The Lindleys George P. Lindley spent his Medford years
as a retired landowner and participant in civic affairs. Matrimonial.
Mr. George
Lindley of Lynden, Washington and Miss Kate Ulrich, daughter of Mr.
John Ulrich, of Godfrey, will be married Thursday evening, June 1st, at
the residence of the bride's parents. The young couple will leave the
same evening for their home in Washington.
Alton Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, June 1, 1893, page 5 Matrimonial.
The marriage of
Miss Kate, the lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ulrich, of Godfrey,
to Mr. Geo. R. Lindley of Lynden, Wash. took place last evening at the
residence of the bride's parents.
The attendants were Mr. Wm. L. Walters and Miss Gertrude Merriman. Only the immediate relatives and friends were present. Rev. A. Reusch, of Brighton, performed the ceremony, after which an elegant supper was served. The happy pair were driven to the depot, where a large party of their young friends had assembled to wish them godspeed, and amid a shower of rice they departed on the 9:45 train for their western home. The young people have hosts of friends in Alton and Godfrey who wish them a long and happy life. Alton Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, June 2, 1893, page 3 By Miss Kate
Ulrich marrying Mr. Geo. Lindley, the league, the choir, and society
has lost one of its best members.
"Godfrey," Alton Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, June 8, 1893, page 8 Mr. Lindley, who lately came from Washington, is living in Mrs. Severance's house and intends locating in this vicinity. "Central Point Items," Medford Mail, August 25, 1893, page 2 Another good-sized real estate deal was brought about this week wherein Geo. Mitchell sells to G. P. Lindley his twenty-acre fruit farm situated across Bear Creek and about three-quarters of a mile from Medford. The entire twenty acres is put out to fruit and being so close to the city is a most desirable property. The price paid was $3300, and the sale was made through the agency of Porter & Johnson, Medford real estate dealers. Mr. Lindley is from Linton, Washington, and will doubtless move here for permanent residence. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 3 G. P. Lindley, who purchased S. S. Cooper's place near town, has gone to his old home in Iowa to settle his business affairs. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 22, 1894, page 2 G. P. Lindley left Medford Wednesday morning for Glencoe, Iowa, for a two months' business trip. The gentleman owns two quite large farms in that locality, and this intentions are to dispose of these and invest the proceeds in Rogue River property. Mr. Lindley is a thorough hustler, and The Mail hopes he may be successful in his transactions. This gentleman, together with his son, is the owner of considerable property just east of Bear Creek and near Medford, purchased last fall. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 3 G. P. Lindley returned Monday evening from his quite extended visit in the East. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 2 G. P. Lindley has been investing in another chunk of real estate in East Medford. This time he has purchased the Myron Skeel place, comprising four and one-half acres and situated across Bear Creek and adjoining J. R. Hardin's place. The price paid was $1300. As soon as Myron can secure a vacant residence in the city proper in which to move his family, Mr. Lindley will move into his new purchase. Mr. L.'s original purchase of twenty acres in that same locality is to be turned over to his son, G. R. Lindley. "News of the City," Medford Mail, May 18, 1894, page 3 G. P. Lindley has purchased the Myron Skeel place in Medford for a consideration of $1300. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 21, 1894, page 2 G. R. Lindley is one of the happiest men in Medford since last Saturday, and even Grandpa Lindley is as chipper as the first bird of spring since the above date. There was upon that date a dandy boy baby born at the residence of the former Mr. Lindley, and that is why the blithesomeness is so prominently pictured about east Medford. Mother and child doing nicely. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 1, 1894, page 3
Mr. Geo. Lindley, nee Kate Ulrich, is very proud of her son. In fact the grandparents are affected the same way.
"Godfrey," Alton Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, June 14, 1894, page 8 Mrs. George Lindley, of Medford, Ore., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ulrich, of Godfrey. Mrs. Lindley will remain in this vicinity for some time. "Personal," Alton Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, August 6, 1895, page 3 In Mr. Lindley's Behalf.
