City Officers and Elections 1885:
Organization (March 25)
Trustees: J. S. Howard (president), I. J. Phipps, A. Childers, E. P. Geary, W. H. Barr Recorder: R. T. Lawton Treasurer: Charles Strang Marshal: J. H. Redfield Street Commissioner: E. G. Hurt MEDFORD ELECTION.--At the election for town officers for Medford the following proved the successful candidates: For Trustees, J. S. Howard, I. J. Phipps, Dr. E. P. Geary, Wm. Barr and A. Childers. Marshal, J. H. Redfield. Recorder, R. T. Lawton. Treasurer, Chas. Strang. Street Commissioner, E. G. Hurt. 98 votes were cast at the election. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 28, 1885, page 3 1886 Election (January 9) (AT1/15/1886p3) Trustees: J. S. Howard (president), A. Childers, E. P. Geary, Frank Galloway, G. W. Howard Recorder: Geo. S. Walton Treasurer: Charles Strang Marshal: Isaac Woolf Street Commissioner: E. G. Hurt 1887 Election (January 4) Trustees: J. S. Howard (president--appointed mayor March 15), A. Childers, G. H. Haskins, F. A. Harris, J. B. Riddle Recorder: Geo. S. Walton Treasurer: Charles Wolters Marshal: J. S. Miller Street Commissioner: J. A. Whiteside 1888 Election (January 2) (OS1/12/1888p3) Mayor: E. P. Geary Trustees: D. H. Miller, C. W. Skeel, A. Childers, E. G. Hurt Recorder: C. H. Barkdull Treasurer: Charles Strang Marshal: John S. Miller Street Commissioner: James C. Jones (appointed February 6) Jas. Jones was appointed street commissioner at the last meeting of the city council. "Items from Medford," Oregonian, Portland, February 15, 1888, page 3 1889 Election (January 9) Mayor: Willard Crawford Besides the excitement created by the election at Medford Wednesday, another sensation was brought up by the discovery that two ballots for Crawford were found together in the box, and one of them were counted for him, which made a tie, and the old council seated Judge Willard Crawford as mayor. It was the most hotly contested election ever held anywhere. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, January 10, 1889, page 3 NOT AUTHORITY.
At an election held in Medford a few days ago for city offices two
ballots, both having the same candidate for mayor, were found folded
together, evidently cast by one voter. The ballots were both rejected
by the judges. This gave the other candidate one majority. The trustees
or city council reviewed the matter and decided to count one of the two
ballots. The Mail, published
at that place, questions the authority of the trustees to go behind the
returns to ascertain whether fraud had been practiced, and attempts to
sustain its position by saying: "The Louisiana Returning Board in 1876,
sustained by the Supreme Court, subsequently settled the question that
no power exists to go behind the returns of an election as made by the
judges of election and change the result," etc. The Mail is
lost in a sea of inaccuracies and misconceptions of facts. The
returning board of Louisiana settled nothing but its own capacity to
steal a President, which it accomplished by going back of the returns
as canvassed by the judges of election and throwing out whole precincts
and counties in order to count the state for Hayes and make "fraud
first triumphant in American history." No court that maintains a
decent, dignified standing would now so far forget itself as to cite
any decision made by the unsavory returning board that cheated the
people of their lawfully elected President. The Supreme Court never
passed on any of the questions arising before the board. The electoral
commission, however, did decide that they had no power to go behind the
returns and stolidly refused to do so when considering the Louisiana
vote, that they might be able to count that state for Hayes, and
cheerfully went behind the returns in the Florida case in order that
they might count that state for Hayes. No, the precedents established
by the board would be more likely to place a person who would follow
them behind prison bars than lead to an honest settlement of a disputed
Albany Daily Democrat, January 14, 1889, page 2 Four years ago Medford was mostly a chaparral thicket; now it is a town of fifteen hundred inhabitants; it cast 328 votes at the last election, while there is nearly fifty voters in the precinct who have not been long enough in the state to vote.--Medford Mail. "Northwest News," Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 18, 1889, page 1 1890 Election Mayor Howard has appointed the following committees in the city council: Finance, F. M. Plymale, I. L. Hamilton and A. A. Davis; Streets, A. A. Davis, F. M. Plymale, Frank Galloway; Sanitary, Frank Galloway, A. A. Davis, I. L. Hamilton; Fire and Water, I. L. Hamilton, Frank Galloway and F. M. Plymale. The personnel of the committees is excellent and shows judgment on the part of the mayor. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 6, 1890, page 3 G. S. Walton won the office of justice of the peace at the drawing at Jacksonville over his opponent, C. W. Skeel, they having received the same number of votes at the election. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, June 12, 1890, page 3 1891 Election (January 12) Mayor: G. W. Howard Trustees: J. W. Short, F. M. Plymale, Frank Galloway, W. B. Roberts Recorder: J. H. Faris Treasurer: G. H. Haskins Marshal: John S. Miller Street Commissioner: James Jones (appointed February 6) The city election occurs on the 13th inst., and a lively time is anticipated. A meeting was held Tuesday evening and the following ticket was placed in nomination: G. W. Howard, mayor; F. M. Plymale, Frank Galloway, A. A. Davis and J. W. Short, trustees; Horace Nicholson, marshal; J. H. Faris, recorder; G. H. Haskins, treasurer. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, January 8, 1891, page 3 The city election Tuesday resulted in the election of the following officers for the coming year: Mayor, G. W. Howard; Trustees, J. W. Short, F. M. Plymale, Frank Galloway, W. B. Roberts; Recorder, J. H. Faris; Treasurer, G. H. Haskins; Marshal J. S. Miller. Two hundred and twenty-nine votes were cast. Considerable interest was taken in the election, the principal fight being on Recorder and Marshal. J. H. Faris won the recordership easily by a majority of 45 over his opponent, D. T. Sears. J. S. Miller, for Marshal, had a hard fight, beating Nicholson [by] only 4 votes. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, January 16, 1891, page 3 1892 Election (January 12) (MM1/14/1892P3) Mayor: J. A. Whiteside Councilmen: W. B. Roberts, Dr. E. B. Pickel, W. P. Wood, E. J. Montague Recorder: J. H. Faris Treasurer: G. H. Haskins Marshal: Lee C. Rodenberger Street Commissioner: James Brandenburg (appointed January 22) Some doubt is now expressed among the parties interested as to whether or not the Medford election should be held under the new Australian ballot law. L. C. Rodenberger and D. S. Youngs are the first to announce themselves as candidates for the office of city marshal at the coming municipal election. The Democratic mass meeting to nominate a city ticket for the approaching election met at the opera house one evening last week, but adjourned over until last Tuesday evening. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 1, 1892, page 2 The town election takes place next Tuesday. We hope that the Democrats will do their duty and elect none but Democrats. The town election promises to be an interesting one. No doubt the majority of the officers that will be elected will be Democrats. J. R. Erford having declined the Democratic nomination for Recorder, N. A. Jacobs has been selected to fill the vacancy on the ticket. The straight Democratic nominees for the various municipal officers are for mayor, Geo. S. Walton; trustees, Wm. Slinger, E. J. Montague, W. B. Roberts and W. P. H. Legate; treasurer, G. H. Haskins; marshal, A. Z. Sears. The opposition ticket is headed [by] J. A. Whiteside for mayor; J. W. Short, W. P. Wood, W. B. Roberts and Dr. E. B. Pickel, for trustees; J. H. Faris for recorder; G. H. Haskins for treasurer, and L. C. Rodenburger for marshal. Whichever ticket wins, most of the successful candidates will be good Democrats. Medford citizens can trust good Democrats on general principles. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 8, 1892, page 2 Under the Australian ballot system the municipal election of Medford occurred last Tuesday, January 12, at which time a mayor, four councilmen, a recorder, a treasurer and a marshal were elected. There were two tickets in the field, Citizens and Democratic. Two councilmen and the treasurer ran on the tickets of both parties and were elected, the citizens electing the rest of their ticket except one councilman. Two hundred and twenty-seven votes were polled, being exactly the same number as cast last year. This number, we understand, is about seventy-five short of the real voting strength of Medford, but owing to there being no issues to draw out the full vote, the result was a surprise to those who counted on the additional number. "The Election," Medford Mail, January 14, 1892, page 3 Medford's Election.
Quite an exciting time was held at the city election held at Medford
last Tuesday. When the ballots were counted it was found that the
successful candidates were the following: Mayor, J. A. Whiteside;
Trustees, W. B. Roberts, E. B. Pickel, Wm. P. Wood and E. J. Montague;
Recorder, J. H. Faris; Treasurer, G. H. Haskins; Marshal, L. C.
Times, Jacksonville,
January 15, 1892, page 3
Jacksonville precinct has been subdivided into north and south Jacksonville precincts under the new law; Medford into north and south Medford and Ashland into north and south and west Ashland precincts by the county commissioners' court. We will publish full boundaries in our next issue. "Local
Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
January 15, 1892, page 3
Candidates on both tickets were elected, and considerable interest was taken in the working of the new election law. Still, only 225 votes were cast. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1892, page 2 The Australian system was used at the late Medford election and gave satisfaction. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1892, page 3 Our new city officers have assumed the duties of their respective positions. The council has appointed J. Brandenburg as street commissioner. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1892, page 3 L. C. Rodenberger has resigned as marshal and night watch. D. S. Youngs has been appointed marshal and Thomas Morine night watch. "Local News," Medford Mail, February 11, 1892, page 3 L. C. Rodenberger, who was elected marshal of Medford, has resigned his office, and D. S. Youngs was appointed to succeed him. Lee thought that the council did not offer to pay him enough for his services. Thos. Morine has been elected as night watchman. The city council will hereafter meet in Adkins & Webb's building, where quarters have been secured for the coming year. The hose cart and fixtures are quartered in their old store room on C Street, which has been rented by the town board for that purpose. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1892, page 2 The ticket fixer will be conveniently absent at future elections, which will not be appreciated by some. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1892, page 3 T. Morine resigned as night watch this week and purchased part of the Roxy Ann Saloon. "Local News," Medford Mail, March 10, 1892, page 3 On motion Martin Hart was appointed as night watch and special police, subject to the pleasure of the board. Said Martin Hart appeared before the board and was sworn in and entered upon the duties of his office. "City Fathers," Medford Mail, March 10, 1892, page 3 Martin Hart now officiates as night watch and is giving good satisfaction. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1892, page 2 At a special meeting of the city council held at the council rooms Saturday evening, T. W. Johnson was elected night watch, to serve during the pleasure of the board. "New Night Watch," Southern Oregon Mail, June 24, 1892, page 3 F. J. Montague presented his resignation as a member of the board of trustees of the town council, and asked that it be accepted at once. On motion said resignation of E. J. Montague was accepted and a vacancy declared by the mayor. A petition was presented to the town from the taxpayers, asking that John W. Short be appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of E. J. Montague, and on motion John W. Short was duly appointed as trustee to fill the vacancy. John W. Short then appeared before the board and took the oath of office and entered upon his duties. "Council Proceedings," Southern Oregon Mail, August 12, 1892, page 4 D. S. Youngs has resigned the marshalship and Tom Morine has been appointed in his stead. Mr. Youngs will put in a new and large stock in his store and will devote his whole time to the business. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, September 16, 1892, page 3 Tom Morine, who is now marshal of Medford, vice D. S. Youngs, resigned, makes an excellent official. "Medford Squibs" Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 23, 1892, page 3 1893 Election (January 10) Mayor: William I. Vawter Councilmen: W. B. Roberts, J. R. Wilson Recorder: J. H. Faris (died in office); B. S. Webb Treasurer: Marshal: Street Commissioner: James Brandenburg The city election takes place next Tuesday and is exciting considerable interest. Two tickets have been placed in the field, to wit: Citizens' nominations: Mayor, W. I. Vawter; councilmen, F. M. Plymale, J. W. Short, John Wilson, D. H. Miller; recorder, J. H. Faris; treasurer, G. H. Haskins; marshal, T. W. Johnson. People's Party nominees: Mayor, J. C. Elder; councilmen, J. R. Erford, E. W. Starr, E. P. Hammond, J. Wilson; recorder, J. H. Faris; treasurer, G. H. Haskins; marshal, E. W. Carder. Mr. Hart is an independent candidate for marshal. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1893, page 3 Medford's annual city election will take place next week. At a citizens convention held last Thursday evening, the following ticket was nominated: For mayor, W. I. Vawter; councilmen, J. W. Short, Ed. Worman, J. R. Wilson, F. M. Plymale; recorder, J. H. Faris; treasurer, G. H. Haskins; marshal, Wm. Churchman. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 6, 1893, page 3 At the city election at Medford on Jan. 10th the following officers were elected: W. I. Vawter, mayor; J. R. Wilson, D. H. Miller, F. M. Plymale, E. W. Starr, trustees; J. H. Faris, recorder; G. H. Haskins, treasurer, and T. W. Johnson, marshal. There were 247 votes cast, and the election passed off quietly. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1893, page 3 James Brandenburg was appointed as street commissioner for the year 1893. In the matter of night watch the marshal was employed for two months at a salary of $60 per month in town warrants. On motion E. G. Hurt was retained as city engineer until May 1, 1893, at a salary of $50 per month. "Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, February 10, 1893, page 2 The town council last week appointed B. S. Webb to act as town recorder for the remainder of the term of J. H. Faris, deceased. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 30, 1893, page 2 W. B. Roberts has been appointed to fill the vacancy in the city council, to succeed J. W. Short, who has gone to Foots Creek. He will make a first-class official. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1893, page 3 1894 Election (January 9) Mayor: G. H. Haskins Councilmen: E. A. Starr, Merriman, Miller, J. R. Wilson Recorder: Treasurer: Marshal: Street Commissioner: James Brandenburg Medford
City Election.
