The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Medford News: 1894

The first three years of the Medford Mail are lost; 1894 was the newspaper's sixth year and is the third to survive. Below are Medford-related news items from 1894. Also see descriptions of Medford and Jackson County for this year.

Medford Items.
    Ex-Marshal J. S. Miller has moved to Applegate.
    Dr. Latourel, the veterinary, has gone to California to locate.
    Mrs. J. H. Gay, of Central Point, is visiting Ashland relatives.
    Miss Delle Vertrees of Ashland is stopping at Hotel Medford.
    Mrs. Jesse Dollarhide and Miss Annie Dollarhide are visiting relatives in Medford.
    C. B. Poole and M. D. Chase, Allmen, Wilson and Leeds are at Jacksonville today in a lawsuit.
    Nelson Hosmer, the much-respected citizen, miner and farmer of Foots Creek, was here Tuesday on business.
    Mrs. E. Williams and children have returned from Portland to Central Point and were visiting Medford friends Tuesday.
    Blanton, Whitney, Veghte, Gregory, E. B. Myer, M. N. Long and W. C. Butler came down from Ashland Tuesday for jury duty.
    S. M. Nealon and Mr. Dugan of Table Rock were in town Tuesday, having been taken in by a deputy sheriff on a special venire.
    C. G. Tasker has been discharged from custody for forging Jim Hamlin's name on an order on A. A. Davis for $25, the district attorney having dismissed the case, the jury having been unable to agree.
    A citizens convention at Medford put up the following ticket: Mayor, J. A. Whiteside; councilmen, J. R. Wilson, D. H. Miller, G. F. Merriman, E. W. Starr; treasurer, Chas. Strang; recorder, B. S. Webb; marshal, Wm. Churchman.
    John Hesselgrave, of Colorado, has located in Central Point. He is a relative of the Downing family and is an active populist. Other relatives of the Downing family have just arrived from South Dakota to make their home in Chimney Rock precinct.
    Francis and Thomas Fitch, Jr., were in Ashland Saturday for medical treatment for the former, who came very near joining the angels in the place where all good lawyers go. Mr. Fitch has had a dangerous case of la grippe and ulceration of the brain but is now able to be about.
    The Medford Distilling Co.'s trade is widening out in its scope and extent, and manager F. V. Medynski reports 40,000 gallons of bourbon and rye on hand. Their goods are warranted absolutely pure, and leading physicians have signed statements attesting to their virtue in alleviating and curing la grippe.
    Mike Foreman, the Russian anarchist and blacksmith well known in this valley, has struck the road with one of the numerous bands of unemployed. Whenever the unemployed get ready to perform the scenes of the French Revolution in this country they will find Mike ready; indeed he has been ready for several years past.
    The taxpayers convention next Friday, R. T. Lawton president; D. T. Sears, secretary; and nominated G. H. Haskins for mayor, and Wm. Ulrich, S. Childers, R. H. Whitehead and E. W. Starr for councilmen, Chas. Strang for treasurer, Wm. Churchman for marshal and Garl T. Jones for recorder. The election will be held next Tuesday.
    The murmurings of strife and dissension heard over the barber chairs have broken out in open warfare with all razors flying in the air at 15 cents a shave. The possibilities of patching up the old trust price of 25 cents is very remote. Shaving is now within the reach of all, even the mean old man who uses a wart on his neck to ave investing in a collar button; but is still holding back waiting for another cut.
    John Smith was in from his Big Sticky farm Tuesday and reports that the farmers have one thing in view for the coming summer that is as sure as death and taxes, and that that is the complete cleaning out of the courthouse ring of public plunderers. The cleansing out, Mr. Smith remarks, must be complete to be efficacious, and if their successors are not able to profit by the lesson of the cyclone they will be taken out and hung as object lessons.
Valley Record, Ashland, January 4, 1894, page 3

    The Medford Pork Packing Co. has slaughtered 1300 hogs thus far this season.
"News Notes,"
Capital Journal, Salem, January 4, 1894, page 4

    The shipping business from Medford the past year aggregated over one million pounds more than the preceding year. Nearly the entire amount of products shipped out was of livestock and green [as opposed to dried] fruit--no wheat or other grain This is very good evidence that with this section the year just past has been far from being an "off one."
Editorial, Medford Mail, January 5, 1894, page 2

    Loretta V. Gilmer to Albion C. Squires, lts, 4, 5, blk 22; Medford . . . 550
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, January 5, 1894, page 2

    W. W. Bates has taken a chair in his brother's C Street barber shop and will learn the trade.
    The Sons of Rest are still moving south. Every freight train is weighted down with from twenty to one hundred of them.
    Dr. E. Kirchgessner has removed his office from the Hamlin block to his residence, southeast corner of C and Ninth streets.
    Noah & Wirth, the Cottage Grove photographers, wired Thos. Fitch this week to the effect that they would soon be here with their outfit.
    The new stone crosswalk near the post office has been put down and is already proving an improvement of great convenience to the north side businessmen.
    Ed. Pottenger is the new meat cutter at the Premium Market. Ed used to be a dandy in the grocery business and is undoubtedly equally as good a carver of steaks.
    The Medford dancing club will give the first of a series of dances this Friday evening at the opera house. These parties will be given every two weeks for a time without limit.
    I. A. Mounce is an experienced auctioneer, and his services can be had for that line of work at any time by applying at Mounce & Schermerhorn's confectionery store, Medford, Oregon.
    M. Barton, the rustic chair man, has leased the room near Pentz & White's law office and has moved his establishment thereto. This institution he promises is to be a permanent one in Medford.
    Rev. A. S. Foster and family are moving from C Street north to the Fisk residence on West Seventh Street. The reverend gentleman ought not to have done this. He has broken the combination--the preachers are not now all on C Street.
    Fresh saltwater fish every Friday at C. T. Payne's.
    John Curry blossomed out Monday morning with a new red delivery wagon, new express harness and a big gray horse, and has since been turning street corners with the wheels of that "little red wagon" fairly spinning in making his delivery rounds.
    Someone has suggested that R. H. Halley put guy ropes on that building he is putting up. The Mail hardly sees the necessity of this additional expense. If "guying" will keep it in position it is proof against even a Kansas cyclone.
    Messrs. Hamilton & Palm report having made the following sales this week: Eighty acres of the George Grigsby farm northeast of Medford to J. T. Wiley for $800; three lots in southwest Medford, formerly owned by Mrs. A. Garrick, to J. A. Brown.
    The dancing party given by Prof. Barton and his school last Monday evening was attended by about thirty-five couples, and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Culp and music by Messrs. Wm. Simmons and R. T. Roup, violins; and I. Woolf bass viol. The music as rendered by these gentlemen is said to have been first-class and received many flattering commendations.
    It is expected that the brewery will begin operations about the fifteenth of this month. When once started the manufacture of beer will continue through the entire season, and as soon as the weather demands it the ice plant will be operated. Mr. Bashford promises to make this one of the leading industries of Medford, and as he possesses the necessary finance, together with plenty of pushing propensities, we doubt not but that he will do it.
    W. E. Macaulay is getting in shape to greatly improve his property, in the Mingus addition. Mac. owns an acre and a third of land, out near our good townsman F. A. Bliss' place, and he is going to build a neat, comfortable cottage thereon as soon as the material can be gotten on the ground. He will also enclose the grounds with a neat picket fence, and while waiting for material he is engaged in putting out berry plants and fruit trees.
    Dr. E. P. Geary is division surgeon for the Southern Pacific Railroad and about this time every year he receives an annual pass over the line, between Portland and Ashland--he is already fixed with this convenient piece of cardboard for the year '94. In early construction days the doctor was the company's regular employed physician and surgeon, and there was no little work to attend to in his line at that time. So efficient were the services rendered at that time as to warrant the company in continuing him in their employ, and the pass spoken of is one of the courtesies extended by the company.
    Landlord Purdin's ingenuity is something like the Chinaman's peculiarities--past finding out. Mr. Purdin has given out that his reason for placing that strip of barbed wire across the sitting place on the outside of each of Hotel Medford's dining room windows was to keep the "sitters" from darkening the dining room with their forms while engaged in "hoss tradin'" and exchanging the village gossip. The wags about town, however, attribute the move on Mr. Purdin's part to be of another nature. They tell that the smiling landlord has been reading someplace of a fellow who wore a coat of many colors and of varied diagonal and other stripings and that he will appear one of these days wearing a pair of pantaloons similar to the coat above spoken of. The sitters at these favored spots are not as plentiful as of yore, but they are more profitable to the hotel, as a goodly portion of their pantaloons invariably remains on a barb.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, January 5, 1894, page 3

Chaparral in the Medford area, 1913
Chaparral somewhere in the Medford area, 1913

Another Fruit Farm.
    That the fruit industry in this immediate locality is reaching out over a greater amount of territory is proven by no better evidence than the mention made from week to week in this paper of new orchards being planted. This week we are pleased to state that J. A. Whitman has purchased a tract of 110 acres of land from E. W. Hammond, located four miles northeast of Medford, and is arranging to plant the same to fruit trees. He now has six men at work taking out the chaparral grubs and other obstacles. He expects to have forty or fifty acres in readiness for planting by the middle of February or the first of March. Upon this parcel of land he will plant about 2000 each of apple and pear trees. Mr. Whitman expects to plant the remainder of the land another year. This gentleman is one of our most enterprising and progressive young businessmen and success will surely follow his efforts.
Medford Mail, January 5, 1894, page 3

    E. W. Sorenson, of Volga, South Dakota, showed up in Medford last week and is stopping with his Scandinavian friends east of here, Messrs. P. Swenning and Larson. The gentleman came with a letter of introduction to Mr. Swenning. He is in this part of [the] country with a view to locating a colony of his countrymen. These people make citizens which are a credit to any locality, and The Mail hopes Mr. Sorenson may see clear sailing for his colony. The Scandinavians are, as a class, a prosperous and progressive people.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 5, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Ed. Cardwell is in San Francisco.
    Mrs. N. A. Jacobs is ill with la grippe.
    John Griffiths [John B. Griffin?] was in Ashland Monday.
    Warren Dodge is visiting relatives at Ashland.
    A. D. Burton, of the Cove, was here yesterday.
    C. E. Stewart was doing the Granite City last week.
    Miss Alice Klippel is quite ill at Salt Lake, Utah.
    Mrs. L. R. Webster is expected to return from Portland this week.
    H. H. McCarthy, the ice man, has returned from Portland to remain.
    Mrs. C. Mingus is down from Ashland visiting her son, Frank, and his family.
    Mrs. Henry Smith, of Ashland, was here Tuesday looking after her business interests.
    The city election was about the hottest contest held in Medford for many a day.
    Miss Helen Strang is at Ashland this week having Dr. Caldwell operate on her teeth.
    There was five inches of snow in Medford Sunday morning, which is quite extraordinary.
    McLeod, Parker and Chalk are up above Ashland this week, preparing two carloads of J. A. Whitman's apples for shipment to Houston, Tex.
    Mrs. A. M. Woodford is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Stivers, of Polk County. Mrs. S. and Miss Myrtle Woodford will do the midwinter fair next month.
    Three families arrived from Topeka, Kansas Friday. If these fellows keep up their lick, the next elections will go for the grasshopper party sure.
    Chas. Pheister and family arrived yesterday from Indiana to make their home here. He is a son of Jacob Pheister, an esteemed gentleman who located in Medford about a year ago.
    The many friends of Wm. Johnson and family regret their departure from this place, though they are well pleased to learn of their pleasant surroundings in their new Ashland home.
    J. A. Whitman has bought 110 acres of land from the Hammond place and is having it cleared for an apple and pear orchard. Bert is one of this section's most energetic young hustlers.
    W. F. Brown, who fell into the Last Chance shaft on Galls Creek by the windlass giving way, is still stopping at Henry White's at Rock Point, being able to get around on crutches.
    L. L. Angle is at Pokegama on business. Cook & Co. have established an office in San Francisco to dispose of their lumber, etc., and John R. Cook is expected at Pokegama every day to pay off.
    John W. Smith, "for reform, with both feet in the middle of the road," informs us that a rousing meeting has been arranged for at Mound school house on the 18th inst., to organize a People's Party club.
    C. G. Tasker, at his second trial for forging Jim Hamlin's name on an order on A. A. Davis, was acquitted. It is only a venial sin to knock these worthies in a hole in a business transaction in this neighborhood.
    The sheet and pillowcase ball at the opera house Friday was attended by 70 whitecaps. It was given by the social lions--the Medford dancing club--and was a distinguished success; the Wolfe-Simmons-Roup orchestra furnishing the music.
    Talisman lodge, K. of P., Monday installed the following officers: C.C., Geo. Merriman; V.C., J. A. Whitman; P., C. O. Damon; M. at A., Geary Johnson; K. of R.S., A. J. McLeod; M. of W., M. W. Skeel; M. of E., C. I. Hutchison; M. of F., J. E. Enyart.
    The following is the vote of the city election: Mayor, G. H. Haskins (Tax.) 136, J. A. Whiteside, 124. Four trustees. J. R. Wilson 208, D. H. Miller 189, E. W. Starr 189, G. F. Merriman 174, Wm. Ulrich 115, S. Childers, Sr., 110; recorder, B. S. Webb 136, Garl T. Jones 123, treasurer, Chas. Strang 259; marshal, Wm. Churchman 247. South precinct polled 112 and north 151 votes.
    County Clerk Max Muller has been shaking hands with the boys over here. Max thinks the clerk's office fits him "just like the paper on the wall." Max has no conscientious scruples about third, fourth and fifth terms--and if it would not look too much like a Clevelandish movement he would have his mortgage on the clerk's office officially recorded.
    The Republican "ring" lost its head in the city election in the defeat of J. A. Whiteside for mayor by 12 majority by G. H. Haskins. Whiteside was made chairman of the last Republican county convention by this ring, who dictated all the nominations and who foisted the Webster incubus on the state ticket. As far as wireworkings was concerned they cleaned up the Ashland clique completely in the convention, which resulted in the Ashland Republican clique unmercifully slaughtering the entire program. Our ring is a strong one, though perhaps it smelled a trifle too strong for the community. It is as keen. sharp and unscrupulous as any well-drilled set of artistic public plunderers that ever schemed for control of a county.
Valley Record, Ashland, January 11, 1894, page 4

    The best way to build up a town is to stand by each and every man in town who does right. Whenever a man is doing well do not tear him down. All the residents of a town ought to be partners not opponents. In all likelihood the more business your rival does the more you will do. Every businessman who treats his customers honestly, courteously and fairly will get his share, and the more business that can be secured by united effort the better it will be for all. When a town ceases to grow it begins to die, and the more people try to kill each other in their business or good names the more rapidly will utter ruin come to all. Stand together for the advancement of every citizen. If a man shows ability to prosper do not keep him back through jealousy or weigh him down with cold indifference.
    If the city of Medford is alive to her own interests she will arrive at some definite and effectual solution of the bad road problem. There is unquestionably much of the trade of the valley headed off from entering our city at this season because of the unpassable condition of roads leading to our city. The people of the surrounding country want to trade in Medford; our merchants are particularly desirous that they should do so, but the bad condition of the public highways has decreed against them. A petition to the county court should be made for aid in repairing them and if that body listens to the voice, and respects the sentiment of the people we will be accorded such aid as is most earnestly desired.
Editorial, Medford Mail, January 12, 1894, page 2

            We know that Christmas has gone by,
                For as we walk the street,
            We see a shining, brand-new tie
                On every man we meet.
    W. L. Halley has moved to the Gore residence, corner of C and Ninth streets.
    Get groceries at I. M. Muller's, corner Seventh and C streets, Medford.
    E. Brown expects to soon move to his recently purchased resident house--the Garrick property in southwest Medford.
    O. B. Bunch is now wielding the razor--learning the trade with his brother, R. G. Bunch, in his Front Street shop.
    H. C. Nute has purchased twenty acres of the Hammond ranch, adjoining J. A. Whitman's recent purchase, and will plant the same to fruit.
    The Salem "Rainy Day Club" consists of about a score of brave ladies who propose to appear on the streets in short skirts and avoid the mud.
    Do you ever eat--oysters? We are prepared to serve them in any style. Have both Shoalwater Bay and eastern oysters. Mounce & Schermerhorn.
    C. W. Palm is drawing plans and specifications for a 24x50-foot store building, to be built on the corner of E and Seventh streets, opposite the Clarenden.
    The wicked stood in slippery places--yes and the righteous, too, Tuesday morning, and some of them didn't stand at all--they just fell kerplunk. The streets were one solid glare of ice.
    Chicken thieves are reported more plentiful in Medford than the average poultry culturist would wish. It is further reported not altogether safe for the good housewives to leave their washing out overnight.
    Mrs. M. J. Ragsdale and Miss E. Stockley have moved their dressmaking establishment to the upstairs rooms of the Edwards residence, corner D and Sixth streets.
    L. A. Murphy and family are still located in the alleged haunted house, and Mr. Murphy reports that their peaceful repose at nighttime is never disturbed by sounds of exploding firearms, graveyard yawns or ghost jigs.
    J. A. Whitman in making his real estate purchase, spoken of last week, was sort o' hemmed in on the side nearest to the highway by a five-acre strip of land owned by Arthur Wilson. To assure a clear right-of-way he purchased the strip for $125--and everything is going smoothly.
    The Henry Smith estate, embracing a stock of general merchandise, is being divided this week. Sylvester Smith, of Wolf Creek, and Mrs. H. Smith, of Ashland, are here making the divvy. Sylvester will take his and his brother's share to their store at Wolf Creek. Mrs. Smith is undecided as to what she will do with her interest.
    G. A. Hover has accepted a position as clerk in the Racket Store. Mr. H. is a good, honest, steady gentleman, and we will vouch for him filling the position with credit to himself and profit to Mr. Webb. His duration of stay in his new position will probably reach to the length of a couple of months--perhaps longer.
    I. A. Mounce is an experienced auctioneer, and his services can be had for that line of work at any time by applying at Mounce & Schermerhorn's confectionery store, Medford, Oregon.
    "What is the obstacles [sic] in the way of political reform, and what are the remedies for removing them?" is the question that will be discussed by the Union People's Party Club held at the Medford Business College building next Saturday night. Everybody is invited to attend and take part in the discussion. H. N. Holtan, Secretary.
    Wallace Woods, whom everybody knows to be a good, square boy and who has been in the employ of Klippel & Marcuson for some time past, has secured the agency for the [Grants Pass] Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Company at this place and is now duly installed in his new position. He proves conclusively that he is anxious for your trade by placing an ad in this paper.
    Attorney Pentz offers a reward of $5 for the arrest and conviction of the person who throws stones through the Episcopal Church windows.
    J. T. Wiley, he who purchased eighty acres of the Grigsby ranch last week, expects to soon commence the erection of a dwelling house thereon. The gentleman will engage in hay culture principally and may put out a few acres of fruit.
    The heated discussions of last Tuesday over election matters failed to melt the few inches of snow then on the ground. It had been predicted that there would be volcanic eruptions and that the river Styx would flow the length and breadth of all our streets and that we would all be transmogrified into a disfigured burning, cringing mass of brick blocks, electric light bonds and humanity; but there was none of this sort--there was nothing popular but cigars and votes.
    The sheet and pillow case ball, given by the Medford dancing club last Friday evening, was one of continued pleasure from opening to finish. There were about sixty maskers, and the "Ghost Dance" was a turbulent sea of whiteness. There were also a goodly number of spectators present who assisted in swelling the receipts of the evening ten cents each and as well made merry the ballroom with their jolly laugh and applaud. All in all the affair was a most pleasant one--and the disguises of the dancers were complete.
    The man who would steal clothes from the line of a poor washerwoman is mean enough to pasture a goat on his mother's grave--and there is one or more men in this city who are just that low-lived and contemptible. Last Friday night, Mrs. Skeeters, who lives just across the tracks from Mr. Sutter's place, had several sheets and pillow cases stolen. The night chosen for this was a very opportune one, as 'twas that night there was a sheet and pillow case party given in Medford, and it is presumed the thief figured the charge would be laid to some of those at the party, but it wasn't. On Monday night of this week Mrs. Thumburg's line was "touched" for an assortment of linen amounting to about seven dollars. The worst feature connected with the thefts is that the goods stolen were owned by other parties and had been taken to these places to be laundried and the washerwomen are compelled to make good the loss in good hard cash.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, January 12, 1894, page 3

The City Election Has Been and Gone.
    The result of Tuesday's city election is given below:
    Votes cast in North Medford 151; votes cast in South Medford 114; total 265.
    In North Medford, for the several candidates the vote stood:
For Mayor--
    Haskins, 85; Whiteside, 64.
For Trustees--
    Childers, 65; Merriman, 69; Miller, 107; Starr, 108; Ulrich, 74; Wilson, 115.
For Recorder--
    Jones, 76; Webb, 72.
For Treasurer--
    Strang, 149.
For Marshal--
    Churchman, 142.
For Mayor--
    Haskins, 51; Whiteside, 60.
For Trustees--
    Childers, 45; Merriman, 75; Miller, 82; Starr, 81; Ulrich, 41; Wilson, 93.
For Recorder--
    Jones, 47; Webb, 64.
For Treasurer--
    Strang, 110.
For Marshal--
    Churchman, 105.
    Haskins' majority in both precincts 12. Trustees elected, Merriman, Miller, Starr and Wilson. Webb's majority 13.
Medford Mail, January 12, 1894, page 3

    T. W. Halley and daughter Daisy, of Santa Barbara, Calif., arrived in Medford last week and will henceforth make this city their home. Mr. H. is a brother of the Halley boys of this city. He is a tinner by trade and expects to engage in that line of business in Medford.
    G. C. Wirth, representing the Wirth Photo Company, arrived in Medford last Friday with his photograph outfit and is now nicely situated at the old gallery in the Hamlin block. Mr. Wirth comes highly recommended both as an artist and a gentleman of high moral standing. His success in Medford depends wholly upon his ability, and as that is in no way questioned, he can reasonably be booked as a permanent fixture in our city.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 12, 1894, page 3

    Forty thousand gallons of whisky is stored in the Medford distillery.

"News Notes," Capital Journal, Salem, January 12, 1894, page 4

    Morgan Shirley, formerly of this city but now of Medford, Oregon, has forwarded to Harry Elliott the magnificent pair of elk's antlers that he had on exhibition at the World's Fair. They measure 13 feet from tip to tip.
"The Latest Local News," Logansport Reporter, Indiana, January 15, 1894, page 4

Medford Items.
    Charley Nicholson was doing Ashland Monday.
    Mrs. C. Mingus returned to Ashland Monday.
    J. H. Bacon has returned to Gold Hill from Yreka.
    The Misses Armstrong are living in Ashland with their uncle.
    Mrs. Jennie Phillips is down from Ashland visiting relatives.
    James Chisholm. a prominent G.A.R. man of Ashland, was doing business here Wednesday.
    Rev. Mr. Craven was holding the quarterly meeting in the M.E. church in Ashland Saturday and Sunday.
    One of the community's surprises in the matrimonial line was the marriage of Mrs. Etta Earhart to Mr. Stevenson, the foreman of her farm.
    J. W. Beatty left for Oakland, Cal., Monday in answer to a telegram informing him of a critical turn in his wife's health. She was being treated for cancer.
    Mrs. T. M. Stivers and Miss Myrtle Woodford left Sunday for the midwinter fair. They were on the first day's delayed train and had a lively experience in train blockading before arriving at their destination.
    The last change in the city charter placed the property across the bridge over Bear Creek inside the city limits, so that the expense of erecting a new bridge, or rebuilding a bridge on the present one will fall on the city and not on the county. There are some drawbacks to town incorporation, other than extravagant public officials who cinch expense and debt on the property of its citizens.
Valley Record, Ashland, January 18, 1894, page 3

    Wallace Woods is the Medford agent of the S.P.D.&L. Co.
"Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, January 18, 1894, page 1

    The bridge over Bear Creek at Medford was broken [in the flood Saturday] and will have to be rebuilt or a new and better bridge put in its place. The large bridge at Central Point was also badly crippled up, and cannot be used. The channel of the creek was so changed that it can be forded without the bridge now.
 "The Work of the Flood," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, January 18, 1894, page 3

A Subscriber's Protest
    To the Editor of The Medford Mail: I am a reader of your newsy journal and I appreciate all the good things you are saying about Medford. I like Medford, I like her people and above all I like to trade with her business men. I like them so well that I drive eighteen miles every week to trade with them, but I want to tell you that I am going to quit right short unless the city passes an ordinance which will keep stock off of the streets. The last time I was in your city I had in my wagon a good-sized bundle of hay and a feed of oats for my horses, but when it came time to feed them they didn't eat the hay and oats I brought with me, but instead a feed at the livery stable--somebody's cow had eaten the feed I brought from home.
    I want to suggest a remedy. First, however, I am told that there are some poor families in Medford who gain a livelihood by selling milk from their cows, and that if there was an ordinance passed prohibiting their cows running at large it would work a great hardship upon these people who cannot afford to hire their cows pastured. Now for the remedy: Suppose those people were to club together and hire a boy to herd them. This could be done at an expense of about two bits per week for each cow. The boy could call for your cows in the evening and during the day he could herd them at various places in the suburbs of your city and provide them with better feed than they got running at large. Would not my suggestion, if carried out, be more profitable to the owners? There is a great amount of complaint coming from the farmers who do trading in your city upon the same grounds as I have entered my protest. Ofttimes butter, eggs and groceries are destroyed by cows reaching into farmers' wagons for feed. It would seem to me that something ought to be done. While I have a great amount of sympathy for your townspeople who keep cows I still have a little left for the farmers who trade in Medford.
Medford Mail, January 19, 1894, page 2

    The People's Party executive committee is to meet in Medford tomorrow.
    J. W. Schute has opened up a jewelry repair shop in a part of the G. W. White store building on Seventh Street.
    At the Fair, bargains in gents' white laundried shirts and underwear, Jas. E. Roberts.
    Married--In Jacksonville, Thursday, January 11, 1894, B. F. Stevenson and Mrs. Etta Earhart, both of Medford.
    Oregon is the only state in the Union in which horses are worth more than mules, the price being $51 for horses and $46 for mules.
    Miss Lizzie Nicholson is prepared to do dressmaking of all description. Rooms in Halley block, Medford, Oregon.
    They tell us that Frank Mingus will soon start a milk wagon in Medford. There ought to be a good, fair business in that line.
    If all pedestrians would observe street etiquette more closely and always turn to the right, there would be less of collisions and need for apologies.
    Word has been received by friends in Medford to the effect that W. R. Ridenhour is at a hospital in the city of Mexico very ill with typhoid fever.
    A. A. Davis has purchased, through the agency of Pentz & White, lots 5, 6 and 7, in block 13, Medford, for $700. These lots are facing on Sixth Street between B and C.
    There's another good thing about a horse that hasn't been mentioned; it won't molest a woodpile. It is different with some menfolks in this man's city of Medford.
    The insurance agents in Medford are as plentiful as mushrooms after a June shower. J. W. Curry representing the American Central, and W. Estill Phipps, representing the Norwich Union of England, are two of the new ones.
    C. A. Newstrom is making many improvements about his recent farm purchase, east of Medford, by way of putting out fruit trees and improving the buildings. He is a thorough hustler and will be getting there aplenty so long as light shines and good health is his.
    J. H. Stewart, the big orchardist, is shipping two carloads of apples from Phoenix to Denver, Colorado this week. The bad roads between Mr. Stewart's place and Medford is wholly responsible for his shipping from Phoenix.
    The S.P. is putting electric searchlights on their engines, and the two Hogg engines running into Ashland are to be equipped soon. The dynamo and machinery roosts on top of the engine boiler are run by steam; the engineer in the cab being the director general.
    J. C. Wolters, father of townsmen C. W. and H. H. Wolters, has been quite ill for several weeks past with dropsical indications. He is somewhat improved at present, but owing to his age there is little prospect of his regaining his usual health.
    D. S. Youngs is increasing his real estate possessions not a few in the city of Medford. His latest purchase is an acre and a quarter of land, from C. F. Lewis, on North C Street. The sale was made through the agency of Pentz & White and for $150.
    The editor of this "once a week" journal and his family are moving to Dr. Pickel's new residence at the "fer" end of South C Street. It is a whole lot cheaper to move than to pay rent, but if we keep ourselves together for a few months longer we will own a piece of resident property--and let someone else pay the rents.
    There is talk of another barber shop being opened in Medford. If there is any one thing more than another that this city don't need it is a fourth barber shop. There are at present three of these commodities each, manned by two expert hair lifters with finger touch light as angels' breath. No, we don't need any more tonsorialists.
    Judge Lionel R. Webster has moved his household goods from Jacksonville to Medford and has them all arranged in fine housekeeping shape in the Brandenburg residence, on West Sixth Street. Mrs. Webster is still in Portland, but as her health is improving the judge is expecting her to return to Medford in two or three weeks.
    Mr. Barnum's contract as manipulator of the Medford-Jacksonville shortline expires tomorrow. Mr. B. is expecting some of the owners to arrive from Portland today or tomorrow and arrange for the road's management for the coming year. It is reported Mr. Barnum will not renew his contract with the company, in which event a new man will take his place.
    There was much grief in the household of John Bellinger last week. John tells that his wife actually shed tears but his good lady says it was John who "wept copiously"--however, the occasion for this grief was the flight to parts unknown of one of their pair of Chinese pheasants. This grief fortunately was of short duration as the aforesaid feathered Chinaman was captured again this week.
    A Citizen: "Say, isn't a lulu of a show window Wolters has fixed up? And do you realize the fact that all of them goods are fresh? But how could they be aught else when he sells so many of them. I like the looks of that window--it has the freshness of a May shower and the cleverness of a metropolitical existence."--Get good, fresh groceries at Wolters.
    Day Parker has lost none of his last summer's aptness as a swift manipulator of bicycles. Tuesday, just to sort o' keep his hand in, he mounted his wheel at the corner of Seventh and C streets and started for the distillery, which is a little over a mile from the starting point. He made the distillery and return in just an even seven minutes and had to dismount to make the turn at the distillery. That's good riding, and if Day don't capture all the races in this line hereabouts another summer he will have fallen a long ways short of his present capability.
    Medford is to have a new industry, one which is out of the line usually accorded to cities of her size, but we are going to have it soon, and it is the manufacture of a superior quality of baking powder. The gentleman who is the owner and manager of the enterprise is W. H. Hembree, he who a few years ago was employed as engineer in the Davis flouring mill, but who has since been "on the road" for a San Francisco tea and spice house, and it was while thus engaged that he caught onto the baking powder idea. He returned to Medford a couple of months ago and now has his plans for the manufacture of powder perfected and will have it on the market in a few weeks. It will sell at the same price as all standard powders but as only half the usual amount is required in baking, it necessarily makes Mr. Hembree's powder worth just double that of any other kind made. He has very fittingly christened his powder "Pride of the Valley." The Mail hopes success may come tumbling his way and that his powder may prove itself just the article for which the housewife has long been looking.
"All the Local News,"
Medford Mail, January 19, 1894, page 3

Heap Plenty Rain
    The rain storm of last Saturday and Sunday which was general throughout Oregon, Washington and California, was the worst one which has been experienced for years. From Saturday morning until last Sunday night the downpour was almost continuous--and the water came thick and fast. During the forty-odd-hour rain ending Sunday night, the rainfall as reported at Medford has been 2.43 inches.
    Sunday forenoon the many spectators who stood watching the muddy waters of Bear Creek go rushing through our city were not watchers long ere 'twas noticed that one bent near the east end of the bridge was sinking slowly from a line of level. This kept sinking until Monday morning when it had gone down five or six feet and very near to the water's edge, in which position it still remains. This sinking was caused by the water cutting into the east bank and taking away and loosening a couple of tiers of piling. Aside from this, which can easily be repaired, the bridge is in as good shape as ever.
    At the Central Point Bear Creek bridge one of the approaches was taken away and the current so changed as to form a good-sized creek between the mainland and the bridge.
    Sunday afternoon the water ditch south of the city overflowed, and nearly the whole country between the Earhart ranch and the city was one solid sheet of water. On South C Street there was a perfect current of water which went tumbling down across resident lots and into Bear Creek.
    Bear Creek, as we have before stated, is a wicked little stream when she gets to feeling that way, and she was in that notion Saturday and Sunday very hard. Many acres of good land has undoubtedly been washed away, and consequently a great amount of damage has been done. The creek is said to have been higher Sunday afternoon than it has been before for many years.
Excerpt, Medford Mail, January 19, 1894, page 3

    Chas. Pheister, of Bourbon, Inc., arrived in Medford last week and will remain here permanently. He is a son of Jacob Pheister.
    A. J. Breazeale, of Hillsboro, Oregon, is here looking for a farm location. He likes the Rogue River Valley, intends locating and has written his family to pack their chattels and get here at once.
    Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Tabor, of Sonoma County, California, arrived in Medford last Wednesday and are to remain permanently. These people are mother and stepfather of M. M. Pickering, and were a few years ago residents of Ashland for a short time.
    H. H. McCarthy returned last week from Portland and will in all probability make Medford his home for an indefinite time. As to what business he will engage in we are not authorized to make mention. He is an all-round good fellow and The Mail hopes he may strike something lucrative.
    Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ingledue, of Elma, Washington, but formerly of Gratiot County, Michigan, are among the recent arrivals in Medford. Mr. Ingledue is a carpenter by trade and will probably soon buy a piece of resident property and erect a dwelling house thereon. They are now occupying the T. W. Johnson residence.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 19, 1894, page 3

    W. H. Hembree, the Medford Mail says, will commence the manufacture of a baking powder there to be called the "Pride of the Valley." He was formerly employed as a miller in Davis' mill.
"Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, January 25, 1894, page 1

Medford Items.
    Miss Minerva Armstrong is down from Ashland on a visit.
    Henry Klippel is a candidate for deputy internal revenue collector.
    Hon. C. Mingus of Ashland is preparing his farm for this season's production.
    John C. Angle and U. M. Damon were up in the Granite City Saturday and Sunday.
    J. A. Slover went to Dunsmuir Sunday to meet his wife on her return from San Francisco.
    Capt. A. D. Helman, the dignified great mogul of Oregon Odd Fellowship, was at the installation Wednesday night.
    Mrs. T. M. Stivers and Miss Woodford returned Wednesday from their San Francisco visit. Mr. S. came with them.
    Julius Goldsmith, formerly a resident of this place, has bought a cigar and candy store at Eugene and gone into business there.
    W. I. Vawter and T. W. Johnson went to Ashland Saturday on lodge matters. The delayed trains kept them away from home until Monday.
    J. A. Whitman shipped a carload of apples to Houston, Tex., from the orchards above Ashland. He still has three carloads there yet to ship.
    G. W. Bashford of the brewery and ice factory was in Ashland yesterday, and if he does not succeed in selling his plant will conduct the same this year.
    Col. Fred Fradenburgh of Hotel Oregon was hereabouts Wednesday booming the Ashland mines and his fine hotel. Fred claims to have discovered a bitters that will restore a man from the ravages of la grippe, and the discovery promises to make him a millionaire.
    Hon. W. H. Parker and wife and daughter, Mrs. J. A Slover, returned Monday from a five weeks' visit in San Francisco. They got tired of the midwinter fair weather and returned to get some of the home climate that is much balmier than the pretentious California article. Mr. Parker reports that there is nothing ready for the midwinter fair, except the fakirs and the footpads.
    Justice Walton this week listened to a case in which Attorney S. S. Pentz was suing for a fee, He was the attorney for a lady suing for a divorce. Before the case came up she buried the hatchet with her liege lord and union once more prevailed. Pentz sent the husband a bill for legal services rendered, which he refused to pay. Pentz sued for the amount and finished a brilliant and earnest appeal as attorney with himself as client. L. R. Webster was the attorney for the man who refused to pay a $25 fee for the fellow who was advising his better half against himself. After the due amount of posing and primping and a few remarks about the dignity of the profession, Webster remarked, "And there is attorney Pentz arguing his own case!" This was a fatal error, for Pentz was soon on his feet and mounted his antagonist with the sad experience of a circuit judge who once essayed to act as offended party, complainant, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner. Pointing the finger of scorn at the attorney for the man who didn't want to pay the lawyer fee, Pentz yelled: "And there is Webster,who sat and tried his own case!" Lawyer Pentz need not have talked so loud. Webster heard it all as soon as he saw the place where he "stuck his foot in it." Squire Walton rapped for order, peacock strutting drew itself in, and no further remarks were made about professionalism insofar as it alluded to lawyers.
Valley Record, Ashland, January 25, 1894, page 3

The County Bridge Across Bear Creek.
    In reply to a letter from Street Commissioner Brandenburg to Judge J. R. Neil informing him that the bridge on the county road across Bear Creek at this place was impassable and in need of repairs, Judge Neil writes as follows:
    J. Brandenburg, Street Commissioner, Medford, Oregon, dear sir:--Your letter in regard to the bridge across Bear Creek in the city of Medford is before me. Section 2 of the Act passed February 21, 1887, provides that for road purposes all of sections 24 and 25 of township 37, S.R.2W., and sections 19 and 30 township 37, S.R.1W., shall constitute one road district and the street commissioner of the town, under the direction of the board of trustees, shall collect and apply all road taxes within said road district to the repairs and improvement of roads and streets therein; the Act of 1885 (!!) amended this section so far as to change the boundaries of the city--taking in Bear Creek. I do not think the county has any right to act under the law above referred to. Yours with regards, J. R. Neil.
    Now let us reason the absurdity and injustness of the above decision or opinion and see the animosity toward our town which inspired it. The facts are these: The town of Medford was incorporated by Act of February 24, 1885, and the same clause, or section, regarding road district and the town supervision of the same and street commissioner, which was then enacted, has been re-enacted as each subsequent act amending our charter so that the relative authority of county and town in regard to the county roads has always been the same. The mere fact that the boundaries of the city were changed to embrace Bear Creek only gave the city police jurisdiction over the extra territory, but did not give the city any additional authority over county roads. The county court has always assumed to have authority to come inside our corporate limits and lay out county roads without so much as asking or even notifying our honorable board in reference to the same, and the county court about 1886 did come into the corporation of Medford and laid out a county road from the east end of the same with the valley road to and across Bear Creek and thence to the eastern boundary of our road district without the official knowledge or consent of the trustees of our town, and this is the road upon which the Bear Creek bridge is built, and the county had no more right then than now. They also in 1888 let the contract to build the present bridge, part of which was inside the city limits at that time. If they had the right to do that then they have the right to repair the bridge now. The bridge was not built by request of the town authorities but on the petition of citizens of the county inside and outside of the town, not for the exclusive benefit of the citizens of Medford but for the accommodation of the general public of the county, for their convenience in reaching channels of transportation and to get to one of the principal markets of the county, and should the town of Medford presume to close up that road or the valley road it would hear from the honorable county court very soon. The county road from the east line of Seventh Street to the east boundary of our corporate limits, including the bridge site, is private property except for road purposes and has never been dedicated to the public as a public highway and the city cannot compel the property owners to improve the same or even build sidewalks or crossings as is the case with streets, in fact the town has no jurisdiction over it except the right to apply the road work on the same and police jurisdiction over the same. When the county buys the land occupied by this county road and then offers it to the city and the city accepts the same, then the county will be relieved of its obligations and responsibilities in the matter, but it cannot occupy private property for road purposes and force the same on the town without our consent. While Medford has the right to apply the road work in her district where she sees fit, she pays in taxes to the treasury of this county her full quota of taxes, probably as much or more than any other road district in the county, and as great a per cent of that amount as from any other portion of the county is taken to build bridges elsewhere about the county, therefore we demand our share also from the said general fund, to repair the bridge here on one of the most important thoroughfares in the county. The bridge[s] at Medford and Central Point and elsewhere across large streams where the whole general public are benefited should be promptly repaired by the county court.
    It has become a common saying that the county judge "had it in for Medford." Wait and see. This is by no means a one-sided game.
    Signed: A citizen of Medford and also of Jackson County.
Medford Mail, January 26, 1894, page 2

    Orchard Home Association to Harrietta Ellison, lt 30 and lts 14, 16, blk 4; O.H.A. tract, near Medford . . . 750
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, January 26, 1894, page 2

    G. B. Lindley has purchased a five-acre tract of land in the Roberts & O'Neil addition from John Reed.
    Wallace Woods has received his first consignment of lumber from the Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Company [in Grants Pass].
    Landlord Purdin is having his resident property on C Street repaired, preparatory to moving his family from Hotel Medford thereto.
    S. A. D. Higgins is having his temperance billiard hall papered and refinished throughout, preparatory to opening a saloon therein.
    The featherweight, M. Alford, changed his place of residence Tuesday from M. Purdin's residence to M. S. Damon's place, corner of C and Tenth streets.
    Bunco lightning rod men have been operating in Marion County. Any Oregon man who is foolish enough to invest a cent in lightning rods deserves no sympathy.
    Of the sixty-odd shade trees set out in the city park last year, only about thirty-five of them are living. The reason for so many dying is attributed to their having been too large at time of setting.
    G. L. Webb has a fence machine, but he is not going to institute any opposition to Mr. Fredenburg. The machine was taken on a debt over at Lakeview and was brought over from that place a few weeks ago. He wants to sell.
    Z. Maxcy and G. L. Davis are figuring on going into poultry culture on a big scale--hatch the chicks with incubators and rear them--from the cradle to the grave--with a [view] only to profit, and on business principles--from the incubator to the San Francisco market. There ought to be good money in the enterprise if conducted as mapped out by these gentlemen.
    Secretary Buchanan, of the Medford-Jacksonville railroad, is here and yesterday afternoon closed a deal with C. F. Lewis to act as engineer on the company's road and John Dyer, conductor.
    Recorder B. S. Webb has been engaged in taking the school census for the past couple of weeks and has found so far 605 children of school age. This number will probably not be increased very much, as Mr. Webb has nearly completed the rounds.
    Robt. Lawton, son of J. W. Lawton, has accepted a position as clerk a nd pharmaceutical student in Mayor Haskins' drug store. He is a very bright young man and will make a thorough, competent businessman unless his looks and movements greatly belie him.
    Clarence Kellogg, together with several other accomplishments, is nothing slow as a taxidermist. Gaze upon that owl he recently put up for J. A. Whiteside and you will agree with us. The bird may be seen in one of Beek, Whiteside & Co.'s show windows.
    One week from tonight, February 2nd, the Medford dancing club will give a Mother Hubbard dance in the opera house. Gentlemen as well as ladies are supposed to wear Mother Hubbard dresses and masks. None admitted in costume and to dance except those invited. A general invitation is extended to spectators. Admission to dance 50 cents; spectators 10 cents.
    The Medford Bear Creek bridge is still awaiting repairs. The ford near the bridge is being used, but is not altogether safe, as was demonstrated one day this week when a gentleman in crossing with horse and buggy was caught by the swift current and the whole outfit was carried some distance below before the opposite bank could be gained. The bridge should be repaired at once and save all this dangerous fording.
    Weeks Bros. brought to Medford from their factory at Phoenix, Tuesday, a full wagonload of furniture. These people have engaged the services of W. H. McGowan, son-in-law of one of the firm, as their Medford salesman, and the gentleman expects to commence housekeeping in the city as soon as Mrs. McGowan shall have recovered her usual good health. The lady has been very ill but is now able to be about the house and improving rapidly.
    Henry Demorest writes from Neche, North Dakota, that he and Mrs. Demorest will return to Medford as soon as he shall have finished his studies in dentistry. The thermometer has been down as low as forty below in that country, and one can well imagine that such weather is a decided breeder of displeasure to people who have lived in Southern Oregon. Henry expects to go into business with his brother, O. F. Demorest, upon his return.
    Wm. Ulrich, manager of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company of this city, reports that his company now has on hand $30,000 worth of cured bacon, hams, shoulders and rendered lard. The accumulation of these valuable products of the hog is the result of the past few months' work. This institution is surely one of the best enterprises ever put in operation in the valley for the farmers, and we might include mechanics, merchants and--everybody.
    W. E. Coul, the irrigation ditch man, we understand has decided to change his place of residence from Central Point to Medford and that tomorrow or Monday he will be here, and booked for a permanent stay. He will probably take rooms for his company in the Hamlin block. The coming of Mr. C. to Medford means a prospect for a new tingle of life in our water power proposition. It will be remembered that it was about this time last year that he made the city a proposition as to putting in a thorough and adequate water system, which in all probability would have been accepted at that time had not the Leadbetter railroad scheme been uppermost in our citizens' minds. As to whether a second proposition is to be made or not we are unable to state.
    Geo. Merriman: "When there is another man to graduate from that Seventh Street blacksmith shop of mine it will be George F. Merriman, and I'm going into the millinery business and 'tend shop myself. There is Landlord Purdin--he used to be a partner of mine and I graduated him to the position of landlord and he is now making more money than anyone. Following him was W. P. H. Legate. I bought out his interest in the blacksmith business. What did he do? Bought a grocery store and he is now wearing diamonds, smoking cigarettes and is an all 'round dandy. Say, I'm looking for anyone who wants to buy a blacksmith shop--that millinery business that I'm going to get requires my undivided personal attention."
    We regret that we are called upon this week to chronicle the death of little Nina, the ten-year-old daughter of W. J. Sturgis, who recently arrived in Medford from Iowa. The child was at Sunday school last Sunday and the same afternoon was taken ill with an attack of la grippe which culminated in a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs and stomach resulting in death on Tuesday. These people are almost strangers among us, but their residence has been sufficiently long to make for them many friends whose earnest and heartfelt sympathy is extended to them in their hour of deep affliction and sorrow. Mr. Sturgis desires us to say that the family feel that the physician did all that could be done by anyone, but as the child has inherited a weak heart the case was a difficult one, her malady being that of inflammation of the lungs and stomach.
    Charlie Nickell is big enough to be an excellent horseman, but his little escapade in Medford last Friday books him as [having] no prowess in that line. He was driving into Medford from Jacksonville, and when near the S.P. depot a gentle zephyr raised his hat from those well-cared-for locks of his and landed it in close proximity to his horse's heels. The animal became frightened and Charlie, undoubtedly thinking of the great altitude at which collectorship plums roost, did the one thing which he ought not to have done--he let go of the reins and the horse began gyrating 'round about in a manner highly amusing to the spectators but hardly so to Charlie. The harder he pulled the one rein the faster gyrated the quadruped--all the same merry-go-round. Affairs became desperate and Charlie grasped the situation, let go of himself and the buggy and fell kerplunk in about six inches of mud--in no way disabled but horribly disfigured with mud--his waxed mustache unwaxed and his Sunday pants triple-plated with Medford mud.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, January 26, 1894, page 3

    H. U. Lumsden is up from Portland for a couple of weeks' business stay. The gentleman has considerable valuable landed interests in various parts of Medford.
    Miss Hallie Hoyt, the efficient bookkeeper at Angle & Plymale's mercantile establishment, is visiting relatives at Grants Pass for a week or ten days.
    W. H. Parker and family returned from San Francisco Monday night, fully satisfied that Jackson County is the only habitation which is entirely suited to the liking of those who have resided therein and enjoyed her pleasures and comforts for any great length of time. The people who seek California for a pleasant winter's stay are usually booked for disappointment, and Mr. Parker openly admits that he is one of the disappointed.
    Miss Maggie Tice returned to Medford last week from Grants Pass, at which place she was employed in one of the hotels recently burned. The lady came near being burned to death in the conflagration, as she would not leave her room until help came to assist in removing her trunk. No amount of persuading would induce her to part with the trunk and to save her life the trunk was taken out even though the building was then in flames and the walls liable to fall at any time. Her cousin, Carrie, was less fortunate, as all her clothing was burned.
    Attorney W. I. Vawter and T. W. Johnson were at Ashland last Saturday night. Mr. Vawter was there for the purpose of installing officers in the I.O.O.F. lodge, and Wes went along to keep him company and assist in the installation work. They were to return on Sunday evening's train but they didn't--the train was ten hours late. Rather than wait for it they, to use an expression peculiar to the occasion, "hit the ties" and landed in Medford about six o'clock, having been on the road four hours. A little distance up the road they met a professional 'round the world tourist who, thinking they were looking for employment, volunteered the information that they were going the wrong way as there was no work and plenty of water up in the Willamette country, but added that as they were well dressed they could get something to eat almost anyplace.
    Rev. J. Merley and wife arrived in Medford Monday morning from a quite extended visit in California. These people are friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison and are formerly from Denver, Indiana. They were in Medford about three months ago and while here were driven about the country and thereby an opportunity given to get a good look at our wondrous fruit crop. These people left after a few weeks for California and after traveling in that state for three months they now find themselves again with us, but this time they are here to remain.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 26, 1894, page 3

    Medford has a 10-mill school tax.
    The Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co. has $30,000 worth of bacon on hand.
"Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, February 1, 1894, page 1

    A. Fetsch, the Medford merchant tailor, was in town yesterday accompanied by his brother of Grants Pass, who is also in the tailoring business there.
"Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, February 1, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Geo. Buffington went to Ashland today.
    The 10-year-old daughter of W. J. Sturgis died on the 23rd.
    Mrs. T. A. Harris will return from Canada within a fortnight.
    Vint Cook, of Sterling, passed through Saturday for Portland.
    Dr. Demorest and wife returned home from Dakota this week.
    O. Harbaugh was in Ashland Sunday to look after a band of sheep he has a mortgage on.
    John Savage, Jr., has returned to Salem after some time profitably spent in Southern Oregon.
    F. Fetsch, of Grants Pass, was here this week visiting his brother, A. Fetsch, our enterprising and rustling merchant tailor.
    Mrs. C. H. Daley, of Tolo, has gone to Portland on a visit, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, will return with her.
    Henry Klippel was up in Oregon the past week to see Henry Blackman about being appointed deputy internal revenue collector.
    R. R. Dunn was here this week. He formerly represented Staver & Walker, but is now with the Wheeler & Wilson Co. in San Francisco.
    Misses Flora Taylor and Josie Dixon, Robt. Everly, G. C. Farr and R. J. Lamar were the Grants Pass delegation here at Tuesday's convention.
    J. R. Williams is out on $100 bail awaiting the action of the next grand jury charged with pulling a gun on Mr. Noe. Both hail from the Rock Point neighborhood.
    Jeptha Davison is living at Forest Grove, Washington County. The reports about his mysterious disappearance and suspicions of foul play were without any foundation.
    Benj. Eggleston and wife will return to Ashland next week. Mr. Eggleston says the report that he had shipped a carload of apples to Portland that were so afflicted with scale that they had to be dumped into the Willamette River was entirely false.
    The young people's union of the Rogue River Baptist Association held their conference in Medford Tuesday, the attendance being quite large, and much interest was manifested. The national president of the union, John H. Chapman, of Chicago, was present and delivered a highly interesting lecture in the evening before a very intelligent audience. Mr. Chapman went south Wednesday.
    Dr. J. S. Parson was down Monday assisting in removing an adherent ovarian tumor from Mrs. Turner, a lady sixty years old. She had been afflicted about two months and a half and the growth had reached the weight of 41 pounds. The operation was successful and the patient resting easy at last accounts. This is the first time an operation of this sort has been accomplished in Southern Oregon.
    The fame of Johnny Barnum, "the youngest railroad conductor in the world," is no more. His father, W. S. Barnum, after one year's lease of the Jacksonville branch railroad, has had his fill of being a railroad magnate, and along with Leadbetter is no longer connected with the road, and Honeyman, DeHart & Co. are again running it with John Dyer as conductor, C. F'. Lewis engineer, Marion Tryer fireman.
Valley Record, Ashland, February 1, 1894, page 4