me through the columns of your valuable paper to say a few words to the
voters of Jackson County in regard to the Populist candidate for county
treasurer, Mr. Geo. Lindley. I have known him very intimately for the
past thirty years, and our financial transactions have reached nearly
or quite fifteen thousand dollars, and I know him perfectly. I have the
utmost confidence in his integrity, and if I had a million dollars I
would trust him with it at midnight while I was asleep. He is open,
frank, kindly, generous to a fault, and with so little of self-seeking
in his nature that I am wholly at a loss to understand how he ever came
to be nominated for that or any other office. His having been but a few
years in this county and therefore likely not to be well known to many
of the voters is my one and only excuse for telling them what I know
about him, and I do so unasked for by anyone. I am no Populist, but if
that party could always find candidates from President to constable as
fit for their respective offices as I regard Mr. Lindley for county
treasurer, I would be a Populist in spite of the party's faults. If he
gets the office the county will get its own to the very last cent, and
every man doing business with him will get pleasant treatment. His
independence, as quiet as it is fearless, places him beyond the reach
of clique or ring and assures a straightforward administration of the
office. I hope he will be elected.Very Truly,
Palmer Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, May 25, 1896.J. H. MORRIS, Medford Mail, May 29, 1896, page 4 J. E. Fenton of the Ashland Iron Works last week contracted with G. P. Lindley to furnish an iron front for the latter's new store building. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 13, 1896, page 3 Fire at Medford.
Or., Aug. 17.--(Special.)--The planing mills owned by B. Schermerhorn
were burned Saturday night. Loss $5,300, insurance $1,800. Max Muller
lost three cars of lumber. County Treasurer George Lindley lost 8000
feet of flooring.
Capital Journal, Salem, August 17, 1896, page 1 ![]() The Lindley Block on East Main, circa 1908. "Additional City News," Medford Mail, October 30, 1896, page 6 Wednesday marked the completion of G. P. Lindley's fine new brick, or rather the first floor, which is to be occupied by Cranfill & Hutchison, who are engaged this week in moving their large stock of goods thereto. The building is undoubtedly one of the most substantial in Southern Oregon, both inside and out. The main store room is just an even hundred feet in length, with a forty-foot store room in the rear and is furnished with fine counters and shelving. The fixtures throughout are natural wood--sugar pine--which has been made to glisten like glass by the artistic touch of the brush wielded by painter J. W. Ling. The windows are of fine French plate glass, furnished by Boyden & Nicholson, hardware dealers. The workmanship, from the laying of the first brick to the last blow of the hammer, is as nearly perfect as one generally sees. The second floor is partitioned off for office rooms, and these are commodious and well lighted as is all the rest of the building. It cost, complete, about $6000. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 13, 1896, page 7 Stockholders' Meeting.
The annual meeting of stockholders of the Monitor-Miner Publishing
Co. is hereby called to meet at the office of the company in Medford,
Saturday, June 25, 1898, for the purpose of electing a board of
directors and the transaction of such other business as may be brought
before it.
GEO. P. LINDLEY, President. E. E. PHIPPS, Secretary. Medford Monitor-Miner, June 16, 1898, page 3 Mrs. Geo. P. Lindley was the recipient this week of a handsome check for $1000, being the balance in settlement of her father's estate. Medford Monitor-Miner, June 16, 1898, page 3 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.
The following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county recorder since the last report of The Times:G. P. Lindley to J. U. Willeke and wife; property in Medford precinct . . . $ 1.00 Excerpt, Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 27, 1898, page 1 Mr. Geo. Lindley and daughter, Miss Winnie, who have been visiting relatives near Godfrey, have returned to their home at Medford, Ore. "Personal," Alton Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, November 3, 1898, page 5 Geo. R. Lindley of Medford, who managed the county treasurer's office so well during his father's incumbency of that position, spent Wednesday in Jacksonville. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 22, 1898, page 2 The little son of Geo. R. Lindley fell and cut his lip severely one day last week. It was some time before the bleeding could be stopped, and the little fellow was much exhausted from loss of blood. He is getting along nicely at present, however. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 9, 1899, page 3
Geo. P. Lindley is one of our best and most progressive business men, and has the qualities necessary for a good county commissioner. He will receive a big vote among his neighbors and all who know him. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 10, 1900, page 3 Geo. P. Lindley, the Democratic nominee for county commissioner, is one of the most prominent citizens of Medford. A good business man, he has the necessary qualifications for this important position. Mr. Lindley has served the people well in an official capacity before, having been elected county treasurer in 1896. "Editorial Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 17, 1900, page 2 L. B. Brown, who arrived in Medford several months ago from Indiana, has purchased the G. R. Lindley residence and fruit orchard in East Medford. There are five and two-thirds acres of land, and the price paid was $1500. Mr. Lindley has rented the J. R. Hardin property for temporary occupancy. He will probably buy property and build a residence thereon. Excerpt, Medford Mail, August 24, 1900, page 7 Cashier G. R. Lindley, of the Medford Bank, is having lumber hauled preparatory to the erection of a two-story dwelling house in East Medford, near his father's residence. Contractor Perry Stewart and architect Palmer have a contract for the construction of the building. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 21, 1900, page 7 Died--In East Medford, on Monday, Sept. 24th, Wayne U. Lindley, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Lindley, aged two years, six months and five days. Funeral services were held at the family residence on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, Rev. W. B. Moore officiating. While the demise of any member of the family, especially the little ones, is always attended with much sorrow, and the grief seems almost beyond endurance by parents and friends, but the case above mentioned is a peculiar one and is sadder because of the circumstances surrounding it. Last Thursday evening the little fellow fell from a bed to the floor, and in the fall bit his tongue. What child has not thus fallen many times--but nothing serious came of the falls. The tongue bled profusely and the blood would not stanch. A physician was called, and every means known to medicine and surgery was applied but to no avail, and the little fellow slowly bled to death. The flow of blood was at no time stopped until about an half hour before the child's death. The bereaved parents have the deepest and most heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 28, 1900, page 7 Card of Thanks.
