![]() ![]() 1916 Jackson County Directory Refer
to the 1912
and 1914
for keys to abbreviations.
Advertisements in the directory are not transcribed but are viewable on the scans on ancestry.com or for free at Heritage Quest. Use your Jackson County Library card number to sign in. THE
JACKSON COUNTY DIRECTORY 1916 ---- A Directory of General Information with Alphabet- ically Arranged List of Business and Profes- sional Firms, and Citizens of Medford, Ashland, Central Point, Eagle Point, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Rogue River, Talent, All Towns and Villages and All R.F.D. and Star Routes in Jackson County ---- CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY H. W. ROTHERMEL, J. B. FEE, PUBLISHERS PRINTED BY THE MEDFORD PRINTING CO., MEDFORD, OREGON Directory of
and one-quarter miles--2080 acres.Jackson County, Oregon ---- MEDFORD POPULATION--As given by the last census, 8,840. Increase during the census decade, 392 percent, being the third city in increase in the United States. Estimated population January 1st, 1916--10,000. STREET PAVING--The best-paved city of its size in the world; 22 miles built in 1910, 1911 and 1912 at a total expenditure of $935,696.00. Sam Hill says: "Medford has the best sewer system and the best paved streets in the West." SEWERS--Storm and sanitary, 27.54 miles. Total expenditure of $214,651.24. WATER MAINS AND WATER SYSTEM--28.45 miles of water mains, with a gravity water system costing $350,000.00, furnishing a supply of pure mountain water ample for a city of 40,000 population, 22 miles of 16-inch wood aqueducts and a reservoir of 2,000,000 gallons. INDEBTEDNESS--(Amount of all bonds for all purposes):
HEALTH--Medford is known as the healthiest on the Northwest Coast, the death rate being less than 7 in 1,000. CLIMATE--Here is found the mean between excessive moisture and excessive dryness, the average rainfall being 27 inches. Zero weather unknown, and rarely unpleasantly warm. The summer nights are cool, never too warm to sleep, and to one coming from the humid sections of the East, the Rogue River climate is the nearest approach to paradise he will ever find. HUNTING AND FISHING--The natural starting point for camping and fishing parties, Rogue River and its tributaries is conceded to be the best salmon and trout waters in the United States. CRATER LAKE--Here automobiles convey you in six hours to the greatest of the national wonders. This remarkable lake is in the shell of a volcano, with its wonderful blue waters 2,000 ft. in depth, with the ragged crest of the crater showing above the waves, 2,000 ft. in height, and this surrounded by towering peaks. This lovely and majestic lake is nearly 20 miles in circumference. Noted geologists, botanists and scientists come from many foreign lands to see and study it. It is 80 miles from Medford. PUBLIC MARKET--The first city in Oregon to establish a public market, bringing the producer and consumer together with most satisfactory results in reducing the cost of living. A JOBBING AND WHOLESALE CENTER--Medford is now a distributing center to the retail trade. Some of the wholesale houses are: The Medford Grocery Co., Mason-Ehrman Co., Medford Fruit Co., Union Meat Co., two ice plants, precooling and cold storage, Rogue River Fruit & Produce Association, Producers' Fruit Co., and several others. FIRE DEPARTMENT IN SERVICE--One auto combination chemical and hose wagon, with all equipment, 1 auto chemical, 1 horse-drawn chemical and hose wagon, complete with ladders, hose, etc., three hose carts, three chemicals, etc. Total fire apparatus, value $15,245.00. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER--The electric energy and power used in the Rogue River Valley is as follows: Plant at Gold Ray has a capacity of 5,000 horsepower; plant at Prospect, 10,000 horsepower, available horsepower 30,000; available at Fall Creek, Cal., plant, 7,500 horsepower; available at Shasta River, Cal., 2,000 horsepower; Klamath River plant, 40,000 horsepower, or a total of 131,500 horsepower. These plants are all owned and operated by the California-Oregon Power Co. GAS--High-power plant installed and operating. Gas works, three and one-half miles south of Medford; capacity per day, 250,000 ft. PUBLIC LIBRARY--Carnegie Library, completed February, 1912, at a cost of $21,000.00. HOTELS--Four modern hotels--The Medford, The Nash, The Holland, The Barnum. Three second-class hotels and four restaurants. BANKS--Medford has four banks--First National, Jackson County, Medford National and Farmers & Fruitgrowers, and a Postal Savings station. RAILROADS AND ELECTRIC TRAINS--Southern Pacific Railway, 6 passenger trains daily. Pacific & Eastern Railway, 2 passenger trains daily. Southern Oregon Traction Co. (electric) interurban and to Jacksonville. NEWSPAPERS--Medford supports two splendid newspapers. The daily and weekly Mail Tribune (afternoon with Associated Press dispatches) and the daily and Sunday Sun (morning with Associated Press dispatches). PARKS--City park covering three blocks in the heart of the city, baseball park and Jackson County Fair park, covering forty acres. CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS--Medford Commercial Club, Medford Merchants' Association, University Club, Greater Medford Club, College Womans' Club, and many other organizations. CHURCHES--Baptist, Christian, Christian Science, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist Episcopal, Free Methodist, Methodist South, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Seventh-Day Adventist, and others. HOSPITALS--The Sacred Heart Hospital, costing $100,000.00. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT--Page Opera House, the Natatorium and Star Theater. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES--All the leading societies and lodges are represented. IRRIGATION--An irrigation system is partially constructed that will furnish every section of the valley with sufficient water. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION
Mayor--V. J. Emerick. Recorder--Elmer T. Foss. Treasurer--Gus. H. Samuels. City Atty.--B. R. McCabe. Chief of Police--J. T. Hittson. Chief of Fire Dept.--J. W. Lawton. Market Master--E. J. Runyard. Health Officer--Dr. F. G. Thayer. Elect. Inspector--L. E. Hinman. Police Judge--Chas. B. Gay. City Engineer--O. Arnspiger. COUNCILMEN
H. P. Hargrave, J. M. Keene, C. W.
P. Hargrave, J. M. Keene, C. W. Davis.Streets and Roads--J. M. Keene, F. M. Amy, J. J. Emmens. Light and Water--F. M. Amy, J. C. Mann, H. P. Hargrave. License--V. J. Emerick, J. C. Mann, F. M. Amy. Building and Fire--J. C. Mann, F. M. Amy, J. M. Keene. Health--J. J. Emmens, C. W. Davis, V. J. Emerick. Public Market--C. W. Davis, H. P. Hargrave, J. J. Emmens. Policemen
Chief--J. F. Hittson.Patrolmen--W. H. Crawford, L. P. Mego. Fire Department--Paid
J. W. Lawton, H. T. Burch, Roy Elliott,
W. J. Fredenburg, Newton H. Mark, Horace L. Roberts.FIRE DEPARTMENT--VOLUNTEER
O. Arnspiger, John H. Butler, H. N.
Butler, J. T.
Conrad, J. E. Dent, E. Eads, G. Eads, R. Estes, S. V. Hall, H. T.
Haswell, C. Johnston, D. T. Lawton, F. Lindley, H. Lumburg, C. Metz, H.
F. McLaughlin, H. L. Wilson, A. Wright.Fire Wards
First Ward--All that portion of city
east of Bear Creek.Second Ward--All that portion of the city west of Bear Creek and south of Main. Third Ward--All that portion of the city west of Bear Creek and north of Main. BANKS
First National--M. L. Alford, Pres.;
Chas. M.
English, Vice-Pres.; Oris Crawford, Cashier; H. S. Deuel, Asst.
Cashier. Directors--F. K. Deuel, M. L. Alford, Chas. Strang, Chas. M.
English, J. H. Cooley, Geo. W. Dunn, Henry Hart. Capital
$100,000.00. Resources, closing of business on May 1st, 1916,
$827,307.58.Jackson County--C. W. McDonald, Pres.; Geo. R. Lindley, Vice-Pres.; V. H. Vawter, Cashier; T. A. Fifer, Asst. Cashier. Directors--J. H. Cooley, G. R. Lindley. H. U. Lumsden, C. W. McDonald, V. J. Emerick, F. W. Hutchison. Capital Stock, $100,000.00. Resources, close of business on May 1st, 1916, $726,078.00. Medford National Bank--W. H. Gore, Pres.; J. A. Perry, Vice-Pres.; F. E. Merrick, Vice-Pres.; John S. Orth, Cashier. Directors--J. S. Orth, J. A. Perry, J. F. Wortman, F. E. Merrick, W. H. Gore, J. M. Keene, H. I. Pelton. Resources, close of business May 1st, 1916, $715,318.70. Capital Stock, $100,000.00. The Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank--Delroy Getchell, Pres.; L. Niedermeyer, Vice-Pres.; R. F. Antle, Cashier. Directors--Delroy Getchell, L. Niedermeyer, W. H. Stewart, M. McGrath, R. F. Antle. Resources at close of business May 1st, 1916, $205,082.11. Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BUILDINGS AND HALLS
Andrews Bldg.--31 N Grape.Angle Bldg.--206 E Main. Adkins Bldg.--204 E Main. Barnum Bldg.--317 E Main. City Hall--44 N Front. Deuel Bldg.--Se cor W Main and Bartlett. Eagles Hall--3rd floor Adkins Bldg. Electric Bldg.--218 W Main. Federal Bldg.--Cor 6th and N Holly. Elks Temple--Cor 5th and Central. First National Bank Bldg.--118 E Main. F.&F. Growers Bank Bldg.--Cor W Main and N Grape. Garnett-Corey Bldg.--W. Main sw cor Grape. Getchell Block--Cor Main and Fir. Haskins Block--216 E Main. Hotel Holland Bldg.--N Fir sw cor W 6th. Hotel Nash Bldg.--Front se cor E Main I.O.O.F. Bldg.--219 W 6th. Jackson Co. Bank Bldg.--10 N Central av. Kinsman Bldg.--41 N Front. Knights of Pythias Hall--123 E Main. Lindley Bldg.--215 E Main. Mail Tribune Bldg.--25-29 N Fir. Masonic Hall--Medford Furn & Hdw Co bldg. Medford Business College Block--31 N Grape. Miles Bldg.--103 E Main. Medford Furniture & Hdw. Co. Bldg.--29-39 N Central av. Medford Hotel Bldg.--Cor W Main and N Ivy. Moose Hall--North Front. Natatorium Bldg.--N Riverside av ft E 6th. Palm Block--E Main ne cor Front. Phipps Bldg.--225 E Main. Post Office Bldg.--6th ne cor Holly. Redmen's Hall--231 Apple. Rialto Bldg.--123 E Main. St. Mark's Block--218 W Main. Smith's Hall--126 N Grape. Sparta Bldg.--401 E Main. Stewart Bldg.--235 E Main. Weeks Bldg.--116 W Main. Young & Hall Bldg.--112 N Front. COURTS
Justice Court--Glenn O. Taylor, Justice
of Peace. Office, M.F.&H. bldg.U.S. Court--Roy Davis, Deputy U.S. Clerk. Office, Federal bldg. CEMETERIES
I.O.O.F. Cemetery--1 m e city.COMMERCIAL BODIES
Medford Commercial Club--Nw cor
Front and Main.
A. L. Hill, Pres.; C. M. Thomas, Vice-Pres.; Guy W. Conner, Treas.; H.
A. Latta, Sec.Medford Merchants' Assn.--Medford Furniture & Hdw. bldg. Earl C. Gaddis, Pres.; C. S. Butterfield, Vice-Pres.; C. M. Kidd, Treas.; John H. Carkin, Sec. CHURCHES
First--N Central av se cor 5th. Rev. F.
W. Carstens,
pastor. Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45
a.m.; B.Y.P.U., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p.m.Baptist Christian
First--S Oakdale av se cor W 9th. Rev.
H. E. Tucker, pastor. Sunday
services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school 10 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30
p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday 7:30 p.m. Church of God Mission
415 N Front. Sunday services 11 a.m. and
7:30 p.m.Christian Science
212 N Oakdale av. 1st Reader, Mrs.
G Wilson;
2nd Reader, Bert R. McCabe. Sunday services 11 a.m.; Sunday school 10
a.m.; Wednesday meetings 7:30 p.m.Episcopal
St. Mark's--Services in St. Mark's
Church, N
Oakdale. Rev. W. B. Hamilton, rector. Sunday services, 5 a.m., 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school 10 a.m.Lutheran
Zion Evangelical--512 W 4th. Dr.
Waldemar, pastor. Sunday services: German, 1st and 3rd Sundays, 11
a.m.; English, 2nd and 4th Sundays, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday
school, 10 a.m.Methodist Episcopal
First--N. Bartlett se cor E 4th. Rev. J.
C. Rollins,
pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45
a.m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.; Junior Epworth League, 3 p.m.; Prayer
meeting, Thursday 7:30 p.m.Methodist Free
District Elder--I. W. Sharpe, res 1027
Narregan.Free Methodist Church--W 10th se cor S Ivy. Rev. J. E. Bradley, pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday 7:30 p.m. Methodist South
Methodist Episcopal South--W Main nw cor
N Oakdale
av. Rev. H. M. Branham, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.;
Sunday school 10 a.m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting,
Thursday 7:30 p.m.Presbyterian
First--W Main se cor Holly. Rev. A. A.
J. Hogg,
Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.;
Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Junior Y.P.S.C.E., 4:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Roman Catholic
Church of the Nativity of Our Blessed
Lord--338 S
Oakdale av. Pastor, J. Powers. Mass every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.; in
summer on 1st Sunday in each month at 7 and 9 a.m.; in winter 10:30 a.m.Seventh Day Adventist
605 N Riverside av--Lowell Tupper,
elder. Services,
Sabbath school 11 a.m.; Preaching or Testimonial] reading, Saturday, 11
a.m.; Young Peoples meeting Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting,
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.CLUBS AND SOCIETIES
College Woman's Club--Meets 2nd Saturday
at lunch
hour, and 2 p.m. at residence of members. Mrs. F. G. Thayer, Pres; Mrs.
Warner (Ashland), Sec; Grace Mitchell, Treas.Greater Medford Club--Meets at Public Library last Monday in each month, at 3 p.m. Mrs. Charles Schieffelin, Pres; Mrs. Jap Andrews, 1st Vice-Pres; Elizabeth Putnam, 2nd Vice-Pres; Mrs. C. D. Hoon, Rec-Sec; Mrs. Frank Hollis, Cor Sec; Mrs. H. L. Noblit, Treas. Directors, Mrs. J. F. Mundy, Mrs. W. E. Crews, Mrs. R. J. Conroy. Pan-Hellenic Club--Meets 4th Saturday each month at residence of members. Bess Kentner, Pres; Mrs. J. H. Harrison, Sec; Theone Carkin, Treas. Medford Center of the Dramatic League of America--Meets in Public Library. Mrs. Louise Burks, Pres; Mrs. Geo. B. Carpenter, 1st Vice-Pres; Mrs. John Carkin, 2nd Vice-Pres; Mrs. Charles Schieffelin, 3rd Vice-Pres; Mrs. Frank Owen, Cor-Sec; Elizabeth Putnam, Rec Sec; John Orth, Treas. Wednesday Study Club--Meets in Public Library 1st and 3rd Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Hollis, Pres; Mrs. M. L. Alford, Treas; Mrs. J. A. Torney, Sec. Jackson County Fair Assn.--125 E Main. A. J. Vance, Pres; C. E. Gates, 1st Vice-Pres; G. A. Morse, 2nd Vice-Pres; W. H. Gore, Treas; J. H. Carkin, Atty; S. I. Brown, Sec Jackson County Fire Patrol Assn.--Wm. T. Grieve, Pres; H. D. Mills, Vice-Pres; E. A. Hildreth, Sec-Treas. Jackson County Bar Assn.--Jackson County Bank Bldg.--A. E. Reames (Medford), Pres; E. D. Briggs (Ashland), Vice-Pres; H. K. Hanna (Jacksonville), Vice-Pres; Gus Newbury (Medford), Vice-Pres; T. W. Miles (Medford), Sec-Treas. Medford Golf and Country Club--3 m e city. S. V. Beckwith, Pres; Walter Bowne, Sec; Earl Tumy, Treas. Rogue River Valley University Club--Cor W Main and Holly. Dr. S. A. Salade, Pres; L. Carpenter, Sec; John Orth, Treas. FEDERAL OFFICES
U.S. Commissioner--Roy David,
Federal bldg. nw cor 6th and Holly.U.S. Clerk--Roy Davis, Federal bldg. nw cor 6th and Holly. U.S. Forest Service--Federal bldg. nw cor 6th and Holly. HOSPITALS
Sacred Heart Hospital--Nob
Hill. Under the direction of the Sisters of Charity.LABOR UNIONS
Medford--Ashland Typographical Union No.
559. Meets
at Smith's Hall, 1st Tuesday in each month. A. F. Stennett, Pres; A. E.
Powell, Vice-Pres; C. E. Swainson, Sec.LIBRARIES AND READING ROOMS
Medford Public Library--City Park.
Hours, Daily 9 to
12 a.m., 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 p.m.; Sunday, 2 to 6 p.m. for reading only.
T. W. Miles, Vice-Pres; Mrs. E. B. Pickel, Sec; Mrs. F. W. Hollis,
Treas; Librarian, Elizabeth Robinson; Asst Librarian, Alice Forbes,
Joyce Scarf.Christian Science Reading Room--212 N Oakdale av. Open from 2 to 5 p.m. Medford Public School Library--High School Bldg. Open only during school term. Under supervision of Superintendent of Schools. NEWSPAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS
Mail Tribune
(daily except Sunday and weekly)--25-27-29 N Fir. Geo. Putnam, Editor
and Mngr. Weekly $1.50 year. Daily 50 cents a month by carrier. $5.00 a
year by mail.Medford Sun, The--32 N Grape. Robert Ruhl, Editor-Pres; S. S. Smith, Sec-Mngr. Issued daily except Monday, 50 cents a month by carrier. $5.00 a year by mail. Medford Printing Co.--General printing. 25-27-29 N Fir. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT
Page Theatre--422 E Main. Geo. Hunt,
Mngr.Star Theatre--222 E Main. Geo. Hunt, Mngr. Natatorium, The--N Riverside av ft 6th. F. E. Merrick, Mngr. Medford Fair Grounds--N end of Court. Medford Ball Park--Cor 2nd and N Holly. PARKS
City Park--Holly to Oakdale, Main to 8thPOST OFFICE
Postmaster--G. P. Mims.Asst Postmaster--W. J. Warner. Register Clerk--Clyde Hazelrigg. Money Order Clerk--T. C. Beckett. General Delivery Clerk--J. H. Harrison. Mailing Division--R. G. Beach, L. M. Hall. City Carriers--Percy Wood, H. H. Harvey, R. E. Swan, J. O'Conner. Sub. City Carrier--R. A. Newland, W. B. Roberts. R.F.D. Carriers--Elmer Fritsche, A. H. Wissing, S. C. Godlove, F. W. Payne. Sub. City Carriers--C. D. Vroman, D. L. Zundel. Office Hours--8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed on Sundays. Mail Trains
Train No. 11 from North 3:30 a.m.Train No. 12 from South 2:20 a.m. Train No. 13 from North 10:15 a.m. Train No. 14 from South 8:20 a.m. Train No. 15 from North 4:00 p.m. Train No. 16 from South 5:20 p.m. PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Board of Education--E. R. Seely,
Chairman; Mrs. E. E. Gore, B. J. Palmer, H. O. Nordwick, W. E.
Phipps.Superintendent of Public Schools--V. Meldo Hillis, office High School Bldg. High--N Bartlett se cor 5th P. H. Daily, Prin. Washington--W Main sw cor Oakdale av. V. T. Motschenbacker, Prin. Lincoln--N Bartlett se cor Maple. A. J. Hanby, Prin. Jackson--630 W Jackson. J. W. Kerns, Prin. Roosevelt--Lindley av ne cor Reddy. Emily Devore, Prin. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES
Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47--Meets 1st
and 3rd
Tuesdays in Redmen's Hall. Geo. Hall, Com; D. R. Andrus, Adjt.Grand Army of the Republic Woman's Relief Corps
Chester A. Arthur Post No. 34. Meets 1st
and 3rd
Wednesdays in Redmen's Hall. Elizabeth Mulhollen, Pres; Mrs. Elsie
Clay, Sec; Omie Hull, Treas.A. F. & A. Masons
Medford Lodge No. 103. Meets Friday in
Masonic Hall.
O. R. Fouts, M.; J. R. Woodford, S.W.; E. Fouts, J.W.; A. N.
Hildebrand, Sec.Royal Arch Masons
Crater Lake Chapter No. 32. Meets 1st
and 3rd
Tuesdays in Masonic Hall. J. R. Woodford, H.P.; A. N. Hildebrand, Sec.Order of Eastern Star
Reames Chapter No. 66. Meets 2nd and 4th
in Masonic Hall. Mrs. Agnes Merrill, W.M.; Judson Rickert, W.P.; Mrs.
Lulu J. Witte, Sec.Modern Woodmen of America
Medford Camp No. 90. Meets 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays in
I.O.O.F. Temple. C. F. Webster, Consul; J. F. Laurance, Clerk; A. F.
Stennett, Banker.B. P. O. Elks
Medford Lodge No. 1168--Meets every
Thursday in Elks
Temple cor 5th and N Central. C. H. Heilbronner, E.R.; Jonas Wold,
L.K.; J. J. Buchter, L.K.; O. Alenderfer, L.K.; W. F. Quisenberry, E.;
L. L. Jacobs, Sec.; Vernon Vawter, Treas.Brotherhood of American Yeomen
Medford Homestead No. 2321--Meets every
Thursday in
Moose Hall 14 N Front. Hugo Gunther, F.; Geo. Frees, M.S.; Anna Wolff,
C.; George Averill, M.A.; Alice Bateman, C.; Fred Wolff, O.; P. A.
Dooms, W.; Jacob Wolff, S.; Ruby Jackson, L.R.; Dora Frees, L.R.Fraternal Brotherhood
Banner Lodge No. 135--Meets 1st and 3rd
Fridays in
each month in Woodman Hall. George Howard, Pres; Leon Howard, Sec-Treas.Fraternal Aid Union
Medford Lodge No. 421--Meets 1st Tuesday
in each
month in Redmen Hall. Mrs. Ida Jackson, Pres; Mrs. Sarah Andrus,
Vice-Pres; Mrs. L. A. Jordan, Sec; W. B. Jackson, Treas.Loyal Order of Moose
Medford Lodge--Meets every Tuesday in
Moose Hall, 14
N Front. J. T. Conrad, D.; Coral Johnson, V.D.; George H. Herbert,
P.D.; C. B. McConnell, Sec; Carl Fichtner, Treas; A. Hammond, Fred
Monarch, George Averill, Trustees.Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Medford Lodge No. 83--Meets every Monday
in I.O.O.F. Hall. Fort Hubbard, N.G.; A. N. Hildebrand, Sec.Rogue River Encampment No. 30--Meets every Wednesday in I.O.O.F. Hall. E. E. Wilson, C.P.; F. G. Snedicor, Scribe. Patriarchs Militant
Canton No. 16--Meets 2nd and 4th
Wednesdays in I.O.O.F. Hall. E. C. Gaddis, Capt; F. E. Redden, Clerk.Woodmen of the World
Medford Camp No. 90--Meets 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays in I.O.O.F. Hall. E. C. Silliman, C.C.; W. B. Jackson, Clerk.Women of Woodcraft
Chrysanthemum Circle No. 84--Meets 2nd
and 4th
Tuesdays in K. of P. Hall. Catherine Waite, G.N.; Elizabeth Soliss,
Clerk.Knights of Pythias
Talisman Lodge No. 31--Meets Monday in
K. of P.
Hall. E. J. Klein, C.C.; E. W. Wilson, V.C.; M. A. Rader, K. of R. and
S; Ben Trowbridge, Exckr.Pythian Sisters
Talisman Temple No. 40--Meets 1st and
3rd Wednesday
in K. of P. Hall. Genevieve Wortman, E.C.; Mrs. Ben
C.J.; Mrs. Frank Isaacs, Mngr; Mary Haswell, K. of R. and S.Knights of Maccabees
Triumph Tent No. 14--Meets at call. C.
E. Collins, Com.; C. B. McConnell, R.K.Imp. Order of Redmen
Weatonka Tribe No. 1--Meets Saturday at
Ground, Medford Reservation, Oregon. R. H. Rinabarger, S.; V.
Danielson, Sr. S.; E. L. Roth, Jr. S.; Wm. Milnes, P.; J. T. Perry, C.
of R.Degree of Pocahontas
Weatonka Tribe No. 20--Meets Fridays in
Hall. Ethel Heartle, P.; Millie Slinger, W.; Fay Slinger, K. of R.Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Medford Lodge No. 83--Meets in I.O.O.F.
Temple. F.
Hubbard, N.G.; A. R. Hedges, V.G.; A. N. Hildebrand, Rec. Sec.Rebekah Degree
Olive Rebekah Lodge No. 28--Meets 1st
and 3rd
Tuesdays in I.O.O.F. Temple. Fanny Whitman, P.N.G.; Bertha Loftus, N.G.; Effie R. Daily, See; Lily S. Demmer, Treas.TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES
Pacific & Eastern Ry.--501 E
Main. L. G. Gilman,
Pres; W. E. Turner, Vice-Pres; A. J. Davidson, Gen-Supt; W. D. Skinner,
Traffic-mngr; G. E. Johnson, Agt.Southern Oregon Traction Co.--S. S. Bullis, Pres; S. M. Bullis, Vice-Pres; and Supt; R. S. Bullis, Sec-Treas; Miss [Grace] Bratney, Cashier. Office and depot, W Main cor Fir. Southern Pacific Co.--Passenger depot and ticket office, N Front cor 5th. A. S. Rosenbaum, Agent. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES
Abbott Glenn A (Maude F), lab, res s end Park, Highland ParkA Abercrombie C W (Grace), orchardist, res Kings Highway Ables George M (Agnes), barber, res 516 Penn Abrams A C, rms Hotel Holland ACKLEY LEE E (Edna M)--Mnfr Carriage and Auto Tops. First Class Repairing a Specialty. Tops Recovered, Slip Hoods and Celluloid Lights, Curtains, Etc. 118 S Central, res 245 S Central Ackley Lorenzo D (Mary J), gardener, res 604 N Riverside Ackley Nellie, bds 604 N Riverside Adams Charles A (Kate), drayman, res 311 N Central Adams Elmer (Sadie), teamster, res 623 N Central Adams Lester F, bds 623 N Central Adkins Benjamin F (Tillie), res S Riverside av ¼ m se limits Adkins Bldg, 204 E Main ADVERTISING--H L Bromley--Advertising Specialist. Street Car Advertising, Theatre Advertising, Signs, Show Cards, Etc. Rooms 215-216 First Nat'l Bank Bldg, Medford AHRENS M M & CO--M M Ahrens Mngr. Ladies' Cloaks, Suits, and Furnishings, 226-230 W Main AHRENS MELVIN (Shirley)--Mngr M M Ahrens & Co, res 216 S Orange Aiken George M, bds 1207 W Main Aiken Harold S (Mary E), repairman Home Tel & Tel Co, res 917 Narregan Aiken Jack C (Emily), fruit insptr, res 1207 W Main Aiken James, bds 1207 W Main Aiken Wm A (Clara M), plumber, res 56 N Orange ALCO TAXI CO--H Zundel mngr, 134 E Main ALCO THE--Zundel Bros Props Confectionery and Cigars, Alco Taxi Co Alenderfer Oscar O (Ina), Cal-Ore Power Co, res 701 Park Alford Herbert, bkpr First National Bank, bds 614 W 10th Algier Eva, dressmaker, bds 214 N Holly ALFORD MOSES L (Rachel L)--Pres First National Bank, res 614 W 10th Allaway Delwyn H (Emma), bkpr, 403 N Holly Allder Arthur, farmer, bds 513 King Allder Grant (Viola C), farmer, res 513 King Allen Albert C, res 210 Roosevelt Allen C L (Sadie), blacksmith, res 123 S Bartlett Allen D Mrs, res 235 S Central Allen Felix Y (Adelia), scavenger, res end Beatty Allen Glen, bds 235 S Central Allen Hiram S (Rebecca A), res 611 S Oakdale Allen W D, clk Marsh & Bennett, bds 445 S Front Allen Y H (Lola), res 45 S Central Amann Eugene (Clara), carpenter, res 1017 N Riverside Ames A S, truck driver, bds 223 N Central Ames C C (Helen S), rms 249 S Riverside Amberg Bert, gas fitter, bds 444 S Fir Amidon Elgan C (Amy), plumber Penwell, res 832 N Central Amy Frank, res 320 S Holly Anderson A E Mrs, res 603 N Bartlett Anderson Andrew J (Ellen), mngr Standard Oil Co, res 439 N Front Anderson Ethel, bds 439 N Front Anderson Fay (Bertha), lab, bds 244 S Central Anderson Frank, bds 603 N Bartlett Anderson Gladys, bds 603 N Bartlett Anderson Joan, bkpr, O C Boggs, bds 510 E Main Anderson, R F (Martha), res 244 S Central Anderson Stella, bds 439 N Front Andren Emil (Ellen S), carp, res nr Jacksonville rd ½ m limits Andren Oscar (Otilla), carp, bds E Andren Andrews Aaron (Ann G), res 1009 W Main Andrews Abbie, bds 1009 W Main Andrews Edward M (Catherine L), res 35 Roosevelt Andrews Eunice, bds 1009 W Main ANDREWS GEORGE (Lowella)--Voice Placing a Specialty, Room 11 Sparta Bldg, res 19 N Peach Andrews Jasper B (Ella), broker, res 202 S Orange Andrews Marguerita, bds 1009 W Main Andrews Mary E, bds 1009 W Main Andrus Dwight R (Sarah M), miner, res 510 S Fir Angle Bessie Mrs, res 808 Dakota Angle Henry D, caretaker, American Gasoline Co, res County rd n limits Angel Russell, student, bds 808 Dakota Angle Wm W (M Sybilla), res 609 E Main Antle Hazel, bds 37 N Peach Antle John S (Katherine), park supt, res 1013 W Main Antle Richard F (Millie), cashier Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, res 37 N Peach Antle Mildred, bds 37 N Peach Applegate H C, res 23 S Mistletoe Archibald David A (Mary A), fruit grower, Sunset Park Add Armstrong A L Mrs, res E Main and Highland Park Armstrong George J, bds 1120 E 11th Armstrong James A (Maggie), lab 925 N Central Armstrong James S (Eva E), res 1120 E 11th Armstrong Viola M, bds 925 N Central Arnold Nellie Mrs, bds 720 Pine Arnspiger Olen (Helen), city eng, res 711 Palm Ash Archie S (Rose), res 737 W Jackson Ash Francis, stengr, Bullock Mercantile Co, bds 737 W Jackson Ashcraft Perry L (Esther), driver for Parkhurst, res 1110 W 10th Ashpole John (Mary A), res 106 Tripp Ashpole Wilbur, Nichols & Ashpole, bds 106 Tripp Atwell James (Emma), res 129 W 11th Atwood Alice, bds A L Armstrong Austin Charles W (Mary E), buttermaker, res 221 N Holly Austin Lydia, res Siskiyou Heights Austin Walter, res Siskiyou Heights Averill George, Medford Concrete Construction Co, bds [omission] Ayers Amos (Eliza), res 305 S Riverside Ayers Millie, bds 305 S Riverside B
Babue Matilda Mrs, res 106 S GrapeBacon Charles A, cond P&E Ry, res 23 N Peach Bacon George F (Gertrude), res 315 Olsen Baer V Mrs, res 314 Howard Bagley Isabell, bds 107 Olsen Bailey I W (Rose), res 812 S Central Bailey Winfield (Celia), farmer, res 31 N Orange Bain Wm (Augusta), eng Hotel Medford, res county rd and Clark Baker B A, barber, bds 322 E 11th Baker Dorothy, bds 519 N Bartlett Baker J T, res 42 Ross Court Baker H H (Ella), res 519 N Bartlett Baker Ira, bds 519 N Bartlett Baker W B (Anna E), farmer, res 305 Portland av Balcom Bernice, bds 318 W Jackson Balcom Edward L (Carrie G), res 318 W Jackson Balcom Herbert G (Carrie), contractor, res 838 W 2nd Balcom Ralph, clerk, bds 318 W Jackson Ball Thomas, lab, bds 1104 W 4th Banks Carlotta, fitter M&M Dept Store, rms Hotel Medford BARBER MARTIN C (Tu Ri)--Phys, 9 Palm Blk, Tel 110, res 1211 W Main Barber Mercedes, bds 1211 W Main Barber T W Mrs, bds 401 N Riverside Barber Wm E (Dora), barber Nash Barber Shop, res 312 Portland av Bardwell Ralph G (Bertha B), cashier R R Fruit & Produce Assn, res 1002 S Oakdale Barkdull Clara Mrs, boarding, res 121 N Central Barkdull J E (Sylvia), res 817 N Central Barkdull J W (Clara), res 117 N Central Barnard Millinery, 109 E Main Barneburg John (Nettie), res 601 W 10th Barnes Frank, farmer, bds 20 N Peach Barnes Joseph C (Clara E), real estate, res 20 N Peach Barnett F B (Jennie M), res ws S Riverside av at city limits Barnum Wm S (Bertha S), res 216 N Front Barr Edna, bds 824 S Beekman Barr Orval A, bds 824 S Beekman Barr Rena Mrs (wid John W), res 824 S Beekman Barr Samuel R (Ida), farmer, res s end Park, Highland Park Barr Thomas M (Ella), farmer, res s end Benson Barr Wm H (Nannie), miner, res 412 S Oakdale Barrell A D (Ida M), gardener, res 839 Penn av Barrell Edna H, bds 839 Penn av Barvard Robert, rms 604 W 10th Bass James W (Martha A), res 235 N Ivy Bateman Anna, wks Medford Laundry, bds 1104 E 11th Bateman Joseph, carrier Mail Tribune, bds 302 Maple Bateman Jennie, bds 1104 E 11th Bateman Laurence, bds 1104 E 11th Bateman Margaret, bds 1104 E 11th Bateman Samuel (Karen), res 302 Maple Bateman Wm S (Irene), res 1104 E 11th Bates Alfred L (Lois D), res 48 N Quince Bates Clarence, Bates Bros Barber Shop, bds 108 Mistletoe Bates Henry G, Bates Bros Barber Shop, bds 32 Newtown Bates James W (Belle), Bates Bros Barber Shop, res 32 Newtown Bates Joel F (Elizabeth), res 108 Mistletoe Bates Wm, Bates Bros Barber Shop, rms 51 N Oakdale Baxter Isaac (Jessie), shoemaker, res Park, Highland Park Baxter J A Mrs, wks Medford Laundry, bds Isaac Baxter Beach Roland G (Jessie C), clk post office, res 516 Liberty Beauchamp Harry J (Georgia), res 210 W Jackson Beal Harry, wks RR Valley Canal Co, bds 523 S Ivy Bean Lou E, Agate Grinder, res 245 Beatty Beckett T Clifford (Ruth E), clk post office, res 51 N Peach BECKWITH S V--Mngr RR Fruit & Produce Assn, ranch Bedford Rosina Mrs, res 527 Prune Bedingfield Fred L (Ollie M), res 401 King BEHLING'S GOOD FIT SHOE STORE--105 E Main, H C Behling propr, Agent for Walk-Over Shoes BEHLING H C (Helen)--Propr Behling's Shoe Store, res 122 Mistletoe Bell Aileen, student, bds 25 S Orange Bell Francis Mrs, bds 839 Taylor Bell H C (Nellie V), farmer, res 25 S Orange Bell J, waiter Optimo, rms 445 S Front BELL JAMES D--Pres Hotel Nash Co, res Nash Hotel Bell James K, student, bds 25 S Orange Bellamy Sarah Mrs, bds 505 N Central Bellinger Caroline Mrs, res 147 N Holly Bellinger Frank R (Minnie B), res 125 N Holly Bellinger John H (Jennie), dairy, res 404 S Peach Beltz John (Louisa), gardener, res 1115 Manzanita Bender Hiram (Minnie), res 337 W Holly Bender Perley, bds 337 W Holly Benn Wm P (Willie), farmer, res 317 Howard Bennett Agnes, bds 937 N Central Bennett A O, Bennett Investment Co, rms 15 N Grape Bennett Edward P (Emma), res 136 Portland av Bennett Francis, bds 10 N Quince BENNETT INVESTMENT CO--Cor W Main and N Fir BENNETT NOAH S (Belle)--Propr Eden Valley Nursery, 610½ E Main, res 937 N Central Bennett Roger S (B Marie), Berben Apartments, res 10 N Quince Bennett Samuel L (Maria E), res 531 S Riverside Benson Knute, mechanic Berben The, Roger Bennett, mngr, 10 N Quince Berdan Frank E (Josephine), house movers, res 520 S Hamilton Berdan L Morton, bds 520 S Hamilton Berger Myrtle N Mrs, res 817 W 2nd Bernard A A (Jessie M), Bernard Motor Car Co, N Front, res 1017 W Main Berrian James W (Hattie L), Fish Feeding Station, Butte Falls, res 114 Genessee Berry Isaac W (Dora L), lab, res 611 W 8th Berry Laura I, bds 611 W 8th Berry Wm L (Dora), Hale Piano House, res 712 W 13th Bethel Ellen, bds 505 N Central Bethel George, farmer, bds 505 N Central Bethel Sarah J Mrs, res 505 N Central Beveridge Leland, bds 202 S Oakdale Beveridge Wm Jr, bds 202 S Oakdale Beveridge Wm T (Della), civil eng, res 202 S Oakdale Biden Ernest (Elva), shoemaker C M Kidd, res 1020 Court Biden Isabell I Mrs, bds 610 Clark Biden Nathland (Hattie), shoemaker S Central, res 614 Clark Bige Wm H (Hattie), res 512 N Clark BIGHAM PERL C (Ida May)--Medford Soda Wks, 106 S Bartlett, res 503 N Grape Bigelow F E, 710 Dakota Billings John (Minnie), Billings Wagon Shop, res 18 Myrtle Billings Terry E (Kate E), cement contractor, res 1405 N Riverside Bingham L R (Clara A), res 931 S Central Binns Ed (Daisy), Binns Meat Mkt, res 129 S Ivy Binns Freda, bds 129 S Ivy Birchard Rosita, bds 1024 W 9th Birkland Delbert N (Louise), traveling salesman, res 1427 E Main Bish Allen W (Adley), carp, res 1063 Court Bish George W, mechanic, bds 1063 Court Bish Louis, bds 1063 Court Bish Rebecca L (wid Abraham), bds 29 Newtown Bishop Floyd, bds 803 N Riverside Bishop George J (Lulu M), janitor J A Perl, res 803 N Riverside Bjerregaard O R, res back of 1121 E Main Black James S, granite cutter Oregon Granite Co, bds 601 W Jackson Black Jessie, bds 601 W Jackson Black Kathleen, bds 1517 W Main Black Mary W (wid James), res 601 W Jackson Black Mildred, bds 1517 W Main Black M T Mrs, res 1517 W Main Black Roy, bds 917 W 8th Blackburn Abel S (Georgiana), carp, res 304 Elm Blackburn Lloyd (Dora), res 4 Park Blackburn Raymond (Viola), farmer, res 1 Park Blakeley Ada M, bds 145 S Ivy Blakeley Myrtle (wid Frank L), bds 525 S Central Blankenship Barnett J (Flossie), res 1522 W 6th Bliss Amos (Polly), res 855 W 2nd Bliss Francis A (Minnie R), dairy, res 303 Clark Bliton Albert S (Ida M), res 618 W Main Bliton Mildred, bds 618 W Main Bloomfield Ella, dressmaker, res 325 S Ivy Boardman Charles, res 403 Boardman Boardman J T Mrs, res 203 N Bartlett Boeck Ivy I, teacher of piano, bds 301 S Riverside Boeck Minnie A (wid Eric C), res 301 S Riverside BOGGS O C (Ethel)--Lawyer, Acting Sec Jackson County Building & Loan Assn, 427 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, res 109 S Orange Bonney George M (Mary D), Maddox and Bonney, res 1010 E 11th Bonton H E Mrs, bds Gordon Stout, Park Place Boos George E (Dora L), res 402 King Booth L D Mrs, rms Hotel Holland Borchardt Emma, clk Hutchison & Lumsden, res 329 S Grape Borchardt Minnie, res 329 S Grape Borden Newton W (Ora), lawyer, 232 E Main, res 311 S Oakdale Bostwick Eva Mrs (wid Wm H), res 205 S Central Bostwick J Edwin, 230 S Central Bostwick Vance (Frona), 365 S Central Bossum Charles, bds 446 S Central Bossum Clarence (Cora), res 541 Austin Bossum John H (Emma), res 446 S Central Bottorff D M Mrs, clk Ahrens, rms Hotel Holland Bowers Mary Mrs, bds 811 N Riverside Bowling James (Mary), res 20 S Peach Bowman John (Susan), teamster, res 231 W 5th & Holly Bowne Walter, res Siskiyou Hts BOX CIGARS--Medford Cigar Store. Corner Main and Fir Boyd A E (Hulda), res 913 N Central Boyd Frank L (Elizabeth R), Paul's Electric Store, res 512 Dakota Boyd James M (Elizabeth), res 913 N Central Boyd Mildred, bds 843 E 9th Boyd Theron G (Phila), carpenter, res 843 E 9th Boyden Charles Z, civil eng, bds 344 N Central Boyden Henry E (Belle), farmer, res 344 N Central Boyle Robert (Grace), bkp Mason-Ehrman Co, res 103 Roosevelt av Bradbury Jot C, salesman Walker Auto Co Bradbury Noah B (Edith), carp, res 306 N Apple Bradford Isiah H (Christina), insurance, res 520 N Grape Bradford Wealtha, opr Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 520 N Grape Bradley Dick (Maude), carp, res 811 Dakota Bradshaw Delilah (wid Wm H), res Laurelhurst Add Bradshaw J Thomas (Matilda P), res 142 N Ivy Brackinreed Allen (Jeanne L), acct Western Orchard Development Co, Hotel Holland Brandenburg James A (Agatha), res 408 W 6th Brandon Carter, student, bds 315 W Main Brandon Frank S (Martha), Brandon Bros, millers, Eagle Point, res 337 S Oakdale Brandon N J Mrs, res 1109 W 11th Branham Henry M (Cora), pastor ME Church South, res 25 N Oakdale Brass Clara D, bds Michel Brass Brass Mary K, bds Michel Brass Brass Michel (Theresa), farmer, res Oakdale Park Add Bratney Elgin (Berdie), bkpr Medford Grocery Co, res 738 W 14th BRATNEY GRACE--Bkpr Southern Oregon Traction Co, bds 742 W 14th Bratney J A Mrs, res 742 W 14th Braziae Virginia Mrs, bds 335 N Central Breath Harry, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Briscoe James (Sarah), tmstr, res Central Point rd 2 blks limits BROADLEY JOHN T (Jane A)--Florist, res and greenhouse, Capitol Hill Broadwood John, bds 9 E Jackson Brobeck George R (Emma D), lab, res ss Stewart 2 blks w Peach Brobeck Georgia, bds G R Brobeck Brobeck Walter D, orchardist, bds G R Brobeck Bromley Ella H Mrs, (wid Edgar W), res 1527 W 6th BROMLEY HORACE--Show and Sign Card Writer, office First Nat'l Bank Bldg, res 1527 W 6th BROMLEY HORACE L, Advertising Specialist--Street Car Advertising, Theatre Advertising, Signs and Clever Show Cards. Rooms 215-216 First National Bank Bldg, Medford, Ore Brookhurst Orchard, E B Pickel propr, Eagle Point Rd Brooks John M, lab, bds Thomas McAndrews Brophy Nicholas D (Annie), farmer, res 611 S Riverside Brophy Vernon D, farmer, bds 611 S Riverside Brotherton W M, bds 21 Genessee Brouse Edgar W (Florence), res 629 N Central BROWN'S--E G Brown propr, confectionery, cor Main and N Front Brown Addie Mrs, bds 242 N Front Brown Arthur (Annie), solicitor, res 329 Knight Brown A Theo (Jennette), Jackson Co Surveyor, res 1022 W 4th Brown Ben (Edith), meat dealer, res 844 W 14th Brown Cecil A, clk Brown & Hall, bds 605 S Newtown BROWN EDWARD G (Daisy A)--Propr "Browns," res 902 Queen Anne Brown Edmund, bds 414 S Riverside Brown Elsie Mrs, res 905 S Central Brown E M, mngr Rogue River Canal Co, bds 916 E Main Brown Floyd, clk McBride's, bds 414 S Riverside Brown George W (Elvia), res 916 E Main Brown Joseph C (Helen M), real estate, rms Hotel Holland Brown Louis B (Cora B), propr Browns Feed Store, res 139 S Riverside BROWN SID I (Anna C)--Propr Brown & Hall Pool Room, res 528 W 11th Brown Ted, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Brown Walter, wks L B Brown, bds 339 S Central Brown Wm H (Grace), orchardist, res n end Roosevelt av Brown Wm I (Mary P), res 605 S Newton Brown & Hall Billiard Hall, S I Brown, Court Hall, proprs, 125 E Main Brownlee John (Lizzie R), Brownlee & Co, Grocers, res 539 Penn Brumble Henry S (Mabel E), drayman, res end S Holly Brumble Margaret, bds H S Brumble Brumble Stephen H, bds H S Brumble Bryan Bess, teacher of music, bds 212 S Grape Bryan E N Mrs, res 212 S Grape Buchanan John D (Sarah J), res 830 Taylor Buchanan May, bkpr Medford Concrete Construction Co, bds 830 Taylor Buchter John J (Cleone H), cashier Cal-Ore Power Co, res 211 N Oakdale Buckmaster Bert (Alice), res 819 E 9th Buckmaster Jacob R (Rachel), carp, res 242 S Ivy Buckmaster J Clyde, sawyer, bds 242 S Ivy Budge Jean, student, bds 203 Genessee Budge Wm (Minnie L), orchardist, res 203 Genessee Bullis Helen, bds 843 E Main Bullis Martha, bds 843 E Main BULLIS RAYMOND S--Sec-Treas Southern Oregon Traction Co, bds 843 E Main BULLIS SETH M (Josephine)--Vice-Pres and Supt Southern Oregon Traction Co, res 17 Ross Court BULLIS SPENCER S (Sarah E)--Pres Southern Oregon Traction Co, res 843 E Main BULLOCK MERCANTILE CO--F E Redden Pres, H A Canady Atty, Mercantile Reports and Collections, 216 E Main, Tel 720 Bunce Ezra N (Grace), mngr Crater Lake Motor Car Co Garage, res 132 Vancouver Bunch Baker N (Amelia), res 246 S Ivy Bundy Hilda, student, bds 504 S Central Bundy Louis (Edyth), dentist, Deuel Bldg, res 504 S Central Burbidge Isabell, student, bds 435 N Holly Burbidge Wm J (Elizabeth O), drayman, res 435 N Holly Burch Effie, bds 215 Cottage Burch Henry T (Armetta), fireman, res 819 Taylor Burch Lovina Mrs, res 215 Cottage Burgess Arthur C (Kittie), bds 227 S Central Burgess Ed, rms Hotel Medford Burgess H C (Ellen), res 227 S Central Burgess James, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Burgess Kittie Mrs, clk May & Co, bds 227 S Central Burke Clarence, druggist West Side Pharmacy, bds 233 S Riverside Burke Fred (Jennie), carp, res 233 S Riverside Burke Ruby, opr Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 233 S Riverside Burkhardt Ralph (Matilda), res 737 W 14th Burns Harrison C (Mary L), res 406 W 2nd Burns William H, bds 406 W 2nd Burnett Fern, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital Burnett Mae Mrs, dressmaker, res 144 S Central Burnett R Leo, fireman, rms Fire Hall Burris Muriel, bds 826 E Main Burroughs Grant (Margaret), farmer, bds T McAndrews Burrows Thomas G (Minnie), farmer, res 502 S Newtown Bushong Thomas G, farmer, bds 20 N Peach Butler Basil N (Annabelle), watchmkr, Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 8 S Orange Butler Harry N (Edith), res 212 N Bartlett Butler Jeunesse, music teacher, bds 8 S Orange BUTLER JOHN H (Florence R)--Sec Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, 29-35-39 N Central, res 335 S Riverside Butler Miriam Mrs (wid G Huston), bds 826 E Main Butler Warren, student, bds 335 S Riverside Butterfield Byron H (Harriett M), mason, res 724 S Central Butterfield Charles S (Camilla T), propr 11th St Grocery, res 318 W Hamilton Butz Babette, bds 9 Rose av Butz George, archt, res 9 Rose av C
Cady Hector B, res 720 PineCalder Richard (Pansy), stone cutter Oregon Granite Co, res 43 N Grape Caldwell Amanda I Mrs, res 16 Jeanette Calhoun Henry H (Mary), teamster, res 311 Knight Calhoun Noel, student, bds 311 Knight CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER CO--Henry L Walther, General Supt, 216 W Main, Tel 168 CALKINS FRANK M (Carrie L)--Circuit Judge 1st Judicial District, Office Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, res 813 Minnesota Call Charles E (Etta M), res 443 S Central Callahan Henry (Mary), miner, bds 220 S Grape Cameron Annie Mrs, res 322 E 4th Cameron Esther J Mrs (wid Robert J), res 112 Geneva av Cameron Faye, rms 128 S Holly Cameron L Bernice, mngr Postal Tel & Tel Co, bds 112 Geneva av Cameron Zachary, bds 627 S Central Campbell Abner B (Anna), res 1020 N Central Campbell Edgar W (Jean), orchardist, res 538 S Grape Campbell Eli, bds 1020 N Central Campbell James (Susie), orchardist, res Kings Highway 2 bk s Stewart Campbell Ruth, student, bds 538 S Grape Campbell Willard V B (Minnie W), orchardist, res 1½ m ne Talent Campbell Wm N (Hattie M), orchardist, res 714 W 8th CANADY HAMILL A (Zina M)--Atty Bullock Mercantile Co, res 515 S Central Canode George B (Blanche), res 624 Dakota Canon Vern (Alice), res 812 Sherman Canterbury Emma Mrs, bds 1028 E 11th Canton L M Mrs, res 210 Elm Carder Cora E Mrs, res 509 Oak Carder Dean, bds 509 Oak Carder Virginia L, teacher, bds 509 Oak Carkin Eben W L (Ada), farmer, res 1334 Reddy av Carkin Everett Y, bds 1334 Reddy av CARKIN JOHN H (Vida T)--Sec Medford Merchants Assn, Attorney, Carkin & Taylor, Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co Bldg, res 714 Park Carkin Theone E, teacher, bds 1334 Reddy av CARKIN & TAYLOR--John H Carkin, Glenn O Taylor, Lawyers, Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg CARLOW EVA MAINS-- CARLOW FRANK G (Eva Mains)--Osteopathic Physician 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 26 S Laurel, Tel 904-L Carlson Augusta, maid Delroy Getchell Carlson Hilding, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Carlton Charles B (Jeanette), contractor, res 320 Laurel Carlton Robert A (Jennie), res 320 Laurel Carnahan Henry (Carrie), supt Sterling Mine, res 144 N Central Carnell Ada V (wid Henry C), nurse, bds 523 S Holly Carnell Edwin H, bds 523 S Holly Carnell Hazel E, bds 523 S Holly Carnell Jesse O, bds 523 S Holly Carney Charles, stone cutter Oregon Granite Co Carney Tom, stone cutter Oregon Granite Co Carpenter Bros, Dunbar F, Alfred S V, Leonard, Veritas Orchard, Siskiyou Hts Carpenter Dunbar F (Helen W), Carpenter Bros, Siskiyou Hts Carpenter Edna, bds Park Place Carpenter John R (Mary L), res 516 S Grape Carpenter Leonard, Carpenter Bros, Siskiyou Hts Carpenter Lela, bds Park Place Carpenter Sam, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Carpenter Wm, bds 320 King Carroll Jane C (wid Wm H), res 429 N Central Carstens Frederick W (Mary O), pastor Baptist Church, res 428 W 4th Cartwright Clarence C, Western Union Messenger, bds W F Cartwright Cartwright Wilmer C (Maggie), salesman Medford Furniture & Hdwe co, res 343 N Ivy Cartwright Wm F (Adelaide R), carp, res Laurelhurst Carville Robert D (Barbara), res 54 Rose av Caskey Catherine Mrs, res 1129 Niantic Caskey Joe, blacksmith, bds 1129 Niantic Caskey Violet, nurse, bds 1129 Niantic Cass Charles, Cass Garage S Bartlett, bds 401 N Riverside Cass Clifford (Dillie), Cass Garage S Bartlett, res 117 S Central Cassady Warren L (Mary E), traveling salesman, res 226 W Jackson Casten Lawrence M (Elsie), eng Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 715 Cedar CATE CLAUD C (Grace)--County Pathologist, office Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 23 Rose av Caughtran Ione, bds 307 E 6th Caughtran Noble, bds 307 E 6th Cave Joseph O (Della B), orchardist, res 726 Newtown Centers Frank M (Lizzie), farmer, res Central Point Rd 1m n limits Centers Marion S (Josephine), tmstr, res 219 Knight Chalk Andrew J, bds 245 N Riverside Chapman Claude, taxi driver, bds 401 N Riverside Chapman Joseph G (Augusta F), mngr Medford Fruit Co, res 53 N Orange Charley Wm (Meda), res 305 N Grape Chelgren Oscar F (Annette), bds 735 Alder Chelgren Pontus (Freda E), cement contractor, res 735 Alder Chenoweth Elsa Mrs, res cor Park Way and Prune Cherry George W (Anna E), lawyer, Jackson Co Bank Bldg, res Capitol Hill Chessmore Victoria M Mrs (wid Alvin H), res 30 Cottage Childers Guy A (Leta M), contractor, res 127 Portland av Childers Harry, mason, bds 211 Vancouver Childers Mary M, res 829 E 9th Childers Richard S, lab, bds 829 E 9th Childers Spencer S (Mary E), brick contr, res 211 Vancouver Childers Vivian, bds 211 Vancouver Childreth George M (Elvine), lab, res 1113 W 11th Childreth H O, res 219 Talent st Childs Charles, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Childs George W, wks Medford Creamery, bds 208 Vancouver Childs Harry, bds 115 Genessee Childs Lester, tmstr, bds 115 Genessee Childs Louis W (Mary M), res 208 Vancouver Childs Mollie M Mrs, clk Mann's, res 115 Genessee Childs Octavia, student, bds 208 Vancouver Chisum Ara, bds 311 Ashland Chisum Jamie W, wks Crater Lake Garage, bds 311 Ashland Chisum Oscar W, bds 311 Ashland Chisum Walter T (Inez), res 311 Ashland Christian Science Church, 212 N Oakdale Christman Frank (Anna), fruitgrower, res Siskiyou Hts Christy Eleanor W Mrs, bds F C Page Churchill H D (E B), res 309 E Jackson CIGARS AND CIGARETTES--Good and fresh. Get them at Medford Cigar Store, Corner Main and Fir City Engineer, Olen Arnspiger, office City Hall City Hall, 44 N Front City Park, bet W Main W 8th, Holly and Oakdale av City Recorder, Elmer T Foss, City Hall City Water Dept, O Arnspiger, Supt, City Hall Clancy Andrew (Agnes), farmer, res 1401 Euclid av CLANCY ROBERT W (Winifred M)--Phys 211 Phipps Bldg, res Siskiyou Hts Clark Annie Mrs, res 226 N Front Clark Florence, violinist, bds 225 S Riverside Clark Frank C (Pauline B), architect, res 25 Summit av Clark Frank (Elizabeth), Medford Creamery, res 609 W 10th CLARK FRANK D (Carrie M)--Mngr Clark Realty Co, 206 Phipps Bldg, res Perrydale Clark Helen, student, bds 104 Geneva Clark Herbert (Bulah H), Medford Creamery, res 514 S Grape Clark Josephine, stengr, Jackson Co Abstract Co, bds 226 N Front Clark Josephine N, bds 1116 W 4th CLARK REALTY CO--Frank D Clark Mngr, Real Estate, Alfalfa Lands, Fruit and Dairy Ranches, 206 Phipps Bldg Clay Daniel E (Lydia M), res 506 S Fir Clay Dosia, bds 122 N Ivy Clay Sarah Mrs, bds 122 N Ivy Clay Wilson S (Elsie C), res 307 N Ivy Clayville Emery W, carp, res 1129 W 9th Clayville Myrtle I, teacher, bds 1129 W 9th Clemens A W, lab, bds 56 N Riverside Clemens Ernest (Jessie L), lab, res 515 W 11th Clemens Pete (Mary), res 422 W 12th Clements Delia, bds 203 Elm Clements Susan, bds 203 Elm Cleveland Chandler, lab, bds 1103 N Riverside Cleveland Harry O, lab, bds 1103 N Riverside Cleveland Myrtle, bds 1103 N Riverside Cleveland R R (Mary), res 920 S Central Cleveland Volney O, lab, bds 1103 N Riverside Cline Emma C Mrs, (wid Frank D), clk Royal Bakery, res 720 Pine Cline Frank, bds 122 Portland av Cloney Wm E (Josephine), Medford Implement Co, res 218 W Jackson Close Perry (Edythe), Crater Lake Garage, res 322 S Central Cochran Belle, dressmaker, bds 43 N Grape Cochran Harold, wks J H Cochran, bds 246 S Riverside Cochran Ina, bds 246 S Riverside Cochran John H (Estelle), agt New York Life Ins Co, res 246 S Riverside Cochran L Jene, bds 246 S Riverside COFFEEN JOHN W--Coffeen & Price, bds 128 Almond Coffeen Murl, bds 128 Almond Coffeen Westley, porter Hotel Nash, bds 128 Almond COFFEEN & PRICE--Medford's Most Up-to-Date Plumbing Shop, 19 N Fir Coffin A R Mrs, bds 1205 E Main Coffin E Vestal (Anna), salsn C L Schieffelin, res 60 Rose av Coffin Inez, bds 60 Rose av Coffin Iva, bds 60 Rose av Coggins Ella, nurse, bds 327 N Grape Coggins J W, teamster, res 327 N Grape Cohoon A C, rms Hotel Holland Colby Anna B, res 108 Columbia Colby Charles, bds 504 S Oakdale Colby Vernon, bds 108 Columbia Cole Charles S (Ida A), wks Cal-Ore Power Co, res 727 Alder Cole H Clay (Frances), eng P&E Ry, res 802 E Jackson Cole Martha Mrs, bds 30 Rose av Cole Ray (Frances B), clk SP Co freight depot, res 312 S Grape Coleman Alfred (Rebecca), res 1005 W Main Coleman Frank, bkpr, bds 815 E Main Coleman The, Furnished Rooms, 1005 W Main Coleman Wm R (Mattie), res 815 E Main Collick Ed, bds 103 E 11th Collins Charles E (Bertha L), bldg contractor, res 104 E 2nd COLLINS GEORGE T (Rose)--Mngr Mason-Ehrman & Co, res 906 W Main Collins Raymond F (Elsa), baker Nurmi Bakery, res 203 N Holly Collins Thomas (Kate M), res 110 Almond Colony Club, Hotel Medford Colvig Donald L (Star M), sec Cal-Ore Power Co, res 928 S Holly Colvig Fred L (Nina W), county treasurer, res 810 E Jackson Condon George, bds 30 N Front Conklin C W (Anna S), Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 305 E Jackson Conklin Earl S (Norma), driver Nurmi Bakery, res Plum CONNER GUY W (Mary W)--Fruit Broker, Office 11th & SP track, res 15 Summit Conrad John T (Emily), city water dept, res 632 Palm Conroy Robert J (Helen Mar), phys 215 E Main, res Nob Hill Conser Elder, bds 214 Stark CONSER'S GROCERY--V E Conser propr, 610 E Main, Tel 743 CONSER VAN E (Anna M)--Conser's Grocery, 610 E Main, res 214 Stark Cook Benjamin F (Izzie), elec, res 207 S Ivy Cook E Violet, bkpr US Forest Service, res Jacksonville rd Cook Fred H, res 1222 Locust Cook James (May), frmn, Brookhurst Orchard, Eagle Point Rd Cooley Jeremiah H, pres and mngr Medford Lumber Co, res 409 N Fir Coop Rosina Mrs, res 527 Putnam av Cope George (Minnie), bds 45 N Bartlett Coppage John S (Emma), plasterer, res 362 N Bartlett Coppage Tottie, bds 326 N Bartlett Corbett Leander D, tinner J A Smith, rms 127 E 6th Corey Everett, farmer Corey & Kershaw, ranch Corey George E (Dora E), East Side Grocery, res 524 S Riverside Corey Mildred, bds 524 S Riverside Corlies Henry D (Selena), res 35 N Orange Cornell Albert B, dist mngr Oregon Life Ins Co, res Grants Pass Cornitius Otto M (Miccie), real estate, Rialto Bldg, res 28 Ross Court Corum A E Mrs, res 324 N Front Corum Eugene, bds 324 N Front Corum George H (Katie R), propr English Chop House, res 345 S Central Corum W W, bds 324 N Front Counts James C (Emily, lab) res end N Central Court St Grocery, S S Welch propr, cor Court and N Central Cowgill Mildred Mrs, Barnard Millinery, 109 E Main Cowgill Ralph (Mildred), civil eng RR Canal Co, res 118 Geneva Cox John, bds 948 N Central Craig C W, lab, rms Palace Hotel Craig Frank (Nina), driver Eads Transfer Co, res 1118 W 11th Cranfill Edyth, bds 147 S Central Cranfill F L Mrs, Cranfill & Robnett, Central Point, res 147 S Central Crank Walter S (Anna), eng Jackson Co Creamery, res 2 Portland av Crary O B, clk Medford Poultry Co, bds 322 E 12th CRATER LAKE HDWE CO--S L Leonard mngr, If It's Made of Iron We Sure Have It, 323 E Main, Tel 576 CRATER LAKE MOTOR CO--Court Hall propr, E N Bunce mngr, 16-18 S Fir, Tel 100 Crawford Juanita, bds 20 S Laurel CRAWFORD ORRIS C (Amy)--Cashier First National Bank, res 20 S Laurel Crawford Raymond, mechanic Bernard Motor Car Co, bds 334 S Grape Crawford Vernon, carrier Mail Tribune, bds 334 S Grape Crawford Wm H (Lillian), night watchman, res 334 S Grape Creamer Caroline Mrs (wid Elbert S), res 821 Broad Creamer Harvey E, lab, bds 821 Broad Crews Wren E (Louisa), lawyer 217 Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 707 S Oakdale Crigmire George, lather, res 217 Vancouver Cripps Blanche, bds 518 N Riverside Cripps Charles, bds 518 N Riverside Cripps Ellis A (Alta), res 518 N Riverside, elev opr Garnett-Corey Bldg Critenburger C D, waiter Optimo Restaurant, rms 445 S Front Crockett Morris H (Sedella), res back 325 S Ivy Cromar Margaret, stengr Medford Grocery Co, bds 9 W 12th Cronk Guy (Margaret), driver Standard Oil Co, res 417 Woodstock Croteau D W, rms cor Bartlett and 9th Crow O R C (Gertrude), mngr Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res 323 S Orange CROWELL WM S--Lawyer, 109 N Central, res 118 Genessee Culy Allen B (Bertha), mechanic Valley Auto Co, res 208 S Ivy Cummings Fred (Helen), civil eng Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, res 712 S Peach Cunningham Amanda Mrs, bds 701 Park Cunningham Arthur B (Frances W), whsman Cal-Ore Power Co, res 747 W Jackson Currier Henry (Anise), res 423 Beatty Curry Gladys, stengr Jackson Co Abstract Co, bds 530 S Central Cusick Anna Mrs, 234 E 9th Curry Ethel, bkpr Hutchison & Lumsden, bds 301 S Central D
Dahl Helen L, bds 708 W 10thDaniels Agnes, bds 406 Apple DANIELS FOR DUDS--T E Daniels propr, 202 E Main, Men's Clothing Daniels Ruth, bds 406 Apple Daniels J E (Katherine), teamster, res 406 Apple Daniels Maybelle, bds 406 Apple DANIELS T E (Lillian M)--Propr Daniels for Duds, res 10 Keene Way Danielson Chalmus, bds 111 W Jackson Danielson Minerva Mrs, res 111 W Jackson Danielson Victor, mechanic Young's Garage, bds 111 W Jackson Daily Bell, wks Medford Domestic Laundry, res 502 S Fir Daily Charles, bds 208 S Ivy Daily Dick, bds 502 S Fir Daily Edwin L, butcher Warner, Wortman, Gore, bds 502 S Fir Daily Fern B, bds 1404 W Main Daily Harry, lab, bds 1034 Court Daily Henry, bds 1034 Court Daily Hugo, bell boy Nash Hotel, bds 502 S Fir Daily James (Mary), res 1034 Court Daily John H (Elva), miner, res 704 W 10th Daily Lonnie, bds 704 W 10th Daily Margaret, stengr J A Westerlund, rms Hotel Holland DAILY MURT L (Effie R)--Propr Valley Auto Line, res 228 S Ivy Daily Nora, stengr Jackson County Abstract Co, bds 704 W 10th Daily Patrick H (Lutie B), principal public schools, res 1404 W Main Dallaire A (Agnes), lab, 1700 W Main Dallaire Victor (Delia), lab, res 203 Elm Damon Ethel, bds 414 S Riverside Damon L L (Luzella), res 414 S Riverside Damon Lloyd, bds 414 S Riverside Darnell Grover (Basha), lineman Cal-Ore Power Co, res 717 Alder Daron John A (Lillian), driver Medford Laundry, res 409 N Riverside Davenport Madam, rms 225 S Riverside DAVIDSON OLIVER L (Nellie M)--Propr Medford Cigar Store, cor Main and N Fir, res 605 Dakota Davidson Will (Esther), res 724 Alder Davis Annie E Mrs, res 713 W 10th Davis Arthur (Agnes), elct, res 416 Laurel Davis A R Mrs, bds 220 S Laurel Davis Charles W (Clara), clk Warner-Wortman-Gore, res 25 N Peach Davis Edward B Mrs, res 101 Geneva Davis E Jay (Elizabeth), res 906 W 11th Davis Eunice, student, bds 25 N Peach Davis Eva, rms Hotel Holland DAVIS F ROY (Inez)--Court stengr Circuit Court, Clerk US Court, US Land Comnr, Federal Bldg, res 705 Park Davis Frieda, bds 719 S Central Davis Leora M, clk The Shasta, bds 416 S Laurel Davis Lucy M Mrs, res 719 S Central Davis Mary A Mrs, res 1021 W 9th Davis Myrle, student, bds 25 N Peach Davis Pearl (Elizabeth), driver Eads Transfer Co, res 1115 W 9th Davis Scott V (Ida), farmer, res 51 N Oakdale Davis Wm (Rebecca A), clk Fouts Grocery, res 402 S Central Davison Mary A Mrs, res 431 S Oakdale Dawson I C, fab, res end N Central Dean Clyde (Vera), Cal-Ore Power Co, res 335 S Orange Dean Lydia, student, bds 1517 W Main Debley Wm C (Helen L), piano tuner, res 508 S King Delin Charles M (Mayme L), railroad contr, res 406 S Riverside Delin Mayme L Mrs, mngr Reddy Jewelry Store, res 406 S Riverside Demmer John (Lillie), gardener, res 608 W Jackson Demmer Paul, gardener, res 748 W 4th Denhoff Pete (Anna), cement contr, res 244½ S Grape Denniston C H Mrs, res 1121 W Main Dent Jack (Maggie), driver Wells Fargo, res 446 S Evergreen DeRoboam Emil, res 306 N Ivy Derr Thomas W (Carrie E), carp, res 822 Dakota Derr Lyle C, clk Medford Cigar Store, bds 822 Dakota Deuel Catherine, bds 1018 S Oakdale DEUEL FRED F (Elizabeth)--Vice-Pres First National Bank, res 1018 S Oakdale Deuel Halbert, asst cashier First National Bank, res 1018 S Oakdale Deuel Luther, student, bds 1018 S Oakdale Deuel Mary S, bds 1018 S Oakdale DE VOE CLAUD A (Edyth C)--Prop DeVoe's Confectionery, Agt Portland Oregonian and Curtis Publishing Co, res 1310 W Main DeVore Commodore (Susie), Star Meat Mkt, res 1004 E Main DeVore Emily, teacher, bds 704 W 10th Diamond Fay E (Minnie), jeweler Heath's Pharmacy, res 1121 N Riverside Diamond Jay W, jeweler, 126 E Main Diamond L A, brakeman, P&E Ry, bds 401 N Riverside Dillon Helen Mrs, res 229 Laurel Ditsworth Florence, stengr Gaddis & Dixon, bds 135 S Oakdale DIXON H G VOLNEY (Helen)--Gaddis & Dixon, res 528 W 10th Dodge Burdette L (Sibyl), mngr Rogue River Ranch, res 19 Geneva Dodge John M, well digger, bds 610 S Oakdale Dodge Warren P (Delia M), farmer, res 610 S Oakdale Dole Miriam L, bds 35 Geneva Dole Miriam M (wid John J), res 35 Geneva Dooms Louis (Maude), blacksmith, res 1075 Court Dooms Pleasant A (Mary E), res n end Central av Dooms Troy, bds 1075 Court Dopp James (Jennie), res 502 Park av Dorn Laura, bds 412 S Oakdale Doubleday Julia Mrs, res 421 S Front Dougherty Albert H, res 502 Maple Dougherty E M Mrs, bds 811 N Riverside Dougherty Mabel, res 502 Maple Dougherty Pearl, bds 502 Maple Douglas Archibald L (Esther G), pressman Medford Printing Co, res Jacksonville Dow Amy C Mrs, res 145 S Ivy Dow Jean, bds 522 Park av Down John F, res 107 Portland av Down Mary Mrs, bds 107 Portland av DOW McMORRIS M--Phys, 307-308 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg Downing C Edwin (Leone), carp, res 244 S Grape Downing Leone Mrs, dressmaker, res 244 S Grape Dresser Mary, res Liberty and Niantic Dressler Jessie W (Ida E), Page-Dressler Co, res 130 W 6th Driskel Daniel W (Emma N), res 836 E Main Dronkers Jennie Mrs, res 122 Portland av Drumhill Wm J (Maggie), res 414 Union av Duff Alex (Ella), res 333 E Jackson Duff Daniel D (Viola), farmer, res Jacksonville Rd ½ m w limits Dunlop James W (E Margaret), res 122 Oregon Terrace Dunlop Nora Mrs, bds 339 N Front Dutton C J, employment agency, res 401 S Riverside Dutton Clara, bds 401 S Riverside Dutton Myrtle, bds 401 S Riverside Dutton Robert (Agnes), res 1022 W 10th Dye Grace, nurse, res 119 Roosevelt Dyer George F (Hattie), auto garage to Grants Pass, res 1118 N Central Dyer Hazel, bds 846 E 9th Dyer Samuel, res 846 E 9th Dyer Wallace, bds 846 E 9th E