At the
called on last
evening to
for the
various city
offices, to be
be voted for
at the
election on
Jan. 9th, the
following were
made: Mayor,
J. A.
aldermen, J.
R. Wilson, G.
F. Merriman,
D. H. Miller,
E. W. Starr;
Chas. Strang;
recorder, B.
S. Webb;
Wm. Churchman.
A lively
contest over
some of the
offices is
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 1, 1894, page 3
Last Friday a second convention was held in Medford,
and the following gentlemen were nominated: For mayor, G. H. Haskins;
trustees, S. Childers, Sr., E. A. Starr, R. H. Whitehead, Wm. Ulrich;
clerk, Garl T. Jones; Chas. Strang nominated for treasurer; Wm.
Churchman for marshal and E. W. Starr for trustee, were the nominees at
the citizens' convention and endorsed by this, the taxpayers'
convention. All have accepted the nomination except Whitehead, and
their names are now being printed on the tickets.
"Another Ticket Nominated," Medford Mail, January 5, 1894, page 3 A healthy little fight is brewing among some of the candidates for city offices, and the contest tomorrow promises to be interesting. The municipal election on Tuesday promises to be a very lively affair. Two tickets are in the field, and as far as the men nominated are concerned there seems to be very little choice. The following are the names of the nominees: Citizens' ticket--Mayor, J. A. Whiteside; trustees, G. F. Merriman, D. H. Miller, E. W. Starr, J. R. Wilson; recorder, B. S. Webb; treasurer, Chas. Strang; marshal, Wm. Churchman. Taxpayers' ticket--Mayor, G. H. Haskins; trustees, S. Childers, Sr., Wm. Ulrich; recorder, Garl T. Jones. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 8, 1894, page 3 Medford's municipal election, held last Tuesday, was a close and lively one, resulting in the election of G. H. Haskins, the taxpayers' candidate for mayor. The balance of the citizens' ticket was elected, as follows: trustees, G. F. Merriman, D. H. Miller, E. W. Starr, J. R. Wilson; recorder, B. S. Webb; treasurer, Chas. Strang; marshal, Wm. Churchman. Interest centered principally on the fight for mayor, Mr. Haskins getting 13 majority. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 11, 1894, page 2 The following is the vote of the city election: Mayor, G. H. Haskins (Tax.) 136, J. A. Whiteside, 124. Four trustees. J. R. Wilson 208, D. H. Miller 189, E. W. Starr 189, G. F. Merriman 174, Wm. Ulrich 115, S. Childers, Sr., 110; recorder, B. S. Webb 136, Garl T. Jones 123, treasurer, Chas. Strang 259; marshal, Wm. Churchman 247. South precinct polled 112 and north 151 votes. The Republican "ring" lost its head in the city election in the defeat of J. A. Whiteside for mayor by 12 majority by G. H. Haskins. Whiteside was made chairman of the last Republican county convention by this ring, who dictated all the nominations and who foisted the Webster incubus on the state ticket. As far as wireworkings was concerned they cleaned up the Ashland clique completely in the convention, which resulted in the Ashland Republican clique unmercifully slaughtering the entire program. Our ring is a strong one, though perhaps it smelled a trifle too strong for the community. It is as keen. sharp and unscrupulous as any well-drilled set of artistic public plunderers that ever schemed for control of a county. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, January 11, 1894, page 4
Monday afternoon the new board of city officers met at
the Recorder's office and were sworn into office by the old board.
Jas. Brandenburg was appointed street commissioner for the coming year and Wm. Churchman appointed night watch and salary fixed at $25 per month. This is a cut of $35 from the amount paid last year, but it is expected the business men, whose places of business the night watch is supposed to guard, will chip in a dollar or two a month, which will probably bring up the salary up to about the amount paid last year. This cut down is believed to be in justice to those of our citizens who help to pay the expense but who derive very little, if any, benefit from his watchfulness--hence the expected raise it is figured ought to come from the purses of those who received the benefit. The following committees were appointed: Health--Haskins, Starr, Wilson. Fire--Haskins, Merriman, Miller. Finance--Wilson, Merriman, Miller. Street--Miller, Starr, Wilson. Park--Starr, Wilson, Merriman. Ordinance--Merriman, Miller, Starr. Water--Wilson, Starr, Miller. The park ordinance was instructed to replace the trees in the park which were set out last year and have since died. "First Meeting of New Board," Medford Mail, January 19, 1894, page 3 At the meeting of the council last week Jas. Brandenburg was chosen as street commissioner for the ensuing year. Wm. Churchman was appointed night watch, with a salary of $25 per month. We think that it was a mistake to reduce the latter's salary. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1894, page 2 Ordinance passed changing date of meeting from first Monday of each month to first Tuesday of each month. "City Board Meeting," Medford Mail, March 9, 1894, page 2 G. S. Walton and Isaac Woolf were elected justice of the peace and constable of Medford district. Another voting place will be required in Medford at the next election, as both precinct this year cast more than 250 votes, prescribed by law as being the limit for any one precinct. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 11, 1894, page 3 1895 Election (January 8) (OR1/9/1895p3) Mayor: G. H. Haskins Councilmen: Recorder: B. S. Webb Treasurer: Charles Strang Marshal: William Churchman MEDFORD'S CITY ELECTION.
Citizens' Ticket Was Elected, with One Exception.
MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 8.--Medford's city election was
held today. A total of 315 votes was cast, but this is not considered
the full vote of the city, as the weather was quite stormy and a number
did not come out to vote. George H. Haskins was re-elected mayor, as
was also B. S. Webb, recorder. The entire citizens' ticket was elected,
with the exception of C. J. Howard, for councilman in the south ward.
The city officers, as elected, are:
Mayor, George H. Haskins; recorder, B. S. Webb; treasurer, Charles Strang; marshal, William Churchman. Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 9, 1895, page 3 1896 Election (January 14) (MM1/17/1896p8) Mayor: G. H. Haskins Councilmen: Garl T. Jones, E. W. Starr, F. M. Plymale, J. W. Lawton Recorder: W. T. York Treasurer: Charles Strang Marshal: Daniel Cofer Medford's Municipal Fight.
most exciting municipal campaign in the history of our neighboring city
of Medford closed with the annual city election, which took place
Tuesday and resulted in a victory for the forces that have continuously
controlled Medford's municipal affairs, the opposition succeeding in
electing but one councilman of all the offices to be filled. There were
three tickets in the field--the "People's" ticket headed by the present
mayor, G. H. Haskins, the "Citizen's" ticket headed by A. S. Hammond,
and the "People's Party" ticket headed by S. Danielson, which was
almost lost sight of in the voting. A total of 400 votes were cast, the
largest in the history of Medford, and the entire "People's" ticket,
with the exception of G. T. Jones, for trustee, was elected. The
following shows the vote:
For mayor--G. H. Haskins, 213For trustees--C. J. Howard, 179; J. W. Lawton, 182; F. M. Plymale, 188; E. W. Starr, 194. For recorder--W. T. York, 200. For treasurer--Chas. Strang, 351. For marshal--D. Cofer, 200. CITIZEN'S TICKET.
For mayor--A. S. Hammond, 132.For councilmen--G. T. Jones, 213; G. F. Merriman, 165; D. H. Miller, 166; J. A. Whitman, 172. For recorder--J. W. Curry, 178. For treasurer--Chas. Strang, 351. For marshal--M. R. Hart, 166. PEOPLE'S PARTY TICKET.
For mayor--S. Danielson, 46.For councilmen--E. P. Hammond, 18; A. T. Markley, 21; F. V. Medynski, 27; J. Tressler, 22. For recorder--H. Hollingsworth, 19. For treasurer--J. A. Smith, 32. For marshal--D. Cofer, 200 F. M. Poe, independent candidate for marshal, received 36 votes. The entire People's ticket, with the exception of Howard, for trustee, was elected, the pluralities being as follows: Haskins, 81; Jones, 34; Starr, 15; Plymale, 9; Lawton, 3; York, 22; Strang, 318; Cofer, 35. Ashland Tidings, January 16, 1896, page 3 Medford's City Election.
At Medford's city election Tuesday 412 votes were
polled. The following were elected: G. H. Haskins, mayor; Garl T.
Jones, E. W. Starr, F. M. Plymale and J. W. Lawton, council; W. T.
York, recorder; Chas. Strang, treasurer; D. Cofer, marshal. The
campaign was the most exciting ever had in that city, and while it
shows there are lots of boomers in that town it evidences the fact that
the most of the voters prefer to pace along on a sure and even way
rather than attempt any high-pressure improvements these close times.
