The Assembly Herald, April 1900, page 526 We
give above a picture of a young western city. It is Medford, upon the
Pacific Slope, in the southwestern part of Oregon. We call attention to
this place as presenting a very interesting example of the rise and
progress of a typical western town and of the manner and value of the
work our Church is doing through the instrumentality of its Home
Missionary and Church Erection Boards.
The pastor writes that the view is taken from the water tower, about a block and a half west of the church. In the foreground are seen the Presbyterian Church, and upon the right the manse. The church is on the corner of the main business street, about two blocks from the center of the city. The lot extends to the small oak tree seen in the picture, and the manse lot occupies the most of the remainder of the block to the dividing fence. In the picture the railway station shows as standing across the street [actually at the far end of Main, in the background], but a large force of men are at work upon a new depot, which is to be the largest and most commodious between Portland and Sacramento. This will be seen across the track where in the picture (if you use a magnifying glass) you can see a covered wagon standing. A large brick hotel is to take the place of the wooden structure seen on the corner near the depot, but the principal part of the residence portion of the city does not appear in the picture. The site, as is evident, is picturesque and beautiful. In the background appears the magnificent range of the Cascade Mountains, distant about thirty miles, the highest peak of which is Mt. Pitt, which reaches an altitude of 10,500 feet. The life and progress of our Church in this place is an illustration of what is being done in the hundreds of young communities springing up and growing rapidly to maturity throughout the great western empire. ORGANIZATION.
Medford was founded in 1883, upon the railroad newly opened between Portland and Sacramento. [The railroad reached Medford, then Ashland in 1884; it didn't link Portland and Sacramento until 1887.]
The Presbyterian home missionary was the first upon the ground, and in
1885 a little church of nine members was organized. In December 1886
the present writer received a letter from the minister in charge in
which he said: "At the last meeting of the Presbytery I state that it
is the purpose of our people in Medford to build a church edifice, not
an expensive one, but neat and comfortable, sufficiently large to meet
present wants. To do this we would need the aid of the Board of Church
Erection, but how much we could not then say. The Presbytery, however,
agreed to recommend our contemplated church to the Board, making the
estimate at $400. Well, we have gotten the stone for the foundation and
the lumber together, and the church is now in process of building, thus
putting our shoulder to the wheel first. We now think $500 will be
severely needed to help us finish and be wholly out of debt."At least we have determined to make up the rest, whatever it may be. Now, dear brother, what can you do for us? Medford is a new town on the railroad, is three years old, has now some 500 inhabitants and not a church edifice of any denomination in it yet, though our Methodist and Baptist brethren are talking of building. I began first of all to preach there, and that, too, in a board shanty used as a school building. We have eleven members in the town and vicinity, four more sixteen miles away whose ecclesiastical relations are with us. We have no session as yet, but hope to have one in due time. We are all poor in purse, the Lord knows whether in spirit. Let us close with; 'What can you do for us?' "Your co-laborer in the Lord, "__________." FIRST CHURCH BUILDING.
was not, however, until the next August (1887) that the building was
far enough advanced to make formal application to the Board. Then the
membership had grown to twenty-one, but the congregation could only
raise $100 towards the salary of the pastor. The Home Board sustained
him upon the field, and the Board of Church Erection promised $500
towards the $1,500 building in process of erection. In August the
building was completed without debt, Mr. W. S. Ladd and Mr. H. W.
Corbett each contributing $100 in accordance with their declared
resolve to have a share in every Presbyterian church building in Oregon.For the next eight years the town and the church steadily grew in numbers, until, in 1895, notwithstanding several churches of other denominations had been organized, the membership reached eighty, and the congregation was able to contribute $500 towards the support of the pastor. FIRE.
occurred what seemed a great misfortune. August 17, 1895, the church
building was utterly destroyed by fire. The people, not discouraged,
bravely undertook the work of rebuilding. By the provision of the Board
that it shall always hold a policy of insurance for the amount of its
mortgage, $700 was recovered from the company.SECOND CHURCH BUILDING.
this the Board added $100, and the people undertook the erection of a
new and more commodious building, costing about $2,500. This it will be
remembered was just at the crisis of the "hard times" following the
great business depression of 1893 and 1894. The story of the
self-denial with which they met this emergency is well worth reading.
