Medford News: 1896 Medford-related
news items from
1896. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year. Mrs. D. W. Crosby and the
babies left Tuesday evening for Riddle, where she will visit for a
month or two with relatives and many friends.
MEDFORD, Or., May 16.--The Medford
Business College
was gutted by fire tonight. The blaze was started by the overturning of
a lamp in the room of a male student while the young man was arranging
the covers on his bed. The lamp exploded and he had to run for his
life, leaving all of his belongings to the flames. About half of the
furniture in the rooms was saved. The loss exceeds $4000, said to be
fully insured.R. P. Fabj, a particular friend of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wolters and special agent for the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, was here upon business last week. W. T. York has accepted the Medford agency for this company and is figuring upon doing quite a business for them. John Willeke and family, of Pendleton, arrived in Medford Wednesday. Mr. Willeke is a son-in-law of H. Tripp, of this city. G. L. Boone, of Yaquina Bay, arrived in Medford yesterday and will reside in this part of the country for some time. Mr. Boone was accompanied by his son-in-law, H. C. Nute, who has been at Yaquina for a month's visit. A. B. C. Denniston, traveling representative of the Great Northern Railroad, was in Medford last week, and while here arranged with real estate agent W. T. York to handle the company's business in this city. Mr. and Mrs. A. Urion, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Eaton, two sons and W. E. Phipps arrived in Medford last Saturday evening from Renwick, Humboldt County, Iowa, and will become residents of Jackson County. F. E. Birge returned Sunday from his quite extended visit in New York City. "Medford," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, January 6, 1896, page 2 ![]() Miss Genevieve Reames, of Jacksonville, was in Medford a couple of days this week endeavoring to organize a class in elocution. Miss Reames teaches only children, and if the pleasant comment which comes from the people of Jacksonville is to be taken as a proof, she is indeed an able instructor. She has been handling quite a large class in the above-named place and but recently gave an entertainment in which her pupils took part and those in attendance have since been sounding the loudest possible praises for their work. She hopes to secure a class of about thirty in Medford--and there seems little doubt but that this number can be had. Woolf's hall has been secured as the class meeting place--and the first meeting will be held at that place on Saturday, January 25th, at 2 o'clock. Miss Reames was assisted in her canvass of this city by Miss Ella Hanley. Messrs. Curry & Skeel have sold their dray business to H. G. Shearer. Mr. Curry has not decided what vocation he will ply in the future, but he has several propositions under consideration. Mr. Skeel will swing back into his old vocation--that of contracting and building. Mr. Shearer will join business with Arthur Wells, and the two will do draying and baggage transferring. Merchant Wm. Angle has sold to M. Purdin the residence property which he (Angle) formerly occupied, corner of B and Sixth streets, for a consideration of $1100. Mr. Purdin moved to his new home Wednesday and H. G. Shearer, who has been living in the residence for several months, has moved to the Childers residence, east of Bear Creek. The Adkins-Childers block is very nearly completed. The first story of the Adkins half is plastered, and floors are now being laid in both lower rooms. Water pipes and fittings have been put in for use in the upstairs rooms. That building is going to come pretty near being all right when it is completed. Henry and Peter Barneburg are over in the Big Butte country buying cattle, which will be brought to their ranches, east of Medford, where they will be fed until spring and then taken to their range in the Dead Indian country. Reese P. Kendall and family, who left here last summer, are now at Quincy, Ill.--presumably headed this way--they having finished their visit at Boston. The new granite gravel walk from the depot to D Street is a decided improvement over the old plank affair which as so long done service at this place. "News of the City," Medford Mail, January 17, 1896, page 5 Mr. W. S. Crowell has again become a grandfather, as the following from the Medford, Oregon Daily Mail testifies: "There are four of the Mr. Crowells in this locality--since last Saturday when another son came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Crowell, at their Mt. Sunset ranch. Here is hoping the young man may live to good old age and make his life as noble and as well worth living--to himself and others--as have his parents and grandparents made theirs." Democratic Standard, Coshocton, Ohio, January 24, 1896, page 6 And the new brick buildings continue to loom up in Medford. The latest acquisition to the brick block arena is a two-story structure now under construction by Messrs. Crane & Childers. It was but a few days ago that W. T. Crane, of the Oriental Livery Stables, and H. E. Childers (all the same Bert) entered into a compact to conduct the livery business together, as joint partners. The combine is working fine, first-rate, and to the entire satisfaction of all. A few days prior to the deal, however, Mr. Crane purchased from J. T. Miller two lots of North Front Street, near the city bastille, at a cost of $600, with the intention of putting up a brick stable thereon, which intention is now being carried out--only there are two intentions instead of one. On Monday of this week the new firm began work on the foundation for the new building and on or before April first it will be finished and occupied. The building will be 50x60 feet in size, twenty feet to the fire walls, and the walls to be twelve inches in thickness. This will not furnish room necessary for the business, but the boys own 40x60 feet on the back of this which will be built upon during the summer. When completed they will have a building 60x100 feet--and a good one, too. Since opening up business last July, Mr. Crane has had almost phenomenal success. His cash was limited--decidedly so--at that time, but he had lots of ambition and today he would not take $2000 for his possessions. He has given the strictest attention to business, and [with] this, coupled with good rigs and courteous treatment of all patrons, he has boosted himself into a good paying business. Mr. Childers, his partner, is one of Medford's hard-working, honest young men, and the two will make a pair hard to beat. They will have twelve rigs in the new stables--and more if the trade demands them. Spencer Childers will do the brick work on the job. The cost of the building which is now being put up will be about $3000. Postmaster Purdin is expecting his commission in about ten days. He has purchased about 150 lock boxes, which were shipped from Indianapolis, Ind., on the 21st of this month. There will be no keys required with these boxes--they work with a combination. He has purchased the call boxes now in use by Postmaster Howard. Just as soon as the Racket Store moves out Mr. Purdin will commence getting matters in shape for doing business. When arranged as mapped out Medford will have one of the finest offices in Southern Oregon--and that it will be quite correct--there is nothing too good for Medford. There has been a new shift made in the ownership of the Turf Exchange Saloon this week. S. F. Morine has sold his interest therein to J. C. Hall (called Court for short) of Central Point, and the firm is now Legate & Hall. Mr. Hall has decided to retire from his business at Central Point and will soon be a permanent resident of this city. H. H. Wolters will be retained as mixerologist until matters are gotten squarely in good running shape--perhaps he will be a permanent fixture. The new firm expect to add some considerable new furniture to the place. Mr. Morine will probably devote his entire attention to his quite extensive interests in the Applegate district. William Slinger has purchased from Jack Morris the two lots upon which stands the building formerly occupied by the Eastern Second-Hand Store, consideration, $200. Mr. Morris will move the building to a couple of lots a little north of the above location, which lots he recently purchased from the Halley boys--consideration $300. Jack will continue to do his second-hand business in the two store buildings. The building committee, appointed to superintend matters appertaining to the erection of a new Presbyterian Church, met on Monday evening of this week and rejected all bids which had been received up to that date and at the same meeting decided to ask for bids on a veneered building--same size and style of architecture as original plan. These bids to be opened on Thursday, February 6th. Mrs. Low is making the Star Restaurant a very popular resort for those who delight in pleasing the palate with edibles delicious and wholesome. As we have before reiterated--any business that is conducted in strict accord with business principles and where courteous treatment is given out to customers, cannot but reach a goal of profit to those who thus conduct it. Dan Waldroop, at the Crater [Confectionery], has a nickel-in-the-slot machine. You drop a nickel and get a cigar--perhaps; and then again perhaps you get several cigars for the nickel; however, it is heap plenty fun to see the wheels go around. He has also a pair of horse blankets, advertising his "Toilet" and "Robt. Mantell" cigars, which are now being worn by Bellinger & Hill's dray team. "News of the City," Medford Mail, January 31, 1896, page 5 Jackson County people may not be expected to urge the next legislature to action in the matter of reapportionment, as they will be apt to lose one representative. The county assessor's census shows a population of 13,000, which would entitle them according to the new census to a less representation. A daily mail service is to be established between Ashland and Klamath Falls, via Soda Springs and Snake, to begin May 1 next. This is a very important matter to Southern Oregon, as the Wells Fargo express service has for some time been withdrawn on account of the numerous robberies occurring on that line. Southern Oregon is coming to the front quite prominently in connection with the revival of gold mining. Two giants are running night and day at the Hampton and Lewis mine on Grave Creek. It is one of the largest placer mines in the state, having a water supply of more than 4,500 miner's inches, which will be increased 1,000 inches by next season. The Recorder of Ashland has received official notification from the county clerk that the taxable property within that city's limits, as returned by the county assessor and as equalized by the county board of equalization, amounts to $508,313. Last year it was returned at $578,995 from which it will be seen there is a decrease of $70,682. It is expected that a levy of about 10 mills for city purposes will be deemed advisable by the council, under the circumstances, as the city financiers have not been expecting a reduction in the city 's total assessed valuation. "Our Sister States," Hood River Glacier, January 31, 1896, page 1 Report comes to us that for three afternoons in succession this week, an elderly and quite well dressed man has been noticed standing at the corner of Seventh and C streets at about the hour when the children were returning from school, and in one instance, our informant states, he has been seen to hand candy and apples to the little girls as they pass. This procedure may be all correct and right, but just why this fellow should allow his generosity to bestow sweetmeats upon other people's children is not quite clear. If he does not desist in these practices some of the irate parents of the city will make the surroundings decidedly tropical for him. Grants Pass had a case somewhat similar to this something like a year ago, but the escapade did not end in the bestowal of sweetmeats, but instead, if we remember correctly, the miserable rascal of that city persuaded a couple of young girls to accompany him down to California, where they were overtaken by parents and brought back home, and the leprous blot upon society who had thus attempted to ruin two young girls was given a good sound thrashing. If these things, as reported, exist in Medford the villain's career will be a short one here. There was a whole town full of hilarity on Wednesday evening of this week, and all because a young fellow named Hayden, a miner on Evans Creek, came to town with gold dust in his pocket, a disposition to partake of red liquor in his mind, and later on an overstock of the above-named distilled wheat and corn in the recesses of his inner man. His first skirmish was in putting his hand through the Turf Exchange Saloon windows--in different places. From there a disturbance was booked for Hotel Nash, but here he met with an introduction that suggested he had better "hit" the sidewalk in the high places if it was his personal safety he prized. His next roundup was at G. L. Webb's Racket [Store]--and it was here his racket terminated. He wanted to buy tobacco from Mr. Webb, but as George didn't carry that line of goods Hayden became angered thereat--and trouble commenced to brew right there and then. Hayden ordered Mr. Webb out of the store--Mr. Webb returned the compliment of the evening, but neither accepted the invitation. Hayden reached for his hip pocket, Mr. Webb reached for Hayden, Mr. Webb's hand met Hayden's face--and there was a scuffle, a broken showcase, a hole in the glass store window large enough for a fellow about Hayden's size to get through. There being no other alternative Mr. Webb had gathered the young man to himself and fired him, head first, through, the window onto the sidewalk. Mr. Webb states his Racket is too small for a racket of that nature, and next week he will move to more commodious apartments. Hayden was afterwards gathered in by Marshal Cofer, a large dirk knife taken from him, and he was landed in the city bastille. Yesterday morning he paid his fine, $8.60, put up security for damages done store fronts and departed, probably promising himself to do so no more. All kinds of wood for sale--yard corner C and Sixth--H. G. Shearer. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 7, 1896, page 5 Medford Laundry Burned Last Night.