us space in the columns of your paper to express our gratitude to the
many friends and neighbors in Medford who were so very kind and who did
so much to help us during the illness of our little boy, and who were
so thoughtful of our every need and were so earnestly sympathizing at
the sorrowful time when death came to our home.
Medford Mail, October 5, 1900, page 7
Geo. P. and Geo. R. Lindley have returned from their hunt on Elk Creek. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 25, 1900, page 3 Geo. P. Lindley's new east side residence will soon be completed. It is one of the neatest-appearing residences in Medford. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 6 Cashier H. L. Gilkey, of the Jackson County Bank, of this city, has accepted a like position with the First National Bank of Grants Pass and will commence work in his new location about the middle of April. Mr. Gilkey and his most estimable family have been residents of Medford for nearly seven years, during which time, socially, they have brought very close to them a large circle of friends who are now regretting their departure. For the past three years Mr. Gilkey has been cashier in the Jackson County Bank, and in a business way he has so conducted himself as to have become a prime favorite with the patrons of that institution and the business public generally. There are no better, more honorable and trustworthy men found in any place in the land than is Mr. Gilkey. The position which he resigns here will be taken by G. R. Lindley, who has been bookkeeper for the Medford Bank for several months past. He is a very competent young man and entirely trustworthy and will without a doubt fill his new position with credit to himself and satisfaction to the bank directors. The finishing touches on Geo. R. Lindley's new east side residence are being made. As the building nears completion is attractiveness increases. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 6 G. L. Gilkey, cashier of the Medford Bank, has accepted a similar position withe the First National Bank of Southern Oregon, at Grants Pass. George R. Lindley, bookkeeper of the Medford Bank, has succeeded to Mr. Gilkey's former place. "Medford Brevities," Portland, Morning Oregonian, March 30, 1901, page 4 Geo. R. Lindley has assumed his duties as cashier of the Jackson County Bank, a position he is well qualified to fill, and will doubtless give general satisfaction. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 5 Miss Lutie Ulrich, a sister of Mrs. Geo. R. Lindley, arrived in Medford last Sunday evening from her home in Godfrey, Illinois, and will spend the summer visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lindley. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 3, 1901, page 6 Mrs. G. R. Lindley, wife of the cashier of the Jackson County Bank, is being visited by her sister, Miss Lutie Ulrich of Godfrey, Ill. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 9, 1901, page 7 G. R. Lindley is having the stone walk in front of his Seventh Street store building raised this week to conform to the official grade established by the city civil engineer. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 5, 1901, page 7 J. G. Smith, the Palmer Creek mining man, who recently purchased the Russ property in East Medford, is having a large barn built on the place. The barn will be 26x56 feet in size and sixteen-foot posts--a facsimile of the barn recently built by Mr. Lindley. E. W. Starr is doing the carpenter work. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 7 G. P. Lindley and his son George are at McCallister's Springs, accompanied by King Bros., who are visiting them. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1901, page 4 L. B. Brown, who purchased the Lindley place in east Medford last year, reports that from one cherry tree on the place he marketed $16 worth of cherries, and used fully $4 worth besides these in his family. His apple crop this year is an unusually good one, as are all other varieties of fruit. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 9, 1901, page 7 Newton and Allen King, of Pender, Neb., who have been visiting their uncle, G. P. Lindley, and family for several weeks, left for their home Monday evening. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 6 Cashier Geo. Lindley is back at his post as cashier in the Jackson County Bank, after a severe tussle with fever. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 7 Geo. R. Lindley, cashier of the Jackson County Bank, is at his post again after a severe siege of sickness. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 21, 1901, page 5 G. P. Lindley and W. H. Jackson returned Sunday from a two weeks' hunting trip in the Rancherie country. They report having come very near capturing several bears and mountain lions, but strange to relate--stranger than fiction, even--they saw not a single deer. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 6 Miss Jessie Wait has resigned her position as teacher in our public school, because of the illness of her mother, and the board has elected Miss Lutie Ulrich to take her place. Miss Ulrich is a sister of Mrs. G. R. Lindley and arrived in Medford about a year ago from Illinois, where she followed teaching for a number of years. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 6 Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Lindley have gone to Crescent City, Del Norte County, Calif., accompanied by the family of Geo. R. Lindley, Miss Lutie Ulrich and H. W. Jackson. They will be gone several weeks. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 26, 1902, page 2 G. P. Lindley and wife, Mrs. George Lindley and children, Miss Lutie Ulrich and W. H. Jackson returned Monday from a week's visit at Crescent City, Cal. They report having a splendid time while down by the sounding sea. "Medford," Valley Record, Ashland, July 3, 1902, page 3 Cashier G. R. Lindley and family left this week for an outing in Klamath County. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 18, 1902, page 6 Miss Lutie Ulrich, who has been in Medford the past year stopping at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. R. Lindley, and who held a position as teacher in the Medford schools, left Tuesday for her home in Alton, Illinois. Miss Ulrich, by her musical talent, has been an appreciated help in many public events, and she has made many friends, who wish her a happy home going. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, August 1, 1902, page 6 Geo. P. Lindley and H. W. Wilson have returned from a trip after big game in the Siskiyous, not far from Elliott Creek. They were quite successful, killing three bear and a wildcat, after a very exciting experience. But for the coolness and good marksmanship of one of them the other would have fallen a victim to the larger of the bear, which, infuriated over the loss of her young, was about to prove quite dangerous when killed by a well-aimed bullet. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 30, 1902, page 1 Geo. P. Lindley, H. W. Jackson and H. H. Howard have returned from their hunt in the hills for bear and other big game. They did not fare as well as usual. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 10, 1902, page 2 Cashier Lindley of the Jackson County Bank smiles more audibly than ever, all because of the arrival of a pretty little miss at his residence on Tuesday. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 15, 1903, page 3 BORN
LINDLEY--In Medford, April 7, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Lindley, a daughter.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 15, 1903, page 4 Geo. P. Lindley, one of our local capitalists, and his family left Wednesday evening for Fairhaven, Wash., their former home, on a visit. Mrs. A. B. Phipps and one of her daughters accompanied them. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1903, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Lindley, who have been visiting relatives in Portland and Washington, returned Tuesday. "News of Society: Medford," Oregonian, Portland, May 24, 1903, page 31 G. P. Lindley:--"I wish you would send a copy of your paper to W. B. Parfitt, Johannesburg, South Africa. Why, you know him. Used to live with me, and attended the Medford schools. I took him when he was six years old and kept him until he was seventeen. I gave him a good education before I let him go. He has been in South Africa about three years. Went there from England as a member of the Red Cross corps. He served his term of enlistment at that and is now a machinist in Johannesburg, and is getting $150 per month." E. L. Gurnea:--"Did you see that view I took of the result of G. P. Lindley's fall hunt? No? Then come down and I'll show it to you. There are eleven big bucks hung up, as you see. Four of them are so large that they touch the ground, while the heels are somewhat higher than a six-foot man's head. . . ." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, October 30, 1903, page 1 GEORGE PIERRE LINDLEY. During his ten years of retirement in Medford George Pierre Lindley has commanded the same honest appreciation and good will which brightened his many-sided business life in the Northwest. At the present time he owns four acres of land in the town, upon which has been erected a comfortable cottage, and he is also the fortunate possessor of a ranch twelve miles east of the city, one hundred and sixty acres in extent, and heavily covered with timber. He also owns a two-story brick building, 25x140 feet, in Medford, the same being rented to various parties. A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., Mr. Lindley was born November 22, 1849, and is the second child of the seven sons and two daughters of Robert and Sarah (Grant) Lindley, the latter of whom was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, and came to the United States with her parents, locating on a farm in New York state. Robert Lindley was born in Lincolnshire, England, and until his twentieth year lived on his father's farm, attending the public schools, and gaining a fair business experience. He emigrated to America in a sailing vessel, was several weeks on the ocean, and finally settled on a farm near New York City. About 1855 he removed to Monona County, Iowa, purchased a fair-sized farm, and lived there until his death at the age of sixty-eight years, his wife living to be sixty years old. The children in this family were reared to habits of thrift and industry, and were taught the independence and satisfaction of a life in the country. At the age of twenty-one George Pierre Lindley engaged in stock raising and farming on his own responsibility in Monona County, Iowa, leaving the proceeds of the home farm for the younger children, fast approaching maturity. In 1888 he followed out a long-thought-out