
The earliest mention of Buncom, Oregon I've found in print is from February 7, 1855.  A reminiscence recalls that the town was named when a "Chinaman" mispronounced a miner's name.

My contention is that the miner could have been named nothing other than Pinkham, and there happened to be two Pinkhams in the immediate area at the time, Joseph and Ebenezer.

Buncom/Buncombe in the 1850s was then a new slang word, which has come down to us as "bunk." The Pinkham/Buncombe anecdote would have been ripe to occasion the naming of a town, in the '49er tradition of other jocular place names of the Gold Rush--like Steamboat, Humbug, Poormans Creek, Tombstone, Eight Dollar Mountain and Six Bit House.

February 7, 1855
Cloudy & a few drops of rain
Down Sterling Creek to its mouth called Bunkumville, 5 mi.
James Mason Hutchings diary

    June 1st [1855]--Jacksonville is in the southwest corner of the valley. There is Sterlingville nine miles south Jacksonville. In the fall and winter of 1855 there were over six hundred miners in Sterlingville. One day I went over to Sterlingville to see the mines and as I was looking around I came on to F. F. Curran. He was mining down the Creek four miles from Sterlingville at a little Town called Bunkumville. I stayed all night with him then went back to Jacksonville. I mined here with my uncle H. K. Wasson till the first of June. The water run down in the ditches that we could not work for the lack of water. Up to this time I had cleared two hundred and fifty dollars so I had three hundred and fifty dollars clear of expenses.
John Murray Mickey diary  Note that the "ville" suffix is almost always appended to a person's name--Huntsville, Jacksonville, Martinsville, McMinnville, Pottsville, Wilsonville. Summerville, Oregon was reportedly named after an Alexander Summerville.

    FROM SOUTHERN OREGON.--We make up our summary of news from Southern Oregon, from the Sentinel of the 6th inst.:
    At Williamsburg, there are 150 miners making from $5 to $12 a day to the man. Water is very plenty, and there is a good prospect for it to last during most of the dry season.
    The reports from Bunkum Diggings are considered favorable.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 11, 1861, page 2

    At Sailor Diggings, Althouse, Cañon Creek and Williams Creek, steady and economical men have already met with fair success. Galice Creek and lower Rogue River also give good returns to all who follow mining strictly. At the last named place Wolf & Bros.' ditch, most of the water from which they use in their own mining operations, is yielding a good return for labor and investment. In Jackson County, though there is but little water available, aside from the living streams of Rogue River, Applegate and their tributaries, at Buncom, from the waters of upper Applegate, the ditches of Proctor & Co., Gallagher & Co., Spicer & Co., and W. W. Fowler, on the main Applegate, there is a good supply of water at cheap rates, with an abundance of fair digging, from which any man working attentively and with economy will get a fair reward for his labor.
"Southern Oregon," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 27, 1861, page 2

    Bunkum district, on the other hand, a southern extension of Sterlingville district, has an abundant supply of water during most of the year, brought in three ditches from the North Fork of Applegate Creek.

Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains,
1870, page 214

    MURDERED.--At Buncom, on Little Applegate, on Monday evening, April 10th, about 4 o'clock p.m., a Chinaman was found dead in the public highway, with the teeth of his upper jaw stove in. From what we can gather of the affair, three Chinamen had been to the store of Messrs. Hayden & Cameron, in Uniontown, and had indulged quite freely of the overjoyful, and were returning to their mining claims 3 or 4 miles above that place. The deceased (Chinaman), having imbibed a little more freely than the others, fell behind and was found by some Indians, as reported above. The murderers, whether Indians or Chinamen, is a (quien sabe) question; no doubt one or other other parties done the deed. The inquest of Coroner Ganung elicited no further information upon the cause of his death.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 15, 1871, page 3  Details of the victim's autopsy here.

"Pidgeon [pidgin] English . . . is said to be a corruption of 'business English,' the word 'pigeon' being the nearest approach that a Chinaman can make to the pronunciation of the English word 'business.'"
"Some Popular Phrases," Oregonian, Portland, May 17, 1887, page 2

    The smart alecks of the West who have been in the habit of giving uncouth and, in some cases, obscene names to new settlements, are to be summarily sat down on by the post office authorities. Whenever one of the settlements with outlandish names applies for the establishment of a post office, the application is granted only on condition that the name is changed to something decent and respectable. The department proposes to stop cowboys naming towns as they have been in the habit of naming their bulls.
Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 3

