The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

1914 Jackson County Directory
There were many errors in the original directory, and this transcription is corrected from an imperfect scan. Please advise of any errors.
Refer to the 1912 directory for another key to abbreviations.

"See" suggestions below refer to advertisements, viewable on the scans of this directory on ancestry.com or for free at Heritage Quest. Use your Jackson County Library card number to sign in.

Jackson County Directory


    Medford, Oregon, is the commercial and business center of the famous Rogue River Valley, Southern Oregon. It is located midway between Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco, California, on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railway. It is connected with Jacksonville, the county seat, by the Rogue River Valley R.R. and is the western terminal of the Pacific and Eastern R.R. penetrating the vast timber tracts of the Cascade Mountains and eventually to connect with the Hill lines in Central Oregon. The elevation of Medford is 1375 feet. Joaquin Miller calls the Rogue River Valley the "Italy of America." The records of the official weather station located at Medford show an average mean temperature for the past twenty years of 55 degrees. During the coldest nights in winter the thermometer seldom falls to 20 degrees above. During the warmest days in August and September, it ranges from 90 to 100 degrees and drops to 60 or 70 at sundown. The nights are delightfully cool. The light mountain air, and absence of humidity, makes climatic conditions ideal. The annual rainfall is from 25 to 28 inches, and one of the blessings of the valley is the timely rains, which come in regular unfailing seasons--severe droughts are unknown--torrential rains have never occurred. The wet season, if it may be so called, extends from November to April, but always plenty of sunny days between--days and weeks of it--and the weather as balmy as some far southern clime.
    On account of its central location in this valley of remarkable fertility it is conceded that Medford will be one of the large cities of Oregon.
    It has a cosmopolitan population; people from every state in the Union have come to make their permanent home here. All classes are represented. The retired trust magnate, the stock broker, the famous army officer, the college professor, the lawyer, the doctor, the business man, the stock man, the sailor, the farmer, the miner, all meet as neighbors.
    The University Club, with an active membership of one hundred, have forty-one universities represented, including famous universities of England, France, Sweden, Germany and Austria. All of the large eastern universities have alumni here, and this mixture of men from all sections is one of the things that makes life attractive in the charming valley of the Rogue.
    The following show some facts and figures of Medford:
AREA--Three and one quarter miles--2080 acres
POPULATION--for 1913--10,500
Post Office RECEIPTS--$32,647.00
STREET PAVING--The best paved city of its size in the world, (22 miles).
SEWERS--26.21 miles, expenditure--$215,000.
WATER MAINS--28.45 miles--gravity system, costing $350,000.00. Ample for a city of 40,000 population.
SIDEWALKS--Principally cement, costing--$100,322.00
SCHOOLS--Four Public School buildings at an aggregate cost of $150,000.00. St. Mary's Academy, Business College, Conservatory of Music.
FIRE DEPARTMENT--Equipment valued at--$15,245.00
ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND POWER--Owned and operated by the California-Oregon Power Co., controlling a total of 131,500 horsepower.
GAS--High-power plant, capacity 250,000 feet per day. Minimum per 1000, $1.00.
PUBLIC LIBRARY--Carnegie, erected 1912, at a cost of $21,000.00
HOTELS--Four modern, three second class, four restaurants, six apartments.
BANKS--Four Banks, two Building and Loan and U.S. Postal Savings.
RAILROADS AND MOTORS--Southern Pacific, Pacific and Eastern, Rogue River Valley R.R., Street Railway and Interurban.
NEWSPAPERS--Medford Mail Tribune (afternoon with United Press dispatches), Medford Sun, morning (Associated Press dispatches).
PARKS--City Parks, three blocks in the heart of the city. Baseball parks, Country Club and Golf Links, Driving park and Fair Grounds.
CLUBS--Medford Commercial Club, Medford Merchants Association, Medford Realty Association, University Club; The Greater Medford Club, (ladies), Wednesday Study Club (ladies), College Women's Club, Drama League, Country and Golf Club.
CHURCHES--Baptist, Christian, Science, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist
Episcopal, Free Methodist, Methodist South, Presbyterian, Catholic and Adventist.
HOSPITALS--The Sacred Heart, cost to build--$100,000.00
AMUSEMENTS--New Page $50,000.00 Opera House, Natatorium and three Moving Picture.
SOCIETIES--All leading lodges and societies are represented.
WIRELESS TELEGRAPH--Relay station four miles south of Medford.
FEDERAL OFFICES--U.S. Weather Bureau, U.S. District Forestry, U.S. Pathologist. One term U.S. District Court  is held here. A new $110,000.00 Federal Building to be built, site selected and approved by the government.
IRRIGATION--An irrigation system is partially constructed to furnish every section with water if wanted.
HEALTH--The healthiest city on the Northwest coast, death rate less than seven to 1000.
HUNTING AND FISHING--The natural starting point for summer and fall camping parties. Rogue River called the best trout and salmon waters in the U.S.
CRATER LAKE--From Medford, Automobiles convey you in six hours to the greatest of the nation's wonders. Noted Geologists, Botanists and Scientists from many foreign countries come here to study this wonderful majestic mountain lake, twenty miles in circumference, high up in the Cascade Range.
PUBLIC MARKET--The first city in Oregon to establish a public market, bringing the producer and the consumer together with most satisfactory results in reducing the cost of living.
A JOBBING AND WHOLESALE CENTER--Now a distributing point to the retail trade of Southern Oregon and Northern California. Two wholesale grocery companies. Bonded Warehouse, two Ice Plants, Precooling Plants, three Fruit Associations handling 1500 cars of fruit in 1913. It is conservatively estimated
that within two years, the income from fruit alone will be five million dollars annually to Medford.
    First Ward--Consists of all that portion of the city east of Central av.
    Second Ward--Consists of all that portion of city west of Central av. and
south of Main street.
    Third Ward--Consists of all that portion of the city west of Central av and
north of Main street.
    City elections are held annually on the second Tuesday in January. Three Councilmen are elected each year, one from each ward, and hold office two years. The Mayor, Recorder and Treasurer are also elected. Other city, officers are appointed. The Mayor and Councilmen compose the Common Council.
City Officers
City Hall--44 N. Front.
Mayor--Mahlon Purdin.
Recorder--E. T. Foss.
Treasurer--Gus H. Samuels.
City Attorney--Bert R. McCabe.
Chief of Police--J. F. Hittson.
Superintendent of Light and Water--George H. Trana.
Street Commissioner--Owen J. Patton.
City Engineer and Electrical Inspector--Olen Arnspiger, Medford Furniture
& Hardware Co. Bldg.
Chief of Fire Department--J. W. Lawton.
Health Officer--Dr. F. G. Thayer.
F. V. Medynski. G. W. Porter, V. J. Emerick, H. H. Sargent, T. W. Miles, H. P. Hargrave.
Police Department
Chief--J. F. Hittson.
Sergeant--Patrick Mego.
Patrolmen--Harry L. Cingcade, Wm. H. Crawford, Wm. Hinton.
Fire Department--Paid
Chief--J. W. Lawton.
Assistant Chief--V. D. Danielson.
Hosemen--Leo Burnett, C. R. Boussum
Nozzleman--Charles Boussum.
Hydrantman--H. T. Burch.
Driver--Carey Bremmerman.
Fire Department--Volunteer
Chief--J. W. Lawton.
Assistant Chief--V. D. Danielson.
Second Assistant Chief--H. M. Butler.
Hosemen--H. L. Wilson, W. J. Fredenburg, G. F. Lindley, A. L. Wright, Horace Roberts, E. E. Eads, P. C. Bigham, C. H. Metz, H. T. Haswell, B. W. Gregory, Jack Dent, F. H. Hazelton, G. H. Bads, Clarence R. Boyd, Rankin Estes.
Justice Court
Justice of Peace--Glenn O. Taylor
    Farmers' & Fruitgrowers Bank--204 W. Main. Capital, $60,000. Delroy Getchell. Pres; L. Niedermeyer, Vice-Pres; Lee L. Jacobs, Cashier; Richard F. Antle, Assistant Cashier.
    First National Bank of Medford--122 E. Main. Capital, $100,000. F. K. Deuel, Pres; Charles M. English, Vice-Pres; M. L. Alford, Cashier; O. Crawford. Assistant
    Jackson County Bank--201 E. Main. Established 1888. Capital and surplus, $100,000. W. I. Vawter, Pres; G. R. Lindley, Vice-Pres; C. W. McDonald, Cashier; T. A. Fifer, Assistant Cashier.
    Medford National Bank--133 E. Main. Capital, surplus and undivided profits,
$145,000. Wm. H. Gore. Pres; J. A. Perry, Vice-Pres: J. S. Orth, Cashier; W. B. Jackson, Assistant Cashier.
I.O.O.F. Cemetery--¾ m se city.
    First--N. Central av se cor 5th. Rev. R. W. MacCullough, Pastor. Sunday services. 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school. 9:45 a.m.; B.Y.P.U., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
    First--S. Oakdale av se cor W. 9th Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.: Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Christian Science
    212 N. Oakdale av. G. W. Reeves, Reader. Sunday services, 11 a.m.; Sunday school. 10 a.m.; Wednesday meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Church of God Mission
    415 N. Front. Rev. C. W. Mullenniex, Pastor.
    St. Mark's--Services in St. Mark's blk. Rev. W. B. Hamilton, Rector. Preaching, 5 a.m. and 11 a.m., and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.
    Zion Evangelical--512 W. 4th. Rev. Conrad Wilker, Pastor. Sunday services: German. 1st and 3rd Sundays, 11 a.m.; English. 2nd and 4th Sundays, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.
Methodist Episcopal
    First--N. Bartlett se cor E. 4 th. Rev. E. O. Eldridge, Pastor. Sunday services,
11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.; Junior Epworth League, 3 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
    District Elder--Rev. J. W. Sharpe, res 1027 Narregan.
    Free Methodist Church--W. 10th se cor S Ivy. Rev. J. E. Bradley, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Methodist South
    Methodist Episcopal South--W. Main nw cor Oakdale av. Rev. H. M. Branham,
Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
    First--W. Main se cor Holly. Rev. W. F. Shields, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.: Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Junior Y.P.S.C.E., 4:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Roman Catholic
    Church of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord--338 S Oakdale av. Rev. J. M.
O'Neill, Pastor; Rev. W. J. Meagher, Asst. Pastor. Mass every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.; in Summer on 1st Sunday of each month at 7 and 9 a.m.; in Winter at 10:30 a.m.
Seventh Day Adventist
    Seventh Day Adventist--605 N Riverside av. Lowell Tupper, elder. Services:
Sabbath school, 10 a.m.; preaching or testimonial readings, Saturday, 11 a.m.; Young People's meeting, Friday, p.m.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
    Medford Commercial Club--E. Main nw cor Front. C. E. Gates, Pres; B. C. Sheldon, Vice-Pres; F. Osenbrugge, Treas; F. W. Streets, Sec.
    Medford Merchants' Assn--216 E. Main. Earl C. Gaddis, Pres; Chas. S. Butterfield, Vice-Pres; John H. Carkin, Sec; C. M. Kidd, Treas.
See Jacksonville Miscellaneous
    United States Commissioner--29 Jackson County Bank bldg. Wm. H. Canon.
    United States Forest Service--22½ S Fir. M. L. Erickson, Supervisor.
    Sacred Heart Hospital--Medford Hts. Under the direction of the Sisters of
    Carpenters' Union No. 1840--Meets 1st Wednesday at Smith's Hall. Phil
Jermsta, Sec.
    Electrical Workers' Union No. 657--Meets Saturday night at Smith's Hall.
G. R. Satchwell, Pres.; H. O. Purucker, Rec. Sec.
    Medford-Ashland Typographical Union No. 559--Meets in Smith's Hall 1st Tuesday. A. F. Stennett, Pres.; C. E. Swainson, Sec.
    Christian Science Reading Room--212 N. Oakdale av. Mrs. E. A. Dyke Librarian.
Open 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
    Medford Public Library--S. S. W. Main, bet Ivy and Oakdale av. Board, Mahlon Purdin, Ex-Officio Chairman; Mrs. P. J. Neff, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. F. W. Hollis, Treas.; Mrs. F. E. Merrick, Sec.; Lincoln McCormack, Mrs. E. B. Pickel, Mr. E. N. Warner, T. W. Miles; Librarian Elizabeth Robinson. Hours, Daily 9-12 a.m., 2-6 and 7-9 p.m., Sunday 2 to 6 p.m. for reading only.
    Medford Public School Library--High School Bldg. Under supervision of
Superintendent of City Schools.
    Rest Room for Women--422 M.F.&H. Co. Bldg. Greater Medford Club,
    College Women's Club--Meets 2nd Saturday at lunch hour and 2 p.m. at residence of members. Mrs. John A. Torney, Pres.; Nellie Santee, Sec-Treas.
    Greater Medford Club--Meets in Assembly Hall Public Library, last Monday
of each month at 3 p.m. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Pres.; Elizabeth Putnam, 1st Vice-Pres.; Mrs. F. E. Merrick, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Mrs. C. L. Schieffelin, Rec. Sec.; Elizabeth
Robinson, Cor. Sec.; Mrs. Burt Harmon, Treas.; Mrs. Wm. Budge, Historian.
    Jackson County Bar Association--8 Medford National Bank Bldg. A. E. Reames, (Medford), Pres.; E. D. Briggs (Ashland), Vice-Pres.; H. K. Hanna (Jacksonville), Vice-Pres.; Gus Newbury (Medford), Vice-Pres.; W. P. Mealey (Medford), Sec.-Treas.
    Jackson County Fair Assn--218 E. Main. J. T. Sullivan, Pres.; Dr. J. L. Helms, 1st Vice-Pres,; M. Adams 2nd Vice-Pres.; W. H. Gore Treas.; S. I. Brown Sec.
    Jackson County Fire Patrol Assn--Wm. T. Grieve Pres.; H. D. Mills, Vice-Pres.; E. A. Hildreth Sec.-Treas.
    Medford Center of the Drama League of America--Meets in Public Library.
Mrs. Edmond Burke, Pres.; S. V. Beckwith, 1st Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Alan Brackenreed,
2nd Vice-Pres.; Dunbar Carpenter, 3rd Vice-Pres.; John Orth, Treas.; Elizabeth Putnam, Sec., Highcroft.
    Medford Golf and Country Club--3 m e of city. S. V. Beckwith, Pres.; W. I. Vawter, Vice-Pres.; Leonard Carpenter, Treas.; H. Chandler Egan, Sec.
    Pan Hellenic Assn--Meets at residence of members, 4th Saturday of each
month. Julia Hoppin, Pres.; Aletha Emerick, Treas.; Alice Street, Sec.
    Rogue River Valley University Club--Mail Tribune Bldg. P. W. Hamill Pres.;
Lincoln McCormack Vice-Pres.; A. S. V. Carpenter, Treas.; Stanton Griffis, Sec.
    Wednesday Study Club--Meets in Assembly Hall Public Library, 1st and
3rd Wednesday. Mrs. Mattie E. Pickel, Pres.; Mrs. Letha English, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Rachael Alford, Treas.; Mrs. Sara Mears, Sec.
    Medford Mail Tribune (Daily and Weekly)--25-27-29 N. Fir. (George Putnam,
Editor-Mngr. 50 cents a month by carrier. $5.00 a year by mail.
    Medford Sun, The--32 N. Grape. Robert W. Ruhl, Pres-Editor; Sumpter S. Smith, Sec.-Mngr. Issued daily except Monday. 50 cents a month by carrier. $5.00 a year by mail.
    Base Ball Park--W. 2nd sw cor N. Holly.
    City Park--W. Main and W. 8th, Holly and Oakdale av.
    Isis Theatre--212 E. Main. Ira L. Whipple, Mngr.
    It Theatre--126 W. Main. W. J. Albert, Prop.
    Medford Fair Grounds--N. end Court.
    Natatorium The--N. Riverside av. ft E. 6th. Natatorium and Amusement Co. Inc., Props.
    Page Theatre--422 E. Main. Robt. E. Gorden, Mngr.
    Star Theatre--222 E. Main. Peoples Amusement Co., Proprs.
Post Office
    34 N. Central av.
    Postmaster--J. R. Woodford.
    Assistant Postmaster--W. J. Warner.
    General Delivery Clerk--J. F. Murphy.
    Clerks--H. C. Hazelrigg, Dalia King, T. C. Beckett, G. W. Stull, J. H. Harrison, John O'Conner.
    Letter Carriers--R. G. Beach, H. H. Harvey, R. E. Swan, P. L. Wood; R. A. Newland auxiliary carrier.
    Mail Carriers--Rural Free Delivery, S. S. Godlove, A. H. Wissing, O. G. Vroman.
Arrival of Mails
    Mails arrive from north, 5:22 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
    Mails arrive from south, 2:36 a.m. and 5:24 p.m.
    Mails arrive from Jacksonville, 10:30 a.m.; 3:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
    Mails arrive from Eagle Point, 8:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m.
Departure of Mails
    Mails depart going south, 5:22 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
    Mails depart going north, 5:24 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
    Mails depart for Jacksonville, 7:30 a.m. and 3:36 p.m., and 5:45 p.m.
    Mails depart for Eagle Point, 8:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m.
    Mails depart. Rural Free Delivery Route Nos. 1, 2 and 3, 8:00 a.m.
    Adkins Building--204 E. Main.
    City Hall--44 N Front.
    College Building--31 N Grape.
    Eagles Hall--3rd floor Adkins bldg.
    Electric Building--218 W. Main.
    First National Bank Building--118 E. Main.
    Fruitgrowers Bank Building--W. Main nw cor N Grape.
    Garnett-Corey Building--W. Main sw cor Grape.
    Haskins Block--216 E. Main.
    Hotel Holland Building--N Fir sw cor W 6 th.
    Hotel Nash Building--Front se cor E. Main.
    I.O.O.F. Building--219 W. 6th.
    Jackson County Bank Building--10 N. Central av.
    Knights of Pythias Hall--123 E. Main.
    Lindley Building--215 E. Main.
    Mail Tribune Building--25-29 N Fir.
    Masonic Hall--Medford Natl. Bank bldg.
    Medford Business College Block--31 N. Grape.
    Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. Building--29-39 N. Central av.
    Medford National Bank Building--N. Central av nw cor E. Main.
    Moore Building--125 W. Main.
    Moose Hall--219 W. Main.
    Natatorium Building--N. Riverside av ft E. 6th.
    Palm Block--E. Main ne cor Front.
    Phipps Building--225 E. Main.
    Post Office Block--34 N Central av.
    Redmen's Hall--231 Apple.
    Rialto  Building--123 E. Main.
    St. Mark's Block--218 W. Main.
    Smith's Hall--126 N. Grape.
    Sparta Building--401 E. Main.
    Stewart Building--236 E. Main.
    Weeks Building--116 W. Main.
    Keister's Ladies Tailoring College--6-7 St. Marks Blk. Miss R. O. Curtis.
    Medford Business College--31 N. Grape. E. L. Moore, Mngr.
    Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages--College Bldg, 31 N Grape. Gerard Taillandier, Director; Ivy Boeck (Pianist), H. H. Howell (Brass Instruments), E. C. Root (Violin and Clarinet), C. W. Janes (Violinist), Teachers.
    St. Mary's Academy--310 W. 11th. Under the direction of the Sisters of the
Holy Names. Sister Agnes, Superior.
    Board of Education--G. E. Marshall, Chairman; J. W. Lawton, J. H. Cochran,
E. R. Seely, Mrs. E. E. Gore; H. S. Stine, Clerk.
    Superintendent of City Schools--U.S. Collins, office High School Bldg.
    High--N. Bartlett, se cor B 5th. C. R. Bowman, Prin.; O. R. Bond, C. H. Pratt,
Eunice C. Munson, Florence M. Carpenter, Lucile A. Marshall, Ruth Merrick,
Helen Santee, Teachers; C. W. Frost, Manual Training Instructor, Jennie M. Snedicor, Director Art; Mable B. Mears, Director Domestic Science; James M.
Gressly, Director Commercial Dept.; Howell Isaac Music Instructor.
    Jackson--630 W. Jackson. A. J. Hanby, Prin.; Mrs. Maud M. Philbrook, May Mordorff, Kathryn Dunham, Genevieve F. Wortman, Mary Davidson, Anna
M. Jeffrey, Teachers.
    Lincoln--N. Bartlett se cor Maple. R. V. Dunham, Prin.; Amy Harding, Anne
S. Hansen, Mabel I. Myers, Josephine Riley, Grace V. Pearce, Carrie A. Jacks,
Lurana M. Rounds, Frances Haskins, Teachers.
    Roosevelt--Lindley av, ne cor Reddy av. L. S. Beveridge, Prin.; Theone Carkin, Edith M. Fish, Kate Stine, Julia C. Fielder, Teachers.
    Washington--W. Main sw cor Oakdale av. P. H. Daily, Prin.; Ora Cox, Myrtle
I. Clayville, Elizabeth Ferguson, Abrosine C. Murphy, Marian I. White, Anna Purucker, Sara Van Meter, Mary Moore, Blanche N. Canode, Viola Pheister,
A. F. & A. Masons
    Medford Lodge No. 103--Meets Friday in Masonic Hall. E. E. Gore, W.M.;
A. N. Hildebrand, Sec.
Royal Arch Masons
    Crater Lake Chapter No. 32--Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday in Masonic Hall. W.
H. McGowan, H. P.; A. N. Hildebrand, Sec.
Order of Eastern Star
    Reames Chapter No. 66--Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday in Masonic Hall. Mrs.
Enola G. Hamilton, W.M.; Mrs. L. J. Witte, Sec.
A. O. U. Workmen
    Medford Lodge No. 98--Fort Hubbard, M.W.; A. C. Hubbard, Rec; Wm. I.
Vawter, Treas.
Degree of Honor
    Esther Lodge No. 66--Meets at call. Mrs. Elizabeth Kahler, Rec.
B. P. O. Elks
    Medford Lodge No. 1168--Meets Thursday in Elks Home. Arthur C. Burgess, E. R.; W. F. Quisenberry, Sec; J. J. Wilkinson, Treas.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen
    Medford Homestead No. 2321--Dora Frees, Correspondent, 834 Pennsylvania
Fraternal Brotherhood
    Banner Lodge No. 135--Meets 2nd and 4th Friday in I.O.O.F. Hall. M. C. McDonough, Pres.; Mrs. Lottie Howard, Sec.
Fraternal Order of Eagles
    Medford Aerie 1277--Meets Tuesday in Redmen's Hall. Orra Angle, Pres; P. C. Bigham, Sec.
Fraternal Union of America
    Medford Lodge No. 421--Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday in Redmen's Hall. Mrs. Sarah M. Andrus, Pres; Mrs. L. A. Jordan, Sec.
Grand Army of the Republic
    Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47--Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday in Redmen's Hall. Poskett M. Putney, Com; D. R. Andrus, Adjt.
Woman's Relief Corps
    Chester A. Arthur Corps No. 34--Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday in Redmen's
Hall. Mrs. Fidelia Wood, Pres; Mrs. Eliza Clay, Sec.
Improved Order of Redmen
    Weatonka Tribe No. 30--Meets Saturday in Redmen's Hall. George Parker,
S.; U. S. Collins, K. of R.; L. L. Jacobs, C. of W.
Degree of Pocahontas
    Weatonka Council No. 20--Meets Friday in Redmen's Hall. Mrs. Carrie Milnes, Pocahontas; Mrs. Margaret Gardner, K. of R.
Independent Order Odd Fellows
    Medford Lodge No. 83--Meets Monday in I.O.O.F. bldg. E. W. Brainard, N.G.; E. E. Wilson, Rec Sec.
    Rogue River Encampment No. 30--Meets Wednesday in I.O.O.F. bldg. F. G. Snedicor, C.P.; L. O. Howard, S.W.; H. D. Turner, Scribe.
Patriarchs Militant
    Canton No. 16--Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday in I.O.O.F. bldg. P. G. Snedicor, Capt; L. M. Lyon, Lieut; F. E. Redden, Clk.
Rebekah Degree
    Olive Rebekah Lodge No. 28--Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday in I.O.O.F. bldg. Mrs. Effie B. Ussher, N.G.; Mrs. Mary Wiley, Sec.
Knights of the Maccabees
    Triumph Tent No. 14--Meets at call. C. E. Collins, Com.; C. B. McConnell,
Knights of Pythias
    Talisman Lodge No. 31--Meets Monday in K. of P. Hall. W. P. Baker, C.C.; J. H. Henselman, K. of R.&S.
Pythian Sisters
    Talisman Temple No. 40--Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday in K. of P. Hall. Mrs. H. G. Wortman, B.C.; Mary Haswell, M. of R.C. and M. of F.
Modern Woodmen of America
    Medford Camp No. 6013--Meets Tuesday in K. of P. Hall. J. H. Henselman, Consul: J. F. Lawrence, Clerk.
Woodmen of the World
    Medford Camp No. 90--Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday in I.O.O.F. Temple. Louis
Bennett, C. C.; W. B. Jackson, Clerk.
Women of Woodcraft
    Chrysanthemum Circle No. 84--Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday in hall, E. Main se cor Central av. Mrs. J. H. Bellinger, Gr. N.; Mrs. Kate Wait, Clerk.
See Jacksonville Miscellaneous.
    Pacific & Eastern Ry--501 E. Main. L. C. Gilman (Portland), Pres; Wm. Greig, Vice-Pres-Gen Mngr.; John W. Lawlor, Auditor; J. J. Parker, Freight and Passenger Agt.
    Rogue River Valley Ry Co--General headquarters, Jacksonville, Ore. Local freight and passenger station, 25 W. Main. W. S. Barnum, Pres; W. H. Barnum, Vice-Pres-Treas; J. C. Barnum, Sec-Gen Mngr.
    Southern Oregon Traction Co--237 E. Main. C. G. Bullis, Mngr.
    Southern Pacific Co--Passenger depot and ticket office, N. Front nr E 5th,
Freight depot, S. Front nr E 8th. A. S. Rosenbaum, Agent.
add -- addition
appr -- apprentice
archt -- architect
asst -- assistant
attdt -- attendant
av -- avenue
blksmth -- blacksmith
bds -- boards
bkbndr -- bookbinder
bkpr -- bookkeeper
bldg -- building
blksmth -- blacksmith
boul -- boulevard
brklyr -- bricklayer
brkmn -- brakeman
brtndr -- bartender
carp -- carpenter
cashr -- cashier
cbtmkr -- cabinetmaker
chf -- chief
civ eng -- civil engineer
clk -- clerk
clnr -- cleaner
coll -- college
colr -- collector
comn -- commission
comp -- compositor
cond -- conductor
conf -- confectionery
contr -- contractor
cor -- corner
ct -- court
dep -- deputy
dlr -- dealer
dom -- domestic
drftsmn -- draftsman
e -- east, or east of
elec -- electrician or electrical
emp -- employee
eng -- engineer
engr -- engraver
es -- east side
est -- estate
expmn -- expressman
frmn -- foreman
frt -- freight
ft -- foot
furn -- furniture
furn rms -- furnished rooms
furngs -- furnishings
gds -- goods
gen -- general
hdwe -- hardware
hlpr -- helper
hts -- heights
ins -- insurance
inspr-- inspector
instr -- instructor
kpr -- keeper
lab -- laborer
lndy -- laundry
lino -- linotype
lbr -- lumber
m -- mile
mach -- machinist
mech -- mechanic
mkr -- maker
mkt -- market
mnfr -- manufacturer
mngr -- manager
msgr -- messenger
n -- north, or north of
natl -- national
nr -- near
ns -- north side
opp -- opposite
opr -- operator
photgr -- photographer
p.o. -- Post Office
phys -- physician
pl -- place
pres -- president
prin -- principal
prof -- professor
propr -- proprietor
ptg -- printing
publr -- publisher
repr -- repairer
res -- resides
rms -- rooms, or rooms at
s -- south, south of or side
salsn -- salesman
sch -- school
sec -- secretary
smstrs -- seamstress
solr -- solicitor
ss -- south side
sta -- station
stengr -- stenographer
surg -- surgeon
tchr -- teacher
tel -- telephone
telg -- telegraph
tmstr -- teamster
trav -- traveling
treas -- treasurer
trmr -- trimmer
vet surg -- veterinary surgeon
w -- west, or west of
whol -- wholesale
whsmn -- warehouseman
wid -- widow, or widow of
wkr -- worker
ws -- west side
ydman -- yardman


Abbott Glenn A (Maud F), lab, res s end Park, Highland Park
ACKLEY LEE E (Edna M), Mnfr Carriage and Auto Tops, All Kinds of Carriage and Auto Trimmings, First Class Repairing a Specialty, Tops Recovered, Slip Hoods and Celluloid Lights, Curtains, Cushions and Backs, Prices Right, 31 N Bartlett, Tel 222-J, res 524 N Riverside Av (See adv)
Ackley Lorenzo D (Mary J), gardener, res 604 N Riverside av
Ackley Nellie, bds 604 N Riverside av
Adams Aquilla (Ruth B), farmer, res 419 N Fir
Adams Charles A (Kate A), drayman 303 N Front, res same
Adams Eli J (Murphy & Co) (M & E J Adams), res 619 S Central av
Adams Elmer C, lab, bds 303 N Front
Adams Joseph, bartender, rms 236 S Central av
Adams Lester F, reporter Medford Sun, bds 303 N Front
Adams Mack (Murphy & Co) (M & E J Adams), rms 126 W Main
Adams M & E J (Mack and Eli J), saloon 32 N Front
Adams Watt, carpenter, bds 615 S Central av
Adkins Benjamin F (Tillie), res es S Riverside av ¼ m se limits
Adkins Building, 204 E Main
AETNA ACCIDENT & LIABILITY INSURANCE CO, R H McCurdy Agent, Sparta Bldg, Tel One Two Three (See Left Top Lines and adv at name McCurdy Ralph H) 
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO, R H McCurdy Agent, Sparta Bldg, Tel One Two Three (See Left Top Lines and adv at name McCurdy Ralph H)
AHRENS MELVIN M (Shirley W), Mngr M M Ahrens Co, res 230 N Ivy, Tel 603-M
AHRENS M M CO, Melvin M Ahrens Mngr, Ladies Cloaks, Suits, Ladies Furnishings and Millinery 226-230 W Main, Tel 456 (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Cloaks and Suits)
Aikens Harold S (Mary E), repairman Home Tel & Telg Co, res 917 Narregan
Aikens Mary E Mrs, music teacher, res 917 Narregan
Aitken George M, bds 1009 W 9th
Aitken James B, bds 1009 W 9th
Aitken John C (Emily A), res 1009 W 9th
Aitken Wm A (Clara M), plumber 28 S Grape, res 56 N Orange
Akins Arthur A (Lottie E) (Akins, Benton & Co) res 512 S Holly
Akins, Benton & Co (A A Akins, C L Benton, Deer Lodge, Mont), dry goods 223 W Main
Akins Luella R, bds 512 S Holly
Akins Tom M, student, bds 512 S Holly
Albert Wm J, propr It Theatre, bds 216 N Front
Alchieri Feliece, carver Oregon Granite Co
Alenderfer Oscar O, solr California-Oregon Power Co, res 506 S Newtown
Alexander Homer, appr Medford Garage
Alford Herbert L, clk First Natl Bank of Medford, bds 106 S Ivy
ALFORD MOSES L (Rachel L), Cashier The First National Bank of Medford, res 106 S Ivy, Tel 357-R
ALLAWAY WALTER C (Belle D), Sec-Gen-Mngr Jackson County Abstract Co, res 210 Beatty
Allder Arthur F, teacher, bds 29 Summit av
Allder Grant (Viola C), real est 3 Rialto bldg, res 29 Summit av
Allen Albert C (Lillian), propr Hollywood Orchards, res Jacksonville rd 1 m w limits
Allen Felix Y (Adelia N), scavenger, res n end Beatty
Allen Harry M (Golda M), pharmacist Haskins Drug Store, res 312 S King
Allen Hiram S (Rebecca A), eng, res rear 611 S Oakdale av
Allen Hubert D, lab, bds 311 S Oakdale av
Allen Margaret Mrs, cashr Isis Theatre, res 14 W Jackson
Allen Myrtle N, bds 405 S Fir
Allen Robert, miner, bds 328 N Riverside av
Allen Win A (Louisa J), carp, res 405 S Fir
Allen Wm D (Della L), res 311 S Oakdale av
Allen Willis W, cook Hotel Medford
Alsdorf Mary J (wid George A), Christian Science practitioner 216 First Natl Bank bldg, res 47 N Orange
Amann Eugene A (Carrie M), res 1017 N Riverside av
American Gasoline Co, SP Tracks 2 blks n limits
AMERICAN INSURANCE CO, Earl S Tumy Agent, 210 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 664 (See Right Bottom Lines and adv at name Tumy Earl S)
Ames Oakes A, clk Producers Fruit Co, rms 103 E 11th
Amidon Elgan C (Amy M), plumber Anlo Penwell, res 832 N Central
Amy Frank M (Lydia M), res 320 S Holly
Anderson Albert E, civil eng, rms 231 W 5th
Anderson Amanda E (wid John W), res 603 N Bartlett
Anderson Andrew J (Ellen M), agt S O Co, res 439 N Front
ANDERSON BERT (Eva Evans), Pres Jackson County Building and Loan Assn, res 906 W Main, Tel 334-J
Anderson C Curtis, student, bds 906 W Main
Anderson Elvia K, bds 603 N Bartlett
Anderson Ethel M, student, bds 439 N Front
Anderson Fay F (Bertha B), butcher, res 932 S Central av
Anderson G M, pres Medford Realty & Improvement Co
Anderson Joan, student, bds 906 W Main
Anderson John, blacksmith, rms 445 S Front
Anderson John A, frmn Western Oregon Orchard Development Co
Anderson Louis M Rev (Abigail A), Presbyterian Evangelist, res 137 S Ivy
Anderson Robert F (Malissa A), furn rms, res 244 S Central av
Anderson Vernon S (Dorothy L), carp, res 419 N Grape
Andren Emil (Ellen S), carp, res ns Jacksonville rd ½ blk w limits
Andren Oscar (Otilla), carp, res ns Jacksonville rd ½ blk w limits
Andrews Caroline L, student, bds 35 Roosevelt av
Andrews Catherine L Mrs, music teacher, res 35 Roosevelt av
Andrews Edward M (Catherine L), sec Monitor Orchards Co res 35 Roosevelt av
Andrews George (Ella), fruit grower, res Central Point rd ¾ m N limits
Andrews Jasper B (Effie L), broker 201 Garnett-Corey bldg res 202 S Orange
Andrews Wm T (Lydia), res 1121 N Riverside av
Andrus Dwight R (Sarah M) (Andrus & Klippel), res 510 S Fir
Andrus & Klippel (D R Andrus, Jacob Klippel), real est 215 E Main
Anfield J L, elec, res 24-217 S Riverside av
Angel Bessie C (wid Wm J), res 736 S Newtown
Angel Russell W, student, bds 736 S Newtown
Angle Charles F, cattle dealer, bds 609 E Main
Angle Henry D, caretkr American Gasoline Co, res County rd nr n limits
Angle Wm W (M Sybillia), res 609 E Main
Antle Hazel F, student, bds 37 N Peach
Antle John S (Katherine M), park kpr Medford Public Library, res 1013 W Main
Antle J Walter (Edythe M), elec 6 S Central av, res 531 Pennsylvania
Antle Mildred K, bds 37 N Peach
ANTLE RICHARD F (Amelia S), Asst Cashier Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank, res 37 N Peach, Tel 405-J
APPERSON AUTOMOBILES, J C Robinson Agent, 33 S Bartlett, Tel 835-J (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Automobiles)
Applegate Mark (Sadie L), miner, res 548 W Holly
Arao George U, cook Rogue River Valley University Club
Archibald David A (Mary A), fruit grower, res Sunset Park add
Arden May Mrs, furn rms, res 635 N Central av
Armstrong Ardy L (Emerilla), baker, res 215 N Riverside av
Armstrong Emerilla Mrs, nurse, res 215 N Riverside av
Armstrong Emma Mrs, nurse, rms 311 N Bartlett
Armstrong George J, student, bds 1120 E 11th
Armstrong James A (Maggie E), lab, res 925 N Central av
Armstrong James S (Eva E), cement wkr, res 1120 E 11th
Armstrong Ruth B, asst I D Phipps, bds 328 N Riverside av
Armstrong Vola M, student, bds 925 N Central av
Arnell John (Annie M), real est, res 425 N Holly
Arnold Nellie E (wid Gilbert L), res 702 Pine
Arnspiger Olen (Helen), city eng and elec inspr 423 Medford Furniture and Hardware Co bldg, res 711 W Palm
ART STORE THE, Robert L Bennett Propr, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Picture Framing, Art Materials, Books and Stationery 27 N Grape, Tel 366-J (See adv)
ASHCRAFT BROS (Perry L Ashcraft Jr, George H Ashcraft), Proprs Medford Garage 104 S Bartlett, Tel 413 (See Left Top Lines)
Ashcraft George H (Lettie F) (Ashcraft Bros), res 730 W 11th
Ashlund Ford, barber 343 N Front, res 843 same
Ashpole John (Mary A), res 106 Tripp
Ashpole Wilbur C (Nichols & Ashpole), bds 106 Tripp
Atwill James H (Emma), painter, res 129 W 11th
Aussieker Charles H, rms 340 S Riverside av
Austin Alexander (Annie), lab, res 604 W Clark
Austin Charles W (Mary E), farmer, bds 47 N Orange
Austin Lida E, bds W F Austin
Austin Walter F, res Hillcrest rd Siskiyou Hts
Averill George, quarryman Medford Concrete Construction Co
Ayers Mabel, opr Home Tel & Telg Co, bds 25 N Oakdale av
Ayers Mildred, bds 25 N Oakdale av

B & C CASH STORE INC, Geo T Foyes Propr, Groceries and Produce 225 W Main, Tel 235 (See Left Side Lines)
Bacon Artimitia (wid Jerome), bds 716 W 2nd
Bacon Charles A, cond Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point
Bacon George F (Gertrude H), grocer 300 Oleson, res same
Baer Victoria (wid Daniel W), dressmkr, res 314 Howard
Bailey Winfield H (Celia J), fruit grower, res 31 N Orange
Bain Wm (Augusta), eng Hotel Medford, res end W Clark
Baker Dorothy M, bds 519 N Bartlett
Baker Ednah D (wid James H), bds 54 Rose av
Baker George W, student, bds Mrs S I Baker
Baker Harry I, farmer, bds Mrs S I Baker
Baker Hiram H (M Ella), res 519 N Bartlett
Baker R Chester, student, bds Mrs S I Baker
Baker Sophenia I Mrs, res w end Jackson
Baker Wm P (Annie), farmer, res 305 Portland av
Baker Wm S, lab Gaddis & Dixon, res 134 N Riverside av
Balch Fred K (Ida M), supt Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, res 541 Austin
Balcom Alonzo A (Julia A), bds 838 W 2nd
Balcom Bernice, student, bds 318 W Jackson
Balcom Edward L, frmn Gaddis & Dixon, res 318 W Jackson
Balcom Herbert G (Carrie G), bldg contr, res 838 W 2nd
Balcom Ralph W, clerk, bds 318 W Jackson
BALDWIN CLARENCE H (Margaret Z), Salesman The Toggery, res 411 Woodstock
Baldwin Samuel R, bds 411 Woodstock
Banker Bessie B Mrs, asst R J Lockwood, res 423 King
Banker Melvin B (Bessie B), installer Home Tel & Telg Co, res 423 King
Banks Carlotta S, clk F K Deuel & Co, bds 237 N Central av
Barber Martin C (Tu Ri), phys 9 Palm blk, res 1211 W Main
Barber Wm E (Dora), barber Rankin Estes, res 312 Portland av
Bardwell Ralph G (Bertha B), cashr Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, res 1004 S Oakdale av
Barkdull Clara C Mrs, boarding, res 117 N Central av
Barkdull John W (Clara C), res 117 N Central av
Barkdull J Emmett (Sylvia M) (Miles & Barkdull), res 817 N Central
Barker Edward C, lab, bds 118 Willamette av
Barker H Clay (Jessie E), carp, res 122 Willamette av
Barker John E, lab, res Eagle Point rd
Barker M Ellen (wid Richard M), res 118 Willamette av
Barnard Millinery (Mrs Mildred Cowgill), 126 E Main
Barneburg John (Nettie A), real est, res 601 W 10th
Barneburg S Peter (Addie M), res 302 S Grape
Barnes Jean M, bkpr Big Pines Lbr Co, bds 18 Almond
Barnes Joseph C (Flora E), real est 201 First Natl Bank bldg, res 624 N Riverside av
Barnes Wm E, salsn Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, bds Hotel Medford
Barnett F B (Jennie M), res ws S Riverside av at s limits
Barnum Marion, student, bds 429 N Central av
Barr Edna L, student, bds 824 S Orange
Barr Hal R, lab, bds 824 S Orange
Barr Orville A, student, bds 824 S Orange
Barr Raymond H, lab, bds S R Barr
Barr Rena W (wid John W), res 824 S Orange
Barr Samuel R (Ida), farmer, res s end Park, highland Park
Barr Thomas M (Ella), farmer, res s end Benson
Barr Wm H (Nannie), mining, res 1 n 412 S Oakdale av
Barrell Alonzo D (Ida M), gardener, res 839 Pennsylvania av
Barrell Edna H, student, bds 839 Pennsylvania av
Barry Thomas, student, bds 828 N Central av
Bartlett Charles P, bds 425 S Grape
Bartlett Frank W (Grace E), taxidermist 18 S Riverside av, res 425 S Grape
Base Ball Park, W 2nd sw cor N Holly
Bass James W (Martha A), brtndr B S Radcliffe, res 235 N Ivy
Bateman Annie J, bds 302 Maple
Bateman Lucretia M, student, bds 302 Maple
Bateman Samuel (K Margaret), frmn Medford Lbr Co, res 302 Maple
Bates Clarence W, barber H G Bates, bds 108 S Mistletoe
Bates Henry G, barber 128 W Main, bds 32 S Newtown
Bates James W (Belle M), barber H G Bates, res 32 S Newtown
Bates Jennie, tailor E J Klein, bds 911 E Main
Bates Joel T (Elizabeth E), orchardist, res 108 S Mistletoe
Bates Wm W, barber H G Bates, bds 17 S Newtown
Battles Wm H, porter Hotel Medford
Bauten Mary A (wid Henry A), bds G S Stout
Baxter Isaac H (Jessie), shoemkr 117 S Front, res ss Park, Highland Park
Baxter J A Mrs, ironer Medford Domestic Lndy Co, res ss Park, Highland Park
Beach Roland G (Jessie E), carrier Post Office, res 516 Liberty
Beacom Wm J (A Louise), res 216 S Orange
Beacom Windom W, student, bds 216 S Orange
Bean L Ellis, lapidary Mills & Cady, res 247 Beatty
Beauchamp Harry J (Georgia D), cook, res 210 W Jackson
Beauregard A Julius, painter, res 314 Willamette av
Beauty Shop The, Mrs Ethel Deane propr, 25 Jackson County Bank bldg
Beck James H (Eva M), tmstr Medford Concrete Construction Co, res 1158 Court
Beck Martha A (wid John A), bds 1162 Court
Beckett T Clifford (Ruth E), clk Post Office, res 51 N Peach
Beckwith S V, mngr Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn Inc, bds 16 N Orange
Bedingfield Fred L (Ollie M), res 412 S King
Beebe Walter B, sec-treas M M Department Store, res Ashland
Behling Henry C (Helen S), propr Behling's Good Fit Shoe Store, res 122 S Mistletoe
BEHLING'S GOOD FIT SHOE STORE, Henry C Behling Propr, Shoes, Sole Agency Walk Over Shoes 105 E Main, Tel 736-J
Bell Bessie S, bds 405 S Oakdale av
Bell Harley C (Nellie V), lumberman, res 119 S Ivy
Bell James D (Claudia), pres Hotel Nash Co, res Hotel Nash
Bell Olive R (wid James K), res 405 S Oakdale av
Bell Victor M, student, bds 405 S Oakdale av
Bellamy Sarah B (wid Emmett T), bds 505 N Central av
Bellinger Caroline (wid Merritt), res 147 N Holly
Bellinger Frank R (Minnie B), apiarist, res 125 N Holly
Bellinger John H (Jennie A), dairy, res 404 S Peach
Bender Hiram Rev (Minnie W) (United Brethren), res 337 W Holly
Bender Perley, taxidermist, bds 337 W Holly
Benn Wm P (Willie), gardener, res 317 Howard
Bennett Archie O (Bennett Investment Co), bds 117 N Central av
Bennett Ethel D, bds 937 N Central av
Bennett Frances H, student, bds 10 N Quince
Bennett Investment Co (A O Bennett), real est 102 W Main
Bennett J Worth (Lillie), res 35 Myrtle
Bennett Louis (Mamie) (Marsh & Bennett), res 716 N Oak
Bennett Lowsan T (Hattie), baker Heinz & Gilbert, res 417½ Jay
BENNETT NOAH S (Belle B), Propr Eden Valley Nursery 609½ E Main, Tel 102, res 937 N Central av, Tel 680 (See Right Top Lines and p 4)
BENNETT ROBERT L (Lulu R), Propr The Art Store, res 402 W Jackson, Tel 391-J
Bennett Roger S (B Marie), propr The Berben, res 10 N Quince
Bennett Roy H (Leonora H), asst mngr Medford Grocery Co, res 810 E Jackson
Bennett Samuel L (Maria E), res 531 S Riverside av
Benson Addition, Highland Park
Benson Knute, mach Medford Garage
Bentley Franklin P (Ledonia A), blksmth, res 403 N Fir
Bentley Ledonia A Mrs, waiter, res 403 N Fir
Bentley W G Mrs, stengr F J Newman, res 211 Genessee
Berben The, R S Bennett propr, apts 10 N Quince
Berdan Charles A, house mover, res 520 S Hamilton
Berdan Frank E (Josephine), res 520 S Hamilton
Berdan L Morton, house mover, res 520 S Hamilton
Berrian Herbert J, student, bds 114 Genessee
Berrian James W (Hattie L), clk W S Crowell, res 114 Genessee
Berry Isaac W (Dora L), mining, res 611 W 8th
Berry Laura I, bds 611 W 8th
Bethel George, farmer bds 505 N Central av
Bethel M Ellen, bds 505 N Central av
Bethel Sarah J (wid Robert B), res 505 N Central av
Betz August, bds 842 E Main
Beveridge Leland S (Keren G), prin Roosevelt School, res 925 Reddy
Beveridge Wm T (Della), civil eng, res 202 S Oakdale av
Biden Elizabeth I (wid Stuart D), res 610 W Clark
Biden Ernest N (Elva), shoemkr C M Kidd, res 1020 Court
Biden Maitland S (Hattie I), shoemkr 10 S Central av, res 614 W Clark
Bier Nettie B (wid Henry), res 420 S Laurel
BIG PINES LUMBER CO, H A Thierolf Mngr, W 6th ne cor N Fir, Tel 1
Bigham Pearl C (I May), propr Medford Soda Works, res 503 N Grape
Billings John (Minnie M), wagonmkr J W Mitchell, res 18 Myrtle
Billings Terry E (Kate E), cement contr, res 1405 N Riverside av
Bingham Lorin R (Clara A), res 931 S Central av
Binns Edward H (Daisy D), meats 103 W Main, res 129 S Ivy
Binns Frieda F, clk Medford Furn & Hdwe Co, bds 129 S Ivy
Birath Elsa M, maid, 1010 S Oakdale av
Birchard Rozeltha S (wid Newell C), nurse, res 1024 W 9th
Bird Sybil M Mrs, res 604 W 10th
Bish Allen W (Adla C), carp, res 1063 Court
Bish George W, carp, bds 1063 Court
Bish Henrietta, bds 1063 Court
Bish Lewis T, bds 1063 Court
Bish Rebecca L (wid Abraham), bds 29 S Newtown
Bishop George J (Lulu M), janitor Lincoln School, res 926 S Central
Bissell Benjamin A, carp, bds 338 Holly
BITTNER'S REAL ESTATE & EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Mrs Byrd Caster Propr, Farm and City Property, Business Chances 7 Palm Blk, Tel 858
Bjerregaard Olaf R, res rear 1121 E Main
Black James S, ctr Oregon Granite Co, bds 601 W Jackson
Black Jessie W, music tchr, bds 601 W Jackson
Black Lunsford P, clk Behling's Good Fit Shoe Store, bds 521 Pennsylvania av
Black Mary W (wid James S), res 601 W Jackson
Blackburn Abel S (Georgia A), carp, res ws Elm 2 s 11th
Blackburn Lloyd (Dora E), tmstr, res Highland Park
Blackburn Raymond F, lab, bds A S Blackburn
Blackford Elizabeth J, bds 342 N Ivy
Blakeley Myrtle W (wid Frank L), bds 525 S Central av
Blakley Ada M Mrs, dressmkr, res 56 N Riverside av
Blankenship Barnett J (Flossie), res 1522 W 6th
Bliss Amos (Polly), res 121 Cottage
Bliss David J, gardener, bds 121 Cottage
Bliss Francis A (Minnie R), dairy, res 303 W Clark
Bliton Albert S (Ida M), adv solr, res 618 W Main
Bliton Mildred, student, bds 618 W Main
Bliton V Loraine, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 618 W Main
Block A Fruit Co, G W Conner agt, Mail Tribune bldg
Blodget Chester A, lab, bds 1218 W 10th
Blodget Emeline (wid James W), res 1218 W 10th
Blood Mayme L, nurse, res 211 S Laurel
Blowers Wallace M, piano salsn, bds 132 S Grape
Boardman Charles M, res 403 Boardman
Boardman Jesse T (Minnie), carp, res 613 N Bartlett
Boardman Minnie M, cook Farley Johnson, res 135 N Central av
Bobier Earl E (Angelina), lab Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, res 717 N Riverside av
Bobier Joseph O, mach Medford Concrete Const Co, bds 717 N Riverside av
BOECK IVY I, Pianist and Teacher Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, bds 310 S Riverside Av
Boeck Minnie A (wid Eric C), res 310 S Riverside av
Boenig Ethel G, bds 632 N Central av
Boenig Florence V, opr Pacific Tel & Telg Co, bds 926 N Central av
Boenig Muriel C, opr Home Tel & Telg Co, bds 632 N Central av
BOGGS O C (Ethel), Lawyer, Acting Sec Jackson County Building and Loan Assn 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel 105, res 109 S Orange, Tel 355-J
Boland Mary E Mrs, bds 706 S Orange
Boltz Thomas F, supt and asst eng Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point
Bonar Duffern A (Ivy B), fruit grower, res 407 S King
Bond Otto R (Julia C), tchr High School, res 703 Sherman
Bonney George M (Mary D) (Maddox & Bonney), res 110 E 11th
Bonney Henry C (Anna), tmstr, res 338 N Front
Booth Albert B B, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 1103 W 4th
Booth Alice S Mrs, propr Karnes Rooming House, res 38 S Grape
Booth Pearl H, stengr, res 1103 W 4th
Booth Roderick F (Mary A), barber Rankin Estes, res 515 S Grape
Borchardt Ema F, res 329 S Grape
Borchardt Minnie, clk Hutchison & Lumsden, bds 329 S Grape
Borden Newton W (Ora O), lawyer 7 Sparta bldg, res 132 N Ivy
Boswell Robert, cement contr, res 1002 W 11th
Bostwick Eva (wid Wm H), res 230 S Central av
Bostwick J Edwin (Gaunyaw & Bostwick), res 230 S Central av
Bostwick Vance L, bds 230 S Central av
Boussum Charles, hoseman Medford Fire Dept, bds 446 S Central av
Boussum Clarence R (Cora I), hoseman Medford Fire Dept, res 232 W 4th
Boussum Harry H, steamfitter, bds 446 S Central av
Boussum John H (Emma E), lab, res 446 S Central av
Boussum Roy (Eleanor), lab, res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits
Boussum Samuel, lab, res 403 N Bartlett
Bowlin Bert L, porter H G Bates, bds 131 E Main
Bowling James (Mary E), real est, res 20 S Peach
Bowman Carl D (Marcella H), barber J T Summerville, res 603 W 2nd
Bowman Charles R (Irma M), prin High School, res 124 S Newtown
Bowman John, tmstr, res 326 N Holly
BOYD CLARENCE R (Yernie L) (Eads Transfer & Storage Co), res 1023 W 9th, Tel 679-L
Boyd Mildred E, student, bds 843 E 9th
Boyd Theron G (Philindia), carp, res 843 E 9th
Boyd Wm E (Marie C), carp, res 825 E 9th
Boyden Charles Z, civil eng, bds 344 N Central av
Boyden Henry E (Belle), farmer, res 344 N Central av
Boyer Herman P (Edith C), blksmth, res 821 W 12th
Boyl Robert H (Grace T), salsn C E Gates, res 1421 E Main
Brackinreed Alan (Jeanne L), acct Western Oregon Orchard Development Co, res 618 Dakota av
Bradbury Jot C, hostler Nash Livery
Bradbury Noah B (Edith), carp, res 306 Apple
Bradford I N (Christina A), res 144 S Central av
Bradford Lee, bootblack Wm Jones
Bradford Wealtha P, bds 144 S Central av
Bradley Dick (Maud M), carp, res 318 S Laurel
Bradley John E Rev (Jennie A), pastor Free Methodist Church res 337 10th
Bradley Richard, frmn Medford Concrete Construction Co
Bradshaw Delilah (wid Wm H), res Laurelhurst add
Bradshaw J Thomas (Matilda P), ydman Big Pines Lbr Co, res 142 N Ivy
Brady Lina A (wid Baxter H), bds 322 S Central av
Brainard George R (Katherine L), res 329 Apple
Brainerd Edward W (Nellie E), clk Akins Benton & Co, res 838 Bennett av
Brandenburg Bertha G, bds 408 W 6th
Brandenburg James A (Agetha A), res 408 W 6th
Brandon Carter, student, bds 315 W Main
Brandon Frank S (Martha A), (Brandon & Whitney), res 337 S Oakdale av
Brandon & Whitney (F S Brandon, R J Whitney), mens furngs, 210 W Main
Branham Henry M Rev (Cora), pastor M E Church South, res 25 N Oakdale av
Brant Orville D, elec Cal-Oregon Power Co, bds 218 W Front
Brass Clara M, bds Michael Brass
Brass Mary K, bds Michael Brass
Brass Michael (Theresia), farmer, res Oakdale Park add
BRATNEY ELGIN F (Bettie B), Insurance Solicitor Life and Fire Northwestern National Life Ins Co 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 1021 W 10th
Bratney Erlen J, farmer, bds 742 W 14th
Bratney Grace I, stenographer, bds 742 W 14th
Bratney Jennie A (wid Wm A), res 742 W 14th
Bremmerman Carey J, driver Medford Fire Dept, rms 44 N Front
Breth Harry, hlpr Hotel Medford
Brevard Robert J, farmer, rms 604 W 10th
Brewer Carrie (wid Wm W), bds 345 Apple
Brier Agnes D, student, bds 845 W 2nd
Brier Clara A, res 845 W 2nd
Brinley Norma S, bds 45 N Bartlett
Briscoe James (Sarah), tmstr, res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits
Broad Agnes M, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital
Broad Anna, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital
BROADLEY THE FLORIST (J T Broadley), Cut Flowers, Seeds, Bulbs, Nursery Stock and Landscape Gardening M F & H Co Bldg, Tel 872, Greenhouses Capitol Hill, Tel 868-J (See Front Cover, Left Side Lines and p 3) |
BROADLEY JOHN T (Jane A), Florist and Landscape Gardener Nursery Stock, Seeds and Bulbs, Store M F & H Co Bldg, Tel 872, Greenhouses Capitol Hill, Tel 868-J (See Front Cover, Left Side Lines and p 3)
Broadwood John, bds 9 E Jackson
Brobeck George R (Emma D), lab, res ss Stewart 2 w Peach
Brobeck Georgia M, student, bds G R Brobeck
Brobeck Walter D (Mabel L), orchardist, res 1044 W 11th
Bromley Ella H (wid Edgar W), res 1527 W 6th
Bromley Horace L, clk F K Deuel & Co, bds 1527 W 6th
Brookhurst Orchard, E B Pickel propr, Eagle Point rd
Brooks John M, lab Thomas McAndrew, bds same
Brooks Sarah E (wid George W), res 310 N Bartlett
Brophy Nicholas D (Annie), farmer, res 611 S Riverside av
Brophy Vernon D, farmer, bds 611 S Riverside av
Brous Edgar W (Florence), brtndr, res 143 Kenwood
Brown Addie Mrs, maid 242 N Front
Brown Albert T, mining, rms 340 S Riverside av
BROWN A THEO (Jeannette) (Osgood & Brown), res 1022 W 4th
Brown Corolyn P Mrs, clk Akins Benton & Co, res 614 W 11th
Brown Cecil A, clk Brown & Hall, bds 605 S Newtown
Brown Charles A (Elsie L), frmn Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 905 S Central av
Brown Edward G (Daisy A), saloon E Main ne cor Front, res 120 Roosevelt av
Brown Ethelwyn W, bds 605 S Newtown
Brown E Edmund, student, bds 414 S Riverside av
Brown Floyd M, clk R N Foster, bds 414 S Riverside av
Brown Grace J, music teacher, bds 1207 W Main
Brown Hamer T (Sarah M), furn finisher, res 39 N Peach
Brown Helen M Mrs, C S practitioner 214 First Natl Bank bldg, res 1207 W Main
Brown Joseph C (Helen M), real est 1 Sparta bldg, res 1207 W Main
Brown Lewis B (Cora B), grain 139 S Riverside av, res 339 S Central av
Brown Sidney I (Anna C) (Brown & Hall), res 528 W 11th
Brown Walter D, student, bds 339 S Central av
Brown Wayne, machinist, bds 401 E 5th
Brown Wm H (Grace D), propr Browndale Orchard, pres Natatorium and Amusement Co Inc, res n end Roosevelt av
Brown Wm I (Mary), grocer 607 S Newtown, res 605 same
Brown & Hall (S I Brown, Court Hall), billiards 218 E Main
Browndale Orchard, W H Brown propr, n end Roosevelt av
Brownlee Jesse E (Edith A), farmer, res 15 S Peach
Brownlee John (Lizzie R) (Brownlee & Lindley), res 539 Pennsylvania av
Brownlee & Lindley (John Brownlee, G F Lindley), grocers 327 E Main
Brumble Henry S (Mabel E), expmn, res 327 S Fir
Brumble Margaret M, bds 327 S Fir
Brumble Stephen H, lab, bds 327 S Fir
Bryant Robert G, cook, rms 236 S Central av
Buchanan John D (Sarah J), tmstr, res 830 Taylor
Buchanan M May, bkpr Medford Concrete Construction Co, bds 83 Taylor
Butcher John J (Cleone H), cashr California-Oregon Power Co, res 211 N Oakdale av
Buckingham Le Roy F (Lou), candymkr R N Foster, bds 112 S Laurel
Buckmaster Bird L, carp, bds 242 S Holly
Buckmaster Jacob R (Rachel S), carp, res 242 S Holly
Buckmaster J Clyde, sawyer, bds 242 S Holly
Budge Jean, bds 611 W 10th
Budge Wm (Minnie L), farmer, res 611 W 10th
Bullis C G (Helen H), mngr Southern Oregon Traction Co, res 11 S Laurel
Bullis Raymond S, mining, bds 16 S Laurel
Bullis Seth M, elec eng, bds 16 S Laurel
BULLOCK MERCANTILE AGENCY THE, Richard H Bullock Mngr Mercantile Reports and Collections 406 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel 720 (See Left Top Lines and adv)
Bullock Ralph D, telg opr, bds 615 Columbus av
BULLOCK RICHARD H (Mary E), Mngr The Bullock Mercantile Agency, res 103 Roosevelt Av, Tel 913-J
Bullock Wm R (Olive), janitor Roosevelt School, res 615 Columbus av
BUNCE EZRA N (Grace H), Mngr Crater Lake Motor Car Co, res 314 S Holly, Tel 326-L
Bunch Baker N (Amelia M), res 246 S Ivy
Bundy Louis (Edith), dentist 3-308 E Main, res 504 S Central av
Burbidge Wm J (Elizabeth O), transfer 113 S Front, res 542 S Ivy
Burch Effie A, bds 215 Cottage
Burch H Taylor (Armetta), hoseman M Fire Dept, res 846 E 9th
Burch James A, gardener, res 848 E 9th
Burch Lovina (wid Lea), res 215 Cottage
Burgess Arthur C (Kittie) (Burgess & Quisenberry), res Hotel Medford
Burgess Exietta, student, bds 1518 W Main
Burgess Frank O (Leata M), res 1518 W Main
BURGESS FRANK T (Fannie E), Dist Superintendent Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, res Hotel Medford, Tel 764
Burgess H Clay (Ellen M), res 1518 W Main
Burgess Kittie Mrs, clk F K Deuel & Co, res Hotel Medford
Burgess Mrs Mabel F, tel opr Hotel Medford
Burgess Ralph C, wkr Medford Sheet Metal Wks, bds Hotel Medford
Burgess Robert O (Mabel F), clk E G Brown, res Hotel Medford
Burgess & Quisenberry (A C Burgess, W F Quisenberry) cigars 10 N Front
Burke Charles, farmer, rms 229 S Front
Burke Clarence F, pharmacist West Side Pharmacy, bds 344 N Bartlett
Burke Fred (Jennie), carp, res 344 N Bartlett
Burke Ruby V, opr Home Tel & Telg Co, bds 344 N Bartlett
Burke Thomas, clk Estes & McClish, rms 515 Pennsylvania av
Burkhardt Ralph (Matilda), driver L P Brown, res 737 W 14th
Burkhart Delbert C (Elizabeth), mngr Peoples Amusement Co, res 51 N Oakdale av
Burleson Robert R (Lena S), res 209 W Jackson
Burnett Maida Mrs, cigar clk Hotel Medford, res 217 S Riverside av
Burnett Ora N (Mae C), bartender Nash Bar, res 220 E 9th
Burnett R Leo (Maida), hoseman M Fire Dept, res 217 S Riverside av
Burns James T (Theresa L), timberman, res 417 Jay
Burris Claire, hairdresser The Beauty Shop, bds 233 S Riverside av
Burris Grace L Mrs, clk J C Mann, res 233 S Riverside av
Burris Muriel M, clk R N Foster, bds 233 S Riverside av
Burroughs Grant (Margaret J), farmer, bds Thomas McAndrew
Burrows Thomas G (Minnie J), fruit grower, res 502 S Newtown
Busey George L, carpet weaver 511 E Main, res same
Bush Miles F (May O), printer Evans Printing Plant, res 219 Oleson
Bush Paul O, student, bds 219 Oleson
Bushong James B, farmer, bds 624 N Riverside av
Butler Basil N (Annahbelle), watchmkr M J Reddy, res 8 S Orange
Butler Harry N (Edith N) (Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Inc), res 212 N Bartlett
Butler Jesse J, driver Medford Grocery Co
Butler Jeunesse T, music teacher, bds 8 S Orange
Butler John H (Florence B) (Medford Furniture & Hardware Co, Inc), res 335 S Riverside av
Butler Miriam (wid G Houston), bds 826 E Main
Butler Warren, student, bds 335 S Riverside av
Butterfield Byron H (Harriet M), bricklayer, res 724 S Central av
BUTTERFIELD CHARLES S (Camilla), Groceries and Feed W 11th nw cor Hamilton, Tel 216, res 318 S Hamilton (See Right Bottom Lines)
Butz Babette, bds 9 Rose av
Butz George, archt 215 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, res 9  Rose av
Butz George A, bds 9 Rose Av

CADILLAC AUTOMOBILES, Crater Lake Motor Car Co Agents, 16-18 S Fir, Tel 346 (See Back Cover and adv at name Crater Lake Motor Car Co)
Cady Hector B (Mills & Cady), bds 702 N Pine
Cady Mollie M, seamstress, bds 128 S Holly
Calder Richard J (Pansey), cutter Oregon Granite Co, res 224 W Clark
Caldwell Charles A (Grace B), driver Pantorium Dye Works Co, res 38 Rose av
Caldwell John A (Amanda I), res 16 Jeanette av
Caldwell Thomas L (Eliza A), tmstr Medford Concrete Const Co, res 1162 Court
Calhoun Henry H (Mary E), tmstr, res 311 Knight
Calhoun John C (Lena), res 704 Beatty
Calhoun Noel M, student, bds 311 Knight
CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER CO, Harry L Walther General Superintendent, Harry C Stoddard Division Superintendent, 216 W Main, Tel 168
Calkins Frank M (Carrie L), circuit judge 1st judicial district, res 813 Minnesota
Call Charles E (Etta M), eng Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 623 Central av
Cameron Esther J (wid Robert J), res 112 Geneva av
Cameron L Bernice, mngr Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, bds 112 Geneva av
Cameron Zachary (Verena), res 627 S Central av
Camp Samuel L (Callie D), sign writer 114 S Bartlett, res 702 S Orange
Campbell Abner B (Anna E), elev opr Medford Furn & Hdwe Co, res 1020 N Central av
Campbell Alvin (Arminta R), lab, res es Kings Highway 2 s Stewart
Campbell Charles D (Eleanor), restaurant 109 W Main, res 523 N Riverside av
Campbell Edgar N (Jean C), farmer, res 528 S Grape
Campbell Eli M, clk B & C Cash Store, bds 1020 N Central av
Campbell James (Susie), fruit grower, res ws King's Highway 2 s Stewart
Campbell James, usher Star Theater, rms 30 S Central av
Campbell Nellie S, student, bds James Campbell
Campbell Willard V B (Minnie W), propr Suncrest Orchard 1½ m e Talent, res 105 Geneva av
Campbell Wm N (Hattie M) (Campbell & Nye), res 714 W 8th
Campbell & Nye (W N Campbell, S A Nye), real est and loans 35 N Fir
Canady Hamill A, lawyer 204 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, rms same
Canode Blanche N, tchr Washington School, bds 624 Dakota av
Canode George B (Blanche E), res 624 Dakota av
Canon Harry C, rms 123 S Holly
Canon Wm H (Margaret E), US commissioner, dep clk US courts 29 Jackson County Bank bldg, res 203 Genessee
Canton Wm J (Lilly M), lawyer 1 Rialto bldg, res 822 W 12th
Canton Wm R, mining engineer, bds 822 W 12th
Carder Dean S, student, bds 307 S Laurel
Carder Eli W (Cora E), mining, res 307 S Laurel
Carder Virginia L, teacher, bds 307 S Laurel
Cardinal Paul, clerk, bds 223 W Main
Carkin Eben W L (Ada L), farmer, res 1334 Reddy av
Carkin Everett Y, student, bds 1334 Reddy av
CARKIN JOHN H (Vida) (Carkin & Taylor), Sec Medford Merchants Assn, res 1427 E Main
Carkin Theone E, tchr Roosevelt School, bds 1334 Reddy av
Carkin & Taylor (John H Carkin, Glenn O Taylor), lawyers 216 E Main
Carley R A, res 23 S Mistletoe
CARLOW EVA MAINS, Osteopathic Physician 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 904-L, res 26 S Laurel, Tel 905-L (See Classified Osteopathic Physicians)
CARLOW FRANK G (Eva Mains), Osteopathic Physician 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 904-L, res 26 S Laurel, Tel 905-L (See Classified Osteopathic Physicians)
Carlson Augusta, maid 308 S Oakdale av
Carlson C John (Mary), lab, res 122 Portland av
Carlton Charles B (Jeanette), real estate, res 320 S Laurel
Carlton Robert A (Jennie), res 320 S Laurel
Carnell Ada V (wid Henry C), nurse, res 523 S Holly
Carnell Edwin H, student, bds 523 S Holly
Carnell Hazel E, student, bds 523 S Holly
Carnell Jesse O, farmer, bds 523 S Holly
Carney Charles, cutter Oregon Granite Co, bds 224 W Clark
Carns Milo M (Lynn), brtndr C L Reed, res 12 S Orange
Carns Wm (Amy), brtndr W M Kennedy, res 103 E Jackson
Carpenter Alfred S V (Carpenter Bros), bds D F Carpenter
Carpenter Bros (Dunbar F, Alfred S V and Leonard Carpenter proprs Veritas Orchards, Siskiyou Hts
Carpenter Dunbar F (Helen W) (Carpenter Bros), res Siskiyou Hts
Carpenter Ernest C, lab Medford Dairy
Carpenter Florence M, teacher High School
Carpenter James T (Anna M), bds 340 S Riverside av
Carpenter John R (Mary), grocer W 11th sw cor S Oakdale av, res 516 S Grape
Carpenter Leonard (Carpenter Bros), bds D F Carpenter
Carpenter Marion, res 10-21 Genessee
Carper Amos A (Edith L), clk SP Co, res 309 S Newtown
Carr Charles E, student, bds 714 W 8th
Carroll Jane C (wid Wm H), res 429 N Central av
Cartwright Wm F (Adelaide R), carp, res Laurelhurst Add
Cartwright Wilmer C (Maggie), salsn Medford Furn & Hdwe Co, res 343 N Ivy
Casebolt Ira (Effie), laborer, res 931 N Central av
Cash Oliver H (Eva), farmer, res 6 W Jackson
Caskey Joe (S Katherine) (Caskey & Higinbotham), res 1129 Niantic
Caskey Joseph W, mngr Nichols & Ashpole, bds 1129 Niantic
Caskey Louis O, bds 1129 Niantic
Caskey Violet A, asst J J Emmens, bds 1129 Niantic
Caskey & Higinbotham (Joe Caskey, C T Higinbotham), blksmth 118 S Bartlett
Cassady Warren L (Mary E), trav salsn, res 226 W Jackson
Casten Lawrence M (Elsie B), clk Will H Wilson, res 311 W Jackson
Caster Byrd (Maggie), res 228 N Central av
Caster Byrd Mrs, propr Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau res 228 N Central av
GATLIN CLARENCE L (Jeanette L), Vice-Pres Medford Sash & Door Co Inc, res 532 S Ivy, Tel 534-M
Caughtran Ione, opr Home Tel & Telg Co, bds 222 N Central av
Caughtran Noble D, driver W H Lydiard, bds 222 N Central av
Cavanaugh Beatrice N, student, bds 402 N Oakdale av
Cavanaugh Charles H (Sarah), lab, res 402 N Oakdale av
Cave D Henry (Pearl L B), laborer, res 422 N Grape
Cave Joseph O (Della B), fruit grower, res 3 blks s city limits
Centers Frank M (Lizzie), farmer, res Central Point rd 1 m n limits
Centers Marion S (Josephine), tmstr, res 219 Knight
Chalk Andrew J, clk F M Wilson, bds 245 N Riverside av
CHALMERS AUTOMOBILES, Ashcraft Bros Agents, Medford Garage 104 S Bartlett, Tel 413 (See Left Top Lines)
Chapman Charles A (Effie), real est 6 Palm blk, res 324 S Central av
Chappell Walter L (Mary E), propr Medford Creamery, res 217 S Riverside av
Charley Wm (Andromeda), res 305 N Grape
Chase Arthur R, rural school supervisor district 3, bds 29 Summit
Chatlain Charles E (Lulu B), butcher, res Jacksonville rd ½ blk w limits
CHEAPEST STORE IN THE WEST, Will H Wilson Propr, 126 N Front, Tel 467 (See Left Top Lines)
Chelgren Oscar F (Annette), res 736 N Oak
Chelgren Pontus W (Freda E), cement contr, res 735 N Alder
Cherry George W (Anna E) (Mulkey & Cherry), res Capitol Hill
Chessmore Victoria M (wid Alvin H), res 30 Cottage
Chidester Edith L, student, bds 819 Bennett av
Chidester Henry B (Laura E), carp, res 819 Bennett av
CHILDERS GUY A (Leta M) (Wood & Childers), res 215 Vancouver
Childers I Clement (Florence M), brklyr, res 127 Portland av
Childers Spencer (Mary E), brick contr, res 211 Vancouver av
Childers Vivian M, student, bds 211 Vancouver av
Childreth George M (Elvine), laborer, res 1113 W 11th
Childs George W, bds 208 Vancouver av
Childs Harry W, bds 115 Genessee
Childs Lester T, tmstr Big Pines Lbr Co, bds 115 Genessee
Childs Lewis W (Mary M), laborer, res 208 Vancouver av
Childs Mollie M Mrs, clk Hutchison & Lumsden, res 333 S Riverside av
Christian Science Church, George W Reeves reader, 212 N Oakdale av
Christian Science Reading Room, Mrs E A Dyke librarian, 212 N Oakdale av
Christman Frank (Anna), fruitgrower, res Siskiyou Hts
Church of God Mission, Rev C W Mullenniex pastor, 415 N Front
Church of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord, Rev J M O'Neill pastor, 338 S Oakdale av
Church Willard E, laborer, res 807 S Central av
Churchill Delos B, teacher, bds 328 N Central av
Churchill Hamer D, bds 328 N Central av
Cingcade Harry L (Lulu), police, res 438 S Fir
City Engineer and Electrical Inspector, Olen Arnspiger, 423 Medford Furn & Hdwe Co bldg
City Hall, 44 N Front
City Park, bet W Main W 8th, Holly and Oakdale av
City Recorder, Edward T Foss, City Hall
City Street Department, Owen J Patton comnr, City Hall
City Water Works, George H Trana supt, City Hall
Clancy Andrew (Agnes), farmer, res 1401 Euclid av
Clancy Robert W (Winifred M), phys 211 Phipps bldg, res Medford Hts
Clark Anna Mrs, res 226 N Front
Clark Anne H, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital
Clark Benjamin F (Josephine F), res 1116 W 4th
Clark Emily E (wid Burt), res 812 Sherman
Clark Ewart, porter, bds 812 Sherman
Clark Frank C (Pauline B), architect 219 W Main, res 25 Summit av
CLARK FRANK D (Carrie M), Mngr Clark Realty Co, res Perrydale
Clark Josephine, student, bds 226 N Front
Clark Leila E, student, bds 721 Bennett av
Clark L Estelle, student, bds 721 Bennett av
Clark Mayme F, student, bds 1116 W 4th
Clark N Florence, musician, bds 1116 W 4th
CLARK REALTY CO, Frank D Clark Mngr, Real Estate, Alfalfa, Fruit and Dairy Ranches 206 Phipps Bldg, Tel 233
Clay Daniel E (Lizzie M), res 506 S Fir
Clay Sarah E Mrs, attendant Mackey's Studio, bds 122 N Ivy
Clay Wilson S (Elsie C), res 307 N Ivy
Clayville Emory W, carp, res 1129 W 9th
Clayville Myrtle I, tchr Washington School, bds 1129 W 9th
Clemens Hannah J (wid Augustin W), res 116 S Mistletoe
Clement Delia, bds 203 S Elm
Clement Suzanne (wid Eusebe), res 203 S Elm
Cleveland George W, bds 920 S Central av
Cleveland Harry O, laborer, bds 1 n 1031 Narregan
Cleveland Myrtle, bds 1 n 1031 Narregan
Cleveland Richard R (Mary A), laborer, res 920 S Central av
Cleveland Volney O, laborer, res 1 n 1031 Narregan
Cleveland V Chandler, laborer, bds 1 n 1031 Narregan
Cleveland Wm G (Laura S), tmstr, res Maple nw cor N Bartlett
Cline Emma C (wid Frank D), clk Heinz & Gilbert, res 702 Pine
Cloney Wm E (Josephine) (Medford Implement Co), res 218 W Jackson
Cochran C Harold, bkpr First Natl Bank of Medford, bds 246 S Riverside av
Cochran Ina G, student, bds 246 S Riverside av
Cochran John H (Estelle), ins agt 202 First Natl Bank bldg, res 246 S Riverside av
Cochran Lucinda, student, bds 246 S Riverside av
Cochran N Belle, dressmaker, rms 307 E 6th
Codding George A, chainman Pacific Highway
Coffeen Harry, plumber, bds 516 W Palm
Coffeen John W (Coffeen & Price), res 516 W Palm
Coffeen Wesley M, bell boy Hotel Nash, bds 516 W Palm
Coffeen & Price (J W Coffeen, J E Price), plumbers 15 N Fir
Coffin Albert R (Cassandria B), produce, res 1205 E Main
Coffin E Vestal (Anna), trav salsn C L Schieffelin, res 60 Rose av
Coffin Inez H, student, bds 60 Rose av
Coffin Iva, bds 60 Rose av
Cofield Mabel C, bkpr Oregon Gas & Elec Co, bds 107 Roosevelt av
Coggins Ella R, nurse, bds 327 N Grape
Coggins Wm E (Sarah E), tmstr, res 401 W 2nd
Coggins Wm J (Amanda), tmstr, res 327 N Grape
Colbert Samuel T (Alberta), lab, res 902 N Central av
Colby Sylvia, maid 1211 W Main
Cole Charles S (Ida A), chauffeur Cal-Oregon Power Co, res 727 N Alder
Cole Donn C (Martha L), res 804 S Central av
Cole Elsie B, student, bds 204 N Ivy
Cole H Clay, eng Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point
Cole Martha (wid Henry R), bds 30 Rose av
Cole Nellie M, bds 804 S Central av
Cole Ray (Frances B), chief clk SP Freight Depot, res 312 S Grape
Coleman The, C J Dunten propr, furn rms 1005 W Main
Coleman Alfred (Rebecca), res 1009 W Main
Coleman Frank L, clk, bds 815 E Main
Coleman Grant (Lennie M), cigar mnfr W Main nw cor Kenwood av, res same
Coleman Mabel R, student, bds Grant Coleman
Coleman Ural G, bds Grant Coleman
Coleman Wm, blksmth, res 630 N Central av
Coleman Wm R (Mattie), res 815 E Main
College Building, 31 N Grape
Collette Robert, student Medford Bus Coll, rms 30 N Front
Collins Bert, painter, bds 218 Apple
Collins Charles E (Bertha L), bldg contr, res 104 E 2nd
COLLINS GEORGE T (Rose), Mngr Mason-Ehrman & Co, res 219 N Oakdale av, Tel 499-L
Collins James, msgr Western Union Telg Co, bds 218 Apple
Collins Sadie Mrs, cook Mrs Jane Kent, res 218 Apple
Collins Thomas (Kate M), res 110 Almond
Collins Ulysses S (Grace), supt City Schools, res 1136 W 10th
Colonial Flats, George Herbert mngr, 217 S Riverside av
Colvig Donald L (Star M), bkpr California-Oregon Power Co, res 928 S Holly
Colvig Fred L (Nina W), county recorder, res 443 S Central av
COLVIG & ROBERTS (Wm M Colvig (Portland), G M Roberts) Lawyers 2nd Floor Medford National Bank Bldg, Tel 174
Combs Sarah S (wid Aquilla), bds 1522 W 6th
COMMERCIAL CLUB, See Medford Commercial Club
Condon George, lab, bds 243 Beatty
Conklin Charles W (Anna S) (Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Inc), res 205 Apple
Conklin Earl O, sheet metalwkr Medford Furn & Hdwe Co, bds 205 N Apple
Conner Guy W (Mary W) (D R Wood & Co), sec-treas Rogue River Commercial Orchard Co, res e end E Main
Connor Mary E (wid Thomas J), bds 43 N Peach
Conrad Eliza M Mrs, bds 119 Roosevelt av
Conrad Hal L (Lucile R), clk Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 119 Roosevelt av
Conrad Hilda M, bds 119 Roosevelt av
Conrad John T (Emily M), tapman City Water Board, res 632 W. Palm
Conroy Robert J, phys 215 E Main, res Nob Hill
Conser Elder T (Catherine), res 24 Genessee
Conser Van E (Anna M), grocer 612 E Main, res 214 Stark
CONSERVATORY THE MEDFORD FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, Gerard Taillandier Director, College Bldg 31 N Grape nr W Main, Tel 549-R (See Right Top Lines and p 5)
Conwell Glenn B (Denzell), elec California-Oregon Power Co, res 61 W Jackson
Cook Benjamin F (Izzie V), groundman Cal-Oregon Power Co, 536 N Fir
Cook E Violet, clk US Forest Service, res Jacksonville rd
Cook Fred H, res 1222 Locust
Cook James (May), frmn Brookhurst Orchard, res Eagle Point rd
Cooke Anna Mrs, bds 615 S Oakdale av
Cooley Charles R, sec Medford Lumber Co, bds 409 N Fir
Cooley Jeremiah H, pres-mngr Medford Lumber Co, res 409 N Fir
Coon Mary J (wid Wm H), bds 22 Geneva av
Coop Rosina Mrs, res 527 Putnam av
Copeland Le Roy, porter Rankin Estes, rms 515 Pennsylvania av
Coppage John S (Emma), plasterer, res 326 N Bartlett
Coppage Tottie, bds 326 N Bartlett
Corbett Leander D, tinner J A Smith, rms 127 E 6th
Corey Clarence H (Jennie M), vice-pres Garnett-Corey Hardware Co baker 706 N Pine, res 309 E Jackson
Corey C Everett, bds 309 E Jackson
Corey George E (Dora E), clk Hubbard Bros, res 524 S Riverside av
Corey Lloyd H, driver C H Corey, bds 309 E Jackson
Corey Mildred M, bds 524 S Central av
Corlies Frank M (Minnie B), fruit grower, res 314 S Holly
Corlies Henry D (Selena T), res 35 N Orange
Corlies Lloyd D, fruit grower, bds 314 S Holly
Corlies Maud F, bds 314 S Holly
Corlies Vinita M, bds 314 S Holly
Cornell Albert B, district mngr Oregon Life Ins Co, res Grants Pass
Cornell Thomas C (Annie A), lab, res rear 20 Tripp
Cornitius Otto M (Miccie C), real est 1 Rialto bldg, res 28 Ross ct
Corum Ann E (wid James C), res 324 N Front
Corum George H (Katie R), restaurant 23 S Front, res 345 S Central
Corum Grover C, clnr and dyer 2 Rialto bldg, bds 324 N Front
Corum John A, lab, bds 324 N Front
Corum J Bryan, bell boy Hotel Medford, bds 324 N Front
Corum Nellie F, student, bds 324 N Front
Coryell Ruth, tchr, bds 806 N Riverside av
Coss Howard M (Jessie W), mngr Jackson County Realty Co, res 604 W 10th
Coss Jessie W Mrs, propr The Cottage, res 604 W 10th
Cothermon Ada Mrs, clk J C Mann, res 217 S Riverside av
COTHERMON CARL (Ada), Automobile and Carriage Painter, 30 Years Experience, Work Guaranteed, 114 S Bartlett, res 217 S Riverside Av, Tel 900-L (See Right Bottom Lines and Classified Automobiles)
Cottage The, Mrs Jessie W Coss propr, furn rms 604 W 10th
Counts James C (Emily), lab, res n end Central av
Cowgill Alice A, bds 211 Stark
Cowgill Mildred Mrs (Barnard Millinery), res 118 Geneva av
Cowgill Ralph P (Mildred), eng Rogue River Valley Canal Co, res 118 Geneva av
Cowgill Robert P (Margaret M), res 211 Stark
Cowgill T Griffith, student, bds 211 Stark
Cox Hortense E Mrs, res 824 Bennett av
Cox Houston, porter Hotel Medford
Cox Ora, tchr Washington School, bds 124 Newtown
Cox Phoebe B, nurse, bds 824 Bennett av
Crabb Lucius L, lab, res 827 S Central av
Craig Frank M (Nina A), driver Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 1118 W 11th
Craig James B (Virgie E), farmer, res 113 Tripp
Crank Walter S (Anna A), eng H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot, res 25 Portland av
CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO, E N Bunce Mngr, Agents for Cadillac Automobiles, First Class Repairing, Also Headquarters for Hall Taxi Co 16-18 S Fir, Tel 346 (See Back Cover and adv)
Crawford Edna B, opr Home Tel & Telg Co, bds 18 Almond
CRAWFORD ORIS C (Amy E), Asst Cashier The First National Bank of Medford, res 20 S Laurel, Tel 386-J
Crawford Wm H (Lilian E), police, res 334 S Grape
Crawford W Raymond, clk, bds 334 S Grape
Creamer Caroline (wid Elbert S), res 821 Broad
Creamer Harvey E, lab, bds 821 Broad
Creech James E (Mary), res 45 N Bartlett
Creech Lyle, carp, bds 45 N Bartlett
Creely Enid E Mrs, bds 616 S Central av
Crews Wren E (Louisa), lawyer 217 Garnett-Corey bldg, res 707 S Oakdale av
Crigmire George, lather, res 217 Vancouver av
Cripps Clarence, bds 518 N Riverside av
Cripps Ellis A (Alta), elev opr Garnett-Corey bldg, res 518 N Riverside av
Crofoot Nancy J (wid Frances M), bds 421 Woodstock
Cromar Margaret, stengr Medford Grocery Co, bds 9 W 12th '
Cronemiller Guy D, elec California-Oregon Power Co, rms 108 Electric bldg
Cronk Guy E (Maggie), driver A F Reinking, res 1003 E Jackson
Crow Samuel B, photgr 232 E Main, res same
Crowell Bixford J (Carolyn L), elec, res 520 W Palm
CROWELL WM S, Lawyer 109 N Central Av, Tel 515, res 118 Genessee, Tel 232
Crump Olive, maid 315 W Main
Crump Vivian B, student, bds 109 Geneva av
Cudahy Packing Co, G D Hoffman agt, SP tracks bet 6th and Main
Culton Wesley R (Margaret), tmstr F H Ray, res 343 N Grape
Cummings Fred N (Helen H) (Cummings, Tee & McKissick), res 721 S Peach
Cummings, Tee & McKissick (F N Cummings, A S Tee, Stuart McKissick), surveyors 12 Sparta bldg
Cunningham Amanda E (wid Wm T), bds 1124 W 10th
Cunningham Arthur B (Frances W), whsmn California-Oregon Power Co, res 1124 W 10th
Curran Frank J (Ethel L), gas fitter, res 1022 W 11th
Currier W J Henry (Anise N), farmer, res 423 Beatty
Curry Ethel, cashr Hutchison & Lumsden, bds 301 S Central av
Curry Gladys, stengr Jackson County Abstract Co, bds 530 S Central
CURTIS R O MISS, Keister's Ladies Tailoring College, rms 7 St Marks Blk
Cusick Albert L (Catherine E), real est, res 337 W 10th

Daddysman Bertha P Mrs, musician, res 607 W 11th
Dahack Zera E (Mary), farmer, res n end Central av
Dahl Helen L, bds 708 W 10th
Dahlke J Fred (Louisa), lab, res 521 Beatty
Dahlke Martha, bds 521 Beatty
Dailey Belle Mrs, ironer Medford Domestic Lndy Co, res 224 S Riverside av
Dailey Bartha M, tchr, res 208 S Ivy
Dailey Charles A, lab, res 208 S Ivy
Daily B Pern, student, bds 101 Cottage
Daily Edith, bds 1034 Court
Daily Harry J, student, bds 1034 Court
Daily Henry M, lab, bds 1034 Court
Daily James (Mary), frmn Hillcrest Orchard, res 1034 Court
Daily Patrick, lab, bds 1034 Court
Daily Patrick H (Lutie B), prin Washington School, res 101 S Cottage
Daley Edwin L, meat ctr Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 627 S Central av
Daley George B, student, bds 224 S Riverside av
DALEY H MILTON (Rosa M), Investment Broker 33 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel 78-R, res 223 W Main (See Right Side Lines)
Daley Irvin C (Eva L), carp, res 110 E. 11th
Daley John H (Elba), farmer, res 704 W 10th
Daley Nora D, abstracter Jackson County Abstract Co, bds 704 W 10th
Daley Opal V, bds 704 W 10th
Daley Rosa M Mrs, propr Oxford Hotel, res 223 W Main
Dallaire Adelard (Agnes), lab, res 531 S Ivy
Damon Ethel D, bds 414 S Riverside av
Damon Loren L (Zella), tmstr, res 414 S Riverside av
Damon Zella Mrs, cook R N Foster, res 414 S Riverside av
DANIELS FOR DUDS (T E Daniels), Men's Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods 202 E Main, Tel 329 (See adv)
Daniels Joseph E (Catherine), stock dealer, res 317 E Jackson
Daniels Maybelle, student, bds 317 E Jackson
DANIELS T E (Lillian M), Men's Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods 202 E Main, Tel 329, res 10 Keene Way Siskiyou Heights, Tel 758 (See adv)
Danielson Chalmus P, mach, bds 111 W Jackson
Danielson Minerva J Mrs, res 111 W Jackson
Danielson Victor D, asst chief Medford Fire Dept, rms 111 W Jackson
Darby Leonard F (Pearl), pharmacist Medford Pharmacy, res 808 Bennett av
Darneille Ernest G, elc California-Oregon Power Co, res 717 Alder
Darneille Grover E (Basha L), elec, res 433 Benson
Darnell Margaret E (wid James K), res 502 S Fir
Daron John A (Lillie M), driver, res 409 N Riverside av
Darrow George E (Ila), dispatcher, bds 204 N Ivy
Davidson Margaret (wid Wm), res 1134 W 9th
Davidson Mary E, tchr Jackson School, bds 1134 W 9th
Davidson Oliver L, cigars W Main nw cor Fir, rms 222 S Central av
Davidson Osborn R, clk O L Davidson, rms 222 S Central av
Davies Llewelyn J, garage 29 S Bartlett, rms same
Davis Andrew F (Estella), express, res 335 N Central av
Davis Annie E (wid George L), res 713 W 10th
Davis Arthur H (Agnes) (Ponting & Davis), res 416 S Laurel
Davis Charles W (Clara B), clk Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 25 N Peach
Davis Edward B (Margaret H) (Davis & Miller), res 101 Geneva av
Davis Elizabeth (wid Wm R), res 11-21 Genessee
Davis Elizabeth L (wid John), res 417 Benson
Davis Eunice, student, bds 25 N Peach
Davis E Jay (Elizabeth M), driver Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 620 W 11th
Davis Glenn, chainman Pacific Highway
Davis G Clark (Martha E), blksmth, res 417 N Oakdale av
Davis Jonas T (Mary Alice), driver Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 1021 W 9th
Davis Lucy M (wid Wm A), res 719 S Central av
Davis Menno F (Sophia E), elec Ponting & Davis, res 419 Jay
Davis Nellie A, bds 1115 W 9th
Davis Neva, bds 335 N Central av
Davis Orrin L (Rose N), whsmn The Cudahy Packing Co, res 425 S Oakdale av
Davis Pearl (Elizabeth), driver Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 1115 W 9th
Davis Ralph W, student, bds 416 S Laurel
Davis Thomas M (L Myrtle), drftsmn Pacific Highway, res 402 S King
Davis Wm, blksmth Hansen & McClanahan, bds 417 N Oakdale av
Davis Wm (Rebecca A), clk Fouts Grocery Co, res 402 S Central av
DAVIS & MILLER (Edward B Davis, Alfred H Miller), Proprs Medford Book Store 209 E Main, Tel 112
Davison Wm E (Esther F), miner, res 724 N Alder
Day Olive (wid Edward W), bds 306 S King
Dean Joseph C (Grace B), res 5-217 S Riverside av
Dean Lee, lab Medford Dairy, rms 45 N Bartlett
Dean W Arthur, student, rms 45 N Bartlett
DEANE ARTEMAS W (Ethel L), Dentist 204 E Main, Tel 258, res 332 N Ivy, Tel 451-J
Deane Ethel Mrs, propr The Beauty Shop, res 332 N Ivy
De Armond Hugh L (Effie G), lawyer 410 Garnett-Corey bldg; res 227 S Oakdale av
De Armond Lotta E, bds 227 S Oakdale av
Debley Wm C (Helen L), piano tuner 217 W Main, res 508 S King
Delaney James, popcorn E Main se cor Riverside av, res rear 122 Tripp
Delin Charles M (Mayme L), railroad contr, bds 406 S Riverside av
Demmer Edna S, student, bds 609 W Jackson
Demmer John (Mary), lab, res 714 W Holly
Demmer John L (Lily S), gardener, res 609 W Jackson
Demmer John M, clk West & Whiteman, bds 51 N Oakdale av
Demmer Paul, gardener, res 748 W 4th
Denhof Peter, res 344 S Grape
Denning Clarence E (Jennie), farmer, res 908 W 10th
Dennis W & Sons Ltd, E M McKeany agt, fruit shippers 237 E Main
Denniston Kate R (wid Charles H), res 1123 W Main
Denny Dimner H, bds 402 S King
Dent John B, cement wkr, bds 446 S Evergreen
Dent John E (Maggie E), clk Wells Fargo & Co Exp, res 446 S Evergreen
Dent Ralph F, chauffeur, bds 446 S Evergreen
De Roboam Emil, res 306 N Ivy
Derr Lyle C, bds 820 Dakota av
Derr Thomas W (Carrie E), carp, res 820 Dakota av
Deuel Catherine, bds 1018 S Oakdale av
DEUEL FRED K (Elizabeth), Pres The First National Bank of Medford, Mngr F K Deuel & Co, res 1018 S Oakdale Av, Tel 614
Deuel F K & Co, F K Deuel mngr, dept store E Main se cor S Bartlett
Deuel Halbert S, paying teller First National Bank of Medford, bds 1018 S Oakdale av
Deuel Luther J, student, bds 1018 S Oakdale av
Deuel Mary S, bds 1018 S Oakdale av
Devine George C (Agnes), farmer, res 1032 W 10th
De Voe Claude A (Edith), conf 418 W Main, res 718 Welch
DeVore C (Susie), meat cutter M W Wagner, res 107 Portland av
Dexter C Stanley (Julia B), clk C L Schieffelin, res 217 Beatty
Diamond Bros (J W and F E), jewelers 109 E Main
Diamond Fay B (Minnie B) (Diamond Bros), res 15 Rose av
Diamond Jay W (Diamond Bros), propr The Diamond Pharmacy, res 107 Genessee
Diamond L A, brkmn Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point
DIAMOND PHARMACY THE, Jay W Diamond Propr, 109 E Main, Tel 884
Diamond Rooming House, George Iams propr, 127 E 6th
Dick George W (Josephine), res 1016 Court
Dietrich George, lab, res 330 Portland av
Dillon Helen O (wid Michael), res 620 S Oakdale av
Dilts Arthur, brtndr B S Radcliffe, rms 4 E Clark
DIXON H G VOLNEY (Helen I) (Gaddis & Dixon), res 528 W 10th, Tel 501-J
Dodge Burdette L Jr, bds B L Dodge
Dodge Burdette L (Nellie S), treas Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, 5th nw cor N Fir
Dodge Ira J (Elizabeth F), sec Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co res Jacksonville rd 1¼ m e limits
Dodge Jennie L, bds 610 S Oakdale av
Dodge John M, well driller, bds 610 S Oakdale av
Dodge Laura D (wid Edgar G), clk H N Moe & Co, bds 313 S Grape
Dodge Paul R, bds 313 S Grape
Dodge Warren P (Delia M), res 610 S Oakdale av
Dole Miriam L, bds R J Conroy
Dole Miriam M (wid John J), bds R J Conroy
Donnell Jesse F (Ermine D), grocer 610 E Main, res 717 E Jackson
Dooms Pleasant A (Mary E) (Dooms & Frees), res n end Central av
Dooms & Frees (P A Dooms, George Frees), blksmths 109 S Holly
Dorn Laura, asst E R Seely, bds 412 S Oakdale av
Dorval George, yardman Sacred Heart Hospital
Doubleday Julia Mrs, res 421 S Front
Dougherty Albert H, medicine vendor, res 406 Beatty
Dougherty E Pearl, student, bds 406 Beatty
Dougherty Mabel B, student, bds 406 Beatty
Douglas Archibald L (Esther G), pressman Medford Ptg Co, res 402 W 3rd
Douglas Ernest A (Jessie M), lab, res 318 Portland av
Dow Eugene G (Julia B), carp, res Sunset av cor Humphrey
Dow George W (E Annette), grocer 632 N Central av, res same
DOW HOSPITAL THE, Dr McM M Dow Physician and Surgeon, Dr Lydia S Dow Osteopathic Physician, Central Point, Tel 341 (See adv and Central Point Special Adv Dept)
DOW LYDIA S, Osteopathic Physician 3-4 St Marks Blk, Tel 160, res Central Point, Tel 341 (See adv and Central Point Special Adv Dept)
DOW McMORRIS M (Lydia S), Physician and Surgeon 3-4 St Marks Blk, Tel 160, res Central Point, Tel 341 (See adv and Central Point Special Adv Dept)
Dow Robert B (Amy C), clk, res 135 S Oakdale av
Downing Zidana S, tchr, bds 144 S Central av
Downing Marie E (wid Fred F), bds 60 N Quince
Dozier Wm (Estalene), eng Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, res 1026 W 10th
Dresser Mary E Mrs, res 1011 Niantic
Dressler Frank H (J Irene), lab, res 1005 N Central av
Dressler Jesse W (Ida E), vice-pres Page-Dressler Co Inc, res 117 Cottage
Drew Emma L, bds 847 W 2nd
Drew John H (Annie) (Drew & Handy), res 847 W 2nd
Drew & Handy (J H Drew, W L Handy), bldg contrs 855 W 2nd
Driskel Daniel W (Emma N), res 836 E Main
Drsek Carl, sausage mkr Nichols & Ashpole, rms 230 Almond
Drumhill Wm J (Maggie P), res 414 Union
Dubois E George (Janet), eng Sacred Heart Hospital, res Siskiyou Hts
Duff Alexander (Ella), res 333 E Jackson
Duff Daniel D (Viola), farmer, res Jacksonville rd ½ m w limits
Duffield Charles E (Carrie I), shoe repr, res 302 E 9th
Dufva Ella, waiter Hotel Medford
Duke Elijah (Bessie), trav salsn, res 716 Pine
Dunbar L A, rms 127 E 6th
Dunham Kathryn, tchr Jackson School, bds 325 E Jackson
Dunham Royal V (Ada W), prin Lincoln School, res 701 N Riverside
Dunlop James W (E Margaret), poultry raiser, res es Berkeley Way Siskiyou Hts
Dunnington Clinton, student Medford Bus Coll, res Jacksonville
Dunten Charles J (Clara N), propr The Coleman, vice-pres Jacksonville Brick & Tile Co, res 1005 W Main
Durand John D (Susan C), res 32 S Orange
Durham Ray O (Mary), stickerman Medford Sash & Door Co, res 402 Boardman
Durheim Frank, lab, res 332 Alice
Dutton Robert H (Agnes M), res 1022 W 10th
Dye Grace B, nurse, res 211 S Laurel
Dyer George F (Hattie I), automobile repr 1118 N Central av, res 1114 same
Dyer Jesse L, lab, res 16 S Peach
Dyke Emily A (wid Charles E), librarian Christian Science Reading
Room, res 422 S Laurel

Eads Clarence E (Ibbie B) (Eads Fuel Co), res 626 W 4th
EADS EVERETT E (Susie) (Eads Transfer & Storage Co), res 26 S Orange, Tel 489-R
Eads Fuel Co (C B and G H Eads) 34 S Fir
Eads George H (Anna C) (Eads Fuel Co), res 25 S Peach
Eads John T (Rachel H), clk Eads Fuel Co, res 121 Roosevelt av
Eads Rachel H Mrs, furn rms, res 121 Roosevelt av
EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO (Everett E Eads, Clarence R Boyd), Draying, Transfer and Storage, Piano and House Moving 42 N Front, Tel 315 (See Right Side Lines and Classified Transfer Cos)
Eagle Drug Co, proprs West Side Pharmacy 134 W Main
Eagles Hall, 3rd floor Adkins bldg
Earhart Frank L, farmer, bds Mrs Etta Stevenson
Earhart June E, nurse, bds Mrs Etta Stevenson
Earhart S Darragh, student, bds Mrs Etta Stevenson
Earhart Wm C, farmer, bds Mrs Etta Stevenson
Earl Irving E, bricklayer, rms 219 N Grape
Early Orson L (Una L), sec Whiteman Motor Appliance Co, res 17-217 S Riverside av
Earsley Chauncey L (Ann), grocer 2 W Jackson, res 910 W 11th
Earsley Mabel J, bds 910 W 11th
East Elizabeth H, bds 203 Oleson
East Isham G, bds 203 Oleson
EAST SIDE WOOD YARD, Gust Faske Propr, Wholesale and Retail, Prompt Delivery, 511 E Main, Tel 533-J (See adv)
Eaton Pryor, res s end Park Highland Park
Eaton Willard (Harriett E), res 1129 W Main
Ebel Robert R (Minnie B), division acct California-Oregon Power Co, res 844 Dakota av
Eckler Nancy (wid Levi), bds David Raymond
Eckles Archie, cook Hotel Medford
EDEN VALLEY NURSERY, N S Bennett Propr, 609½ E Main, Tel 102, PO Box 823, 937 N Central Av, Tel 680 (See Right Top Lines and p 4)
Eden Valley Orchard, 2½ m s limits
Edmeades Forrest C (Harriet G), res 305 E Jackson
Edmeades Russell E, colr Medford Ptg Co, bds 305 E Jackson
Edmeades Thomas, bds 305 E Jackson
Edmonds Clara, actress, bds Mrs Josephine Edmonds
Edmonds Josephine Mrs, res Sunset av ¼ m w city
Edmunds Grace Mrs, mangler Medford Domestic Lndy Co, res 1031 Narregan
Edwards Alfred M (Ida), res 303 W Jackson
Edwards David T, janitor St Mary's Academy, bds 310 W 11th
Edwards H Newton, carp, res 322 S Newtown
Edwards James, rms 30 N Front
Edwards James T (Gertrude M), lab, res 233½ S Riverside av
Edwards John H (I Lucile), barber, res 621 N Front
Edwards Maude T Mrs, stengr 3 Palm blk, res 322 S Newtown
Edwards Rufus, miner, res 1 e 521 Edwards av
Eifert Ethel M, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 211 N Oakdale av
Eifert Marie M, student, bds 211 N Oakdale av
Eifert Rose G (wid Wm W), res 211 N Oakdale av
Einkopf Crist L (Hannah), fruit grower, res ws Peach 1 s Stewart
Ekstrom Adina, maid 105 Geneva av
El Blanco Rooms, Mrs R E Loar propr, 445 S Front
Eldridge E Olin Rev (Mary E), pastor First M E Church, res 502 N Riverside av
Electric Building, 218 W Main
ELECTRIC SHOP (O F Tainer), Motor and Coil Winding, Storage Batteries and Magnetos Charged and Repaired, 105 S Central Av, Tel 22-J
Elliott Frank C (Alice M) (Pantorium Dye Works Co), res 48 N Quince
Elliott Hugh (Susan O), blksmth J W Mitchell, res 619 N Riverside av
Elliott H Ernest, bds 619 N Riverside av
Elliott H Vane, clk Medford Fish & Poultry Mkt, bds 226 N Front
Elliott Roy E, meat ctr Nichols & Ashpole
Ellison Frank, tmstr Medford Ice & Storage Co, bds 705 W 10th
Ellison Thomas B (Marie E), res 705 W 10th
Elwood Elmer D (Lucy A), optician 301 E Main, res 135 S Central av
Elwood Homer L, elec Electric Shop, bds 135 S Central av
Elwood Rooms, Mrs Lilah Larsen propr, 313 E Main
Emerick Aletha G, bds 104 S Holly
Emerick Frank T, student, bds 104 S Holly
Emerick Merton J (Bertha M), res 206 S Orange
Emerick Sarah E (wid Jeremiah C), bds 206 S Orange
Emerick Vernon J (Mattie), res 104 S Holly
Emerson Andrew J (Laura A), res 114 Tripp
Emig Adam (Margaret), farmer, res 825 W 12th
Emig Catherine, student, bds 825 W 12th
Emig Margaret, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 825 W 12th
EMMENS J J (Frances E), Practice Limited to Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 228 E Main, Tel 567, res 401 S Newtown, Tel 557-J
ENGLISH CHARLES M (Letha) Vice-Pres The First National Bank of Medford, res 1006 S Oakdale Av, Tel 352
Enney Margaret M (wid Stephen S), bds 327 S Fir
Enyart Lucretia E Mrs, res 128 S Holly
Enyart Pierson S (Martha), res 328 E 6th
Erdmann Ernestine (wid Wm) res McAndrew ne cor N Central av
Erickson Clarence W (Ida M), lab, bds 305 Liberty
Erickson Martin L, supervisor US Forest Service, rms 339 S Central
Erskine Julia E (wid W Henry), res 402 W Clark
Erskine Walter M (Maggie E), meat ctr, res 414 W Clark
Estep George H (Tottie E), lab, res 432 Plum
Estes Lois, bds 511 Pennsylvania av
Estes M Josephus (Missouri M), lab res 511 Pennsylvania av
Estes Rankin (Mary J) (Estes & McClish), barber 108 E Main, res 515 Pennsylvania av
Estes McClish (Rankin Estes, J J McClish), cigars and barbers 28 N Front
Evans Ada E, tel opr, bds 404 W 2nd
Evans Clarence B (Evans Printing Plant), bds 404 W 2nd
Evans Ethel M, opr Home Tel & Telg Co, bds 404 W 2nd
Evans Frank (Ada F), lab, res 427 Benson
Evans Harry C (Lois J), tmstr, res 909 Narregan
Evans Mabel, res 30 Keene Way
Evans Margaret Mrs, res 404 W 2nd
Evans Printing Plant (Russell D and Clarence B Evans), 21 S Central av
Evans Russell D (Evans Printing Plant), bds 404 W 2nd
Evanson Edward A (Agnes E), res 240 S Grape
Everhard Andrew T (Effie L), res Oakdale Park add
Everhard Wm H (Virginia E), physician, res 1013 W 9th
Everitt Irma Mrs, bds 24 S Orange
Ewing's Gun Store Inc, W F Backus (Portland) pres, J C Morris (Portland) sec, R L Ewing mngr, 112 W Main
Ewing Ralph L (Susie), mngr Ewing's Gun Store Inc, res 435 N Holly

Fabrick Charles A, student, bds 711 E Main
FABRICK GLEN (Margaret), Pres Medford Domestic Laundry Co Inc, res 711 E Main, Tel 422-J
Fabrick Margaret E, nurse, bds 711 E Main
Fairmont The, Mrs A J Pierce propr, furn rms 319 E Main
Fansher Gladys N, bds 1025 W 10th
Fansher Isabelle (wid Lloyd W), res 1025 W 10th
Fansher Wilbur E, clk, bds 1025 W 10th
FARMERS AND FRUITGROWERS BANK, Delroy Getchell Pres, L Niedermeyer Vice-Pres, Lee L Jacobs Cashier, Richard F Antle Asst Cashier, 204 W Main, Tel 883 (See p 2)
Farre Frank, clk Producers Fruit Co
Farren Irene Mrs, propr The Windsor, res 125 W Main
Farren James (Irene), waiter C D Campbell, res 125 W Main
FASKE GUST (Katherine), Propr East Side Wood Yard, res 511 E Main, Tel 533-J
Fay Gertrude D, bds 106 S Grape
Fay Waitie A Mrs, furn rms, res 106 S Grape
Fehl Delbert G (Cecilia D), real est, res s end Park Highland Park
Fehl Earl H (Electa), carp, res 521 S Grape
Felch Frank A, bds J H Felch
Felch John H (Jane C), res ws Kings Highway 1 s Stewart
Ferguson Elizabeth, tchr Washington School, res 729 W 11th
Ferguson Juliette (wid Joseph C), bds 729 W 11th
Ferguson Walter A (Hattie L), lab, res 547 S Front
Field George A (Grace), janitor F K Deuel & Co, res 729 W 13th
Field Harvey J, clk C M Kidd, bds 729 W 13th
Field Robert H, student, bds 729 W 13th
Field Vernon D, farmer, bds 729 W 13th
Fielder Julia C, tchr Roosevelt School, bds 710 E Main
Fielder Mary E (wid Robert C), res 710 E Main
Fielder Rose M, dressmkr, bds 710 E Main
Fifer B Franklin (Elizabeth C), bldg contr, res 711 E Jackson
Fifer Fannie E Mrs, dressmkr, res 921 Reddy av
Fifer Turner A (Fannie E), asst cashr Jackson County Bank, res 921 Reddy av
Finley Clement, student, bds Everett Finley
Finley Everett, farmer, res Ross Lane ¾ m w limits
Finley Flora, bds Everett Finley
First Baptist Church, Rev R W MacCullough pastor, N Central av se cor E 5th
First Christian Church, S Oakdale av se cor W 9th
First ME Church, Rev E O Elridge pastor, N Bartlett se cor E 4th
First National Bank Building, 118 E Main
FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEDFORD THE, F K Deuel Pres, Charles M English Vice-Pres, M L Alford Cashier, Oris Crawford Asst Cashier, 122 E Main, Tel 648 (See Front Cover)
First Presbyterian Church, Rev W P Shields pastor, W Main se cor
Fish Edith M, tchr Roosevelt School, bds 336 S Holly
Fisher Henry A (Pearl), cook Sanitary Cafeteria, rms 236 S Central
Fisher Marion D, appr Medford Ptg Co, bds 107 S Mistletoe
Fisher Martin D, lab, res 107 S Mistletoe
Fisher Pearl Mrs, cashr Sanitary Cafeteria, rms 236 S Central av
Fisk George N (Lulu B), fruit grower, res 906 W 11th
Flagg L C S (Jessie), res 612 Catherine
Flammer Charles F (Myrtle) (Flammer & Co), res 16 S Mistletoe
Flemmer & Co (C F Flammer), conf 105 W Main
Fleming Flora F, nurse, bds 719 Welch
Fleming Grace, bds 219 N Central av
Fleming James D (Lelia ), tmstr, res 315 S Laurel
Fleming James M (Emma D), clk Marsh & Bennett, res 219 N Central av.
Fleming Lizzie A Mrs, res 719 Welch
Fleming Marie, bds 219 N Central av
Fleming Marjorie R, clk County Recorder (Jacksonville), bds 719 Welch
Fleming Nanna, tchr, bds 719 Welch
Fletcher Pearl N, maid 48 N Orange
Fletcher Wm (Mary), landscape gardener, res 715 W 13th
Flores Tony, lab, res 422 N Front
Florida Rooming House, Mrs V M Stone propr, 207 W Main
Flury Henry P, farmer, res Laurelhurst add
Flury Lenora E Mrs, res 325 Roosevelt av
Flynn Alfred A (Theresa O), elec, bds 315 Oleson
Flynn Diamond L, student, bds 905 W 10th
Flynn Ione G, bds 905 W 10th
Flynn Theresa O Mrs, stengr Jackson County Building and Loan Assn, bds 315 Oleson
Flynn Thomas K, elec J W Antle, bds 905 W 10th
Folger Walter A (Lola R), res 1222 W Main
Foothills Irrigation Co, T W Osgood sec, 3rd fl Medford Natl Bank bldg
Forbes Alice F, bds 722 Dakota av
Forbes Benjamin F (Mary M), mining, res 722 Dakota av
Forbes Benjamin F Jr, student, bds 722 Dakota av
Forde Wm M (Amy), landscape gardener, res Siskiyou Hts
FOSS ELMER T, City Recorder City Hall, Tel 248, rms 713 W 10th, Tel 138-R
Foster Harold D (Elizabeth H), examiner US Forest Service, res 423 S Newtown
Foster Harry E (Jessie L), civil eng 235 E Main, res 1443 same
Foster Mary C Mrs, res 234 W 5th
Foster Peter, bds 234 W 5th
FOSTER ROLLIN N (Florence), Propr The Palace of Sweets, res 19 S Orange, Tel 693-R
Fourtner Scott, farmer, rms 229 S Front
Fouts Erastus J (Nettie L) (Fouts Grocery Co), res 112 E 12th
Fouts Grocery Co (O R and E J Fouts), 36 S Central av
Fouts Otto R (Lilah K) (Fouts Grocery Co), res 515 S Riverside av
Fox Otto W (Meda), brtndr, bds 301 S Central av
FOYES GEO T (Olivia K), Propr B & C Cash Store Inc, res 714 W 11th
Francis Gus (Francis & Shaw), rms 213 S Central av
Francis Stephen M, shoemaker 214 W 8th, res same
Francis Thomas, sewing machine adjuster, rms 107 E 2nd
Franks Cleon H, tmstr, bds 242 Beatty
Franks George B (Agnes C), lab, res 242 Beatty
Franz Fred E, rug weaver G L Busey, rms 30 S Central av
Frazell Daniel (Klein & Frazell), rms 8 Palm blk
Fredenburg Elfleda, bds 1118 N Riverside av
Fredenburg Harmon A (Eva M), whsmn, res 205 W Jackson
Fredenburg W Jackson (Mary A), tmstr, res 1118 N Riverside av
Frederick Delmer O (Iva V), dairy, res Jacksonville rd 3 blks w limits
Fredricksen Ulrich (Visa A), res 607 W 2nd
Free Methodist Church, Rev J E Bradley pastor, W 10th se cor Ivy
Frees George (Dora) (Dooms & Frees), res 834 Pennsylvania av
French Edward H (Bettine O), physician, res 22 Rose av
French Edwin E (Carrie A), carp, res 401 S King
French Lillian, waiter Hotel Medford
Frick Arthur H, student, bds J S Frick
Frick John S (Sigrid), lab, res W Palm nw cor Columbus av
Frick Laura E, maid 328 S Holly
Frick Roy V, driver Medford Dairy, bds J S Frick
Frideger Fred, plasterer, rms 311 N Bartlett
Frideger Frederick (Lucinda), res nr s end Park Highland Park
Frideger Isaac R, plasterer, bds 244 S Central av
Frideger Wm (Katherine), fruit grower, res ¼ m s Highland Park sta
Fristoe M Lou, maid 120 Roosevelt av
Fristoe Wm (Eva L), lab, res 107 S Mistletoe
Frost C Walter (Edith L), manual training instructor Public Schools, res 213 Roosevelt av
Fruitgrowers Bank Building, W Main nw cor Grape
Fry Francis D (Sarah G), whsmn Mason-Ehrman & Co, res 421 S Grape
Frye Ada, cook, rms 219 N Grape
Frye Charles R (Mary C), tmstr, res 803 N Riverside av
Fryrear Robert (Ida), eng Hotel Medford, res 214 Vancouver av
Funke Henry J, pressman Medford Ptg Co, rms 315 N Holly
Fuselman John E (Jeanette E), salsn F K Deuel & Co, res 613 Catherine
Fuson Thomas J (Anna), repeaterman Pacific Tel & Telg Co, res 235 S Central av

Gachter John, res 332 Alice
GADDIS EARL C (Katherine) (Gaddis & Dixon), res 821 N Riverside Av, Tel 345
GADDIS DIXON (Earl C Gaddis, H G Volney Dixon), Distributors for Southern Oregon and Northern California for Page Woven Wire Fence, 134 N Riverside Av, Tel 268 (See Right Top Lines and adv)
Gage Mildred O, clk J C Mann, bds 604 Plum
Gage Nellie A (wid Oliver C), dressmkr, res 604 Plum
Gage Norma J, clk W L Judkins, bds 604 Plum
Gagnon Joseph T (Emma), res 341 S Oakdale av
Gallop Homer, clerk, bds 401 E 5th
Gannaway Robert, bds 232 S Grape
Gannaway Wm C (Anna M), farmer, res 232 S Grape
Gappae Paul L, clk J C Mann, rms 7-217 S Riverside av
Gardner Laura G (wid I Wilfred), dressmaker, res 721 Bennett av
Gardner Myrtle (wid Walter), waiter Nash Grill, res 206 Cottage
Gardner Samuel T (Margaret S), eng, res 122 N Ivy
Garnett Ben (Elizabeth L) (Garnett-Corey Hardware Co), res 211 N Oleson
Garnett-Corey Building, W Main sw cor Grape
GARNETT-COREY HARDWARE CO, Henry C Garnett Pres-Mngr, Clarence H Corey Vice-Pres, W Main sw cor Grape Tel 52
Garnett Henry O (Lida T), pres-mngr Garnett-Corey Hardware Co, res 223 N Central av
Garnett John H, bds 223 N Central av
Garrett Geary E, student, bds 426 S Oakdale av
Garrett George C (Frances M), res 426 S Oakdale av
Garrett Guy W, lab, bds 306 S Fir
Garrett Otis M, lab, bds 306 S Fir
Garrett Vernon G, student, bds 426 S Oakdale av
Garrett Wm, frmn St Cleaning Dept, res 306 S Fir
Garrettson Albert R (Ella M), millman, res 43 N Grape
Garrettson Alfretta M, bds 43 N Grape
Garnettson Florence E, clk, bds 43 N Grape
GATES C E (Leah A), Automobiles and Supplies Sparta Bldg Main Av, Tel 141, res 31 Geneva Av, Tel 152 (See Right Top Lines and p 2)
Gates E Marie, student, bds 31 Geneva av
Gates George E, student, bds 31 Geneva av
Gates George Y (Hattie), painter, res 234 E 9th
Gattwinkel Frank O (Helen M), flagman SP Co, res 229 S Front
Gault Chester, lab, bds 343 Apple
Gault Henry M, lab, bds 343 Apple
Gault Merle E (Laura A), grocer 1002 Court, res same
Gault Milton M (Mary), mach Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 343 Apple
Gaunyaw Ella J, stengr 4 Palm blk, res 228 S Holly
Gaunyaw Emma O, bds 228 S Holly
Gaunyaw Ray E (Gaunyaw & Bostwick), bds 222 S Holly
Gaunyaw & Bostwick (Ray E Gaunyaw, J E Bostwick), proprs Union Stables 112 S Riverside av
Gay Charles B (Cora), res 17 S Newtown
Geer Cool J (Bertha A), farmer, res Eagle Point rd
Gerdes Frank M (Madeline M), clk C L Schieffelin, res 123 Vancouver
Gere Fred E (Myrtle E), res 311 N Bartlett
Gere Myrtle E Mrs, clk M M Dept Store, res 311 N Bartlett
Gerig Frank, student, bds Medford Hotel
Gerig Mildred L, student U of O (Eugene), bds Medford Hotel
Gerig Wm (Fannie C), vice-pres-gen-mngr Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Medford Hotel
Gerking Jonathan O, photgr 228 E Main, res same
GETCHELL DELROY (Alice M), Pres Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, res 308 S Oakdale Av, Tel 829-R
Gibbs James B (Mary E), cook Mrs M E Gibbs, res 6-223 W Main
Gibbs Mary E Mrs, restaurant 9 N Fir, res 6-223 W Main
Gifford Thomas J, musician, bds Mrs S I Baker
Gilbert Chris J (Heinz & Gilbert), rms 220 S Grape
Gilbert Van R (Bessie I) (Medford Fish & Poultry Market) res 339 N Front
Gilkey Nancy G (wid Wm), bds 719 Welch
Gill Joseph C (Anna), farmer, res 1031 Narregan
Gill Walter, bds 1031 Narregan
Gillaspy Bertha M Mrs, res Benson add
Gillaspy Frank C, lab, bds Jasper Gillaspy
Gillaspy Jasper (Frances), res Highland Park
Gillette Ida A (wid Dyer B), res 808 Dakota av
Gillette Willis P, orchardist, bds 808 Dakota av
Gim Chung, Chinese doctor 241 S Front, res same
Gitson Guy L, lab J L Helms
Glascock H Cleaver (Nora M), benchman Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory, res 256 Beatty
Glasgow Carl W, bkpr Medford Natl Bank, bds 504 S Oakdale av
Glasgow Wm W (W Etta), farmer, res 504 S Oakdale av
Glasnap Charles (Isabel), waiter US Cafe, res 234 E 9th
Gleason Bertran C (Louise B), farmer, res 406 W 2nd
GLIDDEN FRANK A (Anna), Vice-Pres Medford Concrete Construction Co, res 416 W King
Glover Merle B (Lillie G), farmer, res W 2nd sw cor Sunset av
Goble Carrie E (wid Captain G), res 321 Apple
Goble Judson G (Bessie M), oculist 333 E 6th, res same
Godlove Lenore J, stengr Medford Merchants Assn, bds 345 N Bartlett
Godlove Sherman C (Laura B), carrier RFD 345 N Bartlett ,
Gold Ray Granite Co, Charles R Ray pres, 104 W 6th
Gold Ray Realty Co, C R Ray pres-gen mngr, 104 W 6th
Goodale Frank W, student, bds 916 W 10th
Goodale Henry W (Randilla A), res 916 W 10th
Goodale Milo, bkpr, bds 916 W 10th
Goodell Kezziah C (wid Lyman G), bds 420 S Laurel
Goodhue Frank B (Mary J), bldg contr, res 923 W Main
Goodman Albert E (Edith P), employment agt 34 Jackson Co Bank bldg, res 435 N Bartlett
Goodman O Harry (Madeleine), lab, res 511 N Fir
GOODRICH JOHN B, Salesman The Toggery, bds 315 N Holly, Tel 210-J
Goodwyn John, frmn Nash Livery
Goodwyn Paul G, brtndr O M Selsby, bds 520 N Grape
Goodwyn Thomas J, bds 534 S Hamilton
Goodwyn Violet E Mrs, bds 234 W 5th
Goold George G (Clara M), fruit grower, res 3 blks s city limits
Gorden Clara L, bds 709 N Riverside av
Gorden Margaret (wid Uriah), bds 709 N Riverside av
Gorden Robert E, mngr Page Theatre, res 709 N Riverside av
Gore Edna H, student, bds 346 S Holly
Gore Edward E (Hattie W), sec-treas Warner Wortman & Gore, res 116 Geneva av
Gore Hattie W Mrs, music tchr, res 116 Geneva av
Gore Mary A, tchr, bds 346 S Holly
Gore Walter S (Martha J), fruit grower, res 346 S Holly
Gore Wm H, pres The Medford Natl Bank, res Jacksonville rd
Gottlieb Chris, orchardist, bds 26 S Newtown
Gould Cordelia E Mrs, dressmkr, res 1028 Court
Gould E Alma, tchr, bds 1028 Court
Gould Julia A (wid George), bds 804 W Jackson
Gould Mabel L, student, bds 1028 Court
Gould Pearl L, tchr, bds 1028 Court
Gould Wm P (Cordelia B), lab Hillcrest Orchard, res 1028 Court
GRAHAM SAMUEL B (Harriett W) (Graham & Wakeman), res 103 S Oakdale Av, Tel 358-J
Graham Wm P (Catherine M), chef Hotel Medford, res 728 Welch
GRAHAM & WAKEMAN (Samuel B Graham, Louis B Wakeman), Surety Bonds, Liability and Fire Insurance 401 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel 893
Gramilos Forest, hlpr C D Campbell '
Grant Carrie L (wid Samuel), res 528 E Main
Grant Henry D, res 712 W 2nd
Grant Margaret, bds 712 W 2nd
Grant Winnifred Mrs, stengr, bds 703 Sherman
Grantham John W (Miller J), carp, res Capitol Hill
Grantham Miller J Mrs, dressmkr, res Capitol Hill
Gravatte Elizabeth K (wid John J), bds 31 N Orange
Graves Florence B, music tchr, bds 304 S Ivy
Graves Lydia L (wid Byron D), res 304 S Ivy
Gray Edwin A (Emily L), fruit grower, res Orchard Home Tract
Gray Ethel M, bds 507 W Palm
Gray Flora A, music tchr 144 S Central av, bds 116 Geneva av
Gray Frederick W, res 507 W Palm
Gray Henry A Jr (Jett M), fruit grower, res Orchard Home Tract
Gray Le Roy E, art student, bds 507 W Palm
Gray Lettie L, student, bds E A Gray
Gray Margaret E Mrs, res 115 S Mistletoe
Gray May M, bds 842 Taylor
Gray Merle C, news agt, bds 507 W Palm
Gray T A Lincoln, res 106 S Elm
Greb Elsie C, trimmer Rundlett Sisters, bds 527 Austin
Gregg James R W (Della E), mach Whiteman Motor Appliance Co, res 106 Almond
Gregory Basil W (Mamie M), clk T E Daniels, res 717 E Jackson
Gregory E Josephine, cashr F K Deuel & Co, bds 923 S Central av
Gregory James F (Louisa E), res 923 S Central av
GRESSLEY J MARSH (Freida S) (Medford Business College), res 200 W Jackson, Tel 278-M
Grey Joseph O (Sylvia M), bkpr Gaddis & Dixon, res n end Riverside
Grey Joseph O Jr, student, bds J O Grey
Gribble John E (Marion), forest ranger, res 139 Kenwood av
Grierson Alexander, res Ross Lane 4 blks w limits
Grierson Isabel A, bds Alexander Grierson
Griffin Henry L (Mary B), res 113 S Coral
Griffin Verna L, bds 113 S Coral
Griffin Zoa B, bds 113 S Coral
Griffis Stanton (Dorothy), fruit grower, res 517 S Newtown
Grigsby James S (Lila A), tmstr, res 120 Genessee
Grover G Howard, tchr, bds 345 N Bartlett
Gudehus Henry E (Mary L), bldg contr, res 1014 W 10th
Guernsey Jennie Mrs, bds 312 S King
Guiberson Madge, stengr Gus Newbury, bds 140 N Grape
Gunther Hugo H C (Lena), carp, res 1032 W 11th
Guthrie Ethel, bds 503 S Oakdale av
Guy Fred G (Minnie A), mngr Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res 713 E Jackson
Guydo Sioli, rms 234 E 9th
Guyer Roy, meat ctr, rms 222 S Central av

Hackney Lorrie C, bds 1104 N Central av
Hackney Mary A (wid Wm H), res 1104 N Central av
Haertle Andrew P, lab, bds 219 W Clark
Haertle John (Ethel), lab, res 219 W Clark
Hafer Edgar S (Anna), timberlands, res 426 W 6th
Hagen Alfred P (Leona O), bookbinder Medford Ptg Co, res 222 S Holly
Hagerty Arthur E, bds 31-217 S Riverside av
Hagerty George D, miner, res 31-217 S Riverside av
Haight Florence H Mrs, music tchr, res 116 S Laurel
Haight Fred A (Florence H), music tchr, res 116 S Laurel
Hale Dexter C (Mollie) (Hale & Lyon), res Anderson Creek
Hale Emma A Mrs, treas Hale's Piano House, res 305 S Oakdale av
Hale Joseph F (Emma A), pres-gen mngr Hale's Piano House, res 305 S Oakdale av
HALE'S PIANO HOUSE, J F Hale Pres-Gen Mngr, Edward Soutter Vice-Pres, E A Hale Treas, O P Helms Sec, Pianos and Player Pianos, Talking Machines, Musical Merchandise 217 W Main, Tel 520
Hale Robert F, carp, res 322 S Central av
Hale & Lyon (D C Hale, N B Lyon), pool 31 S Front
Hall Albert A (Sarah E), gardener, res w end Palm 3 blks w limits
Hall Code, painter, bds 508 W Palm
HALL COURT (Mabel C) (Brown & Hall, Hall Taxi Co), res 315 S Central Av, Tel 136-R
Hall Elmer R, bds A A Hall
Hall George W (Mercy E), res 508 W Palm
Hall Mabel D Mrs (Western China Co), res Griffin Creek
Hall Myrtle R, bds A A Hall
Hall Oran R, bds A A Hall
Hall Seely V, mach Crater Lake Motor Car Co, bds 315 S Central av
HALL TAXI CO (Court Hall), Office Nash Hotel, Tel 100, Garage Crater Lake Motor Car Co 16-18 S Fir, Tel 346 (See Back Cover and p 44)
Hall Wm B, lab, bds 508 W Palm
Hall Wm M (Lettie J), wood 1034 W 9th, res same
HALL & RICKLEY (Mabel D Hall, Elsie E Rickley), Proprs Western China Co 130 W 6th, Telephone Connection (See adv at name Western China Co)
Halladay Adelbert M (Electa B), res 513 W Palm
Halley Angie, student, bds 521 W 11th
Halley Paschal J (Sylvia E), painter, res 521 W 11th
Halley Robert H (Addie), propr Palace Rooming House, res 30 S Central av
Halley Wm L (Effie M), ins agt, res 28 N Oakdale av
Halloway Katherine, clk H N Moe & Co, bds 710 E Main
Hamill Philip W, fruit grower, res Jacksonville--Phoenix rd
Hamilton Anne M, bds 19 Ross ct
Hamilton Cyrus T (Ida R), carp, res 838 W Palm
Hamilton Ernest C, supt Rogue River Valley Canal Co Ranch, res Agate sta
Hamilton Isaiah L (Enola G), res 616 S Central av
Hamilton John W, rms 45 N Bartlett
Hamilton Natalie M, bds 19 Ross ct
Hamilton Venita G, bds 616 S Central av
Hamilton Wm B Rev (Jane S), rector St Marks Episcopal Church, res 19 Ross ct
Hamlin Ada, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital
Hamlin Bessie, bds 1 n 603 N Fir
Hamlin Chub A, meats 216 S Laurel, res same
Hamlin George W, well digger, res 1 n 603 N Fir
Hamlin Jennie Mrs, dressmkr, bds 344 N Bartlett
Hamlin Sylvester, farmer, bds 522 S Newtown
Hamlin Wm H (Lavina A), farmer, res 522 S Newtown
Hammond Alvah B (Julia), brtndr, res 2W Iight
Hammond Frank B (Pearl B), tmstr, res 221 Knight
Hammond Marie, bds W S Hammond
Hammond Robert B (Sarah V), acct Home Tel & Telg Co, res 417 Woodstock
Hammond Vera M, student, bds W S Hammond
Hammond Wm S, ins agt, res Stewart sw cor Peach
Hampton Oliver (Lulu), mach L J Davies, res 317 S Orange
Hanby Andrew J (M Lauretta), prin Jackson School, res 726 Welch
Hance Amanda B (wid Edward B), res 526 W 10th
Hance H Richard, cashr Rogue River Valley Canal Co, bds 526 W 10th
Handicraft Shop Co The (Hazel S Herring), art goods 15 N Central
Handy Wm L (Catherine I) (Drew & Handy), res 855 W 2nd
Haney Birdie R Mrs, seamstress, res 315 N Holly
Haney Burton E (Birdie R), grading contr, res 315 N Holly
Hanners John W (Dora A), trav salsn, res 1028 E 11th
Hanscom Horace A (Carrie E), wood, res 526 W Palm
Hansen Anne S, tchr Lincoln School, bds 819 N Central av
Hansen Carl F (Laura), carp, res Siskiyou Hts
Hansen Charles N (Katherine) (Hansen & McClanahan), res 819 N Central av
Hansen Jane C, clk F K Deuel & Co, bds 819 N Central av
Hansen & McClanahan (Charles N Hansen, Robert McClanahan) blksmths 32 S Fir
Hanson Charles L (Blanche T), County sealer of weights and measures, res 53 Rose av
Harben Nelle B (wid Bartlett L), bkpr C L Schieffelin, res 322 N Central av
Harding Amy H, tchr Lincoln School, bds 611 N Bartlett
Harding James (Louisa), res 611 N Bartlett
Hargrave H Percival (F Maude), physician 134 W Main, res 23 N Orange
Harmon Arra, bds Mrs P W Harmon
Harmon Loren M (Hazel), mngr E D Weston, res 208 E Main
Harmon M Etta, bds P W Harmon
Harmon Phoebe W (wid Charles T), res Capitol hill
Harrell Wm A (Donna) (Harrell & Martin), res Jacksonville
Harrell & Martin (W A Harrell, Joseph Martin), billiards 127 W Main
HARRINGTON HAL F (Ossie) (Rogue River House Cleaning Service),res 915 S Orange
Harris Charity H (wid Tellious), bds H L Walther
Harris Joseph N (Fannie S), carp California-Oregon Power Co, res 503 W Clark
Harris Otto, hostler, rms 445 S Front
Harrison Charles W, salsn, bds 707 W 11th
Harrison James T (Mary M), salsn, res 707 W 11th
Harrison J Herman, clk Post Office, bds 707 W 11th
Harrison M Esther, tchr, bds 707 W 11th
Harrison Robert H, surveyor, rms 51 N Oakdale av
Harrison Robert M, mining, res 325 S Ivy
Hart Addie (wid Charles H), furn rms, res 227 E 6th
Hart Earl, student, bds 227 E 6th
Hart Edward C, restaurant 22 N Front, bds 227 E 6th
Hart Rex W, brtndr Hotel Medford, bds 1005 W Main
Hart Robert H (Rosa), mining, bds 227 E 6th
HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX AND SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES, At The Toggery "of Course," 129 E Main, Tel 99 (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
Hartley John (Lillie), painter, res 634 Pennsylvania av
Hartley Weldon W (Anna), carp, res 411 S King
Harvey H Homer (Lillian E), carrier Post Office, res 106 S Lincoln
Haskins Building, 216 E Main
HASKINS DRUG STORE, Leon B Haskins Propr, 214 E Main, Tel 203-J
Haskins Frances R, tchr Lincoln School, bds 229 N Bartlett
Haskins Helen L (wid George H), res 229 N Bartlett
Haskins Leon B (Gertrude O), propr Haskins Drug Store, res 113
Geneva av
Haswell Addie P (wid Charles W), res 609 S Oakdale av
Haswell Henry T, salsn, bds 609 S Oakdale av
Haswell Mary A, bkpr Medford Warehouse Co, bds 609 S Oakdale av
Hatch Helen M, tchr, bds 18 Summit av
Hatch Spencer W (Maggie J), lab, res 246 Beatty
Hathaway Thomas H E, real est 217 W Main, rms 3-223 same
Hausmann Carl, upholsterer, bds 225 Talent
Hausmann Minnie, res 225 Talent
Haven John N (Lena E), frmn Home Tel & Telg Co, res Oakdale Park add
Hawk Hazel, student, bds 701 W 11th
Hawk Russell S, carp, bds 701 W 11th
Hawk Simon M (Malinda J), bldg contr, res 701 W 11th
Haws Lawrence E (Viola), farmer, res 25-217 S Riverside av
Hayes F E Mrs, hairdresser The Marinello Hair Shop, rms 121 N Grape
Hays Charles, porter W M Kennedy, bds 103 E Jackson
Hazelrigg Arthur F (Daisy L), bkpr J C Mann, res 107 Roosevelt av
Hazelrigg Daisy L Mrs, bkpr, res 107 Roosevelt av
Hazelrigg Florence M, vocalist, bds 43 N Peach
Hazelrigg H Clyde (Sue), clk Post Office, res 819 Minnesota
Hazelrigg Mary E (wid Angus C), bds 43 N Peach
Hazelton Frank H (Lillian A), City Plumbing Inspector City Hall, res 1140 W 9th
Hazle Douglas W (Martha A), carp, res 314 S Evergreen
Hazle W Dale, carp, bds 314 S Evergreen
Heard Charles C (Trena B), farmer, res es S Riverside av at s city limits
Heath Lizzie (wid Arthur), res Capitol Hill
Heath Nellie, mangler Medford Domestic Lndy Co, bds Mrs Lizzie Heath
Heckert John, driver Davidson & Butterfield, res 1028 W 11th
HEDGES ALVIN R (Louise E), Mechano-Therapist, Chiropractor, Spondylotherapist, Room 5-308 E Main over Deuel & Co, Tel 170 (See adv)
HEDGES LOUISE E MRS, Mechano-Therapist, Chiropractor, Spondylotherapist, room 5-308 E Main over Deuel & Co, Tel 170 (See adv)
Heffner W Arthur, lab, bds 117 Oleson
Hefler Ernest W (Katherine E), farmer, res 243 N Ivy
Heft Elizabeth, maid 1114 S Oakdale av
Heilbronner Carl W (Blanche L), salsn J C Mann, res 20 S Orange
Heinz Albert E (Heinz & Gilbert), bds 1136 W 10th
Heinz & Gilbert (A E Heinz, C J Gilbert), bakers 135 W Main
Heise Wilhelmine, nurse, bds 622 S Central av
Heisel Leo L (Winnye G), stengr Neff & Mealey, res 806 E Jackson
Helmns Phronia, student, bds 244 S Central av
Helms Addison M (Mary I), fruit grower, res 204 S Central av
Helms Georgie [sic] Mrs, smstrs Pantorium Dye Wks Co, res 515 S Central
Helms Harry H (Georgia), brtndr Wm O'Hara, res 515 S Central av
Helms Jesse L (Lou A), vet surg 111 N Fir, res 129 N Grape
Helms Oliver P (Leni M), sec Hale's Piano House, res 8 S Laurel
Helwig Harold G (Wilhemina), dept mngr Medford Furn & Hdwe Co, res 516 S Central av
Hemstreet Benjamin F (Mary C), farmer, res Central Point rd ¾ m n limits
Hemstreet John A (Anetta), berry grower, res Central Point rd ½ m n limits
Henderson Edward D, porter J T Summerville, rms 243 N Holly
Henderson John A (Eleanor M), carp, res 31 S Orange
Henderson J Charles, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 31 S Orange
Hendrick George H (Emily J), res 310 Knight
Hendrick John, painter, bds 634 Pennsylvania av
Hendrickson J Dee (Harriet M), farmer, res es S Riverside av 2 blks s limits
Hendrickson Vance K (Nancy), farmer, res es S Riverside av ¼ m se limits
Henlein Otto C, elec 318 E Main, bds 316 N Central av
Henry Charles W, blksmth Caskey & Higinbotham, bds 113 W Main
Henry Grace H, stengr A E Reames, res 145 S Ivy
Henry Sarah, maid 140 N Front
Henselman Edward G, meter eng Cal-Oregon Power Co, bds 48 Rose av
Henselman George B, student, bds 48 Rose av
Henselman John H, colr, res 48 Rose av
Henson Riley D (Dora B), carp, res 137 Tripp
Herbert George (Margaret A), mngr Colonial Flats, res 217 S Riverside av
Herbert S Melanie, res 1013 S Oakdale av
Herman Bros (C H and M M), harnessmkrs 317 E Main
Herman Charles H (Herman Bros), bds 407 N Oakdale av
Herman Michael M (Myrtle C) (Herman Bros), res 407 N Oakdale av
Hermanson Alfred E, driver L B Brown, bds 244 S Central av
Hermon Mary A (wid Wm A), bds 423 S Newtown
Herriford J Thomas (Leutisha) lab res rear 413 S Central av
Herriford Minerva, bds rear 413 S Central av
Herring Hazel S (The Handicraft Shop Co), res 4-10 N Quince
Heskett Charles L (Emma V), frmn Medford Domestic Lndy Co, res 1024 E 11th
Hess Dora R (wid Albert R), res 723 N Oak
Hess Mary O, stengr Bullock Mercantile Agency, bds 723 N Oak
Hess Walter J, student, bds 723 N Oak
Hibbard Josiah G (Bertha), clk Ulrich & Ryan, res 319 S Laurel
Hibdon H, bell boy Hotel Medford, rms Hotel Moore
Hickmon Rosa L, bds 627 N Central av
Hickmon Thomas P (Mary Z), res 627 N Central av
Hickok Charles T (M Myrtle), tmstr, res 1219 W 10th
Hicks Elmer A (Ann E), pres-mngr The Oregon Granite Co, res 310 N Bartlett
Higgins Stephen A D, bds 117 N Central av
High School, Charles R Bowman prin, N Bartlett se cor E 5th
Highland Park, adjoins city on southwest
Highland Park Station, sw city limits
Higinbotham Charles T (Caskey & Higinbotham), bds 502 S Fir
Higinbotham Jacob E, bds 502 S Fir
HILDEBRAND ALBERT N (Nora E), Sec Medford Sash & Door Co Inc, res 919 Reddy Av, Tel 148-M
Hill Dillon R (Cora E), fruit grower, res es Kings Highway 1 s Stewart
Hill John L (Jeanie B), physician, res 719 W 11th
Hill John Y (Esther), bldg contr, res 435 N Central av
Hill Sarah R (wid Sterling), bds 310 W Main
Hill Seldon D, bds D R Hill
Hillcrest Orchards, R H Parsons propr, Roxy Ann rd 2½ m e PO
HILLS FORD W, Pres Valley Motor & Tractor Co, bds 525 W 10th, Tel 126-J
HILLS WATSON J (Kate), Sec-Treas Valley Motor & Tractor Co, res 525 W 10th, Tel 126-J
Hines Eli I (Addie L), tmstr, res 907 S Central av
Hines Jessie L, bds 907 S Central av
Hines Myrtle M, student, bds 907 S Central av
Hinman Gladys J, student, bds 602 Catherine
Hinman Laurin E, dep City Elec Insp, bds 602 Catherine
Hinman Lee E (Anna E), warehouseman SP Co, res 602 Catherine
Hinrichs Minnie, bkpr B & C Cash Store, bds 435 N Holly
Hinton Wm, police, bds 401 E 5th
Hittson Carmen E, student, bds 1122 E Main
HITTSON JESSE F (Laura B), Chief of Police, Tel 854, res 1122 E Main, Tel 719
Hitzler Anna, student, bds 338 W Holly
Hitzler Cornelius (Maria), carp, res 602 W 2nd
Hitzler Edwin S (Ruby L), gardener, res 338 W Holly
Hobbs Bertsel L (Helen E), clk, res 135 Almond
Hockenyos Eva (wid John), res 730 W 11th
Hockersmith Charles L, lab, bds 614 S Central av
Hockersmith Ivan H, lab, bds 614 S Central av
Hockersmith John H, bds 614 S Central av
Hodgson Harry (A Mae), tmstr, res 415 S Plum
Hodgson Ira (Annie M), res 503 S Hamilton
Hoefft Christina, maid G W McCoy
Hoffman Graham D, agt The Cudahy Packing Co, res 39 N Peach
Hoffman Wm H, sheet metal wkr Medford Sheet Metal Wks
Hogan Eulalia, student, bds Michael Hogan
Hogan Genevieve, bds Michael Hogan
Hogan Michael, fruit grower, res Orchard Home Tract
Hogan Olive, student, bds Michael Hogan
Hogan Patricia, student, bds Michael Hogan
Hogan Viola, student, bds Michael Hogan
HOGSETT E C (Georgia), Pres Jackson County Abstract Co, res 912 N Central Av, Tel 429-J
Hogsett Henry V L, bds 912 N Central av
Holbrook Leland J (Ethel I), res 121 Roosevelt av
Holland Building Co, J A Westerlund pres, Medford Natl Bank bldg
Hollenbeak Martha (wid George A), res 333 Knight
Hollis Frank W (Frankie B), pres Medford Furn & Hdwe Co Inc res 153 N Oakdale av
Hollywood Orchards, A C Allen propr, Jacksonville rd 1 m w limits
Holmberg Sophia A, bds 916 E Main
Holmberg Wilhelmina D (wid Charles P), bds 916 E Main
Holmer Hans J (Minnie E) (Medford Implement Co), res 727 S Central av
Holmes George B, orchardist, bds 603 S Riverside av
Holmes Joseph T, orchardist, bds 603 S Riverside av
Holmes Noah G (Maude M) (Holmes & Jensen; Young & Holmes), res 123 S Holly
Holmes Robert A (Maude A), ins agt Jackson County Bank bldg res 30 Rose av
Holmes R Cole, clk R A Holmes, bds 30 Rose av
HOLMES WM M (Emily A) (Rogue River Land Co), Real Estate and Loans, PO Box 336, res 603 S Riverside Av (See Bottom Edge and p 6)
Holmes W Edward, orchardist, bds 603 S Riverside av
Holmes & Jensen (N G Holmes, Jens Jensen), cigars 111 W Main
Home Telephone & Telegraph Co of Southern Oregon The, A J Vance mngr, 218 W 6th
HONEY JOHN A (Birdella), General Agent Northwestern National Life Insurance Co 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 2 Miles sw town Phoenix-Jacksonville Road, Tel 539-R (See Front Cover, adv and Classified Insurance Cos--Life)
Hooker Jane (wid Alfred H), res 202 Knight
Hooker J Delbert (S Elizabeth), lab, res 622 W 2nd
Hooker J Leonard (Olive L), carp, res 536 N Front
Hooker Wm A (Jessie B), frmn Rogue River Co-Operative Fruit Growers Assn, res 405 N Grape
Hooker Wm C, mach, bds 536 N Front
Hoon Charles D (Emma J), real est 12 Jackson County Bank bldg res 30 Keene Way .
Hoover Alma M (wid Eugene), res Central Point rd ⅛ m n limits
Hoover Charles C (Elsie), salsn, res Central Point rd 2½ blks n limits
HOPKINS J F (Latta & Hopkins), res Central Point, Tel 241 Central Point
Horn W F, rms Hotel Nash
Horton Cora M, maid 35 Geneva av
Horton Earl M, farmer, bds D A Archibald
Hotel Holland Building, N Fir sw cor W 6th
HOTEL MEDFORD, Emil Mohr Mngr, W Main nw cor Ivy, Tel 764
Hotel Moore, Emil Mohr propr, 113 W Main
Hotel Moore Bar, E F Plass mngr, 8 S Fir
HOTEL NASH THE, Hotel Nash Co Proprs, S Front se cor Main, Tel 644
Hotel Nash Building, Front se cor E Main
HOTEL NASH CO THE, James D Bell Pres, John Sheridan Treas, Proprs Hotel Nash S Front se cor Main, Tel 644
Hottinger Minnie Mrs, housekpr 326 S Oakdale av
Houck Jasper J (Kathryn), res 29 S Newtown
Hough Curran A (Lodemia), res 413 W 2nd
Hough Lola F, bds 413 W 2nd
Howard Charles W (Ruby E), miner, bds 545 N Fir
Howard Curtis W, bds 321 W Jackson
Howard George W (Lottie M), clk Hutchison & Lumsden, res 213 S Front
Howard Horace D (Bernice A), sec Medford Furn & Hdwe Co Inc, res 821 E Jackson
Howard Isadora C (wid Samuel T), bds 815 S Oakdale av
Howard James S (Martha B) (J S Howard Engineering Co), res 128 N Central av
Howard Jerome, bds 815 S Oakdale av
Howard J S Engineering Co (J S Howard, C F Rhodes), civil engs 8-204 E Main 
Howard Leon O (Jessie), clk Hutchison & Lumsden, res 738 N Oak
Howard Lottie M Mrs, milliner 109 N Central av, bds 213 S Front
Howard Mary M (wid George W), res 321 W Jackson
Howard Roy L, farmer, bds W M Howard
Howard Samuel T Jr, res 815 S Oakdale av
Howard Warner W, osteopathis phys 303 Garnett-Corey bldg, res same
Howard Wm M (Jennie F), farmer, res nr s end Sunset av
Howard Willie W, student, bds 815 S Oakdale av
Howel Thomas A (Lydia M), barber 19 S Central av, res 209 Iowa
HOWELL HARRY H, Teacher Brass Instruments Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, res Central Point Road
Howell Jason, cook Wm Parrish, rms 433 S Fir
Howells Mary A Mrs, res 1112 Niantic
Howells M Katherine, student, bds 1112 Niantic
Hoxie Anna Mrs (Sanitary Cafeteria), rms 236 S Central av
Hoxie Frank O, student, bds 132 S Grape
Hoxie George R (Mary E), lab, res 132 S Grape
HOXIE M A MRS (Hoxie & Shepardson), res 236 S Central Av
Hoxie Vesta S A Mrs, clk, bds 132 S Grape
HOXIE & SHEPARDSON (Mrs M A Hoxie, Mrs L M Shepardson), Proprs Sanitary Cafeteria 20 S Central Av, Tel 875-J (See adv at Name Sanitary Cafeteria)
Hubbard Alexis (Bernice), farmer, res 1129 W 4th
Hubbard Asahel C (Rena) (Hubbard Bros), res 322 S Riverside av
HUBBARD BROS (Fort and Asahel C), Farm Implements, Vehicles, Gasoline Engines 335 E Main, Tel 231
Hubbard Charlotte A (wid Fortunatus), res 422 S Riverside av
Hubbard Earl, student, bds 440 S Riverside av
Hubbart Fort (Hubbard Bros), res 440 S Riverside av
Hubbard Roland A, student, bds 322 S Riverside av
Hubbard Scott, opr Star Theatre, rms 344 S Central av
Huckage Charles F (Ella A), lab, res 1139 W 9th
HUFFNAGLE GROVER C (Selma), Office Mngr The Bullock Mercantile Agency, res 316 Howard
Hughes Emma A (wid Henry H), res 527 Putnam av
Hull Benjamin E (Rhoda J), res 118 Columbus av
Hull Benjamin l, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 105 Tripp
Hull E Edgar (Nannie D), clk, res ns W Palm 3 [blks?] w Columbus av
Hull Harold H, student Medford Bus Coll, bds E E Hull
Hull Leonie L, bds 118 Columbus av
Hull Sarah A (wid Silas H), res Jacksonville rd 3 blks w limits
Hull Wm H (Mary E), res 105 Tripp
Hull W M, driver H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot
Hulse Caroline V (wid Fernando T), bds 712 W Palm
Humphrey Henry (Elizabeth), bds 22 Geneva av
Humphrey Mark D, bds 22 Geneva av
Humphrey Paul D, solr, bds 22 Geneva av
Humphrey Wm H (L Emma), real est 815 E Main, res 22 Geneva av
Hunt Duran L (Mary E), tmstr, res 616 Franquette av
Hunt Enid M Mrs, cashr Page Theatre, rms 249 S Riverside av
Hunt E Ray, lab, bds 616 Franquette av
Hunt George A (Enid M0, brtndr Hotel Moore Bar, res 249 S Riverside av
Hunter J Walter (Rhoda A), farmer, res 7-21 Genessee
Hunter Ray D, cook, bds 7-21 Genessee
Hunting Helen M (wid E H), bds 712 W 11th
Hurst Frank M, bds 444 N Grape
Hurst Fred W (Georgia A), brtndr, res 520 N Grape
Hurst Myrtle M, bds 444 N Grape
Hurt Joseph G (Pearl E), mngr Medford Ice & Storage Co, res Ashland
Huson Melvin W (Ina M), carp, res Sunset Park add
Huston Cora L, tel opr, bds 516 Park
Huston Hazel E, bds 516 Park
Huston Howard H, student, bds 516 Park
Hutchens Eugene A (Carrie I), mach, res 407 Beatty
Hutchison Clarence I (Mattie M) (Hutchison & Lumsden), res 106 S Orange
Hutchison Fern M, bds 106 S Orange
Hutchison Frank W, bds 106 S Orange
Hutchison & Lumsden (C I Hutchison, H U Lumsden), dry goods and grocers 213 E Main
Huth Elphie A, dressmkr, res 127 S Grape
Hutton C F, rms 30 S Central av
Hyatt Fred G (Ida S), res 402 S Newtown
Hyatt Whiting G (Maria), res 402 S Newtown

