Medford Pioneers: The Phippses
![]() Iredell Judson Phipps GONE.
PHIPPS.--On Saturday the 26th, David Edward Phipps, aged 1 year and 6 months.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 3, 1868, page 2SAD ACCIDENT.--One of those distressing accidents that so frequently occur from allowing children access to poisonous drugs took place in this county last week. A child of Mr. Phipps about a year and a half old found some opium lying carelessly about the house and ate a portion of it. A physician was immediately called who promptly administered the most effective remedies known, but too late. In less than two hours after his arrival the little sufferer was a corpse. The afflicting occurrence may perhaps serve as a warning to parents. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 3, 1868, page 3 Estray Notice.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 1, 1873, page 3TAKEN UP BY THE UNDERSIGNED,
living 4½ miles north of Phoenix, two head of cattle--one a pale
red cow with white belly, marked with upper and under slope in the
right ear, the other a pale red two-year-old heifer, with the left ear
cropped. They are appraised at $15 each.
PHIPPS-LOWRY--On Bear Creek, at
the residence of I. J. Phipps, Nov. 21st, by Rev. M. A. Williams,
Mathew P. Phipps to Miss Alla I. Lowry--all of this county.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 3, 1875, page 3 David Phipps, an old resident of this section, died at the residence of his son, I. J. Phipps, on the afternoon of the 4th. "Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1877, page 3 DIED.
PHIPPS.--On Bear Creek, January 4th, David Phipps, aged 61 years and eight months.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1877, page 3 ACCIDENT.--I. J. Phipps was last Tuesday severely injured by a rock falling on his head from the surface while cleaning out a well. His injuries are quite serious, we learn. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 4, 1878, page 3 See entry of August 24, 1913, below.
PHIPPS--Near Jacksonville, April 23rd,
Joseph, son of I. J. and Catherine Phipps, aged about 12 years.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 25, 1879, page 3 Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 30, 1879, page 3 AFFRAY.--Last Saturday an affray occurred between two of the hands working with a party of threshers on Mr. Phipps' farm a few miles north of town, in which Monroe Davis received a slight wound in the right breast from a chisel thrown by Clark Hartley. The parties were in town on Sunday looking for officers of the law, but the matter was finally compromised without recourse to the courts, and all concerned went away happy. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 13, 1879, page 3 Jos. J. Phipps, heart disease, 11 years 3 months 4 days. "List of Interments in the Jacksonville Cemetery for the Year 1879," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 7, 1880, page 3 April 23rd--Jos. J. Phipps, heart disease. Aged 11 years, 4 months, 3 days. Town Cemetery. "Sexton's Report," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 9, 1880, page 3 E. D. Foudray and wife to Mathew P. Phipps, 40 acres in Eden precinct. Consideration, $1. "Real Estate," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 30, 1880, page 3 BORN.
PHIPPS--In Manzanita precinct, December 21st, to the wife of M. P. Phipps, a son.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1880, page 3 M. P. Phipps of Bear Creek sheared 62 ewes recently and got 669 pounds of wool for his trouble. The sheep were graded Merinos. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 30, 1882, page 3 Mr. Phipps has settled the right-of-way question with the railroad company like a sensible man. This is the best policy and it will, if followed, result in advantage to everyone in this county. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 8, 1883, page 4 I. J. Phipps to O.&C.R.R., right of way, $85. "Real Estate Transactions," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 8, 1883, page 4 Mr. Kirkland, who was in town Saturday, has a party in the vicinity of Phipps' place on Bear Creek, which is engaged in construction work. "Railroad Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 5, 1883, page 2 It is definitely known that there will be depots at Grants Pass and Chavner's bridge, and the prospects are favorable that Woodville and Phoenix will be likewise fortunate. Where other depots will be located has not yet been made public. There are three or four candidates for the central depot of this valley, but whether it will be put close to Central Point or on either of the Beall, Mingus or Phipps places remains to be seen. As far as the people of Jacksonville and vicinity are concerned, they have no objections to going to the Dardanelles or Phoenix for railroad facilities. "Railroad Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 12, 1883, page 2 I. J. Phipps brought a load of his superior lard to town this week. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 19, 1883, page 3 To all appearances the central depot for this valley has been definitely located 3½ miles northeast of town on a straight line. C. C. Beekman, C. W. Broback, C. Mingus and I. J. Phipps, on whose land it will be placed, have each agreed to donate several acres for the use of the railroad company, although the depot will be mostly on Mr. Broback's farm. "Editorial Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 2, 1883, page 2 OUR DEPOT--The Grand Central railroad depot has been located at last and the company have decided on putting it on the land owned by C. W. Broback, C. Mingus, C. C. Beekman and I. J. Phipps. It is on a corner owned by the four above mentioned parties but the depot property will be on the land owned by Broback. A town site will be laid out and property offered for sale. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 3, 1883, page 3 The report that the railroad company have agreed to locate a central depot for the valley upon the place owned by Messrs. Phipps, Mingus, Broback and Beekman is premature. The matter was not absolutely settled at last report, but there is little doubt about the depot being located there. "Railroad Notes," Ashland Tidings, November 9, 1883, page 3 It seems to be a fully settled fact that the central depot of this valley will be located on the land of Messrs. Beekman, Mingus, Broback and Phipps. "Railroad Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 16, 1883, page 2 It having been decided to locate the central depot on the lands of Messrs. Broback, Beekman, Mingus and Phipps, a town site will be laid out there at once. C. J. Howard went out yesterday to do the surveying. "Railroad Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 23, 1883, page 2 The Phipps place is about 12 miles from Eagle Point by the wagon road, somewhat further than Central Point, so the location of the central depot at the latter place would have pleased Eagle Point people better, they say. "Railroad Notes," Ashland Tidings, November 23, 1883, page 2 The name of our depot is still in doubt, some calling it East Jacksonville, while others persist in naming it Phippstown. "Grand Central" seems to have dropped behind.-- Sentinel. ("East Jacksonville" is pretty good. Better call it North Phoenix or West Eagle Point.) "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, November 23, 1883, page 3 Chas. J. Howard with a force of men is now engaged in surveying the new town site opposite Jacksonville, located on the land owned by Messrs. Beekman, Broback, Mingus and Phipps. Lots will soon be offered for sale and those expecting to get rich on real estate investments will no doubt be on hand to make purchases. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, November 24, 1883, page 3 Messrs. Geo. Crystal and C. Wilprel have each built a blacksmith shop at the new town at the Phipps place, J. S. Howard intends to build a store there as soon as he can get the lumber, and several other persons are intending to put up buildings and start business. By the time the track reaches the place a town will be looming up. "Railroad Notes," Ashland Tidings, December 14, 1883, page 3 MEDFORD
visit to the new town of Medford, four miles below Phoenix, last
Tuesday, revealed to us that the "foundations of the city" are already
being laid. Several piles of new lumber were seen here and there over
the town site, and three or four buildings were in course of
The town site, as has been stated by us heretofore, comprises a tract of 160 acres, which was owned in equal shares by C. C. Beekman, C. W. Broback, C. Mingus and [I. J. ] Phipps. To induce the railroad company to locate a depot there, these gentlemen offered to give the company half the land. This offer was accepted by the company, and now as the town is laid off, every alternate block belongs to the railroad, and Messrs. Beekman, Phipps, Mingus and Broback each have a one-fourth interest in half the land of the town. It is a beautiful site for a town, situated near Bear Creek, on high gravelly land, just sloping enough for drainage, but appearing at a distance to be almost a perfect level. Oak trees dot it with shade here and there, but aside from this it is a clear, grassy plain. The town plat had not been recorded when we were there, but will be within a few days. No deeds have been made out yet, but a number of parties have bargained for lots, and are already building, all the buildings being between the railroad track and Bear Creek. J. S. Howard has just finished a house for his general merchandise business, and will call his place the Pioneer Store. He will put in a stock of goods at once. He will also continue his business at Jacksonville. Emil Peil, recently from the East, has a blacksmith shop built and is at work at his forge. Wm. Egan, recently from Goose Lake, is building a livery stable, and will soon be ready for business. Dr. Vrooman, of Jacksonville, and David H. Miller had the foundation prepared for a good-sized store. One side will be occupied by the Doctor in the drug business, and the other by Mr. Miller, who will put in a good stock of general hardware. F. B. Voorhies, recently from San Francisco, had men at work on the foundation of a house in which he intends to open a restaurant business as soon as it is completed. Betterton & Work have a building already in use as a saloon, and T. E. Stanley intends to build for the same business. Wm. Angle has on his lot a portion of the lumber for a dwelling house which he will put up this winter, and several others are intending to build as soon as lumber can be had. Ashland Tidings, December 21, 1883, page 3 The several proprietors of the town, Messrs. Beekman, Phipps, Mingus and Broback, have divided their lots, each taking an agreed number, to which he has secured full individual title. Thus far lots to the value of about $8000 have been sold. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, January 25, 1884, page 4 SUNDAY 23 Mar 1884 A beautiful day I went to Pheonix. Met N. B. Crane, and he rode with me to Medford the new Town near Ide Phipps. It is quite a town. I bought 800 lbs wheat of Roberts and ONeal, for hog feed. got home at night Diary of Welborn Beeson, Talent, Oregon I. J. Phipps of Medford informs us that a number of newcomers have located there recently, some of whom are building residences. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 25, 1884, page 3 Dr. Adkins, lately from the East, recently purchased two acres of land from I. J. Phipps of Medford for the round sum of $800. He will build a residence on it soon. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 6, 1884, page 3 In the center of the valley the town of Medford, which began its growth in the early spring, has now, it is claimed, 400 inhabitants. The town was laid off on land owned by Messrs. C. C. Beekman, C. W. Broback, [I.] J. Phipps and C. Mingus, and, in consideration of the location of the central depot for the valley, the O.&C.R.R. Co. was given a deed to one-half the town site. The place has grown constantly and rapidly since it was first surveyed, and its record of over a hundred buildings erected within less than a year is something of which its citizens may well feel proud. "The Past Year," Ashland Tidings, January 2, 1885, page 1 MEDFORD ELECTION.--At the election for town officers for Medford the following proved the successful candidates: For Trustees, J. S. Howard, I. J. Phipps, Dr. E. P. Geary, Wm. Barr and A. Childers. Marshal, J. H. Redfield. Recorder, R. T. Lawton. Treasurer, Chas. Strang. Street Commissioner, E. G. Hurt. 98 votes were cast at the election. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 28, 1885, page 3 Mr. Phipps is building a livery stable at Medford. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 5, 1885, page 3 I. Phipps has completed a large and commodious barn. . . . "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 27, 1885, page 3 R. T. Lawton, one of Medford's land agents, this week sold Mrs. Robinson's farm on Dry Creek and Phipps' place on Bear Creek to parties from the East. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 10, 1885, page 3 R. T. Lawton, the Medford real estate agent, reports the sale of 160 acres of land belonging to I. J. Phipps to J. W. Short, and 160 acres on Dry Creek belonging to Mrs. Robinson to James B. Hendershott. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, July 17, 1885, page 3 Mr. Berry of Ashland and Wm. Phipps of Medford were in Jacksonville Saturday on business with Supt. Colvig. The former got a first-grade certificate and will teach in the Ashland public school, while the later was awarded a second-grade and will probably teach at Sterlingville later in the season. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1885, page 3 M. P. Phipps of Medford precinct, one of the most thrifty farmers of that section, is hauling a large quantity of wheat to Karewski's mills. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 9, 1885, page 3 Churchman Bros., recently from Iowa, bought a twenty-acre tract of land adjacent to Medford from I. J. Phipps last week. The shooting match for turkeys and a fine three-year-old steer, which will take place in Phipps' field, at the foot of 7th street, on Christmas day, will call out some of our best shots. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 18, 1885, page 3 Wm. Phipps and N. S. Redden, of Medford, who have been attending Ashland College during the winter, returned home the first of the week. "Personal," Messrs. Wm. Phipps and J. S. Redden, who attended the college during the greater part of the winter, each have schools near Medford. "Personal,"
I. J. Phipps to J. R. Armpriest, lot in Medford; consideration, $115.
"Real Estate Transactions," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 8, 1886, page 1
Mrs. I. J. Phipps is quite unwell at present.