    Canada has furnished to the United States many bright, enterprising young men who have left the Dominion to enter the business circles of this country with its more progressive methods, livelier competition and advancement more quickly secured. Among this number is Mr. Pinkham. He has somewhat of the strong, rugged and persevering characteristics developed by his earlier environments, which, coupled with the livelier impulses of the New England blood of his ancestors, made him at an early day seek wider fields in which to give full scope to his ambition and industry--his dominant qualities. He found the opportunity he sought in the freedom and appreciation of the growing western portion of the country. Though born across the border, he is thoroughly American in thought and feeling, and is patriotic and sincere in his love for the stars and stripes. His career is identified with the history of Idaho, where he has acquired a competence and where he is an honored and respected citizen. Thrice has he served as United States marshal of Idaho, and is accounted one of her bravest pioneers.
    Mr. Pinkham was born in Canada, on the 15th of December, 1833, and is a representative of an old New England family who were early settlers of Maine. The first of the name to come to America was Thomas Pinkham, a native of Wales, who established his home in the Pine Tree state. Henson Pinkham, father of our subject, was born, reared and married in Maine, and a short time prior to the birth of his son, Joseph, removed to Canada. The latter was reared upon a farm near New London, and acquired his education in the public schools of the neighborhood.
    In 1850, when seventeen years of age, he sailed from New York around Cape Horn for San Francisco, and was eight months making the trip, and after a short period spent in the latter city went to Shasta City, California, where he secured a situation as clerk in a store. Soon afterward, however, he went to Pit River, where he engaged in placer mining, and next went on horseback to Jacksonville, Oregon, where he engaged in mining and farming, meeting with fair success.
    On the 3rd of August, 1853, he went to the Rogue River Valley. The same day the Rogue River Indian war broke out, being precipitated by the killing of a white man near Table Rock. The war continued for a year and peace was procured by General Joseph Lane. In the fall of 1855, however, trouble broke out anew, and Mr. Pinkham aided in its suppression. He was in the quartermaster's department and participated in the battle of Hungry Hill. He remained in Oregon until 1862, devoting his energies to mining and farming, and then removed to Umatilla, on the Columbia River, where he engaged in clerking in the store of Z. F. Moody, who was afterward governor of Oregon. In 1864, in connection with Ish and Hailey, he conducted a saddle train between the Columbia River and Boise. He was engaged in purchasing supplies and forwarding the trains until 1866, when he assisted in the purchase of stage stock for the Meacham route to the Boise country, and also had charge of the road from Umatilla across the Blue Mountains until 1868. In that year he removed to Idaho City, Idaho, and purchased the stage route across Boise Basin to Placerville, Pioneer and Quartzburg; and in 1870 he bought the stage line from Idaho City to Boise, conducting the two lines until 1872, when he sold to the Greathouse brothers.
    In 1870 Mr. Pinkham was appointed United States marshal for the territory of Idaho by President Grant, and on the completion of his first term was again appointed by the same executive. He filled the office in a manner indeed creditable to himself and satisfactory to the government. He entered upon the duties of his position at a time when the region was largely infested with a lawless element and when crime held sway in many districts. He was ever fearless in the discharge of his duty, and to his efforts is largely due the rapid transformation of the state to its present condition of advanced civilization. A brave officer, carrying out the laws of the land, is a bulwark of defense to the better class of citizens and a continual menace to the worst element. In 1890 President Harrison appointed Mr. Pinkham for a third term in the office of United States marshal, and he therefore carried forward the work which he had so splendidly begun, the work of ridding the state of all criminal characters, so that it might become the abiding place of a prosperous and happy people. He had several narrow escapes while discharging his duties, but his bravery was ever above question, and his reputation for fearlessness and loyalty to duty soon spread among those who were amenable to law.
    On one occasion he started in pursuit of a criminal. He was riding on the front seat of the stage with the driver, when, as they were passing through a narrow defile in the mountains, they were waylaid by two men. From the brush at his side a rifle was pointed at Mr. Pinkham, so near that he could almost reach it as he sat leaning back with his arm across the seat. The ball from the gun passed just in front of him and lodged in the driver. At the same instant a man fired from the other side, using a gun loaded with nine buckshot. Every shot struck the beam of the coach just behind the driver, passed through the coach over the heads of the passengers and lodged on the beam in the opposite side. The driver, Charles Phelps, exclaimed: "I am shot." Mr. Pinkham then attempted to take the lines and whip, but could not wrench them from the grasp of the dying man; so, sitting in his lap, he swung the whip and urged the horses into a run toward Pocatello, a distance of two or three miles. There the driver was taken down and a doctor who was in the coach examined him, but said that the wound would prove fatal. So they put him in the coach, while Mr. Pinkham supported his head and another man drove to the Black Rock stage station, where, soon after their arrival, the driver died. At this place the Montana stage came down, loaded with bullion and accompanied by four well armed Wells, Fargo messengers. Mr. Pinkham proceeded on his way and arrested the man he was after and returned safely with him to the seat of justice.