Iams George (Elizabeth), propr Diamond Rooming House, conf 130 N Front, res 127 E 6th
Imperial Rooms The, Lillie Strompf propr, 30 N Front
IOOF Building, 219 W 6th
IOOF Cemetery, ¾ m se city
IOOF Hall, 219 W 6th
Ingles H C, watch mkr, rms Hotel Nash
Ingraham Arthur L (Katherine M), agt Singer Sewing Machine Co, res 227 S Holly
Ingram John (Anna B), lab, bds 306 N Ivy
Iredale Wm J (Grace), H D McBride & Co, res 117 S Central av
Irvine John R (Ethel L), eng Medford Domestic Lndy Co, res 816 W 11th
Isaac Howell, music instructor Public Schools, res Ashland
Isaacs Edna E Mrs, chf opr Home Tel & Telg Co, res 532 Pennsylvania av
Isaacs Frank (Edna), horticulturist, res 532 Pennsylvania av
ISAACS IRENE H MRS, Teacher of Piano, res 1105 W Main, Tel 361
Isaacs L Agnes, music tchr, bds 115 N Oakdale av
Isaacs Mary A (wid George W), res 115 N Oakdale av
ISAACS WM F (Irene H) (The Toggery), res 1105 W Main, Tel 361
Isenberger Ivy B Mrs, nurse, res 535 Pennsylvania av
Isis Theatre, I L Whipple mngr, 212 E Main
It Theatre, W J Albert propr, 126 W Main

Jacks Carrie A, tchr Lincoln School, bds 310 N Bartlett
Jackson Albert E, lab, bds C L Einkops
Jackson Anna A Mrs, res 431 W 10th
JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO, E C Hogsett Pres, W C Allaway Sec-General Mngr, 45 N Fir sw cor W 6th (See Front Cover and Right Top Lines)
JACKSON COUNTY BANK, W I Vawter Pres, George R Lindley Vice-Pres, Chester W McDonald Cashier, T A Fifer Asst Cashier, 201 E Main Tel 4
Jackson County Bank Building, 10 N Central av
Jackson County Bar Assn, A E Reames pres, W P Mealey sec-treas, 8 Medford Natl Bank bldg
JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSN, Bert Anderson Pres, O C Boggs Acting Sec, T W Miles Treas, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel 105 (See opp)
Jackson County Fair Assn, J T Sullivan pres, S I Brown sec, 218 E Main
Jackson County Realty Co, H M Coss mngr, 604 W 10th
Jackson David H (Eugenia F), real est, res 906 W 4th
Jackson George A (Sarah A), gardener, res 906 E Main
Jackson Henry, farmer, res 1110 E 11th
Jackson Howard C (Martha A), tmstr St Cleaning Dept, res 407 E 14th
Jackson Mary F, student, bds 842 E Main
Jackson Minnie B, student, bds 906 W 4th
Jackson Sarah A Mrs, agt Viavi Co, res 906 E Main
Jackson School, A J Hanby prin, 630 W Jackson .
Jackson Wm B (Ida A), asst cashr The Medford Natl Bank, res 842 E Main
Jackson Wm L (Flora M), quarrymn Oregon Granite Co, res 444 N Grape
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, A L Scholl (Jacksonville) Pres, C J Dunten (Central Point) Vice-Pres, W Nikolaus (Central Point) Sec-Treas, Joseph Williams (Jacksonville) Mngr, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and adv at name) (Jacksonville)
Jacobs Christine M, cashr F W Shapleigh Hdwe Co, bds 345 S Central
Jacobs Eula, bds 125 S Central av
Jacobs Helena, bds 125 S Central av
JACOBS LEE L (Helena M), Cashier Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank, res 125 S Central Av, Tel 199-X
JACOBSON JULIUS W (Mildred M), Mngr Woods Lumber Co, 701 Park Av, Tel 845-X 
Jacque Loma, milliner Mildred Cowgill, bds 118 Geneva av
James Edwin C (Bertha), lab, res 311 S Laurel
JANES CARLTON W, Violinist and Teacher Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, res Capitol Hill
Janes Harris B (Hazel), farmer, res Capitol Hill
Janes Milton S (Martha), farmer, res Capitol Hill
Janes W Carlton (Lora A), farmer, res Capitol Hill
Jansen Florence A, bkpr Weeks & McGowan Co, bds 335 S Orange
JANSEN HENRY A (Emma), Propr Medford Cement Brick & Block Works, res 335 S Orange, Tel 620-X
Jaqua Claren B, student, bds 513 S Newtown
Jaqua Ernest W (Lillian F), frmn Medford Sash & Door Co, res 513 S Newtown
Jeffers Dowd Mme, hairdresser 30 N Central av, res 215 S Washington
Jeffrey Anna M, tchr Jackson School, res 146 N Front
Jeffrey Robert J, hlpr J A Smith, rms 128 N Grape
Jeldness Andrew (Gertrude), miner, res 21 W 10th
Jeldness Otto A (Beula), brtndr E G Brown, res 435 S Grape
Jenkins Floyd R, appr Wm Weisser, bds 214 W Jackson
Jenkins Frank E (Marie M), mach 30 N Holly, res 214 W Jackson
Jenkins Louis C, clk, bds 214 W Jackson
Jenkyn Victor, brtndr Nash Bar, rms Hotel Nash
Jennings Edward J (Florence M), mach Cal-Oregon Power Co, res 106 E 12th
Jensen Jens (Fiedler) (Holmes & Jensen), res 420 Park av
Jermsta Loring P, student, bds 52 Ross ct
Jermsta Ole P, student, bds 52 Ross ct
Jermsta Philip O (Nellie), farmer, res 52 Ross ct
Jerome Edith M Mrs, clk J C Mann, res 1405 W Main
Jerome Edson C, clk Cal-Oregon Power Co, bds 1405 W Main
Jerome F Kenneth, solr, bds 1405 W Main
Jeschke Carl (Emma), jeweler 102 W Main, res 310 Maple
Jeter Guy O (Gertrude B), lab, res 324 W 4th
Johnson Alice J, waiter Farley Johnson, bds 245 S Central av
Johnson Alice M Mrs, waiter Mrs M E Gibbs, res 616 S Peach
Johnson A Coyl (Ruby E), tmstr, res 537 Austin
Johnson Charles C (Emma R) (Garnett-Corey Hdwe Co), res 922 S Oakdale av
Johnson Clara A Mrs, mngr Farley Johnson, res 245 S Central av
Johnson Everett J, firemn, bds 26 Cottage
Johnson Farley (Clara A), restaurant 28 S Central av, res 245 same
Johnson Florence V, cashr Farley Johnson, bds 245 S Central av
Johnson George S W, res 519 N Evergreen
Johnson G Alfred, carp, res Western add
Johnson Harry C (Alice M), bldg contr, res 616 S Peach
Johnson Maud D (wid Charles G), res 26 Cottage
Johnson Olive L, student, bds 922 S Oakdale av
Johnson O Earl, lab, bds 26 Cottage
Johnson Sappho (wid James), bds 617 N Front
Johnston Albert (Nellie H), expmn, res 211 N Ivy
Johnston Albert A, res n end Central av
Johnston Arthur J (Elma), driver Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 202 Stark
Johnston Evelyn (wid Albert A), res 234 E 9th
Johnston Leon W (Minnie E), lab, res 114 Willamette av
Johnston Lucian C (Elizabeth L) carp, res 1510 W Main
Johnston M Haleemah, bds A A Johnston
Johnston Sarah, trimmer Mildred Cowgill, bds 232 S Holly
Johnston Slater, farmer, rms 713 W 10th
Jones Alysse, clk R N Foster, bds 36 N Riverside av
Jones Arthur, lab, res w end Jackson
Jones B Grace, bds K D Jones
Jones Carl, lab, bds Arthur Jones
Jones Clyde, lab, bds K D Jones
Jones E L, mining, rms Hotel Nash
Jones Isabell, maid 226 Cottage
Jones James C (Jennie), boarding, res 245 N Riverside av
Jones Jesse, lab, bds 216 Knight
Jones Joseph B (Bessie B), painter, res 2 w 219 McAndrew
Jones Kinsey D (Janna), stone mason, res n end Riverside av
Jones Lou D (wid Walter S), res 204 Roosevelt av
Jones Mabel A G, clk F K Deuel & Co, bds 826 E Main
Jones Mary M Mrs, res 842 Taylor
Jones Mina A, stengr Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, bds 825 W 12th
Jones Miner J, bds K D Jones
Jones Reedith, student, bds 108 Geneva av
Jones Robert B (Margaret A), plasterer, res rear 628 N Central av
Jones Viola A, maid H L Walther
Jones Warren A (Bessie), lab, res 216 Knight
Jones Willard C (Ivell M), glazier Medford Sash & Door Co, res 718 S Orange
Jones Wm M (Sarah), bootblk 107 W Main, res 301 E Main
Jordan Allison V (Eva D), chief clk Hotel Nash, res 101 Almond
Jordan Francis M (L Annie), harnessmkr, res 516 E Main
Jorgensen Lema, trimmer Mildred Cowgill, bds 1030 N Central av
Jorgensen Rasmus C (May), baker 42 S Central av, res 712 W Jackson
Joseph Lloyd D, student, bds 527 S Fir
Joy Frank, lab, rms 30 S Central av
Judkins Wm L (Gladys E), notions 123 W Main, res S Grape nw cor W 11th
Judson Ada M Mrs, res 319 Beatty

Kado John I, porter Nash Bar, res 319 S Ivy
Kahler Thomas P (Elizabeth J), res 23 Almond
Kanaught Charles, lab, rms 30 S Central av
Karnes Duff G, res 44 N Grape
Karnes Rooming House (Mrs Alice S Booth), 38 S Grape
Kaufman George O (Jennie S), fruit dlr, res 1020 E 11th
Keene James M (Mary), dentist 401 Medford Furn & Hdwe Co bldg, res 136 S Oakdale av 
Keith Ida M, bds Alexander Grierson
Keizur Boyd W, driver Lance & Keizur Bros, bds Mrs R A Keizur
Keizur Clarence A (Lance & Keizur Bros), bds Mrs R A Keizur
Keizur Earl E (Leona G) (Lance & Keizur Bros), res 836 N Central av
Keizur Leona G Mrs, milliner Mrs L M Howard, res 836 N Central av
Keizur Mabel E, student, bds Mrs R A Keizur
Keizur Roy M (Lena M) (Lance & Keizur Bros), res 504 Edwards av
Keizur Ruth A (wid John V), res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits
Keizur Walter A (Fena) (Lance & Keizur Bros), res 1021 Niantic
Keizur Ward C (Lance & Keizur Bros), bds Mrs R A Keizur
Keliehor Annie, bds 1019 S Oakdale av
Keliehor Annie (wid Wm), bds 1019 S Oakdale av
Keliehor Katie C, bds 1019 S Oakdale av
Kelley Minnie Mrs, student Medford Bus Coll, res Jacksonville
Kelly Edward E (Elnora C), lawyer and dist atty 209 First Natl Bank bldg, res 911 Queen Anne av
Kelly Frederick W, bds 911 Queen Anne av
Kelly James R, telg opr Medford Mail Tribune, rms 1005 W Main
Kendall Anna M (wid Reese P), bds 718 W Main
Kendall Minnie (wid Frank), laundry wkr, bds 234 E 9th
Kennedy Rosamond H, bds 9 E Jackson
Kennedy Walter M (Sadie), saloon 25 S Front, res 9 E Jackson
Kenner Oscar, pressman Medford Ptg Co, bds 315 N Holly
Kent Amy C, nurse, bds 401 E 5th
Kent Arthur, lab, bds 401 E 5th
Kent James (Jane), res 401 E 5th
Kent Mrs Jane, furn rms and boarding, res 401 E 5th
Kent J Adolphus (Ida A), tmstr Medford Concrete Construction Co, res 313 Genessee
Kent Luman B (Helen M), res 818 E Main
Kent Robert, lab, bds 401 E 5th
Kentner Herbert C (Nettie C), salsn, res 609 W 10th
Kentner Herbert C Jr, farmer, bds 609 W 10th
Kentner Ida-Lee, bds 609 W 10th
Kenworthy Ida E (wid Joseph E), res 508 S Grape
Kerr Alexander, watchman Medford Furn & Hdwe Co, res 721 S Central av
Kerr Andrew S, student, bds 721 S Central av
Kerr Anna Mrs, bds 229 Riverside av
Kerr George R, clk Behling's Good Fit Shoe Store, bds 721 S Central av
Kerr Margaret I, bds 721 S Central av
Kershaw Peter M (Tamar D), vice-pres The Oregon Granite Co, res 336 S Riverside av
Kessler Cloe E, bds 1022 W 10th
Ketten Michael A (Florence L), gas fitter, res 126 N Holly
Keystone Orchard, Wm H Watt propr, 3½ m s limits
KIDD CORSA M (Mary F), Shoes 223 E Main, Tel 313-J, res 306 N Central Av, Tel 848-R
Kidder Silas, teamster, res 326 Alice
Kimball Minnie Mrs, res 145 N Central av
Kincaid Lizzie B, res 213 S Front
Kincheloe George F (Nannie), farmer, res 637 Pine
Kincheloe Horace, farmer, bds 637 Pine
Kincheloe Lawrence, farmer, bds 637 Pine
Kincheloe Ray, farmer, bds 637 Pine
King Dalia, clk Post Office, bds 703 Sherman
King George F (E Gertrude), timber lands, res 843 E Main
King Herman G (Mary J), salsn Hale's Piano House, res 228 S Ivy
Kini Julia, student Medford Business College, bds 610 W 2nd
King Marie, student, bds 843 E Main
King Otto C (Maude M), trav salsn Medford Grocery Co, res 342 N Ivy
Kinleyside Robert A, student, bds 23 S Newtown
Kinleyside Robert C (Lida A), res 23 S Newtown
Kinney Albert E, pres M M Department Store, res Ashland
Kinyon Wallace C (Rachel H), clerk, res 430 S Fir
Kirby Brazier H (Adelade), ins agt First Natl Bank bldg, res R F D 3
Kirchgasser John P (Lena M), plumber V R Peirson, res 709 N Alder
Kirchgessner Emil (Rose J), phys 213 Garnett-Corey Bldg, res same
Kirk Charles E Rev (Mary A) (M E South), res e end E 14th
Kirk E Marvin, student, bds C E Kirk
Kirk Lola I, bds C E Kirk
Kirkpatrick Gertrude W (wid Charles S), res 724 W 11th
Kirkpatrick Mary F (wid Alfred), bds 828 Dakota av
Kirkpatrick Pearl J (S Elizabeth), janitor, bds 220 S Grape
Kittredge Frank A, resident eng Pacific Highway, rms 105 N Oakdale av
Klein Edward J (Ermine), tailor 128 E Main, res 524 N Bartlett
Klein Ermine Mrs, tailor E J Klein, res 524 N Bartlett
Klein Joseph F (Laura) (Klein & Frazell), res 8 Palm blk
Klein & Frazell (J F Klein, Daniel Frazell), tailors 8 Palm blk
Kleinhammer Fred (Nora), res 609 N Oak
Klippel Allie E, bds 228 N Holly
Klippel Elizabeth A (wid Henry), res 228 N Holly
Klippel Jacob (Andrus & Klippel), bds 228 N Holly
Klocker A T, printer Medford Ptg Co, res 207 Oleson
Klum Blaine (Florence), sign painter 44 S Central, res 328 S Holly
Klum Florence Mrs, asst E B Pickel, res 328 S Holly
Knapp Esther A, bds 1012 E Main
Knapp F Karl (Hattie I), repeaterman Pacific Tel & Telg Co, res 513 S King
Knapp Milburn (A Bell), lumber, res 1012 E Main
Knapp Rachel I B, student, bds 1012 E Main
Knight Clarence A (Cora L), real estate, res 801 E Main
Knight Laura M (wid Leonard M), bds 801 E Main
Knights of Pythias Hall, 123 E Main
Knipps Louis, res 219 S Ivy
Knox John F (Cliffie J), telg opr, res 19-217 S Riverside av
Kollenborn Ira J, clk C M Kidd, rms 249 S Riverside av
Kono K, pantryman Hotel Medford
Koontz Henry E (Barbara), groundman California-Oregon Power Co, res 534 S Fir
Koory Paul B, gas mkr Oregon Gas & Elec Co
Korinek Albie W, vice-pres Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, bds Hotel Medford
Korinek Charles J, pres Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, bds Hotel Medford
Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, C J Korinek pres, A W Korinek vice-pres, I J Dodge sec, B L Dodge treas, 5th nw cor N Fir
Kraemer Jesse, clk Hotel Medford, rms Holland Hotel
Kribs Abby R, bds 28 N Quince
Kribs Charles C (Mary) (C P Kribs & Co), res 28 N Quince
Kribs Charles P (C P Kribs & Co), res 28 N Quince
KRIBS C P & CO (Charles P and Charles C Kribs), Groceries 33 N Grape, Tel 109
Kribs Stella E, bds 28 N Quince
Kroschel Samuel A (Julia A), agt H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot, res 522 W 4th
Krutzler Paul (Wilhelmina), res 208 W Clark
KUNZMAN GEORGE J (Bernice) (Geo J Kunzman Printing Co), res 339 Knight, Tel 892-J
KUNZMAN GEO J PRINTING CO (George J Kunzman), Commercial and Job Printing, Rubber Stamps, Seals and Stencil Supplies, Let George Do It, 203 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Tel 931-J (See Left Top Lines and Classified Rubber Stamps)
Kuson John, baker, bds 227 E 6th

Lacy Andrew W (Rosa M), lab, res 1125 W 9th
Lacy Sarah B, student, bds 611 W 11th
Lagg Lucius C (Jessie R), res 612 Catherine
La Grow Wing R, bds 716 Welch
Laidley George W (Kate), timberman, res 720 W 11th
Laidley Glen W, student, bds 720 W 11th
Laird Charles A (Elsie), lab, res 1024 N Front
Laird Elsie Mrs, dressmaker, res 1024 N Front
LaMar Charles B (Gladys R), clk The Toggery, bds M B Glover
La Mar C Ray (Sadie E), clk, res 12 S Orange
La Mar Gladys R Mrs, musician, bds M B Glover
Lamb Clyde E, bds W R Lamb
Lamb Milo E, bds W R Lamb
Lamb Wm R (Mary L), farmer, res Oakdale Park Add
Lamport Edward H (Carrie M) (Medford Harness Co), res 419 W 2nd
Lance Esther (wid George W), bds 1107 E Main
Lance Floyd, student, bds 1107 E Main
Lance F Marion (Minnie E) (Lance & Keizur Bros), res 1009 E Main
Lance George W, miner, res 1107 E Main
Lance & Keizur Bros (F M Lance, C A, E E, R M, W A and W C Keizur), proprs Medford General Delivery, Central Point rd 2 blks n limits
Lancop Joseph A (Libbie E), bldg contr, res 716 W 14th
Landram Francis M (Belle), farmer, res 429 S Central av
Landram H Clay, lab, bds 429 S Central av
Landram J Porter, lab, bds 429 S Central av
Lane Anna, res Sunset Park Add
Lane James W (Sophia T), salsn B J Palmer, res 22 Almond
Lane Wm E (Mary A), furniture packer, res 219 S Holly
Langston Ralph H (Nellie M), carp, res 108 Cottage
Lansing Alec, fireman Sacred Heart Hospital
Lansing Margaret, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital
Larkin James M (Eliza J), res w end W 2nd
Larkin Lorenzo, teamster,, bds J M Larkin
Larkin M Clifford, lab, bds J M Larkin
Larsen Lilah Mrs, propr Elwood Rooms, res 313 E Main
Larson Cora B Mrs, bds 937 N Central av
LATTA H A (Lula E) (Latta & Hopkins), res 104 Geneva Av, Tel 662-R
LATTA & HOPKINS (H A Latta, J F Hopkins), Growers of High Grade True to Name Trees, Nurseries Near Central Point, Office 402 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel 869-L (See adv)
Launspach Herbert, musician Isis theater
LAWLER ORRIN H (Nancy A), Lawyer 415 Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 27 Ross Court
Lawlor John W (Grace E), auditor Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 514 S Grape
Lawrence Albert, lather, bds 244 S Central av
Lawrence Cedelia S, bds 720 Welch
Lawrence Frank T (Hattie), tmstr, res 1022 W 9th
Lawrence John F (Julia L), jeweler 126 E Main, res 525 S Riverside av
Lawrence Ruth C, student, bds 525 S Riverside av
Lawrentz Delbert J (Ethel M), clk Brown & Hall, res 302 Willamette av
Lawrentz Dora, bds Mrs Elizabeth Lawrentz
Lawrentz Elizabeth (wid August), res Jacksonville rd ¾ m w limits
Lawrentz Ethel M Mrs, bkpr Brownlee & Lindley, res 302 Willamette
Lawton Corinne Mrs, bkpr Warner, Wortman & Gore, bds 627 S Central av
Lawton Denison T (Millie R), ins 28 N Bartlett, res 310 same
Lawton Guy (Corinne), meat ctr, bds 627 S Central av
Lawton Helen E, bds 307 Apple
Lawton J West, chief Medford Fire Dept, res 307 Apple
Lawton Leon D, student, bds 310 N Bartlett
Lawton Loraine, student, bds 307 Apple
Leach Henry L (Sadie), miner, res 326 N Bartlett
LEACH H L MRS, Expert Corsetiere, Corsets Made to Individual Measurements, 326 N Bartlett, res same, Tel 563-M (See adv)
Leaders Caroline C, bds 1135 W 10th
Leaders Henry (Christina), lab, res 1135 W 10th
Leahy Mary M (wid Patrick), bds 603 S King
Lebo Charles S (Jeanette A), mngr Medford Warehouse Co, res 737 W Jackson
Lee Caroline E (wid Nathan P), bds 235 N Oakdale av
Lee Lucinda (wid Allen), bds 210 S Laurel
Lee Orville C, solicitor, rms 45 N Bartlett
Lees John R (Clara V), mech C E Gates, res 205 S Central av
Leever Fern, student, bds 212 N Bartlett
Leever Mary, student, bds 212 N Bartlett
Leonard Abraham, bds 323 S King
Leonard Maria A (wid Lewis), res 323 S King
Leonard Morris B, bds 14 Cottage
Leonard Oliver J, cementwkr, bds 323 S King
Leonard Paul M, clerk, bds 14 Cottage
Leonard Samuel L (Carrie E), res 14 Cottage
Leonard S Mark, lab, bds 14 Cottage
LeRoy Wm J, cook, rms 219 N Grape
Leslie Elmer (Nora) (Riggens & Leslie), res 243 S Holly
Leslie George M (Hallie I), telg opr SP Co, res 304 Maple
Leslie James (Mary B), elec Cal-Oregon Power Co, res 324 W Jackson
Lewis Cobern (Lizzie), bricklayer, res 723 W 4th
Lewis Edward R (Cora E), painter, res w end W 1st
Lewis Mary E (wid Merton J), res 425 Benson
Liljegran Ernest W (Ada), mining eng 104 W 6th, res 320 S Grape
Liming Charles L (Hattie E), carp, res 823 Sherman
Liming Clifford C, bds 823 Sherman
Liming Ethel E, operator Home Tel & Telg Co, bds 823 Sherman
Liming Mabel C, bds 823 Sherman
Linard Mary J, bds H L Noblit
LINCECUM VIOLET L MRS, Asst Mngr McMillan Publicity Ad-Writing Co, rms 237 N Central Av
Lincoln E Theodore (Rose M), miner, res 901 Narregan
Lincoln Ralph H (Jean L), lawyer, bkpr Crater Lake Motor Car Co, res 1106 W 10th
Lincoln School, R V Dunham prin, N Bartlett se cor Maple
Lindell Walter L, bds 13 Ashland av
Lindley Building, 215 E Main
Lindley George F (Luretta M) (Brownlee & Lindley), res 128 S Mistletoe
Lindley George R (Katherine), vice-pres Jackson County Bank, res Siskiyou Hts
Lindley Mortimer J, driver Lance & Keizur Bros, bds 128 S Mistletoe
Lindley Nolo M, student, bds G R Lindley
Lindley Robert G, student, bds G R Lindley
Lindley Roy E, bds 106 Roosevelt av
Lindley Sarah A (wid George P), res 106 Roosevelt av
Ling C Houston, bds 826 E Main
Ling E Wesley, student, bds 826 E Main
Ling Harry D, bds 826 E Main
Ling Harvey R, chainman Osgood & Brown, bds 826 E Main
Ling J Wesley (Ida M), district organizer Woodmen of the World, res 826 E Main
Linville Mabel M Mrs, ironer Medford Domestic Lndy Co, res 829 E 9th
Linville Robert E L (Mabel M), carp, res 829 E 9th
Little Adelbert D (Alabama), mngr Medford Tent & Awning Co, res 35 N Oakdale av
Little Charles H, fruit grower, res ss Stewart 3 w Peach
Little Joseph T, fruit grower, res ss Stewart 3 w Peach
Little Robert P (Rhoda L), res 823 Taylor
Litts David S, horse dlr, res 11-217 S Riverside av
Loar Rose E Mrs, propr El Blanco Rooms, res 445 S Front
LOCKWOOD ROBERT J (Dow L), Chiropractor, Nerve Specialist, Vapor Baths and Scientific Massage, Lady Assistant, 203-206 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 543, res 611 W 11th, Tel 511-R (See Left Side Lines)
LOCKWOOD MYRTLE S (wife of S A), Physician 232 E Main, Tel 814, res 45 Lindley Av, Tel 814-J2
LOCKWOOD S A (Myrtle S), Physician and Surgeon 232 E Main, Tel 814, res 45 Lindley Av, Tel 814-J2
Loder Frank F (Laura M), asst supt California-Oregon Power Co, res Central Point rd ½ m n limits
Lofftus Bertha, student Medford Business College, bds 520 S Ivy
Lofland Charles W, farmer, bds 809 W 10th
Lofland Cora M, bds 809 W 10th
Lofland Florence R, bds 809 W 10th
Lofland Harry F (Icie B), real est, res 225 S Oakland av
Lofland Harry N, farmer, bds 809 W 10th
Lofland Justus M (Matilda), res 809 W 10th
Lommasson Clarence J, carp, bds 736 S Newtown
Lommasson Nellie C, nurse, bds 736 S Newtown
Long Clarence, tmstr J T Wood, bds 1406 N Riverside av
Long J Thomas, wood, res 1406 N Riverside av
Long Laura E Mrs, res 811 N Riverside av
Long Paul A (Maxine E), res 730 N Taft
Long Thomas G, hlpr A F Reinking, bds 34 Cottage
Long Wallace A, recorder US Geological Survey, bds 213 Roosevelt av
Longwill L Franklin, miner, bds 434 N Fir
Longwill Wm F (May), res 545 N Fir
Longwill W Claude, lab, bds 545 N Fir
Loomis Almon L (Edith H), orchardist, res 1103 W 10th
Loosley Frances, student, bds 502 Maple
Lopez-Diaz Wm (Grace), res 405 Beatty
Lopez Peter, cook Hotel Medford
Lore Benjamin F, storekpr Hotel Medford, rms 115 N Oakdale av
Lorentzen Tina, maid 1006 S Oakdale av
Losey Clay L (Gladys N), farmer, res 1053 Court
Lounsbury Novie I, stengr City Recorder, res 9 S Mistletoe
Love Henry (Grace), porter Noe & Stephenson, res 301 E Main
Lovelace Maggie Mrs, dressmaker, res 1015 N Central av
Lovelace Walter A (Maggie H), bldg contr, res 1015 N Central av
Lowe Oscar E (Grace L), horsedlr, res 437 S Fir
Loy Ernest L (May), res 215 W Jackson
Lucas Elmer B (Elsie H), farmer, res 1133 W 9th
Luckeroth Wm J, cigarmkr M McGuirk, rms 103 E 11th
Luke David W, fruit grower, res 1 m sw limits
Luman Ellen (wid Preston), res 611 N Central av
Luman Wm A, butcher, bds 611 N Central av
Lumsden Harold U (Bessie) (Hutchison & Lumsden), res 610 S Holly
Lumsden Treve B, bkpr Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, bds 610 S Holly
Lumsdon John, painter, rms 207 W Main
Lundberg Edward (Maria C), res 919 W 11th
Lundberg Hugo V, student, bds 919 W 11th
Lunt Etta G Mrs, res 854 E 9th
Lupton Arthur J (Clara M), real est, res 406 Apple
Lupton Sarony, student, bds 406 Apple
Lutz Wm, lab, rms 315 N Holly
Lydiard Helen, student, bds 221 W Jackson
Lydiard Wm H, grocer 221 W Jackson, res same
Lyon James W, carp, bds 716 E Main
Lyon L Monroe (Cora E), bldg contr, res 716 E Main
Lyon Noah B (Maud) (Hale & Lyon), res 137 N Central av
Lyons John H, miner, bds 302 N Front

McAhron Jacob L, bds 411 Beatty
McAndrew Kate, bds Thomas McAndrew
McAndrew Thomas, farmer, res Eagle Point rd
McARTHUR CHARLES A (Clara), Real Estate, Insurance and Loans 3 Post Office Bldg, Tel 368, res 530 S Grape, Tel 130-R (See Right Bottom Lines)
McArthur Everett C, student, bds 530 S Grape
McArthur Frank S, clk E F Schmidt, bds 530 S Grape
McBride Hurlburt D (Metta) (H D McBride & Co), res 117 S Central av
McBride H D & Co (H D McBride, W J Iredale), conf 229 E Main
McBride Wm P, farmer, res Central Point rd ¾ m n limits
McCabe Bert R (Cora T), lawyer and city atty, 217 Gafnett-Corey bldg, res 319 Portland av
McCain Burie, clk Hotel Medford, bds 629 W Jackson
McCain Columbus E (Julia E), lab, res 629 W Jackson
McCana Charles, lab, bds 804 W Jackson
McCana Philip (Mary E), lab, res 804 W Jackson
McCana Robert A, lab, bds 804 W Jackson
McCardle Wm (Beatrice L), bldg contr, res 215 S Washington
McCarthy H H, mining, rms Hotel Nash
McClain Charles (Anna), res 1105 W 4th
McClain Charles Jr, appr Geo J Kunzman Ptg Co, bds 1105 W 4th
McClain Homer, msgr Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, bds 1105 W 4th
McClain Lucy A, bds 1105 W 4th
McClanahan Robert (Sidney A) (Hansen & McClanahan), res w end W 2nd
McClanahan R Oval, student, bds Robert McClanahan
McClish John J (Jennie I) (Estes & McClish), res 433 S Fir
McCollum Grace B Mrs, clk Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, bds 406 Beatty
McConnell Clayton B, colr and agt Oregon Journal (Portland), bds 413 W 2nd
McCormack Lincoln (Victoria A), lawyer 203 First Natl Bank bldg, res 41 Ross ct
McCoy Florence Mrs, clk J C Mann, res 43 N Grape
McCoy George W (Daisy L) (The Riteway Coffee Co), res 524 N Riverside av McCoy Isaac, shingle weaver Raleigh St James, bds 608 N Riverside av
McCoy I Bernard (Mary E), shingle weaver Raleigh St James, res 608 N Riverside av
McCracken Wm E (Nellie), tmstr, res 320 Apple
McCreight Wm G, conf 122 N Front, res same
McCrillis Martin V, bds 319 Beatty
McCullough John P (Eva), rms 115 S Mistletoe
McCurdy David A (Florence M), farmer, res 220 S Laurel
McCURDY RALPH H, Insurance--Any Kind Sparta Bldg, Tel One Two Three, bds 220 S Laurel, Tel One Two Three-J2 (See Left Top Lines and adv)
McCutcheon Alfred W (Laura D), carp, res 617 E 8th
McDonald Angus, bds 5 E 3rd
McDonald Chester W (Eva W), cashr Jackson County Bank res 823 E Main
McDonald George W (Anna D), farmer, res 245 N Oakdale av
McDonald Harold D, student, bds 308 Knight
McDonald John E Rev (Lucille M) (M E), res 308 Knight
McDonald Meldrum C (Mary J), driver H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot, res 122 Cottage
McDonald Orion (Edith), lumberman, res 5 E 3rd
McDonald Paul D, student, bds 823 E Main
McDonald Wesley B, chauffeur, bds 308 Knight
McDonald Wm W, bds 823 E Main
McDonough Martin (Etta M), res 307 E 6th
McDougall Herbert W (Carrie D), trav salsn Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, res 635 W Palm
McDougall Leila M, student, bds 635 W Palm
McGarrity Thomas, orderly Sacred Heart Hospital
McGowan Wm H (Nellie E) (Weeks & McGowan Co) res 15 S Mistletoe
McGrath Charles B, student, bds 341 W 2nd
McGrath Frank B, farmer, bds 341 W 2nd
McGrath Harry H, logger, bds 341 W 2nd
McGrath Thomas D (Eliza), res 341 W 2nd
McGraw Newton L, opr Postal Telg-Cable Co, bds 117 N Central av
McGuire Edward W (Lela), farmer, res 722 S Orange
McGuire Jay R, farmer, bds 722 S Orange
McGuirk Eugene S, student, bds 311 Oleson
McGuirk Michael (Kathryn L), cigarmkr 219 W Main, res 311 Oleson
McIntyre J Bert (Flossie), horsedlr, res 107 Oleson
McIntyre Nellie M, opr Pacific Tel & Telg Co, bds Jacksonville
McKay Ralph A, bds 221 S Central av
McKeany Edward M (Effie M), agt W Dennis & Sons Ltd, res 212 S Grape
McKee Ernest H (Alleene K), clk Hubbard Bros, res 747 W Jackson
McKeever Beulah, clk, bds Mrs E J McKeever
McKeever Emma J (wid Oliver), res Central Point rd 1 blk n limits
McKeever L Clyde, tmstr, bds Mrs E J McKeever
McKeever Roy E, bds Mrs E J McKeever .
McKeown Anna H, bds 115 S Mistletoe
McKilligan Errol S, clk J C Mann, bds 20 Ross ct
McKilligan Irene W, bds 105 S Grape
McKinney Earl L (Ruth M), brkmn, res 408 Boardman
McKinney Ruth M Mrs, seamstress, res 408 Boardman
McKissick Stuart (Frances E) (Cummings, Tee & McKissick), rms 222 S Holly
McLaughlin H Frank (Adeline), lab St Cleaning Dept, res 528 Pennsylvania av
McLeod James A, farmer, res 1 w 219 McAndrew
McMann Wm S (Lillian S), eng Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 503 S King
McManus Fred C (Mae B), waiter C D Campbell, res 204 S Grape
McManus Myrtle Mrs, maid L R Schmalhausen, res Natatorium
McMILLAN LILLIAN A, Mngr McMillan Publicity Ad-Writing Co, rms 237 N Central Av
McMILLAN PUBLICITY AD-WRITING CO, Lillian A McMillan, Mngr, 211 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 635-J (See Right Top Lines and Classified Multigraphing)
McMurtrey Clyde, miner, res 20-217 S Riverside av
McMurtrey Kate, artist, bds 20-217 S Riverside av
McNary Daniel L (Eva M), res 618 S Central av
McNeill John (Georgia A), whsmn Medford Furn & Hdwe Co, res Jacksonville rd ¼ m w limits
McNulty Edward J (Fanny A), tmstr, res 243 Beatty
McPhee Burton J, painter, res w end Mt Pitt
McPherson Joshua, bds 906 W 11th

M M Department Store, A E Kinney pres, C A Meeker vice-pres, W B Beebe sec-treas, 230 E Main
Maasdam Gradus H (Emma C), roofer, res 20 Ross ct
Maben Charles M, farmer, res Jacksonville rd ¼ m w limits
MacCullough Robert G S, student, bds 32 Rose av
MacCullough Robert W Rev (Wilhelmina T D), pastor First Baptist Church, res 32 Rose av
MacCullough Wilhelmina T D Mrs Rev (Baptist), res 32 Rose av
MacCullough W N Dawson Rev (Baptist), bds 32 Rose av
MacDaniels Everett H, dep supervisor, US Forest Service, rms 249 S Riverside av
Mackey Henry C, propr Mackey's Studio, rms 245 N Riverside av
MACKEY'S STUDIO, Henry C Mackey Propr, Photographer 204 E Main se cor Central Av
Maddox Ernest B (Annie C) (Maddox & Bonney), bds 26 Portland av
Maddox George E, student, bds 26 Portland av
Maddox & Bonney (E B Maddox, G M Bonney), proprs Portland Av Greenhouse 28 Portland av
Magrey Joshua L (Ida J), orchardist, res 821 W 10th
Mahar Daniel (Jennie), brtndr W M Kennedy, res 107 E Jackson
Maher Edward (Elizabeth), lab, res 118 S Mistletoe
Maher John L, student, bds 118 S Mistletoe
Mail Tribune, see Medford Mail Tribune
Mail Tribune Building, 25-29 N Fir
Malone Robert I (May), lab, res 515 W 11th
Maltby Byron W (Emily), farmer, res 16 S Orange
Maltby Emma, bds 16 S Orange
Maltby Mae E, stengr Jackson County Abstract Co, bds 16 S Orange
Manke Julius A, lino opr Medford Ptg Co
MANN JOHN C (Margaret L), Dry Goods, Notions and Ready to Wear Garments 14 N Central Av, Tel 486, res 27 Geneva Av, Tel 745 (See Right Top Lines)
Mann Wells, expmn, res 516 N Bartlett
Manning Charles S (Etta S) (G S Manning & Son), res 720 Welch
Manning C S & Son (C S and H D), notions 315 E Main
Manning Harry D (C S Manning & Son), bds 720 Welch
Mansfield George A (Rose), res 304 S Central av
Marcus Fred J (Mary I), lab, res 1118 W 8th
Margreiter Carl L, student, bds 228 S Ivy
MARINELLO HAIR SHOP THE, Cora E Utley Propr, Hairdressing, Manicure, Face and Body Massage 405-6-7 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 657-R (See Left Top Lines and adv)
Marion J Willis J (Jean C), phys 235 E Main, res 904 W 10th
Mark Myrtle I, student, bds 526 N Front
Mark Newton H (Mamie A), mach Powell Auto Co, res 526 N Front
Marquis Abram L (Mary K), meter reader Cal-Oregon Power Co, res 722 N Riverside av
Marser Bradford, sign painter, bds 401 E 5th
Marsh Denver A, fireman Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point
Marsh Eva C Mrs, music tchr, res 43 N Peach
Marsh Henry E (Eva C) (Marsh & Bennett), res 43 N Peach
MARSH HENRY M, Transfer, Baggage, Piano Moving and Parcel Delivery 10 N Front, Tel 878-J, res 421 Benson (See Right Side Lines)
Marsh Theodore W (Florence), sec-treas The Siskiyou Hts Co, bkpr, Medford Grocery Co, res 54 Rose av
Marsh & Bennett (H E Marsh, Louis Bennett), grocers 130 E Main
Marshall Edison T, student, bds 1113 S Oakdale av
Marshall George E (Lillie B), fruit grower, res 1113 S Oakdale av
Marshall Laura Mrs, bds Mrs Elizabeth Lawrentz
Marshall Lucile A, tchr High School, bds 1113 S Oakdale av
Marshall Verne B (Lois F), fruit grower, res ns Stewart av
Martin Albert E, bds 330 N Front
Martin Carl F (Ila I), auto mach, res 316 Knight
Martin Carleton H, student bds F E Martin
Martin Clarence E, bds 330 N Front
Martin Francis E (Norma I) bicycles 11 N Fir, res Sunset Park add
Martin Frank E, bds 806 W 10th
Martin Frank F, tmstr, bds 1502 Prune
Martin Henry H, bds 1502 Prune
Martin John (Lizzie), mach, res 330 N Front
Martin Joseph (Harrell & Martin), res Jacksonville
Martin Joseph G (Alice M), res 624 S Central av
Martin J Louis, chauffeur, bds 122 Tripp
Martin Lulu D, bds 319 Ashland av
Martin Nancy J (wid James B), res 1502 Prune
Martin Nellie D (wid James), res 704 S Oakdale av
Martin Nellie R, opr Home Tel & Telg Co, bds 330 N Front
Martindale A Virgil, bds 1132 Court
Martindale Edward L (Araminta), horse dlr, res 1132 Court
Martindale Harry E, bds 1132 Court
Martindale Herbert, horse dlr, bds 1132 Court
Martindale Susan E (wid Joseph F), bds 220 Talent
Maruyama Masuzo, steward R R Valley University Club, res 539 S Ivy
MASON EHRMAN & CO, George T Collins Mngr, Wholesale Grocers ws S Front bet 13th and 14th, Tel 49
Mason Thomas C, carp, bds 722 N Riverside av
Masonic Hall, 2nd fl Medford Natl Bank bldg
Mathes De Laskie J (Mary W), auditor Medford Natl Bank, res 141 S Holly
Matney Nana, dressmaker, res 445 N Bartlett
Matsler Columbus U (Josephine), carp, bds 1105 W 4th
Matsu George, porter Hotel Medford
Matthew Reuben A (Sallie V), fruit grower, res 13 Ashland av
Matthews Thomas A (Addie M) (T A Matthews & Son), res 516 Park
Matthews Thomas A Jr (T A Matthews & Son), bds 516 Park
Matthews T A & Son (T A and T A Jr), express 105 W Main
Maultby Wm H (Sarah), cement contr, res 441 N Grape
MAXWELL AUTOMOBILES, Powell Auto Co Agents, 123-125 S Front, Tel 21 (See Right Side Lines)
Maxwell Jesse H (B Edith), tmstr, res 703 Beatty
May Fred N (Effie), lab, res 915 Queen Anne av
May John T (Harriet B), res 311 Ashland av
Mayfield Joseph C (Carrie H), res 20 W Jackson
Meadows B Winton (Mary J), blksmth P & E Ry, res 310 Portland av
Meadows Matthew L (Lida L), carp, res 816 S Central av
Meagher Wm J Rev, asst pastor Church of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord, res 326 S Oakdale av
Mealey Helen L, bds 516 Belmont av
Mealey Wm P (Sarah M) (Neff & Mealey), res 31 Roosevelt av
Mears Catherine, music tchr, bds 319 S Orange
Mears Eliza J (wid Fred M), res 319 S Orange
Mears Fred W (Sara B), lawyer 213 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, res 738 W 14th
Mears Mabel E, sewing instructor Public Schools, bds 319 S Orange
Mecneal Amanda M (wid Daniel), res 441 N Fir
MEDFORD BOOK STORE, Davis & Miller Proprs, Books, Stationery and Periodicals 209 E Main, Tel 112
MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE, E L Moore Mngr, Business, Academic and Preparatory Courses, 31 N Grape, Tel 864-L (See Left Top Lines)
Medford Business College Block, 31 N Grape
Medford Candy Co (R R and E C Silliman), 29 N Grape
MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS, H A Jansen Propr, Manufacturers Cement Building Products, Fancy Brick and Silos S Fir ne cor 10th, Tel 416-J (See Right Bottom Lines)
Medford Cleaning & Pressing Co (H W Ward), 4 S Central
MEDFORD COMMERCIAL CLUB, C E Gates Pres, B C Sheldon Vice-Pres, F Osenbrugge Treas, F W Streets Sec, E Main nw cor Front, Tel 63
MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO, Clarence J Semon Pres-Mngr, Frank A Glidden Vice-Pres, Mnfrs of Sewer Pipe, Drain Tile, Dealers in Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock and Building Material 209 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Tel 65, Factory N Riverside Av, Tel 609 (See Right Side Lines)
MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, Gerard Taillandier Director, College Bldg, 31 N Grape nr W Main Tel 549-R (See Right Top Lines and p 5)
Medford Creamery, W L Chappell propr, 134 N Riverside av
MEDFORD DAIRY, John W Snider Propr, Jacksonville Rd 2 m w limits, PO Box 471, Tel 201-J3
MEDFORD DOMESTIC LAUNDRY CO INC, Glen Fabrick Pres, James A Slorah Treas, 421 E Main, Tel 166 (See Right Side Lines)
Medford Fair Grounds, n end Court
Medford Fire Department, J W Lawton chief, 44 N Front
Medford Fish & Poultry Market (V R Gilbert), 108 W Main
MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO INC, Frank W Hollis Pres, H F Platt Vice-Pres, Horace G Nicholson Treas, Horace D Howard Sec, 29-35-39 N Central Av, Tel 35 (See Right Top Lines)
Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Building, 29-39 N Central av
MEDFORD GARAGE, Ashcraft Bros Proprs, Agents For Chalmers and Studebaker Automobiles 104 S Bartlett, Tel 413 (See Left Top Lines)
Medford Golf and Country Club, S V Beckwith pres, H Chandler Egan sec, 3 m e of city
Medford General Delivery, Lance & Keizur Bros proprs, Central Point rd 2 blks n limits
MEDFORD GREENHOUSE, G E Pierce Propr, Florist, Cut Flowers and Decorations a Specialty, 1005 E Main, Tel 374
Medford Grocery Co, E A Welch mngr, E 10th sw cor S Front
Medford Harness Co (E H Lamport), 322 E Main
Medford Hotel, see Hotel Medford
Medford Ice & Storage Co, J G Hurt mngr, S Fir and SP Tracks nr W 12th
MEDFORD IMPLEMENT CO (Hans J Holmer, W E Cloney), Agricultural
Implements 28-36 N Bartlett, Tel 171
MEDFORD IRON WORKS (E G Trowbridge), Foundry and General Machinist 17 S Riverside Av, Tel 40, res Tel 503-J
Medford Lumber Co, J H Cooley pres mngr, C R Cooley sec, 4 W 3rd
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, Medford Printing Co Proprs, George Putnam Editor-Mngr, 25-27-29 N Fir, Tel 75 (See p 7)
MEDFORD MERCHANTS ASSN, Earl C Gaddis Pres, Charles S Butterfield Vice-Pres, John H Carkin Sec, C M Kidd Treas, 216 E Main
MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK THE, Wm H Gore Pres, J A Perry Vice-Pres, John S Orth Cashier, W B Jackson Asst Cashier, 133 E Main, Tel 175
Medford National Bank Building, N Central av nw cor E Main
MEDFORD PHARMACY, Jonas Wold Propr, 22 N Central Av, Tel 10
MEDFORD PRINTING CO, George Putnam Pres-Mngr, Printers and Publishers 25-27-29 N Fir, Tel 75 (See p 7)
MEDFORD PUBLIC LIBRARY, Elizabeth Robinson Librarian, ss W Main bet Ivy and Oakdale Av, Tel 678
Medford Public Market, City of Medford proprs, E J Runyard mngr, 35 S Riverside av
Medford Realty & Improvement Co, G M Anderson pres, E N Warner vice-pres, C S Lebo sec-treas, S Front cor W 12th
MEDFORD ROLLER MILLS, H O Nordwick Propr, S Front ne cor E 9th
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO INC, Thos Moffat Pres-Mngr, A N Hildebrand Sec, Mill Work Specialties, If It's Made of Wood We Make It, 431 S Fir, Tel 184 (See Left Top Lines and Classified, Planing Mills)
Medford Sheet Metal Works (B G Worthington), 19 N Fir
Medford Soda Works, P C Bigham propr, 106 S Bartlett
MEDFORD SUN THE, Robert W Ruhl Pres-Editor, Sumpter S Smith Sec-Mngr, 32 N Grape, Tel 415 (See Inside Back Cover)
Medford Tent & Awning Co, A D Little mngr, 106 N Front
MEDFORD VULCANIZING WORKS, C J Sutor Mngr, Vulcanizing and Rubber Work 36 S Grape Tel 434-J (See Left Side Lines)
Medford Warehouse Co, C S Lebo mngr, S Front cor W 12th
Medley Bessie Mrs, bds 211 Genessee
Medley George, farmer, rms 1110 E 11th
Medley Grover W (Bessie), lab Cal-Oregon Power Co, bds 211 Genessee
Medley Henry H, student, bds 211 Genessee
Medley Osa, bds 211 Genessee
Medley Robert, lineman Cal-Oregon Power Co, bds 211 Genessee
Medley Wm A, res 211 Genessee
Medynski Frederick V (Ella E), res 316 N Central av
Meehan Jennie R (wid John B), bds J B Meehan
Meehan John B, carp, res Sunset Park add
Meeker Clarence A (Minnie R), vice-pres M M Department Store, res 315 N Bartlett
Meeker Clyde, lab, bds 401 E 5th
Meeker Mary J (wid Julius), bds 439 N Front
Meeker Wm H (Clara J) (M M Department Store), res 311 N Bartlett
Mego L Patrick (Alice I), sergeant police, res 12 S Mistletoe
Meier Earl H (Nelle R), agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, res 408 N Ivy
Meiling Hannah (wid James C), bds 408 N Ivy
Merrell Norman J, farmer bds 315 Oleson
Merrell Emerson P, student, bds 839 E Main
Merrick Fred E (Stella J), sec-treas Natatorium and Amusement Co Inc, res 839 E Main
Merrick Ruth M, tchr High School, bds 839 E Main
Merrick Walter D, mngr Natatorium and Amusement Co Inc, bds 839 E Main
Merriman Artinecia (wid Wm H), bds 531 S Riverside av
Merriman George F (Mary E), blksmth 20 S Riverside av, res 520 S Central av
Merriman Isaac (Emma), farmer, res Central Point rd 1 m n limits
Merriman Thomas F (Nellie I), blksmth G F Merriman, res 707 Sherman
Merriman Vera V, student, bds 520 S Central av
Messler Sadie A Mrs, furn rms, res 344 S Central av
Messner E Lucile, bds 504 S Holly
Messner James, blksmth G F Merriman
Messner Wm A (Georgie), real est 8 S Central av, res 504 S Holly
Methodist Episcopal Church South, Rev Henry M Branham pastor, Main nw cor Oakdale av
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO, Frank T Burgess District Superintendent, 5 St Marks Bldg, Tel 549-J
Metz Claude H (Harriet M), clk J E Olmstead, res 410 Beatty
Metz Henry (Frances E), res 615 N Bartlett
Meyer George H, buttermkr, res Siskiyou Hts
Michler Lewis (Maude), janitor High School, res 1117 W 11th
Mickey A Guy, bds 330 S Fir
Mickey George M (Caroline D), tmstr, res 330 S Fir
Mickey Mabel C, tchr, bds 330 S Fir
Mickey Olah E, tchr, bds 330 S Fir
Middaugh J Fred (Violet L), lab, res ns W Palm 1 w Columbia av
Middleberger Carl H, farmer, bds 303 N Holly
Miers Georgia M, nurse, res 211 S Laurel
Miksche Leo J (M Anna), seeds 226 E Main, res 818 S Peach
Miksche Raymond A, clk L J Miksche, bds 818 S Peach
Miles Claude R (Blanche) (Miles & Barkdull), res 32 Geneva av
Miles Fred T (Roby), agt Wells Fargo & Co Express, res 230 S Riverside av
Miles Roby Mrs, cashr Star Theatre, res 230 S Riverside av
Miles Ruth W (wid J Webster), bds 203 N Oakdale av
MILES THADDEUS W (Jessie W), Lawyer 23 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel 80-J, res 203 N Oakdale Av, Tel 219-R
Miles & Barkdull (C R Miles, J E Barkdull), real est Hotel Medford and Hotel Nash
Millar George H (Anna M), cook Hotel Medford, res 330 Knight
Miller Albert W (May A), brtndr Hotel Medford, res 317½ W 2nd
Miller Alfred H (Dollie A) (Davis & Miller), res 109 Geneva av
Miller Frank, shingler, bds 244 S Central av
Miller Henry G (Bessie F), frmn Southern Oregon Traction Co, res 315 Ashland av
Miller Jasper N, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 342 W 10th
Miller Martha A Mrs, dressmaker, res 846 Taylor
Miller N Maude (wid Coitus), clk J C Mann, bds 314 Howard
Miller Wm (Martha A), tmstr, res 846 Taylor
Miller Wm L (Ava L), carp, res 524 W 4th
Miller Wm O, repeater man Pacific Tel & Telg Co, bds 242 N Front
Milligan Floyd (Leona), mech, res 229 N Riverside av
Mills Charles D (Mills & Cady), res 236 S Central av
Mills Thomas E (Grace M), lather, res 335 W 2nd
Mills & Cady (C D Mills, H B Cady), lapidaries 126 E Main
Milnes Edwin, miner, bds 820 Narregan
Milnes Wm D (Carrie O), miner, res 820 Narregan
Miltenberger Julia C (wid David), bds 358 S Oakdale av
Miner Edgar E (Alida), res 242 N Front
Minkler Frank L (Ida A), lab City Water Board, res 619 S Riverside
Minkler Gladys F, bds 408 E 14th
Minkler Helen H Miss, cashr Home Tel & Telg Co, res 405 N Central av
Minkler Levi J (Mary J), res 408 E 14th
Mitchell Grace E, student, bds 28 Geneva av
Mitchell J Wm (Phoebe A), wagon mkr 36 S Riverside av, res 28 Geneva av
Mitsumori S, porter Rogue River Valley University Club
MODEL CLOTHING CO INC, Fred K Deuel Pres, S T Richardson Sec-Treas, Finest of Everything for Men and Boys 234 E Main, Tel 228
Moe Henry N (Geneva) (H N Moe & Co), res 19 Rose av
MOE H N & CO (H N Moe), Exclusive Dry Goods 125 E Main, Tel 179
MOFFAT THOMAS (Lydia), Pres-Mngr Medford Sash & Door Co Inc, res 727 W Jackson, Tel 887-X
Moffet Wm A (Gertrude E), carp, res 612 S Newtown
Mohr Emil (Hedwig), mngr Hotel Medford, res 1003 W Main
Monitor Orchard Co, J A Westerlund pres, E M Andrews sec, Medford Natl Bank bldg
Montgomery Charles W (Maude), boarding, res 216 N Front
Montgomery Robert F (Maude E), lab, res rear 619 S Riverside av
Mooney Wm E (Pearl I), farmer, bds 333 Knight
Moore Albert (Caroline L), driver S O Co, res 328 N Central av
Moore Angeline (wid Andrew J), bds A E Moore
Moore A Edward (Rebecca A), farmer, res Eagle Point rd
Moore Building, 125 W Main
Moore Christopher (Edith R), gardener, res 1156 W 8th
Moore Christopher J, lab, res 1156 W 8th
MOORE E L, Mngr Medford Business College, rms 31 N Grape, Tel 864-L
Moore Lillian B, bds 1156 W 8th
Moore Mary E, tchr Washington School, rms 245 N Holly
Moore Reuben E, farmer, bds A E Moore
Moore Wm H (Sarah S), res 719 W 10th
Moose Hall 219 W Main
Mordorff George M (Mary E), clk Scott Woolf, res 25 S Orange
Mordoff May E, tchr Jackson School, bds 25 S Orange
Morey Artie M, bds 702 W Main
Morey John A, gardener, res 702 W Main
Mori Charlie, janitor Jackson County Bank bldg
Morrill Nichbod W (Eva L), bds 423 S King
Morris Carrie R, bds 713 W 11th
Morris Florence, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 520 S Ivy
Morris George H (Mae), res 513 N Oak
Morrison Daniel I, student, bds 518 S King
Morrison Edgar E (Roselma A D), fruit grower, res 324 S Orange
Morrison Elizabeth M (wid Harry E), clk Handicraft Shop Co, res 336 S Holly
Morrison John D (Rosa M B), res 518 S King
Morse Elmer H (Josephine A), carp Pacific Furn & Fixture Factory, res W 2nd nw cor Columbus av
Morser Bradford L, sign painter Blaine Klum, bds 401 E 5th
Mosher Arthur A, tilemkr, rms 30 S Central av
Mosher Johnston (Mary C), lab, res 220 Bliss
Mott Nellie Mrs, nurse, res 917 W 8th
Muir David (Viola T), bldg contr, res 1507 W Main
Mulholen Chester O, painter J H Mulholen, bds 329 W 2nd
Mulholen Edward L, miner, bds 329 W 2nd
MULHOLEN JAMES H (Elizabeth), Painting Contractor 26 S Grape, res 329 W 2nd, Tel 603-Y (See adv)
Mulholen James H Jr, painter J H Mulholen, bds 329 W 2nd
Mulkey Benjamin F (M Constance) (Mulkey & Cherry), res 40 N Quince
Mulkey & Cherry (B F Mulkey, G W Cherry), lawyers 10 Jackson County Bank bldg
Mullen Robert R, plasterer, rms 235 N Ivy
Mullenniex Charles W Rev (Dora A), pastor Church of God Mission, res 417 N Front
Mulligan James L, miner, bds 23 Roosevelt av
MULTIGRAPH SHOP THE, Lillian A McMillan Mngr, 211 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 635-J (See Right Top Lines and Classified Multigraphing)
Mundy John F (Lulu J), real est 3 Palm blk, res 27 N Orange
Mundy Walter J, real est 3 Palm blk, bds 27 N Orange
Munson Carl, carp, bds 906 E Main
Munson Eunice C, tchr High School, rms 245 N Holly
Murdock Charles F (Maude D), lab, res 806 S Orange
Murphy Ambrosine C, tchr Washington School, bds 15 Summit av
Murphy Catherine M, stengr Bullock Mercantile Agency, bds 15 Summit av
Murphy Esther A, tchr Medford Bus Coll, bds 15 Summit av
Murphy John C (Maria C), clk, res 15 Summit av
Murphy John F, clk Post Office, bds 15 Summit av
Murphy Joseph S (Betta C), barber 5 N Fir, res 23 N Peach
Murphy Lucian, painter, rms 236 S Central av
Murphy Mary L, dressmaker, bds 15 Summit av
Murphy Omer W (Emma E), auto livery, res 610 W 2nd
Murphy Orin M (Maude) (Murphy & Co), res 615 S Central av
Murphy Wm C, salsn Page-Dressler Land Co, res 15 Summit av
Murphy & Co (O M Murphy, M and E J Adams), saloon 16 N Front
Murray Charles P (Ruby T), chauffeur, res 122 Tripp
Murrey Charles H (Rose E), res 914 Murrey
Murrey Charles T, student, bds 713 S Peach
Murrey Katherine A (wid Wm E), res 713 S Peach
Murrey Maurice C (Rebecca A), res 506 Union
Muth Adam, lab, res 725 W Holly
Myer Notrie D (Orres & Myer), 206 W Main
Myer Rose, maid G W Conner
Myers Albert W (Jennie), res 416 Boardman
Myers Charles A (Emily E), farmer, res 822 S Oakdale av
Myers Elizabeth, maid 611 W 10th
Myers Emma S (wid David H), dressmaker F K Deuel & Co store, res 315 N Holly
Myers Mabel I, tchr Lincoln School, bds 819 N Central av
Myers Mary M (wid Frank), bds C H Pierce
Myers Orin V (Birdeen G), auto livery, res 1416 W Main

Nagayama K, janitor Home Tel & Telg Co
Naka Frank, waiter Rogue River Valley University Club
Nalley Annie Mrs, res 707 W Main
Narregan Eugene G, student, bds 106 W Clark
Narregan Norton L (Frances A), farmer, res 106 W Clark
Nash Bar, Hotel Nash Co proprs, es S Front nr E Main
Nash Hotel, see Hotel Nash
NASH LIVERY (Amos W Walker), 36-38 S Fir, Tel 173
Natatorium Building, N Riverside av ft E 6th
Natatorium and Amusement Co Inc, W H Brown pres, F E Merrick sec-treas, W D Merrick mngr, N Riverside av ft E 6th
NATIONAL SURETY CO, "Insurance That Insures," H S Stine Agent, 2 Stewart Bldg 235 E Main, Tel 312-R (See Left Top Lines)
Nedd Earl J (Minnie M), mngr Union Meat Co, res 628 W Palm
Neevel Frances A, tchr, bds 312 S King
Neff Mary P (wid John C), bds 624 Dakota av
Neff Porter J (Isabel) (Neff & Mealey), res 516 Belmont av
NEFF & MEALEY (Porter J Neff, Wm P Mealey), Lawyers 8-9 Medford National Bank Bldg, Tel 186
Nelson Austin H (Aleta A), salsn Mason-Ehrman & Co, res 22-217 S Riverside av
Nelson John W, bds 40 Cottage
Nelson Lind (Anna E), farmer, res 40 Cottage
NELSON O N, Life, Accident and Fire Insurance 212 First National Bank Bldg, res Jacksonville
Nelson Verne A (Clara E), lab, res 1 s 806 S Orange
Netherland Elizabeth A, bkpr, res 319 S King
NEW AMSTERDAM, "Insurance That Insures," H S Stine Agent, 2 Stewart Bldg 235 E Main, Tel 312-R (See Left Top Lines)
NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS, "Insurance That Insures," H S Stine Agent, 2 Stewart Bldg 235 E Main, Tel 312-R (See Left Top Lines)
Newbury Gus (Maude), lawyer 204 Phillips bldg, res 32 S Mistletoe
Newland Robert A (Pearl P), auxiliary carrier Post Office, res 851 E 9th
Newman Albert E (Catherine), res 421 N Central av
Newman Bert E, surveyor, bds 421 N Central av
Newman Emma J, bds 425 Benson
NEWMAN FRANK J (Alta A), Lawyer 20-22 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel 56-R, res 527 S Holly, Tel 779-J
Newport Freeman, agt Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point
Nichol Sidney M (Elizabeth), res 140 N Front
Nichols Addition, Highland Park
Nichols Alice M Mrs, bds Mrs E J McKeever
Nichols A Glenn, bds Mrs E J McKeever
Nichols George W (Eolah) (Nichols & Ashpole), res 703 E Main
Nichols Maude B, bkpr Woods Lbr Co, bds 703 E Main
Nichols & Ashpole (George W Nichols, C Wilbur Ashpole), meats 206 and 608 E Main and 213 W Main
Nicholson Charles T, bds 212 N Bartlett
Nicholson Horace G (Cassie), treas Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Inc, res 530 S Central av
Nicholson Wm E (Nellie), farmer, res 230 N Bartlett
Nicklas Charles, lather, res 1230 N Riverside av
Nicklas Frank, lather, res 1230 N Riverside av
NIEDERMEYER L, Vice-Pres Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank, res Central Point Rd
Noah Bert A (Lillian F), mach, bds 216 S Orange
Noble Margaret F (wid Goodman C), res 24 S Orange
Noblit Herbert L (Anna C), farmer, res Capitol Hill
Noblit Joseph, bds H L Noblit
Noe Clarence T (Mary G) (Noe & Stephenson), res 220 S Oakdale av
Noe Leland E, student, bds 220 S Oakdale av
Noe & Stephenson (C T Noe, R O Stephenson), barbers 113 E Main
Nordwick Arthur R, student, bds 517 W 10th
NORDWICK H O (Bertha C), Propr Medford Roller Mills, res 517 W 10th, Tel 812
Norman Grace E Mrs, milliner, bds 503 S Central av
Normile Mabel M, dressmaker, bds 720 Park
Normile Norman J, student, bds 720 Park
Normile Patrick (Nettie), res 720 Park
Norris Clyde R, lab, bds 214 Oleson
Norris Etta, opr Pacific Tel & Telg Co
Norris Irene M, photgr, bds 617 N Bartlett
Norris Thomas C (Nettie B), miner, res 214 Oleson
Norris Walter B, lab, bds 214 Oleson
Norris Wm E (Ida M), architect, res 617 N Bartlett
Norris Wm I (Theodosia), frmn West Side Feed & Sale Stables, res 531 S Holly
NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO, R H McCurdy Agent, Sparta Bldg, Tel One Two Three (See Left Top Lines and p 87)
North Sara E Mrs, bds 106 Roosevelt av
NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, John Honey General Agent, 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 704 (See Front Cover p 70 and Classified Insurance Cos--Life)
Noth Albert F (Alice W), ticket clk SP Co, res 428 N Holly
Nottage Laura, maid 843 E Main
Nunn Earl J, elec, bds W W Nunn
Nunn Edward, farmer, bds W W Nunn
Nunn Pearl, bds W W Nunn
Nunn W Wesley (Alice M), poultry raiser, res Capitol Hill
Nunnemaker George W (Aimee), fruit dealer, res 613 S Central av
Nuttall Lizzie, res Sunset Park Add
Nye Ruth T, student, bds 835 E Main
Nye Stephen A (Anna E) (Campbell & Nye), sec Rogue River Cooperative
Fruit Growers Assn, res 835 E Main
Nye Stephen G, student, bds 835 E Main
Oak Grove School, R H Powell teacher, Jacksonville rd ¾ m w limits
Oak Ralph L (Ella D), bookkeeper, bds 24 Genessee
Oakdale Park Addition, adjoins city on south
Oatman Elmer R (Segourney A), county fruit inspr, res 222 S Central av
Oatman Segourney A Mrs, furn rms, res 222 S Central av
Obenchain Caroline C (wid John A), bds 438 S Fir
Ober Bessie L, maid Hotel Medford, bds A Grierson
O'Brien Anna B, missionary, bds 417 N Front
O'Brien Annie D, stengr, bds 517 S Grape
O'Brien George T (Alison E), res 913 N Central av
O'Brien Joseph S (Barbara C), barber J S Murphy, res 520 N Grape
O'Brien Sarah C (wid John), res 517 S Grape
O'Conner John (Tessie M) , clk Post Office, res 1222 Locust
Oden Nannie, bds 615 N Riverside av
Oden Wm H (Delilah), miner, res 615 N Riverside av
Offutt Frankie L, clk F K Deuel & Co, bds 607 W 11th
Offutt Wm N, carp, bds 607 W 11th
O'Hara Wm (Julia), saloon 39 N Fir, res 227 N Oakdale av
Oliver Chester L, farmer, bds L C Oliver
Oliver Effie C, bds L C Oliver
Oliver Leonard C (Catherine E), farmer, res Ross Lane nr Jacksonville rd
Olmstead Jay E, student, bds 20 S Newtown
Olmstead John E (Hinda L), grocer 131 W Main, res 20 S Newtown
Olmstead Vera M, student, bds 20 S Newtown
OLSON ALFRED P (Nora), Marker Medford Domestic Laundry Co Inc, res 42 Rose Av, Tel 566-M
Olson Charles J, farmer, res Capitol Hill
Olson Gladys A, tchr, bds 410 S Newtown
Olson John E (Mahala A), miner, res 117 Oleson
Olson T Allen (Mary E), carp, bds 117 Oleson
Oman Edmund E (Nettie M), dist agt Oregon Life Ins Co, res 636 W 4th
O'Neil Mary E (wid P Bernard), res 1023 E Main
O'Neill Edith, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 344 S Central av
O'Neill Joseph M Rev, pastor Church of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord, res 326 S Oakdale av
Orchard Home Tract, adjoining city on southwest
OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO, Fred G Guy Mngr, Gas Stoves and Appliances, Gas Manufacturers and Distributors 211 W Main, Tel 526
OREGON GRANITE CO THE, Elmer A Hicks Pres-Mngr, P M Kershaw Vice-Pres, J A Perry Treas, Marble and Granite Monuments 103 E 6th, Tel 631-R
Oregon Life Insurance Co, Albert B Cornell dist mngr, 208 E Main
Orr Albert E (Clara A) (Weeks & McGowan Co), res 526 S Central av
Orr Almeda J, bds 1103 N Riverside av
Orr Bessie Mrs, maid Hotel Medford
Orr Edith A (wid Eugene M), bds 909 N Central av
Orr Frank L (Emily A), res 1103 N Riverside av
Orr Mary B (wid Hugh L), res 815 W Main
Orr Robert L, bds 1103 N Riverside av
Orres Louis J (Orres & Myer), res Ashland
Orres & Myer (L J Orres, N D Myer), custom tailoring 206 W Main
Orth John S (Dee R), cashr The Medford Natl Bank, res 610 S Central
Orton Lyman O, farmer, rms 604 W 10th
Osborn Fred P, mining, rms Hotel Nash
Osborn Leslie M, lino opr Medford Ptg Co
Osborne Eva J, bds 512 S Oakdale av
Osborne Harriett N (wid Solomon T), bds 1211 W Main
Osborne John (Olivia), carp, res 512 S Oakdale av
Osborne Olivia Mrs, nurse, res 512 S Oakdale av
Osenbrugge Catherine L, res 531 Pennsylvania av
OSENBRUGGE FERDINAND, Treas Medford Commercial Club 401 S Riverside Av, Tel 194
Osgood Ida M (wid George E), bds 1022 W 4th
OSGOOD TOM W (Osgood & Brown), bds 526 W 10th
OSGOOD & BROWN (T W Osgood, A Theo Brown), Civil Engineer 3rd Floor Medford National Bank Bldg (See Right Top Lines)
Otterdahl Marie (wid Benjamin), nurse, res 845 Dakota av
Ottinger Jason O (Gertrude), farmer, res 220 S Grape
Ottoman Milton (Maude L) cashr SP Freight Depot, res 44 N Orange
O'Toole Jeremiah (Delia A), res rear 213 S Central av
Overdorff John A, carp, bds 401 E 5th
Oviatt Sarah C, stemmer M McGuirk, res 117 N Central av
Owings James J (B Alice), tamales 1 n 102 W Main, res w end Humphrey
OXFORD HOTEL THE, Mrs Rose M Daley Propr, 223 W Main

PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY, E G Trowbridge Jr Propr, 113 S Holly, Tel 336-R (See Front Cover and adv opp)
Pacific Highway, F A Kittredge res eng, 300 Medford Natl Bank bldg
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co, J F Rhodes agt, 3 Post Office bldg
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, Edythe L Robinson chief opr in charge, rear 34 N Central av
PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY, L C Gilman (Portland) Pres, Wm Gerig Vice-Pres-General Mngr, John W Lawlor Auditor, Joseph J Parker Freight and Passenger Agent, 501 E Main, Tel Main 324
Page-Dressler Co Inc, F C Page pres, J W Dressler vice-pres-treas, F A Thaler sec, real est 320 E Main
Page Frederick C (Sara K), pres Page-Dressler Co Inc, bds 801 E Main
Page Helen M (wid Wm E), res 107 E 2nd
Page Theatre, R B Gorden mngr, 422 E Main
PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE, Gaddis & Dixon Distributors for Southern Oregon and Northern California 134 N Riverside Av, Tel 268 (See Right Top Lines and p 58)
PALACE OF SWEETS THE, R N Foster Propr, Confectionery, Light Lunches and Catering 217 E Main, Tel 69 (See Right Side Lines)
Palace Rooming House, R H Halley propr, 30 S Central av
Palm Block, E Main ne cor Front
Palm Charles W (Callie), res 343 S Holly
Palmer Alice I, tchr, bds 826 S Central av
Palmer Burton J (Esther C), pianos 24 S Grape, res 826 S Central av
Palmer David H, res 235 N Oakdale av
Palmer Eliza L (wid John S), bds 316 N Central av
Palmer Investment Co, W A Summer supt, Mail Tribune bldg
Palmer Marrian E, student, bds 826 S Central av
Palms The, P L Tyhurst propr, furn rms 130 W Main
Pankey Fay A, asst R J Conroy, rms 419 N Grape
Pantorium Dye Works Co (F C Elliott), 132 W Main
Park View Hotel, Young & Holmes proprs, 123 S Holly
Parker Anna J Mrs, nurse, res 215 Knight
Parker Chester T (Etta E) (Parker & Stancliffe), res 511 S Grape
Parker Clement M (Della), fruit grower, res Central Point rd ⅛ m n limits
Parker Daisy (wid Charles), res 605 W Main
Parker Eva Mrs, dressmaker, res 201 S Holly
Parker Frank N (Eva), brtndr, res 201 S Holly
Parker George J, rms 30 S Central av
Parker Joseph J (Johnnie E), frt and passenger agt Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 28 Myrtle
Parker J Roland, student, bds C M Parker
Parker Lloyd E, lab, bds 605 W Main
Parker Louise R (wid Millard F), furn rms, res 23 Roosevelt av
Parker Oscar O (Anna J), driver Medford Domestic Lndy Co, res 215 Knight
Parker Walter G (Olive J), farmer, res 608 S Newtown
Parker & Stancliffe (C T Parker, B S Stancliffe), cigars and conf 121 E Main
Parrish Wm, restaurant 32 N Front, rms 512 Hamilton
Parsons Reginald H, propr Hillcrest Orchards, res Roxy Ann rd 2½ m e PO
Patch Roy, opr Isis Theatre
Patterson Henry B (Sophia F), mngr Quaker Nurseries, res 26 S Newtown
Patterson Lillie O (wid Henry H), res 302 N Front
Patterson Stewart (Nannie), res 1009 S Oakdale av
Patton Owen J (Willie V), street commissioner, res 514 S Holly
Patton Thaddeus N, salsn Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co
Paul Caroline A, student, bds C C Paul
Paul Charles (Harriett C), res 1025 W 9th
Paul Charles C (Caroline M), fruit grower, res Orchard Home Tract
Paul Charles H, tmstr, bds 1025 W 9th
Paul Harriet M, milliner, bds 1025 W 9th
Paul Martha J (wid James W), res 313 S Grape
Paxson Ruth M, asst Medford Public Library
Payne Frank E (Minnie), tmstr, res 421 N Riverside av
Payne Frederic W (Mary E), bkpr Hotel Medford, res 812 W 4ft
Payne Mary E (wid Richard F), seamstress, bds 135 N Bartlett
Pearce Enan H (Emma), mech, res 146 N Front
Pearce Grace V, tchr Lincoln School, bds 819 N Central av
Pearson B J, res 414 N Front
Pearson Carl (Margery) (Lee Watkins & Co), res 103 E 11th
Pearson Helen M, bds 623 N Central av
Pearson Mitchell, res 623 N Central av
Pearson Ruth E, bds 623 N Central av
Peart C Wm (Elizabeth), res 321 Ashland av
Peart E Gladys, bds 321 Ashland av
Pech Emil R (Susanna), meat cutter Nichols & Ashpole, res 60 N Quince
Peebles Roy B (Edith M), whsmn Medford Grocery Co, res 601 Dakota
Peery Harvey (Dolly M), horse dealer, res 118 Oleson
Pefley Frank A (Mattie), carp, res 1112 Reddy av
Peil Emma V, asst R W Clancy, bds 533 Austin
Peil Frank A (Maggie), res 533 Austin
Peirson Van R (A Irene), plumber 28 N Grape, res 715 W Jackson
Pellett Alex, bds 304 S Holly
Pellett Harry, res 304 S Holly
Pellett Isabelle M Mrs, res 204 S Central av
Pellett Mabel E, bds 204 S Central av
Pellett Martin L, student, bds 204 S Central av
Peltz George, bds 1115 Niantic
Peltz John F (Louisa), lab, res 1115 Niantic
Penney Stephen A (Louisa), res 614 N Riverside av
Penwell Anlo, plumber 828 N Central av, res same
Penwell Anson L, bds 828 N Central av
Peoples Amusement Co, D C Burkhart mngr, proprs Sttar Theatre 222 E Main
Percival Adda (wid Albert V), bds 107 E 2nd
Perl Aileen, student, bds 229 Apple
PERL JOHN A (Nellie M), Funeral Director, First Class Ambulance Service 28 S Bartlett, Tel 47, res 229 Apple (See p 5)
Perry Arthur, reporter Medford Mail Tribune
Perry Grace, student, bds 320 S King
Perry James A (Ella F), vice-pres Medford Natl Bank treas The Oregon Granite Co, mngr Rogue River Co-Operative Fruit Growers Assn, res 604 W Main
Perry Jesse T (W May), agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, res 320 S King
Peter M M, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 32 Mistletoe
Peterman Ethel T, student, bds 505 Beatty
Peterson Emil R, rural school supervisor dist 2, rms 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg
|Peterson James (Katherine V), lab, res 1110 W 4th
Peterson John (Mary H), gateman City Water Dept, res Capitol Hill
PFEIFFER RICHARD F (Pearl), Mngr Richard F Pfeiffer & Co, res 211 S Washington, Tel 364-R
PFEIFFER RICHARD F & CO, Richard F Pfeiffer Mngr, Proprs US Cafe 40 N Front (See adv)
Pheister Charles M, stonemason, res Jacksonville rd ½ m w limits
Pheister Ernest W, driver Wells Fargo & Co Exp, bds 903 W 11th
Pheister Estella M, tchr, bds 903 W 11th
Pheister Everet L, salsn, bds 903 W 11th
Pheister Rosetta A Mrs, res 903 W 11th
Pheister Viola C, tchr Washington School, bds 903 W 11th
Phelan Bernice B, bds 1121 E Main
Phelan Richard K (Oma B), lab, res 1121 E Main
Phelps Carl (Frances), miner, res 605 Dakota av
Philbrook Maud Mrs, tchr Jackson School, bds 615 N Bartlett
Phillips Catherine A (wid James B), clk H D McBride & Co, res 117 S Central av
Phillips Mary, clk H D McBride & Co, bds 117 S Central av
Phipps Alla R (wid Matthew P), res Eagle Point rd
Phipps Building, 225 E Main
Phipps Calistia P (wid Iradell J), res 328 N Riverside av
Phipps David I (Clara E), tmstr, res 1102 N Riverside av
Phipps Ellen, bds Mrs A R Phipps
Phipps Ira D, dentist 201 Phipps bldg, bds 328 N Riverside av
Phipps Isabel, bds Mrs A R Phipps
Phipps James H, farmer, bds Mrs A R Phipps
Phipps Lee, farmer, bds Mrs A R Phipps
Phipps L May, tchr, bds 328 N Riverside av
Phipps Preston, farmer, bds Mrs A R Phipps
PHIPPS W ESTILL (Clara), Lawyer 207-208 First National Bank Bldg, Tel 372-R, res 1239 N Riverside Av, Tel 325-M
Piatt Ben F (Martha G), lawyer 216 Garnett-Corey bldg, res 628 Dakota av
Piatt Donald V. baggagemaster SP Co, bds 628 Dakota av
Piatt John B, civil eng, bds 628 Dakota av
Piatt Mary L (wid Douglas G), res 603 S King
Pickel Charles A (Telitha A), carp, res 830 E 9th
PICKEL E BARTON (Mattie E), Physician and Surgeon 3-4-5-6 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel 43-R, res 315 W Main, Tel 58-R
Pickel Lyle H (Frances H), bottler Medford Soda Wks, res 210 S Vancouver
Pickel Ralph A, lab, bds 830 E 9th
Pickens Mae, clk P K Deuel & Co, bds 219 S Central av
Pierce Anna J Mrs, propr The Fairmont, res 319 E Main
Pierce Bertha M, bds C H Pierce
Pierce Bryan L, florist Medford Greenhouse, bds 1005 E Main
Pierce Charles H (Laura H), farmer, res Pierce Subdivision
PIERCE CLARENCE C, Real Estate and Insurance 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel 105, res Childers add
Pierce G Edward, propr Medford Greenhouse, res 1005 E Main
Pierce Lillian E, tchr, bds C H Pierce
Pierce Ralph E, clk Medford Book Store, bds 1005 E Main
PILCHER MASON J (Sallie C), Propr Valley Second Hand Store, res 722 W 14th, Tel 744-X
Plass Ernest F (Ida B), mngr Hotel Moore Bar, res 706 W 2nd
Platt Hallet F (Prue M), vice-pres Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Inc, res 815 E Jackson
Pletscher Jacob M (Babetta C), whsmn Medford Grocery Co, res 251 Beatty
Plotner Irene F, tchr, bds 128 S Holly
Plymale Benjamin H, clk Model Clothing Co, bds 110 S Almond
Plymale Jane E (wid Frances M), res 301 S Central av
Plymale Josephine (wid Francis M), res 836 N Central av
Plymale Leslie C, student, bds 333 E 6th
Plymire Clyde (Dora), mach C E Gates, res 21-217 S Riverside av
Poellnitz Robert W (Ada A), phys 214 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, res 701 W Jackson
Polley Albert H (Alfratta), res 706 S Orange
Polley John H, carp, bds 706 S Orange
Ponting Claude C (Florence), (Ponting & Davis), res 302 Portland av
Ponting John (Rosa), lab, res 326 Portland av
Ponting & Davis (C C Ponting, A H Davis), res 302 Portland av
Ponting John (Rosa), lab, res 326 Portland av
Ponting & Davis (C C Ponting, A H Davis), heating 29 Moore ct
Poole Frank L (Ruth C), clk Scott Woolf, res 21 S Orange
Poore B Perley, box maker, bds 135 Almond
Poore F Clifford (Hattie), box maker, res 135 Almond
Porter Elias H (Josephine P), phys St Marks blk, res 1010 S Oakdale
Porter Frank W (Evelyn), driver, res 235 N Ivy
Porter George W (Maud A), frmn Big Pines Lbr Co, res 18 Almond
Porter Harry L, clk Big Pines Lbr Co, 619 E Main
Porter Henry A (Clara E), orchardist, res Orchard Home Tract
Porter Luther G (Ada), res 619 E Main
Porter Ray A (Carrie E), lab, res 217 Beatty
PORTLAND AV GREENHOUSE, Maddox & Bonney Proprs, All Kinds of Vegetables and Vegetable Plants to Order, 28 Portland Av, Tel 87-R
Post Office, J R Woodford Postmaster, 34 N Central Av
Post Office Block, 34 N Central Av
Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, L Bernice Cameron mngr, 110 E Main
Pottenger Alexander, rms 713 W 10th
Pottenger T Edward (Laura M), res 718 W 4th
Potter Charles W (Frances C), fruit grower, res 3 blks s city limits
Pottsmith Lillian, waiter Hotel Medford
Powell Arthur E (Virginia E), pressman Medford Ptg Co, res 321 Benson
POWELL AUTO CO (Fred A Powell, Jewel C Power), Agents for Maxwell Automobiles, Automobile Supplies, Repairing and Machine Shop 123-125 S Front, Tel 21 (See Right Side Lines)
Powell Eleanor (wid James), bds 103 Roosevelt av
POWELL FRED A (Lou) (Powell Auto Co), res 33 Portland Av, Tel 87-J
Powell Jacob, fruit grower, res Orchard Home Tract
Powell Jay H, driver Medford Dairy
Powell Martha J (wid Albon), res rear 325 S Ivy
Powell Raymond H, tchr Oak Grove School, bds D O Frederick
Power Charles O (Nellie C), architect, res 617 Catherine
Power E Philip (Maud), res 101 Portland av
Power James M, student, bds 617 Catherine
POWER JEWEL C (Anna L) (Powell Auto Co), res 126 Portland Av Tel 424-M
Poyser Edgar W, milker Medford Dairy
Poyser Frank (Mary), hostler Nash Livery, res n end Central av
Poyser Oscar, milker Medford Dairy
Pratt C Harlow, tchr High School
Pratt J A, fruit packer, rms 207 W Main
Praxedes Sister, superior Sacred Heart Hospital
Preston Frank C (Jeannette), farmer res 32 Ross ct
Price Dora A Mrs, res 1121 N Riverside av
Price Ernest B, elec Cal-Oregon Power Co, bds 1121 N Riverside av
Price J Earl (Cora E) (Coffeen & Price), res 718 W Palm
Priddy George W, brick contr, res 48½ N Orange
Prim Charles, student Medford Bus Coll, res Jacksonville
Producers Fruit Co, J H Randolph mngr, W 8th and Railroad
Propp George, milker Reynolds & Wagner
Propp Jacob F, milker Medford Dairy
Provost Angelina, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital
Pruett Guy, student Medford Bus Coll, res Eagle Point
Public Library, see Medford Public Library
Public Market, city of Medford proprs, E J Runyard mngr, 35 S Riverside av
Pue James, lab, bds 303 W Clark
Purdin Fred A, whsmn Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, bds 110 Tripp
Purdin G Emery (Hattie H), blksmth, res 1117 W 9th
Purdin Lyle, bds 110 Tripp
Purdin L Dewey, student, bds 21 Geneva av
PURDIN MAHLON (Irene B), Mayor, Lawyer 4-5 Rialto Bldg, Tel 897-R, res 21 Geneva Av, Tel 911-J
Purdy Jessie, student, bds 517 Park
Purdy Samuel P, res 517 Park
Purdy W Edwin, billiard clk Hotel Medford, bds 517 Park
Purkeypile F Clinton, student, bds 17 S Peach
Purkeypile Grace T, student, bds 17 S Peach
Purkeypile Oliver C (Etta M), ticket clk SP Co, res 17 S Peach
Purucker Anna K, tchr Washington School, bds 18 S Elm
Purucker George (Clara B), res 18 S Elm
Purucker Helen A, student, bds 18 S Elm
Purucker Herman O (Leilia), elec Cal-Oregon Power Co, bds 18 S Elm
PUTNAM ELIZABETH, Society Editor Medford Mail Tribune, bds George Putnam, Tel 82-J
PUTNAM,GEORGE, Editor-Mngr Medford Mail Tribune, Pres-Mngr Medford Printing Co, res Highcroft, Tel 82-J
Putnam Mary M (wid Oramal H), bds George Putnam
Putnam Maude, maid 43 N Orange
Putney Arthur M (Ida E), clk C L Schieffelin, res 508 Plum
Putney Chester H, clk C L Schieffelin, bds 518 Plum
Putney Foskett M (Lizzie A), res 518 Plum
Putney Hazel M, clk M M Dept Store, bds 518 Plum

Quaker Nurseries, H B Patterson mngr, 104 S Fir
Quayle Wm F (Frances E), res 512 Dakota av
Quigley Lincoln J (Marietta), bldg contr, res 603 N Fir
Quisenberry Walker F (Stella) (Burgess & Quisenberry), res 424 S King

Radcliff Bradford S (Laura), saloon 36 N Front, res 4 E Clark
Radcliff Harold B, bds 4 E Clark
Rader Clara (wid Jackson), res 105 N Oakdale av
Rader Donald R, ball player, bds 60 N Orange
Rader Hazel V, student, bds 60 N Orange
Rader L Lucile, tchr Oak Grove School, bds 60 N Orange
Rader Marion A (Laura E), real est and employment agt 114 N Front, res 60 N Orange
Ragsdale Helen, stengr W I Vawter, res 145 S Ivy
Ragsdale Maud, stengr, res 145 S Ivy
Ramsey Charles A (Eva J), dentist, res 1-217 S Riverside av
Ramsey Earl H, bds 1-217 S Riverside av
Ramsey Hazel C, bds 1-217 S Riverside av
Randall Margaret (wid Andrew J), res 108 Genessee
Randle Edna H, clk, bds 701 N Riverside av
Randolph John H (Birdie M), mngr Producers Fruit Co, res 23 Rose av
Rankin David D (Daisy V), elec, res 321 Alice
Ray Charles B, student, bds 1104 W Main
Ray Charles R (Enola R), pres-gen mngr Gold Ray Realty Co, res 1104 W Main
Ray Frank H, fuel 104 W 6th, bds 1104 W Main
Ray Lillian (wid Archie D), res 204 N Ivy
Ray Mabel R, bds 1104 W Main
Raymond Alfred, bell boy Hotel Medford, rms 113 W Main
Raymond David, fruit grower, res Sunset Park add
Raymond Don E, mining, bds 643 W 11th
Raymond Euzebe F (Lottie E), mining, res 643 W 11th
Reagan George W (Margaret M), res 318 S Newtown
Reame David B (Lizzie L) solicitor, res 246 N Oakdale av
Reame Lizzie L Mrs, hairdresser, res 246 N Oakdale av
Reame Robert O (Clare O), miner, res 1057 Court
REAMES A EVAN (Edith T), Attorney at Law 411-415 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 221, res 818 W 10th, Tel 633
Reber Evelyn E, bds 15-223 W Main
Redden Frank E (Sarah L), clk Jackson County Bank, res 1016 Reddy
Redden John W (Leventine C), res 607 W 8th
Reddy John F (Mary F), promoter, res 122 Oregon Terrace
Reddy Florence C, student, bds 406 S Riverside av
REDDY MARTIN J, Jeweler 22 N Central Av, Tel 10, res 406 S Riverside Av
Reddy Owen P, assayer, bds 406 S Riverside av
Reddy Thomas, bds 406 S Riverside av
Redmen's Hall, 231 Apple
Reed Alfred B (Mamie), brtndr C L Reed, res 36 N Riverside av
Reed  Collins L (Lydia M), saloon 13 S Front, res 36 N Riverside av
Reed Esther J, asst Medford Public Library, bds F P Reed RFD 2
Reed Francis P (B Louise), res Ross Lane 4 blks w limits
Reeves George W (Cecil N), bkpr First Natl Bank of Medford, res 1310 W Main
Reichstein Charles F (Myrtle M), propr Valley Fuel Co, res 504 N Fir
Reiker Elizabeth, waiter, rms 112 S Fir
Reinking Arthur F (Mabel C), baker 606 E Main, res 34 Cottage
REO AUTOMOBILES, J C Robinson Agent, 33 S Bartlett, Tel 835-J (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Automobiles)
Reservoir, Medford City Water Dept, Capitol Hill
Rest Room for Women, Greater Medford Club mngrs, 422 M F & H Co bldg
Reter John (Barbara E), barber Hotel Medford, res 415 Oak av
Reynolds Erasmus P (Amanda), stonemason, res S Riverside av ¾ m s limits
Reynolds George W (Almeda L), baker, res 121 Kenwood av
Reynolds Hiram W (A Laura) (Reynolds & Wagner), res 208 Tripp
Reynolds J Larkin (Lillian M), carp, res 413 Union
Reynolds Louis, tmstr, bds 20 Tripp
Reynolds O Earl (Sarah), whsmn Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, res 618 S Central av
Reynolds Walter (Bertha E), carp, res 320 N Holly
Reynolds & Wagner (H W Reynolds, W R Wagner), dairy 200 Tripp
Rhodes Albert R (Jane), res 417 N Bartlett
Rhodes Frank, farmer, bds 117 N Central av
Rhodes C Frank (J S Howard Engineering Co), rms 117 N Central av
Rialto Building, 123 E Main
Rice C Walter (Lola M), lab, res ns McAndrew 1 e N Central av
Rice Ernest C (Sarah J), painter, res 206 Roosevelt av
Rice Eugene (Birdene E), lawyer, res 38 Geneva av
Rice James, driver Reynolds & Wagner, bds 208 Tripp
Rice Maude S, clk M M Ahrens Co, res 713 W 11th
Rice Wm C (Maude S), bkpr Jackson County Bank, res 713 W 11th
Richards Charles M (Emma M), piano tuner 24 S Grape, res 817 W 10th
Richards Elizabeth, clk B J Palmer, bds 817 W 10th
Richardson Christopher C, lab, bds 145 S Grape
Richardson Edmund B, lab, bds 119 Portland av
Richardson Jesse (Cordelia), res 145 S Grape
Richardson John W (M Theresa), plasterer, res 119 Portland av
Richardson Josephine, bds 145 S Grape
Richardson Samuel T (Bell), sec-treas Model Clothing Co Inc, res 39 N Orange
Rickard Edward L, lab, bds G W Rickard
Rickard George W (Laura), lab, res Sunset Park add
Rickard Martha M, bds G W Rickard
Rickard Verne L, lab, bds G W Rickard
Rickards Elizabeth, bds 423 S Newtown
RICKERT JUDSON D (Frances E), Optometrist, Eye Specialist Rooms 1 and 2-308 E Main over Deuel & Co, Tel 320-R, res Capitol Hill, Tel 868-M
Rickley Elsie E Mrs (Western China Co), res Griffin Creek
Riddell Edwin G (Marian), dentist 2 St Marks blk, res 1114 Oakdale
Riddell Mamie E Mrs, fitter M M Ahrens Co, bds 307 E 6th
Rigby Verl, student, bds 16 Rose av
Riggens Jesse M (Samantha) (Riggens & Leslie), rms 243 S Holly
Riggens & Leslie (Jesse M Riggens, Elmer Leslie), second hand goods 243 S Holly
Riley George (Annie), baker Hotel Medford, res 422 W 12th
Riley Josephine, tchr Lincoln School, bds 424 Beatty
Riley Wm A, bds 703 Beatty
Rinabarger Charles A (Loretta C), tmstr, res 718 S Newtown
Rinabarger Harry E, steamfitter Ponting & Davis, bds 718 S Newtown
Rinabarger Roland J, tmstr Woods Lbr Co, bds 718 S Newtown
Ringer Carl, brkmn Pacific & Eastern Ry
Rippey Addie K Mrs, housekpr Hotel Medford
Rippey Floyd J (Rose), lab St Cleaning Dept, res 345 N Riverside av
Rippey Lloyd G, mach J C Robinson, rms 33 S Bartlett
Risdon Ami (Fay I), driver, res 145 N Central av
Riteway Coffee Co The (G W McCoy), teas and coffee 115 E Main
Robbins Charles N (Sarah E), lab, res 215 Ashland av
Robbins Rose (wid Jonathan A), res 505 N Riverside av
Roberts Berna E, milliner M M Dept Store, bds 24 Roosevelt av
Roberts Clifford E, auto mach, bds 51 N Peach
Roberts Count P (Lucille), furn repr, res 402 E 12th
Roberts Delia N Mrs, res 29 Ross ct
Roberts Edward (Hattie), bldg contr, res 1006 W 4th
Roberts Erwin C, carp, bds 51 N Peach
Roberts Eunice E Mrs, seamstress, bds 204 S Grape
ROBERTS GEORGE M (Blanche L) (Colvig & Roberts), res 43 N Orange, Tel 350-J
Roberts George O (Mary J), barber Noe & Stephenson, res 331 S Grape
Roberts Horace L, brtndr O M Selsby, bds 112 Columbus av
Roberts James E (Martha C), farmer, res 40 Roosevelt av
Roberts Lillian M, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 29 Ross ct
Roberts Sarah A (wid Benjamin L), res 112 Columbus av
Roberts Wm D (Eva), farmer, res 24 Roosevelt av
Roberts W Bernard, student, bds 40 Roosevelt av
Robertson Benjamin F (Blanche M), tmstr, res 802 N Riverside av
Robertson Charles C (Maggie E), res 717 N Alder
Robertson I Chloe, maid 116 Geneva av
Robertson John L (Elsie M), farmer, res 329 Knight
Robertson Pleasant M, blksmth, bds 402 E 12th
Robinson Adalbert L, bds Mary J Robinson
Robinson Agnes L, tchr, bds 836 Taylor
Robinson Angeline L, bds 845 Bennett av
Robinson Edwin F (Goldie M), clk Warner Wortman & Gore, res 836 Taylor
Robinson Edythe L, chief opr in charge Pacific Tel & Telg Co bds 845 Bennett
Robinson Elbert E (Lettie A), tmstr, bds 906 E Main
ROBINSON ELIZABETH, Librarian Medford Public Library, res Berben Apts, Tel 938-R
Robinson Ernest R (Lois M), plasterer, res 804 Bennett av
Robinson Herbert L (Laura A), horticulturist Browndale Orchard, res 845 Bennett av
ROBINSON JAMES C (Bridgie M A), Automobiles, Apperson, Reo, Chevrolet and Lozier, 33 S Bartlett, Tel 835-J, res 705 Park (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Automobiles)
Robinson Mary J, fruit grower, res Orchard Home Tract
Robinson Reuben H (Lillian), lab, res 104 S Newtown
Robinson Wilbert W (Lena M), farmer, res 613 S Newtown
Rogue River Commercial Orchard Co, H S Conner (Seattle, Wn) pres, G W Conner sec-treas, Mail Tribune bldg
Rogue River Co-Operative Fruit Growers Assn, J A Perry mngr, N Fir bet 4th and 3rd
ROGUE RIVER FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSN INC, S V Beckwith Mngr, 16 W Main, Tel 165
ROGUE RIVER HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE (Hal F Harrington), House Cleaning by Auto Vacuum Cleaner, 915 S Orange Telephone Connection (See Left Bottom Lines and adv)
ROGUE RIVER LAND CO (Wm M Holmes), Real Estate and Loans, PO Box 336 (See Bottom Edge and p 6)
ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO (Roguelands Inc), J T Sullivan Mngr, 237 E Main, Tel 129
Rogue River Valley Ry Co, W S Barnum (Jacksonville) pres W H Barnum (Jacksonville) vice-pres-treas, J C Barnum (Jacksonville) sec-mngr, 25 W Main
Rogue River Valley University Club, P W Hamill pres, Lincoln McCormack vice-pres, A S V Carpenter treas, Stanton Griffis sec, Mail Tribune bldg
ROGUELANDS INCORPORATED (Rogue River Valley Canal Co), J T Sullivan Mngr, 237 E Main, Tel 129
Rood Glen, civ eng, rms 7-217 S Riverside av
Roosevelt School, L S Beveridge prin, Lindley av ne cor Reddy av
ROOT EDWARD C (Ethel B), Tchr Violin and Clarinet Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, res 614 Plum
Root Ethel B Mrs, clk H N Moe & Co, res 614 Plum
Root Frederick W (Harriet D), cement finisher, res 129 Kenwood av
Root John M (Annie M), fruit grower, res ws Kings Highway 3 s Stewart
Root Josephine, bds J M Root
Root Lee F, orchardist, bds J M Root
Rose David C (Georgia F), res 113 Cottage
Rose Orson M (Genevieve R), carp, res 136 Portland av
Roseberry James M (Minnie L), auto repairing 927 S Central av res 944 same
Roseberry Leta B, student, bds 944 S Central av
Roseberry Mary A (wid John E), res ns W Palm 1 w Columbus av
Roseberry Thomas J (Lena L), driver, res ns W Palm 2 w Columbus
Rosenbaum Albert S, frt and pass agt SP Co, res Medford Hotel
Rosenberger August B, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 217 S Riverside av
Rosenberger Charles (Noemi), res 21-217 S Riverside av
Ross Helen M, student, bds 516 W Jackson
Ross John C (Mary E), res 516 W Jackson
Rothermel Homer W (Mabel H), city circulation mngr Medford Mail Tribune, res 108 Geneva av
Roundtree Vera, student, bds 445 N Bartlett
Rowell Ernest C (Alice H S), fruit grower, res Orchard Home Tract
Rowley E Ivah, dipper Medford Candy Co, bds 307 N Ivy
Rownd Lurana M, tchr Lincoln School, bds 504 S Oakdale av
ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CO OF LONDON, Earl S Tumy Agent, 210 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 664 (See Right Bottom Lines and adv at name Tumy Earl S)
RUHL ROBERT W (Mabel W), Pres-Editor The Medford Sun, res Siskiyou Heights, Tel 518-J
Rukes Geraldine, mailer Medford Mail Tribune, bds 424 S Peach
Rukes Lawrence W, cigarmkr Lew Rukes, bds 424 S Peach
Rukes Lew (Maggie), cigar mnfr 119 E 6th, res 424 S Peach
Rukes Maggie Mrs, dressmaker, res 424 S Peach
Rumbley David, lab, bds 422 S Fir
Rumbley Frances (wid Wm), res 422 S Fir
Rumsey Burtis H (Margaret J), miner, res 16 N Quince
Rundlett Harriette B (wid Samuel S), milliner Rundlett Sisters, res 204 S Grape
Rundlett Linnie M (Rundlett Sisters), bds 204 S Grape
Rundlett Sisters (Linnie M Rundlett), milliners 103 N Central av
Runyan Wm L (Almeda M), watchmkr M J Reddy, res 417 Jay
Runyard Edwin J (Cecelia A), mngr Medford Public Market, res 706 Dakota av
Runyon Charles D, civ eng, res 512 S King
Rural School Supervisors, A R Chase, E R Peterson, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg
Russell Edward E, clk J E Olmstead, bds 219 N Central av
Rust C Joseph (Betsy B), farmer, res 533 S Grape
Ryan Anna M Mrs, musician, bds 35 Roosevelt av
Ryan Luke (Ulrich & Ryan), res Jacksonville
Sacred Heart Hospital, under the direction of the Sisters of Charity,Sister Praxedes Superior, Medford Hts
Sage Charles W, lab, bds 610 S Oakdale av
ST CLAIR ROOMS, Lee Watkins Propr, Rooms Homelike and Comfortable, 103-113 E 11th, Tel 383-J (See adv at name Watkins Lee & Co)
St James Raleigh (Metta), shingle mnfr P & E Ry tracks sw cor E Jackson, res 319 Ashland av
St Marks Block 218 W Main
St Marks Episcopal Church, 2nd fl St Marks blk
St Marks Guild Hall 218 W Main
St Mary's Academy, Sister Agnes Superior 310 W 11th
ST PAUL FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO, R H McCurdy Agent, Sparta Bldg, Tel One Two Three (See Left Top Lines and p 87)
Saling Arthur B (Pearl), real est 21 Jackson County Bank bldg, res 20 Tripp
Salter Charlotte C Mrs, milliner 1101 W 9th, res same
Salter Francis P (Charlotte C), carp, res 1101 W 9th
Salter Richard E, bds 1101 W 9th
Sampey I, farmer, rms 229 S Front
Sample Fred M, carp, res 2 s 806 S Orange
Sample Joel O (Jennetta), carp, res 726 S Newtown
Samuels Gus H (Lottie V), city treas City Hall, res 317 W 2nd
Sanders Richard (Lydia F), painter, res 511 N Fir
SANITARY CAFETERIA (Mrs M A Hoxie and Mrs L M Shepardson), Home Cooking, Sanitary and Clean, 20 S Central Av, Tel 875-J (See adv)
Sankey Frank B (Genevieve G), elec Page Theatre, res 534 S Hamilton
Santee Helen M, tchr High School
Sargent Dora, bds 432 Plum
Sargent Herbert H (Alice C), Col USA Retired, res 810 S Oakdale av
Satchwell Albert R (Atlanta), wire chief Pacific Tel & Telg Co, res 517 S Holly
Sauer Elenora H, maid 504 S Central av
Sauer Veronica C, maid 610 S Central av
Saunders Richard C (Gladys), photgr, res 30-217 S Riverside av
Scantlin Mabel E, bds 16 N Orange
Scantlin May E, bds 16 N Orange
Scantlin Thomas E Jr, bds 16 N Orange
Scantlm Thomas E, farmer, res 16 N Orange
Scantlin Wm L, farmer, bds 16 N Orange
Schachner Catherine, nurse, bds H H Waltermire
Schell Herbert A (Gussie L) (Schell & Schell), res 17 Ross ct
Schell S S (Schell & Schell), rms Hotel Nash
Schell & Schell (H A and S S), paving contrs Hotel Nash
Scherman Henry W, blksmth J W Mitchell
Schermerhorn Gordon L (Ida M), bldg contr, res 121 N Grape
Schieffelin Charles L (Rosa D), grocer 36 N Central av, res 503 S Oakdale av
Sehleichert Charles (Grace I), tmstr, res 323 Knight
Schlinsog Bertha A, bds 411 S Front
Schlinsog Grace B, bds 411 S Front
Schlinsog James H, bds 411 S Front
Schlinsog Wm A, farmer, res 411 S Front
Schmalhausen Louis R, carp, res 221 N Holly
SCHMIDT EMIL F (Susan L), Good Shoes 21 N Central Av Tel 17-J, res 48 N Orange, Tel 784-W
Schmidt Gertrude E, bds J M Schmidt
Schmidt John M (Shava E), fruit grower, res Jacksonville rd 1 m w limits
Schmidt Walter C, carp, bds 540 S Fir
Schmidt Wm (Cynthia A), carp, res 540 S Fir
Schneider Frederick, res 502 Maple
Schneider Frederick W (Marcelle E), mining eng, res 15-223 W Main
Schnurr John C (Elsie F), eng, res 707 W Main
Scholfield Nathan (Alice), lab, res 211 W Jackson
Scholz Harry U, photgr, bds 801 N Central av
Scholz Rudolph (Harriet C) frmn C H Corey, res 801 N Central av
Scholz Rudolph Jr, student, bds 801 N Central av
Schrack Morgan (Amelia A), frmn Medford Ptg Co, res 525 S Grape
Schrader Otto O (Josephine M), meat ctr Warner Wortman & Gore, res 524 Beatty
Schuchard Milton, bkpr First Natl Bank of Medford, rms 51 N Oakdale av
Schuette Frank X (Katherine M), gardener, res 627 S Riverside av
Schuette Henry G (Frances), lab, res 112 S Fir
Schuette Herman H, farmer, bds 112 S Fir
Schuette John G, farmer, bds 112 S Fir
Schuler Ella M, bds 915 W 10th
Schuler Harry D, farmer, bds 915 W 10th
Schuler Ira E, student, bds 915 W 10th
Schuler Paul R, granite polisher F W Wait Co, bds 915 W 10th
Schuler Richard (Ida), res 915 W 10th
Schuler Stella P, bds 915 W 10th
Schultz Ella R, bds R R Schultz
Schultz Reuben R, carp, res n end Central av
Schulz Ewald E (Matilda C), farmer, res 405 W 2nd
Schulz Wm H (Lena K), barber J T Summerville, res 213 S Central av
Scofield Rebecca (wid Peter), bds 708 W 10th
Scott Ernest, lineman Cal-Oregon Power Co, res Central Point
Scott Glyndon M, tchr, bds 715 N Palm
Scott Leo B, farmer, bds 416 S Peach
Scott Perry D (Mildred A), bldg contr, res 416 S Peach
Scott Ruth M, student, bds 715 N Palm
Scott Thomas E, lineman Cal-Oregon Power Co, res 406 S King
Scott Washington J (Hannah), farmer, res 10-217 S Riverside av
Scott Wynne (wid George M), artist, res 715 N Palm
Scranton A E, rms 30 S Central av
Scrivner Floyd, rms 30 S Central av
Searle Wm H (Minnie), bkpr Cal-Oregon Power Co, res 244 S Grape
Sears Susie S (wid Amanuel Z), dressmaker, res 231 W 5th
Seely Claire R, student, bds 412 S Oakdale av
Seely Eberle R (Nannie), phys 235 E Main, res 412 S Oakdale av
Seely Marie, bds 412 S Oakdale av
Selmer Eva, waiter Hotel Medford
Selsby Otto M, saloon 17 S Front, rms 403 Garnett-Corey bldg
SEMON CLARENCE J (Estella), Pres-Mngr Medford Concrete Construction Co, res 22 Summit Av, Tel 13-R
Seventh Day Adventist Church, 605 N Riverside av
Sewright Andrew W (Nan M), lab, res 301 Willamette av
Seymour George C (Lottie L), carp, res 840 W Palm
Shaffer W Arthur, bds 1205 E Main
Shapleigh Frederick W, pres F W Shapleigh Hardware Co, res 35 Geneva av
Shapleigh F W Hardware Co, F W Shapleigh pres, W B Watson sec, 323 E Main
Sharp Ivan W (Sarah B), baker s end Newtown, res 738 W 11th
Sharp Lowell W, student, bds 738 W 11th
Sharpe David W, eng, bds 1027 Narregan
Sharpe Emma J Mrs, nurse, res 1027 Narregan
Sharpe John W Rev (Emma J), dist elder Free Methodist Church, res 1027 Narregan
Sharpe Ruth H, student, bds 1027 Narregan
Shaw Edward M (Richa), multigraph opr Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, res 217 S Riverside av
Shaw K Dan (Genevieve), res 236 S Central av
Shay Daniel P, farmer, res es S Riverside av nr s limits
Shearburn Calvin L, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 108 E 14th
Shearburn Frances A (wid Wm G), res 108 E 14th
Shearburn Walter E, appr L J Davies, bds 108 E 14th
Shearer Henry G (Belle), res 832 E Main
SHELDON BENJAMIN C, Vice-Pres Medford Commercial Club, res 29 Ross Court, Tel 524-R
SHEPARDSON L M MRS (Hoxie & Shepardson), res 236 S Central Av
Shephard Alexander D (Elizabeth), lab, res 15-217 S Riverside av
Sherard Chris, waiter US Cafe
Sherard Reuben B (Clara M), cook US Cafe, res 712 W Palm
Sheridan John (Myrta W), treas The Hotel Nash Co ref 19 N Peach
Sherman Francis L (Frances E), shoemkr 32 S Grape, res 122 S Mistletoe
Sherwood Richard (Kate), carp, res 723 W 13th
Shelds Weston F Rev (Emma L), pastor First Presbyterian Church, res 41 S Holly
Shipley J C Edwin, lab, bds 121 Kenwood av
Shirley George L (Myrtle A), plumber, res 410 S Hamilton
Shirley James W (Martha S), bkpr, res 28 Almond
Shively John G, bicycles 32 S Grape, rms 1109 W 9th
Short Earl W (E Grace), waiter G H Corum, res 118 Tripp
Short Vernon C, bicycle repr 106 S Front, bds 118 Tripp
Shoults D Gertrude, tchr, bds 327 N Holly
Shoulds W Grace, student, bds 327 N Holly
Sickels John A (Polly R), janitor Natatorium and Amusement Co, res The Natatorium
Sievertsen Bernard C (Addie), driver Weeks & McGowan Co, res 1106 W 4th
Silio Guido, checker Hotel Medford
Silliman Ernest C (Mary E) (Medford Candy Co), res Oakdale Park add
Silliman Robert R (Loraine) (Medford Candy Co), res 12-217 Riverside av
Simmons Charles, bds 928 S Central av
Simmons Fannie M Mrs, seamstress, res 928 S Central av
Simmons Rufus J (Fannie M), eng, res 928 S Central av
Simmons S Beecher (Viola F), lab, res 425 Manzanita
Simons John S (Leah F), miner, res 1321 N Riverside av
Singer Sewing Machine Co, Arthur L Ingraham agt, 227 S Holly
Sinnott Joseph D (Elizabeth C), elec eng, res 1019 S Oakdale av
Siskiyou Heights Co The, J A Torney pres, T W Marsh sec-treas, real est 1 Palm blk
Sites Elizabeth H (wid John W), bds 1417 W Main
Skaggs Sarah A (wid James W), res 319 S Grape
Skeeters Charles F (Julia E), miner, res 14 W Jackson
Skinner John D (Mary E), gardener, res 1020 E Main
Skinner R Arlan, chauffeur Powell Auto Co, bds 1020 E Main
Slater James W (Ellen M), wood sawyer, res 420 Boardman
Slatt Albert, setter Oregon Granite Co
Slavin Henry, gardener, bds 1211 W Main
Slewing Nora (wid Robert R), res 531 W Palm
Slewing Vere T, bds 531 W Palm
Slinger Faye, student, bds 230 Beatty
Slinger James W (Anna), res 230 Beatty
SLORAH JAMES A (Florence), Treas Medford Domestic Laundry Co Inc, res 350 S Riverside Av, Tel 569-J
Slover Alonzo L (Lucinda), wood dir, res 203 N Holly
Slover Henry (Sadie), lab, res 234 E 9th
Slusser Nathan W (Alta), barber, res 632 W Hamilton
Small Louis L, notary public, bkpr Hale's Piano House, res 825 W 13th
Smith Alice P, stengr Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, bds W E Smith
Smith Allen, fruit grower, res Orchard Home Tract
Smith Anna M, dressmaker, bds 416 Park
Smith Cecil E, tmstr, bds 501 Beatty
Smith Elizabeth M Mrs, res 416 Park
Smith Ernest J, pharmacist West Side Pharmacy, bds 134 S Ivy
Smith Gracie P, tchr, bds 134 S Ivy
Smith Herbert R (Mabel), clk Producers Fruit Co, res 726 W 4th
Smith's Hall, 126 N Grape
Smith James G, stone quarry Medford Hts add, res 1106 E Main
Smith John, lab, rms 30 N Front
SMITH JOHN A, Sheet Metal Works, Roofing, Galvanized Iron Tanks Made to Order, 128 N Grape, Tel 890, res 140 N Grape (See Right Side Lines)
Smith Lewis C (Ella O), bldg contr, res 410 S Newtown
Smith Lynne E, clk F W Shapleigh Hdwe Co, bds W E Smith
Smith Mary E Mrs, res 522 W 10th
Smith Mary F (wid A Charles), bds 245 N Oakdale av
Smith M Irene, stengr Medford Sun, bds 1501 W Main
Smith Perrian R (Anna B), carp, res 501 Beatty
Smith Samuel, bds 129 S Ivy
SMITH SUMPTER S, Sec-Mngr The Medford Sun, res 1501 W Main, Tel 92-J
Smith Wm E (Ada V), fruit grower, res Jacksonville rd ½ m w limits
Smith Wm H (M Elizabeth), roofer, res 515 N Holly
Smith Wm M, res 134 S Ivy
Smith W C, stage mngr Page Theatre
Smock Dora L, clk, bds 901 N Central av
Smylie James W (Kittie), carp, res 830 Bennett av
Smythe Richard G (Mamie C), consulting eng, res 203 Oleson
Snedicor Fred G, clk Medford Book Store, bds 19 S Mistletoe
Snedicor Helen E (wid Horace C), res 19 S Mistletoe
Snedicor Jennie M, supervisor of drawing Public Schools, bds 19 S Mistletoe
Snell Luther L (Sarah), fum rms and apts, res 21 Genessee
Snider Catha (Ella M), lab, res 228 Knight
Snider John W (Maude), propr Medford Dairy, res Jacksonville rd 2 m w limits
Snodgrass Henry (Matilda J), porter B S Radcliffe, res 819 E 9th
Snodgrass Joseph A, motorman Southern Oregon Traction Co, bds 819 E 9th
SNYDER ALBERT A (Pearl), Sec Woods Lumber Co, res Glendale, Or
Snyder Bertha, clk H D McBride & Co, bds 117 S Central av
Snyder Cortez E (Angeline), farmer, bds A E Moore
SNYDER DAVID N (Anna), Pres-Treas Woods Lumber Co, res Glendale, Or
Soliss Daniel B (Margaret S), res 137 N Oakdale av
Soliss John E (Elizabeth), res 214 N Holly
Sooysmith Gerald C, farmer, bds 303 N Holly
Sooy-Smith Wm (Josephine) (Brigadier Genl USA), res 303 N Holly
Soper John F (Charlotte F), res 331 S Grape
Southard Agnes M, bds 716 Welch
Southard Alice M (wid Fred W), res 716 Welch
Southard Clara M, bds 716 Welch
Southard Mabel A, dressmaker, bds 716 Welch
Southern Oregon Traction Co, C G Bullis mngr, 237 E Main
Southern Pacific Co, A S Rosenbaum agt, N Front nr E 5th, freight depot S Front nr 8th
Soutter Edward (Eudora F), vice-pres Hale's Piano House Inc res 59 N Orange
Soutter Evelyn, bds 59 N Orange
Soutter Henry E, bds 59 N Orange
Sowers Russell H (Vora), frmn Medford Warehouse Co, res 703 W 2nd
Sparrow Richard, bds 345 Apple
Sparta Building, 401 E Main
Spellman Charles, porter Wm O'Hara
Spellman Wm H (Beatrice), res ws Myers ct 1 s w 4th
Spooner Artemus R, clk H N Moe & Co, bds 312 S Central av
Spooner Martha F (wid Rollin W), housekeeper 312 S Central av
Sprague George E (Martha A), farmer, res s end Peach
Springer Donald L (Luella C), presser Pantorium Dye Works Co res 123 Kenwood av
Stancliff Luther, gas mkr Oregon Gas & Elec
Stancliffe Bert S (Parker & Stancliffe)
Standard Oil Co, warehouse SP track at n city limits
Stapleton Minnie E Mrs, nurse, bds 305 N Grape
Star Theatre, Peoples Amusement Co proprs, 222 E Main
Stearns Robert W (Emma K). phys 17 Jackson County Bank bldg, res 16 Rose av
Steel Jean E, student, bds 18 Summit av
Steel Wm G (Lydia H), supt Crater Lake National Park, res 18 Summit av
Steep Edward (Margaret A), bds 811 Bennett av
Stennett A Fred (Mary A), printer Medford Ptg Co, res 1014 E 11th
Stennett Lafayette A, farmer, bds 535 Pennsylvania av
Stennett La Fayette L, farmer, bds 407 S King
Stennett Mame A Mrs, nurse, res 1014 E 11th
Stephens James M (Gertrude L), lab, bds 711 E Jackson
Stephens James M (M Frances), watchman, res 513 N Grape
Stephens Martin (Ellen), stengr Cal-Oregon Power Co, res 844 W 14th
Stephens M J, tmstr, rms 344 S Central av
Stephenson Albert F, painter, res 428 W 4th
Stephenson George W (Cyrena M), phys 146 S Holly, res same
Stephenson Louis A (Grace M), painter, res 428 W 4th
Stephenson Romney O (Artie) (Noe & Stephenson), res 146 S Holly
Stevens Claude, lab, bds 1120 Niantic
Stevens Fred, lab, bds 1120 Niantic
Stevens George W (Zadie E), farmer, res Eagle Point rd
Stevens Grace, waiter, rms 245 S Central av
Stevens Marjorie L, student, bds Melvin Stevens
Stevens Melvin (Dora A), cbtmkr Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory, res Jacksonville rd ½ blk n limits
Stevens Stella, bds 1120 Niantic
Stevens Thomas A (Mary), lab, res 1120 Niantic
Stevenson Etta (wid B Franklin), res s end Riverside av
Stevenson Mary F, student, bds Mrs Etta Stevenson
Steward Alanson G (Helen E), farmer, res 807 E Jackson
Steward Charles D, bds 227 E 6th
Steward Pearl E, student, bds 807 E Jackson
Stewart Beth E, student, bds 504 Pennsylvania av
Stewart Building, 235 E Main
Stewart Clara H Mrs, res 901 N Central av
Stewart Elizabeth (wid James A), res 429 S Front
Stewart Eva L Mrs, housekeeper Alexander Trudell
Stewart E J (Lettie), real est 204 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, res 504 Pennsylvania av
Stewart Fred B (Iva T B), lab, res 325 S Ivy
Stewart F L Mrs, asst R J Lockwood, res 325 S Ivy
Stewart James (Sophia I), apiarist, res 324 Plum
Stewart John E (Mollie J), res 708 W 10th
Stewart Milton N (Frances I), farmer, res Riverside av 2 blks s limits
Stewart Wm (Nevada), stock dealer, res 345 Apple
Stewart Wm H, res 714 W 10th
Stillwell Fred O (Edna F), lab, res 811 Narregan
STINE H S (Hanna), "Insurance That Insures," Fire, Auto, Plate Glass, Liability, Sick and Accident, 2 Stewart Bldg 235 E Main, Tel 312-R, res 309 N Riverside Av, Tel 387-R (See Left Top Lines)
Stine Isabell J (wid Harrison S), res 518 Beatty
Stine Kate, tchr Roosevelt School, bds 518 Beatty
Stine Wm M (Anna M), baggage agt SP Co, res 514 Beatty
Stinson Edward S (Rosy E), tmstr, res 1128 W 4th
Stinson Frank O (Pencie M), elec Cal-Oregon Power Co, res 1119 W 4th
Stinson J Gus (Grace), elec Cal-Oregon Power Co, res 1013 W 10th
Stinson Oscar E (Nannie), tmstr, res 324 Knight
Stinson Wm H, student, bds 1128 W 4th
Stinson Wm H (Julia A), tmstr, res 304 S Hamilton
Stockam Charles W (Mabel), brtndr, res 705 W Palm
Stockam Mabel Mrs, clk J C Mann, res 705 W Palm
Stockam Wm J (Lula B), sec frmn SP Co, res 247 N Front
Stoddard Harry C (Minnie), division supt Cal-Oregon Power 1327 Reddy av
Stoeckman Harry G (Ada K), civil eng, res 828 Dakota av
Stoltze Harry C (Gertrude H), fruit grower, res 712 W 11th
Stone Viola M Mrs, propr Florida Rooming House, res 207 W Main
Storey Leonora M Mrs, bds 343 N Grape
Storey L Le Vernne, bds 343 N Grape
Storm James P (Ella B), res 117 S Coral
Storm Jesse T, clk, bds 117 S Coral
Storm Mae N, mangler Medford Domestic Lndy Co bds 117 S Laurel
Storm Nell K, clk R N Foster, bds 117 S Laurel
Stout Carl D, frmn Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Jacksonville
Stout Gordon S (Minnie E), mach, res nr s end Park Highland Park
STRANG CHARLES (Mary), Druggist 231 E Main, Tel 225-R, res 416 S Central Av, Tel 293-R
Strang C Virgil, clk, bds 416 S Central av
Strang Fred L, pharmacist Charles Strang, bds 416 S Central av
Strang Herbert B, student, bds 416 S Central av
Strang Robert B, student, bds 416 S Central av
Streets Alice C, student, bds 621 W 11th
STREETS FRANK W (Susie C), Sec Medford Commercial Club, res 621 W 11th, Tel 66-J
Stringer Thresia (wid Robert), bds 325 N Oakdale av
Stringer Wallace (Lulu V), grocer 327 N Oakdale av, res 325 same
Strompf Lillie, propr Imperial Rooms, res 30 N Front
Stuart Charles, bds 227 E 6th
Stuart Gilbert, carp R I Stuart, bds 519 S Central av
Stuart Miles, carp R I Stuart, bds 519 S Central av
Stuart Richard I (Clara), bldg contr, res 519 S Central av
Stuart Robert G, student, bds 519 S Central av
STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILES, Ashcraft Bros Agents Medford Garage 104 S Bartlett, Tel 413 (See Left Top Lines)
Stull Bertram L, student, bds 532 Plum
Stull Daniel J (Myrtle M), painting contr, res 532 Plum
Stull Glenn B, student, bds 532 Plum
Stull Guy W (Myrtle L), clk Post Office, res 917 N Central av
Sullenger W Frank (Nancy), bldg contr, res 132 Vancouver av
Sullivan Dora E, bds 33 N Peach
Sullivan John T (Jennie), mngr Rogue River Valley Canal Co, res 33 N Peach
Sullivan J Catherine, dressmaker, res 325 E Jackson
Sullivan Melville C (Ellen J), res 1119 N Central av
Sullivan M Irene, student, bds 33 N Peach
Sullivan Wm (Edith B), mach Medford Garage, res 521 W 2nd
Summerville John T (Hattie M), barber 17 N Central av, res 629 same
Sumner W A, supt Palmer Investment Co, res Hotel Medford
Sunrise Laundry, K Yamashita propr, 215 S Riverside av
Surran Leo (Malta), orchardist, res 1214 W 10th
Surran Mary E (wid James D), res 1035 W 10th
Surran Royal, painter, bds 1035 W 10th
SUTOR CLARENCE J (Edna R), Mngr Medford Vulcanizing Works, Office Telephone 434-J, res 826 W 12th
Sutton John, bds 848 E 9th
Sutton Ralph W (Myrtle C), clk J E Olmstead, res 207 Knight
Swainson Betty Mrs, bds 53 N Orange
Swainson Carl E, printer Medford Ptg Co, res 53 N Orange
Swan Roland E (Maude M), carrier Post Office, res 711 Welch
SWEM'S ART AND CAMERA SHOP (John H Swem), Art Goods, Ansco Cameras and Supplies 222 W Main, Tel 903-J (See adv)
SWEM JOHN H (Swem's Art and Camera Shop), bds 1102 W 10th
SWEM'S STUDIO (Thomas M Swem), Portrait Photographer 222 W Main, Tel 903-J (See adv)
SWEM THOMAS M (Cassandra J) (Swem's Studio), res 1102 W 10th
Swinden Capitola, bds 515 Liberty
Swinden Mary J (wid Robert F), res 515 Liberty
Swisher George L (Josephine), horseman, res 6 W Jackson

Tackstrom Andrew (Emma), shoemkr 420 W Main, res 615 W 13th
Taggart Henry D (Elizabeth), lineman Home Tel & Telg Co, res Oakdale
Park add
Taggart James C (Adelaide L), carp, res Oakdale Park add
Taggart Roy J, stengr, bds J C Taggart
TAILLANDIER GERARD (Florence), Pianist and Organist, Director Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, res 323 S Orange, Tel 508-X ^
Tainer Otto F (Electric Shop), bds 322 S Central av
Talbott Joseph C (Elizabeth A), elec, res 729 W 2nd
Talent Jackson, bldg contr, res 45 N Front
Taylor Anna R, milliner M M Dept Store, bds 907 E Main
Taylor A Armond, bds 521 W Hamilton
Taylor Caswell W, lab, bds 839 Taylor
Taylor Effie L Mrs, res 521 W Hamilton
Taylor Evelyn, tel opr, bds 845 Bennett av
Taylor Goldie B, milliner Mrs L M Howard, bds 839 Taylor
Taylor Glenn O (Carkin & Taylor), Justice of the Peace, bds Hotel Medford
Taylor Jesse, farmer, bds 234 W 5th
Taylor John B, bds 839 Taylor
Taylor John W (Martha S), res 628 S Central av
Taylor Joseph (Louisa), fruit grower, res Central Point rd ¼ m n limits
Taylor Joseph H, farmer, bds Joseph Taylor
Taylor Leon C (Fay C), tmstr, res 514 W 2nd
Taylor Phoebe (wid John T), bds 619 E Main
Taylor Robert L (Donna B), painter, res 839 Taylor
Taylor Thomas L, farmer, bds Joseph Taylor
Tedrick Clair C, lab, bds 907 S Peach
Tedrick Fred (Flossie B), wood sawyer, res 911 S Peach
Tedrick George W (Emma O N), lab, res 907 S Peach
Tee Alford S (Catherine M) (Cummings Tee & McKissick), res 705 N Riverside av
Tengwald Carl T, sec Western Oregon Orchard Development Co, rms Hotel Holland
Thaler Florence A, sec Page-Dressler Land Co, bds 802 E Jackson
Thaler Pamela A (wid Wm M), res 802 E Jackson
Thayer Frederick G (Etha W), phys 310 Garnett-Corey bldg, res 1031 W 10th
THE TOGGERY (W F Isaacs), Leading Clothiers, Hatters and Men's Outfitters 129 E Main, Tel 99 (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
Theis Frederick (Martha), fruit grower, res 829 Minnesota
Theiss B Paul, salsn Medford Grocery Co, res 704 N Central av
Theiss Geraldine, bds 704 N Central av
Thierolf H Albert (Phoebe A), mngr Big Pines Lumber Co, res 3-10 N Quince
Thomas Cyrus C, telg opr, bds 912 S Central av
Thomas Howard E, student, bds 912 S Central av
Thomas Illtid W (Abigail K), res 718 W Main
Thomas Isaac M (Rachel A), lab, res 912 S Central av
Thomas Joseph A (Gussie C), furn rms, res 222 S Holly
Thomas Mabel A, tchr, bds 912 S Central av
Thomas Thornley D, lab, res rear 319 S Newtown
Thomason Archie, lab, bds 606 W 4th
Thomason Charles E, lab, bds 606 W 4th
Thomason Clifford, lab, bds 606 W 4th
Thomason Noah S (Rosa), lab, res w end 4th
Thomason Wm, lab, bds 606 W 4th
Thompson Celinda (wid Samuel A), bds 650 Pine
Thompson Emma Mrs, waiter Hotel Medford, rms 113 W Main
Thompson Francis M, lab, res 48½ N Orange
Thompson John F (Flora T), res 1056 Court
Thompson Willard E (Grace), carp, res 650 Pine
Thornburg A Blanche, bds 105 S Grape
Thornburg John R, mngr Hotel Moore, res 105 S Grape
Thornburg Vida E, cigar clk Hotel Medford, bds 105 S Grape
Thorndike John L (Etta C), grocer 637 W 11th, res 304 S King
Thornton Wm J, clk, bds 808 Bennett av
Thurston Jennie, maid 515 Pennsylvania av
Tice Fred (Martha L), lab, res 725 N Alder
Tice Hazel B, bds 1130 W 10th
Tice Jane E (wid George), res 220 Talent
Tice Margaret (wid John), res 1130 W 10th
Tice Oliver H, bds 725 N Alder
Timothy George O (Florence), janitor SP Co, res 1216 Locust
Tinker Mary E, student, bds 505 Beatty
Tinker Newton G (Carrie B), frmn Woods Lbr Co, res 505 Beatty.
Tisdale Frank (Harriet L), farmer, res 236 S Oakdale av
Tisdale Luther L, bds 236 S Oakdale av
Tisdale Phyllis D, bds 236 S Oakdale av
Toft Dora, nurse, bds 245 N Grape
Toft Joseph E (Cora), res 245 N Grape
TOFT RAY H (Amelia F), Real Estate and Loans 33 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel 78-R, res 243 N Holly, Tel 365-J
"TOGGERY BILL" (Medford's Leading Clothier), 129 E Main,Tel 99 (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
TOGGERY THE (W F Isaacs), Leading Clothiers, Hatters and Men's Outfitters 129 E Main, Tel 99 (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
Tolberd Joseph, fireman Oregon Gas & Elec Co
Tomlinson Harry K (Estella), bkpr, res 221 Vancouver av
Toms Harry A (Blanche R), clk B & C Cash Store, res 427 S Fir
Torney John A (Elizabeth F), pres The Siskiyou Heights Co, res 1404 W Main
Tou Velle Theodore P, bds 53 Rose av
Townsend Noah L (Mary R), painter, res 719 Bennett av
Trana George H (Alvina J), City Water Supt City Hall, res 712 W 14th
Trana Prudence (wid P A), bds 712 W 14th
Treat Harry H (Nettie), mach C E Gates, res 23-217 S Riverside av
Treat Nettie Mrs, rms 315 N Bartlett
Treichler George L, res 995 S Oakdale av
Treichler Laura L, bds 995 S Oakdale av
Triplett Hattie W, dressmaker, res 112 Cottage
Tripp Howard H, lab, bds 11 Tripp
Tripp Maria L (wid Hiram), res 11 Tripp
Trowbridge Benjamin J (Alice E) (White & Trowbridge), res 905 W 10th
Trowbridge Earl L, clk Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory, bds 907 W 11th
Trowbridge Edwin G (Emily M) (Medford Iron Works), res 131 Tripp
TROWBRIDGE EVERETTE G Jr, Propr Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory, res 907 W 11th, Tel 781-R
Trowbridge Harold B, appr Medford Iron Wks, bds 131 Tripp
Trowbridge Mary, student, bds 905 W 10th
Trowbridge Raymond, student, bds 905 W 10th
Trowbridge Ronald, student, bds 905 W 10th
Trudell Alexander, fruit grower, res Orchard Home Tract
True Charles P (Mattie), chauffeur, res 614 S Central av
True J Frank (Eva D), carp, res 413 S Central av
Trueblood Leola E, bds 16 N Orange
Trueblood Mayme, bds 16 N Orange
Trueblood Nettie K Mrs, res 16 N Orange
Trusty Henry J, bds 142 N Ivy
Tryer Harriet B (wid John P), bds 243 N Holly
Tucker George W (Martha E), sawmill frmn, res 540 Pennsylvania
Tucker James, pruner, res 320 W Clark
Tucker Landon H, res 312 S Central av
Tull Charles E (Ella M), vet surg 111 Genessee, res same
Tull Edward S (Elizabeth), farmer, res 830 W 12th
TUMY EARL S, Real Estate and Insurance, Agent American Insurance Co and Royal Exchange Assurance of London 210 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 664, bds 713 W 10th, Tel 138-R (See Right Bottom Lines and adv)
Tumy Jeannette Mrs, maid The Coleman, res Central Point
Tunnell Mary A Mrs, res 322 S Newtown
Tupper Lowell E (Frances T), elder Seventh Day Adventist Church, res w end W Palm 3 blks w limits
Turner Harry D (Pearl D), bldg contr, res 716 W 2nd
Turpin Charles W (Waitie A), frmn Eden Valley Orchard, res 511 S Riverside av
Turpin Richard N (Cora), blksmth 115 N Fir, res 504 N Grape
Turpin Thomas (Nellie L), farmer, res 619 N Central av
Turrill Effie M, watch repairer 243 S Holly, res same
Turrill Minnie M, bds 243 S Holly
Tyhurst Perry L (Maude E), propr The Palms, res 130 W Main
Tyrrell John R (Ella D), meat ctr Nichols & Ashpole, res 614 W 13th

Ulrich Anna, bds 358 S Oakdale av
Ulrich Earl, stockman, bds 358 S Oakdale av
Ulrich George C (Minnie L), sec-treas Home Tel & Telg Co. res 15 Keene Way
Ulrich Lillie G, bds 358 S Oakdale av
Ulrich Lorain E, bds 358 S Oakdale av
Ulrich Wm (Emma A) (Ulrich & Ryan), res 358 S Oakdale av
Ulrich W Leo, bds 358 S Oakdale av
Ulrich & Ryan (Wm Ulrich, Luke Ryan), gen mdse 44 N Central av
Union Meat Co, E J Nedd mngr, W 8th and Railroad
Union Stables, Gaunyaw & Bostwick proprs, 112 S Riverside av
US CAFE, Richard F Pfeiffer & Co Proprs, (Chowder Dick), White Help Only Employed, 40 N Front (See p 106)
United States Commissioner, Wm H Canon, 29 Jackson County Bank bldg
United States Courts, Wm H Canon dep clk, 29 Jackson County Bank bldg
United States Forest Service, M L Erickson supervisor, 22½ S Fir
UTLEY CORA E, Propr The Marinello Hair Shop, res 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 657-R
Uyeda G H, restaurant 16 N Front, rms same

Vail Wm W (Cecil S), lab, res 1021 N Central av
Valentin Walter L (Pearl S), clk Jackson County Bank, res 1321 E Jackson
Valley Fuel Co, C F Reichstein propr, Evergreen nw cor W 2nd
VALLEY MOTOR & TRACTOR CO, Ford W Hills Pres, Watson J Hills Sec-Treas, Buick Cars and Republic Tires 30 N Holly, Tel 18 (See Left Side Lines and p 6)
VALLEY SECOND HAND STORE, M J Pilcher Propr, New and Second Hand Goods, Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings 23 N Fir, Tel 307-R
Van Ausdall Harry A (Irene F), carp, res 19 Jeannette av
Vance Alva J (Florence M), mngr Home Tel & Telg Co, res 418 S Oakdale av
Vance Alva J Jr, student, bds 418 S Oakdale av
Vance G Lenore, bkpr Home Tel & Telg Co, bds 418 S Oakdale av
Van De Car Bennett T (Sarah), jeweler, res 523 S Ivy
Van Dorfy Ethel, maid 304 S Central av
Van Dusen Platt J, bds 836 Taylor
Van Duyne A C Mrs, milliner M M Ahrens Co, res Hotel Medford
Van Dyke Edith A, phys, bds 9 W 12th
Van Dyke Sarah S (wid John G), res 9 W 12th
Van Dyke Sarah S, bds 9 W 12th
Van Horn J Garrett, fruit inspr, bds 43 N Grape
Van Meter Ann M Mrs, res 729 W 11th
Van Meter Sara H, tchr Washington School, bds 729 W 11th
Van Ness Mary F (wid Elwyn J), furn rms, res 236 S Central av
Van Osdoll Roy, bill poster Blaine Klum, bds 234 E 9th
Van Scoyoc Bros (W M and C C), dentists 310 Garnett-Corey bldg
Van Scoyoc Charles C (Nannie T) (Van Scoyoc Bros), res 209 S Orange
Van Scoyoc Walter M (Maude S) (Van Scoyoc Bros), res 811 Bennett av
Van Wyck Abram, pruner, rms 123 S Holly
Vaughan Charles J (Minnie B), sec frmn Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 517 E Main
Vawter Vernon H, clk Jackson County Bank, bds 310 W Main
VAWTER WM I (Etta), Pres Jackson Comity Bank, Lawyer 1 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel 133-J, res 310 W Main, Tel 205
Vawter Wm I Jr, student, bds 310 W Main
Verbick Oran B (May), grocer 529 E Main, res 531 same
Verbick Robert L. driver O B Verbick, bds 531 E Main
Veritas Orchards, Carpenter Bros proprs, 2 m e limits
Vermeer Martinis B, student, bds 516 W Jackson
Vermeer Richard (Grace B), carp, res 516 W Jackson
Viavi Co, Mrs S A Jackson agt, 906 E Main
Vencent Charlotte (wid Washington), res 305 Liberty
Vincent Harvey C (Anna), cement wkr, res 329 N Bartlett
Vincent Walter W, miner, bds 305 Liberty
Vinson Annie, bds 144 N Riverside av
Vinson Henry (Elmira), feed stable 154 N Riverside av, res 144 same
Vinson Mabel Mrs, clk Hotel Moore, res 105 S Grape
Vollbracht Clarence W, driver Medford Dairy
Vroman Austin L (Allie E), plumber 113 S Front, res 124 Tripp
Vroman Clinton D, plumber A L Vroman, bds 124 Tripp
Vroman Elmer E, appr Medford Vulcanizing Wks, bds 124 Tripp
Vroman Elwin R, repr O G Vroman, bds 124 Tripp
Vroman Harold E, photgr, bds 124 Tripp
Vroman Mary D, music tchr, bds 124 Tripp
Vroman Orris G (Amanda T), motorcycle repr 6 S Fir, res 110 Tripp
Wagner Martin W (Minnie), meats 314 E Main, res 227 S Central av
Wagner Minnie Mrs, nurse, res 227 S Central av
Wagner Wm R (Reynolds & Wagner), res Jacksonville rd
Wahl Frederick E (Zelma), clk Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, res 718 Sherman
Wahl Zelma Mrs, bkpr Eads Transfer and Storage Co, res 718 Sherman
WAIT FRANK W (Katherine R) (F W Wait Co), res 538 W 10th, Tel 501-J2
WAIT F WILSON (F W Wait Co), bds 538 W 10th, Tel 501-J2
WAIT F W CO (Frank W and F Wilson Wait), Exclusive Dealers, Manufacturers and Quarry Ovraers of Native Granites 103 S Newtown (See adv)
Waite Josiah L (Isabella M), bds 726 W 4th
Wakefield E W, tmstr, res Sunset av ¼ m w city limits
Wakefield John W (Jessie A), real est 4 Palm blk, res 1003 W 10th
Wakeman Annette E, student, bds 129 N Oakdale av
WAKEMAN LOUIS E (Catherine M) (Graham & Wakeman), res 129 N Oakdale Av, Tel 64-J
Walden Emma, bds Mrs Lavernia Walden
Walden E Omer (Jennie), fruit grower, res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits
Walden Lavernia (wid O Leroy), res Central Point rd 3 blks n limits
Walden M Florence, student, bds Mrs Lavernia Walden
Walden Wilber L, clk J L Thorndike, res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits
Waldron Margaret A, bds 38 Geneva av
Walker Amos W (Katie A) (Nash Livery), propr West Side Feed & Sale Stables, res 444 S Fir
Walker Claxter. artist, res 1417 W Main
Walker D S R (Alice), res 633 Pine
Wall Ellis W (Nancy M), miner, res 525 S Central av
Wallace Frank L, student, bds 310 W Jackson
Wallace D Mott, bds 310 W Jackson
Wallace Loil F (Louise M), res 310 W Jackson
Wallace Russell B, bds 103 S Oakdale av
Walnut Park Addition, adjoins city on southwest
Walsh Arthur S (May), lab, res w end W 2nd
Waltermire Herbert H (Ethel I), tmstr, res Eagle Point rd
Waltermire Wm B (Maria M), janitor M E Church, res 1059 Court
Walters Albert D, chainman Pacific Highway
Walters Eric Mrs, rms 38 S Grape
Walters George W (Eveline M), farmer, res Oakdale Park add
Walther Harry L (Charity), gen supt Cal-Oregon Power Co, res Siskiyou Hts
Walther Leah C, student, bds H L Walther
Walther Lyle H, student, bds H L Walther
Ward Harry W (Lulu M) (Medford Cleaning & Pressing Co), res 417 S King
Ward Jay A (Florence A), res 608 W Jackson
Ward Maude Mrs, dressmaker, res 127 S Grape
Ward Rodney R (Lois H), eng, res 421 Woodstock
Warmuth George W, elec Cal-Oregon Power Co, rms 218 W Main
Warner Beulah S, tchr, bds 519 S Oakdale av
Warner Edward N (Belle E), pres Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 806 W Main
Warner Esther N, student, bds 806 W Main
Warner Harriett M (wid Lyman B), bds 519 S Oakdale av
Warner Lewis B Jr, clk Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 519 S Oakdale
Warner Ruth L, student, bds 806 W Main
WARNER WM J (Mary C), Asst Postmaster, res 511 S Oakdale Av, Tel 696-M
Warner, Wortman & Gore, E N Warner pres, H G Wortman vice-pres, E E Gore sec-treas, grocers 307 E Main
Warnstorff Edwin L (Anna O), real est, res 527 Beatty
Warren Charles A, special agt Northwestern Natl Life Ins Co
Warren Delmar E, bds 419 Benson
Warren Eva M, bds 419 Benson
Warren Walley T (Nezzie), res 419 Benson
Waschau Martin L (Olive J), baker C H Corey, res 1310 N Riverside
Washington School, W Main sw cor Oakdale av
Watanobe B, cleaner and dyer 114 N Front, res same
Waters Richard W (Dora), paints and oils 316 E Main, res 318 N Bartlett
Watkins Charles B (Della B), shoemkr 7 N Fir, res 714 Welch
Watkins James M, mngr Western Union Telg Co, bds 244 S Central av
Watkins Lee (Effie N) (Lee Watkins & Co), propr St Clair Rooms, res 103 E 11th
WATKINS LEE & CO (Lee Watkins, Carl Pearson), Flour, Feed and Grain 397 S Front, Tel 269 (See adv)
Watson George, painter, bds 525 S Central av
Watson John F (Exa V), tailor, res 343 S Grape
Watson Peter, fruit grower, res Orchard Home Traet
Watson Walter B (Fannie), sec F W Shapleigh Hdwe Co, bds 35 Geneva av
Watson Wm M, lab, bds 1218 W 10th
Watt Helen T, bds 215 E Jackson
Watt James E (Alice), res 215 E Jackson
Watt Wm H, propr Keystone Orchard, bds 215 E Jackson
Wattenberg Jule (Tillie), lab, res 511 S Central av
Watters Edmund A, mach, res 1024 W 11th
Watters Elsie H, bds 1024 W 11th
Watters Joseph W, bds 1024 W 11th
Watters Royal J, bds 1024 W 11th
Weaver Margaret A (wid Milton), bds 1307 W Main
Weaver Wm E, painter, res 1307 W Main
Webster Charles S (Alma T), barber Rankin Estes, res 502 S Grape
Webster Volna, rms 503 S Central av
Weeks Alfred J, fruit grower, res 909 N Central av
Weeks Building, 116 W Main
Weeks Fred W (Weeks & McGowan Co), res 38 N Orange
Weeks Gertrude E, bds 38 N Orange
Weeks Sarah E (wid John), res 38 N Orange
Weeks & McGowan Co (F W Weeks, W H McGowan, A E Orr), furn 114 W Main
Weightman Rachael J Mrs, bds 421 Benson
Weinhard H Beer & Ice Depot, S A Kroschel agt, W 4th cor N Fir
Weis John, draper Weeks & McGowan Co, res Jacksonville
Weisser Wm (Coral), auto painter 148 S Fir, res 125 S Oakdale av
Welch Bertha H, cooking instructor Public Schools, bds 806 N Riverside av
Welch Edward A (Cora K), mngr Medford Grocery Co, res 812 E Main
Welch Flora D, stengr, bds 806 N Riverside av
Welch Hazel I, waiter Nash Grill, bds 207 Knight
Welch Mark P (Flora E), auto livery 512 Pennsylvania av, res same
Welch Willard D (Elizabeth W), farmer, res 806 N Riverside av
Wells Arthur S (Martha), tmstr and Sexton IOOF Cemetery, res 334 Apple
Wells Bradley R (Minnie), tmstr, res 513 Beatty
Wells Della (wid De Puy), res 820 Bennett av
Wells Fargo & Co Express, F T Miles agt, Front n SP Depot
Wells Lylburn O, bds 334 Apple
Wells Nelson D (S Aleta), carp, res 418 S King
Wells S Aleta Mrs, phys, res 418 S King
Wendt Frederick L (Margaret), trav salsn, res 1108 E 11th
West George H (Effie E) (West & Whiteman), res 513 W 2nd
West Side Feed & Sale Stables, A W Walker propr, 29 S Grape
WEST SIDE PHARMACY, Eagle Drug Co Proprs, 134 W Main, Tel 874
West & Whiteman (G H West, C E Whiteman), conf 134 E Main
Westerlund John A (Ella) pres Western Oregon Orchard Development Co, pres Monitor Orchard Co, pres Holland Building Co, res 916 E Main
WESTERN CHINA CO (Mabel D Hall, Elsie E Rickley), China Painting Lessons Given, 130 W 6th, Telephone Connection (See adv)
Williams Leon E (Bretta B), bkpr Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn res 520 S Peach
Williams Marie Mrs, maid Hotel Medford, res 27-217 S Riverside av
Williams Mary Mrs, furn rms, res 220 S Grape
Williams Mary A (wid Joseph), res n end Beatty
Williams Myrtella Z, clk, bds Mrs M A Williams
Williams Wm, frmn Union Stables, res 220 S Grape
Williams Wm W (Mary), clk Burgess & Quisenberry, res 220 S Grape
Williams Wm W (Carrie), harnessmkr Medford Harness Co, res 102 Mistletoe
Williamson Lloyd A, student, bds 510 E Main
Williamson Louise A, student, bds 510 E Main
Williamson Thomas J (Addie), fruit grower, res 510 E Main
Wills Delbert H, bds 428 N Holly
Wilson Almira, res 229 S Laurel
Wilson Arthur C, solicitor, bds 1017 W 9th
Wilson D Franklin, bds 506 Beatty
Wilson Edith M, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 210 S Laurel
Wilson Elmer E (Myrtle M), clk Medford Furn & Hdwe Co, res 424 Beatty
Wilson Ezra M (May E), accountant, res 210 S Laurel
Wilson Frank M (Anna), cigars 116 E Main, res 124 S Central av
Wilson George B (Pearl L), salsn Hale's Piano House, res 129 S Holly
Wilson George F (May L), res 24 S Mistletoe
Wilson Gowen W, bds 225 Beatty
Wilson Grace L, student, bds 24 S Mistletoe
Wilson Harry L (Maggie), clk Medford Furn & Hdwe Co, res 506 Beatty
Wilson Horatio F (Cora F), gardener, res 225 Beatty
Wilson Ira, msgr F K Deuel & Co, bds 715 Alder
Wilson Iva N, bds 1017 W 9th
Wilson James A (Frances), res 237 N Central av
Wilson Jane, clk Akins Benton & Co
Wilson John W (Elizabeth L H), res 1017 W 9th
Wilson Lloyd, trav salsn Medford Warehouse Co, bds 124 S Central av
Wilson Lucinda L (wid Wm), furn rms, res 135 N Bartlett
Wilson Lulu A, student, bds 708 W 4th
Wilson L Jane, bds 135 N Bartlett
Wilson Maggie Mrs, nurse, res 506 Beatty
Wilson Major C (Hattie M), timber cruiser, res 306 S King
Wilson Oliver N (Cora), junk 117 S Front, res 708 W 4th
Wilson Ora M, clk W H Wilson, bds 311 W Jackson
Wilson O Birdie, bds 715 N Alder
Wilson Ransler W (Susie), lab, res 6 W Jackson
Wilson Robert (Nancy D), farmer, res 21 S Peach
Wilson Vivian T (Violet) warehouseman SP Co, res 346 N Front
WILSON WILL H (Grace) (Cheapest Store in the West) New and Second Hand Clothing, ,Shoes and Furniture 126 N Front, Tel 467 (See Left Top Lines)
Wilson Willard T, cbtmkr Medford Sash & Door Co, bds 21 S Peach
Wilson Willet C (Josie), janitor Washington School, res 411 Beatty
Wilson Wm M (Olive M), carp, res 715 N Alder
Wimer R Lawson (Ethel), carp, res 511 Austin
Windsor The, Mrs Irene Farren propr, furn rms 125 W Main
Wineland Charles D (Jessie W), elec Cal-Oregon Power Co, res 616 N Front
Wineland Jessie, clk M M Dept Store
Wines Abijah, res 641 Pine
Wines Clara M, tchr, bds 641 Pine
Wines Howard, student, bds 641 Pine
Wing Nellie (wid Welby F), res 325 S Holly
Wing Sam, laundry 123 S Riverside av
Winterhalder John H, student, bds 812 N Palm
Winterhalder Mary Mrs, res 812 N Palm
Wisbey Clarissa J (wid Thomas R), bds 210 W Jackson
Wise Jacob I (S Elizabeth), carp, res 325 E Jackson
Wise S Elizabeth Mrs, furn rms, res 325 E Jackson
Wissing Arthur H (Eleanor L), carrier RFD, res 719 W 13th
Witte Edward (Lou J), salsn Union Meat Co, res 324 Vancouver av
Wittman Anna O, maid 1003 W Main
Wold Jonas (Grace), propr Medford Pharmacy, res 44 N Quince
Wolf Emma A Mrs, furn rms, res 340 S Riverside av
Wo George H (Emma A), res 340 S Riverside av
Wolf John S (Mary J), carp, res Nichols add
Wolf John S Jr, lab, bds J S Wolf
Wolf Myrtle Mrs, dressmaker, rms 222 S Holly
Wolf Robert B, carp, bds J S Wolf
Wolf Viola, bds J S Wolf
Wolfe Alice M (wid Casper), bds 245 S Central av
Wolfe Stella, mangler Medford Domestic Lndy Co, res Park Nichols add
Wolff Christian, driver Heinz & Gilbert, bds 1032 W 11th
Wolff Elizabeth, bds 325 Benson
Wolff George, bds 325 Benson
Wolff George (Fredericka), lab, res 325 Benson
Wolff Frederick (Anna L), tmstr,.res 1028 W 11th
Wolff Fredericka (wid John), res 1032 W 11th
Wolff Henry, bell boy Hotel Nash, bds 1032 W 11th
Wolff Jacob, lab, bds 1032 W 11th
Wolff Katherine, bds 325 Benson
Wolgamott Charles M (Lottie F), janitor Jackson School, res 911 Narregan
Wolgamott Darwin, msgr Western Union Telg Co, bds 911 Narregan
Wolgamott Ernest S, lab, bds 911 Narregan
Wolgamott Lloyd R, bds 911 Narregan
Wolgamott Margaret J (wid Adam), res 118 W Clark
Wolgamott Wm F, farmer, bds 118 W Clark
Wollam Alfred L (Olla R), carp, res 939 N Central av
Wollam Gerald Z, student, bds 939 N Central av
Wolter Emil (Anna), res 731 W 2nd
Wolter Ernest E, carp, bds 731 W 2nd
Wolverton Sarah T (wid John F), bds 305 E Jackson
Womack Asa D, miner, rms 30 S Central av
Womack Ernest, carp, rms 30 S Central av
Womack Ernest R, elev opr, bds 607 S Central av
Womack Ivy G, farmer, bds 607 S Central av
Womack Michael G (Maggie C), miner, res 607 S Central av
Womack Roy P, lab, bds 607 S Central av
Wood Blanche A, clk City Recorder, rms 539 W 10th
Wood Burnie R, clk Wallace Stringer, bds 539 W 10th
Wood Clara M, stengr Medford Natl Bank, bds 539 W 10th
Wood David R (Inez M) (D R Wood & Co), res 734 W 14th
Wood David S (Augusta B), bldg contr, res 524 S Grape
WOOD D R & CO (David R Wood, G W Conner), Insurance Mail Tribune Bldg, Tel 661-R
WOOD JAMES B (Jessie E) (Wood & Childers), res 244 N Ivy, Tel 603-J
Wood John W, bds 524 S Grape
Wood Leonard L, sign painter, bds 524 S Grape
Wood Percy L (Grace L), carrier Post Office, res 220 N Bartlett
Wood Mary E, Christian Science practitioner, bds 237 N Central av
Wood Wm P, farmer, res 539 W 10th
WOOD & CHILDERS (J B Wood, G A Childers), Real Esate, Loans and Exchanges 8 S Central Av (See Left Top Lines)
Wooden George C (Frances), lab Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, res Sunset Park add
WOODFORD J RALPH (Lillian B), Postmaster, res 526 S Holly, Tel 218-J
Woodley Laura Mrs, waiter Hotel Medford, rms 128 S Holly
Woods Elmer A (Flora M), lab, bds 532 S Fir
Woods Frances E Mrs, res 532 S Fir
Woods James C (Fidelia M), lab, res 412 Boardman
Woods James E (Florence A), tmstr, res 1154 Court
Woods J Samuel, lab, bds 532 S Fir
WOODS LUMBER CO, D N Snyder Pres-Treas, M D Zwight Vice-Pres, A A Snyder Sec, J W Jacobson Mngr, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash and Doors, Cement, Plaster, Paints and Oils 204 S Fir, Tel 11 (See Front Edge)
Woods Velma S, bds 412 Boardman
WOOLF SCOTT (Eva), Complete House Furnisher, New and Second Hand Goods 22 S Fir, Tel 9, res 21 S Orange, Tel 928-X (See adv)
Woolworth Hugh L (Jennie), musician Star Theatre, res 220 S Oakdale av
Woolworth Jennie Mrs, musician Star Theatre, res 220 S Oakdale av
Worden Lester A (Pearl E), washer Medford Domestic Lndy Co res 524 S Grape
Worden Pearl E Mrs, ironer Medford Domestic Lndy Co, bds 524 S Grape
Worman Edwin, bds 604 W 10th
Worsham Jack M (Laura L), meat ctr Nichols & Ashpole, res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits
Worthington Barrett G (Olive S) (Medford Sheet Metal Works), res 1317 N Riverside av
Wortman Genevieve F, tchr Jackson School, bds 912 S Oakdale av
Wortman Harry G (Ella), vice-pres Warner Wortman & Gore, res 912 S Oakdale av
Wright Alexander L (E Odis), tmstr Medford Sash & Door Co, res 102 Tripp
Wright Edith J (wid George E), bds 24 S Mistletoe
Wright Emmett W, student, bds 24 S Mistletoe
WRIGHT MARION C, Salesman Valley Motor & Tractor Co, bds 20 Ross Court
Wright Paul L (Mina), carp, res 714 S Orange
Wright Paxton G (Kate), photgr, res 14-217 S Riverside av
Wright Ray, student Medford Bus Coll, res Phoenix
Wrisley John H (Rachel R), lab, res 1104 W 4th
Wuerth E A, lab Gaddis & Dixon
Wyland Aaron (Nancy E), res 602 S King
Wynkoop Perry E (Julia H), farmer, res 820 W 12th

Yamashita Kay, propr Sunrise Laundry, res 227 S Ivy
Yamashita Y, student, bds 227 S Ivy
Yockey Helen N, cashr Medford Mail Tribune, notary public 25 N Fir, bds 421 S Fir
Yockey Mary E (wid Martin M), res 421 S Fir
York Frances L, student, bds 616 W 10th
York Lucile, student, bds 616 W 10th
YORK WM T (Emma), Real Estate 419 M F & H Co Bldg, res 616 W 10th, Tel 162-J
Younce Sanford S, lab Eden Valley Nursery, bds 937 N Central av
Young Anna, (wid Thomas), housekeeper 440 S Riverside av
Young Charles B (Eva T), cashr Medford Lbr Co, res 403 N Holly
Young Charles P, real est, res 405 N Central av
Young Embra S, student, bds G B Young
Young George B (Lulu E), fruit grower, res Orchard Home Tract
Young George B Jr (Alice S), clk, res 824 W 12th
Young George S (Florence M), barber T A Howell, res Page Rooming House
Young Harry A, farmer, bds 249 S Riverside av
Young Harry C (Eva M) (Young & Holmes), res 123 S Holly
Young Harry L, lino opr Medford Ptg Co, rms 249 S Riverside av
Young Jeanie D, maid R W Ruhl
Young  Leland T (Ethel F), driver Medford Creamery, res 112 S King
Young Leo A (Nella M), tmstr, res 822 E 9th
Young Mildred A, bds 249 S Riverside av
Young Nicholas S, blksmth Richard Turpin, bds 233½ S Riverside av
Young Paul A, student, bds G B Young
Young Roy A (Lena A), barber J T Summerville, res 327 W 2nd
Young Wilhelmina, student, bds G B Young
Young & Holmes (Harry C Young, Noah G Holmes), proprs Park View Hotel, 123 S Holly

Zapp Peter E (Nannie L), orchardist, res 1217 W 11th
Zimmer Luppo W (Mabel C), fruit grower, res 1017 W Main
Zimmerman Clare, student, bds 517 E Main
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev Conrad Wilker pastor, 512 W 4th
ZWIGHT M D (Emma), Vice-Pres Woods Lumber Co, res Ferndale, Or

    Ashland is the best residence city on the Pacific Coast, being situated midway between the dry, hot summers of California and the cold, wet winters of the Puget Sound country. It is located along the foothills of the Siskiyou Mountains, a dozen miles north of the California line, where the palm tree meets the pine. The climate is mild and equable, having no extremes of any kind. The summer temperature is 67 degrees and in winter 39. The mercury seldom drops below 25, and zero temperatures are unknown. The summers and falls are delightful, there being but one to three weeks of unpleasantly hot weather, the mercury seldom rising above 90. The altitude is about 2,000 feet and the pure mountain air very healthful and invigorating.
    Ashland's population in 1910 was 5,020 and in the past two years it has remained practically stationary, there being but one other city in the state with as few empty houses. The best asset of the city, aside from natural advantages, is the character of her people, who are practically all native-born Americans of the best class. It is a religious and educational center, the populace taking especial pride in their schools and churches, there being four of the latter and a dozen of the former. There are no saloons and have been none for many years, the citizens at each election piling up a greater majority for prohibition, which was more than four to one in 1913.
    Pure mountain water is obtained for the municipal water system from Ashland Creek, which is fed by springs which have their source far up in the Siskiyous. In and around the city there are a number of mineral springs whose waters are unsurpassed: soda, sulfur and lithia, the latter being considered especially valuable. Plans are being perfected to pipe these medicinal waters to the center of the city for the free use of all.
    A municipal electric plant, which derives its power from a nearby falls on Ashland Creek, supplies cheap lights and power. Ten miles of the best bitulithic pavement make motoring throughout the beautiful streets of the city a delight at all seasons, while more than forty miles of concrete sidewalks promote the pleasures of the pedestrian.
    A new high school building with seven acres of grounds cost $75,000 and is modern in every respect, offering mental and manual training in accordance with the most advanced educational ideas. There is a fine city library, a branch of the Oakland Polytechnic College and the buildings of the Southern Oregon Normal School. A campaign is being conducted, with good prospects of success, for the reopening of the last named institution. The Ashland Chautauqua, with a commodious auditorium and unexcelled camping facilities, holds a two-weeks session each summer. It is one of the best in the United States and is largely attended.
    Ashland Park, the pride of the city, begins at the business section and extends for miles up beautiful Ashland Canyon, through whose center flows Ashland Creek, a lovely stream of crystal water pouring over a rocky bed and having its source at Mt. Ashland, thirteen miles away. During the summer season an almost constant stream of people wend their way beside the mossy rocks and evergreen trees of Ashland Canyon, many continuing onward and upward until they reach the summit of Mt. Ashland, which has an altitude of nearly 8,000 feet and is covered with snow the greater part of the year. A good road leads to within three miles of the summit and a good trail, passable on horseback, extends the rest of the way.
    Two natatoriums, each equipped with large sulfur swimming pools, furnish abundant bathing facilities. The Elks Club, which is the largest between Portland and Sacramento, has a four-story concrete building. The local militia company has a splendid new armory costing nearly $40,000.
    Ashland has a creamery, canning factory and cooperative fruit association, all of which do a large and profitable business.
    Ashland is a division point on the main line of the Southern Pacific railroad, being 341 miles from Portland and 441 miles from San Francisco, with roundhouse and repair shops. Four passenger trains make twenty-minute stops here in the daytime, giving passengers a better opportunity to see the country than at any other point m the West outside the large cities.
    The chief industry of the Ashland country is fruit growing and farming. It is located at the southern end of the famous Rogue River Valley, the world's premier pear district. Apples, peaches, cherries, plums and berries are also produced here to perfection, and command the highest market prices. Apricots, prunes, figs, almonds, English walnuts, sweet cherries, Tokay and other varieties of fine table grapes are also grown. Roses and other flowers are easily grown and bloom profusely, Ashland bemg one of Oregon's celebrated rose cities. The people take great pride in their homes, which they beautify with many rare and handsome trees and shrubs, including fan palms, magnolias, olive and eucalyptus. The Ashland Boulevard is a magnificent thoroughfare, well lighted and paved, having in the center a parkway set to Japanese magnolias.
    The mountains around Ashland are covered with splendid forests of fir and pine, offering great opportunities for the lumbering industry.

