![]() ![]() 1912 Jackson County Directory I've corrected many errors, but many suspect spellings remain. Don't expect searching alone to find the name you're looking for. Refer to the 1914 directory for another key to abbreviations. "See" suggestions below refer to advertisements, viewable on the scans of this directory on ancestry.com or for free at Heritage Quest. Use your Jackson County Library card number to sign in. POLK'S
The great growth in population,
building, municipal
and other improvements during the past few years has made Medford one
of the widest known cities of its size in the United States. It is not
only today the acknowledged commercial and business center of the Rogue
River Valley, but of the whole of Jackson County, with an area of
nearly 3000 square miles. Its strategic location also makes it the
logical jobbing point for a much larger area, its business houses
shipping into adjoining counties in Oregon and California. Located
about midway between Portland and Sacramento, Medford, with all its
advantages of situation, and of resourceful surrounding territory,
gives unquestioned promise of being the largest business center between
those two points. It is now second only to Portland in commercial
importance in the entire state of Oregon. The population in May, 1910,
United States census, was 8842, showing a gain of 393½
percent in ten
years. Only two points in the Union exceeded that record, namely
Oklahoma City and Muskogee, Oklahoma. In May, 1912, the estimated
population according to school enrollment, directory and other sources,
is not less than 10,500.Jackson County Directory ---- MEDFORD Medford is the converging point for all railway lines in the Rogue River Valley. It is connected with Jacksonville, the county seat, five miles west, by steam line, with Butte Falls, in the heart of the great pine forests, 35 miles east, by the Pacific & Eastern Ry., a link in the Hill system of railroads now building between the Columbia River and the Klamath Basin, with Medford as the southwestern terminal, and with Portland and San Francisco by the main line of the Southern Pacific. Twenty-four passenger trains arrive and depart daily. The city is very well built, both in business structures and residences, and possesses all the appearances of a metropolitan center many times its size. It has a total of 18 miles of asphalt paved streets, 32 miles of cement sidewalks, 26 miles of sewers and 27 miles of iron water mains, all constructed during the past two years at an expenditure of $1,700,000. A score of splendid business blocks and other structures were erected in 1911, and 602 residences. Two large four-story brick and cement buildings were completed and are now occupied. A natatorium, including convention hall, and amusement features of different kinds, was erected at a cost of $75,000, and is said to be the largest building of its character west of Chicago. A $50,000 modern passenger depot was tendered the city by the Southern Pacific last year "in commemoration of its admission into the ranks of cities having a population of 10,000 or more." The Hotel Medford, five stories, costing $125,000, was opened in October, 1911, and is one of the finest hotels in the state. The Hotel Holland, a four-story concrete building, also a first-class hotel, was opened in October, 1911. The Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages offers an exceptional opportunity for a thorough musical education. The Sisters of Providence Hospital was recently completed at a cost of $100,000. One hundred and ten thousand dollars has been appropriated for a federal building, and the site has already been secured. A Carnegie library, costing $40,000, two public school buildings, $33,000 each, are among the other improvements. Medford is the center of an exceedingly rich territory, with resources unequaled in any similar area in the West. The adjoining timber belts of fir and pine contain more than 22 billion feet, the manufacturing of which is now made possible by the completion of the Hill line. Horsepower aggregating 450,000 is going to waste, and only 20,000 is being developed. The Rogue River Valley, with its acreage of 600 square miles, will support a population of half a million people when fully taken up, and its cultivation is being advanced rapidly. Rogue River fruits have established startling records for prices and quality in the world's markets, and the extent of planted acreage in apples and fruits justify experts in predicting annual shipments of 5000 cars and upwards in less than four years. More than 5,000 acres are now growing, and high-grade fruits, such as but few districts can produce, are being specialized here with great success. Poultry raising, small fruits, berries, garden truck and the products commonly followed in diversified cultivation are being rapidly developed, and many families are taking up lands with the view of following those pursuits. The Rogue River Valley, by reason of its superior climate, with long periods of sunshine, and moderate temperature, is said to be unsurpassed for poultry raising, and the great areas of pears, peaches and other fruits are already attracting the attention of canning plants, which are expected to assume great prominence in the future development of Southern Oregon. An irrigation project costing two and one-half million dollars will, when completed, enable cultivation in every part of the Valley, and add immensely to its great natural productive qualities. Medford has the national record for automobiles per capita, there being more than 300 registered machines in the city. It also holds the Pacific Coast states record for telephones, according to population. Medford supports two daily papers, the Mail Tribune and The Morning Sun, being editorially and in news service, the best all-round newspapers published in the state outside of those published in Portland. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION
First Ward--Consists of all that portion
of the city east of
Central Av.WARD BOUNDARIES Second Ward--Consists of all that portion of city west of Central Av and south of Main Street. Third Ward--Consists of all that portion of the city west of Central Av and north of Main Street. CITY GOVERNMENT
City elections are held annually on the
second Tuesday in January.
Three Councilmen are elected each year, one from each ward, and hold
office two years. The Mayor, Recorder and Treasurer are also elected.
Other city officers are appointed. The Mayor and Councilmen compose the
Common Council.City Officers
City Hall--44 N Front.Mayor--W. H. Canon. Recorder--E. T. Foss. Treasurer--Gus Samuels. City Attorney--Porter J. Neff. Chief of Police--J. F. Hittson. Superintendent of Light and Water--George H. Trana. Street Commissioner--W. P. Baker. City Engineer--Olen Arnspiger. Chief of Fire Department--E. Amann Health Officer--Dr. R. W. Stearns Councilmen
J. E. Watt, Verne J. Emerick, J. W.
Mitchell, J. T. Summerville,
George H. Millar, F. E. Merrick, W. M. Campbell.Police Department
Chief--J. F. Hittson.Patrolmen--Harry L. Cingcade, Wm. Crawford, C. Hellam, Hector Cady. Fire Department
Chief--Eugene Amann.Assistant Chief--H. D. Ling. 2nd Assistant Chief--Harry Butler. Foreman--Jack Dent. Hosemen--Con Cady, Charles Boussum, Victor Danielson. Driver--Frank Lindley. Board of Education
Directors--L. G. Porter, Chairman; J. W.
Lawton, H. C.
Kentner, G. H. Marshall, J. H. Cochran.Clerk--Oris Crawford. Superintendent of City Schools--U. S. Collins. COURTS
Justice of Peace--Glenn O. Taylor.Justice Court U.S. Courts
Deputy Clerk--W. H. Canon, 29 Jackson
Hazelrigg's Orchestra--Medford Theater.
H. C. Hazelrigg,
Leader and Mngr.BANKS
Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank--200
W Main. Capital,
$50,000. Delroy Getchell, Pres; L. Niedermeyer,
Vice-Pres; Lee L. Jacobs, Cashier; Richard
F. Antle, Assistant Cashier.First National Bank of Medford--120 E Main. Capital, $100,000. F. K. Deuel, Pres; Charles M. English, Vice-Pres; M. L. Alford, Cashier; O. Crawford, Assistant Cashier. Jackson County Bank--201 E Main. Established 1888. Capital and surplus, $180,000. W. I. Vawter, Pres; G. R. Lindley, Vice-Pres; C. W. McDonald, Cashier: T. A. Fifer, Assistant Cashier. Medford National Bank--133 E Main. Capital and surplus, $130,000. Wm. H. Gore, Pres; J. A. Perry, Vice-Pres; F. E. Merrick, Vice-Pres; J. S. Orth, Cashier; W. B. Jackson, Assistant Cashier. CEMETERIES
I.O.O.F. Cemetery--¾ m se
First--N Central av se cor 5th. Rev.
Adrian A. Holmes, Pastor.
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.;
B.Y.P.U., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Baptist Christian
First--S Oakdale av se cor W 9th. Rev.
D. Dick Boyle, Pastor.
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.;
Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Christian Science
Es N Oakdale av nr W 5th. Mrs. Mary J.
Alsdorf, Reader. Sunday
services, 11 a.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Wednesday meeting, 7:30 p.m. Episcopal
St. Mark's--Services in St. Mark's blk.
Rev. Joseph Sheerin,
Rector. Preaching, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m. Lutheran
German--506 W 4th. Rev. Conrad Wilker,
Pastor. Sunday services
(German), 11 a.m.; English, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m. Methodist Episcopal
First--N Bartlett se cor 4th. Rev. E.
Olin Eldridge, Pastor.
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.;
Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.; Junior Epworth League, 3 p.m.; Prayer
meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Methodist--Free
District Elder--Rev. B. F. Smalley, res
339 N Front.Free Methodist Church--W 10th se cor S Ivy. Rev. John W. Sharpe, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Methodist--South
Methodist Episcopal South--W Main nw cor
Oakdale av. Rev. Wm.
T. Goulder, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday
school, 10 a.m. Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Presbyterian
First--W Main se cor Holly. Rey. Weston
F. Shields, Pastor.
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.;
Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Junior Y.P.S.C.E., 4:30 p.m.; Prayer
meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Roman Catholic
Church of the Nativity of Our Blessed
Lord--338 S Oakdale av.
Rev. Joseph M. O'Farrell, Pastor. Sunday services: Mass every Sunday at
10:30 a.m.; in summer on 1st Sunday of each month at 7 and 9 a.m.; in
winter at 10:30 a.m. Seventh Day Adventist
Seventh Day Adventist--605 N Riverside
av. Bert O. Lockwood,
elder. Services: Sabbath school, 10 a.m.; preaching or testimonial
readings, Saturday, 11 a.m.; Young people's meeting, Saturday, 1 p.m.;
Prayer meeting,
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. COMMERCIAL BODIES
Medford Commercial Club--E Main nw cor
Front. Wm. M. Colvig,
Pres-Sec-Mngr; F. V. Medynski, Vice-Pres; F. Osenbrugge, Treas; Fay
Sears, Asst Sec.Medford Merchants Association--17-19 Jackson County Bank bldg. E. N. Warner, Pres; T. E. Daniels, Vice-Pres; J. H. Carkin, Sec; A. C. Hubbard, Treas. COUNTY OFFICERS
See Jacksonville
United States Commissioner--29 Jackson
County Bank bldg. Wm.
H. Canon.United States Department of Agriculture--418 Garnett-Corey bldg. P. J. O'Gara, Pathologist. United States Forest Service--M. L. Erickson, Supervisor. 20½ S Fir. United States Meat Inspector--W 8th and Railroad. John W. Hanners. United States Weather Bureau--418 Garnett-Corey bldg. P. J. O'Gara, Observer. HOSPITALS
Sacred Heart Hospital--Medford Hts.LABOR UNIONS
Central Labor Council of Medford and
Vicinity--Affiliated with
American Federation of Labor and Oregon State Federation of Labor.
Meets Monday evenings.Bricklayers' Local-- Carpenters' Local No. 1840--Meets Wednesday evenings in Eagles Hall. E. E. Wolter, Rec Sec. Cement Workers' Local--Meets Friday evenings. Cooks' Waiters' and Waitresses' Local No. 548 of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees' International Alliance--Meets Friday evenings. Electrical Workers' Union-- Musicians' Local No. 478--Affiliated with American Federation of Musicians. Meets 1st and 38d Tuesday of each month. Painters' and Decorators' Local--Meets Thursday evenings. Plumbers' Local No. 362--Affiliated with the United Association of Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters. Meets Friday evenings. A. McKay, Sec. Rogue River Teamsters' Union--Meets Wednesday evenings. Typographical Union--Meets 1st Tuesday of each month. LIBRARIES AND READING ROOMS
Christian Science Reading Room--Es N
Oakdale av nr W 5th.Medford Public School Library--High school bldg. Under supervision of Superintendent of City Schools. Public Library--Ss W Main bet Ivy and Oakdale av. Board: Wm. H. Canon, ex-officio Chairman; W. I. Vawter, Pres; Mrs. B. P. Theiss, Sec; Mrs. Frank Hollis, Treas; Mrs. Porter J. Neff, Mrs. F. E. Merrick, P. J. O'Gara, J. E. Watt, Edward Andrews. Librarian: Elizabeth Robinson. Hours: Daily, 2-6 and 7-9 p.m.; Saturday, 9-12 a.m., 2-6 and 7-9 p.m.; Sunday, 2 to 6 p.m. for reading only. Reading Room of First Presbyterian Church--W Main se cor S Holly. Open from 6 to 10 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS CLUBS AND SOCIETIES
Colony Club--Meets 1st Monday in May and
October at Hotel
Holland. Mrs. George B. Carpenter, Pres; Mrs. A. E. Reames, Treas; Ruth
Holloway, Sec.Greater Medford Club--Meets at Library last Monday of each month at 3 p.m. Mrs. E. S. Parsons, Pres; Mrs. Ira Dodge, Cor Sec; Sarah Reilly, Rec Sec; Miss Elizabeth Putnam, Treas. Rogue River Valley University Club--Mail Tribune bldg. R. H. Parsons, Pres; P. W. Hamill, Vice-Pres; A. S. V. Carpenter, Treas; Stanton Griffis, Sec. Wednesday Study Club--Meets alternate Wednesdays at homes of members. [Mrs. E. B. Pickel], Pres; Mrs. Harry H. Tuttle, Sec; Mrs. M. L. Alford, Treas. NEWSPAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS
Medford Mail Tribune (Daily and
Weekly)--25-27-29 N Fir.
George Putnam, Editor-Mngr. 50 cents a month by carrier. $5.00 a year
by mail.Medford Sun The (Daily and Weekly)--18 N Grape. Robert W. Ruhl, Editor; Sumpter S. Smith, Mngr. 50 cents a month by carrier. $5.00 a year by mail. PARKS
Base Ball Park--N Holly sw cor Jackson.City Park--W Main and W 8th, Holly and Ivy. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT
Angle Opera House--204 E Main.Isis Theatre--210 E Main. Robert E. Gorden, Mngr. Medford Fair Grounds--N end Court. Medford Theatre--E 8th bet S Central av and S Front. Walter I. McCallum, Mngr. Natatorium The--N Riverside av ft E 6th. Natatorium and Amusement Co., Proprs. Star Theatre--272 E Main. Al Sather, Mngr. Ugo Theatre--126 W Main. Perry Terwilliger, Propr. POST OFFICE
34 N Central av.Postmaster--A. M. Woodford. Assistant Postmaster--J. R. Woodford. General Delivery Clerk--J. F. Murphy. Clerks--W. J. Warner, H. C. Hazelrigg, Dalia King, T. C. Beckett, Rutherford Kerr, J. H. Harrison. Letter Carriers--Roland Beach, Homer Harvey, R. E. Swan, P. L. Wood. Mail Carriers--Rural Free Delivery, Fred M. Broker. Arrival of Mails
Mails arrive from north, 5:22 a.m. and
3:32 p.m.Mails arrive from south, 2:36 a.m. and 5:24 p.m. Mails arrive from Jacksonville, 7:30 a.m.; 3:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Mails arrive from Eagle Point, 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Departure of Mails
Mails depart going south, 5:22 a.m. and
3:32 p.m.Mails depart going north, 5:24 p.m. and 9 p.m. Mails depart for Jacksonville, 7:30 a.m. and 3:35 p.m., and 5:45 p.m. Mails depart for Eagle Point, 8 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. Mails depart, Rural Free Delivery Route No. 1, 8 a.m. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND HALLS
Adkins Building--204 E Main.Angle Block--208 E Main. Barneburg Block--129 E Main. City Hall--44 N Front. College Building--31 N Grape. Eagles Hall--3rd floor Adkins bldg. Electric Building--218 W Main. First National Bank Building--118 E Main. Fruitgrowers Bank Building--W Main nw cor N Grape. Garnett-Corey Building--W Main sw cor S Grape. Halley Block--36-40 S Central av. Haskins Block--216 E Main. Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. Building--218 W 6th. Hotel Holland Building--N Fir sw cor 6th. Hotel Nash Building--Front se cor E Main. I.O.O.F. Building--219 W 6th. Jackson County Bank Building--10 N Central av. Knights of Pythias Hall--123 E Main. Lawton Building--28-36 N Bartlett. Lindley Building--215 E Main. Mail Tribune Building--25-29 N Fir. Masonic Hall--Medford Natl Bank bldg. Medford Business College Block--31 N Grape. Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. Building--29-39 N Central av. Medford National Bank Building--133 E Main. Merino Building--30 N Front. Miles Building--128 E Main. Moore Building--125 W Main. Natatorium Building--N Riverside av ft E 6th. Palm Block--Main ne cor Front. Phipps Building--227 E Main. Post Office--34 N Central av. Redmen's Hall--Main se cor Central av. Rialto Building--123 E Main. St. Mark's Block--218 W Main. Smith's Hall--126 N Grape. Sparta Building--401 E Main. Stewart Building--235 E Main. Weeks Building--116 W Main. White & Thomas Block--W Main se cor S Grape. SCHOOLS
Medford Conservatory for Music and
Languages--Natatorium bldg.
Gerard Taillandier, Director; Mrs. E. M. Andrews, Harry H. Howell,
Carrie L.
Aiton, Edward C. Root, Teachers. Private St. Mary's Academy--310 W 11th. Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names. Sister Stephen, Superior. Public
Board of Education--L. G. Porter,
Chairman; J. W. Lawton, H. C. Kentner, George H. Marshall, J. H.
Cochran.Clerk--Oris Crawford. Superintendent of City Schools--U. S. Collins, office High School bldg. High--N Bartlett se cor E 5th. C. R. Bowman, Prin; C. W. Frost, Helen Santee, Eunice Munson, Florence Marshall, Florence Carpenter, Teachers; J. P. Griffing, Director Horticulture and Agriculture; Jennie M. Snedicor, Director Art; Mabel Mears, Director Domestic Art; Beulah Welch, Director Domestic Science; Harriet Cox, Director Commercial Dept. Jackson--630 W Jackson. Irene F. Lansing, Prin; Bernice Carder, Florence Herrick, May Mordoff, Mrs. Maud Philbrook, Teachers. Lincoln--N Bartlett se cor Maple. Royal V. Dunham, Prin; Marian I. White, Anna Lansing, Ambrosine Murphy, Carrie Jacks, Edith Fish, Grace V. Pearce, Kate Stine, Mrs. Mary C. F. Peter, Teachers. Roosevelt--Lindley av ne cor Reddy av. Leland S. Beveridge, Prin; Anna K. Purucker, Mabel I. Meyers, Julia Fielder, Mary E. Moore, Teachers. Washington--W Main sw cor Oakdale av. Patrick H. Daily, Prin; Inez Coffin, Martha L. Bare, Myrtle Clayville, Mary Grigsby, Mildred R. Ware, Kathrine Dunham, Fern Stine, Irene Lansing, Viola Pheister, Lurane M. Round, Emily De Vore, Teachers. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES
Medford Lodge No. 103--Meets Fridays in
Masonic Hall. J. W.
Lawton, W.M.; W. M. Muller, Sec.A. F. & A. Masons Royal Arch Masons
Crater Lake Chapter No. 32--Meets 1st
and 3rd Tuesdays in
Masonic Hall. H. C. Garnett, H.P.; W. M. Muller, Sec. Order of Eastern Star
Reames Chapter No. 66--Meets 2nd and 4th
Wednesdays in Masonic
Hall. Mrs. Stella Merrick, W.M.; Mrs. Lillian Woodford, Sec. A. O. U. Workmen
Medford Lodge No. 98--Meets 2nd and 4th
Wednesdays in Redmen's
Hall. Fort Hubbard, M.W.; A. C. Hubbard, Rec; Charles Strang, Treas. Degree of Honor
Esther Lodge No. 56--Meets at call. Mrs.
A. C. Hubbard, C. of H.B.P.O. Elks
Medford Lodge No. 1168--Meets Thursdays
in K. of P. Hall. C.
L. Reames, E.R.; W. F. Quisenberry, Sec; L. L. Jacobs, Treas.Fraternal Brotherhood
Banner Lodge No. 135--Meets 1st
and 3rd Wednesdays in Smith's
Hall. R. C. Webster, Pres; M. C. McDonough, Sec. Fraternal Order of Eagles
Medford Aerie 1277--Meets Thursdays in
Redmen's Hall. Orra
Angle, Pres; James Stewart, Sec. Fraternal Union of America
Medford Lodge No. 421--Meets 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays in Redmen's
Hall. Mrs. L. A. Jordan, Sec. Grand Army of the Republic
Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47--Meets 1st
and 3rd Tuesdays in
Redmen's Hall. Isaac Wolf, Com; Henry Metz, Adjt. Woman's Relief Corps
Chester A. Arthur Corps No. 34--Meets
1st and 3rd Wednesdays in
Redmen's Hall. Mrs. Fidelia Wood, Pres; Leonie L. Hull, Sec. Improved Order of Redmen
Weatonka Tribe No. 30--Meets Saturdays
in Redmen's Hall. Frank
Hammond, S.; U. S. Collins, K. of R. Degree of Pocahontas
Weatonka Council No. 20--Meets 1st and
3rd Friday of each month
in Redmen's Hall. Elizabeth Kahler, Pocahontas; Mrs. Ella Shoults, K.
of R. Independent Order Odd Fellows
Medford Lodge No. 83--Meets Mondays in
I.O.O.F. bldg. W. L.
Miller, N.G.; E. E. Wilson, V. G.; F. E. Redden, Sec.Rogue River Encampment No. 30--Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in I.O.O.F. bldg. M. L. Meadows, C.P.; A. N. Hildebrand, Scribe. Patriarchs Militant
Canton No. 16--Meets 1st and 3rd
Wednesdays in I.O.O.F.
bldg. F. G. Snedicor, Capt; L. M. Lyons, Lieut; F. E. Redden, Clk. Rebekah Degree
Olive Rebekah Lodge No. 28--Meets 1st
and 3rd Tuesdays in
I.O.O.F. bldg. Mrs. Maud Day, N.G.; Mrs. Josephine Clark, Sec. Knights of the Maccabees
Triumph Tent No. 14--Meets at call. C.
E. Collins, Com; C. B.
McConnell, R.K. Knights of Pythias
Talisman Lodge No. 31--Meets Mondays in
K. of P. Hall. E. G
Trowbridge, C.C.; J. H. Henselman, K. of R. & S.Pythian
Talisman Temple No. 40--Meets 1st and
3rd Wednesdays in K. of
P. Hall. Mrs. J. A. Perry, E. Chief; Mrs. Mary Haswell, M. of R. C.;
Mrs. Pearl Hutchason, Treas.Modern Woodmen of America
Medford Camp No. 6013--Meets Tuesdays in
K. of P. Hall. J. G
Medley, Consul; J. F. Lawrence, Clerk.Woodmen of the World
Medford Camp No. 90--Meets 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays in I.O.O.F.
Temple. J. W. Ling, C.C.; W. B. Jackson, Clerk.Women of Woodcraft
Chrysanthemum Circle No. 84--Meets 2nd
and 4th Tuesdays in
hall, E Main se cor Central av. Bell Bennett, G.N.; Mrs. Kate Wait,
See Jacksonville
County--Meets annually. Executive
committee meets quarterly.
Mrs. C. D. Abbott (Jacksonville), Pres; Mrs. Grace Holmes (Ashland),
Rec Sec; Mrs. Wm. E. Burton (Medford), Treas. Women's Christian Temperance Union Medford--Meets Thursdays at 3 p.m. in First Baptist Church. Mrs. S. L. Leonard, Pres; Mrs. T. A. Howell, Cor Sec; Mrs. Wm. E. Burton, Rec Sec-Treas. TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES
Pacific & Eastern Ry Co--501 E
Main. J. H. Young
(Portland), Pres; Wm. Gerig, Vice-Pres-Gen Mngr-Chief Eng; John W.
Lawlor, Asst Sec and Auditor.Railroads Rogue River Valley Ry Co--General headquarters, Jacksonville, Ore. Local freight and passenger station, 25 W Main. Wm. S. Barnum, Pres; Wm. H. Barnum, Vice-Pres-Treas; John C. Barnum, Sec-Gen Mngr. Southern Pacific Co.--Passenger depot and ticket office, N Front and E 5th; freight depot, S Front and E 9th. A. S. Rosenbaum, Agent. ABBREVIATIONS
Aakjer Anna, stenographer Neff & Mealey, bds 520 N GrapeAbbott Frederick P, bkbndr Medford Ptg Co, rms 245 N Grape Abbott Glen A, res Highland Park sta Abrams Archibald C, real estate, res 311 N Central av Abrams Gertrude, bds 311 N Central av Achor Mrs Gertrude E, bds 410 N Ivy Ackley Iva, bds 524 N Riverside av ACKLEY LEE E, Mnfr Carriage and Auto Tops, All Kinds of Carriage and Auto Trimming, First-Class Repairing, Slip Hoods and Celluloid Lights a Specialty, Tops Recovered 24 S Riverside Av, Tel Home 359-L, res 524 N Riverside Av Ackley Lorenzo D, gardener, res 604 N Riverside av Ackley Nellie, bds 524 N Riverside av Adams Bernard E, laborer, res 417 N Front Adams Charles A, expmn Front sw cor Main, res 103 S Bartlett Adams Charles E, tmster C A Adams, bds 103 S Bartlett Adams Eli J (M & E J Adams), res 619 S Central av Adams Lester F, student, bds 103 S Bartlett Adams Mack (M & E J Adams), rms 126 W Main Adams M & E J (Mack and Eli J), proprs The Oaks Saloon, 32 N Front Adams Watt, carpenter, bds 615 S Central av Adkins Benjamin F, res es S Central av ¼ m se city limits Adkins Building, 204 E Main Adkins Herbert O (S A Adkins & Son), bds 531 E Main Adkins John C, driver S A Adkins & Son, bds 531 E Main Adkins Samuel A (S A Adkins & Son), res 531 E Main Adkins S A & Son (Samuel A and Herbert O), grocers 529 E Main Agner Wm C, barber H S Workman, rms 621 N Front AHRENS MELVIN M, Mngr M M Ahrens Co, bds 120 S Laurel, Tel 289-R AHRENS M M CO, Melvin M Ahrens Mngr, Ladies' Cloaks, Suits and Millinery 222 W Main (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Cloaks and Suits) Aikins Harold S, electrician, res 917 Narregan Aikins Mrs Mary E, music teacher, res 917 Narregan Aitken Wm A, mngr plumbing dept Garnett-Corey Hardware Co, res 738 W 14th AITON CARRIE LOUISE, Violinist and Teacher with Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, bds 1010 S Oakdale Av Aiton Wm J, brick and stone contractor, res 1010 S Oakdale av Akins Arthur A (Akins, Benton & Co), res 512 S Holly Akins, Benton & Co (Arthur A Akins, Claude L Benton, Deer Lodge Mont, George T Keirsey, Lander Wyoming), dry goods 226 W Main Akins Eula, student, bds 512 S Holly Akins Howard T, laborer, bds 541 Austin Akins Thomas M, student, bds 512 S Holly Alchieri Feliece, carver Oregon Granite Co, rms 107 E 2nd Aldenhagen Wm G, office mngr California-Oregon Power Co, res 16 N Orange Alenderfer Oscar O, clk California-Oregon Power Co, res 411 S King Alexander Florin J, clothing 8 Palm blk, res 535 W Hamilton Alexander Frank N, res 712 W Jackson Alexander James P, propr Bungalow Rooming House, res 108 E 10th Alford Herbert L, student, bds 106 S Ivy ALFORD MOSES L, Cashier First National Bank of Medford, res 106 S Ivy Alger Louis, painter, rms 30 N Front Allder Arthur F, student, bds 29 Summit av Allder Grant, res 29 Summit av Allen Albert Z, clerk, res 405 S Fir Allen Charles L, res 134 S Bartlett Allen Felix Y, teamster, res 1025 Court ALLEN GROCERY CO (Wm D Allen), Sole Agents for Waitsburg Pure White Flour 36-40 S Central Av, Tel Main 2711, Home 271 (See adv) Allen Hilda, waiter Hotel Medford Allen Hubert D, clerk Allen Grocery Co, bds 311 S Oakdale av ALLEN WILEY B CO THE, Palmer & King Mngrs, 216 N Front, Tel Main 5284 ALLEN WM D (Allen Grocery Co), res 311 S Oakdale Av, Tel Home 346-K Allen Willis W, furnished rooms 141 N Fir Allison Mrs Dolly M, bds 22 Almond Almquist Esther, student Medford Business Coll, bds 418 S Oakdale Alsdorf Mary J (wid George A), reader Christian Science Church, res 47 N Orange Amann Eugene A, chief Medford Fire Dept, res 1017 N Riverside Amidon Elgan C (Hughes & Amidon), res 720 W Palm Amy Frank M, res 320 S Holly Anderson Albert N, clerk Hotel Moore, rms same Anderson Andrew J, res 439 N Front Anderson Arthur, frmn Brookhurst Orchard, res Eagle Point rd Anderson A Gustaf, shoemaker 16 S Fir, res S Laurel nw cor W 8th ANDERSON BERT, Pres Jackson County Building & Loan Assn res 906 W Main Anderson Bert E, eng Rogue River Valley Canal Co, rms 231 W 5th Anderson C Curtis, student, bds 906 W Main Anderson C Edward, res 515 S Central av Anderson Elvia K, bds 603 N Bartlett Anderson Fay F, teamster L B Brown, res 932 N Central av Anderson Joan, student, bds 906 W Main Anderson John W, building contractor, res 603 N Bartlett Anderson Mary E, maid R W Ruhl ANDERSON OSCAR, District Supt Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, res 310 N Bartlett, Tel Main 5492 Anderson Robert F, furnished rooms 244 S Central av Anderson Vernon S, carpenter J W Anderson, bds 603 N Bartlett Andren Emil, carpenter, res nr Jacksonville rd ½ blk w limits Andren Oscar, carpenter, res ns Jacksonville rd 2 blks w limits Andrews Dorothy, waiter, rms 30 N Front Andrews Edward M, real estate, res 35 Roosevelt av ANDREWS MRS E M, Teacher of Voice Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, res 35 Roosevelt Av Andrews Frank G, res Hotel Holland Andrews Mrs F G, mngr Hotel Holland Cafe, res Hotel Holland Andrews George, fruit grower, res Central Point rd ¾ m n limits Andrews Jasper B, capitalist, res 202 S Orange Andrews Wm T, real estate, res 340 S Riverside av Andrus D R (Southern Oregon Realty Co), res 510 S Fir Angle Block, 208 E Main Angle Charles F, farmer, bds 609 E Main Angle Henry D, res SP track nr n city limits Angle Opera House, 204 E Main Angle Wm W, res 609 E Main Antle John S, clerk E C Ireland Cigar Co, res 1013 W Main Antle J Walter, vice-pres E C Ireland Cigar Co Inc, res 531 W Hamilton Antle Mildred K, student, bds 37 N Peach ANTLE RICHARD F, Asst Cashier Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, res 37 N Peach, Tel Main 4051 Applegate Mark, miner, res 509 S Hamilton Applegate Sadie L, bds Robert McClanahan Archer George F, laborer, res Sunset add Arden Mrs May, furnished rooms 635 N Central av Armstrong Ardy L, baker C T Sabine, res 528 E Main Armstrong Mrs Emma, nurse, res 528 E Main Armstrong James S, cement finisher, res 314 Willamette av Armstrong J Alexander, teamster, res 707 W Clark ARMSTRONG J W, Sec Medford Nursery Co Inc, res Los Angeles Armstrong Ruth B, asst I D Phipps, bds 705 N Riverside av Arnell John, real estate 235 E Main, res 425 N Holly Arnold Nellie E (wid Gilbert L; Cline & Co), res 702 Pine ARNSPIGER OLEN, City Engineer, Civil Engineer 235 E Main, res 711 W Palm Arrants Wm W, laborer Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res Phoenix ART STORE THE, C E Collins Propr, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Picture Framing and Art Materials 27 N Grape, Tel Main 1094, Home 95 (See opp) Ash Archie S (Medford Realty & Improvement Co), res 56 N Orange Ash Frances G, bds 56 N Orange Ash Gertrude L, bds 56 N Orange Ashcraft Mrs Lillian T, maid Hotel Medford, bds 324 N Front Ashpole Wilbur (Pech, Nichols & Ashpole), rms 208 E Main Atwill James H, painter, res 129 W 11th Auberstine George, cook, rms 215 N Riverside av Austin Clara L, bds W F Austin Austin Lida E, bds W F Austin Austin Walter F, res Hillcrest rd Siskiyou Hts Averill George, res 1810 N Riverside av Aydlott Benjamin J, cement worker, res 606 W 4th Aydlott Ella A, opr Pace Tel & Tel Co, bds 606 W 4th B
B&C Cash Store Inc, Fred W Morgan pres, Wm Detheradge.
sec-treas, grocers 225 W MainBacon Artimitia (wid Jerome), bds 716 W 2nd Bacon Charles A, conductor Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point Baer Victoria (wid Daniel), dressmaker, res 314 Howard Baerthel Louis J, propr Nash Grill, rms 310 N Bartlett Bailey Arthur J, bds 135 N Bartlett Bailey James A, bds 135 N Bartlett Bailey Mae L, clerk cigar stand Hotel Nash, bds 510 S Central av Bailey Winfield H, fruit grower, res 31 N Orange Bain Wm, engineer Hotel Medford, res end W Clark Baker Andrew, laborer, bds 330 Portland av Baker Caroline, clerk H C Kentner Co, bds 401 E 5th Baker Dorothy M, bds 519 N Bartlett Baker George W, student, bds Mrs S I Baker Baker Harry I, bds Mrs S I Baker Baker Hiram H, res 519 N Bartlett Baker Lydia (wid Adam), res 330 Portland av Baker R Chester, clerk, bds Mrs S I Baker Baker Mrs Sophenia I, res w end W Jackson BAKER WM P, Street Commissioner City Hall, res 305 Portland Av Baker Wm S, laborer, res 134 N Riverside av Balch Fred K, foreman Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, res 811 N Riverside av Balcom Edward L, foreman Gaddis & Dixon, res 318 W Jackson Balcom Herbert G, building contractor, res 838 W 2nd Balcom Ralph W, student, bds 318 W Jackson BALDWIN B W, Vice-Pres Medford Nursery Co, res Grants Pass Baldwin Clarence H, clerk The Toggery, res 329 W 2nd Ball August, laborer City Water Dept, res 101 S Riverside av Ball Thomas E, laborer, bds 1104 4th Ballantine W K, student Medford Business College, rms 704 Welch Ballore Emmet, laborer, rms 108 E 10th Banker Melvin B, electrician, res 503 S King Banks Carlotta S, dept mngr H C Kentner Co, bds 328 N Central av Barber Frederick S, dentist 204 E Main, res 707 W Main Barber Martin C, physician 9 Palm blk, res 1211 W Main Barber Wm E, barber Wood & Estes, res 1011 Niantic Barbour James, rms University Club Bardwell Ralph G, cashier Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, res 416 S Oakdale av Bare Martha L, teacher Washington School, bds 1136 W 10th Barkdull Mrs Clara C, boarding 117 N Central av Barkdull John W, res 117 N Central av BARKDULL J E (J D Olwell & Co), res 817 N Central Av, Tel Main 662 Barker John H, laborer, res ½ m ne limits Barker Reginald S, res 810 S Oakdale av Barley Georgia, clerk Pantorium Dye Works, res 225 S Riverside av Barnard Mrs Mildred (Barnard & Cornoyer), rms 125 N Holly Barnard & Cornoyer (Mrs Mildred Barnard, Ida Cornoyer), millinery 126 E Main Barneburg Building, 129 E Main Barneburg John, res 601 W 10th Barneburg Peter, farmer, res 1½ m se Medford Barnes Jean M, stengr Big Pines Lumber Co, bds 443 W Holly Barnes Joseph C, real estate 214 First National Bank bldg, res 624 N Riverside av Barnett Mrs Addie N, dressmaker, res 6 W Jackson Barnett Austin F, real estate 204 E Main, res 6 W Jackson Barr Hal R, student, bds 824 S Orange Barr John W, carpenter, res 824 S Orange Barr Orvale E, student, bds 824 S Orange Barr Thomas M, farmer, res 1½ m w Medford Barr Wm H, res 526 S Holly Barrow Alvin P, driver Crater Lake Laundry, bds 723 N Taft Barry Thomas C, gardener B T Theiss, res 1212 N Central av Base Ball Park, W 2nd nw cor N Holly Bass James W, boarding 235 N Ivy Bateman Anna E, ironer Medford Domestic Lndy, bds 1104 E 11th Bateman Annie J, bds 302 Maple BATEMAN I C, Mngr Medford Cream & Butter Co, Mngr Scott Valley Creamery Co, Mngr Hornbrook Creamery Co, res 528 W 11th, Tel Main 2291 Bateman Samuel, teamster Medford Lumber Co, res 302 Maple Bateman Wm S, laborer, res 1104 E 11th Bates Clarence W, laborer, bds 108 S Mistletoe Bates Henry G, barber 128 W Main, bds 329 N Bartlett Bates James W, barber H G Bates, res 329 N Bartlett Bates J Thomas, res 108 S Mistletoe Bates Wm W, barber H G Bates, bds 17 Newtown Battle Wm H, bootblack 107 W Main, res 422 N Front Baum Michael, cbt mkr Mission Furn Wks, res 220 Vancouver av Baumeister Michael, carpenter, rms 319 S Grape Bauten Mary A (wid Henry A), bds G S Stout Baxter Isaac H, shoemaker Brittsan & Brittsan, res 117 S Central av Baxter Mrs J A, ironer Crater Lake Laundry Bayliss Thomas M, carpenter, res 730 W 11th Beach Mrs Ada B, clerk C J Beach, res 319 S Ivy Beach Catharine L, clerk C J Beach, bds 319 S Ivy Beach Courtland J, notions 315 E Main, res 319 S Ivy Beach Roland G, carrier PO, res 516 Liberty Beacom Wm J, baker 135 W Main, res 216 S Orange Beacom Windom W, clerk W J Beacom, bds 216 S Orange Bean L Ellis, lapidary 126 E Main, res 247 Beatty Bean Mrs Minnie B, bds 245 S Central av BEAR CREEK MOTOR CAR CO, George E Kremer Sec-General Mngr, Ralph H Lincoln Mngr, Jackson County Agents for Cadillac and Buick, Garage, Repairs, Fully Equipped Machine Shop 104 S Bartlett, Tel Main 2551, Home 255 Beard Susie, student Medford Business College BEAUTY SHOP THE, Madame Roode Propr, Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Manicuring, Chiropodists, Scalp and Massage Specialists, Toilet Preparations and Hair Goods 25 Jackson County Bank Building, Tel Main 7411 (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Hair Dressers) Beck Aloysius J, student Medford Business College, bds 401 Newtown Beck Della, bds 401 Newtown Beck Frank X, farmer, res 401 Newtown Beck James H, teamster, res 1158 Court Beck Nora, student, bds 401 Newtown Becker Joseph N, teamster, bds 421 Benson Beckett T Clifford, clerk PO, res 51 N Peach Bedingfield Fred L, pool 28 N Front, res same Beers Fanny (wid Thomas E), res 328 N Central av Beeson John D, carpenter, bds 245 S Central av Behling Henry C (Behling & Schmidt), res 122 S Mistletoe BEHLING & SCHMIDT (Henry C Behling, Emil F Schmidt), Shoes, Sole Agents for Walk-Over Shoes 105 E Main Belcher Frank, employment agent 43 S Front, res 33 same Bell James D, pres The Hotel Nash Co, res Hotel Nash Bellamy Sarah E (wid Emmett T), bds 505 N Central av Bellinger Caroline (wid Merritt), res 147 N Holly Bellinger Frank R, apiarist, res 125 N Holly Bellinger Fred C, bricklayer, res 344 N Bartlett Bellinger John H, dairy, res 404 S Peach Beltz John F, gardener, res 1115 Niantic Benefiel Benjamin, helper Medford Plumbing Co, bds 106 E 12th Bennett Archie O (Benson Investment Co), rms 339 S Central av Bennett Mrs Belle B, res 937 N Central av Bennett Ethel D, bds 937 N Central av BENNETT NOAH S, Propr Eden Valley Nursery, res 937 N Central Av, Tel Connections (See Right Top Lines and p 6) Bennett Robert L, operator WU Telg Co, res 402 W Jackson Bennett Roger S, propr The Berben, res 10 N Quince Bennett Roy H, asst mngr Medford Grocery Co, res 707 Sherman Bennett Samuel L, res 531 S Riverside av Bennett Wm T, watchman Big Pines Lumber Co, res 321 Benson av Benson B F, real estate 130 W Main, rms same Benson Investment Co (Archie O Bennett), real estate 102 W Main Benson Knute, machinist Valley Auto Co, rms 126 W Main Benton Charles B, laborer, bds 322 E 4th Benton Martha J (wid George), res 322 E 4th Berben The, Roger S Bennett propr, apts 10 N Quince Berdan C Allen (Berdan & Sons), bds 520 S Hamilton Berdan Frank E (Berdan & Sons), res 520 S Hamilton Berdan Gertrude S, musician, bds 520 S Hamilton Berdan Morton A (Berdan & Sons), bds 520 S Hamilton BERDAN & SONS (Frank E, C Allen and Morton A), House Movers and Handlers of Heavy Machinery 520 S Hamilton, Tel Home 176-K, Pacific Main 6002 Berger Kate M, maid 801 E Main Berlin M B, tailor 219 W Main, res 519 S Holly Berrian Herbert J, student, bds 114 Genessee Berrian James W (Muller & Berrian), res 114 Genessee Berry Dora L, bds 611 W 8th Berry Isaac W, res 611 W 8th Berry Laura, bds 611 W 8th Bethel George, farmer, bds 505 N Central av Bethel M Ellen, bds 505 N Central av Bethel N W, supt Twohy Bros, rms Hotel Holland Bethel Sarah J (wid Robert B), res 505 N Central av Betterly Joseph, mach Bear Creek Motor Car Co, bds 42 S Bartlett Betz August, bds 842 E Main Beveridge Leland S, prin Roosevelt School, res 807 E Jackson Beveridge Wm M, student, bds 202 S Oakdale av Beveridge Wm T, civil engineer, res 202 S Oakdale av Biden Elizabeth I (wid Stuart D), res 610 W Clark Biden Ernest N, shoemaker C M Kidd, res 1020 Court Biden Maitland S, shoemaker 32 S Central av, res 614 W Clark Bier Mrs Nettie B, seamstress, res 515 W 11th BIG PINES LUMBER CO, G X Wendling (San Francisco) Pres, R M Cross (Portland) Vice-Pres, H A Thierolf Sec-Treas-Mngr, W 6th ne cor N Fir, Tel Main 1, Home 1 Bigalow F Earl, traveling salesman Union Meat Co, res 710 Dakota av Biggings Delia M (wid Wm A), bds 513 N Grape Bigham John, bds 503 N Grape Bigham Pearl C, propr Medford Soda Works, res 503 N Grape Billadeau Cyril J, engineer, res E Jackson sw cor P&E tracks Billings John, wagon maker J W Mitchell, res 18 Myrtle Billings Terry E, concrete contractor, res 1405 N Riverside av Bingham Joseph P, electrician, res 533 S Grape Binns Edward H, meat cutter Nichols & Ashpole, rms 307 E 6th Birchard Rozeltha S (wid Newell C), nurse, res 317 Genessee Birkland Gilbert N, traveling salesman, res 341 W 2nd Bish Allen W, carpenter, res 1063 Court Bish Almeda, bds 1063 Court Bish George W, gardener, bds 1063 Court Bish Henrietta, bds 1063 Court Bish Rebecca L (wid Abraham), bds 29 Newtown Bishop Marsden, gardener, res Capitol Hill Bissell Benjamin A, carpenter, bds 338 W Holly Bittner Emma (wid Ernest F A), mngr Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau, res 19 Jeanette av BITTNER'S REAL ESTATE & EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Mrs Emma Bittner Mngr, Farm and City Property and Business Chances 6 and Palm Block, Tel Main 4141, Home 14 Bixby Ona L, bds 312 S Central av Bjerregaard Julius, bds O R Bjerregaard Bjerregaard Olaf R, res rear 1121 E Main Black Edward T, bds 1004 E Main Black James S, cutter Oregon Granite Co, bds 601 W Jackson Black Jessie W, music teacher, bds 601 W Jackson Black Kathleen, student, bds 1004 E Main Black Lunsford P, res 1004 E Main Black Lunsford P Jr, student, bds 1004 E Main Black Mary W (wid James S), res 601 W Jackson Black Richard C (Noyes & Black), res 145 N Ivy Blackburn Abel S, carpenter, res ws Elm 1 s W 11th Blackburn Lloyd D, teamster, res 615 Columbus av Blackburn Raymond F, bds A S Blackburn Blackford Elizabeth J, student, bds 342 N Ivy Blackley Preston B, farmer, res Jacksonville rd 2 blks w W Jackson Blake Robert, res 422 N Front Blakeley Mrs Myrtle, bookkeeper Medford Concrete Construction Co, bds 525 S Central av Blakely Mrs Ada M, dressmaker, rms 247 S Riverside av Blakely Wm R, traveling salesman, res 6-217 S Riverside av Bliss Amos, gardener, res 121 Cottage Bliss David J, student, bds 121 Cottage Bliss Mrs Elizabeth E, bds 121 Cottage Bliss Francis A, laborer, res 303 W Clark Bliss Nellie M, student, bds 121 Cottage Bliton Albert S, res 618 W Main Bliton Mildred, student, bds 618 W Main Bliton V Loraine, student, bds 618 W Main Blodget James W, res W 10th and W 11th on alley rear S Hamilton Blomberg Mrs Elizabeth P, res 1 w 840 W Palm Blood Mayme L, nurse, bds 44 N Quince Boardman Charles A, res 1024 Court Boardman Charles M, grocer 1002 N Court, res same Boardman Jesse T, carpenter, res 613 N Bartlett Bodes John A, res 703 Beatty Bodge Cleone H (wid Warren C), bds 211 N Oakdale av Boeck Eric C, res 310 S Riverside av Boeck Ivy I, student, bds 310 S Riverside av Boenig Ethel G, opr Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 926 N Central av Boenig Florence V, opr Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 926 N Central av Boenig Muriel C, opr Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 926 N Central av BOGGS O CARTER (Boggs & Wilson), Acting Sec Jackson County Building & Loan Assn, res 109 S Orange, Tel Main 3551 BOGGS & WILSON (O C Boggs, John G Wilson), Lawyers 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel Main 1051, Home 198 Bohn Charles F, bookkeeper Medford Grocery Co, res 1031 Narregan Boland John J, sash mkr Big Pines Lbr Co, res Dakota nr S Orange Boltze Thomas F, supt and asst eng Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point Bonner Clarence F, bds A F Bonner Bonner Fred H, barber J T Summerville, res Boardman se cor Manzanita Bonney George M (Maddox & Bonney), res 36 Portland av Bonney Henry C, res 338 N Front Boos George E, solr Rogue River Valley Canal Co, res 112 S Laurel Booth John E, painter, bds 324 W 4th Booth Roderick F (Booth & Renner), res 432 Plum Booth & Renner (Roderick F Booth, Fred Renner), barbers 37 N Fir Borchardt Ema F, res 329 S Grape Borchardt Minnie, bds 329 S Grape Borchers Wm H, cook Pfeifer & Sherard, rms 344 S Central av Bordeaux Lorraine S (wid Levi), bds A W Deane Borne Alfred J, jeweler J W Diamond, bds 107 Genessee Boswell Robert, concrete contractor, res 1002 W 11th Boswell Robert J, student, bds 1002 W 11th Bourget Louis J, auto machinist, res 225 S Riverside av Boussum Charles, hoseman Medford Fire Dept, rms 44 N Front Boussum Clarence R, surveyor, res 446 S Central av Boussum John H, laborer, res 446 S Central av Boussum Roy, setter Medford Brick Co, res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits Bower Ruth, music teacher, rms 121 Roosevelt av Bowers Mrs M M, res 342 W 10th Bowling James, real estate, res 20 S Peach Bowman Charles R, principal High School, res 60 N Orange Bowman Herbert E, farmer, res Jacksonville rd 3 blks w limits BOYD CLARENCE R (Eads Transfer & Storage Co), res 1023 W 9th Boyd Ernest G, carpenter, bds 1022 W 11th Boyd Mrs Marie C (Boyd & Gibson), res 825 E 9th Boyd Mildred E, student, bds 843 E 9th Boyd Theron G (Boyd & Son), res 843 E 9th Boyd Wm E (Boyd & Son), res 825 E 9th Boyd & Gibson (Mrs Marie C Boyd, Mrs Margaret P Gibson), proprs East Side Millinery 608 E Main Boyd & Son (Theron G and Wm E), bldg contrs 608 E Main Boyden Charles Z, chainman, bds 344 N Central av Boyden Henry E, farmer, res 344 N Central av Boyer Edgar J, laborer, bds 821 W 12th Boyer Herman H, blacksmith, res 821 W 12th Boyer Orvall D, res 12-217 S Riverside av Boylan Anna, bds 710 Dakota av Boyle Rev D Dick, pastor First Christian Church, rms 105 N Oakdale av Brace Merle, clerk Bertha Snyder, bds 619 N Riverside Bracher Gustave A, salsn Rogue River Commission Co, res 132 N Ivy Brackinreed Alan, acct Medford Natl Bank bldg, res 618 Dakota Bradbury Jay D, traveling salesman, bds 306 Apple Bradbury Noah B, carpenter, res 306 Apple Bradley Dick, carpenter, res 318 S Laurel Bradshaw Delilah (wid Wm H), res Laurelhurst add Bradshaw John T, res 415 Knight Bragg Robert O, res 634 W Hamilton Brainerd Edward W, clerk Hutchison & Lumsden, res 838 Bennett av Brandenburg Bertha G, bds 408 W 6th Brandenburg James A, res 408 W 6th Brandon Carter, student, bds 315 W Main Brandon Frank S (Brandon & Whitney), res 337 S Oakdale av Brandon George W, carpenter, res 337 S Oakdale av Brandon & Whitney (Frank S Brandon, R J Whitney), men's furngs 210 W Main Bratney Elgin F, solr Metropolitan Life Ins Co, bds 742 W 14th Bratney Grace, stengr Medford Cream & Butter Co, bds Mrs J A Bratney Bratney Jennie A (wid W A), res 2½ m s Kings Highway Brawn Charles G, mngr Crater Lake Laundry Co Inc, res 614 N Riverside av Bremmerman Carey J, solicitor, bds 626 4th Brevard Robert J, rancher, rms 12 S Orange Briggs Bessie, clerk, bds 443 S Central av Briley James M, laborer, res 220 W 5th Briley Mrs Jenny F, laundress, res 220 W 5th Briscoe James, teamster, res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits Bristow Sidney, carpenter, res 437 W Holly Brittsan John A (Brittsan & Brittsan), bds 117 S Central av Brittsan Vincent E (Brittsan & Brittsan), bds 117 S Central av Brittsan & Brittsan (John A and Vincent E), second hand goods 118 S Central av Broad Agnes M, operator Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 128 S Holly Broad Anna, operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 128 S Holly Broadbent Marvin O, ydman Big Pines Lumber Co, res 718 Sherman BROADLEY THE FLORIST (J T Broadley), Cut Flowers, Seeds, Bulbs, Nursery Stock and Landscape Gardening MF&H Co Bldg, Tel Home 35, Greenhouses Capitol Hill, Tel Main 5181, Home 301-L (See Right and Left Top Lines and Classified Florists ) BROADLEY JOHN T, Florist and Landscape Gardener, Nursery Stock, Seeds and Bulbs, Store MF&H Co Bldg E 6th cor Central Av, Tel Home 35, Greenhouses Capitol Hill, Tel Main 5181, Home 301-L (See Right and Left Top Lines and Classified Florists) Broadwood John, bds 9 E Jackson Broas Wm, rms 213 S Central av Brobeck George R, laborer, res ss Stewart av Brobeck Walter D, orchardist, res 21 W 10th Broker Fred M, carrier RFD, res 320 W Clark Bromley Edgar W, farmer, res 1527 W 6th Bromley Horace L, window trimmer The H C Kentner Co, bds 1527 W 6th Brooke Elizabeth, chiropractor, rms 247 S Riverside av Brookhurst Orchard, E B Pickel propr, Eagle Point rd Brookins Frank C, carpenter, bds Mrs R A Keizur Brooks Carl B, driver Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 321 Benson av Brooks Harry W, district agent Oregon Journal, res 32 Rose Brooks Joseph F, res 3 E 4th Brooks J Wm, carpenter, res 701 E Jackson Brooks Mrs Katie, furnished rooms 3 E 4th Brophy Nicholas D, farmer, res 611 S Riverside av Brophy Vernon D, student Medford Business College, bds 611 S Riverside av Brous Edgar W, bartender Selsby & Kennedy, res 134 Kenwood av Brown Mrs Addie, maid 242 N Front Brown Albert T, civil engineer Osgood & Cummings, res 1022 W 4th Brown Albert T, farmer, res 145 S Ivy Brown Bernice A, student, bds 145 S Ivy Brown Mrs Carolyn P, clerk Akins, Benton & Co, res 614 W 11th Brown Cecil A, clerk Brown & Hall, bds 605 S Newtown Brown Charles A, engineer Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 905 S Central av Brown Charles B, driver Medford Domestic Lndy Co, res 44 N Quince Brown Charles E, laborer, bds Mrs E T Blomberg Brown Chester A, plastering contractor, res 18 Elm Brown Edmund, student, bds J M Larkin Brown Edward G, saloon E Main ne cor Front, res 120 Roosevelt av Brown Ellen R (wid Samuel), bds W H Brown Brown Ethelwyn W, bkpr B&C Cash Store Inc, bds 605 S Newtown Brown Grace J, student, bds 1207 W Main Brown Mrs Helen M, Christian Science practitioner, res 1207 W Main Brown Ilau L, student, bds 145 S Ivy Brown Joseph C (Brown & Wakefield), res 1207 W Main Brown Lawrence P, laborer Gaddis & Dixon, res 715 W 2nd Brown Lewis B, flour, grain and hay 139 S Riverside av, res 339 Central av Brown Mildred G, student, bds 153 N Oakdale av Brown Oliver B, res 436 N Bartlett Brown Roy B, waiter US Chop House, res 417 N Oakdale av Brown Sidney I (Brown & Hall), res 502 S Fir Brown Walter D, student, bds 339 S Central av Brown Warren, student Medford Business College Brown Wm H, propr Browndale Orchard, res n end Roosevelt av Brown Wm I, grocer 607 S Newtown, res 605 same Brown Mrs W I, millinery 302 E Main, res 605 S Newtown Brown Mrs Zella, chocolate dipper R M Foster, bds J M Larkin Brown & Hall (Sidney I Brown, Court J Hall), billiards 14 N Front Brown & Wakefield (Joseph C Brown, John W Wakefield), real est Palm blk Browndale Orchard, Wm H Brown propr, n end Roosevelt av Brownlee John (Fouts Co), res 539 W Hamilton Bruce Robert, foreman Clark & Henery Construction Co, bds 401 E 5th Brumble Henry S (Brumble & Son), res 327 S Fir Brumble Henry S Jr (Brumble & Son), bds 327 S Fir Brumble & Son (Henry S and Henry S Jr), drayage 327 S Fir Brunken August, telegraph operator SP Co, rms 204 N Ivy Buchanan John D, res 830 Taylor Buchanan M May, stenographer Oregon Granite Co, bds 830 Taylor Buchanan R Wiley, cement finisher, res 115 Genessee Buchter John J, cashier California-Oregon Power Co, rms 16 N Grape Buck Charles P, gardener, res 242 Beatty Buckmaster Bird L, carpenter, bds 637 Pine Buckmaster Clyde J, sawyer, bds 637 Pine Buckmaster Jacob R, carpenter, res 637 Pine Budge Alex G, student, bds 611 W 10th Budge Jean, student, bds 611 W 10th Budge Wm, orchardist, res 611 W 10th Buffum Francis A, stengr California-Oregon Power Co, res 532 S Ivy BUILDING SPECIALTIES CO (Ray E Griswold, Richard W Waters), Wall Paper, Paints and Oils, Glass, Agents for Timms, Cress & Co's Building Materials 318 E Main, Tel Main 4531 Bullock Richard H, salesman, res 103 Roosevelt av Bullock Wm R, janitor Roosevelt School, res Capitol Hill Bunch Baker N, res 246 S Ivy Bundy Carey, surveyor Olen Arnspiger, bds 504 S Central av Bundy Louis, dentist 3-308 E Main, res 504 S Central av Bungalow Rooming House, James P Alexander propr, 108 E 10th BURBIDGE TRANSFER CO (Wm J Burbidge), General Express, Drayage, Piano Moving a Specialty, Storage 434 S Front, Tel Main 7101, Home 309-K (See Right Side Lines) BURBIDGE WM J (Burbidge Transfer Co), res 59 N Orange, Tel Main 1602 (See Right Side Lines) Burch Effie A, res 215 Cottage Burch H Taylor, driver, res 846 E 9th Burch James A, teamster, res 848 E 9t Burch J C, rms Hotel Holland Burch Lovina (wid Lea), res 215 Cottage Burdett Charles E, carpenter, bds 931 S Central av Burdett E Thomas, carpenter, bds 931 S Central av Burdett Sarah O (wid Eli), res 931 S Central av Burgess Arthur C (Burgess, Quizenberry & Burgess), res 219 N Central av Burgess Frank O, res 1518 W Main Burgess H Clay, res 227 S Central av Burgess Mrs Kittie, clerk The H C Kentner Co, res 219 N Central av Burgess Mrs Mabel F, chief operator Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 227 S Central av Burgess, Quizenberry & Burgess (A C Burgess, W F Quizenberry, R O Burgess), cigars 10 N Front Burgess Ralph C, baggageman SP Co, bds 219 N Central av Burgess Robert O (Burgess, Quizenberry & Burgess), bds 227 S Central av Burke Clarence F’, clerk, bds 344 N Bartlett Burke Earl, rms 222 S Central av Burke Fred, carpenter, res 344 N Bartlett Burke Ruby V, student, bds 344 N Bartlett Burkhardt Ralph, warehouseman Union Meat Co, res 737 W 14th Burleson Mrs Lena, bds 511 E Main Burnett Oral N, bartender, res 402 N Oakdale av Burnett Robert L, repr Pacific Motor Supply Co, bds 706 S Oakdale av Burns Berdella, bds 704 Beatty Burris Mrs Grace L, res 443 W Holly Burris Muriel M, bkpr Southern Oregon Electrical & Heating Co, bds 449 W Holly Burris Ray G, clerk J C Mann, bds 443 W Holly Burroughs Grant, farmer, bds Thomas McAndrew Burrows Thomas G, res 502 S Newtown Burton Wm E, foreman SP Co, res 321 W Jackson Bush Miles F, printer, res 521 Beatty Butcher Amandus C, carpenter, res ss RRV tracks 1 blk w limits Butcher Eldred H, bell boy Hotel Medford, bds Hotel Moore Butcher E Mildred, operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 128 S Holly Butler Basil N, watchmaker M J Reddy, res 8 S Orange Butler Eric B, manager Western Union Telegraph Co, res 826 W 12th Butler Harry N, clk Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 212 N Bartlett Butler Jeunesse T, musician, bds 8 S Orange Butler John P, res 726 W 4th Butler Miriam (wid G Houston), bds 826 E Main Butterfield Byron H, bricklayer, res 724 S Central av Butterfield Charles S (Davidson & Butterfield), res 318 S Hamilton Butz Babette, bds 9 Rose av Butz George, architect 215 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, res 9 Rose av Butz George A (Butz & Johnston), res Hotel Holland Butz & Johnston (George A Butz, T Slater Johnston Jr), proprs Hotel Holland 43 N Fir Byrne Carl W, plumber, bds 245 N Riverside av C
Cady Clarence H, hoseman Medford Fire Dept, bds 365 S Central avCady Hector B, police, res 365 S Central av Cady Mrs Molle, cigar clerk Hotel Medford, res 365 S Central av Caffey Joseph C, res 832 S Central av Cain Frank H (Valley Auto Co), res 30 N Holly Caldwell Charles A, driver Pantorium Dye Wks Co, res 38 Rose av Caldwell Thomas L, teamster, res 1162 Court Calhoun Henry H, teamster, res 311 Knight Calhoun John C, rancher, res Ross av near Jacksonville rd Calhoun Myrtle L, bds Ross av nr Jacksonville rd CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER CO, Harry L Walther General Manager, 216 W Main, Tel Main 1681, Home 128-L Callas Nick, laborer, res 402 Boardman Cameron Mrs Anna, bds 229 S Laurel Cameron Esther J (wid Robert J), res 112 Geneva av Cameron L Bernice, mngr Postal Telegraph-Cable Co,.bds 112 Geneva Cameron Zachary, res 627 S Central av Campbell Abner B, res 1020 N Central av Campbell Alvin, farmer, res 725 N Taft Campbell Charles D, restaurant 11 N Fir, rms 122 N Ivy Campbell Edgar N, rancher, res 528 S Grape Campbell James, loans 320 Garnett-Corey bldg, res Kings Highway Stewart av Campbell James S (Medford Land Co), res 18 Summit av Campbell Thomas, horseshoer, rms 247 S Riverside av CAMPBELL WM N (W T York & Co), res 714 W 8th Campion George H, teamster G H Eads, rms W 10th and S Front Canaday Hamill A, lawyer 204 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, rms same Canfield Louis D, res 608 W Jackson Cannon Harry C, engineer, bds 220 S Grape Cannon Wm C, laborer, bds 821 W 10th Canon Fay J, foreman Clark & Henery Const Co, bds 203 Genessee Canon Verne T, bill poster 37 N Bartlett, bds 203 Genessee CANON WM H, Mayor, US Commissioner, Dep Clk US Courts 29 Jackson County Bank Bldg, res 203 Genessee Capelle Edward, carpenter, rms 223 W Main Carbee John L, operator The Beauty Shop, bds 220 S Oakdale av Carder Bernice B, teacher Jackson School, bds 307 S Laurel Carder Dean S, student, bds 307 S Laurel Carder Eli W, res 307 S Laurel Carder Virginia L, student, bds 307 S Laurel Carey Mrs Amelia M, res Stewart av se cor Kings Highway Carey Gladys E, student, bds Mrs A M Carey CARKIN JOHN H (Carkin & Taylor), See Medford Merchants Assn, res 236 S Oakdale Av, Tel Main 6011 Carkin Theone, teacher Washington School CARKIN & TAYLOR (John H Carkin, Glenn O Taylor), Lawyers 7-8-9 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel Main 3171 CARLOW EVA MAINS, Osteopathic Physician 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel Pacific 6351, Home 278-K, res 420 S Laurel (See Classified Osteopathic Physicians) CARLOW FRANK G, Osteopathic Physician 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel Pacific 6351, Home 278-K, res 420 S Laurel (See Classified Osteopathic Physicians) Carlson Augusta, maid 308 S Oakdale av Carlton Charles B, fruitgrower, res 1310 W Main Carlton Robert A, bds 1310 W Main Carnell Ada V (wid Henry), res 523 S Holly Carnell Edwin H, student, bds 523 S Holly Carnell Eula M, student, bds 523 S Holly Carnell Hazel E, student, bds 523 S Holly Carnell Jesse O, fruit grower, bds 523 S Holly Carney Charles, quarry supt Oregon Granite Co Carney Thomas J, cutter Oregon Granite Co, res 222 S Holly Carns Jane (wid Wm), bds 103 E Jackson Carns Milo M, bartender, res 137 N Central av Carns Wm, saloon 25 S Front, res 103 E Jackson Carpenter Annie (wid Fred E), res 418 S Oakdale av Carpenter Florence, teacher High School Carpenter George B, fruit grower, res 3½ m city limits Carpenter John R, grocer Oakdale av sw cor 11th, res 516 S Grape Carper Amos A, clerk SP Co, res 321 N Apple Carr Charles E, student, bds 714 W 8th Carritt Fred T, pressman Medford Printing Co, rms 706 S Oakdale av Carroll Jane C (wid Wm H), res 429 N Central av Carruthers Richard W, res 14-217 S Riverside av Carstens C J, real estate, rms Hotel Holland Carsto Nick, laborer, rms 113 E 11th Carter George R, mngr Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 824 W 12th Cartwright Wm F, carpenter, res w end W 3rd, 3 blks w limits Cartwright Wilmer C, clerk Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 147 N Holly Carver D Frank, student Medford Business College Cash George, bds W A Cash Cash Wm A, res rear 827 S Central av Caskey Ann J (wid Samuel), bds 1129 Niantic Caskey Joseph (Caskey & Scherman), res 1129 Niantic Caskey Louis O, bds 1129 Niantic Caskey Violet A, asst Conroy & Clancy, bds 1129 Niantic Caskey & Scherman (Joseph Caskey, Henry W Scherman), blacksmiths 118 S Bartlett Cassady Clarence P, laborer, bds 226 W Jackson Cassady Warren L, traveling salesman, res 226 W Jackson Cassidy Everett E, engineer Hotel Holland Caster Mrs Vici, bds 128 S Holly Castleman Frank, masseur, rms 229 S Front Catlin Clarence L, foreman Big Pines Lumber Co, res 627 N Central Caufield John, carpenter, res 234 E 9th Cavanaugh Beatrice N, bds 415 S Fir Cavanaugh Charles H, cement worker, res 415 S Fir Cavasin Ferdinando, laborer, res 320 S Hamilton Cavasin Giovanni, laborer, res 320 S Hamilton Cavasin Luigi, laborer, res 320 S Hamilton Cave Leo A, laborer, res ss Stewart av Centers Frank M, orchard foreman, res Central Point rd 1 m n limits Centers Marion S, teamster, res 1118 N Riverside av Chaffee Owen R, real estate, res 523 N Riverside av Chapin Charles J, res w end W 2nd 2 blks w limits Charley Lemon C, propr West Side Stables, res Brownsboro Charley Lewis, laborer, rms 113 E 11th Charley Wm, res 305 N Grape CHELGREN BROS (Oscar F and Pontus W), Cement and Excavating Contractors 736 N Taft, Tel Main 3912 Chelgren Oscar F (Chelgren Bros), res 786 N Taft Chelgren Pontus W (Chelgren Bros), res 735 N Alder Cheney Edward L, watchmaker M J Reddy, res 220 S Grape CHERRY GEORGE W (Mulkey & Cherry), res El Mar Add Chesley Justus G, civil engineer Olen Arnspiger, rms 706 S Oakdale av Chessmore Victoria M (wid Alvin H), res 30 Cottage Chidester Henry B, carpenter, res 819 Bennett av Childers I Clement, bricklayer, res 127 Portland av Childers Raymond I, bricklayer, bds 211 Vancouver av Childers Spencer, brick contractor, res 211 Vancouver av Childers Vivian M, student, bds 211 Vancouver av Childress Walter L, bds 406 W 2nd Childreth George M, molder Medford Brick Co, res 1113 W 11th Childs Harry W, bds 333 S Riverside av Childs Mrs Mollie M, clerk Hutchison & Lumsden, res 333 S Riverside Chilson Charles C (Medford Land Co), res 1423 E Main Christian Science Church, Mrs Mary J Alsdorf reader, 212 N Oakdale av Christian Science Reading Room, 212 N Oakdale av Christman Frank, fruit grower, res Siskiyou hts Church of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord, Rev J M O'Farrell pastor, 338 S Oakdale av Churchill Al W, teamster, res e end Keene Way Cingcade Harry L, police, res 633 Pine Cingcade Mrs Lula, clerk Bertha Snyder City Hall, 44 N Front City Park, bet W Main and W 8th S Holly and S Ivy City Recorder, Edward T Foss, City Hall City Street Department, Wm P Baker Comnr, City Hall City Water Works, George H Trana supt, City Hall Claflin F, elec California-Oregon Power Co, res Grape and 9th Clancy Andrew, bds R W Clancy Clancy Robert W (Conroy & Clancy), res Medford hts Clark Albert W, miner, bds 11 Chestnut Clark Mrs Anna, res 226 N Front Clark Anne H, bds 11 Chestnut Clark Arthur W, mngr Clark & Henery Const Co, res 33 N Peach Clark Artie B, operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 226 N Front Clark Benjamin F, res 1116 W 4th Clark Blanche G (wid Albert W), res 11 Chestnut Clark Cecil M, waiter Hotel Holland Cafe, res 31-217 S Riverside av Clark Florence N, student, bds 1116 W 4th Clark Frank C, architect 219 W Main, res 25 Summit av CLARK FRANK D, Mngr Clark Realty Co, res Perrydale Clark Helen H, dressmaker, rms 204 S Central av Clark Horace N, mining 429 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co bldg, res 520 Palm Clark John H, carpenter, res 122 Portland av Clark Mayme F, student, bds 1116 W 4th Clark Ralph, clerk C L Schieffelin, bds 622 S Central av CLARK REALTY CO, Frank D Clark Mngr, Real Estate, Alfalfa and Fruit Ranches 206 Phipps Bldg, Tel Main 2331 Clark Walter M, bookkeeper, res 1016 Court Clark & Henery Construction Co, A W Clark mngr, 9 Post Office blk Clary Charles F, teamster, res 317 E Jackson Clary Frank B, teamster, bds 317 E Jackson Clary Jesse G, teamster, bds 317 E Jackson Clary Mrs Alzira, bds 107 E 2nd Clay Daniel E, res 506 S Fir Clay Theodosia, student Medford Business Coll, bds 503 S Fir Clay Wilson S, res 307 N Ivy Clayville Daisy W, bds 1129 W 9th Clayville Emory W, carpenter, res 1129 W 9th Clayville Myrtle I, teacher Washington School, bds 1129 W 9th Clement Armos, carpenter Trail Lumber Co, res 202 Elm Clement Delia, vice-pres Trail Lumber Co, bds 422 S Ivy Clement Ernest, yard foreman Trail Lumber Co, res 422 S Ivy Clement Mrs Suzanne, bds 422 S Ivy Clements Leo G, electrician, res 509 W 11th Clemons Ernest L, helper Medford Harness Co, rms 1025 W 11th Cleveland George, bds 920 S Central av Cleveland Richard R, laborer, res 920 S Central av Clifford Mary, clerk Medford Mercantile Co, bds 714 Welch Cline Emma C (wid Frank D; Cline & Co), res 702 Pine Cline & Co (Mrs Emma C Cline, Mrs Nellie E Arnold), grocers 702 Pine Cloney Will E (Medford Implement Co), res 308 W Knight Cochran Belle, dressmaker, bds 401 E 5th Cochran Harold C, student, bds 246 S Riverside av Cochran Ina G, student, bds 246 S Riverside av Cochran John H, agent Mutual Life Ins Co of New York, 202 First National Bank bldg, res 246 S Riverside av Cochran Lucinda, student, bds 246 S Riverside av Coffeen Arthur B, carpenter, bds 514 W 2nd Coffeen Charles, porter Hotel Nash, bds 516 W Palm Coffeen Harry, plumber Coffeen & Price, bds 516 W Palm Coffeen Hazel, bookkeeper Coffeen & Price, bds 514 W 2nd Coffeen John W (Coffeen & Price), res 516 W Palm Coffeen John W, carpenter, res 514 W 2nd Coffeen Murl, bds 516 W Palm Coffeen Wesley M, bell boy Hotel Nash, bds 516 W Palm Coffeen Wm J, carpenter, res 516 W Palm Coffeen& Price (J W Coffeen, J E Price), plumbers 118 E 6th Coffin Albert R, gardener, bds 1024 E 11th Coffin C Roswell, bookkeeper, bds 32 Ross ct Coffin E Vestal, salesman Rogue River Commission Co, res 32 Ross ct Coffin Inez H, teacher Washington School, bds 32 Ross ct Coffin Iva, student, bds 32 Ross ct Coggins Charles C, teamster, res 1 e 206 W Jackson Coggins Elley, bds 201 W Jackson Coggins Wm E, teamster, res 206 W Jackson Coggins W Jefferson, teamster, res 201 W Jackson Colbert Samuel T, laborer, res 902 N Central av Colboy John, teamster, res 45 N Bartlett Cole Amy L, student Medford Business Coll, bds 504 W Hamilton Cole Charles S, elec California-Oregon Power Co, res 727 N Alder Cole H Clay, engineer Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point Cole Martha (wid Henry R), bds 314 S Holly Cole Ray, clerk SP Co, res 227 S Holly Coleman The, Alfred Coleman propr, furnished rooms 1005 W Main Coleman Alfred, propr The Coleman, res 1005 W Main Coleman George L, gardener, res Central Point rd 2½ blks n limits Coleman Grant, farmer, res Highcroft add College Building, 31 N Grape Collette Frank W, laborer, bds 304 S King Collette Robert, laborer, rms 33 Front COLLINS CHARLES E, Propr The Art Store, res 104 E 2nd, Tel Home 20-L Collins Samuel A, painter, res 216 Apple Collins Thomas, res 110 Almond Collins Ulysses S, supt City Schools, res 1136 W 10th Colony Club, Mrs George B Carpenter pres, Mrs A E Reames treas, Ruth Holloway sec, Hotel Holland Colvig Donald L, clerk SP Co, res 928 S Holly Colvig Vance D, student Medford Business Coll, bds 8 S Laurel COLVIG WM M, Pres-Sec-Mngr Medford Commercial Club, Lawyer Medford National Bank Bldg, res 8 S Laurel COMMERCIAL CLUB, See Medford Commercial Club Conger Dorothy, bds 1009 W Main Conger Theodore H, physician, res 1009 W Main Conger Theodore H Jr, bds 1009 W Main Conklin Charles W, clk Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 205 Apple Conklin Earl O, sheet metal worker John Sipple, bds 205 Apple Conner Guy W, res 403 N Holly Conner Harry W, horseshoer Richard Turpin, rms 141 N Fir Connor Mary E (wid Thomas J), bds 43 N Peach Conrad Hal L, bkpr Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res 220 S Oakdale av Conrad John T, laborer City Water Dept, res 632 W Palm Conrad Mrs Lucile R, stengr Medford National Bank bldg, res 220 S Oakdale av Conroy Harry, dishwasher Hotel Medford, bds 29 S Bartlett Conroy Robert J (Conroy & Clancy), res Nob Hill Conroy & Clancy (Robert J Conroy, Robert W Clancy), physicians 211 Phipps bldg Conser Van E, clerk Wallace Stringer, res 214 Stark CONSERVATORY THE MEDFORD FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, Gerard Taillandier Director, College Bldg, 31 N Grape nr W Main (See Right Top Lines and p 5) Conway Grady, helper G H Millar, rms 441 S Central av Conwell Glenn B, elec California-Oregon Power Co, rms 218 W Main Cook Fred H, treas Rogue River Valley Nursery Co Inc, res 1222 Maple av Cook Hardy, hatter Pantorium Dye Works Co, bds 618 W 4th Cook James, foreman Brookhurst Orchard, res Eagle Point rd Cooley Charles R, asst mngr Medford Lumber Co, bds 409 N Fir Cooley Jeremiah H, pres-mngr Medford Lumber Co, res 409 N Fir Coon Mary J (wid Wm), bds 815 E Main Coop Mrs Rosina, res 527 Prune Cooper Pelham V, civil engineer, res 510 S Newtown Corbett Leander D, tinner J A Smith, bds 127 E 6th Corey Clarence H, vice-pres Garnett-Corey Hardware Co, baker 730 N Pine, res 305 E Jackson Corey C Everett, student, bds 305 E Jackson Corey George E, clerk Hubbard Bros, res 524 S Riverside av Corey Mildred M, bds 524 S Riverside av Corlies Henry D, res 35 N Orange Corneil Gordon, student Medford Business Coll, bds 722 Welch Cornell Albert B, district mngr Oregon Life Ins Co, res Grants Pass Cornett Edgar C, laborer, res 402 S Central av Cornett Mrs Susie D, dressmaker, res 402 S Central av Cornitius George C, real estate 219 W Main, res 402 W 3rd Cornitius Otto M, real estate, res 28 Ross ct Cornitius Welborn A, clerk J R Carpenter, bds 28 Ross ct Cornoyer Ida (Barnard & Cornoyer), rms 304 S Central av Cornwall Roy P, bds 245 N Riverside av Corrazzi Mrs Neil A, seamstress The H C Kentner Co, bds 328 N Central av Corum Ann E (wid James C), res 324 N Front Corum George H, restaurant 23 S Front, res 345 S Central av Corum Grover, propr Emerick Hotel, res 30 N Front Corum I May, maid Hotel Medford, bds 324 N Front Corum John A, laborer, bds 324 N Front Corum Nellie F, student, bds 324 N Front COSS HOWARD M, Mngr Jackson County Realty Co, res 604 W 10th cor King, Tel Home 217 COSS MRS HOWARD M, Mngr The Cottage, res 604 W 10th cor King, Tel Home 217 COTTAGE THE, Mrs Howard M Coss Mngr, Furnished Rooms 604 W 10th cor King, Tel Home 217 Cotterill Frank W, propr Medford Plumbing Co, res 106 E 12th Couey A Marion, blacksmith, res Jacksonville rd nr w end W 2nd Couey Charles W, bds A M Couey Couey John F, teamster, bds A M Couey Cowgill Ralph P, civ eng Rogue River Valley Canal Co, res 232 W 4th Cowgill T Griffith, student, bds 232 W 4th Cox Harriet M, teacher High School, rms 15 S Mistletoe Cox Houston, porter Hotel Medford, rms same Craig Archie Jr, rms 223 W Main Craig Frank M, tmstr Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 1118 W 11th Craig James B, res 113 Tripp Crane Albert A, laborer, bds 925 N Central av Cranfill Edith, bds 147 S Central av Cranfill Frank L, grocer 218 E 9th, res 147 S Central av Crank Walter S, engineer H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot, res 25 Portland av Cranshaw Smith S, civil engineer, res 10 N Quince CRATER LAKE GARAGE, John C Neff Propr, Agent for Locomobile and Hudson Tires, Sundries and Repairs 125 S Front, Tel Main 4282, Home 254-K Crater Lake Laundry Co Inc, Charles G Brawn mngr, 620 N Central Crawford Gretchen, musician Hotel Medford, rms 130 W Main CRAWFORD ORIS, Asst Cashier First National Bank of Medford, res 20 S Laurel Crawford Wm H, police, res 329 Apple Crawford W Raymond, bds 329 Apple Creamer Callie (wid Elbert S), bds 503 W Clark Creamer Harvey E, farmer, res 503 W Clark Creech George F, clerk, bds 330 N Front Creegan Margaret, waiter Hotel Medford, rms 130 W Main Crews J Edward, teamster, res 511 N Fir Crews Wren H, lawyer 217 Garnett-Corey bldg, res 707 S Oakdale av Cripps Charles A, res 608 N Riverside av Cripps Clarence, bds 518 N Riverside av Cripps E Adelbert, janitor Garnett-Corey bldg, res 518 N Riverside av Cripps Mrs Jennett, dressmaker, res 608 N Riverside av Cristy Eleanor (wid Joseph W), bds 105 Geneva av Crocker Frederick (Medford Parcel Delivery Co), bds 1502 Plum Cromer Margaret, stenographer Medford Grocery Co, bds 9 W 12th Crowell Annie (wid Perry B), nurse, res Hillcrest rd se cor Highland dr Crowell B James, driver C T Sabine, res 12 S Orange Crowell Mrs Caroline, opr Home Tel & Tel Co, res 12 S Orange Crowell Ethel O, musician Hotel Medford, bds 12 S Orange CROWELL WM S, Lawyer 109 N Central Av, Tel Pacific 5151, res 116 Genessee, Tel Pacific 2322 Crowley Margaret (wid James F), maid 1003 W Main Crump Olive, maid 105 Geneva av Cudahy Packing Co, G D Hoffman agt, SP Tracks bet 6th and Main Culton Wesley R, laborer Berdan & Sons, res 343 N Grape CUMMINGS FRED N (Osgood & Cummings), Mngr Rogue River Valley Canal Co and Roguelands Inc, res 719 W 11th, Tel Main 2652 Cunningham Arthur B, storekeeper California-Oregon Power Co, res 643 W 11th Cunningham Mrs Mande, bds 411 S King Curran Frank J, foreman Oregon Gas & Electric Co, bds 716 Welch Curry Ethel, cashier Hutchison & Lumsden, bds 301 S Central av Curry Gladys, stengr Jackson County Abstract Co, bds 530 S Central Curry Richard C, res 851 W Palm Cusick Albert L, real estate, res 1126 W 10th Cusick Charles F, helper Hall & Myers Taxi Co, bds 1416 W Main D