    On another occasion, in 1878, a man was killed at Ross' Fork by an Indian, whom the military followed up Snake River and arrested. Mr. Pinkham then went after the offender and took him to Malad City, where he was tried, the sentence being that he should be hung at Boise. Mr. Pinkham then started with him in an open rig, putting him beside the driver, while he and his deputy sat behind. They learned that a large number of Indians were going to attempt his rescue, and accordingly they took another route. Mr. Pinkham instructed the deputy that if they were attacked to kill their prisoner and then fight for their own lives, but the new route selected prevented them from having an encounter with the red men. At length they arrived safely in Boise, where the Indian was hung.
    In 1892, the time of the miners' strike and riots at Coeur d'Alene, the members of the Miners' Union were enjoined from interrupting the peaceable working of other miners. It was Mr. Pinkham's duty to serve the papers in these cases, which he served on about five hundred men in Shoshone County, where he and his deputies arrested two hundred and fifty-seven of them for violating the injunction, holding them in Wallace under military guard. It was a time of great excitement and the miners were very desperate. Those arrested had a hearing before the United States commissioner, and all were discharged except about thirty of the leaders, one of whom was the notorious Ed Boice. At a special term of court held by Judge Beatty they were sentenced to six months' imprisonment in the Boise jail. During the strike there were fifteen non-union men working in a mine near Burke. They were surrounded by union men, who threatened to capture the mine and kill the miners. Mr. Pinkham was ordered to take the men away from the mine. He knew it to be a very difficult and dangerous duty, owing to the desperate character of the union men, and for a time he hardly knew how to accomplish the task, for the headquarters of the union men were at that place and serious trouble was expected. Studying over the matter during the night, in the morning he had reached the determination to go unarmed, and, instructing his deputy to go likewise, they took a coach and engine to bring the men away. At Wallace, about three miles from Burke, they telephoned for the guards to bring the men from the mine to the foot of the hill, about one hundred feet from where the cars would stop. From his station on the train he could see the men come down the hill. The yard was packed with union men. Mr. Pinkham and his deputy got out and walked through the crowd of desperate and angry men, all armed, reached the miners, and then our subject, starting toward the train, ordered the men to follow, the deputy bringing up in the rear. In this way they marched to the car, boarded it and pulled out in the midst of the most horrible abuse ever heaped upon any individuals, but the daring feat was safely accomplished and the lives of the miners were saved through the skill and courage of Mr. Pinkham.
    It was also during his service as United States marshal that the American Railway Union strike occurred, and he also handled the Coxey movement successfully without the loss of life or the destruction of property.
    It was said of him by the United States attorney general that he had been more successful than any other marshal in the entire service of the United States. With a keen appreciation of the great responsibility that rested upon him, with a full understanding of his duty, and without fear, he met every call without shrinking and made for himself a most creditable record. His name has thus become inseparably associated with the early history of the state, and Idaho owes not a little to him for the advancement which she has been enabled to make.
    In politics Mr. Pinkham has always been a stalwart Republican, has taken an active interest in the work of the party, and has been chairman of the Republican state central committee. He served in that capacity for three years, and by his capable organization and wise management brought success to the party. His business interests connect him with a number of good mines in the state. He buys and sells mining property on an extensive scale and is a mining expert, being rarely if ever mistaken as to the value of ores.
    In 1857 Mr. Pinkham was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Gray, a native of Missouri. She is the daughter of the Rev. Mr. Gray, a Methodist minister, and in that church she is a valued member. Socially Mr. Pinkham is a Mason, having taken the three preliminary degrees in Umatilla lodge, of Oregon, in 1864. He is now a Royal Arch Mason and a Knight Templar, is past master of the blue lodge, past grand secretary and treasurer and past deputy grand master of the grand lodge of Idaho. He is also a member of the Order of Elks.
    Such in brief is the life history of Joseph Pinkham. In whatever relation of life we find him--in the government service, in political circles, in business or in social relations--he is always the same honorable and honored gentleman, whose worth well merits the high regard which is uniformly given him.
An Illustrated History of the State of Idaho, Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago, 1899, pages 282-285