Eads Bros Storage House, 520 S FirEads Clarence (Ibbie B), propr Eads Coal Co, res 227 S Holly Eads Coal Co, Clarence Eads propr, 34 S Fir Eads Everett (Susie), Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 26 S Orange Eads George (Anna), Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 25 S Peach Eads John F (Rachel), Eads Second Hand Store, res 121 Roosevelt Eads Transfer & Storage Co, E E Eads and Geo Eads proprs, 43 N Front Eagles Hall, 3rd Floor Adkins Bldg Earhart Frank L, bds Mrs Etta Stevenson Earhart June, nurse, bds Mrs Etta Stevenson Earhart S Darrogh, bds Mrs Etta Stevenson Earhart Wm C, bds Mrs Etta Stevenson Eason Robert (Agnes), tailor, res 32 S Orange East J Luther (Ada), 135 S Oakdale East Side Wood Yard, Gust Faske propr, 511 E Main Eaton James D (Violet), res 1129 W Main Ebe Joe (Elizabeth), res 1109 Niantic Eberly C, forest service, bds 249 S Riverside EDEN VALLEY NURSERY--N S Bennett propr, 609½ E Main, All Kinds of Trees and Shrubs Edler Flora, bds 703 Sherman Edler Mary Mrs, res 703 Sherman Edmeads Forrest C (Harriett), clk The Toggery, res 1133 W 9th Edwards H Newton, carp, res 322 S Newtown Edwards John, rms 133 W Main Edwards J V (Emma), rms 133 W Main Edwards M T Mrs, stengr, Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 322 S Newtown Edwards Rufus (Mary), res 525 Edwards Edwards W T (Viola), waiter Optimo Restaurant, bds 510 E 14th EICKER GEORGIA M MRS--Propr Palm Rooming House, res 130 W Main Eickerman M A Mrs, bds 180 E 14th Eifert Ethel M, bds 211 N Oakdale Eifert Marie M, 211 N Oakdale Eifert Rose Mrs, (wid Wm W), res 211 N Oakdale Eiker Roy E, rms 130 W Main Einkopf Cris L (Hannah), orchardist, res 830 Bennett El Blanco Rooms, Mrs R E Loar propr, 445 S Front Electric Bldg, 218 W Main ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP--T L Sherman propr, Shoe Repairing Neatly Done, 26 S Grape Electric Shop, O F Tainer, H Elwood proprs, Electrical Repairing Elks Temple, cor N Central and 5th, Lodge No 1168, L L Jacobs, Sec Ellis Susan, bds 108 Columbia Ellison Thomas B (Mary E), res 705 W 10th Elliott Frank C (Alice), propr Pantorium, res 219 Olsen Elliott Hugh (Delia), blacksmith L W Mitchell, res 619 N Riverside Elwood Elmer D (Lucy), Optician, 301 E Main, res 135 S Central Elwood Homer, Electric Shop, bds 135 S Central Elwood Lloyd (Hazel), driver Nurmi, res 213½ E 9th Emerick Frank, bds 104 S Holly Emerick Merton J (Bertha M), res 206 S Orange Emerick Sarah E Mrs (wid Jeremiah), bds 206 S Orange Emerick Vernon J (Mattie), res 104 S Holly Emerson Andrew J (Laura A), res 114 Tripp Emery Jack, elec, rms 329 N Bartlett Emig Adam (Margaret), farmer, res 825 W 12th Emig Catherine, bds 825 W 12th Emig Margaret, bds 825 W 12th EMMENS DR J J (Frances E)--Practice Limited to Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, res Siskiyou Hts English Charles M (Letha), Vice-Pres First National Bank, res 1006 S Oakdale ENGLISH JOHN H (Anna J)--Frmn Medford Mail Tribune, Medford Printing Co, res 829 Minnesota English Margaret, bds 829 Minnesota Enyart Lucretia E Mrs, res 128 S Holly Erickson Martin L (Gertrude), Supervisor US Forest Service, res 9 Rose av Erskin Noel, bds 420 Clark Erskin Walter M (Maggie), res 402 Clark Ersley C L (Ann), res 910 W 11th Ersley Mabel, bds 910 W 11th Estes Miles J Mrs, res 511 Penn av Estes Rankin (Mary), barber, 515 Penn av Evans Ada, bds 404 W 2nd Evans Clarence, bds 404 W 2nd Evans Ethel, opr Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 404 W 2nd Evans Harry C (Lois J), flagman, SP Co, res 909 Alder Evans Mabel, res 30 Keene Way Evans Mabel, bds 404 W 2nd Evans Maggie Mrs, res 404 W 2nd Evans Russell, printer Medford Printing Co, bds 404 W 2nd Evanson Edward A (Agnes), farmer, res 204 S Grape Everhard Wm H (Virginia E), farmer, res 1013 W 9th Ewings Gun Store, R L Ewing Mngr, 123 E Main Ewing Ralph L (Susie), Ewing's Gun Store, res 128 Vancouver F
Fabrick Glen (Margaret), Medford Laundry, res 711 MainFairmont Rooms The, Mrs G Shaw, Mrs A E Pierce, proprs, 319 E Main Fansher Bulah, bds 1025 W 10th Fansher Gladys, clk Hotel Medford, bds 1025 W 10th Fansher Isabell Mrs, res 1025 W 10th Fansher Wilbur, clk Daniels for Duds, bds 1025 W 10th FARMERS & FRUITGROWERS BANK--Delroy Getchell Pres; L Niedermeyer Vice-Pres; R F Antle Cashier, 204 W Main Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, W Main nw cor Grape Farrell Frank, fruit buyer Guy Conner, rms Hotel Holland Faske Gust (Katherine), East Side Wood Yard, res 511 E Main Fay Mattie Mrs, res 530 S Grape Fee James B, Advertising Solicitor, Jackson Co Directory, rms Hotel Medford Fehl Delbert (Mabel), real estate, res 518 S Oakdale Fehl Earl (Electa), real estate, res 540 S Oakdale Fehl Henry W (Amanda M), res 708 W 2nd Felch Frank A, bds J H Felch Felch John H (Jane C), res w s Kings Highway Ferguson Eason (Abbie), opr Medford Mail Tribune, res 523 S Holly Ferguson Elizabeth, teacher, res 729 W 11th Ferguson Julia Mrs, res 729 W 11th Ferguson Walter (Hattie), res 547 S Front Fetzer V E Mrs, bds 108 E 14th FICHTNER CARL (Clara)--Medford Vulcanizing Shop, 36 S Grape, res 525 S Grape Field George A (Grace), farmer, res 729 W 13th Field Harvey, Kidd's Shoe Stofre, bds 719 W 13th Field Robert H, clk Kidd's Shoe Store, bds 729 W 13th Field Vernon, bds 729 W 13th Fielder Julia C, teacher, bds 710 E Main Fielder Mary E (wid Robt C), res 710 E Main Fielder Rose, dressmaker, bds 710 E Main Fifer B F (Elizabeth), carpenter, res 336 S Riverside Fifer Fannie E Mrs, dressmaker, res 921 Reddy av Fifer Turner A (Fannie E), Asst-Cashier Jackson Co Bank, res 921 Reddy av First Christian Church, cor 5th and S Oakdale FIRST NATIONAL BANK--M L Alford Pres; Charles M English Vice-Pres; Orris Crawford Cashier; H S Deuel Asst-Cashier, 122 E Main Fish Fletcher T, orchardist, res 31 Roosevelt Fisher Eva Mrs, res 533 S Grape Fisher H S, Rooming House, 227 E 9th Fisher L R, bds 227 E 9th Fisher Marvin, printer Medford Printing Co, bds 533 S Grape Fisher Pearl, bds 533 S Grape Fitzgerald J, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Fleming James D (Lelia), teamster, res 315 S Laurel Fleming J M (Emma D), rooming house, res 219 N Central Fletcher Wm (Mary), landscape gardener, res 715 W 13th Flynn Diamond, clk, bds 905 W 10th Flynn T K, Medford Electric Co, 209 W Main Foley Catherine, Marinello Shop, rms Garnett-Corey Bldg Folger Florence, bds 1222 W Main Folger Joy, bds 1222 W Main Folger Walter A (Lola), res 1222 W Main Forbes Alice, asst librarian, bds 722 Dakota Forbes Benjamin F (Mary), miner, res 722 Dakota Forbes Benjamin F Jr, stengr, bds 722 Dakota Ford Wm N (Amy), landscape gardener, res Siskiyou Hts Foss Elmer, city recorder, bds 713 W 10th Foster Harold D (Elizabeth), US Forest Service, res 423 Newtown Fouts E J (Nettie L), propr Fouts Grocery, res 112 E 12th Fouts Laura A, bds 112 E 12th Fouts Otta R (Lilah K), propr Jackson County Supply Co, res 726 W 4th Foyes George F (Olivia K), traveling salesman, res 714 W 11th Fox Otto W (Meda), bds 301 S Central Francis Stephen (Rosie), shoemaker, res 859 E 9th Franks Cleon H, bds 242 Beatty Franks George B (Agnes C), lab, res 242 Beatty Franks Irene L, bds 242 Beatty Fredricksen Ulrich (Visa), res 706 S Oakdale Fredenburg Harmon A (Eva M), whsmn, res 205 W Jackson Fredenburg Jennie, bds 1118 N Riverside Fredenburg W J (Mary A), fireman, res 1118 N Riverside Frees George (Dora), res 834 Penn av French Edward E (Carrie), carp, res 808 S Central French Edward H (Bettine O), orchardist, res 22 Rose av French Mead E, bds 808 S Central Frick Arthur H, bds John Frick Frick John (Sadie), lab, res cor Palm and Columbia Frick Roy V, bds John Frick Frideger Frederick (Lucinda), plasterer, res w r s end Highland Park Frideger Isaac R (Maude M), plasterer, res 317 S Orange Frideger Wm (Katherine), res 109 N Central Friel I, lab, rms Palace Hotel Fry Charles R (Mary), teamster, res 421 N Riverside Fryrear Robert (Ida), eng, res 214 Vancouver Funke Harry (Hattie M), printer Medford Printing Co, res 419 N Grape Fuson Thomas J (Anna), repeaterman Pac & Tel & Tel Co Station, res 117 Cottage G
Gaddis Earl C (Katherine), Gaddis & Dixon, res 821 N RiversideGADDIS & DIXON--Earl C Gaddis, H G Volney Dixon, Distributors for Southern Oregon and Northern California for Page Woven Wire Fence, 143 N Riverside, Tel 268 Gagnon Joseph T (Emma), propr Trail Lumber Co, res 341 S Oakdale Gale Robert E (Inez L), carp, res 1032 W 10th Gallatine Clint (Minnie), barber Nash Barber Shop, res 438 S Fir Gannaway Robison, bds 232 S Grape Gannaway Will C (Anna), farmer, res 232 S Grape Gardner Samuel F (Margaret), eng, res 122 N Ivy Garnett Ben (Elizabeth L), Garnett-Corey Hdwe Co, res 211 Olsen GARNETT-COREY HDWE CO--H C Garnett Pres and Mngr, Charles H Corey Vice-Pres, W Main sw cor Grape GARNETT HENRY C (Lida)--Mngr Garnett-Corey Hdwe Co, res Ross Lane, Box 13 RFD Garnett John H, bds H C Garnett Garnett Myrle, Mailer Medford Sun, bds 211 Olsen Garrett Geary E, student, bds 426 S Oakdale Garrett George C (Frances), orchardist, res 426 S Oakdale Garrett Guy, driver Medford Ice & Storage Co, bds 306 S Fir Garrett Jennie, bds 306 S Fir Garrett Vernon, student, bds 426 S Oakdale Garrett Wm, lab, res 306 S Fir Garrettse J, rms Hotel Nash Garrettson Albert R (Ella M), millman, res 519 S Central Garrettson Freeborn, clk Kribs Grocery, res 15 N Grape Garrison Charles F (Rose A), res 417 King Garrison Ethel, bds 417 King GATES C E (Leah A)--Most Up To Date Auto Supply House between Portland and San Francisco, Pioneer of Rogue River Valley in Automobiles, cor E Main and Riverside, res 31 Geneva GATES WM A (Anna)--C E Gates, Sparta Bldg, res 113 Geneva av Gault Charles, plumber, bds 343 Apple Gault Milton M (Rose), res 343 N Apple Gay Charles B (Cora), Police Judge, res 17 Newtown Gear M Mrs, res 304 S Central Gentry M, rms 313 E Main Gentry Wm, res 319 Knight Gerdes Frank M (Madeline N), clk C H Schieffelin, res 123 Vancouver Gerking Jonathan O, photographer, 228 E Main, res same GETCHELL DELROY (Alice M)--Pres Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, res Oakdale and Stewart av Gibson Dave, lab, bds 445 S Front Giem Harry L (Lenora), mngr Western Union, res 718 Sherman Gifford Thomas J (Edyth M), clk C H Behling, res 838 Bennett Gilbert Van R, Medford Fish & Poultry Co, 108 W Main Gillaspy Jasper (Frances), res 44 Park Place Gillaspy Robert, bds 403 N Bartlett Gim Chung, China Herb Store, res 241 S Front Glascock Henry C (Nora), carp Pacific Furniture and Fixture Co, res 256 Beatty Glasgow Carl W (Bertha G), bkpr Medford National Bank, res 502 N Oakdale Glasgow Wm W (W Etta), farmer, res 132 N Ivy Glenn Leota Mrs, bds 339 N Front Glidden Frank (Anna), cement contractor, res 416 King Goble C E Mrs, res 333 E 6th Goble Lloyd, bds 333 E 6th Godlove Lenore, bkpr, bds 345 N Bartlett Godlove Sherman (Laura B), mail carrier, res 345 N Bartlett Goffe Florence H Mrs, bds 1417 W Main Golden Rule Department Store, 219 W Main Gold Ray Realty Co, C R Ray, mngr, 104 W 6th Gomph Ina, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital Goodal Henry W (Randilla), res 916 W 10th Goodhue Frank B (Mary J), res 923 W Main Goodhue Ralph W, bds 923 W Main Goodman Duane, driver Union Oil Co, bds 137 S Ivy Goodman Prince W (Cora), res 137 S Ivy Goodrich John B (Nettie), The Toggery, res 1026 W 10th Gore Edna H, bds 722 W 14th Gore Edward E (Hattie W), Sec-Treas Warner-Wortman-Gore, res 116 Geneva Gore Jay, student, bds Wm H Gore Gore Martha J Mrs, res 346 S Ivy Gore Mary, student, bds Wm H Gore Gore Mary A, teacher, bds 722 W 14th Gore Walter S, res 722 W 14th Gore Wm H, Pres Medford National Bank, res Jacksonville rd Gottlieb Chris, orchardist, rms Hotel Holland Goudy W S, bds 116 S Laurel Gould George D (Clara M), orchardist, res 3 bks n city limits Gould Marion, student, bds 810 S Oakdale Gould Oliver J (Margaret), Wells Fargo Agt, res 810 S Oakdale Gould Ronald, student, bds 810 S Oakdale Gould Thornton, student, bds 810 S Oakdale Gould Wm P (Cordelia), lab, res 1028 Court Graham Samuel B (Harriet W), fire insurance, res 103 S Oakdale Grant Henry D, res 712 W 2nd Grant Maggie, bds 712 W 2nd Grant Winifred Mrs, res 13 Ashland Gravatte Elizabeth Mrs, bds 31 N Orange Graves Florence, music teacher, bds 304 S Ivy Graves Lydia Mrs, res 304 S Ivy Gray Frederick W, propr The Midway, res 507 Palm Gray Lettie L, student, bds 507 Palm Gray Margaret E Mrs, res 112 S Laurel Gray Merle C, news dealer, bds 507 Palm Gray Robert A (Mary E), res 143 Kenwood Green Dan E (Ollie), timber cruiser, res 421 N Central Green Carrie B, bds 425 N Holly GREGG JAMES (Delia)--V-Plex Piston Ring, Whiteman & Gregg, res 106 Almond Gregg Lucy, bds 106 Almond Gregory Basil (Mamie), clk Daniels for Duds, res 717 E Jackson Gregory E Josephine, bkpr May & Co, bds 923 S Central Gregory J T (Louise), res 923 S Central Gressley J Marsh (Freda S), teacher, 200 W Jackson Grey Joseph O (Sylvia), res end N Riverside Grey Joseph O Jr, bds J O Grey Gribble John (Marion), forest ranger, res 139 Kenwood Grierson Alexander, res Ross Lane Grierson Isabel A, bds A Grierson Grieve Bruce, bds 611 W 10th GRIEVE W T (Katie M)--County Assessor, res 611 W 10th Griffin Henry L (Mary B), teamster, res 113 S Laurel Griffin Margaret, bds 227 S Oakdale Griffin M E Mrs, res 227 S Oakdale Griffin Verna L, bds 113 S Laurel Griffin Zoa B, clk May & Co, bds 113 S Laurel Grigsby Ira (Maude), res 21 W 10th Gritman W L (Lena), res 435 N Central Guenther Hugo (Lena), res 613 Newtown Guernsey Jane Mrs, teacher, res 312 King Guiberson Madge, stengr Gus Newbury, res 211 Laurel Gustafson Carl (Anna), res 723 Sherman Gustafson Florence, bds 723 Sherman Gustine James H (Lydia), Gus the Tailor, res 521 S Grape Guyer Roy (Grace), East Side Meat Market, res 113 Tripp H
Hackney Lorie A, bds 1104 N CentralHackney M A Mrs, res 1104 N Central Haertle Andrew, clk, bds 219 Clark Haertle John (Ethel), lab, res 219 Clark Hafer Edgar S (Anna), timberlands, real estate, bds Hotel Medford Hagen Al (Leona), bookbinder Medford Printing Co, res 715 W Jackson Haight Fred A, music teacher, Garnett-Corey Bldg Hale Dexter C (Mollie), Hale & Lyons Hale Joseph F (Emma A), Hale's Piano House, res 305 S Oakdale Hale's Piano House, J F Hale, Pres-Gen Mngr, W Main Hall Albert A (Sarah E), gardener, res w end Palm 3 blks w limits Hall C M, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Hall George W (Mercie E), res 508 Palm HALL J COURT (Mabel C)--Crater Lake Motor Car Co, Brown & Hall's, res 315 S Central Hall Lee M (Gladys F), clk post office, res 603 W 2nd Hall Myrtle R, bds A A Hall Hall Oran R, bds A A Hall HALL SEELY--Young & Hall, agt Chevrolet Car, Republic Tires, N Front, bds 315 S Central HALL TAXI CO--Court Hall propr, 16-18 S Fir, Tel 100 Hall Wm B, lab, bds 508 Palm Hall Wm M (Lettie), propr Butte Falls Wood Yard, res 1034 W 9th Halladay Adelbert M (Electra E), res 513 Palm Halley Angie, student, bds 521 W 11th Halley Lee, bds 521 W 11th Halley Paschal J (Sylvia), res 521 W 11th Halley Robert H (Addie), propr Palace Rooming House, res 30 S Central Halley Wm L (Effie M), Ins Agt, res 28 N Oakdale Hamilton Anna, bds 904 W 10th Hamilton Cyrus T (Ida R), carp, res 838 W Palm Hamilton Isaiah L (Enola), res 616 N Central Hamilton Natalie, bds 904 W 10th Hamilton Rev Wm B (Jane S), rector St. Mark's Church, res 904 W 10th Hamlin Ada, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital Hamlin Chub A (Nora), propr Laurel St Mkt, res 216 Laurel Hamlin Sylvester, farmer, bds 522 Newtown Hamlin Wm M (Elvina A), farmer, res 522 S Newtown Hammond Alvah B (Julia), res 217 Knight Hammond Frank E (Pearl), tmstr, res 221 Knight Hammond Marie, bds Wm S Hammond Hammond Robert B (Sarah), bkpr Home Tel & Tel Co, res 705 Palm Hammond Schuler (Phoebe), res 229 N Riverside Hammond Vera M, bds Wm S Hammond Hammond Wm S, Ins Agt, res Stewart and Peach Hanby Andrew J (M Lauretta), teacher, res 726 Welch Hance Amanda E Mrs (wid Edward B), res 15 Rose av Hance Richard H, bds 15 Rose av Haney Berdie Mrs, dressmaker, Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 315 N Holly Haney Bert E (Berdie), res 315 N Holly Haney Sarah, rms 128 S Holly Hanners John W (Dora), US Meat Inspr, res 1028 E 11th Hanners Lorene, bds 1028 E 11th Hanscom Horace A (Carrie), lab res 526 Palm Hansen Ann, teacher, bds 819 N Central Hansen Carl, elec, bds 819 N Central Hansen C N (Catherine), res 819 N Central Hansen Jane, clk May & Co, bds 819 N Central Harding Amy H, teacher, bds 611 N Bartlett Harding James (Louisa), res 611 N Bartlett Hargrave H Percival (F Maude), propr West Side Pharmacy, res 38 N Orange Harmon Anna, bds P W Harmon Harmon M Etta, bds P W Harmon Harmon Phoebe W (wid Charles T), res Capitol Hill Harned Beulah, bds 45 N Bartlett Harned Burley, bds 45 N Bartlett Harned Wm (Lottie), bds 45 N Bartlett Harrell Wm A (Donna), res Jacksonville Harrington Hal F (Ossie), Rogue River House Cleaning Service, res Jacksonville Harris Charity H Mrs, bds H L Walther Harrison Charles W, bds 707 W 11th Harrison Esther, bds 707 W 11th Harrison Herman J (Stella), post office clk, res 213 Roosevelt Harrison James F (Mary), carp, res 707 W 11th Hart A C (Collie), res 125 N Bartlett Hart Earl, student, bds 227 E 6th Hart Robert (Rosie), res 227 E 6th Harvey H Homer (Lillian E), city mail carrier, res 106 Lincoln Haskins Bldg, 214 E Main Haskins Helen L Mrs (wid George), res 229 N Bartlett HASKINS DRUG STORE--L B Haskins propr, 214 E Main Haskins Frances R, teacher, bds 229 N Bartlett HASKINS LEON B (Gertrude O)--Propr Haskins Drug Store, 214 E Main, res 607 S Central Haswell Addie Mrs (wid C W), res 609 S Oakdale Haswell Henry T, traveling salesman, bds 609 S Oakdale Haswell Mary, clk City Recorder's office, bds 609 S Oakdale Hathaway Thomas, real estate, rms 217 W Main Hausmann Carl, upholsterer, bds 225 Talent Hausmann Minnie, res 225 Talent Haven John N (Lena E), res Oakdale Park Add Hayes Charles, bds 107 E 2nd Hayes F E, res 529 S Grape Hays Charles W (Mary), elec Paul's Electric Shop, res 624 W 11th Hays Harvey, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Hazelrigg Arthur F (Daisy T), bkpr J C Mann, res 107 Roosevelt av Hazelrigg Daisy Mrs, bkpr Daniels for Duds, res 107 Roosevelt av Hazelrigg Florence M, musician, bds 43 N Peach Hazelrigg H Clyde (Sue), clk post office, res 819 Minnesota Hazelrigg Mary E Mrs, res 42 N Peach Hazelton Frank Mrs, clk Medford Electric Shop, res 615 N Riverside Hazle W Dale, carp, bds 314 S Evergreen Hazle Douglas W (Martha A), carp, res 314 S Evergreen Headler E G (Carrie), res 917 N Central HEATH FRED (Gertrude)--res Eagle Point, prop Heath's Drug Store Heath Lizzie (wid Arthur), res Capitol Hill Heath Nellie, mangler Medford Domestic Laundry, bds Lizzie Heath Heath's Drug Store, Fred Heath propr, 109 E Main Heckert John, bds 234 E 9th Hedges Alvin R (Louise E), Mechano-Therapist, Chiropractor, office 3 Stewart Bldg, res 220 N Bartlett Heffner Wm P (Rose), res 1010 W 4th Heilbronner Carl W (Blanch), propr Heilbronner's Mens Store, res 20 S Orange Heine Dr T G (Minnie B), office Haskins Bldg, res 1121 E Main Heine H T J Bliss, bds 1121 E Main Heine Mildred, bds 1121 E Main Heinze A E, clk Hotel Holland, mngr Holland Cafe Heise W Miss, nurse, res 823 E 9th Helms H Mrs, clk Mann's, res 144 S Central Helms Jessie L (Lou A), vet surg, office 111 N Fir, res 129 N Grape Helscher Mary, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital Hemphill Agnes, bkpr Mason-Ehrman Co, bds 1012 E Main Hemphill Nelson (Mary), motion picture opr Page Theater, res 1012 E Main Hendrickson Dee (Harriett), res 912 S Central Henselman Charles, Interurban Auto driver, res 312 S King Henselman Edward G, clk R L Ewings, bds 48 N Orange Henselman George B, elec Cal-Ore Power Co, bds 48 N Orange Henselman John H, collector, res 48 N Orange Henson Ray, clk DeVoe's, bds R D Henson Henson R D (Dora), wks Blaine Klum, res Siskiyou Hts Henson Mary, clk Nurmi, bds R D Henson Herbert George (Margaret), propr Colonial Flats, 217 S Riverside, res 225 S Riverside Herbert S Melanie Mrs, res 1013 S Oakdale Herman Mary A Mrs, bds 423 Newtown Hermanson, Alfred (Rose), driver L B Brown, res 209 Portland av Herriford G Mrs, res 1019 W Main Hess Arthur, carrier Mail Tribune, bds 723 Oak Hess Dora Mrs, res 723 Oak Hess Mary, clk Medford Printing Co, bds 723 Oak Hess Walter, bkpr Jackson Co Creamery, bds 723 Oak Hicks Elmer A (Anna E), Oregon Granite Co, res 43 N Grape Higinbotham Charles, res 511 S Riverside Higinbotham Jacob E, bds 511 S Riverside Higgins A S D, bds 121 N Central Hildebrand Albert (Nora), bkpr Medford Sash & Door Co, res 919 Reddy av HILL ARTHUR L (Hattie A)--Propr Woods Lumber Co, res 995 S Oakdale Hill Dillon R (Cora E), orchardist, res Kings Highway Hill Dorothy, student, bds 995 S Oakdale Hill Dr J Laurence (Jeannie), retired, res 719 W 11th Hill Howard A (Sylvia), orchardist, res 734 Dakota Hill Marion, student, bds 995 S Oakdale Hill Ray E, student, bds 995 S Oakdale HILLIS V MELDO (Eunice)--Supt public schools, res 532 Plum Hills Watson J (Kate), farmer, res 525 W 10th Hines Eli (Addie), Fluff Rug Co, res 523 E Main Hines Jessie, bds 523 E Main Hines Myrtle, bds 523 E Main Hinman Gladys June, bds 603 Catherine Hinman Laurin E, City Elec Insp, bds 603 Catherine Hinman Lee E (Anna E), warehouseman SP Co, res 603 Catherine HI SING LAUNDRY--123 S Riverside Hirano K, bds 301 E 9th Hittson Carmen E, clk Heath's Drug Store, bds 1122 E Main Hittson Jesse T (Laura B), Chief of Police, res 1122 E Main, Tel 854 Hitzler Cornelius (Maria), carp, res 607 W 2nd Hitzler Edwin S (Ruby L), res 330 N Holly Hobbs Bertsel L (Helen E), clk DeVoe's, res 135 Almond Hockenyos Eva Mrs, res 730 W 11th Hocksworth A Mrs, res W 8th Hocksworth Harry, bds W 8th Hoffman G D, trav slmn, bds 112 King Hogan Pat, rms Palace Hotel Hogue R L (Eva), farmer, res 346 N Apple Hohenstein August (Helen), Medford Candy Co, res 415 W 2nd Hohlt Jeannette Mrs, res 112 King Hoke Harry E, bds 436 N Apple Hoke May, bds 436 N Apple HOKE R D (Elvira)--Pres Rogue River Canning Co, res 436 N Apple Holbrook Leland J (Ethel), driver Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 614 W 11th Holden Bertha, bds 906 W 4th Holden Edith, bds 906 W 4th Holden Helen, bds 906 W 4th Holden John (Tillie), res 906 W 4th HOLLIS FRANK W (Frankie B)--Pres Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 153 N Oakdale Holloway Charles T (Ella), painter, res 415 Woodstock Holmer Hans J (Minnie E), res 727 S Central Holmes George, bds 401 N Riverside Holmes Noah G (Maude M), Holmes & Jensen, res 129 S Holly Holmes R Cole, civil eng, bds 39 N Orange Holmes Robert A (Maude A), Fire Ins, office Jackson Co Bank Bldg, res 39 N Orange Home Grocery, G W Dow propr, 632 N Central Home Tel & Tel Co of Southern Oregon The, A J Vance mngr, 218 W 6th Hooker Bert (Lizzie), fruit packer, res 725 Oak Hooker Will A (Jessie), Cold Storage Plant, res 608 W Jackson Hooker Willie C, bds 416 Boardman Hoon Charles D (Emma J), real estate, res 28 Myrtle Hopkins Allen C, bds 304 King Hopkins Arthur, taxi driver, bds 304 King Hopkins James (Jessie), Latta & Hopkins Nursery, Central Point, res 304 King Hopkins Ward H (Flora), res 829 W 11th Horn M E Mrs, bds 701 N Riverside Hornbuckle M, res 329 N Apple Hotchkiss R R (Elizabeth I), res 339 N Front HOTEL HOLLAND--J A Westerlund mngr, N Fir sw cor 6th HOTEL MEDFORD--Emil Mohr mngr, W Main nw cor Ivy HOTEL NASH--J D Bell mngr, Front se cor Main Houck Jesse J (Kathryn), res 29 Newtown Hough Lodemia Mrs (wid C A), res 413 W 2nd Hough Lola F, bds 413 W 2nd Householder Isaac (Olivia), res 511 W Hamilton Householder Ralph (Lulu), res 503 W Hamilton Hovious J Mrs, Medford Conservatory, bds 325 E Jackson Howard Curtis W (Mary M), res 321 W Jackson Howard Dr W W, office Garnett-Corey Bldg, rms Hotel Holland Howard George, insurance, res 705 N Riverside Howard George W (Lottie), clk Hutchison & Lumsden, res 213 S Front Howard Horace D (Bernice A), res 821 E Jackson Howard Isadore Mrs, res 815 S Oakdale Howard Jerome, bds 815 S Oakdale Howard Joseph C, res 129 W 11th and Grape Howard J S, bds 40 Roosevelt Howard Leon O (Jessie), clk Hutchison & Lumsden, res 738 Oak Howard Lottie Mrs, milliner, res 213 S Front Howard Ruby Mrs, bds 536 N Front Howard S Thomas, bds 815 S Oakdale Howard Willie, bds 815 S Oakdale Howard Wm M (Jennie F), farmer res nr s end Sunset av Howells Charlotte, bds 1112 Niantic Howells Edward (Marie), res 1112 Niantic Howells Katherine, bds 1112 Niantic Hoxie M A Mrs, Sanitary Cafeteria Nash Hotel Hubbard Alexis (Bernice), farmer, res 1129 W 4th HUBBARD ASAHEL (Rena)--Hubbard Bros, res 322 S Riverside HUBBARD BROS--Agt Shell Gasoline, John Deere Implements, Moline Wagons, McCormack Wagons, Rakes and Binders, 335 E Main Hubbard Charlotte M, bds 422 S Riverside Hubbard Chester, bds 322 S Riverside Hubbard Earl, bds 440 S Riverside HUBBARD FORT--Hubbard Bros, res 440 S Riverside Hubbard Josiah G (Bertha E), res 319 Laurel Hubbard Scott (Nellie), opr Star Theater, res 232½ S Ivy Hubbard Roland, bds 322 S Riverside Hubbs Arthur, mngr The May & Co, res 51 N Oakdale Hubler John (Bessie), wks Big Pines Lumber Co, res 635 Palm Hughes Wm (Florence), mixer Brown's, res 621 W 11th Hull Benjamin E (Rhoda), res 935 N Central Hull Burnie, bds 407 Beatty Hull Harold, bds Mrs M Hull Hull Mannie Mrs (wid E E), res Kenwood and Palm Hull Sarah A (wid Silas H), bds Mrs L D Jones Hull W H (Mary), res 407 Beatty Hunt George (Enid), mngr Star and Page Theater, rms Hotel Holland Hurd Anna, teacher, bds 1136 W 10th Hurd Elijah H (Hattie V), Hurd Land & Investment Co, res 1136 W 10th Hurd Florence I, bds 1136 W 10th Hurd Joubert B, bds 1136 W 10th HURD LAND & INVESTMENT CO--E H Hurd propr, Lawyer, Real Estate, Office Jackson County Bank Bldg Hurd Robert E, bds 1136 W 10th Hurd Sylvia, bds 1136 W 10th Hurst Claude C (Laura), farmer, res 716 Oak Hurst Frank M, lab, bds 444 N Grape Hurst Myrtle M, bds 444 N Grape Huson Bert, res 243 Beatty Huson Byron F, res 423 Park av Huson Melvin W (Ida W), carp, res Sunset Park Add Huston Eula, teacher, bds 325 S Ivy Hutchens Eugene (Carrie), res 335 N Central Hutchins Vera, bds 335 N Central Hutchison Clarence (Mattie M), Hutchison & Lumsden, res 106 S Orange Hutchison Fern, bds 106 S Orange Hutchison Frank W, bds 106 S Orange Hyatt Earl, student, bds 402 Newtown Hyatt Fred G (Ida S), res 402 S Newtown I
IOOF Cemetery, ¾ m e cityIOOF Hall, 219 W 6th IORM Hall, 231 N Apple Ingram John (Anna), bds 306 N Ivy Inman May Mrs, bds 812 S Central Iredale Wm (Grace), McBride's Confectionery, res 5th and Apple Irwine George Jr, bds 422 S Laurel Irwine George W (Flora A), res 422 S Laurel Isaacs Edna Mrs, bkpr Crater Lake Garage, bds 115 N Oakdale Isaacs Frank (Edna), horticulturist, bds 115 N Oakdale Isaacs Irene Hampton, Teacher of Piano, res Berben Apts Isaacs Mary (wid George W), res 115 N Oakdale ISAACS WM F (Irene H)--Berben Apts, Main and Quince, propr The Toggery Isbell Alphonso H (Mary L), res 526 W 10th J
Jackson Andrew, res 1110 E 11thJACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO--P M Janney Pres, E H Janney Sec-Treas, 45 N Fir, Tel 41 JACKSON COUNTY BANK--C W McDonald Pres, George R Lindley Vice-Pres, V H Vawter Cashier, T A Fifer Asst-Cashier, 201 E Main, Tel 4 Jackson County Bar Assn, A E Reames Pres, T W Miles sec-treas, Jackson Co Bank Bldg JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING & LOAN ASSN--Bert Anderson Pres, O C Boggs Acting Sec, T W Miles Treas, 427 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, Tel 105 JACKSON COUNTY CREAMERY--S A Kroschel mngr, 301 N Fir Jackson County Fair Assn, S I Brown Sec, 125 E Main Jackson Elmer, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Jackson George A Mrs, res 906 E Main Jackson H C (Martha A), tmstr, res 407 E 14th Jackson Julia, propr Seattle Rooming House, res same Jackson Lucile, bds 407 E 14th Jackson Mary F, bkpr Medford National Bank, bds 842 E Main Jackson School, 630 W Jackson Jackson Street Store, W H Lydiard propr, 221 W Jackson Jackson Wm B (Ida), Asst Cashier Medford National Bank, res 842 E Main Jackson Wm L (Florence), res 311 W Jackson Jacobs Eula, bds 125 S Central JACOBS LEE L (Helena M)--Sec Elks Lodge, res 125 S Central James Edwin C (Bertha), plasterer, res 311 Laurel James Helen, bds 311 Laurel James Carlton W, teacher of violin, res Capitol Hill Janes Harris B (Hazel), farmer, res Capitol Hill Janes Milton S (Martha), farmer Capitol Hill Janes W Carlton (Laura A), farmer, res Capitol Hill JANNEY EDWIN H (Sarah P)--Jackson County Abstract Co, res 1123 W Main JANNEY P M--Jackson County Abstract Co, res 1123 W Main Jaqua Ernest W (Lillian), res 513 Newtown Jaqua Clarence E, bds 513 Newtown Jeffers Dowd Mme, W Main, hairdresser Jefferson Earl H, res 423 King Jeldness Andrew (Gertrude), miner, res N Front Jeldness Otto A (Beula), farmer, res 345 S Grape Jenkins Floyd, wks Blaine Klum, bds 121 Kenwood Jenkins Frank E (Marie), mec Powell Auto Co, res 121 Kenwood Jenkins Louis, clk Jackson Street Grocery, bds 121 Kenwood Jennings Cecil, taxi driver, bds 215 Vancouver Jennings Ima, bds 215 Vancouver Jennings Sam, bds 215 Vancouver Jennings Walter, taxi driver, bds 215 Vancouver Jennings W T (Ida), res 215 Vancouver Jenny John, bds 502 S Fir Jensen Ellen Mrs, bds 616 N Front Jensen H A, rms Hotel Nash Jensen Jens (Anna), Jensen Pool Hall res 420 Park av JENSEN POOL HALL--Cigars, Tobacco, Magazines and Papers, 126 W Main Jerome Edson C (Elizabeth), clk Cal-Ore Power Co, res 745 W Jackson Jerome Edyth Mrs, clk Ahrens, res 844 Dakota Jerome F Kenneth, bds 844 Dakota Jeschke Carl (Emma), watchmaker, res 310 Maple Jesman Chas, waiter Optimo Restaurant, bds 445 S Front Jesman Jake (Myrtle), Optimo Restaurant, bds 445 S Front Johnson Alice, bds 60 N Orange Johnson Charles C (Emma), clk Garnett-Corey Hdwe Co Johnson Clara L, bds 60 N Orange Johnson Clayre, stengr Medford Sun, bds 429 N Central Johnson Ella A Mrs, res 608 Catherine Johnson Farley (Clara), res 60 N Orange Johnson Farley W, bds 60 N Orange Johnson Florence, bds 60 N Orange Johnson G Alfred, carp, res Kenwood Add JOHNSON G E (Stella)--Agt Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 609 W 10th Johnson Harry C (Alice M), bldg contr, res 306 King JOHNSON JOHN W (Simpson)--Jeweler Medford Book Store, 209 E Main, res 110 Tripp Johnson Olaf, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Johnson Olive L, bkpr Garnett-Corey Hdwe Co, bds 922 S Oakdale Johnson Roscoe A (Emily), architect, res 612 Catherine Johnson Sappho Mrs, bds 716 Pine Johnson Slater, orchardist, bds 713 W 10th Johnston Arthur (Alma), driver Eads Bros, res 202 Stark Johnston Bert (Nellie), Express man, res 211 N Ivy Johnston Earl, bds 217 Beatty Johnston Everett, bds 217 Beatty Johnston Martha M, res 232 N Holly Johnston M Mrs, res 217 Beatty Jones Alys, clk Mann's, bds 519 S Central Jones Capriel, lab, bds 107 Portland av JONES CASH GROCERY--R Jones propr, 225 W Main, Tel 34 Jones E, res 3 blks off end W 2nd Jones Frank, porter Bates Bros, bds 301 E Main Jones G M, res 420 Boardman Jones James C (Jennie), res 245 N Riverside Jones John H (Nora M), orchardist, res 1502 Prune Jones Kinsey D (Janna), stone mason, res n end Riverside Jones Lou D Mrs (wid Walter S), res 204 Roosevelt Jones Mary Mrs, res 208 Tripp Jones R H (Pearl L), 228 W Main, Jones Cash Store Jones Stanley, lab, bds 1502 Prune Jones William (Ivell), Medford Sash & Door Factory, res 178 Beekman Jones Wm (Sarah), West Side Shine Parlors, res 301 E Main Jordan Francis (L Anna), harness maker, res 516 E Main Jorgensen Harvey, student, bds 1030 N Central Jorgensen Lema, bds 1030 N Central Jorgensen R C, baker The Shasta, res 1030 N Central Judkins Wm L (Gladys E), notions 123 W Main, rms Hotel Holland Judson Ada M Mrs, res 319 Beatty K
Kado John (Seiva), res 531 S IvyKahler Thomas (Elizabeth J), res 23 Almond Kamikawa C, Sunrise Laundry, bds 310 E 9th Karle Hazel Mrs, res 125 N Holly Karle Robert C, traveling salesman, bds 125 N Holly Kaufman George O (Jennie), fruit broker, res 819 Bennett Kawaguchi C, Sunrise Laundry, bds 310 E 9th Keene James M (Mary), dentist Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, res 136 S Oakdale Keizur Boyd, Lance & Keizur Bros, bds Ruth Keizur Keizur Earl (Leona), Lance & Keizur Bros, res 715 Alder Keizur Ruth (wid John V), res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits Keizur Walter (Fena), Lance & Keizur Bros, res 1021 Niantic Keizur W C (Mariam), Lance & Keizur Bros, res 213 Beatty Keliehor Annie, bds 1019 S Oakdale Keliehor Annie Mrs (wid Wm), res 1019 S Oakdale Keliehor Kate, bds 1019 S Oakdale Kellogg Margaret, bds 601 W 10th Kellogg Merle, bds 601 W 10th KELLY EDWARD E (Elnora)--District Atty, res 911 Queen Ann Kennedy Wes Mrs, clk Brown's, bds 222 S Central Kent Amy, bds 401 N Riverside Kent Arthur, bds 401 N Riverside Kent James (Jane), res 401 N Riverside, Kent's Rooming House Kent Jane Mrs, furn rms and boarding, 401 N Riverside Kent Jeanne, bds 401 N Riverside Kent Luman B (Helen M), res 818 E Main Kentner Bess, teacher, bds 31 Roosevelt Kentner H C Mrs, res 31 Roosevelt Kentner Herbert, civil eng, bds 31 Roosevelt Kenyon Wm C, res 430 S Fir Kerr Alexander, lab, res 721 S Central Kerr Andrew, porter Hotel Holland, bds 721 S Central Kerr Annie Mrs, 403 N Bartlett Kerr Margaret, bds 721 S Central KERSHAW PETER M (Tamar)--Oregon Granite Co, res 725 S Central Keystone Orchards, Wm H Watt, propr, 3½ m s limits Kidd Captain, bds 225 S Riverside KIDD CORSA M (Mary F)--Kidd's Shoe Store, 223 E Main, res 1119 W Main KIENE HENRY (Mary)--Bernard Motor Car Co, res 601 Dakota Kincaid Lizzie Mrs, bds 213 S Front Kincheloe E H, farmer, bds 637 Pine Kincheloe George F (Nannie A), farmer, res 637 Pine Kincheloe Grace, bds 637 Pine Kincheloe L O, bds 637 Pine Kincheloe Oliver, bds 637 Pine Kinder Robert W (Lillian), res 1204 W 10th Kinder Marian, bds 1204 W 10th Kinder Mark, bds 1204 W 10th King Dalia, clk post office, bds 410 N Ivy King Elizabeth, student, bds 342 N Ivy King Herman G (Mary), Hale's Piano House, res 232½ S Ivy King Otto C (Maude), salesman Medford Grocery Co, res 342 N Ivy Kirkpatrick C, bds 806 E Jackson Kirkpatrick Gertrude, res 1518 W Main Kirkpatrick J W (Nora L), res 806 E Jackson Kirkpatrick Mary, bds 828 Dakota Klein E J (Stina), tailor 128 E Main, res 524 N Bartlett Kleinhammer Fred (Nora), res 609 Oak Klippel Allie E, bds 228 N Holly Klippel Elizabeth N (wid Henry), res 228 N Holly Klippel Jacob, miner, bds 228 N Holly KLOCKER A J--The Printery, 42 S Central, rms Hotel Holland Klum Blaine (Florence), sign painter, 44 S Central, res 328 S Holly Klum Otto (Mildred), Physical Director Public Schools, res 320 S Holly Knapp F Karl (Hattie I), repeaterman Pacific States Tel & Tel Co, res 816 W 11th Knight Clarence A (Cora L), res 801 E Main Knight Laura M Mrs, bds F C Page Knips Louis (Gussie), farmer, res 219 S Ivy Koontz Henry (Barbara), res 534 S Fir Koontz Lucile, bds 534 S Fir Koppes Josephine, bds 124 Newtown Koppes R A Mrs, res 124 S Newtown Kribs Abbie, bds 105 N Oakdale KRIBS CHARLES P (Mary)--Kribs Grocery, 132 W Main, res 105 N Oakdale Kribs C P & Co, grocery 132 W Main, C P Kribs propr Kroschel Samuel A (Julia A), mngr Jackson Co Creamery, res 522 W 4th Krutzler Paul (Minnie), res 208 Clark KUNZMAN GEORGE J PRINTING CO--George J Kunzman, Commercial and Job Printing, Rubber Stamps, Etc., 203 Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bldg Kunzman George J (Bernie C), G J Kunzman Printing Co, res 339 Knight L
Laidley George W (Kate), timber cruiser, res 333 KnightLaidley Glenn, clk Hotel Holland, bds 333 Knight Laidley Walter, bds 333 Knight LAMPORT EDWARD H (Carrie M)--Medford Harness Co, res 419 W 2nd Lance F Marion (Minnie E), Medford Delivery, res 1009 E Main Lancop Joseph A (Libbie E), bldg contr, res 716 W 14th Landram Francis M (Belle), farmer, res 515 S Riverside Lane Anna, res Sunset Park Lane Wm E (Mary A), furniture packer, res 219 S Holly Lansing Allie, fireman Sacred Heart Hospital Lansing Margaret, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital Laplan Arthur (Cecil), mixer Brown's, bds 249 S Riverside Larkin James M (Eliza J), res 2nd house off end w 2nd Larkin Lorenzo, bds J M Larkin Larkin Melvin, lab, bds J M Larkin Larkin Vern, bds J M Larkin LARNARD WALTER--Sec Medford Canning Co, rms Hotel Nash Larson Cora Mrs, bds 937 N Central Larson Otto, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Lathrop A A (Anna A K), res 251 Beatty LATTA H A (Lulu E)--Sec Commercial Club, Latta & Hopkins Nursery, Central Point, Office Commercial Club Bldg., res 52 Ross Court Latta & Hopkins, H A Latta, J F Hopkins, Growers of High Grade Nursery Stock, Central Point, office Medford Commercial Club Bldg Launspach Herbert (Alfretta), clk Pantorium, res 211 W Jackson Lawrence Albert, lather, bds 244 S Central Lawrence Etha, bds 1022 W 9th Lawrence Frank (Hattie), tmstr, res 1022 W 9th Lawrentz Ethel Mrs, bkpr Eads Bros, res 302 Willamette Lawrentz John (Ethel), driver Pantorium, res 302 Willamette Lawrence John F (Julia), jeweler cor W Main and Fir, res 525 S Riverside Lawrence Ruth, bds 525 S Riverside Lawton D T (Emma R), res 310 N Bartlett Lawton Guy (Corinne), meat cutter, res 627 S Central Lawton Helen, bds 307 N Apple LAWTON J W--Chief Medford Fire dept, res 307 N Apple Lawton Leon, bds 310 N Bartlett Lawton Lorain, bds 307 N Apple Layne Carroll J (Minda), barber, res 826 W 12th Layne Dorris, bds 826 W 12th LEACH H L MRS--Expert Corsetiere, Corsets Made to Order, 326 N Bartlett, res same Leach Henry L (Sadie), miner, res 326 N Bartlett Leachy Mary Mrs, bds 603 King Leaders Caroline, bds.1135 W 10th Leaders Henry (Christina), lab, res 1135 W 10th Learned C Albert (Sabrey), res end S Orange Learned Edward, lab, bds A C Learned Leonard George, bds 14 Cottage Leonard Morris, bds 14 Cottage Leonard Paul, clk Crater Lake Hdwe Co, bds 14 Cottage LEONARD SAMUEL S (Carrie)--Mngr Crater Lake Hdwe Co, res 14 Cottage Leslie James (Mary B), Cal-Ore Power Co, res 324 W Jackson Liljegran Ernest W (Ada), mining eng, res 320 S Grape Liming C L (Henrietta), carp, res 823 Sherman Liming Ethel, opr Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 823 Sherman Liming Mabel, bds 823 Sherman Lindley George F (Luretta M), clk Fouts Grocery, res 128 Mistletoe Lindley George R (Katherine), Vice-Pres Jackson Co Bank, res Siskiyou Hts Lindley Nolo M, bkpr Jackson Co Bank, bds G R Lindley Lindley Robert B, bds G R Lindley Lindley Roy, bds 106 Roosevelt Lindley Sarah A Mrs (wid George), res 106 Roosevelt Ling C Huston, bds 826 E Main Ling Earl, bds 826 E Main Ling Harry D, painter, bds 826 E Main Ling J Wesley (Ida M), painter, res 826 E Main Linville Mabel M, ironer Medford Laundry, res 829 E 9th Linville Robert E L (Mabel M), carp, res 829 E 9th Little A D (Alabama), Medford Tent & Awning Co, res 36 N Riverside Little Charles H (Joseph T), orchardist, res ss Stewart 3 w Peach Little Robert P (Rhoda L), res 923 Taylor Loar R E Mrs, propr El Blanco Rooms, res 445 S Front LOCKWOOD MYRTLE S (Wife S A)--Phys Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, res 45 Lindley LOCKWOOD S A DR (Myrtle S)--Phys and Surg, Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, res 45 Lindley Loder Frank F (Laura M), asst supt Cal-Ore Power Co, res ne cor E Jackson and Roosevelt Lofland Charles W (Cora M), farmer, res 809 W 10th Lofland Florence, bds 809 W 10th Lofland Harry (Icie), res 225 S Oakdale Lofland Justus M (Matilda), bds 809 W 10th Long Clarence, tmstr, bds J T Long Long J Thomas, wood dealer, res off end N Central Longwill Franklin, miner, bds 536 N Front Longwill Walter, bds 536 N Front Longwill W T (May), miner, res 536 N Front Lounsberry L Mrs, res 228 S Holly Lonsdale Florence Mrs, wks Medford Tent & Awning Co, bds 36 N Riverside Loomis Almon L (Edith H), orchardist, res 1103 W 10th Lorentzen Tina, maid 1006 S Oakdale Lounsbury Novie I, milliner M M Dept Store, bds 319 S Orange Lowery Charles, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Lucas I W, rms Hotel Holland Ludwig Wm, lab, bds 103 E 11th Luman Charles, bds 243 S Holly Luman Will (Grace), res 243 S Holly Lumsden Harold U (Bessie), Hutchison & Lumsden, res 610 S Holly Lumsden John, painter, bds 207 W Main Lumsden Treve B, bkpr Jackson County Bank, bds 610 S Holly Lundberg Edward (Mariah C), res 919 W 11th Lundberg Hugo, student, bds 919 W 11th Lundy A True Mrs, bds 47 N Orange Lunge Frederick G (Kate), res 925 Reddy Lunge George, bds 925 Reddy Lupton C S, agt White Sewing Machine, res 225 S Riverside Lydiard W H (Lola), Jackson Street Grocery, res 304 S Holly Lynch George T (Mary H), res 16 S Peach Lyon James, carp, bds 716 E Main Lyon L Monroe (Cora E), bldg contr, res 716 E Main Lyon Noah B (Maude), Hale & Lyon, res 137 N Central Mc
McAhron Jacob L, bds 411 BeattyMcAndrews Kate, bds Thomas McAndrews McAndrews Thomas, farmer, res Eagle Point rd McCabe Bert R (Cora), City Atty, res 319 Portland McCain Bertha, res 307 E 6th McCain Genevieve, bds 307 E 6th McCarthy W H, rms Hotel Nash McClanahan Robert (Sidney A), blacksmith, res 2 bks off end W 2nd McClanahan R Orval, bds Robert McClanahan McClelland George, res 236 S Oakdale McClellen T B, eng P&E Ry, bds 401 N Riverside McConnell Clayton B, news dealer, bds 413 W 2nd McCORMACK LINCOLN (Alice)--Lawyer, First National Bank Bldg, res 41 Ross Court McCoy Florence Mrs, res 519 S Central McCray V T, civil eng, res 308 S Oakdale McCURDY CLINT C (Julia)--McCurdy Insurance Agency, res 23 N Orange McCurdy David A (Florence M), res 23 N Orange McCURDY'S INSURANCE AGENCY--Medford National Bank Bldg, Tel 1-2-3 McDONALD CHESTER W (Eva W)--Pres Jackson Co Bank, res 823 E Main McDonald George, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House McDonald Harold, student, bds 115 Mistletoe McDonald John E (Lucile), res 115 Mistletoe McDonald Meldrum C (Mary J), res 122 Cottage McDonald Orion (Edith), lumberman, res 5th and E 3rd McDonald Wesley, Walkers Garage, bds 115 Mistletoe McDonough Martin, bds 135 N Bartlett McDougall Herbert (Carrie), res 406 Beatty McDougall Lela, bds 406 Beatty McFurnam Winifred, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital McGowan Wm H (Nellie E), Weeks & McGowan, res 15 S Mistletoe McGraw Newton, opr Postal Tel & Tel Co, bds 121 N Central McGuirk Michael (Kathryn), cigar maker, rms Hotel Holland McKeany Edward W (Effie), fruit broker, office RR Canal Co, res 16 Laurel McKee Ernest H (Alleene K), Hubbard Bros, res 101 Vancouver McKee Frank, bds 47 N Orange McKee Minnie A Mrs, res 47 N Orange McKeever Beulah, clk, bds Mrs E J McKeever McKeever E J Mrs, res Central Point rd 1 bk n limits McKeever L Clyde, tmstr, bds Mrs E J McKeever McKeever Roy E, bds Mrs E J McKeever McKenny Bertha, bds 711 Palm McKilligan Fern (Irene), bds 521 W 2nd McKilligan Irene, bds 521 W 2nd McKinnis Charles M (Margaret), lab, res 33 Portland av McLaughlin Frank (Ada), res 819 W 13th McLeod J A, res 814 S Central McMann Wm S (Lillian), res 503 King McMurtrey Clyde (D L), farmer, res 1023 W 9th McMurtrey Kate, bds 1023 W 9th McNeil John, upholsterer, res Jacksonville rd McNelly Joseph (Anna K), res 35 Myrtle McPhee Burton J, painter, res w end Mt Pitt McQuiston Eleanor, bkpr C H Schieffelin, bds 103 Roosevelt McQuiston Josephine Mrs, bds 103 Roosevelt M
Maasdam Gradus (Emma), res 521 W 2ndMacDaniels, Everett H, US Forest Service MacDonough Albert J (May), res 716 W 2nd Mackey Henry E, photographer, bds 245 N Riverside Maddox Ernest V (Anna C), Maddox & Bonney, res 26 Portland Maddox George, bds 26 Portland Maddox & Bonney, Green House, 26 Portland av MAGAZINES of All Kinds--Medford Cigar Store Mahar Dan (Jennie), farmer, res 107 E Jackson MAIL TRIBUNE--See Medford Mail Tribune MAIL TRIBUNE BLDG--25-29 N Fir Mandeville Edward (May), res 624 N Riverside Mandeville Gladys, bds 624 N Riverside Manning Charles S (Etta S), propr Wonder Store, 316 E Main, res 720 Welch Manning Harry D, mngr Wonder Store, bds 720 Welch MANN JOHN C (Margaret)--Propr Mann's Store, res 27 Geneva Mann's, 14 N Central, Dry Goods, Notions and Ready to Wear Garments Mansfield Wm (Clara), res 121 Roosevelt Mardis Mines M (Ada), res 837 W 2nd MARINELLO HAIR SHOP THE--Cora E Utley propr, Hairdressing, Manicure, Face and Body Massage, 405-6-7 Garnett-Corey Bldg Mark Newton H, asst chief police, res 422 S Grape Marmion Wm, res 713 E Jackson Marquis Abram L (Mary), res 722 N Riverside Marsh H Everett (Eva), Marsh & Bennett, res 43 N Peach Marsh Henry M, Transfer, office Rialto Bldg, res 421 Benson MARSH & BENNETT--H E Marsh, Louis Bennett, High Grade Groceries, 130 E Main, Tel 252 Marshall A E, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Marshall Edison, writer, bds 1113 S Oakdale Marshall George E (Lillie), orchardist, res 1113 S Oakdale Marshall Lucile, teacher, bds 1113 S Oakdale Marshall Vern B (Lois F), orchardist, res Stewart av MARTIN'S BICYCLE SHOP--F E Martin propr, 11 N Fir Martin Carlton H, student, bds 217 N Apple Martin Claude W (Alma L.), elec, res 229 N Ivy Martin Esther L, student, bds 217 N Apple Martin F E, bds 128 Newtown Martin Francis E (Norma I), Martin's Bicycle Shop, res 217 N Apple Martin Frank F, tmstr, bds 1502 Prune Martin Fred, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Martin Henry, bds 1502 Prune Martin Lulu, wks Medford Domestic Laundry, bds 322 S Central Martin Mellie Mrs, res 704 S Oakdale Martin Mrs Alice (wid Joseph G), res 624 N Central Martin Nancy J Mrs, res 1502 Prune Martz E L, res 315 N Bartlett Maruyama Masuzo, steward RR Valley University Club, bds 539 S Ivy Marvin G T, res 249 S Riverside Marvin Gwendolyn S, bds 249 S Riverside Mason Ed, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House MASON-EHRMAN & CO--George T Collins mngr, Wholesale Groceries Mathis Mary W Mrs, (wid D J), res 141 S Holly Matney Martha, nurse, res 405 N Apple Matney Nana, dressmaker, res 445 N Bartlett Mattingly T J (Louise), res 307 E 6th Maule Azariah, bds 307 E 9th Maule Blanche, bds 307 E 9th Maule Eleanor, bds 307 E 9th Maule E Mrs, res 307 E 9th Maule Roy, bkpr Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, res RFD No 3 Maultby Marie, bds 441 N Grape Maultby Wm H (Sarah), cement contr, res 441 N Grape Maxwell Norman, bds 207 Cottage Maxwell W L (Lulu), res 207 Cottage MAY CO THE--Arthur Hubbs, mngr, cor Main and Bartlett, Tel 31 Meader Hiram F (Pauline), res 720 Park Meadows B W (Mary), res 310 Portland av Meadows Lethew, bds 310 Portland av Meadows Mathew L (Lida), carp, res 816 S Central Meadows May, bds 816 S Central Meadows Myrtle, bds 816 S Central Meadows Virgie, bds 310 Portland av Mears Fredrick W (Sarah B), lawyer, res 401 Newtown MEDFORD BOOK STORE--A H Miller mngr, Stationery, Books, School Supplies, Columbia Machines and Records, Corona Typewriters, 209 E Main MEDFORD CIGAR STORE--O L Davidson propr, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy, Magazines and Papers, cor W Main and Fir MEDFORD CIGAR STORE--At Corner Main and Fir. Good Smokes MEDFORD CLEANING & PRESSING CO--G F Williams propr, 8 S Central MEDFORD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE--Business, Academic and Preparatory Courses, 31 N Grape MEDFORD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE--"The School of Best Results." 31 North Grape Street. Telephone 15-L. MEDFORD COMMERCIAL CLUB--H A Latta Sec, E Main n w cor Front MEDFORD CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AND LANGUAGES--Mrs. J. Hovious instructor, Natatorium Bldg Medford Dairy, John W Snider propr, Jacksonville rd 2 m w limits Medford Domestic Laundry Co, Glen Fabrick pres, James A Slorah treas, 421 E Main Medford Fair Grounds, n end Court Medford Fire Dept, J W Lawton chief, 44 N Front Medford Fish & Poultry Co, Van R Gilbert propr, 108 W Main Medford Fruit Co, J G Chapman mngr, 12th and Front MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO--Frank W Hollis Pres, H F Platt Vice-Pres, Horace G Nicholson Treas, J H Butler Sec, 29-35-39 N Central MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE--Ed Pierce mngr, 1005 E Main MEDFORD GROCERY CO--E A Welch mngr, Wholesale Grocery, 10th and Front MEDFORD HARNESS CO--E H Lamport propr, 226 E Main MEDFORD HOTEL--Emil Mohr mngr, Medford's Best and Most Up to Date Hotel, W Main nw cor Ivy MEDFORD ICE & STORAGE CO--Harry K Tomlinson mngr, S Fir and SP tracks MEDFORD IRON WORKS--E G Trowbridge mngr, 17 S Riverside Medford Junk Co, Louis Gorestum propr, 31-33 N Bartlett, Tel 283-J MEDFORD LUMBER CO--J H Cooley Pres-Mngr, 4 W 3rd MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE--Medford Printing Co Props, George Putnam Editor-Manager, 25-27-29 MEDFORD MERCHANTS ASSN--E C Gaddis Pres, Charles S Butterfield Vice-Pres, John H Carkin Sec, Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK--W H Gore Pres, J A Perry Vice-Pres, John S Orth Cashier, W B Jackson Asst-Cashier, 133 E Main, Tel 175 MEDFORD PHARMACY--Jonas Wold propr, E Main MEDFORD PRINTING CO--George Putnam Pres-Mngr, Printers and Publishers, 25-27-29 N Fir MEDFORD PUBLIC LIBRARY--Elizabeth Robinson Librarian, W Main bet Ivy and Oakdale MEDFORD ROLLER MILLS--H O Nordwick propr, S Front ne cor 9th, Tel 507 MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO--Thos Moffat Pres-Mngr, Mill Work Specialties, If It's Made of Wood We Make It, Planing Mills, 431 S Fir MEDFORD SHEET METAL WKS--B G Worthington propr, If It's Made of Metal We Make It, 19 N Fir, Tel 477 MEDFORD SODA WKS--P C Bigham propr, 106 S Bartlett, Tel 22-R MEDFORD SUN THE--Robert W Ruhl Pres-Editor, Sumpter S Smith Sec-Mngr, 32 N Grape Tel 415 MEDFORD TENT & AWNING CO--A D Little Mngr, 106 N Front MEDFORD VULCANIZING WKS--Carl Fichtner propr, 36 S Grape, Tel 434-J Medley Bessie Mrs, nurse Dr Stearns, bds 705 W 10th Medley George, farmer, rms 1110 E 11th Medley Henry, bds 211 Genessee Medley James, bds 211 Genessee Medley Osa, bds 211 Genessee Medley R L, res 211 Genessee Medynski Fredrick V (Ella E), res 316 N Central Meehan Jennie R (wid John B), bds J B Meehan Meehan John B, carp, Sunset Park Add Meeker Clarence A (Minnie R), M M Dept Store, res 315 N Bartlett Meeker Mary J Mrs, bds 439 N Front Meeker Wm H (Clara J), M M Department Store, res 311 N Bartlett Mego L P, Police Sergeant, res 12 Mistletoe Meiling Earl H (Nellie R), agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, res 13 Ashland Meiling Hannah (wid James C), bds E H Meiling Merrick Emerson, mngr Natatorium, bds 839 E Main Merrick Fred E (Stella J), Sec-Treas Natatorium, res 839 E Main Merriman George W (Florence), res 1117 W 9th Merriman Mary E Mrs (wid George), res 520 S Central Merriman Myrle, bds 12 S Orange Merriman Sharon, bds 520 S Central Merriman Thomas (Nellie), blacksmith, res 12 S Orange Merriman Vera, teacher, bds 520 S Central Meserve Lincoln (Mattie), res off end W 4th Messner Lucile, bds 504 S Holly Messner Wm A (Georgia), res 504 N Holly Metropolitan Life Ins Co, Garnett-Corey Bldg Metz Claud (Harriett), clk, res 622 W 4th Metz F E Mrs, res 615 N Bartlett Mickey George M (Caroline), tmstr, res 330 S Fir Mickey Guy, bds 330 S Fir Mickey Mabel, teacher, bds 330 S Fir Mickey Ola E, teacher, bds 330 S Fir Miksche Bertell, bds 818 S Peach MIKSCHE LEO J (Amma M E)--Propr Monarch Feed Store, res 818 S Peach Miksche Patricia, bds 818 S Peach Miksche Raymond, clk Monarch Feed Store, bds 818 S Peach Miksche Wilfred, bds 818 S Peach Miles Claud (Blanch), res 32 Geneva Miles Ruth W (wid J W), bds 203 N Oakdale MILES THADDEUS W (Jessie W)--Lawyer, 23 Jackson Co Bank Bldg, res 203 N Oakdale MILLER ALFRED H (Dollie A)--Mngr Medford Book Store, res 109 Geneva Miller Bert (Mae), clk Jackson Co Supply Co, bds 726 W 4th Miller Edward, agate cutter, Olsen and 4th Miller F E, rms Hotel Holland Miller Frank (Myrtle), farmer, res 38 Geneva Miller Frank, shingler, bds 244 S Central Miller Grace, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital Miller Henry G (Bessie), ry frmn Bullis, res 315 Ashland Miller Maude Mrs, res 522 N Riverside Miller Wm (Emma), res 516 S Central Miller Wm L (Ava L), carp, res 524 W 4th Miller Wm (Martha A), tmstr, res 816 Taylor Milligan Florence, rms 313 E Main Mills Thomas E (Grace), blacksmith, res 341 W 2nd Miner Elida Mrs, res 242 N Front Minear R C Mrs, res 408 N Ivy Minkler Helen, cashr Home Tel & Tel Co, res 9 Mistletoe Minkler Frank L (Ida), city water dept, res 627 S Riverside Minkler Lee D, bds 9 Mistletoe Minkler L (Mary J), res 408 E 14th Mishler Louis (Maude), res 701 N Riverside Mitchell A J, rms Hotel Medford Mitchell Grace, teacher, bds 28 Geneva MITCHELL JOHN W (Phoebe)--Mitchell's Wagon and Auto Wks, res 28 Geneva Mitchell Marvin, student, bds 28 Geneva av MITCHELL'S WAGON & AUTO WKS--J W Mitchell propr, Home of Mitchell Ladder, 36 S Riverside, Tel 320-J Mitchell Wagon & Auto Wks, res 28 Geneva M M DEPARTMENT STORE--A E Kinney Pres, C A Meeker Vice-Pres, W B Beebe Sec-Treas, 230 E Main MODEL CLOTHING CO--F K Deuel Pres, S T Richardson Sec-Treas, Men's Furnishings, We can fit the boy at any age, 234 E Main Moffett Glenn, bds 612 Newtown MOFFETT THOMAS M (Lydia)--Medford Sash & Door Co, res 727 W Jackson Moffett Wm A (Gertrude), house mover, res 612 Newtown MOHR EMIL (Hedwig)--Mngr Hotel Medford, res 1003 W Main MONARCH SEED & FEED STORE--L. J Miksche propr, 317 E Main Montgomery Charles W (Maude L), Montgomery Rooming House, 141 N Fir Moore Albert (Carrie L), wks Standard Oil Co, res 309 E Jackson Moore Marie Mrs, bds 211 S Laurel Moore Mary, Art Studio, res 1022 W 10th Moore Wm H (Sarah S), res 719 W 10th Moran Fidelis, bds 121 N Central Moran Ray (Irene), res 35 Roosevelt Mordoff George (Mary), res 23 Newtown Mordoff Jessie, teacher, bds 23 Newtown Mordoff May, teacher, bds 23 Newtown Morenz Oeser Waldmar Dr (Ida), pastor Zion Luth Church, res 520 W 4th Morey Artie M, bds 702 W Main Morey John A, gardener, res 702 W Main Mori Charles, janitor Jackson Co Bank bldg Morris George (Mae), 712 Palm Morris Irene M, bds 617 N Bartlett Morris Wm E (Ida M), carp, res 617 N Bartlett Morrison Edgar E (Roselma A D), orchardist, 324 S Orange Morrison Elizabeth Mrs, res 346 S Holly Morse Elmer H (Josie), carp, res 1st house off end W 2nd Morse F M (Belle), opr SP Co, res 304 Maple Morser Bradford L (Grace E), sign painter, res 16 Mistletoe Mott Nellie Mrs, nurse, res 107 Mistletoe Mueller Charles, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Muir John, bds 126 Portland av Mulhollen Edward L, miner, bds 329 W 2nd Mulhollen James H Jr, painter, bds 329 W 2nd MULHOLLEN J H (Elizabeth)--Painter, res 329 W 2nd Mullin Henry N (Inez H), res 214 N Holly MUNDY JOHN F (Lulu J)--Real Estate, Orchard Lands, Stocks and Bonds, Office Palm Bldg, res 27 N Orange Mundy Walter (Elizabeth), bds 27 N Orange Murphy Ethel, bds 610 W 2nd Murphy Harry (Redeth), salesman Bernard Motor Car Co, bds 426 S Ivy Murphy James H (Allexne), res 426 S Ivy Murphy Omar W (Emma), auto livery, res 610 W 2nd Murphy Orin M (Maude), salesman Walker Auto Co, res 619 S Central Murphy Wm C, Bennett Investment Co, rms 15 N Grape Murrey Charles P (Ruby T), farmer, res 914 Murrey Murrey Charles T, bds 713 S Peach Murrey Katherine A Mrs, res 713 S Peach Murrey M C (Rebecca), res 506 Union Murrey T B, res off end N Central Myers A W (Jennie), res 416 Boardman Myers Elizabeth A, maid A H Hill, 991 S Oakdale Myers Mary M (wid Frank), bds C H Pierce Myers M, nurse, res 119 Roosevelt Myers Orin V (Birdeen G), res 1416 W Main N
