrious man, and respected by all who knew him. MRS. JESSE ENYART DEAD.
Logansport Pharos, Indiana, September 15, 1900, page 5
The wife of Jesse Enyart, of Medford, Oregon, is dead. A telegram to
that effect was received last evening by Charles Enyart, the letter
carrier, who is a brother of the bereaved husband. The telegram stated
that Mrs. Enyart died at San Francisco, Cal., where she had gone for
surgical treatment. She was Mr. Enyart's second wife. They had been
married but eighteen months.
Mail carrier Charles E. Enyart received a telegram from his brother Jesse Enyart yesterday morning stating that Mrs. Jesse Enyart had died at San Francisco. Jesse Enyart is a son of Pierce Enyart and formerly lived here. He is now a resident of Medford, Oregon, where he is engaged in the banking business. His wife, who died yesterday, was formerly Miss Inez Cannon of Albany, Oregon. Their married life extended over a period of less than two years.. Logansport Pharos, Indiana, September 15, 1900, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 17, 1900, page 3 W.
V. Lippincott has received the information from his wife, who is with
his daughter at Riverside, Calif., that Miss Mazie's health is
considerably improved.
Rev. F. Sack, our Lutheran minister, preached an excellent sermon to the Germans of Yreka, Calif., last Sunday, and was well received. He may establish a church there. Our community was pained to hear of the death of Mrs. Enyart, the estimable wife of the cashier of the Bank of Medford, which occurred rather suddenly on the 12th at San Francisco. She had gone thither to undergo a surgical operation, and was unable to withstand the shock to her system it produced. Mrs. E. was a young woman of many fine qualities and highly respected by all who knew her. We sincerely sympathize with the bereaved relatives. Alvin E. Squires of Hallenburg, Kans., and Mrs. Dollie M. Bowers, of Medford, Ore. "Marriages Galore," Cheyenne Daily Leader, Cheyenne, Wyoming, September 19, 1900, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Our public schools resumed studies with 350 pupils, which number is steadily increasing.Dr. J. B. Pilkington, well known throughout southern Oregon, died at Baker City recently, aged 66 years. The body of the late Mrs. J. E. Enyart passed through Medford Sunday evening, and was accompanied by Mrs. J. H. Stewart to Albany (the deceased lady's former home), where it was interred. Binger Hermann, commissioner of the general land office and a candidate for U.S. senator, will speak at the opera house in Medford on Sept. 27th. He has spent most of the past thirty years in holding office, and has not learned to let go yet. We are sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Martha Paine, wife of the well-known musician, which occurred at the family residence in Medford one day last week. She was an amiable young woman, highly respected by all who knew her, and her demise is generally regretted. Henry Peck and daughter of Lake Creek, while crossing the railroad track in a wagon one mile north of this city, on their way home, on the afternoon of the 18th, were struck by a northbound freight train. Miss Peck's left arm was fractured three inches below the elbow. She also suffered several painful bruises about the face and lower limbs. Mr. Peck is thought to be injured internally, and was hurt about the head. Nothing definite can be ascertained as to his true condition as yet. It is said that the team, when it got on the track, would move neither way. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 20, 1900, page 2 L. L. Jacobs and wife, who have been residents of Jacksonville for a number of years, will move to Medford this week, where Mr. Jacobs will clerk for H. H. Howard. They will be greatly missed here in social and business circles, as they have always been prominent in both. "Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, September 20, 1900, page 3 Struck by a Train.