    First--Includes all that portion of the city east and north of Main Street.
    Second--Includes all that portion of the city west of Main Street and of Ashland Creek.
    Third--Includes all that portion of the city south of Main Street and east of Ashland Creek.
    City elections are held annually on the third Tuesday in December. Mayor, Recorder and Treasurer hold office for two years. Three Councilmen are elected each year, one from each ward, and hold office two years. Offices of Chief of Police, Street Commissioner and Water Commissioner are appointive. Chief of Fire Department is elected by members of fire companies, subject to the approval of the City Council. The Mayor and Councilmen compose the City Council.
City Officers
    City Hall--Es Plaza, corner Main.
    Mayor--O. H. Johnson.
    Recorder--C. H. Gillette.
    Treasurer--G. G. Eubanks.
    Superintendent of Water Works--Fred Rosecrans.
    Street Commissioner--C. W. Fraley.
    Chief of Police--R. C. Porter.
    Chief of Fire Department--George M. Robinson.
    City Electrical Engineer--H. G. Butterfield.
    City Engineer--F. H. Walker.
    Plumbing Inspector--Fred Rosecrans.
    Sexton--Eugene Walrad.
    First Ward--R. P. Cornelius, Louis L. Werth.
    Second Ward--C. Cunningham, P. L. Ashcraft.
    Third Ward--J. B. Ware, A. M. Beaver.
Fire Department
    Chief--George M. Robinson.
    Assistant Chief--Percy T. Grisez.
City Fire Alarm System
    Fire Chief, telephone 66. 2-6 bells, cor. Main and Wimer. 2-8 bells, City Hall. 3-5 Bells, cor. Granite and Nutley. 4-6 bells, cor. Main and Gresham. 6-3 bells, cor. Iowa and Fairview. 6-4 bells, cor. Fourth and A. 7-3 bells, cor. Sixth and C.
Police Department
    Chief of Police---R. C. Porter.
    Police Judge--C. H. Gillette.
    Patrolmen--Fred H. Christie, C. V. Atterbury, James L. Gault.
Justice of the Peace
    Justice--George W. Seager.
    Constable--A. L. Irwin.
    Ashland Band--The Armory, Clark Bush, director.
    Bush's Orchestra--The Armory, Clark Bush, director.
    Citizens Banking & Trust Co.--E Main se cor 1st. Capital, $50,000; surplus, $5250. Herman F. Pohland, Pres; Robert P. Neil, Vice-Pres; W. A. Turner, Sec; V.O.N. Smith, cashier; Fred S. Engle, Asst Cashier; E. L. Davenport, Asst Cashier.
    First National Bank of Ashland--E. Main sw cor 1st av. Capital, $100,000; surplus, $20,000. Ernest V. Carter, Pres; Charles H. Vaupel, Vice-Pres; J. W. McCoy, cashier; Clark Bush, Asst Cashier; A. J. McCallen, Asst Cashier.
    State Bank of Ashland--15 Plaza. Capital $25,000. G. S. Butler, Pres; Otto Winter, Vice-Pres; G. G. Eubanks, Cashier.
    Postal Savings Depository--Post Office. John R. Casey in charge.
    City--E Main cor Morton.
    Hargadine--Hd Sheridan.
    Mountain View Cemetery--1½ m e city ¼ m n Boulevard.
    First---1st st se cor Hargadine Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; B.Y.P.U., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
    Church of Christ--B [st] se cor 2nd. Rev. Nelson L. Browning, pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Christian Science
    First Church of Christ, Scientist--1s 26 1st av. Fred C. Homes, First Reader. Services, Sunday, 11 a.m.; Wednesday, 8 p.m.
Church of the Brethren
    Iowa sw cor Mountain av. Rev. Samuel E. Decker, pastor. Sunday services: Preaching, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Christian Workers,
6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Church of the Nazarene
    Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene--4th sw cor C. Rev. Reuben L. Wisler, Pastor. Sunday services: Preaching, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
    First--E Main cor Boulevard. Rev. W. A. Schwimley. Pastor. Sunday services. 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school. 9:45 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Junior Y.P.S.C.E. 3:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
    Trinity--E s 2nd bet Main and C. Rev. John F. Hamaker. Rector. Sunday services,
11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Holy Communion, first and third Sunday in each month.
Free Methodist
    E. Main nw cor 7th. Rev. M. F. Childs, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Methodist Episcopal
    First--N Main sw cor Laurel. Rev. Wm. J. Douglass, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:46 a.m.; Epworth League, 6:16 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
    First--N Main cor Helman. Rev. Harry A. Carnahan, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Roman Catholic
    Church of the Holy Rosary--6th ne cor C. Rev. Leo P. Szybowicz, Pastor. Sunday services: Low Mass, 8 a.m.; High Mass and sermon, 10:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 2:30 p.m.; Benediction, 7:30 p.m.; Week days, Mass 7:30 a.m.
Seventh Day Adventist
    Seventh Day Adventist--4 th se cor C. B. C. Tabor, Elder. Services: Sabbath
school, Saturday, 10 a.m.; Preaching or testimonial readings, Saturday, 11 a.m.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
    Temple of Truth (First Spiritual Society of Southern Oregon)--479 Boulevard.
Meetings: Lyceum, Sunday 8 p.m.; Ladies' Auxiliary, Wednesday, 2 p.m.; Theosophy class, Friday, 8 p.m.; G. G. Ogg, Conductor.
    E Main ne cor 6th. Rev. Frank V. Lindbled, Pastor. Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Mission services every evening, 7:30 p.m.
Religious Societies
    Altar Society of the Church of the Holy Rosary--Meets 2nd Thursday of each month at 2:30 p.m., at 120 6th. Mrs. Joe Ziegler, Pres; Emily A. Kaiser, Sec; Mrs. J. P. Wolf, Treas.
    First Spiritual Society of Southern Oregon--Temple of Truth, F. W. Moore, Pres; S. A. Carlton, Vice-Pres; Mrs. Myra McNeill, Sec; C. W. Banta, Treas.
    Ministerial Association--Meets 1st Monday at 10 a.m., at Congregational Church. Rev. W. J. Douglass, Pres; Rev. W. A. Schwimley, Treas.
    Young Ladles' Sodality of the Church of the Holy Rosary--Mary Delsman,
Prefect; Elizabeth Finneran, Sec; Rosa Banks. Treas.
    Young Men's St. Aloysius Society of the Church of the Holy Rosary---Meets
1st Wednesday at 120 6th. Leo Sander, Pres; Chas. H. Delsman, Sec; Rev. Leo P. Szybowicz, Director.
    Ashland Commercial Club--2 Ashland Improvement Co. Bldg. J. W. McCoy,
Pres; C. B. Wolf, Vice-Pres; Fred S. Engle, Treas; George W. Seager, Sec.
    Ashland-Siskiyou Club--Meets on call of President. C. B. Watson, Chief Mountaineer; Walter E. Newcombe, Sec.
    Ashland Study Club--Meets Mondays from October to May at members' residences. Mrs. George G. Eubanks, Pres; Mrs. Mae Burdic, Vice-Pres; Mrs. Grace Engle, Sec.
    Chautauqua Association of Southern Oregon--41 E Main. Ten days session
in July at Chautauqua Park. G. F. Billings, Pres; Rev. J. S. Smith, Vice-Pres; L. J. Trefren, Sec; G. G. Eubanks, Treas.
    Chautauqua Study Club--Meets at members' residences at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Grace C. Palmerlee, Pres; Mrs. Grace S. Tilton, Sec.
    Elks Club--Elks Temple. Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
    Ladies' Chautauqua Park Club--Meets at call of President. Mrs. E. J. Van Sant, Pres; Mrs. Jennie Greer, Sec.
    Parent-Teachers' Association, East Side Circle--East Side school. Meets first Monday of each month at 3:30 p.m. during school year. Mrs. Charles Brady, Pres; Mrs. E. C. Gard, Sec.
    Parent-Teachers' Association, West Side Circle--West Side school. Meets third Tuesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. during school year. Mrs. Louise A. Perozzi, Pres; Mrs. F. F. Whittle, Sec.
    Socialist Local No. 3--Meets 1st and 3rd Sundays, at 2 p.m. in Temple of Truth. Mrs. Etta Rowland, Sec-Treas.
   Women's Civic Improvement Club--Meets 2nd and 4th Friday in Public Library.
Mrs. C. B. Lamkin, Pres; Mrs. Carrie R. Minkler, Vice-Pres; Mrs. John J. Cambers, Sec; Mrs. Ida B. Veghte, Treas.
    U.S. Dept, of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology--Emerick nr Boulevard. John M. Milley, Forest Entomologist.
    Granite City Hospital--Boulevard nr Palm av. Susie E. Arnold, R.N., Supt.
    Ashland Library Association--Gresham se cor Boulevard. Contains 5000
volumes. Mrs. H. S. Mulit, Pres; Mrs. Elizabeth Van Sant, Vice-Pres; Mrs. R. L. Burdic, Sec-Treas; Blanche B. Hicks, Librarian.
    Christian Science Reading Room--1s 26 2st av. Open daily except Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
    High School Library--High School. Contains 1500 volumes and the late periodicals. Under the supervision of the Superintendent of Schools.
    Sunday School Library of Trinity Episcopal Church--Rev. John F. Hamaker, Librarian. For use of members of Trinity Episcopal Sunday school.
    First Company C.A.R., O.N.G.--Meets Monday in Armory. George C. Spencer, Capt; Clyde R. Dean, First Lieut.
    Ashland Record (Weekly)--3 Mills Bldg. Issued every Wednesday, Charles B. Wolf, Editor and Propr. $1.75 a year
    Ashland Tidings (Semi-Weekly)--13 Plaza. Issued Monday and Thursday. Bert R. Greer, Editor and Owner. $2.00 per year.
    Chautauqua Park--S end Plaza bet Mill and Hargadine.
    Base Ball Park--N end Emerick.
    Dreamland Theatre--397-399 E Main. Moving Pictures and Vaudeville, Myron
E. Hicks, Propr.
    Star Theatre--275-277 E Main. Myron E. Hicks, Propr.
Post Office
    19 Plaza.
    Postmaster--John R. Casey.
    Assistant Postmaster--Lyman D. McCall. [Lydia T. McCall]
    Registry Clerk--Herbert G. Eastman.
    Forwarding Clerk--Helene S. Casey.
    Mailing Clerk--Wm. Greenfield.
    Letter Carriers--Wm. E. Moor, Donald M. Spencer, A. Bert Freeman, Substitute.
    Driver--C. G. Bowling.
    Mail Carrier Rural Free Delivery No. 1--John H. Doran.
Arrival of Mails
    Mails arrive from north, 5:55 a.m. and 4:35 p.m. Mails arrive from south, 2:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Rural delivery Route No. 1 leaves P.O. 9 a.m., returns 5 p.m.
Departure of Mails
    Mails depart going south, 5:55 a.m. and 4:35 p.m. Mails depart north 2:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
    Mails for Climax, tri-weekly, leaves P.O. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 12 m. Leaves Climax same day arriving at 11 a.m.
    Aiken Building--281 E Main.
    Armory--Oak ne cor B.
    Ashland Improvement Co Building--25 Plaza.
    Ashland Public Library--Gresham se cor Boulevard.
    Atkinson Building--W s Main nr ft Granite.
    Beaver Building--209 E Main.
    B.P.O.E. Building-Ns E Main bet 1st and 2nd.
    Camps Building--54 E Main.
    Chautauqua Hall--Hargadine, Chautauqua Grove.
    Citizens Banking & Trust Co. Building--E Main se cor 1st.
    City Hall--Es Plaza cor Main.
    Cunningham Block--N Main sw cor Granite.
    Elks Temple--Ns E Main bet 1st and 2nd.
    Enders Block--264 E Main.
    First National Bank Building--E Main sw cor 1st av.
    Freeberg Building--21 E Main.
    Ganiard Block--Main ne cor 1st av.
    G.A.R. Building --Chautauqua Park.
    High School Building--Iowa bet Emerick and Mountain av.
    I.O.O.F. Hall--51 N Main.
    McCarthy Building--83 N Main.
    Masonic Temple--25 Plaza.
    Memorial Hall--135 E Main.
    Mills Building-25 Plaza.
    Miracle Block--353 E Main.
    Oregon Hotel Building--Ns E Main bet Oak and 1st av.
    Payne Building--238 E Main.
    Peil Building--3 Plaza.
    Pioneer Building--44 E Main.
    Rhodes-Farlow Building--15½ E Main.
    Sanderson Building--391 E Main.
    Shaw Building--391 E Main.
    Shook Building--376 E Main.
    Stoner Building--349 E Main.
    Swedenburg Block--299 E Main.
    Polytechnic Business College--E Main ne cor 3rd. W. E. Gibson, Pres; H. C. Ingram, Vice-Pres; H. R. Lufkin Prin-Mngr; Ruth Van Dyke, Adelaide L. Fowels, Teachers.
    Board of Education--J. P. Dodge, Pres; G. G. Eubanks, F. S. Engle, O. F. Carson, T. H. Simpson; H. F. Pohland, Clerk; Superintendent, G. A. Briscoe.
    High School--Ns Iowa bet Emerick and Mountain av. F. E. Moore, Prin; Otto Klum, Florence Wagner, Maud Nissley, Charlotte Kennard, Orpha Baker, Edna McKnight, Willmette Hassinger, Blanche Davenport, Madge Eubanks, F. D. Mann, Percy Watkins, Teachers.
    East Side School--Boulevard cor Sherman. G. W. Milam, Prin; Anna S. Dales, Nellie B. Ross, Margaret F. Power, Bessie M. Dunham, Effie Alverson, Myrtle Johnson, Catherine O'Leary, Mrs. Jessie N. Stannard, Teachers.
    West Side School--N Main cor Manzanita. Gertrude Engle, Prin; Ila M. Myers, Gussie Updegraff, Alice M. Thompson. Jeanette N. Creekpaum, Nellie B. Ross, Silvia Brown, Evangeline Poley, Eulalie Oates, Beulah Caldwell, Ethlyn Hurley, Teachers.
A.F.&A. Masons
    Ashland Lodge No. 23--Meets second Thursday in Masonic Temple. H. L. Whited, M.W. W. H. Day Sec.
Knights Templar
    Malta Commandery No. 4--Meets first Wednesday in Masonic Temple. O. J.
Stone, E.C.; E. A. Sherwin, Sec.
Royal Arch Masons
    Siskiyou Chapter No. 21--Meets third Thursday in Masonic Temple. C. W.
Root, H.P.; E. A. Sherwin, Sec.
    Mystic Shrine--Meets first Friday in Masonic Temple. G. W. Dunn, I.P.;
E. A. Sherwin, I.R.
Order of Eastern Star
    Alpha Chapter No. 1--Meets first and third Tuesday‘in Masonic Temple. Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg, W.M.; Mrs. Leah M. Caldwell, Sec.
A.O.U. Workmen
    Ashland Lodge No. 66--Meets first and third Wednesday in Memorial Hall. R. A. Minkler, M.W.; Louis Dodge, Rec.; Fred Engle, Fin.
Degree of Honor
    Manzanita Lodge No. 45--Meets first and third Wednesday in Memorial Hall. Mrs. Anna Myer, C.H.; Mrs. Mary S. Dodge, Sec.; Mrs. Carrie R. Minkler, Fin.
B.P.O. Elks
    Ashland Lodge No. 944--Meets Saturday in Elks Temple. J. M. Wagner, E.R.; J. E. Thornton, Sec.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen
    Ashland Homestead No. 4067--W. H. Gowdy, Correspondent, 156 Union.
Fraternal Brotherhood
    Mistletoe Lodge No. 149--Meets fourth Thursday in Memorial Hall. George A.
Culy, Pres; Mrs. Frances G. A. Damon, Rec. Sec.; Mrs. Alice E. Stubbs, Treas.
Fraternal Union of America
    Ashland Lodge No. 473--Meets at members' residences. Mrs. Josephine D.
Crocker, F.M.; Mrs. Grace Holmes, Sec.
    Burnside Post No. 23--Meets first and third Saturday in Armory. Erastus K. Hall, Com.; Amos Dahuff, Adjt.
Woman's Relief Corps
    Burnside Relief Corps No. 24--Meets first and third Saturdays in Armory. Mrs. Lulu Howard, Pres.; Mrs. Katherine Thomas, Sec.; Mrs. Josephine Crocker, Treas.
    Ashland Lodge No. 45--Meets Thursday in I.O.O.F. Hall. W. A. Flackus, N.G.; B. R. Stevens, Rec. Sec.
    Pilot Rock Encampment No. 16--Meets first and third Tuesday in I.O.O.F. Hall. L. H. Wyant, C.P.; G. W. Trefren, Scribe.
    Canton Siskiyou No. 14--Meets first and third Friday in I.O.O.F. Hall. G. W. Trefren, Capt.; E. J. Farlow, Clerk.
Rebekah Lodge
    Hope No. 14--Meets second and fourth Tuesday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. Louise
A. Perozzi, N.G.; Mrs. Leah M. Caldwell, Fin. Sec.; Gussie I. Updegraff, Rec. Sec.
Knights of the Maccabees
    Granite Tent No. 4--Meets second and fourth Wednesday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Eugene Walrad, Com.; G. F. Damon, R.K.
Ladies of the Maccabees
    Margaret Hive No. 22--Meets first and third Wednesday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Chas. J. Brady, L.C.; Mrs. Etta C. Dunlap, R. K.
Knights of Pythias
    Granite Lodge No. 23--Meets Monday in I.O.O.F. Hall. John F. Patty, C.C.; James B. Saunders. K. of R.&S.
Pythian Sisters
    Calanthe Temple No. 13--Meets second and fourth Friday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. Emma Earl, M.E.C.; Mrs. Louise G. McNair, M. of R.&C.
Knights and Ladies of Security
    Ashland Council No. 1561--Meets second and fourth Monday in I.O.O.F. Hall. C. H. Gillette, Pres.; Louis J. Orres, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Julia Briggs, Sec.
Loyal Order of Moose
    Ashland Butte Lodge No. 1223--Meets Monday in Moose Hall. M. E. King, Dictator; J. B. Saunders, Sec.
Modern Brotherhood of America
    Ashland Butte Lodge No. 1329--Meets at call at homes of members. G. W. Milam, Sec.
Modern Maccabees
    Pioneer Tent No. 1008--Meets first and third Wednesday. W. H. Flagg, Com.; G. W. Trefren, R.K.
Modern Woodmen of America
    Mahogany Camp No. 6565--Meets second and fourth Friday in Memorial Hall. W. A. Schwimley, V.C.; G. H. Hedburg, Clerk.
Royal Neighbors of America
    Ivy Camp No. 2893--Meets first and third Friday in Memorial Hall. Mrs. Emma Earl, Oracle; Mrs. Frances Damon, Rec.
Tribe of Ben Hur
    Gate City Court No. 15--Meets Wednesday in Moose Hall. John L. Barnthouse, Chief; S. S. Davies, Scribe.
Woodmen of the World
    Ashland Camp No. 243--Meets second and fourth Friday in I.O.O.F. Hall. W. A. Bibby, C.C.; J. R. Wick, Clerk,
Women of Woodcraft
    Acorn Circle No. 54--Meets second and fourth Saturday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. Martha E. Gulley, G.N.; Mrs. Josephine D. Crocker, Clerk.
    W.C.T.U.--Meets second and fourth Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. at First M. E. Church. Mrs. P. L. Ashcraft, Pres.; Mrs. M. M. Edmonds, Sec.; Mrs. G. R. Slingerland, Treas.
    Southern Pacific Co.--Passenger Depot and Ticket Office, ft 4th. Freight Depot, ft 3rd. George N. Kramer, Agent.

Abbott Arthur F (Laura), brickman SP Co, res 108 Alida
Abbott Charles E (Carrie), farmer, res nr end E Main
Abbott Hannah, bds C E Abbott
Abbott John M (Myrtle A), farmer, res 100 Union
Abbott John W (Mary A), gardener, res 875 Oak
Abbott Marion M, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds S S Abbott
ABBOTT MELVIN F (Abbott & Van Dyke), bds Charles E Abbott
Abbott Sylvenus S (Emily), farmer, res ws Taylor 1 s Holly
Abbott Wm M, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds S S Abbott
ABBOTT & VAN DYKE (Melvin P Abbott, Wm M Van Dyke) Custom Tailoring, Shirts and Underwear Made to Order, Goods Called For, 203 E Main (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
Acklin Everett A, student, bds 108 Nursery
Acklin Thomas W (Delia M), pres Ashland Trading Co, res 108 Nursery
Adams H R, brakeman SP Co
Adams James B (Eva M), switchman SP Co, res 142 B
Adams J Quincy (Emma B), fruit grower res 295 Grant
Adamson Lloyd, res 329 Beech
Addis Katherine E (wid James S), res s end Elizabeth
Agler David C, cond SP Co, rms 107 2nd
Agnew Charles H, restaurant es 4th 1 s B, rms same
Ahlstrom Frederick J (Emma B), cond SP Co res 355 B
Ahlstrom Nils (Lovenea), res 248 5th
Ahlstrom Tengner T, fireman SP Co, bds 248 5th
Aiken Building, 281 E Main
Akers John C, lab, bds 137 1st
Albert Eli, res 111 Coolidge
Allard Frank G (Mary E), frmn SP Co, res 6 Beach av
Allen Anthony G, bds 585 C
Allen C Frank, bds 320 Palm av
Allen Florence P, student, bds 115 Bush
Allen Geneva W (wid Paul C), res 115 Bush
Allen George W (M Emmaline), carp, res 440 Granite
Allen Harry A (Lettie L), auctioneer, res 237 B
Allen I Delpha, bds 320 Palm av
Allen Laura E F (wid Oliver B), res 320 Palm av
Allen M Eleanor, bds 320 Palm av
Allen Rebecca, res 585 C
ALLEN SUSIE L MRS, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans, Ten Years in Business, Reference any Bank in Ashland, 63 N Main, Tel 16, bds 96 Laurel, Tel 289-J
Allison Robert E (Cora P), cond SP Co, res 556 B
Alnutt Hattie A (wid Joseph W), res 163 Granite
Alnutt Joseph M, cigar mkr E R Grieve, bds 163 Granite
Alverson Ada, rms 150 1st av
Alverson Effie, tchr East Side School, rms 150 1st av
Anderson A Belle, res 136 B
Anderson Carl, bds 60 5th
Anderson Elizabeth N (wid Eli K), res 344 E Main
Anderson George N (Emma L), propr Anderson & Co, res 667 N Main
Anderson George R Rev (Methodist Episcopal), farmer, res 430 Holly
Anderson George S (Elizabeth L), clk Warner Mercantile Co, res 76 Alida
Anderson Jean U, bds 430 Holly
Anderson Jessie M, bkpr, bds 190 B
Anderson John W, student, bds 430 Holly
Anderson Mary M, bds 351 Morton
Anderson Oliver G, clk Eastern Supply Co, bds 430 Holly
ANDERSON & CO, George N Anderson Propr, Pianos and Organs, 667 N Main, Tel 227-R
Andrews Henry W (Grace E), fruit grower, res 122 Church
Andrews Herrick P (Lily E), res 104 Laurel
Angle Levi L, res 191 Oak
Angle Orra E, mngr Dreamland Theatre, bds 191 Oak
Applegate Daniel A (Ella A), agt Wells Fargo & Co Express, res 94 Granite
Applegate Gladys, student, bds 94 Granite
Applegate Mildred V, student, bds 94 Granite
Arant Ernest J (Belle), fruit grower, res 449 Euclid av
Arant Lillian G, student, bds 449 Euclid av
Arbuckle Arthur W (Nettie), fruit grower, res w end Wimer
Archibald James (Emma), driver Ashland General Delivery Co, res 249 B
Armory, Oak ne cor B
Arnold John F (Sadie), res Granite City Hospital
Arnold Orpha W, bds Granite City Hospital
ARNOLD SUSIE E, RN, Superintendent Granite City Hospital, res same, Tel 133
Ashcraft Elmer K, bds 407 Woolen
Ashcraft Le Roy L, student, bds 407 Woolen
Ashcraft Mary M, tchr, bds 407 Woolen
Ashcraft Perry L (Melissa C), fruit grower res 407 Woolen
ASHLAND BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY Joseph H Rusk Propr, 233 4th, Tel 17 (See adv)
Ashland Band, Clark Bush leader, The Armory
ASHLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB, J W McCoy Pres, C B Wolf Vice-Pres, Fred S Engle Treas, George W Seager Sec, 2 Ashland Improvement Co Bldg
Ashland Commercial Orchards Co Inc, F G McWilliams pres, Capt A W Thomas sec-treas, 73 Oak
ASHLAND CREAMERY, Domingo Perozzi Propr, 97 Mill, Tel 24
ASHLAND ELECTRIC POWER & LIGHT CO, J W Churchill (San Francisco) Pres, A J Rosborough (San Francisco) Gen Mngr, C A Malone Mngr, 91 Oak, Tel 42
ASHLAND FEED STORE, J N Dennis Propr, Hay, Grain, Poultry Supplies, Seeds, Building Material, Cement, Plaster, Groceries, Wood Yard in Connection, 353 E Main, Tel 214 (See Left Bottom Lines)
Ashland Fire Department, G M Robinson chief, City Hall
ASHLAND FLOUR & FEED MILLS, Morton & Son Proprs, A ne cor 1st (See Right Bottom Lines)
ASHLAND FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSOCIATION INC, Rowland P Cornelius Pres, J B Hunter Sec, V N O Smith Treas, A C Briggs Mngr, Packers, Canners and Shippers of the Famous Ashland Peaches, Also Apples, Pears, Plums, Cherries and all Kinds of Berries, Green House and Mountain Vegetables, Ash ne cor Oak, Tel 89
Ashland Furniture Co (John R Wick, Wm B Smith), 94 N Main
ASHLAND GARAGE, Hayden G Butterfield Propr, Cole Motor Cars, Reo Motor Cars, Auto Supplies, Repairing, etc, 53 2nd, Tel 492 (See Left Bottom Lines and adv at name Butterfield H G)
Ashland General Delivery Co (I E and W B Dennis), 444 California
Ashland Hotel Co, D Perozzi pres, E T Staples sec, proprs Hotel Ashland, 50 N Main
ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO, G S Butler Pres, H L Whited Sec, J G Hurt Mngr, Ice Manufacturers, Cold Storage, Wood and Coal Water nw cor B, Tel 108
Ashland Improvement Co Building, 25 Plaza
Ashland Iron Works, Michael McGrath pres-treas, James McMann vice-pres, George W Dodson sec-mngr, 248 Helman
ASHLAND-KLAMATH EXCHANGE (Ermay L Hosley), Agency Klamath Falls Flouring Mills, Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed, Seeds and Poultry Supplies E Main nw cor 3rd, Tel 4
Ashland Library Assn, Mrs H S Mulit pres, Mrs Elizabeth Van Sant vice-pres, Mrs L R Burdic see-treas, Blanche E Hicks librarian, Hope Burdic asst librarian, Gresham se cor Boulevard
ASHLAND LIVERY & FEED STABLE, E F Smith & Sons Proprs, 107 Mill, Tel 59 (See p 148)
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, J H Chambers (Cottage Grove) Pres, John H Christensen Vice-Pres, Charles P Christensen Sec-Treas, Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Sash, Doors, Shingles, Lath, Wood, etc, 384 Oak, Tel 20 (See Left Side Lines and adv)
Ashland Marble Works, Mrs Ann H Russell propr, 117 N Main
ASHLAND MEAT CO (Alton R Brown), Proprs East Side Meat Market, 395 E Main, Tel 188, and Meat Market 61 N Main, Tel 190 (See Right Side Lines and adv)
Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, E C Gard pres, E G Owen vice pres, Ida M Gard sec-treas, 1st bet A and B
ASHLAND RECORD, Charles B Wolf Editor and Propr, 3 Mills Bldg, Tel 181 (See p 150)
ASHLAND TIDINGS, Bert R Greer Editor and Owner, 13 Plaza, Tel
39 (See p 151)
Ashland Trading Co, Thomas W Acklin pres, Charles W Chattin sec, Lemuel S Brown treas-mngr, gen mdse 153 E Main
ASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, C F Bates Propr, Transfer, Storage, Cement, Rock Springs (Wyoming), and Spring Canyon (Utah) Coal, 99 Oak, Tel 117 (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Transfer Cos)
Atkin Hattie Z, student, bds 70 Harrison
Atkinson Building, ws N Main nr ft Granite
Atkinson Eugenia L (wid Wm H), res 111 N Main
Atlas The (Sidney H Smith), furn rms 224 4th
Atterbnry Angus W (Martha J), res 349 Sherman
Atterbury Clarence V (Cosy D), police, res 189 Granite
Atterbury Lewis, bds 349 Sherman
Autry Allen, student, bds 36 Morton
Autry Hiram A Rev (Dora E), res 36 Morton
Avent Rabon C, student Polytechnic Bus Coll

Babcock Fred C (Lillian M), farmer, res 733 Oak
Bachand Cecilia M Mrs, res 357 Vista
Bachtell Donna L, student, bds P C Stratton
Bagley Doris E, bds 91 Gresham
Bagley Elmer E Jr, bds 91 Gresham
Bagley Elmer E (Augusta S) (Cunningham & Co), res 91 Gresham
Bailey Adelbert J, farmer, bds Isaac Bailey
Bailey Bertha A, milliner, bds 631 Walnut
Bailey Hildred M, bkpr, bds 631 Walnut
Bailey Isaac (Mary E), fruit grower, res Woolen add
Bailey James S, timber lands Peil bldg, res 2 Beach av
Bailey Joseph W, fireman SP Co, res 119-7th
Bailey Minerva M, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds Isaac Bailey
Bailey Mora, clk L F Ferguson, bds 2 Beach av
Bailey Raymond C, farmer, bds Isaac Bailey
Bailey Warren R, student, bds 119 7th
Bailey Willis A, fruit grower, res 631 Walnut
Baker Lydia (wid Adam), bds 129 Granite
Baker Mark, confectionery 57 N Main, rms 66 E Main
Baldwin Cora E, dressmaker, bds 316 N Main
Baldwin Martha A (wid Robert T), res 316 N Main
Ball Winfield S (Lizzie), fruit grower, res 345 Harrison
Banfield Itha, waiter, rms 265 4th
Banks John (Mary A), lab, res 132 5th
Banks Rosa, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 132 5th
Banta Charles W (Mae E), news agent, res 57 4th
Banta Harry, farmer, bds 57 4th
Banta Herbert, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 57 4th
Barber Lucile, student, bds 153 Granite
Barber Wilson M (Mabel J), frmn Ashland Tidings, res 153 Granite
Barneburg Daniel H (Oda I), stockman, res 542 Fairview
Barnes Henry C (Olive B), res 855 B
Barnett Guy (Jennie), driver J N Dennis, res 134 Garfield
Barney Bert O, tmstr, bds 231 Gresham
Barney Grace M, clk Beebe & Kinney, bds 129 Bush
Barney Harold W, tmstr, bds 129 Bush
Barney Hiram A (Lydia), carp, res 231 Gresham
Barney J Stewart, candy mkr, bds 129 Bush
Barney Reuben E (Mary), real est, res 129 Bush
Barnhill Bertha M, bds 344 Wimer
Barnhill Matilda J (wid John F), res 344 Wimer
Barnhill Owen H, fruit grower, bds 344 Wimer
Barnthouse John L, meat ctr East Side Market, res 85 2nd
Barnthouse Verl G, call boy SP Co, bds 85 2nd
Baron Daniel, lab, bds 304 Mechanic
Baron John H (Ellen), res 304 Mechanic
Barrett Elizabeth T Mrs, tchr, res 180 Factory
Barrett Irene, student, bds 146 Manzanita
Barrett Josephine (wid Harvey M), bds 180 Factory
Barrett J Edmond (Elizabeth T), brakeman SP Co, res 180 Factory
Barron Edgar B (Stacy), farmer, res B376 E Main
Barron Homer W (Minnie R), farmer, res 63 Pine
Bartges Frances E, bds 426 B
Bartges Walter H, brakeman SP Co, res 426 B
Barton Fay M, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 325 N Main
Base Ball Park, n end Emerick
Bateman Irwin R (Mabel M), fireman SP Co, res 570 Fairview
Bates Arthur, bds 460 Boulevard
BATES CONLEY F (Louise F), Propr Ashland Transfer & Storage Co. res 460 Boulevard, Tel 431-J (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Transfer Cos)
Bates Harry, bds 460 Boulevard
Bates Nathan G (Mazie A), barber 63 E Main, res 135 B
Baughman Harding T (Clara M), mens furnishings 227 4th, res 566 Fairview
Baughman J Clinton (Vella H), lab, res 525 E Main
Baughman R Dale, bds 566 Fairview
Beach Baldwin (Susie M), res 41 Gresham
Beach Edward C, miner, res 687 Beech
Beach Jennie M (wid Charles), bds 687 Beech
Beagle Adam H (Mattie M), res 495 Beech
Beagle James C (Ethel O), bricklayer, res 332 Harrison
BEAGLE WM J (Marguerite), Propr Hotel Park, res 35 1st Av, Tel 163
BEAVER ASA M (Henrietta) (Beaver Realty Co), res 916 Iowa, Tel 10
Beaver Building, 209 E Main
Beaver Christine B, tchr, bds 234 Avery
Beaver John M (Emma J), bkpr Beaver Realty Co, res 234 Avery
Beaver Meredith G, student, bds 916 Iowa
Beaver Minnie E, student, bds 916 Iowa
Beaver Nellie M, student, bds 916 Iowa
BEAVER REALTY CO (A M Beaver, Mrs E Yockey), Real Estate Exchanges a Specialty, Loans and Insurance 211 E Main, Tel 68 (See Right Bottom Lines)
Beck Wm A (Ollie V), helper SP Co, rms 150 6th
Beebe Walter B (Beebe & Kinney), res 470 Boulevard
Beebe & Kinney (W B Beebe, A E Kinney), dry goods 31 N Main
Beeler Charles V (Emma), res 842 Boulevard
Beeler Fern, student, bds 842 Boulevard
Bell Alice, bds 83 Granite
Bell Jennie, res 83 Granite
Benedict George W (Esther), poultry breeder, res 219 Mountain av
Benedict May E, bds 219 Mountain av
Benedict Pauline, tchr, bds 219 Mountain av
BPOE Building, ns E Main bet 1st and 2nd
Bennett George I, miner, res 785 B
Berggren Anna, bds 373 Vista
Bergstrom Charles L (Ingrid M), fruit grower, res 467 Chestnut
Bergstrom James W (Linda M), res opp 595 Roca
Beswick Richard (Margaret), res 147 Manzanita
Beswick Sarah, bds 147 Manzanita
Betterley Joseph W (Clara B), mach Ashland Garage, res 712 Boulevard
Bevington Walter C (Tammy L), yardmaster SP Co, res 139 2nd
Bibby Wm A (Lulu), farmer, res 938 Oak
Biede Gertrude W, clk City Recorder, bds 108 Nob Hill
Biede Helen A, clk H C Stock, bds 108 Nob Hill
BIEGEL AUGUST J (E Charlotte), Sheet Metal Works, Plumbing, Heating, Cutlery and Hardware, General Agent for Monarch Stoves and Ranges, Lowe Bros Paints 297 E Main, Tel 90, res 195 Morton (See p 147)
Biegel Calla E, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 195 Morton
Biegel Milton A, clk A J Biegel, bds 195 Morton
BILLINGS' AGENCY (G F Billings), Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing 41 E Main, Tel 211 (See Right Bottom Lines p 146)
BILLINGS G F (Frances M), Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing 41 E Main, Tel 211, res 1099 N Main, Tel 271-J (See Bottom Lines and p 146)
BILLINGS G HOMER (Ellen C), Clerk G F Billings, res 743 E Main, Tel 275-L
Billings Ralph (Myrtle), farmer, res 1088 N Main
Bingham Emily I (wid R Heber), res 259 Laurel
Birmingham Thomas, msgr, rms 107 2nd
Bish Joseph A (Annie A), tchr, res 219 Avery
Black Ethel G, maid 128 Nob Hill
Black Kathleen, student, bds Mrs M T Black
Black Lunsford P, bds Mrs M T Black
Black Mary T (wid Lunsford P), res hd Sheridan
Blackwelder R L, res 667 Beech
Blair John F (Ann E), boiler washer SP Co, res 867 E Main
Blair Wm, gardener Chautauqua Grove, bds 207 Visa
BLAKE W EARL (Cordelia), Dentist 9-10 First National Bank Bldg, Tel 109, res 118 Bush, Tel 230-J
Blaker Charles H (Mona E), boilermaker SP Co, res 488 N Main
Blalock  Walter W (Fannie), conductor SP Co, res 111 B
Bliss John S, bds 180 Harrison
Blodgett Florence E, tchr, bds 147 Nutley
Blodgett G Alberta, student, bds 147 Nutley
Blodgett Sherman M (Alice E), res 147 Nutley
Bodel Anna Mrs, waiter, rms 265 4th
Bogue John H, farmer, res 105 Water
Bolton Thomas K (Lizzie B), drugs 53 N Main, res 142 Church
Bolton Walter E, clk T K Bolton, bds 142 Church
Bolz Justine (wid Frederick), res 354 Liberty
Bolz Richard F (Ida), grocer Iowa ne cor Boulevard, res 354 Liberty
Bomar Alene R, student, bds 470 Allison
Bomar Angela F, tchr, bds 470 Allison
Bomar Clara M Mrs, res 470 Allison
Bonham Philip, res 341 Beech
Bonner Bella Mrs, nurse, bds 192 Mechanic
Boone George A (Annie), farmer, res 357 Vista
Booth Cecile C, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 996 Oak
Booth Eliza (wid Wm J), bds 130 Helman
Booth Oran (Bessie E), fireman SP Co, res 130 Helman
Booth Worthy D (Jennie W), farmer, res 997 Oak
Bordeaux Loraine S (wid Levi), bds 40 Bush
Borrell Bertha, nurse Granite City Hospital
Borror Clayton S, carp, bds 59 Manzanita
BOSLOUGH A W (Myrtle C), Physician Payne Bldg, Tel 22, res Hillcrest, Tel 36
Bovee Curtis M (Ida L), agt Grand Union Tea Co, res 315 Granite
Bovee Harper W, bds 315 Granite
Bowers Benton (Mildred), fruit grower, res Boulevard se cor Walker
Bowers Benton Jr, bds Benton Bowers
Bowers Edna, bds Benton Bowers
Bowers James, bds Benton Bowers
Bowling Clarence G, driver Post Office, res 227 Oberlin
Bowling Prentiss C, bds 227 Oberlin
Boyd Henry J (Nettie), photgr 177 E Main, res 63 Alida
Boyd James (Hattie), res 317 N Main
Bozel Max, wood cutter W A Conner
Bradford L, cond SP Co, rms 268 B
BRADFORD PEARL M MRS (Dr R P Bradford and Wife), Chiropractor 21 E Main, res same, Tel 58 (See adv)
BRADFORD RANDALL P (Pearl M) (Dr R P Bradford and Wife), Chiropractor 21 E Main, res same, Tel 58 (See adv)
BRADFORD DR R P & WIFE (Randall P and Pearl M), Chiropractors 21 E Main, Tel 58 (See adv)
Brady Charles D, student, bds 486 Allison
Brady Charles J, cond SP Co, res 486 Allison
Brady Lois O, student, bds 518 Iowa
Brady Nellie E, student, bds 518 Iowa
Brady P Earl, farmer, bds 518 Iowa
Brady Samuel E, student, bds 518 Iowa
Brady Sarah D (wid Preston C), res 518 Iowa
Bressler Fred W (Pearl M) (M C Bressler & Son), res 327 Morton
Bressler Mahlon C (Mary E) (M C Bressler & Son), res 19 Gresham
Bressler M C & Son (Mahlon C and Fred W), agricultural impts 389 E Main
Briggs Arthur C (Anna W), mngr Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn Inc, res 58 Bush
BRIGGS EDWARD D (Nellie), Lawyer 44 E Main, Tel 105, res 146 Bush, Tel 302-R
Briggs Frances M, bds 58 Bush
BRIGGS MONTE E (Julia), Propr Briggs Shoe Store, res 79 Pine, Tel 429-R
Briggs Nellie E, student, bds 146 Bush
BRIGGS SHOE STORE, M E Briggs Propr, 11 E Main, Tel 177
Briggs Wm M, student, bds 146 Bush
Briscoe George A (Florence A), city supt Public Schools, res 31 Union
Briscoe  Lance, phys, res 31 Union
Bristow Ida Mrs, res 35 1st av
Brittsan Isaac F (Lucinda A), propr Hotel Savoy, res 72 N Main
Brittsan John A, lab, bds 72 N Main
Brockman Arleigh C (Grace F), car repairer SP Co res 561 C
Broker Fred M (Mary J), agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, res 128 1st av
Brower David M (Delila), phys 216 Factory, res same
Brower Harley R, student, bds 216 Factory
Brower Manley M (B Dale), elec Jordan Electric Co, res 231 Mechanic
Brower Voda E, student, bds 216 Factory
BROWN ALTON R (Austie A) (Ashland Meat Co), res 376 E Main, Tel 416-R
Brown Clyde K, bds 725 B
Brown Edna M, bds 311 N Main
Brown Ella F, bds 311 N Main
Brown Frances, waiter Depot Hotel, rms same
Brown Frank, brakeman SP Co, res 130 8th
Brown Freeman A (Marietta), res 109 Pine
Brown Lemuel S (Effie P), treas-mngr Ashland Trading Co, res 500 Holly
Brown Marguerite L, student, bds 500 Holly
Brown Matie I (wid Charles H), res 725 B
Brown Ruth P, student, bds 500 Holly
Brown R F, brakeman SP Co, bds 143 8th
Brown Sarah M (wid Hiram L), res 311 N Main
Brown Sylvia G, tchr West Side School, bds 109 Pine
Browning Nelson L Rev (Lennis L), pastor Church of Christ, res 55 Pine
Bruhn Fred (Lillian G), bds 1167 E Main
Bruhn Thomas (Blanche E), clk Nininger & Robertson, bds 1167 E Main
Bruner Hazel M, student, bds 365 Woolen
Bruner James W (Mary E), gardener, res 365 Woolen
Brushwood Eli N, res 633 Iowa
Bryant Charles J (Anna A), mining, res 573 E Main
Buck Ernest, driver Ashland Creamery, bds M R Buck
Buck Grace F, student, bds M R Buck
Buck La Verne, student, bds M R Buck
Buck Letha, student Polytechnic Bus Coll
Buck Mordica R (Edna), farmer, res Iowa nw cor Avery
Buck Otis, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds M R Buck
Buerstatte Mary (wid Henry), bds 195 Morton
Bunce Ann E Mrs, bds 110 Laurel
Bunn John P (Edna A), driver Ashland General Delivery Co, res 160 Nob Hill
Bunnell Ella M, bds 171 Elizabeth
Bunnell Freeman W (Laurissa), miner, res 171 Elizabeth
Bunnell Nancy C (wid Philip C), bds 171 Elizabeth
Burdic Hope, asst librarian Ashland Library Assn, bds 117 Laurel
Burdic Ruric L (Mae), lumber, res 117 Laurel
Burdic Ruric L Jr, student, bds 117 Laurel
Bureau of Entomology, US Dept of Agriculture, John M Miller Forest Entomologist, Emerick nr Boulevard
Burnett Earl J, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 691 Oak
Burnett John S (Fleeta M), lab, res 691 Oak
Burns Clair W, tmstr, bds 332 Harrison
Burns Cora E Mrs, nurse, bds 332 Harrison
Burns Ray E, bds 332 Harrison
Burt Edward C (Kate), lab, res rear 202 Granite
BUSH CLARK (Edna H), Asst Cashier First National Bank of Ashland, res 111 Laurel, Tel 223-J
Bush Elber H (Elizabeth), eng SP Co, res 12 Beach av
Bush George, express msgr, rms 107 2nd
Bush Orchestra, Clark Bush Director, The Armory
Bushnell Brittie D, student, bds 1064 Ashland
Bushnell Loren W, lab, bds 1064 Ashland
Bushnell Mabel E Mrs, res 1064 Ashland
Butler Abraham, baker Mrs M E C Butler, res 34 Union
BUTLER'S CONFECTIONERY, E N Butler Propr, Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and Candy, Wholesale and Retail, 23 N Main (Plaza) Tel 149 (See p 148)
BUTLER E N (Frances), Propr Butler's Confectionery, res 23 N Main
Butler Gwin S (Alice B), pres State Bank of Ashland, pres Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 41 Granite
Butler Mary E C Mrs, delicatessen 180 E Main, res 34 Union
Butterfield Charles E, carp, bds 400 Morton
Butterfield Freda L, bds 651 Beech
Butterfield Harry O (Cora B), barber N G Bates, res 651 Beach
BUTTERFIELD HAYDEN G (Edna B), Propr Ashland Garage, Agent Cole Motor Car and Reo Motor Car, Auto Supplies, Repairing etc 53 2nd, Tel 492, res 126 1st Av (See adv)
Butterfield Margaret R (wid Charles), res 400 Morton
Butts Festus (Susan), res 172 Mountain av

Cain Charles D (Amy), mach SP Co, res 526 E Main
Cain George, mach, rms 526 E Main
Caldwell Beulah C, tchr West Side School, bds 122 Laurel
Caldwell Leah M Mrs, res 122 Laurel
Caldwell Walter F, wire chief Western Union Telg Co, rms 31 Church
Caldwell Wm W (Bessie D), res 165 N Main
Calef Otis P (Gussie V), res 567 Beech
Calfee John A (Mahala), res 72 Garfield
Calhoun Elizabeth J (wid Dwight), bds 916 Iowa
Chambers Floy L, tchr, bds J J Chambers
Cambers John J (May), stockman, res Scenic dr cor Nob Hill
Cambers Royal U, ranger US Forest Service, bds J J Cambers
Campbell Richard P (Myrtle B), farmer, res 146 Manzanita
Campbell Wm E (Nettie), plasterer, res Grant ne cor Grover
Camps Building, 54 E Main
CAMPS F L (Hattie M), Propr Ford Garage, res 67 Helman, Tel 234-J
Canine Henry R (Nancy), bds 713 Oak
Carey Wallace D (Nathalie), res 335 Almond
Carlson Martin, lab, res 275 Garfield
Carlton S Adolphus, res 99 Union
Carnahan Gladys L, student, bds 132 N Main
Carnahan Harry A Rev (Tessa L), pastor First Presbyterian Church, res 132 N Main
Carpenter Bessie E, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 357 Liberty
Carpenter Eugene J, student, bds 357 Liberty
Carpenter George E (Hettie B), farmer, res 357 Liberty
Carpenter Walter S, student, bds 700 Terrace
Carpenter Walter W (Lovina S), res 78 2nd
Carpenter Wm J (E Zoe), clk A J Biegel, res 700 Terrace
Carr Wilfred, clk H L Whited, bds 123 Church
CARSON ORSON F (Lavina L) (Carson-Smith Lumber Co) (Pioneer Planing Mill), res 427 Palm Av, Tel 358-R
CARSON-SMITH LUMBER CO (Orson F Carson, Gilbert F Slingerland), Lumber, Sash and Doors, Paints, Oils, etc, Wood 143 1st nr B, Tel 98 (See adv)
Carter C L, fireman SP Co
CARTER ERNEST V (Anna M), Pres First National Bank of Ashland, res 514 Boulevard, Tel 239-J
Carter Henry J (Hester N), clk Holmes Bros, res 321 Alta av
Carter John A (Martha J), veterinary surgeon, res 295 Helman
Carter Mabel (wid Ernest A), res 455 B
Carter Major A (Mary R), miner, res 269 2nd
Carter Sidney E, plumber Warren Mercantile Co, res 276 B
Case Lou N (wid Wm E), bds 47 Granite
Casey Harry D, bds 134 1st av
Casey Helene S, clk Post Office, bds 134 1st av
CASEY JOHN R (Mary F), Postmaster, res 134 1st Av, Tel 318-R
Casey P S, pres The Gold Standard Mining Co, res Seattle
Casey Robert (Susie E), gardener, res 1228 E Main
Caster Clara, maid East Side Inn
Cavin Allen B (Elizabeth A), mining, res 774 B
Cavin Samuel (Abbie), res 726 Iowa
CHAMBERS J H, Pres Ashland Manufacturing Co, res Cottage Grove, Ore
Chaney Russell L (Josephine E), porter res 376 B
Chapin Frederick W (Anna N), res 150 1st
Chapman Eunice, bds 20 Lincoln
Chapman Thomas D (Zella R), farmer, res Boulevard ½ m e city
Chapman Wm (Mable), carp, res 20 Lincoln
Chappell Charlotte, bds 990 Boulevard
Chappel Helen E, tchr, bds 990 Boulevard
Chappell Ruth, bds 990 Boulevard
Charlton Florida H, maid Depot Hotel, rms same
Charlton Martha Mrs, housekpr Depot Hotel
Chattin Charles W (Jessie A), sec Ashland Trading Co, res 316 Hargadine
Chattin Henry C, bds 316 Hargadine
Chautauqua Association of Southern Oregon, G F Billings pres Rev J S Smith vice-pres, L J Trefren sec, G G Eubanks treas, ten days session in July at Chautauqua Park, office of pres 41 E Main
Chautauqua Hall, Hargadine Chautauqua Park
Chautauqua Park, s end Plaza bet Mill and Hargadine
Cheney Russell, porter Hotel Oregon, res 376 B
Chesnut Charles W, lab, bds 202 Granite
Chesnut John W (Mary), res 202 Granite
Chesnut Minnie, bds 202 Granite
Childers Alice N, bds James Gifford
Childs Morris T Rev (Clara L), pastor Methodist Church, res 777 E Main
Choate Joseph K Jr (Lorena E), tariff inspr SP Co, res 139 Wimer
CHRISTENSEN CHARLES P, Sec-Treas Ashland Manufacturing Co, rms 137 Oak, Tel 274-Y
CHRISTENSEN JOHN H (Etta C), Vice-Pres Ashland Manufacturing Co, res Ayers Spur, Tel 1 F 3
Christian Science Reading Room, 1 s 26 1st av
Christie Fred H (Pearl L), police, res 770 Iowa
Chung Lee, laundry 280 A
Church of Christ, Rev Nelson L Browning pastor, B se cor 2nd
Church of the Brethren, Rev Samuel E Decker pastor, Iowa sw cor Mountain av
Church of the Holy Rosary, Rev Leo P Szybowicz pastor, 6th ne cor C
Churchill J W, pres Ashland Electric Power & Light Co
Churchman Elsie M (wid John A), clk McGee's, bds 97 Pine
CITIZENS BANKING & TRUST CO, Herman F Pohland Pres, Robert P Neil Vice-Pres, W A Turner Sec, V O N Smith Cashier, Fred S Engle Asst Cashier, E Main se cor 1st, Tel 162
Citizens Banking & Trust Co Building, E Main se cor 1st
City Cemetery, Eugene Walrad sexton, E Main cor Morton
City Hall, es Plaza cor Main
CITY RECORDER, Charles H Gillette, City Hall, Tel 74
City Truck Co (David D Good), 23 N Main
City Water Works, Fred Rosecrans supt, City Hall
Clark Harmon P, bds 111 Bush
Clark Milton S K (Bettie A), blksmth Mill nr Plaza, res 111 Bush
Clark Velma I, dressmaker, bds 111 Bush
Clary Charles F (R Adeline), fruit grower, res 369 Granite
Clary Frank B, tmstr, bds 369 Granite
Clary Jesse G, tmstr, bds 369 Granite
Clausen John M, gardener, res 767 Oak
Clara C F, tmstr W A Conner
Clift Cora A, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 140 Nursery
Closser Clarence E (Allie), lab, res 235 5th
Clute Hazel, cook Royal Bakery and Cafe, bds Park Hotel
Clute Silas W (Emma L), cement wkr, res 91 Nursery
Clyde Wm Rev (Jemima M) (Presbyterian), res 121 Manzanita
Coble Daniel (Sarah), res 116 Church
Coburn Charles J (Jennie), shoemkr 93 N Main, res opp 338 Holly
Coburn Willie D, msgr Western Union Telg Co, bds C J Coburn
Coder Catherine Z, student, bds 531 Woolen
Coder Eli H (Mary L), fruit grower, res 531 Woolen
Coder Laurence R (Almeda G), mach Ashland Iron Works, res 195 Skidmore
Coffee George H (Emma E), res 154 Oak
Coffee Georgia W, clk, bds 154 Oak
Coffin Wm A, cond SP Co, rms 156 5th
Coldwell Levi (C Blanche), lumberman, res 85 Union
Coldwell L Arthur, bds 85 Union
Coldwell L Elton, bds 85 Union
Cole Chloe A (wid Byron), bds 737 Boulevard
Cole Edith A, student, bds 737 Boulevard
Cole Ellen J Mrs, bds Columbia Hotel
Cole Elsie A, bds 204 Wightman
Cole Hugh F (Lillie), res 143 4th
Cole Jules F, sawyer Wm A Conner, res 737 Boulevard
Cole Mary (wid Stephen), res 842 A
COLE MOTOR CARS, H G Butterfield Agent, 53 2nd, Tel 492 (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
Cole Rufus J, rancher, bds Columbia Hotel
Cole Thurber A, clk J J McNair, bds 204 Wightman
Cole Wm N (Lucinda J), salsn, res 204 Wightman
Collett Robert, student Polytechnic Bus Coll
COLUMBIA HOTEL, Mrs E G Hadleyy Propr, Strictly Modern Rooms, Steam Heat, Rates Reasonable, 264 E Main, Tel 77 (See Right Side Lines)
Colvig Volney, bds 129 High
Conner Allen H, res 865 Blair
Conner Floyd (Ruby), tmstr W A Conner, res 585 E Main
Conner L W Mrs, propr Hotel Oregon, res same
Conner Wm A (Mary H), wood 86 4th, res 78 same
Conway Franklin E (C Evelyne), bldg contr, res 125 Wimer
Conwell Jeremiah (Allie), fruit grower, res 220 Nutley
Cooke Anna (wid Nicholas), res 375 B
Cooke James H (Alice M), res 165 B
Coombe Leslie R (Florence A), plasterer, res 79 Scenic dr
Coombs Sarah C, tchr, bds 105 1st av
Corbett James L (Rose), miner, res 475 Iowa
Cobbett J Leslie, Alta av sw cor West
Corbett Sylvanius C (Henrietta), res 140 7th
Corbin Jane (wid Morris), bds 148 Orange av
Cornelius Rowland P (Fannie A), pres Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn Inc, res 900 Oak
Costel Lucien F, fireman SP Co, bds 192 Mechanic
Costolo Clyde (Lizzie), barber G B Skeen, res 80 Hargadine
Cotter Charles A (Delphia I), cond SP Co, res 167 Harrison
Cottrell Mary F (wid Albert D), res 92 Church
Cox Gertrude G, bds 637 E Main
Cox Joseph, clk, bds 357 Vista
Cox Raymond T, farmer, res 637 E Main
Cox Sarah E (wid Allen E), cashr Pacific Tel & Telg Co, res 357 Vista
Cox Thomas G, bds 637 E Main
Coy Eugene, car inspr SP Co, bds 72 N Main
Crance L Alfred (Lottie E), lab, res Laurel sw cor Otis
Crawford George W, clk Depot Hotel, rms same
Creekpaum Jeanette N, tchr West Side School, rms 277 Almond
Creighton George C (Amanda), carp, res 767 E Main
Creighton Rebecca R (wid Harry A), res 142 6th
Cress Harmon, student, bds 508 Liberty
Cress James W (Dora), farmer, res 508 Liberty
Crews George W (Hannah M), miner, res 40 Granite
Crews Orley E, janitor Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, bds 40 Granite
Crocker Josephine D (wid Wm G), res 462 B
Cromar Alice, student, bds 675 Walnut
Cromar Elizabeth (wid John), res 675 Walnut
Cromar Elizabeth, stengr G F Billings, bds 675 Walnut
Cromar Jeannie R, stengr, bds 675 Walnut
Crouch Charles C, fireman SP Co, bds 96 Laurel
Crouch Frank I (Bess L), mngr Swift & Co, res 148 Factory
Crovelle Manuel F (Della), rms 573 E Main
CROWSON'S, Winford Y Crowson Propr, Confections, Luncheon, Ice Cream Elks Temple, Tel 475 (See adv)
Crowson Bessie G, bds 253 8th
Crowson Clarence C, lab, bds 253 8th
Crowson Elsie M, tchr, bds 253 8th
Crowson Frank H (Anna M), lab, res 253 8th
Crowson Ida B Mrs, cashr Crowson's, res 366 B
Crowson James E (Lettie A), gardener, res 896 Boulevard
Crowson Wealthy W (wid Wm), bds 366 B
CROWSON WINFORD Y (Ida B), Propr Crowson's, res 366 B, Tel 298-J (See adv)
Croxall James R, clk Ashland Trading Co, res 432 Terrace
Culbertson Elizabeth Mrs, bds 391 Bridge
Culbertson Thomas A (Mamie), farmer, res 391 Bridge
Culy A Branch, farmer, bds 220 Mountain av
Culy George A, mach SP Co, res 308 Liberty
Culy George C (Permelia N), farmer, res 220 Mountain av
Cummings Herbert H, res 128 Nob Hill
Cunningham Block, N Main sw cor Granite
Cunningham Clyde L (Mabel H) (Cunningham & Co), res 548 Iowa
Cunningham Cushman (Sarah A), res 319 Alta av
Cunningham Helen L, student, bds 548 Iowa
Cunningham J Leslie, student, bds 548 Iowa
Cunningham Nancy (wid Wm F), res 104 3rd
Cunningham & Co (C L Cunningham, E E Bagley) real est 240 E Main
Curry F E, msgr W F & Co Exp, rms 107 2nd
CURT'S RESTAURANT, Curtis W Roberts Propr, 530 A, Tel 182 (See adv)
Curtiss Joseph H, bds 985 E Main

Dahuff Amos (Martha E), res 440 Palm av
Dahuff Earl, student, bds 440 Palm av
Dahuff Edna, student, bds 440 Palm av
Dales Anna S, tchr East Side School, bds 31 Union
Dalzell Granville, student, bds 311 Granite
Damon George F (Frances G A), carp basement 11 B, res 11 B
Daney John A, livery 256 4th, res same
Danford Beecher (Katie E), elec 51 N Main, res 63½ N Main
Danford Evalyn, dressmaker, bds Thomas Danford
Danford Thomas (Marcia), gardener, res rear 124 Manzanita
Dart Le Roy (Elizabeth P), bldg contr, res opp 220 Garfield
Davenport Blanche, tchr Domestic Science Public Schools, res 370 Hargadine
Davenport Ethel L, asst cashr Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 370 Hargadine
Davies Samuel S (Lora B), barber 243 4th, res 784 A
DAVIS ALFRED H (Anna), Lawyer 6-7 Citizens Banking & Trust Co Bldg, Tel 99, res 371 Mountain Av
Davis Allen (Nancy J), miner, res 137 1st
Davis Carl, lab SP Co
Davis Charles S (Mattie E), gardener, res 311 Granite
Davis Elizabeth, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 438 N Main
Davis F Roy (Inez C), state circuit court reporter, res 109 Church
Davis George W, lab, res 395 Granite
Davis Herbert, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 136 1st
Davis Morgan E, eng SP Co, res 187 Sherman
Davis Nellie Mrs, waiter Depot Hotel, rms same
Davis Wm R (Mary J), res 453 Allison
Day Arthur B (Sarah M), tinner, res 92 Church
Day Bessie M, student, bds 92 Church
Day Charles T, telg opr SP Co, res 532 Allison
Day Wm H (Susan M), res 47 Laurel
Dean Clyde R (Vera E), cashr Ashland Electric Power & Light Co, bds 99 Granite
Dean Frank G (Margaret N), eng SP Co, res Hillcrest nr Vista
Dean Harris (Minnie L), timber cruiser, res 99 Granite
De Carlow Neva, nurse Granite City Hospital
Decker Arthur, student, bds 168 Elizabeth
Decker Clarence B, horse shoer W W Wilson, rms 107 Mill
Decker Edward B, tmstr, bds 168 Elizabeth
Decker Frank M (Bertha), veterinary dentist, res 168 Elizabeth
Decker P Arthur (May), tmstr, res ws Avery 4 n Boulevard
Decker Samuel E Rev (Cora B), pastor Church of the Brethren, res 263 Palm av
Decker Sylvester P, student, bds 168 Elizabeth
Deibert Ora E (Ocean W), elec, res 322 Wimer
De Lap Chester H (Sena), dairy, res 355 Otis
Delsman Charles H, student, bds 118 Helman
Delsman Clara (wid J Bernard), res 118 Helman
Delsman L Bernard, carp, bds 118 Helman
Delsman Mary R, bds 118 Helman
Dempsey Joseph, woodcutter W A Conner
Dennis C Ray (Edith F), butcher, bds 351 N Main
Dennis Ivan E (Etta M) (Ashland General Delivery Co), res 41 California
DENNIS JAMES N (Effie E), Propr Ashland Feed Store, Hay, Grain, Poultry Supplies, Building Material, Cement, Plaster, Groceries, Wood Yard in Connection, 353 E Main, Tel 214, res 477 Allison, Tel 297-J (See Left Bottom Lines)
Dennis Louis (Caroline E), res 484 California
Dennis W Bert (Ashland General Delivery Co), bds 484 California
Densmore Joseph M (C Ruth), mach, res 860 Ashland
Densmore Mary B (wid John D), bds 860 Ashland
Densmore Oliver R, farmer, bds 860 Ashland
De Peatt Antoinette (wid Edward), res 143 Hargadine
Depot Drug Store, John J Mackrodt in charge, 4th sw cor A
Depot Hotel, Julius P Wolf propr, ft 4th
Detweiler Elizabeth, missionary, res 279 Palm av
De Wees Ruhamah (wid Louis), res 549 Allison
Dews Oliver E, fireman SP Co
Dibell Lina, rms 99 Granite
Dickerson Helen, bds 141 High
DICKERSON WM O (Elise) Paints, Wall Paper and Glass 83-85 N Main, Tel 172, res 141 High, Tel 302-J (See p 149)
Dickey Alphonso (Mary E), res 126 Mechanic
Dickey Floyd F, janitor First Natl Bank bldg, bds 126 Mechanic
Dickey Frank R, res 489 Allison
Dickey Nellie E, attorney 5 Mills bldg, bds 126 Mechanic
Dickinson Sadie E (wid John), res 321 Hargadine
Dilsworth Florence, student, Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 1167 E Main
Divet Florence M, bds 70 Alnutt
Divet James C (May), fruit grower, res 70 Alnutt
Divet Robert L, bds 70 Alnutt
Dodge Emaline A (wid Daniel), bds 451 N Main
Dodge Frank F (Virenia), res 451 N Main
Dodge Fred L, cond SP Co, bds 607 Boulevard
Dodge Ira C, bds 607 Boulevard
Dodge John P (Mary S) (J P Dodge & Sons), res 590 Boulevard
Dodge J P & Sons (John P, Louis and Will M), furniture 125 E Main
Dodge Louis (Jessie E) (J P Dodge & Sons), res 696 Boulevard
Dodge Will M (Ina) (J P Dodge & Sons), res 614 Boulevard
Dodge W E, eng SP Co, res 150 1st
Dodge W Harry, painter, bds 451 N Main
Dodson George W (Pearl E), sec-mngr Ashland Iron Works, res 431 N Main
Doran Alma H, student, bds 650 Ashland
Doran Eliza A (wid Samuel C), bds 407 N Main
Doran Fannie N, student, bds 698 Ashland
Doran James H (Gertie L), fruit grower, res 698 Ashland
Doran John H Rev (Ethel M) (Presbyterian), carrier RFD, res 401 N Main
Doran Mason A, student, bds 650 Ashland
Doran T Frank (Amy A), fruit grower, res 650 Ashland
Doran Vernon H, student, bds 698 Ashland
Dougherty Edna, musician, Star Theatre, bds 239 Oak
Dougherty Frank H, bds 239 Oak
Dougherty Myrtle, bds 247 Oak
Dougherty W Jesse (Emma L), clk Nims & Saunders, res 239 Oak
Douglass Wm J Rev (Laura P), pastor First M E Church, res 48 Laurel
DRAKE MYRTLE E MRS, Cashier Royal Bakery and Cafe, Tel 173, res 44 E Main
Drake Roy B, bds 266 6th
DRAKE SIMEON S (Myrtle E), Propr Royal Bakery and Cafe, Tel 173, res 44 E Main (See adv at name Royal Bakery and Cafe)
DREAMLAND THEATRE, Myron E Hicks Propr, Orra E Angle Mngr, 397-399 E Main (See adv at name Star Theatre)
Drew Robert H (Mary E), painter, res 115 Fork
Dryude Axley M (Susie M), cond SP Co, res 120 4th
Dugger John H, janitor SP Co, bds 104 3rd
Dunham Bessie M, tchr East Side School, bds 446 Allison
Dunlap Clinton H, ice cream mkr Ashland Creamery, bds 286 B
Dunlap Elizabeth A (wid S Harvey), res 286 B
Dunlap George G (Sadie E), lab, res 108 7th
Dunlap G Esbond, brakeman SP Co, bds 108 7th
Dunlap Howard B, lab, bds 108 7th
Dunlap Merle T, lab, bds 108 7th
Dunlap Minnie G, clk H G Enders & Son, bds 286 B
Dunlap Robert W (Etta C), miner, res 159 Nob Hill
Dunn George W, res South Ashland
Du Peau Wallace S (Joanna N), plumber, res 64 Dewey
Durkee Nathan Mrs, housekpr G W Kennard, bds same
Duty C Fred, fireman SP Co, bds 1375 Iowa
Duty Martha E (wid Abijah H), res 1375 Iowa
Duty Maude, bds 1375 Iowa
Dyer Arvel F, lab, bds 77 Pine
Dyer H Elizabeth (wid H Milton), res 77 Pine
Dyer L Hubert, lab, bds 77 Pine

Eagle Pork Packing House (Louis L Werth), 82 N Main
Eagon Levi M (Irene J), lab, res 233 Granite
Earl Emma Mrs, waiter Hotel Oregon, bds same
East Grover (Mattie E), wood cutter W A Conner, res 939 B
East Hughes, bds 939 B
East J Luther, wood cutter W A Conner
East Side Inn, Mrs Abbie E Lennart propr, 2nd nw cor Hargadine
EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET, Ashland Meat Co Proprs, 395 E Main, Tel 188 (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
East Side School, George W Milam prin, Boulevard cor Sheridan
Easterling B Pearl, bds 400 Beach
Easterling John M (Artie M), orchardist, res 400 Beach
Easterling Ollie S, lineman, bds 400 Beach
Easterly Henry (Annie B), fruit grower, res 527 Terrace
Eastern Supply Co, M N Wood mngr, harness makers 292 E Main
Eastman Herbert G (Mildred H), clk PO, res 71 Scenic dr
Eastman Wesley S, eng SP Co, res 155 6th
Eaton Beryl E, bds 885 B
Eaton Enid L, bds 885 B
Eaton Glen M, lab, bds 885 B
Eaton Hazel E, student, bds 885 B
Eaton Willard S (Evelyn), fireman SP Co, res 885 B
Eccleston Fred A (Alice H), carp, res 365 Vista
Eccleston Jennie (wid Gideon), res 253 3rd
EDINGTON MOORE C (McWilliams & Edgington), Insurance 73 Oak, Tel 84, res 43 Church
Edgington Robert P, bds 43 Church
Edmunds Carey, bds 924 E Main
Edmunds John, bds 924 E Main
Edmunds Wm H, res 924 E Main
Edwards Arthur C, farmer, bds 815 Oak
Edwards Ernestine, tchr, bds 344 E Main
Edwards Richard J (Laura B), res 72 Laurel
Edwards Samuel G (Eunice C), res 815 Oak
Eggleston Augusta L (wid Millard F), res 123 Church
Eherenman Perry P (Francis L), farmer, res 45 California
Elhart Homer H (Poley & Elhart), bds 108 Nursery
Eliason Charles A (Nancy A), farmer, res 217 N Main
Eliason C Ross, wood dealer, bds 217 N Main
Eliason Larz A, driver C R Eliason, bds 217 N Main
Eliason M Bertha, tchr, bds 217 N Main
Elks Club, Elks Temple
Elks Temple, ns E Main bet 1st and 2nd
Ellis Jennie (wid Harmon), res 626 B
Ellis Wm N (Vyviene), eng SP Co, res 4 Beach av
Embree Elmer G (Minnie A), tinner, res 14 Beach av
Emery Harry C (Maycel), bkpr First Natl Bank of Ashland, res 195 Helman
Emery Hazel H, stengr, bds 110 Mechanic
Emery Henry S (Alwida A), pattern maker, res 110 Mechanic
Emery Melvin S (Vada), painter, res 114 Mechanic
Emery Nina M, clk C H Vaupel, bds 110 Mechanic
Emmick R D, switchman SP Co
Endelman Julio, dentist Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, bds 151 Wimer
Enders Block, 264 E Main
ENDERS HENRY G (Jennie) (H G Enders & Son), res 328 E Main, Tel 246-J
ENDERS HENRY G Jr (H G Enders & Son), bds 328 E Main, Tel 246-J
ENDERS H G & SON (Henry G and Henry G Jr), Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnishing Goods, Millinery and Cloaks and Suits 264-266-268 E Main, Tel 7 (See Right Side Lines and adv)
Bnders John E, clk H G Enders & Son, bds 328 E Main
Engle Angie L Mrs, res 534 Boulevard
Engle Fred S (Grace), asst cashr Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 534 Boulevard
Engle Gertrude E, prin West Side School, bds 534 Boulevard
English Belle H Mrs, dressmaker, res 1131 Oak
English Charles E (Belle H), tchr, res 1131 Oak
English Charles S (Lillian), fruit grower, res 435 Terrace
Erickson Arthur E, student, bds 555 Fairview
Erickson Florence J, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 555 Fairview
Erickson Nels (Mary), miner, res 555 Fairview
Espy James S (Izora E) (Espy & Rogers), res 477 Allison
Espy & Rogers (James S Espy, Wm L Rogers), barbers 139 E Main
Estell Grace Mrs, bds 468 Helman
Estes Edward A (Leona J), real est, res 1 n 325 N Main
Eubanks George G (Amanda M), cashr State Bank of Ashland, res 291 Wimer
Eubanks Madge, tchr Domestic Art Public Schools, bds 291 Wimer
Evans Ellis H, fireman SP Co, bds 526 E Main
Evans Hiram S, bds 115 Fork
Evans M Julia (wid Charles), furn rms 526 E Main
Evenson Even C (Elizabeth B), filer, res 90 7th
Everton Walter (Roberta R), eng SP Co, res 585 Allison
Ewan Nellie G, tchr, bds 219 Almond
Ewer Howard E (Adell), clk Nininger & Robertson, res 51 3rd

Fairview The (Mrs M L Hunter), furn rms 482 B
Farlow Edward J (Mary D), res 131 Church
Farlow Elbert J, student, bds 131 Church
Farmer Amy, maid 872 Boulevard
Farmer Charles H (Laura), mining, res 156 3rd
Farmer Clara A (wid David D), bds D R Tallman
Farmer Fred L, student, bds D R Tallman
Farmer Laura Mrs, clk R A Minkler, res 156 3rd
Farnham Clarence (Fradie I), gardener, res 349 N Main
Farnham Florence I, stengr, bds 651 Walnut
Farnham Romain (Laura), fruit grower, res 651 Walnut
Farrar Clyde L, student, bds 311 Wimer
Farrar J Henry (Emily B), tmstr, res 311 Wimer
Farrell James H, res 298 Avery
Farrer Charles W (Annie), res 715 Pennsylvania av
Farrer Wm A, farmer, bds 715 Pennsylvania av
Faulk Clarence E, car repairer SP Co, res 41 5th
Faulk Della J Mrs, res 582 C
Faulk Ethel E, bds 117 Church
Faulk Walter A (Lucy B), car repairer SP Co, res 117 Church
Ferguson James C (Jessie M), eng inspr SP Co, res 184 B
Ferguson Leo F (Linda L), notions 52 E Main, res 376 same
Ferren Jesse A (Eva M), fireman SP Co, res 137 7th
Fessler Mary (wid John), bds Horace Goble
Fewel James M (Jennie), tmstr, res 264 Mechanic
Fidler R W, eng SP Co, bds Depot Hotel
Finley Alice, bds 361 Woolen
Finley Ezra (Rebecca), res 361 Woolen
Finnell John W Rev (C Alice), evangelist, res 424 Helman
Finneran Andrew (Margaret), section frmn SP Co, res e end A
First Baptist Church, 1st se cor Hargadine
First Church of Christ Scientist, Fred C Homes 1st reader, 1 s 26 1st
First Congregational Church, Rev Alvin Schwimley pastor, E Main cor Boulevard
First Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev W J Douglass pastor, N Main sw cor Laurel
First National Bank Building, E Main sw cor 1st av
FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASHLAND, Ernest V Carter Pres, Charles H Vaupel Vice-Pres, J W McCoy Cashier, Clark Bush Asst Cashier, A J McCallen Asst Cashier, E Main sw cor 1st Av, Tel 102 (See Front Cover and p 145)
First Presbyterian Church, Rev Harry A Carnahan pastor, N Main cor Helman
Fitch Frank H (Affie M), bldg contr, res 725 Iowa
Flackus Edward W, clk Shasta Grocery, bds 872 B
Flackus Emil W (Lena) clk Shasta Grocery, res 156 6th
FLACKUS WM (Cynthia A), Propr Shasta Grocery, res 872 B
Flagg Wm H (Nellie M), plumber, res 77 5th
Folding Mattress Co (C L Frazier), 441 B
Foltz Frank S (Odessa L), storekpr SP Co, res 268 B
FORD AUTOMOBILES, Ford Garage Agents, 380-382 E Main, Tel 169 (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
FORD GARAGE, F L Camps Propr, Agents for Ford Automobiles, Repairing and Supplies 380-382 E Main, Tel 169 (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
Forgie Edward, lab, bds 111 3rd
Forgie Louisa Mrs, maid W E Lloyd
Foster C Bernice, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 338 B
Foster Frank L (Effie G), fireman SP Co, res 338 B
Foster Perry, lab, bds John Pierson
Foster Wm D (Florence I), salsm H G Enders & Son, res 342 Vista
Fowels Adelaide L, tchr Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 105 Bush
Fowler Eugene H (Florence B), driver City Truck Co, res 1 s 168 Lincoln
Fowler Price (Violet S), tmstr, res 1 s 168 Lincoln
Fox David F, res 244 Hargadine
Fox Hamilton H, farmer, bds 168 Lincoln
Fox Martha A (wid Elisha), res 168 Lincoln
Fox Melvina M, tchr, bds 168 Lincoln
Fox Otto, student, bds 168 Lincoln
Fox Sarah R, res 96 Laurel
Fraley Charles W (Sarah A), street commissioner, res 311 Mountain av
Fraley Earl J, student, bds 311 Mountain av
Fraley Floyd C, tchr, bds 311 Mountain av
Fraley J Milton, student, bds 311 Mountain av
Fraley Ralph R, bds 311 Mountain av
Frazer Hiram H, water service man SP Co, bds 268 B
Frazier C Lannese (Onique) (Folding Mattress Co), res 280 2nd
Frazier Elmer M (Mary), res 1150 Oak
Frazier Ethel E, student Polytechnic Bus Col, bds 1150 Oak
Frazier Mattie E (wid Wm O), bds 308 Liberty
Free Methodist Church, Rev M F Childs pastor, E Main nw cor 7th
Freeberg Building, 21 E Main
Freeberg Wm A (Louise C), optician, res 19 Granite
Freeman Andrew L (Mary R), carp, res 261 Oberlin
Freeman A Bert (Kittie V), carrier Post Office, res 340 Granite
Freeman Charles W, janitor Public Library, bds 261 Oberlin
Freeman E Vivian, bds 261 Oberlin
Freeman Rollie, bds 261 Oberlin
French Caroline (wid Garret B), res 415 Granite
French Robert S, lab, bds 415 Granite
Frizell Charles A, stengr, bds 243 Maple
Frizell Susan F (wid Charles F), nurse, res 243 Maple
Frohbach Hugo O (E Lucile), fruit processor, res 93 Bush
Frulan Walter H, conductor SP Co, res 661 B
Fuller Charles H (Mary), butcher, res 724 N Main
FULLER PERRY B (Mabel) (Fuller & Paulserud), res 187 Rock
FULLER & PAULSERUD (Perry B Fuller, Oliver A Paulserud), Merchant Tailors, Clever, Classy Clothes Made, 171 E Main, Tel 119 (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
Furrey Wm A (Lillie F), farmer, rms Potter Rooming House

Galbraith George A, bds 152 Sherman
Galbraith James (Elizabeth), lab, res 152 Sherman
Gall Christopher C, bds 259 High
Gallivan Cornelius J (Gertrude A), cigar maker, res 185 Granite
Ganiard Block, Main ne cor 1st av
Ganiere Charles (Sophia), res 148 Wimer
Ganiere George H (Myrtle R), butter maker Ashland Creamery, res 125 Nob Hill
Gard Ezra C (Ida M), pres Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, res 925 Boulevard
Gard Ida M Mrs, sec-treas Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, res 925 Boulevard
Garmar A N Mrs, res 1023 E Main
Garmar Harvey, student, bds 1023 E Main
Garrett Fred R, student, bds 124 Manzanita
Garrett Peter C (Anna D), brkmn SP Co, res 765 Boulevard
Garrett Robert M (Ella S), res 124 Manzanita
Gash George A, student Polytechnic Bus Coll
Gash George W, hlpr SP Co, bds 124 Manzanita
Gault James L (Dora), police, res 162 1st av
Gault Raymond J (Gowland & Gault), bds 162 1st av
Gearhart Armor R, res nr end E Main
Gearhart Harvey H (Agnes), farmer, res Walker av 1 s E Main
Gearhart Roy E, fireman SP Co, bds H H Gearhart
Gearing John C (Lillie), farmer, res 264 Grant
Gearing Raymond C, student, bds 264 Grant
Gerth Mary F Mrs, clk, bds 440 Helman
Gibbs Edith E, student, bds 464 Mountain av
Gibbs John B (Mary L), farmer, res 464 Mountain av
Gibson James C, berry grower, res 172 Granite
Gibson John R, fruit grower, res 145 Scenic dr
Gibson Joseph B, student, bds 172 Granite
Gibson Merle H, bds 172 Granite
GIBSON W E, Pres Polytechnic Business College, res Oakland Cal
Giddings Ellen E (wid Absalom F), res 107 N Main
Gifford James (Amy F), painter, res opp 234 Avery
Gill James S (Naomi), farmer, res Walker av nr Boulevard
Gillam Samuel S, res 215 Nutley
GILLETTE CHARLES H (I Elizabeth), Recorder City Hall Tel 74, res 79 High, Tel 296-L
Gillette Hugh H (Belle C), yardmaster SP Co, res 150 1st av
Gillette Martha L (wid Almond V), res 92 Church
Gilmore Henry G (Cynthia A S), music teacher, res 283 Woolen
Gilmore Minnie, waiter Depot Hotel, rms same
Glendinning Walter E (Winnie A), entomologist US Dept of Agriculture, res 324 Liberty
Glover Maye O, student, bds 14 Beach
Goble Horace (Anna A), gardener, res Walker av 1 n Boulevard
Goetze Albert C (Laura E), lab, res 295 Palm av
Gold Standard Mining Co The, P S Casey (Seattle) pres, F G McWilliams sec, 73 Oak
Good David D (Nettie E) (City Truck Co), res 269 B
Good L Pearl, nurse, bds 269 B
Good R Gladys, student, bds 269 B
Goodlett Oda C (Edna M), car inspr SP Co, res opp 78 Mountain av
Goodman Raleigh C (Elizabeth T), baggageman SP Co, res 237 C
Goodyear Jennie (wid Robert), res 134 Church
Gordon Margaret H, student, bds 630 Boulevard
Gordon Wm G (Florence T), res 630 Boulevard
Gorham N W (Barbara), brkmn SP Co, res 39 4th
Gorman Lulu B, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 34 1st av
Gow Thomas J (Mary E), wood dealer, res es Taylor 1 s Holly
Gowdy Wellington H (Harriet C) (W H Gowdy Co), res 156 Union
Gowdy W H Co (Wellington H Gowdy, Oscar L Young), real est, loans, mines 77 Oak
Gowland Ann (wid James), res RFD 1
Gowland James EB (Gowland & Gault), res RFD 1
Gowland & Gault (James E Gowland, Raymond J Gault), proprs Oregon Motor Garage 135 1st av
Graham George, msgr W F & Co Exp, rms 107 2nd
Graham George E (F Anna), car repairer SP Co, res 832 A
Graham June M (wid Alexander D), res 303 N Main
Graham J Arthur, bds 303 N Main
Grainger Emma E (wid Francis M), res 298 Hargadine
Grainger Gawn M (Kate M), carpenter, res 35 Granite
Grainger Marian F, bkpr First Natl Bank of Ashland, bds 298 Hargadine
GAR Building, Chautauqua Park
Grand Union Tea Co, Curtis M Bovee agent, 315 Granite
GRANITE CITY HOSPITAL, Susie E Arnold, RN, Superintendent, Boulevard nr Palm Av, Tel 133 (See Front Cover and p 8)
GRANITE CITY SAVINGS BANK, See State Bank of Ashland
Grant Sina Mrs, res 103 Laurel
Graves Gerrod E (Susan E), res 913 Boulevard
Gray Charles A (Agnes M), farmer, res 1372 Iowa
Gray Charles E (Pearl), farmer, Tolman av 2 m e limits
Gray George N, student, bds 1372 Iowa
Greenfield Wm, mailing clerk Post Office, rms 154 B
Greenman Eugene F (Mary E), carpet weaver, res 1304 Quincy
GREER BERT R (Lillian H), Editor and Owner Ashland Tidings, res 125 Oak, Tel 332-J
GREER CHARLES F (Rose H), Advertising Mngr Ashland Tidings, res 148 Laurel
Greer Eleanor S, bkpr Ashland Tidings, bds 125 Oak
Greer T James (Jennie), miner, res 147 Church
Greer Vivian, bds 125 Oak
GREGG GRANT W (Minnie W), Physician and Surgeon Payne Bldg, Tel 69, res 216 Wightman, Tel 222-R
Gregg Miriam, bds 216 Wightman
Gregg Susan T Mrs, bds 632 Boulevard
Gregory Ann R (wid J W Osgood), res 105 1st av
Grieve Dora M, clk, bds 283 B
Grieve E Rush, cigars and confectionery 15 E Main, res 283 B
Griffin Joseph M (Mary R), mining, res 155 5th
Griffith Elsie M Mrs, bds 482 B
Grisez Cecil F, engineer, bds 114 3rd
Grisez Mary K (wid Frank A), res 207 Vista
Grisez Percy T, asst chief Ashland Fire Dept, bds 114 3rd
Grisez Peter N (Mary J), carp, res 114 3rd
Groff Wayne C (Helen E), farmer, res 53 Alida
Grubb Amy E, bds 762 A
Grubb Eunice, student, bds 762 A
Grubb John L (Mary E), res 762 A
Grubb J Larkin, elec Beecher Danford, bds 762 A
Grubb Millard W, student, bds 762 A
Grubb Wayne N (Anna E), farmer, res end E Main
Grubb Wm C (Iva L), lab, res 1165 Boulevard
Guches Blanche, student Polytechnic Bus Coll
Guiley Dale, eng, bds 112 Nutley
Guiley Glen V (Mae C), res 143 Granite
Guiley John W (Martha E), stockman, res 112 Nutley
Guiley Ross, student, bds 112 Nutley
Gunter Gerald E, student, bds 715 N Main
Gunter Schuyler C, opr Western Union Telg Co, res 715 N Main
Gurnea The (Mrs Ella M Smith), furn rms 265 4th
Guyer F F, brakeman SP Co, bds Depot Hotel
Gyger Jackson (Mary E), farmer, res 588 Beech

Hacher Clarence R, tailor, bds 215 Gresham
Hacher John W (Mattie), lab, res 215 Gresham
Hackett Ephraim L, miner, res 785 B
Hadfield Mae F, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 151 Coolidge
Hadfield Ralph R, clk T H Simpson, bds 151 Coolidge
Hadfield Thomas E (Mary F), miner, res 151 Coolidge
Hadfield T Edmond, carrier Post Office, bds 151 Coolidge
HADLEY E G MRS, Propr Columbia Hotel, res 264 E Main, Tel 77
Hadley Winnifred, clk W Y Crowson, bds Columbia Hotel
Haight Charles, res 525 E Main
Haight J Harrison, elec, bds 525 E Main
Haight Verna D, bds 525 E Main
Haines George N, student, bds 184 1st
Haines James J, bds 184 1st
Haines Nellie M (wid James M), res 184 1st
Hake G Wesley (Hannah), carp, res 419 Willow
Hake J May, clk Ashland Bakery and Confectionery, bds 419 Willow
Hake Olive V, bds 419 Willow
Hake Stanley, driver Ashland General Delivery Co, bds 419 Willow
Hale Addison L (Mary C), res 1401 Boulevard
Hale Clara N Mrs, stengr, bds 767 E Main
Hale Clarence W, fireman SP Co, bds 423 Mountain av
Hale Delia A (wid John P), bds 60 5th
Hale Roy S (Mary E), eng SP Co, res 60 5th
Hale Walter G (Azalia S), janitor High School, res 423 Mountain av
Halfhill Harry N, bds J P Halfhill
Halfhill John P (Clara C), res s end Alta av
Halfhill Ruth E, clk, bds J P Halfhill
Hall Alex H (Maggie), cook C W Roberts, res 160 Sherman
Hall Axel W (Alma E), molder Ashland Iron Wks, res 152 Helman
Hall Erastus K (Mary I), painter, res 564 Liberty
Hall Lillian, rms 349 E Main
Hall Margaret J (wid John C), res 119 3rd
Hall Nona, asst G W Gregg, bds 119 3rd
Halley N Maude, clk Ashland Trading Co, bds 156 3rd
Halley Susan (wid Frederick F), res 156 3rd
Halsey Wm B, bds 180 Nutley
Hamaker John F Rev (Margaret N), rector Trinity Episcopal Church, res 42 2nd
Hamlin Frances S, cashr Star Theatre, bds 123 Church
Hammond Henry L, waiter Wo Lee, rms 265 4th
Hanna Frank, fireman SP Co, bds Columbia Hotel
Hanson Mabel, student, bds 174 N Main
Hanson Nels P, mail carrier Climax-Ashland route, res Climax
Hardy Arthur V (Sadie L), bkpr Ashland Creamery, res 31 Gresham
Hardy Wm (Fannie M), res 581 E Main
Hargadine Cemetery, hd Sheridan
Hargadine Charles H (Carrie), res 144 2nd
Hargadine George (Beatrice), apiarist, res 124 Alida
Hargrove Anna E, millinery 47 N Main, bds 185 1st av
Hargrove Ellen (wid Reuben), res 185 1st av
Harner Elsie B, bds 303 Oak
Harner Joseph L (E Jennie), res 303 Oak
Harrell Alfred N, fireman SP Co, bds 1177 Iowa
Harrell John B (Ella M), milliner, res 1177 Iowa
Harrell John B Jr, headlight man SP Co, bds 1177 Iowa
Harrell Ramona E, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 1177 Iowa
HARRINGTON CHARLES F (Bessie M), Veterinary Surgeon 107 Mill, Tel 59, res 282 Oak, Tel 421-J (See p 148)
Harris Carl H (Fay L), yard frmn SP Co, bds 662 B
Harris Charles S (Ella G), eng SP Co, res 133 1st
Harris John H (Gertrude), brakeman SP Co, res 375½ E Main
Harris Louise Mrs, res 505 Boulevard
Harris Mazie, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 324 Liberty
Harris Rachel S Mrs, bds 546 Holly
Harrison Harry S, bkpr, bds 123 Oberlin
Harrison Helena A Mrs, res 123 Oberlin
Harrison Newsom H, bds 123 Oberlin
Hart John C (Velvia P), car inspr SP Co, res 76 Dewey
Hart Julius (Christina), auto livery 550 Allison, res same
Hartley Ada, dressmaker, bds 116 Nob Hill
Hartley Edith M, student, bds 710 Pennsylvania av
Hartley Elizabeth A (wid Joel), res 116 Nob Hill
Hartley Harry L, student, bds 710 Pennsylvania av
Hartley James E (Julia E), lab, res 710 Pennsylvania av
Hartley Luetta H, bds 710 Pennsylvania av
Hartley Roy C, press feeder Ashland Tidings, bds 710 Pennsylvania av
Harvey A Letty Mrs, res 237 B
HARVEY & YEO (George H Yeo), Agents The Home Insurance Company of New York, 70 N Main, Tel 206 (See p 152)
Hash Henderson (Lottie), gardener, res 937 Oak
Hash Walter (Mary V), transfer 145 E Main, res 124 Ohio
Hash Z May, tchr, bds 937 Oak
Hassinger Lillian (wid Wm H), res 162 Alida
Hassinger Willmette H, tchr High School, bds 162 Alida
Hatch Bethuel H (Matilda C), res 217 Granite
Hathaway Emma S Mrs, tchr, bds 156 Manzanita
Hathaway Jessie M, nurse, bds 156 Manzanita
Hawks Elbert L, student, bds S A Hawks
Hawks Stephen A (Elizabeth J), res s end Roca
Haynes Elizabeth J (wid David), bds 477 Laurel
Haynes Henry P (Elizabeth H), dairy, res 419 Laurel
Haynes James R G (Sadie), gardener, res 477 Laurel
Hays Augustus H (Anna), res 487 Woolen
Hays Estella M, bds 487 Woolen
Hays Lorenzo D (Eunice), mach, res 343 B
Hays M Winn, student, bds 487 Woolen
Heeker C J, res 117 8th
Hedburg Gustaf H (Sarah L), lineman SP Co, res 90 2nd
Hedgpeth Virgil V (A Winnifred), cashr SP Co, res 107 7th
Heer L James (Bertha J), ice maker Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 104 Bush
Helman Baths, Otis O Helman propr, Otis nw cor Laurel
Helman Butler F, miller, bds 192 Mechanic
Helman John K (Grace A), tmstr, res Willow nw cor Oberlin
Helman Otis O (Emma T), propr Helman Baths, res Otis nw cor Laurel
Hemphill Agnes M, clk Wells Fargo & Co Express, bds 542 Allison
Hemphill Nelson E (Mary B), fruit grower, res 542 Allison
Hendrix Francis M (Rose L), lab, res 63 Nutley
Hendrix James A (Lizzie), tmstr Ashland Transfer & Storage Co, res 25 3rd
Heninger Clarence, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 744 Iowa
Heninger John C (Sarah A), res 744 Iowa
Heninger John C Jr, carp, bds 744 Iowa
Heninger Neil, student, bds 744 Iowa
Heninger Thornton, lab, bds 744 Iowa
Hensley Anna E Mrs, dressmaker, res 140 Nursery
Herbert Augustus W (Sarah P), fruit grower, res 1001 N Main
Herbert Violet P, bds 1001 N Main
Herndon Goldwin, stengr W J Moore, bds 262 Hargadine
Herndon Joseph S (Agnes), phys, res 262 Hargadine
Herndon Josephine, clk J A Kohagen, bds 262 Hargadine
Herrin John S, res 343 N Main
Hersey George H (Anna), res 384 Helman
Hersey James H (Carrie), res 448 Helman
Hersey Violet M, student, bds 448 Helman
Hevener Mary C D (wid Wm), res 685 Boulevard
Hevener Wm W (Emma), clk J E Weaver, res 221 Granite
Hibbs Francis, student, bds W M Hibbs
Hibbs Irene, bds W M Hibbs
Hibbs Marvin I (Bessie K), lab, res 889 Boulevard
Hibbs Wm M (Nellie), brick layer, res s end Indiana
Hicker Charles J (Ethel), cigar mkr H H Hosler, res 117 8th
Hickman Abraham (Elma), brakeman SP Co, res 657 C
Hickory Hazel N, bds 447 Rock
Hickory W Ira (Carrie B), res 447 Rock
Hicks Blanche E, librarian Ashland Library Assn, bds 788 Pennsylvania av
Hicks Howard M, lineman, bds 551 N Main
Hicks John M, res 788 Pennsylvania av
Hicks John W (Rebecca J), farmer, res 28 Garfield
Hicks J Ernest (Eliza), plumber T H Simpson, res 551 N Main
HICKS MYRON E (Pearl), Propr Star and Dreamland Theatres, res 349 E Main
Hicks Wright, lineman, bds 551 N Main
Higgins Columbus F (Emily), res 162 Alida
Higgins Emily M Mrs, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, res 162 Alida
High Nathan L (Alice I), blksmth 563 B, res 567 same
High School, Felix E Moore Prin, ns Iowa bet Emerick and Mountain
Hildreth E Allen, cigars and confections 253 4th, res Butte Falls Or
Hildreth E Allen Jr, mngr E A Hildreth, rms 463 B
Hill Elizabeth (wid Edward), bds Columbia Hotel
Hill George, yard frmn SP Co
Hill Thomas W (Estella G), real est, res 60 Alida
Hilleary Elmer A (Beatrice B), salsn, res 172 Skidmore
Hillman Elbert B (Delora E), res 195 Laurel
Hilty Carl E, clk M E Briggs, bds 73 Union
Hilty Lillian M, bds 73 Union
Hilty Louis (Teresa M), cond SP Co, res 73 Union
Himes Ralph (Winifred M), clk Loomis & Nelson, res 77 3rd
Hindman James M (Estella), asst wire chief Western Union Telg Co, bds 31 Church
Hinthorne Bert H (Harriett), photgr 201 E Main, res same
Hoag John D (Lucinda L), carp, res 595 Roca
Hodgson Marion E, student, bds 67 Scenic dr
HODGSON WM D (Martha R), Real Estate, City Property Farms 337 E Main, Tel 31, res 67 Scenic Drive (See Right Bottom Lines and adv)
Hoffman Frank F, auto painter Ashland Garage, rms 68 E Main
Hogue Archibald A, lab, bds 391 Beech
Hogue Ernest W (Jennie), fruit grower, res ws Guthrie 1 s Iowa
Hogue Eugene E, blksmth, bds 391 Beech
Hogue Grace L, bds 391 Beech
Hogue Patterson N (Alice M), res 391 Beech
Holcomb Edwin L (Corinne), repr SP Co, res 637 B
Holcomb Jesse P, fruit grower, res 495 Beech
HOLMES BROS (Hosea P and Wilber B), Grocers 97 N Main, Tel 55 (See Left Side Lines)
Holmes Corydon W, bds 117 High
Holmes E M, eng SP Co, rms 74 3rd
Holmes G Marie, student, bds 117 High
HOLMES HOSEA P (Grace C) (Holmes Bros), res 77 Manzanita, Tel 343-J
Holmes Mamie C, student, bds 77 Manzanita
HOLMES WILBER B (Mattie E) (Holmes Bros), res 117 High, Tel 295-R
Holmes Wm C, clk Holmes Bros, bds 77 Manzanita
Holt Ada F Mrs, bds 129 Laurel
HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK THE, Harvey & Yeo Agents, 70 N Main, Tel 206 (See p 152)
Home Steam Laundry (James N Nisbet, B L Mead (San Mateo) 31 Water
Hopkins Jessie M, waiter Depot Hotel, res 249 4th
Hose Co No 2 Ashland Fire Dept, 266 4th
Hosler Earl R (Laura), clk H H Hosier, res 334 Almond
Hosler Harry H (Grace B), cigar mnfr, fishing tackle 25 E Main, res 70 Bush
Hosler W Henry (Martha A), janitor West Side School, res 330 Almond
Hosley Charles H (Henrietta), res 171 B
Hosley Ermay L (Maude A) (Ashland-Klamath Exchange), res 464 Iowa
Hosley Roy E (Mildred), brkmn, res 145 3rd
Hosley Wm H (Ella I), clk Ashland-Klamath Exchange, res 156 Mechanic
Hotel Ashland, Ashland Hotel Co proprs, 50 N Main
HOTEL OREGON, Mrs L W Conner Propr, E Main ne cor Oak, Tel 57
Hotel Oregon Building, ns E Main bet Oak and 1st av
HOTEL PARK, W J Beagle Propr, 35 1st Av, Tel 163 (See adv)
Hotel Savoy, Isaac F Brittsan propr, 72 N Main
Howard Clarence C (Lavina E), eng, res 493 Fairview
Howard Harvey F (Maggie), dairy n end Oak, res same
Howard James, fruit grower, res ws Walker av 2 s Boulevard
Howard James W, lab, res ws Walker av nr Boulevard
Howard Louisa Mrs, res 480 Mountain av
Howard Oliver G (Lulu), res 502 Fairview
Howe Benjamin M, baker Vienna Bakery and Lunch Room, res 239 2nd
Howell Emerson W (Maude M), farmer, res 368 Otis
Howell Kate P (wid Morris S), res 140 Factory
Hubbard Arthur S (Dora L), game warden, res 343 Granite
Hubbard Bela C, bldg contr, res 356 Laurel
Hubbard Carrie C, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 356 Laurel
Hubbard Ralph S (Audrey B), brakeman SP Co, res 356 Laurel
Hubsch Iva M Mrs, distributor Home Steam Laundry, res 144 2nd
Hubsch James A (Iva M), washer Home Steam Laundry, res 144 2nd
Hudson Thomas W, carp, res 338 Woolen
Hughes Edwin P (Ethel T), real est 135 E Main, res 872 Boulevard
Hughes Martha F (wid Charles H), res 347 Beech
Hughes Robert L, civ eng, bds 347 Beech
Hughes Timothy R, farmer, bds 347 Beech
Hunt Edgar B (Lydia F), fruit grower, res 309 Harrison
Hunt Harry E, bds 309 Harrison
Hunt Lydia F Mrs, chiropodist 11 E Main, res 309 Harrison
Hunter Edgar A (Mary L), eng SP Co, res 482 B
Hunter J B, sec Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn, res Boulevard 3 m east of city
Hunter Kenneth R, student, bds 482 B
Hunter Mary L Mrs, propr The Fairview, res 482 B
Hunter Minnie Mrs, pantry woman Hotel Oregon, bds same
Hunter Voly A (Coila), opr Postal Telg-Cable Co
Huntley Harold R, student, bds 277 Almond
Huntley Marion E, bds 277 Almond
Hurley Ethlyn, tchr West Side School, rms 271 High
Hurn Henry J, miner, res 120 7th
Hurst Margaret B, student, bds 437 Beech
Hurst Otho E (Mary A), carp, res 437 Beech
Hurt Joseph G (Pearl E), mngr Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 361 Mountain av

lcenhower Jacob B (Laura S), new and second hand goods 80 N Main, res 148 Mechanic
I.O.O.F. Hall, 51 N Main
INGRAM H C, Vice-Pres Polytechnic Business College, res Oakland Cal
Inlow Valentine C (Delia S), tmstr, res 78 Mountain av
Irish Lyda B Mrs, dressmaker, res 283 High
Irvine Bessie, bds 137 Oak
Irwin Adam L (Sadie J), constable, res 156 N Main
Irwin George (Jennie), farmer, res 408 Laurel
Irwin G Lowery, bds 408 Laurel
Isaac Howell (Emma B), music tchr, res 90 5th
Ivy David, blksmth SP Co

Jack Emma L (wid Albert D), res 125 Almond
Jacker Maximilian (Mary), farmer, res 375 Otis
JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO, George H Yeo Vice-Pres-Mngr, 70 N Main, Tel 206 (See Front Cover and Right Top Lines)
JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSN, Bert Anderson Pres, O C Boggs Acting Sec, T W Miles Treas, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See opp p 74)
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, A L Scholl (Jacksonville) Pres, C J Dunten (Central Point) Vice-Pres, W Nikolaus (Central Point) Sec-Treas, Joseph Williams (Jacksonville) Mngr, I½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and adv at name in Jacksonville)
Jacobs Guy C (Mabel P), clk, bds 228 B
Jacobs May (wid Abraham S), bds 196 Factory
James Ella M (wid Wm H), res 536 Ashland
James Mary J (wid Thomas J), bds 431 N Main
Jarvis Anita F, student, bds 283 High
JARVIS GEORGE O (Jessie A), Physician Payne Bldg, Tel 140, res 151 Wimer, Tel 478-J
Jarvis James W (Olive M), lab, res 283 High
Jarvis Jessie O, cook, bds 283 High
Jarvis Robert E, eng, bds 283 High
Jay Ezra (Sarah J), res 48 Oberlin
Jenkins Caroline Mrs, bds 123 High
Jenkins Clifford (Ida E), mngr Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res 123 High
Jenkins Emma, opr Pac Tel & Telg Co, bds 123 High
Jennie Ella M (wid Rudolph E), propr The Peerless, res 249 4th
Jennings Eldon D (Ida L), hostler SP Co, res 1116 Iowa
Jeter Clara M, bds 446 Allison
Jeter Howard G, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 446 Allison
Jeter Nellie, clk Mrs M E C Butler, rms Hotel Park
Jeter Wm E (Ray S), res 446 Allison
Johnson Albert (Mary E), fruit grower, res 601 Walnut
Johnson Augustus S, bds 150 N Main
Johnson Bros (Otis H and John W), jewelers 163 E Main
Johnson Cassius E, shoemaker Iowa nr Boulevard, rms same
Johnson Claire M, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 150 N Main
Johnson Crauthway (Lucinda), res 254 N Main
Johnson Effie, bds 476 N Main
Johnson Etta V, tchr, bds 476 N Main
Johnson Frederick H (Lillian B), dentist Beaver bldg, res 94 Bush
Johnson Herbert K, farmer, bds 160 California
Johnson Ira G, tmstr, res 52 Roca
Johnson Ira H (Sarah), carp, res n end Main
Johnson James A (Hannah J), res 160 California
Johnson John W (Winnie M) (Johnson Bros), res 286 Vista
Johnson Julian P, phys Cunningham blk, res same
Johnson Leslie G (Anna L), hostler SP Co, res 143 Nutley
Johnson Luema, clk C H Vaupel, bds 476 N Main
Johnson Mary (wid Andrew), res 216 Meade
Johnson Matthew L (Kate), res 428 Granite
Johnson Myrtle E (wid Clarence H), tchr East Side School, bds 311 N Main
Johnson Otis H (Mattie A) (Johnson Bros), mayor, res 150 N Main
Johnson Pearl M, bkpr Oregon Gas & Electric Co, bds 150 N Main
Johnson Vernon E, shoemaker 44 N Main, bds 254 same
Johnson Wm Rev (Nancy P) (Congregational), bds 340 Almond
Johnson Wm E, farmer, bds 160 California
Johnson Wm L, tmstr, res 476 N Main
Jones Agnes H, student, bds 562 Fairview
Jones Charles R D (Stoney), eng SP Co, res 203 Mountain av
Jones Claude E (Lelah A), farmer, res 773 B
JONES EGNA V (Annie B), Propr E V Jones Garage, res 363 Helman
Jones Estelle, music tchr, bds 401 Beech
JONES E V GARAGE, E V Jones Propr, Automobiles, Supplies and First Class Repairing, 43 Mill (See p 147)
Jones George W (Emma), farmer, res 562 Fairview
Jones J Heston, student, bds 562 Fairview
Jones Price (Martha A), res 401 Beech
JORDAN ELECTRIC CO (J Samuel Jordan), Electric Supplies, Gas and Electric Fixtures, Motors, Dynamos, Wiring, Etc, 207 E Main, Tel 80 (See p 147)
Jordan Frank (Mabel H), bldg contr, res 227 Granite
JORDAN J SAMUEL (Jordan Electric Co), bds 1098 Iowa
Jordan Peter C (Lydia A), elec Jordan Electric Co, res 1098 Iowa
Joy Albert C (Beulah M), fruit grower, res ns Boulevard ¼ m e city
Judy Leticia Mrs, bds 748 Boulevard

Kaiser Charles, wood cutter W A Conner
Kaiser Edward J, res 172 Alida
Kaiser Emily A, bds 172 Alida
Kaiser Lillian M, tchr, bds 172 Alida
Kaiser Mary A (wid George), bds 172 Alida
Kaiser M Armeda, tchr, bds 172 Alida
Kammerer Gail C, osteopath 44 E Main, bds 179 Oak
Keller Amos C (Fannie E), cond SP Co, res 582 Allison
Keller Leota I, student, bds 582 Allison
Kelsey Wm E, carp, res 457 Holly
Kennard Charlotte, tchr High School, bds G W Kinnard
Kennard George W, farmer, res e end E Main South Ashland
Kentnor Sarah A (wid Wm W), res 188 Factory
Kenyon Elmer E (Emma R), farmer, res Emerick nr Boulevard
Kenyon Grace O, student, bds E E Kenyon
Kenyon Pearl E, maid W G Sander
Kerr Joseph (Harriett), lab, res 1319 Quincy
Kincaid Irene, student Polytechnic Bus Coll
King Charles, student, res 309 Morton
King Cora, mangler Home Steam Laundry, rms 249 4th
King Marcellus E, fruit grower, res Ashland Mine rd
King Mary E (wid Alfred), bds 188 Alida
King Nettie Mrs, waiter Depot Hotel, rms same
Kingsbury Cornelia L (wid Charles B), res 159 Laurel
Kingsbury Ross, msgr W F & Co Exp, rms 107 2nd
Kinney Albert E (Mabel W) (Beebe & Kinney), res 55 Granite
Kinney Edward, eng, rms 156 5th
Kinsman Minnie M (wid Theodore B), bds 369 Hargadine
Kirkpatrick Ellen A, tchr, bds J M Kirkpatrick
Kirkpatrick John M (Cornelia G), farmer, res s end Leonard av
Kirshbaum Mary, res 129 Almond
Kleinhammer A Frances, bds 287 Morton
Kleinhammer Frances (wid Claus), res 287 Morton
Kline Wm, rms Depot Hotel
Klum C Waldo (Jane), cond SP Co, res 823 Boulevard
Klum Lucinda H (wid Charles K), res 773 Boulevard
Klum Otto, tchr Manual Training Public Schools, bds 773 Boulevard
Knox Robert H (Henrietta), bds 104 Laurel
Koehler John F (Katherine), fruit grower, res 447 Woolen
Koehler Samuel D, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 447 Woolen
Kohagen John A, notions 279 E Main, rms 526 same
Kramer George N (Beryl N), agent SP Co, res 332 Hargadine

La Certe Everyl G, clk McGee's, bds 107 Fork
La Certe Theodore B, bds 107 Fork
Lackey Alva J (Maggie V), res 10-63½ N Main
Lafferty Townsel C (Ruby R), fireman SP Co, res 928 B
Lamb Abraham L, miner, res 343 Mountain av
Lamkin Charles B (M Etta), real est 343 E Main, res 11 Beach av
Lamkin H Romaine, real est, bds 11 Beach av
Lane Clarence E (Minnie V), farmer, res 148 Laurel
Lane C E Mrs, needle shop 175 E Main, res 148 Laurel
Lane Frank J (Jessie M), .brakeman SP Co, res 322 Hargadine
Lane Ollie, rms Potter Rooming House
Larder George, lab, bds 323 Laurel
Larder West (Mary), farmer, res 323 Laurel
Larimore Thomas M (Dulcie B), brakeman SP Co, res 78 3rd
Larsen Elsie E, stengr, bds 66 Mountain av
Larsen Ida A, student, bds 66 Mountain av
Larsen M Cornelia, tchr, bds 66 Mountain av
Larsen Niels (Carrie), farmer, res 66 Mountain av
Law James J, bds 139 2nd
Leader Fay D, carp, bds 263 2nd
Leavitt Alice, student, bds 440 Chestnut
Leavitt Amy D, student, bds 440 Chestnut
Leavitt Grace M, bds 440 Chestnut
Leavitt Henry H, fruit grower, res 440 Chestnut
Lely L C (Wagner Creek Nursery), res Talent
LEMERY JOHN A (Olive E), Lawyer, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans 290 E Main, res 375 E Main
Lennart Abbie E Mrs, propr East Side Inn, res same
Lennart Dorothy L, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds East Side Inn
Lennart Louisa, dressmaker, rms 586 E Main
Lennart Mildred W, public stengr, bds East Side Inn
Leonard Ralph W (Grace A), bldg contr, res 180 Nutley
Leonard Roberta L, student, bds S S McKercher
Lester Charles T (Margaret) (Wagner Creek Nursery), res Talent
Libby Celia B (wid Wm A), bds 54 Roca
Lidstrom Olof (Morris & Lidstrom), res Mill nr Plaza
Lilly John R, cond SP Co, res 47 Union
Lindblad Frank V Rev (Esther P), pastor Undenominational Church, res 916 E Main
Lindsay Margaret (wid Charles), res 57 Church
Lindsay Wm, farmer, bds 996 Oak
Lininger Bruce M, student, bds 296 Helman
Lininger Milton C (Mary M), mngr cannery Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn Inc, res 296 Helman
Livingston Alexander G (Maude M), eng SP Co, res 74 3rd
Lloyd Wm E (Lenora), farmer, res Patrick nr n end Main
Logan Charles O (Anna), auto mach, res 369 Hargadine
Lommen Irene V, student, bds 48 Laurel
Long Eliza (wid Levi N), bds 271 High
Long Ezra A, appr Ashland Iron Works, bds 22 Granite
Long John A (Nellie), farmer, res 855 B
Long M Nimrod (Anna), shake weaver, res 323 Granite
Long Pearl M, opr Pac Tel & Telg Co, bds 138 3rd
Long S Frank, lab, res 364 Helman
Loomis Algie V, student, bds 607 Boulevard
Loomis Charles L (Nellie L), conf 607 Boulevard, res same
Loomis Clara (wid Wm F), res 662 B
Loomis J J, brakeman SP Co, bds 355 B
Loomis Wm F (Loomis & Nelson), rms 215 4th
Loomis & Nelson (Wm F Loomis, Frank L Nelson), grooers 215 4th
Lovesee Thomas, lab, bds 938 Oak
Lowe Elnar L Mrs, bds 595 Iowa
Lowe George M (Teresa A), exp 297 E Main, res 341 Vista
Lowe James (Mary N), res 280 Palm av
Lowe Millie E, opr Pac Tel & Telg Co, bds 341 Vista
Lowe Walter L, mach, bds 280 Palm av
Lucey John G, switchman SP Co
Lucke Gertrude T Mrs, bds 391 Beech
LUFKIN HARRY R (Myrtle G), Principal Polytechnic Business College, res 167 Church
Lyle Carlton, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 99 Union
Lyman Arthur B, clk E E Lyman, bds 296 E Main
Lyman Clyde W (Daisie B), car repr, res 855 E Main
Lyman Elmer E (Elma L), car repr SP Co, res 44 Morton
Lyman Irene M, bds 296 E Main
Lyman Walter (Fannie S), billiards and employment agt 383 E Main, res 296 same
Lynch Milton T (Hattie M), drayman, res 292 Liberty
Lyons Daniel B, frmn car inspr SP Co, res 236 5th

McALLISTER GEORGE C (Minnie), Lawyer 5-6 Citizens Banking & Trust Co Bldg, Tel 99, res 543 Mountain Av
McBride Wm, lab G F Billings, rms 1099 N Main
McCall Lydia T, money order clk Post Office, bds 153 Oak
McCall Stella, chief opr Pac Tel & Telg Co, res 657 C
McCALLEN A J, Asst Cashier First National Bank of Ashland, rms First National Bank Bldg
McCallen Maude M Mrs, bds 328 E Main
McCarthy Anna G (wid Dean), res 595 N Main
McCarthy Building, 83 N Main
McCarthy Herbert G, cond SP Co, bds 595 N Main
McClain Jane (wid Samuel), bds H H Gearhart
McClanahan Anice (wid Newton), res 169 Lincoln
McClaren John K (Margaret), farmer, res 351 Morton
McCormick D A, wood cutter W A Conner
McCOY J W (Agnes G), Cashier First National Bank of Ashland, res 253 Almond, Tel 279-Y
McCune Grace E, tchr, bds J N McCune
McCune Joseph N (Sarah A), carp, res E Ashland nr Boulevard
McDaniel Alice (wid Wm E), res 171 1st av
McDaniel Roy B, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 171 1st av
McDonald Daisy, student Polytechnic Bus Coll
McErlane Lida (wid James P), ironer Mrs M E O'Donoughue, res 144 4th
McFarland Albert E, res 692 B
McFarland Harvey H, bds 692 B
McFarland Virl, nurse, bds 692 B
McGEE'S, James H McGee Propr, Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings, Elks Bldg, Tel 131 (See Left Side Lines and adv)
McGee Allen O (T Stellottie), clk Swift & Co, res 73 Pine
McGee Andrew, bds 770 Iowa
McGEE JAMES H (Olive), Propr McGee's, res 550 Boulevard (See Left Side Lines and adv)
McGee Minnie I (wid J Andrew), res 770 Iowa
McGee Myrtle, tchr, bds 770 Iowa
McGrath Michael, pres-treas Ashland Iron Works, bds Hotel Oregon
McIver Oscar C (Edna M), lab Ashland Ice & Storage Co, bds 435 Granite
McKee Lyman D (Kate), asst Postmaster, res hd Wimer
McKercher Duncan T, bds S S McKercher
McKercher Sanford S (Margaret L), timber cruiser, res ws Indiana 2 s Boulevard
McKinney John D (Bertha L), lab, bds 100 Lincoln
McKissick Stuart (Frances E), civil eng, res 60 Alida
McKnight Edna, tchr High School, bds 91 Vista
McLeod Alexander (Ellen), res 550 Fairview
McMann James, vice-pres Ashland Iron Works, res Dunsmuir Cal
McMillan Alexander (Eva), res 110 8th
McMillan Wm A, student, bds 110 8th
McNabb George W (Leonora B), boiler mkr SP Co, res 144 Nutley
McNair Bros (Wm H and Samuel B), drugs 43 N Main
McNair James, bkpr J J McNair, bds 323 Oak
McNair James J (Lulu A), drugs 303 E Main, res Scenic dr nw cor Bush
McNair Samuel B (Louise G) (McNair Bros), res 122 High
McNair Wm H (Lorena A) (McNair Bros), res 323 Oak
McNeill Myra Mrs, dressmaker, res 190 Oak
McQuilkin Julia K, nurse Payne bldg, res 500 Ashland
McRae John D (Elizabeth) (Swenson & McRae), res 42 2nd
McWilliams Frances M, tchr, bds 126 Church
McWILLIAMS FRANCIS G (Annie) (McWilliams & Edgington), Sec The Gold Standard Mining Co, Pres Ashland Commercial Orchards Company Inc, 73 Oak, Tel 84, res 126 Church, Tel 345-J (See p 145)
McWilliams James K, student, bds 126 Church
McWILLIAMS & EDGINGTON (Francis G McWilliams, Moore Edgington), Real Estate and Mines 73 Oak, Tel 84 (See p 145)

Macey Fred, candy maker Butler's Confectionery
Mackrodt John W, pharmacist Depot Drug Store, rms 68 E Main
MacMurray J S, music tchr, bds East Side Inn
Macomber Mary (wid James), res 199 Meade
Magill Penninah (wid Joseph), res end E Main
Malone Clyde A (Ella F), mngr Ashland Electric Power & Light Co, res 126 Bush
Mann F D, tchr Agriculture Public Schools, bds 63 Alida
Manx The, S B Stoner propr, furn rms 349 E Main
Marble Lew W (Hattie E), photgr 54 E Main, res same
Marlow Grace, opr Pac Tel & Telg Co, bds 462 Allison
Marrett James O (Pearl D), cond SP Co, res 126 Nursery
Mars John D (Edith), shoe maker E Main and Boulevard, res 197 Morton
Marske Albert A (Maude), eng SP Co, res 590 Allison
Martin Charles C (Jennie L), fruit grower, res 346 Iowa
Martin James E, bds 922 Boulevard
Martin John E, res 922 Boulevard
Martin Marie A, student, res 372 Liberty
Martin Ralph C, bds 346 Iowa
Martin Richard S (Ruby R), farmer, bds 176 Mechanic
Martin Roy M (Lottie B), lab, res 72 N Main
Martin Sarah E (wid Louis), bds 922 Boulevard
Mashburn John R (Lillie A), clk, res 461 Allison
Masonic Temple, 25 Plaza
Mastier Any S (wid Berton), res 180 Harrison
Mathes Clarence D, bds 112 Maple
Mathes George W (Jennie), lab, res 112 Maple
Mathes Harry G (Kate C), res 73 Granite
Mathes Jessie A, bds 115 N Main
Mathes Wm M (Christina), res 115 N Main
Mattern Adelbert F, mining eng, bds 208 Hargadine
Mattern Anna K, bds 208 Hargadine
Mattern Herman (Fredericka S), mining eng, res 208 Hargadine
Mattern John H, mining eng, bds 208 Hargadine
Mattingly James (Almira E), gardener, res Strawberry Lane
Mattisen Thomas, upholsterer J E Patty, rms 349 E Main
Mauzay Dora, waiter Depot Hotel, rms same
Maxedon John R (Ruth), carp, res 977 B
Maxey H A, fireman SP Co
Maxey Walter L (Maude), cond SP Co, res 748 Boulevard
MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS, H A Jansen Propr, Manufacturers Cement Building Products, Fancy Brick and Silos, S Fir ne cor 10th, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
Memorial Hall, 135 E Main
Merrill Charles W (Emma A), farmer, res 1400 Boulevard
Merrill Edward T (Mary), timber, res 570 Boulevard
Merrill Evelyn G, student, bds 631 Boulevard
Merrill Frank R (Ella S), janitor East Side School, res 631 Boulevard
Merrill Harold H, student, bds 631 Boulevard
Meserve Lincoln J (Mattie C), clk Beebe & Kinney, res 115 Church
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, F M Broker agt, 128 1st av
Meyering Louis E (Marguerite), nurse, res 128 Laurel
Mickelson Victoria S C (wid Michel M), res 209 Oak
Milam George W (Mary R), prin East Side School, res 399 Mountain
Milam Grace, tchr, bds 399 Mountain av
Miller Arthur M, eng SP Co, bds 364 Hargadine
Miller A, msgr W F & Co Exp, rms 107 2nd
Miller Beatrice M, bds 364 Hargadine
Miller Beauford, student Polytechnic Bus Coll
Miller Cassius L (Bertha I), signal maintenance SP Co, res 568 E Main
Miller Charles H, eng SP Co
Miller Chester C, bds 332 Glenn
Miller Dora C, student, bds J S Miller
Miller Elias M (Sarah M), res 102 Granite
MILLER EUGENE E (Lillian M), Propr Vienna Bakery and Lunch Room, res 137 Church, Tel 237-R (See adv at name Vienna Bakery and Lunch Room)
Miller Frank S (Myrtle A), res 489 Allison
Miller Henry S, lab, bds J S Miller
Miller John C (Carrie E), res 611 Beech
Miller John K, student, bds 47 Union
Miller John M (Elizabeth L), entomologist US Dept of Agriculture, res 428 Palm av
Miller John R (Ida A), brakeman, res 47 Union
Miller Joseph S (Claretta J), tmstr, res ws Avery 5 n Boulevard
Miller Judd V, eng SP Co, bds 364 Hargadine
Miller Kathryn R, student, bds 137 Church
Miller Otto R (Elva), brakeman SP Co, res 48 5th
Miller Serepta E (wid Jonas P), res 364 Hargadine
Million Archie (Emma M), expmn 57 N Main, res 424 same
Million Charles C (Mattie), farmer, res 627 Oak
Million John B, bds 424 N Main
Million Joseph T, res 540 Oak
Million Mildred E, student, bds 603 Oak
Million Wm B (Cora), dairy 603 Oak, res same
Mills Building, 25 Plaza
Mills Ella B (wid E Vernie), res 478 Boulevard
Mills Jessie M, bds 315 Almond
Mills John W (Talitha C), res 315 Almond
Mills Sarah F (wid Delos R), res 208 E Main
Mills Victor B, student, bds 478 Boulevard
Mingus Lavina (wid Conrad C), res 128 Wimer
Minkler David (Carrie R), res 240 C
Minkler Norma, student, bds 614 Boulevard
Minkler Ray A, cloaks and suits 131 E Main, rms 614 Boulevard
Minor Wm T (Azilda), farmer, res 600 Indiana
Miracle Block, 353 E Main
Mitchell Arna E (Amy E), farmer, res 2 Glenn av
Mitchell Dalia J, bds 116 Church
Mitchell Frank G (Geneva M), clk McNair Bros, res 5-63½ N Main
Mitchell Horace V (Cora), farmer, res end E Main
Mitchell Leila M, student, bds 2 Glenn av
Mitchell Maude (wid Emmett C), bds 116 Church
Mitchell Seaborn S (Carrie E), res 534 Fairview
Mitchell Wm C (Blanche M) (Mitchell & Whittle), res 75 Bush
Mitchell & Whittle (W C Mitchell, F F Whittle), clothing 27 N Main
Monroe George E (Sarah), res 220 Garfield
Monroe George W (Emma T), frmn car dept SP Co, res 90 6th
Monroe J Henry (Frances), -watchman SP Co, res Walker av 2 n Boulevard
Moody Eugene D, clk SP Co, bds 107 Manzanita
Moody Zenas A (Catherine), agt Oregon Journal and San Francisco Examiner, res 107 Manzanita
Moody Zenas F, freight clk SP Co, bds 107 Manzanita
Moor Wm E (Mabel R), carrier Post Office, res 171 Helman
Moore Charles W (Emily A), gas fitter, res 610 E Main
Moore Charles W, lab, bds 515 Liberty
Moore Emily A Mrs, milliner, res 610 E Main
Moore Ernest T, lab, bds 515 Liberty
Moore Felix B, prin High School, res 638 Boulevard
Moore Frank W (Edith N), timber, res 364 Vista
Moore Gertrude, student, bds 323 Oak
Moore Hattie N, student, bds 515 Liberty
Moore Helen G, student, bds 323 Oak
Moore Henry J, student, bds 515 Liberty
Moore Isaac C (Louisa M), farmer, res 266 6th
Moore Jabez (Martha W), res 515 Liberty
Moore Louise F Mrs, bds 355 B
Moore Mabel, maid 240 C
Moore Samuel, bds 49 4th
Moore Stephen A (Mary M), ranger US Forest Service, res 943 Oak
Moore Wm J (Anna H), lawyer 4 Mills bldg, res 290 N Main
Moore Wm W (Edith), lumberman, res 49 4th
Morehouse Carrie B, tchr, bds 56 3rd
Morehouse Sherman (Carrie E), carp, res 56 3rd
Morgan Charles, lab, bds 257 3rd
Morgan Florence M, bds 430 Boulevard
Morgan James, lab, res 520 Mountain av
Morgan James M (Katherine), res 520 Mountain av
Morgan Jesse S (Jane C), gardener SP Co, res 556 B
Morgan John B, driver City Truck Co, bds 257 3rd
Morgan John M (Rena S), res 430 Boulevard
Morgan Martha (wid Samuel M), res 257 3rd
Morgan Mike (Emalene R), tmstr, res 351 N Main
Morgan Reeta B, student, bds 430 Boulevard
Morris George W, boilermaker SP Co, res 128 Factory
Morris Julia (wid John), rms 105 Bush
Morris Major M, bds 128 Factory
Morris Nina O, tchr, bds 128 Factory
Morris Rance C (Adeline C), cond SP Co, res 117 Helman
Morris Rose, student Polytechnic Bus Coll,, bds 128 Factory
Morris Simeon R (Cora) (Morris & Lidstrom), res 178 Skidmore
MORRIS & LIDSTROM (S R Morris, Olof Lidstrom), Proprs Park Garage, Mill near City Park, Tel 152 (See p 148)
Morrison Elmer S, farmer, res 1049 Ashland
Morrison Katherine (wid Frank B), bds 1049 Ashland
Morrison Norman A (Lulu), fireman SP Co, res 350 B
Morrison T W, wood cutter W A Conner
Morse John H (Margaret), bldg contr, res 632 Walnut
Morse Mildred E, stengr, bds 632 Walnut
Morthland Albert E (Abbie E), farmer, res 1193 Boulevard
Morthland Lois W, student, bds W L Morthland
Morthland W Le  Roy (Flora B), farmer, res ws Walker av 1 s Boulevard
Morton Alta P, bds 1224 Iowa
Morton Edward E (Marie F), miller Ashland Flour & Feed Mills, res 1114 Iowa
MORTON JOSHUA J (Lydia A) (Morton & Son), res 1224 Iowa
Morton Nellie L, asst Julio Endelman, bds 1224 Iowa
MORTON O OLIVER (Morton & Son), bds 1224 Iowa
MORTON & SON (Joshua J and O Oliver), Proprs Ashland Flour & Feed Mills, A ne cor 1st (See Right Bottom Lines)
Mosier John B (Sarah), lumber grader, res 145 Mechanid
Mountain View Cemeter, 1½ m e city ¼ m n Boulevard
Mowat Lynn D, bds 8 Beach av
Mowat Wm H (Janet F), mngr Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, res 8 Beach
Moyer Abraham S (Minnie), bldg contr, res 120 2nd
Mulit Frances E, bkpr, bds 276 Mechanic
Mulit Lloyd L (Gertrude), US Bank examiner, res 44 Church
Mulit Marietta S (wid Henry S), res 276 Mechanic
Munsinger John, supt Chautauqua Park, res 314 Oak
Murphy Fern I, student, bds 63 3rd
Murphy Francis J (Bessie V), lineman Pac Tel & Telg Co, res 130 1st
Murphy G Carl (F Alice), brakeman SP Co, res 277 Almond
Murphy Roy, student, bds Butler Walker
Murray Marcus M (Mary E), res 872 Iowa
Myer Wm (Anna L G), res 259 High
Myer W Cedric, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 259 High
Myers Charles, msgr W F & Co Exp, rms 107 2nd
Myers Fleta G, bds 753 Boulevard
Myers Ila M, tchr West Side Schol, bds 753 Boulevard
Myers James J (Emily E), res 753 Boulevard
Myers Voly A (Coyla M), telg opr, res 1064 Ashland