Nagle O D, mason, res 132 S GrapeNakano S, bds 143 N Grape Nally Peter K (Anna C), res 707 W Main Narregan Eugene, student, bds 106 Clark Narregan Norton L (Francis), farmer, res 106 Clark NASH HOTEL--J D Bell mngr, E Main cor S Front Natatorium Amusement Co, F E Merrick mngr, N Riverside cor 6th Naylor Dolph, timber cruiser, res 411 Laurel Nedd Earl J (Minnie M), mngr Union Meat Co, res 1405 W Main Neff Mary P Mrs, bds 624 Dakota NEFF PORTER J (Isabel)--Attorney, Medford National Bank Bldg, res 516 Belmont Nelson A H (Aleta A), salsn Mason-Ehrman Co, res 423 S King Nelson Lind (Anna), res 721 Bennett NELSON O N--Life, Accident and Fire Insurance, First National Bank ‘Bldg, res 718 W Main Nelson R A, res 15 Keene Way Netherland Elizabeth A, bkpr Nichols & Ashpole, bds 350 S Riverside Netherland Frank (Meda), machinist, res 118 Olsen NEWBURY GUS (Maude)--Lawyer, MF&H Bldg, res 32 Mistletoe Newland R A (Pearl P), mail carrier, res 851 E 9th Newman Albert E (Cathrine), res 926 N Central Newman Emma J, nurse, res 425 Benson NEWMAN FRANK J (Alta A)--Attorney, Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel 56-R, res 527 S Holly NEWTOWN BAKERY--End Newtown, I W Sharp propr Nichol E O Mrs, res 101 Almond Nichol George W (Lolah), Nichols & Ashpole, res 703 E Main Nichol John M, bds 120 Genessee Nichol J W (Katie), lab, res 120 Genessee Nichol Maude B, bkpr Woods Lumber Co, bds 703 E Main Nichol Robert, clk C E Gates, bds 120 Genessee NICHOLSON HORACE G (Cassie)--Horace G (Cassie), Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 530 S Central Noble Clara Mrs, res 122 Tripp Noble M T Mrs, res 24 S Orange Noble Theodore, bds 122 Tripp Noblit Herbert L (Anna C), farmer, res Capitol Hill Noblit Herbert L Jr, bds H L Noblit Noe Clarence T (Mary G), barber, res 220 S Oakdale Noe Leland, student, bds 220 S Oakdale Norcross Eva G, bds 1105 W Main Norcross Warren H (Lola M), farmer, res 1105 W Main NORDWICK H O (Bertha C)--Propr Medford Roller Mills, res cor W 6th and Ivy Norman W M, bds 322 E 12th Normile Nettie Mrs, res 124 Newtown Normile Noble, bds 124 Newtown Norris Clyde R, lab, bds 622 W 2nd Norris Etta Mrs, opr Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 220 S Grape Norris Thomas C (Nettie B), miner, res 622 W 2nd Norris Walter B, lab, bds 622 W 2nd Noth Albert F (Alice W), ticket clk SP Co, res 428 N Holly Noyes Albert L (Grace), wks F C Page, res 1427 E Main NURMI BAKING CO--The Home of Pan-Dandy and Butter-Nut Bread, S Front NURMI RUDOLPH (Bertha)--Mngr Nurmi Baking Co, res 808 Bennett Nye Hal B (Lillian), res 822 S Oakdale Nye H B (Anna E), farmer, res 835 E Main Nye Ruth, bds 835 E Main Nye Stephen, bds 835 E Main O
Oakdale Cash Grocery, W R Ellis Propr, cor S Oakdale and JayOard Charles, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Oard Pete, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Oatman Elmer R (Segourney), fruit inspr, res 222 S Central Oblander Edward, barber, bds 203 N Holly O'Brien Anna D, stengr, bds 517 S Grape O'Brien George T (Alison E), mason, res 712 W Jackson O'Brien James, rms Fairmont rooms O'Brien Joseph S (Barbara C), barber, res 319 King O'Brien Sarah (wid John), res 517 S Grape O'Brien Thomas, res 411 S Laurel O'Conner John (Tessie), mail carrier, res 320 King Offutt Wm N Sr, bds 607 W 11th Offutt Wm (Pearl), mechanic C E Gates, res 508 S Grape Ohlogschager John, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Olsen Alfred P (Nora), res 42 Rose av Olsen Annabell, bds 117 Olsen Olsen John E (Mahala), miner, res 117 Olsen Olsen T Allen (Eliza), res 117 Olsen Olmstead Jay, student, bds 20 Newtown Olmstead John (Hinda), Olmstead grocery, res 20 Newtown Olmstead Vera, student, bds 20 Newtown O'Neal Mary E Mrs, res 1023 E Main OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO--O R C Grow mngr, 27 N Grape OREGON GRANITE CO--E A Hicks mngr, Marble, Granite Monuments, 103 E 6th, Tel 631-R Orr Albert E (Clara), Weeks & McGowan Co, res 526 S Central Orr Edith A Mrs, res 909 N Central Orr Mary B Mrs, res 815 W Main ORTH JOHN S (Dee R)--Cashier Medford National Bank, res 610 S Central Orton Lester (Lottie), res 322 S Central Osborne Eva, student, bds 512 S Oakdale Osborne Fred P, miner, res 233½ S Riverside Osborne Mary K Mrs, res 634 Pennsylvania av Osborne Olivia Mrs, nurse, res 512 S Oakdale OSGOOD TOM W--Osgood & Brown, MF&H Bldg, bds 15 Rose av OSGOOD & BROWN--T W Osgood, A T Brown, Civil Engineers, 3rd floor Medford National Bank Bldg O'Toole Darby, bds 222 N Central Otterdahl Marie Mrs, res 845 Dakota Otterdahl Myrta, bds 845 Dakota Ottinger Jason (Gertrude), farmer, res 220 S Grape Ottoman Milton (Maude), cashier SP Co freight depot, res 1006 W 4th Overton Wm J (Sarah E), res 105 S Grape OVERLAND AUTO AGENCY--George Treichler, C R Wilson, cor 8th and Bartlett Oviatt Sarah, cigar maker Medford Cigar factory, bds 121 N Central Owen Frank, res Siskiyou Heights Owens Louis Mrs, bds 147 S Central Owings George F (Lola), carp, res 1109 W 11th P
AND FIXTURE FACTORY--E G Trowbridge Jr propr, Home of the
Pacific Cedar Chest, 113 S HollyPACIFIC TEL & TEL CO--Miss L Robinson chief opr PACIFIC & EASTERN RY--Depot 501 E Main, L G Gilman Pres, W E Turner Vice-Pres, A J Davidson Gen Supt, W D Skinner Traffic Mngr, G E Johnson Agt Page-Dressler Co, F C Page, J W Dressler, Real Estate, 320 E Main PAGE FREDRICK C (Sara)--Page-Dressler Co, Real Estate, 320 E Main, res Siskiyou Hts Page Helen Mrs, res 107 E 2nd Page Laura, bds F C Page Page Theater, George Hunt mngr, 422 E Main Palace Hotel, R H Halley propr, 30 S Central Palm Block, cor E Main and Front Palm Charles W (Callie), res 343 S Holly Palmer Alice, bds 826 S Central Palmer B J (Esther E), Palmer Piano House, res 826 S Central Palmer David H, res 235 N Oakdale Palmer Emmett M (June), res 847 W 2nd Palmer Investment Co, W A Sumner Supt, Mail Tribune Bldg Palmer, Marian, bds 826 S Central Palms The, Mrs G M Eiker propr, 130 W Main Pantorium Dye Wks, F C Elliott mngr, N Fir Parker Anna L Mrs, nurse, res 215 Knight Parker Chester T (Etta E), res 511 S Grape Parker Daisy Mrs, res 917 W 8th Parker Floyd, bds 917 W 8th Parker Frank, bds 917 W 8th Parker Frank M (Eva), res 201 S Holly Parker James, bds 917 W 8th Parker John, bds 215 Knight Parker Louis R (wid Willard F), res 23 Roosevelt Parker Oscar O (Anna J), res 215 Knight Parke B L (Verna), res 335 N Central Parks Ella Mrs, bds 234 E 9th Parsons Reginald H, propr Hillcrest Orchard, res 2½ m e city Patterson H B (Sophia), nurseryman, res 26 Newtown Patterson Jeannette, bds 26 Newtown Patterson Nannie W (wid Stewart), res 32 Ross Court Patton Owen J (Willie V), res 542 S Ivy Paul Bert (Emma), Paul's Electric Store, res 514 S Holly Paul Charles H, tmstr, bds 1025 W 9th Paul Charles (Harriett), res 1025 W 9th Payne Eddie, bds 135 N Bartlett Payne Etha, bds 135 N Bartlett Payne Frederick W (Mary E), RFD Carrier, res 812 W 4th Payne J Theodore (Gertrude), Union Livery, res 925 N Central Payne Mary Mrs, res 135 N Bartlett Pearce Emma Mrs, bds 231 W 5th Peart C W, res 321 Ashland Peart George, bds 321 Ashland Peart Gladys, bds 1014 E 11th Peck Emil R (Susanna), meat cutter Nichols & Ashpole, res 60 Quince Pefley Frank A (Mattie), carp res 1112 Reddy av Pierson Carl (Margie), clk Watkins Feed Store, res 103 E 11th Pierson Van R (Irene W), Auto Livery Brown's, res 1107 E Main Pellet Homer (Grace), res 503 S Central Penwell Anlo (Bertha), plumber, res 829 N Central Percival Ada Mrs, bds 107 E 2nd Perl Aileen, bds 229 N Apple PERL JOHN A (Nellie M)--Undertaker, Parlors 28 S Bartlett, res 229 N Apple Perl J P, bds 130 W Main Perry Arthur, reporter Medford Sun, rms Hotel Holland Perry Edward, res 1013 S Oakdale Perry Frank, bds 1013 S Oakdale Perry Grace, bds 611 N Bartlett PERRY JAMES A (Ella F)--Vice-Pres Medford National Bank, mngr Rogue River Co-Operative Fruit Assn, res 604 W Main Perry J T (W May), agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, res 611 N Bartlett Perry Merritt, bds 611 N Bartlett Perrydale Station, 2 m w city on So Ore Traction Co Line Peters Ion Mrs, res 523 S Ivy Peters James T (Nancy), lab, res 327 W 2nd Peterson James (Katherine), res 1110 W 4th Peterson John (Mary H), gateman City Water Dept, res Capitol Hill Peterson Oscar, rms 103 W Main Petty Rollin, bds 823 E 9th Pheister Everett L, bds 903 W 11th Pheister Rosetta A Mrs, res 903 W 11th Pheister Stella, teacher, bds 903 W 11th Pheister Viola, teacher, bds 903 W 11th Philbrook E Maude Mrs, teacher, bds 615 N Bartlett Phillips Kathryn Mrs, clk H D McBride & Co, bds 5th and Apple Phillips Mary, clk M D McBride & Co, bds 5th and Apple Phipps Calistia (wid Ira J), bds 923 E Main Phipps David I (Clara E), tmstr, res 1102 N Riverside Phipps D Edward (Minnie), orchardist, res 328 N Riverside Phipps Dolph, student, bds 328 N Riverside Phipps Dwight, student, bds 328 N Riverside Phipps Ira D, dentist 201 Phipps Bldg, res 923 E Main Phipps May, teacher, bds 923 E Main PHIPPS W ESTILL (Clara)--Lawyer, First National Bank Bldg, res 1239 N Riverside Piatt B F (Martha G), Atty, res 1021 W 10th Piatt Donald V, SP Co, bds 1021 W 10th Piatt John B, civil eng, bds 1021 W 10th Piatt Mary L Mrs, res 603 King Pickel C A (Feletha) Jackson Co Creamery, res 1016 Court PICKEL E BARTON (Mattie E)--Physician and Surgeon, 3-4-5-6 Jackson County Bank Bldg, res 315 W Main, Tel 43-R Pickel Floyd, student, bds 1016 Court Pickel Lyle (Frances), res 210 Vancouver Pickel Ralph, clk M M Dept Store, bds 1016 Court Pickens May E, clk May & Co, bds 219 S Central Piel Emma, nurse Dr Clancy, bds 533 Austin Piel Maggie Mrs, res 533 Austin Pierce A A (Rose), lab, res 1015 N Central Pierce Bryan L, bds C H Pierce Pierce C H (Laura H), farmer, res Pierce Subdivision Pierce Clarence C, Real Estate, and Insurance, 427 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, bds C H Pierce PIERCE G EDWARD (Ruth)--Medford Green House, 1005 E Main, res same Pierce John, res 516 W Jackson Pierce Ralph, student, bds 1005 E Main PIERCE THE FLORIST--1005 E Main, Give Us a Call PIPES AND TOBACCO--Medford Cigar Store. Corner Main and Fir Pipgrass Charles, The Shasta, bds 310 N Bartlett Pipgrass Frank J (Margaret), The Shasta, res 26 Cottage Platt Halett F (Prue), Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 815 E Jackson Pletscher Jacob M (Babetta), wks Medford Grocery Co, res 1024 E 11th Plymale Benjamin H, clk Model Clothing Co, bds 110 Almond Plymale Janes E Mrs (wid Francis M), res 301 S Central Plymire Clyde (Dora), res 249 S Riverside Poe Josephine Mrs, res 836 N Central Poellnitz Robert W (Ada A), Physician, 214 F&F Growers Bank Bldg, res 701 W Jackson Poffenber Richard (Martha), farmer, res 911 W 11th Poffenber Walter, bds 911 W 11th Polland R H, rms Colonial Flats Polly Albert H (Alfretta), res 706 Beekman Polly John H, carp, bds 706 Beekman Ponting John (Rose), res 326 Portland Pool Frank (Ruth), lab, res 315 Knight Pope E E Mrs, bds 547 S Front PORTER ELIAS H (Josephine P)--Physician and Surgeon, St Marks Bldg, Tel 496, res 1110 S Oakdale Porter George J, lab, bds 30 S Central Porter George W (Maud A), frmn Big Pines Lumber Co, res 18 Almond Porter Luther G (Ada), res 619 E Main Porter Raymond A (Carrie), res 415 Oak POSTAL TEL & TEL CO--L Bernice Cameron mngr, 110 E Main POST OFFICE--G P Mims Postmaster, Federal Bldg, cor 6th and Holly Pottenger Alexander, bds 713 W 10th Pottenger T Edward (Laura M), agt Reo Automobile, res 718 W 4th Powell Arthur E (Virginia E), pressman Medford Printing Co, res 321 Benson Powell Fred A (Lou), res 316 Howard Powell Herman (Blanch), farmer, res Capitol Hill Power Charles O (Nellie), architect, res 617 Catherine POWER JEWEL C (Anna)--Powell Auto Co, 123-125 S Front, res 101 Portland av Power J, pastor Catholic Church, res 326 S Oakdale Power Joe C (Anna), farmer, res 126 Portland av Power J Miles, bds 617 Catherine Preddy George W, cement contr, res 145 N Oakdale Preston C H (Charlotte), res 616 N Front Price Dora A, bds 855 W 2nd Price J Earl (Cora E), Coffeen & Price, res 626 W 4th PRINTERY THE--Schrack and Klocker, 42 S Central PRODUCERS FRUIT CO--B U Young mngr, Office Fir and 8th, Tel 700 PUBLIC LIBRARY--See Medford Public Library Public Market, City of Medford, J E Runyard mngr, 35 S Riverside Purdin Browning, bds 21 Geneva Purdin Fred (Mellie), res 703 W 2nd Purdin Hattie Mrs (wife G E), bds 1034 W 9th Purdin L Dewey, bds 21 Geneva PURDIN MAHLON (Irene B)--Attorney, MF&H Bldg, res 21 Geneva Purdy Jessie, bds 517 Park Purdy Samuel P (Elizabeth A), res 517 Park Purdy Walter, clk Hotel Medford, bds 517 Park Purkeypile F Clinton, bds 203 Olsen Purkeypile Grace F, bds 203 Olsen Purkeypile Oliver C (Etta M), res 203 Olsen Purucker Anna, teacher, bds 1517 W Main Purucker Clara B Mrs, nurse, res 1517 W Main Purucker George (Clara B), res 1517 W Main Putnam Elizabeth, bds George Putnam PUTNAM GEORGE--Editor-Mngr Medford Mail Tribune, Pres-Mngr Medford Printing Co, res Highcroft Add Putnam Mary M (wid Oramel H), bds George Putnam Putney Arthur (Ida), res 508 Plum Putney Foskett N (Lizzie), farmer, res 518 Plum Q
Quaker Nurseries, H B Patterson mngr, 104 S FirQuigley Lincoln J (Marietta), carp, res 603 N Fir Quigley Vernon O, bds 603 N Fir Quinn Charles W (Mary J), butter maker, res 423 N Grape Quisenberry Walker T (Stella), cash Cal-Ore Power Co, res 421 King R
Raby U A (Grace C), propr Jean's Castilian, res 127 S GrapeRadcliff B S (Laura), res 4 Clark Radcliff Thelma, bds 4 Clark Rader Hazel V, student, bds 304 S Central Rader Lucile, bds 304 S Central Rader Marion A (Laura E), real est and employment agt, 114 N Front, res 304 S Central Raedel H C, lab, bds 204 S Central Raedel Henry (Virginia M), res 204 S Grape Ragsdale Helen, stngr, rms Hotel Medford Ray Charles B, student, bds 1104 W Main Ray Charles R (Enola R), Pres-Mngr Gold Ray Realty Co, res 1104 W Main Ray Frank, Mngr Gold Ray Store, bds 1104 W Main Ray Lillian (wid Archie D), res 204 N Ivy Ray Mabel R, bds 1104 W Main Ray Wm, lab, bds 30 S Central Raymond Martha, bds 222 S Holly Raymond Mary Mrs, housekeeper Carpenter Bros, bds 222 S Holly Reagan George W (Maggie), res 318 S Newton REAMES A EVAN (Edith T)--Attorney at Law, 411-415 Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 816 W 10th Reames Robert C (Clara O), res 246 N Oakdale Reames Thomas G Mrs, res 724 W 11th REDDEN FRANK E (Sarah L)--Bullock Mercantile Co, res 1016 Reddy av Redden John W (Leventine C), res 607 W 8th Reddy Florence C, bds 406 S Riverside REDDY MARTIN J--Jeweler, 212 E Main, res 406 S Riverside Reddy Owen F, assayer, bds 406 S Riverside Redford Olive M, bds 916 E Main Reed Collins L (Lydia), farmer, res 224 Clark Reed Fred, janitor Federal Bldg, bds 224 Clark Reed Mamie, bds 224 Clark Reichert Samuel T, gardener, res 121 Cottage Reichstein Charles F (Myrtle), mngr Valley Fuel Co, res 504 N Fir Reinking A F, lab, rms 222 S Holly Reinking E W (Emma), res 206 Cottage Reservoir, Medford City, Capitol Hill Reter Bernie, bds 444 S Fir Reter John (Barbara), barber Jacksonville, res 444 S Fir Reynolds Earl (Sarah), Medford Taxi Co, Medford Cigar Store, res 622 S Central Reynolds Larkin (May), res 413 Union Rhodes A R (Jane), res 417 N Bartlett Rhodes Frank, bds 121 N Central Rhodes Leonard M (Theresa L), res 417 Jay Rhodes Mamie, rms 130 W Main Rhodes Muriel, bds 417 N Bartlett Rice Ernest C (Sarah), painter, res 137 Tripp Rice Ted, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Rice Wm C Jr, bds 713 W 11th Rice Wm C (Maude S), bkpr Jackson County Bank, res 713 W 11th Richards Elizabeth, bds 423 Newtown Richards L H, mngr Seattle Rooming House, res same Richardson Christopher C, lab, bds 145 S Grape Richardson Grant (Eva), Young & Hall's Garage, res 807 S Central Richardson Jessie (Cordelia), res 145 S Grape Richardson Josephine, bds 145 S Grape RICHARDSON SAMUEL T (Belle)--Sec-Treas Model Clothing Co, res 54 Summit Rickard George W (Laura), res 606 W 4th RICKERT JUDSON D--Optometrist, Eye Specialist, Rooms 1-2 Deuel Bldg, 308 E Main, res Capitol Hill RIDDELL EDWIN C (Marian)--Dentist, Medford Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, res 1114 S Oakdale Riddle Mamie Mrs, bds 310 N Bartlett Riley George (Annie), baker, res 417 N Oakdale Rinabarger Charles (Alfretta), res 718 Newtown Rinabarger Fay, bds 718 Newtown Rinabarger Harry, bds 718 Newtown Rinabarger Rolly, bds 718 Newtown Ringer Carl, eng P&E Ry, bds 401 N Riverside Rippey Addie Mrs, houskpr Hotel Medford Rippey C, rms Hotel Medford Rippey Floyd (Rose), lab, Street Cleaning Dept, res 345 N Riverside Robbins Retta, bds 307 E 6th Roberts Berna, milliner, bds 24 Roosevelt Roberts C D, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Roberts Clifford, mech Powell Auto Co, bds Clifford Beckett Roberts Court P (Lucile), clk Ulrich & Ryan, res 436 S Evergreen Roberts Delia N Mrs, res 29 Ross Court Roberts E T, lab, rms Palace Hotel ROBERTS FRANK (Metta)--Dentist MF&H Bldg Roberts Frank R (Nell), Jack's Garage, res 39 N Peach Roberts George (Mary), barber Whetsel & Bowman, res 125 N Holly ROBERTS GEORGE M (Blanch L)--Attorney at Law, Office Medford National Bank Bldg, Tel 174, res 43 N Orange Roberts Horace L (Violet), fireman, res 112 Columbia Roberts James E (Martha), res 40 Roosevelt Roberts Lillian, bds 29 Ross Court Roberts Sarah, bds 112 Columbia Roberts W Bernard, bds 40 Roosevelt Roberts Wm D (Eva), res 24 Roosevelt Robinson Agnes, teacher, bds 836 Taylor Robinson Donald E, student, bds 836 Taylor Robinson Edwin F (Goldie M), clk Brownlee & Co, res 836 Taylor Robinson Elizabeth, Librarian, rms Berben Apts Robinson James C (Bridgie), mech, res 117 S Laurel ROCHON JOSEPH R--The Best Auto Painting in Rogue River Valley, Shop 10th and S Fir ROCHON JOSEPH R (Susie)--Painter, res 1034 N Central Roesler Frank, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House ROGUELANDS INC--Rogue River Valley Canal Co, E M Brown Mngr ROGUE RIVER CANNING CO--R D Hoke Pres, W C Larnard Sales Mngr, Cannery E Jackson and P&E Ry, Tel 485-J ROGUE RIVER COMMERCIAL ORCHARD CO--H S Conner (Seattle, Wn), Pres, Guy W Conner, Sec-Treas, Office Mail Tribune Bldg ROGUE RIVER FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSN--S V Beckwith Mngr, 16 W Main ROGUE RIVER LAND CO--Wm M Holmes, Real Estate and Loans, PO Box 336 Rogue River Co-Operative Fruit Assn, J A Perry Mngr, N Fir bet 3rd and 4th ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO--E M Brown mngr, Office 237 E Main ROGUE RIVER VALLEY UNIVERSITY CLUB--Home cor W Main and Holly Rolfe Wm (Margaret), res 811 N Riverside Rollins J C (Harriett), Pastor ME Church, res 906 N Central Rolston John H (Ida C), wire chief Home Tel & Tel Co, res 1020 E 11th ROOT EDWARD C (Ethel B)--Teacher Violin and Clarinet, The College Bldg, res 614 Plum Root John M (Annie M), res W Main cor Peach Root Lee F (Ida-Lee), agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, res 32 Rose av Root Myron E (Cordelia), Producers Fruit & Produce Co, res 1417 W Main Rose Arthur (Maude), civil eng, bds 826 E Main Rose Georgia T Mrs, res 113 Cottage Rose Robert, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Roseberry James M (Minnie L), lab, res 944 S Central Roseberry Leta B, bds 944 S Central Roseberry Mary Mrs, res Palm and Kenwood Roseberry Thomas (Lena), drayman, res Palm and Kenwood Roth Edwin, mech, res 329 N Riverside ROTHERMEL HOMER W (Mabel H)--City Circulation Mngr Medford Mail Tribune and Sun, res 104 Geneva Roundtree Vera, bds 445 N Bartlett ROYAL BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY--J E Gilbert propr, 125 W Main RUHL ROBERT W (Mabel W)--Pres-Editor Medford Sun, res Siskiyou Hts Rukes Laurence, musician, bds 424 S Peach Rukes Lew (Maggie), cigar maker, 119 E 6th, res 424 S Peach Rumley Francis Mrs, res 422 S Fir Rumsey Burtes H (Margaret J), res 16 Quince Rumsey Dora C, bds 16 Quince Rundlett Harriett B, milliner, bds 716 Welch Rundiett Harriett B Mrs, res 716 Welch Rundlett Linnie, milliner, bds 716 Welch Runyard Donald, bds 706 Dakota Runyard Edwin J (Cecelia), City Market Master, res 706 Dakota Rush L R, bds 1015 S Central Russell D B, res 719 Welch Russell Wm, lab, bds 21 W 10th Rowland Reginald (Jane), Medford Band Master, res 406 King Rowley Arthur R, bds 711 E Jackson Rowley R Augustus (Isabelle), res 711 E Jackson Ryan Luke (Ethel), Ulrich & Ryan, res 108 Geneva S
HOSPITAL--Under the Direction of the Sisters of Charity,
Sister Andrew Superior, Medford HtsSaito K, bds 143 N Grape Salter C C Mrs, Home Milliner, 1101 W 9th, res same Salter Frank (Charlotta C), contr, res 1101 W 9th Salter Richard, mech Barnum's Garage, bds 1101 W 9th Sams L Mrs, bds 310 N Bartlett Samuels Gus H (Lottie V), City Treas, res 317 W 2nd Sanburg Charles M, mech, res 817 W 2nd Sanders Richard (Lydia F), painter, res 511 N Fir Sanders Sadie Mrs, bds 220 S Laurel Satchwell G Roy (Atlanta), Wire Chief Pacific States Tel & Tel Co, res 517 S Holly Saylor Claud (Lulu), barber Bates Bros, res 702 Beekman Scantlin Mabel E, bds 16 N Orange Scantlin Thomas E (May E), farmer, res 16 N Orange Scantlin Thomas E Jr, bds 16 N Orange Scantlin Wm L, farmer, bds 16 N Orange Scarf Joyce, asst librarian Schermerhorn Gordon L (Ida M), farmer, res 121 N Grape Schieffelin Charles L (Rosa D), Grocer 36 N Central, res 503 S Oakdale Schleichert Charles (Grace), res 323 Knight Schmalhausen Louis R, carp, res 221 N Holly Schmidt Emelia, bds 315 N Holly SCHMIDT EMIL T (Susan L)--Good Shoes, 21 N Central av, res 48 N Orange Schmidt M P, real estate and insurance, res 422 S Ivy Schmidt Walter, carp, bds 540 S Fir Schmidt Wm (Cynthia), carp, res 540 S Fir Schneider Frederick, res 717 N Riverside Schnurr Jack C (Elsie), Davies Garage, res 730 Oak Scholz Harry U, Pullman Bakery, bds 801 N Central Scholz Rudie, student, bds 801 N Central Scholz Rudolph (Kathryn), Pullman Bakery, Pine St, res 801 N Central Schrick Jack, bds 523 S Holly Schuette G Henry (Frances), lab, res 112 S Fir Schuette Herman H, farmer, bds 112 S Fir Schuette John, farmer, bds 112 S Fir Schuler Ella, bds 915 W 10th Schuler Harry D (Millicent A), farmer, res 1211 W 10th Schuler Ira E, bds 915 W 10th Schuler Paul R, lab, res 915 W 10th Schuler Richard (Ida), res 915 W 10th Schuler Stella R, bds 915 W 10th Schultz Edward C (Ada), res 620 S Oakdale Schultz Ella, maid, bds 522 W 4th Schultz Henry, lab, res 303 N Holly Schultz Wm (Lena), barber Whetsel & Bowman, res 213 S Central Scott Wm J (Hanna), res 145 N Ivy Seamon Kathryn, teacher, res 710 Dakota Seamon Mary Mrs, res 710 Dakota Seely Claire R, bds 412 S Oakdale SEELY EBERLE R (Nancy)--Physician and Surgeon, Office Strang Bldg, res 412 S Oakdale Seely Marie, bds 412 S Oakdale Seely Nana, bds 412 S Oakdale Selsby Otto M, 17 S Front, rms 403 Garnett-Corey Bldg Semon Clarence J (Estella), mngr Medford Concrete Construction Co, res 33 N Peach Severson Olaf (Ethel), farmer, res 614 W 13th Seymour George C (Lottie L), carp, res 840 W Palm Shaffer Arthur (Rachel), mech, res 1205 E Main Sharp Clarence, bds 738 W 11th Sharp David W, eng, bds 1027 Narregan Sharp Ivan W (Sarah), Newtown Bakery, res 738 W 11th Sharp Lowell, bds 738 W 11th Sharp Lucile, bds 738 W 11th Sharp Rev John W (Emma J), Dist Elder Free ME Church, res 1027 Narregan Sharp Ruth H, bds 1027 Narregan SHAW GEORGE (Lydia)--Mngr Fairmont Rooms, 319 E Main Shearburn Frances (wife of Wm G), res 816 W 2nd Shearburn Walter, mech Powell Auto Co, bds 816 W 2nd Shearburn Willard, bds 816 W 2nd Shearer Henry G (Belle), wood dealer, res 832 E Main Sheldon Benjamin C, orchardist, bds 29 Ross Court Sherard Herman, bds 145 N Ivy Sherard Walter, bds 145 N Ivy SHERMAN FRANCIS L (Frances E)--Electric Shoe Shop, bds 122 Mistletoe Sherwood Richard (Kate), carp, res 407 King Sherwood Russell R, bds 407 King Shimoda S (Osay), lab, res 528 S Fir Shirley George L (Myrtle), plumber, res 410 S Hamilton Shirley James W (Martha S), bkpr Jackson County Bank, res 28 Almond Short Earl W (E Grace), propr Optimo Cafe, res 118 Tripp Short Lena, bds 105 Tripp Short M A Mrs, res 105 Tripp Short Nellie Mrs, bds 338 N Front Shoults Gertrude, bds 535 Penn av Shoults Grace, bds 327 N Holly Shoults Wm T (Ella J) contr, res 535 Penn av SHOW CARDS--Clever, New Window Cards for Every Occasion. Artistic Placards of All Kinds. Prices Reasonable. H L Bromley, Rooms 215-216 First National Bank Bldg, Medford, Ore. Sievertsen Bernard (Addie E), res 1106 W 4th Sievertsen Isabell, bds 1106 W 14th SIGNS--For Signs of All Kinds--See H L Bromley, Rooms 215-216 First Nat'l Bank Bldg, Medford, Ore Silliman Ernest C (Mary A), propr Sugar Bowl, res 206 S Holly Silson Stella, bds 127 S Grape Simmons Beatrice, bds 845 Bennett Simmons E W (May), farmer, res 845 Bennett Simmons Glenn, bds 845 Bennett Simmons S B (Viola), res 42 Manzanita Sinnott Joseph D (Elizabeth), elec eng, res 628 Dakota Skaggs Sarah A Mrs, res 319 S Grape Skeeters Charles F (Julia E), miner, res 14 W Jackson Skinner John D (Mollie E), res 1020 E Main Slater J W (Ellen), res 1103 Niantic Slewing Royce, bds 531 Palm Slewing Nora Mrs, res 531 Palm Slewing Vere, mech, bds 531 Palm Slinger Fay, bds 230 Beatty Slinger J W (Anna), res 230 Beatty Slinger Milly, bds 230 Beatty Slorah James A (Florence), Treas Medford Domestic Laundry, res 230 S Riverside Slover Elucina Mrs (wife Alonzo), bds 147 N Holly Small Louis L, bkpr Hale's Piano House, res 825 W 13th Smith B W, waiter Optimo Restaurant, rms 445 S Front Smith Ernest J (Lotta), druggist, Haskins Drug Store, West Side Pharmacy, res 420 Laurel Smith Grace, teacher, res 134 S Ivy Smith Herbert R (Mabel W), acct Pacific States Tel & Tel Co, res 181 Elm Smith Isabell, bds 342 N Ivy SMITH JOHN A--Sheet Metal Wks 128 N Grape, res 140 N Grape Smith Joseph C (Mary), res 509 Beatty Smith Perry R (Annie), carp, res 501 Beatty Smith Rev J Francis (Lizzie), Pastor Free ME Church, res 337 W 10th Smith Robert (Lena), res 421 Beatty Smith Sam, bds 129 S Ivy SMITH SUMPTER S (Kittie I)--Sec-Mngr Medford Sun, Advertising Mngr Medford Tribune and Medford Sun, res 1510 W Main Smith Thora, teacher, res 134 S Ivy Smith Wayne, lab, bds 501 Beatty Smith Wesley E (Gertrude), Missionary, res 208 S Central Smith Wm H (Mary E), res 515 N Holly Smock Dora, clk Mann's, bds 901 N Central Smoot Andrew J, bds 419 N Fir Smythe Richard G (Mamie C), res 611 W 11th Snearley George (Clara B), Home Tel & Tel Co, res 323 King Snearley Harry, bds 323 King Snearley Walter T (Fannie), res 709 Alder Snedicor Fred G, clk Medford Book Store, bds 19 Mistletoe Snedicor Helen E (wid Horace), res 19 Mistletoe Snedicor Jennie M, teacher, bds 19 Mistletoe Snell L L (Sarah), Snell's Rooming House, 21 Genessee, res same SNIDER JOHN W (Maude)--Propr Snider's Dairy, res and dairy Jacksonville rd 2 m w limits Snyder Lottie Mrs, res 29 S Peach Snyder Victor L (Minnie), farmer, res 1037 Court Soliss Daniel B, res 137 N Oakdale Sooysmith Gerald, orchardist, rms Hotel Medford Sooysmith Josephine Mrs (wid Wm), rms Hotel Medford Sorensen J, rms Hotel Nash SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO--N Front cor 5th, Freight Depot S Front cor 10th SOUTHERN OREGON TRACTION CO--S S Bullis Pres, S M Bullis Vice-Pres-Supt, R S Bullis Sec-Treas, Miss Bratney Cashier, Office and Depot W Main cor Fir Soutter Edward (Eudora F), res 59 N Orange Soutter Margaret, clk M M Dept Store, bds 59 N Orange Sowers R A, res 204 Grape Sparta Bldg, E Main cor N Riverside Spiegel Jason J (Lela), clk Ulrich & Ryan, res 48 N Central Spooner Artemus R, bds 322 S Central Spooner Martha F (wid Roland W), housekeeper, 322 S Central Springer Donald L (Lucella), presser Pantorium, res 215 W Jackson SPRINGER WM H (Gertrude)--Dentist, MF&H Bldg, Room 403, Tel 506-R, res 530 S Grape Standard Oil Co warehouse SP tracks at n city limits Stanley Andrew (Mamie), res 413 S Central Stapleton Minnie E, nurse, bds 305 N Grape STAR PHOTO HOUSE--J J Owing, Leonard Wood, cor Laurel and W Main Star Theater, George Hunt mngr, 222 E Main St Andrews L J, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House St Clair Felix (Emma), painter, res 244 N Ivy St Clair Phillip, lab, bds 224 N Ivy ST CLAIR ROOMS--Lee Watkins propr, Everything First Class and Comfortable, 103-113 E 11th, Tel 383-J St Clair May, bds 224 N Ivy St Clair Willie, bds 244 N Ivy STEARNS ROBERT W (Emma K)--Physician and Surgeon, Jackson Co Bank Bldg, res 16 Rose av Steel Wm G (Lydia), supt Crater Lake National Park, res 17 Summit Steep Edwin (Margaret A), res 815 Bennett Stennett Amos G (Mary A), printer Medford Printing Co, res 1014 E 11th Stephens James M (Mary F), watchman, res 513 N Grape Stephens Martin (Ellen), bkpr Cal-Ore Power Co, res 330 N Front Stephenson Albert F, painter, bds 108 Cottage Stephenson George W (Cyrena M), physician, 146 S Holly, res same Stephenson Louis A (Grace M), painter, res 108 Cottage Stevens Andie Mrs, propr Imperial Rooms 30 N Front, res same Stevens Claude, lab, bds 1120 Niantic Stevens Fred, lab, bds 1120 Niantic Stevens George W (Sadie E), farmer, res Eagle Point rd Stevens Melvin (Dora A), cbt mkr Trail Lumber Co, res 2 blks off end 4th Stevens Thomas (Mary), lab, res 1120 Niantic Stevenson Etta Mrs (wid B Franklin), res Pacific Highway 1 m s Stevenson G E, res 847 E 9th Stevenson Mary F, bds Mrs Etta Stevenson Stewart Beth, bds 504 Penn av Stewart C Ercle, student, bds 901 N Central Stewart Charles H Mrs, res 901 N Central Stewart Elmer J (Lettie), real estate, res 504 Penn av Stewart E Mrs, res 429 S Front Stewart James (Sophia), res 324 Plum Stewart John E (Mollie J), propr The Quiz, res 708 W 11th Stewart May E, bds 19 N Peach Stewart Milton N (Frances I), farmer, Pacific Highway 1 m s Stewart Park, bds 504 Penn av Stewart Vivian, bds 504 Penn av Stewart Wm H (Ida J), res 714 W 10th Stewart Wm (Nevada), res 338 N Front Stickel W H (Minnie L), mason, res 223 N Central Stillwell Fred (Edna), lab, res 811 Narregan Stilson B F, rms The Palms, 130 W Main STINE H S (Hanna)--Insurance that Insures, Fire, Auto, Plate Glass, Liability, Sick and Accident, 2 Stewart Blk, res 309 N Riverside Stine J Mrs, res 518 Beatty Stine Kate, bds 518 Beatty Stine Wm N (Anna), baggage agt SP Co, res 514 Beatty Stinson Arthur, bds 304 S Hamilton Stinson Edward L (Rosy E), tmstr, res 1128 W 4th Stinson Frank O (Pencie N), elec Cal-Ore Power Co, res 1119 W 4th Stinson J Gus (Grace), elec Cal-Ore Power Co, res 1012 W 10th Stinson Oscar E (Nannie), tmstr, res 324 Knight Stinson Wm H (Julia), farmer, res 304 S Hamilton Stinson Wm H, student, bds 1128 W 4th ST MARYS ACADEMY--Sister Helena Supt, 310 W 11th, Tel 342 Stockam W J (Lulu), sec frmn SP Co, res 247 N Front Stoeckman Harry (Ada), civil eng, res 828 Dakota Stone Alton W (Minnie R), farmer, res 19 Ross Court Stone G B, res 520 S Hamilton Stone Mary A Mrs, res 16 Ross Court Stone Nellie A, bds 26 S Laurel Storey S, lab, res 736 Oak Storm James P (Ella B), res 320 N Apple Stout Gordon (Minnie), mach, res Park Place Stout Nell, res 44 S Grape STRANG CHARLES (Mary)--Propr Strang's Drug Store, res 416 S Central STRANG'S DRUG STORE--Charles Strang propr, Virgil Strang mngr, Medford's Pioneer Druggist, A.D. 1884, 231 E Main, Tel 225-R Strang Helen, student, bds 416 S Central Strang Herbert, bds 416 S Central Strang Robert, bds 416 S Central STRANG VIRGIL C--Gen mngr Strang's Drug Store, bds 416 S Central Strickland Mary, res end N Central Stringer Theresa (wid Robert), bds 325 N Oakdale Stringer Wallace (Lou), grocer, res 325 N Oakdale Stringfellow Charles (Ida), res 40 Cottage Stringfellow Lee, bds 40 Cottage Stringfellow Letha, bds 40 Cottage Strong Wm, bds 500 Palm Stuart Gilbert, carp, bds 912 N Central Stuart Richard I (Clara), bldg contr, res 912 N Central Stuart Robert, bds 912 N Central Stuart Miles, carp, bds 912 N Central Sturgess Pauline Mrs, res 616 W 10th Stumps Andrew T, lab, bds 219 N Central Sullivan Dora E, bds 105 Geneva Sullivan John T (Jennie), construction contr, res 105 Geneva Sullivan M C (Helen J), res 1119 N Central Sullivan M Irene, bds 105 Geneva Sumner W A, mngr Palmer Investment Co, rms Hotel Medford SUNRISE LAUNDRY THE--K Tsuyita propr, 215 S Riverside, Tel 873 Surran Fred, res 1035 W 10th Surran Lee, lab, bds 1035 W 10th Surran Roy, res 1035 W 10th Sutton Ralph W (Myrtle C), clk Olmstead Grocery, res 243 N Ivy Swainson Carl, printer Medford Printing Co, rms 917 W 11th Swan C S (Dollie), lab, res 45 N Bartlett Swan Roland D (Maude M), mail carrier, res 711 Welch Swem John H, Swem's Studio, bds 1102 W 10th Swem Kathryn, student, bds 1102 W 10th Swem's Studio, 222 W Main Swem Thomas M (Cassandra J), Swem's Studio, res 1102 W 10th Swift G B, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Swinden Capitola, bds 515 Liberty Swinden Edward (Loretta), miner, res 1027 N Central Swinden Mary J Mrs, res 515 Liberty Swindler Iva-Dell, teacher of piano Medford Conservatory, bds 325 E Jackson Swinson Leigh, reporter Medford Mail Tribune, bds 340 S Riverside Swinson May Mrs, res 340 S Riverside T
Tainer Otto F, Electric Shop, bds 322 S CentralTalent Charles (Rydal M), salesman A W Walker, res 802 W Jackson Taylor C M Miss, milliner May & Co, rms Hotel Medford Taylor Fred (Ella F), contr, res 204 S Central TAYLOR GLENN O--Carkin & Taylor, Justice of Peace, bds 28 Myrtle Taylor H B, res 244 S Central Taylor J B, res 910 E Main Taylor Laura Mrs, res 122 Portland av Taylor Phoebe (wid John T), bds 619 E Main Taylor Robert L (Donna B), miner, res 839 Taylor Tedrick Clair C, lab, bds 907 S Peach Tedrick Fred (Flossie B), lab, res 911 S Peach Tedrick George W (Emma O N), lab, res 907 S Peach Tengwald Carl Y, rms Hotel Holland Terrell John R, bds 522 Park av Terrell Ralph (Sylvia), traveling salesman, res 27 Ross Court Thatcher Jared (Emma L), contr, res 713 S Peach Thatcher Jessie B, bds 713 S Peach Thayer Frederick G (Etha W), Physician, F&F Growers Bldg, res 1031 W 11th THEISS B PAUL--Salesman Medford Grocery Co, res 704 N Central Theiss Geraldine, bds 704 N Central Thierolf H Albert (Phoebe A), mngr Big Pines Lumber Co, res 19 Rose av THOMAS C M--Attorney at Law, Jackson Co Bank Bldg, res 30 N Orange Thomas Gussie Mrs, propr Thomas Rooming House, 222 S Holly, res same Thomas Illtid W (Abbie), res 718 W Main Thomas Joe (Gussie), res 222 S Holly THOMPSON W B--Painter, 216 S Front, rms Hotel Holland Thompson Grace Mrs, res 650 Pine Thompson Rodney, bds 650 Pine Thompson Ross, bds 650 Pine Thornburg Blanch, bds 307 E 6th Thornburg John, lab, bds 130 S Bartlett Thorne Dorothy, student, bds F W Thorne Thorne F W, farmer, res Kings Highway Tice Basil, lab, bds 1130 W 10th Tice Fred (Martha L), tmstr, res 725 Alder Tice Margaret Mrs, res 1130 W 10th Tice Oliver H, bds 725 Alder Timothy George O (Florence), lab, res 1216 Locust Tinger Albert, watchman Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, bds 53 N Orange Tinger Mary D Mrs, res 53 N Orange Tinker Mary, bds 505 Beatty Tinker N G (Carrie), carp, res 505 Beatty Toft Dorothy, bds 245 N Grape Toft Everett J (Cora), real estate, res 245 N Grape Toft Ray H (Amelia F), real estate, res 243 N Holly TOGGERY THE--The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing, 129 E Main TOMLINSON HARRY K (Estella R)--Mngr Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 221 Vancouver Torney John A (Elizabeth F), Pres Siskiyou Hts Co, res 53 Rose av Toskos Pete (Percalia), Toskos Shoe Shining Parlors Trautfether Arthur, bds 19 S Orange Trautfether Charles (Elizabeth), res 19 S Orange Trautfether Ethel, bds 19 S Orange Trautfether Gertrude, bds 19 S Orange TREICHLER GEORGE L--Agt Overland, res 336 S Holly Treichler Laura L, bds 336 S Holly TREVORROW JAMES E (Hazel)--Supt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, res 332 N Ivy Triplett C W, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House Tripp Howard H, lab, res 11 Tripp Tripp Maria L Mrs, res 11 Tripp Trowbridge Benjamin J (Alice), White & Trowbridge, res 905 W 10th TROWBRIDGE EDWIN G (Emily M)--Mngr Medford Iron Wks, res 131 Tripp TROWBRIDGE EVERETT G JR--Propr Medford Furniture & Fixture Fct, res 907 W 11th Trowbridge Florence, student, bds 131 Tripp Trowbridge Ronald, bds 905 W 10th True Charles P, res 614 S Central TSUJITA K--Mngr Sunrise Laundry, res 310 E 9th Tucker Charles M, bds 141 N Fir Tucker George W (Mattie), res 540 Penn av Tucker Harry E Rev (Minnie B), Pastor Christian Church, res 314 S Holly Tucker James P (Julia), lab, res 320 Clark Tucker J H (Clara), wks Medford Canning Co, res 108 E 14th Tucker Landon H (Millie), res 312 S Central Tucker M Gade, lab, bds 312 S Central Tufft Rose, clk, rms Hotel Holland Tull Charles E (Ella May), res 531 Penn av Tull Edward S (Elizabeth), lab, res 830 W 12th Tumy Earl S, Real Estate and Insurance, Garnett-Corey Bldg, bds 425 N Holly Tumy Wm E (Helen N), res 425 N Holly Tunnell Mary A Mrs, res 322 Newtown Tupper Lowell E (Waitie A), elder Seventh Day Adventist Church, res W Palm 3 bks w limits Turner Ida, bkpr Pantorium, rms 202 F&F Growers Bank Bldg Turnam Byron, lab, bds 117 Olsen Turnham Sarah Mrs, bds 117 Olsen Turpin Charles W (Waitie A), frmn Eden Valley Orchard, res 325 S Riverside Turpin Horace R (Bertha), farmer, res 725 Welch Turpin Mida Mrs, res 412 N Grape Turpin Nellie, res 619 N Central Turpin Richard N (Cora), blacksmith, 115 N Fir, res 504 N Grape Turpin Thomas, lab, bds 21 W 10th U
Ulrich Anna, bds 358 S OakdaleUlrich Lillian G, clk Ulrich & Ryan, bds 358 S Oakdale Ulrich Lorain E, clk Ulrich & Ryan, bds 358 S Oakdale Ulrich W L, lab, bds 227 E 6th Ulrich W Leo, bds 358 S Oakdale Ulrich Wm (Emma A), Ulrich & Ryan, res 358 S Oakdale Ulrich & Ryan, se cor 5th and N Central UNION MEAT CO--Earl J Need mngr, W 8th and SP track UNION OIL CO--N L Spencer Mngr, Warehouse city limits and SP track Union Stables, 112 S Riverside United States Commissioner, F Roy Davis, Federal Bldg United States Court, F Roy Davis, Federal Bldg United States Forest Service, M L Erickson supervisor, Federal Bldg UNIVERSITY CLUB--Nw cor W Main and Holly Upshaw Counsul (Florence), res 1421 E Main UTLEY CORA E--The Marinello Hair Shop, 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg V
Vabne Matilda Mrs, res 106 S GrapeValentine Walter L (Pearl S), bkpr Medford Grocery Co, res 1321 E Jackson VALLEY AUTO LINE--M Dailey propr, For Safety and Comfort, Ride with Valley Auto Line, Stand, Nash Hotel and Haskins Drug Store Valley Candy Co, College Bldg VALLEY FUEL CO--C T Reichstine propr, Evergreen, nw cor 2nd Van Ausdall Harry A (Irene T), carp, res 19 Jeanette Vance Alva J (Florence), mngr Home Tel & Tel Co, res 418 S Oakdale Vance A James, bds 418 S Oakdale Vance G Lenora, bkpr Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 418 S Oakdale Van Dyke Sarah S (wid John G), res 9 W 12th Van Dyke Vernon (Inez), res 311 Olsen VAN SCOYOC BROS--Dentists, Garnett-Corey Bldg Van Scoyoc Charles C (Nannie), dentist, Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 209 Orange Van Scoyoc Walter M (Maude), dentist, Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 811 Bennett Vawter Etta Mrs (wid Wm I), res 15 Geneva VAWTER VERNON H (Aletha)--Cashier Jackson Co Bank, res 22 Geneva Vawter Wm L Jr, bkpr Jackson Co Bank, bds 15 Geneva Verbick Orrin B (Agnes M), Grocery at Union Creek, res 513 Oak Verbick Robert, clk O B Verbick, bds 513 Oak Vermeer Martinis B, bds 516 W Jackson Vermeer Richard (Grace B), carp, res 516 W Jackson Viers Alonzo J (Anna), cook, res 211 Washington Vinson Anna, bds 144 N Riverside Vinson Bert (Lizzie), res 421 N Central Vinson Henry (Elmira), Vinson's Feed Stables, res 144 N Riverside Voreis Owen B, bds 517 W 11th V-PLEX PISTON RINGS--Whiteman & Gregg, 30 N Holly Vroman Austin L (Allie E), plumber 113 N Front, res 124 Tripp Vroman Clinton D, RFD Carrier, bds 124 Tripp Vroman Elmer E, clk Medford Vulcanizing Wks, bds 124 Tripp Vroman Elwin R, Oregon Gas & Electric Co, bds 124 Tripp Vroman Mattie D, teacher of piano, bds 124 Tripp W
Waddell Hugh, bds 410 N RiversideWagner Barton, bds 928 S Central Wagner Martin W (Minnie), Star Meat Mkt, 314 E Main, res 521 Penn av Wagner Mildred Mrs, res 928 S Central Wahl Charles A, bds 507 S Holly Wahl Frederick E (Zelma), bkpr Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, res 507 S Holly Wahl Zelma, bkpr A W Walker, res 507 S Holly Wait Frank W (Katherine R), stone cutter, res 538 W 11th Wait Wilson, stone cutter, bds 538 W 10th Wakefield John W (Jessie A), real estate Palm Bldg, res 1003 W 11th Wakeman Annette E, bds 129 N Oakdale WAKEMAN LOUIS E (Catherine M)--Insurance, Medford F&H Bldg, res 129 N Oakdale Walden Emma, bds Mrs Lavernia Walden Walden E Omar (Jennie), fruit grower, res Central Point Rd 2 blks n limits Walden Lavernia Mrs, res Central Point rd 3 bks n limits Walden M Florence, bds Mrs Lavernia Walden Walden Wilbur, bds E O Walden WALKER AMOS W (Katie A)--Agt Chalmers, Maxwell and Grant Automobiles, cor 8th and S Fir, res 112 King Walker Clay A, res 225 S Riverside Walker Edwin (Hattie), deputy game warden, res 505 Benson Wall E A (Dorothy), res 812 S Central Wall Everett R (Alonia M), res 603 S Riverside Wall E W (Nancy M), res 525 S Central Wallace D Mott, bds 310 W Jackson Wallace Franklin L, bds 310 W Jackson Wallace Loil F (Louise), res 310 W Jackson Wallace Russell B, bds 103 S Oakdale Wallin August, res 703 W 13th Walsh Arthur S (May), lab, res end W 2nd Waltermire Harold R, student, bds 618 W 4th Waltermire Wm B (May M), lab, res 618 W 4th Walters Eric Mrs, bds 846 E 9th WALTHER HARRY L (Charity)--Gen Supt Cal-Ore Power Co, res 1112 E Main Walther Leah C, bds 1112 E Main Walther Lyle, bds 1112 E Main Ward Rodney R (Lois H), eng, res 421 Woodstock Warner Beulah, teacher, bds 519 S Oakdale Warner Edward N (Belle E), Warner-Wortman & Gore, res 806 W Main Warner Esther, bds 806 W Main Warner Harriett M Mrs, res 519 S Oakdale Warner Howard E (Lida G), farmer, res 324 W 4th Warner Lewis B, clk Warner-Wortman & Gore, bds 519 S Oakdale Warner Ruth, bds 806 W Main Warner-Wortman & Gore, E N Warner pres, H G Wortman vice-pres, E E Gore sec-treas, grocers 307 E Main Warner Wm J (Mary C), Asst Postmaster, res 511 S Oakdale Warren Della, res 527 Prune Washchaw Martin L (Olive), res 616 Peach WATERS RICHARD W (Dora)--Waters Paint Store, 316 E Main, res 228 S Central Watkins Charles B (Della), shoemaker 7 N Fir, res 714 Welch Watkins Lee (Effie), propr Watkins Feed Store, res 103 E 11th WATKINS LEE & CO--Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain, 397 S Front, Tel 269 Watson John F (Exa V), tailor Medford Hotel, res 343 S Grape Watson W W (Rose), rs 54 Rose av Watt Helen T, teacher, bds 215 E Jackson Watt J E Mrs, res 215 E Jackson Watt W H, farmer, bds 215 E Jackson Wattenburg Julius (Tillie), lab, res 545 N Fir Weathered John L, lab, bds 1020 E Main Weaver Margaret Mrs, res 1307 W Main Weaver Wm E, res 1307 W Main Webb Benjamin (Alice), res 322 S Central Webster Charles (Alma), barber, res 502 S Grape Webster Volna, bds 245 N Riverside Weeks Alfred J, orchardist, res 909 N Central Weeks Fred W, Weeks & McGowan, bds 38 N Orange Weeks Gertrude E, bds 38 N Orange Weeks Sarah E Mrs, res 38 N Orange Weeks & McGowan Co, House Furnishers, 114 W Main Weis John, draper Weeks & McGowan Co, res Jacksonville Weisser Wm (Corall), painter, res 125 S Oakdale WELCH EDWARD A (Cora K)--Mngr Medford Grocery Co, res 812 E Main Welch Harry, bds 512 Penn av Welch Mark (Flora E), mechanic, res 512 Penn av Welch Robert, bds 1002 N Central Welch S S (Mary), res 1002 N Central Welch Willard D (Elizabeth W), Furnished Rooms, res 8 S Laurel Weller T B (Ella T), miner, res 611 S Central Wells Arthur S (Martha), Auto Livery, res 317 E Jackson Wells Dr S Aletha, res 418 S King Wells Harold, bds 317 E Jackson Wells Lylburn O, bds 317 E Jackson Wells Nelson D (S Aletha), res 418 S King Welton J Henry, printer Medford Printing Co, bds 715 W Jackson Wendt Frederick L (Margaret), Valley Candy Co, res 1108 E 11th Wendt Roy, bds 1108 E 11th West George H (Effie E), res 513 W 2nd West W D (Laura M), res 344 N Bartlett West Side Pharmacy, H P Hargrave propr, 134 W Main WEST SIDE SHOE SHINING PARLORS--Wm M Jones propr, My Motto, "Do It Right at a Right Price," Getchell Block WESTERLUND JOHN A (Ella)--Pres Western Oregon Development Co, mngr Hotel Holland, rms Hotel Holland Westergard G, bds 401 N Riverside Western Oregon Orchard Development Co, J A Westerlund mngr, Hotel Holland WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO--H L Giem mngr, 15 W Main Weston Edgar (Alta), photographer, 208 E Main, res same Weston Gustin (Anna), res 521 Edwards Wheeler C Mrs, res 249 S Riverside Wheeler Sidney A (Pearl K), warehousema SP Co, res 203 N Grape Whetsel Florence, opr Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 35 N Oakdale Whetsel John A (Laura), barber Whetsel & Bowman, res 35 N Oakdale Whetsel & Bowman, barber shop, 113 E Main Whillock Alphon (Edith), Golden Rule, res 51 Newtown Whillock Charles, bds 517 Newtown Whillock Charles W (Chloe), Golden Rule, res 512 S Holly Whillock Ida, bds 512 S Holly Whipple Eugene W (May E), farmer, res 404 N Grape Whipple Jennie A, stengr, res 404 N Grape Whisenant Delia, bds 36 Portland av Whisenant John, bds 36 Portland av Whisenant Wm (Nellie), barber, res 36 Portland av White Allen C (Elvina), barber, res 341 Knight WHITE EDWIN J (Mina G)--White's Velvet Ice Cream, res 226 Cottage White Ernest (Mary), res 716 Pine White John F (Hattie), White & Trowbridge, res 220 Laurel White James, gas ftr Oregon Gas & Electric Co, bds 444 S Fir White Louisa Mrs (wid H), res 518 Penn av White T B Mrs, res 112 Cottage WHITE'S VELVET ICE CREAM--E J White propr, 332 E Main, Tel 481 White & Trowbridge, J F White, B J Trowbridge, real estate and ins, 211 F&F Growers Bank Bldg Whitehead R H, res 503 S Central WHITEMAN CLARENCE B (Nannie K)--V-Plex Piston Rings, Whiteman & Gregg, 30 N Holly, res 515 W 2nd Whitman M Francis, bkpr J J Emmens Whitman Sarah E, student, bds 510 S Fir Wick Edna Mrs, clk M M Dept Store, bds 518 Plum Wicks Dorothy M, bds 1124 W 10th Wicks Mildred, bds 1124 W 10th Wicks Theodore C (Bessie D), ins, res 1124 W 10th Wies E M Mrs, res 326 N Bartlett Wilbur Charles (Minnie), butcher Economy Mkt, res 22 Almond Wild Edward H (Carrie), res 729 W 2nd Wilcox Harvey E (Ethel), res 854 E 9th Wilcox Lester A, bds W Wilcox Wilcox Wilbur (Elizabeth), farmer, res nr s end Sunset av Wiley Hazel E, bds 613 S Holly Wiley Ida, bds 605 Newtown Wiley John D (Ada), res 838 Dakota Wiley Julia P, bds 613 S Holly Wiley N J (Mary), carpenter, res 613 S Holly Wilkinson Aron (Samantha E), res 2 Park Place Wilkinson Edward, res 215 E Main Wilkinson John J (Geraldine M), bkpr Medford National Bank, res 510 Newtown Willeke Bessie A, bds 618 E Main Willeke C Frank, lab, bds 618 E Main Willeke John U (Ella C), res 618 E Main Williams A B (Nora), printer Medford Printing Co, res 519 Edwards Williams Bridget E Mrs, res 615 S Oakdale Williams Forrest G, lab, bds Mrs M A Williams WILLIAMS GEORGE F (Dora)--Propr Medford Cleaning & Pressing Co, res 707 Sherman Williams Georgia, bds 519 Edwards Williams Helen, bds 519 Edwards Williams Joe W, lab, bds 513 N Grape Williams Leo, mech Crater Lake Motor Car Co, bds 519 Edwards Williams Leon E (Bretta B), res 520 Peach Williams Mary A Mrs, res end Beatty Williams S C, rms Hotel Medford Williams S M, propr Interurban Auto Line, rms Hotel Medford Williams W Mrs, bds 220 S Grape Williams Wm W (Carrie), harnessmaker Medford Harness Co, res 56 N Riverside Williamson Lloyd, bds 510 E Main Williamson Louise, stengr C M Thomas, bds 510 E Main Williamson T J (Addie), farmer, res 510 E Main Willis Richard F (Mary A), res 723 W 11th Willis Wilbur R, bds 723 W 11th Wilson Arthur C, agt, bds 1017 W 9th Wilson Charles L (Hazel L), lab, res 343 N Grape Wilson Charles R (Carrie), Overland agt, res 523 W 10th Wilson D T, bds 506 Beatty Wilson Elmer E (Myrtle M), clk Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 212 N Bartlett Wilson Ezra M (May E), accountant, res 210 Laurel Wilson Forest, bds 708 W 4th Wilson Frank M (Anna), Wilson's Cigar Store, 116 E Main, res 124 S Central Wilson George F (May L), res 803 W 11th Wilson Goldie, bds 708 W 4th Wilson Gowen W, bds 225 Beatty Wilson Grace, bds 803 W 11th Wilson Harry L (Maggie), clk Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 506 Beatty Wilson H F (Cora F), gardener, res 225 Beatty Wilson Iva, bds 1017 W 9th Wilson J A Mrs, res 237 N Central Wilson J Jane, clk Golden Rule, bds 135 N Bartlett Wilson John W (Lizzie), res 1017 W 9th Wilson Lloyd, civil eng, bds 124 S Central Wilson Lulu, bds 708 W 4th Wilson Maggie, nurse, bds 506 Beatty Wilson Myra Mrs, res 411 King WILSON OLIVER N (Cora)--Second Hand Store, Buy and Sell Anything, 708 W 4th, res same Wilson Robert (Nancy D), res 15 S Peach Wilson R W (Susie), bds 811 N Riverside Wilson V T (Violet), mail carrier, bds 311 N Central Wilson Walter, student, bds 506 Beatty WILSON WILL H (Grace)--Cheapest Store in the West, New and Second Hand Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings, 130 N Front, res 502 N Riverside Wilson Willard T, carpenter, bds 15 S Peach Wimer R Lawson (Ethel), carp, res 511 Austin Wing Nellie Mrs, res 325 S Holly Winterhalder John H, bds 812 Cedar Winterhalder Mary Mrs, res 812 Cedar Wisbey Clarissa Mrs (wid Thomas R), bds 210 W Jackson Wise Jacob I (Sarah E), res 325 E Jackson Wise J C, res 40 W Hamilton Wissing Arthur H (Eleanor), mail carrier, res 719 W 13th Withington Holbrook, lawyer, First National Bank Bldg, rms 30 N Front Witte Edward (Lou J), driver Pantorium, res 324 Vancouver WOLD JONAS (Grace)--Propr Medford Pharmacy, res 44 Quince Wolf Christian (Nan), lab, res 1036 W 11th Wolf Elizabeth, maid L McCormack Wolf Evangeline, bds 227 E 9th Wolf Fredricka Mrs, res 1032 W 11th Wolf Henry, driver Royal Bakery, bds 1032 W 11th Wolf John S (Mary), carp, res Nichols Add Wolf John S Jr, bds J S Wolf Wolf Kathryn, maid Mrs Stewart Patterson Wolf Martin, bds 227 E 9th Wolf Myrtle Mrs, clk May & Co, rms 227 E 9th Wolf Robert B, carp, bds J S Wolf Wolf Viola, bds J S Wolf Wolfe Alice M, bds 60 N Orange Wolfe Stella, mangler Medford Domestic Laundry, res Nichols Add Wolff Frederick (Anna), lab, res 1028 W 11th Wolff Jacob, lab, bds 1032 W 11th Wolgamott Charles M (Lottie), janitor Jackson School, res 911 Alder Wolgamott Darwin, bds 911 Alder Wolgamott Ernest, bds 911 Alder Wolgamott Lloyd, bds 911 Alder Wolgamott Margaret J Mrs (wid Adam), res 118 Clark Wolgamott Wm F, farmer, bds 118 Clark Wolters Emil (Anna), gardener, res 731 W 2nd Wolters Ernest E, carp, bds 731 W 2nd Womack Ernest, carp, bds 146 S Ivy Womack Ivy, bds 146 S Ivy Womack Leona H, bd708 W 4th, res sames 146 S Ivy Womack Michael (Maggie), miner, res 146 S Ivy Womack Roy, lab, bds 146 S Ivy Wood Burnie, clk, bds 539 W 10th Wood Clara M, bkpr Medford National Bank, res 539 W 10th Wood Clarence H, bds 539 W 10th Wood David S (Augusta B), bldg contr, res back of 816 W 2nd WOOD D R (Inez M)--D R Wood & Co, res 734 W 11th WOOD D R & CO--D R Wood, G W Conner, Mail Tribune Bldg, Insurance, Fire and Accident, res 526 S Holly Wood Dora E Mrs, res 1037 Court Wood John W, bds David S Wood Wood James B (Jessie E), res 710 Palm Woodford Carrie L Mrs, res 817 W 10th Woodford J Ralph (Lillian B), res 526 S Holly Woodford Leonard, mech G E Gates, bds 817 W 10th Woods J C (Fidelia), lab, res 412 Boardman WOODS LUMBER CO--A L Hill Pres, N G Tinkler Vice-Pres, H C Hill Sec, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash and Doors, Cement, Plaster, Paint and Oils, 204 S Fir, Tel 11, See Front Page Woods Percy L (Grace L), mail carrier, res 321 N Apple Woolf Minnie, res 320 S Grape WOOLF SCOTT (Eva)--Complete House Furnishers, New and Second Hand Goods, 22 S Fir, Tel 9, res 21 S Orange Worden Albert C (Millie), farmer, res 107 Olsen Worsham John M (Laura), meat cutter Economy Mkt, res 709 N Riverside WORTHINGTON BARRETT G (Olive S)--Medford Sheet Metal Wks, res 1317 N Riverside Wortman Harry G (Ella), Warner-Wortman & Gore, res 912 S Oakdale Wortman Genevieve, teacher, bds 912 S Oakdale Wright Alex L (E Odis), tmstr, res 102 Tripp Wright Jack W (Dora), carp, res 207 Olsen Wright Paul L (Mina), carp, res 714 Beekman Wright W C (Rosamond), clk C E Gates, res 9 E Jackson Wrisley John H (Rachel I), lab, res 1104 W 4th Wynkoop Perry E (Julia H), farmer, res 820 W 12th Y
Yamashita C, clk Sunrise Laundry, bds 310 E 9thYamashita Kay, Sunrise Laundry, res 227 S Ivy YOCKEY HELEN N--Sec-Treas Medford Printing Co, res 421 S Fir Yockey Mary E Mrs (wid Martin), bds 421 S Fir Yohnson John, lab, rms Seattle Rooming House York Earl H, student, bds 116 Laurel York Emma Mrs Board and Rooms, 116 Laurel, res same York Frances L, office girl Dr E B Pickel, 116 Laurel York Fred J, wks Maddox & Bonney, bds 35 Myrtle York Lucile M, student, bds 116 Laurel York Wm T (Emma), real estate, res 116 S Laurel YOUNG B U--Mngr Producers Fruit Co, res 219 N Oakdale YOUNG CHARLES F (Kate)--Young & Hall, res 405 N Central Young Harry L (Grace), lino opr Medford Printing Co, res Brownsboro Young George B (Lulu E), orchardist, Orchard Home Tract Young Leo A (Nella), driver Jackson Co Creamery, res 814 E 9th Young May, rms Hotel Holland Young Paul A, student, bds G B Young Young Wilhelmina, student, bds G B Young YOUNG & HALL--S V Hall, Charles Young, Agt Republic Tires, Chevrolet Motor Car, Auto Supplies, 22 N Front, Tel 490 Youngstrom Robert, rms Hotel Holland Z
Zundel Harold, clk The Alco, bds 608 N RiversideZundel I E D (Idumea), res 806 N Riverside ZUNDEL LA VON--Mngr The Alco Confectionery, bds 806 N Riverside Zundel Low, Alco Taxi Co, bds 806 N Riverside Zundel Weedon, bds 608 N Riverside ASHLAND
Ashland is situated in the beautiful Rogue River Valley of Southern
Oregon, about midway between Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco,
California. It is twenty-two miles from the California line. It is on
the main line of the Shasta Route of the Southern Pacific, and is an
important division point of that great system. Eight through trains,
with the finest equipment and service, arrive and depart from the
Ashland station daily. All trains stop twenty minutes in Ashland.Ashland is an attractive city of 6,000 population. It is especially a home city, the majority of its citizens having been drawn to it because of its desirability as a place of permanent residence. The visitor to Ashland can step from the very heart of the business district into one of the most beautiful park systems in America. The chief charm of the parks is due to the fact that they were planned and designed by the greatest of all landscape architects--Nature herself. City Park, with its flower beds and leaping fountains, Chautauqua Park, with its shady walks and flowering shrubs, and Lithia Park, Ashland's greatest playground, adjoin each other and make up the park system, with an area of sixty acres. Through all of these parks flows Ashland Creek, Ashland's source of water supply. A feature of Lithia Park is the fine automobile camp ground; it is free to all visiting tourists, where they will find everything provided for their comfort and convenience in the way of facilities for cooking with gas, private tables and seats, a spring of the finest water, electric lights and all the necessary sanitary arrangements. The citizens of Ashland have spent the sum of $175,000 on the preliminary of making the city one of the greatest watering places in America. No springs in the world exceed these springs in the quality and quantity of their waters. The city mineral springs system have a daily capacity of from 125,000 to 150,000 gallons of water. These waters are used for free distribution in Lithia Park. The lithia and soda waters are heavily charged with carbon dioxide gas, which make them extremely palatable. These waters will be found of especial value in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, or disorders of the blood, when used under proper directions. Two fine natatoriums in the city, fed by living springs of sulfur water, afford the visitor opportunity to take a hot sulfur tub bath or to enjoy a swim in their big pools. No city in America can boast of finer water than in Ashland. MISCELLNEOUS INFORMATION
First--Includes all that portion of the city east and north of Main Street.Second--Includes all that portion of the city west of Main Street and of Ashland Creek. Third--Includes all that portion of the city south of Main Street and east of Ashland Creek. CITY GOVERNMENT
City elections are held annually on the third Tuesday in December.