Henry Peck, a prominent citizen and stock man of Lake Creek,
accompanied by his daughter, met with a serious accident on the
Southern Pacific railroad track about one mile north of Medford Monday
afternoon. They were returning home in a wagon and in crossing the
railroad track the northbound freight train struck the wagon with
disastrous results. They tried to cross the track while the train was
switching.Mr. and Miss Peck were brought to Medford by the freight train crew and received medical attention. Valley Record, Ashland, September 20, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
H. F. Bailey of Red Oak, Iowa is visiting with his brother, John Bailey.I. N. Muller and family are again residents of Medford. We heard that Ike will soon engage in merchandising in some town north of us. Mr. Kohlhagen on Friday shipped to L. Burk of Portland 18 carloads of cattle, which were recently driven from Klamath County, via the Rogue River road. Binger Hermann, commissioner of the general land office, who is stumping the state for McKinley, and incidentally looking after his chances for U.S. senator, will speak here on the 27th. Some curious people want to know if his salary as head of the land department goes on while engaged in his political mission to this state. If it does, Binger ought to say something in behalf of the Democrats, too, as they help to "pay the freight." Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 24, 1900, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Peter Zell of Prineville and his family are visiting in Medford, their former home.S. Rosenthal, southern Oregon's leading clothier, has been making San Francisco a visit. Some of the ladies of Medford are contemplating the organization of a public improvement society. H. D. Kubli of Applegate was in Medford some time for medical treatment. He is considerably improved. A. H. Martin has returned from Portland, whither he accompanied the train load of cattle shipped to L. Burk by Geo. Kohlhagen. Miss Helen Strang, who has been suffering with a spinal trouble for some time, and was taken to a San Francisco hospital for treatment, is improving. Ed. Weston, who has been conducting the Medford photograph gallery with G. W. Mackey, has retired and is succeeded by Geo. Dunlap of Phoenix. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 27, 1900, page 3 The Medford Sugar Pine Company have a yard here and haul their lumber 40 miles with a traction engine. About 4,000,000 feet are handled during the season. There is reported to be a good body of oak timber about 40 miles from Medford. "Along the Southern Pacific," The Columbia River and Oregon Timberman, October 1900, page 22 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
M. Muller has returned from a trip to Coos County, where he expected to
engage in business. He says that mercantile pursuits in that section
are overdone.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 1, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Dr. Goble is making a professional visit to Klamath County.Rev. Adolph Haberly has located a homestead on the Umpqua divide. Fred. Slagle has opened a tailor shop at Coquille city, the capital of Coos County. A district convention of the Society of Christian Endeavor will be held at Medford Oct. 19, 20, 21. S. R. Reeves and his wife have returned to Medford, after a three-months' stay at Ashland. Geo. Coulter, the clever painter, has returned from a trip to Coos County, where he went with Slagle Bros. I. L. Hamilton left for Portland Monday evening. He engaged the services of a first-class cook while gone. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 4, 1900, page 1 Miss Laura Nichols, of San Francisco, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Plymale, here. Elmer Weston and family, of Des Moines, Ia., are visiting their brother, Edward Weston, here. Mrs. G. McGowan returned from Woodstock, Ont., where she has been visiting her people for several months, Monday. Mr. Whiteside and Mrs. Fox, of Stockton, Cal., are visiting their mother, in Jacksonville, and their sister, Mrs. Howard, here. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 7, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Capt. Nash and family returned from their visit to the state of Maine last week.D. T. Sears, who has been spending some time in the Willamette Valley, returned home not long since. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 11, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
G. W. Priddy, the clever mechanic, tarried in Jackson County one day last week.M. Purdin, our former postmaster, was last week admitted to practice in the supreme court, having passed a creditable examination. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 15, 1900, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Frank Zell returned from Prineville not long since, and will probably engage in mining.John H. Bellinger and his bride left the first of the week for Portland and other northern points, to spend their honeymoon. Francis Fitch, the silver-tongued orator, will address the Bryan club on Friday evening. He will be greeted by a large audience, and those who attend will not regret it. H. B. Nye and H. G. Wortman have returned from their trip to Spokane, Wash., and are well pleased with it. They brought back with them the fine silver medal they were awarded at the exposition. S. Rosenthal, southern Oregon's leading clothier, was accompanied home from San Francisco by his nephew and wife. This was his first trip to the bay city for many years, and he is still recounting his many episodes. Harry Harrison has become interested with Orrin Whitman in the Medford Book Store, which is now located in the Howard building on Seventh Street. Both are industrious, painstaking and honorable young men, and will doubtless succeed. Hon. T. Ford of Salem addressed the citizens of Medford Tuesday evening. He had quite a good-sized audience, but it seemed best pleased with the musical part of the programme. Til. flounders around a great deal and reminds one of a lawyer pleading in a poor cause. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 18, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Burleigh at the opera house Saturday evening.Beach & Bowers' minstrels will perform at the opera house on the 23d. F. V. Medynski returned last week from Alaska, where he spent the past season. The senior class of the University of Oregon has elected Miss Bessie Hammond as vice-president. Mrs. L. Bundy of Eugene, wife of the dentist, is visiting her husband. They will probably locate in Medford, we are pleased to announce. John F. White has engaged in the sewing machine business and has opened an office on C Street, near the post office. He will sell several different brands. Hon. W. M. Colvig made a speech at the opera house Saturday to a large audience. The band played, the glee club sang, torches blazed and a free train was run from Jacksonville. Our Republican brethren are making a great deal of fuss over Mr. Colvig's apostasy, in the hope that it will be of much benefit to their cause. We think Sweet William expects to get the best of his "flop" himself, however. A large and intelligent audience filled the opera house Friday evening to hear Francis Fitch discuss the leading questions before the people. His speech was a first-class one, full of telling points and well received. He paid his respects to Hon. W. M. Colvig, and laid threadbare the argument that gentleman offered to extenuation of his forsaking the Democratic party. Mr. Fitch will speak again at the courthouse in Jacksonville Nov. 3d. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 22, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
I. M. Muller and family are residents of Medford again.Geo. P. and Geo. R. Lindley have returned from their hunt on Elk Creek. Frank Ward of Rockford, Ill. (an uncle of H. G. Wortman) and his family are here and will spend the winter in our town. Dr. Louis Bundy, a first-class dentist, formerly of Eugene, is about to locate in Medford for the practice of his profession. Beach & Bowers' white minstrels gave a performance at the opera house, which was a first-class one, and witnessed by a large audience. This company is a much better one than the aggregation of niggers calling themselves the "Georgia Minstrels," and which is managed by a cheapskate calling himself Hart, who delights to pose as a member of the newspaper fraternity, but is not even acquainted with the first rudiments of journalism. The opera house was well filled Monday evening to hear Hon. W. M. Pierce of Umatilla County, one of the Bryan candidates for elector, discuss the leading political question. The Medford glee club and cornet band were in attendance and rendered several numbers. Mr. Pierce is a logical, interesting speaker, presenting his arguments in a convincing manner. Although he spoke nearly an hour and a half, he held his audience to the last. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 25, 1900, page 3 The Medford poultry show has been postponed to some date in January, probably the first week in that month. The Portland and Eugene shows are just prior to that date, and the judges who act at them will probably be secured for the Medford show. In addition to the poultry which will be on exhibition there will be a large mineral display, also Belgian hares, fruits and vegetables.--Mail. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 25, 1900, page 3 Medford has a cigar factory that makes the Crowell cigar, in honor of County Judge Crowell. It burns well, is a clear filler and good smoker, like its patron saint. "Journal 'X-Rays'," The Daily Journal, Salem, October 25, 1900, page 2 S. R. Reeves, formerly proprietor of Hotel Nash, has rented the entire second story of the Halley block and will take possession as soon as the rooms can be furnished and gotten in shape for occupancy. The building will be used exclusively as a rooming house, no arrangements having as yet been made for a restaurant in connection. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 26, 1900, page 7 NORTHWEST DEAD.
Mrs. Anna Dean, Oregon Pioneer of 1852.
JACKSONVILLE, Or., Oct. 25.--Mrs. Anna Dean, a pioneer of 1852, died at
her home at Willow Springs last night, aged 74 years. She was the wife
of the late N. C. Dean, who took up the first donation claim in Rogue
River Valley, and who was one of the commissioners appointed by the
Legislature to organize Jackson County. Mrs. Dean was the first white
woman married in the Rogue River Valley, and had lived continuously on
the donation claim since February, 1852.
Morning Oregonian, October 26, 1900, page 10 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Congressman Tongue's meeting at the opera house was slimly attended, although the veracious correspondent of the Oregonian said a big crowd was present.Geo. L. Davis now occupies the building which Thos. McAndrew remodeled especially for him, and has one of the largest and handsomest grocery stores in the state. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 29, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mrs. S. R. Taylor of Jacksonville visited in Medford Tuesday, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Lily.The campaign will be closed at Medford by the Democrats on Monday evening, Nov. 5th. District Attorney Reames and other prominent orators will speak, and a fine musical program will be rendered. Hoodlums almost took Medford Hallowe'en, doing all kinds of mischief, some of which was malicious. Quite a number of arrests were made by Marshal Murray and his deputies sworn in for the occasion. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 1, 1900, page 3 Bryan Speaker on Calamity.