"Medford Mutterings," Ashland Tidings, January 21, 1887, page 3 There are some cases of sickness in this vicinity, but none of a serious nature. Mrs. Dr. Adkins, Mrs. I. J. Phipps and a few other residents of this place, who have been considerably indisposed, are convalescent. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 25, 1887, page 3 Medford
Select School.
school closed on the 4th with real interest. Prizes were awarded in the
primary department for the best scholar to Arval Perdue, and for the
best recitations to May Phipps. In the advanced department the
following awards were made: Perfect deportment, Ella Fredenburg; best
mathematician, Ella Bursell; best penmanship, Frank Shideler; most
improvement, Rosa Wilson; at closing exercises, Josie Merriman, Bertha
Stewart and others. The most real merit is due my assistants, who have
won for themselves excellent reputations and are very promising
teachers.H. G. FAIRCLO. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 11, 1887, page 3 Will Phipps begins wielding the birch next Monday at Lone Oak. "Medford Mutterings," Ashland Tidings, March 18, 1887, page 3 Will Phipps was at the county seat last Saturday and obtained a first-grade certificate. He will teach the school in Lone Oak district--no doubt with success. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 25, 1887, page 2 The following is the standing of all pupils averaging 80 and above in examination for the month of March: Sixth Grade: Maud Johnson, 94; Abba Cantrell, 89; Lillie Jones, 90; Hattie Landis, 92; Alfred Walters, 89; Ernest Walters, 87; Chas. Higinbotham, 93; May Phipps, 90; Willie Grush, 85; Ira Purdin, 92; Carl Crystal, 91; Chas. Noland, 90; Clarence Black, 91. "Medford Public School," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 1, 1887, page 2 A restaurant has been opened in one of I. J. Phipps' buildings in Medford by C. W. Stanfield. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 15, 1887, page 3 Jasper Crenshaw has been building first-class platform scales of large proportions for I. J. Phipps, and did a good job. They are located just west of the Union Livery Stables. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 13, 1887, page 3 Prof. Hutchins of San Francisco has been visiting I. J. Phipps and family, who are relatives of his. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 22, 1887, page 2 M. P. Phipps of this precinct offers for sale a few head of choice, young Merino rams. They are well-bred animals and will be sold at a reasonable figure. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 23, 1887, page 3 The second son of M. P. Phipps had one of his legs broken a few days since by a kick from a vicious mule. Doctors Pryce and Geary are in attendance. A new sidewalk has been built in front of Phipps' building, west of Purdin's blacksmith shop, which is occupied by McCallister & Williams, broom makers. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 21, 1887, page 2 E. J. Pool has rented some land from M. P. Phipps and is building a dwelling house in this vicinity. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 28, 1887, page 2 Doctors Pryce & Geary and Dr. Parsons of Ashland one day last week amputated one of the legs of the second son of Pres. Phipps, which had been broken just above the knee by a kick from a mule and commenced to mortify. The operation proved entirely successful and the boy is recovering. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 4, 1887, page 3 S. S. Cooper has purchased 20 acres of land near this place of I. J. Phipps, paying $50 an acre for the same. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 18, 1887, page 3 A LUCKY JUMP.--For nearly thirty years a man living within half a mile of Medford has cultivated a 53-acre tract of land, which is now valued at about $100 an acre. It was a clear game of fraud. Not a particle right had he to utilize the ground, to the precluding of an actual settler. The land belonged to the government. An investigation proved this. A poor worthy man by the name of Crystal, a resident blacksmith of the above place, concluded he wanted that particular tract of land, and he is now in possession of the same, and his friends are elated over the fact. The practice of smuggling land is too common, and the sooner these malefactors are brought to time, that much better it will be for the country. Land is plenty and cheap, and there is no excuse for such criminal practices. In the above instance Mr. Crystal is to be congratulated upon his good fortune and spunk--which led to the former.--Courier. We understand that the land above spoken of belonged to Mr. Phipps, and lies adjoining the town of Medford.--Ed. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 1, 1888, page 1 G. W. Crystal has located on 53 acres of I. J. Phipps' field at Medford which Mr. Phipps has been farming for years, but never had any title to it. The land is valued at $100 per acre now, and Mr. Crystal has made a lucky location. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 1, 1888, page 3 The Democratic primary meeting held here last Saturday was well attended and considerable interest was taken in it, there being two tickets in the field. W. Crawford, D. H. Miller, John Noland and I. J. Phipps were chosen. "Medford," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 23, 1888, page 2 Wm. Phipps is teaching school on Dry Creek and giving satisfaction. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 30, 1888, page 3 We learn that M. P. Phipps threshed 400 bushels of wheat from six acres of ground in the Bear Creek bottom last week, an average of almost 68 bushels per acre. Many yields are reported of 40 bushels and over. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 6, 1888, page 3 Born--At this place, October 20th, 1888, to Mr. and Mrs. William Phipps, a son. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, October 26, 1888, page 2 Articles of incorporation were filed in the secretary of state's office on the 5th by the Methodist Church of Medford; R. H. Halley, C. H. Hoxie, D. T. Lawton, E. T. Walker and I. J. Phipps incorporators. Value of property, $1376. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1889, page 3 The Times office last week issued a handsome horseograph for I. J. Phipps' fine Clydesdale-Morgan stallion, which will make the present season in this valley. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 28, 1889, page 3 Arthur Langell of Klamath County is in town. He recently sold his fine stallion to I. J. Phipps of Medford. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1889, page 3 I. J. Phipps' son Ed. is ill with spinal meningitis. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, June 27, 1889, page 3 Bear
Creek's Damages.
The damage done by Bear Creek to the fine farms through which it passes
between Ashland and Rogue River is coming to light as the water goes
down. When the flood was at its height the damage could not be noticed,
but the cutting was, nevertheless, in progress, and the creek still
continues to eat away its banks, and carry off the soil of the rich
alluvial bottoms. From Casebeer's on down the damage is greater than
the creek has ever done before, because so much grubbing and clearing
has been done within the past few years. The farms of Casebeer, Helms,
Alford, Pennebaker, Harvey, the Colver places, L. A. Rose, Van Dyke,
and others, on down to Medford, and of Phipps, Walker, Wrisley,
Merriman and others below Medford, have been damaged to the extent of
from $100 to $500 or $1000 each, by the washing away of some of their
choicest patches of bottom land. Up the creek near and above Ashland,
the greater part of the damage is from the loss of fencing. The Frank
Bauer place has lost about a thousand rails, H. True has lost about a
mile of fence, and others have suffered losses to a greater or lesser
extent. As reported before, all the bridges and footlogs went down
toward the sea.
Ashland Tidings, February 7, 1890, page 3 Mrs. I. J. Phipps is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. J. Brown of San Francisco, who will probably remain all winter. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 24, 1890, page 2 Mrs. Brown last week returned to her home in San Francisco, after spending several months with her daughter, Mrs. I. J. Phipps. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 13, 1891, page 2 BORN.
PHIPPS--At Medford,
March 7, 1891, to Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Phipps, a son.Democratic
Times, Jacksonville, March 20, 1891, page 3
G. H. Haskins has an assistant in his drugstore in the person of Ed. Phipps, who is studying pharmacy there. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1891, page 2 The commencement exercises of the Medford public school will take place at the opera house today, and will no doubt be of a high order. Miss Jessie Worman, Ida Redden and Grace Foster, and Edward Phipps and Fred Faris will form the graduating class. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 22, 1891, page 2 A number of Medford people are camped at the McCallister Soda Springs on Butte Creek, among them being Messrs. G. W. Howard, B. F. Adkins, C. I. Hutchison, Dr. Pickel, Mr. Enyart and families, Roberts & O'Neil, Ed. Phipps, Bert Brandenburg, U. S. Damon, Frank McBride. "Personal," Ashland Tidings, July 31, 1891, page 3 Iredell J. Phipps to Maggie Caldwell; lot 6, block 24, Medford; $175. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 21, 1891, page 2 M. P. Phipps last week departed for Fort Klamath with a band of horses and mules. Will. J. Phipps and mother returned from their California trip last week. Will. has been canvassing for a school supply house during the past year. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 25, 1891, page 2 I. J. Phipps to W. S. Barnum; 4 acres in corporate limits of Medford; $500. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 25, 1891, page 2 Little May Phipps is still suffering quite severely from an acute attack of rheumatism. "Local News," Medford Mail, January 14, 1892, page 3 Ed. Phipps goes with his sister May to California for the benefit of her health. We miss them from our pleasant school and hope they may be quickly restored to us. N. L. Narregan, "Educational," Medford Mail, January 21, 1892, page 2 Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Phipps and daughter left on Tuesday's train for Los Angeles. The daughter is an invalid, and the parents are taking her to Southern California in the hope to benefit her health. "Local News," Medford Mail, January 21, 1892, page 2 I. J. Phipps and wife left for southern California this week, taking their daughter with them. It is thought that the climate will benefit the health of the young lady, which has been precarious of late. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1892, page 2 I. J. Phipps, wife and daughter are on their way back from Southern California, where they went a week or so ago for the daughter's health. The child's health has improved, but the parents are reported ill with la grippe. Nothing like Oregon climate after all. "Local News," Medford Mail, February 4, 1892, page 3 I. J. Phipps and wife were afflicted with la grippe while absent in California, and hastened home sooner on that account. Their little daughter, in whose behalf the trip was undertaken was improved by it, however. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1892, page 2 A $2,000 Damage Suit.
Childers, through his attorney, S. S. Pentz, has filed a complaint in
the circuit court against M. P. Phipps for $2,000 damages. Mr. Childers
claims that in an altercation in which Mr. Phipps was the aggressor, he
was so roughly handled by the defendant as to cause him great bodily
pain, and the injury may result in a permanent sickness, thereby
unfitting him for manual labor of any kind. Mr. Childers was a very
sick man at the time and refused to put up his "props," but Mr. Phipps,
who is a large and powerful man, with muscles like Peter Jackson and
who strikes like a mule kicking, advanced on his man and pummeled him
severely until stopped by a looker-on. The case will be tried at the
September term and will, no doubt, be a racy and interesting proceeding.
Southern Oregon Mail, June 24, 1892, page 3 Work was commenced on the M. P. Phipps brick on C Street this week. A. Childers & Son are doing the work. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 1, 1892, page 3 Childers & Son last week began work on the new brick building of M. P. Phipps on C Street. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 8, 1892, page 2 The Medford Mail says S. Childers has begun suit against M. P. Phipps for $2000 damages, the case to come off at the September term of the circuit court. The complaint is that while Childers was in bad health and not able to defend himself he was pounced upon and beaten by Phipps, who is a large and powerful man. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 15, 1892, page 3 Mrs. Minnie Phipps has commenced a suit against I. J. Phipps and wife of Medford for alienating the affections of her husband and for slandering her character, asking for damages in a sum exceeding $20,000. Judge Webster and Francis Fitch are her attorneys, while Hon. W. M. Colvig has been retained by the defense. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 15, 1892, page 3 A big damage suit has been instituted against I. J. Phipps, a wealthy citizen of this city, by Mrs. Minnie Phipps for alienating the affections of her husband, etc. Francis Fitch and L. R. Webster brought the suit for Mrs. Phipps, while W. M. Colvig will contest the case for the defendant. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, Jacksonville, July 22, 1892, page 3 A big damage suit has been instituted against I. J. Phipps, a wealthy citizen of this city, by Mrs. Minnie Phipps for alienating the affections of her husband, etc. Francis Fitch and L. R. Webster brought the suit for Mrs. Phipps, while W. M. Colvig will contest the case for the defendant.--Medford Mail. "Local and Personal," State Rights Democrat, Albany, Oregon, August 5, 1892, page 1 It is said that the Childers-Phipps damage case, which was tried this week, will be appealed, as neither party is pleased with the verdict of the jury. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 9, 1892, page 3 Spencer Childers vs. M. J. Phipps; civil action to recover damages; verdict for plaintiff for $1000. This was the case where Phipps gave Childers a beating while the latter was in ill health. The suit was for $10,000 damages. "Against the Phipps," Valley Record, Ashland, December 15, 1892, page 3 Spencer Childers vs. M. J. Phipps; civil action to recover damages; verdict for plaintiff for $1000. This was the case where Phipps gave Childers a beating while the latter was in ill health. The suit was for $10,000 damages. Case of Miss Emma Cooper against Mrs. I. J. Phipps and son William, for $5000 for slander and defamation of character. Jury promptly rendered verdict for full amount. The evidence was all against the Phippses. Wm. Phipps was married to Miss Emma Cooper's sister, Minnie. He went to San Francisco and procured a residence there; returned to Jackson County and resided for four months, during which time he lived with his wife. He and his mother then returned to San Francisco, where he sued his wife for divorce and the custody of their child after it becomes eight years old. In this divorce complaint is where the slander was, both swearing that Mrs. Wm. Phipps and her sister Miss Emma Cooper were bad girls, etc. They denied having given such testimony, but the San Francisco court records showed otherwise. They also swore that they had no property, which aided the jury in giving a judgment for full amount. There is still another suit yet to be tried. It is the case of Mrs. Wm. Phipps against I. J. Phipps, her father-in-law, for $20,000 damages. Old man Phipps holds the Phipps bar'l [sic]. "Against the Phipps," Valley Record, Ashland, December 15, 1892, page 3 The Cooper-Phipps damage case occupied the attention of the circuit court for several days the forepart of the week. It was stubbornly contested from beginning to end and resulted in the jury giving a verdict for the plaintiff, Miss Emma Cooper, in the sum of $5,000, after a short deliberation. The case will no doubt be appealed to the supreme court. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 16, 1892, page 3 EACH ONE SUED.
