News: 1915 Medford-related
news items from
1915. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year.
successful and
farmers" of
the valley
endorse sugar
beets.Last week a man and woman passed through the city and left a trail of bad checks behind them, merchants report to the police. The report for December by Police Judge Charles Gay allows that $1.30 was expended for meals to transients. The city recorder is busy preparing the ballots for the city election to be held January 12. V. J. Emerick is running against C. E. Gates, the hustling auto dealer, for mayor. Capt. A. J. Vance of Co. 7 promoted Corporal Horace L. Bromley to fourth duty sergeant, vice Selden Hill. Private Carl Y. Tengwald was promoted to be corporal. Tuesday
W. R. Coleman
reports to the
sugar beet
committee that
when he was a
boy near
Phoenix sugar
beets were
raised for cow
feed and
declares that
sugar beets
can be raised
here.Contract let for the construction of a federal building in Medford. Commercial Club for the first time in its history has money in the bank, the annual report shows. Jim Bell of the Nash Hotel offers $200 for the first sack of sugar made from home-grown beets. Wednesday
Land owners'
reports that
would be
beneficial to
the valley and
will file
petitions for
of a district.Dr. E. B. Pickel and W.C.T.U. chapter endorse adoption of new city charter. Mayor Purdin reviews history of the new charter in a four-column letter. George Walters, child driving a buggy on North Oakdale Thursday night, was struck by an unknown autoist running without lights. Walters was thrown from the buggy, which is a total loss. The reckless motorist escaped under cover of darkness. The alumni team of the Medford high school, during the New Year's game at Grants Pass, contracted a taxicab bill, and the taxi man threatens suit. No one will assume responsibility for the bill. Thursday
The Oregonian
prints an
interview with
Miss Marion
Towne of
Phoenix, first
woman to be
sent to the
legislature in
this state.Ben Sheldon denies that his support of the new city charter is in the hopes he will be named city manager. "I am fully unqualified to be city manager, and would not have it under any circumstances," says Mr. Sheldon in an article headlined "Another Lie Nailed." Southern Pacific announces special rates to the World's Fair at San Francisco. Local Belgian aid fund leaps to $200. Friday
Citizens Unite
to Advocate
Passage of New
Charter," says
a front page
Councilman George
"nails another
campaign lie."The streets of the city were a glare of ice this morning, and horses had difficulty in keeping their feet. Jacksonville gets thrill from reported discovery of gold near the Old Channel mine. W. H. Gore addresses Commercial Club on the need of a sugar beet factory. Saturday
Medford High
School defeats
Grants Pass at
basketball 47
to 5 before a
small crowd.Largest vote in history of city predicted at city election to vote on new city charter. Dr. J. M. Keene, of Oregon system fame, is hourly labeling the new charter the "New Thought Movement." Attorney B. F. Mulkey addresses the Parent-Teacher Association of the Washington School on "Shakespeare and Counterparts in Modern Tendencies." W. H. Gore and George B. Carpenter of the beet sugar committee were arrested by the Talent policeman for speeding while en route to a beet meeting at Ashland, and fined $5.00. Dr. J. J. Emmens is preparing to move his offices from Main Street to the second floor of the M.F.&H. building. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1930, page B2 Monday
V. J. Emerick
was elected
defeating C.
E. Gates by 62
votes in a
election. J.
C. Barnes,
candidate for
received 66
votes. The
proposed new
city charter
was defeated
by 94 votes. J.
C. Mann
was elected
from the first
ward by a
majority of
139.A reported influx of undesirables and parasites from California, as the result of a moral wave over that state. Lou "Cack" Pheister, reported killed at Happy Camp, Calif., returned home alive, happy and far from dead.
The stores of
the city were
closed so the
could assist
in securing
signers for
beet sugar
acreage.A heavy wind and rain sweeps the valley with snow in the hills, causing farmers and miners to rejoice. Wednesday
Contract let
to Sound
Company for
building federal
and Sen.
writes if
we'll be ready
for occupancy
in 24 months.The body of Charles Thomason, shot for a deer by an unknown hunter, was found on Anderson Creek. Mail Tribune prints a poem on its front page, entitled "It's Not the Town, It's You." Autoists traveling through Talent should keep an eye out for the speed cop, as the town has declared war on speeders and incidentally to inflate a deflated treasury. Nick Olman, Charles Ray and Jay Gore win a debate in the high school on the subject "Should the United States Retain the Philippines?" Mayor-elect Emerick says that "Ole Arnspiger as city engineer is right where he belongs, and I will fight to the last ditch for him. If they get a new city engineer they can get a new mayor. It would be a crime to dismiss him." The Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank has contracted for a modern burglar alarm. The wonderful device will be installed in 60 days. Thursday
T. E. Daniels
named grand deputy
Exalted Ruler
of the Elks.Commercial Club holds annual banquet and election of officers at Hotel Medford. Irrigation needs and the establishment of a sugar beet factory were the main topics. W. H. Gore delivered the main address and brought the audience to its feet with a stirring appeal for sugar beet acreage. County Attorney E. E. Kelley declares war on slot machines. Dr. E. B. Pickel delivered an interesting talk on "Adolescence" at the library. Fifteen were present, but what the audience lacked in numbers they made up with enthusiasm. Friday
In the sugar
beet campaign,
store is named
as the base of
operation, and
future of the
Rogue River
Valley is in
the scales for
acceptance or
rejection." Ed
offers $200
for the first
beef fattened
on sugar
beets.Tom Fuson passed out the cigar today in honor of a pair of twins at his house January 18. The slot machines of the city and county were turned to the wall today, in accordance with a recent order of County Attorney Kelly. At a meeting of the landowners of the Agate district, irrigation was defeated unanimously. Members of the Chamber of Commerce were allowed one hour and a half to explain the irrigation plan. Mail Tribune editorial declares "valley farmers in opposing the sugar beet campaign are biting off their own noses." Saturday
Jackson County
to hold a mass
meeting to
against the
changing the
present methods
of handling
the Rogue
River fish
Feeling is
running high
among the
fishers and
hunters. County
Attorney Kelly
declares, "I
never heard of
such a diabolical
plot to throw
the interests
of sportsmen
into the
cauldron of
politics."The Dramatic Expression Division of the Greater Medford Club is holding a regular meeting today at the public library. Mayor M. Purdin delivers his final message to the city council, part of which readers: "To those who are holding over in the council, I extend my sympathy as well as to my successor and to the new councilmen. Do not think you will receive any reward, for duty well done, either in financial remuneration or in appreciation, for we have the knocker, with his little hammer, even with us, and he will find you out." Commercial Club elects C. E. Gates president of the organization. The sheriff reports that miscreants on Galls Creek are using their neighbors' hogs as rifle targets. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, January 12, 1930, page B2 Monday
A sign of
first of the
out in the
district with
a wholesale
washing of
windows.John C. Mann, councilman from the first ward, and Frank Amy, councilman from the second ward, will be sworn in at first meeting of new council. Rumpus over market-master looms. Ben Hur Lampman, editor of the Gold Hill News, has his poem "Lo! She Is Everywhere" published in the New York Sun. The police are chasing all vagrants out of town as fast as they arrive, as they fear I.W.W. agitators will launch a street speaking campaign here. Tuesday
Beet acreage
necessary for
the building
of a sugar
factory here
secured, and
headed by C.
W. Nibley,
agree to
finance plan.Ashland city council votes for the Billings cut, instead of the Farnham Hill route, for the Pacific Highway, and an overhead crossing will be built. The negotiations lasted over a year. Owing to the agitatory confab on the streets Tuesday afternoon regarding the respective merits of irrigation projects, it was necessary for the police to clear the sidewalks on a couple of occasions. Some of the main agitators have been on the job all week and are fanatically bitter against water. Mayor V. J. Emerick assumes reins of office and announces his policy will be "Do much and say little." The Rogue River Fish Protective Association calls a meeting to consider the legislature. Wednesday
W. H. Gore
issues a
"that all must
hustle, or the
sugar beet
factory will
go by the
boards, and
else."Two or three clotheslines were visited last night and stripped of underwear and socks, the police reported. Friends of H. E. Marsh tender him a surprise party. Music, games and conversation made up the evening. It requires five carloads of gravel to fill up a "bottomless pit" near the Espee water tank. Thursday
Three boys
were before
the juvenile
court charged
with the
killing of
pigeons."September Morn" was presented at the Page Theater last night to a large crowd. It was not as startling as many anticipated. Driver for Nurmi Bakery hits a phone pole and is seriously injured. A chinook wind sweeps the valley, and the snow in the Siskiyous is melting rapidly, causing fears of a flood.
Sugar beet
campaign for
acreage, and
implores all
good citizens
to give their
time and
automobiles to
a "successful
of the
endeavor."Born to County treasurer Fred Colvig. a nine-pound son at Jacksonville. The genial county official is stepping high and smiling broadly. Col. J. F. Mundy, who has been floored with a severe cold, is on the mend. The police curbed a number of motorcyclists, who have started their spring speed tests on the main street. Water Superintendent Ole Arnspiger has returned from the city intake, where he removed a fallen tree from valve No. 4. Annual report shows 4804 books in the city library, an increase of 1204. Saturday
The Colony
Club holds an
reception in
honor of Mrs.
George H.
Daggett.Miss Ina Cochran will return to the University of Oregon at the beginning of the second semester in February. Sportsmen call to arms issued by the Rogue River Fish Protective society to "thwart dumbness of the legislature." A team belonging to C. A. Adams ran away on Main Street this morning, and as a result the police will enforce the city ordinance requiring all horses to be hitched. The Jackson County Republican Central Committee showed the first signs of life since the drubbing administered last November and decided to hold a Lincoln Day banquet. The committee announced this will be the opening of the 1916 campaign, which is nine months ahead of themselves. "The Clutching Hand," presented at the Star Theater, thrills scores of city and country people. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, January 19, 1930, page B2 Woman Legislator in an Address in Salem
By the Associated Press.Champions Bill to Cede Jurisdiction of Park to United States. SALEM, Or., Jan. 19.--For the first time in the history of Oregon, representatives of the House heard a woman legislator address that body today, when Miss Marion B. Towne, representative from Jackson County, spoke in behalf of a bill introduced by the Jackson County delegation, which would cede to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the Crater Lake National Park. The bill was passed immediately after her argument in its favor. "A few people have the idea that this bill creates a park," said Miss Towne, "but it does not. It is a mere formality. The government desires to police the park and to have its courts exercise complete jurisdiction over it, and to accomplish this is the purpose of the bill. I anticipate no opposition to it unless it comes from either Representative Smith or Representative Forbes." Representative Smith promptly arose and championed the bill. San Jose Mercury-News, San Jose, California, January 20, 1915, page 4 Monday
aroused over
will abolish
license funds
for hunting
and fishing
and call upon
Jackson County
delegation at
Salem "to be
firm and
uphold the
fishing to the
point of
death."A number of the younger matrons walked to Talent Sunday on a pleasant jaunt. The sugar beet campaign for acreage in full swing, with many encouraging reports from the country districts. Messrs. Bramwell and Nibley of the sugar beet interests are still in the city. Tuesday
The warm
weather of the
past ten days
has caused
many of the
housewives of
the city to
start planting
sweet peas.
There is just
a faint hint
of spring in
the air, and
the snow is
melting fast
in the
foothills.The boy, age 12 years, accused of shooting a valuable hunting dog belonging to Sprague Reigel of Gold Hill allowed to go by the juvenile court upon the promise of his mother [that] he would not be allowed to have a gun until old enough to vote. Mrs. J. F. Reddy and Mrs. Ed Hanley attended the hearing and used their influence to secure leniency. It developed that the dog was shot while chasing a pet rabbit belonging to the boy. Salem--Jackson County ranks third in the state in the number of autos, Secretary of State Olcott reports. N. C. Westerfield of Portland in a letter calls attention to the neglect of cheese-making in this valley. The enrollment in the high school has increased to over 400, Superintendent U. S. Collins reports. Wednesday
First pictures
of the
European war
shown at the
Page Theater,
to a capacity
house.Medford merchants agree to stand part of transportation costs if Applegate farmers will raise sugar beets. Farmers and Fruitgrowers League approve plan for the use of fruit for by-products, A couple of short-change artists who have been skinning the merchants of the Willamette Valley are headed this way, the police report. The boys and girls basketball team of the high school left this morning on a tour of northern California. Thursday
Attorney Gus
returns [to]
Salem and
"unless the
fish and game
bill is
defeated in
fishing on
Rogue River is
doomed and
damned."Work on the new federal building at Sixth and Holly streets will start in ten days, Supt. Crowley reports. A mass meeting of farmers was held in the Willow Springs district; "was an eye-opener on the value of irrigation." Complaint has been made that autoists are speeding across the Jackson Street bridge, menacing people in buggies. Friday
District plan
for irrigation
is abandoned,
and a mass
meeting is
called to
discuss other
ways and
means.Unless all the acreage is signed up by February 1, the valley will lose the sugar beet factory, William H. Gore said this noon. The police responded to a call last night from a house near the end of Ninth Street saying that a man was beating his wife. A jitney bus was requisitioned and a swift run made to the place. When the law arrived it was found that the wife was beating the husband, and that the latter in the height of the battle had fled. No arrests were made. Ed White of the Antelope was a business visitor in the city today. He reports the coyotes are plentiful and eating up his angoras. Saturday
Foes of the
plan in the
Central Point
area held a
joy ride,
consisting of
17 autos and
the Central
Point band,
which executed
selections.Today is the final day for the purchase of auto licenses. Most of the local car owners have complied with the law, but a few are still trying to evade the issue. Friday evening twenty patients of Dr. W. W. Howard gave him a pleasant surprise. Bert Anderson calls upon all "good Republicans to assemble at the Hotel Medford, Lincoln's birthday, February 12, to take initial steps towards breaking the shackles of Democracy now gnawing at our vitals." Table Rock Tablets--Ross Kline was in these parts Monday after carrots. He says he will plant ten acres of sugar beets. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, January 26, 1930, page B2 Monday
while hunting
near Central
Point with a
party of
received a
number of
shots intended
for a
Wilkinson came
over to a
knoll in time
to receive the
Outside of a
black eye, he
suffers no
injury. One of
the shot hit
near the right
optic.Salem--Rogue River fish bills are postponed for a week, so fishermen can outline offensive. European war pictures shown at the Page Theater draw large crowds. University of Oregon [party] in geology to study the flora at Crater Lake coming summer. Something definite is expected to materialize in regard to the sugar beet factory within the next two days, and the campaigners for same are hopeful. Tuesday
Oregon, due to
warm rains and
melting snows.
The Rogue and
rise rapidly.J. C. Barnes offers plan for the securing of irrigation in the valley, and declares he would not be manager of any irrigation system "for love or money or the privilege to sit on the right hand of Woodrow Wilson." This is Ground Hog Day, and the prospects are bright the varmint will see his shadow. Two auto smashes occurred on the main street last night. Jack Kestor of Foots Creek, carrying an umbrella, was knocked down by the F. W. Shapleigh machine, and Dr. E. G. Riddell skidded at Main and Grape into a buggy belonging to F. W. Powell and smashed it up badly. Wednesday
Senator George
E. Chamberlain
has secured a
frost survey
of the Rogue
River Valley.Attorney B. F. Mulkey, A. F. Rosenbaum and Homer Billings spent yesterday in the Ashland district campaigning for sugar beets. The high school glee club appeared at the Page Theater last night and scored a hit. One of the most popular numbers was "It's a Long Way to Tipperary." Plans for irrigation in this section [are] now in the hands of a committee of farmers and orchardists. Thursday
Dr. J. M.
declares, in
an interview,
that the
Lincoln Day
banquet "will
be a community
of thought and
of the
system." Every
a taint
of Republican
blood in his
system is
urged to
attend the
banquet.Eggs are 20 cents per dozen, and the hens of the valley are busy. Last fall when eggs were 40 cents a dozen they were inactive. A dog poisoner is active in the city, according to Dr. A. J. Helms. Dr. J. Lawrence Hill declares "prohibition is a farce in Oregon as long as liquor can be shipped in from California." Fate of sugar beet factory now depends on soil survey under way. Sufficient beet acreage has been signed after a hard struggle. Friday
J. C.
Barnes tells
the valley how
to raise coin
to establish
system and
writes: "How
long, O Lord,
are we going
to fool around
the way we
have been
doing?"New life and ginger has been injected in Co. 7 through the efforts of Lieut. Carl Y. Tengwald. Last night all the members were present except two, and they telephoned their regrets. Legislature takes action to pave road across Siskiyous. Dr. W. W. Howard, secretary of the Iowa Club of Southern Oregon, calls upon all members to pay their dues at once. Work will start on the new federal building and post office February 15, it is now announced. The police found a woman's hat on East Main Street this morning. They believe it was lost during a joy ride, as there was yelling in that end of town about 3 a.m. Saturday
The 1915
Cadillac is
displayed by
the Hall Auto
Company, and
half a dozen
sales are
hanging fire.Dr. J. J. Emmens moves into his new suite of offices in the M.F.&H. building. Circular letters appealing for aid to the war sufferers of Armenia, Poland, Belgium, Persia, Syria, Italy, France, Morocco and Finland have been received in this city. Residents on South Riverside complained to the police last night that a number of young men were parading up and down, yelling and yowling, and making a general nuisance out of themselves. They fled ere the police arrived, and it is feared they were intoxicated. Medford man is bilked out of $3000 betting on a horse race at San Francisco. The Roseburg basketball team claims the state championship and will play the locals here Friday night and may get their tail feathers plucked, as the Medford team shoots exceptionally well and play together splendidly. A hot game is expected. Beet sugar project takes a darker tinge, according to W. H. Gore, a sugar beet enthusiast. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, February 2, 1930, page B2 Monday
to all signs,
both the Rogue
River fish
bills will be
knocked when
resumes its
of the vital
subject.Associated Charities of Medford need $101.75 to pay for food, etc. advanced to indigents. Surface indications point to the passing of the beet sugar factory in this valley. Attorney Gus Newbury has returned from Salem, where he talked to the supreme court. Attorney E. E. Kelly, enraptured on the occasion of his first ride in a Cadillac, driven by Seely V. Hall, writes a column to the editor about it. "I will never forget my first ride in a Cadillac," concludes attorney Kelly. Tuesday
Bogus nickels,
that only an
expert can
tell from the
genuine, are
in circulation
in this city,
the police
report.Tavern Hotel at Eagle Point destroyed by a fire, causing $6000 loss. Lack of wind saved greater loss to adjacent property. Bucket brigade did yeoman service. Medford resident returning from San Francisco denies report he was hornswoggled out of $3000 by bunco artists, although the latter have his $3000, "but promised to return." Ashland chief of police declares war on stray dogs after he is bitten by one at a prominent corner. Wednesday
Fish in Rogue
River face
failure of the
legislature to
take any
action towards
protection of
game fish.The Medford volunteer fire department took a final gasp at a meeting last night and died. A banquet preceded the demise. Death was due to a fit of economy by the city council, who refused to pay for telephones for members. The irrigation committee finds that sentiment for irrigation is growing in the valley. Lincoln Day banquet is expected to bring back into Republican fold all the erring party brothers who became infatuated with Bull Moosism in 1912. Farmers of the Applegate organize a war against the coyotes, who are very annoying in that section. Thursday
The grand jury
will sit in
all next week.The police have served notice on farmers that they are subject to arrest if they stop their teams in the middle of the street to hold a conversation. This occurred this morning in front of the Nash Hotel when an auto to avoid a smash was forced into the curb. The Roseburg High School basketball team defeated the Medford team last night 23 to 18, in a hair-raising game before the largest crowd that ever saw a basketball game in Southern Oregon. Williamson starred for the home guards with three hair-lifting shots. The locals were outclassed from start to finish. Republicans of Jackson County held a turkey dinner at the Hotel Medford last night, and an address by B. F. Mulkey on "Lincoln" was the main feature. Every precinct in the county was represented, and the campaign is opened. Friday
The home
division of
the Greater
Medford Club
will meet at
the library
afternoon. The
topic will be
Decorations."Andrews Opera Company plans a national tour and will open in this city March 8 in "Martha." Contract let for the installation of pipes at the Ashland Lithia Springs. The fruitgrowers of the valley met at the Medford Hotel and organized to "fight pests of all descriptions." Wolves invade the Willow Springs district and kill a hound named "Bugle" belonging to Ed Pennington. The beet sugar committee headed by W. H. Gore starts drive for a factory here in 1916. Only 2100 acres more needed. Saturday
City council
for the
appointment of
a police
matron.Page Theater installs a $10,000 Wurlitzer pipe organ. Wesley Judy performed a stupendous gastronomical feat by eating one dozen raw eggs and surviving. He became engaged in an argument with Ralph McKay on his prowess and bet--and won. Masonic lodge moves to new quarters in the M.F.&H. building. Grand jury is investigating county affairs and county offices, and a number [of] indictments are expected. Rev. J. Lawrence Hill praises vampire films shown at the Page Theater. Women on skis visit Crater Lake. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, February 9, 1930, page B2 Monday
An epidemic of
"hog latin"
has attacked
the boys and
girls of the
city, much to
the disgust of
their parents
and teachers.