The vote stood:For mayor--G. H. Haskins, People's, 213; A. S. Hammond, Citizens, 132; Dr. S. Danielson, People's Party, 46; Haskins' plurality 81. For councilmen--People's ticket received: F. M. Plymale, 188: E. W. Starr, 194; C. J. Howard, 179; J. W. Lawton, 182. Citizens' ticket: G. T. Jones, 213; D. H. Miller, 178, G. F. Merriman, 165; J. A. Whitman, 172. People's Party ticket: F. V. Medynski, 27; A. T. Markley, 21; E. P. Hammond, 18; J. Tressler, 22. For marshal--D. Cooper, People's and People's Party. 200; M. R. Hart, Citizens, 165; F. M. Poe, Ind., 36. For Recorder--W. T. York, (p) 200; J. W. Curry, C., 178; H. Hollingsworth, P.P., 18. For treasurer--Chas. Strang, P. and C., 301; J. A. Smith, P.P., 32. Valley Record, Ashland, January 16, 1896, page 3 Election day dawned Tuesday morning with a slightly falling atmosphere--a little rain, though not enough to deter the supporters of the various tickets from the most active participation in the contest, in consequence of which there was polled the largest vote ever gotten out in Medford--and that at a city election. The whole number of votes cast was 409, as against a total number of 319 last year. Throughout the day the active work done for the Citizens' and Peoples' tickets was so evenly divided that when the polls closed there was a general sense of mystery apparent as to who the victors might be, and hence the counting of the ballots was awaited with a feeling of more than ordinary uncertainty. The result was no sooner announced than the celebration commenced. With tin whistles, trumpets, horns, cow bells, an anvil, and several good pairs of lungs the town was soon in an uproar of excitement, and about as much vim and vigor was thrown into the jollification demonstration as if the result had determined the election of a President of the United States. Medford Mail, January 17, 1896, page 8 1897 Election (January 10) (MM1/15/1897p2) Mayor: G. H. Haskins Councilmen: Fort Hubbard, F. M. Plymale, J. R. Wilson, A. M. Woodford Recorder: W. W. Stanfield Treasurer: Charles Strang Marshal: William Churchman At the annual city election in Medford last week the following were the successful candidates: Mayor--G. H. Haskins. Trustees--Fort Hubbard, F. M. Plymale, J. R. Wilson, A. M. Woodford. Recorder--W. W. Stanfield. Treasurer--Chas. Strang. Marshal--William Churchman. The contest was a quiet one. The total vote was 334. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 18, 1897, page 3 1898 Election (January 11) (DT1/17/1898p3) Mayor: H. L. Gilkey Councilmen: Fort Hubbard, Garl T. Jones, A. M. Woodford, R. H. Whitehead Recorder: J. W. Lawton Treasurer: Charles Strang Marshal: M. R. Hart Medford People's Ticket.
following People's Ticket has been nominated by petition for the
approaching city election in Medford, Jan. 11, 1898:
For Mayor, Herbert L. Gilkey. For Aldermen of North Medford, W. R. Meeker and Harry Wortman. For Aldermen of South Medford, R. H. Whitehead and John Beek, Jr. For Treasurer, Chas. Strang. For Recorder, J. W. Lawton. For Marshal, Wm. Churchman. Ashland Tidings, December 20, 1897, page 3 M. R. Hart, who has been acceptably filling the position of city marshal, resigned this week, and will open a racket store at Lakeview in a short time. Chas. Johnson has been appointed to fill the vacancy. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1898, page 3 1899 Election (January 10) (DT1/12/1899p1) Mayor: H. L. Gilkey Councilmen: G. T. Jones, A. M. Woodford, N. B. Bradbury, R. H. Whitehead Recorder: J. W. Lawton Treasurer: Charles Strang Marshal: Charles G Johnson It seems difficult to ascertain what was the real issue in the late city election. Some think that one ticket was in favor of building a sewer to Bear Creek, while the other was against that proposition. The former was successful. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 12, 1899, page 1 Chas. G. Johnson, who has acceptably filled the position of city marshal, has tendered his resignation. The salary paid is entirely too low, which is his principal reason for resigning. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 13, 1899, page 2 Sam Murray has been appointed city marshal, vice Chas. Johnson resigned. He will doubtless make an efficient officer. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 16, 1899, page 3 1900 Election (January 9) (MM1/12/1900p6) Mayor: J. J. Howser Councilmen: J. R. Erford, G. P. Lindley, G. T. Jones, N. B. Bradbury Recorder: J. W. Lawton Treasurer: Charles Strang Marshal: Sam Murray The annual election of the municipal officers, held last Tuesday, resulted in the choice of the following: Mayor, J. J. Howser, councilmen, J. R. Erford, G. P. Lindley, G. T. Jones, G. L. Schermerhorn [sic]; recorder, J. W. Lawton; treasurer, Chas. Strang; marshal, Sam. Murray. Mr. Howser gave the cranks a surprise party by defeating D. T. Lawton by three votes. "Medford
Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
January 11, 1900, page 3
J. J. Howser was elected mayor of Medford at Monday's election, by three majority over his opponent, D. T. Lawton. G. P. Lindley, G. T. Jones, J. R. Erford and N. B. Bradbury were chosen as councilmen, and S. Murry as city marshal; recorder, J. W. Lawton. "Medford's Election," Ashland Tidings, January 11, 1900, page 3 The citizens of Medford are reported to have been feasted last night by their mayor-elect, J. J. Howser, and the brass band paraded to celebrate the joyous occasion. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 11, 1900, page 3 Medford's Warm Election.
Medford had a warm city election Tuesday which resulted in favor of the
Taxpayers ticket, a quasi-populist affair. Ex-Representative J. J.
Howser defeated Hon. D. L. Lawton, a prominent business man and
Republican politician [by] three votes for mayor. Ex-County Treasurer
Lindley, Garl T. Jones, J. R. Erford and N. B. Bradbury were elected
councilmen, J. W. Lawton recorder, Sam Murry marshal, Chas. Strang
treasurer. Mayor-elect Howser gave a banquet at his home last night at
which the entire town was invited and the Medford brass band discoursed
the music, afterward parading the town. Telegrams from Medford to
Portland papers claim that the election was a rebuke to the
Mitchell-McBride faction of the Republican Party.Valley Record, Ashland, January 11, 1900, page 3
W. I. Vawter has been elected city attorney by the
1901 Election (January 8) (MM1/11/1901p2, OR1/9/1901p5, AT1/10/1901p3) Mayor: W. S. Crowell Councilmen: F. K. Deuel, W. T. Kame, Henry Klippel, J. U. Willeke Recorder: (tie vote, Otis Hubbard, Mahlon Purdin) Treasurer: Charles Strang Marshal: Charles G. Johnson OUR NEW CITY CHARTER
The Salient Points of the Instrument Which Forms the Basis of Government for the "City of Medford."
the benefit of our readers who are interested in the new city charter
we publish the following excerpts taken therefrom, they being the
principal new provisions drafted in the new instrument. The charter
bill was signed by the governor last week, and is now a law in full
operation except in such provisions as are expressly provided to the
The corporate name of the municipality was changed from "town" to "city." The council will consist of six members elected from three wards, each ward being allowed two members. One councilman from each ward is elected annually, and holds office for a term of two years. The mayor is elected for a term of two years, and the recorder and treasurer for a term of one year. The first election under the new charter will be held in January 1902. The marshal, called under the new charter the chief of police, is nominated by the mayor, confirmed by the council, and is subject to removal at the pleasure of the council. A city board of equalization is nominated by the mayor and elected by the council annually, who will sit with the county board of equalization as advisory members on assessments of property in the city. Any members of the city council voting to issue warrants or create any debts in excess of the city's limit of indebtedness are made personally liable for such excess. The present councilmen will at their next regular meeting elect two additional members of that body to hold office until the next regular city election. No franchise can be given to any person, company or corporation, or any contract entered into by the city for a longer period than ten years; and no franchise shall confer on holders thereof any exclusive privileges. The council cannot sell, lease or encumber the city's light or water plant without first publishing in one of the city papers an explicit statement of the powers granted them, which must be approved by a majority of the legal electors of the city at a special election held for that purpose. No contract shall be entered into or franchise given that will in any way impair the value of the city's light and water plant. The council is given power to prohibit the sale or use of firecrackers, bombs or other explosives within the city limits. The council has the right to regulate the lighting, heating and means of entry and exit of any public hall or place of public meeting. No building shall be erected or repaired within the fire limits of the city without the permission of the council after it has examined and approved the plans for the proposed building or repairs. No damages can be recovered from the city for a larger sum than $100 for any alleged injury by reason of defective sidewalks, culverts or crosswalks. Any owner of property who neglects to keep in repair any sidewalks in front of his lots or property shall be answerable to any person injured by reason of such failure to keep said walks in repair, but the limit of damages shall not exceed one-half the value of the premises liable to keep said sidewalks in repair. Streets and alleys may be cleaned, refuse, filth and nuisances of all kinds removed, and the expense of removal shall become a lien upon the adjoining property. After the present year all road and poll taxes payable in the city of Medford shall be payable in cash, and persons who neglect to pay said road or poll tax shall be excluded from voting at the city elections. The city treasurer must make quarterly reports to the council, but his last report shall be an annual report showing all the city's receipts and disbursements and the amount of the city's outstanding indebtedness. Council may contract with any newspaper for all the city printing and blanks. The chief of police is given authority to enter any place where he has reasonable grounds to believe that the laws of the state or the ordinances of the city are being violated, and on view hold persons guilty of violating said laws or ordinances for examination before the city recorder. The council has the power to prohibit slot machines and all similar devices. The mayor has power to veto any ordinance, but the council may pass an ordinance over the mayor's veto by a two-thirds vote. The boundary lines of the city are amended so as to include in the corporation a strip of land 600 yards wide and one-half mile long, in South Medford, including the residences of Messrs. Grizzle, Davis, Warner, Faucett, Hill, Stewart, Nash, Wortman and Mrs. Sarah Whitman; also a number of vacant lots belonging to Mrs. Nannie Barr. Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 2 At an adjourned meeting of the city council, held on Thursday evening of last week, the bond of W. T. York, as city recorder, with I. A. Webb and A. S. Bliton as sureties, in the sum of $500, was approved. J. A. Whitman was elected councilman, vice W. T. Kame resigned. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 6 The vote for recorder, at the recent municipal election, was a tie, and neither Mr. Purdin nor Mr. Hubbard was successful. The new council will settle the difficulty as provided by the charter. Medford will be citified by the legislature. In other words, the charter will be amended so that councilmen will be elected by wards hereafter. A number of other changes will be made. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 17, 1901, page 7 In the matter of the vote for recorder it was agreed that the contest be settled by roll call of the council. The result was as follows: For Hubbard, Henry Klippel and W. T. Kame. For Purdin, F. K. Deuel and J. U. Willeke. On motion the tie vote in the council was laid on the table until the next regular session of the council. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, January 25, 1901, page 2 The contest over the recordership is still unsettled, having resulted in another tie when it came up in the council for decision. Councilmen Deuel and Willeke voted for Purdin, while Messrs. Kame and Klippel cast their votes for Hubbard. The matter was postponed until the February meeting. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 31, 1901, page 7 On motion the matter of deciding the vote on recorder was taken up. It was decided to lay the matter on the table indefinitely, and it was further agreed that the present incumbent, J. W. Lawton, continue to fill said office for the balance of the year. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, February 8, 1901, page 7 J. R. Wilson and Frank Amann were unanimously elected as councilmen for the balance of the year. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, February 22, 1901, page 2 Again the city council has done itself credit by the appointment of Messrs. J. R. Wilson and Frank Amann as members of that body to complete the representation provided for in the new city charter. . . . Medford Mail, February 22, 1901, page 2 1902 Election (January 11) (MM1/17/1902p2) Mayor: W. S. Crowell Councilmen: First ward, J. U. Willeke, J. E. Toft; second ward, J. R. Wilson, Wm. Ulrich; third ward, F. K. Deuel, J. L. Demmer Recorder: W. T. York Treasurer: Charles Strang The
City Election.