Mayor, Recorder and Treasurer hold office for two years. Three
councilmen are elected each year, one from each ward, and hold office
for two years. Offices of the Chief of Police, Street Commissioner,
Water Commissioner, City Electrician and Supt. of Power Plant are
appointive; the Fire Chief and Asst. Chief have also been added to the
appointive list. The Mayor and Councilmen compose the City Council.City Officers
City Hall--E s Plaza, cor Main.Mayor--O. H. Johnson. Recorder--C. H. Gillett. Treasurer--G. G. Eubanks. Supt. Water Works--Earl R. Hosler. Chief of Police--R. R. Porter. Chief of Fire Dept.--Geo. M. Robinson. City Eng.--F. H. Walker. City Electrician--A. L. Strickland. Sexton--Eugene Walrad.
First Ward--R. P. Cornelius, C. W. Banta.Second Ward--P. L. Ashcraft, C. W. Root. Third Ward--A. L. Lamb, A. C. Nininger.
Fire Department
Chief--Geo. M. Robinson.Asst. Chief--Paul Gulley.
Police Department
Chief--R. C. Porter.Police Judge--C. H. Gillette. Patrolmen--J. B. Wimer, W. J. Carpenter.
Justice of the Peace
Justice--Leo Trefren.Constable--A. L. Irwin.
City Fire Alarm System
Fire Chief, telephone 66. 2-6 bells, corner Main and Wimer.
bells, City Hall. 3-5 bells, corner Granite and Nutley. 4-6 bells,
corner Main and Gresham. 5-3 bells, corner Iowa and Fairview. 6-4
bells, corner Fourth and A. 7-3 bells, corner 6th and C.BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS
Ashland Concert Band--City Hall, Carl H. Loveland, director.Vining Theater Orchestra--Carl H. Loveland, director. BANKS
State Bank of Ashland--15 Plaza. G. S. Butler, Pres; O. Winter,
Vice-Pres; G. G. Eubanks, Cashier. Directors--G. S. Butler, O. Winter,
E. V. Carter, C. H. Vaupel, W. H. McNair, T. H. Simpson, G. W. Owen.
Resources at close of business June 30, 1916, $133,507.86. Capital
$25,000.00.First National Bank--E. Main sw cor 1st av. E. V. Carter, Pres; C. H. Vaupel, Vice-Pres; J. W. McCoy, Cashier; Clark Bush, Asst Cashier; H. C. Emery, Asst Cashier. Directors--E. V. Carter, C. H. Vaupel, T. H. Simpson, Geo. W. Owen, Geo. W. Dunn, T. D. Wagner, W. H. McNair, O. Winter, G. S. Butler. Resources at close of business June 30, 1916, $742,277.78. Capital, $100,000.00. Surplus $20,000.00. The Citizens Bank of Ashland--E. Main se cor 1st av. H. F. Pohland, Pres; J. P. Dodge, Vice-Pres; V. O. N. Smith, Cashier; F. S. Engle, Asst Cashier; E. L. Davenport, Asst Cashier. Directors--H. F. Pohland, J. P. Dodge, V. O. N. Smith, W. M. Poley, C. B. Lamkin, Don V. Smith, W. T. Loomis. Resources at close of business June 30, 1916, $336,468.70. Capital, $50,000.00. Surplus $6,250.00. CEMETERIES
City--E Main cor Morton.Hargadine--End Sheridan. Mountain View--1½ n e city ¼ m n Boulevard. CHURCHES
First--E Main cor Blvd. Rev. R. W. Farquhar, Pastor.
Sunday services,
11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.;
Junior Y.P.S.C.E., 3:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Congregational Presbyterian
First--N Main cor Helman. Rev. Harry A. Carnahan, Pastor. Sunday
services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m.Baptist
First--1st st se cor Hargadine, Rev. A. R. Blackstone, Pastor. Sunday
services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9.45 a.m.; B.Y.P.U., 7 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Church of the Brethren
Iowa sw cor Mountain--Rev. S. E. Decker, Pastor. Sunday services, 11
a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Christian Workers, 6:30
p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Free Methodist
E Main nw cor 7th--Rhoda Bennett, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and
7:30 p.m.; Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; Prayer meeting 7:30 p.m.Christian Science
First Church of Christ, Scientist--26 1st. Sunday
services, 11 a.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Wednesday services, 8 p.m.;
Reading Room,
open 2 to 4 p.m.Church of the Nazarene
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene--4th sw cor C.
Rev. Dorman D.
Edwards, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school,
9:45 a.m.; Young People's meeting, 7 p.m.; Prayer meeting
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Episcopal
Trinity--E s bet Main and C. Rev. P. K. Hammond, Vicar. Sunday services
7:30 a.m., 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.Christian
Church of Christ--B se cor 2nd. Rev. Nelson L. Browning, Pastor. Sunday
services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.;
Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Seventh Day Adventist
Seventh Day Adventist--4th se cor C. Services, Sabbath School,
Saturday, 10 a.m.; Preaching or testimonial reading 11 a.m.; Prayer
meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Roman Catholic
Church of the Holy Rosary--6th ne cor C. Rev. J. F.
Dolphin, Pastor.
Sunday services, Low Mass, 8 a.m.; High Mass and Sermon, 10:30 a.m.;
Sunday school, 2:30 p.m.; Benediction, 7:30 p.m.; Weekdays Mass, 7:30
a.m.Church of God Mission
Church of God Mission--142 6th. Sunday services, 10 a.m. Prayer meeting,
Sunday and Wednesday, 7 p.m.Undenominational
E Main ne cor 5th--Rev. Frank V. Lindblad, Pastor. Sunday services, 11
a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Mission services every
evening, 7:30 p.m.
Methodist Episcopal
First--N Main cor Hellman. Sunday services, 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Epworth League, 6:15 p.m.;
Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Spiritualist
Temple of Truth (First Spiritual Society of Southern Oregon). 479
Boulevard. Meetings, Lyceum, Sunday 8 p.m.; Ladies' Auxiliary,
Wednesday, 2 p.m.; Theosophy class, Friday, 8 p.m. G. G. Ogg, Conductor.CLUBS AND MISCELLANEOUS
Ashland Commercial Club--No. 2 Ashland Improvement Co. Bldg. V. O. N.
Smith, Pres; Frank Jordan, Vice-Pres; Frank J. Shinn, Sec.Ladies' Chautauqua Club--Meets at call of President. Mrs. Sylvester Patterson, Pres; Mrs. Faucett Greer, Sec. The Wednesday Club--Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday. Mrs. Etta Lamkin, Pres; Mrs August Sherman, Sec. Woman's Civic Improvement Club--Meets Mondays from Oct. to May at members' homes. Mrs. Fred Engle, Pres; Mrs. J. J. Camber, Sec. Ashland Study Club--Meets Mondays from Oct. to May at members' homes. Mrs. Fred Engle, Pres; Mrs. Andrews, Sec. West Side Parent Teachers Assn.--Meets at West Side School. Mrs. W. W. Ussher, Pres; Mrs. R. P. Campbell, Sec. East Side Parent Teachers Assn.--Meets 1st Monday in each month during school year. Mrs. Chas. Bradley, Pres; Mrs. Harry Silvers, Sec. Chautauqua Assn. of Southern Ore.--C. W. Root, Pres; J. S. Smith, Vice-Pres; R. P. Campbell, Sec. Directors--H. L. Whited, G. W. Trefren, E. G. Briggs, W. A. Patrick, E. E. Bagley. Chautauqua Study Club--Meets at members' homes every Monday from Oct. to June. Mrs. W. D. Foster, Pres; G. Engle, Vice-Pres; Mrs. Frank Dickey, Sec. FEDERAL OFFICERS
U. S. Department of Agriculture,
Bureau of Entomology--Emerick nr Boulevard. John M. Miller, Forest
Granite City Hospital--Boulevard nr Palm av. Susan E. Arnold, R.N., Supt.LIBRARIES AND READING ROOMS
Ashland Library Assn.--Gresham se cor Blvd. Contains about 6,000
volumes. Mrs. H. L. Mulit, Pres; Mrs. E. J. Van Sant, Vice-Pres; Mrs.
Mary Nims, Sec-Treas; Blanch E. Hicks, Librarian; Minnie Jackson, Asst
Librarian.Christian Science Reading Room--28 Pioneer av. Open from 2 to 4 p.m. except Sundays. High School Library--At High School during school term. Under the supervision of the Supt. of Schools. Sunday School library of the Trinity Episcopal Church--For members of the Episcopal Sunday School. MILITARY
First Co. C.A.R., O.N.G.--Meets Monday in Armory. J. Malone, Capt; Donald M. Spencer, 1st Lieut.PARKS
Chautauqua Park--S end Plaza, including Lithia and Auto Parks.PLACES OF AMUSEMENT
Vining Theater--O. T. Bergner, Mngr.Lyric Theater--O. T. Bergner, Mngr. Rogue River Round-Up Grounds--At end city limits and E Main. Natatorium--1st and A St. Mrs. Young, Propr. Helman Sulfur Baths--Otis sw cor Laurel. O. O. Helman, Propr. Bungalow---Chautauqua Park. B. R. Greer, Propr. Lithia Park--Children's Playgrounds, Auto Campgrounds, Band Concert, Lithia, Sulfur and Soda Waters. NEWSPAPERS
Ashland Record--(Weekly)--3 Mills
Bldg. Issued every Wednesday. Charles B. Wolf, Editor and Propr. $1.75
a year.Ashland Tidings--(Semi-Weekly)--13 Plaza. Issued Mondays and Thursdays. Bert R. Greer, Editor and Propr. $2.00 a year. POST OFFICE
19 Plaza.Postmaster--Edward J. Kaiser. Asst. Postmaster--Herbert G. Eastman. Gen. Del. Clerk---Lydia T. McCall. Money Order Clerk--A. Bert Freeman. Forwarding Clerk--Helene S. Casey. Mailing Clerk--H. Seward Palmerlee. Substitute Clerk--Millard W. Grubb. Carrier N. 1--Thos. E. Hatfield. Carrier No. 2.--Wm. E. Moor. Carrier No. 3--Donald M. Spencer. Rural Carrier No. 1--John H. Doran. Mail Trains
Train No. 11 from North 3:55 a.m.Train No. 12 from South 1:55 a.m. Train No. 13 from North 11:00 a.m. Train No. 14 from South 7:35 a.m. Train No. 45 from North 4:30 p.m. Train No. 16 from South 4:55 p.m. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND HALLS
Aiken Bldg--281 E Main.Armory--Oak ne cor B. Ashland Improvement Co Bldg--25 Plaza. Ashland Public Library--Gresham se cor Boulevard. Atkinson Bldg--W s Main nr ft Granite. Austin Hotel Bldg--Ns E Main bet Oak and 1st. Beaver Bldg--209 E Main. B.P.O.E. Bldg--Ns E Main bet 1st and 2nd. Camps Bldg--54 E Main. Chautauqua Auditorium--Chautauqua Grove. Chautauqua Hall--Chautauqua Grove. Citizens Banking & Trust Bldg--E Main se cor 1st. City Hall--Es Plaza cor Main. Cunningham Block--N Main sw cor Granite. Enders Block--264 E Main. First National Bank Bldg--E Main sw cor 1st. Freeberg Bldg--21 E Main. High School Bldg--Iowa bet Emerick and Mountain. I.O.O.F. Hall--51 N Main. McCarty Bldg--83 N Main. Masonic Temple--25 Plaza. Memorial Hall--135 E Main. Mills Bldg--25 Plaza. Miracle Block--353 E Main. Payne Bldg--238 E Main. Peil Bldg--3 Plaza. Pioneer Bldg--44 E Main. Rhodes-Farlow Bldg--15½ E Main. Sanderson Bldg--391 E Main. Shaw Bldg--391 E Main. Shook Bldg--376 E Main. Stoner Bldg--349 E Main. Swedenburg Bldg--299 E Main. SCHOOLS
Board of Education--F. S. Engle, Pres; T. H. Simpson, Vice-Pres; Dr. G.
W. Gregg; O. F. Carson; G. G. Eubanks; F. H. Pohland, Clerk. Supt.
Public Schools, G. A. Briscoe.High School--Nw Iowa bet Emerick and Mountain av. F. E. Moore, Prin; Lynn F. Hodge, Heinrich Heidenreich, Giles M. Ruch, Irene Regheim, Vera Moffett, Laura McCormack, Wilmette Hassinger, Grace Lilly, Charlotte Kennard, Callie Vogeli, Margaret Anderson. Junior High--N Main cor Manzanita. Gertrude Engle, Prin; Ola Myer, Alice Thompson, Irene Johnson, Gretchen Kraemer, Delmar Harmon, Irene K. Brandes. Grade Teachers--Nellie B. Ross, Erma James, Caribel Morehaus, Hazel Clark, Vernon Pyland, Evangeline Poley. East Side School--Blvd cor Sherman. S. S. McGarvin, Prin; Margaret Powers, Loraine Johnson, Bessie Dunham, Alice Palmer, Nell Mathews, Elsie Zabel. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES
Ashland Lodge No. 23--Meets Thursdays in Masonic Temple. Stewart
Saunders, W.M.; Wm. H. Day, Sec.A. F. & A. Masons Royal Arch Masons
Siskiyou Chapter No. 21--Stated Convocation 3rd Thursday in Masonic
Temple. W. E. Blake, H.P.; Wm. H. Day, Sec.Mystic Shrine
Hillah Temple A.A.O.N.M.S.--Stated meetings, 1st Friday in Masonic
Temple. C. W. Nims, Ill.P.; W. McNair, Rec.Knights Templar
Malta Commandery No. 4--Stated Conclave, 1st and 2nd Wednesdays in
MasonicTemple. W. E. Newcombe, E.C.; W. H. McNair, Rec. Order of Eastern Star
Alpha Chapter No. 1--Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in Masonic Temple. Mrs.
ElsieChurchman, W.M.; Leah M. Caldwell, Sec. B. P. O. Elks
Ashland Lodge No. 944--Meets Saturday in Elks Temple. George W. Owen,
E.R.; J. Edward Thornton, Sec.Brotherhood of American Yeomen
Ashland Homestead No. 4067--Meets 3rd Monday in I.O.O.F.
Hall. Mrs. Alice Goland, Pres; Mrs Francis G. A. Damon, Treas.G.A.R.
Burnside Post No. 23--Meets 1st and 3rd Saturdays in Armory.
A. W. Thomas, Com.; W. A. Patrick, Com.Woman's Relief Corps
Burnside Relief Corps No. 24--Meets 1st and 3rd Saturdays in Armory.
Mrs. Myra Mattingly, Pres; Mrs. S. A. Peters, Sec; Mrs. Jennie Spindler,
Ashland Lodge No. 48--Meets Thursday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Leo Trefren,
N.G.; B. R. Stevens, Rec. Sec.; G. G. Ogg, Fin. Sec.Encampment
Pilot Rock Encampment No. 16--Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in I.O.O.F.
Hall. W. A. Conner, C.P.; B. R. Stevens, Sr.W.; G. W. Trefren, Scribe.Canton Siskiyou No. 14--Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays in I.O.O.F. Hall. J. M. Casebeer, Capt.; G. W. Trefren, Clerk. Rebekah Lodge
Hope No. 14--Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. Edith
Phipps, N.G.; Mrs. Lea M. Caldwell, Fin. Sec.; Mrs. E. Wright, Rec.
Sec.Knights of the Maccabees
Granite Tent No. 4--Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in I.O.O.F. Hall R. J.
Shaw, Com.; George P. Damon, R.K.Ladies of the Maccabees
Margaret Hive No. 22--Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in I.O.O.F.
Hall. Mrs. Odessa Foltz, L.C.; Mrs. Josephine Wallace, R.K.Knights and Ladies of Security
Ashland Council No. 1561--Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays in I.O.O.F. Hall.
Mrs. W. P. Whitney, Pres.; Earl R. Rason, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Julia
Briggs, Sec.Royal Neighbors of America
Ivy Camp No. 2893--Meets 2nd Tuesday at 11 B St. Mrs. Francis G. A.
Damon, Rec.Women of Woodcraft
Acorn Circle No. 54--Meets 4th Saturday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs.
Elizabeth Ketchum, G.N.; Mrs. Josephine D. Crocker, Clerk.Woodmen of the World
Ashland Camp No. 243--Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays in I.O.O.F. Hall. O.
E. Deibert, C.C.; J. R. Wick, Clerk.Knights of Pythias
Granite Lodge No. 23--Meets Mondays in I.O.O.F. Hall.Pythian Sisters
Calanthe Temple No. 13--Meets 2nd and 4th Friday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Miss
Maude Hawley, M.E.C.; Mrs. Lewis G. McNair, M. of R. and C.A. O. U. Workmen
Ashland Lodge No. 66--Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Memorial
Hall. R. A. Minkler, M.W.; Louis Dodge, Rec.; Fred Engle, Fin.Degree of Honor
Manzanita Lodge No. 45--Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays in Memorial Hall.
Mrs. Olive Yoe, C.H.; Mrs. Mary Dodge, Sec.; Mrs. Carrie R. Minkler.
Fin.Loyal Order of Moose
Ashland Butte Lodge No. 1223--Meets Monday in Moose Hall. R. F. Sales,
Dictator; J. F. Sales, Sec.Fraternal Brotherhood
Mistletoe Lodge No. 149--Meets 3rd Monday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. Alice
Goland, Pres.; Mrs. Francis G. A. Damon, Treas.Temperance Societies
W.C.T.U.--Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at First M.E. Church. Mrs. P.
S. Ashcraft, Pres.; Mrs. Grace Holmes, Sec.; Mrs. Diana Depew, Treas.TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES
Southern Pacific Co.--Passenger Depot and Ticket Office, ft 4th.
Freight Depot, ft 3rd. George N. Cramer, Agent.ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES
Aagon Inez, bds 233 GraniteA Aagon Levi (Irene), lab, res 233 Granite Abbott A T (Laura), SP bricklayer, res 108 Alida Abbott Charles E (Carrie), farmer, res end E Main Abbott Leith, student, bds 108 Alida Abbott Mary J Mrs, res 875 Oak Abbott W M (Victoria), res 866 Blain Acklin Everett, bds 108 Nursery Acklin Thomas (Delia), Ashland Trading Co, res 108 Nursery ADAMS CLARENCE R (Margaret)--Real Estate, res 645 Liberty Adams E A, bds 295 Grant Adams E B Mrs, res 295 Grant Adams H R (Hazel), brakeman, res 637 B Adams James Q, res 295 Grant Adams Julia, bds 295 Grant Addis Catherine E Mrs (wid James), res s end Elizabeth Agee Loren (Ona), harness maker, res 163 Union Ahlstrom Frederick J (Emma), conductor SP Co, res 355 B Ahlstrom Nils (Lovenea), res 248 5th Albert Eli, bds 111 Coolidge Alden Willis, bds 143 Granite Allen Eleanor, bds 320 Palm Allen G W (Emaline), carpenter, res 440 Granite Allen L E T Mrs, res 320 Palm ALLEN SUSIE L MRS--Real Estate, Insurance and Loans, Thirteen Years in Business, 63 N Main, Phone 16, res 96 Laurel Allison Bertha, teacher, bds 47 Laurel Allison C A (Nancy A), farmer, res 47 Laurel Alnutt Hattie (wid Joseph W), res 163 Granite Alnutt Joe (May), cigar mkr, Tisit Cigars, bds 163 Granite Amer P J, lab, 157 Laurel Anderson Belle, bds 136 B Anderson Carl, bds 60 5th Anderson E N Mrs, bds 344 E Main Anderson George A, mechanic, bds 63 3rd Anderson George S (Elizabeth), hardware clerk, res 76 Alida Anderson G N (Emma), res 713 N Main Anderson G R, horticulturist, res 430 Holly Anderson Jean, bds 430 Holly Anderson Jessie M, bds 190 B Anderson John W, student, bds 430 Holly Anderson M Tillie, bds 351 Norton Anderson Oliver G, bds 430 Holly ANDERSON DR MARY E--Dr of D O, bds 99 Granite Angle Orra E, res 191 Oak Angwin J E (Helen), roundhouse foreman SP Co, res 109 Church APPLEGATE D A (Ella)--Wells Fargo Agt, res 94 Granite Applegate Gladys, clerk Wells Fargo, bds 94 Granite Arant Herbert (Minnie), farmer, res 329 Beach ARNOLD JOHN F (Sadie)--Res Granite City Hospital Arnold Orpha W, res Granite City Hospital ARNOLD SUSIE E--Supt. Granite City Hospital, res same, Phone 133 Arrant Ernest (Belle), tmstr, res 1224 Iowa Arrant J (Ada), res cor Ashland and Elizabeth Ashcraft Elmer (Alta), interurban driver, res 322 Hargadine Ashcraft LeRoy, bds 407 Scenic Drive Ashcraft Perry L (Melissa), fruit grower, res 407 Scenic Drive Ashcraft W H (Mina), teacher, res 326 N Main ASHLAND ART SHOP--Cor Main & Oak, F H Mann propr ASHLAND BAKERY--E Main, Edward Labelle propr Ashland Band, Carl Loveland leader Ashland Barber Shop, G W Keene propr Ashland Billiard Parlors, Sayle & Son propr ASHLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB--2 Ashland Improvement Co Bldg ASHLAND CREAMERY--97 Mill, D Perozzi propr, Phone 24 ASHLAND FEED STORE--J N Dennis propr, Hay, Grain and Poultry, 353 E Main ASHLAND FLOUR & FEED MILLS--Morton & Son props, A ne cor 1st ASHLAND FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSOCIATION--John H Dell pres, V O N Smith treas, A C Briggs mngr, Packers, Canners and Shippers, Ash ne cor Oak, Phone 89 ASHLAND HOTEL--50 N Main, E T Staples propr, Phone 50 ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO--G S Butler pres, H L Whited sec, J H Hurt mngr, Ice Manufacturers, Cold Storage, Wood and Coal, Water ne cor B, Tel 108 ASHLAND KLAMATH EXCHANGE--W H Hosler mngr, Agt Klamath Falls Flour Mills, Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed, Seeds and Poultry Supplies, E Main nw cor 3rd, Tel 4 ASHLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION--Gresham se cor Blvd, Tel 13, Mrs H S Mulit pres, Mrs Elizabeth Van Sant v-pres, Mrs H S Parmelee sec-treas, Blanch E Hicks librarian ASHLAND LIVERY & FEED CO--E F Smith and Son props, 107 Mill, Tel 59 ASHLAND LUMBER CO--C L Hill pres, H C Hill v-pres, C P Christenson sec and mngr, Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Sash, Doors, Shingles, Lath Wood, etc, 384 Oak, Tel 20 ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO--J H Chambers Pres, John H Christensen Vice-Pres, Charles P Christensen Sec and Treas, Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Sash, Doors, Shingles, Lath Wood, etc, 384 Oak, Tel 20 ASHLAND MUNICIPAL LIGHT & POWER CO--A L Strickland Electrician, Tel 33 ASHLAND NATATORIUM--Mrs V V Young propr, A H Pracht mngr, 1st bet A & B, Tel 111 ASHLAND PUBLIC MARKET--S P Stoner propr, Tel 434-J ASHLAND RECORD--Charles B Wolf Editor and Mngr, 3 Mills Bldg, Tel 181 ASHLAND SANITARIUM--Dr Jarvis MD, Dr Boslough M D, 280 2nd, Tel 126 ASHLAND TIDINGS--Bert R Greer Editor and Mngr, 13 Plaza, Tel 39 ASHLAND TRADING CO--T W Acklin mngr, 153 E Main, Tel 122 ASHLAND VULCANIZING WORKS--N H Harrison Mngr, W A Weaver Pres Atkinson Eugenia L Mrs, res 111 N Main ATTEND "The School of Best Results"--Medford Commercial College, 31 N Grape Street, Telephone 15-L Atterbury A W (M J), res 349 Sherman Attridge Mary, res 131 Ohio Autry Allen, student, bds 36 Norton Autry Hiram A Rev (Dora E), res 36 Norton AUSTIN HOTEL--Ashland's Most Up-to-Date Hotel, A A Chisholm mngr AUSTIN HOTEL BARBER SHOP--Bates & Yoe proprs Austin Mae Mrs, maid Hotel Austin B
Bachtell Donna, student, bds 968 E MainBachtell H H, res 968 E Main Bachand Wanda, bds 610 E Main Bachand W (Duffie), fireman, res 610 E Main Bacon Cora B Mrs, res 319 Avery Badger H E, res 129 Bush Bagley Doris, music teacher, bds 178 Skidmore Bagley E E (Augusta F), orchardist, res 178 Skidmore Bagley Elmer, student, bds 178 Skidmore Bailey A O (Mary), farmer, res 408 Laurel Bailey Elna, student, bds 2 Beach Bailey Isaac, lab, res Grand View av Bailey James S (Henrietta), timber cruiser, res 2 Beach Bailey J W (Lena), eng, res 119 7th Bailey Luella, bds I Bailey Bailey Minerva M, bds I Bailey Bailey Nora, clerk, bds 2 Beach Bailey Raymond C, bds I Bailey Bailey Vena, teacher, bds 2 Beach Bailey Warren, student, bds 119 7th Baker Allie Mrs, bds 464 Mountain Baker Lydia, bds 60 Alida Baldwin Cora E, bds 316 N Main Baldwin M A Mrs, res 316 N Main Baldwin W C (Mary E), clk Ashland Trading Co, res 340 Granite Ball W S (Malsa), fruit raiser, res 345 Harrison Ballenger N S (Maggie), conductor SP Co, res 446 Allison Banks John (Mary), res 132 5th Banks Mariam, student, bds 132 5th Banks Rose, student, bds 132 5th Banta C W (May), news dealer, res 57 4th Barber Gertrude, bds 153 Granite Barber Lucile, bds 153 Granite Barber Wilson (Mabel), Ashland Record, res 153 Granite Barr A D (Laura), lab, res 710 Penn Bartges W H (O), res 426 B Barney H A (Lydia), carpenter, res 231 Gresham Barneburg Daniel H (Oda I), stockman, res 542 Fairview Barnhill Bertha, bds 260 Wimer Barnhill Bertha, bds 344 Wimer Barnhill Matilda J (wid J T), bds 344 Wimer Barnhill M J Mrs, res 260 Wimer Barnhill Owen H, res 344 Wimer Barnthouse J L (Ida), butcher, res 85 2nd Barnthouse Verl, fireman, bds 85 2nd Baron Daniel, clerk Enders & Son, bds 304 N Main Baron George W, rancher, bds 117 Almond Baron John H (Eleene), mechanic, res 304 N Main Baron M A Mrs, res 117 Almond Barrett Edmund M, student, bds 108 Factory Barrett Elizabeth A, teacher, res 108 Factory BARRETT HOWARD--erud & Barrett Tailors, bds 114 Oak Barrett J Edmond (Elizabeth A), brakeman, res 180 Factory Barrett Josephine Mrs, bds 108 Factory BARRON ED (Stacey)--Rooms, Shook Rooming House BATES CONLEY F (Louise F)--Propr Ashland Transfer and Storage Co, res 460 Blvd, Tel 431-J Bates N G (Mazzie), barber, res 150 Pioneer Baughman Dale, lab, bds 566 Fairview Baughman Dorothy, bds 156 8th Baughman George (Bertha), driver Dennis Bros, res 418 Iowa Baughman Harding T (Clara M), merchant, res 566 Fairview Baughman H C (Rosa L), teacher, res 156 8th Baughman Keith, bds 156 8th Baughman Leon, student, bds 566 Fairview Baughman Rees, bds 156 8th Beach Edward, res 687 Beach Beach J M Mrs, res 687 Beach Beach Susan Mrs, res 41 Gresham Beagle James C (Ethel O), bricklayer, res 296 E Main BEAGLE W J (Margaret)--Propr Columbia Cafe, res 296 E Main Beason John D (Myrtle), farmer, res 167 Hargadine BEAVER ASA M (Henrietta)--Beaver Realty Co, res 916 Iowa Beaver John (Emma), preacher, res 234 Avery Beaver Meredith, bds 916 Iowa Beaver Minnie, bds 916 Iowa Beaver Nellie M, bds 916 Iowa BEAVER REALTY CO--Beaver & Yockey proprs, 30 E Main, Tel 10 Beede Wm (Kate), telegrapher, 152 Sherman BEELER C V (Emma)--City Taxi, res 824 Blvd, Tel 124 BEEBE WALTER B (Olive)--Beebe & Kinney, res 407 Blvd Beigle Adam (Mattie), cement contractor, res 626 B Beigle Calla, clerk Recorder's Office, bds 195 Morton Beigle C E Mrs, res 195 Morton Beigle Earl, student, bds 195 Morton Beigle Elmer, student, bds 195 Morton Bellett Elizabeth Mrs, res 122 Helman Bellus W P (Ora E), brakeman SP Co, res 117 Hargadine Benedict G W (Etta), poultry raiser, res 219 Mountain Benedict May, res 219 Mountain Benedict Pauline, teacher, bds 219 Mountain BERGNER OSCAR T (Ethel L)--Mngr Vining Theater, res 176 Skidmore Bess Frank (Annie), mechanic, res 147 Factory Bess Grace, student, bds 147 Factory Bess Mae, bds 147 Factory Beswick Lottie, bds 147 Manzanita Beswick Richard (Margaret), res 147 Manzanita Beswick Sarah, bds 147 Manzanita Bevington Walter C (Fanny), Gen Yard Master SP Co, res 125 2nd Bibby W A (Lulu), teamster, res 938 Oak Biede Gertrude, clerk, bds 108 Nob Hill Biede Helene, clerk, bds 108 Nob Hill BILLINGS AGENCY--G F Billings mngr, Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, 41 E Main, Tel 211 BILLINGS G F (Frances M)--Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, 41 E Main, Tel 211, res 1009 N Main, Tel 271 BILLINGS G HOMER (Ellen C)--Real Estate and Insurance, res 734 N Main Bingham E I Mrs, res 259 Laurel Black Mary Mrs, res end Granite Blackstone A R Rev, Pastor Baptist Church, res 247 Oak Blackstone Lillian, res 247 Oak Blain Anne Mrs, res 924 E Main Blain James, Roberts Restaurant, bds 924 E Main Blair Wm, Park Gardener, res 207 Vista Blake W Earl, 9-10 First National Bank Bldg, res 118 Bush Blaker C H (Mona E), res 885 B Blevins F M Jr, blacksmith, res 240 Oberlin Blevins F M Sr, gardener, res 240 Oberlin Bliss John S, bds 180 Harrison Blue D P (Lucy), miner, res 71 Laurel Bolton Thomas K, druggist, res 142 Church Bolton Walter, druggist, bds 142 Church Bonham Phillip, res 341 Beach Bonner Alene, student, bds 470 Allison Bonner C M Mrs, res 470 Allison BON TON BAKERY--R Miller propr, 233 4th, Tel 17 Booth Orrin (Bessie), fireman, res 882 B Booth W D (Jennie), farmer, res 996 Oak BOSLOUGH A W DR (Myrtle)--Res Hill Crest, Office Sanitarium, Tel 36 Boslough Milton E (Sarah J), res 590 Allison Boughman J C (Vella), res 525 E Main Bowers Benton Jr, bds 713 Oak Bowers Benton (Mildred), res Blvd and Walker Bowers James, bds 713 Oak BOX CIGARS--Medford Cigar Store, Corner Main and Fir Boyd Henry J (Nettie), res 63 Alida Boyd James (Hattie), res 317 N Main Boyd's Studio, H J Boyd propr, 177 E Main Brady Charles, caller SP Co, bds 486 Allison Brady C J (Jennie), conductor, res 486 Allison Brady Jack, bds 486 Allison Brady Samuel, res 362 Granite Brady S D Mrs, res 362 Granite BRIGGS EDWARD D (Nellie)--Lawyer 44 E Main, Tel 105, res 146 Bush BRIGGS MONTE E (Julia)--Propr Briggs and Elmore, res 79 Pine BRIGGS & ELMORE--11 E Main Brillman Maria, bds 151 Wimer BRISCOE G A (Florence)--Supt Public Schools, res 913 Blvd Broker M J Mrs, res 200 Helman Brower D M Dr (Delila), res 216 Factory Brower Harley R, student, bds 216 Factory Brower Mina N, student, bds 216 Factory Brower Voda E, teacher, bds 216 Factory Brown A F (C A), brakeman, res 137 5th Brown A R (Austie), butcher, Shook Rooming House Brown B F (Martha), plumber, res 107 Fork Brown Charles A (Cecelia), res 160 N Main Brown Clyde, fireman, bds 725 B Brown Dale, bds 725 B Brown Freeman A (Marietta), res 65 Granite BROWN LS (Effie P)--Grocer, res 500 Holly Brown Ruth P, student, bds 500 Holly Brown Tom, helper Austin Hotel Brown Queritta, bds 725 B Brushwood E N, bds 633 Iowa Bryant Albert, Natatorium, bds 573 E Main Bryant C J (Anna), miner, res 573 E Main BUCHANAN W E (Rose)--Dentist, res 1101 Blvd Buck Edna Mrs, res 144 Garfield Buck Grace, student, bds 144 Garfield Buck Laverne, student, bds 144 Garfield Bunce Harold, mechanic, bds 110 Laurel Bunnell Ella, bds 72 Garfield Bunnell F W Mrs, res 72 Garfield Burdick E M (Manora), SP Co, res 496 N Main Burnett Arvin, student, bds 691 Oak Burnett Earl, Sanders Green House, bds 691 Oak Burnett John S (Fleeta), lab, res 691 Oak Burns Cora E Mrs, res 332 Harrison, nurse Burt C E (Kate), miner, res 247 Laurel Bush Clark (Edna H), Asst Cashier 1st National Bank, res 101 Scenic Drive Bush Elber H (Elizabeth), eng, res 12 Beach Bushnell Brittie D, bds 649 E Main Bushnell Chester A, bds 84 Garfield Bushnell Loren W, eng, bds 84 Garfield Bushnell Mabel E, res 84 Garfield Butler A (Mary E C), res 34 Union BUTLER'S CONFECTIONERY--E N Butler propr, Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Candy Wholesale and Retail, Plaza, Tel 149 Butler E N (Frances), 23 N Main Butler Gwin (Alice), Pres Ashland Ice & Storage Co, Pres State Bank of Ashland Butterfield Freda, bds 153 2nd Butterfield H O (Cora), barber, res 153 2nd Butts Festus (Susan), res 172 Mountain Byerly J H Mrs, res 83 Granite C
Caldwell Leah M Mrs, res 122 LaurelCaldwell Maria, bds 447 Rock Caldwell W W (Bessie), res 447 Rock Calef O P (Gussie V), res 567 Bush Calhoun E J Mrs, bds 916 Iowa CHAMBERS JOHN J (May)--Real Estate, res Scenic Drive cor Nob Hill Cambers Le Floy, teacher, bds J J Cambers Cambers Royal U, Forest Ranger, bds J J Cambe s Campbell R P, res 94 Bush Campbell W E (Nettie), plasterer, res 219 Meade CAMPS F L (Hattie M)--Propr Ford Garage 169 E Main, res Camps Bldg Cane C D, res 5th and C Cannon E H (Matilda), farmer, res 343 B CANYON PRESS THE--Bert W Talcott propr, Tel 197 Carey George L (Sarah E), plumber, res 335 Almond Carpenter Bessie, bookkeeper, bds 357 Liberty Carpenter G E (Hattie B), res 357 Liberty Carpenter Jessie, bds 700 Terrace Carpenter Walter. S, student, bds 700 Terrace Carpenter Walter W (Lovina), res 78 2nd Carpenter Wm J (E Zoe), city policeman, res 700 Terrace Carland Effie, res 244 Hargadine Carlson Martin, lab, res 275 Garfield Carlton Lyle, bds 99 Union Carlton S A (Alsamed), res 99 Union Carnahan Dorothy C, bds 132 N Main Carnahan Gladys S, bds 132 N Main Carnahan Harry A (Tessa S), pastor Presbyterian Church, res 132 N Main Carnahan Priscilla N, student, bds 132 N Main Carr Wilfred, clerk, bds 114 Oak CARSON-FOWLER LUMBER CO--A F Carson & G F Singerland proprs, Lumber, Sash and Doors, Paint and Oils, Wood, 143 1st, Tel 98 CARSON ORSON F (Lavina L)--Carson Fowler Lumber Co, res 437 Palm CARTER E V (Anna M)--Pres 1st National Bank, res 514 Blvd Carter H J (Hester), clerk, res 321 Alta Carter J A (Martha J), lab, res 295 Helman Carter M A (Mary), miner, res 269 2nd Carter Sidney, plumber, res Pioneer Carter Verni, student, bds 249 B Cary Guy (Mabel), night foreman SP Co, res 120 2nd Case Lou Mrs, bds 47 Granite Casebeer Clancy, student, bds 803 N Main Casebeer J M (Minnie B), fruit grower, res 803 N Main Casebeer Lloyd, student, bds 803 N Main Casey Helen, bds 134 Pioneer Casey J R (Mary F), res 134 Pioneer Casey Robert (Susie), farmer, res 461 Allison Cashion T E Mrs, bds 155 5th Castel Lucien, fireman, bds 192 Mechanic Cavin A B (Elizabeth A), miner, res 774 B Cavin M F Mrs, res 426 A Cavin Samuel (Abbie), res 726 Iowa Chapin Fredrick W (Anna N), res 150 1st Chapman A B, farmer, res 76 Dewey Chapman Thomas D (Zella R), farmer, res Blvd ½ m e city Chappell Charlotte, bds 990 Blvd Chappell Helen, teacher, bds 990 Blvd Chappell Ruth, bds 990 Blvd Chatten Charles W (Jennie), res 316 Hargadine Chatten Wilmot, bds 316 Hargadine CHISHOLM A AUSTIN--Mngr Hotel Austin, res same Chote Joseph K Jr (Lorena), inspector SP Co, res 139 Wimer CHRISTENSEN C P (Pearl)--Ashland Mnfg Co, res 173 Oak Christie F H (Pearl), lab, res 251 Granite Churchman Elsie Mrs, res 31 Union CIGARS AND CIGARETTES--Good and Fresh. Get them at Medford Cigar Store, Corner Main and Fir CITIZENS BANKING & TRUST CO--Herman F Poland Pres, Robert P Neil Vice-Pres, W A Turner Sec, V O N Smith Cashier, Fred S Engle Asst Cashier, E Main se cor 1st, Tel 162 Clark B A Mrs, bds 144 Nutley Clark C R (Elizabeth), res 1114 Iowa Clark Gertrude, bds 1114 Iowa Clauson John, bds 767 Oak Cleft Harvey, bds 140 Nursery Closser C Ed (Allie), res 235 5th Clute Mary, bds 91 Nursery, clerk Enders & Son Clute S W (Emma L), cement contractor, res 91 Nursery Clyde Wm Mrs, res 121 Manzanita Coates F L (Jessie), lineman, res 424 N Main Coder Laurence R (Almeda), mechanic, res 387 Laurel Coffee George H (Emma E), res 154 Oak Coffee Georgia W, bds 154 Oak Coffman Orris Mrs, bds 337 Scenic Drive Coldwell C B Mrs, res Roca and Ashland Cole Edith A, student, bds 737 Blvd Cole E Miss, bds 204 Wightman Cole Howard, bds 143 4th Cole Hugo F (Lily), res 143 4th Cole Jules F (E M), wood sawyer, res 737 Blvd Cole Mary Mrs, res 842 A Cole Thurber A (M H), clk J J McNair, res 108 7th Cole W N (Lucinda J), clerk, res 204 Wightman Coleman Grant (Lennie), cigar maker, res 745 Iowa Coleman Ural, cigar maker, bds 745 Iowa COLUMBIA CAFE--W J Beagle propr, Enders blk Columbia Hotel, 264 E Main, R D Riley propr Colvig Frank, brakeman, bds 129 High Colvig Volney, bds 129 High Combe L R (Florence), cement contractor, res 79 Scenic Drive Conner A H (Nellie M), eng, res 107 Alida Conner Helen, student, bds 107 Alida Conners Dan, night clerk Hotel Austin Conwell Jerry (Allie), orchardist, res 220 Nutley Conwell Olin, student, bds 220 Nutley Cook Anna Mrs, res 275 B Cook James H (Alice M), billiard parlors, res 165 B Cook Monroe, bds 1410 Blvd Cook & DeWitt, billiard hall, E Main Corbett C S (Henrietta), res 140 7th Corbin Jane Mrs, bds 148 Orange Cornelius Clarence, student, bds 900 Oak Cornelius Manora, student, bds 900 Oak Cornelius Rowland P (Fannie A), farmer, res 900 Oak Corthell Bertha Mrs, bds 866 Blain Costello Clyde (Lizzie), barber, res 133 Hargadine Cotter Albert (Delpha), conductor, res 167 Hargadine Cox Gertrude, clerk, res 637 E Main Cozart J G (H C), carpenter SP Co, res 658 B Craig J E (E M), brakeman, res 494 Holly Craig O L (Olive A), res 263 7th Crance L A (Lottie), gardener, res ft of Laurel Creighton G C (Amanda), res 855 E Main Creighton Rebecca R Mrs, teacher Church of God Mission, res 142 6th Creeks J L (Maude), res 240 Oak Cress Harmon, bds 508 Liberty Cress James W Mrs, res 508 Liberty Crews G W (Hanna M), miner, res 40 Granite Crews O E, gardener, bds 40 Granite Crocker Josephine D Mrs, res 115 Church Croft J C (Nellie), res 362 Granite Cromar Alice, teacher, bds 675 Walnut Cromar Elizabeth Mrs, res 675 Walnut Cromar Elizabeth, stengr G F Billings, bds 675 Walnut Crosslin Floyd, lab, bds 272 Maple Crosslin Ginevra, bds 272 Maple Crosslin W J (Lizzie), res 272 Maple Crouch Frank (Bessie), res 148 Factory Crowson C C (Kate), light repairer, res 247 7th Crowson Elsie, wks Home Laundry, bds 253 8th Crowson F H (Anna), rms 253 8th Crowson J E (Nettie A), city gardener, res 896 Blvd Crowson Pearl, bds 253 8th CROWSON W Y (Ida)--Propr Crowson's, res 478 Allison CROWSON'S CONFECTIONERY--W Y Crowson propr, Confections, Lunches, Ice Cream, Elks Temple Culberson, I J (M), agent, res 419 Laurel Culbertson Ruth, student, bds 391 Bridge Culbertson Thomas A (Mamie), farmer, res 391 Bridge Cullen Dora Mrs, res 566 Allison Culy Alice, bds 220 Mountain Culy George A, mach SP Co, res 308 Liberty Culy G C (Pervilla), farmer, res 220 Mountain Culy Nellie, bds 220 Mountain Cunningham Carl (Grace), butcher, res 147 Laurel Cunningham C L (Mabel), real estate, res 548 Iowa Cunningham C (Sarah), res 319 Alta Cunningham Helen L, bds 548 Iowa Cunningham J Leslie, bds 548 Iowa Cunningham N Mrs, res 104 3rd Curtis J H (Caroline), res 985 E Main Cusick Charles P (Maude L), telegraph opr, res 638 Blvd Cusick Marion, student, bds 638 Blvd Cyster G (Grace), clerk round house, res 74 Granite Cyster M F (Carrie), res 91 Church D
Dacker Arthur (Martha), wks city park, res 303 AveryDahuff Amos (Martha E), lab, res 440 Palm Dahuff Earl, student, bds 440 Palm Dahuff Edna, teacher, bds 440 Palm Dale Hugo, student, bds 432 Terrace Dale John S (Kate), fruit grower, res 432 Terrace Damon George F (Frances G), carp, res 11 B Dana C E (Cora M), music teacher, res 130 Main Danford Beecher (Kate), elec SP Co, res 108 2nd Dart LeRoy (Elizabeth), carp, res opp 220 Garfield Davenport Ethel, bkpr, bds 446 Allison Davies S S (Laura B), barber, res 784 A Davis Allen, bds 137 1st Davis Granville, bds 311 Granite Davis Hazel, bds 311 Granite Davis M E (Gillian), eng SP Co, res 187 Sherman Davis M E Mrs, res 311 Granite Day Wm H (Susan M), reporter, res 79 Baum Dayton Harriett R, res 209 Upper Almond Deal Lulu Mrs, res 151 Gresham Dean F G (Margaret), eng SP Co, res 9 Hill Crest Dena Harris (Monnie), timber cruiser, res 99 Granite Deardorff Earl (Nettie), teacher, res 770 Iowa Deardorff Edith Mrs, furnished rooms, res 668 N Main Deardorff Fred (Ora), wks Round House, res 90 5th Deardorff Newton (Eva), res 770 Iowa Decker Ed B, bds 1219 E Main Decker F M (Bertha), veterinary, res 1219 E Main Decker Marion, student, bds 1219 E Main Decker S E (Cora B), pastor Church of the Brethren, res 263 Palm Decker Sylvester, motion picture opr, bds 1219 E Main DECKERSON WM (Elsie)--Paints, Wall Paper and Glass, 80 N Main, Tel 172, res 141 High, Tel 302-J Deibert Ora (Olean), elec, res 322 Wimer Delean Nick, tailor erud & Barrett Delsman Charles, student, bds 188 Helman Delsman Clara Mrs, res 188 Helman Delsman L B (Anna), carp, res 188 Helman Dennis Ivan (Etta), Ashland Gen Delivery Co, res 444 Cal DENNIS JAMES N (Effie E)--Propr Ashland Feed Store, Hay, Grain and Poultry Supplies, Building Material, Cement, Plaster, Groceries, Wood Yard in Connection, 353 E Main, Tel 215, res 477 Allison, Tel 297-J Dennis Wm B (Bernice), Ashland Gen Delivery Co, res 1323 Iowa DENSMORE J M--Mechanic, Bicycle Repairing, Tel 197, res 860 Ashland Densmore Mary B Mrs, res 860 Ashland Denton Alan (Sadie), SP Co, res 773 B Denton E (Louanna), res 496 Beach DePeatt Antoinette Mrs (wid Edward), res 143 Hargadine DePeatt W E, jeweler, bds 143 Hargadine DEPOT HOTEL--Julius P Wolf propr, ft 4th Detweiler Elizabeth, Missionary, res 279 Palm DeWees Ruhamah (wid Louis), res 549 Allison Dibell Lena, bds 99 Granite Dickerson Donald, student, bds 141 High Dickerson Helen, bds 141 High Dickerson J M, res 288 Morton DICKINSON WM O (Elsie)--Paint Store, res 141 High Dickey Alphonso (Mary E), res 126 Mechanic Dickey Floyd, taxi driver, bds 126 Mechanic Dickey Frank (Grace), conductor SP. Co, res 489 Allison DICKEY NELLIE--5 Mills Bldg, Tel 204, res 125 Mechanic Didra Orlando, res 165 N Main Divet R L, bds 70 Alnut Divet Florence, bds 70 Alnut Divet James C (May), fruit grower, 70 Alnut Dodge Fred L (Pearl), brakeman SP Co, res 72 6th DODGE J P (Mary S)--J P Dodge & Son, res 696 Blvd DODGE J P & SONS--Furniture, 125 E Main DODGE LOUIS--J P Dodge & Sons, res 590 Blvd Dodge Verenie M Mrs, res 195 Laurel DODGE WILL M (Ina)--J P Dodge & Sons, res 550 Blvd DODSON G W (Pearl E)--Mngr Iron Wks, res 431 N Main Dolphin J H Rev, rector Catholic Church, res 6th and C Doran Alice, bds 698 Ash Doran Alma, bds 650 Ashland Doran Fannie, bds 698 Ash Doran James (Gertrude), fruit grower, res 698 Ash Doran J Herbert (Ethel M), mail carrier, res 640 Liberty Doran Mason, bds 650 Ashland Doran T F (Amy), fruit grower, res 650 Ashland Doran Vernon, bds 698 Ash Dougherty Edna, bds 239 Oak Dougherty Frank, Grieve's Cigar Store, bds 239 Oak Dougherty Myrtle, painter, bds 239 Oak Dougherty W J (Emma), clerk Saunders, res 239 Oak Douglas W J (Laura), pastor ME Church, res 48 Laurel DRAKE S S (Myrtle S)--Res 532 Allison, Propr Vienna Bakery Drew R H (Mary E), painter, res 115 Fork Driscoll Edwin, student, bds 773 Blvd Driscoll James H (Lola), game warden, res 773 Blvd Dunlop C H, res 286 B Dunlop Elizabeth A Mrs, res 286 B Dunlop Howard, lab, bds 83 Dewey Dunlop Merle T, lab, bds 83 Dewey Dunlop S E Mrs, res 83 Dewey Dunham Bessie, teacher, bds 446 Allison Dunne Laura L, nurse, Sanitarium Dunn Geo W, res So Ashland Dunn M C (Lucy), brakeman, res 31 Church Dunn M M Mrs, bds 179 Oak Dunnigan C E Mrs, bds 126 1st DuPeau W S (Joanna), plumber, res 64 Dewey Dured Allen (Susan), conductor SP Co, res 120 4th Duty Fred, miner, bds 1375 Iowa Duty Maude, bds 1375 Iowa Duty M E Mrs, res 1375 Iowa DYER ARVEL F--Bds 77 Pine, Transfer Co Dyer George H, carp, bds 216 Factory Dyer H Elizabeth Mrs, (wid H Milton), res 77 Pine DYER L HUBERT--Bds 77 Pine, Transfer Co DYER TRANSFER CO--A F and L H Dyer proprs, Tel 21 E
Easterly Henry (Anna), fruit grower, res 527 TerraceEasterling Emerson, student, bds 400 Beach Easterling John M (Artie), orchardist, res 400 Beach Easterling Ollie, elec, bds 400 Beach Easterling Pearl, bds 400 Beach EASTERN SUPPLY CO--M N Woods propr, 292 E Main, Tel 57 Eastlic W W, res 122 Helman Eastman Herbert G (Mildred H), clk PO, res 71 Scenic Drive Eastman Wesley S (Mamie), eng SP Co, res 135 B EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET--Ashland Meat Co proprs, 395 E Main, Tel 188 EAST SIDE PHARMACY--303 E Main, J J McNair propr, Tel 51 Eatinger Hulda Mrs, bds 770 Iowa Eaton Beryl, lab, bds 662 A Eaton Enid, bds 662 A Eaton Glen, lab, bds 662 A Eaton Hazel, bds 662 A Eaton T S (Della S), trucker SP Co, res 140 Lincoln Eaton Willard S (Evelyn), helper roundhouse, res 662 A Ebert Lillian, bds 426 A Eccleston Fred, carp, bds 253 3rd Eccleston Jennie Mrs, res 253 3rd EDINGTON M C--Insurance, res 43 Church Edington Robert P, bds 43 Church Edwards Dorman D (Iva), minister, res 468 C Edwards Ernestine, teacher, bds 344 E Main Edwards R P (Laura B), res 72 Laurel Edwards S G (Eunice C), res 815 Oak Eggers Alice, student, bds Mrs S G Eggers Eggers S G Mrs, res Guthrie ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO--S J Jordan propr, Electric Supplies, Fixtures, Motor Dynamos, Wiring, etc, 207 E Main, Tel 80 Elhart Homer H, Poley & Elhart, bds 108 Nursery Eliason C Ross, wood dealer, res 47 Laurel ELKS TEMPLE--255 E Main Ellis W N (Vyviene), eng SP Co, res 4 Beach ELMER W J (Harriet)--Job Printer, res 523 N Main ELMORE H G (Edith L)--Briggs & Elmore, res 150 N Main Embree Elmer G (Minnie), wks Ashland Mill, res 21 4th Emery Harry C (Maycel), bkpr First Nat Bank, res 117 Helman Emery Hazel, bds 110 Mechanic Emery Henry S (Alwilda C), pattern maker, res 110 Mechanic Emery Melvin (Vada), painter, res 114 Mechanic Emery Nina, bds 110 Mechanic ENDERS CASH STORE--Enders & Sons proprs, 264-266-268 E Main, Clothing Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnishings, Millinery, Cloaks and Suits, Tel 7 ENDERS HENRY G JR (Aimee)--Enders & Sons, res 123 B ENDERS HENRY G SR (Jennie)--Enders & Sons, res 383 E Main Enders John, bds 383 E Main Engle A L Mrs, res 534 Blvd ENGLE FRED (Grace)--Asst Cashier Citizens Bank, res 534 Blvd Engle Gertrude, prin West Side School, bds 534 Blvd English Charles S (Lillian), fruit grower, res 435 Terrace Erickson Arthur, bds 555 Fairview Erickson Florence, teacher, bds 555 Fairview Erickson Irene, student, bds 555 Fairview Erickson Nels (Mary), miner, res 555 Fairview Ersley J Paul (Ruth), carp SP Co, res 363 Laurel Espy, I E Mrs, bds 477 Allison Estes Edward A (Leona L), real estate, res 333 N Main Estes Helen, student, bds 333 N Main Estes Ruth, student, bds 333 N Main Eubanks G Archibald, bds 291 Wimer EUBANKS GEORGE G (Amanda)--Cashier State Bank of Ashland, res 291 Wimer Evans David (Anna M), res 88 Wimer Evans Delbert, lab, bds 88 Wimer Evans Ellis H, fireman SP Co, bds 626 B Evans H S, bds 115 Fork Evans M Julia Mrs, res 626 B Evans Nellie E, bds 219 Upper Almond Evans Robert D, lab, bds 88 Wimer Everton Walter (Rowena), eng SP Co, res 585 Allison EWAUNA CIGAR STORE--H H Hosler propr, Tel 103 Ewer Howard E (Adell), res 744 Iowa F
A J Pierce propr, 482 BFarlow Edward J (Mary D), res 131 Church Farlow Elbert J, bds 131 Church Farmer Alta, bds 87 3rd Farmer John (Alice), farmer, res Rogue River Orchard Co, Talent Lane Farmer Laura, clk Enders & Sons, bds 87 3rd Farmer Phillip, bds J Farmer Farnham Clarence, gardener, res 349 N Main Farquhar R W (Etta B), minister, res 469 Blvd Farrer Clyde W, Vienna Bakery, res 715 Penn Farrer W A, bds 715 Penn Faulk Roger E, bds 28 Morton Faulk Walter A (Lucy V), yardman SP Co, res 28 Morton Fennel John, gardener, res 424 Helman Fenton Nina, clk 5-10-15 Store Ferguson James C (Jessie), eng inspr SP Co, res 184 B Ferren J A (Eva), eng SP Co, res 137 7th Fetch F H, res 540 Holly Fewel James M (Jennie), tmstr, res 264 Mechanic Fiddler E W (Mamie), brakeman, 72 5th Fielding Harriet C Mrs, res 143 Granite Finley Irving (Bertha), res 361 Scenic Drive Finneran Andrew (Margaret), section foreman SP Co, res 8th and A Finneran Elizabeth, student, bds 8th and A Finneran John, student, bds 8th and A Finneran Leo, student, bds 8th and A Finneran Mamie, student, bds 8th and A FIRST NATIONAL BANK--E V Carter, Pres, C H Vaupel Vice-Pres, J W McCoy Cashier, E Main, sw cor 1st, Tel 102 FLACKUS EDWARD W (Hilda M)--Clk Shasta Grocery, res 155 8th Flackus Wm (Cynthia), clk Shasta Grocery, res 872 B Flagg Will H (Nellie), res 77 5th Folk E D (Della), car inspr SP Co, res 76 Lincoln Foltz Frank S (Odessa L), storekeeper SP Co, res 268 B FORD GARAGE--F L Camps propr, Austin Hotel Bldg Forgey Ed, section hand, res 265 3rd Foss C P, res 26 S Pioneer Foster Charles J (Clara A), grader, res 294 Oak Foster W D (Gussie), shoe clk Enders & Sons, res 134 Manzanita Fowler D E (F S), res 156 3rd FOWLER LILLIAN E DR--Payne Bldg, Tel 5, res 156 3rd Fox David F, res 244 Hargadine Fox Sarah Mrs, res 96 Laurel Fraley C W (Sarah), st commissioner, res 311 Mountain Fraley Earl, teacher, bds 311 Mountain Fraley Milton, student, bds 311 Mountain Fraley Ralph, student, bds 311 Mountain Freeman A Bert, Postal Clerk, bds 145 Scenic Drive Freeman Charles, bds 261 Oberlin Freeman Ethel, bds 261 Oberlin Freeman Mary Mrs, res 261 Oberlin Frizell Charles F, farmer, bds 243 Maple Frizell S F Mrs, res 243 Maple Frohbach H O (E Lucile), fruit processor, res 93 Bush Frost G M, res Chestnut Frost J, res end Wimer Frulin LeMont, student, bds 661 B Frulin Walter (Lily), conductor SP Co, res 661 B Fulgham Anna Mrs, res 366 B Fulgham Ernest, bds 366 B Fulgham Joseph, bds 366 B Fuller James E (Emma H), res 150 N Main G
Gage Cornelius C, bds 543 MountainGage Mary T Mrs, res 543 Mountain Gailey H C (Rose), bkpr, 570 Fairview Gaines J T (Willetta), fruit grower, res 575 Liberty Gaines Orval, bds 575 Liberty Gaines Zelma, student, bds 575 Liberty Galbraith James (Elizabeth), lab, res 136 Sherman Gall C C, bds 256 High Gall E E, res Blvd Ganiere Charles (Sophia), res 148 Wimer Ganiere George H (Myrtle R), butter mkr Ashland Creamery, res 125 Nob Hill Gard Ezra C (Ida M), lumberman, res 926 Blvd Gard Glenn, student, bds 926 Blvd Gard Reta, student, bds 926 Blvd Garrett P C (Anna), brakeman SP Co, res 765 Blvd Garrett Robert (Ellen), res 59 Manzanita Gearhart Harvey H (Agnes), farmer, res Walker av Gerwin Adolph (Florence), Home Laundry, res 248 Laurel Gibson J R, fruit grower, bds 145 Scenic Drive Giddings E E Mrs, res 107 N Main Gill Desmond, student, bds 315 N Pioneer Gill W D (Mertes), conductor SP Co, res 315 Pioneer GILLETTE CHARLES H (Elizabeth)--Recorder City Hall, res 79 High Gillette Hugo H (Belle), yardmaster SP Co, res 25 Gresham Gillette Louis, bds 25 Gresham Gillette M L Mrs, res 92 Church Gilmore Henry G (Cynthia A S), music teacher, res 283 Scenic Drive Glendenning Essie, bds 280 Palm Glendenning W E (Winnie), Bureau Entomology, res 280 Palm Glick C W, res 129 Granite Glick Orval (Mary), res 234 Avery Glieve L G (Frances), clk, res 286 Vista Goble Horace Mrs, res Walker and Blvd Goetze A C (Laura E), lab, res 295 Palm GOOD DAVID G (Nettie)--Good Transfer Co, res 269 B Good Gladys, student, bds 269 B Good Guy (Edith), Good Transfer Co, res 14 Beach Good L D (Nettie L), hostler SP Co, res 263 7th Good Pearl, nurse, bds 269 B Goodman Ralph C (Elizabeth T), train clerk, res 237 C Goodyear Mary J Mrs, res 134 Church Goodwyn T J, bds 97 Pine Gorham N W (Barbara), brakeman SP Co, res 371 Mountain Gorman A Mrs, res 366 Granite Gorman Lulu, clk Home Bakery, bds 366 Granite Goudy Wellington H (Harriet C), W H Goudy Co, res 156 Union Graham A D, res 303 N Main Graham J A, Patterson Orchard Co, res 303 N Main Grainger Emma E Mrs, res 298 Hargadine Grainger G M (Kate), carp, res 35 Granite Grainger Maynie, bds 298 Hargadine GRANITE CITY HOSPITAL--Susie E Arnold Supt, Blvd nr Palm av, Tel 133 Grant Sina Mrs, res 103 Laurel Graves Amos A, So Ashland Graves Phillip (Margaret), supt Lithia Park, res 242 Granite Gray Charles A (Agnes M), farmer, res 1372 Iowa Greenman D L, bds 31 Church Greenman Eugene F (Mabel), carpet weaver, res 1304 Quincy GREER BERT R (Lillian)--Editor Ashland Tidings, res 614 Blvd Greer Eleanor, bds 614 Blvd Greer Lillian, bds 614 Blvd Greer T J (Jennie), miner, res 147 Church Greer Vivian, bds 614 Blvd Gregg Dwight, bds 126 Wightman GREGG GRANT W--Physician and Surgeon, Payne Bldg, res 126 Wightman Gregg Marian, bds 126 Wightman Gregory A R Mrs, res 105 Pioneer GRIEVE E R (Catherine)--Grieve Cigar Store, res 123 High GRIEVE'S CIGAR STORE--15½ E Main, E R Grieve propr, Tel 124 Griffin J M Mrs, bds 155 5th Grisez Cecil, bds 114 3rd Grisez Mary K, res 207 Vista Grisez Percy, auto dealer, bds 114 3rd Grisez P M (Mary O), farmer, res 114 3rd Grover Mary, bds 21 4th Grubb Amy, Tidings Office, bds 762 A Grubb Eunice, student, bds 762 A Grubb J L Jr, lab, bds 762 A Grubb J L (Mary E), res 762 A Grubb Millard W, Postal Clerk, bds 762 A Grubb Wayne N (Anna E), farmer, res end E Main Grubb W C (Ivy), stationary fireman, res 170 Mountain Guiley Paul (Dora), eng, res Pioneer Gunter Clyde, student, bds 715 N Main Gunter Gerald, asst fruit inspr, bds 715 N Main Gunter Myra, teacher, bds 715 N Main Gunter S C (Sarah), tel opr, res 715 N Main Gustafson Oscar (Hilda), res 305 Granite H
