![]() ![]() Table Rock News 1901- News from the Table Rock area of
Jackson County, Oregon. Transcribed by Megan Dunn.
Table Rock Items.
Dick Maben took leave of absence Monday, for a visit with home folks.
Will Jennings, of Medford, was out last week visiting with Table Rock friends. Jim Grieve got back to headquarters last Thursday after being away for a week or more visiting with his father and family and others. E. B. Jennings was over Monday and Tuesday, looking after some stock he has here, and taking a shoot at the ducks, between visits among the neighbors. Latest reports are that Harry Nealon is slowly improving, though he has had a very hard struggle. We will expect to have him among us again before long. Dennis and Charlie Duggan were home Saturday and Sunday. They speak very highly of the Central Point school, and we hope they will be able to continue their studies to the end of the term. Contractor Perham has been working away on the bridge, notwithstanding the bad weather, and has accomplished that which will enable him to make a big showing as soon as the cold snap is over. Charles Dickison attended the poultry show last week, and seems more than ever inclined to help build up the industry. His fowls were not in condition to show, however, on account of moulting so late in the season. For seven years we have lived here and boasted of never seeing a real snow storm in the valley, but now we will have to make an exception when speaking on that subject. For we have had it, and still we have it. Though not a very serious storm, it has caused considerable inconvenience, because people here are never prepared for such a thing. The greatest depth of the snow at any time was only ten inches, which quickly settled to eight and finally to six inches. But the weight of this storm was something very surprising, and many sheds and barns were warped and broken before people realized the enormous burden that was resting on them. When the snow was seven inches deep, a layer twelve inches square was carefully measured and weighed and, behold, there was an even 20 pounds. That means just 180 pounds to the square yard of roof--who will wonder that some of the light roofs were damaged. We have lived in countries where there was many times the amount of snow every winter, but we never saw it weigh any heavier. We have heard of some seven or eight sheds being broken on this side of the river, but so far no very serious damage was done to any one man. J.C.P.
Mail, January 11, 1901, page 5Table Rock Items.
S. F. and Albert Morine took in several
of the valley towns one day last week.Walter Hughes came down from Talent during the storm and spent a few days with the family. Will and Myron Jennings were out from Medford last week and took back from them some horses that had been running on the range. W. R. Dickison was well enough to make a trip to Medford last week, the first for seven or eight weeks. He is about as rugged as ever now. Arthur Walker came out from Medford last week and spent a couple of days with friends. Of course, there was business connected with his visit. Hay is becoming a scarce article on this side of the valley, and should the snow and stormy weather last much longer, it will soon reach the record price. J. C. Pendleton and deputy are busy working on the field books these days. A change in the books this year will be a great benefit to field deputies. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dickison made a visit to Mrs. D.'s parents in Medford Saturday. While there Mrs. Dickison was taken sick and was not able to return Sunday. Road Supervisor Morrison and John Vincent are doing some much-needed work on the Morine lane. The road was graded in such a way as to hold the surface water on the land above, and by putting in some good culverts this difficulty will be overcome. Miss Ethelyn Davis left Monday for Tacoma, Wash., where she goes to take a position as copyist in the county recorder's office. Much as her friends regret to lose her, they are all congratulating her on her good fortune. She will make her home with her grandparents. At one time during the storm and high water contractor Perham thought of giving up work on the Bybee bridge for a while, but a change in the weather allowed him to go ahead, and since then he has made fair progress. Certainly the man has had a hard time for such work. We were more than pleased when we saw Mr. Nealon coming home last week with his son, Harry. For four weeks the boy lay at Mr. Geo. Jackson's in Medford, seriously sick, and his condition was at times critical. But the physician's skill and good nursing brought him out of danger, and he is now building up as rapidly as one could. Harry and his family will always feel very grateful to their friends for their kindness during his sickness, particularly to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, who did everything that they could have done for one of their own family. J.C.P.
Mail, January 25, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Myron Jennings was out from Medford a couple of days last week.
Mrs. S. F. Morine left for Merlin last week to visit her mother, who is quite ill. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dickison have been having a siege with the grippe this week but are now on the mend. At a special board meeting, held last week for the purpose of electing a teacher and transacting other business, nothing was done, as sickness prevented a full board being present. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have received a letter from their daughter, saying that she arrived at Tacoma safely and thought she would like the place very well. She took up her work at the court house February 1st. Mr. Ireland and family moved from Phoenix last week and are now located on the Hendrickson place near the New Hope Church, above Antioch. They had a hard trip moving over the bad roads. Mr. Shoults was out from Medford for a couple of days this week. He seems to like this neck of the woods pretty well, and we should not be much surprised if he would conclude to become one [of] the Table Rockers before the grass gets very high. Contractor Perham's work is nearing completion. Last week he paid off the bridge crew with the exception of A. L. Vincent, who with himself will finish up the last of the work on the bridge, which will take only a day or two. The painting will not be done until spring. Jas. Grieve bid us farewell last week. Tiring of farm life, he engaged himself with W. J. Freeman, of Central Point, and from now on will work with hardware and farm implements. Jim was with us just a year, and we have every reason to believe that he will make a success of his new venture--we earnestly hope so. Ex-Assessor John Grieve spent a night with your correspondent and family last week while on his way to visit his son, Will, at Prospect. Mr. G. spent part of last summer at Paisley, Eastern Oregon, and was so well pleased with the country that he thinks of going back there this summer. He predicts a great future for that section. Miss Netta Moore, of Sams Valley, who has been staying with Mrs. Dickison this winter, went down to see her folks a week ago Sunday and finding them all down with the grippe concluded it was best to remain at home until they were well again. There has been more of this dread disease this winter than for years, but so far no serious cases have been reported in our end of the valley. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
February 8, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
S. F.
Morine and daughter went to town Monday.Miss Belle Maness, of Central Point, is now making her home at the Pendleton farm. Verne Pendleton left Tuesday to visit his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn, near Medford. S. M. Nealon is putting up a neat new fence in front of his farm. There will be several others make new fences this spring. We are informed that there is soon to be a post office at the junction of the Eagle Point and Table Rock road, near the Montgomery place. Chas. Dickison and father went to town Tuesday. Chas. went for fruit trees to replace some that died in his new orchard. As he was remarkably fortunate in his last year's set, he will only have to get a few. The hard rains of Thursday and Friday put Rogue River on the warpath, and Saturday night it recorded its highest notch since '94. On this side of Bybee bridge it would swim a horse. Considerable damage was done to some of the fences on the bottom, but the loss to any one man is not enough to be serious. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
February 22, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Garl T.
Jones was among us last week doing some surveying for Chas. and Wm. R.
Dickison.Miss Badger came over Monday with Mr. Hughes and commenced the spring term of school Tuesday. Wm. Shoults, of Medford, has decided to make Table Rock his home for the summer, and will move his family here next week. Talbert Sanford, of Ashland, was the guest of Verne Pendleton last week and enjoyed a few days shooting and sight seeing. The young friends of Geo. Nichols gathered at the residence of his parents on the evening of the 23rd and gave him a very pleasant surprise. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, March
8, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
are happy to be able to finish up the spring work.Mrs. S. F. Morine returned from Merlin Sunday, after a visit of several weeks with her mother. Miss Iva Purdin, of Medford, has been engaged to teach the Sams Valley school. The district, as well as the teacher, are to be congratulated. The Table Rock Irrigating Ditch Company will soon begin work of cleaning and repairing. Some flumes will have to be built and the bulkhead overhauled. A good bit of talk is going the rounds about oil and coal--but as yet no regular work has been done--still some of our friends have a million-dollar smile on their faces. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, March
22, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Dickison and family spent Saturday and Sunday with Medford friends.Orlie Field and family left for Applegate last week, where Mr. F. goes to engage in mining. J. M. Whipple spent a couple of days here last week in preparing his work as Deputy Assessor. S. F. Morine and daughter visited Medford Saturday. Miss M. will remain with friends there for a week. J. W. Merritt spent a day with us last week looking over his interests in this section, and to attend the ditch meeting. Will Shoults and family have become members of Table Rock district, and may decide to make this their permanent home. Sadie Heffner left for California last week to join her mother. She has made her home with the family of E. H. Davis for a year or more. The Table Rock Ditch Company was organized last week. A board of directors, president, secretary and treasurer were elected, also Frank Adams as superintendent. Mrs. Jennings and daughter drove out from Medford Saturday to visit friends and at the same time be present at a meeting of the board of directors of the irrigating ditch company. Miss Dollie Badger has most royally succeeded in keeping up a lively interest among her pupils. The attendance has averaged twenty-four, which is something new for this small neighborhood. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, March
29, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Some of
the knights of the rod and reel say that fishing is good at present.Chas. and Albert Morine left for Elk Creek, Tuesday on a prospecting tour. Dept. Assessor Whipple is reported down with the mumps, at Woodville. John Vincent left for Klamathon Monday, to investigate a lumber hauling contract. Chas. Dickison began fencing his outside land Tuesday. This will give him an abundance of pasture. The late frost seems to have killed much of the fruit but we still predict a good crop on most varieties. Mrs. B. Vincent made a visit to Medford Sunday and brought her niece back with her for a visit at Table Rock. The work on the water ditch is completed except repairing a few of the boxes. The supply of water will be abundant this year. F. M. Stewart, the real estate man, of Medford, had one of his customers out here to look over some properties, Tuesday. We have heard from many sheep owners of the uncommon number of twin lambs this spring, but J. W. Merritt is the only one that has reported triplets and all doing well. One of his ewes has three nice lambs and very kindly mothers all of them. This is a very uncommon occurrence. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, April
26, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
3, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, a son.W. R. Dickison, and his granddaughter, Miss Gracie, left Monday morning for a trip to the fish hatchery, on Rogue River. Several in this neighborhood are talking of taking the trip to Ashland next Tuesday for the chance of seeing President McKinley. Mrs. S. F. Morine and Miss Meta went to Medford Sunday, the former to remain a few days visiting friends and having dentistry done. Deputy Assessor Whipple is at work again and Deputy Morine left this week for the upper Rogue River country to interview the farmers and stockmen. A. Dickison has been making considerable improvement about his place in the form of new fencing, the string on the side of the rock makes a brave showing. Sunday seemed to be the day for excursions to various parts of the country; several parties took the climb to the top of Table Rock and enjoyed the fine view therefrom. J. C. Pendleton made a flying trip home from Ashland, the last of the week, where he is taking up the work interrupted by his late sickness, and reports everything moving smoothly. W. T. York, of Medford, has been seen in these parts quite frequently of late accompanied by strangers. Looks as if outsiders were getting interested in this part of the valley. Hon. J. W. Merritt is perfecting the preparations to shear his band of sheep by machinery. The work will be commenced in a few days at the Curry place, and will attract considerable attention as it will be quite a novelty. Deputy C. C. Taylor spent Saturday with Assessor Pendleton checking up a large and very satisfactory amount of work. Mr. Taylor will now devote a few weeks to work at home, trying to make a tangible raise in the valuation of his own farm. Marion Nealon and his sister came over from Willow Springs Sunday, where Miss May has been for a week or more during the illness of her uncle, T. C. Law; she reports him much better, but still not able to be around. Marion returned the same evening. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, May
17, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Prue and Katie Angle came out from Medford Saturday night to spend
Sunday with Table Rock friends.C. A. Dickison made a trip to the different towns in the valley the last of the week, everywhere were they hoping it would rain. W. J. Nichols and family moved out from Central Point to the Curry place to camp during sheep shearing. Mr. Merritt has spent most of his time there for a week and expects to get all the machines started Tuesday. In spite of the threatening weather several parties from different parts of the valley picnicked on Table Rock Sunday. More and more every year is this spot sought by beauty-loving people. In the morning Capt. Nash and family drove out from Medford and in the afternoon joined the Pendleton family and other guests in a trip to some rocky heights. 'Twas a merry crowd and the captain was not the only one who felt repaid for the exertion by the lovely view spread out before them; it was an ideal day for such a trip and the floating clouds only enhanced the beauty of the scene. At the very last Mr. Pitt threw off his mantle of gray and shone forth in all his majesty and beauty not dimmed by any rival near his throne. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, May
24, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
The hum of
the mowing machine and
the click of the rake are abroad in the land, and some very fine hay is
being put up.Taylor, the leather renovator man, from Medford, was in our neighborhood last week and received a number of orders for work in his line. People from here attended the different Memorial Day exercises in the valley and all are reported as being good, and the decorations every year growing more universal and the flowers more choice and abundant. Richard Jennings was out from Medford Monday, accompanied by his mother and sister. They were almost loaded down with bouquets of choice roses for their friends--a very fragrant proof that the Rogue Valley is truly a parent [sic] flower garden. Many people will notice and appreciate the recent improvements in the road between the Bybee bridge and the Dickison corner. Substantial culverts and fills will make summer travel more pleasant and greatly reduce the danger at high water time. This work has been done partly by the County and partly by donations. Gradually the good roads idea and discussions are bringing tangible results. The Merritt sheep have been shorn and dipped and will soon be on their way to summer pasture. Mr. Merritt was much pleased with the work done by the gasoline engine and the clippers. Many people were out to see them work--and well worth their trip. The huge barn itself is so complete in every detail; dipping vat of the most approved construction, shearing room, with its conveniently arranged booths; the wool room with its appliances for sacking the wool and the huge mow for hay that it is worth viewing and about as complete as anyone could wish. To the uninitiated the surrounding canals and pens resemble the intricate [sic] of a maze, but Mr. Nichols and his competent herders put the right sheep into the right place every time. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, June
7, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Dickison has been busy for a week or more, spraying his orchard.Myron Jennings, who has been a Table Rock farmer for some days, expects to go east of the mountains after the Fourth. Miss Florence Toft spent Sunday at Table Rock, the guest of Miss Meta Morine, and had a delightful time visiting different points of interest. Albert and Charles Morine are on Elk Creek exploring the mining belt, and with good prospects, so says last reports. Miss Dollie Badger closed a very successful term of school last Friday and on Sunday left for Talent to visit her sister, Mrs. Ed. Hughes, for a few weeks, when she will return to Table Rock. Miss Lucy Brewer, of San Francisco, is visiting Mrs. Pendleton and Mrs. Frierson. Miss B. has been on a tour of the Alaskan coast for a month or more and has some very fine pictures and specimens to show her friends. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, June
28, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Shoults and family returned to Medford the first of the week.Deputy Assessor Whipple spent Sunday at Table Rock, having completed the work assigned him . S. F. Morine and family are rusticating in the wilds of Elk Creek. They say that both hunting and fishing are good. John Williams has sold and delivered his entire hay crop to his brother, I. F. Williams, the livery man, at Central Point. W. R. Dickison, who fell from a load of hay some days ago and was quite seriously bruised up, is around again and able to look over his farm. He had a very narrow escape. Harry Nealon is running his binder every day and proving himself quite a machinist. Most anybody can cut grain pretty low, but he is the first one we have seen who could make a success grubbing it. Mr. Berrian, superintendent of the U.S. Hatchery, is trying to make arrangements to start a new hatchery at the head of the Table Rock irrigating ditch. This was the site selected by Mr. Hubbard some years ago. In our travels over the country we hear a general complaint of short crops. While there are some small crops that will turn out fairly well, the general average will certainly fall far short of the estimates made a month ago. We received a letter a few days ago from Rev. Robt. McLean, of Portland, asking for accommodations for himself and one or two others, who will try the fishing in the valley. Mr. McLean declares there is no stream on the coast like Rogue River. Farm hands have been scarce this harvest, but so far no one has suffered any loss, only in some cases where the hands become too independent. Some of these fellows tried to run a ranch to suit themselves for one of our farmers, and as a result they had to hit the road in double quick order. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, July
26, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
The grain
has all been cut and stacked and we are now ready for a thresher.Verne Pendleton started for Janesville, Cal., last week to visit his grand-parents. Chas. Dickison reports a very pleasant time in Portland last week and wishes he could have stayed another week A letter from Will Nichols, who has charge of J. W. Merritt's sheep, says that the forest fires are doing great damage to both range and timber. The county court has ordered some very substantial repairs done on the Bear Creek bridge near Central Point, which is good news to us, as the old structure was absolutely unsafe. A man from Portland connected with Paige & Co., fruit dealers, told us that he had bought the entire crop of peaches from the Shipley orchard, Sams Valley, and thought there would be ten thousand boxes. We have received two letters from parties in Arizona, asking us to look up some small tracts of land, centrally located in Rogue River Valley, as they are going to move here soon and will buy homes to locate on permanently. They are good citizens and will be an acceptable addition to any neighborhood. W. J. Honeyman, of the firm of Honeyman & McBride of Portland, put business aside for a couple of days and tried his luck fishing in Rogue River with a fly made in Scotland that is supposed to tempt any salmon. He only succeeded in hooking a few, which was disappointing to him. But he will try again later on. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
August 16, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Wm. R.