Daddysman Mrs Bertha F, furnished rooms, res 907 E MainDahl Helen L, bds 708 W 10th Dahlke J Fred, res 527 Beatty Dahlke Louisa, bds 527 Beatty Dahlke Martha, bds 527 Beatty Daily Bertha M, teacher, bds 208 S Ivy Daily Charles A, laborer, bds 208 S Ivy Daily Edith, bds 1034 Court Daily Harry J, driver Davidson & Butterfield, bds 1034 Court Daily Henry M, laborer, bds 1034 Court Daily James, foreman Hillcrest Orchard, res 1034 Court Daily Patrick, laborer, bds 1034 Court Daily Patrick H, principal Washington School, res 208 S Ivy Daley Mrs Bell, res 224 S Riverside av Daley Edwin L, meat cutter Warner, Wortman & Gore, res.627 S Central av Daley George, student, bds 224 S Riverside av Daley Irvin C, carpenter, res 110 E 11th Daley John H, farmer, res 704 W 10th Daley Nora D, stengr Jackson County Abstract Co, bds 704 W 10th Daley Opal V, student, bds 704 W 10th Dallaire Adelard, teamster Trail Lumber Co, res 531 S Ivy Dallaire John B, laborer, bds 531 S Ivy Dallaire Victor, fireman Trail Lumber Co, bds 531 S Ivy Damon Carrie E (wid Major S), bds 414 S Riverside av Damon Loren L, teamster, res 414 S Riverside av DANIELS FOR DUDS (T E Daniels), Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Men's Furnishing Goods 202 E Main, Tel Main 3291, Home 343-K (See adv) Daniels Joseph H, res 320 S King DANIELS T E, Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Men's Furnishing Goods 202 E Main, Tel Main 3291, Home 343-K, res 10 Keene Way, Siskiyou Hts, Tel Main 7581 (See adv) Danielson Chalmus P, machinist, bds 111 W Jackson Danielson Frank W (Payne & Danielson), res 713 N Palm Danielson Gladys, clerk P A Hussey, bds 713 N Palm Danielson Mrs Minerva J, nurse, res 111 W Jackson Danielson Victor D, hoseman Medford Fire Dept, rms 44 N Front Darneille Grover E, elec California-Oregon Power Co, res 433 Benson Daron John A, driver Crater Lake Laundry Co, res 219 N Grape Darr David, laborer, res 325 S Ivy Davidson Oliver L, cigars and newsdealer W Main nw cor Fir, bds 106 S Grape Davidson Wm G (Davidson & Butterfield), res 1110 W 10th Davidson & Butterfield (Wm G Davidson, Charles S Butterfield), grocers 328 S Hamilton Davies Mrs Della, dressmaker, res 403 N Bartlett Davies Terry W, cement worker, res 403 N Bartlett Davis Ansil A, res 517 W 10th Davis Arthur H, electrician, res 416 S Laurel Davis A Frank, teamster Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 1017 W 9th Davis Charles R, cook Mrs M A Taylor, bds 42 S Bartlett Davis Charles W, clerk Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 25 N Peach Davis Edward B (Davis & Miller), res 336 S Holly Davis George L, timber lands 205 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, res 713 W 10th Davis Harry, porter E C Ireland Cigar Co Davis Hazel A, bds 713 W 10th Davis John, res 417 Benson Davis John A, porter J T Summerville, rms 301 E Main Davis J Tipton, carpenter, res 917 W 8th Davis Lucy M (wid Wm A), res 719 S Central av Davis Menno F, helper G H Millar, bds 416 S Laurel Davis Orrin L, warehouseman Cudahy Pkg Co, res 425 S Oakdale av Davis Pearl, carpenter, res 1115 W 9th Davis Ralph W, student, bds 416 S Laurel Davis Scott V, res 51 N Oakdale av Davis Thomas A, stone contractor, res 1414 Euclid av Davis Wm, res 716 Pine Davis & Miller (Edward B Davis, A H Miller), books and stationery 209 E Main Davison Wm E, miner, bds 107 S Mistletoe Dawes Mary E (wid Benjamin M), bds 25 N Oakdale av Dawson J W Elmer, bds 1406 N Riverside av Day James, bartender, rms 445 S Front Dean George, rms 414 N Front Dean Harry G, painter, res Siskiyou Hts add Dean Hazel I, hair dresser, bds H G Dean Dean Leona G, milliner Mrs L M Howard, bds H G Dean DEANE ARTEMAS W, Dentist 123 E Main, Tel Main 681, Home 153-K, res 315 N Holly, Tel Main 7112 DeArmond Harvey H (DeArmond & DeArmond), res 26 S Laurel DeArmond Hugh L (DeArmond & DeArmond), res 227 S Oakdale av DeArmond & DeArmond (Hugh L and Harvey H), lawyers 410 Garnett-Corey bldg Debley Wm C, piano tuner, res 508 S King DeCamp Mrs Belle, maid 507 W Palm Decker Carrie B, bds 729 W 2nd Delano George, pipe maker, res 1310 N Riverside av Delano Rusk, mach hlpr Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 326 Portland av Delin Charles M, railroad contractor, bds 406 S Riverside av Demmer Edith E, ironer Medford Domestic Lndy Co, res Jacksonville Demmer John, laborer, res 433 W Holly Demmer John L, gardener, res 609 W Jackson Demmer John M, student, bds 433 W Holly Demmer Paul, gardener, res 748 W 4th Denburger Joseph D, building contractor, res 401 W 2nd Denhof Peter (Denhof & Maultby), res S Grape nr 11th Denhof & Maultby (Peter Denhof, Wm H Maultby), cement contrs 441 N Grape Denning Clarence E, farmer, res 227 E 9th Denniston Charles H, physician, res 1123 W Main Dent Grace M, operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 317 Howard Dent John B, cement worker, res 317 Howard Dent John E, clerk Wells Fargo & Co Express, bds 446 S Evergreen Dent Ralph F, chauffeur, bds 317 Howard DeRoboam Emil, res 306 N Ivy Derr Lynn D, laborer, bds 820 Dakota av Derr Thomas W, carpenter, res 820 Dakota av Derry Josiah M, carpenter, res 507 S Holly Detheradge Wm, sec-treas B&C Cash Store Inc, bds 54 Summit av Deuel Catherine, student, bds 1018 S Oakdale av DEUEL FRED K, Pres Model Clothing Co, Pres First National Bank of Medford, res 1018 S Oakdale Av Deuel Halbert S, teller First National Bank of Medford, bds 1018 S Oakdale av Deuel Mary 3S, student, bds 1018 S Oakdale av Deveney Mrs Luida, res 313 N Front Devine George C, physician, res 1032 W 10th DeVoe Claude A, conf 418 W Main, res 718 Welch DeVore Emily, teacher Washington School, bds 704 W 10th Deward Mrs Mary, clerk Medford Mercantile Co, res 419 N Grape Dexter E Stanley, clerk Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 213 Beatty Diamond Jay W, jeweler 115 E Main, res 107 Genessee Diamond Rooming House, G H Maasdam propr, 127 E 6th Dick George W, helper Medford Hydraulic Cement Brick & Block Co, res 1504 W Main Dickinson Blanche, milliner, bds 220 S Oakdale av: Diday Herman C, driver Lance & Keizur Bros, res 412 N Grape Dillon Helen O (wid Michael), res 620 S Oakdale av Dilts Arthur, bartender B S Radcliff, bds 17 W Clark Dingwall Charles S, carpenter, rms 127 E 6th Dinkens Wallace W, student, bds J M Worsham Disbrow Theron, teamster, rms 718 S Central av DIXON H G VOLNEY (Gaddis & Dixon), res 538 W 10th, Tel Main 1622 Doane Cornelia H, bds 405 Beatty Doane Daniel F, res 405 Beatty Doane Helen, student, bds 405 Beatty Doane Mrs Susie H, dressmaker, res 405 Beatty Dodge Arthur, farmer, bds 610 S Oakdale av Dodge Burdette L, orchardist, rms Hotel Holland Dodge Burdette L Jr, orchardist, rms Hotel Holland Dodge Ira J, supt Riverside Ranch and Imperial Orchard, real est 217 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, res Perrydale Dodge Jennie L, bds 610 S Oakdale av Dodge John M, well driller, bds 610 S Oakdale av Dodge Laura D (wid Edgar), bds 36 N Riverside av Dodge Orchard, B L Dodge owner, Ira J Dodge supt, Hillcrest rd Dodge Paul R, clerk W W Humphreys, bds 36 N Riverside Dodge Warren P, well driller, res 610 S Oakdale av Dolman Charles R, billiards 221 W Main, res 726 W 2nd Donaldson B E, rms 108 E 10th Donnell Jesse F, clerk Medford Grocery Co, bds 1205 E Main Dooms Pleas A, blacksmith 109 S Holly, res w end W 3rd 1½ blks w limits Doran Eliza A (wid Samuel C), bds 819 E 9th Doran Rev John H (Presbyterian), res 819 E 9th Dorn Laura, student Medford Business College, bds 412 S Oakdale av Dossett Charles W, horticulturist, res 723 W 4th Dossett Melissa J (wid John T), bds 504 W Hamilton Doty Ethel, stenographer Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 208 S Ivy Doubleday Mrs Julia, res 421 S Front Doughty Earl G, chauffeur, bds 1215 E Main Doughty Howard J, res 1215 E Main Doughty Paul F, chauffeur, bds 1215 E Main Douglas Ernest A, fitter Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res 737 Alder Dow Eugene G, carpenter, res 522 Park av Dow George W, pipe fitter Medford Furniture & Hardware Co, res 926 N Central av Down Mrs Mary E, res 107 Portland av Downing Delbert A, laborer, bds 1027 N Central av Downing Gladys C, bds 1027 N Central av Downing Harlen, laborer, bds 1027 N Central av Downing J Wm, carpenter, res 1027 N Central av Downing Marie E (wid Fred F), bds 60 N Quince Dressler Frank H, farmer, res Griffin creek rd nr sw limits Dressler Jesse W, real estate 429 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co bldg, res 227 N Oakdale av Drew Emma L, bds 1030 N Central av Drew John H, building contractor, res 1030 N Central av Drumhill Wm J, res 414 Union Dubois E George, eng Sacred Heart Hospital, res 925 Reddy av Dudley Bros (Howard S and James W), real estate 217 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg Dudley Charles S, laborer, res 611 W 11th Dudley Howard S (Dudley Bros), bds 611 W 11th Dudley James W (Dudley Bros), bds 611 W 11th Duff Alexander, res 333 E Jackson Duff Daniel, farmer, res Jacksonville rd ¼ m w limits Duffield Charles E, shoemaker, res 302 E 9th Duffy Allen L, real estate, res 346 Apple Dugan Wm A, bds 906 E Main Dugas Mrs Margaret E, res 414 S Hamilton Duggan Wm A, engineer, res 703 W 13th Duncan Cave, salesman, res es N Taft nr W Jackson Duncan Robert O, res 407 E 14th Dungan Clara C, waiter. Hotel Holland Cafe, res 31-217 S Riverside av Dunham Kathryn, teacher Washington School, bds 509 Beatty Dunham Royal V, prin Lincoln School, res 509 Beatty Dunlap Mrs Nona B, operator Home Tel & Tel Co, res 206 Cottage Dunlap Owen (Ritter & Dunlap), res Phoenix Dunlop James W, res es Berkeley Way Siskiyou Hts Dunn Wm, tailor W W Eifert, res 117 Bliss Durand John D, res 32 S Orange Durfee Hiram J, clerk Medford Implement Co, res 241 McAndrew Durfee John H, bds 241 McAndrew Durham Ray O, mach man Medford Sash & Door Co, res 1120 Niantic Durr John W (Medford Home Laundry), bds 335 N Central av Durr Lou F (Medford Home Laundry), res 335 N Central av Dutton Frank P, teamster Trail Lumber Co Dwight Marion (wid Jonathan E), dept mngr Medford Mercantile Co, res 714 Welch Dwight Reba, bds 714 Welch Dye Miss G B, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital Dyer George F, auto repairing 1118 N Central av, res 1114 same Dyer Jesse L, laborer, res 16 S Peach Dyke Mrs Emily A, res 422 S Laurel E
Eads Clarence E, teamster Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 626 W
4thEADS EVERETT E (Eads Transfer & Storage Co), res 26 S Orange Eads George H, fuel W 10th and S Front, res 25 S Peach Eads John T, res 121 Roosevelt av Eads Mrs Rachel H, furnished rooms, res 121 Roosevelt av EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO (Everett E Eads, Clarence R Boyd), Draying, Transfer and Storage, Piano and House Moving, Rock Springs Coal 16 S Fir, Tel Main 3152, Home 350-K (See Right Side Lines and Classified Transfer Cos) Eagle Drug Co, proprs Eagle Pharmacy 109 E Main and West Side Pharmacy 206 W Main Eagle Pharmacy, Eagle Drug Co proprs, 109 E Main Eagles Hall, 3rd floor Adkins bldg Earhart Frank L, farmer, res s end S Riverside av Earhart June E, nurse, bds W C Earhart Earhart S Darragh, student, bds W C Earhart Earhart Wm C, farmer, res S end S Riverside av Earsley Chauncey L, grocer 2 W Jackson, res 910 W 11th EAST SIDE MILLINERY, Boyd & Gibson Proprs, All Orders Receive Prompt Personal Attention, 608 E Main, Tel Main 5342 Eastman Charles J, mngr Union Meat Co, res 1024 E 11th Eaton Porter R, porter Hotel Holland Eaton Willard, res 1129 W Main Ebe Joseph M, restaurant 108 W Main, res 622 W 2nd Ebe October C, bds 622 W 2nd Ebel Robert R, bkpr California-Oregon Power Co, res 844 Dakota av Eckland John, blacksmith, rms 445 S Front Eckler Nancy (wid Levi), bds David Raymond EDEN VALLEY NURSERY, N S Bennett Propr, 937 N Central Av, Tel Connections (See Right Top Lines and p 6) Edmeades H Dickson, res 837 W 2nd Edmeades Russell E, bds 837 W 2nd Edmonds Clara, actress, bds Mrs Josephine Edmonds Edmonds Mrs Josephine, res Sunset av ¼ m w limits Edson Claude N, laborer, bds 1022 W 11th Edson Frank, laborer, bds 1022 W 11th Edson Theodore H, res 1022 W 11th Edwards Alfred M, conf 21 S Central av, res 303 W Jackson Edwards Frankie, mngr Medford Athletic Club, rms Nash Hotel Edwards James, farmer, rms 30 N Front Edwards J Oscar, gas maker Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res Voorhies Edwards Rufus, miner, res 1 e 521 Edwards av Edwards Mrs Violet M, waiter G H Millar, res 729 Welch Eifert Ethel M, student, bds 211 N Oakdale av Eifert Marie M, student, bds 211 N Oakdale av Eifert Wm W, tailor 132 W Main, res 211 N Oakdale av Eilers Music House, J C Gallagher mngr, 217 W Main Einkopf Christ L, fruit grower, res ws S Peach nr city limits Eisenhart Albert L, milliner, res 214 Vancouver av Ekstrom Adina, maid 343 S Holly El Blanco Rooms, Mrs Rose E LeMaster propr, 445 S Front Eldridge Rev E Olin, pastor First M E Church, res 502 N Riverside av Electric Building, 218 W Main ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO (O C Henlein), Electrical Contractors and Supply Dealers 318 E Main, Tel Main 4531 Elliff Mrs Melvina R, bds 128 S Holly Elliott Frank C (Pantorium Dye Works Co), res 618 W 4th Elliott Hugh, blacksmith S Riverside av nw cor E 8th, res 619 N Riverside av Elliott H Ernest, horseshoer Hugh Elliott, bds 619 N Riverside av Ellis Oliver P, Jeweler 2 Palm bldg, res 602 Catherine Ellison Frank, teamster, bds 705 W 10th Ellison Thomas B, res 705 W 10th Elwood Elmer D, optician 301 E Main, res 135 S Central av Elwood Homer L, clerk Pacific Motor Supply Co, bds 135 S Central av Elwood Lloyd R, bds 135 S Central av Emerick Aletha G, student, bds 104 S Holly Emerick Frank T, printer, bds 104 S Holly Emerick Hotel The, Grover Corum. propr, 30 N Front Emerick Myrton J, real estate, bds 206 S Orange Emerick Sarah E (wid Jeremiah C), res 206 S Orange Emerick Vernon J, capitalist, res 104 S Holly Emerson Andrew J, res 114 Tripp Emig Adam, farmer, res 825 W 12th Emig Catherine, student, bds 825 W 12th Emig Margaret, clerk The H C Kentner Co, bds 825 W 12th EMMENS JOCELYN J, Practice Limited to Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 216 E Main, Tel Main 5671, res Nob Hill, Tel Main 7242 English Bertha B, bds 1006 S Oakdale av ENGLISH CHARLES M, Vice-Pres First National Bank of Medford, res 1006 S Oakdale Av Enney Stephen S, res 327 S Fir Ensele Carl, offbearer Medford Brick Co, res Jacksonville Ensele Wm, offbearer Medford Brick Co, res Jacksonville Enyart Mrs Lucretia E, res 128 S Holly Erdman Mrs S Josephine, res Ross Lane 1 m city limits Erdmann Ernestine (wid Wm), res McAdam ne cor N Central av Erickson Martin L, supervisor United States Forest Service, bds 519 S Oakdale av Ericson Esther M, sec Western Oregon Orchard Development Co, sec Monitor Orchard Co, bds 1012 E Main Erskine Alvin C, logger, bds 402 W Clark Erskine Herbert F, carpenter, bds 402 W Clark Erskine Walter M, butcher Nichols & Ashpole, res 414 W Clark Erskine Wm H, carpenter, res 402 W Clark Estes Lois, bds 511 W Hamilton Estes Mary B, teacher High School, bds 819 N Central av Estes M Josephus, res 511 W Hamilton Estes Rankin (Wood & Estes), res 515 W Hamilton Estes Sarah E (wid Benjamin), res 319 S Orange Evans Clarence B, clerk Akins, Benton & Co, bds 404 W 2nd Evans Ethel M, student Medford Business College, bds 404 W 2nd Evans H Elbert, electrician, res 234 E 9th Evans Mabel, res 30 Keene Way Evans Mrs Maggie, res 404 W 2nd Evans Mrs Mamie J, res 1204 W 9th Evans Russell D, apprentice Medford Printing Co, bds 404 2nd Evanson Edward A, res 240 S Grape Everhard Bertha M, music teacher, bds 1013 W 9th Everhard Wm H, physician, res 1013 W 9th Everitt Mrs Irma, maid Hotel Holland, bds 24 S Orange Ewen Clara, student, bds 33 N Peach Exley Clair T, candy maker R M Foster, rms 234 E 9th F
Fabrick Charles A, student, bds 711 E MainFabrick Glen R, pres Medford Domestic Laundry Co Inc, res 711 E Main Fabrick Margaret E, student, bds 711 E Main Fairmount The, Mrs Anna J Pierce propr, furnished rms 319 E Main Falkinham Mary (wid Joseph J), bds 528 W 11th Fallis Athol C, machinist Valley Auto Co, res 511 E Main Fansher Gladys M, bds 1025 W 10th Fansher Mrs Isabel, ironer Medford Domestic Laundry Co, res 1025 W 10th Fansher Lois I, stengr Pacific Motor Supply Co, bds 1025 W 10th Fansher Wilbur E, bds 1025 W 10th FARMERS AND FRUITGROWERS BANK, Delroy Getchell Pres, L Niedermeyer Vice-Pres, L L Jacobs Cashier, Richard F Antle Asst Cashier, 200 W Main, Tel Main 361, Home 62-L (See p 2) Faske Gustave, carpenter, res 422 W 12th Faught Franklin L, bds 112 Cottage Faught Mary J (wid James P), res 112 Cottage Faurote Edwin R, bds 701 Park av Fay Gertrude D, bds 16 N Grape Fay Mrs Waitie A, furnished rooms 16 N Grape Fehl Earl H, carpenter, res 521 S Grape Fennell Ethel K, clerk W J Beacom, rms 311 N Bartlett Ferguson Elizabeth, bds 729 W 11th Ferguson John, brick layer, bds 127 E 6th Ferguson Juliette C (wid Joseph C), res 729 W 11th Ferguson Robert A, blacksmith, res 1211 W 10th Fichtner Carl, rubber tire repr 20 Moore Court, res 415 Woodstock Field George A, janitor The H C Kentner Co, res 729 W 13th Field Harvey J, clerk C M Kidd, bds 729 W 13th Field Vernon D, rancher, bds 729 W 13th Fielder Julia C, teacher Roosevelt School, bds 710 E Main Fielder Mary E (wid Robert C), res 710 E Main Fielder Rose M, dressmaker, bds 710 E Main Fields John A, machine hand Big Pines Lumber Co, res 16 Jeanette Fifer Benjamin F, carpenter, res 103 S Oakdale av Fifer Mrs Fannie E, dressmaker, res 921 Reddy av Fifer Ray R, cashier Big Pines Lumber Co, bds 204 S Central av Fifer Truman A, asst cashier Jackson County Bank, res 921 Reddy av Fikes John H, painter, res Mt Pitt ne cor S Hamilton Finley Everett, farmer, res Jacksonville rd ¾ m w limits Finney Mark, bartender Hotel Nash, bds 304 S Central av First Baptist Church, Rev Adrian A Holmes pastor, N Central av se cor 5th First Christian Church, Rev D Dick Boyle pastor, S Oakdale av se cor W 9th First Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev E Olin Eldridge pastor, N Bartlett se cor E 4th First National Bank Building, 118 E Main FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEDFORD THE, F K Deuel Pres, Charles M English Vice-Pres, M L Alford Cashier, Oris Crawford Asst Cashier, 122 E Main, Tel Main 6481, Home 90 (See Front Cover) First Presbyterian Church, Rev Weston F Shields pastor, W Main se cor Holly Fish Edith M, teacher Lincoln School Fisher Jesse P, mach Bear Creek Motor Car Co, rms 104 S Bartlett Fisher Joseph M (Fisher & Whitmire), res 412 S Laurel FISHER & WHITMIRE (Joseph M Fisher, Jacob R Whitmire), Real Estate and Mining Enterprises 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Tel Main 3431, Home 269-L Fisk George N, farmer, res 906 W 11th Flammer Charles (Flammer & Co), res 307 E 6th Flammer & Co (Charles Flammer, Wm H Smith), conf 105 W Main FLEENER J HENRY (L&F Collection Agency), bds 445 S Front, Tel Main 7612 Fleming Flora F, assistant H E Morrison, bds 429 N Central av Fleming James D, teamster, res 315 S Laurel Fleming Margorie E, student Medford Business College, bds 429 N Central av Fletcher Mrs B Alice, bds 723 Sherman Fletcher George A, plant foreman Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res Voorhies Fletcher Wm, landscape gardener, res 715 W 13th Flury Henry P, wood ns E 14th nr S Riverside av, res same Flynn Alfred A, electrician 26 S Grape, bds 315 N Oleson Flynn Diamond L, electrician A A Flynn, bds 905 W 10th Flynn Ione G, clerk A A Flynn, bds 905 W 10th Flynn Robert A, mngr Pacific Motor Supply Co, res Hotel Medford Flynn Mrs Theresa O, stengr Jackson County Bldg & Loan Assn, bds 315 N Oleson Flynn Thomas K, electrician A A Flynn, bds 905 W 10th Fonger J W, janitor First National Bank of Medford, rms 118 E Main Foote Harry R, machinist Medford Iron Works, bds 812 S Central av Foote Mrs Josephine M, bds 812 S Central av Foote Louis, machinist Medford Iron Works, res 812 S Central av Foote Marion M, nurse, bds 812 S Central av Forbes Alice F, student, bds 722 Dakota av Forbes Benjamin F (Medford Mining & Stock Exchange), res 722 Dakota av Forbes Benjamin F Jr, student, bds 722 Dakota av Ford Della, waiter Nash Grill, rms 105 S Grape Forde Wm M, gardener, res Siskiyou Hts add FOSS ELMER T, City Recorder City Hall, rms 706 S Oakdale Av Foster Guy W, teamster, bds 1118 W 8th Foster Harold D, forest asst US Forest Service, res 423 S Newtown Foster Harry E, civil engineer 235 E Main, res 1443 same Foster Permelia H, res 624 Dakota Foster Roland M, confectionery 217 E Main, res 219 N Oleson Fouts Co (Otto R and Erastus J Fouts, John Brownlee), grocers 327 E Main Fouts Erastus J (Fouts Co), res 112 E 12th Fouts Otto R (Fouts Co), res 327½ E Main Fox Otto W, bartender Selsby & Kennedy, bds 301 S Central av Francis Thomas, rms 107 E 2nd Francisco Ross, teamster, res 536 N Fir FRANKLIN DAVID, Pres Medford Nursery Co Inc, res N Central Av nr E 6th Franks Harry, helper Star Theatre, rms 272 E Main Franks Mrs Maude, maid 235 N Ivy Franson Marion H, maid 23 S Mistletoe Fraser Mrs Mae, clerk M M Ahrens Co, bds 121 N Grape Frazee Oliver D, bkpr First Natl Bank of Medford, res 711 E Jackson Frazier Nettie, rms 304 S Central av Fredenburg Harmon A, laborer, res 205 W Jackson Fredenburg W Jackson, teamster, res 651 Pine Fredericks Delmer O, teacher, res Jacksonville rd ½ m w limits Fredricksen Ulrich, res 1104 N Central av Free Methodist Church, S Ivy se cor W 10th Freeland Milo O, horseshoer Hugh Elliott, res 128 Almond Frees George, blacksmith P A Dooms, res 834 W Hamilton French Edward H, physician, res 20 Rose av French Edwin E, carpenter, res 719 W 13th French Lillian, waiter Hotel Medford, rms 130 W Main Frick John S, res W 3rd at w limits Frick Laura E, bds J S Frick Frick Roy V, laborer, bds J S Frick Frideger Fred, fruit grower, res 3 blks N Highland Park station Frideger Isaac R, plasterer, bds 244 S Central av Frideger Wm, farmer, res ¼ m n Highland Park station Fristoe Jack, laborer Medford Brick Co. Fristoe Mary M, bds 608 S Newtown Fristoe Mattie L, bds 608 S Newtown Fristoe Samuel E, laborer, bds 608 S Newtown Fristoe Wm, laborer, bds 608 S Newtown Fristoe Wm W, laborer, res 608 S Newtown Frost C Walter, teacher manual training Public Schools, res Roosevelt av sw cor E Jackson Fruitgrowers Bank Building, W Main nw cor Grape Fry Earl C, fireman Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res Phoenix Fuller Arthur G, machinist Crater Lake Garage, res 45 S Central av Fuller Hallie, operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 319 King Fuller Myra L, bds W F Austin Fuselman John E (Pantorium Dye Works Co), res 613 W Catherine Fuson Thomas J, telg opr Pacific Tel & Tel Co, res 717 E Jackson G
Gabriel Anthony, farmer, res Laurelhurst addGabriel Ava X, bds Anthony Gabriel Gabriel Virley T, bds Anthony Gabriel GADDIS EARL C (Gaddis & Dixon), Mngr Rogue River Creamery, res 821 N Riverside Av, Tel Main 2683 GADDIS & DIXON (Earl C Gaddis, H G Volney Dixon), Distributors for Southern Oregon and Northern California for Page Woven Wire Fence 134 N Riverside Av, Tel Main 2681, Home 268 (See Right Top Lines and adv) Gagnon Emma, pres Trail Lumber Co, res 341 S Oakdale av Gagnon Joseph T, sec-mngr Trail Lumber Co, res 341 S Oakdale av Gaines Maude L, bds 738 W 14th Gale Mrs Helen C, bds 8 S Laurel Gallagher James C, mngr Eilers Music House, res 508 S Grape Gamble Leah, nurse, bds 44 N Quince Gardner Grace A, student, bds Stephen Gardner Gardner Samuel T, res 422 N Grape Gardner Stephen, farmer, res S Riverside av nr s city limits Garnett Ben, clerk Garnett-Corey Hardware Co, res 211 N Oleson Garnett-Corey Building, Grape sw cor W Main GARNETT-COREY HARDWARE CO, Henry C Garnett Pres-Mngr, W Main sw cor Grape, Tel Pacific 521, Home 21 Garnett Henry C, pres-mngr Garnett-Corey Hardware Co, res 223 N Central av Garnett John H, clk Garnett-Corey Hdw Co, bds 223 N Central av Garrett Beatrice, bds 306 S Fir Garrett Gary, student, bds 426 S Oakdale av Garrett George C, farmer, res 426 S Oakdale av Garrett Guy, teamster Southern Oregon Produce Co, bds 306 S Fir Garrett Otis, teamster, bds 306 S Fir Garrett Vernon G, student, bds 426 S Oakdale av Garrett Wm M, laborer, res 306 S Fir Garrettson Albert R, mill foreman Trail Lumber Co, res 43 N Grape Garrettson Alfretta M, bds 43 N Grape Garrettson Florence E, bds 43 N Grape Garrison Charles F, teamster Southern Oregon Produce Co, res 1021 W 9th Garrison Mrs Rose A, dressmaker, res 1021 W 9th Gaskin Arthur W, painter Noyes & Black, res 145 N Ivy Gaspard Leontine P, clerk J C Mann, bds 304 S Central av GATES CHARLES E (C E Gates Overland Agency), res 322 S Newtown, Tel Main 1521 GATES C E OVERLAND AGENCY (Charles E Gates), Automobiles, Supplies and Garage 132 S Riverside Av, Tel Main 1414, Home 77 (See Left Bottom Lines) Gates Edna, bds 45 N Bartlett Gates E Marie, bds 322 S Newtown Gates George E, student, bds 322 S Newtown Gates George W, res 45 N Bartlett Gates Harry E, building contractor, res 23 Rose av Gattwinkel Frank O, laborer, res 229 S Front Gault Chester C, bds 343 Apple Gault Henry M, bds 343 Apple Gault Merle E, plumber Anlo Penwell, res 832 N Central av Gault Milton M, machinist Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 343 Apple Gaunyaw Ella, stenographer 4 Palm blk, bds 228 S Holly Gaunyaw Emma, bds 228 S Holly Gaunyaw Jesse, contractor, res 341 S Oakdale av Gaunyaw Ray, propr Union Stables, res 228 S Holly Gay Charles B, res 17 Newtown Gentry Benjamin H, laborer, bds 220 Knight Gentry John B, pruner, res 220 Knight Gentry Rose A, bds 220 Knight Gentry Wm G, butter maker Rogue River Creamery, bds 220 Knight Georges Peter, cook Hotel Holland Cafe, rms 414 N Front Gerdes Frank M, clerk C L Schieffelin, res 123 Vancouver av Gere Fred E, painter, res 326 N Bartlett Gere Mrs Myrtle, clerk Medford Mercantile Co, res 326 N Bartlett Gerenes George G, laborer, rms 113 E 11th Gerig Frank A, student, bds 10 N Quince Gerig Mildred L, student, bds 10 N Quince Gerig Wm, vice-pres-gen mngr Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 219 N Oakdale av Gerking John O (Kunselman & Gerking), res 128 E Main German George T, bootblack, rms 33 Front GETCHELL DELROY, Pres Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, res 308 S Oakdale Av, Tel Main 4064 Gibbs Bert R, barber 10 N Front, res 243 N Ivy Gibson David, bartender, rms 344 S Central av Gibson Leslie, chauffeur Hall & Myers Taxi Co, bds 247 S Riverside Gibson Mrs Margaret, waiter Nash Grill, rms 105 S Grape Gibson Margaret P (wid Robert L; Boyd & Gibson), bds 825 E 9th Gilbert John, orchardist, res Jacksonville rd 4 blks w limits Gilbert Stella F, bds John Gilbert Gill Earl W, student, bds 407 S King Gill John S (W M Gill & Co), res 407 S King Gill W M (W M Gill & Co), bds 407 S King Gill W M & Co (W M & John S Gill), saloon 21 S Front Gillaspy Mrs Bertha M, res Benson add Gillaspy James, engineer, res Park Benson add Gillaspy Jasper, res Park sw cor Prune Gillespie Mrs Laura, bds 319 Newtown Gillespie Leona E, bds 319 Newtown Gillespie Robert, laborer, bds 319 Newtown Ginter Clifford C, carpenter, res 306 Willamette av Ginter Ernest, teamster, bds 306 Willamette av Glascock H Cleaver, carpenter, res 256 Beatty Glasgow Cari W, clerk Medford National Bank, bds 504 S Oakdale av Glasgow Samuel C, bds 504 S Oakdale av Glasgow Wm W, orchardist, res 504 S Oakdale av Glenn Floyd L, driver Medford Home Laundry, res 141 N Fir GLIDDEN FRANK A, Vice-Pres Medford Concrete Construction Co, res 416 S King Glover Merle B, propr The Palms, res 130 W Main Goble Judson G, optician 301 E Main, res 333 E 6th Godlove Mrs Laura B, furnished rooms 345 N Bartlett Godlove Lenore J, student Medford Business Coll, bds 345 N Bartlett Godlove Sherman C, carpenter, res 345 N Bartlett Gold Ray Granite Co, Charles R Ray pres, Harry C Stoddard sec-supt, 104 W 6th GOLD RAY REALTY CO, Dr C R Ray Pres-Gen Mngr, Owners and Operators in Townsites, Acre Tracts, Suburban Tracts, Farming and Fruit Lands 104 W 6th, Tel Main 7502 Goldstein Michael, bartender Hotel Medford, rms Hotel Moore Goodale Frank, sash maker Trail Lumber Co, bds 916 W 10th Goodale Henry W, res 916 W 10th Goodale Milo, bkpr Rogue River Commission Co, bds 916 W 10th Goode Maude, clerk W E Goode, bds 119 S Holly Goode Wilmer E, grocer 119 S Holly, res same Goodell Keziah C (wid Lyman), bds 515 W 11th Goodhue Frank B, building contractor, res 923 W Main Goodhue Ralph W, elevator operator Hotel Medford, rms 923.W Main Goodrich John B, clerk The Toggery, rms 230 N Ivy Goodwin A P, rms Hotel Moore Goodwyn Mrs Genevieve R, res 106 Almond Goodwyn John P, bds 106 Almond Goodwyn Paul G, bartender O M Selsby, res 513 N Central av Goodwyn Thomas J, bds 534 S Hamilton Gorden Clara L, bds 709 N Riverside av Gorden Margaret (wid Uriah), bds 709 N Riverside av Gorden Robert E, mngr Isis Theatre, res 709 N Riverside av Gorden Uriah, bds 709 N Riverside av Gore Edna H, bds 608 Catherine Gore Edward H, sec-treas Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 116 Geneva Gore Jacob I, student, bds 236 N Central av Gore Mary A, bds 608 Catherine Gore Walter S, orchardist, res 608 Catherine Gore Wm H, pres Medford National Bank, res 236 N Central av Gottlieb Chris, real estate Nash Hotel lobby, rms 26 S Newtown Goudy W S, veterinary surgeon, bds 221 N Holly Gould Mrs Cordelia E, dressmaker, res 1028 Court Gould E Alma, teacher, bds 1028 Court Gould John E, miner, bds 11 Chestnut Gould Julia (wid George), bds Philip McCana Gould J Edgar, bds Mrs B G Clark Gould Pearl L, student, bds 1028 Court Gould Wm P, teamster, res 1028 Court Goulder Rev Wm T, pastor M E Church South, res 25 N Oakdale av Goulder Wm T Jr, student, bds 25 N Oakdale av Grady Conway, cook Manhattan Cafe, rms 445 S Front Graham Mrs Eva, stengr City Recorder, res 425 N Holly Graham Robert, bds 235 N Ivy GRAHAM SAMUEL B (Graham & Wakeman), res 105 N Oakdale Av GRAHAM & WAKEMAN (Samuel B Graham, Louis E Wakeman), Fire Insurance 3 Post Office Block, Tel Main 3681, Home 279 Grant Mae C (wid Harry F), dressmaker, res 402 N Oakdale av Grantham John W, carpenter, res rear 1110 W 4th Grantham Mrs Miller J, dressmaker, res rear 1110 W 4th Gravatte Elizabeth K (wid John J), bds 31 N Orange Graves Florence, music teacher, bds 56 N Riverside av Graves Lydia L (wid Byron D), bds 56 N Riverside av Gray Bros (LeRoy E and Merle C), news agency 507 W Palm Gray Ethel M, student, bds 507 W Palm Gray Flora A, music teacher 144 S Central av, bds 116 Geneva av Gray Fred W, res 507 W Palm Gray LeRoy E (Gray Bros), bds 507 W Palm Gray Mrs Margaret E, res 115 S Mistletoe Gray Merle C (Gray Bros), bds 507 W Palm Gray T A Lincoln, res 106 Elm Green D E, real estate, rms 325 S Ivy Green Ralph E (Saunders & Green), res 701 Park av Green Robert G, teamster Big Pines Lumber Co, bds 18 Almond Green Wesley C, res 23 N Orange Gregory Basil W, clerk T E Daniels, bds 923 S Central av Gregory Charles M, investments 207 Phipps bldg, bds 1005 W Main Gregory Charles W, elec California-Oregon Power Co, res 1003 E Jackson Gregory E Josephine, cashier The H. C Kentner Co, bds 923 S Central Gregory James F, res 923 S Central av Gregory Lawrence A, photographer 232 E Main, res same GRESSLEY J MARSH, Prin Medford Business College, res 417 Woodstock Av Grey Joseph O, res n end Riverside av Gribble James, bds 139 Kenwood av Gribble John E, forest ranger US Forest Service, res 139 Kenwood av Grierson Alexander, res Jacksonville rd 4 blks w limits Grierson Isabel A, bds Alexander Grierson Griffeth Ruth, student Medford Business College Griffing John B, teacher High School, res 131 Almond Griffing Mrs May, bkpr Weeks & McGowan Co, res 131 Almond Grigsby Mary, teacher Washington School, bds 504 S Holly Grigsby Rev Sherwood L, res 504 S Holly Grimes Andrew J, hostler, bds 619 S Riverside av Griswold Ray E (Building Specialties Co), res 917 N Central av Grover G Howard, teacher, bds Anthony Gabriel Guches John E, presser Heartfield & Kirby Gudehus Henry E, building contractor, res 803 W 11th Guenette Emile, laborer Trail Lumber Co Guernsey Wm D, printer 123 E Main, res 312 S King Guiberson Madge, stengr Rogue River Valley Abstract-Title Co, bds 141 N Fir Guiberson Wallace, sheet metal worker J A Smith, rms 128 N Grape Guthrie Ernest F, rancher, res Jacksonville-Central Point rd Guy Mason G, inspector Olen Arnspiger, res 111 Genessee Guy Percy F, student, bds 111 Genessee Guyer LeRoy, meat cutter Nichols & Ashpole, rms 43 N Grape H
Hacker George C, furnished rooms 33 S FrontHackney Lorrie C, laundry 48 N Oakdale av, res same Haertle Andrew P, logger, bds 219 W Clark Haertle John, molder Medford Brick Co, res 219 W Clark Hafer Edgar S, lumberman, res 420 W 6th Hafner Herman, cook Hotel Holland Cafe, res 28 Chestnut Hafner Tadeus, bds 28 Chestnut Hale Bernice L, student Medford Business Coll, bds 319 Beatty Hale Dexter C, res 319 Beatty Hale Mrs Emma A, bookkeeper J F Hale, bds 305 S Oakdale av Hale Joseph F, pianos 134 W Main, res 305 S Oakdale av Hale Robert F, building contractor, res 616 N Central av Halfhill Ruth, student Medford Business Coll, bds 711 E Jackson Hall Albert A, gardener, res w end W 3rd 3 blks w limits Hall Alice M, bds A A Hall Hall Code, painter, bds 508 W Palm Hall Elmer R, bds A A Hall Hall E B, fruit grower, res Eagle Point rd Hall George W, res 508 W Palm Hall Henry, baker C T Sabine, rms 21 Genessee Hall J Court (Brown & Hall; Hall & Myers Taxi Co), res 315 S Central av Hall Seely V, chauffeur Hall & Myers Taxi Co, bds 315 S Central av Hall Warren R, bds A A Hall Hall Wm B, logger, bds 508 W Palm Eall Wm M, res 1034 W 9th HALL & MYERS TAXI CO (J C Hall, O V Myers), Taxicabs and Touring Trips a Specialty, Nash Hotel Lobby, Tel Main 1100, Home 400 Halladay Adelbert M, farmer, res 513 W Palm Halley Paschal J, carpenter, res 304 S Ivy Halley Robert H, propr Palace Hotel, res 30 S Central av Halley Wm L, insurance agent 28 N Oakdale av, res same Hamill Philip W, orchardist, res Jacksonville-Phoenix rd Hamilton Carrie, waiter Hotel Medford, rms Hotel Moore Hamilton Cyrus T, res 838 W Palm Hamlin Ada, student Medford Business Coll, bds G W Hamlin Hamlin Chub A, meats and grocer 216 S Laurel, res same Hamlin George W, well digger, res 1 n 603 N Fir Hamlin G Frederick, laborer, res 1111 N Riverside av Hamlin Sylvester, carpenter, bds 522 S Newtown Hamlin Wm H, farmer, res 522 S Newtown Hammack Roy, barnman Walker & Parks, rms 516 E Main Hammond Alvah B, laborer, res 217 Knight Hammond Frank E, carpenter, res 221 Knight Hammond Robert B, collector Pacific Tel & Tel Co, res 1106 W 10th Hammond Vera M, student, bds W S Hammond Hammond Verva C, student, bds W S Hammond Hammond Wm S, insurance agent, res Stewart av sw cor S Peach Hance Amanda E (wid Edward B), res 712 W 11th Hance Horace R, bkpr Rogue River Valley Canal Co, bds 712 W 11th Hance Phoebe, bds 712 W 11th Handicraft Shop Co The (Hazel S Herring, Louise C Livingston), proprs The Handicraft Shop 15 N Central av Handicraft Shop The, The Handicraft Shop Co proprs, handmade art goods. 15 N Central av Handy Wm L, building contractor, res 855 W 2nd Haney Bert B, clerk B E Haney, bds 244 N Ivy Haney Bert E, billiards 111 W Main, res 244 N Ivy Haney Mrs Birdie, seamstress, res 244 N Ivy Haney Mrs Sarah, waiter Hotel Medford Hanley Edward B (Sullivan & Hanley), res nr Ross Lane rd Hanners John W, US meat inspector, res 1028 E 11th Hanscam Daniel H, res 219 Talent Hanscam Mrs Maggie, furnished rooms, 219 Talent Hanscom Charles H, bds 1152 Court Hanscom Horace A, res 526 W Palm Hansen Alice, stenographer, bds 712 W 2nd Hansen Anna S, teacher, bds 819 N Central av Hansen Carl F, carpenter, res 712 W 2nd Hansen Carl J, bds 819 N Central av Hansen Charles N (Hansen & McClanahan), res 819 N Central av Hansen Gus, carpenter Trail Lumber Co Hansen Jennie C, clerk J C Mann, bds 819 N Central av HANSEN PAUL C (Medford Sash & Door Co), res 343 S Grape, Tel Pacific Main 2852 Hansen & McClanahan (Charles N Hansen, Robt McClanahan), blacksmiths 32 S Fir Co Hanson Charles L, sec-mngr Rogue River Valley Nursery Co Inc, res 53 N Orange Hanson Riley D, carpenter, res 819 W 13th Hardy Henry C, engineer H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot, bds 245 N Riverside av Hardy Herbert M, building contractor, res 717 N Alder Hargrave H Percival, physician 216 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, res 19 S Mistletoe Harland Charles E, solr Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res Capitol Hill Harmon Arra, bds Mrs P W Harmon Harmon Mrs Hazel M, seamstress, res 6 W Jackson Harmon Lee, printer, res 813 Taylor Harmon Loren M, solr Metropolitan Life Ins Co, res 6 W Jackson Harmon M Etta, bds Mrs P W Harmon Harmon Phoebe W (wid Charles T), res Capitol Hill Harmon Wilbert W, rms Hotel Medford Harrell Frank R, bds 817 W 2nd Harrell Joseph E, res 1 w 817 W 2nd Harrell Ola E, bds 817 W 2nd Harrell Piera L (wid John W), res 817 W 2nd Harris Charity H (wid Tellious), bds H L Walthers Harris George, porter, res 536 N Front Harris Mrs Ida, proprietor The Oxford, res 223 W Main Harris James, laborer, rms 113 E 11th Harris Joseph N, farmer, res 503 W Clark Harris V Dowe, carpenter, res 223 W Main Harrison Charles W, sec E C Ireland Cigar Co Inc, bds 707 W 11th Harrison James T, traveling salesman, res 707 W 11th Harrison J Herman, clerk PO, bds 707 W 11th Harrison M Esther, teacher, bds 707 W 11th Harrison O H, gardener, rms 445 S Front Harrison Wm E, vet surg 38 N Front, rms 244 S Central av Hart Addie (wid Charles H), furnished rooms 402 S Central av Hart Edward C, restaurant 22 N Front, bds 402 S Central av Hart Henry, physician, res 43 N Orange Hart Rex, farmer, bds 1005 W Main Hartley Wm W, carpenter, res 517 W 11th Harvey H Homer, carrier PO, res 106 Lincoln Haskins Building, 216 E Main HASKINS DRUG STORE, Leon B Haskins Propr, 214 E Main, Tel Main 1441, Home 55 Haskins Frances R, bds 229 N Bartlett Haskins Helen L (wid George H), res 229 N Bartlett Haskins Leon B, propr Haskins Drug Store, res 203 N Bartlett Haswell Addie F (wid Charles W), res 609 S Oakdale av Haswell Henry T, mngr Southern Oregon Produce Co, bds 609 S Oakdale av Haswell Mary A, bkpr Southern Oregon Produce Co, bds 609 S Oakdale av Hathaway Thomas H E, real estate 134 W Main, rms 223 same Hauri John J, carpenter, res 211 Stark Hausmann Carl, upholsterer, bds Minnie Hausmann Hausmann Minnie, res 1 e 220 Talent Haven John N, wire chief Pac Tel & Tel Co, res 613 S Central av Haven Mrs Lena H, dressmaker, res 613 S Central av Hawley L M, bds 1005 W Main Hayward Willard L, painter, res 713 S Peach Hazelrigg Arthur F, cashier J C Mann, res 119 Roosevelt av Hazelrigg Mrs Daisy L, bookkeeper, res 119 Roosevelt av Hazelrigg Ethel, operator Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 230 S Riverside av Hazelrigg Florence M, vocalist, bds 48 N Peach Hazelrigg H Clyde, clerk PO, res 230 S Riverside av Hazelrigg Mary E (wid Angus C), bds 43 N Peach Hazle Douglas W, res 314 Evergreen Hazle W Dale, carpenter, bds 314 Evergreen Hazlewood Anna (wid John J), grocer 615 W Main, res same Hazleton Frank H, City Plumbing Inspector City Hall, res 1140 W 9th Heard Charles C, farmer, res es S Riverside av at s city limits Heard Gladys L, bds J D Heard Heard Jefferson D, mining, res e end E Main Heartfield Henry (Heartfield & Kirby), res 16 S Mistletoe Heartfield & Kirby (Henry Heartfield, H B Kirby), dyers 109 W Main Heath Arthur, gardener, res Capitol Hall Heath Nellie, ironer Medford Domestic Laundry Co, bds Arthur Heath Heckland John, blacksmith Clark & Henery Constr Co HEDGES ALVIN R, Mechano-Therapist, Chiropractor, Spondylotherapist 230 N Bartlett, res same, Tel Main 4171 (See adv) HEDGES MRS LOUISE E, Mechano-Therapist, Chiropractor, Spondylotherapist 230 N Bartlett, res same, Tel Main 4171 (See adv) Heil Mrs Luetta M, cashier Louis Heil, res 503 N Holly Heil Louis, meats 213 W Main, res 503 N Holly Heilbronner Carl W, manager Hutchison & Lumsden, res 20 S Orange Heise Wilhelmine, nurse, bds 615 S Central av Heldenbrand Mrs Margaret, bds 323 S King Hellam Clarence, police, res 322 S Central av Helms Harry, bartender Hotel Holland Buffet, res 126 W Main Helms Jesse L, vet surg 111 N Fir, res 129 N Grape Henderson Edward, bootblack H S Workman Helwig Harold G, clerk Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 16 N Grape Henderson George C, student, bds 31 S Orange Henderson John A, carpenter, res 31 S Orange Henderson J Charles, student, bds 31 S Orange Henderson Maurice L, clerk Pacific Motor Supply Co, rms 706 S Oakdale av Hendrick George H, res 310 Knight Hendrickson D, farmer, bds V K Hendrickson Hendrickson Lizzie, student Medford Business Coll, bds 230 S Central Hendrickson Vance K, farmer, res es S Central av ¼ m se city limits Hendrickson Wm, farmer, bds V K Hendrickson Hendrix Percy H, clerk Eagle Pharmacy, res 17-217 S Riverside av Henlein Otto C (Electric Construction Co), bds 318 Howard Henley James H, mining, res 1211 E Main Henry Grace H, stenographer A E Reames, bds 210 Beatty Henry Henrietta G (wid George), res 210 Beatty Henry Louise H, teacher, bds 210 Beatty Henry W F, teamster, rms 208 N Central av Henselman Edward G, elec California-Oregon Power Co, bds 119 S Ivy Henselman John H, collector, res 119 S Ivy Herman Bros (Charles H and Michael M), harnessmakers 317 E Main Herman Charles H (Herman Bros), bds 407 N Oakdale av Herman Michael M (Herman Bros), res 407 N Oakdale av Hermanson Alfred E, teamster L B Brown, bds 244 S Central av Hermon Mary A (wid Wm A), bds 423 Newtown Herrick Mrs Clara S, res w end W Jackson ½ m nw limits Herrick Florence S, teacher Jackson School, bds Mrs C S Herrick Herrick Sophie, bds Mrs C S Herrick Herring Hazel S (The Handicraft Shop Co), res Central Point Hess Dora R (wid Albert R), res 723 N Taft Hess Mary O, stenographer Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 723 N Taft Hess Joseph, farmer, res 130 S Bartlett Hess Walter J, student, bds 723 N Taft Hesser W Hayes, traveling salesman, res 121 Roosevelt av Hibbard Josiah G (Olmstead & Hibbard), res 319 S Laurel Hicks Elmer A, pres-mngr Oregon Granite Co, bds 244 S Central av Hicks Fletcher P, carpenter H E Gates, bds 23 Rose av HICKS HARRY H, City Editor Medford Mail Tribune, res 502 S Grape Higgins Stephen A D, real estate, bds 117 N Central av High School, C R Bowman prin, N Bartlett se cor E oth Highland Park Station, RRV Ry tracks sw cor Chestnut Higinbotham Clarence E, laborer, bds S C Higinbotham Higinbotham Mary J (wid Samuel L), bds 1104 W 4th Higinbotham Pearl E, waiter, bds S C Higinbotham Higinbotham Samuel C, laborer, res w end W 3rd ½ blk w limits Higinbotham S Laurence, laborer, bds S C Higinbotham Hildebrand Albert N, bookkeeper Gaddis & Dixon, res 919 Reddy av Hildebrand Mrs Nora E, dressmaker, res 919 Reddy av Hilkema Harry, helper Hotel Medford, rms Hotel Moore Hill Dillon R, fruit grower, res Kings Highway s Stewart av Hill Howard A, orchardist, res Kings Highway s Stewart av Hill John Y, res 20-217 S Riverside av Hill Lambert D, bookkeeper Medford Cream & Butter Co, rms Hotel Nash Hill Sarah R (wid Sterling), bds 310 W Main Hill Seldon D, orchardist, bds Kings Highway s Stewart av Hillcrest Orchards, Reginald H Parsons propr, Roxy Ann rd 2½ m e PO Hills Ford W, bds 525 W 10th Hills Watson J, res 525 W 10th Hingston Lavinia J, stenographer 217 Garnett-Corey bldg, bds 323 S Orange Hiniker A J, dentist 228 E Main, res 418 S Oakdale av Hinklebein Mrs Rose, clerk The H C Kentner Co, bds 533 S Riverside Hinman Gladys J, student, bds L E Hinman Hinman Laurin E, City Electrical Inspector, bds L E Hinman Hinman Lee E, warehouseman SP Co, res Lozier's sta Hisey Mrs Elbertine W, nurse, res 44 N Quince Hittson Carmen E, bds 1122 E Main HITTSON JESSE F, Chief of Police City Hall, res 1122 E Main Hitzler Annie, student, bds 338 W Holly Hitzler Cornelius, carpenter, res 607 W 2nd Hitzler Edwin S, gardener, res 338 W Holly Hixson Lester, laborer, rms 33 Front Hobbs Bertsel L, clerk, res 135 Almond Hockenyos Eva (wid John), res 730 W 11th Hocker Stella, bkpr Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 515 S Central av Hockersmith Charles L, laborer, bds 614 S Central av Hockersmith Ivan H, laborer, bds 614 S Central av Hockersmith John N, bds 614 S Central av Hodson Roy D, mach Bear Creek Motor Car Co, rms 222 S Central av Hoffman Graham D, agent Cudahy Pkg Co, res 603 W 2nd HOGSETT E C, Pres-Mngr Rogue River Valley Abstract-Title Co, res 104 S Newtown Hogsett Henry V L, bds 104 S Newtown Holland Arthur E, steam fitter, res 623 S Central av Holland Building Co, John A Westerlund pres, Medford Natl Bank bldg HOLLAND HOTEL, Butz & Johnston Proprs, 39 N Fir Hollis Frank W, pres Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Inc, res 153 N Oakdale av Holloway Charles T, painter, res 406 W 2nd Holmberg Sophia, bds 916 E Main Holmberg Wilhelmina D (wid Charles P), bds 916 E Main Holmer Hans J (Medford Implement Co), res 727 S Central av Holmes Rev Adrian A, pastor First Baptist Church, res 443 S Central Holmes George B, bds 603 S Riverside av Holmes Joseph T, farmer, bds 603 S Riverside Holmes Noah G, clerk E C Ireland Cigar Co, rms 123 s Holly Holmes Robert A, ins agt 16 Jackson Co Bank bldg, res 314 S Holly Holmes R Cole, electrician, bds 314 S Holly Holmes Susannah (wid Charles A), bds 22 Summit av HOLMES WM M (Rogue River Land Co), Real Estate and Loans 407 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel Main 2022, Home 24-K, res 603 S Riverside Av, Tel Main 4022, Home 319-L (See Bottom Edge and p 7) Holmes W Edward, student, bds 603 S Riverside av HOME TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO OF SOUTHERN OREGON, Wm B Reis (San Francisco) Pres, R D Walker (San Francisco) Vice-Pres, George C Ulrich Sec-General-Mngr, 218 W 6th Homer George C, clerk C L Schieffelin, res 635 N Central av HONEY JOHN A, General Agent Northwestern National Life Insurance Co 216 Garnett-Corey Bldg, res 2 miles sw town Phoenix-Jacksonville Road, Tel 539-R Hong Charles, restaurant 33 Front, res same Hooker Jane (wid Albert H), res 202 Knight Hooker J Leonard, carpenter, res 423 Beatty Hooker Wm A, fruit grower, bds 202 Knight Hooker Wm C, msgr Western Union Telegraph Co, bds 423 Beatty Hoon Charles D, real estate 12 Jackson County Bank bldg, res 15 Keene Way Hoover Charles C, student Medford Business Coll, bds L E Hoover Hoover L Eugene, traveling salesman, res Central Point rd, ⅛ m n limits Horn Margaret E (wid Elias F), bds 615 N Riverside av Hornbrook Creamery Co, I C Bateman mngr, 110 N Riverside av Horney Henry, teamster, rms 208 N Central av Horton Edith E (wid John C), res 715 W 2nd Horton Mervin H, clerk, bds 244 S Central av Hotaling Mrs Cora, stengr Carkin & Taylor, bds 236 S Oakdale av Hotchkiss Rollin R, farmer, res 206 Cottage HOTEL HOLLAND, Butz & Johnston Proprs, N Fir sw cor W 6th, Tel Main 7901, Home 104-K HOTEL HOLLAND BUFFET, Wm O'Hara Propr, 37 N Fir, Tel Main 7871 Hotel Holland Cafe, Mrs F G Andrews mngr, 33 N Fir Hotel Medford, Rau.& Moore proprs, W Main nw cor Ivy Hotel Moore, Rau-Mohr Co proprs, 113 W Main HOTEL NASH THE, Hotel Nash Co Proprs, S Front se cor E Main, Tel Main 6441 HOTEL NASH CO THE, James D Bell Pres, John Sheridan Treas, Proprs Hotel Nash S Front se cor E Main, Tel Main 6441 Houck Jesse J, res 29 Newtown Hough Curran A, insurance, res 413 W 2nd Hough Lola F, bds 413 W 2nd Houghton G F, student Medford Business College Houschild Oliver, student Medford Business Coll, bds 406 Apple House J W, foreman Clark & Henery Const Co, rms 113 E 11th Houston Cora, student Medford Business College, bds 516 Park Howard Bessie, bds 925 N Central av Howard Building, N Central av sw cor E 6th Howard Charles W, brakeman Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point Howard Curtis W, farmer, bds 220 Beatty Howard Ethel L, clerk J C Mann, bds 129 W 11th Howard George S, surveyor, res 925 N Central av Howard George W, clerk Hutchison & Lumsden, rms 213 S Front Howard Horace D, sec Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Inc, res 821 E Jackson Howard James S (J S Howard Engineering Co), res 128 N Central av Howard Jerome, student, bds 815 S Oakdale av Howard J S Engineering Co (James S Howard, C Frank Rhodes) civil engineers 8-204 E Main Howard Leon O, clerk Hutchison & Lumsden, res 738 N Taft Howard Mrs Lottie M, milliner 109 N Central av, res 213 S Front Howard Mary M (wid George W), res 220 Beatty Howard O, student Medford Business College Howard Mrs Samuel T, res 815 S Oakdale av Howard S T Jr, with Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 815 S Oakdale av Howard Will, student, bds 815 S Oakdale av Howard Willard A, bds 220 Beatty Howe Michael, rms 215 N Riverside av Howe Thomas A, barber 19 S Central av, res 209 Iowa Howell Frank, farmer, res 227 E 9th HOWELL HARRY H, Teacher of Brass Instruments Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, res Central Point Rd Howells Edward W, dentist, res 1112 Niantic Howells Edward W Jr, bds 1112 Niantic Howells Marie K, student, bds 1112 Niantic Hoy Charles D, real est 204 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, res 15 Rose av Hubbard Asahel C (Hubbard Bros), res 322 S Riverside av Hubbard Alexis, farmer, res 1129 W 4th HUBBARD BROS (Fort and Asahel C), Farm Implements, Vehicles, Gasoline Engines 335 E Main, Tel Main 2311, Home 231 Hubbard Charlott A (wid Fortunatus), res 422 S Riverside av Hubbard Earl, student, bds 440 S Riverside av Hubbard Fort (Hubbard Bros), res 440 S Riverside av Hubbard Scott, operator Star Theatre, rms 105 S Grape Hubert Mrs Esther F, furnished rooms 333 Knight Hubert Lillian M, bds 333 Knight Huckage Charles F, laborer, bds 821 W 10th Huebner Edwin; rms 344 S Central av Huffman Walter T, teamster, res 723 W 13th Hughes Lee J (Hughes & Amidon), bds 720 W Palm Hughes & Amidon (Lee J Hughes, Elgan C Amidon), plumbers 126 N Front Hull Benjamin, res 1528 W 6th Hull Edgar E, colr Trail Lumber Co, res w end W 3rd 1 blk w limits Hull Frank H (Hull Printing Co), res 331 E Main Hull John M, laborer, bds 519 Benson Hull Leonie L, bds 1528 W 6th Hull Patrick M, laborer, res 519 Benson Hull Printing Co (Frank H Hull), 331 E Main Hull Sarah A (wid Silas H), res Jacksonville rd 3 blks w limits Hull Wm H, farmer, res 324 W Jackson Huls Della, ironer Medford Domestic Laundry Co, bds Mrs W R Reed Hulse Caroline (wid Fernando T), bds 344 S Central av Humphrey Gertrude, student Medford Business Coll, bds 826 W 12th Humphrey Henry, bds 815 E Main Humphrey Mark D, bds 815 E Main Humphrey Ona, student Medford Business College, bds 826 W 12th Humphrey Paul D, student, bds 815 E Main Humphrey Wm H, real estate 815 E Main, res same Humphreys Wm W, sporting goods 112 W Main, res same Hunt Enid M, cashier Star Theatre, bds 247 S Riverside av Hunt George A, bartender E G Brown, rms 247 S Riverside av Hunt Peter J, foreman Home Tel & Tel Co, res W 2nd at w limits Hunter H V, telegraph operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co, rms 904 W 10th Huntley Earl W (Huntley & MacClatchie), rms 339 S Central av Huntley & MacClatchie (Earl W Huntley, John W MacClatchie), real estate and insurance 401 Medford Furniture & Hdw Co bldg Hurd Harry H, linotype opr Medford Printing Co, rms 222 S Holly Hurst Charles C, laborer, res 928 S Central av Hurst C Mary (wid Charles C), res 907 S Central av Hurst Frank M, bds 444 N Grape Hurst Fred W, bartender B S Radcliff, res 520 N Grape Hurst Joseph T, bds 907 S Central av Hurst Margaret F (wid Martin F), res 444 N Grape Hurst Myrtle M, bds 444 N Grape Huse Mrs Maggie, furnished rooms 207 W Main Hussey Pierce A, notions 123 W Main, res 35 N Oakdale av Huston Hazel, operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 516 Park Huston Melvin, laborer, res Sunset Park add Hutchason J Frank, agent Mutual Life Ins Co of New York 205 First National Bank bldg, res 203 N Oleson Hutchison Arthur E, painter, res 313 Genessee Hutchison Charles E, bds 122 Tripp Hutchison Clarence I (Hutchison & Lumsden), res 106 S Orange Hutchison Etta C (wid Wm), res 122 Tripp Hutchison Fern M, bds 106 S Orange Hutchison Frank W, bds 106 S Orange Hutchison & Lumsden (Clarence I Hutchison, Harold U Lumsden), dry goods and grocers 213 E Main I
Iams George, hostler Walker & Parks, rms 130 N FrontImperial Orchard, B L Dodge owner, Hillcrest rd, Ira J Dodge supt, 217 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg Imperial Rooms The, Mrs Lillie Van Strompf propr, furnished rooms 313 E Main IOOF Building, 219 W 6th IOOF Cemetery, ¼ m se city Ireland Mrs Edward C, res 526 W 10th IRELAND E C CIGAR CO INC, J W Antle Vice-Pres, C W Harrison Sec, Wholesale and Retail Cigars and Smokers' Supplies 212 W Main, Tel Main 121, Home 21 Irvine George W, building contractor, res 1124 W 10th Irwin Harry L, fruit grower, res 1014 W 10th Isaac Clayton H, student, bds 826 S Central av Isaac Earl R, clerk J C Mann, bds 826 S Central av Isaacs Mrs Edna, chief opr Pacific Tel & Tel Co, res 421 Woodstock Isaacs Frank, res 421 Woodstock Isaacs L Agnes, clerk The H C Kentner Co, bds 115 N Oakdale av Isaacs Mary A (wid George W), res 115 N Oakdale av Isaacs Wm F, propr The Toggery, res 1105 W Main Isis Theatre, Robert E Gorden mngr, moving pictures 210 E Main Ivey Alfred, res 206 Roosevelt av J
Jacks Carrie, teacher Lincoln School, rms 436 BartlettJackson Mrs Annie A, res 107 S Mistletoe JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO, Thaddeus W Miles Sec-Gen Mngr, Abstracts and Law N Fir sw cor W 6th, Tel Main 411, Home 10 (See Right Top Lines and Classified Abstracts of Land Titles) JACKSON COUNTY BANK, Wm I Vawter Pres, George R Lindley Vice-Pres, Chester W McDonald Cashier, Truman A Fifer Asst Cashier, 201 E Main, Tel Main 41, Home 41-L Jackson County Bank Building, 10 N Central av JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSN, Bert Anderson Pres, O C Boggs Acting Sec, T W Miles Treas, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel Main 1051, Home 198 (See Back Bone and p 2) JACKSON COUNTY REALTY CO, Howard M Coss Mngr, 604 W 10th, Tel Home 217 (See Left Side Lines) Jackson David H (D H Jackson & Co), res 906 W 4th Jackson D H & Co (David H Jackson, Clack Walker), real estate 126 W Main Jackson Gaynell, student Medford Business College, bds 128 S Holly Jackson George A, res 906 E Main Jackson Minnie B, student, bds 906 W 4th Jackson School, Irene F Lansing principal, 630 W Jackson Jackson Vincent C, blacksmith G F Merriman, res 311 N Bartlett Jackson Wm, quarryman Oregon Granite Co, res 405 N Grape Jackson Wm B, asst cashier Medford National Bank, res 842 E Main JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, A L Scholl (Jacksonville) Pres, C J Dunten (Central Point) Vice-Pres-Mngr, W Nikolaus (Central Point) Treas, J V Anderson (Central Point) Sec, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and adv) Jacobs Eula, clerk Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, bds 125 S Central av Jacobs Helena, stenographer, bds 125 S Central av JACOBS LEE L, Cashier Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, res 125 S Central Av, Tel Home 247-X Jacobs Mrs Lee L, bookkeeper, res 125 S Central av James Edwin C, plasterer, res 311 S Laurel James Helen B, milliner M M Ahrens Co, bds 115 N Oakdale av Jameson A Harvey, butcher, res 136 Almond Jane Carlton, farmer, res Capitol Hill Jane Harris, res Capitol Hill Jane Milton, farmer, res Capitol Hill Janney Edwin H, draftsman Jackson County Abstract Co Jansen Florence, stenographer, bds 222 S Holly Jansen Henry A, mngr Medford Hydraulic Cement Brick & Block Co, res 222 S Holly Japanese Days Work Co, Tom Rau mngr, 143 N Grape Jaqua Claren E, student, bds 513 S Newtown Jaqua Ernest W, shop foreman Medford Sash & Door Co, res 513 S Newtown Jardine Gladys H, student Medford Business Coll, bds Wm Jardine Jardine Wm, res ws N Riverside av ½ blk n city limits Jarett George, laborer, bds 401 E 5th Jarvis Bertha C, bds 822 S Oakdale av Jarvis Catherine A, bds 822 S Oakdale av Jarvis Frances A, teacher, bds 822 S Oakdale av Jarvis Horatio A, res 822 S Oakdale av Jeffrey Anna M, res 146 N Front Jeldness Otto A, bartender E G Brown, res 435 S Grape Jenkins Henry H, carpenter, res 321 Beatty Jennings Edward J, machinist California-Oregon Power Co, res 136 S Almond Jensen Alfred, bds 547 S Front Jensen Jens, res 547 S Front Jermsta Ole P, bds 52 Ross ct Jermsta Philip O, carpenter, res 52 Ross ct Jerome Mrs Edith M, clerk The H C Kentner Co, bds 35 N Orange Jerome Edson C, trav agt GN Ry, bds 35 N Orange Jerome S Fern, stenographer, bds 35 N Orange Jerry N, miner, rms 229 S Front Jeschke Carl, jeweler 10 Palm blk, res 310 Maple Johns Arthur D (Johns & Turner), res 408 N Ivy Johns & Turner (Arthur D Johns, Harry D Turner), archts 408 N Ivy Johnson Alice J, student Medford Business College, bds 515 S Riverside av Johnson Anna, maid 817 W 10th Johnson A Coyl, teamster, res 304 Maple Johnson Charles C, clk Garnett-Corey Hdwe Co, res 922 S Oakdale av Johnson Mrs Clara A, mngr Farley Johnson, res 515 S Riverside av Johnson Mrs Elsie M, dressmaker, res 509 N Taft Johnson Everett J, student, bds 304 Maple Johnson Farley, restaurant 20 S Central av, res 515 S Riverside av Johnson Florence V, cashier Farley Johnson, bds 515 S Riverside av Johnson Frank, waiter G H Millar, res 729 Welch Johnson George S W, machinist, res n end N Central av Johnson G Alfred, carpenter, res Western add Johnson Harry, rms 510 S Central av Johnson John W, farmer, res 110 Tripp Johnson Maud D (wid Charles G), bds 304 Maple Johnson M Harriet, bds 344 S Central av Johnson Olive L, student, bds 922 S Oakdale av Johnson Ormond W, printer. Medford Printing Co Johnson Orville H, sec-treas Garnett-Corey Hardware Co, res 706 W Palm Johnson O Earl, bds 304 Maple Johnson Peter, laborer, bds 401 E 5th Johnson Mrs Sada H, furnished rooms 344 S Central av Johnson Sappho (wid James), bds 937 S Central av Johnson Wm E, barber, res 509 N Taft Johnston Albert, expressman, res 251 Beatty Johnston Albert A, res n end N Central av Johnston Arthur J, expressman Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 202 Stark Johnston Hazel, student Medford Business College Johnston Joseph P, laborer, bds A A Johnston Johnston Mrs Julia F, housekeeper Hotel Medford, rms same Johnston Lue C, carpenter, res w limits nr RRV Ry tracks Johnston M Haleemah, bds A A Johnston Johnston T Slater Jr (Butz & Johnston), res Hotel Holland Jones Albert N, insurance agent, res 518 Beatty Jones B Grace, bds K D Jones Jones Calvin L, clerk California-Oregon Power Co, res 521 W 11th Jones Capriel, helper C E Gates, bds 107 Portland av Jones Edgar, clerk, bds 107 Portland av Jones James C, boarding 245 N Riverside av Jones Joseph, janitor St Mary's Academy, bds 310 W 11th Jones Kinsey D, stone mason, res n end N Riverside av Jones Lou D (wid Walter S), res 204 Roosevelt av Jones Mabel A G, clerk The H C Kentner Co, bds 107 Portland av Jones Margaret J, bds K D Jones Jones Maud A, bds 204 Roosevelt av Jones Miner J, bds K D Jones Jones Sadie L, bds K D Jones Jones Willard C, glazier Medford Sash & Door Co, res 718 S Orange Jones Wm M, boot black 18 S Central av, res 301 E Main Jordan Allison V, clerk Hotel Nash Jordan Francis M, harness mkr Medford Harness Co, res 516 E Main Jorgensen Lima L, milliner Josephine Paynter, res Jacksonville Joseph Mrs Jennie E, res 1118 W 8th K