plan and traveled to the West, visiting various parts of Washington and the Sound country, and engaging in various occupations there represented. The competence which permits him to live in comfort in Medford, as well as his land possessions, indicate the possession of good business judgment, and of wise disposal of the opportunities which have come to him. As a Democrat he has taken a prominent part in town offices, has been a member of the council for one term, and served two years as county treasurer, being elected in 1898. In Illinois he married Sarah Lindley, a native of St. Louis, two children being born of this union. Cornelia, the only daughter in the family, is deceased. George R., in whose career his parents take justifiable pride, is cashier of the Jackson County Bank. The younger Mr. Lindley was born in Iowa and accompanied his parents to Oregon in 1888. He was educated primarily in the public schools, graduating from the Lynden Normal School, and also attending the Lebanon College of Ohio. He is a young man of exceptional energy and moral courage, and gives promise of continued success as a wide-awake businessman. Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904, page 687 Word from cashier G. R. Lindley, of the Jackson County Bank, who is now in Portland, is that he is improving in health and will be able to return home within a few days. A short time since he was operated upon for the removal of an abscess and for rupture troubles. The operation was a severe one, and for a few days after it was performed his life was despaired of. The fact that he is getting along all right will be good news to his host of Medford friends. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 30, 1906, page 5 G. P. Lindley is convalescing from a severe attack of rheumatism. "East Medford Items," Medford Mail, June 1, 1906, page 5 George Lindley, a hotelman of many years experience, has leased the Palace Hotel on C Street for a year and is now in charge of that hostelry. The rooms have all been repainted and repapered throughout by R. H. Halley, the owner of the house and recent proprietor, and the place is in first-class shape for the patronage which Mr. Lindley may reasonably expect will come his way. Mr. Halley has made a good bunch of money from the house during the time he has run it, and there is every reason to believe Mr. Lindley will do as well. Courteous treatment and prompt service is the motto of the new management. Mr. and Mrs. Halley will put in the better part of the coming summer on some of the mountain streams of Jackson County, enjoying themselves in fishing, hunting and camping out. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 8, 1906, page 5 G. P. Lindley:--"We had a letter recently from W. B. Parfelt, who used to live with us here, but who is now in the Transvaal country, in South Africa. I fancy he will be in Medford again within a year. He has been engaged in mining there, but he scents trouble ahead--and seems certain that there will be another uprising of the natives. There are nine blacks to one white man there. The British government has levied a $5 poll tax upon all persons--both black and white. The blacks are going to refuse to pay this tax--and then there will be trouble. Oh, it is only a British pretext to secure a firmer foothold in that country." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, July 6, 1906, page 1 Palace Hotel
Medford Mail, September 7, 1906, page 4South C Street Medford, Oregon Rates: $1.00 per day. Meals, 25 cents. Geo. Lindley, Prop. Cashier G. R. Lindley and family have moved into their beautiful new home, in East Medford. The building is situated on the east side of Seventh Street, not far from the Nob Hill property; it is two stories high, has eight fine, large rooms, besides closets, bath room, pantry, large, screened-in porch, and a large front hall. It is, indeed, an ideal home for a large family. It stands on quite an eminence, and a fine view is had over nearly the entire town. Mr. Lindley used the new wood pulp plastering on part of his house and is very much pleased with it. The interior is finished with sugar pine and fir and is in hard oil. Folding doors connect the large sitting room and dining room, and between the sitting room and large hall there is a large opening, the three giving, when thrown together, a large and very pleasant assembly room. There are window seats in both sitting room and dining room--in fact, everything about the house is spacious and very pleasant--a delightfully pretty and convenient home. And just such an one as almost anyone would like to have, but which none deserve more than Mr. Lindley and his good wife. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 5, 1906, page 5 The Palace Hotel, under the management of George Lindley, will close Thursday, May 23rd. He will dispose of everything in the place belonging to him at low prices. "Local Briefs," Southern Oregonian, Medford, May 18, 1907, page 5 AUTHOR AND POET IS VISITING HERE
G. P. Hall, author and
poet, of San Diego, Cal., is the guest of Geo. Lindley, Sr. Fifty-odd
years ago, when Iowa was a pioneer state, and these grandfathers were
boys, Mr. Hall was the pedagogue and Grandpa Lindley the pupil. Their
pioneer fathers lived on opposite sides of the Missouri River, midway
between Sioux City and Omaha, and Mr. Lindley's school days were
circumscribed by the thickness of the ice on the famous Big Muddy.