Dickison has been marketing
a lot of very fine melons and is convinced that he has land which will
yield as great a profit as any in Southern Oregon.From a party who has visited the huckleberry patch we are told that there are very few berries to be had this year, which will be a great disappointment to the many annual visitors. The farmers of this section made arrangements with Messrs. Bradshaw and Stevens to come in and do our threshing next week, notwithstanding the report that the Glass machine will finish up here. The old soldiers are preparing for a splendid time at their reunion at Central Point this year. It is said that the literary exercises will be far above the average and they naturally expect a good attendance. Chas. Dickison and Arthur started for Elk Creek Wednesday on a hunting trip. They are advised by friends to take along about ten dollars for bait, as deer are very wild these days. They expect to be gone six or seven days. We have an industry in our part of the country which seems to be in a flourishing condition and even the drought does not affect it in the least. A gentleman from Applegate is catching turtles and fattening them for the San Francisco market. He has over three thousand now and says he has made an average of ten dollars a day since he began work. He will ship Nov. 15th. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
August 30, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Mrs. A. P.
Frierson is visiting Mrs. N. C. Gunn near Medford.Richard Jennings came up from Roseburg Friday, on a visit to his mother. Arthur Walker and family, of Medford, spent Sunday visiting at Chas. Dickison's. Miss Edith Nicholson, of Medford, is sightseeing at Table Rock these days, the guest of Meta Morine. The late rain has put the soil in fine condition for plowing and most farmers are hoping for clear weather again. W. J. Nichols brought the Merritt sheep from the mountains last week, and reports a good year on the mountain range. Charley Nichols came over from Klamath County last week to buy his winter supplies and to make a short visit with his father's family. William Dickison has purchased a large sized cider mill and has made several barrels of the finest cider we ever tasted in this or any other country. William Witcher, who lately sold his desert farm to the Jackson County Improvement Company, has bought a farm on Griffin Creek and will soon move to his new home. Miss Mae L. McIntyre, lately from Colorado, is conducting a very successful term of school here, and though only two weeks have passed since she took up the work, the little folks have learned that study hours mean strict business and nothing else. The pupils seem quite interested in the new textbooks. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
November 1, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Mr. Wm.
Dickison started for Elk Creek Monday on a hunting trip.Saw mill men up Rogue River are taking advantage of the good roads by rushing their lumber out as fast as they can get teams. Richard Jennings took Friday's train for Roseburg, where he will settle up his business, and return to Jackson County to remain for the winter. Packers are busy these days getting the apple crop on the Chas. Dickison place ready for market. As usual the fruit is large and of good quality. Fishermen tell us that the river is full of silversides now, and that they are at their best. We tried one last week and never tasted finer fish from any stream. That beautiful pet deer of John Vincent has not been seen for a week or more, and it is quite likely that some hunter found him an easy target as he was often a mile or more from home. The farmers who have sticky land have had favorable weather to put in their crops, while those on the bottom lands find it a little too dry for deep plowing. Another day's rain would put such land in first-class condition to work. The Table Rock Ditch Company has just completed a bulkhead which has a capacity of three thousand inches of water. Gradually this company has enlarged the ditch and soon will have one of the finest properties in Southern Oregon. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
November 8, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Mrs. C. A.
Dickison visited in Medford Wednesday.Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pendleton spent Tuesday with Ashland friends. S. F. and Chas. Morine spent Monday transacting business in Medford and Central Point. Wm. Dickison has returned from his trip up Rogue River and is well pleased with the game he secured. Richard Jennings returned from Roseburg Friday to remain permanently with his mother and family. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn visited Table Rock relatives over Sunday and left a substantial reminder in the form of a turkey. W. R. Dickison and Harry Nealon hauled heavy hogs to Jacksonville Monday and the price they obtained sent the home smiling. A party of hunters composed of Judge Prim, Geo. Neuber, John Orth, Chas. Gay and John Ross were doing Table Rock country last Friday. Table Rock has a literary society which meets every Friday night at the school house. C. A. Dickison is president, S. M. Nealon, vice president; Miss Mae McIntyre, secretary, and Miss Hattie Waschau, treasurer. Last Friday evening was devoted to Longfellow and was a decided success. Miss Mae McIntyre spent Saturday with Medford relatives and was accompanied home by her sister. On Sunday Clarence Meeker came out and with Mr. Sandals and Miss Grace Dickison made a party to climb the lower Table Rock. They ate their lunch by a blazing bonfire and report a good time in spite of fog and clouds. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
November 22, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Miss Clara
McIntyre is out from Medford to spend a week or so with our busy
teacher.Messrs. King and Armstrong spent the last day of the shooting season at Table Rock. Dick Maben is seen speeding his fine colt up and down the pumice road these showery days. It seems pleasant and like old times to see James Pelton riding around this country again. The rain of the past days has filled all the creeks and waterways and put a stop to plowing. Your correspondent received an order from Montague, Calif., last week for a carload of grain, which he could not fill in the valley at prices to compete with the California market. A Grants Pass man was here the first of the week looking for a place to have a band of horses for the winter but failed to find it. The other day a fine China pheasant hen came to feed with our chickens. There are several others reported with different flocks of chickens in the neighborhood. The literary entertainment Friday night was devoted to Thanksgiving subjects. Dainty programs were distributed, tied by the club colors, lavender and corn colors and bearing the club name, "Earnest workers," the motto, "Rowing, not Drifting," and a nicely drawn turkey standing guard over the overflowing contents of a horn of plenty, all of which was the work of Miss McIntyre and the older pupils. Some were absent but the program as given made a very pleasant evening. The question for debate was Resolved, That Thanksgiving is a greater day than the Fourth of July. It was decided in favor of the affirmative. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
December 6, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Chas. A.
Dickison went to Jacksonville Monday to serve on the jury.Mr. Frank Adams and family spent Sunday with Central Point relatives and friends. Mr. Richard Jennings is now holding the position of foreman on Wm. Bybee's Rogue River farm. Mr. and Mrs. Fielder, who have been stopping at the Bybee place, returned to Jacksonville Sunday. The late rains have raised Rogue River about three feet, but we all feel safe about our bridge this winter. Mr. Wash. Vincent and family have moved out from Medford and are now occupying a house on the Jennings farm. W. J. Nichols was out from Central Point Monday looking over Mr. Merritt's sheep. They expect to move to the Donegan place in about ten days. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
December 13, 1901, page 3Table Rock Items.
Jennings and his mother drove to Medford Monday, returning the same day.Benton Vincent and his daughter, Mrs. Fields, made a visit to the county seat Monday. H. D. Rodenberger, of Willow Springs, is doing some carpenter work for your correspondent. Wm. Bybee spent two or three days here this week looking after his stock and general farm work. Mrs. Pendleton, Mrs. Frierson and Hattie Waschau spent two days last week in Medford selecting Christmas presents. The frosty weather has put a stop to farming, but we can easily keep busy at making fence or overhauling buildings, which is just as necessary as plowing. Arrangements have about been completed for a public Christmas tree at the school house. As the roads are liable to be bad, this will give the little folks a good time without having to go to town through the mud. J.C.P.
Mail, December 20, 1901, page 3Table
Rock Items.
Nichols has gone to Brownsboro to work in the big ditch.Harold Rodenberger, of Willow Springs, has decided to make Table Rock his home for a while. Some little plowing has been done lately but the ground is a little too frosty in spots to do good work. Miss McIntire is taking her vacation in Medford with relatives and will not open school again for another week. Quite a number of Table Rock people attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Sisemore at Sams Valley Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn visited relatives and friends here the first of the week and also attended Mrs. Sisemore's funeral. Marion Nealon came over from Willow Springs and spent a jolly Christmas with his father's family. Too far between visits, Marion. Your correspondent and family spent a most enjoyable Christmas at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn, three miles south of Medford. Mrs. Williams and her mother, Mrs. Merriman, late of Bisbee, Arizona, are spending the holiday season with Mrs. Pendleton and Mrs. Frierson. Mrs. Williams, who by the way is quite an artist, is spending all the sunny hours painting a large picture of Table Rock. Though we were not able to attend the Christmas tree here we are told that everything passed off with splendid success and everybody had a good time, and was just as happy as all should be on that occasion. Table Rockers never do things by halves when they undertake anything of this kind. R. B. Porter and family, recently from Burns, eastern Oregon, have purchased the Chas. Dickison farm and moved onto the same last week. We are glad to welcome this family into our neighborhood and sincerely hope that they will never regret having come here to locate. There are two young ladies and two boys in the family, which will swell the circle of young people. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
January 3, 1902, page 3Table
Rock Items.
McIntire reopened school Monday with three new pupils enrolled.Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Morine are smiling over a Christmas present they received in the shape of a fine baby girl. Mrs. Merriam and Mrs. Williams returned to Medford Saturday, having greatly enjoyed our different picturesque points of view. Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent attended the New Year's dance at Moonville and report one of the pleasantest times of the season. Harry Carlton was in the neighborhood on business Tuesday and spent a social hour with your correspondent. Miss Hattie Waschau made a flying trip to Table Rock Thursday, as she has decided to spend the remainder of the winter at home. During the holidays Mrs. Frank Adams was visited by her sister, Miss Williams, who is a student of the Medford Academy. Misses Winnie and Myrtle Vincent, of Gold Hill, spent their holiday vacation with their grandparents and relatives here and did not forget to call on their old friends. Come again, girls, you are always welcome. The sad, but not altogether unexpected, news of the death of Grandma Williams, of Central Point, was received here Tuesday, and in spite of the fog and threatening weather, quite a number from here attended the funeral Wednesday. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
January 10, 1902, page 6Table
Rock Items.
S. M.
Nealon attended the meeting of old soldiers at Central Point Saturday.Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pankey are the parents to another bouncing baby boy. Richard Jennings and his mother were visiting N. C. Gunn and family Sunday. Elmer Nichols and family, of Gold Hill, are paying a visit to his father's family. Mrs. P. M. Williams went out to Table Rock Tuesday on a visit and to finish her painting. Myron Jennings is over at Bybee Springs looking after stock and things generally for Mr. Bybee. Mr. and Mrs. B. Vincent went to Medford Monday, where Mrs. V. will remain a few days for medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Dickison and Mr. and Mrs. Porter made a business trip to Jacksonville Saturday, returning the same day. Verne Pendleton took a ton of grain to Medford Friday, returning the same day, which is proof that the roads, while they might be improved, are not so bad as they used to be.
and Mrs. Frank Adams and Harold Rodenberger attended the supper given
by the A.O.U.W. lodge at Central Point Friday evening and reported the
whole affair as being a grand success.
Rock Items.
Vincent took a load of very fine Pearmain apples to Medford Monday.Mrs. A. P. Frierson has returned from her visit to Medford, where she spent a week with Mrs. L. B. Merriman. Hon. S. M. Nealon was a pretty sick man for a few days last week, but we are glad to say he is up and about again. Tom Pankey and sisters, of Central Point, passed through Table Rock on their return from Mrs. Cardwell's funeral at Sams Valley. Mrs. Williams returned to Medford Monday, expecting to meet her husband, who is coming from Arizona, but the latter wrote that he would not be here before Saturday. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
January 31, 1902, page 3Table
Rock Items.
F. O.
Hurd, of Medford, was at Table Rock during the week on land business.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichols are over from Prineville and are visiting Mr. N.'s parents. Miss Clara McIntire was out from Medford last week visiting her sister and Mr. Dickison's family. Court Hall and Wm. Reames, of Gold Hill, were here two days this week on a hunt and went back satisfied, though not overloaded. J. W. Marksbury passed through this neighborhood on his way home where he will rest for a couple of months, having done a good business on his last trip. John Duggan returned from the big ditch last week, having been there the longest of any man with a team, and proposed to return when work begins in the spring. Marion Nealon, after spending a year at Willow Springs, is home again, and judging from the pleasure he seems to take in being there, home and its surroundings has not lost any of its charms. Miss Maud Downing, of Central Point, spent about ten days here helping the assessor write up his field books for this year, and at the same time had the pleasure of meeting many of her old pupils. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pendleton left for Jacksonville Tuesday, where they will begin the work of copying the land transfers for 1901. As the number of sales is far above the average, it will be a work of several weeks. A number of people from here attended the funeral of Joe Van Hardenberg at Central Point last Saturday. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood, as they were at one time one of us. J.C.P.
Medford Mail,
February 14, 1902, page 3Table
Rock Items.
S. M.
Nealon, Chas. Dickison and S. F. Morine went to different points in the
valley this week.Politics are causing several people in this end of the valley to spend a lot of time on the road lately. Dr. Shearer passed Monday on his return from the Meadows, where he had been called to attend Mr. Gardiner, who is suffering from appendicitis. W. R. Byrum has started work clearing ground for buildings which he proposes to erect this spring. We expect to see quite a number of new houses in this end of the valley before snow flies. B. R. Porter started for Klamath County Monday to look after some cattle and horses left there in the fall. He thinks they will be able to live on the range from this time on, as reports come that the feed has started nicely. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, March
7, 1902, page 3Table
Rock Items.
Hon. S. M.
Nealon made a business trip to Jacksonville Monday.Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pelton were visiting Mrs. Pelton's parents Sunday. Miss Myrtle Porter and Master Harry were trading in Medford Saturday. Postmaster Davis and wife took advantage of the lovely day to go to Medford Monday. C. C. Taylor, deputy assessor, was over to Assessor Pendleton's Monday, getting his field books, etc., preparatory to starting to work in a few days. We are informed that the U.S. postal authorities refused to let the contract to carry the mail from Agate to Table Rock as they considered all the bids too high. Mr. and Mrs. Saltmarsh, parents of Mrs. W. R. Byrum, made a short visit at Table Rock last week, and on Saturday Mrs. S. returned to stay a week or so with her daughter. Dr. Messner, the veterinary of Medford, was called to Table Rock Monday to treat another of J. C. Pendleton's best work horses that was suffering from what seemed to be kidney trouble. Mr. Byrum made a trip to Central Point on Friday for a load of the old bridge timber to bridge a ditch on his new place, and to try the span of mules recently purchased of W. R. Dickison. W. J. Nichols and son, Bryce, were out at the Curry place several days last week. On Monday they moved one band of the Merritt sheep onto the desert, the few warm days having started the feed nicely. Tom Pankey, of Central Point, came out Sunday and is now engaged in pruning B. R. Porter's orchard. The Table Rock friends of the family are glad to learn that his sister, Mrs. Cardwell, who has been sick in Medford for so long, is now on the high road to recovery. We are informed that the wagon road from the valley to the top of Lower Table Rock, being made by Messrs. Pankey and Strickland, is about completed, which will be good news to the many people who would love to view this lovely little valley from those rugged cliffs, but who have been prevented from doing so by the arduous ascent. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, March
14, 1902, page 3Table
Rock Items.
Porter and Verne Pendleton
rode over to Medford Friday night to see "Uncle Tom's Cabin," returning
after the play, feeling well paid for their trip.Rev. Haberly, of Medford, preached to a large congregation at the school house Sunday. Before the sermon the two children of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Morine were baptized. E. H. Davis is planting enough ground to carrots to raise one hundred tons if he is successful with his crop. He considers it as good a crop for horse feed as can be raised. Frank Adams has a force of men at work reseeding alfalfa land on the Merritt place and Mr. Dickison is preparing and seeding quite a block of land to the same, so in the near future hay will be one of the heaviest crops in this section. In a paper from Eutaw, Alabama, we noticed the weather report for the week ending Feb. 24, 1902. In that glorious clime "where it never gets cold," we find that the average maximum temperature for the week was 50 degrees and minimum temperature 35 degrees, while away up here in Oregon where those people think we are frozen up most of the time we find for the same week, maximum temperature 57 degrees and the minimum temperature 41 degrees. Here our lowest temperature was 36 degrees while there they enjoyed an atmosphere of 29 degrees. For the whole month of Feb. here we find the average maximum temperature 52 degrees, minimum temperature 44 degrees. Comment needless. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, March
21, 1902, page 5Table
Rock Items.