Or., Nov. 3.--Colonel Sam White, of Baker County, spoke here last night
to a crowded house. He was preceded by S. S. Pentz, of Medford, who
spoke about 30 minutes. Mr. White made the speech of the campaign in
this section from the Democratic standpoint. He denounced calamity
speeches, and said there were periods of depression in all countries;
that neither administrations nor policies caused them, and that they
were the result of conditions which could neither be foreseen nor
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 4, 1900, page 4 Mrs. J. E. Coyle, of Walla Walla, Wash., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Brown. R. L. Montgomery and family, of Boise, Idaho, arrived in Medford this week, to permanently reside. F. M. Gallager, of Santa Rosa, Cal., arrived in Medford several days ago and will probably locate. C. E. Hoskins and family and A. M. Hoskins and family, of Newberg, Or., arrived in Medford last week and will remain. R. O. Stine, of Benicia, Cal., and Miss Emma Perry, of Medford, were married Tuesday at Jacksonville. They leave for their future home in Benicia in several days. The Halloweeners gave a very pleasant party to the young people of Medford in the Woodman Hall Wednesday evening. The evening was enjoyed by various games and music, followed by delicious refreshments. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 4, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
J. N. Beck has become a resident of our town, and will engage in the repairing of the Rogue River Tel. Co.'s lines.M. Purdin has purchased the Merriman blacksmith shop. He is a veteran knight of the forge and will find no trouble in pleasing the many customers of that establishment. Wm. B. Roberts, the well-known farmer-capitalist, who had a cancer taken from his breast by Dr. Bohannon of Woodland, Calif., the noted specialist, has entirely recovered. Dr. Louis Bundy, lately of Eugene, and one of the best mechanical dentists in the state, has become associated with Dr. Keene in the practice of his profession. They make a strong combination. The Bryan hosts will close the campaign at Medford with a big meeting. Hon. A. E. Reames of Jacksonville and other good speakers will address it, and an excellent musical program will be rendered. Spencer Childers, Jr. met with a terrible accident Saturday. In company with another young man he was riding the brake beams of the through freight train. When they got to Gold Hill, where they intended to get off, the train did not stop, and they undertook to jump off. Anderson succeeded in landing safely, but Childers was struck on the head by a part of the car and instantly killed. The body was taken to Medford the next day for burial. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 5, 1900, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
John F. White has purchased the refreshment parlors connected with the Rialto, and will conduct them in first-class style.Miss Ella Young, one of Jacksonville's most popular young ladies, is in our town, visiting with her niece, Mrs. Fred. Luy. The last meeting held by the Republicans in Medford took place Saturday. Gov. Geer was the speaker and addressed a large audience. The torchlight procession was under the management of Dr. Keene, and presented a handsome appearance. Misses Minnie Cox and Lillian Rhinehart entertained a number of their friends Wednesday evening, at the spacious home of the former. The time was spent with games of whist and a few hours of dancing. All voted the evening most pleasantly spent. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 8, 1900, page 2 Gov. Geer spoke at Medford Saturday evening. Hoodlums attempted to break up the meeting, but were subdued by the crowd. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 8, 1900, page 3 Mrs. Amos Smith went to Medford Saturday to see her brother, "Chub" Hamlin, who is ill with typhoid fever. She returned Monday. E. R. Brown spent several days in Medford last week in the capacity of deputy organizer for the order of Foresters of America. His efforts were attended with success, and a goodly number were added to that order during his visit. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 8, 1900, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas expect to leave Pendleton soon for Medford, where they will remain permanently. "Society: Pendleton," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 11, 1900, page 15 Mrs. J. G. Taylor returned from Portland Saturday, where she went to meet her mother, Mrs. A. Glass, of Glasston, N.D. Mrs. C. F. Casey, of Albany, is visiting her sister, Miss Tessie Saltmarsh, here, and her younger sister and relatives in Jacksonville. Frank Ward and daughter returned to their home in Rockford, Ill., after a several weeks' visit with H. G. Wortman and family. Mr. Ward is interested in the Bill Nye Mining & Milling Company. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 11, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
