Mackeys The Mackey Photo Co. have pitched their tent opposite the opera house. "Additional Locals," Heppner Gazette Supplement, June 12, 1890, page 5
Mackey, the photographer of the Pacific Northwest, will photograph from
June 5 to June 20, and will guarantee the very best work. Extra work
done over each picture. Cloudy weather just as good and favorable as
fair weather. Avail yourselves of the opportunity to come early so your
work can be finished. Prices from $3.50 to $4.00 per dozen. In front of
Matlock's store near the bank. H. C. Mackey, manager.
"Additional Locals," Heppner Gazette Supplement, June 12, 1890, page 5 Get Your Picture Taken.
Mackey, the celebrated photographer, from Portland, has pitched his
tent at the Cove and will take cabinet photos at reduced rates--$3.50
and $4.00 per dozen. He will remain till Nov. 1st. All wishing
photographs taken will do well to give him a call. He finishes all work
at the photo tent, which ensures that the very best of work will be
done.--H. C. MACKEY, Manager.
Oregon Scout, Union, Oregon, October 16, 1890, page 3 Mackey, one of the traveling artists, took a view of the Fairview school house. He is taking views of all the schools in the valley. "Sandridge Items," Oregon Scout, Union, Oregon, November 13, 1890, page 7 Wait for Him.
G. W. Mackey has rented Jones Bros.' photograph gallery and will open up the same on
All view and portrait work by the lightning process. Will be at La Grande till after the Fourth.
Oregon Scout, Union, Oregon, June 25 through July 30, 1891, page 1 The feed barn of Henry Royse, together with a large stack containing 200 or 300 tons of hay, was burned last Monday at Hardman, Gilliam County, also the private barn of D. M. Hardman. The barns were situated some distance from other buildings and about forty yards apart. Three horses in Royse's barn were burned to death. Mackey, the photographer, who is a brother of G. W. Mackey [H.C. was the nephew of G.W.], now in Fossil, succeeded in saving his tent and apparatus, which were in Royse's yard when the fire broke out. "From Monday's Daily," The Dalles Times-Mountaineer, September 17, 1892, page 1 The ad of Mackey, the photographer, appears in another column of today's Mail. The gentleman is here for a couple of months' stay, during which time he will give our people a chance to procure some of his excellent work. He comes well recommended, both as an artist and a gentleman of strict, honorable business principles. See the tent, near the Clarendon Hotel. "News of the City," Medford Mail, May 10, 1895, page 5 The group of the '95 graduating class of the public school taken by Mackey, the photographer, is an exceptionally fine piece of work, and shows plainly that Mr. Mackey is an artist of ability. He has taken orders for a large number of these pictures. They are only 50 cents each. Call at the photo tent and see them. He also photographed the class singly, and the pictures are exceedingly fine specimens. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 14, 1895, page 5 Miss Angie Mullen has taken a position in Mackey's photo gallery at Medford. "Personal," Ashland Tidings, June 27, 1895, page 4 Photographer H. C. MACKEY was down to Gold Hill this week visiting his sister, Mrs. Nettie Moor. Upon his return Mrs. Moor came with him and visited a couple of days with friends in the city. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 16, 1895, page 4 Mackey, the photographer, expects to turn out at least 800 views of the fruit farms and packing houses in this locality. The work is very fine, and buyers are plentiful. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 13, 1895, page 5
Yes, sir; I am Mackey, the
photographer, and this is my tent. . . . Remember
the tent, west side
of S.P. track--and Mackey, the red-headed
Red Headed Picture Man," Medford
Mail, September
20, 1895, page 1
Photographer Mackey has leased the gallery now occupied by Tyler & Miser, and as soon as these gentlemen can make it convenient to shift their place of business he will move in. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 27, 1895, page 8 A
Red-Headed Picture Man.
Mail Reporter.--"Is
this Mr. Mackey?"