W. R. and
C. A. Dickison went to Gold Hill Monday and bought several head of
stock cattle.S. W. McClendon paused for a few moments' chat on his way to Gold Hill Monday with a land buyer. E. H. Davis, while working with a sick horse the other day, hurt his leg in such a way that he has to use a crutch. W. J. Nichols came out from Central Point to the Merritt place Monday for a load of hay and to transact some other business connected with the sheep camps. The Table Rock Ditch Co. began the work Tuesday of making a cut over forty rods in length, which will shorten the channel and leave it on much safer ground. E. H. Davis has the contract. Stewart Porter started in the storm Sunday to meet his father who was coming in from Dairy with horses and cattle. They got home Tuesday night, the stock showing that the trip over the mountains had not been an easy one. The Republican primaries passed off quietly in this precinct. Chas. A. Dickison was elected chairman and S. M. Nealon secretary. I. J. Stacey, E. Webber and C. A. Dickison were elected delegates. E. H. Davis was nominated for Justice of the Peace, John Jones for Constable and W. R. Dickison for road supervisor. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, March
28, 1902, page 3Table
Rock Items.
Verne H.
Pendleton made a trip to Jacksonville Tuesday with some fat hogs.Several parties from different parts of the valley were on Table Rock Sunday. Garl T. Jones, of Medford, was out at Table Rock Tuesday doing some surveying. Easter Sunday came so early this year that there was not the usual supply of wild flowers to greet the flower gatherers. Table Rock Ditch Company held a directors' meeting Monday, at the office of the secretary, J. W. Merritt, of Central Point. S. F. Morine, S. M. Nealon, J. C. Pendleton, W. R. and C. A. Dickison attended the Republican convention at Jacksonville Saturday. That Sams Valley precinct might not go without a representative at the congressional convention at Roseburg, J. C. Pendleton accepted the proxy from C. A. Dickison, who was not able to attend. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, April
4, 1902, page 3Table
Rock Items.
The local
fishermen have been rewarded lately with nice strings of trout and some
large fish.Melvin Gowdie, nephew of W. Rawlings, of Medford, came out last Sunday and may decide to remain all summer. Chas. Gay, of Central Point, was out one day last week and remained overnight. He was on a horse hunting expedition in which he was successful. Your correspondent and wife were among the country delegation that went to Ashland Tuesday to hear the world renowned Emma Nevada and her troupe of artists. Harvey Inlow was down from Trail last Wednesday and remained overnight. He was after oats and reported that he found the roads very good in some places and equally bad in others. Tom Pankey was out from Central Point last week getting Mr. Porter's sprayer started. In spite of the showery weather they have made good progress and will be through in a few days. W. R. Dickison was down to Foots Creek a couple of days last week looking for stock cattle to buy. He secured several head which Roy Nichols helped to collect and drive to the Kesterson place, where they are keeping their various purchases. The Misses Myrtle and Margaret Porter have both secured schools. The former left Sunday afternoon for Mountain district, where she opened school on Monday, and the latter will begin a term of school in Rock Point next Monday. We will miss their merry faces from our midst but wish for them success in their chosen work. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, April
11, 1902, page 3Table
Rock Items.
T. J.
Kinney, of Jacksonville, passed through Table Rock Sunday.Archie Ray, of Medford, came out the last of the week to visit the Jennings family. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Byrum went to Medford Saturday, returning Sunday, accompanied by Mr. Byrum's parents. Stewart Porter made a flying trip to Mr. Martin's, of Rock Point, Sunday. Mrs. Ann Fields went to Sams Valley the first of the week and expects [to] remain for some time. Many strangers, most of them homeseekers, pass every day, and the mover is again abroad in the land. Mr. Porter made a business trip to Medford Monday. His spraying outfit is still at work as they have extended their field of operations to all the neighboring orchards. Everyone is busy these lovely days, and no one so much so as Dame Nature. One can almost see the grass and grain grow, and the buds are bursting into full bloom in all directions. Mr. Meeker and family, of Medford, the Misses McIntire, of Colorado, Mr. Sandles, of Ohio, and the Dickison family of this place, made the trip to Lower Table Rock Sunday afternoon and enjoyed it and the view very much. Several other parties from different parts of the valley were also there and found many wild flowers on top, also about twenty acres of plowed ground, which looked strange to old visitors. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, April
18, 1902, page 3Table
Rock Items.
Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Barneburg were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Byrum Sunday.Rev. Haberly preached at the school house on last Sunday and afterwards organized a Sunday school. Mrs. R. B. Porter was chosen as Supt. and Wm. R. Dickison, assistant supt., with Mrs. F. Adams and C. A. Dickison as teachers. Dept. Assessor and Mrs. J. M. Whipple, of Woodville, spent Sunday with your correspondent and family. Mr. W. is getting along nicely with assessment work and will soon be interviewing the people of Willow Springs, Central Point and Mound precincts. Richard Jennings had the misfortune to have a horse stray away from him last week while he was at work on the Table Rock Ditch. Parties saw it swim the river with its head tied down to its feet; but at last reports that was the last he could hear of it though he spent several days hunting. School closed Friday evening with an entertainment which was largely attended and afforded much amusement. There were dialogues and recitations by the pupils and music was furnished between the acts by Mr. and Mrs. A. Strickland. Miss McIntire left Sunday for Medford and will soon leave for her home in Colorado. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, April
25, 1902, page 3Table
Rock Items.
The Misses
Lea and Osa Middlebusher, of Eagle Point, were the guests of Miss
Mollie Nichols last week.The late frost did practically no damage, but the cool weather of the last week has somewhat hindered all growth. Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent left for Grants Pass Tuesday for a week or ten days' visit with friends and relatives. E. H. Davis left Tuesday to go to Crescent City to be gone some little time as he is interested in mining property there. Corn planting has gone merrily on and is nearing completion in these parts, all ready for the warm rays of the May sun. Miss Myrtle Porter spent Saturday and Sunday with the home folks, returning to her school near Beagle Sunday evening. The fishermen report the finny beauties not so plentiful as usual at this time of the year, but the quality very fine, which latter we can testify to. C. A. Dickison and family visited Medford Sunday and Monday. Verne Pendleton returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gunn, near Phoenix, Monday, and most every family here were represented in one or more of the valley towns during the week. Mrs. Reeves, of San Francisco, came Sunday for a visit with her brothers, the Messrs. Frank, Chas., and Albert Morine, and her daughter who has been visiting in Sams Valley for some time. There are rumors in the air the verification of which will come through the county clerk's office. When Richard Jennings went to Medford on Tuesday he found his horse in the livery stable there, Mr. Ashpole having brought her in. There were some inaccuracies in the mode of her escape as furnished us last week, but Rich has his horse and is content and will hereafter keep an eye on her when he turns her out for a green bite while he works. In R. B. Porter's young orchard can be seen a number of three-year-old apple trees in full bloom. One tree near the road, set to fill space in the old orchard, has the largest blooms we have ever seen and creates remarks from many of the passers by. One little boy exclaimed, "Oh, Papa, see that tiny baby tree all covered with flowers." Yes! Baby trees in bloom! What section of the country can show more precocious trees? J.C.P.
Medford Mail, May
2, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
W. R. Dickison went over into the Applegate country on a cattle-buying
trip.Miss Belle Williams is out from Central Point visiting her aunt, Mrs. Frank Adams. W. R. Byrum has lumber on the ground and will soon begin the erection of a dwelling house. Miss Mattie Taylor and Miss Nichols, of Eagle Point, were out for a ride Sunday and made a short call at "The Oaks." F. M. Stewart, the Medford real estate man, has had several people out this way lately looking over our country with a view to purchasing homes. The Table Rock Sunday school is in a very flourishing condition, and Mrs. Porter is to be congratulated on the interest that is taken in hunting up the answers to the weekly questions. Deputy Assessor C. C. Taylor was at the home office Wednesday and Thursday checking up. This finishes his work unless he decides to take two more precincts. Assessor Pendleton and Deputy Assessor Whipple are still in the field. B. R. Porter picked a curiosity from one of his apple trees the other day, the same being a very large double bloom that resembled a pure white rose much more than an apple blossom. He is wondering now what kind of an apple would have resulted had he left it on the tree. Miss May Nealon has received word from the county school superintendent that she has successfully passed the eighth grade examination which she took at the close of the term. She is the first graduate from our school under the present ruling and all her friends are hearty in their congratulations. Sunday being a very pleasant day people from all parts of the valley came to enjoy the sights from the top of Table Rock. One wagon loaded with eighteen people and drawn by four horses was piloted to the top of the rock, which proves that the builders of the road have worked wonders for sightseers. Mrs. P. M. Williams and mother, Mrs. Merriman, returned to Medford Monday, after a stay of several days in this locality. While here Mrs. Williams completed her painting of Table Rock, from which she contemplates making a large picture which will be exhibited to the public when complete. She is also making watercolor sketches of our wildflowers and took home with her an order for a book of them to be sent east. She has the rare faculty of getting the exact shades of coloring, and the book will be a treat wherever it is shown. Her watercolor portrait of the late Mr. Frierson has received many favorable comments. Those wishing such work done would do well to call on her in Medford before sending elsewhere. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, May
16, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
Richard Jennings left for Shelly Creek Tuesday, where he goes to take a
position in a mine operated by Mr. Ray, of Medford.Wm. R. Dickison with two or three vaqueros leave for Roseburg Friday to get a bunch of one hundred cattle recently purchased by him. Harry Nealon left for San Francisco Friday. This being his first visit to that or any other large city, no doubt he will see many interesting as well as instructive sights. A force of men began shearing sheep Monday on the Curry place. Merritt is on the grounds himself overseeing the work and keeping the shearing machines in order. Work is progressing nicely on the new flume on the Table Rock Ditch, and in a few days water will be running. While this has been quite a tedious undertaking, when completed it will be very substantial. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, May
23, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn spent Sunday of last week at "The Oaks."
John Williams has had a force of men putting up hay and hauling direct to Central Point. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Venable, of Ruch, made a flying trip to Table Rock on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pool, of Eagle Point, were visiting with the family of W. R. Byrum Saturday and Sunday. At the school meeting on June 16th C. A. Dickison was reelected director and S. M. Nealon was reelected clerk. Mrs. Porter and Miss May Nealon took a trip to Mr. Martin's place at Rock Point a few days ago to visit Miss Margaret Porter, who is teaching there. Mr. von der Hellen, accompanied by attorney Hazen, of Portland, passed through here Saturday and made a short stop at assessor Pendleton's. Richard Jennings returned from the mines Friday and found no trouble in getting another job, as men are scarce and work more than plentiful. Mrs. Law, of Willow Springs, who has been visiting her daughter here, returned home Thursday accompanied by Miss May Nealon, who came back the same evening. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Byrum, on June 16th, a son, who only lived a few hours. "Ere sin could
blight or sorrow fade,
Care should be exercised about matches and fires these days. Mr. Byrum
was burning trash last week and supposed the fire was all out, but the
next afternoon he was surprised to see a good-sized blaze only four or
five feet from a stack of hay he was putting up, and only prompt action
saved the stack.Death timely came with friendly care, The opening bud to Heaven conveyed, And bade it bloom forever there." J.C.P.
Medford Mail, June
27, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
Medford Mail, July
4, 1902, page 3
Mrs. Martin and little daughter, of Foots Creek, spent Sunday with
Table Rock friends.
Some binding has already been done in this neighborhood, and many acres are whitening for the sickle. A heavy crop. Everyone is preparing to celebrate the Fourth in some way, and Jacksonville seems to be the prospective point for most people. B. R. Porter has a force of men spraying his orchard and will soon begin thinning, as there is far more fruit than the limbs can support. The Misses Myrtle and Margaret Porter close their respective schools this week and will be with us once more, at which we all rejoice. Miss Margaret's school is to close with a picnic, and several from here are talking of attending. July first the Table Rock mail began coming around by Agate instead of Gold Hill and Sams Valley, which will be a great improvement in many ways. We understand that "Uncle" Jack Montgomery will carry the mail, though the contract was let to Harvey Richardson. C. A. Dickison came slipping in on his family and friends last Tuesday, some time before he was expected. He reports having a glorious time and found many changes in his old home. But the heat was too much for him and he pulled out before it prostrated him completely. Says this coast is the place for him, and that he would not take the East as a gift and live there five years. J.C.P.
Table Rock Items.
We hear of several headers getting ready to begin work, and already the
binders are making merry music in our midst.
There are several parties of fishermen encamped on the river, and one of them caught sixty-five fish one night last week. Charles and Albert Morine passed Monday with a wagonload of things that strongly suggested a camping trip, and we suppose they were headed for Elk Creek. Scott Poole was over last week looking for a pet dog that failed to follow them home from here a few weeks ago. As he did not find it he fears it started home and got lost. Mr. Van Vleet, of Central Point, is out helping Mr. Byrum complete his house. These people will enjoy their home when completed, as they have had so many vexatious delays, owing to their inability to secure lumber. During the apple thinning some wonderful clusters have been found, and right in the midst of one of the thickest, Miss Margaret Porter discovered a full-blown apple blossom. The Pendleton orchard produced one with two branching twigs not over ten inches long that already bore a weight of seven pounds, there being fifty-eight apples. Among the Table Rock people who have visited Chautauqua are Wm. R. Dickison, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dickison and Miss Grace, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Porter and Mrs. A. P. Frierson. All report a good time and say that the general verdict seems to be that so far this assembly is better than usual. Monday afternoon between two and four, this part of the valley was visited by the hardest wind storm in our experience of Oregon weather. The eastern people among us laughed at its being anything to make a fuss over, but to those more used to Oregon and her ways it seemed like a pretty hard wind; anyway it was strong enough to do more or less damage to every orchard in the neighborhood. R. B. Porter will probably be the heaviest loser here by this freak wind. Fortunately his thinning force was nearing the end of their work or the damage would have been much greater. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, July
18, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
P. M. Williams made a short visit to his family in Medford Sunday.
F. O. Hurd, of Medford, spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Table Rock. Some very fine fish are being caught. Now is the time to secure them to salt down for winter use. Master Johnnie Nealon returned from Willow Springs Sunday, where he had spent a week with his uncle, T. C. Law. B. R. Porter finished spraying last week and is cultivating his young orchard, which is making a wonderful growth this year. Mrs. E. P. Pickens and son, John, of Medford, spent several days last week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery at Agate. On Sunday they visited the family of Mr. Nealon and lunched on the river. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, August
1, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn spent Sunday with Table Rock relatives.
Dr. Cole, of Central Point, made several trips to our town and vicinity lately. Miss Bertha Chapman is now a welcomed member of the Table Rock community. The Misses Venita and Enid Hamilton came out from Medford Saturday evening to spend several days with their friends at "The Oaks." Mr. Finnimore and Mr. Jaqueman, of Harney County, are visiting the family of their old-time friend, Mr. Porter. We noticed these gentlemen brought in several head of fine-looking horses. B. R. Porter is spraying his orchard again. If hard work and close attention to spraying count, this gentleman should have many boxes of beautiful apples to sell this fall, and no one more richly deserves such a reward. The forest fire in the direction of Bybee Springs from here has filled our little valley with heavy smoke for several days past, and has not a little to do with the upward tendency of the thermometer, but even then we could not quote as high figures as many surrounding places. Mrs. J. I. Chapman and daughter, Mrs. Wilson, was on a blackberry hunting trip Tuesday. The wind of a few weeks ago seemed to affect the blackberry crop greatly. The famous Drum patch promised a marvelous crop, but the berries seemed to stop growing after that wind. Everyone in this neighborhood has the same tale to tell of their berry patches. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, August
15, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
It is reported that C. A. Pankey has sold his lower Table Rock farm to
C. R. Ray, but we cannot verify the report.
B. R. Porter has carpenters engaged building a new barn, which will greatly to the convenience and looks of his farm. The directors of Table Rock district met Monday night to elect a teacher for the next term of school, which will begin on the first of September. S. F. Morine had his grain threshed Wednesday, and the rest of the neighborhood will thresh as soon as they can get a machine to do the work. Messrs. Finnemore and Jaqueman made a trip around to different points in the valley--and are very favorably impressed with this part of the country. The Misses Venita and Enid Hamilton returned to Medford last week, leaving behind many friends who will be glad to welcome them again at any time. The Misses Winnie and Myrtle Vincent are spending their vacation with their grandparents. Miss Winnie has been on the sick list but we are glad to say is now feeling much better. Dennis Dugan Sr. received a letter from his son, John, who is up in the Palouse country, saying that he has had work all of the time with the threshers and will have till snow files. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, August
29, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
The roads are crowded with teams this week hauling wood to the
different towns of the valley.