The Medford steam laundry was burned to the ground yesterday evening
and is a complete loss, there being no insurance. All the clothes in
the establishment, amounting to considerable, were destroyed. The fire
was noticed about 6:30 p.m.The fire caught from the engine. The present owner, J. L. Wigle, has no intention of rebuilding. Valley Record, Ashland, February 13, 1896, page 3 As one of our good townsmen and his wife were returning to their home, on North C Street, after church services last Sunday night, they unexpectedly came upon a couple in very close converse near one of the residences of that street. Upon drawing nearer it was discovered that the man was one of mature years--in fact, his locks were silvered to almost a whiteness, and his years must have been close unto three score. His companion was a young girl of not more than twelve years. Ordinarily the Mail pays little attention to the escapades of people who thus clandestinely meet, nor to the ferreting out of their trysting places, but in this case, owing to the disparity of ages, it is evident that someone's child is being imposed upon by the villainy of this old rascal--hence a warning is here given to parents. There is but one proper place for girls of this age at this hour of night, and that at home, and parents ought to know that they are there. The couple above referred to, to evade the eye of our informant, endeavored to secrete themselves behind a fence, thus proving that there was something not quite right in their being there. H. C. Mackey is one of our city photographers and is popular with the young people--as was proven upon Thursday evening of last week when about thirty-five of them assembled at his studio parlors, in [the] Hamlin block, and gave him a rousing surprise. The parlors were rearranged and thrown into large, pleasant reception rooms where the happy crowd had one of the best times possible--and it is possible for young people to have a pretty good time, especially when the host is of so genial a turn as is Mr. Mackey. Delicious refreshments of cakes, pies and lemonade were served, and the amusements were pleasant parlor games and lots of mirth, laughter and pleasant talk. Maxwell, the man who attempted suicide in this city last week, was adjudged insane and on Thursday evening was taken to Salem. It was by his especial request that he was taken there, he realizing at times when his mind is clear that possibly proper medical treatment and care would restore him to his usual good health. His family are not in the best of circumstances, financially, and to tide over the present troubles they have decided to dispose of a team of horses, harness and wagon which they have. The team is a heavy one, and a good one, and they will sell the outfit cheap. The "Home Industry" cigar is manufactured by a home institution. It is a good article--guaranteed first class--ask your dealers for this brand. If there is one thing more than another that makes a prosperous town it is patronage extended to home industries. You people who smoke cigars should bear this in mind when purchasing these articles. We have a splendid article manufactured right here in our city, and by a gentleman who is a good citizen and who is endeavoring to build up a business among us. If you have acquired the smoke habit ask your dealers for a "Home Industry" or "Artistic." Read the ad published elsewhere. J. H. Campbell and W. J. Brand have hooked themselves in team harness for a few weeks, during which time they will manufacture and sell several ironing boards--the original design of which Mr. Campbell lays a solid claim to. The article is decidedly a useful one--just a little better than anything ever brought to light in Medford--and for very little money--only $1.25. W. H. McGowan has purchased the interest of C. W. Palm in the China Bazaar and will soon move his stock of goods to the Weeks furniture building, one door west, to which building is to be added a thirty-foot, two-story extension on the rear. Shelving will be placed on one side of the front room, and Mac will have charge of the two branches of business. D. R. Hill shipped a carload of very fine apples to Butte, Montana last week. J. H. Stewart also shipped a carload last week--to Portland. Mr. Hill is this week wrapping and packing twenty boxes of choice Red Cheeked Pippins to be shipped to Mr. Valentine, of the Wells Fargo Express Company, at San Francisco. Since the last issue of the Mail there is a noticeable goneness from the street corner of the individual who has been in the habit of dealing out apples and candies to little school girls as they pass. A little timely warning ofttimes prevents serious results--to both interested parties. Day Parker, who is in attendance at the State Normal School at Monmouth, is putting in some good, substantial work at his books--as is proven by the fact that in each and all of his twenty-three studies his standing was over ninety percent at his last examination. Merchant A. N. Berlin has been ill a good part of this week--so ill as to make staying at home quite necessary. E. N. Warner has been working in team harness with Mr. Lumsden in the store during Mr. Berlin's, we hope, temporary absence. Mr. Wilcox, the Talent house mover, is at work this week moving the Eastern second hand store, recently purchased by Jack Morris, about four or five blocks to the north, near the building now occupied by Mr. Morris. The appearance of G. L. Davis' store front has been considerably improved of late--by the remodeling of the doorway into one that is up to date--all the same alcove--all the same square, metropolitan, like city. G. L. Webb has moved his Racket Store to his new, large and finely appointed rooms in the Adkins-Deuel block on Seventh Street. Mrs. Sears has also moved her stock of millinery to the same building. Just as soon as the roads get a little dryer brick hauling for the new Crane & Childers livery stable will commence, and immediately thereafter the brick work. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 14, 1896, page 5 It requires more than one fire
to down Mr. J. L. Wigle. The ruins of his laundry had hardly time to
cool before he had arranged for the erection of a new building. Work
was commenced upon a 24x40-foot building, on his property in northeast
Medford last Friday, and the same is now completed and the machinery
saved from the fire of last week has been placed in position for the
commencement of laundry work--which work will date its commencement
from Monday of next week .The building is to be arranged more
conveniently than the old one, and there will be added the necessary
machinery for doing the washing by steam. The new building is located
in close proximity with the water ditch, and in this ditch is to be
placed a water wheel and the power thus obtained will be utilized in
raising water from the ditch into the laundry--and all the water thus
raised will pass through a filterer which will make it possible to use
the water from the ditch regardless of its sometimes roiled condition.
An uptown office will be established, and at this place all unwashed
work can be left. Mr. Wigle's loss by fire was no small item, and his
new building is requiring the outlay of considerable money--hence it is
but natural that he is more than usually solicitous for your patronage,
and again, it is but natural that he should expect it--and then another
time, it is but natural and strictly in keeping with our people's ideas
of home dealings, that we should give it to him. An office has been
established at the O.K. barber shop, on South C Street.
Ex-postmaster Howard in his work of taking down and placing to one side
the old post office fixtures made the discovery of a curio--Medford's
first post office. It is a wooden box twelve inches wide and twenty-two
inches high and nine inches deep, and in it are pigeonholes in which
was placed both the letters and papers coming through the mails for ALL
the inhabitants of the town at that time, which was in 1884. The first
registered letter which came to the office was entered upon the
register book by Miss Nettie L. Howard, she who is now Mrs. B. S. Webb.
This was in April, '84. J. S. Howard was the first postmaster, and it
was in '85 that the town was incorporated--and in a cleanup of this
week a large ugly-looking knife was unearthed, the same being the
weapon with which he defended himself against an attack of Broback, one
of the original townsite owners. The attack having been brought upon by
Mr. Howard having posted in his store window a telegram from Salem
announcing the fact that the incorporation bill had passed the
legislature. Broback was opposed to incorporating and Mr. Howard
favored it. Mr. Howard states that as now, for the first time in
something like twenty years, he is not encumbered by any public office,
he will give his attention to mineral surveying and engineering.