Kahler Thomas P, res 23 AlmondKasshafer Esther G, cashier Manhattan Cafe, rms 229 N Bartlett Kasshafer Viola, student Medford Business Coll, bds 203 N Bartlett Kaufman George O, bookkeeper Producers Fruit Co, res 101 Almond Keeler Jack, butter maker, bds 511 E Main Keene James M, dentist 228 E Main, res 136 S Oakdale av Keeney Joab M, res ⅛ m w limits ⅛ m n Jacksonville rd Keese Mrs Ada, res 21 S Peach Keeys George, cook Nash Grill, rms 44 S Grape Keith Ida M, bds Alexander Grierson Keizur Boyd W, ice cream maker The McBride Store, bds Mrs R A Keizur Keizur Clarence A (Lance & Keizur Bros), res 827 S Central av Keizur Earl E (Lance & Keizur Bros), bds Mrs R A Keizur Keizur Roy M (Lance & Keizur Bros), res 827 S Central av Keizur Ruth A (wid John V), res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits Keizur Walter A (Lance & Keizur Bros), res 1021 Niantic Keizur Ward C (Lance & Keizur Bros), bds Mrs R A Keizur Keliehor Annie, bds 1019 S Oakdale av Keliehor Mrs Annie, res 1019 S Oakdale av Keliehor Elizabeth C, bds 1019 S Oakdale av Keliehor Katie, bds 1019 S Oakdale av Keller David L, jeweler 101 W Main, rms Hotel Medford Keller Harry, clerk D L Keller, rms Hotel Medford Keller W M, hostler West Side Stables, rms 29 S Grape Kelley Helen E, teacher, bds 131 Almond Kellogg Margaret E (wid Edward), bds 601 W 10th Kellogg Merle, bds John Barneburg Kelly Andrew, laborer, res 1044 W 11th Kelly Arthur, pugilist, bds 511 E Main Kelly Edward E, lawyer 209 First National Bank bldg, res 911 Queen Anne av Kelly James R, telg opr Medford Mail Tribune, rms 245 N Grape Kelly Wm F, laborer Clark & Henery Const Co, rms 718 S Central av Kelso Ellen F (wid James), res 1212 W 10th Kemp Hillis J, bench hand Medford Sash & Door Co, res 1109 Niantic Kempthorne Samuel, grocer 237 N Riverside av, res same Kendall Anna M (wid Reese P), bds 718 W Main Kennedy Earl, teamster, bds 9 E Jackson Kennedy Rosamond, bds 9 E Jackson Kennedy Walter M (Selsby & Kennedy), baker 42 S Central av, res 9 E Jackson Kennedy Westley W, barber, res 621 N Front Kenney Frances B, student, bds 48 N Orange Kent Adolphus, teamster, bds 401 E 5th Kent Amy C, nurse, bds 401 E 5th Kent James, res 401 E 5th Kent Mrs Jane, furnished rooms and boarding 401 E 5th Kent Lucy A, dressmaker, bds 401 E 5th Kent Luman B, res 818 E Main Kent Robert, helper B Klum, bds 401 E 5th Kentner Bess D, bds 609 W 10th KENTNER'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE, The H C Kentner Co Proprs, General Department Store E Main se cor S Bartlett, Tel Main 311 Kentner Herbert C, pres-mngr The H C Kentner Co, res 609 W 10th Kentner Herbert C Jr, bds 609 W 10th Kentner H C Co The, Herbert C Kentner pres-mngr, Walter T Kentner sec-treas, proprs Kentner's Big Department Store E Main se cor S Bartlett Kentner Ida Lee, student, bds 609 W 10th Kentner Walter T, sec-treas The H C Kentner Co, res 48 N Orange Kenworthy Mrs Ida E (W H Kenworthy & Co), furnished rooms 38 S Grape, res 44 same Kenworthy W Hardy (W H Kenworthy & Co), res 44 S Grape Kenworthy W H & Co (Mrs Ida E and W Hardy Kenworthy), fish, poultry and game 19 N Fir Kern Elizabeth, presser Heartfield & Kirby, res 341 W 2nd Kerr Alexander, watchman Medford Furniture & Hardware Co, res 721 S Central av Kerr George R, student, bds 721 S Central av Kerr Margery I, bds 721 S Central av Kerr Rutherford, clerk PO, bds 721 S Central av Kershaw Peter M, vice-pres Oregon Granite Co, res 204 Genessee Keyes J Wm (Valley Auto Co), res 16 S Orange Kiappes Wm, laborer, rms 113 E 11th KIDD CORSA M, Shoes 223 E Main, Tel Main 3131, res 306 N Central Av, Tel Main 202 Kiernan James M, hostler J L Helms, rms 523 E Main Kimball Mrs Minnie, furnished rooms 208 N Central av Kimberk Edward W, electrician, res 445 W Holly Kimberk John P, electrician, res 445 W Holly Kincaid Lizzie B, furnished rooms, res 213 S Front Kincheloe Haskell H, warehouseman Rogue River Commission Co, res 15 S Peach King Dalia, clerk PO, rms 310 N Bartlett King George F, timber lands, res 843 E Main King Herman G (Palmer & King), res 216 N Front King J S, orderly Sacred Heart Hospital King Otto C, traveling salesman, res 342 N Ivy King Rudolph J, pressman Medford Printing Co, bds 216 N Front Kingery Benjamin, bds 848 E 9th Kingery Peter J, teamster, bds 848 E 9th Kinleyside Robert A, student, bds 23 S Newtown Kinleyside Robert C, res 23 S Newtown Kinyon Myrtle S, milliner Mrs L M Howard, bds 430 S Fir Kinyon Wallace C, res 430 S Fir Kirby H B (Heartfield & Kirby), 109 W Main Kirby Sowell T, res 121 Roosevelt av Kirchgasser John P, plumber A L Vroman, res 1022 W 9th Kirchgessner Emil, physician Hotel Holland, rms same Kirk Rev Charles E (M E South), res e end E 14th Kirk Lola I, bds C E Kirk Kirkpatrick Gertrude W (wid Charles S), res 724 W 11th Kirkpatrick Lester F, clerk Medford Furniture & Hardware Co, res 510 N Riverside Kirkpatrick Mary (wid Alfred), bds 828 Dakota av Kirkpatrick Pearl J, laborer, bds 220 S Grape Kish George J, fitter Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res 108 Cottage Kline Edward J, tailor T E Daniels, res 524 N Bartlett Kline Ross, salesman, res Ross Lane Klippel Allie E, res 228 N Holly Klippel Elizabeth A (wid Henry S), bds 228 N Holly Klippel Jacob (Southern Oregon Realty Co), bds 228 N Holly Klonis James, bootblack 116 E Main, rms same Klopher Albert, painter, res 116 S Mistletoe Klum Blaine, sign painter 216 E Main, res 328 S Holly Klum Mrs Florence, asst E B Pickel, res 328 S Holly Knapp Mrs A Bell, res 1012 E Main Knapp Esther A, bds 1012 E Main Knapp Milburn, lumberman, res 1012 E Main Knapp Rachel I B, student, bds 1012 E Main. Knight Clarence A, real estate, res 801 E Main Knight Laura M (wid Leonard M), bds 105 Geneva av Knighten Hite T, laborer, bds 541 Austin Knights of Pythias Hall, 123 E Main Knipp Stewart, student Medford Business Coll, bds 211 N Oleson Knipps Louis, farmer, res 219 S Ivy Knips Wm G, farmer, res Jacksonville rd 1 m from limits Knode T Edson, lawyer Medford Natl Bank bldg, res 624 W 11th Koesjan John, baker W M Kennedy, rms 9 E Jackson Kolbe Fred W, laborer, res 220 Talent Kolbe John A, laborer, res 220 Talent Kollenborn Ira L, clerk C M Kidd, bds 406 W 2nd Koontz Henry E, teamster Union Stables, res 534 S Fir Kowalsky Frank P, foreman Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point Kramer Jesse, clerk Hotel Medford, rms Hotel Moore Krause Al, cook, rms 130 W Main Krekeler A J, cashr Clark & Henery Const Co, bds 521 W Hamilton Kremer George E, sec-gen mngr Bear Creek Motor Car Co, res Hotel Medford Kribs Abbie R, bds C C Kribs Kribs Charles C (C P Kribs & Co), bds W Main ne cor Peach Kribs Charles P (C P Kribs & Co), res W Main ne cor Peach KRIBS C P & CO (Charles P and Charles C Kribs), Groceries 33 N Grape, Tel Main 1091, Home 54-L Kribs Stella E, student, bds C P Kribs Kroschel Samuel A, agt H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot, res 703 W 2nd Kroupa Rosa M, maid 19 N Peach Krutzler John, bds 517 E Main Krutzler Paul, foreman P&E Ry, res 517 E Main Kunselman Elton E (Kunselman & Gerking), res se cor E 5th and N Front Kunselman & Gerking (Elton E Kunselman, John O Gerking), photographers 128 E Main KUNZMAN GEORGE J (Geo J Kunzman Printing Co), res 229 N Ivy, Tel Main 5601, Home 277-L KUNZMAN GEO J PRINTING CO (George J Kunzman), Commercial and Job Printing, Rubber Stamps, Seals and Stencil Supplies, "What you want, How you want it, When you want it" "Let George Do It" 208 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Tel Home 128-K, Main 5311 (See Left Top Lines) L
(T A LeMaster, J Henry Fleener), Collections, Rentals, Real Estate and
Mines, Collections Our Specialty, 412 Medford Furniture &
Co Bldg, Tel Main 2021 (See Classified Collection Agents)LaClair Henry J, teamster, res 919 S Peach Laedlein August W, ice cream maker Medford Cream & Butter Co, res 320 E Main Laidley George W (Laidley & See), res 210 S Elm. LAIDLEY & SEE (George W Laidley, Alva L See), Timber Lands, Accurate Cruises Made, 301 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel Home 91-K Laird Charles A, laborer Southern Oregon Produce Co, res Front se cor Apple Laird S J, foreman Clark & Henery Const Co, rms 445 S Front Lamar Rev Charles R, pastor Eagle Point Baptist Church (Eagle Point), res 1 w 533 Austin Lamar C Everett, clerk The H C Kentner Co, rms 130 W Main Lamar C Ray, student, bds C R Lamar Lamport Edward H (Medford Harness Co), res 419 W 2nd Lance F Marion (Lance & Keizur Bros), res 1009 E Main Lance & Keizur Bros (F Marion Lance, Clarence A, Earl E, Roy M, Walter A and Ward C Keizur), proprs Medford General Delivery ws Bear Creek nr E 12th Lancop Joseph A, carpenter, res 716 W 14th Landquist Julius W, real estate, res 921 N Central av Landram Francis M, farmer, res 322 E 12th Landram H Clay, farmer, bds 322 E 12th Landram J Porter, farmer, bds 322 E 12th Lane Anna, res Sunset Park add Lane Wm E, cabinet maker Weeks & McGowan Co, res 219 S Holly Langdon Oscar, rms 247 S Riverside av Lansing Anna, teacher Lincoln School, bds E W Lansing Lansing Edward W, rancher, res Central Point rd 2 m n PO Lansing Irene F, prin Jackson School, bds E W Lansing LaPlant Edwin P, laborer, bds 405 S Fir LaPlant Mary L, bds 405 S Fir Largent Roscoe R, cook Hotel Medford, bds 729 W 2nd Larkin James M, res w end W 2nd Larkin Lorenzo, teamster Medford Brick Co, bds J M Larkin Larkin M Clifford, teamster Medford Brick Co, bds:J M Larkin Larsen Mrs Hans P, furnished rooms 133 W Main Larson August, laborer Eden Valley Nursery, res 209 Portland av Larson Mrs Cora, milliner Josephine Paynter, res 209 Portland av Lauerman John, bds 211 Stark LAWLER ORRIN H, Lawyer 415 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel Home 150, rms Hotel Medford Lawlor John W, asst sec and auditor Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 111 Genessee Lawrence Albert, lather, bds 244 S Central av Lawrence Mrs Ethel M, bkpr Allen Grocery Co, res 302 Willamette av Lawrence Frank, teamster, res 1024 W 9th Lawrence John D, collector, res 302 Willamette av Lawrence John F, jeweler 126 E Main, res 525 S Riverside av Lawrence Ruth, student, bds 525 S Riverside av Lawrence Saml, salesman, rms 33 S Front Lawrentz Albert H, farmer, bds 211 Washington Lawrentz August, farmer, res Jacksonville rd ¾ m w limits Lawrentz Dora, student, bds August Lawrentz Lawrentz Matilda (wid Herman), bds August Lawrentz Lawton Building, 28-36 N Bartlett Lawton Mrs Corinne, bkpr Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 627 S Central av Lawton Denison F, hostler Fair Grounds Lawton Denison T, res 310 N Bartlett Lawton Guy, meat cutter Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 627 S Central av Lawton Helen E, bds 307 Apple Lawton J West, salesman, res 307 Apple Lawton Leon D, student, bds 310 N Bartlett Leaders Caroline C, bds 1135 W 10th Leaders Henry, laborer, res 1135 W 10th Learned Albert, restaurant 323 E Main, res same Learned Edward, clerk Albert Learned, bds 323 E Main Learned George, clerk Albert Learned, bds 323 E Main Leatherman Charles E, carpenter, res 532 W Hamilton Leatherman Wm H, farmer, bds 532 W Hamilton LeBaron Louis W, mngr Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res S Newtown nr S Dakota LeBlanch Freeman, laborer, rms 437 W Holly Lebo Charles S, sec-treas Medford Realty & Improvement Co Inc, res 731 W Jackson Lee Caroline E (wid Nathan P), bds 235 N Oakdale av Lee Harry, bartender Shaw & Reed, rms 304 S Central av Lee Lucinda (wid Allen), bds 210 S Laurel Lee Ngui, restaurant 39 S Front Lee Wallace A, millwright, res 263 Beatty LeMaster Mrs Rose E, propr El Blanco Rooms, res 445 S Front LeMASTER T A (L&F Collection Agency), res 445 S Front, Tel Main 7612 Leonard Abraham (Leonard, Wiles Cement Co Inc), res 39 N Peach Leonard Claude A, hostler West Side Stables, res 441 N Fir Leonard Guy E, reporter Medford Sun, bds 14 Cottage Leonard Morris B; student, bds 14 Cottage Leonard Mrs M A, res 323 S King Leonard Oliver J, concrete worker, bds 323 S King Leonard Paul M, clerk The Toggery, bds 14 Cottage Leonard Samuel L (Leonard, Wiles Cement Co Inc), res 14 Cottage Leonard S Mark, student, bds 14 Cottage Leonard, Wiles Cement Co Inc, Samuel L Leonard pres, Walter C Wiles vice-pres, Abraham Leonard sec-treas, cement contractors 14 Cottage Lerch Henry, shoemaker 117 S Front, res same LeRoux Maida, clerk O L Davidson, bds 225 S Riverside av LeRoy Wm S (LeRoy & Tompkins), res 140 N Front LeRoy & Tompkins (W S LeRoy, W T Tompkins), therapeutists 140 N Front Leslie Elmer (Riggens & Leslie), bds 243 S Holly Leslie James, elec California-Oregon Power Co, res 243 S Holly Leslie John, bds 243 S Holly Leslie Mary C (wid Andrew J), res 243 S Holly Lester Elmer E, plasterer, res 219 Knight Levenberry Mrs Julia, propr The Royal, res 320 E Main Lewis Coborn, bricklayer, res 840 W 14th Lewis Mrs Mary H, res 425 Benson Lewis Smith H, elec California-Oregon Power Co, res 643 W 11th Lewis Wm, farmer, res 219 McAndrew Lidberg John C, laborer, res 319 Newtown Liggett Joe H, clerk Hotel Medford, rms 247 S Riverside av Liljegran Ernest W, mining engineer 104 W 6th, res 320 S Grape Liming Charles L, carpenter, res 823 Sherman Liming Clifford C, carpenter, bds 823 Sherman Liming Ethel E, opr Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 823 Sherman Lincoln Ralph H, mngr Bear Creek Motor Car Co, res 211 S Laurel Lincoln School, R V Dunham prin, N Bartlett se cor Maple Lindell Walter L, bds 13 Ashland av Lindley Building, 215 E Main Lindley George, clerk Fouts Co, res 716 Welch Lindley George R, vice-pres Jackson County Bank, res Siskiyou Hts Lindley George W, apiarist, bds 106 Roosevelt av Lindley G Frank, driver Medford Fire Dept, rms 44 N Front Lindley Mortimer J, driver Lance & Keizur Bros, bds 716 Welch Lindley Sarah A (wid George P), res 106 Roosevelt av Lindley Wm T, res 24-217 S Riverside av Lindley Mrs Zella M, clerk, res 24-217 S Riverside av Ling C Houston, student, bds 826 E Main Ling Harry D, asst chief Medford Fire Dept, res 44 N Front Ling Harvey R, electrician, bds 826 E Main Ling J Wesley, painter, res 826 E Main Ling Maude M, bds 826 E Main Linville Robert E L, carpenter, res 829 E 9th Little Adelbert D, mngr Medford Tent & Awning Co, res 106 N Front Little Charles H, fruit grower, res ss Stewart av Little Joseph T, fruit grower, res ss Stewart av Little Robert P, real estate, res 823 Taylor Livingston Louise C (The Handicraft Shop Co), bds 516 S Grape Lockhart Donald, horse breaker, bds 3 E 4th Lockwood Bert O, building contr, res w end W 2nd 3 blks w limits LOCKWOOD MYRTLE S, Physician 216 E Main, Tel Main 1001, Home 28, res 45 Lindley Av LOCKWOOD ROBERT J, Chiropractor, Nerve Specialist, Vapor Baths and Scientific Massage, Advice in Dietetics, Medical Gymnastics and Hydrotherapy, Lady Attendant, 310 E 9th, res same, Tel Pacific 7973, Home 168-K LOCKWOOD S A, Physician and Surgeon 216 E Main, Tel Main 1001, Home 28, res 45 Lindley Av, Tel Main 7981, Home 357-K Loder Frank F, foreman California-Oregon Power Co, res Central Point rd ½ m n limits Lofland C Marie, bds 809 W 10th Lofland F Ruby, clerk The H C Kentner Co, bds 809 W 10th Lofland Harry N, farmer, res 225 S Oakdale av Lofland Justus M, farmer, res 809 W 10th Long Alton H, painter, bds 844 W 14th Long J Thomas, wood, res 1406 N Riverside av Long Mabel C, bds 1406 N Riverside av Long Vernon W, painter, res 844 W 14th Longwell Frank L, laborer, bds 118 S Mistletoe Longwell Wm F, miner, res 118 S Mistletoe Longwell W Claude, bds 405 S Oakdale av Lontz Wm A, laborer, res 416 Boardman Loomis Almon L, fruit grower, res 1103 W 10th Loomis George G, building contractor, res 1102 W 10th Lorentzen Tena, maid 1006 S Oakdale av Lounsbury Novie I, stengr Rogue River Commercial Orchards Co, bds 1121 E Main Lounsbury Sarah E (wid George W), res 1121 E Main Love Mertin J, engineer, bds 333 Knight Lovelace Ebenezer R, engineer, res 808 S Central av Lovelace Mrs Maggie, dressmaker, res 859 E 9th Lovelace Walter A, carpenter, res 859 E 9th Lozier's Station, RRV Ry ¼ m w limits Luhr Wm, carpenter, rms 223 W Main Luke David W, orchardist, res S Jacksonville rd 1 m w limits Luman Ellen (wid Preston), res 611 N Central av Luman Nora B, bds 611 N Central av Luman Wm A, butcher, bds 611 N Central av Lumsden Mrs E Maria, bds 610 S Holly Lumsden Harold U (Hutchison & Lumsden), res 610 S Holly Lumsden Treve B, bkpr Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, bds 610 S Holly Lunt Charles E, pressman Medford Printing Co, res 854 E 9th Lunt Chester DeF, whsmn Medford Grocery Co, bds 854 E Main LUPTON A J, Real Estate and Mining Properties, res 406 Apple, Tel Main 3922 (See Left Top Lines) Lux Philip E, bkpr Rogue River Commission Co, bds 514 S Holly Lydiard Wm H, grocer 221 W Jackson, res same Lyon James W, carpenter, bds 716 E Main Lyon L Monroe, building contractor 716 E Main, res same Lyon Noah B, res 12 S Mistletoe Lyon Oscar, chauffeur, rms 344 S Central av Mc
McAfee Loren, laborer, bds 401 E 5thMcAhron Jacob L, bds 411 Beatty McALPINE DUNCAN C (Southern Oregon Electrical & Heating Co), res 747 W Jackson, Tel Home 7-X McAlpine Mrs Margaret, clerk J C Mann, bds 747 W Jackson McAndrew Kate, bds Thomas McAndrew McAndrew Thomas, farmer, res Eagle Point rd McAndrew Thomas F, farmer, bds Thomas McAndrew McARTHUR CHARLES A, Real Estate and Loans 3 Post Office Blk, Tel Main 3681, Home 279, res 530 S Grape McArthur Ernest, laborer, res 901 Narregan McArthur Everett C, student, bds 530 S Grape McArthur Frank S, student, bds 530 S Grape McBride Hurlbut D, ice cream maker Bertha Snyder, res 435 N Holly McBride Mrs Metta, candy maker Bertha Snyder, res 435 N Holly McBride R Lester, res 332 N Ivy McBride Store The, I F Strasburger mngr, conf 229 E Main McBride Wm P, ice cream maker Bertha Snyder, bds 435 N Holly McCabe Bert R, lawyer 217 Garnett-Corey bldg, res 319 Portland av McCabe Henry J, painter, res 1031 N Central av. McCain Burie, store keeper Hotel Medford, res Hotel Moore McCall Vernon A, mach California-Oregon Power Co, res 203 N Grape McCallum Walter L, bkpr John F Reddy, mngr Medford Theatre, res 334 S Grape McCana Charles, laborer, bds Philip McCana McCana Philip, teamster Trail Lumber Co, res w end 11th ne cor Park McCana Robert A, laborer, bds Philip McCana McCardle Wm, carpenter, res 1217 W 11th McClain Charles (Medford Transfer Co), res 1105 W 4th McClain Charles Jr, student, bds 1105 W 4th McClain Edwin W, laborer, res rear 302 N Front McClain Floyd E, laborer, bds E W McClain McClain Lucy A, bds 1105 W 4th McClain Merton, expressman V T Wilson, bds 302 N Front McClanahan Robert (Hansen & McClanahan), res end W 2nd McClanahan R Oval, student, bds Robert McClanahan McClane Robert, machinist, rms 33 Front McClelland Tony B, fireman Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point McClure E Lowe, bds 1005 W Main McConnell Clayton B, collector, bds 413 W 2nd McConochie Roy R, driver H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot, res W 12th nr Hamilton McCormack Lincoln, lawyer 203 First National Bank bldg, res 41 Ross Court McCormack Lincoln Jr, surveyor, bds 41 Ross Court McCormack Madge V, bds 41 Ross Court McCown Meldrum F, game warden, res 119 Portland av McCoy George W, clerk, res 137 S Ivy McCreight Hugh R, driver J S McCreight, bds 607 S Central av McCreight Joseph S, dyer 120 N Front, res 607 S Central av McCreight Lloyd D, presser J S McCreight, bds 607 S Central av McCreight Sherman W, bds 607 S Central av McCreight Wm G, confectionery 122 N Front, res same McCune Frank E, washer Crater Lake Lundy Co, res 222 N Central av McCune Mrs Maggie, finisher Crater Lake Laundry Co, res 222 N Central av McDonald Angus, res 122 Cottage McDonald Chester W, cashier Jackson County Bank, res 823 E Main McDonald Edwin H, building contractor, res 819 Taylor McDonald Meldrum C, driver H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot, bds 122 Cottage McDonald Orton, bds 122 Cottage McDonald Paul D, student, bds 823 E Main McDonald Russell, student Medford Business College, bds 819 Taylor McDonald Wm W, bds 823 E Main McDonough Bertha, maid 627 S Central av McDonough Martin C, real estate, res 307 E 6th McElroy F H, laborer Medford Brick Co McGarrity Thomas, orderly Sacred Heart Hospital McGaw Wm, carpenter, bds 506 S Newtown McGill Curtis, rms 125 N Holly McGowan Wm H (Weeks & McGowan Co), res 15 S Mistletoe McGraw John A, carpenter, res 319 S Grape McGraw Newton L, operator Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, bds 117 N Central av McHenry Earl M C, painter Valley Sign Advertising Co, bds 215 N Riverside av McHenry Grant, blacksmith, res 215 N Riverside av McHenry J Carl, apprentice, bds 215 N Riverside av McKay Frank W, tailor The Toggery, res 134 S Ivy McKay J H, rms Hotel Holland McKean Arthur F, helper Valley Auto Co, bds 309 S Newtown McKeany E M, agent Producers Fruit Co, res 212 S Grape McKee C H, colporter, rms 531 S Riverside av McKee Ernest, clerk Hubbard Bros, rms 335 E Main McKeever Beulah, bds Oliver McKeever McKeever Oliver, farmer, res Central Point rd 1 blk n limits McKeever Roy, student, bds Oliver McKeever McKilligan Earl, helper Lewis Rukes, bds 127 E 6th McKinnis Charles M, farmer, bds 619 S Riverside av McKinnis F Marion, res 619 S Riverside av McKinnis Harrison F, auto machinist, bds 619 S Riverside av McKinnis Lena L, bds 619 S Riverside av McKinnis Paul H, salesman Palmer's Piano House, bds 619 S Riverside av McKinnis Wm C, farmer, bds 619 S Riverside av McKnight Ernest R, laborer, bds 1204 W 9th McKnight Rena I, bds 1204 W 9th McLaren Joseph, laborer, bds 401 E 5th McLaughlin H Frank, cement worker, res 528 W Hamilton McLean Eva G, clerk, bds 215 Washington McLean George J, painter, res 215 Washington McLean Mina, student, bds 215 Washington McLean Verna, bds 215 Washington McLeod Beatrice, student Medford Business College, bds 307 S Oakdale av McLeod John, laborer, bds 401 E 5th McMann Wm S, butter maker Medford Cream & Butter Co, bds 208 Tripp McMillan Gladys R, bds 130 W Main McNary Daniel L, farmer, res 618 S Central av McNasser Benjamin E, millwright, res 831 E 9th McNeill John, laborer, res Jacksonville rd ¼ m w limits McNeill Nellie F, teacher, bds 512 W Dakota McNulty Edward J, laborer, res 114 N Front McPherson Joshua, res 112 S King McPherson Naomi, student Medford Business College McPherson Samuel H (Tanner, McPherson & Tanner), bds 510 E Main McRae Don, waiter Nash Grill, rms 105 S Grape M
Maasdam G H, propr Diamond Rooming House, res 127 E 6thMabee Alfred E, carpet cleaner, res 207 S Ivy Maben Charles M, farmer, res Jacksonville rd ¼ m w limits MacDonald Frank H, cement worker, res 211 Washington Mackey Henry C, propr Mackey's Studio, rms 245 N Riverside av Mackey Merill, helper Hotel Medford, bds Hotel Moore MACKEY'S STUDIO, Henry C Mackey Propr, Photographer 204 E Main se cor Central Av Mackie Alfred W, rms 30 N Front Mackrodt John J, clerk Medford Pharmacy, bds 624 N Central MacClatchie John W (Huntley & MacClatchie), res Jacksonville Hill rd MacPherson Mrs Anna E, dressmaker, res 325 S Ivy Maddox Ernest B (Maddox & Bonney), res 26 Portland av Maddox & Bonney (Ernest B Maddox, George M Bonney), proprs Portland Av Greenhouse 28 Portland av Magner Russel, laborer, bds 718 S Central av Magray J Louis, pruner, res 821 W 10th Magreiter Thomas, offbearer Medford Brick Co Mahar Daniel, bartender Wm Carns, res 107 E Jackson Mail Tribune, see Medford Mail Tribune Mail Tribune Building, 25-29 N Fir Maine Milton M, wood sawyer, res 410 N Ivy Malloy John, res n end N Central av Malloy Mrs Mary J, nurse, res n end N Riverside av Malloy Patrick J, bds 406 S Riverside av Maltby Byron W, farmer, res 31 S Orange Maltby Emma, bds 31 S Orange Maltby Mae E, stengr Jackson County Abstract Co, bds 31 S Orange Manke Julius A, linotype opr Medford Printing Co, res Phoenix Or Manker Orvel J, driver Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 206 Willamette MANN JOHN C, Dry Goods, Notions and Ready to Wear Garments 14 N Central Av, Tel Main 4861, Home 290, rms 611 W 8th cor Laurel (See Right Top Lines) Mann Wells, expressman Front sw cor Main, res 516 N Bartlett Manning Clare C, clerk J C Mann, bds 237 N Central av MARINELLO SHOP THE, Cora E Utley Propr, Hairdressing, Manicure, Face and Body Massage and Chiropody Room 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel Bell 6751, Home 343-K (See Classified Hairdressers) MARION J WILLIS J, Physician and Surgeon, 308 E Main Kentner Bldg, Tel Main 271, res 845 W 2nd, Tel Main 273, Home 347-X MARION PHILIP, Teacher of Cello with Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, bds 845 W 2nd Mark Newton H, foreman Bear Creek Motor Car Co, res 526 N Front Markos Gus, laborer, res 402 Boardman Marquis Abraham L, res 722 N Riverside av Marquis Lyle K, student, bds 722 N Riverside av Marrow Bert, tinner, rms 208 N Central av Marsh Mrs Eva C, music teacher, res 43 N Peach Marsh Henry E, clerk Allen Grocery Co, res 43 N Peach Marsh Henry M, expressman, res 421 Benson Marsh Theodore W, sec-treas The Siskiyou Heights Co, res Hillcrest rd Siskiyou hts Marshall Albert L, fruit grower, res ns Stewart av Marshall Arthur E, teamster, res 1040 W 11th Marshall Edison T, student, bds 1113 S Oakdale av Marshall Florence M, teacher High School, bds 819 N Central av Marshall Frank, horse trainer, bds 3 E 4th Marshall George E, fruit grower, res 1113 S Oakdale av Marshall Lucile A, student, bds 1113 S Oakdale av Marshall Vernon B, orchardist, bds 1113 S Oakdale av Martin Albert E, machinist, bds 330 N Front Martin Carl F, laborer, bds 624 N Central av Martin Clarence E, laborer, bds 330 N Front Martin Claude W, elec California-Oregon Power Co, res 502 W 4th Martin Francis E, bicycle repr 11 N Fir, res Sunset Park add Martin Franklin E, carpenter, res 128 S Mistletoe Martin Herbert A, carpenter, res 6 W Jackson Martin Iva I, bds 128 S Mistletoe Martin John, machinist, res 330 N Front Martin John A, teamster, res Central Point rd 1½ m n limits Martin Joseph G, res 624 N Central av Martin Mrs Mary J, seamstress, res 6 W Jackson Martin Nellie D (wid James), bds 704 S Oakdale av Martin Nellie R, operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 330 N Front Martin Roy V, bds 128 S Mistletoe Martin Walter S, bds 128 S Mistletoe Martin Wm S, waiter C Hong, rms 108 E 10th Martz John, farmer, res Jacksonville rd 2 blks from limits Maruyama M, steward Rogue River Valley University Club, res 227 S Ivy Mason Thomas C, carpenter, bds 722 N Riverside av Masonic Hall, 2nd fl Medford Natl Bank bldg Mathes DeLaskie J, auditor Medford National Bank, res 141 S Holly Matney Nanna, dressmaker, res 445 N Bartlett Matsler Columbus U, carpenter, bds 1105 W 4th Matthew Reuben A, fruit grower, res 13 Ashland av Matthews Thomas A (T A Matthews & Son), res 516 Park Mathews Thomas A Jr (T A Matthews & Son), bds 516 Park Matthews T A & Son (Thomas A and Thomas A Jr), express Front sw cor Main Maule Azariah L, civil engineer, bds 307 E 9th Maule Blanche G, student, bds 307 E 9th Maule Eleanor (wid Milton), res 307 E 9th Maule Eleanor F, teacher, bds 307 E 9th Maultby Wm H (Denhof & Maultby), res 441 N Grape Maurer Ray V, cashier G H Millar, rms 330 Knight Maxwell George E, real estate Hotel Moore, rms same May Frank E, teamster Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, bds 311 Ashland av May John T, res 311 Ashland av May J Clinton, student Medford Business Coll, bds 311 Ashland av Meadows B Winton, blksmth Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 310 Portland Meadows M Lee, carpenter, res 816 S Central av Mealey Wm P (Neff & Mealey), res 31 Roosevelt av Mears Catherine, music teacher, bds 406 S King Mears Eliza J (wid Fred), res 406 S King Mears Fred W, lawyer 213 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, res 402 S King Mears Mabel E, teacher High School, bds 406 S King Mecneal Amanda M (wid Daniel), res 635 N Central av Medford Athletic Club, Frankie Edwards mngr, 204 E Main MEDFORD BRICK CO (George W Priddy, Owen D Nagle, George T O'Brien), 746 W Jackson, Tel Main 3461 MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE, E L Moore Mngr, J M Gressley Prin, Business, Stenographic, Academic and Preparatory Courses, 31 N Grape, Tel Main 7801, Home 23-K (See Left Top Lines) Medford Business College Block, 31 N Grape Medford Candy Manufacturing Co, Charles P Silliman propr, 321 S Front MEDFORD COMMERCIAL CLUB, Wm M Colvig Pres-Sec-Mngr, F V Medynski Vice-Pres, Ferdinand Osenbrugge Treas, Fay Sears Asst Sec, E Main nw cor Front, Tel Main 631, Home 42 MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO, Clarence J Semon Pres-Mngr, Frank A Glidden Vice-Pres, Mnfrs of Sewer Pipe, Drain Tile, Dealers in Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock and Building Material 209 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Tel Main 652, Factory N Riverside, Tel Main 6091 (See Right Side Lines) MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, Gerard Taillandier Director, College Bldg, 31 N Grape nr W Main, Both Phones (See Right Top Lines and p 5) MEDFORD CREAM & BUTTER CO, I C Bateman Mngr, Mnfrs of Fancy Creamery Butter and Pure Ice Cream, Distributors of Pure Cream, Milk and Buttermilk, Wholesale and Retail, Natatorium Bldg, Tel Main 881, Home 164-L (See Left Top Lines) MEDFORD DAIRY, John W Snider Propr, Jacksonville Rd ¼ m w limits, Tel Pacific 201 P J 3, Home 285-M (See adv) Medford Domestic Laundry Co Inc, Glen Fabrick pres, James Slorah treas, O Carter Boggs sec, 421 E Main Medford Fair Grounds, n end Court Medford Fire Department, Eugene Amann chief, 44 N Front MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO INC, Frank W Hollis Pres, Horace G Nicholson Vice-Pres, H F Platt Treas, Horace D Howard Sec, General House Furnishers, Shelf and Heavy Hardware 29-35-39 N Central Av, Tel Main 351, Home 35 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Building, 29-39 N Central av Medford General Delivery, Lance & Keizur Bros proprs, ws Bear Creek nr E 12th MEDFORD GREENHOUSE, G E Pierce Propr, Florists, Cut Flowers and Decorations a Specialty, 923 E Main, Tel Main 3741, Home 237-X Medford Grocery Co, Edward A Welch mngr, E 10th sw cor S Front Medford Harness Co (Edward H Lamport), 322 E Main Medford Home Laundry (John W and Lou F Durr), 215 S Riverside Medford Housecleaning Co (Walter C Wolfe), 21 Genessee Medford Hydraulic Cement Brick & Block Co, H A Jansen mngr, Fir ne cor 10th MEDFORD ICE & STORAGE CO, G R Carter Mngr, Between S Fir and SP Tracks South of 12th, Tel Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Implement Co (Hans J Holmer, W E Cloney), agrl impts 28 N Bartlett MEDFORD IRON WORKS (E G Trowbridge), Foundry and General Machinists 17 S Riverside Av, Tel Main 401, Home 298, res Tel Main 5031 Medford Land Co (James S Campbell, Charles C Chilson), real estate 201-118 E Main Medford Lumber Co, Jeremiah H Cooley pres-mngr, W 3rd nw cor N Evergreen MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, Medford Printing Co Proprs, George Putnam Editor-Mngr, 25-27-29 N Fir (See p 9) Medford Mercantile Co Inc, Albert E Kinney pres, Walter B Beebe sec-treas, Clarence A Meeker vice-pres-mngr, dry gds 226 E Main MEDFORD MERCHANTS ASSN, E N Warner Pres, T E Daniels Vice-Pres, John H Carkin Sec, A C Hubbard Treas, 7-8-9 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel Main 3171 Medford Merchants Free Transportation Bureau, John H Carkin sec, 4-8-9 Jackson County Bank bldg Medford Mining & Stock Exchange (Benjamin F Forbes, Michael P Schmitt), 37 N Fir Medford Miracle Concrete Co, Payne & Danielson proprs, n end N Riverside av MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK, Wm H Gore Pres, J A Perry Vice-Pres, John S Orth Cashier, W B Jackson Asst Cashier, 133 E Main, Tel Pacific 1751, Home 175 Medford National Bank Building, N Central av nw cor E Main MEDFORD NURSERY CO INC, D Franklin Pres, B W Baldwin (Grants Pass) Vice-Pres, J W Armstrong (Los Angeles) Sec, N Central Av nr E 6th (See Back Cover and adv) Medford Parcel Delivery Co (Frederick Crocker), 23 N Fir MEDFORD PHARMACY, Jonas Wold Propr, 22 N Central Av, Tel Main 101, Home 101 Medford Plumbing Co, Frank W Cotterill propr, 46 S Central av MEDFORD PRINTING CO, George Putnam Pres-Mngr, Printers and Publishers, Proprs Medford Mail Tribune 25-27-29 N Fir (See p 9) MEDFORD PUBLIC LIBRARY, Elizabeth N Robinson Librarian, ss W Main bet Ivy and Oakdale Av, Tel Main 6781, Home 103 Medford Public Market, E J Runyard mngr, 23 S Riverside av Medford Realty and Improvement Co Inc, John F Reddy pres, E N Warner vice-pres, Charles S Lebo sec-treas, 406 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co bldg MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO (Paul C Hansen, Thomas Moffat), Mill Work Specialties 32 W 11th cor Fir, Tel Pacific Main 1841, Home 232 (See Left Top Lines and Classified Planing Mills) Medford Sheet Metal Works, B G Worthington propr, 46 S Central av Medford Soda Works, Pearl C Bigham propr, 106 S Bartlett MEDFORD SUN THE, Robert W Ruhl Pres-Editor, Sumpter S Smith Sec-Mngr, 18 N Grape (See p 10) Medford Tent & Awning Co, A D Little mngr, 106 N Front Medford Theatre, Walter McCallum mngr, E 8th bet S Central av and S Front Medford Transfer Co (Charles McClain), S Front sw cor Main Medley Grace, bds 211 Genessee Medley Joseph G, helper W H Brown, res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits Medley Osa, bds 211 Genessee Medley Wm A, res 211 Genessee MEDYNSKI FRED V, Vice-Pres Medford Commercial Club, res 316 N Central Av Meehan John B, carpenter, res Sunset Park add Meehan Maysel E, bds J B Meehan Meeker Clarence A, vice-pres-mngr Medford Mercantile Co Inc, res 315 N Bartlett Meeker Mary J (wid Julius), bds 439 N Front Meeker Wm H, dept mngr Medford Mercantile Co, res 311 N Bartlett Mego Patrick, elev opr Medford Furniture & Hardware Co, rms 410 MF&H Co bldg Meier George J, res 911 S Central av Meier Jacob G, bds 911 S Central av Meier Karl, carpenter Big Pines Lumber Co, res Sunset Park add Meier Katherine E, bds 911 S Central av Meiling Hannah (wid James C), bds 416 N Ivy Meiling Henry E, res 416 N Ivy Melavare Charles W, bench man Trail Lumber Co, res 1510 W Main Mendenhall Wm, clerk Garnett-Corey Hdwe Co, bds 922 S Oakdale av Mens Club Reading Room of First Presbyterian Church, W Main se cor S Holly Merino Building, 30 N Front Merrell Wm H, carpenter, res 315 N Oleson Merrick Emerson, student, bds 839 E Main Merrick Fred E, res 839 E Main Merrick Ruth M, student, bds 839 E Main Merrick Walter D, bds 839 E Main Merrill Marion V (Merrill & Merrill), bds 612 Catherine Merrill Raymond E, civil engineer, bds 401 E 5th Merrill Thomas E (Merrill & Merrill), res 612 Catherine Merrill & Merrill (Thomas E and Marion V Merrill), books and stationery 134 W Main Merriman Artinecia (wid Wm H), bds 531 S Riverside av Merriman George F, blacksmith 20 S Riverside av, res 520 S Central Merriman Isaac, farmer, res Central Point rd 1 m n limits Mervin H Horton, clerk West Side Pharmacy, bds 244 S Central av Messler James H, res 105 S Grape Methodist Episcopal Church South, Rev Wm T Goulder pastor, W Main nw cor Oakdale av Metivier Rachel L, clerk The H C Kentner Co, bds 45 S Central av METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO, Oscar Anderson District Superintendent, 5 St Mark's Bldg, Tel Main 5492 Metz Claude H, clerk Allen Grocery Co, bds 410 Beatty Metz Henry, res 410 Beatty Meyer Henry, laborer, rms 108 E 10th Michelsen Henry J, solr G J Kunzman Printing Co, bds 441 N Grape Mickey George M, teamster, res 330 S Fir Mickey Guy, res 123 Tripp Mickey Mabel C, teacher, bds 330 S Fir Mickey Mrs Minta A, clerk W J Beacom, res 123 Tripp Mickey Olah E, teacher, bds 330 S Fir Miers Georgia, nurse, bds 44 N Quince Miksche Geraldine, student, bds 818 S Peach Miksche Leo J, res 818 S Peach Miksche Raymond, student Medford Business Coll, bds 818 S Peach Miles Claude R, real estate 420 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co bldg; res 32 Geneva av Miles Fred T, agent Wells Fargo & Co Express, res 715 N Palm Miles Mrs Jessie W, res 203 N Oakdale av Miles Ruth W (wid Webster), bds 203 N Oakdale av MILES THADDEUS W, Sec-General Mngr Jackson County Abstract Co, Lawyer N Fir sw cor W 6th, Tel Main 411, Home 10, res 203 N Oakdale Av, Tel Main 2422 Millar George H, restaurant 15 N Front, res 622 W 4th Miller Alfred H (Davis & Miller), res 26 Cottage Miller Burrell W, laborer, bds 528 W Hamilton Miller Frank, shingler, bds 244 S Central av Miller Henry G, machinist J M Roseberry, bds 615 N Bartlett Miller Jasper N, solicitor, rms 243 S Holly Miller K S, mngr Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn Inc, res Gold Hill rd 4 m n city Miller Martha J (wid Wm C), bds 346 S Holly Miller Mrs N Maud, dressmaker, bds 314 Howard Miller Otto C, helper Hotel Medford, res Hotel Moore Miller Wm, teamster, res 846 Taylor Miller Wm L, carpenter, res 524 W 4th Milligan Charles, carpenter, res 1219 W 9th Milligan Floyd, driver Walker & Parks Mills Beecher H, bill poster V T Canon, rms 27 N Bartlett Milnes Edwin, miner, bds 820 Narregan Milnes Wm D, miner, res 820 Narregan Miltenburger Julia C (wid David), bds 358 S Oakdale av Minard Mrs Carrie, bds 446 S Central av Miner Edgar E, res 242 N Front Minkler Frank L, laborer City Water Dept, res 540 W Hamilton Minkler Mrs Helen, cashier Pacific Tel & Tel Co, res 1106 W 10th Minkler Levi J, res 107 E 14th Minter Jessie, bds 128 S Holly Mishler Lewis, janitor High School, res 615 N Riverside av Mishler Mrs M Maude, clerk The McBride Store, res 615 N Riverside MISSION FURNITURE WORKS, E G Trowbridge Jr Propr, Cabinet Makers, Manufacturers of Pacific Cedar Chests, Fixtures, Etc, 113 S Holly, Tel Pacific Main 3362, Home 199-K Mitchell Grace E, bds 24 Genessee Mitchell James, porter Henry Bates, rms 301 E Main Mitchell J Wm, carriage and wagon maker 36 S Riverside av, res 24 Genessee Mittelstaedt Alfred C, lineman Home Tel & Tel Co, res 709 N Alder MODEL CLOTHING CO INC, Fred K Deuel Pres, Samuel T Richardson Sec-Treas, Finest of Everything for Men and Boys 234 E Main, Tel Main 2281 Moe Henry N (H N Moe & Co), res 242 N Front Moe H N & Co (H N Moe), dry goods 125 E Main Moe John C, warehouseman Medford Grocery Co, bds 311 Ashland av MOFFAT THOMAS (Medford Sash & Door Co), res 433 S Fir Moffat Wm A, carpenter, res 612 S Newtown Mohr Emil, sec-treas Rau-Mohr Co, res 1003 W Main Monden Wm W, carriage and auto painter 313 S Front, res same Monitor Orchard Co, John A Westerlund pres, E M Ericson sec, Medford National Bank bldg Moore Albert, driver Standard Oil Co, bds 439 N Front Moore A Edward, farmer, res Eagle Point rd Moore Building, 125 W Main Moore Christopher, landscape gardener, res 1156 W 8th Moore Christopher J, gardener, bds 1156 W 8th MOORE E L, Mngr Medford Business College, 31 N Grape Moore Frank F, teamster, res 129 W 12th Moore James, bds 45 N Bartlett Moore James H, laborer, bds 329 Apple Moore Mary E, teacher Roosevelt School, rms 23 Roosevelt av Moore Mrs Mayme M, clerk The H C Kentner Co, bds 343 S Grape Moore Walter J, laborer, res 329 Apple Moore Wm H, res 719 W 10th Moore W Victor, bds 48 N Quince Moorse Charles, painter, rms 108 E 10th Mordoff George M, clerk Mordoff & Woolf, res 611 N Bartlett Mordoff Jessie A, teacher, bds 611 N Bartlett Mordoff Mae E, teacher Jackson School, bds 611 N Bartlett Mordoff Myron G (Mordoff & Woolf), res 25 S Orange Mordoff Nellie L, demonstrator, bds 611 N Bartlett Mordoff & Woolf (Myron G Mordoff, Scott Woolf), 2nd hand goods 22 S Fir Moreland Jefferson C, expressman Eads Transfer & Storage Co, res 820 Narregan Morey Artie M, bds 702 W Main Morey John A, gardener, res 702 W Main Morgan Fred W, pres B&C Cash Store Inc, res 54 Summit av Morgan Jesse L, clerk Allen Grocery Co, res 215 W Jackson Morgan Merrill E, propr Valley Sign Advertising Co, res 209 W Jackson Morris George H, telegraph operator, res 120 Elm Morrison George R, foreman The Medford Sun, rms 127 E 6th Morrison Harry E, physician 3 St Mark's blk, res 346 S Holly Morrison J R, farmer, res Jacksonville rd 1 m from limits Morrison Mrs Roselma A, Christian Science practitioner, res 324 S Orange Morse Elmer H, carpenter, res ns W 2nd nr Columbus av Morser Bradford L, sign painter B Klum Mosher John, teamster Medford Lumber Co, res 220 James Muir David, building contractor, res 1507 W Main Mulholland Clarence G, waiter C D Campbell, rms 122 N Ivy Mulhollen Chester O, laborer, bds 222 N Central av Mulhollen Edward L, miner, bds 222 N Central av Mulhollen James H, painter, res 222 N Central av Mulhollen James H Jr, apprentice J H Mulhollen, bds 222 N Central MULKEY BENJAMIN F (Mulkey & Cherry), Prosecuting Attorney 10-11 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel Main 431, Home 280-K, res 40 N Quince MULKEY & CHERRY (Benjamin F Mulkey, George W Cherry), Lawyers 10-11 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel Main 431, Home 280-K Mullen Robert R, plasterer, bds 444 N Grape Muller Louise A (wid Max), res 44 N Orange Muller Wm M (Muller & Berrian), bds 44 N Orange Muller & Berrian (Wm M Muller, James W Berrian), apiarists 44 N Orange Mulligan James L, bds 23 Roosevelt av Mullin Ella B, student, bds 726 Welch Mullin Henry N, blacksmith, res 726 Welch Mullin Lillian C, student Medford Business College, bds 726 Welch Mundy John F, real estate 3 Palm blk, res 7 Rose av Mundy Walter J, real estate, bds 7 Rose av Munson Carl, laborer, bds 511 E Main Munson Eunice C, teacher High School, rms 23 Roosevelt av Murphy Ambrosine C, teacher Lincoln School, bds 15 Summit av Murphy Bros (Omer W and Orin M), auto livery 30 N Holly Murphy Esther A, student Medford Business College, bds 15 Summit Murphy Francis J, electrician, res 533 S Grape Murphy John C, clerk Hotel Moore, res 15 Summit av Murphy John F, clerk Post Office, bds 15 Summit av Murphy Joseph S, barber 212 W Main, res 23 N Peach Murphy Katherine M, student Medford Business College, bds 15 Summit av Murphy Mary L, bds 15 Summit av Murphy Omer W (Murphy Bros), res 610 W 2nd Murphy Orin M (Murphy Bros), res 615 S Central av Murphy Wm C, real estate, bds 15 Summit av Murray Bert, sheet metal worker Medford Sheet Metal Works, rms 208 N Central av Murray Otis G, draftsman Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 237 N Central av Murrey Charles H, res 914 Murray Murrey Katherine (wid W E), res S Peach nr Dakota Murrey Maurice C, res 506 Union Myers C A, fruit grower, rms 339 S Central av Myers Mrs Emma S, dressmaker 414 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co bldg, res same Myers Kate, maid 806 W Main Myers Mabel I, teacher Roosevelt School, bds 923 E Main Myers Orin V (Hall & Myers Taxi Co) res 1416 W Main N
Nagel Fred J, tailor W W Eifert, rms 132 W MainNagle Charles, bds 132 S Grape Nagle Owen D (Medford Brick Co), res 132 S Grape Narregan Eugene L, student, bds 106 W Clark Narregan Norton L, farmer, res 106 W Clark Nash Grill, Louis J Baerthel propr, 112 E Main Natatorium Building, N Riverside av ft E 6th Natatorium and Amusement Co Inc, W H Brown pres-mngr, H C Kentner vice-pres, F E Merrick sec-treas, N Riverside av ft 6th Natwick Chris H, road contractor, res 1108 N Riverside av Natwick Orbie W, bds 1103 N Riverside av Near Charles (Near & Reynolds), rms 402 S Fir Near & Reynolds (Charles Near, Benjamin N Reynolds), fuel 402 S Fir Neff John C, propr Crater Lake Garage, res 144 S Central av NEFF PORTER J (Neff & Mealey), City Attorney, res 516 Belmont NEFF & MEALEY (Porter J Neff, Wm P Mealey), Lawyers 1-2-4 Post Office Block, Tel Main 1571, Home 157 Neilson J R, carpenter, bds 511 E Main Nelson Mrs Aleta, clerk Thompson Mercantile Co, res 40 Cottage Nelson Austin H, bookkeeper, bds 40 Cottage Nelson John W, bds 40 Cottage Nelson Lena H, bds 40 Cottage Nelson Lind, res 40 Cottage Nelson Mathilda, student Medford Business College, bds 334 S Grape Nelson Ora C, student Medford Business College, bds 510 N Riverside Nelson Vern A, laborer W H Brown, bds 726 N Newtown Netherland Elizabeth A, bkpr The H C Kentner Co, bds 319 S King Neustadt Berkley, bds J H Neustadt Neustadt Genevieve, bds J H Neustadt Neustadt Jules H, res Eagle Point rd 4 m n limits Newbury Gus, lawyer 205 Phipps bldg, res 32 S Mistletoe Newland Robert A, res 851 E 9th Newman Emma J, res 425 Benson NEWMAN FRANK J, Lawyer 20-22 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel Main 561, Home 56, res 527 S Holly, Tel Home 373 Nichols Alice, bds Oliver McKeever Nichols Charles F, laborer, res 223 McAndrews Nichols George (Nichols & Ashpole; Pech, Nichols and Ashpole), res 703 E Main Nichols Maude, bookkeeper Woods Lumber Co, bds 703 E Main Nichols Meda, bookkeeper Nichols & Ashpole, bds 703 E Main Nichols Tommy, student Medford Business College, bds Eagle Point Nichols & Ashpole (George Nichols, Wilbur Ashpole), meats 206 E Main Nicholson Horace G, treas Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Inc, res 530 S Central av Nicklas Charles, lather, res 1230 N Riverside av Nicklas Frank, lather, res 1230 N Riverside av NIEDERMEYER L, Vice-Pres Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, res Central Point Rd Niemeyer August, rms 206 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg Nihart Mrs Louisa J, clerk, bds 310 Knight Noble Clara A (wid Theodore E), bds 306 Portland av Noble Ernest N, engineer, res 306 Portland av Noble Margaret F (wid Goodman C), res 24 S Orange Noblett Herbert, farmer, res Capitol Hill Nockis George, laborer, rms 113 E 11th Noe Clarence T, barber J T Summerville, res 235 S Central av Noonchester Bros (E Greely and Lee L), grocers 422 W Main Noonchester E Greely (Noonchester Bros), bds 903 N Central av Noonchester Joseph W, laborer Medford Greenhouse, res 903 N Central av Noonchester Lee L (Noonchester Bros), res 300 Oleson Noonchester London L, farmer, res rear 122 Tripp Norling Wm, bell boy Hotel Holland Norris Irene M, photographer, bds 617 N Bartlett Norris James R, bds 617 N Bartlett Norris Thomas C, miner, res 503 S Hamilton Norris Walter B, student, bds 503 S Hamilton Norris Wm E, architect, res 617 N Bartlett North Mrs Sara E, bds 106 Roosevelt av Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co, C H Redfield agt, 210 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg Northwestern National Life Ins Co, John A Honey gen agt, 216 Garnett-Corey bldg Noth Albert F, ticket clerk SP Co, res 428 N Holly Nottage Laura, maid 843 E Main Nowell Mrs Nellie, tailor, res Capitol Hill Nowell Samuel A, ladies' tailor 422 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co bldg, res Capitol Hill Noyes Albert L, chauffeur, res 105 Tripp Noyes Douglas G (Noyes & Black), rms 145 N Ivy Noyes & Black (Douglas G Noyes, Richard C Black), painters 301 S Grape Nuttall Lizzie, res Sunset Park add Nye Ruth T, student, bds 835 E Main NYE STEPHEN A (W T York & Co), res 835 E Main O
Oak Grove School, Delmer O Fredericks teacher, Jacksonville rd
¾ m w
limitsOAKS SALOON THE, M & E J Adams Proprs, 32 N Front, Tel Main 1781, Home 188 Oatman Echo R, bds 222 S Central av Oatman Elmer R, res 222 S Central av Ober Bessie L, maid 906 W Main O'Brien Annie D, stengr US Forest Service, bds 517 S Grape O'Brien George T (Medford Brick Co), res 913 N Central av O'Brien J Edw, concrete worker, bds 517 S Grape O'Brien Sarah C (wid John), res 517 S Grape O'Brien Thomas, helper Medford Hydraulic Cement Brick & Block Co, bds 515 W 11th Odell Burney B, clerk J C Schmidt, rms 30 Rose av Odom Angeline (wid G McDuffy), bds 821 W 10th O'Farrell Rev Joseph M, pastor Church of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord, res 326 S Oakdale av OFFICE CAFE THE, Selsby & Kennedy Proprs, 22 N Front, Tel Main 7061, Home 189-K Officer Harry, concrete worker, rms 510 S Central av Offutt Frankie L, bds 907 E Main Offutt Grace E, bds 907 E Main Offutt Wm N, carpenter, bds 907 E Main Offutt Wm N Jr, demonstrator C E Gates, res 345 N Riverside av Ogan Amy H, bds 1321 N Riverside av O'GARA P J, Pathologist US Department of Agriculture and US Weather Observer 419-420 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel Main 1061, Home 91-L, res S King sw cor W 13th O'Hara Wm, propr Hotel Holland Buffet, res 230 N Ivy Olmstead John E (Olmstead & Hibbard), res 20 S Newtown Olmstead Vera M, bds 20 S Newtown Olmstead & Hibbard (John E Olmstead, Josiah G Hibbard), grocers 131 W Main Olsen Rekarda B, maid 235 N Ivy Olson Anton, clerk Bungalow Rooming House, rms same Olson Gladys A, teacher, bds 410 Newtown Olson John E, carpenter, res 117 Oleson Olson Louise, maid 1014 W 10th Olson T Allen, carpenter, res 636 W 4th OLWELL JOHN D (J D Olwell & Co), res Medford Hotel OLWELL J D & CO (John D Olwell, J E Barkdull), Real Estate, Fruit Lands and Alfalfa Lands Medford Hotel, Tel Main 901 (See Right Bottom Lines) Oman Edmund E, tax searcher Jackson County Abstract Co, res 421 N Riverside av O'Neil Miss A, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital O'Neil Mary E (wid P B), res 1023 E Main O'Neill Andrew J, clerk West Side Pharmacy, bds 221 N Holly OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO, Louis W LeBaron Mngr, Gas Stoves and Appliances, Gas Manufacturers and Distributors 211 W Main, Tel Main 5261, Home 40 OREGON GRANITE CO, Elmer A Hicks Pres-Mngr, P M Kershaw Vice-Pres, J A Perry Treas, 103 E 6th, Tel Main 1702 Oregon Life Insurance Co, Albert B Cornell dist mngr, 208 E Main Oregon Rooms, Frank E Payne propr, 414 N Front Orr Albert E (Weeks & McGowan Co), res 526 S Central av Orr Almeda, milliner Linnie M Rundlett, bds 521 Edwards av Orr Edith A (wid Eugene M), bds 909 N Central av Orr Frank L, foreman Roguelands Inc, res 521 Edwards av Orr Mary B (wid Hugh L), res 815 W Main Orr Robert L, bds 521 Edwards av Orth John S, cashier Medford National Bank, res 610 S Central av Orton Lyman O, orchardist, bds 604 W 10th Osborne Eva J, student, bds 512 S Oakdale av Osborne Harriet N (wid Solomon T), bds 1211 W Main Osborne John, carpenter, res 512 S Oakdale av Osborne Mrs Olivia, nurse, res 512 S Oakdale av Osenbrugge Catherine L, res 531 W Hamilton OSENBRUGGE FERDINAND, Treas Medford Commercial Club, res 401 S Riverside Av Osgood Ida M (wid George E), res 714 W 11th Osgood Jeannette B, bds 714 W 11th OSGOOD TOM W (Osgood & Cummings), res 714 W 11th, Tel Main 4781 OSGOOD & CUMMINGS (Tom W Osgood, Fred N Cummings), Civil Engineers 3rd Floor Medford National Bank Bldg, Tel Main 2621, Home 262 (See Right Top Lines) Otterdahl Mrs M, res 845 Dakota av Ottinger Jason C, clerk W H Kenworthy & Co, res 220 S Grape Ottoman Milton S, cashier SP Co, rms 51 N Oakdale av Overdorf John A, teamster Medford Grocery Co, res 315 Ashland av Overland Garage, C E Gates propr, 132 S Riverside av Owings James J, asst supt Medford City Park, res w end Humphrey Oxford The, Mrs Ida Harris propr, furnished rooms 223 W Main P
Peter S Steenstrup Pres, Robert A Flynn Mngr, Automobile Supplies,
Bicycles and Motorcycles, Repair Shop, 220 W Main, Tel Main 1021 (See
Left Side Lines)Pacific Mutual Life Ins Co of California, A K Ware agt, 19 Jackson County Bank bldg PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO, A J Vance Mngr, 30 N Central Av PACIFIC & EASTERN RY, J H Young (Portland) Pres, Wm Gerig Vice-Pres-General Mngr, John W Lawlor Auditor, J J Parker Freight and Passenger Agent, 501 E Main, Tel Main 3241, Home 17-L Packard Abner, res 704 S Oakdale av Packard Ellsworth, farmer, res 1022 W 10th Packard J Warren, tmstr Rogue River Commission Co, bds 1022 W 10th Page Frederick C, real estate 235 E Main, res 105 Geneva av Page Mrs Helen M, res 107 E 2nd PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE, Gaddis & Dixon Distributors for Southern Oregon and Northern California, 134 N Riverside Av, Tel Main 2681, Home 268 (See Right Top Lines and p 65) Palace Hotel, Robert H Halley propr, furnished rooms 30 S Central av Palm Block, E Main ne cor Front Palm Charles W, res 343 S Holly Palmer Alice I, student, bds 826 S Central av PALMER BURTON J, Propr Palmer's Piano Place, res 826 S Central Av, Tel Main 5751 Palmer David H, res 235 N Oakdale av Palmer Eliza L (wid John S), bds 316 N Central av Palmer Investment Co, David R Wood agt, Mail Tribune bldg Palmer John M (Palmer & King) res 216 N Front Palmer Marion E, student, bds 826 S Central Palmer Minerva (wid John B), res 129 S Ivy Palmer Minnie, seamstress, bds 222 S Holly PALMER'S PIANO PLACE, B J Palmer Propr, Particular Piano Purchasers Patronize Palmer's Piano Place, 44-46 N Central Av Next to Post Office, Tel Main 5751, Home 145 (See Left Top Lines and p 4) PALMER & KING (John M Palmer, Herman G King), Mngrs The Wiley B Allen Co 216 N Front, Tel Main 5284 Palms The, Merle B Glover propr, furnished rooms 130 W Main Pankey Fay A, maid 609 W 10th Pantorium Dye Works Co (Frank C Elliott, John E Fuselman), dyers 5 N Fir Pappas John, laborer, res 402 Boardman Park View Hotel The, Jesse T Perry propr, furn rms 123 S Holly Parker Mrs Anna J, nurse, res 215 Knight Parker Archie, student Medford Business Coll, bds Central Point Parker Chester T, clerk Ritter & Dunlap, res 511 S Grape Parker Clement M, fruit grower, res Central Point rd ⅛ m n limits Parker Mrs Daisy, maid 526 W Palm Parker Frank, bds J F Perrez Parker Frank, bartender Hotel Medford, res 201 S Holly Parker Joseph J, frt and passenger agt Pacific & Eastern Ry, res 302 S Grape Parker Louise R (wid Millard F), furn rms, res 23 Roosevelt av Parker Oscar O, driver Allen Grocery Co, res 215 Knight Parks Claude C (Walker & Parks), rms Nash Hotel Parsons Edwin S, insurance, res 22 Summit av Parsons Harry N, painter, res 326 N Bartlett Parsons Reginald H, propr Hillcrest Orchards, res Roxy Ann rd 2½ m e PO Partin Rae H, student Medford Business Coll, bds 510 N Riverside av Patterson Henry B, mngr Quaker Nurseries, res 26 S Newtown Patterson Lillie O (wid Henry H), res 302 N Front Patterson Mary A (wid John D), bds 1222 W Main Patterson Simon F, laborer, bds 302 N Front Patterson Stewart, res 817 W 10th Patton Mark, res 229 N Ivy Patton Owen J, res 313 S Grape Paul Charles C, res 1025 W 9th Paul Charles H, teamster, bds 1025 W 9th Paul Harriett M, milliner, bds 1025 W 9th Paul Martha J (wid James), res 36 N Riverside av Paul Mrs Ona E, milliner, bds 1025 W 9th Payne Frank E, propr Oregon Rooms, res 414 N Front Payne Frederic W (Payne & Danielson), bkpr Medford Furniture & Hardware Co, res 1133 W 9th Payne Lowene C, student, bds 721 Bennett av Payne Mary E (wid Richard F), clerk J C Mann, bds 135 N Bartlett Payne Merl H, student, bds 721 Bennett av Payne M Henry, stockman, res 721 Bennett av Payne & Danielson (Frederic W Payne, Frank W Danielson), proprs Medford Miracle Concrete Co, n end N Riverside av Paynter Josephine E, milliner 19 N Central av, res Hotel Holland Peachey Ernest C, teamster, res rear 325 E Jackson Pearce Enan H, miner, res 233 W 3rd Pearce Grace V, teacher Lincoln School, bds 705 N Riverside Pearson Frances L, student Medford Business College Peart C Wm, res 321 Ashland av Peart Gladys E, student, bds 321 Ashland av Pech Emil R (Pech, Nichols & Ashpole), res 60 N Quince Pech, Nichols and Ashpole (Emil R Pech, George Nichols, Wilbur Ashpole), meats 108 W Main Peck Horace G, teamster, res 704 Beatty Peck Leroy, laborer, bds 704 Beatty Peck Manley D, carpenter, res 408 Boardman Peck Wm E, laborer Berdan & Sons, bds 704 Beatty Pefiey Frank A, carpenter Boyd & Son, res 1112 Reddy av Pegee Mrs Madeline, waiter, res 125 N Bartlett Pegee Walter H, porter, res 125 N Bartlett Peil A Frank, res 533 Austin Peil Emma B, ironer Medford Domestic Laundry Co, bds 533 Austin Peirson Van R, plumber 29 N Grape, res 715 W Jackson Peninger Bertha, cigar clerk Hotel Medford, bds 128 S Holly Peninger Mary, tel operator Hotel Medford, bds 128 S Holly Penwell Anlo, plumber 828 N Central, res same Percival Albert E J, rms 30 N Front Percival Albert V, machinist J M Roseberry, bds 107 E 2nd Percival John E, rms 30 N Front Perez Joseph F, teamster, res High Highcroft add Perl Aileen, student, bds 229 Apple PERL JOHN A, Funeral Director and Embalmer 28 S Bartlett, Tel Pac 471, Home 179-L, res 229 Apple, Tel Pac 473 Perry Arthur, rms 130 W Main Perry James A, treasurer Oregon Granite Co, res 604 W Main Perry Jesse T, propr The Park View Hotel, res 123 S Holly Persing Charles, barnman Walker & Parks, rms 516 E Main Perter George, laborer, rms 113 E 11th Peter Mary C F (wid Holman), teacher Lincoln School, rms 205 Apple Petersen Leopold M, painter, res Mt Pitt ne cor Hamilton Peterson Albert, electrician, res 328 N Oakdale av Peterson Albert, laborer, rms 302 S Grape Peterson James, laborer, res 1110 W 4th Peterson John, laborer City Water Dept, res 528 W Palm Peterson Oscar, helpr Big Pines Lumber Co, bds 514 S Grape Peterson Thomas, cabinet maker Trail Lumber Co, rms 543 N Grape Pettys John, laborer, res 403 Boardman Pfeifer Richard F (Pfeifer & Sherard), rms 416 Park av Pfeifer & Sherard (Richard F Pfeifer, Ruben B Sherard), restaurant 37 S Front Pheister Charles M, stonemason, res Jacksonville rd ½ m w limits Pheister Ernest W, driver Wells Fargo & Co Exp, bds 903 W 11th Pheister Estella, teacher, bds 903 W 11th Pheister Everett, bds 903 W 11th Pheister Mrs Rosetta A, res 903 W 11th Pheister Viola, teacher Washington School, bds 903 W 11th Phelps Carl, miner, res 605 Dakota Phelps Charles H, buyer H C Kentner Co, bds 606 N 10th Phemister Bessie, student Medford Bus Coll, bds 540 S Riverside av Philbrook Mrs Maud M, teacher Jackson School, bds 410 Beatty Phillips Mrs Ada, res 325 Roosevelt av Phillips Catherine A (wid James B), bds 435 N Holly Phillips Francis H, res 1110 E 11th Phillips G, teamster, rms 108 E 10th Phillips Jesse, laborer, res 325 Roosevelt av Phillips Wm J, brakeman Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point Phipps Alla R (wid Matthew P), res Eagle Point rd Phipps Building, 225 E Main Phipps David I, teamster, res 1102 N Riverside av Phipps Ellen, bds Mrs A R Phipps Phipps Ira D, dentist 201 Phipps bldg, bds 328 N Riverside av Phipps Iradell J, res 328 N Riverside av Phipps Isabel, bds Mrs A R Phipps Phipps James H, farmer, bds Mrs A R Phipps Phipps Lee, farmer, bds Mrs A R Phipps Phipps L May, teacher, bds 328 N Riverside av Phipps Preston, farmer, bds Mrs A R Phipps PHIPPS W ESTILL, Lawyer 207-208 First National Bank Bldg, Tel Main 1273, res 1239 N Riverside Av, Tel Main 4523 Phlegar John T, dept mngr The H C Kentner Co, bds 51 N Oakdale av Piatt B F, lawyer 320 Garnett-Corey bldg, res 628 Dakota Piatt Donald W, miner, bds 628 Dakota Piatt Donn V, baggage man SP Co, bds 628 Dakota Piatt John B, miner, bds 628 Dakota Piatt Mary L (wid Douglas G), bds 628 Dakota PICKEL E BARTON, Physician and Surgeon 3-4-5 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel Main 432, res 315 W Main, Tel Main 582 Pickel Lyle H, bottler Medford Soda Works, res 830 E 9th Pickens Lawrence F, clerk R M Foster, res 219 S Central av Pickens Mae, clerk The H C Kentner Co, res 219 S Central av Pierce Mrs Anna J, propr The Fairmount, res 319 E Main Pierce Bertha M, bds 923 E Main Pierce Charles H, res 923 E Main PIERCE CLARENCE C, Real Estate and Insurance 427 Medford Furniture and Hardware Co Bldg, res 923 E Main, Tel Main 3741, Home 237-X Pierce G Edward, propr Medford Greenhouse, bds 923 E Main Pierce Lillian E bds 923 E Main Pierce Ralph E, clerk Davis & Miller, bds 923 E Main Pilcher Mason J, 2nd hand goods 23 N Fir, res 722 W 14th Pitridge Harold, res 717 N Riverside av Pitt James, laborer, rms 113 E 11th Plass Ernest F, bartender Moore Hotel, res 708 W 2nd Platt Hallet F, treasurer Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Inc, res 815 E Jackson Plotner Irene F, bkpr Hall & Myers Taxi Co, bds 128 S Holly Plymale Benjamin H, clerk Model Clothing Co Inc, bds 110 Almond Plymale Mrs E Grace, stenographer, bds 445 S Front Plymale Jane E (wid Francis M), res 301 S Central av Plymale John S, bartender, bds 301 S Central av Plymire Clyde, engineer, rms 304 S Central av Poe Chester A, res 836 N Central av Poe Josephine (wid F Marion), res 836 N Central av Poellnitz Robert W, physician 214 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, rms 512 W Hamilton Polley Albert H, res 706 S Orange Polley Mrs Anna, waiter G H Millar Polley John H, carpenter, bds 706 S Orange Polley Mary E, clerk Akins, Benton & Co, bds 706 S Orange Polley Oris G, barber, res 702 S Orange PONTING CLAUDE C (Southern Oregon Electrical & Heating Co), res 302 Portland Av, Tel Main 4462, Home 342-K Ponting John, laborer, res 1010 E 11th Poole Frank, carpenter, bds 244 S Central av Poole Frank L, bds 1206 W 9th Poole Mrs Rosa M, res 1206 W 9th Poole Wm L, bds 1206 W 9th PORTER ELIAS H, Physician 6-7-8 St Marks Blk, Tel Pacific 4961, Home 19, res 1010 S Oakdale Av, Tel Pacific 7051, Home 162-K Porter Frank W, clerk Akins, Benton & Co, res 317 W 2nd Porter George W, with Big Pines Lumber Co, res 18 Almond Porter Harry L, student Medford Business Coll, bds 619 E Main Porter Henry A, laborer, res 108 Genessee Porter Luther G, res 619 E Main Portland Av Greenhouse, Maddox & Bonney proprs, 28 Portland av Post Office, 34 N Central av Post Office Building, 34 N Central av Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, L Bernice Cameron mngr, 110 E Main Pottenger Alexander, bds 718 W 10th Pottenger T Edward, res 718 W 4th Potter Ernest H, res 453 Knight Potter Pauline, student Medford Business Coll, bds 128 Factory Potter Wm A, rms 219 S Central av Powell Arthur E, pressman, res 528 S Fir POWELL AUTO CO (Fred A Powell), Automobile Repairing and Machine Shop 109 E 8th, Tel Main 211, Home 85 Powell Eleanor (wid James), bds 103 Roosevelt av Powell Fred A (Powell Auto Co), res 33 Portland av Powell Jay H, driver Medford Dairy, bds J W Snider Powell Martha J (wid Albon), res 325 S Ivy Power Charles O (Power & West), res 617 Catherine Power Jewel C, carpenter, res Park Benson add Power Philip E, building contractor, res 101 Portland Power & West (Charles O Power, Thomas L West), architects 207 Garnett-Corey bldg Poyser Frank, teamster, res n end Central av Poyser John F, teamster Medford Grocery Co, res 1215 E Main Poyser Oscar, milker Medford Dairy, bds J W Snider Praxedes Sister, superior Sacred Heart Hospital Prewer Josiah S, expressman Front sw cor Main, res Roosevelt nr Bennett Price Mrs Dora A, res 1121 N Riverside av Price Ernest B, clk F W Shapleigh Hardware, bds 1121 N Riverside av Price John A, student Medford Business Coll, rms 195 Court Price J Earl (Coffeen & Price), res 724 W Palm Priddy George W (Medford Brick Co), res 48 N Orange Prim Charles, lawyer 1-308 E Main, res Jacksonville Prince Henry W, electrician, res 445 W Holly Producers Fruit Co, E M McKeany agent, W 8th and Railroad Propp George, bds 943 S Central av Propp Jacob F, cook, bds 943 S Central av Propp Wm A, rms 330 N Front Prouty Charles I, frmn Clark & Henery Const Co, res 618 S Central av Provost Miss A, nurse Sacred Heart Hospital Pruett Irving A, fruit grower, res Eagle Point rd Pulaski Ollie M, student Medford Business College Purdin Emery G, helper G F Merriman, res 1116 W 9th Purdin Fred A, whsmn Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, bds 1034 W 9th Purdin Lyle, farmer, bds 603 S Riverside av PURDIN MAHLON, Lawyer 1 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel Main 1332, res 912 N Central Av Purdy Jessie, student, bds 206 S Holly Purdy Samuel P, res 206 S Holly Purdy W Edwin, billiard clerk Hotel Medford, bds 206 S Holly Purkeypile F Clinton, machinist Valley Auto Co, bds 521 W 2nd Purucker Anna K, teacher Roosevelt School, bds 217 Apple Purucker George, res 217 Apple Purucker Helen A, student, bds 217 Apple Purucker Herman O, elec California-Oregon Power Co, bds 217 Apple Putnam Elizabeth, bds George Putnam PUTNAM GEORGE, Editor-Mngr Medford Mail Tribune, Pres-Mngr Medford Printing Co, res Highcroft Putnam Mary M (wid Oramal H), bds George Putnam Putney Arthur M, clerk C L Schieffelin, res 508 Plum Putney Chester H, clerk W J Beacom, bds 518 Plum Putney Foskett M, carpenter, res 518 Plum Putney Hazel M, student Medford Business Coll, bds 518 Plum Q
Quaker Nurseries, Henry B Patterson mngr, Nash Hotel lobbyQuayle Wm F, res 518 S King Quernheim Luella, maid 402 Newtown Quigley Lincoln J, building contractor, res 603 N Fir Quisenberry Walker F (Burgess, Quisenberry & Burgess), res 424 S King R