Buncom Reports.
Correspondence to the Post.
    The weather is quite warm here.
    J. F. Crump was in Jacksonville one day last week.
    F. Kleinhammer and M. Goldsby spent several hours in Jacksonville last Saturday.
    Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Coffman of Buncom are now residing in Jacksonville.
    Mrs. M. R. Buck was visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Parks, near Buncom recently.
    Miss Ella Parks was visiting friends at Leland, Ore. recently.
    The neighbors on little Applegate are enjoying great picnics on Sundays.
    Gage M. Pierce, who has lived near Buncom for 13 years, is enjoying himself alone, same as ever.
    A. D. McKee has his new house about completed we are glad to say.
    Byran Johnson of Buncom was visiting in Jacksonville last Sunday, the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Ryan.
    Clarence Buck of Big Applegate was visiting relatives near Buncom last week.
    Hollis Parks of this place spent several hours in Phoenix last week.
    Charles Pursel passed by Buncom last week with a fine milk cow.
    A. B. Saltmarsh is improved a little, we are glad to report; we wish him speedy recovery.

Jacksonville Post, July 31, 1909, page 1  More columns were written from Buncom. Let me know if you'd like to transcribe them.

Buncom Reports.
Correspondence to the Post.
    M. R. Buck is digging a fine cellar.
    Benton Pool passed by Buncom last week.
    Charley Garrett attended the picnic last Sunday.
    Oren Coffman was up Little Applegate last week.
    Mr. Summerville made a business trip up to Buncom recently.
    W. T. Bostwick, made a business trip to the Pursel mill recently.
    Miss Laura Dorn enjoyed a fine buggy ride up to Buncom last Sunday.
    Men are now hauling and storing away their hay; second crop looks fine.
    C. C. Buck and family of Big Applegate were visiting home folks recently.
    Jim Cantrall of Jacksonville, accompanied by his family, made a business trip to Pursel's last Tuesday.
    Mrs. Mollie Knox and two sons of Wheeler County are visiting Mrs Knox' brother, J. Parks, at Buncom.
    Last week an automobile passed down after dark with the lights lit up and was very pleasing to look at.
    Barney Randolph, who has been working on Williams Creek for some time, has returned to his home near Buncom.
    Nora Kleinhammer, who accidentally hurt her back at the picnic three weeks ago, is not much improved, we are sorry to say.
    Grace Buck, accompanied by her little cousin Maudie Cantrall, spent a pleasant afternoon with little friends Ora and Cora Goldsby recently.

Jacksonville Post, August 14, 1909, page 3

    A post office on Little Applegate River twelve miles south of Jacksonville, the express, banking and shipping point. Mail semi-weekly. W. R. Garrett, postmaster.
Polk's Jackson, Josephine and Douglas County Directory 1910

    A post office on the Little Applegate River, 12 miles south of Jacksonville, the telegraph, express, banking and shipping point. Stage and mail to Jacksonville semi-weekly.
GARRETT W R, Postmaster
Pursell Charles C, saw mill
Polk's Jackson, Josephine and Douglas County Directory 1912

    A post office on the Little Applegate River, 12 miles south of Jacksonville, the telegraph, express, banking and shipping point. Stage and mail to Jacksonville semi-weekly.
GARRETT W R, Postmaster and Grocer
Pursell Charles C, saw mill
Polk's Jackson, Josephine and Douglas County Directory 1914

James Lowden, Veteran of Indian Wars, Died Monday,
Was Pioneer of Oregon.

    James Lowden, a well-known resident of Jackson County, died at his home [in] Buncom, Oregon, Monday, Oct. 5, aged 83 years.
    Mr. Lowden was a pioneer of Oregon, and had lived in the state for more than sixty years. He was a veteran of the Indian wars of 1855 and 1856, having served in both Captain John H. Settle's and Jonathan Keeney's companies of Oregon volunteers in the service of the United States.
    Funeral services conducted by Rev. Jenkins of this city were held Wednesday; interment in Jacksonville cemetery.
Jacksonville Post, October 10, 1914, page 1  Could this be James L. Loudon? Cemetery sexton's records confirm the spelling (in 1914, anyway) as "Lowden."

    A post office on the Little Applegate Creek, 12 miles south of Jacksonville, the banking and shipping point. Stage and mail from Jacksonville semi-weekly. For list of names refer to star route from Jacksonville-Buncom-Watkins.
Jackson County Directory 1916, Rothermel and Fee, pub.