The old man who has been scattering, or rather, attempting to scatter,
candies, peanuts and apples so lavishly among our city's school
children has decamped, departed--gone hence, and we hope to be no more
in this locality. He took the northbound passenger train Friday night
of last week. Preparations leading up to his departure were somewhat
hurried, and the leave-taking from his friends, if there were any, was
recapitulated, boiled down, cut short off, by a gentle reminder, or
rather an intimation, from City Marshal Cofer that if his stay among
the things of earth was a matter which he desired prolonged he had
better be hieing himself to climes more congenial--and he hied, and may
the sympathy of this community be and abide with the people who
henceforth are to be imposed upon by his presence. Had not this
lecherous old villain taken himself hence there would have been given
him one of the warmest little tar and feather parties ever tendered men
of his ilk. He stated that he would return in a few weeks, but if he
does his personal safety will not be one of those things highly prized.
Nearly every day develops new evidence of the old rascal's villainy,
and indignant parents will be camping on his trail.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, February 21, 1896,
page 5S. Shideler, of this city, is in receipt of a letter from his son, H. L. Shideler, located near Monterey Bay, California, and in this letter the gentleman speaks of the sale of the '96 apple crop in that locality like this: "The fruit buyers are here and are already buying the coming crop of late apples, that is, buying them on the trees, or, as we express it, 'buying the orchards.'" Buying the orchards only means the buying of the fruit that may grow upon them during the season specified. Mr. Shideler states further that one of his neighbors sold ten acres of trees for $950, another sold his crop for $2100 and another for $2200--the acreage in the last two instances was not mentioned. About half of the purchase price was paid in advance, in all instances. Mr. S. has about twenty-five acres of apple trees in that locality. but they are not yet in bearing. Bicycles are thicker around town than frogs after a spring rain. Pretty nearly everybody has a wheel, and as the streets are dry they begin to roll. It was three years ago that Charlie Wolters and Dave Miller had such a lively skirmish in taming their bronco bicycles. Dave subdued his, but Charlie gave up in disgust, not, however, until he had collided with every awning post in the city and had telescoped A. W. Bish's delivery team. He has again tackled the wheel, and with Mose Alford as a side propeller and main guy he is doing quite nicely. The Mail guesses not far from correct when it says that the number of bicycles rode in Medford last season will be more than double this year. Two hundred would no more than cover the number owned and rode in this city last year. A very pleasant family reunion was had at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Merriman, in this city, on Wednesday of this week, the occasion being in honor of a visit from Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chapman and the birthday of little Blanch Merriman. A delicious dinner--such as Mrs. Merriman alone knows how to prepare--was served and partaken of and an afternoon of pleasant family chat was indulged in. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Bennett and family, Mrs. Laura Bradley and family, Mrs. A. Merriman, Mr. and Mrs. John Beek and Mrs. J. E. Harvey, of Central Point. At a special meeting of the stockholders of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company, held in this city last Saturday, the capital stock of the company was reduced from $25,000 to $3150, fully paid up. The difference between the above-named amounts was carried to the surplus fund. The value of shares of stock was reduced from $100 each to $15. The date of annual election of officers was changed from March first of each year to the first Saturday in October of each year. Contractor J. A. Eggers commenced work on a new barn for merchant B. F. Deuel Wednesday morning. The building is to be put up on Mr. Deuel's recent real estate purchase, in southwest Medford, and is going to be a good one. It will be 22x30 feet in size, two stories high and to one side is to be a good-sized tower--and it is to climb to a good height. The barn is to be finished in the best style of barn architecture and will be the best building in the city--for the use intended. Last Wednesday week was Jackson County day in the supreme court. The case of T. J. Kinney, respondent, vs. Enoch F. Walker and Prudence Walker, appellants, was argued and submitted on behalf of respondent; attorney for appellants not being present. This is the much talked-of flour bin case. Francis Fitch, formerly of this city, now in San Francisco, is the appellants' attorney. The Hockersmith-Hanley case was also argued and submitted upon the same day. J. J. Howser, he who purchased the Lewis property on A Street, near Mr. Crystal's place, several months ago, has traded his place to J. C. Corum, of the Meadows, for a 120-acre ranch, including stock and farm machinery. Mr. Howser will move thereto now pretty soon and will go into the dairy business quite extensively. Mr. Corum will move to Medford and conduct a meat market, also run a meat delivering wagon over the valley during the busy months of farm work. J. R. Wilson, the gentleman who conducts the brick blacksmith shop, corner South C and Eighth Street, and who is a cracking good workman, and gets lots of it to do, and is a gentleman every inch--but hold on, quaker, we are lost in our eulogy. What we started in to say was that J. R. Wilson had been pretty bad sick for the past couple of weeks, but is better now, and that Sam Redfield, who is nothing slow at hammering iron, has been working in his stead. The new ads this week are those of Albert Nutt, the groceryman, who is inviting you to try him on prices and quality of goods. The Rackets has a removal ad, which tells you where it is located and of the new goods that are coming. J. Beek & Co.--at the top of the column and always at the top in qualities, but way low in price--are telling you of their aluminum ware, cutlery and spray pumps. An "Agents Wanted" ad also appears on [the] eighth page; in this the advertiser wants agents to sell Excelsior Safety Burners. John Redfield has the model for his repeating rifle completed, and now very soon he will apply for a patent. If the judgment which the Mail has on rifles is any good the one John is making is king wheat and far ahead of those now in use--excepting not even those of the Winchester make. We regret to state that Mr. Redfield is contemplating a permanent location in Montana sometime this spring or early summer. Contractor L. M. Lyon has moved his workshop south two lots on North F Street, onto a lot which he recently purchased from Conrad Mingus, and is now remodeling the building into suitable quarters for a store of some nature and the same will be for rent. He will also build a sixteen-foot extension at the rear, same size as the main part. Farmers are happy these beautiful summer-like days. All are busy with their seeding and there isn't a kick coming from any of them. February-sown grain is considered a sure big yield. The races of the Southern Oregon Jockey Club, to take place at Central Point, commencing May 13, is to be the opening of the North Pacific Circuit. Excelsior Dye Works, Medford--clothes cleaned, dyed and repaired. J. U. Willeke has commenced the building of his East Side residence, the frame of the same now being up and the building partly enclosed. Something like thirty dollars have been raised by subscription for the purchase of a large, elegant flag for the new school building. Street grading is quite the caper these fine days, and a good bit of it is being done. The Presbyterians of Medford have let a contract to N. B. Bradbury for the erection of a new church for $1,500. "Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, February 27, 1896 Death of Mrs. Hutchinson.
Mrs. D. L. Metsker, of the East End, has received notice of the death
of her only sister, Mrs. F. W. Hutchinson, in Medford, Oregon. Mrs.
Hutchinson, who had been in ill health, went to Oregon two years ago in
hopes of improvement in the climate. Her health was not benefited,
however, and she died after a protracted illness. Mrs. Hutchinson
formerly lived at Denver, Ind., and is well known in Miami and Cass.
She was identified with the Baptist Church all her life and was an
earnest worker. Her remains will be interred in Medford. With her death
Mrs. Metsker is the only survivor of a family of six sisters and one
Logansport Reporter, Indiana, March 3, 1896, page 3 A Champion Tree Trimmer.
In the Medford, Oregon Daily Mail, we
find the following item, referring a former well-known Coshoctonian:
"Attorney W. S. Crowell is out at his Mt. Sunset ranch this week
assisting his son in tree trimming operations. H. M. Crowell, he who is
the son, is mighty particular who does the browsing 'round among his
trees, and as W. S. quite fits the place the two are accordingly hooked
in team harness each spring--and the reputation of this beautiful and
profitable ranch is preserved."
MEDFORD COLLEGE BURNED.Democratic Standard, Coshocton, Ohio, March 6, 1896, page 1 Attempt at Assassination.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, March 9, 1896, page 3
Medford, Or., March 8.--Thomas Elliott was stabbed near the heart this
morning at Central Point by John Peninger. Elliott was just leaving a
dance hall when Peninger jumped out of an alley and thrust a knife into
his breast. The stabbing was the result of an old quarrel. Elliott is
still alive, but his recovery is very doubtful. Peninger was arrested
today, and, waiving examination, was held without bail.
There comes to The Mail considerable complaint as regards the fast riding of bicyclists on our streets. No person would object to any great extent to bicycle riding on the sidewalks in such parts of the city where the travel is not great if they would ride slowly, but when they make a racing track of the sidewalks they must expect a protest. The sidewalks are no places for "scorching," and the sooner the riders realize this fact the longer will they be permitted to use the walks. Families who have children going to and from school are those most concerned. The Mail realizes that the walks are easy to ride upon, and we would dislike to see it become necessary for the lines to be drawn so close as to prohibit their use entirely by the wheels. Medford Mail, March 20, 1896, page 5 There is liable to be somewhat of a muddle kicked up in this vicinity ere long as a result of the failure of John Peninger to have his donation claim of 320 acres platted. It seems that Mr. Peninger located 320 acres of land in township 30 [sic], on March 16, 1855, and that on April 18, 1859, Mrs. Peninger, now Mrs. Mary Fisher, as administratrix, made oath that John Peninger had resided upon and cultivated the same from September 5, 1853 to October 13, 1855--the date of his death. The land was claimed as a donation claim under the act of September 27, 1850. This donation claim, however, was never platted, and since that time patents have been issued from the government to J. S. Howard, M. A. Talbot, H. P. Deskins, C. W. Kahler and L. D. Hitch for this same land. According to a letter received by S. J. Day, of Jacksonville, from E. F. Bist, assistant commissioner of the land office, there seems to be little doubt but that Mrs. Fisher will get a patent from the government for this land, as also for two-thirds of the Whiting addition to Tolo, and the southern part of the Tolo townsite. A greater part of the land of L. D. Hitch also belongs to the heirs of John Peninger. "News of the City," Medford Mail, March 27, 1896, page 5 The Preferential System.