The boys and
girls talk in
a peculiar
jargon, which
no one but
themselves can
understand. A
ban upon the
practice has
been declared
in many homes,
and some of
the schools.Warnings issued to fruit growers to beware of fire blight. A swarm of California beggars swooped down upon the city late Sunday, and were ordered to "make themselves scarce." Ashland autos smash together going around dangerous corner near [the] Plaza. Tuesday
Residents of
Avenue report
they were kept
awake last
night by the
yelling of two
young men. It
was not
learned what
the smart
alecks were
yelling about.Conditions at [the] poor farm placed under fire by grand jury report. Slogan sought to usher in new era at Ashland. Mail Tribune editorial brands the legislature as "full of expensive parasites." Wednesday
The police
last night
rounded up
four horses
that have been
wandering for
two months
over lawns on
East Main
Street.Warren Butler, a high school student, while racing out of the Nat last night, was knocked senseless by running into a door. The young man was resuscitated by Dr. Pickel, who reported no damage was done to the boy, aside from a temporary shortage of wind. The new $10,000 Wurlitzer pipe organ was played at the Page Theater last night for the first time at the presentation of the regular program. Thursday
Rose culture
lectures by
Rev. George
Schoerner of
Brooks, Ore.
started."Hang it on Ashland" is the slogan of the high school for the coming four-game series with the ancient foe. The city is being plastered with the battle cry. Interest in the games is intense. Leo. L. Jacobs, cashier of the Farmers & Fruit Growers Bank, has accepted the position of secretary of the Elks Club. R. F. Antle, assistant cashier, will be promoted. Economy wave hits Jacksonville, and at the city election on next Tuesday the voters will be asked to eradicate the street commissioner and the city attorney and cut the marshal's salary. Chauncey Florey nominated for councilman on the economy ticket. Statistics show most Medford High students fail in higher mathematics. Friday
A team
belonging to a
Griffin Creek
farmer ran
away this
morning when
frightened by
an auto driven
by Seely Hall.At the last meeting of the Greater Medford Club, a letter of appreciation was read from Mr. Foyes of the Foyes Grocery for the work of the club members in the fly-swatting campaign last summer. Hegira to world fair at San Francisco begun by Ashland residents. H. Chandler Egan is spending the week in Jacksonville as a member of the petit jury. Ad Wolgast, who entered some sort of an agreement with Mose Barkdull in operating a hog ranch in the Eagle Point district, served notice this week on Mr. Barkdull that he would have nothing further to do with the hogs. Mr. Barkdull is therefore holding the sack. Tickets for the Ashland-Medford basketball series are at a premium, and the Natatorium will be packed to the roof with wild-eyed partisans. "Mutt" Williamson, the backbone of the Medford team, has recovered from a sore ankle. Saturday
attending the
annual dance
at the
Club, a Ford
belonging to
M. M. Root was
stolen by joy
riders.William Aitken, a plumber of this city, has received a number of papers from his old home in England, and [they] are devoted almost entirely to a discussion of the submarine blockade. The basement for the new federal building at Sixth and Holly streets has been completed, and the contracts for the lumber will be let next week. W. A. Gates, who recently came here from Peoria, Ill., will be the main speaker at the next regular meeting of the Merchants Association. Mr. Gates is a speaker of no mean ability, and no merchant should miss hearing his address. Give the newcomer a hearty welcome with a large attendance. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, February 16, 1930, page B2 Monday
C. Beekman,
pioneer banker
and one of the
figures of
Oregon, called
by death at
the age of 87
years. Entire
state press
pays tribute
to his merit.Ashland council decided to put lid on pugilists and fortune tellers. Rogue River apple juice made by the Bagley Canning Company has made a hit in San Francisco, and orders have been received for all that can be produced. Chamber of Commerce votes to give a dinner once a month for members, as proposed by William Isaacs. Tuesday
Medford High
School defeats
Ashland 31 to
10 before the
largest crowd
that ever saw
a game in
Oregon. Mutt
Wilson did
himself noble
and had a
close second
in Robby
Pelouze. These
two young
heroes played
gallantly, and
their names
are written in
soap on the
window of
every business
house in
Ashland.A number of the young friends of Miss Georgie Williams put over a surprise on her on her birthday. Games were played to a seasonable hour, when a light repast was served. Epworth League of Methodist Church holds annual banquet. To the Editor: If you were a camping tourist where would you camp in the vicinity of Medford? There will be tens of thousands of such tourists pass through Medford this summer, and the familiar greeting up and down the line will be "Where is a good place to camp?" Other cities will be prepared for just such an emergency, and Medford may be missing something. Wednesday
Police ordered
to arrest all
wanderers and
make them work
alleys and
vacant lots.Ashland fans to come to this city in special train to see basketball game. Judge E. E. Kelly writes to the paper, "There is no more sense in providing free space for auto tourists in auto camps than there is in furnishing free meals and board for traveling salesmen." Jacksonville city election warms up and promises to be a red-hot contest, with every citizen voting. Thursday
Jackson County
citizens urged
"to forswear
luxuries and
help the
Armenians."C. E. Gates advertises that owing "to the situation abroad, I have only nine Fords on the floor and no more in sight." A Ford auto, a motorcycle, two dozen Plymouth Rock roosters and a sack of corn was stolen in a sudden crime wave that swept the city last night. At a regular meeting of the last city council the matter of the appointment of a police matron was again broached and laid on the table indefinitely. Medford basketball team protests playing championship games in "Ashland cigar box." Friday
Girls of North
Medford have
organized a
roller skating
club and use
the Pacific
Highway for
their jaunts.Scores of residents of the city have started spading spring gardens. Banks of the city were crowded with people from the country paying their taxes. Signor Alfonse Giordiana, Italian tenor visiting Ed. Andrews, declares the Rogue River Valley reminds him of Sicily. Ashland police at council meeting stage roughhouse. Chief of police knocks policeman down and another policeman resigns rather than arrest him. If it does rain [sic] tomorrow, P. E. Wynkoop & Co. will hold a public auction at Main and Fir streets. Saturday
Residents of
the Willow
district ask
the county
court to
divert the
Highway to the
road through
their section
in the
interests of
economy and
scenic effect.Chamber of Commerce after a chicken dinner at St. Mark's Guild Hall vote to give moral support to a proposition to form a brass band here. Forty lovers of outdoor life met at the public library last night and organized a hiking club. Cole Holmes was elected president and will map out the hikes, of which there are many in this vicinity. Insurance rate on city fire truck is held to be too high by the city council, and insurance agents are so advised by the mayor. Ashland High School won the Southern Oregon championship by defeating Medford, 23 to 17. Grisez of Ashland tossed the ball the entire length of the Natatorium to score a basket, which caused three fights among spectators. The lineup of the Medford team was: Pelouze and Williamson, forwards; Thomas and Brown, center; Cowgill and Beacom, guards; Torney, substitute. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, February 23, 1930, page B2 Monday
The Southern
Oregon exhibit
at the San
Francisco fair
is pronounced
poor by
Carpenter, who
states in a
letter that
the apples are
wormy. "The
Valley, both
in fruit and
outstrips the
declares Mr.
Carpenter.The Dollarhide Toll Road over the Siskiyous is purchased by the county court. The Farmers and Fruitgrowers League declares war on squirrels and blue jays. The opera "Martha," presented by the Andrews Opera Company at the Page Theater under the auspices of the Elks Lodge, was a social and musical success. Tuesday
Seely Hall
returns from
San Francisco
and pronounces
the Southern
exhibits at
the 1915 fair
"worse than
pitiful, and
not better
than nothing."Councilman Medynski urges that citizens plant vacant lots to crops "to keep busy and provide food." Six alarms were turned in between Saturday night and Monday night, and the fire department was kept on the jump. Tolo and Willow Springs citizens appeared before the county court and presented their arguments and claims for routing the Pacific Highway through their communities. Medford students at the University of Oregon gain high marks. Wednesday
Fruit shippers
of the
unite to solve
problems.Barnum and Bailey's circus will appear in this city next August, it was announced. The police activity for the past week has consisted of the arrest of one man for drunkenness in public. Residents of South Riverside report that they are kept awake by loud yelling of youths. The annual spring opening at Mann's will start tonight and close Saturday. Baseball players of the city are planning on forming a team. Thursday
Attorney W. E.
Phipps issues
warning to
public not to
pay sewer tax
payments until
pending suit
is settled.People are paying taxes faster than ever, the sheriff reports. The Grizzly club hiked to the Opp mine near Jacksonville yesterday and report a pleasant time. City council for [the] third time rejects proposal for appointment of a police matron. Fruit conditions in the Rogue River Valley for this season of the year reported excellent. Friday
H. O.
Frohbach of
reports that
the Southern
Oregon exhibit
at the San
Francisco fair
is a "credit
to the
reports to the
contrary."A tramp stole Mose Barkdull's overcoat from his auto, and the same culprit ate a meal in a Front Street restaurant and left without paying. Barkdull and the police caught the tramp on the way to Ashland, and [he] was brought to this city. At the city jail, Barkdull refused to prosecute the unfortunate man and paid for his meal and sent him on his way rejoicing. Work on constructing phone line from Prospect to Crater Lake started. County court takes necessary action to secure a better exhibit at the San Francisco fair. Unknown reader sends letter to Mail Tribune declaring that "Medford is slated for the fate that overtook Babylon." Saturday
Local boy and
girl elope,
and the
sheriff can
find no trace
of them.The most unfortunate dog in the world is running loose in Medford. He is an Airedale and blind. He cannot see to chase cats or get out of the way of man and vehicles. He is all the time running into something. The police are looking for him so they can tie him up or find his owner. He is a fine, healthy-looking canine, with nothing the matter except his eyes. The driver of a taxicab collided with a Hall taxicab this morning in front of the Nash Hotel. The accident occurred when the driver lost control of his machine while throwing an apple core at Ralph McKay. The Union Oil Company plans to erect a $25,000 plant at Crater Lake Junction. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1930, page B2 Monday
St. Patrick's
Day is
throughout the
valley without
turmoil, but
with every
showing a
shamrock. The
Teacup Club of
Ashland trim
spring hats
for their
wives. The
is composed of
men belonging
to the
Church.The Hoke cooperative cannery announces that its capacity for the coming year will be quadrupled. Tributary streams of Rogue River [are] to be stocked with trout fry by the state fish commission. Tuesday
There were
several near
accidents on
Main Street
this morning
due to
driving, and
the police
announce a war
on speeders.Southern Oregon sportsmen demand that the governor name a Southern Oregon man on the fish commission. Owing to a lack of funds and a general retrenchment policy, the plan to plant trees along the Pacific Highway has been abandoned by the county court. Wednesday
The Elks Club
rooms on North
Central were
opened today
with Lee
Jacobs in
charge. The
dedication of
the temple
will take
place in the
summer.Insect life the past few days has flourished and has been characterized by the birth of myriads of white-winged butterflies. Yesterday was as balmy as a day in June, and house flies made their appearance. The hikers' club plans to hike to the top of Table Rock next Sunday, if the weather permits. A number of boys climbed to the top of Roxy Ann last night and set off red fire, in mockery of the prediction of an evangelist that the hill would erupt as a preliminary to the end of the world. There will be no spring cleanup duty this year, as far as the city is officially concerned. The city council has been attacked with penuriousness, and as a result the citizens will have to pay for having their garbage hauled away instead of having the city do it for nothing. Thursday
The federal
building will
be completed
and officially
opened May 11,
1916, it was
announced by
the Treasury
Department.Willie Painter, age 3, living at Central Point, boards a Southern Pacific train, and unbeknownst to his parents came to this city yesterday. The tot told agent Rosenbaum that he came to Medford to see the circus. Some days ago the Mail Tribune mentioned that the advance agent for a circus was in town, and Willie heard of it in some way. He is about three months ahead of the arrival of the circus. Orchardists faced with the prospects of another dry year have formulated plans for the formation of an irrigation district to cover 1000 acres. A woman riding on the rear seat of a motorcycle fell off this morning when the driver drove too close to a Southern Pacific switching engine. Friday
The tramp
arrested last
week for
stealing Mose
overcoat from
his auto was
arrested again
last night for
trying to
steal a cane
belonging to
Judge Canon,
and the
will not fool
with him any
after an
chase, gave
the tramp his
overcoat and
was repaid by
the tramp
trying to
steal a cane
belonging to
his best
friend.City council considers appointing a speed cop to control speeders on the residential streets. C. E. Gates this morning received the first carload of new style Fords, and they are going like hotcakes. Saturday
Only a week
remains for
the payment of
the first half
of the taxes.Contributions aggregating $1000 have been made for the buying of machinery for the Hoke cannery. The first orchard heating of the year came this morning, with a heavy frost last night. Lester Adams, for the past eighteen months a reporter on the Medford Sun, left today for Wallace, Idaho, where he will continue in journalism. (Adams is now [in 1930] managing editor of the Portland Telegram, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams of this city.) "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1930, page B2 Monday
Wanderer who
stole Mose
overcoat and
tried to steal
Judge Canon's
cane is given
a severe
reprimand and
30 minutes to
"make himself
scarce" when
jailed for
intoxication.David Wood bets Porter Neff that the Russians will capture Przemysl within the week. County Commissioner W. C. Leever of Central Point goes to Salem to discuss the early completion of the Pacific Highway over the Siskiyous by the highway commission. The Drama League held a meeting and voted to encourage amateur plays by amateur actors. Arthur Hurgess, advance man for the reorganized Andrews Opera Company, advances to Redding, Calif. Tuesday
Farmers of the
valley are
warned to
beware the
slick salesmen
selling seed
potatoes at
$2.50 a bushel
and promising
to return in
the fall and
pay $2.50 per
bushel more
than the
market price.Track team of the high school starts spring practice. Dorsey D. Norris is elected secretary of the Ashland Chamber of Commerce. Farmers and fruitgrowers declare war on gophers, digger squirrels, field mice, moles and other pests. Steps taken for the securing of a better Jackson County exhibit at the San Francisco fair. Wednesday
Rain fell in a
manner over
the valley
after an
effort. Then
the sky became
as clear as a
bell again.This is the glorious St. Patrick's Day, and the Irish of the valley are all wearing green and looking the same. The warm days of the past week have brought out the tennis players and golfers. Petrograd reports that Przemysl has fallen, but Porter Neff, who bet with David Wood upon the proposition, refuses to take the Russians' word for it. Thursday
Cole Holmes,
president of
the official
yell of the
club is the
following:Monarchs of the forest, Monarchs of the vale. Monarchs of the world at large, Grizzlies prevail. Wilson Wait joins the Andrews Opera Company as a musician and leaves on a tour. The horse attached to the Japanese laundry wagon ran away this morning when Saito, the driver, forgot to drop his weight. "The Melancholy Pelican," a prose poem written by Ben Hur Lampman of the Gold Hill News, is reprinted in the New York Sun, with a high compliment. Walt Antle, of the baseball team, sustained a badly bruised finger during a workout last evening. Friday
Company 7 is
highly praised
by Adjutant
General George
A. White for
appearance.Auto stage service to the San Francisco fair is scheduled to begin May 1. Theo. F. Drake arrives as government frost forecaster, and with Ben Sheldon as guide makes a tour of the valley to select sites for ten observation stations. Grizzly Club adopts resolution calling upon all good citizens to furnish historical data of the valley and aid in the preservation of wildlife. Clouds rolling in from the west thwarted the first attack of the season by Jack Frost. Orchardists were prepared for his coming, but instead got a good night's rest. A. C. Allen, district horticultural commissioner, calls upon orchardists to fight and watch blight. Saturday
Emil Britt of
in an
regarding the
lack of rain,
says there
will be none
until the
middle of
April.Police disperse a gang of boys who have been going swimming in Bear Creek without bathing suits. While Dr. J. J. Emmens was attending a performance of Charlie Chaplin at the Page Theater, a thief stole a clock from his auto. Fruitmen to hold mass meeting and try to organize a fruit growers council. Residents of South Oakdale corral a skunk under Dr. E. G. Riddell's house, and a reward is offered for his liberation by Dr. Riddell. Judge William M. Colvig, tax agent for the Southern Pacific, arrived this morning to pay the railroad taxes, amounting to about $25,000. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, March 16, 1930, page B2 MEDFORD'S AWFUL FATE
Sinful Medford is threatened with the fate of the
wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah according to a prophesy sent the Mail Tribune, from
an unknown source. Perhaps Roxy Ann is to get busy as a volcano and
overwhelm the valley, in which case it is hoped operations begin in
time to attract the world's fair tourist traffic. Perhaps Crater Lake
is going to blow out again. Anyway something awful is to happen--perhaps. Here's the prophesy:"BE READY! This warning come to all from God. Behold He has shown great trouble coming on this valley soon. Four times in vision He has shown me a mountain that stands out alone erupting. Once He has shown me a great black smoke rising with Medford written in the smoke, and the whole valley covered with a stream of black substance with a seam of fire running through, and twice He has let me hear and see the noise and horror of a volcano and last night He showed me the red light lighting up the town and darts of fire falling all over the town. "God has borne witness by His Holy Spirit these things are true and must make them public. Prepare to meet thy God. Amen." Medford Mail Tribune, March 18, 1915, page 1 Monday
enter empty
house on
Kenwood Avenue
and are blamed
for fire that
started and
caused $400
damage. Empty
beer bottles
gave evidence
of an orgy,
and neighbors
reported they
heard loud
singing about
two a.m.Members of the school board to be guests at dinner prepared by members of the domestic science class. The Gates Garage Company has devised a plan whereby a Ford can be rented the same as a horse and buggy, and everything is furnished but the driver. Mose Barkdull drove to Crescent City today, in "Doe Yak," his automobile, which was recently rejuvenated. The Gaiety Musical Company, which has been punishing local theater patrons for the past week, left today to agonize the natives of Grants Pass. Tuesday
Carl Jeschke
has received a
letter from
his old home
in Germany,
stating that
everybody not
working is
fighting, and
Germany will
win the war
in 90
days.High school debaters who defeated Grants Pass and Ashland orators will receive a red "M" similar to those awarded football heroes. Medford Elks will enjoy their first stag party and smoker at the new temple Wednesday evening. The Eagle Point correspondent for the Mail Tribune calls upon Fred L. Heath in his store at Eagle Point, and then writes a column article on Mr. Heath's method of growing large cucumbers. Ashland now sports a store devoted exclusively to the sale of bananas. Wednesday
Medford High
School debate
team defeated
by Bandon team
at Eugene.Will G. Steel, father of Crater Lake, delivers lecture at Presbyterian Church on Crater Lake which is well attended. Local cannery asks the Southern Pacific to reduce freight on fresh tomatoes. A double rainbow--an unusual phenomenon--adorned the eastern sky late yesterday and was highly appreciated by a number of local residents. W. W. Reager, a Perrydale farmer, driving a team, was struck by an auto driven by Ed. Hill, a youth. One of the horses was thrown into the car. The driver of the auto was mussed up but not hurt. The police said he was too young to be driving an auto. Thursday
According to
the mail
carrier, Mrs.