Hach Calvin, lab, bds 515 LibertyHach Everett, lab, bds 515 Liberty Hach Ruby, bds 515 Liberty Hach R W (Elizabeth), farmer, res 515 Liberty Hadfield Ed (Violet), mail carrier, res 448 Helman Hadfield F E Jr (Mary F), res 151 Coolidge Haight Charles, SP Co roundhouse, res 525 E Main Haines J (Sadie), gardener, res 477 Laurel Haines Mellie Mrs, res 126 1st Haight Verna D, bds 525 E Main Hake G W (Hannah), fire warden, res 419 Willow Hake Stanley, driver Ashland Ice & Storage Co, bds 419 Willow Hale A L (Mary C), res 401 Beach Hale Bernice, bds 423 Mountain Hale Ethel, student, bds 423 Mountain Hale R E (Clara), fireman, res 885 E Main Hale R S (Mary), eng SP Co, res 60 5th Hale W G (Azalia), janitor High School, res 423 Mountain Hall Ada F Mrs, bds 129 Laurel Hall Alex (Maggie), cook, res 42 3rd Hall A W (Alma), moulder, res 152 Helman Hall E K (Mary I), res 564 Liberty Hall Lillian M, bds 107 6th Hall Margaret J (wid John C), res 119 3rd HALL T A DR--Swedenburg Bldg Halley Maude, clk, bds 87 3rd Halley Susan Mrs, res 87 3rd Hammett Frank (Eva), mechanic, res 80 S Pioneer Hammond Marguerite, student, bds 42 2nd Hammond P K Rev (Emily M), Vicar Episcopal Church, res 42 2nd Hammond V W, student, bds 42 2nd Hardy Arthur V (Sadie L), bkpr Ashland Creamery, res 31 Gresham Hardy Fannie Mrs, res 650 Ashland Hardy J H, clk Enders & Sons Hargadine C H (Carrie E), lab, res 144 2nd Hargadine George (Beatrice), res 124 Alida Hargrove Anna E, milliner, bds cor B and Pioneer Hargrove Eleanor Mrs, res cor B and Pioneer Hargrove Millinery, Anna E Hargrove propr, tel 131 Harner J L (E Jennie), res 303 Oak Harrell Alfred, fireman, bds 1177 Iowa Harrell J B (Ella M), frmn stamp mill, res 1177 Iowa Harrell Ramona, nurse, bds 1177 Iowa Harrell Reed, student, bds 1177 Iowa Harrington E W (Bertie), fireman, res 90 7th Harrington J H (Myrtle), lineman, res 95 Dewey Harris Carl (Fay), switchman, res 660 B Harris C A, farmer, res Guthrie Harris Mary S, bds 685 Blvd Harris M E (Isabel), res 675 Blvd Harris Ralph, student, bds 660 B Harris R S Mrs, res 546 Holly Harrison H A (Helena), res 123 Oberlin HARRISON N H--Ashland Vulcanizing Works, bds 123 Oberlin Hart J C (Pearl), car inspr SP Co, res 455 Mountain Hart Julius (Christina), res 550 Allison Hartley Ada, dressmaker, bds 116 Nob Hill Hartley V A Mrs, res 116 Nob Hill Harvey A L Mrs, res 237 B Hash Charles, bds 937 Oak Hash H (Lottie), gardener, res 937 Oak Hash May, teacher, bds 937 Oak Hash Walter (Mary), drayman, res 124 Ohio Haskins Edith, bds Paul Guiley Haskins J W (N L), drayman, res 220 Garfield Hast Alice, student, bds 111 Laurel Hast Charles (Inez), assayer, res 111 Laurel Hast Stewart, student, bds 111 Laurel Hastings Jean, barber, bds 50 3rd Hastings R W (Laura), barber, res 50 3rd Hatch B H (Matilda C), res 217 Granite Hatcher Clarence, clk Enders Store, bds 215 Gresham Hatcher John W (Mattie N), lab, res 215 Gresham Hathaway E S, bds 156 Manzanita Hathaway J M, bds 156 Manzanita Hawks Bert, bds 111 Nursery Hawks S A (Bettie), res 111 Nursery HAWLEY MAUDE DR--Chiropractor, First National Bank Bldg Hayes Ella, bds 248 2nd Hayes Shell (Ella), track walker SP Co, res 248 2nd Hays Augustus H (Anna), res 487 Scenic Drive Hays Estelle, bds 487 Scenic Drive Hays L D (Eunice), mechanic, res 244 Mechanic Hays Wimer, lab, res 487 Scenic Drive Heath Ed E (Orra), car inspr SP Co, res 1023 E Main Heath Fred Mrs, wks Home Laundry Hecker Charles (Ethel), cigar maker, res 6 Beach Hedberg Agnes, student, bds 90 2nd Hedberg Elwood, student, bds 90 2nd Hedberg G H (Sarah L), lineman SP Co, res 90 2nd Hedgpeth V V (A Winifred), cashier freight depot, res 107 7th Helman Baths, O O Helman propr, ft Laurel Helman B F, taxi driver, bds 192 Mechanic Helman J K (Grace), res 440 N Main Helman Otis O (Emma), propr Helman Baths, res cor Otis and Laurel Helman Ray E, plumber, bds 363 Helman Hendricks James (Lizzie), drayman, res 258 3rd Hengstler Julia Mrs, res 49 4th Hensey George (Annie), gardener, res 384 Helman Hensley Anna E Mrs, res 140 Nursery Herbert A W (Sarah P), fruit grower, res 1001 N Main Herbert Violet, bds 1001 N Main Herndon Agnes Mrs, res 262 Hargadine Herr L H, cook Vienna Bakery Herricks Burton, bds 630 Blvd Herricks L W (Effie), jeweler, res 630 Blvd Herricks Luella, bds 630 Blvd Herrin John H, res 343 N Main Hibbs Irene, wks Home Laundry Hibbs J Francis, bds 20 Lincoln Hibbs W M (Nellie), brick mason, res 20 Lincoln Hicks Blanch, bds 788 Penn Hicks Ernest (Eliza), plumber, res 551 N Main Hicks Ernestine, student, bds 551 N Main Hicks J M, res 788 Penn Hicks Wright, lineman, bds 551 N Main Higdon Pearl Mrs, res 122 Helman Higgins E M Mrs, res 162 Alida Hill T W (Estella), real estate, res 400 Morton Hile George (Anna), switchman, 64 3rd Hillery Beatrice Mrs, bds 290 N Main Hilty Lillian, bds 48 Gresham Hilty Louis (Teresa M), conductor SP Co, res 48 Gresham Hindman J M (Velma), tel opr, res 144 Nutley Hinthorne B H (Hattie), photographer, res 95 Scenic Drive Hoag J D (Lucinda L), res 595 Roca Hockett W M (Frances A), res 60 Granite HODGSON W D (Martha)--Hodgson & Reed, Real Estate and Loans, res 117 Laurel Hodgson & Reed, 337 E Main, real estate Hogue Ernest W (Jennie), farmer, res 500 Ashland Hogue Grace, bds 391 Beach Hogue P N (Alice M), res 391 Beach Holley G B (Styles), farmer, res 219 Granite Holmes C I, res near Normal Holmes Harley, student, bds 77 Manzanita HOLMES HOSEA P (Grace)--Holmes Bros Grocers, res 77 Manzanita Holmes Lovila, student, bds 117 High Holmes Marie, asst librarian, bds 117 High HOLMES W B (Mattie)--Holmes Bros Grocers, res 117 High Holmes Will, clk Holmes Bros, bds 77 Manzanita Hoots Oscar (M), cook, res 940 B Hopkins Jessie, bds Ed Lucas Horr M E, miner, res 71 Laurel Hosley Charles (Henrietta), res 171 B Hosier Earl R (Laura), Water Commissioner, res Pioneer Hosler Harry H (Grace B), janitor WS School, res 330 Almond Hosley Roy E (Mildred), brakeman SP Co, res 145 3rd HOSLEY WM H (Ella)--Ashland-Klamath Exchange, res 156 Mechanic Hottenstine A D (Laura), miner, res 130 Helman Howard C C (Lavina), eng, res 85 Union Howard Louisa Mrs, res 480 Mountain Howard O G (Lulu), res 502 Fairview Howard Ollie, bds 480 Mountain Howell E W (Maude M), res 296 Maple Howell Kate Mrs, res 140 Factory Hubbard B C, contractor, res 356 Laurel Hubbard Dora L Mrs, bds 323 Granite Hubbard Ralph S (Audrey), brakeman SP Co, res 356 Laurel Hudson F W, carp, bds 338 Scenic Drive Hughes T R (Martha), farmer, res 347 Beach Humphrey C H Mrs, res 463 B Humphrey L L, lab, res 299 Scenic Drive Humphrey R N, lab, res 299 Scenic Drive Humphrey W I, (Hanna), SP Co car shops, res 161 4th Hunt E B, fruit grower, res 309 Harrison HUNTER J B--Sec Ashland Fruit and Produce Assn, res 3 m e city Huntley Marion, bds 105 Pine Hurst O E (Mary), carp, res 437 Beach Hurt E J Mrs, bds 531 Scenic Drive Hurt J B (Dessa), fruit grower, res 531 Scenic Drive Hurt J C (Pearl), res 361 Mountain I
Icenhower J B (Laura), second-hand goods, res 148 MechanicInlow C V (Delia), lab, res 78 Mountain Inlow Gladys, bds 881 E Main Inlow Jessie, bds 881 E Main IOOF Hall, 51 N Main Irwin Adam I (Sadie J), constable, res 156 N Main J
Jack Emma L Mrs, res 355 Scenic DriveJacker M (Mary), mechanic, res 375 Otis JACKSON CO ABSTRACT CO--G H Yoe Mngr, 70 N Main, Tel 206 Jackson D F (Cora), fruit grower, res 215 Nutley Jackson D H, farmer, 1 m n city James Irma Mrs, bds 131 N Main James Mary J Mrs, bds 431 N Main James R H, res 167 Church Jarvis Anita, bds 283 High JARVIS GEORGE O (Jessie)--Physician and Surgeon, office Sanitarium, res 151 Wimer, Tel 470-J Jarvis Gladys, bds 283 High Jarvis J W, res 283 High Jasman E M Mrs, res 546 Holly Jay Ezra (Sarah J), res 48 Oberlin Jenkins Emma, bds 137 Oak JENKINS G C--Mngr Gas Co, res 116 High Jenkins George (Caroline), eng, res 137 Oak Jennings Bonnia, student, bds 1116 Iowa Jennings Eldon D (Ida), hostler SP Co, res 1116 Iowa Jeter M Mrs, res 462 B Jeter W E (Sarah R), Rooming House, res 386 B Jillson A D (Alice), clk, res 578 Iowa Jillson C R, bds 578 Iowa Jillson Mayme, clk, bds 578 Iowa Johnson Albert (Mary), res 600 Walnut Johnson Anna Mrs, res 143 Nutley Johnson Bernie Mrs, Christian Science Practitioner, res 137 N Main Johnson Cassious (L M), shoemaker, res 118 High Johnson Claire, stengr, bds 308 N Main Johnson Effie, milliner, bds 476 N Main JOHNSON F H (Lillian B)--Dentist, res 146 Manzanita Johnson Gus, cook Hotel Austin Johnson Ira (Sadie), bds 476 N Main Johnson J K (Mary S), res 399 Mountain Johnson John, res Willow Johnson Lena, res Willow Johnson Lorain, teacher, bds 137 N Main Johnson Lulu, dressmaker, bds 476 N Main Johnson Mary Mrs, res 216 Meade JOHNSON'S JEWELRY STORE--O H Johnson propr, 150 N Main, Tel 347-J Johnson Otis H (Mattie A), jeweler, res 308 N Main Johnson Ray (Ella), res 176 Harrison Johnson W L, res 476 N Main Johnson Wm (Nancy P), Pastor Presbyterian Church, res 347 Almond Jones C R D (Rebecca S), eng SP Co, res 203 Mountain Jones Dorothy, student, bds 203 Mountain JONES E V (Anna B)--Jones Garage, res 363 Helman Jones Estelle, music teacher, bds 480 Liberty Jones George W (Emma), farmer, res 562 Fairview Jones John H, student, bds 662 Fairview Jones Price (Martha A), res 480 Liberty Jordan Frank (Mabel), contractor, res 227 Granite Jordan P C (Lydia), elec, res 1098 Iowa Jordan W F (Goldie), city elec, res 19 Granite Jorfetz Emma, bds 486 Blvd Joy Albert C (Beulah M), fruit grower, res Blvd ¼ m e city Judy T W Mrs, bds 748 Blvd K
Kaiser Armeda Mrs, teacher, res 172 AlidaKAISER EDWARD J--Postmaster, res 172 Alida Kaiser Emil, bds 172 Alida Kaiser Lillian, teacher, bds 172 Alida Kaiser Mary Mrs, bds 172 Alida Keegan P H (Mayme), helper SP Co, res 1401 Blvd Keene G W, Ashland Barber Shop Keene Walter (Shirley), eng, res Memorial Hall Keller (Fannie E), conductor SP Co, res 606 Allison Keller Ivern, student, bds 606 Allison Keller Leota I, bds 606 Allison Keller Robert, student, bds 606 Allison Kelsey W E, carp, res 457 Holly Kentnor S A Mrs, res 188 Factory Kenyon E E (Emma), res e s Ashland Section 10 Kenyon Gladys, bds E E Kenyon Kerney Pearl Mrs, res 138 3rd Kerr Azalea, student, bds 1319 Quincy Kerr Joe (Harriet R), gardener, res 1319 Quincy Ketchum G H (Elizabeth), eng, res 75 Helman Ketten M (Florence), wks Gas Co, res 29 Pioneer King George W (Mary), fruit grower, res 108 Nutley King Otis (Stella), res 460 B King John H (Grace), wks SP Co, res 283 B Kingsbury C S Mrs, res 159 Laurel KINNEY ALBERT E (Mabel W)--Beebe & Kinney, res 55 Granite Kinsman M M Mrs, res 162 S Pioneer Kirkpatrick John M (Cornelia G), farmer, res end Leonard Kirshbaum M G, res 129 Almond Kittridge Walter (Maude), cattleman, res 309 Scenic Drive Kleinhammer Claus (Frances), res 287 Morton Klum C W (Jane), conductor SP Co, res 823 Blvd Klum Harriet Mrs, bds 823 Blvd Koehler Emma, bds 447 Scenic Drive Koehler J F (Anna), carp, res 447 Scenic Drive Koehler Samuel, lab, bds 447 Scenic Drive Kohagen J A, notions, 279 E Main, rms same Knutzen Charles, lab, bds 519 Mountain Knutzen C J (Leona), lab, res 519 Mountain Knutzen Lottie, bds 519 Mountain KRAMER GEORGE N (Beryle N)--Agt Southern Pacific, res 332 Hargadine L
Lafferty T C (Ruby), fireman SP Co, res 928 BLamb A L (Lydia J), contractor, res 343 Mountain Lambkin C B (M Etta), real estate, res 125 Oak Lance C E, res 148 Laurel Laughlin Jack (Ida), res 176 Mechanic, furnished rooms Lane Clarence E (Minnie), agt Grand Union Tea Co, res 148 Laurel Lane E J, West Ashland Lane Floyd M, blacksmith, bds 582 Allison Lane W M (Elizabeth), res 582 Allison Larder George, section hand, bds 323 Laurel Larder West (Mary), res 323 Laurel Leavitt Alice, bds 440 Chestnut Leavitt Amy D, bds 440 Chestnut Leavitt Grace M, bds 440 Chestnut Leavitt Henry H, fruit grower, res 440 Chestnut Lefler T M (Emma), res 66 Mountain LEMERY J A (Olive)--Atty at Law, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans, Stocks and Bonds, 300 E Main, res 58 Alida Lemley Edward (Ada), farmer, res 321 Hargadine Leonard Ralph W (Grace A), bldg contractor, res 143 Nutley Lewis G N (Agnes), brakeman SP Co, res 56 Church Lidstrom Francis, res 131 Ohio Lindsay Margaret, res 57 Church Lindsay Wm, bds 996 Oak LITHIA BAKERY--180 E Main, Light Lunches Served, Reinhart & Taylor, Proprs, All Our Bread Made of Lithia Water Livingston A G (Maude M), eng SP Co, res 1165 E Main Long A M (Effie), plumber, res 130 8th Long Arthur, bds 130 8th Long Ezra, bds 130 8th Long Frank, lab, bds 346 Helman Long John A (Nellie), res 498 Oak Long Martha Mrs, bds 111 Nursery Long M N (M Anna), res 323 Granite Long O W (Eliza), pass conductor, res 117 8th Long Raymond, bds 117 8th Loomis Algie, lab, bds 609 Blvd LOOMIS CHARLES L (Nellie L)--Confectionery, res 609 Blvd Loomis Clara Mrs, res 662 B Loomis Doris, student, bds 609 Blvd Loomis J J (Lenora), switchman, res 107 4th Loomis Will F (Mabel), grocer, res 249 B Loveland Carl H (Julia), music teacher, res 47 Union Lovesee Thomas, lab, bds 938 Oak Low O D, res So Ashland Lowe Amelia, bds 341 Vista Lowe George M (Teresa), drayman, res 341 Vista Lucas Ed (Cora), Gurnie Rooming House Lucey John, switchman, bds 104 3rd Lucke Gertrude Mrs, bds 391 Beach Lyman E E (Elma L), car insptr, res 266 3rd Lynch Milton T (Hattie M), drayman, res 292 Liberty Lyons D B (Elsie), foreman of inspection SP Co, res 192 Mountain Mc
McAllister George C (Minnie), Lawyer, res 143 GreshamMcAllister Ruth Mrs, res 295 Granite McCall Lydia, Gen Delivery Clerk post office, bds 153 Oak McCann A (Alice), fireman, res 62 4th McCarthy A G Mrs, res 595 N Main McClanahan Annice Mrs, bds 172 Mountain McClaren J K (Margaret), farmer, res 351 Morton McCloud A Mrs, res 550 Fairview McCoy Jane, res 424 Helman McCOY J W (Agnes G)--Cashier First National Bank, res 253 N Main McCumber Martha Mrs, bds 329 Beach McCune Joseph N (Sarah H), carp, res Lower Ashland McCurry D N (D C), lab, res 743 Oak McDaniels B E Mrs, res 55 Pine McDonald Angie, stengr, bds 148 Orange McDonald Inez, bds 247 2nd McDonald J A (S C), res 685 B McErlane Esther, bds 144 4th McErlane Lydia Mrs, res 144 4th McFarland Albert E, carpenter, res 692 B McFarland Harvey H, bds 692 B McFarland Virl, nurse, bds 692 B McGavern Mabel, bds 502 Allison McGavern S A (W), principal East Side School, res 502 Allison McGee Allen O (T Stellottie), clk Swift & Co, res 73 Pine McGee Andrew, clk Enders' Store, bds 137 1st McGee Frank, bds 2 Glenn McGee H E Mrs, bds 364 Vista McGee I M Mrs, res 137 1st McGEE JAMES H (Olive)--Propr McGee's, res 342 Vista McGee L, bds 1150 Oak McGee Myrtle, stengr, bds 137 1st McGEE'S--J H McGee propr, Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings, Elks Bldg McGruder Jennie, bds 112 B McKibber Bessie G, bds 1064 Ashland McKibber C W (Emma H), elec eng, res 1064 Ashland McKinney C K, propr The Elkhorn, res 157 Upper Laurel McKinney John D (Bertha), res 116 Lincoln McLeod Alexander (Eva), res 650 Fairview McMichael J H (Marguerite), res 733 B McMichael Lee (Olive), miner, res 132 Elizabeth McMillan Alexander (Eva), chicken raiser, res 110 8th McMillan Lillian, bds 110 8th McMillan Wm, bds 110 8th McNabb George W (Leonora B), boiler maker, res 41 5th McNair James, clk McNair Bros, bds 323 Oak McNair James J (Lulu A), res Scenic Drive nw cor Brush McNAIR SAMUEL B (Louise G)--McNair Bros, res 122 Oak McNAIR WM H (Leonora A)--McNair Bros, res 323 Oak McRay John D (Lizzie), res 567 Blvd McWilliams F G (Anna), real estate, 126 Church McWilliams Francis, teacher, bds McWILLIAMS J K--Salesman, Chevrolet, bds 126 Church M
MacCracken Chester, student, bds 217 N MainMAC CRACKEN DR GORDON (Edith B)--Res 217 N Main MacDiarmed Nellie G, bds Scenic Drive Macomber Mary Mrs, res 199 Meade MAGAZINES of All Kinds--Medford Cigar Store Mahoney Edward (Juliet), res 117 Union Maize E H (Emily), Bagley Canning Co, res 143 6th MANN F H (Louise)--Ashland Art Shop, res 111 B Marrett J O (Pearl), conductor SP Co, res 126 Nursery MARS J D (Edith)--Overland Shoe Shop, res 51 3rd Marske Albert A (Maude), eng SP Co, res 459 N Main Martin Charles C (Jennie L), dept fruit insptr, res 346 Iowa Martin Charles C (Jennie L), fruit grower, res 346 Iowa Martin James E, res 922 Blvd Martin John E, res 922 Blvd Martin Lawrence, lab, bds 346 Iowa Martin Ralph, lab, bds 346 Iowa Manx The, S B Stoner propr, E Main Mary John (Bessie), tailor, res 92 Church Mashburn John R (Lillie R), harness maker, res 63 Pine Mast C J, res 852 2nd Mastier A Mrs, dressmaker, res 108 Harrison Mastier Florence, student, bds 108 Harrison Mastier Harold, student, bds 108 Harrison Masonic Temple, N Main Mathes H G (Kate C), farmer, res 73 Granite Mathes Jennie, bds 115 N Main Mathes Mary, student, bds 73 Granite Mathes Wm Mrs, res 115 N Main Mathews Clarence, bds 112 Maple Mathews George (Jennie), lab, res 112 Maple Mattern Herman (Frederika), mining eng, res 208 Hargadine Mattingley James (Myra), res Strawberry Lane Maxedon Arthur, student, bds 977 B Maxedon J R (Ruth), news dealer, res 977 B Maxey J C, bds 748 Blvd Maxey W L (Maude), conductor SP Co, res 748 Blvd Maynard George R (Annabel), paper hanger, res 435 Guthrie MEDFORD CIGAR STORE--At corner Main and Fir. Good Smokes Merrill E T (Mary A), timber dealer, res 570 Blvd Merrill Evelyn, teacher, bds 631 Blvd Merrill Frank R (Ella S), janitor E S School, res 631 Blvd Merrill Harold, student, bds 631 Blvd Merrill K B (Hazel), res 520 Terrace Meyers Ella, bds 95 Dewey Michel Otis (Dora), res 49 4th Mickelson Victoria S C (wid Michel M), res 209 Oak Miller Beatrice, bds 366 Hargadine Miller Carrie E Mrs, res 611 Beach Miller Cassius L (Bertha I), signal service, res 74 3rd Miller E M (Sarah M), res 102 Granite MILLER EUGENE E (Lillian M)--Propr Vienna Bakery, res 137 Church Miller Joe S (Claretta), tmstr, res Avery and Blvd MILLER JOHN M (Bessie)--Bureau of Entomology, res 428 Palm Miller Jud V (Eurania), eng SP Co, res 364 Hargadine Miller O R (Ola), brakeman, res 89 Granite Miller Rose Mrs, res 102 Oak Miller Russell, bds J S Miller Miller S E Mrs, res 366 Hargadine Mills D R, res 208 E Main Mills Ella B (wid E Vernie), res 478 Blvd Mills Jessie, bds 315 Almond Mills John W (Talitha C), res 315 Almond Millican H H (Alta), res 345 Scenic Drive Million Charles C (Mattie), farmer, res 627 Oak Million Joseph T, res 540 Oak Million Mildred E, bds 603 Oak Million W B (Cora), drayman, res 603 Oak Millner G E, res Blvd Minkler David L (Carrie R), res 240 C Minor Wm (Azilda), carp, res 600 Indiana Mitchell Horace V (Cora), stockman, res 236 Mountain Mitchell Seaborn S (Carrie E), res 534 Fairview Mitchell Vernon, student, bds 236 Mountain MITCHELL WM C (Blanch M)--Mitchell & Whittle, res 75 Bush Monroe George W (Emma), car foreman SP Co, res 90 6th Monroe J Henry (Frances), farmer, res Walker and Blvd Montgomery B F (Dora), car builder SP Co, res 57 5th Moody Edith I, student, bds 107 Manzanita Moody Eugene D, switchman, bds 107 Manzanita Moody Z A (Catherine), eng, res 107 Manzanita Moody Zenas F, agt Pacific Fruit Express, bds 107 Manzanita Moore C S Mrs, bds 355 B Moore Frank W (Edith N), res 364 Vista Moore I C (Louisa), res 160 Cal Moore W E (Mabel), mail carrier, res 467 Scenic Drive MOORE WM J (Anna H)--Atty at Law, Office 4 Mills Bldg, res 290 N Main Morehouse Caribel, teacher, res 56 3rd Morehouse Sherman (Carrie E), carp, res 56 3rd Morthland Lottie, bds 1193 Blvd Moritz Fred (Elizabeth), res 475 Auburn Moritz Pearl, bds 475 Auburn Morgan J M (Kate), farmer, res 520 Mountain Morgan John, drayman, bds 257 3rd Morgan J S (Jane), SP Co yard man, res 556 B Morgan Mike (Emaline R), tmstr, res 351 N Main Morgan Ray, student, bds 520 Mountain Morgan S Martha Mrs (wid Samuel M), res 257 3rd Morris Julia Mrs, res 139 2nd Morris Rance C (Adeline), res 568 E Main Morris S R (Cora), res 122 Church Morris Thomas A, res Ayers Spur Morrison Catherine Mrs, res 1049 Ashland Morrison Elmer, bds 1049 Ashland Morse Charles L (Stella F), fruit grower, res 632 Walnut Morse J H (Maggie S), fruit grower, res 632 Walnut Morthland Albert E (Abbie E), SP Co, res 1193 Blvd Morton Alta P, bds 155 7th MORTON JOSHUA J (Lydia A)--Morton & Son, res 155 7th Morton Nellie L, bds 155 7th MORTON OLIVER O--Wks Morton & Son, bds 155 7th Mosier J B (Sarah), lumber grader, res 143 Mechanic Mowat Edwin L, student, bds 8 Beach Mowat Lynn D, reporter Tidings, bds 8 Beach Mowat William H (Janet F), mngr Postal Tel & Tel Co, res 8 Beach Muggy Angeline, bds 99 Union Mulit Francis E, bds 276 Mechanic Mulit Marietta Mrs, res 276 Mechanic MULLER ROBERT (Eunice)--Bon Ton Bakery, res 248 3rd Murphy Fern, student, bds 633 3rd Murphy G C (Alice), res 105 Pine Murphy J J (Gertrude), res 486 Blvd Murphy Ray, bds 486 Blvd Murphy Murray (Blanch), ranch Murphy Wm, res 197 Granite Murray Marcus M (Mary E), tmstr, res 872 Iowa Myer Bernice, bds 259 High Myer Wm (Annie L), res 259 High Myers Fleta, bds 753 Blvd 7 Myers James J (Emily E), res 753 Blvd Myers Ila M, teacher, bds 753 Blvd Myers Voley A (Coyla M), tel opr, res 323 Almond N
Nall O K, res 80 GraniteNatstead N N (Katie), miner, res 142 B Neeley L (Mariam), eng SP Co, res 156 7th Neil Angela, bds 502 Blvd Neil Fred (Clara), farmer, res 39 4th Neil Leander A, farmer, res 502 Blvd Neil Robert P (Ida M), stockman, res 123 Factory Nelson Emil, stockroom clk SP Co, bds 252 B Nelson Frank L (Lena), grocer, res 188 Alida Nelson Freda, nurse, The Sanitarium Nelson Frederick T (Ada B), carp, res 160 Orange Nelson J W (S J), eng SP Co, res 517 Blvd Nelson Matilda Mrs, bds 343 B Neville Alvin, student, bds H J Neville Neville Henry J (Mary), fruit grower, res 103 Strawberry Lane Neville Ira, student, bds H J Neville NEWCOMB WALTER E (Mary)--Mngr Western Union Tel Co, res 117 Nob Hill Newell Zella, waitress Hotel Austin Newland Mary L Mrs, bds 500 Holly Nichol Andrew (Matilda), lab, res 518 Iowa Nicholson L B (Lily B), eng Municipal Power Plant, res Strawberry Lane Nickerson Clifford H (Bertha W), carp, res 607 Iowa Nims Charles W (Mary), Nims & Saunders, res 125 N Main Nims & Saunders, C W Nims, S Saunders, proprs, 108 N Main Nininger Amos C (Vera), White House Grocery, res 80 S Pioneer Nisbet James (E Adelaine), Home Laundry, res 138 Pioneer Norris D D (Elizabeth), train clk, res 91 Church Nortridge E W (Ancil), lab, res 260 Orange Nortridge Maude, bds 272 Orange Nortridge Wm (Annie), res 272 Orange Norton A H Mrs, 225 B Norton Alice Mrs, bds 423 Helman Norton Cecil, student, bds 423 Helman Norton E N (Florence), dairyman, res 423 Helman Norton Gladys, student, bds 423 Helman Norton H Loleta, teacher, bds 225 B Norton Mary, student, bds 423 Helman Norwood Harold L (Julia E), linotype opr Ashland Tidings, res 475 Palm O
Obrist Alvin, bds 548 CO'Donoughue Fern, bds 335 Almond O'Donoughue Ivan, messenger, bds 335 Almond O'Donoughue Margaret E (wid Walter), res 335 Almond O'Donoughue Viva, student, bds 335 Almond Ogg George G (Minnie), res 137 N Main Olds Mabel C Mrs, res 649 E Main Olsen Caroline, bds 699 Walnut Olsen C J, fruit grower, res 699 Walnut Olsen Otto, fruit grower, res 699 Walnut O'Neal Alita Mrs, bds 778 Penn OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO--Clifford Jenkins mngr, 67 N Main, Tel 193 Orr DeWitt S, bds 309 Harrison Orr Mary Mrs, res 309 Harrison ORRES L J (Julia)--Custom Tailoring, Shirts and Underwear Made to Order, Cleaning and Pressing, Oak St, Tel 64, res 507 Palm Oslin S J (Bertha E), lab, res 123 Ohio Osmun Ruth, opr Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds 143 Mechanic Overholser L B (Pauline), pastor Church of the Brethren, res 296 Helman OVERLAND SHOE SHOP--Cor Main and Blvd, J D Mars propr Owen A C Mrs, res 166 N Main Owens George, res Mountain View Ranch P
& TEL CO--W W Ussher mngr, 11 OakPalmer E L, lab, bds 462 B Palmer E S, lab, res 462 B Palmer W E (Mary A), res 156 Lincoln Palmerlee H S (Grace), mail clk post office, res 93 Granite Parker Glenn, student, bds 773 Blvd Parker Lucinda Mrs, bds 130 8th Parker Wm, lineman, bds 59 6th Parkinson George (Hazel), baggageman, res Osborne Parman George A, carp, res 843 B Parman G G (Margaret E), res 843 B Parman P Anna, bds 843 B, ironer Home Laundry Parslow Minnie M Mrs, res 75 Wimer Parslow M Louisa Mrs, res 75 Wimer Parsley George D, mechanic SP Co, res 692 B PARSON J S DR (Olive B)--Res and office 138 N Main Parton George F (Mildred), farmer, res Indiana Patrick Orra, teacher, res 219 Upper Almond Patrick W A (Mary E), res 219 Upper Almond Patterson Elliott, bureau entomology, bds 247 2nd Patterson J T (Lizzie), lab, res 247 2nd Patterson Lillian, bds 639 N Main Patterson Rose, bds 639 N Main Patterson Sylvester (Sarah E), res 639 N Main Patten Fred (Zetta), res 167 Ohio Patton C A (Myrtle), res 396 Helman Patton W L, carp, bds 192 Mechanic PATTY JOHN F (Rose E)--Furniture and Hardware, res 345 E Main Paul W H (Beatrice), shingler, res 185 Granite ERUD OLIVER A (Everyl)--erud & Barrett, res 114 Oak ERUD & BARRETT--Ladies' and Gent's Tailoring, Official Southern Pacific Tailors, 171 E Main, Tel 119 Payne A Grace, bds 30 Granite Payne Andrew S (Bertina M), carp, res 128 Pioneer Payne Annie, student, bds 1410 Blvd Payne Clark, student, bds 1410 Blvd Payne C T (Elizabeth), res 508 N Main Payne C T Jr (Estella), drayman, res 1410 Blvd Payne Doretha, student, bds 128 Pioneer Payne E Clifford, carp, bds 30 Granite Payne Fred, student, bds 128 Pioneer Payne Homer, student, bds 1410 Blvd Payne Lyman E (Lucy E), res 30 Granite Peachey A H (Nettie), farmer, res 100 Lincoln Peachey Lee, student, bds 100 Lincoln Peachey Nelle, teacher, bds 100 Lincoln Peffley Orpha, bds 571 Chestnut Peil Emil (Grace), res 52 Granite Pellett George W, bds 322 Wimer Pellett Harry (Grace), Ford agent, res 31 B Pellencer J R, West Ashland Pelton Lottie L Mrs, res 228 B Penniston Charles W, gardener, res Indiana Penniston F H, Penniston Granite Co, res 200 Helman Penniston Frederick S, gardener, res Indiana Penniston S, Penniston Granite Co, res 200 Helman Penniston W B, Penniston Granite Co, res 200 Helman Pepper W S (Alice), res 495 Beach PEROZZI DOMINGO (Louise)--Propr Ashland Creamery, res 88 Granite Perrin C J (Marie), res 111 Coolidge Perrin J D Mrs, res 129 5th Perry Ida Mrs, res 563 N Main Perry Nellie, bds 400 Liberty Peters S A (Nellie), farmer, Blvd cor Walker Philpott J H (Opal), brakeman SP Co, res 192 Harrison Phillips G Fay, student, bds 1068 E Main Phillips Lena A Mrs, res 1068 E Main Phillips L R, clk Enders & Sons Phillips Reuben (Matilda A), ice mkr Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 435 Granite Phillips Winifred, bds 435 Granite Phipps Edward E (Edith), real estate, res 113 Pine Phipps Ivan, student, bds 113 Pine Phipps John C, lab, bds 113 Pine Phipps Troy, student, bds 113 Pine Pierce C H Mrs, bds 123 Oberlin Pinkerton F W Mrs, res 743 E Main Pinnion Lily, bds 64 Gresham Pinnion Miles, res 517 Iowa PIPES AND TOBACCO--Medford Cigar Store. Corner Main and Fir Pittman I D, plumber, res 324 Terrace Pittman Ira L, student, bds 324 Terrace PLAZA GROCERY--Cor Water & N Main, C E Sams propr, Tel 78 Plumadore Mae, waitress Hotel Austin, bds 162 Pioneer Plumerth Maria Mrs, res 164 6th Plymale Morris, wks SP Co, bds 563 N Main POHLAND H F (Augusta C)--Pres Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 678 Blvd Poley C J, conductor SP Co, bds 784 A POLEY DRUG CO--Poley & Elhart proprs, 17 E Main, Tel 209 Poley Joseph (Josephine), farmer, 385 B Poley Minnie, bds 385 B Poley Wilmer M (Georgiana), druggist, res 64 Gresham Poole Mary Mrs, res 356 Avery Poor Herbert, bds 78 3rd Poor Joseph C (Essie S), eng SP Co, res 78 3rd Porter Caleb O (Minnie), conductor SP Co, res 143 8th Porter Caroline E Mrs, res 36 2nd Porter Charles O, bds 143 8th Porter C I J (Minnie), mechanic SP Co, res 267 Maple Porter Edith G, milliner, bds 36 2nd Porter Frank J, brakeman SP Co, bds 143 8th Porter Fred E (Alice), fruit grower, res 223 Maple Porter I F (Celia), farmer, res 95 Coolidge Porter Riley C (Jessica), Chief of Police, res 403 Palm Porter Ruth, teacher, bds 223 Maple POSTAL TEL & TEL CO--W H Mowat mngr, 37 E Main, Tel 29 Potter Catherine, rooming house, res 4th and B Potter Cecil D, bds 30 2nd Potter E A, fruit grower, res 559 Scenic Drive Potter Ellis, lab, bds 471 Mountain Potter Elsie, bds 471 Mountain Potter Frank (Ida A), carp, res 471 Mountain Potter Glenn, student, bds 471 Mountain Potter Grace, bds 471 Mountain Potter Lillie, bds S A Potter Potter Ralph E, gardener, bds 30 2nd Potter Wm R (Rosetta), res 30 2nd Powell Alden, bds 281 Oak Powell Allie (Rosie), res 462 A Powell Benjamin L (Lulia M), painter, res 196 Nutley Powell D Sherman (Lillian A), contractor, res 281 Oak POWELL THADDEUS L (Laura M)--Cigars and Confections, res Oak and Mechanic Powell Walter P (Elizabeth), res 606 Iowa PRACHT A HUMBOLDT (Susie)--Mngr Natatorium, res 234 Vista Pracht Max (Mary), fruit grower, Euclid av nr Harrison Pracht Maxine, bds M Pracht Pracht Wm, bds M Pracht Prescott Charles, bds 527 Chestnut Prescott Clarence (Anna), carp, res 435 B Prescott G C (Grace), res 475 Chestnut Prescott Herbert, student, bds 527 Chestnut Prescott Winfred (Mary R), fruit grower, res 527 Chestnut Price Mary E, bds 122 Laurel PROVOST BROS--J Henry and P Sylvain proprs, 38 E Main, Hardware Provost Flora, student, bds 264 Oak PROVOST J HENRY (Blanch)--Provost Bros Hdwe, res 109 Vista Provost Laura, bds 264 Oak Provost Lena, student, bds 264 Oak Provost P, res 264 Oak PROVOST P SYLVAIN (Lillian)--Provost Bros Hdwe, 95 Meade PURUCKER HERMAN O (Lilla)--Agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, res 123 Pioneer Purves A M Mrs, bds 661 Iowa Purves A R (Angela), res 186 Wightman PURVIS NELLIE--Nurse Sanitarium, res same Putnam F L (Myrtle), tmstr, res 166 Hargadine Pygal Helen, bds 259 Laurel R
Radcliff Esther Mrs, res 144 4thRadcliff Wm A, wks Ashland Iron Wks, bds 144 4th Ramsey Amy, bds 338 Scenic Drive Ramsey Charles, farmer, res 338 Scenic Drive Ramsey W Sherman (Susie M), bridge worker, res 140 Orange Rasor Earl L (Bernice), res 337 Scenic Drive Rauley Callie, bds 248 5th Reader L E Mrs, res 71 Gresham Redifer Audrey, student, bds 264 7th Redifer G W (Ada), car insptr SP Co, res 264 7th Reed M A Mrs, res 759 Palm REED M C (RUTH L)--Real Estate, res 67 Scenic Drive. Reed Violet, clk Crowson's Reed Violet, bds B Morris Reese H F, ranch Reese Walter Mrs, bds 156 8th Reeder T T (Rebecca), gardener, res 886 Oak Reeder Wallace, bds 886 Oak Reives A V (Effie L), conductor SP Co, res 66 2nd Rehn Charles (Adelaide), brakeman SP Co, res 259 B Reno E A Mrs (wid Louis K), res 371 Gresham Reno Horace V, bds 371 Gresham Reno J K, fireman, bds 371 Gresham Reynolds Forest, student, bds 397 Guthrie Reynolds Leola, student, bds 397 Guthrie Reynolds Z Z (Hattie), fruit grower, res 397 Guthrie Rice James M, fruit grower, res 608 Terrace Richards A S Mrs, res 47 5th Richards C A, civil eng, bds 47 5th Rickman Minnie, bds 166 N Main Riel George, cook Hotel Austin Rigdon Effie, cook Columbia Cafe Riggs J D (Anna), Bureau Entomology, res 239 2nd Riley Russell D, opr Postal Tel & Tel Co, bds Columbia Hotel Ritzinger Fred, bds 1360 Ashland Ritzinger Nick (Theresa), lab, res 1360 Ashland Roach Earl (Elizabeth), drayman, res 168 Meade Roach Lita Mrs, bds 763 B Roberson E E (Luella), piano tuner, res 1228 E Main Roberts Chester, Curt's Restaurant, bds 400 Beach ROBERTS CURTIS W (Lela M)--Propr Curts Restaurant, res 111 3rd Roberts Emma J (wid George C), res 400 Liberty Roberts Glenellen, student, bds 343 Mountain Roberts J T (Lou), lab, res 156 5th ROBERTS L A (Mabel A)--Atty at Law, res 197 Morton. Roberts L L, res 565 Allison Roberts Robert (E), lab, res Elizabeth Roberts Rowena, bds 197 Morton Roberts Wm, res Avery ROBERTSON CHARLES (Nell)--White House Grocery, res 84 Garfield Robertson J R (Grace M), farmer, res 340 Almond Robison George M (Anna M), Fire Chief, res 110 Laurel Robison Merle (Fern), mechanic, res 112 Nob Hill Rocho John F (Maude), res 115 Granite Rogers Charles H (Nellie), car insptr SP Co, res 943 Oak Rogers Jennie C Mrs, res 345 Iowa Rogers Levi W (Catherine), farmer, res 983 Oak Rogers Wm L (Josephine), barber, res 334 Almond ROGUE RIVER BARBER SHOP--Clyde Castolo propr, 175 E Main. Rondeau Jennie Mrs, bds 550 Fairview Root Charles W (Virginia M), res 325 N Main Rorick Loretta Mrs, bds 137 Upper Almond ROSE BROS CONFECTIONERY--C R and H Rose proprs, 145 E Main. Rose Charles R (Laura), Rose Bros, res 550 E Main Rose G R Mrs, bds 117 Upper Almond Rose G W (Gladys S), cond SP Co, res 492 Allison Rose O Howard (Delia M), Rose Bros, res 3 Hillcrest Rosecrans F E (Bessie), lab, res 157 Mechanic Rouse Rance, porter Hotel Austin Routledge Ella P Mrs, dressmaker, res 147 Nutley Rowland Charles M (Etta A), painter, res 56 Roca Rowley Alvin A (Laura A), carp, res 125 8th Rowley Mrs E (wid James H), res 115 Lincoln Rudd James (Ella), res 324 Liberty Ruger John A (Maude E), car repr SP Co, res 42 Gresham Ruger Pearl, bds 42 Gresham Rumsey Florence, dressmaker, bds 102 Oak Russell Ann H (wid James H), res 117 N Main RUSSELL F E (Anna)--Supt Municipal Power Plant, res 121 Laurel. Russell Nellie, bds 117 N Main Russell Mabel, bds 117 N Main Ryan E J Mrs, bds 95 Dewey S
Salsbury Frank (Laura), res 767 OakSAMS CHARLES E (Minnie O)--Grocer, res 468 Hellman. Sams G E, bds 468 Helman Sams W H, elec eng, bds 468 Helman Sander Clara Mrs (wid Joseph), res N end Helman Sander Henry B (Mamie), res Lower Helman Sander Joseph H (Clara), gardener, res 1149 Oak SANDER LEO B (Theresa)--Dairyman, bds Mrs. Clara Sander. Sander Wm G (Agnes M), florist Nevada se cor Helman, res same Sanford Horatio S (Eliza B), miner, res 91 Gresham Sanford T W (Anna C), brakeman SP Co, res 129 High Sankey F B (Genevieve), motion picture opr, res 97 Pine Satterfield C A Mrs, res 108 Granite Saunders Claude, barber, bds 633 Iowa Saunders James B (Clay E), barber, res 633 Iowa Sawyer Bertha Dr, bds 321 N Main Sayle Harry (E Stella), clk SP Co, res 39 Union Sayle James P (Melissa J), J P Sayle & Son, res 183 Gresham SAYLE JAMES T (Alice)--J P Sayle & Son, res 665 E Main. Sayle Ray A (Myrtle), lineman, res 59 6th Schuerman August (Caroline), res 214 C Schuerman Fred, student, bds 214 C Schwein Louis (Belle), butcher, res 44 Church Scott A E (Erma), SP Co, res 372 Iowa Seidler Martin, lab, bds L B Sander Selby Arthur (Grace), fireman SP Co, res 373 Vista Selby Grant, bds 373 Vista Sergent Hilda, bds 591 Fairview Sergent Mary, bds 591 Fairview Sergent Mildred, bds 591 Fairview Sergent P D (Mary E), Bureau Entomology, res 591 Fairview Server Kate F, maid Hotel Austin Settle Arvel, bds 267 8th Settle L (Anna), lab, res 267 8th Shaffer Bennett F (Caroline), res 168 Garfield SHASTA GROCERY--W M Flackus propr, Groceries, Flour and Feed, 214 4th. Shaver Myron (Helen M), res 1111 Iowa Shaw Edwin B, res 154 B Shaw G W, res West Ashland Shaw R J (Virginia), miner, res 487 Rock Sheldon Mark M, res 705 Penn Shelton George L (Carrie B), janitor Elks Temple, res 138 3rd Shelton M H (Lulina), res 472 Scenic Drive SHEPHERD CHARLES F (R Madora)--Shepherd & Son Pianos, res 658 Blvd Shepherd L Kale, Shepherd & Son Pianos, bds 658 Blvd Shepherd Mary M Mrs (wid Wm H), bds 77 Pine Sherard Albert (Millie), wks Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 881 E Main Shinn Allie, bds 123 Church SHINN FRANK J (Maude)--Sec Ashland Commercial Club, res 123 Church Shinn Neil, clk Briggs Shoe Store, bds 123 Church Shoudy Berkeley M (Clara), res 63 Helman Shoudy Ira (Ada), res 311 Almond Shoudy Ruth, bds 63 Helman SHOOK APARTMENTS--376 E Main Shook F L Mrs, res 79 7th SHOOK I N--Propr Shook Apts, res 376 E Main Shook Martha J Mrs, furnished rooms, 369 Hargadine Shroyer Elizabeth Mrs, bds 84 Dewey Shrull C, rms 20 2nd Shutts Clifford A (Mary R), res 63 3rd Silver Catherine E Mrs (wid Theodore B), res 763 B Silver Harold A, bds 763 B Silver Harry (Jessie), P Springs Co, res 451 Palm Silver Harry W, bds 451 Palm Silver Kathleen, bds 451 Palm Silver Madeline, teacher, bds 451 Palm Silver Oscar, bds 451 Palm Simons James D (Hannah), res 363 Iowa Simpson Ethel, bds 351 Morton Simpson Glenn E, clk T J Simpson, bds 142 N Main Simpson Harold V, bkpr First National Bank, bds 142 N Main Simpson Harry, painter, bds 399 Beach SIMPSON THOMAS H (Nellie)--Hardware, 37-39 N Main, res 142 N Main Simpson W M, bds 142 Church Skeene George B (Ida M), barber, res 116 Church Skeene Mae, student, bds 116 Church Slack James M (Sidney G), car repr SP Co, res 916 E Main Slack Lynn, bds 916 E Main SLINGERLAND GILBERT P (Cora A)--Carson-Fowler Lumber Co, res 271 High Sloan Marion L (Helen), res 440 Helman Sly Dora, bds 150 N Main Smith Albert (Addie), lab, res 50 Indiana SMITH BARNAM E DR (Mary A)--Magnetic Healer, res 33 Nutley Smith Bert, bds 221 Oak Smith Bertha, student, bds 221 Oak Smith Chester, student, bds 221 Oak Smith David A (Mary), car repr SP Co, res 236 5th Smith Don B (Gertrude), 954 Blvd Smith E C Mrs, res 711 Grover Smith E F (Hattie), Smith & Son Livery, res 221 Oak Smith Elizabeth A (wid Henry), res 160 Church Smith Elmer J (Edith L), lineman, res 145 Scenic Drive Smith Everett, orchardist, bds 280 Hargadine Smith Frank C (Martha), res 558 Holly Smith Hazel, clk, bds 558 Holly Smith Hazel, bds 95 B Smith Lulu, bds 464 Scenic Drive Smith Mabel Mrs, waitress Hotel Austin Smith Mabel, bds 558 Holly Smith Mark W (Hattie), brakeman SP Co, res 350 B Smith Mary J Mrs, res 124 Morton Smith Norma A, teacher, bds 33 Nutley Smith Ray J (Hazel E), jeweler, res 46 Union Smith Rev J S (Mary W), res 464 Scenic Drive Smith Roy, bds 558 Holly SMITH V O N (Mary S)--Cashier Citizens Banking and Trust Co, res 174 Church Smith W L (Mabel J), motion picture opr, res 124 Morton SMITH WM B (Nancy J)--Ashland Furniture Co, res 280 Hargadine Smith Wm H (Ellen), res 166 E Main Smith Wm K (Anna), gardener, res 95 B Sneed Gertrude Mrs, bkpr, bds 551 N Main Sneeling Mary E Mrs (wid Fuller), bds 232 Vista Sober H B Mrs, nurse, res 271 Morton Sober Ollie, student, bds 271 Morton Songer Dr S F (Belle), res 45 Helman Songer Mollie A, bds 45 Helman Songer Wm F, res 45 Helman Sparks Nellie, waitress Vienna Bakery, bds 107 4th Spencer Clarence, student, bds 517 Blvd Spencer Donald M (Hazel), mail carrier, res 620 Iowa Spencer H A (Mary), res 492 Palm Spencer Robert, teacher, bds 492 Palm Spencer Winifred, teacher, bds 492 Palm Spindler Charles (Catherine), ice maker Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 797 Blaine Stacy Abbie E Mrs, bds 21 4th Stanley Robert H, upholsterer, res 886 A Stannard Ada Mrs, teacher, res 54 Roca Stannard Amy, student, bds 405 Liberty Stannard Edward M (Jessie N), eng Power Plant, res 405 Liberty Stannard George (Ada), agt school supplies Jackson Co, res 54 Roca Stannard George, student, bds 54 Roca STAPLES EDWARD T (Katherine)--Real Estate, res 117 Almond Starr Almira A Mrs, res 64 Cal Starr E E, bds 64 Cal Starr Ethel B, bds 64 Cal STATE BANK OF ASHLAND--G S Butler Pres, O Winter Vice-Pres, G G Eubanks Cashier, 15 Plaza Steel J E (Laura V), res 344 E Main Stevens Bertrand R (Mabel L), clk SP Co, res 746 C Stevens Levi (Bessie), foreman Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 398 Granite Stevens W J, car inspr SP Co, bds 1116 Oak Stennett Arthur, student, bds 494 Fairview Stennett Lucius E (Mary J), sheet metal wkr, res 494 Fairview Stennett Wm S (Alma C), painter and bill poster, res 116 Factory Stephens Chester, res end Wimer Stephenson Anna Mrs, bds 148 Factory Stephenson E D (Nellie), miner, res 84 Dewey Stephenson Emma A Mrs, res 106 Factory STEWART VIRGIL A (Louise A)--East Side Grocery, res 73 Union Stewart Wyman, bds 73 Union Stidham Henry, clk SP Co depot, bds 463 B Stoaks H F (Elizabeth), car insptr SP Co, res 549 C STOCK HERMAN C (Marie)--Undertaker, res 108 Nob Hill Stoddard C W, postal clk, res 826 B Stoner Leah, bds 349 E Main Stoner Raymond C, orchardist, bds 349 E Main STONER SAMUEL B (Mary A)--Propr Manx Hotel, res 349 E Main Stratton Florence N Mrs (wid Neal), res 725 Iowa Stratton Harvey N (Elsie A), lab, res 112 Nutley Stratton Lloyd, clk, bds 725 Iowa Stratton Marion G, student, bds 112 Nutley Stratton Percy C (Sadie), tmstr, res 968 E Main Streming Annie Mrs, bds 446 Allison Strickland A L (Natalie S), city elec, res Nursery and Scenic Drive Sullivan Orie, bds 406 N Main Sullivan Wesley N (Nora), lab, res 406 N Main Summers Clement M (Harriet), lumberman, res 129 Laurel Summers Marian, student, bds 129 Laurel Swaggert J H (I), freight cond, res 109 Pine Swaggert Muriel, bds 109 Pine Swanson C A (Mary F), car repr SP Co, res 771 N Main SWEDENBURG FRANCIS G (Olive E)--Physician, 299 E Main, Tel 215, res 406 Iowa, Tel 38 Sweet Corrine, teacher, bds 588 Beach Sweet S B Mrs, res 588 Beach Sweitzer H C (Nellie), cond SP Co, res 107 6th Swenson Carl L (Minnie F), Swenson & McRae, res 252 B SWENSON & McREA--Furniture, C L Swenson, J D McRae proprs, 357 E Main. Swigert Francis R, bds 174 Oak Swigert J Farnam, bds 174 Oak Swigert Mary F (wid Isaac R), res 174 Oak Swingle Frank D (Louisa E), res 105 Bush Syfert Alvin, bds 642 A Syfert J R (Esther M), lab, res 642 A Syfert Norma, student, bds 642 A Syfert Roy, bds 642 A T
Tabor Benjamin C (Bonnie B), elder Seventh Day Adventist Church, res 459 MortonTALCOT B W (Alice)--Canyon Press, res 112 Pine Talent M A Mrs, bds 167 Hargadine Tate Bessie, bds 437 Beach Tate Earl A, carp, res 159 Helman Tate Wm H, carp, res 159 Helman Taverner George (Mary E), 916 Blvd Taverner Rose E, student, bds 916 Blvd Taverner Victoria, bds 916 Blvd Taverner W Geoffrey, bds Wm Taverner Taverner Wm, fruit grower, res Ashland Mine rd Taylor Henry L (Anna), helper SP Co, res 450 A Taylor John A (Margaret), farmer, res 1150 Oak Taylor W H (Elizabeth), propr Lithia Bakery, res 137 Upper Almond Teeter L H (E J), res 45 Cal Terrell S S (Ernestine), res 2 Glenn Thomas A W (Mary K), res 903 Blvd Thomas J E (Margaret), cond SP Co, res 159 2nd Thomason Norma L (Nellie), brakeman SP Co, res 132 6th Thompson Nels (Anna), res 641 Blvd Tompkins D (Ruby), brakeman, SP Co, res 170 Mountain Thorne Alice E Mrs (wid Norman F), res 107 4th Thorne A Merrell, student, bds 107 4th Thorne Georgia, nurse, Sanitarium, res same Thorne Thelma L, teacher, bds 107 4th Thornton James, bds 59 Manzanita Thornton Sheridan F (Emma F), mechanic, res 192 Mechanic Tiffany Genevieve, bds 29 Granite Tiffany Oliver C (Lovisa A), res 29 Granite TILTON C FRANKLIN (Grace E)--Dentist, res 237 Upper Almond Tooker Jennie, bds Mrs J Tooker Tooker J Mrs, res Garfield Torrence Mary A Mrs, bds 842 B Tracy A H (Pearl), res 164 Factory Tracy F B (Anna E), res Walker av Trefren Dorothy, student, bds 438 N Main TREFREN GEORGE W (Mary F)--Lawyer, 44 E Main, Tel 100, res 438 N Main, Tel 226-R Trefren Leo, bds 438 N Main TREFREN L J (Nola P)--Justice of the Peace, 44 E Main, Tel 100, res 438 N Main, Tel 226-R. Trefren Pearl Mrs, bds 220 Nutley True John, farmer, res end E Main Tryson Mary Mrs, bds 472 Scenic Drive Tucker Claire, student, bds M N Tucker Tucker L B Mrs, res 351 Avery Tucker M N (Ida), farmer, res east of Ashland Turner Evelyn, bds 256 6th Turner John H (Grace E), cond SP Co, res 59 Union Turner Oscar B (Alice), Wells Fargo messenger, res 256 6th Turner Ruth, bds 59 Union TURNER Wm M (Jennie)--Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 165 N Main Tuttle Chester (Jennie), lab, res 148 Orange Tuttle Oscar, deliveryman, bds 148 Orange Tyson C E (Ida I), clk White House Grocery, res 595 Iowa Tyson Dennis L, brakeman SP Co, bds 137 Oak U
Uetz J I (J A), lab, 117 MortonUssher W W (Effie B), mngr Pacific States Tel & Tel Co, res 40 Bush UTTERBACK GEORGE R (Minnie)--Chiropractor, res 108 Pioneer V
Valley Barber Shop, Rogers & Saunders proprsVan Buskirk Charles (Mildred), lab 227 Meade Van Dyke Fred, bds 84 Alida Van Dyke Helen, student, bds 84 Alida Van Dyke Ruth, bkpr, bds 84 Alida Van Dyke Wm S (Mary), farmer, res 84 Alida Van Fossen Harmon J (Cora B), dist Supt Klamath Dist ME Church, res 407 Main Van Landingham Thomas L (Nellie), brakeman SP Co, res 216 Morton Van Leer Milton S (Nellie), blksmith, res 308 N Main Van Natta Anna-Belle, bds 439 Chestnut Van Natta G (Ida), fruit grower, res 439 Chestnut Van Natta Marion, bds 439 Chestnut Van Nice Philander A (Lucinda), res 1307 Iowa Van Sant Elizabeth J Mrs (wid James K), res 179 Oak Van Scoy Wm T (Orle C), 310 Morton Van Wegan Louis O (Lulu), Spring Commission, res 400 Liberty VAUPEL CHARLES H (Marie)--Dry Goods, res 422 Blvd Veghte Charles H (Ida), bldg contr, res 51 Gresham Veghte Willard T, farmer, bds 51 Gresham VIENNA BAKERY--Lunches, Cakes, and Pastry, E E Miller propr, 242 E Main, Tel 179 Vining Mary H Mrs (wid George T), res 35 Granite Vining Theater, O T Burgner mngr Volpe John, lineman Postal Tel & Tel Cable Co, res 118 Helman Voss Henry H (Eva M), storekpr SP Co, res 586 C W
Wah Chung (Suican), res 282 AWagner Carroll M, student, bds 153 Oak Wagner Elizabeth, teacher, bds 153 Oak Wagner Ellen H (wid Joseph), res 25 Granite Wagner Fred D (Stella C), printer Ashland Tidings, res 47 Granite Wagner J Marshall (Anna A), Wagner Mineral Springs, res 153 Oak Wagner Robert A, bds 153 Oak Waite Cassius N (Emily L), res 634 Iowa Walker C L, rms 30 2nd Walker Donald, dental student, bds 419 Liberty Walker Frank H (Hattie), city eng, res 419 Liberty Walker Helen, bds 419 Liberty Walker Roy G (Flora M), cattle dealer, res 670 Boulevard Walker Sarah J (wid Daniel), res 160 2nd Wall Ed, taxi driver, bds 124 Morton Wallace Wm J (Josephine I), eng SP Co, res 954 B Wallsten B O (Elverna), res 128 Wimer Walrad Angie, bds 196 Factory Walrad Eugene (Nora), city sexton, res 196 Factory Walters E F (Ruby), fireman, res 263 Mountain Walters Frederick E (Janie M), telg opr SP Co, res 443 Allison Walters Merle, student, bds 443 Allison Wardle Ralph (Pearl), cond SP Co, res 70 3rd Wardle R L Mrs, res 70 3rd WARNER AUGUSTUS T (Ella R)--Warner Mercantile Co, res 171 Church WARNER MERCANTILE CO--A T Warner propr, 375 E Main Wasson B M Mrs, res 128 Factory Wasson Ursel, clk Beeby & Kinney, bds 128 Factory Wast C J Mrs, bds 85 2nd Watkins Rannus P (Mary J), fruitgrower, res 440 Beech Watson Chandler B, lawyer, res 232 Vista Watson Frederic E, park commissioner, res 33 Strawberry Lane Watson George T (Kate), painter, paper hanger, res 166 Ohio Watson Winifred, bds 33 Strawberry Lane Wattles N G (M S), taxi driver, res 155 5th Way George H, res 20 Upper Almond WEAVER W S (Oma L)--Ashland Vulcanizing Wks, res 254 N Main Wehrli Rudolf (Mary A), res 124 Ohio Weisenburger C C (Anna N), carp, res 156 Manzanita Well Lizzie Mrs, bds 237 C Wells Donald, bds 145 3rd Wells Ellen I Mrs (wid Erastus), res 143 3rd WELLS FARGO EXPRESS--D A Applegate mngr, Austin Hotel Bldg Wells James F (Emily), orchardist, res 123 6th Wells J K, res 310 Morton Wells John, res 19 Gresham Wenner Gerald H, bds 11 Beach Wenner Melissa, bkpr First National Bank, bds 11 Beach Wenner Wm H (Louise B), warehouseman SP Co, res 11 Beach Werth Louis (Nina), farmer, res 166 Laurel Werth Oscar, bds 166 Laurel West F Mrs, res 2 Beach West Gladys, student, bds 2 Beach WESTERN UNION TEL CO--W E Newcomb mngr, 11 N Plaza Wheeler M W (Emma), farmer, res 131 N Main Whelpley George (Minnie N), res s end Leonard av White Edmond E (Ellen L), res 167 Mountain White H L (May), res 112 B WHITE HOUSE GROCERY--A C Nininger, C Robertson proprs, 388 E Main Whited Ester, student, bds 321 N Main Whited H L (Bertha), jeweler, res 321 N Main Whitney Albert V (Jennie), farmer, res 1280 E Main Whitney Donald S (Ethelyna S), eng SP Co, res 91 Gresham Whitney Lue Mrs, bds 167 Mountain Whitney Martha A Mrs, bds 543 Mountain Whittle David, student, bds 135 Nutley Whittle Floyd F (Margaret C), Mitchell & Whittle, res 135 Nutley WICK J R (Clara)--Ashland Furniture Co, res 723 N Main Wilburn Mahala J Mrs (wid Wm M), res 190 B Wilcox John L (Melvina A), res 200 Gresham Wiley George, drayman, bds 126 1st Wiley R C (Mary E), eng SP Co, res 77 6th Wiley Thornton S (Lucy), res 571 Chestnut WILLIAMS CLARK--Ashland Barber Shop Williams Paul, Patterson Orchard Co, bds 303 N Main Williams Warren E (Maud A), wire chief Pac Tel & Tel Co, res 661 Iowa Williamson Henry (Janet), res 43 Church Willison Charles H (Hattie B), salsn Wadhams & Kerr, res 501 Allison Wilshire Mary V Mrs, res 78 Granite Wilshire Pearl, bds 78 Granite Wilson Fred (Viola), seal breaker SP Co, res 581 E Main Wilson Lucy W Mrs, res 990 Boulevard Wilson Lulu M Mrs, bds 564 Liberty Wimer Charles L, real estate, bds 464 Mountain Wimer G W (Delilah), res 464 Mountain Wimer J B (Caroline P), city police, res 430 Terrace Wineland C D Mrs, Hair Dressing Parlors, 71 N Main Wing Sarah C (wid C C), bds 342 Vista Winnie C B, student, bds 160 Sherman Winnie C W (G V), eng SP Co, res 160 Sherman Winter Hortens, student, bds 430 Boulevard Winter Otto (Bertha), v-pres State Bank of Ashland, res 430 Boulevard Winter Paul, student, bds 430 Boulevard Wolf Andrew, bds 586 B WOLF CHARLES B (Lulu B)--Editor and Mngr Ashland Record, res 174 N Main WOLF JULIUS P (Mamie)--Depot Hotel, res 586 B Wolters Edward F (Ruby B), fireman SP Co, res 263 Mountain WOODS CLARENCE D (Mary)--Eastern Supply Co, res 338 Holly WOODS E A DR (Adel A)--Swedenburg blk, res 125 Wimer WOODS MARY N MRS--mgr Eastern Supply Co, res 104 Laurel Woods Violet, student, bds 338 Holly Woods C A, elct, bds C Woods Woods Charles (Anna), Atlas Rooms, cor 4th and B Woods Ray, bds C Woods Woods Marguerite, bds C Woods Woodward Troy (Mary N), carp, res 244 Grant Wright Eva M Mrs, res 77 3rd Wright Hazel, student, bds 343 Granite Wright J V (Minnie), res 343 Granite Wright Phoebe (wid Wm W), res 300 Liberty Wright Thomas B (Isabel), clk Enders & Sons, res 124 Nob Hill Wright W Newell (Eva M), ticket clk SP Co, res 77 3rd Wyant Benjamin T, miner, bds 868 A Wyant Christina, bds 868 A Wyant Louis (Agnes), res 868 A Y
Yarbrough Clifford, butcher, bds 532 Scenic DriveYarbrough Frank D (Belle), logger, res 532 Scenic Drive YATES GEORGE (Lillian)--Merchant, res 985 E Main YEO GEORGE H (Olive)--Mngr Jackson Co Abstract Co, res 63 Brush Yeo James A (Elva B), barber, 155 Factory Yeo Wm (Rachel), farmer, res 271 Mountain YOCKEY ELIZABETH MRS--Beaver Realty Co, res 199 Emerick Yockey Wm R (Elizabeth), 199 Emerick Yocum T L, res 414 Garfield Young A Miss, bds Hotel Austin Young Clyde, student, bds 9 Granite Young Dora Mrs, res 9 Granite Young Glenn, lab, bds 9 Granite Young Joseph, res 224 Factory Young Mary, bds 224 Factory Young Oscar L (Jenny W), lawyer, res 171 Granite YOUNG O L--Attorney, Real Estate and Insurance, 77 Oak Young W W, brakeman SP Co, bds 90 2nd Z
Zeigler Joseph (Anna), cond SP Co, res 341 AlmondAPPLEGATE
Population, 200 within delivery of Applegate post office. Banking towns
and shipping points, Jacksonville and Medford, 15 and 20 miles N.E.