The first city election to be held in Medford
under the new charter will be held on Tuesday,
January 14th. A mayor, six councilmen, a
recorder and treasurer are to be elected. The
mayor and three of the councilmen are to hold
office for two years; the other three
councilmen, the recorder and the treasurer for
one year only. Next year the three short-term
councilmen will be succeeded by others elected
for two years, and thereafter half of the
council will retire each year.The city is districted into three wards, the 1st embracing all that part of the city lying east of the center of C Street; the 2nd, west of C Street; the 3rd, west of C Street and north of Seventh. The voting place for the 1st ward is at the town hall; 2nd, the old Palm, Whitman & Co. cigar factory; 3rd, J. A. Perry's warehouse. The following-named citizens have been nominated, either by the citizens' convention or by petition since, for the various offices: For mayor--W. S. Crowell, Citizens'. For councilmen--1st ward--J. U. Willeke, for two years; J. E. Toft, one year, nominated by Citizens' convention. Second ward--J. R. Wilson, two years, Citizens'; Wm. Ulrich, one year, by petition, vice J. A. Perry, nominated by convention and declined. Third ward--F. M. Stewart, two years; John A. Smith, one year, by Citizens' convention; F. K. Deuel, two years; J. L. Demmer, one year, by petition. For recorder--W. T. York, Citizens'; C. P. Snell, petition. For treasurer--Chas. Strang, Citizens'. Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 2 [J. L.] Demmer was appointed at the last session of the board to fill vacancy caused by Councilman J. A. Whitman moving outside the city limits. "Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 2 The city election, held last Tuesday, passed quietly, a comparatively light vote being cast. The ticket nominated by the Citizens' convention was elected without opposition, excepting that C. P. Snell opposed the present incumbent of the office of Recorder. The following is a list of those chosen: Mayor, W. S. Crowell; Recorder, W. T. York; Treasurer, Chas. Strang. There was a contest in the second ward for councilmen, F. K. Deuel and J. A. Smith defeating F. M. Stewart and J. L. Daemmer. Wm. Ulrich and J. U. Willeke were elected councilmen of the first ward. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1902, page 4 A
Quiet Election.
Tuesday's city election was a very
quiet affair. Very little interest
was manifest except in the case of
the election of a recorder and of
the councilmen in the Third Ward.
There was no contest on in either of
the other wards for councilmen, in
consequence of which the strife only
extended to the recorder. About half
the usual number of votes were
polled, which was due to lack of
interest and the further fact that
several of our townspeople who have
voted at former elections are now
homesteaders in other precincts. The
total vote cast was 215--that being
the number case for both Mr. York
and Mr. Snell. As will be seen by
figures given below the wards are
divided very evenly as to votes.
Following is the vote polled:
Medford Mail, January
17, 1902, page 2
For mayor--Crowell, 62; Howser,
2. Councilmen--Willeke, long
term, 63; Toft, short term, 57.
Recorder--York, 38; Snell, 29.
Treasurer--Strang, 61.
For mayor--Crowell, 68.
Councilmen--Wilson, long
term, 66; Ulrich, short
term, 57. Recorder--York,
50; Snell, 21.
Treasurer--Strang, 63.
For mayor--Crowell, 60;
Howser, 1.
Councilmen--Deuel, long
term, 47; Stewart, long
term, 34; Demmer, short
term, 34; Smith, short
term, 32.
Recorder--York, 49;
Snell, 28.
Treasurer--Strang, 58.
York's majority over Snell was 11 in the First Ward; 29 in Second Ward; 21 in Third Ward; total majority, 61. The city officers elected for the next year are: Mayor--W. S. Crowell. Councilmen--First Ward, J. U. Willeke, J. E. Toft; Second Ward, J. R. Wilson, Wm. Ulrich; Third Ward, F. K. Deuel, J. L. Demmer. Recorder--W. T. York. Treasurer--Chas. Strang. Medford's new councilmen are: First ward--J. U. Willeke, J. E. Toft; second ward--J. R. Wilson, Wm. Ulrich; third--F. K. Deuel, J. L. Daemmer. It is a strong combination. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 23, 1902, page 5 W. E. Phipps has been appointed city attorney, Eugene Amann marshal and Jas. Brandenburg street commissioner. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1902, page 5 At a special meeting of the city council, held Tuesday evening, F. K. Deuel was elected councilman from the Third Ward. Mr. Deuel was elected at the January election, but being absent was unable to qualify within the prescribed ten days after such election. "Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, February 21, 1902, page 2 The resignation of councilman F. K. Deuel was presented and accepted. In justice to Mr. Deuel we will give the facts in a subsequent issue of the Mail, which led up to the tender of his resignation. "Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 3 C. P. Snell has been elected Recorder, to fill the unexpired term of W. T. York, resigned. It is a good appointment, as he has the necessary qualifications. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 26, 1902, page 2 J. C. Howard has been appointed temporarily to the position of chief of police. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 1, 1902, page 7 The resignation of C. P. Snell as city recorder was accepted and J. E. Toft appointed to fill the unexpired term. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, October 31, 1902, page 3 W. L. Orr was appointed councilman to fill vacancy made by the appointment of councilman Toft to the office of recorder. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 2 Considerable interest is being taken in local politics just at present, owing to the approach of the city election, which will be held January 13th. J. E. Toft, recorder, who resigned as councilman from the First Ward to accept his present position, will retire, but whether or not he will be a candidate for reelection we are unable to state. Chas. Strang's term as treasurer will expire, but from present indications he will again be a candidate. In the First Ward W. L. Orr retires, and J. U. Willeke holds over. In the Second Ward Wm. Ulrich will have served the term to which he was elected, while J. R. Wilson will retain his seat. In the Third Ward J. L. Demmer will be retiring councilman, with Dr. E. B. Pickel the holdover. The office of mayor does not become vacant, as under the charter the presiding officer is elected for a term of two years. To the First Ward the polling place will be in the city hall, in the Second Ward in the Hamlin building on D Street and in the Third Ward in Perry's warehouse. Plans are being arranged for a convention to be held during the holidays to name a full ticket. A number of friends of Ivan Humason are pushing him forward as a candidate for councilman from the Second Ward. If there are any probable candidates from other wards, their names have not been reported at this office. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 19, 1902, page 7 1903 Election (January 13) (OR1/14/1903p5) Mayor: Councilmen: First ward, E. D. Elwood; second ward, Ivan Humason; third ward, John G. Van Dyke Recorder: J. E. Toft Treasurer: Charles Strang Medford City Election.
[the] Medford city election Tuesday the old administration which stood
for reelection in the council was defeated. The vote by wards is as
First ward--Toft 47, Stewart 43, Strang 77, Elwood 46, Orr 45. Second ward--Toft 45, Stewart 49, Strang 87, Humason 61, Eads 33. Third ward--Stewart 45, Toft 47, Demmer 42, Van Dyke 52, Strang 77. Toft stood for recorder against James Stewart. Chas. Strang had no opposition for treasurer. Mayor Crowell has another year to serve. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 22, 1903, page 2 H. S. Brumble has been appointed a special policeman by Mayor Crowell, which will make two men on the day force, C. E. Eads being the other man. These special officers serve without a regular salary, they being paid like constables, for the arrests they make, the fee being one dollar. Having two men on the day force makes it more certain that an officer is at hand in case of any disturbance, as both of the men are draymen and are on the main streets much of the time. The night service is looked after by Marshal C. J. Howard, though the special police can make arrests at night as well as for the day. "Local News Notes," Medford Success, February 10, 1903, page 2 Medford Elects Citizens Ticket.
Or., Jan. 13.--(Special.)--The city election here today resulted in the
selection of the Citizens nominees. The councilmen elected are: E. D.
Elwood, first ward; Ivan Humason, second ward, and John G. Van Dyke,
Jr., third ward. Charles Strang was unanimously elected Treasurer.
For Recorder, J. E. Toft, the present incumbent, defeated James Stewart, the independent candidate, by two votes. The councilmen elected have been placed in office upon the contention that the city must have a good service of water, electric lights and better streets. Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 14, 1903, page 5
The city of Medford is without a mayor, although it
has an ex-officio mayor in the person of J. R. Wilson, president of the
council, who was elected mayor at the time Judge Crowell's resignation
was tendered several weeks ago.
At a called meeting, held on Friday evening, Mayor Crowell again tendered his resignation to take effect at once. Mr. Wilson did not qualify to the office he had been elected to, and that leaves the city without its official head, although, as said before, Mr. Wilson, as president of the council, will exercise--ex-officially--all the functions of the mayor. At the same meeting the resignation of J. C. Howard, as chief of police, was presented and accepted, and M. S. McCown was appointed in his stead. "Has No Mayor," Medford Mail, October 23, 1903, page 1 1904 Election (MM1/22/1904p1, OR1/13/1904p6) Mayor: E. B. Pickel Councilmen: First ward: Fred Luy, Jr. and J. F. Mitchell Second ward: Emanuel King and F. M. Wilson Third ward: Joseph Scott and Joseph F. Kelly Recorder: J. E. Toft Treasurer: Charles Strang Chief of Police: Philip McCoy Street Commissioner: James Brandenburg City Surveyor: Garl T. Jones City Attorney: Mahlon Purdin
MEDFORD, Or., April 21.--(Special.)--Emanuel King died at his residence
in West Medford yesterday at 6 p.m. of Bright's disease. He was born in
1846 at Sugar Grove, Fairfield County, Ohio, moving from there to
Lisbon, Mich. Two years ago he moved to Medford and has since then been
engaged in the lumber business. He was a member of the Third Michigan
Infantry and was in the first battle of the war that resulted in
destroying a large Confederate force. Mr. King was married to Miss
Otelia Hubert, a native of New York, in 1870, who died in 1880.
At the time of his death Mr. King was a member of the City Council. He leaves 11 children, four girls and seven boys, three living in the East. "Emanuel King," Oregonian, Portland, April 22, 1904, page 6 1906 Election (MM1/12/1906p1) Mayor: W. H. Bradshaw Councilmen: First ward: R. H. Whitehead and F. Osenbrugge Second ward: D. G. Karnes and J. C. Smith Third ward: Edgar Hafer and J. L. Demmer Recorder: J. E. Toft (Benjamin M. Collins after 7/31/1906) Treasurer: L. L. Jacobs MAYOR OF MEDFORD RESIGNS
MEDFORD, Or., May 28.--(Special.)--As a result of dissension in the
city council, Mayor W. H. Bradshaw and Recorder J. E. Toft
presented their resignations at a special meeting of the council
tonight. They were accepted unanimously. Trouble has been brewing for
some time; councilman Osenbrugge is the leader of the opposing faction.
The cause of the disagreement is that a proposal will come before the
council soon to dispose of the city water works and electric light
plant. An informal offer from a local company to buy the property and
at the same time acquire extensive franchises was made to the council
several weeks ago, but the Mayor declined to place the offer before
that body.Councilman Calls Him Czar, and Then Steps into His Shoes. Councilman Osenbrugge accused the Mayor of being a czar and advised him to go to Russia. This resulted in a special meeting and the resignations. Councilman Osenbrugge, as chairman of the council, will be acting mayor and will serve out the unexpired term of nearly two years. Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 29, 1906, page 6 The "resignations" escaped the notice of the Medford Mail, though the contentiousness of the meeting was reflected in a letter from J. A. Perry on the front page of the April 6 issue. Bradshaw and Toft remained in office. IS LOCKED UP WITH PUTER
Martin G. Hoge, the City Attorney of Medford, who was convicted July 27
last on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the government out of its
public lands in conjunction with the operatives of Miller and Kincart
and Charles Nickell, was yesterday removed to the county jail from the
Good Samaritan Hospital, where he has been confined ever
since a jury found him guilty in the federal court.Martin G. Hoge, Convicted Land Swindler, Removed to County Jail. Although Hoge is still quite ill, it was thought he was able to endure jail life for awhile, as he was only sentenced to four months' imprisonment, in addition to a fine of $500. In all probability he will not be called upon to pay this amount, as he may plead the "poor debtor" act if he feels so disposed. Hoge will pass the remainder of his term in the same cell with S. A. D. Puter unless his physical condition becomes such as to necessitate his return to the hospital. Last night he was unable to leave his prison couch. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, September 23, 1906, page 11 This article was reprinted verbatim in the Medford Mail of September 28, on page 4. 1907 Election (MM1/11/1907p1) Mayor: J. F. Reddy Councilmen: First ward: J. D. Olwell and F. Osenbrugge Second ward: B. J. Trowbridge and I. C. Smith Third ward: Edgar Hafer and J. L. Demmer Recorder: Benjamin M. Collins Treasurer: L. L. Jacobs BUSINESS TICKET WINS OUT
Red Hot Municipal Campaign Concluded at Medford.
MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 8.--(Special.)--The hottest municipal campaign in
Medford's history resulted in the election of the Progressive Business
Men's ticket, with one exception. The successful candidates were Dr. J.
F. Reddy, mayor; Edgar Hafer, John Olwell and J. M. Trowbridge,
councilmen, B. F. Collins, recorder, L. L. Jacobs, treasurer. The
successful candidates stand pledged to a progressive business
administration of municipal affairs.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 9, 1907, page 6 CITY COUNCIL'S LIVELY ROW
Friends of Mayor Finally Decide He Shall Retain Office.
MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 18.--(Special.)--The city council has been in a
state of turmoil for some time past. The question as to whether Medford
should have a new mayor at the coming election has been one of the
important questions. At a meeting last night three councilmen made a
call for the election of a new mayor. Dr. Reddy, the present incumbent,
insisted upon remaining his entire term, his attorneys arguing that he
was elected for two years. Attorneys argued warm for each side with the
result that an election call was made for three councilmen, city
recorder and a city treasurer. City licenses were fixed and water rates
were raised at the meeting after the opposing factions had settled down
to a cooler and more normal condition.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 19, 1907, page 8 1908 Election (MM1/17/1908p1) Mayor: J. F. Reddy Councilmen: Elected from ward 1: F. E. Merrick Elected from ward 2: H. G. Wortman Elected from ward 3: W. W. Eifert Recorder: Benjamin M. Collins Treasurer: L. L. Jacobs THE CITY ELECTION
The city election Tuesday was a very quiet one, but a fair vote was polled just the same.
None of the contest were close, the successful candidate winning out by good margins. The newly elected officers are B. M. Collins, Recorder; L. L. Jacobs, Treasurer. Councilmen: F. E. Merrick, 1st ward; H. G. Wortman, 2nd ward; W. W. Eifert, 3rd ward. Following is the vote. 1st ward--Recorder, Collins 150, Stewart, soc., 17. Treasurer, Jacobs 154, Smith, sox., 12. Councilman, Fitzgerald 39, Merrick 114, Simmons, soc., 11. 2nd ward--Recorder, Collins 154, Stewart 23. Treasurer, Jacobs 157, Smith 19. Councilman, Bundy 69, Wortman 96, Wilson, soc., 11. 3rd ward--Recorder, Collins 130, Stewart 30. Treasurer, Jacobs 142, Smith 16. Councilman, Bliss 52, Eifert 87, Walter, soc., 16. Medford Mail, January 17, 1908, page 1 Anyone know what "soc." means? 1909 Election (MM1/15/1909p1) Mayor elected: W. H. Canon Councilmen: Elected from ward 1: Welch Elected from ward 2: Emerick Elected from ward 3: Demmer Recorder: Benjamin M. Collins (Robert W. Telfer after 7/31/1909) MEDFORD STAYS WET
127 Majority for Saloons--Ballot Box Stuffing Alleged--Canon Wins
Medford will be "wet" territory for
awhile yet. The question was the sole issue in the annual municipal
election Tuesday, which resulted in the people giving 127 majority for
licensing saloons during the coming year and electing the license
ticket, including W. H. Canon for mayor, by a margin of 8 votes, and
Messrs. Welch, Emerick and Demmer for councilmen. The proposed
amendment to the charter to make it conform to the state local option
law was defeated by a majority of 167 votes. The total vote cast was
the largest ever shown in a city election in Medford, viz: 924.Election Laws Outraged.
The Medford Mail of yesterday says:Charging that scores of illegal votes were cast and that wagonloads of men from points outside the city were brought into Medford to vote at yesterday's election, the prohibition leaders will conduct a searching investigation during the next few days, and if the evidence can be secured to justify taking the matter into the court, a contest of the result of the election will be instituted. That the miners from the Blue Ledge Mine--who have no actual residence, nor ever have had, in Medford--were brought in and voted is the claim put forth by the leaders on the dry side. They further claim that miners from the coal mine were brought in to participate in the election and that they cast their votes, some of them even after they were challenged by the prohibition leaders. More than that, it is alleged that people from other towns in the county were voted by the liquor interests. The men in charge of the "dry" campaign assert that they were able to prove that citizens of Ashland voted at the polls. In fact, several Ashland people were challenged, and some of them did not have the temerity to swear their votes in. However, a considerable number did, according to the statements of the dry people. Beside these, there were a large number of floaters, whose residence nobody knows and who had never been seen in Medford before, who cast votes at the election. These are not all the instances of illegal voting set forth by the prohibitionists, and they claim that a sufficient number of such votes can be shown to have been cast to more that overbalance the majority of 127 against the prohibition. Ashland Tidings, January 14, 1909, page 1
After three years of faithful service in the interest of Medford,
Recorder Benjamin M. Collins retired from the position last night and
turned everything over in first-class shape to his successor, Robert
Telfer, who will look after the business pertaining to the office until
he retires either of his own option or by the voice of the people at
the regular election.
Mr. Collins took the position and began his work exactly three years ago yesterday, July 31. The first case he had before him as recorder was a man charged with being drunk. He had been in the cooler for the space of two or three days waiting for his trial. His case was attended to by the then new recorder in quick order and he was fined in the sum of $25. The last case to come before Recorder Collins was that of Frank Ray, charged with running an automobile at a faster rate than the law allows. Strange to say, the recorder, who has by hard experience learned to temper justice with mercy, allowed the young man to go free. What a story Mr. Collins could write covering the three-year span, from the first case of assessing a fine of $25 and to the last one yesterday, where he allowed the offender to go free! "His Last Case: Recorder Collins Disposes of Affairs of His Office," Medford Mail, August 6, 1909, page 7 1910 Election (January 11) (MMT1/11/1910p1, MMT1/13/1910p1) Councilmen: First ward re-elected: F. E. Merrick Second ward re-elected: H. G. Wortman Third ward re-elected: W. W. Eifert Recorder: Robert W. Telfer MEDFORD ELECTION TUESDAY
Old Administration Given a Vote of Confidence The
people of Medford yesterday demonstrated their confidence in the
administration of 1909 by reelecting Messrs. Eifert, Merrick and
Wortman as city councilmen, and their appreciation of the work of R. W.
Telfer as recorder by making it a runaway race for him, says the Mail Tribune.
The only real fight was in the second ward between H. G. Wortman and H. G. Nicholson, and Wortman won by a margin of 17 votes. The first three of the four charter amendments proposed were carried, but the fourth met defeat. The amendment providing that the council have power to designate the bank in which city funds should be deposited seemed most in favor, and the majority in favor was 147. The fourth amendment providing was lost by four votes. The total vote was 713, considerably short of what it was in 1909, when the contest extended all along the line. The first ward cast 213 votes, the second 300, and the third 200. Amendment No. 1--(Creating a police court)--First ward, yes, 127; no, 72. Second ward--Yes, 169; no, 114. Third ward--Yes, 99; no, 79. Total, yes, 395; no, 265. Amendment No. 2--(Providing salaries for mayor and council)--First ward, yes, 132; no, 78. Second ward--yes, 151; no, 123. Third ward, yes, 92; no, 92. Total, yes, 375; no, 273. Amendment No. 3--(Prescribing the treasurer's duties)--First ward, yes, 124; no, 67. Second ward--yes, 160; no, 67. Second ward--yes, 160; no, 103. Third ward--yes, 102; no, 69. Total, yes, 386; no, 239. Amendment No. 4--(Amending sections 80 and 484)--First ward, yes, 99; no, 85. Second ward--yes, 124; no, 117. Third ward--yes, 69; no, 94. Total, yes, 292; no, 296. Ashland Tidings, January 13, 1910, page 1 1911 Election (January 10) MMT1/11/1911p1), OR1/11/1911p12 Mayor re-elected: W. H. Canon Councilmen: Elected from ward 1: J. E. Watt Elected from ward 2: V. J. Emerick Elected from ward 3: G. H. Millar 1912 Election (January 9) (MMT1/9/1912p1, MMT1/10/1912p1) Councilmen: Elected from ward 1: J. W. Mitchell Elected from ward 2: E. C. Ireland Elected from ward 3: J. T. Summerville Recorder re-elected: Robert W. Telfer Treasurer elected: Gus H. Samuels MEDFORD POLITICS ACTIVE
Motive Sought for Resignation of City Recorder Telfer.
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 8.--(Special.)--The sudden and unexpected
resignation of Robert Telfer, City Recorder, last night, only five
weeks after his election, has set the political pot boiling again.
Although Mr. Telfer announces that he will take a position with the
Clark-Henery Construction Company, in California, it is rumored that he
will only take a vacation before making a campaign for County Clerk.
The incumbent, W. G. Coleman, is popular in the county and has given
general satisfaction, but he has been regarded for some time as
candidate for County Judge. Mayor Canon, of Medford, is known to have
his political eye upon this position, also, and Judge Neil will
probably be up for re-election.
E. T. Foss has been appointed temporary Recorder by Mayor Canon pending the next meeting of the City Council. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 9, 1912, page 16 1913 Election (January 14) (JP1/18/1913p1) Mayor: W. W. Eifert Councilmen: Elected from ward 1: George W. Porter Elected from ward 2: J. E. Stewart Elected from ward 3: G. H. Millar Recorder: Benjamin M. Collins Treasurer: L. L. Jacobs MEDFORD COUNCIL ACTS
Assistants for Mayor Eifert Named with Speed and Harmony.
MEDFORD, Or., April 5.--(Special.)--With the
appointive power of the Mayor in their hands the City Council went
through the formality of naming his honor's assistants tonight with a
celerity and harmony which has not been seen in municipal affairs since
the fight against Mayor Eifert started at his election last January.