The pastor, Rev. A. S. Foster, wrote: "It is earnestly hoped that the
Board may grant the full amount asked in this application. It is only
by a great struggle and great sacrifices that the church can hope to
rebuild. For example: One young lady forgoes purchasing gold-bowed
glasses and puts the $8 into the church; a number of children have
given from 50 cents to one dollar each; the Sunday school children went
without Christmas presents and gave their money towards the building;
$13 were given by the Sunday school; one lady received a present of
money from the East for Christmas and quietly gave it to the church,
and other similar instances might be cited. These are samples of the
sacrifices made, and of the earnestness and anxiety of the people to
assist in the rebuilding of the church. The very best has been done
that can be on the field in view of the hard times and the poverty of
the people."With such energy and devotion success was assured and the building completed. MANSE.
Three years more elapsed, and the people were ready to complete the work by buying a commodious and attractive manse.Again they came to the Board, but it was to borrow from the manse fund. In making application the pastor wrote: "Medford remembers with gratitude the assistance your Board gave in the erection of a house of worship after the fire two years ago. But now we need a manse. We have just assumed self-support, and therefore both pastor and people are called upon for heroic self-denial. But I think we could raise five or six hundred dollars towards a manse next summer provided we could borrow six or seven hundred more from the loan fund, which the church and minister could easily pay off in installments of one hundred dollars per annum, as rent costs that much now. We need at least a thousand- or a twelve-hundred-dollar house, and a lot costs about two hundred. Our city now has about 3,000 inhabitants, and will undoubtedly be the largest city in Southern Oregon in another year. Our church here, too, has taken a prominent stand in the community." Upon canvassing the congregation the pastor's expectations were more than fulfilled, and a property costing $1,500, adjoining the church, and as represented in the picture, was bought, and with a loan of $500 from the Board, to be repaid without interest in five annual installments, will be owned without other debt, and the church, now independent and self-supporting, has before it a bright and promising future of usefulness in the Master's work. VITAL COOPERATION.
not this history, running through some fourteen years of steady
advance, an object lesson, picturing the genesis and development of a
pioneer Presbyterian church; the fostering care of the Church at large
over its infant congregations, and the intimate and helpful cooperation
of the Boards, as established agencies, doing its work? The present
pastor is the Rev. Adolph Haberly.NOTICE THE BRIEF SUMMARY.
in 1885, in a village of 500, with nine members and an annual income
towards its own support of one hundred dollars, it has grown to a
membership of nearly one hundred, and in a city of 3,000 inhabitants it
is self-supporting.With the aid of $600 from the Board of Church Erection as a grant, and $500 as a loan and protected by the insurance policy held by the Board from disastrous loss, it has erected two houses of worship and a beautiful manse, and owns property valued at not less than $5,000, free from indebtedness except to the Board. It is for such work that our churches are contributing to the Boards they have established as their agencies, and the fruits thereof will be gathered for generations to come. E. N. W.
MEDFORD, Jackson Co., pop. 2,500; fire area 6 blocks; bldgs., brick and wood, 2 and 3 stories; wooden roofs not permitted; no fireworks ord. Fire dept.--1 hose carriage, 1 extension ladder; hose, rubber good 500 ft.; value of equipment $1,000; value of bldgs. $400; membership 22, volunteers; bell alarm. Water Supply--Source, Bear Creek; system, gravity; pump from canal to reservoir; capacity 66,000 gals.; pumping engines, dy. capacity 432,000 gals.; pipe 2¾ miles, 6 to 2 in. dia.; 150 taps; service pipe galv. iron; 19 hydrants; 25 valves; pressure, fire 150 pounds; cost to construct to date $26,000; int. on bonds 6 percent; ann. ex. $1,100. The Insurance Year Book 1900-1901, The Spectator Company, page 281
"Miss Summers--Polly--I--I--er--dare I--" But the
speaker took a header over bashfulness, only to hear a sweetHis Great Generosity Towards His Newly Married Niece. A Realistic Romance of Medford in Which a Number of Prominent Business Men Take a Very Conspicuous Part. Copyrighted 1897. "Yes, Charley." "Can I aspire to--er--to--that--is--" Again a lapse into silence, followed by an encouraging "Yes, Charley.' "Oh, if I might only hope to--er--to--" Another failure of language. It was seemingly a hopeless case, and might have been, only for a demure "Charley, I have said 'yes' twice, and if you mean it, I mean it, too, and--" And to this day that young man will insist that he popped the question. All this happened away "down east," and it wasn't long before there was a wedding. Not much longer before there was a letter from Polly's Uncle Josh (the Hon. Joshua Turner), rich, generous and level-headed, who wrote effusively of his delight at her exhibition of what he called "grit," and he proposed that if the young people would locate at Medford he would start them up in life, as a wedding gift, fully explaining that this is the best spot in the state for young married people to get started out right. Of course they accepted, and were soon bidding their friends adieu. ----