Although it has been forty years since the master and pupil have met,
their personal recollections are of the happiest, and both can say
"blessed be the tie that binds."G. P. Hall, Well-Known in Southern California As Writer of Ability, Is Spending a Few Days with Friends Here. Mr. Hall is well up in the seventies but as well preserved as though his years had been spent in Rogue River Valley. He will visit a few days with his erstwhile pupil before returning to his California home. Medford Mail Tribune, June 24, 1910, page 4 GEORGE P. LINDLEY CROSSES DIVIDE
Former Treasurer of Jackson County and Well-Known Citizen Passes Away at Age of 63-- Was Bank Director and Prominent in Business George
P. Lindley, at one time county treasurer of this county, vice president
of the First Trust & Savings Bank of Klamath Falls and a director
in the Jackson County Bank of this city, died at his home, 103 North
Roosevelt Avenue, at an early hour Friday morning. He had been a
resident of Medford for 18 years. Notice of the funeral will be given
LINDLEY FUNERAL WEDNESDAYMr. Lindley had been sick since last November. Previous to that time he was actively engaged in business and always took a great interest in the affair of the city and was widely known. La grippe set in during the winter, which finally proved fatal in spite of the best endeavors of his physicians. Mr. Lindley was born at Long Island, New York, November 26, 1849 and was 63 years old at the time of his death. He left New York while a young man, moving to Iowa, later to Washington and then to Oregon, locating in Medford 18 years ago. He leaves a wife and one son, George R. Lindley, vice president of the Jackson County Bank, in which his father was a director. Mr. Lindley was elected treasurer of Jackson County in 1896 and served one term, declining to seek re-election. Medford Mail Tribune, May 26, 1911, page 2 INTERMENT WILL BE AT ODD FELLOWS' CEMETERY City Mourns Passing of Prominent Business Man and Public-Spirited Citizen-- Sketch of His Life George
P. Lindley was born on Long Island, New York, November 22, 1849. When a
boy he moved with his parents to Onawa, Iowa, and later to Lynden,
Washington, and eighteen years ago came to Medford, where he has since
He was married to Sarah Lindley December 15, 1870, at Godfrey, Illinois. There were born to them two children, George R.[and] Cornelia M. The daughter, Cornelia, died at the age of sixteen of typhoid fever while attending Northwest Normal School at Lynden, Washington. Mr. Lindley took an active interest in the welfare of the community in which he lived. He served as county treasurer of Jackson County for one term, and for a number of years has been interested in the banking business, being at the time of his death vice-president of the First Trust and Savings Bank of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and a director in the Jackson County Bank of Medford, and also a stockholder in the Central Point State Banking Company at Central Point. Mr. Lindley was not only public-spirited, but also a man of generous nature, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. He died at his home, 106 Roosevelt Avenue, Medford, May 20, 1911, after several months of intense suffering, resulting from an attack of la grippe, followed by heart failure. He leaves a wife and son, George R. Lindley, who were present at his bedside at the time of his death; five brothers and one sister, J. H. and Will Lindley of Iowa, S. M. Lindley of South Dakota, Richard Lindley of Nebraska and Mary E. King of Pender, Nebraska, and a large circle of friends mourn his loss. His sister, Mrs. King, and husband of Nebraska will arrive next Tuesday evening, and the funeral will be held from the residence. Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, May 31. Interment will be in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Rev. I. F. Belknap will have charge of the services. Medford Sun, May 28, 1911, page 1 Funeral Notice.
funeral of George P. Lindley will be held from the late residence next
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. The family is waiting the arrival of a
sister from the East.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 28, 1911, page 2 IN MEMORIAM.