People's Advocate, Chehalis, Washington, March 27, 1896, page 2
Toledo, Wash., March 24, 1896.--I notice that some of the populist
papers have been requesting the members of the people's party to
express, through their columns, their choice for the head of the
people's party ticket. This is a good Democratic idea--that is, it is
good as far as it goes. But it does not go far enough. Why not apply
the same rule or principle all the way from President down to
constable? But how? you ask. Let me explain to you how the populists
in Jackson County, Oregon carried out this system of selecting
candidates for the various offices in the spring of '94: A short time
before the county convention was held the central committee issued a
call for a meeting of all the people's party voters in the county to be
held in their respective precincts on a certain date (all to meet at
the same time) for the purpose of expressing their choice for the
various offices from U.S. Senate down. The meetings were held according
to the call, in the different precincts, officers chosen to receive and
count the votes. Each (pop.) voter was given a ballot with the names of
the various offices printed on the left side, with blank spaces to the
right for the voter to insert the name of his choice for each office.
It was understood, of course, that those who received the largest
number of votes should be the nominees. So at the county convention
held shortly afterwards, the votes from all over the county were
counted and the nominees ratified. I believe one or two of the
gentlemen chosen declined to run and the convention filled the
vacancies. I have written this article for the purpose of having this
question discussed, with the hope that a plan may be adopted where by
the rank and file of the party may have an opportunity to nominate the
ticket. The plan I have spoken for is called "the preferential system."
Let us make use of the referendum, brothers. Vox populi, let the people
L. J. Torey.
The Medford Monitor refers to Max Peaches Pracht as "insufferable egotism." "All About the Fools," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, April 1, 1896, page 4
Someone is getting funny with the bicycle boys. Out on North C Street the sidewalks in places have repeatedly been strewn with tacks—all of which omens not good to the pneumatic tires on the several wheels that circle in that direction. The man or boy who does this sort o’ thing is filled clear to the neck with cussedness, and the country which harbors such as he has no grounds upon which to be congratulated. Even had he no regard for the bicyclists he ought to consider the barefooted urchin who is liable to puncture the sole of his foot—and perhaps fatal results to follow. Medford Mail, April 3, 1896, page 5 Mrs. E. D. Weston departed on Tuesday for Des Moines; from there she will start Thursday to Medford, Oregon, for a visit with her parents. "Prairie City," Newton Record, Newton, Iowa, April 10, 1896, page 12 From a letter received by Mr. Bevier we learn that Mr. Urion, who recently moved from Vernon twp. to Medford, Oregon, has traded his property there for a large farm in Loup Co., Neb. "Locals," Renwick Times, Renwick, Iowa, April 10, 1896, page 5 NEW NOTARIES.--Notarial commissions were issued to C. J. McDougal of Portland, E. L. Smith of Hood River, and Wm. S. Crowell of Medford. Daily Capital Journal, Salem, April 14, 1896, page 1
J. M. Brous, of Medford, Oregon, is visiting his son, A. H. Brous of this city. "Prairie City," Newton Record, Newton, Iowa, April 24, 1896, page 4 Ed. Brown of Medford, Oregon is visiting relatives and friends in Alden and vicinity. We understand he offers his farm southwest of town for sale. "Alden," Freeborn County Standard, Albert Lea, Minnesota, April 29, 1896, page 8 Mrs. T. J. Cummings and little daughter left on the noon train for Medford, Oregon. She received a letter this morning announcing that her father is very low, and she fears that he cannot survive until she reaches his bedside. Her many friends sincerely hope that her apprehension may prove unfounded, and that her father's condition is not so serious as these latest advices seem to indicate. "Brief Bits of City News," Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland, California, May 7, 1896, page 3 Mr. A. N. Woody, of Medford, Oregon, is visiting at Jas. Downing's. "Mound Prairie," Newton Record, Newton, Iowa, May 8, 1896, page 12 Edwin Brown, Medford, Oregon, who seven years ago was a well-known Freeborn County citizen, is renewing old friendships to this city and Alden. "Pictures of People," Freeborn County Standard, Albert Lea, Minnesota, May 13, 1896, page 5 Edwin Brown, a former Albert Lea citizen, but who now resides in Medford, Oregon, is visiting old friends in this city and Alden. Mr. Brown expects to remain in this vicinity most of the summer. "Personal Mention," Freeborn County Times, Albert Lea, Minnesota, May 15, 1896, page 4 J. M. Brous, of Medford, Oregon, who is in this vicinity visiting, returned to his son's, A. H. Brous, from Swan, Sunday, accompanied by a niece and nephew. Mr. Brous will remain here now until he goes back to Oregon. A letter from Mrs. Alta Weston states she is homesick. She will return in June. It will be remembered she went to Medford, Oregon, about one month ago to spend the summer. Asa Woody, of Medford, Oregon, is visiting in this vicinity, where he formerly resided. "Prairie City," Newton Record, Newton, Iowa, May 15, 1896, page 10 Fire Started by the Overturning of a Lamp in a Student's Room. The San Francisco Call, May 17, 1896, page 1 The Medford Business College was burned to the ground Saturday night. The cause was a student upsetting a lamp, from which the flames immediately spread. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, May 19, 1896, page 1
Medford, May 17.--The Medford Business College, located in the northeast part of town, burned to the ground shortly before midnight last night. The lower story of the building was occupied by the family of J. C. Goe, and James Henry had a room in the upper story. After preparing to retire, in some manner he upset a lamp, and, in trying to extinguish the flames, his bed caught fire. He was compelled to leave the room in his nightclothes. He awoke the family below, and they only had time to save about half of their household goods. All the private effects of Professor Rigby, owner of the college building, were burned. There has been no school in the building for some time, and there was comparatively little furniture there. The building was erected in 1893, and cost $3500. It was insured for $2000, but there was no insurance on the contents. The plant of the House Educator, a school paper issued by Professor Rigby, was located in the upper story, and is a total loss. Valley Record, Ashland, May 21, 1896, page 3 WANTED--PARTY OF 4 FOR SUMMER OUTING; finest of trout fishing and deer hunting; country wild enough for most exacting; no objection to 2 ladies. Address Box 148, Medford, Oregon. "Health and Summer Resorts," The San Francisco Call, May 26, 1896, page 11 Messrs. Woody and Brous, who have spent some weeks here visiting, departed Tuesday morning for their home in Medford, Oregon. "Prairie City," Newton Record, Newton, Iowa, June 5, 1896, page 6 Wm. Dunn, who has been acting as S.P. agent at Medford for several months, returned to Salem this morning. "Personal," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, June 6, 1896, page 4
The Fourth of July arrangements committee desire to extend a special invitation to the bicyclists of Medford, Jacksonville and other points in the valley as well as those of Ashland and to join in the great bicycle parade at Ashland at the forthcoming celebration. It is hoped to have from 75 to 100 in the parade, which would prove a striking feature. Besides, an illuminated bicycle parade at night has been suggested as an interesting feature, too. Died at her residence, four miles east of Medford, on Friday, June 5, Mrs. Flora A. Murray, aged seventy years, two months and twenty-four days. The funeral was conducted from the residence on Sunday last, the interment being in Central Point cemetery. Mrs. Murray has lived near Medford for many years, and her funeral was attended by a large gathering of friends and acquaintances. She was mother of Mrs. Geo. F. Merriman, of this place.--[Monitor. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 11, 1896, page 3 G. W. Priddy will open his kiln of pressed brick this week. These brick are made especially for store fronts and window arches--in fact, all nice brick work. They are made of the same material as the others, but are smooth and square. The cost is a trifle more than ordinary brick, but when it is figured that only the outside tier is required in a wall, the extra cost don't count up very high. Alonzo Slover, who has for the past few months been associated with J. W. Losher in the delivering business, has sold his interest to the Webber brothers, and the new firm will be Losher & Webber. Mr. Slover will remain in Medford for the present, at least, but has not decided what occupation he will follow. The Webber boys--George and A. J.--are wide-awake young men and will without doubt give our merchants and their patrons a good delivery service. The Roseburg Review announces that attorney W. W. Cardwell, of that city, formerly of Medford, has threatened a libel suit against the Review for the publication of a communication bearing upon the Pool-Case train robbery trial, in which Mr. Cardwell appeared as attorney. A telegram reached Medford last Saturday from San Francisco stating that attorney Francis Fitch was ill and not expected to live. No later information has been received--hence it is presumed that he has improved. He has been troubled for years with heart disease. S. Childers is making ready for a big run of brickmaking this season. Within a very few days he will commence work on his first kiln of 150,000. These he will hurry through for immediate use. He expects to burn from four to five hundred thousand during the summer. Medford Mail, June 26, 1896, page 5 Mrs. Ed. Weston has returned from her visit in Medford, Oregon. "Prairie City," Newton Record, Newton, Iowa, June 26, 1896, page 5 Saloon in Medford Burned.