Radcliff Brad S, saloon 31 S Front, res 4 E ClarkRadcliff Harold B, student, bds 4 E Clark Rader Arnold, student Medford Business College Rader Clara (wid Jackson), res 105 N Oakdale Rader Donald R, student, bds 60 N Orange Rader Hazel V, student, bds 60 N Orange Rader L Lucile, stenographer, bds 60 N Orange Rader Marion A, dept mngr Medford Furniture & Hardware Co, res 60 N Orange Raenke Leonard, laborer, bds 122½ Tripp Raenke Wilhelm C, res 122½ Tripp Ragsdale Mrs Cora B, res 48 N Quince Ragsdale Helen, stenographer Palm blk, bds 48 N Quince Ragsdale Maud, clerk cigar stand Hotel Nash, bds 48 N Quince Ralston Mrs Bessie M, bds 516 E Main Rand Mrs Florence, res 1152 Court Randle Edna H, bds 917 Beatty Randle Elizabeth A (wid Wm E), bds 718 S Central av Randle Frank E, trav salesman, res 517 Beatty Randle Henry H, foreman Clark & Henery Const Co, res 718 S Central av Randles Joseph, bds 1504 W Main Randles J Ellis, carpenter, res 413 S Central av Ratliff Mary A (wid John B), bds 903 N Central av Ratte Hermann F, physician Medford Natl Bank bldg, res Holland Hotel Ratz Clifford, bds 401 E 5th Rau-Mohr Co, Walter F Rau pres-mngr, Emil Mohr sec-treas, proprs Hotel Moore and Hotel Medford, 113 W Main Rau Walter F, pres Rau-Mohr Co, res 304 S Holly Rawlings Samuel T, res 115 W Clark Rawlings Wm W, bds 115 W Clark Ray Charles R, phys, pres Gold Ray Realty Co, pres Gold Ray Granite Co, res 1104 W Main Ray Frank H, student, bds 1104 W Main Ray Lillian (wid Archie D), res 204 N Ivy Ray Mabel R, bds 1104 W Main Ray Rethmond L, res ½ m nw city limits Raymond David, fruit grower, res Lozier's sta Raymond Mary (wid Oliver E), res 807 S Central av Reame David B, salesman, res 246 N Oakdale av Reame Mrs L Louise, hairdresser 246 N Oakdale av, res same Reame Robert C, ins agt 205 First Natl Bank bldg, res 246 N Oakdale REAMES A EVAN, Attorney-at-Law 411-15 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel Main 2211, Home 6331, res 818 W 10th Reames Benjamin T, laborer, bds 625 W Jackson REAMES CLARENCE L, Lawyer Medford National Bank Bldg, Tel Main 1741, Home 174, res 16 S Laurel, Tel Main 1961, Home 170 Reames G Brownlow, laborer, bds 629 W Jackson Reames L Edwin, carpenter, res 629 W Jackson Redden Frank E, clerk Jackson County Bank, res 1016 Reddy av Redden John W, res 607 W 8th Reddy Edward J, helper Crater Lake Garage, bds 304 S Central av Reddy Florence, student, bds 406 S Riverside av Reddy John F, pres Medford Realty & Improvement Co, promoter 1 Palm bldg, res e end Queen Anne REDDY MARTIN J, Jeweler 22 N Central Av, Tel Main 101, res 406 S Riverside Av, Tel Main 441 Reddy Owen F, assayer, bds 406 S Riverside av Reddy Thomas, miner, bds 406 S Riverside av Redfield Clayton H, agt Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co, res 908 W 10th Redmen's Hall, E Main se cor S Central av Reed Charles E, teller First Natl Bank of Medford, rms Holland Hotel Reed Collins L (Shaw & Reed), res 145 N Oakdale av Reed Fred B, chauffeur Hall & Myers Taxi Co, res 145 N Oakdale av Reed Mrs Lucy L, res 1 w 322 Alice Reeves C Lafayette, traveling salesman, bds 333 E 6th Reeves George W, bkpr First Natl Bank of Medford, res 822 W 12th Reichman Otto H, steward Hotel Medford, res 117 S Laurel Reichstein Charles F (Reichstein & Co), res 405 S Oakdale av Reichstein Wm L (Reichstein & Co), res 405 S Oakdale av Reichstein & Co (Charles F and Wm L Reichstein), fuel 405 S Oakdale av Reid Maurice D, carpenter, rms 122 Portland av Reiker Elizabeth, waiter, bds 112 S Fir Reilay Sarah D, bds 1123 W Main Reimer Annie, student Medford Business Coll, bds 513 King Reinking A F, baker W J Beacom, res 34 Cottage Reinking Ernest, baker W M Kennedy, rms 34 S Cottage Renner Fred (Booth & Renner), res 515 S Grape Renner Ray F, bell boy Hotel Holland, bds 515 S Grape Renstrom George, plumber V R Peirson, rms 511 E Main Reservoir, Medford City Water Dept, Capitol Hill Reter John, barber Hotel Medford, res 415 Taft av Reynolds Benjamin.N (Near & Reynolds), rms 402 S Fir Reynolds Erasmus P, stone mason, res 1125 W 10th Reynolds George W, baker W J Beacom, bds 1125 W 10th Reynolds Hazel, student, bds 224 S Riverside av Reynolds Hiram W, driver Medford Cream & Butter Co, res 208 Tripp Reynolds Joseph A, clerk Brown & Hall, res rear 405 N Central av Reynolds J Larkin, res 413 Union Reynolds Myrtle O, bds 1125 W 10th Reynolds O Earl, clerk Wells Fargo Co Exp, bds 106 S Grape Reynolds Rev Walter (United Brethren), res 320 N Holly Rhodes Albert R, res 417 N Bartlett Rhodes C Frank (J S Howard Engineering Co), bds 528 W 10th Rhodes Harry E, res 315 Portland av Rhodes Jay C, carpenter, res 428 Plum Rhodes John T, laborer, res 329 Knight Rialto Building, 123 E Main Rice Edward, laborer, res Jacksonville rd w end W 2nd Rice Ernest C, painter, res 103 S Oakdale av Rice Wm C, bkpr Jackson County Bank, res 713 W 11th Richardson Carl A, plasterer, res 126 Portland av Richardson Christopher C, teamster, bds 218 W Jackson Richardson Edmund B, laborer Medford Brick Co, bds 126 Portland Richardson Jesse, res 218 W Jackson Richardson Josephine, bds 218 W Jackson Richardson Mrs May, teacher, res 126 Portland av Richardson Milas M, chauffeur, bds 218 W Jackson Richardson Samuel T, sec-treas Model Clothing Co Inc, res 39 N Orange Richardson Walter W, auto machinist, bds 218 W Jackson Richmond Alice G (wid James D), nurse, bds 917 N Central av Richmond Eva R, student, bds 917 N Central av Rickards Elizabeth, bds 423 Newtown RICKERT JUDSON D, OPH D, Eyesight Specialist Room 2 Over Kentner's, Tel Main 3202, res Valley View Drive Capitol Hill RIDDELL EDWIN G, Dentist St Marks Blk, Tel Pacific 1853, res 1114 S Oakdale Av, Tel Pacific 4952 Riddell Madge, bds 1114 S Oakdale av Riddle Mrs Mamie E, fitter M M Ahrens Co, bds 120 S Laurel Riggens Jesse M (Riggens & Leslie), res Eagle Point Riggens & Leslie (Jesse M Riggens, Elmer Leslie), 2nd hand goods 36 S Grape Rinabarger Charles A, teamster, res 718 S Newtown Rinabarger Harry E, plumber V R Pierson, bds 718 S Newtown Rinabarger Roland J, laborer, bds 718 S Newtown Rindquist Fred C, asst eng Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 719 S Central av Rippey Addie K (wid Charles G), res 720 Welch Rippey Chlora, bds 720 Welch Rippey Floyd J, cement worker, res 229 N Riverside av Rippey Lloyd G, miner, bds 720 Welch Rippey Maud B, teacher, bds 720 Welch Ritter Joseph F (Ritter & Dunlap), rms 223 N Central av Ritter & Dunlap (Joseph F Ritter, Owen Dunlap), cigars and conf 121 E Main Riverside Ranch, B L Dodge and B T Theiss owners, Sams Valley, Ira J Dodge supt, 217 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg Robbins Charles N, laborer, res 215 Ashland av Robbins Jonathan A, teamster City Street Commissioner, res 505 N Riverside av Robbins Sarah A (wid James W), bds 505 N Riverside av Robbins Walter A, traveling salesman, res 713 E Jackson Roberts Alfred, electrician, rms 125 N Holly Roberts Mrs Anna, maid 16 S Laurel Roberts Berna E, student, bds 24 Roosevelt av Roberts Clifford E, bds 16 N Quince Roberts Count P, res 207 Cottage Roberts Mrs Delia H, res 29 Ross ct Roberts Edward, building contractor, res 16 N Quince Roberts Erwin C, carpenter Edward Roberts, bds 16 N Quince Roberts George M, lawyer Medford Natl Bank bldg, res 422 S Laurel Roberts Horace L, bartender O M Selsby, res 112 Columbus av Roberts James E, farmer, res 40 Roosevelt av Roberts Lillian M, nurse, bds 29 Ross ct Roberts Saline, waiter Hotel Holland Cafe, bds 16 N Quince Roberts S Adeline (wid Benjamin), bds 112 Columbus av Roberts Wm D, farmer, res 24 Roosevelt av Roberts W Bernard, student, bds 40 Roosevelt av Robertson Chloe, maid 116 Geneva av Robertson David A, res 511 E Main Robertson George F A, blacksmith, bds 207 Cottage Robinett Walter B, blacksmith Hugh Elliott, res 437 S Fir Robinett Wm A, miner, bds 610 W 2nd Robinson Agnes L, student, bds 819 Taylor Robinson Edwin F, clk Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 819 Taylor Robinson Edythe L, operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 703 Sherman Robinson Elbert E, teamster, res 35 Myrtle Robinson Elizabeth N, librarian Medford Public Library, bds 517 S Newtown Robinson Ernest R, plasterer, bds 703 Sherman Robinson Herbert L, janitor Lincoln School, res 703 Sherman Robinson James H, clerk, bds 703 Sherman Robinson Leonard F, res 730 N Taft Robinson Lois M, bds 703 Sherman Robinson Paul W, clerk B&C Cash Store Inc, res 423 S Newtown Rodgers James P, sheet metal worker John Sipple, bds 33 S Front Rodrigues Frank, laborer, res 521 N Fir Roemer Otto A, candy maker, res 126 N Holly Rogers George L, marker Medford Domestic Laun Co, rms 401 E 5th Rogue. River Commercial Orchard Co, H P Tronson (Eagle Point) pres, Guy W Conner sec-treas, Mail Tribune bldg ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO, Charles H Schneckloth Pres, Commission Merchants Front bet 12th and 13th, Tel Main 5621, Home 307 ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY, Earl C Gaddis Mngr, 134 N Riverside Av, Tel Main 2681, Home 268 ROGUE RIVER FRUIT AND PRODUCE ASSN INC, K S Miller Mngr, Main Office Medford, Tel Main 1651, Home 165 ROGUE RIVER LAND CO (Wm M Holmes), Real Estate and Loans 407 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel Main 2022, Home 24-K (See Bottom Edge and p 7) ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT-TITLE CO, E C Hogsett (Medford) Pres-Mngr, S C Whittington (Jacksonville) Sec-Treas, 3 Palm Blk (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Abstracts of Land Titles) ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO (Roguelands Inc), Fred N Cummings Mngr, 237 E Main, Tel Main 1291 (See Front Cover and p 16) Rogue River Valley Nursery Co Inc, F J Newman pres, Charles L Hanson sec-mngr, Fred H Cook treas, 104 S Fir Rogue River Valley Ry Co, Wm S Barnum (Jacksonville) pres, Wm H Barnum (Jacksonville) vice-pres-treas, John C Barnum (Jacksonville) sec-gen-mngr 25 W Main Rogue River Valley Ry Co Depot, 25 W Main Rogue River Valley University Club, R H Parsons pres, P W Hamill vice-pres, Stanton Griffis sec, A S V Carpenter treas, Mail Tribune bldg ROGUELANDS INCORPORATED (Rogue River Valley Canal Co), Fred N Cummings Mngr, 237 E Main, Tel. Main 1291 (See Front Cover and p 16) Rohan George E, laborer H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot, bds 107 S Mistletoe Rohr Charles M, molder Medford Sash & Door Co, res 1107 Niantic Rolfe George, res 915 Queen Anne av Rollens Esther, tel opr Hotel Medford, bds 336 E 6th Rolston John H, supt Home Tel & Tel Co, res 1020 E 11th ROODE MADAME ETHEL, Propr The Beauty Shop, res 220 S Oakdale Av, Tel Main 3583 (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Hair Dressers) Roosevelt School, Leland S Beveridge principal, Lindley av ne cor Reddy av ROOT EDWARD C, Teacher of Clarinet and String Instruments Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, res 614 Plum Root Edwin D, janitor Medford Mail Tribune, res 17 S Riverside av Root Frederick W, plasterer, res 1 s 139 Kenwood av Root John M, orchardist Sparta bldg, res Oak Lodge Kings Highway Root Josephine, student, bds J M Root Root Lee F, orchardist, bds John M Root Rose Orson M, carpenter, res 1 e 854 E 9th Roseberry James M, auto repairing 927 S Central av, res 944 same Roseberry Mary A (wid John E), res 615 N Bartlett Roseberry Thomas J, driver, bds 615 N Bartlett Rosecrans Henry F, elec Pac Tel & Tel Co, res 207 Knight Rosenbaum Albert S, frt and pass agt SP Co, res 23 S Mistletoe Rosenbaum Edgar J, plumber, res 305 S Riverside av Rosso Lillian, waiter Hotel Holland Cafe Roth Edward L, chauffeur, bds 120 S Laurel Roth Frances E (wid Joseph A), res 120 S Laurel Rothermel Homer W, circulation mngr Medford Mail Tribune, res 108 Geneva av Rothermel Sterling, musician Isis Theater, bds 23 Almond Rothwell Freeland M, plasterer, bds 18 Elm Round Lurane M, teacher Washington School, bds 504 S Oakdale av Royal The, Mrs Julia Levenberry propr, furn rms 320 E Main RUHL ROBERT W, Pres-Editor The Medford Sun, res Siskiyou Hts Rukes Geraldine, mailer Medford Mail Tribune, bds 424 S Peach Rukes Lawrence, cigarmaker Lewis Rukes, bds 424 S Peach Rukes Lewis, cigar mnfr 119 E 6th, res 424 S Peach Rukes Mrs Maggie, dressmaker Mrs E S Myers, res 424 S Peach Rumbley Frances (wid Wm), res 422 S Fir Rummel David L, gateman City Water Dept, res Capitol Hill Rumsey John A, res 1 n 16 N Quince Rundlett Harriette (wid Samuel S), res 204 S Grape Rundlett Linnie M, milliner 103 N Central av, bds 204 S Grape Runyard Edwin J, mngr Medford Public Market, res 706 Dakota av Runyon Charles D, civil engineer, bds 425 S Oakdale av Russell Mrs Grace V, seamstress, res 1075 Court Russell Lilian F, maid J M Larkin Ryan Joseph R, res 504 W Hamilton S
Sabine Charles T, baker 606 E Main, res 22 AlmondSACRED HEART HOSPITAL, Under the Direction of the Sisters of Charity, Sister Praxedes Superior, Medford Heights, Tel Main 7141, Home 305-L (See p 7) ST CLAIR ROOMS, Lee Watkins Propr, Rooms Homelike and Comfortable, 103-113 E 11th, Tel Pacific 5511, Home 309-L (See Classified Furnished Rooms) St James Raleigh, shingler, res 319 Ashland av St Marks Block, 218 W Main St Mark's Episcopal Church, services in St Mark's Block St Mary's Academy, Sister Stephen superior, 310 W 11th Salade Jeannette, bds 1009 S Oakdale av Salade Louis A, res 1009 S Oakdale av Saling Arthur B, real estate 21 Jackson Co Bank bldg, res 20 Tripp Salter Mrs Charlotta C, millinery 1101 W 9th, res same Salter Francis P, building contractor, res 1101 W 9th Sample Fred M, auto machinist, bds 726 S Newtown Sample Joel O, carpenter, res 726 S Newtown SAMUELS GUS H, City Treasurer City Hall, res 317 W 2nd Sanders Frank T, bds 632 W Palm Sanders Mrs L F, ironer Crater Lake Laundry Co Sanders Richard, solicitor, res 416 N Bartlett Sanderson Volna, student Medford Business Coll, bds Ashland Sankey Frank B, operator Isis Theatre, res 534 S Hamilton Santee Helen M, teacher High School, bds 1003 W 10th Sasaman Allen F, laborer Eden Valley Nursery, bds 937 N Central av Satchwell Gilbert R, wire chief Pacific Tel & Tel Co, res 904 W 10th Sather Alfred L, mngr Star Theater, res 224 N Ivy Sauer Elnora H, maid G C Ulrich Sauer Frona, maid G R Lindley Saunders Clark E (Saunders & Green), res 705 Park av SAUNDERS & GREEN (Clark E Saunders, Ralph E Green), Physicians and Surgeons, Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 210 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel Main 191, Home 12 Sawyer Joshua S, civil engineer Olen Arnspiger, res 814 E 9th Saxton George W B, carpenter, res 410 S Hamilton Saylor Claude L, barber Henry Bates, res 211 W Jackson Scantlin Mabel E, bds 220 S Laurel Scantlin May E, bds 220 S Laurel Scantlin Thomas E, farmer, res 220 S Laurel Scantlin Thomas E Jr, student, bds 220 S Laurel Scantlin Wm L, farmer, bds 220 S Laurel Scherman Henry W (Caskey & Scherman), rms 118 S Bartlett Schermerhorn Gordon L, rancher, res 121 N Grape SCHIEFFELIN CHARLES L, Fancy Groceries and All Kinds of Fruits and Vegetables 36-38 N Central Av, Tel Main 701, Home 321, res 113 Geneva Av, Tel Main 4621 Schirmer Arthur B, insurance, res 7-21 Genessee Schlaichert Charles, teamster, res 323 Knight Schlinsog Wm A, fruit grower, res Stewart av Schmalhausen Louis R, carpenter, res 221 N Holly Schmidt Emil F (Behling & Schmidt), res 315 N Bartlett SCHMIDT JOHN C, Hay, Grain, Feed and Poultry Supplies SP Tracks nr W Main, Tel Main 7221, Home 260, res 30 Rose Av Schmidt Walter C, carpenter, bds 540 S Fir Schmidt Wm, carpenter, res 540 S Fir Schmitt Michael P (Medford Mining & Stock Exchange), res 721 S Peach Schneckloth Charles H, pres Rogue River Commission Co, res 514 S Holly Schneider Frederick, res 502 Maple Schnurr John C, plumber, res 531 W Palm Scholz Harry U, photographer, bds 801 N Central av Scholz Rudolph, foreman C H Corey, res 801 N Central av Scholz Rudolph J, student, bds 801 N Central av Schrack Morgan, foreman Medford Printing Co, res 529 S Grape Schrader Otto O, meat ctr Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 524 Beatty Schrump Dey, bds 523 S Holly Schrump Wm, res 523 S Holly Schuermeyer Wm F, lawyer, res 624 W 11th Schuette Frank X, rancher, bds 112 S Fir Schuette Henry G, laborer, res 112 S Fir Schuette Herman H, rancher, bds 112 S Fir Schuette John G, rancher, bds 112 S Fir Schuler Harry D, teamster, res 1026 W 10th Schuler Paul R, clerk J F Hale, bds 915 W 10th Schuler Richard, res 915 W 10th Schulz Ewald E, farmer, res 405 W 2nd Schulz Wm H, barber H S Workman, res 213 S Central av Schuster Addison B, adv mngr Medford Mail Tribune, res 525 S Grape Schwartz Chris, carpenter Big Pines Lumber Co, rms 204 N Ivy Scott Leo B, teamster, bds 416 S Peach Scott Perry D, carpenter, res 416 S Peach Scott Valley Creamery Co, I C Bateman mngr, 110 N Riverside av Searle W H, cashier C L Schieffelin, res 614 W 13th SEARS FAY N, Asst Sec Medford Commercial Club, bds 237 N Central Av Sears Susie S (wid A Z), res 231 W 5th See Alva L (Laidley & See), res Gold Hill Seely Eberle R, physician 235 E Main, res 412 S Oakdale av Segerman George W, cook G H Millar, rms 130 W Main Selsby Otto M (Selsby & Kennedy), saloon 17 S Front, rms 403 Garnett-Corey bldg SELSBY & KENNEDY (O M Selsby, Walter M Kennedy), Proprs The Office Cafe 22 N Front, Tel Main 7061, Home 189-K SEMON CLARENCE J, Pres-Mngr Medford Concrete Construction Co, res 720 W 11th Seventh Day Adventist Church, 605 N Riverside av Sewright Andrew W, farmer, res 1120 E 11th Seymour George C, carpenter, res 840 W Palm Shaffer Casandria B (wid Wm H), res 1205 E Main Shaffer Jennie E, bds 1215 E Main Shaffer W Arthur, chauffeur, bds 1205 E Main Shaftner Wm, bootblack H S Workman Shannon Billie I, auditor US Forest Service, res 301 Willamette av Shannon Harry W, painter, res Benson add Shannon Marion L, bds 301 Willamette av SHAPLEIGH FREDERICK W, Propr F W Shapleigh Hardware, res 402 S Newtown, Tel Main 6873 SHAPLEIGH F W HARDWARE, Frederick W Shapleigh Propr, Tools and Cutlery, Brass and Aluminum Goods, Table Ware, Builders' Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Sporting Goods, Paints and Home Makers' Supplies 28 S Central Av, Tel Main 5161, Home 374-K (See Back Cover and p 8) Sharpe David W, engineer, bds 337 W 10th Sharpe Rev John W, pastor Free Methodist Church, res 337 W 10th Sharpe Ruth H, dressmaker, bds 337 W 10th Shaw Abraham, farmer, bds 1005 N Central av Shaw Gid T (Shaw & Reed), res 312 S Central av Shaw Lawrence C, laborer, bds 312 S Central av Shaw & Reed (Gid T Shaw, Collins L Reed), saloon 13 S Front Shay Daniel P, farmer, res es S Riverside nr s city limits Shearburn Calvin L, bds 108 E 14th Shearburn Frances A (wid Wm G), res 108 E 14th Shearburn Walter E, mngr Western Union Telg Co, bds 108 E 14th Shearer Henry G, deputy sheriff, res 832 E Main Shearer Howard, elevator operator Hotel Holland, bds 130 W 6th Shearer Jacob E, physician 130 W 6th, res same Sheerin Anna R, bds 401 S King Sheerin Rev Joseph, pastor St Mark's Episcopal Church, res 401 S King Shelton Emma J, bds 222 S Holly Shelton Mrs Mary A, res 222 S Holly Shepard Cyrenius, barber Henry Bates, rms 223 W Main Sherard Ruben B (Pfeifer & Sherard), rms 416 Park av Sheridan John, treas The Hotel Nash Co, res 19 N Peach Sherman Francis L, shoemaker 32 S Grape, bds 122 S Mistletoe Shields Frances, student Medford Business College, bds Central Point Shields Rev Weston F, pastor First Presbyterian Church, res 41 S Holly Shipley J C Edwin, res 115 Kenwood av Shirley Earl L, student, bds 425 S Grape Shirley George L, clerk Garnett-Corey Hdwe Co, res 1219 W 10th Shirley George W, carpenter, res 425 S Grape Shirley James O, yardman Woods Lumber Co, bds 425 S Grape Shirley James W, res 28 Almond Shirley Jennie R, student, bds 425 S Grape Shively John G, bicycles 32 S Grape, res 1101 W 9th Shoemaker Carl, teamster W J Burbidge, rms W 10th and S Front Short Earl, waiter, rms 445 S Front Short Joseph, electrician, res 229 N Bartlett Shotwell Mrs Mary C, stenographer, res 30-217 S Riverside av Shoults D Gertrude, student, bds 211 N Ivy Shoults Harry L, cement worker, bds 211 N Ivy Shoults Wm T, cement contractor, res 211 N Ivy Shriver P Richard, barber T A Howe, bds 344 S Central av Sickels John A, gardener, res Capitol Hill Sievertsen Bernard C, clerk Weeks & McGowan Co, res 1106 W 4th Sievertsen Robert M, driver Wells Fargo & Co Exp, bds 1106 W 4th Silliman Charles P, propr Medford Candy Manufacturing Co, res 337 E Jackson Silliman Ernest C, candy maker Medford Candy Mnfg Co, res 337 E Jackson Simmons Elmer, helper Hotel Medford, rms Hotel Moore Simmons Mrs Fannie M, seamstress The H C Kentner Co, res 917 S Central av Simmons Ida, maid 401 E 5th Simmons John W, teamster, res 1025 Court Simmons Rufus J, engineer Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 917 S Central av Simmons Wm H, carpenter, res 117 Roosevelt av Simons John H, carpenter, res 311 W Jackson Simons John S, carpenter, res 1321 N Riverside av Simpkins Herman, student Medford Business Coll, bds Central Point SINGLER AUG D, Constable Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel Main 3171, res Sunset Park, Tel 920-F3 Singler Wm H, machinist Powell Auto Co, bds A D Singler Sinnott Joseph D, elec California-Oregon Power Co, bds 1005 W Main SIPPLE JOHN, Sheet Metal Works,.Hot Air Furnaces, Metal Cornices, Skylights and Jobbing Work Basement Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Tel Home 30-L, res 343 N Central Av (See Right Top Lines) Siskiyou Heights Co The, John A Torney pres, Theodore W Marsh sec-treas, real estate 11 Palm blk Sites Elizabeth H (wid John W), bds 1417 W Main Skeeters Charles F, cement worker, res 14 W Jackson Skeeters Grace J (wid Isaac), bds 6 W Jackson Skeeters Joseph A W, farmer, res 20 W Jackson Skeggs Sarah A (wid Wm), bds 324 S Orange Skilling Merle F, tel opr SP Co, rms 220 S Grape Skinner John D, res 1020 E Main Skinner R Arlan, auto livery, bds 1020 E Main Skrondal Edwin, printer Medford Mail Tribune, rms 1005 W Main Slavin Harry, gardener 1211 W Main Slewing Robert R, tailor 128 E Main, res 531 W Palm Slinger James W, farmer, res 230 Beatty Slorah James, treas Medford Domestic Laundry Co Inc, res 350 S Riverside av Slover Alonzo L, wood dlr, res 203 N Holly Slusser Nathan W, barber H S Workman, res 632 W Hamilton Smalley Rev B Franklyn, presiding elder Free Methodist Church, res 1506 W Main Smalley Carrie M, music teacher, bds 1506 W Main Smith Alice P, student, bds W E Smith Smith Anna, seamstress, bds 520 S Ivy Smith Apartments, W Monroe Smith propr, 217 S Riverside av Smith Mrs B Bird, bds 223 N Central av Smith Cecil R, laborer, bds 501 Beatty Smith Clayton L, teamster Big Pines Lumber Co, res w end W 2nd Smith Elizabeth (wid Wm), res 520 S Ivy Smith E E, electrician, res 1 n 242 Beatty Smith Firman F, miner, res 11-21 Genessee Smith Grace P, bds 217 S Riverside av Smith's Hall, 126 N Grape Smith Hazel, operator Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 18 Almond Smith Irene M, student, bds 1501 W Main Smith James G, stone quarry Medford Hts add, res 1106 E Main SMITH JOHN A, Sheet Metal Works 128 N Grape, Tel Home 72, res 140 N Grape Smith Lewis C, res 410 Newtown Smith Lynne E, student, bds W E Smith Smith Perrian R, carpenter, res 501 Beatty Smith Rowan, bottler Medford Dairy, bds J W Snider SMITH SUMPTER S, Sec-Mngr The Medford Sun, res 1501 W Main Smith Wm E, driver Medford Dairy, res Jacksonville rd ¼ m w limits Smith Wm H (Flammer & Co), res 515 N Holly Smith W Monroe, propr Smith Apartments, res 217 S Riverside av SMITH W TYLER, Circulation Mngr The Medford Sun, rms 16 N Grape Smock Dora L, bds 705 N Riverside av SMOKE HOUSE THE, E C Ireland Cigar Co Inc Proprs, Wholesale and Retail Cigars and Smokers' Supplies 212 W Main, Tel Main 121, Home 21 Smylie James W, carpenter, res 830 Bennett av Snedicor Fred G, clerk Davis & Miller, res 9 S Mistletoe Snedicor Helen (wid Horace), bds 9 S Mistletoe Snedicor Jennie M, teacher High School, bds 9 S Mistletoe Snell Luther L, furnished rooms and apartments 21 Genessee Snider Catha, res 617 E 8th Snider Harry F, cook O M Selsby, rms 128 S Holly SNIDER JOHN W, Propr Medford Dairy Jacksonville rd ¼ m w limits, Tel Pacific 201 P J, Home 285 M (See adv) Snodgrass Henry, res 312 Portland av Snodgrass Joseph N, bds 312 Portland av Snook John W, laborer, res 210 Vancouver av Snyder Bertha (wid Wm T), conf 218 E Main, bds 435 N Holly Snyder Charles G, barber J S Murphy, res 102 S Mistletoe SNYDER D N, Pres Woods Lumber Co, res Glendale Or Snyder Hannah (wid Simon), bds 102 S Mistletoe Soliss Daniel B, res 137 N Oakdale av Soliss John E, bartender Hotel Nash, res 214 N Holly Somers John A, stengr Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn, res 1502 Prune Son Charles L, carpenter, bds J W Son Son John W, res w end W 2nd Sooysmith Gerald C, farmer, bds 303 N Holly Sooy-Smith Wm (Brigadier Genl USA), res 303 N Holly Soria Frank E, musician Ugo Theatre, res 223 W Main Soutar Clarence, bds 18 Almond SOUTHERN OREGON ELECTRICAL & HEATING CO (Claude C Ponting, Duncan C McAlpine), Fixtures, Wiring, Telephones, Motors and Supplies, Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating, Dry Kiln and Power Work, Vacuum Cleaners 29 N Grape, Tel Main 4601, Home 124 (See Right Bottom Lines, Classified Electrical Companies, also Heating and Ventilating) Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, Ernest W Liljegran mining engineer and assayer 104 W 6th Southern Oregon Produce Co, Henry T Haswell mngr, SP tracks bet 8th and 9th Southern Oregon Realty Co (Jacob Klippel, D R Andrus), real estate 215 E Main SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, A S Rosenbaum Agent, N Front nr E 5th Soutter Edward, res 1009 W 9th Soutter Henry, bds 1009 W 9th Sowers Russell H, expressman Eads Transfer & Storage Co, bds 811 Narregan Spanos Michael, pantryman Hotel Holland Cafe Sparks Allen, student Medford Business College, bds Ashland Sparta Building, 401 E Main Specia Antonio, laborer, res 320 S Hamilton Spellman Wm H, res ws Myers av 1 s W 4th Spencer Olive, maid 906 E Main Spooner Martha F (wid Rollin), bds 315 N Holly Sprague George, farmer, res ws S Peach nr city limits Springer Donald L, presser Pantorium Dye Works Co, res 531 S Holly Stacy Isaac J, res 548 W Holly Standard Oil Co, warehouse SP track at n city limits Standeford David W, res 428 W 4th Standeford Emily T, music teacher, bds 428 W 4th Standeford Narcise K, artist, bds 428 W 4th Stapleton Mrs Minnie E, bds 305 N Grape Star Theatre, A L Sather mngr, 272 E Main Stark J, gardener Sacred Heart Hospital Starkson Alfred, cook, res 345 N Bartlett STEARNS ROBERT W, Physician and Surgeon 211-212 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Tel Main 5501, Home 109, res 307 S Oakdale Av, Tel Main 7171, Home 130 Steenstrup Peter S, pres Pacific Motor Supply Co, res 109 Geneva av Steep Edward, bds 811 Bennett av Steers Ruby, operator Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds 128 S Holly Stein Minnie, waiter Hotel Medford, rms Hotel Moore Stender C W, miner, rms 718 W Main Stennett A Fred, printer Medford Printing Co, res 1014 E 11th Stephens James M, laborer, res 513 N Grape Stephens Martin, bkpr Rogue River Valley Canal Co, res Central Point Stephenson George W, physician and optician 146 S Holly, res same Stevens George W, farmer, res Eagle Point rd Stevens Melvin, bldg contr, res ns Jacksonville rd ½ blk w limits Stevens Roy E, tmstr Rogue River Commission Co, res 625 W Jackson Stevenson Etta (wid Frank), bds W C Earhart Stevenson Mary F, student, bds W C Earhart Stewart Building, 235 E Main Stewart Charles D, student Medford Business College Stewart Mrs Clara H, res 705 N Riverside av Stewart Daniel, teamster, rms 208 N Central av Stewart Elizabeth (wid James A), res 429 S Front Stewart James, apiarist, res 324 Plum Stewart John E, res 708 W 10th Stewart Mary E (wid Don G), hair goods mnfr 15 N Central av, res Central Point rd ½ m n limits Stewart Ruth, maid Hotel Medford, rms 217 S Riverside av Stewart Wm, clerk C P Kribs & Co Stewart Wm, farmer, res ws S Central av nr s city limits Stewart Wm A, farmer, bds 429 S Front Stewart Wm H, res 714 W 10th Stine Fern J, teacher Washington School, bds 518 Beatty Stine Harrison S, ins agt 235 E Main, res 309 N Riverside av Stine Isabel J (wid Harrison S), res 518 Beatty Stine Kate, teacher Lincoln School, bds 518 Beatty Stine Wm M, baggage man SP Co, res 514 Beatty Stinson Edward S, teamster, res 1128 W 4th Stinson Frank O, elec California-Oregon Power Co, res 1119 W 4th Stinson Gust D, stonemason, bds 304 S Hamilton Stinson Oscar E, carpenter, res 324 Knight Stinson Wm H, teamster, res 304 S Hamilton Stirling Edward G, carpenter Big Pines Lumber Co, rms 204 N Ivy Stock Albert C, res Kenwood av nw cor W Main Stockam Charles W, bartender E G Brown, res 705 W Palm Stockam Wm J, section foreman SP Co, res 247 N Front Stoddard Harry C, supt California Oregon Power Co, sec-supt Gold Ray Realty Co, sec-supt Gold Ray Granite Co, res 1327 Reddy av Stoeckmann Harry G, civil engineer 207 Garnett-Corey bldg, res 828 Dakota av Stone Alton W, orchardist, res Jacksonville rd 1 m w limits Stone Edward, cook G H Millar STONE MRS VIOLA MAY, Furnished Rooms and Boarding, Nice Rooms and First-Class Home Cooking 511 E Main, Tel Home 223-K Storey Mrs Lenora M, milliner, bds 343 N Grape Storey L Leverne, student, bds 343 N Grape Storm James P, res 320 Apple Storm Jesse T, clerk W H Lydiard, bds 320 N Apple Storm Nell K, clerk R M Foster, bds 320 N Apple Stout Carl D, foreman bridge and bldg dept Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Jacksonville Stout Gay, helper West Side Stables, rms 29 S Grape Stout Gordon S, mach helper Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Benson add STRANG CHARLES, Druggist 231 E Main, Tel Main 2391, Home 139-L, res 416 S Central Av Strang C Virgil, student, bds 416 S Central av Strang Fred L, student, bds 416 S Central av Strang Herbert B, student, bds 416 S Central av Strang Robert B, student, bds 416 S Central av Strasburger Irwin T, mngr The McBride Store, res Hotel Holland Strawl John, stonemason, bds 123 S Holly Streets Alice C, student, bds 621 W 11th Streets Frank W, fruit grower, res 621 W 11th Stringer Wallace, grocer 127 W Main, res 325 N Oakdale av Stull Bertram L, bds 532 Plum Stull Daniel J, propr Stull Paint Co, res 532 Plum Stull Glenn B, student, bds 532 Plum Stull Guy W, clerk PO, bds 532 Plum STULL PAINT CO, D J Stull Propr, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Paper and Glass, Sole Agency W P Fuller & Co Prepared Paints, N Grape ne cor W 5th, Tel Main 7341, Home 89-L Sullenger W Frank, carpenter, res 208 Vancouver av Sullivan Dora E, student Medford Business College, bds 16 Rose av Sullivan Irene M, student, bds 16 Rose av Sullivan Jerry, helper G H Millar Sullivan John T (Sullivan & Hanley), res 16 Rose av Sullivan Katie, bds 334 Apple Sullivan Melville C, res 1119 N Central av Sullivan Wm, machinist Sullivan & Hanley, res 521 W 2nd Sullivan & Hanley (John T Sullivan, Edward B Hanley), automobiles 114 S Bartlett Summerlin Samuel J, cook, res 122 N Ivy Summerville John T, barber 17 N Central av, res 629 same Sunrise Laundry, Kay Yamashita propr, 103 S Central av Surran Mary E (wid James D), res 1035 W 10th Surran Royal, laborer, bds 1035 W 10th Sutor Clarence J, vulcanizer Carl Fichtner, bds 18 Almond Sutton Lee C, poultry raiser, bds 843 E Main Sutton Ralph W, clerk Olmstead & Hibbard, res 417 N Oakdale av Sutton Robert K, res 845 Bennett av Swan Roland E, carrier PO, res 711 Welch Swarthout A E, cashier The Medford Sun, rms 232 S Grape Swartwout Harriet (wid Henry), bds 719 Welch Swenning Samuel S, dep supervisor US Forest Service, res 517 S Holly Swenson Carl E, printer The Medford Sun, res 232 S Grape Swift Thomas W (Swift & Tainer), res ns McAdam 1 e N Central av Swift & Tainer (Thos W Swift, Otto F Tainer), electricians 105 S Central av T
Tackstrom Andrew, shoemaker 420 W Main, res 615 W 13thTaggart Roy J, stenographer L McCormack, bds Oakdale Park TAILLANDIER GERARD, Pianist and Organist, Director Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, res 323 S Orange Tainer Otto F (Swift & Tainer), rms 322 S Central av Talent Aaron P, res 245 S Central av Talent Charles P, farmer, res 515 S Riverside av Talent Josie, asst E R Seely, bds 537 Austin Talent J Oscar, farmer, res 738 W 11th Talent Percy R, clerk Haskins Drug Store, res 537 Austin Tanner, McPherson & Tanner (Thomas R Tanner, Samuel H McPherson, Walter J Tanner), real estate 303 E Main Tanner Thomas R (Tanner, McPherson & Tanner), res 510 E Main Tanner Walter J (Tanner, McPherson & Tanner), bds 510 E Main Tate Mrs Ella, res 426 S Ivy Tatsiemi Eddy A, student Medford Business College, bds 223 Alice Taylor Augustus H, bds 628 N Central av Taylor A Armond, student, bds 521 W Hamilton Taylor Mrs Effie L, res 521 W Hamilton Taylor Frances, waiter G H Millar, rms Hotel Moore Taylor George N, salesman Palmer's Piano House TAYLOR GLENN O (Carkin & Taylor), Justice of the Peace, res 506 S Newtown, Tel Main 5211 Taylor Golda B, milliner Mrs L M Howard, bds 839 Taylor Taylor Homer B, student Medford Business College, bds 628 N Central av Taylor John B, bds 839 Taylor Taylor John W, res 628 N Central av Taylor Joseph, fruit grower, res Central Point rd ⅛ m n limits Taylor Joseph H, farmer, bds Joseph Taylor Taylor Leon C, farmer, res 812 Sherman Taylor May (wid Wm J), boarding 42 S Bartlett Taylor Phoebe (wid John T), bds 619 E Main Taylor Robert L, painter, res 839 Taylor Taylor Rodney J, bds 42 S Bartlett Taylor Thomas L, farmer, bds Joseph Taylor Teatsorth George W, carpenter, res 316 Willamette av Tedrick Clair, laborer, bds 907 S Peach Tedrick Ellis R, laborer, res 903 S Peach Tedrick Fred, laborer, res 911 S Peach Tedrick George W, laborer, res 907 S Peach Tee Alfred S, civil engineer, res 309 Newtown Telfer Robert W, res 516 S Central av Tengwald Carl Y, clerk Hotel Holland, bds 916 E Main Tennant Charles, bootblack, res 1214 W 10th Terrell Mrs Frances V, clerk J C Mann, res 712 W Palm Terrell John D, window trimmer T E Daniels, res 712 W Palm Terrett Dade R, bkpr First Natl Bank of Medford, rms 706 S Oakdale Terry Frank J, res 335 S Orange Terwilliger Perry C, propr Ugo Theatre, res 638 N Central av Thaler Florence A, bkpr Medford Realty & Improvement Co, bds 228 N Central av Thaler Pamela A (wid Wm M), res 228 N Central av Thayer Alpha E, bds 1005 N Central av Thayer Fred G, physician 310 Garnett-Corey bldg, res 1031 W 10th Thayer George W, gardener, res 1005 N Central av Thayer Hubert G, bds 1005 N Central av Theiss B Paul, res 704 N Central av Theiss Geraldine, bds 704 N Central av Thierolf H Albert, sec-treas-mngr Big Pines Lumber Co, rms 16 N Grape Thomas Cyrus C, clk Western Union Telegraph Co, bds 912 S Central Thomas Illtid W, res 718 W Main Thomas Isaac M, laborer, res 912 S Central av Thomas Jennie, maid 1009 S Oakdale av Thomas Joseph A, furnished rooms 222 S Holly Thomas Laura, bds 236 N Central av Thomas Mabel A, teacher, bds 912 S Central av Thomas Mrs Shirley W, bds 418 S Oakdale av Thomas Thornley D, cement worker, res 319 Newtown Thompson Celinda (wid Samuel E), bds 650 Pine Thompson Clifford W, mngr Thompson Mercantile Co, res Hotel Holland Thompson Crispette Co (Fred C and Frank F Thompson), candy mnfrs 103 W Main Thompson Mrs Emma, waiter Hotel Medford, rms 444 N Grape Thompson Frank F (Thompson Crispette Co), bds 234 W 5th Thompson Fred C (Thompson Crispette Co), res 234 W 5th THOMPSON MERCANTILE CO, Clifford W Thompson Mngr, Headquarters for 5-10-15-25 Cent Goods 130 E Main (See Left Side Lines and p 8) Thompson Willard E, carpenter, res 650 Pine Thompson Wm B, painter, bds 713 W 11th Thornburg Blanche, bds 145 S Grape Thornburg John R, helper Hotel Moore, res 145 S Grape Thornburg Vida E, maid Hotel Moore, bds 145 S Grape Thorndike John L, grocer 637 W 11th, res 304 S King Thornton Mamie, waiter Hotel Medford, rms 130 W Main Thorp Mrs Mary P, res 413 J Thorpe John, barber B R Gibbs, res 337 W Holly Thurman Henry, blacksmith G F Merriman, rms 247 S Riverside av Tice Fred, teamster, res 725 N Alder Tice Fred H, surveyor Olen Arnspiger, bds 725 N Alder Tice Hazel B, telephone operator Hotel Holland, bds 1130 W 10th Tice Jane E (wid George), res 218 Talent Tice Margaret (wid John R), res 1180 W 10th Timothy George O, janitor SP Co, res 1216 Cherry Tindall Harry W, pharmacist Haskins Drug Store, rms 130 W Main Tinker Newton G, teamster Woods Lumber Co, res 505 Beatty Tockols Peter, laborer, rms 113 E 11th Toft Joseph E, res 245 N Grape Toft Ray H, loans 33 Jackson County Bank bldg, res 243 N Holly Toggery The, Wm F Isaacs propr, men's furng goods 129 E Main Tomlinson Harry K, bkpr H Weinhard Beer & Ice Depot, res 221 Vancouver av Tompkins Wm T (Le Roy & Tompkins), bds 120 S Laurel Toms Harry A, teamster, res 1117 W 9th Toner Wm B, teamster, res 623 N Central av Torney John A, pres The Siskiyou Heights Co, res 1404 W Main Touvelle Frank L, res Ross Lane ½ m w limits Townsend Amanda P (wid Charles V), res 541 Austin Townsend Florence, student, bds 541 Austin Townsend Ivah, student, bds 541 Austin Townsend Noah L, painter, res 719 Bennett av TRAIL LUMBER CO, Emma Gagnon Pres, Delia Clement Vice-Pres, Joseph T Gagnon Sec-Mngr, Chestnut nr W Main Walnut Park Add, Tel Main 5171, Home 149-L TRANA GEORGE H, Supt of Water City Hall, res 712 W 14th Treat Harry H, machinist Crater Lake Garage, res 304 S Central av Treat Mrs Nettie, furnished rooms 304 S Central av Treichler George L, fruit grower, res 1013 S Oakdale av Treichler Gertrude E, bds 1013 S Oakdale av Treichler Laura L, student, bds 1013 S Oakdale av Tripp Howard H, laborer, bds 11 Tripp Tripp Maria L (wid Hiram), res 11 Tripp Trodd Wallace, meat cutter L Heil, rms 128 S Holly Trowbridge Benjamin J (White & Trowbridge), res 905 W 10th Trowbridge Edwin G (Medford Iron Works), res 131 Tripp Trowbridge Everett G Jr, propr Mission Furniture Works, res 907 W 11th Trowbridge Mary, bds 905 W 10th True Charles P, chauffeur, res 614 S Central av True J Frank, carpenter, res 413 S Central av Tryer Harriet B (wid John F), bds 243 N Holly Tschirgi Charles, fruit grower, rms 340 S Riverside av Tsikouras Thomas, pool 15 N Fir, res same Tucker George W, laborer City Water Dept, bds 245 N Riverside av Tull Catherine R (wid Albert B), res 412 S King Tull Charles E, mngr West Side Stables, vet surgeon, rms Hotel Moore Tull Edward S, res 880 W 12th Tumy Earl S, real est 201 Garnett-Corey bldg, rms 418 S Oakdale av Tupper Lowell, carpenter, res w end W 3rd S blks w limits Turner Elias, carpenter, bds 14 W Jackson Turner Frank B, barber T A Howe, rms 204 S Grape Turner Harry D (Johns & Turner), res 716 W 2nd Turner Mae, dressmaker, rms 115 S Mistletoe Turpin Richard, blacksmith 115 N Fir, res 1021 N Central Tuthill Daisy B, ironer Medford Domestic Laundry Co, bds Mrs L L Reed Tuttle Harry H, real estate, res 706 S Oakdale av Tuttle H Max, painter, res 324 W 4th Tuttle Myron W, res 512 W Dakota Twohy Bros, N W Bethel supt, 401 Garnett-Corey bldg Tyrrell John R, restaurant 204 S Central av, res same U
Ugo Theater, Perry Terwilliger propr, 126 W MainUlrich Anna, bds 358 S Oakdale av Ulrich Earl, teamster, bds 358 S Oakdale av Ulrich George C, sec-gen mngr Home Telephone & Telegraph Co of Southern Oregon, res ws Berkeley way Siskiyou hts Ulrich Lorain, student, bds 358 S Oakdale av Ulrich L Gertrude, bds 358 S Oakdale av Ulrich Wm, res 358 S Oakdale av Union Meat Co, Charles J Eastman mngr, W 8th and Railroad UNION PACIFIC LIFE INSURANCE CO, Eilers Bldg, Portland Or (See Left Top Lines) Union Stables, Ray Gaunyaw propr, 109 S Bartlett United States Commissioner, Wm H Canon, 29 Jackson County Bank bldg United States Courts, Wm H Canon dep clk, 29 Jackson County Bank bldg United States Department of Agriculture, P J O'Gara pathologist, 418 Garnett-Corey bldg United States Forest Service, Martin L Erickson supervisor, 22½ S Fir United States Meat Inspector, John W Hanners, W 8th and Railroad United States Weather Bureau, P J O'Gara observer, 418 Garnett-Corey bldg Uptegrove Agnes, ironer Medford Domestic Laundry Co Ussher Warwick W, solr Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 315 N Holly UTLEY CORA E, Propr The Marinello Shop, Graduate Marinello Operator 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, res same, Tel Bell 6751, Home 343-K V
Valentin Walter L, clerk Jackson County Bank, res 1321 E JacksonVallas Jim, laborer, res 402 Boardman Valley Auto Co (J Wm Keyes, Frank H Cain), automobiles, 30 N Holly VALLEY SIGN ADVERTISING CO, Merrill E Morgan Propr, Makers of Bulletins, Panels, Wall, Cloth, Window and Electric Signs, 20 S Fir, Tel Home 283-L VanAusdall Harry A, carpenter, res 412 S King Vance Alva J, mngr Pac Telephone & Telegraph Co, res 1421 E Main Vance G Lenore, student, bds 1421 E Main Van De Car Bennett T, jeweler, res 523 S Ivy Van Dyke B Frank, farmer, bds 9 W 12th Van Dyke John G, res 9 W 12th Van Dyke J Vern (Van Dyke Realty Co), res 311 N Oleson Van Dyke Realty Co (J V Van Dyke), 123 E Main Van Dyke Sarah S, bds 9 W 12th Van Hardenberg Stephen A, tmstr Big Pines Lumber Co, res 129 N Central av Van Scoyoc Bros (Charles C and Walter M), dentists 310 Garnett-Corey bldg Van Scoyoc Charles C (Van Scoyoc Bros), res 209 S Orange Van Scoyoc Walter M (Van Scoyoc Bros), res 811 Bennett av Van Speybraech Rev A J, vicar Church of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord, bds 326 S Oakdale av Van Strompf Mrs Lillie, propr The Imperial Rooms, res 313 E Main Vavra Nettie, helper Nash Grill, rms 44 S Grape Vawter Vernon, student, bds 310 W Main VAWTER WM I, Pres Jackson County Bank, Lawyer 1 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Tel Main 1331, Home 41-K, res 310 W Main, Tel Main 2051 Vawter Wm I Jr, student, bds 310 W Main Veitch Wm, tmstr, rms 208 N Central av Verbick Esther, bds 632 N Central av Verbick Oran B, meats and grocer 632 N Central av, res same Verbick Robert M, driver O B Verbick, bds 632 N Central av Vermeer Richard, bench hand Mission Furniture Works, res 512 W Jackson Vincent Fred L, laborer, bds 305 Liberty Vincent Harvey C, cement worker, res 509 W 11th Vincent Lettie (wid Washington), res 305 Liberty Vincent Walter W, bds 305 Liberty Vinson Annie, bds 144 N Riverside av Vinson Henry, feed stable 154 N Riverside av, res 144 same Vinson Phoebe F, bds 144 N Riverside av Vitzthum Albert H, carpenter, res 336 E 6th Voigt Albert, laborer Gaddis & Dixon Von Gunton W D, student Medford Business Coll Voreis Oliver H P, res 423 Park Vroman Austin L, plumber 113 S Front, res 124 Tripp Vroman Clinton D, plumber A L Vroman, bds 124 Tripp Vroman Elmer E, student, bds 124 Tripp Vroman Elwin R, student, bds 124 Tripp Vroman Harold E, photographer, bds 124 Tripp Vroman Mary D, music teacher, bds 124 Tripp Vroman Orris G, motorcycle repairing 608 E Main, res 24 Myrtle W
Waddell Guy, teamster Medford Brick CoWade Florence M, mining, rms 244 N Ivy Wagner Martin, meat ctr Pech, Nichols & Ashpole, bds 125 S Oakdale Wahl Fred E, clerk Jackson County Bank, res 604 Park av Wait Frank W, granite dlr, res 538 W 10th Wait F Wilson, granite cutter, bds 538 W 10th Wakefield John W (Brown & Wakefield), res 1003 W 10th WAKEMAN LOUIS E (Graham & Wakeman), res 129 N Oakdale Av Walden Emma, bds Mrs Lavernia Walden Walden E Omer, farmer, bds Mrs Lavernia Walden Walden Lavernia (wid O Leroy), res Central Point rd 3 blks n limits Walden M Florence, student, bds Mrs Lavernia Walden Walden O Sylvenas, farmer, bds Mrs Lavernia Walden Walden Wilber L, carpenter, res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits Waldron Alonzo F, res 208 W Clark Waldron Earl A, offbearer Medford Brick Co, bds 208 W Clark Waldron Marian B, student, bds 208 W Clark Walker Amos W (Walker & Parks), res 444 S Fir Walker Clack (D H Jackson & Co), res 1417 W Main Walker Harry, porter, bds 319 Newtown Walker & Parks (Amos W Walker, Claude C Parks), livery 38 N Front Wall Ellis W, miner, res 525 S Central av Wall Enos A, fuel 510 S Central av, res same Wall Nina R, bds 525 S Central av Wallace Denzell, bds 310 W Jackson Wallace D Mott, student, bds 310 W Jackson Wallace Elsie, bds 310 W Jackson Wallace Loil F, farmer, res 310 W Jackson Walling Ebenezer E, barn man Twohy Bros Walsh Arthur S, laborer, res n end N Central av Waltermire Herbert H, frmn and bkpr Medford Brick Co, res 804 W Jackson Waltermire Wm B, laborer City Water Dept, res 1059 Court Walters Clyde D, bds 415 Plum Walters John J, miner, res 415 Plum Walters Marion, miner, bds 415 Plum Walters Raymond, farmer, bds 415 Plum Walther Harry L, gen mngr California-Oregon Power Co, res Siskiyou hts Walther Leah C, student, bds H L Walther Walther Lyle H, student, bds H L Walther Ward Edwin M, photographer, res 729 W 11th Ward Harry W, driver Pantorium Dye Works Co, res 417 S King Ward Sadie, student Medford Business College Ware Alfred K, agt Pacific Mutual Life Ins Co, res Kings Highway Ware Mildred R, teacher Washington School, bds A K Ware Ware R F, student Medford Business College Warner Beulah S, bds 519 S Oakdale av Warner Edward N, pres Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 806 W Main Warner Lewis B Jr, clerk Warner, Wortman & Gore, bds 519 S Oakdale av Warner Lyman B, res 519 S Oakdale av Warner Wm J, clerk PO, res 511 S Oakdale av Warner, Wortman & Gore, Edward N Warner pres, Harry G Wortman vice-pres, Edward E Gore sec-treas, grocers and meats 307 E Main Waschau Martin L, baker C H Corey, bds 1032 W 11th Washington School, Patrick H Daily prin, W Main sw cor S Oakdale Waters Bernice G, bds 709 N Alder Waters Richard W (Building Specialties Co), res 345 N Bartlett WATKINS LEE, Propr St Clair Rooms 103-113 E 11th, Tel Pacific 5511, Home 209-L (See Classified Furnished Rooms) Watkins Margery, bds 103 E 11th Watson Frank H, lineman, res 436 Evergreen Watson George, painter, bds 525 S Central av Watson John F, cleaner Hotel Medford, res 522 W Palm Watson Joseph R, laborer, res 1215 W 9th Watson Walter B, office mngr F W Shapleigh Hardware, bds 402 S Newtown Watson Wm M, cook, res W 10th and W 11th on alley rear S Hamilton Watt Helen T, bds 215 E Jackson Watt James H, res 215 E Jackson Watt Wm H, fruit grower, bds 215 E Jackson Wattenberg Jule, laborer, res 804 S Central av Watters Edmond A, janitor Jackson County Bank, res 1024 W 11th Watters Elsie H, bds 1024 W 11th Watters Joseph, student, bds 1024 W 11th Weaver Mrs Amy, maid Hotel Nash, rms 636 W 4th Weaver Margaret A (wid James M), res 1307 W Main Weaver W Elmer, painter, bds 1307 W Main Webb Thomas J, res 802 N Riverside av Webb Wm J, shoemaker, bds G C Wooden Webber H Earl, bds 19 Jeanette Webster Ralph C, carpenter, res 1056 Court Webster Volna, res 103 Newtown Weeks Alfred J, fruit grower, res 909 N Central av Weeks Building, 116 W Main Weeks Fred W (Weeks & McGowan Co), res 38 N Orange Weeks Gertrude E, bds 38 N Orange Weeks Sarah E (wid John), bds 38 N Orange Weeks & McGowan Co (Fred W Weeks, Wm H McGowan, Albert E Orr), furniture 114 W Main, undertakers 217 W 6th Weinhard H Beer & Ice Depot, S A Kroschel agent, W 4th nw cor N Fir Weisser Wm, painter, res 125 S Oakdale av Welch Ada A, bds 512 W Hamilton Welch Bertha H, teacher High School, bds 806 N Riverside av Welch Edward A, mngr Medford Grocery Co, res 812 E Main Welch Flora D, clerk The H C Kentner Co, bds 806 N Riverside av Welch Mark P, auto salesman, res 512 W Hamilton Welch Willard D, res 806 N Riverside av Weld Howard A, res 339 Knight Weller Mary, student Medford Business Coll, bds 220 Welch Wells Arthur S, tmster and sexton IOOF Cemetery, res 334 Apple Wells Fargo & Co Express, Fred T Miles agent, Front n of SP depot Wells G, fireman Sacred Heart Hospital Wells Lylburn O, bds 334 Apple Wells Nels B, carpenter, res 418 S King Wendt Frederick L, res 1108 E 11th Werth Wm H, butcher, res 214 Knight West Frank M, bds 514 S Grape West George H, forest ranger US Forest Service, res 513 W 2nd West Matilda E (wid Frank), res 514 S Grape WEST SIDE PHARMACY, Eagle Drug Co Proprs, 206 W Main, Tel Main 4041, Home 43 WEST SIDE STABLES, L C Charley Propr, Charles E Tull Mngr, 29 S Grape, Tel Pacific 2431, Home 66 West Thomas L (Power & West), res 318 Howard Westerlund Brita G (wid Oscar), res 521 W 11th Westerlund John A, pres Western Oregon Orchard Development Co, pres Monitor Orchard Co, pres Holland Building Co, res 916 E Main Westerlund Lottie C, clerk M M Ahrens Co, bds 521 W 11th Western Oregon Orchard Development Co, John A Westerlund pres, E M Ericson sec, Medford Natl Bank bldg WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, Eric Butler Mngr, 15 W Main, Tel Main 4981, Home 98 Westfall Henry C, miner, res rear 211 Washington Weston Edgar D, photographer 208 E Main, res same Weston Wm S, ice cream cone mnfr, N Fir cor Main, res 723 Sherman Wharrley Albert, porter, bds 1215 W 9th Wheeler Clarence, res 247 S Riverside av Wheeler Mrs Hildred, furnished rooms 247 S Riverside av Wheeler Sidney A, warehouseman SP Co, res 430 N Front Whelpley Viola, waiter, rms 531 S Ivy Whetsel Harry M (Whetsel Music Co), res 1222 W Main Whetsel Music Co (Harry M Whetsel), musical mdse 134 W Main Whipple Eugene W, teamster, res 620 W 11th Whipple Ira L, res 1019 W Main Whisler Charles E, horticulturist, res 622 S Central av White Allen, student, bds 327 N Oakdale White Alta, student, bds 327 N Oakdale White Charles, laborer, rms 108 E 10th White Dick C, carpenter, bds 518 W Hamilton White Ernest, engineer, res 937 S Central av White Garfield, porter W M Gill & Co, res 829 W 11th White Harry P, carpenter, res 516 W Hamilton White John F (White & Trowbridge), res 829 W 11th White Louisa J (wid Irus H), res 518 W Hamilton White Madge E, student, bds 118 Willamette White Mariam, student, bds 327 N Oakdale White Marian I, teacher Lincoln School, bds 32 S Mistletoe White Relief C (wid Merrill J), bds 1207 W Main White Roe B, expressman 122 N Front, res 612 W 11th White Samuel P, res 327 N Oakdale White Sarah C, bds 516 W Hamilton White Virgil C, sashmkr Big Pines Lumber Co, res 118 Willamette av White Wm E, forest asst US Forest Service, bds 512 W Hamilton White & Thomas Block, W Main se cor S Grape White & Trowbridge (John F White, Benjamin J Trowbridge), real estate 210 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg Whitehead Grace E, milliner Josephine Paynter, bds 503 S Central av Whitehead Ransom H, rms 503 S Central av Whiteman Clarence E, machinist Valley Auto Co, res 515 W 2nd Whiting Louis W, civil engineer 2 Palm blk, res 816 W 11th Whitman Fannie M, bkpr Garnett-Corey Hdwe Co, bds 510 S Fir Whitman Sadie E, student, bds 510 S Fir Whitmire Jacob R (Fisher & Whitmire), res 124 S Newtown Whitmire John T, bds 124 S Newtown Whitney Horace G, forest ranger US Forest Service Whitney Rosena J (Brandon & Whitney), bds 337 S Oakdale av WHITTINGTON S C, Sec-Treas Rogue River Valley Abstract-Title Co, res Jacksonville Whittington Wm, teamster, bds 619 S Riverside av Whorton John G, carpenter, res 1110 W 11th Wicks Theodore C, ins agt 205 First National Bank bldg, res 815 Bennett av Wight Herbert, painter Noyes & Black, res 803 N Riverside av Wikstrom Charles E, miner, res 511 S Central av Wikstrom George O, student, bds 511 S Central av Wilcox Mrs Gladys O, bds 651 Pine Wilcox John, bricklayer, bds 737 W Clark Wilcox Wm, bricklayer, res 737 W Clark Wilde Edwin, waiter, rms 344 S Central av Wiles Walter C (Leonard, Wiles Cement Co Inc), bds 39 N Peach Wiley Ida, clerk The H C Kentner Co, bds 605 S Newtown Wiley Julia P, student, bds 403 W Jackson Wiley Nelson J, building contractor, res 403 W Jackson Wilker Rev Conrad, pastor Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, res 518 W 4th Wilkinson John J, clerk Medford National Bank, rms 215 E Main Wilkison Aaron, farmer, res Park nw cor W 11th Willeke Bessie A, bds 618 E Main Willeke Frank C, flagman SP Co, bds 618 E Main Willeke John U, miner, res 618 E Main Williams Arthur B, printer, res 519 Edwards av Williams Charles H, teamster, res 532 S Fir Williams Donald, clerk, bds 1015 N Central av Williams Forest G, chauffeur, bds Mrs M A Williams Williams George M, bkpr Valley Auto Co, res 911 W 11th Williams Herbert F, laborer, bds Mrs M A Williams Williams Isaac B, painter, res 1015 N Central av Williams Joseph W, laborer, bds 513 N Grape Williams Mrs Katie, cook 1005 W Main Williams Leo B, hlpr The Medford Sun, bds 519 Edwards av Williams Leon E, rancher, res 520 S Peach Williams Mary A (wid Joseph), res n end Beatty Williams Myrtella Z, bookkeeper, bds Mrs M A Williams Williams Ralph E, painter, bds 1015 N Central av Williams Thomas J, supt Medford City Park, res 615 S Oakdale av Williams Wm, waiter G H Corum, res 220 S Grape Williamson Louise A, student, bds 510 E Main Williamson Thomas J, fruit grower, res 510 E Main Willis Richard F, res 1 s 318 S Laurel Wilson Almira, res 229 S Laurel WILSON C ARCHIE, Sec-Treas Woods Lumber Co, res 32 S Newtown, Tel Pacific 4402 Wilson D Frank, res 506 Beatty Wilson Edith M, student, bds 210 S Laurel Wilson Elmer E, clk Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, res 424 Beatty Wilson Ezra M, bkpr Hotel Medford, res 210 S Laurel Wilson Frank M, cigars and tobacco 116 E Main, res 124 S Central av Wilson George B, salesman, res 6-21 Genessee Wilson George F, farmer, bds 17 S Peach Wilson Harry L, clerk Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co, bds 506 Beatty Wilson Horatio F, 2nd hand goods 34 S Fir, res 225 Beatty Wilson James A, res 237 N Central av Wilson Jessie B, teacher Washington School, bds 17 S Peach WILSON JOHN G (Boggs & Wilson), Attorney MF&H Co Bldg, res 517 S Newtown, Tel Main 4203 Wilson Joseph H, bds 27 N Orange Wilson Lloyd, clerk F M Wilson, bds 124 S Central av Wilson Lucinda L (wid Wm), res 135 N Bartlett Wilson L Jane, clerk Akins, Benton & Co, bds 135 N Bartlett Wilson Mrs Maggie, nurse, res 506 Beatty Wilson Mrs May E, photographer 210 S Laurel, res same Wilson Oliver N, res 708 W 4th Wilson Robert, res 17 S Peach Wilson Samuel I, fruit grower, res 27 N Orange Wilson Theo M, clerk W H Wilson, bds 106 N Front Wilson Thomas R, land dept Roguelands Inc, rms 604 W 10th Wilson Vivian T, expressman Front sw cor Main, res 322 S Central av Wilson Wallace C, clerk Ritter & Dunlap, rms 411 Beatty Wilson Willard T, bench hand Medford Sash & Door Co, rms 17 S Peach Wilson Wm H, 2nd hand goods 106 N Front, res same Wilson Willis C, janitor Washington School, res 411 Beatty Wimer R Lawson, carpenter, res 511 Austin Wineland Charles D, operator Ugo Theater, res 616 N Front Wineland Mrs Charles D, cashier Ugo Theatre, res 616 N Front Wines Abijah, laborer, res 641 Pine Wines Clara M, student, bds 641 Pine Wing Nellie (wid Welby), res 325 S Holly Winkel Annie, bds W W Winkel Winkel Charles, carpenter W W Winkel, bds same Winkel J Emil, carpenter W W Winkel, res Capitol Hill Winkel Minnie, bds W W Winkel Winkel Peter, carpenter W W Winkel, bds same WINKEL WM W, Building Contractor Capitol Hill, res same Winkel Wm W Jr, carpenter W W Winkel, bds same Winkleman W Alonzo, bds 906 E Main Winterhalder John H, student, bds 812 N Palm Winterhalder Mrs Mary, res 812 N Palm Wise Jacob I, carpenter, res 325 E Jackson Wise John, clerk Weeks & McGowan Co, res Jacksonville Wishmeyer Mabel M, bds 536 N Fir Withers Alice, dressmaker Mrs E S Myers, bds 401 E 5th Withington Holbrook, lawyer 10 Palm blk, res Hotel Medford Witte Edward W, clerk Union Meat Co, res 324 Vancouver av Wittman Anna, maid J F Reddy Wo Lee, laundry 123 S Riverside av Wold Jonas, propr Medford Pharmacy, res 227 E 6th Wolf Blaine R, carpenter, bds J S Wolf Wolf John S, helper Trail Lumber Co, res Park Nichols add Wolfe Walter C (Medford Housecleaning Co), res 3-21 Genessee Wolff Christian, laborer, bds 1032 W 11th Wolf Fred, teamster, res 1028 W 11th Wolff Fredericka (wid John), res 1032 W 11th Wolff Henry, bellboy Hotel Medford, bds 1032 W 11th Wolff Jacob, laborer, bds 1032 W 11th Wolgamott Charles M, janitor Jackson School, res 909 Narregan Wolgamott Ernest S, laborer, bds 909 Narregan Wolgamott Margaret J (wid Adam), res 118 W Clark Wolgamott Wm F, laborer, bds 118 W Clark Wollam Alfred L, carpenter, res 939 N Central av Wolter Emil, res 731 W 2nd Wolter Ernest E, carpenter, bds 731 W 2nd Wood Blanche A, deputy City Recorder, bds 539 W 10th Wood Burnie R, clerk Wallace Stringer, bds 539 W 10th Wood Clara M, stenographer Medford National Bank, bds 539 W 10th Wood David R, acct Mail Tribune bldg, agt Palmer Investment Co, res 734 W 14th Wood David S, building contractor, res Benson add Wood Delbert A, res 56 N Riverside av Wood Frank J, solr Heartfield & Kirby, rms 516 N Bartlett Wood Homer W (Wood & Estes), res 719 Welch Wood James B, real estate 429 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co bldg, res 519 S Central av Wood John W, bds D S Wood Wood Leonard L, bds D S Wood Wood Mary E, Christian Science practitioner, bds 539 W 10th Wood Percy L, carrier PO, res 220 N Bartlett Wood Walter F, washer Medford Domestic Lundy Co, res 719 Welch Wood Wm P, rancher, res 539 W 10th Wood & Estes (Homer W Wood, Rankin Estes), barbers 108 E Main Woodard Gillis, driver Walker & Parks Woden George C, laborer, res Sunset Park add WOODFORD ALONZO M, Postmaster, res 522 S Holly WOODFORD J RALPH, Asst Postmaster, res 526 S Holly Woodford Ruth E, student, bds 522 S Holly Woodford Wm, hostler, rms 330 N Front Woodley Mrs Laura, waiter Hotel Medford, rms 504 W Hamilton Woodruff John E, orchardist, res 1021 W 10th Woods Mrs Fidelia M, seamstress, res 412 Boardman Woods Gus, ice cream maker, rms 320 E Main Woods James C, yardman Big Pines Lumber Co, res 412 Boardman Woods James E, teamster, res 1154 Court WOODS LUMBER CO, D N Snyder Pres, M D Zwight Vice-Pres, C A Wilson Sec-Treas, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash and Doors, Cement, Plaster, Paints and Oils 204 S Fir, Tel Pacific 11, Home 13 (See Front Edge) Woods Velma S, student, bds 412 Boardman Woody Asa N, res 101 Cottage Woolf Ruth C, student, bds 21 S Orange Woolf Scott (Mordoff & Woolf), res 21 S Orange Woolworth Hugh, musician Star Theatre, bds 244 S Central av Woolworth Mrs Jennie, musician Star Theatre, bds 244 S Central av Worden Lester A, eng Medford Domestic Laundry Ca, bds D S Wood Workman Harry S, barber 113 E Main, res 217 S Riverside Worsham Jack M, meat ctr O B Verbick, res Central Point rd 2 blks n limits Worthington Barret G, propr Medford Sheet Metal Wks, res 1317 N Riverside av Worthington Edith (wid Thomas), res 635 N Central av WORTHINGTON IRVING, Engineer Rogue River Valley Canal Co and Roguelands Inc, res 17 Ross Ct Worthington Mrs R, student Medford Business Coll, res 1453 N Riverside av Wortman Genevieve F, bds 912 S Oakdale av Wortman Harry G, vice-pres Warner, Wortman & Gore, res 912 S Oakdale av Wright Alexander, teamster Medford Sash & Door Co, res 102 Tripp Wright Muriel E, student Medford Business Coll, bds 815 E Jackson Wright Oscar D, agt Pacific & Eastern Ry, res Eagle Point Wright Paul L, carpenter, res 714 S Orange Wrisley John H, res 1104 W 4th Wyatt Thomas W, laborer, res 1522 W 6th Wyland Aaron, res 602 S King Wynkoop Perry E, res 820 W 12th Y
Yamashita Kay, propr Sunrise Laundry, res 103 S Central avYockey Helen N, cashier Medford Mail Tribune, notary public 25 N Fir, bds 421 S Fir Yockey Mary (wid Martin), res 421 S Fir York Frances L, student, bds 616 W 10th York Lucile M, student, bds 616 W 10th YORK WM T (W T York & Co), res 616 W 10th YORK W T & CO (Wm T York, Wm N Campbell, Stephen A Nye), Real Estate, Loans and Investments 35 N Fir, Tel Main 3301, Home 31 (See Left Top Lines and p 4) Younce Sanford, laborer Eden Valley Nursery, bds 937 N Central av Young Anna (Wid Thomas), res 106 S Grape Young Charles Bruce, cashier Medford Lumber Co, res 403 N Fir Young Charles F, res 405 N Central av YOUNG CHOW, Chinese Doctor 241 S Front, res same, Tel Main 42 Young Embra S, student, bds 327 N Grape Young George B, res 327 N Grape Young Harry L, linotype opr Medford Mail Tribune, res Brownsboro Young Leo A, driver Medford Ice & Storage Co, res 822 E 9th Young M E, railroad contractor, res 227 E 9th Young Paul A, student, bds 327 N Grape Young Richard, chauffeur Crater Lake Garage, rms 125 S Front Young Roy A, barber J T Summerville, res 327 W 2nd Young Viola L, milliner Linnie M Rundlett, rms 146 S Holly Young Wm A, machinist Crater Lake Garage, rms 304 S Central av Z
Zimmer Luppo W, fruit grower, res 1017 W MainZion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev Conrad Wilker pastor, 506 W 4th ZWIGHT M D, Vice-Pres Woods Lumber Co, res Fernvale Or ASHLAND
Ashland is a rapidly growing
city of more than
six thousand five hundred (6500) people; the acknowledged climatic
capital of the Rogue River Valley.It is the central division station on the Southern Pacific Railroad, 341 miles south of Portland, 431 miles from San Francisco, and fourteen miles north of the California line. It is situated at the foot of the Siskiyou Mountains at an altitude of two thousand feet above the sea. It is fortunate in its geographical location and unrivaled in its climate and the scenic beauty of its environment. Mount Ashland is 8000 feet high, its summit ten miles, as the crow flies, south of us; Mount Wagner, 7500 feet high, is eight miles to the southwest, and Grizzly Peak, 6000 feet high, lies to the northeast and eight miles distant. The perennial snow banks of Mount Ashland are the source of Ashland's water system that is unrivaled in the quantity and quality of cold, pure and uncontaminated water. The city owns not only its water system, but has installed a municipal light and power plant, the water of Ashland Creek supplying the power. The growth of the city for the past three years has been very rapid and substantial. We have completed eight miles of bitulithic pavement and have over forty miles of concrete sidewalks; fifty miles of water mains and laterals, and eleven miles of sewer mains, which discharge into septic tanks. More than half a million dollars have been spent in improvements during the past year, brick and concrete blocks having been erected in various parts of the city, in addition to paving, sewers and other work. The Elks lodge has completed their four-story temple of reinforced concrete at a cost of $40,000. This is admitted to be the best of its kind between Portland and Sacramento. A natatorium has also been completed at a cost of $30,000, the best and most commodious on the Pacific Coast outside of San Francisco. It is supplied with water from six large white sulphur springs and is but two blocks away from the main business part of the city. The structure is 100x200 feet with a large addition for tub baths, heating plant and laundries. Its parlors cover a space of 64x100 feet with roof gardens above and great reserve tanks below. A new hospital building of reinforced concrete is a notable improvement erected at a cost of $15,000. Plans and specifications have been completed for a public free library at a cost of $15,000. Thousands of dollars have been spent on our new parking system, which for beauty and general attractiveness is not excelled in any of the small cities of America. Ashland is especially noted as a school and home city. Strangers have christened it "Ashland, the beautiful." It is rapidly coming to the front as a resort city and has many visitors from all parts. It is the home of the Southern Oregon Chautauqua, which for years past has held ten-day sessions in July of each year. The association has an auditorium seating over 2000 people and a park of eleven acres, through which Ashland Creek comes leaping and sparkling from the snow banks of the Siskiyou Mountains. This park, the City Park, and Ashland Creek Canyon are great attractions to all visitors. Our schools are among the very best in the state. A new High School building is a model of its kind, constructed at an expense of $75,000. Another school building was constructed at a cost of $30,000. We have eleven church buildings, an Armory and a Carnegie Library. Ashland has one of the most complete creameries on the Coast, constructed of reinforced concrete. It does a very extensive business. The Ashland Cold Storage and Ice Plant is very extensive, as all of the Southern Pacific cold storage cars have to be re-iced here. A fruit canning establishment has gained a wide reputation for its products and our foundry and machine shops do an extensive business. The Ashland Fruit Packing establishment, now located in a commodious new building, handles an immense quantity of fruit each season, for Ashland is in the center of the renowned fruit belt of the Upper Rogue River Valley. Ashland peaches have secured the first prize in many of the great expositions. This section is also noted for the production of apples, pears, cherries, blackberries, strawberries, loganberries, etc. In fact, the climate and soil has been proven to be as good as the best in the world for these and many other products. Our apple and pear orchards have in several instances turned off more than $1000 per acre for single crops. Fresh strawberries are produced for Thanksgiving, and roses often bloom until Christmas. Almonds and walnuts are profitable crops, and great quantities of melons are produced. Speaking again of the climate, the following figures are taken from the government Weather Bureau's report on Ashland: "The mean temperature for the three summer months is 67 degrees and for the three winter months is 39 degrees. Extremes have occurred within the past twenty-five years, but ordinarily the thermometer does not sink much below the freezing point in the winter and seldom goes above the 100 mark in the summer." The nights are always cool, and the absence of humidity in the atmosphere in summer reduces the effect of the heat to a minimum. As a resort place and a point from which to outfit for outings to Crater Lake, Pelican Bay, Lake of the Woods, Mount Ashland, and the many other places of note and interest in Southern Oregon, it is unexcelled. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION
First--Includes all that portion of the
city east and north of Main Street.WARD BOUNDARIES Second--Includes all that portion of the city west of Main Street and Ashland Creek. Third--Includes all that portion of the city south of Main Street and east of Ashland Creek. CITY GOVERNMENT
City elections are held annually on the
third Tuesday in December.