Sarah Adams
gets the most
mail of
anybody on the
route, and Jim
Emby is
second. Miss
Mabel Hanson
was second
when she was
here. (Flounce
correspondence.)Fish and game violators "will reap the whirlwind later on," according to an editorial in this paper. Porter Neff refuses to pay his bet with Dave Wood upon the fall of Przemysl, and insists David owes him for a bet he lost on the date of the fall of Constantinople. Number of Ashland citizens oppose development of Lithia Springs as "too costly a proposition." Mose Barkdull, called as witness at Jacksonville on eve of departure for Crescent City, forced to postpone trip. Friday
The street
of Streets Ole
Arnspiger is
regrading dirt
streets of the
city.Many fishermen can hardly wait until the opening of the fishing season, but they better or face dire consequences. There has been too much violation of the fishing laws. Fight fans of the city are beginning to manifest interest in the Jack Johnson-Jess Willard fight to be held in Havana. W. H. McGowan was installed last evening as exalted ruler of the Elks. O. O. Alenderfer was named chaplain. Everybody is congratulating A. S. Rosenbaum up to today--his 'steenth anniversary with the Southern Pacific. Saturday
Art. Burgess
has returned
from a trip to
the Willamette
Valley, where
he booked
dates for the
Andrews Opera
Company.The finishing touches have been put on the Siskiyou division of the Pacific Highway, and [it] is ready for travel. The Grizzly Club will walk through the orchards of the valley Sunday, according to present plans. D. A. Hansom of Agate reports that he saw smoke last night coming from lordly Mt. McLoughlin, alias Mt. Pitt. Weatherman arouses women of city and valley by predictions for their Easter bonnets. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1930, page B2 Monday
deficiency for
season is
11.51 inches.Fruitmen urged by Professor Haskell of O.A.C. to join cooperative movement. Silos are becoming popular among the farmers of the valley. Company 7 ordered to hold drills daily, and those who fail to attend will face dire consequences. Tuesday
A number of
April Fool
pranks were
today, the
being the
placing of a
garter snake
in a lady's
coat pocket.Roger S. Bennett announced today that the contract had been let for the erection of a $10,000 apartment house at Main and Quince streets, and adjoining the Berben apartments. "I am making this investment," said Mr. Bennett, "because I feel it is better to pay taxes on improved property than on vacant lots covered with weeds." The high school glee club will stage an operetta entitled "The Nautical Knot or the Belle of Barnstapoole." Sig. Salvatore Giordini arrived today to visit with Ed Andrews. He is a noted tenor of San Francisco. Wednesday
Attorney Fred
W. Mears
addressed the
Medford Club
on "The Legal
Phases of the
Vote for Women
and Their
Effect on the
Municipalities."Vandals Sunday desecrated a number of beauty spots along the Rogue. Where is the sheriff? Mrs. William O'Hara won the Maxwell auto in the Page Theatre contest. Tom Fuson is confined to his home with a light touch of typhoid fever and is steadily improving. Ashland Pythians prepare for [a] big initiation and ceremony at Crater Lake. The night police detained a young man who was caught yelling at two o'clock this morning on South Riverside. He was given a lecture and sent home. He could give no reason for his vocal outbursts. He was not drunk. Thursday
Club prepares
steelhead for
exhibition at
the San
exposition.U. S. Collins resigns as superintendent of Medford schools. "I have bought a Ford car and will spend my time riding on the Pacific Highway," the educator said. Ashland starts campaign against low-hanging awnings in the business district and poison ivy in the natural park. Chief of Police Hittson serves notices that motorists must cease cutting corners "before they kill themselves or somebody else." Women and boy drivers, the chief says, are the worst offenders. Medford hen claims honor of laying the largest egg in the state, and three of them in one day. Otto Klum, coach of the Ashland high school, has been elected to the same position for the Medford schools. This is good news. Klum's teams have always won because they never said "die," and it is hoped he will instill some gumption into the local athletes. "After taking the paper the most of the time for the past fifty years, I have quit the Oregonian, and quit it for good," states J. S. Howard, veteran pioneer and father of Medford. "I have protested for years on their policy of discrimination against Southern Oregon in general and Medford in particular, and I am through with the paper. I see no reason why anyone in Southern Oregon should patronize an institution that refuses this community a square deal." Saturday
There will be
a meeting of
the players at
the ball park
tomorrow to
form a ball
club.Mrs. Jap Andrews entertained the Nullo Bridge Club Thursday afternoon. Court Hall was amazed at the news that Jess Willard knocked out Jack Johnson. He declares there is "something fishy about it." Cole Holmes entertained a number of boy and girl friends informally Friday evening. Nick Ootman ousted as official yell leader of the high school, because he was negligent in his duties. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, March 30, 1930, page B2 The appeal of Major Canton of Medford, convicted in the circuit court of this county on a charge of sodomy, has been set for hearing in the supreme court at Salem, April 12. D. J. Mathes, auditor of the Medford National Bank, died at his home in that city, Friday morning, after an illness of ten days. He was aged about 45 years and had been a resident of Medford for the last six years. William P. Woods, a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home in Medford Tuesday morning, aged 71 years. Mr. Woods came to the valley in 1888. He is survived by two sons and two daughters, all residents of Medford. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, Rev. W. F. Shields officiating. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, April 3, 1915, page 3 Monday
V. Meldo
Hillis, of
Nampa, Idaho,
is named city
of schools.Dr. J. F. Reddy's dream of years is just about to come true. The construction to the sea of a rail line southwestward from Grants Pass to connect with tidewater at Crescent City, Cal. is to be taken over by Twohy Bros., railroad builders, and hurried to completion. Council plans construction of new city hall. Present quarters too small. Militant fishermen of Rogue River to demand action by next legislature. Tuesday
Company 7,
Captain Elmer
T. Foss,
paraded up and
down Main
Street last
evolutions.Jacksonville lodge celebrates 96th anniversary of Odd Fellowry. Charles Gay, while driving his auto on Emigrant Creek, was run into by a horse, causing $15 damage. Ashland has put restrictions on dancing in that city, and as a consequence hoofers of that city are expected to flock here. Lilac bushes are in bloom throughout the residential sections, and several bouquets have been stolen. Wednesday
baseball has
its first
tryout of the
year and looks
promising.Members of Company 7 prohibited from wearing their uniforms except when on duty. Several of the privates have been wearing their army clothes to social functions. Paul McDonald left this morning for Merrill, Klamath County, where he will have charge of a mercantile establishment. Attorney Porter J. Neff named city attorney of Gold Hill by the council. Miss Maple Payne of Ashland won a free trip to the Panama Exposition offered by 16 Ashland merchants. Statistics show that apple growers over a five-year period net "around a dollar a box." Thursday
travel over
the Southern
Pacific is
heavy.Another epidemic of yelling among young men out late has broken out, residents of South Riverside Avenue report to the police. The police are unable to determine what causes the enthusiasm, and predict it will stop when somebody gets hurt. Sells-Floto circus scheduled to appear in this city May 17. Contract is made for the development of the Ashland Lithia Springs. Four local youths arrested by sheriff for stealing chickens and milk bottles. Friday
While the fish
are plentiful
in Rogue
River, they
are not biting
as briskly as
expected by
A skunk wended
way through
the business
Tuesday night.
The prowler
could be
smelled but
not located.
The police
believe this
is the same
skunk that was
interned for
two days under
Dr. Riddell's
garage on
South Oakdale.
Medynski this
ordered the
arrest of the
driver of [a]
steamer auto,
brown colored,
he alleges was
going 30 miles
an hour down
North Central
Avenue.Cigar merchants announce the selling of six nickel cigars for a quarter will be discontinued. Heavy smudging prevailed in the orchard districts last night, and every country dog is black as the ace of spades. No damage to the fruit resulted. Saturday
Tom Fuson went
out for the
first time
since a severe
attack of
typhoid fever.The police announce that the next young man caught yelling on South Riverside when all are asleep will be severely punished. Horse belonging to George Alford of Phoenix commits suicide by poking its head into a stall and lying down. Ed Pottenger has received a carload of Reo autos for local purchasers. Chief of Police Hittson declares a law should be passed prohibiting parents from allowing their children to run in front of autos while they sit on the porches and watch the proceedings. The Grizzlies will walk up Roxy Ann Sunday, weather permitting. Forty couples will make the hike, which promises to be thrilling. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, April 6, 1930, page B2 Rev. Weston F. Shields of Medford, well known to many of our readers, has received a call to the pastorate of the Klamath Falls Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Emma Hughes of Medford died at her home Friday morning of lockjaw caused by stepping on a rusty nail about two weeks ago. Funeral will be held Monday, interment in cemetery at Rogue River. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, April 10, 1915, page 3 Monday
The weather
bureau flies a
black flag
from its mast,
there will be
continued cold
and smudging.Andrews Opera Company, while resting in the city preparatory to going north, will present a double bill at the Page Theater, with selections from "Faust" and "Martha." The state railroad commission will meet here April 26 to consider the application of the Bullis streetcar line for the right to cross the Espee tracks on Main Street. Police nab another young man found yelling at the top of his voice on South Riverside Avenue. He was turned over to his father, who said he would yell some more when he got him home. A troupe of vaudeville players gave an entertainment at Ash Hall, Trail, last Saturday night. Returning residents from California say prospects are brighter here than there. Tuesday
What causes
the vagaries
of the
weather?WICKED WILSON DID IT Who is responsible for the dry season? Who is to blame for the frosty nights? The answer is easy--President Wilson and the Democratic Party. If you don't believe it, ask the Republican Central Committee. Ask any reactionary. They will tell you so. Pythians plan campaign to advertise Crater Lake and their initiation there. Residents of the Blue Ledge district build a bridge across the Applegate to connect with forest trail. Medford experienced the warmest day of the season yesterday when the mercury rose to 85 degrees. Four local youths confess to wholesale thefts of chickens from local folks. Wednesday
The sheriff is
looking for an
Overland car
that ran into
a farmer on
the Pacific
Highway two
nights ago and
sped on
stopping.William Vawter has returned to his studies at Eugene after a short visit in the city. George Treichler entertained a number of North Dakotans at his home on South Holly last evening. The Greater Medford Club musicale, held at the Star Theater, was largely attended. Trophies of the chase in Jackson County [were] sent to the San Francisco fair. C. E. Gates contributed one deer head, Chris Gottlieb one salmon and Chester Fitch a stuffed woodpecker. Carl Y. Tengwald elected secretary of the Drama League. Thursday
continues on
the Pacific
Highway. The
sheriff says
traveling from
Ashland in 17
minutes is too
fast.Southern Pacific installs warning signals at Jackson Street crossing. Attorney Evan Reames is in San Francisco attending the exposition. Sixty percent of the county taxes for the year have been paid, county officials report. Thirty members of the Grizzly Club climbed to the summit of Roxy Ann, where they were served coffee donated by H. E. Marsh. Local Elks decide to dedicate their new temple in September, week and day to be determined later. Friday
Two tramps
called at the
home of F. H.
Whitehead on
South Central
Avenue Monday
and applied at
the front door
while Mr.
Whitehead was
in the back
yard tinkering
with his auto.
The front door
was slightly
ajar, so the
entered. They
were seen by a
woman across
the street who
notified Chief
Hittson, who
rushed to the
scene. He
caught the
pair, who upon
promise to
leave town
without delay
were released.
Mr. Whitehead
refused to
swear out a
against the
two.![]() Grace Norman Pellet in front of the Whitehead house at 503 South Central, circa 1916 H. Chandler Egan of Medford finishes second in day's play at [the] Panama-Pacific Exposition amateur golf championship match. School board raises annual salary of school principals. The Bullis streetcar jumped the track at the end of Main Street this morning and started down the county road. Saturday
Farmers of the
valley have
started to
plant their
corn, and
praying for
rain.The city council has ordered the removal of the water meter from the Garnett-Corey Building. W. R. Coleman plans to spend most of the summer prospecting in the south end of the county. The first band concert of the season will be held in the city park next week, weather permitting. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1930, page B2 Monday
The balmy
evenings of
the past week
have caused a
revival of joy
riding, and
the attention
of the
has been
called to a
number of boys
and girls who
do so without
the knowledge
of their
Ashland is the
have also been
afflicted with
recklessness.The graduating exercises of the senior class of the Medford high school will be held at the Page Theater May 28. Couple are wedded under an oak tree at Jacksonville by Rev. Costlett. Hall Taxicab Company discontinues daily stage to Grants Pass. The Medford Drama League endorses the class play of the high school seniors. Espee to put on a new daylight train to care for exposition travel. Tuesday
resident of
Table Rock
district cuts
an entire new
set of teeth,
the discarding
of false
teeth.Merle Kellogg's bulldog and a long-haired collie engaged in a fight at Main and Central this morning, attracting a crowd of 150. It was the best dog fight of the year, and everybody in six blocks was in attendance except a policeman, who is a humane officer ex officio. Attorney Gus Newbury is erecting a small house on his Applegate ranch for summer use. First band concert of the season is pronounced a success. Music lovers were disturbed, however, by small boys running and yelling while the band was playing. This is very annoying, and the police and parents should unite to stop it if they can. Wednesday
Ashland will
hold a special
election to
vote on
immediate park
interest is
manifested in
the election.Chan Egan, the local golfer, has returned from San Francisco, where he played in the exposition tournament. He was beaten by a couple of Californians. The police have put a ban on small boys using the downtown portion of Main Street for a skating rink. Talent spite fence case under way in circuit at Jacksonville. Community lunch will be held Saturday afternoon in the city park, and the C. of C. invites the entire county to attend. Thursday
are warned to
fight the
larva, which
recently made
its appearance
in these
parts.Rain is predicted for the official opening of the straw hat season. Ashland passes city ordinance prohibiting prize fight pictures and fortune telling. Orchards sustain no damage from prevailing wintry conditions. Rogue River bank is robbed of $800 by lone bandit who overlooked $500 in greenbacks after throwing ammonia in cashier's face. Friday
A wonderful
can be made at
small cost
with a little
paint. As an
example, the
appearance of
the historic
Nash Hotel has
been improved
a hundred
percent by its
new coat of
white. The
paint has not
only improved
the appearance
of building
but the
appearance of
the city.
Others should
do likewise.Southern Oregon Presbytery to meet here next year. A young son of O. C. Boggs, while playing with matches near a barn at the family home on Orchard Street, set fire to a barn, which was destroyed. Later in the afternoon a barn on South Central belonging to C. I. Hutchison was burned down, origin unknown. A wedding which came as a surprise to their many local friends occurred at Redding recently when Miss Blanche Wood and Herman Powell were married. The groom is a graduate of Cornell University, where he was a famous football player. He is erecting a home near the city reservoir. Saturday
Two girl
hikers walking
across the
continent to
appear at the
Star Theater
as a special
attraction for
three days.Bank robbery at Rogue River remains a dark mystery without a single clue, save that Seely Hall, a stage driver, saw a tall man running down the Pacific Highway shortly after the robbery towards a gray Buick car. Cashier Rossier is still suffering from a heavy blow he received on the head and from the fumes of ammonia thrown in his face. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs hold picnic in Ulrich's grove at Jacksonville to celebrate 96th anniversary of the founding of the order. J. A. Perry reelected president of the Rogue Fruitgrowers Cooperative. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, April 20, 1930, page B2 A petition is being prepared by the friends of Major Canton of this city to endeavor to obtain a pardon for that gentleman. No action will be taken about the case until the prosecuting attorney receives the mandate from the supreme court at Salem. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, April 22, 1915, page 6 Monday
cannery will
operations in
mid-June.Pinkerton detectives busy trying to find Rogue River bank bandit. Greater Medford Club votes to issue life memberships for $10. Edward W. Carleton, secretary of the Farmers and Fruitgrowers League, issues a call for the second annual meeting. The Grizzly Hiking Club will hike to the Sterling mine on next Sunday, if it does not rain. Governor James Withycombe will be the main speaker at the picnic of the Valley Pride Creamery to be held on the Applegate May 20th. Tuesday
The Tuesday
Luncheon Club
and the Girls'
Bridge Club
will hold a
joint session
on next
Wednesday.George E. Johnson is named superintendent of the P.&E. to succeed William E. Gerig, who has been called to St. Paul to take charge of drainage operations at a new rail terminal to be constructed there. Frost danger passes when clouds roll in from the west. The fish ladder at the Ament dam has been ordered closed for two weeks under pretense of making repairs to the speedway. Local fishermen are indignant because juries have failed to convict poachers at the ladder. Homegrown strawberries are appearing on the market, the berries ripening rapidly the last three days. Work on the new federal building is delayed because the government refused a large shipment of brick because of poor coloring. Wednesday
The chilly
weather of the
last two days
has decimated
thousands of
house flies in
their infancy,
according to
Dr. E. B.