Nachter John A, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 642 Liberty
Neeley Lincoln E (Muriel M), eng SP Co, res 156 7th
Neil Angeline, bds 502 Boulevard
Neil Edna A, clk City Recorder, bds 502 Boulevard
Neil Fred R (Clara M), stockman, res 192 Harrison
Neil Jesse L, stockman, bds 502 Boulevard
Neil Leander A (Augusta S), farmer, res 502 Boulevard
Neil Robert P (Ida M), vice-pres Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 123 Factory
Nelson Elvera R, clk Rose Bros, bds 252 B
Nelson Frank L (Lena) (Loomis & Nelson), res 188 Alida
Nelson Frederick F (Ada B), carp, res 160 Orange av
Nelson Lena H, nurse Granite City Hospital
Nelson N, eng, rms 249 4th
Nelson Wm M (Margaret J), res 1101 Boulevard
Netherland May A Mrs, pianist, res 160 N Main
Neville Henry J (Mary M), berry grower, res 103 Strawberry Lane
Newcombe Margaret E (wid John B), bds 117 Nob Hill
NEWCOMBE WALTER E (May), Mngr Western Union Telegraph Co, res 117 Nob Hill, Tel 299-Y
Newell M E Mrs, maid Hotel Oregon, bds same
Newell Zella, waiter Hotel Oregon, bds same
Newton Hardy S (Fannie J), farmer, res 662 A
Newton Jessie, bds 662 A
Newton Ruby R, bds 662 A
Nicholl Andrew (Matilda M), lab, res 272 Harrison
Nicholson Daniel (Annabella), res 323 Almond
Nicholson Sadie L, bds 323 Almond
Nickerson Clifford H (Bertha W), carp, res 607 Iowa
Nims Charles W (Mary) (Nims & Saunders), res 125 N Main
Nims & Saunders (C W Nims, Stewart Saunders), grocers 108 N Main
Nininger Amos C (Vera E) (Nininger & Robertson), res 80 Hargadine
Nininger & Robertson (A C Nininger, C W Robertson), grocers, 38 Main
Nisbet E Adelaide Mrs, asst mngr Home Steam Laundry bds Hotel Oregon
Nisbet James N (E Adelaide) (Home Steam Laundry), bds Hotel Oregon
Nissley Maud, tchr High School, bds 446 Allison
Norman Mary V (wid Thomas F), bds 276 B
Norris Dorsey D (Elizabeth R), bkpr Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn, res 167 Hargadine
NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, John A Honey General Agent, 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Front Cover, p 70 and Classified Insurance Cos-Life)
Norton Alice (wid Solon M), bds J P Halfhill
Norton Ann H (wid Henry), res 225 B
Norton Cecil B, student, bds 406 N Main
Norton Ernest N (Florence A), dairy, res 406 N Main
Norton H Loleta, tchr, bds 225 B
Nortridge Ebert W (Ancil O), clk, res 260 Orange av
Nortridge Maude E, bds 272 Orange av
Nortridge Wm Rev (Annie) (Baptist), res 272 Orange av
Norwood Harold L (Julia E), Linotype opr Ashland Tidings res 475 Palm av
Nyby Monard C (Amanda C), bricklayer, res 296 Maple

OAKLAND CARS, Morris & Lidstrom Agents, Mill near City Park Tel 152 (See p 148)
Oates Eulalie, tchr West Side School, rms 109 Church
O'Donoughue Fern, student, bds 355 Almond
O'Donoughue lvan, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 355 Almond
O'Donoughue Margaret E (wid Walter), laundry 355 Almond, res same
Ogg George G (Minnie J), res 137 N Main
Olds David D (Mabel C), switchman, res 649 E Main
O'Leary Catherine, tchr East Side School, bds 990 Boulevard
Oliver E Jessamine, student, bds 615 Chestnut
Oliver Herbert K (Laura C), farmer, res 615 Chestnut
Olsen Caroline S, bds 699 Walnut
Olsen Charles J, fruit grower, res 699 Walnut
Orchard Blanche E, bds 1167 E Main
Orchard Christina, bds R D Sanford
Orchard James A (Josephine M), res 1167 E Main
Oregon Gas & Electric Co, Clifford Jenkins mngr, 67 N Main
Oregon Motor Garage, Gowland & Gault proprs, 135 1st av
Orr Mary E, bds 309 Harrison
ORRES L J (Julia), Custom Tailoring, Shirts and Underwear Made to Order, Cleaning and Pressing 71 N Main, Tel 64, res 507 Palm Av, Tel 359-J (See Left Top Lines)
Osburn Charles M, tchr, res 76 Lincoln
Osburn John A, bds 76 Lincoln
Oslin Samuel J (Bertha E), boiler washer SP Co, res 123 Ohio
Osmun Ruth, opr Pac Tel & Telg Co, bds 143 Mechanic
Owen Eliphalet G (Arestia C), vice-pres Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, res 166 N Main
Owens Frank, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 107 2nd
Owens L Stella E, bds 122 Church
Oxford The (Mrs S G Slack), furn rms 215 4th

Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, W W Ussher mngr, 111 Oak
Palmer Ruby M, pianist, bds 123 Church
Palmer Wm E (Mary A), res 156 Lincoln
Palmerlee H Seward (Grace C), clk Ashland Trading Co, res 93 Granite
PARK GARAGE, Morris & Lidstrom Proprs, Agents Oakland Cars and Michelin Tires, Mill near City Park, Tel 152 (See p 148)
PARK HOTEL, W J Beagle Propr, 35 1st Av, Tel 163 (See p 194)
Parker Michael S (Rose), farmer, res 130 4th
Parker Orpha M, tchr High School, bds 1023 E Main
Parker Sumner A (Alice), timber cruiser, res 59 6th
Parker Sumner A Jr, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 59 6th
Parker W Howard, elec, bds 59 6th
Parks Ella, student Polytechnic Bus Coll
Parman Charles H, lab, bds 843 B
Parman Giles G (Margaret E), bds 843 B
Parman P Anna, ironer Home Steam Laundry, bds 843 B
Parr Roy M (Anna M), eng inspr SP Co, res Ohio nw cor Laurel
Parrish Will L (Ruth M), farmer, res 1030 Henry
Parslow Minnie M Mrs, res 75 Wimer
Parslow M Louisa (wid John C), bds 75 Wimer
Parson John S (Olive B), phys 138 N Main, res same
Parton Ada, student, rms 1101 Boulevard
Parton Alma, rms 1101 Boulevard
Parton Velma, student, rms 1101 Boulevard
Patrick Orra, tchr, bds 219 Almond
Patrick Wm A (Mary E), res 219 Almond
Patterson Annie E (wid Wm), res 97 Pine
Patterson E Frank (Amie), bds 247 2nd
Patterson John T (N Elizabeth), lab, res 247 2nd
Patterson J Elliott, bds 247 2nd
Patterson Lillian M, bds 639 N Main
Patterson Margaret E, clk Butler's Confectionery, bds 97 Pine
Patterson Rose B, bds 639 N Main
Patterson Sylvester (Sarah E), fruit grower, res 639 N Main
Patton C Alfred (Myrtle), tmstr, res 369 Helman
Patton Fred N (Louella Z), tmstr Ashland Mnfg Co, res 248 Laurel
Patton Wm S, carp, bds 192 Mechanic
Patty John F (Rosa E), second hand goods 345 E Main, res rear 345 E Main
PAULSERUD OLIVER A (Fuller & Paulserud), bds 107 Fork
Payne Andrew S (Bertina M), carp, res 240 Oberlin
Payne A Grace, bds 30 Granite
Payne Building, 238 E Main
Payne Champion T (Elizabeth), res 508 N Main
Payne Champion T Jr (Stella M), dairy, res 363 B
Payne E Clifton, carp, 16 Granite, bds 30 same
Payne Fred, student, bds 240 Oberlin
Payne Homer W, student, bds 363 B
Payne Lyman E (Lucy E), res 30 Granite
Payne Maple A, student, bds 363 B
Peachey Albert H (Henrietta I), salsn, res 100 Lincoln
Peachey Robert I, tchr, bds 100 Lincoln
Peerless The (Mrs Ella M Jennie), furn rms 249 4th
Peil Building, 3 Plaza
Peil Emil (Alice), agricultural implements 3 Plaza, res 52 Granite
Pellett George W (Emma E), fruit grower, res Scenic hts
Pelton Lottie L Mrs, res 228 B
Pence Lida J, maid 253 Almond
Penniston Charles W, gardener, bds 200 Helman
Penniston Francis H, cutter Penniston Granite Co, bds 200 Helman
Penniston Fred S, lab, bds 200 Helman
Penniston Granite Co (Wm B and Samuel Penniston, Earl B Casad, Los Angeles), 160 Helman
Penniston Samuel (Penniston Granite Co), res 200 Helman
Penniston S Helen, bds 200 Helman
Penniston Wm B (Penniston Granite Co), bds 200 Helman
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene, Rev Reuben L Wisler pastor, 4th sw cor C
Penter Wm H (E Margaret), bldg contr, res 348 N Main
Perozzi Domingo (Louise A), propr Ashland Creamery, res 88 Granite
Perrine Collins J (Marie E), cigars, confections 558 A, res 129 5th
Perrine Jennie D (wid Cassius R), tchr, res 152 Helman
Perrine Keziah C (wid Collins H), bds 159 Nob Hill
Perry Ida Mrs, laundress, res 563 N Main
Perry Martin (Ida), laborer, res 563 N Main
Perry Nellie, student, bds 400 Liberty
Peter Eli N, res 118 High
Peters Samuel A (Nellie R), fruitgrower, res Boulevard cor Walker av
Peters Samuel A Jr, student, bds S A Peters
Peters Zada M, stenographer, bds S A Peters
Phillips John C, laborer, bds 111 3rd
Phillips Lena A Mrs, res 1068 E Main
Phillips Leslie, clerk Columbia Hotel, bds 264 E Main
Phillips Leslie L, laborer, bds 435 Granite
Phillips Mary J Mrs, res 332 Glenn
Phillips Mattie A (wid Isaac), furnished rooms, res 111 3rd
Phillips M Ray, laborer, bds 435 Granite
Phillips Reuben (M Ann), icemkr Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 435 Granite
Phillips Walter A, tailor, bds 1068 E Main
Phipps Edward E (Edith L), farmer, res 113 Pine
Phipps Troy A, student, bds 113 Pine
Pickens Wm C (Lucy O), res 209 Almond
Pierce Charles H (Laura G), res 323 Helman
Pierson John (Martha), fruit grower, res Boulevard ¼ m e city
Pierson Walter E (Nellie), fruitgrower, res opp 564 Liberty
Pinkerton Frederick W (Margaret A), timber cruiser, res 743 E Main
Pioneer Building, 44 E Main
PIONEER PLANING MILL CO (Orson F Carson, Gilbert R Slingerland, George Siemantel), 125 Mill, Tel 135
Pittman Ira L, student, bds 324 Holly
Pittman Ira W, farmer, res 324 Holly
Plumerth Marie E (wid Jacob C), res 164 6th
Plymate Morris, student, bds 563 N Main
Pohland Herman F (Augusta C), pres Citizens' Banking & Trust Co, res 678 Boulevard
Poley Charles J, conductor SP Co, rms 784 A
Poley Evangeline C, tchr West Side School, bds 385 B
Poley Joseph (Josephine), farmer, res 385 B
Polev Minnie I, student, bds 385 B
Poley Wilmer M (Georgiana) (Poley & Elhart), res 64 Gresham
Poley & Elhart (Wilmer M Poley, Homer H Elhart), drugs 17 E Main
POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, W E Gibson Pres, H C Ingram Vice-Pres, H R Lufkin Principal, E Main ne cor 3rd, Tel 474 (See Front Cover and Classified Business Colleges)
Poor Joseph C (Essie S), engineer SP Co, res 125 2nd
Pope Charles (Charlotte V), fruit grower, res ss Wimer nr limits
Porter Audley D, res 199 Meade
Porter Caleb O (Minnie), conductor SP Co, res 143 8th
Porter Caroline E (wid Dennis), bds 36 2nd
Porter Chas I J (Minnie M), hlpr SP Co res 267 Maple
Porter Charles O Jr, student, bds 143 8th
Porter Columbus D (D May), stockman, res 309 Woolen
Porter C Orlando, conductor SP Co, res 143 8th
Porter Edith G, milliner 36 2nd, res same
Porter Frank J, brakeman SP Co, bds 143 8th
Porter Fred E (Alice E), fruit grower, res 223 Maple
Porter Irving F (Cecilia M), fruit grower, res 95 Coobdge
Porter Lea, student, bds 95 Coolidge
Porter Riley C (Jessica), Chief of Police City Hall, res 403 Palm av
Porter Ruth A, student, bds 223 Maple
POST OFFICE, John R Casey Postmaster, 19 Plaza
Postal Savings Bank, John R Casey in charge, Post Office 19 Plaza
Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, Wm H Mowat mngr, 37 E Main
Potter B Andrew, fruit grower, res 559 Woolen
Potter Cecile D, bds 30 2nd
Potter Elsie E, bds 471 Mountain av
Potter Frank (Ida A), farmer, res 471 Mountain av
Potter F Ellis, orchardist, bds 471 Mountain av
Potter James M, car repairer SP Co, res nr roundhouse
Potter Ralph E, market gardener, bds 30 2nd
Potter Rooming House (Samuel A Potter), es 4th 1 s B
Potter Rosetta Mrs, milliner 30 2nd, res same
Potter Samuel A (Catherine), propr Potter Rooming House, res es 4th 1 s B
Potter Wm R (Rosetta), laborer, res 30 2nd
Potter W W, conductor SP Co
Powell Albert E, cider maker, bds 462 A
Powell Benjamin L (Julia M), painter, res 244 Mechanic
Powell D Alden, student, bds 281 Oak
Powell D Sherman (Lillian A), contractor, res 281 Oak
Powell Hazel L, clerk T L Powell, bds T L Powell
Powell James, bds 606 Iowa
Powell Lillie Mrs, candy mkr Rose Bros, res 281 Oak
Powell Michael (Louisa), blksmth, res 263 Oak
Powell Rosanah (wid Wm), res 462 A
Powell Thaddeus L (Laura M), cigars and confections 524 A res Oak nw cor B
Powell Walter P (Elizabeth), fruit grower, res 606 Iowa
Power Margaret F, tchr East Side School, rms 631 Boulevard
Pracht A Humboldt (Susie), res 234 Vista
Pracht Max (Mary), res Euclid av nr Harrison
Pracht Wm B, mining, bds Max Pracht
Pratt Carroll E (Florence L), eng SP Co, res 147 Factory
Pratt Emily A (wid John H), bds 147 Factory
Praytor John C, farmer, res 415 Granite
Praytor Thomas, farmer, bds 415 Granite
Prescott Charles N, student, bds 527 Chestnut
Prescott Clarence (Anna P), carp, res 435 B
Prescott Guy C (Grace L), fruit grower, res 475 Chestnut
Prescott Winfred G (Mary R), fruit grower, res 527 Chestnut
Price Mary E, bds 122 Laurel
Provost Bros (J Henry and P Sylvain), hardware 38 E Main
Provost J Henry (Blanche) (Provost Bros), res Vista nr Fork
Provost Laura E, student, bds 264 Oak
Provost Peter (Emma F), res 264 Oak
Provost P Sylvain (Lillian A) (Provost Bros), res 95 Meade
Provost Theodore T, clk Provost Bros, bds 264 Oak
Pnrdin Lynn (Iva), frmn Ashland Record, res 330 Almond
Purves Archie R, elec, bds 186 Wightman
Purves James (Arminda M), res 186 Wightman
Purves Louis G, barber, bds 186 Wightman
Purves Nellie P, nurse, bds 661 Iowa
Putnam Fred L (Myrtle M), tmstr, res 166 Hargadine
Putnam I Maude, bds 166 Hargadine
Putnam Madge, bds 166 Hargadine
Pygal Helen, bds 259 Laurel

Quon Ton, mngr Wo Lee, rms 544 A

Radcliffe Abraham L, lab, bds 144 4th
Radcliffe Esther (wid Abraham), bds 144 4th
Radcliffe Wm A, cupola tender Ashland Iron Wks, bds 144 4th
Ramsey Amy A, bds 338 Woolen
Ramsey Charles, farmer, bds 338 Woolen
Ramsey Florence M, bds 140 Orange av
Ramsey W Sherman (Susie M), lab, res 140 Orange av
Ranger Laura A (wid Wm), res 546 Holly
Rapp Martha E (wid Joseph), res 174 Oak
Rasor Edith G, clk R A Minkler, bds 22 Granite
Rathbun Oscar J (Nancy), farmer, res end E Main
Raudebaugh James D (Alta M), mach SP Co, res 248 3rd
Rawley Callie Mrs, mangler Home Steam Laundry, rms 248 5th
Reader James K P (Louisa E), phys 71 Gresham, res same
Reams Elsie, bds 174 Oak
Rease Edson M (Mary L), bldg contr, res 1089 Boulevard
Rease E Orville (Martha), carp, res 123 Ohio
Rease Mabel H, bds 1089 Boulevard
Rease Mervin M, student, bds 1089 Boulevard
Redifer E Watson, frmn car inspr SP Co, res 264 7th
Reed Elizabeth F (wid Andrew J), bds 171 Church
Reede George C (Mary L), tmstr, res 366 Granite
Reeder Highland E, bds 121 Bush
Reeder Ira (Blanche), blksmth, bds 886 Oak
Reeder Leland P, bds 121 Bush
Reeder Thomas T (Rebecca F), fruit grower, res 886 Oak
Reeder Wallace W, clk L J Orres, bds 886 Oak
Reeder Wm A (Eunice H), res 121 Bush
Reel Frank C (Cleo), res 167 Church
Reid Esther J (wid Charles E), res 565 Allison
Reives Aaron B (Effie L), cond SP Co, res 66 2nd
Renfro Robert L (Lena A), brakeman SP Co, bds 156 8th
Reno Elizabeth A (wid Louis K), res 371 Gresham
Reno Horace V, music tchr, bds 371 Gresham
Reno Jesse K, fireman SP Co, bds 371 Gresham
REO MOTOR CAR, H G Butterfield Agent, 53 2nd, Tel 492 (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
Reynolds Emily D (wid Joseph H), bds 478 Allison
Reynolds Zaeheus Z (Hattie B), farmer, res 397 Guthrie
Reynolds Z Z Mrs, cook Vienna Bakery and Lunch Room, res 397 Guthrie
Rhodes-Farlow Building, 15½ E Main
Rhuberg Julius, res 642 Liberty
Rice James M, farmer, res 608 Terrace
Richards Anna S (wid Newton J), bds 144 Nutley
RICHARDSON HILTON V, Lawyer 44 E Main, Tel 105, rms 156 N Main
Rickman Arnold M, student, bds 125 2nd
Rigg John O, painter, bds 2 Glenn av
Riley Lawson H, student, bds 276 B
Riley Maggie B (wid Robert S), nurse, res 276 B
Riley Russell D, opr Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, bds Columbia Hotel
Roach America J (wid Hiram), fruit grower, res 835 N Main
Roach Claude E (Leta M), res 763 B
Roberts Chester A, waiter C W Roberts, bds 400 Beach
ROBERTS CURTIS W (Lela M), Propr Curt's Restaurant, res 111 3rd (See p 177)
Roberts Emma J (wid George C), res 400 Liberty
Roberts James T (Lou), cement worker, res 156 5th
Roberts Thomas, wood cutter W A Conner
Robertson Anna C (wid John), bds 84 Garfield
Robertson Charles W (Nellie) (Nininger & Robertson), res 84 Garfield
Robertson J Ralph (Grace M), farmer, res 340 Almond
Robinson Dessa M, res 463 B
Robinson Richard A, lineman, bds 463 B
Robison George M (Anna M), chief Ashland Fire Dept City Hall, res 110 Laurel
Robison James K (Cynthia J), fruits A nr SP Depot, res 438 A
Robison J Mae (wid David G), dressmaker, res 263 2nd
Robison Merle B, auto mach, bds 110 Laurel
Rocho John F (Maude), res 115 Granite
ROCK SPRINGS COAL (Wyoming), Ashland Transfer & Storage Co Agts, 99 Oak, Tel 117 (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Transfer Cos)
Rockfellow Albert G, bds 22 Granite
Roe John, fruit grower, res Ashland Creek rd nr limits
Rogers Charles H, carp, bds 983 Oak
Rogers Levi W (Catherine), farmer, res 983 Oak
Rogers Wallace, res 194 Meade
Rogers Wm (Corolyn), fruit grower, res Walker av nr Boulevard
Rogers Wm L (M Josephine) (Espy & Rogers), res 954 Boulevard
Rondeau Jessie M Mrs, bds 550 Fairview
Root Charles W (Virginia M), res 325 N Main
Rosdine Zepha E Mrs, res 31 Church
Rose Bros (Charles R and Howard), confectionery 145 E Main
Rose Charles R (Laura) (Rose Bros), res 550 E Main
Rose George W (Gladys S), cond SP Co, res 87 3rd
Rose Hattie W (wid Elanson), bds 167 Mountain av
Rose Howard (Delia) (Rose Bros), res 3 Hillcrest
Rose Karl M, eng, bds 77 6th
Rose Mary E (wid Montgomery), C S practitioner, res 77 6th
Rose Phillip S, student, bds 77 6th
Rosecrans Fred E (Bessie I), supt City Water Works, res 212 Mechanic
Rosenstock Fred A (Grace F), restaurant 554 A, res s end Indiana
Ross Frank R (Mary B), carp, bds 151 Coolidge
Ross Nellie B, tchr East Side School, rms 150 1st av
Routledge Ella P Mrs, dressmaker, res 147 Nutley
Rowland Charles M (Etta A), painter, res 56 Roca
Rowley Alva A (Laura E), carp, res 356 Granite
Rowley James I, lab, bds 115 Lincoln
Rowley Mary E (wid James H), res 115 Lincoln
Roy Charles E (Elenor), salsn H G Enders & Son, res 369 Hargadine
ROYAL BAKERY AND CAFE, Simeon S Drake Propr, Wedding and Party Cakes a Specialty, Lunches, A Good Place to Eat, 39 E  Main, Tel 173 (See adv)
Ruckle Charles E (Mary A), farmer, res 288 Morton
Ruger John A (Maude E), hostler SP Co, res 42 Gresham
Rush Mabel L (wid Orlie B), res 70 Harrison
Rush Wm G, fireman SP Co, bds 886 Oak
Rushton Wm, baker Vienna Bakery and Lunch Room, rms 349 E Main
RUSK JOSEPH H, Propr Ashland Bakery and Confectionery, res 233 4th, Tel 17 (See p 161)
Russell Ann H (wid James H), propr Ashland Marble Works, res 117 N Main
Russell Frank E (Anna), elec, res 296 Granite
Russell Mabel E, artist, bds 117 N Main
Russell Nellie F, bds 117 N Main

Sackett Dewey W (Edith A), res 108 Nursery
Sackett George E, miner, bds 108 Nursery
Sales T J, msgr W F & Co Exp, rms 107 2nd
Salsbury Frank (Laura), farmer, res 57 5th
Salsbury George T (Belle W), miner, res 251 Grant
Salsbury L Blanche, student, bds 251 Grant
Salsbury T Ralph, student, bds 251 Grant
Sams Charles E (Minnie O), res 468 Helman
Sams Emily E, bds 486 Boulevard
Sams Wm H, clk, bds 448 Helman
Sander Clara (wid Joseph C), res n end Helman
Sander Frank T, student, bds Mrs Clara Sander
Sander Henry B (Sander & Sander), bds Mrs Clara Sander
Sander Joseph H (Clara), gardener, res 1149 Oak
Sander Leo B (Sander & Sander), bds Mrs Clara Sander
Sander Louis A, student, bds Mrs Clara Sander
Sander Wm G (Agnes M), florist Nevada se cor Helman, res same
Sander & Sander (Henry B and Leo B), dairy n end Helman
Sanderson Building, 391 E Main
Sanderson Sidney C, student, bds 486 Boulevard
Sanderson Volney, res 492 Allison
Sanderson Wm C (Vernie M), res 486 Boulevard
Sanford Richard D (Mary), res n end Laurel
Sanford Torbet W (Anna C), brakeman SP Co, res 129 High
Sanger Frank B, lab, rms 154 B
Sargent David, student Polytechnic Bus Coll
Sargent Hilda, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 376 B
Satterfield C Annie (wid Joseph W), res 108 Granite
Saunders Claude A, barber, bds 595 Iowa
Saunders Elnar L, bds 595 Iowa
Saunders James B (Clay E), barber S S Davies, res 595 Iowa
Saunders Josephine, student, bds 110 N Main
Saunders Stuart (Ethel) (Nims & Saunders), res 110 N Main
Sawyer Bertha, osteopath 44 E Main, res 73 Granite
Sawyer James T (Ella R), brakeman SP Co, res 774 C
Sayle Harry A (E Stella), clk motor ticket office SP Co, res 39 Union
Sayle James P (Melissa J) (J P Sayle & Son), res 183 Gresham
Sayle James T (Alice) (J P Sayle & Son), res 665 E Main
Sayle J P & Son (James P and James T), billiards 19 E Main
Sayle Ray (Myrtle), troubleman Ashland Elec P & L Co, res 685 E Main
Schilling Olivia C (wid Fred P), bds 678 Boulevard
Schuerman August (Caroline), clk, res 214 C
Schuerman Fred M, student, bds 214 C
Schwein Ludwig (Bell), meat cutter Ashland Meat Co, res 56 Church
Schwimley Max A, student, bds 469 Boulevard
Schwimley W Alvin Rev (Nora I), pastor First Congregational Church, res 469 Boulevard
Scofield A Burdette (Anna M), fruit grower, res 1087 N Main
Scott Elmer W, chauffeur Ashland Garage, bds 483 Granite
Scott George W (Ida L), res 248 Wimer
Scott Naomi, student, bds 248 Wimer
Scott Wm M, res 483 Granite
SEAGER GEORGE W (Villa A), Sec Ashland Commercial Club and Justice of the Peace, res 65 Granite
Seamens Justina M (wid Alanson D), bds 313 Granite
Seibert Minnie (wid John B), res 107 Fork
Sergent Philip (Elnora C), forest entomologist US Dept of Agriculture, res 549 Auburn
Settle Ira F (Pauline N T), harnessmkr 7 Plaza, res 116 1st av
Settle John F, harnessmkr I F Settle, bds 116 1st av
Settles Lawyel H (Annie M), res 267 8th
Settles Orville A, bds 267 8th
Seventh Day Adventist Church, Benjamin C Tabor elder, 4th se cor C
Sexsmith Edgar J (Nettie L), clk C H Vaupel, res 478 Allison
Shaffer Bennett F (Caroline P), farmer, res 167 Garfield
SHASTA GROCERY, Wm Flackus Propr, Groceries, Flour and Feed 214 4th, Tel 37
Shaver Hazel R, tchr, bds 977 B
Shaver Myron (Helen M), res 1111 Iowa
Shaw Building, 391 E Main
Shaw Edwin B, res 154 B
Shaw Francis W (Mary A), res 564 Elkader
Shaw Lucy R (wid Edwin), bds 154 B
Shaw Robert J (Virginia C), lab, res 487 Rock
Shaw Virginia C Mrs, dressmaker, res 487 Rock
Sheets Henry C (Nellie D), tmstr, res 55 Factory
Sheldon Mark M, bldg contr, res 705 Pennsylvania av
Shelton George L (Callie B), mngr Elks Club, res 138 3rd
Shepherd Charles F (R Medora) (Shepherd & Son), res 658 Boulevard
Shepherd L Kale (Shepherd & Son), bds 658 Boulevard
Shepherd Mary M (wid Wm H), res 77 Pine
Shepherd & Son (C F and L K), pianos and organs 658 Boulevard
Sheppard Arthur, elec lineman, bds 505 Boulevard
Sheppard Ethel M, dressmaker, bds 505 Boulevard
Sherwin Eugene A (Bay L), res 173 Oak
Shinn Allie B, bds 114 Oak
Shinn Frank J (Maude), res 114 Oak
Shinn Neil E, student, bds 114 Oak
Shook Apartments, Isaac N Shook propr, 376 E Main
Shook Bulding, 376 E Main
Shook Isaac N, propr Shook Apartments, res C376 E Main
Shook Martha J Mrs, furn rms, res 369 Hargadine
Shoudy Berkley M (Clara N), sporting goods 45 N Main, res 63 Helman
Shoudy Ira (Ada K), res 311 Almond
Shoudy Ruth K, student, bds 63 Helman
Shutts Clifton A (Mary R), sawyer W A Conner, res 63 3rd
Siemantel George (Mary) (Pioneer Planing Mill Co), res 657 Boulevard
Siemantel Margaret, student, bds 657 Boulevard
Siemsen Arabelle Mrs, bds 72 N Main
Silsby Albion W (Marcia B), timber lands, res 423 N Main
Silver Catherine E (wid Theodore B), res 763 B
Silver Harry (Jessie M), timber lands Peil bldg, res 451 Palm av
Silver Kathleen, clk Beebe & Kinney, bds 451 Palm av
Silver Laura, tchr, bds 451 Palm av
Silver Madeline, student, bds 451 Palm av
SIMONS HANNAH MRS, Millinery, Plumes and Hair Work 167 E Main, res 363 Iowa (See p 146)
Simons James D (Hannah), gardener, res 363 Iowa
Simpson Glenn E, student, bds 142 N Main
Simpson Harold V, student, bds 142 N Main
SIMPSON THOMAS H (Nellie G), Hardware 37-39 N Main, Tel 203, res 142 N Main, Tel 347-J
Simpson Winnifred M (wid Frank C), bds 142 Church
Sisemore Nancy (wid Adam), res 854 A
Skeen George B (Ida M), barber and baths 23 E Main, res 175 Church
Skeen G Irene, tchr, bds 175 Church
Skeen May, student, bds 175 Church
Slack James M (Sidney G), car repr SP Co, res 215 4th
Slack Lynn G, student, bds 215 4th
Slack Sidney G Mrs, propr The Oxford, res 215 4th
SLINGERLAND GILBERT R (Cora A) (Carson-Smith Lumber Co) (Pioneer Planing Mill), res 271 High, Tel 295-Y
Sloan Marion L (Helen), res 440 Helman
Smith Alfred E (Claudia M), lab, res 124 Morton
Smith A Augustus (Ella M), butcher, res 468 Oak
Smith Barnum E (Mary A), magnetic healer 7 Peil bldg, res 33 Alnutt
Smith Bert H (Nellie M) (E F Smith & Sons), bds 221 Oak
Smith Carl G (Nellie M), cook, rms 265 4th
Smith Charles, lab, res West nr Alta av
Smith Chester A, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 221 Oak
Smith David A (Mary), car inspr SP Co, res 586 C
Smith Donald B (Gertrude), res 116 High
Smith Edward N (Mary J), tmstr, res 124 Morton
Smith Elizabeth A (wid Henry), res 160 Church
Smith Ella C, fruit grower, res 711 Grover
Smith Ella M Mrs, propr The Gurnea, res 265 4th
Smith Elmer J (Edith) (E F Smith & Sons), bds 145 Woolen
Smith Eunice L, tchr, bds 33 Alnutt
Smith E F (Hattie) (E F Smith & Sons), res 221 Oak
SMITH E F & SONS (E F, Elmer J and Bert H), Proprs Ashland Livery & Feed Stable, 107 Mill, Tel 59 (See p 148)
Smith Hazel E, clk L F Ferguson, bds 925 B
Smith James C, car repr SP Co, rms 224 4th
Smith Julius S Rev (Mary W) (M E), res 464 Woolen
Smith Leona, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds East Side Inn
Smith Lloyd T, student, bds 468 Oak
Smith L Lulu, bds 464 Woolen
Smith L W, waiter C W Roberts
Smith Mark W (Hattie), brakeman SP Co, res 159 2nd
Smith Norma A, tchr, bds 33 Alnutt
Smith Ralph E, brakeman SP Co, rms 265 4th
Smith Ray J (Hazel E), jeweler Elks Temple, res 46 Union
Smith Sidney H (Florence R), propr The Atlas, res 224 4th
Smith Verner O N (Mary S), cashr Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 174 Church
Smith Walter L, moving picture opr, bds 124 Morton
Smith Wm B (Nancy J) (Ashland Furniture Co), res 280 Hargadine
Smith Wm H (Ellen S), res 166 E Main
Smith Wm K (Annie E), res 925 B
Snelling Mae A, bds 232 Vista
SnellingMary E (wid Fuller), res 232 Vista
Snyder Val, cond SP Co
Songer Mollie E, bds 45 Helman
Songer Samuel T (Belle D), phys Pioneer bldg, res 45 Helman
Songer Slade F, student, bds 45 Helman
Songer Wm F, bds 45 Helman
Southern Pacific Co, G N Kramer agt, pass depot ft 4th, freight depot ft 3rd
Southern Pacific Co, motor ticket office, 62 N Main
Sowerby Wm (Minerva B), painter, res 104 Fork
Sparks Nellie, appr Mrs Hannah Simons
Spencer Aden C (Isabelle P), farmer, res end E Main
Spencer Donald M (Hazel M), carrier Post Office, res 620 Iowa
Spencer George C, farmer, res 3 m ne limits
Spencer H Guy, bds A C Spencer
Spencer Harry D (Ella M), car builder SP Co, res 108 5th
Spencer H Alphonso (Mary E), lab, res 22 Granite
Spencer James (Amanda), farmer, res 247 7th
Spencer Mary E, bds A C Spencer
Spencer Orville D (Hulda), car repr SP Co, res 247 7th
Spencer Peter L, tchr, bds A C Spencer
Spencer Robert R, student, bds 22 Granite
Spencer Winnifred G, tchr, bds 22 Granite
Spindler Charles L (M Catherine), driver Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 842 Blair
Spindler Jennie (wid Levi Z), bds Horace Goble
SPRING CANYON COAL (Utah), Ashland Transfer & Storage Co Agts, 99 Oak, Tel 117 (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Transfer Cos)
Stacy Alphonso L (Abbie E), res 333 B
Stahlman George W (Alice D), solicitor, res 313 Granite
Stanley Julius C (May), miner, res 134 Nob Hill
Stanley Mabel, student, bds 134 Nob Hill
Stanley Robert H, upholsterer 26 1st av, res same
Stannard Amy N, tchr East Side School, bds 405 Liberty
Stannard Edward M (Jessie N), elec, res 405 Liberty
Stannard Edward M Jr, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 405 Liberty
Stannard George A (Ada L), farmer, res 54 Roca
Stannard Jessie N Mrs, tchr East Side School, res 405 Liberty
STAPLES EDWARD T (Katherine H), Real Estate 50 N Main, Tel 50, res 117 Almond, Tel 223-R
STAR THEATRE, Myron E Hicks Propr, Moving Pictures, 275-277 E Main, Tel 33 (See adv)
Starr Emmet, bds 64 California
Starr Ethel B, bds 64 California
Starr Samuel F (Almira A), peddler, res 64 California
STATE BANK OF ASHLAND THE, G S Butler Pres, O Winter Vice-Pres, G G Eubanks Cashr, 15 Plaza
State Normal School, Boulevard e city limits
Steele J Edward (Laura V), res 344 E Main
Steinmetz Anna, student, bds 263 2nd
Stengel Hiram C (Pansy R), car inspr SP Co, res 107 6th
Stennett Charles (Tabitha L), res 147 Laurel
Stennett Lucius E (Mary J), sheet metal wkr A J Biegel, res 494 Fairview
Stennett Wm S (Alma C), painter and bill poster basement 104 N Main, res 116 Factory
Stephens Adelaide E Mrs, res 462 Allison
Stephenson George W (Emma A), res 160 Factory
Stevens Bertrand R (Mabel L), clk SP Co, res 746 C
Stevens Donald L, counterman store dept SP Co, bds 746 C
Stevens Levi N (Bessie), frmn Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 398 Granite
Stevens Waldo E, student, bds 746 C
Stock Herman C (Marie), undertaker 88 N Main, res 108 Nob Hill
Stone Missouri E (wid Humphrey E), bds 440 Granite
Stone Ovid J (Eloise), res 495 N Main
Stoner Building, 349 E Main
Stoner Leah M, bds 349 E Main
Stoner Raymond C, orchardist, bds 349 E Main
Stoner Samuel B (Mary A), propr The Manx, res 349 E Main
Storey Allen W (Edna E), tmstr, res 129 Granite
Storey A Agnes, tchr, bds 129 Granite
Stratton Florence N (wid Nial), bds 685 Boulevard
Stratton Percy C (Sarah V), orchardist, res 1 n 172 Mountain av
Strickland Archie L, elec City Electrical Eng, res 89 Pine
Stroupe Marcus C (Eliza J), blksmth Iowa ne cor Lincoln, res 144 Garfield
Stubbs Alice E Mrs, clk Vienna Bakery and Lunch Room, bds 137 Church
Studebaker Flora A (wid Daniel B), bds 118 High
Sullivan Wesley N (Nora), lab, res 423 Helman
Summers Clement M (Harriet), res 129 Laurel
Sutherland Ezekiel, res 598 E Main
Sutherland George C, bds 598 E Main
Swedenburg Axel W, phys 299 E Main, res 373 Vista
Swedenburg Block, 299 E Main
SWEDENBURG FRANCIS G (Olive E), Physician 299 E Main Tel 215, res 406 Iowa, Tel 38
Swenson Carl L (Minnie F) (Swenson & McRae), res 252 B
Swenson & McRae (Carl L Swenson, John D McRae), furniture 357 E Main
SWIFT & CO, Frank J Crouch Mngr, Meat Packers and Canners cor 1st and A, Tel 95
Swigart J Farman, bds 138 1st av
Swigart Mary F (wid Isaac R), res 138 1st av
Swigart Natalie E, stengr Ashland Record, bds 138 1st av
Swing Merritt J, student, bds 430 Terrace
Swing Walter C (Ola M), painter, res 430 Terrace
Swingle Frank D (Louisa E), res 105 Bush
Szybowicz Leo P Rev, pastor Church of the Holy Rosary, res 120 6th

Taber Ora A (Hila O), cook, res 259 B
Tabor Benjamin C (Bonnie B), elder Seventh Day Adventist Church, res 459 Morton
TALCOTT BERT W (Alice F), City Editor Ashland Tidings, res 112 Pine, Tel 323-R
Tallman David R (Cora E), farmer, res Boulevard ⅛ m e city
Tate Earl A, carp, bds 159 Helman
Tate Wm H, carp, res 159 Helman
TateWm O (Lucy J), carp, res 164 Factory
Taverner Frances K, bds 912 Boulevard
Taverner George (Mary E), res 912 Boulevard
Taverner Mary J V, bds 912 Boulevard
Taverner Rose E, bds 912 Boulevard
Taverner Wm, fruit grower, res Ashland Mine rd
Taverner W Geoffrey, bds Wm Taverner
Taylor Henry L (Anna), helper SP Co, res 450 A
Taylor Zella P, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 100 Union
Tellon John B, lab, res 498 Oak
Temple of Truth, 479 Boulevard
Teters Louis H, lab, res 1 n 600 Indiana
Thom Margaret E (wid W S), res 586 E Main
Thomas Amzi W (Mary K), sec-treas Ashland Commercial Orchards Co Inc, res 993 Boulevard
Thomas Henry L, clk, bds 462 Allison
Thomas Raymond V, surveyor, bds 993 Boulevard
Thomas Rose H, student, bds 993 Boulevard
Thomas Thomas, eng SP Co, rms 156 5th
Thomason Norman L, brakeman SP Co, bds Depot Hotel
Thompson Alice M, tchr West Side School, rms 277 Almond
Thompson Nels (Anna M), bldg contr, res 641 Boulevard
Thompson Sophia E (wid A C), res 144 Garfield
Thorn Olive A, student, bds 130 N Main
Thorne Georgia A, nurse, bds 954 B
Thornton Isa A Mrs, furn rms 137 Oak
Thornton James (C Elizabeth), res 59 Manzanita
Thornton J Edward (Isa A), clk Hotel Oregon, res 137 Oak
Thornton Sheridan F (Emma E), mach, res 192 Mechanic
Throne Alice E (wid Norman F), res 107 4th
Throne A Merrill, student, bds 107 4th
Throne Edward C, musician, bds 129 4th
Throne Robert F, bds 107 4th
Throne Thelma L, student, bds 107 4th
Tiffany Genevieve, clk McGee's, bds 29 Granite
Tiffany Oliver C (Lovisa A), res 29 Granite
Tilton Andrew M, rms 68 E Main
Tilton C Franklin (Grace S), dentist 54 E Main, res 237 Almond
Titus Frank L (Elsie), res 170 Mountain av
Tolman Thomas E, gardener, bds O O Helman
Tomlin Margaret, bds 179 Oak
Torrence Samuel J (Mary A), carp, res 843 B
Tostevin Clarence L, bds 155 7th
Tostevin Fred E, student, bds 155 7th
Tostevin George H (Ida Estella), res 155 7th
Townsend Maggie S Mrs, res 60 Granite
Tozer Job R, res 71 Laurel
Tracy Alfred H (Pearlie B), bds 111 Nursery
Tracy Frederick B (Anna E), wire chief W U Telg Co, res 111 Nursery
Trask Avery L, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 591 Fairview
Trask Lettie M (wid Charles E), res 591 Fairview
TREFREN GEORGE W (Mary F), Lawyer 44 E Main, Tel 100, res 438 N Main, Tel 226-R (See adv)
TREFREN L J (Nola P), Stenographer and Notary, Collections 44 E Main, Tel 100, res 438 N Main, Tel 226-R (See adv)
Trimble H E, switchman SP Co
Trinity Episcopal Church, Rev John F Hamaker rector, 1 n 42 2nd
True John, farmer, res end E Main
Trulan Walter (Lillian), cond SP Co, res 661 B
Tucker Luther B (Mary), bds 351 Avery
Tucker Walter G, carp, res 351 Avery
Tuley Mary L, nurse Granite City Hospital
Turner John H (Grace E), cond SP Co, res 59 Union
Turner Oscar B (Alice M), lab, res 256 6th
Turner Ruth M, student, bds 59 Union
Turner Wm A (Jennie), sec Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 165 N Main
Tuttle Chester (Jennie), lab, res 148 Orange av
Tuttle Jennie Mrs, polisher Home Steam Laundry, res 148 Orange av
Tuttle Oscar, lab, bds 148 Orange av
Tyrrel Fred G (Lula), farmer, res 399 Beech
Tyson Dennis L, brakeman SP Co, rms 19 Gresham
Tyson George B, brakeman SP Co, rms 19 Gresham

Uetz John I (Julia A), lab, res 117 Morton
Ulen Louis R (M Elvira), plasterer, res 116 Lincoln
Undenominational Church, Rev F V Lindbled pastor, E Main ne cor 5th
US Dept of Agriculture Bureau of Entomology, John M Miller Forest Entomologist, Emerick nr Boulevard
UNIVERSAL STOVES AND RANGES, Warner Mercantile Co General Agents for Southern Oregon, 375 E Main, Tel 146 (See Left Side Lines)
Updegraff Florence A, bds 134 Manzanita
Updegraff Gussie I, tchr West Side School, bds 134 Manzanita
Updegraff Sarah M (wid Albert W), res 134 Manzanita
Ussher Warwick W (Effie B), mngr Pac Tel & Telg Co, res 40 Bush
UTTERBACK GEORGE R (Grace), Chiropractor, Bullis Method Spinal Adjustments, 68 E Main over Vaupel's Store, res same (See adv)

VanBuskirk Charles (Mildred), clk SP Co, res 227 Meade
VanBuskirk Mary I, bds 227 Meade
VanBuskirk Robert, bds 227 Meade
Vanderpool George W, bds Benton Bowers
VanDyke Harry E, clk SP Co, bds 84 Alida
VanDyke Ruth, tchr Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 84 Alida
VanDYKE WM M (Olive V) (Abbott & VanDyke), res 105 Morton, Tel 252-L
VanDyke Wm S (Mary), farmer, res 84 Alida
VanFossen Harmon J Rev (Cora B), dist supt Klamath Dist M E Church, res 103 Laurel
VanLandingham Thomas L (Nellie E), brakeman SP Co, res 216 Morton
VanLeer Milton S (Nellie), blksmth 1st bet E Main and C, res 308 N Main
VanNatta George O (Ida M), fruit grower, res 439 Chestnut
VanNatta Marion E, bds 439 Chestnut
VanNice Carolyn L, tchr, bds 1307 Iowa
VanNice Mabel F, tchr, bds 1307 Iowa
VanNice Philander A (Lucinda J), farmer, res 1307 Iowa
VanSant Elizabeth J (wid James K), res 179 Oak
VanScoy Wm T (Orla C), tchr, res 310 Morton
VanVactor B Granville, student, bds 107 2nd
VanVactor Cora E Mrs, furn rms 107 2nd
VanVactor Wm E (Cora E), eng, res 107 2nd
VanWegan Lewis O (Lulu J), eng, res 400 Liberty
VAUPEL CHARLES H (Marie), Vice-Pres First National Bank of Ashland, Dry Goods 68 E Main, res 422 Boulevard, Tel 348-R
Vaupel Leta, bds 422 Boulevard
Veghte Charles H (Ida B), bldg contr, res 51 Gresham
Veghte Willard T, farmer, bds 51 Gresham
Veyl Wm C, telg opr SP Co, rms Depot Hotel
VIENNA BAKERY AND LUNCH ROOM, Eugene E Miller Propr, 242 E Main, Tel 179 (See adv)
Vining Mary H (wid George T), res 35 Granite
Vogeli Callie B, sec G A Briscoe, res Talent
Volpe John, frmn Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, rms 35 1st av
Voss Henry H (Eva M), storekpr SP Co, res 713 Oak
Vroman Cyrenus (Ella), furn rms, res 68 E Main

Wadsworth Abbie (wid Burton), bds 115 Bush
Wagner Carroll M, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 153 Oak
Wagner Creek Nursery (C T Lester, L C Lely) Mill nr Plaza
Wagner Elizabeth, tchr, bds 153 Oak
Wagner Ellen H (wid Jacob), res 25 Granite
Wagner Florence R, tchr High School, bds 153 Oak
Wagner Fred D (Stella C), printer Ashland Tidings, res 47 Granite
Wagner J Marshall (Anna A), mineral water, res 153 Oak
Wagner Paul, rms 35 1st av
Wagner Robert A, student, bds 153 Oak
Wah Chung & Co, 282 A
Wahl Embry, rms 349 E Main
Waite Cassius M (Emily L), farmer, res 634 Iowa
Walders Everett, helper Royal Bakery and Cafe, bds Park Hotel
Walford Ernest E (May E), lab, res 143 Mill
Walker Aileen, student, bds Butler Walker
Walker Alice, student, bds Butler Walker
Walker Butler (Annie), farmer, res end E Main
Walker Cassius C, journalist, rms 50 N Main
Walker Donald A, bds 419 Liberty
Walker Frank H (Hattie S), City Engineer City Hall, res 419 Liberty
Walker Leta, bds Butler Walker
Walker Madge, maid 922 Boulevard
Walker Marie F, trimmer Mrs Hannah Simons, bds Butler Walker
Walker Roy G (Flora M), res 670 Boulevard
Walker Sarah J (wid Daniel), res 160 2nd
Wallace Arthur F, student, bds 77 3rd
Wallace George (Ella M), farmer, res 695 Terrace
Wallace Martha E, res 77 3rd
Wallace Wm J (Josephine I), eng SP Co, res 954 B
Wallis Wade H (Bertha E), farmer, res 236 Mountain av
Wallsten Birger O (Elvera C), fruit grower, res 447 Walnut
Walrad Eugene (Nora L), sexton City Cemetery, res 196 Factory
Walruff Charles A (Olive M), res 338 Holly
Walters Frederick E (Janie M), telg opr SP Co, res 443 Allison
Wamsley John (Mary), switchman, res 42 3rd
Wamsley Peryl J, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 42 3rd
Ware Joseph B (Margaret W), res 645 Liberty
Ware Richard W, student, bds 645 Liberty
WARNER AUGUSTUS T (Ella R) (Warner Mercantile Co), res 171 Church, Tel 238-J
Warner J Phelps (Julia R), farmer, res 176 Mechanic
WARNER MERCANTILE CO (A T Warner), Hardware, Cutlery and Plumbing, General Agents for Southern Oregon for Universal Stoves and Ranges, The Best in the World, 375 E Main, Tel 146 (See Left Side Lines)
Warren Harry B (Daisy P), fruit grower, res Patrick nr n end Main
Watkins Percy, tchr drawing Public Schools, bds 179 Oak
Watkins Rannus P (Mary J), fruit grower, res 440 Beech
Watson Chandler B, lawyer, res 232 Vista
WATSON FREDERIC E, Investments, Citizens Banking & Trust Co Bldg, res 33 Strawberry Lane, Tel 311-R
Watson George T (Kate), clk W O Dickerson, res 166 Ohio
Watson Winifred, bds 33 Strawberry Lane
Weaver James E (Minnie E), grocer E Main ne cor N Main, res 79 Palm
Weber Arthur O, stripper E R Grieve, bds Park Hotel
Weedon Arista T, fireman SP Co, bds 47 5th
Weedon A Sherrill, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 47 5th
Weedon C T, fireman SP Co, bds 47 5th
Weedon Thomas H (Lucinda), res 47 5th
Wehrli Rudolph (Anna M), res 124 Ohio
Weis Charles, bds 124 Ohio
Weisenburger Christian C (Anna N), carp, res 156 Manzanita
Welch Bernard W, chauffeur Ashland Garage, bds 89 Pine
Welch Leonard M, bds 89 Pine
Welch Wm N, lab, res 89 Pine
Wells Ellen I (wid Erastus), res 143 3rd
Wells Fargo & Co Express, Daniel A Applegate agent, 95 Oak
Wells James F (Emily), orchardist, res 123 6th
Wells Katherine, tchr, bds 123 6th
Wells Spratt (Kate H), stockman, res F376 E Main
Wenner Gerald H, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 272 Maple
Wenner Melissa D, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 272 Maple
Wenner Wm H (Louie B), warehouseman SP Co, res 272 Maple
Weren Eric (Desederia), fruit grower, res Ashland Mine rd
Weren Eric H, fruit grower, res Wimer hts
Werth Louis L (Nina G) (Eagle Pork Packing House), res 166 Laurel
Werth Oscar L, meat cutter, bds 166 Laurel
West Side School, Gertrude Engle prin, N Main sw cor Manzanita
WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, W E Newcombe Mngr, 11 N Main (Plaza)
Whelpley George A (Minnie M), wood cutter W A Conner, res s end Leonard av
Whipple Jennie, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 670 Boulevard
White Charles E (Belle), farmer, res 1132 Oak
White Edmond E, res 167 Mountain av
White Harry, res 1023 E Main
White Henry L (May M), real est, res 1023 E Main
Whited Esther, bds 321 N Main
Whited Harry L (Bertha E), sec Ashland Ice & Storage Co, jeweler 29 N Main, res 321 same
WHITMORE BERT E (Josephine F), Real Estate, Ranches and City Property 337 E Main, Tel 31, res 355 Woolen
Whitney Albert V (Jennie), farmer, res 1280 E Main
Whitney Donald S, eng SP Co, bds Oregon Hotel
Whitney Mary L (wid Peter B), bds Hotel Oregon
Whitney Ruth L, office attendant F H Johnson, bds Hotel Oregon
Whittle Floyd F (Margaret C) (Mitchell & Whittle), res 135 Nutley
Wick John R (Clara E) (Ashland Furniture Co), res 723 N Main
Wilbourn Mahala J (wid Wm W), res 190 B
Wilcox Howard P (Bessie A), mach, res 143 Gresham
Wilcox John L (Alvina A), bldg contr, res 494 Holly
Wiley George R, tmstr Ashland Transfer & Storage Co, bds 184 1st
Wiley Robert, eng SP Co, rms 235 5th
Wiley Thornton S (Lucy G), farmer, res 571 Chestnut
Will Katherine M, bds 237 C
Will Lizzie (wid Henry), bds 237 C
Williams Sarah E (wid James M), bds 251 Grant
Williams Warren E (Maude A), wire chief Pac Tel & Telg Co, res 661 Iowa
Williamson Henry (Janet), res 43 Church
Willison Charles H (Mattie E), salsn, res 501 Allison
Wills Katie, ironer Home Steam Laundry, bds 249 4th
Wilshire Wm A (Mary V), res 87 Granite
Wilson Bessie M Mrs, opr Pac Tel & Telg Co, bds 56 Roca
Wilson J Samuel (Lulu M), miner, res 564 Liberty
Wilson Lucy W Mrs, res 990 Boulevard
Wilson Norman F (Mary E), car repairer, res 132 7th
Wilson Wm W (Winnifred G), blksmth 55 1st av, res 31 B
Wimer Charles L, farmer, bds 496 Beech
Wimer George W (Delilah A), res 496 Beech
Wing Mayne, bds 169 Ohio
Wing Sarah C (wid Chillingsworth C), res 169 Ohio
Winings Adda Mrs, res 25 Gresham
Winings Carrie A, opr Pac Tel & Telg Co, bds 25 Gresham
Winings Charles A, bds Max Pracht
Winings Stanley L, fireman SP Co, bds 25 Gresham
Winter Hortense, bds 430 Boulevard
Winter Otto (Birdie), vice-pres State Bank of Ashland, res 430 Boulevard
Winters John H (Callie), farmer, res 1219 E Main
Winters Walter F (Lucy), farmer, res 1219 E Main
Wise Sidney M, clk Depot Drug Store, res 63 Gresham
Wisler Reuben L Rev (Alice J), pastor Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene, res 468-C
Wo Lee, Quon Ton mngr, restaurant 542-544 A
Wolcott Edgar, carp, bds 123 Church
Wolcott Forest G, student, bds H G Wolcott
Wolcott Horatio G (Jennie), farmer, res Patrick nr n end Main
Wolf Adrian J, student, bds 586 B
WOLF CHARLES B (Lula B), Editor and Proprietor Ashland Record, res 174 N Main, Tel 491
Wolf Julius P (Mamie), propr Depot Hotel, res 586 B
Wolter Edward F (Ruby B), fireman SP Co, res 263 Mountain av
Wood Clarence D (Mary N), harness mkr Eastern Supply Co, res 151 Gresham
Wood Mary N Mrs, mngr Eastern Supply Co, res 151 Gresham
Wood Oliver L (Helen G), brakeman, res 120 5th
Woods Gerald K, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds 91 Church
Woods Nancy E (wid Ahijah E), bds 91 Church
Woods Wallace W (Dora), res 91 Church
Woodward Troy (Mary H), frmn Pioneer Planing Mill Co, res 244 Grant
Woolsoncroft Eliza J (wid John), bds 391 Bridge
Worthington Francis M (Eliza R), res 416 Palm av
Wright Albert R (Eulalia F), res 275 Woolen
Wright Phebe (wid Wm W), res 300 Liberty
Wright Thomas B (Isabelle), clk J N Dennis, res 124 Nob Hill
Wright Wm (Mary R), fireman SP Co, res 243 Laurel
Wright W Newell (Eva M), ticket clk SP Co, res 178 Hargadine
Wyant Benjamin T, miner, res 125 8th
Wyant Lewis H (Agnes M), miner, res 868 A
Wynne Wm M, student Polytechnic Bus Coll, bds Columbia Hotel

Yagart Daniel, bds Hotel Savoy
Yarbrough Clifford L, bds 532 Woolen
Yarbrough Frank D (Belle), truck builder SP Co, res 532 Woolen
Yates George E (Lillian G), stockman, res 985 E Main
YEO GEORGE H (Olive) (Harvey & Yeo), Vice-Pres-Mngr Jackson County Abstract Co, Notary Public 70 N Main, Tel 206, res 63 Bush, Tel 289-L (See Front Cover and Right Top Lines)
Yeo James A (Elva K), barber 65 N Main, res 155 Factory
Yeo Maggie R, stengr, bds 271 Mountain av
Yeo Wm (Rachel), farmer, res 271 Mountain av
Yerke Amanda (wid Samuel F), res 136 Sherman
YOCKEY E MRS (Beaver Realty Co), res ws Emerick 1 n Iowa, Tel 426-R
Yockey Wm R (Elizabeth), res ws Emerick 1 n Iowa
Young Alfred A (Dora), carp, res 9 Granite
Young George S (Florence M), barber J A Yeo, res 349 Sherman
Young Glenn M, bus driver Hotel Oregon, bds 9 Granite
Young Joshua, res 224 N Main
Young Mary E, music tchr, bds 224 N Main
Young Marion F (Elsie), farmer, res 28 Garfield
Young Oscar L (Jenny W) (W H Gowdy Co), lawyer 77 Oak, res 171 Granite
Young Wm W, brakeman SP Co, bds 90 2nd

Zeigler Joseph (Anna), cond SP Co, res 341 Almond


    A village on the Applegate River, 20 miles from Medford, the shipping point, and 20 miles southeast of Grants Pass. Farming, mining and dairying are the principal industries. Stage to Jacksonville daily. Mail daily.
Herriott Bros, saw mill
Herriott Thomas W, blacksmith
PERNOLL JOHN W, Mngr Wm Pernoll Estate and Postmaster
Pernoll Wm Estate, John W Pernoll mngr, gen mdse
Rose O E, hotel
Valley Pride Creamery Assn, creamery
    A post office on Evans Creek, 351 miles south of Portland, 24 north of Central Point, the shipping point, and 20 northeast of Gold Hill, the banking point. Mail tri-weekly.
Dinken James, cattle dealer
Mayfield Finis, cattle dealer
Mayfield Joseph, cattle dealer
Mitchell Lee, mail contractor
Sturgiss Dewitt, road supervisor
WELCH ALICE, Postmaster
Welch J B, saw mill
    A discontinued post office on Hill Creek, 7 miles south of Ashland, the banking and shipping point. Pacific Tel & Telg Co's service. Stage to Soda Springs and Ashland daily except Sunday. Mail RFD to Ashland.
    A post office on Rogue River 12 miles east of Gold Hill, the bank and shipping point. Mail daily.
Bowen E N, physician
RodgersW J, general store
Russel D B, carpenter
Stacy G W, blacksmith
    A village on the Little Butte River, 17 miles northeast of Medford and 5 miles east of Eagle Point, the shipping point. Stage to Central Point daily. Mail daily.
Beiberstadt Ralph, stock breeder
Bell Olive Mrs, fruit grower
Berry Thomas, rancher
Bradshaw R H, grain dealer
Brown George, stock raiser
Charley L C, horse dealer
HEFLER E A (E A Hefler & Co), Postmaster and Farmer
Hefler B A & Co (E A Hefler), general merchandise
Hessler L, shoemaker
Horton A H, rancher
Jordan Fred E, fruit grower
Lee Bradshaw & Stevens, fruit growers
Loomis Frank, goat breeder
McCarthy Frank, capitalist
Mills Edward, stock raiser
Stanley Bros, cattle dealers
Stanley Carl, cattle dealer
Staub Wm, Post Office and real estate
Staub W N, general merchandise and farmer
Terrill C E, cattle breeder
Toft Ray, real estate
Tucker E H, rancher
Tucker L D, swine dealer
Tucker R E, blacksmith
    A post office on the Little Applegate River, 12 miles south of Jacksonville, the telegraph, express, banking and shipping point. Stage and mail to Jacksonville semi-weekly.
GARRETT W R, Postmaster and Grocer
Pursell Charles C, saw mill
    Butte Falls is advantageously situated on Big Butte River, in the heart of the great pine forests of Jackson County, and is the present terminus of the Pacific & Eastern Railway, building from Medford, 35 miles southwest.
    It has a bank, one drug store and three general merchandise stores and various other lines of business are represented.
    There are two saw mills, a hotel, graded public school and Presbyterian church. Mail daily.
Adams O
Bainholzer Arnold, carpenter
Baker M P
Baker Roderick
Barker George, cashr Pine Belt Banking Co
Barrett A M Mrs, tchr Public School
Bassett L, shoemaker
Beck Aaron
Boughton H L
Brainard Merl
Butte Falls Hotel, Mrs A L Cross propr
Butte Falls Lumber Co
Butte Falls Mnfg Co (Emerson Wheeler)
Cadzow John, general merchandise
Carson J Frank, barber
Clark Benj
Clarke John R
Claspill S H
Clevenger S M, carpenter
Crater Lake Lumber Co
Cross A L Mrs, propr Butte Falls Hotel
Day J E Rev, pastor Presbyterian Church
Dooms A L
Edmondson B F
Edmondson Charles
Fire Relief Assn, E A Hildreth sec-treas
Fredenburg B, farmer
Hildreth E A, sec-treas Fire Relief Assn
Hughes James, clk
Hughes J P, general merchandise
Jackson Carl
Jones L
Kee W S, grocer and hardware
KNEELAND T L, Drugs and Stationery, Assistant Postmaster
Mahoney M C
Matthews S P, drayman
Mills H D, vice-pres Pine Belt Banking Co
Moore John A
Morris B F, janitor Public School
Morris N S Mrs, baker
Morris Orie, Pine Belt Banking Co
Morris U S
Parker W W
Peelor Chas
Pine Belt Banking Co, H D Mills vice-pres, George W Barker cashr
Presbyterian Church, Rev J E Day pastor
Public School, L A Wright principal
Ropp P F
Seiler John
Smith Ernest W, civil engineer
Smith E E, general merchandise
Stewart L Mrs
Stoddard N B, hardware
Vrandenburg H L, smoke house
Wheeler Emerson (Butte Falls Mnfg Co)
Wright Elsie, tchr Public School
Wright L A, prin Public School
    Central Point is a live progressive town with a population of 1500, is one of the rapidly growing communities of the Rogue River Valley, having more than doubled in population in the last five years. It is on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railway, 325 miles south of Portland and five miles northeast of Jacksonville, the county seat. This section is far famed for fertility of soil, salubrity of climate and great diversity of its natural resources. Central Point is surrounded on all sides by as productive fruit and agricultural land as can be found anywhere. In addition to fruit and grain a large amount of livestock is shipped, mineral wealth exists in the  mountains, large beds of coal have been discovered within a few miles and there is abundance of granite and sandstone for building purposes.
    The temperature ranges from a minimum of 20 degrees to a maximum of 100 degrees, with an average for the year of between 55 and 60 degrees. The average annual rainfall is about 22 inches, the rainy season being from November until April, but by no means continuously during that time. Days and weeks of bright sunshine intervene between the showers. Cyclones, blizzards and other severe storms are unknown. In point of healthfulness the town ranks high and has few counterparts in the country. The altitude is 1290 feet.
    It is an up-to-date town, is lighted by electricity, has an excellent municipal water system, good streets and sidewalks. There are schools, churches, fraternal organizations, a good bank and large mercantile establishments. It is the distributing point of a fertile section and one of the most productive regions in Oregon.


    City elections are held annually, at which time the Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer and Councilmen are elected.
    Mayor--W. A. Cowley.
    Recorder and Police Judge--J. W. Jacobs.
    Marshal and Street Commissioner--J. B. Holmes.
    Treasurer--J. O. Isaacson.
    Health Officer--Dr. McM. M. Dow.
    A. W. Moon, W. E. Alexander, F. J. Taylor, F. M. Adams, Wayman Warner.
Police Department
    Marshal--J. B. Holmes.
    Police Judge--J. W. Jacobs
Fire Department
    Central Point Fire Department (Volunteer), Chief--David C. Grim.
Justice of the Peace
    Justice of the Peace--A. W. Moon.
    Constable--C. S. Anderson.
    Central Point Orchestra--Henry Riley, Director.
    Rogue River Valley Band--A. W. Moon, Leader.
    Central Point State Bank. Capital, $25,000. J. O. Isaacson, Pres; W. C. Leever, Vice-Pres; W. J. Freeman, Vice-Pres; L. C. Robnett, Vice-Pres; H. W. Lindsay, Cashier.
    Postal Savings Depository--Post Office, Guy Tex in charge.
    Central Point Cemetery--½ m s city limits.
    Central Point--Rev. Mrs. W. T. D. MacCullough (Medford), pastor, Sunday
services 2nd and 4th Sunday 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; B.Y.P.U., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
    Christian Church--Rev. W. T. Adams, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.B., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Christian Science
    Church of Christ, Scientist--Sunday services 11 a.m.; Mrs. Lena L. Davis, First Reader; W. C, Leever, Second Reader; Mrs. Isabelle Leever, Second Reader.
Methodist Episcopal
    Methodist Episcopal Church--Rev. C. L. Creesy, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Epworth League, 7 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
    First--Rev. J. F. Vernon, Pastor, Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school 10 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.B., 6:45 p.m.; Junior Y.P.S.C.B. 3 p.m.
    Y.M.C.A.--Wm. A. Cowley, Pres,
    Central Point Herald--Herald Publishing Co., Publishers. Weekly, $1.50 per year.
    Central Point Opera House.
    New Hall Skating Rink--F. D. Farra, Mngr.
    Savoy Theatre--F. H. Hull, Propr.
    Postmaster--Guy Tex.
    Assistant Postmaster--Mrs. Della A. Tex.
    Carriers, R.F.D.--Ellis M. Clark, George Wallace.
Arrival of Mails
    Mails arrive from north at 5:43 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. Mails arrive from the south at 2:44 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Departure of Mails
    Mails depart for the north at 2:44 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
    Central Hall.
    City Hall.
    Cowley Building
    Freeman Building.
    Modern Woodmen of America Hall
    Rostel Building.
    Williams Building.
    Board of Education--W. A. Cowley;. Chairman; Frank J. Taylor, Wm. Brayton. Directors; John W, Jacobs, Clerk.
    Superintendent of Schools--A. K. Mickey.
    Central Point Public School--High, Norman B. Ashcraft, Prin; Clara Wines, Nora E. Beebe, Dalmor H. James, Theresa Ticknor, Teachers; Grade, Alice Blackford, Cora Smith, Maude Harr, Bertha M. Eliason, Myrtle Dunten, Myrtle E. Gleason, Teachers.
A. F. & A. Masons
    Central Point Lodge, No. 135--Masonic Hall. Meets on or before full moon. I. C. Robnett, W. M.; Lewis Hatfield, Sec.
Order of Eastern Star
    Nevita Chapter, No. 98--Masonic Hall. Meets second and fourth Tuesday. Mrs. Emma Anderson, W.M.; Mrs. Mabel C. England, Sec.
A. O. U. Workmen
    Central Point Lodge, No. 12--A.O.U.W. Hall. Meets second and fourth Wednesday. B. F. Peart, M.W.; J. W. Jacobs, Rec.
Degree of Honor
    Holly Lodge, No. 16--A.O.U.W. Hall. Meets first and third Wednesday; Mrs. May Beebe, C. of H.
    Harrison W. H. Post, No. 67--G.A.R. Hall. Meets third Saturday at 2 p.m. S. M. Nealon, Com.; H. J. Gardner, Sec.
Woman's Relief Corps
    Harrison W. H. Post, No. 27--G.A.R. Hall. Meets third Saturday at 2 p.m. Mrs. Ernestine Rostel, Pres; Mrs. Walter Holmes, Sec.
    Spring Springs Grange, No. 477--Meets second and fourth Saturday. W. A. Cowley, Master; Martina Neal, Sec.
    Central Point Lodge, No. 10--A.O.U.W. Hall. Meets Saturday. Ellis Clark, N.G.; P. E. Bacon, Sec.
    Mt. Pitt Rebekah Lodge, No. 23--Central Hall. Meets first and third Wednesday. Mrs. Ada Adams, N.G.; Mrs. Bettie Pankey, Sec.
Knights and Ladies of Security
    Central Point Lodge, No. 2--A.O.U.W. Hall. Meets fourth Tuesday. Miss Mary A. Mee, Pres; J. L. Richardson, Sec.
Modern Woodmen of America
    Camp No. 9459--G.A.R. Hall. Meets second and fourth Friday. A. E. Le Ponte, V C.; W. E. Alexander, Clerk.
Royal Neighbors of America
    Central Point Camp, No. 3219--Meets first and third Wednesday in G.A.R. Hall. Mrs. Isabelle Leever, Oracle; Mrs. Laura Grim, Receiver; Mrs. Lettie Gregory, Recorder.
United Artisans
    Central Point Assembly, No. 359--A.O.U.W. Hall. Meets second and fourth
Friday. J. F. Terry, M.A.; Mrs. Effie Pruett, Sec.
    Southern Pacific Co.--R. H. Cornelius, Agent.
Abbott Ancil D (Pearl A), farmer
Adams Frank M (Ada J J), farmer
Adams Marion A, teamster
Adams Wm T Rev, pastor Christian Church
Adams Zella M
Ager Ray W (Neva C), blacksmith
Albert John
Alexander Wm E (Ida J) (Freeman & Wiley Co)
Alford Millard F (Lillie), laborer
Ames Kate, maid F H Hopkins
ANDERSON JOHN V (Emma), Physician and Surgeon, Telephone Connections
Applegate Clyde (Della M), bridge carpenter
Ashcraft Norman B (Ethel C), prin Central Point Public School
Ashworth Robert
Austin Alma J, student
Austin Ina B, teacher
Austin Louville L (Mary L), janitor Central Point Public School
Babson Mabel W, music teacher
Babue Madeline A
Babue Matilda V Mrs, furnished rooms
BACON F EMERSON (Gleason & Bacon) (Herald Publishing Co), bds E R Gleason, Tel 5x5 (See adv)
Barnett Lenore G, teacher
Beale George W
Bear Creek Cement & Pipe Block Co, Wm C Leever pres, Warren H Norcross sec-treas
Bebb Emma Mrs
Bebb Irvin T, student
Bebb Royal E, printer Herald Publishing Co
Bebb Sarah D
Beckswith S Vilas
Beebe Nora E, domestic science teacher Public School
Belcher Milton (Barbara E)
Bender Peter A (Elizabeth)
Bender Sydna B
Birt Henrietta (wid Isaac R), cook
Blackford Alice, teacher Central Point Public School
Boswell Joseph E (Maude E), barber
Boswell Maude S Mrs, milliner
Bradney Abner R (Sarah)
Brayton Wm, farmer
Broadbent Marvin O (Ella J), mngr Central Point Lumber Co
Brown Edith E, student
Brown John J, laborer
Brown Lawrence W, clk D H Sturtevant
Burrows Fred A, mngr Central Point Flour Mills
Burton Allie (wid Grundy)
Carlton J Harry, meat cutter Central Point Meat Co
Cash John C (Louise E), miner
Cash Wava C
Caster John T (Effie), farmer
CENTRAL POINT AUTO CO, Clarence Lovern Mngr, Automobilia and Bicycle Supplies, Tel 21 (See adv)
Central Point Baptist Church
Central Point Cemetery, ½ mile s city limits
Central Point Feed Store, R Hobart Ellsworth propr
Central Point Fire Department (volunteer), D C Grim chief
Central Point Flour Mills, W J Virgin Estate proprs, Fred A Burrows mngr
CENTRAL POINT HERALD, Herald Publishing Co Publrs, Tel Main 28 (See adv)
Central Point Ice & Storage Co, Central Point Meat Co, proprs
Central Point Lumber Co, R M Cross (Portland) pres, H A Thierolf (Medford) vice-pres-treas, Gus Newberry sec, Marvin O Broadbent mngr
Central Point Meat Co, Levins & Carlton proprs, proprs Central Point Ice & Cold Storage Co
Central Point Mutual Telephone Co, Wm J Fox pres, Isaac P Williams mngr
Central Point Opera House, Frank H Hull mngr
Central Point Orchestra, Henry Riley director
Central Point Public School, Norman B Ashcraft prin
Central Point Real Estate Co, C S Sanderson mngr, real est and insurance
Central Point State Bank, John O Isaacson pres, Wm C Leever vice-pres, I C Robnett vice-pres, Harry W Lindsay cashr
Central Point Water Works, George L Ford superintendent
Chambers Wm (Mary A), gardener
Chauncy Jessie L, student
Christian Church, Rev W T Adams pastor
Christian Science Church, Mrs Lena Davis 1st reader, C W Leever 2nd reader
City Hall
Clark Aaron M (Mabel V), laborer
Clark Charles E (Lillie E) \
Clark Ellis M (Minnie M), carrier RFD No 1
Clark Frank F (Dora F), carpenter
CLUB THE, Farra & De Vore Proprs, Billiards, Cigars, Confections, Tel Main 351 (See adv)
Cochran Frank O (Laura E), farmer
Coffits John (Susan M)
Conley Cecil E, miner
Conley Josiah G (Eva L)
Cooksey Martha M (wid George W)
Cornelius Rodney H (Mamie E), agent Southern Pacific Co, Wells Fargo & Co Express, mngr Western Union Telegraph Co
Cowley Building
Cowley John F, student
Cowley Wm A (Mary E) (Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co), mayor
Coyle Edna, clerk Cranfill & Robnett
Cranfill & Robnett (F L Cranfill (Medford), I C Robnett), genl mdse
Creede Cecyle A, student
Creede Edith V, student
Creede Ida M Mrs, clerk Cranfill & Robnett
Creesy Charles L Rev (Anna M), pastor Methodist Episcopal Church
Cummings B Franklin (Jeanette)
Cummings James M, laborer
Davidson Roy
Davis Ava R (wid Edward)
Davis Eldon (Lena L), dentist
Davisson Eli A
Davisson Frances, student
Davisson Harry W (Mabel T), fruit grower
Davisson Margaret, student
De Vore Bertha P, waiter the Hotel Central
DE VORE J BERNARD (Della M) (Farra & De Vore), Propr The Hotel Central, Tel Main 351
De Vore Martha M (wid Dr W H), res Hotel Central
Dollar F Effie Mrs, seamstress
DOW HOSPITAL THE, Dr McMorris M Dow Propr, Tel 341, Night Call Tels Farmer 11, 14, 29, 15, 13, 17 (See p 50 and adv)
DOW LYDIA S, Osteopathic Physician, Tel 341 (See p 50 and adv)
DOW McMORRIS M, Propr The Dow Hospital, Physician and Surgeon, Tel 341, Night Calls Farmer 11, 14, 29, 15, 13, 17, two short and one long ring (See p 50 and adv)
Downing Christina (wid Joseph)
Downing John H (Sarah E), real estate
Downing Lorena E (wid Frederick T)
Duhamel Agnes G
Dunlap Agnes, student
Dunlap Andrew J (Cora A), fruit grower
Dunlap Howard, farmer
Dunlap Robert J, student
Dunlap Wilbur D, student
Dunten Myrtle, teacher Central Point Public School
Durran Elsie, nurse The Dow Hospital
Eason Robert (Agnes K), tailor
Edington T Benjamin (Ethel I), driver Cranfill & Robnett
Eliason Bertha M, teacher Central Point Public School
Elliott John M, laborer
Elliott Mildred
Elliott Samuel P (Melissa L), laborer
Ellsworth R Hobart (Edyth G), propr Central Point Feed Store
Emerson Edythe, clk Post Office
England Max R (Mabel C), drugs and jewelry
Ensley James B (Mary A), laborer
Faber Edward C (Elizabeth M) (Faber & McDonald)
Faber Henry, clk Faber & McDonald
Faber & McDonald (Edward C Faber, Wm W and Chester W McDonald (Medford), gen mdse
Farra Edward L (Clara E), farmer
FARRA FRED D (Farra & De Vore), Mngr New Hall Skating Rink
FARRA & DE VORE (Fred D Farra, J Bernard De Vore), Proprs The Club, Billiards, Cigars, Confections, Tel Main 351 (See adv)
Federal Telegraph Co, Earl P Shirley opr
Ferguson Wm H (W Inez), livery
First Presbyterian Church, Rev James F Vernon pastor
Ford George L, eng Central Point Water Works
Fox George E (Stella B), farmer
Fox Wm J, pres Central Point Mutual Telephone Co
Fredenburg Harmon A, local mngr Rogue River Cooperative Fruit Growers Assn, res Medford
Frederick Martha J (wid Jacob W)
Freeman Building
Freeman Henry A, student
Freeman Leonard J, student
Freeman Wm J (Minnie) (Freeman & Wiley Co)
Freeman & Wiley Co (Wm J Freeman, Fred E Wiley, Wm E Alexander), agricultural implements
Gardner Hezekiah J
Gardner M Clifford, student
Gay James H (Rachel F)
Gibson Catherine C (wid John M)
Gillett Adial P (Clara I), grocer
Gillett Alfred (Clara), laborer
Gilmore Chalmus N (Hazel L), dairy
Gilmore James W (Cora L), farmer
GLEASON ELDON R (Emma E) (Gleason & Bacon) (Herald Publishing Co), Tel Main 5x5 (See adv)
Gleason Ira L (Mary J), traveling salesman
Gleason Myrtle E, teacher Central Point Public School
GLEASON & BACON (Eldon R Gleason, F Emerson Bacon), Proprs Herald Publishing Co, Publishers Central Point Herald, Tel Main 28 (See adv)
Gray J Walter (Sadie A), clk Central Point Feed Store
Green Nettie (wid Frank A), dressmaker
Gregory Grace
Gregory Henry L (Mary E), farmer
Gregory Wm J (Elizabeth)
Gregory Wm W (Martha), farmer
Griffith Edward E, student
Griffith John (Mayme), farm foreman
Grigsby George J (Emma B), laborer
Grigsby Vernon, laborer
Grim David C (Laura E), drayage
Grim John J (Mary E)
Grim Lowell S, driver D C Grim
Grim Walter C, driver D C Grim
Hammett Wm (Anna), plumber
Hamrick Jesse B (Carrie E), laborer
Hamrick Thomas M, laborer
Harr Maude, teacher Central Point Public School
Hatfield Clifford, student
Hatfield Frank, student
Hatfield Lewis (Hattie G), clerk
Hathaway Jay C, carpenter
Hathaway S Frank (Lavinia L), farmer
Hathaway Wm L, farmer
Hawk Clara M (wid F A), milliner
Hawk Walter, bds Mrs Clara M Hawk
Hay Eleanor M, student
Hay John T (Mary S), painter
Head Henry (Agnes), farmer
Heckman Wm H (Sallie M), physician, res 1½ m w city
HERALD PUBLISHING CO, Gleason & Bacon Proprs, Publishers Central Point Herald, Tel Main 28 (See adv)
Herring Daniel, farmer
Herring James C, farmer
Hesselgrave George N (Mary C)
Hesselgrave John E (Dora L), farmer
Hesselgrave R Fred (Hallie J), laborer
Hicken P John (Nellie L), jeweler
Hildreth Winifred M Mrs
Hitzler George, student
Hitzler George S (Mattie L), gardener
Hoagland Wm S (Frances D), farmer
Holmes Audrey, teacher
Holmes Gladys, teacher
Holmes Hartzell, farm laborer
Holmes Joseph B (Mary P), city marshal
Holmes Marguerite, teacher
Holmes Ralph M (Ethel), asst agt SP Co
Holmes Robert H, warehouseman SP Co
Holtman Henry M (Lena), farmer
Hopkins Frederick H (Enola W), propr Snowy Butte Orchard
HOPKINS J F (Latta & Hopkins), Tel 241
Hopkins Ward (Flora), laborer
Hotel Central The, J Bernard De Vore propr
Hull Frank H (Fannie E) (Hull Printing Co), propr Savoy Theater
Hull Printing Co (Frank H Hull), job printers
Huston Edith E Mrs
IXL Monument Co, Almorine E LePonte propr
Ingram Frances B (wid Wm)
Ingram George, cement worker
Ingram James, laborer
Ingram Jesse J, laborer
Ingram Leroy T, farmer
Ingram W Mead, laborer
Isaacson John O (Jessie), pres Central Point State Bank
JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSN, Bert Anderson Pres, O C Boggs Acting Sec, T W Miles Treas, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg,
Medford (See opp p 74)
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, A L Scholl (Jacksonville) Pres, C J Dunten (Central Point) Vice-Pres, W Nikolaus (Central Point) Sec-Treas, Joseph Williams (Jacksonville) Mngr, 1½ m sw Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and adv at name in Jacksonville)
Jacobs John W (Mae M), city recorder
James Dalmor H (Lela F), manual training tchr Public School
Jones Daniel E (Mary J)
Jones George R, laborer
Jones Mabel E
Jones Nancy W (wid Thomas E)
Jones Thomas M (Elva), undertaker
Kahler Edward D, bookkeeper Central Point State Bank
Kahler Wm E (Josephine), farmer
Kelsoe Thomas J (Mary A)
Kelsoe Wm F (Anna L), laborer
Kilburn James A (Pearl A), steeple jack
Kindle Murrel M, farm laborer
Kittle ------, physician
Klum Andrew J (Ida B), laborer
Knackstedt Hazel, clerk
Knackstedt Theodore F, cabinet-maker
Knackstedt T Emmet
Kyle Elmer E, student
Kyle Robert (Vinnie), farmer
Lange C Emil (Marie), fruit grower
Lange C Emil Jr, farmer
Lange Hugo F, mach Central Point Auto Co
LATTA H A (Latta & Hopkins), res Medford
LATTA & HOPKINS (H A Latta, J P Hopkins), Nursery ½ mile n Bear Creek Bridge, Only Nurserymen in Rogue River Valley Growing Their Own Trees, Tel 241 (See p 81)
Leever Wayne H (Fern S), clerk W C Leever
Leever Wm C (Isabelle), hardware, pres Bear Creek Cement & Pipe Block Co, county commissioner
LePonte Almorine E (Mary F), propr IXL Monument Co
Lewis Armine W, meat cutter Central Point Meat Co
Lewis Irsel D, mngr Central Point Meat Co
Lewis Wm D (Amelia I) (Lewis & Carlton)
Lewis & Carlton (Wm D Lewis), proprs Central Point Meat Co
Lindquist Jonas
Lindsay Harry W (Ruth A), cashier Central Point State Bank
Little George B, clerk G S Moore
Little Viola A Mrs
Litton John R, farmer
LOCKWOOD ROBERT J (Dow L), Chiropractor, Nerve Specialist, Vapor Baths and Scientific Massage, Lady Assistant, 203-206 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 543, res 611 W 11th, Tel 511-R, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
Love Dolly P (wid Asa M)
Love Ira O (Minnie E), laborer
Love L Delbert (Sarah J L), farmer
LOVERN CLARENCE (Margaret), Manager Central Point Auto Co
Lull W L, farmer
Lyons Delbert A (Ellen P), blksmth B F Peart
McDonald Chester W (Faber & McDonald), res Medford
McDonald Wm W (Faber & McDonald), res Medford
McJimsey John H (Delphina), tiler
McJimsey Katie P, student
MacDowell James G (Lennie M), shoe repairer
MacDowell James M, laborer
MacDowell Laura D
Magruder Jennie
Magruder Margery E (wid Constantine)
Magruder Ray L
Magruder Vernon K, carpenter
Mann Elizabeth M (wid Wm E)
Mann Mabel F
Mann Joseph A (Jessie E), laborer
Mann Oliver P, laborer
March E Lloyd, farmer
March James S (Martha M), farmer
March S Edward (Clella), farmer
Marshall Earl, farmer
Marshall Jennie
Marshall John
Marshall Martin (L Maria), fruit grower
Marshall Robert
Marshall Samuel R, farmer
Matthews John C, feed stable
May John I (Maude M), laborer
Mayfield Frank, farmer
Mayfield Howard, farmer
Mayfield Wm G (Jane), farmer
MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS, H A Jansen Propr, Manufacturers Cement Building Products, Fancy Brick and Silos, S Fir ne cor 10th, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
MEE MARY A, Drugs, Stationery and Insurance, Tel Main 44, res Tel Main 104
Merritt John W (Jennie E), general merchandise
Messner Estel
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev Charles L Creesy pastor
Mickey Arthur K, supt City Public Schools
Miller Blanche E, student
Miller Frank E (Lena M), carpenter
Miller Grace E, student
Minnick Charles S, farmer
Modern Woodmen of America Hall
Moon Alonzo W (Ida), dep County Assessor, Justice of the Peace
Moon Anna M (wid Enoch L)
Moore Edgar L (Minnie J), foreman Snowy Butte Orchard
Moore Florence J (Mattie U)
Moore Forest R, laborer Snowy Butte Orchard
Moore George S, cigars and confections
Moore Rebecca (wid Wm)
Morris Agustus R, farmer
Morris M Catherine (wid Archibald W)
Morris Wm W (Ethel V), farmer
Moseley Josephine (wid Wm H)
Murray Samuel H (Martha), second hand goods
Musty Albert, cook
Musty Edward, farmer
Musty Francis X (Elmira A), farmer
Myers Bertha E
Myers George R (M Matilda), laborer
Myers Jacob, laborer
Myers James W (Kate), county fruit inspector
Myers S Austin, laborer
Neale George L (Mollie J), auctioneer
Neale Teacle L, operator Central Point Telephone Co
Neff Jesse V (Loma H), gardener
Neff Thomas J
New Hall Skating Rink (Walter D Merrick (Medford), Fred D Farra), Fred D Farra mngr
Newberry Gus, see Central Point Lumber Co
Newman Louisa E (wid Thomas A)
Newman Robert W
Nichols E Brice, student
Nichols Jane A (wid Wm J)
Nichols Laurence W, laborer
Nikolaus Willoby, clerk M R England
Noonon Thomas J (Mary), fruit grower
Norcross Eva G, teacher
Norcross Hull W, farmer
Norcross Paul J, student
Norcross Warren H (Lola M), sec-treas Bear Creek Cement & Pipe Block Co, fruit grower
NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, John A Honey General Agent, 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Front Cover, p 70 and Classified Insurance Cos--Life)
Obenchain E Earl, laborer
Obenchain George E (Estelle), farmer
Obenchain Nancy (wid Bartlett)
Ockerman Omar, laborer
O'Harra Thomas J (M Lena), farmer
Olson Paulos (Anna) (Olson & Son)
Olson P Alexander (Olson & Son)
Olson & Son (Paulos and P Alexander), grocers
Osborne Wm R (Mary), miner
Owen Glen, barber J E Boswell
Owen Julia A (wid Wm A)
Owen Merritt L, student
Owen Wm C (Lulu B), clerk Cranfield & Robnett
Owens Mary E Mrs
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, Isaac F Williams miner
Painter Charles E (Eva C), hay baler
Painter Dollia
Painter John (Mary), wood sawyer and hay baler
Painter Walter, laborer
Pankey A Pearl
Pankey Clarence B, farm laborer
Pankey Esther M, clerk Faber & McDonald
Pankey George (Jennie), farm foreman
Pankey Hampton T (Betty P), clerk Cranfill & Robnett
Pankey J Albert, county fruit inspector
Pankey Nancy J (wid Hampton)
Pankey Obadiah R (Sarah M), carpenter
Pankey Wm H, farmer
Parker Archibald R
Parker Mattie (wid Jonathan D)
Peart Benjamin F (Lucinda I), blacksmith
Peart George C T
Peart Luke L, clerk
Pence Calvin M (Ollie E), laborer
Pence Hattie M, student
Pence Hester (wid Wm)
Pence Minnus F (Osa L), laborer
Perkins Charles C (Martha F), painter
Perkins George, laborer
Perry J A, mngr Rogue River Cooperative Fruit Growers Association, res Medford
Peterson Anna
Post Office, Guy Tex Postmaster
Postal Savings Depository, Guy Tex in charge
Price Helen F, ticket seller Savoy Theatre
Price Wm E (Mary), blacksmith
Price Wm E Jr, helper W E Price
Prock Curtis (Nellie), laborer
Pruett Clarence W, hostler W H Ferguson
Pruett Wm J (Effie), laborer J W Merritt
Purcell Houston
Purcell Samuel H (Jeffallona E), fruit grower
Purkeypile Maria (wid Martin)
Pyburn Wm A, carpenter
Raimey Edwin F (Rachel M), laborer
Raimey Ora B
Raimey Renfrew, laborer
Raimey Thomas G (Susan E), carpenter
Richardson Jesse L (Mary E), farmer
Riley Henry (Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co)
Roberts Alvin, shoemaker
Roberts Elvin D (Edith E), farm laborer
Robinett Samuel F (Rachel)
Robnett Isom C (Edna L) (Cranfill & Robnett)
Rogue River Cooperative Fruit Growers' Association, J A Perry mngr, H A Fredenburg local mngr
Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn Inc
Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co (W A Cowley, Henry Riley)
Rogue River Valley Band, A W Moon leader
Ross Floyd A, farmer
Ross Frank E, student
Ross George B (Mary M), farmer
Ross Margaret E
Ross Pearl, operator Central Point Mutual Telephone Co
Ross Shipley L (Etta), clerk W C Leever
Ross Thomas D (Anna M), farmer
Rostel Building
Rostel Charles B (Ernestine R), real estate
Sanderson Charles S (Annie M), mngr Central Point Real Estate Co, insurance
Savoy Theatre, Frank H Hull propr, moving pictures
Scholl Georgia M Mrs
Scott Ernest E (Della), electrician
Scott Wm W (Elizabeth)
Shadduck Charles J (Bessie), miner
Shields Frances G
Shields James (Sarah), farmer
Shirley Earl P (Bessie M), wire opr Federal Telegraph Co
Showalter Silas G (Margaret A), gardener
Simpkins Herman (Mae A), farmer
Simpkins Sophronia E (wid Phillip L)
Smith Carl W, clerk T J Smith
Smith Clifford E (Eva), farmer
Smith Cora, teacher Central Point Public School
Smith Grace M
Smith Lee H (Martha E), fruit grower
Smith Martha L (wid John N)
Smith Nathan R, farmer
Smith Thomas J (Ada M), cigars
Snowy Butte Orchard, F H Hopkins propr
Southern Pacific Co, Rodney H Cornelius agent
Spengler Julia, nurse
Spink James L (Alice M), notions
Stearns Florence M
Stearns Howard R (Alma H), fruit grower
Stewart Howard J (Eliza I), farmer
Stewart Iral I, farmer
Stewart J McDonald, farmer
Stewart McDonald
Stewart Mildred I
Stidham Dacy J (wid Nathan)
Stidham Wm T, machinist
Stone Edith
Stone Ella, fruit packer
Stone Jacob
Sturtevant Duane H (Clara), general merchandise
Taft Wm W, painter
Taylor Albert C, farmer
Taylor Frank J (Julia), baker
Taylor Grace
Tex Della A Mrs, assistant postmaster
Tex Guy (Della A), postmaster
Thompson Nancy P (wid Samuel C)
Thornbrue Elijah H (M Blanche), farmer
Thornbrue J Russell, laborer
Ticknor Theresa, teacher stenography High School
Toomy Wm (Jeannette)
Vanderpool George W
Vernon James F Rev (Louise J), pastor First Presbyterian Church
Virgin M J Estate, propr Central Point Flour Mills
Wade Benjamin F, farmer
Walden Elmer O, laborer
Wallace George, carrier RFD No 2
Warner Henry (Sarah A), farmer
Warner Wayman (Susie), sheet metal works
Weaver George B, salesman
Webb C E, fruit grower
Welch Bertha
Welch John W (Carrie L), laborer
Wells Fargo & Co Express, Rodney H Cornelius agent
Western Union Telegraph Co, Rodney H Cornelius mngr
Weston Frank (Cora C), fruit grower
Wheeler S Poster (Sarah A), carpenter
White Claude A, clerk Mary A Mee
White Claudia A, student
Whiteside Edward, carpenter
Whiteside M R Mrs
Wiley Fred E (Alice A) (Freeman & Wiley Co)
Wilkinson Merritt (Mary), farmer
Williams Building
Williams Catherine Mrs
Williams Isaac F (Lucy D), mngr Central Point Mutual Telephone Co and Pacific Tel & Telg Co
Williams John F
Williams Joseph T (Zella M), laborer
Williams Leonard (Sarah E), laborer
Williams L Alvin, helper SP Co
Wilson Simpson (Nancy E), farmer
Wilson Wm W, student
Wines Clara, teacher High School
Witte Christopher R, farmer
Witte Ella
Witte Martin H, farmer
Witte Wm (Johanna), farmer
Wright Addie (wid C J), clerk P J Taylor
Wright Anna (wid John)
Wright Wm T (Katie), teamster
Young Mens Christian Association
    A post office on Antelope Creek, 10 miles north of Ashland, the banking and shipping point. Mail tri-weekly.
Applegate Charles, dairy
Blackden P D, stock dealer
Charley Walter, inventor
Grissom Andrew, farmer
Grissom Andrew Jr, stock dealer
Grissom Lewis, sheep breeder
Grissom Wm, stock dealer
Hanson Nels P, stock dealer and mail carrier
Holman Ed R
Holman Guy J
HOLMAN WM H, Postmaster and Dairy
Holman Wm R, cattle dealer
Kershaw James, goat raiser
Orchard Orville, hog breeder
Thompson Mathew, sheep breeder
Turpin Nye, trapper
White Edwin, goat raiser
    A summer resort on the Southern Pacific Railway, 361 miles south of Portland and 20 south of Ashland, the banking point. Mail daily. Telephone connections.
COLE H B, Postmaster and Propr Colestin Hotel
Colestin Hotel, H B Cole propr
Colestin Mineral Water Co
    A post office 23 miles north of Central Point, the express, telegraph and shipping station, 27 north of Medford, the banking point. Mail semi-weekly.
    A discontinued post office and mining camp on Draper Creek, 21 miles northwest of Jacksonville, the banking point, and 10 south of Gold Hill, the shipping station. There are several hydraulic plants and a large dredger in operation. Mail daily by rural route from Gold Hill.
    A discontinued post office on Butte Creek, 30 miles east of Medford, the banking point, and 17 miles east of Eagle Point, the shipping station. Mail supplied from Butte Falls.
    An incorporated town, 12 miles northeast of Medford, on the line of the Pacific & Eastern Railway. Has three hotels, a bank, two churches and several stores.
Mayor--John M Nichols
Recorder--John V McIntyre
Treasurer--Roy Ashpole
Marshal--Louis E Smith
Councilmen--J Frank Brown, J W Smith, Arthur Nichols, F L Heath, H O Childreth, George Fisher. Council meets first Tuesday of each month.
AOUW, Snowy Butte Lodge No 138, W H Brown financier
Ashpole Roy (Donna B) (Eagle Point Hardware Co)
Ayres Rosa, waiter Sunnyside Hotel
Bacon Charles A (Anna), conductor Pacific & Eastern Ry Co
Blaess Louise, waiter Eagle Point Hotel
Board of Education, Wm W P Holt chairman, Frederick Pelouse, E S Wolfer, A J Florey clerk
Boltz Thomas P (Edith R), supt of construction Pacific & Eastern Ry Co
Brown George & Sons (J Frank, Wm H and Royal G), general merchandise
Brown Hazel, student
Brown J Frank (Amy H) (George Brown & Sons), pres First State Bank of Eagle Point
Brown Royal G (Mary A) (George Brown & Sons)
Brown Wm H (Mattie V) (George Brown & Sons)
Bryant Burton H (Minnie), carpenter
Bryant Harry, student
Buchanan Wm E (Rose K), principal Eagle Point Public School
Butte Falls and Eagle Point Telephone Co, W C Clements pres, Wm von der Hellen vice-pres, L L Clements sec-treas
Childreth Henry O (Emma), blacksmith
Childreth Isaac, student
Childreth Loretta
Childreth Orville, student
Childreth Wesley L (Grace), blacksmith H O Childreth
Cingcade David (Mary E), farmer
Clements Walter C (Lottie L), pres Butte Falls and Eagle Point Telephone Co .
Cole H Clay (Fanny), engineer Pacific & Eastern Ry Co
Culbertson Ivan, mail carrier
Culverson John, farmer
Curtis Jane A (wid Andrew J), bds C S Painter
Dailey Adoniram J (Rachael A)
Daley George W (Alice C), general merchandise
Day James, bartender Tavern Hotel
Diamond L A, brakeman Pacific & Eastern Ry Co
Durham Henry, electrician
Eagle Point Band, Carl Ringer pres, A E Strong sec
Eagle Point Baptist Church, Rev L L Simmons pastor
Eagle Point Hardware Co (Roy Ashpole)
Eagle Point Hotel, Mrs Hattie Owings propr
Eagle Point Lumber Co, Herbert G Wiener mngr
Eagle Point Opera House, I L Bradshaw propr
Eagle Point Public School, Wm E Buchanan principal, Ethel Seglinger, Mabel Huff teachers
Eckenberg Fred C, rancher
Finley Fred F (Madge), teamster
First State Bank of Eagle Point, J Frank Brown pres, Wm von der Hellen vice-pres, John V McIntyre cashier
Fisher George (Mathews & Fisher)
Fisher John, rancher
Florey Andrew J (Etta A), Postmaster
Florey Andrew J Jr, clerk Post Office
Florey Marguerite, clerk Post Office
Foster John, laborer
Fryer J J Mrs
Gaines Oliver, laborer, bds Eagle Point Hotel
Grover Jarvis W (Nettie), farmer
Harnish Benjamin W
Harnish Dottie
Harnish Ray (S H Harnish & Son)
Harnish Robert, student
Harnish Samuel H (Ella) (S H Harnish & Son)
Harnish S H & Son (Samuel H and Ray), livery
Hart Susan Mrs
Hazelton Allen L, farmer
Hazelton Frank B, farmer
Hazelton Jennette
Hazelton Rena Mrs, cook Tavern Hotel
Hazelton Wm (Rena), farmer
Heath Frances C, student
Heath Fred L (Gertrude E), general merchandise
Heath Fred W, clerk F L Heath
Heckerthorn Isabel Mrs
Hess Harrison, building contractor
Holmes S B (Celia), propr Snowy Butte Mills
Holt Wm W P (Isabel T), physician
Hoogerhyde Casey (Minnie), farmer
Howlett Alfred C (Sarah E)
Howlett Hattie, bds Mrs S E Howlett
Howlett Sarah E Mrs, propr Sunnyside Hotel
Huff Mabel, teacher Eagle Point Public School
IOOF, Eagle Point Lodge No 227, C A Bacon N G, Harrison Hess sec
IOOF, Peace Rebekah Lodge No 207, second and fourth Tuesday, IOOF Hall, Mrs Anna Bacon NG, Miss Mabel Pruett sec
Jackson Carl W
Jackson Ganelle
Jackson James, student
Jackson John B (Ettie C), farmer
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, A L Scholl (Jacksonville) Pres, C J Dunten (Central Point) Vice-Pres, W Nikolaus (Central Point) Sec-Treas, Joseph Williams (Jacksonville) Mngr 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and adv at name in Jacksonville)
Jenson Oliver, teamster, bds Eagle Point Hotel
Jonas Jacob W (Varian), farmer
Jonas Rebecca (wid James A)
Jordan James (Agnes P), farmer
Knighten Wm G (Julia A), gardener
Lake Frank E, farmer
Lewis Bermuda, student
Lewis Christine, student
Lewis George, laborer
Lewis Harry, laborer
Lewis Jerry, laborer
Lewis J Frank (Della), billiards, cigars, etc
Lewis Thomas, laborer
Lewis Wm, laborer
McClellan T B, fireman Pacific & Eastern Ry Co
McIntyre John V (Nellie B), cashier First State Bank of Eagle Point
McQuoid John T, farmer
McQuoid Norman C (Lottie), machinist
McQuoid Robert J, farmer
Martin Merritt, student
Mathews Vernie (Nora) (Mathews & Fisher)
Mathews & Fisher (Vernie Mathews, George Fisher), blacksmiths
Montgomery Janette A (wid John B)
Moomaw Joel P, mail carrier
Narregan L Carl (Talliene M), farmer
Natwick Chris H (Ella), grading contractor
Newport Freeman T (Laura E), agent Pacific & Eastern By Co
Nichols Arthur (Katherine A), meats, ice and cold storage
Nichols John M (Druzilla S), mayor
Nichols J Frank (Della), farmer
Nichols Katherine A Mrs, millinery
Nichols Otilla Mrs
Nichols Thelma, student
Nichols Thomas (Louisa)
Nichols Thomas F, farmer
NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, John A Honey General Agent, 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Front Cover, p 70 and Classified Insurance Cos-Life)
O'Farrell Joseph O Rev, pastor Roman Catholic Church
Owings Carrie, student
Owings George W
Owings Hattie Mrs, propr Eagle Point Hotel
Owings Ralph, transfer
Owings Willard J, clerk Eagle Point Hotel
Pacific & Eastern Ry Co, Freeman T Newport agent
Painter Charles S (May C), farmer
Painter Howard
Painter Walter J, student
Phillips George (Allie), farmer
Pierce Floyd (Gladys), miner
Post Office, Andrew F Florey Postmaster
Postal Savings Depository, Andrew J Florey in charge
Pruett Charles A (Melinda L), farmer
Pruett Guy, student
Pruett Mabel
Reynaud Raymond L (Ruth L), barber, tailor and cleaner
Riley Thomas M, sign painter
Ringer Carl, brakeman Pacific & Eastern Ry Co
Ringer Chalmer
Ringer James, painter
Roman Catholic Church, Rev Joseph O'Farrell pastor
Rosenberg Gustavus, farmer
Siglinger Ethel, teacher Eagle Point Public School
Simmons L L Rev (Nellie E), pastor Eagle Point Baptist Church
Smith Bros (Louis E and LeRoy A), billiards, cigars, etc
Smith David, laborer
Smith John R, hostler S H Harnish & Son
Smith John W (Cora), carpenter
Smith LeRoy A (Smith Bros)
Smith Louis E (Smith Bros), city marshal
Snider Harry, clerk Tavern Hotel
Snowy Butte Mills, S B Holmes propr, flour and feed
Stewart F Marion (Susie), justice of the peace
Strong A E, pres Eagle Point Band
Sunnyside Hotel, Mrs Sarah E Howlett propr
Tavern Hotel, J M Vogeli propr
Taylor Mabel, maid J M Vogeli
Taylor Neva
Taylor Wm W, farmer
Thomas Anne Mrs
Thomas Charles (Lela), logger
Thronson B F, fruit grower 1 m east
Trusty May, operator Butte Falls and Eagle Point Telephone Co
Van Scoy Lottie (wid Paul)
Vaughn Charles, section foreman Pacific & Eastern Ry Co
Vogeli James M (Ora E), propr Tavern Hotel
Von der Hellen Carl, mail carrier
Von der Hellen George B (Grace), vice-pres-treas-sec von der Hellen Hardware Co Inc
Von der Hellen Hardware Co Inc, Wm von der Hellen pres, G B von der Hellen vice-pres-treas-sec, hardware and drugs
Von der Hellen Wm (Florence E), pres von der Hellen Hardware Co Inc
Wamsley George H, carpenter
Wamsley Mabel
Watkins Anna
Watkins Nancy E (wid John)
Webber George, farmer
Webber Laura
Wehman George H, harness maker
Wells Fargo & Co Express, Freeman T Newport agent
Whitman Wm, farmer
Wiener Herbert G, mngr Eagle Point Lumber Co
Willetts Roy T, mail carrier
Wilson Ransley W, farmer
Wolary Rachael (wid Nathaniel)
Wolfer Edward S (Myrtle), gardener
Wooley Christopher, farmer
Wood Elizabeth
Wood George, farmer
Wood Lucelia, bds M S Wood
Wood Marvin S, farmer
Young Harry A, electrician
    Providence ran the course of that most beautiful of Pacific Coast streams, the Rogue River, among the evergreen hills of Southern Oregon. Some eons afterward men builded cities in the fertile valley that bears its name. Gold Hill, not at present chiefest of these, but destined by every law of evolution and prodigality of natural resource to become so, is the perfect and picturesque site for a thriving city.
    Located upon the very banks of the hurrying Rogue, surrounded by hills and mountains of rare scenic beauty, with fertile tributary creek valleys winding down to the river, and the Southern Oregon clime blessing all, nature has seemingly done more than its share for the city of Gold Hill. It is a city with beautiful homes today--tomorrow it will be "the city of beautiful homes."
    For a number of years past Gold Hill has slept the sleep of all small cities. Now, however, it is awaking to its manifold advantages and opportunities. The construction of the Beaver Portland Cement company's $500,000 plant, located almost within the city limits, is an indication of the renewed activity which will give Gold Hill its proper place upon the industrial map of Oregon. This enterprise,
the only producing cement plant in Oregon, will alone sustain a payroll of $2,000 per week--larger than that of any single manufacturing establishment between Portland and Sacramento. It will furnish to Oregon builders and contractors an Oregon product, serving the double purpose of reinvesting home money within the state while affording constant employment to labor.
    Undeveloped natural resources of unguessed magnitude surround the city. A bituminous coal belt, many square miles in extent, and a mountain of high-grade hematite iron, are both within a few miles of Gold Hill. Outcroppings of gold-bearing quartz, copper, cinnabar and various other metals and minerals await development. Approximately 200,000 acres of virgin timber, pine, fir, and cedar lie tributary to the city, and will figure largely in its future. With almost the power of Niagara to harness and control in the Rogue, and with this abundance of natural resources, its apparent destiny is that of an important manufacturing center.
    Mecca of miners since the early forties [sic], the city owes its name to the famous Gold Hill pocket discovery of 1854 [sic]. Nearly a half million dollars in honeycombed quartz was taken from a ledge near the summit of the renowned old mountain at that time. The rich river bars brought forth many fortunes. Now, more than half a century since the first color glittered in the pan, both quartz and placer are still yielding good returns, and the quiet hills yet hold many a secret for the prospector.
    Notable among the mines now in operation are the Braden, Nellie Wright, Lucky Bart, and Bill Nye, all well-equipped quartz properties; together with numerous placer mines. The present tendency is toward systematic and modern development of the mineral resources of the Gold Hill district.
    The choicest fruit and alfalfa land in Southern Oregon surrounds Gold Hill; the numerous creek valleys, with their deep, fertile, mineral-mixed soil, and absolute immunity from frost providing almost ideal conditions for the gardener, horticulturist and rancher.
    Tributary to the city are the districts of Sams Valley and the Meadows--garden spots in a country famed for its agricultural perfection--and the smaller but equally favored valleys of Kanes, Sardine, Galls, Foots, and Evans creeks.
    Stock raising and dairying are receiving some attention and with excellent returns to the operators. Much remains, however, to be accomplished before the district attains its zenith of production in this regard. Unlimited range for all season, with cool springs of pure mountain water everywhere, constitute the stockman's ideal habitat. Then, too, so clement are the winters of Southern Oregon, that it is unnecessary to shelter stock at any period during the year. In the opinion of close observers this locality will soon become a large exporter of stock and dairy products. Land suitable for such purposes may now be obtained at a reasonable figure.
    With a present population of 600, public schools are maintained that would do credit to more pretentious cities. Two school buildings, modernly constructed and equipped, presided over by a corps of competent instructors, furnish educational advantages second to none. Several churches of well-known denominations hold weekly service. The various fraternal orders are also actively represented. The city is electrically lighted at a low rate, owns and operates its own water system, has an excellent sewage system, and cement pavements, and no debts.
    To the sportsman no location could be better suited. The Rogue and all its tributary streams provide the finest trout fishing on the coast. The gamey steelhead, acknowledged peer of all trout, brings a thrill to the angler that is never forgotten. Thousands of these fine fish frequent the river during the fall and summer runs, while mountain trout and the fighting cutthroat abound at all seasons. The Chinook salmon, food fish of the continent, is also a splendid  fighter and rises readily to the spoon. The green hills and deep cool gulches shelter deer in numbers to make the limit bag easily obtainable by any hunter. Bear, cougar, wildcat, and smaller fur bearers afford sport to the hunter and revenue to the trapper. Grouse of several species inhabit the timber, with mountain quail, while in the lower lands and bottoms the pert little valley quail flocks in large coveys. That splendid foreigner, the Chinese pheasant, has been introduced by the game commission, and is thriving exceedingly. In Southern Oregon the summer vacation is at your door. The mystery of Crater Lake calls, the hills and streams invite, and the railroad ticket is a negative quantity.
    Homeseekers and investors, regardless of their financial means, are invited to correspond with the Gold Hill Commercial Association, addressing the Secretary. Inquiries will be promptly and courteously replied to, and every assistance rendered in supplying information and data relative to the district.
    Secretary Gold Hill Commercial Association,
    Gold Hill, Oregon.


    Mayor--R. C. Kelsey.
    Recorder--G. B. Harding.
    Marshal--W. H. Stickel.
    Treasurer--Lynn W. Smith.
    T. W. Ray, Mrs. Cora J. Truax, John Palmer, Frank B. Willmarth, R. D. Cameron, L. R. Cardwell.
    Council meets first Monday each month, 7:30 p.m. at City Hall.
Fire Department
    Gold Hill Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1--(Volunteer), 25 members. C. A. Peterson, Chief; J. H. Beeman, Pres; F. W. Dodge, Sec; H. D. Reed, Treas.
    Gold Hill Concert Band--C. Walker, Pres; Lynn W. Smith, Sec-Treas-Mngr.
    Gold Hill Bank The--Capital 510,000. Horace Pelton, Pres; Robert H. Moore, Vice-Pres; Lynn W. Smith, Cashier.
    Directors--W. W. Truax, Chairman; Ben H. Lampman, Henry D. Reed, Mrs. Mary E. Patrick, Clerk.
    I.O.O.F. Cemetery--2 miles west of Rock Point Cemetery--2 miles west of town.
    Christian Science--Mrs. Maud M. Landis, First Reader; J. R. Kelsey, Second
    Methodist Episcopal--Rev. Alonzo Coslet, Pastor. Sunday services; Sunday school 10 a.m.; Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Epworth League 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p.m.; Ladies Aid Society meets at call, 2:30 p.m. at home of members.
    Gold Hill Commercial Club--Meets at call. D. H. Miller, Pres; A. E. Kellogg, Sec; W. H. Miller, Treas.
    Gold Hill Hospital--Mrs. Flora A. Kelsey, Propr.; Dr. Russell C. Kelsey,
    Gold Hill Hospital Association--W. P. Chisholm, M. D., Pres; R. C. Kelsey
M.D., Sec-Gen-Mngr.
    Free Traveling Library of the Oregon Library Commission--Jennie M. Balcom,
    Gold Hill High School Library--Bert A. Adams, Librarian.
    Bulletin The--Issued Monthly. Dr. R. C. Kelsey, Editor and Publisher.
    Gold Hill News The--Issued every Saturday. Ben H. Lampman, Publisher. $1.50 per year in advance.
    Gold Hill Opera House--Walter H. Stickel, Mngr.
    Wego Theatre--A. E. Kellogg, Propr. Moving Pictures.
    Postmaster--Henry D. Reed.
    Asst Postmaster--Mrs. Nellie G. Reed.
    Clerk--Myrtle Blackburn.
Office Hours
    8 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily except Sunday.
Arrival and Departure of Mails
    Mails arrive from the north 3:15 p.m.; From the south 5:58 p.m. Mails depart for the north 5:58 p.m.; for the South 3:15 p.m.
    Star Route to Sams Valley and Beagle--Daily except Sunday; depart 10 a.m.; arrive 2 p.m.
    City Hall.
    High School Building.
    I.O.O.F. Hall.
    Gold Hill Public School--Bert A. Adams, Supt of Schools; G. B. Harding, Prin. High School; Jennie M. Balcom, Mrs. Louise McMillan, Bessie Newton, Edna M. Proctor, Mrs. May M. White, Teachers. Ralph Hubbard, Instructor, Manual Training and Music. H. E. Darling, Janitor. (See adv)
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
    Gold Hill Lodge, No. 129--I.O.O.F. Hall. Meets every Saturday. J. J. Ritter, N.G.; P. H. Myers, Sec
    Crater Lake Encampment, No. 47--I.O.O.F. Hall. Meets first and third Thursday. Walter H. Stickel, Scribe.
Patriarchs Militant
    Snowy Butte Canton, No. 16--I.O.O.F. Hall. J. T. Smith, Capt; P. H. Myers, Clerk.
Rebekah Degree
    Amethyst Rebekah Lodge, No. 97--I.O.O.F. Hall. Meets Wednesday. Mrs. Maude Stickel, Sec.
Modern Woodmen of America
    Sugar Pine Camp, No. 10,073--Meets at call. A. E. Kellogg, Clerk.
Royal Neighbors of America
    Alma Camp--Mrs. Eva Caldwell, Rec.
    Gold Hill and Sams Valley Stage Line--James B. R. Morelock, Propr. Leaves Post Office daily except Sunday, at 10 a.m. Arrives at 2 p.m.
    Southern Pacific Co.--W. H. Speer, Agent.
Adams Bert A (Ruth Proctor), supt Gold Hill Public School
Adams Homer
Anderson Thomas N, carpenter
Avery Donald, student
Avery Frank M (Mae), mail carrier
Avery Mae Mrs (Kelsey & Avery), opr Home Telephone Co
Bailey Elizabeth (wid John)
Bailey Talitha (wid George W)
Bailey Taylor (Mary E), section hand Southern Pacific Co
Baker Earl A (Mary), laborer
Baker Eli R (Mary), farmer
Baker Frank, laborer
Baker Henry
Baker Lulu
Baker Oscar T, signal maintainer SP Co
Baker Wm Everett (Eva), farmer
Balcom Jennie M, teacher Gold Hill Public School
Bamber Albert E (Savilla), miner
Bamber Beulah L, student
Bamber Clinton A, student
Barker Benton H
Barrow Z, laborer Beaver Portland Cement Co
Beaver Portland Cement Co, J C Burch (Portland) pres, Wm Schrump (Willmar Minn) vice-pres, Fletcher Linn (Portland) sec, C S Moody (Portland) treas
Beeman Josiah H (Hattie J)
Beeman J Horton, student
Beeman Virginia
Belden M B, assayer and metallurgist
Bennett Elizabeth A (wid Jarvis L)
Betts Merrill
Betts Orpha V (wid Howard D)
Big Pines Lumber Co, Floyd Calloway mngr
Blackburn Myrtle, clerk Post Office
Blackburn Nancy (wid John)
Blackert Wm (Woodcock & Blackert)
Blackington Jesse, section hand SP Co
Blakeley Ray (Tessie), farmer
Blodgett John (Mary), mason
Blue Dana P, building contractor
BOARD OF EDUCATION, W W Truax Chairman, Ben H Lampman, H D Reed Directors, Mrs Mary E Patrick Clerk
Boggis Arthur, farmer
Bogue C Wilbur (Jennie L), farmer
Bogue Etha
Bogue Olive
Bogue Roy, laborer
Bolt Edward, carpenter
Bolt Elizabeth (wid John)
Bolt Frederick J (Sophia M), miner
Bouchet Placide, tailor
Bowers Martin D (Lelah), druggist
Bowman Charles F (Julia), mason
Bowman Eugene C, student
Bowman John A, laborer
Bowman Nellie M
Bowman Roy R, miner
Breeding Robert E, foreman Beaver Portland Cement Co
Briggs George, miner
Britt Helen A, student
Britt J Henry (Nellie F), laborer
Bulletin The, R C Kelsey editor and publisher issued monthly
Burk Fred, miner
Burnett Frank A, furniture
Caine Reuben T, lineman Rogue River Public Service Corporation
Caine Wm, hostler Darling & Hodges
Caldwell Eva Mrs, mngr Home Telephone Co
Caldwell Frank L (Eva)
Caldwell Margaret (wid Wm)
Calloway Floyd, mngr Big Pines Lumber Co
Cameron C John (Myrtle), bartender L R Cardwell
Cameron D C (Carrie E), miner
Cameron Roy D (Edith), miner
Canatsey Walter S (Flora F), foreman Beaver Portland Cement Co
Cardwell Lawrence R, propr Gold Hill Hotel saloon
Carson Charles W (Clara E), laborer
Carter Charles, laborer
Carter Charles F (Lillie M), blacksmith
Castles Burton F, miner
Cates Ina B, student
Cates Jessie
Cates Nelson, teamster
Childers Cordelia Mrs
Childers Frank (Wm L and Frank Childers)
Childers Wm L (Wm L and Frank Childers)
Childers Wm L and Frank, saw mill 3 m n of town
Childers Wm M, teamster
Chisholm Wm P (Margaret R), physician
Christian Science Church
City Fire Department (Volunteer), C A Peterson chief
Clark Dora E
Clark James W (Sara J), restaurant
Clark Laura B, opr Home Telephone Co
Cook John R (Jane)
Cook Robert E (Ada G), blacksmith Charles Kell
Cook Roy L, carpenter
Cook Thomas J, farmer
Cook Wm A (Mary C), section hand SP Co
Cook Wm L,laborer
Coppock Charles (Ellen), miner
Coppock Warren, student
Coslet Alonzo Rev (Amanda R), pastor Methodist Episcopal Church
Coy Isaac T (Susie), miner
Coy Minnie
Crabtree Abraham
Crabtree George M, shoemaker
Crawford Alexander (Laura), porter Leigh Hunt
Crawford Laura Mrs, maid Leigh Hunt
Crawford Minnie (wid Joshua H)
Darling Herbert E, miner
Darling Ralph L (Lulu J) (Darling & Hodges)
Darling Wm E, helper Darling & Hodges
Darling & Hodges (Ralph L Darling, Samuel T Hodges), livery
Davidson Edward J, miner
Davidson Jay E, road supervisor
Davidson Vera
Dietrich Agnes, student
Dietrich Joseph F (Mattie A), assayer
Dodge Frederick W, agt Rogue River Public Service Corporation, civil engineer
Duffield Samuel H (F Elizabeth)
Dunavinn Lou
Dungan Charles L, painter
Dungey Elmer
Dungey LeRoy
Dungey Walter (Charity), carpenter
Eastman Jervie H, photographer
Eddings Floyd L (Dora), electrician
Eddings Fred N, electrician
Eddings Norton (Minnie)
Elmer W W, chemist Beaver Portland Cement Co
Erlwein Charles, gardener
Erlwein Martin (Etta), gardener
Fifer Robert, laborer
Fleming Silas M (M Emma), laborer
Fountain Joseph N (Emili), furniture
Gardner Wm H (Ella M), laborer
Gold Hill Bank The, Horace Pelton pres, Robert H Moore vice-pres, Lynn W Smith cashier
GOLD HILL CAFE THE, The Truax Co Proprs, Dinners, Lunches, Confections, Fruits, Cigars, Tel 14 (See adv)
Gold Hill Commercial Club, D H Miller pres, A E Kellogg sec, W H Miller treas
Gold Hill Concert Band, Lynn W Smith mngr
GOLD HILL HOSPITAL, Mrs Flora A Kelsey Propr, Russell C Kelsey MD supt, Tel 3-X
Gold Hill Hospital Ass'n, W P Chisholm MD pres, R C Kelsey MD sec-gen mngr
Gold Hill Hotel, Lawrence R Cardwell propr
Gold Hill News The, Ben H Lampman publisher
Gold Hill Opera House, Walter H Stickel mngr
GOLD HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL, Bert A Adams Supt, G B Harding Principal, Jennie M Balcom Teacher English Department, Mrs Louise McMillan, Bessie Newton, Edna M Proctor, Mrs May M White Grade Teachers; Ralph Hubbard Instructor Manual Training and Music, Herbert E Darling Janitor (See adv)
Gold Hill & Sams Valley Stage Line, James B R Morelock propr
Graham Ad, bartender Martin S Johnson
Gray Frank M miner
Greidi Alvin, carpenter
Griffiths Iris C, student
Griffiths Mary (wid John D)
Griffiths Mary E, student
Grissom Samuel M, miner
Haff George L (Fannie), miner
Haight Dilworth, farmer
Haight Eva Mrs, operator Home Telephone Co
Hall Morris, laborer
Hall Mose L, miner
Hammersley George R (Martha)
Hammersley Laura Mrs
Harding G B, city recorder, principal Gold Hill Public School
Harrison Archibald McN
Harrison Grant H (Mollie), teamster
Harvey Blanche, student
Harvey John A, laborer
Harvey Wm H (Maggie A)
Hays Benjamin H, miner
Hays James W (Sophronia)
Higdon Pearl, millinery
Higinbotham Elmer, blacksmith
Hill John (Annie E), laborer
Hill Wesley, laborer
Hodges Harriett, clerk Lance & Co
Hodges Mildred
Hodges Samuel T (Isora L) (Darling & Hodges)
Holcomb George, farmer
Home Telephone Co, Mrs Eva Caldwell mngr
Horn Diller H (Barbara A), millwright
Horn George W, laborer
Horn Retha
Horn Sara F
Hottenstein Alfred D (Laura), miner
Hougham Loleta, student
Hubbard Ralph, teacher manual training and music Gold Hill Public School
Hulbert Perry (Rose M)
Humphrey Jessie J
Humphrey Melvin, miner
Humphrey Wm (Lola), miner
Hunt Leigh (Nellie), with Beaver Portland Cement Co
Hunter John C
Hutchins John H, opr Rogue River Public Service Corporation
Hutson James B (Daisy), lineman
Hutson James M (Belle G), lodgings
IOOF Cemetery, 2 miles w city
Iverson George H (Ada L), baker
JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING & LOAN ASSN, Bert Anderson Pres, O C Boggs Acting Sec, T W Miles Treas, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See opp p 74)
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, A L Scholl (Jacksonville) Pres, C J Dunten (Central Point) Vice-Pres, W Nikolaus (Central Point) Sec-Treas, Joseph Williams (Jacksonville) Mngr, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and adv at name in Jacksonville)
Jennings Andrew
Jennings Luke, saloon
Johnson Martin S (Amy), saloon
Kell Charles (Delia), blacksmith
KELLOGG A E (Katherine J), Lawyer, Funeral Director and Embalmer, County Coroner Jackson County, Notary Public, Propr Wego Theatre, Tel 9-M, res Tel 2-K
Kelsey Flora A Mrs (Kelsey & Avery), propr Gold Hill Hospital
Kelsey John R, printer The Gold Hill News
KELSEY RUSSELL C (Flora A), Mayor, Physician and Surgeon, Supt Gold Hill Hospital, Sec-Gen Mngr Gold Hill Hospital Association, Tel 3-X
Kelsey Wm C, student
Kelsey & Avery (Mrs Flora A Kelsey, Mrs Mae Avery), milliners
Kendall John, laborer
Knotts Perry, blacksmith
Knotts Wm, laborer
Koob John, laborer
LAMPMAN BEN H (Lena M), Publisher The Gold Hill News
Lance & Co (C A Peterson, W H Miller, F A Riedel), gen mdse
Landis George A (Maude M)
Lanham John A (Dollie B)
Lewis Alfred (Mary), carpenter
Lindsley Elizabeth (wid James)
Lord Lester (Lenna), clerk
McClendon Christopher C (Susan)
McClendon Jessie Mrs, housekeeper Gold Hill Hotel
McClendon Samuel W (Laura E)
McClure Wm L
McFarland Patrick, plasterer
McFarren Sanford V (Servilla), jeweler and barber
Mclntire Eben M (Eliza J)
McLennan George L (Mary M)
McMillan H O, miner
McMillan Louise Mrs, teacher Gold Hill Public School
McMullan H C, laborer
Marting John E, shoemaker
Marvin Wm A (Gwendolyn A), mining engineer
Mee Wm L (Lucy C), carpenter
Merritt & Co (John W Merritt (Central Point), Robert H Moore), general merchandise
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev Alonzo Coslet pastor
Miller David H (Elmira), hardware
Miller Elsie, student
Miller R Lloyd
Miller Wm H (Della L) (Lance & Co)
Mitchell Mary E (wid Henry H)
Moore James L (Nettie B), laborer
Moore Newton G (Elma I), pharmacist M D Bowers
Moore Ray, laborer
Moore Robert H (Minnie K) (Merritt & Co), vice-pres The Gold Hill Bank
Morelock James B R (Mary J), mail carrier and propr Gold Hill & Sams Valley Stage Line
Morelock Richard O, student
Munday Samuel M (Sarah) , track walker Southern Pacific Co
Myers Peter H, clerk Merritt & Co
Myers W G
Nelson Maud
Newell James, carpenter
Newton Bessie, teacher Gold Hill Public School
Newton Eva M (wid Wm H)
Newton Nora
Noe Leland S (Zoe R), second hand goods
NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, John A Honey General Agent, 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Front Cover, p 70 and Classified Insurance Cos-Life)
Nowels Pearl, student
O'Bohanan Hugh, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Oden Richard (Alice M)
Olsen Anton J, rancher
Olsen Edwin, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Olsen Pauline
Palmer John (Florence A), carpenter
Pankey Earl T, miner
Pankey Henry T (Ella)
Pankey Joseph B, laborer
Pankey Katheryn
Pankey Theron R, student
Pates John, horticulturist
Patrick George A (Margaret E), farmer
Peffley Joseph D (Rosa A), cement contractor
Peffley Lloyd C
Peffley Orpha M
Pelton Horace, pres The Gold Hill Bank
Perry Joseph R (Rachael V), miner
Perry Thomas
Peterson Charles A (Ethel) (Lance & Co)
Piening Charles E (Florence E), carpenter
Post Office, Henry D Reed Postmaster
Potter Ned, laborer
Price Charles H (Mary W), asst agent Southern Pacific Co
Proctor Edna M, teacher Gold Hill Public School
Raedel Henry C (Virginia G), flour and feed
Raedel Virginia
Ray Elisha (Sarah E), miner
Ray Henry A, miner
Ray Irving W, miner
Ray Thomas W (Martha E), miner
REDFIELD CHANDLER S (Mary J), Real Estate, Insurance, Business Propositions, Fruit, Stock and Dairy Farms, Notary Public and Building Contractor, Tel 7-W (See Left Bottom Lines)
Reed Charles L, clerk H D Reed
REED HENRY D (Nellie G), Confectionery, Cigars, Postmaster
Reed Nellie G Mrs, asst Postmaster
Rice Wm, miner
Richards Mary E (wid Daniel)
Riedel Charles (Barbara)
Riedel Charles J
Riedel Fred A (Lola E) (Lance & Co)
Riedel G Franklin, student
Rippey Bert (Fay), laborer
Rippey Frank, laborer
Ritter Carl, laborer
Ritter John, farmer, res ⅞ miles west of town
Ritter Nathaniel (Mary), farmer
Roberts Cecil, student
Roberts Thomas B (Myra A), miner
Robins James, blacksmith
Rock Point Cemetery, 2 miles west of town
Rogue River Public Service Corporation, F W Dodge agent
Rolfe Minnie (wid Charles H)
Ross Tony, miner
Schrump F Dey (Amy B), timekeeper Beaver Portland Cement Co
Severy Daniel F, supt construction Beaver Portland Cement Co
Shaver Charles N (Celia D), barber
Shaw Clyde C (Isabel), blacksmith Beaver Portland Cement Co
Simmons Ezra T, poultry raiser
Smith John T, laborer
Smith Lynn W (Minnie M), cashier The Gold Hill Bank, City Treasurer
Smith Oscar, laborer
Snyder Fitch, miner
Snyder Ogden S (Ida), elec Rogue River Public Service Corporation
Southern Pacific Co, W H Speer Agent
Speer W H, agent Southern Pacific Co, W F & Co Exp and W U Telg Co
Sperry George W (Mary), miner
Steinhoff Calvin D, building contractor
Stephens Wm M (Jennie E), laborer
Stickel Bros (Walter H, Hunter and Valentine), brick and tile manufacturers, 1 mile se Gold Hill
Stickel Hunter (Stickel Bros)
Stickel Valentine (Maude) (Stickel Bros)
Stickel Walter H (Minnie L) (Stickel Bros), City Marshal, mngr Gold Hill Opera House
Stinebring Nellie Mrs
Sutton Emmett E (Carrie E), laborer Beaver Portland Cement Co
Sutton Floyd L, laborer
Sutton Maude G
Thompson Walter J, farmer
Tiffen Laura Mrs
Trimble Robert (Lillian M), blacksmith Beaver Portland Cement Co
TRUAX CO THE, Mrs Cora J Truax Mngr, Proprs The Gold Hill Cafe, Tel 14
TRUAX CORA J MRS, Mngr The Truax Co, Tel 14 (See adv)
Truax Mary, student
TRUAX WM W (Cora J), Deputy County Assessor, Tel 14
Turner Frank B, barber
Turner Fred G, clerk G B Turner
Turner George B (Mary E), confectionery, cigars
Turner Olive M, nurse
Upton Eugene V (Philomina M)
Walker Alva (Icie), laborer
Walker Archie (Elsie A), carpenter
Walker Clinton, laborer
Walker Clyde, laborer
Walker Della
Walker Icie Mrs, maid Gold Hill Hotel
Walker Levi O, clerk
Walker W Richard (Mary E), lodgings
Wamaker Louis, miner
Watt Leslie, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Wego Theatre, A E Kellogg propr
Weide John, laborer
Wells Fargo & Co Express, W H Speer agent
Wells John E (Lillian E), stationary engineer
West Thomas J (Mary), laborer
Western Union Telegraph Co, W H Speer mngr
White H L, laborer
White John
White May M Mrs, teacher Gold Hill Public School
Whitsett Lawrence, bartender Luke Jennings
Widen John, laborer
Williams Eva, student
Willmarth Frank B (Emma), councilman
Wilson Justin, miner
Witt Frederick (Maggie M), section foreman Southern Pacific Co
Wood Owen F (Frankie M), helper Darling & Hodges
Woodcock & Blackert (Edward Woodcock (Rogue River), Wm Blackert), meats
Wright John W (Dora I), building contractor
Wyatt Edward, laborer
Wyatt Homer, laborer
    Jacksonville, having a population of 1000, is the county seat of Jackson County, the fourth county in Oregon in wealth and population, and third city in the county.
    The town is ideally situated in the foothills, and many handsome residences speak of the comfort of its people. With the Rogue River Valley in front and the mountains at the back door, no more charming situation for a homesite can be found in the West.
    Jacksonville enjoys the deserved reputation of having sent out more native gold than any other place in the state. It is the supply and outfitting point for many productive mines, both placer and quartz.
    This is the "gateway" to the rich Applegate Valley and the famous Blue Ledge Mine, rich in copper.
    For the sportsman this is a paradise. The forest reserves in the Siskiyous and the Cascades abound in every kind of game known to this region, and the unharnessed rivers and creeks afford fish for the angler.
    The climate of Jacksonville is ideal. Sheltered from winds, supplied with the right amount of rain--about 26 inches annually--no severe cold nor torrid heat, it is a place for a home.
    All of the conditions so favorable to fruitgrowing in the Rogue River Valley apply with equal emphasis here, while the additional altitude of 200 feet adds coloring to the fruit.
    The city has as good a water system as any in the West, recently installed at a cost of about $75,000.
    The city has electric lights and two miles of cement sidewalks, and is strictly modern in every way.
    The churches and schools are modern. The High School provides 12 grades--fitting pupils for the State University or the Agricultural College.
    A weekly and a monthly newspaper and a public library are well supported.
    The two banks have deposits of over $200,000 and enjoy a healthy growth. A rock quarry, saw mill, brick, tile and lime factory, a quartz mill and cyanide plant cover the industrial plants. Near to the city is a large deposit of natural cement, and the mountains are full of gold in paying quantities, and frequently pockets are found which pay from a few hundred to several thousands of dollars.
    The Rogue River Valley RR operates twenty trains daily, connecting with the Southern Pacific at Medford, five miles away.
    Whether for home life or business, Jacksonville offers many attractions.