Or., Dec. 15.--The Phipps family has figured in two damage suits of
more than passing interest that have just been decided in the Jackson
County Circuit Court. The suit of Spencer Childers vs. M. J. Phipps was
rather an unusual one. Phipps and Childers had a quarrel in a field
over some small matter, and a physical encounter followed, in which
Childers was knocked or pushed over a plow in the furrow. Childers sued
Phipps for $10,000 damages for injury to his back, claiming permanent
disability. When the jury took a vote in the matter after the case had
been submitted the ballots showed a diversity of opinion ranging from a
verdict for 5 cents up to one for $5000, but they finally agreed on a
verdict for $1000, and Phipps has appealed.A Whole Family That Manages to Keep in Court. Emma Cooper sued Celeste Phipps and her son for damages for defamation of character, and obtained a verdict for $5000. Young Phipps married a sister of plaintiff and afterward procured a divorce, to set aside which another suit is now on the docket. In his sworn testimony in the divorce case he made allegations against Miss Cooper which the jury found to be false, malicious and of such character that they gave her a verdict as stated. Young Phipps and his mother swear they have no property, though the Phipps family is known to possess considerable means. San Francisco Call, December 16, 1892, page 2 The Phipps family, of Jackson County, beats the record for family trouble. Here it is: M. J. Phipps was sued for damages by Spencer Childers for throwing him over a plow, by which the latter received injuries. The suit was for $10,000, but the jury gave Childers $1000. Emma Cooper sued Calista Phipps and her son for damages for defamation of character and obtained a verdict of $5000. Young Phipps married a sister of the plaintiff and afterwards procured [a] divorce, to set aside which another suit is now pending in the docket. In his sworn testimony in the divorce case he made an allegation against Miss Cooper which the jury found to be false, malicious and of such a character that they gave the verdict as stated. "Misfits," State Rights Democrat, Albany, Oregon, December 23, 1892, page 4 In the Phipps cases, tried in the circuit court at this term, Judge Hale has denied motion for a new trial, and they will doubtless be appealed to the supreme court. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 30, 1892, page 3 More or less controversy has been had of late over the Childers-Phipps lawsuit which was settled last month by the circuit court, giving judgment in favor of Childers, for $1000--which judgment has since been purchased by R. H. Whitehead. "Weekly Round-Up," Southern Oregon Mail, January 20, 1893, page 3 M. P. Phipps last week went to the county seat for the purpose of satisfying the circuit court judgment recently obtained against him by S. Childers, Sr. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1893, page 3 Minnie Phipps vs. Wm. Phipps, evidence taken; argument postponed until March 4, 1893. "Legal Transactions," Medford Mail, March 3, 1893, page 2 In making mention of the Medford Public School Band last week, the name of Ira Phipps, who plays the slide trombone, was unintentionally omitted. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 3, 1893, page 3 Best
Grounds in the State.
The Medford Rod and Gun Club are jubilant over the selection of their
present site for a shooting park. They have leased grounds of Mr. I. J.
Phipps, just across Bear Creek, near town, and have them fixed up in
extraordinarily fine shape. One of the redeeming features of the ground
selected is that of a splendid background. The trouble generally in the
valley is that looking in almost any direction your sight is confronted
with a background of mountains. Our club's grounds is one of the few
exceptions in this respect. Here the view is unobstructed for many
miles. It is almost impossible to see birds when thrown from the trap
if between the marksman and mountains.
Our local club has some pretty good marksmen and it is expected there will be some interesting contests had this coming season between Medford and other valley towns. The shoot of last week showed more than an average good score, giving evidence of improvement. Medford Mail, March 3, 1893, page 3 Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will not authorize our
minor son, John M. Phipps, to contract any debts of character on our
account, or that of either of us, and that we will not be responsible
for any indebtedness contracted by him. Medford, Oregon, May 10th, A.D.
Mail, May 12, 1893, page 2ALLA R. PHIPPS. This appeal is brought to reverse a judgment for five thousand dollars recovered by Emma Cooper in an action for libel against Calista Phipps and her son, Wm. Phipps. It is charged that in a certain suit for divorce and for the custody of a minor child, pending in the superior court for the county of San Francisco, state of California, between the defendant William Phipps, as plaintiff, and Minnie Phipps, a sister of the plaintiff herein, as defendant, Calista Phipps, one of the defendants herein and mother of her co-defendant Wm. Phipps, was called and testified as a witness, and in response to the following interrogatory of counsel, "Has the defendant been in the habit of running around with other men?" answered, "Yes, sir; two young men came and rented a house and she and her sister [meaning this plaintiff], lived with them, and kept house for them; did this about two months; all the neighbors talked about their scandalous conduct;" that this testimony was reduced to writing by the court commissioner, and was duly filed, at the instance of the defendant William Phipps, and became a part of the records and files of said court; that defendant meant by said words to accuse the plaintiff of being an unchaste woman, and of having lived in notorious lewd and lascivious cohabitation with some man to plaintiff unknown; that such statement was false, malicious, and defamatory, and was made with malice, and with the intent to defame the plaintiff, and at the instigation and request of the defendant William Phipps. The answer admits that the defendant Calista Phipps testified as alleged in the divorce suit, but denies the other allegations of the complaint, and affirmatively alleges that such testimony was given with a firm belief in its truth, in answer to an interrogatory propounded to her by counsel, and without malice or ill will toward plaintiff herein, and that such testimony was relevant to the issue involved in said suit. . . . . . . the judgment of the court below will be REVERSED and a new trial ordered. Cooper v. Phipps, Reports of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon Between April 4, 1893 and November 13, 1893, 1894, pages 357-366 M. P. Phipps is having flagstone delivered to Medford with which he will lay an eight-foot sidewalk around his property corner of Seventh and C streets, beginning at Wm. Ulrich's office on C Street and extending to S. Rosenthal's clothing store on Seventh. This will be not only a great improvement, but will further beautify these portions of our business streets. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 3 The case of Emma Cooper vs. Calistia and W. J. Phipps, appealed from this county by the latter, was argued and submitted in the supreme court this week. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 7, 1893, page 3 The Beekman-Hamlin and the Cooper-Phipps cases have been sent back to this county for a new trial. They will probably come up at the September term of the circuit court. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3
Mrs. Minnie
Phipps and son
tarried here a
few days last
week, while on
their way to
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 15, 1893, page 2 Nine new students were enrolled at the business college last week. Their names are as follows: Adelbert Childers, Annie, David, John and Edward Phipps and Allen Holt of Medford, Lydia Owen and Victor Bursell of Big Sticky, and Joseph Seyferth of Illinois Valley. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 15, 1893, page 2 This appeal is brought to reverse a judgment for five thousand dollars recovered by Emma Cooper in an action for libel against Calista Phipps and her son, Wm. Phipps. It is charged that in a certain suit for divorce and for the custody of a minor child, pending in the superior court for the county of San Francisco, state of California, between the defendant William Phipps, as plaintiff, and Minnie Phipps, a sister of the plaintiff herein, as defendant, Calista Phipps, one of the defendants herein and mother of her co-defendant Wm. Phipps, was called and testified as a witness, and in response to the following interrogatory of counsel, "Has the defendant been in the habit of running around with other men?" answered, "Yes, sir; two young men came and rented a house and she and her sister [meaning this plaintiff], lived with them, and kept house for them; did this about two months; all the neighbors talked about their scandalous conduct;" that this testimony was reduced to writing by the court commissioner, and was duly filed, at the instance of the defendant William Phipps, and became a part of the records and files of said court; that defendant meant by said words to accuse the plaintiff of being an unchaste woman, and of having lived in notorious lewd and lascivious cohabitation with some man to plaintiff unknown; that such statement was false, malicious, and defamatory, and was made with malice, and with the intent to defame the plaintiff, and at the instigation and request of the defendant William Phipps. The answer admits that the defendant Calista Phipps testified as alleged in the divorce suit, but denies the other allegations of the complaint, and affirmatively alleges that such testimony was given with a firm belief in its truth, in answer to an interrogatory propounded to her by counsel, and without malice or ill will toward plaintiff herein, and that such testimony was relevant to the issue involved in said suit. Reversed. Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon, volume 24, 1894, page 357 I. J. PHIPPS
There is probably no more extensive farm owner who lives in Medford
than is the above gentleman. The city residence of Mr. I. J. Phipps is
situated between Fifth and Sixth and A and B streets and comprises
three-fourths of a block. Five hundred acres of land about Medford is
marked with his ownership. He has sixty acres [ad]joining Medford on
the north and east, 320 acres a short distance east and 160 acres near
Central Point. The property has fine, commodious buildings, and a
general appearance of prosperity prevails. Mr. Phipps has lived in
Oregon twenty years and came to the coast from Indiana. Aside from farm
property he owns a goodly number of business buildings in Medford.
Medford Mail, July 14, 1893 et seq., page 1 Press Phipps, while at work in his hay field, one-half mile east of Medford, Monday, was prostrated by heat, and for some little time was in a critical condition. Dr. Danielson was called and administered medical aid, and the patient is now reported to be getting along nicely. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 21, 1893, page 3 I. J. Phipps and Celeste Phipps to Kitty L. Webb, land in Medford . . . 10 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, October 20, 1893, page 3 Dr. E. P. Geary has moved his office, temporarily, to a rear room in the Phipps block. He will have offices fitted especially for his use in the new Haskins block. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, March 16, 1894, page 3 W. B. Roberts and I. J. Phipps left this week for the midwinter fair and a visit at their old homes in Missouri and Arkansas. They will be gone six weeks.. "Medford
Items," Valley
Record, Ashland, March 22, 1894, page 3
I. J. Phipps left yesterday morning for a two months' visit with relatives at St. Joseph, Missouri. Twenty years have rolled by since he visited this his old home. He will also take in the midwinter fair while en route. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 23, 1894, page 3 W. B. Roberts and I. J. Phipps of Medford left last week for San Francisco, where they will take in the Midwinter Fair, then extend their trip east. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1894, page 2 Mr. Ira D. Phipps, of Medford, Oregon, arrived last week and is visiting relatives and renewing acquaintances of other days. He is a brother-in-law of A. W. Walters, of this city, and John P. Brown, residing northwest of town. Mr. Phipps left Putnam in 1864 for the West, and we believe this is his first time to return. He is much impressed with the marvelous changes "Father Time" has wrought, but gratified to find many of his old-time friends in the land of the living.. "Additional Locals," Unionville Republican, Unionville, Missouri, April 18, 1894, page 4 There Is Talk of a Fruit Drier. As the fruit orchards of this locality begin showing their promise of another abundant crop of fruit, by a profusion of blossoms, the fruit drier man appears on the scene and talks encouragingly of establishing one of these very necessary commodities, but time draws apace and the drier materializes not. There is one gentleman, however, a Mr. Markley, of Seattle, who claims to have sufficient confidence in our fruit products to warrant him in establishing this enterprise in Medford. He was here a few weeks ago, and from his friends, Mr. I. J. Phipps' people, we learn that he expects to soon return and carry out his project. May his present symptoms never grow less. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894 page 3 I. J. Phipps returned Monday evening from his visit in several eastern states. He was accompanied upon his return by his brother, J. R. Phipps, and nephew, C. E. Phipps. These gentlemen are from Barnard, Missouri and will undoubtedly remain during the summer with their several relatives in the Rogue River Valley. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894, page 2 A Family Reunion.
of our readers who have been so fortunate, in the days of their life's
strides from childhood to mature years, and thence down the incline to
close onto the threescore and ten mark, in not being separated from one
another, can tell not the joys of a family reunion whereat are
members--brothers and sisters--who have not been accorded the pleasures
of a meeting for a period of thirty years. You may separate from those
near of kin with a feeling of indifference, but when the years of
separation have grown to ten, twenty and thirty years, the ties of
blood exert themselves and a longing to be near one another creeps into
your better self, and no power can satisfy that longing save the power
that brings those of one blood and one flesh to a happy reunion. We say
happy reunion because it was such an occasion which was celebrated at
the residence of I. J. Phipps, in Medford, on Monday afternoon of this
There were present upon this occasion three Phipps brothers, I. J., M. P., and R. J., and one sister, Mrs. H. Helms, of Talent, who have not thus met for thirty years; in fact some of them have not met upon any occasion in this length of time, to say nothing of a reunion. There were in attendance in all thirty people, they being M. P. Phipps and family, of Talent, R. J. Phipps and son Chas., of Missouri, I. J. Phipps and family, of Medford, Martin Pellet and family, of Wagner Creek, and A. T. Markley and family, of Medford. A very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed and a splendid dinner was partaken of, after which the brothers and sister repaired to the photograph gallery, where a family group picture was taken. After a hearty round of handshaking had been indulged in and many goodbyes said the company dispersed, each going to his or her respective home, R. J. Phipps and son taking the train for their home in Missouri. While these people felt that in saying goodbye it would be the last one they would be permitted to say to each other, The Mail sincerely hopes such may not be the case. Medford Mail, June 1, 1894, page 3 A cry of fire was heard in the still air of the morning, about half past three o'clock, Thursday, and in a very short space of time a large portion of Medford's population was rushing, half clad, from their homes to ascertain the cause of the alarm and the extent of the conflagration. It did not take long, however, to locate the fire, as the streets were well lighted for blocks away by the blaze from the burning building. The fire was by this time fast consuming the barns on the Phipps and Randall property--between Third and Fourth street, and facing on B Street. One of the barns was occupied by Bellinger & Wells, proprietors of the Medford dray line, and in which they had four horses, harness and other equipments, together with about eight tons of hay. When the first persons began arriving on the scene they were unable to enter the barn, and it was not known whether the horses had perished or not, but a little later two of the animals were found outside, they having broken loose and, the door having been left open, they had escaped, but one of them was so badly burned that it had to be killed; the other two perished in their stalls, and as soon as the fire had gained a little more headway their charred bodies were plainly visible. "Thursday Morning's Fire," Medford Mail, August 10, 1894, page 2 M. P. Phipps is having a very nice brick residence built out on his five-acre tract of land, on the west side of Bear Creek and directly opposite Mr. Edwards' place. It is an ideal building spot, it being high up from the riverbed and well shaded on all sides with fine, large oak trees. The main building is 16x30 feet in size and two stories high with a 16x24-foot ell, and off of this is an 8x8 pantry, all of brick. A stone foundation is laid about two feet above the ground and on this is a cut stone water table. G. W. Priddy furnished the brick, which, by the way, are as fine a quality as any ever used in this city. Mr. Priddy is also laying the brick and is doing an excellent job, which he knows so well how to do. L. M. Lyon has the contract for doing the wood work and already has the lower story door and window frames set. Mr. Lyon is a first-class workman, and the indications promise some of his best handiwork on this job. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 14, 1894, page 3 Died--Matthew Preston Phipps.