Budd Martin, of Roseburg, is spending a pleasant week at Table Rock, the guest of Mrs. Jennings and family. R. R. Porter and W. R. Byrum are both completing their barns this week. They are good frame structures and add very much to the appearance of their respective farms. Louis Warner, accompanied by Miss Kate Angle and Miss Lillian Barr, were visitors at Table Rock Sunday. Miss B. remained and is now assisting with the work of making up the assessment roll. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Morine expect to start for their Elk Creek place this week, to be gone for some time. This will afford them a splendid outing which many of us would enjoy, could we spare the time. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, September
12, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
B. R. Porter made a flying trip to Klamath County last week to look
after some beef cattle which he was pasturing there.
A party of about a dozen young folks visited the West Table Rock Sunday and returned well pleased with the beautiful view of the valley. Miss Thora Smith, of Talent, is making splendid progress with her school, and we predict that it will be the most profitable term the pupils have attended for many months. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams received the sad news of the death of Miss Delpha Fredenburg at Mt. Pitt last Wednesday afternoon and made nearly the entire drive from here after night. The Glass threshing machine pulled into this country Tuesday morning, which was good news to the farmers, as they were fearing a rain storm and some of the grain was very poorly stacked and would have fared badly from a storm. Emmett Nealon met with a very painful accident last week while hauling wood to Dr. Ray's dam on Rogue River. His arm was caught between the front wheel and rack and was terribly bruised; fortunately no bones were broken, but it will be some time before he will do any more such work. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, September
26, 1902, page 3
Table Rock Items.
S. F. Morine and family have decided to make Eagle Point their home for
the winter, at least, and are busy moving before the storms begin.
It is reported that John Vincent is lying very ill at the new dam on Rogue River. We are not certain as to the nature of his disease, but rumor calls it diphtheria. Mrs. Jennings sold her farm of four hundred acres last week to Dr. Ray. We have not learned to just what use the doctor proposes to put it, but Richard Jennings will have charge of it for a time, at least. B. R. Porter has a force of about a dozen people gathering apples this week. The fruit is of a splendid quality and should command the best price for the varieties. He expects about twenty-five hundred boxes. Rev. Black, who a number of years ago preached in this and adjoining districts, came in from Harney County last week and spent a night with his old friend, Mr. Porder, and family. He expects to deliver a sermon at our school house Sunday evening. Mrs. Horace Pelton, of Sams Valley, met with a very painful, though not serious, accident Monday while driving with Miss Grace Reaves. In some way the team became frightened, and at the first lunge broke the neck yoke. Seeing that a runaway was at hand, the driver reined the team to the fence, which broke the whiffletree and upset the buggy, hurling both occupants to the ground. Miss Reaves escaped almost uninjured, but it will be some time before Mrs. Pelton will be free from the bruises about her arms and face. Medford Mail, October 17, 1902, page 3 Table Rock Items.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Byrum made a trip to Medford Saturday, returning
with purchases both useful and beautiful.
Our popular teacher, Miss Thora Smith, closed school Tuesday evening to attend the teachers' institute, in which she takes a keen interest. Mr. Finnemore returned from his trip to Harney County October 15th, and has since taken possession of the place he recently purchased of S. F. Morine. S. M. Nealon and W. R. Dickison were both out with recently purchased hacks Sunday, and no one will begrudge them the pleasure they will get therefrom. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson moved to Central Point Tuesday. Mr. Wilson is a carpenter and has just completed a house on the lot recently purchased by him. Saturday evening the young people of the neighborhood gave Myron Jennings a surprise party, as he left Tuesday to work in the blacksmith shop at the Braden mine. Found--On lower Table Rock, on Sunday, October 12th, a lady's gray blouse jacket, fastened with buttons and loops. The owner can have the same by communicating with Mrs. W. R. Byrum, Table Rock. A good-sized audience greeted Rev. Black Sunday evening, and took home with them many points worth remembering from the excellent sermon he preached. Would that we could hear such sermons oftener. Station Agent Lippincott broke away from Medford and his duties there and spent Sunday with J. C. Pendleton and family. He took in the view of the surrounding country from lower Table Rock, and this being his first visit this side of the river, he found many other things to enjoy and admire. B. R. Porter took his daughters, Myrtle and Margaret, and Miss Grace Jennings over to the Olwell packing house Saturday, where the young ladies were initiated into the mysteries of apple packing. They are now busy, with the assistance of Oliver Adams and Ephriam Chapman, packing Mr. Porter's fine apples. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, October
24, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
Miss Smith returned from the teachers' institute, highly pleased with
the session.
It was decided to close the Sunday school for an indefinite period, owing to the busy times and the prospect of bad weather. The directors of our district are having the school house painted, which will add very much to the appearance, as well as preserve the building. Wm. R. Dickison left for Elk Creek for an outing, with the expectation of bagging a few big bucks, just for exercise. As he is generally successful on such trips we expect to see a loaded wagon on his return. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, October
31, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pendleton visited Ashland last week.
B. R. Porter finished hauling off his first packing of apples Monday, and expects to begin boxing the other varieties next week. Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent were up from Tolo visiting relatives last week. We are glad to see Mr. Vincent improving so rapidly. Ephriam Chapman made a trip to Ashland last week and spent several days with old friends before leaving for Bakersfield, Calif. Frank Adams, manager of the Merritt farm, was the first to do any fall seeding in this neighborhood, having sown some corn ground. W. J. Nichols brought the Merritt band of sheep from the mountains Saturday. They are now dividing them into three bands, preparatory to putting into winter quarters. Wm. R. Dickison returned from his hunting trip Saturday, having had only fair luck in securing game and experiencing some very disagreeable weather. While on the trip he had the misfortune to lose one of his best horses by falling over the bank on a narrow trail while carrying a heavy pack. Wm. Bybee was out for a few days the first of the week getting arrangements started for fall seeding. He has decided not to drive hogs to Happy Camp this year, as prices and market will not justify the long and tedious trip. This is the only year he has missed making a drive to that camp for forty years or more. Halloween was celebrated by our young people in a way which was very pleasant to the different families of the neighborhood. Instead of following the old custom of misplacing gates, wagon wheels and tearing up things generally, they originated a jack-o'-lantern brigade and visited every house and gave the people a really good serenade, consisting of choice songs and funny jokes appropriate to the pumpkin faces and the occasion. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, November
7, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
S. F. and Albert Morine, of Eagle Point, were doing business with
people here yesterday.
William and Charles Dickison have most of their cattle gathered from the Butte Creek range and are feeding regularly. Sheriff Joe Rader passed through here Tuesday morning, returning to Jacksonville from a trip over the northern part of the valley. Unless new arrangements are made by the directors, this will be the last week of a very successful term of school taught by Miss Thora Smith, of Talent. W. F. Isaacs and Dr. Goble spent a day in this section last week, testing their guns on small game. We did not learn with what success, but they both looked happy. Tom Pankey and his cousin George returned to Central Point Saturday, having assisted in the packing of the last of the Porter apples. Mr. Porter will soon haul the last load, which will not make him sorry, as man and team are getting worn out, the roads are so rough. Wm. Bybee drove about a hundred head of very fine hogs to market Saturday. Five and a quarter cents per pound was the price obtained, and, as they were heavyweights, they netted him a good sum of money. Ed Worman, of Medford, is spending the week with Table Rock friends and enjoying his first outing for years. As Uncle Ed is at home with stock farm life, the time is passing pleasantly for him. Mrs. Saltmarsh, mother of Mrs. W. R. Byrum, returned from Portland Sunday, accompanied by her daughter, who with her husband were among the unfortunates at the Palmer forest fire last fall. They will visit here for an indefinite period. Melvin Goudie, who has been here for several months, left Saturday. He will spend a few weeks with relatives at Central Point and Medford before settling down to work again. He has the good wishes of the neighborhood. E. H. Davis has been on the sick list for some time, but was taken suddenly worse Monday, and Dr. Pickel was called to attend him. At last accounts the patient was doing as well as could be expected. George, the youngest son of E. F. Nichols, had a serious attack of rheumatism the first of the week, and Dr. Cole had to be called in the middle of the night to relieve the suffering boy, since which time he has rested quite easily. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, November
28, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
(Received too late for last week.)
Mrs. Jennings and daughter, Miss Grace, went to town Tuesday.
Miss Bertha Chapman is again making Table Rock her home for a season. Mr. Harris, bookkeeper at the Ray dam, spent Thanksgiving with Table Rock friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eicher have moved onto the Morine place, and will keep house for Mr. Finnemore, the present owner. Mrs. B. R. Porter and daughters made a shopping trip to Medford Monday and report the roads as anything but good. Mrs. C. A. Dickison and Miss Grace came out from Medford to cheer up the menfolks during the Thanksgiving season. Ephriam Chapman left for California on the 27th. He accompanied his friend, Chas. Hall, of Bakersfield, who had been making quite an extended visit to the Chapman family. A public meeting was held at the school house Tuesday evening for the purpose of deciding on Christmas tree work. The attendance was better than usual on such occasions and the work of selecting committees was soon concluded. Thanksgiving was celebrated in a rather unique way in this neighborhood. Each family had been requested to bring their Thanksgiving dinner to the school house as nearly "piping hot" as possible. As a result one o'clock saw a merry crowd gathered there and two tables groaning under enough prime viands to have satisfied a crowd four times as large. Needless to say that wit and repartee was the tonic that caused each dish to receive more than passing attention, and it was only due to the following game of "black man," indulged in by men, women and children that the different participants were enabled to carry out, later on, a pleasing and varied program of recitations and music, which was listened to with close attention. The shades of night were well lowered when the different families bade each other good night with wishes for many returns of the day. J.C.P.
Mail, December 12, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
Tom Pankey is over from Central Point helping Mr. Porter pack his culls
and pruning his orchard.
Everything is moving along smoothly in the Christmas tree preparations and we anticipate the usual good time. A porcupine with unusually long quills was killed on the river not long ago--the first one seen in this region in some years. Beaver are also reported as being plentiful. J. C. Pendleton sold his bunch of fat hogs to B. R. Porter the first of the week. Mr. Porter now has a carload of hogs which he is thinking some of taking to the San Francisco market. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dickison are intending to take advantage of the holiday excursion and visit San Francisco. There are several others who would like to go but have not decided. We were shocked to learn of the death of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichols, of Central Point. Ed. Nichols and family attended the funeral Sunday. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of their many friends in this neighborhood. We are glad to be able to say that the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, who ran the scissors into her temple near her eye not long ago, is out again, and apparently none the worse for the accident, though for a time they feared it might affect the eye. At various times during the last ten days different members of this community have made their way to Medford and other valley towns and returned laden with packages, curiously suggestive of the ones Santa Claus is always pictured as having. Evidently both old and young are to [be] made happy this year. J.C.P.
Mail, December 26, 1902, page 3Table Rock Items.
S. M.
Nealon is butchering quite a number of hogs this week.Mr. Porter drove his hogs to Medford, where he disposed of them instead of shipping to a California market. Miss Gracie Dickison is spending her vacation with her grandfather, while her mother and father are in San Francisco. Miss Francis Barnes, of Jacksonville, will be the guest of Mrs. J. C. Pendleton the remainder of the week. We are sorry to say that E. H. Davis is still confined to his home, and unable to enter into any of the holiday festivities. Our school closes on the 31st--the three days of this week being taken up with the final examinations. It has been a very profitable term for all the pupils. The Christmas tree entertainment was a success in every particular. The room had its usual Christmas aspect. The motto "Peace On Earth" and the "Star," done in sparkling silver, stood boldly out from a solid background of evergreen, below which was "Christmas" in evergreen on a white ground. The windows and walls were profusely decorated with evergreen ivy and festoons of popcorn. The tree, which revolved frequently throughout the evening, presented a dazzling appearance with its load of gifts and sparkling ornaments flashing in the light from many Japanese lanterns. The program, which lasted over two hours, went off without a hitch from start to finish; which was remarkable, owing to the number of small children taking part and the length of their pieces; so well was it rendered that interest never flagged for a moment. Great credit is due Miss Smith and Mrs. Jennings, for on them fell the burden of training for recitations and music. Though the children were disappointed that Santa Claus could not be present owing to his inability to cross the river at Tolo, but they forgot it all when their arms were filled with gifts. Young and old enjoyed the social half-hour after the distribution of the gifts, and all left wishing for many more such pleasant gatherings. On Christmas Day the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Porter was thronged with guests invited to witness the marriage of their eldest daughter, Myrtle, to Richard H. Jennings. Miss Porter has only resided among us a year, but by the unvarying sweetness of her disposition and ever-smiling face won the affection of all with whom she associated. Mr. Jennings, who is the second son of Mrs. M. S. Jennings, has been one of our young people for eight years and has made a host of friends throughout the county. The marriage took place at 2 o'clock, the simple wedding ceremony being performed by the Rev. T. L. Crandall, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Medford. The congratulations that followed were not of the formal kind, but were extended in a way that showed the sincerity of the words spoken. The room was tastefully decorated with ivy, and the happy couple took their vows under a bunch of Oregon mistletoe. The bride looked very sweet and charming in her wedding gown of castor poplin trimmed in white silk and lace, and the groom wore a natty dress suit of black, very becoming to one of his fine physique. The bountiful wedding dinner was served from tables profusely decorated with smilax and ivy, and was partaken of with much merriment and good cheer. Many useful as well as beautiful gifts, in the form of China, silverware, and household articles, were received before the wedding day, and the mails keep bringing choice gifts from distant friends and relatives. Mr. Jennings, who is manager of the farm recently purchased by Dr. Ray from his mother, Mrs. Jennings, prepared a cozy home for his bride thereon, to which they went, followed by the good wishes of all for a long life of happiness and prosperity. The guests were received by Misses Margaret Porter and Grace Jennings. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Porter and daughter, Margaret, and sons Stewart and Harry, Mrs. M. S. Jennings and sons William and Myron, and daughter Grace, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dickison and daughter Grace, and W. R. Dickison, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pendleton and son Verne, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Byrum and daughter Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams and family, Mr. A. P. Frierson, Elmer Chapman, Miss Bertha Chapman and Mr. Webster, all of Table Rock; Rev. T. L. Crandall, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn and family, Archie Ray and Miss Lucy Ray, of Medford; Miss Thora Smith, of Talent; H. T. Pankey, of Central Point; J. Byrum, of Palmer, Or. Medford Mail, January 2, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
Mrs. W. R.
Byrum and daughter Hazel are visiting relatives in the Applegate
country for a few days. Bad colds are prevalent, and quite a number have been suffering with some kind of eye trouble. J. Byrum, who has been visiting his brother, W. R., left Monday for his home in Clackamas County. The Wrought Iron Range men are in the country again; we have heard of one sale in this neighborhood. W. R. Dickison left Monday to go to the Prospect country for the last of their cattle that were on the range. The shareholders of the Drum, Bybee, Pickens, Hunsaker ditch held their annual meeting at Central Point Monday. B. R. Porter was elected president; J. W. Merritt secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Mary Jennings, B. R. Porter, and J. W. Merritt trustees. A few farmers are plowing, but the ground generally is too wet. The continued foggy weather keeps the ground from drying out. J.C.P.