    J. W. Hockersmith's special train of 21 cars will leave Ashland about 4 o'clock. The load is made up of cattle, sheep and hogs for the San Francisco market. The hogs and sheep were loaded at Medford. The cattle at the yards of Ashland at present came from the bands of Barron, Butler and Wells. Gen. Barron goes along as chief "buckaroo." He will punch up the downtrodden steers and afterwards take in the midwinter fair.
Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, February 1, 1894, page 3

    Last year was a dull one everywhere, but the number of new buildings which were erected in Medford during that period is evidence positive that this city was one of the few excepted subjects in the track of the hard times thoroughfare.
    If upon all the small tracts of land now being sold adjacent to Medford there are built suitable buildings and the plats are planted to fruit, and the grounds cared for according to the plans mapped out, suburban Medford will be one of much beauty and great joy to all residents.
Editorial, Medford Mail, February 2, 1894, page 2

    Marion Tryer is still "firing" on the shortline--the new man couldn't fill the bill.
    Sunday was a beautiful spring-like day and the streets were crowded with people out for a walk.
    The recent heavy rains are reported to have raised sad havoc with many of the public highways.
    The Medford-Jacksonville shortline is now making three daily round trips, Sundays included.
    Chas. Pheister, a recent arrival, is now housekeeping in M. S. Damon's new residence on D Street.
    Messrs. Roberts & O'Neil have been putting down a new sidewalk in front of their C Street business property.
    The new signs about our city are most plentiful, noticeable among them being one in front of I. M. Muller's grocery store, The Fair and The Mail.
    Notice of removal of principal office of the Jackson County Flume & Irrigation Company, from Central Point to Medford, appears elsewhere in this paper.
    Oldtimers tell us that nothing is a more familiar sight--and pleasing as well--as to gaze upon John Dyer as conductor on the Medford-Jacksonville shortline.
    Al. Wright on Wednesday moved his family from the Lumsden property to a vacant building on South Front Street. Rev. Merley will occupy the residence vacated by Mr. Wright.
    The S.P. has taken off its regular daily freight and now a train is run only three times a week. This is due to slack business and the company's avowed intentions of cutting expenses.
    E. Wilkinson, the Seventh Street meat man, hasn't been asleep these past fall and winter months, but instead has been doing a good amount of work in curing pork. He reports that he has killed 420 hogs to date, the value of which in cured meats and rendered lard amount to very close onto $5,000. For one who makes not much of a stir in this line of business Ed. can truly be said to be somewhat in the hog trade himself.
    Last Friday there was born, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, a girl. We regret to announce in this same item the death of the infant, which occurred on the Sunday following.
    The ladies of the Women's  Christian Temperance Union will meet here after at the Christian Church on Wednesday of each week beginning Wednesday, Feb. 7th, until further notice. Mrs. L. L. Angle, secretary.
    W. A. Buchanan is responsible for the report that a depot will be built at the Orchard Home fruit farm now pretty soon. The shortline intersects this tract of land, and while it is only a little more than a mile from Medford it will be convenient to have the train stop at that point.
    A ten-acre tract of land, located in the Harbaugh addition, was this week sold to Chas. Pheister for $800. Mr. Pheister intends building thereon, and plant the ground to trees. The property was formerly owned by E. Brown, and the sale was made through the agency of Hamilton & Palm.
    Last week J. A. Whitman shipped four carloads of apples. One to Butte, Mont., one to Houston, Texas, one to Wichita, Kansas, and one to Eau Claire, Wis. These are long-distance shipments, but when a sample of Oregon apples is displayed, no matter how distant the point, there is always a good order for more sure to follow.
    J. H. Ward is improving his four-and-a-half-acre tract, in southwest Medford, to quite an extent this spring. Among the improvements is the setting out of 300 petite prune trees, 100 peach trees and several apple, apricot and almond trees. Mr. W. tells us that his brother writes from Idaho stating that if he can purchase eighty or one hundred acres of ranch land hereabouts he will move to these parts at once--this is a tip to real estate dealers.
    Medford is unquestionably the most important shipping point in the Rogue River Valley. The Mail has made mention at various different times of the shipment of from four to eight carloads of stock from this place--an item of this nature having appeared nearly every week since early last fall. This week we have increased the number to a trainload of twenty cars which were shipped yesterday to San Francisco by J. W. Hockersmith, and included hogs, cattle and sheep.
    Constable Woolf has served summons upon J. B. and Jos. Hammersley to appear in Judge Walton's court next Tuesday at 10 a.m. and show cause why Messrs. Hurt and Barr should not collect from them the sum of $180 damages, sustained through the alleged careless driving of defendants during the month of November last. This suit is the result of an accident which befell Messrs. Hurt and Barr one dark night last fall while driving into Medford, and for which the defendants are alleged to have been responsible.
    C. F. Lewis took his position in the cab of the engine on the Medford-Jacksonville shortline Saturday morning and opened the throttle with an aptness that told plainly of his experience in that line of employment. Mr. Lewis is--if anyone should ask you--considerable of a joker and The Mail was recently made the butt of one of his periodical spells of humor when he walked into our shop and asked for the kindergarten man of the shop. This was a pretty good turn at humor and was fully appreciated, but since Charlie has taken a position in the cab of the "peanut roaster" he isn't saying anything about kindergartens.
    Complaint comes to us of a considerable reckless shooting of firearms in many parts of the residence portions of Medford. While of course nearly all of us have our little sportive fancies we should endeavor to so indulge them as not to interfere with the rights and safety of others. Mr. Loynachan reports that only a few days ago there was a little session of target shooting out near his place and that a bullet from one of the revolvers came whizzing over toward his house and passed within a few feet of his little girl, who was playing in the yard. The authorities should see to it that a stop is put to this practice at once and by so doing prevent possible fatal results.
    T. W. Johnson--known everywhere as "Wes"--has purchased C. W. Wolters' delivery horse and wagon, and a combination has been formed with John Curry whereby these two gentlemen will do the major portion of the delivery business in Medford and to make the track one of clear sailing they have arranged with Mr. Bish to "pull off." These gentlemen will travel well in team harness, and if they treat their patrons as square as 'tis anticipated they will, they have a good paying business ahead of them.
    A decree of divorce has been granted to W. B. Roberts and P. B. O'Neil--that is, they have dissolved partnership after having been associated together under the firm name of Roberts & O'Neil for twenty-three years. During this time a fortune of many thousand dollars has been accumulated and which is now divided without the least shadow of litigation--each taking an equal share of notes, mortgages and real estate. Mr. O'Neil expects to leave for California in a week or two to attend to his landed interests in that state, and he will make his home either at Napa or San Jose--with an occasional visit to Medford sandwiched in .
    Things have changed since Hannah died--that is to say, since Charlie Lewis began pulling the throttle on the Medford-Jacksonville shortline he "opens her wide" when leaving the Jacksonville depot, and when Charlie Nickell, who has been in the habit of riding from that place to his office on the train, made his trial trip with Mr. Lewis this week it wasn't as successful a venture, from Mr. Nickell's way of looking at it, as it might have been. He attempted to stop at his office but did not come to a stand still until he reached a corner of the fence around the courthouse. He is said to have "fanned wind" in the most approved style.
    A very successful surgical operation was performed in Medford last Monday, it being that of the removal of an ovarian tumor from Mrs. Wm. Turner. The operating surgeon being Dr. E. P. Geary of this city, assisted by Drs. J. B. Wait and J. S. Parsons, of Medford and Ashland. The tumor weighed forty-two pounds and had been two years in attaining this growth. This is the first operation of the kind which has ever been performed in Southern Oregon, and because that it is proving to be so successful an one is a matter in which much credit is due the operators. The age of the patient--sixty years--made it a more dangerous operation than it would have been had she been younger. The lady is at present resting very nicely and has almost reached a point at which she may be considered out of danger. A remarkable feature of the operation is that not a particle of fever has existed since the tumor was removed. This may be accounted for by the great precaution used by the operators in not permitting a particle of disease germ to enter the incision--this being accomplished by boiling all instruments used, and taking all other precautions which modern surgery provides in such cases.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 2, 1894, page 3

    F. K. Deuel, of Chillicothe, Mo., is in the metropolis figuring on the advisability of opening a dry goods store.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 2, 1894, page 3

Society Installation.
    Triumph Tent No. 14, K.O.T.M., of Medford--Com., L. G. Porter; Lt., W. H. Simmons; R.K., J. West Lawton; F.K., F. M. Tryer; Chap., T. H. Stephens; Physician, E. P. Geary; Sergt., J. H. Redfield; M. at A., E. D. Rose; 1st M. of G., J. R. Hardin; 2nd M. of G., Macy Pickering; Sentinel, Chas. O. Olson; Picket, Lawrence Henderson. Deputy Supreme Commander E. A. Hildreth of Ashland, installing officer.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1894, page 3

    Remus Hamilton of Medford is dispensing liquid refreshments at Hammersley's saloon in Gold Hill.
    Benj. Eggleston of Medford shipped a carload of apples to Kansas City, Mo., last week. He has sold a great deal of fruit during the past year.
    The partnership heretofore existing between W. B. Roberts and P. B. O'Neil of Medford has been dissolved by mutual consent and the property of the firm divided. They were partners for nearly 25 years and have prospered.
    Messrs. Hurt and Barr, who were injured in a runaway accident one dark night in Medford last November, have brought a suit for damages placed at $180 against J. B. and Jos. Hammersley of Gold Hill, who they allege caused the collision and the resulting injuries.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1894, page 3

    Mrs. Ellen Cran of Jamestown, N. Dakota, is paying her sister, Mrs. G. W. Bashford of this precinct, a visit.
    Orville Moore, who has been paying his cousin, Rev. W. B. Moore, a visit, has returned to his home at Snohomish, Wash.
    The many friends of Mrs. L. R. Webster will be glad to learn that she has recovered her health sufficiently to return home. She arrived at Medford with Judge W. one day last week.
    Mrs. Mitchell of Medford was in Jacksonville last week, and placed her two little daughters in St. Mary's Academy, which is the most popular institution for the education of young ladies south of Salem.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1894, page 3

    J. A. Whitman, of Medford, recently shipped four carloads of apples--one each to Butte, Mont., Houston, Texas, Wichita, Kansas, and Eau Claire, Wis.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1894, page 3

Mining Statistics.
    A section in which mining has moved rapidly forward this year is southern and southwestern Oregon. Last year the production of the territory within the boundaries of Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson and Josephine counties was $149,194.17 in gold and $246.17 in silver. This year promises to exceed those figures by many thousands. Although the state of Oregon has not made much noise about its mineral wealth, the report of the director of the mint shows its rank as a gold producer to be seventh, having an accredited production of $20,000,000 since the organization of the government mints and assay offices. Oregon today unquestionably offers one of the best fields on the North American continent for the gold miner, and many have been extremely fortunate within the past year.--Northwest Mining Review.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1894, page 3

    J. B. Wrisley of Medford was in Central Point this week, talking politics just like he did in his palmiest days.
"Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1894, page 3

    Lillie J. Meeker to L. D. Benford; lot 1, blk 5, Meeker's addition to Medford. $1.
    Nancy B. Dray to A. A. Davis; lots 5, 6 and 7 [omission], Medford. $650.
"Real Estate Transactions," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1894, page 3

    Mrs. J. A. Hanley visited relatives and friends in Jacksonville one day this week.
    There is a project on foot to organize an athletic club at this place, which should be encouraged.
    Geo. Buffington has gone to San Francisco to see the fair. He has promised to give your correspondent a full description of the Midway Plaisance.
    F. M. Plymale, G. H. Haskins and J. S. Howard visited Jacksonville this week, to see if they could not get the county court to assist Medford in repairing the Bear Creek bridge, which was damaged by the recent freshet. They came home satisfied, as the commissioners acted very fairly in the matter, they say.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 8, 1894, page 2

The Tax Levy.
    The total levy for state, county and school taxes for this year is $90,312.08; for towns and cities, $12,463.07; school districts, $13,388.76; total $116,163.91. Ashland, Jacksonville and Medford have each made a municipal tax levy of 10 mills. The following school districts have levied taxes: No. 1, Jacksonville, 5 mills; No. 5, Ashland, 7 mills; No. 6, Central Point, 5 mills; No. 28, Steinman, 3 mills; No. 49, Medford, 10 mills; No. 70, 5 mills; No. 73, Boulevard, 8 mills.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 8, 1894, page 3

    Miss Anna Keegan will hereafter attend to the telegraph office and railroad station at Jacksonville. She has had considerable experience there already and will no doubt give satisfaction.
    O. Harbaugh, who took nearly 1000 head of sheep to San Francisco last week, sold them at a good figure. Mutton nearly always commands a better price than any other kind of stock.
    In the matter of the bridge across Bear Creek, the county court decided that the town of Medford should repair the present bridge, and that after the water had gone down and the channel become defined the county would make permanent improvement of the channel and bridge.
    The contest for deputy internal revenue collector of this district seems to lie between A. J. Barlow of Gold Hill and Henry Klippel of Jacksonville. An effort is being made to have one appointed collector and the other storekeeper at Medford, to which the friends of D. T. Sears, who is also a candidate for the last-named office, seriously object.
    The Jacksonville cannonball, while coming from Medford Sunday afternoon, neatly decapitated one of the numerous chickens which run at large in town. The expression of surprise on the countenances of the surviving members of the flock would have been a revelation to a disciple of Delsarte, as the poultry were accustomed to having the train slack up while they sauntered over the track.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 8, 1894, page 3

    Roland Pryce to A. A. Davis; lots 8 & 9, blk 13, Medford. $365.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 8, 1894, page 3

    The Medford dancing club gave a Mother Hubbard ball at the opera house, which was a success. They will give a poverty ball a week from Tuesday, the proceeds to go to charity work. It will be well patronized.
    The case of W. H. Barr and E. G. Hurt vs. the Hammersley boys for $140 damages is on trial before Justice Walton. The suit grew out of the runaway accident resulting from two teams running into each other one dark night last summer.
    The Grand Orient is the name of a new order which, in its brief career of six weeks, has some 70 members. While I don't care to rail at secret societies in particular, I am constrained to say that the Grand Orient was not created by the author of the Y.M.C.A. or the Christian Endeavor Society.
    The dissolution of partnership of Roberts & O'Neil, the capitalists, means more pressing times hereabouts, for it is reported that their notes and mortgages are to be collected up in full, and as one of the gentlemen will probably move to California this will lift many thousands of dollars right out of the county.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, February 8, 1894, page 2

    Medford has made a record during the past year as a stock shipping point. The number of cars shipped, as given The Mail by agent Lippincott, reaches an even eighty-four. When to this is added about three thousand hogs which have been killed and the meat cured in the packing houses in this city, the major portion of which will be shipped later, the importance of our city in that line can be easily seen.
Editorial, Medford Mail, February 9, 1894, page 2

    Lillie J. Meeker and Charles M. Meeker to L. D. Benford, lt 1, blk 5, Meeker's add. to Medford . . . 1
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, February 9, 1894, page 2

    Rumor tells us there is to be erected this spring a new brick block on the corner of C and Seventh Street.
    S. S. Strayer and family, recent arrivals from Iowa, have commenced housekeeping in the Grossman residence on Sixth Street.
    Mrs. Turner, the lady who had a tumor removed last week, is reported to be rapidly improving in health and is now considered out of danger.
    S. H. Murray, who has been quite ill during the past four or six weeks with typhoid fever, is now improving--and The Mail is glad of a chance to say so.
    Two-bit pieces are plentiful all along the line of the S.P. since the pay car paid off nearly all of its employees in coin of this denomination--presumably to keep plenty of change in circulation.
    Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kellogg are now nicely ensconced in their neat, new cottage residence, corner B and Fifth streets. Mrs. Jason Kellogg, Clarence's mother, will make her home with them for a time.
    The Fish tract of land, south and a little west of Medford, is reported to be selling very rapidly, in quantities form twenty to fifty acres, and at $35 per acre. Parties buying this land expect to clear the same and plant it to fruit.
    Those red flags which you see flashing in and out of the various stores and which are suspended from awning posts are not auction banners, neither are they smallpox indicators, but simply a call for the delivery man to get a move on himself and deliver goods.
    There are big beets, little beets and deadbeats, but the biggest beet on exhibition in this city--in the vegetable family--is the one hanging out in front of Miller's grocery store. It was grown by L. G. Porter, just across Bear Creek, and weighs twenty-three pounds.
    Dr. T. H. West is slowly recovering from injuries sustained a few weeks ago. The doctor, while leading one of his horses by the halter, got his hand caught in the lead strap and was dragged around a field several times before he could be extricated from his perilous position. Mrs. West came to the rescue and by courageous and careful maneuvering succeeded in catching the animal.
    George Isaacs, Jr., has purchased G. A. Buffington's interest in the Palace Barber Shop and he and Pete Henderson will conduct the same hereafter. Pete is a very clever man with the razor and George is catching on quite nicely himself. They will make good, steady everyday in the week workers and will make a success in the new combination. Mr. Buffington will seek a location in some California town.
    Rev. Williams was one of the very early-day settlers in Jackson County. During his residence here, which must be near onto forty years, he has performed a great many marriage ceremonies, and now he is being called upon to perform the same services for the children of those whom he united in marriage years ago. Rev. Williams is a very fine old gentleman and his friends are many and are situated in all parts of the county.
    Newspapermen are almost always spoken of as people "without a dollar." In rebuttal of this assertion and in the line of a little item of news we desire to say that The Mail has this week purchased from attorney W. I. Vawter lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, block, 66, original Medford, and that we are going to build a residence thereon sometime during the next decade. The property is across the street, east, from George Deiderick's place, corner Fifth and I.
    At the meeting of the city council last Monday night a dog ordinance was passed which compels owners of those alleged pets to pay a tax of $1.25 for each male dog and $2.25 for each female dog. The water rate was raised as follows: For all hydrants used for irrigating purposes, raised from $9 to $12 per year, street hydrants, raised from $4 to $6; special rates on hotels, barber shops, with bathrooms in connection, $10 per year; livery stables and butcher shops, $15 per year.
    Frank Wait came near being a loser of one of his big horses last Saturday. He had driven out into Bear Creek and as he supposed was in a comparatively safe place when one of his horses stepped into a hole which seemed almost bottomless. Frank jumped into the water and for a time it was a question as to whether he or the horse was under water the greatest length of time. After a struggle of several minutes the animal gained a footing--as well as Frank--and both horses and man came safely to shore.
    A subscriber: "I noticed in an issue of your paper of a few weeks ago that you recommended that all pedestrians on the street should turn to the right. I like your idea. If there is anything that pleases me more than another it is to know when I meet a person on the street which side of the walk they are going to take. There would be a great commotion in the cities if there was not an established rule to guide the many pedestrians. Turn to the right always and be right--this applies to ladies as well as gentlemen."
    There has been another divorce granted in business circles this week. B. F. Adkins and B. S. Webb, who have been doing team work together for the past ten years, have severed the chain that bound and will drive in single harness hereafter. Their prosperity dates from their first advent in Medford and they are both possessed of many of the chattels and acres of fertile soil which help to make life worth staying here. No person has aught to say of them but they are square, honorable men and have always been such in their business transactions. The large brick block, corner C and Seventh streets, is now owned by Mr. Adkins.
    A corn doctor, named Hanna, and a woman calling herself Dr. Annie Wilder were arrested at Grants Pass last week and fined $25 for giving an exhibition and charging an admission without a city license. These two were in Medford last Thursday and were figuring on opening up for a two weeks' stay. They went to Jacksonville the same evening but returned Sunday morning and took the southbound passenger, evidently satisfied that this section of the blooming Rogue was not the most favored spot for bilks and bilkesses. The woman claimed to be a spiritualist and gave seances. Hanna claimed to be a footologist, professionally, but practically manager for Dr. Annie--genius had taken a new flight, spirits were above soles and he had dropped the carver and taken up the robe. The Eugene Guard says they left a number of bills unpaid in that city.
    The masquerade Mother Hubbard ball given last Friday evening was considerable of a success. There were about fifty maskers who took part in the dance. They were about "'alf and 'alf"--that is, about half of them were ladies and about half were gentlemen, yet the distinction was hardly noticeable until after the masks were removed, as all wore Mother Hubbard dresses and, some of them, faces so hideous that their significance was past finding out. There were all styles and colors of Mother Hubbard. In color their costumes were white, red, blue, spotted, pink, green and black--red predominating. Bert Whitman wore a spotted Mother Hubbard, a chocolate mask, and a "wrong font" gait--supposedly in imitation of a lady's walk but a long ways shy of the mark at which it was aimed. Shiner wore a duplicate of Bert's costume except the walk. Bob Galloway wore a gunny sack cut decollete in two places, a chocolate face and the general makeup of Topsy. A. J. McLeod was there with a face that resembled the last sad days of a wrecked life, and as he was leading the grand march attorney Caldwell was heard to remark that if he ever did any more cattle herding he wanted that face to lead the band with. All other maskers wore just ordinary wire masks or dominoes. While the Mother Hubbard is not just the style of dress that we would go wild over in our admiration, yet the ladies, nearly all of them, used such good taste in preparing and decorating their costumes as to make even this a pleasing gown to look upon. We almost forgot to mention that John Barneburg was there but owing to the absence of a mask on the back of his head his disguise was incomplete. The spectators numbered about one hundred and the cash deposited with doorkeeper Nicholson amounted to about $30. Mr. and Mrs. W. Simmons and I. Woolf furnished the music, and Taylor Payne was master of ceremonies.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 9, 1894, page 3

    S. S. Wilson, of Woodland, Calif., and brother of Councilman J. R. Wilson, arrived in Medford Monday evening. He will probably remain in Medford permanently.
    Benj. Eggleston and family have moved to Ashland, at which place they have real estate interests which require their attention. Mr. Eggleston reports that he has done a good business in the purchase of fruit in Medford and that there is still a good bit of work to be done in the purchase of apples which farmers have been holding.
    L. B. Warner, of Portland, arrived in Medford last Friday. The gentleman has been engaged in the insurance business in Portland but has decided to make Medford his future home and will engage in like business here. His family will arrive in a few weeks--his daughter is now giving lessons in voice culture at Salem. These people are friends of Dr. Odgers and family.
    Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Grant expect to leave about the first of March for San Francisco and from there to various eastern points. After a sojourn of several months they will return to Medford. The doctor's health has greatly improved during his stay in Medford. Dr. Grant and his good wife are of the class of people which make good citizens and they cannot return too quick to suit us all.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 9, 1894, page 3

For Sweet Charity's Sake.
    Next Friday evening, February 16th, there will be given in the Medford opera house a dancing party, the proceeds from which will be given [to] the needy poor of this city. The price of dance tickets will be fifty cents each, and each ticket admits one gentleman and one lady. Spectators will be charged ten cents each--the ladies can deposit their silver at the door just like the menfolk, and it will all go to assist in alleviating possible distress. Medford is a long ways from being a poverty-stricken city, but there are among us, as in all cities and at almost all times, a few of the unfortunates who have met with accidents, experienced sickness or encountered a reverse of circumstances which has depleted the "rainy day" reserve fund, and as such people are worthy subjects of our generosity we should all contribute our mite toward their relief. We who can now afford to assist may one day be situated differently, and we will then realize the value of a helping hand. Of course it is not expected that those who never danced before will dance now, but the fact that you do not indulge in this kind of pleasure is no bar to your contributing your four-bit pieces. Several ladies have been detailed as a soliciting committee, and they will in all probability call upon you. The ladies who attend the party are kindly asked to provide themselves with a lunch basket, containing therein a goodly amount of edibles, and bring the same to the opera house where during the evening lunch will be served. Remember, everybody, that all is for sweet charity's sake, and be as liberal as your purse will permit. It is desired that all who attend the dance should bring a tin cup for coffee.
Medford Mail,
February 9, 1894, page 3

    Returns from the two carloads of apples shipped from Ashland to Tennessee are in, and the price was sufficient guarantee to do so some more.
    Mrs. William Turney, a lady 60 years of age, of Medford, had a tumor removed which weighed 42 lbs. The operation was successfully performed.

"News Notes," Capital Journal, Salem, February 10, 1894, page 4

    Harriet M. Richards to W. S. Barnum; lot 14, blk 3, Medford. $300.
    Conrad Mingus to A. T. Drisko; 1 acre in twp 37s, r2w. $60.75.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 2

    Mrs. Thomas Wright of Willow Springs is paying a visit to her daughter, Mrs. F. Mingus.
    C. E. Wilkinson and Mrs. J. W. Plymire have returned from their trip to the Mid-winter Fair.
    Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Barneburg have lately been visiting their daughter, Mrs. D. High of Ashland.
    There will be a masquerade ball at the opera house on February 22nd, given by the Medford string band.
    S. S. Wilson of Woodland, Calif. is visiting his brother, Councilman Wilson, and will probably remain.
    Miss Lucy Wyatt, who is attending the Medford business college, made her home in Sams Valley a visit last week.
    Mrs. G. G. Eubanks, who has been in Medford under the care of Dr. Geary, the oculist, has returned home to Ashland.
    Eighty-four cars of livestock were shipped from Medford during the past week, which shows the importance of this point.
    Father Faber and L. F. Christian are in town making preliminary arrangements for the improvement of the Catholic Church property here.
    There is on exhibition at Ike Muller's window a beet weighing 23 pounds, which was grown on the farm of L. G. Porter, across Bear Creek.
    The partnership between B. F. Adkins and B. S. Webb has been dissolved by mutual consent. The former is the owner of the big brick building built by that firm.
    Geo. Isaacs, Jr. has purchased Geo. Buffington's interest in the Palace Barber Shop and will conduct it in partnership with Peter Henderson, the well-known tonsorial artist.
    There will be a social dance at the opera house on Friday evening, February 16th, for the benefit of the poor and needy of the city. The price of tickets will be 50 cents, and everybody should buy one.
    Medford now levies a tax of $1.25 on each male dog and $2.25 on each female. Charges for hydrants will hereafter be, for irrigating purposes, $12 per year; street, $6; hotels and barber shops with bathrooms, $10; livery stables and butcher shops, $15.
    The ladies of the M.E. Church will have charge of an entertainment in the opera house next Wednesday evening, which will consist of a reproduction of scenes from the World's Fair. Mrs. Harland of San Francisco, one of California's commissioners, will manage the affair.
    C. J. Hall, an experienced and skillful dentist, has arrived from Portland and formed a partnership with Dr. J. W. Odgers, who is his brother-in-law. This will make a strong team, as both members of the firm are first-class mechanics. Mr. Hall's family accompanies him, and they will become permanent residents of Medford.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 2

    The sources of misinformation of the Medford Mail are varied and extensive, and when it turns its deadly popgun on a public official something has got to drop. Last week it accused Sheriff Pelton with being responsible for the cost of Ira Daniels' trip to the reform school, which is as near as it usually gets to the facts. The sheriff has nothing to do with making out papers for commitment to that institution, nor was the fact of it being overcrowded the cause of young Daniels' return. The boy's commitment papers were made out by a justice of the peace, when they should have been issued by the judge of the county or circuit court; and this is why he was not received at the school. The sheriff, as the proper person to execute the mandates of any court in the county, did what he was ordered to do, and that was his only connection with the matter. This is a fair sample of the prejudiced and groundless attacks the editor of the Mail is continually making on our county officials. Either he is the butt of somebody's jokes or ignorance, or he willfully misrepresents the facts. However, a little patronage from those whom the Mail so patriotically attacks might prove a panacea to the bad case of colic he seems to be afflicted with.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 2

Don't Miss This Chance.
    An opportunity to see all the wonders of the World's Fair, as well as the magnificent structures of the Mid-winter Fair at San Francisco, will be given at the entertainment to be held at the U.S. Hall in Jacksonville on Thursday evening, Feb. 15, 1894. The superb stereopticon exhibition comes to us endorsed with the highest encomiums from the press of Chicago and San Francisco. There are 150 beautiful pictures in the collection, which are shown on a 450-foot square screen by means of a powerful stereopticon with dissolving effects. The picturesque scenes along the Midway Plaisance, the world-famous Court of Honor, which has been described as a wondrous dream of architectural beauty, groups of statuary and the wonders of the Orient and the Occident will be presented with realistic power. Interesting explanations of the scenes presented will be given by Mrs. Hester A. Harland of the California world's fair commission and a member of the O.E.S. The admission is only 25 cents, with special rates to children.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 3

Society Installations.
    Medford Lodge, I.O.G.T.--C.T., E. A. Johnson; V.G., Mrs. A. A. Kellogg; S.J.T., Mrs. J. L. Wigle; Sec., Mrs. W. Birdsell; A.S., Frank Tryer; F.S., M. Squires; Treas., H. Sayre; Chap., G. R. Lindley; M., Miss Florence Squires; D.M., M. Phillips; G., Geo. Snider; S., Will Craven; V.C., A. N. Sayre; P.C.T., J. C. Elder.
    Olive Lodge, Rebekah Degree, I.O.O.F., Medford--N.G., Mrs. Bessie Webb; V.G., Mrs. Josie Simmons; Rec. Sec., D. S. Youngs; Per. Sec., Mrs. Silvia Halley; Treas., Mrs. Eliza Woodford; Warden, Mrs. W. K. Ingledue; O.G., W. L. Halley; I.G., Wm. Simmons; Conductor, Mrs. Nannie Woolf; R.S.N.G., I. Woolf; L.S.N.G., Miss Laura Webb; Chap., Mrs. D. S. Youngs; R.S.V.G., P. J. Halley; L.S.V.G., Mrs. G. W. Priddy.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 3

A Damage Suit.
    The case of Barr & Hurt vs. J. B. and Jos. Hammersley was tried in Judge Walton's court at Medford last week. The jury rendered a verdict for the plaintiffs for $65. It is said that the case will be appealed, as Hammersley Bros. are not satisfied with the result. As will be remembered, there was an accidental collision between the parties on the Central Point-Medford road one night last summer, and E. G. Hurt's team ran away and smashed the harness and wagon to which they were attached, not being found for several days afterward.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 3

    Salmon are running up Bear and Ashland creeks, and the small boy rejoices thereat.
    Joe Rader of Butte Creek is making preparations to dehorn a number of cattle, and has a dehorning stall in course of construction.
    Oregon apples are becoming renowned the world over. Travelers passing through the valley, who buy of the boys selling them at the trains, pronounce them the finest they ever saw; and so cheap, too.
    Fred Barneburg of Medford precinct has found an owner for the steer he advertised in the Times, although he had been running with his cattle for nearly two years. Another proof that advertising pays.
    It is strange how little people generally know of the A.O.U.W. For about half what you are compelled to pay for a policy in a life insurance company you can carry $2000 insurance, which will be paid to your heirs without question or lawsuit at death. Jacksonville has a lodge of over 60 members, and there are flourishing lodges in nearly every town of southern Oregon. Still their membership should be much larger.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 3

    Miss Carrie Boussum, who has been at Jacksonville for several weeks past, attending the Henry family, returned to Medford this morning.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 3

    The high water in Bear Creek uncovered the skeleton of a man on the Casebeer farm near Talent, where it had evidently been buried in early days, and it was considered improbable that the water would ever uncover it. There is no clue as to the name of the dead man or the date of his death.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 3

    84 carloads of stock has been shipped from Medford the last year and about 8000 hogs have been killed and will be shipped out later on.

Capital Journal, Salem, February 12, 1894, page 1

    The twenty cars of stock which were reported shipped from Ashland were all loaded at Medford but two.

"News Notes," Capital Journal, Salem, February 13, 1894, page 4

    B. S. Webb to B. F. Adkins; ½ interest in lot 9, blk 14, Medford. $3000.
    O. Harbaugh to W. D. Clumper; lot 4 Harbaugh's subdivision to dlc 76, twp 37s, r2w. $300.
    Janet Garrick to Edwin Brown; lots 1, 2, & 3, blk 76, Medford. $10.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 15, 1894, page 2

    G. W. Crystal of Medford still furnishes this market with vegetables.

    Wheat was quoted at 39 cents per bushel at Salem last week. Whither are we drifting?
    A meeting of the executive committee of the Republican county central committee will be held at Medford on March 3, 1894 to arrange for primaries and county convention.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 15, 1894, page 3

    A number of the members of our Odd Fellows lodge attended the funeral of the late John C. Wolters at Jacksonville.
    John R. Stearns is taking a vacation, having severely cut one of his hands while at work at the S.O. Pork Packing Co.'s factory.
    C. B. Crisler, who is employed by the S.O. Pork Packing Co., was scalded somewhat a few days since by a pipe bursting.
    The opera house was completely filled with people last night to witness the panorama of the World's Fair and the buildings of the Mid-winter Fair. Everybody was pleased with the exhibition.
    A number of our young men have formed an athletic organization and this week purchased the paraphernalia of the defunct Jacksonville [turnverein] club, which is extensive and just what is needed. We hope to see the boys persist in their efforts to become expert athletes.
    L. L. Jacobs, Hugh Elliott, H. F. Wood and J. C. Whipp of Jacksonville this week became members of the Orientals, an order lately introduced into Medford and which is said to resemble that formerly known as the Sons of Malta, in more than one respect. Four candidates from town were initiated at the same time. The membership of this lodge is growing fast.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 15, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Adkins & Webb have dissolved partnership.
    The case of Barr and Hurt vs. the Hammersley boys resulted in a verdict for plaintiffs for $60. An appeal will be taken to the circuit court.
    P. B. Theiss returned last evening from a business trip in the interest of the distillery as far south as Carson, Nev., and Los Angeles. He did considerable business despite the hard times.
    W. E. Coul, the flume and irrigating company's engineer, has opened his office in Medford. He made one of the finest maps ever seen in this section. Engineer Roberts is in England visiting his folks, but will be back in March.
    It is reported that Max Muller will not be a candidate for county clerk for the fourth term, but will decline in favor of his son, Isaac Muller, of this city. Max evidently figures that the clerk's office is the property of the family.
    Ed. Hendricks, of Applegate, left Tuesday for San Francisco with a carload of his fine selected Bellflower and Newtown apples from his farm. Ed. was once nipped to the tune of $500 by a commission house and now attends to his own business.
    It is reported that C. H. Pierce, formerly of Medford, who owns a big tract of Klamath River timberland, has been appointed general passenger and freight agent of the Washington Southern Railway of Seattle. Mr. Pierce is a clearheaded business man with great mental resources, and the company secured a very capable man when they appointed him.
    John Wolters, the baker and early pioneer citizen of Jackson County, died at the home of his son, Chas. W. Wolters, in this place Monday evening from dropsy, his age being well along in the 80s. The funeral will be under the auspices of the I.O.O.F. lodge. Three children survive him, H. H. and C. W. Wolters, of this city, and Mrs. Helms of San Francisco. The deceased was highly esteemed by all the old pioneers with whom he was associated in the planting of civilization in Southern Oregon.
Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, February 15, 1894, page 3

    John Wolters, a gentleman well known in the county, died at Medford Monday and was buried in the Jacksonville Cemetery Tuesday afternoon. He has two sons, Charles and Ham Wolters, prosperous business men of Medford. Mr. Wolters kept the bakery here for a number of years.
"Jacksonville Jottings," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, February 15, 1894, page 3

    J. W. Shaffer received a telegram at Medford that his wife was dangerously ill. He came home on the overland Friday morning.

"Personal and Social," Capital Journal, Salem, February 15, 1894, page 4

    It is proposed to extend the Medford railroad eleven miles further to Eagle Point.
"Oregon," Omaha Daily Bee, February 16, 1894, page 7

    Medford people who have the money to spare would make a good investment by erecting more tenement houses.
    The indicator of prosperity is pointed our way and Medford is in the van of all competitors. Slowly but solidly is the chain of a great city being welded about us.
    The shadows of two brick blocks--to be built this spring and summer--are already visible to the eye. One of these will be on East Seventh Street and one on North C Street.
    This office is almost daily in receipt of letters from parties at a distance asking for information regarding Medford and surrounding country. A little descriptive matter put in type, and run through a printing press, would tend mightily to enhance the country's good.
    Tenement houses are in great demand in Medford. There is probably not a vacant house in the city. Twenty more houses, if we had them, would go not twenty-four hours without occupants. Many houses contain two families and some have three. This state of affairs does exist in spite of the fact that there were a great number of buildings erected last summer.
    There is a variegated opinion scattered broadcast over Medford regarding the act of the city council in prohibiting cows from running at large on the public streets. A protest is entered by many on the grounds that it will work great hardship to many poor people who depend largely upon the sale of milk for support of their family and who cannot afford to keep their cows up and feed them the entire year. And there are others, some who are now keeping cows, who declare the act just and right and to the best interests of all concerned, claiming that more money can be realized and a better grade of milk procured where cows are confined and fed good, wholesome food than when allowed to run at large and feed upon the garbage of the city. In conversation with one of the councilmen we were told that the board fully believed they were acting in the best interests of the majority, and not in the interest of a few whose object is only a pecuniary one as it is reported they did.
Editorial, Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 2

Mr. Perdue Protests.
    Editor of The Mail:--It appears that the cows bothers some of the Medford men and they want them shut up day and night. If the town cows are not allowed to run at large the cattle from the country will come in and bother just as bad, for the grass will be much better in the outskirts of town than anywhere else, and from there they will work down in the town on the main streets, so I think the people that live in the town should have the benefit of what grass does grow on the streets. First, the widows and poor families that have small children must have milk. They cannot buy, from the fact that they have not the money and the milk man will not trust them. That is my experience. When my family was sick I was not able to work, so the children were compelled to do without milk. Those who have to rear the babies on cow's milk don't want milk that has been hauled all over town and from different cows. There are some widows in town that keeps boarders and they keep one cow for milk to use in cooking, and if they had to buy they would do without, and some keeps two cows and can sell milk and butter enough to keep their children. They are old and cannot take in washing nor do any kind of hard work, and if their cows were taken from them the town would have to keep them. Just as long as they try to make their own living let them alone, and then if they fail the people of the town might help. Cows do not do as well shut up as they do to run at large and the most of the folks would have to sell them, and they could not get one-fourth the worth of them on account of hard times. Those who are in favor of shutting the cows up must think that they are in the place to do the best for the interest of the town. If it is their opinion, of course it will have to go--the way the town dads says. My opinion is it will be the worst thing that could be done at the present time--to shut up the cows.
    P.S.  The farmer that brings eggs, butter, flour, potatoes, corn and wheat to town must always unloads before he leaves his team, and when he does he should leave a boy to watch it.
Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 2

    Janet Garrick, et al. to Edwin Brown, lts 1, 2, 3, blk 70; Medford . . . 10
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 2

    Landlord Purdin has moved his family from Hotel Medford to his residence, corner Eighth and C streets.
    Morris & Legate have been doing a considerable slicking up about their Owl Grocery this week--new paint, paper and calcimine have improved the store's appearance materially.
    The city council will hear a great howl from residents of South C Street if that thoroughfare is not graded and graveled before another winter. It is almost impossible to travel that way with a team.
    W. J. Fredenburg, with "Jack" as master man at the machinery end, is turning out a superfine quality of fencing this spring. He is now filling several orders for this necessary article of our townspeople.
    The public school band has been an unknown quantity to the populace of this city for several weeks. Everybody fully realizes the fact that we have a good band, and too much of their music cannot be furnished.
    The charity ball will be held tonight, at [the] opera house. Lend a helping hand to the unfortunates by contributing your four-bit pieces. Don't dance if you are not feeling that way, but contribute just the same--the cause is a just one.
    W. A. Buchanan, secretary of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, writes to this paper asking us to say that after the 15th inst. the round-trip fare on the Medford-Jacksonville shortline would be forty cents instead of forty-five as heretofore.
    Fir wood sells at $4.50 per cord in Grants Pass. The same wood, shipped from that place to Medford, is selling here for $3.75. This is one of those peculiar circumstances which no person is equal to the occasion of an explanation.
    The county court, at their last session, decided that if the city of Medford would repair the Bear Creek bridge temporarily, they would make permanent improvements to both bridge and channel as soon as the water gets low enough to perform effective work.
    The Roberts & O'Neil store building, opposite the Mail office, is being fitted up in the interior preparatory to its occupancy by druggist G. H. Haskins--while his new brick is being built. Mr. Haskins expects to commence his new block pretty soon after the weather gets settled down onto a line of good behavior.
    It has been customary in times agone for the city of Medford to receive one-third of any individual's city tax in city warrants, but it can't be done anymore. Deputy Sheriff Neil writes to Recorder Webb telling him that nothing but the current cash of the realm will go for taxes.
    Weeks Bros. are having a front put into their new store building, on West Seventh Street, that is truly a beauty. All the crooks, turns and funny businesses were turned out at their factory in Phoenix as well as all doors, sash and trimmings. Contractor Lyon is doing the carpenter work on this building, which will be completed now pretty soon.
    W. H. Hembree, the Pride of the Valley baking powder man, has leased the business houses on the corner of Sixth and C street and has established his manufacturing appliances therein. He has a considerable amount of powder already made, and as soon as he gets everything straightened around in good working order he will begin work on a larger scale.
    A short time ago W. S. Barnum purchased the building and lot adjoining the gun shop, which building is also owned by him, and will erect a two-story building on the same in the spring, the second story of which will cover the present brick building occupied by Redfield Bros., as a gun shop. This is only one of a number of such structures that are to be erected in Medford the coming season.
    A wreck occurred on the Medford-Jacksonville shortline Wednesday night near Mr. Redden's place in Medford. As the train was rounding a curve one of the coach wheels broke and the car left the track, but the train was stopped within a distance of about forty feet and no other damage was done. The passengers were taken to Jacksonville on the engine and the train hands all returned to the scene of accident, and by quick and effective work the damages were soon made good again and the train came over on time the following morning. Fortunately the train was moving at a slow rate of speed else the accident would have been more disastrous.
    Why patronize Chinamen when you can get your white shirts done up in elegant style at the Salem Steam Laundry at just half the price a Chinaman charges? Henderson & Isaacs, agents, Medford Shaving Parlors.
    The Palace barber shop, under the management of Henderson & Isaacs, is being made a palace in every sense. The woodwork has been newly painted and varnished, new and beautiful pictures adorn the walls, two neat razor racks help in adding beauty to the establishment--in fact all things have been rearranged and much improved in convenience and appearance. The boys are first-class in their profession and are very deservedly getting a good run of work.
    Bids were advertised for by the city council this week for the work of repairing Bear Creek bridge. Wednesday evening at a call meeting of the board the bids were opened. E. G. Hurt's bid was $200; L. G. Porter $185; J. Brandenburg, $125; Hanson & Co., $124; M. M. Pickering, $110; Frank Wait, $108; Shawver & Nicholson, $104.50; D. Cofer, $88.75; L. M. Lyon, $85. Mr. Lyon being the lowest bidder was awarded the contract, and he has already commenced upon the work. The board also agreed at this meeting to furnish water to the Rogue River railroad for $30 per year.
    Wirth makes 50 stamp-size photos, 5 different positions, for $1. Paste them in your hat, autograph album, books, visiting cards, etc. Just the thing to paste on your letters when writing to a friend.
    The Medford Amateur Athletic Club met Monday afternoon and perfected their organization. Thirty-two members were enrolled, and the following officers were elected: D. Waldroop, pres.; O. Hubbard, vice-pres.; G. L. Schermerhorn, sec'y.; John Morris, treas.; A. Fetsch, general director of exercises; J. Redfield, captain; and Wm. Crane and John Angle, assistants. By unanimous vote it was decided to  occupy one of T. McAndrews' buildings on Seventh Street until more suitable quarters could be procured. A committee consisting of Wm. Crane and A. Fetsch were appointed to circulate a subscription paper among the business men and solicit funds. A set of rules were adopted, also committee appointed to frame constitution and by-laws. Prominent among the rules governing members appears one prohibiting members, at any and all times, from smoking cigarettes and becoming intoxicated. The club will meet for business and practice on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings of each week. The club has since leased the Roberts & O'Neil building on C Street for a few months.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 3

Removal Notice.
    Tayler, the foot fitter and shoe doctor, finds his present quarters too small. On the 1st of March, '94, he will move his stock of shoes, etc., to the store next to Wilkinson's meat market. 10 percent discount on fine shoes for balance of this month.
Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 3

New Arrivals.
    There is positive evidence at hand showing that the census of the city of Medford is climbing up into higher numbers each week.
    Last Thursday week there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Crain a boy baby--mother and son doing nicely and Will is just as jovial--a little more so--as ever.
    Frank Mingus makes heap plenty of noise upon almost any occasion, but there were about two octaves added to his very musical falsetto voice as he drove into Medford Saturday morning--the reason for all of which was the arrival of a new boy baby at his place last Friday.
    It is a little late to make mention of the fact, but it's a good live item, as the parents will attest, hence we will proceed to say that there was born on January 15, 1894, a little "shoe-fitter" at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tayler. The recent arrival--of just an even month ago--is of the male sex and has registered for an unlimited stay with Mr. Tayler, the foot clothier.
Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 3

    Miss Mary Davison returned from San Francisco last week and will now remain at home for some time. The young lady left Medford a year ago last December and entered Heald's business college in the above city. She completed her course in the many studies about three months ago and since that time she has been employed by the same institution as teacher.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 3

    W. T. York of the Mail has gone to North Dakota on a visit.
    W. J. Fredenburg is turning out a superior quality of fencing at his works and is prepared to give bargains.
    Rev. W. J. Fenton of Grants Pass has been at Medford lately, assisting in the protracted meetings going on there.
    L. M. Lyon secured the contract for repairing the bridge across Bear Creek for $85. Some of the bids submitted ranged as high as $200.
    The Populists are showing considerable activity already. They will hold their county convention at Medford on March 10, 1894.
    G. H. Haskins is occupying the Roberts & O'Neil building, on C Street, pending the erection of his brick building on the site of his former quarters. He keeps a fine stock of goods in his line.
    Medford's amateur athletic club completed its organization last week. Thirty-two members were enrolled. The club has leased the Roberts & O'Neil building on C Street as temporary headquarters.
    B. P. Theiss, who has been making an extended trip through California and Nevada in the interest of the Medford Distilling and Refining Co., has returned home and reports having done considerable business in spite of the hard times.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 19, 1894, page 2

    E. B. Pickel to Etta M. Vawter; ½ of lot 14, and lots 15, 16, 17 and 18, blk 67, Medford. $400.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 19, 1894, page 2

    The county clerk has granted license to marry to F. Hubbard, Jr. and Miss Tressa McKee of Big Butte; also to Jas. L. Garvin and Miss Jessie E. Beeson of Talent.
    The patents covering the Bell telephone having expired, this valuable means of communication will soon be in reach of all communities. A line connecting Jacksonville with other towns of the valley and Grants Pass would find enough business to make the investment profitable.
    Fir wood sells at $4.50 per cord at Grants Pass, and the same wood shipped from there to Medford brings only $3.75, whereat the Mail marvels greatly. The explanation is very simple--wood is not worth as much at Medford as it is at Grants Pass.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 19, 1894, page 3

    Geo. E. Anderson, the clever soda manufacturer of Medford, made us a pleasant visit one day last week.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 19, 1894, page 3

    Dr. C. J. Hall, the dentist, is sick with hectic fever at the residence of Dr. Odgers, his brother-in-law.
    Two large brick buildings will be built in Medford during the coming summer, on 7th and C streets.
    W. S. Barnum will build a handsome two-story brick on the lot adjoining Redfield Bros.' gun shop in the spring.
    Houses which would command a fair rental are in demand in Medford, there not being a vacant building in the city.
    W. H. Hembree will soon commence the manufacture of baking powder in the building on the corner of 6th and C streets.
    The subject of the management of our county affairs will be discussed at the meeting of the People's Party club at Medford on Saturday evening, Feb. 24th.
    Henderson & Isaacs of the Palace Barber Shop are making a number of improvements, and will have one of the neatest places of business in the valley.
    Miss Mary Davison, who has been attending Heald's Business College in San Francisco, has returned home, having completed her course of study.
    G. P. Lindley, who purchased S. S. Cooper's place near town, has gone to his old home in Iowa to settle his business affairs.
    B. P. Theiss of the M.D.&R. Co. is again on the road. He is meeting with considerable success.
    The revival going on at this place is attracting much attention, and a number of converts are reported.
    Dr. S. Danielson, who acted as medical expert in the Wines inquest, says that he had to walk fifteen miles, sometimes through four feet of snow.
    The following are the members of the Athletic Club recently organized at Medford: Dan Waldroop, president; O. A. Hubbard, secretary; John Morris, treasurer; A. Fetsch, general director of exercises, J. H. Redfield, captain; Wm. Crane and John Angle, assistants.
    Weeks Bros.' new furniture store, west of the depot, is rapidly approaching completion and will soon be ready for occupancy. A fine stock of all kinds of furniture, as well as sash, doors and windows from the Phoenix factory, will be put in. This firm should be liberally patronized, as they manufacture an excellent line of goods.
    The residence of Wm. H. Barr was the scene of happy event on the evening of the 21st inst., when Herbert Mills, an industrious and intelligent young man, and Miss Ada M. Barr, one of our handsomest and most amiable misses, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. The contracting parties are well and favorably known, and have been the recipients of the congratulations and best wishes of a host of friends. They will reside at Phoenix, where the groom is employed in Weeks' furniture factory.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 22, 1894, page 2

    Salmon trout are abundant in Rogue River, Applegate and Bear Creek, and large numbers are being captured.
    A. Fetsch, the Medford tailor, intends starting a branch shop in Jacksonville as soon as he returns from the Mid-winter Fair.
    The office of the Jackson County Flume and Irrigation Co. has been removed from Central Point to Medford and are located in the Hamlin block.
    The Wirth Photo Co. of Medford is gaining an excellent reputation, on account of the good quality of their work and the reasonable prices charged. They make 50 stamp-size photos for $1.
    The road leading around the upper Table Rock is in urgent need of repairs. A plank road a mile in length in that section would be of great benefit to the residents thereof and should be built soon.
    That a man is never a prophet in his own country is again illustrated by the fact that the Medford Mail last week printed and credited to the Klamath Falls Express an article which the latter borrowed from the Times several weeks ago.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 22, 1894, page 3

    Born, at Medford, Feb. 10th, to the wife of Will Crane, a boy.
    A new son arrived at the home of Frank Mingus at Medford Feb. 10th.
    John Stearns, of the pork packing company, was up several days last week nursing a hand that was slit with a butcher knife.
"Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, February 22, 1894, page 1

Medford Items.
    Mrs. C. B. Houser left Tuesday for Montana.
    Pickney Pickens was in town Tuesday from Table Rock.
    W. J. Virgin, the Ashland miller, spent Monday hereabouts.
    W. H. Parker went to Oakland, Cal., again Monday on a flying business trip.
    Wm. Slinger and family have returned from their mid-spring fair visit in California.
    Mrs. Jesse Dollarhide, who has been here visiting Mrs. Frank Mingus, returned Saturday.
    Rev. J. E. Fenton is conducting revival meetings for the M.E. church south, arousing much interest, as he is an earnest worker.
    Mrs. J. T. Roloson returned to Jacksonville Monday from a visit of some months in Nebraska, Salt Lake City and the world's fair.
    M. Purdin, of Hotel Medford, has given up his lease of the old Clarendon frame building, and Geo. Justus will try and start it up
    Rev. S. S. Caldwell, the synodical Sunday school organizer, arrived here Saturday from his work in Douglas County. His home is in Ashland.
    P. B. O'Neil has gone to California to visit relatives about San Jose and the midwinter fair. He will look up the coast country about Ukiah with a view of locating there.
    The . . . Bay State seems to have some charms for two of our Jackson County girls. Miss Agnes Devlin is teaching the grammar school at Medway and Miss Chavner is living in Boston.
    The hard times back in Nebraska and Chicago preventing the Polish colony from disposing of their property, they have given up the land they bought from P. Donegan near Beagle and moved to Medford. They had paid $500 on it.
    Frank Davey, state lecturer of the A.O.U.W. lodge and manager of the Forest Grove Keeley Institute, spent Sunday in Medford. He is making an active canvass for the Republican nomination for state printer.
    J. L. Calvert, the Grants Pass liveryman and government mail contractor, was married at John Coleman's residence near Phoenix Sunday to Miss H. Isabelle Coleman, the teacher. We wish them much happiness. Their future home will be Grants Pass.
    Capt. O. C. Applegate, of Klamath County, was here Tuesday consulting with the Jackson County Republican ring. He is talked of as the Republican candidate for secretary of state, and if the China and opium smuggling manipulators of the Republican Party think it necessary to put up a young man to slaughter, Capt. Applegate will get the nomination.
    Jackson County should change its name and keep from insulting "Old Hickory's" character and sturdy, stiff-backed integrity. In view of the flour bin and Bloomer fakes I would suggest the name of Sucker County. However, if this should appear unseemly let us suggest Sardine County in honor of the taxpayers who have been "voting as they prayed and shot" for over a quarter of a century. Or if that does not fill the bill name it Fossil County in honor of the farmer who, lathered, plastered and bespattered with mortgage, debt and taxes wants a high tariff "to keep Europe out" and a gold basis so that he can trade with Yurrup. If these are faulty let the county court and the late Mr. Bloomer's bondsmen "get together again" and change the name to suit themselves, but for "Old Hickory's" sake don't call it Jackson.
Valley Record, Ashland, February 22, 1894, page 3

    Medford has an athletic club with a big roll of members and Dan Waldroop, formerly of Ashland, as president, and A. Fetsch as the instructor.
"Brevity Basket," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, February 22, 1894, page 3

Removal Notice.
    Tayler, the foot-fitter and shoe doctor, finds his present quarters too small. On the 1st of March, '94, he will move his stock of shoes, etc. to the store next to Wilkinson's meat market. 10 percent discount on fine shoes for balance of this month.
Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 2

    E. B. Pickel to Etta M. Vawter, ½ of lt 14, and all of lts 15, 16, 17, 18, blk 67, Medford . . . 400
    B. S. Webb to B. F. Adkins, ½ of lt 9, blk 13, Medford . . . 3000
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 2

    George Justus is negotiating for the lease of the Clarenden Hotel. As we go to press the deal is not quite consummated.
    Wallace Woods has instituted a new deal in the lumber business. He delivers all lumber or wood purchased of him, free to any part of the city.