Medford Mail, August 28, 1896, page 7 Last week these columns told of the serious illness of Mr. M. P. Phipps.
This week we are called upon to chronicle the death of this pioneer and
worthy citizen, which occurred at his farm home, east of Medford, on
Tuesday evening of this week.
Mr. Phipps came to Jackson County away back in the fifties and has since been a constant resident. During these years he has reared quite a large family and has gathered about him much of the world's chattels. He was born in Owens County, Indiana, in 1843. A more extended biography will undoubtedly appear in these columns next week. Funeral services were held at the farm residence yesterday forenoon. Among the dentists we find Dr. J. W. Odgers. He has made his chosen profession a lifelong study. His ideas and practices are modern in every respect, making quite a specialty of bridgework, and can save any shell of a tooth. While his work is of the best, his prices are such as to meet the times. He is extremely courteous and is ever ready to give advice to any and all. His office is in the Phipps block, opposite Jackson County Bank. "Our Business and Professional People Briefly Mentioned," Medford Mail, May 28, 1897, page 3 As I. J. Phipps of Medford was returning home from the Normal commencement exercises at Ashland last Thursday evening with his family, Mrs. Mayor Haskins and Mrs. Sayre, his team took freight and ran away, upsetting the hack and quite seriously injuring Miss May Phipps and Mrs. Haskins and bruising several others of the party, though none were dangerously injured. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 21, 1897, page 3 Mrs. Martha J. Brown of San Francisco, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. I. J. Phipps of Medford, returned home a few days since. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1898, page 3 Miss May Phipps is teaching a successful term of school in the Mound district. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 28, 1898, page 3 The directors of the Medford public schools have elected the following teachers for the ensuing school year: Prof. N. L. Narregan, principal, salary $100 per month; Miss Pearl Hall, vice-principal, salary $45; primary teachers, Mrs. Mary Peters, $40; Miss Emma Reed, $35; intermediate grades, Misses Aileen Webber, Fannie Haskins, May Phipps, Maysie Fisher, Julia Fielder, Jessie Wait, at $28 per month each. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 30, 1898, page 2 Our public schools will open next Monday, September 5, 1898, with the following corps of teachers; Miss C. Grace Foster, first primary; Miss Emma Reed, second primary; Miss May Phipps, second grade; Miss Aileen Webber, third grade; Miss Fannie R. Haskins, fourth grade; Miss Jess G. Wait, fifth grade; Miss Maysie M. Foster, sixth grade; Miss Julia C. Fielder, seventh grade; Miss Pearl Hall, the eighth and part of the ninth, and Latin; ninth and tenth by the principal, who will also teach German, bookkeeping and penmanship. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1898, page 2 Ira Phipps has gone to Chicago, to attend a prominent dental college. Mrs. A. R. Phipps was at the county seat Friday. She is efficiently managing the large estate of her late husband. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1898, page 4 Will. Phipps, who has been in Washington for several years past, returned last week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 1, 1898, page 2 I. J. Phipps to trustees M.E. Church of Medford; property adjoining Medford . . . 15.00 "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 16, 1899, page 2 I. J. Phipps to G. E. Fox; property in Medford . . . 150.00 I. J. Phipps to R. H. Toft; property in Medford . . . 100.00 "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 23, 1899, page 2 I. J. Phipps to C. C. Pletcher; lots 10 and 11, blk 10, Medford . . . 300.00 "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1899, page 3 The following is a list of those who have been employed by the board of directors to teach in our public school: Prof. Narregan, Misses Emma Reed, Maysie Foster, Julia Fielder, Grace Foster, Jessie Wait, May Phipps. Misses Hall and Webber did not apply for reappointment, but who will succeed them is not yet known. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 8, 1899, page 3 The Medford schools opened Monday with the following corps of teachers: North primary, C. Grace Foster; south primary, Emma Reed; second grade, May Phipps; third grade, Jessie G. Wait; fourth grade, Fannie Haskins; fifth grade, Grace Amann; sixth grade, Julia Fielder; eighth and high school, Miss Gertrude Sutton, Latin and mathematics; N. L. Narregan, German, English literature, history, civil government, penmanship and drawing. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 28, 1899, page 2 Alleged Robbery.
Bob Wilcox and Renas Hamilton were arrested on a warrant sworn out
by Geo. Phipps in Justice Stewart's court at Medford charging them with
robbing him of $48. They were bound over to appear before the next term
of circuit court. Wilcox' bail was fixed at $300 and Al. Helms went on
his bond. Hamilton's bond was $100 furnished by I. L. Hamilton. The
three had been shaking dice all evening for money and drinks and were
badly intoxicated. Phipps went to the back end of the saloon and became
ill. The next morning he missed the money and swore out the warrant.
Wilcox and Hamilton say that Wilcox took the money and gave it to
Hamilton to keep it until Phipps got sober, and that Hamilton, who is
night bartender at a saloon, did not wake up until after the warrants
of arrest were made.Phipps is a one-legged boy who once went to the normal school and is the son of a well-to-do pioneer family. Valley Record, Ashland, November 16, 1899, page 3 Ira Phipps returned to his home in Medford last Friday, and after a two days' stay with his relatives he left for Ashland, where he has opened a dentist's office, he having but recently graduated from dental college. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 4, 1900, page 7 Dr. Ira Phipps came down from Ashland Saturday and spent Sunday with home folks. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 11, 1900, page 6 I. J. Phipps to Orson Gilbert; lots 5 and 6, blk 3, Medford . . . 375.00 "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 11, 1900, page 3 D. I. Phipps to Mrs. A. R. Phipps; three-tenths int. in land in Medford . . . 3000.00 Anna B. Lindley to Mrs. A. R. Phipps; one-tenth int. in same property . . . 600.00 "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 14, 1900, page 3 The [Fourth of July] procession formed at ten o'clock, near the Whitman warehouse, and moved about the principal streets in the order as advertised. . . . A miniature representation of the U.S. cruiser Olympia was the next float, following which was a float bearing Miss May Phipps, representing the state of Oregon, followed by the float Medford, upon which rode Miss Edith Webb. "The Fourth in Medford," Medford Mail, July 6, 1900, page 2 The directors have selected the following persons to serve as teachers of our public schools during the coming year: Prof. N. L. Narregan, principal; Miss Gertrude Sutton, vice-principal; Misses Grace Foster, Grace Amann, Maysie Foster, Fannie Haskins, Mae Phipps, Julia Fielder and Emma Reed. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 9, 1900, page 3 An interesting event took place at the Catholic church in Jacksonville, Sunday afternoon, when Miss Elizabeth Phipps of Medford was received into the Catholic faith. The solemn administration of the sacrament of baptism was performed by the record, Rev. Father Berthiaume, who, in simple but convincing language, explained the meaning of the ceremony, the importance and necessity of baptism, together with the useful lessons that we should draw for ourselves on witnessing its administration. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 31, 1901, page 7 A very pleasant surprise was tendered Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Phipps and their daughter Miss May on Monday evening of this week, when about fifty of their many friends took possession of their pleasant home and proceeded to make themselves "at home." The evening was spent in social chat, music and games, after which a dainty lunch was served. It is needless to say that all voted the evening a success as far as pleasure was concerned, and departed at a late hour fully resolved that this should not be the last event of the kind. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 8, 1901, page 7 The news of the death of Mrs. Peter Spielman (nee Miss Elizabeth Phipps), in New York, was received here on last Sunday. The young couple were married only about three weeks ago, and left for Buffalo, N.Y. to make that place their future home. The news of the young bride's sudden death was a great shock to her relatives and friends of Medford. The remains will be brought here for interment. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 21, 1901, page 5 The death of Mrs. Peter Spielman (nee Miss Elizabeth Phipps) of Medford is reported from New York. The couple were married in Jacksonville about three weeks ago, and left for Buffalo, N.Y., which was to be their future home. We have no particulars of the death, but the remains will be brought back to Medford for interment. The death of the young bride is a severe blow to family and friends. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 21, 1901, page 7 A telegram conveying the sad intelligence of the death of her daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Spielman, from articular rheumatism, at her home in Buffalo, N.Y., was received by her mother, Mrs. A. R. Phipps, of this city, last Saturday afternoon. She was married at Jacksonville Monday, Jan. 28th, of this year, to Peter Spielman, and left the following day for their future home in New York. She had been troubled with rheumatism for some time, and when Portland was reached on their journey she could not proceed until medical aid had been procured. During the long journey to New York she became much worse, and upon their arrival at their destination she was in a serious condition, her fever having reached 104½ degrees, at which point it remained until her death, last Saturday morning. At this time no particulars can be learned regarding the sad affair beyond the facts above stated. Her mother, who is heartbroken over her loss, has made arrangements for the shipment of the remains to this place for interment in the family burial lot in the Odd Fellows cemetery, but we are unable to state with certainty when they will arrive. She was fifteen years of age, and highly respected by her friends and acquaintances in this city, and the news of her sudden death was a great shock to them. Much sympathy is felt for the grief-stricken mother, and kind friends are rendering every assistance possible. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 22, 1901, page 7 Mrs. Annie Lindley (nee Phipps) of Fairhaven, Wash., arrived in Medford last week for a few weeks' visit with relatives and many friends, and to be present at the obsequies of her sister, whose remains arrived in Medford from New York state Monday morning. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 1, 1901, page 6 Mrs. John Lindley and her sister, Miss Ella Phipps, left Wednesday evening for the home of the former at Fairhaven, Washington. Mrs. Lindley has been visiting her mother, Mrs. A. R. Phipps, for several weeks. Her sister Ella will visit with her indefinitely. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 6 The Mail acknowledges the receipt of an invitation to attend the commencement exercises of the dental department of the Lake Forest University, Chicago School of Dental Surgery, which takes place Tuesday, April 30, 1901. The graduating class, of which Ira D. Phipps, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Phipps, of this city, is a member, numbers one hundred and eighty-four. We wish Dr. Phipps the greatest possible success in his chosen profession. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 6 The directors of Medford school district have chosen the following teachers for the next scholastic year: Prof. N. L. Narregan, principal; Misses Gertrude Sutton, May Phipps, Elsie Wiley, Lizzie Ferguson, Emma Reed, Minnie Hockenyos, Mabel Jones. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 2, 1901, page 7 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Downing, of San Luis Obispo, Calif., arrived in Medford Thursday evening for a few weeks' visit with I. J. Phipps and family. Mr. Downing is a brother of Mrs. Phipps. Dr. Ira D. Phipps, of this city, who graduated from the Chicago College of Dental Surgery April 30th, arrived home Sunday evening and will visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Phipps, for a while. Just where he will locate for the practice of his profession has not been definitely decided. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 6 Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Downing, who have been visiting with Mr. Downing's sister, Mrs. I. J. Phipps, and family, left last Saturday for Yreka. They may return soon and invest in Jackson County real estate. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 24, 1901, page 6 G. W. Downing, of Santa Barbara, Calif., on Tuesday of this week purchased the Crystal place, on North A Street. Mr. Downing is making several improvements about the place, and as soon as Mrs. Downing arrives from California will commence housekeeping therein. Mr. D. is a brother-in-law of our good townsman, I. J. Phipps. These people have tired of the continuous dry weather of California and are locating here, knowing that they will experience neither the dry nor wet extremes. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 7 Dr. Ira Phipps returned Sunday from a two weeks' visit in Portland. The doctor has been quite ill since his return to this city, but is now very much improved. He has decided to open a dentist office in this city. The fact that this is his home and that he has a large circle of friends will be a material advantage to him in establishing a business. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 6 Dr. Ira Phipps, son of I. J. Phipps, who is a graduate of a leading dental college, has opened an office in the Adkins building. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 22, 1901, page 2 David I. Phipps, who has been at Reno, Nevada since last December, returned to Medford last week for a few weeks' visit with relatives and friends. He will leave in September for eastern Oregon, where he will follow his former vocation, that of vaqueroing. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 6 Dr. Ira Phipps has rented the two front rooms over H. E. Boyden's hardware store and within a couple of weeks will open dental parlors therein. The rooms are now being papered and fitted especially for his use, City Recorder York having moved his real estate office to other rooms in the same building. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 7 G. W. Reynolds has purchased the Phipps barn from Jacob Keets and has leased the Prall stables, both of which he will conduct as feed barns. The stables gained a reputation under their former management that was not enviable, in fact it was anything but pleasant or agreeable for nearby business houses, and that a change has been made is a source of much satisfaction to the people of that locality. The present proprietor, however, is of a different turn--an honorable young man--and he will, we feel satisfied, conduct the place in a manner creditable to himself and neighbors. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 6, 1901, page 7
The public schools will open Monday, September 16,
The teachers are: Gertrude Wilson, north primary; Emma Reed, south primary; Mabel Jones, 2nd grade; J. G. Wait, 3rd grade; Minnie Hockenyos, 4th grade; M. Grace Amann, 5th grade; Lizzie Ferguson, 6th grade; L. May Phipps, 7th grade; E. Gertrude Sutton, 8th grade and high school; N. L. Narregan, high school. "Our Schools," Medford Mail, September 13, 1901, page 2 I. D. PHIPPS, D.D.S.,
in Adkins Block, adjoining Haskins' Drug Store.