Mayor, Recorder and Treasurer hold office for two years. Three
Councilmen are elected each year, one from each ward, and hold office
two years. Offices of Chief of Police, Street Commissioner and Water
Commissioner are appointive. Chief of Fire Department is elected by
members of fire companies, subject to the approval of the City Council.
The Mayor and Councilmen compose the City Council.City Officers.
City Hall--Es PlazaMayor--R. P. Neil. Recorder--J. G. Hurt. Treasurer--G. G. Eubanks. Superintendent of Water Works--Wm. Patterson. Street Commissioner--C. W. Fraley. Chief of Police--S. C. Oien. Chief of Fire Department--Michael Morgan. City Electrical Engineer--H. G. Butterfield, Mills bldg. City Engineer--F. H. Walker, Mills bldg. City Plumbing Inspector--Wm. Patterson. City Sexton--Eugene Walrad. Councilmen
First Ward--L. E. England, George Irwin.Second Ward--C. Cunningham, G. S. Butler. Third Ward--W. H. Gowdy, W. C. Sanderson. Board of Education
Directors--W. F. Loomis, chairman; J. P.
Dodge, C. B. Lamkin,
Dr. G. W. Gregg, G. G. Eubanks.Clerk--H. F. Pohland. Superintendent City Schools--Harvey P. Meade. Fire Department.
Chief--John Morgan.Assistant Chief--W. F. Loomis. Hose Co. No. 1--Carl W Nims, Foreman. Hose Co. No. 2--266 4th, John Blair, Foreman. Police Department
Chief of Police--S. C. Oien.Police Judge--J. S. Hurt. Assistant Chief of Police--E. F. Magoon. Justice of the Peace
Justice--J. G. Hurt.Constable--A. L. Irwin. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS
Ashland Concert Band--266 4th. Clark
Bush, director.Pedersen's Orchestra--Elks' Hall. Louis A. Pedersen, director. BANKS
Citizens Banking & Trust Co--E
Main se cor 1st st.
Capital, $50,000; surplus, $5000. Herman F. Pohland, Pres; Robert P.
Neil, Vice-Pres; John A.
Harvey, Sec-Cashr; E. L. Davenport, Asst. Cashr; Roy Walker, Asst Cashr.First National Bank of Ashland--Main sw cor 1st av. Capital, $50,000. Andrew McCallen, Pres; C. H. Vaupel, Vice-Pres; L. L. Mulit, Cashr; F. S. Engle, Asst. Cashr. Granite City Savings Bank--E Main nw cor Oak. Capital, $25,000. G. S. Butler, Pres; Otto Winter, Vice-Pres; G. G. Eubanks, Cashr. United States National Bank The--15 Plaza. Capital, $50,000. D. R. Mills, Pres: E. V. Carter, Vice-Pres; J. W. McCoy, Cashr; Clark Bush, Asst Cashr; H. C. Emery, Asst Cashr. CEMETERIES
City--E Main cor Morton.Hargadine--Hd Sheridan. Mountain View Cemetery--1½ m e city ¼ m n Boulevard. CHURCHES
First--1st st se cor Hargadine. Rev. S.
A. Douglas, pastor.
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.;
B.Y.P.U., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Baptist Brethren
First Brethren Church of Ashland--E Main
ne cor 5th. Howell
Isaac, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school,
10 a.m.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Christian
Church of Christ--B se cor 2nd. Sunday
services, 11 a.m. and
7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10:15 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer
meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Christian Science
First Church of Christ,
Scientist--G.A.R. Hall. Mrs. Clara
Shoudy, First Reader. Services, Sunday, 11 a.m. in G.A.R. Hall;
Wednesday, 8 p.m., in Christian Science Reading Room.Church of the Brethren
Mountain av cor Iowa. Rev. Samuel E.
Decker, Pastor.
Sunday services: Preaching, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10
a.m.; Christian
Workers, 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Church of the Nazarene
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene--4th
sw cor C. Rev. John T.
Little, Pastor. Sunday services: Preaching, 11 a.m., 3 p.m.
and 7:30
p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Young People's meeting, 6:30 p.m.;
Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Congregational
First--Main cor Boulevard. Rev. W. A.
Schwimley, Pastor.
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.;
Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Junior Y.P.S.C.E., 3:30 p.m.; Prayer
meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Episcopal
Trinity--Es 2nd bet Main and C. Rev. Wm.
Lucas, Rector. Sunday
services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Holy
Communion, first and third Sunday in each month.Free Methodist
Free--E Main nw cor 7th. Rev. M. F.
Childs, Pastor. Sunday
services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Prayer
meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Methodist Episcopal
First--N Main sw cor Laurel. Rev. Lester
C. Poor, Pastor.
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.;
Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Presbyterian
First--N Main cor Helman. Rev. Harry T.
Chisholm, Pastor.
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.;
Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Roman Catholic
Church of the Holy Rosary--6th ne cor C.
Charles Maskin, S.J., Pastor. Sunday services: Low Mass, 8 a.m.; High
Mass and sermon, 10:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 2:30 p.m.;
Benediction, 7:30 p.m.; Week days, Mass, 8 a.m.Seventh Day Adventist
Seventh Day Adventist--4th: se cor C.
Taylor G. Bunch, Elder.
Services: Sabbath school, Saturday, 10 a.m.; Preaching or testimonial
readings, Saturday, 11 a.m.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Spiritualist
Temple of Truth (First Spiritual Society
of Southern
Oregon)--479 Boulevard. Meetings: Lyceum, Sunday, 8 p.m.;
Ladies' Auxiliary, Wednesday, 2 p.m.; Theosophy class, Friday, 8 p.m.;
G. G. Ogg, Conductor. Religious Societies
Altar Society of the Church of the Holy
Rosary--Meets 2nd
Thursday of each month at 2:30 p.m., at 120 6th. Mrs. Joe Ziegler,
Pres; Mrs. Bassett, Sec; Mrs. Mary Griffin, Treas.First Spiritual Society of Southern Oregon--Temple of Truth. F. W. Moore, Pres; S. A. Carlton, Vice-Pres; Mrs. Myra McNeill, Sec; C. W. Banta, Treas. Ministerial Association--Meets 1st Mondays at 10 a.m., at Congregational Church. Rev. W. A. Schwimley, Pres; Rev. Harry T. Chisholm, Sec. Young Ladies' Sodality of the Church of the Holy Rosary--Mary Sander, Prefect; Mary Finneran, Treas. Young Men's Sodality of the Church of the Holy Rosary--Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, at 120 6th. Leo Sander, Prefect; George Bassett, Asst Prefect; Don Bassett, Sec; Henry Sander, Treas. CLUBS AND MISCELLANEOUS
Ashland Commercial Club--25 Plaza. E. D.
Briggs, Pres; J. W. McCoy, Vice-Pres; W. H. Day, Sec; F. S.
Engle, Treas. Exhibit of resources ft 4th nr SP Depot.Ashland-Siskiyou Club--Meets on call of president. C. B. Watson, Chief Mountaineer; Walter E. Newcombe, Sec. Ashland Study Club--Meets Mondays from October to May at members' residences. Mrs. George Eubanks, Pres; Mrs. Margaret J. Bowen, Vice-Pres; Winifred Watson, Sec. Elks Club--Elks Temple. Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Ladies' Chautauqua Park Club--Meets at call of President. Mrs. F. R. Merrill, Pres; Mrs. Jennie Fawcett, Sec. Socialist Local No. 3--Meets 1st and 3rd Sundays, at 2 p.m., in Temple of Truth. Mrs. Etta Rowland, Sec-Treas. Southern Oregon Chautauqua Assn.--41 E Main. G. F. Billings, Pres; Rev. J. S. Smith, Vice-Pres; W. H. Gillis, Sec; F. H. Carter, Treas. Ten days' session each July. Finest natural park on the Coast. Women's Civic Improvement Club--Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays in Commercial Club. Mrs. C. H. Vaupel, Pres; Mrs. Mary Shoemaker, Vice-Pres; Lillian Patterson, Sec; Mrs. M. S. Mulit, Treas. HOSPITALS
Granite City Hospital--Boulevard nr Palm
av. Ostrom &
Ashland Library Association--Gresham se
cor Boulevard.
Contains 5000 volumes. Mrs. Elizabeth Van Sant, Pres; Mrs. H. S. Mulit,
Vice-Pres; Mrs. R. L. Burdick, Sec and Treas; Blanch Hicks, Librarian.Christian Science Reading Room--G.A.R. Hall. High School Library--High School. Contains 1500 volumes and the late periodicals. Under the supervision of the Superintendent of Schools. Sunday School Library of Trinity Episcopal Church--Rev. Wm. Lucas, Librarian. For use of members of Trinity Episcopal Sunday school. MILITARY
First Company C.A.C.--Meets Monday in
Armory Hall. G. E.
Spencer, Capt; O. B. Tate, Second Lieut. NEWSPAPERS
Ashland Record--(Weekly)--3 Mills Bldg.
Wednesday. Charles B. Wolf, Editor and Propr. $1.75 a year.Ashland Tidings (Semi-Weekly)--13 Plaza. Issued Monday and Thursday. Bert R. Green, Editor and Owner. $2.00 per year. PARKS
Chautauqua Park--S end Plaza bet Mill
Ashland Opera House--E Main ne cor 1st
av. Harrison Bros,
Proprs.Star Theatre--275 E Main. S. M. Wise, Propr. POST OFFICE
19 Plaza.Postmaster--John R. Casey. Assistant Postmaster--Lyman D. McKee. Registry Clerk--Lydia T. McCall. Stamp Clerk--Herbert G. Eastman. Stamping Clerk--Helene S. Casey. Clerk--Wm. Greenfield. Mail Carriers--Edward Hadfield, Wm. E. Moore, Donald Spencer. Driver--C. G. Bowling. Arrival of Mails
Mails arrive from north, 6:15 a.m. and
4:15 p.m. Mails arrive from
south, 2 a.m. and 4:35 p.m. Rural delivery Route No. 1 leaves P.O. 9
a.m., returns 5 p.m.Departure of Mails
Mails depart going south, 6:15 a.m. and
4:15 p.m. Mails depart north
2 a.m. and 4:35 p.m.PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND HALLS
Aiken Building--281 E Main.Armory Hall--83 N Main. Ashland Improvement Co Building--25 Plaza. Ashland Public Library--Gresham se cor Boulevard. Atkinson Building--Ws Main nr ft Granite. Beaver Building--209 E Main. B.P.O.E. Building--Ns E Main bet 1st and 2nd. Camps Building--Ss Main hd Oak. Chautauqua Hall--Hargadine, Chautauqua Grove. Citizens Banking & Trust Co. Building--E Main se cor 1st. City Hall--Es Plaza nr Main. Cunningham Block--N Main sw cor Granite. Elks Temple--Ns E Main bet 1st and 2nd. Enders Block--264 E Main. First National Bank Building--Main sw cor 1st av. Ganiard Block--Main ne cor 1st av. G.A.R. Building--Chautauqua Grove. High School Building--Iowa bet Emerick and Mountain av. I.O.O.F. Hall--51 N Main. McCarthy Building--83 N Main. Masonic Temple--Ws N Main s Granite. Memorial Hall--135 E Main. Mills Building--25 Plaza. Miracle Block--353 E Main. Morine Building--3 Plaza. Oregon Hotel Building--Ns E Main bet Oak and 1st av. Payne Building--238 E Main. Peil Building--3 Plaza. Pioneer Building--Ss E Main nr hd Oak. Rhodes-Farlow Building--15 E Main. Sanderson Block--391 E Main. Shaw Building--391 E Main. Shook Building--376 E Main. Swedenburg Block--299 E Main. Webber Building--Ns E Main nr 1st av. SCHOOLS
Granite City Hospital Training School
for Nurses--Boulevard nr
Palm av--Clara C. Ostrom and Freda C. Nelson, Principals.Private Public
Superintendent--George A.
Briscoe; Office High School
bldg.Special Teachers Percy Watkins, Drawing; Blanche Davenport, Domestic Science; Jean Manion, Manual Training. High School--N Main cor Manzanita. Felix E. Moore, Principal; Charlotte Kennard, Florence R. Wagner, Edith L. Merrill, Orpha M. Parker, Martha Gilchrist, Wm. St. John, Teachers. East Side School--Boulevard nr cor Sherman. G. W. Milam, Principal; Mrs. Ada Stannard, Nettie Abbott, Samantha Tuttle, Ella Baxter, Ethel Beaver, Sylvia Brown, Bessie Dunham, Edith McCune, Caroline Van Nice, Teachers. West Side School--N Main cor Manzanita--Gertrude Engle, Principal; Frances McWilliams, Gussie Updegraff, Evangeline Poley, Ila M. Myers, Maude Nissley, Buelah Caldwell, Eulalia Oates, Ethelyn Hurley, Grace Garrett, Teachers. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES
Ashland Lodge No. 23--Meets second
Thursday in Masonic Temple.
F. S. Engle, W.M.; E. A. Sherwin, Rec.A. F. & A. Masons Knights Templar
Malta Commandery No. 4--Meets first
Wednesday in Masonic
Temple. C. W. Nims, E.C.; E. A. Sherwin, Sec. Royal Arch Masons
Siskiyou Chapter No. 21--Meets third
Thursday in Masonic
Temple. C. W. Root, H.P.; E. A. Sherwin, Sec.Mystic Shrine--Meets first Friday in Masonic Temple. W. M. Colvig, I.P.; E. A. Sherwin, I.R. Order of Eastern Star
Alpha Chapter No. 1--Meets first and
third Tuesdays in Masonic
Temple. Mrs. W. A. Freeberg, W.M.; Mrs. Leah M. Caldwell, Sec. A. O. U. Workmen
Ashland Lodge No. 66--Meets first and
third Wednesdays in
Memorial Hall. R. A. Minkler, M.W.; Louis Dodge, Rec; Fred Engle, Fin. Degree of Honor
Manzanita Lodge No. 45--Meets first and
third Wednesdays in
Memorial Hall. Mrs. Anna Meyer, C.H.; Mrs. Mary S. Dodge, Sec.; Mrs.
Carrie R. Minkler, Fin.B. P. O. Elks
Ashland Lodge No. 944--Meets Saturdays
in Elks Temple. E. T.
Staples, E.R.; C. H. Pierce, Sec. Fraternal Brotherhood
Mistletoe Lodge No. 149--Meets second
and fourth Thursdays in
Memorial Hall. S. A. Parker, Pres; Mrs. Frances G. A. Damon, Rec Sec;
Mrs. Alice E. Stubbs, Treas. Fraternal Union of America
Ashland Lodge No. 473--Meets at members'
residences. Mrs.
Josephine D. Crocker, F.M.; Mrs. Grace Holmes, Sec. G.A.R.
Burnside Post No. 23--Meets first and
third Saturdays in
G.A.R. Hall. James Mattingly, Com; J. W. Hicks, Adjt. Woman's Relief Corps
Burnside Relief Corps No. 24--Meets
first and third Saturdays
in G.A.R. Hall. Mrs. Myra Mattingly, Pres; Mrs. Lulu Howard, Sec; Mrs.
Lucinda Klum, Treas. I.O.O.F.
Ashland Lodge No. 45--Meets Thursdays in
I.O.O.F. Hall. E.
E. Phipps, N.G.; G. W. Trefren, Rec Sec. Encampment
Pilot Rock Encampment No. 16--Meets
first and third Tuesdays
in I.O.O.F. Hall. G. H. Tostevin, C.P.; G. W. Trefren, Scribe.Canton Siskiyou No. 14--Meets first and third Fridays in I.O.O.F. Hall. E. C. Payne, Capt; G. W. Trefren, Clerk. Rebekah Lodge
Hope No. 14--Meets second and fourth
Tuesdays in I.O.O.F.
Hall. Mrs. Belle H. English, N.G.; Mrs. Leah Caldwell, Fin Sec. Knights of the Maccabees
Granite Tent No. 4--Meets second and
fourth Wednesdays in
I.O.O.F. Hall. Eugene Walrad, Com; A. L. Irwin, R.K. Ladies of the Maccabees
Margaret Hive No. 22--Meets first and
third Wednesdays in
Hall. Mrs. Virginia Shaw, L.C.; Mrs. Sarah E. Cox, R.K. Knights of Pythias
Granite Lodge No. 23--Meets Mondays in
I.O.O.F. Hall. G. W.
Prescott, C.C.; Wm. Paterson, K. of R. & S. Knights and Ladies of Security
Ashland Council No. 1561--Meets second
and fourth Tuesdays in
G.A.R. Hall. C. H. Gillette, Pres; Louis J. Orris, Vice-Pres;
Mary L. Whitney, Sec. Modern Brotherhood of America
Ashland Butte Lodge No. 1329--Meets
fourth Friday at homes of
members. Mrs. J. N. Dennis, Pres; G. W. Milam, sec. Modern Maccabees
Pioneer Tent No. 1008--Meets first and
third Wednesdays. W. H.
Flagg, Com; G. W. Trefren, R.K.Modern Woodmen of America
Mahogany Camp No. 6565--Meets second and
fourth Fridays in
Memorial Hall. O. E. Hurst, V.C.; G. H. Hedberg, Clerk.Royal Neighbors of America
Ivy Camp No. 2893--Meets first and
third Fridays in Memorial Hall. Mrs. Emma Earl, Oracle; Mrs. Millie
Sherard, Rec.Woodmen of the World
Ashland Camp No. 243--Meets second and
fourth Fridays in I.O.O.F. Hall. T. K. Bolton, C.C.; J. R. Wick,
Clerk.Women of Woodcraft
Acorn Circle No. 54--Meets second and
fourth Saturdays in
Hall. Mrs. Mary L. Whitney, G.N.; Mrs. Josephine D. Crocker,
Assembly No. 6--Meets first Monday at 11
B. Mrs. Lena Nelson,
Pres; Mrs. Frances G. A. Damon, Clerk; Mrs. Anna Howell, Cashier.Lincoln Annuity Union TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES
W.C.T.U.--Meets Tuesdays at 2 p.m. at
First M.E. Church.
Mrs. P. L. Ashcraft, Pres; Mrs. M. M. Edmonds, Sec; Mrs. G. R.
Southern Pacific Co.--Passenger Depot
and Ticket Office, ft
4th. Freight Depot, ft 3rd. George N. Kramer, Agent.Railroads ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES
Abbott Arthur F, brickman SP Co, res 108 AlidaA Abbott Charles E, farmer, res E Main nr limits Abbott John M, laborer Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 100 Union Abbott John W, gardener, res 875 Oak Abbott Lewis A, teamster, res 140 Lincoln Abbott Nettie, teacher East Side School Abbott Wm M, res 866 Blain Acklin Everett A, student, bds 108 Nursery Acklin Thos W, pres Ashland Trading Co, res 108 Nursery Adams James Q, fruit grower, res 295 Grant Adams Jesse, laborer, res 210 Harrison Adamson Frank H, clerk Ashland Trading Co, res 14 Beach av Adamson Lloyd, res 329 Beach Addis Katherine E (wid James S), bds 55 Pine Agler David C, conductor SP Co, rms Columbia Hotel Ahlstrom Frederick J, conductor SP Co, res 355 B Ahlstrom T T, fireman SP Co Aiken Building, 281 E Main Akers John C, res 137 1st Albert Eli, res 111 Coolidge Albert Mary, bds 111 Coolidge Alexander Mrs Ethel M, cashier Royal Bakery, rms 129 4th Allard Frank G, foreman SP Co, res 6 Beach av Allen C Frank, bds 320 Palm av Allen Geneva W (wid Paul C), res 115 Bush Allen J Jeanette, teacher, bds 320 Palm av Allen Mrs Laura F, res 320 Palm av Allen Mrs Susie L, real estate 63 N Main, bds 96 Laurel Allison Robert E, conductor SP Co, res 78 4th Alnutt Hattie A (wid Joseph W), res 163 Granite Alnutt Joseph M, cigar maker E R Greive Jr, bds 163 Granite Anderson Mrs Alice, res 96 High Anderson Belle, bds 344 E Main Anderson Carl, bds 60 5th Anderson Elizabeth K (wid Eli K), res 344 E Main Anderson George N, mngr Anderson & Co, res 667 N Main Anderson Rev George R, farmer, res 430 Montana Anderson George S, clerk Warner Mercantile Co, res 76 Alida Anderson Jean U, bds 430 Montana Anderson Jessie M, bds 190 B Anderson Tillie, bds 351 Morton Anderson & Co, George N Anderson mngr, pianos 89 N Main Andrews Henry W, res 122 Church Angle Levi L, res 191 Oak Angle Orra E, vacuum cleaner, bds 191 Oak Applegate Daniel A, agent Wells Fargo & Co Express, res 94 Granite Applegate Mildred V, clk Wells Fargo & Co Express, bds 94 Granite Arant Chauncey F, dairy, res ¾ m nw limits Arant Ernest, fruit grower, res 449 Euclid Arbuckle Arthur, fruit grower, res ss Wimer nr limits Armory Hall, 83 N Main Arnold John F, farmer, res ½ m n limits Ashcraft Elmer K, student, bds 407 Woolen Ashcraft LeRoy L, student, bds 407 Woolen Ashcraft Mary, stenographer, bds 407 Woolen Ashcraft Norman, student, bds 407 Woolen Ashcraft Perry L, fruit grower, res 407 Woolen Ashcraft Perry L Jr, machinist W J Saviers, bds 407 Woolen Ashland Cleaning Works (Louis A Pedersen), 292 E Main ASHLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB, E D Briggs Pres, J W McCoy Vice-Pres, Fred D Engle Treas, Will H Day Sec, 8 Ashland Improvement Co Bldg ASHLAND CREAMERY, Domingo Perozzi Propr, 97 Mill, Tel 24 ASHLAND ELECTRIC POWER & LIGHT CO (San Francisco), J W Churchill Pres, A J Rosborough (Yreka Cal) Sec, C A Malone Mngr, 91 Oak Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn, Charles H Gillette pres, George Irwin vice-pres, Henry Kofeldt sec, Milton C Lininger mngr, Ash ne cor Oak Ashland Furniture Co (John R Wick, Wm Hintze), 92 N Main Ashland General Delivery Co (Louis and Ivan E Dennis), 444 California ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO, C W Root Pres-Mngr, G S Butler Vice-Pres, H L Whited Sec, Water nw cor B, Tel 108 Ashland Improvement Co Building, 25 Plaza Ashland Iron Works, Michael McGrath pres-treas, George W Dodson sec, 248 Helman ASHLAND-KLAMATH EXCHANGE, Wm Flackus Mngr, Agency Klamath Falls Flouring Mills, Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed, Seeds and Poultry Supplies 49 N Main, Tel 4 Ashland Library Association, Mrs H S Mulit pres, Mrs Elizabeth Van Sant vice-pres, Mrs R L Burdick sec-treas, Blanch Hicks librarian, Maude Barnes asst librarian, New Library Gresham se cor Boulevard Ashland Manufacturing Co, J H Chambers (Cottage Grove) pres, Charles P Christensen sec-treas, Wallace Woods mngr, lumber manufacturers 384 Oak Ashland Marble Works, Mrs Ann H Russell propr, 117 N Main Ashland Meat Co (Seaborn S and Horace V Mitchell), 61 N Main Ashland Meat Co (Seaborn S and Horace V Mitchell, W B Dennis), meats 257 4th Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, E C Gard pres, E G Owen vice-pres, Ida M Gard sec-treas, 1st bet A and B ASHLAND MOTOR CAR CO, Fred E Ramsey Propr, 43 Mill, Tel 8 (See p 5) Ashland Nursery Co, Thomas H Thompson propr, 143 Granite Ashland Opera House, N H Harrison propr, 111 E Main Ashland Police Department, S C Oien Chief, City Hall Ashland Preserving Co, Milton C Lininger mngr, 296 Helman Ashland Public Library, Gresham se cor Boulevard ASHLAND RECORD, Charles B Wolf Editor and Proprietor, 3 Mills Bldg, Tel 181 (See p 12) ASHLAND TIDINGS, Bert R Greer Editor and Owner, 13 Plaza, Tel 39 (See p 13) Ashland Trading Co, Thos W Acklin pres, Charles W Chattin sec, Lemuel S Brown treas-mngr, gen mdse 153 E Main Ashland Transfer & Storage Co (C F Bates), 95 Oak Atkinson Building, ws N Main nr ft Granite Atkinson Eugenia L (wid Wm H), res 111 N Main Atlas Rooming House, 224 4th Attridge Frances, bds 486 Boulevard Austin Josephine C (wid Charles D), bds 154 B Austin May (wid Clinton B), res 171 1st av Autry Rev Hiram A, res 36 Morton B
Bach John C, clerk SP Co, bds 595 RocaBachand Duffy, carpenter, res 248 5th Backman August. V, clerk WU Tel Co, bds 269 B Backman John P, messenger WU Tel Co, bds 269 B Backman Joseph B, miner, res 269 B Badger Horace D, student, bds 129 Bush Badger H Eugene, res 129 Bush Bagley Doris E, bds 141 High Bagley Elmer E, fruit grower, res 141 High Bagley Fenton M, fruit grower, res 625 Beach Bailey Bertha A, milliner, bds 503 Walnut Bailey Delbert J, farmer, bds Isaac Bailey Bailey Hildred M, bookkeeper Star Steam Laundry, bds 503 Walnut Bailey Isaac, fruit grower, res Woolen add Bailey James S, real estate, res 2 Beach av Bailey John A, miner, rms Peil bldg Bailey Joseph W, engineer SP Co, res 247 7th Bailey Minerva M, student, bds Isaac Bailey Bailey Raymond, bds Isaac Bailey Bailey Willis A, fruit grower, res 503 Walnut Baker Mark, confectionery 57 N Main, rms 143 Hargadine Balbuzoski M, machinist SP Co Baldwin Cora E, dressmaker, bds 316 N Main Baldwin Martha A (wid Robert F), res 316 N Main Ball Winfield S, fruitgrower, res 345 Harrison Balliet Adam, foreman SP Co, rms 586 C Banks John, laborer, res 132 5th Banta Charles W, res 57 4th Banta Harry, rancher, bds 57 4th Banta Herbert, rancher, bds 57 4th Barber Lucile, student, bds 153 Granite Barber Wilson M, printer Ashland Tidings, res 153 Granite Barclay Mary A (wid R S), bds 478 Boulevard Barnard J Crowder, res 148 Mechanic Barneburg D Henry, res 153 Oak Barnes Albert S, nurseryman, res 239 Oak Barnes Franklin P, carpenter, res 44 Morton Barnes Golda, musician, bds 44 Morton Barnes Mamie C, bookkeeper, bds 239 Oak Barnes Mrs Martha M, dressmaker, res 438 N Main Barnes Maude F, asst librarian Ashland Library Assn, bds 239 Oak Barnes Wm, carpenter, bds 44 Morton Barnes W E, business manager Ashland Tidings, res 477 Allison Barnett Guy, clerk J N Dennis, res 585 C Barney Bert, laborer, bds 231 Gresham Barney Grace M, clerk Beebe & Kinney, bds 128 Nob Hill Barney Harold W, driver Ashland Genl Deliv Co, bds 128 Nob Hill Barney Hiram A, carpenter, res 231 Gresham Barney Mrs Mary B, res 128 Nob Hill Barnhill Bertha M, bds 344 Wimer Barnhill Gratz H, bds 344 Wimer Barnhill Matilda J (wid John F), res 344 Wimer Barnhill Owen H, fruit grower, bds 344 Wimer Baron Daniel, laborer, bds 304 Mechanic Baron John H, res 304 Mechanic Barrett Mrs Elizabeth T, teacher, res 180 Factory Barrett Josephine (wid Harvey M), bds 180 Factory Barrett J Edmond, brakeman SP Co, res 180 Factory Bartges Frances E, bds 426 B Bartges Walter H, conductor SP Co, res 426 B Bassett Donald O, bds 447 Walnut Bassett George, fruit grower, res 447 Walnut Bassett George W, farmer, bds 447 Walnut Batchelor Mrs Mary P, bds 364 Vista Bateman I R, fireman SP Co Bates Arthur, bds 460 Boulevard Bates Conley F (Ashland Transfer & Storage Co), res 460 Boulevard Bates Harry, telegraph operator SP Co, bds 460 Boulevard Bates Nathan G, barber Hotel Oregon, res 185 B Baughman Clinton J, teamster, bds 566 Fairview Baughman Dale, clerk, bds 566 Fairview Baughman Harding T, clothing 227 4th, res 566 Fairview Baxter Ella, teacher East Side School Beach Baldwin, res 41 Gresham Beach Edward, miner, bds 687 Beach Beach George C, music teacher, bds 954 Boulevard Beach Jennie M (wid Charles), res 687 Beach Beagle Adam H, laborer, bds 889 Boulevard Beagle James C, plasterer, res 889 Boulevard Beagle John, rancher, res Clay 1 s Boulevard Beagle Wm, rancher, res Clay 3 n Boulevard Bean F Leslie, driver Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 436 Helman Beaver Aldred M, automobile salesman, bds 916 Iowa Beaver Asa M (Beaver Realty Co), res 916 Iowa Beaver Building, 209 E Main Beaver Elizabeth M, teacher, bds 916 Iowa Beaver Ethel, teacher East Side School Beaver John M, bookkeeper Beaver Realty Co, res 324 Avery Beaver May, teacher, bds 324 Avery Beaver Meredith, student, bds 916 Iowa Beaver Minnie, student, bds 916 Iowa Beaver Nellie, student, bds 916 Iowa BEAVER REALTY CO (Mrs E Yockey, A M Beaver), Real Estate, Exchanges a Specialty, Loans and Insurance 211 E Main, Tel Pacific 68, Home 3-L Bech Mrs Ida, waiter Depot Hotel Beck Pearly A, bds 340 Granite Beebe Clair, bds 470 Boulevard Beebe Walter B (Beebe & Kinney), res 470 Boulevard Beebe & Kinney (W B Beebe, A E Kinney), dry goods 31 Plaza Beeler Charles V, res 842 Boulevard Bellan Joseph H, res 743 Oak Bellus D E, brakeman SP Co Bellus W R, brakeman SP Co Benedict George W, poultryman, res 219 Mountain av Benedict May, bds 219 Mountain av Benedict Pina, marker Star Steam Laundry, bds 219 Mountain av BPOE Building, ns E Main bet 1st and 2nd Berg Lars, laborer, res Boulevard nr Walker av Bergstrom Charles L, gardener, res 467 Chestnut Bergstrom Mrs J W, res Ashland nr Roca Beswick Richard, fruit grower, res 147 Manzanita Beswick Sarah, bds 147 Manzanita Bevington Walter C, yardmaster SP Co, res 139 2nd Bibby Wm A, wood sawyer, res 938 Oak Biede Gertrude W, clerk City Recorder, bds 108 Nob Hill Biede Helena A, clerk H C Stock, bds 108 Nob Hill BIEGEL AUGUST J, Sheet Metal Work, Plumbing, Heating, Cutlery and Hardware, General Agent for Monarch Stoves and Ranges, Lowe Bros Paints 297 E Main, Tel 90, res 195 Morton Biegel Calla E, student, bds 195 Morton Biegel Milton A, clerk A J Biegel, bds 195 Morton BILLINGS G F, Real Estate, Notary, Insurance 41 E Main, res 1099 N Main Billings G Homer, clerk G F Billings, bds 1099 W Main Billings Ralph, farmer, res 1088 N Main Bingham Emily I (wid R Heber), bds 259 Laurel Bish John, wood cutter Pearl Ruston, bds 649 E Main Bish Joseph A, teacher, res 319 Avery Blackburn Myrtle, clerk Beebe & Kinney, bds 150 1st Blackden Earl B, student, bds 157 Laurel Blackden Perry D, insurance agent, res 157 Laurel Blackden Ralph S, student, bds 157 Laurel Blair John F, boiler washer SP Co, res 867 N Main Blair Wm, laborer Chautauqua Grove, bds 207 Vista BLAKE W EARL, Dentist 9-10 First Natl Bank Bldg, Tel 109, res 118 Bush, Tel 488-R Blalock Walter W, conductor SP Co, res 111 B Bliss John S, res 180 Harrison Block Lee, boilermaker, bds 586 E Main Blue Dana P, building contractor, res 282 Oak Blue G Vernon, teacher, bds 282 Oak Bolton Thomas K, drugs 53 N Main, res 142 Church Bolton Walter E, clerk T K Bolton, bds 142 Church Bolz Justine (wid Fred), res 346 Liberty Bolz Richard F, grocer Iowa ne cor Boulevard, res 304 Liberty Bomar Angela, clerk, bds 470 Allison Bomar Archie R, conductor, res 470 Allison Bonham Philip, res 341 Beach Book George T, lineman, bds 172 Granite Book Thomas B, brakeman, res 172 Granite Booth Cecile C, student, bds 996 Oak Booth Elsie (wid W J), res 29 1st av Booth Jesse O, vice-pres F E Conway Co, res New York NY Booth Orrin, fireman SP Co, rms 35 1st av Booth Worthy D, farmer, res 996 Oak Borradori Josephine, maid 88 Granite Borror Clayton S, carpenter, bds 59 Manzanita Boslough Arthur W, physician Beaver bldg, res 542 Fairview Bovee Curtis M, agent Grand Union Tea Co, res 315 Granite Bovee Harper W, bds 315 Granite Bowen Wm F, architect 7 Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, res 248 Laurel Bowers Benton, fruit grower, res Boulevard se cor Walker av Bowers Benton Jr, bds Benton Bowers Bowers Edna, bds Benton Bowers Bowling Clarence G, driver Post Office, res 227 Oberlin Bowling Prentis C, bds 227 Oberlin Bowling Ralph, bds 227 Oberlin Boyd Henry J, photographer 117 E Main, res 63 Alida Boyd James, res 317 N Main Boyd W W, fruit grower, res Guthrie nr Montana Brady Charles J, conductor SP Co, res 486 Allison Brady Nellie, bds 309 Morton Brady Sarah D (wid Preston), res 309 Morton Brentner Pearl E, teamster, res 236 5th Bressler Mahlon C, res 19 Gresham Briscoe George A, Superintendent of Schools, res 31 Union Briscoe Lance, student, bds 31 Union Briggs Edward D, lawyer 44 E Main, res 146 Bush BRIGGS MONTE E, Propr Briggs Shoe Store, res 286 Vista Briggs Nellie, student, bds 146 Bush BRIGGS SHOE STORE, M E Briggs Propr, 11 E Main Briggs Wm M, student, bds 146 Bush Brittsan Isaac F, res 76 Lincoln Brody Hazel T, clerk F B Mix, bds 138 1st av Brooks John, rms 225 B Brophy Emil R, watch maker H L Whited, res 167 Hargadine Brower David M, physician 216 Factory, res same Brower Manley M, electrician Jordan Bros, bds 216 Factory Brower Voda E, student, bds 216 Factory Brown Alton R, meats 395 E Main, res D376 same Brown Clyde K, laborer, bds 725 B Brown Edna M, bds 311 N Main Brown Ella F, bds 311 N Main Brown Frances, waiter Depot Hotel Brown Freeman A, res 109 Pine Brown H J, brakeman SP Co Brown Lemuel S, treas-mngr Ashland Trading Co, res 500 Montana Brown Marguerite, clerk, bds 500 Montana Brown Matie (wid C H), res 725 B Brown R F, brakeman SP Co Brown Sarah M (wid Hiram L), res 311 N Main Brown Sylvia G, teacher East Side School, bds 109 Pine Bruhn Thomas, clerk Mackie & Nininger, bds 1167 E Main Bruner Ethel, teacher, bds 267 Maple Bruner James W, gardener, res 267 Maple Bryant Charles J, amalgamator, res 573 E Main Buck Ernest, farmer, bds 72 Garfield Buck Mordecai R, farmer, res 72 Garfield Buck Otis, farmer, bds 72 Garfield Buerstatte Mary (wid Henry), bds 195 Morton Bunch Taylor G, elder Seventh Day Adventist Church, res 548 C Bunn John P, driver Ashland Genl Delivery Co, bds 160 Nob Hill Bunnell Ella M, bds 423 Helman Bunnell Freeman W, miner, res 423 Helman Bunnell Matilda (wid Albert FE), bds 842 A Bunnell Nancy C (wid Philip D), bds 423 Helman Burdic Hope, bds 117 Laurel Burdic Rurie L, res 117 Laurel Burdic R L Jr, student, bds 117 Laurel Burkman Charles, carpenter, res 1360 Quincy Burnett Earl J, helper W G Sander, bds 691 Oak Burnet John S, laborer, res 691 Oak Burnette J Roy, agent Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, res 79 Baum Burns Clair W, driver Ashland Creamery, bds 332 Harrison Burns Mrs Cora, res 332 Harrison Burns Hazel, milliner, bds 143 4th Burns Lelah, clerk R A Minkler, bds 332 Harrison Burns Ralph H (Burns & Seager), res 337 Woolen Burns Ray E, laborer, bds 332 Harrison Burns Robert, bds 143 4th BURNS & SEAGER (R H Burns, George W Seager), Attorneys 1-2 First Natl Bank Bldg, Tel 472 Burton Ethel (wid James P), res 150 6th Bush Clark, asst cashr US Natl Bank of Ashland, res 95 Scenic av Bush Elbert H, engineer SP Co, res 160 Sherman Bushnell Loren, bds 168 Lincoln Bushnell Loren D, farmer, res s end Mountain av Bushnell Mrs Mabel, res 168 Lincoln Butler Abraham, clerk Mrs E C Butler, res 34 Union Butler Mrs E C, delicatessen 180 E Main, res 34 Union Butler Gwin S, pres Granite City Savings Bank, vice-pres Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 41 Granite Butterfield Charles E, student, bds 73 Pine Butterfield Freda, student, bds 661 Beach Butterfield Harry O, barber N G Bates, res 651 Beach Butterfield Hayden G, eng City Electrical Eng Dept, bds 73 Pine Butterfield Margaret R (wid Charles), res 73 Pine Byers John, res 464 Mountain av C
Caldwell Alonzo C, res 2 Aiken bldgCaldwell Buelah, teacher West Side School, bds 122 Laurel Caldwell Mrs Leah M, res 122 Laurel Caldwell Walter T, operator WU Tel Co, res 280 Hargadine Caldwell Wm W, rancher, res Boulevard nr Indiana Calef Cutting S, res 349 Mountain av Calfee John A, fruit grower, res 515 Liberty Calfee Mrs Mahala, bds 585 C Calkins Frank M, Judge Circuit Court 5 Mills bldg, res 111 Laurel Cambers Floy L, teacher, bds J J Cambers Cambers John J, res Scenic dr cor Nob Hill Cambers Royal N, forest ranger, bds J J Cambers Cameron Frank, appr H H Hosler, bds 77 3rd Cameron John (Cameron & Patty), res 77 3rd Cameron & Patty (John Cameron, John F Patty), second hand goods 345 E Main Campbell John A, res 523 N Main Campbell Richard P, fruit grower, res 146 Manzanita Campbell W E, brakeman SP Co Camps Building, 54 E Main Camps Frank L, photographer 54 E Main, res same Canine Henry R, bds 713 Oak CANYON PRESS THE, Talcott & Talcott Proprs, Exclusive Job Printing 89 Oak, Tel 197 Carey Wallace D, res 335 Almond CARLILE JAMES B, Propr Hotel Park, res 35 1st Av Carlile Samuel, bds 868 A Carlson Albert F, painter, rms 154 B Carlson Mrs Crews, res 90 8th Carlson Martin, laborer, res 275 Garfield Carlton S Adolphus, res 99 Union Carpenter Bessie, bds 357 Liberty Carpenter Eugene J, bds 357 Liberty Carpenter George E, fruit grower, res 357 Liberty Carpenter Walter W, res 78 2nd Carpenter Wm J, farmer, res 700 Terrace Carson James P, yardman Carson-Smith Lumber Co, res 85 Union Carson Orson F (Carson-Smith Lumber Co; Carson & Siemental), res 427 Palm av CARSON-SMITH LUMBER CO (Orson F Carson, Gilbert R Slingerland), Lumber, Sash and Doors, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Roofing and Building Papers 143 1st nr B, Tel Main 98 Carson & Siemental (Orson F Carson, George Siemental), proprs Pioneer Planing Mill 125 Mill Carter Ernest V, vice-pres US Natl Bank of Ashland, res 514 Boulevard Carter Henry J, clerk Holmes Bros, res 321 Alta av Carter John A, veterinary surgeon, res 295 Helman Carter Mabel (wid Ernest), maid Depot Hotel, res 455 B Carter Major A, miner, res 269 2nd Carter Sidney E, plumber, bds 269 2nd Casey Harry, bds 134 1st av Casey Helene S, clerk Post Office, bds 134 1st av Casey John B, grocer E Main, res 282 Granite CASEY JOHN R, Postmaster, res 134 1st Av. Casey Robert, res 1228 E Main Cavin Allen B, miner, res 774 B Cavin Samuel, res 726 Iowa Chamberlain Frank H, miner, res 279 Liberty Chamberlain Mrs Frank H, nurse, res 279 Liberty Chamberlain Mary L (wid Wm), bds 279 Liberty Chambers A Esler, traveling salesman, res 176 Mechanic Chambers Ethel, waiter Depot Hotel Chaney Albert R, painter, res 128 Laurel Chapman Eunice, maid, bds 20 Lincoln Chapman Wm, carpenter, res 20 Lincoln Chappell Charlotte, bds 990 Boulevard Chappell Helen, bds 990 Boulevard Chappell Ruth, bds 990 Boulevard Charlton Florida H, bds 108 5th Charlton Martha J (wid Andrew W), res 108 5th Chase L B, miner, rms 89 N Main Chattin Charles W, sec Ashland Trading Co, res 316 Hargadine Chautauqua Assn of Southern Oregon, G F Billings pres, Rev J S Smith vice-pres, W H Gillis sec, F H Carter treas 41 E Main Chautauqua Park, s end Plaza bet Mill and Hargadine Cherry Amanda M (wid John W), fruit grower, res w end Wimer Cherry Arminta K, maid 129 Bush Cherry Manley, bds Mrs A M Cherry Chesnut Charles W, laborer, res rear 202 Granite Childers Samuel A, fruit grower, res 631 Walnut Childs Rev M F, pastor Free Methodist Church, res 777 E Main Childs Pansy, teacher, bds 1307 Iowa Chisholm Rev Harry T, pastor First Presbyterian Ch, res 132 N Main Choate Joseph K Jr, tariff inspector SP Co, res 139 Wimer Christensen Charles P, sec-treas Ashland Manufacturing Co, rms 137 Oak Christensen John H, res Ayers Spur Christian Science Reading Room, GAR Hall Chung Lee, laundry 280 A Church of Christ, B se cor 2nd Church of the Brethren, Rev Samuel E Decker pastor, Iowa sw cor Mountain av Church of the Holy Rosary, Rev Charles Mackin, S J, pastor, 6th ne cor C Churchman Elsie M (wid John A), bds 97 Pine Citizens Banking & Trust Co, Herman F Pohland pres, Robert P Neil vice-pres, John A. Harvey sec-cashr, E L Davenport asst cashr, Roy G Walker asst cashr, E Main se cor 1st Citizens Banking & Trust Co Bldg, E Main se cor 1st City Cemetery, E Main cor Morton City Electrical Engineering Dept, H G Butterfield eng, 6 Mills bldg City Hall, es Plaza cor Main City Truck & Storage Co, Good & Dews proprs, 25 E Main Clark Harmon P, clerk J B Casey, bds 461 Allison Clark Harry E, car repairer SP Co, bds 2 Glenn av Clark Henry L, bds 567 Beach Clark John W (Clark & Son), res 118 High Clark Milton S K (Clark & Son), res 461 Allison Clark Velma, dressmaker, bds 461 Allison Clark & Son (Milton S K and John W), blacksmiths Mill nr Plaza Clausen John M, gardener, res 767 Oak Claws Edward, bds 2 Glenn av Clawson Don D, linotype operator Ashland Record, res 74 3rd Clift Cora, bds Hargadine Closser Clarence E, clk Ashland-Klamath Exchange, res 235 5th Clute Silas W, stonemason, res 91 Nursery Clyde Rev Wm (Presbyterian), res 121 Manzanita Coburn Charles J (Coburn & Watkins), res 385 E Main Coburn & Watkins (Charles J Coburn, Charles B Watkins), shoes 383 E Main Coder Catharine, student, bds 531 Woolen Coder Eli H, fruit grower, res 531 Woolen Coder Harry H, appr Ashland Iron Works, bds 531 Woolen Coder John E, student, bds 531 Woolen Coder Lawrence R, machinist Ashland Iron Works, bds 531 Woolen Coffee George H, miner, res 154 Oak Coffee Georgie, bds 154 Oak Cole Chloe A (wid Byron), bds 737 Boulevard Cole Edith A, student, bds 737 Boulevard Cole Elsie, bds 204 Weightman Cole Hugh F, propr Potter Rooming House, res ss 4th bet B and C Cole Jules F, carpenter, res 737 Boulevard Cole Thurber A, clerk J J McNair, bds 204 Weightman Cole Wm N, clerk R F Bolz, res 204 Weightman Collins Angeline (wid Wm), res 91 Gresham COLUMBIA HOTEL, Mrs E G Hadley Propr, Strictly Modern Rooms, European Plan, Rates Reasonable, 264 E Main, Tel 77 (See Right Side Lines) Colvig John L, brakeman, bds 123 High Combes Myrtle (wid Marion), bds 59 6th Conner Allen H, engineer SP Co, res 865 Blain Conner Edward, wood dealer 685 B, res same Conner Harry W, blacksmith W W Wilson Conner Walter E, propr Hotel Oregon, res same Conner Wm A, carpenter, res 84 4th Conway C E, sec-treas F E Conway Co, res 125 Wimer Conway Franklin E, pres-gen mngr F E Conway Co, res 125 Wimer CONWAY F E COMPANY, Franklin E Conway Pres-General Mngr, J O Booth Vice-Pres, C E Conway Sec-Treas, Bungalows Built Anywhere $300 Down $20 Per Month, Citizens Banking & Trust Co Bldg (See Right Side Lines) Conwell Jeremiah, fruit grower, res 220 Nutley Cooke Nicholas, res 375 B Coombe Leslie R, plasterer, res 79 Scenic av Corbett James L, miner, res 248 3rd Corbett J Leslie, bds 319 Alta av Corbett Sylvenus C, res 140 7th Cordeel Hannah L (wid Alexander D), maid 45 Helman Cordell Wm A, farmer, res 368 Otis Cornelius Rowland P, farmer, res 900 Oak Costel Lucien F, fireman SP Co, bds 192 Mechanic Costel Paul, molder Ashland Iron Works, res 160 N Main Cotter C A, conductor SP Co Cotrell Wm A (Davis & Cottrell), res 119 3rd Cox Allen E, brakeman SP Co, res 357 Vista Cox Blanche, maid 125 Wimer Cox Gertrude G, bds 637 E Main Cox Joseph, bds 357 Vista Cox Raymond T, res 637 E Main Cox Thomas G, bds 637 E Main Coy Eugene, car inspector SP Co Craddock Bertha, ironer Star Steam Laundry, bds 477 Laurel Craddock Christina, ironer Star Steam Laundry, bds 477 Laurel Crance L Alva, res 286 Mechanic Crawford George W, clerk Depot Hotel, rms same Creighton George, building contractor, res 52 Morton Creighton George C, carpenter, res 765 E Main Crews George W, miner, res 40 Granite Crews Orley E, janitor, bds 40 Granite Crichton Florence M (wid D Arthur), solr, rms 108 Granite Crocker Josephine D (wid Wm G), state pres Women's Relief Corps, res 462 B Cromar Alice, student, bds 675 Walnut Cromar Elizabeth (wid John), res 675 Walnut Cromar Lizzie, stenographer G F Billings, bds 675 Walnut Croston Ernest R, brakeman, res 143 4th Crouch Charles C, bds 96 Laurel Crouch Frank I, mngr National Packing Co, res 148 Factory Crowson Bessie, student, bds 253 8th Crowson Clarence, bds 253 8th Crowson Elsie M, bds 253 8th Crowson Frank H, laborer, res 253 8th Crowson Hazel, clerk McGee's, bds 896 Boulevard Crowson James E, City Park Inspector, res 896 Boulevard Croxall James R, rancher, res 432 Terrace Culbertson Thomas A, rancher, res 391 Bridge Culy Branch A, farmer, bds 220 Mountain av Culy George A, fireman SP Co, res 308 Liberty Culy George C, farmer, res 220 Mountain av Cunningham Block, N Main sw cor Granite Cunningham Clyde L, furniture 74 N Main, res 548 Iowa Cunningham Cushman, res 319 Alta av Curry Joseph, mining, res 586 E Main Curtiss J Horace, bds 985 E Main D
Dahuff Amos, res 440 Palm avDahuff Enos, clerk, bds 440 Palm av Dalzell Hazel, student, bds 111 Nursery Damon George F, carpenter, res Walnut ne cor Luna Vista Daney John A, livery 256 4th, res same Danford Beecher (Good & Danford), bds Thomas Danford Danford Evalyn, dressmaker, bds Thomas Danford Danford Thomas, res rear 124 Manzanita Dann W W, fruit grower, res Wimer hts Dart LeRoy, res 215 Garfield Davenport Blanche, domestic science teacher Public Schools, rms Columbia Hotel Davenport Ethel L, asst cashr Citizens Banking & Trust Co, rms Columbia Hotel Davies Samuel S (Davies & Cottrell), res 784 A Davies & Cottrell (Samuel S Davies, Wm A Cottrell), barbers 243 4th Davis Alfred H, lawyer 5 Citizens Banking & Trust bldg, res 372 Iowa Davis Allen, res 137 1st Davis Charles S, gardener, res 111 Nursery Davis Dolph, res 309 1st av Davis Earl, clerk, bds 366 B Davis Elizabeth M (wid Southwick), bds 601 Walnut Davis Frances P (wid H L), bds 525 E Main Davis Frank E, carpenter, bds 1123 C Davis F Roy, court reporter Circuit Court, res 109 Church Davis Grant E, clerk SP Co, res C376 E Main Davis Izabella (wid A B), res 366 B Davis Lester C (Stennett & Davis), res 41 5th Davis Morgan E, engineer, res 187 Sherman Davis Olive, teacher, bds 366 B Davis Wm R, res 453 Allison Davis W C, engineer SP Co DAY WILL H, Sec Ashland Commercial Club, res 47 Laurel Dean Anna, stenographer Ashland Record, bds 159 B Dean Clyde R, bkpr Ashland Elec Power & Light Co, bds 99 Granite Dean Frank G, engineer SP Co, res Hill Crest av Dean Harris, timber cruiser, res 99 Granite DeBolt Frank, res 954 Boulevard DeBolt M Pearl, teacher, bds 954 Boulevard Decker Frank M, veterinary dentist, res 168 Elizabeth Decker P Arthur, res ws Avery 4 n Boulevard Decker Rev Samuel E, res 263 Palm av Deibert Ora E, electrician, res 322 Wimer DeLap Chester H, farmer, res 355 Otis Denison Wilbur, carpenter, res 508 Palm Dennis C Ray, butcher, bds 351 N Main Dennis Ivan E (Ashland General Delivery Co), res 444 California Dennis James N, feed 353 E Main, res 477 Allison Dennis Louis (Ashland General Delivery Co), res 444 California Dennis Wm B (Ashland Meat Co), rms 120 4th Densmore Mrs Eunice H, hair dresser, res 243 Mountain av Densmore Joseph M, machinist, res 860 Ashland Densmore Mary B (wid John D), bds 860 Ashland Densmore Oliver R, machinist, res 243 Mountain av Depeatt Antoinette (wid Edward), res 143 Hargadine DEPOT DRUG STORE, F B Mix PhG, Propr, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Stationery and Confectionery cor 4th and B, Tel Bell 44, Home 10-K Depot Hotel, Julius P Wolf propr, SP Depot Detweiler Lizzie, missionary, res 279 Palm av De Wees Louis, asst City Sexton, res 549 Allison Dewey Garrington G, solicitor, res 160 N Main Dews Oliver B (Good & Dews), res 773 Boulevard Dews Oliver H, student, bds 773 Boulevard Dibell Lina, rms 99 Granite DICKERSON WM O, Paints, Wall Paper and Glass 83-85 N Main, Tel 172, res 122 Helman, Tel 494-R (See Right Side Lines) Dickey Alphonso, sawyer, res 126 Mechanic Dickey Floyd F, janitor, bds 126 Mechanic Dickey Frank R, conductor SP Co, res 489 Allison Dickey Nellie E, stenographer F M Calkins, bds 126 Mechanic Dickson John M, carpenter, res 288 Morton Dilhan Joseph, res 286 B DILHAN MADAME J, Millinery, Art Embroidery, Hair Goods and Ladies' Furnishings 201 E Main, Tel 170, res 286 B, Tel Main 357-J Divet Florence, bds 70 Nutley Divet James C, farmer, res 70 Nutley Doan Fred, car repairer SP Co Dodge Emeline A (wid Daniel), bds 451 N Main: Dodge Frank F, farmer, res 451 N Main Dodge Fred L, conductor SP Co, bds 607 Boulevard Dodge Ira C, bds 607 Boulevard Dodge John P (J P Dodge & Sons), res 590 Boulevard Dodge J P & Sons (John P, Louis and Will M), furniture 123 E Main Dodge Louis (J P Dodge & Sons), res 106 Morton Dodge Will M (J P Dodge & Sons), res 532 Allison Dodge W Harry, painter, bds 451 N Main Dodson George W, sec Ashland Iron Works, res 431 N Main Dora Matt, fruit grower, res Ashland Mine rd Doran James H, orchardist, res 698 Ashland av Doran. Thomas F, orchardist, res 650 Ashland av Dougherty Edna, musician Ashland Opera House, bds 111 Bush Dougherty Frank H, clerk T H Simpson, bds 111 Bush Dougherty Myrtle, bds 111 Bush Dougherty W Jesse, clerk Nims & Saunders, res 111 Bush Douglas A Earl, student, bds 247 Oak Douglas Olin E, student, bds 247 Oak Douglas Rev Stephen A, pastor First Baptist Church, res 247 Oak Dozier Hazel C, bds 196 Nutley Dozier Richard A, farmer, res 196 Nutley Drake Elbride F, foundry hlpr Ashland Iron Works, bds 882 B Drake Roy R, bds 1027 B Drake Simeon S, baker E E Miller, bds 882 B Drake Warren W, tanner, res 882 B Drew Ethel, student, bds 115 Fork Drew Robert H, painter, res 115 Fork Duffield L, brakeman SP Co Dunbar Guy T, engineer SP Co, res 63 Gresham Dunham Bessie, teacher East Side School Dunlap Clinton H, ice cream maker Ashland Creamery, bds 107 6th Dunlap Elizabeth (wid S Harvey), res 107 6th Dunlap Frank, laborer, bds 107 6th Dunlap Minnie, clerk Madame J Dilhan, bds 107 6th Dunlap Rev Robert E, genl supt Klamath District Methodist Episcopal Church, res 196 Elizabeth Dunlap Robert W, miner, res 159 Nob Hill Dunn Ada E, clerk C H Vaupel, bds 102 Granite Dunn Laura, nurse Granite City Hospital Du Peau Wallace S, carpenter, res 64 Dewey Durkee Mrs Emma J, res 64 3rd Duty Fred, carpenter, bds 1375 Iowa Duty Martha E (wid Abijah), res 1375 Iowa Duty Maude, bds 1375 Iowa Dyer Arvel F, bds 77 Pine Dyer Elizabeth H (wid H Milton), res 77 Pine Dyer L Hubert, bds 77 Pine E
Eagon Levi M, laborer, res 233 GraniteEarl Mrs Emma, waiter Hotel Ashland East Grover, laborer, bds 939 B East Hugh, gardener, bds 939 B East J Luther, farmer, res 939 B East Side Inn, Mrs F O Lennart propr, 280 2nd East Side School, George W Milam prin, Boulevard ne cor Sherman Easterling John M, fruit grower, res 400 Beach Easterling Ollie S, bds 400 Beach Easterling Pearl, bds 400 Beach Easterly Henry, fruit grower, res 527 Terrace Eastern Supply Co, M N Wood mngr, harness makers 104 N Main Eastman Herbert G, clerk Post Office, res 71 Scenic dr Eastman Wesley S, fireman SP Co, res 155 6th Eaton James, res 460 B Eaton Mrs Violet, dressmaker R A Minkler, res 460 B Eaton Willard S, fireman SP Co, res 586 A Eccleston Fred A, carpenter, res 253 3rd Eccleston Jennie (wid Gideon), bds 253 3rd Edgington Moore C, real estate 73 Oak, res 43 Church Edlund Gust, engineer SP Co Edmunds Carey, bds 924 E Main Edmunds John, bds 924. E Main Edmunds Wm H, res 924 E Main Edwards Arthur C, farmer, bds 815 Oak Edwards F E, telegraph operator SP Co Edwards Richard J, res 72 Laurel Edwards Samuel G, res 815 Oak Eggers A Clifford (wid Grant.U), res 74 Granite Eggleston Augusta L (wid Millard F), res 123 Church Eherenman Perry, rancher, res 45 California Elhart Homer H, pharmacist W M Poley, bds 108 Nursery Eliason Bertha M, teacher, bds 217 N Main Eliason Charles A, farmer, res 217 N Main Eliason Larz A, driver D C Eliason, bds 217 N Main Eliason Ross C, wood dealer, bds 217 N Main Elks Temple, ns E Main bet 1st and 2nd Elliott Charles J, barber 23 E Main, res 80 Granite Elliott Jane A, rms 134 Church Elliott Ruby, student, bds 80 Granite Ellis Jennie (wid Harmon), res 626 B Ellis Joseph D, barber 139 E Main, res 327 Morton Ellis Mrs Pauline, bkpr Oregon Gas & Electric Co, bds 327 Morton Ellis Wm N, engineer SP Co, res 4 Beach av Embree Elmer G, tinner, res 212 Mechanic Emery Harry C, asst cashr US Natl Bank of Ashland, res 195 Helman Emery Hazel H, clerk Mark Baker, bds 110 Mechanic Emery Henry S, pattern maker, res 110 Mechanic Emery Melvin S (Hughes.& Emery), res 114 Mechanic Emery Nina B, clerk C H Vaupel, bds 110 Mechanic Endelman Julio, dentist 4 Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, rms 137 Oak Enders Block, 264 E Main Enders Henry G, clothing 266 E Main, rms 280 2nd England Llewellyn E, sporting goods 45 N Main, res 128 Factory Engle Mrs Angie L, bds 534 Boulevard Engle Fred S, asst cashr First Natl Bank of Ashland, res 534 Boulevard Engle Gertrude E, prin West Side School, bds 534 Boulevard English Charles E, teacher, res 1131 Oak English Charles S, fruit grower, res 435 Terrace Enlow Cornelius A, res 266 5th Erb Laura A (wid W W), res 696 Boulevard Erickson Arthur, miner, bds 555 Fairview Erickson Nels, miner, res 555 Fairview Estell Mrs Grace, res 468 Helman Estes Edward A, real estate, res 248 Wimer Estes Mary M (wid Judson O), bds E E Newlon Eubanks George G, cashr Granite City Savings Bank, res 291 Wimer Eubanks Madge, bds 291 Wimer Evans Ella, bds S J Evans Evans Ellis H, miner, bds 526 E Main Evans Hiram S, rms 115 Fork Evans M Julia (wid Charles), furnished rooms 526 E Main Evans Samuel J, rancher, res Clay 2 s Boulevard Evans Weiser, bds 309 Harrison Evans Wm H, res 309 Harrison Evenson Even C, saw filer, res 90 7th Everton Walter, engineer SP Co, res 585 Allison F
Fager Rev Charles D, asst pastor Church of the Brethren, res 220
GarfieldFager Mary (wid Samuel), bds 220 Garfield Fairmont Orchards, J B Ware propr, 645 Liberty Farley Clarence, bds 95 Dewey Farlow Edward J, res 131 Church Farlow Elbert J, student, bds 131 Church Farmer Alta M, bds 94 3rd Farmer Bessie M, solicitor, bds 174 N Main Farmer Charles H, res 94 3rd Farnham Clarence, gardener, res 349 N Main Farnham Florence I, stenographer, bds 651 Walnut Farnham Romain, fruit grower, res 651 Walnut Farrar Audrey W, clerk, bds 311 Wimer Farrar Charles W, res 715 Pennsylvania av Farrar J Henry, teamster, res 311 Wimer Farrar Wm A, bds 715 Pennsylvania av Faucett Jennie (wid John H), res 147 Church Faulk C E, car repairer SP Co Favel Ben, harnessmaker Eastern Supply Co, bds 144 Garfield FAWCETT ARTHUR J, Physician and Surgeon 2nd Floor Payne Bldg, Tel 28, res 303 N Main, Tel 367-R Fay Helen E, operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co, bds 88 Wimer Fay Jennie (wid R Melville), res 88 Wimer Feeley John M, rancher, rms 199 Meade Ferguson Bros, L F Ferguson mngr, dry goods 52 E Main Ferguson James C, inspector SP Co, res 184 B Ferguson Ross J, propr Plaza Rooming House, res 27 E Main Ferguson L F, mngr Ferguson Bros, res 376 E Main Ferren Jesse A, fireman SP Co, res 119 7th Fewel James M, teamster, res 264 Mechanic Finley Alice, bds 361 Woolen Finley Ezra, res 361 Woolen Finnell John W, res Ashland Mine rd Finneran Andrew, section foreman SP Co, res 8th cor A First Baptist Church, 1st se cor Hargadine First Brethren Church of Ashland, Rev Howell Isaac pastor, E Main ne cor 5th First Church of Christ Scientist, Mrs Clara Shoudy 1st reader, GAR Hall First Congregational Church, Rev W A Schwimley pastor, E Main cor Boulevard First M E Church, Rev Lester C Poor pastor, N Main sw cor Laurel First National Bank Building, E Main sw cor 1st av FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASHLAND, Andrew McCallen (Berkeley Calif) Pres, Charles H Vaupel Vice-Pres, Lloyd L Mulit Cashier, Fred S Engle Asst Cashier, E Main sw cor 1st Av, Tel 102 First Presbyterian Church, Rev Harry T Chisholm pastor, Main cor Helman Fischer James A, porter Depot Hotel, res 637 B Fisher George, baker E E Miller, rms Columbia Hotel Fitch Frank H, rancher, res 2½ m ne city Flackus Edward, clerk Ashland-Klamath Exchange, bds 872 B Flackus Wm, mngr Ashland-Klamath Exchange, res 872 B Fleet Mortimer, rancher, res 12 Beach av Flesher Ida B, cashier J Sission, rms 120 4th Folk C Edward, car repairer SP Co, res 520 Auburn Forbes Charles W, architect Garfield 1 n Boulevard, res same Fordney Katie E (wid Wm W), clerk Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, res 296 E Main Fordney Martha E, bookkeeper, bds 296 E Main Fordney Pat, bds 296 E Main Forgie Edward, laborer SP Co, bds 108 5th Foster Wm D, clerk H G Enders, res 104 3rd Fourth Street News Co, E Allen Hildreth Jr propr, cigars 253 4th Fowler Eugene, teamster, bds Price Fowler Fowler Price, teamster, res 214 Lincoln Fox David F, res 244 Hargadine Fox Hamilton H, rancher, bds 131 Emerick av Fox Martha A (wid Elisha), res 131 Emerick av Fox Melvina M, teacher, bds 131 Emerick av Fox Otto, student, bds 131 Emerick av Fox Sarah R, res 96 Laurel Fraley Charles W, Street Commissioner, res 311 Mountain av Fraley Earl J, student, bds 311 Mountain av Fraley Floyd C, teacher, bds 311 Mountain av Fraley Milton J, student, bds 311 Mountain av Fraser Hugh A, patrolman Ashland Electric Power & Light Co, bds 107 4th Free Methodist Church, Rev M F Childs pastor, E Main nw cor 7th Freeberg Irma, bds 19 Granite Freeberg Wm A, optician, res 19 Granite Freeman Andrew L, carpenter, res 261 Oberlin Freeman A Bert, clerk, bds 261 Oberlin Freeman Charles W, student, bds 261 Oberlin Freeman E Vivian, bds 261 Oberlin French Caroline (wid Garrett B), res 415 Granite French Robert S, laborer, bds 415 Granite Frizell Charles F, bds 243 Maple Frizell Susan F (wid Charles F), fruit grower, res 243 Maple Frohbach Hugo O, fruit processor, res 216 Weightman Frulan Clara (wid John), bds 661 B Frulan Walter H, conductor SP Co, res 661 B Fuller Calvin, fruit grower, res ss Wimer nr limits Fuller Perry B, tailor 35 E Main, res 126 Bush Furrey W Arthur, brakeman SP Co, res 186 Sherman G
Galbraith George, orchardist, bds 152 ShermanGalbraith James, laborer, res 152 Sherman Gall Christopher C, bds 259 High Gallivan Cornelius J, cigar maker E R Greive Jr, res 192 Granite Ganiard Block, Main ne cor 1st av Ganiard Cora, student, bds 116 High Ganiard Oscar F, painter, bds Mrs S M Ganiard Ganiard Sarah (wid Judson), maid 116 High Ganiard Sarah M (wid Silas B), res Ashland Mine rd Ganiere Charles, res 148 Wimer Ganiere George H, foreman Ashland Creamery, res 125 Nob Hill Gard Ezra C, pres Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, res 925 Boulevard Gard Mrs Ida M, sec-treas Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, res 925 Boulevard Garland Daniel, bds 90 8th Garrett Bess, pharmacist, bds 124 Manzanita Garrett Fred R, student, bds 124 Manzanita Garrett Grace, teacher West Side School, bds 124 Manzanita Garrett Peter C, brakeman SP Co, res 765 Boulevard Garrett Robert M, res 124 Manzanita Gash Annie (wid J Wm), res 283 High Gash George W, bds 283 High Gault James L, machinist E E Phipps, res 294 Oak Gearhart Armor R, fireman SP Co, res Walker nr Boulevard Gearhart Elsie, maid Granite City Hospital Gearing John C, farmer, res 743 N Main Gerhart R E, call boy SP Co. Geer Clayton D, fireman SP Co, bds Depot Hotel Gerth Mary F (wid Emmett), bds 440 Helman Gibson Ernest M, fruit grower, bds 145 Woolen Gibson James D, fruit grower, res 575 Liberty Gibson John R, res 145 Woolen Gibson Kitty V, clerk Roberts & Sheppard, bds 145 Woolen Giddings Ellen E (wid Absalom F), res 107 N Main Gienger Albert C, farmer, res 2 m w limits Gilbert Nellie O, bds 93 Granite Gilbertson G A, landscape gardener, rms Peil bldg Gilchrist Martha, teacher High School, bds 631 Boulevard Gill Joseph C, fruit grower, res Walker av nr Boulevard Gillette Charles H, pres Ashland Fruit & Produce Co, real estate 29 E Main, res 79 High Gillette George V, conductor SP Co, res 123 High Gillette Hugh H, night yardmaster SP Co, res 268 B GILLIS WM H, City Editor Ashland Tidings, res 112 Nob Hill Gilmore Henry G, musician, res 283 Woolen Glenn Daniel L, carpenter, res 2 Glenn av Glover Maye O, student, bds 212 Mechanic Goble Horace, farmer, res Walker av nr Boulevard Goetze Albert C, laborer, res 295 Palm av Goff Wayne, res 143 Garfield Good David D (Good & Dews), res 175 Meade Good D Guy (Good & Danford), bds 175 Meade Good Pearl, nurse Granite City Hospital, bds 175 Meade GOOD & DANFORD (D Guy Good, Beecher Danford), Electrical Contractors, Wiring, Bell Work and Electrical Supplies 29 E Main, Tel Main 118, Home 11-K Good & Dews (David D Good, Oliver B Dews), proprs City Truck & Storage Co 25 E Main Goodlett Oda C, car repairer SP Co, bds 115 Church Goodman R C, clerk SP Co, res 107 4th Goodyear Jennie (wid Robert), res 134 Church Goodyear Robert L, bds 134 Church Gorason Helen, bds 329 Beach Gould Edward H, res 259 Laurel Gow Thomas J, teamster, res Taylor nr Ashland Gowdy Wellington H, treas The Western Bonding and Investment Co, res 156 Union Gowland James E (McWilliams & Gowland), bds 323 Granite Graham Alexander D, traveling salesman, res 137 Almond Grainger Francis M, res 298 Hargadine Grainger Gawn M, carpenter, res 35 Granite Grainger Marian, bkpr US Natl Bank of Ashland, bds 298 Hargadine GAR Building, Chautauqua Grove Grand Union Tea Co, Curtis M Bovee agent, 315 Granite GRANITE CITY HOSPITAL, Ostrom & Nelson Proprs, Boulevard nr Palm Av, Tel 133 (See Front Cover and p 11) GRANITE CITY HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES, Clara C Ostrom and Freda C Nelson Principals, Boulevard nr Palm Av, Tel 133 (See Front Cover and p 11) GRANITE CITY SAVINGS BANK, Gwin S Butler Pres, Otto Winter Vice-Pres, George G Eubanks Cashier, E Main nw cor Oak Grant Mrs Sina, res 103 Laurel Graves Gerrod E, res 913 Boulevard Gray Charles A, farmer, res 1372 Iowa Gray Charles E, farmer, res Tolman av 2 m e limits Gray Ralph D, bds 155 8th Greaser Frank A, carpenter, bds G W Pellett Greenfield Wm, clerk Post Office, rms Hotel Ashland Greenman E Frank, carpet weaver, res 1304 Quincy Greenwood John L, res 416 Liberty GREER BERT R, Editor and Owner Ashland Tidings, res 125 Oak, Tel 332-J Greer Lillian, bds 125 Oak Greer Theodore J, miner, res 460 Laurel Greer Vivian, bds 125 Oak GREGG GRANT W, Physician and Surgeon 1-2 Citizens Banking & Trust Co Bldg, Tel 69, res 93 Bush, Tel 230-R Gregg Miriam, student, bds 93 Bush Gregory J W Osgood, res 113 1st av Gregory Rooming House, Mrs Ella M Smith propr, 265 4th Greive E R Jr, cigars 15 E Main, rms 137 Oak Greive Frank E, brakeman SP Co, res 59 Union Griffin Joseph M, miner, res 155 5th Griffith Albert J, student, bds 601 Walnut Griffith James, painter, rms 767 Oak Grisez Frank A, County Surveyor 6 Mills bldg, res 207 Vista Grisez Peter N, res 114 3rd Grubb Amy, compositor Ashland Tidings, bds 762 A Grubb Charles, farmer, res Main st rd nr limits Grubb Eunice, student, bds 762 A Grubb John L, res 762 A Grubb Katie, bds 762 A Grubb Millard W, laborer Ashland Ice & Storage Co, bds 762 A Grubb Wayne N, res 748 Boulevard Grubb Wm C, engineer Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res Boulevard nw cor Avery Guiley Dale, engineer, bds 112 Nutley Guiley Glen, bds 112 Nutley Guiley John W, stockman, res 112 Nutley Gumaer Harvey B, bds 1023 E Main Gumaer Mrs Myrta A, res 1023 E Main Gunter Schuyler C, fruit grower, res 715 N Main H