T. H. B. Taylor and family of Woodville have moved to this city.Nine carloads of cattle were shipped from here to the Portland markets during last week. They were property of the Cantrall boys. A new street crossing was put in this week near Mr. Palm's place; also other street improvements were made by the city authorities. Mrs. O. Hansen and family, who have been spending the last two years in Washington, returned to their former home in this city last week. The estimated output of dried prunes from orchards in the vicinity of Medford is 300,000 pounds. These have been sold at an averaged price of 4½ cents a pound, which gives the growers a neat little cleanup of $13,500. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1900, page 3 J. A. Whitman, the packer and shipper of southern Oregon fruits, estimates that he will ship this season between 50 and 60 carloads of apples. He has purchased six carloads at Roseburg and fifteen at Grants Pass. The greater portion of these will be shipped to eastern cities. The better grades--or rather the standard grades, such as Spitzenbergs and Newtowns, find a good market in the East at fairly good prices. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1900, page 3 J. A. Whitman last week shipped two carloads of apples from Roseburg, three carloads from Grants Pass, two from Central Point and two from Medford. "Oregon Notes," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 18, 1900, page 4 Mrs. A. M. Stoddard of Mount Tabor, Or., is visiting her sons, Messrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stine left Tuesday for Benicia, Cal., where they will make their future home. W. H. Sullivan and family, of Bemidji, Minn., arrived Wednesday morning and will make Medford their future home. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 18, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
N. R. Johnson, a prominent member of the G.A.R., received a fatal stroke of paralysis last week.J. W. Walters and S. T. Sanders, two experienced and skillful shoemakers, have opened a big shop on Main Street, near the brick livery stable. They will do nothing but first-class work. Frank Wait of the Medford Marble Works, who has a fine stone quarry, recently shipped 60 tons of granite to Portland, which shipment he will quadruple in the near future. The quarterly meeting of the M.E. Church, South, held here Saturday and Sunday, was an interesting one. Rev. E. L. Fitch, the new presiding elder, was in attendance and created a favorable impression. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 19, 1900, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
B. Reed of McMinnville, the fence manufacturer, who formerly operated
here, passed through the valley last week, on his way south.Hugh Elliott, formerly of Medford, is now in the employ of the O.R.&N. Co., at Portland. He is a first-class blacksmith and fills his position well. W. H. Parker, who has been at Portland, putting another legal work to press, has returned home. His books, having gained an enviable reputation and being highly prized by the legal fraternity, command a ready sale. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 22, 1900, page 2 J. A. Whitman, of Medford, shipped nine carloads of apples from Southern Oregon last week; two from Roseburg, three from Grants Pass, two from Central Point and two from Medford. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 22, 1900, page 3 F. M. Wilson:--"I'm taking a little rest since Wednesday. I've been doing my own baking for several weeks but it's too much for me--give me baker's asthma--and I had to quit. I was fortunate in securing a gentleman from Salem, who will do my baking--and I'll 'tend store." Ed. Armstrong, by letter from Lakeview:--"Here is $1.50 for another year of The Mail. We are always anxious to get the paper, and I want to tell you it does not remain in the office long after it lands here. I am doing fine out here. Have completed several buildings--and am still laying brick. Will not get through with all my contracts before December 1st. I have made and burned 70,000 brick this season." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, November 23, 1900, page 7 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lucus left Tuesday for Medford, where they will make their home in the future. "Society: Pendleton," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 25, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
The bridge across Bear Creek has been replanked and made safe.E. B. Jennings has sold a half interest in the Union Livery Stable to S. R. Lane, lately of Douglas County. Postmaster Merriman has fitted up the post office with a gas plant, which furnishes first-class light and plenty of it. Medford school district's indebtedness, amounting to $16,000, has been refunded at 5 percent interest. It will run five years. Thos. Collins, who has [been] buying turkeys for S. R. Reeves for shipment to the San Francisco market, bought over five thousand birds. Dick Slinger and Gus Nichols of Lake Creek, the genial stockmen, were among us Friday, having brought down a fine bunch of cattle for the S.O.P.P. Co. D. H. Miller, southern Oregon's leading hardware merchant, has been compelled to enlarge his store to accommodate his growing business. He always keeps a large and first-class stock of goods. D. T. Pritchard, the watchmaker and jeweler, who was stationed at Ashland for several months, has returned to Medford. He is now established near the post office, with a fine stock of watches, clocks and jewelry. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 26, 1900, page 3 A DOUBLE SHOOTING.
Jacksonville, Ore., Nov 26.--G.W. Traynor last night shot and killed J.
Hardenbrook and then killed himself. Hardenbrook was engaged to be
married to Miss Sarah L. Beeson, a sister of Mrs. Traynor, but Traynor
objected to the match and it is said had threatened Hardenbrook's life.