Principal industries, farming, stockraising, dairying, mining. Most all
land irrigated by ditches from Applegate River.
(x) are heads of families.
Baldwin B W, Forest Service
Baldwin M L (x) Bartley F W (x) Benedict Fred (x) Bingham J W (x) Bingham M F (x) Bliven Horace, Farmer (x) Boucher M L, Mechanic (x) Boyd Robert Brown E J, Farmer (x) Burger A C, Farmer Cheadle E Cheadle Henry, Miner Clute B M, Farmer (x) Cook Clint (x) Elmore C H (x) Ericson Paul, Carpenter (x) Erler Robert, Miner Finley Bros Fryer J L, Miner (x) Gateley W H, Homesteader Goodman A L (x) Grubb J C, Farmer (x) Hansen H L Harmes Fred, Miner Head Wm (x) Herriott G W (x) Herriott J B (x) Herriott T W, Farmer Hofer Chas Hoffman Fred, Miner Hoffman George (x) Hoffman J R, Homesteader (x) Hogan M D (x) Johnston S L (x) Jordan Wm H, Homesteader (x) Kendall G S (x) Kester Joseph Knight A D Knutzen D W, Farmer Knutzen Laura (x) Kromling A L Kubli Chester, Stockraiser (x) Kubli H D (x) Kubli Maud, Farmer & Stockraiser (x) Layton Lester (x) Mansfield T W (x) McDaniels W H (x) Mee Anderson (x) Mee Warren D, Farmer (x) Meek John, Miner (x) Miller Walter, Farmer (x) Millet John Minning G H O'Brien J A (x) O'Conner W H Offenbacher Fred Offenbacher H Offenbecker John (x) PERNOLL JOHN W--Mngr Wm Pernoll Estate and Postmaster Peterson L P, Laborer Pittock Bros, Farmer and Miner Purvis C A Rehkopf Henry (x) Rexford C M (x) Rock T R, Miner (x) Rose O E, Farmer and Hotel (x) Rowden Ed (x) Rowden T M (x) Ruch Fred (x) Schichtle A Shattuck E W, Miner Smith W A, Farmer Spencer J W (x) Stewart M Throckmorton Ben, Miner (x) Throckmorton Elmo, Forest Service Thurston Ben, Miner (x) Van Cleave C M, Farmer Van Gorden M A Vedder M J Wagner G P Walter Anna, Farmer (x) Walter Herman, Stockraiser Werth W F, Butter Maker (x) Wood D A (x) Wright D A Wright W F, Farmer and Miner (x) ASBESTOS
A post office on Evans Creek, 20 miles northeast of Gold Hill, the
banking and shipping point. Mail tri-weekly.
Edmonson E A
Green Bell Mrs Kreiger Chas Kreiger Clayton Maisino John Maltby Jennie Rose Samuel Sager Louis Welch J B Welch J B Mrs Welch W L BARRON
A discontinued post office on Hill Creek, 7 miles south of Ashland, the
banking and shipping point. Telephone service. Stage to Ashland daily
except Sundays. Mail by R.F.D. from Ashland.BEAGLE
A post office 12 miles east of Gold Hill, the banking and shipping
point. Mail daily from Gold Hill by R.F.D. For list of names, refer to star route from Gold Hill to Beagle.BROWNSBORO
A post office on the Little Butte Creek, 17 miles northeast of Medford,
and 5 miles east of Eagle Point, the shipping and banking point. Stage to
Eagle Point daily. Mail daily from Eagle Point. For list of names refer to star route Eagle Point-Brownsboro-Lake Creek.BUNCOM
A post office on the Little Applegate Creek, 12 miles south of
Jacksonville, the banking and shipping point. Stage and mail from
Jacksonville semi-weekly. For list of names refer to star route from
Jacksonville-Buncom-Watkins.BUTTE FALLS
Butte Falls is situated 35 miles from Medford at the terminus of the
Pacific & Eastern Railway, in one of the richest pine belts in Southern
Oregon.Butte Falls has a bank, three grocery stores, hardware store, hotel, barber shop, confectionery and high school offering three years of high school work.
Adams O
Baker M P Baker Roderick BARKER GEORGE--Pres-Cashier Pine Belt Banking Co, Postmaster Bassett L, shoemaker Brainard Merl Butte Falls Hotel, Mrs A L Cross propr Butte Falls Lumber Co Butte Falls Mfg Co, M Brainard mngr Cadzow John, General Merchandise Carson J Frank, barber Clark John R Claspill S H Cross A L Mrs, propr Butte Falls Hotel Day J E Rev, pastor Presbyterian Church Edmondson B F Edmondson Charles Fredenburg B, farmer Hildreth E A Hughes James, clk Hughes J P, general merchandise Jackson Carl Kee W S, grocer and hardware Mahoney M C Matthews S P, drayman Mills H D, Vice-Pres Pine Belt Banking Co Morris B F, janitor public schools Morris N S Mrs, baker Morris Orie, clk Pine Belt Banking Co Parker W W Peelor Charles Pine Belt Banking Co, G W Barker Pres Cashier, H D Mills Vice-Pres Presbyterian Church, Rev J E Day, pastor Smith Ernest W, civil engineer Smith F E, general merchandise Stewart L Mrs Stoddard N B, hardware Vrandenburg H L, cigars and tobacco Wright Elsie, teacher public schools CENTRAL POINT
Central Point, with an estimated population of 1,000, is located near
the center of the Rogue River Valley, on the main line of the Southern
Pacific. Surrounded by orchards, alfalfa, extensively cultivated
farming lands,
and irrigated tracts. Central Point annually ships about 200 cars of
produce. Fruit growing is the leading industry, including pears,
apples, peaches
and apricots, grapes and berries. Three fruit packing houses are
here. Central Point has electric lights, eleven blocks of paved
municipal water system with eight miles of water mains, and more than
ten miles of combined sanitary and storm sewer mains. Central Point has
a bank, and large mercantile establishments supplying a large
territory. A weekly
newspaper, the Herald, is published. Central Point is also an outfitting
City elections are held annually, at which time the Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer and Councilmen are elected.CITY GOVERNMENT Mayor--W. A. Cowley Recorder--J. W. Jacobs Treasurer--J. O. Isaacson Marshal--J. B. Holmes Water Supt.--F. F. Clark Council--W. E. Alexander, B. F. Peart, D. C. Grim, I. F. Williams, E. E. Scott, D. A. Lyons Fire Chief--D. C. Grim Police Judge--J. W. Jacobs. ATHLETIC CLUBS
Central Point Athletic Club--Y.M.C.A. Bldg. George Hilton, Pres; W. L. Runyan Sec; Frank Hatfield Treas.BANKS
Central Point State Bank The--Capital $25,000. J. O. Isaacson Pres; W.
C. Leever Vice-Pres; I. C. Robnett Vice-Pres; W. J. Freeman Vice-Pres.
Directors--W. C. Leever, W. J. Freeman, I. C. Robnett, Victor Bursell,
J. W. Myers, J. O. Isaacson, A. J. Hanby.Postal Saving Depository--Post Office, Guy Tex in charge. CEMETERIES
Central Point Cemetery--½ m s city limits.CHURCHES
hristian--Services 2nd and 4th Sunday in each month. Morning service,
11 a.m.; Evening service, 7:30 p.m.;
Sunday school, 10 a.m. W. T. Matlock, Pastor. Presbyterian--Paul S. Bandy, Pastor. Sunday service, 11 a.m.; Sunday school 10 a.m. Methodist--John C. Stills, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.; Sunday school 10 a.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday. Epworth League, 7 p.m. Christian Science--Sunday services 11 a.m. Edna Robnett, First Reader; Alfred Forgey, second reader. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND HALLS
Central Hall.City Hall. Cowley Bldg. Freeman Bldg. Modern Woodmen of America Hall. Rostel Bldg. Williams Bldg. Y.M.C.A. Bldg. SCHOOLS
Board of Education--W. A. Cowley, Chairman, I. C. Robnett, L. L.
Norcross, John W. Jacobs, Clerk.Supt. of Public Schools--E. B. Stanley. Central Point High--Lela M. Wiederrecht, Mrs. E. L. Walker, Vera G Albin, Josephine Bracone. Grade Teachers--V. A. Davis, Fred T. Brumbough, Florence Kincaid, Hattie Lester, Fern B. Daily, Mrs. Elizabeth Ross, Thelma Reed. SECRET AND FRATERNAL SOCIETIES
Central Point Lodge No. 135--Meets in Masonic Hall
on or before full moon. T. H. Pankey, W.M.; Louis Hatfield, Sec.A. F. & A. Masons Order of Eastern Star
Nevita Chapter No. 98--Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in
Masonic Hall. Jennie Merrett, W.M.; Mrs. Hattie B. Hatfield, Sec.A. O. U. Workmen
Central Point Lodge No. 12--Meets 2nd and 4th
Wednesdays in A.O.U.W. Hall. O. R. Pankey, N.G.; John W. Jacobs, Rec.Degree of Honor
Holly Lodge No. 16--Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in A.O.U.W. Hall. Mrs. W. H. Norcross, C. of H.Woman's Relief Corps
Harrison W. H. Post No. 27--Meets 3rd Saturday at 2
p.m. in G.A.R. Hall. Inez Ferguson Pres; Emma Gleason Treas; Lennie
McDowell, Sec.Grange
Willow Springs Grange No. 477--Meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays. J. W. Birkholz,Master; Ethel Dean, Sec. Agate Grange--H. F. Whetstone, Master; Roland Flaherty, Sec. I.O.O.F.
Central Point Lodge No. 10--Meets Thursday in Central Hall. W. A. Pyburn, N.G.; J. E. Boswell, Sec.Rebekahs
Mt. Pitt Rebekahs Lodge No. 23--Meets 1st and 3rd
Wednesdays in Central Hall. Mrs. Harry Young, N.G.; Edith Stone, Sec.Knights and Ladies of Security
Central Point Lodge No. 2--Meets 4th Tuesday in A.O.U.W. Hall. Emma Bebb, Pres; Jessie Richardson, Sec.Modern Woodmen of America
Camp No. 9459--Meets 2nd and 4th Friday in G.A.R. Hall. Ray Ager, V.C.; W. E. Alexander, Clerk.Royal Neighbors of America
Central Point Camp No. 3219--Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in G.A.R. Hall. Mrs. Lettie Gregory, Rec.TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES
Southern Pacific Co.NEWSPAPERS
Central Point Herald--Herald Publishing Co., Publishers. W. R.
Brower, editor. Weekly, $1.50 a year.PLACES OF AMUSEMENT
Central Point Opera House.Savoy Theater--F. H. Hull, propr. POST OFFICE
Postmaster--Guy Tex.Asst-Postmaster--Mrs. Della A. Tex. MAIL TRAINS
Train No. 11 from North 3:10 a.m.Train No. 13 from North 9:56 a.m. Train No. 14 from South 8:30 a.m. Train No. 15 from North 3:42 p.m. Train No. 16 from South 5:30 p.m. TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES
Southern Pacific Co.--C. A. Boles, Agent.
Adams Francis (Ada), farmer
Adams Marion Adams Zella Ager R W (Neva), blacksmith Alberts John Alexander W E (Ida), clerk Freeman & Wiley Altemus Medran, asst postmaster Applegate Clyde (Della), carpenter Arnold Blanch Arnold Claribel Arnold R B (Zoa) Arnold Reva, teacher Austin Louville L (Mary L) Bailey E E (Leone), lab Bailey Thomas Bandy Paul S (Florence), pastor Presbyterian Church Barnett Lenore Barnett Merrett Beale George W Beall R V Jr, farmer Bebb Emma Mrs Bebb Irvine Bebb Mary Bebb Royal Bebb Sarah Belcher Milton (Barbara) Belcher Thomas R (Sarah J), lab Bender P A Mrs Bender Sidney Bessie Dick, horse trader Betts George (Mary E), bicycle shop Boles C A (Leva), Southern Pacific Agent Boswell J E (Maude), barber Bradney A R Mrs Broadbent Marvin O (Ella J), mngr Central Point Lumber Yard Brower Wm R (Goldie), editor Central Point Herald Carlton J Harry (Bessie), Central Point Packing Co Carlton Mildred Cash John C (Louisa), miner Cash Wava Cash Lucy Caster Mary Mrs Caster John (Effie), farmer Central Point Athletic Club, YMCA bldg CENTRAL POINT BAKERY--A L Quisenberry propr, Tel 103 Central Point Band, A W Moon, director CENTRAL POINT GARAGE--C Lovern mngr Central Point Lumber Co, M O Broadbent mngr CENTRAL POINT MEAT MARKET--Central Point Packing Co mngr Central Point Mills, R H Ellsworth mngr CENTRAL POINT PACKING CO--E Webb pres, C Fiero sec and mngr CENTRAL POINT POULTRY & EGG CO--G E Johnston and J O Isaacson Chambers Wm (Mary R), gardener Chauncy Jessie, student CIGARS AND CIGARETTES--Good and Fresh. Get them at Medford Cigar Store, cor Main and Fir Clark Aron (Mabel) Clark Ellis M (Minnie M), mail carrier Clark Frank (Dora), carpenter Clark W H (Bertha), lab Cline I R COMPLETE COMMERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COURSES--At the Medford Commercial College, "The School of Best Results," 31 North Grape Street, Telephone 15-L Cowley Dorris R, student Cowley John F, student COWLEY N A (Mary C)--Mngr Rogue River Hdwe Co COWLEY'S EMPORIUM--W A Cowley mngr Cooksey M M Mrs Cochran F O (Laura E), lab Cochran Laurence O Crane Grocery, W A Crane, propr CRANFILL & ROBNETT--Mrs F L Cranfill (Medford) & I C Robnett, genl mdse Creede Cecyle, teacher Creede Edith, teacher Creede I M Mrs, clerk Cranfill & Robnett Cummings B F (Jeanette) Cummings James, mechanic Lovern garage Davidson H W, PO Box 333 Dorris Zed Dow Cyrus W (Anna E), farmer DOW HOSPITAL THE--The, Dr McMorris M Dow propr, Tel 341 DOW LYDIA S--Osteopathic Physician, Tel 341 DOW McMORRIS M--Propr The Dow Hospital, Physician and Surgeon, Tel 341 Downing Sarah Mrs Dunlop Howard (Grace), farmer East T J (Bessie), lab Edington F Benjamin (Ethel I), clerk Cranfill & Robnett Edsall Floyd, farmer Elliott John, butcher Elliott Mary, student Elliott Melissa Mrs Ellsworth B (Edith), feed store Ernest Frank M (Mabel), butcher FABER EDWARD C (Elizabeth M)--Faber & McDonald Faber Henry, clerk Faber & McDonald FABER & McDONALD--E C Faber & C W McDonald, genl mdse Farra Edward (Clara), farmer Farra Fred, farmer Ferguson W H (Inez), livery Ford George L, mechanic Fox G E (Stella B), farmer Freeman Henry, farmer Freeman Leonard J, farmer Freeman Lola FREEMAN W J (Minnie)--Freeman & Wiley Co FREEMAN & WILEY--W J Freeman, F E Wiley, W E Alexander, hardware Fredrick J H, lab Fredrick J M Mrs Fredenburg Bertha Fredenburg J I, farmer Gardner Clifford, lab Gay J H (Rachel) Gillett Alfred, horse trader Gleason Elder R (Emma), barber Gleason Luellis Godfry Pearl Mrs Gray J W (Sadie), lab Green Nettie Mrs, dressmaker Gregory W J (Elizabeth) Grim Clara Grim D C (Laura E), drayman Grim John (Mary) Grim Lowell Grim Walter, barber Grigsby D Lem (Minnie), farmer Grigsby Lena Hatfield Clifford O, clerk Hatfield Frank B, cashier Central Point State Bank Hatfield L (Hattie B), farmer Hay J T (Mary), painter Heckerman Dr W H (Sallie M), physician Hemrick Jesse B (Carrie E), lab Herning Rose Mrs, bookkeeper Cranfill & Robnett Herring J C, farmer Hesselgrave G M (Mary C), farmer Hildebrand James T, lab Hildebrand Wm (Lela F), farmer Hitzler George, butcher Hitzler George S (Mattie L), poultry raiser Hitzler Wm, butcher Hoagland Wm S (Frances D) Holmes Audrey, teacher Holmes Gladys, teacher Holmes Hartzell, fruit inspector Holmes Jay B, paper carrier Mail Tribune Holmes Joseph B (Mary P), city marshal Holmes Robert H, clerk Southern Pacific freight depot Medford Hover Bert (Nora), lab Hover U M Hull F H (Fannie E), Hull's Printing Shop Hull Printing Shop, F H Hull propr Ingram F B Mrs Ingram George, lab Ingram J J, lab Ingram W M, lab ISAACSON JOHN O (Jessie)--Pres Central Point State Bank Jacobs Edith JACOBS JOHN W (May M)--City recorder Johnson Edgar (Edith), Central Point Poultry Co Johnson Polly Mrs Kilburn James A (Pearl A) Kindle Murrel, lab Lange C E (Mary), farmer Lange Emil, fruit inspector Lange Hugo, mechanic LEEVER WAYNE (Fern J)--W C Leever, clerk LEEVER W C (Isabelle)--Hardware, county commissioner LePonte Almern (Mary), marble wks Lewis A W (May), Central Point Packing Co Lewis I D (Vera), Central Point Packing Co Little Bennett, clerk Moore's Confectionery Little W A Mrs Lord H H, farmer Love Dollie Mrs Love I O (Minnie), lab Love L L (Sarah J) Lovern Clarence (Marguerite), Central Point Garage Lyons D A (Ellen), blacksmith Lyons Georgia McDowell James (Lennie), shoemaker McDowell Myrtle McJimpsey John (Delpha), lab Magruder M E Mrs Magruder Ray Magruder Vernon, farmer Mann Joseph A (Jessie), farmer Mann Mabel Mann Oliver, lab Mann W E Mrs March James S (Martha), farmer March Lloyd, farmer May John (Maude), lab Mayfield Wm (Mary) MEDFORD CIGAR STORE--Cor Main and Fir, Good Smokes Mee Mary, druggist Messner Estell, lab Messner J F, blacksmith Merrell Percy (Mary), carpenter Miller Frank (Lena) Moore Florence J (Mattie), farmer Moore G S, confectionery & cigars Moore Rebecca Mrs, rooming house Morris Gus, teamster Morris M E Mrs Mulkey J A Dr (Ethel), dentist Murray Sam (Martha), second-hand goods Mutual Tel & Tel Co, F Williams mngr Myers George R (Matilda), farmer Myers Jacob G, lab Myers J W (Kate) Neale George L (Mollie), Auctioneer Neale Rose, student Neale Teacle, opr Mutual Tel & Tel Co Neff Thomas J Norcross Alta Norcross Helen Norcross Hull, farmer Norcross L L (Harriet), farmer Norcross Paul, farmer Norcross W H (Lola M), Producers Fruit Co Obenchain Earl, farmer Obenchain Nancy Mrs Ockerman Otto, carpenter Olsen P Alexander, Olsen & Son Olsen Paulos (Anna), Olsen & Son Osborne W M (Mary), lab Owen Glenn, barber Owen Golda Owen Guy, lab Owen Julia Mrs Owen Merrett Owen Wm (Lulu), clerk Cranfill & Robnett Painter Albert (Ellery), mechanic Painter Charles (Eva), lab Painter John (Mary), lab Painter Ross (Mary), farmer Le Painter Walter, mechanic Pankey Albert, lab Pankey C B (Josett), farmer Pankey Esther, clerk Cranfill & Robnett Pankey N J Mrs Pankey O R (Sarah M), farmer Pankey Pearl Pankey Thomas (Bettie), clerk Cranfill & Robnett Pankey Vernon, student Parker A R, driver Central Point Meat Mkt Parker Mattie Mrs PAXSON DRUG CO--R H Paxson propr PAXSON ROBERT H (Lelia M)--Paxson Drug Co Peart B F (Lucinda), blacksmith Peart George, lab Peart Lela Pence Cal (Ollie), lab Pence Hattie Pence Ralph Penney Stephen (Louisa) Pepper Clarence (Etta), farmer Perkins C C (Martha F), painter POELLNITZ ROBERT DR--Physician Price W E (Bessie), blacksmith Purkeypile Maria Mrs Pyburn Wm, carpenter QUISENBERRY A L--Central Point Bakery Renolet Ernest Richardson Jessie (Mary), lab Riley Henry (Lucy), plumber Ritter Charles Robnett C (Edna L), Cranfill & Robnett Rogue River Hdwe Co, W A Cowley propr Ross George B (Mary M), farmer Ross John (Elizabeth), miner Ross Thomas D (Anna), farmer Rostel C B (Ernestine), real estate & insurance RUNYON W L (Alameda)--Jeweler Sanderson Charles (Agnes), carpenter Sanderson C S (Anna) Savoy Theater, F H Hull propr Scott E E (Della), electrician Scott Wm Jr, carpenter Scott W W (Elizabeth) Slover Charles, lab Slover Elias (Sarah A) Slover Henry (Sadie L), lab Smith Martha L Mrs Smith N R, farmer, Box 312 Stanley E B (Myrtle E), teacher Stearns H R (Elma), farmer Stearns Rose Stedham D J Mrs Stedham W T, mechanic Stewart Donald, farmer Stewart H J (Eliza), farmer Stewart Ira, lab Stewart Mildred, opr Mutual Tel & Tel Co Stewart Royal, mechanic Stewart Wm Stille Elizabeth Mrs Stille John C, pastor ME Church Stone Edith Stone Ella Stone Jacob Sullivan C M (Clara), farmer Tayler A C (Erma), farmer Taylor Fred Taylor Grace Tex Guy (Della), postmaster Thomas Ann Mrs Toomy Wm (Jeanette) Vanderpool George W Van Hardenburg Bert Wallace George (Ella), mail carrier Wallace Imogene Welch Bertha, student Welch John W (Carrie L), farmer Welch Wm, student Wiley F E (Alice) Wiley Gertrude Wiley Norval Williams Catherine Mrs Williams Elvin (Bessie), mechanic Williams Isaac F (Lucy D), mngr Mutual Tel & Tel Co Williams John, lab Williams Leonard (Sarah E), drayman Wilson Simpson (Nancy E) lab Witte Christopher Witte Ella Witte E R, lab Witte Wm (Johanna), farmer Wright Addie Wright Anna Mrs Wright Wm (Kate), farmer Young Allben Young H D (Lucy), Confectionery and Billiard Parlor Young, H D, Young's Confectionery Young Ray A (Lena A), barber CLIMAX
A post office on Antelope Creek, 10 miles from Ashland, the banking and shipping point. Mail tri-weekly.
Applegate Charles, dairy
Blackden P D, stockman Charley Walter, inventor Grissom Andrew, farmer Grissom Andrew Jr, stockman Grissom Lewis, sheepman Grissom Wm, stockman Hanson Nels P, stock dealer Holman Ed R Holman Guy J Holman Wm H, Postmaster Holman Wm R, cattleman Orchard Orville, hog breeder Thompson Mathew, sheep breeder White Edwin, goat raiser COLESTIN
A summer resort on the Southern Pacific Railway. The
famous Colestin Mineral Water is bottled here. Twenty miles south of
Ashland, the banking and shipping point. Mail daily. Telephone
Cole H B, Postmaster and propr Colestin Hotel
Colestin Hotel, H B Cole propr Colestin Mineral Water Co DERBY
A post office 23 miles north of Central Point, the express, telegraph
and shipping point. 27 miles north of Medford, the banking point. Mail
Allen Agnes
Allen Alto Allen John (x) Blanchard H D (x) Bloomfield F A, teacher Brophy J J (x) Cameron Wm Campbell Mary Mrs Caster S B (x) Chartraw A B (x) Chartraw Fred Chartraw Ed Davis Clifford (Louise) (x) Davis Guy Davis Roy Denney George Denney W E, works P&ERR (x) Ditsworth Gus Ditsworth Hazel Ditsworth Hobart Ditsworth J T Sr (x) Ditsworth M E (x) Dunlop Fred (x) Edmondson Gus Edmondson Lee (x) Edmondson Robert GOOD J J--Postmaster Good Mary E, teacher Hawks Russell Hawks Sharon Hawks S M (x) Higinbotham Ed (x) Hill Dewey (Marion) (x) Hill Frank D, saw mill (x). Holm Gladys Hubbard Alex Hubbard A O Irwin S Kelso J W Kelso Roy Kemp L A (x) Kemp Roy Koening David Koening Ed M McCable Phillip McIntyre H M (x) Merritt Wm Moore Jabez (x) Nestal Arthur Nichol Sid Nye A Mrs Nye Nelson (x) Peyton R E (x) Phipps L (x) Phipps L Proll Joseph (Johanna) (x) Richardson Carl Riggins J M (x) Schutte Martin (x) Sears Helen Mrs (x) Sears Riley Swihart D S, trader (x) Thompson Mrs C A, storekeeper (x) Thompson Nellie, teacher Thompson Ruth Vaughn R B Westerburger J T Wilson Lloyd DRAPER
A discontinued post office, 21 miles northwest of Jacksonville, and 10
miles south of Gold Hill. There are several mines in operation. Mail daily by
rural route from Gold Hill.
A discontinued post office on Butte Creek, 30 miles
east of Medford and 17 miles east of Eagle Point, the shipping point.
Butte Falls, mail
Eagle Point, on Little Butte Creek, with a population of 300, is
located on the Pacific & Eastern Ry., twelve miles northeast from its
junction with the Southern Pacific at Medford. The town is in the Little Butte Creek
valley, and is surrounded by several hundred acres of bearing orchards and by
alfalfa and grain land. Dairying and stockraising are also tributary
industries, and part of the valley is under irrigation. The town has four two-story
brick buildings, six stores, a bank, a meat market, blacksmith shops, lumber
yard, three hotels, schools offering three years of high school work, two
churches, and electric lights. Eagle Point is the nearest outfitting point for
Crater Lake.Mayor--John M. Nichols. Recorder--John V. McIntyre. Treasurer--Roy Ashpole. Council--J. W. Smith, Norman McQuoid, James Jordan, J. F. Brown, Geo. Phillips.
Ashpole Roy (Donna), Eagle Point Hdwe Co
Ayers Amos (May) Berquist R, ranch Berquist Sven, ranch Bertz Stella Bishop A G, ranch Blaess Louis, prop4r Eagle Point Hotel Boltz Thomas F (Edyth R), Supt of Construction P&E Ry Brandon Franklin, bds G W Brandon Brandon G W (Sadie) Brown George and Sons (J Frank, Wm H, Royal G), gen mdse Brown Hazel, bds R G Brown BROWN J FRANK (Amy H)--Geo Brown & Son, pres First National Bank of Eagle Point Brown Royal G (Mary A) Geo Brown & Son Brown Wm H (Hattie V), George Brown & Son Bryant Burton H (Minnie), carpenter Childreth Blacksmith Shop, W L Childreth propr Childreth Graydon, lab Childreth Orville, lab Childreth W L (Sophia), blacksmith CIGARS AND CIGARETTES--Good and Fresh. Get them at Medford Cigar Store, cor Main and Fir Cingcade Charles, farmer Cingcade Ed, farmer Cingcade D (Mary E), farmer Cingcade Thomas, farmer CLEMENTS WALTER C (Lottie L)--Postmaster, Pres Butte Falls & Eagle Point Tel & Tel Co Coy Ed (Loretta), section hand Coy S F, farmer Curtis J A Mrs Daley Geo (Alice), propr New York Store Dimmerlee Dinnie L Dimmerlee J T (Jane), farmer, Propr Farmer's Hotel Dimmerlee W R (Mary), farmer Dugan T C, farmer Eagle Point Band, Carl Ringer, pres, A E Strong sec Eagle Point Hdwe Co, Ray Ashpole propr Eagle Point Hotel, Louise Blaess propr FARMERS HOTEL--J T Dimmerlee propr, a Good Place to Stop Findley Fred (Madge), carpenter FIRST STATE BANK OF EAGLE POINT--J Frank Brown pres; Wm von der Hellen Vice-Pres; John V Mcintyre Cashier Florey A J (Etta), retired Florey Marguerite, telephone operator Florey Roosevelt, bds A J Florey Frink F L, farmer Givan G A, farmer Green Austin (Isabelle) Green C F Mrs Grover Bertha Grover J (Nettie), farmer Haak L K, farmer Haley P W, farmer Hamilton W L, farmer Hampton Thomas, farmer Harnish B W Harnish Robert Harnish Samuel H (Ella), S H Harnish & Son Harnish S H & Son, (Samuel H & Ray), livery Hart Susan Mrs Haselton Allen L, farmer Haselton Frank B, farmer Haselton Jennett Haselton Rena, cook Tavern Hotel Heath Frances C Heath Fred L (Gertrude E), Heath's Drug Store, Medford, Ore Heath Fred W, mngr F L. Heath, Gen Mdse Heckathorn Isabell Mrs Holbrook W P, farmer Holmes Gladys Holmes S B (Celia), farmer Hoogerhyde C (Minnie), lab HOLT DR WM N P (Isabel T)--Physician Hurd E E, farmer IOOF, Eagle Point Lodge No 227 IOOF, Peace Rebekah Lodge No 207 Jackson John B (Etta C), farmer Johnston C E, teacher Jonas J A (Varian), farmer Jonas Rebecca Mrs Jordan James, farmer Justice of Peace, F Marion Stewart Knighten W L (Julia), retired Leabo M D Mrs Lewis Bermuda Lewis Christina Lewis G R, lab Lewis Harry, lab Lewis Jerry, lab Lewis T F, lab Lewis W F McINTYRE JOHN V (Nellie B)--Cashier First State Bank of Eagle Point McQuoid R J (Mary), farmer McQuoid M C (Lottie), lab Mathews Vernie (Nora), Mathews & Fisher Mathews & Fisher, V Mathews and G Fisher, blacksmiths Mayham J A, farmer Mayham Joe, farmer Mayham Rachel MEDFORD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE--Appeals to Those Who Want the Best in Business Education. 31 North Grape Street, Telephone 15-L Montague, Ed, farmer Montgomery J A Mrs Moomaw Joel P, mail carrier Narregan Carl (Tillie M), farmer Narregan N L Natwick Chris H (Ella), grading contractor Natwick Orbie Nichols John (Druzilla), farmer Painter C S (May C), lab Painter Howard Painter Walter Pearce Floyd (Gladys), miner Pearce Ruberta, telephone operator Pacific & Eastern Ry, F N Freeman agt Perry Fay Perry J M (Elizabeth), farmer Perry W M, farmer Phillips George (Alice), farmer Postal Savings Depository, W C Clements clerk Potter Cecil Potter Ralph, gardener Potter Rosetta Mrs, millinery Pruett Charles A (Melinda L), farmer Pruett Guy Pruett Mabel Robinett Clarence, lab Roman Catholic Church, Father Meagher pastor Rosenberg August, farmer Shesler Ella Mrs, teacher Shibley D A, lab Simmons Bernice Simmons L L (Nellie), Pastor Baptist Church Singleton T D, farmer Smith L A (Rosie), farmer Smith L E (Lorona) Smith J W (Cora), carpenter Snowy Butte Roller Mills, Brandon Bros proprs Stewart F Marion (Susie), Justice of Peace Stowell Ellsworth, lab Swanson A C, farmer Tavern Hotel, Mrs Cook propr Taylor Minnie B, teacher Taylor W W (Mary), farmer Thompson L Mrs Tou Velle A R, farmer Trusty Henry, Trail stage Van Scoy Lottie Mrs VON DER HELLEN GEORGE B (Grace)--von der Hellen Hdwe Co Inc VON DER HELLEN HARDWARE CO--Wm von der Hellen, Pres, G F von der Hellen Vice-Pres, Sec, Treas VON DER HELLEN WM (Florence)--von der Hellen Hdwe Co Inc Wamsley G H, mechanic Wamsley Mabel Watkins John Mrs Wehman George H, harness maker Wells Fargo Express Co, F N Freeman agt Winkle Wm, farmer Woods Lucelia, bds W S Woods Woods Marvin S (Rachel), farmer Wooley Chris, farmer Wooley Sherman, farmer Young Harry A, electrician Young Nick, farmer Young Peter, farmer Zimmerman Clare, telephone operator FOREST CREEK
A valley about two miles southwest of Jacksonville,
between Jacksonville and Ruch. Mail address Jacksonville, the closest
supply point.
Allen W P
Armpriest Anna Armpriest Bert Benedict C E Black Helen Black Lee Coffman Ira Coffman Nancy Daniels C E Davies James Davies Lela Green C W Hohn Jose Horn John Horn Nell Spencer Ida Spencer James Stone Cora Stone Dona Stone Ida Stone Lee Stone Myrtle Stone Tobe Stone Tom GOLD HILL
Gold Hill, with an estimated population of 400, is
located in west
central Jackson County, on the main line of the Southern Pacific and on
lower Rogue River. The valley is narrower at this point, yet there
is about fifteen hundred acres of planted orchards within two and
one-half miles, large
alfalfa fields, and intensified farming tracts. Much of the Sams Valley
country, in the vicinity of the "Table Rocks" is also tributary
to Gold Hill. Gold Hill is one of the olaest mining towns in the valley
and is surrounded with vast mineral wealth. A large plant for the
manufacture of Portland cement is
in operation, employing from 40 to 60 men, and has a capacity of
barrels daily.Gold Hill has a municipal water system costing $50,000, has public schools that offer four years of high school work with special courses in manual training. There is a weekly newspaper published. CITY GOVERNMENT
Mayor--James Molock.Recorder--John Palmer. Marshal--J. M. Hutson. Treasurer--Lynn W. Smith. Councilmen--S. Fleming, Dick Walker, W. H. Stickell, A. J. T. Smith, Henry Miller, W. W. Truax. Fire Department
Gold Hill Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1--(Volunteer), 25 members. J. H.
Beeman, Pres.Banks
Gold Hill Bank The--Horace Pelton, Pres; R. H.
Moore, Vice-Pres; Lynn W. Smith, Cashier. Directors--H. D. Reed, S. H.
Duffield. Statement at close of business June 30th, 1916, $41,472.88.
Capital, $10,000.00.Board of Education
Directors--M. S. Johnson, H. Miller, W. W. Truax, F. Stout, clerk.CEMETERIES
I.O.O.F. Cemetery--2 miles west of town.Rock Point Cemetery--2 miles west of town. CHURCHES
Christian Science--Service every Sunday in I.O.O.F.
Hall. Mrs. Fred Witt, 1st Reader; Myrtle B. Day, 2nd Reader.Methodist Episcopal--Rev. C. E. Wharton, Pastor. Sunday services: Sunday school 10 a.m.; Preaching 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Epworth League 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening 7:00 p.m. Aid Society meets at call at members' homes. COMMERCIAL BODIES
Gold Hill Commercial Club--H. D. Reed, Pres; F. W. Dodge, Sec; M. D. Bowers, Treas. Meets at call.HOSPITALS
Gold Hill Hospital--Mrs. Flora A. Kelsey, propr; Dr. Russell C. Kelsey, Supt; Grace E. Sears, Nurse.NEWSPAPERS
Gold Hill News--Issued every Saturday. F. Wallace Sears, Editor and
Mngr. $1.50 a year in advance.PLACES OF AMUSEMENT
Comus Theater--Moving Pictures.Dance Pavilion--H. D. Reed, J. H. Beeman, W. H. Bowers, proprs. Dance every Saturday night. POST OFFICE
Postmaster--Henry D. Reed.Asst. Postmaster--Mrs. Nellie G. Reed. Clerk--Myrtle Day. Office Hours--8 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily except Sundays. MAIL TRAINS
Train No. 13 from North 9:27 a.m.Train No. 14 from South 8:58 a.m. Train No. 15 from North 3:15 p.m. Train No. 16 from South 5:68 p.m. Star route to Sams Valley, Beagle and Asbestos, Daily except Sundays; depart 10:15 a.m. J. B. Molock, Contractor. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND HALLS
City Hall.High School Bldg. I.O.O.F. Hall. PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Gold Hill Public School--G. W. Milam, Principal; Fay
Schroeder, Ruth Cady, Vera Davidson, Agnes Deitrich, Catherine Foley,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Gold Hill Lodge No. 129--Meets every Saturday in
I.O.O.F. Hall. W. N. Hittle, N.G.; Frank Norton, V.G.; P. H. Myers, Sec.Crater Lake Encampment No. 47--Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays in I.O.O.F. Hall. I. T. Gallager, C.P.; Joe Dietrich, S.W.; W. H. Stickle, Scribe. Snowy Butte Canton No. 15--Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday in I.O.O.F. Hall. W. H. Stickle, Capt; Geo. Heff, Clerk. Rebekah Degree
Amethyst Rebekah Lodge No. 97--Meets every Wednesday
in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. Lewis, N.G.; Mrs. Lillie Carter, V.G.; Mrs.
Carolyn Langdall, Rec. Sec.Modern Woodmen of America
Sugar Pine Camp No. 10,370--Meets every Saturday night. John B. Palmer, Consul; A. E. Kellogg, Clerk.Royal Neighbors of America
Southern Pacific--H. A. Tibble, Agt.Gold Hill, Sams Valley and Beagle Stage--James R. Molock, propr. Leaves daily except Sunday at 10:15 a.m.
Applegate L C (Eva), deputy game warden
Avery Donald, student Avery Frank (Mary), mail carrier Baker Earl (May), works cement plant Barnes H C (Olive B), lab Beeman Josiah H (Hattie J) Beeman L Horton, student Beeman Virginia Betts Merrill, lab Blackburn Myrtle Blackburn N K (Nancy), rooming house Blackets Meat Market, W T Blackets propr Blackets W T, propr Blackets Market Blackington J M, section hand Bolt Ed, carpenter Bolt Frederick J (Sophia M), miner BON TON THE--H D Reed propr, confectionery and cigars Boucher P, tailor Bowers M D (Lelah), Bowers Pharmacy Bowers Pharmacy, M D Bowers propr Burnes James, miner Burnett Frank, lab Cady Ruth, teacher public schools Cail Ella Mrs, agt Home Tel & Tel Co Cameron Roy (Edith), lab Carter C F (Lillie), blacksmith Chandler John (Albertine), miner Childers Wm (Cordelia B), miner Chisholm Wm P Dr, physician CIGARS AND CIGARETTES--Good and Fresh. Get them at Medford Cigar Store, cor Main and Fir Collins May E Mrs COMPETENT OFFICE HELP FURNISHED--To Business Men by the Medford Commercial College, "The School for the Ambitious." 31 North Grape Street. Telephone 15-L Cook May C Mrs Cook Willie, lab Coy Isaac (Susie), miner Coy Minnie Darling Floyd, student Darling H E (Anna M), farmer Darling Nellie Mrs Darling R L (Lulu J), liveryman Darling & Hodge, feed barn Davidson Ena, teacher public school Dietrick Agnes, teacher Dietrick J T (Mattie A), mechanic Dodge F W, civil eng Dungey Elmer, lab Dungey Leroy, lab Dungey Walter (Charity), carpenter Dunkin D B (Carrie A), carpenter Eddings Fred, electrician Eddings Norton (Minnie) Edington J N (Lucy), lab Elvine Chas Elvine Martin (Ada), gardener Fleming Ray (Emily), lab Fleming S M (Emma), teamster Fleming Veneta Flippen Agnes Flippen Marie Flippen Willis Flippen W M, works cement plant Florey Catherine, teacher public school Gardner W H (Ella M), lab Gold Hill Hardware Co, M S Johnston propr GOLD HILL HOSPITAL--Flora A Kelsey propr, R E Kelsey supt Graham A E, propr Graham's Confectionery GRAHAM CONFECTIONERY--A E Graham propr Griedi Alvin, cement plant Griffin C C (May) Griffiths Mary Mrs Hace Wm Haff G L (Fannie), miner Hammersley Laura Mrs Harrison Mollie Mrs Hill Florence Hill John (Anna), lab Hill Wesley, lab Hodge Hattie Hodge Letty Hodge Milly Hodge Sam Mrs Horn D (Barbara M), cement plant Horn Fretha Horn George, clerk Lance & Co Horn Lizzie Horn Sarah Hornbeck J M (Lizzie) Hodson J M Mrs Hudson Clay, lab Hudson J E (Daisy) Hutson H C, lab Hutson J M (Isabella), City Marshal Iverson M S (Ada), bakery Johnson M S (Amy), Johnson's Implement & Hdwe Store Kell Charles (Delia), blacksmith KELLOGG A E (Katherine)--Attorney at Law, C B Watson, A E Kellogg Kelsey Flora A, Ladies Shop KELSEY RUSSELL C (Flora A)--Physician and Surgeon Kendall James R Keys Elmer (Maud), lab Kortright M L, barber Lance Floyd, lab LANCE & CO--Gen Mdse, C A Peterson, W H Miller Langdell Pearly (Carolyn), mining eng Langston Bert, student Langston R H (Nellie), carpenter Lanham John A (Dollie E), carpenter Leonard H H, clerk Gold Hill Implement Co McClendon C C (Susan) McClendon J Mrs, board and rooms McClendon S W (Laura), farmer McFarren S V, jeweler McIntire E W (Eliza J) Marting J E MEDFORD CIGAR STORE--Cor Main and Fir. Good Smokes Mee Lucy Mrs MERRITT & CO--Gen Mdse, J W Merritt propr Milam Grace, student Milam G W (Mary R), teacher Milam Vernon, student MILLER DAVID H (Elmira)--Hardware Miller Elsie Miller Lloyd Miller W H (Delia), Lance & Co Mitchell M E Mrs Molock James (Mary), mail carrier Moore R H (Minnie) Myers Peter, clerk Merritt & Co Nichols Bernice Nowels Pearl Palmer J B, photographer Pankey Earl, lab Pankey H G (Ella) Pankey J B, lab Pankey Tharon, lab Pate John Patrick G H (Ella M), farmer Perry J R (Rachel V), lab Peterson C A (Ethel W), Lance & Co Price E H Mrs Ray Henry A, miner Ray Irvan W, miner Ray Sarah E Mrs REED HENRY (Nellie)--Postmaster and Confectionery Store Reese James, teamster Richard Dan Mrs Roberts Cecil Roberts Thomas B (Mira N), lab Ross Toney, lab Schroeder Fay, teacher public school Schuerman August, Simmons & Schuerman Schrump F D (Amy), timekeeper cement plant Serry George W (Mary), lab SEARS GRACE E--Electric Vibratory Massage, Gold Hill Hospital Sears F Wallace (Grace E), Gold Hill News Seinmeter Milton Shaver C M (Della E), barber Simons Ivan (Helen), SP signal maintainer Simmons E T, Simmons & Schuerman Simmons Lloyd (Myrna), musician Simmons & Schuerman, feed store Smallwood E P (Marguerite), clerk SP depot Smith A J T, carpenter Smith Dorothy SMITH LYNN W (Minnie W)--Cashier Gold Hill Bank Snyder F M (Mildred), lab Snyder O S (Ida), electrician Starns Evagene Starns Ida, waiter Mrs C H Price Starns Jessie D (Edith M), farmer Stephens Wm (Jennie) Stickets Walter (Minnie) Stout Fletcher, clerk Bowers Pharmacy Stuewe Katherine Stuewe Wm (June), lab Sutton Edna Sutton Emmit (Ellen), lab Sutton Floyd, lab Sutton Maude, opr Home Tel & Tel Co Talley Ida Mrs Thompson J O (Francis M), clerk Thompson Walter J, farmer Tibbits H A (Mabel H), Southern Pacific Agent Trimble Robert (Lillian), blacksmith TRUAX CO THE--W W Truax Mngr Truax Mary TRUAX W W (Cora)--The Truax Co, General Mdse Tucker Claire, student Tucker E P Mrs Tucker R P, Supt Cement Plant Turner Fred G Turner George B, confectionery Turner Olive M, nurse Upton Eugene (Philomena), cashier Cement Plant Van Houten Earl, lab Van Houten Louis, lab Van Houten Michael, lab Walker Archie (Elsie), carpenter Walker Clint, lab Walker W R (Mary E), boarding house Wells J E (Lillian E), eng Cement Plant West Thomas (Mary), section hand Wharton C E (Annetta), pastor ME Church Wharton H A, printer Wharton Marguerite Witt Frederick, section foreman Wood O F (Frankie), taxi driver Wyatt Homer, lab Zana Firnam (Aritha) JACKSONVILLE
Jacksonville, the county seat, with an estimated
population of 500, is located on the west side of one of the widest
portions of the Rogue
River Valley, and is the terminus of the Southern Oregon Traction Co.,
connects with the main line of the Southern Pacific at Medford, a
of five miles. Jacksonville is the second oldest town in the Northwest,
the early supporting industry of the town being mining. Some extensive
operations are still being conducted, there being a nearby quartz mill.
Located in the foothills of the valley, Jacksonville is well situated
as a
residence town. As the county seat, it is the official center of
Jackson County. Some
of the most highly developed orchard lands of the county are adjacent,
and a
number of splendid country residences. Tributary to Jacksonville is the
Applegate Valley, and much mineral wealth and a number of mines,
including the famous "Blue Ledge" copper mine which is just
outside the boundaries of Jackson County, in California.Jacksonville has large mercantile establishments, electric lights, a municipal water system installed at a cost of $15,000, several miles of cement sidewalks, a bank, a quartz mill, rock quarry, and brick, tile and lime works. The public schools offer three years of high school work; there are three churches, and the Jacksonville Weekly Post is published. There is hourly electric service between Jacksonville and Medford. CITY GOVERNMENT
City elections are held annually on the 1st Tuesday
in March, at which time the Mayor, City Council, Recorder and Treasurer
are elected.City Officers
Mayor--Emil Britt.Recorder--Leslie W. Stansell. Marshal--Joe H. Norris. Treasurer--J. Cronemiller. Councilmen
J. R. Neil, Chauncey Florey, Jast Hartman, D. W. Bagshaw.
Police Department
Marshal--Joe H. Norris.Police Judge--Leslie W. Stansell. Fire Department
Jacksonville Engine Co. No. 1--Roy Ulrich, Pres.Board of Education
Directors--George Launspach, Mrs. Alpha Hartman, W. H. Johnson.Clerk--C. D. Abbott. Principal--Mrs. Margaret Galliger. County and State Officers
Complete list will be furnished after November election.Justice Court
Justice of Peace--Henry G. Dox.Constable--Joseph B. Wetterer. BANKS
Bank of Jacksonville--W. H. Johnson, Pres-Cashier;
C. M. Ruch, Vice-Pres. Directors--C. M. Ruch, R. G. Jennings, W. H.
Johnson. Capital Stock, $10,000, Surplus, $1,000. Resources closing of
business June 30, 1916, $86,232.46.CEMETERIES
Jacksonville Cemetery--Nr w city limits.CHURCHES
Methodist Episcopal Church--5th nw cor D. Rev.
Robert Hutchison, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.;
Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting,
Thursday 7:30 p.m.Methodist Episcopal Presbyterian
First--Ns California. Rev. Albert H. Gammons,
Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.;
Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p.m.Roman Catholic
St. Joseph's--4th se cor D. Rev. J. Lyden, Pastor. Services by announcement.LIBRARIES
Public School Library--Public school bldg. Open only
during school term. Under the supervision of principal of public
Jacksonville Post (Weekly)--D. W. Bagshaw, Editor and Mngr. $1.50 per year.POST OFFICE
Postmaster--Lewis Ulrich.Asst Postmaster--Louis Baker. Mail received from Medford daily, 8:30 and 11:30 a.m.; 6:30 p.m. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND HALLS
Court House--Es 5th bet C and D.I.O.O.F. Hall--Oregon, bet California and Main. Native Daughters of Oregon Hall--Old convent ss California. Orth Hall--Oregon, bet California and Main. Town Hall--Main sw cor Oregon. SCHOOLS
Jacksonville Public School--Mrs. Margaret Galliger, Principal.SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES
Warren Lodge, No. 10--Meets first Wednesday in Masonic Hall. C. D. Stout, W.M.; James Cronemiller, Sec.A. F. & A. Masons Eastern Star
Adarel Chapter, No. 3--Meets first and third Thursday in Masonic Hall.
Mrs. Jennie Florey, W.M.; Chauncey Florey, W.P.; Lulu Williams, Sec.
Royal Arch Masons
Oregon Chapter, No. 4--Meets on Tuesday on or before
the full moon in Masonic Hall. Emil Britt, H.P.; James M. Cronemiller,
Sec.A. O. U. Workmen
Banner Lodge, No. 23--W. E. Finney, Financier.Degree of Honor
Madrona Lodge, No. 12--Meets 1st and 3rd Friday
at members' residence. Mrs. Lottie Finney, C. of H.; Mrs. P. A. Hines,
Jacksonville Lodge, No. 10--Meets Saturday in
I.O.O.F. Hall. Peter Fick, N.G.; C. D. Abbott, F.S.; John Norris, R.S.;
James Cronemiller, Treas.Table Rock Encampment No 10--Meets Tuesday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Joe H. Norris, C.P.; C. D. Abbott, Sec. Rebekah
Ruth Rebekah Lodge, No. 10--Meets Monday, every two
weeks, in I.O.O.F. Hall. Amelia Ansel, N.G.; Martha Gall, V.G.; A. L.
Gall, Sec.Native Daughters and Sons of
Jane Mason McCully Cabin, No. 1--Meets 1st and 3rd
Wednesday in Native Daughters Hall. Mollie Britt, Pres; Mrs. Chris
Ulrich, Vice-Pres; Ella Cook, Sec.United Artisans
Assembly No. 60--Meets 1st Friday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. C. D. Abbott, M.A.; Charles D. Abbott, Sec.TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES
Southern Oregon Traction Co. (Rogue River Valley
Railway Co. and Electric Line)--Spencer S. Bullis, Pres; Seth M.
Bullis, Vice-Pres and Supt; Raymond Bullis, Sec-Treas. Hourly service
between Jacksonville and Medford.Stage Lines
Jacksonville, Ruch and Applegate--Daily except
Sundays. Leaves Jacksonville post office 9 a.m.; Leaves Applegate for
Jacksonville 11:30 a.m. E. A. Tompson, stage driver.Jacksonville, Buncom and Watkins--Tri-weekly, Tuesdays and Fridays. Leaves Jacksonville 7:15, returning following day. Henry Wendt, stage driver.
Abbott C E, bds C D Abbott
Abbott C D (Martha A), Abbott Hdwe Co, res California se cor 4th Abbott Hardware Co, C D and M E Abbott proprs, ns California nr Oregon Abbott J R, lab, bds C D Abbott Abbott T S, lab, bds C D Abbott Algier Homer, gardener F L Tou Velle Applebaker Joseph (Mabel), blacksmith, res 3rd sw cor D Applegate James, farmer, res 3rd Bagshaw Daniel Jr, printer, Jacksonville Post, bds D W Bagshaw Bagshaw Daniel W (Ada), propr and editor Jacksonville Post, res ws 5th Bagshaw Mary, bds D W Bagshaw, compositor Jacksonville Post Bailey Jewel, bds Wm P Bailey Bailey Wm P (Susan F), liveryman, res California ne cor 5th Baker Louis, Asst Postmaster, bds F M Tungate Band Ellen Mrs, res sw 2nd BANK OF JACKSONVILLE--W H Johnson Pres-Cashier, C M Ruch Vice-Pres, California sw cor 3rd Barnum Wm H (Jessie), res e s Oregon BEEKMAN BENJAMIN B--Lawyer, res California Beekman Carrie C, bds B B Beekman Beekman Julia E Mrs, (wid Cornelius C), res ss California Benedict Wm, farmer, res outside city limits Berry Edward, miner, bds J H Berry Berry Edwin, miner, bds J H Berry Berry James M, miner, bds J H Berry Berry James H (Lena), res California Berwert Charles F (Louise), butcher, res 5th Bienvenue Onie, bds E Langley Bowen Marion E, student, bds W H Bowen Bowen Wm H (Helen S), farmer, res 5th Britt Amelia, bds Emil Britt Britt Emil, Mayor, res w s Pine Broad Agnes, nurse, bds Mrs A Broad Broad Anna, nurse, bds Mrs A Broad Broad Anna Mrs (wid Wm), res 3rd se cor Oak Broad Joe, miner, bds Mrs A Broad Brown Laurence (Loretta), res e s 3rd CALKINS FRANK M--Judge Circuit Court, res Medford Cantrall Andrew (Annie), res ns California Cantrall Maude, bds Mrs V V Cantrall Cantrall S A Mrs (wid John), res es 3rd Cantrall V V Mrs, res Caldwell Add Carpenter Sam, farmer, res outside city limits Carter Eva, bds John Carter Carter John, farmer, res outside city limits Chappell John H, farmer, res w limits Chappell Richard, painter, bds Mrs Sarah Chappell Chappell Sarah Mrs (wid Lyman), res ws Oregon City Drug Store, Dr J W Robinson propr, ns California City Hall, Oregon sw cor Main City Meat Market, John Dunnington propr, ws Oregon Coffman Annie Mrs, propr Lyden House Coleman Frank L, Deputy County Clerk, res Medford Collins Benjamin M (Zean), ins agt, res 5th Collins Fred, lab, bds B M Collins Collins Mary E Mrs (wid Benjamin W), bds B M Collins Conger Enos, res cor Oregon and California Cook Ella Mrs, bds G H Luy Cook Wm (Myrtle), lab, res ws Oregon Corthell May, bds W A Corthell Corthell W A (T Evelyn), farmer, res Jacksonville-Medford rd Coulter Lizzie Mrs, res sw Oregon Court House, es 5th bet C and D Couch Leora, teacher bds B M Collins Cramer J T, watchmaker, res ns California nr 4th Cronemiller David, lab, bds J M Cronemiller Cronemiller James M (Elizabeth), city treas, res ss California Cronemiller Mary F, res ns California Day J S Mrs, res California nw cor 5th Deneff Hattie Mrs, res Oregon Dews James E, clk, bds J M Dews Dews J M (Teresa), res California Dox Henry G, Justice of Peace, Wells Fargo Express Agt, res ws 3rd Dunnington Clifford, meat cutter John Dunnington, bds S E Dunnington Dunnington Clint, mechanic, bds S E Dunnington Dunnington Gertrude, bds S E Dunnington Dunnington John G (Della) propr City Meat Market, res ws 3rd Dunnington Samuel E (Martha E) res es 5th Dunnington Tommie, meat cutter John Dunnington, bds S E Dunnington Eaton Irene Mrs, res se Oregon Eaton Wm, bds Mrs Irene Eaton Ennis Etta M (wid Robert), res ss California Ennis Ruth, bds Mrs Etta M Ennis Ensele Louise, maid B B Beekman Ensele Peter (Amelia), res at w limits Fick Frederick J (Nellie V), propr Fick's Hdwe Store, res s end 3rd Fick H W Mrs, res Jacksonville-Medford rd Fick Peter, lab, bds Mrs H W Fick Fick's Hardware Store, F J Fick propr, California Finney Mark A, bds W E Finney FINNEY R N (Nellie)--Ulrich & Finney Confectionery, cor Oregon and California Finney Wilfred E (Lottie A), carpenter, res ns D Flater Daniel (Isabelle), lab Fleming Bruce, bds E M Fleming Fleming E M (Sarah), farmer, res California Fleming Harley, bds E M Fleming Fleming Henry, bds E M Fleming FLOREY CHAUNCEY (Jennie)--County Recorder, res ws Oregon Gall Albert L (Martha), fruit grower, res e end California Gall Cecil, bds A L Gall Gall Ekron, nurse, bds A L Gall Gallup Henry C (Minnie E), res Lundgren add Gallup Homer C, bds H C Gallup Gallup Myra M, bds H C Gallup Gammons Albert H (Ruth), pastor Presbyterian Church, res ns California Gardner George A (Clara), County Clerk Court House, res 3rd Golden Robert E Dr (Anna E), physician and surgeon, res 2nd Greaves John (Mary), contractor, res nr e end C Grieve Katie M Mrs, deputy County Assessor, res Medford GRIEVE WM T (Katie M)--County Assessor Court House, res Medford HANNA HERBERT K (Leona)--Atty at Law, Bank of Jacksonville bldg, res E Pine Hanna Leander, bkpr, bds H K Hanna Harbaugh Oliver (Dora), farmer, res ns Academy Harper G R (Lelia), deputy Tax Collector, res N 5th Harrington Al (Ossie), Vacuum Cleaning Harrington Ossie Mrs, opr Home Tel & Tel Co Hartman Ellen, bds J Hartman Hartman Jason (Alpha), carp, res n 5th Hartman Wesley, bds J Hartman Helms Amanda, bds E H Helms Helms Edward H, res ws Oregon Hines Royal (Fay), res California and 5th Hinkle Matilda Mrs, res 3rd Hoffman Kate Mrs (wid John H), res ws Oregon HOME TEL & TEL CO--Louise F Jones mngr, Mrs H F Harrington opr, ss California Huener John, lab Hutchison Robert, pastor ME Church, res ws 5th IOOF Hall, Oregon ne cor Main Jacksonville-Applegate Stage Line, Eugene A Tompson propr, post office Jacksonville Cemetery, nr w limits Jacksonville Post, D W Bagshaw owner and editor, 3rd cor C JACKSONVILLE-WATKINS STAGE LINE--Henry Wendt propr, post office Johnson James Mrs, res es Applegate rd JOHNSON WM H (Edith)--Pres-Cashier Bank of Jacksonville, res E Pine Johnston Henry, bds M Johnston Johnston Malcolm (Jane), lab, res Oregon Jones Elizabeth D (wid Stouten), res 4th nw cor C Jones Louise T, mngr Home Tel & Tel Co, bds E D Jones Jones M D (Nettie), lab, res Oregon Kasshafer Clarence, bds Mrs F Kasshafer Kasshafer Frank Mrs, res Applegate rd Keegan Christopher (Bertha M), res 3rd ne cor Main Kelly Edward E, County Attorney, res Medford Kenney Frances, clk Handicraft Shop Medford, bds T J Kenney Kenney Thomas J (Rose), 4th sw cor D Kenney Wm, lab, res 3rd nr California Kitto Walter (Etta L), farmer, res es 5th Knowles F W, fruit grower, res e end California Kubli Eleanor J (wid Kaspar), res es Oregon Langley Ernest A (Anna), deputy County Assessor, res Oregon se cor Fir Launspach George, farmer, res at e limits Levy Stella, res 5th se cor C Lewis George N (Minnie), res ws 4th LEWIS OSCAR C (Daisy D)--Clerk L G Ulrich, res es 4th Linn Corine, res es Oregon Linn David, bds Corine Linn Little George, farmer, res outside limits Lundgren A Theodore, miner, res Applegate rd LUY HARRY G (Isa M)--The Reception, California, res nr 3rd Lyden House, Mrs Annie Coffman mngr, cor California and Oregon Lyden John, propr Lyden House, res same McCully Issie, res California cor 5th McIntyre Joseph E, farmer, bds W I McIntyre McIntyre Nellie M, bds W I McIntyre McIntyre W Isaac (Lola B), farmer, res s end 3rd McIntyre Wm B, farmer, bds W I McIntyre McKee Luella, bds J M Dews McLaren James, res Applegate rd Mankin N C, farmer, res outside limits Marsh Daniel H, bds John Marsh Marsh Denver A, motorman, bds John Marsh Marsh John A (Addie), carpenter, res ws Oregon Martin Joe (Sarah), res es Park Martin Marie, bds J Martin Masonic Hall, es Oregon bet California and Main Miller John F, bds Mary Miller Miller Mary (wid John), res 3rd se cor Main Mitchell August (Henrietta), lab, res ½ m ne limits Mitchell Charles E, lab, bds A Mitchell Mitchell Herbert R, bds A Mitchell Morgan Unieta, bds Oscar Lewis Native Daughters of Oregon Hall, Old Convent Bldg ss California Neil James R, Attorney at Law, res ws Oregon Norris Alfred, salesman, bds J A Norris Norris J Alexander (Martha), janitor Court House, res Blackstone Alley Norris Joseph, bds J A Norris Nunn Ethel, bds Scott Nunn Nunn Scott, farmer, res outside limits Orth Hall, Oregon bet California and Main Patten Victor (Mary), lab, res es 3rd nr California Pearce Dan, bds D J S Pearce Pearce D J S, farmer, res outside limits Pearce Nel, bds D J S Pearce Pearce Paul, farmer, bds D J S Pearce Pearce Sarah, bds D J S Pearce Petard Albert, miner, bds August Petard Petard August (Julia C), miner and vineyard, res Rich Gulch Petard August Jr, miner, bds August Petard Pitz Albert, bds Henry Pitz Pitz Henry (Carrie), teamster, res e city Pitz Myrtle, bds Henry Pitz Pitz Rulan, bds Henry Pitz Pool Arthusa Mrs, res es Academy Pool Irvin, bds Mrs A Pool Poole Emanuel, lab, bds F M Tungate Post Office, Lewis G Ulrich postmaster Prim Charles, Atty at Law, res ss California Puhl Fred, bds Gretchen Puhl Puhl Gretchen, res Oregon Raybould Robert E, res Oregon RECEPTION THE--Cigars and Tobacco, ns California, Harry Luy propr Rees Wilfred (Leona), res California Reeve Mabel, bds M H Reeve Reeve Margaret H Mrs, res ns Caiifornia Renault John, miner, res Academy Reter John, Barber Shop ss California, res Medford Reter Raymond, wks John Reter, bds John Reter Reuter Christina, res cor 6th and E Reuter Elizabeth, bds Mrs C Reuter ROBINSON JAMES W (Tillie)--City Drug Store ns California, res ws Oregon Robinson Minnie Mrs, res ss California Robinson R H (Lillian), lab Rock Elizabeth S, res 4th se cor Pine Rock James M, bds J W Rock Rock James W (Ada J), res Academy Romley Anna, bds Lynn Romley Romley Lynn, farmer, res outside limits Rose Antone (May), res ws 3rd Rosecrans C F (Mildred), lab Ryan Harry, lab, bds Mrs L A Ryan Ryan Laura A Mrs, res es 3rd Sargent H H (Alice C), res ws Oregon Schieffelin Louise Mrs, res ws Oregon Schieffelin Louise Mrs, mail F L Tou Velle Schmitt J Adam (Amelia J), res 1st Schumpf Charles, bds Mrs Ellen Band Schumpf John R, lab, bds Mrs Ellen Band Scott P D, farmer, res outside limits Shaw Thurston G, dentist, res es 5th Singler August Mrs, res 5th Singler Valentine, bds Mrs A Singler Singler Wm H, Sheriff Court House Smith Clifland, farmer, res outside limits Smith Francis C (Olga G), teacher, res es Oregon Smith Ray G (Calista), dairy, res ws Oregon Sparks Wesley R, shoemaker, bds Lyden House STANSELL LESLIE W (Josephine G)--City Recorder, res ws 3rd Stevens Homer (Caroline), res ws Applegate rd Stout Carl D (Ruby G O), carpenter, res Jacksonville-Medford rd Taylor M C Mrs, res 5th TAYLOR WILLIAMS CO INC--J M Williams Pres, W G Caudill Sec-Treas, General Mdse, ss California Thomas Cora, res California Thompson Alexander, bds Mrs Mattie M Thompson Thompson Arthur R, bds Mrs M Thompson Thompson Eugene A (Nettie L), propr Jacksonville-Applegate Stage, res ws 3rd Thompson Flora B, deputy County Clerk, bds Mrs M Thompson Thompson Lester, bds Mrs M Thompson Thompson Mattie M Mrs, res sw cor California Thorndike John A (Roxanna), res es Applegate rd Thorndike Larkin W, carpenter, bds J A Thorndike TOU VELLE FRANK L (Elizabeth)--County Judge Court House, res ws Oregon Tungate F M (Martha), farmer, res Jacksonville-Medford rd Ulrich Christian C (Alice), res ws 3rd ULRICH LEWIS G (Marie M)--Postmaster, propr Ulrich's General Mdse Store, res es 3rd ULRICH ROY (Gladys)--Ulrich & Finney, Confectionery Store, cor California and Oregon Walsh Alta, bds S Walsh Walsh Harry, bds S Walsh Walsh S (Ella), farmer, res e cor 5th Weis John (Meta), draper Weeks & McGowan Co, Medford, res es Oregon Wells J Percy, (Maye B), res Jacksonville-Medford rd Wendt Chester, bds Henry Wendt Wendt Emma, teacher, bds Henry Wendt Wendt E N (Augusta), carp, res 6th WENDT HENRY (Mary)--Propr Jacksonville-Watkins Stage, res Jacksonville rd Wetterer Joseph W, res Oregon Wetterer Mary, dressmaker, bds J W Wetterer Whitworth A C (Elsie), lab, res Jacksonville-Medford rd Wilden Ernest, res 1st WILLIAMS JOHN M (Julia)--Pres Taylor-Williams Co Inc, res 5th Williams Lulu, bds J M Williams WILSON EPHRAIM W--Deputy Sheriff, bds J W Wilson Wilson Essie S (Ida C), carpenter, res Oregon Wilson Jennie, bds Jessie Wilson Wilson Jessie, farmer, res ws Oregon Wilson Jessie J (Esther M), farmer, res ws Applegate rd Wilson John W (Mattie), jailer Court House, res ns California Wiseman L C Mrs, res 3rd LAKE CREEK
A post office on Little Butte Creek, 18 miles
northeast of Medford, and
12 miles from Eagle Point, the shipping and banking point. The Dead
Indian Soda Springs are 12 miles distant. Telephone connections. Mail
except Sundays.For list of names in Lake Creek district, refer to Star Route, Eagle Point-Brownsboro-Lake Creek. LEEDS
A discontinued post office, on Rogue River, 32 miles northeast of
Medford, and 3 miles east of Peyton. Mail received by star route from Eagle
A post office on Elk Creek within the Great Sugar
Pine Belt, 45 miles northeast of Medford and 41 miles north of Central
Point. Mail supplied
from Eagle Point by star route, the banking and shipping point. Mail
Bailey Marion, farmer
Lewis Edith, bds R H Lewis Lewis R H (Minnie), farmer Morgan Charles, farmer Morgan W H, farmer Moore A D, farmer Moore Claud, farmer Olsen Adolph, farmer Whitney D E, farmer Whitney O M (Fannie), farmer Willits Inez, teacher Willits Merle M, farmer Willits Roy F (Ethel), farmer Willits W W (Irene), farmer and postmaster PEYTON
A village on Rogue River, 25 miles northeast of Eagle Point, the
shipping and banking point. Stage and mail tri-weekly to Eagle Point.PHOENIX
A town five miles southeast of Medford, on the
Southern Pacific Ry., and seven miles northwest of Ashland. Medford is
the shipping and banking
point. Population about 250.CITY GOVERNMENT
Mayor and three councilmen are elected each year, all rest are appointed.City Officers Mayor, Elmer Coleman. Recorder, A. H. Fisher. Marshal, St. Commissioner and Water Supt., Wm. Short. Treasurer, Nellie Hearn. Council--Ed Wilder. John Wright, Milo Furry, Lloyd Culver, Fred Piatt and T. J. Malmgren. Police Dept.--Marshal, Wm. Short; Police Judge, A. H. Fisher. BOARD OF EDUCATION
Directors--S. S. Stevens, J. T. Wortman, Arthur Furry; Clerk, Marian Towne; Principal, H. H. Mathis.LODGES
Oregon Camp No. 438--Meets every 2 weeks in Woodmen
Hall. P. A. Steinbach, C.C.; F. E. Furry, Clerk; A. Hearn, Banker.Modern Woodmen of the World Women of Woodcraft
Oak Circle No. 242--Meets monthly in Woodmen Hall.