    John Faris is the new dispenser of refreshments at the Hotel Medford. He is recently from Oroville, Cal., and is an adept and old hand at the business.

    Druggist Haskins is not at present occupying the Roberts & O'Neil building, as reported by the Times correspondent, but expects to occupy it when he begins the erection of new brick.
    Report says [the] Hammond brothers, Asa and Egbert, of Jacksonville, are figuring on starting a livery stable in Medford. Ed. Worman seems to be filling the bill pretty well in the livery line, and we can hardly see where another stable can fit in to any great profit.
    W. L. Townsend, he who was at one time proprietor of the Palace Barber Shop, has purchased the Medford shop, on Front Street, of R. G. Bunch and has taken possession. He is a good workman and will get his share of all the work that is going.
    Jos. Hockersmith is a hustler, as everyone will admit. Since his return from San Francisco he has hustled together thirty carloads of cattle, and the same will be shipped from Medford Monday. The cattle are from the ranches of Hanley, Bybee, Barneburg and some from the Applegate country.
    J. A. Whitman is loading a carload of apples at Phoenix this week to be shipped to New Orleans. Mr. W. could have loaded this fruit from his own warehouse in Medford had it not been for the very bad roads which prevent farmers from hauling to this place. This is another tip to business men of Medford. They MUST see to it that the roads leading to our city are improved.
    Messrs. Hamilton & Palm have purchased a tract of land eight acres in northwest Medford, cornering on Mr. Isaacs' property. This tract they propose to cut up into resident lots and put them on the market. As most of the more desirable resident property nearer the business center has been pretty well purchased and built upon, and this not being too far out for convenience, it is safe to say that it will meet with quite a ready sale. There is a residence upon the land which they propose to fit up for rent until a sale for that particular portion of the tract is made.
    Wirth makes 50 stamp-size photos, 5 different positions, for $1. Past them in your hat, autograph album, books, visiting cards, etc. Just the thing to paste on your letters when writing to a friend.
    C. W. Palm has closed a deal with L. M. Lyon for the erection of a 24x55-foot store building on his property just north of the Clarenden Hotel. Work on the building will commence as soon as the weather will permit. The building when completed will be occupied by Mr. Palm as a store and residence.
    W. A. Buchanan, when in Medford last week, gave some of our townspeople to understand that the Eagle Point extension of the Medford-Jacksonville shortline proposition was a considerable more than talk and that it was probable something would be done in that direction as soon as the weather became a little more settled.
    L. B. Warner, the friend of Dr. Odgers, who took up his residence in Medford a week or two ago, is doing considerable business for an Albany nursery. He has already sold 10,000 fruit trees and is still taking orders. Tuesday he received and delivered about 5000 trees of his first order.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 3

Mill Going To Close.
    The Medford Roller Mills will close down tomorrow night until sometime in April. Overstock of flour on hand--caused by wheat being held so much above the market price that it cannot be manufactured and shipped to outside markets. The cause for overstocked local markets explains itself.
Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 3

    Photographer Gibbs was at Phoenix last Friday and took some fine views of the Phoenix public school building, pupils and teachers.
    H. U. Lumsden returned to Portland Wednesday evening. He has friends aplenty in Medford, and his visits are always welcome ones.
    W. R. Ridenhour, who left Medford several weeks ago and who was so ill in the city of Mexico, has entirely recovered and is now in San Francisco.
    B. P. Theiss, one of the owners of, and at present traveling salesman for, the Medford distillery, returned to this city this week after an extended trip throughout Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
    G. P. Lindley left Medford Wednesday morning for Glencoe, Iowa, for a two months' business trip. The gentleman owns two quite large farms in that locality, and this intentions are to dispose of these and invest the proceeds in Rogue River property. Mr. Lindley is a thorough hustler, and The Mail hopes he may be successful in his transactions. This gentleman, together with his son, is the owner of considerable property just east of Bear Creek and near Medford, purchased last fall.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 3

    O.H. Association to E. F. Brennan; lot 4, blk 4, Association tract. $250.
    John Ferguson to Elizabeth Moenkhouse; lot 4, blk 75, Medford. $300.
    Edmund Davis to John Ferguson; lot 4, blk 75, Medford. $300.
    E. A. Johnson to Edmund Davis, lot 4, blk 75, Medford. $200.
    Wm. Ulrich to E. A. Johnson; lot 4, blk 75, Medford. $200.

"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 26, 1894, page 2

    A musical club has been organized by the members of the Presbyterian Church.
    Ralph Ridenhour has returned and will manage the engine at the ice manufactory.
    Mrs. B. Wilson of Ashland is in Medford for treatment by Dr. Geary, the oculist.
    H. U. Lumsden, who has been spending a few weeks in this section, has gone to Portland.
    The People's Party club has leased the Woolf Hall on C Street for their place of meeting.
    John Farris of Oroville, Calif. is dispensing liquid refreshments over the Hotel Medford bar.
    Ben Webb, school clerk and town recorder, is at the county seat examining the assessment roll.
    Wm. Slinger and family have returned from a visit to the Mid-winter Fair and southern California.
    W. L. Townsend has purchased the barber shop on Front Street from R. G. Bunch and will resume business here.
    Sheriff Pelton sold a lot of hogs belonging to W. B. Laws in Medford one day last week. They brought fair prices.
    Edw. Smith of Wolf Creek and F. M. Jordan [Judd?], practical watchmakers, intend opening a jewelry store in Medford soon.
    Contractor Lyon has finished the repairs to the Bear Creek bridge, and did a good job. Teams can now cross with safety.
    Mr. and Mrs. Ira Purdin of Forest Grove paid landlord Purdin a short visit last week, while on their return from San Francisco.
    Capt. O. C. Applegate of Klamath County visited his sister, Mrs. M. L. Alford of Medford, last week, while on his way to Portland.
    The charity ball given at the opera house last week was highly successful. Over fifty tickets were sold and the net receipts amounted to $25.80.
    G. H. Haskins, the druggist, will not occupy the Roberts & O'Neil building on C Street until he is ready to commence the erection of his brick structure.
    L. M. Lyon will soon commence the construction of a store building for C. W. Palm, on the latter's lot north of the Clarendon Hotel. It will be occupied by Mr. P. as a store and residence.
    Geo. R. Justus, having rented the Clarendon Hotel, on the west side of the railroad track, is engaged in thoroughly renovating it. He proposes running a first-class house and will spare no pains to give satisfaction.
    The K. of P.s a few evenings since gave the first of a series of socials that will be given every two weeks until further notice. Nearly all the members of the lodge and a number of invited friends were present, and a pleasant time was had.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 26, 1894, page 2

    The Medford Mail has again discharged its deadly popgun. It was aimed at the Times and loaded with the exploded ammunition of the Ashland Tidings. Give us something new, Bro. Bliton. Those old chestnuts are so gray-haired that even Willie Leeds has long ago ceased to inflict the public with them. Anyhow, it don't look nice to be simply a cuckoo to the Tidings. You had better stick to your wood items--they have the merit of being original, at least; and then you are so witty that you should devote more of your space to those great jokes you deliver yourself of at the expense of F. M. Poe, school ma'ams and other people.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 26, 1894, page 2

    Our citizens indulged in chinook salmon and smelt last Friday.
    I. M. Muller of Medford has been interviewing the poultry raisers of this section during the past week.
    A. A. Davis' mills at Medford have closed down until April, on account of having too big a surplus of flour.
    Hammond Bros., who were in the livery business here for several months, have rented the stable adjoining the Clarendon Hotel in Medford.
    N. A. Jacobs of Medford is said to have received the most votes for county clerk in the initiative balloting by the People's Party clubs and will be nominated. He has been a standing aspirant to that office for a long time.
    E. F. Walker, who owns a fine, large place between Central Point and Medford, will have it subdivided into tracts of 20 acres and upward, and P. O. Applegate commenced running the lines today. This plan could be followed with advantage in a number of cases in this section. The subdivision of the big holdings will make homes for quite a number of people and be advantageous to all.
    E. M. Rummell of the Oregon Fruit and Cider Co. of Salem has been in this section recently, with a view of putting a plant somewhere in the valley for the purpose of manufacturing cider, jellies, etc. The company which Mr. R. represents have been engaged in this business for the past two years in Salem and have found it profitable. Such an enterprise would make a market for much of the fruit raised here.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 26, 1894, page 3

    Wm. Shearer of Goldendale, Wash. has been spending a few days in Medford visiting his nephew, H. G. Shearer.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 26, 1894, page 3

    Geo. Mickey of Medford is said to be one of the prospective heir to $400,000,000 worth of land in New York City, for the recovery of which suit will be commenced soon.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 26, 1894, page 3

    Cigarette smoking is prohibited in Medford's athletic club.

"News Notes," Capital Journal, Salem, February 26, 1894, page 4

    Preparations are being made to erect a number of new buildings.
    F. M. Plymale, one of our leading business men, visited relatives at the county seat this week.
    F. M. Jordan informs us that he has purchased the stock of Mr. Chute, the jeweler, and will take charge at once.
    Hon. J. A. Crain, who has been quite ill for several months past, is not improving as fast as his many friends would like.
    Several members of the G.A.R. living at Jacksonville came down on the engine and attended the last meeting of Chester A. Arthur post.
    It is said that nearly 3,000 hogs have been manufactured into bacon by the S.O. Pork Packing Co. and Ed. Wilkinson during the past season.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 1, 1894, page 2

A Sudden Death.
    B. F. Gorsage, who came to Jacksonville from California several months ago and contracted a number of debts under false pretenses, subsequently going to Medford, was found dead near the Methodist Church in that town yesterday evening by J. A. Whitman. It is not known whether he died from heart disease or committed suicide. The coroner is holding an inquest, the result of which is not known yet.
    Later:--Advices denote that the inquest held by Justice Laton resulted in the finding that Gorsage died from heart failure. No papers were found among his effects to indicate where he came from, and he had but one cent in money in his pocket.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 1, 1894, page 3

    The time is at hand when back yards should be cleaned. When the warm weather sets in malaria is likely to breed in places filthy with refuse, etc.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 1, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    A free show has been holding forth here several evenings the past week.
    J. H. Shideler was visiting Sheriff Shattuck at Grants Pass this week.
    Miss Mollie Barneburg and Mrs. John Barneburg are visiting Ashland friends.
    Dan Waldroop spent Sunday in Ashland accompanied by a lady friend, Miss Chambers.
    Fred Barneburg and sons Peter and Henry have gone to San Francisco with their beef cattle.
    John Stearns was in Ashland Sunday taking his little girl home from a week's visit with him here.
    Miss Ella Benson spent Saturday and Sunday in Ashland the guest of her friend, Mrs. L. A. Millsap.
    P. H. Oviatt, one of our staunch populist and alliance workers, was in the upper end of the valley this week on a business trip.
    Mrs. Jesse Neathammer died at Woodville Friday night and was buried Sunday, of childbirth. She was the daughter of L. L. Oden, was about 25 years old and had three children.
    Geo. and Day Parker left Tuesday for San Francisco to visit the midwinter fair. W. H. Parker is still in the Bay City and it is presumed has some intention of locating in the Golden State.
    Mrs. Ellen Cardwell, and Dan Cardwell and two children have gone to San Francisco on a visit. Francis Fitch accompanied them to the Bay City, returning last evening with Mr. C.
    Geo. Buffington has gone into the barber business at Marysville and Mrs. B., who had been visiting her mother at Portland, passed through Sunday for that place. Their many friends here wish them luck in their new home.
    At the next meeting of the populist club the railroad question will discussed. There will also be some effort made to see "where the town is at'' in the way of its rapidly increasing debt, and attempt to head it off before it gets way beyond reach.
    Fred Barneburg's 235 beef steers shipped to San Francisco Monday averaged 1328 lbs. apiece, which is undoubtedly the best band of beeves in the state. The Barneburgs are successful stock-raisers and nothing but the first-class article leaves the Barneburg ranch.
    Frank Gorsage, who has been about Jacksonville for some time, was found dead on the street in Medford early this (Thursday) morning. Coroner Pickel summoned a jury this morning, which, after due deliberation, found that he came to his death
from heart disease.
    Joe Hockersmith's big trainload of stock did not leave Medford Monday for San Francisco. The Hanley cattle were the immediate cause of the trouble. Hockersmith had paid Mike Hanley $1100 down for the cattle, the balance to be paid when the cattle were delivered. After several cars were loaded Wm. Hanley wanted them shipped in his name. Hockersmith objected. Hanley unloaded his cattle. Several damage suits are threatened to made business for the lawyers. The Barneburgs have shipped their cattle on, with one carload of Hockersmith's.
    A half-dozen pap-suckers met at the county seat the other day and organized a Democratic club. and invited loyal Democrats all over the county to do likewise. They announce that they are opposed to fusion with the populists, which is very refreshing indeed, and shows an unusual display of virtue at this time. From the impression the people have of the court house ring's doings there is a great likelihood that any tie-up this season between the court house tricksters and anybody else would be more likely to occur in the Salem penitentiary than on the political battlefields of Jackson County.
Valley Record, Ashland, March 1, 1894, page 3

    Plat of Davis' subdivision of Galloway's add. to Medford filed for record.
    Wm. Ulrich to Ed A. Johnson, lt 4, blk 75; Medford . . . 100
    Ed A. Johnson to E. Davis, lt 4, blk 75; Medford . . . 200
    E. Davis to John Furguson, same property . . . 300
    John Furguson to Elizabeth Moenkhouse, same property . . . 300
    Orchard Home Association to Eugene F. Brennan, lt 4, blk 4, Orchard Home tract . . . 250
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, March 2, 1894, page 2

    Work on the Palm building is expected to commence next week.
    Jas. Coeti has purchased a resident lot on Sixth Street between A and B, and is figuring on putting up a residence soon. He is now putting out fruit and ornamental trees on his place.
    Drs. Cole & Jones have recently added two electric batteries to their office fixtures, one a galvanic battery and the other a Faradic battery. These are for treatment of nervous troubles.
    J. A. Whitman has been at work on his recent farm purchase, east of Medford, preparing forty acres for setting out trees. He will put out about 3000 trees, principally prunes and apples.
    Thursday evening of last week was the date upon which the Medford string band gave their masquerade ball. There were about twenty couples present--all masked--and a good time was had.
    Those stone crossings which were put in last fall are proving to be quite the right article in the right place. They are settling to a good solid foundation and will outlast a dozen plank crossings.
    J. H. Bellinger has purchased the Strobridge dray line--one wagon, one dray and a team of horses--and Monday possession will be given. The Strobridge boys are figuring on buying out Taylor Payne's produce business.

    E. A. Head, of Salem, was a Medford arrival Wednesday morning. The gentleman is here to meet his two brothers, H. W. and W. B. Head, who are expected to arrive from Nebraska. The latter gentlemen are going to locate hereabouts.

    W. L. Townsend, the barber, has leased the Hotel Medford annex--rooms formerly occupied by Mr. Purdin's family--and has been having them nicely papered and painted, and yesterday moved his shop paraphernalia thereto.
    M. S. Damon on Wednesday moved his household effects from his former store building on Seventh Street to his new residence on South D Street. His shoe store he also moved four doors west from the old stand to the G. W. White building.
    Attorney G. W. White is at work putting up a fine barn on his property across Bear Creek. He is also putting out a couple or three hundred fruit trees. There is the foundation for several beautiful homes on that side of the creek, and Mr. White's will, without doubt, be one of them.
    Drayman E. H. Davis has purchased another dray team, and both himself and his man Friday--John Robison--are kept busy aplenty attending to the greatly increased trade which is coming his way. Industry and a strict attention to business deserves reward--and he is getting his reward.
    George Justus has leased the Clarenden Hotel and is now busily engaged with a full crew of help thoroughly renovating the building from foundation to garret. He tells that he proposes to put all things pertaining to the hotel in such shape as to make it a first-class hostelry.
    A. C. Tayler, between now and Monday, will move his shoe-fitting shop to the Damon building, near Mr. Lawton's harness shop. His increased business demands more room, hence the move. We understand he has purchased the property, the consideration being something like $1400.
    There is a noticeable goneness in the second story of the Halley block. Gibbs & Wheeler, the photographers, have moved to D Street, near Mrs. Brous' residence; Mr. Hart and family to the residence, corner Sixth and D; the Nicholson dressmaking shop closed and Mrs. Minnick moved to South C Street.
    G. W. Bashford, the present owner of the Medford brewery and ice plant, has commenced the work of overhauling and cleaning the machinery connected with this institution, and expects to be in readiness for the manufacture of ice and beer within a very few days. He proposes to manufacture a sufficient amount of both these articles to well supply the trade. H. H. McCarthy is supervising the work at the brewery.
    The streets of Medford presented an appearance last Saturday very much likened unto old times. The streets were crowded with farmers and farm teams. It was a gloriously fine day, and everyone seemed bent upon doing all the business possible within a given time. The farmers have been kept pretty quiet for the past few weeks owing to the very bad condition of the roads, and 'tis little wonder they congregate at the Hub when an occasion offers. Our people treat 'em right when they come, and the natural result is that they come again and bring their neighbors. Fair and honorable treatment extended to people who come within our borders is the promoter of such interests as grow cities from small hamlets.
    Rev. A. C. Howlett.--"Roads, well, there would be roads if one could find the bottom, but they are better than they were a few weeks ago. There could be a road made which would greatly improve matters for us Eagle Point people, and by opening it up we would be relieved of the necessity of wallowing through several miles of sticky every time we came to your city. If a road could be opened from a point near the corner of Mr. Hogle's place to run in a southerly direction through the Hamrick place, then across the Ish pasture field and intersect the main Eagle Point road near S. Murray's place, the sticky land would be left entirely out, and we would have fairly good traveling through the entire year. There are two and a half miles of sticky that is positively impassable in the wet season. There are a great many people who want to trade in your city but who cannot because of this piece of road."
    The location of the fruit manufacturing institution in Medford, spoken of last week, has not been fully settled as yet. The probable site for the buildings, if located in this city, has been changed to another part of the city. The point now talked of is just west of the brewery plant and on the same block. The only question which is now at issue is the raising of sufficient funds to purchase the four lots decided upon. These can be had for less than $300, and as this is all the company asks by way of a subsidy, it would seem a very small amount when we consider the great good which must surely come from the establishing of the plant in this city. Several of our business men have already contributed quite liberally, and it is a good, safe guess to say that the amount can be secured. The establishing of the plant would really be of more direct profit to the fruit growers hereabouts than to our townspeople, and rather than not have it established we dare say many would willingly contribute a couple or three dollars to the subsidy. If the amount is raised the company agrees to have the plant in operation not later than September 1, 1894. Aside from being able to manufacture all varieties of fruits, the company proposes to can corn and manufacture sugar cane into sorghum. While it is true that our people have been asked to subsidize many of the institutions which the city now has and while the regulation procedure is becoming somewhat wearying, the instance at hand we believe worthy of the effort, and as the amount is very small we believe it can be raised.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, March 2, 1894, page 3

    Dr. Cole, who left Medford a few weeks ago for Gila Bend, Arizona, where he is making proof on a chunk of valuable land under the desert act, is expected to return to Medford in a few days.
    R. H. Ridenhour returned to Medford last Friday evening. He has been down at the city of Mexico for a number of months. Among other things of interest and value which he brought back with him were a dozen or more beautiful opals.
    Mrs. T. Payne expects to leave Sunday for Anaconda, Montana, where she has a brother residing and at which place she will remain for a few months. If business is found to be as reported there Mr. Payne will probably decided to locate there permanently.
    Mrs. A. M. Wright and children started Monday morning for their old home in McFall, Missouri. Mr. Wright will remain in Medford and look after his mining interests. Upon leaving McFall last summer these people sold a stock of merchandise, and as payments did not materialize upon the sale Mrs. W. returns to look after matters.
    Col. R. F. Maury, living near Central Point, was about Medford Monday, shaking hands with many of his early-day friends. The gentleman was lieutenant colonel of the first Oregon volunteers and the early-day landmarks of nearly all Southern Oregon are familiar to him, as are his acquaintances of those days his steadfast friends of today.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 2, 1894, page 3

    The wormy chestnut and cuckoo of the Mail, who is following in the footsteps of every aspirant to journalistic fame, with which the people of Medford have been burdened since the city started, is attempting to elevate himself into notice by abusing the editor of the Times. We are accustomed to these pismires, and would not pay any attention to this one were it not to unmask the officious and very insignificant individual who lurks, as is his nature, in the background. Accustomed to a diet of sowbelly, hominy and sorghum and to warming his spindle shanks by a fire made from buffalo chips, this Mail importation from the blizzard-swept plains of North Dakota feels unduly inflated by the rich diet of southern Oregon and seeks to discharge his surplus excrement, like Gulliver's yahoo, upon those who happen to get in his way. Not content with this, he has become the mouthpiece of the most grasping lawyer who ever appeared at the bar of this judicial district, and forgetting that he cannot ally himself with a skunk without retaining some of the scent, allows the effluvia to assail the nostrils of his patrons.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1894, page 2

Let There Be a Change.
    The next few years will witness a decided revolution in the method of farming in this county and state. Wheat is no longer a profitable crop and will not be for some years to come. The farmers must give their attention to raising a diversity of crops. They must enter more extensively into furnishing the market with cattle, sheep, hogs, hops, vegetables and fruits. It is a shame to see the people of Oregon buying pork and eggs imported from the East. Why should our people be buying California fruit, vegetables and other things which we can raise here? We have better and cheaper lands here than they, and we have no charges for irrigation to meet. Then why not raise everything we need? The time has come when the successful farmer must increase the value of the product of his acres, in order to make it pay a reasonable income on the present estimated valuation.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1894, page 3

A Slanderer Abroad in the Land.
    Who is this harebrained tenderfoot who seeks through the columns of a nondescript newspaper called the Medford Mail to vilify the people of Jacksonville in general and a few individuals in particular? What has this community done that this impudent falsifier should seek to prejudice the few readers of his detestable sheet against it? Upon behalf of the citizens of the county seat the Times challenges the Mail to furnish a bill of particulars, when we will take pleasure in holding up that penny-a-liner to the ridicule and contempt of the public. Nobody can understand upon what basis a quarrel between Medford and Jacksonville can exist. Bliton, with his accustomed ignorance and smallness, has given vent to a slander that no one else will take stock in. He should become acclimated first and know what he is talking about before airing his asinine qualities in such a natural style.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1894, page 3

Made Night Hideous.
    A number of the Medford Orientals visited Jacksonville last Thursday evening and organized a lodge here. They were accompanied by the most excruciating band we ever had the misfortune to listen to, and if the ceremonies were half as terrifying as the music, the persons who were initiated that night have our sincere sympathy. Medford lodge is in a flourishing condition, affording much sport to its members, and its child promises very well.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1894, page 3

    J. A. Whitman, who recently purchased land near Medford, is preparing to set out 3000 fruit trees, principally prunes and apples.
    Davis & Muller of Medford are gathering all the poultry they can buy for a carload shipment on March 10th. They are paying the best market price.
    Drs. Cole & Jones of Medford have added two electric batteries to their office fixtures, for the treatment of nervous diseases. One is a galvanic and the other a faradic battery.
    Z. Maxcy of Medford is in the chicken business on a large scale. He has three hundred eggs already planted in an incubator and expects to grow between 1500 and 2000 chickens during the season.
    The 235 head of beef cattle shipped to San Francisco last week by Fred. Barneburg and sons averaged nearly 1400 pounds per head, which is said to be the best band of cattle shipped this season.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1894, page 3

    Dr. Cole of Medford has gone to Gila Bend, Arizona, to look after land interests there.
    W. J. Howard of Medford precinct called at the Times office, accompanied by Mr. Merley of Indiana, who has intentions of locating in the valley.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1894, page 3

    The pioneers of California have expelled Hubert Howe Bancroft from their society on account of inaccuracies and false statements in his alleged history of California. His history of Oregon is no better, if as good as the other.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1894, page 3

    Fire broke out in the row of wooden buildings south of the Hotel Medford last Saturday morning about 2:30 o'clock. For a while it seemed as if the whole block on Front Street in which the buildings are located was doomed, but by prompt and efficient work on the part of the fire company the flames were confined to the buildings in which the fire started. The south wall of the hotel was badly damaged and the boarders sleeping in that part of the house were badly scared, but fortunately were none of them injured. Mr. Forbes, who was one of the guests of Hotel Medford, lost a pair of blankets and an overcoat, and it is rumored that John Sisemore of Sams Valley made a temporary dressing room of the sidewalk in the excitement. Jos. Savage held a hose on the connecting door between the fire and the hotel, within ten feet of which were several gallons of oil and a number of lamps, which if they had been allowed to explode would have inevitably burned the hotel, while Henry Klippel of Jacksonville showed much valor in saving lamps from throughout the structure. The fire burned fiercely and rapidly, but was handled in splendid shape by the fire boys, who cannot be given too much credit for their work. Two of the buildings belonging to Charles & Gaines, owners of the hotel property, and the other to Mrs. H. Stanley, and were occupied by Hamilton & Palm, real estate agents, A. Fetsch, tailor and F. Lutkemeier, saloon. The loss was about $4,000, distributed as follows: Charles & Gaines' buildings burned and damage to hotel building, $1,000 fully insured; Mrs. Stanley, building, $5,000, no insurance; Hamilton & Palm, office and furniture, $250, insured; A. Fetsch, tailor, $1,500, insurance $750; F. Lutkemeier, saloon, $600, no insurance. Considerable difference of opinion exists as to the location of the start of the fire. The night watch saw the light of the fire first in Lutkemeier's saloon, but paid no attention to it, thinking that someone was in the place with a light. The blaze evidently commenced in the saloon or tailor shop. No steps will be taken to replace the burned buildings at present, and as they are in the fire limits, brick buildings must be put up. Hamilton & Palm will reopen business as soon as they can secure suitable rooms, and Fetsch, the tailor, has leased the building formerly occupied by Bunch Bros. as a barber shop and will be ready for business as soon as his new stock arrives.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1894, page 3

    J. H. Bellinger has purchased the Strobridge dray business.
    Wm. Ulrich has gone to Yreka, Calif., on business connected with the S.O. Pork Packing Co.
    Asa and Egbert Hammond have arrived from Jacksonville to take charge of the Clarenden livery stable.
    Strobridge Bros. have bought the produce market of Taylor Payne and took possession on Saturday.
    W. L. Townsend has leased the rooms in the Hotel Medford annex and fitted up neat tonsorial apartments.
    Mrs. J. B. Myers of Peru, Indiana, stepmother of Mrs. C. I. Hutchison of Medford, is paying the latter a visit.
    Geo. A. Buffington, the popular barber, is engaged in business at Marysville, Calif. His wife, who has been in Portland, joined him last week.
    Our fire laddies are deserving of much praise for their work on Saturday morning. This is twice that they have confined and extinguished a fire in the building where it started, although other wooden structures were adjoining. We have a good fire company, and we are proud of it.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1894, page 2

Fire at Medford.
    A fire alarm at 1:30 a.m. Saturday startled the people of Medford, and they found a good-sized blaze in progress on D or Front Street, alongside the Grand Central Hotel. It had apparently started in the tailor shop of A. Fetsch, the south half of a little, one-story wooden structure adjacent to the hotel. [This was presumably J. S. Howard's former Pioneer Store building.] It was blazing and crackling at a lively rate when the Tidings editor, who was sleeping in the front corner room of the hotel--at the nearest corner to the fire--became aware that there was something wrong. By the time he was fully awake and had discovered what was the matter another lodger in the hotel had wakened, and gave the alarm. The night watchman was at hand then, and by firing his pistol and shouting began to arouse the town. The firemen came out soon, and had a stream of water started in pretty good time. The wooden buildings made a hot fire, and the whole side of the brick hotel was covered by the flames. The four or five windows on that side of the hotel gave the fire a chance to catch, and their wooden casings were soon burning, but the water was applied from inside the building, and the fire kept out of the hotel, to the surprise of many people who saw how great the danger was.
    The wooden buildings were consumed, and a third one adjacent had the one wall burned, and then the fire was stopped. Had the buildings been dry as in midsummer, it is likely that the whole row of wooden buildings would have burned, and the hotel would have been more difficult to save.
    Hamilton & Palm occupied as a real estate office the north half of the building in which the tailor shop is located. All their office furniture and fixtures were burned. Their loss, including papers, maps, plats, etc., is about $200; no insurance.
    The stuff in the tailor shop all went, loss stated at $1200; insured for $750.
    The next building burned was also a one-story wooden structure, owned by a Mrs. H. B. Stanley and occupied by Lutkemeier's saloon and Paul Shultze's restaurant. All the contents were lost. Loss, building $600, contents $750; no insurance.
    Immediately south of this is a two-story box building owned by S. H. Lyons, of Fergus Falls, N.Y. The north wall of this was burned. The building was unoccupied. W. L. Townsend had his barber shop on [the] first floor, but had just moved out. The damage to the building was probably $100; no insurance.
    The Grand Central Hotel property is owned by Gaines & Chase, who also owned the lot and building adjacent to the south. The damage to the hotel building from fire and water is inconsiderable, perhaps less than $100. It is insured in the Farmers and Merchants and the Sun for about $5000.
    Landlord M. Purdin had the contents of the hotel insured in the Sun of San Francisco for $2000. He will have to refurnish several rooms.
    The work of the fire department was certainly efficient. The water works and fire boys saved a great deal of property this time.
    E. B. Myer, of Ashland, and W. D. Hanley were among the sleeping guests of the hotel. Hanley thought the upper floor of the hotel was about to tumble, so he carried his coat, vest, pants, hat, shirt, shoes and socks in his arms and went out on the board sidewalk half-way between the hotel and the depot to make his toilette. Ed. Myer was about to go to sleep again, somebody having told him the fire was "across the street," when a Chinaman waltzed through the corridor and yelled, "Everything burn up!" and Ed concluded to take a walk.
Ashland Tidings, March 5, 1894, page 3

    A. A. Davis to W. I. Vawter; lts 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, blk 13, Medford. $1.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 8, 1894, page 2

    The following paragraph from the Medford Mail shows what a stupid ass or malicious falsifier the "tenderfoot" who poses as editor of that delectable sheet is: "The Mail has been told repeatedly that a certain clique or ring in Jacksonville carried the majority vote of Jackson County in its vest pocket and would deliver it to the pet of the crowd when the time of delivery is at hand." Either someone was presuming on Mr. Bliton's ignorance, or he finds in the above rot an excuse for attempting to prejudice the people of the county against Jacksonville in the most dastardly manner.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 8, 1894, page 2

    When will this cruel weather be over?
    Streams have been high during the week.
    The late storm has put the roads in a very bad condition again.
    The roads between Central Point and Jacksonville are simply terrific, and should be repaired at once.
    One of the heaviest rain and wind storms of the season prevailed on Monday. The rain fell in torrents for several hours.
    Mrs. M. G. Clemmens has sold her real estate rights in Jacksonville to M. M. Gault, lately of Corvallis, and may remove to Medford.
    F. M. Stewart put up about 6,000 pounds of prunes at his farm northwest of Phoenix last season. He packs them in neat ten-pound boxes and gets the top price for the product.
    Two bents of the bridge across Bear Creek near Central Point were swept away in the high water of January and have never been replaced. The bridge as it is is impassable, and the farmers of that vicinity are compelled to ford the creek, which in its high stages is exceedingly dangerous. Steps should be taken at once to repair this damage, as lives may be lost at this ford before the season is over.
    Three beeves were lost on the trip of the trainload of cattle which left Medford for San Francisco last week. The cattle were unloaded once on the way and after reaching Red Bluff were attached to the regular freight trains. F. Barneburg realized $30 per head, besides the freight, on 230 cattle. The price of beef declined before the arrival of the train, and it would have been to Mr. B.'s advantage if he had accepted the offer made him at home.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 8, 1894, page 3

    G. W. Bashford was at Grants Pass this week looking for a market for ice and beer.
    Wm. Ulrich is making a business trip in California, to find a market for the product of the S.O. Pork Packing Co.
    The firm of Beek & Whiteside, hardware dealers of Medford, has been dissolved, Mr. Whiteside retiring and Mr. Beek continuing the business.
    Fred. Farrier, who has been in the employ of the S.P. Co. for some time on one of the freight trains running out of Junction, is paying relatives and friends here a visit. He may go south.
    A son of Thos. Head, who came to the valley some time ago to seek a location, arrived at Medford from northwestern Nebraska last week with a carload of household effects and livestock (five horses and a mule). The young man reported that the thermometer was 20 degrees below zero at his old home before he left.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 8, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Miss Phebe Allen, of Applegate, is stopping in Medford.
    Mrs. D. Wilson was here this week from Ashland visiting friends.
    Mrs. J. H. Barnum is here visiting her son and looking after her taxes.
    Mrs. Taylor Payne expects to leave this week to visit her brother in Montana.
    W. A. Patrick was at the county seat this week on business for Ashland school district.
    John McNeil has returned from his trip to California and is thinking of locating near Ashland.
    Hon. C. Mingus came down from Ashland this week to look after his farming interests.
    Ike Muller and Mr. Davis are preparing a carload of poultry for shipment to San Francisco Saturday.
    Charley Shultz, the court bailiff, returned Tuesday from his visit at the midwinter fair. He came home quite ill.
    W. H. Parker, Esq., returned Tuesday from his trip to San Francisco. His sons are still there visiting the fair.
    Fred Hansen is hauling 150 boxes of apples from his fine farm at Table Rock to J. A. Whitman's packing house.
    County Clerk Max Muller returned Tuesday from a visit of several weeks with his family in their San Francisco home.
    John Farris, barkeeper of The Medford hotel saloon, was visiting his Coos Bay Friend, A. J. Jackson, in Ashland Tuesday.
    Isaac Muller went to San Francisco today to prepare his carload of poultry which leaves Monday in charge of Taylor Payne.
    W. L. Townsend, who bought out Bunch, the barber, moved his shop into new quarters in Hotel Medford just before the fire. He was in luck, sure.
    The Jackson County People's Party convention convenes in Rigby's college building Saturday to elect delegates to the state convention and nominate a county ticket.
    A. Fetsch, the enterprising tailor who was burned out by the fire, has already secured new quarters and ordered a new stock of goods. He is a first-class workman and does a fine business.
    The Republican county central committee met Saturday and called a convention for the Jacksonville court house Saturday, March 31st, 1894, to elect seven delegates to the state convention. Primaries March 24. The apportionment is as follows: Ashland, north, 4; Ashland, west, 5; Ashland, south, 5; Applegate, 2; Big Butte, 1; Central Point, 3; Chimney Rock, 2; Eagle Point, 3; Eden, 2; Flounce Rock, 2; Foots Creek, 1; Gold Hill, 2; Jacksonville, north, 3; Jacksonville, south, 4; Lost Creek, 1; Medford, north, 4; Medford, south, 4; Meadows, 1; Mount Pitt, 1; Pleasant Creek, 1; Rock Point, 2; Steamboat, 1; Sterlingville, 1; Table Rock, 2; Talent, 2; Trail Creek, 1; Uniontown, 2; Woodville, 2; Willow Springs, 1. Total number delegates, 65.
    The greatest excitement of the week was the fire of Friday night, which came near burning up the town. At 2:30 o'clock Saturday morning a fire broke out in A. Fetsch's tailor establishment or Lutkeimer's saloon, located alongside the brick hotel, The Medford, on Front Street, but was kept confined to that row of buildings, destroying Fetsch's place, Hamilton & Palm's real estate office, F. Lutkeimer's saloon and restaurant. The empty frame building to the south was badly scorched. The wall and window casings of Hotel Medford were damaged by the fire, as well as some of the furniture, but M. Purdin has $2000 worth of insurance on the latter. The buildings were owned by Mrs. H. B. Stanley and Charles & Gaines, the latter being fully insured. Hamilton & Palm's office fixtures were insured for $300 and Fetsch's tailor stock for half its value, $750. The saloon had no insurance. The total loss is estimated at $3500. As the district is in the fire limits and very desirable business property, new brick edifices will take its place this season.
Valley Record, Ashland, March 8, 1894, page 3

    Mrs. A. M. Wright and children returned last Saturday from Medford, Ore. She has again taken up her residence at the old home. Mr. Wright has not yet returned.
McFall Mirror, McFall, Missouri, March 9, 1894, page 1

Three Buildings on Front Street Totally Destroyed Together with Contents.
Hotel Medford Narrowly Escapes Being a Molten Mass--Notes of the Fire.
    Last Saturday morning as the clocks of this city were ticking the half hour between one and two an alarm of fire was sounded, and in a very short time the then-sleeping citizens were congregated on D Street to lend all possible assistance in squelching the flames of fire, which were carrying destruction of property on their heated travels. The story of this conflagration is briefly told below:
    About one-thirty Saturday morning boarders sleeping in the south tier of rooms in the Hotel Medford were awakened by the cracking of flames and the breaking in of heated window glass. Paul Schiessler was one of the first to be awakened, and his shouts soon awakened the hotel clerk, Joe Savage, who immediately gave a general alarm and who, after locating the fire in the adjoining building, started for the hose house. By the time he had the doors opened there were others at hand who assisted in bringing the hose cart to the fire scene. No sooner was the cart on the ground than was the hose unreeled, attached to the hydrants and two streams of water were soon pouring over the then fast-consuming one-story wooden building adjoining the hotel on the south.
    The fire is supposed to have started from a stove on the rear of the tailoring establishment of A. Fetsch, while there are some of the opinion that it started either in the Hotel Medford ice house or between it and the tailor shop. However, it started, and before the flames were squelched the real estate office occupied by Hamilton & Palm, A. Fetsch's tailoring establishment, the Roxy Ann Saloon, occupied by F. Lutkemeier, and the lunch counter in the same room owned by Paul Schiessler, were entirely destroyed together with their contents. Adjoining the Roxy Ann Saloon is the two-story wooden building owned by S. H. Lyon, now residing at St. Regis Falls, N.Y., and the north side of this was badly burned. The wonder of all who witnessed the fire and who have visited the scene is how could this building have possibly been saved, but the brave and untiring work of the firemen and many citizens explains the situation. Had this building burned, the adjoining saloon and residence of Jas. Coeti would have surely met a like fate, but in the case of Mr. Coeti the loss would only have been to the building as he had removed all his goods and household effects. The damage to the Hotel Medford is no small item, as all the five window frames and sash on the south side were completely destroyed and the interior of a number of the rooms badly burned. Added to this is the damage to the bedding, which when it caught fire was thrown from the windows to keep the flames from spreading and getting into the partitions. The value of property destroyed is given below:
    First building adjoining Hotel Medford, owned by Gaines & Charles, $400; insured for $200.
    Second building owned by Mrs. Stanley, $500; no insurance.
    Third building owned by S. H. Lyon, north side partially burned, damage $200; no insurance.
    Hamilton & Palm, office furniture, plats, etc., $200; no insurance.
    A. Fetsch, stock of goods and all the implements of his trade, $1500; insurance $700.
    F. Lutkemeier, saloon fixtures and stock, $500; no insurance.
    Paul Schiessler, lunch counter, dishes, stove, and other articles necessary in his business, $100; no insurance.
    M. Purdin, bedding burned and damage to furniture and bar fixtures, $300; fully insured. Damage to hotel building $200; fully insured.
    Will Hanley and Ed. Myer made their toilet on the depot platform.
    Hamilton & Palm have moved into the building recently vacated by Tayler, the shoe man.
    A. Fetsch will open up again for business as soon as he gets his insurance and his goods arrive.
    Fortunately there was plenty of water and the fire boys were in good shape for lots of work--they have had a long rest since the last fire.
    There is little probability of the burned buildings being replaced again, for some few months at least. As the lots are inside the fire limit, nothing but brick buildings can be built.
    The fire boys did good and effectual work, and lots of credit is accorded them. The are, however, handicapped in not having means for calling their members together at such times as their services are most needed.
    Night watchman Churchman is a typical fire shouter, and he did his level best to arouse the sleepers in adjoining towns. His customary smile, which was never known to quit him before, was sadly wanting Saturday morning.
    Editor Leeds, of the Tidings, was pressing the pillows in "No. 4," of the Medford, but he reposed not a great heap after the heated brick wall had scorched his bedding. He shifted then out on Mr. Purdin and tackled the Clarenden.
    Joe Savage, by the use of a garden hose, fought back the fire from reaching several cans of coal oil which were sitting just inside the south door of the Hotel Medford. Had the flames reached the oil there would have been no possible way of saving the entire building.
    Charlie Anderson was in one of the burned rooms in the hotel and was not awakened until the window shade was on fire. He was awake then, all right, as all within a couple of blocks will attest. He had slipped the catch on his door and could not get out and would have been severely scorched had not his shouts brought assistance.
Medford Mail, March 9, 1894, page 2

    Eunice M. Lumsden to H. W. Lumsden, lt 2, blk 1; Barr's add. to Medford . . . 700
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, March 9, 1894, page 2

    P. B. O'Neil has located at San Jose, California.
    Tayler, the foot-fitter, moved to his new quarters Monday.
    Prof. Barton has moved his rustic chair factory to the Bashford building on F Street, south of the Clarenden.
    F. M. Judd has leased a window in the old Smith building, on D Street, and will open a jewelry repair shop.
    Hammond Bros. have leased the Clarenden House stables and will run a livery and feed stable. These gentlemen are recently from Jacksonville.
    R. H. Ridenhour is now installed "hyas tyee" at the Southern Oregon Brewery--a good, all-round man any place you put him. He's small in stature but big on machinery.
    Messrs. J. K. Darnell and B. F. Crouch are engaged in repairing the fire damage done to the Lyon building. Fred Lutkemeier has the building leased, but he is not sure whether he will occupy it or not.
    The Head boys, spoken of last week, arrived Friday night from Nebraska with a carload of stock and farm implements. They are now located in the T. F. West residence on A Street, between Third and Fourth. These people are here looking for a farm location.
    Frank Amann has been doing a turn at sidewalk building the past week. He has put down six hundred and fifty feet of walk alongside the Lumsden property, in southwest Medford, which walk connects with the one put down by Mr. Maule. W. H. Barr and Kelley, Dunn & Co. have lumber on the ground for a walk to connect with the one leading into the city, corner of I and Eleventh.
    Strobridge Brothers, Al. and Sam., have purchased the feed store of Taylor Payne and are now in charge of the same. They have rearranged things about the place and positively declare that they are in the business to a finish.
    Rev. J. Merley has identified himself with Medford and her people for a certainty. On Wednesday of this week he purchased the W. J. Howard forty-acre tract of land, joining Medford on the west and south. Mr. Merley will put out ten acres of this land to trees the present spring and expects to set the remaining thirty acres next winter. He will put up suitable buildings on the land during the coming summer and will reside there with his family. The price paid for the land was $2,800, cash.
    Geo. Anderson reports business flourishing at his soda works. He says he sells very nearly as many of his goods during the winter as in the summer--says drinkers of stronger beverages are becoming aesthetic and water is not good enough to rinse down their drinks with--they must have soda water.
    The hardware firm of Beek, Whiteside & Co. has been dissolved, J. A. Whiteside retiring. The business will be conducted by J. Beek & Son, and at the same place. What business Mr. Whiteside will follow is not learned. Horace Nicholson, the firm's time-tried salesman, will remain with the new firm. The Mail wishes the new firm just all the business they can handle--and as they are good, square dealers they will doubtless get their share of the trade.
    A few of the Medford Odd Fellows met at their cemetery Tuesday and did considerable work by way of improving the grounds. The work of marking plots was completed, a circle was plowed around the grounds for a driveway, a number of Monterey cypress trees were set out and some little grubbing was done. These trees were set out as a test, and if it is found they can be made to grow and thrive several hundred will be put out this fall. There have been seventy-four burials made in this cemetery, and the lodge feels that work of beautifying the place is necessary.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, March 9, 1894, page 3

    F. Barneburg returned from San Francisco Saturday evening. He reports having lost three head of cattle out of fourteen carloads which were shipped. The cattle were as fine a lump of beef as was ever shipped from this city, and it is to be regretted that upon Mr. B.'s arrival in San Francisco the market had dropped about a cent a pound and he was the loser thereby--his cattle netting him $30 per head.
    G. P. Wallihan, one of the Orchard Home proprietors, came up from Portland last Friday and has since been engaged in making plans for planting the remaining fifty acres of the original Orchard Home. This company will plant this amount to fruit trees, as per directions of purchasers, and will also do some considerable fence building at various parts of the Home. The Orchard Home is fast becoming one of the marked institutions of prosperity in this locality, and that their good work may move successfully on is the wish of every resident hereabouts.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 9, 1894, page 3

    The largest shipment of livestock ever made from the Rogue River Valley was made last week. There were 36 cars containing 800 head of beef cattle valued at $20,000.
Pacific Rural Press, San Francisco, March 10, 1894, page 1

    S. S. Pentz has been appointed a notary public by Gov. Pennoyer.
    Miss Rose Clemmens intends to leave for Salt Lake City in a short time.
    R. V. Jones of Sheridan, Oregon, is visiting his father, Garl T. Jones of Medford.
    Francis Fitch returned from his trip to San Francisco last week and is now at Grants Pass.
    Thos. P. Kahler, who is engaged in mining in Willow Springs precinct, made us a visit on Saturday.
    Hamilton & Palm, the well-known real estate agents, have resumed business in the building east of Hanley's saloon.
    Francis Fitch, Jr., who has been a resident of this city for a number of months, has returned to California to remain.
    At the annual school meeting held last week Dr. E. P. Geary was elected director for three years and Garl T. Jones clerk.
    A. Fetsch, the popular tailor, has resumed business in the building formerly occupied as barber shop by Mr. Bunch.
    Harry Oviatt has returned from Josephine County, where he is interested in a mine with Mr. Faucett. Active work will be commenced there soon.
    E. A. Johnson has been engaged in preparing his five-acre tract in Mingus addition for tree planting and expects to put out about 600 trees in the spring.
    Mrs. Wm. Edwards, who has been visiting relatives in Grant County for the past three months, returned home on Sunday. She says that the snow never laid deeper in that section than now.
    The social and reception given by the Rebekahs last week to the members of the I.O.O.F. and their families was a very pleasant event. The evening was passed with music, recitations and speeches.
    Frank Amann has been busily engaged in putting down sidewalks during the past week, and completed six hundred and fifty feet of walk adjoining the Lumsden property in southwest Medford last week.
    Our town was last Saturday crowded with people who came to attend the Populist county convention as spectators. The conclave was a howling success as far as amusement to the outsiders was concerned.
    The Good Templars of Medford are making preparations to give an exhibition in the opera house on Thursday evening. This entertainment has been contemplated for some time, and elaborate preparations have been made to ensure its success.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 12, 1894, page 2

    The blatant ass who edits the Mail and has shown his big ears so often has been called down by the people of Medford, who do not approve of his uncalled-for and mendacious attacks on the citizens of the county seat, and he has found it advantageous to crawfish. Bliton has discovered that his impudent and ridiculous attempts to revolutionize the politics of Jackson County have been struck by a dead cold frost, and he thus tries to square himself: "There are a great many fine people in Jacksonville, and the town is far from being a bad one, but it is unfortunate in being obliged to furnish shelter for the gang of rascals which is found there, and the citizens are most unfortunate in being compelled to associate with such contemptible curs." The Times again calls for a bill of particulars, and wants the names of the "rascals" the Mail refers to, as also the charges he has to prefer against them.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 12, 1894, page 2

    Ashland sports are indulging in cock fighting. Much interest has been taken in the brutal amusement of late, and several thoroughbred chickens have been imported.
    Hon. H. Blackman, the new internal revenue collector, was in Jackson County last week and made inquiries as to whom he should appoint as deputy collector, and storehouse keeper and gauger at Medford. If he indicated who should be the lucky individuals the Times has been unable to meet anyone who is aware of that fact.
    Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fraily, Mrs. Wilson and Miss Mira Eckley of Spencer, Iowa arrived last week on a visit to friends and relatives in this valley. The two former ladies are the mother and sister of J. Wilson and Mrs. J. McPherson of Griffin Creek, while Miss E. is a sister of Mrs. M. M. Pickering of Medford precinct, and will remain here permanently.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 12, 1894, page 3

Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
    Our Populist friends have denounced the manner in which the old parties put their candidates in the field in unmeasured terms, and asserted that they would show them how to conduct such things in a much more honest and satisfactory way. The result of the late convention at Medford showed that their promises did not materialize. The initiative, referendum and preferential system is very beautiful in theory, but hardly comes up to the requirements of practice, and it was found necessary on several occasions to resort to "ring methods" and "wire-pulling" to carry on the business of that meeting.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 12, 1894, page 3

    A. M. Woodford to Tilson Smith; lots 1 & 2, blk 30, Medford. $500.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 15, 1894, page 2

    The Klamath Falls Express says that "a Pelican Bay rancher claims to have owned a cow that would retrieve ducks; we heard that his near neighbor is training a porker to hunt bear." That's nothing. They have a jackass in Medford who is trying to edit a newspaper.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 15, 1894, page 2

    Mrs. Ragsdale, who has been carrying on a dress-making business in this town for some time, has gone to the Willamette Valley to seek a location.
    The brewery and ice manufactory have suspended operations until more favorable weather arrives. They have a sufficient supply of beer and ice on hand.
    Miss Eva Powell of Brownville, Ohio is expected to arrive in Medford soon, on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. K. Davis, who will meet her in California and accompany her thither.
    Mr. and Mrs. A. Fetsch are in San Francisco taking in the sights of the sunset city, while at the same time Mr. F. is laying in a bigger and better stock of goods than ever before for his constantly increasing trade.
    Muller & Davis of Medford shipped the carloads of chickens which they have been buying for the San Francisco market on Tuesday. The shipment embraced about 500 or more dozens of chickens, and the expense of the car from Medford was $165.
    The I.O.O.F. lodge are making preparations to make some improvements to their cemetery. A driveway will be laid out, and a number of trees have already been planted for an experiment, which if successful will lead to more being set out and other steps being taken to beautify the premises.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 15, 1894, page 2

Almost a Fatal Accident.
    The bridge across Bear Creek near Central Point should be repaired at once, as the ford is very dangerous by reason of the bed of the stream being constantly changed by the action of the water. A fatal accident was narrowly averted there one day this week. S. C. Minnick and wife, accompanied by Mesdames Hoagland and Jones, attempted to cross the treacherous creek, but the current proved too strong for the team and one of the horses falling in a hole was washed under and the wagon swept down some distance, the occupants being thoroughly drenched. It was pure good fortune that the whole party were not drowned. This is only one of the several close calls which have happened at that place recently, and more serious consequences may be looked for unless the bridge is made passable at once, as the ford is always changing.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 15, 1894, page 3

    And still it rains.
    Jupiter Pluvius has been visiting us again in copious effusions.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 15, 1894, page 3

    Ralph Ridenhour, who now has charge of the S.O.B.&I. Co.'s engine at Medford, is visiting in Jacksonville.
    W. H. Breese of Talent and S. H. Holt of Medford are attending the Populist state convention now being held at Oregon City.
    W. T. York of the Medford Mail returned Tuesday morning with his bride from the East. The Times extends congratulations and best wishes.
    Geo. P. Wallihan of the Orchard Home Association has been in the valley for a few days, making arrangements for the planting of the remaining 50 acres of the association tract.
    Prof. Smith, formerly of the Medford business college, will soon become a temporary resident of Jacksonville, while engaged in making a set of abstract books for the new firm of White & Smith, abstractors, of Medford.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 15, 1894, page 3

    Taylor Payne has sold his Medford feed store to Al and Sam Strobridge.
    I. E. DeBoy and Mrs. Frances E. Schumaker were married at Medford on Wednesday of last week.
    Miss Eva Powell, of Ohio, is expected out this week on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. K. Davis, wife of the Medford wheelwright.
"Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, March 15, 1894, page 1

    Miss [sic] Mary Davis of Medford came up last Monday to meet her sister, Mrs. [sic] Powell, who comes from Ohio to try southern Oregon's climate. Miss Davis was the guest of Mrs. J. P. Sayle while here.
    Mrs. Taylor Payne, Medford, was on yesterday's south train to visit the midwinter fair. Taylor is already there, having gone down as chicken herder with the carload that was shipped from Medford this week. They will visit Montana before returning.
"Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, March 15, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Mrs. L. A. Millsap, Ashland's leading milliner, was visiting friends here Monday.
    Amos Fries returned to Central Point Sunday from San Francisco where he has completed his examination for the West Point cadetship for Oregon.
    W. T. Davis, of Lake Creek, was not the prettiest delegate in Saturday's populist gathering, but he was the mascot of the convention and his candidates proved genuine favorites and sure winners.
    Henry Blackman, Cleveland's internal revenue appointee for Oregon, Washington and Alaska, was in Medford and Jacksonville Friday talking over the appointments of the distillery officials and deputy revenue collector for Southern Oregon. He was accompanied by W. F. Matlock, of Pendleton, who seems to be his political guardian, as he accompanies him all over the entire district.
Valley Record, Ashland, March 15, 1894, page 3

    A. A. Davis and wife to William I. Vawter, Q.C.D. to lts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, blk 13; Medford . . . 1
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, March 16, 1894, page 2

    The Palm building is getting well under way and will probably be finished within a very short time.
    Fred Lutkemeier on Tuesday moved his family to the second story of the Lyon building on Front Street. He expects to occupy the first floor with his saloon.
    E. Smith, son of Henry Smith, deceased, report says is going to open a jewelry store in the old Smith building on Front Street. There is also to be a photographer's gallery in the same building.
    South C Street, between Seventh and Eighth, is undergoing more improvements. The sidewalk alongside of the Adkins block is being put down to the street level, and a new alley crossing has been laid near Pritchard's jewelry store.
    The wonderful growth trees attain in the Rogue River Valley in a single season is indeed marvelous. I. L. Hamilton left at this office Saturday two cuttings, one from a Winter Nelis pear tree and one from a Petite prune tree, that measured each nine feet, and all this length was the result of one year's growth. The cuttings were from the orchard of J. H. Stewart.
    Geo. R. Justus has thoroughly renovated and refurnished the Clarenden Hotel and now advertises that all things are first-class and terms reasonable.
    Jessie Walker.--"Yes, father, E. F. Walker, has decided that the best way to dispose of his 640-acre tract of land, just north of Medford, is to cut it up into forty-acre tracts. This he is now having done. Land is by far too valuable to be operated in such large chunks, but forty acres owned by one man, planted to fruit and thoroughly cultivated, will return a handsome revenue."
    A. C. Squires is having contractors figure on the construction of a residence to be built on his fine little fruit farm in East Medford. The building will be 26x28 feet in size and to cost somewhere near $1200. Verily, East Medford, or the tract of land just east of Bear Creek, is receiving many of this spring's improvements--and all are substantial. The people on that side have reason to feel proud of the improvements being made.
    L. B. Warner, the fruit tree man, has trees on hand to supply the trade of Medford and vicinity, in any quantity and in the following varieties: Apple, pears, cherries, apricots, peaches, prunes and soft-shelled almond. Mr. Warner may be found at Dr. Odgers' dental rooms.
    The well at the corner of Seventh and C streets has quenched the thirst of many Medford people for a number of years, and it is still prepared to perform this same mission, but someone every few days takes it upon himself to steal the drinking cup. This procedure is becoming monotonous, and if persisted in the parties guilty will be exposed. A new cup with chain fastenings has been attached to the pump, and it is probable there will be no occasion for an expose.
    We are doing more in our little old way to bring this Chinese question to a focus than all the exclusion acts put together, for the surest way to beat the Chinaman is by not giving him an opportunity, or in other words, stop his supplies--shut him off short and must surely go fluee--get your laundry work done by white people, Henderson & Isaacs, agents Salem Steam Laundry.
    The work of tearing down the awning front of the Hamlin and Howard blocks was commenced Wednesday. Mr. Hamlin states that he will replace his part of the awning with corrugated iron roofing, two thicknesses, with an inch air space between. The will be fastened to the building with hinges, and the posts or supports at the outside will be so constructed that they can be easily taken out, thereby letting the awning drop down over the store fronts, to protect the glass in case of fire on the opposite side of the street. It's a pretty good scheme and one worthy of being emulated by owners of all good buildings in the city.
    The regular subscription price of The Mail is $1.50 a year, and the regular subscription price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for The Mail and paying one year in advance can get both The Mail and the Weekly Oregonian one year for $2. All old subscribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the same offer.
    Dr. E. P. Geary has moved his office, temporarily, to a rear room in the Phipps block. He will have offices fitted especially for his use in the new Haskins block.
    Merchant S. Rosenthal is figuring on erecting a two-story brick block on his lot where his store building now stands. He calculates, all things being favorable, to put the block up this coming summer.
    Landlord Purdin, of the Medford [Hotel], has been seriously crippled since the fire for want of room, but now that the hotel is being fitted up again he is enabled to properly care for his many patrons and in a manner most satisfactory to his patrons.
    The next party of the Medford dancing club, to be given tonight, will be a benefit. The proceeds from which will be turned into a fund for the purchase of a fire bell. A bell is one of the things most needed, and all ought to "chip in" on its purchase--buy a ticket even if you don't dance.
    Arthur Wilson's family has been afflicted with sickness to no small degree during the past month or two. His daughter, Alice, has been ill for four weeks with typhoid fever, and Mrs. Wilson has also been ill for about three weeks. Both, we are pleased to note, are now convalescent. Dr. Wait was the attending physician.

    Dr. C. J. Hall, the friend of J. W. Odgers, who came to Medford a few weeks ago from Portland for the benefit of his health, is fast improving and is now able to be downtown a good part of the time. Mr. Hall is a dentist of superior ability, and as soon as his health will permit he will begin dental work with Mr. Odgers. The present office rooms are now being enlarged to accommodate another chair and other dental appliances. When the two doctors get well hooked up in working harness Dr. Odgers expects to spend one week of each month in Jacksonville, for the especial accommodation of his patrons in that city.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, March 16, 1894, page 3

    Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tipton returned from San Bernardino, Calif. Wednesday evening. They are old residents of this city, and have now returned to remain--"and glad to get back."
    Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goldstone and little Clifford, son of Joe Goldstone, left Sunday morning for a month's visit with friends in San Francisco and to enjoy the beauties and grandeur of the midwinter fair.
    Taylor Payne left on the southbound freight Monday evening for San Francisco, having in charge a car of chickens for Muller & Davis. He expects to be absent about ten days. Mrs. Payne left Wednesday morning for the same city, where she will visit the fair and from there will go to Anaconda, Montana.
    J. E. Shone and wife, of Denver, Colorado, are among the recent arrivals at the Rogue River Valley Hub. They are friends of G. C. Schermerhorn and are here to remain, at least a few months, and if a suitable business location shows itself they will remain for all time.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 16, 1894, page 3

    Orchard Home Association to E. W. Hensler; lot 4, blk 8, Association tract. $250.
    Same to John P. Sheridan; lot 3, blk 8, Association tract. $250.
    Zelpha E. McCubbin to Robert Coons; lots 3, 4 & 5, blk 1, Park add. to Medford. $150.
    Conrad Mingus to J. A. Thomas; 2 acres in twp 37s, r2w. $175.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 19, 1894, page 2

    W. E. Coul has returned from a trip to Portland.
    J. A. Whiteside of Medford has gone to Red Bluff, Calif.
    Jos. A. Crain is reported to be recovering from his protracted illness.
    Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Tabor are visiting relatives and friends in Roseburg.
    H. B. Reed of Grants Pass, the fence man, spent several days in Medford last week.
    Miss Allie Osborn, telegraph operator at tunnel 9, visited friends and relatives in Medford last week.
    Dr. E. P. Geary has moved his office temporarily to a rear room in the Phipps block, awaiting the completion of the Haskins building.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 19, 1894, page 2

To the Public.
    The Clarendon Hotel at Medford has been thoroughly renovated and refurnished by Geo. R. Justus and wife, and is prepared to accommodate the public in a first-class manner and at reasonable rates. The table will be supplied with the best the market affords and no pains will be spared to give satisfaction. When you are in Medford call at the Clarendon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 19, 1894, page 3

A Narrow Escape.
    MEDFORD, Or., March 17.--Word was received in this city today of what came near being a fatal accident, at Bear Creek bridge, near Central Point. Ike Williams, who carries the mail between the latter place and Eagle Point, started out from Central Point this morning with the mail and one passenger named Griffin, and as the recent high water had washed out the approach to the bridge they were compelled to ford Bear Creek. The current was running swifter than Williams anticipated, and his wagon and team were rapidly carried downstream. It was with difficulty that himself and passenger saved their lives. One of the horses was drowned and all the mail sacks were lost. At last reports none of the mail had been recovered.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 19, 1894, page 3

New Dress-Making Parlors.
    Mrs. L. R. Rolison, who lately returned from the East, where she took lessons in the modern schools of dressmaking, has resumed business at her residence in Jacksonville. She employs the latest styles and guarantees satisfaction at the most reasonable rates.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 19, 1894, page 3

    For the first time in years the miners are complaining of too much water. Some placer miners have been compelled to postpone operation until the water runs down a little. Farmers and miners alike complain that Jupiter Pluvius has been entirely too active with his sprinkling-pot this season.
    Frank Lewis, the erstwhile foot-racer, well known in southern Oregon, whose races with Kittleman, Gibson, Boyd and other leading sprinters made his name familiar all over the country, has returned to Corvallis. He is not the athlete he used to be, when he made 75 yards in 7 1/4 seconds with a pistol-shot start, and 100 yards in 9 4/5, but is so reduced by the ravages of paralysis that any boy can outrun him. Lewis is improving rapidly, and hopes to recover his health and strength.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 19, 1894, page 3

    Mrs. Arthur Wilson and her daughter Alice of Medford precinct, who have been suffering with typhoid fever for some weeks past, are convalescent.
    T. H. Bowers and family of Columbia, Nebraska, also J. E. Shone and family of Denver, Col., arrived in the valley a few days ago and are looking for a location. The recent severe winter in the East will undoubtedly turn a large amount of desirable immigration to this section.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 19, 1894, page 3

Blackman's Appointment.
    PORTLAND, Or., March 19.--Collector Blackman today appointed John P. Gleason deputy at Seattle, W.C. Pedlar deputy at Juneau, Alaska, and D. T. Sears, storekeeper at Medford, Oregon.
Capital Journal, Salem, March 19, 1894, page 1

    J. W. Shaffer started on the road again Monday en route to Medford.
Capital Journal, Salem, March 21, 1894, page 4

    Zelpha McCubbin to Lucy Coons; lots 7 and 8, blk 6, Park add. to Medford. $80.
    Callie Palm to P. H. Oviatt; lot 1, blk 60, Medford. $250.
    C. W. Palm et al., to Jennie Hardy; lot 10, blk 1, Cottage add., Medford. $175.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1894, page 2

        A. A. Davis of Medford has been at San Francisco looking after a shipment of twenty carloads of flour from Davenport, Wash., in which he is interested with G. W. Howard. The Ashland Tidings attempts to make political capital out of the fact that the wheat from which this flour was made sold for 24 cents per bushel, and says that during the last presidential campaign the Democrats promised that that cereal would bring $1.25 per bushel in case Mr. Cleveland was elected. Anybody who would make such a promise is a fit subject for the insane asylum, and we have only the word of Republican editors that it was made at all. These calamity howlers ought to wait until we get some Democratic laws in force before they accuse the Democrats of being responsible for the financial depression now prevalent, which is due as much to their misrepresentations as to anything else. Such howling may be good politics, but is very poor business to be engaged in.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1894, page 2

    L. E. Hoover is canvassing Jackson County for the State Ins. Co.
    Mrs. M. Crawford left for Oroville, Calif. last week, to pay relatives a visit.
    Mrs. G. W. Crystal and her daughter have been visiting relatives at Jacksonville.
    S. Rosenthal, the merchant, is contemplating the erection of a two-story brick on the lot where his store building now stands.
    A social dance was given at the opera house on Friday evening, to raise funds for purchasing a fire bell. It was well patronized.
    F. Lutkemeier has moved his family into the second story of the Lyon building on Front Street, and will occupy the lower floor as a saloon.
    Dr. Hall, who came here from Portland a few weeks ago, is much improved in health, and as soon as possible will engage in the practice of his profession in partnership with Dr. J. W. Odgers, the expert dentist.
    Mrs. T. Payne of Medford is taking in the sights of the Mid-winter Fair, and from there will go to Anaconda, Mont., on a visit to her brother. Her husband accompanied Muller & Davis' carload of chickens to the bay city, and spent several days with her there.
    The awnings in front of the Hamlin and Howard blocks have been removed, and will replaced by corrugated iron roofing so constructed that the supports at the outer side can be removed and the awning let down against the front of the building, to protect the windows in case of fire on the opposite side of the street.
    L. L. Angle has returned from Roseburg, where he got into some trouble with Mr. Snider, who charges him with obtaining money from her under false pretenses. He stoutly denies, this, however. Your correspondent is informed that Angle has been bound over to await the action of the Douglas County grand jury.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1894, page 3

New Agricultural Societies.
    The act creating two southern Oregon district agricultural societies went into effect on January 1, 1894. Under the provisions of the act, the old southern Oregon district, consisting of Jackson, Josephine, Lake, Klamath, Coos, Curry and Douglas counties, is divided into two agricultural districts, the first including the four counties named first and the second the three named last. The act provides for the appointment of three directors (a citizen of Josephine and two of Jackson) by the governor, who with two persons elected by the agricultural societies of the two counties shall constitute the board of commissioners for the first district. The second district is to have a board of seven, four appointed by the governor, one each from Coos and Curry and two from Douglas, and one elected by the agricultural societies of each of these counties. Three hundred dollars of the money appropriated for the first district is to be divided among the agricultural societies of Lake and Klamath each year, to be used by them in paying premiums awarded at their county fairs. The governor has not yet made public his appointments for the places named, although the 60 days after the act becomes operative in which to make them expired the first of March.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1894, page 3

    The county clerk has granted license to marry to J. H. Redfield and Miss Ida Wilcox.
    The R.R.V.R. Co. announces the following schedule: Leave Jacksonville at 8:30 a.m., 1 and 4 p.m.; leave Medford at 10 a.m., 2 and 5:20 p.m. Trains will stop at Harbaugh's and other places on being signaled.
    Henry Blackman, collector of internal revenue, has appointed D. T. Sears to be storehouse keeper at Medford, vice Frank Galloway. The appointee is well qualified and will no doubt discharge the duties of his position satisfactorily.
    J. H. Wilson has bonded his 160-acre homestead, adjoining Medford, to the Orchard Home Association for $10,500. The land will be subdivided and sold in acre tracts. The association before purchased several hundred acres, which have been platted and planted with fruit trees, most of which has been sold to eastern and Portland parties.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1894, page 3

    Miss Emma Burch of Medford precinct will teach the spring term of school in the Debenger Gap district.
    M. G. Clemmens and family, who have been residents of Jacksonville for many years, are moving to Medford today.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1894, page 3

    Medford is raising a fund for the purchase of a fire bell.
    S. Rosenthal, the Medford merchant, will erect a brick block early next summer on the site of his present store.
    E. F. Walker, of Medford, is having his 640-acre farm laid off in 40-acre tracts. Pete Applegate is doing the surveying.
    W. T. York, business manager of the Medford Mail, has gone over to the majority. He had to go away back to North Dakota to find a girl that would fill the bill. The bride was Miss Emma Boyd. They returned the first of last week.
"Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, March 22, 1894, page 1

Medford Items.
    Francis Fitch is at Roseburg attending circuit court.
    P. B. O'Neil is up from San Jose on a business trip.
    M. Goldstone, wife and boy are taking in the midwinter fair.
    John Bellinger and wife and Miss Coker were visiting Ashland Tuesday.
    Joe Hockersmith was in the upper end of the valley this week on business.
    Mrs. Geo. Eubanks was down from Ashland Tuesday having her eyes treated.
    G. M. Love and L. R. Webster went up to Ashland Wednesday to figure on political lines.
    Lewis Fordyce of Iowa is paying relatives, the family of his late brother, Asa Fordyce, a visit.
    Scott Morris, the sage of Spikenard, has sold out and will leave in the spring for the Siuslaw country.
    Prof. C. F. Shepherd, the well-known and extensive piano dealer of Ashland, is here selling some fine instruments.
    G. W. Bashford is in San Francisco this week. He will have his brewery and ice plant in full operation in a fortnight.
    Jesse D. Carr was here last week to buy some heavy draft mares for his Klamath stock farm. The prices offered were very low.
    A daughter was born to the wife of W. D. Roberts Monday, confirming city councilman W. B. Roberts a granddaddy for the first time.
    Joshua Mathews, who crossed the plains in 1852, and John Freeman, who came to Oregon in 1853, both died at their homes in Roseburg Monday.
    W. B. Roberts and I. J. Phipps left this week for the midwinter fair and a visit at their old homes in Missouri and Arkansas. They will be gone six weeks.
    J. H. Wilson has sold his 160-acre homestead, adjoining Medford, to the Orchard Home Association for $10,500. The land will be subdivided and sold in acre tracts.
    Mrs. Judge Crawford has gone to Gridley, Cal., to visit relatives and friends. Her sister leaves soon for that place and they will both take in the midwinter fair.
    John Redfield and Miss Ida Wilcox, of Evans Creek, were married Wednesday at the residence of the bride's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson, by Rev. T. H. Stephenson. Their many friends wish them much happiness and success in the married relation.
    The Central Point town election was hotly contested, 114 votes being polled. The result was a clean sweep of the Welch ticket as follows: Trustees, J. S. Sims, E. Pleasance, P. W. Olwell, J. M. Gibson, M. S. Welch; marshal, M. Parker; street commissioner, Mr. Steadham.
     L. L. Angle, of this place, went to Roseburg last week on a business trip and while there a Mrs. Elizabeth Snider wrote a warrant out for his arrest, charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses. He was railroaded through a preliminary examination and bound over to appear before the Douglas County grand jury now in session in the sum of $300, and being away from home and friends to go on his bond, was placed in the county jail. Angle had made Mrs. Snider agent for an eastern money loaning company he represented and the woman paid him $35 as a fee. She did not understand the details of this company's loaning scheme and her friends inflamed her with the idea that she was being misused. Mr. Angle went to Roseburg to straighten out the matter and was arrested. The case will be disposed of in this term of court.
    Later--The grand jury found not a true bill against Angle, the case was dismissed and he has returned home. The prosecution was apparently ill-advised and unjust.
    The People's Party ticket is being complimented on all sides for its merit and the fitness of the men for the places the convention named them for. The personnel of the ticket has effectually silenced one cry of prejudice and bigotry, viz: that the populists as a party could not nominate for office its best material. These are trying times in the nation, state and county and the main bulwark, the rank and file, of the People's Party have given the grave questions confronting the people a world of serious study, reflection and consideration. Anyone even superficially conversant with the work of the alliances and People's Party clubs for the past few years need not be surprised at the aptness and common-horse-sense displayed by the new party. The thorough system of work and education has equipped the new organization which in turn is making a healthy impression on the body politic and sending forth through the public heart a demand for honester and better government.
Valley Record, Ashland, March 22, 1894, page 3

    Zelpha E. McCubbin to Robert Coons, lts 3, 4, 5, blk 1; Park add. to Medford . . . 150
    C. W. Palm to P. H. Oviatt, lt 1, blk 61; Medford . . . 250
    Zelpha E. McCubbin to Lucy Coons, lts 7, 8, blk 6; Medford . . . 80
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, March 23, 1894, page 2

    Geo. R. Justus has thoroughly renovated and refurnished the Clarenden Hotel and now advertises that all things are first class and terms reasonable.
    Robert Coons and sister, of Rumsey, Montana, and brother and sister of Mrs. John Gallagher, have purchased five lots in blocks one and six, in Park addition to Medford, from J. R. Erford. Mr. Coons is a telegraph operator at Rumsey but is figuring on moving to Medford.
    Real estate deals are far from being slow in this locality of late. One of the latest is the sale of 160 acres of good farm land near Central Point, owned by J. S. Hagey and sold to Thos. Head for $22 per acre. Mr. Head is recently from the East--and is now in possession of the farm. Mr. Hagey has moved to Medford with his family and is occupying the T. F. West residence on B Street. The gentleman selects Medford as his future residence because of its prosperous and growing condition and particularly because of our excellent schools.
    There is a little act which is being persisted in by several of the small boys about this city, which, if continued, will cost themselves and their parents no little trouble. The act is that of shooting and killing robins. This in direct violation of the state law and is punishable by either a fine or imprisonment, or both. The weapon used is a little spring gun with buckshots for bullets, and the practice is not alone confined to birds but to chickens and dogs as well. Several parties have reported to us the names of the boys who killed them, but out of respect for their parents, and through a hope that they will desist without publicity we will not publish their names at present. Some of these boys are old enough to know better than to get mixed up in such unprincipled acts.
    The ladies of the Medford Benevolent Society are going to buy a fire bell for the hose company--that is, they are going to try desperately hard to do this. They don't propose to have their houses burn down and their neighbors not know of it. They have decided to give a dime social in the Medford opera house tonight--Friday--and with the proceeds from this social they are going to buy a fire bell. It is a matter of importance to all, and one that you ought to take at least 10 cents' worth of interest in. If you will come to the opera hall tonight you will get four bits worth of a good time for ten cents. It is ten cents for everybody--old folks and young folks.
    C. A. Zahn, a recent arrival from Lebanon, Oregon, has rented C. W. Palm's store building on Seventh Street, opposite the Clarenden, and will soon begin the manufacture of confectionery for both wholesale and retail trade. He is a gentleman who has had several years' experience, and as soon as his tools of trade arrive he promises our people something very fine in the line of choice confectionery. There is no good reason why this line of goods should not be manufactured in the valley--and to the profit of all parties.
    The city council met Tuesday of this week to consider the proposals for building a dam across Bear Creek at the head of the Medford water ditch. Bids received were D. Cofer and S. S. Wilson, $234.75; Frank Wait, $345; F. A. Bliss and W. K. Davis, $138. Cofer and Wilson being the lowest bidders, the contract was awarded to them. At the same session the bond of F. Lutkemeier was accepted.
    A. Fetsch, the tailor, returned last week from his visit to San Francisco. Since his return he has leased the store building, corner Eighth and D streets, and as soon as the building is vacated by Weeks Bros., which will be about April first, he will take possession and open up for business, his stock of goods having already been ordered.
    A. J. McLeod has leased the Rosenthal residence, corner B and Fourth streets, and is now housekeeping therein.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, March 23, 1894, page 3

    G. W. Bashford left for San Francisco Saturday morning. He will visit the fair and secure, if possible, a first class and thoroughly competent brewer for his Southern Oregon Brewery.
    I. J. Phipps left yesterday morning for a two months' visit with relatives at St. Joseph, Missouri. Twenty years have rolled by since he visited this his old home. He will also take in the midwinter fair while en route.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 23, 1894, page 3

    R. F. Prael to Hamilton & Palm; lot 10, blk 1, Cottage add. to Medford. $1.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1894, page 2

    A. A. Davis of the Medford mills has returned from his trip to San Francisco.
    Miss Ella Powell, sister of Mrs. W. K. Davis, arrived last week from Ohio for an extended visit.
    Lewis Fordyce of Iowa is paying the family of his brother, the late Geo. Fordyce of Medford precinct, a visit.
    The damage suit of Barr & Hurt vs. Hammersley has been settled by the payment of $50 by the latter to the former.
    Taylor Payne, who went to San Francisco with Muller & Davis' car of chickens, returned Saturday evening. Mrs. P. has gone to Montana on a visit to relatives.
    C. A. Zahn of Lebanon has leased C. W. Palm's store building on Seventh Street, where he will manufacture confectionery for the wholesale and retail trade.
    A. Fetsch, the tailor, has leased the building on the corner of 8th and D streets, now occupied by Weeks Bros., and will take possession about April 1st.
    W. B. Roberts and I. J. Phipps of Medford left last week for San Francisco, where they will take in the Midwinter Fair, then extend their trip east.
    The city council last week awarded the contract for the construction of a dam across Bear Creek, at the head of the Medford ditch, to D. Cofer and S. S. Wilson for $234.75.
    G. W. Bashford went to San Francisco last week on business connected with his ice and beer factory, which will be in full operation in a short time. He engaged the services of a brewer while there.
    The ladies of the Medford benevolent society gave a dime social at the opera house last Friday evening, to raise funds for the purchase of a fire bell. There was a good attendance, and several dollars were realized.
    The Wirth photograph company is gaining popularity every day. First-class work and reasonable prices are bound to be appreciated. If you want anything done in the line of photographs, crayon portraits, etc., Wirth will do it and guarantee satisfaction.
    A millinery social was held at the opera house Friday evening, which was productive of a whole lot of hilarity. The young ladies provided each gentleman with a hat and trimmings, and he was expected to trim the same. Some of the creations would have thrown a professional modiste into spasms, but the silly fun they made was immense.
    The S.F. Examiner has this to say of a young man who flitted between Jacksonville and Medford for some time: "Thos. Fitch, Jr., who acted as a financial manager for the McDonalds in Chicago during the winter of 1892-93, is about to bring suit in the federal courts against the Pacific Bank and the California Raisin and Fruitgrowing Association for $12,750, which he claims is due him for services rendered. A suit for the same amount has already been brought against the last-named corporation in Madera, this state.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1894, page 2

Released from Custody.
    The grand jury of Douglas County returned "not a true bill" in the case of L. L. Angle of Medford, who was accused of having obtained money under false pretenses from Mrs. Elizabeth Snider of Roseburg. The former had made the latter an agent for an eastern money-lending company he represented, and she had paid him $35 as a fee. Not understanding the details of the scheme, she became imbued with the idea that she was being swindled. Angle went to Roseburg to straighten matters out and was arrested. The money was subsequently returned to Mrs. S.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1894, page 3

    Beautiful weather prevails and spring is here to stay--probably.
    Dr. O. F. Demorest, the Medford dentist, is prepared to do all kinds of dental work in the most approved manner. Chase and combination dental plates made with gold and aluminum roofs, and filling inserted in porcelain teeth to perfect the natural appearance. Satisfaction guaranteed at low rates.
    More people are coming to southern Oregon in search of homes this season than for several years past. The fame of our unequaled climate and varied resources has reached all over the country, and the tide of immigration is setting steadily in this direction.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1894, page 3

    I. M. Muller returned from San Francisco last week, whither he had gone with a carload of chickens. He reports the poultry markets in the bay city overstocked and prices low.
    H. F. Wood has been appointed to a prominent position in the bridge department of the S.P. Co., with headquarters at Red Bluff, Calif. He is a first-class mechanic and well qualified for the position, besides being a clever and trustworthy gentleman.
    Miss Burdette, sister of Bob Burdette, the humorist, and manager of the Baptist home mission training school of Chicago, who delivered a number of excellent lectures at the Baptist Church in Medford, is doing good work in the cause in the Willamette Valley.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1894, page 3

    The Telephone-Register says: Thomas Rogers reports that a great opportunity to get rich is open to the enterprising Oregonian. At the Mid-winter Fair people are wild over the Oregon apple, and the smallest specimens are sold at five cents each. A carload of big red apples would sell as fast as they could be unloaded at this price.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1894, page 3

    Jas. M. Hurley to Chas. Filyou; 4 acres in twp 37s, r2w. $1050.
    Lizzie Heurley to J. M. Heurley; 4 acre sin twp 37s, r2w. $1000.
    W. J. Howard to J. Merley; 40 acres in twp 37s, r2w. $2800.
    O&T Co. to Eliza J. Hamlin; lot 11, blk 21, Medford. $200.
    Eunice M. Lumsden to Wm. E. Nicholson; lots 9 and 10, blk 2, Lumsden's add. to Medford. $90.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 29, 1894, page 2

    Strobridge Bros. shipped a carload of first-class hay to Wolf Creek on Wednesday.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 29, 1894, page 3

    Wildflowers are blooming, and quite abundantly.
    Wirth, the Medford photographer, will take your picture in all sizes and styles.
    The report that J. H. Wilson has sold his farm near Medford to the Orchard Home Association is erroneous.
    A Chinaman named Lee Wash was baptized last week by Rev. G. J. Webster of the Ashland Congregational Church.
    Roseburg Review: It is now reported that the S.P. Co. will put on the freight trains laid off some time ago, on the first of next month. Their business is already too heavy for the present train facilities, and is rapidly increasing. Many of the boys have been out of work for several weeks past, and are very anxious to get on the road again.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 29, 1894, page 3

    The ladies of the Medford Benevolent Society are going to buy a fire bell for the hose company.

Capital Journal, Salem, March 29, 1894, page 4

Why Did Mr. Merritt Do It?
    EDITOR MEDFORD MAIL: --During the past week I had business along the road leading from the Central Point cemetery to Big Sticky and I saw a notice posted on a gate post notifying the traveling public not to travel through that place, signed "By order of J. W. Merritt," and the query arose in my mind: Can it be possible that Mr. Merritt will try to force all the travel from Butte Creek and surroundings to go through the Ish lane, two and a half miles through sticky mud, to get to Medford, or is it a plan to force us to go to Central Point to do our trading when we can save at least twenty percent by going to Medford?
BUTTE CREEKER.           
Butte Creek, March 29.
Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 2

    G. W. Bashford returned from San Francisco Sunday evening. He reports having secured the services of an experienced brewer and further states that the brewery will soon be placed in operation.
    H. U. Lumsden, of Portland, and A. N. Berlin, of Kent, Washington, were in Medford several days this week looking after some city property interests. Mr. Berlin is a merchant in Kent, but like many another wise financier, has speculations in Medford.
    D. L. Fry, of Lebanon, reached Medford Monday and will make this city his home for an indefinite period. He comes to accept a position in the candy factory of C. A. Zahn. He is not only an adept mixer of sweets but is also a printer who can "pull out" on a "take" as handy as any of the boys.
    H. F. Wood, the carpenter--and one of the best workmen in this locality--left Sunday morning for Red Bluff, Calif., whither he goes to accept a position as road carpenter for the Southern Pacific Company. May the best of success follow him. He has a good job, and The Mail, together with all his friends, knows he deserves it.
    J. A. Whitman expects to leave Medford Sunday night for an extended tour through eastern and southern states. His mission in these states will be that of finding the best markets for the fruits of the Rogue River Valley, of which he handles a great amount. He will visit Fargo, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Kansas City, New Orleans and many other prominent cities.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 2

Kill the Festive Microbes.
With the approach of "ethereal mildness," it is meet that Medfordites should turn their thoughts not lightly but seriously to the piles of garbage that bedeck the alleyways of the city, with a view to burning the same. Within these piles of rubbish the festive microbe has his lair, and experience teaches us that the only way to confine his disease-breeding proclivities is to burn him. Under the warm rays of our Italy sun the microbe constituency multiply even faster than roses in June. Given one or two sun's rays and a microbe can, if he is feeling well, duplicate himself with a greater rapidity and with less effort than the thriftiest thistle that ever matured on Canadian soil. And there is nothing slow about the bacillus except his extermination. To prevent these proud scions of the ancient house of microorganism from getting in their best licks on the human family, it is essential to health to fire them--that is, burn them.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 3

Want the Stock Yards Removed.
J. W. Hockersmith has been circulating a petition about the city and surrounding country procuring signers asking the S.P. company to remove the stock yards from their present site to a point further north and near the distillery. He procured about 300 names and last week sent the same to the man in charge of this line of work for the S.P. The object in asking for its removal to a more excluded [sic] spot is to do away with the now existing necessity of driving stock through some of the principal streets of the city to reach the yards. There is some doubt expressed regarding the company's taking action in the matter as petitioned, as it is understood that they have already formulated plans for enlarging the yards and upon the grounds now occupied.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 3

Will Grade and Gravel C Street.
    The city council are making ready to improve South C Street by grading and graveling the same. Monday surveyor Howard established the grade south to Thirteenth Street. A new stone culvert is also to be put in at the corner of C and Eighth streets--see notice asking for bids elsewhere. New water sluices are also being put in at the several street crossings.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 3

Two New Brick Buildings.
T. McAndrews and W. S. Barnum are figuring on soon beginning work on their new brick buildings on Seventh Street. These buildings are to be put up someplace on the north side between A and B streets, but who owns which lot and what lots they are going to build on is more than we can satisfactorily arrive at.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 3

Fixed Up Slicker than Anybody.
Tayler's foot-fitting establishment is one of the slickest places in this man's town. He has removed several partitions, rearranged the general interior, and artistically papered and painted the walls--and all things thereabouts are new, neat and in appearance decidedly cheerful and businesslike.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 3

Going To Toot Next Monday.
The whistle of the Davis flouring mill will be heard again next Monday morning, and the housewives will begin the process of regulating the family clocks. The mill has been doing a little barley grinding this week, but not until Monday will it begin running regularly.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 3

More Liquid Refreshments.
Fred Lutkemeier opened his saloon for business last Saturday--in the Lyon building on South D Street.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 3

    Messrs. Gibbs & Wheeler, the photographers, are now prepared to execute the best of work in any and all lines of photographing. Their cabinet photos, as well as all outside work, such as buildings, orchards, stock, etc., is a prime article--and while the work is especially good, the prices are exceedingly low and within the reach of all--hard-time prices for flush-time work. Located on D Street, near Mrs. Brous' residence, Medford, Oregon.
    A neat little tool house has recently been erected in the Odd Fellows cemetery.
    Another change has been made in the ownership of the Owl Grocery, this time the retiring gentlemen are W. P. H. Legate and John Morris, and the new owners are H. U. Lumsden and A. N. Berlin. Mr. Lumsden was a former resident of this city, and Mr. Berlin is from Kent, Washington, where he has been engaged in like business. Both are young men, possessed of good, sound business ability, and unless their looks and reputation greatly belie them they will be keen competitors for a goodly share of trade in their line.
    P. Henderson has moved with his family from over his shop to the Lumsden residence, on North C Street, where Mr. and Mrs. John Redfield have joined them--and the two families are as one.
    Robt. Galloway, having completed his stenographic studies in the Medford High school, has taken a position with the law firm of Webster & Hammond, of this city, as stenographer and typewriter.
    The Medford Mail reads the riot act to the small boys who have been killing robins in that part of the valley. The orchardists should look after the matter and put a stop to it. The robin is a great bug hunter and worm eater and a valuable ally of the farmer and gardener.--Ashland Tidings.
    R. T. Lawton has an ad elsewhere telling our readers that he has opened a real estate office in Medford. The gentleman is an old-time man at the business, and as he is one in whom all have a great amount of confidence, there is but little doubt but that success will be his. He advertises as an insurance, collection and tax-paying agency. He is also a notary public.
    Attorney Cardwell:--"I wish you would say to the thief who made away with my baby carriage last Monday night that there is a cushion and some other paraphernalia which properly belong with the carriage, and if he will call Saturday night of this week I will hand them out to him, or if he will leave his card I will deliver them at his place of residence. If one is going to be a thief they might as well be one with wholesale propensities."
"News of the City," Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 3

    The Medford flouring mill starts up today, after being shut down for several weeks.
    Robt. Galloway is now employed as stenographer and typewriter in the law offices of Webster & Hammond.
    W. T. Shurtleff of the Jackson County Irrigating Co. is in Portland on business connected with that corporation.
    The brewery will soon be in operation, as Mr. Bashford secured the services of an experienced brewer while in San Francisco.
     R. T. Lawton has opened a real estate, collection and insurance agency in Medford. He is an old hand at the business and will always give satisfaction.
    W. P. H. Legate and John Morris have sold the Owl grocery store to H. U. Lumsden, who lately returned from California, and A. N. Berlin of Kent, Wash.
    Geo. Davis has purchased the trotting stallion "Mistletoe" of Jos. Poley of Griffin Creek. The horse is of Hambletonian stock and has a three-year-old record of 2:54.
    Fred Lutkemeier has opened a saloon in the Lyon building on Front Street, next door to the place which was burned. He will keep a fine line of wines, liquors and cigars.
    T. McAndrew and W. S. Barnum are about to take preliminary steps toward the construction of new brick buildings on Seventh Street. There will be a great deal of improvement in Medford during 1894.
    J. W. Hockersmith has secured about 300 signers to a petition to the S.P. Co. to remove the stockyards at Medford from their present location to a point further north, near the distillery [at Jackson Street]. The object of the change is to do away with the necessity of driving stock through some of the principal streets of the town to reach the yards, which is always attended with more or less danger and inconvenience.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 2, 1894, page 2

    Sallie Ish to S.O.P. Packing Co.; 3.14 acres. $200.
    W. R. Stammers to Oliver Hansen; 194 feet off north end of lots 3 & 4, blk 8, Park add. to Medford. $120.
    B. W. Powell to Oliver Hansen; lots 1 & 2, in blk 3, Galloway add. to Medford. $1.
    James N. Fanning to Geo. McCallough; lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, blk 45, Medford. $10.
    C. Mingus to C. W. Palm; blk 44, in Medford add. $500.
    Lena J. Petton to Jane C. Carroll; 40 acres in twp 37s, r1w. $3500.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 2, 1894, page 2

An Artesian Well.
    Medford, March 28.--J. T. Flynn of the Pacific Well Drilling Company of Portland has made a proposition to the city council to drill a 12-inch well, 500 feet deep, for $3,500. The council will meet him again Tuesday, at which time the proposition will most likely be accepted and the contract signed, in which case the work will be commenced by April 15 and completed by July 25. Mr. Flynn is strongly of the opinion that flowing water can be obtained at that depth, as the location of the city is very favorable for artesian water. He says if flowing water is not obtained, a well of this depth will furnish about 300,000 gallons of water per day.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 2, 1894, page 3

    The cold nights are keeping the fruit blossoms back.
    A vast number of fruit trees is being planted this season.
    Miss May Sackett has been engaged to teach the summer term of school in Meadows district.
    The Farmers' Alliance of this county will hold a meeting at Medford on Friday, April 13th, for the transaction of important business.
    It is an old saying that "every dog has his day." That the Medford Mail man had his yesterday everyone who knows him will agree to.
    Mrs. W. A. Childers, who has been spending several weeks in Medford under the care of Dr. Jones, returned home to Sams Valley last week, much benefited.
    J. A. Whitman of Medford left Sunday night for an extended tour through the Mississippi and southern states, for the purpose of finding the best markets for the fruit of this valley, with a view of handling an increased quantity thereof during the coming season, and also of disposing of some of the surplus dried fruit now on hand.
    A fatal accident is likely to occur at any time to those who attempt to ford Bear Creek at the bridge near Central Point. A number of people who reside north of that town, and who desired to go to the county seat last week, were obliged to cross the stream on the Medford bridge. It is a mystery why the county authorities do not make the necessary repairs.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 2, 1894, page 3

    Dr. R. Pryce of Gold Hill is said to be dangerously ill with consumption.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 2, 1894, page 3

    M. Volk, the well-known civil engineer who was employed in southern Oregon during the construction of the O.&C.R.R. and who is now a resident of Portland, had the misfortune to lose his eldest daughter by diphtheria and was himself very low with the same disease.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 2, 1894, page 3

    Steps are being taken to organize a Republican club in this place on Friday evening.
    A number of disreputable characters, who were fired out of Grants Pass a short time ago, are hanging around Medford.
    The report of the wedding of Gabriel Plymale and Miss Bessie Brous seems to have been a little premature, although the indications are favorable for a correct announcement in the near future.
    Rev. Q. H. Shinn of Galesburg, Ill., general missionary of the Universalist Church, will be at Medford on April 12, 1894, and will hold two meetings at the opera house, at three and eight o'clock p.m. Mr. Shinn is said to be an eloquent and interesting speaker and should be greeted with a good audience.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 5, 1894, page 2

    J. A. Thomas to I. W. Thomas; 5.41 acres in twp 37s, r2w. $300.
    Jas. Hamlin to Geo. W. Hamlin; deed of trust to entire estate. Love and affection.
"Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 5, 1894, page 2

    A. P. Gordon shipped a carload of petite prunes, which he evaporated at the Olwell place near Central Point, to Kansas City last week.
    Dr. E. Kirchgessner of Medford received a call last week to go to Paisley, Lake County, to attend the wife of Rev. E. E. Phipps, who is very ill.
    The firm of Smith Bros., doing business at Wolf Creek, is in financial trouble, and I. L. Hamilton of Medford has been appointed as receiver of their estate.
    It is said that the grand jury are investigating a certain case of bastardy which occurred in Jacksonville some time since, and interesting developments are promised.
    The weather has been delightful during the past week, and the roads are drying up fast. The sun has also had the effect of waking up the grass on the hills and all kinds of vegetation.
    The indications are favorable for a good crop of fruit. The blossoms have been kept back long enough so that with the usual fine weather there ought not to be much danger from frost.
    J. W. Hockersmith has filed his certificate of nomination by individual electors for the office of sheriff and his acceptance of the same. This is the first nomination of the kind which has occurred in Jackson County under the new law.
    From W. T. Moore we learn that the last approach to the Bear Creek bridge near Central Point is in danger of being swept away. By buying a pile driver the county authorities could make every bridge secure, and such an investment would prove quite remunerative in the end.
    The S.P. Company has a force of men at work fencing its track between Medford and Ashland. The fence is composed of one board and four barbed wires, with the posts set rather closely together. The law requires the company to fence its track between Portland and the state line, at the rate of not less than 50 miles per annum. Southern Oregon was included in the law by Representative Nickell.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 5, 1894, page 3

    L. D. McCurdy, formerly of Klamath County, but now a resident of Medford, was in Jacksonville a few days since.
    G. F. Fendall, the efficient night watchman of Ashland, was in Jacksonville the forepart of the week. He informs us that hoboes are still very thick, there being about fifty of them in the granite city the night he left home.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 5, 1894, page 3

An Army of Tramps.
    GRANTS PASS, Or., April 3.--Early this morning about 50 tramps, who were brought in on the northbound freight train, attempted to board the outgoing train and were ordered off. They gathered rocks and defied the trainmen, who withdrew and let them alone, but only about half of them left town. A part of the crowd was a hard lot and showed fight. This is the first lot of tramps who have passed here in a body northbound.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 5, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    The family of Dr. Kirchgessner returned Saturday from the midwinter fair.
    G. P. Lindley returned Monday from a six weeks' visit in the state of Iowa.
    Wm. Ulrich ships a carload of P. W. Olwell's hogs to San Francisco this week.
    A. A. Davis has bought the Dr. Pryce lot on C Street and talks of building a brick block.
    The land question plank of the Omaha platform will be the topic for discussion at the populist club Saturday evening.
    C Street is being graded up and improved. It will be the handsomest street in Southern Oregon before another year rolls around.
    A petition has been numerously signed and forwarded asking the county court to appropriate $500 of the road fund for the road between here and Jacksonville.
    A son was born to the wife of Joe Hockersmith Friday. This settles the question of the deputy sheriffship after July 1st. The boy was promptly baptized and named Independent Hockersmith.
    Profs. Narregan and Jacobs, of the Medford public school, have about completed arrangements with the Jacksonville public school for a joint May Day picnic to be held in the grove near I. W. Thomas' place.
    The cow ordinance goes into effect on the 15th, so that there will be no more animals running about the town at large hereafter. This will start the planting of shade trees to beautify the town. Medford is progressing immensely.
    R. N. Tabor and wife, who have been visiting here some months, returned home to Santa Rosa, Cal., this week. Macy Pickering, our scientific and energetic vulcan, accompanied them as far as Ashland, returning on the evening train.
    Medford and Ashland having stood aside last year and let Jacksonville and Central Point celebrate the 4th of July, both these towns will undoubtedly return the compliment this season. Medford's celebration will probably be held in the grove between this town and the county seat.
    Our townspeople who don't believe in any further hell after leaving this mundane sphere have arranged for a series of meetings beginning April 12th. Rev. Q. H. Schinn, of Galesburg, Ill., president and national organizer of the Universalist denomination, will address the people. He is an able and wonderfully eloquent talker and reasoner.
Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, April 5, 1894, page 3

    Medford, as a blooming city, cannot be likened unto any thing more appropriate than the rose, except that our city not only blooms in the springtime, but the year 'round.
    The wheels of progress are making many rapid turns in Medford this spring. The customary spirit of hustle is being imbued with new vigor each day, and the old with the new forms a combination that is reaching well out into the ranks of prosperity and push. If the city of Medford is not shaping herself for a firm grasp to the title of the Hub city of the great Rogue River Valley, then appearances are very deceiving.
Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 2

    The railroad fence builders are building about one mile each day, on both sides. There are about twenty-five of them, and they have boarding and lodging cars with them. They build a very substantial fence with yellow cedar posts, one sixteen-foot board and four barbed wires.

"Talent Items," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 2

    L. M. Lyon:--"I have secured the contract for doing all woodwork on the McAndrews new brick building. Mr. Childers will finish the brick and will do all mason work. Understand work will commence upon the building now very soon."