    City elections are held annually on the first Tuesday in March, at which time the Mayor, City Council, Recorder and Treasurer are elected.
City Officers
    Mayor--Emil Britt.
    Recorder--Leslie W. Stansell.
    Marshal--Melvin D. Jones.
    Street Commissioner--C. C. Ulrich.
    Treasurer--James M. Cronemiller.
    F. J. Fick, W. I. McIntyre, Chauncey Florey, Wm. H. Barnum.
Standing Committees
    Finance--F. J. Fick, W. I. McIntyre, Chauncey Florey.
    Street--F. J. Fick, Wm. H. Barnum, W. I. McIntyre.
    Cemetery--F. J. Fick, W. I. McIntyre, Wm. H. Barnum.
    Health--Chauncey Florey, Wm. H. Barnum, W. I. McIntyre.
    Sewers and Drains--F. J. Fick, Wm. H. Barnum, Chauncey Florey.
    Water and Light--F. J. Fick, Chauncey Florey, W. I. McIntyre.
    Police--Emil Britt, Wm. H. Barnum, Chauncey Florey.
Police Department
    Marshal--Melvin D. Jones.
    Police Judge--Leslie W. Stansell.
Fire Department
    Jacksonville Engine Co., No. 1--Melvin D. Jones, Pres; G. Reis Chapman. Vice-Pres; Peter J. Fick, Foreman.
Board of Education
    Directors--T. T. Shaw, Chairman; W. T. Grieve, C. C. Beekman.
    Clerk--Chauncey Florey.
    Principal of Public Schools--Francis C. Smith.
    Judge--Frank L. TouVelle.
    Clerk--George A. Gardner.
    Sheriff--Wm. H. Singler.
    Treasurer--James M. Cronemiller.
    School Superintendent--J. Percy Wells.
    Assessor--W. T. Grieve.
    Attorney--E. E. Kelly.
    Surveyor--T. W. Osgood.
    Coroner--A. E. Kellogg.
    Recorder--Fred L. Colvig.
    County Commissioners--Joseph C. Smith, Rogue River; Wm. C. Leever, Central Point.
Representatives in U.S. Congress
    U.S. Senators--Geo. E. Chamberlain, Portland; Harry Lane, Portland.
    Representatives--W. C. Hawley, Salem; A. W. Lafferty, Portland; N. J. Sinnott, The Dalles.
    Governor--Oswald West.
    Secretary of State--Ben W. Olcott
    Treasurer--Thomas B. Kay.
    Architect--W. C. Knighten.
    Attorney-General--A. M. Crawford,
    Bacteriologist--B. L. Arms, Portland
    Bank Supt.--S. G. Sargent, Salem; Geo. H. Tracy Jr., E. F. Sims, C. E. Stewart, Albany, Bank Examiners.
    Biologist--A. R. Sweetser, Eugene.
    Blind School Supt.---E. T. Moores.
    Corporation Commission--Ralph A. Watson, Salem.
    Dairy and Food Commissioner--J. E. Mickle. 510 Worcester bldg., Portland.
    Deaf School Supt.--E. S. Tillinghast
    Engineer--J. H. Lewis, Salem.
    Feeble Minded Institution Supt--J. H. Thompson.
    Fish Warden--Theo. Opsund, Salem.
    Forester--F. A. Elliott, Salem.
    Game Warden--C. H. Evans, Salem.
    Health Officer--C. S. White, M.D., Portland.
    Highway Engineer--Henry L. Bowlby, Portland.
    Immigration Agent--C. C. Chapman, Portland.
    Insane Asylum Superintendents--R.E. L. Steiner and W. D. McNary.
    Insurance Commissioner--J. W. Ferguson, Portland.
    Labor Commissioner--O. P. Hoff, Salem; Carl L. Caulfield, Dep., 19-250½ 3rd, Portland.
    Librarian--Cornelia Marvin. Salem.
    Parole Officer--Rev. Wm. G. MacLaren, Portland.
    Penitentiary Supt.--B. K. Lawson.
    Port Warden for Columbia District--A. W. McIntosh, Portland.
    Printer--R. A. Harris.
    Public Instruction Supt.--J. A. Churchill.
    Purchasing Agent--C. D. Frazer, Salem.
    Sheep Inspector--W. H. Lytle, Pendleton.
    Soldiers' Home Commandant--W. W. Elder, Roseburg.
    Training School Supt.--Will S. Hale.
    Tuberculosis Hospital Supt.--G. C. Bellinger.
    Veterinarian--W. H. Lytle.
    Accountancy--John Y. Richardson, Portland; Arthur Berridge, Portland; A. McE. Ball, Portland; Charles L. Parrish, Klamath Falls; W. H. Wann, Medford.
    Agriculture--J. H. Booth, Roseburg, Pres; N. C. Maris, Portland; H. W. Hatch, Salem; N. K. West, LaGrande; W. A. Jones, Joseph; Frank Meredith, Salem, Sec.
    Banking--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer.
    Barber Examiners--H. G. Meyer, Salem, Pres; R. R. Wallace, Astoria; T. M.
Leabo, Portland, Sec.
    Burbank A. R. Trust Fund--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer.
    Canal--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer.
    Child Labor--19-250½ 3rd, Portland, H. G. Kundret, Portland, Chairman; Mrs. M. R. Trumbull, Portland, Sec; Stephen G. Smith, Portland; Mrs. Turner Oliver,
LaGrande; Mrs. S. A. Evans, Oswego.
    Child Welfare--Mrs. R. H Tate, Portland, Chairman; Mrs. John H. Smith, Astoria; Dr. Mae H. Cardwell, Portland; George Rebec, Eugene; L. R. Alderman, Portland, Sec.
    Conservation--J. N. Teal, Portland, Chairman; F. G. Young, Eugene, Sec; C. B. Watson, Ashland; Mrs. Josephine Hirsch, Portland; P. P. Henshaw, Portland; Wm. Pohlman, Baker; B. P. Irvine, Portland.
    Control--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer. R. B. Goodin, Sec.
    Cooperative Agricultural Societies and Rural Credits in Europe (Commission to Investigate)--H. D. Starkweather, Milwaukie; Hector McPherson, Corvallis; Clara H. Waldo, Portland.
    Dental Examiners--W. S. Kennedy, The Dalles, Pres; Frank Vaughan, Astoria; Jean Cline, Portland; Clyde A. Mount, Oregon City; H. H. Olinger, Salem, Sec.
    Desert Land--Governor, Secretary of State, State Engineer, State Treasurer, Attorney-General.
    Education--Governor, Secretary of State, Superintendent of Public Instruction.
    Fair Directors--J. H. Booth, Roseburg, Pres; W. A. Jones, Joseph; Mrs. B. T. Weatherred, Portland; H. W. Hatch, Salem; N. K. West, Union; Frank Meredith,
Salem, Sec.
    Fiscal Agency in New York City--The National Park Bank of New York.
    Fish and Game--Floyd Bilyeu, Portland; M. J. Kinney, Portland; H. H. Clifford, Baker; George H. Kelly, Portland, B. E. Duncan, Hood River.
    Forestry--Governor Oswald West, Salem; G. W. Peavy, Corvallis; A. T. Buxton,
Forest Grove; C. G. Briggs, Portland; G. H. Cecil, Portland; L. S. Hill, Cottage Grove; D. P. Smythe, Pendleton; F, A. Elliott, State Forester and Sec.,
    Geographic--Will G. Steel, 569 Market, Portland, Pres; J. B. Horner, Corvallis, Sec.
    Graduate Nurses--Mrs. Olivia E. Osborne, Medford; Frances McLane, Portland;
Miss J. V. Doyle, Portland.
    Health--Alfred Kinney, Astoria, Pres; B. A. Pierce, Portland; E. B. Pickel, Medford; W. B. Morse, Salem; C. J. Smith, Portland; C. S. White, Portland, Sec. and State Health Officer, 1012 Selling bldg.
    Higher Curricula--J. E. Hedges, Oregon City; O. P. Coshow, Roseburg; J. R.
Wilson, Portland; A. G. Beals, Tillamook.
    Highway--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer.
    Horticulture--W. K. Newell, Gaston, Pres; H. H. Weatherspoon, Elgin; R. R. Webber, The Dalles; C. A. Parks, Salem; A. H. Carson, Grants Pass; H. M. Williamson, Portland, Sec., 303 Henry bldg.
    Immigration--T. C. Burke, Portland, Pres; J. M. Scott, Portland; W. E. Coman, Portland; M. N. Dana, Portland; F. N. Lonegren, Portland; C. C. Chapman, Portland, Agt., 207 Commercial Club bldg.
    Industrial Accident--Harvey Beckwith, Portland; W. A. Marshall, Portland; C. D. Babcock, Salem.
    Industrial School for Girls Advisory--Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, Portland; Mrs. A. N. Felts, Portland; Mrs. Lotta C. Smith, Salem; Mrs. E. N. Hopkins, Matron.
    Industrial Welfare--Bertha Moores, Rev. Edwin V. O'Hara, Amedee M. Smith, all of Portland; Caroline J. Gleason, Sec., 610 Commercial Blk., Portland.
    Insane Asylum--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer.
    Labor Bureau--O. P. Hoff, Salem, Comnr.; W. B. Chance, Albany; W. A. Dalziel, LaGrande; C. H. Gram, Portland; C. F. Caulfield, Portland, Deputy Comnrs.
    Land--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer. G, G. Brown, Salem, Sec.
    Library--Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction; P. L. Campbell, Eugene; M. F. Isom, Portland; W. B. Ayer, Portland; Cornelia Marvin, Librarian.
    Livestock Sanitary--Charles Cleveland, Gresham, Pres; Herbert Boylen, Pilot Rock; J. G. Hoke, Baker; Frank Brown, Carlton; F. E. Lynn, Perrydale; Chas. Kunze, Tillamook; C. S. White, Portland; W. H. Lytle, Salem, Sec.
    McLoughlin Home (Oregon City)--J. E. Hedges, E. G. Caufield, Rev. A. Hillebrand, Oregon City.
    Medical Examiners--H. F. McKay, Portland, Pres; H. S. Nichols, Portland, Treas; L. H. Hamilton, Portland; C. T. Chamberlain, Portland; F. E. Moore, Portland; H. L. Henderson, Astoria.
    Military--Commander-in-Chief, Governor Oswald West, Salem; Adjt. Gen. W.
E. Finzer, Portland; Creed C. Hammond, Eugene, Col. Coast Artillery Reserve; Chas. H. Martin, Portland, Col. 3rd Infantry; Berton K. Lawson, Salem, Lieut. Col. Coast Artillery Reserve; John L. May, Roseburg, Lieut. Col. 3rd Infantry; Cecil H. Bauer, Portland, Judge Advocate General's Department; Daniel E. Bowman, Portland, Capt. 3rd Infantry.
    Mines and Geology--H. N. Lowrie, Portland, Chairman; C. T. Prall, Ontario; J. F. Reddy, Medford; W. C. Fellows, Granite; T. S. Mann, Portland; W. J. Kerr, (ex-officio), Corvallis; P. L. Campbell (ex-officio), Eugene.
    Naval--(Governor Oswald West, Commander-in-Chief Oregon Naval Militia; W. E. Finzer, Adjt. Gen. Oregon National Guard; Lieut. Com. John McNulty; Lieut. Com. Charles Gunderson; Lieut. Com. J. Fred Larson.
    Normal Schools--Governor, Secretary of State, Superintendent of Public Instruction; C. E. Spence, Carus; E. Hofer, Salem; Cornelia Marvin, Salem; H. J. Maler, The Dalles; W. C. Bryant, Moro; Stephen Jewell, Grants Pass.
    Optometry--C. W. Lowe, Portland, Pres; H. W. Barr, Salem; H. E. Morris, McMinnville.
    Panama-Pacific Exposition--R. A. Booth, Eugene; C. L. Hawley, McCoy; W. L. Thompson, Pendleton; O. M. Clark, Portland; John F. Logan, Portland.
    Parole--James R. Linn, Salem; John F. Logan, Portland; B. K. Lawson, Salem; Rev. Wm. G. MacLaren, Portland, Parole Officer.
    Pharmacy--J. Lee Brown, Marshfield, Pres; F. H. Caldwell, Portland; L. B. Haskins, Medford; Bliss L. Darby, Glendale; Frank S. Ward, Salem.
    Pilot--James Monks, Portland; S. M. Gallagher, Astoria; John Kopp, Astoria; G. A. Nelson, Astoria, Sec.
    Portage Railway--L. Allen Lewis, Portland, Pres; W. J. Mariner, Blalock; Jos. T. Peters, Portland.
    Public Buildings--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer.
    Railroad--Frank J. Miller, Albany, Chairman; Clyde B. Aitchison, Portland; Thomas K. Campbell, Cottage Grove; Comnrs.; Fred A. Rasch, Examiner, 252 Court House, Portland.
    Sailors' Boarding Houses--J. W. Ganong, Portland, Pres; D. C. O'Reilly, Portland; J. A. Madsen, Portland.
    Seed--H. D. Scudder, Corvallis; Dexter Field, Salem; J. J. Butzer, Portland.
    Sheep--Charles G. Adams, Portland, Pres; Herbert Boylen, Pilot Rock, Sec; August Smyth, Pendleton; W. H. Lytle, Sheep Inspector, Salem.
    Stallion .Registration--President of State Board of Agriculture, Director of Experiment Station, State Veterinarian.
    Tax--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer; J. B. Eaton, Union; C.
V. Galloway, Salem; F. K. Lovell, Salem, Sec.
    Text Book--W. L. Brewster, Portland; John P. O'Hara, Portland; E. E. Bragg,
LaGrande; T. M. Baldwin, Prineville; Margaret Cosper, Salem.
    Veterinary Medical Examining--W. H. Lytle, Salem, Pres; F. T. Notz, Baker; Robert E. Hunt, Roseburg; Sam B. Foster, 621 Selling bldg, Portland, Sec.
    Water--J. T. Chinnock, Salem, Supt Water Division No. 1; Geo. T. Cochran, LaGrande, Supt. Water Division No. 2.
    Yamhill Walnut Experiment Station--J. C. Cooper, F. W. Fenton, E. C. Apperson,
all of McMinnville.
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
    Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Jos. McKenna, Washington, D.C.
    Circuit Judges--W. B. Gilbert, Portland; Erskine M. Ross. Los Angeles; W. W. Morrow, San Francisco; Geo. M. Bourquin, Butte and Helena, Montana.
    Terms--San Francisco, first Monday in February, May and October; Portland, 3rd Monday in September.
U.S. District Court
    Judges--C. E. Wolverton, Portland; R. S. Bean, Portland.
    Terms--Portland, 1st Monday in March, July and November.
State Supreme Court
    Chief Justice--Thomas A. McBride.
    Associate Justices--F. A. Moore, H. J. Bean, G. H. Burnett, Robert Eakln, C. L. McNary, W. W. Ramsey.
    Clerk--J. C. Moreland.
    Terms--At Salem, 1st Monday in March and October; at Pendleton, 1st Monday in May and November.
State Circuit Court
    First Judicial District, including Jackson and Josephine counties.
    Judge--F. M. Calkins, Medford.
    County Attorney--E. E. Kelly.
    Clerk--George A. Gardner.
    Court Reporter--F. Roy Davis.
    Terms in Jackson County--Fourth Monday in February, May and October.
County Court.
    Judge--Frank L. TouVelle.
    Sheriff--Wm. H. Singler.
    Clerk--George A. Gardner.
    Terms--First Wednesday each month
Probate Court
    Judge--Frank L. TouVelle.
    Sheriff--Wm. H. Singler.
    Clerk--George A. Gardner.
Commissioners' Court
    Judge--Frank L. TouVelle.
    Sheriff--Wm. H. Singler.
    Clerk--George A. Gardner.
    County Commissioners--Joseph C. Smith, Rogue River; Wm. C. Leever, Central Point.
    Terms---First Wednesday in each month.
Justice Court
    Justice of Peace--Henry G. Dox.
    Constable--Joseph B. Wetterer.
    Bank of Jacksonville--W. H. Johnson, Pres; B. M. Collins, Cashier. Capital, $10,000.
    Beekman's Banking House--C. C. Beekman, Pres; H, G. Dox, Cashier. Capital, $15,000.
    Jacksonville Cemetery--Nr w city limits.
Methodist Episcopal
    Methodist Episcopal Church--5th nw cor D. Rev. A. S. Jenkins, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
    First--Ns California. Rev. Paul S. Bandy, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Roman Catholic
    St. Joseph's--4 th se cor D. Rev. J. M. O'Neill, Pastor. Services by announcement.
    Public School Library--Public School bldg. Under supervision of principal of public school.
    Jacksonville Post (Weekly)--D. W. Bagshaw, Propr. $1.50 per year.
    Postmaster--Lewis G. Ulrich.
Arrival of Mails
    Mails arrive from Medford at 8:30 a.m., 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Mails arrive
from Watkins at 6 p.m. Mails arrive from Applegate, Steamboat and Ruch daily, except Sunday, at 3 p.m.
Departure of Mails
    Mails depart for Medford at 10:30 a.m., 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Mails depart for Watkins, Tuesday and Friday, at 7 a.m. Mails depart for Applegate, Steamboat and Ruch daily, except Sunday, at 7:15 a.m.
    Court House--Es 5th bet C and D.
    I.O.O.F. Hall--Oregon, nr Main.
    Masonic Hall--Oregon, bet California and Main.
    Native Daughters of Oregon Hall--Old convent ss California.
    Orth Hall--Oregon, bet California and Main.
    Town Hall--Main sw cor Oregon.
    Jackson Public School--E end Academy. Francis C. Smith, Prin; Mary Hurst, Lillian Pierce, Leora Couch, Leola Trueblood, Emma Wendt.
A. P. & A. Masons
    Warren Lodge, No. 10--Meets first Wednesday in Masonic Hall. R. E. Golden, W.M.; J. M. Cronemiller, Sec.
Order of Eastern Star
    Adarel Chapter, No. 3--Meets first and third Thursday in Masonic Hall. Amelia Britte, W.M.; James M. Cronemiller. W.P.; Nettle Thompson, Sec.
Royal Arch Masons
    Oregon Chapter, No. 4--Meets on Tuesday on or before the full moon in Masonic Hall. Emil Britt, H.P.; James M. Cronemiller, Sec.
A. O. U. Workmen
    Banner Lodge, No. 23--J. Adam Schmitt, Financier.
Degree of Honor
    Madrona Lodge, No. 12--Meets first and third Friday at members' residences. Mrs. P. A. Hines, C. of H.; Mrs. Bertha Haney, Sec.
Improved Order of Redmen
    Oregonian Pocahontas Tribe, No. 1--Meets second and fourth Wednesday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Charles S. Dunford, Jr., S; Leslie W. Stansell, C. of R.
I. O. Odd Fellows
    Jacksonville Lodge, No. 10--Meets Saturday in I.O.O.F. Hall. W. H. Johnson, N.G.; C. D. Abbott, Sec.
Table Rock Encampment, No. 10--Meets Tuesday in I.O.O.F. Hall. R. E. Golden, C.P.; C. H. Basye, Scribe; C. D. Abbott, Treas.
    Ruth Rebekah Lodge, No. 4--Meets Monday, every two weeks, in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. Martha Abbott, N.G.; Mrs. Mary L. Nelson, Sec.
Native Daughters and Sons of Oregon
    Jane Mason McCully Cabin, No. 1.--Meets first and third Wednesday in Native Daughters Hall. Mollie Britt, Pres; Mrs. Chris. Ulrich, Vice-Pres; Mrs. Effie Prim, Sec.
United Artisans
    Assembly, No. 60--Meets first Friday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Fletcher Stout, M.A.; Charles D. Abbott, Sec.
    Rogue River Valley Railway Co.--General headquarters, Jacksonville, Oregon. Wm. S. Barnum, Pres; Wm. H. Barnum, Vice-Pres and Treas; John C. Barnum, Sec and Gen Mngr.
Stage Lines
    Jacksonville and Applegate Stage Line--E. A. Thompson, Propr. Leaves Jacksonville Post Office 7:15 a.m.; arrives Ruch, 9 a.m.; arrives Applegate, 11:15 a.m., returning, leaves Applegate 11:30 a.m., arrives Ruch, 1 p.m.; arrives Jacksonville, 3 p.m.
    Jacksonville and Hutton Stage Line--Henry Wendt, Propr. Stage leaves Jacksonville Post Office Tuesday and Friday, 7 a.m.; arrives Buncom, 10 a.m.; arrives Watkins, 4:10 p.m.; arrives Hutton, 6 p.m.; returning, leaves Hutton Wednesday and Saturday 7 a.m.; arrives Watkins, 8:30 a.m.; arrives Buncom, 1 p.m.; arrives Jacksonville, 6 p.m.
Abbott Charles D (Martha E) (Abbott Hardware Co), res California se cor 4th
Abbott Clara O, bds C D Abbott
Abbott Hardware Co (M E and C D Abbott) ns California nr Oregon
Abbott Julian R, bds C D Abbott
Abbott Martha E (Abbott Hardware Co), res California se cor 4th
Abbott Sidney, bds C D Abbott
Alger Homer, miner, res w end California
Applebaker Joseph (Mabel E), blacksmith 3rd sw cor D, res rear same
Arrowsmith Nancy, res ns C
BAGSHAW DANIEL W (Ada L), Propr Jacksonville Post, Lawyer Bank of Jacksonville Bldg, res ws 5th, Tel 33
Bagshaw Daniel W Jr, student, bds D W Bagshaw
Bagshaw Mary A, compositor Jacksonville Post, bds D W Bagshaw
Bailey Wm P, livery California nw cor 4th, res California ne cor 5th
Baker Lewis, clerk L G Ulrich, bds F M Tungate
Ball Florence C, bds W O Vaughn
Ball Meressa I (wid Wm V), bds W O Vaughn
Band Eleer, miner, res ws Applegate rd
Band Ellen Mrs, res ws Oregon
Bandy Paul S Rev (Florence H), pastor First Presbyterian Church, res ns California
Bank of Jacksonville, Wm H Johnson pres, C M Ruch vice-pres, Benjamin M Collins cashier, California sw cor 3rd
Barnum George A (Hazel D), eng Rogue River Valley Ry Co, res ws Pine
Barnum John C, sec-gen mngr Rogue River Valley Ry Co, bds W S Barnum
Barnum Wm H (Jessie), vice-pres-treas Rogue River Valley Ry Co, res es Oregon
Barnum Wm S (Bertha S), pres Rogue River Valley Ry Co, res w Oregon 1 n California
Basey Charles H, blacksmith California ne cor 4th, res same
Beekman's Banking House, Cornelius C Beekman pres, Henry G Dox cashier, California nw cor 3rd
Beekman Carrie C, bds C C Beekman
Beekman Cornelius C (Julia E), pres Beekman's Banking House, res ss California
Beery Charles H (Jessie), farmer, res ¾ m w limits
Beery Edward, laborer, bds J H Beery
Beery Edwin, miner, bds J H Beery
Beery James H (Lena), res ss California
Beery James M, miner, bds J H Beery
Benedict Wm W, farmer, res Limdgren add
Bender Catharine M (wid Frederick), bds Mrs A M Elmer
Blakeley Myrtle W Mrs, deputy County Recorder, res Medford
Bostwick Earl, farmer, bds W T Bostwick
Bostwick Henry O, bds W T Bostwick
Bostwick Wm T (Augusta F), farmer, res ws 3rd
Bowen Marion E, student, bds W H Bowen
Bowen Wm H (Helen S), fruit grower, res es Oregon
Bower Elam P, miner, res w end California
Britt Amalia, bds Emil Britt
Britt Emil, mayor, res ws Pine
Broad Annie (wid Wm), res 3rd se cor Oak
Broad Joseph, miner, bds Mrs Annie Broad
Brown Lawrence I (Loretta), saloon California ne cor 2nd, res es 3rd
Bruner Emma M, bds C L Springer
Bunch Ray A (Iva), barber ss California nr Oregon, res ns California
nr 6th
Burr Wm (Maria S), miner, rms J A Schmitt
Bybee James W, farmer, res n end Oregon
Calkins Frank M, Judge Circuit Court, res Medford
Cantrall Andrew (Annie), res ns California
Cantrall James E, laborer, bds Mrs V V Cantrall
Cantrall Sarah A (wid John), res es 3rd
Cantrall Verlinda V Mrs, res Caldwell add
Cantrall W Vernon, laborer, bds Mrs V V Cantrall
Caudill Watson G, sec-treas Taylor, Williams Co Inc, bds J M Williams
Chambers Hattie (wid Wm H), housekeeper Luke Ryan
Chapman G Reis, bds Antone Rose
Chappell John H, farmer, res w limits
Chappell Richard, painter, bds Mrs Sarah Chappell
Chappell Sarah (wid Lyman), res ws Oregon
City Hall, Oregon sw cor Main
Coffman Annie Mrs, propr US Hotel, res es 3rd
Coffman F Oren, laborer, bds Samuel Coffman
Coffman Samuel (Annie), laborer, res es 3rd
Coleman Frank L, deputy County Clerk, res Medford
Collins Benjamin M (Ericzean), cashier Bank of Jacksonville, res 3rd sw cor C
Collins Mary E (wid Benjamin W), bds B M Collins
Collins Nellie, teacher, bds B M Collins
Colvig Fred L (Nina R), Recorder Court House, res Medford
Conger Enos, res ss California
Cook Ella Mrs, bds G H Luy
Cook Wm D (Myrtle E), laborer, res ws Oregon
Copple Catherine Mrs, res ws 3rd
Couch Leora, teacher Jacksonville Public School, bds B M Collins
Coulter Lizzie Mrs, res ws Oregon
Court House, es 5th bet C and D
Cronemiller David H, deputy County Treasurer, bds J M Cronemiller
Cronemiller James M (Elizabeth R), County Treasurer Court House, res ss California
Cronemiller Kate, res ns California nr 4th
Cronemiller Mary F, res ns California
Davis F Roy, Court reporter Circuit Court, res Ashland
Davis S Decatur (Eunice E), fruit vendor, res ws Applegate rd
Day Mary E (wid Silas J), res w end Main
DAY SILAS J ABSTRACT CO, Mrs M L Nelson Mngr, California nw cor 5th
Deneff Wm C (Hattie), confectionery ns California nr Oregon, res ws Oregon
Devore Thomas L, baker ws Oregon nr Main, res same
Dick Nancy A (wid Wm H), res s end 4th
D'Oro Richard, horticulturist, res Jacksonville rd
Dox Henry G, cashier Beekman's Banking House, agt Wells Fargo & Co Express, res 3rd nw cor Main
Dunford Alvin F, farmer, bds C F Dunford
Dunford Charles F, farmer, res s end 3rd
Dunford Charles F Jr, teamster, bds C F Dunford
Dunford Flossie F, bds C F Dunford
Dunnington Clifford H, meat cutter J G Dunnington, bds S E Dunnington
Dunnington Clinton B, meat cutter, bds S E Dunnington
Dunnington John G (Della), meats Oregon nr California, res ws 3rd
Dunnington Samuel E (Martha E), saloon California se cor Oregon, res es 5th
Dunnington Thomas E, meat cutter J G Dunnington, bds S E Dunnington
Dunten Charles J, vice-pres Jacksonville Brick & Tile Co, res Central Point
Eaton Irene (wid Wm), res es Oregon
Eaton James G (Effie), farmer, res w limits
Eaton Wm, bds Mrs Irene Eaton
Elksnat Gottlieb, surveyor, res 1 blk nw Jacksonville School
Ellis Orrin G, bartender L I Brown
Elmer Adarel A, student, bds Mrs A M Elmer
Elmer Amelia M (wid Peter), res n end 5th
Elmer Clara C, teacher, bds Mrs A M Elmer
Ennis Etta M (wid Robert), res ss California
Ennis Ruthetta, student, bds Mrs E M Ennis
Ennis Worden (Mary H), res es Oregon
Ensele Louise C, maid C C Beekman
Ensele Peter (Amelia), res at w limits
Enyeart A R, miner, bds C D Abbott
Epperson Greenville S (Annie I), res es Oregon
Fick Frederick J (Nell V), building contractor 3rd nw cor C, res s end 3rd
Fick Henrietta (wid Peter N), res Jacksonville rd
Fick Peter J, bds Mrs Henrietta Fick
Finney Mark A, bds W E Finney
Finney Robert N, laborer, bds W E Finney
Finney Wilfred E (Lottie A), carpenter, res ns D 1 e 3rd
First Presbyterian Church, Rev P S Bandy pastor, ns California
Flater Daniel (Isabelle), res Jacksonville rd
Flater George F, miner, bds Daniel Flater
Flater Henry M, bds Daniel Flater
Flater John A, miner, bds Daniel Flater
Fleming Marjorie E, deputy County Recorder, res Medford
FLOREY CHAUNCEY (Jennie), Chief Deputy County Assessor Court House, Tel 102, res ws Oregon, Tel 272
Fulton Thomas W (Lillian H), foreman Jacksonville Post, res es 5th
Gall Albert L (Martha O), fruit grower, res e end California
Gall Ekron O, operator Home Tel & Telg Co, bds A L Gall
Gallup Henry C (Minnie E), res Lundgren add
Gallup Homer C, bds H C Gallup
Gallup Myra M, bds H C Gallup
Gangwisch Albert, carpenter, res 2 m w limits
Gardner George A (Clara), County Clerk Court House, res ws Oregon
Gaskin Richard (Maude E), printer, res 4th nw cor Main
Golden Robert E (Anna E), physician Bank of Jacksonville bldg, res Oregon sw cor Fir
Good David D, deputy Sheriff, res Ashland
Greaves John C, cement worker, bds J W Greaves
Greaves John W (Mary E), cement worker, res nr e end C
Greaves Pauline E, operator Home Tel & Telg Co, bds J W Greaves
Grieve Katie M Mrs, deputy County Assessor, res ns California nr 6th
GRIEVE WM T (Katie M), County Assessor Court House, Tel 102, res ns California nr 6th, Tel 172
Grimes Abner A, laborer, bds Mrs M A Hinkle
Hackel Rudolph (Savella R), farmer, res ws Oregon
Hackert Fred (Minnie), farmer, res es Oregon
Hanna Herbert K (Leone), lawyer Bank of Jacksonville bldg, res es Pine
Hanson Charles L, County sealer of weights and measures Court House, res Medford
Harbaugh Oliver (May Dora), farmer, res ns Academy
Hards James, res es 3rd nr California
Harper Guy R (Lelia E), deputy Sheriff, res ws 5th
Harrell W A, res e city limits
Harrington H Fremont (Ossie C), vacuum cleaner, bds J A Norris
Hartman Jason (Alpha), building contractor, res es 5th
Heeley Fredricka R (wid Wm), res es Oregon
Helms Amanda, bds E H Helms
Helms Edward H, saloon es Oregon nr Main, res ws Oregon
Henry Wm S (Vera J), farmer, res es Oregon
Hill Daniel, bds J A Marsh
Hinkle Matilda A (wid Calvin), carpet weaver, res es 3rd
Hoefs Alice A, bds C F Hoefs
Hoefs C Frederick, painter, res ws Sterling rd
Hoefs Edith E, student, bds C F Hoefs
Hoffman Kate F (wid John H), res ws Oregon
Home Telephone & Telegraph Co of Southern Oregon, Louise T Jones mngr, ss California bet Oregon and 3rd
Hudson Benjamin F (Mary), laborer, res ws Applegate rd
Hudson Mary Mrs, dressmaker, res ws Applegate rd
Hudson M Emaline (wid David H), res ws 3rd
Hueners Christina (wid John C), bds J H Hueners
Hueners John H (Minnie), farmer, res nr e end C
Hurst Mary, teacher Jacksonville Public School, res 5th nr California
IOOF Hall, Oregon ne cor Main
JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSN, Bert Anderson Pres, O C Boggs Acting Sec, T W Miles Treas, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See opp p 74)
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, A L Scholl Pres, C J Dunten (Central Point) Vice-Pres, W Nikolaus (Central Point) Sec-Treas, Joseph Williams Mngr, l½ m sw Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and adv)
Jacksonville Cemetery, nr w limits
JACKSONVILLE POST, D W Bagshaw Propr, ws 3rd bet California and C, Tel 32
Jacksonville Public School, Francis C Smith prin, e end Academy
Jacksonville & Applegate Stage Line, Eugene A Thompson propr, Post Office
Jacksonville & Hutton Stage Line, Henry Wendt propr, Post Office
Jenkins Alexander S Rev (Mollie L), pastor Methodist Episcopal Church, res ws 5th
Jenkins Fred I, laborer, bds A S Jenkins
Johnson James (Helen M), res es Applegate rd
Johnson Wm H (M Edith), pres Bank of Jacksonville, res C ne cor Oregon
Johnston Henry M, laborer, bds Malcolm Johnston
Johnston Joseph S, laborer, bds Malcolm Johnston
Johnston Malcolm (Jane), res ss Academy
Johnston Mary H, bds Malcolm Johnston
Johnston Samuel L (Lydia L), dairy, res es Oregon
Jones Elizabeth D (wid Stouten), res 4th nw cor C
Jones Louise T, mngr Home Telephone & Telegraph Co of Southern Oregon, bds Mrs E D Jones
Jones Martha (wid W A), res ss California nr 4th
Jones Melvin D, City Marshal, res es Oregon
Kasshafer Frank (M Elizabeth), bailiff County Court, res ws Applegate rd
Keegan Christopher (Bertha M) (Luy & Keegan), res 3rd ne cor Main
Keegan Nancy (wid Owen), bds G V Woodson
Kelley Edward E, County Attorney, res Medford
Kellogg Alva E, County Coroner, res Gold Hill
Kelly Minnie Mrs, clerk Thompson's Confectionery, bds M M Thompson
Kenney Frances B, student, bds T J Kenney
Kenney Thomas J (Rose), res 4th sw cor D
Kenney Wm G, laborer, res es 3rd nr California
Kitto Joseph C (Alpha), bds Walter Kitto
Kitto Walter (Etta L), farmer, res es 5th
Knowles F W, fruit grower, res e end California
Kremer John, farmer, res at e limits
Kubli Eleanor J (wid Kaspar), res es Oregon
Langley Ernest A (Anna), supt City Water Department, res Oregon se cor Fir
Launspach George L, farmer, res at e limits
Leever Wm C, County Commissioner, res Central Point
Leonard Claud P, billiards ss California, bds Lyden House
Leavenworth Carrie B Mrs, housekeeper J W Bybee
Levy Stella, res 5th sw cor C
Lewis Fred, bartender S E Dunnington, bds O C Lewis
Lewis George N (Minnie), res ws 4th
Lewis Oscar C (Daisy D), clerk L G Ulrich, res es 4th
Linn Corine, res es Oregon
Linn David, bds Corine Linn
Lundgren A Theodore, mining, bds J A Schmitt
Luy Harry G (Isa M) (Luy & Keegan), res ws 3rd
Luy& Keegan (Harry G Luy, Christopher Keegan), saloon ns California nr 3rd
Lyden House, John Lyden propr, furnished rooms Oregon nw cor California
Lyden John, propr Lyden House, res Oregon nw cor California
McCully Issie, res California sw cor 5th
McIntyre Joseph E, farmer, bds W I McIntyre
McIntyre Nellie M, tel opr, bds W I McIntyre
McIntyre Wm B, farmer, bds W I McIntyre
McIntyre W Isaac (Lola B), fruit grower, res s end 3rd
McKay Ellen Mrs, res ss California
McLaren Horace C, laborer, bds James McLaren
McLaren James, res es Applegate rd
Mahoney Edward (Juliet A), res e end C
Marple Anna E (wid Ezekiel K), res 5th nw cor Pine
Marsh John A (Addie E), carpenter, res ws Oregon
Martin Emma C, student, bds Joseph Martin
Martin Joseph (Sarah M), res es Park
Martin Lewis B (Emma D), meat cutter J G Dunnington, res ws Applegate rd
Masonic Hall, es Oregon bet California and Main
MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS, H A Jansen Propr, Manufacturers Cement Building Products, Fancy Brick and Silos S Fir ne cor 10th, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
Mee Lila A, maid W T Grieve
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev A S Jenkins pastor, 5th nw cor D
Miller John F, stockman, bds Mrs Mary Miller
Miller Mary (wid John), res 3rd se cor Main
Mitchell August (Henrietta), laborer, res ½ m e limits
Mitchell Charles E, laborer, bds August Mitchell
Mitchell Herbert R, student, bds August Mitchell
Mitchell Nicholas, farmer, res California trail 1 e limits
Mitchell V Roland, student, bds Nicholas Mitchell
Moon Alonzo W (Ida), deputy Assessor, res Central Point
Mooney Mattie, res ns California
Moore Philatos (Jane A), farmer, res ns California
Morcom Etta M, student, bds Joseph Morcom
Morcom Joseph (Ellen), miner, res nr e end C
Morgan Alice A, student, bds O C Lewis
Mullen Edward F, blacksmith ss California nr 4th, res ss California nr 5th
Native Daughters of Oregon Hall, Old Convent ss California
Neil James R, lawyer opp Court House, res ws Oregon
Nelson Mamie L Mrs, mngr Silas J Day Abstract Co, res ns California
Neuber George E (Hattie), farmer, res es 5th
Neuber Laura, opr Home Telephone & Telegraph Co, bds G B Neuber
Nikolaus Willoby, sec-treas Jacksonville Brick & Tile Co res Central Point
Norris Alfred T, salesman, bds J A Norris
Norris J Alexander (Martha L), janitor County Court House, res Blackstone Alley
NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, John A Honey General Agent, 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Front Cover, p 70 and Classified Insurance Cos--Life)
Oard Peter, barnman W P Bailey
O'Gara P J, County pathologist, res Medford
O'Leary A R, bartender, rms US Hotel
Opp John W (Rose), propr Opp Mine, res es Oregon
Opp Mine, John W Opp propr, 1½ m sw limits
Orth Hall, Oregon bet California and Main
Osgood Thomas W, County Surveyor, res Medford
Owen Fred H (Lora A), miner, res D ne cor 3rd
Patten Victor F (Mary M), laborer, res es 3rd nr California
Petard Albert, miner, bds August Petard
Petard August (Maria), miner and vineyard, res Rich Gulch
Petard August Jr, miner, bds August Petard
Pierce Edwin (Julia C), farmer, res nr Academy
Pierce Lillian, teacher Jacksonville Public School
Pitz Henry (Carrie B), teamster, res 3rd se cor Pine
Pitz Myrtle A, student, bds Henry Pitz
Pitz Reuben H, bds Henry Pitz
Pool Arthusa (wid Arthur), res es Academy
Pool Irvin, teamster, bds Mrs Arthusa Pool
Port Lee C (Maude A), forest guard, res ws Applegate rd
Post Office, Lewis G Ulrich Postmaster
Prim Charles (Effie), lawyer ss California nr 3rd, res ss California
Prim Charles W, bds Charles Prim
Prim Leila, teacher, bds Charles Prim
Purkeypile Etta M Mrs, deputy County Assessor, res Medford
Raybould Robert E, cook, bds J W Rock
Reeve Mabel A, student, bds Mrs M H Reeve
Reeve Margaret H (wid Joseph K), res ns California
Renault John, miner, res ns California
Reno John, res w end California
Reuter Christina Mrs, res cor 6th and E
Reuter Lizzie, bds Mrs Christina Reuter
Rhinehart John B (Margaret I), miner, res es Oregon
Robinson James W (Tillie), drugs ns California nr 3rd, res ws Oregon
Robison Minnie Mrs, bds ss California
Rock Andrew V (Elizabeth S), res 4th se cor Pine
Rock James M, laborer, bds J W Rock
Rock James W (Ada J), janitor Public School, res D cor 6th
Rogue River Valley Railway Co, Wm S Barnum pres, Wm H Barnum vice-pres-treas, John C Barnum sec-gen mngr, depot ws Oregon
Rose Antone (Mayette), res ws 3rd
Rose Mayette Mrs, teacher, res ws 3rd
Ruch Casper M (Anna), vice-pres Bank of Jacksonville, res Ruch Or
Ryan Harry, laborer, bds Mrs L A Ryan
Ryan Laura A (wid Henry F), res es 3rd
Ryan Luke, res California nr 4th
St Joseph Roman Catholic Church, 4th se cor D, Rev J M O'Neill (Medford) pastor
Sandry Samuel L, deputy Sheriff, res Rogue River
Schaeffer Jacob (Mary), farmer, res at e city limits
Schepflin Louise (wid Wm), res ws Oregon
Schmitt J Adam (Amelia J), res 4th nw cor Oak
Scholl Albert L, pres Jacksonville Brick & Tile Co, res w end California
Schumpf Charles, student, bds Mrs Ellen Band
Schumpf John R, laborer, bds Mrs Ellen Band
Shaw Clyde C (Isabelle), miner, res es 4th
Shaw Thurston T (Lulu), dentist ss California nr Oregon, res es 5th
Shuck John V, miner, bds C D Abbott
Singler Wm H, Sheriff Court House
Smith Charles F (Deborah B), carpenter, res ws Oregon
Smith Francis C (Olga G), prin Jacksonville Public School, res es Oregon
Smith Joseph C, County Commissioner, res Rogue River
Sparks Lloyd L, shoemaker W R Sparks, bds same
Sparks Wesley R (Katherine O), shoemaker es Oregon, res Sparks Hts
Springer Cale L (Hattie), game warden, res ws Oregon
Stansell Leslie W (Josephine G), city recorder, res ws 3rd
Stevens Homer (Caroline), res ws Applegate rd
Stout Carl D (Ruby G), carpenter, res Jacksonville rd
Stout C Fletcher, pharmacist J W Robinson, bds C D Stout
Stout Ora M, student, bds C D Stout
Swartzfager John W, miner, bds W M Swartzfager
Swartzfager Wm M, miner, res ws Applegate rd
Taylor-Williams Co Inc, J M Williams Pres, W G Caudill sec-treas, general store ss California nr 3rd
Thompson Alexander, bds Mrs M M Thompson
Thompson Arthur R, res Oregon sw cor California
Thompson's Confectionery (Lester and Flora B Thompson), Main se cor Oregon
Thompson Eugene A (Nettie L), propr Jacksonville & Applegate Stage Line, res 4th nw cor Pine
Thompson Flora B (Thompson's Confectionery), deputy County Clerk, bds Mrs M M Thompson
Thompson Jane H Mrs, res es Oregon
Thompson Lester (Thompson's Confectionery), bds Mrs M M Thompson
Thompson Mattie M Mrs, restaurant Oregon sw cor California
Thorndike John H (Roxanna F), res es Applegate rd
TouVelle Frank L, County Judge Court House, bds Rudolph Hackel
Town Hall, Main sw cor Oregon
Trueblood Leola, teacher Jacksonville Public School
Tungate Francis M, res Jacksonville rd
Tungate Ira, deputy Sheriff, res Butte Falls
Ulrich Christian C (Alice), City Street Commissioner, res ws 3rd
Ulrich Fleta B, bds C C Ulrich
Ulrich F Roy (Gladys), res ws Jacksonville rd
Ulrich Lewis G (Marie M), postmaster and general merchandise ns California nr Oregon, res es 3rd
Ulrich Marie M Mrs, assistant postmaster, res es 3rd
US Hotel, Mrs Annie Coffman propr, California ne cor 3rd
Vaughn Wm O, res ns California
Wait Lewis A, res ns California
Walton Lester (Maymie), farmer, res ws Oregon
Watts Louisa Mrs, cook, bds J W Rock
Weis John (Meta), fruit grower, res es Oregon
Welch M Melph, laborer, res 1 blk e Jacksonville school
Weldon Ernest M, laborer, res w end Fir
Wells Fargo & Co Express, H G Dox agent, ss California nr 3rd
Wells J Percy (Maye B), County Supt of Schools Court House, res Jacksonville rd
Wendt Chester, bds Henry Wendt
Wendt Emma, teacher Jacksonville Public school, bds Henry Wendt
Wendt Henry (Mary), propr Jacksonville & Hutton Stage Line, res Jacksonville rd
Wetterer Joseph B, bds Mrs F R Heeley
Wetterer Mary G, dressmaker, bds Mrs F R Heeley
Williams John M (Julia), pres Taylor Williams Co Inc, res ns California
Williams Joseph, mngr Jacksonville Brick & Tile Co, res w end California
Williams Lulu, clerk Taylor Williams Co Inc, bds J M Williams
Wilson Ephraim W, deputy Sheriff, bds Mrs Sarah J Wilson
Wilson Essie S (Ida C), carpenter, res es 3rd
Wilson James A, farmer, res ws Oregon
Wilson Jesse A (Esther M), farmer, res ws Applegate rd
Wilson Jesse W, farmer, bds Mrs A E Marple
Wilson John, laborer, res ns California
Wilson John W, jailer Court House, bds Mrs Sarah J Wilson
Wilson Sarah J (wid John O), res ns California
WO KEE, Laundry ss California nr 4th
Woodson George V (Anna), machinist, res ns Academy
Young Harry D (Lucy E), res es 3rd
Ysunza Herman C, student, bds Pasqual Ysunza
Ysunza Pasqual (Matilda), miner, res ws Oregon
    A post office on Little Butte Creek, 18 miles northeast of Medford and 12 from Eagle Point, the shipping station. The Dead Indian Soda Springs, a fine mineral water, are 12 miles distant. Telephone connections. Mail daily except Sunday.
Thompson Bros, general merchandise
    A discontinued post office on the Rogue River, 32 miles northeast of Medford, the banking point, and 3 miles southwest of Peyton. Stage to Eagle Point. Mail supplied from Derby.
    A village on Elk Creek within the Great Sugar Pine belt, 50 miles northeast of Jacksonville, 45 northeast of Medford and 41 north of Central Point. Has good soil, abundant water and all kinds of fruit and vegetables are grown successfully. Stage to Eagle Point, the banking and shipping point, tri-weekly.
Davis Guy & Sons, stock breeders
Lewis R H, farmer
Morgan Charles, farmer
Morgan W H, farmer
Moore A D, goat breeder
Moore Claude E, goat breeder
Ommel Rasmus J, building contractor
Whitley O M, farmer
WILLITS W W, Postmaster and Stock Breeder
    A village on the Rogue River, 25 miles northeast of Eagle Point, the shipping station. Stage and mail tri-weekly to Eagle Point.
    A town on the East Side division Southern Pacific Ry, five miles southeast of Medford, the banking point, and nine miles southeast of Jacksonville. Has population of about 300.
CITY OFFICERS, Mayor--Frederick E Furry; Recorder--Andrew H Fisher; Marshal, Street Commissioner and Water Supt--F Milo Furry; Treasurer--Andrew Hearn
Councilmen--Edward L Waterman, Guy T Thrasher, J Fred Pratt, T J Malmgren, Edward E Wilder, Henry Shafer
Acree Emmer C, laborer
Acree George W (Frances L), laborer
Ager Harold W (Hazel L), principal Phoenix Public School
Ager Wilson (Eliza A)
Anderson Caroline W (wid Wm T)
Anderson Milton C, laborer
Baillie John K Rev (Eleanor D), pastor Presbyterian Church
Baker Lee G (Nettie), laborer
Basim John, meats
Beardsley Wm J (Beardsley & Croy)
Beardsley & Croy (Wm J Beardsley, George H Croy), general merchandise
Becraft Alice M, student
Becraft Wm R (Lorenda A), gardener
Bishop D Hazel, fruit packer
Blackwood Lilly D (wid Richard T), assistant Dr T J Malmgren
Board of Education, S S Stevens, Susan A Cope, J B Webster, George H Croy clerk
Brooks Sarah B (wid Edmund)
Burchell Harriet A
Calhoun John D, farmer
California Rex Spray Co, J H Randolph (Medford) sales mngr, spray materials manufacturers
Cardwell Joseph, laborer
Carey Clinton (Mary O), farmer
Carless Wm (Eva V)
Carpenter Emily L (wid Oscar)
Carpenter Leroy, student
Carpenter Stephen L
Carver Fay
Chandler Noah, farmer
Christian Church
Coleman Elmer G (Lillian M) (Phoenix Mercantile Co)
Colver F Lloyd (Mary A), farmer
Colver Louie O (Minnie D), farmer
Cope Hardware Co (John S, Samuel P and Susan A Cope)
Cope John S (Gertrude M) (Cope Hardware Co)
Cope Samuel P (Anna A) (Cope Hardware Co)
Cope Susan A (Cope Hardware Co)
Cornish Oren, hostler W D Steadman
Croy George H (Beardsley & Croy)
Davis Olive G, teacher Phoenix Public School
Dunlap Ira (Nellie V), blacksmith
Dunlap Owen
Edsall John B (Nora), gardener
Edsall Thomas L, laborer
Elfers George (Jennie), farmer
Engel Theodore H, farmer
Fisher Andrew H (Della M), city recorder
Frost Mary B Mrs
Fry Clarence R (Smith & Fry)
Fry Earl C (Hester A), quarryman
Fry Fred J, barber H D Hill
Fry Lorenzo D (Stella), quarryman
Furry Arthur S (Carolita), stockman
Furry Colver L, farmer
Furry Frederick E (M Isabelle), mayor
Furry F Milo (Josephine M), marshal, street commissioner and water supt
Furry Robert S
Gherkin Wm H (Eva), laborer
Hanley Marion, laborer
Hayman Bertha I
Hayman Jonas M (Edith M), laborer
Hayman Ralph M, laborer
Hearn Andrew (Nellie V) (Phoenix Mercantile Co), Postmaster
Hill Harvey D (Lulu M), barber
Hill Marion
Hodgkiss Edwin G (Eva G), laborer
Houston Adolphus H, carpenter
Improved Order of Redmen, Rogue River Tribe No 57--Meets fortnightly on Tuesdays in Woodmen's Hall, George F Bourne Sachmen, Fred E Furry K of R
Johnson Andrew W, laborer SP Co
Johnson John L (Hannah M), section foreman SP Co
Johnson May C, teacher
Johnson Zebediah M, supt California Rex Spray Co
Kimball Elliott
King George W (Dessie N), miner
King Laura A (wid George A)
Kollath Jane M
Lehners Diedrich (A Caroline), agent SP Co and Wells Fargo & Co Express
Lugar Ernest C, laborer SP Co
McCain Bertha Mrs, teacher Phoenix Public School
McClain Charles E, farmer
McClain George C (Marie J), carpenter
Magness Doris, teacher Phoenix Public School
MALMGREN THEODORE J (Fredricka B), Physician and Surgeon, Telephone Connections
Martin Jack M (Mary H), farmer
Mayfield James H (Amelia), laborer
Mayfield Wm, laborer
Merical Juliett (wid John)
Merical Lonzo M, junk dealer
Meyer Mary A (wid Harry P)
Mickey Mabel C, teacher Phoenix Public School
Miller George M
Miller John F
Minuth Ernst, mngr Phoenix Lumber Co
Moore Rebecca R (wid Augustus)
Morse Edwin B (Amelia), farmer
Morton James T (Eva L), farmer
Mullin Henry N, blacksmith Cope Hardware Co
Norris Myron J (Alice H), fruit grower
Norris Ralph H, student
NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, John A Honey General Agent, 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Front Cover, p 70 and Classified Insurance Cos-Life)
O'Connor John (Cecile), laborer
Owings Lewis E (Edna), laborer
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, long distance station, Phoenix Mercantile Co agents
Phoenix Cemetery, nr nw city limits
Phoenix Lumber Co, Ernst Minuth mngr
Phoenix Mercantile Co (Andrew Hearn, Elmer G Coleman), general merchandise, agents Pacific Tel & Telg Co
Phoenix Public School, H W Ager prin, Mrs Bertha McCain, Agnes M Salter, Olive G Davis, Doris Magness, Mabel C Mickey, Mae Trueblood, teachers
Post Office, Andrew Hearn Postmaster, E G Coleman asst Postmaster
Pratt J Fred (Kate L), hotel
Presbyterian Church, Rev John K Baillie pastor, Sunday services 11 am and 7:30 pm, Sunday School 10 am, YPSCE 6:45 pm, Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 pm
Pugh Sabrey E Mrs, nurse
Rader Joseph M (Bertha M), stockman
Reames Harry W, farmer
Reames Lavica A (wid James R)
Robbins Elva E
Roberts Allen C (Amanda C), gardener
Roberts Charles W (Artie), carpenter
Roberts George, farmer
Roberts John A, farmer
Rogue River Fruit and Produce Assn Inc
Rose Jemima (wid L A)
Rose L Arthur (Lora E), farmer
Salter Agnes M, teacher Phoenix Public School
Scott Joseph, laborer
Scott Wallace, laborer
Shafer Henry (Clara B), carpenter
Shaver Wm H (Pamelia)
Shipp Susan C (wid Harden C)
Short A Wm (Minnie E), blacksmith
Smith Albert L (Addie E), clerk Phoenix Mercantile Co
Smith Etta Mrs, maid S L Carpenter
Smith James R, laborer
Smith Mona G (wid James W), clerk Beardsley & Croy
Smith Robert A (Smith & Fry)
Smith Winford L, carpenter
Smith & Fry (R A Smith, C R Fry), cigars
Smithton Hugh (Josie), laborer
Southern Pacific Co, Diedrich Lehners agent
Stancliff Bert S, farmer
Stancliff Elizabeth (wid Henry F)
Stancliff Luther F (Sunbeam M), laborer
Stancliff Marian E
Stancliff Walter S (Jessie), farmer
Steadman California Mrs
Steadman W Douglas (Ada B), livery
Stevens S S, farmer
Stout Sarah A (wid John)
Thrasher Guy T (Jennie B), miner
Thrasher James (Nancy V), farmer
Towne Anna W
Towne Marian B
Trueblood Mae, music teacher Phoenix Public School, res Medford
Turnbaugh Harden A, laborer
Turnbaugh Wiley (Sarah)
Vance W Herman (Myrtle M), laborer
Wakefield Orrin, shoemaker
Walter Grover, farm laborer
Walters Elva K, fruit packer
Walters R Norven, farm laborer
Walters Wm, laborer
Ward Dallas T
Waterman Edward L, farmer
Waterman Frank D
Waterman Jane Mrs
Waterman Robert L, farmer
Wells Fargo & Co Express, Diedrich Lehners agent
Wilder Edward E (Marie), farmer
Wilder Job T (Elvira E), gardener
Wilsey D John (Lillie), engineer
Wilson George E, laborer
Wilson Wm H (Ellen E), farmer
Women of Woodcraft, Oak Circle No 242--Mrs Nancy J Roberts GN, Mrs Lillian M Coleman clerk
Woodmen of the World, Oregon Camp No 438--Wm H Wilson CC, Fred E Furry clerk
Woodmen of the World Hall
Wright Alfred N, fruit grower
Wright John A (Etta B), janitor Phoenix Public School
Wright Macie M (wid John E)
Wright Wm, laborer
    A post office on Beaver Creek, 40 miles southeast of Jacksonville, 23 southeast of Ashland, the express, telegraph, banking and shipping point. Mail weekly.
DeCarlow Mrs C W, hotel
DeCARLOW LULU A, Postmaster
    A thriving town on Rogue River, 48 miles northeast of Medford, 35 miles from Crater Lake and on the line of the new auto highway nearing completion.
    Prospect has up-to-date business houses, hotel and store buildings equipped with all modern electric conveniences for heat, light and power.
    A large electric power plant was completed in 1911 at a cost of $1,000,000.
    Fine school buildings with grounds parked and modern water system under construction, the only school building in the state electrically heated.
    Prospect is located in the center of the finest sugar pine belt on the Pacific Coast and which is yet in its virgin state; there are numerous undeveloped power sites and irrigation possibilities, and fine fruit and farming land with abundance of pure water.
    Elevation 2780, mild winters, cool summers, no fogs, flies, mosquitoes or snakes. A paradise for hunters, fishers and tourists, wild berries in abundance. Daily mail to and from Derby, the nearest point on railroad.
Aiken Frances I, school teacher
Aiken S S, timber and fire guard
Blanchard H D, farmer
Blanchard Stella
Boothby Mary Mrs
Boothy Tracy E, rancher
California-Oregon Power Co
Conroy Harry, stage driver
Conroy Lorinda Mrs
Crabtree John G, stock raiser and farmer
Davis Guy, rancher
Davis G E Mrs
Davis Ray, vaquero
Davis Rosco, vaquero
Ditsworth J F, farmer and freighter
Ditsworth Mary Mrs
Embrey James C, lineman California-Oregon Power Co
Goodlow Newet, farmer
GRIEVE JAMES E, Propr Prospect Store, Livery and Auto Garage, Postmaster
Grieve John, road overseer
Grieve Mary, hotel
Hollenbeak Ernest, farmer
Hollenbeak G E, farmer
Hollenbeak Lizzie Mrs
Hollenbeak Martha
Irwin Josephine Mrs
Irwin Lloyd O, operator California-Oregon Power Co
Kincaid Lucius, guide and trapper
Lower Charles A, operator California-Oregon Power Co
Lower Emma Mrs
Lower Harold A, laborer California-Oregon Power Co
McCall Ervin, timber and fire guard
McCall Lillian, music teacher
Mooney F G, jeweler
Mooney Pearl Mrs
Mooney Wm E, farmer
Nason Bert, photographer
Nye Clarice Mrs
Nye Elizabeth A
Nye Nelson, farmer
Pardee J S, operator California-Oregon Power Co
Peelor Jane Mrs
Peelor Thomas, rancher
Phipps Elsie Mrs
Phipps Joseph G, farmer
PROSPECT STORE, James E Grieve Propr, General Merchandise, Flour and Feed, Gasoline and Oils
Schaffer James, road tender
Sutton Lee, stock raiser
Ulrich Earl, cattle dealer
Ulrich Leo
Waddell George J, carpenter
Waddell Lee, guide and trapper
Walker Belva L, artist
Walker Charles, laborer California-Oregon Power Co
Walker George, flume tender California-Oregon Power Co
Walker Olive J Mrs
Wampler W H, guide
Welch Harry, laborer
West George H, forest ranger
    A post office on Applegate River, twenty miles from Jacksonville and fifteen south of Grants Pass, the banking, express, telegraph and shipping point. Has public school and church. Telephone connections. Mail daily.
Applegate Valley Telephone Co
Applegate Williams Creamery Co
Johnston G P, blacksmith
Miller J H, general merchandise
MOORE W A, General Merchandise, Postmaster
    A post office and station on the Southern Pacific railway and Rogue River, 14 miles northwest of Jacksonville, the banking point and 2 miles west of Gold Hill, the express and telegraph station. Stage to Draper. Mail daily.
Adams B E, carpenter
Cook R L, carpenter
Galligar I F, orchardist
Raymond Benjamin Mrs
Hittle W W, orchardist
Morris W M, capitalist
Tomlinson J C, carpenter
    A town on the Rogue River and the east side division Southern Pacific railway, 312 miles south of Portland, 24 miles from Medford and 20 miles northwest from Jacksonville. Contains a bank, hotel, stores, Presbyterian Church and a good school employing five teachers. Mail daily, also mail to Wimer daily except Sundays. Home Telephone and Telegraph Co, Wells Fargo & Co Express.
Argus The, Wm R Brower publisher, issued weekly
Baumbach Wm R (Hannah), pres First State Bank
Blackert Wm (Woodcock & Blackert), res Gold Hill
Blakely S J (Rita), farmer
Board of Education, R M McLean chairman, H N Starr, G P Owens, Mrs Rena Whipple clerk
Borrall Bertha
Boyer Andrew (Rachael), farmer
Boyer C Scott (Brownworth & Boyer), cigars and pool
Brower W R (Goldia M W), publisher The Argus
Brown Charles O, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Brown Estelle (wid Joseph)
Brown Harvey (Delia), section hand Southern Pacific Co
Brownworth Edward J (Brownworth & Boyer)
Brownworth & Boyer (Edward J Brownworth, C Scott Boyer), livery
Burkhart Claude A, painter
Burkhart Joseph B, student
Burkhart Martin (Frances M), farmer
Burkhart Robert, meat cutter Woodcock & Blackert
Butler H N, vice-pres Starr Mercantile Co Inc, res Medford
Caldwell Eliza (wid Thomas)
Campbell James, vice-pres First State Bank, res Medford
Carter Evelene, student
Chandler Helen, teacher Rogue River Public School
City Council, John Thrasher, Martin Burkhart, B F Jenson, Mrs S J Meyers, John Owens, L B Ellis. Meets second and fourth Friday each month
City Hall
City Mayor, W P Wetherell
City Recorder, G F Wertz
City Treasurer, E R Rosser
Clement Charles H (Ella M), gardener
Clement Frank, mail carrier
Davie Allen J (Anna E), carpenter
Davie Harlan I, laborer
Ellis L B, councilman
First State Bank of Rogue River, Wm R Baumbach pres, James Campbell (Medford) vice-pres, E R Rosser cashier
Flemming Nanna, teacher Rogue River Public School
Gellmore Orson H (Annie G), fruit grower
Gorham Willard M (Edith), clerk Starr Mercantile Co
Hale Meade W
Harmon Clarence H, logger
Hatch Charles S (Lizzie I), blacksmith
Holcomb Jack J (Alice M), carpenter
Holcomb Lulu, student
Home Telephone & Telegraph Co, Hazel M Moore chief operator
Hope Presbyterian Church, Rev J Manley Spencer pastor
Horton C Willard (Daisy), janitor Rogue River Public School
Howell Gerrard T (Ida M), barber
IOOF, Woodville Lodge No 217--Meets Tuesday, C D McLellan NG
IOOF, Rebekahs Live Oak No 198--Thursday, Mrs L Mae Jenson NG, B F Jenson sec
Jenson Benjamin F (L Mae), blacksmith
Jones Agnes G Mrs, operator Home Telephone & Telegraph Co
Jones George H (Agnes G), collector and repairer Home Telephone & Telegraph Co
Lake Frank, painter
Lamb Claude E, barn man Brownworth & Boyer
Laws Garfield (Daisy), laborer
Laws Henry (Harriett)
McCarvel Mary Mrs, farmer
McLean Roy M (Margaret H), hardware
McLellan Chauncey D (Mattie), section hand Southern Pacific Co
Magerley Carlos A, logger
Matthews Samuel, lumber dealer
Merriam Lou C (Della P), section foreman Southern Pacific Co
Meyers Sidney J (Julia), rancher
Moore Hazel M, chief operator Home Telephone & Telegraph Co
Morris George B (Linnie), laborer
Myers Arthur
Nadeau Oliver
Naslund Mary, teacher Rogue River Public School
Neathammer Etta, operator Home Telephone & Telegraph Co
Neevel Frances, principal Rogue River Public School
Outcalt Albert, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Owens George P (Annie R), farmer
Owens John, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Owens Lottie, student
Owens Louise Mrs
Pitman John (Nellie), laborer
Post Office, Mrs Rena A Whipple Postmaster
Robison Joseph A (Rose), restaurant
Robison Phil H (Henrietta), miner
Rogue River Cemetery, ¾ m east of town
Rogue River Commercial Club, H N Starr sec
Rogue River Hotel, Gideon W Wilcox propr
Rogue River Improvement Club, Mrs J W Smuck sec
Rogue River Pharmacy (E A Woods, E D Thompson)
Rogue River Public School, Frances Neevel prin, Mary Naslund, Alvie E Scott, Helen Chandler, Nanna Fleming, teachers, C W Horton janitor
Rosser Ed R (Stella), cashier First State Bank, City Treasurer
Rule Anna M (wid George W)
Sanborn Katherine Mrs
Sandry Sam L (Henrietta), fish warden
Schoonover Joseph
Scott Agnes F, student
Scott Alvie E, teacher Rogue River Public School
Scott George
Scott Harold
Scott Mat M (Ida), farmer
Seaman Bessie
Seaman Blanche
Seaman Charles G (Martha), general merchandise
Sharp Dan J, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Simmons Bruce, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Smack J V (Jane), fruit grower
Smuck John W (Bernice), sec-treas Starr Mercantile Co Inc
Southern Pacific Co, W P Wetherell agent
Spencer J Manley Rev, pastor Hope Presbyterian Church
Starr Harry N (Mai), pres Starr Mercantile Co Inc
Starr Mercantile Co Inc, Harry N Starr pres, H N Butler (Medford) vice-pres, John W Smuck sec-treas
Stevens Ephriam
Stevens Ray L, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Taylor Thomas H B (Florence E), propr The Waldorf
Thompson Ernest D (Rogue River Pharmacy)
Thrasher John (Ida), teamster
Wakeman Robert W (Sarah), laborer
Waldorf The, T H B Taylor propr, furnished rooms
Webster Guy, laborer
Wells Fargo & Co Express, W P Wetherell agent
Wertz Franklin (Martha E V), gardener
Wertz Grant F (Ida), real estate, insurance, City Recorder and Justice of the Peace
Wetherell Wm P, agent Southern Pacific Co and Wells Fargo Express, Mayor
Whipple Alice A, student
Whipple Earl, laborer
Whipple Elmer, laborer
Whipple James H (Mary E)
Whipple James N (Rena A), engineer Southern Pacific Co
Whipple Marcus B (Mary A)
Whipple Rena A Mrs, Postmaster
White Julia F Mrs
White Wm, laborer
Wilcox Clarice V
Wilcox Gideon W (Angie E), propr Rogue River Hotel
Wilcox Lester A, student
Wilson Don F (Mabel), confections, cigars and pool
Woodcock Edward (Nora E) (Woodcock & Son) (Woodcock & Blackert)
Woodcock George (Woodcock & Son)
Woodcock Mary, student
Woodcock & Son (Edward and George), flour and feed
Woodcock & Blackert (Edward Woodcock, Wm Blackert), meats
Woods Ernest A (Adelle A) (Rogue River Pharmacy), physician
Yocum Fred, laborer
    A post office on the Applegate River, seven miles southwest of Jacksonville, the express, banking and shipping point. Stage to Jacksonville daily. Mail daily.
McDonough James, farmer
RUCH C M, Postmaster, Gen Mdse, Blacksmith and Livery
Thompson M, miner
Throckmorton A, farmer
Throckmorton Mrs A, restaurant
    Also known as Moonville. A post office on the Rogue River 7 miles east of Gold Hill, the shipping and banking point. It was first settled in 1849 [sic]. Daily stage to Gold Hill. Mail daily.
COOPER E W, Justice of the Peace
Gardner Mary E, Postmaster and general store
Pelton Bros, stock dealers
    A post office on the main line of the Southern Pacific railway, 20 miles south of Ashland, the banking point. Has Wells Fargo & Co Express and Western Union Telegraph. Mail daily.
    A discontinued post office on Emigrant Creek, 10 miles, southeast of Ashland, the banking and shipping point. Stage to Ashland. Mail supplied daily from Ashland.
    A post office on Steamboat Creek, a branch of the Applegate River, 17 miles south of Applegate, the nearest supply point. Quartz and placer mines, timber and stock range are the principal resources. Mail stage to Applegate weekly.
Agee Miles, stockman
Botting C H, miner
Egger Simon, miner
Erler Robert, miner
Moss Thomas, miner
O'Connell W H, miner
Rock T R, miner and stage
Shearer A W, miner
WAGNER GUSTAVE P, Postmaster and Miner
Wright D A, miner
    A discontinued post office 35 miles east of Ashland, the shipping and banking point. Mail to Ashland.
    Talent is a flourishing and hustling village of 500 inhabitants, located midway between Ashland and Medford on the Southern Pacific railway and the Pacific Highway, in the heart of the Rogue River Valley. It is surrounded by a large area of the best fruit, vegetable and alfalfa land in the valley and is one of the most progressive villages in the state.
    A fine water system was installed last year and the city government is now taking steps for an adequate sewer system.
    The village has several general stores, a state bank with $20,000 capital and a substantial surplus. It has also a creamery in process of organization, which will be well supported, as over 150,000 pounds of cream were shipped the past year and a large and up-to-date cannery with an output of eighteen cars of canned goods the past season (1913) which will be materially increased the coming year. In addition to the fruit and vegetables used by the cannery, there were over 150,000 pounds of fresh fruit shipped out by express, 40 cars of apples shipped by freight and over 80,000 pounds of tomatoes shipped out by express.
    A remarkable thing about Talent and vicinity is the large number of former business and professional men engaged in ranching, doctors, lawyers, dentists, former county officials and manufacturers being numbered among the fruit raisers and farmers of the district tributary to the village. They are not only making good as farmers but are assisting the business men and commercial club of the village materially, in advancing the interests of the town and adjacent territory.


    Mayor--W. H. Breese.
    Recorder--Miss Leta Luke.
    Marshal--Vance Wolgamott.
    Councilmen--Peter Vander Sluis, E. B. Adamson, A. S. Ames, W. W. Estes, Mrs.
Minnie Voegli, W. M. Stump.
    Council meets first and third Wednesday of each month at City Hall.
    Talent Band--H. O. Simpson, Mngr.
    State Bank of Talent--Capital $20,000. Surplus $1100, Joshua Patterson, Pres; R. E. Robison, Vice-Pres; E. B. Adamson, Cashier.
    Sunday services, Sunday school 10 a.m.; preaching 11 a.m.
    Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.
    Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.
    Rev. I. C. Reames, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Epworth League, 6:45 p.m.
    Talent Commercial Club--Meets first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in
High School Auditorium. John Fuller, Pres; Joshua Patterson, Vice-Pres; G. Walter Ager, Sec; John F. Hart, Treas.
    High School Library--High School bldg. G. W. Ager, Librarian.
    Oregon Library Commission, Free Traveling Library--High School bldg. Ellen Kirkpatrick, Librarian.
    Community Club--Meets first and third Wednesday in High School Auditorium. Mrs. John Fuller, Pres; Mrs. Effie T. Seaman, Vice-Pres, Educational Branch; Mrs. Mary E. Burgan, Vice-Pres Civic Branch; Emma J. Crawford, Sec; Mrs. Olive A. Wolters, Treas.
    Postmaster--Robert J. Luke.
    Clerk--Leta Luke.
    Carrier R.F.D. 1--H. E. Bowman.
Office Hours
    8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sundays and Holidays 11 a.m. to 12 M.
Arrival of Mails
    Mails arrive from the north 5 a.m. and 4:25 p.m.
    Mails arrive from the south 2 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Departure of Mails
    Mails depart for the north 2 a.m. and 5 p.m.
    Mails depart for the south 5 a.m. and 4:25 p.m.
    Ames Building.
    City Hall.
    I.O.O.F. Hall.
   Board of Education--Directors, Marion E. Tryer, Chairman; G. A. Morris, Welborn Beeson; C. W. Holdrldge, Clerk.
    Talent Public School--G. Walter Ager, Prin High School: Ellen Kirkpatrick Asst Prin High School; Parthena Smith, May Smith, Ella Groshong, Teachers; John R. Robison, Janitor.
Fraternal Union of America
    Talent Lodge, No. 504--Meets in I.O.O.F. Hall at call. W. W. Estes, R.M., John Budgeon, Sec.
    Talent Lodge, No. 211--Meets Wednesday in I.O.O.F. Hall. W. P. Dunn, N.G.; J. F. Hart, Rec. Sec; Jay Terrill, Financial Sec.
    Talent Rebekah Lodge, No. 187--Meets first and third Saturday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. Bessie A. Ager, N.G.; Mrs. Blanche Robison, V.G.
Modern Woodmen of America
    Manzanita Camp, No. 11,248--Meets second and fourth Saturday in I.O.O.F. Hall. Vance Wolgamott, Consul; C. A. Hazen, Clerk.
Women's Christian Temperance Union
    Meets first Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p.m. at residence of members. Mrs. Emily J. Reames, Pres; Mrs. Minnie Voegli, Vice-Pres; Mrs. Lennette G. Moody, Vice-Pres; Mrs. Emma J. Wolgamott, Sec; Mrs. Dollie B. Ziders, Treas.
    Southern Pacific Co.--Carl W. Leiman, Agent.
Abbott Allen, farmer, res 1 m s town
ADAMSON EDWARD B (Esther F), Cashier State Bank of Talent
Adamson Robert, section hand SP Co
Ager G Walter (Bessie A), principal Talent High School, sec Talent Commercial Club
Albright Charles
Alford Albert
Ames The, Albert S Ames propr, furnished rooms
Ames Albert S (Lena P), propr The Ames
Ames Lucill B
Ames Margaret S, student
Amos Mary Mrs, peeler Bagley Canning Co
Anderson Celia (wid Charles M)
Anderson Charles, farmer, res 1 m s town
Anderson Charles, laborer
Anderson Gus, laborer Talent Orchard Co
Armstrong James
Bacus Smith L (Artie B), laborer
BAGLEY CANNING CO INC, A C Randall Pres, R H Parsons Vice-Pres, W R Bagley sec-Treas, Fancy Rogue River Fruits, Vinegar Manufacturers, Tel 370-R
Bagley Wm R (Marion M), sec-treas Bagley Canning Co Tel 7-F 23
Bailey Anna E
Bailey J W, farmer, res 2½ m s town
BAKER JAMES T, General Blacksmithing, Horse Shoeing, bds The Bell (See adv)
Baptist Church, Rev Mrs R W MacCollough pastor
Barlow W M, farmer
BARRETT JONAS (Pearl M), Propr Talent Meat Market, Tel 370-J (See adv)
Bedford Henry E (Viola), farmer
Bell The, T Jefferson Bell propr, hoarding
Bell Bert A (Elizabeth M), farmer
Bell J Waldo, carpenter
Bell T Jefferson (Amanda), propr The Bell
Bell Thomas J (Evelina), carpenter
Bender Clifford W (Eva L), billiards and confections
Bingham Charles
Board of Education, Marion E Tryer chairman, G A Morris, Welborn Beeson, Charles W Holdridge clerk
Bonham Thomas J (Octavia)
Bowman Herbert E (Luella A), carrier RFD No 1
Bowman Ralph, student
Bowman Wm
Breese Wm H (Elizabeth), gardener
Briner John, pruner
Bristow Ben (Annie), farmer
Bristow Elizabeth Mrs
Bristow George, farmer, res 1 m s town
Brown Charles A (Viola G) (Talent Drug & Furniture Co)
Brown James D (Ella C), laborer
BROWN LOUIS (Carrie O) (Talent Mercantile Co)
Brown Ozro T (Roxanna E)
Bruin Wm, Farmer
Bruley David L (Dora), laborer
Bryner J L, res 1 m s town
Buck J T, farmer
Budgeon John (Mary), laborer
BURGAN CHARLES D (Mary E) (Vander Sluis & Burgan)
Burnett Geo W (Susie M), laborer Wagner Creek Nursery Co
Burnett Henry C (Mary E), farmer
Carey Wm M (Alpha B)
Carpenter Aaron F (Mary J) (Talent Realty Co)
Carpenter Wm
Chamberlain Frank
Chapman Charles, teamster
Childers Wm A (Ethel), pruner
Christian Church
City Hall
Cochran E T (Edith), farmer
Coleman Arnold, student
Coleman Clarence R, student
Coleman Delpha, student
Coleman Estella P, student
Coleman George L (Luella E), blacksmith
COLEMAN JAMES B (Lettie M) (Talent Mercantile Co)
Coleman Ray, clerk Talent Mercantile Co
Coleman Sabra A (wid Mathew H)
Colter George
Combs Dan E, farmer
Combs Fred, farmer
Commercial Club, John Fuller pres, G Walter Ager sec
COOK ELMER E (Lucy M) (Talent Hardware Co)
Coredo Daniel, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Craig Charles W, shoemaker
Crawford Emma J, insurance agent
Crawford John S (Sarah C), farmer
Crawford Lawrence I
Crosby John J, laborer
Crosby Margaret (wid John L)
Crosby Wm M, laborer Wagner Creek Nursery Co
Crosby Wm R (Cora), laborer
Cutbirth Sally A Mrs
Daugherty Bert A (Vera E), foreman Suncrest Orchard
Daugherty Fred A, laborer Suncrest Orchard
Davis Carl, laborer Talent Orchard Co
Davis Grant, rancher
Davis Jefferson, rancher
Davis Thomas J
Denham Wm H, gardener
Deuer Henry
Dunkard Church
Estes Archie R (Alta), laborer
Estes Roy L (Jean M), laborer
Estes R Dudley
Estes Wm W (Mary J), farmer and councilman
Faint Henry G
Ford R P
Foss Edward E (Josephine), fruit grower
Foxall James (Anna Bessie), fruit grower
Frames H W, fruit grower
Free Traveling Library, Oregon Library Commission, Ellen Kirkpatrick librarian, High School bldg
Frisby Rose Mrs
Fuller John H (Frances), fruit grower
Galbraith George, laborer Southern Oregon Experiment Station
Gardner E Chase (Lyda), fruit grower
Garner Edward, laborer
Garvin Clifford, clerk
Garvin Emma (wid John P)
Garvin James L, laborer
Garvin Walter, laborer
Gliem Harry (Elizabeth)
Goddard Delbert, carpenter
Goddard Hendrick H (Maggie A), carpenter
Graves Clarence
Grimsley Kate Mrs
Groshong Ella, teacher Talent Public School
Guches C O, farmer
Gunn Laura Mrs, packer Bagley Canning Co
Halstead Charles, laborer Talent Orchard Co
Hanscam Grace E, clerk Edward LaBelle
Hanscam Linnie S, clerk Talent Mercantile Co
Hargraves Wm
HART JOHN F (Margaret M), Physician and Surgeon Ames Building, Tel 370-L
Hart R Lee, carpenter
Hart Thomas, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Hartley O C
Hartman Wm
Hazelwood Ollie E (Roberta I), farmer
Hazen Clarence A (Josie D), painting contractor
HEARING JOHN (Laura J), Propr Talent Hotel, Tel 372-J3 (See adv)
Hendrickson Charles
Hendrickson Walter J (Sadie), laborer Talent Orchard Co
High Hubert C (Elizabeth I), poultry breeder
Hildebrand Wm (Lelah F), laborer Talent Orchard Co
Holdridge Charles W (Edna), farmer
Holdridge Ella (wid Windsor W)
Holdridge Frank (Edith), fruit grower
Holt Samuel, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Hopkins Nettie Mrs, cook Talent Hotel
HOTEL TALENT, John Hearing Propr, Try The Talent, Tel 372-J3 (See adv)
Houghton Henry A
Hurley D O (Clara)
Hurley W H
Huston Wm H (Lydia), laborer
Inman Ben T, sawyer
Inman Mary J (wid David W)
Jacobs E T (Myrtle)
Jewel Ettie
Jones Eliza C (wid Thomas R)
Jones Jennie M (wid Robert)
Jones Viola A, maid Charles M Thomas
Jones Winifred, student
Kane James A (Marinda T), miner
Kerby Joseph M (Ida B), teamster
Kincheloe Lawrence O, teamster Talent Orchard Co
King Wm
Kirkpatrick Ellen, asst principal High School, librarian Free Traveling Library Oregon Library Commission
LaBelle Edward, baker
Lacy Charles A (Gay), carpenter
Lacy Etta
Lacy Herchel, farmer
Lacy John H (Emma J)
Lamb Thomas E (Cora L), farmer
Learning Edward W (Lizzie), farmer
Lehmann Carl W, agent SP Co and Wells Fargo & Co Express
Lely Carl (Wagner Creek Nursery Co)
Lester Agnes W
Hester Charles T (Margaret M) (Wagner Creek Nursery Co)
Lester Winifred C, student
LOCKWOOD ROBERT J (Dow L), Chiropractor, Nerve Specialist, Vapor Baths and Scientific Massage, Lady Assistant, 203-206 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel 543, res 611 W 11th, Tel 511-R, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
Logsdon Charles E (Luella F), packer
Luke Leta, city recorder, clerk PO
Luke Robert J (Ida A), postmaster, confectionery and cigars
Lynch H S, farmer
McCurdy Wm, farmer
McGrew Curtis A (Theresa K), logging contractor
McMahan Andrew T (Ella), barber
McPhail James, farmer
Mann John, laborer
Mason Harry W (Katie M), clerk Talent Mercantile Co
Mason Henry (Mary), laborer
Mason John C, real estate
Matheson Henry (Martha), orchardist
Maxson Edgar W
Maxson Frank H (Ella M), steam engineer
Maxson Ona M
Mays Wm
Header H F (Pauline)
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev I C Reames pastor
Mier H A
Miller Charles D
Moody Alfred A (Lennette G), fruit grower
Morrison Bessie M, student
Morrison James W (Dora H), farmer
Morse G A
Muholland Henry
Mullins C B, farmer
Murphy Sam, farmer
Murray James (Mary)
Norman John F (Nellie) (Talent Realty Co), barber
NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, John A Honey General Agent, 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Front Cover, p 70 and Classified Insurance Cos--Life)
Nyswaner John (Edith), teamster
Nyswaner Matilda (wid Riley)
Nyswaner W Riley (Elizabeth), teamster
Oatman Frank B (Lida S), orchard foreman
Oden Jeff (Helen), horse trainer
Omega Ranch, James Foxall propr
Oregon Library Commission Free Traveling Library, Ellen Kirkpatrick librarian, High School bldg
Orthnys Leonard, farmer
Pace Henry R, student
Pace J M, supt Poor Farm
Pace Nona
Parsons Reginald H, vice-pres Bagley Canning Co
PATTERSON JOSHUA (Ella), Pres State Bank of Talent, Tel 374-R1
Pellett James J (Eva), carpenter
Petre W M, fruit grower
Pierce Gage N
Pierce Wilson, res 1 m se town
Pitman Jonathan
Pool J M, farmer
Poor Farm, J M Pace supt, ½ m n city limits
Post Office, Robert J Luke Postmaster
Powers Arlie, student
Powers Eleanor
Powers Nelson O (Lydia), fruit grower
Prader John, farmer
Pulaski Charles J (Grace), farmer
Purves Ernest
Purves Robert B, farmer
Randall A C, pres Bagley Canning Co
Rapp Fred, farmer
Reames Isaac C Rev (Emily J), pastor Methodist Episcopal Church
Reed Frank (Emma), farmer
Reich Bessie B (wid Matthias)
Reimer Frank C (Annie B), supt Southern Oregon Experiment Station
Reynolds Alfred B
Rhodes Leonard M (Lebbie)
Roberts Alice C Mrs
Roberts John (Nannie)
Roberts Orris H, teacher
Robison Boyd
Robison John R (Marcia), janitor Talent Public School
ROBISON R E, Vice-Pres State Bank of Talent, Tel 12-F4
Rose Frank (Freda), building contractor
Scott Percy (Veda), laborer Talent Orchard Co
Sealey Andrew
Seaman Byron, student
Seaman Effie T Mrs
Seaman Roy, laborer Southern Oregon Experiment Station
Seaman Terrill, clerk Vander Sluis & Bergan
Shiedler John H (Clara M), farmer
Silva John
Simpson Harold O, mngr Talent Lumber Co
Slaughter J G
Sleppy Lorenzo J (Jennie)
Smith Anna, student
Smith Fulton J, laborer
Smith Joseph E (Addie M), laborer
Smith May, teacher Talent Public School
Smith Parthena, teacher Talent Public School
Smith T F (Bertha L), county fruit inspector
Smith Wayland G (Hazel), carpenter
Southern Oregon Experiment Station, F C Reimer supt, ½ m n town
Southern Pacific Co, Carl W Lehmann agent
Spitzer Jay, laborer
Spitzer Jonas, laborer
Spitzer Joseph S (Margaret A) (Spitzer & Son)
Spitzer Wm C (Spitzer & Son)
Spitzer & Son (Joseph S and Wm C), grocers
STATE BANK OF TALENT, Joshua Patterson Pres, R E Robison Vice-Pres, Edward B Adamson Cashier (See Left Side Lines)
Stein Julius
Stockford Max, laborer Talent Orchard Co
Stott George S
Stover Walter S (Hazel A), carpenter
Stump Daniel (Sarah J), farmer
Stump John W, laborer
Stump Wm M (Ora L), fruit grower and councilman
Suncrest Orchard, B A Dougherty foreman, ½ m n town
Talent Band, H O Simpson mngr, City Hall
Talent Base Ball Club, Clifford W Bender mngr, Wayland G Smith captain
TALENT COMMERCIAL CLUB, John Puller Pres, G Walter Ager Sec
Talent Drug & Furniture Co (Charles A Brown), drugs and furniture
TALENT HARDWARE CO (Marion Tryer, Elmer E Cook), Farm Implements, Engines, Pumps, Tanks, Stoves and Ranges, Plumbing, Etc, Tel 369-L (See adv)
Talent High School Library, G Walter Ager librarian
TALENT HOTEL, John Hearing Propr, Try The Talent, Tel 372-J3 (See adv)
Talent Lumber Co, R M Cross (Portland) pres, H Albert Thierolf (Medford) vice-pres, Gus Newbury (Medford) sec, H O Simpson
TALENT MEAT MARKET, Jonas Barrett Propr, Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish and Poultry, Tel 369-Y (See adv)
TALENT MERCANTILE CO (Louis Brown, James B Coleman), General Merchandise, Tel 370-Y (See Left Side Lines and adv)
Talent Orchard Co, Charles M Thomas mngr
Talent Public School, G Walter Ager prin High School, Ellen Kirkpatrick asst prin, Parthena Smith, May Smith, Ella Groshong teachers
Talent Realty Co (Aaron F Carpenter, John F Norman), real estate
Teopper August
Terrill Jay, clerk
Terrill Lucy A (wid Horace J), berry grower
Thomas Charles M (Grace), mngr Talent Orchard Co
Thomsen Thomas, laborer
Thurber B Lyle, carpenter
Toby Monroe, section hand Southern Pacific Co
Trask George A
Tryer G Charles
TRYER MARION (Ida B) (Talent Hardware Co), Tel 371-R2
Tryer Marion E Miss
Twidwell David, farmer
Vance Anna B Mrs, dressmaker
Vance Everett, stmient
Vance John E (Anna B), plasterer
Vance J Ervin, plasterer
Vander Sluis Alice, student
Van der Sluis Belle Mrs, clerk Van der Sluis & Burgan
Vander SLUIS PETER (Belle) (Vander Sluis & Burgan)
Vander SLUIS & BURGAN (Peter Vander Sluis, Charles D Burgan General Merchandise, Tel 364-Y (See adv)
Venzke August
Voegli Callie B
Voegli Minnie Mrs, dressmaker
Voegli Wesley (Minnie), carpenter
Wagner Creek Nursery Co (Charles T Lester, Carl Lely)
Walden John
Walker Wm M (Ethel E), fruit grower
Ward C B, farmer
Ward Robert J, farmer
Webster J B
Webster Z P, farmer
Weidner Andreas, farmer
Wells Fargo & Co Express, Carl W Lehmann agent
White D Thomas
Wicha Frank, laborer
Wilcox Robert, miner
Williams Ira C (Viola Pearl), fruit grower
Willis Wm D
Wilson S J, farmer
Withrow Jay O, clerk Southern Pacific Co
Wolgamott Vance (Emma J), city marshal
Wolters C Chester, student
Wolters Olive A (wid Charles W)
Woods George W, laborer
Works Bertha B
Works Byron G, laborer
Works Frank, laborer
Works Orval (Mary E), farmer
Wyant Benjamin, pruner
Yount Marion
Ziders George E (Dollie B), section foreman Southern Pacific Co
    A post office and station on the Southern Pacific railway, 9 miles northwest of Medford, the banking point. Mail daily.
Jacoby's Store, general merchandise
    A post office on Rogue River 24 miles north of Medford, the banking, express, telegraph and shipping point. Mail tri-weekly.
    A post office on Applegate Creek, 25 miles southwest of Jacksonville, the banking, express, telegraph and shipping point. Mail stage to Jacksonville semi-weekly.
    A post office on Antelope Creek 12 miles northeast of Medford, the shipping station. Mail daily.
Angle Wm, fruit grower
Austin Charles E, farmer
Bradshaw W N (Rogue River Orchards Co)
Carlton S A, farmer
Craig R J, farmer
Doran L, farmer
Fabrick Glen, fruit grower
Findley J B, fruit grower
Johnston & Spencer, fruit growers
Kay Ora E, farmer
Kershaw James L, dairy and goat raiser
Layton T, farmer
Lewis Bros, fruit growers
Luy Fred, farmer
McDaniels J B, fruit grower
Melius T, farmer
Oswald Charles, fruit grower
Owens George, farmer
Owens James, farmer
Owens John, farmer
Reed J E, farmer
Rogue River Orchards Co (W N Bradshaw)
Rose Edward, farmer
Rose O E, farmer
Schrader E, farmer
Smith George N, farmer
Turpin Arch, farmer
Von der Hellen Bros, stock raisers
Von der HELLEN H, Postmaster
Walsch K Mrs, farmer
Winn G M, farmer
    A discontinued post office on Evans Creek, 8 miles north of Rogue River, the banking point. Mail RFD from Rogue River.
Smithpeter I E, general merchandise