The Free Coinage saloon was destroyed by fire Saturday morning at 4
o'clock. While the building did not burn to the ground, it was a total
loss, together with the stock and saloon fixtures. The building was
owned by S. A. Higgins, and the stock and fixtures by W. J. King. The
loss is estimated at $2000, and is fully insured.Valley Record, Ashland, July 2, 1896, page 3 Another Conflagration.
blaze has been registered for Medford; another fiend has been doing his
devilish work; another time the minds of our people have been driven
into that channel of thought which suspects someone of being guilty of
having destroyed property and has committed a crime--but to detect that
criminal is another point and one which our town officers have labored
long and well to solve, but as yet there is that same mystery
surrounding each new listed fire.
Last Saturday morning, at about four o'clock, our good people, who were sleeping the sleep that's liable to get awake in about an hour--were awakened by the clanging of the fire bell and the tooting of several whistles, and within a space of time that was not long the streets were crowded with people. The fire was located in the saloon building owned by S. A. D. Higgins and occupied by W. J. King, and while the fire boys were not long in playing the fire with a good stream of water, the entire roof, ceiling and a good bit of the ends and sides were consumed. In the building was a stock of liquors and cigars, a billiard table and a pool table, a fine bar and bar fixtures and besides these there were all the fixtures usually found in a saloon--all of which were damaged to a considerable extent, some articles totally destroyed. The saloon has not been doing business for the past month because of a remonstrance to the issuance of a license having been filed with the city council about the date of closing. The fire, presuming from the fact that it broke through the roof near the rear end, was started in the rear room, but just how it started and who applied the match is a matter past finding out. The building was twenty-five by fifteen feet in size and only one story high, but notwithstanding this fact, things were considerably heated thereabouts and nearby buildings were none too safe. There was an insurance of $1250 on stock and bar fixtures, payable to Mr. King, and an insurance of $1200 on the billiard and pool tables, payable to Mr. Higgins. In the building was a fine piano, valued at $500, owned by Mr. King, upon which there was no insurance. This piece of furniture was gotten out but not until badly damaged, if not ruined completely. Mr. King was paid $890 by the insurance company--the difference between these figures and those of his insurance representing the goods not damaged and the reduced stock he was carrying at the time of the fire and compared with the stock carried at the time the policy was written. The loss to the building has not yet been adjusted. Medford Mail, July 3, 1896, page 2 Jas. Briner, formerly of this county, now has a good position with a big mining company in Siskiyou County. He came over to Medford this week to purchase a good lot of supplies for his camp. They have a large force of men at work and will make regular monthly trips to Medford hereafter for supplies, having decided that Medford is the best place to trade. They are running a 400-foot tunnel, which will tap mother earth at a depth of 600 feet. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 3, 1896, page 6 Walter Anderson has devised means whereby he is enabled to water his garden that--while not especially novel or unique--at least shows enterprise. He has placed a water wheel in Bear Creek, below the Seventh Street bridge. The wheel is so arranged that by means of a rope belt, to which are attached tin buckets, water is elevated to an altitude greater than his garden spot. A trough is made fast to the top of the wheel frame, and from that point it extends to his garden, a couple of hundred feet away, where the water is discharged and the same used for irrigating purposes. It is not unreasonable to suppose that this method of irrigating the land in close proximity to the creek may become general should Mr. Anderson's experiment prove entirely successful--and there's no good reason why it should not. J. H. Redden this week sold to J. O. Johnson his property adjoining that of Mr. Johnson's on East Seventh Street, who will immediately erect a twenty-five-foot-front brick building on each of the two lots. The buildings are to be not less than fifty feet long and one story high, but the foundation will be built with sufficient strength to permit of the addition of two extra stories, which he contemplates adding thereto in the near future. The buildings are to be of the best workmanship and latest design and will be used for store purposes. On Wednesday of this week Jas. Coeti, who has been conducting a saloon at Gold Hill for the past year and a half, has returned to Medford and will reopen a like place of business in this city. He will reopen in the building formerly occupied by him, on South Front Street. When the Rostel brick, two doors south, is erected it is quite probable Mr. Coeti will move thereto. He expects to be ready to open about July 10th. "News of the City," Medford Mail, July 3, 1896, page 7 DELIBERATE SUICIDE.
PORTLAND, Or., July 2.--Peter P. Black, a bachelor, who owned the
Manville farm and diggings on Forest Creek, in Jackson County,
committed suicide Tuesday night by shooting himself through the head
with a revolver. He committed the act with great deliberation, first
ascertaining whether the men who were living with him on the place were
in bed and then making a bed of straw alongside his cart, which stood
in the yard, and lying down on it before pulling the trigger of the
weapon. Mr. Black was of a very sensitive temperament and thoroughly
conscientious. Being somewhat involved, it is believed that brooding
over his debts caused temporary insanity, during which he took his
life. Forest Creek Bachelor Carefully Takes His Own Life. San Francisco Call, July 3, 1896, page 4 G. W. Rogers of the Medford Monitor was in Jacksonville Tuesday. The salary of the postmaster at Medford has been increased from $1,300 to $1,400. Have your faded clothing cleaned and dyed at the Excelsior Steam Dye Works. Address Chas. C. Hixon, Medford, Oregon. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 6, 1896, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Alex Danielson has gone to Ontario, Calif. to accept a position in the electric light works there.
H. L. Miser has opened a photograph gallery in the building formerly occupied by Baker Bros. on B Street. The directors of Medford school district will receive bids up to noon on July 11th for furnishing 30 cords of dry black oak and 30 cords of fir wood. Frank Hutchison and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palm left the first of the week for Crescent City, Calif. to spend a month by the sounding sea. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown returned this week from Walla Walla, Wash. They were accompanied by E. McClintick, the father of Mrs. A. A. Davis, who will visit in this section for a short time. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 6, 1896, page 3 Fresh Bread.
Frank Wallace, the Medford baker, now delivers fresh bread in
Jacksonville four times a week. He manufactures a superior article of
every variety and sells it at reasonable prices. Look out for him.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 6, 1896, page 3 With the issue of July 8th, Chas. E. Wolcott, managing editor of the Southern Oregon Monitor, retires from the management of that paper. "State News," Capital Journal, Salem, July 10, 1896, page 3 The publication of the Gold Hill Miner has been suspended, and that paper has been merged with the Southern Oregon Monitor at Medford. The change will be an improvement so far as the Miner is concerned, but the advantage to the Monitor is not so clear. "Editorial Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 13, 1896, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Halley are both seriously ill with malarial fever.
Mrs. J. C. Hall left a few days since for an extended visit to the East. Fred. McCullough has taken a position in Deuel & Stevens' dry goods store. Lew Johnson's colored minstrels will appear at the opera house on Tuesday evening. U. M. Damon won the championship of Siskiyou County, Calif. in the bicycle races at Fort Jones on the 4th. The machinery of the Medford ice factory became disabled one day last week and for several days ice was a scarce article. W. C. Jenkins has retired from the ministry and will take up the practice of law and will be associated with Hon. W. H. Parker. P. H. Daily has recovered from his recent severe illness and has accepted a position as teacher in District No. 80 in the Prospect region. The steam merry-go-round, which was in Ashland on the 4th, has been in Medford for the past several days gathering in the stray nickels. J. E. Fenton of the Ashland Iron Works last week contracted with G. P. Lindley to furnish an iron front for the latter's new store building. R. J. Bruns of Montana arrived in Medford last week to join his wife and daughter. He will remain until Mrs. B. has finished up the business of administratrix of the estate of her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Walton. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 13, 1896, page 3 Etna post office in this county has been discontinued. Prof. Pat. Daley has recovered from his recent severe illness and accepted a position as teacher at Prospect. W. C. Jenkins has retired from the ministry and will take up the practice of law, associated with W. H. Parker. W. S. Barnum is finishing a new frame residence on D Street in North Medford. J. H. Whitman is having an addition built to his residence in the south part of the city. We are glad to announce that Arnold Childers, who has been so long and seriously ill, is improving quite rapidly. Dr. Pletcher is having the finishing touches put on the residence property which he purchased from Mr. Legate and will soon move into it. Frank Wilson has rented half of the building occupied by A. C. Tayler, the foot fitter. Mr. Tayler is having the building rearranged inside, and Mr. Wilson is building one of the very best [illegible]. The Monitor-Miner, Medford, July 16, 1896, page 3 Mrs. M. A. Pryce, of Gold Hill, is attending the Chautauqua at Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halley are out at the Dead Indian Springs for a camping. Editor Bliton of the Mail has gone east on an extended visit with friends and relatives. Dr. C. C. Pletcher and wife left for Dead Indian Wednesday the 15th, to be absent for one week. "Personal," The Monitor-Miner, Medford, July 16, 1896, page 3 A. C. Tayler, the footfitter, is having the interior of his shoe store building remodeled this week, and as soon as it is finished Frank Wilson will remove his bakery thereto and occupy one-half of the building. Frank is having made a solid stone oven which will be second to none in the state--and will fit up his room in the best manner possible. By turning out a superior quality of his product and attending strictly to business, Frank has built up a large trade since coming to Medford--and no one is more deserving of the success that he has met with than he. As will be seen by his ad in another column Jas. Coeti has opened up a saloon in the old building formerly occupied by him. Mr. Coeti informs us that the place will be kept strictly up to the best standard of excellency that can possibly be secured--and that it will be free from all the influences that have formerly made the saloon business in Medford one of such indecent character. Nothing but the best of wines and liquors will be kept on hand--and the business will be conducted on thorough business principles. R. W. Gray was in Medford this week looking after his lumber business at this end of the line. He has several teams busily engaged in hauling lumber from his mill at Prospect to Medford and has on hand a large amount of first-class lumber. He will make a specialty of turning out orders for fine building materials. Judge W. W. Stanfield is making preparations to open up a general law and collecting office in Medford. The gentleman has been a member of the bar from a date away back as far as twenty years and has had considerable experience in the East where he practiced. He will make a specialty of collections. "News of the City," Medford Mail, July 17, 1896, page 7 The first number of the hyphenated paper, The Monitor-Miner, resulting from the absorption of the Medford Monitor by the Gold Hill Miner, was issued last week by E. E. Phipps. Its dress is similar to that of the old Miner, though furbished well for its new mission. It expresses loyalty to free silver with middle-of-the-road tendencies. Valley Record, Ashland, July 23, 1896, page H. C. Nute, of Medford, is in this county on business connected [with] the estate of the late Dr. Rich. "Local Notes," Lincoln County Leader, Toledo, Oregon, July 23, 1896, page 8 J. A. WHITMAN returned Tuesday from a twelve days' trip over in Klamath County, and on his trip visited Klamath Falls, Lakeview, Ft. Klamath, and intermediate points. The whole trip was made on wheel and the distance covered averaged nearly fifty miles a day. He reports that many people throughout Klamath and Lake counties are making active preparations to come to Medford to purchase their winter supplies, that it will not be many days before the vanguard of the procession appears, and that indications point to one of the most prosperous falls in the history of Medford. People on the other side of the mountains pretty generally agree that Medford is the best and cheapest trading point in Southern Oregon, and that they are always treated right when they come this way, hence there is little, if any, indecision with them in the matter of where they will go. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 31, 1896, page 6 Medford Items.