R. B. McCabe was appointed City Attorney, J. F. Hittson, chief of police; E. J. Runyard, city market master, and O. Arnspiger, city engineer. With the exception of the first-named all the appointees were held over from the former administration of Mayor Canon. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 6, 1913, page 6 At a special meeting of the city council held Friday night, Mahlon Purdin, pioneer resident of Medford, and well known in political circles, was named successor of the chair left vacant by the death of the late W. W. Eifert. "Purdin Elected Mayor; Qualifies Next Tuesday," Medford Mail Tribune, October 4, 1913, page 6 EXPENSE PLEA IS GIVEN
MEDFORD, Or., Dec.--(Special.)--Petitions are being circulated for the
recall of Mayor Purdin and every member of the City Council.Recent Tax Levy, Which Runs Up to 12 Mills, Last Straw Which "Breaks Camel's Back" and Demand for Action Heard. Friends of Mayor Purdin, who was named by the Council to take the place of the late W. W. Eifert, say his term does not expire at the coming election on January 13, and therefore those who oppose him are making doubly sure by starting a recall petition. In the case of City Attorney Foss, appointed to replace Bob Telfer, the court held his term held through the unexpired term of his predecessor, so this precedent at least supports the friends of the Mayor. The failure of the present city administration to curtail city expense, in spite of the fact that conditions demanded it, is the main cause for the recall movement. Medford grew rapidly up to 1911, but [in] common with other communities in the country the growth since then has been less. Instead of reducing municipal expenses, just as all business men have reduced their running expenses, the city fathers have retained the same force in all departments, [and] maintained two automobiles which have been used for fishing parties and excursions, it is alleged, and in general been indifferent to and defiant of the pleas of the taxpayers to start active retrenchment. The straw that "broke the camel's back" was the recent tax levy which increased the levy 2.l mills or a total of 12 mills, and aroused a storm of protest which has not been equaled in the city history for many years. An initiative petition was circulated for an amendment to the city charter cutting off the salaries of Mayor and Councilmen--the Mayor getting $75 and each Councilman $25 a month--and the recall petitions followed, Councilman Stewart being the first victim named. A movement to secure the commission form or city manager form of government finds considerable favor. It is the present plan first to secure competent and representative business men as members of the Council and then go about the business of redrafting the charter. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 7, 1913, page 12 1914 Election (January 13) (MMT1/14/1914p1) Councilmen: Elected from ward 1: F. V. Medynski Elected from ward 2: H. H. Sargent Second ward J. E. Stewart recalled; replaced by V. J. Emerick Re-elected from ward 3: T. W. Miles Third ward G. H. Millar recalled; replaced by H. P. Hargrave Recorder elected: Elmer T. Foss Treasurer elected: Gus H. Samuels POLITICS IN TURMOIL
MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 3.--(Special.)--If ever a city was mixed up
politically, Medford is that place. With a recall against Councilmen
Millar and Stewart, an amendment to the city charter cutting off the
salaries of Mayor and Councilmen, which is, in effect, a recall against
all of them; with the same Councilman, Millar, placed on a committee by
Mayor Purdin to draft a new city charter along the line of a commission
plan, and with a growing sentiment against the commission plan in favor
of the city manager plan, Medford enters the new year with the most
chaotic local political condition in its history.Medford City Officials Fighting Recall Movement. COUNCIL ONLY IS UNITED Some Citizens Want New Men With Old Charter, Others Want Commission Form and Some Clamor for City Manager. The only unity event is among the city officials, who are standing shoulder to shoulder against the recall and the abolition of salaries and are campaigning industriously to save their pay checks and their political necks. Against them are the people who are disgusted with the present government and want not only new men, but a new charter, those who want the present officials retired, but the same system retained, those who favor the commission plan and those who favor the city manager plan. Meanwhile, the committee appointed by the Mayor to investigate the commission plan has invited the municipal reference bureau at the State University to send an expert here to make a preliminary survey of the city government, point out defects and make concrete suggestions for improvement, before election, January 13. Although definite prediction is impossible, there seems good reason to believe that out of the political fog will emerge eventually a new form of government for Medford. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, January 4, 1914, page 11 The new city council met Tuesday night in a short and harmonious session, electing V. J. Emerick of the second ward president of the council, and transacting little business indicative of their future policy. The most important business was the naming of the committees for the year by Mayor Purdin as follows: Finance--Medynski, Sargent, Hargrave. Streets and roads--Sargent, Medynski, Emerick. Light and water--Porter, Emerick, Miles. Licenses--Purdin, Emerick, Porter. Building fire--Miles, Medynski, Hargrave. Health--Hargrave, Sargent, Purdin. (First named, chairman.) The only flurry of the session came when Councilman Sargent of the second ward announced that if the Holland Hotel was not running at the end of six months he would vote to deny a liquor license, in accordance with the unwritten law that no saloons be allowed off Front Street, except in hotels. Councilman Emerick said he thought it would be running as such long before that time. "Emerick Elected President of New City Council," Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1914, page 3 COUNCIL CUTS EXPENSES
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 4.--(Special.)--At the last meeting of the City
Council drastic changes were made in the city administration in
conformity with campaign pledges to reduce the city expenses.Three Medford Offices Abolished and Salaries Are Reduced. The office of Street Commissioner was merged with that of City Engineer, plumbing inspector with that of water superintendent and the electrical inspector with that of building inspector, and all common labor wages were reduced from $3 to $2.50 for eight hours. Insurance on the fire hall was canceled, the police auto was ordered sold and the City Attorney's salary was reduced from $75 to $50 a month. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 5, 1914, page 2 CHARTER CHANGE URGED
Is for Commission Form or Same With City Manager--
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 6.--(Special.)--Mayor Purdin announced tonight that
he not only favored a commission plan of government, but intended to
have a new charter for Medford drafted providing for a commission both
with and without the city manager feature, which he would submit to the
City Council and suggest that an election be called for, the people to
decide which form they wanted, if any.Plan Will Be Offered to Council. This decision followed the receipt of a municipal survey drawn up by Professor Dan Sowers, of the University of Oregon, suggesting a number of fundamental changes in Medford's present form of administration. "The present charter," declared the Mayor, "is antiquated and unwieldy, and in my opinion it would be better sense and economy for Medford to adopt an entirely new charter rather than attempt to reconstruct the old one. What Medford needs is, first, a better system of government and, second, a group of men or a city manager working in conjunction with a group of men, who can devote their undivided attention to city affairs. "Since taking office I have become more and more impressed with the imperative need of change in our fundamental charter form. I appointed a charter commission to investigate and report, but they have never come together, so for the good of the city I have decided to take matters in my own hands and have a new charter drawn up." Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 7, 1914, page 7 GAY IS APPOINTED CITY POLICE JUDGE
Charles B. Gay was appointed police judge by the city council Tuesday
night at a salary of $25 a month, and assumed the reins of office this
morning. Mr. Gay will also act as probation officer, looking after
truancy cases, and wage a campaign against boys who smoke cigarettes.
Mr.Gay has had much experience in police work, at one time being a
guard at the state prison at Salem. The appointment lightens the labors
of Mayor Purdin, and gives him more time for city and private work.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 18, 1914, page 2 1915 Election (January 12) (MMT1/13/1915p1) Mayor elected: V. J. Emerick Councilmen: Elected from ward 1: J. C. Mann Elected from ward 2: Frank Amy Elected from ward 3: H. P. Hargrave Recorder elected: Elmer T. Foss Treasurer elected: Gus H. Samuels New council lineup: H. H. Sargent, F. V. Medynski, T. W. Miles, J. C. Mann, Frank Amy, H. P. Hargrave Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1915, page 4 NEW CHARTER IS REJECTED
V. J. Emerick Chosen Mayor of Medford by Majority of 62.
MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 12.--(Special.)--Medford's proposed new city charter
was defeated by 91 votes in today's election and V. J. Emerick defeated
C. E. Gates for mayor by 62 votes. Little interest was taken in the
election, and only about half the registered vote was polled.
Only one anti-charter alderman was elected, F. E. Amy winning over C. E. Schieffelin in the second ward. H. P. Hargrave and J. C. Mann were elected in the third and first wards, respectively. Members of the charter commission announced tonight that the fight had just begun and that the city manager form would be presented to the voters again at the next election. It is asserted that the new charter was gaining in favor in the last few days of the campaign, and its backers attribute its defeat largely to the fact that the majority of the voters had not had time to study carefully its provisions. Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 13, 1915, page 1 Miss Mary Haswell has accepted a position in the city recorder's office made vacant by the resignation of Miss Nonie Lounsbury. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, February 3, 1915, page 2 COLONEL SARGENT RESIGNS FROM CITY COUNCIL
Colonel H. H. Sargent Wednesday formally tendered his resignation as a
member of the city council from the second ward on account of removing
to Jacksonville. He was elected in January, 1913, and his term expires
next January. Much regret is expressed by members of the council and
citizens on account of the colonel's departure, as he has been a
faithful and conscientious official.
The resignation reads as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Medford, Oregon. Gentlemen: In view of the fact that I have bought a home in Jacksonville and will move there at once, I have the honor to resign my office as councilman of the second ward of the city to take effect tomorrow, November 11th, 1915. Very respectfully, H. H. SARGENT. Medford, Nov. 10, 1913. Medford Mail Tribune, November 10, 1915, page 6 Dr. J. M. Keene has been appointed a member of Medford's city council to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Col. H. H. Sargent, who has moved to this city. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, November 13, 1915, page 3 1916 Election (January 11) (MS1/12/1916p1) Councilmen: Elected from ward 1: Dr. J. J. Emmens Elected from ward 2: Dr. J. M Keene Elected from ward 3: C. W. Davis Recorder: Elmer T. Foss Treasurer: Gus Samuels EX-COUNCILMAN TO FIGHT
Medford Council Is Asked to Hear Charges Against Board.
MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 18.--(Special.)--Ex-councilman Medynski, who was
defeated for re-election in the election of January 11 in the first
ward by Dr. J. J. Emmens by a majority of 29 votes, has filed notice
with the city council of intention to contest the election on the
ground of irregularity in proceedings of the election board. He has
asked that a date be named for the hearing of the contest. C. H.
Chapman, W. H. Humphreys and W. R. Coleman comprised the election board
in the first ward.
Under the charter the council is sole judge of the election. Saturday it canvassed the returns and issued the certificate of election to Dr. Emmens. Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 19, 1916, page 1 MEDFORD COUNCIL IN A ROW
Two Members Are Charged with Being Foreigners.
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 1.--(Special.)--Charging that two members of the
city council were not naturalized citizens of the United States,
ex-councilman Medynski appeared before that body tonight with a lengthy
petition and asked that the matter be investigated.
It developed in the discussion that followed that the petition referred to councilmen H. P. Hargrave and H. C. Mann, both having been born in Canada. Mr. Medynski took the floor, and whipping out his own naturalization papers, which he said had been taken out 30 years ago, shouted that any councilman who had not secured his own papers should be kicked out of the council and out of the country. Considerable excitement followed. No action was taken. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 2, 1916, page 16 1917 Election Mayor: C. E. "Pop" Gates Councilmen: Elected from ward 1: Elected from ward 2: Elected from ward 3: Recorder: Elmer T. Foss Treasurer:
With every prospect of a harmonious administration, Mayor C. E. Gates
and the newly elected councilmen took office Tuesday night, held the
first council meeting, heard reports of city officials for the past
year, named new appointees and got down to business.
The holdover members of the council are Dr. J. J. Emmens, Dr. J. M. Keene and C. W. Davis; new members, E. C. Gaddis, J. H. Carkin, Dr. H. P. Hargrave, re-elected. All were present, excepting Dr. J. J. Emmens, who is in the East, when City Recorder Foss called the roll. Gates Inaugural.
Gates in assuming the office said: "Today marks a change in the city of
Medford, not because I was chosen mayor or because of the splendid
council, but because the people voted for a new era in city affairs and
it's up to us to give it to them, and I assure you we will endeavor to
do it. I hope the confidence the people have placed in the new
administration will never be misplaced, and I hope and believe we will
have the united support of every loyal citizen. I want every city
official to have the interest of the city at heart and will expect him
to do his full duty. I shall expect the police force to absolutely
enforce all laws, and I now inform Chief Hittson to see that these
instructions are carried out."The following appointments were made by Mayor Gates: Appointments Made.
and water superintendent, Olen Arnspiger.City attorney, Fred W. Mears. Chief of police, J. F. Hittson. Chief of fire department, J. W. Lawton. Market master, E. J. Runyard. Health office, Dr. S. A. Lockwood. Electrical inspector, L. E. Hinman. Police judge, Glen O. Taylor. Park attendant, J. S. Antle. Stenographer (recorder), Mary Haswell. Firemen: Assistant chief, N. H. Mark; driver, Doy Elliott; firemen H. T. Birch, W. J. Fredenburg, H. J. Roberts. Police: Sergeant, Pat Mego; patrolman, W. H. Crawford. Water department: J. F. Conrad, tap man; F. L. Minkler, laborer; John Peterson, reservoir tender; J. W. Grantham, intake tender. Street department; H. F. McLaughlin, laborer; J. F. Rippey, laborer; J. D. Flemming, teamster; Wm. Lee, teamster; W. C. Jackson, flushman. The only new officers are F. W. Mears, attorney; Dr. S. A. Lockwood, health officer, and Glen O. Taylor, police judge. Chas. Gay, the former police judge, had tendered his resignation to the mayor. Council Committees.