    Among our announcements this week will be found that of Ralph G. Jennings of Buncom, who is a candidate for the office of sheriff at the Democratic primaries. Mr. Jennings is a native of Jackson Co., receiving his education in our schools. He is a rancher and stockraiser, a large taxpayer, and conversant with the need of the office to which he aspires.

"Local News Notes,"
Gold Hill News, March 25, 1916, page 3

    Miss Mabel Henson of Climax came out and went to Buncom to teach school.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, September 4, 1916, page 4

    APPLEGATE, Oct. 26.--From all accounts, it appears that the vicinity of the Little Applegate River is going to emerge from its many years of repose into a worthy object of desire in the minds of mining men for the first time since Chinamen were prominent in the country.
    Recent prospecting has revealed the fact that the adjacent land contains a sufficient amount of gold to permit engaging in extensive mining operations in the very near future. Preparations are now under way to commence what will probably develop into a large mining concern of modern facilities, under the ownership of the Federal Mining Company, of which A. E. Kirkland, prominent mining man from Cottage Grove, is director.
    The operations will be centered in and around the Heckman place, known to pioneers of the valley as the Frank Smith ranch, which has recently been purchased by the mining company. The Buncom place, at the mouth of Sterling Creek, formerly known as the Sam Phillips place, together with the old Sterling mine, have been bonded for mining purposes.
    A large group of laborers, under the directorship of J. A. S. Kleinhammer, is now employed in cleaning and rebuilding a ditch which was used years ago by a company of Chinese miners, known as the Gin Lin Co. It is anticipated that 1500 or 2000 inches of water will be put into the ditch, providing there is an adequate supply in the creek during the winter season. A number of pieces of hydraulic pipe are being hauled from the Sterling mine to be used in connection with the ditch line, which runs back of the Heckman place at a height which will permit hydraulic pressure.
    For the present the men employed are finding board and lodging at private homes, although with the progress of the work and with an addition of workers, Mr. Kirkland anticipates providing means whereby the employees can be housed near the working center. The company has purchased a share in the Little Applegate telephone line and will be listed in the telephone directory under the company name.
    The preparations for the opening of the mine are welcomed by all the residents of the Applegate Valley as an addition toward commercial advancement in the community. A large number of local men are finding employment in the enterprise who, otherwise, would be obliged to seek work elsewhere. Everybody hopes to see the mine progress and attain the highest degree of success possible.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 27, 1926, page B1

Seattle and Alaska Men Install Hydraulics in Buncom District--
Work 24-Hour Shifts.

    Preparations for a mining development, one of the largest in Southern Oregon, are nearing completion in the Buncom district where the Applegate Mines, Inc., composed of Seattle and Alaska mining men, will operate a hydraulic gold mine, opening up new ground. The mine is practically ready to begin operations, governed by the supply of water.
    In the neighborhood of 15 men will be employed, making their headquarters at Buncom Corners, near the meadows where three hydraulics will be operated on 24-hour shifts. Water will be taken from the Little Applegate River.
    The reconditioning of the old China or Gin Lin ditch, used by a Chinaman 60 years ago to mine a short distance below the meadows, has been completed. He is credited with taking out two million dollars and employed a large number of Chinese.
    The ditch is eight miles long and averages four feet deep. Pipe of 30 inches diameter leads from the ditch to the scene of operations, a dropoff of 220 feet in 2,000 feet. The nozzle is 11 inches, sending forth a stream of water at high pressure.
Make Own "Juice."
    An electric plant is to be constructed, furnishing electricity to illuminate the scene of operations at night and also the bunk-houses and cook-house, the construction of which has been completed. More buildings to house mine laborers are to be constructed in a short time.
    The mine and scene of contemplated operations were shown by Floyd T. Steele, vice-president and manager, to Ed White and Joe Brown of Medford, and a representative of the Mail Tribune a few
days ago. Mr. Steele has had 30 years of experience in the Alaska gold fields and surveyed the local possibilities carefully before making plans for development in the Buncom district. The property adjoins the Federal mine.
    Other officers of the corporation are F. M. Lewis, Seattle, president, and James E. Bradford, secretary and treasurer.
    This development adds materially to mining activity in the county and is expected to lead to more. Mr. Steele has just purchased the Kleinhammer ranch for mining purposes.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1931, page 5