Mail, January 16, 1903, page 3Table Rock Items.
Just as
the farmers were started with their plowing the rain came and put a
stop to it all. J. I. Chapman was looking over this neighborhood Saturday for ground to rent on which to plant broom corn and potatoes. At the school meeting, called for January 15th, Frank Adams was elected director to fill out the unexpired term of Frank Morine, resigned. The proposed school tax failed to carry. Last Saturday night some unknown party made himself quite familiar with the smoke house of B. R. Porter, and as a mark of respect took a couple of fine hams and departed, but before going he stopped to inquire the road to Central Point; of course this was done for a blind, and it worked very nicely. A certain man's name has been suggested as about the right one to do the dirty work, and his actions will be watched very closely in the future. We are glad to state, however, that no suspicion rests on anyone living in this neighborhood. J.C.P.
Mail, January 23, 1903, page 3Table Rock Items.
W. J. Nichols came over from Central Point via Gold Hill Sunday to look
after the Merritt sheep on this side of the river, and on his return
Monday was accompanied by Thos. Pankey.The Pankey Bros., who have been trapping on the Rogue River for some week, with only moderate success, left for Central Point yesterday; as their team was heavily loaded they will have a slow trip. The petty thief who has been annoying this neighborhood for a while made a raid and captured a few sacks of wheat last week. The people are pretty wide awake now, gathering evidence, and we look for a "surprise party" soon. Mr. Palm, the Medford cigar manufacturer, was the first to notify us of the damage to the bridge. While on his return trip from Prospect, with two others in the party, they suddenly discovered that their only way home was by way of Gold Hill. They made their trip none too soon. Although we have had mud, storm, and high water, Table Rockers are not to be denied when there is a chance for fun. So when the young folks awoke Monday morning to find three inches of snow on the ground, they were not long getting their teams and sleighs (?) out, and not for many years have we seen young and old enter into the sports of snow balling and racing as they did--while the snow lasted. Monday was Mrs. Frierson's seventy-fourth birthday, and as the oldest person in the neighborhood, the young people made her the queen of the sleighing frolic, and no one enjoyed it better. In the evening she was tendered a genuine old-fashioned surprise. The party announced their presence by a beautiful song. On being invited in it was told that another surprise was at the gate; investigations revealed the Porter organ seeking admission, which was speedily granted. The guests numbered twenty and a wonderfully enjoyable evening was spent; and how could it be otherwise when the invading party brought good cheer, good singers, good music, good cakes, and good cider? It was a late hour when they departed, taking with them the appreciation of the whole family, and hoping to have Mrs. Frierson spared to them for many more such jolly meetings. The south approach of the Bybee bridge has gone down. At time of writing, Tuesday morning, there has been no mail across the river since Thursday though both the Trail and Table Rock carriers have made repeated efforts; we hope they may succeed today. Fencing next the river, from the bridge to the rock is all gone. In the storm Wednesday men worked all day to save the bulkhead of the irrigating ditch, and in spite of the unprecedented high water since, it has stood. Bybee has over thirty head of cattle which ran onto the bridge to escape the fast-rising water, and before they knew that the bridge was not safe twelve head were crowded off into the raging torrent, but it is thought that most of them succeeded in reaching land. The balance were on the bridge two days and nights without feed, though attempts were made to reach them. They were gotten off Monday. It was reported once that all the Bybee goats were gone, but later the main part of them were found, and now the loss is reported as sixty-five. The shortest way to explain the extent of the overflow is to state that the water did not get quite up to the Dickison buildings, and from there to the Davis place it extended from the river to the high ground, with only occasional high ridges showing above the swift-moving flood, carrying great trees and masses of drift. At the old Morine place the water came nearly to the barn and house. On the north side of the road the damage was done by the tremendous pour of water from the rock and breaks in the ditch bank, which could not carry all the water. The Merritt sheep at the Curry place and the Table Rock farm have fared well. This section has an abundance of hay and there is no fear of stock suffering. Have not heard, so far, of any serious damage to lands by washing. J.C.P.
Mail, January 30, 1903, page 3Table Rock Items.
Jennings went to Medford Saturday, crossing the bridge on foot and
securing a saddle horse at the Bybee farm. Until the bridge is repaired we understand that Will Cook will carry the mail on this end of the route, Miss Montgomery bringing it as far as the bridge. Gold Hill is reaping the benefit of the flood these days, Messrs. Adams, Nealon, Byrum, Dickison and Pendleton having braved the road with teams and brought back needed supplies. C. A. Dickison made the trip to Medford with team and buggy Saturday, returning Monday. When questioned as to the condition of the roads he tersely replied: "There are none." He further stated that it would be very unsafe for anyone to attempt to drive after night. Friday evening the neighbors turned out en masse and marched to the home of E. H. Davis. These good people, having had more than their share of sickness this winter, have been unable to join in any of the festivities, so this festivity was carried to them, and a right merry time was had. The clerk of the weather has given us snow, showers, and sunshine in chaotic confusion, Saturday being the stormiest and Sunday and Monday the pleasantest days since last Tuesday. Two inches would cover the greatest depth of snow at any one time, and that has not laid on the ground for twenty-four hours, only in sheltered spots. W. J. Nichols came over Saturday to see the moving of the Merritt sheep from the Curry place to the Pumice ranch, they having fed out all the hay at the former place. He returned Monday evening, not having decided whether to buy hay here and feed or drive the sheep around to the Central Point fair grounds, where there is feed in abundance. Mr. Nichols had an experience with deep water and quicksand on his former trip that he does not care to repeat. He says his horse, extra good in mud, was all that saved. Medford Mail, February 6, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
Margaret Porter went to Jacksonville Tuesday to take the teachers
examination. J. Williamson is out from Medford grubbing the oaks from a piece of land that J. C. Pendleton is going to set to apples. Tom Pankey come out from Central Point last week and will finish the pruning he is to do in this neighborhood, the last of this week. Mrs. C. A. Dickison and her daughter, Miss Grace, came down on the train to Gold Hill Sunday evening and out home Monday. They will remain until the smallpox scare is over. Mr. Bybee has a force of men building fence, clearing away rubbish and cutting material for fencing. Many find the soil still too wet to go out with team to gather up fencing and drift. We are glad to be able to state that work has commenced on the repairs on the Bybee bridge. We understand that it is to be of a temporary nature, but anything will be welcomed that will enable us to cross the river there once more. W. R. Dickison and son sold the remainder of their stock cattle to Frank Bybee and delivered them at Gold Hill Friday. They also sold fifty tons of hay to J. W. Merritt, who is feeding his sheep here instead of driving to Central Point. Saturday evening the neighbors rallied again, this time at the home of Mrs. M. S. Jennings. While the greeting song had a familiar tune, the words had been composed for the occasion, and was a complete surprise. A most enjoyable time was had in spite of the forbidding weather. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, February
13, 1903, page 3Table Rock Items.
The mail
came through from Agate without any change Thursday.Mrs. W. R. Byrum and Mrs. B. R. Porter went to Gold Hill Monday. Mrs. Annie Fields was home from Gold Hill a couple of weeks, suffering from measles. We are glad to announce that Bybee bridge is once more open to travel, having been temporarily repaired. B. R. Porter made a trip to Central Point, Medford and Jacksonville, the last of the week, bringing Miss Margaret home from the teachers' examination. Valentine's Day was celebrated by a surprise at the Dickison home in the evening. Beside the usual program of recitations, reading and music, there had been prepared something like one hundred valentines. No one was forgotten, and the opening and reading of the same kept the merriment at high pitch till time to serve refreshments. The latter were beautiful, beautiful and toothful, and it was a late hour when the good nights were spoken. J.C.P.
Medford Mail, February
20, 1903, page 3Table Rock Items.
Nichols is making the home folks a visit.J. W. Merritt has moved one band of sheep over to Central Point, where he has abundant feed. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dickison attended the Masonic banquet at Jacksonville Wednesday evening. We are informed that Miss Flossie Briscoe will open the spring term of school the second Monday in March. The weekly surprise party was not forgotten; this time the victim (?) being the family of Frank Adams. Several were sick and not able to attend, but those who were present did their best to have a jolly time, and it was a late hour when the good nights were spoken. Mr. Case, a former resident of Jackson County, has returned after a six-year sojourn in the East, and is introducing a wire fencing that has taken the fancy of many who have seen it. He is making big sales, having struck this country at the right time; so much fencing destroyed by the floods and everyone wondering where the lumber was to come from to rebuild it. This wire fence does away with the waiting for ordered lumber that never comes. J.C.P.
Mail, February 27, 1903, page 3Table Rock Items.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams spent Tuesday at Central Point. Farmers have been quite busy plowing till the rain on Monday put a temporary stop to the work. B. R. Porter hauled off the last of his apples Monday and shipped them to Marysville, Calif. Mrs. A. P. Frierson is making a two weeks' visit with Mrs. N. C. Gunn near Medford and with Jacksonville friends. When Mr. and Mrs. Byrum built their new house last year, they thought it amply suited the size of their family; but Saturday night when the neighbors turned out in full force to give them little entertainment, they found it takes a pretty big building to accommodate a genuine surprise. But everybody found room and a general good time was had by all. The program, though short, was of a kind to cause many hearty laughs and put everyone in good spirit for the splendid lunch which was served at ten o'clock. Then, about an hour was spent in general visit, when the goodbye was said with many good wishes for our new neighbors. J.C.P.
Mail, March 6, 1903, page 3Table Rock Items.
Our spring term of school opened Monday with Miss Flossie Briscoe as
teacher.BY J.C.P. Archie Ray accompanied Mrs. and Miss Jennings home from Medford Saturday to enjoy a week of country life. It will be good news to the people of this end of the country to know that the work of repairing the Bear Creek bridge at Central Point has begun and will be completed this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Morine passed through the valley Friday en route to Grants Pass, where Mrs. Morine will visit relatives for a time. They have sold their Eagle Point home and expect to go to Portland, but not until Mr. Morine has engaged in some kind of business. A. A. Hall, of Trail, was looking for seed grain Monday. He reports hay as a scarce article in his section of the country, which condition seems to prevail in many places this year. Wm. Bybee has been at his ranch here for several days, looking after the repairs to fencing and starting plowing and seeding. He left for Evans Creek Tuesday. Benton Vincent has rented his farm to his son-in-law, Chas. Pankey, and they expect to make their home for the summer at some of the valley towns, though they have not decided which will be their abiding place. Farmers are crowding the plowing to their utmost capacity, though some of the land is quite wet. From appearances now there will not be a large acreage sown this season. The work of cleaning and repairing the Table Rock irrigation ditch has begun on Monday under the management of Frank Adams. There was considerable damage done, in the way of filling by the flood, though not enough to be serious. They expect to have water running by April first. There is to be a meeting of the stockholders in the Central Point cemetery Saturday, March 14th at one o'clock. This is a good move as the grounds need cleaning up and several improvements made. Everyone who owns a lot, or otherwise interested, should attend and see the business settled on a solid and permanent basis. B. R. Porter's family were sure they would have the neighborhood in on them last week, and were making preparations accordingly. But alas! they were preparing for Saturday night and were retiring early on Friday, when a racket of blank cartridges announced to them that the crowd had fooled them by coming one day too soon. However they soon made themselves presentable and were giving their friends as hearty a welcome as if they had come at the regulation time. A long and varied program ended with much merriment over a bag of nuts given the one who had successfully guessed the greatest number of conundrums. Candy for everyone was one of the treats furnished by a guest and Mr. Porter won the hearty appreciations of the crowd for the luscious Oroville (California) oranges he distributed with such a lavish hand. As usual the various mysterious packages yielded a most appetizing lunch, but don't think for a moment that Mrs. Porter's doughnuts were slighted. Songs, repartee, and games wound up one of the most enjoyable of all of our social evenings. Medford Mail, March 13, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
Pete Van Hardenburg, and wife, of Willow Springs, were visiting
relatives in Sams Valley Sunday.BY J.C.P. The last week has seen nearly all of our neighborhood visiting some of the valley towns on business errands. The rain put a sudden stop to the seeding for a few days, but the wind dried most of the land so that farmers can work again. The failure to get the Bear Creek bridge finished last week and the rain proved quite an inconvenience; several who tried to ford got into the quicksands and had no little trouble in getting out. Mr. Morris, superintendent of the Fish Lake Ditch Co., was a visitor to this side of the river Friday and purchased some seed grain before returning. He thinks this is one of the prettiest parts of the valley. The last, but by no means the least, of our surprise parties occurred Saturday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jennings opened their doors and proved that while their home may be the newest in the neighborhood, they are not one whit behind in knowing how to make a crowd welcome. The program was in no degree rendered less interesting by the new talent introduced, after which lemonade and nuts were served. While the coffee brewed all took part in the games or were interested spectators. The disposal of the lunch occupied some time and it was close to another day when we sang the usual parting hymn, "God be with you till we meet again," the meaning of which has been strongly brought home to us, when sickness, from time to time, made vacant places in the ranks. Thus ended a series of eight gatherings that have resulted in far more than mere pleasure. Old games and old songs have been revived, old memories awakened and long-dismissed talents brought to light. They have been of no little educational advantage, as the preparation of an entire new program for each occasion has taxed both resources, talents, and perseverance. But best of all--fathers and mothers have joined sons and daughters in song and dialogue, game and social intercourse, and it is only fair to say that there have been pleasant surprises on both sides. There can little go wrong when parents and children are chums. Medford Mail, March 20, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
Johnnie Williams was seen going to town Tuesday.BY J.C.P. W. R. Byrum made a trip to Jacksonville Monday. Bert Nichols and wife were out on a visit to his home folks Tuesday. Frank Adams help move one band of the Merritt sheep to the Curry place Tuesday. Roy Nichols left Tuesday to plow corn ground on the place he has rented near Central Point. Marion Neal returned Monday from Willow Springs, where he had been helping his uncle set out some fruit trees. Dr. Cole was out this way the first of the week, but we are glad to say that the business that called him was not professional. We are glad to hear that there is a telephone in the Grigsby store at Agate. It will be of great convenience to the people from this way. The yearly pilgrimages to Table Rock have begun. S. A. Buchanan, of Medford, spent two days last week exploring Table Rock, and several parties were out Sunday; there were also some picnic parties on the river. Several men from here were at the Central Point Cemetery for two [days?] last week. There was a good amount of greatly needed work done, but there is still more needs doing that could have been accomplished that time had there been a more general response to the call. Medford Mail, March 27, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
S. A.
Buchanan was out Monday, taking another peep at the upper Table Rock.BY J.C.P. B. R. Porter, S. M. Nealon, Mrs. M. S. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and J. C. Pendleton were among those visiting town Saturday. Mr. Porter had men busy all last week grafting some of the undesirable trees in the old orchard. They finished Saturday night. Messrs. Heatherly and Wade, of Central Point, are engaged in working up the trees, recently grubbed up at "The Oaks." One by one the forest trees lay their proud heads in the dust at man's command. The last to go was the pine in the road below the school house. One hates to see these landmarks go, but they sometimes become a menace to life and limb. Mr. and Mrs. Cook gave a dance March 25th, to celebrate the marriage of their son, Grover, to Miss Mollie Nichols, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nichols, who have long resided in this neighborhood. The young folks have the best wishes of their many friends. Medford Mail, April 3, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
Vincent, of Tolo, was visiting with his parents here, Sunday and Monday.BY J.C.P. Chas. Dickison and family spent Sunday on the river below Gold Hill and secured some rare Indian relics. Several of our young people went to Medford Saturday evening to attend the Ole Oleson show, and were much pleased with the entertainment. More potatoes are being planted in this part of the country than we have ever seen in any year since we have lived here, four and five acres being quite common. It is reported that there are over twelve hundred young lambs at the Merritt sheep ranch now. While the weather has not been the best, the loss has been very small. Bent Vincent and family will start for Siskiyou County, Calif. soon, to engage in logging at one of the big saw mills. Chas. Pankey, his son-in-law, will have charge of the property here. B. R. Porter finished spraying last week. He has an up-to-date gasoline engine, well equipped, and makes short work of the scale-fighting job. He wonders how they ever got along with the old manpower machinery. The continued dry weather and north winds have been very bad on the late-sown grain, and many predict the failure of a good part of the grain crop, but let it rain twenty-four hours and there would be a general howl about another flood. Prof. Narregan, of Medford, is to be seen every Saturday, on his way to the farm he lately purchased in Sams Valley. From the amount of supplies and machinery he is hauling out, we judge that he thinks of supplying the market with all of the good things this fall. Medford Mail, April 24, 1903, page 5 Table Rock Items.