Last night about 11 o'clock Miss Beeson, Hardenbrook and Mrs. Traynor
were sitting around the fire when Traynor walked out on the porch and a
few moments later a bullet came crashing through the window. It struck
Hardenbrook in the head and he died in an hour. Traynor was found
shortly afterwards near the house with two bullet holes in his head.Objection to a Marriage Was the Cause of It. Waterbury Democrat, Waterbury, Connecticut, November 26, 1900 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
W. E. McCauley, the tamale man, was a visitor at the county seat the forepart of the week.T. H. B. Taylor has removed from Evans Creek to Medford, and gone into business in the building west of Mrs. Palm's millinery store. Miss Myrtle Woodford, who has been employed at The Times office in Jacksonville for almost a year, left for Portland Wednesday morning, to pay relatives an extended visit. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 29, 1900, page 3 Steam Feather Renovating.
and feather beds washed and cured with steam. The feathers are taken
from the house in the morning just as they are on the bed and returned
about 6 p.m. the same day. Ticks are thoroughly dusted and resewed, or
new ticks are put on when ordered. Feather ticking should not be
washed. The principal object for doing this work is to properly cure
the feathers, [and] take the animal matter out of the quill, which
should be done before the feathers are used, as it absorbs the
perspiration from one's body, and in it are the germs which the natural
heat of the body and sun give life to, and they develop into a worm
which in time totally destroys the feathers. There is no waste to
feathers or down, and every atom of disease germ of whatever nature is
absolutely destroyed, and they are returned to the customer perfectly
dry, ready for immediate use, as light as air and pure as snow. Those
who are interested in this work will please give this matter their
attention. I shall personally conduct this work, and perfect
satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance. All, and especially the
ladies, are invited to call and see this work. Office next door to Mrs.
Palm's millinery store on West 7th Street, Medford.T. H. B. TAYLOR.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 29, 1900, page 3Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lucas and daughter Cleo, of Salt Lake, and their son, J. C. Lucas, and wife, of Pendleton, arrived last week, and will locate here. Mark Baker left for San Francisco several days ago, where he expects to go into business. The marriage of Mr. J. L. Anders and Miss Jessie Burton, of Springfield, Or., took place Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the private parlors of the Windsor Lodging House, in Medford. The bride was attired in a gown of white organdy trimmed with lace and ribbons, and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Miss Carrie George, a lifetime friend of both parties, was bridesmaid. Mr. D. Bishop acted as best man. Only a few intimate friends were present. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Crandall of the Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Anders left Thursday for Roseburg. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 2, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Weeks & Orr shipped a carload of fine apples from Medford to Minneapolis lately.Alba Heywood will give one of his performances at the Medford opera house Thursday evening, Dec. 6th. W. H. Hosler, the miner, has returned from Alaska, and is now visiting with his wife and son, who reside at Ashland. True Cox and his wife went to southern California last week. The former has since returned, but the latter will remain awhile for the benefit of her health. Hotel Nash is crowded, and landlord Hamilton is often compelled to engage rooms elsewhere for some of his customers. Another story will probably be added to the building next year. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 3, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Fred Kelly is inspecting mines in Siskiyou County, Calif.Miss Jo Orth was a visitor at "The Hub" one day this week. D. B. Reame, the expert sewing machine repairer, is making the different towns in the valley a professional visit. Signor Boffa, a superior violinist, who has been stopping in Medford a short time, is now at Ashland, where he expects to organize a class. Our little city is being well supplied with amusements of different kinds, especially in the show line. Alba Heywood and Ole Oleson will appear at the opera house Thursday and Friday evenings of the week, respectively. Both are highly spoken of. W. H. Parker, the attorney, reports that his son, Day Parker, formerly engaged in teaching school in this county, has shipped before the mast with a former classmate at Monmouth, and arrived at Cork, Ireland on a sailing vessel, from San Francisco not long since. The brick buildings occupied by the Jackson County Bank, J. R. Hardin and D. T. Pritchard, and the ground upon which they stand, were sold last week by Mrs. Harriet McKee to Mrs. Eliza Palmer for $5000. The grantor, who now resides in California, came up to make the sale, which was a good one on both sides. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 6, 1900, page 3 Prof. Charles E. Haight, the palmist, left on Tuesday evening for Medford, where he will remain an indefinite time. W. H. Parker of Medford recently received a letter from his son, Day Parker, well known in Grants Pass, written from Cork, Ireland. He and a classmate at Monmouth shipped as sailors on a sailing vessel from San Francisco last June. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 6, 1900, page 3 G. L. Webb has sold his stock of racket goods to N. B. Nye and Harley Stoner. An invoice of the stock was taken this week, and the new proprietors are now in possession. Mr. Nye is one of the principal stockholders in the Bill Nye Mining Company, and Mr. Stoner is a friend of the Nyes, who came here quite recently from Kalispell, Mont. Mr. Stoner is a young man, but has had considerable mercantile experience and will be in charge of the store. The stock will at once be replenished with new goods, and the store will be conducted upon the same plan as when owned by Mr. Webb, and the probabilities are that new lines will be added. The Mail wishes the new firm success--and hopes it will be as marked as was that of Mr. Webb, for surely his was nothing short of phenomenal success. This gives Mr. Webb and his most estimable family a clear right-of-way for California, and they are expecting to be ready to start on the 26th of this month. They will go to Covina, Calif., where B. S. Webb is engaged in the hardware business. We understand George does not intend engaging in business of any kind for a year after leaving Medford, but after that time--and [after] himself and wife are thoroughly rested, he will open up in some mercantile pursuit in that town. These are [some] of Medford's best people, and there is not a person in Medford but that will regret their departure. The Mail's opinion is that their going is a dinged mean trick, and we feel like we want to thrash the whole family for having perpetrated it. However, we're wishing them all kinds of success in their new home. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 7, 1900, page 7 Sale Notice.