Pickel.City joins with Salem and Roseburg in an effort to have the Liberty Bell be routed over the Southern Pacific so the patriots of Oregon will have an opportunity of seeing the historic relic. Police receive reports that flower thieves have been active on South Central Avenue and on the East Side. Local apples suffer in England because English drink more beer than they eat apples. John Kazmarek, a telegraph operator, had a $90 diamond stick pin stolen from his tie while watching a ball game, and Al Hagen is deprived of a $20 diamond pin by a room thief. Thursday
This is the glad
May day, and
the official
opening of the
straw hat
season is
delayed by
rain.Central Point wins the county track meet. Frost danger of the 1915 season is declared officially past. Ministers of city approve plan for a police matron. Chief of Police Hittson serves notice that places that do not clean up will be cleaned up and the costs assessed to their property. Friday
In accordance
with the will
of the late C.
C. Beekman,
steps to close
the Beekman
banking house
after more
than 50
years of
business here.
All depositors
are instructed
to remove
their deposits
without any
delay.Ralph Cowgill measures Bear Creek for the government and reports 110 second-feet of water passed under the bridge over a 24-hour period. When Oregon goes dry, so to speak, January 1st, 1916, there will be opened a distillery warehouse at Hornbrook, Siskiyou County, California, the purpose of which will be to supply the thirsty of this side of the state with booze. A warehouse is now under construction at the above-named point, and [it] will be stocked ready for business when prohibition comes. Shipments will be made by mail or express. Saturday
Only four feet
of snow covers
Crater Lake
park, and [a]
water shortage
faces valley.Fishermen send four resolutions to game commission condemning lack of fish in Rogue River. Irate subscriber, aroused by the interest shown in a dog fight on Main Street, writes to the editor, "The Darwin theory is right, and several gents in Jackson County have not shed their tails." He charges Mayor Emerick and Chief of Police Hittson were interested spectators and failed to set a good example. Plans completed for the first Jackson County Community Day next Saturday. Dr. J. M. Keene declares, "There will not be another Republican president until 1920," as "the people have not suffered enough for their folly in going Democratic." Dr. Keene further declares, "I can stand it as long as the Democrats can." "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, April 27, 1930, page B2 Monday
City council
permission to
hold their
Community Day
dinner in the
city park.The exterior painting of the Nash Hotel has been completed. The changed appearance will cause other business houses to do [likewise]. The venerable landmark sure looks pert in its new dress. The Drama League puts it stamp of approval on "The Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Page Theater. Flounce Rock correspondent reports "an epidemic of fights at the Trail dance." Herman Genss, the famous music teacher of San Francisco, will present Herbert L. Alford of this city in an introductory recital in San Francisco the first of next week. Mr. Alford is a graduate of the Medford high school. Tuesday
The senior
class of the
high school
held their
annual picnic
at Bybee's
Bridge today.
Eight autos
transportation.Gold Hill suffers the heaviest fire loss in its history, when school boys thoughtlessly set fire in the Hodges livery stable. Besides the livery stable, the blacksmith shop, the jewelry store and three residences are burned, entailing a property loss of $15,000. The water supply weakened in a crisis. Destruction of this city by eruption of Roxy Ann is predicted by converts of the Rev. Dodge, who stood not upon the order of his going following an interview with men relatives of several of his own converts. Saturday to be gala day in [the] city as merchants entertain country folks. Wednesday
Peckham is
pushing work
on the Ralph
which will be
one of the
houses on the
(Buncom Items)Chamber of Commerce opens war on dilapidated signs on the Pacific Highway, and President Gates appoints Guy Connor and S. Sumpter Smith to remove them. Medford people talk preliminary plans for Fourth of July celebration. The Grizzlies hold a picnic on Pierce Hill east of Medford. Treve Lumsden was in charge of the festivities. The Grizzlies plan a hike up Ashland Canyon at "no distant date." Agents of the British government have purchased 14 Rogue River Valley horses. They will be shipped to the war zone and will never see these parts again. Thursday
News that
actual work
has started on
J. F. Reddy's
railroad to
the coast was
hailed with
joy in this
city. The
building of
the line means
much to the
alone Grants
Pass.Mother's Day to be observed in churches of city with special music and services. Page Theater to present vaudeville as "a special treat for the city and valley." Frost forecast work for the season is ended. Friday
submarine off
coast of
causing a
death toll of
1216 people,
including 237
Wilson urges
calmness. Miss
[Conner] of
this city on
liner and
rescued.Gold Hill to stage "Days of '52" with big dance and big salmon feed. Central Point names "Good Roads Day." C. E. Gates will make a speech. Ben. C. Sheldon invited to represent Southern Oregon at a Commonwealth Conference to be staged by the University of Oregon. Mr. Sheldon is undecided upon accepting the invitation. All traffic on Southern Pacific from south tied up by washout near Kennett, Cal. Advertising car No. 1 of the Sells-Floto Circus in city. Saturday
Roger S.
receives a
letter from
John A. Zeller
in Berlin,
Germany and
reports Rogue
River apples
selling for 24
cents each.Chief of Police Hittson has tested the warning signal of the Southern Pacific on Eleventh Street. He reports the contraption needs more adjusting. It ran 22 minutes after the approach of a northbound train, and did not ring at all for the approach of a southbound train. Attorney B. P. Mulkey and William H. Gore principal speakers at the Community Day festivities in the city park, attended by 1000 country people. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, May 4, 1930, page B2 A. W. Walker, Medford agent for the Briscoe automobile, was a business visitor in this city Monday. He reports business in his line good. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, May 8, 1915, page 3 Monday
Chamber of
follows lead
of Medford and
issues poster
views of Mt.
Hood and other
scenic spots.Weather bureau established 15 cooperative stations in the valley for frost observation work in the future. Local citizens still stirred over sinking of Lusitania by German submarine. Owing to conditions abroad, shingle nails are advanced locally 20 cents per pound. Unknown man of valley, describing himself as of extreme exquisite build, age 22, no money worries, creates sensation by advertising in Minneapolis, Minn. paper for a wife. Court Hall has a carload of Dodge autos on the way from the East, and as soon as they arrive a trial run to Crater Lake will be made. Tuesday
Pacific gets
first through
train in a
week by flood
district near
Calif. Local
mail is
delayed.Rural residents busy burning slashings. County cuts wages for road workers. A number of Ashland teachers attend a public dance and "face discipline if not dismissal," as the "right-thinking public is thoroughly aroused." Valley doctors convene and feast at Ashland. Wednesday
bilked by gent
who claimed he
was "starving
to death" and
was afterwards
found "stone
drunk" in an
alley with
$4.15 in his
pockets.Empress vaudeville engagements at the Page Theater canceled. Minister who predicted Medford would be destroyed by an eruption of Roxy Ann announces he will return in the fall. Survey shows three railroad crossings in four miles on Pacific Highway. Applegate residents prepare to entertain Governor Withycombe at picnic. Thursday
Dr. J. M.
Keene bests
Mose Barkdull
and three
Democrats in
street debate
on merits of
Wilson's note
to Germany.
Large crowd
hears spirited
which also
causes a heavy
editorial on
the subject in
this paper.Warm rains cause corn to sprout throughout the valley, but hurts the strawberries. The 500 Club of Central Point visits Talent in a body accompanied by Miss Pearl Ross. Dr. Jud Rickert addresses the P.T.A. of the Lincoln School. Raymond Whitcomb books 40 tourist parties to Crater Lake the coming season. They will be driven to the "scenic wonder" by Seely V. Hall, a young but expert driver, who knows the way backwards. Friday
Great crowds
Circus here
weather and a
heavy rain
during the
parade."Jackson County fishing exhibit at San Francisco fair making sublime hit," Colonel TouVelle of Jacksonville reports. H. Chandler Egan urges revival of golf in the valley "to take the war off the minds of business men." Robert Pelouze and Lloyd (Mutt) Williamson attend track meet at Eugene, under U. of O. auspices. Pelouze breaks a record for the quarter-mile run, and Williamson finishes fourth in the 220-yard hurdles. Charles Ray, a high school student, was fined $1.00 in police court for speeding. Ray was nabbed after a long chase and claimed he did not know the law was after him. Saturday
Judge Colvig
in a 2500-word
explains the
origin of the
name "Mt.
Pitt."Medford defeats Eagle Point 13 to 2. Shorty Miles garners a home run while Eagle Pointers hoot. Epidemic of juvenile mischievousness annoys the police, who blame parents. The Liberty Bell, en route to the Panama fair, will stop thirty minutes in this city on the evening of July 16. Charles M. Schwab, the steel king, passes through the city in his private car and borrows a match from William R. Coleman, who does not recognize the great man. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1930, page B2 Community Day Held at Medford.
Or., May 10.--(Special.)--More than 1000 visitors from all parts of the
county were entertained Saturday at the first community day in the
history of the Rogue River Valley. After a parade from the Bear Creek
bridge a luncheon was served in the city park, business men acting as
waiters. The celebration was such a success that Medford business men
have decided to make it a permanent monthly feature during the summer..
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 11, 1915, page 11 Monday
Dr. J. M.
Chamber of
Commerce claim
of 30,000
population for
Medford in
1930 as
"optimism gone
wild, and
devoutly to be
hoped for, but
if we have a
third that
many, and have
no more booms,
we will be
Yreka promises to be mecca for valley merrymakers if Oregon goes dry next year. Fruit Growers Exchange at Ashland has a stormy session. Governor Withycombe addresses picnic on the Applegate. Tuesday
A chicken
wandered up
the Main
afternoon and
was chased by
a boy and
colored man
into Brown's
pool hall. The
police also
received word
Wednesday that
a cow was
loose eating
up flower beds
on South
Avenue.Sam Hill, the good roads enthusiast, and Bert Anderson confer on local conditions. Ed White of the Climax district was in the city today on business. Boys and Girls clubs organized throughout the county. Medford flowers sent to San Francisco fair. Wednesday
A. C. Allen
takes moving
pictures of
the Jackson
County exhibit
at the Frisco
fair.Gold Hill serves notice that unless the Gold Hill band is made a part of the Medford Fourth of July celebration, Gold Hill will make the eagle squeal on her own accord July 4th. William Vawter of Medford is winning his spurs as a baritone soloist of the University of Oregon glee club. He is a freshman at the institution, and to be the soloist of the glee club is like an iron cross of the third degree. Corn planted in the valley fails to germinate. Sid I. Brown plans to leave soon for Seward, Alaska, where he has a position with the government railroad. Thursday
Wig Ashpole is
walking with a
cane, as he
hurt his leg
while riding a
horse.A number of young folks attended a dance in Ashland last night, making the journey by auto. Tourists flocking to valley from San Francisco fair. California poppies very popular as decorations for local social affairs. Friends of A. F. Stennett surprise him by coming en masse with loaded baskets, after which 500 was played. Grizzly Club, Cole Holmes president, presents city library with a picture by Kiser of Crater Lake. Friday
Thief arrested
in California
for robbery of
Gold Hill bank
of $8000 in
arrested in
but saws way
out of jail.Crater Lake trips offered as prizes to country girls for industrial fair work. A flock of seagulls visits the city on a strange flight. They were accompanied by droves of crows and circled low over the business district. One of the seagulls, larger and handsomer than his pals, squatted on the Main Street crossing. Policeman Crawford threw him a loaf of bread, which he devoured eagerly ere he winged to the west. Robert Pelouze of Medford is star of the Southern Oregon high school track meet. Mayor Emerick declares in reply to charges that Chief J. F. Hittson swears: "I have known Chief Hittson for years, and have never heard him cuss, though the Lord knows he has enough provocation, and nobody would blame him if he did." Saturday
Frank Upton of
Central Point,
while driving
a horse and
buggy, was
struck by a
Ford driven by
a man named
Ferguson. The
Ford, after
hitting the
Upton vehicle,
glanced off
and knocked
down a
pole, causing
a temporary
of service.Thief steals a barber pole from in front of the Cottage Barber Shop on Central Avenue. Siskiyou unit of Pacific Highway to be opened within a week. A wanderer called at the home of Ed G. Brown on Crater Lake Avenue and being barefooted was given a pair of shoes by Mrs. Brown, also a meal. Two hours later the wanderer tried to sell the shoes to Mr. Brown, who claims they were the best pair of shoes he owns. He refused to sign a complaint against the unfortunate. Forty-seven pupils to graduate from the Medford high school. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1930, page B4 The petition for the pardon of Major W. J. Canton has been signed by about fifty Medford and Jackson County citizens, and is now in the hands of Governor Withycombe, whose decision in the matter is expected this week. The pardon is based on the fact that justice has been satisfied by the anguish attendant upon the trial and that Canton served with valor in the Philippines. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, May 19, 1915, page 4 CANTON PARDON IS RIGHT, SAYS MULKEY
"The pardon granted Major W. J. Canton by Governor James B. Withycombe
meets with general approval," said his attorney, B. F. Mulkey, last
night. "The pardon granted was unconditional and restores Mr. Canton to
all the rights and privileges he enjoyed as a citizen before conviction
last November. The governor states that the reason for the pardon lay
in the grave doubts existing in the minds of the public as to Canton's
guilt. Most persons who heard the trial of the case were unhappily
disappointed in the verdict at the time.
"The firm stand the governor has taken for strict law enforcement will not preclude him from exercising executive clemency when the ends of justice clearly require it." Medford Sun, May 20, 1915, page 64 Mrs. Lydia M. Amy, wife of Frank Amy, a prominent citizen of Medford, died at her home in that city Wednesday evening. She was a native of Illinois and was aged about 47 years. W. R. Freeman, a Medford man aged 75 years, was found dead in a chair on the porch of his home in that city Wednesday night. It is thought that his death was due to heart disease. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, May 22, 1915, page 3 MEDFORD,
Or., May 22.--(Special.)--George Hamlin, accused of an offense against
a 10-year-old girl, was bound over to the next term of the grand jury
today by Justice of the Peace Taylor, under $3000 bonds. Hamlin is a
pioneer in this section and has a family.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 23, 1915, page 2 Monday
A black crow,
believed to be
a straggler
from the
invasion of
loafed around
the business
district this
morning, and
is taken to be
an omen of a
happening by
superstitious.Gang of skunks invade the Oakdale district and make the late afternoon and evening hideous. Police announce that the riding of wheels on sidewalks in the business district will "not be tolerated by whomsoever." The sunshiny days have caused the insect life to get busy. Attorney Gus Newbury went on a picnic on the Applegate and reports ants by the billions. Tuesday
Entire male
section of the
class of the
high school
ordered to
pull weeds
that they
stole barber
poles as "a
prank." The
offenders were
Jay Gore,
Pelouze, Dean
Carder, Harold
Grey, Earl
Hubbard, Dolph
Phipps, Glenn
Simons, Miles
Chester Baker,
Walter Brown,
Cowgill, James
Vance, Glenn
Stull, Charles
Ray, Clinton
Purkeypile and
Claren Jaqua.William Aitken of this city has received a book from his old home in England showing the great deeds of British fighting men on land and sea. Wednesday
J. W. Lawton
will be grand
marshal for
the Memorial
Day parade.Herbert Alford, a member of the 1915 graduating class of the high school, will sing "Somewhere a Voice Is Calling" in his capable baritone voice. C. E. Gates terminates contract for the sale of Willys-Knight and Overland cars. Farmers favor proposed Big Butte irrigation project. Thursday
City pays
loving tribute
to heroes of
the Civil War.Medford High School graduating class of 47, the largest in the history of the school, conducted their exercises at the Page Theater. Friday
Mrs. Marie
awarded $545,
the price of a
Ford, as a
result of a
broken wrist.
John Prader,
driving the
Ford, upset
the buggy
being driven
by Mrs.
Barkoff.Griffith Cowgill and Dolph Phipps took no part in pulling signs down for senior play. Parents and business men regard situation humorous. Ashland class of 39 graduate at Vining Theater. A conundrum hour in Ashland west side circles schools is the latest innovation. Answers, especially by primary pupils, have been more disconcerting than edifying. Saturday
Stewart Torney
and Robert
Pelouze won
the boys'
doubles in the
local high
school tennis
tournament.Twelve hundred witness high school graduation. Miles Gammill, the class orator, gave the closing address. The Pacific Highway over the Siskiyou Mountains will be thrown open to travel in a few days. The highway will be one of the scenic drives of America. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, May 25, 1930, page B2 Sixteen young men, members of the senior class of the Medford High School, were hauled before the police court on a charge of tearing down and hiding business signs of the city Tuesday night. As a penalty they will be compelled to spend one day pulling up weeds in the parking strip in front of homes of the freshmen. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, May 29, 1915, page 3 Monday
Grizzlies hike
to summit of
Grizzly Peak
and "have
their eye on
McLoughlin."Flower thieves operate throughout city and leave a spade in the yard of the University Club. G. Ray Satchwell made a motorcycle trip to Grants Pass and returned "bruised and battered and the worse for wear and tear." Former Medford telephone girl weds a Santa Rosa, Calif. millionaire. Tuesday
George and Ned
Vilas returned
from their
studies at the
state college.Seely Hall drives auto to Klamath Falls "in remarkable time of six hours and 17 minutes." Crater Lake Union Christian Endeavor opens district convention. Swimming season formally opened by boys going swimming in Bear Creek. Wednesday
Miss Carmen
graduates from
the pharmacy
department of
the O.A.C.A. C. Mayfield complains to the police that he bought a horse from a stranger for $18 and is unable to find man, horse or his $18. According to Wilbur Ashpole 18 different makes of autos are owned by residents along Butte Creek. He defies any other creek to make as good a showing. Seasonal rainfall shy 11.43 inches. Dr. J. M. Keene declares "high school boys who took barber poles should not be condemned, as worse things have happened in this city." Thursday
Burglar cache
found along
the banks of
Bear Creek.There appeared upon the editorial page of the Mail Tribune yesterday a picture of Princess Wewona of the Sioux tribe. Chris Gottlieb knows the lady, but says her name is Lucy Smith and that she is a crack shot with the pistol. Attorney Gus Newbury reports haying in full swing on the Applegate. "I wish I could get out into the field with a pitchfork," said the popular attorney as he returned to his law office. Sergeant Pat Mego of the police force said he could see nothing that was keeping attorney Newbury from his desire to work. The Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank install a new burglar alarm system. Friday
City without
gas for
several hours
when workman
fails to
return from
fishing trip
on time. This
[was] out of
commission all
morning.Threat of water shortage to bring new regulations. The city council has dodged the responsibility of enlarging the city hall by referring it to the people at the fall election. Court Hall is planning to make a trip to Crater Lake in a Dodge auto in an effort to make a new record for endurance, mileage and elapsed time. Water users plan campaign to educate farmers to needs of irrigation. Saturday
A calf
wandered into
the business
district this
morning and
emitted one
mournful bawl.
The young
bovine eluded
the efforts of
the police to
impound him.