Hadfield May F, student, bds 151 CoolidgeHadfield Ralph R, clerk T H Simpson, bds 151 Coolidge Hadfield Thomas E, miner, res 151 Coolidge Hadfield Thomas E Jr, carrier PO, bds 151 Coolidge HADLEY MRS E G, Propr Columbia Hotel, res 264 E Main, Tel 77 Hadley Winifred, bds Columbia Hotel Hager Margaret, nurse Granite City Hospital Haight Berna, bds 525 E Main Haight Charles, res 525 E Main Haight J Harrison, electrician, bds 525 E Main Haight Vella, bookkeeper, bds 525 E Main Haines George N, student, bds 355 Almond Haines Jay J, laborer Oregon Gas & Electric Co, bds 355 Almond Haines Nellie M (wid James M; Haines & O'Donoghue), res 355 Almond Haines & O'Donoghue (Mrs Nellie M Haines, Mrs Margaret E O'Donoghue), laundry 355 Almond Hake G Wesley, police, res 419 Willow Hake Stanley, driver Ashland Genl Delivery Co, bds 419 Willow Hale Clarence, fireman, bds 423 Mountain av Hale Delia A (wid John P), bds 60 5th Hale Mrs Lina M, res 225 B Hale Percy M, bds 225 B Hale Robert E, fireman SP Co Hale Roy S, engineer SP Co, res 60 5th Hale Walter G, janitor High School, res 423 Mountain av Halfhill Harry N, student, bds J P Halfhill Halfhill John P, gardener, res s end Alta av Halfhill Ruth E, student, bds J P Halfhill Hall Alexander H, waiter J Sission, res 137 7th Hall Caroline A (wid Avon E), bds 103 Laurel Hall Erastus K, res 564 Liberty Halley N Maud, clerk Ashland Trading Co, bds 94 3rd Halley Susan (wid Frances), res 94 3rd Hamilton W S, car repairer SP Co Hamlin Frances S, cashier Ashland Opera House, bds 123 Church Hammond Henry, laborer, rms 767 Oak Hanscom Lizzie C (wid David J), rms 71 Gresham Hansen Harriet M (wid Andrew J), res 855 B Hardy Mrs Mattie A, res Hotel Ashland HARDY NICHOLAS D, Propr Hotel Ashland, res same Hardy Walter S, lineman Pac Tel & Tel Co, res 148 Laurel Hardy Wm, res 581 E Main Hargadine Cemetery, hd Sheridan Hargadine Charles H, res 144 2nd Hargadine George, res 124 Alida Hargrove Anna E, millinery 47 N Main, bds 185 1st av Hargrove Ellen (wid Reuben), res 185 1st av Harmon George W, driver Hotel Oregon, bds same Harmon Ray B, bds 1132 Oak Harner Elsie B, bds 303 Oak Harner Joseph L, clerk Mackie & Nininger, res 303 Oak Harper Annie L, bds 166 N Main Harrell Mrs Ella, res 266 6th Harrell John B, farmer, res 1177 Iowa Harrell John B Jr, bds 266 6th Harrell Ramona E, bds 266 6th Harrington Charles, cook E E Miller Harrington Lizzie M (wid George S), res 95 Dewey Harrington Speed, fireman SP Co, bds 95 Dewey Harris Carl H, switchman SP Co, res 662 B Harris Charles C, res 156 6th Harris Harvey, farmer, res 180 Elizabeth Harrison Harry S, operator Ashland Opera House, bds 123 Oberlin Harrison Helena A (wid Henry), res 123 Oberlin Harrison Newsom H, propr Ashland Opera House, bds 123 Oberlin Hart Julius, res 550 Allison Hart J C, car repairer SP Co Hartley Ada, dressmaker, bds 116 Nob Hill Hartley Elizabeth A (wid Joel), res 116 Nob Hill Hartley James E, lab Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res 710 Pennsylvania Hartley Luetta, student, bds 710 Pennsylvania av Hartley Roy, laborer, bds 710 Pennsylvania av Harvey Mrs A Little, res 237 B Harvey John A, sec-cashr Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 114 Oak Hash Henderson, gardener, res 937 Oak Hash Walter, teamster, res 124 Ohio Hatch Bethuel H, popcorn vendor 25 Plaza, res 217 Granite Hatcher Clarence R, tailor P B Fuller, bds 215 Gresham Hatcher John W, carpenter, res 215 Gresham Hathaway Emma S (wid Francis M), bds 156 Manzanita Hathaway Jessie M, nurse, bds 156 Manzanita Hawley Maude, society editor Ashland Tidings, bds Walker av nr e limits Haynes Henry P, gardener, res 419 Laurel Haynes James R G, farmer, res 477 Laurel Hays Augustus H, res 487 Woolen Hays Estella M, bds 487 Woolen Hays M Winn, student, bds 487 Woolen Heberlie Frank, foreman Star Steam Laundry Inc, rms 174 Oak Hedberg Gustaf H, lineman SP Co, res 90 2nd Hedges R M, farmer, res Boulevard nr limits Hedgpeth Louis K, cement worker, res Iowa sw cor Avery Hedgpeth Virgil B, cashr SP Co, res 787 Blain Hellawell G A, brakeman SP Co, rms 366 B Hellawell L A, brakeman SP Co, rms 366 B Helman Almeda, milliner Mrs Hannah Simons, bds J K Helman Helman A Lincoln, asst Helman Baths, res Otis nw cor Laurel Helman Baths, Otis O Helman propr, Otis nw cor Laurel Helman John K, teamster, res Willow nw cor Oberlin Helman Otis O, propr Helman Baths, res Otis nw cor Laure! Helman Susan A (wid Abel D), res 423 Helman Helms Mrs Myrtle, res 586 C Hemphill Nelson E, fruit grower, res 517 Boulevard Hendrix Frank M, laborer, res 176 Skidmore Hendrix James A, driver Ashland Transfer & Storage Co, res 265 3rd Heninger Clarence, bds 744 Iowa Heninger John C, res 744 Iowa Heninger John C Jr, laborer, bds 744 Iowa Heninger Owen, carpenter, bds 744 Iowa Heninger Thornton, laborer, bds 744 Iowa Heninger Wm P, carpenter, bds 744 Iowa Hensley Anna E (wid R C), dressmaker, res 133 Hargadine Hepburn John O, gardener, res 104 Garfield Herbert Augustus W, res 1001 N Main Herbert Violet P, bds 1001 N Main Herndon Mrs Agnes, res 262 Hargadine Herndon Goldwin, musician Star Theatre, bds 262 Hargadine Herndon Josephine, student, res 262 Hargadine Herndon Walter, clerk Nims & Saunders, bds 262 Hargadine Herrick James S, res 338 Montana Herrick Lewis W, jeweler, res 630 Boulevard Herrin John S, res 343 N Main Hersey George H, res 384 Helman Hersey James H, res 448 Helman Hesseltine Rudolph: U, carpenter, res 63 California Hevener Wm, res 685 Boulevard Hibbs Marvin, laborer, bds 115 Church Hibbs Wm M, bricklayer, res 115 Church Hicks Blanche E, librarian Ashland Library Assn, bds 788 Pennsylvania av Hicks Clifford C, bds 788 Pennsylvania av Hicks Gertrude L, cashier Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds 551 N Main Hicks Howard M, lineman, bds 551 N Main Hicks John M, res 788 Pennsylvania av Hicks John W, res 28 Garfield Hicks J Ernest, plumber T H Simpson, res 551 N Main Hicks Mildred E, teacher, bds 125 Emerick av Hicks Raymond M, teamster, res 125 Emerick av Hicks Viola (wid Manfred L), bds 125 Emerick av Hicks Wright, bds 551 N Main Higgins Columbus F, res 162 Alida Higgins Mrs Emily, res 162 Alida High Govan, res 281 Oak High School, Felix E Moore prin, Iowa bet Emerick av and Mountain av Hildreth E Allen Jr, propr Fourth Street News Co, res 107 4th Hill Mrs Elizabeth (wid Edward), res 91 Gresham Hill G N, switchman SP Co Hill Thomas W, real estate 60 Alida, res same Hills Thomas, lather, bds Hotel Ashland Hilty Carl E, bds 73 Union Hilty Lillian M, musician, bds 73 Union Hilty Louis, conductor SP Co, res 73 Union Hintze Wm (Ashland Furniture Co), res 63 Nutley Hips James, res 626 B Hoag John D, carpenter, res 595 Roca Hodgkiss Edwin G, car inspector SP Co, res 826 B Hodgson Albert W, rancher, res Boulevard sw cor Kansas av Hodgson Gerald, student, bds A W Hodgson Hodgson Marion E, student, bds 67 Scenic dr Hodgson Wm D, real estate, res 67 Scenic dr Hogue Archibald H, laborer, bds 391 Beach Hogue Ernest W, fruit grower, res Guthrie nr Montana Hogue Eugene E, blacksmith, bds 391 Beach Hogue Grace, solicitor, bds 391 Beach Hogue Patterson N, res 391 Beach Holcomb J P, fruit grower, res 495 Beach HOLMES BROS (Hosea P and Wilber B), Grocers 97 N Main (See Left Side Lines) Holmes Corydon W, bds 77 Manzanita Holmes E M, engineer SP Co HOLMES HOSEA P (Holmes Bros), res 77 Manzanita, Tel 343-J Holmes Mamie C, student, bds 77 Manzanita HOLMES WILBER B (Holmes Bros), res 117 High, Tel 295-R Holmes Wm C, clerk Holmes Bros, bds 77 Manzanita Holt Ada F (wid E Adams), bds 129 Laurel Holt Mrs Gertrude, rms 369 Hargadine Home Laundry (James N Nisbet, Benjamin L Mead), 158 4th Home Telephone & Telegraph Co of Southern Oregon, Beaver bldg Hood Charles L, laborer, res 176 Mechanic Hoots Carl, fireman SP Co Hoots Oscar, cook Curtis Roberts, res 248 7th Hoover John M, res 400 Liberty Hopkins Jessie, res 249 4th Hosler Earl R, clerk H H Hosler, res 334 Almond Hosler Harry H,.cigar mnfr 25 E Main, res 70 Bush Hosler W Henry, janitor North School, res 330 Almond Hosley Charles H, res 171 B HOTEL ASHLAND, N D Hardy Propr, 50 N Main (See p 3) Hotel Oregon, W E Conner propr, E Main ne cor Oak HOTEL PARK, James B Carlile Propr, 35 1st Av, Tel 163 (See adv) Hover George A, res 401 Beach Howard James W, laborer, res 480 Mountain av Howard Oliver G, res 502 Fairview Howard Wesley S, fruit grower, res 1064 Ashland Howell Emerson W, bds 140 Factory Howell Kate P (wid Morris S), res 140 Factory Hoxie Mrs Estie, bds J S Miller Hubbard Arthur S, game warden, res 343 Granite Hubbard Bela C, carpenter, res es Laurel se cor Orange av Hubbard Carrie, student, bds B C Hubbard Hubbard Morris C, carpenter, res 143 Gresham Hubbard Ralph, carpenter, bds B C Hubbard Hubsch A James, fireman Home Laundry, res 626 B Hudson Thomas W, carpenter, res 338 Woolen Hughes Edwin P, real estate 135 E Main, res 872 Boulevard Hughes Ernest C, clerk H G Enders, res 107 2nd Hughes James M (Hughes & Emery), res 343 B Hughes Martha F (wid Charles), res 347 Beach Hughes Robert L, civil engineer, bds 347 Beach Hughes & Emery (James M Hughes, Melvin S Emery), painters 38 E Main Hummer David W, bds 221 Oak Humphrey Louisa D (wid Charles H), res 463 B Hunt Edward B, fruit grower, res 700 Beach Hunter Edgar A, engineer SP Co, res 117 Union Hunter Kenneth, bds 117 Union Hunter Mrs Minnie, cook Hotel Park, rms same Hunter Voly A, operator Postal Tel-Cable Co, res 464 Iowa Huntley Harold R, student, bds 277 Almond HUNTLEY JOHN, Timber Lands, res 277 Almond, Tel Pacific 218-J Huntley Lee H, civil engineer, bds 277 Almond Huntley Marian E, bds 277 Almond Hurley Ethelyn, teacher West Side School, bds 123 Church Hurn John H, res 120 7th Hurst Otho E, carpenter, res 437 Beach HURT JOSEPH G, City Recorder City Hall, res 361 Mountain Av Hygienol Chemical Co The Inc, F G Swedenburg pres, A W Boslough vice-pres, J Endelman sec-treas, F A Kormann chief chemist, 299 E Main I
IOOF Hall, 51 N MainInlow C Valentine, res 78 Mountain av Inlow George A, driver Ashland Transfer & Storage Co, res rear 202 Granite Inman Clyde C, bds 500 Ashland Irish Lyda B (wid Charles), dressmaker, res 34 1st av Irvine G F, fireman SP Co Irwin Adam L, Constable, res 156 N Main Irwin George, vice-pres Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn, res 408 Laurel Irwin G Lowery, bds 408 Laurel Isaac Rev Howell, pastor First Brethren Church of Ashland, res 90 5th Ivy David, car builder SP Co J
Jack Emma L (wid Albert D), res 125 AlmondJacker Maximilian, farmer, res 375 Otis JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO, George H Yeo Vice-Pres-Mngr, 70 N Main, Tel Main 206-R (See Right Top Lines and Classified Abstracts) Jacobs Guy C, clerk, res 228 B Jacobs May (wid Abraham S), bds 196 Factory James B Frank, bds 536 Ashland av James Mary J (wid Thomas J), bds 431 N Main James Thomas E, res 200 Gresham James W Henry, fruit grower, res 536 Ashland av Jay Ezra, res 48 Oberlin Jelen Louis S, baker 233 4th, res 296 Maple Jennings Eldon D, hostler SP Co, res 1116 Iowa Jeter W E, conductor SP Co Johnson Adelia, nurse Granite City Hospital Johnson Albert, fruit grower, res 601 Walnut Johnson Alida, bookkeeper Ashland Iron Works, bds Phoenix Johnson Claire M, student, bds 150 N Main Johnson Effie, bds 476 N Main Johnson Etta V, teacher, bds 476 N Main Johnson Frederick H, dentist Beaver bldg, res 94 Bush Johnson Herbert K, bds 160 California Johnson Ira, carpenter, res 724 N Main Johnson Ira G, teamster, res 655 Roca Johnson James A, farmer, res 160 California Johnson Julian P, physician Cunningham blk, res 67 Helman Johnson Leslie G, laborer SP Co, res 215 Nutley Johnson Lula, dressmaker, bds 476 N Main Johnson Luther, newsdealer, res 565 Allison Johnson Mary (wid Andrew), res 216 Meade Johnson Mathew L, gardener, res 428 Granite Johnson Myrtle E (wid Clarence H), bds 311 N Main Johnson Otis H, jeweler 145 E Main, res 150 N Main Johnson Pearl M, clerk C L Loomis, bds 150 N Main Johnson Reuben E, clerk A H Pracht, bds Granite City Hospital Johnson Wm E, bds 160 California Johnson Wm L, teamster, res 476 N Main Jones Alice C, student, bds 79 Pine Jones Beulah G, teacher, bds 79 Pine Jones Carrie, bds 63 Alida Jones Charles R D, engineer SP Co, res 203 Mountain av Jones Delbert E, bds 72 Mountain av Jones Egna V, machinist, res 363 Helman Jones Forest W, bds 72 Mountain av Jones George W, res 562 Fairview Jones Hesting, bds 562 Fairview Jones H D, organizer Fraternal Brotherhood, res 369 Hargadine Jones Jennie G (wid Wm), res 72 Mountain av Jones Mrs Kate W, dressmaker, res 79 Pine Jones Mrs May, bds 237 B Jones Robert M, printer Ashland Tidings, res 79 Pine Jones Roy F, clerk SP Co, bds 357 Vista Joorfetz Emma, clerk McGee's, bds 478 Boulevard Jordan Aldo E (Jordan Bros), bds 1098 Iowa JORDAN BROS (Aldo E and J S), Supplies, Gas and Electric Fixtures, Motors, Dynamos, Construction and Inside Wiring Contracts Taken, 207 E Main, Tel Main 80, Home 4-L Jordan Fred E, bookkeeper Ashland Creamery, res 520 Terrace Jordan J Samuel (Jordan Bros), bds 1098 Iowa Jordan Peter C, electrician Jordan Bros, res 1098 Iowa Joy Albert C, fruit grower, res Boulevard nr Walker av K
Kaiser Charles, laborer, rms 266 5thKaiser Edward J, res 172 Alida Kaiser Emily A, bds 172 Alida Kaiser Lillian M, teacher, bds 172 Alida Kaiser Mary A (wid George), bds 172 Alida Kaiser M Armeda, teacher, bds 172 Alida Keller Amos C, conductor SP Co, res 582 Allison Keller F E, machinist SP Co, bds 586 E Main Kennard Charlotte, teacher High School, bds G W Kennard Kennard George W, farmer, res ½ m e end E Main Kennedy John H, fruit grower, res 588 Beach Kentnor Sarah A (wid Wm W), res 188 Factory Kenyon Elmer E, carpenter, res Indiana nr Boulevard Kenyon Pearl, mangler Star Steam Laundry, bds E E Kenyon Kerr Joseph, plumber, res 1319 Quincy Ketchum Emeline (wid J Harvey), bds 277 Almond King Charles, student, bds 288 Morton King Cora, ironer Home Laundry, bds 249 4th King Elizabeth V, cashier Royal Bakery, rms 43 Church King George W, fruit grower, res 180 Nutley King Marcellus H, fruit grower, res Ashland Mine rd King Mrs Nettie, waiter Depot Hotel King Mrs Otis, res 249 4th Kingsbury Cornelia L (wid Charles B), res 159 Laurel Kinney Albert E (Beebe & Kinney), res 55 Granite Kinney Clarence E, painter, res 288 Maple Kirby Mrs Adelade, sec-treas Star Steam Lndy Inc, res 118 Helman Kirby Brazier H, pres Star Steam Laundry Inc, res 118 Helman Kirkpatrick James, farmer, res Ashland nr Roca Kirshbaum Henry C, res 129 Almond Kirshbaum Mary, bds 129 Almond Klaus Edward, car repairer SP Co Kleinhammer Frances, bds 287 Morton Kleinhammer Frances (wid Claus), res 287 Morton Klum Charles W, brakeman SP Co, bds 835 Boulevard Klum C Waldo, conductor SP Co, res 823 Boulevard Klum Lucinda (wid Charles K), res 773 Boulevard Klum Otto, solicitor P B Fuller, rms 773 Boulevard Koehler John F, fruit grower, res 447 Woolen Koehler Samuel, student, bds 447 Woolen Kofeldt Henry, sec Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn, res 242 Granite Kohagen John A, notions 279 E Main, rms 526 same Koon Bessie, nurse Granite City Hospital Kormann Fred A, chemist The Hygienol Chemical Co, res 112 B Kramer George N, general agent SP Co, res 332 Hargadine Kress James, fruit grower, res 508 Liberty Kruemling Theodore, res 428 Palm av Kruger Conrad (Royal Bakery), res Park Hotel Kuder Kate (wid Louis M), res 517 Iowa Kurtz Mrs Lillian, housekeeper Hotel Oregon, res same Kurtz Otto, cook Hotel Oregon, res same L
La Certe Everyl, clerk McGee's, bds 107 ForkLafferty Townsel C, fireman SP Co, res 1123 C Lager Louis, rms 73 Granite Lamb Abraham L, miner, res 343 Mountain av Lambert Paul, tailor, res 25 Gresham Lamkin Charles B, real estate 337 E Main, res 11 Beach av Lamkin Herman R, bds 11 Beach av Lane Clarence E, confectionery 23 Plaza, res 148 Laurel Lane Mrs C E, art goods 47 N Main, res 148 Laurel Lane F J, brakeman SP Co Lane P L, res 1177 Iowa Larder West, res 323 Laurel Larimore Thomas M, brakeman SP Co, res F376 E Main Larsen Elsie A, bds 1219 E Main Larsen Minnie C, operator Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 1219 E Main Larsen Niels, laborer, res 1219 E Main Laursen Christina, res Walker av nr Boulevard Lawrence M G, real estate 65 E Main, rms Columbia Hotel Leavitt Alice, student, bds 440 Chestnut Leavitt Grace, student, bds 440 Chestnut Leavitt Henry H, fruit grower, res 440 Chestnut LEMERY JOHN A (Lemery & Rigg), Attorney-at-Law 290 E Main, res 561 C LEMERY & RIGG (John A Lemery, John O Rigg), Lawyers, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans 290 E Main, Tel 168 Lennart Dorothy, bds 280 2nd Lennart Frank O, res 280 2nd Lennart Mrs F O, propr East Side Inn, res 280 2nd Lennart Louise, dressmaker, bds 280 2nd Lennart Mildred, stenographer, bds 280 2nd Leonard Ralph W, building contractor, res 144 Nutley Leslie Milo C, inspector SP Co, res 353 Iowa Lewis J W, car repairer SP Co Libby Mrs Celia, res Roca nr Ashland Lilly John R, conductor SP Co, res 47 Union Lindroth Mrs Lydia, res 631 Walnut Lindsay Charles H, carpenter, res 244 Mechanic Lindsay Margaret (wid Charles), res 57 Church Lindsay Wm, farmer, bds 996 Oak Lindsey Frank D, cement worker, bds 668 N Main Lindsey Hugh M, washer Star Steam Laundry Inc, bds 668 N Main Lindsey Ruby I, teacher, bds 668 N Main Lindsey S James, driver Star Steam Laundry Inc, bds 668 N Main Lindsey Samuel N, cement contractor, res 668 N Main Lininger Milton C, mngr Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn and Ashland Preserving Co, res 296 Helman Little Rev John T, pastor Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene, res 468 C Livingston Alexander G, engineer SP Co, res 50 3rd Logan Charles O, automobiles 54 E Main, bds same Long Alta, student, bds 130 8th Long A Marion, plumber, res 130 8th Long Ezra A, bds 130 8th Long M Nimrod, shake weaver, res 323 Granite Long Osmer W, conductor SP Co, res 117 8th Long Pearl M, opr Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds 138 3rd Long S Frank, laborer, res 364 Helman Long Violet A, student, bds 117 8th Long Wm A, laborer, res at e limits Long Winifred C, lineman, bds 130 8th Loomis Charles L, confectionery 607 Boulevard, res same Loomis Mrs Clara, res 662 B Loomis Wm F (Loomis & Nelson), bds 463 B Loomis & Nelson (Wm F Loomis, Frank L Nelson), gen mdse 215 4th Loring J M, traveling salesman, rms Columbia Hotel Losher James W, carpenter, res 150 1st av Lott Edith, nurse Granite City Hospital Lovesee Thomas, laborer W A Bibby, bds 938 Oak Lowden Lance, teamster, res 117 Emerick av Lowden Sarah (wid John S), res 365 Woolen Lowe George M, expressman 297 E Main, res 341 Vista Lowe James, rancher, res 280 Palm av Lowe Millie E, operator Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds 341 Vista Lowe Ralph Z, driver Ashland General Delivery Co, bds 341 Vista Lowe Vera B, operator Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds 341 Vista Lowry Edith, student, bds 502 Allison Lowry Frank J, meat cutter Ashland Meat Co, res 502 Allison Lucas Rev W, rector Trinity Episcopal Church, res 42 2nd Lucey John G, switchman SP Co, rms 662 B Luttrell Howard K, caller SP Co, rms 662 B Luttrell H Lee, hostler SP Co, res 62 4th Luttrell Mrs Nettie M, dressmaker, res 62 4th Lynch T Mellvin, expressman, res 292 Liberty Lyons Daniel B, foreman SP Co Mc
Lawyer 5-6 Citizens Banking & Trust Co Bldg, Tel 99, res 543
Mountain AvMcCall Lydia T, clerk Post Office, bds 153 Oak McCall Mary E (wid John M), res 153 Oak McCall Stella, chief operator Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds 271 Morton McCallen Andrew, pres First Natl Bank of Ashland, res Berkeley Cal McCarthy Anna G (wid Dean), res 595 N Main McCarthy Building, 83 N Main McClanahan Anice (wid Newton), res 169 Lincoln McClaren John K, fruit grower, res 351 Morton McClaren Nellie, clerk J A Kohagen, bds 351 Morton McCoy J Walter, cashier US Natl Bank of Ashland, res 253 Almond McCune Carl, bds J N McCune McCune Edeth, teacher East Side School, bds J N McCune McCune Joseph N, fruit grower, res Ashland nr Boulevard McDonough John W, farmer, res 830 Iowa McEnerney Thos L, fireman SP Co McErlane Lida (wid James P), res 144 4th McFarland Albert E, carpenter, res 692 B McGEE'S, James H McGee Propr, Dry Goods and Ladies' Furnishings Elks Bldg, Tel 131 (See Left Side Lines and p 154) McGee Andrew, student, bds 770 Iowa McGEE JAMES H, Propr McGee's, res 108 Bush (See Left Side Lines and p 154) McGee Minnie (wid Andrew), res 770 Iowa McGee Myrtle, student, bds 770 Iowa McGrath Michael, pres-treas Ashland Iron Works, res 174 Oak McInerney Michael, bds 588 Beach McInerney Thomas, fireman, rms Columbia Hotel McIntire Hazel, clerk J J McNair, bds 712 Boulevard McIntire Laura (wid W M), res 712 Boulevard McIntire Nettie, teacher, bds 712 Boulevard McKEE LYMAN D, Asst Postmaster, res hd Wimer McKenzie James E, carpenter, res 1114 Iowa McKenzie Smith, frmn SP Co, res 348 Hargadine McKercher Duncan T, fruit grower, res Indiana nr Boulevard McKissick Stuart, civil engineer, res 60 Alida McLeod Alexander, res 550 Fairview McMeekin Frank, engineer SP Co, rms 567 B McMichael John, hostler SP Co, res 733 B McMillan Alexander, poultry raiser, res 110 8th McNabb George W, cement worker, res 156 8th McNair Bros (John S, Portland, and Wm H), drugs 43 N Main McNair James, bookkeeper J J McNair, bds 323 Oak McNair James J, drugs 303 E Main, res w end Bush McNair Samuel B, clerk McNair Bros, res 122 High McNair Wm H (McNair Bros), res 323 Oak McNeill Floy, notary 65 E Main, bds 190 Oak McNeill Mrs Myra, dressmaker, res 190 Oak McQuilkin F Dent, fruit grower, res 500 Ashland McQuilkin Julia R, nurse 2nd floor Payne bldg, res 500 Ashland McRae John D (Swenson & McRae), res 641 Boulevard McRae W P, car repairer SP Co, bds 492 A McVeigh Patrick H, switchman SP Co, rms 235 5th McWilliams Charles L (McWilliams & Gowland), res 247 Laurel McWilliams Frances M, teacher West Side School, bds 126 Church McWilliams Francis G, real estate 175 E Main, res 126 Church McWilliams Kenneth J, student, bds 126 Church McWilliams & Gowland (Charles L McWilliams, Jas E Gowland), garage 135 1st av M
MacAllister Donald, bds John MacAllisterMacAllister Rev John, res Taylor nr Montana MacAllister Maude, bds John MacAllister Mackie C N (Mackie & Nininger), res 492 Allison Mackie Eva L, bds 492 Allison Mackie & Nininger (C N Mackie, A C Nininger), grocers 105 E Main Mackin Rev Charles, S J, pastor Church of the Holy Rosary, res 120 6th Macomber Mary (wid James), res 199 Meade Magill Penninah (wid Joseph), res E Main sw cor Weightman Magoon Edward F, asst Chief of Police, res 123 Factory Mahan Edward J, agent White Sewing Machine Co, res 2 m s limits Malone Clyde A, mngr Ashland Electric Power & Light Co, res 93 Granite Manion Jean, manual training teacher Public Schools Manx The, S B Stoner propr, furnished rooms 349 E Main Marquam Alfred B, dairy 460 Laurel, res same Marrett James O, conductor SP Co, res 126 Nursery Mars John D, shoemaker E Main cor Boulevard, res 159 Weightman Marske Albert A, engineer SP Co, res 590 Allison Martin Charles C, rancher, res 346 Iowa Martin James E, bds 922 Boulevard Martin John E, res 922 Boulevard Martin Joseph A, bds 922 Boulevard Martin Marie, student, bds 788 Pennsylvania av Martin Roy M, car inspector SP Co, res 48 5th Martin Sarah E (wid Louis), res 922 Boulevard Martin Thomas J, miner, res 372 Liberty Mashburn John R, clerk, res 31 Church Masonic Temple, ws Main s Granite Mast Clarence J, ticket agent SP Co, res 153 2nd Mastier Any S (wid J B), res 180 Harrison Mathes Clarence, bds 112 Maple Mathes George W, carpenter, res 112 Maple Mathes Harry G, farmer, res 73 Granite Mathes Jessie, bds 115 N Main Mathes Wm M, res 115 N Main Mattern Anna, bds 208 Hargadine Mattern A F, mining, bds 208 Hargadine Mattern Herman, mining, res 208 Hargadine Mattern John H, mining engineer, bds 208 Hargadine Mattingley James, fruit grower, res 175 Granite Maulding Clyde K, barber J A Yeo, res 364 Helman Maxedon John R, washer Home Laundry, res 977 B Mayer Marcus, tailor 47 Mill, res same Mead Benjamin L (Home Laundry), rms 137 5th Medlin Bertha A, bds 72 N Main Meikle Gertrude M, student, bds 172 C Meikle James F, res 172 C Meikle Theresa A, student, bds 172 C Melchior Michael, laborer Sander & Sander, bds same Memorial Hall, 135 E Main Merrifield Wm H, plasterer, res 546 N Main Merrill Charles W, res 171 Elizabeth Merrill Edith L, teacher High School, bds 631 Boulevard Merrill Edward T, timber, res 745 Iowa Merrill Evelyn G, clerk Rose Bros, bds 631 Boulevard Merrill Frank R, res 631 Boulevard Merrill Harold A, student, bds 631 Boulevard Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, J Roy Burnette agent, 79 Baum Michels Louis A, fruit grower, res 399 Beach Mickel Herbert, helper McWilliams & Gowland Mickelson Victoria S (wid Michael M), res 209 Oak Miksch Harvey J, res 357 Vista Miksch Ray T, car repairer SP Co, bds 357 Vista Milam George W, principal East Side School, res 399 Mountain av Milam Grace, bds 399 Mountain av Miller Arthur M, engineer SP Co, res 364 Hargadine Miller Beatrice, student, bds 364 Hargadine Miller Cassius L, signalman SP Co, res 568 E Main Miller Charles H, engineer SP Co, res 582 C Miller Dora, student, bds J S Miller Miller Mrs Effie J, bds 244 Mechanic Miller Elias M, res 102 Granite Miller Eugene E, bakery 242 E Main, res 137 Church Miller John C, fruit grower, res 611 Beach Miller Joseph S, laborer, res ws Avery 5 n Boulevard Miller Judd V, engineer SP Co, res 370 Hargadine Miller Kathryn R, student, bds 137 Church Miller Mrs M C, bds 91 Gresham Miller Otto R, brakeman SP Co Miller Sarepta E (wid Jonas), bds 364 Hargadine Miller Vivian, bds 370 Hargadine Million Archie, expressman, res 424 N Main Million Charles C, farmer, res 627 Oak Milhon John B, bds 424 N Main Million Joseph T, res 540 Oak Million Kizzie, bds 540 Oak Million Wm B, dairy 603 Oak, res same Millner George E, rancher, res Boulevard opp State Normal Millner James W, fruit grower, res 505 Boulevard Mills Building, 25 Plaza Mills Delos R, pres United States National Bank of Ashland, res 208 E Main Mills Ella B (wid E V), res 478 Boulevard Mills Jessie M, bds 315 Almond Mills John W, res 315 Almond Mills Verni V, student, bds 478 Boulevard Miner C L, brakeman SP Co Mingus Lavina (wid Conrad), res 128 Wimer Minkler David L, res 240 C Minkler Norma, bds 614 Boulevard Minkler Ray A, notions 131 E Main, res 614 Boulevard Minor Wm T, fruit grower, res Indiana nr Boulevard Miracle Block, 353 E Main Mitchell Horace V (Ashland Meat Co), res 157 Mechanic Mitchell Seaborn S (Ashland Meat Co), res 534 Fairview Mitchell Wm C (Mitchell & Whittle), res 75 Bush Mitchell & Whittle (Wm C Mitchell, Floyd F Whittle), clothing 27 Plaza Mix Berneta, student, bds 138 1st av MIX FRANK B, Propr Depot Drug Store, res 138 1st Av, Tel Bell 317-J Moffit Benjamin F, laborer, bds 227 Granite Moffit Carrie E, bds 227 Granite Moffit E Curtis, laborer, res 221 Granite Moffit Rush L, laborer, res 227 Granite Mold George J (Royal Bakery), rms Columbia Hotel Mold George J Jr, clerk C E Lane, rms 53 McNair bldg Monroe Mrs D C, res Walker av nr Boulevard Monroe George E, res 89 7th Monroe George W, foreman SP Co, res 90 6th Monroe Lulu, bds Mrs D C Monroe Moody Eugene D, student, bds 107 Manzanita Moody Zenas A, agent Oregon Journal, res 107 Manzanita Moody Zenas F, bds.107 Manzanita Mooney Wm J, lineman, res 117 Helman Moore Beatrice B, stenographer W J Moore, bds 290 N Main Moore Charles W, gas fitter Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res 610 E Main Moore Mrs Emily A, milliner, bds 610 E Main Moore Felix E, principal High School, res 638 Boulevard Moore Frank W, timber, res 364 Vista Moore Isaac C, gardener, res 1027 B Moore Lloyd, fruit grower, res Clay 4 s Boulevard Moore Mrs Louisa, bds 395 B Moore L W, res 2 Beach av Moore Philip, painter, bds 1224 Iowa Moore Stephen A, forest ranger, res 983 Oak Moore Wm E, carrier Post Office, res 171 Helman Moore Wm J, lawyer 4 Mills bldg, res 290 N Main Morgan Charles, laborer, res 257 3rd Morgan Jesse S, yardman SP Co, res 78 4th Morgan John B, driver Ashland Transfer & Storage Co, res 257 3rd Morgan J Monroe, farmer, res 520 Mountain av Morgan Mattie, mangler Star Steam Laundry, bds 78 4th Morgan Michael, teamster, res 351 N Main Morgan Nettie, bds 520 Mountain av Morgan Samuel M, res 257 3rd Morine Building, 3 Plaza Morris Alice L (wid Levi), res 132 Granite Morris George W, helper SP Co, res 319 Woolen Morris Julia (wid John), res 549 Fairview Morris Nina O, student, bds 319 Woolen Morris Rose, student, bds 319 Woolen Morris Ruth L, stenographer, bds 132 Granite Morrison Norman A, fireman SP Co Morse John H, building contractor, res 632 Walnut Morse Mildred E, stenographer, bds 632 Walnut Morthland E A, rancher, res 1193 Boulevard Morthland W L, fruit grower, res Walker av 1 s Boulevard Morton Joshua J, millwright, res 1224 Iowa Morton Nellie, stenographer, bds 1224 Iowa Morton Ora O, carpenter, bds 1224 Iowa Mosier John B, lumber grader, res 156 Mechanic Mountain View Cemetery, 1½ m e city ¼ m n Boulevard Mow Benjamin, farmer, res 416 Palm av Mow John S, carpenter, res 1323 Iowa Mowat Jan F, surveyor, bds 8 Beach av Mowat Lynn D, bds 8 Beach av Mowat Wm H, mngr Postal Telegraph Cable Co, res 8 Beach av Moyer Abraham S (Moyer & Van Natta), res 108 2nd Moyer & Van Natta (Abraham S Moyer, John Van Natta), building contractors 108 2nd Mulit Frances E, bkpr First Natl Bank of Ashland, bds 276 Mechanic Mulit Lloyd L, cashier First Natl Bank of Ashland, res 44 Church Mulit Marietta S (wid Henry S), res 276 Mechanic Murphy Carl, res 105 Pine Murphy Cornelius, farmer, res 132 6th Murphy Elizabeth E (wid Livy A), res 197 Granite Murphy Francis J, lineman Pac Tel & Tel Co, res Meade cor Montana Murphy G Carl, res 105 Pine Murphy Ivan E, lineman, bds 197 Granite Murphy Wm P, laborer, bds 197 Granite Murray James, machinist SP Co, bds 586 E Main Murray Marcus M, miner, res 872 Iowa Musser Herbert A, storekeeper SP Co, res 49 4th Myer Wm, res 259 High Myer W Cedric, student, bds 259 High Myers Fleta, bds 753 Boulevard Myers Ila M, teacher West Side School, bds 753 Boulevard Myers James J, res 753 Boulevard Myers Voly A, res 464 Iowa Myrtle Mrs Frances, housekeeper Depot Hotel N
National Packing Co, Frank I Crouch mngr, Ash ne cor ANeeley Lincoln, engineer SP Co, res 156 7th Neil Angeline, bds 502 Boulevard Neil Edna A, clerk City Recorder, bds 502 Boulevard Neil Jesse L, stock dealer, bds 502 Boulevard Neil L A, stock dealer, res 502 Boulevard Neil Robert P, Mayor, vice-pres Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 39 4th Nelson Charles, porter Hotel Oregon Nelson Frank L (Loomis & Nelson), res 188 Alida Nelson Fred F, carpenter, res 160 Orange av NELSON FREDA C (Ostrom & Nelson), res Granite City Hospital, Tel 133 Nelson Gladys A, bds 118 High Nelson John A, res 118 High Nelson Wm, gardener, res 1101 Boulevard Netherland Samuel G, clerk Hotel Ashland Neville Henry J, gardener, res opp 70 Nutley Newcombe Margaret E (wid John V), bds 117 Nob Hill Newcombe Walter E, opr Western Union Telg Co, res 117 Nob Hill Newell Mrs M E, maid Hotel Oregon Newell Zella, waiter Hotel Oregon Newland John A, meat cutter A R Brown, res 350 B Newlon Ellis E, laborer SP Co, res 1 n 468 Oak Newlon Wm W, res 468 Oak Newman Victor, cook Hotel Oregon Newton Hardy S, rancher, res 662 A Newton Jessie, bds 662 A Nichols George B, plasterer, res 116 Church Nickerson Mrs Ella, C S practitioner Nims Charles W (Nims & Saunders), res 125 N Main Nims Karl P, clerk SP Co, bds 125 N Main Nims & Saunders (Charles W Nims, Stuart Saunders), grocers 108 N Main Nininger Amos C (Mackie & Nininger), res 80 Hargadine Nisbet Mrs E Adelaide, asst mngr Home Laundry, res 137 5th Nisbet James N (Home Laundry), res 137 5th Nissley Maude, teacher West Side School Noffsinger Della (wid Thomas K), teacher, bds 116 Church Norman Mary V (wid T F), bds 276 B Norton Ann H (wid Henry), res 150 1st Norton R C, music teacher, res 281 E Main Nortridge Ebert W, clerk J B Casey, res 260 Orange av Nortridge Maude E, bds 272 Orange av Nortridge Wm, berry grower, res 272 Orange av Norwood Beth, bds 177 Hargadine Norwood Harold L, linotype opr Ashland Tidings, res 177 Hargadine O
Oates Eulalia, teacher West Side SchoolO'Donoghue Ivan, msgr Postal Tel-Cable Co, bds 355 Almond O'Donoghue Mrs Margaret E (Haines & O'Donoghue), res 355 Almond O'Donoghue Walter, res 355 Almond Ogg George G, res 137 N Main Oien Sigurd C, Chief of Police City Hall, res 143 Mechanic Old Pioneer Building, 44 E Main Olds Mrs Eugenia, bds 348 Hargadine Olds Florence, bds 348 Hargadine Olsen Caroline S, bds 699 Walnut Olsen Charles J, fruit grower, res 699 Walnut O'Neal Oscar, plumber A J Biegel, bds 36 Morton Orchard Christine, bds R D Sanford Orchard James A, poultry raiser, res 1167 E Main Oregon Gas & Electric Co, L W LeBaron (Medford) mngr, 67 N Main ORRES L J, Custom Tailoring, Shirts and Underwear Made to Order, Cleaning and Pressing, Goods Called For, 203 E Main, Tel 141, res 497 Palm Av, Tel 359-J (See Right Side Lines) Oslin Samuel J, laborer, res 123 Ohio Osmun Ruth, operator Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds 156 Mechanic OSTROM CLARA C (Ostrom & Nelson), res Granite City Hospital, Tel 133 OSTROM & NELSON (Clara C Ostrom, Freda C Nelson), Proprs Granite City Hospital Boulevard nr Palm Av, Tel 133 (See Front Cover and p 11) Ott John R, foreman Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res C cor 1st Owen Eliphalet G, vice-pres Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, res 166 N Main Owens Ira B, bds 122 Church Owens L Stella E, bds 122 Church Oxford Rooming House, James M Slack propr, 219 4th P
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, Eugene A Sherwin mngr, 111 OakPage C Clinton, lawyer, res 55 Pine Palmer Ruby M, stengr Jackson County Abstract Co, bds 123 Church Palmerlee H Seward, clerk Ashland Trading Co, res 93 Granite Parish Mrs Edna, bds 464 Mountain av PARK HOTEL, James B Carlile Propr, 35 1st Av, Tel.163 (See p 183) Parker Mrs Lucinda, bds 581 E Main Parker Orpha M, teacher High School, bds 1023 E Main Parker Sumner A, timber cruiser, res 59 6th Parker W Howard, laborer, bds 59 6th Parr Eva L (wid Wm H), bds 190 B Parr Roy M, laborer SP Co, res Ohio nw cor Laurel Parrish Wm L, wood dealer, res 1030 Henry Parsley George, machinist SP Co, res 150 1st av Parslow Earl E, bds 75 Wimer Parslow George L, rms 89 N Main Parslow Lavina A, bds 75 Wimer Parslow Louisa M (wid John C), bds 75 Wimer Parslow Mrs Minnie M, res 75 Wimer Parson John S, physician 138 N Main, res same Parton George, farmer, res Indiana nr Boulevard Patrick Mary (wid Charles), bds 486 Allison Patrick Orra, teacher, bds 219 Almond Patrick Wm A, res 219 Almond Patterson E Frank, guard US Forest Service, bds 247 2nd Patterson Harold E, student, bds 97 Pine Patterson John E, warehouseman National Packing Co, bds 247 2nd Patterson John T, laborer, res 247 2nd Patterson Lillian M, bds 639 N Main Patterson Margaret E, clerk C E Lane, bds 97 Pine Patterson Rose B, bds 639 N Main Patterson Sylvester, fruit grower, res 639 N Main Patterson Wm, supt City Water Dept, res 97 Pine Patton C Alfred, drayage 396 Helman, res same Patton Fred N, teamster Ashland Manufacturing Co, res 169 Ohio Patton Wm S, carpenter, bds 192 Mechanic Patty John F (Cameron & Patty), res 549 Auburn Paul A L, car repairer SP Co Paulserud Oliver A, clerk Beebe & Kinney, bds 107 Fork Payne Andrew S, carpenter, res 954 B Payne A Grace, bds 30 Granite Payne Building, 238 E Main Payne Champion T, res 508 N Main Payne Clyde A, real estate, res Boulevard cor Ashland Payne E Clifton, carpenter 16 Granite, bds 30 same Payne Lyman E, res 30 Granite Peachey A H, farmer, res Boulevard nr limits Pedersen Louis A (Ashland Cleaning Works), rms Columbia Hotel Pedersen's Orchestra, Louis A Pedersen director, Elks Hall Peebler Cleve G, clerk C E Lane, rms 53 McNair bldg Peil Building, 3 Plaza Peil Emil, agricultural implements 3 Plaza, res 52 Granite Pellett Alex, machinist Harry Pellett, bds 128 1st av Pellett Euna, bds 128 1st av Pellett George W, fruit grower, res Scenic hts Pellett Harry, automobiles Mill nr Plaza, res 128 1st av Pelton Lottie L (wid John E), res 228 B Penniston Charles W, gardener, bds 200 Helman Penniston Francis H, cutter Penniston Granite Co, bds 200 Helman Penniston Fred, driver Sander & Sander, bds same Penniston Granite Co (Wm B and Samuel Penniston, Earl P Casad), 160 Helman Penniston Mary J, bds 200 Helman Penniston Samuel (Penniston Granite Co), res 200 Helman Penniston S Helen, student, bds 200 Helman Penniston Wm B (Penniston Granite Co), bds 200 Helman Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene, Rev John T Little pastor, 4th sw cor Penter Wm H, building contractor, res 348 N Main Perozzi Domingo, propr Ashland Creamery, res 88 Granite Perrine Collins J, rms 152 Helman Perrine Jennie D (wid Cassius R), res 152 Helman Perrine Kizziah C (wid Collins), bds 159 Nob Hill Perry Mrs Ida, mangler Star Steam Laundry, res 563 N Main Perry Martin, laborer, res 563 N Main Peters Eli N, res 92 Church Peters George D, lawyer, res 494 Montana Peters Samuel A, fruit grower, res Boulevard cor Walker av Peters Samuel A Jr, student, bds S A Peters Peters Zada, stenographer, bds S A Peters Petersen Nels, farmer, res 66 Mountain av Peterson Peter A, foreman F E Conway Co, res 567 Beach Pew James W, laborer, bds 120 2nd Phillips Isaac, shoemaker, res 496 N Main Phillips John C, gardener, res 332 Glenn Phillips Lela B, bds 496 N Main Phillips Mrs Lena, res 1068 E Main Phillips Leslie L, bds 435 Granite Phillips M Ray, laborer Ashland Ice & Storage Co, bds 435 Granite Phillips Reuben, res 435 Granite Phillips Walter A, presser L J Orres, bds 1068 E Main Phillips Wm, granite contractor Penniston Granite Co, rms 224 4th PHIPPS E E, Implements, Farm Wagons, Vehicles, Bicycles, Gasoline Engines and Sprayers' Outfits, Pittsburg Perfect Fence, Electric Weld, 389 E Main, Tel 101, res 113 Pine (See Left Side Lines and p 11) Phipps Herbert, rms 265 4th Pierce Charles H, sec Ashland Lodge No 944 BPOE, res 323 Helman Pierson John, fruit grower, res Boulevard opp State Normal Pierson Walter H, fruit grower, res Boulevard ⅛ m e Walker av Pinkerton Frederick W, timber cruiser, res 743 E Main Pioneer Building, 44 E Main Pioneer Planing Mill, Carson & Siemental proprs, 125 Mill Pittitt Mrs Alice, waiter Depot Hotel Pittman Ira D, farmer, res Terrace cor Montana Platt Stanley V, rancher, rms 199 Meade Plaza Rooming House, Ross J Ferguson propr, 27 E Main Plumerth Marie E (wid Jacob C), res 164 6th Plymate Morris, bds 563 N Main Pohland Herman F, pres Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 678 Boulevard Pohland Olivia C, bds 678 Boulevard Poley Evangeline C, teacher West Side School, bds 385 B Poley Joseph, farmer, res 385 B Poley Minnie I, student, bds 385 B Poley Wilmer M, drugs 17 E Main, res 64 Gresham Poor Joseph C, engineer SP Co, res 125 2nd Poor Rev Lester C, pastor First M E Church, res 48 Laurel Pope Charles, fruit grower, res ss Wimer nr limits Pope Grace H, stenographer, bds 133 Nutley Pope Mary E (wid Joseph D), res 133 Nutley Porter Caroline E (wid Dennis), bds 36 S 2nd Porter Charles I J, cupola tender Ashland Iron Works, res 803 N Main Porter Columbus D, res 309 Woolen Porter C Orlando, conductor SP Co, res 143 8th Porter Daisy (wid S A Douglas), res 299 Woolen Porter Mrs Edith G, millinery 36 S 2nd, res same Porter Frank J, brakeman SP Co, bds 143 8th Porter Fred E, fruit grower, res 223 Maple Porter Irving F, fruit grower, res 95 Coolidge Porter Riley C (Porter & Sowerby), res 403 Palm av Porter Ruth A, student, bds 223 Maple Porter & Sowerby (Riley C Porter, Wm Sowerby), painters 345 C Post Office, John R Casey Postmaster, 19 Plaza Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, Wm H Mowat mngr, 37 E Main Potter B Andrew, fruit grower, res 559 Woolen Potter Cecile D, student, bds 30 2nd Potter Hazel, student, bds 84 Dewey Potter J Madison, miner, bds 559 Woolen Potter Pauline L, bds 128 Factory Potter Ralph, bds 30 2nd Potter Rooming House, Hugh F Cole propr, ss 4th bet B and C Potter Roscoe, laborer, res 84 Dewey Potter Mrs Rosetta, milliner 30 2nd, res same Potter Samuel A, res 633 Iowa Potter Wm M, bds 633 Iowa Potter Wm R, laborer, res 30 2nd Powell Albert E, bds 462 A Powell Alden, clerk T L Powell, bds 281 Oak Powell A E, pressman Ashland Record, res 74 3rd Powell D Sherman, carpenter, res 281 Oak Powell James, bds 606 Iowa Powell Michael, blacksmith, res 263 Oak Powell Thaddeus L, confectionery 524 A res 333 Oak Powell Walter P, fruit grower, res 606 Iowa Powell Wm M, cider maker, res 462 A Pracht Alexander H, confectionery 171 E Main, res 234 Vista Pracht Max, fruit grower, res Euclid av hd Harrison Pracht Wm B, bds Max Pracht Pratt Carroll E, engineer SP Co, res 147 Factory Pratt Emily A (wid John H), bds 147 Factory Praytor A Lee, painter, res 415 Granite Praytor John C, fruit grower, res s end Granite Praytor Thomas, farmer, bds J C Praytor Preater Elizabeth (wid Alfred), bds 138 N Main Prescott Clarence, carpenter, res 435 B Prescott Guy C, fruit grower, res 475 Chestnut Prescott Winfred G, fruit grower, res 527 Chestnut Price Mary E, bds 122 Laurel Provost Bros (Julian H and Peter S), hardware 38 E Main Provost Julian H (Provost Bros), res Vista nr Fork Provost Laura E, student, bds 264 Oak Provost Peter, res 264 Oak Provost P Horace, plumber Provost Bros, res 184 1st Provost P Sylvain (Provost Bros), res 95 Meade Provost Theodore T, clerk Provost Bros, bds 264 Oak Pruwett Pearl E, car repairer SP Co, res 426 A Purdin Lynn, foreman Ashland Record, res 74 3rd Purves James, rancher, res 186 Weightman Purves James Jr, laborer, bds 186 Weightman Purves Louis G, laborer, bds 186 Weightman Purves Nellie, nurse Granite City Hospital Putnam Fred, teamster, res 166 Hargadine Putnam Madge, bds 166 Hargadine Putnam Marcella E, student, bds 571 Chestnut Putnam Marvin E, fruit grower, res 571 Chestnut Putnam Maude, bds 166 Hargadine Putnam Sarah (wid Isaac E), bds 571 Chestnut Pygall Helen, bds 282 Oak R
Radcliff Abraham L, laborer, bds 144 4thRadcliff Esther (wid Abraham), res 144 4th Radcliff Wm A, laborer, bds 144 4th Ramsey Amy A, bds 338 Woolen Ramsey Charles, farmer, bds 338 Woolen Ramsey Florence, student, bds 140 Orange av RAMSEY FRED E, Propr Ashland Motor Car Co, res 453 Rock Ramsey W Sherman, laborer, res 140 Orange av Randall Lloyd, caller SP Co, bds 633 Iowa Randles Guy, rancher, res Kansas av nr Boulevard Rapp Martha E (wid Joseph), res 174 Oak Rathbun Oscar J, rancher, res 1049 Ashland Raudebaugh James D (Raudebaugh & Son), res 162 1st av Raudebaugh Peter O (Raudebaugh & Son), bds 162 1st av Raudebaugh & Son (Peter O and James D), cement contrs 89 Oak Reader James K, physician 75 Gresham, res 1 same Reams Elsie, bds 174 Oak Rease Edson M, building contractor, res 1089 Boulevard Rease Edson O, carpenter, res 123 Ohio Rease Mabel, bds 1089 Boulevard Redifer E Watson, car repairer SP Co, res 264 8th Reed Elizabeth F (wid Andrew J), bds 171 Church Reeder Highland, student, bds 121 Bush Reeder Ira, blacksmith W W Wilson, rms 633 Iowa Reeder Leland P, student, bds 121 Bush Reeder Thomas T, fruit grower, res 886 Oak Reeder Wallace, cement worker, bds 886 Oak Reeder Wm A, res 121 Bush Reeve Rev Sylvester T, res 842 A Reid Esther J (wid Charles E), res 565 Allison Reives Aaron B, conductor SP Co, res 66 2nd Renfro R L, brakeman SP Co Reno Elizabeth A (wid L K), res 371 Gresham Reno Horeca V, music teacher, bds 371 Gresham Reno Jesse K, fireman SP Co, bds 371 Gresham Reynolds Lloyd C, call boy SP Co Reynolds Wm H, chiropractor 133 1st av, res same Reynolds Zacheus Z, fruit grower, res 397 Ashland Rhodes-Farlow Building, 15 E Main Rice Harry O, clerk Briggs Shoe Store, rms 137 Oak Rice James M, rancher, res 608 Terrace Rice Katherine, bds 143 Granite Richards Anna S (wid Newton J), bds 156 8th Richards Ernest C, farmer, res Boulevard nr limits Richardson H V, lawyer Pioneer bldg RIGG JOHN O (Lemery & Rigg), res 2 Glenn av Riley Lawson H, student, bds 276 B Riley Mrs Maggie B, nurse, res 276 B Roach America J (wid Hiram), fruit grower, res Grant ne cor Grover Roach Claude E, fruit grower, res 835 N Main Roach Earl J, driver Ashland Transfer & Storage Co, res 135 Nutley Robbins Henry E, res 940 B Roberts Chester A, waiter Curtis Roberts, res 586 C Roberts Curtis, restaurant 554 A, res 400 Beach Roberts Horace N (Roberts & Sheppard), res 166 N Main Roberts James T, cement worker, res 156 5th Roberts Robert R, car repairer SP Co, res 908 Ashland Roberts & Sheppard (Horace N Roberts, John Sheppard), conf 69 N Main Robertson Anna C (wid John), res 84 Garfield Robertson Charles, bkpr First Natl Bank of Ashland, bds 84 Garfield Robinson Dess, waiter Depot Hotel Robison George M, farmer, res 110 Laurel Robison James K, laborer, res 438 A Robison Merle B, bds 110 Laurel Rocho John F, res 115 Granite Rockfellow Albert G, bds 22 Granite Rogers Charles H, carpenter, bds 943 Oak Rogers John W, teamster, res 194 Meade Rogers Levi W, farmer, res 943 Oak Rogers Thomas, teamster, rms 194 Meade Rogers Tony, bds Lloyd Moore Rogers Wm, fruit grower, res Walker av 1 n Boulevard ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT-TITLE CO, E C Hogsett (Medford) Pres-Mngr, S C Whittington (Jacksonville) Sec-Treas (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Abstracts of Land Titles) Rolph Sherman P, res 1296 Iowa Root Charles W, pres-mngr Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 320 N Main Rose Bros (Charles R and Howard), confectionery 145 E Main Rose Charles R (Rose Bros), res 550 E Main Rose George W, conductor SP Co, res 87 3rd Rose Hattie W (wid Elanson), bds 167 Mountain av Rose Howard (Rose Bros), bds 77 6th Rose Mary E (wid Montgomery), C S practitioner, res 77 6th Rose Philip S, student, bds 77 6th Rosecrans Fred E, res 202 Granite Rosenburg Louis (Rosenburg & Rula), rms Ashland Hotel Rosenburg & Rula (Louis Rosenburg, Rudolph Rula), tailors 81 Oak Rosenstock Fred, fruit grower, res Indiana nr Boulevard Ross Mrs Arminda J, res 563 Rock Ross Frank R, miner, bds 151 Coolidge Rouse Ranse, real estate 324 Liberty, res same Routledge Frank C, mngr Western Union Telegraph Co, res Nutley ne cor Woolen Rowland Charles M, painter, res 508 Roca Rowley J Ivan, rancher, bds 115 Lincoln Rowley Mary E (wid James), res 115 Lincoln Royal Bakery (George J Mold, Conrad Kruger), 39 E Main Ruger John A, billiards 267 4th, res 42 Gresham Rula Rudolph (Rosenburg & Rula), rms Ashland Hotel Rush Clark G, rancher, res Clay 2 n Boulevard Rush Frank, bds C G Rush Rush Orlie B, car repairer SP Co, res 300 Liberty Rush Virgil E, car repairer SP Co, bds C G Rush Rush Wm G, fireman SP Co, rms 633 Iowa Rushton Pearl, wood dealer 649 E Main, res same Russell Ann H (wid James H), propr Ashland Marble Works, res 117 N Main Russell Ashley, bellboy Hotel Oregon Russell F Ellsworth, operator City Elec Eng Dept, res 296 Granite Russell J B, fruit grower, res Walker av nr Boulevard Russell Mabel E, artist, bds 117 N Main Russell Nellie F, bds 117 N Main Ryan Edward J, traveling salesman, res 95 Dewey S
St John Wm, teacher High SchoolSage Wm F, cigar maker H H Hosler, res 166 N Main Salsbury Frank, farmer, res 57 5th Salsbury George T, miner, res 251 Grant Salsbury L Blanche, student, bds 251 Grant Sams Charles E, dairy 468 Helman, res same Sams Wm H, bds 468 Helman Sander Clara (wid Joseph), res ns Nevada nr Helman Sander Frank T, student, bds Mrs Clara Sander Sander Henry B (Sander & Sander), res n end Helman Sander John, laborer Sander & Sander, bds same Sander Joseph H, gardener, res 1149 Oak Sander Leo B (Sander & Sander), res n end Helman Sander Louis A, student, bds Mrs Clara Sander Sander Mary, bds Mrs Clara Sander Sander Wm G, florist ss Nevada nr Helman, res same Sander & Sander (Henry B and Leo B), dairy n end Helman Sanders Elnarr L, bds 607 Iowa Sanders Louis M, fruit grower, res 667 Beach Sanders L Claude, clerk F E Conway Co, res 667 Beach Sanderson Building, 391 E Main Sanderson Wm C, res 486 Boulevard Sanford Ethlynde, bds 156 3rd Sanford Horatio S, res 156 3rd Sanford Horatio S Jr, clerk C H Vaupel, bds 156 3rd Sanford Loney L, engineer SP Co Sanford Richard D, farmer, res n end Laurel Sanford Torbert W, brakeman SP Co, res 129 High Sanger Frank B, laborer, rms 154 B Satterfield C Annie (wid Joseph W), res 108 Granite Saunders Claude A, barber J D Ellis, bds 607 Iowa Saunders James B, barber C J Elliott, res 607 Iowa Saunders Josephine, student, bds 110 N Main Saunders Stuart (Nims & Saunders), res 110 N Main Saviers Mrs Margaret E, bookkeeper W J Saviers, res 316 Hargadine Saviers Walter J, garage 53 2nd, res 316 Hargadine Sawyer Bertha, osteopath 15½ E Main, rms 73 Granite Sawyer James T, brakeman SP Co, res 774 C Sayle Harry A, clerk SP Co, res 39 Union Sayle James P (J P Sayle & Son), res 183 Gresham Sayle James T (J P Sayle & Son), res 665 E Main Sayle J P & Son (James P and James T), billiards 117 E Main Sayle Ray F, lineman Ashland Electric Power & Light Co, bds 183 Gresham Schell Charles D, res 100 Lincoln Schneider Fred P, fruit grower, res ss Boulevard 4 e Clay Schoenthal Jud A, farmer, res Boulevard nr limits Schuerman August, clerk, res 214 C Schuerman Fred M, student, bds 214 C Schwein Louis, meat cutter Ashland Meat Co, res 56 Church Schwimley Rev W Alvin, pastor First Congregational Church, res 469 Boulevard Scofield A Burdette, fruit grower, res 1087 N Main Scott Elmer W, student, bds 483 Granite Scott Hayden W, civil engineer, bds 483 Granite Scott Wm M, miner, res 483 Granite Seager George W (Burns & Seager), res 65 Granite Seamens Justina (wid Alanson D), bds 313 Granite Seeley F D, brakeman SP Co Seibert Minnie (wid J B), res 107 Fork Settle I Frank, harnessmaker 7 Plaza, res 116 1st av Settle John F, harnessmaker I F Settle, bds 116 N Main Settles Agnes M, bds 267 8th Settles Lawyel H, laborer, res 267 8th Seventh Day Adventist Church, Taylor G Bunch elder, 4th se cor C Shafer Mrs Alma B, evangelist, res 515 Liberty Shaver Hazel R, teacher, bds 977 B Shaver Myron C, res 1111 Iowa Shaw Building, 376 E Main Shaw Edward B, res 154 B Shaw Francis W, res 564 Elkader Shaw Howard M, physician 108 1st av, res same Shaw Lucy R (wid Edwin), bds 154 B Shaw Mrs Mattie B, physician 108 1st av, res same Shaw Robert J, miner, res 487 Rock Shaw Mrs Virginia C, dressmaker, res 487 Rock Shaw Wm F, farmer, res Park nr Boulevard Sheldon Charles D, plumber Warner Mercantile Co, bds 705 Pennsylvania av Sheldon Edgar N, clerk, bds 705 Pennsylvania av Sheldon Miles M, carpenter, res 705 Pennsylvania av Shelton George L, janitor Elks Temple, res 138 3rd Shepherd Charles F, pianos 658 Boulevard, res same Shepherd L Kale, piano tuner 658 Boulevard, bds same Shepherd Mary M (wid Wm H), res 77 Pine Sheppard John (Roberts & Sheppard), rms 72 N Main Sherard Albert L, teamster, res 881 N Main Sherman Edward C (E C Sherman & Son), res 567 B Sherman E C & Son (Edward C and Oliver P), blacksmiths 557 B Sherman Oliver P (E C Sherman & Son), bds 567 B Sherwin Angeline H (wid Philander), bds 173 Oak Sherwin Eugene A, mngr Pac Tel & Tel Co, res 173 Oak Shoemaker Charles, bds Wm Shoemaker Shoemaker Wm, res Boulevard se cor Clay Shook Building, 376 E Main Shook Isaac N, res B376 E Main Shook Katie E, bds B376 E Main Shoudy Berkley M, res 63 Helman Shoudy Ira, res 311 Almond Shoudy Ruth K, student, bds 63 Helman Shroyer Elizabeth (wid Josiah), bds 1128 Oak Shutts Clifton A, laborer, res 63 3rd Siemental George (Carson & Siemental), res 657 Boulevard Siemental Margaret, bds 657 Boulevard SILSBY A W, Real Estate and Timber Lands 15½ E Main, Tel 30, res 423 N Main, Tel 226-J Silsby Charles S, engineer SP Co, res 111 3rd Silsby Esther M, bds 111 3rd Silva Mary, music teacher, bds 31 Gresham Silver Mrs Catherine E, res 763 B Silver Harry, res 445 Palm av Silver Kathleen, student, bds 445 Palm av Silver Laura, student, bds 445 Palm av Silver Madeline, student, bds 445 Palm av Simons Mrs Hannah, millinery 167 E Main, res 363 Iowa Simons James D, gardener, res 363 Iowa Simpson Charles F, boarding 72 N Main Simpson Frank C, clerk, bds 142 Church Simpson Glenn E, clerk T H Simpson, bds 142 N Main Simpson Mabel, nurse, bds 502 Allison SIMPSON THOMAS H, Hardware 37-39 N Main, Tel 203-R, res 142 N Main Sission John, restaurant 542 A Skeen George B, barber 56 N Main, res 167 Church Skeen G Irene, bds 167 Church Skeen Linn B, helper Harry Pellett, bds 167 Church Slack James M, propr Oxford Rooming House, res 219 4th Slack Lynn, student, bds 219 4th Slingerland Gilbert R (Carson-Smith Lumber Co), res 271 High Sloan Marion L, res 440 Helman Smith Augustus A, butcher, res 999 B Smith Barnum E, magnetic healer 391 E Main, res 33 Nutley Smith Bert H (E F Smith & Sons), bds 221 Oak Smith Burl C, brakeman, res 107 7th Smith Carl G, orchardist, res 265 4th Smith Charles, res w end West Smith Donald B, res 116 High Smith Edward N, farmer, res 124 Morton Smith Elizabeth A (wid Henry), res 160 Church Smith Ella C, fruit grower, res 711 Grover Smith Mrs Ella M, propr Gregory Rooming House, res 265 4th Smith Elmer J (E F Smith & Sons), res 107 Mill Smith Eunice L, teacher, bds 33 Nutley SMITH EVERETT O, Architect 7-8 First Natl Bank Bldg, Tel 33, res 280 Hargadine Smith E Frank (E F Smith & Sons), res 221 Oak Smith E F & Sons (E Frank, Elmer J and Bert H), livery 107 Mill Smith George F, carpenter, res 1280 E Main Smith Harry A, painter, bds 72 N Main Smith Hazel E, bds 825 B Smith Jesse, carpenter, bds 63 Alida Smith Joseph C, foreman Pioneer Planing Mill, res 189 Granite Smith Rev Julius S (M E), res 464 Woolen Smith Lucy L, bds 464 Woolen Smith Mark W, brakeman, res 159 2nd Smith Mrs Mary, res 340 Granite Smith Ray J, jeweler N Main sw cor Granite, res 46 Union Smith Roy, waiter J Sission, rms 265 4th Smith Sidney H, furnished rooms 224 4th Smith Verner O N, laborer Pioneer Planing Mill, res 174 Church Smith Walter L, bds 124 Morton Smith Wm B, carpenter, res 280 Hargadine Smith Wm H, res 166 E Main Smith Wm K, res 925 B Snyder V, conductor SP Co Songer Mollie A, bds 45 Helman Songer Samuel T, physician 111 E Main, res 45 Helman Songer Wm F, bds 45 Helman Sonnichsen Ada W, clerk A H Pracht, bds 480 Liberty Sonnichsen Orpheus, laborer, bds 480 Liberty Southern Oregon Chautauqua Assn, G F Billings pres, Rev J S Smith vice-pres, W H Gillis sec, F H Carter treas, 41 E Main Southern Pacific Co, G N Kramer gen agent, C J Mast ticket agent, passenger depot ft 4th, freight depot ft 3rd, local ticket office 62 N Main Sowerby Wm (Porter & Sowerby), res 566 Allison Sparr Henry C, rms 280 2nd Specht Charles A, clerk C H Vaupel, res 478 Allison Spencer Aden C, farmer, res E Main nr California Spencer Donald M, carrier Post Office, res 620 Iowa Spencer George, farmer, res 2 m ne of city Spencer Guy, laborer, bds A C Spencer Spencer Hiram A, res 22 Granite Spencer H D, car repairer SP Co Spencer James, civil engineer, bds A C Spencer Spencer Lawrence, teamster, res 129 4th Spencer Lester, hostler J A Daney, rms 256 4th Spencer Mary, bds A C Spencer Spencer Nathan P, bds 22 Granite Spencer Mrs N P, mangler Star Steam Laundry, bds 22 Granite Spencer Peter, bds A C Spencer Spencer Robert R, student, bds 22 Granite Spencer Winnifred G, teacher, bds 22 Granite Spiering Esther A, cashier J Sission, bds 517 Iowa Spiering Eva, cashier Wah Chung, bds 517 Iowa Spindler Charles, driver Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 842 Blain Spindler Mrs Jennie, cook Granite City Hospital, res Walker av nr Boulevard Stahlman George W, solicitor, res 313 Granite Stanley Charles C, bds 134 Nob Hill Stanley Julius C, miner, res 134 Nob Hill Stanley Mabel, student, bds 134 Nob Hill Stanley Mrs Mary L, res 124 1st av Stanley Robert H, upholsterer, res 248 5th Stannard Mrs Ada, teacher East Side School, bds Mrs Celia Libby Stannard Amy, bds 405 Liberty Stannard Edward M, operator City Elec Eng Dept, res 405 Liberty Stannard Mrs Jessie N, teacher, res 405 Liberty Staples Charron M, mining engineer, bds 117 Almond. Staples Edward T, real estate 65 E Main, res 117 Almond Star Steam Laundry Inc, Brazier H Kirby pres, Mrs Adelade Kirby sec-treas, 31 Water Star Theatre, S M Wise propr, 275 E Main Stark Charles B, grocer 492 A, res same Stark Lillian A, clerk C B Stark, bds 492 A Starr Emmett B, teacher, bds 64 California Starr Ethel B, teacher, bds 64 California Starr Samuel S, res 64 California State Normal School Building, Boulevard at east limits Steele John E, garage 256 4th, res 344 E Main Stennett Charles, res 147 Laurel Stennett Luther E, sheet metal worker A J Biegel, res 494 Fairview Stennett Wm S (Stennett & Davis), res 116 Factory Stennett & Davis (Wm S Stennett, Lester C Davis), painters 108 N Main Stephens Mrs Adelaide, res 462 Allison Stephenson Elmer D, res 1128 Oak Stephenson Emma, bds 249 B Stephenson George W, res 164 Factory Stephenson Nellie, clerk, bds 259 B Stephenson Mrs Sarah A, res 259 B Stevens Bertrand R, teacher, res 746 C Stevens Don L, student, bds 746 C Stevens Mrs Emily, bds 282 Oak Stevens Levi N, engineer Ashland Ice & Storage Co, res 398 Granite Stevens Waldo E, student, bds 746 C Stevenson Chester L, fruit grower, res w end Wimer Stevenson Grace M, teacher, res 167 Hargadine Stidham Charles H, clerk E A Hildreth Jr, bds 463 B Stock Herman C, undertaker 88 N Main, res 108 Nob Hill Stone Humphrey E, fruit grower, res 440 Granite Stone Ovid J, res 495 N Main Stoner Leah M, student, bds 349 E Main Stoner Raymond C, orchardist, bds 349 E Main Stoner Samuel B, propr The Manx, res 349 E Main Storey Agnes A, teacher, bds 129 Granite Storey Allen W, solicitor, res 129 Granite Strange Chalmer, rms 137 Oak Stratton Florence N (wid Nial), res 725 Iowa Stratton Percy, teamster, rms 685 Boulevard Strickfaden Frank J, fruit grower, res s end Terrace Strickfaden Frank L, bds 145 Almond Strickfaden Mrs Nan L, res 145 Almond Strickland Archie, electrician, bds 89 Pine Strickland Charles A, carpenter, res 89 Pine Stroupe M Cornelius, bds 144 Garfield Stubbs Mrs Alice H, clerk E E Miller, bds 137 Church Studebaker Flora A (wid Daniel B), bds 92 Church Sturdevant Mrs Minnette B, hair dresser 391 E Main, res 33 Nutley Sullivan Wm H, carpenter, res 120 4th Summers Clement M, res 129 Laurel Sutherland Charles A, laborer, bds 598 E Main Sutherland Ezekiel, res 598 E Main Sutherland George C, laborer, bds 598 E Main Swedenburg Block, 299 E Main Swedenburg Francis G, physician 299 E Main, res 406 Iowa Swenson Carl L (Swenson & McRae), res 252 B Swenson & McRae (Carl L Swenson, John D McRae), furn 357 E Main Swigart Natalie E, stenographer The Hygienol Chemical Co, rms end Boulevard Swing Walter C, painter, res 430 Terrace Swingle Frank D, vice-pres The Western Bonding and Investment Co, res 31 Gresham Switzer John, janitor US Natl Bank of Ashland, rms 3 Plaza T