W. R. Dickison made a trip to Klamath County last week.Wm. Bybee has been sojourning at his Evans Creek farm for several days. Mr. Pool, of Eagle Point, spent a day this week with his daughter, Mrs. Saltmarsh, and the Byrum family. Roy Nichols and Grover Cook are now hauling lumber from the Meadows. They have steady work for some time to come, as there is a great demand for fencing. Fishing in Rogue River has been very good of late, and some good-sized catches have been reported, though no new records have been made. We saw thirty-two in one string ranging from eight to fourteen inches in length. Mr. Gaddis, the Medford creamery man, and party were out Sunday for a good day's sightseeing. He thinks people in this locality should do well if they would start dairying. We believe that one hundred cows could be kept nicely in this small section, but farmers would have to make a big change in their way of crop growing in order to have feed for both summer and winter. P. H. Daily, county superintendent, was taken quite ill at Bybee bridge Sunday as he was returning from Prospect. Fortunately, Dr. Pleasant, of Central Point, came along and was called in to take charge of the suffering man. Jas. Grieves made a hurried trip back to town for medicine, and by the night the Professor was so much better that he was able to start for home, though looking much the worse for the short but severe attack. Your correspondent has received a letter from Mr. M. D. Wisdom of Portland, secretary of the State Fair Association, saying he would be in Medford Saturday to try to induce the citizens of this valley to make a general county exhibit this fall. The premiums offered are numerous and very liberal. It seems that Southern Oregon should attempt to show what can be produced here. Should the Boards of Trade of the different towns decide to work on this line there will be no difficulty in getting aid from the county. Should the exhibit be made at Salem, they will then send it to St. Louis, where our products would get a worldwide advertisement. Medford Mail, May 8, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
The river has been too muddy for good fishing lately.Spraying orchards will keep most of the farmers busy this week. Mr. and Mrs. Porter and family attended church services at Antioch last Sunday. Wm. R. Dickison returned from his Klamath County trip. He is quite pleased with what he saw of the country, and more than delighted over his success in hooking the lake trout. Grover Cook was taken quite sick while in Medford last week, and has not been able to be moved to his home here. His Dr. is hoping he may escape typhoid, though he is not certain yet what the case may develop. The approach on the south side of the Bybee bridge is in very bad repair, and should be looked after by the road supervisor. There came very near being a serious accident last week, and unless there is something done soon, it is liable to cost someone their life. Miss Grace Olney, of Oakland, Calif., is making Mrs. Frierson and Mrs. Pendleton a visit. When she came, her plans were for a stay of a week, but she is so taken with the valley and scenery in general that her visit will last for a month at least. Miss Olney has been employed for four years as stenographer in the city attorney's office in Oakland, therefore she doubly appreciates the rambles and drives. Thursday, Mrs. Frierson received the sad news of the death of her sister, Mrs. J. P. Brown at Fallon, Churchill Co., Nev., May 2nd. Mrs. Brown was in her 76th year, and had lived the greater part of her life in the Silver State, having moved to Virginia City from Michigan in the early '50s. At that early date there were but few families in the state, and because of Mr. Brown's wide acquaintance as a contractor, her home soon became well known, for no one however poor was turned away, and none too sick to be nursed. Few, if any, of the pioneer women were better known, and none had more friends. She leaves an aged husband, a son, now county clerk, and an only daughter, Mrs. Webb, to mourn her loss. Medford Mail, May 15, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
Ernest Welch, of Medford, was a visitor at Table Rock Tuesday, for a
few hours.Miss Lucy Ray, of Medford, was the guest of Miss Jennings a few days last week, and attended the social. Roy Nichols went to Medford Sunday to bring home his brother-in-law, Grover Cook, who has been lying seriously ill at that place. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rankin, the latter being a sister of Mrs. Wm. Byrum, are enjoying a nice visit here, taking advantage of the good fishing. Their home is at Palmer, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Benton Bowers, of Ashland, spent a pleasant day and night here last week. Mr. B. thinks there will be some good substantial improvements made in this end of the valley before long. Robert Lawton came up from Gold Ray Saturday, and spent a pleasant evening with Table Rock friends at the box social. While he may think the price of meals a little high out here, he had his supper just the same, and didn't eat alone either. The many friends of Louis Middlebusher were shocked to hear of the frightful accident which caused his death last week. He with his family lived in this neighborhood over a year, and made many lasting friends who now sincerely extend their sympathy in this time of trouble. Wm. R. Dickison has begun the work of remodeling his residence. He has secured the service of Mr. Wilson, a carpenter who has the name of doing things about right, and as there is to be a general overhauling, we all look for an up-to-date building when completed. Geo. Deitrick, of Medford, is now at work on the foundation. The Box Social which took place at the school house Saturday evening was a success in every way. Considerable interest was manifested when the auction began, one box reaching the five-dollar mark, several running from two to three dollars, while the cheapest brought sixty cents. The literary exercises which preceded the lunch were of the usual good quality, and enjoyed by everyone. The news of the death of Mrs. A. S. Bliton, of Medford, was keenly felt by the people generally. While it was known that she was in very poor health, only a few realized that the end was so near. No one more fully feels the loss of a loyal friend than the family of your correspondent, and now that her suffering is over, we turn to the bereaved husband and the two little girls with all our sympathy. Medford Mail, May 22, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
S. M. Nealon and daughters attended the memorial services at Central Point on Sunday.We are informed that Mr. Adams' father has so far recovered from the operation upon his foot as to be able to walk with crutches, which is remarkable for one so far advanced in years. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Porter and family, Marion Nealon and Verne Pendleton were among those who took in the President's visit to Ashland. They both saw and heard--and felt well paid for the trip. Byron Jennings and J. C. Pendleton made a flying trip to Central Point Wednesday evening, and got a fine view of "Teddy" and a chance to cheer as the train pulled slowly through the station at that point. Mrs. Frank Adams is enjoying a visit from her niece, Miss Nellie Hudson, of Mills College, Calif. She arrived Saturday evening, and will enjoy the quiet loveliness of this valley after the study and excitement of commencement week. Mr. Fennemore met with an accident a week ago, which bruised him up considerably, but not at all seriously. One of the bridle bits broke on the team he was driving, and before he could get them stopped the wagon was turned over, throwing its only occupant violently against some rubbish. No other damage was done. Some weeks ago Misses Porter and Jennings were around with a subscription paper, the object of which was to raise money to purchase a folding organ, for the use of this neighborhood at its various merrymakings. They met with a generous and hearty response. The result was that the "baby organ" arrived Saturday, and Sunday evening there was a general invitation to the home of Mrs. Jennings, where the little instrument was on exhibition and led the singing. All were more than pleased with its appearance, and all marveled at the volume and sweetness of tone. Medford Mail, May 29, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
Some of the lumber has been hauled to repair the Bybee bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Benton Vincent left for Josephine County Wednesday. J. W. Merritt was out from Central Point Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Minnick and Mr. Beall were out from Central Point Monday, to see Mr. Adams. Pelton Bros, drove over 900 head of their cattle to their Klamath County ranch last week. S. M. Nealon, clerk of the school board, took the census last week according to the new school law. The annual school election took place Monday, with the result that the retiring director and clerk were re-elected. Stewart Porter took some cattle to the Trail Creek range a week ago Tuesday. They have a band of horses also running in that section. Mrs. E. H. Davis went to Medford Tuesday to meet her daughter Miss Ethelyn, who has been absent for two years filling a position in the hall of records at Tacoma, Wash. Miss Grace Olney took the Portland train a week ago Saturday, on her way to Seattle and Spokane. After a month in the valley, she was more charmed than ever and left it reluctantly. Mrs. I. W. Brownell, of Brownell's ranch, Glenn County, Calif., came up on the 10th to visit her old friends, Mrs. Frierson and Mrs. Pendleton, and is more than pleased with this part of Southern Oregon. Mrs. Frank Adams had just returned from the sick bed and funeral of her father, when Mr. Adams was taken very seriously ill Friday night and since then has been under the care of Dr. Pleasant, of Central Point. Dr. Cameron, of Medford, was called in for consultation Sunday evening. At this writing we are glad to be able to report favorable conditions, although he is a very sick man yet. Medford Mail, June 19, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
We are glad to be able to announce that
Frank Adams is able to be around again.Miss Nellie Hudson has returned from upper Rogue River, where she has been with her grandmother. Miss Ethelyn Davis has returned to Tacoma the last of the week, to resume her work in the recorder's office. The wisdom of locating the telephone station at Agate was fully demonstrated during Sunday night and Monday. The rain of last week caught all our farmers with hay in the field that they would much rather have had in the barn. Master Herbert Borlam [Bellows?] returned to Medford Saturday, after a few days of frolicking with the pet animals at "The Oaks." That the south approach to the Bybee bridge has been well and substantially reconstructed will be good news to the traveling public. School closed on Friday evening with a literary and musical program, followed by ice cream. Miss Briscoe returned to her home the next day. Our little neighborhood was thrown into a fever of excitement and sorrowful consternation Sunday evening by the news of the drowning of J. G. Van Dyke of Medford, in the river opposite the Curry place, and hastened to render all the aid, during the long search for the body, that friendly affection and esteem could suggest. The hearts of our people went out in those long dark hours of suspense, to the waiting loved ones in Medford, for Johnnie was a friend to all and by all is he sincerely mourned.
"When we can push ajar the gates of life,
And stand within, and all God's working see; We can interpret all this doubt and strife, And for each mystery can find a key." J.C.P.
Mail, July 3, 1903, page 3
Table Rock Items.
Mail, July 3, 1903, page 9BY J.C.P.
Sheriff Joe
Rader spent a night with your correspondent last week, on his return
from the north end of the county.
Fishermen on the river report a scarcity of salmon, consequently those
who have to buy them have to pay eight cents per pound.
Frank Bybee was over Monday looking after the interests of the ranch here for his father, who is still confined to his home at Jacksonville. Some members from every family in Table Rock attended the celebration at Gold Hill Saturday, and as far as we have heard every one seemed well pleased. Roy Nichols has finished harvesting his hay crop at Central Point and sold the product at $10 per ton from the field. He will make Table Rock his home for some time. Wm. R. Dickison has finished his haying and is highly pleased at the way the crop turned out, some of the alfalfa going nearly three tons to the acre, and the grain hay was far ahead of his expectations. The unusually cool weather attended with light showers has worked wonders for the grain, which will be left to thresh, and should the low temperature continue for a few days, we will find some very plump grain in many places in the valley. Table Rock Items.
Wm. R. Dickison has the
painter and mason at work on his new house, which is nearing
completion. BY J.C.P. Mrs. Anna Fields, of Gold Hill, made her relatives here a visit last week and returned Saturday to resume her work in the hotel. B. R. Porter is irrigating his apple orchard this week, and the way he is doing it will demonstrate to a certainty whether or not it is beneficial. Emmett Nealon started his binder last week on barley, which was the first grain to be cut this season. He says that while the straw is short he can save most of it. Mrs. Saltmarsh was called to Eagle Point last week, to help nurse her brother, Scott Pool, who was very low; but later reports are very favorable for his speedy recovery. We secured a sample of alfalfa last week from Mr. Dickison, which measured five feet and eleven inches long. The same was grown without irrigation or special advantages. B. Vincent recently purchased a new buggy, and the man who tries to pass that rig when Mr. Vincent has his span of young mules hitched to it has his work cut out for him. Dr. C. C. Pletcher and family spent Saturday night and Sunday with Table Rock friends and they enjoyed their visit as much as those who entertained them; they went home feeling well repaid for their outing. The Hesselgrave hay baler, from Central Point, has been at work in this section for several days and have a lot of work ahead, which is proof of their work being satisfactory. There will be more baling done here this season than for years past, notwithstanding the cry of a short crop. On the first of May, 1902, your correspondent sowed some Turkestan alfalfa seed, for a test, which has done so well that I believe it a surer grower under all conditions than the regular alfalfa we are growing. The yield was immense, standing five feet on Rogue River bottom land without water, and I believe will make better hay than the other. I will save the next crop for seed. Medford Mail, July 10, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
Born--July 24, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Byrum, a daughter.BY J.C.P. Dr. Cole, of Central Point, made a professional visit to Table Rock Sunday. Robert Lawton came up from the Ray dam on his wheel Sunday evening. Bert Nichols and wife spent Sunday with his father and family, and secured a good supply of blackberries. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn and family spent Saturday evening and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boswell came out from Central Point Sunday, and had an old-time visit with their friends at "The Oaks." The second crop alfalfa is being out, and this week will about see the end of grain harvesting in this section. Grain has ripened slowly. Mrs. Ollie Justus returned from California last week. She and her sister, Mrs. Ann Fields, this week opened a restaurant in Medford, and will try to give a good square meal to everyone who calls. Monday morning, bright and early, Roy Nichols and Verne Pendleton started up Rogue River on a deer hunt. If they realize their anticipations, it will be useless for any other hunters to follow in their tracks. Mrs. J. C. Pendleton and Mrs. A. P. Frierson returned from Chautauqua Wednesday evening. They were greatly pleased with what they saw and heard and only regret that more of their friends could not have shared the treat with them. Rev. Shields, of Medford, and Mr. Byers tarried Monday night at Table Rock, after a wheeling trip from Gold Hill to Tolo and the Ray dam, thence across the hills into Sams Valley. The next morning they continued their journey, heading for Eagle Point. It is with deep regret that we have to announce the discontinuance of the telephone at Agate. A "hurry-up" messenger lately found to his dismay that he must ride on to Central Point to use the 'phone. We earnestly hope that in the near future it will be re-established. Medford Mail, July 31, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
Gus Morris
has been hauling baled hay for the ditch company.BY J.C.P. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Poole and two little girls were visiting W. R. Byrum and family the last of the week. It is reported that one of the good farms in this section will change hands within a few days, to newcomers. Mrs. H. S. Pelton, of Sams Valley, and Mrs. Thos. Kenney, of Jacksonville, spent a day in Table Rock last week. Miss Pearl Weeden, of Ashland, came over from Gregory's Friday, to visit Miss Margaret Porter, and returned Sunday. O. A. Dickison nearly overtaxed himself during one of the hot days of last week, and was confined to his bed for a couple of days. John Williams has bought a barley crusher, and proposes to grind his entire crop and feed hogs. He will fatten about two hundred head Rev. Mr. Shields, of Medford, will speak to our people Wednesday evening on the habits and customs of the Chinese and Siamese. This should be a treat for us all. Mrs. Saltmarsh went to Jacksonville Saturday, and on her return was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Cora Rankin, and little Miss Hazel Byrum, who had been visiting her aunt. Misses Lucy Ray and Lillie Starr rode out from Medford on their wheels to visit Mrs. Mary Jennings and family. Miss Starr has been in California several months and is visiting Southern Oregon friends on her way to her home in Douglas County. There is to be a good roads convention in Jacksonville on September 12th. Certainly the people should interest themselves in this work, particularly since the county has bought and put to work the rock crusher. We have already had some interesting letters on the subject, which proves there is interest in some localities. Medford Mail, August 7, 1903, page 3 Table Rock Items.