He was finally
captured by
Wig Ashpole,
who nearly
twisted the
tail off the
beast when it
balked.The mercury rose to 92 degrees yesterday--the hottest of the year. First grass fire of season on West Jackson Street. Police stop tightrope walker from performing on Main Street unless he provides something softer than the pavement. Five Medford property owners fined for not turning off lawn hose on time. Police declare war on reckless motorcyclists. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, June 1, 1930, page B2 Monday
meeting at Oak
Grove School
postponed on
account [of]
heaviest rain
in years.R. Saito sells laundry, wagon, horse and will depart for Japan. Grants Pass and Ashland have taken steps for the establishment of free auto camps for tourists. Medford took the lead, and our sister cities followed. Auto accident attributed to glaring lights on both cars. Tuesday
Highway route
from Central
Point to Seven
Oaks, with
seven right
angles and two
abandoned for
a straight
line.The Greater Medford Club has adopted the practice of distributing flowers on Southern Pacific trains to leave a good impression with travelers. Road to Crater Lake park line in fine condition. C. Martin, a country visitor, turned his horse and buggy around in the middle of Main Street. Chief Hittson told him the traffic rules. Martin said they were no news to him, whereupon he was taken to police court and fined $1. Wednesday
The heavy bank
of clouds to
the westward
failed to
bring the rain
the farmers
need.R. F. Antle, cashier of the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank, and daughters Hazel and Mildred, leave for a fortnight's visit at the San Francisco fair. The Grizzlies will leave the Rogue River Valley depot for Jacksonville at 1:30 Sunday afternoon; from there they will walk to the Sparks Hill and back to Medford. Apple juice manufactured by the Bagley Cannery wins gold medal at San Francisco. Thursday
promised sugar
factory if
sugar beets
can be raised
here.Guy W. Conner and family leave for two weeks at San Francisco. The police announce that violations of the traffic ordinances by autoists who ignore the main avenue crossing watchman by driving their machines in front of approaching freight and passenger trains will be prosecuted. The last week autoists in a hurry have sped past the flagman. One machine was loaded with women and children and was so dangerous that even a brakeman standing on the top of a moving boxcar emitted a cry of alarm. The watchman will take the numbers of all courting an accident. Friday
reports to
police that
his blooded
bulldog was
stolen by a
tourist.D. M. Lowe wins medal for best farm exhibit at San Francisco fair. Four wanderers sleeping under the water tank were ordered by the police to pitch hay or leave town. They did the latter. Attorney B. R. McCabe and David R. Wood are the latest local folks to acquire Fords. Saturday
Butte Falls
residents file
petition for
better road.Three auto accidents were reported so far this week, none being on the same day. Emerson Merrick has returned from the University of Oregon for the summer. H. Chandler Egan leaves for Tacoma, Wash. to play golf in the Northwest Tourney. There will be another band concert, but steps have been taken to curb the kids who run wild during the rendition of the pieces. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1930, page B2 AERIAL FLIGHTS GIVEN JUNE 19
Aviation day will be held in Medford June 19. Aviator Fred DeKor of Los
Angeles has been secured by the Medford Chamber of Commerce for the
occasion. In connection with the aviation several automobile races will
be held. The affair is to be under the auspices of the Medford Chamber
of Commerce. Special rates on all railroad lines running into Medford
have been secured.
DeKor is said to be one of the most daring birdmen in the country, and he comes to Medford at considerable expense to the local organization. The birdman will make the exhibition in the latest model tractor biplane. Medford Sun, June 11, 1915, page 4 Monday
It looks like
rain.Belgian horse belonging to C. E. Austin, of the Antelope, disappears from his pasture, and fears are felt he has been stolen. Two citizens caught gaffing salmon in Rogue River, near Ament Dam, unable to pay fines, languish in the county bastille. Music lovers implore police and parents to stop children from yelling during the weekly band concerts. Tuesday
think they are
the only
pebbles on the
declares Chief
of Police
following the
arrest of four
for speeding
on West Main.
"They are a
worse nuisance
than the
declared the
official.Governor Withycombe to visit city and valley June 29. Company 7 departs for annual encampment at Fort Stevens. Jack Gill of Dunsmuir, Calif., a former resident, well known as a ball player of no mean ability, is visiting in the city. Maude Adams, famed actress, appears at Page Theater in "Quality Street." Wednesday
"On arriving
home at 6 p.m.
I learned that
the Talent
ball team had
come up here
and were so
badly beaten
that the four
young men and
two ladies at
the Sunnyside
refused to
give me their
names, for
they did not
want anybody
to know they
were there,
they said.
They were in
a Ford,
No. 6367.
Eagle Point
won 4 to 33."
(Eagle Point
correspondence.)City council ponders question of giving city firemen two weeks leave on pay. Appropriation committee of Congress passes through city on tour of West. Thursday
Central Point
garage man,
Lovern, claims
he drove to
Portland in 14
hours, and
claim is
verified by
Fred H.
Hopkins.Three injured, one fatally, when speeding auto crashes into pole at P. and E. crossing on Pacific Highway. Mrs. Nellie McGowan, past grand matron of the Eastern Star, is presented with a diamond ring at the grand lodge session in Portland. Luther Deuel of this city has returned from Culver, Ind., where he attended the Culver Military School. He was joined in San Francisco by his sister, Susan. Friday
Court and
Seely Hall
have returned
from Portland
with a new
Cadillac for
the Crater
Lake run. They
made the
journey in two
days.Experts explain how to combat alfalfa weevils. Farmers are rushing around endeavoring to get their hay up before the rains, and are using the police to procure help. DeKor, the birdman, is making daily flights at the fairgrounds. DeKor uses a biplane of the same type as used by the Allies on the western front. Saturday
Three runaways
caused by
careless Ford
driver.Band of 100 gypsies visit city. Police warn citizens to keep their back doors locked and their hands on their pocketbooks. Burglars enter the Eads Brothers transfer office and rob the safe of $4. Miss Vera Olmstead returned from the University of Oregon for the summer vacation. She is an Alpha Chi Omega. Unknown thief steals silk tent from rear seat of W. F. (Toggery Bill) Isaacs' automobile. Catherine Swem, Jean Budge, Herbert Alford and Carter Brandon enjoyed a swim at Helman's Baths Thursday evening. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, June 15, 1930, page B2 PIONEER REVISITS VALLEY SCENE
is indeed a pleasure to visit Medford and the Rogue River Valley,"
states S. Heimroth of Portland, who with Mrs. Heimroth is visiting in
the valley for the first time in twenty-seven years. Twenty-seven years
go Mr. Heimroth left Medford for Portland, where he worked for several
years at the plastering trade. A few years ago he established himself
in business and is now the owner of considerable property in the
northern city. Mr. Heimroth plastered the old Christian Church of this
city, installed the boiler in the old A. A. Davis flour mill and was
one of few who made the trip on the first train that crossed the
Siskiyous. "There were but three brick buildings in the city when I
left," he said last night, "and now it has grown almost beyond
Mr. and Mrs. Heimroth have relatives living on Griffin Creek. Medford Sun, June 18, 1915, page 2 3000 SEE DEKOR MAKE FLIGHT
An estimated crowd of 3000 people witnessed the aviation meet at the
fairgrounds yesterday afternoon. Fred DeKor, the southern California
birdman, made a most creditable flight but unfortunately did not show
himself as he has on other occasions. He is not satisfied with the
entertainment and will make another flight this afternoon immediately
after the ball game. In the first attempt yesterday afternoon DeKor's
engine did not work properly, and he was forced to hold the machine in
check. However, after the engine was repaired the aviator looped the
loop and did surprisingly clever stunts in his machine. This was after
the majority of the gathering had gone home.
The slow auto race on high gear for "6's" was won by Perry Ashcraft driving a Chalmers, and for "4's" by A. A. Bernard in a Dodge. Medford Sun, June 20, 1915, page 3 FLYING MACHINE COLLAPSES IN AIR: AVIATOR UNHURT
Fred DeKor, aviator, gave a $2500 thrill at the fairgrounds Sunday
afternoon when his machine dropped about 100 feet when he was
attempting to land, after an exhibition before 2000 people, 1800 of
whom viewed his work from outside the gates. The biplane is not worth
much now; the planes are smashed; the propeller broken and otherwise
damaged. Souvenir seekers with a pair of nippers took pieces of the guy
wires. DeKor was uninjured, though when the machine went hurtling
through space the spectators thought they had witnessed a grim tragedy
of the air.
It was while the aviator was attempting to land that he met with misfortune. He was making long, sweeping circles to the ground when suddenly the purr of his engine stopped and the next instant a cloud of dust showed where he had struck. Scores of people rushed to the scene. DeKor extricated himself from the wreckage before the crowd arrived and was highly indignant at the turn of events, giving opinions not permissible in print. His flight was made Sunday upon a guarantee of $50. After the wreck valuable parts were stolen, and their return is asked by DeKor. Medford Mail Tribune, June 21, 1915, page 2 Monday
William Howard
Taft, former
will pass
through the
city in August
en route to
San Francisco.Fred DeKor, birdman, wrecks airplane at fairground flight. Will get a new one and try again. Dr. Pickel goes to San Francisco to attend national medical meet. The Grizzlies, headed by Treve Lumsden and Cole Holmes, will hike to Squaw Lake next Sunday. Tuesday
cop to curb
After the sun
goes down the
begins, and
owners of
complain that
they have to
go in the
ditch, or be
ruined."All men who have religious or social tendencies are urged to attend a meeting at St. Mark's Hall tonight." A breeze from the north moderated the heat, which registered 92 degrees. Undressed stone delays work on new federal building. Wednesday
Five tons [of]
Royal Anne
shipped to
canneries.Portland auto club boosts Pacific Highway. Better pack of fruit wanted for San Francisco fair exhibit from this county. Jacksonville railroad sold to S. S. Bullis for $60,000. A carload of Imperial Valley watermelons reaches city and enjoys brisk demand. Thursday
Harry L.
Walther is
president of
the newly
Medford Auto
Club.Boys start a grass fire near Jackson School which frightens the womenfolks of the neighborhood. Autoists are ignoring the signalman at the Main Street crossing, and some are even ignoring the trains. Boudinot Conner was fined $2 in police court for turning his auto around in the middle of the street, and Glen Fabrick was fined $2.50 for allowing chickens to run at large. Seely Hall returned this morning from a trip to Crater Lake and nearly reached the rim. Friday
William Aitken
given contract
for installing
water system
at Crater
Lake.A special train bearing 100 prominent Midwest Swedish-Americans passes through city. Mayor Emerick leaves on annual trip to Idaho, and councilman Medynski is acting mayor. Water Superintendent Ole Arnspiger left this morning for the city intake to inspect conditions there. Saturday
Joy riders
made the
welkin ring on
Riverside with
loud yelling
and unbecoming
conduct.14 citizens fined by Police Judge Gay for violation of the water regulations. The trio of gypsies who have been camping along Bear Creek were told to vamoose by Chief of Police Hittson. Carpenters and plumbers to start work on federal building August 15, according to present plans. The police have declared war on the practice of autoists, particularly boys, from making wide, sweeping curves at intersections for the purpose of scaring pedestrians. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1930, page B2 CIRCLING CAUSE OF AIR WRECK
Fred DeKor, the Los Angeles birdman, will never make another flight
when his engine is not hitting properly. "It's too great a
chance," said DeKor Sunday afternoon, after his machine had fallen to
the ground. The aviator was not injured.
"I was attempting to fly circles too close to the ground," said the birdman. "My engine was not working properly, though I thought that with careful managing I could keep it striking." DeKor was giving an exhibition flight when the accident occurred. He had looped the loop, tangoed and was attempting to circle when his engine stopped and threw the machine to the ground. The damage to the machine is estimated at $2000. Mr. DeKor left last night for Portland, where repairs will be made. Medford Sun, June 22, 1915, page 6 DeKor, the aviator who gave the exhibition at Medford Saturday and Sunday, is said to have made an excellent flight on the latter day, but when attempting to land the engine went dead and the machine fell about 60 feet, smashing it into splinters. The aviator fortunately escaped with a few bruises. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 26, 1915, page 3 The biplane which was wrecked at Medford last Sunday by Fred DeKor, the Los Angeles, aviator, is being overhauled and repaired at the Jefferson Street repair shop of Fred Dundee preparatory to being shipped to Salem, where it will give an exhibition this week at the cherry fair. Mr. DeKor has a modern military tractor biplane that is equipped with a 100-horsepower American-built engine. "Prominent Portlanders Who Motor," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, June 27, 1915, page D6 Monday
granted to
Oregon by
Pacific.Attorney Gus Newbury visited his ranch on the Applegate and meddled with the irrigation system to the great annoyance of his hired man. Attorney Newbury switched the water the way he thought it should go, and as a result the field was so dampened [that] hay hauling will be delayed a week. Old's Drugstore and blacksmith shop at Talent destroyed by midnight fire of unknown origin. Tuesday
Close watch on
an orchard in
showed that a
porcupine was
guilty of
stripping the
bark from the
trees. Deer
were first
accused.The hot weather has acted as a damper on the perambulations of the Grizzlies, the well-known hiking organization of which Cole Holmes is president. The Southern Oregon Traction Company formally takes possession of the Barnum railroad. Hottest weather of the year prevails, with mercury mounting to 101. "Several of our citizens have treated themselves to new Fords." (Eagle Point Items) Wednesday
residents of
Kansas in
valley decide
to hold a
picnic.Easterners attracted by poster stamps of the Commercial Club. H. Chandler Egan, winner of the Northwest Open golf championship, comes home. Slightly cooler weather predicted for valley after four hot days. Thursday
rainfall shy
12.4 inches,
with the
driest June in
years.Medford to celebrate the Fourth of July with music, baseball and horse races. Flowers and fruit distributed by Chamber of Commerce to a special train of Brooklyn Eagles. The Chamber of Commerce moves the thermometer from the sunny side to the shady side of the building. Friday
Seely Hall
drives an auto
to the Crater
Lake rim, 12
days earlier
than ever
Herbert K. Hanna of Jacksonville reports that a good streak of gold has been struck by the Jacksonville Mining and Milling Company. Great excitement over showings of Medford folks in the movies at the Page. Medford enjoys a safe and sane Fourth of July with no casualties or auto smashes reported. 12 local citizens sustained slight injuries when baseball special between this city and Montague collides with second section of No. 12 in Ashland yards. Claude (Shorty) Miles got a twisted knee. Saturday
City serves
unmuzzled dogs
will be shot.Rain cools the air and extinguishes several forest fires. W. H. Gore loses $1500 worth of hay in fire. The same day his automobile, left standing in the Siskiyous, plunged over an embankment and was completely demolished. C. W. (Wig) Ashpole appointed deputy stock inspector for Jackson County by Gov. Withycombe. S. S. Smith ill from eating too much fried chicken at Kansas picnic held in Ashland. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1930, page B2 Ray Bunch of Medford, who formerly conducted a barber shop in this city, was a visitor here Monday. Mr. Bunch is moving his family to California, where they will reside in future. Chief Hittson and Sergeant Mego of the Medford police force indulged in a wordy conflict a few days ago. Left-handed compliments and some cuss words were tossed back and forth pretty freely, according to the spectators. The conflict subsided without anyone being seriously injured. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, July 3, 1915, page 3 Monday
Owners of dogs
obey the law
requiring them
to be muzzled,
fines. The
favorite alibi
is to claim
that the dog
broke away
while being
fed and came
uptown.County court decides to install a speed cop on North Riverside Avenue as a check on reckless driving. The Packard car of W. H. Gore that toppled off a grade in the Siskiyous was not as badly damaged as supposed and has been repaired and is as good as new. Bud Anderson, former pride of Medford, gave up the sponge in the 14th round of a contest at Pendleton. Tuesday
protest the
Ament Dam in
Rogue River.C. E. Gates received a carload of eight Fords. Eleven people were waiting for them. Road to Crater Lake very muddy, following heavy rain. Medford folks hie to the hills to escape the heated period. Former Iowans to picnic July 30th. Wednesday
J. R. Robinson
of Central
Point narrowly
escaped death
when he failed
to beat an
S.P. train to
a grade
crossing. His
auto was
hurled ten
feet in the
air. The
accident was
witnessed by
Woodford, who
appraises the
present value
of the car at
25 cents. With
Horace Pelton
he extricated
Robinson from
the wreckage,
and he was
uninjured.Mass meeting called to discuss the Medynski plan for rebonding the city. The Grizzlies, headed by vice president Treve Lumsden, walk to Griffin Creek despite the heat. Youths held as suspects in the robbery of the Lou D. Jones home. Thursday
City plans a
noisy welcome
for the
Liberty Bell
when it passes
through the
city next
week.Wilson Wait left this morning for Crater Lake where he will help build the rim road. An auto driven by Z. Cameron crashed into the front door of Hubbard Bros.' store in an attempt to avoid a collision with a woman driver. George Porter and family returned from a two days' auto trip to Crater Lake. Friday
becomes a
enthusiast and
writes the
editor a long
letter about
it.Fifty men engaged in building dam at Fish Lake. Hob Deuel leaves for the San Francisco fair in a new Ford. Mose Barkdull escorts a party of Boston tourists to Crater Lake. Ben Collins, well-known resident of Jackson, who was hit in the eye with a skyrocket during a celebration at Palmer Creek July 4, will not lose the member, according to Dr. J. J. Emmens. Saturday
The Liberty
Bell passes
through the
city at 2
o'clock in the
morning and is
viewed by 5000
people from
all parts of
the country.Judge Colvig defends keeping of the money in the treasury. Floyd Hart entertains a number of friends with a swim at Ashland. Mrs. Polk Hull of Griffin Creek presents the editor with two large lemons grown on trees in her yard. Ah, there! California, concludes the item. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, July 6, 1930, page B2 Monday
Power Company
offers to sell
its electric
light and
power business
to the city,
price to be
fixed later.Twenty-two special trains carrying Shriners to San Francisco to pass through city. One of the spring fights came off rather late. It occurred Saturday night. Reports say it was over a card game. (Eden Precinct News) Travel to Crater Lake exceeds all records. Tuesday
The camping
ground for
tourists back
of the Natatorium
is now ready
for use and
will result in
for the city
and valley.Wednesday
State Highway
Commission is
charmed by
view of the
highway.Bud Anderson, former pride of Medford, was terrifically mauled by Billy Weeks at Tacoma last night. Glen Fabrick holds a salmon bake on his lawn on East Main Street. Move launched to rebond city for paving debts. Thursday
Another hot
threatens city
and valley.Klamath Falls defeats Medford, 4 to 0, in a hair-raising ball game. Forest Service completes preliminary survey of a road from Tiller to Trail. Water users association opens campaign for establishment of irrigation in the valley. Friday
Emissary of
the French
buys 25 valley
mules for use
of the
of Europe.The mercury rose to 99, and it looks like thunderstorms over Roxy Ann. Governor Hammond of Minnesota passes through city en route to San Francisco fair and is greeted by local Minnesotans, who drive him to Ashland by auto. Hob S. Deuel, cashier of the First National Bank, returns from a Ford tour to San Francisco. Al Jolson, "the mangler of melancholy," to appear at the Page soon, in the theatrical event of the season. Saturday
"How many want
salvation in
the shape of
queries an
editorial.Theodore Roosevelt, ex-President and generally conceded as the leading "war jingo" by virtue of recent utterances, passed through Medford this morning on the Shasta Limited at 2:30 a.m., and Fred Mears and Colonel Abrahams and the rest of the thin-ranked local brigade who imagine he is the savior of the land slept on. There were none to greet him, no flowers, no fruit, no tribute of devotion. Roosevelt never knew he was in the home town of his most ardent devotees, for he slept on and sent no message. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1930, page B2 Monday
A silk
petticoat was
found this
morning by the
police hanging
on a fence on
Riverside, and
mystery is
attached to
the find.Users of Fish Lake water complain the irrigation ditches are full of young trout, which they can eat, under the law. The police last night chased out three beggars, and this morning there were 11 new beggars on the street. Several dog owners of the city are evading the ordinance providing for the muzzling of dogs by pulling a contraption on the hounds which leaves the lower jaw free and able to bite. Tuesday
The Medynski
plan is the
chief topic of
on the street
corners.T. E. Daniels has returned from a well-earned vacation in the South, as lively as ever. A. S. Rosenbaum and Ben Garnett and wife motored this morning over the Pacific Highway as far as the state line. Mr. Garnett said that he was thunderstruck by the beauty of the route and has become a rabid good roads booster. William J. Bryan assures local Democrats he will speak in the city park the evening of July 29. Wednesday
People who
present checks
for tickets at
the Southern
Pacific depot
need not be
surprised if
they are
refused, as
orders have
been issued to
reject unless
the presentee
is personally
known to the
clerk.Governor Dunne and party of Illinois stop at Medford and are driven by auto to Ashland to catch their train. Governor Dunne was amazed "by the beauty of Medford," as he had been told "this was just a water tank." John Connor and "Grandpa" Thomasen report to police they were robbed on the Bear Creek bridge by a pair of giant thugs, who relieved them of $48. Victims described robbers as weighing 250 pounds each, and over six feet tall. Thursday
John Austin
arrested at
The Dalles,
Ore. as the
lone bandit
who held up
the Rogue
River Bank
last March, is
"a Jesse James
with a real
record for
according to
[the] Portland
Telegram.Further operation of the Blue Ledge mine still an undecided issue. Owing to the extremely hot weather and the heavy use of cream there is apt to be a shortage of ice cream, which is more popular than beer as a quencher of the throat. Police disperse orators indulging in spirited discussion of the merits and demerits of William Jennings Bryan, soon to visit this city. Friday
5375 acres of
land in the
valley sign up
for irrigation
through a
canvass by the
Water Users
League.Police place ban on practice of "rushing the can" [i.e., urinating] in downtown alleys. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Emmens will leave August 1 on a three weeks' trip to Lake Tahoe. Saturday
Farmers of
valley urged
to build corn
silos.Mrs. John P. Sousa, wife of famous band director, visits Crater Lake. Emil Mohr of the Hotel Medford is confined to his home with what he calls rheumatism, but his friends call gout. Hills in Willow Springs district swept by damaging fire. Fred Lockley, staff writer of the Portland Journal, describes Crater Lake "as masterly gem of all Nature's rare jewels." "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, July 20, 1930, page B2 KANSAS CLUB IN MEDFORD, ORE.