Mr. Mackey.--"Yes, sir; I am Mackey, the redheaded photographer, and this is my tent. There are no white horses in here, but if there isn't a pair of them coming down the street it is no fault of those auburn locks of mine, which some people insult by calling crimson hued." Mail Reporter.--"I understand you have been taking views of some of our fruit orchards hereabouts." Mr. Mackey.--"You see that wagonload of pictures standing in front of the tent? Those are pictures of Hon. J. H. Stewart's orchards and his packing house. The pictures are all sold to Mr. Stewart and his help. Yes, they are all sold for four bits each. No, not a wagonload for four bits, but that price for each picture. I want to incidentally remark that there is but one photographer in Oregon who can cut as clear a view as yours truly--Mackey, the crimson-headed photographer--and that photographer lives at Albany. Making photographs is just like any other business--many undertake to do the work, but only about one out of every hundred succeeds in reaching the perfection line--I hold the one-hundredth number. You think that is egotism? That's where you are mistaken. It is a plain statement of facts. If you have an article to sell, you point out its superior points. I have pictures to sell. I point out the redeeming features and tell you why there are such features. These features occur there because Mackey knows how to put them there. That is not egotism. It is business. I guarantee that every picture I turn out is better than any other man in the valley could turn out under like circumstances." Reporter.--"What are these pictures here?" Mr. Mackey.--"These are views of Weeks & Orr's orchards and the Orchard Home property. There will be three wagonloads of them when completed. Half of the Orchard Home views will be shipped to Portland and from there scattered throughout the eastern states. Those are most excellent views--every one of them clear-cut and superior in finish. Do I do other work? Well, you step in here and see the amount of photo work I now have on hand. You see it everywhere in here, on all sides and hanging on the top. I am doing a splendid business in all lines--especially photographing babies. I have made that work a special study, and it is quite a trick, I want to tell you, to focus a baby just natural. Anything else you want to know? I am wound up for forty-eight hours and my movement is Waterbury, but my photographs are full jeweled, of the latest patterns and superior in every point. 'Raise your chin a trifle. That's right, now look pleasant. That will make a nice picture. Next.' Anything else, MR. Reporter? Come again. Remember the tent, west side of S.P. track--and Mackey, the red-headed photographer." Medford Mail, September 20, 1895, page 1 If Mackey, the photographer, did good work when in his tent--and everybody says he did--the same people say he is doing better now that he is quartered in his nicely appointed and well-lighted studio. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 18, 1895, page 5 Misses Ollie and Lou Butler have taken positions in the photograph gallery of H. C. Mackey. Neither of the young ladies are adepts at the business, but it will not be long ere they have acquired a proficiency in the art--under so eminent an instructor as is Mr. Mackey. The fact that Miss Ollie has taken this position does not interfere in the least with her music class. Medford Mail, October 25, 1895, page 5 H. C. Mackey, the well-known Medford photographer, was over Monday taking a photograph of Woodbury Jr., the race horse, and his rider. Woodbury is now the property of Geo. E. Neuber. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, November 8, 1895, page 8 H. C. Mackey is one of our city photographers and is popular with the young people--as was proven upon Thursday evening of last week when about thirty-five of them assembled at his studio parlors, in [the] Hamlin block, and gave him a rousing surprise. The parlors were rearranged and thrown into large, pleasant reception rooms where the happy crowd had one of the best times possible--and it is possible for young people to have a pretty good time, especially when the host is of so genial a turn as is Mr. Mackey. Delicious refreshments of cakes, pies and lemonade were served, and the amusements were pleasant parlor games and lots of mirth, laughter and pleasant talk. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 14, 1896, page 5 The water pipe put in a few days ago to carry the waste water from Mackey's photograph gallery has proven inadequate for the use intended and is being taken up and replaced by wooden pipe of much greater capacity. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 26, 1896, page 5 The bicycle picnic which was advertised to take place last Sunday, along the bank of Rogue River, about two miles below Tolo, materialized in a pretty good time for nearly everyone who was present. There were probably 150 or 200 people on the ground and those who were there with the expectation of having just a nice, quiet little picnic--a boat ride on the river, a hammock swing in the shade, a lunch of fried chicken and such of everything as makes up a good dinner and a pleasant talk with neighbors--were not disappointed--in fact such had a pretty good time, but the fellow who wanted a whole circus with sideshow accompaniments didn't get what he imagined he was paying for. The Medford brass band was on the grounds--and there was good music galore--and all those people scattered thereabouts were grateful--because of the music. There were six or eight rowboats on the river, and these were kept busy so long as the crowd remained. Photographer Mackey was there with his camera and took several views of the bicyclists and their wheels, also a number of views of different boating parties on the river. Dan Waldroop was there with refreshments--and none were there who need either hunger or thirst. "News of the City," Medford Mail, July 3, 1896, page 7 Talk about your swift bicyclists, but Mackey, the photographer, is at present in the lead. Of course all who learn to ride a wheel are compelled to undergo a given amount of "dust-biting"--that is, they all are apt to let the machine get away sometimes, but in this line Mackey always leads. But he cares nothing for a few bumps and bruises, knowing full well that a liberal supply of arnica and Wizard Oil will make well such trifling ills, and he pushes ahead--looking forward, no doubt, to a match race between himself and Frank Wilson, the baker. Aside from tearing up the gravel for three hundred and sixty-three feet, removing about two yards of cuticle from different parts of his anatomy, badly soiling his clothes, putting eighty-four "stave-ins" in his silk hat and losing his watch, Mackey's first effort at learning the ways of a wheel was a success. "Wheels and Wheelers," Medford Mail, July 31, 1896, page 2 Photographer Mackey was out the first of the week taking views of residences on the east side. Among those focused were merchant Ferguson's fine house, also the Butler residence, recently purchased by J. S. Hagey. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 4, 1896, page 7 H. C. Mackey, the photographer, was in Gold Hill Monday taking views of the Rogue River Water & Mining Company's ditch and the groups of men at work thereon. Mr. Mackey has a contract to take views of the work at different stages of its progress, the views to be taken each week as long as the work continues. The views taken Monday are very fine ones--such as Mackey always puts up. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 25, 1896, page 7 H. C. Mackey, the photographer, was over on Applegate last Thursday taking views. He visited the grand Applegate ditch and took a view of it and the surrounding buildings. He also took a view of the mammoth dam. Mackey is determined to photograph everything that is worth seeing--and his customers appreciate his efforts. He was accompanied upon this trip by liveryman Mounce. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 30, 1896, page 7 Mackey, the photographer of Medford, came up to Ashland yesterday to make arrangements for taking the class pictures of the high school and Normal graduating classes. "Personal," Ashland Advertiser, May 26, 1897, page 3 H.