Mrs. I. French, G.; Mrs. E. G. Coleman, Clerk; Mrs. M. R. Rose, Banker.Improved Order of Bedmen
Rogue River Tribe No. 57--Meets every other Tuesday
in Woodmen Hall. R. Furry, S.; W. H. Wilson, J.S.; F. Furry, K. of R.;
T. K. Malmgren, K. of W.CHURCHES
Presbyterian Church--Rev. John K. Baillie, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school,
10 a.m. Y.P.S.C.E., 6:45 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m.Presbyterian Christian
Christian Church--No Pastor at present. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school, 10 a.m.POST OFFICE
Postmaster--A. Hearn.
Acree Clarence D, lab
Acree Emmer, lab Acree G W (Frances), lab Anderson Caroline W Mrs (wid W T) Anderson Wilson, bds Mrs C W Anderson Baillie John K Rev (Eleanor D), pastor Presbyterian Church Beecraft Alice, bds W R Beecraft Beecraft W R (Lorenda A), gardener Bishop D Hazel, bds Mrs C W Anderson Blackwood Lillian Mrs, bds J H Ruch Brophy Margaret Mrs, teacher Brophy Vern (Margaret), farmer Calhoun Mat, bds J T Piatt Carlos Wm (Eva) Carver Fay, bds E G Coleman Coleman Elmer G (Lillian), Phoenix Mercantile Co Colver F Lloyd (Mary A), farmer Colver Louie O (Minnie), farmer Cope John S (Gertrude), Cope Hdwe Co Cope Hdwe Co, John S Cope Davis M T (Sophia), electrician Dunlop Owen Edsall J B (Nora), farmer Edwards Tate Elfers George (Jennie) Fish T J, farmer Fisher Andrew (Della) Frees George, blacksmith, res Medford Fry Alice, student, bds L D Fry Fry Clarence, Smith & Fry, bds L D Fry Fry Fred, barber, bds L D Fry Fry L D (Stella), quarryman Fry Maude, student, bds L D Fry Furry Colver (Gertrude), farmer Furry Fred (Bell), farmer Furry Frederick M (Josephine), lab Furry G S, farmer Furry Leo, student, bds F M Furry Furry Ray, student, bds F M Furry Furry Robert, farmer, bds F M Furry Grist E H (Ethel), E H Grist & Co HEARN A (Nellie V)--Phoenix Mercantile Co Hearn Mabel, bds A Hearn Holbrook W P, farmer Huff I M, farmer Johnson John L (Hanna), section foreman King L A Mrs Kolleth Jane M Lehners Diedrich (Caroline), agt SP Co and Wells Fargo Express Lockwood E C, farmer MALMGREN THEODORE J DR (Fredricka B)--Physician and Surgeon, propr Malmgren Store Miller Alfred (Fannie), lab Miller Dewey, bds Alfred Miller Miller George M Miller John F, lab Moore R R Mrs Morris George Morris M Mrs Morton James (Eva), farmer Morton Marie, bds James Morton Murtaugh John, lab Myers Walter (Jennie), section hand O'Connor Jack (Cecil), miner Oliver H W Phoenix Barber Shop, F J Fry propr PHOENIX MERCANTILE CO--E G Coleman, A Hearn, proprs, general merchandise Piatt J F (Kate), farmer Rader J M (Bertha M), farmer Reames Harry W (Lavica A), clk Phoenix Mercantile Co Remington Bertha Mrs, bds Alfred Miller Rice Bell Mrs Rice Harry, bds Mrs Bell Rice Rice Kate, bds Mrs Bell Rice Roberts A C Mrs Roberts Charles (Artie), carpenter Rose M Mrs, bds Lloyd Colver Ruch Edwin, lab, bds J H Ruch Ruch J H (Ida), farmer Scott John, lab Short A W (Minnie), marshal Smith James, lab Smith Robert A, Smith & Fry Smith Winifred, carpenter SMITH & FRY--Confectionery, Cigars and Soft Drinks, R Smith, C R Fry, proprs, on Highway Road Sorrel G W (Stacy E), gardener Southern Pacific Co, Lehners agt Stancliff Bert Stancliff Elizabeth Mrs Stancliff Marion E Stanwood O C, farmer Steadman Callie Mrs Stevens Suben, shoemaker Talbot Ethel, bds Joe Talbot Talbot Joe (Mary), carpenter Thrasher James (Nancie) Towne Anna Towne Marian, stengr Wakefield Orrin, shoemaker Waterman Edwin L, farmer Waterman Jane Mrs Wattleman Frank D Westerfield E H, farmer Wilder Edward, wood chopper Wilder J C (Elvira E), gardener Wilson George, bds W H Wilson Wilson J L Mrs Wilson Kathleen, bds W H Wilson Wilson W H (Ella E), farmer Wilson Willie, bds W H Wilson Wolters Elva, bds Mrs C Steadman Wright J A (Etta) PROSPECT
A beautiful little place on Rogue River, 48 miles
from Medford, 35 miles and on the direct road to Crater Lake. It is the
favorite stopping
place for all tourists going to the Crater Lake, splendid meals and all
supplies can be secured there.The Cal.-Ore. Power Plant completed at a cost of $1,000,000 is located near there. Prospect has modern store, hotel and school buildings, with grounds beautifully parked and all modern conveniences, also situated in the heart of the finest sugar pine belt on the coast. Elevation 2,780, mild winters, cool summers and a favorite stopping place for fishing and camping parties. Daily mail to and from Derby, the nearest shipping point on railroad. The following list of names includes all the people living between Trail and Prospect, Derby and Prospect and all that part of the county north and east of Prospect.
Aiken Francis I
Aiken S S Blanchard H D Blanchard Stella Bloomfield Florus & Mrs Chambers Hattie Conger Alice Conger L L Crabtree John Dawson Elmer Dawson Lelia Dawson Myrtle Ditsworth Hazel Ditsworth J T Sr Ditsworth Mary Ditsworth Stewart Dodge A E Edmondson Gus Edmondson Lee Mrs Edmondson Robt Edmondson W L Embrey J C Erskine J H & Mrs Erskine Margery Goodlow Nevet Gordon Clara Gordon Margaret Gorden Robert Gorden Uriah Grieve Eliza GRIEVE JAMES E (Mary)--Postmaster, Prospect Store, General Mdse, Flour & Feed, Gasoline & Oil Grieve John Hansford Russell Henry George O & Mrs Higinbotham Ethel Higinbotham Gertrude Higginbotham Julia Higinbotham Susie Higinbotham T B Higinbotham W A Hollenbeak Ernest Hollenbeak Jack Hollenbeak Lizzie Holm Gladys Humphrey Charles & Mrs Irvin Josephine Irvin O L Kelley Wm & Mrs Kelsoe Etta Kelsoe J W Kelsoe Verna Kincaid Lucius Lewis Eliza Lewis W A Lower Alice Lower Charles Lower Harold McCall Ervine McCoy V O & Mrs McLeod George McLeod W R & Mrs Mansfield George A Mansfield George Jr Mansfield Margaret Mansfield Rose Moony Pearl Moony W E Muskoph Richard Nason B A Neil Frank & Mrs Nye Amarantha Nye Dee Nye Hope Nye Lillian Nye Nelson & Mrs Nye Waldo Owen Merrett Pankey Obediah Peelor Elizabeth Peelor F M Phipps Elsie Phipps Joseph G Schaffer Jas Sholl Elizabeth Sholl Evelyn Sholl PC Tucker Boyd Tucker Flossie Tucker Lyle Tucker Wilber Ulrich Earl (Irene) Vogt Alma Vogt August Walker Charles Walker George W Walker Grace Walker Olive Walker Winifred Webb Hiram & Mrs Wick Carl
Winings Adda
A discontinued post office on Rogue River and
Southern Pacific Railway 2 miles west of Gold Hill, the express,
banking and shipping point. For
list of names, refer to Gold Hill R.F.D. No. 1.ROGUE RIVER
Rogue River, with an estimated population of 300, is
located on the main line of the Southern Pacific, and on the lower
Rogue River. There are
about 1,000 acres of planted orchards in the vicinity, mostly pears and
apples. Berries and small fruit are also grown Attention is also given
dairying, stock raising and diversified farming in the tributary
valleys. Placer
gold mining and dredging has been carried on in the vicinity for years.
Rogue River has a city water supply, electric lights, cement sidewalks,
business blocks, a bank, hotel, a $15,000 grade school offering three
years of
high school work, a park and churches. The Argus, a weekly newspaper is
Mayor--W. P. Wetherell.Recorder--G. F. Wertz. Treasurer--Don F. Wilson. Marshal--John Huls. Council--Samuel Mathis, C. S. Match, Mrs. S. J. Myers, John Owen, L. B. Ellis. Board of Education--A. K. Earhart, Martin Burkhart, John B. Hair. Public Schools--B. G. Harding, Principal. Teachers--Mrs. F. Parent, Miss Alice C. Streets, Mr. Deardoff, Miss Isabelle Martin. Rogue River Improvement Club--Mrs. W. P. Wetherell, Sec. Rogue River Commercial Club--B. G. Harding, Sec. Post Office--Mrs. Rena A. Whipple, Postmaster.
Argus The, Wm R Brower publisher, weekly
Beers George, farmer Boyer Andrew L (Rachel), farmer Brooke H J Brooke Sabrey Brower W R (Goldie M W), publisher the Argus, res Central Point Brown Charles O, section hand Southern Pacific Brown Harvey (Delia), carpenter Brown Joe Mrs Bush Grace, mngr and opr Home Tel & Tel Co Burkhart Claude, farmer Burkhart Joseph, farmer Burkhart Martin (Frances), farmer Burkhart Wm, miner Caldwell Eliza Mrs (wid Thomas) Campbell James, Pres First State Bank, res Medford Clement Charles H (Emma M), gardener Clement Frank, mail carrier Ellis L B (Clara), councilman FIRST STATE BANK OF ROGUE RIVER--James Campbell Pres, D R Terrett Cashier Fowler Wm (Elizabeth) Gilmore Frank M (Mattie), farmer Gilmore Hattie, bds F M Gilmore Gilmore Orson H (Annie G), farmer Gorham Willard (Edith), farmer Halstead Theodore (Clarice), propr Pastime Confectionery Harding George B (Florence), principal public schools Harris Frank, lab Hatch Arley, bds C S Hatch Hatch C S (Elizabeth), blacksmith Hatch Lindon, bds C S Hatch Holcomb Jack J (Alice), carpenter Holcomb Lela Holcomb Lulu Home Tel & Tel Co, Grace Bush mngr Howell G T (Ida), barber Huls John (Miranda), farmer IOOF Rebekah Live Oak No 198--Meets Thursday in IOOF Hall IOOF Woodville Lodge No 217--Meets every Tuesday in IOOF Hall Jackson M H, lab Jenner Frank (Signe), mechanic Lake Franklin (Anna), painter Laws Garfield (Daisy), lab Laws Henry (Hattie), farmer Lowd George (Abbie), farmer Lowd Phillip, farmer McLellan C B (Mattie), section hand SP Co MARTIN GEORGE P (Frances)--Mail Carrier RFD No 1 Martin Isabell, teacher public schools Mathis Samuel, carpenter Megley Charles (Fay) Merriam Lou C (Della P), section foreman SP Co Moore S H, lab Myers S J (Julia), auto livery O K FLOUR & FEED STORE--The best place to get gas in Rogue River, G A Webster propr Owens Earl E, lab Owens Eva Owens George P (Anna R), farmer Owens John, lab Owens Lottie Parent F Mrs, teacher public schools Pitman John (Nellie), lab Post Office, Mrs Rena A Whipple, postmaster Risdon A (Fay), lab Robbins Alice Robinson Joseph A (Rose), lab Robinson Phillip (Henrietta), miner Rogue River Pharmacy, Dr John C Whiteaker propr Rule Anna M Mrs (wid George W) Sanborn Catherine Mrs (wid A K) Sandry Sam L (Henrietta), State Supt Fish Screens Seaman Bessie Seaman Blanch SEAMAN C G (Martha)--Seaman's Grocery Store Semon Ray (Clara), lab Smack John V (Jane E), farmer Smuck J W (Bernice), farmer Spencer Rev J Manley (Mamie), pastor Presbyterian Church Stevens Ephraim, lab Stevens Ray L, lab Streets Alice C, teacher public schools Taylor Thomas H B (Florence E), propr Waldorf Hotel Terrett D R (Hazel), cashier First State Bank of Rogue River Thrasher Jack (Lida), lab Wakeman Hattie Wakeman R W (Sarah), lab WEBSTER G A (Anna)--Propr O K Feed Store Wells Fargo Express Co, W P Wetherell agt Wertz Franklin (Martha), gardener Wertz G F (Ida), real estate Wetherell Wm P (Alice), SP agt Whipple J M (Rena), fireman SP Co Whipple Rena Mrs, postmaster White Julia Mrs Whiteaker Dr John C (Edith), propr Rogue River Pharmacy Wilson Don F (Mabel), General Mdse Store Wilcox Lester A, student Wilcox G W (Angie), Propr Rogue River Hotel RUCH
Population, 150 within delivery of Ruch post office.
Banking and shipping points are Medford and Jacksonville, 12 and 7
miles N.E. Mail daily.
Anderson P F
Anderson Wm Arthur Wm Bauman Chas Boon A L Buckley David Buckley Geo Buckley John Buckley J T Cameron Dr Warren Cameron Frank Cameron Wm Cantrall John Cantrall M Coffman S R Devlin John Downing Wm Fattig J H Fattig Jonas Garrett W R Goldsby Joseph. Gray L Green F H Hamilton Chas Holzgang R Hughes Robert Lausignant F McDaniels W H McDonough Jas McNary W H Matney John Matney Wm Morrison Wm O'Brien J A Offenbacher F Offenbacher John Osenbrugge J J Pettibone W G Pursell Chester Ray Mathew Ray M L Mrs Ray Wm Redanz Wm Rhoten A Rice J B RUCH C M--Postmaster, Gen. Mdse, Blacksmith and Livery Sellers H P Smith CA Smith Edward Smith Margaret Mrs Smith Wm Spaffard F D Spencer H D Taylor H H Throckmorton A Venable W H Wertz Lester SAMS VALLEY
Post office near Table Rock and Rogue River. One of
the earliest settled towns in the valley. Population, 100 within
delivery of Sams Valley post office. Mail daily. Stage to Gold Hill
daily, seven miles west.
(Names marked x are heads of families).
Bloomquist L (x)
Cass Belle Cass C F Cass Earl (x) Chapman Percy (x) Cox Fred Cox I W Mrs Cox Lloyd Cooper Ed (x) Corliss Lloyd (x) Fisher J B (x) Fitzgerald Chas Fitzgerald Frank (x) Fitzgerald Leora Fitzgerald Walter Gall Elim Gardner G A Mrs Gilcrist C C (x) Gilcrist Cleo Holt John (x) Holtz Henry (x) Jones John (x) Kimble E A McDonough Geo (x) Messinger Walter Miller Curtis (x) Morgan Birch Morine A Morrison Riley Mrs Pankey Thos (x) Payne Frank (x) Payne John (x) Perry Minnie Peterson John Potter Ned Rhodes Clyde Rogers Frank (x) Scott Walter (x) Scott Mabel Scroggs A (x) Scroggs Austin Stoner Ray (x) Thresham Otto (x) Thresham W A (x) Thresham Elsie Vincent Ora Ward W T Webber Ezra West J E (x) Willhigh C (x) Wilson Chas TALENT
Talent, with an estimate population of 350, is
located in the upper Rogue River Valley, on the main line of the
Southern Pacific. The town is in the center of the highly developed
portion of the Rogue River Valley.
Besides fruit raising, considerable local attention is given to market
products and berries. Talent has a cannery with a daily capacity of
4000 cans.
The County Experiment Station is located about 1½ miles north,
also the
county hospital and county poor farm. Talent has modern schools and
offers two years of high school work, including household science and
training courses. Has modern stores, electric lights, gas, and city
water system.CITY GOVERNMENT
Mayor--Wm. Breese.Recorder--J. Terrell. Treasurer--E. B. Adamson. Marshal--J. N. Pace. Council--James Foxall, Wm. Stump, Mrs. Olive Walters, Ren Sleppy, Ed Leming, J. Robinson. BANKS
State Bank of Talent--Capital. $20,000.00. Surplus,
$1,200.00. Resources at close of business June 30, 1916, $72,678.19.
Joshua Patterson, Pres; R. E. Robinson, Vice-Pres; Edward B. Adamson,
Sunday services--Sunday school, 10 a.m.; preaching, 11 a.m.Baptist Christian
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m. Rev. Matlock, Pastor.Methodist
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m. No
regular pastor.Dunkard
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.CLUBS
Community Club--Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday. Mrs. H. R. King, Pres; Mrs.
Ida A. Luke, Sec; Mrs. Bessie Ager, Treas.Parent-Teachers Assn.--Meets at call. Mrs. Charles Holdridge, Chairman. POST OFFICE
Postmaster--C. A. Brown.Asst Postmaster--Viola Brown. Carrier R.F.D. No. 1--H. E. Bowman. Office Hours--7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sundays and Holidays, 11 a.m. to 12 m.
Mail Trains
Train No. 13 from North 10:00 a.m.Train No. 14 from South 8:02 a.m. Train No. 15 from North 4:25 p.m. Train No. 16 from South 5:05 p.m. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND HALLS
Ames Bldg.City Hall. I.O.O.F. Hall. PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Board of Education--F.. C. Reimer, Chairman; G. A. Morse, Welborn Beeson, C. Holdridge, Clerk.Principal--G. W. Ager. Teachers--Minnie Corrin, Mrs. B. A. Stewart, Mrs. Hazel Lowe, Mabel Mickey, Mrs. Ada Stannard. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES
Talent Lodge No. 211--Meets Wednesday in I.O.O.F.
Hall. J. R. Robins, N.G.; J. Roberts, V.G.; C. W. Holdridge, R. Sec.;
G. Galbrieth, F. Sec.I.O.O.F. Modern Woodmen of America
Manzanita Camp No. 11,248--Meets 2nd and 4th
Saturdays in I.O.O.F. Hall. E. T. Jacobs, Consul; H.P. Flury, A.; J. N.
Pace, Banker; H. E. Bowman, Clerk.Rebekahs
Talent Rebekah Lodge No. 187--Meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays in I.O.O.F. Hall.TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES
Southern Pacific Co.--H. E. Coleman, Agent.ADAMSON EDWARD B
(Esther)--Cashier State Bank of Talent
Alford A (Catherine K) Anderson Anna Anderson Celia Mrs Armstrong Gerald Armstrong J A (Maggie) lab Armstrong Viola Baker J T (Mattie), Baker's Blacksmith Shop Barrett J (Pearl) Bell Angie Bell Bert (Bessie), farmer Bell Floyd, lab Bell The, T Jefferson Bell propr, boarding Bell Thomas (Evalena), lab Bell T Jefferson (Amanda), propr The Bell Bell W W, farmer Bowman H E (Luella), mail carrier Bowman Ralph BROWN C A (Viola)--Brown's Drug Store, Postmaster BROWN LOUIS (Carrie)--Talent Mercantile Co Breese Irene Mrs Breese Wm H (Elizabeth), gardener Bruley Albert L Bruley Dave (Dora), lab Budgeon John (Mary), lab Burgan C D Mrs Burnett Henry C (Mary E), lab Burnett Louisa Mrs Carey W M (Bernice), lab Carlisle Samuel, lab Carpenter M J Mrs Chapman Charles, lab Childers W A (Ethel), lab Coleman Arnold Coleman Clarence R Coleman Delpha Coleman H E (Pearl) COLEMAN JAMES B (Lettie B)--Talent Mercantile Co Coleman Ray Coleman S A Mrs Cook E E (Lucy M) Crawford J S (Sarah C), gardener Crawford Laurence, lab Crosby John (Margaret), lab Crosby Wm R (Cora), section hand Dillard Frank, civil eng Dunham Frank H (Cora), farmer Estes A R (Alta), lab Estes Dudley Estes W W (Mary J) Finley Ray (Carrie) Foxall James (Jessie), gardener Galbraith George (Grace), farmer Garvin Clifford (Bertha), lab Garvin Ruth, bds J Budgeon Hanscomb Linnie Harring John (Laura), teamster Hazen C A (Josie), lab Heller Wm, lab Holstead A C, Dr of M of T D Houston Ivan Houston W H (Lydia), lab Inman B T, lab Inman Mary J Mrs Jewell Etta Mrs Johnson C, shoemaker Jones Jennie Mrs Jones Morris, lab Jones Theodore Lacy C A (Gay), lab Lacy Etta Lacy J H Lacy Wm, lab Lamb Lloyd Lamb Thomas (Cora), farmer Luke R J (Ida A), confectionery Luke's Confectionery Store, R J Luke propr McMahan A F (Ella), barber Mason Harry (Katie), lab Mason H W (Mary), lab Mason John C, lab Minuth Ernest (Mabel), mngr Big Pines Lumber Co Morrison Rosy, bds Louis Brown Niver Florence Niver Lucy Niver Mary Norman John F (Nellie), barber Nyswaner Matilda Mrs (wid Riley) Nyswaner W H (Elizabeth), lab Pace J N (Alice) Pellet Jim (Eva) Pool J M, farmer Quackenbush P W (Dorothy), lab Reed Wm, section hand Robison John (Marcie), farmer Rose Frank (Freda), contractor Seaming Byron Seaming Effie Mrs Seaming E W (Elizabeth), farmer Seaming Ted, lab Shideler John (Clara), farmer Sleppy L J (Jennie), lab Spitzer J S (Margaret), Spitzer & Son Grocery Spitzer W C, Spitzer & Son Grocery Stagg L A (Evelyn), Taxi driver STATE BANK OF TALENT--Joshua Patterson Pres, R E Robinson Vice-Pres, Edward B Adamson, Cashier Stump Wm (Ora) Swalley Elmer, baker Talent Hdwe Co, E E Cook propr Talent Meat Mkt, J H Withrow propr TALENT MERCANTILE CO--Louis Brown, J B Coleman, gen mdse Terrell J (Parthena), farmer Terrell Lucy A Mrs Tryer G Charles Tryer Marion (Ida B) Tryer Marion E Miss Turner Lloyd, farmer Vander Sluis Alice VANDER SLUIS PETER (Bell)-- VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN--P Vander Sluis, C D Burgan, gen mdse Vogeli Minnie Mrs, dressmaker Vogeli Wesley (Minnie), carpenter Vogeli Callie B Wagner Andy, lab Walters Chester, clerk Vander Sluis & Burgan Walters Eleanor Walters Olive Mrs Webster J B Wells Fargo Express, H E Coleman agt Whitton J Wicha Frank, gardener Wilcox Robert, miner Williams I C (Pearl), farmer Withrow Donna Withrow Earl (Mary) Withrow J H (Florence M), propr Talent Meat Mkt Withrow Lucy Withrow Ozro Works Byron Works M E Mrs Works Orval Yeo Wm Ziders George E (Dollie B), section foreman SISKIYOU
A post office on the main line of the Southern
Pacific railway, 20 miles south of Ashland, the banking point. Has
Wells Fargo & Co
Express and Western Union Telegraph. Mail daily.SODA SPRINGS
A discontinued post office on Emigrant Creek, 10
miles southeast of Ashland, the banking and shipping point. Stage to
Ashland. Mail daily.STEAMBOAT
A post office on Steamboat Creek, a branch of the
Applegate River, 17 miles south of Applegate, the nearest supply point.
Stage to Applegate
Agee Miles, stockman
Egger Simon, miner Erler Robert, miner Moss Thomas, miner O'Connell W H, miner Rock T R, miner and stage Wagner Gustave P, postmaster Wright D A, miner TOLO
A station on the Southern Pacific railway, 9 miles northwest of Medford, the banking point. Mail daily.
Morgan Tessie, postmaster
Ray Frank, general store TRAIL
A post office 26 miles from Medford, the banking and
telegraph point, and 14 miles from Eagle Point, the express and
shipping point. (Following live in and around Trail and get their mail
at that address.)
Adamson George
Anderson Leif Banks Harry Bingham B F Bingham Harry Bingham W H Dan May Mrs Dunlap Ira Dunlap N V Foeller Charles Foeller R E Frick W C Gaines Olive Gaines T C Howe Irwin H Klippel A E McDonald Anna McDonald Bert McDonald F B McDonald J O McDonald L E McDonald Mary McDonald Nannie McDonald Norma McDonald Percy McDonald S E McDonald W G McDonald W M Mackeys James Mackeys Jessie Marcks L J Martin Louis Martin Mary Mrs Maxfield Ella Maxfield J T Middlebusher Clara Middlebusher E Middlebusher Frank Middlebusher M E Miller Ed Miller Julia Ossman E V Ossman Henry Ossman Leslie Ragsdale Hattie Ragsdale Jess Randall Homer Skyrman Charles Skyrman Clara Skyrman Emma Storm George Storm Nannie Warner Fred Warner Mary Warner May Warner Ray Weeks George WATKINS
A post office on Applegate River, 25 miles southwest of Jacksonville,
the banking, express, telegraph and shipping point. Mail stage from
Jacksonville tri-weekly. For list of names refer to star route from Jacksonville to
A post office on Antelope Creek, 12 miles from Medford and [blank] miles
from Eagle Point, the banking and shipping point. Wellen is one of the
richest farming districts in Southern Oregon. Mail daily from Eagle Point.
Austin George A, farmer
Bradshaw A W, farmer Carlton Thomas, farmer Comstock Jeanett Mrs Doran L, farmer Dusenbury L, farmer Findley J B, fruit grower Johnson I Slater, fruit grower Kay O E, farmer Kershaw J L, dairy and goat raiser McChesney George, farmer Oswald Charles, fruit grower Owens George, farmer Owens James, farmer Owens J S, farmer Reed E I, farmer Riley Thomas, farmer Robbins Howard, fruit grower Rose Edward, farmer Rose Oscar, farmer Rose Oral, farmer Schell C D, farmer Schrader Edward, farmer Smith George N, farmer Von der Hellen Bros, stock raisers VON DER HELLEN H--Postmaster VON DER HELLEN I H--Stockraiser Walch D B, farmer Walch Kate Mrs, farmer Winn G M, farmer WIMER
A discontinued post office on Evans Creek, 8 miles from Rogue River,
the banking and shipping point. Mail daily from Rogue River by RFD.R.F.D. and STAR ROUTES OF JACKSON
List of people living in that part of the county generally covered by
Ashland R.F.D. No. 1, and receive mail at that address:ASHLAND R.F.D. NO. 1
Andrews H W
Arant E J Baer Ed Bailey Essie Bailey Frank Bailey G W Bailey S H Barnard J C Barrett James Barron Ed Barron George Barron Homer Beagle J C Beagle J H Beagle W T Belderback Grant Boon George Bowers CA Buck M R Bunnell F W Burkman Charles Burns Robert Carver E J Chapman A B Chapman Dan Chapman V H Clark E R Clayton Orchards Cooper W A Corbett R J Cornelius Ruby Culbertson T A Culy G C Davis Blanch Davis D N Davis E A Davis Elbert G Davis Inez Decker Arthur Decker S E Dennis W B Dozier Andrew Dozier John Dozier N C Dunn G W Eaton T S Elliott T H Eske Albert Evans S J Gall E E Gearhart A R Gibbs M I Gill J S Goukel Cris Gowland J E Grant C L Graves A A Gray C A Gray E C Greger Jackson Grimsley J M Grubb W C Grubb W N Grow G A Grow Homer Hanscom D G Harden H Harrell Louise Haskins J W Haskins Wm Hawley O V Hays Hugh Helms H H Hendricks J F Holbert W T Holmes C I Holmes T C Jr Hopkins Al Howard C B Howard D Howard Harvey Howard W S Howard Z Hoxie Esther Mrs Hunter J B Ignatius Hans Inlow George Jennings E D Jensen H L Jones H L Johnson G B Johnson R B Joy Albert C Kelgan P H Kelts J A Kennard G W Kennedy Rachael Kenyon E E Kerby Elton Kincade E L Kincade W R King Rufus Kuney Effie Larson Nels Leslie A H Long Claud Low O D McAllister M J Mrs McClanahan Annice McCune J N McDonough R L McKay Teresa McKee Elizabeth McKeecher D T Mass Greeman Mrs Matsler C U Mayfield J H Miller J L Miller J S Millner J W Minor W T Monroe J H Moore C R Moore I C Moore W L Morris C F Morris Julia Mrs Morris T A Morrison Jno Mortland A E Murray James Neil Elmo Owen G W Owings L E Palmer W E Parton George Payne C T Peachy A H Pellet J J Peters S A Pew James Pinkerton E E Poole Matty Mrs Randles Joseph E Rathbun O J Roberts Wm Robertson E E Rodgers Wm Richardson Frank Rifner C D Ritzsenger Nick Rush C G Sanford C Q Schibner George A Schneider F P Scott Dean Shaver W M Shaw W F Sherner L Snyder F N Sparkes Logan Spencer Lester Steadman W D Stevens Arthur Swartzfager C G Taylor J M Teter L H Thomas Albert W Tucker MM Tyler Frank Van Tassel G W Vroman E Ella Walker Milo Walker Sadie Mrs Wallis W H Walson Dan Weaver E C Weiss John L Welch Joseph West Frankie Whitney A V Whytock James Wilcox Sanford Wiley James Williams J D Yokum Jim Young C F Young M F Zash Joe CENTRAL POINT R.F.D. NO. 1
List of heads of families that live in that part of the county that is
generally covered by Central Point, Ore., R.F.D. No. 1, and receive
their mail at that address:
Aitchley Arthur
Anderson Sam Ball Grace B Birkholz J W Blackford Oscar S Bohnert Wm Brayton W E Brenner Wm Brown David Brown J S Calhoun M Cardwell Joe Carlson A V Clark H H Clark W D Conley R M Darby Scott Davis E H Davis E R Davis G N Davis J F Deane G B Dean R F Douglas E A Downing L E Dunlap A J Elden A W Elden J W Facklam Wm Fish Fletcher Foley Mike Force D S Gentry Will Gilmore J W Goodhue B F Gray R W Harris W B Hamilton W B Hauri J J Heckerman W H Heft Earl Hershberger George Hesselgrave J E Hicken P J Mrs Hoagland J P Householder I Houston B W Hover W M Hubbard L P Law T C Lewis Wm Lull W L Madden F H Manning R Mason W T Mayfield W G McCredie Wm McNasser B E Miller W G Mims George P Col Miner J S Minnick S C Neff J V Newhall C S Nichols Bert Nichols George Obenchain George Olsen A J Palmer F M Pankey G L Pankey S E Parker W K Pierce R A Pomeroy E H Potter B M Pursell S H Reinking C Robbins James Robertson J R Salade Dr L A Samuels J D Schollander E G Sifers F W Sisty John Slagle J D Smith R E Stone D W Straube Fred Taylor C H Thompson Emma Mrs Thompson W A Thornbrue E H: Tompkins Frank Tracey Fred Tuttle C N Velin C E Walker M B Watkins J B Welsher O S Whitney A P Wilson R L Yant W D Young M F Zannon M Zimmerman R B CENTRAL POINT R.F.D. NO. 2
List of heads of families that live in that part of the county
generally covered by Central Point, Ore., R.F.D. No. 2, and who get
their mail at
that address:
Abbott S S
Baker J A Beebe A W Beebe D W Beebe K W Beaulieu T Bigham John Bigham J W Blackburn F E Bradley Charles Cameron John Carlton E W Caton F L Chapman W C Chase M B Chittenden A C Collins S C Conley Jacob Conner B Croft H H Davis M E DeFord W F Duggan D Duggan J F Dyer B A East H Eicher C H Eicher C S Fiero A C Fitzpatrick L Flaherty Roland Forbes C T Fraley E E Gill J C Glass E L Glass Jessie Glass T A Gregory J T Hall C C Hall Ed Hamilton E C Hanscom D H Hauptman F H Hayes Harry Hazelrigg D H Hazelrigg E A Head H W Hull Elmer Katon Jack Kincaid R M Lammey C S Lane E L Laurence R R Lester E W Lewis W H Lydiard J H Marshall M Marshall Walter Martin J.A May E T McGraw E T McKay C J Merrill W E Merriman W H Milligan Omar Minnick E E Modoc Orchard Moore A E Morrison J C Myers Frank Mynatt W B Olsen R E Palmer E S Pepper L H Pendleton J C Penland O Perdue S E Persons E Polland R H Pratt Chas Richardson Harvey Rickley C F Riley George H Rosenburg Bros Rothrock J F Samuels J M Seabrook A L Smith C R Stevens F A Timmons A Tresham O R True J F Upton F E Vaughan W H Vincent A L Vincent J S Vincent M A Waddle P H Washburn RC Webb C E B Weedon T H Whetstone H F Whiteside E G Whiteside W E Wilcox L H Williams J D Young I C EAGLE POINT-BROWNSBORO-LAKE CREFK
List of people that live in that part of the county covered by star
route on Eagle Point-Brownsboro-Lake Creek road and get their mail as follows:(Following Eagle Point mail address.)
Bieberstedt A
Butler J Corbin Austin Croft E Garmen N Pelouse F Pelouse Robert Redclift C R Stewart J H Tronson H B (Following Brownsboro mail address.)
Abbott Thomas
Archibald Jas Archibald & Stephens Berry Thomas Bradshaw Dee Bradshaw J Lee Bradshaw R H Brown George Cannon J W Charley E Mrs Charley F S Charley Lem Conley Milo Derrick Frank Edwards E B Garner J A Hanscom Charles Hard Ed Hard Frank Hard N J Mrs Hechner J Hessler S J Lomax Bert McDonald R Mrs McNary D L Mills Ed Monia J Myers D W Neill Robert Nichols Gus Nuding W H Nygren Gus Pattrich Dan Stanley Fred Stanley Ralph Stanley Thomas Stanley Roy Staub W M Stephenson George B Terrell Dean Terrell Charles Thomas Richford Thomas Wm Tucker Ralph Tucker Ed H Tucker E E Young Harry (Following Lake Creek mail address.)
Bieberstedt R
Bowles M D Chapman W L Colby A Conley J L Crantham J W Culbertson Cecil Culbertson J D Daley C Daley Wm C Daniels D W Elder A C Elder Andrew Elder August Elder Charles Elder Fred Farlow Bessie Farlow F Farlow F L Farlow Myrtle Farlow Simeon Farlow W L Farlow Wm Farlow W P Farrer C L Frey Edward Frey Fred Frey George H Frey George W Frey Irving Frey Otto Gardner Bennett Gardner Raphael Gardner Rosalia Garrett J M Hanley M Harding E G Haworth J Clinton Heofft Charles Heofft Theofield Heofft Wm Kay Clyde Kingery Ben Klingle Charles Klingle Emmett Klingle M A Mrs McAlister John McCallister Celia McCallister Fred McCallister James McCallister J G McCallister Simeon Martin Clarence Martin Wm Messall Wm G Meyer Audley Meyer E E Meyer Herman A Meyer Herman G Meyer Otto Michel Wm Miller Blanch Miller J A Miller Meryle Milam J R Moore Cecil Moore C R Nausebaum Wm Newstrom C A Newstrom Herman Nichols George Nichols Thomas Nichols Wm Nygren Alice Nygren Carl Nygren Eric Nygren Frank Peck Fritz Peck G A Peck Maggie Mrs Peck R A Ragsdale Bessie Ragsdale J L Ragsdale Thomas Ray Clyde Reed C H Sidley Helen Sidley James Sidley Julia Sidley Michael Sidley M J Siefield Charles Siefield Mildred Smith G N Thompson A H Thompson Bros Thompson F G Tonn H L Tonn Louis Tonn Ludwig Tyrrell Arden Tyrrell J H Walch John Waltermire H H Wilkinson C E EAGLE POINT-DERBY STAR ROUTE
List of heads of families on Eagle Point-Derby road whose mail address
is Eagle Point.
Ayers F J
Baker W M Caster L B Dahack Ely Johnson T J Mathews Vema Minter RR Neil F R Poebler M Poundtree H Thompson Mrs Vestal L A Winkle Wm Woods Walter EAGLE POINT-WELLEN-CLIMAX STAR
List of heads of families that live on the Eagle Point-Wellen-Climax
road. Following get mail at Wellen, Ore.
Austin C E
Austin E J Austin George Austin W J Bradshaw A W Church Willard Dusenbury Len Irwin G W Johnston, Antelope Orchard Kay Ora Kay Ralph Kent Dolph Kershaw J L Luy Fred Murphy Ed Owens George Owens John Pitcher M J Robbins Ed Schell C D Schrader E D Walch Drape Walch Katie Mrs
Following get mail at Climax.
Blackden W P
Charley Walter Grissom Andrew Grissom Herbert Grissom Louis Grissom Wm Hanson N P Holman Will Jr Holman Will Sr White Ed EAGLE POINT-TRAIL-PERSIST STAR
List of people that live on the Eagle Point-Trail-Persist road and
receive their mail as follows:Following are on the Eagle Point-Trail road and get their mail addressed to Eagle Point:
Daily Tim
Following are on the Trail-Persist road and get their mail addressed to
Trail:Bellows C E Bergman Chris Blass C Blass John Clarno A J Coffeen J W Coffeen W J Cox Smith Crandall W H Croft J W Fisher George Foster Ed French J H Fry G F Hanna J B Hanna J C Houston J A Houston W F Howard J A Johnson T L Kirchgessner E R McCabe T F Mathews G B Mathews Grant Morgan W P Napp Mrs Pullin F J Ramey Thomas Robertson J L Slusser Nate Smith S T Springer C A Still Bros Stinson W Stowell G H Watkins H
Allright A E R
Allright Ellen Ash E E Ash Rena M Capell A T Cushman Hazel Cushman Rose Cushman W H Dawson Robert R Dawson Thomas Foeller Dan Howe George Landoz P E Lees J H McDonald Bros Middlebusher Bill Miller J W Johnson P F Olive Walter Olsen A Opdyke Paul Peile Ed Peile L V Pence D W Storm G H Sturges Fred Todd T I Trusty J H Vaughn N C Wagner W Walker John Warner J W Weeks Ace Weeks Eva Weeks G W Winningham John
Following get their mail addressed to Persist:
Lewis R H
Moore A Moore C Morgan Chas Morgan W H Olsen Adolph Willits Inez Willits Merle M Willits Roy Willits W W (Postmaster at Persist) Whitley D E Whitley O M GOLD HILL R.F.D. NO. 1
List of people that live in that part of the county
generally covered by Gold Hill R.F.D. No. 1, and receive their mail at
that address:
Alden Charles
Alden G B Anderson Bessie Mrs Bailey H S Bellany F C Birdseye V W Blackington O E Boling Ray T Borden L H Boyd C R Briggs George Carle N M Carr C C Champlin Charles P Cook R A Cook R L Cook R M Cotton J A Cotton J D Coverdale W A Crawford J H Mrs Danielson B Dayton George Dingey Thomas Donegan John Dufin B M Edmonds W H Eldridge M Mrs Ersman F D Farmer Bell Mrs Fisher R J Fitzgibbons James Galliger T Garrett George Haight D Hair J B Haymond Ralph Hittle W W Holcomb George Hosmer M Mrs Jacobs G W Keyes Elmer Kissinger Bert Koster Ed Lance George Lathrop A McOnat P Matthews G W Mattis A W Messner Amelia Milton A K Morris W A Norton T S Pierce J O Pierce J W Porter J H Porter Stewart Poyer Gust Puhl W M Razalis Ranch Rhoten Ed Roberts T B Ritter J J Ritter Mary E Schaumberg P J Short J W Shoemaker Ed Shoemaker Wm Slead D H Slevin K Mrs Spencer F L Steelman J W Stumbo C W Swacker Dick Swinder Mary Trimble R Wahl Charles Wells J E White Harry White Ralph Wolverton C D Woodcock Ed Woodcock George Woolridge Henry GOLD HILL-SAMS VALLEY-BEAGLE STAR
List of people living in that part of the county covered by Gold
Hill-SamsValley-Beagle Star Route and receive their mail addressed to Gold Hill.\
(Gold Hill to Sams Valley.)
Anderson James
Birch Robert Brosius Frank Burford D Bushnell J H Day E B Eddington W W Farnham R Fisher L M Fox H H Fredenburg J I Hedgepeth J D Herron J W Kenney W C Lyman George Moore J K Morrill John F Pankey Dell Pelton H I Pipes Charles Rogers J F Rowe J L Schultz Max Snyder F M Snyder Ogden Straus Richard Stubblefield Robert Teples Eli Tepovac Bozy Van Hardenburg P Van Hoevenburg H Wilson D C Wyatt Thomas (Sams Valley to Beagle.)
De Armond R
Marsh Wm Rogers H E Rogers O Wilwhite Clarence Wilwhite E D (Beagle to Sams Valley.)
Case C F
Case E M Perry Thomas Strathern Ruth Vincent John Wilson A C JACKSONVILLE-BUNCOM-WATKINS STAR
Receive mail at following address:
(Jacksonville to Sterling.)
Arnold Ezra, Jacksonville, Ore
Crump John F, Jacksonville, Ore Dunford Charles, Jacksonville, Ore Mankins Henry, Jacksonville, Ore Magruder George, Jacksonville, Ore Nelson A, Jacksonville, Ore Summers Wm, Jacksonville, Ore Wilse A M, Jacksonville, Ore Wilse P, Jacksonville, Ore
(Sterling to Buncom.)
Crump F Mrs, Buncom, Ore
Forman Ernest, Buncom, Ore Genett Joe, Buncom, Ore Gibson Ansle, Buncom, Ore Hall H, Buncom, Ore Persell Charles, Buncom, Ore Pursell Nelson, Buncom, Ore
(Buncom to Watkins.)
Boswick Walter, Buncom, Ore
Broad John, Watkins, Ore Buck C C, Buncom, Ore Buck Ernest, Buncom, Ore Burns John, Watkins, Ore Cameron Frank, Buncom, Ore Cameron Warren Dr, Buncom, Ore Cantrall John, Buncom, Ore Collins Bros, Watkins, Ore Copple Fred, Buncom, Ore Coppel Wm, Buncom, Ore Dorn David, Buncom, Ore Dorn Ernest, Buncom, Ore Dorn Fred, Buncom, Ore Dorn Wm, Buncom, Ore Goldsby Joe, Buncom, Ore Haskins John, Watkins, Ore Johnson Nate, Buncom, Ore Landen Wm, Buncom, Ore Lewis Erwin, Watkins, Ore Lewis N, Buncom, Ore McKee, Amos, Buncom, Ore McKee Bert, Buncom, Ore McKee Fort, Buncom, Ore McKee S D, Buncom, Ore Marvin Jack, Buncom, Ore Mingo Frank, Watkins, Ore Morris Wm, Watkins, Ore Parks H, Buncom, Ore Penz Edwin, Buncom, Ore Phillips R, Buncom, Ore Preston Fran, Jacksonville, Ore Puhl Benton, Buncom, Ore Salsman B, Buncom, Ore Schneider Frank, Buncom, Ore Spiker John, Watkins, Ore Smith A, Watkins, Ore Swain Pat, Buncom, Ore Waite John, Watkins, Ore Watkins Robert, Watkins, Ore Zell Frank, Watkins, Ore MEDFORD R.F.D. NO. 1
List of heads of families living in that part of the county generally
covered by Medford R.F.D. No. 1 and who receive mail at that address:
Abercrombie C S
Adams Ernest Alming L Arnold Jno Baker H H Bayer Dr Beckerdike J A Berkley Orchards Best H C Boner D A Boner J S Boner J W Brass A Brass M Braggs R O Braggs T H Broback C R Brown J D Bryson W E Butler F T Butler J J Cardinell Horace Carpenter George B Chirgwin H S Clemens H S Corlies T M Cox Sampson Crandall A P Daken E B Darby Charles Darby John Davis John Denzer F A Dickerson C H Dickerson M A Dressler F H Duncon R O Dutton Frank Earl R J Eden Valley Orchards Farrell Frank Fehl E H Felch Bros Fields W H Fish George N Fitch Chester Foothill Orchard Foutch R B Frideger Wm Fry Albert Gammill J A Geary E A Gibson Perry Guches E Guches J M Hall A E Hamill P W Hamlin Jeff Hammond W S Heimroth C R Hendrickson N J Mrs Hendrickson Will Hensley C A Holloway C F Holloway Orchards Holmes Wm Hovey J S Mrs Howard Wm Hughes George T Hull Polk Judy Edwin Judy Justin Kelly J T Kime Ira Kime Nick Kime Wilbur Kinder Ella M Kluckert G H Knips Louis Land E R Mrs Launspach George Lingerfelt W G Little C H Little George Lofland Bros Lofland Percy Lofland Roy Luke D W McKay Wm McKinzie J S McPherson J Martin A C Meadows S J T Milnes Wm Minear Earl Minear L D Mrs Minear M I Mitchell Nick Montgomery R F Morgan O F Morris W B Morrison E E Nelson N Norris M J Norris Walter Nunan Charles Patterson J H Paul C C Pembro Orchards Pierce E Pierce Wm G Potter & Gould Rapholtz W S Rawlings S T Redpath Edmund Regan Mary H Rose J A Rothe W P Rucker J P Rumsey B Sargent H H Scheble W M Schuchard A A Schuler H D Skinner J J Speck C M Sprague G E Smith B A Stevens I H Stoltz H C Stover A P Strang R D Thomas B F Thomas G W Touch R B Turpin Charles Vaughn Stanley Wagner Butte Orchard Walters G W Walters Jno Watz Ernest Weiss A P Wheeler D W Wilcox R H Wilcox W Wilson J L Wilson J R Wilson R B Winterhalter Henry Wolff George Young George B MEDFORD R.F.D. NO. 2
List of heads of families that live in that part of
the county generally covered by Medford R.F.D. No. 2, and who receive
mail at that address:
Allder Grant
Angle H D Barber H C Beall Asbury Beall Tyson Beall Vinton Jr Bennett Louis Benson F L Benson M Bodge Daisy Mrs Bursell Victor Bybee Frank Campbell Alvin Carpenter FS Casebolt C W Centers F M Clark R A Conger A P Conger H E Conner C H Mrs Cook A W Duff D D Dunten C J Finley E Finley I A Fitche W F Frazee J S Fry J G Mrs Gardner T G Gilman George Glover M B Godlove J C Good O H Guthrie E F Hackert F Hanley E B Harris L D Hartley M F Hartley W W Hay D Haynes W C Hempstreet B F Hempstreet J A Hewett F Hilton George Hippensteel D A Hoover A M Hoover C C Hopkins F H Hoppin Albert Howard R L Howell C H Hurley J M Huso M W Janney P M Johnson A W Kabler Edward Keizur R A Knips W G Koeman Mary E Lansing E W Laurentz E Mrs Linnville J H Loomis F E Loomis H B Mrs McKeever O Maben C M Marshall Bros Martin E L Martin J A Maultby H L Maury H C Meehan J B Meier Carl Merriman I A Midvale Orchards Miller K S Moore Wm Murphy L A Mussey R M Nicholson A L Niedermeyer E H Niedermeyer L Nordman A J Norris Jno R Ossman O M Parker C M Powell A G Ray R L Raymond David Rhodes J T Richardson Sanford Richter Ernest Root M E Rowley R A Rugg G A Smith W F Stevens C B Storm J J Stratton A E Stroud F W Taylor A C Taylor Jesse Thomas John Wakefield E W Waldron E O Walsh Arthur Walsh I M Walters Harvey Warren J P Mrs Waterman J A Watson F J Weiss I Wells W N Weston Frank Winter J M Willard W W Wolter T P Wright L S Zimmerman R B MEDFORD R.F.D. NO. 3
List of heads of families that live in that part of
the county generally covered by Medford R.F.D. No. 3, and who receive
their mail at that
Adams A E
Anderson W E Austin L E Bennett C A Boardman J S Bordwell H G Mrs Bowman A J Boyden H E Briscoe James Brommer Bros Brown Charles S Burke E Carpenter Bros Case A H Childers I C Clark Don S Colby E D Cook J F De Witt R Doremus F C Dunlop J W Edson P E Mrs Egan Charles H Ellis S D Englehart Prof C Ford Wm M Frink J S Fristoe W W Garrett N J Gillman George Gregory Loren H Gregory W W Hall E B Hansen Henry Hansen C F Harmon P W Mrs Harper M R Hubbard H F Illihee Orchard Jones Ray H Joy H C Kirby B H Kirkpatrick J W Kreuter H E Lewis D C Lindley George R Losey Clay McAndrews Thomas Maravista Orchard, H W Bingham Maule Jno H Maule Roy Moller Ben Molten Wm Monnick C F Moore Herbert Moore G R Morgan Bros Nelson John Nelson Stella Nelson Will Newman W R Nicholson D E Norton E W Noyes A L Nunn W W Oliver L Olsen Charles Owens James Patton H Peart B G Peck Henry Peck G B Peterson John Phipps A R Mrs Phipps D E Pierce C H Pierce Clarence Plymire J B Poole Fred Potts A J Querry H F Raypholz Richard Reese F M Rickley C F Roberts E G Roxy Ann Orchard Ruhl Robert Rummel O L Schultz E E Showalter S G Smith Arthur Stanley C W Stolkes W R Storey A L Swanson C M Taffer R B Throckmorton Lester Tou Velle A R Turpin A H Turpin A O Turpin Tom Vandorfy J S Vilas J S Ward H B Weatherby N C Wilson Ray C Wolf G N Woodford Leonard Worsley C H Young Peter MEDFORD R.F.D. NO. 4
List of heads of families that live in that part of
the county generally covered by Medford R.F.D. No. 4, and receive mail
at that address:
Alford George
Anderson H P Anderson Jno Anderson W E Barneburg F E Barneburg S P Barneburg W E Barnum W V Becknap L T Bourne George F Bowman A Boyer H H Briscoe James Brock Edward Brown Wm Burger L Calhoun E Carlson C J Caster L O Chamberlain C E Childers W E Clausing G E Clements J E Cobleigh Guy Coggins W E Cortell W O Culy G C Dailey James Dougherty F A Drake L A Elmer W J Ferns A B Mrs Ferns Mark Ferns R L Ferns Wm J Fields C Fletcher A J Gannaway W C Good O H Gordon A D Gore J G Graffis J A Hawkinson Theo Heard C C Hensler Alfred Hughes L H Jermsta P Johnson J B Jones W E Kingery P J Knauer A Lacy LG Loar Charles Long J J Lowry Bert McKay W J Manke J A Marsh H M Mathews H H Miller Alfred Miller J W Miller W C Myers C A Nelson R Newman Arthur Parsons R H Peart J W Peck L M Pheland R K Piatt J F Pointer W A Reames E E Reames L A Reed Charles Rose Arthur Saltzman George D Schermerhorn G L Schnack D Schuette Frank Schultz Adolph Shay D P Sheets M F Smith Dora Smith J R Stacy J D Steinback P A Sturgess D W Summer J Thomas C M Van Dyke S G Mrs Ward C B Wortman J F Wright A W Wright C S Yost George L MURPHY, ORE., R.F.D. NO. 1
List of people living in the Applegate Valley who get their mail
addressed Murphy, Ore., R.F.D. No. 1:
Ackerson T H
Baldwin M S Basye L C Boyd Robert Carris P W Clute B M Cook Clint Cook J T Davidson C T Diess H G Finley Bros Gillett George Gilmore Ivan Harper O E Hill C R Howard W J Capt Knight A D Knox O M Kubli H D Kubli K J Layton J L Lewman J A Lewman T E Lowe Harry S Matney G W Provolt E W Provolt S Rainey T J Rehkoff Henry Rexford C M Roberts Dave Roberts I G Shook J W Sorenson Mary Staub A J Thomas C J Ward Charles Wooldridge G L Wooldridge J L Wyman J T York Joe ROGUE RIVER R.F.D. NO. 1
List of people that live in that part of the county generally covered
by the Rogue River R.F.D. No. 1, and who get mail at that address:
(Names marked with (x) are heads of families.)
Alexander Frank (x)
Austin Chas Baer R B (x) Beach Wm L Beers Geo E (x) Beers Stephen Bokel W H (x) Boyer O C (x) Brackenbury J W (x) Briston Ida F Brittsan H W (x) Brown Amos (x) Brownsworth Ed Brownsworth John Brownsworth Louis Burchell E A (x) Cameron Dan Carroll Lester Carter Ransom (x) Carter Wm Casner W H (x) Chandler E R (x) Conway F W (x) Davis W H (x) Deen M M (x) Dennis A E (x) Dichm Wm Dimick A B Doughty H T (x) Duncan Dave (x) Earhart A K (x) Fee Frank (x) Ferguson O R (x) Fowler I M (x) Galbreath Wallace (x) Godding W K (x) Hazelwood Luther (x) Heggie Elizabeth Helfrich J H (x) Heller Stella Hensley J H Hills J B (x) Hills Wm (x) Ingledue Mary Ingram J W Johnson N G (x) Jones J H (x) Jurling Kmit Kilgour J M (x) Kirk C E (x) Knapp Wilbur (x) Krause R E Laws Wm H (x) Leaper John F (x) Lee Howard Long S T Magerle D R (x) Magerle Ida (x) McCorkle C C McKee J H (x) McMahon J J (x) Manning A C Martin S A (x) Martin W S (x) Miller F E (x) Miller O W (x) Milton Joel (x) Minthorn Fred (x) Mohr Thos C Moore Jacob (x) Moore S H (x) Moore Wm D (x) Morton J A Myers Arthur (x) Neathamer D E (x) Neathamer Ida (x) Neathamer Jesse (x) Neathamer L E (x) Norcross Noah (x) Nourse L M Nicholson A J (x) Oden Buddie (x) Oden Dick (x) Oden Henry (x) Oden James Oden John Oden O C (x) Oden R R Oden Thos (x) Oden VS Oden W G (x) Orr T S (x) Owens Chas (x) Owens Jas (x) Owens Thos (x) Owens W T (x) Payne Gladys Pererson John (x) Phelps A E Reeve C M (x) Richardson S A (x) Richman E E (x) Scott M M (x) Simmerville J J (x) Skidmore H K (x) Slater C W (x) Smith F M (x) Smith J R (x) Smithpeter J E (x) Spaulding R R (x) Spencer C S Steers Lee (x) Steinmetz A W (x) Stewart Ed Stewart O B (x) Thompson Ed Thompson I L (x) Train O W (x) Trefren James Turner Chas Van Gothem W A (x) Wakeman Miles Walters Mary A (x) Wells Clara Whipple M E (x) Wickstrom C E (x) Williams Chas (x) Williams J C Williams W W (x) Wilson Alex Winders J C (x) Woodford Frank (x) Yocum Pluma (x) Yum Henry TALENT R.F.D. NO. 1
List of people living in that part of the county generally covered by
Talent R.F.D. No. 1, and receive mail at that address:
Abbott L A
Adams J W Allen James Amundson Alix Atkins Will Baily J W Barnett Guy Beeson Emmett Beeson W Blissing Wm Brandt Jacob Briner G A Briscoe Earl Bristow George Bristow J B Brown Bros Brown J D Brophy N D Buck J T Burnett C W Burnett W F Calvin John Case G A Chamberlain Albert Chamberlain Frank Chandler Noah Chastain J H Clark C H Clark James Clevenger S M Cochran E L Coffman Roy Combs D E Combs Fred Cooney George Corey C Corliss H H Corthuys L Craig Frank Cuches C O Daily Mary Davinhill A H Davis Grant Davis L J Deen W J Dougherty A B Edwards L G Edwards W O Fish T H Fleener John Flurry H P Foss E E Foss J E Fox Wm Frame H W French B N Fuller J H Gallatin L H Gardner E C Garle T E Gleim C W Gleim H S Goddard H H Halibough F C Harmes Christ Harrison W H Hart John Dr Hartley C C Hartley M L Henry J D Hesselgrave Fred High H C Holdridge C W Holdridge F L Hunter S P Hurley D O Hurley W H Irwin George Jackson D H Jacobs E F Jeffery Charles Johnson B M Kale T R Kane J A Kent J W King H R King J J Kirby Charles Kirby Frank Kirby Henry Kirby W Kline Mark Knighten M E Mrs Lacy A W Lennox James Linch H L Luny Etta Mrs McCracken J R McDonald James McDonald J M McGrew C C Macy Wm Mattison W H May James May T B Mellin C B Mills J W Morser G A Oatman F B Owens C H Packard Wm A Patch Lea G Patterson Joshua Penland L O Petrie Wm Poffenbarger J Powers N O Prader John Purvis E A Purvis R B Ramsey T H Reachert H R Reimer F C Reynolds J W Robinson John Robison J B Robison R E Ross George W Sawyer J T Scott E W Scott Warren Silva F Slanghter J A Smith F E Smith T F Snook Frank Somers H Stevens S S Stratton W A Stroud Frank Sullivan G S Thomasson Jesse Trimble H E Twidwell D G Twogood D P Ward J C Ward Robert Waterman A C Welch & Bailey Wolgamott J M Wolgamott Zelman Williams I C Wilson O M Wilson R M Witherow Glenn Witherow W D Classified Business
ABSTRACT CO--45 N Fir, MedfordDirectory, Jackson County Abstracts of Land Titles JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO--70 N Main, Ashland Agate Cutter
Bean Leo E, 245 Beatty, MedfordMiller Edward, Olsen and 4th, Medford Agricultural Implements
Freeman & Wiley, Central PointHUBBARD BROS--335 E Main, Medford Medford Implement Co, 28-36 N Bartlett, Medford Peil Emil, 3 Plaza, Ashland Apartments
Berben Apartments, 10 Quince, MedfordColonial Apartments, 217 S Riverside, Medford Fairview Apartments, 482 B, Ashland MANX THE--E Main, Ashland Shook Apartments, 367 E Main, Ashland Snell L L, 21 Genessee, Medford Apiarists
Hargadine George, 124 Alida, AshlandStewart James, 324 Plum, Medford Architects
Butz George, 9 Rose av, MedfordCLARK FRANK D--25 Summit, Medford Johnson Roscoe A, 612 Catherine, Medford Powers Charles O, 617 Catherine, Medford Art Stores
Ashland Art Shop, E Main, AshlandBoyd's Studio, 177 E Main, Ashland Handicraft Shop, 15 N Central, Medford Swem Studio, 222 E Main, Medford Assayers
Hast Charles, 111 Laurel, AshlandLiljegran Ernest W, 320 S Grape, Medford Attorney At Law
BOGGS O C--MF&H Bldg, MedfordBORDEN NEWTON W--232 E Main, Medford GRIGGS EDWARD D--44 E Main, Ashland CANADAY HAMILL A--Bullock Mercantile Co, Medford CARKIN JOHN H--MF&H Bldg, Medford Cherry George W, Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford Crews Wren E, 217 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford Hanna Herbert K, Jacksonville KELLOGG A E--Gold Hill KELLY E E--1st National Bank Bldg, Medford Lemery J A, 300 E Main, Ashland McAllister George C, 143 Gresham, Ashland McCabe Bert R, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford McCormack Lincoln, First National Bank Bldg, Medford Mears Fred, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford MILES T W--Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford MOORE WM L--4 Mills Bldg, Ashland NEFF PORTER J--Medford National Bank Bldg, Medford NEWBURY GUS--MF&H Bldg, Medford NEWMAN FRANK J--Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford PHIPPS I ESTILL--First National Bank Bldg, Medford Piatt B F, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford Prim Charles, Jacksonville PURDIN MAHLON--MF&H Bldg, Medford REAMES A E--411-415 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford ROBERTS GEORGE M--Medford National Bank Bldg, Medford Roberts L A, 197 Morton, Ashland TAYLOR GLENN--MF&H Bldg, Medford THOMAS C M--Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford TREFREN GEORGE W--44 E Main, Ashland WATSON C B--Gold Hill YOUNG OSCAR L--171 Granite, Ashland Auctioneer
Allen H L, 237 B, AshlandNeale George L, Central Point Auto Agency
CO--MedfordCHALMERS, A W WALKER CO--Medford CHEVROLET, YOUNG & HALL--Medford DODGE, BERNARD MOTOR CAR CO--Medford FORD, C E GATES--Medford; Ford Garage, Ashland GRANT, A W WALKER CO--Medford HUDSON, BERNARD MOTOR CAR CO--Medford MAXWELL, A W WALKER CO--Medford OVERLAND, OVERLAND AUTO AGENCY--Medford Reo, T E Pottenger, 718 W 4th, Medford STUDEBAKER, C E GATES--Medford Auto and Carriage Tops
S Central, MedrordLittle A D, 106 N Front, Medford Auto Livery
E Main, MedfordBEELER C V--842 Boulevard, Ashland HALL TAXI CO--16-18 S Fir, Medford Helman B F, 192 Mechanic, Ashland Interurban Auto Line, Ashland to Medford Medford Taxi Co, Medford Cigar Store, Medford Murphy Omar W, 610 W 2nd, Medford Myers S J, Rogue River Stag L A, Talent Taxi 333, Hotel Nash, Medford Wattles N G, 155 5th, Ashland Wells Arthur, 317 E Jackson, Medford Wood O F, Gold Hill VALLEY AUTO LINE--Medford-Ashland Auto Supplies
2nd, AshlandBERNARD MOTOR CAR CO--N Front, Medford FORD GARAGE--Austin Hotel Bldg, Ashland GATES C E--Cor E Main and Riverside, Medford Jones E V, 43 Mill, Ashland MEDFORD HARNESS CO--322 E Main, Medford WALKER'S GARAGE--S Fir cor 8th, Medford YOUNG & HALL--22 N Front, Medford Bakers
CONFECTIONERY--E Main, AshlandBON TON BAKERY--233 4th, Ashland CENTRAL POINT BAKERY--Central Point Iverson George, Gold Hill LITHIA BAKERY--108 E Main, Ashland Morris N S Mrs, Butte Falls NEWTOWN BAKERY--End Newtown, Medford NURMI BAKING CO--N Front, Medford Pullman Bakery, Pine St, Medford ROYAL BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY--135 E Main, Medford Swalley Elmer, Talent VIENNA BAKERY--242 E Main, Ashland Banks and Bankers
JACKSONVILLE THE--JacksonvilleCENTRAL POINT STATE BANK--Central Point CITIZENS BANKING AND TRUST CO--E Main se cor 1st, Ashland FARMERS & FRUITGROWERS BANK--201 E Main, Medford FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASHLAND--E Main cor 1st, Ashland FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEDFORD THE--122 E Main, Medford FIRST STATE BANK OF EAGLE POINT--Eagle Point First State Bank of Rogue River, Rogue River GOLD HILL BANK THE--Gold Hill MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK--133 E Main, Medford PINE BELT BANKING CO--Butte Falls Postal Saving Depository, Ashland Postal Saving Depository, Central Point Postal Saving Depository, Eagle Point Postal Saving Depository, Medford STATE BANK OF ASHLAND THE--15 Plaza, Ashland STATE BANK OF TALENT--Talent Barbers
SHOP--Austin Hotel, AshlandBates Bros, 128 W Main, Medford Boswell J E, Central Point Carson J F, Butte Falls Davies S S, 243 4th, Ashland ESTES RANKIN--28 N Front, Medford Gleason E R, Central Point Hastings R W, 50 3rd, Ashland Hotel Medford Barber Shop, Hotel Medford, Medford Howell G T, Rogue River Howell T A, 19 S Central av, Medford KEENE GEORGE B--23 E Main, Ashland Kortright M L, Gold Hill McMahan A F, Talent Nash Barber Shop, Hotel Nash, Medford Norman John F, Talent O'Brien Joe, 5 N Fir, Medford Phoenix Barber Shop, Phoenix Reter John, Jacksonville ROGUE RIVER BARBER SHOP--175 E Main, Ashland Shaver C M, Gold Hill Valley Barber Shop, Ashland WHETSEL & BOWMAN--113 E Main, Medford White Allen C, The Quiz, Medford Young R A, Central Point Baths
SPRINGS NATATORIUM--1st bet A and B, MedfordHelman's Baths, Otis nw cor Laurel, Ashland NATATORIUM AMUSEMENT CO--N Riverside cor 6th, Medford Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing
Ashland, AshlandMARTIN'S BICYCLE SHOP--11 N Fir, Medford Shively J G, 32 S Grape, Medford Short V C, Sparta Bldg, Medford Bill Posters
8th and S Central, MedfordStennett Wm S, 116 Factory, Ashland Billiards and Pool Rooms
PARLOR--19 E Main, AshlandBON TON THE--Gold Hill BROWN & HALL--125 E Main, Medford ESTES RANKIN--28 N Front, Medford Hale & Lyons, 12 N Front, Medford Harrell Billiard Hall, 127 W Main, Medford JENSEN POOL HALL--126 W Main, Medford LYMAN WALTER--383 E Main, Ashland RECEPTION THE--Jacksonville Reter John, Jacksonville Smith Bros, Eagle Point Smith J T, Eagle Point Young H D, Central Point Blacksmiths
Ager R W, Central PointAllen C L, 123 S Bartlett, Medford Applebaker Joseph, 3rd sw cor 5th, Jacksonville Baker J T, Talent Basey C H, Jacksonville Carter C F, Gold Hill Childreth W L, Eagle Point Clark M S K, Mill nr Plaza, Ashland Dooms Louis, 109 S Holly, Medford ELLIOTT HUGH--Mitchell's Wagon Shop, Medford Frees George, Phoenix Hansen & McClanahan, 32 S Fir, Medford Hatch C S, Rogue River High N L, 563 B Ashland Johnson C P, Provolt Kell Charles, Gold Hill Lane Floyd M, 582 Allison, Ashland Lyons D A, Central Point Mathews & Fisher, Eagle Point Merriman Tom, 20 S Riverside, Medford Messner J T, Central Point Peart B F, Central Point RUCH C M--Ruch Stacy G W, Beagle Trimble Robert, Gold Hill Tucker R E, Brownsboro Turpin Richard N, 115 N Fir, Medford Van Leer M S, 1st bet E Main and C, Ashland Boarding
Anderson Mrs R F, 244 S Central, MedfordBarkdull Clara Mrs, 121 N Central, Medford Bell The, Talent Bryan E N Mrs, 211 Laurel, Medford Kent Mrs Jane, 401 N Riverside Lyden House, Jacksonville McClendon J Mrs, Gold Hill Montgomery House, 141 N Fir, Medford Walker W R, Gold Hill York Emma Mrs, 116 Laurel, Medford Books and Stationery
E Main, MedfordMcNAIR BROS--Ashland HASKINS DRUG STORE--214 E Main, Medford POLEY DRUG CO--17 E Main, Ashland Bottlers--Mineral and Soda Water
Colestine Mineral Co, ColestineMEDFORD SODA WORKS--106 S Bartlett, Medford Wagner Mineral Water Co, Ashland Brick Manufacturers
Jacksonville Brick and Tile Co, 1½ m sw JacksonvilleMEDFORD CEMENT BRICK AND TILE CO--S Fir ne cor 10th, Medford Stickel Bros, Gold Hill Building & Loan Co.