The second annual meeting of the was held in the Chautauqua grounds at
Ashland, Ore.,Thursday, and despite rainy weather there were quite a
number present and the occasion was an enjoyable one. When a bunch of
former Kansans get together they always have a good time and never tire
of telling of the beauties, grandeur and prosperity of their former
home. An old-fashioned "community dinner" was served in charge of Mrs.
L. Hilty, Mrs. P. L. Ashcraft, Mrs. Edgington and other ladies of
Ashland who also furnished the coffee.--Medford Sun.S. S. Smith is president of the club, and people who knew "Sump" know he will look after the job. The sunflower is the emblem they have adopted, and they will get together annually. Once having lived in Kansas means an undying love for it. El Dorado Republican, El Dorado, Kansas, July 23, 1915, page 1 George Andrew Jackson died at his home at Medford, Saturday, July 17, aged about 82 years. Mr. Jackson was a native of Sheridan County, Missouri, and came to Oregon in 1850. He owned and operated what is known as the "Dodge" ranch for a number of years, and because of his success in growing melons he earned the title of "Watermelon King." He was prominent in county affairs and filled the office of county clerk and county assessor. He is survived by his widow and one son, W. B. Jackson of Medford. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, July 24, 1915, page 3 Monday
At a meeting
of the
at Stanford
Reginald H.
Parsons of the
predicts "a
great future
for pears."John Grieve of Prospect given contract for building Palisades unit of Crater Lake Highway. The mercury drops to 82 degrees, a pleasant relief from the hot spell. 8,149 acres of land signed by the Water Users League for irrigation. Tuesday
C. E. (Pop)
Republican war
horse, named
to introduce
Jennings Bryan
in speech in
this city.Ford factory band of 60 pieces, en route to the San Francisco fair, plays at the depot. Miss Elizabeth K. Richards and Walter F. Mundy wedded by the Rev. W. B. Hamilton. Chandler Egan defeats Boudinot Conner in the semi-finals for the tennis championship of Southern Oregon. Wednesday
Ten thousand
people hear
"apostle of
peace," talk
from the city
Keynote of
address is
Should Remain
Neutral in
Conflict."Sid I. Brown while taking a bath sustained a badly burned wrist when he stepped on a piece of soap. Mr. Brown grasped a gas heater in falling and seared the flesh ere he could let go. The annual excursion and picnic by special train of the Elks to Colestin is announced. Game wardens warn hunters not to rush the deer season. Thursday
Iowa Society
of Jackson
County holds
annual picnic
in Lithia
Park, Ashland.Cement plant at Gold Hill, now under construction, now financed, J. G. Burch of Portland announces. Registration of births and deaths now compulsory in state. Friday
N. S. Bennett
took a party
of seven boys
to the summit
of Mt.
Ashland, the
climb being
made by
moonlight.The aged locomotive of the Jacksonville railroad sent to junk pile. Ernest Adams defeats H. Chandler Egan for the tennis championship of Southern Oregon in a hot match. Carpenter and Connor defeated Earl Tumy and Sprague Riegel in the consolation doubles. Saturday
Police warn
merchants to
watch out for
woman check
forger.Water Users committee [declares] halt to map further plans for securing acreage for irrigation, which is now over 11,000 acres. Agreement reached settling "the Rogue River fish question for all time." A Stanley steamer auto hits a horse and buggy occupied by two Talent women on the Pacific Highway and speeds on without offering aid. Harvey Fields returns from a trip to the San Francisco fair. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, July 27, 1930, page B2 Ex-Secretary W. J. Bryan addressed an audience of more than seven thousand people at the city park at Medford Thursday evening. The theme of the address was par [sic] and peace, with special reference to the present conditions in Europe. The speaker advocated arbitration as the proper method [for] settling all international disputes. After the address Mr. and Mrs. Bryan were given a public reception at the Hotel Medford, where they were kept busy shaking hands for an hour or more. The distinguished visitor left at 2:18 a.m. for Albany, where he was scheduled for an address Friday. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, July 31, 1915, page 3 Monday
Police asked
to keep eye
open for tall
negro who
slashed a
brother with a
following an
argument over
a ball game at
Yreka.Home of W. H. Gore threatened by fire in his stubble field. Water superintendent issues statement that water is purer than ever before this season. Tuesday
Otto Klum
comes to this
city from
Ashland as
high school
coach. Fans
hope he will
be able to do
something with
athletes, who
have been
winning most
of their games
stoves for the
past two
years.Old-fashioned county fair planned for this year. Delroy Getchell has returned from a trip to San Francisco fair. Farmers are warned that if their dog follows them to town they are apt to be impounded for violation of the muzzling law. Wednesday
ripening fast
under warm
August sun.Ad Wolgast, former lightweight champion, visits city to inspect the hog ranch near Eagle Point he purchased from Mose Barkdull. The first car of Bartletts for this season shipped out by E. M. McKeany. Greater Medford Club issues calls for dahlias to be exhibited at the coming county fair. Thursday
Pythians of
Oregon flock
to Crater Lake
for novel
ceremony.Fruit exhibit of Jackson County at San Francisco fair is declared a "shame." Dr. J. J. Emmens, on trip to San Francisco fair, writes back that roads are in fine condition. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kidd accompanied the Emmenses. W. F. Isaacs on trip to Siskiyous killed a rattlesnake which he says is the largest ever killed in that section. The rattlesnake will be stuffed and preserved as a relic of the Isaacs prowess with a club. Friday
Hunters start
exodus for
hills for
opening of
deer season.
Many of the
hunters will
either wait
until the
stops or go so
far back in
the hills they
will be in no
danger of
being shot for
a deer, except
by themselves.Medford wins ten-inning game from Weed, Calif., six to five. Tourist travel to Crater Lake breaks all previous records. Jackson County movies shown at San Francisco fair by A. C. Allen. Saturday
Sugar factory
valley by
opening next
year by Utah
interests.Attorney E. A. Reames loses his fishing clothes somewhere between Bybee Bridge and Medford. A reward is offered for their return. William Budge has returned from a trip to North Dakota and reports the farmers are getting rich overnight selling horses to the Allies. The fear of the speed cop is in the hearts of the autoists, as they are obeying the state law to travel no faster than 25 miles per hour. Forest fires of incendiary origin raging in the Applegate. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, August 3, 1930, page B2 Monday
Charges made
that the Rogue
River Canal
Company is
taking all the
water in Big
Butte Creek.A woman from the country, whose name was not learned by the police, while wheeling a baby buggy kitty-corner across North Central, had a narrow escape from being struck by a taxi. There is a law against "jaywalking," which is not enforced. All the forest fires in Southern Oregon are reported under control today. Tuesday
Firebug sets
21 fires in
the Trail
district, all
within a
radius of five
miles.Public schools of the city to open September 6. The P. and E. will run a special excursion to Butte Falls to attend the celebration attendant to the completion of a road between that town and Prospect. Horse and mule racing will furnish the excitement. Wednesday
announce that
the running of
chickens at
large must be
stopped.Fish screen invented by Jock Aitken is adopted by the state game commission. Three hundred dollars in premiums for school children at the county fair. "Corbin Edgell, one of our enterprising, progressive and ambitious fruitgrowers, ate dinner last night at the Sunnyside." (Eagle Point Eaglets) Apple prices reported stronger in New York. Thursday
Zeppelin raids
English coast,
dropping bombs
on the
birthplace of
Dick Sherwood
of West Main
Street.Thirteen thousand six hundred seventy-five acres signed up by the Water Users Committee for irrigation. Considerable difficulty is being experienced in convincing landowners they need water when they have none. Public Service Commission refuses request of Wells, Fargo Co. to close its office at Jacksonville. Gold Hill to build $1500 dance pavilion. Friday
Evan Reames
unable to find
his fishing
clothes, which
he lost last
week from an
auto. An
alleged joker
called the
attorney up
and told him
he had found
them, but
refused to
give his name
or number.Residents of Ross Lane report that the Chinese pheasants are feeding with the chickens. Offices open for campaign to secure sugar beet acreage. Saturday
John Austin
Hooper, Rogue
River bank
escapes from
county jail at
Grants Pass by
sheriff in
cell.Forest fire rages on Foots Creek. Poster stamps depicting valley scenery placed on sale in local stores. "They will be a great advertisement." A woman's hat was found hanging on the front door of the Hubbard Brothers store this morning; there are no clues to the identity of the owner, who probably was [a] joy rider. Pythians of state in attendance at grand conclave being held at Crater Lake. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, August 10, 1930, page B2 Monday
See Dave Wood
about that
fire insurance
Tribune Bldg.Medford baseball team loses to Klamath Falls by the one-sided score of 13 to 1. Visiting Pythians, on way to Crater Lake conclave, are entertained with banquet, speeches and musical program. The entire upper floor of the Amy and Pottenger building is being remodeled for Seventh Company. John Austin Hooper and Tony Breeke escape from Josephine County jail. Breeke was captured an hour after his dash, but Hooper [is] still at large, reported to have been seen near Rogue River. Tuesday
Hooper eludes
posses. Cached
$1,700 for
An informal
dinner dance
was given at
the University
Club last
evening in
honor of
Carpenter, who
leaves shortly
for San
Francisco to
take a
position with
the Interstate
Commission.Chris Gottlieb, June Earhart and William Earhart left today on a 10 days' hunting trip in the Blue Canyon district. Friday
Chief of
Police Hittson
is familiar
with the
swept by the
hurricane. He
used to chase
cows over the
vast flat
plains that
border the
The College
"Hop" at the
Natatorium was
much enjoyed
by all
present. The
music was
furnished by
orchestra.Superintendent Steel receives telegram to meet Stephen Mather, who will visit Crater Lake. Need of harbor at Crescent City most imperative. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, August 17, 1930, page B2 Monday
Mr. Fletcher
Fish in late
popular and
afternoon and
evening. (Page
advertisement)Gasoline dealers of this city report the heaviest sale of the season Sunday, scores of the people going to the hills by auto. Wednesday
"Wig" Ashpole
sustained a
sprained thumb
and badly
lacerated hand
when cranking
automobile.Gilbert H. Grosvenor, editor of National Geographic, says Klamath Lake most beautiful sheet of water he ever saw. Thursday
Ashland voters
purchase of
Power Company
light plant."Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, August 24, 1930, page B2 Picking Pears at Medford, Ore.
Ore., Aug. 27.--The work of picking pears in this district is now in
full swing. The first shipments were sent to New York, where it is
expected to obtain a price of $1.25 per box f.o.b. Medford.
Al G. Barnes
circus appears
in this city
before large
crowd.Talent farmers to form district to secure organized irrigation. Rainfall for the season is now 13.28 inches short. Forest fires in state critical, with all fires in Jackson County under control. Tuesday
A decided
moderation in
the weather
brings out the
overcoats of
the season.Judge William M. Colvig celebrates his seventieth birthday. F. W. Streets resigns as secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. Premature explosion of a rifle severely lacerates hand of Ed G. Brown. Wednesday
The Grizzlies
will journey
to the top of
Bald Mountain
to hold annual
election of
officers.Brush fires rage in the Gold Hill district. Howells sell for $1.75 per box f.o.b. Medford. Local housewives report that the Oregon Agriculture College recipe for the making of syrup from watermelons will not work. Thursday
Federal survey
of the waters
of Rogue River
ordered.Opening of the Medford city schools delayed one week on account of the opening of the Jackson County Fair. C. Wilbur Ashpole, deputy stock inspector, has completed plans for the enlargement of the local stock yards. Wild doves thick on the W. H. Gore place, and hunters have killed three roosters belonging to Jay I. Gore while trespassing. Leonard Carpenter has returned from San Francisco, where he was connected with the publicity department of the world's fair. Friday
accused of
killing deer
at night at
salt licks;
prosecution.Southern Pacific section busy repairing Main Street crossing for the fifth time this year. County fair to open Wednesday amid "a blare of trumpets and spirited horse races." James Couzens, vice president and treasurer of the Ford Motor Company, makes trip to Crater Lake in Cadillac and scoffs at Crater Lake as "not worth looking at," causing local boosters to be indignant. Saturday
Hob S. Deuel
journeys to
Klamath Falls
in two days by
auto.W. H. Gore declares irrigation will double value of land in the valley. Klamath Falls defeats Medford two games of baseball. C. E. Gates advertises as "the man who put Ford in Medford." Will H. Wilson comes right back with the claim: "I am the man who threw the bear in Bear Creek." "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1930, page B2 Monday
Stewart, the
harvests a ton
of honey from
his hives.Highway experts to discuss paving of roads in this county. Peter Steenstrup returns from South America to visit old friends. Medynski plan for rebonding of the city for its paving indebtedness tabled by the city council after stormy debate in which a councilman called a citizen "a foozle-headed kid." Tuesday
Thief takes
two pounds of
jerky from the
automobile of
Mose Barkdull.County fair opens with a good program. Rogue River fruit wins much admiration at the San Francisco fair. Public schools of the city to open next Monday. "DeVoe is giving away hand-painted pincushions with every can of Tuxedo tobacco." (Ad) Dr. E. B. Pickel reads a paper at meeting of state medical society in Portland. Wednesday
22,000 acres
of land signed
up in Talent
district for
irrigation.A half-dozen arguments arose yesterday on the street over the Medynski plan. The Medford National Bank drinking fountain is the storm center, and it is impossible to get a drink without running into an argument. Burglars entered the Medford Sash and Door Factory and stole 50 cents in stamps and spilled a bottle of ink over business papers. Thursday
The Espee
flagman at
Main Street
crossing has
strict orders
to prevent
autoists from
driving in
front of
trains, and
while the
autoists say
unkind things
to him, he
stops them. He
says the women
drivers are
the worst
offenders, as
"they think
the trains
should stop
because it is
they." All
summer the
flagman has
been ignored.Bears are reported plentiful and fat as hogs in the Prospect district. Gold Hill plans "Roaring Camp" and huge salmon bake. Charles W. Gates, Governor of Vermont, and party spent the day in [the] city and valley. Friday
Griffin Creek
demand the
county court
fix the roads
in that
region.The high school football team has started practice, under Coach Otto Klum, who has forbidden all smoking and social activities. The great fault with the local team has been that it never started practice until the day before the game. Crossing flagman to be empowered as a special policeman so he can arrest autoists who refuse to stop until hit by a train. Hope that the drizzle last evening was a forerunner of heavy September rains were dispelled this morning by a clear sky and warm sun. Saturday
Claude Saylor
and family
have returned
from an auto
trip to
Pennsylvania.According to Wilbur Ashpole there are 2,000 fat hogs in this valley ready for shipment to Portland. Indian summer weather prevails, with all kinds of wild game plentiful in the hills. Fishing in Rogue River is very poor, due to the cannery at the mouth of this sporting stream. Authorities take steps to round up boys of school age who spend their time loafing downtown. Telephone line to Crater Lake completed and ready for use. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1930, page B2 Monday
A wave of
interest has
swept the high
school, and
athlete is out
football under
the direction
of Coach Otto
Klum, who says
he will select
the first team
according to
ability, not
social status,
as has been
the rule
heretofore.W. E. (Dad) Dunlap appeared before the Board of Equalization and protested against paying taxes on his house that burned down last spring. T. A. Fifer of the Jackson County Bank is suffering from the effects of a carbuncle on the back of his neck. Tuesday
Package of
Gruen watches
stolen from
Reddy's found
in an
ditch near
Talent, where
they were
thrown by the
thief.Annual reunion of Southern Oregon pioneers held at Ashland, and plans talked for the establishment of the historical museum at Jacksonville. Autoists continue to ignore the flagman at the Main Street crossing, and the Espee has erected two old-fashioned signs, reading: "LOOK! STOP! LISTEN!" They will do no good. The watchman reports the most flagrant violators are women drivers, and he predicts somebody will get killed. Every Western Union clock in town stopped at midnight, for some unknown reason. Wednesday
Gonzales, a
arrived in
suffering from
chills. He was
penniless and
applied for
medicine. He
was given a
dose of
quinine and a
drink of
whiskey and
went south on
the first
freight.Men and teams needed for work on the Fish Lake dam. TouVelle and Harris ship Newtown apples to be exhibited at San Francisco fair. Judge Taylor orders a fallen woman and a fallen man to leave town, following pleas of guilty in staging a fight in an alley with beer bottles. The third party in the fracas escaped on horseback. Thursday
Farmers and
taxpayers of
the Central
Point district
organize the
League with
dues at 50
cents per
year.Five Fords wrecked and disabled in series of Main Street crashes. Harry K. Thaw, notorious and wealthy slayer, passed through Medford on Shasta Limited, without attracting any attention. J. Hamlin suffers minor injuries when a team of mules he was driving became frightened at an auto and ran away on Main Street. Medford Elks prepare for dedication of new temple. Friday
Flatcar of the
railroad jumps
the track at
Main Street,
causing a
suspension of
traffic for 30
minutes.Vinton Beall of the Central Point district reported to the sheriff that two of his horses had strayed or were stolen. Walter Antle assumes duties as city intake keeper. Phoenix votes franchise for construction of irrigation ditches in city limits. Saturday
A. C. Allen
has returned
from Crater
Lake where he
took a number
of moving
pictures.Famous shots of nation here for big shoot. Fire destroys store at McLeod, on the proposed Crater Lake Highway. Though the state will go dry January 1, a number of local dealers have sold and ordered whiskey in barrel lots for local people, who will thus avoid the drought. A bonded warehouse will be built at Montague to supply local needs. Most of the heavy drinking next year will be done at Hilt, Calif., which promises to be a mecca for local folks. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1930, page B2 Monday
Fancy apples
sought for
Oregon exhibit
at San
fair.Many local citizens called for federal jury service when fall term opens October 5. [Southern Pacific jayhawker signs at the Main] Street crossing ordered removed by Espee officials, who are as much disgusted as local citizens. Chris Gottlieb wins a cup at the gun shoot. Tuesday
269 enrolled
in the high
school.Sprague Reigel wins first place for the "slow race" for Ford cars at the Gold Hill Industrial Fair. 800 attend closing banquet of Elks dedication. County W.C.T.U. elects officers at annual convention for Jackson County. Three Trail Creek cows mistaken for deer and slain by careless hunters. Wednesday
Many arguments
on street
corners on
issues stilled
by news of
British and
victories.The high school football team ordered to cease training at Saturday night dances. Work of stringing electric wires to Jacksonville progresses rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Jap Andrews have returned from a trip to exposition. Thursday
The Grizzlies,
headed by
Cole Holmes,
hold a picnic
atop Barneburg
Hill.Rogue River to hold a venison barbecue October 2, causing local mouths to water. Stockmen of the valley start fall roundup. The loud yelling by young men on Riverside Avenue at ungodly hours has ceased since three of the fiends have been sent to the reform school. May & Co. hold style show. Friday
Thousands of
the opening of
the bonded
warehouse at
Cal. have been
mailed to
citizens in
this state and
Oregon, and
the first
was received
in this city
Every man in
however great
or small his
received an
It is frankly
stated that
the object of
the business
is to arrange
it so you
don't have to
worry about
"prohibition."28,000 acres of land in the valley signed up for irrigation. H. O. Nordwick delivers what is thought to be the first Norwegian sermon ever delivered in the Rogue River Valley. There are quite a number of Swedes, but few Norwegians. Ashland's ice-making plant to move to this city. Benjamin C. Sheldon issues a stirring appeal for red apples to be shown at the Frisco fair. The appeal concludes: "Be ye not laggards in civic good." Saturday
installed on
Gold Ray Dam
to aid in
catching fish
poachers.Fletcher Fish appears at the Vining Theater at Ashland in song and monologue. Crater Lake season to close September 30. Consignment of rails for the East Main Street extension of the trolley line have been received. Dr. J. M. Keene, in letter to editor, predicts "another Democratic President as the people have not been forced to eat the soles off their shoes to keep alive." The China pheasant season opens October 1. A number of zealous hunters fail to recognize state law. Ah Ming, of the local Chinese colony, and a Portland Chinaman engage in a fight, and are fined $4 each on pleas of guilty in police court. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1930, page B2 Monday
Methodists of
city hold an
meet to
removal of
Rev. J. K.