Medford, Oregon.
Mail, September 13, 1901, page 2Medford's public schools reopened Monday with a larger attendance than usual. N. L. Narregan is principal, and is assisted by Gertrude Sutton, Emma Reed, Mabel Jones, May Phipps, Gertrude Wilson, Minnie Hockenyos, Jess Wait, Grace Amann, Lizzie Ferguson. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1901, page 5 Dr. I. D. Phipps has a professional card in this issue of the Mail. Dr. Phipps has opened dental parlors in the Adkins Building, over H. E. Boyden's store. He has as finely appointed offices as there are in the city, luxuriously furnished with everything modern in furniture, and with mechanical devices necessary in his profession. The doctor is a graduate from the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, Lake Forest University. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 20, 1901, page 7 It will not be many years until Phipps Bros. will be among our foremost orchardists. Mr. Ed. Phipps and Dr. Ira D. Phipps have associated themselves in a deal, the object of which is to grow Southern Oregon apples--red and yellow--Newtowns and Spitzenbergs. They own 100 acres of fine orchard land north and east of Medford and will this winter plant forty-five acres of it to 2100 trees, and a year later will plant the remaining fifty-five acres to the same kind of fruit: Ed will have general supervision of the orchard work, and as he is very thorough and persistent to all his undertakings. It goes without saying that the enterprise will prove a success. Dr. Phipps will remain in Medford and practice his profession. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 7 The Democratic county committee met in Medford Wednesday and transacted the business incident to holding the next county convention. The following members were present: H. Mann chairman, M. F. Eggleston secretary, E. D. Foudray, J. A. Whitman, Dan Chapman, F. W. Wait, W. H. Peninger, J. S. Orth, John Woods, Otto Caster, J. E. Coffee, M. Perry, D. E. Phipps. It was decided to hold the convention in Jacksonville. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 6, 1902, page 4 Mrs. L. J. Sears has rented the Phipps building, on Seventh Street, and will move into it with a stock of millinery goods as soon as the building is repaired. Mrs. Sears will keep up-to-date styles. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1902, page 5 A PIONEER'S ADVENTURE
a strange tale of wild adventure could be taken from the leaf of
unwritten pioneer history in crossing the plains in early days.
Few people who "tracked" across the plains in early days have had a more remarkable history than I. J. Phipps, a pioneer of Jackson County. Every part of the West has its pioneers, whose ranks are broken and becoming scattered by reason of the ravages of Father Time. Some day Oregon will erect a monument to the memory of its builders, but that is another story. Mr. Phipps crossed the plains in '62, and first settled in the Grand Ronde Valley. He came to Medford in '65. At that time the Indians harassed immigrants along the entire route. Mr. Phipps and his family started out with the [George W.] Adams train. After having crossed the Platte the party began its tortuous, winding course through the Black Hills, where the Indians had one of their main strongholds. Mr. Phipps saw that most of the immigrants were more heavily loaded than himself, and determined to push ahead and make better time. It is well that he did. The entire Adams outfit was massacred. And the slaughter was owing to the actions of a person by the name of Young. That person got into a row with some friendly Indians over a trivial circumstance, and killed a couple of them in cold blood. Young then joined the Adams train for protection. The Indians were determined to avenge the death of their comrades. In their rude notions of justice they did not stop to consider who were the guilty persons, but waylaid and murdered the whole train. In the meantime Mr. Phipps had pushed rapidly ahead, fortunately, ignorant of the fate of his late companions. He overtook another train, and was acquainted with most of the people. They traveled together until they came to the Snake River. In crossing the great Snake River desert considerable suffering was experienced, especially on the part of the stock. It was necessary to carry a supply of water and to use it sparingly in giving it to the poor beasts toiling over the burning sands. Once in a while a band of Indians as naked and wild as their own free life would top a rise and then disappear, keeping the immigrants in a state of alert excitement. Then again in the twilight the coyotes would begin their mournful chorus and it was impossible some of the time to tell whether the sounds were not made by Indians signaling to one another. But as the dust-laden train creaked onward and the Indians did not show any open signs of hostility, the prospective settlers became more careless and let their stock run at large at night. In the morning, while some were hitching up and the women folks were preparing breakfast, others would mount picketed horses and round up the stock. Then the whole train would continue its weary march. Among Mr. Phipps' property was a Jersey cow, a gift to his wife, and highly prized by her. One morning when the stock was rounded up the Jersey was missing. Mr. Phipps asked the other members of the train to wait a few hours so that he could find the cow, but they were already cross and impatient at delays, and refused to wait. He then told them to go on if they wanted to, but that he was going to find that cow. They did not think any man would leave the protection of the train for a cow. But Mr. Phipps was made of the stuff which has peopled the western wilderness. He pulled his outfit to one side and refused to listen to the pleading of a few who were anxious about his welfare. He was equally deaf to warnings about the danger of being left alone in the middle of the desert. He unlimbered the oxen, and leaving his wife alone in camp set out after the cow. By this time the sun was well on its forenoon trip and shimmering waves of heat danced across the burning sands. Jackrabbits shot out of clumps of sagebrush near his horses' feet, too tame almost to take the trouble of getting out of his way. Once in a while a lone coyote would stop a minute to look, and then streak off through the sagebrush. Mr. Phipps found it easy in following the trail of the cattle which had been driven in that same morning, and soon reached their feeding ground. With scarcely any trouble he found the cow and started for camp. Coming in sight of his outfit he was almost paralyzed by seeing a huge Indian, perfectly naked, standing not far from his wife, whose back was toward the savage. He brought his gun into play, but the Indian took no notice of him or his hostile attitude, even when he was a few paces distant. For a minute the white man and the savage gazed at one another. The latter was a fine specimen of his tribe. By this time the attention of Mrs. Phipps was attracted, and she almost fainted from fear. The Indian gave a guttural grunt, which sounded something like "Humph!" and turned away and trotted toward the hills. Mr. Phipps pushed ahead and reached the train, much to the surprise of the members, who never expected to see him alive again. This is but a brief sketch of a leaf of a pioneer. There are thousands of others, unwritten ones, which would make an interesting history. Every day valuable facts are being lost through the deaths of pioneers. It would pay the state to make an appropriation and hire a man to gather data from surviving pioneers. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1902, page 7 Dr. Phipps:--"I was out this week looking over the apple orchard that my brother and I put out last fall. I don't believe there is a tree in the whole forty-five acres that did not live, and say, some them have blooms on. We are going to put out sixty-five acres more this next fall. I wish we had thought of apple culture ten years ago. If we had I wouldn't now be doing dentistry for a living." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 7 Ed. Phipps, who with his brother, Dr. Ira D. Phipps, owns a good farm on Big Sticky, has planted forty acres to corn this spring and he states that he has a fine stand and that it looks very promising notwithstanding the backwardness of the spring. Mr. Phipps finds corn to be one of his most profitable crops, it yielding about forty bushels per acre. Some of it he sells to the Medford grist mills, to be made into corn meal, which, by the way, is as fine-flavored as any ever produced in the old burr mills of the southern states, but the greater part of his corn he feeds to hogs, he fattening each year from fifty to one hundred head. Mr. Phipps' neighbors are also quite extensive corn raisers, there being about 300 acres of corn in his immediate vicinity, and it all gives promise of a big yield this season. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 13, 1902, page 7 Wm. Clarke's Tybalt and Sir Stafford, the best stallions in Southern Oregon, will be at the fair grounds near Central Point every day in the week, excepting Saturday, when they can be found at Phipps' barn in Medford. The former is a handsome trotter with a good record, while the latter is a big and superior draft horse. Tybalt will be in Jacksonville Thursday. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 19, 1902, page 5 Mrs. A. R. Phipps and her daughters, Misses Ella and Effie and Mrs. J. S. Lindley, together with Mr. and Mrs. E. Denton, returned Monday from Ashland, where they had been camping during Chautauqua. Thursday Mrs. Lindley left for her home in Fairhaven, Washington. Accompanying her were her sisters, Miss Ella and Effie Phipps, who will spend about a month with her to enjoy the cool breezes of the Sound country. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 18, 1902, page 6 E. B. Hall of Alabama, a cousin of Dr. I. D. Phipps, is in Medford looking over the country with a view to locating. Mr. Hall is a merchant, but he has not decided whether he will engage in the mercantile business or take up fruit raising. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, August 1, 1902, page 6 Dr. I. D. Phipps is being visited by his cousin, E. B. Hall, who is a prominent merchant of Alabama. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 7, 1902, page 3 Major Barron made the sale Tuesday of his fine alfalfa farm, two and a half miles north of Medford, to E. B. Hall, a recent arrival from Alabama, and a cousin of Dr. I. D. Phipps. The tract containing 105 acres and the price paid was $7,000. Mr. Hall will plant the entire farm to fruit, he deciding that there is more money in apples than in hay, a conclusion that many other of the farmers of this valley are arriving at. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 14, 1902, page 5 Miss Effie Phipps returned Thursday morning from a visit to her sister at Fairhaven, Wash. Another sister, Miss Ella, who was also visiting at Fairhaven, will return Sunday. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 12, 1902, page 6 Miss Effie Phipps got back Thursday from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Anna Lindley, of Fairhaven, Wash. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 18, 1902, page 2 Dr. Ira D. Phipps is laying out to plant a considerable area. . . "New Orchards Being Planted," Medford Mail, November 14, 1902, page 2 Mrs. Cooper and daughter, Mrs. Palmer, of St. Paul, Minn., arrived in Medford last week and will visit for a time with Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Phipps. Mrs. Cooper is a sister of Mrs. Phipps. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 28, 1902, page 6 Miss May Phipps, who was taken sick with rheumatism some time ago and compelled to leave her position in the public schools, is reported as improving, although still unable to attend to her school duties. Miss Kent is teaching during her illness. "City Briefs," Medford Success, February 6, 1903, page 1 Mrs. A. R. Phipps and daughter, Miss Belle, returned from the Sound cities recently, after several weeks' visit with her daughter. "News of Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 24, 1903, page 31 Ed. Phipps:--"I don't know much of anything that would be news. You might say that Phipps Bros.' orchard is shaping itself for one of the finest in the valley. We have 74 acres planted to trees, and they are two years old. Forty acres of this is set to Newtown Pippin apples and the other thirty-four acres to Spitzenberg and Jonathan apples and Comice pears. I never saw trees grow as they have this summer. Some of them have made four feet of new wood this year. This is remarkable considering that the season has been unusually dry. Our land is all sticky, but it's all-right orchard land--and for growing timothy it can't be beaten. Our usual crop of timothy is two tons to the acre." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, September 4, 1903, page 1 ![]() On a May 1908 postcard May Phipps marked her classroom at North School. Suit for Right of Way Begins.