in this neighborhood is ready for the thresher, and the Pelton machine
will be in this week.BY J.C.P. It has been reported that several deer have been seen and shot at between the river and the foot of lower rock. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Pletcher took their Sunday dinner on the banks of Rogue River and spent the afternoon with Table Rock friends. Master Willie Ritner, son of the president of the Medford Business College, accompanied Rev. Shields on his trip to Table Rook. W. R. Byrum made a trip to Jacksonville Saturday and Mrs. Cora Rankin returned to her home after a week's visit with her mother and sister. The sale of the Merritt place to Pomeroy and Gresham has been announced. We understand that one of the gentlemen will build a house on the east half. Howard Short and Miss Lillie Porter, of Oroville, Calif., nephew and niece of B. R. Porter, arrived Monday evening, giving the Porter family a genuine surprise. From the land of oranges and lemons they come to visit and look over the home of the Southern Oregon apple. A crowd of Ashland people was whirled through this neighborhood by four spirited horses Friday. A day on lower Table Rock was their goal. The party stopped at the Bybee bridge for supper on their way home and spent several hours boat riding on the river, returning by moonlight. The members of the party were Misses May Sutton, Grace Garrett, Nellie Ewan, Anna Hargrove, Grayce Beach, Maud Berry, Cora Baldwin, Grace Mount, Irma Patrick, Ora Patrick, Jennie Courtwright; Rev. Lockhart, E. C. Berry, Geo. Guyles, G. B. Walsworth and John Mount. The lecture on "Siam and Its People," by Rev. W. F. Shields, Wednesday evening, was well-attended and fully appreciated by everyone, and proved that even close readers of papers and magazines know but little of the real everyday life of people in those distant lands. Before entering into the subject generally, the speaker exhibited several articles of clothing such as is worn by the different classes there, which thoroughly interested the young as well as the old. In his talk he told of the difference in their form of worship and ours, as well as the social side of life, and though he strongly urges more missionary work there, he found many of their customs commendable, even in this age of civilization. The whole lecture was delivered in such a plain and simple manner that even the smallest children here understood and have not or will not forget the treat so kindly given us. Medford Mail, August 14, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
Everybody went to the circus and had a good time.B. R. Porter returned from a trip to Klamath County Sunday. Mr. Howard Short and Miss Lillie Porter returned to their homes in California on August 18th. Your correspondent and family in company with N. C. Gunn and family spent a pleasant week camping on Jenny Creek--hence, no notes. Mrs. Dr. Officer and Mrs. Paul Van Scoy of Eagle Point spent a day, not long ago, with Mrs. W. R. Byrum, and also laid in a supply of wild plums. Wm. R. Dickison has been suffering from a large carbuncle on his neck for a week or more, but is able to be around again, although he has to carry a pretty high head yet. Farmers in this section are feeling good over having their threshing done before the rains. The Pelton machine made short work of it and in a way to please everyone. A party left here Sunday evening and drove to the Ray dam. They enjoyed the sights a couple of hours. The work is so far completed now that one can realize something of the enormity of the undertaking. Hon. S. M. Nealon speaks of his visit to San Francisco, while attending the G.A.R. reunion, as the most enjoyable trip of his life, and is loud in his praise of Californians as entertainers. It is to be hoped that all the old veterans in attendance felt the same, for at the best the men can only have the pleasure of meeting their comrades a few more times. Medford Mail, September 4, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
B. R. Porter attended the Fruit Growers Union in Medford last week.Mrs. Ann Fields left Monday to take a position in the Williams hotel at Central Point. Elmer and Ephraim Chapman are up from Kern County, Calif., on a visit to their parents. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jennings are to move to the Fennemore place. Mrs. W. R. Byrum and children and Mrs. Saltmarsh spent Sunday with Eagle Point relatives. Emmett Nealon is hauling cordwood to Central Point, where he finds a ready market for it. Frank Adams has taken charge of the Dr. Ray farm, formerly the Jennings place, and moved there this week. John Vincent and wife have returned from Woodville, and expect to make their home at the old Vincent place. Chas. Pankey and family started Monday for Gold Beach, where he expects to engage in fishing for the canning company. Wm. R. Dickison was in Jacksonville a goodly part of last week on jury duty, and expects to be there most of this week. Miss Lulu Gardiner, of the Meadows, who is stopping at C. A. Dickison's, received a visit from her mother and sister last week. Mrs. Venable, of Applegate, and Mrs. Rankin, of Jacksonville, came over Sunday to visit the family of W. R. Byrum for a few days. Mr. Hawkins, the affable advance agent for the Chapman Publishing Company, was interviewing the citizens of this end of the valley last week. It was reported that a bear had been seon on Lower Table Rock, and a posse started out Sunday to hunt for Mr. Bruin, but from all reports it ended in more of a deer hunt than a bear hunt. Several deer have been killed on the Rocks lately. Medford Mail, September 18, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
Dr. Shearer and E. D. Elwood with their families spent Sunday with Table Rock friends.N. C. Gunn and family, of Medford, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Lewis, of Central Point, was over last week interviewing our farmers about seed wheat. Mr. Leach, our school teacher, went to Ashland Friday night and had a couple of days' visit with his family. Mr. and Mrs. John Rankin came over from Jacksonville Monday for a week's visit with Wm. R. Byrum and family. A large five-point buck was killed on Upper Table Rock Wednesday. Still some of our neighbors go fifty miles away in search of game. Miss Delia Mitchell, of Asbestos, spent Tuesday night with friends here, while en route to Medford to take a position in Hotel Nash. Mr. Dickison's folks have been busy this week moving into their new house, which is now completed throughout, and is a most comfortable home. Mr. Grisham, the purchaser of the east half of the Merritt farm, has built a new house, moved the big hay barn from the north side of the place to the new building site and is getting things into real homelike order. Elmer and Ephraim Chapman, who have been visiting relatives here for a month, left for Bakersfield Monday to resume work with the Sterling Oil Co., at which place they have been employed for a year or more. Wert Pool, of Butte Creek, came down last week and took back a load of white winter French seed wheat, from Pendleton's. The same will be used on the Rader farm for hay, as it is particularly good for that kind of crop. J. M. Chase, vice-president of the Realty Syndicate, which is the new street railway system in Oakland, Calif., and the new line of ferry boats to San Francisco, spent a couple of days here last week and enjoyed the fishing immensely. Mr. Williamson, ex-deputy county clerk, and Mr. Myers, an eastern friend, brought their families out Sunday and spent the day viewing the valley from the top of Lower Table Rock, returning to Jacksonville in the evening. The families of Hon. S. M. Nealon, E. H. Davis, Mr. Grisham and Master Verne Pendleton drove to Gold Ray Sunday and after enjoying a picnic dinner spent the afternoon viewing that massive structure which is now nearing completion. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Moore drove out from Medford last Wednesday and spent a couple of days visiting among our people, but in dividing the time as they had to, the visits were made so short that we all were disappointed; but hope they will come for two weeks next time. Grace Dickison had the misfortune to lose her pet angora kid the other day, by reason of coyotes becoming too familiar with the premises. Several farms have been visited by these cunning rogues this fall, and people are talking of putting poison in every direction to destroy them. Fred Hansen, an old-time neighbor of ours, but for a number of years a resident of Napa, Calif., brought A. D. Helms down from Ashland last week to look at his 160-acre farm, with a view to selling. We did not learn whether or not the deal was consummated. Mr. Helms would certainly have the foundation for a wonderful fruit farm, should he get the place. Medford Mail, October 2, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Byrum went to Medford Tuesday.(Received too lute for last week.) B. R. Porter went to Central Point Monday for box material, preparatory to packing his apple crop. M. F. Parker came out from Medford Wednesday and is engaged in painting the residence of J. C. Pendleton. Mr. Hull, from Sams Valley, was looking over our section of the country Tuesday. He reports a good corn crop. Myron Jennings returned from his trip to Eastern Oregon and Northern California after an absence of nearly four months. Rev. J. S. McCain was visiting his old friends here the first of the week; though still quite feeble we are glad to see him improving. Leslie Davis and Jim Grigsby returned from their mountain trip Wednesday. They did not secure much game, but they report having had a splendid outing. L. C. Sisemore and family passed through here Thursday on their way to their home in Klamath County. They spoke of having a very pleasant visit while in the valley, with relatives and friends. Medford Mail, October 16, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
John Butler, Art Poe and Marion Tryer, of Medford, spent Sunday gunning on the river.A fine lot of new lumber is being hauled to the Bybee bridge for redecking, which is badly needed. C. E. Gaddis, of the Medford creamery, passed through our section Saturday. He was interviewing our farmers on the dairy question. Most of the apples in this part of the valley have been picked, and packing will begin Wednesday. The quality is fine in both size and color. A party of young people drove over to Prall's park Sunday, and were delighted with the animals. A sight entirely new to some of them. Mrs. Saltmarsh had a very pleasant visit the first of the week from two of her sisters and a niece, who live near Portland. They left on their return trip Tuesday. Charles Nichols and family, of Klamath County, who have been visiting Mr. Nichols' parents at this place for the past week, have decided to make this valley their home for the winter. David Fox, ex-U.S. revenue collector, drove down from Ashland Tuesday on business with H. B. Leach, and took time to call on other friends here. This was his first visit to this part of the valley, but he says it will not be the last. M. F. Parker has completed the painting of J. C. Pendleton's residence, but will have no rest as there is another house waiting for him. Mr. Parker says he came out here just for a little outing, but it is proving to be the warmest inning he ever played. Medford Mail, October 23, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
W. R. Byrum's cottage looks very attractive in its new coat of paint.Wm. R. Dickison spent a week hunting on upper Elk Creek, with very fair success. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Porter and family. Mr. Leslie Davis and the Misses Grisham attended the unveiling of the Chessmore monument at Medford Sunday. A crowd of our young folks drove to the Ray dam Sunday then to Gold Hill and Medford before returning. They considered themselves well paid for the trouble by the beautiful sights at and around the dam. Died, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, Sunday, October 25, 1903, Ada Cook, aged 23 years. This is the first death in a family circle of ten, there being, besides her parents, four sisters and five brothers left to mourn her departure. During her last illness she had every care and attention that loving thought could provide but it was all of no avail. Interment was in the Jacksonville cemetery Monday, the services being conducted by Rev. Jones of Central Point. Medford Mail, October 30, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
Frank Adams has been employed at Gold Ray for several weeks.Dr. Cameron passed through here Friday on a professional trip to Antioch. H. B. Leach, our energetic school teacher, attended the teachers institute at Jacksonville last week. Thos. Nichols came over Monday to look over a bunch of cattle he has pasturing on the Byrum farm. The Hesselgrave and Magruder hay baler is working at the Dickison farm, they having forty or fifty tons to press. Mrs. Porter and daughter, Miss Margaret, spent a pleasant day with the teachers of the county at Jacksonville Thursday. Horace Pelton, of Sams Valley was doing business with our neighbors Monday. He says farmers are needing rain badly. Grandpa Saltmarsh is back again, after a visit of several months with relatives on Applegate. He says this is decidedly the pleasantest part of the valley. We are told that Add Helms has sold fifty acres of the farm he recently bought of Fred Hansen. Gradually the big places are being cut up into small homes. The young folks of Table Rock celebrated Halloween, but not in the usual noisy and mischievous way. Instead, they met by invitation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Davis and passed the time in quiet games, music and a general visit, and since then they have nothing to feel sorry for. Medford Mail, November 6, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rankin are spending a few days at the Byrum home.The Fish Lake Ditch Co.'s team was over last week getting seed wheat for their ranch. Dr. Jones, of Medford, was called out to attend Grandma Morgan at Sams Valley Monday. A band of cattle was driven in from Dead Indian last week to pasture on the Helms pasture. Erne Carter and Thomas H. Phelps, of Ashland, were doing business in this section last Friday and spent the night with your correspondent. The rain has thoroughly saturated the ground to a depth sufficient for good plowing, and the farmers are looking for bright weather that they may complete their work. A ripple of excitement was thrown over our usually quiet neighborhood Tuesday when the school teacher, H. B. Leach, was arrested on a warrant sworn out by John Williams for assault and battery, or too severely whipping his son, aged about twelve years. As the teacher pled guilty and paid his fine and costs, no comment is necessary. Medford Mail, November 13, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
Wm. R. and C. A. Dickison spent Monday in town.B. Vincent took a load of hogs to market the first of the week. Fresh bear tracks were seen on the Hanson place Saturday. N. C. Gunn came out from Medford Friday and with your correspondent had two days of good shooting. E. H. Davis on Monday took off a couple of loads of hogs, which he had sold to Mr. Wortman. The price obtained was four cents. Ad. Helms and Mr. Adams were down from Ashland Tuesday, accompanied by a surveyor, running off the lines for the fifty-four-acre tract lately sold by Mr. Helms. Judging from the amount of shooting heard on the river Saturday and Sunday, there must have been a great slaughter of ducks. But if they all found the sport as your correspondent did, nothing but long-range guns would endanger the record for wing shooting. Mr. and Mrs. John Rankin, who have been visiting the family of W. R. Byrum, left for Portland Monday. Mr. Rankin intends to open a first-class confectionery at Gresham as soon as he can purchase his stock. They were accompanied to Medford by Mr. Byrum. The late rains have completely saturated the ground, and should another storm, bringing as much water, follow soon, we could look to see Rogue River out of her banks. It will be some time, even without any more rain, before farmers can get onto their land to plow. Medford Mail, November 20, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
N. C. Gunn
and family spent Thanksgiving with relatives here. BY J.C.P. Bert VanHardenburg passed here Sunday with a drove of cattle. B. R. Porter is busy these days hauling off his Ben Davis apples, which are beauties both in size and color. Prof. H. Leach went to Ashland to spend Thanksgiving with his family, returning Monday morning in time to open his school. Wm. R. Byrum went to Medford Monday for his apple trees, which will be set out at once, as he has the ground all prepared for them. The Table Rock Literary Society has reorganized and meets regularly at the school house every Saturday night. C. A. Dickison is president and Miss Pearl Grisham, secretary. C. W. DeCarlow was down from his mountain place Tuesday. While here he butchered a nice beef and after selling what he could among neighbors, took the balance to the Medford market. Dr. Messner was called from Medford last week to treat a span of horses belonging to Hon. S. M. Nealon. The doctor pronounced both cases muscular rheumatism, which at this season of the year is decidedly dangerous. At this writing the horses are improving with a good chance of full recovery. Medford Mail, December 4, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
Dr. Cole
made professional visits to Table Rock the first of the week. BY J.C.P. Gus Morris was over for another load of wheat for the Fish Lake Ditch Co. Cobb Law and his mother came over from Willow Springs Monday to visit S. M. Nealon and family. W. R. Byrum is busy these days setting out his six-acre apple orchard, and others are preparing to put out trees. Frank Adams is up from Gold Ray for a few days, visiting with his family and making things snug for the winter. C. A. Dickison and wife went to Gold Hill Sunday. Going in any direction is a task these days, the roads are so badly cut up and so muddy. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cook have moved from the Prof. Narregan place and will make their home on the place recently rented by R. Nichols. Much to the surprise of the pupils Prof. H. B Leach announced last Tuesday that that would be the last day of school, as his health would no longer permit the close confinement of the school room. Roy Nichols has rented the P. M. Williams place near Tolo. The place has been in charge of Mr. Williams' brother-in-law, Fred Merriman, who we understand intends to go over towards the coast. Mr. Chas. Nichols was over from Medford the first of the week getting chickens and a supply of winter apples. Mrs. Nichols has been quite sick since going to Medford, but he reports her much better. Mr. Oliver Adams came over from Jacksonville Saturday, to see his brother, Frank. He reports their father as failing rapidly and that their brother, Chas., has in no way fully recovered from the blow on his head received some eight months ago. They seem to be having more than their share of trouble, and have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. Medford Mail, December 11, 1903, page 8 [paper missing] . . . a little recreation. He was the guest of C. A. Dickison while here. A meeting was held at the school house last Wednesday evening to decide on the Christmas tree work. December 24th was the time set for the entertainment and tree, and committees were appointed to carry out the arrangements in detail. Last Thursday was quite a noisy day in this neighborhood, all because of a shooting contest which had been arranged the week before, between the men and boys of Table Rock. Ten men had been drawn on a side, and John Jones elected captain for one side, while Harry Nealon was voted the same honor on the other side, and Wm. R. Dickison was made referee. As soon as it was light enough to see the reports of guns were to be heard in every direction. Both sides worked earnestly, but the scores were low, owing to the scarcity of ducks. Mr. Byrum secured the highest score and will be entitled to sit at the head of the table at an oyster supper to be given this week by the losing side, while the one with the lowest score must be content to eat his soup with a paddle. There were no accidents reported; in fact, it was a day's very pleasant outing for everyone concerned. Medford Mail, December 18, 1903, page 8 Table Rock Items.