"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 2

    G. P. Lindley returned Monday evening from his quite extended visit in the East.
    Miss Grace Foster left Sunday for Lake Creek, this county, where next Monday she will begin teaching school.
    Mrs. F. C. Duncan, of Darlington, Wisconsin, is here for a visit with her brother and sister, Dr. Hall and Mrs. J. W. Odgers.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 2

A First-Class Cess Pool.
A cess pool of the first class is the one thing more than another that this city doesn't want lurking round within her limits, but we've got one, just the same. Down near Mr. Van Dyke's residence and near the railroad track, on the east side, is a hole filled with very green-tinted water, dead hens, old cans, last year's cats and a general collection of debris of like nature. The hole in which is all this truck is perhaps a couple hundred feet long by fifteen or twenty feet wide and six or eight feet deep, and was made by the railroad company removing gravel therefrom. There are four or five feet of water in it, and the aroma which arises therefrom and is waft by the morning breezes to the hearthstones of that immediate locality is anything but a pleasant morsel to sandwich with hotcakes and coffee. Besides being decidedly unpleasant, it is all-fired unhealthy.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

How John Made a Fortune.
John Hardin is a barber, and a miner as well. It was related to us this week that John made a little fortune when engaged in barbering. He being a miner knew that there was gold in the whiskers of nearly every man he shaved, as all were miners, and by saving the lather and panning out the gold he made a snug little sum. But this sum was lost, the boys tell, in experimenting in trying to make a cow give gin by feeding her on juniper berries. John is said to be now at work on an invention by which he proposes to confine a hen in a machine of the milkshake order and make her lay scrambled eggs.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

The Howl Is Here, All Right.
We said a few weeks ago that there would be a howl coming from residents of South C Street unless certain portions of that street were graded. That bowl is howling sure enough, but it is not the one we expected. Instead of the people complaining of insufficient improvements they are complaining of too much of the alleged good article. A little improvement is all good enough, but too much of it is just a little worse than not enough. Some of the people owning property on this street are compelled to fill the street to the extent of five feet while others, in order to reach the established grade, will have to go something like three feet below the present level of the street. This will, of course, make a better-looking street, but it will work a hardship upon some of the property owners. The highest fill will be in front of Messrs. Slinger's and Brook's property and will be five feet. Dr. Pryce will have a three-foot fill. The deepest cut will be three feet and will be between druggist Strang's and H. U. Lumsden's property.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

"Rosy's" New Salesman.
    Mort Foster has accepted a position as salesman in S. Rosenthal's clothing establishment. Mr. Foster is an old hand at the business, and the manner in which he has rearranged the goods in the several departments tell of his ability to handle the articles, while his earnest efforts to please both proprietor and patrons is noticeable at every turn.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

Bicycles, Spring and the Young Man.
In the springtime when the gardens and meadows are aglow with blue and red the young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of bicycles, and it is painful to observe him crash ker-plunk into an awning post in his endeavor to break a wheel to drive in single harness. Medford sidewalks are this early in the season being besplattered with gore from the proboscis of the amateur bicyclist, who rides not wisely but too wobbly. The latest victim to the bicycle craze in Medford is I. A. Mounce, the Seventh Street confectioner. He rides bravely, if not safely--as all bystanders near the post office will vouchsafe when they recall his collision with awning posts and the sidewalk one day last week.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

They Will Gambol Not on the Green.
    One week from next Sunday, April 15th, and the cows will gambol no more on the beautiful green commons of this city. Neither will they unlock the garden gate or even climb over the garden wall and feed upon the succulent vegetation which represents hours of toil and much sustenance for the household. The cow ordinance goes into effect upon that date, and the marshal will be empowered to place in durance vile all trespassers of the bovine family found outside the limits of their owner's respective property.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

Last Dance of the Season.
    The Medford Dancing Club gave their last party of the winter series last Friday evening. This one was like unto all others--quite well attended and heartily enjoyed. A surplus in coin of the realm, amounting to $21.45, has accumulated from their parties, over and above expenses, and the same is now turned over to the fire bell fund, for all of which the city and the fire lads are grateful.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

Going to Live in the City.
    Spence Childers, Jr. has purchased the Legate residence property on North C Street from B. S. Webb and will soon move in from his Table Rock ranch. The price paid was $1000. His sons will remain on the farm and care for the stock. Mr. Childers is a mason by trade and moves to the city to be in closer proximity with his work.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

Will Build a 6000-Bushel Granary.
Contractor E. W. Starr this week closed a contract with Mrs. Ish whereby he is to build for her a granary, 24x30 feet in size, which, when completed, will hold 6000 bushels of grain. The building will consume 25,000 feet of lumber in its construction. Work on the building will be commenced about May 1st.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

Fixing Up their Church.
    The Episcopal people of Medford have been making many improvements about their little church on Seventh Street, all of which are noticeable, commendable and complimentary are the remarks being made by passersby.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

Quicksand Is a Treacherous Article.
    Ted Howard, while riding across Bear Creek at the McAndrews ford Tuesday, came near be out just the value of a good horse. His horse encountered a bed of quicksand from which it was unable to extricate itself. A team of horses was procured, a rope fastened around the almost entirely submerged animal and it was pulled out, and found uninjured. The horse was in the water and sand about four hours.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

The Judge Knew Smith, the Jeweler.
"Say, Judge, who is this Edward Smith, the new watchmaker, that I hear all the boys talking so much about that has just located at Medford?"
    "Why, don't you know him? He is the oldest son of Henry Smith, the old Medford storekeeper, where Mr. and Mrs. Cranfill have carried on a large and successful business for years past, and he is now located in his father's old store on Front Street. Your fine watches are perfectly safe in his hands--just as much so as if you placed them in the Jackson County Bank vault."

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

    Miss Foster, of Medford, has been employed to teach the Lake Creek school this spring.

"Lake Creek Creeklets," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 4

    J. S. Hagey, having sold his farm, has moved his family to Medford. We are sorry to have them leave our neighborhood, for they were good, kind friends. Mr. Hagey taught the Mound school for three terms and was liked and respected by both patrons and pupils.

"Big Sticky Items," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 4

Medford Items.
    Mrs. Dustin High has been paying her folks, Fred Barneburg and family, a visit.
    Miss Rose Clemens left Saturday for Salt Lake City, to be absent a year or more.
    John R. Stearns spent Sunday and Monday in Ashland visiting his family and friends.
    Chas. Angel has gone to the timber land belt in the Jenny Creek section to do some estimating.
    J. W. Merritt, of Central Point, has shipped in a carload of potatoes from the Willamette Valley.
    Wm. Werth has sold out his butchering business at Central Point and intends to return to Germany.
    Miss M. Adelle Vertrees has returned home to Ashland from an extended visit with Medford friends.
    L. C. Coleman, the capitalist, arrived Monday from Oakland, Cal., to look after his mortgages and property interests.
    Lionel R. Webster went northward Saturday with the Jackson County delegation. He wants to get on the ticket very bad.
    Dan Waldroop left for Ashland Sunday to prepare to go to his Jenny Creek land claim to make improvements for the summer.
    W. L. Townsend, who now owns a prosperous barber shop in [the] Hotel Medford block, was visiting the Granite City the first of the week,
    F. T. Fradenburg. of Hotel Oregon, is down in this end of the valley booming up the Ashland mines and the coming 4th of July celebration.
    J. H. Woody, one of our level-headed and most industrious farmers, has been hauling wheat to the Ashland roller mills this week, receiving 45 cents.
    Austin Nicholson, aged 24, and E. Fox, aged 80,. were taken to the Salem insane asylum this week by the sheriff, having been committed by Judge Neil Monday.
    The first annual county convention of the W.C.T.U. of Jackson County convened in Medford Monday evening with a large attendance. The state lecturer, Mrs. L. H. Additon, is present.
    A. D. Dodson was in town Saturday from Antelope to receive his son from Siskiyou County, who comes on a visit. He confirms the general report that the entire country has turned populistic in politics.
    Supt. Buchanan, of the branch railroad, was here this week figuring up the cost of construction of his road from Medford to Eagle Point. He believes that the company will build the road this summer.
    Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel returned yesterday from Chicago via the midwinter fair to remain. Dr. Pickel has been taking a postgraduate course in the medical and surgical college in the Windy City.
    G. Elksnat and his partner returned Wednesday from their trip to the Round Valley Indian Agency, recently thrown open to settlement. They report the "valley'' all barren mountains, not worth the government price of $1.25 per acre.
    Gabe Plymale and Miss Bessie Brous. whom I had married off a little prematurely in my recent correspondence, were actually married Sunday.,April 8th, by Rev. Father Williams. The timekeepers on our popular young friends will please observe the change of date. We wish them much prosperity and success.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, April 12, 1894, page 4
    E. Ellis, of Ashland, is canvassing this end of the county selling a sure killer for gophers and varmints. It is a pumping arrangement put over the holes occupied by varmints and then pump in a gas that suffocates and kills everything in the varmint line under the ground. B. F. Reeser, of Ashland, manufactures the machine.
    Julius E. Miner, who owns 18,000 acres of timber land up Rogue River, is having trouble over holding its possession. The government agents sent out have secured some evidence in regard to how it was secured and the department has ordered a hearing at the Roseburg land office, where Mr. Miner is at present. E. G. Sahlstrom, of Prospect, seems to be interested in holding Mr. Miner over a barrel.
    Central Point precinct did not attend the Democratic county convention Saturday either in person or by proxy, although they elected their quota of delegates. This snubbing of the convention was administered as a reminder and a rebuke for using one of their favorite Democratic sons, Ed. R. Ewen, to slaughter in the last election to appease the avarice of the demo-republicratic gang of tax eaters who live to prey on the county.
    The female fringes of society, who anchored in Medford after being driven out of. other towns, are making themselves very conspicuous hereabouts, flaunting their vulgar presence before the men, women and children in the day and occasionally making the night hideous with their orgies. They are a pest to the community and the sooner the authorities rid the town of them the better for our boys and girls. Yet it is alleged that the commercial and business interests of a town "that amounts to anything" must have them. This greed for gold is a monster whose avarice has no mercy for home, honor or virtue.
    Some weeks ago Dr. Kirchgessner was called on by John Angle to see a woman of ill fame who was bleeding to death from what was probably the effects of an abortion. The Dr. refused to go and upon Angle insisting the Dr. replied in substance that he should go to somebody else to doctor his sick women of ill fame. Angle, who is a shoulder-striker, gave Dr. Kirchgessner a course of treatment not recorded in the works or fee-bills of the M.D. fraternity. The Doctor's head (after the treatment) was too large for the cupelo of his stovepipe, his other eye was winked out and his nose presented more the appearance of a hornets' nest. The Dr. did not swear out a warrant, but bided his time and had the grand jury indict Angle this week for assault and battery.
Valley Record, Ashland, April 12, 1894, page 4

    The matter of subsidizing any and all enterprises which come along is becoming decidedly monotonous. While the enterprises are undoubtedly deserving, it is as well a fact that if our city and country demand such enterprises, this demand and a promise of a lucrative business ought to be a subsidy sufficient to warrant their being established. Our business men and citizens in general are naturally a liberal people, and they have built a city which is assuredly a prosperous one, and one which offers many and varied advantages to the establishing of manufacturing enterprises--but they look not with pleasure upon a subscription paper.

Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 2

    J. R. Erford:--"When Dr. Geary used to drive a team in making his professional visits about the city and country he used to stop when near an approaching train of cars, get out of his buggy and hold the team by the head. I noticed him doing the same thing with his bicycle a couple of days ago--force of habit undoubtedly."
    I. L. Hamilton:--"What am I doing regarding the fruit cannery, vinegar and jelly plant spoken of some time ago? Well, when our fire occurred a few weeks ago the subscription papers, upon which were a few names, were burned, and I have not written up any new ones and hardly think it worth while to do so. While, of course, we are all anxious to see these enterprises established, it is a pretty difficult matter to secure subsidies."
    Ed. Wilkinson:--"Wait until I get my new refrigerator, then my market will glitter. It will be here about May first, and it is being shipped from San Francisco. It will be 6x9x11 feet in size and will be the finest article of the kind in Southern Oregon. It will cost $350 and is warranted to keep meet thirty days when properly iced. The front of it is to be covered with heavy plate mirror glass, and my name will appear on it in gilt letters. It will be a thing of beauty."
    A. Fetsch:--"Since I opened business, five days ago, I have taken orders for thirteen suits of clothes. I didn't realize that Medford was so much of a cream city as it is. There are many things noticeable in this city that are commendable. Principal among these is the manner in which our people spend their money at home. There are but a very few articles sent away for that can possibly be bought here. A dollar spent at home is not lost to the city, but a good portion of it gets back into circulation again among us. Trade is first class. I hear this expression coming from all the different businesses of the city."
"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 2

    D. T. Sears was called to Polk County Tuesday by a telegram announcing the serious illness of his brother-in-law, E. P. Guina.
    F. J. Wilson and family and Mrs. Sarah C. Wilson arrived in Medford yesterday from Oakland. Mr. W., we understand, has leased the McAndrews building on Seventh Street and will open up a grocery and gents' furnishing store therein.

"Purely Personal,"
Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 2

    Sallie Ish to S.O.P.P. Co., 3.14 acres in the Ish add. to Medford . . . 200
    Emma M. Lumsden to Wm. E. Nicholson, lts 9, 10, blk 2, Lumsden's add. to Medford . . . 90
    C. Mingus to C. W. Palm, land adjoining Medford . . . 500
    James N. Fanning to George McCullough, lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, blk 45, Medford . . . 40
    W. R. Stammers, Jr. to Oliver Hansen, part of lts 3 & 4, blk 8, Medford . . . 130
    B. W. Powell to same, lts 1 & 2, blk 3, Galloway's add. to Medford . . . 5
    E. B. Mott to J. R. Freelan, lts 22, 24, blk E, R.R. add. to Medford . . . 125
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 2

Candy Factory in Operation.
    Monday morning the Medford Candy Manufacturing Company began the manufacture of goods in the several different forms into which sugar is molded--as dainty morsels for the most delicate tooth which has a fondness for things of a saccharine nature. The present owners of the factory and molders of these sweets are C. A. Zahn and D. L. Fry, both recently from Lebanon. They are now at work manufacturing a large stock of various chocolate and cream mixtures--samples of which have been sent to this office and by the office force pronounced a prime article and, as Tayler says, "a very up-to-date" article. This company expects to be able to place so low a price on their goods and to produce an article of such merit as to command the exclusive patronage of all valley towns and cities. In this city they will do a wholesale and retail business. The Mail hopes success may come their way and stay with them--the boys are deserving of the city's support.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 3

How Is It Accounted For?
I. W. Thomas tells us this week of a peculiarity which exists out at his place, the whyforness of which is past finding out. Mr. Thomas is known everywhere to be a thoroughly truthful and reliable gentleman, else we would not credit the statement. On his place, which is about two miles west of Medford, is a pond of water--or rather, at times it is there--which has the peculiar habit of raising and falling six inches each day. It was first noticed doing this a few weeks ago by Wm. Wheeler, one of Mr. Thomas' farm hands. He spoke of it to his fellow workmen, and to prove to them that he was not in error he drove a stick in the edge of the pond--which, by the way, is only about twenty feet across--and upon the stick made a mark, and by this means his story was easily confirmed. In the morning the water is very low, and not until about eleven o'clock does it begin to rise. It continues to rise until sometime in the evening, when it lowers again. Another peculiar fact connected with the matter is that at this season of the year heretofore there has been no water in the pond at all. Was it not for the altitude of this locality being 1300 feet above sea level it might be attributed to the movements of the tide, but at this height it is hardly probable, and being sixty miles from the ocean makes the tidal theory less probable. Will someone please investigate and tell us of the probable cause of this phenomenon?

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Has His Eye on the Garbage Heap.
    Night watchman Churchman has been making the rounds of many localities in Medford this week with a view to locating any possible existing disease germs, such as garbage piles, stagnant water or decomposed animal or vegetable matter. Our reporter caught him gazing on a heap of rubbish which of nature was anything but such as would occasion a smile to even flit across the average man's countenance, but Mr. Churchman had that customary smile with him, and it was beaming down on that pile of filth like it was a basket of oranges and a bouquet of roses. We noticed also that he took notes, and all places of uncleanliness will be attended to.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

His Greenhouse a Thing of Beauty.
Frank Sutter has a greenhouse, as many people know, and as many people know full well, it is a thing of beauty at all seasons of the year, but right about now it is more beautiful than ever before. Mrs. Sutter has charge of this flower world, and being well versed in the business 'tis little wonder that beautiful flowers and their intoxicating perfume predominate thereabouts. Mr. Sutter looks after the vegetable and fruit gardens, and there too is seen the cleverness of a very adept hand. These people have something over 200 different varieties of roses and other plants ranging in number well up to the above.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Someone Has Been Pilfering.
For the second time in the history of the Medford Lawn Tennis Club, its members [are] called upon to mourn the loss of that part of the game paraphernalia called a net. They are getting an idea into their heads that the purloiner of this article is known to them, and while through the goodness of their hearts they dislike to deal harshly with said thief, they have positively promised him that prosecution will be his lot within eleven days from the date of this paper unless he decides to slide up to the tennis grounds and leave thereon the net in question.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Located in New Quarters.
    A. Fetsch, the tailor, who was one of the unfortunates in the recent Front Street fire, has received his new stock of goods and is again open for business. His new place of business is at the corner of Front and Eighth streets. Mr. Fetsch's reputation for reliable and substantial work has in no way been impaired by his rest from business for a few weeks. The nearly dressed young men seen our our streets are nine-tenths of them fitted out at Fetsch's.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Some Pretty Slick Painting.
    W. F. Shawver was showing us this week some very fine painting, from the artist hand of Mrs. John Mills, of Jacksonville, and a friend of Mrs. Shawver. The paintings are now on exhibition at the Racket store and are well worth your careful attention. The lady is prepared to give lessons to a limited number of pupils.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Some More Fine Cabinet Work.
    Weeks Bros. have commenced on some more of their most excellent work in the bar fixture line--for Wright's saloon. They have also put up some very fine store fixtures for Mrs. C. W. Palm's new millinery store, consisting of counters, shelving and a millinery case.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Johnny in a New Role.
    John Curry has taken a position as bookkeeper in Angle & Plymale's mercantile establishment, only, however, during the absence of Miss Hoyt. Abe Bish has swung into line as delivery man in John's place--he's an old rounder at the business and does well the work. Same thing is true of Mr. Curry--as a bookkeeper.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Can They Raise the Wind?
    B. S. Webb and A. C. Nicholson are jointly putting up a windmill on the line between their properties in southwest Medford. It, of course, will be a good thing to have around, but to just what use they expect to put it in a country where the gentle zephyrs blow as gently as they do in Southern Oregon is past finding out.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

East Side Improvements.
    Merchant Wm. Angle and L. G. Porter are among those on the east side who have added improvements to their places by the addition of several rods of new picket fence. These two gentlemen have as fine homes as there are in Medford, and when they shall have completed the several other improvements now mapped out the beauty thereabouts will be even more marked than now.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Moved to New Quarters.
    The furniture stock of Weeks Bros. has been moved to the firm's new and spacious sales rooms, on Seventh Street, where W. H. McGowan is in charge as salesman.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

New Shoe Shop.
    E. Reinhold, a recent arrival in Medford from Spokane Falls, has rented a room on South Front Street, and in a few days will be prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot and shoe line.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Leased the Higgins Building.
J. Wright, recently from Grants Pass, has leased S. A. D. Higgins' building, on North Front Street, for saloon purposes. Mr. W. has applied to the city council for a license, and as soon as same is granted he will open the place for business.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

    J. Wright, recently from Grants Pass, has leased S. A. D. Higgins' building, on North Front Street, for saloon purposes. Mr. W. has applied to the city council for a license, and as soon as same is granted he will open the place for business.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Wheat, No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per bushel, 40 cts.
Oats  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "        "       36   "
Barley   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "        "       35   "
Corn  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "        "       40   "
Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "        "       60   "
Mill Feed, Bran and Shorts. . . . . . . . . per ton, $15.00
Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . baled, $9.00; loose,   8.00
Wood, Oak   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per cord,   3.50
      "      Fir  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per cord,   3.00
Flour, wholesale  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per barrel,   2.60
Flour, retail  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per sack, 70 cts.
Butter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per roll (two pounds), 50   "
Eggs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per dozen, 08   "
Onions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per pound, 1½  "
Apples  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per box (one bushel), 50   "
Bacon and ham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per lb., 11 & 13   "
Beans   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "     "             03   "
Lard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "     "             15   "
Honey  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   "     "             13   "
Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 4

    GRANTS PASS AND ASHLAND.--These towns are located in the Rogue River Valley, Southern Oregon. I came to this field last spring and pitched a tent at Ashland. Elder A. J. Stover assisted me in the work. A few were converted, and the Sabbath-keepers in and around the town were gathered together and strengthened,  forming a company of about twenty-five, who were subsequently united in church fellowship.
    In September we came to Grants Pass, and succeeded in erecting a house of worship which this church has so long needed. After our work here we again returned to Ashland and built a meeting house there. The brethren at both these places are poor, but have worked faithfully to build a house of worship.
    Brother Stover located at Ashland to look after the work there, and I came to Grants Pass.
    In February I held meetings three miles from town. Ten signed the covenant, and a Sabbath school of twenty-three members was organized. This includes its Sunday school superintendent and all the teachers, so that the Sunday school is
practically converted into a Sabbath school, and the former discontinued. This month (March) we have been holding meetings int he church here at Grants Pass.
    We first canvassed the town with tracts: "Rome's Challenge," "Sabbath of the New Testament," and "Why Not Found [sic] Out Before?"
    This created an interest which caused the ministers to preach in favor of the Sunday institution. This helped to agitate the question, and when our meetings began we found our house well filled from night to night. Some have decided to obey, and others are investigating. The Lord is prospering his work here in this field.
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Silver Spring, Maryland, April 17, 1894, page 251

Medford Items.
    Mrs. E. Williams is lying very low at the hospital at Portland.
    Mrs. Norton and Mrs. Mills are visiting in Southern California.
    Charley Lambert, of Gold Hill, returned from the midwinter fair Friday.
    C. H. Pickens of Table Rock is working for a big meat concern at Portland.
    Chas. Chitwood, of Ashland, is running Strang's drugstore while he is in San Francisco.
    Chas. Strang and wife, C. K. Fronk and wife and S. Rosenthal left Sunday for the midwinter fair.
    Mrs. Jackson Hockersmith was down from Ashland this week visiting Joe Hockersmith's family.
    Wm. Angle was over on the Klamath River the first of the week looking after the mining interests of a Medford syndicate.
    Capt. I. D. Applegate, Republican nominee for sheriff of Klamath County, spent Monday visiting his sister, Mrs. M. L. Alford.
    The Jackson County Sunday school convention in session this week drew a large crowd from all parts of the county. Wm. Reynolds, from Peoria, Ill., was president. Much interest was manifested in the good cause.
    Joe Hockersmith is in the county buying a carload of hogs to be shipped this week to San Francisco. Wherever Joe buys one hog he puts in two words for Hockersmith for sheriff. The polls will show whether the political pledges have kept pace with the hog sales.
    C. E. Smith. of the Carter Creek soda springs, was down from the Siskiyous Saturday attending central committee meeting. He reports his club as well satisfied with the ticket and that it has the unqualified support of every populist. This is interesting, as nearly every voter in that district is a populist.
    Wm. Robinson was over from Pokegama this week and reports that Will Cook has gone to San Francisco to see the old man, who has sold his Dakota timber lands for $200,000 more than he could get for them last summer. Another box factory is negotiating to put a second plant in at the mill. Another pay day is expected the first of the month.
    Gov. Sylvester Pennoyer will open the campaign on behalf of the populists in Medford Saturday evening, April 28th. The governor is the most popular statesman in America and the (g)old parties here had expected that the governor would not make a thorough campaign of this state. When the dates had been fixed for the governor's speech it sent a cold chill down the backs of the official anticipations of some of our Republican friends. They hate to see a popular and successful statesman in whom the people have expressed so much confidence, get up and proclaim the true reason why we are an outraged nation and a plundered people.
Valley Record, Ashland, April 19, 1894, page 4

    G. C. Noble to Julius Meeker, 194 feet off north end of lts 9, 10, blk 8; Park add. to Medford . . . 556
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 2

    A. C. Tayler:--"Gospel services are being held in my store every Sunday evening, conducted by S. D. Biden, and to which all are invited."
    G. L. Webb:--"In slang parlance, 'get on to my racket'--I mean, of course, my Racket [Store] sign. The old one has showed many a customer the road to bargains, but these are days of progression, and the old must be replaced with the new."
    W. H. Hembree:--"Success is assuredly mine. I am doing a good business. There are three of us--my wife, her sister and myself--kept busy from early morning until late at night. Aside from doing a good baking business I am selling a goodly amount of baking powder. I expect to add the grinding and preparing of spices to my establishment now pretty soon."
    Mrs. L. J. Sears:--"The rumor to the effect that I was soon going out of the millinery business is entirely erroneous. We may possibly move, but I shall continue in business. Mr. Sears is expected to return tomorrow or next day. His brother-in-law, whom you reported ill a couple of weeks ago, died at Dallas before Mr. Sears reached there. He was there, however, in time to attend the funeral."
    Commissioner Brandenburg:--"We have finished graveling the street west from the S.P. depot to I. M. Harvey's place. We are now at work hauling gravel with six teams to the road and street leading out of the city toward Phoenix. We will gravel to a point 300 yards south of the Earhart place--that being the south line of this district. I had six shovelers engaged who agreed to show up Tuesday morning--only two of them were on hand. Yes, my temper was ruffled slightly.
Mayor Haskins:--"It is quite probable my new brick store building will be commenced at once. I have let the contract for the brick work to Mr. Childers, and Messrs. Shawver &  Nicholson will have charge of the wood work. There will be only the two end walls to put up, as the adjoining ones will be my side walls--and in which I have a part ownership. The building will be two stories high--the second story to be fitted for office purposes. The building ought to be in readiness inside of three months."
    J. R. Wilson:--"You heard I was going to build? Well, yes, that is right. Don't know just when I will get at it, but it is going up just the same. It will be [illegible]x75 feet in size and two stories high. Yes, [illegible] first-class. I am working three men in my blacksmith shop and could work more if I had room. I am going to do all wood work myself and am now starting in on a fine buggy for Dr. Kirchgessner. The buggy will be piano box, all woodwork the best of hickory, and the ironing will be first-class throughout--if anyone should ask you, she will be a dandy from the ground up."
    A. A. Davis:--"I had just about arranged positively for the erection of three buildings on my property, facing west on North C Street, in fact had received bids for their erection, when I received a letter from eastern parties, with whom I had made verbal contract for their rental, to the effect that they had decided not to come west this spring. This, of course, knocked out my plans, for a time at least. The building was to be brick, 75x80 feet in size, two stories high, and divided into three ordinary store buildings or one colossal store room, as renters desired. However, I have not wholly given up the idea of building, as I am figuring upon putting up a brick hotel building 90x100 feet in size on the corner of C and Sixth streets. This building I am ready to build as soon as a suitable renter can be had. When I build I will put up buildings that will be a credit to the city and am desirous of renting to only good, square men."
"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 2

    Chas. Chitwood came down from Ashland Saturday and is now officiating as prescription clerk at the Strang drug store--during Mr. Strang's absence.
    Alva Danielson left yesterday morning for Ashland, where he will accept a position on the Tidings. Alva is a good lad in a print shop, and this office wishes him success.
    H. U. Lumsden and family, his mother, Mrs. D. J. Lumsden, and sister, Miss Carrie, arrived yesterday morning from Portland. They will reside permanently in Medford.
    Dr. Kirchgessner left Saturday for a visit at Paisley, this state. He is called to the above place to attend professionally Mrs. E. E. Phipps, who is quite ill. From Paisley the doctor will go to San Francisco, where he will attend a theosophical convention.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 2

No Ghosts Need Apply.
Attorney W. H. Parker, in the absence of a more desirable location, has moved his family to the vacant residence south of the public school building. Mr. Parker has been hunting long and well for a vacant house in Medford, and just as he had about made up his mind to move to Jacksonville his attention was called to this one, and he immediately proceeded to engage it. The residence has borne anything but a savory reputation, because of its alleged spooky proclivities, but L. A. Murphy and family resided therein all last winter and they saw not the phantoms, neither did they hear sounds not of earthly origin. This being the case it is presumed that George will not be given an opportunity for ghostly seances. He has given notice that no ghosts need apply.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

Buying and Selling Medford Soil.
Messrs. Hamilton & Palm have been "rolling logs," so to speak, in the real estate business for the past week. It was through their agency that attorney A. S. Hammond sold a number of lots on North C Street near the distillery to Miss Lutie Burch, consideration $150. C. W. Palm has also sold to John Morris lot 1, block 51, original Medford, consideration $125. And still another deal reported by these gentlemen is the sale of two lots in block 44, from Conrad Mingus to C. W. Palm, consideration $500.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

There Is Talk of a Fruit Drier.
As the fruit orchards of this locality begin showing their promise of another abundant crop of fruit, by a profusion of blossoms, the fruit drier man appears on the scene and talks encouragingly of establishing one of these very necessary commodities, but time draws apace and the drier materializes not. There is one gentleman, however, a Mr. Markley, of Seattle, who claims to have sufficient confidence in our fruit products to warrant him in establishing this enterprise in Medford. He was here a few weeks ago, and from his friends, Mr. I. J. Phipps' people, we learn that he expects to soon return and carry out his project. May his present symptoms never grow less.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

No Protests Entered.
A. J. Wilcox, with a crew of workmen, began the work of moving the old Haskins building yesterday morning. The adjoining business men are not entering any very vigorous protests to this procedure, because with the old building there the insurance rate was forty cents on $100 higher.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

He Gave Them a Reception.
    Last week we mentioned the marriage of G. W. Williams. There was a little incident connected with it that we neglected to mention because of space. It seems that some of the boys about town had concluded that a charivari would be the one thing most proper to celebrate the occasion. They accordingly drew nigh unto Mr. W.'s place of residence, and at the first rattle-te-bang from their tin pans the gentleman opened his house door, and himself and son appeared on the scene with a basket of eggs which they hurled with unerring aim at the heads of the intruders. This quited their frolicsome notions, and they departed with great fleetness of foot, but unfortunately some of them collided with the embrace of Marshal Churchman, who had sauntered over that way to quiet any disturbance that might arise, but Mr. Williams, in the dusk of evening, knew not the difference between friend or foe, and the marshal felt a full-grown egg go ker-slam alongside of his hatband--and the marks are there yet. The serenade was brought to a very abrupt and sudden close, and to the credit of Mr. Williams, be it said he did himself proud. The only thing to be regretted is that the eggs were not back numbers. When the boys get funny and engage in sports of this nature a harmless, yet forcible, chastisement of this sort is the medicine they most need.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 3

Things Do Move.
Shifts in business locations are one of the things necessary to help fill the columns of a local newspaper and furnish a part of the means of a livelihood for the drayman. This week started in brisk in the moving line. Mrs. C. W. Palm began at early sunrise Monday morning to move her large stock of millinery goods and notions to her pleasant new location on West Seventh Street. C. W. laid his diamond pin away in his real estate office safe and packed boxes and things--just like one of the men--and a big job was soon over. No sooner was the little brick, on East Seventh Street, vacated by these people than did druggist Haskins begin moving his stock of drugs and drug sundries thereto. The move by Mr. H. is to enable him to put up his talked-of brick building on the ground of his old stand. He will begin the erection of his building as soon as the old building is removed, which has already been sold to C. W. Palm and will be moved across the track and placed fronting to the east and adjoining the distillery office.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

Had To Have More Help.
    The Wirth Photo Company of this city is doing a good business. The Mail has said this same thing before. It was true then and more so now. In fact, work has been coming in so fast that additional help has been necessary, and the services of Mrs. I. M. Nichols, the Central Point photographer, whom everybody knows to be a first-class artist, have been secured for a time by Mr. Wirth. The lady is to begin work next Monday.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

The Clarenden in New Hands.
    Mrs. Emma Barker has bought out the interests of Geo. Justus in the Clarenden Hotel and is in possession of the same. The lady has secured the services of Harry Angle as clerk.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

Opened on Schedule Time.
    J. Wright opened his place of business on Front Street Monday morning. He has also leased the Rosenthal residence, corner A and Sixth streets, and has commenced housekeeping.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

    L. B. Warner, the fruit tree man, has trees on hand to supply the trade of Medford and vicinity, in any quantity and in the following varieties: Apple, pears, cherries, apricots, peaches, prunes and soft-shelled almond. Mr. Warner may be found at Dr. Odgers' dental rooms.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

Lutkemeier's New Chop House.
Fred Lutkemeier has opened his chop house again at this place of business, on South Front. This institution was just getting to running fairly well when the fire came his way and swept everything, but he is now on deck with a new outfit and is setting up some good dishes of most palatable edibles for the hungry wayfarer. He is having menu cards printed at this shop which are replete with all the things tempting to he who hungereth and at prices within easy reach. Albert Wilson, recently from Roseburg, is in charge of the culinary department and is said by those who know him to be a dandy in his line.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

The Tumblers Have Abrogated.
The gymnasium club of Medford, which flourished like the green bay tree of days agone during the past winter, was evidently only of mushroom existence, as the tumbles and falls which made life such a round of pleasure to the nearby residents have faded to the background of antiquity. Not a fall is now heard, not even the imprint of the anatomy of the athletic young man is branded on the hard, cruel floor--the boys have quit their frolics.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

New Sign Writers and Decorators.
    J. C. McFerson & Son, recently from Oakland, California, have located in Medford where they will do house painting, sign writing, paper hanging and all work pertaining thereto. They have already done some considerable work, and it is of a quality which proves them adepts with the brush. Their work shop is over the Hubbard implement house on Seventh Street. Read their ad elsewhere in this paper.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

Rosy's New Building--That Is To Be.
Merchant S. Rosenthal has closed a contract with S. Childers to put up his new brick store building, work on the same to begin in early springtime. The building will be 25x80 feet in size and will be two stories high, that is, it will be that high unless "Rosy" changes his mind between now and spring. Rock for the foundation is now being put on the ground by Mr. Childers, and all other arrangements are being perfected, to be in readiness for an early spring movement. It is probable that Mr. Rosenthal will buy a half interest in the west wall of the Phipps building and make that his east wall. In case, however, satisfactory terms cannot be made he will build a wall all his own. The wood building now occupied by Mr. Rosenthal will be moved to some convenient business location, for occupancy until such time when the new building is ready for use.
    The importance of new brick buildings in this particular locality has been noticeable for some time, both for their added beauty to Seventh Street and their assurance of greater fire protection to surrounding buildings. Mr. Rosenthal displayed his lump of enterprise, with the broad side out, when he decided to build, and the Mail hopes to see his most earnest expectations realized and as well to see other adjoining land owners follow the example set them.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

Photographs of the Departed.
    We have the 15,000, more or less, negatives made by Rifenburg & Murphy, from which we will print duplicate copies, at $2.00 per dozen.
Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3

Medford Items.
    Wm. Ulrich was in Medford Tuesday on business.
    Sam DeRoboam has gone to California for a location.
    P. B. O'Neil was over at Yreka Tuesday on a business trip.
    W. B. Roberts returned Sunday from his visit with the old folks in old Arkansaw.
    D. A. Huling, of Coos County, formerly in business here, is visiting the midwinter fair.
    Judge G. W. Smith. of Klamath County, was here today after produce for his Montague store.
    Joe Hockersmith shipped a carload of hogs to San Francisco Monday and is in the field buying more.
    The Jacksonville-Medford public school union picnic May 5th will be allowed round trip tickets on the railroad for 10 cents.
    The Evans & Sontag show was allowed to play here, when the stiff-backed authorities of Ashland and Grants Pass properly sit down on them. Shame on the weak spine of our city officials.
    John Angle is serving his $25 fine, for beating Dr. Kirchgessner for refusing to go and see a very sick woman, out in the county jail, it being much cheaper, and, as times are at present, almost an advantage. Dr. Kirchgessner defends his action in not answering this call by saying he thought the physicians' clique were putting up a job on him for the purpose, perhaps, of sending him to the penitentiary as an abortionist murderer in case he responded to the call and the woman had of died. From the general meanness toward each other that physicians are suspected of, there may have been some grounds for his fears.
Valley Record, Ashland, April 26, 1894, page 3

    I. A. Mounce:--"Why, that's a show case. Everybody ought to know that it was made by Jos. Shone, and if anyone should ask you, it's a dandy."
    Mail office devil:--(His letter to Secretary [of Agriculture] Morton).--"Knowing that the department over which you have the honor to preside is more than willing to encourage agriculture, horticulture, floriculture and various other foreign and domestic brands of culture, I now sit down and take my pen in hand to ask a trivial favor of you. I have a nice patch of ground, large enough to milk a cow on, in Medford, and I am anxious to have a garden that will be useful as well as ornamental. I would like to raise Havana cigars, and I will esteem a favor if you will send me a few boxes as seed. Please also state whether cigars should be planted at the dark of the moon, or when planet Equinox is in perihelion. In addition to this, kindly tell me what perihelion is, and whether a blond horse would fatten on it. I saw the word in the almanac, and am curious to know what it refers to. Now, don't fail to send the cigars, as my garden ought to be attended to right away."

"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894, page 2

    Mesdames Maggie Anguine and Anna Coleen, of Santa Rosa, Calif. are visiting in Medford, the guests of their brother, Spencer Childers, and family.
    J. P. Hoel and family arrived in Medford last week from Des Moines, Iowa. They have secured a place of residence, and the family is housekeeping while Mr. H. is out skirmishing for a suitable piece of mining property.
    Wm.  Calvin, Bert Farley and Park Seace, all young fellows from Kent, Washington, and friends of merchant Berlin. They are here for a location and are now casting an eye about for government land on which to file.
    L. C. Crenshaw, of Ager, Calif., was about Medford a few days this week visiting friends and relatives. Mr. C. was an early-day resident of this city and boasts of having assisted in putting up one of the first store buildings--corner D and [Eighth] Street, then owned by Vrooman, Miller & Co.
    I. J. Phipps returned Monday evening from his visit in several eastern states. He was accompanied upon his return by his brother, J. R. Phipps, and nephew, C. E. Phipps. These gentlemen are from Barnard, Missouri and will undoubtedly remain during the summer with their several relatives in the Rogue River Valley.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894, page 2

    L. M. Lyon to S.P.D.&L. Co., deed and assignment of interest in contract to l6 6, blk 2; West's add. to Medford . . . 880
    Laura B. Fitch to Rose Cardwell, lts 3, 4, 5, blk 7; Medford . . . 1
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894, page 2

A Palace of Splendor.
    The ladies are expected to admire places of beauty, particularly when these places abound in spring hats and a couple of large mirrors, but this fact in no way prevents a newspaper reporter from feasting his eyes upon the beauties surrounding a well-kept, tastily arranged and well-stocked millinery store. This week while a Mail reporter was swinging about the city gathering in stray bits of news for our thousand subscribers his attention was attracted by the beautiful show window of Mrs. C. W. Palm's new millinery store on West Seventh Street. The beauties seen from the outside were an incentive to enter, which we proceeded to do. Here we found Mrs. Palm busily engaged in trimming hats for her extensive spring trade. While the lady was "just awfully busy" fixing up those lovely articles of women's headwear, she found time to show us about her little "beauty palace." At the west of the entrance is a most beautiful counter upon which is a showcase filled almost to overflowing with ribbons and other articles of millinery uses; back of this are as finely arranged shelves as one could well imagine the mechanic's hand capable of shaping. At the end of the shelving is a large, beautiful mirror, before which Mr. Palm revels in the splendor of that diamond pin, and where the many customers see themselves in their beauty of attire which none can but admire. To the left of the entrance is a large glass-front cabinet, which is another mode of the superior work turned out by Weeks Bros., cabinet makers. This is filled with dainty headwear for the juvenile family. There are many more articles worthy of mention which space bids us pass by without a chronicle, but as a whole this establishment is one of great splendor throughout and is truly a palace of beauty. All the interior woodwork was executed by Weeks Bros., and that we have in our midst such skilled workmen is a marvel to all. Mrs. Palm is enjoying a splendid business in her new home, and none seem to more deserve the patronage of the people than does this lady.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894 page 3

New Man and New Combination.
    There is a new drayman in the city. He is Alonzo Slover, recently from Josephine County, and he has purchased all teams, drays, wagons and good will formerly belonging to E. H. Davis. Mr. Slover has combined his forces with those of John Bellinger, and the two dray lines are thereby consolidated. These gentlemen will, of course, do a good business, as there is plenty of work which requires their attention. The new deal ought to be a profitable one.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894 page 3

New Grocery and Tobacco Store.
    S. C. Wilson has opened his stock of groceries in the McAndrews building, on East Seventh Street, and is now prepared to supply the wants of all who desire the very freshest of goods in this line. He also carries a full line of tobacco and cigars. See ad elsewhere in this paper--the sign of the big T. Free delivery of all goods.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894 page 3

Another Business House.
    No sooner does C. W. Palm get the Haskins old building across the street and placed than does it become necessary to put men at work to get it in shape for occupancy. The building was at once leased by John Morris, and as soon as it is repaired he expects to move in with a stock of crockery and glassware.

"News of the City,"
Medford Mail, April 27, 1894 page 3

Beginning To Get Ready.
    The McAndrews and Barnum buildings, on East Seventh Street, are being moved to the rear of the lots to make room for the two new bricks.

"News of the City,"
Medford Mail, April 27, 1894 page 3

    Look here! If you wish to build you can get lumber and carpenter work on the installment plan. Any reasonable time you may want. For particulars inquire of B. F. Crouch or L. F. Lozier, Medford, Oregon.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894 page 3

    W. W. Cardwell, a prominent attorney of Medford, has decided to locate in Roseburg for the practice of his profession. He is now in the city and will be followed by his family in a short time.
"The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, May 7, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    A young man named Perdue from this place has been sent to the county jail for theft.
    Bernard O'Brien is in the county jail at Jacksonville charged with an attempt to commit rape on a 14-year-old girl. His case will come up before the September grand jury.
    P. B. Whitney, of Ashland, has been taking in the fruit belts of the county, gathering estimates on the season's crop to be handled by the S.P. so that they can report to the refrigerator car company the number of cars needed.
    The Republican county central committee met here Tuesday to formulate a plan of campaign. The outlook in this county does not look as pleasing to them now as it did a few months back. The report from the rural districts shows that the People's Party have many back precincts all solid, and outside of the three towns in the county will have as many or more votes than both old parties put together. This, in view of the strength the new movement has gained in the towns, presents a very discouraging aspect. The wrenching of the party by the state convention has also put a stitch in its back.
Valley Record, Ashland, May 10, 1894, page 4

    Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart returned Sunday from their winter's stay in New Mexico. A host of friends there are here who are pleased to welcome them back to our city.
    Mrs. Sarah Ashworth, of Denver, Colorado, arrived in Central Point last Friday and will visit with her father, M. S. Welch, and family. She is a sister of Mrs. Nichols, the artist, who is now employed in the Wirth photo studio.
    H. L. Gilkey, W. D. Kame and C. V. Minkler, all of Montesano, Wash., were here last week looking for a location. They are all representative business men and are very much taken with our valley.
    Attorney W. W. Cardwell has gone to Roseburg where he expects to remain permanently for the practice of law. Mrs. C. and the babies left Wednesday evening for their new home. The best wishes of all Medford go with "Billy" and his very estimable family.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 11, 1894, page 2

    The medical profession of Medford are adopting the bicycle as a means of locomotion. Drs. Geary and Pickel have been making their city calls upon wheels since last summer, and now Dr. Jones comes under the wire with an Imperial with as much ease as any of the boys. Other professions are as well among the wheelmen. Attorneys Vawter and Hammond each ride for pleasure and exercise, while Rev. Fenton takes a spin around the city quite frequently for the same purpose. Among medical men the wheel is considered a great aid, not only in saving foot travel but in answering calls. Where immediate attendance is required they are a great time economizer.
    Contractor E. W. Starr has left plans at this office for a pavilion, or band stand, for the use, if built, of the public school band. It is octagon in shape, and sufficiently large to accommodate fifty people. The general design is neat in appearance, and would be an ornament to the city. The cost of material, Mr. Starr thinks would be about $75. This gentleman, to show his interest in the matter, has guaranteed to donate the carpenter work, provided some of the other carpenters will chip in a little. There seems to be no good reason why we should not all chip in and put up this stand.
    Mounce & Schermerhorn have added a soda fountain to their confectionery shop on Seventh Street. When the boys were charging the concern it returned the compliment and charged upon them with water galore. The shop resembled for awhile Henderson & Isaacs' bath rooms with all water pipes turned on and several hydrants wide open and headed their way.
    Hubbard Bros., implement dealers of this city, are circulating a great number of handbills among the farmers of the valley, telling of the merits of the several lines of machinery which they handle, particularly the Standard line of mowers and reapers. The boys have a complete stock of first-class goods and are selling reasonable.
    F. W. Waschau, the jeweler, has decided to open a jewelry store in Medford. He has rented rooms with Fetsch, the tailor, and is expecting to open up his place this week, his goods having already been ordered.
    A new eight-foot sidewalk is one of the improvements of South C Street, in front of the property of merchant C. W. Wolters. Frank Amann was the handyman with a hammer and saw.
    J. S. Hagey was appointed guardian of the minor heirs of Samuel Earhart instead of administrator of the estate, as printed in this paper last week.

    Insomnia is fearfully on the increase. The rush and excitement of modern life so tax the nervous system that multitudes of people are deprived of good and sufficient sleep, with ruinous consequences to the nerves. Remember, Ayer's Sarsaparilla makes the weak strong.

    The household effects of A. J. Markley arrived in Medford this week, and himself and family are now housekeeping in the Halley block. The gentleman came here to remain permanently and had perfected arrangements for putting in a fruit dryer, but the recent frost has somewhat disconcerted his plans. However, he will make a trip into the country, and if there still remains a sufficient amount of fruit to warrant he will go ahead with his project.
    Albert Wisniewski, recently from Jamestown, North Dakota, has opened a hairdressing establishment and barber shop on Front Street, next door to Coeti's saloon.
    John Morris, the new Variety Store man, is having a sign spread all over the front of his place o business. McFerson & Son are doing the work.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, May 11, 1894, page 3

    E. E. Phipps:--"No, I will not return to Paisley to remain. I will have to go there to see about shipping my goods, but I prefer being a little nearer to a railroad. Owing to my wife's illness I gave up my school two months ago. I am not positive as to what I will do, but I shall remain hereabouts, for a while at least."
    Street Commissioner Brandenburg:--"I finished putting about seven hundred loads of gravel on the Earhart road this week and am now graveling the street corners on South C Street. I have nearly a full crew of farmers this week, and they are doing good work. Yes, the gravel is a little coarse, but it is the best I can get this year. After it gets thoroughly packed there ought to be a coat of finer gravel put on."
    Joe Savage:--"Say, you ought to have seen the office of Hotel Medford Tuesday morning. I had to put traveling men to bed on chairs and tables. Every room in the house was full, and we had several of our patrons sleeping out at private houses. Our house is kept pretty full these days, but we try and accommodate all that come. We have always treated the traveling men "white," and understanding the predicament we were in Monday night they took what we had to give them and never uttered a murmur of complaint."
"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, May 11, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Vinton Smith, the abstractor, went to San Francisco on business.
    David Penninger, F. M. Plymale and Geo. M. Love went to San Francisco Sunday on a business trip.
    Mrs. E. E. Phipps died at Paisley, Oregon, on May 2nd, 1894. The remains were brought here for interment.
    The populists are driving the pluto. parties into their holes. The plundered people are to be fooled no more.
    The Dunkards will hold a love feast at their Talent church Saturday and Sunday. Elders Barklow, Bonewitz and Hoxie will assist Elder Brower.
    Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Wolters returned Sunday from their midwinter fair trip, having had a pleasant visit with relatives as well. Mr. W. had Dr. Sechrist, the specialist, treat a slight deafness in his hearing.
    The city council has granted J. C. Baird an electric light franchise, and work on the same will be commenced July 1st. Both arc and incandescent lights will be used. He is trying to get Jacksonville to hook itself to the same system.
    The Democratic candidates who are flocking over the state together arrived from Ashland Saturday and talked in the opera house in the evening, being introduced by Hon. J. D. Whitman. They spent Saturday in Medford.
Valley Record, Ashland, May 17, 1894, page 3

    S. H. Hoffman, of Myrtle Creek, has been stopping in Medford for a few days past and has decided to establish a clothes dyeing and cleaning business in this city. He will also manufacture ladies' jackets and coats.
    Merchant C. W. Wolters and wife returned Tuesday from the fair. Seventh Street in Medford isn't itself without Charlie. Few men in Medford is missed more than is this two hundred and odd pounds of good nature.
    Jos. Volke and Frank Fetsch, of Grants Pass, were in Medford Monday, visiting friends. Mr. F. is a brother of Fetsch, the tailor, and Mr. Volke hit Medford for a tin shop location about the time that the Mail editor did, but after looking the ground over he decided to move to Grants Pass, where he has since been in business.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 18, 1894, page 2

    A. M. Woodford, the all-round man of many vocations, is salesman at J. Beek & Son's hardware emporium during Mr. Nicholson's absence.
    Mrs. Nichols, the artist, has moved to Medford and is now occupying rooms in the Halley block. The lady is engaged in the Wirth studio.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, May 18, 1894, page 3

    Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lawton celebrated their golden wedding last week by a gathering of friends and relatives.
    T. J. O'Hara and family have gone to the Applegate section, where Mr. O'Hara will engage in prospecting for the next few weeks.
    George Elmer and Robert Faucett returned last week from the Portland university, where they have been in attendance during the past few months.
    Alex Ireland of Grants Pass has purchased the furniture and fixtures of the Clarenden Hotel from Jonas Justus and Mrs. Emma Barker and took possession last Wednesday.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 18, 1894, page 3

    G. P. Lindley has purchased the Myron Skeel place in Medford for a consideration of $1300.
    Rev. F. J. Edmunds, formerly of Medford, but now located at Woodburn, Oregon, was in the valley last week, visiting friends.
    Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fronk of Albany visited friends and relatives in Medford last week, and were accompanied to Albany by Mrs. Fronk's mother, Mrs. Merriman.
    The contract for the putting in of electric lights at Medford has been entered into with J. C. Baird, and an ordinance granting the franchise was passed at the last meeting of the council. Work is to be commenced within thirty days, and lights are to be in operation within four months.
    The contract for the boring of the much-talked-of artesian well has been let to L. P. Denny of Gridley, Calif. for $3,000 for the first 500 feet and $7.50 per foot for each foot after that depth. Only one other bid, that of T. F. Corbett, was received. The latter's bid was for $3,500 for the first 500 feet and $8 per foot thereafter, not more than 2,000 feet to be bored at that rate.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 21, 1894, page 2

    Frank Guerin, grandson of Geo. Brown of Eagle Point, is paying that gentleman a visit, having arrived last week from Portland in care of the railroad conductors.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 21, 1894, page 3

    Work on the Barnum and McAndrews bricks is being pushed rapidly.
    Geo. Schumpf, the windy barber, was here one day last week, on a painting expedition.
    Medford Democrats are getting into good shape and will roll up a nice vote on the ticket.
    The brickyard of G. W. Priddy is running in full blast, and he has nearly 60,000 brick on hand.
    Dr. E. P. Geary went north one evening this week, accompanied by his sister, who has been paying him a visit and lives at Astoria, as far as Astoria.
    The many friends of Mrs. G. W. Priddy will be glad to learn that she is recovering rapidly from the effects of the surgical operation which she submitted to a short time ago.
    The public schools adjourned for the term last Friday. Prof. Narregan's efficient work makes him deservedly popular, and we are glad to learn that he will continue for at least one year longer.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 24, 1894, page 2

Medford Items.
    Wes. Johnson was doing Ashland Sunday.
    Bert Whitman is home from his eastern trip.
    J. W. Cunnyngham is here from Portland visiting his old home.
    W. A. Rummell was over from Klamath River Sunday on mining business.
    J. A. Whiteside,the Republican politician, returned Wednesday from his trip in California.
    Chas. Pheister made a speech before the populist club of Central Point Sunday to a good-sized audience.
    C. F. Wall, of Prospect, returned Sunday from a visit at his native home in the Hawaiian Islands. His wife is still on the islands.
    Dan Waldroop, Baine, Welch, Crystal, Brous, Weaver and George Merriman went to Ashland Monday to see the negro minstrels.
    H. L. Sayles was down from Ashland this week consulting Dr. Geary, the oculist. His new glasses don't make a nickel look near as large.
    John Stanley, from Sisson, Mrs. J. Nisbett from Tulare, and Mrs. Archer from Shasta County were called to Ashland this week by the death of Mrs. Rosa Stanley.
    Tom Anderson took Jeff Hamlin way up Elk Creek to show him a stock range and while in that section killed deer for camp meat. Complaint was brought and Justice of the Peace Dunlap fined Hamlin and Anderson $15 each and costs. Costly meat, that.
    Joe Hockersmith has been about the county killing two birds with one stone--paying 55 cents, 5 cents more than the Medford mill--for wheat, and electioneering for sheriff. He is buying wheat for Jacobs & Virgin of the Ashland mills, who always pay higher prices than any others. The farmers will be running Virgin & Jacobs sheriff and treasurer yet if this thing keeps up.
Valley Record, Ashland, May 24, 1894, page 3

    J. R. Wilson:--"No, that's no crematory, it's a business I had built to heat wagon tires in. Just as the tires got to rattling right plentifully and my heater was finished this rain came on and I'm knocked out for a few days. I'm glad it rained though--it's dollars in the farmers' pockets, and that means dollars for all of us. When the farmer is successful we are all getting on fairly well."
    Conductor John Dyer:--"We are fixing things up in fine shape out at the picnic grounds. We are putting down a well to provide the visitors with an abundance of water. We are also putting up a good substantial watering trough for teams. There is no reason why we should not have first-class grounds out there. Nature provided them for us, and with a little smoothing over by man's hand we will have a beauty. Yes, the roadbed is getting in pretty good shape. We now have four section men at work. The Medford-Jacksonville shortline ought to be a paying investment right now, but if it was extended to Eagle Point it would be still better. The same amount of help that is required now to handle the trains could as well handle them over sixteen or seventeen miles of road as over the short run we now have. I know nothing regarding the probable extension, but it would seem to me to be a most feasible proposition.