"Our Business and
Professional People Briefly Mentioned,"
Medford Mail, May
fidelity with which portraits are drawn by that
great artist "Sol,"
when he is under proper control of the
photographer, is truly
By continued experiments, and close and patient
observation, success
has been justly earned by those who have given
the art their time and
thought and have patiently awaited the
consummation of their hopes.
Mr. Mackey may truly be called a progressive photographer. All work leaving his establishment is strictly first-class. He has only been in the business in this city two years, but during that time, through his genial manner and courteous treatment to all patrons, his success has been phenomenal. H. C. Mackey, the Medford photographer, one day last week had a new $45 overcoat stolen from the office of the Ashland House. Al. Helms, one of the lessees of the house, lost a similar garment a few days since in the same way. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1898, page 3 H. C. Mackey, the Medford photographer, has enlisted in a volunteer company to go to Cuba to fight the Spaniards. Gold Hill News, April 30, 1898 H. C. Mackey and Ed. Weston, the expert photographers, left last week for Klamath and Lake counties, and will combine business with pleasure. G. W. Mackey, who lately arrived from the Willamette Valley and is a clever artist, will have charge of the Medford studio during their absence. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 20, 1898, page 3 Mackey Bros. are now conducting Medford's photograph gallery and doing up-to-date work. They cannot be beaten anywhere in southern Oregon. Messrs. Mackey and Weston, the popular photographers, have returned from their trip to Lake and Klamath counties. They took many photographs and enjoyed themselves thoroughly while gone. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1898, page 3 C. W. Wolters has purchased the delivery outfit formerly owned and driven by J. T. Wiley and has engaged the services of Mr. W. to deliver for him. He has repainted the cover and instead of "Mackey for Photos" the lettering reads "Wolters' for Groceries." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 5, 1898, page 3 Mr. Magers, who has spent a lifetime in photography, and is an expert, is employed at Mackey's gallery, where the best work is done. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1898, page 3 Mackey, the Medford photographer, has leased the gallery at Gold Hill, and will take charge Nov. 10th, to remain 15 days. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 7, 1898, page 3 H. C. Mackey has opened a photograph gallery in Gold Hill. His brother, G. W. Mackey [H.C. was the nephew of G.W.], will conduct the Medford studio. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 18, 1898, page 7 Photographer H. C. Mackey returned last week from his few weeks' recuperation visit with relatives at Gold Hill. His health is very much improved--in fact he is quite himself again--and his friends are well pleased thereat. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 17, 1899, page 6 H. C. Mackey was on Applegate last week, taking mining views. He did a lot of excellent work. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1899, page 2 Mackey, the photographer, is building a new darkroom in his fine studio. He is making arrangements to finish his own crayon portraits in as good style as it can be done abroad. He will soon have two darkrooms in which to practice his art. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 19, 1899, page 7 Mr. Mackey, one of Medford's photographers, came out last week with his tent and fixtures, to remain with us a few days. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, June 16, 1899, page 5 Geo. Mackey, a Medford photographer, who has been camping here for the past week, left last Sunday. He expresses himself as much pleased with the Butte Creek country and thinks the people here the most sociable of any he has met in the county. Just before leaving he took a picture of the Brown family in a group. There were [thirty]-one members, ten of which were absent, and which included the grandchildren and stepchildren. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, June 23, 1899, page 5 Van Exxe, the photographer, and Geo. Mackey, the photographer, have formed a partnership and are now doing business together in the gallery opposite the post office. During the summer and fall months Mr. Mackey will have charge of the gallery work and Mr. Van Exxe will travel over the valley and into the mountains taking farm, mine and group views. Both are first-class artists, and they ought to do a good business. Mr. Mackey was formerly in partnership with H. C. Mackey in the photographing business in this city. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 4, 1899, page 7 H. C. Mackey of Medford, the popular photographer, and Miss M. L. Walker, a handsome and worthy young lady, have been granted license to marry. They have the congratulations and best wishes of a wide circle of friends. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 17, 1899, page 3 Photographer H. C. Mackey and Miss Mary L. Walker were married in Medford at 10 o'clock, on Sunday, Aug. 20th, Rev. O. J. Gist officiating. The ceremony took place at the living rooms of the groom, in the Hamlin block, in the presence of a few invited guests. Mr. Mackey is a prime favorite with all people of the town, he having become well acquainted with everybody during his several years' career here as a photographer. The bride is the handsome young daughter of Mrs. Mary Walker, of this city. The happy couple have experienced a continual flow of congratulations since the event of Sunday, and Mr. Mackey's male friends have been more than profuse in their demonstrations of good cheer. Those present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler and Misses Cook and McCauley. Monday evening between the hours of ten and eleven a charivari party was organized and for a good half hour they made things decidedly interesting for the newly wedded couple. About twenty boys of the K. of P. lodge, of which Mr. Mackey is a member, left their lodge hall for the domicile of the bride and groom, and by the time they reached the scene of contemplated action about eighty townspeople had joined them and stealthily they filled the stairs and hallway leading to the couple's apartments. When all had assembled, Ed. Bodge gave a signal on Bob Dow's Filipino horn, and the ball opened. There were twenty-four cow bells, a large circular saw, several, or more, horns, and divers articles of a noisy tendency--all opened fire at the same time--and then the house roof raised about six inches. Mr. Mackey and his bride came out and shook hands with about seven hundred of the crowd, Mr. Mackey produced two boxes of cigars and provided for the purchase of other refreshments--of liquid form--and a serenade a couple of more times followed and the party adjourned--for refreshments. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 25, 1899, page 7 ![]() September 16, 1899 Gold Hill News Geo. Mackey is sole proprietor of the Medford photograph gallery, situated opposite the post office, and is doing lots of good work. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1899, page 2 Miss Dollie Bower commenced the study of photographer in G. W. Mackey's studio Monday. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, September 29, 1899, page 2 Photographer G. W. Mackey has been fitting up his studio with some very convenient articles, among which is a new finishing table, a drying table and a well-arranged set of shelves built expressly for holding negatives and stock. When all is arranged he will have a very convenient and well-arranged place of business. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 29, 1899, page 7 Cabinet photos $1.50 per doz. at the Medford studio, opposite post office (known as the Van Exxe studio), Geo. W. Mackey, prop. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 23, 1899, page 3 Miss Gertrude Vowels has entered the Medford Gallery under the management of Geo. W. Mackey to learn the art of photography. "Medford Items," Gold Hill News, December 2, 1899, page 4 Only first-class, up-to-date work done at the Medford Photograph Gallery, opposite post office. Prices reasonable, nevertheless. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1900, page 3 H. C. Mackey, Medford's leading photographer, in Hamlin's block, Seventh Street, has arranged with a crayon portrait company of Portland, by which means he is enabled to give free with each half-dozen cabinet photos a 16x20-inch crayon portrait. This offer will hold good for sixty days. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 6 H. C. Mackey's studio, in the Hamlin Block, is a thing of beauty these days--since Mr. Mackey has removed all the old pictures and decorations from the walls, and replaced them with his new and up-to-date photos. One cannot spend an hour more pleasantly than in looking over the grand display in this studio. In every picture put out by Mr. Mackey there is plainly seen the careful touch of the true artist's hand. There is not a better artist in all Oregon than is Mr. Mackey, and we question there being his equal south of Portland. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 11, 1900, page 7 H. C. Mackey, the Hamlin block photographer, reports that during the past few weeks he has taken the pictures of five different graduating classes. Two of these were from Central Point and one each from Jacksonville, Medford and Phoenix. Mr. Mackey makes a specialty of group posing—and in this respect, as in all other first-class work—he is truly an artist. "City
Mail, July
6, 1900, page 7
![]() Unidentified sisters. Only first-class, up-to-date work done at the Medford Photograph Gallery, in Adkins' building. Prices reasonable, nevertheless. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 26, 1900, page 2 Miss C. L. Bennet returned to her home in Berkeley, Calif., Friday, having thoroughly enjoyed her summer among Rogue River Valley scenery, and declaring that she would surely come again. She secured from photographer Mackey views of Mt. Pitt and Table Rock to show to her California friends. "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, August 17, 1900, page 3 G. W. Dunlap has purchased an interest in the H. C. Mackey photograph gallery. Mr. Dunlap is a relative of the Dunlaps at ‘Talent, and is well known hereabouts. We are informed that these gentlemen have rented another gallery in Medford and will operate them both. Ed. Weston, formerly in partnership with Mr. Mackey, has retired from the business and we are told will engage in mining. "City
Mail, September
21, 1900, page 7
Ed. Weston, who has been conducting the Medford photograph gallery with G. W. Mackey, has retired and is succeeded by Geo. Dunlap of Phoenix. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 27, 1900, page 3 H. C. Mackey:--"Yes, sir, I've taken a partner, Mr. Boyd, of Lebanon. I've known him for twelve years. He's all right. The firm will be H. C. Mackey & Boyd—and the red-headed photographer will still do business at the old stand." "Echoes
the Street," Medford
Mail, October
5, 1900, page 7