    Schoolhouses may be used for several months a year to teach little children readin', writin' and 'rithmetic, but a new utilization of the building for summer months was discovered in the Little Applegate region yesterday afternoon by state police.
    Checking licenses near the Buncom school, where a group of men were camped, all of the members silently disappeared according to officers, leaving the camp deserted. Becoming suspicious, they decided to do a little investigating.
    In their search they took in the school house and in the back part of the building discovered a six-gallon crock with the remains of some beer mash, they reported.
    Police did not know if the men of the camp have returned yet or not.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1933, page 8

    BUNCOM, April 13.--(Spl.)--All the boys attending Sterling school have organized a 4-H club, with Albert Dutton as president and Donald Rolund vice-president.
    James Gray and Elmer White made a business trip to Medford Tuesday.
    Charles V. Johnson, who has been staying at Mrs. Ida Rolund's for the past month, left Monday for Cleveland, Ohio, where he will visit his brother, who is field manager for the Eastern Air Lines in that city.
    Mr. and Mrs. Percy Paul have moved back from Medford to their home on Little Applegate.
    Mr. and Mrs. Lester Martin and son Charles have returned to their home on Armstrong Gulch, having spent the winter in Santa Ana, Cal.
    Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Harris went to Medford Wednesday on business.
    Mrs. Jesse Coleman of Medford and her brother, Bernard Wright, who has been employed at Oak Knoll ranger Station near Gottsville, Cal., visited their mother, Mrs. Ida Rolund, and Sister, Mrs. Hilma Randall, over the weekend.
    Mr. and Mrs. Paul Phinney were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phinney Sunday.
    Sam Randles is piping nights at the Sterling mine.
    Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanderhoof were callers at the Rolund home Monday.
    Harry Gilson of Klamath Falls visited Mr. and Mrs. Ansil Gilson Saturday.
    Jim Knapp and Francis Harris went on a hike Tuesday.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1934, page 5

    BUNCOM, May 2.--(Spl.)--Mr. and Mrs. Wesson and Mr. Jerrons of Seattle, Wash., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanderhoof.
    Bernard Wright left for Sacramento a few days ago on a business and pleasure trip.
    Mrs. George Brownlee, who is teaching the Sterling school, accompanied her pupils to Ruch Friday to participate in the closing exercises of the Ruch school. Many of the parents also attended and a good time was had by all.
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pulliam, who have resided here for the past three years, are now residents of Quincy, Calif. All wish them good luck in their new surroundings.
    Mrs. J. H. Coleman of Medford was visiting relatives and friends here Friday. Mrs. Hilma Randall accompanied her back to Medford to spend the weekend.
    Mr. and Mrs. Hultz and family, formerly of Applegate, are now domiciled in their new home on Sterling Creek.
    Mr. and Mrs. Ansil Gilson visited relatives in Jacksonville Sunday.
    H. Farley is now living in the house on Buncom corner, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Pulliam.
    Mr. Bishop of Santa Ana, Calif., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester Martin.
    Mr. and Mrs. Paul Phinney went to Medford Thursday on business.
    Sam Randles attended the grange dance in Jacksonville Friday night.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 2, 1934, page 2

    BUNCOM, June 4.--(Spl.)--Everyone in this vicinity is rejoicing over the fine rain that fell for several days.
    Sam Randles and Elmer White left for Roxy Ann Monday, where they are engaged in falling timber for Frank Spalding.
    Miss Elmira Hulse visited Mrs. E. Roundtree of Applegate several days this week, returning home Thursday evening.
    Mrs. Hilma Randall spent Wednesday in Grants Pass with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Castner.
    Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hulse and son Leonard went to Medford Friday on business.
    Clint Roundtree of Applegate was a caller at the Hulse home Thursday.
    Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Harris and Milton Harris went to Medford Thursday to do some shopping.
    Percy Paul is working in the Tomlin box factory in Medford.
    H. Farley and Phil Phelps attended the dance in Jacksonville Saturday.
    Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanderhoof and family, also Dan Daly of Seattle went to Jacksonville Sunday afternoon.
    Francis Harris and Donald Rolund went hiking and picnicking up Yale Creek Thursday.
    Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Randall and family called at the Vanderhoof home Sunday afternoon.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 4, 1934, page 7