These standing committees were appointed
by the mayor:Finance: E. C. Gaddis, J. H. Carkin, H. P. Hargrave. Streets: C. W. Davis, E. C. Gaddis, J. J. Emmens. Light and water: J. M. Keene, H. P. Hargrave, J. H. Carkin. License: C. E. Gates, J. M. Keene, E. C. Gaddis. Building and fires: J. H. Carkin, C. W. Davis, J. M. Keene. Health: H. P. Hargrave, J. J. Emmens, C. W. Davis. Public market: J. J. Emmens, H. P. Hargrave, C. E. Gates. Before deciding upon his appointments Mayor Gates had an informal meeting with the councilmen and thoroughly discussed the appointments and other things for the welfare of the city and received suggestions from them. Salaries of Officers.
Monthly salaries of the different
officers were fixed as follows: City recorder, $125; treasurer, $125;
attorney, $75; police judge, $25; physician, $25; fire chief, $85;
assistant chief, $70; other firemen, $70; engineer, $150; electrician,
$90; chief of police, $85; other policeman, $80; market master, $50;
intake man, $60; reservoir man, $60. The only changes are in physician,
a reduction of $10, and in electrician, an increase of $15.City Attorney Mears stated that S. S. Bullis, president of the Southern Oregon Traction Company. stated he would file a proposal of cancellation of the contract with the city in accordance with the recent decision of the circuit court invalidating the bonds. "Mears Named City Attorney by Mayor Gates," Medford Mail Tribune, January 17, 1917, page 6 Medford's new city council was organized Tuesday night. Among the appointments made were the following: Water Supt., Olen Arnspiger; City Attorney, Fred W. Mears; Chief of Police, J. F. Hittson; Police Judge, Glen O. Taylor; Market Master, E. J. Runyard; Recorder, Mary Haswell. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, January 20, 1917, page 3 MEDFORD FACES PROBLEM
MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 9.--(Special.)--Medford is threatened with no city
government in the fall. According to the recent ruling the terms of all
the present officers expire, and not one of them will run for
re-election. Mayor Gates said today that he thought it would be very
difficult to secure nominees, for the mayor and city councilmen receive
no salaries and the demands of the war have so decreased the labor and
professional supply that every man of business has as much as he can
attend to.City Threatened With No Government Because None Want Office. There is considerable sentiment in favor of paying salaries to the city officials for the duration of the war. Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 10, 1918, page 4 The recent appointment of George Timothy as chief of police was unanimously confirmed by the city council last night. . . . "Council Confirms Timothy as Chief of Police Force," Medford Mail Tribune, September 4, 1918, page 2 The city council will meet tonight, at which time the councilmen will probably elect a new councilman to succeed Dr. J. J. Emmens, who resigned several weeks ago. Rumor has it that a well-known banker will be chosen. It is also expected that Mayor Gates will announce the appointment of the new city engineer and water superintendent to succeed Olen Arnspiger, who recently resigned to engage in road construction work. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1919, page 2 Former councilman Chas. W. Davis, who arrived in the city several days ago from Tucson, Ariz., where he had been serving as a government immigration inspector since October, now holds the position at $150 a month which practically amounts to city manager of Medford, having succeeded [city engineer] Olen Arnspiger in that office. "Name C. W. Davis Arnspiger's Place," Medford Sun, July 6, 1919, page 2 Dr. Hargrave, who has so long been one of the ablest and hardest-working city officials, has handed in his resignation as city councilman to Mayor Gates, and expects to leave for Berkeley next Monday or Tuesday. "H. P. Hargrave Resigns, Will Leave the City," Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1920, page 8 Last night's city council meeting "was the first meeting attended by T. W. Miles, the new councilman who succeeds Dr. H. P. Hargrave." "W. E. Phipps Donates 5 Acres to City for a Park; Heavy Trucks Barred from City," Medford Mail Tribune, May 19, 1920, page 6 1921 Medford (Jackson County)--Mayor, E. C. Gaddis; recorder, M. L. Alford; treasurer, Mary A. Webber; city attorney, J. H. Carkin; marshal, Chas. Adams; fire chief, Roy Elliott; street superintendent and water superintendent, C. W. Davis; health officer, Dr. E. B. Pickel; councilmen, J. H. Butler, J. W. Jacobs, O. O. Alenderfer, E. H. Janney, A. J. Cross, B. W. Paul. Oregon Blue Book 1921, page 207 1922 Election (November 7) (MMT11/8/1922p1) Gaddis New Medford Mayor-- The entire business men's ticket of Medford carried at the Tuesday election, resulting in the election of Earl C. Gaddis for mayor by a large majority. Councilmen elected were Jacobs, Butler, Alenderfer, Janney, Paul and Crose. Mrs. Webber, present city treasurer, was reelected by a majority of 137 votes over Miss Hanscom. Moses Alford was elected city recorder. Ashland Weekly Tidings, November 15, 1922, page 3 1923 Election Mayor: E. C. Gaddis Councilmen: O. O. Alenderfer J. H. Butler A. J. Cross J. W. Jacobs E. H. Janney B. W. Paul NEW CITY OFFICIALS TAKE OVER DUTIES
At the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, the new
officials were sworn in and assumed their official duties. M. L.
Alford, recorder, who had already qualified, administered the oath of
office to the members-elect, as follows: E. C. Gaddis, mayor, and O. O.
Alenderfer, J. H. Butler, A. J. Cross, J. W. Jacobs, E. H. Janney and
B. W. Paul, councilmen. Mrs. Mary Webber, treasurer, had also qualified
and was not present, her duties not requiring attendance at council
meetings.After the installation, mayor Gaddis announced the appointment of Charles Adams as chief of police to succeed Geo. O. Timothy, who was not a candidate for reappointment. G. J. Prescott was appointed patrolman to take the place made vacant by the promotion of Adams. Another change was announced to take effect later, mayor Gaddis stating that Fred W. Mears, city attorney during the Gates administration, had made plans to locate in Southern California in a few months, this necessitating the appointment of another man to fill this position. Mayor Gaddis announced that he had named John H. Carkin to this position, to assume office when the legislature had adjourned and after Mr. Mears had cleaned up all pending city lawsuits and other city business. Mr. Carkin has been in charge of the legal and other aspects of the taking over of properties for delinquent municipal taxes for several years past. Therefore, the mayor-elect and his advisors deemed it expedient to have Mr. Carkin take over the additional duties of city attorney, at an increased salary, so as to have all the city business under one legal head. The only other change announced by Mayor Gaddis was the appointment of Dr. Frederick G. Thayer as city health officer, to succeed Dr. E. B. Pickel. It has been the policy for years back to pass this office around with the change of every administration. No other appointments or changes are to be made until the new mayor has had time for mature deliberation. Future appointments to be made are the personnel of the new city water commission, and to fill positions on the public library board and the city boxing commission. It is understood that Charles Davis is to be retained as superintendent of the water, street and electric light departments. The appointments of the councilmen to several council committees were made by Mayor Gaddis as follows, the first mentioned to be chairman of each committee: Finance--O. O. Alenderfer, J. H. Butler, E. H. Janney. Street and sewer--B. W. Paul, J. W. Jacobs, O. O. Alenderfer. Light and water--A. J. Cross, E. H. Janney, J. W. Jacobs. Health--Mayor Gaddis, J. H. Butler and A. J. Cross. License--J. W. Jacobs, O. O. Alenderfer and A. J. Cross. Fire and building--J. H. Butler, B. W. Paul and E. H. Janney. Parks and public grounds--E. H. Janney, B. W. Paul, Mayor Gaddis. One ordinance was passed under suspension of rules and provides that E. M. Wilson, the accountant, be employed to make an audit of the city accounts for the past four years. Medford Clarion, January 5, 1923, page 1 1924 Election (JCN11/7/1924p1) Mayor: O. O. Alenderfer Councilmen: Elected from ward 1: A. C. Hubbard, Paul McDonald Elected from ward 2: E. H. Janney, B. R. Elliott Elected from ward 3: B. W. Paul, A. J. Crose Elected from ward 4: J. W. Jacobs, R. B. Hammond Recorder: M. L. Alford Treasurer: Minnie Hanscom 1926 Election (MMT11/3/1926p1) Mayor: O. O. Alenderfer Councilmen: J. J. Buchter CITY OFFICERS
O. O.
M. L. Alford--Recorder. H. J. Berrian--Treasurer. J. H. Carkin--City attorney. Harry Skyrman--Ass't. city attorney. F. W. Scheffel--City superintendent. F. C. Dillard--Water engineer. Roy Elliott--Fire chief. Cletus McCredie--Police chief. Glenn O. Taylor--Judge of city court. Dr. E. B. Pickel--Health officer. E. J. Runyard--Market master. W. C. Wilson--Park caretaker. City Councilmen
A. C. Hubbard, R.
B. Hammond
Joseph O. Grey, J. J. Buchter J. W. Jacobs, A. J. Crose P. M. Kershaw, E. H. Janney Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1927, page 5 ![]() New Appointee
Frank P. Farrell will
attend his first council meeting as city attorney tonight. Although not
actually taking office until October 1, the newly appointed official
will begin getting used to the routine of city attorney duties a month
ahead of time. That he will retain the same offices in the Medford
Building used by him in his private practice was a statement made by
Mr. Farrell this morning.Medford Mail Tribune, September 3, 1929, page 3 A CITY MANAGER FOR MEDFORD
There is no doubt that the city manager form of government is the best
method of municipal administration. Over 400 American cities have
adopted it, and practically none of them have abandoned it. Cities as
large as Cleveland, Ohio, with 800,000 population, and as small as the
"original city-manager city," Stanton, Virginia, with 10,000, have
found that the plan pays. There is no reason to doubt that Medford
would have a similar experience.The superiority of the manager plan rests chiefly in concentration of responsibility, elimination of divided authority, decrease of overhead and greater efficiency all around. Representative government is not abandoned. A municipal council of from three to nine members is elected as under the older system. But this council instead of dividing up the work among themselves, via the committee system, selects a city manager who takes all the executive and administration work in charge. He is paid a salary commensurate with his responsibilities, and the capabilities required, and is responsible only to the council, who represent the people. As a result, the city manager is not forced to waste time and energy in playing politics. He is--or should be--a specialist in city administration and can devote all his time to working for the city and promoting its best interests. In short, the city manager plan is simply adopting the system in public business that has been such a conspicuous success in private business. Before Medford adopts a city manager plan, one thing should be clearly understood. It is no cure-all for municipal ills. If adopted it will work no miracles. It increases the opportunities for securing better government rather than automatically achieving it. Good men can get better results with poor machinery than poor men can with good machinery. But the city manager form does supply better machinery, and other things being equal, such action is therefore a constructive step toward what we all desire--better, more economical and more satisfactory government. Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1930, page 4 1930 Election (MMT11/5/1930p1) Mayor: Ezra M. Wilson Councilmen: Elected from ward 2: Dade R. Terrett Treasurer: Gus Samuels While city councilman R. E. McElhose, who has been appointed manager of the wholesale grocery business of Mason & Ehrman company at Grants Pass, which recently purchased the wholesale grocery business of H. D. Enders, to be consolidated with it, has not yet resigned his position as councilman and removed with his family to Grants Pass, both these events will take place in the near future. "Leaving Medford," Medford Mail Tribune, February 19, 1930, page 2 Ezra M. Wilson, mayor of Medford, announced this morning that he would submit his resignation, effective July 1, at the regular meeting of the city council tonight.… The mayoralty will automatically fall upon Councilman George Porter, chairman of the finance committee. "Mayor E. M. Wilson Will Resign," Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1934, page 1
Declaring he had decided to make his permanent residence outside the
First Ward, which he represented, J. F. Fliegel yesterday resigned as a
member of the city council.