Orrin Davis visited Ashland Sunday.Miss Myrtle Hurst was at Ashland Sunday visiting her sister, Miss Clara Hurst. Mrs. James Coeti of Medford visited Ashland friends the first of the week. J. A. Whitman and J. E. Enyart, Medford's hot stuff, did Ashland Sunday. J. N. Hockersmith, the Roxy Ann farmer, and his children have been paying uncle Jackson Hockersmith and family of Ashland a visit. The Mazamas excursion from this place to Crater Lake, after much noise, was a dismal failure. Only two, A. J. Johnson and Mr. Templeton of Astoria, got off, the crowd going to Ashland. O. Holton, Medford's merchant tailor, returned Sunday from a trip to Etna and Scott Valley, Siskiyou County, and reports seeing lots of money in circulation in that out of the way from [sic] a railroad section. The bicycle riders' association have suspended, until Sept. 1st, Wm. Lempke and Frank Longley of Grants Pass and Alfred Clark of Glendale for competing in unsanctioned races at Grants Pass July 4th. Day Parker of Medford was transferred to the professional class under clause A of the order. Valley Record, Ashland, August 13, 1896, page 3 ![]() August 7, 1896 Medford Mail Start for Crater Lake.
The San Francisco Call, August 14, 1896, page 1 ASHLAND,
Or., Aug. 13.--Some sixty-five members of the Mazama Society from
Portland and various sections of the Northwest, beside several from
California points, arrived here on last night's and this morning's
trains. A crowd of forty started on the excursion to Crater Lake this
morning. Others will start later in the week. A large number of people
are at Medford, where a start for the same destination is to be made.
Accommodations have been arranged for 200 excursionists. Among the
members of the party is the United States Fish Commission. A sea
serpent that is seen in Crater Lake periodically is reported to have
showed up during the past week to lend an additional attraction.
Fire at Medford.
Or., Aug. 17.--(Special.)--The planing mills owned by B. Schermerhorn
were burned Saturday night. Loss $5,300, insurance $1,800. Max Muller
lost three cars of lumber. County Treasurer George Lindley lost 8000
feet of flooring.
Daily Capital Journal, Salem, August 17, 1896, page 1 Medford Items.
Vint Beall's wheat crop at Central Point went 50 bushels to the acre.Mrs. Levi Willits of Ashland visited Medford relatives Wednesday. Rev. C. H. Fradenburg of Eastern Oregon is visiting Central Point relatives. D. C. Ely of Oregon City is in Medford with a view of going into the mercantile business. Miss Mattie Morris, of the Good Samaritan hospital, Portland, is visiting Jackson County relatives. Fred Barneburg, wife and daughter, Miss Mollie, and A. J. McLeod and wife have returned from the ocean at Crescent City. Tom Miller of Sardine Creek is at the coast working for the Port Orford Tribune, which is being published by Mr. Sutton, an old settler of Jackson County. Allen Simons returned Sunday from the ocean at Bandon and reports that W. L. Neil, formerly of Ashland precinct, is doing well in the dairy business in Coos County. Amos Fries and Miss Bessie Wait visited Miss Marie Andrews and Ashland friends Wednesday. Mr. Fries, who has been in West Point two years, starts east Friday to resume his studies in that celebrated military school. Dr. R. L. Parker and wife of the north fork of Butte Creek, accompanied by his sons-in-law, Deputy Sheriff E. E. Smith and Henry Heryford of Lakeview, and their families, returned last week from an outing at Crescent City. Dr. E. Kirchgessner has bought out Geo. H. Tyler's interest in the famous Dead Indian soda springs and he has filed upon the same and is putting in some improvements as well as protecting the property from destruction as a camping place. Grant Rawlings, ex-county recorder, and Jos. Kock, the map man, have put on the market a correct map of Jackson County, four feet high and three feet wide. It contains all present owners of land, post offices, county roads, streams and rivers and voting precincts. It is a valuable concern and will be put on the market by Mr. Rawlings of Medford for the small sum of $3. A Bryan club was organized at Jacksonville Tuesday evening. Attorneys Wm. M. Colvig and A. N. Soliss, Democrats, converted to 16-to-l free silver coinage by the tidal wave that nominated Bryan, were elected president and secretary of the club, respectively. They have given it out cold that they have renounced eternally their vassalage to the gold standard. Sheriff A. S. Barnes, populist, was elected vice-president. Valley Record, Ashland, August 20, 1896, page 3 Planing Mill Burned at Medford.
Medford had another fire Saturday night about 11 o'clock which
consumed the planing mill owned by G. L. Schermerhorn and all of the
dry houses, barn and adjacent buildings, together with 60,000 feet of
lumber, most which was for County Treasurer G. P. Lindley's new block.
The other buildings in the neighborhood barely escaped. The mill was
doing a large business for the numerous buildings being erected in that
town. Schermerhorn's loss was about $3000, covered with $18000
insurance. Art Nicholson, one of the firemen, was unable to keep up his
pace in the run and fell; the hose cart in going over him badly bruised
up his arm, but broke no bones.Valley Record, Ashland, August 20, 1896, page 3 The Mail is never saying a word when the boys of our town indulge in innocent fun, or if they reach out into a little hilarity, so long as no person is inconvenienced by it and no property damaged, but when these boys--young men--make night so unpleasant as to call out censure from many of the good ladies of our town it is then time for something to be done. There is a crowd of young men in this town which are fast closing about them shackles of vice and dissipation that will be difficult for them to throw off when the error of their way is discovered. They are sowing their wild oats upon too fertile soil. One lady asked us if we knew where the city marshal was at nighttime when the sidewalks in various parts of the town are thronged with half-drunken hoodlums, and their shouts of blasphemy and vulgarity making the nights, instead of a time of rest for the residents, one of very much unrest and disgust. We are unable to state where the marshal is at these times, but we hope, for the sake of peace and quietude of the citizens, and the general good of these young men, that he will happen around sometime during the heat of these revelries and make an example of some of the offenders by placing them in the city bastille. There is far too much of this thing going on, and there is but one way to prevent it--and this is to round the boys up with a short turn--which will be done by the people whom they disturb, if not by the officers. Miss Ella Hanley is considerable of a farmer--a fact which no person can dodge, as is proven when we state that this year from her farm, near Jacksonville, she has threshed 4000 bushels of wheat and 10,000 pounds of alfalfa seed, and besides this she has had cut and stacked fifty tons of hay--and all this from 100 acres of land. Upon being questioned by a Mail reporter as to who was operating the farm, he was given to understand by the lady that there was no person operating the place other than Miss Ella Hanley, and this information was given with such emphasis as to leave no doubt in the mind of the reporter. The Mail is pleased to note the lady's success in her farming operations, and we would like most mightily to see it continue. We are always generous, and while not in any immediate danger of being crushed beneath barrels of money--either gold or silver--ourselves, we have a disposition that sort o' rejoices at others' success. On July 29th J. R. West, an old-time resident of this city, but now a big rancher, living near Reno, Nevada, was granted a divorce, upon the grounds of desertion, from his wife, Mrs. Susie M. West, of Medford. Our informant states that but eighteen minutes elapsed between the calling of the case and the granting of the decree. Nevada is evidently about as swift in its untying of matrimonial bonds as is North Dakota, which has a reputation the world over for quick time. "News of the City," Medford Mail, August 21, 1896, page 7 J. H. Miller, who moved to Medford with his family a few weeks ago from Idaho, has decided to open a boot and shoe store in Medford. He will manufacture new goods and do repairing. Reports say his place of business will be in J. Merley's Fair Store. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 18, 1896, page 7 An Event at Ashland.