    BUNCOM, June 21.--(Spl.)--Mr. and Mrs. Wesson of Seattle are now residents of this place, having located on some land along the Little Applegate. All extend them a hearty welcome.
    H. Farley went to Medford Tuesday to have some dental work done.
    Mrs. Lester Martin lef: for Santa Clara, Calif., Tuesday, where she will visit her mother and other relatives for several weeks.
    The boys' 4-H club in charge of George Brownlee went on an overnight camping trip up Big Applegate Saturday, returning Sunday afternoon.
    Mrs. Leslie Brown of Portland is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanderhoof, and family of this place. Mrs. Brown is accompanied by her stepson Leonard Brown and expects to remain here a month or longer.
    Misses Frances and Josephine Genet, who have been attending St. Mary's academy in Medford, returned home Monday.
    W. H. Davis made a business trip to Medford. Wednesday.
    Mrs. Reed of Ashland is visiting her son, Paul Phinney, and family.
    Mrs. Hilma Randall spent the weekend in Grants Pass with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Castner, returning home Sunday evening.
    Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hulse, Leonard and Myra went to Jacksonville Saturday on business.
    Phil Phelps, who has been staying with H. Farley for some time, has gone to Carberry to spend the summer.
    Misses Joy and Dorothy Randall were callers at the Rolund home Monday afternoon.
    S. A. Harris made a business trip to Medford Wednesday.
    Mrs. W. H. Davis had the misfortune to cut her right hand quite badly Saturday on a fruit jar which she was filling. Mrs. Harris rendered first aid, and at last accounts her hand was getting along nicely.
    Mrs. Rolund spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. S. A. Harris of Armstrong Gulch.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 21, 1934, page 9

    BUNCOM, July 6.--(Spl.)--Leslie Brown of Portland is spending several days here visiting Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanderhoof, and uncle Dan Daly of Seattle.
    Mrs. W. H. Davis and small sons, Joe and Arthur, spent Monday with Mrs. S. A. Harris of Armstrong Gulch.
    Boys' 4-H club under the leadership of George Brownlee has completed the club work and is now awaiting the arrival of achievement pins.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman of Medford spent Sunday with Mrs. Rolund and family.
    Roy Ganfleld was calling on customers in Buncom and vicinity Monday.
    H. Farley is cutting his winter's supply of wood between visits to the dentist.
    Miss Elmina Hulse, who has been away for several weeks in the Willamette Valley, returned home Wednesday.
    Sam Randles made a business trip to Medford Monday.
    Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hulse spent Monday in Jacksonville attending to business and visiting their daughter, Mrs. Elmer Kivitt and family.
    Florenz Hall of Forest Creek is visiting relatives here for a few days.
    Callers at the S. S. Randles home Monday were the Misses Elmina and Myra Hulse, Hilma Randall, the Messrs. Marion and Leonard Hulse, Elmer White, H. Farley, Donald and Mrs. Rolund.
    Mrs. Hattie Logan of Jacksonville spent the 4th with Mr. and Mrs. Ansil Gilson,
    Dave Lee called at the Davis home Monday.
    Marion Hulse, who has been employed at Seattle Bar for several months, is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hulse.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 6, 1934, page 8

    BUNCOM, July 19.--(Spl.)--Ed Wall left Sunday afternoon for Roxy Ann, where he is employed by Frank Spalding in his logging camp.
    Sam Randles and Elmer White came down from Roxy Ann Saturday afternoon
    Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Randall and children are visiting friends near Steamboat for a few days.
    P. A. Hulse and sons, Marion and Leonard, returned from a few days prospecting on the Klamath River Monday.
    Mrs. Elmer Kivitt and children of Jacksonville have been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hulse, for several days.
    Miss Elmina Hulse, who has been visiting friends down the Big Applegate, returned home Tuesday.
    Mr. and Mrs. Paul Phinney were business callers in Medford Tuesday.
    Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brown and son Leonard of Portland are now located at the home of Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanderhoof.
    Dan Daly of Seattle, who has been visiting at the Vanderhoof home for several weeks, left Friday for his home.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coleman of Medford, accompanied by their granddaughters, Dorland Terrill and Norma Mitchell, passed through Buncom Tuesday.
    Mrs. Wilbur Thompson of Ashland and Mrs. Ben Schultz and little daughter of Medford were visitors at the Rolund home Sunday and Monday.
    Fay Randall, Donald Rolund, Leonard Brown and Dan Vanderhoof went swimming in the Big Applegate Wednesday afternoon.
    Miss Elmina Hulse and Mrs. Hilma Randall attended the dance at Eagle Point Saturday.
    Clint Roundtree of Applegate was a caller at the Hulse home Sunday evening.
    Miss Fay Knapp has been spending several days with Miss Betty Hall.
    Mrs. Fred Vanderhoof, Mrs. Ben Schultz and Mrs. Ida Rolund called on Mrs. Ansil Gilson Sunday evening.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1934, page 11