George P. Lindley was born on Long Island, N.Y., November 22, 1849.
When a boy he moved with his parents to Onawa, Ia., and later to
Lynden, Wash., and 18 years ago came to Medford, Or., where he has
since resided.He was married to Sarah Lindley December 15, 1870, at Godfrey, Ill. There were born to them two children, George R. and Cornelia M. The daughter, Cornelia, died at the age of 11 of typhoid fever while attending Northwest Normal School at Lynden, Wash. Mr. Lindley took an active interest in the welfare of the community in which he lived. He served as county treasurer of Jackson County for one term, and for a number of years has been interested in the banking business, being at the time of his death vice president of the First Trust and Savings Bank of Klamath Falls, Or. and a director in the Jackson County Bank of Medford, Or., and also a stockholder in the Central Point State Banking Company at Central Point, Or. He was not only public spirited but also a man of generous nature, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. He died at his home, 106 Roosevelt Avenue, Medford, Oregon, May 26, 1911, after several months of intense suffering resulting from an attack of la grippe followed by heart failure. He leaves a wife and son, George R., who were present at his bedside at the time of his death, five brothers and one sister, viz: J. H. and Will Lindley of Iowa; S. M. Lindley of South Dakota; Richard Lindley of Nebraska and Mary E. King of Pender, Nebraska, and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. His sister Miss King and husband of Nebraska will arrive Tuesday evening and the funeral will be held from the residence Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, May 21st. Interment in the Odd Fellows cemetery; Rev. L. F. Belknap will have charge of the services. Medford Mail Tribune, May 28, 1911, page 5 Died--In Medford, Oregon, October 21, 1912, John Franklin Lindley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Lindley, aged one month and five days. Funeral services will be held at the residence, corner West Tenth and Mistletoe streets, Wednesday at 10 o'clock a.m., Rev. Goulder officiating. Mr. Lindley, father of the child, is a member of the Medford fire department. Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1912, page 4 LINDLEY, George Robert, Banker; born Blencoe, Iowa, Aug. 5, 1872; son, George P. and Sarah A. Lindley. Edu.: Northwestern Normal School, Lynden, Wash.; Natl. Normal School, Lebanon, O. Married, Katherine Ulrich, June 1, 1893, at Godfrey, Ill. Vice-pres., Jackson Co. Bank of Medford; Dir., Trust and Savings Bank of Klamath Falls. Member: W.O.W. Address: Medford, Ore. Harper, Franklin, ed., Who's Who on the Pacific Coast, 1913, page 346
George R. Lindley, vice president of the Jackson County Bank, today
sold his home on Siskiyou Heights to Dr. Frederick C. Page of this
city. The place consists of a modern two-story dwelling and three acres
of land, and in one of the most sightly locations in the valley,
commanding a view of the entire Medford area. Dr. Page will move into
the house June 1 and will extensively beautify the grounds. Mr. Lindley
has two other east side properties which he will immediately improve.
Neither party will state the purchase price, but it is known that Mr.
Lindley recently refused $10,000 for the property.This is the second property purchased recently by Dr. Page, the first one being the Medford Laundry property, having a frontage of 128 feet on East Main. Both transactions were made through the Page-Dressler Company. Medford Mail Tribune, February 7, 1914, page 8 OBITUARY
LINDLEY--Nolo Milton Lindley, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George R.
Lindley, and one of Medford's most promising young men, died at the
home of his parents on College Hill at 12:12 o'clock this morning of
internal hemorrhage. He was 23 years, 2 months and 6 days old. Mr.
Lindley, who was born in Medford and had been bookkeeper in the Jackson
County Bank, of which his father is vice-president, ever since his
graduation from the high school three years ago, was a member of the
Methodist Church and was president of the Epworth League chapter of
that church.