Medford Mail Tribune, Jun
24, 1966, page 1His resignation was accepted by the council at a special meeting yesterday noon, and subsequently M. N. Hogan was drafted to run for the office in the general election November 3. "Fliegel Resigns as Councilman; Hogan 'Drafted'," Medford Mail Tribune, September 20, 1936, page 5 George W. Porter, mayor of Medford since the resignation of E. M. Wilson in 1934, tendered his resignation to the city council Tuesday night, and C. C. Furnas, chairman of the finance committee, was named mayor for the balance of the term. Medford News, September 24, 1937, page B2 W. W. ALLEN NEW CITY JUDGE HERE
W. Allen, who recently returned to this city after making his home for
a time in California, was appointed police judge of the city of Medford
at last week's meeting of the city council. The appointment will become
effective July 15. Mr. Allen will succeed Judge Allen D. Curry in the
office, the latter having been transferred to full-time duty with the
water commission.
Mr. Allen was formerly in the automobile business in this city as head of the Pierce-Allen Motor Company, and is a former member of the city council. The position will pay $50 a month at the present, Mayor H. S. Deuel stated, but is expected to increase in work and salary with coming of the proposed army cantonment. Medford News, July 11, 1941, page 2 1948 Election (MMT11/3/1948p1) Mayor: Diamond Flynn Councilmen: Elected from ward 4: Lee Watson James C. Collins Appointed Mayor
Medford city councilmen Friday elevated their chairman, James C.
Collins, to the office of mayor, succeeding Clarence A. Meeker, who
passed away Tuesday, and Collins will serve until the mayor elected in
the November general election is seated in January 1949.At the same time the councilmen named Diamond L. Flynn to the council post vacated by appointment of Collins to the higher office. A new chairman of the council was not chosen Friday but may be selected at the regular session Tuesday. Committees Chairmen
Collins, who has been acting mayor since Meeker became ill several
weeks ago, has been active in civic affairs during his 24 years'
residence in Medford. On the council since 1940, he was airport
committee chairman eight years, finance committee chairman six years
and chairman of the council for about one year. The new mayor was also
a councilman between 1928 and 1930, serving when the municipal airport
was built.He has been also a citizen member of the budget committee, a city planning commissioner and chairman of the library board. A member of the Salvation Army board for 10 years, Collins served as its chairman. In the real estate business since 1927, Collins owns the Brown and White agency at 104 East Main Street. Resident 49 Years
Collins' home is at 2224 East Main Street. He has three children, Hugh
B., a local attorney; James Jr., in high school, and Elizabeth in
junior high.Flynn, who represents the first ward, has seen city duty as a citizen member of the budget committee for two terms. He was a draft board member for five years. A Medford resident for 49 years, Flynn has engaged in electrical contracting and merchandising for 30 years. He has two daughters residing in Portland, Mrs. Dorothy Ross and Mrs. Jacquelyn Allsworth. Medford Mail Tribune, February 29, 1948, page 1 Miss Neva Samuels, acting city recorder since February 24, last night was unanimously elected by the city council to fill the unexpired term as recorder of the late Ralph Woodford. She was one of three applicants for the position. Others were Seth Bullis and Ernest Scott. Miss Samuels has served as deputy recorder, and as an employee of the recorder's or treasurer's office for almost 20 years. The term of office began in January and ends Jan. 1, 1955. Salary is $4,300 a year, effective July 1. "City Council Elects Miss Neva Samuels to Recorder Position," Medford Mail Tribune, June 17, 1953, page 1 Robert Duff to Retire July 1;
Served 41 Years
Robert A. Duff, Medford city manager and an employee
of the City of Medford for 41 years, announced today he will retire
July 1.
Duff has been Medford's first city manager. He was appointed by the city council Jan. 1, 1955, when the city adopted the city manager form of government. "Though I have had many opportunities to leave Medford for other cities during my 41-year tenure," Duff said, "I have enjoyed the citizens of Medford and the experience of participating in the growth of the area. I have found the Medford citizens to be a high class of individuals, and the associations have been rewarding." Duff was appointed city water superintendent in 1931, a position he held until 1956. From 1951 to 1956 he was the city superintendent and the water superintendent. Received Award
He was
elected chairman of the
Pacific Northwest section of the American Water Works Association in
1941, and in 1949 was honored as recipient of the Fuller Award. The
award was for outstanding and distinguished work in the field.Duff was elected first president of the Rogue Valley section of Professional Engineers of Oregon, and last year he received the annual Engineers Award for outstanding professional and community contributions. Duff has seen and participated in many of the city's major improvements. While with the water department, he was instrumental in the construction of the Pierce Heights Standby Reservoir, the Capital Hill Reservoir, Big Butte Springs Pipeline No. 2 and the Willow Creek Dam. Suggested Police Review
One of his
first recommendations
to the city council as the new city manager was to request a study of
the police department. A Berkeley, Calif. officer conducted the survey
which resulted in a total reorganization of the department.Among the major projects completed during his tenure of office were construction of the airport terminal building and airport improvements, a new fire station, implementation of a formalized pay plan for city personnel and job classification and the city storm sewer, arterial street and sanitary sewer plans. Medford Mail Tribune, March 3, 1966, page 1 City Manager to Be Gilbert Gutjahr
Gilbert J. Gutjahr, 36, was appointed Medford city
manager at a special adjourned meeting of the city council Thursday
afternoon. He will assume duties July 1 and will succeed Robert A.
Duff, the city's first city manager.
"I am, of course, personally very happy to receive the appointment and the confidence expressed by the council," Gutjahr said. "I've enjoyed working with the city during the past 10 years and look forward with great anticipation for the continuing service to the people of Medford." Duff remarked today that "Gilbert is a very worthy successor and I am sure he will continue to help develop this very progressive city. He will surely have new ideas and innovations. I am extremely well pleased in the appointment, for I consider it a statement of confidence in the city administration and the administrator." Hired in 1956
was hired as an administrative assistant Aug. 15, 1956, and on July 1,
1960 was appointed to the position of assistant city manager.He received his undergraduate degree in government in 1955 from the University of South Dakota, where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He worked towards a master of arts degree in government from the University of Oregon in 1955-56. Gutjahr was born in Hosmer, S.D. in 1929. From 1948 to 1952 he was a member of the U.S. Air Force and spent some of his enlistment in Germany, where he married his wife, Maria. The couple has a son, Lee Gilbert, who is a student at Hedrick Junior High School. Mayor James J. Dunlevy stated that a council committee of first three, then five, has been meeting since May 15 reviewing the 63 applications received for the position. The primary prerequisites considered, the mayor said, were a degree in government and a minimum of five years as an assistant city manager or city manager. Gutjahr will assume his new duties as city manager July 1. He will be Medford's second city manager. -
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Mayors of Medford 1886--J.
S. Howard
87--Dr. E. P. Geary 88--Willard Crawford 89--M. Purdin 90--G. W. Howard 91--G. W. Howard 92--J. A. Whiteside 93--W. I. Vawter 94--G. H. Haskins 95--G. H. Haskins 96--G. H. Haskins 97--G. H. Haskins 98--H. L. Gilkey 99--H. L. Gilkey 1900--J. J. Howser 01--J. J. Howser 02--Judge W. S. Crowell 03--Judge W. S. Crowell resigned 10/16/03 Wilson finished term 04--Dr. E. B. Pickel 05--Dr. E. B. Pickel 06--W. H. Bradshaw resigned in June J. S. Howard finished year 07--Dr. J. F. Reddy 08--Dr. J. F. Reddy 09--W. H. Canon 10--W. H. Canon 11--W. H. Canon 12--W. H. Canon 13--W. W. Eifert died in Sept. Summerville acted as mayor 14--M. Purdin 15--V. Emerick 16--V. Emerick 17--C. E. Gates 18--C. E. Gates 19--C. E. Gates 20--C. E. Gates 21--C. E. Gates 22--C. E. Gates 23--E. C. Gaddis 24--E. C. Gaddis 25--E. C. Gaddis 26--E. C. Gaddis 27--O. O. Alenderfer 28--O. O. Alenderfer 29--Wm. Pipes 30--Wm. Pipes 31--E. M. Wilson 32--E. M. Wilson Unattributed manuscript, SOHS MS 156 That Little
Family of Ours.
The names of the gentlemen who compose the little family that has run
the town of Medford, since it was incorporated in February, 1885, are
given below:
1885.--J. S. Howard, president; I. J. Phipps, A. Childers, E. P. Geary and W. H. Barr, trustees; R. T. Lawton, recorder. 1886.--J. S. Howard, president; E. P. Geary, G. W. Howard, A. Childers, and F. Galloway, trustees; G. S. Walton, recorder. The G. W. Howard mentioned above is not a relative of J. S. Howard. 1887.--J. S. Howard, mayor; A. Childers, G. H. Haskins, T. A. Harris and J. B. Riddle, trustees; G. S. Walton, recorder. 1888.--E. P. Geary, mayor; C. W. Skeel, A. Childers, E. G. Hurt and D. H. Miller, trustees; C. H. Barkdull, recorder. The ditch was put in in 1888. [Actually, Gin Lin was awarded the contract for the digging of the Medford Water Ditch on April 1, 1889.] 1889.--William Crawford, mayor; Wm. Slinger, D. T. Lawton, M. Purdin and J. W. Short, trustees; B. W. Powell, recorder. Powell resigned April 4, '89; D. T. Sears appointed to fill vacancy. Slinger resigned May 4, '89; L. L. Angle appointed to fill vacancy. Crawford resigned, Purdin appointed to fill vacancy; D. A. Huling appointed trustee to fill vacancy made by Purdin's promotion. Water works put in in '89. 1890.--G. W. Howard, mayor; F. M. Plymale, I. L. Hamilton, A. A. Davis and F. Galloway, trustees; D. T. Sears, recorder. The G. W. Howard mentioned above is not a relative of J. S. Howard. 1891.--G. W. Howard, mayor; W. B. Roberts, J. W. Short, F. M. Plymale and F. Galloway, trustees; J. H. Faris, recorder. 1892.--J. A. Whiteside, mayor; E. J. Lumsden, E. J. Montague, E. B. Pickel and W. P. Wood, trustees; J. H. Faris, recorder. 1893.--W. I. Vawter, mayor; F. M. Plymale, J. W. Short, D. H. Miller and J. R. Wilson, trustees; J. H. Faris, recorder. Upon the death of Mr. Faris, B. S. Webb was appointed to fill vacancy. 1894.--G. H. Haskins, mayor; J. R. Wilson, E. W. Starr, G. F. Merriman and D. H. Miller, trustees; B. S. Webb, recorder. 1895.--G. H. Haskins, mayor; E. W. Starr, C. J. Howard, J. W. Lawton and J. R. Wilson, trustees; B. S. Webb, recorder. What a large family to have kept so well together. In regard to contract for pipe and water works: Adkins & Webb's bill was more than $1000 less than Portland or any other bids. M. Purdin was mayor at this time. D. T. Lawton, J. W. Short, L. L. Angle and D. A. Huling were trustees, and D. T. Sears was recorder. All these were in the family, and Huling, one of the trustees, was in the hardware business. Mr. Purdin ought to know a second hand boiler when he sees it, as he knows something about iron. [Mahlon Purdin was once a blacksmith.] If it was second hand it has lasted well; but I bought it new in San Francisco at a cost of about $650. In regard to scrip: Some one had to buy it; I bought it for other parties. I have not $5 in scrip issued in '94 and '95, and when I did buy I paid more than others would pay. If it was such a snap why did not others get some of it. Warrants are paid up to November, 1891, which makes them only a little over four years old. As far as the growth of the Monitor being retarded it seems to be growing less, even if it is a congressional boomer. As regards the nefarious business, I leave the people to judge of that and not the Monitor or D. T. Sears. B.
S. Webb,
Medford Mail,
January 10, 1896, page 8 Who is not running for office. Last revised January 19, 2025 |