A few weeks subsequent to the
above conversation a travel-stained party arrived in Medford. Our
friend, Uncle Josh, was in charge and he led the party straightaway to
the Hotel Nash. "We'll go to the Nash," said he, "'cause it's strictly
first-class. I have known 'Shorty' Hamilton, the proprietor, for years
and he is mine host after mine own heart, endowed with that delightful
intuition that makes a guest feel at home, comfortable, contented and
in mighty good luck. The house is one of convenience; the apartments
are well furnished and the cuisine--well, the Nash is noted for good
grub. I have engaged rooms here until your own house is in readiness.""After breakfast," said the old man, "I am ready to buy your outfit, but we'll first take a little drive, so I'll call up 'phone 31 and have my friend, E. B. Jennings, of the Union Stables, send down a rig." When the handsome carriage, with elaborate trappings and prancing horses, drew up in front of the hotel Polly declared it the finest turnout she had ever seen." "Yes sir-ee," replied Uncle Josh, "the three S's, 'Speed, Safety and Style,' is Mr. Jennings' coat of arms. So, young folks, when you want to take a drive, either for business or pleasure, go to him for a rig every time, and you'll find his rates mighty reasonable." It was in a stylish turnout that the rounds of the city were made. "No grass shall grow under our feet," remarked Uncle Josh, "so what's first on the programme?" "Oh, goodness knows there's lots to buy," remarked Polly. "Then suppose we buy 'lots' first," quoth Charley without turning a hair. "Oh, you've got a great head for business," laughed Uncle Josh. "We'll go right over to York & Wortman's real estate office. I can always depend upon York & Wortman's bargains in real estate, as they never hold out false lights to induce people to buy. What they tell you about property may be set down as solid facts. They control a large list of desirable residences as well as ranch and mining properties, and their judgment on the 'good things' is par excellence." The party was not long in making a dicker for a nice house on a pleasant street in Medford, as well as a mining claim which Uncle Josh knew to be a splendid investment. "Having already provided a cage for the bird," said Uncle Josh, "now the first thing we'll look after will be the furnishings for it." Hereupon Polly energetically declared that she had heard so much about I. A. Webb that she had decided to go there. The result was that they were ushered into such a bewildering display that the girl was at first at a loss how to select. But she soon yielded to the seductiveness of a magnificent parlor suite, a bedroom set in oak, golden finish, that would do credit to old Klondike himself. To this she added carpets, rugs, etc., an easy rocker for Uncle Josh, and didn't forget a most convenient and ornamental writing desk for "hubby" Charles. "A pretty good start," said the old man, "and now we'll go to Boyden & Nicholson's big hardware and stove store, right next door." Here Polly's housewifely instincts had full play in marvels of kitchen apparatus. "There is not an establishment in the country that carries a more comprehensive stock of cooking machinery," remarked Uncle Josh. "Every possible piece of kitchen furniture from a tin dipper to a cooking range is here in all styles and variety." If Polly fails to accomplish wonders in the culinary art, it will not be for want of superior cooking utensils, for she purchased an Acorn range with all other equipments needed in a well-regulated kitchen, while Charley bought a supply of carpenter's tools, all of which Uncle Josh paid for with delight because he knew Boyden & Nicholson had treated him right--just as they always treat everybody. Womanlike, Polly was discussing the matter of how she would arrange her new house and was interrupted by Uncle Josh. "And these house fixin's remind me," said he, "that you haven't got your dishes yet. The most famous stock in extent, quality and completeness is at H. H. Howard & Co.'s. Why, child, there isn't positively a thing in the line of china, crockery or glassware needed for use or ornament in any part of the house that can not be found at H. H. Howard & Co.'s in infinite variety and at wonderfully low prices. They also have a splendid stock of lamps of every description and decorated ware in abundance." Mr. Howard took Polly personally in charge and her big order suggested her thorough appreciation. "By the way," remarked Uncle Josh, as they reached the street, "I must run in to the