will sell at private sale all my household goods, consisting of cook
stove and cooking utensils, heating stove, oil heater, tables, chairs,
book case, couch, bedroom set, bedsteads, springs, sewing machine,
carpets, washing machine, tubs, irons, etc.; also fence machine for
making combination woven wire fence.
Medford Mail, December 7, 1900, page 7
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Walters, of Kalispell, Mont., arrived this week, and will make Medford their future home. Mrs. George L. Kelly, of Portland, arrived here last Saturday. She will remain several weeks visiting her husband. Mrs. W. H. Parker spent several days in Grants Pass with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Slover, who has been very ill for some time past. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 9, 1900, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
The town council has levied a tax of ten mills for city purposes.Miss Etta Hollingsworth, who has been engaged in the millinery business at Dunsmuir, Calif., returned to Medford a few days since. R. W. Gray of Prospect has purchased Dr. Odgers' neat residence in West Medford, paying $2000 therefor. Wortman & York's real estate agency negotiated the sale. The Boston Concert Co. will give a performance at the opera house Friday evening. This will be the beginning of the Star course of lectures which will be given in Medford this season. G. A. Webb has sold his racket store to N. B. Nye, president of the Bill Nye Mining Co., and H. Stoner, who lately arrived from Kalispell, Mont. He will soon remove to Covina, Calif. with his family. Miss Lillian Rhinehart and Mae Ross, two accomplished teachers of the poetry of motion, are conducting a dancing school in Medford. Those who attend speak in the highest terms of their work. J. D. Heard and family have returned from California, to permanently locate. Jeff. has purchased A. A. Davis' residence in the western part of town, paying $3000 for it. His little daughter, who has been in a sanitarium for the benefit of her health, has almost fully recovered. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 10, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Jas. D. Fay, an excellent printer of much experience, has assumed the foremanship of the Medford Mail.The condition of Mrs. Geo. S. Howard, who is afflicted with consumption, is quite critical, and she may not survive long. Ira Phelps, formerly a resident of Medford, has been elected recorder of Scio, Linn County, where he is engaged in publishing a newspaper. The U. of O Glee Club will appear at the opera house on the 28th inst., and will doubtless be greeted by a large audience, which it deserves. The firm of Jennings & Lane, which has been conducting the Union Livery Stables, was dissolved a short time since. E. B. Jennings will continue the business. He is in California at present. G. F. Mills, day operator at the railroad station, has gone to Tucson, Arizona for the benefit of his health. Walter Mahoney is filling his place, while Herbert Brodie succeeds the latter as night operator. At the last meeting of Medford Lodge No. 103, A.F.&A.M., the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: F. K. Deuel, W.M.; J. A. Whitman, S.W.: E. D. Elwood, J.W.; W. V. Lippincott, secretary; Z. Maxcy, treasurer; trustees, N. L. Narregan, W. I. Vawter, R. H. Whitehead. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 13, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Myers' prices are reasonable, even if his stock of holiday goods is elegant. Call and see.Elwood, the jeweler, is again at the front with an elegant line of jewelry, watches, etc. for the holidays. Don't fail to examine his stock and ascertain prices. Dr. Keene, the senatorial Warwick, was at Ashland one day last week. He seems confident that he will be able to give the plum to the man who will best suit the people of Oregon. Sidney Cole, who has been at Klamathon, Calif., returned to Medford last week. The Valley Record says that the report that he had eloped with one of the chorus girls of Frank Daniels' opera company is a mistake. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 17, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
The city's electric light plant has been enlarged and improved.Gurnea of Medford has the largest line of Xmas goods ever brought to the valley. Griffith, the hypnotist, is giving exhibitions in Medford, which seem wonderful. Reserved seats for the Glee Club concert in Medford, Dec. 28th, on sale at H. H. Howard's. Admission, 35 and 50 cents. Our annual town election will take place Jan. 10th, when a full set of municipal officers will be chosen. S. S. Pentz, the well-known lawyer, says he will be pleased to serve as recorder, a position he is well qualified to fill. The Racket Store, which is now conducted by Nye & Stoner, will lose nothing by the change of proprietors. The new firm has ample capital and will keep a larger and better stock of goods than its predecessors. At the same time the prices will be such as to defy competition. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 20, 1900, page 2 Chagrin of Medford.