Taber Ora, miner, res 475 IowaTabor Rev Benjamin C, res 459 Morton Talcott Alice F (Talcott & Talcott), res 151 Nursery Talcott Bert W (Talcott & Talcott), res 151 Nursery TALCOTT & TALCOTT (Bert W and Alice F Talcott), Proprs The Canyon Press 89 Oak, Tel 197 Tate Earl A, student, bds 159 Helman Tate F Leshe, bds 143 Mill Tate Harrison A, shoemaker Briggs Shoe Store, res 143 Mill Tate H Chester, bds 143 Mill Tate Wm H, carpenter, res 159 Helman Tate Wm O, carpenter, res 31 B Taverner Frances K, bds 912 Boulevard Taverner George, res 912 Boulevard Taverner Mary J V, bds 912 Boulevard Taverner Rose E, bds 912 Boulevard Taverner Wm, fruit grower, res Ashland Mine rd Taverner W Geoffrey, bds Wm Taverner Taylor Henry, laborer, res 63 Nutley Taylor Mrs Irma F, bds 19 Granite Telling S Pearl (wid John), ironer Home Laundry, bds 882 B Tellon John B, res 854 A Temple of Truth, 479 Boulevard Teters Louis H, laborer, res Indiana nr Boulevard Thom Margaret (wid W S), res 586 E Main Thomas Albert W, bds 993 Boulevard Thomas Amzi W, res 993 Boulevard Thomas Henry L, clerk Loomis & Nelson, bds 462 Allison Thomas Rose H, bds 993 Boulevard Thompkins D, brakeman SP Co Thompson Arthur S, jeweler 163 E Main, res 185 Granite Thompson Nels, carpenter, res 641 Boulevard Thompson Sophia (wid A C), res 144 Garfield Thorn Olive A, student, bds 150 N Main Thorn Walker M, bds 150 N Main Thornton James, res 59 Manzanita Thornton J Edward, clerk Hotel Oregon, res 137 Oak Thornton Sheridan F, machinist, res 192 Mechanic Throne Mrs Alice E, furnished rooms 129 4th Throne Edward C, musician, res 129 4th Throne Norman F, res 129 4th Throne Robert, student, bds 129 4th Throne Thelma L, student, bds 129 4th Tibbetts Mary J (wid Cyrus J), res 155 8th Tiffany Genevieve, clerk, bds 29 Granite Tiffany Oliver C, clerk, res 29 Granite Tilton Charles F, dentist 54 E Main, res 237 Almond Titus Frank L, res 170 Mountain av Todd Lee, fruit grower, res 369 Granite Tolman Thomas E, gardener, bds O O Helman Torrence Samuel J, carpenter, res 843 B Tostevin Clarence L (Tostevin & Son), res 155 7th Tostevin Fred, student, bds 155 7th Tostevin George H (Tostevin & Son), res 155 7th Tostevin & Son (George H and Clarence L), grocers 214 4th Townsend Mrs Maggie S, res 60 Granite Tozer Albert B, res 176 Mechanic Tozer Ira, bds 176 Mechanic Tozer Job R, res 71 Laurel Tracy Alfred, bds 311 Granite Tracy Fred B, opr Western Union Telegraph Co, res 311 Granite Trask Charles E, res 591 Fairview Trefren George W, lawyer 44 E Main, res 438 N Main Trefren Leo J, stenographer G W Trefren, bds 438 N Main Tremewan James, laborer, res 176 Harrison Trinity Episcopal Church, Rev Wm Lucas rector, es 2nd bet E Main and C Triplett Carlyle C, car inspector SP Co, res 108 7th Triplett Fred, farmer, bds 471 Mountain av Triplett Millard, fruit grower, res 496 Beach Triplett Thomas W, carpenter, res 471 Mountain av True John, farmer, res E Main nr Weightman Tucker Louis, bds 351 Avery Tucker Walter G, carpenter E C Payne, res 351 Avery Turner John H, conductor SP Co, res 446 Allison Turner O Bert, teamster, res 256 6th Turner Ruth, student, bds 446 Allison Turner Wm A, res N Main nw cor Bush Tuttle Chester, laborer, res 148 Orange av Tuttle Mrs Jennie, mangler Home Laundry, res 148 Orange av Tuttle Oscar, driver Ashland Genl Delivery Co, bds 148 Orange av Tuttle Samantha, teacher East Side School Tweed Robert, laborer Ralph Billings, bds 1088 N Main Tyrrell John, fruit grower, res Elkader nr Ashland Tyson Dennis L, brakeman, bds 19 Gresham Tyson George, carpenter Moyer & Van Natta, bds 19 Gresham U
Uetz John I, laborer Oregon Gas & Electric Co, res 72 5thUetz Mina M, clerk Beebe & Kinney, bds 72 5th Ulen Louis R, plasterer, res 116 Lincoln UNION PACIFIC LIFE INSURANCE CO, Eilers Bldg, Portland Or (See Left Top Lines) UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF ASHLAND, Delos R Mills Pres, Ernest V Carter Vice-Pres, J Walter McCoy Cashier, Clark Bush Asst Cashier, Harry C Emery Asst Cashier, 15 Plaza, Tel 11 UNIVERSAL STOVES AND RANGES, Warner Mercantile Co General Agents for Southern Oregon, 375 E Main, Tel Main 146 (See Left Side Lines) Updegraff Florence A, bds 134 Manzanita Updegraff Gussie I, teacher West Side School, bds 134 Manzanita Updegraff Sarah (wid Albert W), res 134 Manzanita V
VanBuskirk Charles, stenographer SP Co, res 227 MeadeVanBuskirk Mary, bds 227 Meade VanBuskirk Robert, bds 227 Meade VanDeusen Mrs Harriet N, rms 63½ N Main VanDeusen James P, lawyer, rms 63½ N Main VanDyke H Earl, caller SP Co, bds 84 Alida VanDyke Ruth, bookkeeper, bds 84 Alida VanDyke Wm S, farmer, res 84 Alida VanLeer Milton S, blacksmith 1st bet E Main and C, res 308 N Main VanNatta Casey, carpenter Moyer & VanNatta, bds 492 Palm av VanNatta George, clerk, bds 492 Palm av VanNatta George O, fruit grower, res 439 Chestnut VanNatta John (Moyer & VanNatta), res 492 Palm av VanNatta Marion E, farmer, bds 439 Chestnut VanNice Carolyn, teacher East Side School, bds 1307 Iowa VanNice Mabel, teacher, bds 1307 Iowa VanNice Philander A, res 1307 Iowa VanSant Elizabeth (wid James K), res 179 Oak VanScoy Wm T, teacher, res 310 Morton Vaupel Charles H, vice-pres First Natl Bank of Ashland, dry goods 68 E Main, res 422 Boulevard Vaupel Leta, bds 422 Boulevard Veghte Charles H, building contractor, res 51 Gresham Viavi Co Northwest, Mrs Elizabeth Wiuf mngr, 369 Hargadine Vining Mary H (wid George), bds 614 Boulevard Vollmer John B, teamster, res 467 Woolen Volpe John, foreman Postal Tel-Cable Co, rms 35 1st av Voss Henry H, storekeeper SP Co, res 713 Oak W
Wagner Carroll M, student, bds 63 PineWagner Ellen H (wid Jacob), res 25 Granite Wagner Elizabeth, student, bds 63 Pine Wagner Florence R, teacher High School Wagner Fred D, res 47 Granite Wagner J Marsh, farmer, res 63 Pine Wagner Robert A, student, bds 63 Pine Wah Chung, Chinese goods 282 A, restaurant 82 N Main Waite Cassius M, rancher, res 634 Iowa Walker Butler, farmer, res E Main nr limits Walker Donald, bds 419 Liberty Walker Emma J (wid Jesse G), res 142 6th Walker Francis M, laborer, res 762 B Walker Frank H, City Engineer 6 Mills bldg, res 419 Liberty Walker Madge, maid 922 Boulevard Walker Mary, milliner Mrs Hannah Simons, bds end E Main Walker Roy G, asst cashier Citizens Banking & Trust Co, res 670 Boulevard Walker Sarah J (wid Daniel), res 160 2nd Wallace Wm J, engineer SP Co, res 70 3rd Wallis Wade H, sheepman, res 236 Mountain av Walisten Birger O, telegraph operator, res 771 N Main Walrad Eugene, Sexton City Cemetery, res 196 Factory Walruff Charles A, farmer, res 733 Oak Walters Fred E, telegraph operator SP Co, res 443 Allison Wamsley John, switchman SP Co, res 480 Liberty Wamsley Peryl, student, bds 480 Liberty Ward Etta M, bds 265 4th Ward Maud (wid Wm), res 265 4th Wardle Ralph L, conductor SP Co, res 142 B Ware J Bruff, propr Fairmont Orchards, res 645 Liberty WARNER AUGUSTUS T (Warner Mercantile Co), res 171 Church WARNER MERCANTILE CO (A T Warner), Hardware, Cutlery and Plumbing, General Agents for Southern Oregon for Universal Stoves and Ranges, The Best in the World, 375 E Main, Tel Main 146 (See Left Side Lines) Warren Harry, fruit grower, res Patrick nr n end Main Washburn John R, clerk C L Cunningham, res 31 Church Washburn W D, res 298 Avery Water Works, Wm Patterson supt, City Hall Waterman Elisha S, fruit grower, res 501 Euclid av Watkins Charles B (Coburn & Watkins), res 550 Boulevard Watkins Percy, drawing teacher Public Schools Watkins Rannus P, fruit grower, res 440 Beach Watson Chandler B, lawyer, res 232 Vista Watson Chandler W, civil engineer, bds 232 Vista Watson Frederic E, res 447 Rock Watson George T, painter W O Dickerson, res 166 Ohio Watson Winifred, bds 447 Rock Weaver James E, vacuum cleaner, res 407 N Main Webber Building, ns E Main nr 1st av Weber Arthur, appr E R Greive Jr, bds 4 m se city limits Webster Mrs Mary C, bds 108 Alida Weedon Thomas H, gardener, res 168 Meade Wehrli Rudolph, res 124 Ohio Weibel Wm, furrier 10 Granite, res 725 Iowa Weightman Harry, laborer, bds 347 Avery Weightman Mrs Rachel J, res 347 Avery Weis Charles, bds 124 Ohio Weisenburger Christian C, carpenter, res 156 Manzanita Welch Frank B, rancher, res Weightman cor Boulevard Welch Isaiah M, rancher, res Weightman and Boulevard Welch Joseph, bds 148 Mechanic Welch Wilda, bds I M Welch Wells Ellen I (wid Erastus), res 143 3rd Wells Emily G, bds 123 6th Wells Fargo & Co Express, Daniel A Applegate agent, 95 Oak Wells James F, orchardist, res 123 6th Wells John C, carpenter, res 131 Ohio Wenner Gerald H, student, bds 272 Maple Wenner Mellisa D, bookkeeper Talcott & Talcott, bds 272 Maple Wenner Wm H, warehouseman SP Co, res 272 Maple Weren Dorothea I, bds Eric Weren Weren Eric, fruit grower, res Ashland Mine rd Weren Eric H, clerk Emil Peil, bds Eric Weren Werth Gladys W, student, bds 166 Laurel Werth Louis L, res 166 Laurel Werth Oscar L, student, bds 166 Laurel West Frankie (wid Wm), bds 2 Beach av West J E, farmer, res Park nr Boulevard West Side School, Gertrude E Engle principal, N Main cor Manzanita Western Bonding and Investment Co The, O L Young pres, F D Swingle vice-pres, W H Gowdy treas, F E Semon (Medford) sec, real estate 77 Oak WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, F C Routledge Mngr, 11 Plaza, Tel 79 Wheeler Alvin W, bds 131 N Main Wheeler Malon W, res 131 N Main Whelpley George A, wood cutter Pearl Rushton, bds 649 E Main White Charles E, farmer, res 1132 Oak White Colonel M, rms 349 E Main White Edmond E, res 167 Mountain av White Harry, bds 1023 E Main White Henry L, res 1023 E Main White Sewing Machine Co, E J Mahan agent, 290 E Main Whited Harry L, sec Ashland Ice & Storage Co, jeweler 29 N Main, res 321 same Whiteman Mrs Elizabeth R, bds 217 Granite Whitmore Bert E, plumber, res 355 Woolen Whitney Alden F, fireman SP Co, bds 376 B Whitney Donald S, engineer SP Co, bds 376 B Whitney Mary L (wid Peter B), res 376 B Whitney Ruth, student, bds 376 B Whittle Floyd F (Mitchell & Whittle), res 121 Laurel Wick Ernest R, bds 723 N Main Wick John R (Ashland Furniture Co), res 723 N Main Wilbourne Mahala J (wid Wm), res 190 B Wilcox Howard P, res 143 Gresham Wilcox S S, fruit grower, res Wimer nr limits Wilder Mrs Emma, rms 63½ N Main Wiley Bessie M, bds 1150 Oak Wiley George R, driver Ashland Transfer & Storage Co, bds 120 2nd Wiley James W, driver Ashland Transfer & Storage Co, res 120 2nd Wiley John, gardener, res 1150 Oak Wiley Thornton S, farmer, res 518 Iowa Will John H, shoemaker 21 4th, res same Williams Paul, student, bds 137 Almond Williams S Elizabeth (wid James M), bds 251 Grant Williams Warren E, wire chief Pac Tel & Tel Co, res 661 Iowa Williamson Henry, res 43 Church Willison Charles H, traveling salesman, res 501 Allison Willison Myrtle E, clerk E E Miller, bds 501 Allison Wilshire George W, bds 87 Granite Wilshire Pearl, stenographer, bds 87 Granite Wilshire Wm A, res 87 Granite Wilson Americus A, lawyer, res 642 Liberty Wilson Bessie M, operator Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds 508 Roca Wilson Mrs Lucy, res 990 Boulevard Wilson Mrs Lulu M, bds 564 Liberty Wilson Meredith B, tailor 133 4th, res 129 same Wilson Merlin C, student, bds 129 4th Wilson Nancy J (wid M D), res 767 E Main Wilson Wm W, blacksmith 55 1st av, res 968 E Main Wimer Heights, e of Wimer nr limits Wing Sarah C (wid Chillingsworth C), bds 108 Bush Winings Carrie A, operator Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds 216 Morton Winings Charles A, res 216 Morton Winings Stanley L, laborer, bds 216 Morton Winsell R E, brakeman SP Co Winter Hortense, student, bds 430 Boulevard Winter Otto, vice-pres Granite City Savings Bank, res 430 Boulevard Wise Sidney M, pharmacist F B Mix, propr Star Theatre, res Park Hotel Wiuf Mrs Elizabeth, mngr Viavi Co Northwest, res 369 Hargadine Wiuf James P, res 369 Hargadine Wolcott Edgar, carpenter, bds 2 Glenn av Wolcott Horatio G, foreman G F Billings, res Patrick nr n end Main Wolf Adrian, student, bds 586 B WOLF CHARLES B, Editor and Propr Ashland Record, res 174 N Main, Tel 491-J Wolf Julius P, propr Depot Hotel, res 586 B Wolters Edward F, fireman SP Co, res 263 Mountain av Wood Bessie M, clerk, bds 104 Laurel Wood Clarence D, harness maker Eastern Supply Co, res 151 Gresham Wood Mary E (wid Jesse L), res 104 Laurel Wood M N, mngr Eastern Supply Co, res 151 Gresham Woods Nancy E (wid Ahijah E), bds 91 Church Woods Wallace, mngr Ashland Mnfg Co, res 91 Church Woodward Troy, carpenter, res 244 Grant Woolsoncroft Eliza J (wid John), bds 199 Meade Woolverton Mrs Ada, waiter Depot Hotel Worstall Anna B (wid George), res 78 3rd Worstall Hazel M, chief operator Home Tel & Tel Co, bds 78 3rd Worthington G W, res 156 Lincoln Wright Albert E, fruit grower, res ss Boulevard 3 e Clay Wright Albert R, res 275 Woolen Wright Clinton B F, warehouseman Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn, bds 59 Manzanita Wright John M, fruit grower, res 264 Grant Wright Louelva M, teacher, bds 264 Grant Wright Phoebe (wid Wm), res 300 Liberty Wright W Newell, clerk SP Co, res 885 B Wyant Louis H, laborer, res 868 A Wyatt S James, farmer, res n end Oak Y
Yarbrough Clifford C, meat cutter A R Brown, bds 5382 WoolenYarbrough Frank D, laborer SP Co, res 532 Woolen Yates George E, stockman, res 985 E Main Yeo George H, vice-pres-mngr Jackson County Abstract Co, res 63 Bush Yeo James A, barber 65 N Main, res 160 Factory Yeo Maggie R, stenographer Jackson County Abstract Co, bds 271 Mountain av Yeo Wm, farmer, res 271 Mountain av Yockey Mrs Elizabeth (Beaver Realty Co), res s Wimer nr limits Young Albert, res 9 Granite Young Mrs Dora, res 9 Granite Young Ella M (wid P C), bds 208 E Main Young Glenn M, clerk, bds 9 Granite Young Joshua, gardener, res 124 Nob Hill Young Marion F, laborer, bds 28 Garfield Young Mary E, music teacher, bds 124 Nob Hill Young Oscar L, pres-treas The Western Bonding and Investment Co, res 171 Granite Young Wm W, brakeman SP Co, bds 90 2nd Z
Zeigler Joseph, conductor SP Co, res 341 AlmondAPPLEGATE
A village on the Applegate River, 20
miles from Medford, the shipping point, and 20 miles southeast of
Grants Pass. Farming, mining and dairying are the principal industries.
Stage to Jacksonville
daily. Mail daily.Herriott Bros, saw mill Herriott Thomas W, blacksmith PERNOLL JOHN W, Mngr Wm Pernoll Estate and Postmaster Pernoll Wm Estate, John W Pernoll mngr, gen mdse Rose O E, hotel Valley Pride Co-operative Creamery Assn, creamery ASBESTOS
A post office on Evans Creek, 351 miles
south of Portland, 24 south of Central Point, the shipping point, and
20 northeast of Gold Hill, the banking point. Mail tri-weekly.Dinken James, cattle dealer Mayfield Finis, cattle dealer Mayfield Joseph, cattle dealer Mitchell Lee, mail contractor Sturgis Dewitt, road supervisor WELCH ALICE, Postmaster Welch J B, saw mill BARRON
A discontinued post office on Hill
Creek, miles south of Ashland, the banking and shipping point. Pacific
Tel & Tel Co's service. Stage to Soda Springs and Ashland daily
except Sunday. Mail RFD to Ashland.BEAGLE
A post office on Rogue River 12 miles
east of Gold Hill, the banking and shipping point. Mail daily.GORDEN MONROE H, Postmaster Stacy G W, blacksmith Thornbrue E H, barber Wilhite Bros, general store BROWNSBORO
A village on the Little Butte River, 17
miles northeast of Medford and 5 miles east of Eagle Point, the
shipping point. Stage to Central Point daily. Mail daily.Bieberstadt Ralph, stock breeder Bell Mrs Olive, fruit grower Bradshaw W H, grain dealer Brown, George, stock raiser Charley L C, horse dealer Colby L D, livery HEFLER E A (E A Hefler & Co), Postmaster and Farmer Hefler E A & Co (E A Hefler), general merchandise Hessler L, shoemaker Horton A H, rancher Lee, Bradshaw & Stevens, fruit growers McCarthy Frank, capitalist Morey C L, merchant and farmer Stanley Bros, cattle dealers Terrill C E, cattle breeder Tucker E H, rancher Tucker R H, blacksmith BUNCOM
A post office on the Little Applegate
River, 12 miles south of Jacksonville, the telegraph, express, banking
and shipping point. Stage and mail to Jacksonville semi-weekly.GARRETT W R, Postmaster Pursell Charles C, saw mill BUTTE FALLS
A village on Big Butte River and the
P&E RR terminus, 30 miles northeast of Medford. Daily stage to
Eagle Point. Mail daily.Adams O (Adams & Briggs) Adams & Briggs (O Adams, C P Briggs), real estate and insurance Barker George W, cashier Pine Belt Banking Co Beck Aaron, proprietor View Hotel BRIGGS C P (Adams & Briggs), Postmaster Buchanan W E, dentist Butte Falls Hotel, Mrs A L Cross propr Butte Falls Lumber Co Cadzow J, general merchandise Carson J Frank, barber and pool Crater Lake Lumber Co Cross Mrs A L, propr Butte Falls Hotel Davis George, pres Pine Belt Banking Co Fredenburg S Jesse, farmer Hughes J P, general merchandise Marcy L V, grocer and hardware Mills H D, vice-pres Pine Belt Banking Co Morris Mrs N S, baker Nichols Art, grocer and meats Pine Belt Banking Co, George Davis pres, H D Mills vice-pres, George W Barker cashier Smith E, general merchandise Stoddard N B, hardware View Hotel, Aaron Beck propr Vrandenburg H L, smoke house CENTRAL POINT
Central Point is a live progressive town
with a population of 1500, is one of the rapidly growing communities of
the Rogue River Valley, having more than doubled in population in the
last five years. It is on the main line of the Southern Pacific
Railway, 325 miles south of Portland and five miles northeast of
Jacksonville, the county seat. This section is far famed for fertility
of soil, salubrity of climate and great diversity of its natural
resources. Central Point is surrounded on all sides by as productive
fruit and agricultural land as can be found anywhere. In addition to
fruit and grain a large amount of livestock is shipped, mineral wealth
exists in the mountains, large beds of coal have been discovered within
a few miles and there is abundance of granite and sandstone for
building purposes.The temperature ranges from a minimum of 20 degrees to a maximum of 100 degrees, with an average for the year of between 55 and 60 degrees. The average annual rainfall is about 22 inches, the rainy season being from November until April, but by no means continuously during that time. Days and weeks of bright sunshine intervene between the showers. Cyclones, blizzards and other severe storms are unknown. In point of healthfulness the town ranks high and has few counterparts in the country. The altitude is 1290 feet. It is an up-to-date town, is lighted by electricity, has an excellent municipal water system, good streets and sidewalks. There are schools, churches, fraternal organizations, a good bank, large mercantile establishments and manufactures, a live commercial club and is the distributing point of a fertile section and one of the most productive regions in Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION
Central Point--Sunday services 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; B.Y.P.U., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p.m.CITY GOVERNMENT
City elections are held annually, at which time the Mayor, Recorder,
Treasurer and Councilmen are elected.
Mayor--W. A. Cowley.
Councilmen.Recorder--J. W. Jacobs. Marshal and Street Commissioner--J. B. Holmes. Treasurer--J. O. Isaacson.
D. C. Grim, H. W. Lindsay, J. W. Myers, A. J. Dunlap, A. W. Moon, W. E.
Police Department
Marshal--J. B. Holmes.
BANKSPolice Judge--W. J. Garvin.
Central Point
State Bank. Capital, $25,000. J. O. Isaacson, Pres; W. C. Leever,
Vice-Pres; W. J. Freeman, Vice-Pres; I. C. Robnett, Vice-Pres; H.
W. Lindsay, Cashier.
Central Point Cemetery--½ m s city limits.
CHURCHESBaptist Christian
Christian Church--Rev. Wm. A. Crane,
Pastor. Sunday services,
11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.;
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Christian Science
Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday
services 11 a.m.; Dr. E. Davis and
Nettie Lewis, readers.Methodist Episcopal
Methodist Episcopal Church--Rev. H. N.
Aldrich, Pastor. Sunday
services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Epworth
League, 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.CLUBS
Central Point Commercial Club--J. Myers,
Pres; W. H. Lewis,
Vice-Pres; W. E. Kahler, Sec.Y.M.C.A.--Raymond Duncan, Sec. NEWSPAPERS
Central Point Herald--S. A. Pattison,
Editor and Publisher. Weekly, 1.50 per year.PLACES OF AMUSEMENT
Central Point Opera House.Savoy Theater. POST OFFICE
Postmaster--Guy Tex.Assistant Postmaster--Mrs Della A. Tex. Carriers, R.F.D.--Ellis Clark, Ernest E. Scott. Arrival of Mails
Mails arrive from north at 5:43 a.m. and
3:16 p.m. Mails arrive from
the south at 2:44 a.m. and 5:34 p.m.Departure of Mails
Mails depart for the north at 2:44 a.m.
Public Central Point Public School--W.
L. Greenleaf, Prin;
Elizabeth Ross, Marguerite Holmes, M. E. Gleason, Mrs. Stella
Purkeypile, Avis B. Edwards, Bertha Elison, Maude Harr, Blanche Young,
Cora Smith, teachers. Patrick Stidham, janitor.
Central Hall.
Central Point Lodge, No. 135--Masonic
Hall. Meets on or before
full moon. W. C. Leever, W.M.; Wayne H. Leever, Sec.A. F. & A. Masons Order of Eastern Star
Nevita Chapter, No. 98--Masonic Hall.
Meets second and fourth
Tuesdays. Bertha Bursell, W. M.; Mrs. E. L.
Robnett, Sec.A. O. U. Workmen
Central Point Lodge, No. 12--A.O.U.W.
Hall. Meets second
and fourth Wednesdays. O. R. Pankey, M.W.; J. W. Jacobs, Rec. Degree of Honor
Madrona Lodge, No. 36--A.O.U.W. Hall.
Meets first and third
Mondays. Mrs. Jennie Boswell, Financier. G.A.R.
Harrison W. H. Post, No. 67--G.A.R.
Meets third
Saturday. S. M. Nealon, Com; H. J. Gardner, Sec. Women's Relief Corps
Harrison W. H. Post, No. 27--G.A.R.
Meets third
Saturday. Mrs. C. B. Rostel, Pres; Mrs Mary Kelsoe, Sec. Grange
Willow Springs Grange, No. 477--Meets
second and fourth Saturdays. W.
A. Cowley, Master; Martina Neal, Sec. I.O.O.F.
Central Point Lodge, No. 10--A.O.U.W.
Hall. Meets
Saturdays. A. B. Hanley, N.G.; George L. Ford, Sec. Rebekahs
Rebekah Lodge, No. 23--A.O.U.W. Hall.
Meets first and third
Tuesdays. Mrs. Bettie Pankey, N.G.; Mrs. Inez Ferguson, Sec. Knights and Ladies of Security
Central Point Lodge No. 2--A.O.U.W.
Meets second and
fourth Tuesdays. W. A. Rayburn, Pres; Mary A. Mee, Sec. Modern Woodmen of America
Camp No. 9459--G.A.R. Hall. Meets second
and fourth
Fridays. A. E. Le Ponte, V.C.; W. E. Alexander, Clerk. Royal Neighbors of America
Central Point Camp, No. 321--Meets first
and third Wednesdays in
G.A.R. Hall. Mrs. E. S. Palmer, Oracle; Mrs. Emma Bebb, Receiver;
Albert John, piano tuner, flour and feedAldrich Rev H N, pastor Methodist Episcopal Church Alexander Wm E (Freeman & Wiley Co) ANDERSON JOHN V, Physician and Surgeon, Telephone Connections Applegate Clyde, laborer Ashworth James, laborer Austin Hartley, student Austin Ina, student Austin Louville L, laborer Austin Lyle Bacon F E, foreman Central Point Herald Barnett Leonora Beale George Beall George, rancher Bear Creek Cement & Pipe Block Co, Wm C Leever pres, Warren H Norcross vice-pres, J W Jacobs sec-treas Bebb Mrs Emma Bebb Irvin, student Bebb Royal E, student Bebb Sarah Beckwith S Vilas Belcher Milton, farmer Bender Peter A Bender Sydna Blain Lloyd M, blacksmith F A Hawk Boswell Joseph E, barber Boswell Mrs Maud E Bradney Abner Brayton Wm, farmer Brennen Wm, farmer Briscoe Edward D, teamster Bryant Mrs Emma, milliner Mrs M H Parker Burrows Fred A, mngr Central Point Flour Mills Burton Grundy, rancher Carlton S A, rancher Carter Mattie, waiter Hotel Dunlap Casebolt Ira, laborer Snowy Butte Orchard Caster Mrs Bird Caton Harry F, undertaker Central Hall Central Point Baptist Church Central Point Cemetery, ½ m s city limits CENTRAL POINT FEED STORE, R Hobart Ellsworth Propr, Hay, Grain, Coal, Wood and Poultry Supplies, Tel Main 213 Central Point Flour Mills, W J Virgin Estate proprs, Fred A Burrows mngr Central Point Herald, S A Pattison editor and publr CENTRAL POINT ICE & STORAGE CO, Lewis & Sons Proprs, Telephone Connections Central Point Lumber Co, Harry E Trovillo propr Central Point Mutual Telephone Co, Geo Fox pres, Isaac F Williams sec-treas Central Point Opera House Central Point Public School, W L Greenleaf prin Central Point Real Estate Co, C S Sanderson mngr CENTRAL POINT STATE BANK, John O Isaacson Pres, Wm C Leever Vice-Pres, Harry W Lindsay Cashr, Tel Main 221 Central Point Water Works, Geo L Ford engineer Chambers Wm, farmer Childers Elmer, brickmason Christian Church, Rev Wm A Crane pastor Clark Claude, helper Southern Pacific Co Clark Ellis M, carrier RFD Clark Frank F, carpenter Cline Florence E, student Cline Georgia G Cline James L, laborer Cochran Frank Coffins John Cooksey Mrs Martha M Coope Wm H Cornelius Rodney H, agent Southern Pacific Co, Western Union Telegraph Co and Wells Fargo & Co Express Cowley Wm A (Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co), Mayor of Central Point Crane Rev Wm A, pastor Christian Church CRANFILL & ROBNETT (F L Cranfill, Medford, I C Robnett), General Mdse, Telephone Connections, Both Phones Cryderman Mary (wid Wm) Davidson Roy, farmer Davis Eldon, dentist Davisson Frances, student Davisson Harry W, farmer Davisson Margaret, teacher Downing John H, real estate Downing Lorena A (wid Frederick T) Dunlap Agnes, student Dunlap Andrew J, fruit grower Dunlap Howard Dunten Charles J Dunten Myrtle, teacher Edwards Avis B, teacher Central Point Public School Elison Bertha, teacher Central Point Public School Elliott Mildred Ellsworth R Hobart, propr Central Point Feed Store England Max R, drugs Ensley James E, carpenter Ensley Margaret, clerk PO Escott Lewis, laborer Snowy Butte Orchard Faber Edward C (Faber & McDonald) Faber & McDonald (Edward C Faber, Wm W and Chester W McDonald, Medford), gen mdse Farnum Henry, building contractor Farra Edward L, plumber Farra Fred D, plumber Ferguson Wm H, livery Ford Edgar A, gardener Ford George L, engineer Central Point Water Works Fox George, pres Central Point Mutual Telephone Co Freeman Henry, clerk D H Sturtevant Freeman Wm J (Freeman & Wiley Co) Freeman & Wiley Co (Wm J Freeman, Fred E Wiley, Wm E Alexander), agricultural implements Funk Mrs Edith Gam Kee, laundry Garvin Grace, clerk Cranfill & Robnett Garvin Osa M, clerk Cranfill & Robnett Garvin Wm J, Police Judge Gay James H, farmer George Seth C, farmer Gibson Catherine C (wid John M) Gillett Adial P (A P Gillett & Son) Gillett Alfred (A P Gillett & Son) Gillett A P & Son (Adial P and Alfred), general merchandise Gilmore James W, farmer Gilmore Molinda (wid Archibald) Gleason Aldon R, rancher Gleason Ira L Gleason Myrtle E, teacher Central Point Public School Gray John W, harness maker Freeman & Wiley Co Gray Walter, clerk Freeman & Wiley Co Gregory George, clerk R C Reame Gregory Henry L, farmer Gregory Wm J Gregory Wm W, farmer Green Nettie (wid Frank) Greenleaf W L, principal Central Point Public Schools Grim David C, expressman Grim John J H&A Co, proprs Savoy Theatre Hamilton Irwin R, plumber Hammitt Henry, plumber Wm Hammitt Hammitt Wm, plumber Hamrick Jesse, teamster D C Grim Hanby A J, teacher Harr Maude, teacher Central Point Public School Hatfield Frank, clerk Cranfill & Robnett Hatfield Lewis, clerk Cranfill & Robnett Hathaway Frank, farmer Hathaway Wm L, clerk J W Merritt Hawk F A, blacksmith Hay Ella, student Hay John F, painter Heatherly Mark Hefling Effie Henry E Howard, carpenter Herring Hazel, teacher Hesselgrave F Robert, farmer Hesselgrave George N, farmer Hesselgrave John E, farmer Hitch Joseph E, laborer Holmes Audrey, student Holmes Gladys, student Holmes Hartzell, farmer Holmes J B, City Marshal Holmes Marguerite, teacher Central Point Public School Holmes Ralph M, helper Southern Pacific Co Hopkins Fred H, fruit grower Hopkins J F Hotel Dunlap, C S and B L Sanderson proprs Hughes Mrs Emma, restaurant IXL MONUMENT CO, Albert E LePonte Propr, All Kinds of Cemetery Work, Telephone Connections Ingram Leroy T, farmer Ingram Mead, helper Lewis & Sons Ingram Willard M Isaacson John O, pres Central Point State Bank JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, A L Scholl (Jacksonville) Pres, C J Dunten Vice-Pres-Mngr, W Nikolaus Treas, J V Anderson Sec, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines) Jacobs John W, Recorder, sec-treas Bear Creek Cement & Pipe Block Co Jones Daniel E Jones Wm E, cement contractor Jones Wm L Kahler Edward D, clerk Central Point State Bank Kahler Wm E, real estate Kelsoe Thomas J, popcorn vendor Klum Andrew J, laborer Knackstedt Hazel, clerk F J Taylor Knackstedt Theodore F, cabinet maker Knackstedt T Emmet, student Kyle Robert, farmer Leever Wayne H, clerk W C Leever Leever Wm C, pres Bear Creek Cement & Pipe Block Co, hardware LePonte Albert E, propr IXL Monument Co Lesmeister Mrs Cecelia, confectionery and photographer Lewis Armine W (Lewis & Sons) Lewis Irsel D (Lewis & Sons) Lewis Wm D (Lewis & Sons) Lewis & Sons (Wm D, Irsel D and Armine W), meats Lindley Wm T, mngr Nichols & Ashpole Lindsay Harry W, cashier Central Point State Bank Little George B, clerk G S Moore Littlefield Frank L, bookkeeper Central Point Feed Store LOCKWOOD ROBERT J, Chiropractor, Nerve Specialist, Vapor Baths and Scientific Massage, Advice in Dietetics, Medical Gymnastics and Hydrotherapy, Lady Attendant Love Ira O, laborer Lowry John, miner McDowell James G, shoemaker McIntyre Nettie, teacher Central Point Public School McJimsey John H, farmer McJimsey Katie, student Magruder Jennie, maid J H Gay Magruder Mrs Margery Magruder Ray Magruder Vernon, farmer Mann Joseph A, farmer March Lloyd March Samuel, farmer Marshall Earl, farmer Marshall Jennie Marshall John Marshall Robert Mathews John, flour and feed MEE MARY A, Drugs, Jewelry, Stationery and Insurance, Telephone Connections Merriman Thomas T, blacksmith B F Peart Merritt John W, general merchandise Messener James, blacksmith B F Peart Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev H N Aldrich pastor Miller Blanche Miller Earl D, shoemaker Miller Grace, student Miller Wm D, laborer Minnick Charles S, farmer Moon Alonzo W (Moon Lumber Co) Moon Anna M (wid Edward T) Moon Lumber Co (Alonzo W Moon) Moore Edgar L, foreman Snowy Butte Orchard Moore Florence J, farmer Moore Forest R, laborer Snowy Butte Orchard Moore Frank R, laborer Moore George S, confectionery Moore Rebecca (wid Wm) Morris Augustus R, laborer Morris Mrs M Catherine Morris Wm W, farmer Mosley Mrs Josephine MURRAY REUBEN E, New and Second Hand Goods, Coal and Wood, General Express and Drayage, Tel Main 47 (See Right Side Lines and p 14) Murray Samuel H, grocer Neale George L, farmer Neale Teacle L Newman Robert I, farmer Nichols Lawrence, driver Lewis & Sons Nichols Wm J, forest ranger Nichols & Ashpole (Geo Nichols, Medford, Wilbur Ashpole, Medford), meats Nikolaus Willoby, clerk M R England Noble Edna Noble Florence Noonon Thomas J, farmer Norcross Eva Norcross Warren H, vice-pres Bear Creek Cement & Pipe Block Co, fruit grower Obenchain Earl, laborer Obenchain Nancy (wid Bartlett) O'Harra Thomas J, farmer Olsson Paulus Owen Glen, barber Owen Julia (wid Wm A) Owen Wm C, clerk Cranfill & Robnett Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, Isaac F Williams agent Painter Charles Painter John, laborer Pankey Charles A, carpenter Pankey Clarence B, carpenter Pankey Esther, clerk Faber & McDonald Pankey George, laborer Pankey Hampton T, clerk Cranfill & Robnett Pankey Jobadiah, laborer Pankey Nancy J (wid Hampton) Pankey Obadiah R, carpenter Pankey Pearl A, clerk J L Spink Parker Archibald, farmer Parker Madelina H (wid Thomas G), millinery Parker Mattie (wid Jonathan D) Parks Anna Pattison Samuel A, editor and publisher Central Point Herald Peart Benjamin F, blacksmith Peart Benjamin G, rancher Peart George C T, laborer Peart Homer, laborer Peart Lela, student Peart Luke, clerk Faber & McDonald Peart Mabel, student Perkins Charles C, painter Peterson Frank L, farmer Pool Lula Pool Scott, blacksmith Post Office, Guy Tex Postmaster Price Wm E, blacksmith Price Wm E Jr, helper W E Price Prock Curtis, laborer Pruett Wm J, laborer Purkeypile I Jay Purkeypile Maria (wid Martin) Purkeypile Mrs Stella, teacher Central Point Public School Quisenberry Archie, baker F J Taylor Randall Mrs Bessie Reame Robert C, confectionery Riley Henry (Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co) Robinett Clarence B Robinett Samuel H Robinett Mrs Sophia, boarding Robnett I C (Cranfill & Robnett) Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co (W A Cowley, Henry Riley) Ross Elizabeth, teacher Central Point Public School Ross George B, farmer Ross John E, barber Ross Lizzie, teacher Central Point Public School Ross Pearl, operator Central Point Mutual Tel Co Ross Shipley, clerk W C Leever Ross Thomas D, farmer Rostel Charles B, real estate and insurance Rowley Alva A, carpenter Ryburn Wm, laborer Sanderson Mrs Annie M, dining room mngr Hotel Dunlap Sanderson Bridane L, propr Hotel Dunlap Sanderson Charles C, building contractor Sanderson Charles S, propr Hotel Dunlap, mngr Central Point Real Estate Co Savoy Theatre, H&A Co proprs Scott Ernest E, carrier RFD Shields James, farmer Showalter John, gardener T H Hopkins Showalter Silas G, gardener Simpkins Mrs Florence, clerk Cranfill & Robnett Simpkins Mrs Saphronia, bookkeeper Cranfill & Robnett Smith Cora, teacher Central Point Public School Smith Grace, student Smith John N, farmer Snowy Butte Orchard, T H Hopkins (Portland) propr Southern Pacific Co, Rodney H Cornelius agent Spink James L, general merchandise Stewart Howard J, farmer Stewart J McDonald, farmer Stewart McDonald Stewart Mildred I Stidham Dacy J (wid Nathan) Stidham Patrick, electrician Sturtevant Duane H, general merchandise Suhr Alfred, laborer Central Point Lumber Co Taft Wm W, painter Taylor Albert C, rancher Taylor Frank J, baker Taylor Grace, student Taylor Mrs Julia, mngr F J Taylor Tex Mrs Della A, assistant postmaster Tex Guy, postmaster Thompson Nancy P (wid Samuel C) Toomy Wm, laborer Trovillo Harry E, propr Central Point Lumber Co Trubey Wm J, farmer Virgin Wm J Estate, propr Central Point Flour Mills Wade Benjamin F, farmer Warner Wayman, sheet metal works Webb C E, fruit grower Webber Charles, driver R E Murray Weisenburger Eugene V, foreman Central Point Lumber Co Wells Fargo & Co Express, Rodney H Cornelius agent Western Union Telegraph Co, Rodney H Cornelius agent Weston Frank, pres Bear Creek Cement Pipe & Block Co Wheeler Fred F, carpenter Wheeler Jesse, carpenter Wheeler Salmon F, carpenter White Claude A, clerk Mary A Mee Whiteside Edward, carpenter Whiteside Mrs M R Wiley Fred E (Freeman & Wiley Co) William Mrs Catherine Williams Alvin Williams Etta, operator Central Point Mutual Tel Co Williams Isaac F, sec-treas Central Point Mutual Telephone Co Williams Joseph T, laborer Williams Mrs Lucy D Wilson Simpson, laborer Wilson Wm W, student Witte Christopher, farmer Witte Fred, farmer Witte Wm, farmer Woody Charles, bowling alley Woody Mark, clerk Charles Woody Wright Wm T, teamster Young Blanche, teacher Central Point Public School Young Harry D, laborer Young Men's Christian Assn, Raymond Duncan sec CLIMAX
A post office on Antelope Creek, 10
miles north of Ashland, the banking and shipping point. Mail tri-weekly.Baily Henry, dairy Grissom Andrew, farmer Grissom Andrew Jr, stock dealer Grissom Lewis, sheep breeder Grissom Wm, stock dealer Hanson Nels P, stock dealer HOLMAN WM H, Postmaster and Dairy Holman Wm R, cattle dealer Kershaw James, goat raiser Orchard Arthur, dairy Orchard Jesse, goat breeder Peil Emil, goat raiser Thompson Mathew, sheep breeder White Edwin, goat raiser COLESTIN
A summer resort on the Southern Pacific
Railway, 361 miles south of Portland and 20 south of Ashland, the
banking point. Mail daily.Cole H B, postmaster and propr Colestin Hotel Colestin Hotel, H B Cole propr Colestin Mineral Water Co DERBY
A post office 23 miles north of Central
Point, the express, telegraph and shipping station, 27 north of
Medford, the banking point, and 32 north of Jacksonville. Mail
A post office and mining camp on Draper
Creek, 21 miles northwest of Jacksonville, the banking point, and 10
south of Gold Hill, the shipping station. There are several hydraulic
plants and a large dredger in operation. Mail semi-weekly.EAGLE POINT
A thriving town 12 miles northeast of
Medford on the main line of the Pacific & Eastern Ry. The
present population is 500, but it has been growing rapidly the past
year and with the influx of new settlers, extensive railroad building
and other improvements its future is assured. Has good hotel
accommodations, a bank, churches, and good stores. The soil and climate
is well adapted for raising fine fruits, and it is rapidly becoming
known as one of the best fruit districts of the Rogue River Valley.Allen George W, carpenter AOUW Snowy Butte Lodge No 138, Wm H Brown financier Ashpole John, farmer Ashpole Roy, cigars Ayres Rosa, waiter Sunnyside Hotel Bacon Charles A, conductor Pacific & Eastern Ry Benike Rosella Betty Wm, farmer Blaess Louise, waiter Eagle Point Hotel Board of Education, A B Zimmerman, J B Jackson, W W P Holt Boltz Thomas F, supt construction Pacific & Eastern Ry Brown George & Sons (J Frank, Wm H and Royal G), general mdse Brown J Frank (George Brown & Sons), vice-pres First State Bank of Eagle Point Brown Merritt J, clerk George Brown & Sons Brown Royal G (George Brown & Sons) Brown Wm H (George Brown & Sons) Bruce Scott, carpenter Bryant Burton H, carpenter Catholic Church, Father O'Farrell pastor Childreth Henry O, blacksmith Childreth Loretta Childreth Wesley L, blacksmith Cingcade David, farmer Cole H Clay, engineer Pacific & Eastern Ry Cole Samuel, carpenter Cotter James, laborer Councilmen, Wm W P Holt, J F Brown, G H Wamsley, J F Nichols, W L Childreth, S H Harnish Culverson John Curtis Jane A (wid Andrew) Daily Mrs Effie, operator Eagle Point & Butte Falls Tel Co Daily Murt L, agent Eagle Point & Butte Falls Tel Co, notions Daley Adoniram J Daley George W, general merchandise Daley Henry F', meat cutter Daley Margaret, clerk G W Daley Davis George L, pres First State Bank of Eagle Point Davis Walter, farmer Denney Wm E, section foreman Pacific & Eastern Ry Diamond Fay E (Heath & Diamond) Doren Mrs Bessie, waiter Tavern Hotel Eagle Point Baptist Church, Rev C R Lamar (Medford) pastor, Sunday services 2nd and 4th Sundays of Month 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a.m., Prayer meeting Friday 7:30 p.m. Eagle Point Hardware Co (Frank L Salter, B E Salter) Eagle Point Hotel, Mrs Hattie Owings propr Eagle Point Public School Eagle Point & Butte Falls Telephone Co, Murt L Daily agent Eekenberg Fred C, rancher Finley Fred, expressman First State Bank of Eagle Point, George L Davis pres, J F Brown vice-pres, John V McIntyre cashier Fisher George, blacksmith W L Childreth Fisher John, rancher Flore Andrew J, Postmaster Flore Margarette, clerk Post Office Froman Lawrence P, propr Tavern Hotel Froman Mrs Nora, cook Tavern Hotel Fryer James J, farmer Gleason Ernest, barber Grover Jarvis W, farmer Haak Luther K, farmer Harnish Benjamin W, farmer Harnish Dottie Harnish Ray, helper Samuel H Harnish Harnish Samuel H, livery Hart Mrs Susan Hazleton Allen L, farmer Hazleton Frank B, farmer Hazleton Wm A, farmer Heath Frances C, student Heath Fred L (Heath & Diamond) Heath Fred W, rancher Heath & Diamond (Fred L Heath, Fay E Diamond), general mdse Heckerthorn Mrs Isabel Henderson Reda, waiter Tavern Hotel Herron Charles, rancher HOLMES S B, Flour and Feed, Telephone Holt Wm W P, physician Howard Charles, employee P&E Ry Howlett Agnes Howlett Alfred C Howlett Hattie Howlett Mrs Sarah E, proprietor Sunnyside Hotel IOOF Eagle Point Lodge No 227, B H Bryant sec Jackson John B, farmer Jackson Nell Jonas Jacob W, farmer Jonas Rebecca (wid James A) Jordan James, farmer Knighten Wm G, farmer Lake Frank E, farmer Lawton Raymond C, clerk von der Hellen Hardware Co Lewis Frank, cigars and confectionery Lewis Thomas Lewis Wm McClellan T B, fireman Pacific & Eastern Ry McDonough Bert F, barber McIntyre John V, City Recorder, cashier First State Bank of Eagle Point McNetton Albert, bartender James Vogeli McQuoid John T, farmer McQuoid Norman C, machinist McQuoid Robert J, farmer Martin Lulu Montgomery Janette A (wid John B) Moomaw Joel P, farmer Narregan L Carl, rancher Narregan Norton, rancher Nichols Arthur, meats Nichols Frank, farmer Nichols John M, farmer O'Farrell Rev Father, pastor Catholic Church Owings George W, grocer Owings Mrs Hattie, propr Eagle Point Hotel Owings Ralph, confectionery Owings Willard J, clerk Eagle Point Hotel Pacific & Eastern Railway Co, Oscar D Wright agent Painter Charles S, farmer Painter Howard, helper S H Harnish Phillips George, farmer Post Office, Andrew J Flore Postmaster Purdy Lawrence D, lumber Riley George, baker Ringer James, City Marshal Ringer Mrs Mary Roe Clara (wid Maurice P) Rosenberg Gustavus, farmer Salter Frank L (Eagle Point Hardware Co) Salter Mrs Blanche E (Eagle Point Hardware Co) Simpson Harold O, employee Sprague Lumber Co Smith David, driver S H Harnish Smith John W, carpenter Smith Roy A, laborer Spiker S Ben, carpenter Sprague Henry A (Sprague Lumber Co) SPRAGUE LUMBER CO (F DeWayne (Roseburg), Henry A Sprague), All Kinds of Building Material, Telephone Stewart F Marion, City Treasurer Sunnyside Hotel, Mrs Sarah E Howlett proprietor Tavern Hotel, Lawrence P Froman proprietor Taylor Ethel, maid J M Vogel Taylor Mabel, student Taylor Neva, student Taylor Wm W, farmer Thomas Mrs Anne Thomas Charles, farmer Tronson B F, fruit grower 1 mile east Van Vachter Wm Vestal Thomas, farmer Vogeli James M, saloon von der Hellen George, vice-pres-treas von der Hellen Hardware Co Inc von der Hellen Hardware Co Inc, Wm von der Hellen pres, George von der Hellen vice-pres-treas, A H Weber sec von der Hellen Wm, Mayor, pres von der Hellen Hardware Co Inc Walfer Edward S, rancher Wamsley George H, carpenter Wamsley Mabel Wamstorff Edwin L, real estate Watkins Anna Watkins James, farmer Watkins John, Justice of the Peace Weber Augustus H, sec von der Hellen Hardware Co Inc Wehman George H, harnessmaker Wells Fargo & Co Express, Oscar D Wright agent Westman Swan J Willey Christopher, farmer Wilson Ransley W, farmer Wolary Nathaniel, farmer Wood Elizabeth Wood George, farmer Wood Lueelia Wood Marvin S, farmer Woods Walter, farmer Wright Oscar D, agent Pacific & Eastern Ry and Wells Fargo & Co Express Zimmerman Alvin B, rancher Zimmerman Florence Zimmerman Theodore, engineer GOLD HILL
Picturesquely built on the banks of the
Rogue River, with the wooded hills rising above it on all sides, is the
mining town of Gold Hill. It is situated in the western part of Jackson
County, on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railway, 310 miles
south of Portland and 21 miles northwest of Jacksonville, the county
seat. Located as it is in the mineral belt of Southern Oregon, mining
constitutes one of the most important factors contributing to the
growth of the town. There are many good mining properties in this
district, and several quartz mills are in operation.The city is putting in a new sewerage system. The professions and different lines of retail business are well represented in Gold Hull, there being among others several large general stores, drug and furniture, jewelry and confectionery stores, and an undertaking house. There is also a bank, a brick and tile factory, a flour mill, and a sawmill. There is a Methodist church, and no better schools can be found in the county than those of Gold Hill. A weekly newspaper, The Gold Hill News, is published. Stage runs from here to Sams Valley. Wells Fargo & Co Express; Western Union Telegraph; local and long distance telephone. Adams Bert A, teacher Gold Hill School Amick Eli, farmer Anderson Sarah A Anderson Thomas N, carpenter Applegate Launcelot C (Gold Hill Lumber Co) Armstrong Julius H, miner Avery David C, farmer Avery James, apprentice Gold Hill News Bailey Taylor, laborer Baker Earl A, lime burner Baker Frank, laborer Baker Oscar T, signalman SP Co Barker Benton H Barker Eli R, miner Beeman Josiah H, miner Beeman Virginia Betts Howard D, bartender Gold Hill Hotel Bar Betts Merrill Blackburn Myrtle, clerk Blackburn Nancy (wid John) Blue Dana P, building contractor Board of Education, Dr R C Kellogg chairman, Wm G Myers, George W Lance, Mrs George Patrick clerk Bogas Arthur, farmer Bogue Etha Bogue Olive Bogue Roy Bogue Wm, farmer Bolt Edward, miner Bolt Elizabeth (wid John) Bolt Frederick, miner Bouchet Placide, tailor Bowman Charles F, mason Bowman John, laborer Bowman Nellie M Bowman Roy R, miner Britt Henry, miner Britt John H, carpenter Burnett Frank A, furniture Caine Dora Caine Reuben T, electrician Caine Wm, hostler Darling & Hodges Caldwell Frank L, meats Caldwell Margaret (wid Wm) Cameron Cosmo J, bartender Gold Hill Hotel Bar Cameron D C, miner Cameron Roy D, miner CARDWELL LAWRENCE R, Propr Gold Hill Hotel and Gold Hill Hotel Bar, Tel Main 37, Home 7-K Carter Charles, laborer Carter Charles F, blacksmith Castles Burton F, miner Ceasar Hilda, teacher Gold Hill School Chavner Michael Chavner Peter, farmer Childers Frank, laborer Childers Wm L Childers Wm M, teamster City Fire Department (Volunteer), A J Olsen chief, H D Reed treas City Marshal, Leland S Noe City Mayor, Launcelot C Applegate City Recorder, John B Hammersly City Treasurer, Wm H Harvey Cook John R Cook Roy L, carpenter Cook Thomas J, farmer Coppock Charles, laborer Coppock Warren, student Councilmen, L R Cardwell, F B Willmarth, John Palmer, Joseph Dietrich, G A Landis, W R Walker Coy Isaac, miner Coy Isaac C, miner Coy Minnie Crawford Joshua H, farmer Dailey Icie, operator Pacific Tel & Tel Co Daniels Bessie, teacher Darling Ralph L (Darling & Hodges) Darling Wm E, helper Darling & Hodges Darling & Hodges (Ralph L Darling, Samuel T Hodges), livery Davidson Edward J, miner Davidson Jay E, road supervisor Davidson Vera Dietrich Joseph F, miner Dikeman H W, miner Dodge Fred W, civil engineer Dorsey Thomas, printer Duffield Samuel Dungan Charles L, painter Dungey Walter, carpenter Dunnavin Eliza (wid Willis P) Eastman Jervie H, photographer Eddings Floyd, electrician Eddings Fred, electrician Eddings Norton Erlwein Charles, gardener Erlwein Martin, gardener Evans Della Evans Wm G, miner Fleming Silas, laborer Fletcher Lafayette, miner Fountain Joseph N, carpenter Gardner Wm H, laborer Glenn Johnnie, clerk Lance & Co Gold Hill Bank The, Horace Pelton pres, Robert H Moore vice-pres, Lynn W Smith cashier Gold Hill Business Men's Assn, D H Miller pres, A E Kellogg sec, W H Miller treas Gold Hill Hospital, Mrs Flora A Kelsey propr, Russell C Kelsey supt GOLD HILL HOTEL, Lawrence R Cardwell Propr, Newly Furnished, Electric Lights, First Class Bar in Connection, Tel Main 37, Home 7-K (See adv) GOLD HILL HOTEL BAR, In Connection with Gold Hill Hotel, Lawrence R Cardwell Propr, Tel Main 37, Home 7-L (See adv) Gold Hill Lumber Co (Robert H Moore, Launcelot C Applegate) Gold Hill News The, Ben Lampman publisher Gold Hill Opera House, Walter Stickel mngr Gold Hill Public School, Bert A Adams, G B Harding, Anna S Tuttle, Sarah Wygrant, Hilda Ceasar, Nora L Norton teachers Gold Hill & Sams Valley Stage Line, James B R Morelock propr Gray Frank M, miner Griffiths Mary (wid John) Haff George L Haight Dilworth, farmer Hammersly Mrs Georgia, clerk Post Office Hammersly John B, Postmaster Handy Andrew J Harding G B, teacher Gold Hill School Harrison Grant H, teamster Harvey John A, laborer Harvey Wm H, clerk D H Miller Hayden J W Hays Benjamin H, miner Hays Edna Hays James W, laborer Helverson Julius, farmer Hemler Wm J, clerk SP Co Henry David C, school supervisor Higdon Pearl, millinery Higinbotham Elmer, blacksmith C F Carter Hodges Elizabeth (wid Daniel) Hodges Mrs Eunice, waiter Gold Hill Hotel Hodges Hattie Hodges Mildred, operator Home Tel & Tel Co Hodges Percy, cook Gold Hill Hotel Hodges Samuel T (Darling & Hodges) Holcomb George, farmer Home Telephone & Telegraph Co, Della Walker mngr Horn Diller H, blacksmith Horn Retha, student Huntington Alfred H, miner Hutchins John H, laborer Hutson James E, rancher Hutson James M, lodgings IOOF Cemetery, 2 miles west of city IOOF Crater Lake Encampment No 47, Walter Stickel scribe IOOF Gold Hill No 129, P H Myers sec IOOF Rebekahs Amethyst No 97, Mrs Maud Stickel scribe IOOF Snowy Butte No 15, W H Miller clerk Iverson George, baker Jarvis John Q, druggist Jennings Andrew (Jennings Bros) Jennings Bros (Andrew and Luke), saloon Jennings Luke (Jennings Bros) Kell Charles, blacksmith KELLOGG A E, Funeral Director and Embalmer, County Coroner Jackson County, Real Estate and Insurance, Notary Public Kelsey Mrs Flora A, propr Gold Hill Hospital Kelsey John R, electrician Kelsey Russell C, physician, supt Gold Hill Hospital Kelsey Wm C, student Kendall John, laborer Knotts Perry, blacksmith Knotts Wm, laborer Lampman Ben, publisher Gold Hill News Lampman Rex H, real estate Lance Esther (wid George W) Lance George W Jr (Lance & Co) Lance & Co (G W Lance, C A Peterson, W H Miller), general mdse Landis George A, laborer Lanham John A Lewis Alfred, carpenter Lindsley Elizabeth (wid James) Lower Charles A, electrician Lower Harold McCarthy N A McClellan Fred, farmer McClendon Christopher C McClendon Mrs Jessie, housekeeper Gold Hill Hotel McClendon Samuel McClure Wm L, farmer McDonald John McFarren Sanford V, jeweler and barber McMillan H O, miner Marting John E, shoemaker Mee Wm L, laborer Merritt & Co (John W Merritt, Central Point, Robert H Moore), general merchandise Messner Andrew, tailor Methodist Episcopal Church, E C Richards (Ashland) pastor Miller David H, hardware Miller R Lloyd, student Miller Wm H (Lance & Co) Modern Woodmen of America Royal Neighbors Alma Camp, Della Walker sec Modern Woodmen of America Sugar Pine Camp No 10073, Wm H Harvey clerk Moore James L, laborer Moore Ray Moore Robert H (Merritt & Co; Gold Hill Lumber Co), vice-pres The Gold Hill Bank Morelock James B R, mail carrier and propr Gold Hill & Sams Valley Stage Line Morelock Richard O, student Morgan Mrs Alice, maid Gold Hill Hotel Morgan Wm J Morris Joseph W, miner Myers Peter H, clerk Merritt & Co Myers Wm G, agricultural implements Newell James, carpenter Newton Nora, operator Home Tel & Tel Co Noe Leland S, second hand goods Norton Nora L, teacher Gold Hill School Nowells Cordelia (wid Isaac) Nye H B, orchardist Olden John, teamster Olsen Anton J, rancher, chief of Fire Department Olsen Edwin Olsen Pauline Owen Lucy J Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, Katheryn Pankey mngr Palmer John, carpenter Pankey Earl, laborer Pankey Henry T Pankey Joseph Pankey Katheryn, mngr Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co Pankey Thomas E, miner Parker Harry G Pates John, farmer Patrick George, rancher Pelton Horace, pres Gold Hill Bank Penning Charles H, laborer Gold Hill Lumber Co Perry Joseph R, miner Peterson Charles A (Lance & Co) Post Office, John B Hammersly Postmaster Potter Edward, laborer Gold Hill Lumber Co Powers Fred M, miner Price Charles H Raedel H C, flour and feed Ray Elisha, miner Ray Henry A, miner Ray Irwin W, miner Ray Thomas W, miner Reed Henry D, confectionery Rice Mrs May R, agent Southern Pacific Co, Western Union Telegraph Co and Wells Fargo & Co Express Riedel Charles Riedel Fred, farmer Ritter Carl, wood cutter Ritter John, farmer Ritter Nathaniel, farmer Roberts Thomas B, miner Robins James, blacksmith Schimmel Wm C See A L Shaver Charles N, barber Simmons Edward, poultry raiser Sisemore Adam Smith Clement H, physician Smith John T, laborer Smith Lynn W, cashier Gold Hill Bank, timber dealer Smith Nina (wid J D K) Smith Wm M, mason Snyder Fitch, miner Snyder Ogden S, plumber Southern Pacific Co, Mrs May R Rice agent Sperry George W, miner Steinhoff C D, painter Stickel Bros (Walter H, Hunter and Valentine), brick and tile manufacturers 1 mile se Gold Hill Stickel Gwendolyn Stickel Hunter (Stickel Bros) Stickel Valentine (Stickel Bros) Stickel Walter H (Stickel Bros) Stinebring Charles H, lime burner Sutton Emmett E, barnman Darling & Hodges Sutton Floyd, helper Charles Kell Thomason Carrie (wid Richard) Thomason John, laborer Thomason Wm, laborer Thompson Frank, clerk Thompson Walter J, farmer Truax Mrs Cora J, mngr W W Truax Truax Mary, waiter W W Truax Truax Wm W, restaurant Turner Frank B, barber Turner Fred G, clerk G B Turner Turner George B, confectioner Turner Olive M, nurse Tuttle Anna S, teacher Gold Hill School Walker Clyde, laborer Walker Della, mngr Home Telephone & Telegraph Co Walker L O, clerk H D Reed Walker W Richard, lodgings Wamaker Louis, laborer Wego Theatre, John B Hammersly propr Wells Fargo & Co Express, Mrs May R Rice agent West Thomas J, carpenter Western Union Telegraph Co, Mrs May R Rice agent Wetherell Wm P, clerk SP Co Willmarth Frank B, councilman Wilson Wm, laborer Witt Fred, section foreman SP Co Woody Charles Wyatt Edward, painter Wygrant Sarah, teacher Gold Hill School JACKSONVILLE
Jacksonville, having a population of
1000, is the county seat of Jackson County, the fourth county in Oregon
in wealth and population, and third city in the county.The town is ideally situated in the foothills, and many handsome residences speak of the comfort of its people. With the Rogue River Valley in front and the mountains at the back door, no more charming situation for a homesite can be found in the West. Jacksonville enjoys the deserved reputation of having sent out more native gold than any other place in the state. It is the supply and outfitting point for many productive mines, both placer and quartz. This is the "gateway'' to the rich Applegate Valley and the famous Blue Ledge Mine, rich in copper. For the sportsman this is a paradise. The forest reserves in the Siskiyous and the Cascades abound in every kind of game known to this region, and the unharnessed rivers and creeks afford fish for the angler. The climate of Jacksonville is ideal. Sheltered from winds, supplied with the right amount of rain--about 26 inches annually--no severe cold nor torrid heat, it is a place for a home. All of the conditions so favorable to fruitgrowing in the Rogue River Valley apply with equal emphasis here, while the additional altitude of 200 feet adds coloring to the fruit. The city has as good a water system as any in the West, recently installed at a cost of about $75,000, and [it] will soon install a sewer system. The city has electric lights and two miles of cement sidewalks, and is strictly modern in every way. The churches and schools are modern. The High School provides 12 grades--fitting pupils for the State University or the Agricultural College. A weekly and a monthly newspaper and a public library are well supported. The two banks have deposits of over $200,000, and enjoy a healthy growth. A rock quarry, saw mill, brick, tile and lime factory, a quartz mill and cyanide plant cover the industrial plants. Near to the city is a large deposit of natural cement, and the mountains are full of gold in paying quantities, and frequently pockets are found which pay from a few hundred to several thousands of dollars. The Rogue River Valley RR operates twenty trains daily, connecting with the Southern Pacific at Medford, five miles away. Whether for home life or business, Jacksonville offers many attractions. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION
City elections are held annually on the
first Tuesday in March, at which time the Mayor, City Council,
Recorder, Marshal, Street Commissioner and Treasurer are elected.CITY GOVERNMENT City Officers
Mayor--T. T. Shaw.Recorder--Henry G. Dox. Marshal--Melvin D. Jones. Street Commissioner--Chris C. Ulrich. Treasurer--James M. Cronemiller. Councilmen
Emil Britt, W. I. McIntyre, Louis Ulrich.Standing Committees
Finance--Emil Britt, Fred Fick, W. I.