H. C. Mackey, the Medford photographer, was in the city Wednesday visiting his sister, Mrs. J. L. Moores. Gold Hill News, November 10, 1900 See F. H. Hull's ad in this issue of The Mail. He is making a big proposition to those wishing photographs. Work on all orders taken by him is guaranteed by H. C. Mackey & Boyd, of this city. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 16, 1900, page 7 Frank Hull:--"Last week I told the Mail readers in an advertisement that I was going to take orders for Christmas photos for H. C. Mackey & Boyd, and that I was going to give away a present. I've made different arrangements--that is, Messrs. Mackey & Boyd have. When I went to them to close up the agreement we couldn't come to a satisfactory understanding of affairs as I had remembered had previously been talked--and it was all off. I simply offer this in explanation of the why I will not be able to live up to the promises made in the advertisement. I hope, however, to soon commence taking orders for G. W. Mackey & Dunlap." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, November 23, 1900, page 7 G. W. Mackey has purchased G. A. Dunlap's interest in the G. W. Mackey & Dunlap photograph gallery, and will conduct the business singlehanded hereafter. We are not informed as to what Mr. Dunlap will do, but he probably will not quit photography. "City
Mail, December
7, 1900, page 7
H. C Mackey:--"We have been having a great amount of trouble of late with young girls of the town who seem to have a mania for confiscating pictures from the walls of our studio. We have been missing pictures for some time, but not until Sunday morning did I catch anyone in the act. My wife and I were in the back room of the studio when we heard light footsteps in the front room. I began an immediate investigation, and upon entering discovered a girl about sixteen years of age there with her arms full of sample pictures which she had taken from the walls, and was reaching for more. She dropped the pictures upon being discovered and made a hasty retreat. No, I don't know who she is--but I shall try and remember the face, and I'll know it when I see it again." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, December 7, 1900, page 6 ![]() Medford Mail, January 25, 1901. H. C. Mackey & Boyd have established a new studio at Jacksonville, Mr. Boyd being in charge. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 8, 1901, page 7 H. C. Mackey & Boyd's photo tent will remain in Jacksonville but a short time. Have your photos made now. Bring the little folks while the photo tent is in town. They never feel good after a six- or eight-mile drive. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 28, 1901, page 5 J. W. Hunter and F. S. Sherer, of Oklahoma, who arrived in Medford a couple of weeks ago, have leased the photograph gallery in the Hamlin block, which has been occupied by Mr. Mackey for several years, and will open up a studio therein in the near future. H. C. Mackey & Boyd, the present occupants of the building, will remove their studio to some other building in the city, but the exact location has not yet been decided upon. H. C. Mackey has taken up his residence in the Bateman house, south of A. A. Davis' mill. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 6 Petition of H. C. Mackey & Boyd for the privilege to erect a tent on the vacant lot on the corner of C and Seventh streets to be used as a photograph gallery for a term of ninety days was granted. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 2 The H. C. Mackey & Boyd photo studio will be moved next week to the vacant lot at the rear of Karnes & Ritter's place of business, on North C Street, where they will be temporarily located. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 6 H. C. Mackey & Boyd received their large tent Tuesday, which will do service for their photograph gallery for a few weeks. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 6 A Branch
C. Mackey & Boyd have started a
branch gallery in Jacksonville,
the Aiken building, California Street,
opposite Ryan's store. All work
will be finished at Medford, and
satisfaction assured. Work guaranteed
to be the best.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 7 Mackey & Boyd now occupy a large, new tent on C Street, south of the Crater, where they do superior work. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 7 Notice.
C. Mackey & Boyd have not left
town, and we are not going to leave.
We are now in a big brown duck tent on
C Street and are fitted up for
the very best of work. We have always
led in photography in Medford,
and we will still lead.
Mail, May 3, 1901,
page 2
Mackey & Boyd, photographers of Medford, will be here until the 20th. All wishing first-class photographs will be treated right by these gentlemen. "Central Point Items," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 3 Say! Did you see the latest in photos? You can see them at the Medford Studio, over Beck's hardware store. Geo. W. Mackey proprietor. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1901, page 5 Mrs. Mattie Moore, of Gold Hill, was in Medford this week upon a visit to her brother, photographer H. C. Mackey, and family. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 9, 1901, page 6 H. C. Mackey and wife of Medford have been visiting relatives here the past week. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, September 20, 1901, page 3 G. W. Mackey and J. W. Hunter, the photographers, have consolidated their business and are now occupying the Elite Studio in [the] Hamlin Block. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mackey returned Monday evening from quite an extended visit to friends in various parts of the Willamette Valley. They were out for a good time--and had it, according to Mr. Mackey's story--shooting China pheasants and taking pictures. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 25, 1901, page 6 G. W. Mackey and J. Hunter have consolidated their photograph galleries, and will have their headquarters in the Hamlin block. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1901, page 2 G. F. Owings has sold his photo tent in Glendale to Mr. Weston and gone to Medford to take charge of the Geo. Mackey gallery. "Woodville Items," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 5
Mackey's Tent.