Ashland, Or., Sept. 18.--The first creamery butter ever manufactured in
Jackson County or this part of Oregon was manufactured here with the
new plant of the Jackson County Creamery Company yesterday. Stock
sufficient to start the enterprise was subscribed here about two months
ago, the subscribers being most of them substantial farmers adjacent to
Ashland, who made an outlay of about $3,300 for the building and
machinery, and seem highly pleased with their investment. The creamery
is a model one in every way, with the latest improved machinery for
manufacturing butter. The plant has a capacity of from 6,000 to 9,000
pounds of milk per day.The Islander, Friday Harbor, Washington, September 24, 1896, page 1 Boyden & Nicholson, hardware dealers, have dropped onto an advertising scheme that, aside from helping their business, is a general help to travelers. They are having put up along the highways leading into Medford sign boards telling the distance from the point where the board is put up to Medford--this bit of information closing with a suggestion as to where to buy hardware. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 25, 1896, page 7 Mr. Whetstone of Medford stopped off today to see his son at the Asylum. "Personal," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, September 30, 1896, page 4
Bert and Guy Childers have rented the J. O. Johnson stables, corner of Seventh and A streets, and will open up a livery and feed stable therein. They have brought in from eastern Oregon eight or ten head of good driving horses and have purchased a number of new hacks and carriages. They expect to be ready for business now very soon. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 9, 1896, page 7 The bicyclists of this city are circulating a petition for the consideration of the town board of trustees, praying for the repeal of the bicycle ordinance which was passed last spring and for the enactment of another one which would [be] commensurate with the wishes of the citizens in general and at the same time allowing the use of sidewalks for bicyclists under proper and just restrictions. The prohibitory terms of the proposed ordinance are of such a character that would ensure the safety of the pedestrians and would be of great service to the riders. Here are a few of the main prohibitory clauses: Riding at a faster rate than four miles per hour, to be prohibited. Every rider of a bicycle on a sidewalk to give warning of his approach by a bell, whistle or voice. Every male rider of a bicycle must dismount on meeting or passing a lady on a sidewalk less than five feet in width. Street crossings to be given invariably to pedestrians. Fines to be imposed for any violation of these clauses. The petition will be presented as soon as possible, and it is sincerely hoped by those interested that some provisions will be made for the convenience of those who are compelled to go to and from their place of business on bicycles. ANOTHER OPERATOR.--Wm. Dunn, who has for some time acted as night operator for the Southern Pacific, left last night for Medford, where he will assume a similar position. Mr. Cox, of Grants Pass, takes Mr. Dunn's place. Daily Capital Journal, Salem, October 15, 1895, page 4
![]() "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 16, 1896, page 7 PACIFIC GROVE MOURNS.
The San Francisco Call, October 21, 1896, page 5J. O. Johnson's Death Announced in a Telegram from Oregon. One of the City's Founders and Foremost in All Improvement Schemes. PACIFIC
GROVE, Cal., Oct. 20.--J. O. Johnson, a prime mover and enthusiastic
worker in the settlement and improvement of Pacific Grove, and a large
property owner of this place, died yesterday of appendicitis at
Medford, Oregon. A telegram last night announced the fact to his
sorrowing friends here.
The connection which Johnson had with the early history of Pacific Grove is of so important a nature that had there been no J. O. Johnson it is extremely doubtful if there would have been a Pacific Grove. From the very beginning of his efforts until the day of his death the advancement and prosperity of the town were subjects in which his interest never flagged. J. O. Johnson was the son of a Southern planter, and was born in Rappahannock County, Virginia, May 10, 1844. In 1869 the family moved to California and settled in Monterey County. In 1877 J. O. Johnson came to Pacific Grove, which, though founded in 1875, was even then little more than a camping ground, and at the cost of $10,000 he built and equipped a livery stable. He also engaged in other ventures and from 1878 to 1880 was superintendent of the Grove, under David Jacks' orders, for the Pacific Grove Retreat Association. In 1880 the Puente del Pinos ranch, comprising the present site of Pacific Grove, was sold by David Jacks to the Pacific Improvement Company at $5 per acre, and Johnson was installed in 1881 as superintendent under the new ownership, his old office with the Retreat Association being filled by Rev. Dr. Sinex, now incumbent. While holding office with the Pacific Improvement Company, Johnson platted the township of Pacific Grove and soon afterward sold over 3000 lots, which were speedily built upon. The improvement of streets and driveways was also carried far during his superintendency. In 1886 Johnson resigned and was succeeded by B. A. Eardley, who still holds the position. Johnson married a daughter of D. W. Lloyd, the pioneer grocer of Pacific Grove. W. L. and P. J. Halley have each commenced the erection of new brick dwellings on their property, near the school house, and will push them to a rapid completion. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 23, 1896, page 7 Persons standing on the bridge over the Rogue River at Grants Pass, Oregon, have found diversion in watching schools of salmon making their way upstream, sometimes 100 at a time. The fish are confused by the shadows cast by the bridge and retreat and come up again by a detour, only to be turned back by the dark lines, which appear to them from a new direction. "Quaint and Curious," The Branford Opinion, Branford, Connecticut, October 24, 1896, page 1 One Year's Building at Medford.
The Mail has
itemized the building improvements made in Medford during the past year
and according to its figures shows that $90,565 has been expended in
that town in that time. This is a good showing and a credit to that
enterprising place. The business houses erected are enumerated as
follows:J. O. Johnson, two-story brick store building, 50 feet front and 50 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at the contract price of $2100. VR10/29/1896p1 Dr. B. F. Adkins, two-story brick store building, 25 feet front and 135 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at the contract price of $3750. C. B. Rostel, two-story brick store building, 22 feet front and 60 feet deep. Built by S. Childers, woodwork by Brand & Campbell, contract price $2000. O. W. Hamlin, two-story brick store building, 50 feet front and 80 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at the contract price of $4700. Weeks Bros, two-story addition to furniture store, cost $200. Crane & Childers, two-story brick livery stable, 50 feet front and 60 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at the cost of $1500. Since purchased by I. A. Mounce. G. P. Lindley, two-story brick store building 25 feet front and 140 feet deep, cost $6000. Ed Wilkinson, two-story brick meat market, 20 feet front and 100 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at cost of $6000. A 40-foot addition two stories high is now under construction. F. K. Deuel, two-story brick store building, 25 feet front and 135 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at contract price of $3750. Valley Record, Ashland, October 29, 1896, page 1 Real Estate Transfers.
We have already spoken of the beauty of the exterior of G. P. Lindley's
new brick store building, and now we feel it our duty to say that the
interior will do justice to the outside. He is fitting it up with fine
shelving and counters--not gaudy, but neat--of the very best material
that could be procured. The shelving on one side will be about two feet
wide, to be used for dress goods, etc. and the other side thirteen
inches in width. The workmanship is first-class, and withal it will be
as neat as any store building in the state.Wm. Ulrich et al. to Mrs. E. L. Carpenter; lot 6 blk 71 Medford . . . $20
John E. Miller to the Rogue River Valley Railway; property in Medford . . . $100 Excerpt, Medford Mail, October 30, 1896, page 3 Poultry and egg shipments to San Francisco from Medford continue heap big. Frank Wilson, the baker, purchased four lots, in block twenty, this week from E. A. Carter of Ashland. The deal was made through the agency of C. W. Palm. "Additional City News," Medford Mail, October 30, 1896, page 6 H. L. Raine sold his stock of cigars and confectionery to E. W. Calkins last week and left Sunday for California to accept a position as brakeman on the new valley railroad. Mr. Calkins has removed to the building just south of Hotel Nash and will put in, in connection with his cigars and confectionery, a lunch counter for the accommodation of the public generally. Mr. C. is a square, honest gentleman, and if success will come in the way of anyone in that line it will surely be where he will catch onto it. His place will be open both day and night--meals and lunches for belated business men and special suppers for parties will be strictly in his line. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 30, 1896, page 7 KLAMATH FALLS, ORE.--S. Rosenthal has discontinued his clothing and furnishing-goods business here, and his branch in Medford, Ore. "Clothing and Furnishing Notes," The Clothier and Furnisher, November 1896, page 65 The work of moving Mayor Haskins' two residences has been completed, the small house, formerly occupied by Mr. Haskins, having been moved to its future location the first of the week. One carload of salt for the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company was unloaded Monday and three carloads of merchandise for our merchants. A. J. McLeod, who has been employed at J. A. Whitman's warehouse for several years, has severed his connection therewith. A large number of farmers were in Medford Monday, delivering hogs for shipment that day to San Francisco. "Additional City News," Medford Mail, November 6, 1896, page 6 One of Medford's not very remote probabilities is a brass band composed entirely of ladies. The work of organization has already been commenced, and just as soon as the preparatory arrangements are perfected they will begin practicing, under the instruction of John Montague, the instructor of the present band. There will be about fifteen pieces. A meeting was held at A. M. Woodford's residence Thursday evening to consider arrangements, and ere many weeks Medford will undoubtedly be able to boast of a ladies' band. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 6, 1896, page 7 As stated last week, Medford is destined to have a ladies' band. A number of the interested ones met at A. M. Woodford's residence last Thursday and perfected the preliminary work. They are figuring on purchasing the instruments of the defunct ladies' band at Roseburg, and just as soon as they are received they will commence practicing under the tutorship of John Montague. The Medford band boys are lending all the aid in their power to encourage the work, and there is no doubt but that the venture will prove successful. There are at present twelve members, but more are expected to join the organization in a short time. Those who have already signified their intention of becoming members are Fannie Haskins, Virgie Woodford, Mamie Nicholson, Edith Van Dyke, Myrtle Woodford, Etta Hollingsworth, Clara Skeel, Jessie Worman, Pearl Hibbard, Jane Hibbard, Ida Weaver, and Iva Purdin. Edith Van Dyke was elected president and leader; Myrtle Woodford secretary; Clara Skeel, treasurer. Perry Ellis, of Prospect, purchased from C. W. Palm this week lot five in block twenty-two on D Street, and will build thereon soon. He is figuring on erecting a two-story brick house arranged so as to enable him to use part of it for a photograph gallery. The price paid for the lot was $200. Attorneys White & Jeffrey, Dr. E. Kirchgessner and architect I. A. Palmer have each leased double office rooms in G. P. Lindley's new brick--which will be occupied as soon as they are completed. Excelsior Dye Works, Medford--clothes cleaned and repaired. Since Grant Rawlings has met with such phenomenal success in the sale of his present ownership county map he has figured he can afford to mount the maps on cloth, which makes them a whole heap more serviceable--and the price is not increased. A fine line of cigars always kept on hand at the Bay Lunch Room. Ed. Wilkinson commenced the slaughter of hogs on Tuesday of this week The first day's killing numbered forty-one. He will continue the killing and salting just as long as the supply holds out. The price paid by him is $2.50 per hundred. Lunches prepared on short notice, day or night, at the Bay Lunch Room. Mrs. Dora Jones, the estimable wife of W. V. Jones, of Woodville, died at her home last Monday. She was a sister of Mrs. W. M. Colvig, of Jacksonville. The remains were taken to Jacksonville and interred in the Jacksonville Cemetery. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 13, 1896, page 7 A. T. Markley, of Medford, of the Aloha evaporator, has evaporated about 25,000 pounds of fruit this season, principally prunes. This is about half the amount put up last year. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, November 17, 1896, page 3
Medford has a ladies' brass band, with John Montague, recently of Roseburg, as director. "Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, November 19, 1896, page 1 W. T. Crane and Gabe Plymale have opened a roller skating rink in one of the Smith buildings, south of Hotel Nash, which is being quite liberally patronized. These gentlemen are figuring on leasing one of the Hamlin brick blocks as soon as completed. In the event of a failure to rent this building they will endeavor to secure the opera house. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 20, 1896, page 7 F. M. Mingus is erecting a building on his lots adjoining Weeks Bros.' furniture store on the West Side and will open a blacksmithing business therein in company with Hugh Elliott, of Jacksonville, as soon as completed. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 27, 1896, page 7 A deal was consummated in Medford this week whereby J. B. Rhinehart became the owner of the Western Hotel property. The deal was made through the agency of C. W. Palm. There will be no improvements made thereon for a while, and the hotel will continue under the management of Geo. F. Floyd, who has had charge of it for several months and who is building up a good business--the inevitable result of the courteous treatment which is always shown his guests and his successful efforts to conduct his hostelry in an orderly manner. The price paid for the property was $1800. Perry Ellis has opened a photograph gallery at Central Point in Mrs. Barnard's old stand, and will locate there for the winter. Owing to his inability to haul his lumber from Prospect this winter, on account of the conditions of the roads, he has decided not to build on his recently purchased lots in Medford until spring, at which time he will erect a gallery and locate there. "News of the City," Medford Mail, December 4, 1896, page 7 BLUFFED THE OFFICERS.
Or., Dec. 3.--"Bob" Inman, the outlaw who broke jail at Roseburg about
ten days ago, is still at large. He was heard of in Southern Oregon,
where he is standing off all men sent in pursuit of him. There is no
regular posse following him, but he proves good against any three or
four men attempting his recapture. He has a revolver and plenty of
ammunition, and those acquainted with his desperate character say that
he will explode his last cartridge before surrendering.Inman Coolly Defies Two Men Who Attempt His Arrest. On Tuesday Inman climbed on the southbound freight at a woodpile near Glendale, and taking a position on an oil car rode as a hobo to Grants Pass, where the trainmen put him off. Fireman Steve Willis recognized him and telegraphed ahead of Medford, warning the officers to be on hand, well armed, when the train arrived there. Inman bought a ticket to Gold Hill, and at the latter place was again put off, but climbed on the oil car again as the train pulled out of the station. At Medford, when the train arrived, City Marshal Cofer and Constable Woolf, heavily armed, were on hand and covered Inman with their revolvers. Inman paid no attention to the command to throw up his hands, but, jumping to the ground, pistol in hand, declared that if the officers shot he would follow suit. Then he deliberately walked down the track a short distance and turned off through an orchard, striking for the hills. The officers followed for a couple of miles, when Inman finally shouted to them that he was getting tired of their actions, and would hurt someone if they continued to follow him. The Medford officers say they could not have taken Inman without killing him, and they did not care to do that for a paltry $50 reward. The San Francisco Call, December 4, 1896, page 8 Medford's distilling and refining company's property was sold at public auction last Saturday. The property cost $10,000 and was sold for between $2,000 and $3,000, and 20,000 gallons of whiskey sold at 2 cents a gallon. "State News," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, December 15, 1896, page 2
A Medford dispatch in the Oregonian says: H. H. McCarthy was arrested Saturday at the instigation of his former partner, B. F. Durphy, charged with misappropriating a quantity of hydraulic mining pipe. He had a trial before Justice Jones, of this city, yesterday, and the case was dismissed. Durphy is the same person who figured prominently in Chicago last summer in connection with a sale of the famous Cameron mine on the Applegate, which sale, however, failed to materialize, on account of some facts in connection with it gaining publicity before the matter had sufficiently matured. Medford's distilling and refining company's property was sold at public auction Saturday, by receiver Max Muller. It was, with the exception of a small amount of whisky, purchased by B. P. Theiss, one of the principal stockholders, for between $2000 and $800. The property originally cost about $10,000. It has been in litigation for more than a year, and the sale was ordered by the circuit court to pay the costs of litigation. There was about 20,000 gallons of whisky in bond, most of which was sold for 2 cents per gallon. Should the sale be confirmed by the court, Mr. Theiss says he will put the plant in shape and operate the same the coming season. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 17, 1896, page 3 Medford Distillery Sold.
Medford's distilling and refining company's property was sold at
auction Saturday by Receiver Max Muller. It was, with the exception of
a small amount of whiskey, purchased by B. P. Theiss, one of the
principal stockholders, for between $2000 and $3000. The property
originally cost about $10,000. It has been in litigation for more than
a year, and the sale was ordered by the circuit court to pay the costs
of litigation. There was about 20,000 gallons of whiskey in bond, most
of which was sold for 2 cents per gallon. Should the sale be confirmed
by the court, Mr. Theiss says he will put the plant in shape and
operate the same the coming season.Valley Record, Ashland, December 17, 1896, page 3 During the past two or three years the Western Hotel has been under the management of several proprietors, whose term of proprietorship varied from a few months to a year or more. This week the necessary papers were duly signed that gave to J. W. Marksbury, of Gold Hill, a lease on the premises for a term of years. Mr. Marksbury is an old and favorably known resident of this county, and is possessed of the necessary ability to successfully conduct any business enterprise he may deem fit to undertake. Mr. Marksbury will not open the hotel for business until it has been thoroughly overhauled and refurnished throughout and the necessary changes made to make an inviting stopping place, which will probably be next week. Geo. E. Floyd, the retiring landlord, has proven himself a thorough gentleman, and a very desirable citizen, but circumstances over which he had no control made it inadvisable for him to longer continue the business--hence his retirement. J. B. Rhinehart, the recent purchaser of the Western Hotel property, is having considerable improvements made about the premises, preparatory to its being opened up under the management of J. W. Marksbury. The lots adjoining it have been enclosed in a new, high board fence, and facilities for drainage have been made. Several substantial improvements in the interior of the building are also being made. A new store building will also be built on the vacant lot adjoining the hotel, into which Mr. Marksbury will move his stock of general merchandise from Gold Hill and will run the store in connection with the hotel. "News of the City," Medford Mail, December 18, 1896, page 7 Twin boy babies recently born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schermerhorn of Medford died shortly after their birth. Mrs. Schermerhorn was formerly Miss Ida Naylor and has many friends in Ashland who will be pained to hear of the news noted above. Medford citizens have renewed their efforts to secure the location of a race course and fairgrounds near that place. A committee appointed upon the matter selected the Fordyce grove, about a mile out from Medford on the Jacksonville road, and an option to lease the 50 acres desired was secured at a rental of $250 per annum, with privilege of buying at $125 per acre within five years, or $150 per acre within ten years and after five. Subscriptions to the amount of $1010 have thus far been secured to the stock of the proposed association, about $3000 being required to fit up the grounds and build the one-half-mile track planned. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 21, 1896, page 3 The Medford, Or. distillery, which has been in litigation for the past year, has been sold at auction by the receiver for $2,000. The original cost of the plant was $10,000. "The News of the Week," Lincoln County Leader, Toledo, Oregon, December 24, 1896, page 2 For more complete names of persons identified by initials, see the Index. |