Jackson County Bank and get another checkbook. Come along with me and get acquainted with W. I. Vawter, its president, B. F. Adkins, the vice president, and H. L. Gilkey, the cashier, for of course you will always want to do business with them and it is always more pleasant to be personally acquainted with the people you do business with. I have been doing business with this bank for the last twelve years and have always been treated white. This bank I know is managed on a conservative basis. Its officers and stockholders are residents of the town and take a deep interest in everything that is for the benefit of the community in which they live. You will find them ever ready to extend any accommodations compatible with business principles." "Guess I will open an account," said Charles, "'cause I like to do business with that kind of people." "Halt!" commanded Uncle Josh, as the party came in front of Chas. Strang's popular drug store, "Walk right in." "Why, Uncle, we're not sick, and--" "Guess I know that, but I suspect it won't be long before this young man begins to take an interest in matters of paregoric and--" "U-n-c-l-e!" "We'll go in anyway, Polly may find some toilet articles she wants." Sure enough, before leaving she was loaded down with combs, brushes, face powders and fine perfumes. "Don't forget," added Uncle Josh, "to come here with your prescriptions, as Strang pays particular attention to that department, and none but reliable drugs are ever used." "Oh, Uncle Josh," exclaimed Polly, glancing down the street at the Coss Piano House's big street sign, I surely will be lonely without a piano." Uncle Josh was noticed to examine his bank book rather lugubriously. "Well, I guess I can stand it," he said, "but, by the way, what piano would you most prefer?" "I think I'd like to have a Chickering. Several people have recommended it to me for its purity of tone, sympathy of touch, beauty of finish and a whole lot of other good points." "You couldn't choose a better instrument," replied the old man, "and sure enough H. M. Coss is the very man to see about it. He sells the Chickering and a half dozen other standard makes, as well as Burdett and Newman Bros. organs." Polly selected the coveted piano, as well as a Singer sewing machine, while Uncle Josh wrote out a check, pleasantly, too--'cause he knew the prices were extremely reasonable. At this point, somewhat to the confusion of Charley, the old man indulged in a half-serious criticism of his personal appearance. "You are decidedly off style for a townsman," said he, "and we'd better go over and see F. K. Deuel & Co. about some new duds. That's an up-to-date house and is noted for perfect fits." After Charles had fitted himself in a neat suit, from the piles of fashionable garments that cover the tables of this extensively stocked establishment, Uncle Josh declared: "Now you look like a newly married man." Before leaving, having found goods and prices irresistible, Charles also invested in a complete outfit of gents' furnishings, from the late style hat to a dozen shirts, and he readily agreed that Uncle Josh took him to a mighty good place when he took him to Deuel & Co.'s. After this visit, Uncle Josh suggested a resort to some place of refreshment. At the table the old man waxed philosophical. "Never neglect your larder," said he. "That important adjunct to housekeeping controls masculine temper. To that end you must patronize a grocer on whom you can depend for honest goods. Through a long term of years I have found G. L. Davis perfectly reliable. You will find him a careful dealer, always fully stocked with every possible thing in the line of staple and fancy groceries, fresh and first-class, no shelf-worn goods there, while the prices are down to brass tacks. And especially remember G. L. Davis when you make up your list of supplies for that camping trip you've been talking about." "But say, Uncle," quoth Polly, "what about a wallpaper and painting job?" "Jes so, jes so," laughed Uncle Josh, "It do beat all how you young wimmin can think of things, but I tell you it won't take me long to think of a first-class decorator. That's Ray, of Ray & Long, why, bless you, Ray could make a pig pen look respectable and not half try. He has reduced house adornment to a science. Come right over to the store and we'll attend to that business right off." Polly found that Ray & Long kept a nice stock of wallpaper and paint. Her selections were soon made, the prices were so low, and Mr. Ray soon turned her home into a "thing of beauty and joy forever." "I declare, Uncle," exclaimed Charlie, "There goes a handsome phaeton; I must have one like that for the girl." "Get it right here," said the old man, "You see, Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. conduct a repository over here that for variety and excellence of stock cannot be beaten. They carry surreys, carriages, buggies and wagons of leading makes and styles, as well as bicycles, and are satisfied with a moderate profit, too." Uncle Josh introduced his wards to D. T. Lawton, the manager, and Polly was soon the