Jackson County Directory
    The following list contains the names of resident taxpayers in Jackson County, taken from the assessment roll. The figures appended to each name represent the assessed valuation according to the latest assessment. This is followed by the post office address.
Abbott Arthur F, $1255, Ashland
Abbott C E, $9135, Ashland
Abbott Ella, $550, Trail
Abbott John W, $2275, Ashland
Abbott J M, $835, Ashland
Abbott L A Mrs, $562, Eagle Point
Abbott L A, $470, Talent
Abbott Mary, $380, Applegate
Abbott M E, $4060, Jacksonville
Abbott S S, $1400, Ashland
Abbott Wm estate, $1730, Derby
Abbott W M, $1875, Ashland
Abbott & Van Nice, $1950, Ashland
Abbotts Laura, $100, Butte Falls
Abrams A C, $3820, Medford
Abrams M I, $350
Ackenheil Edward F C, $1130
Ackerman Omar, $195, Medford
Ackley L D, $3535, Medford
Ackley L E, $350, Medford
Acklin D M, $2200, Ashland
Acklin J W, $2250
Acre Edward F, $435, Phoenix
Acre George W, $40, Phoenix
Adams Burt A, $775, Gold Hill
Adams B E, $180, Gold Hill
Adams C A, $150, Medford
Adams Mrs Emma, $2000, Stockton Cal
Adams Ernest, $1250
Adams E A, $4000
Adams E J, $1500, Medford
Adams Frances M, $475, Central Point
Adams Francis, $185, Central Point
Adams Hazel, $550, Ashland
Adams John Q, $1415, Medford
Adams J W, $930, Talent
Adams L O, $1055 Paso Robles Cal
Adams Mary E, $5530, Medford
Adams S K, $1000
Adamson Lloyd N, $2250, Ashland
Adamson Lulu E, $250, Ashland
Addis Kate E, $280, Ashland
Adkins B F, $51,895, Medford
Adler August, $600
Adler Bros, $1490
Agee & Kohlhagen, $13,870, Steamboat
Ager G W, $825, Talent
Ahlstrom F, $350, Ashland
Ahlstrom Nils, $2750, Ashland
Ahrens M M, $2650, Medford
Aiken Clara, $160, Medford
Aiken G H, $600, Jacksonville
Aiken S S, $1645, Prospect
Aiken W A, $500
Aikens G E, $100, Riddle
Aikens Harold S, $2010, Ashland
Aikins A L, $50
Ainsworth J C, $200
Aitken David, $550
Aitken J C, $7740, Rogue River
Aitken W, $600, Medford
Akers E R, $1600, Grants Pass
Akers Frank H, $240
Akers Luther B, $1600
Akin J C, $120, Grants Pass
Akins, Benton & Co, $7500, Medford
Alamo Mnfg Co, $860, Medford
Albert B H, $3720, Medford
Albert Charles P, $2775, Medford
Albert Eli, $900, Ashland
Albert George H, $75, Butte Falls
Albert G W H, $100, Butte Falls
Albert John, $2400, Central Point
Albert Marie, $3780, Central Point
Albert W J, $1570, Central Point
Alberts E E, $1600, Seattle Wn
Albright Almon, $330, Trail
Albright S E, $60, Trail
Alden G B Mrs, $270, Gold Hill
Aldenhagen W G, $3320, Medford
Alder George B, $470
Alder George W, $2440
Alder Viola C, $1780, Medford
Alderson Howard P, $2000
Alderson Maude, $3600, Phoenix
Alexander C C, $2400, Belmont SD
Alexander C R, $655, Steilacoom Wn
Alexander D, $380, Trail
Alexander L Blanche, $250, Medford
Alexander W E, $1600, Central Point
Alexandria F M, $620, Rogue River
Alexandria F W, $5000, Rogue River
Alford A, $7930, Talent
Alford C K Mrs, $900, Talent
Alford George, $8155, Phoenix
Alford M L, $9515, Medford
Allder Grant, $3275, Medford
Allen A A, $800
Allen C L, $6315, Medford
Allen Edgar, $1600
Allen F E, $2000, Marshfield
Allen F Y, $2775, Medford
Allen Geneva W, $2825, Ashland
Allen Grocery Co, $3000, Medford
Allen G L, $125, Medford
Allen H R, $3860, Talent
Allen James, $5295, Phoenix
Allen James R, $100
Allen John M, $5605, Derby
Allen J W, $400, Medford
Allen Mrs Laura, $485, Ashland
Allen Lillian, $49,565, Medford
Allen M A, $2000, Spokane Wn
Allen P C, $1150, Ashland
Allen Rose J, $2000, Spokane Wn
Allen R T, $390, Medford
Allen Susie L, $8550, Ashland
Allen T Y, $250, Medford
Allen W D, $765, Medford
Allen Y H, $1080, Medford
Alming Ludwig, $2985, Phoenix
Alnutt Hattie A, $3755, Ashland
Alsdorf Mary J, $790, Medford
Alsdorf M, $1465, Medford
Alt Louis D, $1505
Altimus Elsworth, $1530
Alton Mining Co, $800
Amann Clara M, $1990, Medford
Ament C G, $2000
American Development Co, $50
American Gas Co, $575, Medford
Ames O J, $11,610, Central Point
Ammons G F, $100
Amy Frank M, $4535, Medford
Amy Frank M et al, $16,300, Medford
Amy F M & L M, $1250, Medford
AF&AM, $5250, Ashland
AOUW, No 81, $1300, Central Point
Anderson Admona M, $4460
Anderson Albert, $450, Medford
Anderson Albert, $1200, Grants Pass
Anderson Albert, $1600
Anderson Andrew J, $2340, Medford
Anderson Arthur, $695
Anderson A, $425, Bridgeport Wn
Anderson A E, $200, Medford
Anderson A F, $9890, Seattle
Anderson Belle, $1950, Ashland
Anderson Bert, $8675, Medford
Anderson Bert M, $1770
Anderson Bessie Mrs, $2000, Gold Hill
Anderson Bessie Mrs, $310, Medford
Anderson Bessie C, $390
Anderson B J, $750
Anderson Caroline W, $1790, Phoenix
Anderson C G, $245, Medford
Anderson C M, $175
Anderson C W, $3750
Anderson Edmona, $400
Anderson Emil, $30, Medford
Anderson E K, $350
Anderson E K (estate), $855, Ashland
Anderson E L & Calvert H J, $400
Anderson F N, $75, Gold Hill
Anderson George N, $6935, Ashland
Anderson Green Co Inc, $9735, Medford
Anderson G G, $1710, Hinsdale Ill
Anderson G R, $30, Ashland
Anderson G S, $2665, Ashland
Anderson G W, $3200, Mullan Idaho
Anderson H P, $2380, Medford
Anderson John A, $350, Fruitvale Cal
Anderson J B, $2000, Ashland
Anderson J R, $250
Anderson J V, $670, Central Point
Anderson J W, $1620, Medford
Anderson Mary, $5030, Medford
Anderson M A, $655, Medford
Anderson M A Mrs, $2500, Medford
Anderson M P, $3200, Grants Pass
Anderson O F, $2400, Columbia Co Or
Anderson P F, $450, Ruch
Anderson R G, $45, Rogue River
Anderson Samuel, $2060, Medford
Anderson Solomon, $3435, Medford
Anderson S, $320
Anderson S A Mrs, $1540, Gold Hill
Anderson S A Mrs, estate, $830, Gold Hill
Anderson T N, $1940, Gold Hill
Anderson W D, $200
Anderson W E, $2530, Medford
Anderson & Green, $1600
Andrew Ann G, $1405, Medford
Andrew W L Mrs, $85, Medford
Andrews A, $1600, Leaburg Or
Andrews A, $450, Medford
Andrews A, $7000
Andrews A & G, $400
Andrews Elizabeth S, $1400
Andrews Elizabeth S et al, $3300
Andrews E N, $250
Andrews Frank, $2410
Andrews G W, $500
Andrews H, $4000, Buncom
Andrews H W, $10,450, Ashland
Andrews J B, $9235, Medford
Andrews J F, $5000
Andrews J W, $7925, Medford
Andrews Lydia Mrs, $3255
Andrin Emil, $1100
Andrus D R, $1740, Medford
Andrus Sarah M, $580, Medford
Angle Henry D, $4460, Medford
Angle L L, $1390, Ashland
Angle R F, $1900, Central Point
Angle Wm, $8790, Medford
Ankeny H E Mrs, $1570, Medford
Antelope Orchard Co, $8800
Antle Amelia S, $1815, Medford
Antle John S, $755, Medford
Antle R F, $1360, Medford
Applebaker Joseph, $1220, Jacksonville
Applebaker M E, $240
Applegate A D, $1600
Applegate C A, $690, Ashland
Applegate Della, $855, Central Point
Applegate D A and wife, $825, Ashland
Applegate Henry & H E, $3830
Applegate H E & W E, $1545, Ashland
Applegate L C, $5080, Gold Hill
Applegate Peter, $240
Applegate P Mrs, $1705, Jacksonville
Applegate Roscoe, $860, Ashland
Arant C F, $105, Ashland
Arant E J, $1705, Ashland
Arborgast A, $800, Prospect
Arbuckle Arthur W, $1640, Ashland
Archibald A G, $2000, Albany
Archibald Mrs Emma, $1100, Ashland
Archibald J A, $1150, Ashland
Armour E E, $1495, Denver, Col
Armpriest James, $700, Jacksonville
Armpriest J R, $4250, Medford
Armstrong A, $340, Sams Valley
Armstrong Miss E, $930, Jacksonville
Armstrong Isaac A, $3445, Jacksonville
Armstrong J H, $205, Sams Valley
Armstrong J W, $1150, Sams Valley
Arnell John, $1685, Medford
Arnold Chris, estate, $7900, Medford
Arnold Ella, $2050, Medford
Arnold John, $6025, Medford
Arnold J F, $485, Ashland
Arnspiger Olen, $950, Medford
Arnspiger & Warner, $150, Medford
Arrowsmith Mary, $445, Medford
Arthurs Wm, $20
Asbury Charlotte E, $905, Eugene Or
Ash B E & G E, $915, Prospect
Ashcraft Perry L, $210, Ashland
Ashcraft P L & M C, $3000, Ashland
Ashland Commercial Orchards Co, $4355, Ashland
Ashland Consolidated Mine, $900, Ashland
Ashland Electric Power & Light Co, $15,650, Ashland
Ashland Fruit & Produce Ass'n, $4600, Ashland
Ashland Furniture Co, $2250
Ashland Ice & Storage Co, $20,130, Ashland
Ashland Implement Co, $8000, Ashland
Ashland Iron Works, $3620, Ashland
Ashland Land Co, $14,080, Los Angeles
Ashland Manufacturing, Co, $41,460, Ashland
Ashland Mineral Springs Sanitarium, $7980, Ashland
Ashland Orchard Co, $82,250, Ashland
Ashland Preserving Co, $500, Ashland
Ashland Record, $2000, Ashland
Ashland Trading Co, $6900, Ashland
Ashland Transfer & Storage Co, $50, Ashland
Ashley A B, $2000, New Kamilche Wn
Ashley M & A M, $240, Portland
Ashman Edward A, $250, Butte Falls
Ashpole C W, $2010, Medford
Ashpole John, $600, Eagle Point
Ashpole Ray, $1000, Eagle Point
Ashpole & Kincade, $450, Eagle Point
Ashpole & von der Hellen, $400, Medford
Ashton Frank, $3200, Medford
Ashton H T, $150, Medford
Ashworth Robert, $3190, Central Point
Askew H B, $370, Medford
Astoria Abstract Title & Trust Co, $3200, Astoria
Astbury R C S, |2000
Aten J H, $150, Gold Hill
Atkin J P, $1400, Kalama Wn
Atkinson Eugene L, $4880, Ashland
Atkinson Thos W, $8230, Ashland
Atwell J H, $1870, Medford
Auberlin Gustav, $200, Vallejo Cal
Aussicker C H, $9440, Medford
Austin Chas W, $2730, Dudley
Austin C E, $380, Climax
Austin C M, $1750
Austin D E, $2800
Austin Linda, $340, Medford
Austin L et al, $1970, Medford
Austin Mary L, $890, Central Point
Autry H A, $650, Ashland
Autry H A and wife, $750, Ashland
Autzen Thomas J, $1600, Portland
Avent R C, $11,275, Ashland
Avery David C, $1275, Tolo
Avery Mrs May, $165, Gold Hill
Avery R C & G M, $75
Aye Anna E, $1235, Medford
Ayres F J, $2270, Eagle Point
Aztec Land & Cattle Co, $4000, Jacksonville
BBB Shining Parlor, $125, Medford
B & C Cash Store, $3000, Medford
Babson Mabel W, $255, Central Point
Babson Mrs M W, $4800, Medford
Bachler C, $400
Bachtell H H, $115, Talent
Bachter J J, $195, Medford
Backus C J, $1760
Backus Victoria, $2000, Tacoma Wn
Bacon C A, $450, Eagle Point
Bacon G F, $150, Medford
Bacon Mrs M A, $1310, Medford
Badger H E, $2500, Ashland
Badger Mary McC, $3050, Ashland
Badley W L, $500
Baer Edgar I, $1630, Ashland
Baer R B, $2500, Rogue River
Bagley Canning Co, $5900, Talent
Bagley Elmer E, $22,478, Ashland
Bagley P M, $260, Ashland
Bagley Wm R, $5070, Talent
Bagley & Streets, $11,610, Rogue River
Bagshaw D W, $1970, Jacksonville
Bailey Albert, $2670
Bailey Evelyn, $125, Gold Hill
Bailey F M, $125, Trail
Bailey G W, $280 Ashland
Bailey Henrietta, $600, Ashland
Bailey H S, $490, Rock Point
Bailey John W, $545, Talent
Bailey J, $1460, Ashland
Bailey J T, $250, Gold Hill
Bailey Lizzie, $376, Gold Hill
Bailey Margaret, $500
Bailey Mrs Mary, $8460, Gold Hill
Bailey M A, $3505
Bailey R J, $1380, Ashland
Bailey W P, $1400, Jacksonville
Bailey W T, $1955, Jacksonville
Bain Wm, $1695, Medford
Baird A L, $255, Talent
Baker Alfred A, $300
Baker A E, $190, Medford
Baker Chas A, $425, Medford
Baker Eli, $1025, Gold Hill
Baker George D, $1900, Portland Or
Baker H H, $1555, Medford
Baker I L, $225, Medford
Baker Jasper J, $960, Medford
Baker L L, $2000, Tillamook Or
Baker Marcus P, $640, Butte Falls
Baker Mark, $1200, Ashland
Baker R B, $225, Butte Falls
Baker Sophronia I, $6650, Medford
Baker W P, $1045, Medford
Baker W T, $250
Balcom A A, $925, Medford
Balcom E L, $620, Medford
Balcom H G, $155, Medford
Baldwin George estate, $77,200, Appleton Wis
Baldwin M A, $400, Ashland
Baldwin M L, $1545, Applegate
Baldwin Thos E, $1250, Brownsboro
Baldwin T J, $960, Portland Or
Baldwin Verne, $1200, Butte Falls
Ball Bert F, $1400, Rogue River
Ball Frank A, $960
Ball Melissa, $3000, Ashland
Ball Robert, $863, Rogue River
Ball S A, $180
Ball Walter J, $6000
Ball W S, $75, Ashland
Bamford L G, $400, Oakland Cal
Band Ehler, $250, Jacksonville
Band Mrs E, $1125, Jacksonville
Bandy Paul S, $50, Jacksonville
Banister W F, $2660
Bank of Central Point, $2200, Central
Bank of Jacksonville, $7535, Jacksonville
Banker Melvin, $1150, Medford
Banks Harry, $600, Antioch
Banks Mrs John, $900, Ashland
Banks J, $1450, Ashland
Bannard A U, $610, Grants Pass
Banta C W, $3790, Ashland
Banten Mary, $2665
Barber M C, $250, Medford
Barber Theresa F, $5075
Barber W M, $1900, Ashland
Barger J H, $1300, Ashland
Barker E D, $30, Medford
Barker George W, $960, Butte Falls
Barker J, $280, Medford
Barkdull J E, $1360, Medford
Barkdull Mrs J W, $4040, Medford
Barlett Mrs Rose, $270, Central Point
Barlow E, $4800, Prospect
Barlow Minnie, $665, Talent
Barlow W H, $645, Talent
Barnard Isabel, $795, Medford
Barnard Mrs Mildred, $940, Medford
Barnard Millinery, $500, Medford
Barneburg D H, $450, Ashland
Barneburg Fred E, $535, Medford
Barneburg Henry W, $13,260, Medford
Barneburg John, $11,940, Medford
Barneburg Peter, $10,880, Medford
Barneburg S P, $500, Medford
Barnes Flora E, $705, Medford
Barnes J C et al, $1230, Medford
Barnett Addie N, $1405, Medford
Barnett A, $80, Central Point
Barnett Guy, $280, Phoenix
Barnett G, $575, Ashland
Barnett Jennie, $900, Ashland
Barnett John S, $200, Medford
Barnett Jonas, $250, Talent
Barnett J S, $4705, Central Point
Barney L, $2110, Ashland
Barnhill O H, $2350, Ashland
Barnhill Wm A, $660, San Francisco
Barnum Bertha S, $29,100, Medford
Barnum Bertha & W S, $5435, Medford
Barnum B S, $225, Jacksonville
Barnum J C, $800
Barnum S A, $400
Barnum W H, $1665, Jacksonville
Barnum W S, $4220, Jacksonville
Barnum W V, $8005, Phoenix
Baron J H, $720, Ashland
Barr Mrs Nannie, $4200, Medford
Barr Thomas M, $960, Medford
Barr W H, $1250
Barr & McLean, $345, Medford
Barr & Sweeney, $1195, Medford
Barrel! A D, $205, Medford
Barrett Arvilla, $580, Butte Falls
Barrett D W, $400
Barrett James, $7405, Ashland
Barrett Mrs J, $1000, Ashland
Barries J C, $700
Barron Edgar B, $17,495, Ashland
Barron Geo W, $15,670, Ashland
Barron H F, $200
Barron H W, $22,645, Ashland
Barron M A, $695, Ashland
Barron W H, $240
Barron Ida, $150, Medford
Barter Robert J, $6725, Seattle Wn
Bartges W H and wife, $1900, Ashland
Barth August H, $21,480
Bartholomew Thos, $670, Medford
Bartlett A E, $800, Springfield Or
Bartlett C H, $1000, Lake Creek
Bartlett E C, $2135, Ashland
Bartlett E J, $600, Applegate
Bartlett E L, $1560, Medford
Bartlett F, $150, Medford
Bartlett Wm H, $1235
Bartlett W C, $1230, Ashland
Bartley J K, $250, Medford
Barton Charlotte, $945, Ashland
Bashford G W, $4000
Basin John, $1032, Phoenix
Bass Edwin A, $700
Bass J L & S R T, $1500, Jefferson Or
Bass J W, $3005, Medford
Bass Mary L P, $585, Medford
Bassett L, $200, Butte Falls
Bastain C L, $1430
Basye Chas H, $640, Jacksonville
Basye Mrs E estate, $5780
Basye L C, $330, Murphy
Bateman Chas, $1465, Ashland
Bateman Samuel, $1950, Medford
Bateman W S, $285, Medford
Bates B W J, $1600, Buncom
Bates D E, $3200, Seattle Wn
Bates Etta, $1485, Medford
Bates Henry, $400, Medford
Bates Jas W, $2055, Medford
Bates J W & W W, $6700, Medford
Bates Louis D, $1300, Medford
Bates Nate G, $250, Ashland
Bates S H, $3890, Oakland Cal
Bauchet Ernest, $205, Gold Hill
Bauer Samuel, $1695, Medford
Baughman C M, $1090, Ashland
Baughman H T, $1900, Ashland
Baughman J C, $185, Ashland
Bauhalcer Arnold, $625, Butte Falls
Baum Mike, $140, Medford
Baumhofer Chris, $2000
Baxter I H, $455, Medford
Bayle D D, $640, Medford
Bayliss E A, $660, Ashland
Bayliss Susie B, $400
Beach B, $6125, Ashland
Beach C E, $500, Ashland
Beach Edw, $100, Ashland
Beach R, $150, Medford
Beach R G, $2385, Medford
Beach Wm, $825
Beach Wm L, $107, Rogue River
Beacham John, $1255
Beacom W J, $5250, Medford
Beagle A H, $300, Ashland
Beagle F M, $330
Beagle Jas, $400, Ashland
Beagle J H, $400
Beale E, $90, Central Point
Beale George W, $3450, Central Point
Beale Mary A, $880
Beale W A, $735, Butte Falls
Bealer C V, $775, Medford
Bealer May B, $200, Ashland
Beall Mrs Ann, $310, Medford
Beall Asbury, $13,100, Medford
Beall Mrs A, $12,370, Central Point
Beall Bell & Ann, $100, Central Point
Beall Benjamin, $395, Central Point
Beall Clara M, $880, Prospect
Beall G W, $475, Central Point
Beall Lee, $6475, Medford
Beall Lizzie, $700, Central Point
Beall R V, $14,610, Medford
Beall R V Jr, $1030, Medford
Beall Tyson, $7130, Medford
Bean Mrs Bertha, $3200, Klamath Falls
Bean L E, $40, Medford
Bean L F, $210
Bean Purl R, $255, Central Point
Bear Creek Motor Car Co, $1000, Medford
Bear Creek Orchards, $61,560, Medford
Beardsley Albert D, $230, Applegate
Beardsley C R, $950, North Yakima Wn
Beardsley estate, $2050, North Yakima Wash
Beardsley Le Roy, $1730, Riverside Ill
Beardsley W J, $2405, Phoenix
Beardsley & Croy, $1500, Phoenix
Beatty D J, $1250
Beatty Thos, $400, Eagle Point
Beaulieu T E, $665, Medford
Beavenue Alphonse, $1100
Beaver A M, $7950, Ashland
Beaver A M & wife, $1100, Ashland
Beaver A M & W R Yockey, $3125
Beaver J M, $950, Ashland
Becars John et ux, $330, Portland
Beck Aaron, $965, Butte Falls
Beck Eva A, $780, Butte Falls
Beck F X, $6140
Beck J H, $370, Medford
Beck W M, $300, Rogue River
Becker Mary J, $1600
Becker Minnie, $200, Medford
Beckner W E & T, $400, Rock Point
Beckwith S V, $6390, Medford
Bedford J I, $755, Medford
Bedford Rosina & Emma Hughes, $660, Medford
Beebe A W, $6530, Central Point
Beebe C V, $800, Medford
Beebe D W, $6340, Central Point
Beebe W B, $1800, Ashland
Beebe & Kinney, $12,000, Ashland
Beekman C C, $29,025, Jacksonville
Beeler C V, $5530, Ashland
Beeman James, $60, Gold Hill
Beeman J H, $7560, Gold Hill
Beer E M, $50
Beers Geo, $2132, Rogue River
Beery J H, $75, Jacksonville
Beeson Emmett, $12,085, Talent
Beeson E E, $1600
Beeson N J, $1190, Ashland
Beeson R B, $3600
Beeson Welborn, $15,465, Talent
Behling Helen S, $345, Medford
Behling H C, $2875, Medford
Behrman Leon W, $360, Portland
Belvin Mrs Nellie, $1600, Klamath Falls
Belcher Milton, $600, Central Point
Belcher Thomas, $95, Central Point
Belford H E, $500, Rogue River
Belitz Bettie, $1645, Armour SD
Belknap Fannie A, $4800, Monroe Or
Bell B A, $910, Talent
Bell E G, $5700, Santa Barbara Cal
Bell H C, $800
Bell Olive Mrs, $1870, Brownsboro
Bell T Jefferson, $2480, Talent
Bell Thomas J Jr, $915, Talent
Bellamy Sarah E, $880, Medford
Bellan J H, $2720, Ashland
Bellinger Caroline, $5185, Medford
Bellinger Frank, $4655, Medford
Bellinger Jennie, $1505, Medford
Bellinger Minnie B, $900, Medford
Bellows C E, $3730, Talent
Belshaw & Orchard, $440, Climax
Belton Lizzie B, $2480, Ashland
Bender Elizabeth, $835, Central Point
Bender Hiram, $930, Medford
Bender Minnie W, $200, Medford
Benedict Fred R, $2820, Applegate
Benedict G W, $775, Ashland
Benedict Wm, $240, Jacksonville
BPOE No 944, $8000, Ashland
Benner Irving R, $2625
Bennett A L & Son, $8615
Bennett A O, $6205, Medford
Bennett Bertie Marie, $7600, Phoenix
Bennett C A, $450, Medford
Bennett E P, $685, Medford
Bennett Fred A, $8000, Seattle Wash
Bennett J M, $2640, Flandreau SD
Bennett Louis, $1665, Medford
Bennett L S, $525, Medford
Bennett Marie E, $3640, Medford
Bennett Mary, $400, Medford
Bennett N S, $3485, Medford
Bennett R L, $1070, Medford
Bennett R M, $640, Talent
Bennett R S, $3825, Medford
Bennett S L, $5260, Medford
Bennett S L Jr, $335, Medford
Bennett S L & Son, $4400, Medford
Benninghoven Ewald, $2610, Medford
Bennison S J, $640
Beno Victor, $8140, Portland Or
Benson Axel, $680, Central Point
Benson Benj F, $3625, Medford
Benson F' L, $25,630, Medford
Benson S L, $2555, Applegate
Benton A F, $620, Medford
Berdan F E, $470, Medford
Berg Isadore D, $250, Medford
Berger L, $2025, Phoenix
Bergesch J F, $2965, Applegate
Bergesch J F Jr, $55, Applegate
Bergman Chris, $120, Eagle Point
Bergman E, $1075
Bergman John (heirs), $960
Bergman M M, $850, Eagle Point
Bergquist Sven, $3885, Eagle Point
Bergstrom C L, $1200, Ashland
Bergstrom Jas W, $2300, Ashland
Berkender A R, $90, Medford
Berkender E E, $675, Medford
Berlin Max, $230, Central Point
Bernard A A, $6625
Bernardino Felix, $300, Ashland
Bernst Katherine E, $2435, Medford
Berregaard Olof, $3015 Medford
Berrian J B, $3500, Medford
Berrian J W, $1810, Medford
Berry Mrs F M, $1125, Ashland
Berry J C, $1800, Carroll Iowa
Berry M, $95, Vallejo Cal
Berry Nannie, $325, Ashland
Berry R M, $50
Berry T W $1820, Medford
Best H C, $4335, Medford
Best L N, $1200, Butte Falls
Beswick Margaret, $2295, Ashland
Beswick Richard, $6830, Ashland
Bethel Maria E, $780, Medford
Betz C F, $205, Medford
Betz Merel, $95, Gold Hill
Betz M A, $320, Eagle Point
Betz Peter E, $1850, Eagle Point
Beveridge Mary A, $2005, Medford
Beymer Charolotte R, $1525
Bibby W A, $2255, Ashland
Biddle W B, $9985, Medford
Biddle W F, $1150, Medford
Biden Elizabeth, $515, Medford
Biden E N, $600, Medford
Biden Hattie I, $1260, Medford
Biden M S, $30, Medford
Bieberstedt Alvin, $6530, Butte Falls
Bieberstedt C, $1600, Eagle Point
Bieberstedt Rudolph, $1130, Butte Falls
Biegel August J, $3800, Ashland
Biegel Charolette E Mrs, $2660, Ashland
Big Bend Milling Co, $174,880, Medford
Big Four Orchard, $14,000, Medford
Big Pines Lumber Co, $17,740, Medford
Bigelow Clara A, $555, Medford
Bigelow Margaret, $790, Medford
Biggins W E, $1020, Medford
Bigham C W, $1155, Talent
Bigham John, $1055, Sams Valley
Bigham PC, $2590, Medford
Bigham P C & Ida M, $570, Medford
Bigham Wm $525, Medford
Bilderback G, $85, Ashland
Biles J K A, $1250
Bilger Amanda, $2520, Eagle Point
Bilger F estate, $1440, Rock Point
Bilger J estate, $1000, Jacksonville
Bill Nye Mining & Milling Co, $3000, Gold Hill
Billings Mrs F M, $320
Billings Mrs F S, $1000, Ashland
Billings George F, $15,638, Ashland
Billings G F & Edith Fish, $210, Talent
Billings G F & F M, $2990, Ashland
Billings George H, $2575, Ashland
Billings John, $1405, Medford
Billings R, $1600, Talent
Billings T E, $425, Medford
Billings & Billings, $12,775, Ashland
Billings & Root, $1600, Ashland
Bingham A A, $1740
Bingham A E, $32,150
Bingham Mrs E I, $1200, Ashland
Bingham Helen, $21,135, Medford
Bingham Lucy A, $100, Central Point
Bingham M F, $4160, Applegate
Bingham & Klippel, $930
Bird A A Mrs, $2555, Medford
Birdseye Alexander, $1600, Prospect
Birdseye C S, $215, Gold Hill
Birdseye C S Mrs, $7450, Gold Hill
Birdseye V W, $500, Gold Hill
Birkholz Edw R, $765
Birkholz J W, $2400, Central Point
Bish A C, $835, Medford
Bish A E, $100, Medford
Bish Joseph A, $1560, Ashland Or
Bishoff Kittie M, $2000, Ashland Wis
Bishop Flora, $365, Medford
Bishop Jay A, $125, Medford
Bishop J A & I M, $790, Phoenix
Bishop Lana, $725, Portland
Bishop Nancy J, $1495, Phoenix
Bissell B A, $445, Medford
Bissell J H, $4700, Medford
Bissell Sallie A, $240, Central Point
Bittner E F A, $725, Medford
Bixby R A, $1125, Jacksonville
Black Channel Mining & Development Co, $2140, Rogue River
Black F M, $10,700
Black Gold Channel Mining Co, $6840, Gold Hill
Black James S, $635, Medford
Black Lee, $3640, Jacksonville
Black Lee Mrs, $540, Jacksonville
Black L D & wife, $3400, Ashland
Black L P, $3475, Medford
Black M M, $500, Prospect
Black W G, $420, Medford
Black W L, $2120, Medford
Blackburn Frank, $900
Blackburn John Mrs, $750, Gold Hill
Blackburn John W, $4000, Ridgefield Wn
Blackburn Lee B, $65, Tolo
Blackden Perry D, $4380, Ashland
Blackden Perry D et al, $4000, Ashland
Blackert P W, $240, Rogue River
Blackert Wm F, $390, Rogue River
Blackert & Garrett, $100
Blackert & Woodcock, $500, Rogue River
Blackford Oscar S, $1270, Central Point
Blackford O S & N C, $240, Central Point
Blackmore D J Mrs, $700, Jacksonville
Blackwood Lilly D Mrs, $2565, Phoenix
Blair Adam, $250, Rogue River
Blair E R, $1550, Portland Or
Blake C Mrs, $640, Eugene
Blake C F, $6030, Ashland
Blake C H, $1135, Ashland
Blake C O, $1200, Ashland
Blake W E, $300, Ashland
Blakely S J, $755, Rogue River
Blalock Fannie, $2450, Ashland
Blalock G W, $1235, Rogue River
Blalock R S, $300, Rogue River
Blalock W W, $650, Ashland
Blanchard Mrs A W, $1000, Puyallup Wn
Blanchard H D, $380, Prospect
Bland Chas, $1320
Bland Dick, $3800
Blankinship B J, $50, Medford
Blasch John, $220, Medford
Blaschka F H, $2000, Prospect
Blaschka J J, $2000, Waterloo Wis
Blass John, $1330, Eagle Point
Blass L S, $75, Eagle Point
Bleacher Henry, $40, Jacksonville
Blevins F M, $2600, Ashland
Blevins F M Jr, $400, Ashland
Bliss Amos, $2200, Medford
Bliss Amos A, $215, Medford
Bliss Francis, $1280, Medford
Bliton A S, $7450, Medford
Bliven Mrs Phila, $1115, Applegate
Blowers W M, $1940, Harrisburg Or
Blue D P, $1000, Ashland
Boardman E B, $200, Ashland
Boardman J S, $300, Medford
Boddy Gertrude J, $970, Medford
Bodge Daisy, $1285, Medford
Bodge D D, $10,775, Medford
Bodge Wm, $200, Medford
Boeck E C, $2255, Medford
Boggs O C, $3250, Medford
Boggus A C, $300, Gold Hill
Rogue C C & J H, $280, Ashland
Rogue John H, $800, Ashland
Rogue Mrs J L, $550, Gold Hill
Bohm Charley, $300, Cottage Grove
Bohnert Wm, $5905, Central Point
Boling E A, $75, Gold Hill
Boling E A & L R, $560, Gold Hill
Bolt Florence, $380, Gold Hill
Bolt Fred J, $265, Gold Hill
Bolton et al, $6140, Ashland
Bolton Lizzie B, $1850, Ashland
Bolton T K, $3800, Ashland
Bolton Walter, $75, Ashland
Boltz E R, $620, Eagle Point
Boltz R F, $4295, Ashland
Bomar Mrs Clara, $1100, Ashland
Bomar C M, $500, Ashland
Bombach W R, $1120, Medford
Bonanza Mine, $200
Bonar D A, $3325
Bonar J S, $4840, Medford
Bonar J W, $3885, Medford
Bonham Henry T, $960 Minneapolis Minn
Bonham P, $650, Ashland
Bonner Fred H, $360, Medford
Bonner Oscar, $200, Derby
Bonneville Lucien, $50, Medford
Bonney Anna, $1895, Medford
Bonney Bros, $3230
Bonney P A, $190, Central Point
Booker H J, $150, Rogue River
Booker S A, $175, Rogue River
Boone M A, $975, Medford
Boone R L, $1060, Ashland
Boosey J J, $2810, Central Point
Booth Janet W, $880, Ashland
Booth Jessie O, $7010, Ashland
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co, $39,370, Eugene
Bordeaux Geo M, $370, Medford
Borgen C C, $2000, Prospect
Borgen E G, $2000, Prospect
Borgen & Yates, $2000, Prospect
Borne Alfred, $80, Medford
Borrer Clayton S, $990, Ashland
Borrer P H, $1150, Ashland
Borton A E, $400, Seattle Wn
Boslough H W, $375, Ashland
Bossum Roy K, $125
Bostwick R W, $1045, Pittsburg Pa
Bostwick Wm T, $1340, Ruch
Boswell J E, $2850, Central Point
Boswell Maud E, $1025, Central Point
Bothwell E M, $1760
Boughton Clara, $75, Butte Falls
Boughton C E, $150, Butte Falls
Boughton Howard, $60, Butte Falls
Boughton H P, $840, Medford
Boughton Wm, $460, Butte Falls
Bourne George F, $2750, Phoenix
Boussum S J, $200, Rogue River
Bovie C M, $935, Ashland
Bowen F H, $245 Washington D C
Bowen Helen S, $2360, Jacksonville
Bowers Benton, $25,295, Ashland
Bowers Frank S, $3195 Indianapolis Ind
Bowers James, $4150
Bowers J W, $695, Eagle Point
Bowers Lela, $1600, Central Point
Bowers M D, $2450, Gold Hill
Bowling James, $1385, Medford
Bowman H E, $1075, Jacksonville
Bowman John H, $530, Medford
Boyd F G, $360, Medford
Boyd F L, $1725, Medford
Boyd H J, $1775, Ashland
Boyd Jas, $2950, Ashland
Boyd Robert, $625, Applegate
Boyd W E, $290, Medford
Boyden H E, $24,175, Medford
Boyer Andrew S, $1960, Rogue River
Boyer Bros, $600, Rogue River
Boyer Mrs Edith, $460, Medford
Boyer H H, $2155, Phoenix
Boyer O C, $852, Rogue River
Boyer Scott, $600, Rogue River
Boynton Chas, $35, Medford
Brace D L, $1250
Brackenreid Allen, $960, Medford
Bradbury N B, $1155, Medford
Braden James estate, $13,015, Gold Hill
Bradford D C, $7955, Omaha Neb
Bradford D C, estate, $2000, Omaha Neb
Bradley D, $1575, Medford
Bradley F A, $820, Ashland
Bradley F W, $5200, Portland
Bradley I A, $1395, Butte Falls
Bradley M J, $300, Jacksonville
Bradney A R, $140, Central Point
Bradshaw A W, $230, Wellen
Bradshaw Lee, $7965, Eagle Point
Bradshaw R H, $540, Brownsboro
Brady C J & J B, $1150, Ashland
Brady E J & J, $50, Ashland
Brady Sarah D, $1350, Ashland
Bragdon I S, $2440, Ashland
Brainard Merle, $230, Butte Falls
Brainerd E W, $330, Medford
Brandenburg Agatha A, $8110, Medford
Brandon M A, $865, Medford
Brandon & Whitney, $2500, Medford
Brannon L J, $320
Brannon Mattie E, $900, Ashland
Brass Michael, $1030, Medford
Bratney E F, $250, Medford
Bratney J A, $200, Medford
Bratney J A Mrs, $1810, Medford
Brausch Albertine, $1170, Medford
Bray C P, $600, Oshkosh Wis
Bray James M, $2400, Ashland
Bray Wm M, $2400, Oshkosh Wis
Brayden Lydia E, $100
Brayton Wyatt & Thompson, $8333, Central Point
Breeden J T, $200, Phoenix
Breeding W G, $2290, Rogue River
Breese Elizabeth, $5510, Talent
Brenner John, $2165, Medford
Brentano Olive, $355, Medford
Brentner P E, $500, Ashland
Breslauer Isadore, $100, Chico Cal
Bressler F W, $4580, Ashland
Bressler M C, $4245, Ashland
Bressler M G, $650, Ashland
Bressler M J, $1375, Oakesdale Wn
Brevard R J, $10,255, Talent
Bridenstine D E, $1900, Los Angeles
Bridenstine S J, $2000, Los Angeles
Bridgeman C, $1760
Briggs A W, $4805, Ashland
Briggs Edith Mrs, $600, Springfield Or
Briggs E C, $1300, Grants Pass
Briggs E D, $13,460, Ashland
Briggs M E, $3100, Ashland
Briner George A, $2430, Talent
Briscoe Earl, $175, Talent
Briscoe Edward, $805, Central Point
Briscoe E D, $280
Briscoe James, $235, Butte Falls
Bristol E O, $3200, Lake Creek
Bristow Alice, $100, Rogue River
Bristow Elizabeth Mrs, $2585, Talent
Bristow Mrs Joseph, $340, Ashland
Bristow J B, $515, Talent
Britson J W, $200, Applegate
Britt Emil, $7869, Jacksonville
Britt E & A, $23,768, Jacksonville
Britt E & E, $3400
Britt Henry, $800, Gold Hill
Britt Peter, $5355, Medford
Brittsan I F, $800, Ashland
Broad estate, $400, Jacksonville
Broadbent M O, $1220, Medford
Broadley J T, $1095, Medford
Brobeck Mabel, $240, Medford
Brook C D & M D Wagner, $3760, Rogue River
Brock J F, $230, Ashland
Brockner T, $1160, Medford
Bromley James, $500
Brodie C A, $150, Eagle Point
Bromar Mrs Clara, $50, Ashland
Bromley E M, $600, Eagle Point
Brommer Bros, $4375, Medford
Brooks Geo B, $450, Bandon
Brooks J F, $85, Medford
Brooks Sarah, $1800
Broom Harvey A, $1175, Ashland
Brophy Annie, $775, Talent
Brophy J J, $1085, Derby
Brophy N D, $6056, Medford
Brothers M E, $500, Ashland
Brothers W W, $800
Brower D M, $1705, Ashland
Brower Wm R, $300, Rogue River
Brown A H, $625, Eagle Point
Brown A L, $125, Medford
Brown A R, $3310, Ashland
Brown Celia, $2015, Medford
Brown Chas, $940, Portland
Brown Chas A, $1290, Ashland
Brown Chester A, $995, Medford
Brown C H, $750, Ashland
Brown C H, $14,590, Medford
Brown Mrs C M, $2000, Walla Walla Wn
Brown David, $1110, Central Point
Brown Della J, $2400, Portland
Brown Dora, $50
Brown Ed G, $3815, Medford
Brown Eliza D, $250, Ashland
Brown Ella C, $465, Talent
Brown E J, $4695, Murphy
Brown E L, $200, Denver Col
Brown F L, $2015, Talent
Brown Geo, $3880, Brownsboro
Brown George estate, $1000, Eagle Point
Brown Geo & Sons, $9350, Eagle Point
Brown Grace D, $2955, Medford
Brown G B, $7440, Eagle Point
Brown Helen M, $90, Medford
Brown Holmes & Engle, $7800, Eagle Point
Brown H C, $305, Medford
Brown H F, $100, Eagle Point
Brown John J, $1930, Central Point
Brown Julia M, $305, Gold Hill
Brown J C, $14,265, Medford
Brown J D, $60, Medford
Brown J F, $3325, Eagle Point
Brown J F & Holmes S B, $900, Eagle Point
Brown J F & W H, $800
Brown J H, $125, Glendale Cal
Brown J R P, $1600, Talent
Brown J S & Son, $1685, Gold Hill
Brown L B, $19,325, Medford
Brown L C, $760
Brown L I, $250, Jacksonville
Brown L S, $3090, Ashland
Brown Mary Ellen, $200
Brown M M, $700, Eagle Point
Brown M M Mrs, $950, Eagle Point
Brown Olive B, $1845, Medford
Brown O T, $2590, Talent
Brown Reuben, $150, Eagle Point
Brown Roy, $300, Talent
Brown R G Mrs, $1700, Eagle Point
Brown S B, $200, Medford
Brown Walter F, $7670, Phoenix
Brown Wm S, $570, Medford
Brown W H, $5825, Eagle Point
Brown W H, $235, Medford
Brown W I, $1465, Medford
Brown & Hall, $1500, Medford
Brown & Meikle, $2200
Brown & von der Hellen, $8280, Eagle Point
Brown & Wakefield, $55, Medford
Brown & White, $1070, Climax
Browning Walter J, $3200
Brownlee John, $1065, Medford
Brownlee & Lindley, $1850, Medford
Brownworth Ed, $650, Rogue River
Brownworth John, $280, Wimer
Brownworth Louis, $715, Rogue River
Brownworth Mary, $545, Rogue River
Brownworth Mary estate, $7140, Rogue River
Bruce Robert L, $170, Medford
Bruce Samuel C, $2025, Redding Cal
Bruce Scott S, $2025, Dudley
Bruckner T, $300, Medford
Brueckner Theo G, $1600
Brumback (heirs), $600, Medford
Brumble H S, $1745, Medford
Bruner J W, $1130, Ashland
Bruning Chas, $4620, Medford
Brunskill D E, $960, Ashland
Brush Corning S, $840
Brush J Platt et al, $4700, Ashland
Bryant A A, $1200, Ashland
Bryden Ethel, $350, Halsey Or
Bryson W E, $730, Medford
Bubar Maria, $1600, Superior Wis
Buchanan Gertrude M, $1280, Ashland
Buchanan J D, $595, Medford
Buchanan Sarah, $1210, Medford
Buchanan W E, $405, Butte Falls
Buchter J J, $160, Medford
Buck Chas, $1065, Applegate
Buck C C, $1110, Buncom
Buck C P, $765, Medford
Buck J F, $590, Talent
Buck M R, $1755, Buncom
Buck T J, $700, Talent
Buckley Jas T, $1370, Ruch
Buckley Maggie Mrs, $16,870, Ruch
Buckman Thos (estate,, $900, Ashland
Buckman W E, $350, Butte Falls
Bucknall G & G K, $1100
Budge Wm, $21,070, Medford
Budgeon John, $425, Talent
Budgeon M, $60, Talent
Buell C W, $840, New England ND
Buell E V, $2550, Pullman Wn
Buell S S, $1150
Buell W B, $3200, Portland
Building Specialties Co, $2000, Medford
Bullock W R, $3465, Medford
Buman Chas, $4960, Ruch
Buman John, $260, Central Point
Bumgardner V H, $400
Bunce Walter, $650, Ashland
Bunch Amelia, $1105, Medford
Bunch R A, $200, Jacksonville
Bundy Edith, $2475, Medford
Bundy Louis, $530, Medford
Bundy & Holmes, $5120, Medford
Bunker Thomas, $1410
Bunn J P, $800, Ashland
Burbridge W J, $1775, Medford
Burch Arnetta, $730, Medford
Burch C C & W T, $1310, Rogue River
Burch Effie, $705, Medford
Burch Effie et at, $125, Medford
Burch Geo W, $1000, Ashland
Burch James, $55, Medford
Burch J A, $75, Medford
Burch Lillie F, $100, Ashland
Burch Robert, $9800, Sams Valley
Burchell E A, $220, Rogue River
Burchell E A & Mary, $2055
Burchell H L, $320
Burdick H C, $2000, Gridley Cal
Burdick Mae, $2300, Ashland
Burdick R L, $3815, Ashland
Burgan Chas D, $3550, Talent
Burger Andrew, $175, Applegate
Burgess A C, $340, Medford
Burgess E G, $4830
Burgess Frank O, $2100, Medford
Burgess H C, $1350, Medford
Burk Fred, $200
Burkart Martin, $600, Rogue River
Burke Alice L, $11,405, Medford
Burkhalter Chas, $4650, Applegate
Burkhart Frank, $4000, Rogue River
Burkhart Martin, $90, Rogue River
Burkhart Ralph, $490, Medford
Burkman M E, $325, Ashland
Burleson H P, $350, Lake Creek
Burnett F, $900, Gold Hill
Burnett G W, $1275, Talent
Burnett H C, $865, Talent
Burnett J S, $600, Ashland
Burnett W T, $690, Talent
Burnham H H, $1790, Medford
Burns C A, $700, Ashland
Burns James, $1600, Gold Hill
Burns R H, $300, Ashland
Burns R L, $320
Burns Theresa, $2000, Medford
Burrage C W, $2400, Portland
Burrage W H, $5680, Portland
Burrall Sarah Mrs, $1615, Ashland
Burris W H, $210, Medford
Burroughs Grant, $3290, Medford
Burrows James J, $800 Oregon City Or
Burrows T G, $3050, Medford
Bursell Arvid, $20,910, Medford
Bursell Sarah E, $10,045, Medford
Bursell Victor, $21,985, Medford
Burt E M, $940, Portland
Burtchaell James T, $1600, Portland
Burton Alice P, $265, Medford
Burton J C, $175, Buncom
Burton J W, $1200, Juneau Alaska
Burton S L, $2400, Juneau Alaska
Burton W G, $160
Busciere J E, $50, Medford
Bush Ella E, $12,500
Bush V L, $1000, Smyrna Wn
Bushong I N, $2000, Rogue River
Bushong O N Trustee, $2310
Bushwood M V, $1600, Ashland
Bustrin Fred, $3200, Rogue River
Butcher J J, $150, Eagle Point
Butcher Maggie M, $375, Medford
Butler Alice B, $3930, Ashland
Butler Alice B & Mrs Parslow, $1450, Ashland
Butler A B, $2090, Medford
Butler Edith, $1870, Medford
Butler E N, $2845, Ashland
Butler E P M, $75
Butler G S, $6230, Ashland
Butler G S & A B, $2575, Ashland
Butler G S & D Perozzi, $1000, Ashland
Butler Mary E C, $400, Ashland
Butler Mary H, $900, Ashland
Butler W C, $6300
Butler W E, $635, Ashland
Butler & Monroe, $400, Medford
Butler & Thomas, $755, Phoenix
Butler & Thompson Co, $40,170, Ashland
Butte Falls Lumber Co, $351,798, Butte Falls
Butterfield B H, $775, Medford
Butterfield B H Mrs, $60, Medford
Butterfield Charles, $360, Medford
Butterfield Edward, $320, Talent
Butterfield H G, $1000, Ashland
Butterfield H O, $550, Ashland
Butterfield M R, $800, Ashland
Butts F & S, $1500, Ashland
Butz George, $2675, Medford
Butz George A, $4700, Central Point
Buxton Lasalla S, $325, Medford
Bybee Frank E, $29,960, Jacksonville
Bybee J W, $15,315, Jacksonville
Byerly J H, $6410, Central Point
Byrne John, $625, Watkins
Byrne J M, $2270, Spokane
Byrne K, $1500, Watkins
Byrne Maud, $65, Medford
Byrne Terry, $515
Byrum W R, $6130, Central Point
C R Mining Co, $240
Cable E R, $625, Akron Ohio
Cabler estate, $315, Talent
Cadoman Lee, $300, Medford
Cadwell Eliza, $705, Central Point
Cadzow Elizabeth, $125, Butte Falls
Cadzow John, $2725, Butte Falls
Cadzow & Stoddard, $100, Medford
Caine Dora, $250, Gold Hill
Caine Ella M, $250, Gold Hill
Caine Reuben T, $340, Gold Hill
Calahan Pearl, $1200
Calahan Richard, $1600, Duluth Minn
Caldwell A C, $2350, Ashland
Caldwell Charles, $375, Medford
Caldwell Eda A, $11,240
Caldwell Eliza, $600, Rogue River
Caldwell Eva, $240, Gold Hill
Caldwell E W, $750
Caldwell F L, $550, Gold Hill
Caldwell L M, $2770, Ashland
Caldwell Margaret, $620, Gold Hill
Caldwell Otilla, $1400, Ashland
Caldwell O D, $200, Ashland
Caldwell T L, $445, Medford
Caldwell Wm W, $5607, Ashland
Calef C S, $820, Ashland
Calef H A, $1850, Ashland
Calhoun Andrew, $3395, Phoenix
Calhoun C A, $2260, Central Point
Calhoun C A Mrs, $185, Medford
Calhoun Hugh B, $375, Phoenix
Calhoun H H, $935, Medford
Calhoun Josephine, $1060, Phoenix
Calhoun J C, $565, Medford
California-Oregon Power Co, $42,005, Medford
Calkins Carrie L, $1800, Ashland
Calkins F M, $250, Ashland
Calkins & Myers, $9930, Ashland
Call C E, $1715, Ashland
Callahan Minnie, $190, Medford
Callendar Melvin E, $2000, Seattle
Calvert J C, $240
Calvert Mrs J C, $80, Rogue River
Calvin J C, $35, Talent
Cameron Bernice, $4340, Medford
Cameron Dan, $2770, Rogue River
Cameron E J, $180, Medford
Cameron E M Mrs, $1235, Talent
Cameron Frank, $1685, Jacksonville
Cameron John, $1550, Ashland
Cameron L B, $1900, Medford
Cameron Mary E, $2560, Aberdeen Wn
Cameron Roy, $130, Gold Hill
Cameron R J, $10,535, Applegate
Cameron T, $1075, Jacksonville
Cameron V T, $280, Medford
Cameron Wilbur, $950, Jacksonville
Cameron Wm, $2840, Applegate
Cameron Wm, $3265, Ruch
Cameron W J, $610, Derby
Cameron W W, $9000, Jacksonville
Cameron Zachariah, $25,785, Medford
Cameron & Patty, $800, Ashland
Campbell Abner B, $2265, Medford
Campbell Alvin, $1265, Medford
Campbell E G, $1760, Pomona Cal
Campbell E N, $18,950, Medford
Campbell E N et al, $1000, Medford
Campbell E N & Charles M, $250, Medford
Campbell Hattie, $410, Medford
Campbell Hiram P, $200, Rogue River
Campbell James, $38,695, Medford
Campbell Jas S, $230, Medford
Campbell Jos, $75, Medford
Campbell J D, $1600, Grants Pass
Campbell N Edgar, $2800, Medford
Campbell R P, $4065, Ashland
Campbell R R, $1700
Campbell R S, $1000, Ashland
Campbell Willard V B, $103,540, Medford
Campbell W N, $3195, Medford
Campbell W S, $370, Eugene
Campbell W S, $140, Medford
Campbell & Nye, $18,350, Medford
Camps F L, $630, Ashland
Camps Hattie & F L, $6740, Ashland
Canaday H A, $100, Medford
Canfield L D, $3715, Medford
Canfill O O, $375, Medford
Canham H H, $510
Cannacher W A, $1000
Canning G W, $1950, Ashland
Cannon C B, $8000, Rogue River
Cannon J, $2400, Merillan Wis
Cannon M E, $1160
Cannon W H, $3780, Medford
Cannon W H et al, $600, Medford
Canton W J, $100, Medford
Cantrall A, $1760, Jacksonville
Cantrall John, $470, Buncom
Cantrall Miles, $3060, Ruch
Cantrall R E, $525, Applegate
Cantrall S A, $5710
Cantrall S A Mrs, $535, Buncom
Cantrall V, $140, Jacksonville
Cantrall V Mrs, $980, Jacksonville
Capilos A, $240
Capitol Hill Co, $150, Medford
Carder E W, $870, Medford
Cardes Emil H, $1600
Cardinell C B, $600, Redondo Beach Cal
Cardwell Lawrence, $770, Gold Hill
Cardwell L R, $1600, Gold Hill
Cares P W, $645, Murphy
Carey A M, $20,000, Central Point
Carey A M Mrs, $1670, Medford
Carey C & wife, $2475, Phoenix
Carey Wm, $1500, Talent
Carey W D, $1335, Ashland
Carey W D & N, $3220, Ashland
Caris P W, $3040, Applegate
Carkin E W L, $1850, Medford
Carkin J H, $160, Medford
Carkin & Taylor, $300, Medford
Carl M M, $700, Santa Ana Cal
Carley Amelia M, $105, Medford
Carlo A, $50, Ashland
Carlow Frank G, $2135, Medford
Carlson August V, $1975, Medford
Carlson Carl A, $1600, Ashland
Carlson C D, $2000, Granite, BC
Carlson C L, $60, Victoria Cal
Carlson E M, $480, Talent
Carlson Martin, $900, Ashland
Carlton Alsameda, $3625, Ashland
Carlton Bros, $1810
Carlton C B, $7570, Medford
Carlton E W, $9630, Central Point
Carlton J H, $3535, Medford
Carlton S A, $8055
Carlton & Keene, $410, Medford
Carmichael Almet S, $1200
Carnahan Carrie E, $5980, Medford
Carnahan C G, $2000, Medford
Carner O, $1000, Rogue River
Carner & Sabin, $13,800, Rogue River
Carnes Wm, $70, Medford
Carnes W N, $930, Medford
Carnine Nancy J, $2800, Portland
Carpenter Bros, $605, Medford
Carpenter Charles E, $5300, Eagle Point
Carpenter C E estate, $230
Carpenter Emily L, $3540, Medford
Carpenter F S, $5810, Medford
Carpenter Geo B, $27,045, Medford
Carpenter Geo E, $3550, Ashland
Carpenter G E & K B, $2850, Ashland
Carpenter F S, $625, Medford
Carpenter Jas, $285, Portland
Carpenter John R, $2485, Medford
Carpenter Leonard estate, $13,380
Carpenter L S, $1150, Ashland
Carpenter Mary J, $710, Talent
Carpenter Mary L, $3230
Carpenter M J, $105, Rogue River
Carpenter M L, $75
Carpenter Samuel, $1095
Carpenter W J, $790, Ashland
Carr C, $225, Gold Hill
Car George F, $1000, Chicago Ill
Carrel A, $360, Gold Hill
Carrico N, $2000, Portland
Carroll Jane, $9050, Medford
Carroll S C, $225, Rogue River
Carson H H, $320, Hornbrook Cal
Carson J Frank, $650, Butte Falls
Carson O F, $1400, Ashland
Carson O F et al, $650, Ashland
Carson O F & Slingerland, $850, Ashland
Carson Smith Lumber Co, $3650, Ashland
Carter Anna B Mrs, $2605, Talent
Carter A L, $660, Central Point
Carter Chas F, $1155, Gold Hill
Carter E H, $1000, Rock Point
Carter E V, $6600, Ashland
Carter E V et al, $45
Carter Geo, $500
Carter Hester N, $1850,Ashland
Carter H H estate, $4950, Ashland
Carter Land Co, $26,255, Ashland
Carter L, $400
Carter Martha J, $30, Ashland
Carter Mattie, $160, Grays River Wn
Carter Mrs M J, $1200, Ashland
Carter N, $400, Rogue River
Carter N estate, $1000, Rogue River
Carter R, $705, Rogue River
Carter Wm, $807, Rogue River
Carter W A & Chris Nichols, $50, Portland
Carton M O, $11,565, Central Point
Cartwright Maggie, $1085, Medford
Casad Earl P, $240
Cascade Coal Co, $800, Climax
Cascade Lumber Co, $9600, Ashland
Case A H, $800, Medford
Case C F, $5745, Central Point
Case E M, $555, Central Point
Case M estate, $4355, Sams Valley
Case W F, $1600
Casebeer Jacob, $750, Ashland
Casebeer J J, $200
Casebeer J M, $2100, Ashland
Casebolt C W, $325, Rogue River
Casey Helena, $130, Ashland
Casey J B & Ethel, $1300, Ashland
Casey J D, $600
Casey J R, $3635, Ashland
Casey J R & wife, $1125, Ashland
Casey Robert, $8625, Ashland
Caskey & Higinbotham, $250, Medford
Cass H M, $3625, Medford
Cassady Warren Co, $1410, Medford
Cassady W L, $1645, Medford
Casselman T F, $1250, Medford
Cassely George C, $1375
Caster J T, $735, Central Point
Caster L B, $2150, Derby
Caster Otto, $1470, Medford
Castle Rachel, $215, Medford
Casutt J G, $320, Hammond Or
Catholic Church, $650, Jacksonville
Caton H F, $55, Ruch
Caton M, $600
Caton W E, $475, Ruch
Caughey Z H, $100, Medford
Caulkett Paul & wife, $950, Ashland
Causley A E, $1200
Cavin Mrs E A, $1000, Ashland
Cavin M F, $800, Ashland
Cavin Samuel, $3270, Ashland
Centers C B, $1725, Central Point
Centers F M, $1810, Medford
Central Point Creamery, $600, Central Point
Central Point Herald, $360, Central Point
Central Point Lumber Co, $120, Central Point
Central Point State Bank, $19,360, Central Point
Ceol F, $775
Chadwick C H, $20,950, Chicago Ill
Chaffee O R, $1480, Medford
Chamberlin F H & A M, $105, Talent
Chamberlin Geo E, $2185, Medford
Chamberlin John F, $4l80
Chamberlin W E, $960
Chambers Wm, $890, Butte Falls
Champlin Abbie J, $9180, Chicago Ill
Champlin Dredging Co, $3995, Gold Hill
Chandler Elizabeth, $1500, Phoenix
Chandler J W & Helen C, $5300, Rogue River
Chandler Noah, $3520, Phoenix
Chapel F N, $6966, Rogue River
Chapin C H, $200, Medford
Chapin H M, $200, Medford
Chapman Anna, $1600, Grants Pass
Chapman A B, $1970, Ashland
Chapman Bert, $435, Sams Valley
Chapman Chas A, $9075, Medford
Chapman C M, $495, Talent
Chapman E, $480, Ashland
Chapman E K, $2000
Chapman G R, $400, Jacksonville
Chapman John W, $1520, Medford
Chapman K Mrs, $125, Dunsmuir Cal
Chapman Percy, $240, Sams Valley
Chapman S A, $5075, Ashland
Chapman T D, $245, Ashland
Chapman V H, $1095, Ashland
Chapman Wm, $1485, Ashland
Chapman W C, $1630, Central Point
Chapman W S, $2110, Lake Creek
Chappell H C & R, $7460, Ashland
Charles Andromeda, $1980, Medford
Charles B H Jr, $5860, Prospect
Charley C C, $2840
Charley Mrs Imogene, $4065, Brownsboro
Charley Jennie C, $400
Charley L C, $4395, Brownsboro
Charley L C Mrs, $3298, Brownsboro
Charley N N, $725, Climax
Charley Wm, $4020, Medford
Charlton M J, $1000, Ashland
Charlton Mrs M J, $1025, Ashland
Chartraw A B, $1905, Derby
Chase F W, $1600, Dorchester Wis
Chase M B, $2670
Chase W I, $100, Jacksonville
Chastain Mrs S B, $720, Medford
Chattin C C, $1900, Ashland
Chavner estate, $45,950, Gold Hill
Chavner Michael, $40, Gold Hill
Chavner Peter, $25, Gold Hill
Cheesman Mrs Urania, $1725, Phoenix
Cheever H J, $4695, Central Point
Chelgren Bros, $180, Medford
Chelgren O F, $795, Medford
Chelgren P W, $455, Medford
Chenowerth Elsa A, $400, Medford
Cherry Anna E, $630, Medford
Cherry John W, $1580, Medford
Cherry K C, $40, Medford
Chessmore V M, $3365, Medford
Chestnut Chas W, $600, Ashland
Chidester Henry B, $1570, Medford
Childers Frank, $3310, Gold Hill
Childers Leta M, $160
Childers Mary, $185, Medford
Childers N E, $1500, Central Point
Childers Spence, $6080, Medford
Childers Vernie, $150, La Pine Or
Childers Wm, $240, Gold Hill
Childers Wm H, $700, Gold Hill
Childers Wm L, $190, Gold Hill
Childress W L, $60, Medford
Childreth G M, $550, Medford
Childreth H O, $780, Eagle Point
Childreth W L, $885, Eagle Point
Childs Cornelia E, $1465, Central Point
Childs J F, $960, Medford
Childs M F, $100
Childs M N, $670, Medford
Chiles J W, $295, Medford
Chilgren O F, $110, Medford
China Gin, $225, Jacksonville
Chittenden A C, $230, Central Point
Chittenden A C & M E, $1400, Central Point
Choate Jas K, $1025, Ashland
Chopin Mrs F N, $1000, Ashland
Chumas J C, $1700, Ashland
Church M E, $290, Gold Hill
Church W E, $415, Medford
Churchman E M, $1400, Ashland
Ciarrick Major, $1000
Cingcade D, $10,265, Eagle Point
Citizens Bank, $6500, Portland
Citizens Banking & Trust Co, $42,367, Ashland
Clancy Andw, $1415, Medford
Clancy R W, $22,010, Medford
Clancy W C, $2185, Medford
Clancy W R, $610, Medford
Clansing Louise, $1700, Medford
Clark Arthur W, $190, Medford
Clark Benjamin, $200, Butte Falls
Clark Catherine, $300, Medford
Clark Donald S, $460, Medford
Clark D S & V, $2600, Medford
Clark Florence E, $490, Talent
Clark Frank, $990, Central Point
Clark F C, $1300, Ashland
Clark-Henery Construction Co, $5000, Medford
Clark Ida, $1060, Eagle Point
Clark Jas, $95, Ashland
Clark James, $1160, San Francisco Cal
Clark J T, $575, Medford
Clark Lena B, $355, Medford
Clark Mary E, $680, Central Point
Clark Minnie, $500
Clark M S K, $225, Ashland
Clark R, $30, Medford
Clark R A, $1840, Medford
Clark Sarah A, $120, Central Point
Clark S M, $30, Medford
Clark Wm, $380, Medford
Clark Wm Mrs, $500, Medford
Clarke E, $300, Eagle Point
Clarno Bert, $394, Eagle Point
Clarno Bros, $1875, Eagle Point
Clarno G W, $600, Eagle Point
Claspill Scott H, $400, Butte Falls
Claspill & Wheeler, $655, Butte Falls
Clausing Frederick H, $1590
Clausing Geo F, $6280, Phoenix
Clausing J, $435
Clausing Lena Mrs, $545, Medford
Clausing Louise, $805, Medford
Clay D E, $850, Medford
Clay W S, $13,600, Medford
Clayton A H, $600, Rock Point
Clayville E W, $580, Medford
Clayville F C, $3125, Medford
Clearwater N S, $1075
Cleek Mrs Chas, $1600, Portland
Clemens A, $810, Medford
Clemens David, $100, Butte Falls
Clement Delia, $4075, Medford
Clement Ezra, $95, Medford
Clements C H, $225, Rogue River
Clements Ernest C, $1360, Medford
Cleveland Mine, $120
Cleveland W L & wife, $850, Bay Point Cal
Clevenger S M, $2070, Butte Falls
Clemo J T, $1145
Climax Mine, $200
Cline Emma C, $1650, Medford
Cline Geo, $3925
Closser Alice W, $2400
Closser C E, $2400, Ashland
Closser C R, $1000
Closser C W & A W, $450, Ashland
Clute B M, $640, Murphy
Clute C H, $240, Lake Creek
Clute E L, $600, Ashland
Clyde Wm, $600, Ashland
Cobb F H, $800
Cobleigh Amos J, $700, Butte Falls
Cobleigh Carl, $255, Phoenix
Cobleigh Guy, $1345, Phoenix
Cobleigh J, $455, Butte Falls
Coburn C F, $255, Medford
Coburn C J, $980, Ashland
Cochran Belle, $1980, Medford
Cochran Edith L, $250, Talent
Cochran Eliza A, $5260, Central Point
Cochran Frank O, $4180, Central Point
Cochran Harold, $75, Medford
Cochran J H, $4095, Medford
Cochran L E, $5285, Medford
Cochran Wm estate, $2330
Cochrane Laura, $930, Central Point
Coder E H, $1570, Ashland
Coe W S, $1100
Coel Frank, $230, Lake Creek
Coffee Mrs E E, $2415, Ashland
Coffee Fred A, $260, Buncom
Coffeen John W, $700, Medford
Coffin E V, $1645, Medford
Coffin M A, $2400, Boise Idaho
Coffman Albert, $200
Coffman Albert estate, $475
Coffman S R, $2205, Ruch
Coggins Bros, $2400
Coggins C S, $400
Coggins W J, $250, Medford
Coghlan J N, $10,050, Eagle Point
Cohey W D, $200, Ashland
Colby Charles D, $3655, Medford
Colby E D, $770, Brownsboro
Cole Byron estate, $4640, Colestin
Cole C S, $700, Medford
Cole Dora, $350, Ashland
Cole D C, $675, Medford
Cole Ernest, $170, Medford
Cole J H, $750, Ashland
Cole L J, $690, Ashland
Cole Mrs M, $340, Ashland
Cole Rufus estate, $500
Cole Rufus J, $7856, Hilt Cal
Cole W N et al, $490, Ashland
Colebourne Thos, $3135, Ashland
Coleman Alfred, $5310, Medford
Coleman E G $4680, Phoenix
Coleman E G et al, $1350
Coleman Frank, $30, Jacksonville
Coleman James B & Lettie, $1060, Talent
Coleman John B, $800
Coleman L C, $22,375, Medford
Coleman Mattie, $1500, Talent
Coleman Mattie Mrs, $610, Phoenix
Coleman W R, $1150, Talent
College Hill Inc, $8000, Eugene
Collie Dog M & M Co, $1000, Prospect
Collings A E, $1335, Watkins
Collings Sophia, $1300
Collins Benjamin, $1750, Jacksonville
Collins C E, $1565, Medford
Collins Grace, $1780, Medford
Collins J C, $280, Medford
Collins Leah, $6415, Central Point
Collins Leah M, $330, Central Point
Collins Thomas, $3715, Medford
Collins U S, $2440, Medford
Collins W L, $770, Gold Hill
Collyer Walter, $1080, Talent
Colt Mrs S, $620, Rogue River
Columbia Mines Co, $550, Rogue River
Colver estate, $215, Phoenix
Colver Lloyd, $10,490, Phoenix
Colver Louis, $5320, Phoenix
Colvig D L, $840, Medford
Colvig Fred L, $400
Colvig Star L, $130, Medford
Colvig Wm M, $3645, Medford
Colvin H L, $1760, Medford
Colwell G L, $2270, Medford
Colwell M, $30, Jacksonville
Combest Cyrenius, $1030, Buncom
Combest Volantine, $535, Buncom
Combs D E, $445, Talent
Combs F W, $280, Talent
Comegys G, $800, Thornton Wn
Comer Stella, $340, Medford
Commercial Bank of Vancouver, $2400
Coney Clara O, $600
Conger A P, $235, Medford
Conger A P & Elmer, $1730, Jacksonville
Conger Emma, $3660, Jacksonville
Conger E, $185, Central Point
Conger H E, $2030, Medford
Congregational Church, $700, Ashland
Conklin Arthur, $6920, Ashland
Conklin C W, $1650, Medford
Conley Jacob, $6625, Central Point
Conley Milo, $1430, Lake Creek
Conley R M, $490, Central Point
Conn N D, $300
Conner A H, $1200, Ashland
Conner F A, $200, Ashland
Conner Guy W, $400, Wellen
Conner Land Co, $13,360, Central Point
Conner L W Mrs, $1250, Ashland
Conner N M, $400, Ashland
Conner Wm A, $450, Ashland
Connors Land Co, $985, Central Point
Conover Jeff, $405
Conover Kate B, $550, Detroit Mich
Conover Lucy A, $2020, Eagle Point
Conover L L, $1250, Detroit Mich
Conrad Albon, $405, Talent
Conrad Anna M, $110, Medford
Conrad Dora, $550, Lakeview Or
Conrad John, $420, Medford
Conroy R J, $7635, Medford
Conser Daisy M, $480, Medford
Conser C E, $210
Conser V E, $1285, Medford
Constant Isaac estate, $270, Central Point
Conture A, $2000, Conderay Wis
Conture Edward, $2000, Eau Claire Wis
Conture L M, $2000, Eau Claire Wis
Conway F E, $3450, Ashland
Conway L C Mrs, $235, Talent
Conway Nancy, $457, Rogue River
Conwell J, $2900, Ashland
Cook Eliza D, $1500, Madison Lake Minn
Cook E Mrs, $300, Jacksonville
Cook E E, $2775, Talent
Cook Fred H, $4975, Medford
Cook F H et al, $205, Medford
Cook I N, $1600, Marlon Or
Cook John, $120, Butte Falls
Cook John A, $540, Gold Hill
Cook J estate, $1700
Cook Nicholas, $800, Ashland
Cook Martha M, $600
Cook Mary C, $640, Gold Hill
Cook Robert E, $135, Gold Hill
Cook R A, $1870, Gold Hill
Cook R L, $230, Rock Point
Cook R M, $3620, Gold Hill
Cook Samuel C, $2560, Murphy Or
Cook T J, $575, Gold Hill
Cook Wm Mrs, $75, Gold Hill
Cooke Thos F, $2250, Ashland
Cooksey G W, $1570, Central Point
Cooksey M M, $17,470, Central Point
Cooksey M M Mrs, $1500, Central Point
Cooley E L, $170, Eagle Point
Cooley J H, $16,665, Medford
Coombe L R, $75, Ashland
Coombs Florence, $1100, Ashland
Cooney George, $375
Cooper C J, $2000
Cooper Ed W, $340, Sams Valley
Cooper Elsie C, $200, Medford
Cooper H E, $315, Gold Hill
Cooper K A Mrs, $350
Cooper T J & E J, $1900, Ashland
Cooper W A, $1985, Ashland
Cope Hardware Co, $3375, Phoenix
Copple Fred A, $835, Buncom
Coppock Charles, $10, Gold Hill
Coppock Clara E, $1495, Gold Hill
Corbett J Leslie, $2505, Ashland
Corbett S C, $455, Ashland
Corbin Austin, $31,285, Eagle Point
Cordell Maybelle, '$1205, Ashland
Cordes Louis C, $1000, Medford
Corey C A, $705, Medford
Corey C H, $475, Medford
Corey Geo C, $945, Medford
Corey Jennie M, $3370, Medford
Corey & Kershaw, $10,300
Corliss C H, $11,150, Portland
Corliss Eva, $1855, Phoenix
Corliss H A, $3400, Buncom
Corliss H H, $825, Talent
Corliss S T, $2065, Medford
Cornell H C Mrs, $5650, Eagle Point
Cornell Ranch Co, $2030, Gold Hill
Cornelius Fannie A, $2000, Ashland
Cornelius R H, $1005, Central Point
Cornelius R P, $110, Ashland
Cornell Ada, $1190, Medford
Cornish Orin, $1805, Phoenix
Cornitius Otto M, $8250, Medford
Cornitius Ruth W, $380, Medford
Cornoyer Ida M, $700, Chico Cal
Corry Timber Co, $135,950, Hilt Cal
Corum Anne, $90, Medford
Corum J C, $320, Medford
Corum Kate R, $2130, Medford
Corwin Ella Mrs, $2400, Ashland
Coss H M, $8720, Medford
Cottam C W, $240
Cotter C A, $1100, Ashland
Cottingham John (heirs), $3200, Butte Falls
Cotton J L, $290, Rogue River
Cottrell Bros, $5760, Beagle
Cottrell C P, $3025, Medford
Cottrell Wm, $540, Ashland
Cottrell W W, $965, Medford
Cottrell W W et al, $300, Medford
Coughlin J N, $290, Eagle Point
Coulter Arthur D Land & Orchard Co, $6400, Seattle Wn
Coulter A D Land Co, $10,250, Medford
Coulter Lizzie Mrs, $285, Medford
Cowden George E, $1675, Butte Falls
Cowgill A P, $100
Cowgill Ralph P, $4400, Medford
Cowie R E, $3175, Ashland
Cowles F H, $4700, Medford
Cowlis E H, $425, Medford
Cox A E, $1050, Ashland
Cox E Mrs, $130, Phoenix
Cox Homer, $925, Medford
Cox H L, $260
Cox R T & Gertrude, $1000, Ashland
Cox Thomas, $490
Coy Isaac, $150, Gold Hill
Coy Susie, $550, Gold Hill
Coy Mrs Thos, $95, Eagle Point
Coy T N estate, $6815, Eagle Point
Crager Cos, $435, Medford
Craig Archie J Jr, $450, Fargo ND
Craig Frank, $130, Medford
Craig James B, $380, Medford
Craig R J, $1025, Wellen
Craig V E, $1295, Medford
Crain John H, $450, Medford
Crandall A C, $1200, Ashland
Crandall J B, $100, Medford
Crandell Anna P, $1995, Phoenix
Cranfield Chas E, $905, Medford
Cranfill Ophelia, $1640, Medford
Cranfill T L, $500, Central Point
Cranfill & Robnett, $18,755, Central Point
Crank Walter S, $765, Medford
Crater Lake Laundry, $700, Medford
Crater Lake Lumber Co, $2705, Jacksonville
Crawford Amy, $75, Medford
Crawford J H, $750, Gold Hill
Crawford J S, $1390, Talent
Crawford L D, $415, Medford
Crawford Oris, $1845, Medford
Crawford W H, $3190, Medford
Creager John H, $480, Beagle Or
Creelman Ernest E, $5760
Creighton G H, $850, Ashland
Crenshaw John, $2100, Medford
Crenshaw L H, $2405, Central Point
Cress J, $960, Ashland
Crews G W, $1800, Ashland
Crews J E, $570, Gold Hill
Crews Louisa, $870, Medford
Crews W E, $10,740, Medford
Cripps E A, $1320, Medford
Christman Frank, $1100, Medford
Critzer T P, $4O0, Phoenix
Critzer T P Mrs, $4700, Detroit Mich
Crocker J D Mrs, $2470, Ashland
Croft E D, $200, Trail
Croft H H, $4930, Central Point
Croft J W, $55, Trail
Croft R B Mrs, $1460, Trail
Croise A, $720, Jacksonville
Cromar Elizabeth, $300, Ashland
Cronemiller James M, $4325, Jacksonville
Cronk Guy E, $75, Medford
Cropp A B, $2160, Portland
Cropp Lutitia, $2160, Portland
Cropp Wm, $2160, Portland
Crosby J J, $600, Talent
Crosby W R, $110, Talent
Cross A L, $160, Butte Falls
Cross Cecilia, $875, Butte Falls
Cross R M et al, $120, Central Point
Croston E M, $1300, Needles Cal
Crotchett Adrian, $1200, New York NY
Crothers E B, $730, Medford
Crouch Chas C, $740, Medford
Crouch E B, $3540
Crouch F, $950, Ashland
Crouch & Hendricks, $770
Crow Geo P, $650
Crow S B, $100, Medford
Crowder & Gibson, $675, Buncom
Crowell Martha M, $3400, Medford
Crowell Perry B, $175, Medford
Crowell Wm S, $4440, Medford
Crowell W S & Goble J G, $10,395, Medford
Crowley J T, $3195, Medford
Crowley P B, $1715, Medford
Crowley Wm A, $6170, Central Point
Crowley & Moon, $8200, Central Point
Crowson Frank, $930, Ashland
Crowson J E, $1100, Ashland
Crowson W Y, $1500, Ashland
Crowther A J, $3400, Dallas Or
Crowther James, $3200, Dallas Or
Croxall J R, $900, Ashland
Crum Ray V, $2860, Medford
Crump Firman, $1345, Medford
Crump John H, $3120, Jacksonville
Crump J F, $7610, Buncom
Crystal Carl J, $2000, Sebastopol Cal
Cudahy Packing Co, $700, Medford
Culbertson Ivan, $200, Lake Creek
Culbertson J D, $4280, Lake Creek
Culbertson Thomas A, $2655, Ashland
Culey Cary W, $885, Buncom
Culey G C, $6455, Ashland
Cummings & Worthington, $860, Medford
Cunningham A Z, $50, Medford
Cunningham Clyde L, $8735, Ashland
Cunningham C, $3625, Ashland
Cunningham E H, $1195, Phoenix
Cunningham N Mrs, $800, Ashland
Cunningham & Redfield, $25,260
Cunningham & Williams, $10,175, Newell Iowa
Curd Isaac, $540, Prospect
Currie J T, $2200, Yreka Cal
Currier J R, $1120, Kenesaw Neb
Curry M E Mrs, $180, Gold Hill
Cushman R M, $35, Trail
Cushman Wallace H, $250, Trail
Cushman W E, $295, Trail
Cusick A L, $800, Medford
Cusick Daisy, $2000, Post Falls Idaho
Cusick Lucy A, $1715, Ashland
Cusick M H, $350, Trail
Cutter F J, $960
Cyester M F, $3285, Ashland
Dabney O P, $1600, Hood River
Daggett Mary H, $37,200, Jacksonville
Dahack Eli, $5100, Medford
Dahack Irwin, $5430, Medford
Dahack Zera, $185, Eagle Point
Dahoff Amos, $700, Ashland
Dailey A C, $375, Eagle Point
Dailey James, $650, Medford
Dailey M L, $150, Eagle Point
Dailey P H, $1100, Eagle Point
Daily Patrick, $1445, Medford
Dairon H W, $4750
Daley A J, $9380, Eagle Point
Daley E L, $710
Daley George W, $3000, Eagle Point
Daley J H, $4630, Medford
Daley Margaret, $670, Medford
Daley Nora, $140, Medford
Daley W C, $5422, Lake Creek
Dallaire Agnes, $735, Medford
Dallaire Victor, $75, Medford
Damon C E, $380, Medford
Damon G F, $1150, Ashland
Damon L L, $655, Medford
Daney J A, $1050, Ashland
Danford B, $400, Ashland
Danforth Charles, $100, Jacksonville
Daniel Mrs E, $1900, Grants Pass
Daniels Geo, $155, Medford
Daniels T E, $9455, Medford
Daniels W N, $960, Portland
Danielson Bina, $1415, Gold Hill
Danley A F, $1040
Dann Anna S, $215, San Dennis Cal
Dann Annie C, $4015, Ashland
Dann Clayton M, $2400, Dryden NY
Darby Charles, $13,310, Medford
Darby John H, $300, Medford
Darling H E, $260, Gold Hill
Darling R L, $1210, Gold Hill
Darling R S et al, $2450, Gold Hill
Darling W E Mrs, $250, Gold Hill
Darling & Hodges, $1630, Gold Hill
Darneille E G, $190, Medford
Darrington James, $285, Harlowton Mont
Dart L, $460, Ashland
Dauchy M E, $160, Medford
Davenhill A H, $4060, Talent
David Lester W, $14,600
Davidson Edna H, $530, Medford
Davidson E, $450, Applegate
Davidson E J, $260, Murphy
Davidson H P Mrs, $1375, Gold Hill
Davidson I G, $3000, Rogue River
Davidson James D, $3150
Davidson J, $75, Gold Hill
Davidson J E, $1620, Gold Hill
Davidson J M, $8300, Central Point
Davidson J M estate, $185, Central Point
Davidson M A, $1725, Medford
Davidson O L, $700, Medford
Davidson R H, $225, Central Point
Davidson W G, $750, Medford
Davidson & Butterfield, $2610, Medford
Davie Allen, $100, Rogue River
Davies E H, $750, Tolo
Davies James, $480, Jacksonville
Davies S S, $1225, Ashland
Davis Abarilla, $900
Davis Allen, $1000, Ashland
Davis Amy P, $100, Ashland
Davis Anna E, $2750, Medford
Davis A, $1300, Ashland
Davis A A, $18,355, Medford
Davis A E Mrs, $300, Rogue River
Davis A F, $1030, Medford
Davis A H, $450, Ashland
Davis C E Mrs, $500, Phoenix
Davis C W, $3830, Medford
Davis D, $1260, Jacksonville
Davis D H, $350, Ashland
Davis D N, $3505, Ashland
Davis Edward B, $195, Medford
Davis Eldon, $300, Central Point
Davis Eliza L, $420, Medford
Davis Elizabeth, $1550, Hilt Cal
Davis E H, $150, Eagle Point
Davis Grant, $450, Talent
Davis Guy, $290, Prospect
Davis G L, $160, Medford
Davis Hazel A, $1800, Medford
Davis Mrs H E, $500, Newbury Park Cal
Davis Ida H, $1385, Medford
Davis James, $1785, Trail
Davis John, $445, Medford
Davis J F, $4360, Central Point
Davis J L, $500, Ashland
Davis J T, $985, Medford
Davis Lucy M, $350, Medford
Davis L J, $1125, Talent
Davis Millie, $210
Davis M H, $200
Davis Nolan, $215, Ashland
Davis N J & A, $560, Ashland
Davis N N, $1200, Ashland
Davis Orin I, $2440, Medford
Davis Roy, $400, Ashland
Davis Roy F, $1450, Ashland
Davis Scott V, $24,200, Medford
Davis S Nellie, $400, Portland
Davis Wm, $60, Jacksonville
Davis Wm, $5075, Medford
Davis Winfield L, $1690, Ashland
Davis W D, $4645, Beagle
Davis W Ray, $430, Ashland
Davis & Miller, $900, Medford
Davis & Vawter, $1370, Medford
Davison W E, $1415, Medford
Davison S J Luetta, $550, Seattle
Daw L, $130, Beagle
Daw R L, $150, Gold Hill
Dawn Mary, $1010, Medford
Daws R D, $2145, Medford
Dawson T B, $630, Trail
Day D W, $95, Medford
Day Hattie S, $1175, Medford
Day John E, $1285, Medford
Day M E Mrs, $1549, Jacksonville
Day Nancy B, $410, Medford
Day Richard, $745
Day S J, $55, Jacksonville
Dayton A J, $1600, Buncom
Dean Frank, $1050, Ashland
Dean G B, $7195, Central Point
Dean G E, $940
Dean Harriet, $1200, Ashland
Dean H G, $400
Dean R F $8590, Central Point
Dean W E, $940
Dean W J, $2945, Talent
Deane A W, $2805, Medford
Deane Geo W et al, $1615, Three Pines Or
Dearmon R, $535, Sams Valley
DeArmond H L, $4020, Medford
Deartman R, $4570, Ashland
DeBar Geo O B, $2250, Eugene, Ur
DeBolt F P, $400, Ashland
DeCarlow C W, $875, Pinehurst
DeCarlow C W and L A, $2725, Pinehurst
Decker M M and Arthur, $650, Ashland
Decker P A, $275, Ashland
Decker S E, $2395, Ashland
Decker S E and Cora, $240, Ashland
Dedrick C R, $3600
DeFord W F, $1275, Central Point
DeGroat Rose, $2400, Omaha, Neb
Deich N, $260, Jacksonville
Delamater C M et al, $2000
DeLamater M A, $2160, Portland
DeLamater N, $2000, Portland
De Lander Emma C, $1500, Talent
De Lap C H, $300, Ashland
Delfanney J, $200, Central Point
Delovage A & M, $1600, Lake Creek
Del Rio Orchard, $44,870, Medford
Del Rio Orchard Co, $1750, Gold Hill
Deming J B, $1600, Medford
Demmer John, $1720, Medford
Demmer J L, $1045, Medford
Demmer J L et al, $5220, Medford
Demmer Mathias Sr, $3550, Jacksonville
Demmer Paul, $5220, Medford
Deneff W C, $1650, Jacksonville
Denham J F, $4045, Talent
Denhof Peter, $1310, Medford
Denhof & Jensen, $300
Denison E G, $1600
Denning H, $600
Denning Jennie B, $4860, Medford
Dennington M E Mrs, $1000, Jacksonville
Dennis Albert E, $665, Rogue River
Dennis Bert, $750, Ashland
Dennis John H, $2400, Grand Rapids Mich
Dennis J N, $3030, Ashland
Dennis Mrs J W, $1310, Ashland
Dennis Lewis, $440, Central Point
Dennis Louis, $950, Ashland
Dennis L et uxor, $730, Ashland
Dennis & Sanderson, $7350, Ashland
Denniston C A, $2930, Medford
Densmore John D, $1000
Densmore M B, $1150, Ashland
Dent J B, $995, Medford
Dent J E, $325, Medford
Dente Otto, $800, Sellwood Or
Denton M E, $1000
De Peatt Antoinette, $3120, Ashland
Derby Joe, $2230f, Medford
De Roboam Emil, $100, Jacksonville
De Roboam Emil et al, $250, Medford
De Roboam Emil & Rosa, $1705, Medford
De Roboam S, $1400, Jacksonville
Derr J W, $750, Medford
De Sautel A E, $2200, Grants Pass
Detweiler L T, $700, Ashland
Deuel F K, $47,185, Medford
Deuel F K & Co, $22,000, Medford
Deuel & Strang, $1100, Medford
Devereaux P T, $1200, Eugene
Devine George C, $7415, Medford
Devivier B Mabel, $215, Ashland
Devivier M A, $900, Ashland
Devlin John, $11,960, Ruch
DeVoe C A, $550, Medford
DeVoe Mrs E, $250, Medford
DeVore T L, $230, Jacksonville
Deward John M, $600, Oakland Cal
Dewees L H, $1550, Ashland
Dewhurst M S, $15,600, Neillsville Wis
De Wilde Andrew, $2430, Eagle Point
Dewing Woodbury & Harris, $2795, Butte Falls
Dews Mrs Hattie, $500, Ashland
Dews J M, $165, Buncom
Dews O B, $700, Ashland
Dews T Mrs, $425, Jacksonville
Diamond J W, $2640, Medford
Diamond Pharmacy, $2000, Medford
Diamond Queen Mine, $120
Diamond Rooming House, $200, Medford
Dibley Wm C, $400, Medford
Dick Josephine et ux, $685, Medford
Dick N, $410, Jacksonville
Dickenson Chas Trustee, $22,600, Appleton Wis
Dickenson H W, $400, Lakeport Cal
Dickerson M A, $3935, Medford
Dickerson W O, $3505, Ashland
Dickey C A, $2450, Ashland
Dickey C O, $120, Central Point
Dickey C P, $10,145
Dickey Mary E, $1660, Ashland
Dickson A J, $800, Ashland
Diess H G, $280, Murphy
Dietrich Geo, $735, Medford
Dietrich J F, $190, Gold Hill
Dietrich Mattie A $40, Gold Hill
Dikeman H W, $800, Lakeport Cal
Dillon Helen, $1775, Medford
Dillon H O, $2300, Medford
Dimick Ed E, $350, Rogue River
Dimick Ed E & wife, $2305, Rogue River
Dinkens J P, $1940, Beagle
Ditsworth A, $260, Ashland
Ditsworth J F, $875, Derby
Ditsworth J F Jr, $2505, Derby
Ditsworth L A, $100
Divet J C & May, $1300, Ashland
Dix E Y, $1600, Portland Or
Dix Wm O, $1600, Portland
Dodd A H, $960
Dodd C H, $170, Stockton Cal
Dodd H B, $90, Butte Falls
Doddridge A, $2400, Aberdeen Wn
Dodge A C, $85, Gold Hill
Dodge Burdette Jr, $650
Dodge B L, $16,055, Medford
Dodge Delia M, $3650
Dodge Fred, $40, Gold Hill
Dodge F F, $1650, Ashland
Dodge F W, $25, Gold Hill
Dodge Ira J, $615, Medford
Dodge I C, $1400
Dodge J P, $9510, Ashland
Dodge J P & Sons, $5000, Ashland
Dodge J P and wife, $4600, Ashland
Dodge Laura D et al, $285, Medford
Dodge Louis, $700, Ashland
Dodge W M, $725, Ashland
Dodge W P & J M, $6585, Medford
Dodge W P and wife, $260, Medford
Dodge & Theiss, $1385, Medford
Dodson Mrs G W, $1375, Ashland
Dodsworth W H & C C Fox, $960, Milwaukee Wis
Dole Miriam M, $11,215, Talent
Dollarhide C M, $100, Medford
Dollarhide L D, $4980, Siskiyou
Dollison W A, $375
Domgalla John, $1000, Eagle Point
Donahue Arthur P, $7625 Payette Idaho
Donaldson I I, $1600, Ashland
Donegan H, $900
Donegan John F, $175, Gold Hill
Donegan M Mrs, $1265, Jacksonville
Donegan Pat, $50, Narrows Or
Doner J B & Malone H O, $10,400
Donnell P A, $1500, Rogue River
Donnevik W R, $180, Medford
Donovan P C, $1095, Talent
Dooley Ida F, $800, Portland
Dooly Frank E, $1600, Portland
Dooly Richard M Jr, $1370, Portland
Dooms Lewis, $475, Butte Falls
Doone G W & Minnie, $1660, Medford
Dopp R H, $610, Medford
Dora Matt, $1630, Ashland
Doran G L, $1440, Ashland
Doran Jas H, $1300, Ashland
Doran T F, $1800, Ashland
Doremus A B, $5680, Medford
Doremus F C, $395
Dorland R R $1250, Medford
Dorn David, $60, Buncom
Dorn D T, $525, Buncom
Dorn Frederick W, $480, Medford
Dorn Wm, $530, Buncom
Dorsey P, $1600, Carmen Idaho
Dorsey Zadie, $300, Omaha Neb
Dosier A, $2700, Ashland
Dosier S J, $50, Ashland
Doty E D, $185, Talent
Doubleday Hiram, $5470, Butte Fails
Doubleday Julia, $19,875 Medford
Dougherty Horace, $1000, Tacoma Wn
Dow Amy C, $1405, Medford
Dow E G, $1155, Medford
Dow G G, $225, Medford
Dow G W, $1375, Medford
Dow R B, $1665, Medford
Dowling J E, $1600
Down John F, $1775 Butte Falls
Down Mary Mrs, $1610, Butte Falls
Downey Howard B, $235, Medford
Downing Fred E, $1615, Medford
Downing John, $350
Downing J H, $2760, Central Point
Downing J L, $1300, Los Angeles
Downing Lorena E, $440, Central Point
Downing Sarah E et al, $640, Central Point
Downing Wm M, $245, Ruch
Downs W P, $520, Long Beach, Cal
Dox Henry G, $300, Jacksonville
Dozier N C, $1535, Ashland
Dozier Sarah J, $1970, Ashland
Dozier W T (heirs), $2550, Medford
Drake J H, $3380, Beagle
Drake L A, $5790, Phoenix
Drake L C, $160, Sams Valley
Drake W W, $250, Ashland
Dressler F H, $185, Phoenix
Dressler J W, $1775, Medford
Dressler et al, $300, Medford
Dressler & Soper Land Co, $100, Medford
Drew Annie, $405, Medford
Drisbro Bert L, $940, Gold Hill
Driskell Charles D, $1085, Medford
Drumhill Maggie P, $2415, Medford
Drumhill W J, $585, Medford
Drury Allen B, $3700
Dudley Howard D, $500
Dudley Howard S, $1600, Medford
Dudley H J, $12,400, Grand Rapids Mich
Dudley H J & Butte Falls Lumber Co, $6410
Dudley H S, $1770, Seattle Wash
Dudley James M, $325, Medford
Dudley James W, $325, Medford
Dudley W E, $4800, Grand Junction Colo
Duff Alexander, $8805, Medford
Duff D D, $8250, Medford
Duff Ella Mrs, $1000, Buncom
Duffield A, $200, Ashland
Duffield Ben, $175, Medford
Duffield Elizabeth, $775, Gold Hill
Duffield S H, 51600 Gold Hill
Duffield & Burns, $825, Gold Hill
Dugan T C, $5170, Eagle Point
Duggan Agnes, $425, Medford
Duggan Dennis, $4530, Central Point
Duggan John, $5595, Sams Valley
Duggan J B, $4545, Applegate
Duggan J C, $1950, Central Point
Duggan J F, $1250, Walla Walla Wn
Duggan J P, $1300
Duggan M E & M, $1045, Central Point
Duke R Z, $1300
Duncan Cave, $175, Medford
Duncan J N, $400, Albany Or
Duncan W C, $400, Albany Or
Dunford Charles, $5865, Jacksonville
Dunford Thos, $1500, Ashland
Dungan J B, $400, Sams Valley
Dungey Thomas, $910, Gold Hill
Dungey Walter Mrs, $770, Gold Hill
Dungey W A Mrs, $835, Gold Hill
Dunham Frank, $400, Portland
Dunham Kate Mrs, $2295, Talent
Dunham M R, $450, Ashland
Dunlap A J, $3480, Central Point
Dunlap E C, $900, Ashland
Dunlap Ira and Nellie V, $30, Phoenix
Dunlap Nellie V, $470, Phoenix
Dunlap Owen, $9550, Phoenix
Dunlap R E, $3670, Ashland
Dunlap Sarah, $280, Phoenix
Dunlap V A, $1500, Talent
Dunlop James W, $3235, Medford
Dunn G W, $37,415, Ashland
Dunn G W and wife, $1490, Ashland
Dunn Jas R heirs, $2000, Grants Pass
Dunn Mrs Mary M, $2400, Ashland
Dunn W F, $1730, Talent
Dunnington Della, $350, Jacksonville
Dunnington John, $585, Jacksonville
Dunnington M E Mrs, $420, Jacksonville
Dunnington S E, $2710, Jacksonville
Dunten Clara M, $575, Central Point
DuPeau Mrs W S, $520, Ashland
Dupray Antoine, $4975, Butte Falls
Dusenberry C L, $550, Gold Hill
Dusenberry J C, $500, Gold Hill
Dusenberry L A, $2650, Gold Hill
Dusenberry R L, $870, Gold Hill
Dusenberry S A, $1040, Gold Hill
Dustin Marla A, $50
Dutton Agnes, $2395, Medford
Dutton Edward, $60
Dutton Frank P, $1405, Medford
Dutton Wm, $1950, Eagle Point
Dutton Wm estate, $445, Eagle Point
Duty C F, $775, Ashland
Dwinnell G W, $2160, Montague Cal
Dwinnell W S, $77,310, Montague Cal
Dyer Mrs B A, $1830, Central Point
Dyer Geo F, $710, Medford
Dyer J L, $985, Medford
Dyke Emma A, $430, Medford
Dyke E A Mrs, $2540, Medford
Dynge K H, $1100
Eads Andrew, $1915, Medford
Eads Clarence, $4135, Medford
Eads Clarence E, $1835, Medford
Eads Everett, $2250, Medford
Eads Geo H, $2835, Medford
Eads J T, $8465, Medford
Eads Transfer & Storage Co, $1970, Medford
Eads & Holbrook, $275, Medford
Eads & Holmes, $1350, Medford
Eagle Drug Co, $4000, Medford
Eagle Point Lumber Co, $4600, Derby
Eagon L M, $350, Ashland
Earhart A K, $2495, Rogue River
Earhart estate, $19,800, Medford
Earhart F L, $250, Medford
Earl W C, $1390, Medford
Earle W G, $500
Earsley Ann, $1000, Medford
Earsley C L, $490, Medford
East Bessie B, $1000, Ashland
East Hugh, $1950, Ashland
East Luther, $1000, Ashland
East Side Meat Market, $300, Medford
East T J, $1000, Ashland
Easterling John M, $5680, Ashland
Easterly Frank, $500, Portland
Easterly Frank P, $1500, Trail
Easterly H, $2605, Ashland
Eastlick J E et al, $930, Ashland
Eastman C J, $835, Medford
Eastman H G, $900, Ashland
Eastman Wesley, $950, Ashland
Eastman W S, $860
Eaton John S, $400, Medford
Eaton Prior, $200
Eaton Rena Mrs, $275, Jacksonville
Eaton Willard, $1285, Medford
Ebel R R, $750, Medford
Eberly Gordon H & A M, $2200, Central Point
Eberly Mary, $200, Central Point
Eccleston Mrs J, $450, Ashland
Eckenberg F C, $860
Economy Meat Market, $1500, Medford
Edgell Corbin, $10,675
Edgerton James G, $800, Smith River
Edgington W W, $13,030, Gold Hill
Edington L & G W Penlond, $1400
Edler August, $1000
Edler A C, $1200
Edler Chas, $865
Edler M, $440, Lake Creek
Edmeads Forrest C, $640, Medford
Edmeads Thomas, $440, Medford
Edmonds Claire, $2060, Medford
Edmonds Josephine, $150, Medford
Edmonds Land Co, $20,640, Rhinelander Wis
Edmondson B F, $700, Butte Falls
Edmondson B F C, $275, Butte Falls
Edmondson Charles A, $3595, Butte Falls
Edmondson Elizabeth, $150, Derby
Edmondson W L, $695, Derby
Edmunds Mary M, $1410, Ashland
Edmunds W H, $1750, Ashland
Edsall Fred W, $630, Ashland
Edsall J B, $3200, Phoenix
Edsall J E, $400
Edsall Martha, $640,
Edsall T M, $1155, Phoenix
Edwards Arthur C, $1150, Ashland
Edwards A M, $400, Medford
Edwards Clara, $750, Medford
Edwards John W, $1750, Ashland
Edwards J S, $580, Medford
Edwards J S & W T, $1600
Edwards L C, $210, Ashland
Edwards L G, $1130, Talent
Edwards Rufus, $610, Medford
Edwards R E, $630, Medford
Edwards R J, $16,225, Ashland
Edwards R J & H W Huntzinger, $4210, Ashland
Edwards R J & L B, $2050, Ashland
Edwards S J, $305, Medford
Edwards W B, $1305, Medford
Edwards W O, $105, Talent
Edwards & Huntzinger, $4900, Rogue River
Egan Debbie, $200, Derby
Egan H C, $240, Medford
Egan Orchard Co, $20,300
Eggleston Augusta L, $3290, Ashland
Eggleston R J estate, $1400, Glendale Oregon
Eherenman Perry, $45, Ashland
Eherenman P P, $300, Ashland
Ehwegen J, $4395, Medford
Eicher C S, $470, Central Point
Eifert W W, $2705, Medford
Eighmy O W, $620, Medford
Einkopf Christ L, $2405, Medford
Einkopf Hannah, $465, Medford
Eisenhart E M, $240, Medford
Eissman & Cornell, $17,270, Gold Hill
Elden John W, $8550, Medford
Elden Mary C, $1000
Elden R W, $11,675, Central Point
Elder Lillian A, $200, Medford
Electric Gold Dredging Co, $10,360 Indianapolis Ind
Electric Kitchen, $550, Medford
Elfers George, $1775, Phoenix
Elfers G W, $105, Phoenix
Eliason Chas A, $6400, Ashland
Eliason Ross, $275, Ashland
Elk Lumber Co, $166,695
Elksnat G, $310, Jacksonville
Ellery Hattie K, $200, Portland Ore
Ellestad A T, $11,795, Central Point
Elliott C J, $175, Ashland
Elliott Frank C, $465, Medford
Elliott F C et al, $410, Medford
Elliott Hugh, $275, Medford
Elliott H C and wife, $500, Ashland
Elliott Meliza, $600, Central Point
Eliott Mildred, $135, Central Point
Eliott M E & T H, $5365, Ashland
Elliott W A, $2095, Gold Hill
Elliott W E & T H, $815, Ashland
Ellis Clarence E, $1200, Oakland Cal
Ellis H, $875, Ashland
Ellis J D, $300, Ashland
Ellis L B, $1050, Rogue River
Ellis O P, $1120, Medford
Ellis W A, $2400, Clifton
Ellis W L, $810, Medford
Ellison Harold, $450, Medford
Ellison Jas S et al, $300, Medford
Ellison Thomas B, $1970, Medford
Ellison Wm (heirs), $780, Cleone Ore,
Ellsworth R H, $1925, Central Point
Elmer A Mrs, $860, Jacksonville
Elmore C H estate, $7920, Applegate
El Paso National Bank, $2000
Elrod J O, $1030, Gold Hill
Elwood E D, $800, Medford
Elwood E D Mrs, $1710, Medford
Elwood Henrietta, $1275
Elwood Lucy A, $1175, Talent
Elwood M, $300, Medford
Elzenhouser C, $400
Embey J C, $150, Medford
Emerick Aletha et al, $1730, Medford
Emerick C J, $450, Medford
Emerick F T & M J, $12,380, Medford
Emerick Mattie L, $3375, Medford
Emerick M J, $475, Medford
Emerick M V et al, $7060, Medford
Emerick Sarah, $1665, Medford
Emerick S E, $4365, Medford
Emerick V J, $11,205, Ashland
Emerick V J & A, $1210, Medford
Emerick V J et al, $2955, Medford
Emerick V J & A, $8430, Medford
Emerson A J, $1750, Medford
Emerson W H, $200, Brooks Ore
Emery A O, $750, Ashland
Emery E, $1135, Gold Hill
Emery F H, $600, San Diego Cal
Emery F S, $50
Emery H S, $50, Ashland
Emery Mel S, $775, Ashland
Emig Adam, $10,420, Medford
Emme C, $50, Jacksonville
Emmens J J, $300, Medford
Enders H G, $22,190, Ashland
Enders H G & Son, $6000, Ashland
Endleman Julio, $500, Ashland
Engel Theo H F, $8970, Phoenix
Engelhardt C, $500, Medford
England R M, $3850, Central Point
Engle Elmina, $800
Engle F S, $2100, Ashland
English Chas E, $1075, Ashland
English Chas E and Belle, $1150, Ashland
English Charles M, $17,705, Medford
English Chas M et al, $1395, Medford
English Chop House, $300, Medford
English C M trustee, $1500, Medford
English C S, $1200, Ashland
English Frank N, $120, Gold Hill
English & Treichler, $2800, Talent
Ennis Etta M, $200, Jacksonville
Ennis E, $125
Ennis Robert, $500
Enos Frank C, $995, Medford
Ensele Amalia, $85, Jacksonville
Ensele Peter, $225, Jacksonville
Ensley J S, $700, Central Point
Ensley S, $2010, Sams Valley
Enyart Hazel, $125, Medford
Enyart Hazel N, $2075, Prospect
Enyart J E, $12,860, Medford
Enyart Lucretia, $690, Medford
Enyart L E, $2630, Medford
Enyart & Carnahan, $10,380, Medford
Eperson Neils, $375, Berkeley Cal,
Epperson G S, $250, Jacksonville
Epps Jane, $70, St Johns Ore
Equinton Kate W, $2560, Ashland
Erb A, $955, Ashland
Erb A D, $375, Ashland
Erb Laura A, $3360, Ashland
Erb Laura A and Ada, $600, Ashland
Erdman Ernestine, $540, Medford
Erdman S J, $200, Medford
Erdman S J Mrs, $7600, Medford
Erickson Christine, $1700, St James Minn
Erickson Ernest W, $195, Medford
Erickson E T, $460, Central Point
Erickson Jacob, $1600, Eugene
Erickson M E, $1600, Lake Creek
Erickson M L, $895, Medford
Erickson Nels, $860, Ashland
Erickson Rosella, $460
Erlwein Chas, $1300, Gold Hill
Erlwein Martin, $1500, Gold Hill
Erskine W M, $2285, Medford
Erwin Andrew, $120, Rock Point
Eske A, $140, Ashland
Estell Barbara, $2320, Rogue River
Estell Chas S, $775, Rogue River
Esterly H M, $1600, Lake Creek
Estes Ed A, $12,410, Ashland
Estes M J & Rankin, $675, Medford
Estes Rankin, $2460, Medford
Estes Sarah E, $990, Medford
Estes Wm W, $1550, Talent
Eubank H E, $3685, Medford
Eubank Wm R, $1910, Eugene Ore
Eubanks G G & A M, $2200, Ashland
Evans A P, $200
Evans Clarence B, $520, Medford
Evans C E, $200
Evans H S, $3375, Ashland
Evans Julia, $1000, Ashland
Evans Mrs Lois J, $660, Medford
Evans Mabel, $4095, Medford
Evans Maggie, $2200, Medford
Evans M J, $600, Ashland
Evans S J, $1420, Talent
Evans S J & E, $3880
Evanson Ed'svard A, $1460, Medford
Evenson E C, $1230, Ashland
Everas Baptist, $480
Everhard A J, $1390, Medford
Everhard W H, $6600, Medford
Everhard W H et al, $15,550, Medford
Everson E C, $675, Ashland
Everton Roberta, $500, Ashland
Everton Walter, $2850, Ashland
Ewing Ella, $60, Medford
Ewing's Gun Store, $3000, Medford
Faber E C, $1200, Central Point
Faber & McDonald, $4000, Central Point
Fabrick Glen, $75, Medford
Fabrick Glen, $3275, Medford
Fadden John O, $965, Medford
Facklam Wm, $465, Central Point
Facklam W J & Wm Carey, $7970, Central Point
Fairmont Rooming House, $250, Medford
Fagaley S L, $1065, Medford
Fager C D, $2930, Ashland
Fagley Sarah, $890
Fansher B, $640, Medford
Farley John I, $2100, St Paul Minn
Farleigh John, $440, Meadows
Farlow E J, $7370, Ashland
Farlow Frank, $2420, Lake Creek
Farlow F L, $2470, Lake Creek
Farlow Thomas, $4710, Eagle Point
Farlow W P, $2100, Lake Creek
Farlow & Klingle, $580, Lake Creek
Farmer J, $810, Seattle Wash
Farmer J W, $595
Farmer J & F M, $25
Farmer Laddie, $300, Ashland
Farmers & Fruit Growers Bank, $35,860, Medford
Farmers Fiat Mining Co, $1200
Farmgay Minerva E, $300, Medford
Farnham Clarence, $90, Ashland
Farnham Clarence E, $275, Ashland
Farnham Fradie Mrs, $925, Ashland
Farnham M S, $1600, Ashland
Farnham Romain, $2545, Ashland
Farnum Minnie M, $270, Central Point
Farra Clara, $1000, Central Point
Farra E L, $350, Central Point
Farrar C L, $2505
Farrar John H and wife, $700, Ashland
Farrell T M, $4725, Phoenix
Farrer C W, $1330, Ashland
Farrer Sadie G, $230, Medford
Farrow B, $600 Pasadena Cal
Faske Gus, $475, Medford
Fattig Jonas, $155, Ruch
Fattig Jonas, $1860, Ruch
Faucett Jennie, $1300, Ashland
Faulds R B, $500, Cornelius Or
Feather T A, $3270, Beagle
Federal Telegraph Co, $2965
Fehl Delbert, $2365, Central Point
Fehl Earl H, $4420, Medford
Fehr Jacob C, $340
Feldenheimer Albert, $100, Portland Or
Feldenheimer A & Co, $13,860, Portland Or
Fenelon Charles D, $3360, Phillips Wis
Fenton Ella, $3225, Ashland
Ferderman L, $1000, Rogue River
Ferguson A B, $610, Ashland
Ferguson Bros, $3700, Ashland
Ferguson Elizabeth, $1875, Medford
Ferguson Inez, $320, Central Point
Ferguson Jas C, $2100, Ashland
Ferguson J, $2070, Medford
Ferguson L, $1450, Ashland
Ferguson R A, $440, Medford
Ferguson R J, $350
Ferguson Walter A, $935, Medford
Ferguson Wm H, $1585, Central Point
Ferndale Ranch Co, $235, Rogue River
Ferns A B Mrs, $18,106, Phoenix
Ferns Chas T, $2075, Phoenix
Ferns Hazel P, $700, Talent
Ferns James M, $5620, Phoenix
Ferns Jennie A, $4670, Phoenix
Ferns Ralph L, $5645, Phoenix
Ferns Wm J, $5025, Phoenix
Fernvale Ranch Co, $3860, Rogue River
Fetzner Chas, $1000, Grants Pass
Fewell James M, $425, Ashland
Fewell Jane Mrs, $1250, Ashland
Fichtner Carl, $200, Medford
Fick Fred J, $1585, Jacksonville
Fick Peter N, $6930, Jacksonville
Fiedler Fred, $190, Medford
Field J A, $350, Medford
Field S B, $500, Talent
Fielder J C & R M, $915, Medford
Fielder Mary E, $1575, Medford
Fields Chas, $1295, Provolt
Fields Clyde, $35, Phoenix
Fields Clyde & A H, $400, Phoenix
Fields Kelly, $120, Provolt
Fields Mrs K, $220, Provolt
Fields W H, $555, Medford
Fiero A Conro, $35,375, Central Point
Fifer T A, $880, Medford
Fifer T J, $480, Medford
Fikes Georgia, $165, Medford
Finch A A, $4820, Astoria
Findlay F L, $455, Eugene Or
Findley Everett, $825, Medford
Findley Fred, $655, Eagle Point
Findley H J, $2000
Findley Irwin et al, $400, Medford
Fine Rose, $205
Finley Alice, $5850, Ashland
Finley A M, $1300, Ashland
Finley Bros, $3365, Murphy
Finley Everett, $8470, Medford
Finley Grant, $800, Eagle Point
Finley Irwin, $7585, Medford
Finley J J, $1675, Tonopah Nev
Finley M C, $500
Finley Rebecca, $1700, Ashland
Finleyson E A, $760
Finnamore David, $8210, Central Point
Firestone Sarah, $350, Talent
First Baptist Church, $1100, Ashland
First Baptist Church, $2055, Medford
First Christian Church, $850, Ashland
First Church of Christ Scientist, $200, Ashland
First Free Methodist Church, $925, Medford
First M E Church, $825, Medford
First National Bank, $56,680, Ashland
First National Bank, $123,130, Medford
First National Bank of Howarden, $960, Howarden Iowa
First National Bank of Milaca, $2000, Milaca Minn
First National Bank S O, $1600
First Presbyterian Church, $800, Ashland
First Spiritual Society, $1400, Ashland
First State Bank of Eagle Point, $10,250, Eagle Point
First State Bank of Rogue River, $7875, Rogue River
Fish A H, $605, Medford
Fish F T, $840, Sams Valley
Fish George N, $700, Medford
Fish Lake Ditch Co, $4450, Eagle Point
Fish T J, $9360, Phoenix
Fisher A, $75, Jacksonville
Fisher A H, $3455, Phoenix
Fisher A W, $400
Fisher A & N, $200, Climax
Fisher Bros, $4795, San Francisco
Fisher B R & Alfred Hensler, $3870
Fisher H E, $375, San Francisco Cal
Fisher J B, $4705, Sams Valley
Fisher L M, $5875, Gold Hill
Fisher M D, $1150, Medford
Fisher Mrs Norman, $1290, Portland
Fisher N E, $175, Jacksonville
Fisk George N, $1730, Medford
Fitch Chester, $18,705, Phoenix
Fitch F H, $90, Ashland
Fitz D G, $220, Beagle
Fitz Mary D, $4200, Beagle
Fitzgerald Bros, $5855, Sams Valley
Fitzgibbon G H, $1600, Portland
Fitzgibbon James, $125, Gold Hill
Fitzgibbon Jos A, $100
Fitzpatrick H, $2000, Milaca Minn
Fitzwater Mrs Clara, $75, Soldier Idaho
Fixley W C, $1280, Fall City Neb
Flackus Wm A, $2570, Ashland
Flagg L C Music Store, $844, Medford
Flagg W H, $950, Ashland
Flammer & Co, $750, Medford
Flanders C P, $1600, Maywood III
Flanders R C, $680
Fleming J D, $540, Medford
Fleming Silas, $290, Gold Hill
Fletcher John, $2025, Dudley
Fletcher Wm, $530, Medford
Flippin Elizabeth M, $340, Gold Hill
Florey A J, $100, Eagle Point
Florey Chauncey, $950, Jacksonville
Florey E A Mrs, $600, Eagle Point
Florida Rooming House, $250, Medford
Flourney M W, $2350
Floyd Wm P, $3835, Medford
Flury Mrs L E, $65, Talent
Flurry H C, $1585
Flynn A A, $300, Medford
Flynn D H, $1080, Beagle
Flynn S B, $2560
Flynn Thos K, $1030, Medford
Foeller Chas A, $575, Prospect
Foeller Daniel, $1085, Trail
Foley Clarence L, $4940, Medford
Foley Mike, $4180, Central Point
Folger Walter A, $11,265, Medford
Follett Julia F, $200
Folsom N O, $200, Ashland
Forbes A M, $1080, Medford
Forbes K S, $220, Central Point
Forbes Mary M, $220, Medford
Forbes M A Mrs & Co, $1400, Central Point
Force David S, $1370, Kerby Or
Forchet E, $1000, Butte Falls
Ford Anson M, $440, Butte Falls
Ford B E, $2400, Wasco Or
Ford Harry C, $1270, Pittsburg Pa
Forest Geo H, $145, Murphy
Forest Rebecca M, $4485
Forney E T, $625, Medford
Forrest Francis, $285, Jacksonville
Forrester L E, $240, Hutchinson Kan
Forster F S, $210, Medford
Foss E E, $15,945, Talent
Foss E T, $165, Medford
Fossum M G, $1600 Minneapolis Minn
Foster Agnes B, $1000
Foster Eugene B, $1000, Medford
Foster E H, $195, Medford
Foster E J, $700, Ashland
Foster Frank R, $400, Lents Or
Foster Harold D, $1150, Medford
Foster H E, $2765, Medford
Foster H V trustee, $8400
Foster John, $100, Eagle Point
Foster John M, $285, Medford
Foster J E, $240, Trail
Foster J E & J M, $1340, Trail
Foster Marion, $1160, Medford
Foster Mary C, $220
Foster Minor A, $640, Gold Hill
Foster M W, $1000, Medford
Foster M W & E Faicht, $2000, Medford
Foster Perry, $2265, Trail
Foster R N, $1840, Medford
Fouch L H, $650, Talent
Fountain Joseph N, $110, Gold Hill
Fountain J H, $400, Gold Hill
Four Hundred and One Orchard Co, $89,960, Medford
Fouts O R, $280, Medford
Fouts E J, $1690, Medford
Fowler C A, $570, Medford
Fowler Edwin, $69,800, Applegate
Fowler E M, $700, Ashland
Fowler Wm, $8205, Rogue River
Fox A, $1300, Ashland
Fox D F, $150, Ashland
Fox E P, $220, Lake Creek
Fox George, $4350, Central Point
Fox Henry, $925, Ashland
Fox Kate & D F, $2075, Ashland
Fox Stella, $6160, Central Point
Fox S R, $2050, Ashland
Fox Wm, $1305, Talent
Foxall James, $2480, Talent
Frain Fred, $3420, Thrall Cal
Frain Ida, $675, Thrall Cal
Fraley Chas W, $2050, Ashland
Fraley C W et al, $1100, Ashland
Fraley E E, $2695, Medford
Frame Holt & Frame, $6955, Talent
Franciscus Albert H, $1935, Central Point
Frank J, $400
Franklin J F, $125, Ashland
Franks C H, $225, Medford
Frazer J W, $240, Talent
Frazer Maude, $3075, Ashland
Frazier Elmer, $900, Ashland
Frazier Frank, $4000, Talent
Frazier F D, $695, Talent
Frazier M E, $1025, Ashland
Fredenburg Ben, $1410, Butte Falls
Fredenburg Ben Mrs, $1275, Butte Falls
Fredenburg C H, $1365, Gold Hill
Fredenburg E, $200, Butte Falls
Fredenburg H A, $2725, Medford
Fredenburg John L, $630, Sams Valley
Fredenburg J I, $2830, Gold Hill
Fredenburg, J T, $415
Fredenburg L M, $440, Butte Falls
Fredenburg L M Mrs, $640, Butte Falls
Fredenburg M A Mrs, $5130
Fredenburg M C, $2160, Medford
Fredenburg M R, $220
Frederick D O, $400, Medford
Frederick Fred, $25, Medford
Frederickson N, $2845, Medford
Freeberg L E, $1600, Ashland
Freeberg W A, $2100, Ashland
Freel A O, $1000, Oregon City
Freel M A estate, $5000, Central Point
Freeman Bert A, $400, Ashland
Freeman Bros, $1200, Central Point
Freeman Minnie, $950, Central Point
Freeman Mrs R G, $1300, Ashland
Freeman W J, $25,020, Central Point
Freeman & Wiley Co, $4955, Central Point
Frees Dora, $220, Medford
Frees George, $290, Medford
French Bettine O, $1605, Medford
French B N, $3710, Talent
French B N & Ida E, $540, Phoenix
French E E, $715, Medford
French E H, $3840, Medford
French Henry, $880, Eagle Point
French J H, $2550, Eagle Point
Freshour J W, $400
Frey E W, $400, Lake Creek
Frey Geo H, $475
Frey G W, $400
Frick John, $600, Medford
Frideger A, $5950, Medford
Frideger Frederick, $13,965, Medford
Frideger F Jr, $195, Medford
Frideger I R, $1500
Fries Clover V, $80, Central Point
Frink J L, $235, Eagle Point
Frink J M, $30,845, Phoenix
Frizell Gordon B, $650, Ashland
Froback H O, $4515, Ashland
Froman L B, $400, Eagle Point
Frost C W, $830, Medford
Frost Geo E, $1600, Portland
Fruit Growers Supply Co, $28,880, Hilt Cal
Frulan W H and wife, $1450, Ashland
Fry Earl, $185, Phoenix
Fry G W, $320
Fry John T, $1790, Trail
Fry J G, $9160, Medford
Fry L D, $805, Phoenix
Fry W W, $3800, Ashland
Frye C R, $185, Medford
Fryer J J, $780, Eagle Point
Fryer V J, $225, Eagle Point
Fryrear Robert, $195
Fryrear Robert, $100
Fuller Almeda, $3200, Dallas Or
Fuller Arthur W, $1500, Ashland
Fuller Arthur and wife, $2000, Ashland
Fuller J H, $7220, Talent
Fuller Perry B, $200, Ashland
Fuller Wm D, $1940
Fuller & Paulserud, $200, Ashland
Furry Arthur, $1675, Ashland
Furry A S, $4070, Phoenix
Furry Carolita, $6980
Furry F E, $8866, Phoenix
Furry Milo, $735, Phoenix
Furuta J, $200, Talent
Fusler R H, $800, Lake Creek
Fusselman Fred A, $5600, Edgerton O
Fusselman J E, $1480, Medford
Gabriel Ida B, $100, Medford
Gaddis Bros, $1825, Medford
Gaddis E C, $2875, Medford
Gaddis & Dixon, $2720, Medford
Gage Mary F, $540, Trail
Gage Mary F and children, $1595, Trail
Gagnon Clara M, $780, Medford
Gagnon Emma, $1875, Medford
Gaines T C, $835, Trail
Gaines T C et al, $1225, Trail
Galbreath Wallace, $1875, Bybee Springs
Galbreth J, $3500, Ashland
Gale H, $200, Beagle
Gale H W, $2325
Galey E C, $4900, Ashland
Galey H C, $315, Ashland
Gall Ellis E, $650
Gall E R, $2975, Sams Valley
Gallatin Clint, $1677, Buncom
Gallatin L H, $2995, Talent
Galliger I T, $1115, Gold Hill
Galliger T, $1810, Medford
Galls Creek M & D Co, $3300, Portland
Gammill John A, $8940, Phoenix
Gangswisch & Willeke, $500, Jacksonville
Ganiard L, $240, Ashland
Ganiard O, $420
Ganiard S E, $1675, Ashland
Ganiere Chas & Sophia, $600, Ashland
Ganiere G H, $1200, Ashland
Gannaway W C, $5675, Medford
Ganschaw John, $1600
Gara E C, $1900, Ashland
Gardner Francis E, $1550, Medford
Gardner G A, $875, Talent
Gardner H J, $790, Central Point
Gardner L F, $1620, Sams Valley
Gardner Mary E, $745, Sams Valley
Gardner Myrtle, $745, Medford
Gardner Raphael, $2120, Lake Creek
Gardner Stephen, $400, Medford
Garfield Urzilla Mrs (heirs of), $3090
Garland H W, $800
Garle F E, $385
Garner Ida M, $910, Oakland Cal
Garnett Ben, $1200, Medford
Garnett-Corey Hardware Co, $21,220, Medford
Garnett H C, $5940, Medford
Garrett David, $445, Medford
Garrett George C, $8245, Medford
Garrett J M, $3840, Lake Creek
Garrett M, $1030, Lake Creek
Garrett N J, $8600, Medford
Garrett P C, $1125, Ashland
Garrett Sarah E, $1400, Ashland
Garrett Wm, $1240, Medford
Garrett W O, $480, Buncom
Garrett W R, $865, Buncom
Garrison Andrew J, $665
Garrison A T, $1600, Portland,
Garrison C F, $665, Medford
Garvin Emma, $235, Talent
Garvin J L, $1605, Talent
Garvin W J, $200, Roseburg Or
Gash Anna, $1925, Ashland
Gaslin Mildred M, $2400, Ashland
Gates C E, $5480, Medford
Gates Geo E, $200, Ashland
Gates Lizzie, $400
Gattwinkle Frank O, $115, Medford
Gattwinkle F O & H M, $1235, Medford
Gauckle Christ, $215
Gault Mary R, $2030, Medford
Gault M E, $1125, Medford
Gaunyaw Ella, $1400, Medford
Gaunyaw Ray, $185, Medford
Gay Chas B, $1170, Medford
Gay James H, $800, Central Point
Gay Mrs R H & A Harper, $1450
Gearey Arthur B, $1600, St Paul Minn
Gearhart H H, $2480, Ashland
Geary E P, $585, Medford
Geary E P and wife, $14,440, Portland Or
Geiger F W, $1600, Portland
Geiger Geo & Mary, $1210, Sacramento Cal
Gentry W G, $495, Medford
George M L et al, $700, Medford
George Stillman K, $400, Eugene
George S C, $5050, Central Point
George Wm P, $2000, Salem
Geppert Joseph, $2420, Butte Falls
Geppert Josephine, $400, Butte Falls
Gerdes F M, $310, Medford
Gere Fred E, $210, Medford
Gerig Wm, $4975, Medford
Gerig Wm et al, $85, Medford
Gerig & Stout, $1100
Gerking & Harmon, $400, Medford
German Coach Horse Co, $300, Gold Hill
Geruth Mrs N S, $60, Ashland
Getchell Delroy, $33,730, Medford
Gibbs Elijah, $270
Gibbs F L, $2000, Crow Or
Gibbs Mary E, $265, Los Angeles Cal
Giboney Mary M, $1275, Medford
Gibson Alice (estate), $2800, Ashland
Gibson Angle M, $2950, Hornbrook Cal
Gibson Catherine C, $750, Central Point
Gibson Elizabeth C, $75, Central Point
Gibson Jas C, $2630, Ashland
Gibson Joseph, $2725
Gibson J R, $500, Ashland
Gibson K C, $40
Gibson Louis, $850, Eagle Point
Gibson W C, $100, Ashland
Giddings E E, $2300, Ashland
Gienger Albert C, $3750, Ashland
Gies Wm, $970, Ashland
Gifford A & F C, $165, Ashland
Gilbert Hannah J, $1670, Colestin
Gilbert J F, $440
Gilbert Mary E, $1050, Los Angeles Cal
Gilbert Wm, $300, Vancouver BC
Gilchrist C C, $5370, Sams Valley
Giles E L et al, $1620
Gilfillan Myra, $100, Climax
Gilham T H, $550, Ashland
Gill James S, $4015, Talent
Gill J C, $230, Ashland
Gillaspy Bertha M, $175, Medford
Gillaspy J, $1625, Medford
Gillaspy J et al, $75, Medford
Gillett A A, $425, Central Point
Gillett Geo, $190, Murphy
Gillette A P, $300, Central Point
Gillette A P & Alfred, $600, Central Point
Gillette A V, $2160, Beagle
Gillette C H, $2775, Ashland
Gillette Geo V, $1050, Ashland
Gillette J W, $2725, Jacksonville
Gillette M L, $1400, Ashland
Gillette & Silver, $1200
Gillis Duncan, $2800, Aberdeen Wn
Gillis M $800, Aberdeen Wn
Gillis W H, $750, Ashland
Gillis W H & G, $1400, Ashland
Gillmore J F, $500, Eagle Point
Gilman Bros, $1520
Gilman George, $6175, Medford
Gilman Thos H, $1600
Gilmore A G, $1760, Rogue River
Gilmore C A S, $850, Ashland
Gilmore E J, $125, Gold Hill
Gilmore Frank, $810, Rogue River
Gilmore J W, $3600, Central Point
Gilmore Mary E, $500, Derby
Gilson A, $1015, Jacksonville
Gilson T, $480
Ginet Joseph, $2850, Jacksonville
Gitzen Henry, $300, Medford
Givan Catherine, $1250, Eagle Point
Givan George E, $6990, Eagle Point
Glascock H C, $1025, Medford
Glaser J, $100, Oakland Cal
Glasgow W W, $8435, Medford
Glasgow & Stratton, $25,495, Talent
Glaise Luther A, $1680, Altgerville
Glaspey John, $150, Port Orford
Glass E L, $7360, Central Point
Glass Jesse E, $6025, Central Point
Glass Jessie E, $510, Central Point
Glass Mrs S H estate , $8320, Central Point
Glass Theo A, $1710, Central Point
Gleason B C, $230, Central Point
Gleason L B, $4420, Phoenix
Gleaves P estate, $995, Jacksonville
Gleim H S, $9040, Talent
Glen Rogue Orchard Co, $18,480, Jacksonville
Glenn D L, $2600, Ashland
Glenn Wm, $2275, Talent
Glidden Annie, $695, Medford
Gilese ------, $150, Bend Or
Glocer J, $240
Glover M B, $1155, Medford
Glover M G, $75, Medford
Gluck Franziska, $1695, Medford
Gluck Lillian Mae, $3900, Medford
Goble G, $400, Prospect
Goble H, $750, Ashland
Goble J G, $6757, Medford
Goddard F R & A T, $575
Goddard H H, $270, Talent
Goddard H J, $1275
Godding W K, $255, Rogue River
Godfrey Thomas W, $65, Sams Valley
Godlove H W, $665, Medford
Godlove John, $400
Godlove S C, $1210, Medford
Godlove S C (agt), $1015, Medford
Goerlick Chas, $3200, San Francisco
Goetz A C, $850, Ashland
Goetz W H, $350
Goff Effie E, $750
Goff & Gossett, $11,565
Goffe Florence H Mrs, $2000, Central Point
Goff M A, $3900, Medford
Goin & Yarbrought, $240
Gold Crest Fruit Co, $5200, Gold Hill
Gold Hill Bank, $9025, Gold Hill
Gold Hill Bohemian Mining Co, $800, Gold Hill
Gold Hill Co, $10,220, Gold Hill
Gold Hill Development Co, $4460, Gold Hill
Gold Hill Lumber Co, $8650, Gold Hill
Gold Hill M Co, $800, Gold Hill
Gold Ray Investment Co, $11,495, Medford
Gold Ray Realty Co, $244,895, Medford
Golden Octopus Group Mine, $480
Golden Robert E, $2240, Jacksonville
Golden Standard Mine, $1240
Goldman John H, $2000
Goldman D R, $800, Wren Or
Goldsby Joseph, $1935, Buncom
Goldsby Rosa, $1730
Goltra W H, $1600, Salem
Gomer Wilhelm, $875
Good D D, $3225, Ashland
Goodale Frank W, $295, Medford
Goodale H W, $285, Medford
Goodale R, $2070, Medford
Goode W E, $1110, Medford
Gooderman Harry, $50, Medford
Goodfellow W E, $6400 Minneapolis Minn
Goodheart Maurice J, $5650
Goodhue Frank B, $1790, Medford
Goodman Ralph V, $160, Ashland
Goodnough Benj K, $960, Ocean Park Cal
Goodrich John B, $100, Medford
Goodrich J B, $265, Medford
Goodwin L M, $600, Ashland
Goodyear Mary J, $1000, Ashland
Gordon Clara, $600, Medford
Gordon Idelia, $3905, Medford
Gordon M H, $5215, Beagle
Gordon Robert E, $1385, Medford
Gordon W G, $885, Ashland
Gore E E, $5575, Medford
Gore Hattie M, $635, Medford
Gore Hattie W, $940, Medford
Gore John G, $23,740, Phoenix
Gore Sophenia I, $1850, Medford
Gore S J I Mrs, $65,495, Medford
Gore S J I Mrs & W H, $99,985, Medford
Gorham H H, $275, Medford
Gorham W M, $1710, Rogue River
Gormandy James M, $4350
Gottlieb Chris, $4680, Medford
Goudy W H and wife, $1175, Ashland
Gould Cordelia E, $30, Medford
Gould Lauro O, $950, Jacksonville
Gould W P, $950, Medford
Gouley James, $1380, Talent
Gow Mary E, $485, Ashland
Gowland Jas, $1720, Ashland
Gowland J Edwin, $200, Ashland
Grable Vernie, $745, Medford
Grace J H, $1000, Central Point
Graffis Donna, $5305
Graffis John, $500, Ashland
Graham B F, $23,040
Graham Daisy E, $100, Medford
Graham Edwin F, $520, Prospect
Graham H W, $1000
Graham John E, $430
Graham T W, $500, Hazel Creek Cal
Graham & Bush, $12,500
Graham & Wakeman, $100, Medford
Grainger E E & F M, $1200, Ashland
Grainger K F, $2200, Ashland
Gram M L, $2260, Portland
GAR Hall, $500, Ashland
GAR Hall, $2000, Central Point
Granger & Sutton, $240, Gold Hill
Granite City Hospital, $4000, Ashland
Granite City Savings Bank, $18,938, Ashland
Grant A E, $485, Ashland
Grant D B, $1410, Eugene
Grant Henry D, $1010, Medford
Grant Sina, $1600, Ashland
Grantham J W, $210, Medford
Grants Pass Timber Co, $111,050, Rogue River
Gravatte E K, $2065, Medford
Graves Amos, $75, Talent
Graves Amos A, $1695, Medford
Graves F M, $1070, Long Beach Cal
Graves G E & S, $2050, Ashland
Graves J D, $1070, Spencer Wis
Graves J H, $1055
Graves P V, $1070, Long Beach Cal
Graves T F, $1600, Portland
Graves & McPhail, $5830, Talent
Gray Annetta J, $1185, Medford
Gray Belle C, $3400
Gray Chas A, $2340, Ashland
Gray Eagle Mine, $200
Gray Ella E, $75, Butte Falls
Gray E A, $375
Gray Mrs F J, $3000, Rogue River
Gray F W, $2285, Medford
Gray H A Jr, $75, Medford
Gray J H, $710, Central Point
Gray L, $1785, Medford
Gray R A & Son, $2445, Applegate
Gray R S, $50, Butte Falls
Gray Susan, $1085, Medford
Gray Wm, $25, Buncom
Gray W S, $225, Butte Falls
Greb John, $1860, Eagle Point
Green A F, $2700, Eagle Point
Green B A, $460, Medford
Green F H, $915, Applegate
Green F S, $5665
Green I E, $900, Medford
Green Jennie M, $1560, Medford
Green J A, $150, Eagle Point
Green W C, $3425, Medford
Green & Hale, $200, Medford
Greene Wm T, $2595, Rogue River
Greenleaf W L, $2335, Central Point
Greenman E F, $245, Ashland
Greenman E F & M E, $970, Ashland
Greenwood Olive E Mrs, $3460, Ashland
Greer Bert R, $4625, Ashland
Greer Jennie F Mrs, $70, Ashland
Greer T J, $900, Ashland
Gregg G W, $2500, Ashland
Gregg Milton F, $1690, Ashland
Gregerson J, $3835, Beagle
Gregory A R, $2300, Ashland
Gregory Elizabeth, $745, Central Point
Gregory E J Mrs, $25, Central Point
Gregory H L, $10,220, Central Point
Gregory Josephine, $1105, Medford
Gregory J Frank, $1900, Central Point
Gregory Loren, $410, Medford
Gregory L A, $375, Medford
Gregory M T, $10,400
Gregory W J, $6105, Talent
Gregory W W, $15,750, Central Point
Gregson Emily, $50, Gold Hill
Grey J O, $450
Grey Pearl, $4325, Ashland
Grey Sadie, $340, Central Point
Gribble J E, $1535, Medford
Gridley C C, $800
Gridley Mary J, $250, Ashland
Gridley M L, $1600, Vancouver Wn
Grierson, I A, $835
Grieve Bros, $5305, Hornbrook Cal
Grieve E R, $700, Ashland
Grieve E R Jr, $1250, Ashland
Grieve Frank E, $1350, Ashland
Grieve James, $420, Central Point
Grieve John et al, $600, Medford
Grieve J E, $230, Prospect
Grieve W T, $3205, Jacksonville
Grieve W W, $480, Ashland
Griffin Creek Orchard Co, $10,675, Medford
Griffin Henry, $1120, Medford
Griffin Jennie M, $80, Tolo
Griffin J M, $1325, Ashland
Griffin M B, $2800, Medford
Griffith B B, $200, Jamul Cal
Griffith Chas, $185, Ruch
Griffith D M, $430, Gold Hill
Griffith estate, $2650, Eagle Point
Griffith John, $2320, Central Point
Griffith M E Mrs, $950, Gold Hill
Griffith S A, $350, Climax
Griffiths & Huber, $1470
Grigsby D L, $190, Central Point
Grigsby L S, $1590, Medford
Grigsby S L, $375, Pendleton Or
Grim David, $1000, Central Point
Grim J J, $815, Central Point
Grinsfelder J, $2000, Spokane Wn
Grisez Mary Mrs, $75, Ashland
Grisez Mary K, $950, Ashland
Grisez P N, $850, Ashland
Grissom A, $980, Climax
Grissom Bros, $4600, Lake Creek
Grissom E, $120, Climax
Grissom Llewellyn J, $1000, Climax
Grissom Wm, $680, Climax
Grittle Richard F, $400, Eagle Point
Groesbeck C B, $2400, Boulder Colo
Groff W C, $65, Ashland
Gross W H, $115
Grover Geo H, $530, Medford
Grover J W, $7305, Eagle Point
Groves J H, $1035, Ashland
Grow Geo P, $955, Ashland
Grow G W, $4745, Ashland
Grubb Charles P, $1795, Ashland
Grubb Elsie, $855, Ashland
Grubb Frank & Harry, $1635, Ashland
Grubb J C, $8635, Applegate
Grubb J L, $200
Grubb Wayne N, $8305, Ashland
Grubb W C, $1200, Ashland
Grubb W N & A E, $3000, Ashland
Gruber J B, $1800, Catawaba Wis
Gruber J M, $195, St Paul Minn
Grund C H, $1000, Butte Mont
Guard B F, $900, Butte Falls
Guches C O, $150, Talent
Guches J M, $450, Medford
Guches R R, $225
Guenther H, $1800, Beagle
Gudehus H E, $3825, Medford
Guernsey W D, $900, Medford
Guiley J W, $1120, Ashland
Guiley J W & Sons, $2695, Ashland
Guiley Martha & G W, $1635, Ashland
Guitteau A E, $1600, Seattle Wash
Gunn E, $3200
Gunn W F, $3200, Eugene
Gunter S C, $2910, Ashland
Gurley M P, $1100, Medford
Gustafson Alex W, $1600, Applegate
Guthrie A W, $5310, Murphy
Guthrie Dorothy, $1009, Medford
Guthrie E F, $25,310, Medford
Gyger Jackson, $2700, Ashland
Habersetzer C J, $1600, Talent
Habersetzer J A, $1600, Sherwood Or
Habersetzer Nettie, $1600, Sherwood Or
Hackenson Carl, $2400, Lake Creek
Hacker Wm, $40, Jacksonville
Hackert Fred, $3900, Jacksonville
Hackett E L, $1025, Ashland
Hackney L C, $165, Medford
Hadfield Thomas E, $750, Ashland
Haertle John, $960, Medford
Hafer Edgar S, $11,855, Medford
Hafner Herman, $150, Medford
Hagon J F, $760, Tolo
Hahn Lulu, $475, Talent
Hahn Lulu M, $1090, Ashland
Haight C, $2475, Ashland
Haight D, $545, Gold Hill
Hair John B, $5245, Medford
Hake G W, $830, Ashland
Hale A L, $1800, Ashland
Hale Dexter, $430, Medford
Hale Ed S, $210, Medford
Hale Emma A, $3175, Medford
Hale J F, $1135, Medford
Hale J P, $2400
Hale Lizzie T, $2300
Hale's Piano House, $855, Medford
Hale Roy S, $920, Ashland
Hale W C, $120
Hale W G, $2805, Ashland
Hale & Lyon, $150, Medford
Haley A H et al, $800
Haley P W, $3869, Eagle Point
Halfhill J P, $530, Ashland
Hall Albert, $800
Hall Anna D, $400, Medford
Hall A A, $1770, Trail
Hall A E, $3480, Medford
Hall A H, $410, Ashland
Hall C P, $710, Brownsboro Or
Hall Edw, $100
Hall Mrs Emma L, $2800, Rogue River
Hall E B, $16,815, Medford
Hall F E, $150
Hall Geo F, $140, Prospect
Hall Geo W, $1760, Medford
Hall G LeRoy, $1965, Marshfield
Hall G P, $35, Central Point
Hall Harley, $1410, Buncom
Hall James F, $1260, Medford
Hall John, $200
Hall Joseph F, $1245, Buncom
Hall J C, $3175, Medford
Hall Lincoln, $1000, Los Angeles
Hall Marie E, $2000, Rogue River
Hall M I, $850, Ashland
Hall S A Mrs, $860
Hall Theron, $225, Eagle Point
Hall Wm, $1215, Medford
Hall W B, $285, Medford
Hall W D, $350, Rogue River
Halladay Electa E, $2730, Medford
Haller Wm, $1600, Ashland
Halley P J, $95, Medford
Halley R H, $60, Medford
Halley R H & Addie, $17,045, Medford
Halley S E, $1170, Medford
Halley Wm F, $865, Medford
Halley Wm F, P J & M L, $590, Medford
Halley W L, $7915, Medford
Halliday C E, $685, Medford
Halliday E E, $1185, Medford
Halloway C T, $2230, Medford
Halloway Orchard Co, $10,920, Medford
Ham W B, $425
Hamaker S C, $800, Ashland
Hamblen A S, $2000, Grants Pass
Hamilton Chas, $845, Ruch
Hamilton C T, $215, Medford
Hamilton E C, $990, Medford
Hamilton I L, $10,240, Medford
Hamilton S B heirs, $10, Applegate
Hamilton W H, $37,025, Eagle Point
Hamlin C A, $2105, Medford
Hamlin Geo, $280, Medford
Hamlin M E, $9255, Phoenix
Hamlin T J, $18,495, Medford
Hamlin Wm, $9450, Medford
Hamlin W H, $2870, Medford
Hammel W E, $10,775, Medford
Hammersley John, $235, Gold Hill
Hammersley John B, $725, Gold Hill
Hammersley Joseph L, $2400, Gold Hill
Hammersley Riley, $150, Rogue River
Hammersley Thos, $2000, Gold Hill
Hammett Wm, $700, Central Point
Hammond A P, $15
Hammond Ben, $830, Rock Point
Hammond C R, $1165
Hammond F E, $780, Medford
Hammond W E, $530, Eagle Point
Hammond W S, $85, Medford
Hammond W S & F B, $1300, Medford
Hamrick John, $7930, Central Point
Hamrick J B, $440, Central Point
Hanby A J, $2020, Medford
Handcock L E, $360, Provolt
Handicraft Shop, $600, Medford
Handy Catherine I, $470, Medford
Handy W L, $1330, Medford
Hanger M E, $960, St James Minn
Hanley A E, $19,950, Jacksonville
Hanley Miss A E, $450, Central Point
Hanley A J, $160, Central Point
Hanley E B, $58,560, Medford
Hanley M F, $28,330, Medford
Hanley Wm, $710, Medford
Hanley W D, $1600, Buncom
Hanley W L, $2800
Hann Julia T, $1080
Hanna Frank, $250, Ashland
Hanna Helena, $375, Jacksonville
Hanna H K, $7660, Jacksonville
Hannah J B, $910, Medford
Hannah J C, $6145, Trail
Hannah S et al, $400, Medford
Hannah S L, $100, Gold Hill
Hannah & Bagshaw, $600, Jacksonville
Hanners J W, $680, Medford
Hanning John, $2400, Troutdale Or
Hanscom Chas, $410, Medford
Hanscom D H, $1895, Medford
Hanscom E E, $75, Medford
Hanscom Horace A, $4540, Medford
Hansell T W, $1600, Portland
Hansen C F, $250, Medford
Hansen C L, $200
Hansen G, $700, Nashua Iowa
Hansen Henry, $2755, Medford
Hansen H L, $1765, Applegate
Hansen H M, $775, Ashland
Hansen I N, $2800
Hensen James P, $2990, Medford
Hansen S J, $100
Hensen & McClanahan, $300, Medford
Hanson Blanche T, $575, Medford
Hanson Nils P, $960, Climax
Harbaugh Dora Mrs, $3405, Jacksonville
Harbaugh May D, $5910
Harbaugh O Mrs, $800
Harbordt Edith, $900, Seattle Wash
Hardy F M, $1150, Ashland
Hardy Virgie M, $190, Medford
Hardy W M, $600, Medford
Hargadine C, $1300, Ashland
Hargadine Geo R, $1115, Ashland
Hargrave Anna E, $2000, Ashland
Hargrave Anna E & Ida H Neil, $3000, Ashland
Hargrave A P & F W, $6200, Phoenix
Hargrave H P, $285, Medford
Hargrave Weeks & Orr, $975, Medford
Hargrave & McGowan, $1175, Medford
Harkness W L, $111,200
Harlow M Mrs, $3200, Prospect
Harmon M C, $150, Eagle Point
Harmon W P Mrs, Medford Or
Harms Carrie A, $850
Harner J L, $1600, Ashland
Harnish B W, $500, Eagle Point
Harnish Susie E, $800, Eagle Point
Harnish S H, $2555, Eagle Point
Harper Charles C, $2000, Tacoma Wash
Harr Bert, $1200
Harr John P, $4225, Watkins
Harrell J B, $1250, Ashland
Harrell P L Mrs, $1070, Medford
Harrell W A, $3605, Jacksonville
Harrigan J T, $3000, Marshfield
Harrigan R C Mrs, $500, Marshfield
Harrington G S & L M, $350, Ashland
Harrington John, $800, Medford
Harrington Lee, $6250, Applegate
Harris Blanche & Maude, $1995, Medford
Harris B H, $2050, Gold Hill
Harris Carl, $440, Ashland
Harris Chas A, $900, Ashland
Harris Mary F, $2500, Ashland
Harris Myrtle, $130, Gold Hill
Harris Myrtle M, $530, Butte Falls
Harris V D, $960, Medford
Harris W B, $2530, Central Point
Harrison A McN, $155, Gold Hill
Harrison Bela, $1200, Gold Hill
Harrison Emma V, $510
Harrison Fred, $700
Harrison Grant, $2310, Gold Hill
Harrison H A Mrs, $650, Ashland
Harrison Mary M, $735, Medford
Harrison N H, $900, Ashland
Harrison W, $770, Rogue River
Harstine Wm H, $915, Medford
Hart Addie, $605, Medford
Hart Ernest E, Inc, $76,010, Medford
Hart E E estate, $49,610, Medford
Hart E E (trustee), $4800, Central Point
Hart E E & C Hafer Inc, $14,400, Medford
Hart George E, $12,600
Hart Grace R, $800
Hart Hamilton W, $400
Hart Henry, $1765, Medford
Hart Henry, $16,785, Phoenix
Hart John C, $380, Ashland
Hart Julius, $2480, Ashland
Hart Julius & Christine, $1350, Ashland
Hart Rex, $490, Medford
Hart Susan, $1875
Hart Mrs S, $3850, Eagle Point
Hart Wm H, $625, Medford
Harth Eva, $915
Hartley Charles C, $9045, Talent
Hartley Chas P, $800, Talent
Hartley Clara L, $3300
Hartley J, $2000, Ashland
Hartley J E, $2170, Ashland
Hartley M L, $605, Phoenix
Hartley M L and wife, $8550, Phoenix
Hartley T, $1450, Ashland
Hartley W W, $530, Medford
Hartman A, $750, Jacksonville
Hartman Jasten, $1760, Jacksonville
Hartman J & Kitto W C, $415, Jacksonville
Hartman & Ryan, $200, Jacksonville
Hartzell Wilbur J, $1775, Medford
Harvey Andrew, $200
Harvey Mrs A L, $1000, Ashland
Harvey Edith, $350, Gold Hill
Harvey Frank, $400, Juneau Alaska
Harvey G H, $1150, Ashland
Harvey Homer H, $925, Medford
Harvey J A, $5730, Ashland
Harvey Lillian H, $1285, Medford
Harvey Mabel S, $3675, Medford
Harvey Margaret A, $710, Gold Hill
Harvey Ruth, $1590, Medford
Harvey Walter, $3800
Harvey Wm H, $990, Gold Hill
Harvey W H & S McDow, $450, Gold Hill
Harvey W J, $2150, Central Point
Hash Henderson, $3950, Ashland
Hash Walter, $650, Ashland
Haskell ------, $600, Medford
Haskins Fannie, $450, Rogue River
Haskins Francis, $525, Medford
Haskins F R, $3565, Medford
Haskins Helen L, $18,950, Medford
Haskins John A, $2675, Watkins
Haskins Leon B, $8085, Medford
Hassett H M, $400, Eagle Point
Hastings Sarah J, $5600, Medford
Haswell H T, $4435, Medford
Haswell Mary A, $170, Medford
Hatch A, $1600, Portland
Hatch B H Mrs, $770, Ashland
Hatch C S, $1670, Rogue River
Hatch H B & M C, $200, Ashland
Hatcher J W, $1650, Ashland
Hatfield H B, $200, Central Point
Hatfield L, $3660, Central Point
Hathaway J G, $30
Hathaway Lavinia, $340, Central Point
Hathaway Robert L, $480
Hathaway T H E, $190, Medford
Hathaway Wm F, $4550, Central Point
Hauptly Fannie L, $2400
Hauptman F H, $1835, Central Point
Hauri J J, $350, Medford
Hauser A P et al, $5000
Husmand Mina, $655, Medford
Haven Lena, $1480, Medford
Havener Mary E C, $1600, Ashland
Haverty Clarence, $370, Medford
Hawk Clara M, $2675, Central Point
Hawk F A, $315, Central Point
Hawk J, $1140, Medford
Hawk Malinda J, $625, Derby
Hawk Willis, $260, Jacksonville
Hawkins Verner, $1600, Ashland
Hawks Bettie J, $100, Ashland
Hawks Mrs Fanny, $2930, Albuquerque NM
Hawley Clara L, $600, San Francisco
Hawley Matt, $2400, Ashland
Hawley Maude I, $250, Ashland
Hawley Ray H, $755, Ashland
Hawley Roy, $100, Ashland
Hawley V V, $1795, Ashland
Hay M S, $820, Central Point
Hayden Geo A, $190, Klamath Falls Or
Hayes A H, $1950, Ashland
Hayes Bros, $400
Hayes F E, $2500
Hayes Geo E, $185, Gold Hill
Hayes Jas R, $8160
Hayes S J, $1300, Gold Hill
Hayes S J Mrs, $3440, Gold Hill
Hayes T W, $400
Hayes & Partridge, $1800, Sams Valley
Haymond Benj, $3445, Medford
Haymond Benjamin (estate) $4835, Medford
Haynes Henry, $1370, Ashland
Haynes Henry & Eliza, $125, Ashland
Haynes J R G, $1405, Ashland
Haynes W C, $3160, Medford
Hays B H, $645, Gold Hill
Hays S H, $200, Gold Hill
Hazeling Herbert C, $150, Medford
Hazelrigg E A, $75
Hazelton A L, $1425
Hazelton Rev, $375, Ashland
Hazelwood Cliff, $100, Beagle
Hazelwood J M, $2215, Rogue River
Hazen C A, $1220, Talent
Hazle Martha A, $1820, Medford
Head Agnes, $250, Central Point
Head A E, $400
Head H W, $5040, Central Point
Heard C C, $2005, Medford
Heard J D, $80, Medford
Heard M M, $5740, Medford
Hearing John, $1320, Talent
Hearn Andrew, $2525, Phoenix
Hearn Daniel W, $1000, Grants Pass
Heartle Ethel, $150, Medford
Heartle John, $755, Medford
Heath Fred, $450, Eagle Point
Heath Fred L, $6305, Medford
Heath Fred S, $150, Anoka Minn
Heath L, $200
Heberlie Lou A, $1600
Heberling B W, $1285, Butte Falls
Hebrad I E, $800, Rogue River
Hebron Mark, $150, Ashland
Heckman Sallie M, $2010
Hedberg C H et al, $200 Ashland
Hedberg G H, $2555, Ashland
Hedges A M, $100, Ashland
Hedges Louise E, $675, Medford
Hedges S T, $1200, Gold Hill
Heeley F Mrs, $2865, Jacksonville
Heese L D, $1375, Altoona Pa
Heffner J V, $800
Heffner Wm P, $1000, Derby
Hefler E A, $1975
Hegardt G B & E C Weaver, $11,720, Ashland
Heilbrunner C, $1265, Medford
Heimroth C R, $1310
Heimroth H J Mrs, $5380, Medford
Heimroth T, $4450
Heise Matilda, $405, Medford
Heise Wilhelmina, $510, Medford
Helland H K, $960, Ashland
Hellman C Mrs, $2025, Monterey Cal
Hellstrom Carl, $6825 Pasadena Cal
Hellstrom C A, $220, Medford
Hellum C Mrs, $385, Medford
Helman A D, $6145, Ashland
Helman A D (estate), $2100, Ashland
Helman G A, $500
Helman J K, $1245, Ashland
Helman Otis O, $4090, Ashland
Helman Susan A, $3030, Talent
Helms A D, $3095, Ashland
Helms A M, $4710, Medford
Helms A Mrs (estate), $1020, Jacksonville
Helms E H, $550, Jacksonville
Helms estate & Helms Harry, $520, Jacksonville
Helms George, $10,540, Talent
Helms George L, $505, Talent
Helms H H, $5000, Talent
Helms Jessie Lee, $5835, Medford
Helms Lulu, $450, Medford
Helms Mary I, $9130, Medford
Helms Oliver P, $3365, Talent
Helvetia Mine, $120
Helwig Harold J, $150, Eagle Point
Hemstreet B F, $2250, Medford
Hemstreet M C, $1150
Henderson Charles, $95, Medford
Henderson John A, $1325, Medford
Henderson M F, $400, Portland
Henderson T A, $800, Eagle Point
Hendricks Edwards, $720, Applegate
Hendricks Geo H, $2240, Medford
Hendricks Joe, $1675, Dudley
Hendricks J F, $960, Ashland
Hendrickson V K, $1010, Medford
Henergardt H, $2100
Heninger John C, $595, Ashland
Heninger J C, & S E, $700, Ashland
Henkle C V, $2000, Rogue River
Henley James T, $1200, Merrill Or
Henry Charles A, $5085, Ashland
Henry J D, $1290, Phoenix
Henselman Ed, $85, Medford
Henselman John, $100, Medford
Henselman John H, $1680, Medford
Hensley James H, $590, Rogue River
Hensley Wood & Porter, $200, Ashland
Henwood G M, $1325, Tacoma Wash
Hepburn J O, $600, Ashland
Herbage T J, $200, Talent
Herbert A P, $3930, Medford
Herbert A W & S P, $1000, Ashland
Heriford J T, $290, Talent
Herman Bros, $7625, Medford
Herman Chas, $230, Gold Hill
Herman C H, $1600, Lake Creek
Herman Edward E, $3250
Herman John, $260, Provolt
Herndon Agnes Mrs, $2395, Ashland
Herr T L, $250, Rogue River
Herrick Florence S, $390, Los Angeles
Herrick Sophia B, $1475, Medford
Herrin F W, $2170, Ashland
Herrin John W, $305, Ashland
Herrin John S, $33,255, Ashland
Herrin L G, $3200, Ashland
Herring Elizabeth T, $4360
Herring James C, $240, Central Point
Hiring & Schoonmaker, $1000, Central Point
Herrington Mary E, $1600
Herriott Bros, $400, Applegate
Herriott Geo W, $190, Applegate
Herriott T W, $2525, Applegate
Herriott T W & J B, $410, Applegate
Herron J W, $1440, Gold Hill
Hersey Geo H, $30, Ashland
Hersey Geo H and wife, $975, Ashland
Hersey Jas H, $1500, Ashland
Hersey J W, $1000, Decatur Ill
Hess Dora, $330, Medford
Hess H, $400, Central Point
Hess M H, $400
Hess O H, $200, Carson Wash
Hesselgrave George N, $800, Central Point
Hesselgrave G N & C, $5240, Central Point
Hesselgrave J E, $290, Central Point
Hessler L J B, $810, Brownsboro
Hester T W, $1150, Newberg Or
Hevener E E, $1800
Hevener Wm W, $2475, Ashland
Hewitt Frederick, $185, Medford
Hewitt Henry, $750, Tacoma Wash
Hewitt J J, $3000, Tacoma Wash
Hewitt Land Co, $3800, Tacoma Wash
Hiatt T, $2160, Beagle
Hiatt Willis M, $2200, Rogue River
Hibbard J C, $590, Medford
Hibbard J G, $1490, Medford
Hibernia Savings Bank, $21,240, Portland
Hicken P J, $240, Central Point
Hicks Blanche E, $3950, Ashland
Hicks Charles E, $200, Talent
Hicks C G, $1100, Nampa Idaho
Hicks Elbert H, $2075, Albany Or
Hicks Joe, $30, Gold Hill
Hicks J E, $1265, Ashland
Hicks J W, $2730, Ashland
Hicks L V, $530, Ashland
Hicks R M, $660, Ashland
Hidden W F, $1600
Hiestand J F, $180, Locust Point Ind
Higgins E M Mrs, $1130, Ashland
Higgs A K, $625
High N L, $3625, Talent
High Ora Alice Mrs, $450, Talent
Higinbotham Ed, $425, Derby
Higinbotham E B, $905, Central Point
Higinbotham G H, $85, Central Point
Higinbotham J E, $1275, Derby
Higinbotham J E & W A, $1085, Prospect
Higinbotham J S, $155, Butte Falls
Higinbotham Mary, $1480, Medford
Higinbotham W A, $560, Prospect
Higinbotham & Houri, $4650
Hihn H H, $1600
Hildebrand A H, $980, Medford
Hilditch C A, $340, Medford
Hildreth E A, $1445, Butte Falls
Hildreth E H, $125, Butte Falls
Hildreth Lola M, $180, Butte Falls
Hildreth N B, $105, Butte Falls
Hilkey Daniel, $8985, Medford
Hill C R, $1920, Murphy
Hill Dillon R, $54,370, Medford
Hill R M Mrs, $120, Flagstaff Ariz
Hill T W, $1280, Ashland
Hillcrest Orchard Co, $83,980, Medford
Hillis C T, $1600, Rogue River
Hillis J B, $7750, Rogue River
Hillis J B Mrs, $200, Rogue River
Hillis Kate, $2640, Medford
Hillis Wm, $8985, Rogue River
Hillis W et al, $1000, Rogue River
Hills W J, $3700
Hilsinger Mary E, $8600, Talent
Hilt F D, $470, Derby
Hilton Albert J, $1675
Hilton C C, $150, Fresno Cal
Hilton George, $17,460, Central Point
Hilton George Jr, $235, Central Point
Hilty Carl E, $1000, Ashland
Hilty Louis, $1570, Ashland
Hilty L & T, $3100, Ashland
Hinds Fingal and wife, $190, Cottage Grove
Hines P A Mrs, $925, Jacksonville
Hines Homer A, $3250
Hinkle W K Mrs, $200, Jacksonville
Hinkson A H, $1900, Rogue River
Hinman L E, $1250, Medford
Hinton Wm, $3200, Sams Valley
Hintz & Landt, $120, Talent
Hipponsteel D O, $375
Hisey E W, $1810, Medford
Hitch J E, $240, Jacksonville
Hitchcock Roger W, $10,210, Eagle Point
Hittell C B, $1540, Ashland
Hittle W W, $2740, Gold Hill
Hittson J F, $2750, Medford
Hitzler C, $320, Medford
Hitzler Edwin S, $2295, Medford
Hitzler E F, $100
Hitzler E S et ux, $200, Medford
Hitzler George S, $1155, Central Point
Hoag Clara A & Seth, $3400, Murphy
Hoag J D and wife, $950, Ashland
Hoag Seth, $2185, Murphy
Hoagland A P (estate) $910, Central Point
Hoagland J P, $6350, Central Point
Hoagland T D, $500, Central Point
Hoagland W S, $960
Hoak I K, $12,910
Hoak Reno L, $25, Medford
Hobson Lucy A Mrs, $290, Jacksonville
Hockenyos J, $225
Hockenyos Eva, $1100, Medford
Hockenyos Wilhelmina, $1450, Medford
Hockersmith J N, $915, Medford
Hockert Fred, $265, Medford
Hockett Wm, $100, Ashland
Hodges Alivin R, $400
Hodges Isora, $90, Gold Hill
Hodges S T, $1550, Gold Hill
Hodgon Albert W, $1800
Hodgson Harry, $125, Talent
Hodgson Wm D, $13,355, Ashland
Hodgson & McBride, $530, Rogue River
Hoeff C, $3010
Hoefft Carl, $21,070, Lake Creek
Hoefft J H T, $275
Hoefs C F, $1605, Jacksonville
Hofer C, $835, Applegate
Hofer Edgar, $815, Medford
Hoffman George, $2890, Applegate
Hoffman John, $2000, Richland Minn
Hoffman J R, $680, Applegate
Hoffman Kate Mrs, $715, Jacksonville
Hoffmeyer G H, $2400, Seattle
Hofner Sophia, $400
Hogan J T, $600, Tolo
Hogan L V, $280
Hogan M D, $735, Medford
Hogan Nannie D, $4275, Medford
Hogsett J W et al, $3600
Hogue A H & E E, $1150, Ashland
Hogue E W, $1000, Ashland
Hoke Eugene B, $1500, Hollywood Cal
Hoke R D, $460, Central Point
Holbert W F, $1455, Ashland
Holbrook A F, $340, Medford
Holbrook M L, $230, Medford
Holbrook W P, $770, Eagle Point
Holcomb Alice, $600, Rogue River
Holcomb Geo W, $540, Gold Hill
Holcomb J J, $700, Rogue River
Holcomb J P, $495, Ashland
Holden Anna, $1600 Oregon City
Holden Arthur, $2000, Prospect
Holden Doshia A, $2000, Trail
Holden Minnie, $2000, Oregon City
Holden T J, $610
Holdridge C W, $760, Talent
Holdridge Ella A, $515, Talent
Holdridge F L, $50, Talent
Holdridge W D, $675, Talent
Holland Barber Shop, $200, Medford
Holland Billiard Parlor, $400, Medford
Hollenbeak G E, $650, Prospect
Holenbeak P, $935, Medford
Hollis F W, $1980, Medford
Holman E Mrs, $130, Climax
Holman H J, $1775, Medford
Holman Susan A, $920
Holman W R, $555, Climax
Holmer Hans J, $240, Medford
Holmes A C, $250
Holmes Bros, $11,170, Ashland
Holmes Cecilia, M Mrs, $1950, Medford
Holmes C W, $2400, Ashland
Holmes Edith W, $1145
Holmes F C, $325, Ashland
Holmes H J, $2015, Medford
Holmes H P, $50, Ashland
Holmes H P & G, $1260, Ashland
Holmes J W, $140, Medford
Holmes R A, $1910, Medford
Holmes S B, $1875, Eagle Point
Holmes W B, $30, Ashland
Holmes W B & H P, $450, Ashland
Holmes W B & M E, $1450, Ashland
Holmes W M, $15,665, Medford
Holmes W T et al, $6000, Ashland
Holmes & Netherland, $500, Talent
Holmes & Sullivan, $6000
Holst Henry, $5085, Sams Valley
Holst John, $665, Sams Valley
Holst John Mrs, $30, Sams Valley
Holt Cyrus, $360, Ashland
Holt C P, $1410
Holt Samuel H, $1340, Ashland
Holt W A, $8470, Bremerton Wash
Holt W W P, $1375, Eagle Point
Holton J, $320
Holzgang R, $5540, Ruch
Home Laundry, $3000, Ashland
Homes Chas I, $2175, Ashland
Homes F C, $1075, Ashland
Homes F C & M W, $10,670, Ashland
Honey John A, $6330, Medford
Honore A C, $80,745, Chicago Ill
Honuer Fred G, $880, Rogue River
Hook L K, $680, Eagle Point
Hooker Jane D, $530, Medford
Hoon C D, $845, Medford
Hooper & Reeser, $1565, Ashland
Hooten Fred M, $25, Medford
Hoover A M, $3075, Medford
Hoover Wm, $3280, Central Point
Hopkins Al, $1020, Ashland
Hopkins A C (estate), $145,600, Klamath Falls
Hopkins A E (estate), $57,800
Hopkins A & L D, $1240
Hopkins F H, $4400, Central Point
Hopkins J F, $210, Central Point
Hoppin F L, $185, Medford
Hoppin F L & A D, $3390, Medford
Hermann John P, $1500, Grants Pass
Horn D H, $350, Gold Hill
Horn John A, $500, Jacksonville
Horn Wesley A, $115, Medford
Horshey Stanley, $380, Medford
Horton C W, $2190, Rogue River
Horton Marvin A, $140, Medford
Horton Minnie J & A Wright, $2395, Medford
Horton Minnie J & Helen Wright, $450, Brownsboro
Horton M H, $155, Medford
Horton T P, $60, Ashland
Hoskins F, $1060, Central Point
Holser Earl and wife, $800, Ashland
Hosler Harry H, $1100, Ashland
Hosler M, $1250, Ashland
Hosley Charles H, $6100, Ashland
Hosley C H and wife, $2720, Ashland
Hosley Henrietta, $3410, Ashland
Hosley Irma, $800, Ashland
Hosley P, $1000, Ashland
Hosley W H, $1200, Ashland
Hosley W R & R E, $225, Ashland
Hosmer M J, $75, Gold Hill
Hosmer Nelson, $5495, Gold Hill
Hosmer N & M J, $1440, Gold Hill
Hosmer & Boling, $1020, Rock Point
Hotchkiss Rollin R, $1485, Medford
Houck heirs, $17,830
Houck Jesse, $8710, Medford
Houck J J, $120, Corvallis
Hough John W, $2580
Hough Lodemia, $1245, Medford
Householder Isaac, $4830, Central Point
Houser H A, $2400 ,
Houston A H, $1480, Phoenix
Houston Bros, $14,100, Talent
Houston Charles E, $990, Phoenix
Houston Grace E, $1000, Phoenix
Houston Joseph, $215, Applegate
Houston J A, $3080, Trail
Houston W T, $2625, Trail
Houston & Winchester, $500
Hover G A, $12,905, Phoenix
Hover L W et al, $1900, Ashland
Hover Uriah N, $300, Phoenix
Howard Charles, $160, Eagle Point
Howard C D, $1135, Medford
Howard C I, $10,480, Medford
Howard F J Mrs, $1390, Rogue River
Howard Geo W, $655, Medford
Howard H D, $2310, Medford
Howard H L, $130, Trail
Howard J, $2345, Ashland
Howard J H, $1550
Howard J K, $3000, Medford
Howard J S, $7005, Medford
Howard J W, $440, Ashland
Howard Leon O, $455, Medford
Howard Lottie M Mrs, $1330, Medford
Howard Louisa, $545, Ashland
Howard L O, $1065, Medford
Howard Martha B, $4185, Medford
Howard O G, $1200, Ashland
Howard W L, $265, Medford
Howard W M, $1640, Medford
Howard W S, $90, Ashland
Howard W S & Lizzie G, $2240
Howard W W, $150, Medford
Howard Zenas, $1565, Ashland
Howard & Vawter, $400, Medford
Howe Ben, $150, Ashland
Howell Anna, $1960, Ashland
Howell Chas S, $170, Sams Valley
Howell C H & Margaret H Seyler, $610, Medford
Howell C M, $1340, Central Point
Howell E W, $300, Ashland
Howell K, $750, Ashland
Howell T A, $175, Medford
Howell W B, $1000 Oregon City
Howells M A, $490, Medford
Howenstine Franklin, $4000, Ft Wayne Ind
Howland Ada M, $500
Howland E G, $400
Howlett A C, $2295, Eagle Point
Howlett A C & Sarah, $630, Eagle Point
Howlett A C and wife, $210, Eagle Point
Howlett A & H, $75, Eagle Point
Hoxie H C, $775, Ashland
Hoxie Laura M, $850, Medford
Hoy Charles D, $100, Medford
Hoy Nellie, $195, Medford
Hoyt W T S, $685
Hubbard Alexis, $2255, Derby
Hubbard A S, $600, Ashland
Hubbard Bros, $5000, Medford
Hubbard B C, $1050, Ashland
Hubbard C A Mrs, $990, Medford
Hubbard F, $3125, Medford
Hubbard F et al, $285, Medford
Hubbard F & A C, $14,735, Medford
Hubbard G W & H T, $13,000, Medford
Hubbard H T, $675, Medford
Hubbard Lex, $5860
Hubbard L P, $13,405, Central Point
Hubbard Otis A, $2080, Derby
Hubbard Rena, $2385, Medford
Hubbard S H, $405, Sams Valley
Hudson E Mrs, $100, Jacksonville
Hudson Samuel W, $2125, Butte Falls
Hudson Thos W, $750, Ashland
Huenergardt Bros, $735, Thrall Cal
Hueners John H, $4250, Jacksonville
Hueselman John, $75, Medford
Huff I M, $695, Medford
Huff I M & Annie, $430, Phoenix
Huff Wm H, $625
Hugger Jacob, $610, Medford
Hugger Jake estate, $1300, Medford
Huggler Peter, $50, Eureka Cal
Hughes C P, $750, Ashland
Hughes Edwin P, $18,110, Ashland
Hughes Frank J, $1850, Salem
Hughes Geo T, $340, Phoenix
Hughes George T & Elizabeth, $15,500
Hughes H, $750, Ashland
Hughes J P, $2325, Butte Falls
Hughes M F, $950, Ashland
Huiskamp H J, $4930, Medford
Hukill A estate, $750, Medford
Hukill James, $200, Applegate
Hulbert A N, $4695, Gold Hill
Hulin F H, $642, Rogue River
Hull E Ed, $370, Medford
Hull Frank, $450, Central Point
Hull O O, $2280, Medford
Hull Polk, $17,705, Medford
Hull P M, $95, Medford
Hull S A, $825, Medford
Hull S A Mrs, $2455, Medford
Hull W D, $330, Central Point
Hullier H L, $1100, Central Point
Hume Hugh, $280, Portland Or
Hume & Curry Charles E, $850
Humphrey Chas, $420, Medford
Humphrey C H Mrs, $600, Ashland
Humphrey C J, $755, Derby
Humphrey Elizabeth, $3670, Medford
Humphrey E J, $2000
Humphrey Henry, $14,015, Medford
Humphrey J, $590, Gold Hill
Humphrey L Emma, $340, Medford
Humphrey S, $20, Jacksonville
Humphrey W H, $8865, Medford
Humphrey W M, $360
Humphreys Victor B, $1600, Long Beach Cal
Hunsiker Robert F, $200, Medford
Hunt A B, $1600, Omaha Neb
Hunt A F, $100, Ashland
Hunt A W, $2110, Medford
Hunt D R, $280
Hunt Emery, $17,115
Hunt E B, $3873, Ashland
Hunt Lydia T, $200, Ashland
Hunt Otillie Mrs, $9085
Hunt Peter J, $675, Medford
Hunter E A, $900, Ashland
Hunter E E, $2000
Hunter John C, $2015, Gold Hill
Hunter J B, $9270, Ashland
Hunter Minnie Mrs, $150, Medford
Hunter S P, $1780, Talent
Hunter W H, $500, Prospect
Huntington B F, $775, Medford
Huntington F C, $1600, Prospect
Huntley Earl W, $170, Medford
Huntley G W, $1245, Medford
Huntley John, $5250, Ashland
Huntley Wm, $1600, Neillsville Wis
Huntley & McClatchie, $150, Medford
Huntzinger H W, $2890, Ashland
Hurd Elmer, $950, Eagle Point
Hurlburt F D, $1600
Hurley D O, $1690, Talent
Hurley James M, $4235, Medford
Hurley W H, $275, Talent
Hurley W H & J E Gribble, $3230, Talent
Hurn G W, $330, Phoenix
Hurst Claud M, $310, Medford
Hurst C A, $500, Applegate
Hurst Frank, $1600, Lake Creek
Hurst Margaret, $1005, Medford
Hurst Myrtle, $1600, Lake Creek
Hurst M F, $1260, Medford
Hurst O E, $1380, Ashland
Hurt J G, $920, Ashland
Huschle James, $625, Talent
Hussey P A, $200, Medford
Huston J Mrs, $350
Huston M, $200, Medford
Hutchason J F, $150, Medford
Hutchings Thed S, $10,340
Hutchinson F W, $1715, Medford
Hutchinson M V, $500
Hutchison C I, $3060, Medford
Hutchison, Lumsden & Palm, $505, Medford
Hutchison W E, $1000
Hutchison & Lumsden, $23,950, Medford
Huth E T, $2990
Hutson Doc, $50, Gold Hill
Hyatt Ida L, $300, St James Minn
Hyatt Willis M, $2520, Rogue River
Hyde Frank, $800
Hyde F C, $3900, Appleton Wis
Hyde P G, $1600, Appleton Wis
Hydraulic Mining Co, $1640, Rogue River
I H Co & J A Freeman & Son, $600, Central Point
Iams Geo, $350, Medford
Ide C D, $520, Myrtle Creek
Iland M, $810, Medford
Illingsworth John H, $760, Ashland
Illingsworth W D, $235, Medford
IOOF, $5000, Ashland
IOOF, $1950, Gold Hill
IOOF, $690, Jacksonville
IOOF, $8850, Medford
IOOF, $300, Talent
IORM No 30, $2150, Medford
Indiana & Oregon Mnfg Co, $4500
Indiana & Oregon Manufacturing Co & W R McKean estate, $4540, Terre Haute Ind
Ingalls G T, $3200, Norwich Conn
Ingle E G, $300, Eagle Point
Ingledue W K, $650, Rogue River
Ingram F B Mrs, $90, Central Point
Ingram James, $620, Medford
Ingram Lee, $200, Central Point
Ingvalson C I, $2820, Ivanhoe Minn
Inlow Cornelius V, $1025, Ashland
Inlow F B, $25
Inlow H E, $280, Forest Grove Or
Inman Mary J, $700, Talent
Iowa Lumber Co, $6400, Butte Falls
Iowa Lumber & Box Co, $480, Jacksonville
Ireland Edmond C, $3140, Medford
Ireland E C Cigar Co, $1500, Medford
Ireland S F estate, $880, Sams Valley
Ironson H B, $12,960
Irvine Florence A, $1275
Irvine G W, $1255, Norwich, Conn
Irwin Geo, $6795, Ashland
Irwin Geo and wife, $1625, Ashland
Irwin Harry L, $7575, Phoenix
Irwin Nellie M, $1300, Vancouver Wn
Irwin S R, $2500, Ashland
Isaacs C W & Mary A, $495, Medford
Isaacs George W estate, $1845, Medford
Isaacs G W, $1080, Medford
Isaacs Irene, $150, Medford
Isaacs Mary A, $2325, Medford
Isaacs Mary A Exec, $13,225, Medford
Isaacs W F, $11,240, Medford
Isaacson J O, $3175, Central Point
Isbell A H, $1200
Isbell J F, $4000
Iseli J, $200, Los Angeles Cal
Ish Benj R, $800, Ashland
Ish B A, $1100, Ashland
Isis Theatre, $700, Medford
Island Margaret, $945, Medford
It Theater, $550, Medford
Iverson George, $350, Gold Hill
Ivey Alfred, $430, Medford
Ivy David & J A Robbins, $460, Medford
Jack Francis E, $450, Central Point
Jacks Ida G, $850, Medford
Jacks Wilber, $1000
Jackson Annie, $1350, Medford
Jackson A, $865, Medford
Jackson Co Abstract Co, $2000, Medford
Jackson County Bank, $143,480, Medford
Jackson County Bldg & Loan Ass'n, $5770, Medford
Jackson County Hotel Assoc'n, $56,240, Medford
Jackson D H, $8555, Ashland
Jackson Geo A, $6150, Medford
Jackson H C, $1020, Medford
Jackson H W, $910, Portland
Jackson J B, $2290, Eagle Point
Jackson Mountain Mining Co, $500
Jackson W B, $8350, Medford
Jackson W D, $425, Medford
Jackson & Betz, $3650, Eagle Point
Jacksonville Brick & Tile Co, $900, Jacksonville
Jacksonville Mining & Milling Co, $240, Jacksonville
Jacobs E F, $3650, Phoenix
Jacobs Helen M, $3300, Medford
Jacobs J W, $2695, Medford
Jacobs J W & Co The, $1200, Rogue River
Jacobs Lee L, $350, Medford
Jacobs N A, $515, Berkeley Cal
Jacobs & Luscombe, $1600
Jacobson Mary, $875
Jacobson M T, $3200, Talent
Jacoby Max P, $2005, Tolo
Jacquar E W, $1395, Medford
Jaggi G A, $540
James Bros, $440, Medford
James B S, $540, Medford
James Emma, $50, Butte Falls
James George, $5630, Phoenix
James H C, $800, Portland
James N G, $1700
James R L, $110, Medford
James W H, $1910, Ashland
Jamison A H, $365, Medford
Jamison E E, $255, Gold Hill
Janes Alice M, $2380
Janes H B, $20
Janes M S, $25 ,
Janes S P, $1600, Ashland
Janes W C, $65
Janes W D, $350, Medford
Janney D N, $1600, Central Point
Janney E N, $300
Janney P M, $1100, Medford
Jansen Henry A, $435, Medford
Jardine M B, $345, Medford
Jarngin M E, $1600, Coburg Or
Jarvis G O, $300, Ashland
Jarvis James N, $2265
Jay Ezra and wife, $250, Ashland
Jefferis John A, $800, Applegate
Jeffers C W, $590, Central Point
Jeffers George W, $490, Central Point
Jefferson Martha Mrs, $350, Talent
Jeffrey A M, $2800, Medford
Jeffrey George A, $7655, Talent
Jeffry G L, $2400, Grand Rapids Wis
Jeldness Beulah, $740, Medford
Jelen Louis, $1800, Ashland
Jenks Eugene S, $725, Medford
Jenks W H, $6500, Ashland
Jenner W F, $265, Rogue River
Jennings Andrew, $4180, Gold Hill
Jennings Bros, $700, Gold Hill
Jennings Eldon D, $1075, Ashland
Jennings H & Son, $4250, Portland
Jennings Luke, $2140, Gold Hill
Jennings Nona, $1810, Gold Hill
Jennings Ralph G, $6755, Buncom
Jennings Richard M, $1600, Eugene
Jensen Henry A, $360, Medford
Jenson J, $3200, Allenville Wis
Jenss J H, $185, Buncom
Jermsta P, $3000, Medford
Jeschke Carl, $360, Medford
Jewell Etta, $75, Talent
Jewett Elvina, $160, Central Point
Jocker M, $1350, Ashland
Johns Albert H, $900, Ashland
Johns A D, $360, Medford
Johns & Turner, $640, Medford
Johnson Albert, $5480, Ashland
Johnson Andrew & Mary, $800, Ashland
Johnson Arthur, $870, Medford
Johnson Bros, $5020, Ashland
Johnson B M, $500
Johnson Carrie L, $2100, Medford
Johnson Charles, $1140, Gold Hill
Johnson Chas S & E A, $850, Ashland
Johnson C C, $3785, Medford
Johnson C E, $400
Johnson C H, $150, Medford
Johnson C M, $22,400, Rockford Minn
Johnson C O, $470, Medford
Johnson C S & A, $950, Ashland
Johnson E L, $2375, Medford
Johnson Fred S, $150, Eagle Point
Johnson F F, $200
Johnson F H, $1585, Ashland
Johnson F L, $3480, Eugene
Johnson G Alfred, $1950, Medford
Johnson G H, $200, Medford
Johnson H I, $1000
Johnson H M, $2400, Medford
Johnson Ira G, $1115, Ashland
Johnson James, $180, Jacksonville
Johnson John L, $50, Phoenix
Johnson John W, $1410, Medford
Johnson Julian P, $450, Ashland
Johnson J A, $1735, Ashland
Johnson J E, $1600
Johnson J H, $280, Murphy
Johnson J L, $2400, Medford
Johnson Lena H, $480, Ashland
Johnson Leslie G, $150, Ashland
Johnson L J C, $2400, Westhope ND
Johnson Magdalene, $1000, Talent
Johnson Mrs Martha, $1500, Ashland
Johnson M, $1600, Rogue River
Johnson M L, $1450, Ashland
Johnson M S, $580, Rogue River
Johnson Oscar, $2830
Johnson O H, $2150, Ashland
Johnson O H & Pearl, $260, Ashland
Johnson Robert E, $1600, San Diego Cal
Johnson R B, $615, Ashland
Johnson T J, $710, Trail
Johnson Wallace, $535, Talent
Johnson W A, $2625
Johnson W D, $550, Ashland
Johnson W H, $5025, Applegate
Johnson W L, $1485, Ashland
Johnson W O, $865, Medford
Johnson & Spencer, $350, Wellen
Johnston G B, $1005, Sams Valley
Johnston R, $1200
Johnston S L, $555, Medford
Johnstone A W, $1625, Medford
Jolly C W, $750
Jolly O P, $240, Talent
Jolly S, $165, Portland Or
Jonas J A, $2470, Eagle Point
Jonas J A (estate), $5550, Eagle Point
Jonas & Bledsoe, $150, Medford
Jones Annie B, $800, Ashland
Jones Arthur L, $2125, Dudley
Jones B A, $800, Rogue River
Jones Carrie M, $2400, Ashland
Jones Charles, $600
Jones Charles R D, $1325, Ashland
Jones Charles W, $500, Rogue River
Jones C E, $110, Hilt Cal
Jones D E, $280, Central Point
Jones D T, $550, Ashland
Jones Eliza C, $450, Talent
Jones E, $1225, Ashland
Jones Fielder A, $12,530, Portland
Jones Francis, $1600
Jones Garl L, $385, Medford
Jones George, $80, Rogue River
Jones George F, $2125, Dudley
Jones G H, $125, Rogue River
Jones G M, $360, Medford
Jones G W, $2540, Ashland
Jones H A, $160
Jones Mrs Jennie V, $700, Ashland
Jones J C, $1165, Medford
Jones J G, $1400, Ashland
Jones J M, $725, Beagle
Jones Lelah, $3555, Gold Hill
Jones Lou D Mrs, $2170, Medford
Jones Louise, $270, Medford
Jones L M, $3300, Brooks Or
Jones M A, $300, Ashland
Jones M D, $270, Jacksonville
Jones M L, $2100, Rogue River
Jones Nellie M Mrs, $1825, Phoenix
Jones Nora M, $775, Medford
Jones N G, $2400, Ashland
Jones Oliver, $225
Jones Ora Mrs, $2100, Vavenby BC
Jones R H, $1205, Talent
Jones S P, $250, Jacksonville
Jones Thomas C, $370
Jones T E, $1970, Beagle
Jones Wm, $7785, Beagle
Jones W Mrs, $1650, Jacksonville
Jones W A, $1305, Medford
Jones W A Mrs, $3050, Medford
Jones W A & B A, $400, Medford
Jones W B, $855, Talent
Jones W L, $420, Central Point
Jones & Haflin, $270, Central Point
Jones & Mays, $6000, Portland
Jordan Anna, $2455, Medford
Jordan Frank E, $1870, Ashland
Jordan Fred E, $1050, Ashland
Jordan James, $1400, Eagle Point
Jordan J S, $500, Ashland
Jordan J S and wife, $2000, Ashland
Jordan P C, $600, Ashland
Joy A C, $235, Ashland
Joy H C, $6580, Medford
Judd Chas, $75, Medford
Judson Ada M, $935, Medford
Judy Edward, $18,885, Medford
Judy J E, $290, Medford
Judy Mark, $2400, Rogue River
Julien J A, $1030, Beagle
Julien O Mrs et al, $2390, Yreka Cal
Jumbo Mine, $120
Juratsche Joseph, $305, Los Angeles Cal
Jurgenson Mary, $360, Provolt
Kadow Lenhart, $1845
Kahler C W (estate), $1515, Jacksonville
Kahler Thomas, $980, Jacksonville
Kahler Thomas P, $6280, Medford
Kahler W E, $1360, Central Point
Kail Frederick, $60, Talent
Kaler J V, $2465, Manton Cal
Kallstrom J M, $1300, Phoenix
Kane A Mrs, $1125, Ashland
Karnes D G, $4620, Medford
Karsky Herman G, $800, Portland
Kasshafer F, $240, Jacksonville
Katen J, $527, Rogue River
Kaupish F M, $1000, Lake Creek
Kearnes L E, $1600
Kearney John, $2630, Central Point
Kearney Thos, $6365, Minton Minn
Kee Wm, $450, Butte Falls
Keegan Chris, $945, Jacksonville
Keegan Owen (estate), $845, Jacksonville
Keeler A C, $150, Ashland
Keen Maud R, $530, Medford
Keenan S A, $12,600
Keene J M, $5035, Medford
Keene Mollie, $3220, Medford
Keene & Carlton, $21,150, Central Point
Keller J D, $6870, Los Angeles Cal
Keith J M, $80, Talent
Keith Oil & Land Co, $21,760, Jacksonville
Keizur A W, $770, Medford
Keizur C A & W C, $315, Medford
Keizur Ruth Mrs, $935, Medford
Kelby Audry B, $775, Ashland
Keliehor Annie C, $2700, Medford
Kell Chas, $375, Gold Hill
Kellan A V, $25, Medford
Keller A C, $2950, Ashland
Keller F E, $1200, Ashland
Kelley E, $200, Central Point
Kelley Harold, $2400, Climax
Kelley H L, $2000 Oregon City
Kelley Wm, $180, Central Point
Kellogg A E, $545, Gold Hill
Kellogg E Y, $350
Kellogg Frances, $660, Eagle Point
Kellogg O M, $4800, Hoquiam Wn
Kellogg O W, $4800, Rogue River
Kelly E E, $1720, Medford
Kelly J E, $1500
Kelly J F, $12,500, Medford
Kelly Lula H, $710, Phoenix
Kelly L H, $3035, Medford
Kelsey Flora A, $2165, Gold Hill
Kelsey Flora M, $340, Gold Hill
Kelsey John R, $130, Gold Hill
Kelsey R C, $850, Gold Hill
Kelso Ellen, $930, Medford
Kelso Mary, $520
Kelsoe C C, $255, Derby
Kelsoe J W, $290, Derby
Kelsoe Myrtle, $50, Derby
Kelsoe T F, $135, Derby
Kelsoe T J, $625, Central Point
Keltenacker Fred, $300, Medford
Kelts John A, $620, Talent
Kemble Harriet, $2460, Rogue River
Kemble Wm, $4000, Rogue River
Kemp L S, $280, Rogue River
Kendall Abbie, $1395, Medford
Kendall G S, $130, Applegate
Kendall J R, $155, Gold Hill
Kendall Merle, $1310, Central Point
Kendrick J K, $3000, Rogue River
Kenly F C, $9425, Medford
Kennard Geo W, $2465, Ashland
Kennedy Jacob heirs, $650, Ashland
Kennedy J H, $2730, Ashland
Kennedy R A, $85, Ashland
Kennedy S E, $125, Butte Falls
Kennedy Walter M, $4455, Medford
Kennedy & Agner, $100, Medford
Kenney T J, $2300, Jacksonville
Kent D, $360, Medford
Kent James, $6080, Medford
Kent Jane, $60, Medford
Kent J W, $1755, Talent
Kent L B, $8005, Medford
Kent L M Mrs, $825, Ashland
Kent T B, $160, Jacksonville
Kentner H C, $3550, Medford
Kentner Nellie C, $2485
Kentner S A, $400, Ashland
Kenworthy Ida E, $1015, Medford
Kenworthy W Hardy, $900, Rogue River
Kenyon E E, $95, Ashland
Keomling A L, $340, Provolt
Kerby Bros, $5335, Talent
Kerby Chas P, $30, Talent
Kerby Frank, $1595, Talent
Kerby Henry, $1645, Talent
Kerby H et al, $750, Ashland
Kerby Joseph M, $1360, Talent
Kerby Wm, $2755, Talent
Kernchan C T, $50, Medford
Kerr Jas, $750, Ashland
Kerr J W, $1675 Minneapolis Minn
Kerr R, $720, Medford
Kershaw James, $1500
Kershaw Laura M, $2195
Kershaw P M, $655, Medford
Kester Jos, $600, Applegate
Kesterson G H, $3720, Sams Valley
Kestomlotsky Z, $3700, Albany NY
Kewson Joseph, $2800
Kibbe Charles, $1750, Prospect
Kidd C M, $12,850, Medford
Kidd Mary F, $1580, Medford
Kidder Ida A, $810, Corvallis Or
Kies M B, $1800, Vancouver Wn
Kilgore J M, $6575, Rogue River
Kilgour J E, $1645, Medford
Killham John, $100, Shaniko Cal
Killian E B, $920, Medford
Kime Ira, $1800, Medford
Kime N W, $3640, Medford
Kime Wilbur, $675, Medford
Kincaid D, $1200, Ashland
Kincaid G W, $675, Derby
Kincaid Julia, $600, Central Point
Kincaid J H, $135, Central Point
Kincaid L B, $2355, Medford
Kincaid Mary A, $8785, Central Point
Kincaid R M, $300, Central Point
Kincaid W R, $15,510, Ashland
Kincaid & Bolton, $100, Ashland
Kinchloe H H, $560, Medford
Kinder R W, $200, Medford
Kinerk John, $4640, Medford
King Chas E & L L, $600, Corvallis Or
King C W, $1400, Ashland
King Delia A, $215, Medford
King Edward A, $725, Medford
King Emanuel, $1560
King George, $3640, Medford
King George, $820, Spokane
King Geo F, $24,490, Medford
King Herman G, $300, Medford
King Herschel R, $2205, Talent
King J, $800
King Laura A, $555, Phoenix
King M E, $95, Ashland
King O B, $560, Medford
King Rebecca, $340, Medford
King Rufus, $145, Ashland
King R, $910
King R F, $300, Corvallis
King R T, $1275
King Sam W, $270
King W C, $800, Ashland
King W S and wife, $440, Medford
Kingsbury Cornelia L, $2600, Ashland
Kingsbury R E, $9050, Portland
Kingston Alvine, $620, Medford
Kinkle John, $440, Rogue River
Kinleyside Ida A, $1165, Medford
Kinleyside R C, $5320, Medford
Kinney Albert E, $3010, Ashland
Kinney J W, $490, Lake Creek
Kinney Wm C Mrs, $575, Central Point
Kinney & Chinnery, $397, Butte Falls
Kinsman Minnie M, $2000, Ashland
Kinsman T B, $7200, Ashland
Kinyon W C, $3670, Medford
Kirby B H, $1210, Medford
Kirby O T, $720
Kirk Charles, $1155, Applegate
Kirk C E, $3365, Medford
Kirk C L, $640, Argonia, Kans
Kirk J E, $200, Rogue River
Kirk N M, $50, McCloud Cal
Kirkpatrick & Herman, $1685, Medford
Kirshbaum H C, $1900, Ashland
Kirshbaum Mary G, $485, Ashland
Kirwin P J, $2000, Vancouver Wash
Kiser Bros, $12,460, Jacksonville
Kiser E G, $1500
Kiser F C, $320, Jacksonville
Kiser J A, $1580
Kiser J A & W C, $100
Kiser Lydia A, $1760
Kiser W C, $2600, Lake Creek
Kiter J D, $4815, Prospect
Kitto W C, $320, Jacksonville
Kitto W C (estate), $2830, Jacksonville
Kittredge Mary, $200, Medford
Klein E J, $60, Medford
Klein H J, $200, Medford
Klein V, $375, Ashland
Kleinhammer A S, $20,435, Buncom
Kleinhammer Claus, $1050, Ashland
Kleinhammer Francis A, $400, Medford
Kleinhammer Fred, $2725, Buncom
Kliever J G, $1200
Kline Mark M, $490, Talent
Kline Ross, $400, Medford
Klingenberg Rosa Wald, $1400
Klinger Benjamin, $200
Klingle Chas, $895, Lake Creek
Klingle M A, $3115, Lake Creek
Klippel Alice B, $5230, Medford
Klippel Elizabeth A, $750, Medford
Klippel H Mrs, $2960, Jacksonville
Klopper & Vogeli O, $3200
Klum B, $1665, Medford
Klum B and wife, $725, Medford
Klum Charles W, $1600, Ashland
Klum C K, $120, Talent
Klum C K & L H, $1350, Corvallis Or
Klum Lucinda H, $1000, Ashland
Klum Waldo, $2400, Ashland
Klutho J C, $1000
Knapp A B, $2365, Medford
Knauer Adolph, $625
Knight Cora L, $930, Eagle Point
Knight Cora L & McFarland J, $18,600, Eagle Point
Knight C A, $1130, Eagle Point
Knight C A and wife, $30, Eagle Point
Knight & Bishop, $12,645, Eagle Point
Knighten M E, $605, Talent
Knighten W G, $500, Eagle Point
Knighten W P, $1150, Eagle Point
K of P Talisman Lodge No 31, $630, Medford
Knipp R A, $3280, Medford
Knips Louis, $5655, Medford
Knips W G, $10,880, Medford
Kniskern N B, $1600, Centralia Wn
Knowles F W, $785, Jacksonville
Knox O M & C C Presley, $6460, Applegate
Knox W H, $140, Ashland
Knox & Presley, $2230, Applegate
Knudson H M, $1000, Anaconda Mont
Knudson J, $400
Knudson J J, $1225, Applegate
Knudson T E, $5775, Medford
Knutzen D W, $1900, Applegate
Knutzen J C, $1200, Steamboat
Knutzen Laura E, $2305, Applegate
Koehler John F, $1120, Ashland
Koehler R, $400, Portland Or
Koehler T B, $450, Medford
Koffman Louisa, $390, Medford
Kohagen J A, $2000, Ashland
Kolleth, Jane, $1645, Phoenix
Kolliner Jacob R, $28,800, Portland Or
Koontz Barbara, $1155, Medford
Koontz Birdie, $200, Medford
Koontz H E, $1620, Medford
Koster Ed, $50, Gold Hill
Koster W F, $215, Gold Hill
Kostomlotsky Zue, $900, Albany, NY
Kowalaski F P, $880, Medford
Koyana Jinchi et al, $1600, Medford
Kramer G N, $1750, Ashland
Krause A, $2700, Rogue River
Krautlager Jas, $3280, Hillyard Wn
Kreitzer C, $240, Oakland Cal
Kremer John S, $830, Jacksonville
Krepps Annie E, $1000, Ashland
Kreuter Hugh E, $10,405
Kribs C P & Co, $2500, Medford
Krieger Chas, $515, Central Point
Kropke G M, $1875, Woodlake Cal
Kroschel S A, $1620, Medford
Kruger Albert, $75, Medford
Krutzler Paul, $2165, Medford
Kubli estate, $1600, Gold Hill
Kubli E A, $200, Kubli Or