as Medford does not appear in the list of Oregon towns with 2000 and
over population, we are, perforce, compelled to admit that we are not
nearly the sized potatoes we thought ourselves to be. The Mail can
hardly believe that we have not so many as 2000 people living within
our incorporate limits, still we cannot believe that the census was
anything but honestly taken.--Medford Mail.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 20, 1900, page 1 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Miss Maggie Forsyth arrived from Waterville, Minn. last week, to reside with her father, Wm. Forsyth.True Cox last week took two carloads of fine hogs to San Francisco, where there is a good market for them. Treasurer Strang gives notice that he has funds with which to redeem town warrants protested prior to May 15, 1898. B. L. Stoner, lately salesman at Isaacs' cigar store, will take the road Jan. 1st for Palm, Whitman & Palm's goods. Talisman Lodge No. 31, K. of P., has elected the following officers; J. E. Enyart, C.C.; Asa Fordyce, V.C.; E. D. Elwood, P.; J. A. Perry, M.A.; Geo. Kurtz, M. of E.; Fred Luy, M. of F.; J. H. Butler, K. of R. and S. Our town authorities did over $700 worth of street work for the railroad company, without the usual business precautions, and now the octopus refuses to disgorge. Still, we have had the satisfaction of doubling the rate the city heretofore has charged the company for water; and that is a whole lot. Mayor Howser is being criticized more or less for his connection with this matter. Chester A. Arthur Post, G.A.R., elected the following officers at its last meeting: F. Kasshafer, commander; L. T. Pierce, senior vice-commander; W. Bowman, junior vice-commander; W. T. Kame, quartermaster; J. R. Erford, chaplain; M. S. Damon, officer of the day; W. Forsyth, officer of the guard; C. A. Boardman, guard; L. T. Pierce and W. Forsyth, delegates. The Woman's Relief Corps elected the following: President, Mrs. Addie Van Antwerp; senior vice-president, L. C. Redden; junior vice-president, E. J. Cole; chaplain, W. T. Kame; treasurer, Edith G. Bradbury; conductor, Maggie Noble; guard, Mary L. Smith; delegates to department convention, Mrs. Mary E. Reeves and Mrs. W. T. Kame. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1900, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
A. M. Helms has gone to San Francisco to see the sights. He was joined at Talent by his father, Jas. Helms.Geo. A. Webb and family left for Covina, Calif. Wednesday, where Ben Webb is engaged in business. They expect to locate somewhere in the state. F. W. Waschau, the alleged watchmaker and jeweler, is no longer a resident of Medford, having skipped for more congenial climes some months ago. N. C. Gunn, formerly of Table Rock precinct, is now engaged in farming not far from Medford. Mr. and Mrs. G. are a valuable acquisition to our community. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cofer are making quite a success of the Model Restaurant on C Street. They provide excellent meals, and never fail to give satisfaction. A mass meeting was held one evening this week to nominate candidates for municipal officers. The following nominations were made: Mayor, W. S. Crowell; recorder, M. Purdin; treasurer, Chas. Strang; marshal, W. F. Taggart. Old Windy's strikers were out in force, and by falsely stating that H. L. Gilkey would not accept the mayoralty, they succeeded in nominating their pet. The present incumbent of the office could easily be re-elected, however, as he has given general satisfaction. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 27, 1900, page 3 For more complete names of persons identified by initials, see the Index. |