"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, May 25, 1894, page 2

    Mrs. May Goff, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Penwell, in Medford, for a few days, returned to her home at Leland Saturday evening. Her sister, Miss Clementine Manwell, who accompanied her to Medford, will remain here for an indefinite time.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 25, 1894, page 2

    The Medford candy factory, Zahn & Fry proprietors, is doing a splendid business. In the language of Mr. Zahn, "the Dutchman is satisfied." Their average weekly sales are about three hundred pounds. Their patrons are merchants of Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point, Eagle Point, Talent and Phoenix, and most of these are getting in with their second and third orders, proving conclusively that they are well satisfied with the good purchased. It is the several institutions of this kind that keep the dollars of the valley at home. Manufacturing institutions cannot be too plentiful to build up a community. If all are as worthy of support as is the above we ought all to put our shoulder to the wheel and help them reach a still greater business.
    If Medford parents could see and hear their children as others do, there would be less of boisterous conduct at public entertainments in the opera house. An encore or applause is all very right and proper when deserved, but prolonged whistling, shouting or stamping of feet is an act far beneath the conduct of a true gentleman. Boys can be little gentlemen if they will, and no better place is there to show this spirit of manliness than at a public entertainment. If parents do not take their wayward and boisterous children in hand at these public gatherings and see that they do not disturb those who go there to listen to the speakers, the marshal will be called upon to eject them from the hall.
    According to the following quotations Medford is a pretty good wheat market. In New York City wheat is worth 60 cents; in Chicago, 55 cents; in San Francisco, including sacks, 51 cents; in Medford, without sacks, 50 cents. Figuring this matter up one side and down the other, what is there wrong with the wheat product of the Rogue River Valley? It looks most mightily like the farmers of this locality have reason to congratulate themselves when quotations are seen from other parts of the country, particularly those where long freight hauls have to be paid before the grain reaches these markets.
    S. Hoffman, the gentleman who has recently opened a clothes dyeing establishment on Front Street, is in receipt of a curio from Jerusalem. It is a block of olive wood highly polished and very beautiful. Upon one side of the block is engraved the entrance to the Jewish temple of worship. The block of wood is 300 years old--that is, it was 300 years in attaining its growth, as shown with a magnifying glass by its marks of each year's growth. It is from the olive tree that the oil is obtained which is used in the temple. J. Rabinowitch is the sender of the memento, and Mr. H. is justly proud of it.
    Ex-Congressman R. G. Horr, of Michigan, spoke in Medford last Tuesday afternoon upon the political issues of the day as seen from a Republican standpoint. The address was given in the park, near the Rogue River [Railroad] depot, where perhaps a thousand or more people were assembled. His speech was truly in line with Republican doctrine. His arguments pleased Republicans, and his ready wit kept all others in a merry mood.
    Dr. Geary has made the purchase, from Mitchell, Lewis & Staver, of a fine Corvallis Concord spring carriage. This ought not to be taken as an indication that the climate of Southern Oregon is unhealthy, thereby making the practice of medicine a lucrative business, but instead that the doctor's popularity is increasing, as is also that of the house which handles these carriages--and D. T. Lawton, the local salesman.
    I. A. Merriman has a father-in-law that is well worth the having, and a fellow might travel miles without running across another one so generous. Last week he purchased a twenty-five-dollar buggy for Ike's latest born and sent it to the residence. It may be all wrong to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, but generous and kind grandparents are a pleasant convenience.
    The Clarenden Hotel has changed hands again. This time Jonas Justus and Emma Barker sell to Alex Ireland, of Grants Pass, all the furniture of the Clarenden Hotel and turn over the lease of the building to said Ireland. Possession was taken Wednesday.
    Postmaster Howard gets funny sometimes, as the boys about the city declare. His latest is the placing of a barbed wire across his store front at a convenient height for both young and old boys to sit upon, but somehow they don't linger.
    C. W. Palm is improving the appearance of his place of business and residence by putting up a new fence and building a wood shed.
    Myron Skeel moved his family into Mrs. Stanley's residence on the corner of B and Eighth streets, the first of the week.
    "Gold Dust" is the name J. Wright has given his new saloon, and a new sign points the way to those who thirst.
    The Medford Business College will close its spring term today. The fall term will begin September first.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, May 25, 1894, page 3

The "Cash Store" in New Hands.
    Early this week a sale of the general dry goods stock owned by Goldstone Bros. was made to Rev. E. E. Thompson and W. H. Meeker, and on Tuesday they began taking stock. This work was completed Wednesday night, and the new proprietors are now in possession of the New York Cash Store.
    Mr. Thompson was formerly pastor of the M.E. Church of this place, but for the past year or two has been filling a like position in Grants Pass, which position he resigned a few weeks ago to enter into the business above mentioned. Mr. Thompson is a son-in-law of J. G. VanDyke, of this place, and both himself and wife have many friends hereabouts who will be pleased to learn that they are again to be residents of our city.
    Mr. Meeker is an old acquaintance of Mr. Thompson and came from Iowa to Medford last January. Prior to his coming to Medford he was engaged in farming pursuits, and being a thrifty, hard-working gentleman prosperity came his way until he had gained a goodly amount of property, a portion of which he has now invested in the mercantile business.
    The new firm, which will be Thompson & Meeker, proposes to add new goods to the extent of about $1000 at once to their already quite replete stock, and as they say will carry as complete a line of goods as any house in the city.
    The Messrs. Goldstone, Mark and Joe, who have conducted a successful business in this city for something over two years, will engage in the manufacture of clothing in New York in company with an uncle who now resides in that city. Joe will reside in New York and will have charge of the home business, while Mark will be the coast traveling salesman for the new company.

Medford Mail,
May 25, 1894, page 3

    Miss Ella Geary returned to her home at Astoria Wednesday. The lady has been visiting her brother, Dr. E. P. Geary, and family for a few weeks.

Medford Mail,
May 25, 1894, page 3

    Goldstone Bros., having sold out their dry goods store, will engage in the manufacture of clothing in New York, in company with an uncle, who is already located there.
    Hons. W. M. Colvig, J. H. Stewart and other candidates on the Democratic ticket will address the citizens of Jackson County at the opera house in Medford on Saturday afternoon, June 2nd.
    Memorial exercises were held at the opera house in Medford by the members of the Chester A. Arthur post, G.A.R., and the W.R.C. All the ministers in the town were present and assisted in the ceremonies. A large audience from Medford and Jacksonville and vicinity were present.
    Rev. E. E. Thompson and W. H. Meeker have purchased the general dry goods stock of Goldstone Bros. The transfer was completed last week, and the new proprietors are now in possession. They will add goods to the amount of about $1,000 at once and carry as complete a line of goods as any house in the town.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 31, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Mrs. Taylor Payne returned Wednesday from a visit with friends and relatives in Montana.
    There will be a candidates' picnic at Gold Hill Friday at which everybody is invited. Hon. H. B. Miller will talk on behalf of the Republicans, and the populists will be represented by a big speech from the Hon. Thos. V. Cator.
    Judge Neil's two sons are a burning issue in this campaign, among the Democrats. Two years ago both sons were out of the county and the Democrats won. No sooner was the election over than Frank Neil was brought back, after losing his residence in Jackson County, and installed as assistant sheriff, and George Neil returned home and Judge Neil using his prerogative as county political boss secures him several fat takes, particularly that little job at big figures, of "copying the assessment roll." And as county judge he creates son George a professional administrator of estates. The Democrats have no personal objection to Neil or the Neil boys; what makes them sick is the tremendous selfishness and bad taste exhibited to the public view. No one sneezes at the Neil political pull in the county. But scores of Democrats protest that Neil's exactions after the election is over smack more like the overweening demands of a Simon, a Buckley or a Tweed. The Neil and anti-Neil factions have disrupted the party in this county this campaign. "Neilism must be downed" is the cry of the protesting wing of the old Democracy.
 Valley Record, Ashland, May 31, 1894, page 3

    Nancy Dray to B. Knepp, lts 1, 2, 3, blk 38; Medford . . . 250
    Anna T. Jackson to W. B. Roberts, a tract of land in Medford . . . 700
    W. I. Vawter et al. to Anna T. Jackson, land in Medford . . . 750
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, June 1, 1894, page 2

    Dr. O. F. Demorest:--"I had a letter from my brother, Harry, a short time ago. He has graduated in dentistry and is now located at Cavalier, North Dakota, and is doing a rushing business. How is my business? It's good. I have about all the work in dentistry that I can well handle. It comes from all parts of the country. Only a few weeks ago I had a patient from Ft. Klamath."

    John Redfield:--"I want to tell you that ten years from now the man or woman who walks will be an exception. When the manufacturers build wheels for one-legged persons, rig out family cycles on which papa, mamma and the children can take a spin, constructs quadruplets and puts together regular bicycle carriages, it is time to admit that the wheel has come to stay, just like the typewriter, the electric light and the telephone. If you are not already one of the riders you had better join the procession now. Take a few falls and a lifetime's enjoyment."

"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, June 1, 1894, page 2

    There is talk of a footrace in Medford--one of no common everyday getup but a regular race, for a record--and purse. Those now booked for starters in the race are Gus Cunnyngham, of Portland, formerly of this place, J. W. Bates and Oliver Williams, both of this place. "Jimmie" Bates is now in training for the occasion. He has a reputation for being very fleet of foot and promises to make the occasion a very interesting one for those who make the start with him. The race will probably come off about the middle of July and will be a 100-yard dash.
    Rasmus Rasmussen has bought out D. L. Fry's interest in the Medford candy factory, and the business will hereafter be run under the firm name of Zahn and Rasmussen. The incoming member of the firm is a man of good appearance, is gentlemanly and courteous to his customers and will doubtless add new business to the institution, by these acquirements aided by his good habits and strict attention to business.
    All the money earned by the school band is turned into the band treasury, to be used in buying new instruments and music. The boys intend to have as good instruments and make themselves just as good musicians as any. You will see by this that the money earned by the band is not going to make some, or many, individuals rich, but is kept as a part of your public institutions--the public school.
    Dr. G. B. Cole, formerly of the firm of Cole & Jones, of Medford, has located in Phoenix for the practice of his profession. The doctor has a goodly number of friends hereabouts who will be pleased to know that he has moved no further from them than Phoenix. The doctor will also carry a small stock of drugs for the accommodation of the people generally, and his own convenience.
    W. B. Roberts has purchased the store building occupied by jeweler Pritchard, paying therefor $750. The Mail has no authority for stating that Mr. Roberts contemplates the erection of a brick thereon, but it can be guessed that this is the play.
    W. E. Coul, secretary of the Jackson County Irrigation Company, has purchased the Fordyce tract of land and has the same platted into small orchard tracts. A fuller account of the transaction will be given next week.
    J. A. Whitman has blossomed out in the machinery business, and the sign "Studebaker Wagons and Buggies" is plainly written on his warehouse.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, June 1, 1894, page 3

    Mrs. C. A. Zahn and child arrived in Medford Saturday morning from Lebanon. Mr. Zahn, the happy "Dutchman," with his happy family, is cozily domiciled in rooms in the rear of the candy store.
    D. L. Fry, the young man for a few months connected with the Medford candy factory, left Monday morning for San Francisco, where he expects to establish a job printing office. Mr. F. is a capital good printer and a fine gentleman. We wish him success.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 1, 1894, page 3

    The proprietors of the New Western Hotel have received the following letter from Pentz & White, lawyers at Medford, Or.: "We write to ascertain what you may know and what your hotel register shows concerning one Victor Smith, who stopped at your place May 11, 1894, and whose disappearance from this county has been very mysterious. He had on a light gray suit, but had a nice black suit in his valise when he left, and a dark overcoat. He is a man about 40 years old, and very tall--about 6 feet 2 to 5 inches high--well built, sandy complexion and light hair and eyes; steps quick, and is a little lame, said to have been caused by a gunshot wound. If you can call him to mind please give us as full an account of him as possible--the date he came to your hotel, date he left, if he took valise and overcoat, etc. He left a young wife here penniless, and embezzled funds of others, etc. His wife is nearly crazy, and believe he has been foully dealt with." At the New Western Hotel nothing is known of the person in regard to whom inquiry is made. The register fails to show an entry of such a name as that mentioned, and it is probable that if the man stopped there he registered under an assumed name.
"Around the Corridors," The Morning Call, San Francisco, June 1, 1894, page 6

    Alec Ireland is now in charge of the Clarenden Hotel of Medford.
"The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, June 4, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Miss Buckley, of Uniontown, delighted her Medford friends with a visit this week.
    Wm. Angle is over on Grouse Creek, Siskiyou County, this week looking after Angle & Plymale's placer mine. His son accompanied him.
    Mrs. D. Wilson, of Ashland, was here Wednesday.
    Miss Ida Cantrall has returned from Siskiyou County, where she has been teaching school. She expects to visit the midwinter fair this month.
    Mrs. M. Dean, the milliner, who has been at Jacksonville for some time, returned to San Francisco Wednesday.
    Mrs. O. Harbaugh is visiting the fair.
    Mrs. Nettie Harris and daughter were down this week from Tolman's Springs, the popular medical springs and summer resort in the Siskiyous, which is being conducted this summer by Mrs. Angle. The hotel has been fitted up and renovated and is a very enticing resort for summer tourists.
    The sorest man in the county is Joe Hockersmith. Not sore over defeat, Joe says, but sore because so many people lied to him.
    G. S. Walton and Isaac Woolf were reelected justice and constable.
    Mrs. Fred Barneburg and daughter, Miss Mollie, Mrs. Ed. Wilkinson, and Marv. [Harv.?] Taylor went to the midwinter fair this week.
    Jas. Cronemiller and wife and John Orth, of Jacksonville, started Wednesday for the fair.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, June 7, 1894, page 3

    While Medford isn't pulling herself to the front in any hurried manner, she is coming along at a pace very swift as compared with other towns and cities of the coast. One cannot walk more than a couple of blocks in any direction, in the residence portion, but that he will see new buildings springing up, and these good substantial ones.
    Jacksonville can't well afford to be much less metropolitan than Medford, but she will have to get in and drill on that electric light and telephone proposition if she keeps pace with the Hub. Medford is going to keep them all guessing as to the full extent of her possibilities, but it can be assuredly written that we will not retrograde.
    A gain of 210 votes for Medford in two years is a showing all ought to be proud of. We will wager there is not another city of anywhere near our size on the coast that can beat us. This increase is easily explained--every individual is "pulling" hard for the general betterment of the city and her citizens and the upbuilding of her institutions and interests.
Editorial, Medford Mail, June 8, 1894, page 2

    Among the several people who came to Medford last winter in quest of a location was Mr. John McNeil and family. They arrived here about the first of December and remained about six weeks, during which time Mr. McNeil drove about the country considerably looking for a location but could find nothing to suit him. They decided to try California, but not liking it there they went to Kansas and Colorado. These places they did not like, and Mr. McNeil is now again in the Rogue River Valley. He is making a second tour of farm hunting in the county, but this time he has promised himself that the will find something to suit. As soon as he finds that for which he seeks he will send for his family, who are now in the East. Great is Oregon--greater than them all, and everybody who is so fortunate as to reside therein ought to congratulate themselves.
    Last Thursday little Bertha, the ten-year-old daughter of landlord J. G. Ireland, of the Clarendon, while playing with a dog was badly bitten through the arm by that animal. The child complained of the arm paining her a few hours later, but the parents thought it was nothing serious, but when they saw the arm Saturday morning they were alarmed to no small degree, as they well might be, for her arm was black for some distance around the wound. Dr. Geary was called, and after a few hours treatment the patient began to improve and is now all right again.
    Geo. F. Merriman was unfortunate last Monday in getting his hand severely cut. He tells that he did it in striking a candidate, but no person believed him--he's too good-natured to do bodily harm to anyone, yet he could strike a hard lick if he felt so disposed--but he don't. The accident was the result of his colliding with the end of a standpipe near the Palace barber shop. He stepped through a hole in the walk, and in endeavoring to save himself a fall he struck his hand on the pipe, making a severe wound and nearly driving the pipe through his hand.
    The organ and piano agents, who were here for a couple of weeks recently, disposed of five or six instruments during their stay. Mr. Warner, we understand, will be a permanent agent for this company in this city.
    A. M. Woodford has opened a feed store in the rooms recently vacated by Mr. Pritchard, on South C Street. he aims to carry a full stock of goods in this line and hopes to eventually add new lines to the business.
    D. T. Pritchard has moved his jewelry store back to his old stand, on Seventh Street. Mr. Penwell, who formerly occupied this place, has moved to the building east of Haskins' drug store on the same street.
    North Medford polled 258 votes; South Medford 286, total for Medford 514. Two years ago we polled 334, increase of 210. Pretty good little city, this Medford of ours.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, June 8, 1894, page 3

Has It Ever Occurred to You--
   That Medford enjoys a great many things which larger cities lack?
   That many people here in town don't know that we have:
    A beautiful $12,000 school house, and that we will be compelled to build another very soon.
    A business college, occupying a whole building, built expressly for that purpose.
    A kindergarten.
    Six churches, and seven denominations.
    An ice factory.
    A brewery.
    A distillery.
    A large flour mill.
    A sash and door factory.
    Two lumber yards.
    A furniture factory.
    Two hotels.
    Two livery stables.
    A bank.
    An opera house.
    A half dozen large grocery houses.
    Five clothing and dry goods houses.
    Two millinery stores.
    Two hardware stores.
    Three implement houses.
    Two candy factories.
    Three second hand stores.
    Three jewelers.
    Two pork packing houses.
    Two photograph galleries.
    Three bakeries.
    Two feed and commission stores.
    Two furniture stores.
    Two blacksmith shops.
    Fruit warehouses.
    And after them all a bright, newsy paper that is thoroughly imbued with a belief in the power of mind over matter, and that a proper combination of brain and muscle has more of the elements of progress and prosperity in it than law and politics can knock out.
Medford Mail, June 8, 1894, page 3

    D. T. Pritchard has moved his jewelry store back to his old stand on Seventh Street.
    Medford polled 210 votes more at this election than at the last. The total vote this year was 544.
    Mrs. E. W. Carder of Medford has gone to Soquel, Calif., to spend the summer with relatives there.
    G. S. Walton and Isaac Woolf were elected justice of the peace and constable of Medford district.
    Mrs. E. W. Ogan of San Jose, Calif. is paying a visit to her sons, I. L. and Renus Hamilton at Medford.
    J. C. Baird and C. W. Stratton, the electric light men, have arrived in Medford, and are making preparations to put in their plant.
    Mark and Joe Goldstone, having quit business here, with their families are visiting friends and relatives at Eugene. They will leave for the East soon.
    Another voting place will be required in Medford at the next election, as both precincts this year cast more than 250 votes, prescribed by law as being the limit for any one precinct.
    The ten-year-old daughter of T. A. Ireland of the Clarenden was bitten by a dog last week. Nothing serious was apprehended, however, until the arm began to swell and turn black for some distance around the wound. Dr. Geary was called, and the patient is now doing well.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 11, 1894, page 3

A Dry-Weather Railroad.
    The Jacksonville Times reports that a very heavy shower of rain occurred in that vicinity recently, and in consequence thereof a special train which was run to Medford experienced considerable difficulty in returning, owing to the rails being wet. It would probably be a good idea to build a shed over that railroad, thus avoiding vexatious delays caused by the rails getting wet.
Roseburg Plaindealer, June 11, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Dr. McNaul, of Central Point, is at the fair.
    W. I. Vawter was at Ashland Friday on legal business.
    Miss Nellie Jones, of Grants Pass, is visiting friends here.
    Jim Simpson has gone to Klamath River to visit relatives.
    C. B. Crisler and family have moved back to Ashland to remain.
    Fred Stanfield leaves this week for a visit with his sister in San Francisco.
    W. P. H. Legate and Mr. King were over at Hornbrook this week on business.
    State Senator-elect S. H. Holt went to Ashland Wednesday on a business trip.
    Peter Henderson and U. S. Damon have gone to Ager, Cal., with their bicycles, where Pete is visiting his boy.
    Mrs. Bent Kingsbury passed through Wednesday en route to Applegate from a visit with Ashland friends and relatives.
    Misses Edna Gibson and Myrtle Nicholson, teachers of the Central Point public school, are attending the midwinter fair.
    Dr. R. Pryce is very low at his home near Gold Hill, and it is now only a matter of a few days with life and death in his case.
    Medford will not celebrate the 4th of July this year, the committee not having raised the amount necessary for a really first-class celebration.
    Mr. Baker and his son-in-law, A. W. Story, were down from Ashland Tuesday having the examining board pass upon Mr. Baker's qualifications for a pension.
    Miss Mamie Isaacs, an accomplished representative of our educational institutions, is at Ashland this week attending the commencement exercises of the public schools there.
    Chas. Anderson, of Phoenix, son of J. A. Anderson, was married at the McClellen house, Roseburg, Saturday, to Miss Kate H. Jones of that place, by Rev. E. L. Thompson.
    Attorney W. H. Parker was up at Ashland several days last week looking at property. It is reported Mr. Parker has some intention of moving to Ashland for his wife's health.
    Lannes Klippel, David Cardwell and J. A. Harvey, of Central Point, are at the midwinter fair. Mr. Klippel, who is from Chewaucan, will extend his trip to the Sandwich Islands.
    M. Purdin, chairman of the Democratic central committee, who went to the midwinter fair election day to escape the lightning that struck the Democratic Party, returned home Monday.
    County Clerk-elect N. A. Jacobs is in San Francisco taking a vacation preparatory to commencing his labors as county clerk. Mr. Jacobs, during his absence, will try and have a false leg fitted for his missing limb.
Valley Record, Ashland, June 14, 1894, page 3

We Hear It Said--
    That The Mail has 1100 subscribers and that advertisers fully appreciate this fact.
    That the graveling of South C Street isn't heating any journals in its progressive strides.
    That electric lights are as cheap as coal oil lamps--a whole heap more convenient and give a better light.
    That the Southern Pacific Company is making a mistake in putting their stock yards so near the center of the city.
    That the band boys are keen for a chance to occupy that band stand and that our people can pay them no more appreciated compliments than to build it.
    That jeweler Pritchard has just added a line of musical instruments to his jewelry stock--such as violins, guitars and accordions--and that they are first class and selling reasonable.
    That every resident of Medford is proud of the progress our young city is making, and that nearly all are elated because that they are a part of a city with such a brilliant future.
    That W. B. Roberts is the owner in fee simple of as fine a driving team as one finds hereabouts--a recent purchase, and one which he and his good lady will drive to the mountains now pretty soon--up on their regular summer outing.
    That someone borrowed a hammer from Horace Nicholson's work shop, at the rear of J. Beek & Son's store, on election day, and that Horace is awaiting its return for a few days before giving publicity to the borrower's name.
    That druggist Strang has taken the agency for the Victor bicycle. He has a sample machine and can tell the boys--and the girls, too--of its especially fine points with an aptness which proves him "onto his job" to a certainty indisputable.
    That the Wirth Photo Company is turning out some excellent work and lots of it. This company is now offering a genuine life-sized crayon portrait and one dozen cabinet photos for $4.85. The crayons alone are worth three times this amount.
    That Bellinger & Slover have a very swift crowd of workmen connected with their dray and transfer line. Monday night they took from the ice works one hundred cakes of ice, weighing 225 pounds each, and loaded them into a car in just an even ninety minutes.
    That a number of the West end residents, on Sixth Street, are anxious that that particular portion of the street should be graded. They want to shoot the surplus water from the extreme west end to the water ditch, near Mr. Woodford's place, and it can't be "did" unless the street is graded.
    That Bloomer's dozen or more silk shirts and several fine suits of clothes were not included in the sale of his other personal property a couple of weeks ago, and that the same echo is whispering the question: "Who is wearing these garments? If Bloomer is, who shipped them to him and how did they do it and when?"
    That cashier Enyart is becoming an adept at "snap shooting" with his Kodak, and that he is getting together a fine collection of pictures. The one wherein he caught four bicycle riders--Ike Muller, Pete Henderson, Day Parker and Mort Foster--is a fine one and a first-class photo of all the boys. It was caught when they were passing the bank while flying up Seventh Street on their wheels.
Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 2

Electric Light Work Progressing.
    The work of putting in our electric light plant is progressing finely. About fifty poles are already set, and wires are being put on them. The pole lines will extend from near the public school building on Seventh Street, east to the Bear Creek bridge; from Seventh Street south on C to Twelfth and north on C to Second; from near the school building west three or four blocks, and southwest from the same point as far as the demand for lights make it necessary; south on H to Tenth and north on H two or three blocks and both north and south on D as far as the business houses extend. There will also be branch lines put up in other localities if lights are desired. The company now have over 100 incandescent lights wired in, and the work of placing more is moving ahead rapidly. The company has agreed to put up two arc lights for the streets free of charge, but these, of course, will be insufficient for the city's need and it is probable the board will decide to have several more put up. The site chosen for the location of the plant will probably be on the city's property, near the water tank. [The plant was located on Bear Creek, at Eighth and Riverside.] The lights are expected to be burning in about thirty days. It is the earnest desire of the company that all who contemplate putting in lights should so express themselves within the next eight days, as in about ten days Mr. Baird will leave for Portland to order an engine and boiler for the plant, and by the number of lights required is estimated the size of machinery needed. To make it an object for all to get in with their orders within the eight days time the company has decided to make the rate to them the same as given the original subscribers, which is a little less than the price will be to those who come in later. As to resident lighting the company guarantees to compete with coal oil in price, and in convenience there is no comparison.
    C. W. Wolters:--"Putting in electric lights? Well, I should say I was. I can save money by doing it and get better service. My coal oil bill averages $6 a month, the year 'round. I get seven incandescent lights for $5.25, and it is lots handier. No lamps to clean and fill and no chimneys to break. I see no reason why this city ought not to support a first-class electric light system. Both Baird and Stratton seem to be very square, honorable men, and I hope success will come their way. Medford is the best city in the Rogue River Valley, and you can say that Wolters said so and he knows what he is talking about."
Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 2

    Mrs. Cynthia Hulbert, of Linton, Iowa, is visiting for a week with her niece, Miss Eva Wilson, the Postal Union telegraph operator.
    Mrs. Chas. Murray and child arrived from Portland last week, and Charlie and family are now housekeeping in the Davis brick residence, corner of A and Ninth streets.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 3

Odd Fellows Memorial Day.
    Tuesday of this week, June 12th, was Odd Fellows' memorial day. A day set apart by the Sovereign Grand Lodge for appropriate exercises and strewing of flowers upon the graves of departed members of the order and those of their families who are absent from the hearthstone and are sleeping in the silent tomb. The day was most fittingly observed by Medford Lodge, No. 83, and Olive Rebekah Lodge No. 28. At six o'clock about forty members of the former lodge and something over twenty of the latter met at lodge hall and at 6:30 they marched therefrom in regalia, and each bearing a bouquet of flowers, followed by members of Chester A. Arthur Relief Corps, to the Bear Creek bridge where teams were in waiting to convey them to the cemetery. At the cemetery lines were formed; again all marched to cemetery hill where a very appropriate program was listened to. The Medford male quartet, consisting of brothers D. T. Lawton and N. L. Narregan, Carl Narregan and E. Redden; prayer by brother E. E. Thompson; music by quartet, followed by a short but very appropriate and interesting address by brother B. F. Adkins. Following this was the decorating of graves with flowers. The Odd Fellows who have been buried in this cemetery are brothers J. H. Faris and Jay Bardley, of Medford, and brother Kennedy, of Eugene; of the Rebekahs, there is only one, sister Nora Johnson, of Medford. These graves were profusely decorated as well as the graves of members of Odd Fellows' families. The Relief Corps as well decorated the graves of departed members and those brothers of the G.A.R. There were a number of citizens, who are not members of the orders, present, who took this occasion to commemorate their lost relatives and friends. The exercises throughout were well conducted and appropriate, and the Odd Fellows fell grateful that a day has been designated for their observance, thus giving them an opportunity of proving that their brotherly affection is
    --"failing not when life is ended,
           Living still beyond the tomb."
Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 3

    A sixteen-month-old child of Mrs. Shepp of Ashland tumbled out of a car window while coming down the Siskiyous the other day. The train was moving about fifteen miles an hour. It was stopped, and the distracted mother and train crew rushed back to the rescue and found the child sitting on the sand pile where it had fallen, screaming mad, but not injured in the least.
    The storm of last week did considerable damage to the crops on a narrow strip of country between the desert and the gap in the foothills on the Brownsboro road, Jackson County. The precipitation descended in the form of hailstones, and several hundred acres of wheat were completely ruined. The strip looks like a sunburnt stubble field, presenting a strange sight, flanked as it is by fields of beautiful green wheat.
People's Advocate, Chehalis, Washington, June 15, 1894, page 2

Medford Items.
    Miss Maggie Tice was visiting at Tolman Springs Sunday.
    Jerry Kinney, of the Hotel Oregon, paid Medford a brief visit this week.
    A. Schmidt and W. M. Colvig have gone to the A.O.U.W. grand lodge.
    Lannes Klippel and Harv. [Marv.?] Taylor returned Monday from San Francisco.
    W. I. Vawter attended the commencement at the Eugene State University, of which he is a graduate.
    Ex-Mayor G. W. Howard, now of Garfield County, Wash., spent Sunday in Medford en route to San Francisco.
    Ex-County Judge E. DePeatt, now of Umatilla County, is here on a visit and will return home with his family.
    Bill Robison was over from Pokegama this week. He got left at Ashland by the train pulling out too quick for him.
    The I.O.G.T. grand lodge of Oregon is in session at Eugene this week. Mrs. A. A. Kellogg represents the Medford lodge.
    Frank Torrey & Sons came over from the Beaver Creek placer mines of Angle & Plymale Monday, Mr. T. being much under the weather.
    A fire in Rigby's Medford business college building yesterday created a big excitement but was subdued before any damage was done.
    Rev. T. H. Stephens has given up his charge as pastor of the Baptist church and with his wife and boy has returned to Wheatland, Cal.
    Senator and Mrs. Cameron, and J. M. Cronemiller and wife returned Monday from the fair. On the fair grounds at one time there happened together 20 Jackson County people.
    H. G. Blackwell. a mining capitalist of Gold Hill, while stepping off the train here last week sprained his ankle very badly. He went to Ashland to remain at Hotel Oregon until he recovers.
    J. Hughes met with an accident recently at Phoenix by going over the mill race. It broke one of his ribs and injured his kidneys very dangerously. Dr. Cole has had charge of his case and he is improving.
    Cottage Grove Leader: J. B. McGee, superintendent of the Annie mine in the Bohemia district, has been in Cottage Grove the past week. He reports the mine in full operation, and a very rich grade of ore is now being milled.
    Mrs. Chavner, of Gold Hill, Miss Rose Buckley, of Uniontown, and Miss Maggie McAndrews, of this city. left Monday for a month's visit in San Francisco and California. Tom McAndrews accompanied them as far as Ashland, returning on the evening train.
    A bicycle contest between Lyle Rice, the railroad man of Ashland, and Geo. Parker of this city, will take place Saturday. The distance is five miles, on the road from Medford to Jacksonville. Parker will ride an Imperial wheel and Rice a Victor. Rice made the distance in 15 minutes one day recently.
    At the noon hour on Monday a man entered the jewelry store next door to Fetsch's tailor shop and stole two gold watches. He was arrested, given a hearing before Justice Walton, who bound him over to the grand jury on $100 bail, in default of which he lies in the county jail. The man claims that he is a miner from Cole's, on the Siskiyous, and he had a horse doctor and another party fit him out with a miner's grub stake and was to leave town on that day. The two watches were found in his blankets.
Valley Record, Ashland, June 21, 1894, page 3

    F. W. Waschau's jewelry store at Medford was robbed at noon Tuesday by Paul
Valner. He was captured a few hours after committing the robbery.

"The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, June 21, 1894, page 3

    As the Medford citizen turns his eyes backward he cannot but take unto himself a goodly amount of pride. This is one city which has been comparatively a prosperous one. Despite the depression in all lines of business our dealers have managed to move along in the even tenor of their way, and not a business failure has there been among them. While no person has made any great amount of money, all have managed to keep even. Our city generally has improved, and a marked change for the better is noticeable. The handwriting on the wall plainly tells us that we will not retrograde--our people are not those of backward movements.

Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 2

    George W. Howard to Jacob Shadle, 40 feet off south end of lots 11, 12, 13, blk 2, also lt 9, blk 32; Medford . . . 200
    C. W. Palm et al. to Louisa Lowery, lt 9, blk 32; Medford . . . 60
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 2

    Mayor Haskins:--"I expect to be located in my new building between the first and 15th of July. I am having Weeks Brothers make my shelving and counters, and they are promised for about July first. Drs. Pickel and Geary will have offices over the store. Dr. Pickel will occupy the south front rooms and Dr. Geary the north front two rooms. These are both supplied with water from the city works. Back of these will be a fairly good-sized hall--large enough for lodge hall for secret societies. Possibly I will rent it for justice court uses."
    A. C. Tayler:--"There is something in children's shoes that is original with yours truly. It is a child's shoe with rawhide toe and heel protector. It is a notion of my own, and the house I buy of put them in at only a slight additional cost. They will protect the toe and heel from wearing through. They are 'wear resisters,' all right."
    Mail Office Devil:--"I saw a young lady the other morning with that crushed strawberry feeling on her face [blushing]. She had just got off her bicycle, and her bicycle had just got off the sidewalk. They were both picked up in the same basket by the street commissioner."

"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 2

    As a fire alarm Mr. Crystal is a crowning success. Wednesday afternoon about two o'clock fire broke out in the Medford Business College, and Mr. Crystal being near there with his horse and buggy at the time, started for the city giving the alarm as he jumped his horse up the streets. He roared like a locomotive in distress and could be heard many blocks away. However, his was good work, and in less time than it requires to write it he had every man, woman and child in the city either looking or traveling in the direction of the college. It was no false alarm, as fire had caught near the chimney in the wainscoting on the second floor, but a few buckets of water from a well near at hand soon squelched the flames. Prof. Rigby and his father are living in the building, but when the fire started they were out locating the corners on the college lots in company with Messrs. West and Wigle, but after locating one corner the elder Mr. Rigby went into the building and started a fire preparatory to doing a little cooking. A couple of boys passing a few minutes later discovered the fire and gave the alarm. A few minutes of time lost before the alarm was given and the whole structure would have been consumed, as no help could have been given by the fire company, the building being too great a distance from the nearest hydrant to reach with the hose. The building was insured for $2500; damages not to exceed $75.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 3

    Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart, and daughter Julia, returned from San Francisco Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart have been attending the fair, and Miss Julia has just completed a musical course of study at Oakland. They were accompanied by Mrs. O. Ferguson, of Sacramento, who was a schoolmate of both Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. The lady will visit in the valley for some time.
    Rev. T. H. Stephens and family left Medford Wednesday morning for their old home at Wheatland, Calif., at which place they own considerable property. Mr. Stephens has not accepted any pastorate charge yet, and of course does not know where his lot will be cast. The Mail has always had very kind regards for Mr. Stephens, and we wish him success in the new labor field he may decide upon.
    G. W. Howard, formerly a resident of Medford, now in the flour milling business at Davenport, was in Medford Sunday and Monday of this week upon business with A. A. Davis and W. I. Vawter. From here he went to San Francisco for a business and pleasure visit.
    Hon. H. G. Brown, of Elkton, Douglas County, while returning from the midwinter fair this week, stopped off in Medford for a visit with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Damon. Mr. Brown is one of the several thrifty tillers of the soil in the Umpqua Valley and has been a Douglas County representative in our state legislature.
    Judge E. DePeatt, he who used to be judge of the county court of Jackson County, but now a resident of Umatilla County, was in Medford visiting friends this week. The judge found occasion to express himself as to the progress made by our city during the four years of his absence and further put in a wish that we might continue to forge new links in our progressive chain.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 3

    One of our most popular young ladies, Miss Mamie Nicholson of Medford, who is teaching school in the Obenchain district, is giving good satisfaction, and her many new friends on Butte Creek hope she will continue to teach and that this district may be fortunate in securing her services.

"Mount Pitt Items," Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 4

    Miss Cora Bashford, of this place, has commenced keeping books at her father's ice factory and brewery in Medford. She is a promising young lady, and the work will undoubtedly be done in good shape.

"Griffin Creek Gatherings," Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 4

    Medford has abandoned  the idea of cannons and oratory for July 4.
"Oregon," Pullman Herald, Washington Territory, June 22, 1894, page 2

Medford Items.
    A. J. McLeod was in Ashland this week on business.
    Johnny Farris has returned from Siskiyou County, Cal,
    Mr. Anderson and daughter of Klamath County came in this week to pay the son and brother, Geo. E. Anderson, a visit. They brought in a fine lot of lake trout.
    Wm. Robison returned today with his family to Pokegama, where Bill has a good job with the lumber company, having worked with them faithfully for years. The company expect to pay up by the 10th of July.
    The bicycle race between Lyle Rice and Geo. Parker from Jacksonville to Medford on the county road, 5 miles, was won by Parker; time 16 minutes, 8 seconds. Rice was in the lead, but at the halfway station struck a snag that floored him. Parker then went to the front and was way ahead.
Valley Record, Ashland, June 28, 1894, page 3

Swift Bicyclists.
    Out in Rogue River are several rather swift wheelmen. Last week D. L. Rice, of Ashland, the Victor agent, and Geo. Parker, of Medford, had a friendly contest for speed on their wheels over the road from Jacksonville to Medford. The result was in favor of Parker, and the time taken to cover the 4½ or 5 miles was 15 minutes and 8 seconds. Starting out from Jacksonville Mr. Rice maintained the lead for about half the distance to Medford when he met with an accident that cost him his chances of winning. His wheel struck a rut in the road and threw him to the ground. The sudden change from a 20-mile gait was too much to overcome, and before he had recovered Parker was a quarter of a mile ahead and won the race easily. Rice rode a 31 lb. wood-rim Victor, and Parker an Imperial of the same weight, though Mr. Rice was 60 lbs. heavier than his competitor and had ridden his wheel from Ashland, 17 miles, the day of the race. The Tidings says Mr. Rice covered the distance from Jacksonville to Medford recently, under favorable wind conditions, in a trifle over 15 minutes, and thinks he would have made equally as good time on Saturday had it not been for the accident. There is likely to be some interesting racing before the season is over.
Roseburg Plaindealer, June 28, 1894, page 3

    Medford was honored at the State University commencement exercises, held at Eugene last week, by the appointment of Professor N. L. Narregan and attorney W. I. Vawter as two of the three judges to decide upon the prize oration in the students' contest. The first, or Failing prize, for the best oration and deliver, was awarded I. M. Glen, and the second, or Beekman, prize to E. M. Underwood.
Medford Mail, June 29, 1894, page 2

C. W. Palm to Louisa Lowrey lot 9, blk 32 Medford . . . 60
"From the County Seat," Medford Mail, June 29, 1894, page 2

Editor Kaiser Is Just Guessing.
    The Medford Mail and Pentz & White are mourning the departure from Medford of Prof. Vinton Smith and wife--the former for the amount of a lot of printing and the latter, so they allege, for money paid in advance for abstract work.--Valley Record
    You are a long ways shy of the mark, Brother Kaiser, when you infer that The Mail got "laid out" by Smith. Strangers always put up their money in advance for job work at this office or get some responsible resident to go them good to the amount of the job. The Mail hasn't lost a nickel by Smith's escapade.

Medford Mail, June 29, 1894, page 2

    There was fun on the boards for the boys about the city last Monday night. A muscle dancer, direct from the Midway Plaisance at San Francisco, gave an entertainment, or rather a small part of one, in Woolf's hall, on the evening in question. When the dance had gotten nicely started marshal Churchman decided it was not just the proper line of amusement for a strictly moral city, and proceeded to arrest the performer and her male companion. The show stopped right there, and the marshal conducted his prisoners out of the hall and, upon a promise that they would leave the city, he released them from custody. The fun came a little later when several of the young fellows got together and decided upon sport galore. Several of those of our male population who were in attendance had gone to their respective homes and were sleeping the sleep that knows no awakening until the alarm sounds at early morning, but their slumbers, however, were disturbed by a prolonged rap at the door. Upon being awakened they were given to understand by a couple of gentlemen standing on the porch that they were wanted by the authorities as witnesses in the dancer's case, which was then being tried by the city tribunal. All sorts of excuses were offered, the principal one being that they knew nothing of the nature of the show or they would not have been there--which in some cases was true. The excuses in some instances were considered, but in others nothing would answer other than their presence before the chief magistrate--and they were forthwith compelled to dress and take a walk uptown. Upon reaching the supposed place of trial it was given out that different arrangements had been made and they guessed there would be no trial. About twenty or more of the boys, who had been waiting the result, then began to congregate, coming from all directions, and cigars, milkshakes, fruit and "sich" flowed freely.
    Section foreman Joe Kelley has commenced the erection of a dwelling house, on D Street, just north and adjoining T. W. Johnson's property. The building will be 18x26 feet in size, with twelve-foot posts. It will be very neat and attractive in design and will add more beauty to that articular locality. E. W. Starr is the contractor who is putting up the building.
    That Day Parker is a speeder on a bicycle will not be questioned when we state that he had a race with one of the best wheelmen of Grants Pass last week, and after giving his competitor an eighth of a mile, the start to a half-mile race, he (Day) came within a few feet of beating him home.

    New awnings are being put up in front of the Hamlin and Howard blocks, on Seventh Street. These awnings are to be covered with corrugated iron and instead of wood posts for outside supports two-inch galvanized piping is being used. The entire awning is on hinges and can be swung down to protect the store fronts in case of fire.
    Arrangements have been made whereby Rev. J. Merley will occupy the Baptist pulpit, in Medford, on the first and third Sundays of each month, and Rev. E. Russ on the second and fourth Sundays. Services at the usual hour--morning and evening.
Champion Binder trade card, circa 1894
    D. T. Lawton and Clarence Kellogg are very busy this week in setting up Champion binders and headers, in expectation of a good trade in this line--and will get it. The Champion is acknowledged one of the leaders in farm machinery.
    The work of digging holes for the telephone poles will be complete by tomorrow night, and by next Saturday night it is expected the insulators will be on and the poles set, and possibly some wiring will be done. The line will follow the Medford-Jacksonville county road.
    Miss Emma Tolman has organized a painting class in Medford, and Wednesday of this week she gave her first lesson. Her pupils are Mesdames H. G. Nicholson, F. G. Plymale, E. B. Pickel, John Beek, Misses Ella Hanley, Mollie Barneburg and Clara Skeel.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, June 29, 1894, page 3

Will Talk with Jacksonville.
    The Medford-Jacksonville telephone line is settled so far as construction and operation is concerned--its continuance to other points will depend upon the patronage this much of the proposed line receives. Mr. Kerr, the gentleman who has recently put up a couple of private telephone lines in Medford, has arranged with a company composed of Mayor G. H. Haskins, Dr. B. F. Adkins, and City Recorder B. S. Webb of Medford, and John White, of the firm of Reames, White & Co., of Jacksonville, whereby he sells to them a telephone line running between the two points and three instruments in good working order for a consideration, the amount of which we are not at liberty to state. Work on the proposed line has already been commenced, and Mr. Kerr promises to have it in operation inside of three weeks. There will be three instruments placed in immediate use. One of these will be in the drug store of G. H. Haskins, Medford, and two in Jacksonville--one in the county clerk's office at the courthouse and one in the store of Reames, White & Co., the Medford 'phone to connect with both of these. Twenty-five cents will be charged for a five minutes' talk. Tickets have already been sold to the amount of $75 in Medford, which fact points to the success which we may reasonably expect it will reach. Should it prove a paying investment the line will, in all probability, be extended to Ashland and afterwards to Eagle Point and Central Point. The gentlemen who will be owners of the line are among our best and most reliable business men, which is in itself a guarantee of a square deal to the patrons. The failure of the line put up a few years ago was the required payment of a $72 royalty on the instruments and fifteen percent of all money earned--it's different now, no royalty, no percent. May success crown the Medford-Jacksonville telephone line.
Medford Mail, June 29, 1894, page 3

    Mrs. J. A. Hanley and Miss Ella Hanley visited Ashland friends last Friday. Miss Ella has taken up her permanent residence in Medford--residing with her brother, J. A. Hanley and family.
    B. P. O'Neil left Medford last Friday for San Jose, Calif., where he expects to reside permanently. Barney has many friends in and about Medford who will regret his departure and will be glad of his return, should he ever so decide.
    Miss Elva Galloway returned last Friday from Indiana. The young lady returns to accept the position of assistant principal in our public schools--formerly occupied by County Clerk Jacobs. Miss Galloway is a very able instructor, and the board does well in thus securing her services.
    Rev. E. L. Thompson, pastor of the M.E. Church at Roseburg, has been in attendance at the camp meeting at Central Point during the past couple of weeks. Monday of this week he was visiting his brother, Rev. E. E. Thompson, and his many Medford friends, among whom the Mail editor is one. Mr. Thompson reports the health of his family very poorly; Mrs. Thompson and the baby have been ill for some months past. The former is improving slightly, but the latter is still quite ill.
    Mrs. L. C. Johnson of Waukesha, Wisconsin, and sister of R. H. Whitehead, arrived in Medford last Sunday. The lady had been five weeks on the way, she having been detained by the floods and washouts which have been causing so much trouble to the railroads in Washington, Idaho and Montana. She was detained eighteen days at Missoula, Montana, and even then the whole trainload of passengers had to be transferred eight miles by teams. During the delay the company provided two meals a day for all passengers and gave the use of the coaches for sleeping apartments. Miss Johnson is matron of the Industrial, or Reform, schools at Waukesha, a position she has held for five years. She will remain in Medford a month or more.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 29, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    W. W. Stitt is here from Kansas visiting Arthur Wilson.
    H. C. Turpin has returned to this section again from Multnomah County.
    The nine-months-old daughter of J. H. Huffer, jr., and wife died at Jacksonville June 29.
    The Democratic Times is now being is sued weekly during the strike. Their paper supply is short.
    Geo. Anderson took a load of soda water to Ashland Monday and returned with sugar for our merchants.
    Carver Smith, of Phoenix, and Miss Mary Anderson were married here at 9 o'clock a.m. on the 4th and immediately took a carriage for the celebration at Ashland.
    W. E. Coul and Mr. Werth went to Ashland in a buggy Monday evening and Postmaster Howard sent by them the mail for Ashland which had arrived on the freight from Roseburg.
    Joe Hockersmith, David Payne and O. Harbaugh left this week with a drove of horses for Gazelle, Siskiyou County, from which point they intend to ship on the railroad to San Francisco. They were expecting the railroad blockade to open by the time they were ready for the company.
    Jacob Schafer and son and John Bohl, who live between here and the county seat, got into a big row, which resulted in young Schafer striking Bohl in the left arm with a sickle. Several blood vessels were severed. At the preliminary examination Justice Dunlap considered the evidence so mixed up that he discharged Schafer and son.
    The railroad company abandoned Friday afternoon's southbound freight train here and returned the crew and engine to Grants Pass. Without any train in town it came rather hard on the public places and hotels. There was a lot of beer on the freight bound for Ashland for the 4th of July trade and some of it was hauled to its destination by teams. Medford went out of sugar the first round and teams were sent to Ashland jobbers for the sweet article.
Valley Record, Ashland, July 5, 1894, page 3

    During the sugar famine in Medford this week some of our merchants were obliged to borrow this necessary commodity from Jacksonville and Central Point dealers. Some of our resident consumers of this saccharine substance also visited Jacksonville in person and were accommodated to the extent of their wants in this line. Through some source the report became current hereabouts that Messrs. White, Reames & Co., believing that they had a corner on sugar, had put the price up to an exorbitant figure and were unduly taking advantage of the existing unfortunate condition of affairs. This report, however, is denied by the above firm in a letter to this paper, and we gladly devote space to right a wrong which has been done these people. In their letter they say: "We have only a few sacks of sugar on hand and the highest price charged, where we have sold by the sack, was $6.75."
    The Mail was most fortunate last week in having a bicycle rider, Geo. S. Parker, as one of its employees. The tie-up of trains was complete before we could get to press Thursday afternoon, hence the only way to reach our subscribers was by carriers. Mr. Parker and his bicycle were brought into service, and he was dispatched Friday afternoon to Central Point and Gold Hill, with the papers for these points and all post offices on stage routes out from these places. It was our intention to send him to Woodville, but even a good rider and an Imperial wheel can't carry a whole boxcar of Mails, and we were compelled to draw the line at Gold Hill--the weight of papers carried was about one hundred pounds. The time occupied in making the run and return, a distance of 24 miles, including a thirty-minute stop at Central Point and fifty-four minutes at Gold Hill, was four hours.
    It needs to be a very tropical day when Ben Webb fails to create a round of amusement out at his place. When he don't get his pedal extremities glued solid in a pair of gum boots, with cement, there is something else coming up. Last week his driving horse turned himself loose from the stable and made sad havoc of the shrubbery growing on the lawn. The animal was chased seven hundred and eighty-three times around the house by a small dog about as big as a copper cent, five-cent nickel or a dollar piece, and the last turn he made landed squarely in a new-dug cellar--kicked the gable end out of the cellar wall and uprooted the concrete floor and escaped uninjured.
    The Medford candy factory has closed its doors, and one of the proprietors, Mr. Zahn, expects to leave next Monday for California, where he hopes to find a suitable location for the reestablishing of the business. His partner, Mr. Rasmussen, is out on his ranch, near Prospect. If a suitable location is found the two will at once move thereto. The seeming cause of an unsuccessful business in this city was the location, it being away from the principal business portion, and nearly all retail patronage was thereby cut off.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, July 6, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Fireman D. W. Varnum, of Dunsmuir, organizer of the A.R.U., was here Monday.
    Miss Maggie Tice has gone to Ashland to accept a position in the Hotel Oregon dining room.
    I. W. Thomas is hauling wheat to the Ashland mills.
    A daughter was born to the wife of M. L. Alford at this place.
    Mrs. Nettie Harris and daughter were visiting Ashland relatives Tuesday,
    D. H. Yeagar, the timber land man of Jenny Creek, was here this week as a witness in the proving up of the land claims of Messrs. Crowell and Waldroop.
    Mrs. A. W. Angle, proprietress of the Tolman mineral springs hotel, and L. E. Bender were down from the Siskiyous last week on business. Everybody here is pleased to know that Mrs. Angle is making a success in running this resort in such a first-class manner.
Valley Record, Ashland, July 12, 1894, page 4