possessor of a handsome carriage, but before they left Charlie also got much interested in a road wagon. Uncle Josh saw what was up, so he quickly said, "I'll honor your draft for that, too, my boy, 'cause I know that anything you get of D. T. Lawton is O.K." "Oh, say, Uncle," exclaimed Polly, "where can I go for dry goods? This dress is hardly suitable for summer, I must admit." "Well, my girl, if you want to select from one of the most popular establishments in the city, I will direct you to W. H. Meeker & Co., who carry a stock of dry goods that for variety and real value is seldom seen outside the largest metropolitan cities, and you are sure to be guided right in your selections. You will find Meeker & Co. pleasant to deal with, while the prices cannot be duplicated." It did not take Polly long to tell a bargain when she saw one. She got a handsome summer dress, some shirt waists and several other articles of "fantastic disarray" for summer, so dear to the heart of every woman. "Oh, me! Oh, my!" ejaculated Polly, as they halted before a show window, "what a perfectly lovely slipper." "Yes," said Uncle Josh. "W. T. Kame's stock can't be equaled in style and.extent in this section. Go in and look it over." It might have been policy not to have extended that invitation had not Uncle Josh known what wise economy it is to trade at Kame's, for Polly found goods and prices so seductive that she purchased an outfit from a pretty slipper to a handsome Pontiac walking boot. Charlie invested in gents' Ione calf fine shoes, while Uncle Josh indulged in a stout whang leather for $2.50. No one needing footwear can resist the styles and prices offered by W. T. Kame. Before leaving Uncle Josh learned that Kame now has a first-class shoemaker, so all three concluded to leave their old shoes for repairs. "And another place I wish to take you, children, is to A. A. Davis & Co.'s flour mill," remarked the old man. "Your introduction to Medford would not be half complete without it. Talk about flour, why, bless you, there ain't no flour that can come up to 'Our Patent.' It's made from choice, selected wheat, and bread from it don't get dry and stale, but retains moisture and the natural flavor of the wheat for several days. All good housewives use it, and besides 'Our Patent' is made right here at home by home industry, and I always did believe in using flour made by our own mills. Ask your grocer for a sack. Then as to feed, this mill is headquarters for that. They handle everything from golden oats down to corncobs, serve customers with promptness and dispatch. I've been dealing with A..A. Davis & Co. for a long time, and I tell you it's a good firm to tie to." "By the way," exclaimed Uncle Josh, with a paternal air, "the next thing to look after is the lumber for those improvements which are absolutely necessary. Come with me and I'll introduce you to Wallace Woods, who is the principal dealer in that line here, and we won't have any trouble in finding all the things needed. Woods carries the most complete line of building material in the county--everything from the sills for the foundation to the shingles for the roof, including doors and windows, moldings, etc. It is pleasant to deal with Wallace Woods, for his greatest aim is to give satisfaction to every customer." Uncle Josh soon placed a "right smart-sized" order for building material. "Yum, yum," laughingly escaped Polly's rosebud lips, as she glanced into the Rialto's attractive confectionery and ice cream parlors. "Uncle Josh, you know I've got a sweet tooth, and those homemade candies look so nice I just can't resist the temptation to go in." Charlie here objected, 'cause he knew if Polly got into the Rialto once, there's where she'd likely want to stay. He relented, however, when Uncle Josh said, "Ice cream, my boy, and soda water," so in they went, and after regaling themselves in delicious ice cream the girl loaded up on chocolates and bonbons enough to make every tooth in the county ache. Polly was a splendid judge of ice cream, and she indulged in quite a compliment to what she found at the Rialto. At this point Charley lighted a cigar which he had extricated from his vest pocket. "Holy smoke, Charley, where in the name of creation did you get that rope? That's about the worst weed that ever came in contact with my olfactory nerve," laughingly remarked Uncle Josh. "Step in here to the Rialto cigar store and get a 'Sanchez & Haya,' then you'll have a gentleman's smoke. W. F. Isaacs takes great pride to keep nothing but first-class goods, imported Key West and domestic. The Rialto grows more popular every day." Charley was so well pleased with the cigar Uncle Josh treated him to that he bought a whole box, not forgetting to also make note of Mr. Isaacs' fine display of other cigars, tobaccos, pipes, etc. "Yes, and I must have a kodak, if we go camping, you know, Uncle Josh," quoth Polly, "and--" "Yes, and a Bible with a reasonable big family register," interrupted the old man, "so we'll go up to O. W. Whitman's book store, near the post office. You'll find many articles indispensable