Kubli E J Mrs, $9155, Jacksonville
Kubli K Mrs, $2300, Jacksonville
Kubli K J, $2760, Applegate
Kubli Maude Mrs, $10,485, Applegate
Kubli V Mrs, $2990, Kubli Or
Kulland F L & Eudora A Day, $760
Kunkell Daniel T, $2400, Lake Creek
Kunzman Printing Co The, $500, Medford
Kyle A, $600, Rock Point
Kyle Robert, $8050, Central Point
La Belle E, $300, Talent
Lacey A W, $390, Medford
Lacey Charles, $1150
Lacey J H, $150, Talent
Lachenal J, $100, Talent
La Clair Henry J, $720, Medford
Lacy John H, $3365, Talent
Lacy L G, $200, Phoenix
Ladd F E, $2400, Glendale Or
Lafferty T C, $600, Ashland
Lafkey F J, $2000, Salem
Lager Louis, $1500, Ashland
Laird C A, $195, Medford
Lakes Charles A, $100, Rogue River
Lamar C R, $410, Medford
Lamb Abraham, $600, Ashland
Lamb A L & Thos Burkman estate, $1500
Lamb Thos, $185, Talent
Lamb W R, $9570, Medford
Lambert Paul, $1605, Klamath Falls
Lambertson W L, $1300, Ashland
Lamkin C B, $1500, Ashland
Lammey Charles, $900, Medford
Lampman B H, $500, Gold Hill
Lampman H H, $845, Asbestos
Lampman Rex, $520, Gold Hill
Lamport Edw H, $1705, Medford
Lancaster C E, $1600, Astoria
Lance Bros, $3400
Lance F M, $1770, Medford
Lance Geo, $150, Medford
Lance George et al, $1445, Medford
Lance Geo W, $5, Gold Hill
Lance George W Mrs, $2265, Gold Hill
Lance J T, $125, Ashland
Lance Marion, $1140, Gold Hill
Lance & Biden, $400, Medford
Lance & Co, $8960, Gold Hill
Lancop Joseph A, $350, Medford
Land E R Mrs, $4295, Medford
Landis George A, $2765, Gold Hill
Landis Maude, $1600, Gold Hill
Landrum F M, $75, Medford
Lane Anna L, $1900, Medford
Lane A, $2000, Prospect
Lane Catherine A, $855, Roseburg
Lane C E & Minnie, $1300, Ashland
Lane C E & wife, $1100, Ashland
Lane Edwin L $14,795, Central Point
Lane J J, $225, Talent
Lane Minnie Mrs, $1350, Ashland
Lane Minnie & C E, $250, Ashland
Lane W E, $1710, Medford
Lane W E Mrs, $430, Medford
Lane & Peebler, $1100, Ashland
Lanferman K E, $150, Medford
Lang Robert, $3635, Olympia Wn
Lange Mary, $6330, Central Point
Langhorne Maurice A, $535, Medford
Langley Anna, $900, Jacksonville
Langley Bertha, $990, Medford
Langley E J, $200, Buncom
Langridge W J, $1600, Elma Wn
Lanham Dollie E, $1110, Gold Hill
Lanham John A, $350, Gold Hill
Lankota Lillie D, $1600, San Gabriel Cal
Lansing E W, $930, Medford
La Ponte Mary F, $780, Central Point
Larch Lester C, $3000
Larder Mary, $1225, Ashland
Lares R A, $1000 Calistoga Cal
Larkin J M, $800, Medford
Larkin Lorenzo, $225, Medford
Larmon Philip, $20,345, Talent
Larsen A, $440
Larson Cora B, $660, Medford
Larson J, $1745, Grants Pass Or
Lasham John E, $8375, Medford
Lasher J W & A, $1850, Ashland
Last Chance Mine, $500, Gold Hill
Latham J F & M E, $315, Medford
Latimer N H, $800, Rock Point
La Tourette A E, $640, Portland
Latta H A, $8735, Central Point
Lauer S, $625, Jacksonville
Lauerman John, $1595, Medford
Lauerman Linda L, $1340, Medford
Lauerman L L, $75, Medford
Launspach George, $7665, Jacksonville
Laurel Hill Mine, $120
Laurel Hill Orchard Co Ltd, $21,975, Phoenix
Laurentz Herman, $660, Medford
Law Thomas C, $2140, Central Point
Lawler O H, $100, Medford
Lawrence Albert L, $280, Medford
Lawrence Ethel M, $315, Medford
Lawrence Frank, $795, Medford
Lawrence Gus, $1250, Sams Valley
Lawrence John F, $2560, Medford
Lawrence Julia, $575, Medford
Lawrence Mary J, $2010
Lawrence M G, $1995, Ashland
Lawrentz August, $11,940, Medford
Lawrence M J Mrs, $440, Gold Hill
Lawrentz D J, $450
Lawrentz T T, $390, Medford
Laws Garfield, $550, Rogue River
Laws Harriett A Mrs, $2170, Rogue River
Laws Wm, $680, Rogue River
Lawton A R Mrs, $2570, Medford
Lawton Clara, $125, Eagle Point
Lawton D T, $15,445, Medford
Lawton J W, $1275, Medford
Lawton R C, $400, Eagle Point
Layne C J, $330, Medford
Layton J T estate, $8580, Grants Pass
Layton Lester, $180, Murphy
Leach A D, $1600
Leach J B, $1600, Talent
Leach Lester O, $350, Talent
Leaders Henry, $400, Medford
Learned Geo W, $50, Provolt
Leathers W R, $3765, Central Point
Leavitt H H, $3100, Ashland
Lebo Jeanette A, $1235, Medford
Lee Margaret, $180, Phoenix
Lee M P Mrs, $3990, Medford
Lee W A, $625, Medford
Lee W O, $100, Medford
Leeper W M, $4350, Oakland Cal
Lees John, $225, Central Point
Leever Wayne, $1145, Central Point
Leever W C, $7590, Central Point
Legler John et al, $800
Lehners Diedrich, $845, Phoenix
Lemery J A, $750, Ashland
Lenox Jas, $2105, Talent
Leonard Abe, $1095, Medford
Leonard Carrie E, $2425, Medford
Leonard C P, $250, Jacksonville
Leonard Frank W, $485, Ashland
Leonard J E, $2400
Leonard R W, $470, Medford
Leonard S L, $2015, Medford
Leslie A H, $910, Ashland
Leslie J, $385, Medford
Leslie Mary B, $615, Medford
Leslie M C, $610, Ashland
Lester C T, $375, Talent
Lester E E, $460, Medford
Lester E W, $260, Eagle Point
Letteken John H, $770, Provolt
LeVesque J A, $2400, Ashland
Levis Susie, $2400, Madison Wis
Levy E H, $450, Central Point
Levy Stella, $10,890, Jacksonville
Lewins J P and wife, $25, Medford
Lewis Alfred, $1675, Gold Hill
Lewis Alfred Mrs, $35, Gold Hill
Lewis Arthur, $175, Jacksonville
Lewis A W et al, $300, Medford
Lewis Bros, $15,435, Wellen
Lewis Charles, $400, Wellen
Lewis C J, $8845, Medford
Lewis C L, $600, Denver Col
Lewis Elizabeth J Mrs, $5320, Medford
Lewis Ervin & Henrietta, $505
Lewis E J, $1450, Medford
Lewis E R & Cora H, $255, Medford
Lewis Frank, $1350, Eagle Point
Lewis Fred T, $7960
Lewis F M, $4055, San Francisco
Lewis F & H, $150, Jacksonville
Lewis George N, $115, Phoenix
Lewis G F & A F Menges, $1800, Madison Wis
Lewis G W, $150, Eagle Point
Lewis Ida B, $4800, Central Point
Lewis J F, $1095, Medford
Lewis M E, $395, Medford
Lewis M O, $1770, Jacksonville
Lewis O S, $2160, Beagle
Lewis R H, $660, Persist
Lewis Wm, $7070, Central Point
Lewis W D & Sons, $1310, Central Point
Lewis W H, $3850, Central Point
Lewman D V & R F, $720
Lewman John A, $2445, Murphy
Lewman Richard F, $150, Murphy Or
Lewman Thomas E, $750, Murphy
Libby Celia V Mrs, $425, Ashland
Libby E C, $200, Medford
Lichty J H, $1760, Creston, Ohio
Liebenan W A, $800, Ashland
Liljegren E W, $65, Medford
Lilley J R, $1150, Ashland
Liming Charles, $1190, Medford
Lincoln Arba M, $3100, Medford
Lincoln R H, $225, Medford
Lindblom August, $1000
Lindhjem Olga, $965, Portland Or
Lindley George, $1390, Medford
Lindley George P, $200, Medford
Lindley George R, $9115, Medford
Lindley Harvey, $4800, Seattle
Lindley Sarah A, $100, Medford
Lindley Sarah E, $2230, Medford
Lindley W B, $550
Lindquist A B, $400, Carson Wn
Lindroth Lydia Mrs, $2070, Ashland
Lindsay A Y, $1635, Talent
Lindsay Chas R, $7500, Ashland
Lindsay C, $480
Lindsay E W, $1785, Central Point
Lindsay Harry, $2250, Central Point
Lindsay Lizzie, $690, Gold Hill
Lindsay Margaret, $1520, Ashland
Lindsay Wm, $520, Ashland
Lindsay Wm, $1200, Roseville Cal
Lindsay Wm A, $4500
Ling Ida M, $1185, Medford
Lininger M C, $1455, Ashland
Lininger M C & wife, $1350, Ashland
Link A T, $2400, Rogue River
Linn D, $1500, Jacksonville
Linn Fletcher et al, $3340, Jacksonville
Linn & McKay, $13,275, Jacksonville
Linville R E L, $285, Medford
Lipson E J, $1550
Little Belle Mine, $120
Little Charles H & J T, $3040, Medford
Little George O, $1400, Jacksonville
Little G B, $1215, Central Point
Little G W, $600, Central Point
Little G W Trustee, $810, Central Point
Little R P, $150, Medford
Livingston Alex, $600, Ashland
Loar Rose E, $1410, Medford
Lockley Fred, $605, Jacksonville
Lockwood B O, $210, Chicago Ill Brownsboro
Lockwood Maude C, $1580, Brownsboro Or
Lockwood Robt J, $350, Medford
Lockwood S A, $2215, Medford
Loder Anna M, $800, Talent
Loder Frank, $2000
Loder Laura M, $1520, Medford
Lofland H N, $1500, Medford
Lofland H N & J M, $200, Medford
Lofland J F, $2740, Medford
Lofland J M, $15,505, Medford
Lofland L M, $755, Medford
Lofland Percy D, $360, Medford
Logan J F, $400, Portland
Lone Pine Mining Co, $1000, Gold Hill
Lone Star Mining Co, $640
Long C B Mrs, $1300, Ashland
Long Marion, $1425, Ashland
Long M N, $1130, Ashland
Long Nellie C, $375
Long O W, $875, Ashland
Long Simon F, $950, Ashland
Long W C, $9540, Rogue River
Long W G, $1600, Selma Or
Long W N, $960
Lontz Wm A, $355, Medford
Lookout Lumber Co, $106,400, Rogue River
Loomis A L, $700, Medford
Loomis A L & Manning C E, $10,425, Medford
Loomis A M, $2790, Buncom
Loomis Charles L, $1830, Ashland
Loomis Clara L Mrs, $1790, Ashland
Loomis C L & Mrs Emily Waite, $625, Ashland
Loomis E F, $1250, Portland
Loomis Isabel, $1240, Medford
Loomis L E, $5000, Medford
Loomis & Nelson, $8250, Ashland
Looseley Anne B, $445, Medford
Looseley Phil S, $2715, Central Point
Lord J P, $4700, Omaha Neb
Losher J W, $3585, Ashland
Lounsberry L M, $200, Medford
Lounsberry Wells, $8700, Central Point
Lounsberry W I, $50, Medford
Love F M, $1600, Lake Creek
Love G W, $100
Love L L, $1875, Central Point
Love Maggie, $1600, Viscount Sask Canada
Love Minnie, $600, Central Point
Lovelace W A, $450, Medford
Lovelady Merle, $150, Ashland
Lovesee Thomas, $1000, Ashland
Low O D, $645, Talent
Lowd George, $290, Rogue River
Lowden Myrtle V, $680, Ashland
Lowdon Wm, $2450, Buncom
Lowe D M, $1895, Ashland
Lowe George M, $1245, Ashland
Lowe Jas, $4610, Ashland
Lowe Thos, $2400, Neillsville Wis
Lowengart Sanford, $1600, Portland Or
Lowrey C C, $785, Medford
Lowry F J, $1120, Ashland
Lowry J S & J F, $100, Central Point
Lozier L F, $550, Medford
Lucas Wm, $4605, Medford
Ludlow Ed L, $375, Ashland
Ludquist Andrew, $50, Medford
Luke D W, $4275, Medford
Luke R J, $250, Talent
Lumsden Bessie F, $1600, Medford
Lumsden H U, $10,645, Medford
Lumsden H V, $600
Lundgren A, $480, Jacksonville
Lundgren A T, $945, Jacksonville
Lunt Charles E, $125, Central Point
Lunt Etta Mrs, $605, Monroe Or
Lupton A, $1410, Medford
Lutheran Church Parsonage, $1050, Medford
Luy Fred, $6062, Wellen
Luy Harry, $475, Jacksonville
Luy & Keegan, $1295, Jacksonville
Lyden John, $420, Jacksonville
Lydiard Grace D, $165, Medford
Lydiard J H, $5920, Medford
Lydiard W H, $1615, Medford
Lyman George, $1000, Gold Hill
Lyman W, $80, Ashland
Lyman & Hooton, $8270, Gold Hill
Lynch G H, $685, Trail
Lynch H S, $3600, Talent
Lynch Lelia E, $960, Talent
Lynch T H, $765
Lynch T M, $150, Ashland
Lynch T M & H M, $800, Ashland
Lyon Cora, $2995, Medford
Lyon H N, $2700
Lyon Jacob A, $6100, Medford
Lyon J A estate, $150, Medford
Lyon L M, $5710
Lyon N B, $335, Medford
Lyon N B et al, $2400, Medford
Lyon W et al, $6400, Kelso Wn
Lyons John H, $2775, Phoenix
Lyons J A, $635, Portland Or
Lystig C C, $2325, Dallas Wis
McAllister F J, $1600, Ashland
McAllister G C, $4750, Ashland
McAllister John W, $980
McAlpin D C, $1355, Medford
McAndrews Thomas, $25,555, Medford
McAndrews T J, $180, Medford
McArdle Margaret M, $9425, Medford
McArthur C A, $4775, Medford
McBride H D, $800, Medford
McBride H D & Co, $1200, Medford
McBride R L, $1875, Medford
McBride & Hodgson, $6670, Ashland
McCabe B R, $1385, Medford
McCabe R B, $505, Medford
McCabe T F, $5700, Eagle Point
McCain Narcissa, $2080, Medford
McCall C H, $150, Ashland
McCall Ervin, $380, Medford
McCall M E estate, $3900, Ashland
McCallister J G, $480, Lake Creek Or
McCallister M J, $1490, Ashland
McCallister M J & R A, $1255, Ashland
McCallister R A, $4155, Ashland
McCallister R A & M J, $6980, Ashland
McCallum P, $2100, Richmond Cal
McCallum W L, $150, Medford
McCardle W, $330, Medford
McCarthy A G, $8060, Ashland
McCarthy Isaac F, $500, Brownsboro
McCarty Frank, $100, Brownsboro
McCarvel F J, $250, Rogue River
McCarvel John, $150, Rogue River
McCarvel Margaret, $200, Rogue River
McCarvel Mary, $1350, Rogue River
McCarvell S E, $80, Central Point
McCary B F, $350
McCarry S L, $350
McCauley A, $3280, Grants Pass
McClachie J W, $6460
McClain Anna D, $30, Medford
McClain George C, $1000, Phoenix
McClanahan Anice, $2700, Ashland
McClanahan A Mrs, $1750, Ashland
McClanahan James, $1505, Trail
McClanahan Wm, $300
McClannahan Robert, $750, Medford
McClaren J K, $2880, Ashland
McClaren -------, $185, Jacksonville
McClendon C C, $1535, Gold Hill
McClendon J J Mrs, $1090, Gold Hill
McClendon Laura, $6920, Gold Hill
McClendon S H, $960
McClendon S W, $6850, Gold Hill
McClung C H, $1215, Ashland
McClure W L, $2050, Gold Hill
McClure & Nelson, $300, Gold Hill
McClure & Olsen, $1095, Clifton Or
McConnell Angie, $1000, Salem Or
McConnell Angie W, $5050, Ashland
McConnell C B, $140, Medford
McCormick Harold F, $7650, Chicago Ill
McCormick Lincoln, $250, Medford
McCormick P, $800, Medford
McCoy J W, $1650, Ashland
McCoy & Calef, $1550, Ashland
McCracken F W, $720, Ashland
McCracken J R, $4785, Talent
McCracken W E, $335, Medford
McCredie Wm, $10,060, Medford
McCreight J S, $4515, Sams Valley
McCrew Mary E, $275, Rogue River
McCrillis M V, $2815
McCue Bertha, $1350, Kalispell Mont
McCue Harry, $1500
McCullum H T, $2250, Portland
McCully Issie, $2540, Jacksonville
McCully I M, $2400
McCune J M, $2085, Ashland
McCune S A, $575, Ashland
McDaniel W H, $180, Ruch
McDonald Agnes, $190, Medford
McDonald Angus, $1150, Medford
McDonald A & C, $385, Medford
McDonald B T, $90, Medford
McDonald C W, $5900, Medford
McDonald C W & W W, $3465, Medford
McDonald F A, $1600
McDonald F S, $2590, Phoenix
McDonald George M, $930, Coulee Wn
McDonald J D estate, $2000
McDonald Martha E L, $910
McDonald Mary J L, $6400, San Francisco
McDonald M C, $765, Medford
McDonald M L, $1795, Vancouver BC
McDonald Norman T, $5320
McDonald Orion, $775, Medford
McDonald Richard, $200, Soda Springs
McDonald R Mrs, $435, Brownsboro
McDonald R D, $1005, Brownsboro
McDonald W W, $1095, Medford
McDonald W W & C W, $2585, Medford
McDonough Chlo, $200, Central Point
McDonough George, $540, Sams Valley
McDonough James, $845, Ruch
McDonough J W, $5770, Ashland
McDonough J W & J P, $1650, Ashland
McDonough Martin, $2680, Medford
McDonough Richard L, $320
McDonough Thos, $1020, Tolo
McDonough & H Redinger, $5390
McDougal Cath A, $150, Gold Hill
McDougall J W, $300, Medford
McDowell Elijah C, $1600, Linnton
McDowell P L, $3650
McDowell R S, $480, Portland
McErlane L, $1000, Ashland
McFadden C W, $345, Talent
McFarland A E, $3050, Ashland
McFarland H M, $4810, Medford
McFarren S V, $100, Gold Hill
McFarren S V Mrs, $1040, Gold Hill
McGargill W U, $2160
McGaw Wm, $155, Medford
McGee Ida, $2175, Ashland
McGee J H, $4650, Ashland
McGowan W H, $1825, Medford
McGrath W, $400, Topeka Kan
McHatton D G, $2400
McHenry G K, $2000, Beaverton Or
McHenry Mary, $1600, Buncom
McIlveen Robert, $305, Medford
McIntosh H P, $2410, Medford
McIntyre E M, $3675, Gold Hill
McIntyre John, $80, Derby
McIntyre John V, $1500, Eagle Point
McIntyre Wm Mrs, $100, Ashland
McIntyre W I, $5165, Jacksonville
McIntyre W M, $250, Ashland
McIntyre & Whitman, $7110, Eagle Point
McJinsey J H, $400, Central Point
McKay John W estate, $840, Central Point
McKay Linn, $235, Jacksonville
McKay S A, $11,260, Central Point
McKay Wm D, $3790, Brainerd Minn
McKay W J, $3060, Medford
McKean W R estate, $6000, Terre Haute Ind
McKee Amos, $3975, Buncom
McKee A D, $1625, Buncom
McKee Frank, $22,975, Central Point
McKee John B, $630, Butte Falls
McKee J H, $925, Rogue River
McKee Lyman D, $1190, Ashland
McKeever O, $910, Medford
McKenzie C L, $8640, Rogue River
McKercher D T, $2905, Ashland
McKibben Anna H, $1400, Ashland
McKibben Emma, $300, Ashland
McKinney Isora, $515, Central Point
McKinney R H, $170, Gold Hill
McKinnis Mary A Mrs, $2555, Sams Valley
McKinnon D A, $2000, Rogue River
McKinsey J E, $480, Ashland
McKnight E K estate, $350, Gold Hill
McKnight Wm G, $2000
McLain Anne D, $600, Medford
McLaren J K, $1775, Ashland
McLaughlin H F, $530, Medford
McLean Roy M, $2005, Rogue River
McLeod Alex, $3160, Ashland
McLeod Edith R, $325, Ashland
McLeod Jas, $2100, Medford
McLeod J A, $390, Medford
McLeod W R, $650, Prospect
McLinn J M, $100 Pasadena Cal
McMahon Jessie E, $525, Medford
McMahon M H, $240, Portland
McMeeken F, $1600, Pocatello Idaho
McMillan Alex, $2225, Ashland
McMillan Carroll, $4605, Medford
McMurray J S, $1050, Ashland
McNabb Flord, $185, Medford
McNabb G W, $650, Ashland
McNair Bros, $4000, Ashland
McNair J J, $3750, Ashland
McNair W H, $2850, Ashland
McNary D L, $3355, Medford
McNary D & E, $2400, Lake Creek
McNeal John, $250, Medford
McNeill H C, $400, Ashland
McNeill M, $1220, Ashland
McNulty John, $130, Medford
McPhail J N, $1600, Ashland
McPhee D N, $1225, Medford
McPhee J M, $1915, Medford
McPherson A W, $3290, Medford
McPherson Joshua, $10,725, Medford
McQuilliken J R, $1000, Ashland
McQuoid N C, $2075, Eagle Point
McReynolds J R, $85, Gold Hill
McWilliams Charles L, $200, Ashland
McWilliams F G, $4420, Ashland
McWright W G, $200, Medford
M M Company, $10,000, Medford
M & O Gold Mining Co, $1150, Talent
Maben C M, $1600, Medford
Maben H B, $1150
Maben Peter, $400
Mack Adolph, $240
Mack Mina, $240 Pasadena Cal
MacKenzie C L, $8590, Beagle
Mackey H C, $615, Medford
Mackie Daisy I, $1185, Ashland
Mackie D, $40, Ashland
Mackie & Nininger, $2800, Ashland
Macknell Albert, $580, Ashland
MacLean estate, $10
MacQuarrie D A, $3200, Hoquiam Wn
MacRae Wm A, $1400
Macumber J Mrs, $650, Ashland
Madden F H, $19,530, Central Point
Maddox E V, $2000, Medford
Mageley Mrs, $700, Jacksonville
Magerle Carlos, $1800, Rogue River
Magerle D P, $2490, Rogue River
Magerle Geo W Mrs, $3460, Rogue River
Maggard W, $2000
Magill P C Mrs, $650, Ashland
Magness Lorena M, $470, Bandon Or
Magruder E B, $900, Rock Point
Magruder Ivan, $300, Central Point
Magruder Mrs M E, $1250, Central Point
Maham David, $2210, Eagle Point
Maham Rachel, $2700, Eagle Point
Mahan H C, $400, Rock Point
Mahen C M, $300, Medford
Mahoney Libbie, $60, Butte Falls
Mahoney M C, $270, Butte Falls
Mahoney W D, $500, Salem
Mahoney & Carnahan, $13,345, Medford
Maier W F, $500, Prospect
Maine M M, $5340, Medford
Major C, $1200
Maldon M J, $1025, Medford
Maloney A C, $375, Marshfield Or
Malmgren Theo J, $3620, Phoenix
Maltby Isabel, $1120, Prospect
Maltby J E, $1760, Prospect
Malverton Sarah, $725, Medford
Maness S F G, $220 Independence Or
Manhattan Cafe, $750, Medford
Manke Julius A, $3070, Phoenix
Mann Grace K, $200
Mann John C, $13,890, Medford
Mann J A, $250, Central Point
Mann J C et al, $1200
Mann M E Mrs, $500, Central Point
Mann Oliver, $240, Central Point
Manner C N, $500, Oakland Cal
Manning A C, $1000, Rogue River
Manning F M, $1650, Derby
Manning Rudolph, $5385, Central Point
Manning R R, $7100, Sams Valley
Manwaring G A, $1275
Mansfield J N, $550, Tolo
Mansfield J N Mrs, $5500, Tolo
Mansfield T H, $435, Applegate
Marble L W, $300, Ashland
March Martha L, $615, Central Point
Marck L J, $810, Trail
Marcy H N, $420, Medford
Marcy L V, $400, Butte Falls
Mardon J H et al, $1305, Gold Hill
Mardon J H & G T, $1020, Gold Hill
Marean C F, $1375, Ashland
Margrieter Geo, $560, Jacksonville
Margrieter John, $6200, Jacksonville
Marion A R, $270, Derby
Marion John, $500, Butte Falls
Marion J W J, $400, Medford
Marler Alice C, $800
Marquam A B, $150, Ashland
Marquess James, $1185, Sams Valley
Marquess Jas T, $700
Marquis A L, $290, Medford
Marrett J O, $1060, Ashland
Marriner C A, $400
Marrow G H, $280
Mars J D, $800, Ashland
Marsh Claude A, $295, Medford
Marsh H E, $1875, Medford
Marsh H M, $850, Medford
Marsh J, $640, Jacksonville
Marsh L S, $1200, Ashland
Marsh Spencer M, $8200
Marsh Theodore W, $1695, Medford
Marsh Wm, $170, Sams Valley
Marsh Wm J, $23,800, Neillsville Wis
Marshall A E Mrs, $300, Medford
Marshall Bros, $16,340, Medford
Marshall George E, $25,220, Medford
Marshall Martin, $8735, Central Point
Marston R W, $350, Rogue River
Martin A Jr, $1200, Klamath Falls
Martin Chas C, $800, Ashland
Martin Francis E, $600, Medford
Martin Franklin E, $11,420, Medford
Martin F J, $10,285, Central Point
Martin Geo P et al, $400
Martin H C, $815, Medford
Martin Jack M, $190
Martin James, $2670, Rogue River
Martin John E & Jas E, $2450, Ashland
Martin John P, $8800, Medford
Martin John & Ed, $450, Ashland
Martin Joseph, $330, Jacksonville
Martin J A, $1435, Medford
Martin J E, $1600, Portland
Martin J M, $2050, Medford
Martin J P, $3200, Fargo ND
Martin L A, $2725, Rogue River
Martin Mary H, $30, Phoenix
Martin Mary M, $1325, Phoenix
Martin Mary R, $3390, Medford
Martin Nellie, $2300, Medford
Martin O B, $1600
Martin R W, $2010, Rogue River
Martin Sarah Mrs, $400, Jacksonville
Martin Sarah M, $165, Medford
Martin T J, $760, Asbestos
Martin Walter S, $265, Medford
Martin Wm, $220, Brownsboro
Martin Wm G, $170, Medford
Marting J E, $390, Gold Hill
Martzloff H, $275, Jacksonville
Marvin A J, $240, Ruch
Mason Ehrman & Co, $19,000, Medford
Mason Fred D, $2400, Ashland
Mason H N, $920, Medford
Mason J O, $265, Talent
Mason J J, $3195, Medford
Mason L J, $400
Mason W T, $410, Central Point
Mass C J, $960, Talent
Massam Genevieve, $150, Eagle Point
Mast John M, $7670, Phoenix
Masterson Belinda, $650, Gold Hill
Mastier A S, $700, Ashland
Mateer Geo O, $500, Los Angeles
Christine, $1200, Ashland
Mathes Geo W, $915, Ashland
Mathes H G, $1660, Ashland
Mathes H G & K C, $7130, Ashland
Mathes H G & wife, $1315, Ashland
Mathes K C, $780, Ashland
Mathes Mary W, $2130, Medford
Mathes Wm M, $1200, Climax
Mathes W & wife, $1100, Ashland
Mathew M S, $19,255
Mathew R A, $6055, Medford
Mathew Simon P, $1370, Butte Falls
Mathews D P estate, $12,160, Medford
Mathews Fieming J, $1000, Eagle Point
Mathews Grant, $4740, Eagle Point
Mathews Green, $835
Mathews G A, $940
Mathews G B, $6260, Eagle Point
Mathews J C, $555, Central Point
Mathews Thos A, $480, Medford
Mathis Samuel, $4070, Rogue River
Mathis Wm M, $250, Climax
Mathis & Bagley $2595, Rogue River
Matney G W, $305, Murphy
Matney J N, $1905, Applegate
Matney Nana, $530, Medford
Matney Wm $295, Jacksonville
Mattern F, $4250, Ashland
Matteson W H, $2110, Talent
Matthews Grant W, $345, Gold Hill
Mattingly Almina E, $1080, Ashland
Mattingly Theo J, $775, Jacksonville
Mattis Albert, $1625, Gold Hill
Maule Eleanor, $1785, Medford
Maule Milton, $2130, Medford
Maule Milton estate, $4345, Medford
Maultby Henry L, $600, Medford
Maultby W H, $1770, Medford
Maury H C, $13,280, Medford
Maxedon J D, $1500, Ashland
Maxedon J R, $130, Ashland
Maxey Investment Co, $725, Washburn Wis
Maxey J, $2400, Washburn Wis
Maxon, F H, $660
Maxwell E L, $4700, Medford
May F E & J C, $290, Medford
May F H, $120
May John, $110, Central Point
May P L, $1750, Ashland
May W H, $2300, Seattle Wn
May W J, $1500, Ashland
Mayberry A P, $800
Mayer Joseph, $13,420, Ephrata Wis
Mayfield F, $2790, Beagle
Mayfield Joseph, $1465, Beagle
Mayfield Wm, $300, Central Point
Mayfield Wm G, $2450, Central Point
Mayfield W H, $5585
Mays James, $495, Talent
Meade H D, $2000, Medford
Meader H F, $1690, Medford
Meadowbrook Orchard Co, $21,900, Rogue River
Meadows B W, $215, Medford
Meadows M L, $690, Medford
Meadows S J T, $755, Medford
Meads E S, $505, Medford
Mealey Wm A, $2160, Medford
Mealey Wm P, $6825, Medford
Mealey Wm P & Sarah, $1580, Medford
Mears F W, $385, Medford
Mears Mabel & Katherine, $245, Medford
Mears Sarah B, $940, Medford
Mears & Tuttle, $130, Medford
Medford Bakery & Delicatessen, $200, Medford
Medford Book Store, $3250, Medford
Medford Brick Co, $9915, Medford
Medford Building Co, $16,615, Medford
Medford Business College, $1000, Medford
Medford-Butte Falls Rec Club, $3200, Medford
Medford Candy Co, $200, Medford
Medford Concrete Construction Co, $5225, Medford
Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, $150, Medford
Medford Domestic Laundry Co, $3250, Medford
Medford Fish & Poultry Co, $1250, Medford
Medford Furniture & Hardware Co, $62,990, Medford
Medford Garage, $600, Medford
Medford General Delivery, $740, Medford
Medford Golf & Country Club, $2500, Medford
Medford Grocery Co, $31,025, Medford
Medford Harness Co, $2000, Medford
Medford Ice & Storage Co, $18,025, Medford
Medford Implement Co, $3760, Medford
Medford Investment Co, $50,725, Medford
Medford Iron Works, $2900, Medford
Medford Jewelry Co, $1000, Medford
Medford Lumber Co, $7210, Medford
Medford Meat Co, $500, Medford
Medford National Bank, $101,055, Medford
Medford Orchard Co, $1600, Eagle Point
Medford Pharmacy, $4000, Medford
Medford Printing Co, $12,000, Medford
Medford Realty & Improvement Co, $9235, Medford 
Medford Sash & Door Co, $7410, Medford
Medford Second Hand Store, $1000, Medford
Medford Soda Works, $2350, Medford
Medford Sun, $3000, Medford
Medford Tent & Awning Co, $650, Medford
Medley J G et al, $475, Medford
Medley Wm A, $1440, Medford
Medley W A & R L, $290, Medford
Medynski Ella, $6515, Medford
Medynski F V, $23,140, Medford
Mee Anderson, $4110, Applegate
Mee Jennie Mrs, $2725, Ashland
Mee J W, $1605, Applegate
Mee Lucy O, $1340, Gold Hill
Mee Mary, $270, Central Point
Mee Mary A, $4930, Central Point
Mee Warren D, $6020, Applegate
Meegan Wm, $3200, Rogue River
Meehan J B, $300, Medford
Meeker Clara J, $225, Medford
Meeker Clarence A, $390, Medford
Meeker C A & C J, $300, Medford
Meeker C J, $780, Medford
Meeker L J, $1190, Medford
Meeker Minnie R $885, Medford
Meeker W H & C A, $3145, Medford
Meier Carl, $150, Medford
Meikle James F, $1975, Ashland
Meikle Mary A, $10,200, Ashland
Meiling Hannah, $1400, Medford
Meissner Maple, $170, Medford
Melins J G, $400, Medford
Mellin Carl B, $200, Talent
Mellin Edith M, $800
Mengoz Francis, $1050, Butte Falls
Mensor M Mrs, $840, Jacksonville
Mercer W R, $1305 Pasadena Cal
Merchants Savings & Trust Co, $1500, Ashland
Merchants Savings & Trust Co, $1700, Wedderburn Ore
Merrell W E, $325
Merrick Agnes E, $890, Rogue River
Merrick C, $1500, Medford
Merrick F E, $15,470, Medford
Merrick F E Trustee, $5505, Medford
Merrick Stella, $3035, Medford
Merrick & Enyart, $1455, Medford
Merrick & Holmes, $5280, Talent
Merrill C W, $4605, Ashland
Merrill Edw T, $19,400, Ashland
Merrill F R, $2050, Ashland
Merrill Henrietta, $1425, Medford
Merriman C A, $125, Eugene Or
Merriman Geo F, $600, Medford
Merriman Isaac A, $14,070, Medford
Merriman Mary E, $2125, Medford
Merriman Nellie, $245, Central Point
Merriman W H & Alma L, $1015, Trail
Merritt Jennie E, $630, Central Point
Merritt J W, $38,140, Central Point
Merritt & Co, $9550, Gold Hill
Messal W G, $1465, Brownsboro
Messenger Herman, $2130, Provolt
Messenger H C, $1500, Central Point
Messenger Walter, $620
Messner James, $440, Central Point
Messner U A, $6655, Medford
Messner W A, $25,720, Medford
Metcalf Russell, $2000, Ashland
Methodist Church, $525, Ashland
Methodist Episcopal Church, $700, Ashland
Methodist Episcopal Church, $2480, Medford
M E Church South, $750, Ashland
Metropolitan Life Insurance, $50, Medford
Metz Claude et al, $835, Medford
Metz Francis E, $960, Medford
Metz Henry, $400
Meyer Henry, $530
Meyer H A, $1905, Lake Creek
Meyer H G, $4875, Brownsboro
Meyer H G & Sons, $1260, Lake Creek
Meyer Wendolin, $145, Medford
Meyer Wendolin Jr, $2600, Medford
Meyers M L, $960, Salem Or
Michael C W, $1000
Michaels L A et al, $1175, Ashland
Michle Wm, $990, Lake Creek
Mickelson V St C, $5750, Ashland
Mickey Caroline D, $35, Medford
Mickey Caroline L, $2315, Medford
Mickey Minta, $395, Medford
Mickey M C, $360, Medford
Middlebusher M E, $115, Trail
Middlebusher M E Mrs, $845, Trail
Miksch L, $1075, Ashland
Miksche Leo J, $5395, Medford
Milam Geo, $4045, Sams Valley
Milam G W, $4825, Ashland
Miles Julia, $3000, Medford
Miles J W, $1600, Medford
Miles R R & wife, $1600
Miles R W, $1000, Lake Creek
Miles S C, $800, Lake Creek
Miles T W, $10,430, Medford
Milhnish Paul, $285, Medford
Mill G, $100, Darr Mich
Millard H, $420, Medford
Miller Alice, $270, Anaheim Cal
Miller Anna, $1080, Medford
Miller Anna J, $1160, Phoenix
Miller Anna M, $3655, Medford
Miller Anna S, $5870
Miller A H, $2400, Medford
Miller A M, $1300, Ashland
Miller B M, $800, Vancouver Wn
Miller C A, $350, Ashland
Miller C L, $1425, Ashland
Miller Daniel, $400, Jacksonville
Miller D H, $9090, Medford
Miller Elmira, $2865, Medford
Miller Emma, $510, Medford
Miller Etta M, $60, Ashland
Miller E D, $1000
Miller E E, $660, Ashland
Miller E E & L M, $1175, Ashland
Miller E G, $1170, Central Point
Miller E L, $815, Medford
Miller E M, $1860, Ashland
Miller Fred E, $1260, Portland
Miller F, $95, Eagle Point
Miller George M, $200, Talent
Miller Grant, $2550, Los Angeles
Miller Gus, $2250, Medford
Miller H B, $1040, Portland
Miller Isom, $1600, Eugene
Miller Jas E, $550, Ashland
Miller Jasper N, $1600, Butte Falls
Miller John, $505
Miller John F, $505, Phoenix
Miller John W, $620
Miller John X, $800
Miller Judd V, $2175, Ashland
Miller Julius, $350, Ashland
Miller J A, $2010, Lake Creek
Miller J C, $450, Ashland
Miller J S, $575, Ashland
Miller J T, $140, Gold Hill
Miller J W, $5335, Phoenix
Miller L B, $1800
Miller L M, $305, Phoenix
Miller Mark P Milling Co, $350, Moscow Idaho
Miller Mary, $300
Miller Mary Mrs, $4995, Jacksonville
Miller May K, $1130, Medford
Miller M C, $960, Ashland
Miller M H, $340, Seattle Wn
Miller M J Mrs, $3330, Medford
Miller O E, $200, Ashland
Miller O W, $290, Rogue River
Miller R, $1200, Portland Or
Miller R A, $13,500, Jacksonville
Miller T E, $410, Central Point
Miller W C, $940, Medford
Miller W D, $80, Central Point
Miller W G, $11,480, Central Point
Miller W L, $1345, Medford
Miller & Sillman, $600
Millery E H, $200, Medford
Millett F B, $3200, Seattle Wn
Million Archie, $150, Ashland
Million A & wife, $1250, Ashland
Million Chas C, $845, Ashland
Million Mrs Ella, $250, Ashland
Million Joseph T & Kizzie, $8000, Ashland
Million Wm B, $880, Ashland
Millner James W, $7150, Talent
Mills A N Mrs, $300, Butte Falls
Mills Edna B, $3650, Ashland
Mills Ella B, $3660, Ashland
Mills E J, $1415, Brownsboro
Mills H D, $725, Butte Falls
Mills J W, $3065, Ashland
Mills Sarah E Mrs, $9615, Ashland
Milnes Wm, $570, Medford
Milton Albert J, $525, Rogue River
Milton Florence, $60, Rogue River
Milton James, $425, Rogue River
Milton Joel, $1595, Rogue River
Milton Wm Mrs, $590, Rogue River
Milward F L, $2000, Aloha Wn
Mimms Geo P, $200, Central Point
Minear Emma L, $25,750, Medford
Minear L B, $13,050, Medford
Minear L D Mrs, $1080, Medford
Minear M I, $830, Medford
Miner Alida R et al, $3370, Medford
Miner E E, $950, Medford
Mingus Lavina, $3485, Ashland
Minkler D L, $5600, Ashland
Minkler D L & C R, $1300, Ashland
Minkler E A, $2125, Ashland
Minkler Mary, $1225, Medford
Minkler R A, $4100, Ashland
Minney C A, $1090
Minney M T, $665, Medford
Minney M T Realty Co, $25,075
Minney M T & Co, $59,740, Jacksonville
Minnick Edmund E, $550, Central Point
Minnick Edwin, $155, Central Point
Minnick Sterling, $650, Central Point
Minnick S C, $6695, Central Point
Minor W T & wife, $570, Ashland
Minter R R, $13,410, Eagle Point
Minthorn Fred, $175, Rogue River
Minthorn H, $1200, Rogue River
Minthorn H & T, $100, Rogue River
Minto Douglas, $800, Ashland
Minto D C, $800, Salem
Mishler Lewis, $165, Medford
Mission Furniture Works, $750, Medford
Mission Restaurant, $400, Medford
Misz O B, $300, Spokane Wn
Mitchell Blanche, $1500
Mitchell Chas S, $1380, Ashland
Mitchell C M, $930, Ashland
Mitchell H P, $900, Enterprise Or
Mitchell H V, $1850, Ashland
Mitchell John R, $320, Gold Hill
Mitchell J W, $3205, Medford
Mitchell Lee, $340, Beagle
Mitchell M T, $1460, Ashland
Mitchell Nicholas, $1045, Jacksonville
Mitchell Seebe, $650, Ashland
Mitchell Susie Mrs, $300, Beagle
Mitchell S S, $1525, Ashland
Mitchell Wm S, $1270
Mitchell W C, $1000, Ashland
Mitchell & Whittle, $3200, Ashland
Mittelstaedt A C, $695, Medford
Mixture Frank, $9050, Provolt
Mizpah Barber Shop, $400, Medford
Model Clothing Co The, $7500, Medford
Moe H N, $225, Medford
Moe H N & Co, $3700, Medford
Moeller H J, $2190, Medford
Moffett E C, $600, Ashland
Moffett R L, $1150, Ashland
Moffett W A, $2165, Medford
Mold Geo, $225, Ashland
Mold Geo J, $500, Ashland
Mohr Emil, $2510, Medford
Mohr M J R, $2850, Medford
Moll Matt, $1800, Springfield Wn
Molt Wm, $1000, Ashland
Momsen Peter, $50, Medford
Monitor Orchard Co, $50,810, Medford
Monkhouse Elizabeth, $470, Medford
Monroe F A, $200, Ashland
Monroe F A Jr, $770, Ashland
Monroe George H, $375
Monroe G E, $110, Ashland
Monroe G W, $1050, Ashland
Monroe Henry, $925
Monroe Jessie W, $11,270
Montgomery Alice, $45, Gold Hill
Montgomery Alice S, $1895, Gold Hill
Montgomery Donald, $500, Weed Cal
Montgomery Jack Mrs, $160, Eagle Point
Montreal & Oregon Gold Mining Limited, $2700
Moody A A, $6620, Talent
Moody Catherine, $1070, Ashland
Moody Z A, $25, Ashland
Moomaw Joel, $80, Eagle Point
Moomaw Jacob P, $1150, Eagle Point
Moomaw J S, $1610, Eagle Point
Moon A W, $1675, Central Point
Moon M J estate, $250
Moon O C, $270, Beaver Dam Wis
Mooney W E & F G, $6180, Prospect
Monkhouse Elizabeth, $470, Medford
Moor D W (Trustee), $525, Medford
Moor W E, $550, Ashland
Moore Adelbert, $825, Ashland
Moore Arthur, $600, Persist
Moore A, $2850, Phoenix
Moore A D, $225, Persist
Moore A E, $2365, Medford
Moore A H, $1550, Ashland
Moore Bessie M, $50
Moore Blanche M, $1600, Portland Or
Moore Charles, $550, Medford
Moore Claude E, $1485, Persist
Moore C B Mrs, $1000
Moore C R, $2040, Ashland
Moore C W, $700, Ashland
Moore Ed L, $250, Central Point
Moore Edith, $1000
Moore Frank W, $4410, Ashland
Moore F J, $815, Central Point
Moore F W & E N, $500, Ashland
Moore G E F, $4125, Beagle
Moore I C, $1240, Trail
Moore Jacob, $1290, Rogue River
Moore Jane, $600, Gold Hill
Moore Jerusha M, $725, Rogue River
Moore John A, $2050, Dudley
Moore J, $330, Rogue River
Moore J K, $2785, Gold Hill
Moore Lillian S, $1335, Medford
Moore L W, $900, Ashland
Moore Mary J Mrs, $2330
Moore Nellie, $455, Gold Hill
Moore O M, $5250
Moore Rebecca R, $2297, Central Point
Moore Rebecca R & Augustus, $1410, Phoenix
Moore Robert H, $320, Portland
Moore Rose, $125, Rogue River
Moore R E, $75
Moore R H, $1095, Gold Hill
Moore R R, $1635, Medford
Moore Sam, $1600, Central Point
Moore Sarah S, $1810, Medford
Moore S H, $810, Wimer
Moore Wm D, $305, Wimer
Moore W, $400, La Mesa Cal
Moore W A, $2420, Provolt
Moore W C, $3355, Medford
Moore W E, $400, Prospect
Moore W J, $1200, Ashland
Moore W L, $3735, Ashland
Moore W L & C, $400, Ashland
Mordoff M G, $2640, Medford
Morehouse Sherman, $7490, Ashland
Moreland J, $3220, Ashland
Morelock J B & M J, $50, Gold Hill
Morelock Mary J, $610, Gold Hill
Morey J A, $1075, Medford
Morgan Charles, $1330, Persist
Morgan Ellsworth A, $1600, Startup Wn
Morgan Henry, $1070, Prospect
Morgan H M, $160, Prospect
Morgan J C, $1200, Medford
Morgan J M, $1345, Ashland
Morgan L F, $510, Phoenix
Morgan O T, $4025, Medford
Morgan W H, $950, Persist
Morgan W P, $645, Trail
Morine A, $1600, Gold Hill
Morning Star Mine, $120
Money E D, $7450, Aberdeen Wn
Morrill D B, $2000, Stockton Cal
Morrill John F, $33,330, Seattle Wn
Morrill L E, $2000, Stockton Cal
Morris Carrie $880, Medford
Morris G C, $150, Portland
Morris John, $1550, Ashland
Morris J W, $395, Gold Hill
Morris M C, $1150, Central Point
Morris M C Mrs, $40, Central Point
Morris S E, $40, Rock Point
Morris Thomas A, $1950, Ashland
Morris Wm E et al, $200
Morris W & Sarah E, $145, Rock Point
Morris & Lindstrom, $650, Ashland
Morrison E E, $5865, Medford
Morrison E E & J M Lofland, $7700, Medford
Morrison H E, $525, Medford
Morrison J D, $245, Sams Valley
Morrison J R, $2200, Medford
Morrison O J, $2160, Medford
Morrison Roselma A, $2080, Medford
Morrison Wm, $60, Ruch
Morrison W W, $1715, Sams Valley
Morse George A, $53,315, Talent
Morse J H, $1870, Ashland
Morse Realty Co, $45,085, Talent
Morthland Albert, $1225, Ashland
Morthland A E, $1000, Ashland
Morthland W L, $1155, Talent
Morton James, $3295, Phoenix
Morton J J, $2420, Ashland
Moses W W, $115, Watkins
Mosher John, $250, Medford
Moss Thomas, $450, Jacksonville
Mott E H, $120, San Francisco Cal
Mt Pitt Orchard Co, $4200, Eagle Point
Mountain Meadow Fruit Co, $2375
Mountainside Orchard Co, $1710, Oregon City
Mow E B, $1400, Ashland
Mow John, $1280, Ashland
Mow J S, $770, Ashland
Moxley Wm, $5120, Eagle Creek Or
Mueller Gottlieb, $490
Muir David, $230, Medford
Muir Viola T, $200, Medford
Muir & Sturtevant, $1925, Medford
Mulder J R et al, $215, Roselawn Ind
Mulholland L, $500, Medford
Mulit L L, $825, Ashland
Mulit L L & G, $1900, Ashland
Mulkey B F, $1495, Medford
Mulkey & Cherry, $400, Medford
Mulkey & Hoxie, $200
Muller Louise, $2300, Medford
Mullery J C, $2000, Duluth Minn
Mullin E F, $25, Jacksonville
Mulloy P H, $1190, Talent
Mulveyhill S, $600, Buncom
Munach J D, $3300, Gold Hill
Muncey Walter & Wm H, $750, Medford
Muncy M, $1200
Mundy W J, $405, Medford
Munkers J M, $6510
Munro C W, $2000, Jenison Mich
Munsey W et al, $750, Medford
Murdock James, $500
Murphy C G Mrs, $1600
Murphy Emma E, $1165, Medford
Murphy Esther A, $150, Central Point
Murphy E C, $500, Ashland
Murphy Joe, $150, Medford
Murphy J C, $4265, Medford
Murphy J J, $21,145, Ashland
Murphy J L, $1760, Eagle Point
Murphy O M, $2405, Medford
Murphy O W, $115, Medford
Murphy Samuel, $515, Talent
Murphy W C et al, $800, Medford
Murray Carrie C, $150, Medford
Murray C H & M E, $2910, Medford
Murray E A, $395, Los Angeles
Murray J A, $150, Rogue River
Murray Maurice C, $1025, Medford
Murray Millie, $3200, Bayfield Wis
Murray M M, $5690, Ashland
Murray M & S, $1600, Central Point
Murray Peter, $1025
Murray Rube, $500, Central Point
Murray Samuel, $1400
Murray S, $400, Central Point
Murray T B, $180, Prospect
Murray W H Mrs, $60, Ashland
Murrey Catherine A, $475, Medford
Murrey Charles H, $725, Medford
Murrey C H & R E, $575, Medford
Murrey M, $980, Medford
Musty E A, $440, Beagle
Musty F X, $2915, Central Point
Muth Adam, $210, Medford
Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York, $75, Medford
Myer H, $1485
Myer Wm, $9730, Ashland
Myers Arthur B, $300
Myers C A, $2850, Medford
Myers D W, $1370, Brownsboro
Myers F R, $280, Rogue River
Myers Geo L, $825, Central Point
Myers Julia A, $700, Rogue River
Myers J J, $340, Ashland
Myers J J & E E, $1100, Ashland
Myers J W, $2720, Central Point
Myers Lulu, $215
Myers O V, $5105, Medford
Myers P H, $375, Gold Hill
Myers P J and wife, $475
Myers S J, $4450, Rogue River
Myers Wm, $2300, Gold Hill
Mynatt S J, $185, Central Point
Nachbour Maggie, $420, Medford
Nachtrilb Mary, $3200, Toledo, Ohio
Nagayama K, $535, Medford
Nagle Owen D, $3870, Medford
Nahbour John, $1600, Grants Pass Or
Nalley A C & R K, $2605, Medford
Nalley Peter K, $2250, Medford
Narregan F A, $2370, Eagle Point
Narregan N L, $14,035, Medford
Nash Grill, $800, Medford
Nash Hotel Co, $3000, Medford
Nash Jesse, $3750, Grants Pass Or
Nash J T C, $44,900, Medford
Nash Livery, $2060, Medford
Natatorium Amusement Co , $37,225, Medford
National Bank of Tacoma Wash, $2090
National City Bank The, $800
National Surety Co, $2625, Medford
Natwick Chris, $620, Medford
Naylor Alta, $2140, San Francisco
Naylor Minerva, $1930, Medford
Neal E T, $290, Central Point
Neal Geo, $200, Central Point
Neal Homer, $275, Talent
Nealon Harry R, $1630, Central Point
Nealon Mae, $100, Central Point
Nealon Marion, $50, Central Point
Nealon Rose, $60, Central Point
Nealon R E, $410, Central Point
Nealon S M, $10,410, Central Point
Neathamer D E, $6375
Neathamer D E, $11,040, Rogue River
Neathamer Jesse, $12,660, Rogue River
Neathamer Joshua, $7795, Rogue River
Neathamer,L E, $95, Rogue River
Neathamer Nora, $175, Rogue River
Needham E B, $800, Colorado Springs Colo
Neely & Young, $4100, Spokane Wn
Neeman John & W Yant, $1175, Medford
Neff Porter J, $14,425, Medford
Neff T J, $1350, Central Point
Neff & Mealey, $600, Medford
Neil Augusta L Mrs, $9280, Ashland
Neil Beulah J, $800, Eagle Point
Neil E S, $2465, Ashland
Neil Frank R, $3645, Eagle Point
Neil Frederick R, $1650, Talent
Neil Homer, $840
Neil Ida M, $375, Ashland
Neil J E, $480
Neil J F, $1600, Buncom
Neil J R, $3735, Jacksonville
Neil Leander A, $9005, Ashland
Neil R A, $700
Neil R P, $12,750, Ashland
Neil Susie L, $1300, Ashland
Neil Susannah T, $1700, Ashland
Neil & Barneburg, $8000, Ashland
Neimeyer August, $4820, Medford
Neland R E, $80, Central Point
Nelsey L, $1015, Ashland
Nellis Wm, $6360, Prospect
Nelson A F, $195
Nelson C A, $600, Rockford Ill
Nelson C C & Clara P, $5290, Talent
Nelson Frank, $1750, Ashland
Nelson Frank & wife, $150, Ashland
Nelson F F, $800, Ashland
Nelson F L, $1115, Ashland
Nelson John A, $1410, Ashland
Nelson L A, $1370, Jacksonville
Nelson Mark O, $9220, Medford
Nelson M D Mrs, $330, Jacksonville
Nelson N, $2480, Jacksonville
Nelson P M, $1000
Nelson Wm, $1345, Ashland
Nelson W H, $100
Nelson & Olstrom, $3000
Neenah-Oregon Land Co, $4000, Neenah Wis
Nesson Lydia, $2000, Rogue River
Netherland Frank D, $830, Butte Falls
Neuber Hattie M Mrs, $1600, Jacksonville
Neustadt Genevieve, $8495, Medford
Neustadt J H, $2000, Berkeley Cal
Neville Henry J, $1450, Ashland
Newbegin A M, $180, Rogue River
Newberry Gus, $5415, Medford
Newbury & Cantrall, $13,345, Ruch
Newcomb W E, $1610, Ashland
Newel Francis A, $895, Medford
Newell E V, $400 Clackamas Or
Newell M V, $400, Clackamas Or
Newells Cordelia, $175, Gold Hill
Newhall Ada S Mrs, $12,580, Central Point
Newland R A, $1190, Medford
Newlon W W, $1000, Ashland
Newman F J, $3095, Medford
Newman T A Mrs, $1550, Central Point
Newman & Lewis, $995, Ashland
Newport F, $200, Eagle Point
Newstrom Chas A, $2095, Lake Creek
Newton Eva M, $1500, Gold Hill
Newton Nora Mrs, $135, Gold Hill
Newtown Orchard Co, $40,700
Nicholl A, $130, Ashland
Nichols Art, $4910, Eagle Point
Nichols A F et al, $9600, Buhl Minn
Nichols B L, $1550, Ashland
Nichols D S, $1730, Eagle Point
Nichols Eola, $2105, Medford
Nichols F A, $500, Portland
Nichols Geo Jr, $3775, Lake Creek
Nichols Geo W, $22,825, Medford
Nichols Gus, $2480, Eagle Point
Nichols G H, $1600, Eugene Or
Nichols G W et al, $500, Medford
Nichols Janie Mrs, $340, Central Point
Nichols John, $80, Eagle Point
Nichols J F, $1600, Eagle Point
Nichols J M, $3765, Eagle Point
Nichols Laura Mrs, $3060, Ashland
Nichols L Ferguson, $1075, Ashland
Nichols Otillie Mrs, $3810, Eagle Point
Nichols R W, $375, Central Point
Nichols Sid, $250, Jacksonville
Nichols Thomas E, $22,150, Eagle Point
Nichols & Ashpole, $230, Medford
Nichols & Noffsinger, $1500, Ashland
Nicholson A L, $1400, Medford
Nicholson H G, $1190, Medford
Nicholson W W, $400
Nickell Belle, $14,820, Medford
Nickell Wm, $400, Lake Creek
Nicklas Chas, $205, Medford
Nicol Elizabeth, $1835, Silverton Or
Niedermeyer L, $85,800, Medford
Niedermeyer L & Callie Palm, $18,160, Medford
Niedermeyer L & C W Palm, $3995, Medford
Nielsen J, $55, Applegate
Nigro F V, $1600, Lake Creek
Niles C E, $120, Medford
Nimms Geo P, $3750
Nimms Nellie, $75
Nims C W & M, $2985, Ashland
Nims & Saunders, $4325, Ashland
Nininger Amos, $200, Ashland
Nininger Amos & Perry Ashcraft, $1250, Ashland
Nininger C E, $13,080, Santa Ana Cal
Noble C H, $1600
Noble Ella T, $1000, Portland
Noble E N, $210, Medford
Noble E T, $800, Portland
Noble H E, $1890, Portland Or
Noble Margaret F, $715, Medford
Noblit H L, $1100
Noe John, $150, Gold Hill
Noonan T J, $2025, Central Point
Norbury Benson, $525, Central Point
Norcross N D, $185, Rogue River
Norcross W H, $12,585, Central Point
Nordemaun H J, $1250
Norling J, $425, Jacksonville
Norman J F, $915, Talent
Norman W H, $925, Talent
Normile W T & Jonson J, $75, Medford
Norris Alice H, $2015
Norris Ida M, $530, Medford
Norris Martha L Mrs, $1390, Jacksonville
Norris Myron J, $4750, Medford
Norris Robert, $1570, Medford
Norris T C, $30, Medford
Norris Wm B, $1325, Colestin
Norris W C, $2420, Medford
North Albert F, $1270, Medford
North H A, $6800, Neillsville Wis
North Western Trust Co, $720, St Paul Minn
Northern Brewery Co The, $2830, Portland Or
Northern Coast Cooperative Lumber Co, $9600, Rockland Mich
NPRR Co, $4200
Northrup R W, $3475, Medford
Nortridge Wm M, $1675, Ashland
Norwood J S, $960, Central Point
Noyes W S, $8675, Tolo
Nuckolls Anna B, $1430, San Francisco Cal
Nukolls Marshall, $1000, San Francisco Cal
Nudding Wm H, $8705, Brownsboro Or
Nunan J, $16,570, Jacksonville
Nunn W W, $545
Nussbaum Minnie Mrs, $1225, Lake Creek
Nuttall L I S, $150, Medford
Nyby Monrad, $200, Ashland
Nygren Gus, $4345, Brownsboro
Nygren Hilda, $1160, Lake Creek
Nye Amarantha Mrs, $1455, Prospect
Nye C V Mrs, $100, Prospect
Nye E A, $800, Prospect
Nye H B, $575, Gold Hill
Nye J E, $2000, Grants Pass Or
Nye N B, $7950
Nye N M, $1180, Derby
Nye S A, $10,285, Medford
Nyswaner J A, $380, Talent
Nyswaner Riley, $450, Talent
Nyswaner W R, $230, Talent
Oakdale L & I Co, $15,250, Medford
Oakdale Ranch, $470, Talent
Oakdale Tennis Club, $400, Medford
Oatman E R, $2245, Medford
Oatman F B, $835, Talent
Obenchain C E, $100
Obenchain Geo, $435, Central Point
Obenchain G B Mrs, $175, Central Point
Obenchain G E, $1485, Central Point
Obenchain J A, $2425, Butte Falls
Obenchain Nancy, $910, Central Point
Obenchain Carrie C, $900, Butte Falls
Obenchain Charles, $150, Butte Falls
Oberg Erick, $1600, Iron River Mich
O'Brien Annie, $160, Medford
O'Brien J A, $6685, Ruch
O'Brien R E, $180, Medford
O'Brien S C Mrs, $1180, Medford
Ockerman O, $330, Central Point
O'Connell James, $47,200, Prospect
O'Connor Kate F, $1400
O'Dean Dennis, $1200, Seattle
Odell E J, $2900, Central Point
Oden A V, $430, Rogue River
Oden Bros, $500, Rogue River
Oden Bud, $600, Rogue River
Oden B M, $370, Rogue River
Oden Emaline, $320, Rogue River
Oden Henry $1200, Rogue River
Oden James, $30, Rogue River
Oden J P, $200
Oden J T, $130, Rogue River
Oden Norris, $325, Rogue River
Oden O C, $150, Rogue River
Oden R R, $665, Rogue River
Oden Thomas, $235, Wimer
Oden V S, $200, Rogue River
Oden W G, $335
Oden W H, $190, Medford
Oden & Wright, $650, Rogue River
O'Donoughue Walter, $640, Ashland
Offenbacker Bros, $14,265, Applegate
Offutt J S, $790, Medford
O'Gara P J, $190, Medford
Ogg George G, $12,675, Ashland
Ogg G G & Minnie J, $7345, Ashland
Oglesby Clara C, $1490, Gold Hill
O'Hair E B, $1460, Rogue River
O'Hara T J, $6875, Central Point
O'Hara Wm, $3300, Medford
Olen S C, $1820, Ashland
Old Mill Ditch & Irrigation Co, $1500, Rogue River
Oleson A, $640, Oakland Cal
Oleson Martin, $2330
Olin G A, $1760
Oliver H K, $100, Talent
Oliver Lewis, $690, Medford
Oliver S E, $390, Kimberly Cal
Oliver W W (heirs), $1600
Olmstead Edwin M, $900, Ashland
Olmstead Hinda $1390, Medford
Olmstead J E, $2700, Medford
Oleson A, $1260, Trail
Olsen A J, $2860, Gold Hill
Olson Adolph, $335, Trail
Olson A P, $190, Medford
Olson Charles, $355, Medford
Olson C J, $2970, Medford
Olson Earl P, $6980
Olson O, $2400, Fernwood Idaho
Olson Paulus, $3495, Central Point
Olson T A, $400, Medford
Olson Wm, $2175, Washburn Wis
Olsson Adolph, $400, Weed Cal
Olwell John D, $1000, Medford
Olwell J, $2080, Medford
Olwell J D & Fiero A Conro, $9040, Medford
Oman E E, $4525, Medford
O'Melia Ed, $2400
Ommel R J, $1640, Persist
O'Neil F D, $120, Ashland
O'Neil J W, $1000
O'Neil Mary, $1600, Ashland
O'Neil Mary E, $19,080, Medford
O'Neil P B, $500, Medford
Opera Rooming House, $350, Medford
Opp Consolidated Mines of NJ, $20,225, Jacksonville
Orchard J A, $7960, Ashland
Orchards Specialty Co, $1100, Ashland
Ord Alonzo, $280, Talent
Ore Gold Field Mining Co, $200
Oregon-California Development Co, $4595, Alameda Cal
Oregon California Power Co, $305, Phoenix
Oregon Gas & Electric Co, $41,350, Medford
Oregon Gold Hill Mining Co, $4500, Gold Hill
Oregon Granite Co, $4230, Medford
Oregon Inland Development Co, $3200, Portland
Oregon Restaurant The, $100, Medford
Oregon Water & Power Co, $4090, Central Point
Oregon-California Land Co, $78,765 Phoenix
Oregon & California Railroad Co, $3,932,735
O & C Stage Co, $420, Jacksonville
Orlopp Paul, $6080, Central Point
Orr Charles A, $300, Central Point
Orr Edith A, $950, Medford
Orr F L, $1370, Medford
Orr Grace, $680, Central Point
Orr Grace H, $1890, Medford
Orr Jean, $950, Ashland
Orr Mary B, $3435, Medford
Orres L J, $175, Ashland
Orres L J et al, $200, Ashland
Orres L J & wife, $200, Ashland
Orth Dee, $600, Medford
Orth estate, $2850, Jacksonville
Orth John S, $4660, Medford
Orth J estate, $2020, Jacksonville
Orth J H, $380, Jacksonville
Orthuys Leonard, $5720, Talent
Orton L O, $10,910, Eagle Point
Osborne Charles, $7710, Talent
Osborne Harriet N, $6495, Medford
Osborne John & wife, $1800, Medford
Osenbrugge C L, $1250, Medford
Osenbrugge F, $21,220, Medford
Osenbrugge Jacob J, $2250, Phoenix
Osgood F H, $6240, Nordhoff Cal
Osgood T W, $8000, Medford
Oshkosh Land & Timber Co, $76,850, Oshkosh Wis
Oslin S J, $600, Ashland
Ossman H H, $30, Medford
Oster Thomas estate, $550, Ashland
Osterdahl C J, $200, Ashland
Oswald Charles, $1305, Wellen
O'Toole D, $3190, Medford
Otterdahl Maria, $690, Medford
Ottinger Jason C, $3495, Medford
Otto Albert H, $200, Ashland
Overdorf J A, $2275, Medford
Overholser L B, $150, Talent
Overman M R, $1000, Grants Pass
Oviatt P H, $440, Asbestos
Owen Arestia C, $2865, Ashland
Owen Camilla E, $17,925, Ashland
Owen C E, $1600, Eagle Point
Owen Delbert A, $2025, Glide
Owen George W, $9890, Ashland
Owen John S, $1995, Wellen
Owen Julia A, $820, Central Point
Owen M E Mrs, $35, Central Point
Owen C E & P M Smith, $3120, Eagle Point
Owens Anna Mrs, $1250, Eagle Point
Owens Arthur G, $1600, Talent
Owens Charles, $2795, Rogue River
Owens George S, $3165, Wellen
Owens James, $14,070, Rogue River
Owens John, $720, Rogue River
Owens Joe, $200
Owens Thomas, $820, Rogue River
Owens Wm, $1320, Climax
Owens W E Mrs, $1600, Climax
Owings A M, $700, Eagle Point
Owings G P, $325, Rogue River
Owings Geo W, $575, Eagle Point
Owings H E, $75, Eagle Point
Owings J J, $240, Gold Hill
Owings John, $100, Rogue River
Owings Wm, $2230, Rogue River
Owings Wm F, $1125, Rogue River
Oxford Investment Co, $1500, Ashland
Oxford Rooming House, $150, Medford
Pace J N, $275, Talent
Pace N, $700, Talent
Pacific Granite Co, $200
Pacific Highway Garage, $800, Medford
Pacific Motor Supply Co, $3685, Medford
Pacific Timber & Lumber Co, $3400, Rogue River
Packard Abner, $1390, Medford
Packard J Warren, $1055, Medford
Packard Ralph E, $1275
Packard Wm, $95, Talent
Packard Wm A, $1275
Page Frederick, $200, Medford
Page Fredk C, $20,665, Medford
Page Helen, $1225, Medford
Page T C, $21,170, Medford
Page & Son, $1480, Ashland
Paine J L, $3200, Fayette Iowa
Pointer C S, $930, Eagle Point
Pointer John, $1275, Central Point
Palethorpe M, $1000, Portland
Palm C W, $36,280, Medford
Palm C W et al, $6125, Medford
Palm C W & Co, $5420, Medford
Palm C W & L Niedermeyer, $22,320, Medford
Palm C W & W I Vawter, $1805, Medford
Palm, Hutchison & Lumsden, $7800, Medford
Palm, Weeks & Orth, $4820, Medford
Palm & Hutchison, $19,400, Medford
Palm & Vawter, $1535, Medford
Palmer B J, $3020, Medford
Palmer D H, $14,710, Medford
Palmer E S, $26,130, Central Point
Palmer F A, $2325, Ashland
Palmer H P, $180, Central Point
Palmer John, $65, Gold Hill
Palmer J B, $130, Gold Hill
Palmer J F, $3355, Medford
Palmer Mattie E, $1600, Portland Or
Palmer Wm, $1200, Bellingham Wn
Palmer W E, $220, Ashland
Palms The, $500, Medford
Pankey A A, $145, Tolo
Pankey George, $90, Central Point
Pankey H T, $3950, Central Point
Pankey H T Mrs, $350, Gold Hill
Pankey Mary A, $500, Central Point
Pankey O R, $465, Central Point
Pankey Thos, $3420, Gold Hill
Pankey W H, $310, Central Point
Pantorium, $1200, Medford
Paredis J E, $650, Medford
Parent & Sons, $6010, Gold Hill
Parish W L, $3320, Ashland
Parker Annie M, $480, Medford
Parker A E, $1600, Portland
Parker A M, $1965, Medford
Parker C T, $1655, Medford
Parker C H H, $2620, Medford
Parker C M, $2420, Medford
Parker Joe, $390, Medford
Parker J D, $880, Central Point
Parker Louise, $1670, Medford
Parker Louisa R, $2940, Medford
Parker Mattie, $1200
Parker M S, $1100, Ashland
Parker P E, $3200, Westfield Pa
Parker R L, $800, Jacksonville
Parker R L Mrs, $3620, Butte Falls
Parker S A, $1495, Ashland
Parker W, $1600, Portland
Parker W K, $1005
Parker W W, $4875, Butte Falls
Parks Joseph, $400, Yoncalla Or
Parks Hollis, $3595, Buncom
Parmerlee Grace C, $1550, Ashland
Parr Roy, $300, Ashland
Parshall Emma Mrs, $750, Ashland
Parsons O B, $2700, Ashland
Parsons Clarence V, $1600, Puyallup Wn
Parsons H L, $1500, Rogue River
Parsons M A, $1560, Medford
Parton T J, $17,485, Eagle Point
Partridge W S, $300
Pate John, $685, Gold Hill
Paton Victor, $1200
Patrick Elmer, $680, Ashland
Patrick George H, $645, Gold Hill
Patrick W A, $2640, Ashland
Patrick W A et al, $2800, Ashland
Patterson Annie E, $1300, Ashland
Patterson C H, $3120
Patterson Henry B, $1565, Medford
Patterson Joshua, $19,925, Phoenix
Patterson J W, $725, San Francisco Cal
Patterson Lillie, $1340, Medford
Patterson Sarah E, $2000, Ashland
Patterson Stewart, $8720
Patterson Sylvester, $2735, Ashland
Patterson S E, $175, Ashland
Patterson & Kahler, $2435, Central Point
Pattillo W H, $7850
Pattison S A, $1075, Central Point
Patton C A, $800, Ashland
Patton J I, $1690, Butte Falls
Patton N F, $1200, Ashland
Patton W E, $100, Butte Falls
Patts A J, $35, Central Point
Patty John F, $300, Ashland
Patty John F & wife, $1515, Ashland
Paul C C, $5635, Medford
Paul H C, $490, Medford
Paulson P W, $3985, Ashland
Paxson R H, $11,440, Central Point
Payfair W S, $50, Medford
Payne Clyde A, $4560, Ashland
Payne C F Jr, $11,125, Phoenix
Payne Elizabeth Mrs, $1530, Ashland
Payne E C, $1900, Ashland
Payne E C et al, $1200, Ashland
Payne J L, $2400, Ashland
Payne L E, $2525, Ashland
Payne L & L E, $3105, Ashland
Payne M H, $4415, Medford
Payne M H & G A Mansfield, $370, Medford
Payne Robt, $160, Ashland
Payne Robert & Jennie E, $1200, Ashland
Payne T, $400, Provolt
Payne Victor, $1495, Ashland
Payne Wm, $1520, Asbestos
Peachey Albert H, $2630, Wellen
Peake C R, $460, San Francisco Cal
Pearce Dan, $190, Jacksonville
Pearce D J S & Son, $85, Jacksonville
Pearce Gladys Mrs, $255, Eagle Point
Pearce Jefferson D, $2000, Trail
Peart B G, $1150, Central Point
Peart C W, $250, Medford
Peart Elizabeth, $90, Medford
Peart F Ben, $1300, Central Point
Peart L I Mrs, $1385, Central Point
Pease Geo H, $18,710, Portland
Pease Hattie M, $3280, Rogue River
Pech E R, $1015, Medford
Pech Otilla, $7745, Medford
Peck C, $400, Ashland
Peck George B, $7700, Medford
Peck Gustof, $440
Peck Henry, $1000, Medford
Peck Maggie, $2490, Medford
Peck M, $30, Phoenix
Peck R A, $1965, Lake Creek
Peck W E, $1200, Penryn Cal
Pedicord T J, $2160, Spokane Wn
Peelor C H, $1150, Butte Falls
Peelor F M, $2310, Prospect
Peelor Leta, $750, Butte Falls
Peer E F, $20,400
Peerless Bakery, $2500, Medford
Peil Emil, $27,115, Central Point
Peil Maggie, $250, Medford
Peile Edmund, $665, Trail
Peirce Richard G, $2400, LaFayette Ind
Pellett Belle, $1560, Talent
Pellett Emma E, $1335, Ashland
Pellett G W, $2550, Ashland
Pellett M L, $900, Ashland
Pellett & Pope, $1800, Ashland
Pelling F, $800, Eagle Point
Pelouze Frederick, $5025, Eagle Point
Pelton Horace, $29,825, Gold Hill
Pelton Lottie E, $10,365, Ashland
Pelton Lottie L, $4250, Ashland
Pelton L, $3650, Ashland
Pelton Meta, $285, Medford
Pelton-Reid Sugar Pine Lumber Co, $38,000
Pence C M, $270, Trail
Pence Dave W, $1315, Trail
Pence Ed, $890, Trail
Pence M F, $1135, Trail
Pendleton J C & V H, $7080, Sams Valley
Pendleton Maud H Mrs, $445, Central Point
Pendleton Metcalf & Vail, $1000
Peninger Chas, $300
Peninger T J estate, $3075
Penland L O, $465, Central Point
Penning Charles E, $1030, Gold Hill
Penninger W H, $14,900, Central Point
Pennington Bertha H, $2200, Portland
Penniston S & W B, $1430, Ashland
Penter Wm H, $1805, Ashland
Pentz S S, $515, Butte Falls
Penwell Anlo, $2505, Medford
Peoples Market, $3500, Medford
Percival C E, $4810, Central Point
Percy G L, $3200, Rogue River
Perkins George H, $735, Central Point
Perkins H T, $2000, Rogue River
Perkins L, $565, Medford
Perkins Martha F, $1345, Central Point
Perkins Miron, $735, Ashland
Perkins Vera L, $2950, Medford
Perl John, $1405, Medford
Perl John A, $1500, Medford
Pernoll Wm estate, $9525, Applegate
Perozzi D, $13,125, Ashland
Perrine Jennie D, $750, Ashland
Perry Alexander, $2000
Perry E F, $3150, Medford
Perry Frank, $13,620, St Louis, Mo
Perry J A, $14,095, Medford
Perry J A et al, $1450, Medford
Perry J E, $295, Medford
Perry J R, $1245, Gold Hill
Perry J T, $10,465, Medford
Perry Lula J, $30, Sams Valley
Perry M, $800, Ashland
Perry R B estate, $5310, Asbestos
Perry Susie, $2000, Eagle Point
Perry T J, $2060, Sams Valley
Perry Wm, $2400, Butte Falls
Person Elva Mrs, $100, Climax
Persons E, $325, Central Point
Persons M J Mrs, $125, Central Point
Petard August, $1750, Jacksonville
Pete Lottie V, $255, Central Point
Peters Emily F, $1300, Ashland
Peters J D heirs, $1620, Portland
Peters Mary Mrs, $800, Jacksonville
Peters Mary, $745, Medford
Peters Nellie R, $2060, Ashland
Peters S A, $80, Ashland
Peterson A S, $1160, Gold Hill
Peterson B, $1235, Medford
Peterson Charles & Mrs H L Norman, $550, Medford
Peterson Dan, $960, Ashland
Peterson F L, $670, Central Point
Peterson Jas, $320, Medford
Peterson K, $420, Medford
Peterson Leopold, $135, Medford
Peterson Mary, $850, Medford
Peterson M A, $2400, West Port Wn
Peterson Nels, $1300, Ashland
Petrie W M, $7935, Talent
Pettegrew Fred, $205, Eagle Point
Pettegrew & Ewings, $1810, Eagle Point
Peyton A M, $600, Pekin Ind
Peyton R E, $1190, Peyton Or
Pfrang C J, $275, Medford
Phares Bessie G, $1985, Aberdeen Wn
Phelan R K, $680, Medford
Phelps Carl, $510, Medford
Phelps Ida, $1150, Gold Hill
Phelps S S, $700
Pheister C M, $1800, Medford
Philips Mrs, $30, Ashland
Phillippi Walter, $1000, Eugene Or
Phillips Carrie J, $710, Medford
Phillips G W, $235, Eagle Point
Phillips Mrs Lena, $4630, Ashland
Phillips L M, $135, Medford
Phillips Mary J Mrs, $815, Ashland
Phillips M J et uxor, $900, Ashland
Phillips Reuben & Matilda, $1000, Ashland
Phillips R, $1130
Phillips R P, $1085, Buncom
Phipps A R Mrs, $30,110, Medford
Phipps D E, $675, Medford
Phipps D J, $180, Medford
Phipps Effie, $450, Medford
Phipps Ella, $475, Medford
Phipps E E, $5450, Ashland
Phipps F H, $200
Phipps Isabella, $425, Medford
Phipps I D, $1490, Medford
Phipps I D E, $525, Medford
Phipps I J, $56,620, Medford
Phipps Joe, $165, Derby
Phipps Joseph, $1175
Phipps Joseph H, $275, Medford
Phipps Lee, $375, Medford
Phipps, Minnie A, $1490, Medford
Phipps, Preston, $275, Medford
Phipps, W E, $13,430, Medford
Phleger John T, $200, Medford
Phoenix Mercantile Co, $6360, Phoenix
Piatt Agnes, $60, Central Point
Piatt D G, $140, Medford
Pickard H S, $2730, Central Point
Pickel Adela, $2350, Medford
Pickel E B, $43,645, Medford
Pickel Klum & Murphy, $3735, Medford
Pickel & Klum, $4250, Medford
Pickert J D, $100, Medford
Pickrell J E, $1800
Piel Maggie, $1075, Medford
Piening Mary, $300, Ashland
Piening Wm, $400, Ashland
Pierce Bertha M, $1200
Pierce Clarence, $200, Eagle Point
Pierce C C, $3500
Pierce C H, $10,290, Medford
Pierce C H & B H Kirby, $1600, Medford
Pierce Edwin, $180, Buncom
Pierce G E, $2455, Medford
Pierce J G, $3385
Pierce J O, $330, Gold Hill
Pierce L M, $1000
Pierce R A, $3670, Central Point
Piercy James, $800, Talent
Pierse D J & Sons, $1875, Eagle Point
Pierson Martha, $1500, Ashland
Pierson Van R, $1600, Medford
Pifley F A, $320, Medford
Pike A M, $5350, Oakland Cal
Pike E E, $170, Central Point
Pikes Peak Mines, $390
Pilcher M J, $2335, Medford
Pine Belt Banking Co, $7500, Butte Falls
Pine Timber Co, $5260, Medford
Pinkerton P W, $1000, Ashland
Pinkham Harriet A, $790
Pioneer Educational Society, $1500, Ashland
Pioneer Planing Mills Co, $800, Ashland
Piper E C, $1000, Eagle Point
Pipes C T, $780, Sams Valley
Pitcher F B, $255, Medford
Pitman Nellie, $225, Rogue River
Pitt J W, $400, Talent
Pittman I D, $1200, Ashland
Pittock T Ralph, $4155, Applegate
Pitts Alameda, $270, Medford
Pitz Henry, $1445, Jacksonville
Plaisted G E, $60, Ashland
Plass Ida, $1530, Medford
Platt H F, $1675, Medford
Playter H W, $2000, Seattle Wn
Plumerth M E, $2840, Ashland
Plunkett Wm J, $1600, Ashland
Plymale E Grace, $10, Medford
Plymale Jane E, $14,490, Medford
Poe Josephine, $1525, Medford
Poe J O, $1155, Rogue River
Poe & Anderson Piano Co, $155, Medford
Poellintz R W, $110, Medford
Pohland F M, $1200, Ashland
Pohland H F, $14,540, Ashland
Pohland H F & Thos Martin, $1020, Ashland
Pointer W A, $4055, Phoenix
Pokegama Sugar Pine Lumber Co, $85,860
Poley C M, $320, Ashland
Poley Earl, $1045, Medford
Poley Georgiana Mrs, $3000, Ashland
Poley Joseph, $540, Ashland
Poley Joseph et al, $510, Ashland
Poley Joseph & Josephine, $1050, Ashland
Poley O G, $630, Medford
Poley W M, $6600, Ashland
Pollard E W, $1600, Ashland
Pollard W D, $65, Medford
Pomeroy Edgar, $100, Medford
Pomeroy E C, $1565, Asbestos
Pomeroy Thos, $350, Beagle
Pond George O, $2000, Prospect
Ponting Claud C, $555, Medford
Ponting John, $250, Medford
Pool A Mrs, $250, Jacksonville
Pool Benton L, $2630, Buncom
Pool Wert, $1135, Eagle Point
Poole R M, $150, Medford
Pope A S, $625, Ashland
Pope Charles, $6500, Ashland
Pope Joe, $525, Jacksonville
Port Lee, $550, Jacksonville
Porter A, $325, Ashland
Porter C D, $1975, Ashland
Porter C O, $1175, Ashland
Porter D Mrs, $900, Ashland
Porter Edith, $2300, Ashland
Porter Fred E, $1200, Ashland
Porter F E & E A, $1100, Ashland
Porter F & W G Prescott, $50, Ashland
Porter Geo, $400, Medford
Porter George W, $4875, Medford
Porter Ida & L G, $2830, Medford
Porter I F, $1350, Ashland
Porter J J, $1600, Vancouver Wn
Porter James M, $350, Ashland
Porter J P, $5000, Medford
Porter K B, $250
Porter L G, $16,475, Medford
Porter R C, $600, Ashland
Porter & Humphrey, $1410, Medford
Portland Development Co, $125, Butte Falls
Portland Trust Co, $1785, Portland
Pott B R, $90, Central Point
Pottenger A, $1230, Medford
Pottenger Laura, $1975, Medford
Pottenger Laura M, $550, Medford
Pottenger T E, $2035, Medford
Potter Andrew, $1000, Ashland
Potter B M, $230, Central Point
Potter E H, $210, Medford
Potter E J, $1260, Medford
Potter Frank, $1035, Phoenix
Potter F C, $450, Medford
Potter Ned, $250, Gold Hill
Potter S A, $4600, Ashland
Potter S F, $2625, Rogue River
Potter W R, $1300, Ashland
Potter & Gould, $8660, Medford
Powell Auto Co, $500, Medford
Powell A E, $2280, Ashland
Powell B L, $955, Ashland
Powell D S, $850, Ashland
Powell J B, $965, Gold Hill
Powell J W, $255, Medford
Powell Lydia, $4735, Ashland
Powell M J Mrs, $85, Medford
Powell P, $480
Powell T L, $2780, Ashland
Powell Walter P, $2325, Ashland
Powell W, $3600, Ashland
Powell Wm C, $600, Medford
Power E P, $1340, Medford
Power J C, $640, Medford
Powers C E, $225, Butte Falls
Powers C O, $1505, Medford
Powers Julia W, $2400, Prospect
Powers Lydia, $3900, Talent
Powers N O, $3240, Talent
Poyer Gustav H, $1340, Rogue River
Pracht A H, $4050, Ashland
Pracht Max, $8025, Ashland
Pracht W B, $210, Ashland
Prader John, $5815, Talent
Prall John, $6515, Medford
Prall J W, $310
Pratt Carroll, $1200, Ashland
Pratt J Fred, $1540, Phoenix
Pratt J F, $980, Phoenix
Pratt Kate L, $660, Phoenix
Praytor J C, $800, Ashland
Prescott C, $650, Ashland
Prescott G C, $1150, Ashland
Prescott W G, $4130, Ashland
Preston Wm, $240, Ashland
Price Dora A, $1065, Medford
Price Estella, $1200
Price Rex A, $575, Medford
Price Sarah A, $850, Rock Point
Price W E, $1105, Central Point
Price W K, $15,500
Priddy George W, $1595, Medford
Priddy J W, $2600, Medford
Prigg Lenora E, $1400, Medford
Prillman W L, $1600, Buncom
Prim Charles, $1435, Jacksonville
Prim Effie, $2120, Jacksonville
Prince Herman, $1000, Rogue River
Prince J T, $180, Wedderburn Or
Prock Nellie M, $210, Central Point
Producers Fruit Co, $200, Medford
Propper W G, $375, Medford
Protestant Episcopal Church, $25,000, Medford
Provolt E N, $3220, Murphy Or
Provolt E V, $2545, Provolt
Provolt S, $2990, Provolt
Provost Bros, $5500, Ashland
Provost D B, $1210, Ashland
Provost J H, $1550, Ashland
Provost Pierre, $2900, Ashland
Provost P S, $1125, Ashland
Provost Sylvian, $125, Talent
Pruett C A, $446, Eagle Point
Pruett C A & M L, $10,650, Eagle Point
Pruett I A, $13,505, Medford
Pruett Mary Mrs, $800, Ashland
Pryce Mary A, $1395, Medford
Puhl August, $270, Central Point
Puhl Frederick, $835, Medford
Puhl Wm, $600, Jacksonville
Purcell & Taylor, $9070
Purdin Mahlon, $5160, Medford
Purdin Rena B, $1595, Medford
Purdue John, $170, Central Point
Purdue Sarah E, $255, Central Point
Purdy S P, $1975, Eagle Point
Purkeypile I J, $1855, Central Point
Pursel Charles, $3550, Ruch
Pursell Chas C, $885, Buncom
Pursell M K, $125, Ruch
Pursell Nelson, $145, Buncom
Purucker C B Mrs, $1090, Medford
Purves A M, $600, Ashland
Purves C R Mrs, $210, Talent
Purves Jas, $3955, Ashland
Purrves Robert B, $4340, Talent
Purvis C A, $75, Applegate
Pusrott E M, $400, Eagle Point
Putnam Fred & Myrtle, $1525, Ashland
Putnam George, $3290, Medford
Putnam S I $1600, Spring Valley, Ark
Putney A M, $165, Medford
Quackenbush W J, $215, Talent
Quarles J F, $150, Medford
Quatman A H et al, $3305, Rogue River
Queen Ann Addition Inc, $10,695, Medford
Quigley L J, $1100, Medford
Quisenberry A, $235, Central Point
Quisenberry W F, $670, Medford
Quiz The, $600, Medford
Radcliff B S, $2440, Medford
Rader Clara et al, $1490, Medford
Rader John, $12,180, Eagle Point
Rader J M, $8477, Eagle Point
Rader Marion A, $5450, Medford
Raedel H C, $600, Gold Hill
Rafferty J T, $430, Tolo
Ragsdale B F estate, $575, Beagle
Ragsdale Hattie, $120, Trail
Ragsdale J F, $65, Tolo
Ragsdale J L, $5325, Trail
Ragsdale S J Mrs, $790, Sams Valley
Raine Catherine J, $1700, Ashland
Rainey Ariana, $450, Ashland
Rainey E B, $435, Sams Valley
Rainey J P, $985, Eagle Point
Rainey T C, $500, Central Point
Rainsford H A, $1150, Portland
Ralls John, $225, Gold Hill
Ralls heirs, $1120, Gold Hill
Ralston J H, $535, Medford
Ramsey F E, $175, Ashland
Ramsey Margaret J, $1600
Ramsey W S & wife, $300, Ashland
Randall Austin C, $6620, Talent
Randall A C et al, $5390, Medford
Randall Bessie, $1110, Central Point
Randall Byron T, $1600
Randall E W, $130, Ashland
Randle Ellis, $420, Gold Hill
Randles J E, $90, Ashland
Randles Wm estate $2100
Ranger Laura A, $250, Ashland
Rankin John P, $735, Ruch
Rapp Artie E, $680, Medford
Rapp Fred, $18,680, Talent
Rapp Martha E, $3715, Ashland
Rasor E L, $770, Ashland
Rasor John S, $3780, Ashland
Ratcliffe A C, $1190, Eagle Point
Ratcliffe Lillie R, $300, Eagle Point
Rath Wm P, $150, Phoenix
Rathbone Fannie M, $4625
Rathbun O J, $4255, Ashland
Rathburn W J, $1550, Ashland
Rathe Wm P, $4400, Medford
Ratrie G & Day M E Mrs, $5, Jacksonville
Rau Agnes, $1050, Medford
Rau-Mohr Co, $8600, Medford
Rau W F, $1875, Medford
Rawlings C G, $2000, Rogue River
Rawson Carrie L, $1720, Medford
Ray Charles R, $1210, Medford
Ray Frank, $600, Gold Hill
Ray Lillie D, $2100, Medford
Ray Mollie & M L, $5330, Ruch
Ray M & R, $960, Ruch
Ray Sarah E, $1090, Gold Hill
Ray Wm, $1545, Ruch
Raymond David, $2650, Medford
Raypholtze Ella, $4865, Medford
Reachert H B, $1065, Talent
Read Bert W, $2050, Albany Or
Read John S, $700, Factoryville Pa
Reader J K, $5290, Ashland
Reader Lou Mrs, $2100, Ashland
Reader Lou E, $3350, Ashland
Reader Wm A, $1950, Ashland
Real Vera A Mrs, $4845, Siskiyou
Reame R C, $400
Reames Alice Mrs, $9750, Talent
Reames A E, $12,960, Jacksonville
Reames C C, $1705, Medford
Reames C L, $3970, Jacksonville
Reames estate, $2180, Jacksonville
Reames E A, $2265, Medford
Reames E E, $715, Phoenix
Reames I T, $290, Medford
Reames L A Mrs, $3185, Phoenix
Reames L L, $670, Medford
Reames R, $210, Central Point
Reames R B, $1500, Medford
Reames Thomas G, $2000, Beagle
Reames W estate, $350, Phoenix
Rease E O, $600, Ashland
Reasoner N J, $3525, Ashland
Rebec George, $2600, Medford
Redden F E, $100, Medford
Redden J M, $830, Medford
Redden Leventine, $1020, Medford
Reddy Archibald, $300
Reddy J F, $930, Medford
Reddy Mary F, $200, Medford
Reddy M J, $2900, Medford
Redifer E W, $625, Ashland
Redner Frank, $1130
Redpath E L, $150, Medford
Reed C D, $820, Jacksonville
Reed C D estate, $80, Jacksonville
Reed Elizabeth F, $1900, Ashland
Reed Mrs Emma M, $30, Phoenix
Reed E J, $850, Alameda Cal
Reed Frank, $225, Talent
Reed F A, $1305
Reed Henry S, $2300, Portland Or
Reed H D, $950, Gold Hill
Reed H D et al, $1020, Gold Hill
Reed H S, $10360, Medford
Reed Kate, $1200, Council Bluffs Iowa
Reed L A, $1600 Orting Wn
Reed Margaret, $470, Medford
Reed Nellie, $1050, Gold Hill
Reed R E, $1300
Reed W R, $90, Eagle Point
Reeder L E, $530, Ashland
Reeder Thos G, $1280
Reeder Thos J, $1000, Ashland
Reeder Thos T, $660, Ashland
Reeder Wm A, $100, Ashland
Reeder W A & wife, $1850, Ashland
Rees George C, $2800, Butte Falls
Reese E M, $1325, Ashland
Reese Fannie, $1850, Gold Hill
Reese Frank B, $400
Reese James A, $180, Central Point
Reese W S, $4800, Central Point
Reese W S Mrs, $270, Central Point
Reeser B F estate, $325, Ashland
Reeser H F, $750, Ashland
Reeve C, $100, Jacksonville
Reeve H M, $100, Jacksonville
Reeves H Mrs, $225, Jacksonville
Reeves W K estate, $775, Ashland
Regar Mary H Mrs, $20,485, Medford
Register W G, $2000
Rehkoff August, $2430, Murphy Or
Rehkoff Henry, $3165, Murphy Or
Reichman Ida L, $800, Medford
Reichman O H, $1195, Medford
Reichstein C F, $870, Medford
Reid D M, $510, Medford
Reidel Charles, $420, Gold Hill
Reidel Lola Mrs, $1325, Gold Hill
Reimer Harry, $700, Rogue River
Reinking Bros, $200, Medford
Reinking Conrad, $5755, Medford
Reives A B, $1150, Ashland
Remde Frank R, $1600, Eagle Point
Remde Mary E, $1600, Mansfield SD
Rempel W P, $280, Medford
Remsen Herbert, $350, Alameda Cal
Renault John B, $350, Jacksonville
Renner J L, $515, Medford
Reno Elizabeth A, $750, Ashland
Renshaw E, $15,300, Medford
Renshaw Herbert, $4480
Retelle Alzira, $1600, Prospect
Reter John, $460, Medford
Reuter A B estate, $275, Jacksonville
Reuter Christina Mrs, $3655, Jacksonville
Reuter Wm C, $400, Prospect
Rex Meat Market, $500, Medford
Rexford Alice Mrs, $50, Murphy
Rexford C M, $4010, Murphy
Reynolds H W, $695, Medford
Reynolds James, $220, Talent
Reynolds Larkin, $225, Jacksonville
Reynolds L M, $730, Medford
Reynolds O E, $220, Medford
Reynolds Walter et al, $1010, Medford
Reynolds Z Z, $1500, Ashland
Rhea James, $225, Buncom
Rhoades R H, $80, Central Point
Rhoads A M, $40, Phoenix
Rhodes A R, $1300, Medford
Rhodes Clyde, $730, Sams Valley
Rhodes H E, $200, Medford
Rhodes Leonard M, $1590, Ashland
Rhodes Libbie, $8755, Ashland
Rhodes L M, $4900, Central Point
Rhodes S M, $7900, Ashland
Rice E D, $2055, Ashland
Rice J B, $1990, Ruch
Rice J M, $800, Ashland
Rice W C, $845, Medford
Rice & Fowler, $630, Ashland
Rich John M, $1600
Richard L C, $55, Gold Hill
Richards Dan, $430, Gold Hill
Richards Mary E, $150, Gold Hill
Richardson Carl, $440, Medford
Richardson George, $50, Butte Falls
Richardson Harvey, $855, Central Point
Richardson H & J L, $765, Central Point
Richardson J, $5710
Richardson J R, $3800
Richardson J W, $4550, Medford
Richardson Sam T, $2065, Medford
Richardson Wm P, $2080
Richeter Ernest, $1100
Richie Robert, $400, Ashland
Rickard G W, $250, Medford
Rickert Judson D, $950, Medford
Rickman W M & E, $1330, Ashland
Riddell E G, $3520, Medford
Riebel Oscar T, $2000, Roseburg Or
Ries F L, $2400, Albany Or
Ries G A, $2400, Portland Or
Riesland W F, $150, Butte Falls
Rife Cora E, $1500, Wahpeton ND
Rigdon Robert K, $400, Brownsboro Or
Rigg James R, $8600, Mt Pulaski Ill
Rigg Jennie C, $1670, Medford
Riggins & Leslie, $500, Medford
Riggs A G, $210, Medford
Riheldoffer H M, $1505, Homestead Pa
Riley E A Mrs, $3170, Eagle Point
Riley G H, $2995, Sams Valley
Riley Henry, $600, Central Point
Riley H E, $100
Riley Joe, $240, Eagle Point
Riley Thomas, $4440, Eagle Point
Riley Thomas M, $2300, Eagle Point
Riley & Clark, $7445, Eagle Point
Rinabarger C A, $1460, Medford
Ring Mrs L M, $195, Gold Hill
Ringer Carl, $160, Eagle Point
Ringer James, $500, Eagle Point
Ringo E H, $2090
Rippey Addie, $960, Gold Hill
Rippey Addie K, $2330, Medford
Risdon A, $565
Ritter Charles, $325, Central Point
Ritter C R, $1385, Gold Hill
Ritter John F, $675
Ritter John J, $3510, Gold Hill
Ritter Mary E, $1645, Gold Hill
Ritter N, $465, Gold Hill
Ritter & Dunlap, $22,975, Medford
Roach Mrs A J, $1350, Ashland
Roach Earl J, $500, Ashland
Roaring Gimlet Mining Co, $1330, Gold Hill
Roath H R, $3200, Bayfield Wis
Robbins A B, $10,155, Medford
Robbins John A, $1600, Medford
Robbins J Ed, $30, Rogue River
Robbins J W & Sarah, $320, Medford
Robbins W A, $1055, Medford
Roberts Alice, $995, Talent
Roberts Allen C, $3260, Phoenix
Roberts C N, $540, Medford
Roberts C W, $1765, Medford
Roberts Ed, $225, Medford
Roberts Eva Mrs, $100
Roberts E F, $1190, Medford
Roberts E J, $1325, Ashland
Roberts E J Mrs, $4820, Medford
Roberts Frank R, $1500, Medford
Roberts H L, $1145, Medford
Roberts I G, $4040, Murphy
Roberts John E, $16,110, Phoenix
Roberts L, $1500, Ashland
Roberts L T, $1480, Medford
Roberts Myra B, $380, Talent
Roberts M C, $1110, Medford
Roberts T B, $1390, Gold Hill
Roberts T K, $400, Buncom
Roberts T K Mrs, $400, Buncom
Roberts W A, $1200, Eagle Point
Roberts W D, $3695, Medford
Roberts W J, $3600, Olympia Wn
Robertson A C Mrs, $1430, Ashland
Robinson Boyd, $1150, Ashland
Robinson Edwin F, $965, Medford
Robinson E E, $575, Medford
Robinson J, $200, Gold Hill
Robinson J K, $135, Ashland
Robinson J W, $1200, Jacksonville
Robinson J W Mrs, $2350, Jacksonville
Robinson Lettie A, $550, Medford
Robinson L F, $635, Medford
Robinson Phil, $310, Rogue River
Robinson R, $2090, Jacksonville
Robinson S M, $240, Talent
Robinson S M Mrs, $3540, Talent
Robinson Thomas I, $1675
Robinson Wm, $200, Medford
Robison Blanche M, $960
Robison George M, $1450, Ashland
Robison J R, $1935, Talent
Robison O R, $1800, Covina Cal
Robison R E, $6620, Talent
Robnett Edna, $1950, Central Point
Robnett 1 C, $5160, Central Point
Robnett Samuel F, $225, Central Point
Rocheford Emma C, $200, Medford
Rocho John F, $6465, Ashland
Rock J W, $30, Jacksonville
Rodgers C O, $2425, Sams Valley
Rodgers H E, $4295, Sams Valley
Rodgers J F, $1180, Sams Valley
Rodgers J H, $2400, Pecatonica Ill
Rodgers J M, $1555, Eagle Point
Rodgers Wm, $1150
Rodgers W J, $1625, Sams Valley
Rodlun N A, $320, Medford
Rodney H F et al, $1500, San Francisco Cal
Roe C Mrs, $215, Eagle Point
Roe Knudt O, $2400, Rogue, River
Roenisch Emil C, $3200, Sams Valley
Roenisch Harold, $150, Sams Valley
Rogers Catherine, $1350, Ashland
Rogers Charles, $825, Ashland
Rogers C H, $800, Medford
Rogers J M, $475, Central Point
Rogers Lillian, $510, San Francisco Cal
Rogers Thomas A, $550, Ashland
Rogers Wm, $170, Talent
Rogers & Stanley, $240
Rogue River Commercial Orchard Co, $20,925, Wellen
Rogue River Creamery Co, $150, Medford
Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, $10,695, Phoenix
Rogue River Orchard Co, $1000
Rogue River Pharmacy, $1000, Rogue River
Rogue River Plumbing & Hardware Co, $3000, Central Point
Rogue River Timber Co, $837,510
Rogue River Valley Abstract Co, $1000, Medford
Rogue River Valley Canal Co, $14,215, Medford
Rogue River Valley Cigar Works, $350, Medford
Rogue River Valley Gas Co, $22,650, San Francisco Cal
Rogue River Valley Orchard Co, $650
Rogue River Valley R R Co, $320, Jacksonville
Roguelands Inc, $171,090, Medford
Rohr C M, $220, Medford
Rollins Rose M, $3600
Roman Catholic Bishop Diocese of Oregon, $3660, Medford
Ronk O W & Pifley J T, $1685, Medford
Roode Madame, $1000, Medford
Root A A Mrs, $210, Medford
Root C W, $1400, Ashland
Root Edward C, $185, Medford
Root Fanny, $180, Portland
Root Fernando W, $2180
Root F M, $635, Ashland
Root John M, $19,915, Medford
Root M E, $100, Medford
Root M M, $9870, Central Point
Root N D, $800
Root Susan B Mrs, $1220
Root Virginia, $1800, Ashland
Root & Biddle, $5930, Medford
Ropp Katie S, $390, Butte Falls
Ropp Minnie K, $80, Butte Falls
Rose Arthur, $3885, Phoenix
Rose Bros, $1990, Ashland
Rose C R, $1300, Ashland
Rose C R & H, $300, Ashland
Rose C R & O H, $650, Ashland
Rose E D, $965
Rose Isabella, $560, Phoenix
Rose Isabella estate, $5355, Phoenix
Rose J A, $5970, Medford
Rose Karl, $300
Rose K M, $750, Ashland
Rose L A, $1285, Phoenix
Rose L M, $1600, Ashland
Rose Mary E, $1670, Ashland
Rose May, $1065, Jacksonville
Rose Oliver O H, $1825, Ashland
Rose O E, $5100, Applegate
Rose O M, $670, Medford
Rose Samuel, $1200
Rose Wm, $30, Medford
Roseberry J M, $1200, Medford
Roseberry Thomas, $75, Medford
Rosenbaum A S, $6245, Medford
Rosenberg Gus, $375, Eagle Point
Rosenstock A F, $1125, Ashland
Rosenwarne Cass, $400, Forest Grove Or
Rosh John, $885, Medford
Ross F D, $1570, Central Point
Ross George B, $14,280, Central Point
Ross George B et al, $560, Central Point
Ross George W, $270, Talent
Ross Harry, $750, Ashland
Ross Harry & wife, $2700, Ashland
Ross John E, $1525, Central Point
Ross Thomas, $155, Central Point
Ross T D, $1925, Central Point
Roser E R, $1700, Rogue River
Rosser E R et al, $450, Rogue River
Rosser & Jacobs, $750, Rogue River
Rossman George E, $2025, Ashland
Rostein Joseph, $1150
Rostein L A, $1150
Rostel B G, $710, Medford
Rostel C B, $7555, Central Point
Rothwell James A, $700, Medford
Rouch L E, $1000, Rock Point
Roundtree M H, $715, Jacksonville
Roundtree R C, $230, Jacksonville
Rouse R, $990, Ashland
Rouse W J, $3200
Routledge Ella, $1000, Ashland
Rowe F H, $20, Tolo
Rowe Helen F, $535, Medford
Rowe James R, $100, Medford
Rowe J L, $8770, $200, Gold Hill
Rowell Alice, $100, Medford
Rowell C E, $160, Ruch
Rowell C F, $4500, Medford
Rowell Ernest C, $4785, Medford
Rowland B F, $1200, Prospect
Rowland C M, $1400, Ashland
Roxburg J A, $50
Ruch C M, $5545, Ruch
Ruch Fritz, $3305, Applegate
Ruch Harvey, $60, Provolt
Ruefley W E, $465, Murphy
Rueschow R C, $4800, Seattle Wn
Rugg C A, $1750
Ruhle W M, $2180, Medford
Rukes Lew, $790, Medford
Rumley Frances, $680, Medford
Rumley Lynn, $215, Jacksonville
Rummel J E, $360, Medford
Rummell H W, $90, Jacksonville
Rumsey B H, $1730, Medford
Rumsey H B, $300, Medford
Rumsey John A, $230, Medford
Rundle T H, $3225, Ashland
Rundlett H B, $1320, Medford
Rundlett L M, $1505, Medford
Runnell Mary J, $325
Runnells W H, $180, Portland Or
Runyard Edwin J, $1880, Medford
Runyon Chas D & Davis Ross, $405, Medford
Rush C G, $885, Ashland
Russell A H Mrs, $6435, Medford
Russell Chas S, $2000, Portland Or
Russell D B, $6315, Beagle
Russell E A, $1210, Beagle
Russell F E, $1000, Ashland
Russell Josephine, $400, Oakland Cal
Russell J, $1130, Medford
Russell M, $400, Berkeley Cal
Russell Nellie, $1080, Ashland
Russell R A, $160, Beagle
Russell W J, $1070, Ashland
Ryan Ellen A, $2000, Portland
Ryan Ida M, $2000, Portland
Ryan Luke, $56,970, Jacksonville
Sabin Cora B & Gassett James P, $70, Champaign Ill
Sack S, $70, Jacksonville
Sacks & Houston, $1160, Beagle
Sacramento Valley Realty Co, $5400
Sage D D, $4000, Medford
Sage Effie M, $1000, Medford
Sager Louis, $50, Central Point
St Anthony Inc, $3760,  Medford
St James R, $250, Medford
Salade L A, $9485, Central Point
Saling A B, $870, Medford
Saling Mae E, $720, Prospect
Sallner John B, $420
Salsbury Frank, $4825, Ashland
Salsbury G T, $1110, Ashland
Salsbury J B, $1600
Salsbury J F, $240
Salsman B, $275, Watkins
Salter Agnes M, $100, Medford
Salter F L, $1000, Anoka Minn
Saltmarsh A B Mrs, $3170, Buncom
Saltmarsh Joseph, $100, Jacksonville
Saltzman George D, $5755, Medford
Sample J O, $1450, Medford
Sample L A et ux, $920, Medford
Sampson Peter, $2000
Sams C E, $1575, Ashland
Samuels Gus, $2805, Medford
Samuels J M, $640, Central Point
Samuels L V, $385, Medford
Samuelson Oscar F, $540, Medford
Sanborn C C, $125, Rogue River
Sanborn Eva, $600, Rogue River
Sandbrook Wm M, $2000, Fieldbrook Cal
Sandburg C M, $870
Sander H B, $700, Ashland
Sander H B & L B, $1530, Ashland
Sander Jos H, $1965, Ashland
Sander Leo B, $975, Ashland
Sander Leo B & Henry B, $11,700, Ashland
Sanders A W, $9515, Medford
Sanders Jas, $1885, Ashland
Sanders L M, $200, Ashland
Sanders L M & R E, $600, Ashland
Sanders M S, $2000, Albany Or
Sanders Richard, $30, Medford
Sanders Wm A, $720, Rock Point
Sanders W G, $2605, Ashland
Sanderson B L, $1295, Central Point
Sanderson C C, $1400, Central Point
Sanderson C S, $520, Central Point
Sanderson W B, $2800, Ashland
Sanderson W C, $3485, Ashland
Sandoz Paul E, $4925, Trail
Sandry Samuel L, $140, Rogue River
Sandry S T Mrs, $1000, Rogue River
Sanford L L, $880, Ashland
Sanford R D, $3840, Ashland
Sanford Tarbert, $1250, Ashland
Sanford & Goldner, $820, Talent
Sargent H H, $9570, Medford
Sarter H J, $1100, Ashland
Satterfield C A, $250, Ashland
Saunders Stuart, $9850, Ashland
Savage G L, $1000, New York NY
Savage James C, $1402, Rogue River
Sawyer Bertha E, $1125, Ashland
Sawyer Julia A, $175, Central Point
Sawyer J S, $255, Medford
Sawyer J T, $800, Ashland
Sawyer Mary, $195, Medford
Sawyerby W, $75, Ashland
Sayle H A et al, $975, Ashland
Sayle J P, $1050, Ashland
Sayle J P & Son, $1000, Ashland
Saylor Claud, $290, Medford
Scales Henry S, $1040, Medford
Scantlin Thomas E, $8635, Medford
Schallhorn M E, $1600
Schaumburg P J, $160, Sams Valley
Scheble D M Mrs, $9770, Medford
Scheffler Louise, $975, Jacksonville
Schell C D, $2070, Wellen
Schendel Gustave, $100
Scheppe A E, $1600
Schermerhorn Bros, $7125, Medford
Schermerhorn G L, $2215, Medford
Schermerhorn Ida, $1520, Medford
Schieffelin Chas L, $5000, Medford
Schiller Eugene, $2000, Beaverton
Schlarnom Charles, $1000, Breese Ill
Schlinsog W A, $5065, Medford
Schlussel E, $2400, Portland Or
Schmalhausen L R, $2035, Medford
Schmidling A, $3955, Jacksonville
Schmidt A, $920, Jacksonville
Schmidt Carl, $50, Buncom
Schmidt E F, $1500, Medford
Schmidt John M, $3485, Medford
Schmidt Wm, $1370, Medford
Schmitz J M, $3200, Walla Walla Wn
Schmucker L, $560
Schnebly L S, $1740, Phoenix
Schneck Detlef, $2105, Phoenix
Schneider E J, $2160, Beagle
Schneider Frank B, $160, Buncom
Schneider F, $1460, Medford
Schneider F P, $725, Ashland
Schoeneman David A, $1440, Long Beach Cal
Schoeneman L S, $960, Long Beach Cal
Schoenthal J A, $235, Ashland
Scholer J J, $1085, Ashland
Scholl A L, $100, Jacksonville
Scholl C M, $490, Central Point
Scholl M F, $4800, West Newton Pa
Schollhorn John G heirs, $2000, Grants Pass
Schoonover Joseph, $400, Rogue River
Schrader Ejnar, $1125, Wellen
Schrader Otto, $380, Medford
Schrimpt Minnie, $1000, Butte Falls
Schuchard A A, $24,995, Phoenix
Schuck Walter P, $3995, Phoenix
Schuerman August, $6140, Ashland
Schuette Bros, $445, Talent
Schuette Frank, $875, Medford
Schuette G Henry, $3245, Medford
Schuette John, $4000, Medford
Schuler H D, $1265, Medford
Schuler L D, $3675
Schuler Richard, $6770, Medford
Schultz F C, $145, Ashland
Schulz A K J, $4920, Sams Valley
Schulz E E, $9795, Medford
Schulz Henry, $1910, Medford
Schulz Lena, $230, Medford
Schurman J H, $65, Phoenix
Schutt Mondon F, $5095, Red Bluff Cal
Schutte Herman J, $1600
Schwartz Fred et al, $2000
Schwartzfager Wm, $530, Jacksonville
Schweppe F C, $1600
Scidmore Harry, $1200, National City Cal
Scimbarskim Felix, $1200, Buncom Or
Scofield A Burdette, $1760, Ashland
Scofield A B & wife, $400, Ashland
Scott Ernest, $580, Central Point
Scott E W, $115, Talent
Scott Hayden W, $350, Ashland
Scott Helen T, $1460, Ashland
Scott Mrs Ida L, $5725, Ashland
Scott John M et al, $3280
Scott J B, $400, Provolt
Scott L J, $150, Visalia Cal
Scott Malissa A, $1615, Talent
Scott M M, $1215, Rogue River
Scott Perry D, $775, Medford
Scott Rose Mrs, $615, Medford
Scott T E Mrs, $225, Talent
Scott Wm, $14,465, Sams Valley
Scott Wynne Mrs, $300, Ashland
Scott W M, $2325, Sams Valley
Scott W W, $3890, Central Point
Scott & St John, $6350, Factoryville Pa
Scroggs Alex, $260, Gold Hill
Scudder J A, $150
Scudder & Kenly, $20,805, Medford
Scullen E A, $840, Ashland
Seaman Charles, $395, Medford
Seaman Clara T, $100, Rogue River
Seaman C G, $2725, Rogue River
Seaman Martha Mrs, $2540, Central Point
Seaman N J, $630, Rogue River
Searle W H, $20, Medford
Sears A Z, $2125, Medford
Sears Wm, $210, Butte Falls
Secor L D, $100, Ashland
See A S, $800, Gold Hill
Seefield Charles, $615, Lake Creek
Seeley Paul, $1710, Rogue River
Seeley Paul S, $33,410, Portland
Seeley W W & F G Palmer, $400
Seely E R, $2370, Medford
Seely & Berrian, $430, Medford
Seitz Eugene, $1220, Gold Hill
Selby Jennie E, $480, Central Point
Selsby O M, $4050, Medford
Selsby & Kennedy, $1200, Medford
Semisen C F Mrs, $1200, Ashland
Semon C J, $270, Medford
Sercombe Winifred, $3625
Serkland Marie, $1600, Gridley Cal
Settle I F, $800, Ashland
Settlemier F W, $8335, Central Point
Settles L H & wife, $500, Ashland
Severance H T & J R Parker, $100
Severance Netta A, $200
Sexton Chas D, $475
Seymour G C, $500, Medford
Seymour L A, $900, Medford
Shafer C D, $1000, Ashland
Shafer estate, $3200, Jacksonville
Shafer Henry, $1218, Phoenix
Shafer Jacob, $300, Jacksonville
Shafer J estate, $210, Jacksonville
Shaffer Bennett F, $400
Shaffer Casandria, $5370, Medford
Shaffer Edgar T, $1600, Climax
Shaffer Nettie V Mrs, $995, Ashland
Shannon B I, $255, Medford
Shapleigh F W Hardware Co, $3150, Medford
Shapleigh Mary W, $2185, Medford
Sharp Charles, $2095
Sharp D J, $1505, Rogue River
Sharpe C W, $450, Medford
Sharpe J W, $1760, Medford
Shattuck E W, $965, Applegate
Shaver C N, $200, Gold Hill
Shaver Myron, $900, Ashland
Shaver P A Mrs, $305, Phoenix
Shaw E B, $10,050, Ashland
Shaw F W, $700, Ashland
Shaw H M Dr, $2000
Shaw I E, $5100, Medford
Shaw Mattie B, $3800, Ashland
Shaw R J & Virginia, $1100, Ashland
Shaw T T, $2930, Jacksonville
Shaw W F, $1320, Ashland
Shearburn F A, $1725, Medford
Shearer H G, $4400, Medford
Shearer J E, $2200, Medford
Shebley A W & Kate W Southworth, $160, Rogue River
Sheets M A, $1300
Sheets M F, $140, Medford
Sheffield Ada M, $50
Sheffield F W Co, $4980, Ashland
Sheive G W, $1600, Portland Or
Sheldon Benjamin, $21,250, Central Point
Sheldon Benjamin, $18,620, Eagle Point
Sheldon Benjamin & Dr. McCormick, $1320, Phoenix
Sheldon M M, $575, Ashland
Shelley Daniel, $135, Sams Valley
Shelley James M, $1600, Ashland
Shelley Leonard, $115, Sams Valley
Shelley L L, $1780, Sams Valley
Shelley L L & M H, $600, Ashland
Shelley Nancy J, $1600, Ashland
Shelley P, $300, Ashland
Shelley P R, $670, Sams Valley
Shepard A E, $235, Rogue River
Shepherd A C, $2350, Rogue River
Shepherd A W & Son, $2900, Harvey ND
Shepherd C F, $1735, Ashland
Shepherd C F & wife, $675, Ashland
Shepherd Mary M, $1200, Ashland
Shepherd R M & C F, $3050, Ashland
Shepherd W H, $600, Ashland
Sherard Millie, $630, Ashland
Sherard N, $1005, Ashland
Sherid Wm H, $1600, Rock Point
Sherin Joseph, $1105, Medford
Sherman A C, $140
Sherman Charles W, $1470, Talent
Sherman E C, $1700, Ashland
Sherman F L, $200, Medford
Sherman W B, $1500, Rogue River
Sherwin B A, $1600, Ashland
Sherwin E A, $1375, Ashland
Sherwood Richard, $2240, Medford
Shibley Alice P, $9600
Shideler Clara M, $3110, Talent
Shields Emma L, $375, Medford
Shields James, $5160, Central Point
Ship N W et al, $1600
Shipley J C E, $740, Medford
Shirley G G, $1285, Medford
Shirley J G, $435, Medford
Shirley J W, $1470, Medford
Shirley J W & R H, $270, Medford
Shively J, $815, Ashland
Shively J G, $1440, Medford
Shoemaker Wm, $490, Gold Hill
Shook I N, $7400, Ashland
Short A W, $1290, Phoenix
Short Ella L, $3060
Short John B, $50, Gold Hill
Short J W, $2765, Gold Hill
Shorty Hope M & M Co, $800, Talent
Shoudy B M, $4500, Ashland
Shoudy Ira K, $2025, Ashland
Shoudy Ira & Ada K, $1180, Ashland
Showalter G S, $480, Central Point
Shutts C A, $1400, Ashland
Shutts C A & wife, $700, Ashland
Sidley Mike, $2857, Lake Creek
Sifers S W, $4080, Central Point
Signs Alice, $135, Medford
Silsby H M, $3400, Ashland
Silsby Ida S, $1055, Medford
Silsby I, $1600, Los Gatos Cal
Silsby Marcia B, $1850, Ashland
Silsby Otto M, $4700, Medford
Silsby & Kellogg, $14,230, Ashland
Silva Frank, $1325, Buncom
Silver C E, $600, Ashland
Silver Harry, $1000, Ashland
Silver H & James Bailey, $1300, Ashland
Silverton B C, $565, Medford
Simerville Elizabeth A, $925, Rogue River
Simerville J G, $290, Rogue River
Simmons L L, $460
Simmons Wm, $205, Jacksonville
Simmons Wm H, $1410, Medford
Simon E T, $850
Simonds H Mrs, $600, Ashland
Simonds J D, $1410, Ashland
Simons Aldy, $200
Simons Charles A, $1125, Ashland
Simons Mary M, $1000
Simons Rose M, $395, Medford
Simons & Selling, $27,300
Simpkins Phillip L heirs, $2520
Simpkins Sophronia, $950, Central Point
Simpson Emma, $1600, Bard Cal
Simpson Gertrude B, $2000, Palo Alto Cal
Simpson H L, $375, Portland
Simpson T H, $7800, Ashland
Simpson T J, $320, Talent
Simpson W F, $185, Medford
Sims Mary E, $160, Central Point
Sims Minnie S, $2060, Phoenix
Singer Fred, $575, Medford
Singler Aug D, $500, Medford
Singler Wm, $950, Medford
Singleton Thomas B, $6810
Singleton Thos D, $525, Wellen
Sisemore J, $800, Sams Valley
Siskiyou Heights Co, $21,110, Medford
Sisson Wm H, $250, Eagle Point
Sisters of the Holy Name, $3160, Jacksonville
Sisty Eva Mrs, $6015, Central Point
Sivers Isaac estate, $500, Rogue River
Sivers L C, $2580, Rogue River
Sjolseth Erick, $1600, Ashland
Skaerle Ole A, $2000
Skeen G B, $150, Ashland
Skeeters Julia E, $675, Medford
Skeeters J A, $870, Medford
Skewis E J, $3200, Talent
Skinner J D, $2700, Medford
Skinner J J, $4750, Medford
Skyeman C T, $2720, Trail
Skyeman Emma Mrs, $350, Trail
Slattery J H, $1000, Prospect
Slayton J B, $1600, Harrison Idaho
Slead Agnes Mrs, $150, Gold Hill
Slead D H, $130, Gold Hill
Slead Minnie Mrs, $30, Gold Hill
Slead R C, $4710
Sleppy L J, $1150, Talent
Slewing Nora, $8340, Medford
Slidwell Wm A, $800, Coburg Or
Slinger J W, $1310, Lake Creek
Slingerland G R, $1230, Ashland
Slingerland R J Mrs, $6000, Ashland
Sloan Samuel G, $1950, Thrall Cal
Slover Lucinda, $790, Medford
Slover M L & R E, $600, Ashland
Slusser H W, $265, Medford
Slusser N W, $150, Trail
Smack J E Mrs, $545, Rogue River
Smalley Hattie Mrs, $940, Phoenix
Smedley W A, $240, Medford
Smiley James W, $440, Medford
Smith Allen, $4100, Medford
Smith Anna M, $360, Medford
Smith Annie, $755, Medford
Smith Annie S, $95, Central Point
Smith Antoine, $1370, Central Point
Smith A, $200, Central Point
Smith A A, $200, Eagle Point
Smith A B, $100
Smith A F, $1200, Portland Or
Smith A H, $1000, La Nioma Cal
Smith A J T, $800, Gold Hill
Smith A P, $1600, Greenfield Wis
Smith A S, $130, Central Point
Smith Ben, $75, Medford
Smith Bros, $830, Eagle Point
Smith B C, $800, Ashland
Smith B D, $1170, Medford
Smith B E, $1600, Ashland
Smith Charles A, $4740, Ruch
Smith Charles E, $1200, Aumsville Or
Smith Charles M, $530, Medford
Smith Clifton, $90, Medford
Smith C E, $500, Berkeley Cal
Smith C F, $435, Rogue River
Smith Don B, $1400, Ashland
Smith D P, $440, Jacksonville
Smith Edgar E, $2520, Butte Falls
Smith Eliza M, $860, Medford
Smith Elizabeth A, $9355, Ashland
Smith Ella C, $400, Ashland
Smith Ella H, $130, Butte Falls
Smith Ella O, $640, Medford
Smith Ellen & C, $2780, Ashland
Smith Emma E, $1600, Grants Pass Or
Smith Enoch M, $715, Gold Hill
Smith E A, $2230, Ashland
Smith E A L, $860, Gold Hill
Smith E C, $750, Ashland
Smith E E, $1230, Medford
Smith E F, $3805, Ashland
Smith E H, $2400, Traverse City Mich
Smith E M, $870, Medford
Smith E N, $4730, Ashland
Smith E & S, $3545, Ruch
Smith Fannie Mrs, $500, Ashland
Smith Francis, $330, Medford
Smith Francis A, $1800, Medford
Smith F B, $1150
Smith F C, $1040, Ashland
Smith F E W, $1730, Talent
Smith F M, $3900, Jacksonville
Smith F M, $2400, Santa Ana Cal
Smith George, $1600, Coburg Or
Smith George C, $1600, Lawrence, Kans
Smith George N, $1655, Wellen
Smith Herbert R, $140, Medford
Smith H B, $180, Butte Falls
Smith H & A, $300, Ashland
Smith Isabelle A, $2160, Arlington Hts Mass
Smith I M, $200
Smith Jacob, $1600, Michell SD
Smith Jas G, $22,405, Medford
Smith James H, $650, Eagle Point
Smith James R, $1805, Talent
Smith John A, $3855, Medford
Smith Joseph C, $1600, Grants Pass Or
Smith Joseph T, $125, Butte Falls
Smith J C, $4965, Rogue River
Smith J E, $620
Smith J H, $2850, Central Point
Smith J N, $3400, Central Point
Smith J R, $2200, Rogue River
Smith J S & M W, $1350, Ashland
Smith J T, $2000, Rogue River
Smith J U, $7490, Gold Hill
Smith J W, $500, Eagle Point
Smith L A, $235, Eagle Point
Smith L H, $3795, Central Point
Smith L W, $70, Gold Hill
Smith Margaret, $440
Smith Mary E, $1595, Medford
Smith Mary J G, $1830, Medford
Smith Minnie M, $1480, Gold Hill
Smith Myra B, $15
Smith M A, $2385, Medford
Smith M F, $1000, Coburg Or
Smith Mrs M J, $375, Medford
Smith M W, $650, Ashland
Smith Nellie, $280, Gold Hill
Smith Phoebe M Mrs, $16,000
Smith P R, $1660, Medford
Smith R A, $310, Central Point
Smith R A Mrs, $75, Eagle Point
Smith R A & W L, $105, Phoenix
Smith R G, $400, Rock Point
Smith R J, $1250, Ashland
Smith Stanley, $70, Sams Valley
Smith S, $200
Smith T F, $2260, Talent
Smith V O N, $2100, Ashland
Smith Wm, $810, Gold Hill
Smith Wm, $745, Medford
Smith Wm, $385, Ruch
Smith Wm H, $705, Medford
Smith W A, $1175, Applegate
Smith W A & P, $75, Eagle Point
Smith W B, $5030, Ashland
Smith W E, $785, Ashland
Smith W F, $1630, Medford
Smith W H, $3150, Ashland
Smith W J, $2935, Gold Hill
Smith W K, $1830, Ashland
Smith W M, $4690, Medford
Smith & France, $960
Smithpeter J E, $450, Rogue River
Smoots Andrew J, $1900, Dudley
Smylie J W, $1595, Medford
Snell L L, $1300, Medford
Snell R N & M M, $750, Ashland
Snelling Florence, $600, Chehalis Wn
Snider F E, $125, Ashland
Snider J W, $6050, Medford
Snodgrass J A, $255, Medford
Snook Frank, $540, Talent
Snook F M, $245, Talent
Snow S F, $150, Medford
Snow Wm, $800, Klamath Falls Or
Snowgoose Henry, $1050, Keno Or
Snowy Butte Orchard, $32,285, Central Point
Snyder A, $75
Snyder E C, $400
Snyder F E, $1595, Ashland
Snyder F M, $25, Gold Hill
Snyder F N, $1265, Ashland
Snyder O S, $1300, Gold Hill
Snyder Val, $810, Ashland
Snyder W E, $1400, Ashland
Soboda E M, $20,165, Phoenix
Society of Sisters of Jesus and Mary, $2250
Soliss D B, $2935, Medford
Soliss John E, $1735, Medford
Soliss M S, $1500, Medford
Sollinger W F, $380, Medford
Sommer C, $2010, Talent
Sommers H S, $440, Talent
Songer Belle D, $6800, Ashland
Songer Celia, $1600
Songer Mollie, $2900, Ashland
Songer S T, $4400, Ashland
Songer W F, $2700, Ashland
Sonnenschein Hugo, $2320
Sooy-Smith Wm, $8100, Medford
Sorensen Wm, $5895, Murphy
Soule Andrew A, $575, Fort Klamath Or
Soule Lucy E, $350, Phoenix
Soule M V B, $2740, Phoenix
Soules E L, $125, Lund Utah
Southern Oregon Electric Co, $715, Medford
Soutter Edward, $1665, Medford
Soutter Edward Drury, $1050, Medford
Sowash F, $630, Talent
Spalding Benj, $1600, Grants Pass
Spalding E M, $2000, Grants Pass
Spalding Margaret, $1600, Grants
Spanos L A H Mrs, $725, Talent
Spareo M, $1600
Sparkman J M, $400, Rock Point
Sparks Logan, $215, Ashland
Sparks Mary G, $540
Sparks Wesley R, $125, Jacksonville
Sparr Charles J, $3600, Marshfield Wis
Sparta Cigar Store, $350, Medford
Spatz J E, $13,650, Fairfield Neb
Spaulding Frances J, $1600, Grants Pass
Spaulding Fred K, $325, Ashland
Spaulding Nellie, $1600, Grants Pass
Spaulding Wm, $4800, Buncom
Spaulding Wm, $1200, Grants Pass Or
Spaulding W & F, $17,200, Grants Pass
Spaulding W & F J, $4000, Grants Pass
Spear C B, $240, Buncom
Spear Frank R, $660
Speed John B, $875, Ashland
Speigle G H, $800, Ashland
Spellman W H, $1350, Medford
Spencer A C, $2050, Ashland
Spencer B E, $390, Ashland
Spencer C L, $820, Rogue River
Spencer Elizabeth R, $2175, Dudley
Spencer E E, $2150, Beaverton
Spencer E M, $2000, Honolulu TH
Spencer Geo C, $395, Ashland
Spencer Geo C & J M, $1815, Ashland
Spencer Harvey B, $2175, Albany Or
Spencer H A Mrs, $250, Ashland
Spencer H A & Elizabeth A Smith, $800, Ashland
Spencer Isabelle P, $525
Spencer James, $200, Ruch
Spencer Jesse T, $2100, Beaverton
Spencer J M, $2850
Spencer Martin L, $2050, Dudley
Spencer Ray C, $140, Butte Falls
Spencer T E Mrs, $90, Butte Falls
Sperry George W, $670, Gold Hill
Spiegel Charles, $150, Medford
Spiegel George F, $150, Henleyville Cal
Spindler Charles, $800, Ashland
Spindler Jennie Mrs, $120, Ashland
Spink J L, $400, Central Point
Spitzer J S, $2720, Talent
Splinter Hulda B K, $1600, Seattle Wn
Sprague George E, $4020, Medford
Sprague Henry A, $2160, Medford
Sprague H A & F D, $750, Eagle Point
Sprague Vena C, $1600, Los Angeles
Springer Lula Mrs, $225, Medford
Springteen R H, $250, Pinehurst
Spuhn Paul, $200
Square Deal Orchard Co, $4615, Ashland
Stacey Minnie B, $3500, Beagle
Stacy Charles D, $690, Medford
Stacy G W, $385, Sams Valley
Stag The, $1500, Medford
Stahlmon Geo W, $1460, Ashland
Stai Peter P, $2400, Ashland
Stalder J W, $510, Butte Falls
Stancliff Bertie S, $1140, Phoenix
Stancliff B, $460, Medford
Stancliff Elizabeth, $1345, Phoenix
Stancliff Elizabeth & Henry, $2650, Phoenix
Stancliff Henry estate of, $880, Phoenix
Stancliff Henry F, $945, Medford
Stancliff L F, $1810, Phoenix
Stancliff Mary, $970, Phoenix
Stancliff W S, $1170, Phoenix
Standard Martha, $3000, Ashland
Standard Oil Co, $2150, Medford
Standard Oil Co, $2090, Portland Or
Standard R Y Mnfg Supply Co, $700, Ashland
Standley C W, $610, Medford
Stanley Bros, $3865, Lake Creek
Stanley Carl, $2940
Stanley C E, $280, Brownsboro
Stanley Fannie R, $400, Ashland
Stanley M L, $2125, Ashland
Stanley Wm, $5080, Medford
Stannard Edward M, $970, Ashland
Stannard J G, $600, Ashland
Stansell L M, $450, Jacksonville
Staples E T, $4290, Ashland
Staples E T (Trustee), $4000, Ashland
Staples & Perozzi, $10,000, Ashland
Star Meat Market, $300, Medford
Star Theatre, $500, Medford
Stark E E, $400, Talent
Stark Levis Land Co, $9200
Starr Anna Mrs, $50, Midland Or
Starr S F, $1840, Ashland
State Bank of Talent, $9350, Talent
Staul A J, $6680, Murphy
Stauffacher A, $1600
Stayton State Bank, $29,300, Stayton Or
Steadman Callie Mrs, $485, Phoenix
Stearns H R, $3850, Central Point
Stearns R W, $2090, Medford
Steele Laura Mrs, $725, Ashland
Steele Laura V, $7265, Ashland
Steele Laura V E, $900, Talent
Steele Laura Mr & Mrs Lena Phillips, $250, Ashland
Steelman W, $50, Gold Hill
Steelman W Mrs, $520, Gold Hill
Steenstrup Peter, $5155, Medford
Steep Edward, $940, Medford
Steers Lee, $1010, Rogue River
Steimet R T, $550
Stein Charles W, $2750
Steinbach Carrie A, $300
Stelter Wm, $1900, Rogue River
Stennett A F, $265, Medford
Stennett Charles, $1625, Ashland
Stennett L E, $1125, Ashland
Stennett W S, $350, Ashland
Stennett W S H, $800, Ashland
Stephan Henry, $1600, Bervan [Bergen?] Minn
Stephens Emma A, $600, Ashland
Stephens Joseph B, $920, Central Point
Stephens J M, $2790, Beagle
Stephens Levi N, $630, Ashland
Stephens Nellie, $1150, Ashland
Stephens Wm, $295, Gold Hill
Stephenson Cyrena, $190, Medford
Stephenson Elmer, $900, Ashland
Stephenson E D, $115, Buncom
Stephenson Emma A, $2100, Ashland
Stephenson G W, $4925, Ashland
Stephenson G W & wife, $3000, Ashland
Stephenson H B, $1625, Buncom
Stephenson Orvis, $750, Medford
Stephenson Sarah A, $900, Ashland
Stepp M M, $1200, Portland
Sterling Gold Quartz M & M Co, $800
Sterling Mining Co, $16,590, Jacksonville
Sterling Wm H, $7575
Stetson Sarah L, $540, Medford
Steuber Nancy estate, $1600, Ashland
Stevens B R, $725, Ashland
Stevens C B, $810, Talent
Stevens D M, $300, Medford
Stevens Emily, $625, Ashland
Stevens E, $550, Rogue River
Stevens Geo, $100, Medford
Stevens George W, $18,635, Medford
Stevens G W, $2355, Eagle Point
Stevens Hugh, $1815, Rogue River
Stevens Joseph, $225, Talent
Stevens J B, $335, Tolo
Stevens Lester, $120, Phoenix
Stevens Lillian E Mrs, $2025
Stevens Melvin, $250, Medford
Stevens M A, $200, Rogue River
Stevens S S, $7190, Talent
Stevens S S & wife, $390, Phoenix
Stevens Zadie E, $4805, Medford
Stevenson Gertrude, $400
Stevenson G W, $7875, Ashland
Stevenson Lillian R, $900, Albany Or
Stewart C H, $14,650, Medford
Stewart F M, $3945, Eagle Point
Stewart Hannah L, $920
Stewart Howard J, $1370, Eagle Point
Stewart Howard J et al, $2600, Eagle Point
Stewart H S, $2110
Stewart James, $860, Medford
Stewart J E, $2120, Medford
Stewart J H estate, $3000, Medford
Stewart Laura E, $60, Butte Falls
Stewart Miles, $440, Medford
Stewart O B, $9600, Rogue River
Stewart R I, $150, Eagle Point
Stewart Wm, $880
Stewart W A, $845, Medford
Stewart W Herbert, $6065, Medford
Stewart W H Mrs, $19,070, Medford
Stickel G V, $200, Gold Hill
Stickel Maud, $675, Gold Hill
Stickel Minnie L, $3790, Gold Hill
Stickney E R, $1500, St Maries Idaho
Stidham Wm, $230, Central Point
Stillman ------, $450, Medford
Stillwell Hannah Mrs, $180, Central Point
Stine Harrison S, $3235, Medford
Stine Kate, $735, Medford
Stine Wm M, $245, Medford
Stinnett Reuben, $1600
Stinson Edward S, $2885, Medford
Stinson Frank O, $710, Medford
Stinson F G, $8495, Wellen
Stinson O E, $1400, Medford
Stinson W H, $1085, Medford
Stitt W B, $1750
Stock H C, $5550, Ashland
Stockam Charles, $1235, Medford
Stocker Fred, $60, Butte Falls
Stocker R M, $3150, Housedale Penn
Stockham Wm C, $715, Central Point
Stockman H G, $1925, Medford
Stockwell Leonard, $790, Medford
Stoddard E H, $425, Medford
Stoddard H C, $7195, Medford
Stoddard H G, $2800, Medford
Stoddard N B, $1220, Butte Falls
Stokes W R, $10,205, Medford
Stoltz T H, $3000, Medford
Stoltze H C, $190, Medford
Stone Alton W, $7335, Medford
Stone Byron F, $400, Astoria
Stone D W, $530, Central Point
Stone Ellen, $3050, Murphy
Stone F E, $25, Medford
Stone Harriett, $120, Medford
Stone H E, $1750, Ashland
Stone H E estate, $1350, Ashland
Stone Jacob, $825, Central Point
Stone Jacob estate, $1120, Central Point
Stone L M, $1200, Jacksonville
Stone Minnie R, $2165, Medford
Stone O J, $1715, Ashland
Stone O J & E, $2150, Ashland
Stone Tobe, $310, Jacksonville
Stone Viola M, $390, Medford
Stone & Foss, $5325
Stoner S B, $14,170, Ashland
Storey A W, $2050, Ashland
Storey A W & Edna, $1550, Ashland
Storm Ella B, $955, Medford
Storms J M, $100, Trail
Stout Gordon S, $330, Medford
Stout Minnie, $365, Medford
Stout Ruby, $800, Jacksonville
Stover Joel, $500, Gold Hill
Stover Lucinda, $1395, Medford
Stover Osgood & Quail, $23,385, Ashland
Stovik E J A, $2170
Stowell George, $1780, Eagle Point
Stowell G H, $2700, Eagle Point
Strahan R A, $155, Rogue River
Strang Chas, $28,215, Medford
Strang C L & Geo W Owen, $670
Strang Z, $4600, Coquille Or
Strangland M K, $990, San Bernardino Ca1
Strasberger Helen, $610, Cincinnati O
Strathern Thos W, $5075, Sams Valley
Stratton A E, $4915, Medford
Stratton Florence N, $185, Ashland
Stratton Percy, $85, Ashland
Stratton Mrs, $800, Ashland
Straube Fred, $9010, Central Point
Street J J, $500, Medford
Streeter Carrie L, $290, Medford
Streeter Mary C, $390, Phoenix
Streets Frank, $1120, Rogue River
Streets J W Mrs, $15,085, Medford
Streets Susie C, $4680, Medford
Stremming R B, $2050, Ashland
Strickfadden Frank, $200, Ashland
Strickfadden F J, $1750, Ashland
Strickfadden W L, $3100, Ashland
Stringer C W et al, $3900, Medford
Stringer W, $6945, Medford
Stroble Eugene, $40, Eagle Point
Strohmeier E H, $1850, Central Point
Strohmeier Lula, $6325, Central Point
Strong A E, $1740, Central Point
Strong Earl, $2160, Roseburg
Stroud J F, $125, Talent
Struble Edwin R, $640, Gold Hill
Stuart R I, $1660, Medford
Stubbs Alice Mrs, $60, Ashland
Stucker W E, $9150, Medford
Stull D J, $1965, Medford
Stull G W, $150, Medford
Stumbo C W, $345, Gold Hill
Stumbo Josie F, $1385, Gold Hill
Stump J W, $1025
Stump Logan, $350, Springfield Or
Stump Wm, $1525, Talent
Sturtevant Duane H, $2555, Central Point
Sturgess DeWitt, $1060, Beagle
Sturgis A W, $12,610, Medford
Sturgis A W estate, $1735, Ruch
Sturgis Fred, $1150, Trail
Sturgis Ida, $1175, Prospect
Sturgis Pauline, $2610, Medford
Sturgis S P, $2705, Medford
Stute Anna Mrs, $1100, Ashland
Sullinger W T, $1650, Medford
Sullivan C M, $200, Central Point
Sullivan Ellen J, $615, Medford
Sullivan Fannie Mrs, $840
Sullivan J T, $1015, Medford
Sullivan J T et al, $11,000, Medford
Sullivan J W, $1200
Sullivan Marcel, $1885, Medford
Sullivan Michael, $380, Medford
Sullivan M E Mrs, $1550 Fall Bridge Wn
Sullivan M T, $1600, Iron River Mich
Sullivan Wm, $890, Medford
Sullivan W N, $800, Ashland
Summers Adam, $1200, Ashland
Summerville J T, $1245, Medford
Sunday G H, $500, Rogue River
Sunnyside Coal & Coke Co, $3100, Medford
Sunrise Laundry, $380, Medford
Surbeck Adah, $300, Eagle Point
Surran Mary E, $595, Medford
Sutherland A, $6400, Silverton Wn
Sutherland Lizzie, $650, Ashland
Sutliff Helen L, $2045, Medford
Sutton Emmett, $390, Gold Hill
Sutton Robert K, $1680, Medford
Sutton R W, $205, Medford
Svendsen Christian, $2880, Medford
Svendsen C M, $4300, Medford
Swacker D R, $150, Medford
Swan R E, $1210, Medford
Swanberg Nels A, $1020
Swank Russell, $25, Gold Hill
Swanson A, $1600, Lake Creek
Swanson Carl, $1425, Ashland
Swanson John, $2425, Butte Falls
Swanson John E, $960, Aberdeen Wn
Swanson J F, $1685, Trail
Swanson & Larson, $1970, Trail
Swartout Mary, $2160, Andrews Or
Swayne P F, $6435, Jacksonville
Swearinger E C, $400, Madison Lake Minn
Swedback E J, $960, Buncom
Swedenburg Chas J, $6265, Ashland
Swedenburg Francis G, $12,885, Ashland
Swedenburg F G & Charles, $10,850, Phoenix
Swedenburg & Boslough, $1150, Ashland
Sweeney George H, $150, Freeport Tex
Sweet Blanche, $2270
Sweet Channing, $5050, Denver, Col
Sweet L M, $300, Sams Valley
Sweet Martin, $2000 Oregon City
Sweitzer Minnie, $1370, Los Angeles Cal
Swenning F J, $1200, Farmington N Mex
Swenning M Mrs, $240, Prophetstown Ill
Swenning S S, $3110, Medford
Swenning W J, $350, Farrington, N Mexico
Swenson Kate M, $800, Los Angeles
Swenson & McRae, $3500, Ashland
Swift & Co, $1500, Ashland
Swigart M F, $3080, Ashland
Swihart D L, $895, Derby
Swinden Mary, $390, Medford
Swing W C, $200, Ashland
Swingle A, $1800, Central Point
Swingle Frank Mrs, $12,535, Phoenix
Swingle F D, $2450, Ashland
Swingle F D & L E, $1815, Ashland
Swingle L E, $80, Ashland
Switzer Helen W, $4790
Swom F M, $2200
Sykes Creek Mining Co, $800, Rogue River
Sylvanite Mining Co, $3000, Gold Hill
Sylvester E W, $265, Ruch
Symcox A H, $6300, Medford
Tabor B C, $420, Ashland
Tackstrom A, $3750, Medford
Tackstrom E Z, $970, Medford
Taggart Henry, $925, Medford
Taggart J C, $1120, Medford
Taggert Roy J, $420, Medford
Taillandier Gerard, $1085, Medford
Tainer O F, $100, Medford
Taitt J D & D R, $600, Los Angeles Cal
Talent A P, $2395, Medford
Talent Drug & Furniture Co, $3000, Talent
Talent Hardware Co, $1075, Talent
Talent J O, $2950, Seattle Wn
Talent Kathleen, $1125, Medford
Talent Lumber Co, $1320, Phoenix
Talent Mercantile Co, $3065, Talent
Talent Orchard Co, $64,395, Talent
Talent State Bank, $4600, Talent
Tanner Annie L, $305, Salt Lake City
Tanner T R, $240, Medford
Tapper L E, $440, Medford
Tarbell A O, $165, Central Point
Tarbell Stephen B, $300, Central Point
Tate W H, $450, Ashland
Tatsuma A E, $100, Medford
Taverner George, $7500, Ashland
Taverner Wm, $405, Ashland
Tayler Albert C, $18,780, Medford
Taylor C C, $300, Medford
Taylor David, $785, Phoenix
Taylor Effie L, $3720, Medford
Taylor Florence E & S A Booker, $175, Rogue River
Taylor Frank, $550, Central Point
Taylor F E, $200, Central Point
Taylor F W, $1500, Harrisburg
Taylor George N, $150, Portland Or
Taylor Hazel S, $830, Medford
Taylor H H, $8610, Ruch
Taylor H L, $700, Ashland
Taylor Irina, $1020, Central Point
Taylor James, $2800, Portland
Taylor John G, $9470, Medford
Taylor John W, $780, Medford
Taylor Joseph, $975, Medford
Taylor Joseph & Sons, $4125, Medford
Taylor J A, $7940, Ashland
Taylor J M, $65, Central Point
Taylor Margaret, $300, Rogue River
Taylor Margaret E, $1630, Grants Pass
Taylor Martha S, $910, Medford
Taylor M C Mrs, $1745, Jacksonville
Taylor M J, $200
Taylor M M, $500
Taylor Nancy A, $1085
Taylor T H B, $345, Rogue River
Taylor-Williams Co, $4500, Jacksonville
Taylor W H, $3770, Talent
Taylor W W, $3020, Eagle Point
Taylor & Norman heirs, $6225, Central Point
Tedrick E R, $700, Medford
Tedrick Fred, $700, Medford
Tedrick George W, $700, Medford
Teixeira Pedro J, $250, Talent
Telfer May L, $1390, Medford
Teples Eli, $100, Sams Valley
Terrill Chas, $1845, Brownsboro
Terrill C E, $2635, Lake Creek
Terrill Effie M, $1200
Terrill H C & T H, $2390
Terrill H J, $1680, Talent
Tyrrell John, $486, Lake Creek
Terrill Martha Mrs, $400, Brownsboro Or
Terry Bros et al, $200
Terwilliger Claud A, $1000
Teters L H, $575, Ashland
Tetherow Wm M, $2335, Central Point
Tex Guy, $235, Central Point
Texter Clinton, $4000, Rogue River
Textor Lucy E, $710, Poughkeepsie NY
Thayer F G, $1220, Medford
Thayler F A, $720, Medford
Theiss B Paul, $990, Medford
Theiss Minnie, $6030, Medford
Theiss M G, $3985, Medford
Theiss M G & F V Medynski, $2290, Medford
Thiele W C, $1935, Gold Hill
Thiester Ernest, $655, Medford
Thomas Abbie K, $3560, Medford
Thomas Anna Mrs, $190, Gold Hill
Thomas Anna M, $630, Central Point
Thomas A M, $600, Eagle Point
Thomas A W, $9255, Ashland
Thomas C H, $390, Portland
Thomas G C & W E, $1925, Medford
Thomas H L, $150, Ashland
Thomas Isaac, $735, Medford
Thomas I D, $1580, Medford
Thomas I W, $40,595, Medford
Thomas Jeannette A, $2160
Thomas John, $3400, Medford
Thomas L H, $615, Ashland
Thomas T B, $540
Thomas W A, $1295 Minneapolis Minn
Thomason C P, $300, Butte Falls
Thompkins Belle B, $1600, Prospect
Thompson Arthur S, $750, Ashland
Thompson A H, $1215, Lake Creek
Thompson A R Mrs, $25, Jacksonville
Thompson A W Mrs, $4000
Thompson Bros, $878, Lake Creek
Thompson C, $2160, Beagle
Thompson E A, $150, Jacksonville
Thompson E D, $2200, Rogue River
Thompson Fred H, $4335, Medford
Thompson Jacob, $1600, Ashland
Thompson J B, $200, Portland Or
Thompson J H Mrs, $1600, Jacksonville
Thompson J R C, $500, Tualatin
Thompson J W, $200
Thompson Lucinda, $640
Thompson M Mrs, $245, Jacksonville
Thompson Matthew S, $5270, Climax
Thompson M S, $5070, Climax
Thompson Nettie Mrs, $1280, Jacksonville
Thompson N, $4000, Ashland
Thompson N A, $5850, Phoenix
Thompson N & A M, $2900, Ashland
Thompson O T, $700, Tualatin
Thompson R C, $195, Central Point
Thompson S E, $1175, Ashland
Thompson T H, $2255, Ashland
Thompson W E, $2590, Gold Hill
Thompson W G, $1600, Buncom
Thompson & Wilcox, $2710, Rogue River
Thornbrue M B, $875, Beagle
Thordarson Christine, $500, Arleta Or
Thordarson Lillian, $500, Corvallis Or
Thorndike J L, $1475, Medford
Thorndyke J H, $3075, Jacksonville
Thornton Emma E, $3575, Talent
Thornton E C, $2000, Ashland
Thornton I A, $1250, Ashland
Thornton Nell E Mrs, $3100, Ashland
Thornton S F, $2175, Ashland
Thorp Jeff D, $3100, Bullards Or
Thrasher Guy T, $405, Phoenix
Thrasher James, $1065, Phoenix
Thrasher John, $390, Rogue River
Three Pines Timber Co, $1740
Throckmorton A, $570, Ruch
Thurston B, $105, Applegate
Tibbetts E J, $900, Roseville Cal
Tibbetts M J Mrs, $650, Ashland
Tice Margaret, $6415, Medford
Tice M L, $465, Medford
Tichnor H J, $18,435
Tiffany Genevieve, $1300, Ashland
Tiffany O C, $200, Rock Point
Tilden Julia, $350
Tilley J B, $110, Ashland
Tilley L E Mrs, $145, Ashland
Tilley W H, $90, Ashland
Tilton Chas F, $980, Ashland
Tilton C F & Grace, $2365, Ashland
Tilton D W, $300, Ashland
Timothy Geo, $210, Medford
Tinker Newton, $760, Medford
Titus F L, $1550, Ashland
Tobin Stephen, $1150
Toft J E, $4305, Medford
Toft R H, $18,545, Medford
Togue Fred, $100
Tomkins T, $2030, Central Point
Tomlin J R, $2500, Medford
Tomlin W L, $150, Ashland
Tomlinson H K, $265, Medford
Tommen August, $335, Talent
Tompkins Frank, $265, Central Point
Tompkins F & L Hatfield, $520, Central Point
Tompkins J W, $1600
Toney C H, $1805, Derby
Tongue E M, $700
Tonn Bros, $708, Lake Creek
Toomey Wm T, $1180, Central Point
Toothaker Charles B, $800, Trail Or
Torney John A, $6510, Medford
Torrense S J, $650, Ashland
Torrey Andrew, $400, Ashland
Toskey Peter, $50, Medford
Tostevin G H et al, $1340, Ashland
Tostevin & Son, $1600, Ashland
Touvelle A R, $350, Agate
Tou Velle F L, $11,000, Jacksonville
Town L, $2500, Lake Creek
Town M F, $800, Buncom
Town R S, $1200, Buncom
Towne Anna & Marian, $5, Phoenix
Towne Annie & Mollie, $2420, Phoenix
Townsend A Belle, $960
Townsend A P Mrs, $1180, Portland Or
Townsend A S, $1600 Minneapolis Minn
Townsend Belle A Mrs, $700, Ashland
Townsend B D, $1200, Placer
Townsend Glenn, $5150
Townsend Irving & J M Culpepper, $3870, Medford
Townsend Jas W heirs, $2000, Princeton Minn
Townsend Maggie, $400, Ashland
Townsend M S, $325, Ashland
Townsend N L, $1945, Medford
Townsend Verna M, $1600, Princeton Minn
Townsend Winifield, $1600, Williston ND
Townsend W J, $200
Tozer J R, $4150, Ashland
Tracey F B, $200, Ashland
Tracey Pearline B, $1750, Ashland
Tracy J L, $9725, Medford
Traders Trust Co, $5175, Tacoma Wn
Trail Lumber Co, $25,810, Medford
Train O W, $815, Rogue River
Trana, Brown et al, $195, Medford
Trana George H, $1560, Medford
Trana Prudence, $755, Medford
Trask Alice, $3550, Buncom
Trask Alix, $1850
Trask C E, $3425, Ashland
Trask C E Mrs, $750, Ashland
Trask Geo A, $95, Talent
Trask G, $200, Buncom
Trask Lottie E, $1800, Ashland
Treacy F W, $265, Central Point
Treacy W M, $4470
Treat Cigar & News Stand, $275, Medford
Trefren George W, $2400, Ashland
Trefren G W Assignee, $3000, Ashland
Trefren J, $200, Ashland
Trefren L S, $3425, Ashland
Treichler Geo L, $12,410, Medford
Tremaine R, $400
Tremewan Hattie Mrs, $600, Ashland
Tresham H A, $810, Gold Hill
Tresham O R, $465, Gold Hill
Tresham W A, $8190, Gold Hill
Trigg Frank, $250, Medford
Trigg Frank E, $5840, Central Point
Trinity Church, $800, Portland
Triplett C W, $630, Medford
Triplett G W, $800
Tripp H H, $400
Tripp Mary L, $3510, Medford
Tronson H B, $940, Eagle Point
Trovillo E N, $250, Central Point
Trowbridge Benj J, $5075, Medford
Trowbridge E G, $3805, Medford
Truax A L, $400, Eagle Point
Truax W W, $1195, Gold Hill
Truax W W & C J, $705, Gold Hill
True C P, $970, Medford
True Jack, $1695, Ashland
True Joseph, $300, Ashland
True J F, $1410, Medford
True J P, $970, Ashland
True Jessie F Mrs, $1750, Waukegan Ill
True Marcus P, $9255, Ashland
True M J, $270, Ashland
Trunell T L, $650, Eagle Point
Trustees of Baptist College, $200, Ashland
Trustees Presbyterian Church, $5115, Medford
Trusty G W, $305, Trail
Trusty J H, $2035, Trail
Tryer Luella, $280, Medford
Tryer Marion, $1170, Talent
Tschirgi Chas C, $615, Medford
Tucker Edward H, $5150, Eagle Point
Tucker E M, $2400
Tucker G W, $325, Medford
Tucker Ida, $1440, Ashland
Tucker J E, $4285, Medford
Tucker J P, $610, Medford
Tucker J S, $1975
Tucker Le Roy, $1375, Medford
Tucker L H & A W, $1500, Medford
Tucker M M, $8610, Ashland
Tucker O D, $320, Trail
Tucker Ralph, $440, Brownsboro
Tucker R E, $5000, Brownsboro
Tull E S, $1435, Medford
Tullis H S, $3140, Jacksonville
Tuman G E, $4000, Fruitvale Cal
Tumy E S, $25, Medford
Tungate F M, $800, Jacksonville
Tungate Jasper, $880, Butte Falls
Turnell Loyal B, $1600
Turner D V, $1800, Genesee Kans
Turner E M, $920, Medford
Turner G B, $300, Gold Hill
Turner J H, $1975, Lake Creek
Turner J H et al, $1400, Lake Creek
Turner J R, $350, Medford
Turner May, $225, Medford
Turner Olive M, $275, Gold Hill
Turner O B, $720, Ashland
Turner O M, $165, Medford
Turner Pearl, $200, Medford
Turner W A, $2210, Ashland
Turner W A & wife, $4450, Ashland
Turner W M, $200
Turpin Richard, $150, Medford
Turpin Thos, $1190, Medford
Turpin Thos et ux, $635, Medford
Turpin Zora T, $3485, Medford
Turrill Bros, $635, Beagle
Tuthill Lucy W, $100, Medford
Tuttle Chester, $1280, Ashland
Tuttle C N, $1025, Central Point
Tuttle H H, $1665, Medford
Tweed Robert & Jessie, $1150, Ashland
Twidwell D G, $1160, Talent
Tyler J F, $220, Ashland
Tyler J M, $320, Ashland
Tyler J M Mrs, $530, Ashland
Tyrell A M, $320, Climax
Tyrell F G, $375, Ashland
Tyrell Ivan E, $310, Medford
Tyrell John R, $385, Medford
Tyrrell A H, $250, Butte Falls
Tyrrell J H, $2035, Lake Creek
Ulen L R, $60, Ashland
Ulen L R & A M, $1300, Ashland
Ulrich Bros, $3660, Jacksonville
Ulrich Chris, $3130, Jacksonville
Ulrich George C, $1680, Medford
Ulrich L, $440, Jacksonville
Ulrich R, $1100, Jacksonville
Ulrich Wm, $15,010, Medford
Ulrich Wm et al, $2400
Ulrich W & W I Vawter, $1140, Medford
Ulrich & Sutton, $1450, Prospect
Ulverstad M, $2000, Tacoma Wn
Union Meat Co, $2650, Medford
US Cafe, $100, Medford
US National Bank of Ashland, $72,780, Ashland
Updegraff Sarah, $1300, Ashland
Updyke C, $420, Medford
Updyke S C, $210, Medford
Upton J M, $22,735, Central Point
Valentine Walter L, $50, Medford
Valley Motor & Tractor Co, $850, Medford
Valley Pride Cooperative Creamery Co, $1550, Applegate
Vance Anderson Co, $11,200, Jacksonville
Van de Oar S F, $945, Medford
Vander Maas J M, $215, Derby
Vander Sluis & Burgan, $4090, Talent
Vandorfy J S, $590, Phoenix
Van Dusen Platt J, $1165, Medford
Van Duyn Herbert, $1300, Coburg Or
Van Dyke B F, $20,840, Phoenix
Vandyke Clara I, $190, Phoenix
Van Dyke J D, $900, Trail
Van Dyke J G, $200, Phoenix
Van Dyke J S, $420
Van Dyke Minnie Mrs, $3460, Medford
Van Dyke Sarah E, $800
Van Dyke Sarah S, $16,535, Medford
Van Dyke S G, $29,425, Medford
Van Dyke W S, $9835, Ashland
Van Fossen Cora, $2530, Ashland
Van Fossen H J, $400, Ashland
Van Goetham Wm, $4120, Rogue River
Van Hardenberg Kate Mrs, $540, Gold Hill
Van Hersett George W, $1800, Ashland
Van Hoevenberg H, $9520, Gold Hill
Van Hoevenberg H Jr, $770, Sams Valley
Van Houten W L, $1120, Gold Hill
Van Leer M S, $350, Ashland
Van Leer Nellie G, $1850, Ashland
Van Natta George O, $2430, Ashland
Van Natta Martha & John, $1400, Ashland
Van Nice P A, $4045, Ashland
Van Sant E J, $6700, Ashland
Van Sant J K et al, $1020, Ashland
Van Scoy W T, $850, Ashland
Van Scoyoc C C, $3230, Medford
Van Scoyoc Walter M, $7425, Medford
Van Schuyver Investment Co, $1600, Portland Or
Van Tassell George, $2165, Ashland
Van Vactor W E Mrs, $835, Ashland
Van Vliet L E, $800, Rock Point
Van Wegen L O, $560, Jacksonville
Van Wegen L O Mrs, $460, Jacksonville
Vaughn M & Sons, $3320, Central Point
Vaughn R B, $2015, Leeds
Vaughn W O, $80, Jacksonville
Vaughn & Son W O, $1375, Trail
Vaupel C H, $10,560, Ashland
Vawter Davis & Howard, $515, Medford
Vawter Etta M, $20,000, Medford
Vawter W I, $17,765, Medford
Vawter W I et al, $24,695, Medford
Vawter & King, $5800, Medford
Vawter & King et al, $4000, Medford
Veghte C H, $10,135, Ashland
Veghte I A, $1535, Ashland
Veghte, Thompson & Butler, $7800, Ashland
Veghte W T, $3650, Ashland
Veight Chas, $910, Eagle Point
Velin C E, $1745, Central Point
Venable W H, $4785, Ruch
Verbick O B, $1500, Medford
Vermeer Grace B, $1805, Medford
Vermeren F, $2520, Eagle Point
Vermillion Milton, $290, Central Point
Vestal J S, $2260, Eagle Point
Vestal L A, $850, Eagle Point
Vestal R A, $400, Eagle Point
Vestal Sam J, $453, Eagle Point
Vial L P, $1600, Portland
Vickroy E P, $150, Jacksonville
Victor Land Co, $9600, Climax
Viggers E, $240, Des Moines Iowa
Vilas J S, $40,270, Medford
Villiger Ben, $10
Vincent A L, $130, Central Point
Vincent Benton, $2970, Central Point
Vincent C O, $1240, Lakeview Or
Vincent C O estate, $5795, Asbestos
Vincent G V, $510, Beagle
Vincent James K, $1200, Gold Hill
Vincent J E, $310, Central Point
Vincent J R, $945, Sams Valley
Vincent J S, $975, Central Point
Vincent J W, $2825, Asbestos
Vincent Lanini, $1255, Ashland
Vincent Lottie, $200, Medford
Vincent Mary A Mrs, $4640, Asbestos
Vincent Richard B, $3165, Prospect
Vinson Annie, $585, Medford
Vinson Elmira, $4565, Medford
Virgil Andw, $200, Ashland
Virgin W J, $3340, Central Point
Vogel H A, $30,100, Newell Iowa
Vogel Thomas, $7220, Seattle Wn
Vogeli J M, $3250, Eagle Point
Vogeli Minnie, $590, Talent
Volck A E, $1000, Junction City Or
Volck Gustav A, $1400, Junction City Or
Von der Hellen Bros, $500, Eagle Point
Von der Hellen Carl, $400, Wellen
Von der Hellen G B, $850, Eagle Point
Von der Hellen Hardware Co, $2700, Eagle Point
Von der Hellen H, $10,945, Wellen
Von der Hellen H Mrs, $300, Eagle Point
Von der Hellen H G, $1860, Medford
Von der Hellen Wm, $5670, Eagle Point
Von der Hellen Wm Mrs, $800, Eagle Point
Von der Hellen, $4530, Eagle Point
Voorhies Gordon, $35,000, Medford
Voorhies O H P, $10,690, Medford
Vradenburg H L, $50, Butte Falls
Vroman A L, $1195, Medford
Vroman C, $10,680, Ashland
Vrooman A L, $1460, Medford
Vrooman C W, $1305, Medford
Vrooman O G, $865, Medford
Waddle P H, $485, Central Point
Wade Florence M, $500, Tacoma Wn
Wade N J Mrs, $1600
Wadhams & Co, $240, Portland Or
Wadsworth H, $500, Jacksonville
Waggoner W A, $1610, Nordhoff Cal
Wagner Agnes, $160, Portland Or
Wagner Anna A, $1500, Ashland
Wagner B F estate, $7575, Ashland
Wagner Ellen H, $2200, Ashland
Wagner Ellen H & J M, $5580, Ashland
Wagner F D, $400, Ashland
Wagner F D & S Case, $2550, Ashland
Wagner J M, $17,050, Ashland
Wagner M W, $400
Wagner W, $825, Trail
Wagner W H, $225, Hot Springs Ark
Wagoner Carl R, $640, Portland Or
Wah Chung, $1475, Ashland
Wahl Herbert E, $310, Medford
Wahl I E, $735
Wahlers August, $8590, Medford
Wahlers Henry, $5475, Medford
Wahlgenant F Mrs, $60, Miles City Mont
Waite Cassius M, $980, Ashland
Waite Emily, $1350, Ashland
Waite Frank W, $1600, Medford
Wakefield A L & J, $800, Medford
Wakefield E W, $710, Medford
Wakefield J W, $3280, Medford
Wakefield J W & A L, $1600, Medford
Wakefield Orrin, $965, Phoenix
Wakeman Catherine M, $1765, Medford
Wakeman Joseph D, $100, Rogue River
Wakeman L E, $6025, Medford
Wakeman L E guardian, $1900, McMinnville Or
Wakeman Miles A, $600, Rogue River
Wakeman R W, $650, Rogue River
Wakeman Sarah Mrs, $1425, Rogue River
Walch Draper, $2175, Eagle Point
Walch D B, $425, Wellen
Walch J, $230, Wellen
Walch J Mrs, $12,630, Wellen
Walch Samuel, $275, Jacksonville
Walcott E F, $100, Ashland
Walden E E, $90, Central Point
Walden E O, $50
Walden Lavernia, $2535, Medford
Walden W L, $50
Walker Alpha M, $1825, Ashland
Walker Annie L, $2945
Walker A C, $2085, Central Point
Walker A Margaret estate, $800, Ashland
Walker A W, $1095, Medford
Walker Clyde, $265, Go1d Hill
Walker Clyde et al, $1410, Gold Hill
Walker C, $1915, Medford
Walker C C, $400
Walker Daniel, $30
Walker David E, $60
Walker E B, $1200, Portland Or
Walker E C, $235, Medford
Walker E J, $650, Gold Hill
Walker F, $140, Central Point
Walker F H, $2850, Ashland
Walker G C, $1260
Walker G W, $50, Prospect
Walker James G, $5910, Ashland
Walker John O, $1265, Trail
Walker J B, $1420, Trail
Walker J D, $1600, Aberdeen Wn
Walker L L estate, $740, Ashland
Walker Margaret estate, $380, Ashland
Walker Milo, $200
Walker Minus estate, $400, Ashland
Walker M A estate, $750, Ashland
Walker R G, $1825, Ashland
Walker Sarah J, $2750, Ashland
Walker S E Mrs, $100, Sams Valley
Walker W A, $310, Ashland
Walker W A estate, $640, Ashland
Walker W A (Trustee), $7790, Ashland
Walker W R, $965, Sams Valley
Wallace E P, $1250
Wallace Geo, $275, Ashland
Wallace L F, $1555, Medford
Wallace L M, $3500, Medford
Wallace Mary E, $3310, Medford
Wallace P J, $640, Stockton Cal
Wallace W J, $900, Ashland
Walling J Louise, $8295, Central Point
Wallis W H, $585, Ashland
Walls Sam & C N Long, $1600
Walrad Eugene, $1000, Ashland
Walruff C A, $555, Ashland
Walsh Ambrose, $3800, San Francisco
Walsh N S, $1200, Brownsboro Or
Walsh Sam, $310, Jacksonville
Walsh S & J W Rook, $450, Jacksonville
Walston T, $1850, Jacksonville
Walter Anna, $2750, Medford
Walter Emil, $2360, Medford
Walter George C, $565, Medford
Walter Joseph, $240, Ashland
Walter Mary A, $980, Rogue River
Walter Mary E, $2000, Rogue River
Waltermire H H, $255, Medford
Waltermire W B, $320, Medford
Walters Anna, $2250, Applegate
Walters Annie M, $835, Medford
Walters C W Mrs, $85, Talent
Walters George, $975, Medford
Walters Janie, $750, Ashland
Walters John, $145, Medford
Walters Mary A, $50, Rogue River
Walters T P, $2415, Medford
Walton George J, $375, Ashland
Walz A Mrs, $3000, Medford
Walz Jacob, $15,830, Medford
Wamsley G H, $800, Eagle Point
Wanke Rose S, $1600, St James Minn
Wankel W, $1650
Ward C B, $6800, Phoenix
Ward Jas G, $895, Medford
Ward J C, $860, Medford
Ward J C et al, $345, Medford
Ward H B, $310, Medford
Ward Luther, $600, Portland Or
Ward M P et al, $320
Ward Robert J, $390, Talent
Ward W T, $2240, Sams Valley
Ward W T et al, $250, Sams Valley
Ward W T & Myers L A, $2030, Gold Hill
Ward & McClure, $120, Gold Hill
Ware C G, $200, Medford
Ware J B, $2340, Ashland
Warner A T, $3000, Ashland
Warner Belle E, $1600, Lake Creek
Warner E F, $1205, Medford
Warner E G & H G Wortman, $765, Medford
Warner E N, $11,685, Medford
Warner Fred, $155, Trail
Warner George, $900, Brownsboro Or
Warner G G, $2000, Cottage Grove Or
Warner Henry, $1110, Central Point
Warner H & Warner W, $615, Central Point
Warner J W, $965, Trail
Warner L B Jr, $2900, Medford
Warner S L, $3100
Warner W J, $3050, Medford
Warner, Wortman & Gore, $31,310, Medford
Warner & Wortman, $5620, Medford
Warner & Wortman et al, $7000, Medford
Warren Construction Co, $675, Portland Or
Warren Harry B, $3870, Ashland
Warren Lodge AFAM, $1335, Jacksonville
Warren W J, $30, Medford
Washburn J M, $3950, Ashland
Washburn Katherine, $405, Ashland
Washburn Louise S, $225, Central Point
Washburn R C, $20,105, Central Point
Washburn W D, $2255, Ashland
Washburn & Oregon Timber Co, $2000, Rogue River
Waschow Frederick, $2915, Medford
Wasson Ursel, $2060
Waterman A C, $95, Talent
Waterman A C & Mary L, $1875, Talent
Waterman B F, $300, Central Point
Waterman Edward, $485, Phoenix
Waterman E B, $1535, Medford
Waters E A, $350, Medford
Waters George E, $4800, Salem Or
Watkins C B, $450, Medford
Watkins H, $890, Eagle Point
Watkins Lee, $2970, Medford
Watkins M Mrs, $2615, Watkins
Watkins N E, $350, Eagle Point
Watkins R P, $1550, Ashland
Watkins W R, $60, Watkins
Watson C B, $3030
Watson Daniel E, $1600, Ashland
Watson E H, $1800, Butte Falls
Watson Frank H, $65, Medford
Watson F E, $2160, Ashland
Watson F J, $165, Medford
Watson George T, $500, Ashland
Watson Peter, $1600
Watson Sam A, $2400
Watt D M, $1000, Talent
Watt J E, $7195, Medford
Watt W H, $5075, Phoenix
Watt & Shields, $2500
Watters J P, $1575
Way E C, $930, Medford
Way G H, $190, Talent
Wayson Della W, $635
Wayson J T, $465
Weagant H H, $610, Ashland
Weatherby A, $1090, Mapleton Ia
Weaver Clarence E, $2000, Prospect
Weaver J E, $210, Talent
Weaver Margaret A, $2310, Medford
Weaver W E, $1095, Medford
Webb B Mrs, $200, Central Point
Webb H E, $560, Medford
Webb I A, $10,670, Medford
Webb J M, $900, Tolo
Webb Mary, $205, Medford
Webb R W, $150, Medford
Webb Wm B, $6000, Medford
Webber Ezra, $5740, Sams Valley
Webber W L, $220, Jacksonville
Weber F, $260, Medford
Weber H, $200, Talent
Webster E L, $5070
Webster J B, $135, Talent
Webster W W, $2710, Portland
Webster Z P, $1805, Talent
Weedon F H, $60, Talent
Weeks Albert, $2950
Weeks Alfred J, $3300, Medford
Weeks Alfred & Edith Orr, $21,575, Medford
Weeks A C, $180, Trail
Weeks A E & Edith E Orr, $3290, Medford
Weeks A F, $600
Weeks A J et al, $235, Medford
Weeks Eva, $95, Trail
Weeks F W et al, $2070, Medford
Weeks George W, $1630, Trail
Weeks Gertrude E, $970, Medford
Weeks J D estate, $850, Prospect
Weeks Sarah E, $1760, Medford
Weeks & McGowan Co, $7730, Medford
Wehrli Rudolph and wife, $900, Ashland
Weide John L, $350
Weiderman H, $4350, Asbestos
Weidner Andreas, $11,880, Talent
Weidner Andrew, $555, Medford
Weinhard H Brewing Co, $760, Eagle Point
Weinhard H Ice & Beer Depot, $15,235, Medford
Weinhold Ada A, $110, Rockford Ill
Weinhold Emma A, $100, Rockford Ill
Weinhold M, $75, Medford
Weir James, $1600, Portland Or
Weis John, $3700, Jacksonville
Weisenburger C C, $2135, Ashland
Weiss A P, $205, Medford
Weisser Wm, $125, Medford
Weist Lena, $360, Medford
Welch A V, $460, Beagle
Welch E A, $625
Welch I M, $2560, Ashland
Welch John W, $300, Gold Hill
Welch J B, $4760, Asbestos
Welch J B & W L, $1500, Prospect
Welch Mark, $1285, Medford
Welch M L, $185, Venice Cal
Welch M M, $150, Jacksonville
Welch M P, $150, Medford
Welch Sarah M, $1000
Welch & Bailey, $4600
Wells Arthur, $495, Medford
Wells A S, $2735, Medford
Wells Ellen I, $2620, Ashland
Wells E, $200, Talent
Wells E C, $75, Portland Or
Wells Giles estate, $410, Ashland
Wells Giles Jr estate, $16,220, Ashland
Wells Giles & Martha estate, $19,000, Ashland
Wells H C, $975, Gold Hill
Wells H S, $1115, Medford
Wells J F, $3560, Ashland
Wells Martha, $1310, Medford
Wells Phoebe J, $2000, Ashland
Wells Wm N, $2360, Medford
Welcher O S, $4060, Central Point
Wendt Frank L, $710, Medford
Wendt Henry, $7345, Jacksonville
Wenner Lucy, $190, Medford
Wenner Wm, $960, Talent
Wenner W H, $1500, Ashland
Wentner George W, $1035, Medford
Wentworth H G, $140, Gold Hill
Weren E, $180, Ashland
Werth Louis, $13,250, Ashland
Werth Wm, $390, Medford
Werth Wm H, $1270, Medford
Wertz F, $365, Rogue River
Wertz Grant F, $820, Rogue River
Wertz Joseph S, $1200, Portland
Wertz Sylvester M, $1500, Applegate
Wessinger P & Wagner H, $225, Butte Falls
West Effie R Mrs, $375, Medford
West E H and wife, $850, Medford
West George H, $300, Medford
West Lucy, $100
West Side Market, $1000, Medford
West W D, $2255, Medford
Westerburg H R, $765
Westerlund Ella C, $3465, Medford
Westerlund John A, $52,025, Medford
Westerlund Lottie, $140, Medford
Westerlund Orchard Co, $57,850, Medford
Westermire Nettie E, $150
Western Clay Co, $400, Portland Or
Western Development Co, $1800, Ashland
Weston Cora C, $1440, Central Point
Weston E D, $890, Medford
Weston Frank, $2460, Central Point
Weston W S, $1150, Medford
Wetherbee Charles, $800
Wetmur Carrie M, $1450, Ashland
Wetter Nicholas, $200, Medford
Wetterer Joe, $30, Jacksonville
Wetzel J A, $800, Eugene Or
Weyburn Ruby J, $100, Portland Or
Weydeman estate, $280, Jacksonville
Weyerhaeuser Land Co, $51,030
Wheatley Werner, $1600, Prospect
Wheeler Addie A, $6435
Wheeler Clarence, $8020, Medford
Wheeler Emerson, $700, Butte Falls
Wheeler J L, $1800, Ashland
Wheeler L L Mrs, $4785
Wheeler L N, $200
Wheeler M H and wife, $3575, Ashland
Wheeler M W, $11,765, Ashland
Wheeler Sarah A, $395, Central Point
Wheeler S A, $2100
Wheeler S L Mrs, $620, Medford
Wheeler V B, $530, Medford
Wheeler & Claspill, $100, Butte Falls
Whelpley G W, $70, Ashland
Whetstone Alice G, $7700, Talent
Whetstone Daniel, $5400, Medford
Whetstone Dilla M, $320, Medford
Whetstone H F, $14,700, Central Point
Whines Frank L, $200, Willows Cal
Whipple Ira L, $1120, Medford
Whipple J H, $435, Rogue River
Whipple J H & M E, $5415, Rogue River
Whipple Mary A, $250, Rogue River
Whipple Mary E, $600, Rogue River
Whipple M B, $3100, Rogue River
White Clarence, $580, Los Angeles Cal
White C E, $180, Ashland
White D C, $75, Medford
White Edwin J, $3385, Medford
White Edwin M, $930, Climax
White Eldon J and wife, $12,260, Medford
White E E, $900, Ashland
White E J, $705, Phoenix
White Front Saloon, $1500, Medford
White F B, $1600, San Francisco Cal
White George W H Investment Co, $3250
White Hattie, $450, Gold Hill
White Horse Mining Co, $400, Gold Hill
White H L, $11,005, Ashland
White H L et al, $600, Ashland
White H M, $50, Gold Hill
White H P, $705, Medford
White I H, $465, Medford
White John F, $5035, Medford
White J T, $13,800, Medford
White Mary F et al, $7935, Rogue River
White Mary F & Sons, $7665, Gold Hill
White Shelby & Hunt Manufacturing Co, $2120, Rogue River
White & Trowbridge, $8155, Medford
Whited Bertha C Mrs, $250, Ashland
Whited H L, $4815, Ashland
Whitehead D R, $480
Whitehead J D, $1145, Applegate
Whitehead R H, $6840, Medford
Whiteman C E, $700, Medford
Whiteside C E, $590, Medford
Whiteside Edgar G, $950, Central Point
Whiteside Rachel M Mrs, $9795, Central Point
Whiteside W E, $300, Central Point
Whiting Lincoln E, $815, Medford
Whitley David E, $605, Persist
Whitley L E, $155
Whitley Roy, $100, Trail
Whitman Fannie M, $470, Medford
Whitman J G, $800
Whitman Mary F, $2920, Talent
Whitman O W, $800
Whitmore B E, $4450, Ashland
Whitmore J R, $600, Medford
Whitmore P F Mrs, $800 Fairbank Ariz
Whitney A P, $150, Central Point
Whitney A V, $615, Central Point
Whitney Emma T, $5410, Medford
Whitney Horace, $110, Medford
Whitney H G, $185, Medford
Whitney Mary L, $900, Ashland
Whitney P B Mrs, $850, Ashland
Whytock J, $65, Ashland
Wible Frances E, $1200, Grants Pass Or
Wicha Frank, $550, Talent
Wick C E & J R, $1000, Ashland
Wick J R, $750, Ashland
Wick J R (guardian), $2600, Ashland
Wickens W, $2000, San Diego Cal
Wickersham E B, $1260
Wicks J C, $340, Medford
Wicks T C, $2270, Medford
Wickstrom Charles E, $4605, Ashland
Wickstrom Mining Co, $200, Rogue River
Wickstrom M E, $800
Wight Dora Mrs, $775, Ashland
Wilbourne M J, $450, Ashland
Wilcox Elizabeth, $800, Medford
Wilcox Ernest, $2000
Wilcox G, $290
Wilcox G W, $2800, Rogue River
Wilcox Howard P, $4900, Ashland
Wilcox L H, $4855, Central Point
Wilcox S C Mrs, $230, Jacksonville
Wilcox S S, $1000, Ashland
Wilcox Wilburn, $800, Medford
Wilcox Wm, $730, Medford
Wilder Edw E, $2250, Phoenix
Wilder Elvira, $1580, Phoenix
Wilder Job T, $3650, Phoenix
Wiley Fred V, $1050, Central Point
Wiley James, $1900, Ashland
Wiley M J, $365, Medford
Wiley Thornton, $1000, Ashland
Wilfley J W, $330, Eagle Point
Wilfley Orchard Co, $3600, Eagle Point
Wilhelm J R, $210, Gold Hill
Wilhite E A Mrs, $5320, Sams Valley
Wilhite & Son, $620, Sams Valley
Wilkin Jas C, $100
Wilkins Alva R, $600, Ashland
Wilkinson Edw, $20,245, Medford
Wilkinson John J, $235, Medford
Wilkinson L A Mrs, $12,400, Central Point
Wilkinson M, $185, Central Point
Wilkinson Scott, $1200, Coburg
Wilkison Aaron, $570, Medford
Willard O J, $200
Willeke J U, $85, Medford
Willeke J V, $2765, Medford
Willey L B, $1150, Ashland
Williams A T, $870
Williams Bridget E, $2240, Medford
Williams Britta B Mrs, $5450, Medford
Williams Bros, $620, Rogue River
Williams Brittania, $385, Ashland
Williams Catherine, $220, Central Point
Williams E H, $1600, Buncom
Williams G M, $910, Medford
Williams H F, $225, Medford
Williams H L, $120
Williams I F, $770, Central Point
Williams I F & Lucy, $730, Central Point
Williams I F & L D, $4020, Central Point
Williams John T, $15, Central Point
Williams J C, $8490, Rogue River
Williams J D, $2580, Ashland
Williams J M, $925, Ashland
Williams Leonard, $550, Central Point
Williams L E, $4980, Medford
Williams Mary, $280, Rogue River
Williams Mollie, $1095, Medford
Williams Myrtle A, $75, Medford
Williams M F, $380, Medford
Williams M Z, $75, Medford
Williams Seth, $540
Williams T J, $14,600, Medford
Williams T M, $1000, Ashland
Williams Warren, $1800, Ashland
Williams Wm, $1785, Rogue River
Williams W C, $1000
Williamson Henry, $900, Ashland
Williamson L M, $2000
Williamson T J, $17,085, Medford
Willie Frank M, $1800, Phoenix
Willis C F, $2340, Medford
Willis R F, $2075, Medford
Willis Wm D, $1110, Talent
Williscroft John estate, $400, Eagle Point
Willison C H, $1300, Ashland
Willits Irene W, $6410, Persist
Willits R T, $170, Eagle Point
Wills Nelson, $630, Medford
Wilmarth Frank, $870, Gold Hill
Wilsey O, $185, Medford
Wilshire W A, $1150, Ashland
Wilson Almira, $4190, Medford
Wilson Anna M, $6220, Medford
Wilson Cora, $3915, Medford
Wilson Cora F, $865, Medford
Wilson C H, $175, Sams Valley
Wilson Don F, $1100, Rogue River
Wilson D C, $15,680, Gold Hill
Wilson D F, $660, Medford
Wilson Elmer E, $2750, Medford
Wilson E A, $100, Medford
Wilson E M, $1875, Medford
Wilson E S, $400, Jacksonville
Wilson E W, $1060
Wilson Frank M, $1120, Medford
Wilson George A, $2915, Portland
Wilson George F, $1220, Derby
Wilson G F, $2115, Medford
Wilson G W, $100, Rogue River
Wilson Harrison, $865, Medford
Wilson H F, $30, Central Point
Wilson Irene, $300, Central Point
Wilson Jesse W, $290, Jacksonville
Wilson Jim R, $680, Jacksonville
Wilson John D, $600, Woodburn Or
Wilson John G, $85, Medford
Wilson Joseph, $225, Central Point
Wilson Josephine & J L, $5380, Medford
Wilson Julia M, $300, Medford
Wilson J A, $835, Jacksonville
Wilson J L, $1670, Medford
Wilson J R, $1555, Medford
Wilson L L, $2875, Medford
Wilson L W, $2500, Ashland
Wilson Martha, $3260, Medford
Wilson Mary E, 4400, Dudley
Wilson M D, $760, Ashland
Wilson Nettie, $2400, Butte Falls
Wilson N E, $145, Central Point
Wilson N M, $1600, Lewiston Idaho
Wilson Orrin M, $1600, Talent
Wilson Owen T, $200, Sams Valley
Wilson O N, $2350, Medford
Wilson P O, $2400, Gold Hill
Wilson Ray E, $1000, Medford
Wilson Robert, $900, Clifton Or
Wilson Robert, $3580, Medford
Wilson Robert & wife, $465, Medford
Wilson R B, $30,185, Medford
Wilson R G, $1200, Fruitland Idaho
Wilson R L, $2710, Central Point
Wilson Sarah F, $5600, Dewar Lake Sask Canada
Wilson S I, $6690, Talent
Wilson Willard T, $700, Medford
Wilson Willet C, $1470, Medford
Wilson W H, $1780, Medford
Wilson W T, $480, Medford
Wilson W W, $1700, Ashland
Wilson & Kubli, $600, Applegate
Wimer A L, $1155, Talent
Wimer G W, $3770, Ashland
Wimer R L, $530, Medford
Winders Alice, $1500, Rogue River
Wineman Josephine, $800, Wellen
Wines A, $1600, Climax
Winf J P, $75, Sawyers Bar Cal
Wing Nellie, $1815, Medford
Wininger A, $1540, Ashland
Winkler J S, $100
Winn G D, $400, Gold Hill
Winn G M, $2590, Wellen
Winn J D, $1510
Winn J R, $100, Wellen
Winningham John, $400, Trail
Winter J M, $7315, Medford
Winter Otto, $7330, Ashland
Winterhalder Henry, $100, Medford
Winterhalder Mary, $300, Medford
Winters John, $4800, Hoquiam Wn
Wintzen John, $1100, Jacksonville
Wise Charles E, $750, Medford
Wise Clara J, $1600, Tacoma Wn
Wise E, $1775, Louisville, Ky
Wise J I, $2350, Medford
Wise M L, 1860, Climax
Wissing Arthur, $100, Medford
Withrow J H, $450, Talent
Witte E W, $705, Medford
Witte Wm, $10,085, Central Point
Wnomhoffer W M, $125, Talent
Wolary N W, $800, Eagle Point
Wolary R, $100, Eagle Point
Wolcott I May, $745, Medford
Wolf Frederick & Co, $2250
Wolf George H, $225, Ruch
Wolf G N, $1315, Medford
Wolf J P, $4630, Ashland
Wolf J S, $385, Medford
Wolf Mamie, $1600, Ashland
Wolf M J Mrs, $130, Ashland
Wolfe Julius P, $1850, Ashland
Wolfer E S, $110, Eagle Point
Wolfer Myrtle, $1430, Eagle Point
Wolff Bros, $275, Medford
Wolff Frederick, $525, Medford
Wolff Fredericka, $30, Medford
Wolfolk Jesse W, $1600, Grants Pass Or
Wolgamott C M, $260, Medford
Wolgamott George, $200, Talent
Wolgamott George O, $435, Medford
Wolgamott John M, $255, Talent
Wolgamott Margaret J, $1205, Medford
Wolgamott V K, $500, Talent
Wolgamott Zelma, $200, Talent
Wolter E E, $1280, Medford
Wolter Nicholas, $670, Newburg Or
Wolters C W, $13,070, Talent
Wolverton C D, $1225, Medford
Wolverton C E, $1340, Leaburg Or
Wolverton Sarah, $1540, Medford
Wolverton Sarah T, $2065, Medford
Wolverton W D, $1600, Ashland
Wonder Store, $1000, Medford
Wood Clara M, $125, Medford
Wood D A, $870, Applegate
Wood D S, $3500, Medford
Wood Frederick W, $2170
Wood Francis G, $1400, Eagle Point
Wood F M, $1200, Ashland
Wood F O et al, $135, Medford
Wood George H, $150, Medford
Wood Grace, $140, Medford
Wood George W, $250, Talent
Wood H S, $220, Medford
Wood H W, $910, Medford
Wood J M, $1600, Climax
Wood J W, $875
Wood M, $1250, Ashland
Wood M N Mrs, $430, Ashland
Wood M S, $900, Eagle Point
Wood Wallace, $350, Ashland
Wood Walter, $5470, Medford
Wood W N, $750, Ashland
Wood W P, $2375, Central Point
Wood W W, $485, Medford
Wood & Messner, $75, Medford
Woodcock Bertha, $1600, Ashland
Woodcock Ed, $1970, Rogue River
Woodcock Edward, $795, Gold Hill
Woodcock Nora, $760, Rock Point
Wooden C F & wife, $300, Medford
Woodford Alonzo M, $6305, Medford
Woodford C L, $680, Medford
Woodford J R, $1400, Medford
Woodford Leonard, $3000, Medford
Woodford W R, $835, Medford
Woodhull Wm, $1600, Medford
Woodin A H, $2000, Roseburg,
WOW, $955, Talent
Woodruff H M, $670, Medford
Woodruff J E, $2700, Medford
Woods J C, $415, Medford
Woods J E, $170, Medford
Woods Lumber Co, $10,985, Medford
Woods N E, $3935, Medford
Woods Wallace, $6480, Medford
Woods Walter, $265, Eagle Point
Woodson Anna K, $175, Central Point
Woodson G B, $490, Medford
Woodsworth V M, $1000, Merlin Or
Woodward Troy, $50, Ashland
Woodward T & M H, $1200, Ashland
Woody A N, $580, Medford
Woody J N, $400, Medford ,
Woody Sarah C, $1300, Medford
Woolan A L, $900, Medford
Wooldridge J L, $2675, Murphy
Wooldridge R A, $160, Murphy
Wooley H M, $1000, Eagle Point
Woolf Nannie Mrs, $3185, Medford
Woolf Scott, $4540, Medford
Woolsoncroft Eliza J, $2000, Ashland
Works Mary E, $370, Talent
Works Orville, $50, Talent
Worrell Ida M, $155, Portland Or
Worthington B G, $600, Medford
Worthington Edward L, $3800
Worthington F M, $600, Ashland
Worthington O S, $445, Medford
Wortman H G, $4545, Medford
Wortman Joseph F, $32,920, Phoenix
Wortman J F Mrs, $1390, Phoenix
Wortman J F et al, $120, Medford
Wray A L et al, $240, Talent
Wright Ann, $860, Central Point
Wright Annie, $7940
Wright A N, $3935, Medford
Wright B E, $1350, Portland Or
Wright C S, $750, Phoenix
Wright Eulalia, $1020, Ashland
Wright Fred W, $170, Central Point
Wright George F, $925, Central Point
Wright Isaac, $4730, Rogue River
Wright Jennie, $850, Butte Falls
Wright John, $250, Central Point
Wright John A, $1090, Phoenix
Wright John estate, $1510, Central Point
Wright Joseph, $560, Central Point
Wright J E Mrs, $385, Phoenix
Wright J M, $1150, Ashland
Wright Kate, $935, Central Point
Wright Louisa J, $3200, Ashland
Wright L A, $2670, Butte Falls
Wright Melinda J, $2460, Medford
Wright M A, $300, Eagle Point
Wright Paul, $1100, Medford
Wright Sarah E, $100, Portland Or
Wright Stacy E, $765, Ashland
Wright T J, $3000, Hornbrook Cal
Wright T W, $1830, Phoenix
Wright Wm, $280, Central Point
Wright Wm A, $3200, Ashland
Wright Wm A & Louisa J, $1200, Ashland
Wright W E, $1600, Buncom
Wright W F, $1420, Applegate
Wright W W, $650, Ashland
Wright W W & Phoebe, $900, Ashland
Wrisley R I, $700, Medford
Wyant Louis H, $1700, Ashland
Wyatt J R, $2400, Portland Or
Wyatt Thos, $300, Medford
Wyatt T W, $1425, Sams Valley
Wyland Aaron, $1450, Medford
Wyland Lane, $1270, Central Point
Wynatt S J, $1050, Beagle
Wynekoop Perry E, $5105, Medford
Yamishita K, $770, Medford
Yant W D, $370, Central Point
Yarbrough F D, $900, Ashland
Yates George E, $780, Ashland
Yates L G, $1300, Ashland
Yellow Jacket Mine, $200
Yeo E H & Olive M, $1000, Ashland
Yeo G H, $1720, Ashland
Yeo J A, $350, Ashland
Yeo Wm, $1335, Ashland
Yockey Elizabeth, $400, Ashland
Yockey W R, $190, Ashland
Yockey W R et al, $1265, Ashland
Yockey W R & A M Beaver, $375, Ashland
Yockey W R & Elizabeth, $1200, Ashland
Yocom A W, $345, Medford
Yocum Walter F, $315, Jacksonville
Yokum J L, $700, Ashland
York F W, $1375, Ashland
York J, $280
York Real Estate Co, $2750, Medford
York Rosella A, $1200
York W A, $500, Ashland
York W T, $2305, Medford
York W T (trustee), $11,685, Medford
York W T & Co, $520, Medford
Yost George L, $1885, Medford
Young A L, $2160, Portland Or
Young Bros, $780, Eagle Point
Young B H, $500, Central Point
Young Chas F, $3900, Medford
Young Charles E & Kate, $5040, Gold Hill
Young Chas M, $1500, Portland Or
Young Clara, $1400, Eagle Point
Young C F, $2580, Gold Hill
Young C F & J C Hall, $21,245, Medford
Young Elizabeth, $450, Hollywood Cal
Young Elsie, $150, Ashland
Young Eva M, $460, Medford
Young George, $190, Medford
Young George B, $5000, Medford
Young H D, $550, Jacksonville
Young I C, $2500, Central Point
Young Kate, $1600, Meadows
Young Leo, $390, Medford
Young M F, $800, Central Point
Young Nick, $300, Eagle Point
Young O L & Y E, $1700, Ashland
Young Peter, $3400, Medford
Young Peter F, $290, Eagle Point
Young Roy, $530, Medford
Young Thomas F estate, $4030, Eagle Point
Young & Hall, $15,650, Medford
Yount Marion, $600, Talent
Ysunza P, $90, Jacksonville
Zana Arella E, $720, Gold Hill
Zana Fermin, $4615, Ashland
Zanon Martin, $1530, Central Point
Zapp Herman, $2625
Zaux Felix, $265, Woodside Cal
Zepp Peter, $1050, Medford
Zetz L J, $600, Medford
Ziders George E, $1825, Talent
Ziegler Joseph, $630, Ashland
Ziegler Joseph & Anna, $2100, Ashland
Zimmer L W, $9490, Medford
Zimmer M C, $30, Medford
Zimmerlee J T, $1535, Trail
Zimmerman A B, $1125, Eagle Point
Zimmerman R B, $1340, Phoenix
Zimmerman W J, $200, Rock Point
Zindler Herman, $1250, Medford
Zinn Cora E, $50, Medford
Zinn C R et ux, $50, Medford