BUILDING & LOAN ASSN--MF&H Bldg, MedfordBuilding Material
MANUFACTURING CO--384 Oak, AshlandBIG PINES LUMBER CO--N Fir cor 6th, Medford CARSON-FOWLER LUMBER CO--134 1st, Ashland Central Point Lumber Co, Central Point DENNIS J N--353 E Main, Ashland Medford Concrete Construction Co, Medford Medford Lumber Co, cor N Fir and 2nd, Medford Trail Lumber Co, W Main at city limits, Medford WOODS LUMBER CO--204 S Fir, Medford Cabinet Makers
Damon G F, 11 B, AshlandMEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO--Cor Fir and 10th, Medford PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY--113 S Holly, Medford Cameras and Supplies
E Main, MedfordHASKINS DRUG STORE--214 E Main, Medford STRANG'S DRUG STORE--231 E Main, Medford West Side Pharmacy, 134 W Main, Medford Poley & Elhart, 17 E Main, Ashland McNAIR BROS DRUG STORE--43 N Main, Ashland Swem's Art & Camera Shop, 222 W Main, Medford Palmer B J, Gold Hill Rogue River Pharmacy, Rogue River BOWERS M D--Gold Hill Weston's Camera Shop, 208 E Main, Medford Candy Manufacturers
CONFECTIONERY--23 N Main, AshlandCROWSON'S ELK TEMPLE--Ashland Shasta The, 217 E Main, Medford BROWN'S--E Main cor N Fir, Medford MEDFORD CANDY CO--29 N Grape SUGAR BOWL THE--211 W Main, Medford WHITE'S VELVET ICE CREAM CO--332 E Main, Medford Canners and Packers
CO--MedfordBagley Canning Co Inc, Talent Carpenters, Contractors and
Amann Eugene, 1017 N Riverside, MedfordAndren Emil, Jacksonville rd, Medford Applegate Clyde, Central Point Balcom Herbert C, 838 W 2nd, Medford Barney H A, 231 Gresham, Ashland Bateman Samuel, 302 Maple, Medford Beigle Adam, 626 B, Ashland Billings F E, 1405 N Riverside, Medforé Bish Allen, 1063 Court, Medford Blackburn A S, 304 Elm, Medford Boyd T G, 843 E 9th, Medford Bradbury Noah B, 306 Apple, Medford Bradley Dick, 811 Dakota, Medford Brown Harvey, Rogue River Bryant B H, Eagle Point Buckmaster J R, 242 S Ivy, Medford Burke Fred, 233 S Riverside, Medford Cartwright Wm T, Laurelhurst Add, Medford Chelgren Pontus, 735 Alder, Medford Childers Guy A, 127 Portland av, Medford Childers Spencer S, 211 Vancouver, Medford Clark Frank, Central Point Clayville E W, 1129 W 9th, Medford Clute S W, 91 Nursery, Ashland Collins C E, 104 E 2nd, Medford Combe L E, 79 Scenic Drive, Ashland Dart LeRoy, 220 Garfield, Ashland Delsman L B, 188 Helman, Ashland Derr Thomas W, 822 Dakota, Medford Downing C E, 244 S Grape, Medford Duncan D B, Gold Hill Dungey Walter, Gold Hill Eccleston Fred, 253 3rd, Ashland Edwards H N, 322 Newtown, Medford Ericson Paul, Applegate Fifer B F, 336 S Riverside, Medford Finley Fred, Eagle Point Finney W E, Jacksonville French Edward E, 808 S Central, Medford Glascock H C, 256 Beatty, Medford Glidden Frank, 416 King, Medford Grainger G M, 35 Granite, Ashland Hamilton Cyrus T, 838 W Palm, Medford Hartman Jason, Jacksonville Hazel D W, 314 Evergreen, Medford Hitzler C, 607 W 2nd, Medford Holcomb Jack J, Rogue River Hubbard B C, 356 Laurel, Medford Hurst O E, 437 Beach, Ashland Huson Melvin W, Sunset Park, Medford Johnson G A, Kenwood Add, Medford Johnson Harry C, 306 King, Medford Jordan Frank, 227 Granite, Ashland Koehler J T, 447 Scenic Drive, Ashland Lamb A L, 343 Mountain, Ashland Leonard Ralph W, 143 Nutley, Ashland Liming C L, 823 Sherman, Medford Longstone R H, Gold Hill Lyon L M, 716 E Main, Medford Marsh John A, Jacksonville Mathis Samuel, Rogue River Meadows M L, 816 S Central, Medford Merrell Percy, Central Point Miller Wm L, W 4th, Medford Minor Wm, 600 Indiana, Ashland Morehouse Sherman, 56 3rd, Ashland Morris Wm E, 617 N Bartlett, Medford Morse Elmer H, end W 2nd, Medford Nelson Fredrick F, 106 Orange, Ashland Nickerson Clifford, 607 Iowa, Ashland Owings George T, 1109 W 11th, Medford Payne Andrew S, 128 Pioneer, Ashland Payne E Clifford, 30 Granite, Ashland Pefley Frank A, 1112 Reddy av, Medford Polly John, 706 Beekman, Medford Potter Frank, 417 Mountain, Ashland Quigley Lincoln J, 603 N Fir, Medford Roberts Charles, Phoenix Rose Frank, Talent Rowley Alvin, 125 8th, Ashland Sanderson Charles, Central Point Schmalhausen L R, 221 N Holly, Medford Schmidt Walter, 540 S Fir, Medford Schmidt Wm, 540 S Fir, Medford Scholts Wm T, Penn av, Medford Scott Wm Jr, Central Point Seymour George C, 840 W Palm, Medford Sherwood Richard, 407 King, Medford Smith A J T, Gold Hill Smith J W, Eagle Point Smith Perry R, 501 Beatty, Medford Smith Winfred, Phoenix Stout Earl D, Jacksonville Stuart R I, 912 N Central, Medford Tate Wm R, 159 Helman, Ashland Taylor Fred, 204 S Central, Medford Thatcher Jared, 713 S Peach, Medford Thorndyke L W, Jacksonville Tinker N G, 505 Beatty, Medford Van Ausdall Harry A, 19 Jeanette, Medford Veight Charles H, 51 Gresham, Ashland Vermeer Richard, 516 W Jackson, Medford Vogeli Wesley, Talent Waite Frank, 538 W 11th, Medford Walker Archie, Gold Hill Weisenburger C C, 156 Manzanita, Ashland Wendt E N, Jacksonville Wiley N J, 613 S Holly, Medford Wilson Essie S, Jacksonville Wilson Willard T, 15 S Peach, Medford Wolf J S, Nichols Add, Medford Wolters E E, 731 W 2nd, Medford Wood D S, 816 W 2nd, Medford Woodward Troy, 244 Granite, Ashland Carpet Weavers
E Main, MedfordGreeman Eugene, 1304 Quincy, Ashland Hinkle M A, Jacksonville Carriage and Auto Tops
S Central, MedfordLittle A D, 106 N Front, Medford Chiropractors
Stewart Bldg, MedfordHAWLEY MAUDE--1st National Bank Bldg, Ashland HOWARD W W--Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford Utterback George R, 108 Pioneer, Ashland Christian Science Practitioners
Brown Helen M, Hotel Holland, MedfordMorrison A D Mrs, 324 S Orange, Medford Scantlin May Mrs, 16 N Orange, Medford Taylor Ella F Mrs, Medford Cigar Manufacturers
Cigars, AshlandGRIEVE E R--15 E Main, Ashland Coleman Grant, 745 Iowa, Ashland Hecker Charles, 6 Beach, Ashland McGuirk Michel, W Main, Medford Rukes Lue, 119 E 6th, Medford Cigars and Tobacco--Retail
E Main, MedfordBON TON THE--Gold Hill BROWN'S--E Main, cor N Front, Medford Brown & Hall, 125 E Main, Medford Coleman Grant, E Main, Ashland CROWSON'S--Elks Temple, Ashland DE VOE'S--W Main cor Oakdale, Medford Ewauna Cigar Store, E Main, Ashland Grieve's Cigar Store, 151½ E Main, Ashland Hale & Lyons, N Front, Medford Harrell W A, 127 W Main, Medford JENSEN POOL ROOM--126 W Main, Medford Lewis J Frank, Eagle Point MEDFORD CIGAR STORE--W Main cor Fir, Medford Midway The, W Main, Medford Moore G S, Central Point Oaks Pool Hall, 28 N Front, Medford Quiz The, S Front, Medford RECEPTION THE--Jacksonville ROSE BROS CONFECTIONERY--Ashland Sayle J P & Son, 19 E Main, Ashland SMITH & FRY--Phoenix TRUAX CO THE--Gold Hill ULRICH & FINNEY--Jacksonville Vrandenburg H L, Butte Falls Wilson D F, Rogue River Wilson's Cigar Store, 116 E Main, Medford Young H D, Central Point Civil Engineers
Cummings Fred, MF&H Bldg, Medford.Dodge F W, Gold Hil Howard J S, MF&H Bldg, Medford OSGOOD & BROWN--Medford National Bank, Medford Piatt John B, 1012 W 10th, Medford McCray V D, MF&H Bldg, Medford Smith E W, Butte Falls Stoeckman Harry, 828 Dakota, Medford Cleaning and Pressing
& PRESSING CO--8 S Central, MedfordORRES L J--Oak St, Ashland PANTORIUM DYE WORKS--N Fir, Medford SUNRISE LAUNDRY--217 S Riverside, Medford Watson John F, Hotel Medford, Medford Cold Storage
& STORAGE CO--Water nw cor B, AshlandMEDFORD CREAMERY--N Fir, Medford MEDFORD ICE & STORAGE CO--Evergreen and SP Ry, Medford Colleges and Schools
COLLEGE--31 N Grape, MedfordMedford Conservatory of Music and Languages, Natatorium, Medford ST MARY'S ACADEMY--310 W 11th, Medford Confectionery
E Main, MedfordBON TON THE--Gold Hill BROWN'S--E Main cor Front, Medford BUTLER'S CONFECTIONERY--Plaza, Ashland CROWSON'S--Elks Temple, Ashland Baker Mark, 57 N Main, Ashland BROWN & HALL--125 E Main, Medford DE VOE'S--W Main cor Oakdale, Medford GRIEVE E R--15 N Main, Ashland Jensen J, 128 W Main, Medford Lewis Frank, Eagle Point Luke's Confectionery, Talent Moore G S, Central Point Pastime The, Rogue River ROSE BROS--145 E Main, Ashland Shasta The, 217 E Main, Medford SMITH & FRY--Phoenix Turner G B, Gold Hill TRUAX CO THE--Gold Hill ULRICH & FINNEY--Jacksonville Young H D, Central Point Corsetiers
Leach H L Mrs, 326 N Bartlett, MedfordLundy True Mrs, 730 W 11th, Medford Creameries
Mill, AshlandJACKSON COUNTY CREAMERY--N Fir, Medford Valley Pride Creamery Assn, Applegate WHITE'S VELVET ICE CREAM CO--332 E Main, Medford Dairies
Applegate Charles, ClimaxBellenger John H, 404 S Peach, Medford Bliss F A, 303 Clark, Medford Gilmore C N, Central Point Haynes H P, 419 Laurel, Ashland Holman W H, Climax Hoover Claud, Central Point Rd, Medford Johnson S L, Jacksonville Kershaw J L, Wellen Million W B, 603 Oak, Ashland NORTON E N--423 Helman, Ashland Peart B F, Ashland St, Medford SANDERS LEO B--Helman, Ashland Smith Ray G, Jacksonville SNIDER'S DAIRY--Jacksonville Rd 2 m w limits, Medford Dentists
First National Bank Bldg, AshlandBuchanan W E, 1101 Blvd, Ashland Bundy Louis, Deuel Bldg, Medford Johnson F H, Beaver Bldg, Ashland Keene J M, MF&H Bldg, Medford Mulkey J A, Central Point Phipps Ira D, Phipps Bldg, Medford RIDDELL EDWIN C--MF&H Bldg, Medford ROBERTS FRANK--MF&H Bldg, Medford SHAW T G--Jacksonville SPRINGER WM H--MF&H Bldg, Medford TILTON C F--54 E Main, Ashland VAN SCOYOC BROS--Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford Department Stores
& SON--264-266-268 E Main, AshlandGOLDEN RULE--219 W Main, Medford M M Department Store, 230 E Main, Medford MANN J C--14 N Central, Medford MAY CO THE--E Main cor Bartlett, Medford Drayman
Adams Charles A, 311 N Central, MedfordASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO--C F Bates, Oak, Ashland Brumble H S, end S Holly, Medford Burbidge Wm J, Jensen's Pool Hall, Medford EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO--42 N Front, Medford Grim D C, Central Point Lowe George M, 341 Vista, Ashland Mathews S P, Butte Falls Morgan John, 257 3rd, Ashland Payne C T Jr, 1410 Blvd, Ashland Roach Earl, 168 Mead, Ashland Rosenberry Thomas, The Midway, Medford Marsh H E, Rialto Bldg, Medford Wiley George, 126 1st, Ashland Dressmakers
Baldwin Cora E, 316 N Main, AshlandBloomfield Ella, 325 S Ivy, Medford Bowman H E, N Holly cor 5th, Medford Burnett Mae Mrs, 144 S Central, Medford Cochran Belle, 43 N Grape, Medford Fielder Rose, 710 E Main, Medford Fifer F A Mrs, 921 Reddy av, Medford Gage N A Mrs, 604 Plum, Medford Green Nettie Mrs, Central Point Gould C E, 1028 Court, Medford Haney Birdie Mrs, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford Hartley Ada, 116 Nob Hill, Ashland Johnson Lulu, 476 N Main, Ashland Mastier A Mrs, 108 Harrison, Ashland Matney Nana, 445 N Bartlett, Medford Miller M A Mrs, 846 Taylor, Medford Normile Mabel M, 104 Laurel, Medford Parker Eva Mrs, 201 S Holly, Medford Routledge Ella Mrs, 147 Nutley, Ashland Rukes Maggie Mrs, 424 S Peach, Medford Rumsey Florence, 102 Oak, Ashland Shaw V C Mrs, 487 Rock, Ashland Sheppard Ethel M, 505 Blvd, Ashland Smith Anna M, 416 Park, Medford Vogeli Minnie Mrs, Talent Wetterer Mary, Jacksonville Dry Goods
PointENDERS H C & SONS--E Main, Ashland GOLDEN RULE--219 W Main, Medford Hutchison & Lumsden, 213 E Main, Medford McGEE'S--Elks Temple, Ashland MANN'S--14 S Central, Medford MAY CO THE--E Main cor S Bartlett, Medford M M DEPARTMENT STORE--230 E Main, Medford Merritt & Co, Gold Hill TALENT MERCANTILE CO--Talent TAYLOR-WILLIAMS CO INC--Jacksonville VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN--Talent VAUPEL C H--E Main, Ashland Wilson Don F, Rogue River Electric Light and Power Companies
Ashland Electric Power & Light Co, 91 Oak, AshlandCALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER CO--216 W Main, Medford OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO--67 N Main, Ashland OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO--31 N Grape, Medford Rogue River Public Service Corporation, Gold Hill Electric Supplies and Wiring
Danford Beecher, 51 N Main, AshlandElectric Shop, 135 S Central, Medford ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO--207 E Main, Ashland Medford Electric Co, 209 W Main, Medford PAUL'S ELECTRIC CO--212 E Main, Medford Employment Agencies
Dutton C J, Palm Bldg, MedfordLyman Walter, 383 E Main, Ashland Rader M A, 114 N Front, Medford Express Companies
Wells Fargo Express Co--Ashland, Central Point, Eagle Point, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Medford, Phoenix, Rogue River, TalentFish and Poultry
N Main, AshlandCENTRAL POINT POULTRY CO--Central Point EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET--395 E Main, Ashland MEDFORD FISH & POULTRY CO--108 W Main, Medford MEDFORD POULTRY & EGG CO--109 E 8th, Medford Talent Meat Market, Talent WARNER, WORTMAN & GORE--E Main, Medford Florists
Broadley John T, Capitol Hill, MedfordMEDFORD GREEN HOUSE--1005 E Main, Medford Sanders Wm G, Nevada se cor Helman, Ashland Flour and Feed
Ashland Feed Store, 353 E Main, AshlandASHLAND-KLAMATH EXCHANGE--E Main, nw cor 3rd, Ashland Elsworth B, Central Point GRIEVE JAMES--Prospect MONARCH SEED & FEED STORE--317 E Main, Medford O K FLOUR & FEED STORE--Rogue River RUSS MILL--S Riverside, Medford Simmons & Schuerman, Gold Hill WARNER, WORTMAN & GORE--E Main, Medford WATKINS LEE & CO--397 S Front, Medford Flour and Feed Mills
& FEED MILL--A ne cor 1st, AshlandCentral Point Flour Mills, Central Point RUSS MILL--139 S Riverside, Medford Snowy Butte Roller Mills, Eagle Point Fruit Associations
cor Oak, AshlandPRODUCERS FRUIT ASSN--Fir cor 8th, Medford Rogue River Co-Operative Fruit Assn, N Fir bet 3rd & 4th, Medford ROGUE RIVER VALLEY FRUIT ASSN--16 W Main, Medford Fruit Brokers
and SP tracks, MedfordMcKEANY E W--Office Rogue River Canal Co, Medford Fuel
& STORAGE--99 Oak, AshlandButte Falls Wood Yard, 1034 W 9th, Medford CARSON-FOWLER LUMBER CO--431 1st, Ashland EADS COAL CO--34 S Fir, Medford East Side Wood Yard, 511 E Main, Medford Eliason C Ross, 47 Laurel, Ashland Long J Thomas, end N Central, Medford MEDFORD ICE & STORAGE CO--12th and SP tracks, Medford Furnished Rooms
Ames The, TalentAnderson R F, 244 S Central, Medford Atlas Rooms, 4th cor B, Ashland Baube M V, Central Point Blackburn N K, Gold Hill Coleman The, 1005 W Main, Medford Columbus Hotel, 264 E Main, Ashland Deardorff Edith Mrs, 668 N Main, Ashland Eads R H Mrs, 121 Roosevelt El Blanco Rooms, 445 S Front, Medford Elwood The, 313 E Main, Medford Evans M J Mrs, 526 E Main, Ashland FAIRMONT ROOMS THE--319 E Main, Medford Fairview The, 482 B, Ashland Fisher H S, 227 E 9th, Medford Florida Rooms, 207 W Main, Medford Gurnea The, 265 4th, Ashland Hutson J M, Gold Hill Imperial Rooming House, 30 N Front, Medford Jeter W E, 386 B, Ashland Karnes Rooming House, 44 S Grape, Medford Kent Jane Mrs, 401 N Riverside, Medford Laughlin Jack, 176 Mechanic, Ashland Lyden House, Jacksonville McClendon J Mrs, Gold Hill Manx The, 349 E Main, Ashland Montgomery Rooming House, 141 N Fir, Medford Moore Rebecca Mrs, Central Point Oatman S A Mrs, 222 S Central, Medford Ottenger Jason, 220 S Riverside Oxford The, 223 W Main, Medford Palace Rooming House, 30 S Central, Medford PALMS THE--130 W Main, Medford Park Hotel, 35 1st av, Ashland Parker L R Mrs, 23 Roosevelt, Medford Phillips M A Mrs, 111 3rd, Ashland Potter Rooming House, 4th and B, Ashland Shook Martha Mrs, 369 Hargadine, Ashland Snell Rooming House, 21 Genessee, Medford St Clair Rooms, 103-113 E 11th, Medford Thomas Rooming House, 222 S Holly, Medford Thornton I A Mrs, 137 Oak, Ashland Vroman C, 68 E Main, Ashland Walker W R, Gold Hill Waldorf The, Rogue River Wheeler Clarence, 249 S Riverside Windsor The, 125 W Main, Medford Wise J E Mrs, 325 E Jackson, Medford Furniture Manufacturers and
N Main, AshlandBrown Drug & Furniture Store, Talent Burnett F A, Gold Hill DODGE J P & SONS--125 E Main, Ashland MEDFORD FURNITURE & HDWE CO--29-35-39 N Central, Medford PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY--113 S Holly, Medford SWENSON & McRAE--357 E Main, Ashland Weeks & McGowan, 114 W Main, Medford WOOLF SCOTT--22 S Fir, Medford Garages
2nd, AshlandBERNARD MOTOR CAR CO--N Front, Medford Cass Garage, S Bartlett, Medford Central Point Garage, Central Point CRATER LAKE GARAGE--16-18 S Fir, Medford Davies L J, 29 S Bartlett, Medford FORD GARAGE--Hotel Austin Bldg, Ashland GATES C E--Sparta Bldg, Medford Jones E V, 43 Mill, Ashland OREGON MOTOR GARAGE--135 1st, Ashland OVERLAND GARAGE--33 S Bartlett, Medford POWERS AUTO CO--123-125 S Front, Medford WHITEMAN & GREGG--30 N Holly, Medford Young Wm, 31 S Bartlett, Medford YOUNG & HALL GARAGE--22 N Front, Medford Gasoline Wholesale
Bros Agt, MedfordStandard Oil Co, Medford, A J Anderson, Agt UNION OIL CO--L W Kelson, Agt, Medford General Merchandise
& SON--Eagle PointCadzow John, Butte Falls Cranfill & Robnett, Central Point Daley G W, Eagle Point FABER & McDONALD--Central Point Gardner Mary E, Sams Valley GRIEVE JAMES--Prospect Heath Fred W, Eagle Point Hughes J P, Butte Falls LANCE & CO--Gold Hill Merritt J W, Central Point Merritt J W & Co, Gold Hill Miller J H, Provolt PERNOLL JOHN W ESTATE--Applegate PHOENIX MERCANTILE CO--Phoenix Rogers W J, Beagle RUCH C M--Ruch SEAMAN C G--Rogue River Smith F E, Butte Falls Star Mercantile Co, Rogue River Staub W H, Brownsboro TALENT MERCANTILE CO--Talent TAYLOR-WILLIAMS CO--Jacksonville Thompson C A Mrs, Derby TRUAX CO THE--Gold Hill ULRICH LEWIS G--Jacksonville Ulrich & Ryan, N Central cor 5th, Medford VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN--Talent Wilson D T, Rogue River Greenhouses
Broadley John F, Capitol Hill, MedfordMaddox & Bonney, 26 Portland, Medford MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE--1005 E Main, Medford Sander W G, Nevada ne cor Helman, Ashland Grocers Wholesale
& CO--S Front bet 13th and 14th, MedfordMEDFORD GROCERY CO--S Front cor 10th, Medford Grocers--Retail
Bolz R F, Iowa ne cor Blvd, AshlandBrownlee & Co, 327 E Main, Medford CONSER'S GROCERY--601 E Main, Medford Court Street Grocery, N Central cor Court, Medford Crane Grocery, Central Point Cranfill & Robnett, Central Point DENNIS J N--353 E Main, Ashland East Side Grocery, E Main, Medford ELEVENTH ST GROCERY--Cor 11th and Hamilton, Medford Enders & Sons, E Main, Ashland FOUTS & CO--36 S Central, Medford Garrett W R, Buncom Gillett A P, Central Point Gold Ray Store, Gold Ray HOLMES BROS-- Ashland Home Grocery, 632 N Central, Medford Hutchison & Lumsden, 213 E Main, Medford JACKSON ST GROCERY--221 W Jackson, Medford JONES CASH STORE--225 W Jackson, Medford Kee W S, Butte Falls KRIBS C P & CO--132 W Main, Medford LANCE & CO--Gold Hill LOOMIS & NELSON--215 4th, Ashland MARSH & BENNETT--130 E Main, Medford New York Store, Eagle Point NIMS & SAUNDERS--108 N Main, Medford NININGER & ROBERTSON--288 E Main, Ashland Olmstead Grocery, 131 W Main, Medford Olsen & Son, Central Point PLAZA GROCERY--N Main cor Water, Ashland PERNOLL JOHN W ESTATE--Applegate SEMAN'S GROCERY STORE--Rogue River SCHIEFFELIN CHARLES--36 N Central, Medford SHASTA GROCERY-214 4th, Ashland Spitzer & Son, Talent Stringer Wallace, 325 N Oakdale, Medford TALENT MERCANTILE CO--Talent Ulrich & Ryan, N Central cor 6th, Medford Verbick O B, Union Creek WARNER-WORTMAN & GORE--307 E Main, Medford WHITE HOUSE GROCERY--388 E Main, Ashland
Hair Dressers and Hair Goods
Jeffers Down Mme, W Main, MedfordMARINELLO HAIR SHOP THE--Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford WINELAND C D--71 N Main, Ashland Hardware
Abbott Hardware Co, JacksonvilleCope Hardware Co, Phoenix CRATER LAKE HARDWARE CO--323 E Main, Medford DODGE W P & SONS--125 E Main, Ashland Eagle Point Hardware Co, Eagle Point Fick's Hardware Co, Jacksonville FREEMAN & WILEY--Central Point GARNETT-COREY HARDWARE CO--W Main cor Grape, Medford Gold Hill Hardware Co, Gold Hill LEEVER W C--Central Point McLean R M, Rogue River Kee W S, Butte Falls MEDFORD FURNITURE & HDWE CO--29-35-39 N Central Miller D H, Gold Hill Provost Bros, 38 E Main, Ashland ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE CO--Central Point SIMPSON'S HARDWARE STORE--37-39 N Main, Ashland TALENT HARDWARE CO--Talent TALENT MERCANTILE CO--Talent VON DER HELLEN HARDWARE CO--Eagle Point WARNER MERCANTILE CO--375 E Main, Ashland Harness and Saddlery
Eastern Supply Co, 292 E Main, AshlandMEDFORD HARNESS CO--226 E Main, Medford Settle I F, 7 Plaza, Ashland Wehman George H, Eagle Point [Hospitals]
Bldg, MedfordGOLD HILL HOSPITAL--Gold Hill GRANITE CITY HOSPITAL--Blvd nor Palm av, Ashland SACRED HEART HOSPITAL--Medford Hts, Medford Hotels
N Main, AshlandAUSTIN HOTEL--Cor Oak and E Main, Ashland Butte Falls Hotel, Butte Falls Colestine Hotel, Colestine Columbia Hotel, 264 E Main, Ashland DeCarlow C W Mrs, Pinehurst Depot Hotel, Ashland Eagle Point Hotel, Eagle Point Farmers Hotel, Eagle Point GRIEVE JAMES--Prospect HOLLAND HOTEL--N Fir sw cor 6th, Medford MEDFORD HOTEL--W Main cor Ivy, Medford NASH HOTEL--Front se cor Main, Medford Oxford Hotel, 263 W Main, Medford Palace Hotel, 30 S Central, Medford Park Hotel, 35 1st, Ashland ROGUE ELK--Elk Creek Rogue River Hotel, Rogue River Ross O E, Applegate Savoy Hotel, 72 N Main, Ashland SUNNYSIDE HOTEL--Eagle Point Talent Hotel, Talent Tavern Hotel, Eagle Point House Movers
Moffett Wm A, 612 NewtownIce Manufacturers and Dealers
& STORAGE CO--Water ne cor B, AshlandCentral Point Ice & Storage Co, Central Point JACKSON COUNTY CREAMERY--N Fir cor 4th, Medford MEDFORD ICE & STORAGE CO--SP tracks nr W 12th, Medford Insurance Agencies
Adamson E B, TalentBARKER GEORGE--Butte Falls BEAVER REALTY CO--211 E Main, Ashland BILLINGS AGENCY--41 E Main, Ashland Bradford I H, 520 N Grape, Medford COCHRAN J H--First National Bank Bldg, Medford Collins B M, Jacksonville CORNELL ALBERT S--Grants Pass and Medford Edington M C, 43 Church, Ashland GRAHAM & WAKEMAN--MF&H Bldg, Medford Halley Wm L, 28 N Oakdale, Medford Hammond W H, end Peach, Medford Holmes R A, Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford Howard George, 705 N Riverside, Medford LEMERY J A--200 E Main, Ashland McCURDY INSURANCE AGENCY--Medford National Bank Bldg, Medford Meiling Earl H, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO--Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford NELSON O N--First National Bank Bldg, Medford Pearce C C, MF&H Bldg, Medford Perry Edward, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford PURUCKER HERMAN O--123 Pioneer, Ashland Redfield C S, Gold Hill Root Lee, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford Sanderson C S, Central Point Schmidt M P, 422 S Ivy, Medford STINE H S--2 Stewart Block, Medford TUMY EARL--Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford WAKEFIELD JOHN W--Palm Bldg, Medford WAKEMAN LOUIS E--MF&H Bldg, Medford Wertz G F, Rogue River Wick T C, First National Bank Bldg, Medford White & Trowbridge, Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bldg, Medford WOOD D R & CO--Mail Tribune Bldg, Medford YOE GEORGE H--70 N Main, Ashland Young O L, 77 Oak, Ashland Iron Works
Helman, AshlandMEDFORD IRON WORKS--17 S Riverside, Medford Jewelers
Butler B N, MF&H Bldg, MedfordDePeatt W E, 143 Hargadine, Ashland Diamond Fay E, Heath Pharmacy, Medford Diamond Jay W, 126 E Main, Medford Hendricks L M, 630 Blvd, Ashland Jeschke Carl, N Fir, Medford JOHNSON JEWELRY STORE--163 E Main, Ashland JOHNSON JOHN W--209 E Main, Medford Laurence John F, W Main, cor Fir, Medford McFarren S V, Gold Hill REDDY MARTIN--212 E Main, Medford RUNYON W L--Central Point WHITED H L--321 N Main, Ashland Junk Dealers
Medford Junk Co, N Bartlett, MedfordWilson O N, 708 W 4th, Medford Ladies' Furnishings
& CO--226-230 W Main, MedfordCOWLEY'S EMPORIUM--Central Point ENDERS & SONS--E Main, Ashland GOLDEN RULE--219 W Main, Medford MANN'S--14 N Central, Medford MAY CO THE--E Main cor Bartlett, Medford M M DEPARTMENT STORE--230 E Main, Medford Landscape Gardners
Broadley J T, Capitol Hill, MedfordFletcher Wm, 715 W 13th, Medford Forde W M, Capitol Hill, Medford Laundries
Chung Lee, 280 Ashland, AshlandHome Steam Laundry, 31 Water, Ashland MEDFORD DOMESTIC LAUNDRY--421 E Main, Medford SUNRISE LAUNDRY--215 S Riverside, Medford Wing Sam, 123 S Riverside, Medford Livery, Sale and Feed Stables
& FEED STABLES--107 Mill, AshlandBailey Wm P, ne cor 5th, Jacksonville Darling R L, Gold Hill Ferguson W H, Central Point GRIEVE JAMES--Prospect Harnish S H & Son, Eagle Point Matthews J C, Central Point Rogue River Stables, Rogue River Ruch C M, Ruch Smith & Son, 107 Mill, Ashland Steadman W D, Phoenix Union Stables, 112 S Riverside, Medford Vinson Feed Stables, 144 N Riverside, Medford Loans
Andrews Jap, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford.BEAVER REALTY CO--211 E Main, Ashland BENNETT INVESTMENT CO--W Main cor Fir, Medford Clark Realty Co, 206 Phipps Bldg, Medford GOWDY W H CO--77 Oak, Ashland HOON & CATHCART--Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford STINE H S--2 Stewart Bldg, Medford Toft Ray, 206 W Main, Medford TUMY EARL--Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford Lumber Manufacturers and Dealers
MANUFACTURING CO--384 Oak, AshlandBIG PINES LUMBER CO--Medford Big Pines Lumber Co, Talent Butte Falls Lumber Co, Butte Falls Butte Falls Manufacturing Co, Butte Falls Carson-Fowler Lumber Co, 143 1st, Ashland Central Point Lumber Co, Central Point Childers W L, Gold Hill Eagle Point Lumber Co, Eagle Point Mathews Samuel, Rogue River Medford Lumber Co, 4 W 3rd, Medford Phoenix Lumber Co, Phoenix Purcell C C, Buncom Trail Lumber Co, end W Main and city limits, Medford Welch J B, Asbestos WOODS LUMBER CO--204 S Fir, Medford Lunches
Main cor Front, MedfordCROWSON'S--Elks Temple, Ashland LITHIA BAKERY--108 E Main, Ashland Reter John, Jacksonville Shasta The, 217 E Main, Medford VIENNA BAKERY--242 E Main, Ashland WHITE'S VELVET ICE CREAM CO--332 E Main, Medford Manicurists and Massage
Jeffers Down Mme, W Main, MedfordMARINELLO HAIR SHOP--Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford WINELAND C D--71 N Main, Ashland Marble and Granite Works
Ashland Marble Works, 117 N Main, AshlandLe Ponte Almern, Central Point OREGON GRANITE WORKS--103 E 6th, Medford Penniston Granite Co, 200 Helman, Ashland Magazines and Papers
Bolton T K, 53 N Main, AshlandDE VOE'S--W Main cor Oakdale, Medford Jensen Pool Hall, 126 W Main, Medford McNAIR BROS--43 N Main, Ashland MEDFORD BOOK STORE--209 E Main, Medford MEDFORD CIGAR STORE--W Main cor Fir, Medford Midway The, W Main, Medford POLEY & ELHART--17 E Main, Ashland Rogue River Pharmacy, Rogue River Meat Markets
Ashland Meat Co, 61 N Main, AshlandBinns Meat Market, Getchell Bldg, Medford Blacket's Meat Market, Gold Hill Central Point Meat Market, Central Point City Meat Market, Jacksonville EAGLE MARKET THE--82 N Main, Ashland East Side Meat Market, 395 E Main, Ashland East Side Meat Market, 809 E Main, Medford ECONOMY MEAT MARKET--206 E Main, Ashland Hamlin C A, 216 S Laurel, Medford Star Meat Market, 314 E Main, Medford Talent Meat Market, Talent Warner-Wortman & Gore, 307 E Main, Medford Meats--Wholesale
Ashland Meat Co, 61 N Main, AshlandCENTRAL POINT PACKING CO--Central Point Cudahy Packing Co The, SP tracks bet 6th and Main, Ashland East Side Meat Market, 395 E Main, Ashland MEDFORD GROCERY CO--S Front cor 10th, Medford UNION MEAT CO--W 8th and SP tracks, Medford Mercantile Agencies
AGENCY--216 E Main, MedfordMerchant Tailors
Gus the Tailor, N Front, MedfordKline E J, Miles Bldg, Medford ORRES L J--Oak St, Ashland ERUD & BARRETT--117 E Main, Ashland Men's Furnishings
E Main, MedfordENDERS & SONS--E Main, Ashland Heilbronner's, 206 W Main, Medford Mitchell & Whittle, 27 N Main, Ashland Talent Mercantile Co, Talent Cranfill & Robnett, Central Point GOLDEN RULE THE--219 W Main, Medford MODEL CLOTHING CO--234 E Main, Medford TOGGERY THE--129 E Main, Medford VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN--Talent Millinery
Barnard Millinery, 109 E Main, MedfordBoswell M E Mrs, Central Point AHRENS M M & CO--226-230 W Main, Medford ENDERS H G & SON--E Main, Ashland Hargrove Millinery, 131 E Main, Ashland Home Millinery, 1101 W 9th, Medford Kelsey Flora A, Gold Hill Lonsburg N I, M M Department Store, Medford MAY CO THE--E Main cor Bartlett, Medford Howard Lottie Mrs, 109 N Central, Medford Johnson Effie Mrs, 476 N Main, Ashland Potter Rosetta Mrs, Eagle Point Porter E G Mrs, 36 2nd, Ashland Mill Work
Ashland Manufacturing Co, 384 Oak, AshlandMEDFORD SASH & DOOR FACTORY--431 S Fir, Medford PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY--113 S Holly, Medford Mining Engineers
Liljegran E W, 104 W 6th, MedfordMusic Teachers
Bldg, MedfordAiken M E Mrs, 917 Narregan, Medford Butler Jeunesse, Piano, 8 S Orange, Medford Bryan Bess, Vocal, 211 Laurel, Medford Boeck Ivy I, 301 S Riverside, Medford Babson Mabel W, Central Point Clark Florence, Violin, 225 S Riverside, Medford Graves Florence, Piano, 304 S Ivy, Medford Gore E E Mrs, 116 Geneva, Medford Gilmore H G, 283 Woolen, Ashland Haight Fred A, Piano, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford Howell H H, Brass Instruments, Medford Isaacs Irene H, Berben Apts, Medford Janes C W, Siskiyou Hts, Medford Loveland Carl H, 47 Union, Ashland Marsh E C Mrs, 43 N Peach, Medford Mears Catherine, 319 S Orange, Medford MEDFORD CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC & LANGUAGES--Natatorium, Medford McCall Lillian, Prospect Reno H V, 371 Gresham, Ashland ROOT E C--Violin and String Instruments, College Bldg, Medford Sullivan Irene, Violin, 105 Geneva, Medford Swigert Natalie ]E, 174 Oak, Ashland Vroman Mary D, 124 Tripp, Medford Warner Edna, Mail Tribune Bldg, Medford Natatoriums
SPRINGS NATATORIUM--1st bet A and B, AshlandNATATORIUM THE--N Riverside cor 6th, Medford Newspapers
Plaza, AshlandASHLAND RECORD--3 Mills Bldg, Ashland Argus The, Rogue River Central Point Herald, Central Point Gold Hill News The, Gold Hill Jacksonville Post, Jacksonville MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE--25-27-29 N Fir, Medford MEDFORD SUN--32 N Grape, Medford ----
Attorneys at LawNOTIONS--See Dry Goods Nurseries
E Main, MedfordLATTA & HOPKINS--Central Point Quaker Nurseries, 104 S Fir, Medford Wagner Creek Nurseries, Ashland and Talent Nurses
Bonner Belle Mrs, 192 Mechanic, AshlandBroad Agnes M, Jacksonville Broad Anna, Jacksonville Burnett Fern, Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford Burns Cora E Mrs, 332 Harrison, Ashland Carnell Ada V, 523 S Holly, Medford Caskey Violet, 1129 Niantic, Medford Coggins Ella, 327 N Grape, Medford Comph Ina, Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford Dunne Laura L, Sanitarium, Ashland Durran Elsie, Central Point Dye Grace, 119 Roosevelt, Medford Earhart June, S Riverside, Medford Frizell S F Mrs, 243 Maple, Ashland Hamlin Ada, Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford Harrell Ramona, 1177 Iowa, Ashland Heise Wilhelmina, E 9th, Medford Helscher Mary, Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford Kent Amy, 401 N Riverside Lancing Margaret, Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford McFarland Virl, 692 B, Ashland McFurnam Winifred, Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford Matney Martha, 405 Apple, Medford Miers Georgia M, 119 Roosevelt, Medford Miller Grace, Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford Mott Nellie Mrs, 107 Mistletoe, Medford Newman Emma L, 425 Benson, Medford Osborne Olivia Mrs, 512 S Oakdale, Medford Parker Anna L, 215 Knight, Medford Piel Emma, Dr Clancy, Medford Purucker Clara Mrs, 1517 W Main, Medford PURVIS NELLIE--Sanitarium, Ashland Riley M B Mrs, 276 B, Ashland Roberts Lillian M, 29 Ross Court, Medford Sears Grace E, Gold Hill Stapleton Minnie E, 305 N Grape, Medford Thorne Georgia, Sanitarium, Ashland Toft Dora, 245 N Grape, Medford Turner Olive M, Gold Hill Wilson Maggie, 506 Berry, Medford Oculists and Aurists
Bldg, MedfordHeine T G, 228 E Main, Medford
Standard Oil Co, SP tracks at n city limits, MedfordSHELL GASOLINE CO--Hubbard Bros UNION OIL CO--SP tracks n limits, Medford Opticians
Elwood E D, 301 E Main, MedfordRickert Judson D, Deuel Bldg, Medford Osteopathic Physicians
Garnett-Corey Bldg, MedfordCARLOW FRANK G--216-217 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford DOW LYDIA S--MF&H Bldg, Medford, and Central Point HAWLEY DR MAUD I--1st National Bank Bldg, Ashland Hedges A R, Stewart Bldg, Medford HOWARD WARNER W--303 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford Sawyer Bertha, 321 N Main, Ashland Painters--House
Chappell Richard, JacksonvilleDrew R H, 115 Fork, Ashland Emery Melvin, 114 Mechanic, Ashland Holloway Charles F, 415 Woodstock, Medford Hay J F, Central Point Ling Harry D, 826 E Main, Medford Lumsden John, 207 W Main, Medford Lake Franklin, Rogue River McPhee Benton J, Mt Pitt St, Medford Mulhollen J H, 329 W 2nd, Medford Perkins C C, Central Point Powell Benjamin, 196 Nutley, Ashland Rice Edward C, 137 Tripp, Medford ROCHON JOSEPH R--10th and Fir, Medford Rowland Charles, 56 Roca, Ashland Sanders Richard, 511 N Fir, Medford St Clair Felix, 244 N Ivy, Medford Stennett Wm S, 116 Factory, Ashland Stephenson Louis A, Waters Paint Store, Medford Taylor R L, 839 Taylor, Medford Thompson W B, 216 S Front, Medford Watson George F, 166 Ohio, Ashland Weisser Wm, 125 S Oakdale, Medford Painters-Sign
National Bank Bldg, MedfordKlum Blaine, 44 S Central, Medford Morser B L, painter for B Klum Weisser Wm, N Riverside, Medford Painters--Automobiles--Carriages
Ashland Garage, 53 2nd, AshlandROCHON JOSEPH R--Cor 10th and Fir, Medford THOMPSON W B--216 S Front, Medford Weisser Wm, N Riverside, Medford Paints, Oils and Glass
Abbott Hardware Co, JacksonvilleCARSON-FOWLER LUMBER CO--143 1st, Ashland Cope Hardware Co, Phoenix Deckerson Wm, 80 N Main, Ashland DODGE W P & SON--125 E Main, Ashland Eagle Point Hardware Co, Eagle Point Fick F J, Jacksonville FREEMAN & WILEY--Central Point GARNETT-COREY HARDWARE CO--W Main cor Grape, Medford Gold Hill Hardware Co, Gold Hill Kees W S, Butte Falls LEEVER W C-- Central Point McLean R M, Rogue River MEDFORD FURNITURE & HDWE CO--N Central cor 6th, Medford Miller D H, Gold Hill Provost Bros, 38 E Main, Ashland Rogue River Hardware Co, Rogue River SIMPSON'S HARDWARE STORE--37-39 N Main, Ashland Talent Hardware Co, Talent VON DER HELLEN HARDWARE CO--Eagle Point WATERS PAINT STORE--Medford Pharmacies
N Main, AshlandBOWERS PHARMACY--Gold Hill Brown's Drug Store, Talent City Drug Store, Jacksonville Depot Drug Store, 4th se cor A, Ashland East Side Pharmacy, 303 E Main, Medford HASKINS FOR HEALTH--214 E Main, Medford HEATH'S DRUG STORE--109 E Main, Medford McNAIR BROS--43 N Main, Ashland McNAIR'S EAST SIDE PHARMACY--303 E Main, Ashland Medford Pharmacy, 212 E Main, Medford Mee Mary, Central Point PAXSON DRUG CO--Central Point Poley Drug Co, 17 E Main, Ashland Rogue River Pharmacy, Rogue River STRANG'S DRUG STORE--231 E Main, Medford Von der Hellen Hardware Co, Eagle Point West Side Pharmacy, 134 W Main, Medford
Main, AshlandGerking J O, 228 E Main, Medford Hinthorne B H, 95 Scenic Drive, Ashland Hull Frank H, Central Point Mackey H C, 204 E Main, Medford Nason Bert, Butte Falls Palmer J B, Gold Hill STAR PHOTO HOUSE--W Main cor Laurel, Medford SWEM'S STUDIO--222 E Main, Medford Weston Edgar, 208 E Main, Medford Physicians--Eye, Ear, Nose and
EMMENS J J--Medford
Furniture & Hdwe Bldg, MedfordHeine T G, 228 E Main, Medford SWEDENBURG A W--299 E Main, Ashland Physicians--Homeopathic
MacCracken Gordon, 217 N Main, AshlandStephenson G W, 146 S Holly, Medford Physicians and Surgeons
Barber Martin C, 9 Palm blk, MedfordBOSLOUGH A W--Sanitarium, Ashland Brower D W, 216 Factory, Ashland Chisholm Wm P, Gold Hill CLANCY ROBERT W--211 Phipps Bldg, Medford Conroy R J, 215 E Main, Medford DOW McMORRIS--MF&H Bldg, Medford and Central Point EMMENS J J--MF&H Bldg, Medford Golden Robert E, Jacksonville GREGG GRANT W--Payne Bldg, Ashland Hall T A, Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland Hargrave H P, 134 W Main, Medford Hart J F, Talent Heckerman W H, Central Point Holt Wm W P, Eagle Point JARVIS GEORGE O--Sanitarium, Ashland KELSEY RUSSELL C--Gold Hill Kirchgessner Emil, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford LOCKWOOD S A--MF&H Bldg, Medford MALMGREN THEODORE J--Phoenix Parsons J S, 138 N Main, Ashland PICKEL E BURTON--3-4-5-6 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford POELLNITZ ROBERT W--F&F Growers Bldg, Medford and Central Point PORTER ELIAS H--St Marks Bldg, Medford SEELY EBERLE R--235 E Main, Ashland Songer S T, Pioneer Bldg, Ashland STEARNS ROBERT W--Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford Stephenson George W, 146 S Holly, Medford SWEDENBURG FRANCIS G--299 E Main, Ashland THAYER FREDRICK G--F&F Growers Bldg, Medford Physicians--Chinese
Gim Chung, 241 S Front, MedfordPiano Tuners
Debley Wm C, 508 S King, MedfordRobertson E E, 1228 E Main, Ashland Shepherd L K, 658 Boulevard, Ashland Pianos and Organs
Anderson G N, 667 N Main, AshlandHale Piano House, 217 W Main, Medford Palmer Piano House, 28 S Central, Medford Shepherd & Son, 658 Boulevard, Ashland Planing Mills
& DOOR FACTORY--431 S Fir, MedfordPioneer Planing Mill Co, 125 Mill, Ashland Plasterers
Campbell W E, 219 Meade, AshlandCoppage John S, 326 N Bartlett, Medford Frideger I R, 317 S Orange, Medford James E C, 311 Laurel, Medford Plumbers
Aiken Wm, Hotel Holland, MedfordBiegel A J, 297 E Main, Ashland Carey George L, 335 Almond, Ashland Carter Sidney, Pioneer, Ashland COFFEEN & PRICE--19 N Fir, Medford DePeau W S, 64 Dewey, Ashland GARNETT-COREY HARDWARE CO--W Main cor Grape, Medford Hammett Wm, Central Point Helman Ray E, 363 Helman, Ashland Hicks Ernest, 551 N Main, Ashland Long A M, 130 8th, Ashland MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO--N Central cor 6th, Medford Penwell Anlo, 829 N Central, Medford Pittman I D, 324 Terrace, Ashland Riley Henry, Central Point Rogue River Hardware Co, Central Point Vroman A L, 113 N Front, Medford Warner Mercantile Co, 375 E Main, Ashland Poultry and Eggs
Central Poultry & Egg Co, Central PointMedford Poultry & Egg Co, S Front cor 8th, Medford Poultry Supplies
Ashland Feed Store, 353 E Main, AshlandMONARCH SEED & FEED STORE--317 E Main, Medford Morton & Son, A ne cor 1st, Ashland Printers--Commercial
Argus The, Rogue RiverAshland Record, 3 Mills Bldg, Ashland Ashland Tidings, 13 Plaza, Ashland Canyon Press The, 337 E Main, Ashland Gold Hill News The, Gold Hill Herald Publishing Co, Central Point Hull Frank H, Central Point Jacksonville Post The, Jacksonville Kunzman George J, F&F Growers Bldg, Medford MEDFORD PRINTING CO--25-27-29 N Fir, Medford PRINTERY THE--42 S Central, Medford Public Markets
Medford Public Market, 35 S Riverside, MedfordPublishers
Brower W R, Rogue River and Central PointGreer Bert R, 13 Plaza, Ashland Herald Publishing Co, Central Point MEDFORD PRINTING CO--25-27-29 N Fir, Medford MEDFORD SUN THE--32 N Grape, Medford Sears F W, Gold Hill Watson W W, 42 S Central, Medford Wolf Charles B, 3 Mills Bldg, Ashland Quarries
Jacksonville Stone Quarry, JacksonvilleWait F W & Co, W 10th cor King, Medford Real Estate
Andrews Jap, Garnett-Corey Bldg, MedfordAllen Susie L Mrs, 63 N Main, Ashland Barnes J C, Bennett Investment Co BEAVER REALTY CO--30 E Main, Ashland BENNETT INVESTMENT CO--W Main cor Fir, Medford BILLINGS AGENCY--41 E Main, Ashland Bittner Real Estate & Employment Agency, Palm Blk, Medford Brown J C, Sparta Bldg, Medford Cambers John J, Scenic Drive, Ashland CLARK FRANK D--206 Phipps Bldg, Medford Cornetius O M, Rialto Bldg, Medford Cunningham C L, 548 Iowa, Ashland Dox Henry S, Jacksonville Estes Edward A, 333 N Main, Ashland Fehl Realty Co, Mail Tribune Bldg, Medford Fleming James M, 219 N Central, Medford Gold Ray Realty Co, 106 W 6th, Medford Hafer Edgar, Hotel Medford, Medford Hill T W, 400 Morton, Ashland HODGSON & REED--337 E Main, Ashland HOLMES WM M--PO Box 336, Medford HOON & CATHCART--Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford HURD LAND & INVESTMENT CO--Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford Jackson County Realty Co, 604 W 10th, Medford Lamkin C B, 125 Oak, Ashland Lemery J A, 300 E Main, Ashland McWilliams F G, 126 Church, Ashland Messner W A, 504 S Holly, Medford Mundy John F, Palm Bldg, Medford MURPHY WM--Bennett Investment Co, Medford PAGE-DRESSLER CO--320 E Main, Medford Phipps Edward E, 113 Pine, Ashland Pierce Clarence C, 427 MF&H Bldg, Medford Rader M A, 114 N Front, Medford Reed M C, 67 Scenic Drive, Ashland ROGUELANDS INC--237 E Main, Medford Rogue River Land Co, PO Box 336, Medford ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO--237 E Main, Medford Rostel C P, Central Point Siskiyou Hts Co The, Palm Bldg, Medford STAPLES EDWARD T--117 Almond, Ashland Stewart E J, F&F Growers Bldg, Medford Talent Realty Co, Talent Toft R H, 206 W Main, Medford TUMY EARL--Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford WAKEFIELD JOHN W--Palm Bldg, Medford Wertz G T, Rogue River White & Trowbridge, F&F Growers Bldg, Medford Wimer Charles L, 464 Mountain, Ashland WOOD D R & CO--Mail Tribune Bldg, Medford York W T, MF&H Bldg, Medford Young O L, 77 Oak, Ashland Restaurants
E Main, MedfordAshland Hotel, 50 N Main, Ashland AUSTIN HOTEL--Bell The, Talent East Main cor Oak, Ashland BROWN'S--E Main, cor Front, Medford Castilian Grill, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford CENTRAL POINT BAKERY--Central Point Columbia Cafe, Enders Block, Ashland CURT'S RESTAURANT--E Main, Ashland English Chop House, 20 S Central, Medford Farmers Hotel, Eagle Point Gold Hill Cafe The, Gold Hill GRIEVE JAMES--Prospect HOLLAND CAFE--Hotel Holland, Medford Lyden House, Jacksonville McClendon J Mrs, Gold Hill MEDFORD HOTEL RESTAURANT--Medford Hotel, Medford Montgomery House, 114 N Fir, Medford OPTIMO CAFE--18 N Front, Medford ROGUE ELK--Trail ROYAL BAKERY & CAFE--39 E Main, Ashland Sanitary Cafe, Nash Hotel, Medford Shasta The, 217 E Main, Medford SUNNYSIDE HOTEL--Eagle Point TALENT HOTEL--Talent Throckmorton A Mrs, Ruch Waldorf Hotel, Rogue River Sand, Rock and Gravel
2nd, AshlandGRANITE CITY HOSPITAL--Boulevard cor Palm, Ashland SACRED HEART HOSPITAL--Nob Hill, Medford Sash and Doors
MANUFACTURING CO--384 Oak, AshlandBIG PINES LUMBER CO--N Fir cor 6th, Medford Central Point Lumber Co, Central Point Medford Lumber Co, N Fir cor 2nd, Medford MEDFORD SASH & DOOR FACTORY--431 S Fir, Medford WOODS LUMBER CO--204 S Fir, Medford Schools and Colleges
COLLEGE--31 N Grape, MedfordMEDFORD CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AND LANGUAGES--Natatorium Bldg, Medford ST MARY'S ACADEMY--S Holly cor 11th, Medford Second-Hand Goods
Eads Second Hand Store, 34 S Fir, MedfordIcenhower J B, 80 N Main, Ashland Murray Sam, Central Point Patty J F, 345 E Main, Ashland Wilson ON, 708 W 4th, Medford WILSON WILL H--130 N Front, Medford WOOLF SCOTT--22 S Fir, Medford Seeds
Broadley J T, Garnett-Corey Bldg, MedfordDennis J N, 353 E Main, Ashland MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE--1005 E Main, Medford MONARCH SEED & FEED STORE--Medford Sewer Pipe Manufacturers
Jacksonville Brick & Tile Co, 1½ m sw JacksonvilleMEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO--Medford Sheet Metal Works
Biegel A J, 297 E Main, AshlandMEDFORD SHEET METAL WORKS--19 N Fir, Medford SMITH J A--128 N Grape, Medford Shoes--Retail
SHOE STORE--105 E Main, MedfordBRIGGS & ELMORE--11 E Main, Ashland Cranfill & Robnett, Central Point CROWLEY'S EMPORIUM--Central Point ENDERS & SONS--E Main, Ashland GOLDEN RULE--219 W Main, Medford Heilbronner's, 206 W Main, Medford Kidd's Shoe Store, 223 E Main, Medford M M DEPARTMENT STORE--130 E Main, Medford Phoenix Mercantile Co, Phoenix Schmidt E F, 21 N Central, Medford Talent Mercantile Co, Talent TAYLOR-WILLIAMS CO INC--Jacksonville VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN--Talent Shoe Repairing
Bassett L, Butte FallsBiden Ernest, Kidd's Shoe Store, Medford Biden M, S Central, Medford Crabtree G M, Gold Hill Craig C W, Talent ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP--26 S Grape, Medford Francis S M, E Main cor Almond, Medford Hessler L, Brownsboro Johnson C, Talent Johnson V E, 44 N Main, Ashland McDowell J G, Central Point Marting J C, Gold Hill OVERLAND SHOE SHOP--E Main cor Iowa, Ashland Sparks W R, Jacksonville Stevens Ruben, Phoenix Shoe Shining Parlors
Tosco's Shoe Shining Parlors, 116 E Main, MedfordWEST SIDE SHOE SHINING PARLORS--Getchell Block, Medford Signs
First National Bank Bldg, MedfordKlum Blaine, 44 S Central, Medford Weisser Wm, N Riverside, Medford Soda Works
S Bartlett, MedfordSporting Goods
HARDWARE CO--323 E Main, MedfordEagle Point Hardware Co, Eagle Point Ewing's Gun Store, 123 E Main, Medford Fick's Hardware Store, Jacksonville GARNETT-COREY HARDWARE CO--W Main cor Grape MEDFORD BOOK STORE--209 E Main, Medford MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO--N Central cor 6th, Medford MEDFORD HARNESS CO--226 E Main, Medford Rogue River Hardware Co, Central Point Talent Hardware Co, Talent Warner Mercantile Co, 375 E Main, Ashland Stage Lines
Eagle Point-Derby Stage Line, Eagle PointEagle Point-Lake Creek Stage Line, Eagle Point Eagle Point-Trail Stage Line, Eagle Point Gold Hill-Sams Valley Stage Line, Gold Hill Interurban Auto Line, Medford-Ashland Jacksonville-Applegate Stage Line, Jacksonville Jacksonville-Watkins Stage Line, Jacksonville Medford-Central Point Auto Lines, Medford Medford-Eagle Point Auto Line, Eagle Point Medford-Grants Pass Auto Line, Medford VALLEY AUTO LINE--Medford-Ashland, Medford Storage
& STORAGE CO--99 Oak, AshlandEADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO--42 N Front, Medford Tailors
Bouchet P, Gold HillEason Robert, 32 S Orange, Medford Klein E J, 128 E Main, Medford MEDFORD CLEANING & PRESSING CO--8 S Central ORRIS L J--11 Oak, Ashland ERUD & BARRETT--171 E Main, Ashland Watson John F, Hotel Medford, Medford Taxidermists
Bartlett F W, 126 E Main, MedfordTelephone and Telegraph Companies
Applegate Valley Telephone Co, ApplegateButte Falls & Eagle Point Telephone Co, Eagle Point Central Point Mutual Telephone Co, Central Point Home Telephone & Telegraph Co, of Southern Oregon, with Stations at Gold Hill, Medford, Jacksonville, Rogue River and Ashland Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Co, Ashland, Central Point and Medford. Postal Telegraph Co, Ashland and Medford Western Union Telegraph Co, Ashland, Central Point, Gold Hill and Medford Tent and Awning Manufacturers
Medford Tent & Awning Co, 106 N Front, MedfordTheaters
Central Point Opera House, Central PointEagle Point Opera House, Eagle Point Gold Hill Opera House, Gold Hill Page Theater, 422 E Main, Medford Vining Theater, E Main, Ashland Theaters--Motion Pictures
Page Theater, 422 E Main, MedfordSavoy Theater, Central Point Star Theater, 397-399 E Main, Ashland Star Theater, 222 E Main, Medford Vining Theater, E Main, Ashland Wego Theater, Gold Hill Timber Cruisers
Bailey James, 2 Beach, AshlandDean Harris, 99 Granite, Ashland Laidley George, 333 Knight, Medford Pinkerton F W, 743 E Main, Ashland TIMBER LANDS--See Real Estate Dealers Tin, Copper, and Sheet Metal
WORKS--19 N Fir, MedfordSMITH J A--128 N Grape, Medford Warner Wayman, Central Point Transfer Companies
DELIVERY CO--444 California, AshlandASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO--99 Oak, Ashland Burbidge W J, 126 W Main, Medford DYER TRANSFER CO--77 Pine, Ashland EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO--43 N Front, Medford Good Transfer Co, 269 B, Ashland Hendricks James, 258 3rd, Ashland Medford General Delivery Co, Central Point rd 2 bks n limits, Medford Medford Transfer Co, Rialto Bldg, Medford Roseberry Thomas, The Midway, Medford Transportation Companies
EASTERN RY CO--Medford, Eagle Point, Derby and Butte FallsSOUTHERN PACIFIC CO--Ashland, Central Point, Gold Hill, Medford, Phoenix, Talent and Rogue River SOUTHERN OREGON TRACTION CO--Medford-Jacksonville Undertakers
Dodge J P & Son, 125 E Main, AshlandJones T M, Central Point KELLOGG A E--Gold Hill PEARL JOHN A--28 S Bartlett, Medford Stock Herman C, 108 Nob Hill, Ashland Upholsterers
Hausman Carl, 225 Talent, MedfordStanley Robert H, 886 A, Ashland Weis J E, Weeks & McGowan Co, Medford Vacuum Cleaners
Angle O E, 191 Oak, AshlandFrench E E, 808 S Central, Medford Veterinary Dentists
Decker F M, 1219 E Main, AshlandHELMS J L--111 N Fir, Medford Veterinary Surgeons
Carter J A, 295 Helman, AshlandHELMS J L--111 N Fir, Medford Tull C H, 531 Penn av, Medford Vinegar Manufacturers
Bagley Canning Co, TalentROGUE RIVER CANNING CO--Medford Vulcanizing
Ashland Garage, 53 2nd, AshlandASHLAND VULCANIZING WORKS--N Main, Ashland Ford Garage, Hotel Austin Bldg, Ashland MEDFORD VULCANIZING WORKS--36 S Grape, Medford Well Drillers
Dodge J M, 610 S Oakdale, MedfordWood Sawyers
Faske Gust, 511 E Main, MedfordPainter John, Central Point Reichstein C H, N Fir cor 2nd, Medford Slater J W, 420 Boardman, Medford Tedrick Fred, 911 S Peach, Medford Jackson County Directory 1916, Rothermel and Fee, pub. |