Hawkins from
this city to
Oregon City.Demand for immediate vote on Medynski rebonding plan dies out among voters. Police receive complaints that a herd of calves is grazing on lawns on Oakdale Avenue. Frank Bybee of Jacksonville is the latest pioneer to purchase an auto. He has purchased a Dodge. Tuesday
Thirty men,
all carrying
blankets, were
counted under
the water tank
this morning
waiting for a
freight.Seely V. Hall makes last stage trip of the season to Crater Lake National Park. Young Hall is regarded as an exceptional driver, and [has an] ability to miss humps. These items are sent in Tuesday and appear in the daily Mail Tribune on Wednesdays and in the weekly, which gets up here on Saturday. So an incident occurring on Tuesday is not sent in until the succeeding Tuesday, and not seen in the weekly until Saturday. This makes some news items sound pretty stale. (Flounce Rock Frills) Wednesday
H. B. Cady is
acting as
chief of
police while
J. F. Hittson
is on a deer
hunt.The ten days' open season on Chinese pheasants starts in the county with an army of hunters in the field. The streetcar of the Bullis line was moved onto the Jacksonville road last night, the attendant hubbub keeping everybody awake for seven blocks. Governor Willis of Ohio will be principal speaker at [the] Republican rally. Jack Aitken, Jr. knocked down and run over by auto in front of Washington School and escapes without injury. Thursday
Sugar Company,
for $100,000,
is organized
for the
growing and
processing of
Rogue River
sugar beets.Coach Klum of the high school benches three star players who ignore team play to "show off." Fifth anniversary of Mann's store is observed. John C. Mann said: "I would rather starve to death in the Rogue River Valley than roll in wealth in the Midwest. We have a great future. The one thing we must look out for is another boom." Between 700 and 1,000 Chinese pheasants killed by valley hunters opening day. City council takes steps to regulate train whistling in city limits. Medford ladies to play bridge at Hotel Holland for benefit of starving Armenians. Friday
Boy corn
growers of
Jackson County
win all blue
ribbons at
state fair.Federal court holds Medford contract with Copco valid, which permits power company to purchase plant for $20,000, applying $17,000 owed by city on purchase price. District Attorney E. E. Kelly warns hunters not to shoot birds from autos on highways. Jackson County pears take first prizes at state fair. Saturday
13 plans
offered for
relief of city
finances.Jonas Wold, druggist; J. W. Mitchell, former councilman; Emil Schmidt, merchant, and W. F. Quizenbury arrested on charges of trespassing in forbidden land in search for Chinese pheasants. Further arrests on the same charge, among the number a preacher, are scheduled. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, September 28, 1930, page B2 Monday
Councilman T.
W. Miles
outlines plan
to save the
city paving
situation.Plaster for the new federal building has arrived and awaits approval by another batch of inspectors. Recall petitions against the four councilmen who voted against the Medynski rebonding plan circulated. Railroad Commission gives trolley line right to cross railroad tracks on Main Street. Tuesday
Rogue River
Canal Company
completes Fish
Lake dam and
will be able
to distribute
water to
Point area
next spring.Hereafter on Saturday nights the Medford band will play on Main Street, and the street lights will be lighted in effort to stir up some gaiety and zest downtown. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Salade return from a ten days' trip to the San Francisco fair. The alumni of the high school hold a hop at the Natatorium, one of the bright social affairs of the autumn, the society editor said. Farmers of the valley complain that it is too dusty to sow seed. O.A.C. agricultural expert studies potato culture possibilities of the valley and reports potatoes can be raised here, if planted, hoed and harvested. Wednesday
"I Didn't
Raise My Boy
to Be a
Solder" will
be rendered by
Herb Alford,
the young
baritone, as a
feature at the
dance next
Saturday eve.Citizens meet and effect a compromise in the controversy over the adoption of the Medynski rebonding plan. Threatened recall petitions against four councilmen to be squelched. Sugar factory in valley awaits signing of needed acreage. Medford High School defeats Grants Pass, 12 to 7. Jonas Wold, W. F. Quizenbury, J. W. Mitchell and Emil Schmidt are fined $25 for trespassing on canal company [property] in search of pheasants. The fines were suspended during good behavior. Thursday
Farmers are
making apple
cider. This is
the only
center in the
world that
does not make
enough vinegar
for its own
use.The Grizzlies plan to climb Whiskey Peak back of Jacksonville Sunday. Jackson County fourth in state in number of autos. Federal court session concludes. The barn of M. E. Childers at Phoenix is destroyed. One horse and several butchered hogs were lost. Friday
unite to
combat orchard
scab, the
latest pest in
the orchards.The backwoods crossing signs were again installed the morning by the Southern Pacific at the Main Street crossing. The signs would be out of date in Arkansas. Merchants and the Chamber of Commerce claim they give the city a hick appearance. The Southern Pacific holds [that] no matter what the signs look like they come within the requirements of the law, in the event an auto hit a locomotive, and the autoists could not claim the railroad was negligent by having no warning signs. The brick work on the federal building is completed. The sheriff is investigating the report that two miners of the Applegate had a fight in which the loser had a thumb bitten off. Ed Andrews writes letter to editor, calling upon all lovers of the artistic dance to see Ruth St. Denis at the Page Theater. Saturday
demand fish in
Rogue River,
by resolution
to the
governor.A skunk meandered through the business district last night. The police sought the interloper. They were unable to smell nor locate the varmint. Chief of police advised citizens to clean up the leaves in front of their homes or suffer the penalty provided by law. Council opens war on Espee engine whistling in city limits. This is regarded as countermove against the backwoods crossing signs on Main Street. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, October 5, 1930, page B2 From Old Friends.
J. H. Nies, Henry, [Missouri,] than whom no man has more friends in
this section of the universe than he, writes us under date of September
28 that he and wife will leave Dallas, Oregon, and pass the winter with
their daughter, Ina, and husband in Medford, Oregon. Medford is in
Jackson County, border county between California and Oregon. Henry [sic] says
it is a nice town of about 10,000, has 17 miles of hard surface
streets, a fine water system, electric lights, street cars, etc. The
weather he says is just like June--fruit in abundance and very cheap.
They are both well. The writer of this remembers Medford, Oregon, in
1879 [sic], when there were
only two houses in what is now a beautiful little city. Their address
is 319 South Ivy Street, Medford, Oregon.Holt County Sentinel, Oregon, Missouri, October 8, 1915, page 4 Monday
"I Didn't
Raise My Boy
to Be a
adopted as the
official song
of Jackson
Democracy.Whistling of Espee engines at night rouses citizens to appeal for relief. Espee officials maintain whistling is necessary for extreme safety. Firebug operates on Thompson Creek. Special train carrying W.C.T.U. delegation to national convention at Seattle passes through the city. Tuesday
Girl alumnae
of the high
school form
the Hi Jinks
Club.Mrs. Phil Hamill leaves on a trip to Los Angeles. Work of laying track on West Main Street for streetcar line starts. Clever imitator of Charlie Chaplin, film comedian, appears in city and starts all the young men doing the same. Wednesday
Fords and a
on the Pacific
Highway.The "50-50 Rebonding Plan" is main topic of civic interest. Proposal to appoint water commission protested as "stripping the council of its powers." Flood of bogus $5 gold pieces sweeps valley. Chief of Police Hittson issues orders that all horse-drawn vehicles carry tail lights. Judge William M. Colvig, tax commissioner of the Espee, addresses Commercial Club banquet. Thursday
Auction sales
of valley
fruit urged by
Arthur M.
Geary of
Digging of
ditches in the
starts.Millinery course offered all students of Medford High School. Plans for proposed sugar beet factory outlined at Commercial Club feast by Alexander Nibley. Former fire horse comes to town with load of hay and at the sight of former scenes runs away. Friday
Attorney B. F.
Mulkey leaves
November 1st
for Portland
to practice
law and is
tendered a
banquet by
lawyers.Marvin Mitchell of the football team is suffering from an injured hand, which he had stepped on in the Grants Pass game. A daughter is born October 13, 1915 to Mr. and Mrs. Delroy Getchell of this city. Gray squirrels are reported to be thicker than flies on the Applegate and deliciously fat and make a fine pot pie. Leonard Carpenter returned from an auto trip to Lake o' Woods. This is the first time an auto ever made the trip. Mr. Carpenter reports "the road is a fright. I would not make the trip again," said Mr. Carpenter, "for the auto, the lake or all the timber in Jackson County." Saturday
Medford High
Klamath Falls,
24 to 9, in a
game refereed
by Seely Hall
of this city.Governor Withycombe to attend dedication of new quarters for Co. 7 ("Sleepy Seventh"). Special election called for November 9, to vote on Medynski rebonding plan. Cigarettes among high school students cause furor. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, October 12, 1930, page B2 Monday
Hob S. Deuel
of the First
National Bank
has been named
lieutenant of
Company 7
Seventh").Mose Barkdull and Jim Bell return from a two days' squirrel hunt in the Applegate region. Espee officials oppose iron gates at the Main Street crossing on the grounds [that] nothing will stop the autoist, who will run through iron gates with impunity. Editorial congratulates people of Central Point on steps "to secure the sugar beet factory and irrigation on a scientific basis." Tuesday
suffrage is
defeated in
New Jersey by
150,000 votes.
workers for
that cause
disappointed.Police Judge Gay announces that boys caught smoking cigarettes will "take the consequences." Editor of Mail Tribune refuses to print 32-verse poem on the Medynski rebonding plan. Wednesday
Light showers
over the
valley.C. E. Gates is made manager of the sugar beet acreage campaign. Court Hall returns empty-handed from a deer hunt. Team belonging to A. P. Whitney of Central Point becomes frightened at a box and runs away on Main Street. Medford defeats Grants Pass, 34 to 0, at Grants Pass. Carter Brandon is the star kicker for the locals. Thursday
Withycombe to
dedicate new
Armory. He
will be
presented by
Hon. W. H.
Gore, and
Herbert Alford
will sing a
baritone solo.Valley chicken raisers use "sunflower head" as feed with good success. The heads furnish oil for the chickens and make them work to get it. Ford auto belonging to W. H. Lydiard is stolen while he is attending Presbyterian Church services. Immense basket of valley fruit shown at the San Francisco fair attracts attention of thousands. Friday
Local man
pants hanger
and presser.E. E. Gore of Warner, Wortman & Gore ships carload of porkers to the Portland market. Deputy Coroner Carl Y. Tengwald attends to official business in Woodville. Miss Marion Towne of Talent to open class on "Political Science" for women of this city. Chief of Police Hittson serves notice on youth. "No downright cussedness will be tolerated during the Halloween rambunctiousness." Saturday
There are 19
Jackson County
attending the
University of
Oregon.O.A.C. defeats Michigan Aggies 20 to 0 at Lansing, Mich. Local taxicabs watched after reports they have been racing on West Jackson Street. May & Co. to exhibit films at Star Theater, showing how the Gossard corset is made. No men will be admitted. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, October 19, 1930, page B2 Monday
Three days'
rain welcomed
by farmers,
but they claim
"it's not
running into
the ground
fast enough."Alfalfa seed grown by Ed and Mike Hanley proves a profitable crop. Local citizen, explaining reason for signing seven petitions in a day, "declares he will sign anything that don't come due in thirty days." Tuesday
Transient is
arrested for
stealing a
horse and
buggy and a
cow from the
Sacred Heart
Hospital.Irrigation for valley lands characterized as "just another hifalutin scheme to mulct the farmers and orchardists." Schools of city plan Halloween programs. Bad boys throw clothesline over Copco high tension wire, causing $150 damage and considerable inconvenience. Prices of hogs goes up. Travel on the Southern Pacific continues voluminous. Wednesday
Medford Club
opens campaign
for more
gardening in
city.Miss Lucile Messner (Mrs. Treve Lumsden) is named a member of the reportorial staff of the Oregon Emerald, and Jay I. Gore is playing the alto horn in the university band. County Judge TouVelle asks Southern Pacific to hurry up and fix overhead crossing at Ashland. Delinquent tax list of county increases.
Social season
is opened with
a military
ball in honor
of Governor
who dedicated
the armory.Mrs. Porter J. Neff returns from attending the Federated Women's Club convention at Salem. Friday
Mr. and Mrs.
Jap Andrews
are pleasantly
surprised by a
number of
friends on the
anniversary of
their wedding
day.Halloween depredations lowest in years, with nothing more serious than the breaking of a few street lamp globes. Miss Dulcie Caton and Carl Beebe are wedded by Prof. A. J. Hanby at the home of the bride's parents at Table Rock. The sugar beet agitators were in our precinct Monday looking over our soil. (Agate Gems) Saturday
Poultry show
is planned for
next January.Charley Hannan's team bolted this morning as he stepped into the wagon near his home at the extreme southern end of Central Avenue, running some distance in zigzag fashion along the Pacific Highway. Hannan's bird dog, excited by the unusual conduct of the horses and the racket of the wagon, ran along beside the team until the latter met an auto. At that instant one of the horses "threw a shoe." The dog skidded to dodge it when the auto struck the canine, breaking his neck. Local cannery products win high praise in Portland. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, October 26, 1930, page B2 Monday
Oregon Sunday
closing law to
be carried to
the high court
of the nation.Commercial Club adopts resolution protesting against stand of Portland Telegram on timber industry of Southern Oregon. Vandals last night cut several clotheslines on the east side, causing the clean washings to fall in the mud. In two incidents they trampled on the garments. "Frank Ditsworth's mare, Blue, was shot in the chest and died recently. This increases Frank's love for careless hunters." (Flounce Rock Items) Tuesday
bonding plan
subject of
discussion on
corners.City council holds a long and quiet session. Peggy, the 18-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Miller, undergoes operation at Sacred Heart Hospital and is on the road to recovery. Light fall of rain over valley gives promise of more. Wednesday
Driest autumn
on record
prevails over
sections.John Austin Hooper, bandit who escaped from the Josephine County jail, writes sheriff a letter. Greater Medford Club holds first meeting of the year. Mrs. Porter J. Neff reads a paper on the European war situation Miss Orbie Natwick gave a special dance and served light refreshments last Friday night, October 29 and invited about 75 couples, and I understand that they had one of the nicest and best conducted dances they have had for some time. Miss Orbie seemed to take special pains to make everyone feel at home. Thursday
South end of
the valley
strong for
projects.Attorney A. E. Reames in statement declares "success of Medynski rebonding plan would mean the death of Medford as a body politic." Rogue River Spitzenbergs win first prize at the Portland Land Show. Friday
Light vote on
the Medynski
plan.Ashland and Medford football teams to clash tomorrow, with Ashland the favorite. Grover Darneille, Copco worker, falls off a house on West Jackson Street and lands on his feet, causing them to be jammed up. Thieves who stole William H. Lydiard's auto captured in Los Angeles. Gus Newbury and family leave to see the Frisco fair. Saturday
Ago This
Week," Medford
Mail Tribune,
2, 1930, page
rebonding plan
meets defeat
at the polls.