Classified Business Directory


Names appearing under headings when specially marked thus * are only inserted
when specially contracted for.

Abstracts of Land Titles
JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO, 70 N Main, Ashland (See Front Cover and Right Top Lines)
Day Silas Abstract Co, Jacksonville
JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO, 45 N Fir sw cor W 6th, Medford (See Front Cover and Right Top Lines)
Academies and Schools
See Colleges and Schools
BILLINGS G F, 41 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
HODGSON W D, 337 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 193)
POLK B L & CO, 525-528 Beck Bldg, Portland, Ore
McMILLAN PUBLICITY AD WRITING CO, 211 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines and Multigraphing)
Advertising Agencies
McMILLAN PUBLICITY AD WRITING CO, 211 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines and Multigraphing)
Agricultural Implements
Bressler M C & Son, 389 E Main, Ashland
Peil Emil, 3 Plaza, Ashland
Freeman & Wiley Co, Central Point
Hubbard Bros, 335 E Main, Medford
MEDFORD IMPLEMENT CO, 28-36 N Bartlett, Medford
Shook Apartments, 376 E Main, Ashland
Berben The, 10 N Quince, Medford
Colonial Flats, 317 S Riverside av, Medford
Snell L L, 21 Genessee, Medford
Hargadine George, 124 Alida, Ashland
Stewart James, 324 Plum, Medford
Butz George, 215 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford
Clark F C, 219 W Main, Medford
Norris W E, 617 N Bartlett, Medford
Art Goods
Handicraft Shop Co The, 16 N Central av, Medford
SWEM'S ART AND CAMERA SHOP, 222 W Main, Medford (See p 125)
*Art Stores
ART STORE THE, 27 N Grape, Medford (See p 25)
McMurtrey Kate, 20-217 S Riverside av, Medford
Walker Belva L, Prospect
Allen H A, 237 B, Ashland
*Auto Accessories
GATES C E, Sparta Bldg, Main ne cor Riverside Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 2)
Auto Supplies
FORD GARAGE, 380-382 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO, 16-18 S Fir, Medford (See Back Cover and p 44)
GATES C E, Sparta Bldg, Main ne cor Riverside Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 2)
*Auto Tools
GATES C E, Sparta Bldg, Main ne cor Riverside Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 2)
*Auto and Carriage Tops
ACKLEY L E, 31 N Bartlett, Medford (See p 21)
*Automobile Garages
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
CENTRAL POINT AUTO CO, Central Point (See p 237)
Automobile Liveries
See also Garages
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
Hart Julius, 550 Allison, Ashland
Welch M P, 512 Pennsylvania av, Medford
*Automobile Machine Shops
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
CENTRAL POINT AUTO CO, Central Point (See p 237)
*Automobile Painting
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
COTHERMON CARL, 114 S Bartlett, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and adv)
Weisser Wm, 148 S Fir, Medford
PORTLAND PLATING & AUTO PAINTING CO, 22nd N ne cor Thurman, Portland (See Plating)
*Automobile Plating
PORTLAND PLATING & AUTO PAINTING CO, 22nd N ne cor Thurman, Portland (See Plating)
Automobile Repairing
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
FORD GARAGE, 380-382 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
JONES E V GARAGE, 43 Mill, Ashland (See p 147)
CENTRAL POINT AUTO CO, Central Point (See p 237)
CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO, 16-18 S Fir, Medford (See Back Cover and p 44)
Dyer G F, 1118 N Central av, Medford
Roseberry J M, 927 S Central av, Medford
VALLEY MOTOR & TRACTOR CO, 30 N Holly, Medford (See Left Side Lines and p 6)
*Automobile Storage
VALLEY MOTOR & TRACTOR CO, 30 N Holly, Medford (See Left Side Lines and p 6)
Automobile Supplies
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
JONES E V GARAGE, 43 Mill, Ashland (See p 147)
CENTRAL POINT AUTO CO, Central Point (See p 237)
VALLEY MOTOR & TRACTOR CO, 30 N Holly, Medford (See Left Side Lines and p 6)
Whiteman Motor Appliance Co, 30 N Holly, Medford
*Automobile Tire Repairing
MEDFORD VULCANIZING WORKS, 36 S Grape, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
*Automobile Tires--Republic
VALLEY MOTOR & TRACTOR CO, 30 N Holly, Medford (See Left Side Lines
and p 6)
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
BUTTERFIELD H G, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
COLE MOTOR CAB, Ashland Garage Agts, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom
Lines and p 171)
FORD GARAGE, 380-382 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
JONES E V GARAGE, 43 Mill, Ashland (See p 147)
REO MOTOR CAR, Ashland Garage Agts, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
CENTRAL POINT AUTO CO, Central Point (See p 237)
CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO, 16-18 S Fir, Medford (See Back Cover and p 44)
GATES C E, Sparta Bldg, Main ne cor Riverside Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 2)
MEDFORD GARAGE, 104 S Bartlett, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
POWELL AUTO CO, 123-125 S Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
ROBINSON J C, 33 S Bartlett, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and adv)
VALLEY MOTOR & TRACTOR CO, 30 N Holly, Medford (See Left Side Lines and p 6)
*Automobiles Rented
VALLEY MOTOR & TRACTOR CO, 30 N Holly, Medford (See Left Side Lines and p 6)
MARSH H M, 10 N Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
*Bags for All Purposes
WINKLEMAN BAG COMPANY, 1902 Pacific Av, Tacoma, Wn, 205 Yamhill, Portland, Or (See Back Cover)
ROYAL BAKERY AND CAFE, 39 E Main, Ashland (See p 216)
ASHLAND BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 233 Fourth, Ashland (See p 161)
Royal Bakery and Cafe, 39 E Main, Ashland
Rusk J H, 233 4th, Ashland
VIENNA BAKERY AND LUNCH ROOM, 242 E Main, Ashland (See p 227)
Morris N S Mrs, Butte Falls
Taylor F J, Central Point
Iverson G H, Gold Hill
DeVore T L, Jacksonville
Corey C H, 706 N Pine, Medford
Heinz & Gilbert, 135 W Main, Medford
Jorgensen R C, 42 S Central av, Medford
Reinking A F, 606 E Main, Medford
Sharp I W, s end Newtown, Medford
La Belle Edward, Talent
*Bank and Office Railings
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 108 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
Banks and Bankers
Citizens Banking & Trust Co, E Main se cor 1st, Ashland
FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASHLAND, E Main sw cor 1st Av, Ashland (See Front Cover and p 145)
Postal Savings Bank, Post Office 19 Plaza, Ashland
State Bank of Ashland The, 15 Plaza, Ashland
Pine Belt Banking Co, Butte Falls
Central Point State Bank, Central Point
Postal Saving Depository, Central Point
First State Bank of Eagle Point, Eagle Point
Postal Savings Depository, Eagle Point
Gold Hill Bank The, Gold Hill
Bank of Jacksonville, Jacksonville
Beekman's Banking House, Jacksonville
FARMERS AND FRUITGROWERS BANK, 204 W Main, Medford (See p 2)
FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEDFORD THE, 122 E Main, Medford (See Front Cover)
Jackson County Bank, 201 E Main, Medford
Medford National Bank, 133 E Main, Medford
First State Bank of Rogue River, Rogue River
STATE BANK OF TALENT, Talent (See Left Side Lines)
Bates N G, 63 E Main, Ashland
Davies S S, 243 4th, Ashland
Espy & Rogers, 139 E Main, Ashland
Skeen G B, 23 E Main, Ashland
Yeo J A, 65 N Main, Ashland
Carson J F, Butte Falls
Boswell J E, Central Point
Gleason E R, Central Point
Reynaud R L, Eagle Point
McFarren S V, Gold Hill
Shaver C N, Gold Hill
Turner F B, Gold Hill
Bunch R A, Jacksonville
Ashlund Ford, 343 N Front, Medford
Bates H G, 128 W Main, Medford
Estes Rankin, 108 E Main, Medford
Estes & McClish, 28 N Front, Medford
Howel T A, 19 S Central av, Medford
Murphy J S, 5 N Fir, Medford
Noe & Stephenson, 113 E Main, Medford
Summerville J T, 17 N Central av, Medford
Whisenant W K, 31 S Front, Medford
White A C, 10 N Front, Medford
Hill H D, Phoenix
Howell G T, Rogue River
McMahan A T, Talent
Norman J F, Talent
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
WINKLEMAN BAG COMPANY, 1902 Pacific Av, Tacoma, Wn, 205 Yamhill,
Portland, Or (See Back Cover)
Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, 1st bet A and B, Ashland
Helman Baths, Otis nw cor Laurel, Ashland
Natatorium and Amusement Co, N Riverside av ft E 6 th, Medford
Bicycle Repairing
Short V C, 106 S Front, Medford
Vroman O G, 6 S Fir, Medford
CENTRAL POINT AUTO CO, Central Point (See p 237)
Martin F E, 11 N Fir, Medford
Shively J G, 32 S Grape, Medford
Bill Posters
Stennett W S, basement 104 N Main, Ashland
Billiard and Pool Rooms
Lyman Walter, 383 E Main, Ashland
Sayle J P & Son, 19 E Main, Ashland
CLUB THE, Central Point (See p 237)
Farra & Devore, Central Point
Smith T J, Central Point
Lewis Frank, Eagle Point
Smith Bros, Eagle Point
Leonard C P, Jacksonville
Brown & Hall, 218 E Main, Medford
Hale & Lyon, 31 S Front, Medford
Harrell & Martin, 127 W Main, Medford
Boyer C S, Rogue River
Wilson D F, Rogue River
Bender C W, Talent
Clark M S K, Mill nr Plaza, Ashland
High N L, 563 B, Ashland
Stroupe M C, Iowa ne cor Lincoln, Ashland
VanLeer M S, 1st bet E Main and C, Ashland
Wilson W W, 55 1st av, Ashland
Stacy G W, Beagle
Tucker R E, Brownsboro
Ager R W, Central Point
Peart B F, Central Point
Price W E, Central Point
Childreth H O, Eagle Point
Mathews & Fisher, Eagle Point
Carter C F, Gold Hill
Kell Charles, Gold Hill
Applebaker Joseph, Jacksonville
Basye C H, Jacksonville
Mullen E F, Jacksonville
Caskey & Higinbotham, 118 S Bartlett, Medford
Dooms & Frees, 109 S Holly, Medford
Hansen & McClanahan, 32 S Fir, Medford
Merriman G F, 20 S Riverside av, Medford
Turpin Richard, 115 N Fir, Medford
Johnston G P, Provolt
Hatch C S, Rogue River
Jenson B F, Rogue River
Ruch C M, Ruch
BAKER J T, Talent (See p 310)
Coleman G L, Talent
Boarding Houses
See also Hotels, etc
Barkdull C C Mrs, 117 N Central av, Medford
Coleman The, 1005 W Main, Medford
Jones J C, 245 N Riverside av, Medford
Kent Jane Mrs, 401 E 5th, Medford
Montgomery C W, 216 N Front, Medford
Bell The, Talent
HOTEL TALENT, Talent (See p 309)
TALENT HOTEL, Talent (See p 309)
BEAVER REALTY CO, 211 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg cor 6th and Alder, Portland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 323)
Books and Stationery
Kneeland F L, Butte Falls
ART STORE THE, 27 H Grape, Medford (See p 25)
Medford  Book Store, 209 E Main, Medford
Boot and Shoe Makers
See Shoemakers
*Boots and Shoes
See also Shoes--Retail
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
Bottlers--Mineral and Soda Water
Colestin Mineral Water Co, Colestin
Medford Soda Works, 106 S Bartlett, Medford
*Brass and Bronze Work
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
Brewers Agents
Weinhard H Beer & Ice Depot, W 4th nw cor N Fir, Medford
Brick Manufacturers
Stickel Bros, Gold Hill
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, ¼ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and p 289)
MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS, S Fir ne cor 10th, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
*Brick, Tile and Cement
CARSON-SMITH LUMBER CO, 143 1st nr B, Ashland (See p 172)
Andrews J B, 201 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
DALEY H M, 33 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
*Builders' Hardware
WARNER MERCANTILE CO, 375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)
*Building Blocks
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, ¼ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and p 289)
*Building Contractors
WILEY N J, 613 S Holly, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines)
Building Material
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and
p 162)
CARSON-SMITH LUMBER CO, 143 1st nr B, Ashland (See p 172)
DENNIS J N, 353 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines)
Medford (See Right Side Lines)
WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge)
Building and Loan Associations
JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSN, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See opp p 74)
*Building and Roofing Paper
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and
p 162)
BROADLEY J T, MF&H Co Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Front Cover,
Left Side Lines and p 3)
*Business Chances
BEAVER REALTY CO, 211 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
BILLINGS G F, 41 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
HODGSON W D, 337 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 193)
REDFIELD C S, Gold Hill (See Left Bottom Lines)
*Business Colleges
POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, E Main ne cor 3rd, Ashland (See Front
Cover and adv)
MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
Butter, Cheese and Eggs
See Creameries
Cabinet Makers
Damon G F, basement 11 B, Ashland
PACIFIC FURNITURE & PICTURE FACTORY, 113 S Holly, Medford (See Front Cover and opp p 103)
ROYAL BAKERY AND CAFE, 39 E Main, Ashland (See p 216)
US CAFE, 40 N Front, Medford (See p 106)
SANITARY CAFETERIA, 20 S Central Av, Medford (See p 116)
SWEM'S ART AND CAMERA SHOP, 222 W Main, Medford (See p 125)
*Cameras and Supplies
SWEM'S ART AND CAMERA SHOP, 222 w Main, Medford (See p 125)
Candy Manufacturers
BUTLER'S CONFECTIONERY, 23 N Main (Plaza), Ashland (See p 148)
CROWSON W G, Elks Temple, Ashland (See p 176)
Medford Candy Co, 29 N Grape, Medford
PALACE OF SWEETS THE, 217 E Main, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
*Canners and Packers--Fruits and Vegetables
Carpenters, Contractors and Builders
Damon G F, basement 11 B, Ashland
Dart LeRoy, opp 220 Garfield, Ashland
Fitch F H, 725 Iowa, Ashland
Hubbard B C, 356 Laurel, Ashland
Jordan Frank, 227 Granite, Ashland
Morse J H, 632 Walnut, Ashland
Moyer A S, 120 2nd, Ashland
Payne E C, 16 Granite, Ashland
Penter W H, 348 N Main, Ashland
Powell D S, 281 Oak, Ashland
Rease E M, 1089 Boulevard, Ashland
Sheldon M M, 705 Pennsylvania av, Ashland
Thompson Nels, 641 Boulevard, Ashland
Veghte C H, 51 Gresham, Ashland
Wilcox J L, 494 Holly, Ashland
Russel D B, Beagle
Bainholzer Arnold, Butte Falls
Clevenger S M, Butte Falls
Hess Harrison, Eagle Point
Blue D P, Gold Hill
Steinhoff C D, Gold Hill
Fick F J, Jacksonville
Hartman Jason, Jacksonville
Balcom H G, 838 W 2nd, Medford
Collins C E, 104 E 2nd, Medford
Drew & Handy, 855 W 2nd, Medford
Fifer B F, 711 E Jackson, Medford
Goodhue F B, 923 W Main, Medford
Gudehus H E, 1014 W 10th, Medford
Hawk S M, 701 W 11th, Medford
Hill J Y, 435 N Central av, Medford
Johnson H C, 616 S Peach, Medford
Lancop J A, 716 W 14th, Medford
Lovelace W A, 1015 N Central av, Medford
Lyon L M, 716 E Main, Medford
McCardle Wm, 215 S Washington, Medford
Muir David, 1507 W Main, Medford
Quigley L J, 603 N Fir, Medford
Roberts Edward, 1006 W 4th, Medford
Schermerhorn G L, 121 N Grape, Medford
Scott P D, 416 S Peach, Medford
Smith L C, 410 S Newtown, Medford
Stuart R I, 519 S Central av, Medford
Sullenger W F, 132 Vancouver av, Medford
Talent Jackson, 45 N Front, Medford
Turner H D, 716 W 2nd, Medford
WILEY N J, 613 S Holly, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines)
Wood D S, 524 S Grape, Medford
Ommel R J, Persist
Waddell G J, Prospect
Tomlinson J C, Rock Point
Rose Frank, Talent
Carpet Weavers
Greenman E F, 1304 Quincy, Ashland
Hinkle M A Mrs, Jacksonville
Busey G L, 511 E Main, Medford
MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO INC, 29-35-39 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
*Carriage Painters
COTHERMON CARL, 114 S Bartlett, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and p 396)
*Carriage and Auto Tops
ACKLEY L E, 31 N Bartlett, Medford (See p 21)
Carriage and Wagon Makers
See also Blacksmiths
Mitchell J W, 36 S Riverside av, Medford
CROWSON'S, Elks Temple, Ashland (See p 176)
PALACE OF SWEETS THE, 217 E Main, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
*Cedar Chests
PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY, 113 S Holly, Medford (See Front Cover and opp p 103)
ASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 99 Oak, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and Transfer Cos)
WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge)
Cement Block Manufacturers
Bear Creek Cement Pipe & Block Co, Central Point
MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS, S Fir ne cor 10th, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
*Cement Brick Manufacturers
MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS, S Fir ne cor 10th, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
Cement Manufacturers
Beaver Portland Cement Co, Gold Hill
*Cement and Plaster
DENNIS J N, 353 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines)
*China Painting
WESTERN CHINA CO, 130 W 6th, Medford (See p 135)
*China Ware
B&C CASH STORE INC, 225 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
*China and Cut Glass
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
HOLMES BROS, 97 N Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)
Hunt L F Mrs, 11 E Main, Ashland
MARINELLO HAIR SHOP THE, 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 90)
BRADFORD DR PEARL M MRS, 21 E Main, Ashland (See p 168)
BRADFORD DR R P, 21 E Main, Ashland (See p 168)
BRADFORD DR R P AND WIFE, 21 E Main, Ashland (See p 168)
UTTERBACK G R, 68 E Main over Vaupel's Store, Ashland (See p 226)
HEDGES A R, Room 5-308 E Main over Deuel & Co, Medford (See p 66)
HEDGES L E MRS, Room 5-308 E Main over Deuel & Co, Medford (See p 66)
LOCKWOOD R J, 203-206 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
Christian Science Practitioners
Rose M E Mrs, 77 6th, Ashland
Alsdorf M J Mrs, 216 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford
Brown H M Mrs, 214 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford
Wood Mary E, 237 N Central av, Medford
Cider Manufacturers
Powell A E, 462 A, Ashland
Cigar Manufacturers
Grieve E R, 15 E Main, Ashland
Hosler H H, 25 E Main, Ashland
Coleman Grant, W Main nw cor Kenwood av, Medford
McGuirk Michael, 219 W; Main, Medford
Rukes Lew, 119 E 6th, Medford
Cigars and Tobacco--Retail
BUTLER'S CONFECTIONERY, 23 N Main (Plaza), Ashland (See p 148)
Grieve E R, 15 E Main, Ashland
Hildreth E A, 253 4th, Ashland
Hosler H H, 25 E Main, Ashland
Lyman E E, 383 E Main, Ashland
Perrine C J, 558 A, Ashland
Powell T L, 524 A, Ashland
Rose Bros, 145 E Main, Ashland
Sayle J P & Son, 19 E Main, Ashland
CLUB THE, Central Point (See p 237)
Farra & Devore, Central Point
Moore G S, Central Point
Smith Thomas J, Central Point
Lewis Frank, Eagle Point
Smith Bros, Eagle Point
GOLD HILL CAFE THE, Gold Hill (See p 263)
Reed H G, Gold Hill
Truax Co The, Gold Hill
Turner G B, Gold Hill
Bates H G, 128 W Main, Medford
Burgess & Quisenberry, 10 N Front, Medford
Davidson O L, W Main nw cor Fir, Medford
Estes & McClish, 28 N Front, Medford
Holmes & Jensen, 111 W Main, Medford
Parker & Stancliffe, 121 E Main, Medford
Wilson F M, 116 E Main, Medford
Smith & Fry, Phoenix
Boyer C S, Rogue River
Wilson D F, Rogue River
Bender C W, Talent
*Circular Letters
McMILLAN PUBLICITY AD WRITING CO, 211 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines and Multigraphing)
*Circulars Addressed
POLK R L & CO, 525-528 Beck Bldg, Portland, Or
*City Property
BILLINGS G F, 41 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and  p 146)
HODGSON W D, 337 Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
REDFIELD C S, Gold Hill (See Left Bottom Lines)
Civil Engineers and Surveyors
Smith E W, Butte Falls
Dodge F W, Gold Hill
Cummings Tee & McKissick, 12 Sparta bldg, Medford
Foster H E, 235 E Main, Medford
Howard J S Engineering Co, room 8-204 E Main, Medford
OSGOOD & BROWN, 3rd Floor Medford National Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
Whiting L W, 2 Palm blk, Medford
*Clay Products
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and p 289)
*Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing
FULLER & PAULSERUD, 171 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and
p 149)
*Cleaning and Pressing
ABBOTT & VAN DYKE, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
ORRES L J, 71 N Main, Ashland (See Left Top Lines)
Cloaks and Suits
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
Minkler R A, 131 E Main, Ashland
AHRENS M M CO, 226-230 W Main, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and adv)
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
Mitchell & Whittle, 27 N Main, Ashland
DANIELS T E, 202 E Main, Medford (See p 46)
Model Clothing Co Inc, 234 E Main, Medford
TOGGERY THE, 129 E Main, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
WILSON WILL H, 126 N Front, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN, Talent (See p 309)
*Clothing--Tailor Made
FULLER & PAULSERUD, 171 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
ASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 99 Oak, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and Transfer Cos)
ROCK SPRINGS COAL, Ashland Transfer & Storage Co Agts, 99 Oak, Ashland
(See Left Bottom Lines and Transfer Cos)
SPRING CANYON COAL, Ashland Transfer & Storage Co Agts, 99 Oak, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and Transfer Cos)
Cold Storage
ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO, Water nw cor B, Ashland
Collection Agents
BULLOCK MERCANTILE AGENCY THE, 406 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 34)
BURCH-BELSER MERCANTILE AGENCY INC (Collectors Who Collect), 705-6 Realty Bldg, Spokane, Wn
TREFREN L J, 44 E Main, Ashland (See p 225)
Colleges and Schools
See also Schools and Colleges
POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, E Main ne cor 3rd, Ashland (See Front Cover and p 400)
MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 5)
St Mary's Academy, 310 W 11th, Medford
*Commercial Colleges
MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE, 31 N (Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
*Commercial Law
POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, E Main ne cor 3rd, Ashland (See Front Cover and p 400)
*Commercial Printers
HERALD PUBLISHING CO, Central Point (See p 238)
*Commercial Schools
POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, E Main ne cor 3rd, Ashland (See Front Cover and p 400)
ASHLAND BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 233 4th, Ashland (See p 161)
CLUB THE, Central Point (See p 237)
Confectionery and Fruits
Baker Mark, 57 N Main, Ashland
BUTLER'S CONFECTIONERY, 23 N Main (Plaza), Ashland (See p 148)
CROWSON'S, Elks Temple, Ashland (See p 176)
Grieve E R, 15 E Main, Ashland
Hildreth E A, 253 4th, Ashland
Loomis C L, 607 Boulevard, Ashland
Powell T L, 524 A, Ashland
Robison J K, A nr SP Depot, Ashland
Rose Bros, 145 E Main, Ashland
Farra & DeVore, Central Point
Moore G S, Central Point
Smith T J, Central Point
Lewis Frank, Eagle Point
Smith Bros, Eagle Point
GOLD HILL CAFE THE, Gold Hill (See p 263)
Reed H D, Gold Hill
Truax Co The, Gold Hill
Turner G B, Gold Hill
Deneff W C, Jacksonville
Thompson's Confectionery, Main se cor Oregon, Jacksonville
DeVoe C A, 418 W Main, Medford
Flammer & Co, 105 W Main, Medford
Iams George, 130 N Front, Medford
McBride H D & Co, 229 E Main, Medford
McCreight W G, 122 N Front, Medford
PALACE OF SWEETS THE, 217 E Main, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
Parker & Stancliffe, 121 E Main, Medford
West & Whiteman, 134 E Main, Medford
Wilson D F, Rogue River
Luke R J, Talent
*Conservatories of Music
MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 5)
Contractors--Brick and Stone
Blodgett John, Gold Hill
Childers Spencer, 211 Vancouver av, Medford
REDFIELD C S, Gold Hill (See Left Bottom Lines)
WILEY N J, 613 S Holly, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines)
Contractors--Cement and Concrete
Billings T E, 1405 N Riverside av, Medford
Boswell Robert, 1002 W 11th, Medford
Chelgren P W, 735 N Alder, Medford
Maultby W H, 441 N Grape, Medford
Shoults W T, 327 N Holly, Medford
JORDAN ELECTRIC CO, 207 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
Natwick C H, Eagle Point
Haney B E, 315 N Holly, Medford
McGrew C A, Talent
MULHOLEN J H, 26 S Grape, Medford (See p 97)
Schell & Schell, Hotel Nash, Medford
Delin C M, 406 S Riverside av, Medford
BEAVER REALTY CO, 211 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
*Corn Meal and Graham Flour
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines
and p 182)
McGEE'S, Elks Temple, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 201)
LEACH H L MRS, 326 N Bartlett, Medford (See p 82)
Valley Pride Creamery Assn, Applegate
Ashland Creamery, 97 Mill, Ashland
Medford Creamery, 134 N Riverside av, Medford
Applegate Williams Creamery Co, Provolt
*Creamery Tanks
LOSLI JACOB, 310 1st, Portland (See Steam Tables--For Hotels and Restaurants)
Crockery and Glassware
Gillett A P, Central Point
MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO INC, 29-35-39 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
TALENT MERCANTILE CO, Talent (See Left Side Lines and p 310)
VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN, Talent (See p 309)
*Custom Tailors
ABBOTT 86 VAN DYKE, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
BIEGEL A J, 297 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
WARNER MERCANTILE CO, 375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)
DeLap C H, 355 Otis, Ashland
Haynes H P, 419 Laurel, Ashland
Howard H F, n end Oak, Ashland
Million W B, 603 Oak, Ashland
Norton E N, 406 N Main, Ashland
Sander & Sander, n end Helman, Ashland
Gilmore C N, Central Point
Applegate Charles, Climax
Holman W H, Climax
Johnston S L, Jacksonville
Bellinger J H, 404 S Peach, Medford
Bliss F A, 303 W Clark, Medford
Frederick D O, Jacksonville rd 3 blks w limits, Medford
Medford Dairy, Jacksonville rd 2 m w limits, Medford
Reynolds & Wagner, 200 Tripp, Medford
Kershaw J L, Wellen
*Dairy Ranches
BIDDINGS G F, 41 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
Butler Mary E C, 180 E Main, Ashland
Blake W E, 9-10 First Natl Bank bldg, Ashland
Endelman Julio, 1-2 Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, Ashland
Johnson F H, Beaver bldg, Ashland
Tilton C F, 54 E Main, Ashland
Davis Eldon, Central Point
Shaw T T, Jacksonville
Bundy Louis, 3-308 E Main, Medford
Deane A W, 204 E Main, Medford
Keene J M, 401 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co bldg, Medford
Phipps I D, 201 Phipps bldg, Medford
Riddell E G, 2 St Marks blk, Medford
Van Scoyoc Bros, 310 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
Department Stores
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
Deuel F K & Co, E Main se cor S Bartlett, Medford
M M Department Store, 230 E Main, Medford
MANN J C, 14 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
MEIER & FRANK CO, Morrison, Alder, 5th and 6th, Portland
OLDS, WORTMAN & KING INC, Morrison, Alder, W Park and 10th, Portland
*Directory Publishers
POLK R L & CO, 525-528 Beck Bldg, Portland, Or
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO INC, 431 S Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and Planing Mills)
*Drain Tile
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and p 289)
MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO, 209 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
*Dress Goods
McGEE'S, Elks Temple, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 201)
Baldwin Cora E, 316 N Main, Ashland
Danford Evalyn, rear 124 Manzanita, Ashland
Hartley Ada, 116 Nob Hill, Ashland
Hensley A E Mrs, 140 Nursery, Ashland
Irish L B Mrs, 283 High, Ashland
Lennart Louisa, 586 E Main, Ashland
McNeill Myra Mrs, 190 Oak, Ashland
Robison J M Mrs, 263 2nd, Ashland
Routledge E P Mrs, 147 Nutley, Ashland
Shaw V C Mrs, 487 Rock, Ashland
Sheppard Ethel M, 505 Boulevard, Ashland
Green Nettie Mrs, Central Point
Hudson Mary Mrs, Jacksonville
Wetterer Mary G, Jacksonville
Baer Victoria Mrs, 314 Howard, Medford
Blakley A M Mrs, 56 N Riverside av, Medford
Cochran N Belle, 307 E 6th, Medford
Fielder Rose M, 710 E Main, Medford
Fifer F E Mrs, 921 Reddy av, Medford
Gage N A Mrs, 604 Plum, Medford
Gardner L G Mrs, 721 Bennett av, Medford
Gould C E Mrs, 1028 Court, Medford
Grantham M J Mrs, Capitol Hill, Medford
Hamlin Jennie Mrs, 344 N Bartlett, Medford
Laird Elsie Mrs, 1024 N Front, Medford
Lovelace Maggie Mrs, 1015 N Central av, Medford
Matney Nana, 445 N Bartlett, Medford
Miller M A Mrs, 846 Taylor, Medford
Murphy Mary L, 15 Summit av, Medford
Myers E S Mrs, F K Deuel & Co Store, Medford
Normile Mabel M, 720 Park, Medford
Parker Eva Mrs, 201 S Holly, Medford
Rukes Maggie Mrs, 424 S Peach, Medford
Sears S S Mrs, 231 W 5th, Medford
Smith Anna M, 416 Park, Medford
Triplett Hattie B, 112 Cottage, Medford
Wiley Mary Mrs, 613 S Holly, Medford
Wolf Myrtle Mrs, 222 S Holly, Medford
Vance Anna B Mrs, Talent
Vogeli Minnie Mrs, Talent
Bolton T K; 53 N Main, Ashland
Depot Drug Store, 4th sw cor A, Ashland
McNair Bros, 43 N Main, Ashland
McNair J J, 303 E Main, Ashland
Poley & Elhart, 17 E Main, Ashland
Kneeland F L, Butte Falls
England M R, Central Point
Mee Mary A, Central Point
Von der Hellen Hardware Co, Eagle Point
Bowers M D, Gold Hill
Robinson J W, ns California nr 3rd, Jacksonville
Diamond Pharmacy The, 109 E Main, Medford
Haskins Drug Store, 214 E Main, Medford
Medford Pharmacy, 22 N Central av, Medford
Strang Charles, 231 E Main, Medford
West Side Pharmacy, 134 W Main, Medford
Rogue River Pharmacy, Rogue River
Talent Drug & Furniture Co, Talent
Dry Goods
Beebe & Kinney, 31 N Main, Ashland
McGEE'S, Elks Temple, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 201)
Vaupel C H, 68 E Main, Ashland
Akins Benton & Co, 223 W Main, Medford
Hutchison & Lumsden, 213 E Main, Medford
MANN J C, 14 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
MOE H N & CO, 125 E Main, Medford
TALENT MERCANTILE CO, Talent (See Left Side Lines and p 310)
VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN, Talent (See p 309)
Dyers and Cleaners
See also Cleaning and Pressing
ABBOTT & VAN DYKE, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
FULLER & PAULSERUD, 171 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
Corum Grover, 2 Rialto bldg, Medford
Medford Cleaning & Pressing Co, 4 S Central av, Medford
Pantorium Dye Works Co, 132 W Main, Medford
Watanabe B, 114 N Front, Medford
Wilson W H, 120 N Front, Medford
Electric Light and Power Companies
Ashland Electric Power & Light Co, 91 Oak, Ashland
Oregon Gas & Electric Co, 67 N Main, Ashland
Rogue River Public Service Corporation, Gold Hill
California-Oregon Power Co, 216 W Main, Medford
Electric Supplies
JORDAN ELECTRIC CO, 207 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
*Electric Wiring
JORDAN ELECTRIC CO, 207 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
Danford Beecher, 51 N Main, Ashland
JORDAN ELECTRIC CO, 207 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
Antle J W, 6 S Central av, Medford
ELECTRIC SHOP, 105 S Central Av, Medford
Henlein O C, 318 E Main, Medford
*Elevator Enclosures
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
PERL J A, 28 S Bartlett, Medford (See p 5)
Employment Agencies
Lyman Walter, 383 E Main, Ashland
Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau, 7 Palm blk, Medford
Goodman A E, 34 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
Rader M A, 114 N Front, Medford
*Engineers--Civil and Surveying
OSGOOD & BROWN, 3rd Floor Medford National Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
*Engines, Pumps and Tanks
TALENT HARDWARE CO, Talent (See p 309)
Express Companies
Wells Fargo & Co Express, Ashland, Central Point, Eagle Point, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Medford, Phoenix, Rogue River and Talent
Express and Drayage
See also Transfer Companies
ASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 99 Oak, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and Transfer Cos)
Hash Walter, 145 E Main, Ashland
Lowe G M, 297 E Main, Ashland
Lynch M T, 292 Liberty, Ashland
Million Archie, 57 N Main, Ashland
Matthews S P, Butte Falls
Grim D C, Central Point
Owings Ralph, Eagle Point
Adams C A, 303 N Front, Medford
Burbidge W J, 113 S Front, Medford
EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 42 N Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines and Transfer Cos)
MARSH H M, 10 N Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines)

Matthews T A & Son, 105 W Main, Medford
*Face Brick
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and p 289)
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
Farm Implements
See also Agricultural Implements
TALENT HARDWARE CO, Talent (See p 309)
*Farm Lands
BILLINGS G F, 41 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
HOLMES WM M, PO Box 336, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 6)
PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg cor 6th and Alder, Portland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 323)
HODGSON W D, 337 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 193)
Feed Mills
See also Flour and Feed Mills
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
*Fence and Gates Manufacturers
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
GADDIS & DIXON, 134 N Riverside Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 58)
*Fireplace Screens
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
*Fish and Poultry
ASHLAND MEAT CO, 61 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET, 395 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines, and p 163)
Fish, Poultry and Games
Medford Fish and Poultry Market, 108 W Main, Medford
TALENT MEAT MARKET, Talent (See p 309)
Sander W G, Nevada se cor Helman, Ashland
BROADLEY J T, MF&H CO Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Front Cover, Left Side Lines and p 3)
Medford Greenhouse, 1005 E Main, Medford
*Flour--Hard Wheat
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
*Flour--Whole Wheat
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
Flour and Feed
Ashland-Klamath Exchange, E Main nw cor 3rd, Ashland
Raedel H C, Gold Hill
Brown L B, 139 S Riverside, Medford
BUTTERFIELD C S, W 11th nw cor Hamilton, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
B&C CASH STORE INC, 225 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
WATKINS LEE & CO, 397 S Front, Medford (See p 134)
Grieve J E, Prospect
Woodcock & Son, Rogue River
Flour and Feed Mills
Ashland Flour & Feed Mills, A ne cor 1st, Ashland
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
Central Point Flour Mills, Central Point
Snowy Butte Mills, Eagle Point
MEDFORD ROLLER MILLS, S Front ne cor E 9th, Medford
Founders and Machinists
Medford Iron Works, 17 S Riverside av, Medford
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO INC, 431 S Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and Planing Mills)
Fruit Growers and Shippers
Adams J Q, 295 Grant, Ashland
Andrews H W, 122 Church, Ashland
Arant E J, 449 Euclid av, Ashland
Arbuckle A W, w end Wimer, Ashland
Ashcraft P L, 407 Woolen, Ashland
Ashland Commercial Orchards Co Inc, 73 Oak, Ashland
Avent R C, Ashland
Bailey Isaac, Woolen add, Ashland
Bailey W A, 631 Walnut, Ashland
Ball W S 345 Harrison, Ashland
Barnhill O H, 344 Wimer, Ashland
Bergstrom C L, 467 Chestnut, Ashland
Bowers Benton, Boulevard se cor Walker av, Ashland
Clary C F, 369 Granite, Ashland
Coder E H, 531 Woolen, Ashland
Doran J H, 698 Ashland, Ashland
Doran T F, 650 Ashland, Ashland
Dunn George, Ashland
Easterling J M, 400 Beech, Ashland
Easterly Henry, 527 Terrace, Ashland
English C S, 435 Terrace, Ashland
Farnham Romain, 651 Walnut, Ashland
Gibson J R, 145 Scenic dr, Ashland
Gillette C H, Ashland
Hemphill N E, 542 Allison, Ashland
Herbert A W, 1001 N Main, Ashland
Hogue E W, ws Guthrie 1 s Iowa, Ashland
Holcomb J P, 495 Beech, Ashland
Hunt E B, 309 Harrison, Ashland
Johnson Albert, 601 Walnut, Ashland
Joy A C, ns Boulevard ¼ m e city, Ashland
Kelts Wm & J A, Ashland
King M E, Ashland mine rd, Ashland
Koehler J F, 447 Woolen, Ashland
Leavitt H H, 440 Chestnut, Ashland
Martin C C, 346 Iowa, Ashland
Olsen C J, 699 Walnut, Ashland
Patterson Sylvester, 639 N Main, Ashland
Pellett G W, Scenic hts, Ashland
Peters S A, Boulevard cor Walker av, Ashland
Pierson John, Boulevard ¼ m e city, Ashland
Pierson W E, opp 564 Liberty, Ashland
Porter F E, 223 Maple, Ashland
Porter I F, 95 Coolidge, Ashland
Potter B A, 559 Woolen, Ashland
Potter F E, 471 Mountain av, Ashland
Powell W P, 606 Iowa, Ashland
Prescott G C, 475 Chestnut, Ashland
Prescott W G, 527 Chestnut, Ashland
Reeder T T, 886 Oak, Ashland
Roach A J Mrs, 835 N Main, Ashland
Roe John, Ashland Creek rd nr limits, Ashland
Rogers Wm, Walker av nr Boulevard, Ashland
Scofield A B, 1087 N Main, Ashland
Simons J D, 363 Iowa, Ashland
Smith Ella C, 711 Grover, Ashland
Stratton P C, 1 n 172 Mountain av, Ashland
Taverner Wm, Ashland Mine rd, Ashland
Van Natta G O, 439 Chestnut, Ashland
Wallsten B O, 447 Walnut, Ashland
Walruff C A, Ashland
Warren H B, Patrick nr n end Main, Ashland
Watkins R P, 440 Beech, Ashland
Weren Eric, Ashland Mine rd, Ashland
Weren E H, Wimer hts, Ashland
Bell Olive Mrs, Brownsboro
Bell O R & Son, Brownsboro
Bieberstadt Carl, Brownsboro
Bowers Benton, Brownsboro
Colby E D, Brownsboro
Jordan F E, Brownsboro
Lee Bradshaw & Stevens, Brownsboro
Ames O J, Central Point
Babson A C, Central Point
Barnett J S, Central Point
Beall Ann Mrs, Central Point
Beall Asbury, Central Point
Beall R V, Central Point
Beall Tyson, Central Point
Beebe A W, Central Point
Beebe D W, Central Point
Beebe Kenneth, Central Point
Brayton W E, Central Point
Carlton E W, Central Point
Chaffee O R, Central Point
Clark R A, Central Point
Conner Boudinot, Central Point
Davison H W, Central Point
Dean G B, Central Point
Dean & Herbst, Central Point
Dickey C O, Central Point
Dunlap A J, Central Point
Elden J W & R W, Central Point
Fiero A C, Central Point
Freeman W J, Central Point
Glen Ridge Orchard, Central Point
Goffe F H Mrs, Central Point
Gray R W, Central Point
Hamilton Ann, Central Point
Hamilton W B, Central Point
Hamrick John, Central Point
Hanley E B, Central Point
Hanley M F, Central Point
Hoke R D, Central Point
Hopkins F H, Central Point
Hopkins J F, Central Point
Hubbard L P, Central Point
Keene & Carlton, Central Point
Lake J P, Central Point
Lane E L, Central Point
Lange C E, Central Point
Lindsay H W, Central Point
Lydiard J H, Central Point
Madden F H, Central Point
Madden & Sterling, Central Point
Manning R R, Central Point
Marshall Martin, Central Point
Maury H C, Central Point
Merritt J W, Central Point
Miller K S, Central Point
Mimms G P, Central Point
Newhall C S, Central Point
Niles C E, Central Point
Noonan T J, Central Point
Norcross W H, Central Point
Obenchain G E, Central Point
O'Dell E J, Central Point
Palmer E S, Central Point
Pankey H T, Central Point
Pankey O R, Central Point
Pendleton J C, Central Point
Pierce R A, Central Point
Purcell F H, Central Point
Purcell S H, Central Point
Rebec George, Central Point
Reinking C, Central Point
Root M M, Central Point
Salade K A, Central Point
Schulz E E, Central Point
Sisty John, Central Paint
Smith L H, Central Point
Snowy Butte Orchard, Central Point
Stearns H R, Central Point
Stone D W, Central Point
Stone & Toss, Central Point
Taylor C H, Central Point
Upton F E, Central Point
Wahling J E, Central Point
Washburn R C, Central Point
Webb C E, Central Point
Webb E B, Central Point
Weston Frank, Central Point
Whitney A P, Central Point
Wilcox L H, Central Point
Wilson R L, Central Point
Berquist S, Eagle Point
Corbin Austin, Eagle Point
Crandall W H, Eagle Point
Duncan Dave, Eagle Point
Edgell C E, Eagle Point
Haak L K, Eagle Point
Hitchcock R W, Eagle Point
McCabe T F, Eagle Point
Orton Lyman, Eagle Point
Pelouse Frank, Eagle Point
Tronson B F, Eagle Point
Tronson H P, Eagle Point
Von der Hellen Bros, Eagle Point
Blackington O E, Gold Hill
Del Rio Orchard, Gold Hill
Higinbotham Elmer, Gold Hill
Lyman George, Gold Hill
Morrill J F, Gold Hill
Nye H B, Gold Hill
Pelton Horace, Gold Hill
Wilson D C, Gold Hill
Wolverton C D, Gold Hill
Bowen W H, Jacksonville
Cantrall Miles, Jacksonville
D'Oro Richard, Jacksonville
Gall A H, Jacksonville
Hackert Fred, Jacksonville
Holzgang R, Jacksonville
Knowles F W, Jacksonville
McIntyre W I, Jacksonville
Weiss John, Jacksonville
Tyrell J H, Lake Creek
Ackley L D, Medford
Allen A C, Jacksonville rd 1 m w limits, Medford
Alview Orchard, Medford
Anderson Bert, Medford
Anderson W E, Medford
Andrews George, Central Point rd ¾ m n limits, Medford
Archibald D A, Sunset Park Add, Medford
Arnell John, Medford
Ashton Frank, Medford
Aussicker & Beaulieu, Medford
Bailey W H, Medford
Baker W P, Medford
Barber M C Medford
Barkdull J E, Medford
Bear Creek Orchard Co, Medford
Beaulieu T E, Medford
Beckwith S V, Medford
Bennett Louis, Medford
Bennett N S, Medford
Berkeley Orchard, Medford
Bernard A A, Medford
Biddle W F, Medford
Bingham H W, Medford
Bird A A, Medford
Bissell J H, Medford
Block A Fruit Co, Mail Tribune bldg, Medford
Bodge J E Mrs, Medford
Bonar D A, 407 S King Medford
Bonar J S, Medford
Bonar J W, Medford
Bowen A Z, Medford
Bowen C H, Medford
Boyden H E, Medford
Brevard R J, Medford
Brommer Bros, Medford
Brookhurst Orchard, Eagle Point rd, Medford
Brown W H, n end Roosevelt av, Medford
Budge Wm, Medford
Burgess E G, Medford
Burke Edmund, Medford
Burrows T G, 502 S Newtown, Medford
Bursell Victor, Medford
Butler & Monroe, Medford
Butz George, Medford
Campbell James, ws King's Highway 2 s Stewart, Medford
Campbell W V B, 105 Geneva av, Medford
Carnell Ada Mrs, Medford
Carpenter A S V, 3½ m e city limits, Medford
Carpenter Bros, Siskiyou Hts, Medford
Carpenter G B, Medford
Cave J O, 3 blks s city limits, Medford
Christman Frank, Siskiyou Hts, Medford
Clancy R W, Medford
Clark D S, Medford
Clausing G F, Medford
Cooley J H, Medford
Corlies F M, 314 S Holly, Medford
Corlies L D, 314 S Holly, Medford
Crandall A P, Medford
Crum R V, Medford
Daggett G H, Medford
Darby Charles, Medford
Darby John, Medford
Davis Scott, Medford
Dennis W & Sons Ltd, 237 E Main, Medford
Dimmer J R, Medford
Dodge & Theiss, Medford
Doremus F C, Medford
Duff A, Medford
Dutton F P, Medford
Dutton Robert, Medford
Eden Valley Orchard, 2½ m s limits, Medford
Egan H C, Medford
Einkopf C L, ws Peach 1st Stewart, Medford
English C M, Medford
English & Treichler, Medford
Farrell F P, Medford
Fisk G N, 906 W 11th, Medford
Fitch Chester, Medford
401 Orchard & Land Co, Medford
French E H, Medford
Frideger Wm, ¼ m s Highland Park sta, Medford
Fry J C, Medford
Geary E P & A M, Medford
Gerig Wm, Medford
Gill J C, Medford
Glasgow W W, Medford
Goold G G, 3 blks s city limits, Medford
Gore J G, Medford
Gore W H, Medford
Gore W S, 346 S Holly, Medford
Gottlieb Chris, 26 S Newtown, Medford
Gray E A, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Gray H A Jr, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Griffis Stanton, Phoenix rd 3 m s Medford
Guthrie E F, Medford
Hamill P W, Jacksonville-Phoenix rd, Medford
Hamlin T J, Medford
Hampton Orchard, Medford
Hanley Alice, Medford
Hargrave H P, Medford
Hart Henry, Medford
Hartzell W J, Medford
Haynes W C, Medford
Heimroth C R, Medford
Heimroth T, Medford
Helms A D, Medford
Helms A M, 204 S Central av, Medford
Hemstreet J A (berries), Central Point rd ½ m n limits, Medford
Hill D R, es Kings Highway 1 s Stewart, Medford
Hillcrest Orchard, Medford
Hogan Michael, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Holloway Orchard, Medford
Holmes Wm, Medford
Honey J A, Medford
Hoover C C, Medford
Hover G A, Medford
Hubbard H T, Medford
Hull Polk, Medford
Hutchison, Lumsden & Palm, Medford
Imperial Orchard, Medford
Isaacs C I, Medford
Janes Bros, Medford
Johnston & Spencer, Medford
Jones W A, Medford
Jordan F E, Medford
Joy H C, Medford
Judy Edward, Medford
Kenly Orchards, Medford
Kidd C M, Medford
Kirkpatrick J W, Medford
Knipps Louis, Medford
Knipps W G, Medford
Kreuter H B, Medford
Lane C E, Medford
Latta H A, Medford
Launspaugh George, Medford
Liberty Orchard Co, Medford
Little C H, ss Stewart 3 w Peach, Medford
Little J T, ss Stewart 3 w Peach, Medford
Lofland J N, Medford
Lofland P D, Medford
Lone Star Fruit Ranch, Medford
Loomis A L, Medford
Luke D W, 1 m sw limits, Medford
Lyons L M, Medford
McBride H D, Medford
McCurdy C C, Medford
McKay Wm, Medford
McMillen C S, Medford
Marshall G E, 1113 S Oakdale av, Medford
Marshall V B, ns Stewart av, Medford
Martin J W, Medford
Matthew R A, 13 Ashland av, Medford
Minear E L, Medford
Minear M I, Medford
Moore O M, Medford
Morrison E E, 324 S Orange, Medford
Myer W J, Medford
Myers C A, Medford
Myers O V, Medford
Nelson M O, Medford
Nelson N, Medford
Newbury Gus, Medford
Norman W H, Medford
O'Hara Wm, Medford
Olson C F, Medford
Palmer Investment Co, Medford
Parker C M, Central Point rd ⅛ m n limits, Medford
Patterson Stewart, Medford
Paul C C, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Peck G B, Medford
Perry J A, Medford
Phipps A R, Medford
Phipps D E, Medford
Pickel E B, Medford
Patter C W, 3 blks s city limits, Medford
Potter & Gould, Medford
Powell Jacob, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Priddy George, Medford
Pruitt I A, Medford
Puhl Fred, Medford
Raymond David, Sunset Park add, Medford
Reddy J F Mrs, Medford
Resh John, Medford
Robbins A B, Medford
Robinson Mary J, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Rogue River Canal Co, Medford
Rogue River Commercial Orchard Co, Mail Tribune bldg, Medford
Root J M, ws Kings Highway 3 s Stewart, Medford
Rowell C F, Medford
Rowell E C, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Sargent H H, Medford
Scheble Wm, Medford
Schlinsog W A, Medford
Schmidt J M, Jacksonville rd 1 m w limits, Medford
Schuchard A A, Medford
Scudder & Kenly, Medford
Sercombe Winifred, Medford
Sharpe J W, Medford
Sheldon B C, Medford
Skinner J J, Medford
Smith Allen, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Sooysmith Josephine, Medford
Spartz J E, Medford
Stacy C D, Medford
Steenstrup P S, Medford
Stevens G W, Medford
Stokes Walter, Medford
Stoltze H C, 712 W 11th, Medford
Stone A W, Medford
Streets F W, Medford
Stuart R I, Medford
Suncrest Orchard, Medford
Swem T M, 126 N Holly, Medford
Taylor A V, Medford
Taylor Joseph, Central Point rd ¼ m n limits, Medford
Theis Frederick, 829 Minnesota, Medford
Tou Velle F L, Medford
Treacy F W, Medford
Treichler G L, Medford
Trudell Alexander, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Tschirgi Charles, Medford
Vilas J S, Medford
Wahl F E, Medford
Walden E O, Central Point rd 2 blks n limits, Medford
Walden O L Mrs, Medford
Watson J F, Medford
Watson Peter, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Watt W H, 215 E Jackson, Medford
Weeks A J, 909 N Central av, Medford
Weiss A P, Medford
Westerlund J A, Medford
Wheeler D W, Medford
White J E, Medford
Williams L E, Medford
Williamson T J, 510 E Main, Medford
Wilson J L, Medford
Woodruff J E, Medford
Worden A C, Medford
Wortman J F, Medford
Young G B, Orchard Home Tract, Medford
Young G F, Medford
Young & Hall, Medford
Zimmer L W, 1017 W Main, Medford
Alford George, Phoenix
Barnum W V & C C, Phoenix
Burger L, Phoenix
Calhoun E, Phoenix
Carey C, Phoenix
Carless W N, Phoenix
Elmer W J, Phoenix
Ferns A B, Phoenix
Ferns W J, Phoenix
Fish T J, Phoenix
Gammill J A, Phoenix
Hamlin Ed, Phoenix
Hartley C C, Phoenix
Hartley M L, Phoenix
Hughes G T, Phoenix
Hughes L H, Phoenix
Laurel Hill Orchard Co, Phoenix
Macy W, Phoenix
Mast John, Phoenix
Norris M J, Phoenix
Rathe W P, Phoenix
Reames Ernest, Phoenix
Scott & St Johns, Phoenix
Tedrick E B, Phoenix
Vandorfy J S, Phoenix
VanDyke S C, Phoenix
Wright A N, Phoenix
Galligar I F, Rock Point
Hittle W W, Rock Point
Aitkins J C, Rogue River
Beers George, Rogue River
Caro S C, Rogue River
Chandler E P, Rogue River
Eisman & Cornell, Rogue River
Estelle J E, Rogue River
Gellmore O H, Rogue River
Godding W K, Rogue River
Hair J B, Rogue River
Hosmer Nelson, Rogue River
Kilgour J M, Rogue River
Potter S F, Rogue River
Richardson S A, Rogue River
Smack J V, Rogue River
Stewart O B, Rogue River
Summers J S, Rogue River
Sunnyside Ranch, Rogue River
Ginet Joseph, Ruch
Grub J C, Ruch
Edington John, Sams Valley
Fredenberg C H, Sams Valley
Fredenberg J L, Sams Valley
McDonald George, Sams Valley
Miller Anna S, Sams Valley
VanHovenburg & Manning, Sams Valley
Ward C B, Sams Valley
Bailey J W, Talent
Beeson Emmet, Talent
Beeson Welborn, Talent
Brophy N D, Talent
Foss E E, Talent
Foxall James, Talent
Frames H W, Talent
Fuller J H, Talent
Gardner E C, Talent
Gleim H S, Talent
Gold Range Orchard, Talent
Helms H H, Talent
Holdridge Frank, Talent
Holdridge W D, Talent
Houston Bros, Talent
Moody A A, Talent
Morse G A, Talent
Oatman F B, Talent
Oerthuys Leonard, Talent
Patterson Joshua, Talent
Petri Wm, Talent
Pritchard H T, Talent
Rapp Fred, Talent
Scandrett M J, Talent
Scantlin T E, Talent
Stump W M, Talent
Talent Orchard Co, Talent
Terriel L A Mrs (Berry), Talent
Walker W M (Berry), Talent
Watt W H, Talent
Webster J B, Talent
Welch & Bailey, Talent
Angle Wm, Wellen
Carlton S A, Wellen
Fabrick Glen, Wellen
Findley J B, Wellen
Johnson & Spencer, Wellen
Lewis Bros, Wellen
McDaniels J B, Wellen
Oswald Charles, Wellen
Rogue River Orchards Co, Wellen
*Fruit Lands
BEAVER REALTY CO, 211 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
BILLINGS G F, 41 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
HODGSON W D, 337 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 193)
REDFIELD C S, Gold Hill (See Left Bottom Lines)
HOLMES WM M, PO Box 336, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 6)
*Fruit Lands--Improved
McWILLIAMS & EDGINGTON, 73 Oak, Ashland (See p 145)
*Fruit Lands--Unimproved
McWILLIAMS & EDGINGTON, 73 Oak, Ashland (See p 145)
*Fruit Benches
McWILLIAMS & EDGINGTON, 73 Oak, Ashland (See p 145)
Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn Inc, Ash ne cor Oak, Ashland
Rogue River Cooperative Fruit Growers Association, Central Point
Producers Fruit Co, W 8th and Railroad, Medford
Rogue River Cooperative Fruit Growers Assn, N Fir bet 4th and 3rd, Medford
Fruit Retail
See Confectionery and Fruit
ASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 99 Oak, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and Transfer Cos)
EAST SIDE WOOD YARD, 511 E Main, Medford (See p 52)
Furnished Rooms
See also Hotels
Atlas The, 224 4th, Ashland
COLUMBIA HOTEL, 264 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)
Evans M J Mrs, 526 E Main, Ashland
Fairview The, 482 B, Ashland
Gurnea The, 265 4th, Ashland
HOTEL PARK, 35 1st Av, Ashland (See p 194)
Manx The, 349 E Main, Ashland
Oxford The, 215 4th, Ashland
Peerless The, 249 4th, Ashland
Phillips M A Mrs, 111 3rd, Ashland
Potter Rooming House, es 4th 1 s B, Ashland
Shook M J Mrs, 369 Hargadine, Ashland
Thornton I A Mrs, 137 Oak, Ashland
VanVactor C E Mrs, 107 2nd, Ashland
Vroman Cyrus, 68 E Main, Ashland
Babue M V Mrs, Central Point
Hutson J M, Gold Hill
Walker W R, Gold Hill
Lyden House, Jacksonville
Anderson R F, 244 S Central av, Medford
Arden May Mrs, 635 N Central av, Medford
Coleman The, 1005 W Main, Medford
Cottage The, 604 W 10th, Medford
Diamond Rooming House, 127 E 6th, Medford
Eads R H Mrs, 121 Roosevelt av, Medford
El Blanco Rooms, 445 S Front, Medford
Elwood The, 313 E Main, Medford
Fairmont The, 319 E Main, Medford
Fay W A Mrs, 106 S Grape, Medford
Florida Rooming House, 207 W Main, Medford
Hart Addie Mrs, 227 E 6th, Medford
Imperial Rooms The, 30 N Front, Medford
Karnes Rooming House, 38 S Grape, Medford
Messler S A Mrs, 344 S Central av, Medford
Oatman S A Mrs, 222 S Central av, Medford
Oxford The, 223 W Main, Medford
Palace Rooming House, 30 S Central av, Medford
Palms The, 130 W Main, Medford
Parker L R Mrs, 23 Roosevelt av, Medford
ST CLAIR ROOMS, 103-113 E 11th, Medford (See p 134)
Snell L L, 21 Genessee, Medford
Thomas J A, 222 S Holly Medford
Van Ness M F Mrs, 236 S Central av, Medford
Wheeler Clarence, 249 S Riverside av, Medford
Williams Mary Mrs, 220 S Grape, Medford
Wilson L L Mrs, 135 N Bartlett, Medford
Windsor The, 125 W Main, Medford
Wise S E Mrs, 325 E Jackson, Medford
Wolf E A Mrs, 340 S Riverside av, Medford
Waldorf The, Rogue River
Ames The, Talent
Furniture Manufacturers and Sealers
Ashland Furniture Co, 34 N Main, Ashland
Dodge J P & Sons, 125 E Main, Ashland
Swenson & McRae, 357 E Main, Ashland
Burnett F A, Gold Hill
Fountain J N, Gold Hill
MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO INC, 29-35-39 N Central Av| Medford (See Right Top Lines)
Front Cover and opp p 103)
Weeks & McGowan Co, 114 W Main, Medford
WILSON WILL H, 126 N Front, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
WOOLF SCOTT, 22 S Fir, Medford (See p 141)
Talent Drug & Furniture Co, Talent
*Galvanized Iron Tanks
SMITH J A, 128 N Grape, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
*Galvanized Iron Water Tanks
LOSLI JACOB, 310 1st, Portland (See Steam Tables--Per Hotels and Restaurants)
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
FORD GARAGE, 380-382 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
JONES E V GARAGE, 43 Mill, Ashland (See p 147)
Oregon Motor Garage, 135 1st av, Ashland
PARK GARAGE, Mill near City Park, Ashland (See p 148)
CENTRAL POINT AUTO CO, Central Point (See p 237)
CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO, 16-18 S Fir, Medford (See Back Cover and p 44)
Davies L J, 29 S Bartlett, Medford
GATES C E, Sparta Bldg Main ne cor Riverside Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 2)
MEDFORD GARAGE, 104 S Bartlett, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
POWELL AUTO CO, 123-135 S Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
ROBINSON J C, 33 S Bartlett, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and p 397)
VALLEY MOTOR & TRACTOR CO, 30 N Holly, Medford (See Left Side Lines and p 6)
Grieve J E, Prospect
Gas Companies
Oregon Gas & Electric Co, 67 N Main, Ashland and 211 W Main, Medford
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
Grieve J E, Prospect
General Merchandise
Pernoll Wm Estate, Applegate
Ashland Trading Co, 153 E Main, Ashland
Rodgers W J, Beagle
Hefler E A & Co, Brownsboro
Staub W H, Brownsboro
Cadzow John, Butte Falls
Hughes J P, Butte Falls
Smith E E, Butte Falls
Cranfill & Robnett, Central Point
Faber & McDonald, Central Point
Merritt J W, Central Point
Sturtevant D H, Central Point
Brown George & Sons, Eagle Point
Daley G W, Eagle Point
Heath F L, Eagle Point
Lance & Co, Gold Hill
Merritt & Co, Gold Hill
Taylor-Williams Co Inc, Jacksonville
Ulrich L G, Jacksonville
Thompson Bros, Lake Creek
Ulrich & Ryan, 44 N Central av, Medford
WILSON WILL H, 126 N Front, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
Beardsley & Croy, Phoenix
Phoenix Mercantile Co, Phoenix
Grieve J E, Prospect
Miller J H, Provolt
Moore W A, Provolt
Seaman C G, Rogue River
Starr Mercantile Co, Rogue River
Ruch C M, Ruch
Gardner Mary E, Sams Valley
TALENT MERCANTILE CO, Talent (See Left Side Lines and p 310)
Vander Sluis & Burgan, Talent
Jacoby's Store, Tolo
Smithpeter I E, Wimer
Gents Furnishing Goods
See Men's Furnishing Goods
*Grain Bags
WINKLEMAN BAG COMPANY, 1902 Pacific Av, Tacoma, Wn, 205 Yamhill,
Portland, Or (See Back Cover)
Grain Dealers
Bradshaw R H, Brownsboro
*Granite Manufacturers and Dealers
WAIT F W CO, 103 S Newtown, Medford (See p 132)
Granite Works
Gold Ray Granite Co, 104 W 6th, Medford
OREGON GRANITE CO THE, 103 E 6th, Medford
*Gravel and Sand Screens
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
BROADLEY J T, MF&H Co Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Front Cover, Left Side Lines and p 3)
Medford Greenhouse, 1005 E Main, Medford
Portland Av Greenhouse, 28 Portland av, Medford
Mason-Ehrman & Co, ws S Front bet 13th and 14th, Medford
Medford Grocery Co, E 10th sw cor S Front, Medford
Bolz R F, Iowa ne cor Boulevard, Ashland
DENNIS J N, 353 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines)
HOLMES BROS, 97 N Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)
Loomis & Nelson, 215 4th, Ashland
Nims & Saunders, 108 N Main, Ashland
Nininger & Robertson, 388 E Main, Ashland
Shasta Grocery, 214 4th, Ashland
Weaver J E, E Main ne cor N Main, Ashland
Garrett W R, Buncom
Kee W S, Butte Falls
Gillett A P, Central Point
Olsson & Son, Central Point
Bacon G F, 300 Oleson, Medford
Brown W I, 607 S Newtown, Medford
Brownlee & Lindley, 327 E Main, Medford
B&C CASH STORE INC, 225 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
BUTTERFIELD C S, W 11th nw cor Hamilton, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
Carpenter J R, W 11th sw cor S Oakdale av, Medford
Conser V E, 612 E Main, Medford
Donnell J F, 610 E Main, Medford
Dow G W, 632 N Central av, Medford
Earsley C L, 2 W Jackson, Medford
Fouts Grocery Co, 36 S Central av, Medford
Gault M E, 1002 Court, Medford
Hutchison & Lumsden, 213 E Main, Medford
Kribs C P & Co, 33 N Grape, Medford
Lydiard W H, 221 W Jackson, Medford
Marsh & Bennett, 130 E Main, Medford
Olmstead J E, 131 W Main, Medford
Schieffelin C L, 36 N Central av, Medford
Stringer Wallace, 327 N Oakdale av, Medford
Thorndike J L, 637 W 11th, Medford
Verbick O B, 529 E Main, Medford
Warner Wortman & Gore, 307 E Main, Medford
Spitzer & Son, Talent
TALENT MERCANTILE CO, Talent (See Left Side Lines and p 310)
VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN, Talent (See p 309)
Guns and Ammunition
See Sporting Goods
Hair Dressers
Beauty Shop The, 25 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
Jeffers Dowd Mme, 30 N Central av, Medford
MARINELLO HAIR SHOP THE, 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 90)
Hair Goods
MARINELLO HAIR SHOP THE, 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 90)
*Hair Work
SIMONS HANNAH MRS, 167 Main, Ashland (See p 146)
*Hams, Bacon and Lard
ASHLAND MEAT CO, 61 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET, 395 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
TALENT MEAT MARKET, Talent (See p 309)
BIEGEL A J, 297 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
Provost Bros, 38 E Main, Ashland
SIMPSON T H, 37-39 E Main, Ashland
WARNER MERCANTILE CO, 375 E Main Ashland (See Left Side Lines)
Kee W S, Butte Falls
Stoddard N B, Butte Falls
Leever W C, Central Point
Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co, Central Point
Eagle Point Hardware Co, Eagle Point
Von der Hellen Hardware Co Inc, Eagle Point
Miller D H, Gold Hill
Abbott Hardware Co, Jacksonville
Garnett-Corey Hardware Co, W Main sw cor Grape, Medford
MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO INC, 29-35-39 B Central av, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
Shapleigh F W Hardware Co, 323 E Main, Medford
Cope Hardware Co, Phoenix
McLean R M, Rogue River
TALENT HARDWARE CO, Talent (See p 309)
TALENT MERCANTILE CO, Talent (See Left Side Lines and p 310)
Harness and Saddlery
Eastern Supply Co, 292 E Main, Ashland
Settle I F, 7 Plaza, Ashland
Wehman G H, Eagle Point
Herman Bros, 317 E Main, Medford
Medford Harness Co, 322 E Main, Medford
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
*Hats--Cleaned and Blocked
ORRES L J, 71 Main, Ashland (See Left Top Lines)
Hats and Caps
DANIELS T E, 202 E Main, Medford (See p 46)
TOGGERY THE, 129 E Main, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
*Haviland China
B&C CASH STORE INC, 225 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
Hay, Grain and Feed
Ashland-Klamath Exchange, E Main nw cor 3rd, Ashland
DENNIS J N, 353 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines)
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
Central Point Feed Store, Central Point
Heating and Ventilating
Ponting & Davis, 29 Moore ct, Medford
*Home Builders
PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg cor 6th and Alder, Portland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 323)
*Homestead Relinquishments
BEAVER REALTY CO, 211 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
BAKER J T, Talent (See p 310)
GRANITE CITY HOSPITAL, Boulevard nr Palm Av, Ashland (See Front Cover and p 8)
DOW HOSPITAL THE, Central Point (See pp 50 and 237)
Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford Hts, Medford
See also Boarding Houses, also Furnished Rooms
Rose O E, Applegate
COLUMBIA HOTEL, 264 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)
Depot Hotel, ft 4th, Ashland
East Side Inn, 2nd nw cor Hargadine, Ashland
Hotel Ashland, 50 N Main, Ashland
HOTEL OREGON, E Main ne cor Oak, Ashland
HOTEL PARK, 35 1st Av, Ashland (See p 19)
Hotel Savoy, 72 N Main, Ashland
Butte Falls Hotel, Butte Falls
Hotel Central, Central Point
Colestin Hotel, Colestin
Eagle Point Hotel, Eagle Point
Sunnyside Hotel, Eagle Point
Tavern Hotel, Eagle Point
Gold Hill Hotel, Gold Hill
Hotel Medford, W Main nw cor Ivy, Medford
Hotel Moore, 113 W Main, Medford
Hotel Nash, S Front se cor E Main, Medford
Oxford Hotel, 223 W Main, Medford
Park View Hotel, 123 S Holly, Medford
Pratt J F, Phoenix
DeCarlow C W Mrs, Pinehurst
Grieve Mary, Prospect
Rogue River Hotel, Rogue River
HOTEL TALENT, Talent (See p 309)
TALENT HOTEL, Talent (See p 309)
*House Cleaning
ROGUE RIVER HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE, 915 S Orange, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and p 114)
*House Furnishers
WOOLF SCOTT, 22 S Fir, Medford (See p 141)
House Furnishing Goods
See Furniture Mnfrs and Dealers
House Movers
Berdan C A, 520 S Hamilton, Medford
Berdan D M, 520 S Hamilton, Medford
*Ice Cream
PALACE OF SWEETS THE, 217 E Main, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
Ice Cream Manufacturers
CROWSON W V, Elks Temple, Ashland (See p 176)
Ice Manufacturers and Dealers
ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO, Water nw cor B, Ashland
Central Point Ice & Storage Co, Central Point
Medford Ice & Storage Co, S Fir and SP Tracks nr W 12 th, Medford
Weinhard H Beer & Ice Depot, W 4th nw cor N Fir, Medford
Insurance Agents
BEAVER REALTY CO, 211 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
BILLINGS G F, 41 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
Edgington M C, 73 Oak, Ashland
HARVEY & YEO, 70 N Main, Ashland (See p 152)
LEMERY J A, 290 E Main, Ashland
Sanderson C S, Central Point
REDFIELD C S, Gold Hill (See Left Bottom Lines)
Bradford N, 144 S Central av, Medford
Burgess F T, 5 St Marks blk, Medford
Cochran J H, 202 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford
Cornell A B, 208 E Main, Medford
Graham & Wakeman, 401 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co bldg, Medford
Halley W L, 28 N Oakdale av, Medford
Holmes R A, Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
HONEY J A, 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Front Cover, p 70 and adv)
Kirby B H, First Natl Bank bldg, Medford
Lawton D T, 28 N Bartlett, Medford
McCURDY R H, Sparta Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 87)
Nelson O N, 212 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford
PIERCE C C, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford
Rhoads J F, 3 Post Office bldg, Medford
STINE H S, 2 Stewart Bldg 235 E Main, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
TUMY E S, 210 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and
p 129)
White & Trowbridge, 211 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford
Wicks T C, First Natl Bank bldg, Medford
WOOD D R & CO, Mail Tribune Bldg, Medford
PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg cor 6th and Alder, Portland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 323)
Wertz G F, Rogue River
Adamson E B, Talent
Crawford Emma J, Talent
*Insurance Agents--Fire
HARVEY & YEO, 70 N Main, Ashland (See p 152)
Insurance Companies--Accident
AETNA ACCIDENT & LIABILITY INSURANCE CO, R H McCurdy Agent, Sparta Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 87)
Insurance Companies--Casualty
New Amsterdam, H S Stine agt, 2 Stewart bldg 235 E Main, Medford
Insurance Companies--Fire
HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK THE, Harvey & Yeo Agents, 70 N Main, Ashland (See p 152)
Fire Relief Assn, Butte Falls
American Ins Co, Earl S Tumy agt, 210 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS, H S Stine Agent, 2 Stewart Bldg 235 E Main, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO, R H McCurdy Agent, Sparta Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 87)
Royal Exchange Assurance Co of London, Earl S Tumy agt, 210 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
ST PAUL FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO, R H McCurdy Agent, Sparta Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 87)
Insurance Companies--Life
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, 128 1st av, Ashland
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO, R H McCurdy Agent, Sparta Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 87)
Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 5 St Marks blk, Medford
NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, 207-208 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Front Cover, p 70 and adv)
Oregon Life Ins Co, 208 E Main, Medford
Pacific Mutual Life Ins Co, J F Rhoads agt, 3 Post Office bldg, Medford
*Insurance Companies--Surety Bonds
National Surety Co, H S Stine agt, 2 Stewart bldg 235 E Main, Medford
*Interior Finish
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 162)
BEAVER REALTY CO, 211 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
HODGSON W D, 337 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 193)
Watson F E, 8 Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, Ashland
Campbell & Nye, 35 N Fir, Medford
DALEY H M, 33 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
McARTHUR C A, 3 Post Office Bldg, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg cor 6th and Alder, Portland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 323)
*Iron Folding Gates
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, INC, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
*Iron--Scrap and New
WINKLEMAN BAG COMPANY, 1902 Pacific Av, Tacoma, Wn, 205 Yamhill, Portland, Or (See Back Cover)
Iron Works
Ashland Iron Works, 248 Helman, Ashland
PORTLAND IRON WORKS, 495 Northup, Portland (See p 3)
*Irrigation Companies
Foothills Irrigation Co, 3rd fl Medford Natl Bank bldg, Medford
*Irrigation Engineers
OSGOOD & BROWN, 3rd Floor Medford National Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
Johnson Bros, 163 E Main, Ashland
Smith R J, Elks Temple, Ashland
Whited H L, 29 N Main, Ashland
McFarren S V, Gold Hill
Diamond Bros, 109 E Main, Medford
Jeschke Carl, 102 W Main, Medford
Lawrence J F, 126 E Main, Medford
Reddy M J, 22 N Central av, Medford
Turrill E M, 243 S Holly, Medford
Mooney F G, Prospect
Junk Dealers
Wilson O N, 117 S Front, Medford
Merical L M, Phoenix
Justices of the Peace
Seager G W, Ashland
Moon A W, Central Point
Stewart F M, Eagle Point
Taylor G O, 216 E Main, Medford
Wertz G F, Rogue River
Cooper E W, Sams Valley
*Kiropraktors (Chiropractors)
BRADFORD DR PEARL M MRS, 21 E Main, Ashland (See p 168)
BRADFORD DR R P, 21 E Main, Ashland (See p 168)
BRADFORD DR R P AND WIFE, 21 E Main, Ashland (See p 168)
*Ladies' Furnishings
McGEE'S, Elks Temple, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 201)
AHRENS M M CO, 226-230 W Main, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and p 402)
*Ladies' Ready to Wear Clothing
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-263 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
Ladies' Tailors
ORRES L J, 71 N Main, Ashland (See Left Top Lines)
Landscape Gardeners
BROADLEY J T, MF&H Co Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Front Cover, Left Side Lines and p 3)
Fletcher Wm, 715 W 13th, Medford
Forde W M, Siskiyou hts, Medford
*Language Teachers
MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 5)
Mills & Cady, 126 E Main, Medford
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 162)
Chung Lee, 280 A, Ashland
Home Steam Laundry, 31 Water, Ashland
O'Donoughue M E Mrs, 355 Almond, Ashland
Wo Kee, Jacksonville
MEDFORD DOMESTIC LAUNDRY CO INC, 421 E Main, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
Sunrise Laundry, 215 S Riverside av, Medford
Wing Sam, 123 S Riverside av, Medford
BRIGGS E D, 44 E Main, Ashland
Davis A H, 6-7 Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, Ashland
Dickey Nellie E, 5 Mills bldg, Ashland
LEMERY J A, 290 E Main, Ashland
McAllister G C, 5 Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, Ashland
Moore W J, 4 Mills bldg, Ashland
Richardson H V, 44 E Main, Ashland
TREFREN G W, 44 E Main, Ashland (See p 225)
Young O L, 77 Oak, Ashland
KELLOGG A E, Gold Hill
Hanna H K, Bank of Jacksonville, Jacksonville
Neil J R, Jacksonville
Prim Charles, Jacksonville
BOGGS O C, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford
Borden N W, 7 Sparta bldg, Medford
Canady H A, 204 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford
Canton W J, 1 Rialto bldg, Medford
Carkin & Taylor, 216 E Main, Medford
Colvig & Roberts, 2nd fl Medford Natl Bank bldg, Medford
Crews W E, 217 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
Crowell W S, 109 N Central av, Medford
De Armond H L, 410 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
Kelly E E, 209 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford
Lawler O H, 415 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
McCabe B R, 217 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
McCormack Lincoln, 203 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford
Mears F W, 213 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford
MILES THADDEUS W, 23 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford
Mulkey & Cherry, 10 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
Neff & Mealey, 8-9 Medford Natl Bank bldg, Medford
Newbury Gus, 204 Phipps bldg, Medford
NEWMAN F J, 20-22 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford
Phipps W E, 207 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford
Piatt B F, 216 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
Purdin Mahlon, 4-5 Rialto bldg, Medford
Reames A E, 411 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
Vawter W I, 1 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
Libraries and Reading Rooms
See Miscellaneous Information
*Lists of Names
POLK R B & CO, 525-528 Beck Bldg, Portland, Or
Livery, Sale and Boarding Stables
ASHLAND LIVERY & FEED STABLES, 107 Mill, Ashland (See p 148)
Daney J A, 256 4th, Ashland
Ferguson W H, Central Point
Matthews J C, Central Point
Harnish S H & Son, Eagle Point
Darling & Hodges, Gold Hill
Bailey W P, Jacksonville
Nash Livery, 36 S Fir, Medford
Union Stables, 112 S Riverside av, Medford
Vinson Henry, 154 N Riverside av, Medford
West Side Feed and Sale Stables, 29 S Grape, Medford
Steadman W D, Phoenix
Grieve J E, Prospect
Brownworth & Boyer, Rogue River
Ruch C M, Ruch
BEAVER REALTY CO, 211 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
Gowdy W H Co, 77 Oak, Ashland
Campbell & Nye, 35 N Fir, Medford
DALEY H M, 33 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
HOLMES WM M, PO Box 336, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 6)
McARTHUR C A, 3 Post Office Bldg, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
STINE H S, 2 Stewart Bldg 235 E Main, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
Toft R H, 33 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
WOOD & CHILDERS, 8 S Central Av, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
Lodging Houses
See Furnished Rooms, also Hotels
*Lumber Dealers
CARSON-SMITH LUMBER CO, 143 1st nr B, Ashland (See p 172)
Lumber Manufacturers and Dealers
Welch J B, Asbestos
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 162)
CARSON-SMITH LUMBER CO, 143 1st, Ashland (See p 172)
Pursell C C, Buncom
Butte Falls Lumber Co, Butte Falls
Butte Falls Mnfg Co, Butte Falls
Central Point Lumber Co, Central Point
Eagle Point Lumber Co Inc, Eagle Point
Big Pines Lumber Co, Gold Hill
Childers W L & Frank, Gold Hill
BIG PINES LUMBER CO, W 6th ne cor N Fir, Medford
Medford Lumber Co, 4 W 3rd, Medford
WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge)
Phoenix Lumber Co, Phoenix
Mathews Samuel, Rogue River
Talent Lumber Co, Talent
*Lunch Counters
CURT'S RESTAURANT, 530 A, Ashland (See p 177)
*Lunch Rooms
VIENNA BAKERY AND LUNCH ROOM, 242 E Main, Ashland (See p 227)
CROWSON'S, Elks Temple, Ashland (See p 176)
ROYAL BAKERY AND CAFE, 39 E Main, Ashland (See p 216)
*Lunches Put Up
CURT'S RESTAURANT, 530 A, Ashland (See p 177)
*Machinery--New and Old
WINKLEMAN BAG COMPANY, 1902 Pacific Av, Tacoma, Wn, 205 Yamhill, Portland, Or (See Back Cover)
Jenkins F E, 30 N Holly, Medford
Medford Iron Works, 17 S Riverside av, Medford
Magnetic Healers
Smith B E, 7 Peil bldg, Ashland
*Mail Order Houses
McGEE'S, Elks Temple, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 201)
MARINELLO HAIR SHOP THE, 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 90)
Marble and Granite Works
Ashland Marble Works, 117 N Main, Ashland
Penniston Granite Co, 160 Helman, Ashland
IXL Monument Co, Central Point
OREGON GRANITE CO THE, 103 E 6th, Medford
Market Gardeners
Potter Ralph, 30 2nd, Ashland
MARINELLO HAIR SHOP THE, 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 90)
Mattress Manufacturers
Folding Mattress Co, 441 B, Ashland
Meat Markets
ASHLAND MEAT CO, 61 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
Eagle Pork Packing House, 82 N Main, Ashland
EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET, 395 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
Central Point Meat Co, Central Point
Nichols Arthur, Eagle Point
Woodcock & Blackert, Gold Hill
Dunnington J G, Jacksonville
Binns Edward, 103 W Main, Medford
Hamlin C A, 216 S Laurel, Medford
Nichols & Ashpole, 206 and 608 E Main, 213 W Main, Medford
Wagner M W, 314 E Main, Medford
Warner, Wortman & Gore, 307 E Main, Medford
Basim John, Phoenix
Woodcock & Blackert, Rogue River
TALENT MEAT MARKET, Talent (See p 309)
*Meats--Fresh and Cured
ASHLAND MEAT CO, 61 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET, 395 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
ASHLAND MEAT CO, 61 N Main and 395 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET, 395 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
Cudahy Packing Co The, SP Tracks bet 6th and Main, Medford
Union Meat Co, W 8th and Railroad, Medford
HEDGES A R, Room 5-308 E Main over Deuel & Co, Medford (See p 66)
HEDGES L E MRS, Room 5-308 E Main over Deuel & Co, Medford (See p 66)
Men's Furnishing Goods
Baughman H T, 227 4th, Ashland
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
Brandon & Whitney, 210 W Main, Medford
DANIELS T E, 202 E Main, Medford (See p 46)
TOGGERY THE, 129 E Main, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
TALENT MERCANTILE CO, Talent (See Left Side Lines and p 310)
*Men's and Ladies' Furnishings
VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN, Talent (See p 309)
Mercantile Agencies
BULLOCK MERCANTILE AGENCY THE, 406 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 34)
*Merchant Tailors
ABBOTT & VAN DYKE, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
FULLER & PAULSERUD, 171 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
ORRES L J, 71 N Main, Ashland (See Left Top Lines)
*Metals of All Kinds--New and Old
WINKLEMAN BAG COMPANY, 1902 Pacific Av, Tacoma, Wn, 205 Yamhill, Portland, Or (See Back Cover)
*Mill Work
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 162)
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO INC, 431 S Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and Planing Mills)
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
Hargrove Anna E, 47 N Main, Ashland
Porter Edith G, 36 2nd, Ashland
Potter Rosetta Mrs, 30 2nd, Ashland
SIMONS HANNAH MRS, 167 E Main, Ashland (See p 146)
Boswell M E Mrs, Central Point
Hawk C M Mrs, Central Point
Nichols K A Mrs, Eagle Point
Higdon Pearl, Gold Hill
Kelsey & Avery, Gold Hill
AHRENS M M CO, 226-230 W Main, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and p 402)
Barnard Millinery, 126 E Main, Medford
Cowgill Mildred, 126 E Main, Medford
Howard L M Mrs, 109 N Central av, Medford
Rundlett Sisters, 103 N Central av, Medford
Salter C C Mrs, 1101 W 9th, Medford
Mineral Water Manufacturers
See Bottlers--Mineral and Soda Water
McWILLIAMS & EDGINGTON, 73 Oak, Ashland (See p 145)
Mines and Mining
Gold Standard Mining Co The, 73 Oak, Ashland
Gowdy W H Co, 77 Oak, Ashland
McWILLIAMS & EDGINGTON, 73 Oak, Ashland (See p 145)
Lundgren A T, Jacksonville
Opp Mine, Jacksonville
Mining Engineers
Liljegran E W, 104 W 6th, Medford
*Mission Furniture
PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY, 113 S Holly, Medford (See Front Cover and opp p 103)
OREGON GRANITE CO THE, 103 E 6th, Medford
WAIT F W CO, 103 S Newtown, Medford (See p 132)
*Mortgage Loans
TUMY E S, 210 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and p 129)
PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg cor 6th and Alder, Portland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 323)
*Motorcycle Supplies
JORDAN ELECTRIC CO, 207 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
JORDAN ELECTRIC CO, 207 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
Martin F E, 11 N Fir, Medford
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 162)
MARSH H M, 10 N Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
McMILLAN PUBLICITY AD WRITING CO, Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines and adv)
*Municipal Engineers
See also Irrigation Engineers
OSGOOD & BROWN, 3rd Floor Medford National Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
Music Teachers
Gilmore H G, 283 Woolen, Ashland
Jones Estelle, 401 Beech, Ashland
MacMurray J S, East Side Inn, Ashland
Reno H V, 371 Gresham, Ashland
Swigart Natalie B, 138 1st av, Ashland
Young Mary E, 224 N Main, Ashland
Babson Mabel W, Central Point
Aikins M E Mrs, 917 Narregan, Medford
Boeck Ivy (Pianist) with Medford Conservatory, Medford
Black Jessie W, 601 W Jackson, Medford
Brown Grace J, 1207 W Main, Medford
Butler Jeunesse T, 8 S Orange, Medford
Gore H W Mrs, 116 Geneva av, Medford
Graves Florence B, 304 S Ivy, Medford
Haight F A (Plano), 116 S Laurel, Medford
Gray Flora A, 144 S Central av, Medford
Haight F H Mrs (Voice), 116 S Laurel, Medford
Howell H H (Brass Instruments), with Medford Conservatory; Medford
Isaacs Irene H Mrs (Piano), 1105 W Main, Medford
Isaacs L Agnes, 115 N Oakdale av, Medford
Janes C W (Violin), with Medford Conservatory, Medford
Marsh E C Mrs, 43 N Peach, Medford
Mears Catharine, 319 S Orange, Medford
MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 5)
Root E C (Violin and Clarinet), with Medford Conservatory, Medford
TAILLANDIER GERARD, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 5)
Vroman Mary D, 124 Tripp, Medford
Willetts J Q, 520 S Ivy, Medford
McCall Lillian, Prospect
Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, 1st bet A and B, Ashland
Needle Work
Lane C E Mrs, 175 E Main, Ashland
*New and Second Hand Goods
WOOLF SCOTT, 22 S Fir, Medford (See p 141)
News Dealers
Davidson O L, W Main nw cor Fir, Medford
ASHLAND RECORD, 3 Mills Bldg, Ashland (See p 150)
ASHLAND TIDINGS, 13 Plaza, Ashland (See p 151)
CENTRAL POINT HERALD, Central Point (See p 238)
Bulletin The, Gold Hill
Gold Hill News The, Gold Hill
JACKSONVILLE POST, ws 3rd bet California and C, Jacksonville
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, 25-27-29 N Fir, Medford (See p 7)
MEDFORD SUN THE, 32 N Grape, Medford (See Inside Back Cover)
Argus The, Rogue River
Notaries Public
BILLINGS G F, 41 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
BILLINGS G HOMER, 41 E Main, Ashland
Trefren L J, 44 E Main, Ashland
Yeo G H, 70 N Main, Ashland
Kellogg A E, Gold Hill
REDFIELD C S, Gold Hill (See Left Bottom Lines)
Bennett A O, 102 W Main, Medford
Miles T W, 23 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
Small L L, 217 W Main, Medford
Yockey Helen N, 25 N Fir, Medford
Adamson E B, Talent
See also Dry Goods
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
Ferguson L F, 52 E Main, Ashland
Kohagen J A, 279 E Main, Ashland
McGEE'S, EIks Temple, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 201)
Spink James, Central Point
Judkins W L, 123 W Main, Medford
MANN J C, 14 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
Manning C S & Son, 315 E Main, Medford
Wagner Creek Nursery, Mill nr Plaza, Ashland
BROADLEY J T, MF&H Co Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Front Cover, Left Side Lines and p 3)
EDEN VALLEY NURSERY, 609½ E Main, Medford (See Right Top Lines
and p 4)
LATTA & HOPKINS, 402 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See p 81)
Quaker Nurseries, 104 S Fir, Medford
Wagner Creek Nursery Co, Talent
Bonner Bella Mrs, 192 Mechanic, Ashland
Burns C E Mrs, 332 Harrison, Ashland
Frizell S F Mrs, 243 Maple, Ashland
Good L Pearl, 269 B, Ashland
McFarland Virl, 692 B, Ashland
McQuilkln J R Mrs, Payne bldg, Ashland
Purves Nellie P, 661 Iowa, Ashland
Riley M B Mrs, 276 B, Ashland
Durran Elsie, Central Point
Spengler Julia, Central Point
Turner Olive M, Gold Hill
Armstrong Emerilla Mrs, 215 N Riverside av, Medford
Armstrong Emma Mrs, 311 N Bartlett, Medford
Birchard R S Mrs, 1024 W 9th, Medford
Blood Mayme L, 211 S Laurel, Medford
Carnell A V Mrs, 523 S Holly, Medford
Coggins Ella R, 201 W Jackson, Medford
Cox Phoebe E, 824 Bennett av, Medford
Dye Grace B, 211 S Laurel, Medford
Earhart June E, s end Riverside av, Medford
Fleming Flora F, 719 Welch, Medford
Heise Wilhelmine, 622 S Central av, Medford
Isenberger I B Mrs, 535 Pennsylvania av, Medford
Kent Amy C, 401 E 5th, Medford
Lommasson Nellie C, 736 S Newtown, Medford
Miers Georgia M, 211 S Laurel, Medford
Mott Nellie Mrs, 917 W 8th, Medford
Osborne Olivia Mrs, 512 S Oakdale av, Medford
Otterdahl Marie Mrs, 845 Dakota av, Medford
Parker A J Mrs, 215 Knight, Medford
Roberts Lillian M, 29 Ross ct, Medford
Schachner Catherine, Eagle Point rd, Medford
Sharpe E J Mrs, 1027 Narregan, Medford
Stennett M A Mrs, 1014 E 11th, Medford
Toft Dora, 245 N Grape, Medford
Wagner Minnie Mrs, 227 S Central av, Medford
Wilson Maggie Mrs, 506 Beatty, Medford
Oculists and Aurists
EMMENS J J, 228 E Main, Medford
Goble J G, 333 E 6th, Medford
*Office, Store and Bank Fixtures
PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY, 113 S Holly, Medford (See Front Cover and opp p 103)
Office and Bank Fixtures
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
American Gasoline Co, SP Tracks 2 blks n limits, Medford
Standard Oil Co, SP Tracks at N city limits, Medford
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
Oils--Monarch and French Auto
VARIETY MOTOR & TRACTOR CO, 30 N Holly, Medford (See Left Side Lines and p 6)
Elwood E D, 301 E Main, Medford
Rickert J D, 308 E Main, Medford
*Orchard Tracts
HODGSON W D, 337 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 193)
HOLMES WM M, PO Box 336, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 6)
*Order Work
SIMONS HANNAH MRS, 167 E Main, Ashland (See p 146)
Osteopathic Physicians
Kammerer G C, 44 E Main, Ashland
Sawyer Bertha, 44 E Main, Ashland
DOW LYDIA S, Central Point (See pp 50 and 237)
CARLOW EVA MAINS, 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See adv)
CARLOW F G, 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See adv)
DOW LYDIA S, 3-4 St Marks Blk, Medford (See pp 50 and 237)
Howard W W, 303 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
TOGGERY THE, 129 E Main, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
*Packers--Pork and Beef
ASHLAND MEAT CO, 61 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET, 395 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
Packers and Canners--Fruit and Vegetables
Packers and Canners--Meat
Swift & Co, cor 1st and A, Ashland
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
COTHERMON CARL, 114 S Bartlett, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and
p 396)
MULHOLEN J H, 26 S Grape, Medford (See p 97)
MULHOLEN J H, 26 S Grape, Medford (See p 97)
Painters--House and Sign
Stennett W S, basement 104 N Main, Ashland
Hay J T, Central Point
Camp S L, 114 S Bartlett, Medford
Klum Blaine (sign), 44 S Central av, Medford
Stull D J, 532 Plum, Medford
Taylor R L, 839 Taylor, Medford
Hazen C A, Talent
Paints, Oils and Glass
BIEGEL A J, 297 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
CARSON-SMITH LUMBER CO, 143 1st nr B, Ashland (See p 172)
DICKERSON W O, 83-85 N Main, Ashland (See p 149)
Fick F J, Jacksonville
ART STORE THE, 27 N Grape, Medford (See p 25)
Waters R W, 316 E Main, Medford
*Paints and Oils
WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge)
DICKERSON W O, 83-85 N Main, Ashland (See p 149)
*Paper Hangers and Painters
MULHOLEN J H, 26 S Grape, Medford (See p 97)
*Paper--Roofing and Building
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 162)
*Party and Wedding Cakes
ROYAL BAKERY AND CAFE, 39 Main, Ashland (See p 216)
McGEE'S, Elks' Temple, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 201)
Boyd H J, 177 E Main, Ashland
Hinthorne B H, 201 E Main, Ashland
Marble L W, 54 E Main, Ashland
Eastman J H, Gold Hill
Crow S B, 232 E Main, Medford
Gerking J O, 228 E Main, Medford
MACKEY'S STUDIO, 204 E Main se cor Central Av, Medford
SWEM'S STUDIO, 222 W Main, Medford (See p 125)
Weston E D, 208 E Main, Medford
Nason Bert, Prospect
Physicians--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Swedenburg A W, 299 E Main, Ashland
Physicians and Surgeons
Boslough A W, Payne bldg, Ashland
Brower D M, 216 Factory, Ashland
Gregg G W, Payne bldg, Ashland
Jarvis G O, Payne bldg, Ashland
Johnson J P, Cunningham blk, Ashland
Parson J S, 138 N Main, Ashland
Reader J K P, 71 Gresham, Ashland
Songer S T, Pioneer bldg, Ashland
SWEDENBURG F G, 299 E Main, Ashland
Bowen E N, Beagle
Anderson J V, Central Point
DOW McM M, Central Point (See pp 50 and 237)
Heckman W H, Central Point
Holt W W P, Eagle Point
Chisholm W P, Gold Hill
Kelsey R C, Gold Hill
Golden R E, Bank of Jacksonville bldg, Jacksonville
Barber M C, 9 Palm blk, Medford
Clancy R W, 211 Phipps bldg, Medford
Conroy R J, 215 E Main, Medford
DOW McM M, 3-4 St Marks Blk, Medford (See pp 50 and 237)
EMMENS J J, 228 E Main, Medford
Hargrave H P, 134 W Main, Medford
Kirchgessner Emil, 213 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
Lockwood M S Mrs, 232 E Main, Medford
Lockwood S A, 232 E Main, Medford
Marion J W J, 235 E Main, Medford
Pickel E B, 4 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
Poellnitz R W, 214 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford
Porter E H, St Mark's blk, Medford
Seely E R, 235 E Main, Medford
Stearns R W, 17 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
Stephenson G W, 146 S Holly, Medford
Thayer F G, 310 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford
Malmgren T J, Phoenix
Woods E A, Rogue River
HART J P, Talent
Gim Chung, 241 S Front, Medford
*Piano Moving
MARSH H M, 10 N Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
Plano Tuners
Shepherd L K, 658 Boulevard, Ashland
Debley W C, 217 W Main, Medford
Richards C M, 24 S Grape, Medford
Pianos and Organs
ANDERSON & CO, 667 N Main, Ashland
Shepherd & Son, 658 Boulevard, Ashland
Hale's Plano House, 217 W Main, Medford
Palmer B J, 24 S Grape, Medford
Planing Mills
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO INC, 431 S Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and adv)
WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge)
*Plaster and Cement
DENNIS J N, 353 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines)
PORTLAND PLATING & AUTO PAINTING CO, 22nd N ne cor Thurman Portland (See adv)
Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters
BIEGEL A J, 297 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
WARNER MERCANTILE CO, 375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)
Hammett Wm, Central Point
Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co, Central Point
Aitken W A, 28 S Grape, Medford
Coffeen & Price, 15 N Fir, Medford
Peirson V R, 28 N Grape, Medford
Penwell Anlo, 828 N Central av, Medford
Vroman A L, 113 S Front, Medford
TALENT HARDWARE CO, Talent (See p 309)
SIMONS HANNAH MRS, 167 E Main, Ashland (See p 146)
*Portrait Photographers
SWEM'S STUDIO, 222 W Main, Medford (See p 125)
*Potato Bags
WINKLEMAN BAG COMPANY, 1902 Pacific Av, Tacoma, Wn, 205 Yamhill, Portland, Or (See Back Cover)
Poultry Raisers
Benedict G W, 219 Mountain av, Ashland
Simmons E T, Gold Hill
Dunlop J W, Siskiyou hts, Medford
Nunn W W, Capitol Hill, Medford
High H C, Talent
*Poultry Supplies
DENNIS J N, 353 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines)
*Poultry and Fish
ASHLAND MEAT CO, 61 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET, 395 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 163)
TALENT MEAT MARKET, Talent (See p 309)
*Poultry and Stock Food
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
*Pressing and Cleaning
ABBOTT & VAN DYKE, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
FULLER & PAULSERUD, 171 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and
p 149)
Printers--Book and Job
ASHLAND RECORD, 3 Mills Bldg, Ashland (See p 150)
ASHLAND TIDINGS, 13 Plaza, Ashland (See p 151)
HERALD PUBLISHING CO, Central Point (See p 238)
Hull Printing Co, Central Point
Gold Hill News The, Gold Hill
Evans Printing Plant, 21 S Central av, Medford
KUNZMAN GEO J PRINTING CO, 203 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and Rubber Stamp Mnfrs)
MEDFORD PRINTING CO, 25-27-29 N Fir, Medford (See p 7)
Argus The, Rogue River
KUNZMAN GEO J PRINTING CO, 203 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and Rubber Stamp Mnfrs)
B&C CASH STORE INC, 225 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
Union Meat Co, W 8th and Railroad, Medford
Proprietary Medicines
Viavi Co, 906 E Main, Medford
Public Markets
Medford Public Market, 35 S Riverside av, Medford
GREEN BERT R, 13 Plaza, Ashland (See p 151)
WOLF CHARLES B, 3 Mills Bldg, Ashland (See p 150)
GLEASON & BACON, Central Point (See p 238)
HERALD PUBLISHING CO, Central Point (See p 238)
Kelsey R C, Gold Hill
Lampman B H, Gold Hill
MEDFORD PRINTING CO, 25-27-29 N Fir, Medford (See p 7)
MEDFORD SUN THE, 32 N Grape, Medford (See Inside Back Cover)
Brower W R, Rogue River
WAIT F W CO, 103 S Newtown, Medford (See p 132)
HOLMES BROS, 97 N Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)
*Rails--New and Relaying
WINKLEMAN BAG COMPANY, 1902 Pacific Av, Tacoma, Wn, 205 Yamhill, Portland, Or (See Back Cover)
See Transportation
*Rain Coats
TOGGERY THE, 129 E Main, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
*Ready to Wear Garments
MANN J C, 14 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
Real Estate
ALLEN S L MRS, 63 N Main, Ashland
BEAVER REALTY CO, 211 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
BILLINGS G F, 41 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
Cunningham & Co, 240 E Main, Ashland
Gowdy W H Co, 77 Oak, Ashland
HODGSON W D, 337 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 193)
Hughes E P, 135 E Main, Ashland
Lamkin C B, 343 E Main, Ashland
McWILLIAMS & EDGINGTON, 73 Oak, Ashland (See p 145)
Staples E T, 50 N Main, Ashland
WHITMORE B E, 337 E Main, Ashland
Staub Wm, Brownsboro
Toft Ray, Brownsboro
Central Point Real Estate Co, Central Point
Kahler W E, Central Point
REDFIELD C S, Gold Hill (See Left Bottom Lines)
Allder Grant, 3 Rialto bldg, Medford
Andrus & Klippel, 215 E Main, Medford
Barnes J C, 201 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford
Bennett Investment Co, 102 W Main, Medford
Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau, 7 Palm blk, Medford
Brown J C, 1 Sparta bldg, Medford
Campbell & Nye, 35 N Fir, Medford
Chapman C A, 6 Palm blk, Medford
Clark Realty Co, 206 Phipps bldg, Medford
Cornitius O M, 1 Rialto bldg, Medford
DALEY H M, 33 Jackson County Bank Bldg Medford (See Right Side Lines)
Gold Ray Realty Co, 104 W 6th, Medford
Hathaway T H E, 217 W Main, Medford
HOLMES WM M, PO Box 336, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 6)
Hoon C D, 12 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
Humphrey W H, 815 E Main, Medford
Jackson County Realty Co, 604 W 10th, Medford
McARTHUR C A, 3 Post Office Bldg, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
Medford Realty & Improvement Co, S Front cor W 12th, Medford
Messner W A, 8 S Central av, Medford
Miles & Barkdull, Hotel Medford and Hotel Nash, Medford
Mundy J F, 3 Palm blk, Medford
Mundy W J, 3 Palm blk, Medford
Page-Dressler Co Inc, 320 E Main, Medford
PIERCE C C, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford
Rader M A, 114 N Front, Medford
ROGUE RIVER LAND CO, PO Box 336, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 6)
Rogue River Valley Canal Co, 237 E Main, Medford
Roguelands Inc, 237 E Main, Medford
Saling A B, 21 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
Siskiyou Heights Co The, 1 Palm blk, Medford
Stewart E J, 204 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford
Toft R H, 33 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford
TUMY E S, 210 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and p 129)
Wakefield J W, 4 Palm blk, Medford
White & Trowbridge, 211 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford
Wood D R & Co, Mail Tribune bldg, Medford
WOOD & CHILDERS, 8 S Central Av, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
YORK W T, 419 MF&H Co Bldg, Medford
PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg cor 6th and Alder, Portland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 323)
Wertz G F, Rogue River
Mason J C, Talent
Talent Realty Co, Talent
CROWSON'S, Elks Temple, Ashland (See p 176)
*Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing
ABBOTT & VAN DYKE, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
Agnew C H, es 4th 1 s B, Ashland
CURT'S RESTAURANT, 630 A, Ashland (See p 177)
Rosenstock Fred, 554 A, Ashland
ROYAL BAKERY AND CAFE, 39 E Main, Ashland (See p 216)
Wo Lee, 542 A, Ashland
Clark J W, Gold Hill
GOLD HILL CAFE THE, Gold Hill (See p 263)
Thompson M M Mrs, Jacksonville
Campbell C D, 109 W Main, Medford
Corum G H, 23 S Front, Medford
Gibbs E Mrs, 9 N Fir, Medford
Hart E C, 22 N Front, Medford
Johnson Farley, 28 S Central av, Medford
Parrish Wm, 32 N Front, Medford
SANITARY CAFETERIA, 20 S Central Av, Medford (See p 116)
Uyeda G H, 16 N Front, Medford
US CAFE, 40 N Front, Medford (See p 106)
Robison J A, Rogue River
Throckmorton A Mrs, Ruch
DICKERSON W O, 83-85 N Main, Ashland (See p 149)
SMITH J A, 128 N Grape, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge)
*Roofing and Building Paper
CARSON-SMITH LUMBER CO, 143 1st nr B, Ashland (See p 172)
*Rubber Stamp Manufacturers
KUNZMAN GEO J PRINTING CO, 203 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and adv)
Rubber Tire Repairers
MEDFORD VULCANIZING WORKS, 36 S Grape, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
Vogeli J M, Eagle Point
Cardwell L R, Gold Hill
Jennings Luke, Gold Hill
Johnson M S, Gold Hill
Brown L I, Jacksonville
Dunnington S E, Jacksonville
Helms E H, Jacksonville
Luy & Keegan, Jacksonville
Adams M & E J, 32 N Front, Medford
Brown E G, E Main ne cor Front, Medford
Hotel Moore Bar, 8 S Fir, Medford
Kennedy W M, 25 S Front, Medford
Murphy & Co, 16 N Front, Medford
Nash Bar, es S Front nr E Main, Medford
O'Hara Wm, 39 N Fir, Medford
Radcliffe B S, 36 N Front, Medford
Reed C L, 13 S Front, Medford
Selsby O M, 17 S Front, Medford
Sand, Rock and Gravel
ASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 99 Oak, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and Transfer Cos)
MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO, 209 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
*Sand and Gravel Screens
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
GRANITE CITY HOSPITAL, Boulevard nr Palm Av, Ashland (See Front Cover and p 8)
DOW HOSPITAL THE, Central Point (See pp 50 and 237)
DOW HOSPITAL THE, Central Point (See pp 50 and 237)
Sash, Doors and Blinds
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO INC, 431 S Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 424)
WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge)
*Sash and Doors
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 162)
Saw Mills
See Lumber Manufacturers and Dealers
Schools and Colleges
POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, E Main ne cor 3rd, Ashland (See Front Cover and p 400)
MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 5)
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
*Seals and Stencil Supplies
KUNZMAN GEO J PRINTING CO, 203 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and Adv)
*Searchers of Records
JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO, 45 N Fir sw cor W 6th, Medford (See Front Cover and Right Top Lines)
Second Hand Goods
Icenhower J B, 80 N Main, Ashland
Patty J F, 345 E Main, Ashland
Murray S H, Central Point
Noe L S, Gold Hill
Pilcher M J, 23 N Fir, Medford
Riggens & Leslie, 243 S Holly, Medford
WILSON WILL H, 126 N Front, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
WOOLF SCOTT, 22 S Fir, Medford (See p 141)
*Seed Cleaners
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
DENNIS J N, 353 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines)
BROADLEY J T, MF&H Co Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Front Cover, Left Side Lines and p 3)
Miksche L J, 226 E Main, Medford
Sewer Pipe Manufacturers
JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, INC 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and p 289)
MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO, 209 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
Sewing Machines
Singer Sewing Machine Co, 227 S Holly, Medford
Sheet Metal Works
See also Tin, Copper and Sheet Metal Workers
BIEGEL A J, 297 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
SMITH J A, 128 N Grape, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 162)
St James Raleigh, P&E Ry tracks sw cor E Jackson, Medford
Shirt Manufacturers
ABBOTT & VAN DYKE, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 148)
ORRES L J, 71 N Main, Ashland (See Left Top Lines)
Johnson C E, Iowa nr Boulevard, Ashland
Johnson V E, 44 N Main, Ashland
Mars J D, E Main and Boulevard, Ashland
Hessler L, Brownsboro
Bassett L, Butte Falls
McDowell J G, Central Point
Roberts Alvin, Central Point
Crabtree G M, Gold Hill
Marting J E, Gold Hill
Sparks W R, Jacksonville
Baxter I H, 117 S Front, Medford
Biden M S, 10 S Central av, Medford
Francis S M, 214 W 8th, Medford
Sherman F L, 32 S Grape, Medford
Tackstrom Andrew, 420 W Main, Medford
Watkins C B, 7 N Fir, Medford
Craig C W, Talent
BRIGGS SHOE STORE, 11 E Main, Ashland
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-268 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
Behling's Good Fit Shoe Store, 105 E Main, Medford
KIDD C M, 223 E Main, Medford
Schmidt E F, 21 N Central av, Medford
WILSON WILL H, 126 N Front, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
TALENT MERCANTILE CO, Talent (See Left Side Lines aud p 310)
VANDER SLUIS & BURGAN, Talent (See p 309)
MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
*Shorthand Schools
POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, E Main ne cor 3rd, Ashland (See Front Cover and p 400)
*Short Orders
CURT'S RESTAURANT, 530 A, Ashland (See p 177)
*Show Cases
PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY, 113 S Holly, Medford (See Front Cover and opp p 103)
Skating Rinks
New Hall Skating Rink, Central Point
Natatorium and Amusement Co Inc, N Riverside av ft E 6th, Medford
*Skylight Screens
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
*Smokers' Articles
CLUB THE, Central Point (See p 237)
Soda Water Manufacturers
See Bottlers--Mineral and Soda Water
*Soft Drinks
CROWSON'S, Elks Temple, Ashland (See p 176)
CLUB THE, Central Point (See p 237)
PALACE OF SWEETS THE, 217 E Main, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
HEDGES A R, Room 5-308 E Main over Deuel & Co, Medford (See p 66)
HEDGES L E MRS, Room 5-308 E Main over Deuel & Co, Medford (See p 66)
Sporting Goods
Shoudy B M, 4 N Main, Ashland
Ewing's Gun Store Inc, 112 W Main, Medford
TALENT HARDWARE CO, Talent (See p 309)
Spray Manufacturers
California Rex Spray Company, Phoenix
Stage Lines
See Transportation Companies
*Steam Tables--For Hotels and Restaurants
LOSLI JACOB, 310 1st, Portland (See adv)
Edwards M T Mrs, 3 Palm blk, Medford
Gaunyaw Ella J, 4 Palm blk, Medford
McMILLAN PUBLICITY AD WRITING CO, 211 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 420)
*Stenographic Schools
POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, E Main ne cor 3rd, Ashland (See Front Cover and p 400)
*Stock Foods
DENNIS J N, 353 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines)
*Stock Ranches
BILLINGS G F, 41 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
HODGSON W D, 337 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 193)
McWILLIAMS & EDGINGTON, 73 Oak, Ashland (See p 145)
REDFIELD C S, Gold Hill (See Left Bottom Lines)
*Stock and Poultry Food
MORTON & SON, A ne cor 1st, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
Dinken James, Asbestos
Mayfield Finis, Asbestos
Mayfield Joseph, Asbestos
Bieberstadt Ralph, Brownsboro
Brown George, Brownsboro
Charley L C, Brownsboro
Loomis Frank (Goat), Brownsboro
Mills Edward, Brownsboro
Stanley Bros (Cattle), Brownsboro
Stanley Carl (Cattle), Brownsboro
Terrill C E (Cattle), Brownsboro
Tucker L D (Hog), Brownsboro
Blackden P D, Climax
Grissom Andrew Jr, Climax
Grissom Lewis (Sheep), Climax
Grissom Wm, Climax
Hanson N P, Climax
Holman W R (Cattle), Climax
Kershaw James (Goats), Climax
Orchard Orville (Hogs), Climax
Thompson Mathew (Sheep), Climax
White Edwin (Goats), Climax
Stewart Wm, 345 Apple, Medford
Whorton A & Son, 33 N Riverside av, Medford
Davis Guy & Sons, Persist
Moore A D (Goat), Persist
Moore C E (Goat), Persist
Willits W W, Persist
Crabtree J G, Prospect
Sutton Lee, Prospect
Ulrich Earl (Cattle), Prospect
Pelton Bros, Sams Valley
Agee Miles, Steamboat
Kershaw J L (Goat), Wellen
Von der Hellen Bros, Wellen
Stone Quarries
MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO, 209 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
Smith J G, Medford Hts add, Medford
ASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 99 Oak, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and Transfer Cos)
EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 42 N Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines and Transfer Cos)
Stoves and Ranges
BIEGEL A J, 297 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
UNIVERSAL STOVES AND RANGES, 375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)
WARNER MERCANTILE CO, 375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)
WOOLF SCOTT, 22 S Fir, Medford (See p 141)
TALENT HARDWARE CO, Talent (See p 309)
*Suit Cases
TALENT MERCANTILE CO, Talent (See left Side Lines and p 310)
*Suits and Cloaks
McGEE'S, Elks Bldg, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 201)
AHRENS M M CO, 226-230 W Main, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and p 402)
OSGOOD & BROWN, 3rd Floor Medford National Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
*Tailoring Colleges--Ladies
ABBOTT & VAN DYKE, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
FULLER & PAULSERUD, 171 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
ORRES L J, 71 N Main, Ashland (See Left Top Lines)
Eason Robert, Central Point
Bouchet Placide, Gold Hill
Klein E J, 128 E Main, Medford
Klein & Frazell, 8 Palm blk, Medford
Orres & Myer, 206 W Main, Medford
Owings J J, 1 n 102 W Main, Medford
SMITH J A, 128 N Grape, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
HALL TAXI CO, Office Nash Hotel, Garage Crater Lake Motor Car Co 16-18 S Fir, Medford (See Back Cover and p 44)
Bartlett F W, 18 S Riverside av, Medford
Teas, Coffees and Spices
Grand Union Tea Co, 315 Granite, Ashland
B&C CASH STORE INC, 225 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
BUTTERFIELD C S, W 11th nw cor Hamilton, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines)
Riteway Coffee Co The, 115 E Main, Medford
Telegraph and Telephone Companies
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, Ashland, Central Point and Medford
Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, Ashland and Medford
Western Union Telegraph Co, Ashland, Central Point, Gold Hill and Medford
Central Point Mutual Telephone Co, Central Point
Federal Telegraph Co, Central Point
Butte Falls & Eagle Point Telephone Co, Eagle Point
Home Telephone Co, Gold Hill
Home Telephone & Telegraph Co of Southern Oregon The, Jacksonville and Medford
Applegate Valley Telephone Co, Provolt
Home Telephone & Telegraph Co, Rogue River
Tent and Awning Manufacturers
Medford Tent & Awning Co, 106 N Front, Medford
DREAMLAND THEATRE, 397-399 E Main, Ashland (See p 222)
Central Point Opera House, Central Point
Eagle Point Opera House, Eagle Point
Gold Hill Opera House, Gold Hill
Page Theatre, 422 E Main, Medford
Theatres--Moving Picture
STAR THEATRE, 275-277 E Main, Ashland (See p 222)
Savoy Theatre, Central Point
Wego Theatre, Gold Hill
Isis Theatre, 212 E Main, Medford
Star Theatre, 222 E Main, Medford
Theatre--Moving Picture and Vaudeville
DREAMLAND THEATRE, 397-399 E Main, Ashland (See p 222)
It Theatre, 126 W Main, Medford
DREAMLAND THEATRE, 397-399 E Main, Ashland (See p 222)
Timber Cruisers
Dean Harris, 99 Granite, Ashland
McKercher S S, ws Indiana 2 s Boulevard, Ashland
Parker S A, 59 6th, Ashland
Pinkerton F W, 743 E Main, Ashland
Wilson M C, 306 S King, Medford
Timber Lands
Bailey J S, Peil bldg, Ashland
BEAVER REALTY CO, 211 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines)
McWlLLlAMS & EDDINGTON, 73 Oak, Ashland (See p 145)
Silver Harry, Peil bldg, Ashland
Hafer E S, 426 W 6th, Medford
HOLMES WM M, PO Box 336, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 6)
King G F, 843 E Main, Medford
Tin, Copper and Sheet Metal Workers
Warner Wayman, Central Point
Medford Sheet Metal Works, 19 N Fir, Medford
SMITH J A, 128 N Grape, Medford (See (Right Side Lines)
*Tin and Granite Ware
BIEGEL A J, 297 E Main, Ashland (See p 147)
*Tinting and Paper Hanging
MULHOLEN J H, 26 S Grape, Medford (See p 97)
MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO INC, 29-35-39 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines)
*Toilet Preparations
MARINELLO HAIR SHOP THE, 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 90)
Transfer Companies
Ashland General Delivery Co, 444 California, Ashland
ASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 99 Oak, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and adv)
City Truck Co, 23 N Main, Ashland
EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 42 N Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines and adv)
MARSH H M, 10 N Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines)
Medford General Delivery, Central Point rd 2 blks n limits, Medford
Transportation Companies
Southern Pacific Co, Ashland, Central Point, Gold Hill, Medford, Phoenix and Talent
Pacific & Eastern Ry Co, Eagle Point and Medford
Gold Hill & Sams Valley Stage Line, Gold Hill
Jacksonville & Hutton Stage Line, Jacksonville
Rogue River Valley Ry Co, Jacksonville and Medford
Southern Oregon Traction Co, 237 E Main, Medford
Southern Pacific Co, Rogue River
Rock T R (Stage), Steamboat
*Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases
TOGGERY THE, 129 E Main, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
*Trunks and Suit Cases
ENDERS H G & SON, 264-266-263 E Main, (See Right Side Lines and p 182)
Trust Companies
PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg cor 6th and Alder, Portland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 323)
WINKLEMAN IRON & METAL COMPANY, 1902 Pacific Av, Tacoma, Wn, 205 Yamhill, Portland, Or (See Back Cover)
McMILLAN PUBLICITY AD WRITING CO, 211 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 420)
MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines)
*Typewriting Schools
POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, E Main ne cor 3rd, Ashland (See Front Cover and p 400)
Dodge J P & Son, 125 E Main, Ashland
Stock H C, 88 N Main, Ashland
Jones T M, Central Point
Kellogg A E, Gold Hill
PERL J A, 28 S Bartlett, Medford (See p 5)
ORRES L J, 71 E Main, Ashland (See Left Top Lines)
*Underwear Manufacturers
ABBOTT & VAN DYKE, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Bottom Lines and p 146)
Stanley R H, 26 1st av, Ashland
Vacuum Cleaners
Angle O E, 191 Oak, Ashland
ROGUE RIVER HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE, 915 S Orange, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and p 114)
*Vapor Baths
LOCKWOOD R J, 203-206 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
DICKERSON W O, 83-85 E Main, Ashland (See p 149)
Veterinary Dentists
Decker F M, 168 Elizabeth, Ashland
Veterinary Medicine Manufacturers
Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co, 5th nw cor N Fir, Medford
Veterinary Surgeons
Carter J A, 295 Helman, Ashland
HARRINGTON C F, 107 Mill, Ashland (See p 148)
Helms J L, 111 N Fir, Medford
Tull C E, 111 Genessee, Medford
Vinegar Manufacturers
Bagley Canning Co Inc, Talent
*Vulcanizers--Rubber Tires
ASHLAND GARAGE, 53 2nd, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 171)
FORD GARAGE, 380-382 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 149)
MEDFORD VULCANIZING WORKS, 36 S Grape, Medford (See Left Side Lines)
*Wagon Makers and Repairers
BAKER J T, Talent (See p 310)
Wagon Manufacturers
See Carriage and Wagon Makers
Wall Paper
DICKERSON W O, 83-85 E Main, Ashland (See p 149)
Medford Warehouse Co, S Front cor w 12th, Medford
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
See Jewelers
Water Companies
Central Point  Point Water Works, Central Point
*Wedding and Party Cakes
ROYAL BAKERY AND CAFE, 39 E Main, Ashland (See p 216)
Well Drillers
Dodge J M, 610 S Oakdale av, Medford
*Wind Mills
TALENT HARDWARE CO, Talent (See p 309)
*Window Guards
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
*Wire Fencing
GADDIS & DIXON, 134 N Riverside Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 58)
Wire and Iron Works
RELIANCE WIRE & IRON WORKS, 106 E 10th N cor E Flanders, Portland (See Back Cover)
*Wood Dealers
ASHLAND MANUFACTURING CO, 384 Oak, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 162)
CARSON-SMITH LUMBER CO, 143 1st nr B, Ashland (See p 172)
DENNIS J N, 353 E Main, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines)
Wood Sawyers
Conner W A, 86 4th, Ashland
Painter John, Central Point
Slater J W, 420 Boardman, Medford
Tedrick Fred, 911 S Peach, Medford
Wood and Coal
ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO, Water nw cor B, Ashland
ASHLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 99 Oak, Ashland (See Left Bottom Lines and p 431)
Conner W A, 86 4 th, Ashland
Eliason C R, 217 N Main, Ashland
Eads Fuel Co, 34 S Fir, Medford
EAST SIDE WOOD YARD, 511 E Main, Medford (See p 52)
Hall W M, 1034 W 9th, Medford
Hanscom H A, 526 W Palm, Medford
Long J T, 1406 N Riverside av, Medford
Ray F H, 104 W 6th, Medford
Slover Alonzo, 203 N Holly, Medford
Valley Fuel Co, Evergreen nw cor W 2nd, Medford
*Workingmen's Clothing Department
TOGGERY THE, 129 E Main, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines and p 8)
Polk's Jackson, Josephine and Douglas County Directory 1914

Last revised January 7, 2020