    BUNCOM, Aug. 2.--(Spl.)--Floyd Steele of Seattle was a business caller in Buncom one day last week, accompanied by a group of mining men from that city who are looking over some mining property in this vicinity.
    Mr. and Mrs. Dyke of Medford called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanderhoof and family Friday.
    A swimming party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brown, Leonard Brown, Fred and Dan Vanderhoof, Mrs. Rolund, Donald Rolund, Hilma Randall and Elmer White went swimming in the Big Applegate by the Newbury place Friday evening. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed.
    Clint Roundtree of Applegate was a caller at the Hulse home Thursday evening.
    Mr. and Mrs. Paul Phinney and daughter June were business callers in Medford Monday.
    Miss Virginia Genet of Medford is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Davis, and family.
    Mrs. S. A. Harris and son Milton of Armstrong Gulch visited at the Rolund home Thursday.
    Mrs. Fred Vanderhoof, Dan Vanderhoof and Mr. and Mrs. Brown were callers at the Floyd Randall home Tuesday evening,
    Leonard Hulse, who has been employed in the Wing orchard near Jacksonville for several days, returned home Saturday.
    Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hulse and daughters Elmina and Myra were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kivitt in Jacksonville Thursday.
    H. Farley was a caller at the R. J. Phinney home Tuesday evening.
    Orion Mapleson of Horse Creek, Cal., visited P. A. Hulse and family over the weekend.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman of Medford were callers at the Rolund home Sunday afternoon.
    Lester Martin, son, Charles, and Donald Bishop left for Santa Ana, Cal., Wednesday of last week. where they expect to remain until September.
    Glenn Perkins of Little Applegate visited Donald Rolund Tuesday afternoon.
    Lloyd Hanscom, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Community Hospital in Medford, is getting along nicely. Warren Connor of Merrill has been helping Mrs. Hanscom with the farm work.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1934, page 11

    BUNCOM, Sept. 25. --(Spl.)--Sam Randles, Leonard Hulse, Elmina Hulse and Hilma Randall attended the dance at Slim Wolfe's Saturday night.
    Mr. and Mrs. Dan Daly went to Medford Monday on business.
    Mrs. W. H. Davis spent Saturday in Medford.
    Mrs. Roy Phinney and children are now residing in Medford, where the children are attending St. Mary's academy.
    Roy Phinney is now hauling logs from Buncom to the Pursel mill on Yale Creek.
    Mrs. Hilma Randall spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston last week in Cedar Basin up Big Applegate.
    Miss Myra Hulse is spending a few days with relatives in Jacksonville.
    Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Coleman of Medford were visitors at the home of Mrs. Ida Rolund and family Sunday.
    Dave Lee and Chan Wetzel are engaged in building a house for Mrs. George Brownlee near the Sterling school.
    Mrs. Rolund and Mrs. Hilma Randall called on Mrs. Ansil Gilson Saturday afternoon.
    Mrs. Ida Rolund had as guests last week her cousins, Mrs. Ida Mathews and son, Alton Mathews, of Los Angeles. Mr. Mathews is accountant for the Santa Fe Railroad company in that city.
    Clint Roundtree of Applegate was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hulse Sunday.
    Miss Marjorie Fitzgerald of Medford is visiting Mrs. Harley Perkins and family.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1934, page 7

    BUNCOM, Dec. 11.--(Spl.)--A box social will be held at Sterling school house Dec. 20. Everybody is welcome.
    Jack Mathews of Portland arrived here Saturday and will have charge of the Aurora mine. Mr. Mathews operated the Sterling mine several years ago and all are glad to welcome him back.
    Little Joe Genet, who has been a patient at the Sacred Heart Hospital for some time, is now at home.
    Lee White of Coquille, Ore., has been visiting his brother, Elmer White, for several weeks.
    Clint Roundtree of Applegate spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hulse and family.
    Orville and Ivan Goodman of Jacksonville and Miss Lucille Stearns of Griffin Creek were Sunday callers at the Rolund home.
    Miss Elmina Hulse, who has spent the past two months with relatives in Jacksonville, returned home Friday for a few days.
    Mrs. Hilma Randall visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Coleman in Medford Sunday.
    Mrs. P. A. Hulse, Miss Myra Hulse and Percy Beard made a business trip to Medford Saturday.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 11, 1934, page 4

Last revised January 29, 2025