Or., April 8.--(Special.)--Suit for right of way has been brought by
the Pacific & Eastern Railroad Company against I. J. Phipps and
D. Wolverton, of Medford. The railroad company has completed its right
of way in this city with the exception of the depot site and the
present extent of their right of way. Phipps and Wolverton, owners of
this land, would not accept the company's offer.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 9, 1910, page 6 Thompson Bros. are engaged in grading for the [Pacific & Eastern Railroad] line into the city on the east side of bear Creek and are making much progress with the work. This line would all be graded in the near future if it was not for the fact that the construction must halt at the north line of the I. J. Phipps property until a condemnation suit is heard in court, as Mr. Phipps asked $38,000 damages. "No Check in Work P&E Extension Across Cascades," Medford Mail Tribune, July 17, 1910, page 1 Efforts to secure a right of way cross the I. J. Phipps alfalfa ranch along Bear Creek bottom, at a fair figure, having failed, condemnation proceedings have had to be resorted to. "An Attempted Holdup," Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1910, page 4 RIGHT OF WAY CASE ON TRIAL
The condemnation proceedings brought by the Pacific & Eastern
against I. J. Phipps and others for a right of way into Medford was
called at 1 o'clock this afternoon in the circuit court by Judge
Calkins and the selection of a jury commenced. A large number of
witnesses have been subpoenaed and it is probable that the case will
occupy several days.Condemnation Suit Brought by Pacific & Eastern Against I. J. Phipps and Others Heard Today at Jacksonville--Selecting a Jury. The suit was instituted by the railroad company upon Mr. Phipps' refusal to sell a right of way for what the company officials deemed a reasonable amount. The road is attempting to build into Medford. At the time that the road began negotiating for a right of way Mr. Phipps entered into an agreement with O. D. Woolverton to sell him the land. It is claimed that this transaction is a fictitious one, made in order to place an excessive valuation on the land. This the railroad company will endeavor to prove. When it was found that a right of way could not be purchased at a reasonable amount, condemnation proceedings were instituted. In answer to the complaint, Mr. Phipps asked $8000 for 1.75 acres of land and $30,700 damages, making a total of $38,700. Vice-President Gerig will probably be the first witness called. At the convening of court at 1 o'clock [upon] an agreement of counsel for both sides the court ordered that a soon as the jury was drawn they should be taken out to view the premises, before any opening statements had been made. Medford Mail Tribune, July 25, 1910, page 1 CITY KEPT FROM COMPLETING SEWER
ACROSS BEAR CREEK JUDGE CALKINS ISSUES ORDER I. J. Phipps Sues for Suit Against City to Stop Them from Completing Work-- Means That East Side Sewer District Is Out Commission.
restraining order was issued by Judge F. M. Calkins in the circuit
court Thursday morning enjoining the city from proceeding with the
construction of a trunk sewer across Bear Creek on property owned by I.
J. Phipps. The restraining order is temporary in its nature and is the
result of a suit filed by Mr. Phipps against the city asking that the
city be permanently restrained from constructing the trunk sewer across
Bear Creek at that point.
If Mr. Phipps should succeed in winning the suit and have the city permanently enjoined it would mean a great loss to the city, as the trunk sewer drains the entire east side, where laterals have been laid. The draining of the east side has long been an engineering problem which was finally solved by carrying the trunk sewer across Bear Creek on piling. In no other way and at no other point will the city be able to connect with the present antiseptic tank where the sewerage of the city is deposited. It is stated that if the city had lived up to the terms of a contract which they had with Mr. Phipps that the present suit would not have been filed. They had a contract with Mr. Phipps whereby they were to build a bridge across Bear Creek at that point for wagon and foot travel, and the sewer was to be carried across the stream on the supports of the bridge. They were also to have $25 worth of work done by the first of August. It is said that this amount of work was not done at that time and that the city, instead of building a wagon and foot bridge, is putting in piers and a five-foot footbridge only. It is stated that this led Mr. Phipps to bring suit against the city, although it is not mentioned in his complaint. The complaint filed by Mr. Phipps states that the placing of timbers in the creek at this point will endanger his land in time of flood. He asks to redress other than that the city be permanently restrained from building across the creek at that point. As soon as the papers were served on the city officials this morning, Acting Mayor W. W. Eifert directed the city engineer to immediately halt the work on the piers, in accordance with the orders of Judge Calkins. Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1910, page 1 The injunction suit brought by I. J. Phipps against the city of Medford to stop the construction of a sewer across Bear Creek will come up at the noon hour in the circuit court Tuesday. At that time City Attorney Neff will file an answer to the complaint and argue a motion to dissolve the temporary restraining order. "Hear Suit to Enjoin Tuesday, Medford Mail Tribune, September 4, 1910, page 1 ASK PHIPPS TO PAY $800 FOR HOLDUP
City Attorney Neff filed answer to the
amended complaint of I. J. Phipps against the city of Medford in the
sewer case Monday afternoon. The city, as defendant, maintains that
after a
permit had been given by I. J. Phipps to construct a sewer through his
property across Bear Creek, the complainant sold a large quantity of
gravel and sand from the bed of the stream, making it necessary to
build trestlework across the stream rather than lay the pipe on the
bottom of the stream, as originally planned. This, it is claimed, cost
the city $800 and made danger of the sewer proving an impediment to the
winter floods possible, as, if the pipe had been laid on the bottom of
the creek, as originally planned, the floods would have flowed over it.
The city demands that Phipps reimburse the city $800 to cover the loss
occasioned by his action.City Files Answer to Amended Complaint and Demands Damages for Violation of Contract and Sale of Gravel, Necessitating Sewer Be Placed on Trestle. Bridge Agreement.
The city admits the agreement to build a $2500
bridge, but maintains that investigation proved that a bridge could not
be built for that sum and that the city did not have the additional
funds necessary to complete a bridge. However, the answer explains that
the city intends to levy taxes in December that will include the amount
necessary for the construction of a wagon bridge at this point and that
a permanent structure will be built during the coming spring.City Attorney Neff further argues that the sewer across Bear Creek is high enough to allow all but an unusual high water to pass underneath, and maintains that the sewer is being constructed so that the trestlework can, in case of emergency, be drawn from under the sewer and the pipe and contents be precipitated into the stream, thus protecting property owners on each side of the stream from danger of damage. The sewer is only a temporary structure, the answer reads, and will serve during the coming fall and winter not over 50 homes. During flood time this amount of sewage will be carried away by Bear Creek without difficulty. Medford Mail Tribune, September 13, 1910, page 1 WORK RESUMED ON TRUNK SEWER
city engineer, Harry E. Foster, has men at work on the sewer across
Bear Creek again. The injunction brought by I. J. Phipps did not delay
the construction work over a week. The trestle and sewer will be
completed by the latter part of next week.
The big storm sewer down Sixth Street from Oakdale to Bear Creek is completed from Apple Street to the creek. The ditch in which the pipe is being laid is over 12 feet deep. Medford Mail Tribune, September 18, 1910, page 1 Dr. I. D. Phipps and Miss May Phipps, who have been spending the winter in Redlands, returned to Medford Friday night. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 26, 1911, page 5 I. J. Phipps to I. D. Phipps, power of attorney. "Court House News," Medford Mail Tribune, July 17, 1911, page 6 Dr. Ira D. Phipps left Medford Saturday for Redlands, Cal., where his parents and sister are spending the winter. The doctor was in receipt Saturday of information from Redlands in effect that his father's health, which has not been good for two or three years, was not improving in the south as was expected it would, but instead it was much worse than when he went south four weeks ago. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 27, 1911, page 2 Fruit Growers Organize.
Ore., Jan. 24.--At a recent meeting of the new organization known as
the Rogue River Co-Operative Fruit Growers' Assn., by-laws were adopted
and the following directors elected: J. A. Perry, D. W. Stone, J. G.
Gore, M. A. Dickerson, W. H. Brown, H. A. Gray, jr., S. A. Nye, D. E.
Phipps and George Andrews.
The organization will be perfected at a meeting to be held January 25. Mr. Phipps to Mr. Howard
the Editor:
I feel it my duty to my father and others, who took part in the founding of our city, to answer Mr. [J. S.] Howard's statements. I am surprised, as well as [are] many of the older citizens, that he should claim to be the founder of Medford. It must be of recent date as he didn't claim it until the last few years. If it is an honor to be the founder of Medford it is due a number of men; it shows a selfish disposition for one man to claim the honor due several. Mr. Howard says, "The fact is that I. J. Phipps never donated anything to the Oregon-California Railroad or any other enterprise, as far as I know he wasn't built on the donation plan." Now following this he contradicts himself by admitting that I. J. Phipps deeded to Judge P. P. Prim (the railroad attorney) a part of the townsite of Medford. I thank Mr. Howard for this statement for it shows very conclusively that I. J. Phipps did donate a part of the original townsite to the railroad. As to the donation plan, were you built that way Mr. Howard, and if so what have you ever donated to our city? According to your statements your long suit was to get the other fellow to do the donating. Mr. Howard says, "They took a piece of desert land worth $10 per acre," I beg to differ with him, the Medford townsite was never a desert, the oaks and pine trees grew too large, as we all know. He says again "which brought $1000 an acre," this figure I think (a little) too high, but still Mr. Howard does not say how long it had to be held with taxes accumulating from year to year. Any way I know Father sold many lots for $25 apiece. Howard says, "Beekman donated the lot for the Washington School," this was over twenty-five years ago and as Mr. Howard says land was worth $10 per acre then. He should remember the high school lot was purchased only a few years ago, at about the time W. H. Brown purchased the land where the Natatorium now stands [site of the Red Lion] for $15,000. The two parcels of land were nearly equal in value. Mr. Howard should have noticed this donation, for there was a difference made in the price of the high school lot as a donation, from my father. Mr. Howard wouldn't be expected to know all about my father's private affairs, as Mr. Broback and Father kept him pretty busy surveying for them and he would naturally miss some happenings. It is easy to forget sometimes as Mr. Howard never heard of Father giving a square foot of land or a dollar to any enterprise. In regard to the 1/8 of an acre where the septic tank was built, it was located just below Vincent's barn and but a few hundred feet from the resident section, and as to the $500 the town never paid it or any part of it. Furthermore Mr. Howard says, "I regret very much being forced into this controversy." No one forced you into any controversy, as for the statements I gave in my previous article. I can verify them all, as well as get plenty of outside proof from the citizens, who know Medford's early history as well if not better perhaps than I do. Now as to this being "a tissue of falsehoods," I leave that to my friends. In your concluding article Mr. Howard, a person would naturally think you was the only person who did any work or made an effort toward Medford's success, as everything mentioned is headed with I. And as to my father sitting down and receive what you call "unearned increment," you know that to be untrue. D.
Medford Mail Tribune, May
17, 1913, page 4
Judson Phipps, one of the earliest settlers of Jackson County, died at
his home, 328 N. Riverside, Medford, on August 22, 1913, at 3:30 p.m.,
after an illness which dates back several years. He was born in Owen
County, Indiana, on March 1, 1828. When a young man he moved with his
parents to Unionville, Mo., where on April 21, 1861 he was married to
Calista P. Downing.
He crossed the plains in 1862 and located in La Grande, Baker County, Oregon. In 1865 he moved to Jackson County, where the city of Medford now stands, and became one of the founders of this city. He was a man of marked ability and identified himself with all the various interests of the community, and by his gifts and donations aided largely in the development of one of the most beautiful cities in Oregon. Mr. Phipps belonged to that class of sturdy pioneers who, by their ability and indomitable energy, made possible the splendid civilization that we today enjoy in this great northwest country. He was a familiar figure upon the streets of our city until enforced illness in the last few years necessitated his retirement to the quiet of home, where he was most tenderly cared for by the loving hands of wife and children. Several winters were spent by him in his home in Redlands, Cal., in an attempt to recover his failing health. In early manhood he was converted to a Christian life and became a charter member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Medford, and for forty-nine years he was actively identified with all the religious interests of our community. He was a devoted husband and loving father and liberally provided for his home and its needs. In the death of Mr. Phipps Medford has lost one of its leading and most influential citizens. He leaves a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn his loss, among whom are his widow and four children, William J. of Alberta, Canada; D. Edward, Dr. Ira D. and one daughter, May, of Medford. Two other children, Franklin and Joseph, died in childhood. The funeral will take place Sunday at 2:30 o'clock from his late residence on Riverside Avenue. Medford Mail Tribune, August 23, 1913, page 6 INJURY FATAL IN 30 YEARS
Founder of Medford Dies from Scarcely Remembered Wound
Ore., Aug. 23.--I. J. Phipps, the founder of Medford, died today from
the effects of an injury to the head received while digging a well on
his farm here 30 years ago.
San Francisco Call, August 24, 1913, page 1 See entry of October 4, 1878, above. I. J. Phipps, one of the oldest settlers in Jackson County, and the man who with J. S. Howard founded the city of Medford, died at his home there Friday from a cerebral hemorrhage. He was 75 years old. "The Round-Up," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, August 25, 1913, page 2 IRADELL J. PHIPPS DIES
MEDFORD, Or., Aug.
10.--(Special.)--Iredell Judson Phipps, one of the earliest settlers of
Jackson County, died at his home, 328 North Riverside, Medford, August
22, after an illness of several years. He was born in Owen County,
Indiana, March 1, 1838. When a young man he moved with his parents to
Unionville, Mo., where on April 21, 1861, he married Calista P. Downing.EARLY SETTLER OF JACKSON SUCCUMBS TO LONG ILLNESS. One of Founders of La Grande Is Survived by Widow and Four Grown Children. He crossed the plains in 1862, and settled at La Grande, Or. In 1865 he moved to Jackson County, where the city of Medford now stands, and was one of the founders of the town. He was a man of marked ability and identified himself with all the various interests of the community, and by his gifts and donations aided largely in the development of one of the most beautiful cities in Oregon. He was a familiar figure upon the streets here until illness a few years ago necessitated his retirement to the quiet of his home, where he was cared for by his wife and children. Several winters were passed by him in his home in Redlands, Cal., in an attempt to recover his failing health. He leaves a widow and four grown children, William J., of Alberta, Canada; D. Edward, Dr. Ira D., and one daughter, May, of Medford. Two other children, [Franklin and Joseph, died in] childhood. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 31, 1913, page 4 I. J. Phipps died August 22, 1913, at his home at Medford, Oregon. Mr. Phipps was a brother-in-law of Mrs. A. W. Walters and will be remembered here by many, as he was one of the early settlers of Putnam County. "Local News," Unionville Republican, Unionville, Missouri, September 3, 1913, page 2 Mrs. I. J. Phipps, Miss Mae Phipps, Dr. I. D. Phipps and D. E. Phipps left on a trip through British Columbia Wednesday evening and will be gone several weeks. Dr. and Ed Phipps, who have a big apple crop, will investigate the markets of that section. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 18, 1913, page 4 The Foreign Missionary Society of the First Methodist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. I. J. Phipps, 923 East Main Street, Tuesday, April 4, at 2:30 p.m. "Society," Medford Mail Tribune, April 1, 1916, page 3 ![]() October
21, 1917 Oregonian
the wedding of Miss Mary E. Cellars
and Dolph E. Phipps will be solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George B. Cellars, parents of the bride-elect. It will be a simple
ceremony, with only about 70 of the younger contingent present, owing
to the recent illness of Miss Cellars. Her brother, Lieutenant James H.