Howard A. Hill moves into his new bungalow from the farm. Poultrymen of valley to form organization. L. B. Brown, proprietor of the Russ Mill, will return Sunday from a visit to the exposition at San Francisco. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 5, 1915, page 2 Monday
Farmers of the
valley urged
to plant horse
beans as a
cover crop.Southern Pacific sells its 700th [ticket] from Medford to the Frisco fair. Medford football team has high hopes of defeating Ashland in first of the annual games. Farmer writes letter to editor expressing fear that coming of irrigation to the valley "will wreck and ruin the fishing." Tuesday
Chief of
Police Hittson
serves notice
that chickens
must not be
allowed to run
at large on
streets.Fred Heath Sr., Eagle Point merchant, presents Eagle Point correspondent of the Mail Tribune with a side of bacon and receives a complimentary paragraph half a column in length. Laborers working on the highway near Gold Hill steal a keg of beer from a brewery truck, and warrants are issued for their arrest. C. M. Thomas of Talent delivers a rousing speech on irrigation at Talent banquet. Wednesday
Fake Charlie
Chaplin movies
visit cities.
Several local
young men are
good imitators
of Chaplin.Sugar beets raised at Talent experiment station run 44 tons to the acre. Kansas cyclone passes within three miles of Bert Anderson's old home town. Germans again drop bombs on Dick Sherwood's old home town in England. Miss Helen Dahl (Mrs. John Swem) leaves for a visit to the San Francisco fair. High Pythian officials to visit local lodge. Thursday
Medford and
Ashland battle
to a scoreless
tie in
football game.
Two players on
each team were
removed from
the activities
for slugging,
which was
deplored by
the fans and
coaches of
both teams and
towns.A shower of rain causes farmers to rejoice, as it will help fall plowing. A first-class beauty parlor will be established here at an early date, the Mail Tribune learns. Chief of Police Hittson and crossing watchman nearly run over by careless autoist while talking in the middle of the track by careless drivers. Friday
The fat turkey
proposition in
the valley has
become a
problem, as
there are no
fat turkeys.Seely Hall returns from an auto trip to the coast and reports the road miserable. English walnuts of valley yield fair profits. Joy riders crash into and smash Hubbard Brothers drinking fountain. A woman's shoe was found at the scene. Saturday
Oregon apples
given away to
all comers at
the Frisco
fair.Turkeys scarce and thin in the valley, due to unscientific feeding. Richmond P. Hobson, of kissing fame, to deliver temperance lecture at Page. Final week of the sugar beet factory campaign opens. Dr. J. M. Keene appointed to fill vacancy on city council. Budget committee fixes tax levy for year at 21 mills. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, November 9, 1930, page B2 Paul Costel Here-- Paul Costel, of Medford, was in the city yesterday on a short visit while on a trip this way. Costel is a former Albany young man, a genius as a musician, playing nearly every instrument in use. He is the trap man at a movie in Medford. "City News," Albany Daily Democrat, November 25, 1915, page 3 Monday
H. G. Wortman,
confined in a
has recovered
to visit
friends in
Albany.E. Hart of Ashland is nodding good-naturedly at Medford friends today, but denies he recently plunged into the sea of matrimony as reported. Treve B. Lumsden, assistant cashier of the Farmers and Fruitgrowers, plans to attend the O.A.C.-Oregon football game next Saturday. A party of Wyoming homeseekers tour the valley as guests of the Commercial Club. Tuesday
"Since my last
report, our
efficient and
postmaster, C.
W. Clements,
has renewed
to the
fearless Medford
Mail Tribune."
(Eagle Point
Eaglets)Phone toll rate to Jacksonville is strong probability. Carpenter brothers head list of orchardists seeking irrigation. Wednesday
Lawyers are
anticipating a
busy session
of the
February term
of the circuit
court, as it
will be the
first session
after the
state goes
dry.With a reassuring nod many valley business men confess that business "seems to be picking up." The nod isn't sufficiently emphatic. Let it come with the eloquence of an outcry from the housetops. Business is improving--and everybody knows it. Carl Y. Tengwald presents the sugar beet committee with a supply of persimmons grown on the Westerlund orchards. Rogue River pears capture awards at Spokane land show. Thursday
Experiments by
the O.A.C.
experts show
nuts flourish
in the valley.Compromise between city and Copco ends electric light tangle, and city saves money on light bills. Allied aid for Serbians comes too late. Jackson County fruit wins 43 prizes at Frisco fair. The Wig Ashpole automobile, while going north on Riverside Avenue, struck two young men and a young woman who were standing in the middle of the street conversing. Ray Burchell, the young man, sustained a sprained wrist. Chief of Police Hittson said he was not surprised, as he has been predicting this very thing as long as people are bound to do their visiting in the middle of the street. Friday
Heavy rain in
the Prospect
raises Rogue
River a foot.Fishermen urged to attend mass meeting and promulgate plans to protect their rights and the preservation of the fish. Grizzly Hiking Club walks to Phoenix to hear the "Spinster Trio." Loss of sugar beet factory is probability despite hard work. Saturday
calls the "Portland
Telegram swineherd
for the
Portland hog."Mike Womack, well-known practical miner, finds a large deposit of magnesite in the Siskiyous. Citizens file petitions with city council asking them to collect delinquent paving assessments. Halbert S. Deuel has been ordered to report at Eugene for examination as a second lieutenant. Of course he will go. Great interest is being manifested in the Medford-Ashland football game Thanksgiving Day, and a large delegation of local fans will attend. School authorities of both cities urge partisans of both schools not to fight or indulge in rough talk during the game. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, November 16, 1930, page B2 Monday
Main Street
flagman [Harry
waving two red
lanterns and a
green one, is
run down by a
Ford. Driver
claims she did
not see the
flagman, and
[he] had a
narrow escape.A survey shows that Fatima cigarettes are the most popular brand with Medford smokers. The rain has made the farmers jubilant, as they will now be able to do some effective work with the plow in their fields. Richmond P. Hobson, the "most kissed man of the Spanish-American War," speaks to large audience at Page Theater on "Temperance." Tuesday
Demmer boys,
on trip into
hills back of
are chased by
lions.W. H. Lydiard returns from a trip to Los Angeles, where he went to recover his stolen auto. Ben H. Lampman, editor of the Gold Hill News, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. Lampman called at this office and spilled some poetry. Leon Lawton stalled his auto in the center of Main Street last night. A large delivery wagon crashed into it and broke the front axle. Wednesday
Poultry show
for valley in
promoted.The Elks will hold a "hard times" dance. All attending are urged to wear "hard times" clothes and countenances to match. Mrs. Helen Haskins of this city has a government map of Oregon made in 1841. Ethel Barrymore to appear at the Page in "The Final Judgment." Chicken thieves raid many residential hen houses, and police and sheriff are baffled. Thursday
The fact that
bacon in price
runs from 25
to 35 cents a
pound, while
pork on foot
is selling in
the markets of
the Northwest
at 4½ cents to
six cents a
pound, ought
to suggest to
every farmer
in Rogue River
Valley the
idea that it
would pay to
cure his own
bacon and
hams. He could
do this with a
little home
energy and
instead of
to the
millions of
Armour and
Swift packers
of Chicago
every day.Medford High School defeated Ashland 7 to 0 in a steady rain before a crowd of 2000 and won the Southern Oregon championship. Electrical prosperity week to be held in city. Friday
Pair who stole
W. H.
Lydiard's Ford
and drove it
to Los Angeles
are bound over
by the grand
jury.Community Christmas tree is planned for city. County taxpayers league to be formed to secure lower taxes and cheaper power. Water Superintendent Ole Arnspiger announces that the city reservoir will be cleaned, and there may be a shortage of water. Saturday
Halbert S.
Deuel has
returned from
Eugene, where
he was made a
lieutenant.Farmers of the Talent district have completed the petitions asking for the creation of an irrigation district. Council levies general tax to pay bond interest. Weather report shows a seasonal shortage of water for November. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, November 23, 1930, page B2 Monday
Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Wahl
Day dinner at
the Recreation
Club and "were
surfeited with
an abundance
of turkey,"
says the
column.The Camp Fire Girls of the Presbyterian Church have taken up box ball. Mrs. Weldon Biddle entertained the Girls' Sewing Club at her home at the Kenwood Orchards recently. The Medford Golf and Country Club hold their annual Thanksgiving dinner and dance. Tuesday
receive a
shipment of
the Deere high
life sulky
plow, which
makes plowing
a genuine
pleasure.Miss Alice Hanley [is] entertaining the Needlework Club of Central Point at her country home. Messrs. Medynski and Marshall continue their debate in this paper on the merits and demerits of the Medynski rebonding plan. Wednesday
Pearl Peyton
wins the
match at the
Flounce Rock
school.November is still shy of rainfall. Thursday
J. W. Shirley
exhibits a
red-top turnip
at the
Club, grown on
the East Side.Friday
Poultry show
at Ashland
wins high
approval.Chicago man reports valley soil ideal for producing onions. Bungling local check forger caught in Ashland. Saturday
William H.
Gore declares
"the farmers
will have to
irrigation, or
be forced to
take to the
hills."The fellow who invented the idea of shopping early and avoiding the rush appears to have lost his calendar this year. It is just three weeks till Christmas. He is nearly as silent as the gobble of the turkey. High wind put the phone line to the city [water] intake out of commission. A male quartet composed of Clarence Meeker, Louis Bennett, Noel Lindley and Herbert Alford is formed by Mr. Ed Andrews. The Friday Bridge Club meets at the home of Mrs. C. M. Kidd. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, November 30, 1930, page B2 Monday
Dr. J. M.
commenting on
the session of
expresses the
opinion "if
hundreds will
faint from
surprise."Miss Ora Stout and Ernest Niedermeyer are wed. Tuesday
The Medford
Arts and
Crafts League
gives first
exhibition.Thomas McDonald, charged with theft of Bill Lydiard's auto, is measured three times by Sheriff Terrill and found to be exactly six feet tall every time. Police after local autoists who insist on driving around town with their lights turned off. More boys than girls in Ashland public schools. Wednesday
League is
organized and
will seek a
reduction in
taxes and the
right men for
offices.Jackson County sugar beets win awards at Frisco fair. Will H. Wilson's store is robbed of four watches and 50 cents during the night. Very few people have been found in this city or valley this winter in need of charity. Thursday
High school
alumni plan
ball.Oregon prohibition law goes into effect January 1, and county authorities announce it will be "enforced vigorously, fearlessly and thoroughly." Molybdenum, one of the precious metals, is found in the Siskiyous by Mike Womack and associates. Council acts to force collection of delinquent assessments. Santa Claus at the May Company. Friday
Germany seeks
peace on her
own terms.E. C. Silliman of the "Sugar Bowl" is displaying the largest stick of candy ever made this side of Portland. "The Sleepy Seventh" plans a Yule dance. Valley chilled by sudden drop in the mercury. Missourians find the valley finest spot on the coast. Saturday
City schools
to operate at
a reduction of
$15,000.Many of the fences in the rural districts are being repaired. Social center is planned for city by Drama League. Two councilmen engage in verbal words on the street and are calmed by Chief of Police Hittson. "Tag day" for municipal Christmas tree planned. Bear Creek needs good freshet to clean out debris. Forbes-Robertson to appear here under the auspices of the Drama League. Now is the time to register for the city election next month. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, December 7, 1930, page B2 Monday
adoption of
Sunday closing
laws in
Oregon, which
would prohibit
even driving
an auto.Registration for city election next month starts. The Drama League induces Forbes-Robertson, noted actor, to appear here in "The Third Floor Back." County taxpayers organize Taxpayers League to study taxation. Another smashup between a horse and wagon and an auto occurred on the Pacific Highway Saturday night. The wagon was smashed to "smithereens." Tuesday
Survey shows
only two
tractors are
in use on
farms and
orchards of
[the] valley.Rev. William B. Hamilton is reported as recovering from a severe case of pneumonia. Coyotes more numerous and annoying than for years in the Ruch district. John Doe and Richard Roe, both of Talent, are charged with reckless driving of an automobile, resulting in smashing up a wagon belonging to Frank Schuette. It was a Corbin automobile. Wednesday
The sugar beet
factory, for
which the city
has been
struggling the
past year,
will be
located at
Grants Pass,
Alex Nibley of
Salt Lake City
said today.County officials go to Salem to confer on the enforcement of the new prohibition which goes into effect January 1, after which the state will be bone dry. The films failed to arrive, and there was no show at the Star last night. Mike Hanley nets $700 from his Bosc trees on the Little Butte. Thursday
Lack of
costs the
every year.Walter Larned of Chicago buys interest in Hoke cannery. Local laundry wagon driver is fined $1.00 for failure to stop when the Main Street crossing watchman waved his red lantern. A catastrophe was narrowly averted. Attorney general rules that under the Oregon prohibition law, a farmer with hard cider in his possession is guilty of an infraction. Friday
The Astor Wine
announces that
it will open a
warehouse at
Calif. in
January and
will be
prepared to
serve all
orders and
will be happy
to greet
customers in
person.One hundred thousand dollars asked for federal work in Crater Lake park. Citizen of Butte Falls arrested and charged with nearly biting off the nose of his foe during a spirited combat. Saturday
taxpayers meet
and elect Dr.
J. M. Keene
chairman and
E. M. Wilson
secretary.Sportsmen fail to endorse bill, which they proposed, to close the Rogue. Hall Taxi Company starts booking visitors to Crater Lake next summer. "Buy a Maxwell auto. It will pay for itself." (Ad) Neckties stolen from "Daniels for Duds' found in saloon at Hornbrook. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, December 14, 1930, page B2 Bandages and surgical dressings for the Red Cross Society have been made by the Colony Club, Medford. "Portland Women's Club Members Have Shower for Benefit of Poor," Oregonian, Portland, December 19, 1915, page C9 Monday
The Misses
Ruth Lawrence,
Vera Olmstead,
Ruth Nye,
George Gates
and Dolph
Phipps are
home from the
university for
the Christmas
holidays.Sportsmen fail to endorse the Rogue River fish bill. Valley could be a "second Petaluma," declares famed poultry expert. Storm in Northwest delays mails. Tuesday
Pair who stole
neckties from
"Daniels for
Duds" bound
over to grand
jury.Ed Andrews in review says "Margaret Illington pleases large audience in a weak vehicle at the Page." Attorney Evan Reames employed by council to conduct city paving suits. Southern Pacific booklet boosts valley's scenic assets. Wednesday
Seely V. Hall
takes the
agency for the
sensation of
the year"--the
Chevrolet.Associated charities of the city ask more funds--and get them. Arrangements made for 5000 acres of sugar beet seeds for this valley. Thursday
There are
several cases
of la grippe
in the city
and valley.Intoxicated farmer rounded up by police for attempting to wreck Alco cigar store. Stores report a dearth of shoplifters. C. E. Gates and H. A. Latta drafted as Santa Claus deputies at municipal Christmas tree. Friday
Drama league
to present
amateur play,
Halvey."Miss Ina Cochran, who is attending the California State Normal at San Jose, Calif., is home for the holidays. The city observes Christmas. The barber shops close at 11 a.m. Snow is forecast. O. V. Myers and Boudinot Conner and Joe Wilson and H. C. Garnett have auto collisions at Main and Riverside, causing Police Judge Charles Gay to announce "no further foolishness will be tolerated from reckless drivers." Saturday
Tame bears at
Crater Lake to
be new feature
coming summer.Judge Crews called as a witness to a pair of auto accidents at Main and Riverside Avenue. A mysterious mining development is now under way back of Jacksonville, the Mail Tribune is confidentially advised. Joe Halsam of Phoenix ruins his wagon when team becomes frightened at an auto on the Pacific Highway and runs away. State teachers open sessions in this city. The Astor Wine Company of Hornbrook, Calif. will be able to take care of your liquid needs after January 1. Orders solicited and invited. Send no checks. (Adv.) "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1930, page B2 Monday
"The Medford
Ice and
Storage has 10
barrels of Hop
Gold beer in
pint bottles
which it will
deliver any
place in the
city for $10."
(Adv.)"Fresh roasted peanuts at DeVoe's." (Adv.) Madam Davenport, the clairvoyant, is astounding local citizens. O.A.C. alumni and students hold dance and reunion. Chadwich well will go down 2000 feet in effort to secure artesian water for Talent district. Tuesday
Company of San
advertise that
they, "the
institution in
the world
liquors by
mail," are
prepared to
service when
Oregon goes
dry January 1.Jackson County tax levy for year fixed at 14 mills. Medford saloon sells out its stock and closes its doors two days in advance of state prohibition law. Wednesday
The valley
charms a
from Decatur,
Illinois.State teachers in convention adopt resolution favoring opening of Ashland Normal School. Cement brick factory opens here. Former resident of Medford, now living in Portland, attacks his wife with a butcher knife, inflicting a serious wound. Temperature drops to 12.5 degrees above and city has coldest night of year. Two above at Prospect and six above at Talent. Thursday
Ed Binns makes
the initial
of his
well-known war
on the beef
trust.Plastering in the new federal building halted by the cold weather. Watch meetings will be held in the churches of the city to usher in the New Year. Merrymaking will prevail in the hotels and cafes. Tomorrow the city will be dry as a bone. The dry laws will be strictly enforced to thwart the bootlegger nuisance, which has inflicted Kansas for 40 years. After January 1 the Medford Book Store will close on Sundays. The electricity will be turned into the Bullis line to Jacksonville tomorrow, and the streetcar will make a test run. Friday
saloons sell
out completely
on final day
of the saloon
and liquor in
Oregon. Seven
states go dry.
state it will
be possible to
secure "San
Diego" beer by
mail.Coyotes reported thick in the Trail district. Full-grown deer ambles down main street of Jacksonville in mid-afternoon, and its fawn is caught by Mr. Applebaker, the blacksmith. Fifteen percent of the fall plowing is now completed, says Frank E. Bybee of Jacksonville. Saturday
Many people
will journey
to northern
California, as
the road over
the Siskiyous
is open--so
are the
saloons at
Hilt and
Hornbrook.All the saloons of the city closed and are now dark and dreary. A few will open as lunch counters. Cold weather continues in the valley. Will H. Gore fears it will curtail his wheat. City greets the New Year with wild acclaim and joy. Many facetious comments were made regarding the closing of the saloons forever and the end of John Barleycorn in Oregon. Everybody with a taste for liquor has a cupboard full, and a few have laid in a supply of good liquor sufficient to last a lifetime. Mail Tribune editorial says the "dry law will at least keep the booze away from the young folks." Table Rock farmers sign up sugar beet acreage. "Fifteen Years Ago This Week," Medford Mail Tribune, December 28, 1930, page B2 |