for the library, as well as that kodak there, and as for variety, Whitman has an unequaled stock." So here Polly's purchases included a kodak with all needed photographic supplies, miscellaneous books and fancy stationery, and finding an immense assortment of magazines, periodicals and newspapers, she subscribed for everything in sight. Polly declared that she really didn't know when to quit buying. O. W. Whitman sells such nice goods and so cheap, too. "And as you are going to keep a horse," continued the old man, "I reckon I'll have to give you my old mare 'Kitty,' but, of course, you'll need harness. The boss horse milliner of this section, to my notion, is J. G. Taylor, across the street, where you can depend upon getting full value for your money." Charley called upon J. G. Taylor and ordered a set of harness and some other turf goods that makes that mare "Kitty" look like a two-year-old. "Well, by gum, Polly," quoth Uncle Josh, "I'm purty near the end of my string, can't think of anything more--but, let's see--if there is anything under the sun we've forgot I know a store where it can be found. That's the Racket Store, and G. L. Webb won't want all the money we've got left by a long shot. You will find a thousand and one things at. the Racket store which are useful both for individual and household--all good, honest goods, too." It did not take Polly long to learn that Uncle Josh knew what he was talking about. After investing in a lot of ladies' furnishing goods she purchased a big supply of curtains, table linens, towels and other house furnishings. She told Mr. Webb that he might count on her being around at the Racket Store pretty often. While Uncle Josh was pondering where to go next, Polly suddenly asked: "Uncle, where can I find the leading millinery establishment?" "Why, bless your heart, child, haven't you gotten acquainted with Mrs. L. J. Sears back there yet? She's the one to see. You can get what you want right here, the latest styles and lowest prices being her motto. Mrs. Sears' experience guarantees that when you have purchased of her you have the thing according to fashion and a satisfaction that your work has been done by a competent artist." In a few minutes there never was a happier girl than Polly, for she got a perfect dream of a hat and the bill didn't scare Uncle Josh either. "Now," cried the old gentleman, "now for a picture of this crowd, in a good old country fashion, we'll go to the photograph gallery, and my old established friend, H. C. Mackey, has a good one in the Hamlin block, next to the Jackson County Bank. His pictures are wonderful in fidelity and finish. I want one full-size photo for my study and some small ones for my friends. H. C. Mackey has the soul of a true artist; all his work is a labor of love, in which he will not stop short of perfection. As he is famous for successful enlarging, I want to give you a life-size representation of 'yours truly.' " (Uncle Josh's picture may be seen at H. C. Mackey's studio any time the reader desires to call.) En route to their home the party called at the Mail office. "You'll want the best newspaper in the county," remarked Uncle Josh, "and as this is the favorite local paper here, I'll subscribe." Upon summing up the wonderful events of the day Polly began to volubly express thanks. "You have bought us everything," she exclaimed. "Only one thing," replied Uncle Josh, reflectively, "but I can remedy that. I. A. Webb, the furniture man, always has a nice line of them and you can get one whenever you want it; I'll pay for the best." "W-h-y," exclaimed Polly with great surprise, "Uncle, what can it be?" "Well, it's a baby carriage, and--" But Polly had fainted. Medford Mail, July 27, 1900, page 5 "Uncle Josh" stories like this were written by an itinerant journalist who traveled the West, selling the advertising within and--judging from his idiosyncratic typesetting--even setting them in type. He capitalized on Cal Stewart's popular stage character, possibly without permission. Some other examples can be found here and here. A Stranger:--"I notice in Medford that very nearly all your business blocks are built of brick. I like that. It indicates a substantiality and stability that is not often seen in towns the size of Medford. It indicates a permanency that is good for a town--and I tell you I like it. I have no personal interest in your town as yet, but I hope to have, and if any one thing more than another would induce me to become interested it would be your fine brick buildings, your well-selected and well-arranged stocks of goods, and your enterprising business men." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 21, 1900, page 7 It is surprising that Medford's population does not reach 2,000, in which one respect it seems to fall behind Ashland. In business, enterprise and life, however, Medford far outstrips Peach Blow Heaven.--Klamath Falls Republican. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 28, 1900, page 7 The Mail performed its own count and found a total of 2109 residents in Medford. Last
revised August 13, 2023