Cellars, stationed at American Lake, will attend and will be best man.
Miss Mignon Allen, of Astoria, is to be maid of honor.Both Miss Cellars and her fiance are graduates of the University of Oregon, and they have hosts of friends among the college set. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Phipps, parents of the prospective bridegroom, will arrive this morning from Medford to attend the ceremony. Miss Cellars is a charming young girl, and is one of the most popular among Portland's younger set. The news of the wedding comes as a big surprise to the friends of the couple, only a few of whom were permitted to share the secret of the coming nuptials. Miss Irene Strowbridge entertained Monday in honor of Miss Cellars with a charming luncheon and handkerchief shower, her guests including sorority sisters of the bride-to-be. Gertrude B. Corbett, "Society News," Oregonian, Portland, October 17, 1917, page 15 Miss Mary E. Cellars became the bride of Dolph E. Phipps at a simple wedding solemnized Wednesday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cellars. Rev. John H. Boyd, of the First Presbyterian Church, officiated. The ceremony was read in front of the fireplace, which was banked with yellow and white chrysanthemums, which were also used about the rooms. Miss Mignon, sorority sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Lieutenant James H. Cellars, her brother, who is of the 348th Field Artillery stationed at American Lake, was best man. The ceremony was read at 7 o'clock and the wedding guests included sorority sisters of the bride. Miss Irene Strowbridge sang preceding the ceremony. She was accompanied by Harry Parsons, who played a violin obbligato. Miss Lucile Murton played the wedding march. The bride, who is a charming girl, wore a gown of electric blue chiffon velvet, trimmed with beaver fur. She also wore a small hat of blue velvet, trimmed with silver, and a corsage bouquet of orchids. The maid of honor was stunning in a gown of black velvet and iridescent bead trimming, with which she wore a small black velvet hat and a corsage bouquet of Cecil Bruner roses. Following the ceremony a reception was held. In the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. David E. Phipps, of Medford, parents of the bridegroom, and Mr. and Mrs. Cellars. Presiding in the dining room, where a buffet supper was served, were Mrs. Joseph Sheehan and Mrs. Dell O'Hanlon, sorority sisters of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Phipps both formerly attended the University of Oregon, Mr. Phipps being a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity and Mrs. Phipps a Gamma Phi Beta. They will live on their ranch at Medford. Gertrude B. Corbett, "Society," Oregonian, Portland, October 21, 1917, page 45 Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Phipps (Mary Cellars) of Medford were showered with congratulations upon the arrival of a daughter, who has been named Mignon Elizabeth. Mrs. Phipps is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cellars of this city. "Society," Oregonian, Portland, May 25, 1919, page C3 FORMER MEDFORD RESIDENT GORED TO DEATH BY BULL
Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1922, page 3
The sad news of the death of William J. Phipps, a former resident of
Medford, who resided near Cloverdale, British Columbia, was received by
relatives in this city yesterday. He was suddenly killed yesterday
morning by a bull. Mr. Phipps owned a ranch about one mile north of
Blaine, Wn., and it was on his ranch that the accident occurred.
He was the oldest son of I. J. Phipps, deceased, and Mrs. Calista P. Phipps and a brother of D. E. Phipps, Dr. Ira D. Phipps and May Phipps, all of this city. Mr. Phipps is survived by a wife and four small children in addition to a son, Dell W. Phipps of Oakland, Calif. D. E. Phipps left last evening for Blaine, Wn., at which place the body will probably be buried. MAN GORED TO DEATH
William J. Phipps, Ex-Resident of Medford, Is Killed.
Or., April 13.--(Special.)--News was received here that William J.
Phipps, well-known ex-resident of Medford, was gored to death by a bull
last Tuesday on a ranch he owned one mile north of Blaine, Wash.
He is survived by a widow and four small children in addition to a son, Dell W. Phipps of Oakland, Cal. Oregonian, Portland, April 14, 1922, page 24 BIG SCHOOL VOTE SURPRISE
Dr. Ira D. Phipps Is Elected by 45 Majority at Medford.
Or., June 20.--(Special.)--The large vote of 766 ballots, cast at
yesterday's annual election of the Medford school district, was a total
surprise to the general public, as the only matter to be voted on was
the election of a director on the school board for a three-year term to
succeed C. M. Thomas. No active campaign had been waged by either of
the two candidates, both of whom are well known. Dr. Ira D. Phipps,
dentist, was elected by 45 majority over Dr. Robert W. Stearns,
physician. The average vote cast at school elections heretofore has
been from 100 to 200.
Oregonian, Portland, June 21, 1922, page 7 PHIPPS' SERVICE STATION OPENS
The formal opening of the new Phipps Service Station at the corner of
Riverside and Jackson streets has been announced by Dwight Phipps. Mr.
Phipps, who will be manager of this new station, expects to offer
tourists and Southern Oregon motorists a high-quality service in many
lines and will handle gasoline, oils, tires and accessories as well.
Crankcase work will be one of the service features the new Phipps
Service Station will provide.This new station is a real improvement in the north section of Medford, being unusually attractive in design and convenient in arrangement. The manager of the Phipps station, Dwight Phipps, is well known and popular throughout Southern Oregon. Medford Mail Tribune, April 14, 1924, page 6 PHIPPS' STATION GIVING SERVICE
The Phipps service station, in charge of Dwight Phipps, opened up for
business the first of the week, and immediately received recognition by
automobile owners, the opening being initiated by giving away two
barrels of lubricating oil, one quart of western oil going free with
five gallons of gasoline or one quart of eastern oil with a six-gallon
purchase.This new station is located at the corner of Jackson and Riverside and will have an excellent camp ground in connection; the owners now working on the grounds east of the station and lying near Bear Creek. This enterprise is financed and built by Dr. I. D. Phipps and his brother, D. E. Phipps, the father of Dwight Phipps, the popular manager. Medford Clarion, April 18, 1924, page 7 PHIPPS AUTO CAMP IS LEASED FOR 10 YRS.
Albert Shaw and son Frank Shaw have leased the Phipps Camp Ground and
Service Station for seven years from Ed Phipps and have had possession
for the past ten days.The new managers have lived on a ranch near Jacksonville, which they purchased from E. I. Guthrie since coming here two years ago from Fort Worth, Texas. They are planning on making improvements in the camp ground, building cottages, etc., thereby making it a first-class campground. Mr. Phipps will go to Portland where his son, Dwight, is attending dental college. Medford Mail Tribune, October 16, 1924, page 3 WILL CONSTRUCT NEW AUTO CAMP IN THIS CITY
Jackson County News, November 7, 1924, page 7
Medford is to be the location of another privately owned automobile
tourist camp, was the announcement made the first of the week by Albert
Shaw, who arrived here a year ago from Fort Worth, Texas, and purchased
the Eldorado ranch from E. F. Guthrie.
Shaw and his sons, Frank and Charles, have leased a tract of ground at Riverside Avenue and Jackson Street known as the Phipps auto park and have started construction work on a kitchen, community house and a number of cabins. According to Mr. Shaw, the camp will be modern in every detail, affording clean and comfortable cabins not only, but shower baths, lavatories and other appointments demanded by the modern tourist. In addition to the kitchen and community house, construction work is now under way on seven cabins, and others will be constructed in the immediate future. The cabins will be of sufficient size for sleeping and dining purposes. Room for the parking of automobiles will be provided between cabins. Improvements are to be made to the grounds and a general program of beautifying the park will be carried out. Mr. Shaw says that a residence here of a year has convinced him of Medford's future and he predicts that the city, not only, but all of Southern Oregon will advance to a greater degree than at any time during the past. Ideal Auto Camp Popular with Tourists
The possibility of a cold night or the thought of a rainy, stormy day
is not keeping the tourist at home, according to Albert Shaw of Phipps'
auto park, the Ideal Auto Camp. "To have our grounds filled to capacity
and our cabins full has not been an unusual occurrence during the last
few weeks," said Mr. Shaw. "Motorists are beginning their spring and
summer touring early this year, and we are finding that our facilities
to handle the tourist traffic will be inadequate in spite of the busy
winter of building and improving."
And the Phipps auto park is well prepared for the sightseeing automobilist this season with an enlarged camp ground and 26 well-equipped cottages, each accommodating from two to an entire family. Every possible convenience which will contribute to the comfort of the tourist is being provided, and the Ideal Auto Camp cottages with individual stoves may be secured. A community house offers the traveler a place for recreation while showers are provided and facilities for washing and cooking are supplied without additional cost. The use of a cement wash rack is offered tourists, and the service station, operated in connection with the camp, affords tire repairing service, gasoline and oils as well as a full line of well-known tires and tubes. Accessories are also carried in the service station and the Hawkins system of vulcanizing is employed in tire work. The Phipps Auto Park service is known from Mexico to Canada. Last year thousands of visitors were guests, and expression of enthusiastic praise have been received by Mr. Shaw from scores of travelers. Mr. Shaw has extended a cordial invitation to Medford people to visit the Ideal Auto Camp at the corner of the Pacific Highway and Jackson Street and see for themselves one big reason why Medford is known throughout the Coast for its fine tourist accommodations. ![]() Phipps Auto Park Service Station in the 1920s PHIPPS CAMP ON ROAD TO CRATER LAKE
once was a lonely, cheerless corner, in the course of time, travelers
on the Crater Lake Highway will see a fine grove and beautiful lawn
surrounding a group of buildings known as the Phipps auto camp and
service station.
The improvements are being sponsored by Dr. I. D. Phipps and D. E. Phipps, both well-known Medford men. The scene of their operations is at the intersection of the 401 Ranch Road with the Crater Lake Highway. Already they have built an imposing service station to supply necessaries to the traveling public; at present they are erecting cabins around which, at the proper season for transplanting, they will set out trees and start a lawn so that the place will take on the appearance of a veritable oasis that will be cool and alluring to the traveler. Mr. Phipps is located near a big orchard tract and in a generally cultivated district, and a cheerful station will tend to enliven the trip from Medford to Eagle Point and beyond. Across from Mr. Phipps is Grants service station, which has made a bright spot on the Crater Lake road and at the same time been a boon to travelers. Both the Phipps and the Grant service station are welcome sights to the auto driver while crossing a long stretch of road with the tanks fast becoming empty. The Phipps[es] established an auto camp in Medford, and this has been a popular stopping place for tourists for a long time. In the course of time, they will make their new location likewise popular. Medford Daily News, July 17, 1927, page 11 OBITUARY
PHIPPS--Mrs. Calistia P. Phipps, well-known pioneer of Medford and
Jackson County, passed away at her home, 923 East Main Street, at 7
o'clock this morning. Mrs. Phipps was born at Muncie, Indiana, and a
part of her early life was spent in Texas. She married in 1861 and the
following year she and her husband, I. D. Phipps, started west and
settled for a time at Baker, Oregon, and landed in Jackson County in
1864, where she has since resided and where her husband passed away 14
years ago.
Thus another pioneer has gone who saw the site where Medford was built long before a town was thought of. She leaves two sons and one daughter surviving--D. E. Phipps, Dr. I. D. and May Phipps--all of Medford; also on sister, Mrs. Lurinda Hall of Medford. Funeral services will be conducted at the residence, 923 East Main, by Rev. T. H. Temple of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she was a devout member for many years. Services will be at 2 p.m., Monday, October 3, Conger Funeral Parlors in charge of arrangements. Medford Mail Tribune, October 1, 1927, page 2 ![]() Calistia P. Phipps
Or., Oct. 22.--(Special.)--Mrs. Calistia P. Phipps, widow of Iredell
Judson Phipps, for many years one of the prominent women of Oregon,
died in her home here October 1 after an illness of more than two
years. Mrs. Phipps was the daughter of William Downing, a Methodist
minister of Indiana, in which state she was born. She lived part of her
early childhood in Texas and in 1861 married Mr. Phipps in Unionville,
Mo. They crossed the plains in 1862, settling in La Grande, Or.