See H. C. Mackey at
the Big Brown Photo Tent on C Street,
for the finest class of Photos.H. C.
Enquirer, December 7, 1901
A rush now for fine photos at H. C. Mackey's photo tent. I am giving special bargains until after Christmas. H. C. Mackey is your best workman. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 13, 1901, page 6 G. W. Mackey has reopened the Medford Photo Gallery in Adkins' building, C Street, opposite Jackson County Bank. Up-to-date work and reasonable prices. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1901, page 5 Mrs. G. W. Mackey and the children left Friday of last week for their old home at Crawfordsville, Oregon. Mrs. Mackey received a telegram a few hours before her departure to the effect that her brother had accidentally shot and killed himself while out hunting on Christmas day. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 2, 1902, page 6 G. W. Owings is in Medford assisting his nephew in the Elite Studio. "Woodville Items," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 3 H. C. Mackey was at Ashland Monday upon business--the same being the dissolving of his partnership with H. J. Boyd, of that place. Mr. Mackey will continue the photography business in Medford. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 6 G. W. Owings, of Gold Hill, has been stopping in Medford the past week assisting his nephew, G. F. Owings, in operating the Elite Studio, which he purchased a few weeks ago from Mr. Hunter. Mr. Owings is doing a splendid business at his gallery, and as he is a very honorable young man, fair in his dealings and an artist of ability, there is every reason for predicting his success. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 7 The firm of Mackey & Boyd was dissolved last month. H. C. still holds forth at the big tent, while his quondam partner is operating at Ashland. The photograph gallery now occupied by Mr. Owings will be conducted by G. W. Mackey after April 1st, he having secured the lease. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 27, 1902, page 4 Reduced rates on photos at the Elite Studio in Medford. In order to thoroughly introduce our work to the public, we will for a time make cabinets for $1.50 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Yours for fine work, Elite Photo Company. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 7 The Jacksonville photograph gallery is in charge of G. W. Mackey and A. L. Bailey, both of whom are excellent workmen. Mr. M. will have charge of the operating department during the whole of July 4th. The best work done at reasonable prices. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 19, 1902, page 5 W. F. Mackey, of Cottage Grove, was in Medford this week upon a visit to his brothers, H. C. and G. W. Mackey [H.C. was the nephew of G.W.]. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 4, 1902, page 6 For Rent--The Elite photo studio, best location in the city. Inquire at the Mail office. Medford Mail, July 11, 1902, page 3 Mrs. H. C. Mackey left last Friday for Cottage Grove, where she will spend a month with relatives. W. F. Mackey, who has been in Medford for the previous two weeks on a visit with his brothers, left last Friday for his home at Cottage Grove. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 18, 1902, page 6 G. W. Mackey is enjoying a two weeks' outing at Crater Lake. His photo gallery is being operated during his absence by Lee Van Berkleo, of Yreka. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 8, 1902, page 6 Geo. W. Mackey, the expert photographer, has rented the gallery in the Hamlin block, and will take possession at once. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 18, 1902, page 1 Mrs. M. Walker, of Ashland, spent Sunday in Medford visiting her son-in-law, H. C. Mackey, and family. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 19, 1902, page 6 When you wish photographs taken and finished in up-to-date style, at reasonable rates, call on G. W. Mackey at the Medford Gallery, Adkins building, corner 7th and C streets. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 25, 1902, page 1 G. W. Mackey has leased the Elite Studio, in the Hamlin block, and expects to at once open a photograph gallery there. He will continue to operate the gallery in the Adkins block. Ed. Chappel, a photographer from Kansas, will have charge of Mr. Mackey's new gallery. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 10, 1902, page 7 Mrs. H. C. Mackey was visited by her mother, Mrs. Walker of Ashland, the forepart of the week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1902, page 2 Boarding house, opposite post office. Mrs. G. W. Mackey, proprietor. For fine and up-to-date photos come to the photo tent on C Street.--H. C. Mackey. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 5, 1902, page 7 Little Miss Novilla Mackey, daughter of Mrs. G. W. Mackey, has a pet quail, which flies to her at a call and eats from her lips or hand. A short time ago the bird was as wild as any of its mates in the brush, but under the loving care of Novilla has become the gentlest of household pets. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 12, 1902, page 6 Photographer H. C. Mackey went to Gold Hill last Sunday on business, returning Monday. During his absence quite an accident happened to his photo tent. Sunday night the snow accumulated on the tent and broke the ridgepole. The wind Monday morning helped matters along, and the tent was completely ruined. Some of Mr. Mackey's friends removed his outfit to shelter and thus saved it a great deal, but he estimates his loss at upwards of two hundred dollars. Tuesday Mr. Mackey reopened his gallery in the room on the second floor of the Adkins block and is now fitting up one of the finest galleries in Southern Oregon. To add to his already very complete outfit he has ordered a lens from Portland that has been tested by the leading photographers of that city and found to be absolutely perfect. "City Briefs," Medford Success, January 27, 1903, page 1 The wind on Monday blew down H. C. Mackey's big tent, damaging photographic goods and unfinished work to the extent of several hundred dollars. He has already ordered a new tent and will soon be on deck again. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 28, 1903, page 1 H. C. Mackey has had his full share of trouble during the past few days. On Saturday night someone broke into his photo tent on C Street and took therefrom quite a number of valuable articles. Mr. Mackey went to Gold Hill Sunday, looking for traces of the thieves, and on Monday morning the snow which had fallen on the tent the night before, together with the high wind, caused the structure to collapse, resulting in considerable damage to articles inside. Mr. Mackey's loss is between $250 and $300; but with characteristic grit he gathered his paraphernalia together and located himself in the Adkins block, where he is now ready to do business with his friends both old and new--and you are expected to look pleasant while the erstwhile redheaded photographer presses the button. Medford Mail, January 30, 1903 TO
Hull, of Mackey &
Hull, the photographers, has been doing
some fine view work of late of
Medford and vicinity. He has taken several
views from the top of the
water tower that show up well and from
them a stranger could get a good
idea as to the appearance of Medford. He
has two views of this valley,
taken with a very powerful telescopic
lens, that are gems in the
photographer’s art. They are taken from
the high butte back
Jacksonville. One was taken on a day when
there was a heavy fog in the
valley. The fog made the valley appear
like a great lake, the surface
of which was broken by long, sweeping
swells, or possibly more like a
great snowfield. The fog was only about
300 feet deep and the
surrounding hills and the mountains, with
their covering of snow, stood
out clear and bold in the bright sunshine
that prevailed above the fog.
Ashland, Medford, Jacksonville, Central
Point and the places in the
valley were completely hidden and only by
the topography of the
surrounding country could their locations
be fixed. As a companion
piece to this fog scene Mr. Hull took
another view from the same butte
of the valley when it was filled with
sunshine instead of with fog. The
broad, level expanse of the valley, on
which Medford and the other
nearby towns can be plainly seen, with Mt.
Pitt, Wagner Butte and
historic old Table Rock for a background,
makes a view hard to equal by
any of the grand scenery of the Coast. In
addition to these scenes Mr.
Hull has many others of pretty and
interesting views of various places
and points about the valley. A collection
of his pictures would make an
appreciated present to friends in the East
as well as to be a good
advertisement of this country.Pictures One of the Most Effective Ways—A Fine Selection Recently Prepared by a Medford Artist—Grand Fog Effect Medford Success, January 30, 1903, page 1 Mrs. M. Walker returned to Medford last week from McCloud, Calif. She will remain in Medford with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Mackey, for a few months, when she will take up her residence in Ashland, where her son has employment. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 5, 1903, page 6 Frank Hull has sold out his interest in the Elite Gallery in Medford to his partner, George Mackey, and will devote his time to view work. Mr. Hull has recently bought a large lens, making his outfit complete in every respect. He will visit all sections of the Rogue River Valley and take views of its many scenic attractions, as well as to take views of buildings and other places of interest. “Local Notes,” Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 19, 1903 G. W. Mackey, the photographer, and his family left for the Willamette Valley this evening, to be gone some time. George may return next month. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 22, 1904, page 1 Photographer Geo. W. Mackey, of Medford, made a trip to the Opp mine Thursday with his flash light apparatus where he took some interior views of the stamp mill and some of the tunnels. Photographer G. W. Mackey of Medford has his tent pitched down near the depot this week where he is doing all kinds of work in his line at reasonable prices. "Local Happenings," Jacksonville Sentinel, February 17, 1905, page 2 Photographer H. C. Mackey has moved to his new home, on North A Street. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 21, 1905, page 4 H. C. Mackey:--"I wish you would say that I have nothing whatever to do with any free coupon proposition, and I will not recognize any such coupons, even though these coupons state on their face that they will be honored by 'Medford's leading artist.' If I were to make any such arrangements with any newspaper I would surely do so with some newspaper of years' standing--and one which had helped to make this country the prosperous and productive section which it now is. I am a sticker for the boys who boosted when the boosting was difficult; when the wheels of progress clogged at every turn and the clutchpin was always doing business. It's easy to boost these times when everybody else is boosting, but the fellow who had the nerve and the foresight to boost at times when pretty nearly everybody else was knocking is the one whom I am going to boost now that the boosting craze is on. Come up and see my new 'up-to-date' studio outfit. It is the very latest addition to photography, and I doubt there is another such an outfit in all Southern Oregon." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, October 5, 1906, page 1 F. W. Lesmeister has bought out the Mackey studio. He recently came from California and invites everyone to visit the studio, where his work will speak for itself. "Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, January 11, 1908, page 4 Announcement.
have sold my photograph gallery to Mr.
F. W. Lesmeister. I have not
made public announcement of this
before, for the reason that I wished
to assure myself of his competence to
give my customers the class of
work to which they have been
accustomed. I can now say that he is a
first-class, all-round photographer,
and that I can recommend him to
all my customers and friends.