    William Salat is now sojourning with relatives at Medford, Oregon. He has ordered the News to keep him posted on home occurrences.
"Personals," Huntingburgh News, Huntingburgh, Indiana, July 13, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Francis Fitch was in Portland this week.
    Dist. Atty. Benson came up from Grants Pass Tuesday.
    Mrs. Fannie Love has returned from her Portland visit.
    Mrs. John Miller is erecting a neat cottage at Jacksonville.
    Dr. Jones and wife are out camping at their Jenny Creek springs.
    Postmaster Howard was at Gold Hill this week, just looking, he says.
    Thos. McAndrew and Mr. Brown are stopping at Tolman's mineral springs during the hot spell.
    Mrs. Lippincott, wife of the railroad agent, was visiting Miss Johnson and Ashland friends this week.
    Senator Cameron has returned from the Masonic grand lodge and left Monday for his Galice Creek mines.
    Miss Hattie Hay, a well-known young lady of Rock Point, was married at this place last Thursday to J. H. Beeman.
    Chas. Tabor and family, Hugh and Clarence Stevens, Lizzie and Miss Fibern, all of Woodville, have gone to the coast at Crescent City.
    J. Carroll McCaffrey, well-known here in real estate deals, was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary from Multnomah County Tuesday for forgery.
    Wm. Steele and Lyman Hopkins, who stopped off at Central Point on the last train and went home to Lakeview by private conveyance, arrived safely. They were attending the Corvallis agricultural college.
    A carload of hogs or sheep from Medford to San Francisco costs $60 for freight, a load of cattle $80 and a load of horses $150. This unnatural condition of freight rates is causing the Harbaugh horses to walk to the California market.
    Chas. H. Pierce, the well-known timber land man, arrived Tuesday from Seattle with Mr. McDonald, a capitalist, and he will take Mr. McDonald on a summer's outing through all the timber belts from here to Feather River, Cal.
    Frank Torrey, a well-known miner who has been operating over on Beaver Creek for years and is interested with Angle & Plymale in a placer mine in that district, died here Sunday, the funeral taking place Monday. He came over from the mine several weeks ago in bad health. Paralysis was the probable cause of his death.
    It is reported that Gov. Pennoyer has pardoned Chris Caldwell, a "lifer," for fatally stabbing a teamster in a hurdy gurdy house row on the Siskiyous during railroad construction days, and father of Geo. Caldwell who died in the penitentiary recently while serving a life sentence for the killing of James McGuire on Blackwell Hills.
    This is the finest hay season the valley has seen for years, and the grain yield. though only average, is first-class in quality. The prospects for the corn crop of the county are good for a third more than was ever raised. The range feed and stock was never fatter. Headers are in full blast and threshers will commence by the end of this week.
    The grasshoppers are raiding the vicinity of Roxy Ann and have cleaned up the gardens of Henry Taylor, Jesse Richardson and Mr. Newton, eating the latter's peaches on his trees and leaving nothing but the stone hanging on the stem. Mr. Newton's 490 young trees were skinned and killed. These grasshoppers are found in spots on Antelope and Dry Creek. The grain aphis, which made its appearance in a few fields on Butte Creek, Talent, and principally in Willow Springs precinct, has done no damage at all, this climate being too cool for them to last long.
    The homestead claims on Jenny Creek of Col. W. S. Crowell, D. I. Waldroop and H. M. Crowell are under contest. They appeared before the U.S. commissioner at Medford last week to make final proof. The contestants were Dr. W. B. Officer of Eagle Point, W. A. Wright and F. A. Forbes of Medford. The case has been continued and will be taken before the tribunal at the Roseburg land office. The difference of opinion between the settlers and contestants is whether it is timber land and subject to entry or land suitable for farming and can be homesteaded. The homesteaders have done the required amount of work, and are confident of a decision in their favor.
Valley Record, Ashland, July 19, 1894, page 4

    The Medford-Jacksonville telephone line was completed last week, and is in working order, giving good satisfaction.
    The Mail says that Day Parker of Medford rode from Ashland to Medford, 12 miles, the other evening in 44 minutes, and challenges any bicyclist in the state for a race for chalk, money or marbles.
"The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, July 19, 1894, page 3

   Dr. [E. P.] Geary as a bicycle hostler cannot be put down as a crowning success. As a matter of fact, the grooming of his wheel has been sadly neglected of late. It has neither been sponged, curried or rubbed down for several moons, and its neglect was becoming noticeable, but a few of the doctor's good friends gave him a benefit one day last week. He had left his wheel standing on the sidewalk while he did a little office work. In the interval his friends "swiped" the wheel and in the rear of one of their places of business they applied cleansing and burnishing lotions, and a short time thereafter the wheel was in its place again, but it had been transmogrified into a thing of beauty. The doctor came on the scene a little later, but the wheel he knew not--and for the next several hours he rode a borrowed wheel, believing someone had appropriated his.
    Conductor Andrews, running on the freight between Ashland and Grants Pass, came near being seriously injured while engaged in doing some switching in the Medford yards last Friday. After making a coupling he fell between the cars, striking on his face, but fortunately, and with quite an effort, he succeeded in escaping being crushed by the car wheels by throwing himself just outside the rails. By the fall he was injured about the head and blood spurted form his ears, nose and mouth. He is all right again and is in charge of his train. The same evening, as this same train was pulling into Medford from the south, Charlie Howard was very close onto a crossing with his horse and carriage before he noticed the approaching train. Had he gone only a few feet further there would have been a sad fatality to write about.
    Ice tea is highly recommended as a beverage during hot weather. Its ingredients are frozen ice and stewed tea--you furnish the tea and Curry & Johnson will furnish the ice--delivered at your door.
    It is understood quite generally that Day Parker will get a challenge for a bicycle race. The challenger, we learn, is Claud Cannon, of Roseburg, and the place and date will be during the fair at Central Point in September. Cannon rode against Parker upon the same ground last year and was beaten, but his friends claim he threw the race. Whether he did or not, the Roseburg boys will find our sportive inclined people ready to back Mr. Parker for all the Douglas lads feel willing to part with. Now if Jimmie Bates can get a challenge for a footrace, to come off at the same place and date, there will be at least two interesting races. These boys are both square, and it can be positively said of them that they will not throw the race.
    A cool delicious drink that does not intoxicate is the right proper notion for hot weather--Mounce & Schermerhorn, the confectioners, have several varieties.
    C. W. Wolters, the popular grocer, has decided to add another line of goods to his already quite complete stock. On Tuesday of this week he gave his order for a thousand-dollar stock of boots and shoes--to an eastern establishment. The line will embrace ladies', gents', misses' and children's wear, and will be complete in every detail. Charlie is fast forging his way to the fore as a successful merchant, and his friends are pleased to note his advancement.
    The death of H. F. Torrey occurred in Medford Sunday evening, July 15, 1894. Interment was made in Odd Fellows cemetery on the afternoon of the following day. Mr. Torrey was fifty-five years of age and has lived in this locality for a number of years, during which time he has made many friends who now grieve with members of the family because of his demise. His malady was that of paralysis, and he had been ill but about a week.
    In another column of this issue of The Mail will be found the advertisement of R. F. High's tonsorial parlors. This gentleman is recently from Central Point, where he has conducted a shop for some time past. He is well known to the majority of our readers, and is pronounced a first-class workman, and will no doubt receive his share of the public's patronage. His shop is located on Front Street.
    Funeral services in memory of H. F. Torrey will be held at the Methodist Episcopal Church at 3 o'clock p.m. next Sunday, instead of at the residence as stated on the notices. Rev. E. E. Thompson will officiate.
    Blacksmith G. F. Merriman received a carload of coal this week and the Southern Oregon Pork Parking Company a carload of salt, the latter to be used in the fall and winter pack of pork.
    N. S. Bennett took a load of peaches over to Klamath Falls last week and met with a ready sale. Wednesday of this week he started over again with a load of vegetables.
    Married--At the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. C. H. Hoxie, near Medford, July 15th, Mr. Charles F. Nichols and Miss Mary Pool, both of Jackson County, Oregon.
    E. G. Hurt is running the night shift at the Medford ice plant and Elmer Bashford the day shift. The demand is keeping the boys hustling to their fullest capacity.
    F. V. Medynski has been engaged this week in making up a big batch of yeast for the Southern Oregon Distillery. The work is being done at the Medford brewery.
    Lost--on Monday of this week, between Medford and the windmill on the Jacksonville road, a bundle of dry goods. Finder will please leave same at post office.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, July 20, 1894, page 3

Pardoned by Pennoyer.
    SALEM, OR.--Governor Pennoyer has pardoned from the penitentiary the following prisoners: S. F. Murphy, sentenced from Baker County February last to one year for embezzlement as City Treasurer of the sum of $4,119; James Hards, sentenced from Jackson County May, 1893, to a term of fifteen years for manslaughter; George Newbill, from Yamhill County March last to one year for grand larceny; Ed F. Lewis, from Linn County March last to three years for forgery; Georgia White and Jennie Morgan, from Portland February last to two years for larceny from the person of a Yakima County (Wash.) farmer.
Pullman Herald, Pullman, Washington, July 20, 1894, page 2

Medford Will Shine.
    MEDFORD, Or., July 20.--The machinery for the Medford electric light works arrived by today's freight. The work of placing it in position will be begun at once and rapidly pushed to completion, and it will not be long until the city will be lighted by electricity. The manager, Mr. Baird, is expected to arrive from Portland in a few days.
    The fruit crop in this section is good, and the market is filled with all kinds of fruit. A large quantity will soon be ready for shipment. Fruitgrowers here are anxiously awaiting the settlement of the strike, so that the product of their orchards can be put on the markets.
Morning Oregonian, July 21, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Mrs. Francis Fitch is at Clatsop beach.
    W. S. Barnum and sons are doing Dead Indian.
    Rev. E. S. Craven has gone to Tolman's Springs.
    C. C. Beekman, the Jacksonville banker, is in Portland.
    Sanderson Smith has returned from a mining trip to Portland.
    Mrs. Dr. W. S. Jones and infant are summering at Tolman's.
    Davis, the miller, is at Davenport, Wash., looking after his mill there.
    M. C. Kasson, the Pelican Bay land owner, was in the valley last week.
    U. S. Damon and Ed. Redden are out camping in the Cascade Range.
    Mrs. Chas. Strang and Mrs. M. W. Skeel have gone to Tolman Springs for a vacation.
    Mrs. Geo. Davis and Mrs. Pottenger are camping at Tolman's Springs in the Siskiyous.
    W. W. Cardwell, who has opened a law office in Roseburg, will build a $2600 residence in that town.
    A. M. Kerr has gone to Ashland to work up the telephone connection between here and the county seat.
    Miss Maybel Jones, daughter of G. T. Jones, returned Monday from a visit with the R.G. society at Ashland.
    The hay crop is immense this season, but the wheat crop will not be quite a full average all over the county. Some little rust is noticed in certain fields.
    Judge S. J. Day, of Jacksonville, has suffered a relapse after convalescing from the injuries sustained by falling from a step-ladder and is confined to his bed with a low fever.
    Mrs. Chastain, wife of Rev. S. B. Chastain, the Baptist minister of Central Point, died there Monday while undergoing an operation for consumption of the bowels, performed by Drs. Geary and Pickel.
    Mrs. M. Chavner of Gold Hill and Miss Maggie McAndrews, who were tied up in San Francisco, returned home last evening. Miss Rose Buckley, who went with them, remained in San Francisco, where she has a position as Western Union operator. 
Valley Record, Ashland, July 26, 1894, page 3

    The Jackson County Bank of Medford received $1000 in gold Saturday, the result of a cleanup of the Hammersley Mining Company after a ten days' run. The gold was in one nugget and was quite a curiosity. The Hammersley is considered one of the best quartz mines in this end of the state, and a great deal of developing work is being done, but the mill is not run steadily at present.
"The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, July 30, 1894, page 3

    A Medford man has started to San Francisco with a band of horses he proposes to drive the entire distance.
"Oregon," Omaha Daily Bee, July 30, 1894, page 5

    Ashland and Medford are to have a telephone connection.

"Suggested Comment," Capital Journal, Salem, August 1, 1894, page 2

    Mr. and Mrs. Fitch, who have been the guests of Warden Berry and family, returned to Medford today.

Capital Journal, Salem, August 2, 1894, page 4

    F. Hubbard, who was engaged in selling agricultural implements in this county some 10 or 12 years ago, died at Medford last Friday.

"The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, August 6, 1894, page 3

Good Results from the Coal Vein Located Near Medford.
    Medford, Aug. 9.--J. C. Tolman and Thomas James, who located a coal vein about 6 miles northeast of this city, brought here about two tons of coal, which they had taken from the vein. It is of a good quality of bituminous coal. They are confident that, as they go in, the quality will improve. They are now in about 20 feet and the vein is about 6 feet through. The proprietors feel that they have a good mine, and that it will be a great benefit to this valley.
    J. W. Hockersmith, the stock buyer, shipped five carloads of stock to San Francisco by freight. Mr. Hockersmith has shipped a large amount of stock from here and has brought many thousands of dollars to the valley.

Capital Journal, Salem, August 9, 1894, page 1

Thursday Morning's Fire.
    The cry of "Fire!" is the one most dreaded by the average citizen, and at once awakens him from the soundest slumber; and why not, when it is known to all mankind that fire is one of the most destructive elements that man has to contend with.
    A cry of fire was heard in the still air of the morning, about half past three o'clock, Thursday, and in a very short space of time a large portion of Medford's population was rushing, half clad, from their homes to ascertain the cause of the alarm and the extent of the conflagration. It did not take long, however, to locate the fire, as the streets were well lighted for blocks away by the blaze from the burning building. The fire was by this time fast consuming the barns on the Phipps and Randall property--between Third and Fourth street, and facing on B Street. One of the barns was occupied by Bellinger & Wells, proprietors of the Medford dray line, and in which they had four horses, harness and other equipments, together with about eight tons of hay. When the first persons began arriving on the scene they were unable to enter the barn, and it was not known whether the horses had perished or not, but a little later two of the animals were found outside, they having broken loose and, the door having been left open, they had escaped, but one of them was so badly burned that it had to be killed; the other two perished in their stalls, and as soon as the fire had gained a little more headway their charred bodies were plainly visible.
    In the adjoining barn, Mr. Randall had stored away his winter's supply of hay for his two horses and a cow and calf, which were also in the barn. He, being the first man to reach the burning buildings, was enabled, by heroic efforts, to save his livestock, but what other articles the barn contained were a total loss.
    The fire boys, with their hose cart, were on hand in good season, but were somewhat hampered by the lack of water. This, however, did not last long, as the pumps at the water works were soon going, and then the firemen devoted their efforts to saving the buildings nearby. There happened to be no wind blowing, and this greatly assisted them, and as a result no other buildings were at any time in great danger.
    The heaviest loss falls on Messrs. Bellinger & Wells, the loss of three of their horses almost completely crippling their business, but the loss of the animals does not seem so bad when compared with the manner in which they died and the tortures they must have endured.
    The losses, as near as we have been able to learn, are about as follows, and in no case was there any insurance: I. J. Phipps, barn, $400; Joseph Randall, barn and contents, $500; Bellinger & Wells, $500.
    Bellinger & Wells secured another horse yesterday, and are now working with one team, but they expect to soon be in the field again with two or more teams.
    The fire was, beyond a shadow of a doubt, of incendiary origin, and the guilty person should, if possible, be detected and the severest punishment possible in such cases dealt out to him. No person who will maliciously set fire to property and thereby take away the life of innocent animals should be allowed his freedom as an honest citizen, but should be made to suffer the severest penalties.
    The $500 reward offered by the city council and the citizens of Medford, for the apprehension and conviction of anyone caught setting fires, still holds good and will be cheerfully paid to the person who wins it.
Medford Mail, August 10, 1894, page 2

    H. L. Gilkey, who came to Medford with his family from Montesano, Washington, some few months ago, has decided to enter into the hardware business in this city. The firm will be Kame & Gilkey. The senior partner is W. T. Kame, also of Montesano, who will be here in November with his family and remain permanently. Mr. Gilkey has leased the brick building on Seventh Street, recently occupied, temporarily, by druggist Haskins, and the date of opening is fixed for September first. For a number of years Mr. Gilkey was cashier of the Bank of Montesano, which position he held with much credit to both himself and the bank, as some twenty-odd recommendations of prominent men of that city attest. While all these endorsements pertain largely to his ability and honesty in a business way, there is as well a line accompanying each which recommends both himself and family to the attention of the best social circles of our city. Truly no man can produce better endorsements than can Mr. Gilkey.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, August 10, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    C. W. Palm was doing Ashland Wednesday.
    Mrs. Ira Phelps is visiting Ashland relatives.
    The York-Forbes party returned Monday from their outing in Jenny Creek.
    Jacob Kahn, the Portland hide buyer, was here last week and is now in Siskiyou County.
    Mrs. Chas. Strang and children have been paying relatives a visit at Riddles, Douglas County.
    Frank Mingus with his brother, Dr. Mingus, of Portland, and a party have gone to Elk Creek on a hunt.
    J. R. Hardin has gone to the Beaver Creek mining district with C. C. Shohohoney on a prospecting tour.
    Miss Rose Cardwell and Thos. Fitch, Jr., who has just returned to Medford, were visiting Ashland Wednesday.
    Miss Julia Fisher, formerly of Jacksonville, and Coleman Attel are to be married at San Francisco on the 19th.
    W. H. Parker and family, who have been camping in the Ashland grove for some weeks, returned home Wednesday.
    Judge Willard Crawford and Mrs. Elizabeth Crawford were married at Grants Pass on the 11th by Judge Hanna.
    W. H. Parker and A. N. Soliss have gone into partnership in the law, collection and general court house business. Their office is at Jacksonville.
    W. H. Hembree took W. E. Coul to Ashland Monday on a business trip with one of the first-class turnouts of Talbot & Hembree's stables.
    Miss Agnes Devlin, the accomplished Jacksonville teacher, has returned from Boston, Mass., and will resume teaching in the Jacksonville public school.
    L. C. Coleman, the capitalist, who got his start in Jackson County and now owns some valuable farms, is up from Oakland, Cal., on his annual business trip.
    Davis' fleet-footed three-year-old, Oregon Chief, has become lame and will not enter the September races. An effort is being put forward to secure a new track near Medford and a subscription has been started to raise money to buy the Ish tract west of town for that purpose.
    Judge Chas. Walker was down from Cottage Grove last week on a business trip. He was a serious loser in the recent fire there, the Bohemia Hotel, which he had completed only a few months [before], was burned down. It cost $3000 and was insured for $1200. Doc. Ruggles, formerly in the circus business, was running the hotel and is also a loser.
    Circus day witnessed a terrible runaway accident that may yet prove fatal. Mrs. Burel Miller and sister, Miss Elsie Armstrong, were in one of Worman's livery rigs who got ugly at Woods' lumber yard and ran away, winding up in a frightful collision with an oak tree beyond the R.R.V.R.R. depot. Both ladies were thrown out and Mrs. Miller, who is in an interesting way, was very dangerously injured, and for a time her recovery was despaired of. The buggy was wrecked.
    The old Sells Bros. circus, which has been showing in the valley for years, under a new alias every time, strung itself out in this place Saturday. It brought a large number of people to town, but the attendance numbered only from 400 to 500 each performance. The manager said that he did not make the expense of railroad fare to their next stopping place--Redding. There was considerable thieving practiced by the circus men in making change, and a number of citizens were robbed thereby. The man who sells candy with five, ten and $20 bills wrapped around it "did up" quite a harvest of suckers.
Valley Record, Ashland, August 16, 1894, page 3

    For some time, the necessity of boring a well in the Odd Fellows cemetery has been seen on all sides, but not until quite recently have the Rebekahs and Odd Fellows felt themselves able to undertake a project of this nature. At the last meeting of Olive Rebekah Lodge the members decided to donate $50 for this purpose. Following them came the Odd Fellows with a donation of another $50, making $100 in all. It is proposed to bore the well and case the same with iron piping, and while the amount thus far raised is insufficient to complete the well, inasmuch as it is desired to go quite a depth, the two lodges hope to be able to raise an amount from outside parties to complete it, several having expressed their willingness to donate. Should the lodges be successful in getting the well bored this season, another spring they will put up a large tank and windmill. As the cemetery is located on a quite high piece of land, the ground dries out very quickly after the spring rains and it is almost impossible, as some know, to keep flowers and shrubbery growing any length of time during the summer. With plenty of water at hand the cemetery can be made a veritable flower garden and shaded by evergreens.
    Last Monday Drs. Geary and Pickel, assisted by Dr. Wait, performed a very delicate operation upon the person of Mrs. John Atterbury, of Applegate, and was that of removing a large cancer from her right breast. The cancer was an unusually large one and had been growing rapidly for about two years, and during the last three months it had doubled in size. Some of the cancer glands extended to the armpit and under the shoulder blade and involved both the superficial and deep axillary glands, which had to be removed. The incision made was about fourteen inches in length and owing to the close connection of the diseased glands to the large blood vessels and nerves under the arm, it was a most formidable operation. It required the greatest of skill to perform the operation and a goodly sprinkling of nerve to tackle it, but it was a case which would have been beyond the reach of even the skilled hands of these eminent and well-schooled physicians and surgeons in a short time. The patient is doing very nicely at present and will undoubtedly entirely recover. The operation was performed at the residence of W. J. Fredenburg, at whose place the lady is stopping.
    The ladies of the Christian Church will give an ice cream and cake social at the opera house tonight, Friday. Fifteen cents for cream and cake. Everybody is invited and it's reasonable to presume that many will attend and help the good ladies in their church efforts. We have many of us turned in and dropped our nickels and dimes in the coffers of the other churches during the past few months, and as this is the first opportunity we have had to contribute toward the Christian Church it is but fair that we do so and treat 'em all alike.
    To show up the cussedness which is tied up in some people let us cite that last Sunday night someone, coming from the direction of Jacksonville, as the wagon tracks indicated, entered the hay field on the Hanley Ranch where Spence Childers was engaged in putting up hay and deliberately hitched to his hay derrick and pulled it to the ground. All day Monday was given up to replacing the derrick by Mr. Childers. If little acts of the above nature are not downright cussed then we direct you to the devil and his horde of followers for something that is.
    J. B. Coyle, upon his return from Tolman Springs, reported having caught one hundred and eighteen trout in one day. That was a pretty good day for trout, but he tells that the average catch is considerably more than a few.
    Forty-four was the lucky "turn" that won the bicycle last Saturday night, and George Davis was the gentleman that turned the number. It's a good wheel, and George himself is on a par with all its good qualities.
    The grading of South C Street is nearly completed--only a few places remain unfinished. These will be sort of a slushy mess for the travelers if not graveled before wet weather sets in.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, August 17, 1894, page 3

    The Medford brass band will furnish music for the Central Point fair.

"The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, August 20, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    W. W. Cardwell is down from Roseburg.
    J. A. Whiteside has gone to California again.
    Fourteen people arrived last Thursday looking for homes.
    Miss Alice McCulloch has been visiting is Josephine County.
    M. Purdin, of Hotel Medford, spent two days at Colestin this week.
    Mrs. Peter Henderson has been visiting her family on Pleasant Creek.
    Dr. Robinson and wife and Miss Ankeny went to Colestin Wednesday to remain awhile.
    Mrs. A. W. Angle has given up the Tolman Springs and returned to Medford to live this week.
    Captain Hunt, who has bought the John B. Wrisley farm, has gone to Jenny Creek on a fishing expedition.
    C. W. Palm and wife, Mrs. C. I. Hutchison and Mrs. Geo. Davis went to Colestin Monday to remain some time.
    Parks' Sure Cure is a positive specific for women who are all "run down" and at certain times are troubled by backaches, headaches, etc. Sold by E. A. Sherwin.
    The electric light plant is about completed and this week, for the first time in its history, Medford will be lighted by electric lights. The girls and boys who have been able to do their sparking in the dingy lighted main streets will be compelled to move back and get out of under the glare of the electric light.
    The Medford correspondent of the Oregonian in speaking of the $193.80 raised county warrant stated that the treasurer's book showed that the warrant had been receipted for by Charles Nickell, many people jumping at the conclusion that Nickell must have had a hand in the affair. Nickell, however, refutes this by showing that he received only $3.80, the amount the warrant was drawn for. No new developments have been made known. Commissioner Bradshaw at the next meeting of the county court, it is said, [will] try some means of haying ex-County Treasurer R. H. Moore brought back to this county and give a full explanation as well as refund to the county the amount raised and interest. It is reported that the matter will also be brought before the September grand jury with considerable vigor.
Valley Record, Ashland, August 23, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    The electric light lit up the town Monday for the first time.
    B. Trainor, a mining man from Ashland, was here Wednesday.
    Miss Elva Galloway has been attending the Chautauqua assembly.
    Rev. A. S. Foster and daughter returned Tuesday from their Ashland visit.
    J. D. Hayes and Miss Viola Lewis were married at Grants Pass last week.
    An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Walker of Medford died quite suddenly Monday evening.
    J. W. Simpson and Mrs. Hannah M. Teller were married here Friday by Justice of the Peace Walton.
    Miss Abbie Beck, sister of W. S. Beck, of Louse Creek, was married at Roseburg on the 24th to S. F. Wright.
    W. H. Parker was at Ashland again Wednesday. He and his family may take up their residence in the Granite City.
    Rev. A. M. Russell, who organized the Medford Baptist church nine years ago, preached to his old congregation Sunday.
    Chas. Angel, the timber land expert, has gone to Feather River with Mr. McDonald, of Seattle. Chas. H. Pierce returned to Seattle via San Francisco from Feather River.
    Mrs. Sarah E. Carter, wife of B. F. Carter, died at Woodville on the 29th inst., aged 33 years. She was a granddaughter of W. M. Harper.
    J. H. Brantner, the well-known Applegate miner, was married here on the 26th inst. by Justice of the Peace G. S. Walton to Mrs. Mary Mansfield. We wish them much happiness and prosperity.
Valley Record, Ashland, August 30, 1894, page 3

    A letter from H. L. Gilkey states that he is opening up in the hardware business in Medford, Ore., and that the business outlook is good.

"From Montesano Vidette," Aberdeen Herald, Aberdeen, Washington, August 30, 1894, page 1

    "Look out for your watch" is a placard displayed at the electric light company's power house. It means that if you get your watch too close to the dynamo it will get fixed aplenty. The entire works of the watch will become magnetized, and unless the watch be an especially good one it will be cheaper to get new works than to have the old ones demagnetized.
    Horseshoeing $1.50 per horse, and all other blacksmithing reasonable, C. W. Milton, shop opposite Davis' flouring mill, Medford.
    That new dray team of Bellinger & Wells' is an all-fired slick one. Everybody is pleased to note that the boys are getting back onto their feet again. The fire wiped them out pretty clean. "Old Spot," the only surviving one of the four horses in the fire, was so badly injured that recovery was impossible and last week he was shot.
    Dr. J. B. Wait is having his office, in the Phipps block, slicked up a heap this week. Messrs. Johnson & Russell have been papering and painting thereabout a good part of the week. The doctor will be very cozily fitted out when he gets the job completed.
    J. W. Miller, the wagonmaker, has laid himself on the shelf for a few days' rest, occasioned by piercing his hand with an extremely large splinter.
    E. G. Hurt is improving his Sixth Street residence property by putting down a fine brick walk.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, August 31, 1894, page 3

The Lights Do Shine.
    The Medford Electric Company started the wheels to rolling Tuesday evening, and the incandescent lights were turned on. While of course one incandescent light, or even two, is hardly equal to a fifty- or sixty-candlepower coal oil lamp, they are giving out all the light which their capacity calls for--sixteen candlepower. In many instances too much has been expected of the new lights. This, however, we hope will be righted by the addition of another burner, perhaps two, to some of the larger stores. The Mail still holds that electric lights are far preferable to coal oil lamps, but we must not expect too much, even of the electric lights. Let us reason well before we pass judgment, and further let us give them a fair trial. A light that has been admitted to be superior to all others, in nearly all cities of the world, cannot fail to be equally as superior in Medford. The arc lights will probably be running by Monday night.
Medford Mail, August 31, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Agent Lippincott has returned from Southern California.
    W. A. Rummel Tuesday bought two lots in the Lumsden addition.
    Julius Goldsmith is again in business at Eugene--running a variety store.
    A son was born to the wife of Cory Taylor, four miles east of Medford, Sept. 5, 1894.
    Mrs. Mickey and her boy were visiting her brother, A. W. Story, the Ashland barber, Sunday.
    A son was born to the wife of G. E. Anderson, on Tuesday, which has expanded George's genial smile visibly.
    Charley Nickell has returned from a trip to California. It is said he saw the late Geo. E. Bloomer while absent.
    Miss Emma Tolman, who is teaching an art class here every Wednesday, was accompanied by her sister Mrs. O. H. Blount this week, who visited friends.
    B. Trainor and family have moved here from Ashland. Mr. Trainor, who is an old hotel man of Washington in its boom days, having started a restaurant here with good prospects of making a success of it.
    Henry Woody, a young man living near Medford, while handling a Winchester shotgun Monday, done the wrong thing somehow and the gun exploded, lacerating his hand and peeling up his face to some extent.
    Miss Dulce Netherland, one of the pretty girls of Talent, was married Tuesday at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. John White, to Ed. Clemens, a Talent blood. They came down to Medford on the afternoon train to spend the honeymoon.
    Mrs. John Hanley, while driving around the corner of the Muller & Davis store, accidentally ran over I. M. Muller's child. Mrs. Muller and her two children were out on the walk and Mrs. Muller, seeing the team coming, picked up the youngest child, but the other fellow ran away from her and got right in the way of trouble.
    R. H. Moore, ex-county treasurer, has written County Clerk N. A. Jacobs in regard to that warrant raised $190, saying that the county will not lose anything by his administration of the office. He arrived Wednesday from Portland, where he now resides, and says he proposes to investigate the matter thoroughly before he pays the amount with the interest, etc.
Valley Record, Ashland, September 6, 1894, page 4

Medford Items.
    M. Purdin, the landlord of The Medford, was doing business in Ashland Tuesday.
    Wm. Cleland, of Yreka, was doing business here Wednesday. He is a native son of Yreka.
    Pete Ellis, railroad agent at Grants Pass, is very low with consumption and is not expected to survive.
    Miss Alice McCulloch of this city and Miss Fannie Cheatham of Grants Pass went to Ashland Tuesday.
    Prof. Paul Boulon and Prof. Geo. Gonne will give a musical novelty entertainment in Medford Friday and Saturday evenings of this week.
    H. F. Wood, the contractor, now in the service of the railroad, was taken sick with fever in Northern California and has been at the Sacramento hospital.
    W. J. Beatty, who was in the Willamette Valley with S. C. Sherrill and wife, has returned. Mr. Sherrill and wife go to California soon for the winter.
    Joe Goldstone, formerly in business here but now of San Francisco, was through the valley this week, taking orders for boys' shirts, etc. Mark is in New York.
    Miss Maggie Tice, who has been at Hotel Oregon for some months, has returned to Medford, and her many friends were pleased to see her home again.
    Mrs. Kate Fabj and boy, of Tacoma, are visiting Mrs. H. H. Wolters. She has been visiting at Yreka and Colestin, and will again return to Yreka before going home.
    W. A. Rummel, who recently bought lots in Lumsden's addition, will soon build a home thereon. He will make a departure in the matrimonial line and before long a fair bride may be seen on the grounds.
Valley Record, Ashland, September 13, 1894, page 3

In New Quarters.
    Wortman & Gore's meat market has been removed to the Medynski building, on C Street, next to the post office. The interior of the building has been entirely repapered and rearranged to accommodate the growing business of the firm, and they now have--or will have when contemplated changes are made--one of the most convenient and neatest meat markets in Southern Oregon. Among the changes contemplated is the installment of a marble-topped counter, which will add much to the attractiveness of the shop. The refrigerator is large and convenient, and in it meats are kept in ideal condition for use. Back of the meat cutting department is the private office of the firm, which is not yet completed, but which will be fitted up in modern style. J. J. Brophy is officiating as salesman and meat cutter, and is filling the position--as he usually does such things--in a first-class manner.
    Messrs. Wortman & Gore have acquired a reputation for furnishing good goods to their customers, second to none in the city, and their many friends and patrons are wishing them good luck in their new location.
Medford Mail, September 14, 1894, page 1

    We have stated many times that Day Parker was a bicycle rider, and that he could ride quite cleverly, for a boy. We have been told by some that we were "talking through our headgear," or words to that effect, but the race at the Central Point fairgrounds last Friday proved beyond any reasonable grounds for doubt that we were talking good sense when we claimed for Mr. Parker [to be] a bicycle rider of no mean repute. This race was between Parker and Proebstel, a reported crack wheelman from Portland, but he was so easily done up that the prefix "crack" had been dropped from his cognomen. However, he is a very good rider, is fairly well muscled, and did good work, but Parker has better wind, is better muscled and is quicker motioned. The three heats rode were made in 2:39½, 2:40¼ and 3:04. This is a very slow time for bicyclists but the track is said to be a slow one, much of the distance being uphill and sandy. Mr. Parker has made a half mile on this track in 1:09½. The result of this race proved so satisfactory to Day and his friends, all hands knowing that the above figures do not indicate his speed by several notches, that he at once made application for admission into the races at Salem during the state fair. His application was accepted and next Monday he will enter his first race, and will have one race each day thereafter during the fair session. He is now at the Central Point track doing a few days' training work under the management of Prof. Proebstel, with whom he raced last Friday. Saturday evening he will leave for Salem and during his stay there will be handled by a representative of the Overman Wheel Company of Portland, which handles the Victor wheel. In these races Day will ride a nineteen-pound, sixty-four-gear wheel. At Central Point he rode a twenty-three-pound, sixty-three-gear wheel. Medford is glad because she can claim Mr. Parker as a resident of our city and we all hope for his success in the coming events.
    Fordyce & Phillips have purchased a portable barley roller and on Tuesday, Sept. 11th started out on a tour of grinding. They will visit all localities of the valley and visit each house, and do grinding if so desired. They guarantee first-class work and charge only $1.50 per ton.
    M. P. Phipps is having a very nice brick residence built out on his five-acre tract of land, on the west side of Bear Creek and directly opposite Mr. Edwards' place. It is an ideal building spot, it being high up from the riverbed and well shaded on all sides with fine, large oak trees. The main building is 16x30 feet in size and two stories high with a 16x24-foot ell, and off of this is an 8x8 pantry, all of brick. A stone foundation is laid about two feet above the ground and on this is a cut stone water table. G. W. Priddy furnished the brick, which, by the way, are as fine a quality as any ever used in this city. Mr. Priddy is also laying the brick and is doing an excellent job, which he knows so well how to do. L. M. Lyon has the contract for doing the wood work and already has the lower story door and window frames set. Mr. Lyon is a first-class workman, and the indications promise some of his best handiwork on this job.
    Murray Bros. have just received a new stock of the very latest patterns in wallpaper. See their samples, C Street, Medford.
    The firm of Pentz & White has been dissolved. Mr. Pentz, having fitted up offices in Adkins' block, continues the general law practice.
    Messrs. Weeks & Orr shipped a carload of dried prunes--last year's crop--to Topeka, Kansas, last week .They expect to realize a fairly good price, particularly because of the fact that the fruit is not only first-class but the entire carload runs very even as to grade. These people still have about ten tons of last year's crop, which they expect to ship soon. Their crops this year, while not as large as last, is some better in quality.
    The public schools opened last Monday with a full attendance and with Miss M. M. Coleman teacher in the 1st grade; Miss Minnie Worman 2nd grade; Miss Viola Brandon 3d grade; Miss Ellen Bursell 4th grade; Miss Edith Crouch 5th grade; Miss Adela Pickel, 6th to 7th grade; Miss Elva Galloway 7th grade and Latin; Prof. N. L. Narregan high school and German.
    Dr. Kirchgessner and family are expected to return from Lake County tomorrow. They will probably remain the winter in Medford.
    C. W. Wolters: "Those electric lights are all right. I put in two additional burners and now my store is plenty light enough."
    Merchant A. N. Berlin is making ready to build a 24x24-foot cottage out on South C Street, opposite druggist Strang's place.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, September 14, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Dave Payne and family are located in Trinity County, Cal.
    Kap. Kubli has returned to his law studies at Harvard college, Mass.
    J. W. McKay, of Willow Springs, was badly bruised up by being thrown from a horse.
    Mrs. R. R. Dunn, of San Francisco, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Pape, at Jacksonville.
    Mr. Cole, of Arizona, son of Dr. G. B. Cole of Phoenix, is visiting his father and may remain.
    Mrs. Sisemore and daughter Hattie, of Sams Valley, are in Portland, where the latter is attending school.
    Day Parker was too much for the bicyclists, and the state fair has barred him from entering the races there this week.
    Postmaster Howard has gone to Ashland to indulge in the sulfur baths there and the medical qualities of Tolman's Springs.
    Miss Woody, daughter of J. H. Woody, one of our prominent farmers, is visiting Ashland friends, the guest of Miss Maud Wood.
    C. E. Wolcott, the Eugene Guard reporter, has returned home with his family, who have been living in Medford for some months.
    Mrs. E. M. Lumsden and daughter, Miss Carrie Lumsden, arrived Sunday from their trip to Wyoming, Kansas and other eastern points to make their home in Medford again.
    Jos. W. Hockersmith.wife and family left Wednesday to live in Butchertown, near San Francisco, this winter. Joe will be operating from that point hereafter but will keep right on shipping stock out of Rogue River Valley. He shipped a carload of hogs this week.
Valley Record, Ashland, September 20, 1894, page 3

    G. W. Bashford will next week commence the construction of a malt house at the brewery plant in Medford. The building will be 20x50 feet in size, two stories high, and will be used exclusively for making malt. It will be built adjoining the brewery on the north. Heretofore all malt used by the brewery has been purchased elsewhere and shipped to Medford. Mr. Bashford has engaged the services of Chas. Willmott, a pioneer brewer of San Francisco, and about December first he will arrive in Medford, and about the first of January operations will be commenced on the brewing business proper. The present owner of the brewery and ice plant has made a decided success of the manufacture of ice this season and is hopeful that by as careful and judicious management of the brewery [he] will make it equally as successful in a business way.
    W. H. McGowan, a son-in-law of Mr. Weeks, one of the furniture men, has leased the Palm Building, north from the Clarenden Hotel, and will soon open therein a China bazaar. He has already purchased the stock of crockery and queensware carried by Lumsden & Berlin, and to this he will add notions of many kinds. Mac. is one of the most clever gentlemen of the valley, a thorough, practical business man, and if trade don't come his way it will not be for want of his good treatment of customers. Lumsden & Berlin dispose of the above ware for the purpose of making more room for groceries.
    J. F. Armstrong has traded his 160-acre farm, lying east of Medford, to T. B. Ellison, for 260 acres of land located near Bourbon, Missouri. The deal was closed last week, and on Sunday Mr. Armstrong started, with his family, for his new home. Arthur Ellison, a son of T. B., is now here, and his father is expected soon.
    The ladies of the Methodist Episcopal Church will give a Harvest Home supper at the opera house, one week from Friday evening, September 28th. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. A full, warm meal and splendid social time for 25 cents--children under 10 years, 15 cents. Come everybody, get the full worth of your money and help along a good cause.
    Newman Fisher, a former Jacksonville merchant, has leased the McAndrews new brick, on Seventh Street, and will soon put in a stock of goods. The gentleman has been in business in Centralia, Wash., for some time, but has decided that Jackson County is all right. His line, as near as we can learn, will be dry goods, boots, shoes and clothing.
    The Variety Store, south of the Clarenden Hotel, is the place to buy second-hand goods.
    "Rosy": I am the only Jew doing business in Medford, and just why those evangelists should hold services directly in front of my place of business is something I can't quite understand."
    The new ad of Kame & Gilkey appears on another page of this paper. They have a splendid stock of hardware and promise to treat all patrons square and honorable.
    W. B. Stevens has rented Jac Kelley's new residence on North D Street and on Tuesday began housekeeping therein.
    Mr. Fredenburg moved his fence manufacturing machinery this week to his residence, corner of Tenth and H streets.
"News of the City,"
 Medford Mail, September 21, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    John McNeil and family have moved to Nebraska.
    R. F. High, the tonsorial artist, was doing Ashland Monday.
    H. E. Ankeny and J. J. Walker returned Sunday from the state fair.
    A son was born to the wife of Geo. Stevens Tuesday on the Earhart farm.
    George Coulter has returned here after a two years absence in Eastern Oregon.
    Charles H. Pierce is in Southern California looking after business interests. Mrs. Pierce is visiting Jacksonville.
    Three dollars per ton was the average received at the auction sale of the 600 tons of Hanley alfalfa hay by Administrator Hamilton Saturday.
    G. L. Davis has sent Oregon Chief to the Yreka fair; Smith Bailey and Hutchinson, of Roseburg, have sent their Winchester and Cascade to Yreka also.
    District Attorney Benson has commenced suit to escheat to the State of Oregon the ranch of Wm. Alcoe, who died a year ago on Elk Creek without heirs.
    The Southern Oregon Presbytery will convene in Oakland next Tuesday, October 2nd. It is expected that about twenty ministers and delegates will be present.
    J. C. Pomeroy, formerly of the Rock Point lime quarry, and Honeyman and Buchanan of the R.R.V.R.R. were out from Portland recently inspecting iron and other mineral veins on Applegate.
    The report of the Douglas County Alliance Convention of Douglas County at Roseburg, says: Bros. Sam Danielson and John W. Smith, both members of L. L. Polk Alliance, of Medford, in a few well-chosen remarks, explained how the people's battles were fought and won in their county.
    Charles Angel, the timberland man and expert, returned Tuesday from Fall River Valley, Cal., after experting over a township, leaving D. R. McDonald and E. Massie still at work. Mr. Angel came here for a consultation with C. H. Pierce. These parties are expecting to buy an immense tract of timber in that section.
    Mrs. Briggs, the esteemed wife of Geo. S. Briggs, who has been an invalid for some time, was relieved of her earthly sufferings by death on Saturday. She was a Christian lady and besides a husband and a little daughter leaves many friends to cherish the memory of her many kindnesses.
Valley Record, Ashland, September 27, 1894, page 3

    The well to be put down in the Odd Fellows Cemetery is now an assured proposition, at least the start of the well, and an effort to secure water is assured. The trustees of Medford Lodge, No. 83, I.O.O.F., have closed a contract with W. P. Dodge, the well borer, and Monday morning of this week the machinery was put in place and Tuesday noon the work of boring was commenced. The spot selected by the trustees, for the well, is at very nearly the highest point in the cemetery and near the north fence. As to the depth at which a sufficient amount of water will be secured, Mr. Dodge thinks eighty or ninety feet will supply the demand and is positive no greater depth than one hundred and fifty feet will be required, but provisions are made in the contract for a greater depth even than two hundred feet. When a sufficient amount of water shall have been supplied, a large tank will be built either of redwood or brick, a pump put in the well and a windmill put up to pump the water. The tank being placed at so high a point, there will be no difficulty in piping the water to all parts of the cemetery. Something over two hundred dollars has been raised for the purpose of carrying out this project, but this amount is hardly considered sufficient to complete the work, and we are therefore asked to say that if there are any who have not donated, their subscriptions will be gratefully received. The proposition is a most worthy one and one in which we are all interested. That it will be successfully carried out is guaranteed by the gentlemen in charge.
    A petition has been circulated and quite generally signed by the business men and citizens of Medford, asking the city council to have an electric arc light put up near the Bear Creek bridge. The petition will be presented to the council at its next meeting, but what action will be taken is, of course, not known. The necessity of a light at this particular point cannot but be admitted, and while every resident of the city is, or at least ought to be, in favor of making the expense of the city as light as possible, we believe none will object to the addition if they will acquaint themselves with its necessity. There is a great amount of foot as well as team travel across this bridge, and when the nights are dark and rainy it is a place of travel not wholly safe--as a matter of fact is very dangerous. As a matter of establishing a precedent and encouraging petitions for lights from other localities, there seems little danger at present for this, as there is not another unsafe place of travel in the city.
    Tailor Fetsch attended the hay sale out at the Hanley Ranch last Saturday, and but for the courtesy of friends he would have been compelled to walk home. Ditto Henry Pohlman. Mr. Fetsch's horse broke loose from its mooring out at the ranch and started for Medford, at which place it arrived a few minutes later, but the buggy, it didn't get here. It stopped by the wayside, against a street, in a grove just west of Medford--a total wreck. Mr. Pohlman's equine parted its line about the same time as the other horse loosened its mooring, and things were popping generally thereabouts. Henry found his horse at the Orchard Home gate, right side up and the cart only slightly damaged.
    At the last meeting of the city council an ordinance was passed requiring a license from traveling photographers. The ordinance requires the payment of $2.50 per day and for a period of not less than three days. This is another move in the right channel. There can be no better method adopted for the upbuilding of home institutions than the taxing of outsiders, who drop in among us for a day or two, gather in a few loose shekels and are away tomorrow. Men who help to pay the county's taxes, improve their properties, and assist in many ways to making a city a prosperous one, are entitled to all protection which can possibly be given them.
    The person who guessed there would be little demand for fruit jars in Medford this season because of the short fruit crop was guessing with very little ground for his guess. Merchant C. W. Wolters alone has sold 270 dozen fruit jars and has ordered fifty-eight dozen more .When we figure that the other merchants have probably each sold as many more the number reaches a big aggregate.
    What a world of variegated opinions and notions this is! Let us cite: Charlie Lewis, to prevent the wind from whistling its merry notes through his whiskers, cuts 'em off. Dr. Pickel, to give the wind an opportunity to thus make merry in his immediate locality, is growing a full set of whiskers. Queer world this; queer people; queer notions! What is one man's hobby is another man's horror.
    B. Trainor, proprietor of the Star Restaurant, is having posters printed this week, calling attention to his place of business on South Front Street. The gentleman is doing a good business in his line, and as Mrs. Trainor is reported to be a first-class culinarian and the place is kept neat and attractive there is no good reason why he should not continue to do a good business.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, September 28, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Chas. H. Johnson, an Ashland lawyer, and a Mr. Walker were seen on our streets Tuesday.
    A. A. Davis and his mining foreman, King, have bought a placer mine on Grave Creek and have machinery and 15-inch pipe ready for the winter rains.
    Mr. and Mrs.W. E. Coul, who have been living at Fradenburg's Hotel Oregon in Ashland for some time for the latter's health, returned Wednesday.
    Mrs. Millie Cooper died in Willow Springs precinct Sept. 27th, aged 70 years. Her husband, H. W. Cooper, of Williams Creek, has been dead several years.
    O. Harbaugh came on Wednesday from the cinnabar mines in Trinity County. Cal., on a brief business trip, where he has many teams at work. He came through several feet of snow before he reached Dunsmuir.
    John B. Wrisley, the owner of the finest ranch in Rogue River Valley, was in town Tuesday. and reports that Capt. Hunt, the Kansan who was to have bought his place, has not returned, and the sale is therefore no go.
    Rev. F. G. Strange, of Ashland, Rev. Robt. Ennis, of Jacksonville, and Rev. A. S. Foster, of Medford, besides several laymen, took Monday's train for the Southern Oregon Presbytery, which convened at Oakland Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Strange will also attend the synod.
    There was a large-sized business transfer here this week. Ed. Worman, for many years the pioneer livery stable man at this place, sold out to F. M. Mingus, who took charge on Monday. The consideration, $5000, included everything. Worman, when he settles his business affairs, will go east. Frank Mingus is a son of C. Mingus, and is an enterprising and pushing man who will conduct the livery business in an accommodating and prompt manner. As Medford is a good point for the livery business he should do well.
    Ella May Anderson, a deaf and dumb girl, 8 years old, who was sent some weeks ago to that kind of a school at Oakland, Cal., but whose folks could not pay the tuition fee required of non-residents of the state, was compelled to leave. Her father sent the money to pay her fare and the little girl, not old enough to write and not able to converse, was put on the train at Oakland and made her trip home to Medford all alone, the conductors seeing she was cared for.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, October 4, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    J. A. Whiteside left Wednesday for Stockton, Cal., where he expects to locate.
    I. L. Hamilton and W. P. H. Legate have purchased the furniture, fixtures, etc., of Hotel Medford from M. Purdin and took possession this week to conduct the same. David Crosby, of Riddle, is here helping them. Mr. Purdin will move to California.
    Geo. Davis returned Saturday from the Yreka races with his trotting horse, Oregon Chief, who took second money but was in reality cheated out of the race, his competitor, Lochinvar, belonging to the president of the association, S. D. Prather. It was a 2 in 3 mile race and Chief won both heats, but on a claim of breaking, the second heat was awarded Lochinvar much against the wishes of the crowd who protested against the unfairness of the ruling. In the third heat Lochinvar came in a trifle ahead. Fred Slagle drove Chief. Mr. Davis was advised to sue the fair association but will not do so, saving that the fair association can have all the glory and honor secured in that way that they may feel like covering themselves over with.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, October 11, 1894, page 3

    FITCH-CARDWELL.--At St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Salem, Wednesday, October 17, 1894, Miss Rose Cardwell, of Medford, to Thos. Fitch, Jr., of San Francisco, Rev. Lawrence Sinclaire officiating.
    The above event was announced to have transpired at the church this evening, but owing to some urgent business appointments of the groom at Seattle, it was found necessary to leave Salem this afternoon.
    The bride is a sister of Mrs. I. W. Berry, and has made many friends in Salem while visiting here at different times. The groom is in the grain and commission business at San Francisco, where the newly wedded couple will make their home, after an extended trip through the eastern states, whence they start from Seattle via the Northern Pacific.
Capital Journal, Salem, October 17, 1894, page 1