In 1865 Mr. and Mrs. Phipps moved to Jackson County, settling on the spot where Medford now stands. The townsite occupied a part of their farm. Mrs. Phipps is survived by two sons, D. E. Phipps and Dr. I. D. Phipps; a daughter, Miss May Phipps, and a sister, Mrs. L. Hall, all of Medford. Burial was in Medford. Oregonian, Portland, October 23, 1927, page 15 ![]() EAST SIDE KICK ON POSSIBILITY OF MORGUE FADES
Much ado about nothing was the situation which a protesting delegation
of east side residents in the East Main Street, Crater Lake Avenue
neighborhood found itself up against when they appeared before the city
planning commission at its session last night, because there was
nothing to protest against except what might happen.
It seems that recently H. W. Conger opened negotiations with Dr. I. D. Phipps for the purchase of the home in which himself and sister reside at 923 East Main Street at the Crater Lake Avenue corner, and the price was agreed on but the matter has been in a dormant state since. Mr. Conger's idea if he purchased the property was to convert the large dwelling into an attractive funeral home establishment. In the meantime word of the possible pending deal flew about in that east side section, and resentment against such proposed funeral establishment grew. Hence, when the property owners understood yesterday that a petition was to be presented to the city planning commission last night for a change of zone, or permission to convert the dwelling into a funeral home, the result was that a protesting delegation of prominent property owners of the section, including John C. Mann, William Gates, Harvey Fields and Fred L. Heath, was hastily organized to attend the meeting and protest. Last night's meeting of the planning commission was the first held in weeks because of inability to get a quorum present, and the first one attended by the newly appointed members, Walter Leverette and Bernard Roberts, and also the first since the resignation of Lewis Ulrich, chairman, from the commission. Hence, when the commission convened it first organized by electing Larry Schade as chairman. The commission had never heard of the funeral home matter, and no petition had been presented to it. The protesting delegation went ahead with its errand anyhow, and William A. Gates, acting as spokesman, set forth that the property owners within two blocks of the Phipps dwelling were up in arms against the contemplated funeral home proposition there. Mr. Gates made it plain that the delegation was present owing to a misunderstanding of the situation, but said the east side people were so much in earnest that he would set forth their views anyhow. He declared that the homes within two blocks of the location represented a valuation of hundreds of thousands of dollars, that it was the choice residence district of the city and that all the property owners there took a pride in keeping up their home surroundings, and that the establishment of a funeral home in that vicinity would much decrease the value of the homes. He also called attention to the fact that Crater Lake Avenue was one of the most heavily traveled thoroughfares in the city and constantly increasing in that regard, hence a funeral home there would bring congestion at times. Chairman Schade said that if the sale ever came to a head and effort was made to establish a funeral home at the location the planning commission would give consideration to the matter. Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1927, page 6 Conger Replies to Protest.
To the Editor:
In your issue of December 21, there appeared nearly a column relative to my alleged proposal to remove my funeral parlors to the east side. Since this matter has become somewhat of a question of public interest, it may be that the people of the entire city would be interested in a word from one whose alleged probability of becoming a neighbor in that locality is, by some, so much deplored. The article mentioned the Phipps property, Crater Lake and East Main, as the central figure in question, and from this vicinity there came and appeared before the city planning commission on Tuesday night a representative body, including W. A. Gates, to register their protest. I was not present, but the possibility that I might at some time decide to come into their midst was laid before the commission by W. A. Gates. I will say that at this date I have not at all decided when or where I shall move or attempt to locate. True, I have considered the Phipps property and numerous other properties, but have entered into no obligations with Dr. Phipps, nor do I know that I ever shall. However, since the opening of the Sixth Street crossing, my present location is now on a business street. And it is my desire, and a just desire, to see a locality more quiet. Funeral parlors are as much a necessity in cities the size of Medford as water or a police department. And I hold that our beloved dead and those whose hearts are stricken with grief are entitled to a quiet, dignified funeral service, and this service must, by necessity, be rendered in a quiet zone, and the only one that I know of that is quiet enough for the most sacred and reverent service that can be rendered by mortal man is a residence zone Now these good citizens protest because they allege that their property values might decrease if I should come into their midst. Not everyone agrees with this. Some contend that a corner like this made beautiful would prove an asset instead of a liability. But after all, I am not sure that the mercenary interests of such a few who only think they might be to a small extent financially hurt should prevail over the sacred service that an establishment in which would be my home will render to thousands, who require a service quiet and in a location where the cortege will not move at all through a business street where traffic is choked by congestion. And whether or not I further consider the east side, I will say that this large tract where other property is farther away than any place I know of in Medford would give the least cause for complaint of any locality that has come to my attention. H. W. CONGER.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 23, 1927, page B4 The
property in question was on the northeast corner of Main and Crater
Lake Avenue, a large home then occupied by dentist Ira Dell Phipps but
originally built by Charles H. Pierce.Medford, Dec. 23, 1927. Judge Thomas Reminiscent
"I can remember back 20 [sic] years
or so when snow covered the ground in Southern Oregon to quite some
depth and then melted suddenly, making Bear Creek a young river," said
Judge C. M. Thomas this forenoon when talking of the possibilities of
the present weather. "The creek was so high," he said, "that the east
shore came to the oak tree on the Dr. I. D. Phipps property on East
Main Street [at the corner of Crater Lake Avenue].
Bridges were washed out, and the damage was general. It could happen
again, especially when Bear Creek must drain 96 square miles of
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 16, 1930, page 2 Charles M. Thomas came to Southern Oregon in 1912. See Dr. Phipps letter in reply, below Last Flood Worst.
To the Editor:
We noticed in last night's paper Judge Thomas' comment on the snow and Bear Creek. I have lived on the banks of Bear Creek most of my past life and owned my present home about 20 years, and I have never seen a flood worse than that of a few seasons ago. As to the water being up to my big oak, he is badly mistaken. If it should get up there we shall feel sorry for West Main Street. The flood of a few years ago was worse because of the creek channel being full of brush and rubbish, but that has been cleaned down to the Main Street bridge. We think that it is unfair for Mr. Coleman and Judge Thomas to frighten East Side people and, again, these unfavorable comments are depreciating our property values. Respectfully,
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, January 17, 1930, page B4I. D. PHIPPS.
Mrs. Alla Rena Phipps, who died at her home on Crater Lake Avenue
Friday evening, August 26, following an illness of eight weeks from
heart and kidney trouble, was one of the best-known pioneers of
Southern Oregon, having come west by ox team at the age of one year.She was born at Western Grove, Ark., April 9, 1856, and was aged 76 years at the time of passing. While on the trip to Centerville, Calif., now known as Fresno, a band of Indians became hostile because her father refused to give them a steer, so the little girl was kidnapped. Her father gave the steer for her return. The family went to Galveston, Tex., where Mrs. Phipps' four brothers enlisted in the southern army. They remained there until the close of the war, then journeyed to Springfield, Mo., where Mrs. Phipps' mother died. The family resided in Western Grove until she was 19, when with her father and stepmother she came to Jackson County September 22, 1875. The trip was made by mule team. On November 22, 1875, she was married to Mathew Preston Phipps, an early pioneer here. He purchased the donation land claim in 1870 of John W. Hillman, the man who is said to have discovered Crater Lake. She had resided there for the past 57 years. Mrs. Phipps has been a member of the Christian Church since 14 years of age, and was a member of the local congregation. At the time of her passing, all but three of her children were at her bedside. She was the mother of twelve children, two passing away in infancy, and two later, John, who died in 1910, and Elizabeth Spielman in 1901. Eight children survive, four sons, and four daughters, David I. Phipps, Preston and Lee of Medford, James Henry of American Lake, Wash., Mrs. Anna B. Lindley of Bellingham, Wash., Miss Ellen Phipps of Medford, Mrs. Effie Hendershot of Eugene, Mrs. Isabella Hansen of Oakland, Calif., seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Anna Denton of Fort Klamath. The funeral service will be conducted from the family residence on the Crater Lake Highway, Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, by Rev. W. R. Baird and Rev. T. L. Thuemler. Active pallbearers will be James Owens, James Roberts, Gordon Schermerhorn, Harry Stanley, Louis Upp, and A. C. Hubbard. Honorary pallbearers will be R. B. Beeson, George Nichols, J. D. Skinner, Fred Monnich, Charles Strang and Dr. Charles T. Sweeney. Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1932, page 3 OX TRAIN PIONEER DEAD
ALLA RENA PHIPPS, NATIVE OF ARKANSAS. First Oregon Trip Made in '50s and Second in 1875 After End of Civil War.
Or., Aug. 29.--(Special.)--Mrs. Alla Rena Phipps, 76, one of Southern
Oregon's most prominent pioneers of that band which made the journey
westward with ox team, died at her home here Friday following an
illness of several weeks.
She was born at Western Grove, Ark., and at the age of 1 year started across the plains with her parents, taking her first steps in tracks made by the wagon wheels. She was stolen by a hostile band of Indians when her father refused to give them a much-prized steer, but was soon after returned in payment for the animal. Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Phipps. Eight of them survive. They are David I. Phipps, Preston Phipps and Lee Phipps of Medford; James Henry Phipps of American Lake, Wash.; Mrs. Anna B. Lindley, Bellingham, Wash.; Miss Ellen Phipps, Medford; Mrs. Effie Hendershot, Eugene, Or., and Mrs. Issabelle Hansen, Oakland, Cal. One sister, Mrs. Anna Denton of Fort Klamath, also survives Mrs. Phipps. Oregonian, Portland, August 30, 1932, page 7 Alla was the wife of Mathew P. Phipps, sister-in-law of I. J. Phipps. DAVID I. PHIPPS, PIONEER OF CITY, TAKEN BY DEATH
David I. Phipps, eldest son of Mathew P. and Alla Phipps (now
deceased), pioneers of this section, passed away at the family
residence, 1102 North Riverside Avenue, July 17, 1934. He had been in
failing health for the past few years, and his passing was due to heart
trouble and complications.Mr. Phipps was born in a log cabin in the Laurelhurst addition to Medford, known as part of the M. P. Phipps estate, Sept. 21, 1876, and at the age of 24 was united in marriage to Ellen Brown, Aug. 7, 1900. They moved to Reno, Nevada, where they resided for one year, and spent some time in California, before making Medford their permanent home. They have lived at their home residence, 1102 North Riverside, for the past 24 years. He was a farmer and lover of cattle and horses. Mr. Phipps was a great friend to all children, a good husband and kind father, and leaves a host of friends to mourn his passing. He leaves his widow, Clara E. Phipps of Medford, two daughters, Mrs. Mary Payton of Medford, and Mrs. Gladys Herriott of Klamath Falls, Oregon, three grandchildren, also three brothers, Preston Phipps and Lee Phipps of Medford, Henry Phipps of Medford, Ore., four sisters, Mrs. Anna Lindley, Miss Ellen Phipps of Medford, Mrs. Effie Hendershott of Eugene, Oregon, Mrs. Isabelle Hansen of Oakland, Calif. Funeral services will be conducted from the Perl Funeral Home Thursday at 2:30 o'clock with Rev. Dan Venden officiating. Interment will take place in the Siskiyou Memorial Park. Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1934, page 5 Building permits issued within the past week include one . . . to rearrange the cabins at the Phipps auto park on North Riverside, at a cost of $150. . . . "Locals," Medford Mail Tribune, January 24, 1935, page 12 Funeral March 25 for Dr. I. D.
Ira Dell Phipps, 80, dental surgeon who practiced his profession in
Medford for 55 years, died Saturday at his home, 923 East Main Street.
Dr. Phipps, born and reared in Medford, was the son of a pioneer
couple, Ira Dell Judson Phipps [sic]
and his wife, who came to Oregon a century ago.
The Phipps have been extensive landholders in Medford and Jackson County, and several buildings of interest stand on property once owned by the family. [Half of Medford stood on property once owned by the family.] Dr. Phipps, who never married, once served as a member of the Medford district school board. Services will be held Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in Conger-Morris Funeral Home with the Rev. Melvin Dixon of St. Luke's Methodist Church officiating. Committal will be in IOOF Cemetery, and the cemetery will be private. Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1959, page 1 Funeral Services for Ellen Phipps Set on Saturday
Funeral services for Miss Ellen Phipps, 81, of 725 Crater Lake Ave.,
who died Thursday, will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday in Conger-Morris
downtown chapel.
The Rev. Frederick Ross Evans of the First Christian Church will officiate, assisted by the Rev. Bernard Andrews of the First Baptist Church. Committal will be in Eastwood Odd Fellows Cemetery. Miss Phipps was born May 15, 1882, in Medford [before Medford existed], a daughter of Preston and Alla Phipps. Her father moved to the valley in 1852, and purchased land in 1870 from John W. Hillman, the discoverer of Crater Lake, and the family has retained the property since then. Her mother, Alla Lowery, moved to the valley in 1875 at the age of 18. The Phipps family was one of the first families in the valley. Survivors include a brother, Lee Phipps, Medford; two sisters, Mrs. Isabella Phipps Hansen, of Portland, and Mrs. Effie Phipps Hendershott, of Eugene; and several nieces and nephews. Casket bearers will include Kenneth Meadows, Norman Thames, Wilber Hunt, Clarence Pierce, Fred Robinson and Bernard Newhouse. Medford Mail Tribune, May 10, 1963, page 11 Last revised January 26, 2025 |