No Medford
Mails on its regular day for two weeks. We are lost for
when it fails to connect.BY J.C.P. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pelton will be glad to learn that Mrs. P. and infant daughter arrived safely at home from Portland Saturday. S. K. Adams and family drove to Merlin Saturday to visit with Mrs. A.'s parents. They returned Monday evening and report a very pleasant trip and a good time generally. John Shook, of Phoenix, spent a couple of days in this section last week and noted many improvements since his last visit here. He also spoke very flatteringly of the fruit grown here. County Recorder R. T. Burnett and family spent Sunday with Table Rock friends. The doctor thinks pretty well of this section of country and we would not be surprised to have him for a neighbor when he gets ready to lay by the burdens of office life. Apple picking is finished at the Table Rock orchard. As high as forty-two picking boxes were taken from one of the trees, says Mr. May, the foreman. Mr. Washburn started his first carload on its journey last Tuesday. They were of the Spitz variety and the largest we ever saw packed. The Christian Endeavor Society still holds its regular meetings and takes in new members occasionally. The recently elected officers are: President, Lee Watkins; vice-president, Mrs. J. C. Pendleton; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. D. M. Grisham; organist, Mrs. S. A. Adams; with Mrs. E. S. Hitzler as assistant organist and secretary. The men in charge of the government fishery below Bybee bridge are exceedingly busy these days as there is a good run of salmon now. People from every part of the valley are coming to lay in a supply of fish, which is distributed equally to all comers. They have taken something over 4,000,000 eggs so far and hope to be able to work more a month yet. It is very interesting to watch the eggs during the hatching process. Medford Mail, November 2, 1906, page 3
Early-Day Table Rock History Is
Reviewed in Paper Before Pioneers
Reviewing early-day life in the Table Rock district, one of the richest
in Jackson County in fable and natural scenery, a history of the
section, from the standpoint of the land itself. was recently written
by Mrs. C. W. Sage (Rose Nealon) and read before the pioneer meeting of
the Table Rock Women's Club. It is called "Table Rock Ranches, 60 Years
Ago," and was forwarded the Mail
Tribune last week by Mrs. Charles Angle, president of the
club.Filled with references to many folk, now scattered to various sections of the country, the paper is expected to revive for them treasured memories of childhood days, lived where each evening's sun went down behind the cliffs of old Table Rock. The paper follows: "When my parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Nealon, came to this neighborhood 60 years ago, the farms and ranches were much larger than they are now; dwellings and neighbors were far apart, as you will observe. The ranch at the extreme west end of the district was then owned by Sammy March. Mr. March had a good-sized family. George March of Central Point and Mrs. Marion Hartley of Talent are two members of his family now known here. The dwelling, a small brown cottage, stood where the Meads home is now. This ranch comprised the Meads, Stanley Vaughn and Harry Nealon ranches and a part of the Cherry ranch. "The next house was on what is now known as the Hamlin place and belonged to Benton Vincent (grandfather of our rural mail carrier, Ed Vincent). This place was divided into three parts by Mr. Vincent, who reserved the part where the house stands for himself. The part across the road, known as "John's 40," he gave to his son, the late John Vincent. This now belongs to Mr. Arnold of Medford. The third part was deeded to his daughter, Mrs. Mary Pankey, now deceased. This is now a part of Mrs. Lee Hardman's estate. I am told that Mr. Vincent purchased this ranch from Jake Conley and that it was homesteaded by a Chris May, but he seems unknown by old residents. "The house in which the Charley Angles live on the Wycoff place was next and was the old Billy Wilson farmstead. This was a large ranch at that time, including part of Hardmans, all of the Sam Newman, Wycoff, Sam Collins and Chase places. Mrs. Martha Gregory of Agate and Mrs. Jack Hemstreet of Medford were born on this farm, also Mrs. Mary Payne of Medford and Erastus Wilson of Rogue River. "The Dunlap ranch was formerly an old donation claim, purchased by Dr. Stanley from a Mr. Satterfield, who homesteaded it. Dr. Stanley built the house, which still stands. The closet over the fireplace was his medicine chest. He was the grandfather of Jasper, Joe and Minna Hannah and Mrs. Tim Daily of Medford, and he assisted at the birth of many of Table Rock's early citizens. This ranch comprised the Charles Dunlap, Blanch Gregory and Ralph Wilson farms. When my folks came here it was owned by Fred Hansen, a Dane, who was much in favor of education. He secured a teacher for a private winter school, which was held in the Crown house behind his dwelling, now occupied by the Clements family. His children and my oldest brother were all who attended, owing to the muddy roads that the others would have had to travel. Miss Mary Newbury, sister of Gus Newbury, taught this school. Some years later, Mr. Hansen deeded the acre on which our present school house stands to the Table Rock school district. In 1892 Sammy March built the school house that was replaced by the present one in 1910. "The Nealon ranch was then owned by Jim Collins, father of Mrs. Billy Wilson. He reared a family of 10 children in the old house, which still stands. This ranch was homesteaded by "Dad" William Bybee and has never been subdivided. The public school house then stood near the twin oak tree where our house (Sage's) is located. "The ranch across the road, now comprising the Lydiard, Colonel Miller, Seabrooke and Ed Wilson places, was then owned by W. O. W. Gregory, who had three children, Mrs. Geo. Yeo of Ashland, Mrs. John Harvey of Gold Hill and Milton Gregory, now deceased. The house with three cedar trees guarding it, as I remember, stood at the southwest corner of the Wilson pear orchard. Tom Collins, youngest brother of the Collins who owned our place, once told us that he homesteaded this ranch and sold it for a yoke of oxen. Mr. Gregory sold to Ed Drum, who probably did more for this neighborhood than any other one man. It was he who formed the Table Rock ditch company and did most of the work on the original ditch. In fact it was while working on this ditch that he contracted the disease that took his life at an early age. "The Pinkney Pickens ranch included the E. W. Carlton, J. C. Pendleton, W. E. Morris and Byrum ranches. This ranch had belonged to Jake Wrisley, who had many exciting experiences with the Indians. I can remember the log house which stood where the Red Skin pear orchard is now. There were loop holes in the logs upstairs for firing guns in case of an attack. Grandpa Pickens lived in it fifty years ago and the Pinkney Pickens family in the E. W. Carlton house. He built the Pendleton home after selling the east half of this ranch to W. R. Dickison. Mrs. Fred Weeks of Medford is a daughter of Mr. Pickens. "The Cy Pickens ranch has been divided more than any other ranch of the neighborhood, the following places having been formed of it: V. Schafer's, F. Meyer's, S. M. Tuttle's, E. C. Hamilton's, H. Rogers', V. Hensley's, W. Housley's, F. Smith's, Danna's, Val Ware's, and N. Jacobsen's. The original dwelling stood just behind the Tuttle home. Cy Pickens was county commissioner in 1884 and '85 and it was then through his efforts that Bybee bridge was built, the south end of the county objecting strongly. "The last and largest ranch of the district now known as the Modoc orchard was the old Bill Bybee grain and stock ranch. Mr. Bybee did not live here himself but always had two or three tenants on the place. This ranch is the only one of the districts that has been added to rather than detracted from. All the land on the left side of the road which is now a part of the Modoc orchard was the old Ed Nichols homestead. Roy Nichols of Central Point and Chas. Nichols of Medford are members of the large family of children born there. "Most of the farms were then partly covered with pine timber, and wild animals and game were plentiful. My mother often told us of seeing two black bears ambling across what is now called the Byrum place while she was hanging out clothes one evening, and the howling of coyotes was about the only music that rent the air on winter evenings." Medford Mail Tribune, February 26, 1933, page 4
History of Table Rock School
District No. 44
(Published by request.
Part of a paper read before the Table Rock Community Club at its
regular meeting. April 28, 1933.)By V. A. DAVIS Ever since the early pioneer days, education has been fostered, and has held a prominent place in the rise and progress of the county. From this circumstance has come the county's present progressive, public-spirited, and cultured citizenship. When the county's foundations were laid, the founders, with prophetic vision, made provision for the laying out of school districts and the maintenance of schools. The Jacksonville school district, number one, was the parent of all the others. On July 19th, 1854, seventy-nine years ago, this district was organized, with T. F. Royal as the first county school superintendent. Owing to the scattered population, the early school districts were very large in area, their boundaries irregular, and ofttimes imaginary. As the population increased, business developed, and transportation improved, the districts were reduced in size, rearranged and reorganized, in order to meet the demands of the rapidly developing commonwealth. The story of the school districts would make an interesting chapter in Jackson County history, for many of the historical events recorded in Southern Oregon history took place within the boundaries of some of the present school districts. One of these is the Table Rock district, located in the most charming, picturesque, and fertile spot in the county. It was here that the treaty that ended the Rogue River Indian war in 1853 was signed on the west slope of [Lower] Table Rock. The Daughters of the American Revolution, and associate organizations, have placed a marker commemorating the event in the plain between the two Table Rocks. Among the early children of the mother district was Antioch, number eighteen. This district, originally known as the Mountain District, was set off on Oct. 31st, 1860. The specified boundary began in the center of Lower Table Rock; thence north to Evans Creek; thence east to the center of Rogue River; thence down the center of said river to the place of beginning. This was a region thinly populated, of a varied surface configuration, consisting of hill and valley, forest and plain, lake and stream, with an area greater than the present state of Rhode Island. For several years after the formation of this district but little interest was shown in education, no district officials being elected and no school being maintained by taxation. But interest in the necessity of educating the growing up boys and girls being revived, in 1867 J. A. Burns taught a subscription school in an old log cabin that stood near the site of the present Antioch school house. Three years later, Mr. Burns taught a similar school in an old log cabin that stood on the knoll near the site of Mrs. Schafer's residence in the present Table Rock district. During the two succeeding years, Mr. John Potter and Miss Mary McCabe, respectively, taught subscription schools in the same old cabin. It had not been built for school purposes, but had probably been built by some settler and afterward abandoned by him. The old cabin becoming dilapidated and unsanitary, the school directors prohibited its use for school purposes in the future. About this time, either an epidemic of sleeping-sickness fell upon the people, or a moratorium was declared in the school business, for no school was held in the district for a period of nearly two years. At last, interest having been revived in school matters, it was decided to establish two schools in the district, both to be supported by taxation. One of the schools was to be located in the southern part of the district to accommodate the settlers in the vicinity of Table Rock. From this circumstance dates the record of an organized school, supported by taxation, in the Table Rock district. In the spring of 1874 Miss Lou Houston taught the first three months' term in the district under the new dispensation. The school was held in a small, unpainted house, built on the Jim Collins farm. Mr. S. M. Nealon afterward bought this farm, and the first public school house in the present Table Rock district stood near the twin oaks or near the site now occupied by the residence of Mr. C. W. Sage. Miss Houston enrolled thirteen pupils, "boarded round," and received a salary of $33⅓ a month. Thereafter, a spring term of school was regularly held in the little, rough lumber building, which served its purpose well until replaced, in later years, with a more imposing structure. Population having increased, and the citizens having expressed a desire to manage their own school affairs, in March, 1879, the present Table Rock school district No. 44 was detached, by petition, from the Antioch district No. 18. At that time, J. D. Fountain was county superintendent of schools; and E. P. Pickens, B. Vincent, and J. W. O. Gregory became the directors and J. S. March clerk of the new district. At the first school election, seventeen votes were cast; the census showed thirty-two children of school age; and the treasury swelled with $96 cash on hand. In 1879 Miss Maude Tuffs taught the first spring term of school in the newly organized district, and in 1886 Jenny Oaks taught the first fall term in the history of the district. On March 25th, ten years after the formation of the district, a portion of its northern part was detached by petition and added to the Chaparral district, No. 52. At that time H. H. Mitchell, who formerly taught in the Table Rock district, was county school superintendent. In the spring of 1892, Mr. Fred Hansen, a patron of the school, deeded one acre of land to the district for school purposes. He was a public-spirited citizen and much interested in education. A new school house was built upon the tract by Mr. March. It was completed in the fall just in time to hold the community Christmas tree program in it. In 1893, Miss Emma Ruth taught the first spring term in the new school house. In 1885 Mary Newbury, 1893 Armenta Burch, 1896 Miss Cotter each taught a private school in the district during the fall and winter; but owing to the small attendance and lack of interest in such schools, they were discontinued in the future. From the subscription school that John Burns taught in the old log cabin, and for twenty years thereafter, the teachers with but few exceptions "boarded round." Beginning about the year 1890, the practice was established of having them board in some certain home or place in the district. When the teachers "boarded round," the patrons, pupils and teacher all experienced the delights and diversions incident to that friendly old custom, for those were the pioneer days, the halcyon days of old, whose memory will ever remain green in song and story. To keep pace with the march of progress, it was decreed that the old building should be replaced with a new one. Accordingly during the summer vacation of 1910 the present building was built upon the site of the old one, erected in 1892. Mr. V. A. Davis taught the first school held in the present building. From the little old log cabin, on the knoll, to the present commodious building, under the eye of Table Rock, is a span of sixty-three years of time. During the course of those stirring, formative years, Table Rock school district has kept pace with the march of progress, and has ever been prominent in promoting the educational, social, and religious culture of the district and county. When the district was officially organized, fifty-four years ago, it maintained but three months school during the year, employed one teacher, enrolled thirty-two census children, and had but $96 in the treasury; today, nine months school are maintained, two teachers are employed, seventy-four census children are enrolled, and the assessed valuation of its property is rated at $280,767.80. The geographical location of Table Rock district lies in two Ranges, 1 and 2W., W.M., and Townships 35 and 36S. It embraces about eleven sections, and its area is approximately 7040 acres. The school house is located in the southern part of Section 10, Range 2W., W.M., and Township 36S. The district's present official organization consists of Frank Hensley, Sam Newman and Floyd Hamlin, directors, and Mary B. Meyers, clerk. The teaching staff consists of Roy Parr, principal, and teacher of the upper grades, and Winifred May, assistant principal, and teacher of the lower grades. The school ranks high in efficiency and scholarship, and bids fair to rise to greater heights in the future. A roster of the teachers in the order of their term of service shows a list of seventy-one names: John Burns, John Potter, Mary McCabe, Lou Houston, Jane Nichols, W. J. Stanley, Mary Berry, O. W. Gregory, Maude Tuffs, H. H. Mitchell, Maggie Howell, W. H. Gore, M. Vina Gore, May Griffith, Sarah Knowles, Henry Cryder, Mary Newbury, Amanda Goodyear, Jenny Oaks, Lottie Reed, Fanny Knowles, Rose Griffith, Charley Griffith, Annie Harvey, Laura Colton, Ella Griffith, Arthur Walker, Lutie Burch, Emma Ruth, Armenta Burch, L. A. Simons, Anna Clemons, Libby Pendleton, Miss Cotter, Maude Downing, Olive Gregory, Nellie Towne, Lizzie Ferguson, Mae Sutton, Wick Easter, Stella Stidham, Dolly Badger, Mae McIntyre, Flora Smith, Flossie Briscoe, H. B. Leach, Ida Stewart, Lorena Shuck, V. A. Davis, Myrtle Corum, Alice French, Cy. Watkins, Louise Ward, Gladys Miller, C. E. Johnson, Hattie B. Lester, Josephine Kincaid, Eva Beebe, Helen Parker, Verda Lynch, June Dunlap, Mae Johnson, Mrs. Voorhies, Mrs. Burdeen Meyers, Irene Franks, Mrs. Ina Purcell, Mary Martha Sweeney, Betty Brown, Nellie Egan, Winifred May and Roy Parr. Nearly all the teachers have departed, leaving behind their footprints in the field of their endeavor. A few have passed over the divide into the mystic realm of the Great Beyond; others remain among the living, all busily chasing their favorite phantoms along their pathways of life. The boys and girls who assembled here in the past all have passed out of this school into life's greater school of stern experience. Flushed with life's bright dreams, they assumed their responsibilities of citizenship, and began to play their respective parts on the stage of life's grand realities. All have been weavers, both teachers and pupils, weaving their fabrics at the loom of life. And as their shuttles have flitted swiftly to and fro, they have laid their wraps in the schemes of the dreams they have dreamed. Medford Mail Tribune, May 14, 1933, page 5 Last revised February 15, 2025 |