    James Hamlin, a pioneer of Southern Oregon, died at his farm residence four miles from Jacksonville on Monday, aged 79 years and six months. Mr. Hamlin crossed the plains in 1852, arriving in Jacksonville in the fall of that year. He located a donation claim where he resided continuously until his death. He was associated with the late Daniel Kenney in the mercantile business in Jacksonville for many years. He was a man of great energy and enterprise and accumulated quite a fortune by his business enterprise. He leaves a family, consisting of his aged wife and eight grown children. The funeral took place in Medford Tuesday, the interment being in the I.O.O.F. cemetery.
"Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, October 18, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Allen Simon is at Lebanon, Linn County, on a visit with friends.
    W. S. Webb, Sr., died near Woodville on the 3rd inst., aged 83 years.
    Tom Fitch, Jr., passed through this week from San Francisco for New York.
    Hon. J. D. Whitman and Edwin Russ were attending the horticultural society meeting at Ashland.
    John Angle returned this week, having been gone for some time in Nevada and Southern California.
    John A. Hanley, Geo. Isaacs, Jr., and the irrepressible Joe Savage were doing Ashland in broad daylight last week.
    Senator Holt was in Ashland this week attending the horticultural meeting and looking up the wants of his constituents.
    The annual meeting of the Jackson County Sunday school convention meets in Medford from Oct. 25th to the 27th.
    P. B. O'Neil came up from San Jose Sunday to take a hunt for big game in the mountains before the close season commences.
    Medford families are having a run of measles which has spread all over town. There are no serious cases to speak of, however.
    W. M. Carey, the Central Point saddler who recently sold out to W. J. Freeman, left Sunday for Southern California for the benefit of his health.
    J. W. Wiley, of Phoenix, has taken two carloads of hogs to the Kansas market. He paid 3½ cents for them, and the outcome of his venture is awaited with much interest by stockmen.
    Joe Hockersmith returned Monday from San Francisco, where he delivered a carload of hogs. T. C. Judge, a San Francisco butcher, came up with him and Joe will soon ship a lot of beef cattle to the market again.
    Chas. Angel, the timber land expert, left Monday for an absence of seven weeks, going to San Francisco and returning via the timber belt in Fall River Valley, where he and Chas. H. Pierce are estimating an extensive tract with a view of purchasing.
    Senator Dolph came down from Ashland on Wednesday evening's freight and is making himself sociable with the Republican politicians. He is traveling about the state in the interest of his reelection. A great many Republicans would like to shelve him, and it is reported on the quiet that there is a secret effort being made to down his reelection and that Congressman Binger Hermann is to receive the benefit of the conspiracy against Dolph in case it is successful. Though another scheme is the election of Gov. Lord which would elevate Joe Simon, as president of the senate to the governor's chair.
Valley Record, Ashland, October 18, 1894, page 3

    Forty-two apples that weighed forty-five pounds made up a box of fruit sent from Medford this week by merchant W. H. Meeker to his brother-in-law, J. R. Brown, at Manson, Iowa. They were fall pippins and as fine specimens of the wonderful fruit products of this country as one often sees. The average measurement of the apples was twelve inches, and some of them weighed over twenty ounces. This fruit was grown up on Evans Creek by a Mr. Reynolds. No better evidence need be produced favorable to the great Rogue River Valley than the fact that a great many of our citizens are sending samples of our products to their friends in the East. They figure that a country that can produce as this does is good enough for the best people on earth, and they are anxious that their friends and relatives should enjoy some of its great blessings, and these means are taken to convince them that their written description can be backed by substantial evidence. Mr. Meeker is one of the several who is willing to share with his relatives the goods of this Eden land of ours, and while thus sharing he can gently remind them that there is room for a few more good hustlers in this valley.
    Owing to continued ill health I am obliged to sell all my house and greenhouse plants, and also my chrysanthemums, consisting of more than four hundred varieties. Mrs. Lionel Webster, Medford, Oregon.
    Attorney W. H. Parker has decided to become a permanent resident, and to make this decision more permanent he has purchased fifteen acres of land from Thos. Loynachan, adjoining Medford on the west, and will move his family thereto now pretty soon. It is an all-fired pretty piece of property and is well worth the price paid, $2000. The sale was made through the agency of Hamilton & Palm. Mr. Loynachan will remain in Medford until spring, and perhaps longer.
    The people of Talent and Phoenix are arriving at a positive conclusion as to the advantages to be derived by the telephone line. Last week for several days the wires were kept busy by these people asking for the services of professional men, at both Medford and Ashland. It is only a matter of a few months until this line will have many patrons. We need become accustomed to its great convenience before we will fully appreciate its worth.
    The 10th day of Tishri is the great Day of Atonement, according to the Hebrew religion. This date is even with the 10th of October of our calendar, and was Wednesday of last week, upon which date S. Rosenthal, our only Jew resident, did reverence to his religion by fasting. This is the only fast day, and is kept by the believers in that religion all over the world, from sundown on the 9th until sundown on the 10th.
    W. D. Beidleman opened his new harness shop this week. The gentleman is recently from Union, this state, at which place he was engaged in a like business. He is, apparently, a very fine gentleman, and as a workman and business man his reputation is above reproach among those who know him best. His stock of goods is very complete, and his prices are guaranteed all right.
    Rev. E. E. Thompson received a telegram Sunday from his brother, Rev. E. L. Thompson, who is now stationed at McMinnville, this state, telling of the death of his son, a child about one year old, of cholera infantum. Mr. Thompson was at one time a resident of Jackson County, and has many friends who sympathize with himself and wife in their loss.
    Bear Creek is well filled with fish these times. The forepart of this week Ira Purdin, Elmer Bashford and George Isaacs went out for a trial of their luck, and when they returned had over forty speckled mountain trout.
    A full line of fresh groceries at Wilson's new grocery, McAndrews building--sign of the big T.
    That was a happy move when the city council ordained that bicycles must keep off the sidewalk. A fellow don't need to put in two-thirds of his time dodging wheels and falling all over himself when he hears a bell ring.
    Prof. Rigby, of the Medford Business College, reports twenty-four students now in attendance. Eight new ones last Monday. A goodly number of others promised as soon as farm work will permit them to leave home.
    Merchant Wilson found his Big T grocery store too small to handle his trade, and he has enlarged by removing a partition. Mr. Wilson is numbered among the many Medford merchants who are doing a good business.
    Edwin Russ reports his mill, east of Medford, doing a good business. Says farmers are coming from far and near to have their grain ground. He is turning out a fine article in graham, rolled oats and corn meal.
    The Smith notion store will open sometime next week. C. M. Boardman, the painter, has been doing brush work on the interior of the building--in the Barnum block, East Seventh Street.
    David Crosby, of Hotel Riddle, has accepted a position as clerk in Hotel Medford, and departed for that place Sunday. Dave, we'll miss your genial smiles.--Riddle Enterprise.
Hotel Medford bar windows have been decorated in most artistic designs by A. L. Chapman, a recently arrived sign painter and all-round artisan.
    Ira Phelps, the printer, is proving himself a very clever "ad man" on the Mail. When we get that new press they'll show up lots better.
    A Stranger: "Your school building is too crowded. You ought to have at least one more building, and two more wouldn't be any too many."
    Repairs on the Bear Creek bridge in Medford have been completed.
    Dr. Kirchgessner's new residence is nearly completed.
    I. A. Merriman has moved to the farm.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, October 19, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Cavan, the Siskiyou miner, was over this week.
    Editor W. T. York is down on the Siuslaw in Lane County looking after his land claim.
    The Swedish Ladies' Quartette appear at Ganiard's opera house, Ashland, Saturday evening.
    M. Purdin returned Sunday from a trip to Pokegama where he was offered a hotel, but did not take it.
    Dr. Geary, a physician from California, is visiting his brother, Dr. E. P. Geary, and is looking for a location.
    Medford furnished a good supply of people for Gen. Lew Wallace's lecture in Ashland Monday evening.
    Joe Savage is at Montague acting as cupid for the two Jackson County couples that eloped this week.
    Hamilton & Palm have dissolved part ownership in the real estate business, C. W. Palm continuing the same at the old stand.
    The disagreements among the Hamlin heirs in regard to distribution of the estate, which threatened to involve the children in considerable litigation, has been settled up satisfactory this week.
    Wm. Ulrich was at Ashland, Pokegama, Henley and Hornbrook this week in the interest of the pork packing company. This company will feed 300 head of cattle this winter.
    Thos. Fitch, Jr., and bride Miss Rose Cardwell went to Seattle after their wedding at Salem last week and will go east as far as New York and Boston before returning to the Pacific Coast.
    Hamilton & Legate, the new proprietors of Hotel Medford, are making extensive improvements in the building, putting in new flooring, adding to furniture and renovating and remodeling generally.
    Mrs. Ireland, while waiting on the Clarendon Hotel table Tuesday, dropped to the floor as if dead. Dr. Geary and his brother were called and administered severe and powerful opiates and remained all night, during which the lady suffered excruciating pain equal to a thousand deaths.
Valley Record, Ashland, October 25, 1894, page 6

Medford Items.
    Mr. Robinson's infant child was buried Monday.
    Francis Fitch went to San Francisco Wednesday.
    A. M. Kerr, who built the telephone line, has gone to San Francisco to visit his sister.
    Ed. Schieffelin and wife came up from Alameda Sunday, to stop at Woodville.
    Senator-elect Holt was up at Ashland this week studying the wants of the people.
    Miss Alice Heriford, who has been stopping in Ashland for some time, has gone to Pokegama.
    "Enlisted for the War," by the Ashland amateurs, will be presented in Medford in the near future.
    C. W. Palm, the real estate rustler, accompanied by Mrs. Palm, were visiting Ashland Sunday.
    Mrs. Mary Finch is up from San Joaquin, Cal., visiting her parents, Isaac Simpkins and wife at Woodville.
    Dr. J. W. Geary, of California, brother of Dr. E. P. Geary, has located at Central Point for the practice of medicine.
    The measles are still making lively times among the kid fraternity of Medford. The public school keeps open, however.
    Harvey Richardson was over this week from Trail Creek visiting Mr. Murray's and attended the Waite spiritualist mediums.
    J. W. Wiley shipped another three carloads of hogs to San Francisco Wednesday, going with them himself. Another carload will go Thursday, car service being scarce. Mr. Wiley is buying and feeding hogs at his Phoenix farm and then shipping.
    In the suit of Fred Hansen vs. P. J. Van Hardenburg, in the court of A. S. Jacobs, J.P. for Central Point district, for the possession of his farm, judgment was awarded Hansen for possession and for his costs.
    Arta Anderson and bride, nee Lena Cimborsky, returned to Phoenix yesterday, from their wedding tour in Siskiyou County, Cal., to receive the blessings of relatives and friends.
    The electric light company's whistle about 11 o'clock p.m. Monday evening sounded the alarm of fire that awoke the whole town. It was the burning of Skeel & Son's planing mill in the vicinity of the electric light station, the building and contents being a total loss. The fire company saved the adjoining building used as a wareroom. The total loss will be $4000 with $1500 insurance. Just two years ago Skeel & Son's planing mill on the same site was burned to the ground. This last fire falls very severely on them.
Valley Record, Ashland, November 1, 1894, page 3

    Dr. Demorest, the well-known dentist, has practiced dentistry six years in Medford--does first-class work and is kept busy all the time. Chase combination plates made with gold or aluminum roofs. Gold crown and contour work a specialty. Special attention given to the preservation of natural teeth. Work reasonable. Office at opera block, above Strang's drug store.
    Owing to continued ill health I am obliged to sell all my house and greenhouse plants, and also all my chrysanthemums, consisting of more than four hundred varieties. Mrs. Lionel Webster, Medford, Oregon.
    Dentist--C. C. Pletcher has opened an office in Medford for the practice of dentistry. I am a graduate of the Indiana dental college, have had six years experience and am fully equipped to do filling with any of the desirable materials. Gold and porcelain crowns, artificial teeth in all styles and from one to five teeth without plates. Office in McAndrews block. Call and consult me on dentistry.
    Rev. David Brower, out at his residence, near Talent, on Wednesday performed the ceremony which united in marriage Mr. Daniel Whetstone, living between Medford and Jacksonville, and Miss Florence Dowell, of this city. The Mail don't know the groom personally but if he is as good a man as his wife is a woman their path through life will be a smooth and prosperous one.
    Marshal Churchman is going to make things exceedingly warm for parties caught firing revolvers or guns in the city at nighttime--if he can catch them. At times of fires the firing of revolvers is a splendid means of calling people together, but if the practice is kept up when occasion does not demand it there will be little good realized when the alarm is needed.
    W. P. Dodge, he who is putting down a well in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, reports that he is down eighty-eight feet, but has struck very little water. He has been drilling in a blue cement for some distance but is now in sand rock. When he gets through this strata [sic] of sand rock he expects to find water in quantity sufficient to supply all demands.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, November 2, 1894, page 3

A Few That Are New Ones.
    Our readers cannot but notice a few new names in our ad columns this week, as well as the rearrangement of some of the familiar ones. It is an acknowledged fact that the town possessing the largest number of get-up-and-get advertisers will certainly reap the richest rewards. It stands to reason that a city whose merchants are always liberally using their newspapers for advertising purposes will advance on the road to prosperity at a greater pace, and better retain their gains during periods of commercial depression, than one whose merchants are slow and unprogressive.
    Among the new advertisements this week is found the tames of Kauffman & Fisher, two young gentlemen but recently from Centralia, Washington; the junior member, however, was a resident of Medford a few years ago. They have christened their store the "IXL." They carry a general stock, comprising dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes and groceries, and they promise each and every patron a square deal and good value for the money invested. The IXL is located in the McAndrews block, Seventh Street.
    Another new ad is that of C. S. Smith, a gentleman recently from Cottage Grove, who has opened a very nicely arranged confectionery and cigar store in the Barnum block, Seventh Street. He carries a splendidly assorted stock of goods, everything about the place is neat and attractive--and will undoubtedly draw a liberal share of the city's patronage. The gentlemen in charge are courteous and try desperately hard to please.
    Jas. Louden is still another new name this week. He is the owner of the stage line between Jacksonville and all Applegate points. He is liberal in his charges, swift in making trips, careful in driving and is a good fellow all 'round.
    In a professional line we have a card for W. H. Parker, attorney at law, who has decided to open an office in this, our growing Rogue River metropolis. Mr. Parker has had years of experience as an attorney, as nearly all our readers are aware, and while he has been practically out of practice for a few years past, he has nevertheless been a close student and is therefore better prepared to enter upon his calling than ever before. The gentleman makes a specialty of probate court matters, in which he has had a great amount of experience, and of which he has made a special study. His office is in the Hamlin block.
    Dr. J. W. Geary, formerly of Halsey, and a brother of Dr. E. P. Geary, of this city, has decided to practice medicine in Central Point and the surrounding country, and so announces by professional card in another column. The doctor was having a good practice up at Halsey, but the Willamette dampness was not just suited to the good of his own health--hence the change. He is a gentleman well up in his profession, gives it his most strict attention and is apparently every inch a gentleman.
    Found among the old advertisers whose ads are to arranged is the one of S. Rosenthal, who is advertising to sell his entire stock of clothing, boots and shoes at cost--for the next sixty days. "Rosy" is in the field to sell goods, and he states with great assurance that that is just what he is going to do.
    Tayler, the foot fitter, known the length and breadth of the valley and over the mountains on all sides, is telling the people of a new line of goods he has just gotten in--all of which are "very up to date'' and good goods the world over.
    Hamilton & Palm are offering special inducements to prospective buyers of real estate. They are offering to sell one- and five-acre tracts of land upon the installment plan--$1.25 per week or $5 per month. Also city property upon the same terms. See ad on first page.
    G. L. Webb gets a change pretty often, but it pays him to do this and it pays us to have him do it--gives him good value, you know. People like to read new ads. They get tired of seeing the old ones. Mr. Webb is talking of a particularly fine line of goods which he has just received. Read his Racket Whispers.
    On the local page, top of column, you will find a cut of a carpenter's implement of general use--it's a square. That is the way C. W. Wolters states that he does business, and the woods are not full of people who are disputing the assertion. Charlie carries one of the best stocks of groceries and gent's furnishing goods in Medford, and selling for cash enables him to give good bargains.
Medford Mail, November 2, 1894, page 3

Oregon Romance with a Tragedy Incidental Thereto.

    JACKSONVILLE, Ore., Nov. 6--James Hards and Mrs. Helen Thurman were married at Applegate yesterday. Twenty-eight years ago Hards and Mrs. Thurman's stepfather owned adjoining claims on Butte Creek. Hards and the young girl married. A few months later the men quarreled and Arnold, the stepfather, induced Hards' wife to leave him. The following day Hards killed Arnold and then left the country. A few years later his wife obtained a divorce and married Charles Thurman. Several years ago Thurman died, and soon afterward Hards returned to Jackson County. He was immediately arrested, tried and convicted of the murder of Arnold. Mrs. Thurman became interested in him and visited him often. After he had served two years in the penitentiary she circulated a petition for his pardon, which was favorably acted upon by Governor Pennoyer. Soon after Hards was given his liberty he and his former wife were remarried.
Daily Banner Times, Greencastle, Indiana, November 6, 1894, page 1

Medford Items.
    M. Purdin is in San Francisco.
    Miss Martha Wilson spent Sunday with Ashland friends.
    Joe Hockersmith returned from San Francisco Saturday.
    Geo. Cottrell went over to Hornbrook Monday on a business trip.
    Dr. E. P. Geary's new house on his Griffin Creek ranch is completed.
    Mrs. Edwards, wife of the threshing machine man, left Monday for an eastern trip.
    N. H. Spencer, who has been in Southern California to see W. Fowler, returned Friday.
    Mrs. C. Mingus, of Ashland, has been paying her son, Frank Mingus, and family a visit.
    Mrs. Palmer, of Des Moines, Iowa, arrived this week to visit her daughter, Mrs. F. V. Medynski.
    The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church gave a pie social Thursday which was a success, netting them $27.
    G. L. Davis has purchased Lawton Bros.' harness, horses, etc., and the fast horse, Bellringer, and Mr. Davis will start a livery stable in the Johnson building.
    The Ashland Dramatic Club, which made such a success in "Enlisted for the War," will produce this drama at the opera house in Medford, Wednesday evening, the 14th.
    Mrs. Emily Crouch, wife of B. F. Crouch, the contractor of this city, died Friday. She was ill with malarial fever, Dr. S. Danielson attending her, and on Friday her illness terminated her life suddenly. Her mother, Mrs. S. Fox, and her sister, Miss Fannie Fox, came down from Ashland in the evening. The funeral took place Saturday, the burial being in the family plot in Ashland cemetery, Rev. F. G. Strange conducting the religious rites. Mrs. Crouch leaves a husband and several children.
    Saturday morning witnessed a sensational runaway on our principal street. Two horses in a farm wagon came bowling along at breakneck speed to have breakfast at Hotel Medford or have Miss Eva Wilson sent a telegram over the Postal wires. Wm. P. Rhoads, who was driving, took a compulsory lunge toward Hanley's saloon when the team struck the hotel corner and the wagon ran over him. Rhodes was badly bruised up and had one rib broken. The awning was torn off the hotel and the Postal wires were broken. S. B. Whittle, of Ashland, the division lineman, came down the same day and made the necessary repairs.
Valley Record, Ashland, November 8, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    Fletcher Linn, of Eugene, has been visiting Jacksonville.
    Enoch F. Walker went to Ashland Saturday on a business trip.
    James Briner went to the Siskiyous today to visit Phil. Mullen.
    M. R. Hart was at Ashland Saturday to look up some plastering.
    A 12-lb. son was born to the wife of J. K. Darnell Wednesday night.
    C. H. Daley has sold his Tolo farm to its former owner, C. C. Ragsdale.
    Miss Adelle Vertrees is over from Oro Fino, Siskiyou County, on a visit.
    W. H. Bagley, the clever insurance expert, is doing Jackson County for several weeks.
    Miss Minerva Armstrong, who is now in Ashland, leaves next week for Sonoma County, Cal.
    L. Hessig and Chris Wise, of Klamath River, were here this week to drive back a band of cattle.
    A. M. Wright, who is back in his old home at McFall, Mo., will return to Medford in February.
    Salem dispatch: Charles F. Simon, who disappeared from Salem about Nov. 2, has been located at Medford.
    S. Childers, our enterprising brick manufacturer, has just burned a fine kiln of 230,000, which he has placed on the market.
    The Ashland dramatic club's representation of the play "Enlisted for the War" received a good-sized audience in the Medford opera house, and was highly appreciated.
    Riley Hammersley, superintendent of the Hammersley mine on Jumpoff Joe, was in Medford Saturday with the results of a 12 days' run of their 5-stamp mill, a gold brick worth $1400.
    Medford has made more building progress this year than probably any town in Oregon, the total number of buildings, from brick stores down to small dwellings, being 83, including those under construction.
    The two Capt. Applegates of Klamath County and Mrs. Lieut. Sargent of Ft. Logan, Colo., were visiting their sister, Mrs. M. L. Alford. They were arranging the details of the division of the property of their father, Lindsay Applegate, deceased.
    Our Emerald Isle friend, Tom McAndrews, has on exhibition in Trainor's restaurant a fine-looking Mammoth squash that weighs 140 lbs. A 152-pounder was on Tom's splendid farm, but the boys did too much laughing when they were loading her up, causing a burst.
    A trainload of stock left Medford Tuesday for the San Francisco market, being shipped by Joe Hockersmith and J. W. Wiley of Phoenix. There were 10 cars of bogs and 9 cars of cattle. They came from the Butte Creek country principally and the bogs commanded 3½ cents. This makes 50 carloads of stock shipped from Medford this fall.
    The extension of the Jacksonville-Medford branch railroad into the timber belt on Butte Creek next spring is again the talk of the town. Supt. Graham has been here the past two months looking up the matter, and the owners of this line, Honeyman and Buchanan, were here the past week. It is now believed the enterprise will be carried out and work commenced early in the spring.
    Says the Eugene Guard, Nov. 13th: Chas. E. Wolcott, who has been employed on the Guard for the last three years as city editor, leaves on tonight's overland train, accompanied by his estimable family, for Medford, Oregon, where they will permanently locate. It is Mr. Wolcott's intention to begin the publication of a semiweekly newspaper at that place in a few days, he having already purchased a plant for that purpose. Edwin Test, of this city, leaves at the same time, to act as foreman on the paper. He is a first-class printer.
    The habit Jacksonville boys have of working hard all week, and then punishing whiskey Saturday night and Sunday, led to trouble in that town Sunday afternoon. Under the influence of the devil in the bug juice of Jacksonville's tough whiskey, two young men brutally assaulted a Christian policeman, Deputy Marshal McKinney. On Monday the town recorder fined Wm. Eaton $10 and Monroe McKenzie $3. They are otherwise first-class young men. and it is hoped this lesson will tend to abate the county seat's Sabbath-breaking propensities.
    Wes. Lewis, a miner employed in the Hammersley mine, came to Medford Saturday and received the wages due him, $150. He proceeded to enjoy himself with "the boys.'' The hoorah continued over into Sunday and on that evening included a trip to Central Point, Jacksonville and home to Medford. Lewis' insides were quite familiar with Medford liquor, which began to have no serious effect. He became conversant with the whiskey of Central Point but after a rassle with the product handled at the county seat he became most gloriously full. After returning to Medford one of the party, John Angle, put Lewis to bed in the Clarendon Hotel. A livery rig was secured and before twelve o'clock the same night Angle (who had also taken with him J. A. Hanley's overcoat) was driven to the Siskiyou Mountain in a carriage, and boarding a train went to Sisson, Cal., where he was arrested on Monday on a warrant for the larceny of the overcoat. Monday morning Lewis arose and found that he was "broke"--not having a penny in his pocket. Sheriff Patterson went to Sisson on Tuesday's passenger train to return with the prisoner. Lewis claims Angle robbed him while he was putting him to bed.
    Sheriff Patterson brought Angle from Sisson to Montague yesterday, where an effort was made to release the prisoner for the want of requisition papers. Sheriff Patterson locked his prisoner up at Montague and went to Yreka last evening. He is bringing Angle over on today's train.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, November 15, 1894, page 3

    The Altona evaporator at Medford has finished a run on 100,000 pounds of green fruit, and is just starting in on 300 bushels of apples.
"Late News Items,"
Capital Journal, Salem, November 15, 1894, page 1

To Leave Us.
Daily Guard, November 15.
    Mr. Chas. E. Wolcott, who has been employed on the Guard for the last three years as city editor, leaves on tonight's overland train, accompanied by his estimable family, for Medford, Oregon, where they will permanently locate. It is Mr. Wolcott's intention to begin the publication of a semi-weekly newspaper at that place in a few days, he having already purchased a plant for that purpose.
    We can assure the good people of Medford and Jackson County that Mr. Wolcott is a gentleman of ability, thoroughly conversant with newspaper work, of good business methods, and perfectly reliable and honest. While regretting to dispense with the services of the gentleman, still we wish him great success in his chosen field.
    Mr. Edwin Test, of this city, leaves at the same time, to act as foreman on the paper. He is a first-class printer, and his many friends in Eugene wish him well in his new home.
Eugene City Guard, November 17, 1894, page 1

Medford Items.
    Capt. A. D. Helman was visiting the I.O.O.F. this week.
    Miss Edith Crouch has returned from a visit with Ashland relatives.
    John R. Stearns is sticking hogs in the pork packing establishment.
    Mrs. J. W. Cox, daughter of Jos. Crane, is very ill with typhoid fever.
    Will Townsend, the barber, went to Ashland this week on a business trip.
    A daughter was born Nov. 8th to the wife of J. M. Lofland near Medford.
    Gold Hill gives a Thanksgiving ball on the 29th, besides a horse-racing and turkey shooting.
    Percy Wells, the Applegate school teacher, is studying law with Wm. M. Colvig at Jacksonville.
    The entertainment by the Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church Friday evening netted them $10.
    Miss Eva Pankey and J. G. Conley of Sams Valley were married in Jacksonville on the 14th inst.
    R. E. Drum of Table Rock left Saturday for a visit in Kansas and then to spend the winter in Arizona.
    A. R. Norwood, who recently sold his market at Grants Pass, is looking over Medford for a location.
    G. W. Bashford is putting in new flooring and otherwise getting his brewery ready for operation next month.
    Miss Mollie Barneburg has been paying Ashland friends a welcome visit, the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. High.
    Perry Knotts, the Gold Hill miner, was married on the 13th by Justice Dunlap at Jacksonville to Miss Ida Gibson.
    Mrs. E. A. Smith, of Ashland, was here Friday and purchased an assortment of flower plants from Mrs. Judge Webster.
    Mrs. West leaves this week to spend the winter in Sierra County, Cal. Her many friends expect to see her back in the spring.
    The son of the late Dr. R. Pryce was visiting Jackson County this week. He is a young man from Farmington, Washington County.
    State Food Commissioner Luce has sworn out a complaint at Grants Pass against the Medford packing company for selling adulterated lard.
    Mrs. Nettie Harris and Miss Maggie Tice, who have been at Hotel Oregon for many months, returned to Medford Wednesday to remain.
    John Frulan and Marshal Smith were here Sunday looking up evidence to convict a thief who sold some Ashland stolen goods to W. H. Simmons' second-hand store.
    Grant Rawlings, the efficient county recorder, spent Sunday in Medford. Business in the county recorder's office is rushing and keeps Mr. R. and his sister both very busy.
    Chas. Hopkins is suing John Parkinson and wife and E. L. Tallman and wife in the U.S. court at Portland for $31,002. Part of the sum is notes secured by mortgage on Jackson County property.
    S. Rosenthal, the pioneer clothing merchant of Medford, and one of its solid men, will erect a fine brick building on the right of his present store early in the spring, the brick having already been engaged.
    M. Purdin was called from San Francisco last week, his family having the measles. This disease in a mild form has been operating on the children of Medford for several months, but no deaths are yet reported.
    O. Harbaugh, who has been in Trinity County, Cal., all summer with men and teams at work for a big mining company, returned Sunday with Tom Anderson and Chas. Schnebacker; David Payne went to Redding from the mines.
    Chas. B. Wolcott, the Eugene newspaper man who will a newspaper here Dec. 1st, is a brother-in-law of Mr. Weaver, the painter. The paper, to be issued as a semi-weekly, will be a red-hot Republican organ in politics. Mr. Wolcott is a first-class newspaper man.
    John Angle, who skipped out last week and was brought back from Sisson, Cal., by Sheriff Patterson, had a trial before Justice Walton and a jury for the stealing of John Hanley's overcoat. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty, and Judge Walton will sentence him this afternoon.
    Dan Chapman, Jr., the 18-year-old son of Samuel Chapman, whose family located here two years ago from Iowa, died Monday of consumption. The funeral took place at the White place on Griffin Creek Wednesday evening. Deceased was a nephew of the Chapmans of Ashland.
    Judge W. H. Reid and C. R. White are on the ground at Tolo putting the mining ground they bought of James McDonough in readiness for operation. These gentlemen report that the arrest of G. W. Boggs, the ex-city treasurer of Tacoma, for alleged shortage in his accounts, will amount to nothing, and that Mr. Boggs will push his Jackson County mining enterprises right along.
Valley Record, Ashland, November 22, 1894, page 4

    Big squashes are becoming a drug on the market. J. B. Wrisley has showed up with one, grown on his splendid farm, north of Medford, that is seven feet and two inches around and weighs 130 pounds. It can be seen in Jas. Coeti's saloon window. While we are in the vegetable business we may as well mention that big beet at merchants Wilson's store, the same weighing 28 pounds and was from the fertile garden of merchant Wm. Angle. And while we are in the business why not say something about that excellent celery grown by G. W. Crystal, which grows three feet high and is brittle and of fine flavor clear to the tips, or very nearly to that point.
    Bargains in guns, at J. Beek & Sons. See new ad next week.
    F. M. Judd [Jordan?] has opened a jewelry shop in the Fetsch tailoring parlors on Seventh Street, opposite the post office. As an advertising scheme he has the very newest in the city, which is nothing less than an electric incandescent light suspended from the street awning and enclosed on two sides with glass upon which is painted the face of a clock. Mr. Judd is a thorough, practical watchmaker, and will tell Mail readers in an ad next week of the work he can do.
    Just received at the Fair Store--the DeLong hooks and eyes, black and white. See that hump?
    Chas. O. Damon, the Medford bill poster, has leased the opera house from Angle & Plymale, for a term of two years, paying therefor $20 per month. The gentleman is now at work canvassing the city for advertisements to be placed on an elegant 20x24-foot drop curtain which he is having painted. Our merchants have responded very liberally, and as a result something very fine may be expected. Mr. Damon will also put in new wings and a fine back scene.
    Soft candy for the babies, angel food for your sweetheart, and taffy for the boys, at Smith's.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, November 23, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    E. J. Story, of Eagle Point, left Saturday for Bristol, England.
    Chas. Angel returned Tuesday from the timber belt east of Sisson.
    Dr. Geary removed an eye from Mrs. Veight, of Talent, this week.
    Judge and Mrs. Webster moved to their new home in Portland Monday.
    Francis Fitch returned Tuesday from a professional visit to Wall Street, New York City.
    F. M. Roberts, the Jackson Creek miner, died Sunday night of consumption, aged 50 years.
    Chas. Damon has rented Angle & Plymale's opera house for two years and will give the theatre-going public some fine attractions.
    Assessor Geo. A. Jackson goes to Portland next week to negotiate a loan on his farm or make a sale of the same to some Portland parties.
    John W. Wiley, the enterprising stock buyer, shipped three carloads of hogs and two of cattle to San Francisco Monday.
    The Southern Oregon Monitor is the name of the new Republican paper to be started in Medford, commencing on the 9th of December.
    The jury that found John Angle guilty of stealing Hanley's overcoat failed to mention the value of the article, and after considerable argument Judge Walton dismissed the case.
    W. E. Shane, formerly connected with the farmers' alliance of this county, and afterward deputy U.S. marshal during the strike at Dunsmuir, was here Tuesday and Wednesday.
    The brick building, Hotel Medford, owned by Gaines & Charles, was sold this week to Capt. J. T. C. Nash, the mining man of Canyonville, Douglas County; the consideration being $9000.
    Thompson & Meeker, who have been in business this summer and fall, have already sold $10,000 worth of goods and bought $14,000 worth, as well as sold four tons of turkeys. They are a very enterprising firm and enjoy a lively trade.
    Rev. E. E. Thompson's new residence about half completed is on the southern cottage style and will make an attractive and commodious home. Rev. Thompson and his father are clearing up a tract of the Van Dyke bottom land.
    Wm. Ulrich of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co. was in Ashland Friday and said the published report that the "Medford Packing Co.'' was to be arrested for selling adulterated lard was news to him. He says the S.O.P.P. Co. is all right, at peace with the world and itself and doing lots of business.
    The criminal action against George W. Boggs, ex-city treasurer of Tacoma, will undoubtedly prove a dead failure. A Tacoma dispatch of the 26th says: "The experting of ex-City Treasurer Boggs' books for four years past was completed yesterday, and all his accounts found correct to the exact cent.'' Mr. Boggs has become identified with the placer mining enterprise at Tolo in this county.
Valley Record, Ashland, November 29, 1894, page 3

    G. C. Wirth:--"The Wirth Photo Company now have galleries at Medford and Ashland, and if it is possible to secure proper rooms a gallery will be established at Jacksonville. The Medford gallery is the headquarters and all finishing will be done here. We are having a splendid trade--much better than we expected. Our new finish is drawing us a great amount of business. We have engaged the services of Mr. H. L. Miser, a very able photographer."
    J. C. Baird:--"The Medford Electric Company will begin putting electric lights into residences this week. We have several orders for lights, and as soon as the people realize their convenience in dwelling houses there will undoubtedly be a great many more of them put in."
Medford Mail, November 30, 1894, page 2

    Fresh taffy at the Vienna Star Bakery, North C Street.
    Mush: Twin Brothers and Quail Brand; finest breakfast dish in town, 15 cents a package. Lumsden & Berlin.
    Buy your crockery, glassware, stoves, furniture, harness, etc. at the Variety Store. South of Clarenden Hotel.
    When in the city feed your horses at G. L. Davis' livery and feed stables on Seventh Street near Bear Creek bridge.
    At Lumsden & Berlin's is the place to get any kind of tobacco, cigars by the box a specialty--hotel block. Wholesale and retail grocers.
    J. Morris, the second-hand man, wants your old stoves, harness, furniture or anything you cannot use. South of Clarenden Hotel.
    If you want a nice, neat, careful and scientific job of dental work, call on C. C. Pletcher, office in McAndrews brick.
    S. S. Pentz has been appointed attorney for the "Protective League of American Amusement Companies," the headquarters of which are located in Cincinnati, Ohio. This appointment came unsolicited to Mr. Pentz, but as he is well and favorably known in the East with the profession and public, it is doubtless the act of some of his friends.
"City and County," South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 4, 1894, page 3

    BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS.--Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Beckett now have charge of the Medford Business College dormitory and will receive students to board. Those attending from a distance will find ample accommodations. Board and lodging $12 a month.
South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 4, 1894, page 3

    Robert Dow has accepted a position in D. H. Miller's hardware store.
    James Wright, of Roseburg, made a flying visit to his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Churchman of this city, Sunday.
    Attorney Wm. M. Colvig, of Jacksonville, accompanied his daughters, Misses Clara and Helen, to Grants Pass, where they went last week to attend the teachers' institute.
    Misses Della Pickel, Elva Galloway and Viola Brandon went to Grants Pass Thursday evening to attend the teachers' institution. The two ladies first mentioned read papers before the institute.
"Personal," South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 4, 1894, page 3

The Palace                  
                 SHAVING PARLORS,
North side of Seventh Street, between Front and C, Medford, Oregon.
We are agents for the Salem Steam Laundry.
The best work guaranteed.
South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 4, 1894, page 3

    Notices have been posted about the city by School Clerk Jones which announce that a meeting of the taxpayers of Medford school district will be held at the public school building tomorrow, Saturday, at 1 o'clock p.m. The object of this meeting is to ask the taxpayers to authorize the directors to borrow money with which to fund the present indebtedness of the district. A meeting was called sometime about the first of November for the same purpose, but as there was little interest manifested the matter was not taken up at that time. The situation as it now stands is told in a very few words. The present indebtedness of the school district is $8,500. Upon this amount we are paying 10 percent interest, or $850 per year. The school directors have learned where they can place the loan at 8 percent which will lessen the amount of interest just $170 per year. This is quite an item, and as we are always anxious to save every cent possible to our school fund, would it not be good financiering to attend this meeting and authorize the directors to borrow the money for the purpose above mentioned? At any rate, let us attend the meeting and learn more of the proposition that the directors have to present to us.
    Call on L. B. Warner for all kinds of ornamental trees and shrubs. Monterey Cypress and Japan Privet for hedges a specialty. Delivery grounds north of Jackson County Bank.
    All credit is due the Medford Electric Company because of their endeavor to accommodate to the greatest possible extent. The electric lights are now turned on at about a quarter past four, or earlier if the day is cloudy and they are needed. There is no dodging the fact that Messrs. Baird & Stratton are gentlemen of enterprise and push and are not only a credit to our community personally, but their business is appreciated on all corners.
    All improvements, whether about the residence or place of business, tend to point to the general success of him who owns the property. Noticeable among the improvements this week is the new coat of paint but recently applied to the residence of tailor Fetsch. Mr. Fetsch has proven himself a worthy representative of his business and is having a good run of work--all of which bolster up the oft-written quotation that merit will win.
    R. B. Dow has accepted a position as bookkeeper in the hardware store of D. H. Miller. Robt. is a pretty square young man, is proficient in bookkeeping and an adept with the pen, and with all these cannot fail to be of good service to Mr. Miller, and at the same time he (Robt.) will learn much of business ways which will be of untold value to him.
    Everybody was a-shouting "come up slow" to George Howard last Friday, but it had no effect upon this efficient canceler of Uncle Sam's stamps--he came up swift just the same. A new boy baby at his home told the tale of his elasticity of step and the why of his countenance being full to the brim of good cheer.
    Photographer Wirth has recently added a very novel and convenient instrument to his Medford gallery, it being that of an electric retouching machine, which does in one hour's time the work which requires two and a half hours by hand. Other additions have also been made, such as backgrounds and cameras.
    Prof. Roberts' elocution classes are large and have started off splendidly. He thinks too much cannot be said for the able principal and his corps of teachers for the spirit the pupils manifest in learning. Classes meet at 7 p.m. in the principal's room of the public school building.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, December 7, 1894, page 5

    Buy your bread, rolls, cakes, pies, cookies, etc., at the Vienna Star Bakery, North C Street.
    Buy your crockery, glassware, stoves, furniture, harness, etc. at the VARIETY STORE. South of Clarendon Hotel.
South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 7, 1894, page 3

    Judge L. R. Webster and wife returned from Portland on Wednesday. They will soon take up their permanent residence there.
South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 7, 1894, page 3

    Oregon State Journal, Eugene: Mr. Chas. Wolcott's new paper, the South Oregon Monitor, published at Medford, has reached our exchange table. It is a neat, newsy sheet, and the matter used is well and systematically arranged. The politics of the paper are modern Republican, by which we mean free-silver Republican, and the purposes of the editor, as he stated in his salutatory, fair, accurate and fearless accounts of the news happenings of Jackson County. That Mr. Wolcott will make a success of the newspaper enterprise in Southern Oregon is the earnest wish of his many friends in Eugene. Mr. Wolcott is an earnest, painstaking, careful newspaper man, and there is no reason why he should not be successful. He is on the right side of all the important questions of the present day, and his good judgment, we predict, will keep him there during coming years.
South Oregon Monitor,
Medford, December 7, 1894, page 3

    BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS.--Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Beckett now have charge of the Medford Business College dormitory and will receive students to board. Those attending from a distance will find ample accommodations. Board and lodging $12 a month.

South Oregon Monitor,
Medford, December 7, 1894, page 3

    Another coal find has been made in Jackson County. Quite recently on the farm of County Commissioner Samuel Furry an 8-foot vein of coal was discovered. Three feet of the vein is said to be an excellent quality of coal, while five feet is bituminous shale. The find is almost directly south of the Crit Tolman mine, near Roxy Ann, and the finding of the new croppings proves conclusively that there is an immense bed of coal underlying a thin covering of earth, and only a short distance east of Medford.
"Oregon," Omaha Daily Bee, Nebraska, December 10, 1894, page 5

    Day Parker of Medford, Ore., and M. J. Proebstel of Vancouver, Washington, have been transferred to the professional class by the Racing Board.
"Among the Wheelmen," New York Times, December 11, 1894, page 7

    The Southern Oregon Monitor, Chas. E. Walcott, editor and publisher, appeared at Medford last week, and promises to come twice a week right along. It is a six-column four-page paper and makes a creditable start.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 13, 1894, page 3

Medford Items.
    M. Purdin is in Southern California.
    Mrs. H. F. Gilkey is on the sick list.
    Hamlin's Wizard Oil troupe will play here all next week.
    A daughter was born to the wife of W. T. York on the 10th.
    Judge Webster and wife are down from Portland on a visit.
    Mrs. Minnie Jones of Montana is visiting G. T. Jones and family.
    James McKnight, the Sisson merchant, came over Tuesday to have an afflicted eye doctored.
    Miss Mary Coleman has returned from Grants Pass, where a son was born to her sister, Mrs. Lee Calvert.
    Thompson & Meeker are the rustling merchants of Medford, and will give you a square deal every pop.
    Medford beats the county as a good field, for the bigamist D. R. Davis, now under arrest, committed his sin here.
    City Marshal Churchman and his wife were called to Ashland Saturday by the death of his sister, Miss Anna Churchman.
    Rev. J. L. Jones. the M.E. church minister, has located at Medford. He is a single man, which accounts for his popularity among the ladies.
    Only fourth-class postmasters can take acknowledgments of pensioners so that they can draw their pensions. In larger towns acknowledgments have to be made before the usual officers.
    John Booth has bought the Hotel Josephine and Jesse Wilkins, former landlord of the McClallen House at Roseburg, takes charge on the first of January.
Valley Record, Ashland, December 13, 1894, page 5

The Medford Has Changed Hands.
    For weeks past, yes, for months, The Mail has been hunting in various different localities for a moneyed man who could see the importance and necessity of a first-class hotel building in our city. We have advertised for such a man and have corresponded with many, but not until our advertisement came to the notice of Capt. J. T. C. Nash, a Glendale, Oregon capitalist and reader of The Mail, did we find a gentleman who had enough of confidence in our city's future to bank his money on that confidence.
     Mr. Nash was in Medford last Saturday, when the deeds to the property, and the cash in consideration therefor, changed hands. The deeds were made by James Gaines for one-half interest, consideration $4000, and by John Charles for the other half interest for $3700, consideration $7700. The purchase includes the building known as Hotel Medford, the barber shop occupied by W. L. Townsend, the grocery store occupied by Lumsden & Berlin, and the lots upon which they stand, also the twenty-five-foot lot adjoining the hotel on the south, making in all seventy-five feet fronting on D, or Front, Street, and one hundred on Seventh, or Main, Street.
    Many improvements have already been mapped out for this property, but only a few of them will be put into shape this winter. Those to receive immediate attention will be the repainting and papering of several rooms, among them being the office, dining room and saloon. That large tree on Seventh Street will also be cut down and an awning built along the north side. The improvements promised for the spring are the addition of another story to the main building, two stories to the barber shop and stores on the east, and on the vacant lot to the south three stories, making a solid brick building 75x104 feet in size and three stories high. [The Nash didn't become three stories until circa 1907.] In front of this building, on both sides, will be put down a solid cement walk. There will also be an elevator put in the building, which, if satisfactory arrangements can be made, will be operated by water from our city water works. The cost of the improvements to be made will fall not many dollars short of $10,000. Among the several changes to be made will be the entire remodeling of the interior of the house.
    A hotel, be it good or bad, shapes the stranger's opinion of the town--and Medford has had nothing to crow over in that line in the past, but thanks to good fortune, "the Medford" is now in the hands of a gentleman with modern and advanced ideas and capital sufficient at his command to carry out his every notion.
    Under the management of Hamilton & Legate the hotel has grown in popularity far in excess of their expectations--but what will be the new Medford under the new arrangement?--simply elegant and without a superior in Southern Oregon.
Medford Mail, December 14, 1894, page 4

    Charlie Dunham left Medford  Sunday morning for Dallas, Texas, where he hopes to procure a situation with the Adams Express Company. He is an old hand in the express business and is said to be a good one. His friends here can wish him nothing less than success.
    Mrs. H. N. Butler and little daughter, Miss Jeunesse, arrived in Medford Monday morning from Harrisburg and will spend the winter here with J. H. Butler and family. Mrs. H.'s husband is a jeweler at Harrisburg but expects to move to Medford with his business in the spring.
    S. V. McFarren, the Gold Hill jeweler, has been in Medford several days this week, arranging for housekeeping for his family, who arrived from Gervais, Oregon, Wednesday. His household effects came Sunday evening, and all are well placed in I. L. Hamilton's residence, on North C Street.
    Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Ridinger, of Albany, were visiting in Medford Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Mingus. They have also been visiting for some time with Mrs. R.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDonough, at Tolo.  Mr. R. is a bridge builder, and while in our city he was casting eyes about for a piece of real estate to purchase, to build upon and upon which to anchor himself and family.
Medford Mail, December 14, 1894, page 4

    Last week ex-landlord M. Purdin sold his real estate in Medford, comprising a house and lot, corner C and Ninth streets, and two vacant lots nearly opposite on C Street, to merchant F. K. Deuel, consideration between $700 and $800. As soon as the sale had been consummated Mr. Purdin began arrangements for the removal of his family from this city to some California point, and on Monday he left for San Francisco, his family to follow about January first, or sooner should he be successful in finding a location to his liking before that time. These people have a great many friends in Medford who sympathize with them in their reverse of circumstances and will wish them success in any new field.
    It is just a little late to mention, but the news has just reached us of the marriage of one of Medford's old-time boys, Robert S. Coker, to Miss Rosa C. Egeberg, of Sacramento, Calif., which event took place at the residence of the bride's parents, on Thanksgiving Day. Robert is a brother of Mrs. Oliver McGee, of this city. He was a printer in the first newspaper office ever established in this city, and has friends all over the county who are now extending their congratulations.
    Parties holding tickets No. 93, series A, and No. 9, series R, will please call at the I.X.L. store and get their presents.
    Prof. Rigby, of the Medford Business College, relates to us that the college is right now in a more prosperous condition than it has ever been. The attendance is large and the names of new pupils are being added nearly every week. The new ones for last week were: Harry Hollingsworth, Miss Ruby Clark, Miss Margery Lute, Robt. Lute, Medford; Miss Hattie Beckett, Eugene; Miss Annie Rodschaw, Samuel Sweeny, C. N. Swanson and T. C. Hill, Big Sticky.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, December 14, 1894, page 5

    W. L. Townsend and R. F. High have formed a partnership and will continue the barber business at the stand formerly occupied by Mr. Townsend in the Hotel Medford block.
    A convention has been called to meet at the town hall next Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of nominating officers to be voted for at the Medford city election, which occurs Tuesday, January 8.
    Talbot & Att have leased J. C. Elder's store building on the corner of Seventh and B streets. These gentlemen expect to move their meat market to the new stand about the 22nd inst. They are having the interior painted and papered and propose to have one of the neatest establishments in the city.

"City and County," South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 14, 1894, page 3

    SCHOOL MEETING.--A meeting of the taxpayers of Medford school district has been called for Saturday December 22 to vote a tax for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the public schools of this district for the coming year and to pay interest on the indebtedness. The meeting will be held at the school building at 1 o'clock.

South Oregon Monitor,
Medford, December 14, 1894, page 3

Work of the State Food Commissioner.
    State Food Commissioner Luce swore out a complaint at Grants Pass, and a constable from that city came up Tuesday and arrested Wm. Ulrich, manager of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company, for selling adulterated lard to merchants there. Mr. Luce alleges that he had the article in question analyzed by the chemist of the State Agricultural College at Corvallis, who found tallow and other foreign substances in the lard. Justice Longley, before whom the examination is progressing, granted a postponement until Wednesday. W. M. Colvig appears for the defendant and District Attorney Bensson and R. G. Smith for the state.
    Commissioner Luce swore out another warrant, for the arrest of Mr. Ulrich, before Justice Lucky at Ashland Thursday, charging the same offense. Mr. Ulrich does not seem worried at all about the matter, claiming that all the product of lard put up by his company is without any adulteration whatever.
South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 14, 1894, page 3

    Henry Demorest, the dentist, is expected home from the East about January 1.
    F. K. Deuel has purchased the residence formerly owned by M. Purdin, on the corner of Ninth and C streets.
South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 14, 1894, page 3

    G. Elksnat, of Medford, who has been assisting the allotting agent at the Klamath reservation, has returned for the winter, the allotting work having to be postponed, mostly until spring. About 150 Indians have located their claims so far.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 18, 1894, page 3

A Hotel for Medford.
    MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 21.--Some weeks ago the Hotel Medford property, in this city, was sold to Captain J. T. C. Nash, of Glendale. W. J. Bennet, a prominent architect, of Roseburg, has been here to prepare plans for a new building, which are about completed. The building will be a three-story structure, to cost not less than $10,000. It will be built on the latest modern plans; will be supplied with elevators, steam heat and electric light, and, when completed, will be the finest hotel south of Portland.
Oregonian, Portland, December 22, 1894, page 3

Early Christmas Exercises.
    MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 21.--The public schools of this city observed Christmas today with appropriate exercises. The reason for exercises taking place at this early date was to allow Dr. C. H. Chapman, president of the University of Oregon, to take part. He is making a tour of this end of the state in the interest of the university, and accepted the invitation of Professor Narregan to deliver an address to the public school of Medford.
Oregonian, Portland, December 22, 1894, page 3

    The Medford Mail has been enlarged to a six-column quarto and is bright and clean.

"Late News Items,"
Capital Journal, Salem, December 26, 1894, page 2

    Miss May Sackett wishes us to say to the people of Medford that she will open a kindergarten school in Medford, on next Monday morning, December 31st. The rooms selected for the school are the two small buildings south of John Morris' variety store. The place is away from the noise of Main Street, has a nice play ground for the children and a vacant room in which they can play during rainy weather. The school room is fitted up very comfortable and all care will be taken to the end that the young minds will not only be trained aright but that the children will as well be afforded all the enjoyment possible. School hours will be from nine until eleven o'clock and from one until three.
    A few weeks ago when A. H. Brous left Medford for Iowa, we said a kind word for him, which was deserving, but we didn't say enough, as is proven by the following from his home paper, the Prairie City, Iowa, News: "Last week we were not aware of the gentleman's intentions of remaining permanently with us, but we are glad to hear it and know his large circle of acquaintances will join the News in extending a cordial welcome. Albert, as he is familiarly known, was one of the best postmasters ever in Prairie City. He is a man of recognized ability in the legal profession, a 'hail fellow well me' and we bespeak him for success."
    W. P. Dodge tells us that he is down 200 feet with the cemetery well and is still working in sand rock, but that he has an abundance of water. Says they have tried to bail the water out but could lower it only to a point about twenty feet from a good-sized vein which they have struck. They have received no orders to stop work and will not do so until officially ordered by the trustees of the Medford lodge of Odd Fellows.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, December 28, 1894, page 5

    A herd of wild cattle has been roaming the mountains between Rogue River and the South Fork of the Umpqua in Oregon for twenty years, and it now numbers in the neighborhood of 500 cattle. They are wild as deer and difficult of approach. The practical harm they work is that gentle cattle belonging to farmers are enticed off and join this wild band. It is proposed now to round them up and kill them.
"Pacific Coast Notes," Independent Calistogian, Calistoga, California, December 29, 1894, page 1

Last revised October 28, 2024
For more complete names of persons identified by initials, see the Index.