Medford Mail, January 17, 1908, page 1 H. C. Mackey. H. C. Mackey, the pioneer photographer, has sold his gallery to F. W. Lesmeister and will retire from the business for a year or more at least. That is what he says anyway, but people who know Mackey are predicting that about three months will be the limit for idleness for him. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 17, 1908, page 5
G. W. Mackey, the photographer, took some photographs at the home of G.
A. Hover, three miles south of Medford, Sunday. Mr. Hover has one Royal
Anne cherry tree photographed by Mr. Mackey that he predicts will
produce a ton of cherries this year, which will net him $60. It is more
than 40 feet high, its branches extend 40 feet across and it measures
seven feet in circumference at the base.
"Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, April 20, 1908, page 4 H. C. Mackey, the well-known photographer of Grants Pass, came up on No. 13 yesterday and will visit in the city for a short time. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, January 22, 1909, page 5 IN
Henry C. MackeySuit for a divorce. Plaintiff vs. Mary L. Mackey Defendant Now comes the plaintiff above named, and for cause of suit against the defendant, alleges: That plaintiff and defendant were married one to the other, in Jackson County, Oregon on the 20th day of August 1899, and that ever since said time they have been, and now are husband and wife. That plaintiff now is, and for more than one year prior to the filing of this complaint has been, an actual resident and an inhabitant of the state of Oregon. That on or about the 31st day of January 1908, the defendant, in utter disregard of her marriage vows, willfully, and without cause, deserted and abandoned the plaintiff, and ever since said time has willfully and without cause continued to desert and abandon him, and has lived apart and separate from him, against his wishes and without his consent. That no children are living as the issue of said marriage. WHEREFORE, the plaintiff prays for a decree forever dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for such other, further and different relief as the court may deem just and suitable. Colvig
& Reames, attorneys for
decree was granted February 12, 1909.
H. C. Mackey, the photographer, has purchased from Mr. Lesmeister the photograph gallery which he sold to him a couple or three years ago. The gallery is over Allen & Reagan's store, and Mr. Mackey will be "at home" to his old-time friends within a very short time, and the slogan "look pleasant and see Mackey for photos" will be hung on the wall. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, April 16, 1909, page 5 PHOTO NOVELTY.
Have you seen the latest novelty? Photos on brushes and toilet sets.
Mackey has them. They are just the thing for your sweetheart--can see
you every time he or she brushes hair or glances at the mirror.
Mackey has bought back his old studio, refitted it with latest equipment, and is prepared to photograph old friends and new ones in the most artistic and up-to-date style. Medford Daily Tribune, May 13, 1909, page 5 ![]() A Mackey photo of the J. C. Pendleton family from Table Rock district. Clockwise from upper left: Emma, Cora, Ora, Verne and Edna. H. C. Mackey, Seventh and Central Ave. "What Do You Know About This?" Medford Mail, December 9, 1909, page 6 There is a photographer in your town. H. C. Mackey, Main and Central, Medford, Ore. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, September 19, 1913, page 2
Incidental to cleanup
week last week and the nice appearance
of the city it is noticeable that Henry
Mackey is resplendent on the streets
with his sylph-like form encased in a
charming new Prince Albert coat and
topped with his almost omnipresent silk
hat.For 34 years past this style of outfit has been his daily regalia until within the past two or three years the veteran well-known photographer grew careless or forgetful at times and for very short periods donned a fedora lid and another style coat until lifelong friends began to coldly pass him by, thinking that another stranger had come to town. Now everybody kowtows and speaks to the man, a few of whose fine photographs taken in Medford were found recently in King Tut's tomb in Egypt, and greetings of "Hello, Hank," or "How goes it, Henry?" greet him every few feet on Main Street. Medford Mail Tribune, May 22, 1923, page 3
Henry Clinton Mackey,
a resident of Medford for the past 42
years, passed away in a local hospital
late Wednesday afternoon at the age of
69 years. Mr. Mackey was very well known
throughout Southern Oregon, where for a
number of years he followed photography.
Later he has been in the insurance
business.IS CLAIMED BY DEATH He is survived by three brothers and one sister, Johnnie Mackey of Portland; Thomas A. and J. A. Mackey of Cottage Grove, Ore., and Mrs. Nettie Moore of Gold Hill. Funeral services will be held from the Conger funeral parlors Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev. Joseph Knotts will have charge of the services at the chapel, and the Medford I.O.O.F. lodge of which he was a long-time member will have charge of the services in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, October 10, 1935, page 5 In August 1903 a group of four traversed [Dead Indian] road . . . on the circle drive via Crater Lake. . . . The group accurately recorded their journey with numerous photographs which were printed by George Mackey, brother to Henry "Stovepipe" Mackey [H.C. was the nephew of G.W.], famous Medford photographer, according to [Chet] Parker. "Two Roads Played Vital Part in Early Jackson County Travel; Now Less Used," Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1953, page 14 Last revised August 14, 2023 |