He first became ill when on May 31 last, while playing tennis, through overexertion he suffered an intestinal rupture. After a several weeks' illness his condition became much improved, but on July 24 he again became worse. Everything possible in the way of medical attention and care was done to save his life, but without avail. Besides his parents, he is survived by one brother, Robert, and four sisters, Misses May, Josephine, Katherine and Gertrude. The funeral services will be held from the family home Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Dr. J. C. Rollins of the Methodist church will conduct the services. Medford Mail Tribune, July 30, 1917, page 4 Nolo Milton Lindley of Medford, son of George R. Lindley, died at the home of his parents early Monday morning, aged 23 years. Funeral was held Wednesday afternoon. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, August 4, 1917, page 3 LINDLEY, George Robert, Medford, Oregon. Banker: b. in Blencoe, Iowa, Aug. 5, 1872; s. of George P. and Sarah A. Lindley; ed. in Northwestern Normal School, Lynden, Washington; and National Normal School, Lebanon, Ohio; m. Godfrey, Ill., June 1, 1893, Katherine Ulrich; children: Nolo M., Robert G., Sarah May, Josephine, Katherine. Has been engaged in farming most of time, and for last ten years cashier, now v.-pres. and dir., Jackson County Bank of Medford; dir. Trust and Savings Bank of Klamath Falls, Woodman of World, Democrat, Methodist (trus., First Methodist Episcopal Church). Who's Who in Finance, Banking and Insurance, 1922, page 416 GEORGE R. LINDLEY TO BE VICE-PREST. OF KLAMATH BANK
George R. Lindley, for many years connected with the Jackson County
Bank of Medford, Oregon, has resigned his position as vice-president
and director of that institution, and has accepted a position as
vice-president of the American National Bank of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Mr. Lindley has been connected with the Jackson County Bank as vice-president or cashier for over 21 years. As a token of appreciation for the services rendered the bank, the board of directors recently presented Mr. Lindley with a beautifully engraved watch. It is thought that Mr. Lindley will leave Medford to assume his new duties about the first of the year. A host of friends of the Lindley family will learn of their departure with keen regret. Medford Mail Tribune, November 22, 1922, page 3
The many Medford friends of George R. Lindley of Klamath Falls, and former well-known banker, will learn with interest that he recently resigned as vice-president and director of the American National Bank of Klamath falls and has sold his stock to enter into private business in that city. Mr. Lindley and family left Medford years ago after 21 years here in the service of the Jackson County Bank. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 5, 1927, page 2 LINDLEY, G. R. (Mrs.), born in Godfrey, Illinois, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ulrich, a resident of Oregon for thirty years. Married to George Robert Lindley. Children: Robert G., May, Josephine, Katherine, Gertrude. Active in club and civic affairs. Member: Woman's Library Club (president), O.E.S., P.T.A., Garden Civic Club. Home: Lindley Heights, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Max Binheim, ed., Women of the West, Los Angeles 1928, page 161 The completion of a deal was made by Warnock & Shelley yesterday whereby G. L. Lindley becomes the owner of the T. A. Culbertson forty-acre farm on Coker Butte Road, Mr. Culbertson getting two Medford properties in the transaction, a six-room house at 416 South Grape Street and a small property in Bunker Hill addition. Mr. Lindley has on his new property one of the best ten-acre pear blocks in the valley, plans to set out additional acreage and eventually have the entire forty in fruit. Mr. Lindley has been superintendent of the Rogue River company for several years, and his action in purchasing this orchard testifies to his faith in this valley. "Local Orchardist Shows his Faith in Rogue River Valley," Medford Mail Tribune, January 4, 1929, page 4 EX-LOCAL BANKER DIES IN KLAMATH
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow at Klamath Falls for George R. Lindley,
former Medford and Klamath Falls banker, who passed away there
yesterday. Interment will take place at the IOOF cemetery here tomorrow
at 2 p.m.
The deceased was born in Blencoe, Ia., August 5, 1872, and moved to Oregon with his bride Katherine Ulrich, in 1893. He was connected with the Jackson County Bank here throughout its existence and later went to Klamath Falls, where he was associated with the First National and American National banks. He also helped to organize and was one of the heads of the Oregon Bank and Trust Co. Lindley retired from banking in 1932 to enter the real estate business with his son, Robert. Besides the widow and son, he is survived by four daughters, Mrs. George A. Meyers, Mrs. William R. Cleve and Mrs. Cecil B. Matt, all of Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Dan D. Robertson, Menlo Park, Calif., and three grandsons. Medford Mail Tribune, September 5, 1946, page 3
Last revised June 23, 2022