Mclntyre.Street--Louis Ulrich, Emil Britt, W. I. McIntyre. Cemetery--Emil Britt, Fred Fick, W. I. McIntyre. Health--Fred Fick, Louis Ulrich and Emil Britt. Sewers and Drains--Fred Fick, Louis Ulrich and W. I. Mclntyre. Water and Light--Emil Britt, Louis Ulrich, W. I. McIntyre. Police and Liquor Licenses--Fred Fick, Louis Ulrich, Emil Britt. Police Department
Marshal--Melvin D. Jones.Police Judge--Henry G. Dox. Fire Department
Jacksonville Engine Co. No. 1.--L. G.
Ulrich, Pres; John
Dunnington, Vice-Pres; Charles Dunford, Foreman.Board of Education
Directors--C. C. Beekman, Chairman; T.
T. Shaw, W. T. Grieve.Clerk--Louis Ulrich. Principal of Public Schools--John C. F. Harrington. COUNTY OFFICERS
Judge--J. R. Neil.Clerk--W. R. Coleman. Sheriff--W. A. Jones. Treasurer--James Cronemiller. School Superintendent--J. Percy Wells. Assessor--W. T. Grieve. Surveyor--F. A. Grisez. Coroner--A. E. Kellogg. Recorder--Fred L. Colvig. County Commissioners--Frank Brown, Eagle Point; James Owen, Wellen. COURTS
Associate Justice of Supreme
Court--Joseph McKenna,
Washington, D.C.U.S. Circuit Court Circuit Judges--W. B. Gilbert, Portland; Erskine M. Ross, Los Angeles; W. W. Morrow, San Francisco. State Supreme Court
Chief Justice--Robert Eakin.Associate Justices--Thomas A. McBride, Frank A. Moore, H. J. Bean, George H. Burnett. State Circuit Court
First Judicial District, including
Jackson and Josephine counties.Judge--F. M. Calkins, Ashland. District Attorney--B. F. Mulkey. Clerk--W. R. Coleman. Court Reporter--Roy Davis. Terms in Jackson County--First Tuesday in September, second Monday in December, fourth Monday in March. County Court
Judge--J. R. Neil.Sheriff--W. A. Jones. Clerk--W. R. Coleman. Terms--First Wednesday each month. Probate Court
Judge--J. R. Neil.Sheriff--W. A. Jones. Clerk--W. R. Coleman. Commissioners' Court
Judge--J. R. Neil.Sheriff--W. A. Jones. Clerk--W. R. Coleman. County Commissioners--Frank Brown, Eagle Point; James Owen, Wellen. Terms-- First Wednesday in each month. Justice Court
Justice of Peace--Henry G. Dox.Constable--Frank Kasshafer. BANKS
Bank of Jacksonville--J. W. Bybee, Pres;
B. M. Collins,
Cashier. Capital, $10.000.Beekman's Banking House--C. C. Beekman, Propr; H. G. Dox, Cashier. Capital, $50,000. CEMETERIES
Jacksonville Cemetery--Nr w city limits. CHURCHES
Methodist Episcopal Church--5th nw cor
D. Sunday services, 11
and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.;
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Methodist Episcopal Presbyterian
First--Ns California. Rev.[Paul Bandy,]
Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m.;
Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Roman Catholic
St. Joseph's--4th se cor D. Rev. J. M.
O'Farrell, Pastor. Regular services every Sunday of month,
except first. LIBRARIES
Public School Library--Public School
bldg. Under supervision
of principal of public school. NEWSPAPERS
Jacksonville Post (Weekly)--D. W.
Bagshaw, Propr. $1.50 per
year.The Western Miner (Monthly)--Griswold & Koppes, Proprs. $1.00 per year. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT
Savoy Theater--Ns California nr 3rd.
Hull & Abbott,
Postmaster--Mrs. Mabel P. Miller. Arrival of Mails.
Mails arrive from Medford at 8:30 a.m.,
4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Mails
arrive from Watkins at 6 p.m. Mails arrive from Applegate, Steamboat
and Ruch, daily, except Sunday, at 3:30 p.m. Departure of Mails
Mails depart for Medford at 9:45 a.m.,
2:45 p.m. and 4 p.m. Mails
depart for Watkins, Tuesday and' Friday, at 7 a.m. Mails
depart for Applegate, Steamboat and Ruch, daily, except Sunday, at 7:15
Court House--Es 5th bet C and D.I.O.O.F. Hall--Oregon, nr Main. Masonic Hall--Oregon, bet California and Main. Native Daughters of Oregon Hall--Old convent ss California. Orth Hall--Oregon, bet California and Main. Town Hall--Main sw cor Oregon. SCHOOLS
Jackson Public School--E end Academy--J.
C. F.
Harrington, Prin; Mary Hurst, Clara Clausen, Nanna Fleming, Pearle
Warren Lodge, No. 10--Meets first
Wednesdays in Masonic Hall.
Emil Britt, W.M.; J. M. Cronemiller, Sec.A. F. & A. Masons Order of Eastern Star
Adarel Chapter, No. 3--Meets first and
third Thursday in
Masonic Hall. Kate Cronemiller, W.M.; Emil Britt, W.P.; Cora Linn,
Sec. Royal Arch Masons
Oregon Chapter, No. 4--Meets on Tuesday
on or before the full
moon in Masonic Hall. Emil Britt, H.P.; James M. Cronemiller, Sec. A. O. U. Workmen
Banner Lodge, No. 23--Meets second and
fourth Fridays in
I.O.O.F. Hall. Jeremiah Nunan, M.W.; M. M. Taylor, Rec. Degree of Honor
Madrona Lodge, No. 12--Meets first and
third Fridays at
members' residences. Mrs. P. A. Hines, C. of H.; Mrs. Bertha
Haney, Sec. Improved Order of Redmen
Oregonian Pocahontas Tribe, No. 1--Meets
second and fourth
Wednesdays in I.O.O.F. Hall. Albert Gangwisch, S.; Leslie W.
Stansell, C. of R. I. O. Odd Fellows
Jacksonville Lodge No. 10--Meets
Saturdays in I.O.O.F.
Hall. M. M. Taylor, N.G.; C. D. Abbott, Sec.Table Rock Encampment, No. 10--Meets second and fourth Tuesdays in I.O.O.F. Hall. Louis Eaton, C.P.; W. H. Spencer, Scribe; C. D. Abbott, Treas. Ruth Rebecca Lodge, No. 4--Meets Monday, every two weeks, in I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. Martha Norris, N.G.; Flora B. Thompson, V.G.; Mrs. Marie Ulrich, sec. Native Daughters and Sons of
Jane Mason McCully Cabin, No. 1.--Meets
first and third
Wednesday in Native Daughters Hall. Mollie Britt, Pres; Mrs. Chris.
Ulrich, Vice-Pres; Mrs Mabel Miller, Sec. United Artisans
Assembly, No. 60--Meets first and third
Tuesdays in I.O.O.F.
Hall. Oscar W. Dunford, M.A.; Mrs. Nettie Thompson, Sec. STATE OFFICERS AND BOARDS
Governor--Oswald West.State Officers Secretary of State--Ben W. Olcott. State Treasurer--Thomas B. Kay. Attorney-General--A. M. Crawford. Superintendent of Public Instruction--L. R. Alderman. State Printer--W. S. Duniway. United States Senators--Jonathan Bourne Jr., George E. Chamberlain. Representatives--Willis C. Hawley, A. W. Lafferty. Superintendent of Penitentiary--C. W. James. Superintendent of Insane Asylum--R. E. L. Steiner. Superintendent of Deaf and Dumb Asylum--E. S. Tillinghast. Superintendent of Blind Asylum--E. T. Moores. Superintendent of State Training School--N. H. Looney. Superintendent of Institution for Feeble Minded--F. E. Smith. Superintendent of Banks--Will Wright, Union; W. H. Bennett, Portland, Bank Examiner. State Land Agent--T. A. Rinehart. State Bacteriologist--Emile F. Pernot, Corvallis. State Biologist--Albert R. Sweetser, Eugene. State Forester--F. A. Elliott, Newberg. State Engineer--John H. Lewis, Salem. State Health Officer--C. S. White, M. D., Portland. State Librarian--Edna M. Hawley. State Sheep Inspector--W. H. Lytle, Pendleton. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Inspector of Factories and Workshops--O. P. Hoff, Salem. State Game Warden--W. L. Finley, Portland. Insurance Commissioner--S. A. Kozer, Salem. Master Fish Warden--R. E. Clanton, Portland. Oregon Dairy and Food Commissioner--J. W. Bailey, Portland. State Veterinarian--W. H. Lytle, Pendleton. State Purchasing Agent--C. D. Frazer, Salem. Port Warden for Columbia District--A. W. McIntosh, Portland. State Architect--Wm. C. Knighten. State Parole Officer--Rev. P. E. Bauer, Salem. State Boards
Board of Commissioners for Licensing
Sailors' Boarding Houses--A. M. Smith, Wm.
MacMaster, C. H. Sholes, Portland.Board of Regents of Normal Schools--Governor, Secretary of State, Superintendent of Public Instruction; C. E. Spence, Carus; E. Hofer, Salem; Cornelia Marvin, Salem; H. J. Maier, The Dalles; W. C. Bryant, Moro; Stephen Jewell, Grants Pass; C. L. Starr, Salem, Sec. Canal Commissioners--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer; R. A. Watson, Clerk. Child Labor Commission State of Oregon--Stephen G. Smith, Portland; H. G. Kundret, Portland, Chairman; Mrs. M. R. Trumbull, Portland, Sec; Mrs. Turner Oliver, La Grande; Mrs. S. A. Evans, Oswego. Desert Land Board--Governor, Secretary of State, State Engineer, State Treasurer, Attorney-General. Fiscal Agency for State of Oregon in New York City--The National Park Bank of New York. Oregon Conservation Commission--J. N. Teal, Portland, Chairman; F. G. Young, Eugene, Sec; C. B. Watson, Ashland; Mrs. Josephine Hirsch, Portland; J. C. Stevens, Portland; Wm. Pohlman, Baker; B. F. Irvine, Portland. Oregon Domestic Animal Commission--Governor, Secretary of State, President State Board of Agriculture and State Veterinarian. Oregon Geographic Board--Will G. Steel, Portland, Pres; J. B. Horner, Corvallis, Sec. Oregon Library Commission--Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, President State University, M. F. Isom, Portland; W. B. Ayer, Portland; Cornelia Marvin, Sec. Oregon State Dairy and Food Commission--J. W. Bailey, Portland, Comnr; A. S. Wells, Portland, Chemist. Panama Pacific Exposition Commission--Lee M. Travis, Eugene; Julius L. Meier, Portland; F. P. Bodinson, Baker. Portage Railway Commissioners--L. Allen Lewis, Portland; W. J. Mariner, Blalock; Joseph T. Peters, Portland; Charles E. Eckert, Celilo, Supt. Railroad Commission of Oregon--Clyde B. Aitchison, Portland, Chairman; Frank J. Miller, Albany, and Thomas K. Campbell, Cottage Grove, Comnrs; George O. Goodall, Salem, Sec. State Banking Board--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer. State Board of Agriculture--J. H. Booth, Roseburg, Pres; N. C. Maris, Portland; H. W. Hatch, Salem; George W. Warren, Warrenton; George Chandler, Baker; Frank Meredith, Salem, Sec. State Board of Barber Examiners--H. G. Meyer, Salem, Pres; R. R. Wallace, Astoria; T. M. Leabo, Portland, Sec. State Board of Control--John H. Lewis, Salem, Pres; James T. Chinnock, Portland; George T. Cochran, La Grande; Robert Eakin, Jr., Sec. State Board of Dental Examiners--W. S. Kennedy, The Dalles, Pres; Frank Vaughn, Astoria; Jean Cline, Portland; Clyde Mount, Oregon City; H. H. Olinger, Salem, Sec. State Board of Education--Governor, Secretary of State, Superintendent Public Instruction. State Board of Examination and Registration of Graduate Nurses--Mrs. Olivia E. Osborne, Medford; Frances McLane, Portland; Helen E. Jones, Portland. State Board of Fish Commissioners--Master Fish Warden, M. J. Kinney, Portland; Wm. L. Finley, Portland; C. K. Cranston, Pendleton; C. F. Stone, Klamath Falls; George H. Kelley, Eugene. State Board of Forestry--Governor Oswald West, Salem; George W. Peavy, Corvallis; A. T. Buxton, Forest Grove; A. P. Sprague, Portland; George H. Cecil, Portland; L. S. Hill, Cottage Grove; Dan P. Smythe, Pendleton; F. A. Elliott, State Forester and Secretary, Salem. State Board of Health--E. A. Pierce, Portland, Pres; E. B. Pickel, Medford; W. B. Morse, Salem; A. C. Smith, Portland; A. C. Kinney, Astoria; C. J. Smith, Portland; C. S. White, Portland, Sec. State Board of Higher Curricula--C. J. Smith, Pendleton; J. E. Hughes, Oregon City; O. P. Coshow, Roseburg; J. R. Wilson, Portland; A. G. Beals, Tillamook. State Board of Horticulture--W. K. Newell, Dilley, Pres; Judd Geer, Cove; R. H. Webber, The Dalles; C. A. Park, Salem; A. H. Carson, Grants Pass; J. H. Reed, Lafayette; H. M. Williamson, Portland, Sec. State Board of Immigration Commissioners--W. E. Coman, Portland, Pres; LeRoy Park, Portland; J. M. Scott, Portland; T. C. Burke, Baker; A. F. Hofer, Jr. Salem; C. C. Chapman, Portland, Agent. State Board of Medical Examiners--Harry F. McKay, Portland, Pres; F. E. Moore, La Grande; W. S. Mott, Salem; H. L. Henderson, Astoria; R. C. Coffey, Portland, Sec. State Board of Optometry--C. W. Lowe, Eugene, Pres; H. W. Barr, Salem; E. O. Mattern, Portland. State Board of Pharmacy--G. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Pres; F. H. Caldwell, Newberg; Kittie W. Harbord, Salem; L. B. Haskins, Medford; Frank C. Pozzie, Portland, Sec. State Board of Pilot Commissioners--James Monks, Portland; Frank J. Taylor, Astoria; John Kopp, Seaside; G. C. Nelson, Astoria, Sec. State Board of Public Building Commissioners--Governor, Secretary of State,. State Treasurer; R. A. Watson, Salem, Sec. Meets first Monday in each month. State Board of Sheep Commissioners--Charles Cleveland, Gresham, Pres; A. K. Smythe, Arlington; Herbert Boylen, Pendleton, Sec. State Board of Tax Commissioners--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer; J. B. Eaton, Union; C. V. Galloway, McMinnville; C. L. Starr, Falls City, Sec. State Board of Text Book Commissioners--P. L. Campbell, Eugene, Pres; W. M. Colvig, Medford; C. A. Johns, Baker; M. A. Miller, Lebanon; A. P. Armstrong, Portland. State Board of Trustees for Oregon State Insane Asylum--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer; R. A. Watson, Clerk. State Commission for the Treatment of Tuberculosis--Governor, Secretary of State; G. F. Rodgers, Salem; A. L. Mills, Portland; E. A. Pierce, Portland; Calvin S. White, Portland; P. H. Fitzgerald, Gervais, Supt; R. A. Watson, Asst. Sec; Leslie Butler, Hood River: Andrew C. Smith, Portland. State Horticultural Society--J. L. Carter, Hood River; L. T. Reynolds, Salem; H. C. Atwell, Forest Grove. State Land Board--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer: G. G. Brown, Salem, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Tuesday in each month. State Military Board--Commander-in-Chief, Governor Oswald West, Salem; Adv Gen, Samuel White, Portland; Sur Gen, James Jackson, Portland; Judge Adv Gen, Samuel White, Portland: Surgeon Gen, C. T. Chamberlain, M. D., Portland; Com Gen, J. Al Waddle, Portland; H. U. Welch, Portland, Captain of Field Artillery. State Parole Board--James R. Linn, Salem; J. W. Minto, Portland; C. W. James, Salem; Rev. P. E. Bauer, Salem, Parole Officer. State Purchasing Board--Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Purchasing Agent. State Veterinary Board--F. T. Notz, Baker, Pres; J. F. Morse, Corvallis: W. H. Lytle, Pendleton; B. M. Weller, Eugene; W. S. Eddy, Oregon City. Trustees of McLoughlin Home (Oregon City)--J. E. Hedges, E. G. Caufield, E. Hillebrand, Oregon City. TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES
Rogue River Valley Railway Co.--General
Jacksonville, Oregon. Wm. S. Barnum, Pres; Wm. H. Barnum, Vice-Pres and
Treas; John C. Barnum, Sec and Gen Mngr.Railroads Stage Lines
Jacksonville and Applegate Stage
Line--James W. Rock, Propr.
Leaves Jacksonville Post Office 7:15 a.m.; arrives Ruch, 9 a.m.;
arrives Applegate, 11:15 a.m., returning, leaves Applegate 11:30 a.m.,
arrives Ruch, 1 p.m.; arrives Jacksonville, 3:30 p.m.Jacksonville and Hutton Stage Line--Henry Wendt, Propr. Stage leaves Jacksonville Post Office Tuesdays and Fridays, 7 a.m.; arrives Buncom, 10 a.m.; arrives Watkins, 4:10 p.m.; arrives Hutton, 6 p.m.; returning, leaves Hutton Wednesdays and Saturdays 7 a.m.; arrives Watkins, 8:30 a.m.; arrives Buncom, 1 p.m.; arrives Jacksonville, 6 p.m. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES
Abbott Charles D, hardware ns California nr Oregon, res California se
cor 4thAbbott Clara O, student, bds C D Abbott Abbott Julian R, student, bds C D Abbott Abbott Sidney (Hull & Abbott), bds C D Abbott Anderson J V, sec Jacksonville Brick & Tile Co, res Central Point Applebaker Joseph, blacksmith D sw cor 3rd, res ss D nr 3rd Ashpole Roy, deputy Sheriff, res Eagle Point Atterbury Jesse E, carpenter, res es 3rd BAGSHAW DANIEL W, Propr Jacksonville Post, Lawyer Bank of Jacksonville Bldg, res ws 6th Bailey Ralph B, clerk, bds W P Bailey Bailey Wm P, livery California nw cor 4th, res California ne cor 5th Baker Jesse, laborer, bds F M Tungate Baker Lewis, laborer, bds F M Tungate Band Eleer, miner, res ws Applegate rd Band Mrs Ellen, res ws Oregon Bandy Paul, pastor First Presbyterian Church, res ns California BANK OF JACKSONVILLE, W R Coleman Pres, Benjamin M Collins Cashier, Leslie W Stansell Asst Cashier, California sw cor 3rd Barnum George A, engineer Rogue River Valley Ry, bds W S Barnum Barnum John C, sec-gen mngr Rogue River Valley Ry Co Barnum Wm H, vice-pres-treas Rogue River Valley Ry Co, res es Oregon Barnum Wm S, pres Rogue River Valley Ry Co, res ws Oregon 2 n California Basye Charles H, blacksmith California ne cor 4th, res same Beekman's Banking House, Cornelius C Beekman propr, California nw cor 3rd Beekman Carrie C, bds C C Beekman Beekman Cornelius C, propr Beekman's Banking House, res ss California Beery Charles H, res ¼ m e limits Beery Edward, laborer, bds J H Beery Beery Edwin, laborer, bds J H Beery Beery Esther M, teacher, bds J H Beery Beery James H, teamster, res ws Oregon Beery James M, laborer, bds J H Beery Benedict Wm W, farmer, res Lundgren add Beucler Catharine M (wid Frederick), bds Mrs A M Elmer Bienvenue Onesime, laborer, bds E A Langley Binder Mrs Orilla D, res Lundgren add Bostwick Edward, hostler W P Bailey, rms California nw cor 4th Bowen Wm H, fruit grower, res es Oregon Britt Amelia, bds Emil Britt Britt Emil, farmer, res ws Pine Broad Annie (wid Wm), res es 3rd Broad Joseph, blacksmith, bds Mrs Annie Broad Broad Michael, laborer, bds Mrs Annie Broad Broad Wm, laborer, bds Mrs Annie Broad Brown Frank, County Commissioner, res Eagle Point Brown L I, propr US Hotel, res same Bunch Ray A, barber ns California nr 3rd, res es Main Cameron Theodric, bds M M Taylor Cantrall Andrew, res ns California Cantrall James M, farmer, res Caldwell add Cantrall J Everett, farmer, bds J M Cantrall Cantrall W Vernon, farmer, bds J M Cantrall Caudill Watson G, bds J M Williams Caughthran Ione T, opr Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds Mrs Louise Caughthran Caughthran Mrs Louise, music teacher, res ws Oregon Caughthran Noble D, clerk, bds Mrs Louise Caughthran Chapman George R, confectionery California se cor Oregon, rms Antone Rose Chappell Richard, painter, bds Mrs Sarah Chappell Chappell Sarah (wid Lyman), res ws Oregon Clausen Clara, teacher Jacksonville Public School Clevenger S M, deputy Sheriff, res Butte Falls Coffman Mrs Annie, restaurant California nw cor Oregon, res Lyden House Coffman F Oren, helper Mrs Annie Coffman, bds Lyden House Coleman Frank L, deputy County Clerk, bds W R Coleman Coleman W R, County Clerk Court House, res Main sw cor 3rd COLLINS BENJAMIN M, Cashier Bank of Jacksonville Collins Ivan H, student, bds J C Collins Collins J Calvin, res 6th nw cor D Collins Nellie, teacher, bds J C Collins Colvig Fred L, County Recorder Court House, bds Issie McCully Cone Sherman L, miner, res ws Oregon Cook Mrs Ella, bds G H Luy Copple Mrs Catherine, res Jacksonville rd Cordell Watson C, sec-treas Taylor-Williams Co Inc, bds J M Williams Couch Eva, teacher, bds B M Collins Couch Lora, teacher, bds B M Collins Coulter Mrs Lizzie, res ws Oregon Court House, es 5th bet C and D Cronemiller David H, clerk, bds J M Cronemiller Cronemiller James M, County Treasurer Court House, res ss California Cronemiller Kate, res ns California nr 4th Cronemiller Mamie F, res ns California nr 4th Crouch Howison (Nye-Crouch Reduction Co) Dailey Mrs Julia H, res Lundgren add Darling Ralph, deputy Sheriff, res Gold Hill Davis S Decatur, fruit vendor, res ws Applegate rd Day Edward M, bds Mrs M E Day Day Mary E (wid Silas J), res w end Main Day Olive (wid Edward W), bds M C Wilson DAY SILAS J ABSTRACT CO, O N Nelson Mngr, California nw cor 5th Deneff Wm, conf ns California nr Oregon, res ws Oregon DeRoboam Jean, bds S P DeRoboam DeRoboam Samuel P, res ss California DeVore Thos L, furniture and hardware ws Oregon, res same Dick Nancy A (wid Wm H), res es 4th Donegan Patrick, blksmth California sw cor 4th, res 4th nw cor Main Dow Robert B, chief deputy Sheriff, res D ne cor 6th Dox Henry G, City Recorder, Justice of the Peace, Cashier Beekman's Banking House, agent Wells Fargo & Co Express Dox Pearl M, operator Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds O N Nelson Dunford Charles F, drayage, res s end 3rd Dunford Charles F Jr, teamster C F Dunford, bds same Dunford Flossie F, bds C F Dunford Dunford Oscar W, teamster C F Dunford, res ws 3rd Dunnington Clifford H, meat cutter Dunnington & Kleinhammer, bds S E Dunnington Dunnington John G (Dunnington & Kleinhammer), res 4th cor C Dunnington Samuel E, saloon California se cor Oregon, res es 5th Dunnington Thomas E, meat cutter Dunnington & Kleinhammer, bds S E Dunnington Dunnington & Kleinhammer (John G Dunnington, Arthur S Kleinhammer), meats Oregon Eaton Benjamin F, teamster, bds Louis Eaton Eaton James G, teamster, res ws Oregon Eaton Louis, County Jailer, res ws Oregon nr Pine Eaton Rena (wid Wm), res es Oregon Eaton Wm, laborer, bds Mrs Rena Eaton Elksnat Gottlieb, surveyor, res ws Park Elmer Amelia M (wid Peter), res n end 5th Elmer Clara C, teacher, bds Mrs A M Elmer Ennis Etta M (wid Robert), res ss California Ennis Frank, res 3rd nw cor Main Ennis Ruthetta, student, bds Mrs E M Ennis Ensele Louise, maid C C Beekman Ensele Peter, res at n limits Epperson Greenville S, gardener, res es Oregon Fick Frederick J, building contractor 3rd nw cor C, res end 3rd Fick Peter J, farmer, bds P N Fick Fick Peter N, farmer, res es Jacksonville rd Finney Lottie, bds W E Finney Finney Robert N, bartender S E Dunnington, bds W E Finney Finney Wilfred E, carpenter, res D First Presbyterian Church, Rev Paul Bandy pastor, ns California Flater Daniel, res Jacksonville rd Flater George F, miner, bds Daniel Flater Flater Henry M, miner, bds Daniel Flater Flater John A, miner, bds Daniel F later Fleming Nanna, teacher Jacksonville Public School FLOREY CHAUNCEY, Chief Deputy County Assessor Court House, res ws Oregon, Tel Pacific 271 Fraley Wm H, laborer, bds J W Rock Fulton Thomas W, foreman Jacksonville Post, bds D W Bagshaw Gall Albert L, fruit grower, res ns California Gangwisch Albert, carpenter F J Fick, res 2 m w limits Gaskin Richard, printer D W Bagshaw, bds R C Jorgensen Getchell Herbert L, miner, res ws Applegate rd Gillett James W, fruit grower, res Oregon Gillett Pearl, teacher Jacksonville Public School, bds J W Gillett Golden Robert E, physician Bank of Jacksonville bldg, res Oregon sw cor Fir Greaves John C, bds J W Greaves Greaves John W, cement worker Greaves Pauline E, student, bds J W Greaves Gregg Zelda E (wid George R), bds Daniel Flater Grieve Mrs Katie M, deputy County Assessor, res ns California nr 6th GRIEVE WM T, County Assessor Court House, Tel Pacific 101, Home 2011-L, res ns California nr 6th, Tel Pacific 171 Grimes Abner E, laborer, bds Mrs M A Hinkle Grisez Frank A, County Surveyor Court House Griswold O H (Griswold & Koppes), bds US Hotel Griswold & Koppes (O H Griswold, R A Koppes), proprs The Western Miner ws 5th opp Court House Hanna Herbert K, lawyer Bank of Jacksonville bldg, res es Pine Hanna H K Jr, mngr Rogue River Realty Co Harbaugh Oliver, farmer, res es Academy Hards Mammie C, student, bds James Johnson Harper Guy R, res ws Oregon Harrell W A, farmer, res at e limit Harrington F Marian, student, bds J C F Harrington Harrington H Fremont, vacuum cleaner ss California, bds J C F Harrington Harrington John C F, prin Jacksonville Public School, res ss California nr 8th Harrington Marian, student, bds J C F Harrington Hartman Jaston, res es 5th Haskins Jonothan, carpenter, res 5th nr D Hawk Willis N, laborer, res es Applegate rd Hedberg Elmer S, res e end California Heeley Fredericka R (wid Wm), res es Oregon Helms Amanda, bds E H Helms Helms Edward H, saloon es Oregon nr Main, res ws Oregon Henry George O, teacher, bds G S Epperson Henry Mabel H, bds G S Epperson Hill Daniel, bds J A Marsh Hines Pauline A (wid George), res C nw cor Oregon Hines Rowell D, cond Rogue River Valley Ry Co, bds Mrs P A Hines Hinkle Arthur R, miner, bds Mrs J H Dailey Hinkle Matilda A (wid Calvin), carpet weaver, res es 3rd Hoefs Alice A, bds C F Hoefs Hoefs C Frederick, carpenter, res ws Sterling rd Hoefs Edith E, student, bds C F Hoefs Hoefs Elmer T, bds C F Hoefs Hoek Edward S, deputy County Assessor Court House, bds C Florey Hoffman Kate F (wid John H), res ws Oregon HOGSETT E C, Pres-Mngr Rogue River Valley Abstract-Title Co, res Medford Hudson Benjamin F, laborer, res ws Applegate rd Hudson M Emeline (wid David H), res ws 3rd Hueners Christina (wid John C), bds J H Hueners Hueners John H, farmer Hull & Abbott (Frank Hull, Medford, Sidney Abbott), proprs Savoy Theatre ns California nr 3rd Humphrey Eva, rms F M Tungate Humphrey Ona B, clerk County Recorder, bds F M Tungate Hurst Mary, teacher Jacksonville Public School IOOF Hall, Oregon ne cor Main JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, A L Scholl Pres, C J Dunten (Central Point) Vice-Pres-Mngr, W Nikolaus (Central Point) Treas, J V Anderson (Central Point) Sec, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and adv) Jacksonville Cemetery, nr w limits JACKSONVILLE POST, D W Bagshaw Propr, ws 3rd bet California and C Jacksonville Public School, John C F Harrington prin, e end Academy Jacksonville & Applegate Stage Line, James W Rock propr, Post Office Jacksonville & Hutton Stage Line, Henry Wendt propr, Post Office Janney Paul M, field deputy County Assessor, res Medford Jeffrey Robert G, draftsman Silas J Day Abstract Co Jensen John, foreman Water Works, bds J A Schmitt Johnson Gus, laborer, bds J A Schmitt Johnson James, res es Applegate rd Johnston Joseph, bds Malcolm Johnston Johnston Malcolm, laborer, res Academy nr E Jones Elizabeth (wid Stouten), res 4th nr C Jones Louise T, mngr Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds Mrs Elizabeth Jones Jones Martha (wid Wm A), res ss California Jones Melvin D, City Marshal, res es Oregon Jones Wilbur A, Sheriff Court House, res ns California nr 6th Jorgensen Lema L, clerk R C Jorgensen, bds same Jorgensen Rasmus C, baker es Oregon nr Main, res 6th cor D Kasshafer Frank, bailiff County Court, res ws Applegate rd Keegan Christopher (Luy & Keegan), res es 3rd Kellogg A E, County Coroner, res Gold Hill Kelly Mrs Minnie, bds Mrs M M Thompson Kenney Frances B, student, bds T J Kenney Kenney Thos J, res 4th sw cor D Kenney Wm G, bds T J Kenney Kirkruff George K, laborer, res Lundgren add Kirkruff Wilson B, miner, bds G K Kirkruff Kleinhammer Arthur S (Dunnington & Kleinhammer), res Little Applegate Knowles F W, fruit grower, res ss California Koppes R A (Griswold & Koppes) Kremer John, farmer, res at e limits Kubli Eleanor J (wid Kaspar), res es Oregon Langley Ernest A, res ws Oregon Launspach George L, farmer, res.e end California Launspach Herbert, bds G L Launspach Leonard Claud P, billiards ss California, bds Lyden House Levy Stella, res 5th sw cor C Lewis Fred, laborer, bds O C Lewis Lewis George N, res ws 4th Lewis Harry O, meat cutter, bds O C Lewis Lewis Oscar C, bartender Luy & Keegan, res es 4th Linn Corine, bds David Linn Linn David, res es Oregon Louden John, farmer, res Jacksonville rd Love Mert J, miner, bds S L Cone Lundgren Axel T, mining, bds J A Schmitt Luy Harry G (Luy & Keegan), res ws 3rd Luy & Keegan (Harry G Luy, Christopher Keegan), saloon ns California nr 3rd Lyden House, John Lyden propr, California nw cor Oregon Lyden John, propr Lyden House, res same McCully Issie, res California sw cor 5th McDonald Grace, bds R E Golden McIntyre Joseph E, student, bds W I McIntyre McIntyre Nellie M, bds W I McIntyre McIntyre Wm B, farmer, bds W I McIntyre McIntyre W Isaac, fruit grower, res s end 3rd McLaren Horace C, laborer, bds James McLaren McLaren James, res es Applegate rd Marple Anna E (wid Ezekiel K), res ws 5th Marsh Denver A, brakeman, bds J A Marsh Marsh John A, carpenter, res ws Oregon Martin Emma C, clerk Joseph Martin, bds same Martin Joseph, grocer ss California nr 3rd, res es Park Masonic Hall, es Oregon bet California and Main Mee Lylia M, maid W T Grieve Methodist Episcopal Church, 5th nw cor D Miller John F, hardware ss California nr Oregon, res 3rd se cor Main Miller Mrs Mabel P, Postmaster, res 3rd se cor Main Miller Mary (wid John), res 3rd se cor Main Mitchell August, laborer Mitchell Charles E, student, bds August Mitchell Mitchell Herbert R, student, bds August Mitchell Mitchell Nicholas, farmer, res California trail 1 e limits Mitchell V Roland, student, bds C E Mitchell Mooers C Edward, laborer, res ws Oregon Morcom Joseph, miner Native Daughters of Oregon Hall, Old Convent ss California Neil James R, County Judge Court House, res ws Oregon Neil Mildred M, bds J R Neil Nelson Grace, maid M M Taylor Nelson Mrs M L, stengr Silas J Day Abstract Co, res ns California Nelson O N, mngr Silas J Day Abstract Co, ins, res ns California Neuber George E, res es 5th Neuber Laura, operator Pac Tel & Tel Co, bds G E Neuber Newbury Donald, student, bds W A Jones Newbury Maude, student, bds W A Jones Nichol Sid M, grocer ss California nr 3rd, res 5th se cor C Nickel Charles, farmer Norris Alfred T, traveling salesman, bds J A Norris Norris John A, laborer Norris Ossie C, student, bds J A Norris Nunan Frances, stenographer, bds Jeremiah Nunan Nunan Jeremiah, res ws Oregon Nye-Crouch Reduction Co (Robert Nye, Grass Valley Cal, Howison Crouch), cyanide plant Opp Mine 1½ m sw limits O'Leary A R, bartender L I Brown, bds US Hotel Opp John W, mngr Opp Mine, res 1 m w limits Opp Mine, 1½ m sw limits Orth Hall, Oregon bet California and Main Owen James, County Commissioner, res Wellen Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, Louise T Jones mngr, ss California bet Oregon and 3rd Patten Victor, laborer, res es 3rd Pepper Carl H, laborer, res w end California Petard Albert, miner, bds August Petard Petard August, miner, res Rich Gulch Petard August Jr, miner, bds August Petard Pitz Henry, teamster, res es 3rd Pitz Reuben H, student, bds Henry Pitz Pool Arethusa (wid Arthur), res Academy nr E Pope Joseph O, res ws Applegate rd Port Lee C, blacksmith, res ws Applegate rd Post Office, Mabel P Miller Postmaster Prim Charles, lawyer, res ss California Prim Charles W P, student, bds Charles Prim Prim Lela, bds Charles Prim Rathbun Edward, laborer, bds Mrs J H Dailey Raybould Robert E, laborer, res 6th sw cor D Reeve Margaret H (wid Joseph K), res ns California Renault John, res w end California Reno John, res w end California Reuter Mrs Christina, res Academy se cor 4th Reuter Lizzie, bds Mrs Christina Reuter Rhinehart John B, miner, res es Oregon Robinson James W, drugs ns California nr 3rd, res ws Oregon Robinson Reuben H, bds Mrs M C Taylor Robison Frank, barber ss California nr 3rd, res es 3rd Rock Andrew V, res es 4th Rock James M, laborer, bds J W Rock Rock James W, propr Jacksonville & Applegate Stage Line, res 6th ne cor D Rogue River Realty Co, H K Hanna Jr mngr, 3rd sw cor California ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT-TITLE CO, E C Hogsett (Medford) Pres-Mngr, S C Whittington Sec-Treas, Opp Court House (See Left Bottom Lines and Classified Abstracts of Land Titles) Rogue River Valley Railway Co, Wm S Barnum pres, Wm H Barnum vice-pres-treas, John C Barnum sec-gen mngr Rosdine Zepha, bds C H Basye Rose Antone, miner, res ws 3rd Rose Mrs May, dressmaker, res ws 3rd Russell Charles H, electrician, bds Mrs O D Binder Russell Mrs Josephine, bds Jeremiah Nunan Ryan Harry, laborer, bds C L Springer Ryan James W, laborer, bds C L Springer Ryan Laura A (wid Henry F), bds C L Springer Ryan Luke, dry goods n California bet 3rd and 4th St Joseph's Catholic Church, Rev Father O'Farrell pastor, 4th se cor D Sandry S L, deputy Sheriff, res Rogue River Savoy Theatre, Hull & Abbott proprs, ns California nr 3rd Schaeffer Jacob, farmer, res at e limits Schepflen Louise (wid Wm), res ws Oregon Schmitt J Adam, res ws 4th Scholl A L, pres Jacksonville Brick & Tile Co, res w end California Scholl Hazel, student, bds A L Scholl Schumpf Charles, porter R A Bunch Schumpf John R, laborer, bds Mrs Ellen Band Shaw Clyde C, miner, res es Oregon Shaw Thurston T, Mayor, dentist ss California nr Oregon, res 5th cor E Shearer H G, deputy Sheriff, res Medford Simmons John M, laborer, bds S B Simmons Simmons S Beacher, res ws 3rd Smith Charles F, res ws Oregon Smith Clyde L, laborer, bds C F Smith Smith Dudley V, laborer, bds Mrs P A Smith Smith Frank, farmer, res Oregon Smith J Burk, laborer, bds Mrs P A Smith Smith Mrs Philura A, res ss California Sparks Wesley R, shoemaker es Oregon nr Main, res Sparks Hts Spencer Wm H, carpenter, bds C P Stinson Springer Cale L, game warden, res es 3rd Stansell Leslie W, asst cashier Bank of Jacksonville, res ss California Stewart James K, chemist, res ws 3rd Stinson Clifford P, res Applegate rd 1 m s limits Stone Louis M, farmer Stout Carl D, res Jacksonville rd Stout Fletcher C, clerk J W Robinson, bds C D Stout Stout Ora M, student, bds C D Stout Strand Arnold A, res es Jacksonville rd Stroud Laurence, laborer, bds C P Stinson Swartzfager John W, miner, bds W M Swartztager Swartzfager Wm M, miner, res ws Applegate rd Taylor Florence, bds H H Taylor Taylor Henry H, dairy ns California, res same Taylor Marv M, pres Taylor-Williams Co Inc, res es Oregon Taylor Mellissa C (wid Samuel R), res es 5th Taylor-Williams Co Inc, Marv M Taylor pres, J M Williams vice-pres, W C Cordell sec-treas, general merchandise ss California Thompson Alexander, bds Mrs M M Thompson Thompson Arthur R, res Oregon sw cor California Thompson A Charles, bds Mrs M M Thompson Thompson Eugene A, res California and Main Thompson Flora B, deputy County Clerk, bds Mrs M M Thompson Thompson John H, farmer, res es Oregon Thompson Mrs Mattie M, restaurant Oregon sw cor California, res same Thorndike John H, miner, res es Applegate rd Thornton J E, deputy Sheriff, res Ashland Town Hall, Main sw cor Oregon Trefren George F, res s end 3rd Trefren George F Jr, barber, bds G F Trefren Tryer Marion, deputy Sheriff, res Talent Tungate Francis M, res Jacksonville rd Ulrich Bros (F Roy and Lewis G), gen mdse ns California nr Oregon Ulrich Christian C, City Street Commissioner, res ws 3rd Ulrich Fleta B, clerk G R Chapman, bds C C Ulrich Ulrich F Roy (Ulrich Bros), res es Jacksonville rd Ulrich Lewis G (Ulrich Bros), res es 3rd UNION PACIFIC LIFE INSURANCE CO, Eilers Bldg, Portland Or (See Left Top Lines) US Hotel, L I Brown propr, California ne cor 3rd Visino Earl L, clerk F J Fick, bds Mrs Lottie Visino Visino Emery, laborer, res ws 4th Visino Mrs Lottie, traveling salesman, res ws 4th Wall Nina R, clerk County Recorder, bds Medford Watts Mrs Louis, cook, bds 6th sw cor D Weis John, trapper, res Oregon Welch Jane (wid Noah), res es 3rd Welch M Melph, bds Mrs Jane Welch Wells Fargo & Co Express, Henry G Dox agent, California nw cor 3rd Wells J Percy, County Supt of Schools Court House, res Oregon Wendt Chester, bds Henry Wendt Wendt Edward J, carpenter, res es Jacksonville rd Wendt Emma, teacher Jacksonville Public School, bds Henry Wendt Wendt Henry, propr Jacksonville Hutton Stage Line, res es Jacksonville rd Western Miner The, Griswold & Koppes proprs, ws 5th opp Court House Wetterer Daisy T, bds Mrs F R Heeley Wetterer Joseph B, bds Mrs F R Heeley Wetterer Mary G, dressmaker, bds Mrs F R Heeley Whittington Mrs Catherine C, bookkeeper Rogue River Abstract-Title Co, res California sw cor 5th Whittington Chester A, student, bds J W Gillett WHITTINGTON S C, Sec-Treas Rogue River Valley Abstract-Title Co, res California sw cor 5th Wilcox Mrs Sarah J, res es 4th Williams John M, vice-pres Taylor-Williams Co Inc, res ns California Wilson Chester, bds J A Wilson Wilson Ephraim W, ball player, bds Mrs Sarah Wilson Wilson Essie S, carpenter, res es 3rd Wilson James A, farmer, res ws Oregon Wilson Jesse A, farmer, res ws Oregon Wilson Jesse W, farmer, bds Mrs A E Marple Wilson John, janitor Court House, res California Wilson Major C, timber cruiser, res es 3rd Wilson Sarah (wid John O), res California Wo Kee, laundry ss California nr 4th Womack Ivy G, student, bds M G Womack Womack Michael G, miner, res ws Oregon Young James R, miner, res 1 m w limits LAKE CREEK
A post office on Little Butte Creek, 18
miles northeast of Medford and 12 from Eagle Point, the shipping
station. Telephone connections. Mail daily except Sunday.Thompson Bros, general merchandise LEEDS
A post office on the Rogue River, 3
miles southwest of Peyton.BROPHY J J, Postmaster LILYGLEN
A discontinued post office, 20 miles
east of Ashland, the shipping and banking point. Has Pacific Tel
& Tel Co's service. Stage tri-weekly to Odessa and
Ashland.Burton C E, stock breeder Lindsay Bros (C and W Lindsay), dairy PERSIST
A village on Elk Creek within the Great
Sugar Pine
belt, 50 miles northeast of Jacksonville, 45 northeast of Medford and
41 north of Central Point. Has good soil, abundant water and all kinds
of fruit and vegetables are grown successiully. Stage to Eagle Point,
the banking and shipping point, tri-weekly.Davis Guy & Sons, stock breeders Lewis R H, farmer Morgan Charles, farmer Morgan W H, farmer Mooore A D, goat breeder Moore Claude E, goat breeder Ommel Rasmus J, building contractor Whitley O M, farmer WILLITS W W, Postmaster and Stock Breeder PEYTON
A village on the Rogue River, 25 miles
northeast of
Eagle Point, the shipping station. Stage and mail tri-weekly to Eagle
A town on the East Side division
Southern Pacific
Ry, five miles southeast of Medford, the banking town, and nine miles
southeast of Jacksonville. Mayor, Andrew H Fisher; Recorder, Fred
Furry; Marshal, W J Beardsley; Street Commissioner, Arthur Rose;
Treasurer, Andrew Hearn; Councilmen, Edward Wilder, Henry Shafer,Frank Wilber, Bert S Stancliffe, Colvin Thrasher. Acree Emmer C, student Acree George W, laborer Ager H W, principal Phoenix Public School Anderson Caroline W (wid Wm T) Anderson Milton C, laborer Arrants Wm M, farmer Baillie Rev John K, pastor Presbyterian Church Barney Alfred P, carpenter Barney Amie O Barney Earl P, student Barney Hamer O, laborer Barney Robert L, farmer Basim John, meats Beardsley Wm J (Beardsley & Croy) Beardsley & Croy (Wm J Beardsley, George H Croy), gen mdse Becraft Alice, student Becraft Wm R Bishop D Hazel Bishop Guy W, berry grower Bishop Ida M Bishop James A, berry grower Bishop Nancy J (wid Wallace G) Bishop Wm W, rancher Blackwood Lilly D (wid Richard T) Board of Education, S S Stevens, Andrew Hearn, Arthur Furry, Andrew H Fisher clerk Breeden John T, farmer Brooks Sarah E (wid Edmund) Calhoun Madison, real estate Carey Clinton, farmer Cardwell Joseph, laborer Carpenter Emma L (wid Oscar) Carpenter Stephen L Carver Fay, student Chandler Noah, farmer Christian Church Clark Mrs Gertie C, dressmaker Coleman Elmer G (Phoenix Mercantile Co) Colver F Lloyd, fruit grower Colver Louie O, farmer Cope Hardware Co (John, Samuel P and Susan A Cope) Cope John (Cope Hardware Co) Cope Samuel P (Cope Hardware Co) Cope Susan A (Cope Hardware Co) Copeland Grover, laborer Western Lumber & Supply Co Croy George H (Beardsley & Croy) Croy Walter, drugs Croy Wm L, laborer Davis Ollie G, teacher Phoenix Public School Dunlap Ira, blacksmith Cope Hardware Co Dunlap Owen Edsall John B, farmer Elfers George, farmer Engel Theodore H, farmer Fisher Andrew H, Mayor Fry Clarence Fry Earl C, quarryman Fry Lorenzo D, quarryman Fuller Blanche, student Fuller Burr, student Fuller George, rancher Fuller Vera, student Furry Arthur Furry Bros (F Milo and Robert S), livery Furry Colver, farmer Furry Frederick E, City Recorder Furry F Milo (Furry Bros) Furry Mrs Mary I Furry Robert S (Furry Bros) Gleason Bertram C, rancher Guches Edwin, dyer Hearn Andrew (Phoenix Mercantile Co), Postmaster Houston Grace (wid Charles E) Houston Harry A, teamster Houston Wm H, laborer Houston Adolphus H, carpenter Hover Herbert, barber Hoxie Frank, laborer Hoxie George, miner Hoxie Herbert, farmer Hoxie Roy, laborer Improved Order of Redmen, Rogue River Tribe No 57--Meets fortnightly on Tuesdays in Woodmen's Hall, Bert Peck Sachem, Fred E Furry K of R Jornson John L, section foreman SP Co Johnson May C Johnston Albert, carpenter Johnston Hazel D King George W, miner King Mrs Laura King Warren, miner Kollath Jane M Lehners Diedrich, agent SP Co and Wells Fargo & Co Express McCain Bertha, teacher Phoenix Public School McClain George C, carpenter Magness Doris, teacher Phoenix Public School Malmgren Theodore J, physician Martin Jack M, farmer Mayfield James H, farmer Mickey Mabel C, teacher Phoenix Public School Miller George M Miller John F Moore Eliza J Moore Rebecca R (wid Augustus) Morse Edwin B, farmer Morton James Morton James T, farmer Orr Robert B, farmer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, long distance sta, Phoenix Mercantile Co agents Phoenix Cemetery, nr nw city limits PHOENIX MERCANTILE CO (Andrew Hearn, Elmer G Coleman), General Merchandise, Agents Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co Phoenix Public School, H W Ager prin, Doris Magness, Bertha McCain, Mabel C Mickey, Ollie G Davis, Lilian Warmoth, tchrs Post Office, Andrew Hearn Postmaster, E G Coleman asst Postmaster Pratt J Fred, farmer Presbyterian Church, Rev John K Baillie pastor, Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday school 10 a.m., YPSCE 6:40 p.m., Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. Rader Joseph M, farmer Roberts Allen C, gardener Roberts Charles W, carpenter Roberts George, farmer Roberts John A, farmer Rose Arthur, farmer Rose Mrs Jemima Schurman Ben, machinist Schurman Grace, clerk Beardsley & Croy Schurman Herman, carpenter Sergeant Conrad S Shafer Henry, carpenter Shaver Wm H Short Wm A Smith Albert L, clerk Phoenix Mercantile Co Smith James R, laborer Smith Robert A, cigars and pool Smith Winford L, laborer Western Lumber & Supply Co Southern Pacific Co, Diedrich Lehners agent Stancliffe Arthur, farmer Stancliffe Bert S, berry grower Stancliffe Elizabeth (wid Henry F) Stancliffe Luther, farmer Stancliffe Mary E Stancliffe Walter, farmer Steadman Mrs California Steadman W Douglas, teamster Stevens S S, farmer Stout Sarah (wid John) Thrasher Guy T, miner Thrasher James, farmer Towne Anna W Towne Marion B, stenographer Trask James, carpenter Turnbough John, laborer Walters Elva, fruit packer Walters R Norven, rancher Warmoth Lillian, teacher Phoenix Public School Waterman Edward L, farmer Waterman Mrs Jane Waterman Robert L, carpenter Watt David, farmer Wells Fargo & Co Express, Diedrich Lehners agent Western Lumber & Supply Co, Frank Wilber mngr Wilber Frank, mngr Western Lumber & Supply Co Wilder Edward E, farmer Wilder Job T, gardener Wilder Viola, student Wilson George E, student Wilson Wm H, farmer Women of Woodcraft, Oak Circle No 242--Mrs Nellie Hearn GN, Mrs Mary I Furry clerk Woodmen of the World, Oregon Camp No 488--Arthur Rose CC, Fred E Furry clerk WOW Hall Wright Alfred N, fruit grower Wright John A, janitor Phoenix Public School Wright Macie M (wid John) Wright Marion C, electrician Wright Muriel E, student Wright Ray E, student Wright Wm, laborer PINEHURST
A post office on Beaver Creek, formerly
called Shake, 40 miles southeast of Jacksonville, 23 southeast of
Ashland, the express, telegraph, banking and shipping point. Mail
weekly.DeCarlow C W, general mdse and feed barn DeCarlow Mrs C W, hotel DeCARLOW LULU A, Postmaster PROSPECT
A small town on the Rogue River, 55
miles northeast of Medford and 35 miles from Crater Lake. Has fine
school buildings and business houses, a large electric power plant
built in 1911 at a cost of $1,000,000, and is noted as a summer resort
and hunters' paradise. Prospect is surrounded by good fruit
and farming lands and has an abundance of pure water. Mail from Derby
daily.Adams Sarah P Aiken S S, timber and fire guard Blanchard H D, farmer Caldwell John A, farmer California & Oregon Power Co Callahan Eva E, teacher Crabtree John G, stock raiser Davis Guy, farmer Ditsworth Gus, stock raiser Ditsworth J F, farmer Embree James, lineman C&O Power Co Erskine J H, physician Gardner J L, electrician C&O Power Co Goden Clara Graham E F, ginseng grower GRIEVE JAMES E, General Mdse, Livery and Automobiles Grieve John, farmer Grieve Mary, hotel Hall George F, farmer Higinbotham Bert, stock raiser Higinbotham T B, farmer Hollenbeak Mrs M H, Postmaster Hollenbeak Pearl, asst Postmaster Irwin O W, electrician C&O Power Co Jones W L, sawyer Kerby E S, forest ranger Lower Charles A, electrical engineer C&O Power Co Lusby John, blacksmith McCall Erwin, timber and fire guard McCleod Wm R, road house Mooney F G, jeweler Mooney W E, farmer Mason Bert A, flume tender C&O Power Co Natwick Chris, road overseer Nellis Wm, rancher Nye Nelson, farmer Payne Brainard, farmer Peelor C H, farmer Phipps Joseph, farmer Trombo W L, foreman California & Oregon Power Co Tucker Boyd, laborer Vincent Richard, stockman Welch Wm, saw mill West George, forest ranger Wright George F, stockman ROCK POINT
A post office and station on the
Southern Pacific railway and Rogue River, 14 miles northwest of
Jacksonville, the banking point, and 2 miles west of Gold Hill, the
express and telegraph station. Stage to Draper. Mail daily.Adams B E, carpenter Cook R L, carpenter ee Ensign H A, dairy Galligar I F, orchardist HAYMOND MRS BENJAMIN, Postmaster and Gen Mdse Hittle W W, orchardist Morris W M, capitalist Nye H B, orchardist Tomlinson J C, carpenter Work O F, orchardist ROGUE RIVER
A post office on the Rogue River and the
East Side division Southern Pacific railway 9 miles east of Grants
Pass. Contains two schools and Presbyterian church. Stage to Wimer.
Mail daily.RUCH
A post office on the Applegate River,
seven miles southwest of Jacksonville, the express, banking and
shipping point. Stage to Jacksonville daily. Mail daily.Bostwick W H, farmer Bostwick Mrs W H, restaurant McDonough James, farmer RUCH C M, Postmaster, Gen Mdse, Blacksmith and Livery Thompson M, miner Throckmorton A, farmer Throckmorton Mrs A, restaurant SAMS VALLEY
Also known as Moonville. On the Rogue
River miles east of Gold Hill, the shipping and banking point. Daily
stage to Gold Hill. Mail daily.Cooper E W, Justice of the Peace GARDNER MARY E, Postmaster and General Store Pelton Bros, stock dealers SISKIYOU
A post office on the East Side division
Southern Pacific railway 20 miles south of Ashland, the banking point.
A. post office on Emigrant Creek 10
miles southeast of Ashland, the banking and shipping point. Stage to
Ashland. Mail daily.STEAMBOAT
A post office on Steamboat Creek, a
branch of the Applegate River, 17 miles south of Applegate, the nearest
supply point. Quartz and placer mines, timber and stock range are the
principal resources. Mail stage to Applegate weekly.Agee Miles, stockman Botting C H, miner Crouch F A, miner Crouch F A, miner Egger Simon, miner Erler Robert, miner Maher Edward, miner Moss Thomas, miner O'Connell W H, miner Rock T R, miner and stage Shearer A W, miner Thornton A, miner WAGNER G P, Postmaster and Miner Wright D A, miner SWASTIKA
A post office 35 miles east of Ashland,
the shipping and banking point.Jones George W, Postmaster TALENT
A town on Bear Creek and the East Side
division of the Southern Pacific railway, 5 miles north of Ashland, the
banking point, 7 miles south of Medford and 12 miles southeast of
Jacksonville.Mayor, W H Breese; Recorder, Jay Terrill; Marshal, H C Johnson; Treasurer, George A Gardner. Councilmen--John R Robison, D Arthur Forbes, Peter Van der Sluis, John S Crawford, Frank Rose, E B Adamson. Adamson Edward B, cashier State Bank of Talent Ager G Walter, Supervisor of Schools Alford Albert Bailey Anna E, stenographer Western Lumber & Supply Co Baptist Church Barden Ina I Barden Maude I (wid Fred A) Barrett Jonas, laborer Bell The, Thomas J Bell propr, boarding and furnished rooms Bell J Waldo, carpenter Bell Thomas J, propr The Bell Bender Clifford W, agent Southern Pacific Co and Wells Fargo & Co Express Breese Wm H, Mayor and gardener Brooks Clarence, carpenter Broms Emil, laborer Brown Charles A (Talent Drug Co; Talent Furniture Co) Brown James, farmer Brown Louis (Talent Mercantile Co) Brown Ozro T Bruin Wm, farmer Bruley David L, laborer Brush Orlie H, meat cutter Budgeon John, laborer Burdie R L Co Inc, Ruric L Burdic (Ashland) pres, George J Fox sec-mngr, general merchandise Burk Fred W, farmer Burnett George W, nurseryman Burnett Wm T Carey Wm M Chapman Charles, teamster Christian Church, Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday school 10 a.m. Clements Walter C, mngr-sec-treas Western Lumber & Supply Co Inc Coleman James B, carrier RFD 1 Coleman Sabra A (wid Mathew H) Conway John, shoemaker Cook Elmer E (Whitmore & Cook) Crawford Emma J, insurance agent Crawford John S, berry grower Crawford Lawrence I Crosby John J, laborer Crosby Margaret (wid John L) Crosby Thomas G, farmer Crosby Wm R, laborer Cyester George, jeweler Dahoff Enos, clerk Talent Mercantile Co Dayton Harriet R Demaree Verne, clerk R L BurdiC&Co Denham Wm H Dunkard Church, Lewis Overholser pastor, Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday school 10 a.m., Christian workers 7 p.m., Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Estes Archie R, laborer Estes Roy L, laborer Estes R Dudley Estes Wm W, farmer Fisher John, teamster Forbes D Arthur, physician Fox George J, sec-mngr R L Burdie & Co Inc Fox Howard, laborer Foxall James Fraternal Union of America, Talent Lodge No 504 meets second and fourth Thursdays in IOOF Hall, Wm Estes FM, John Budgeon sec Gardener George A, real estate Garvin Clifford, laborer Garvin Emma (wid John P) Garvin James L (Garvin & Thurber) Garvin Walter, laborer Garvin & Thurber (James L Garvin, B Lyle Thurber), conf cigars and pool Gibson Wm, laborer Gillis James, laborer Goddard Delbert, carpenter Gouley James (Talent Drug Co; Talent Furniture Co) Grick Harry, carpenter Guyer Floyd T, meats Hanscam Grace E, clerk Edward LaBelle Hanscam Linnie F, clerk R L Burdic&Co Hart John G, carpenter Hart Nicholas H, carpenter Hart R Lee, laborer Hazen Clarence A, painting contractor Hearing Dessie V, clerk Hearing John, teamster Hearing Warren J, laborer Helms Henry H, farmer Helms Oliver P, fruit grower Helms Ray, farmer High Audry B High Edward G, blacksmith N L High High Nathan L, blacksmith Holdridge Charles W, farmer Holdridge Ella (wid Windsor D) Holdridge Frank, farmer Howard Elmer T, teamster Howard Louisa J (wid James R) IOOF Hall IOOF, Talent Lodge No 211 meets Wednesdays in IOOF Hall, J B Coleman NG, Louis Brown sec IOOF Rebekah Degree, Talent Rebekah Lodge No 187 meets first and third Saturdays each month in IOOF Hall, Mrs Effie Seaman NG, Mrs Ella Holdridge VG, Mrs Marcia Robison sec Inman Ben T, sawyer Inman Mary J (wid David W) Johnson Harry C, City Marshal Jones Eliza C (wid Thomas R) Jones Robert H, laborer Jones Viola A Jones Winnifred, student Judd Luman N, real estate Kane James A, miner Kerby George O, teamster Kerby Joseph M, teamster LaBelle Edward, baker Lacy Charles A, carpenter Lacy John H Lamb Thomas, farmer Leach John, laborer, bds Works Hotel Leaming Edward W, nurseryman Leonard Harry W, blacksmith Luke Leta, clerk R J Luke Luke Robert J, Postmaster and confectionery McCloud Edward J, farmer Mason Harry, laborer Mason John C, real estate Mason Victor, laborer Mason Wm, laborer Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev George H Way pastor, Sunday services 11 a.m., Sunday school 10 a.m., Epworth League 7:45 p.m. Modern Woodmen of America, Manzanita Camp No 11248 meets second and fourth Saturdays in IOOF Hall, C A Hazen Consul, Jay Terrill clerk Moody Alfred A Morse W Albert, building contractor Norman John F, barber Nyswaner John A, laborer Nyswaner Riley Nyswaner W Riley, laborer Oatman Frank B, orchard supt Overholser Lewis B, carpenter and pastor Dunkard Church Patterson Joshua, pres State Bank of Talent Pellett James J, carpenter Poor Farm, ½ m n limits Post Office, Robert J Luke Postmaster Powers Eleanor Powers Nelson O, fruit grower Powers Orlie, student Pulaski Charles J, farmer Rapp Fred, farmer Rhodes Leonard M Roberts Mrs Myra, teacher Roberts Orris H, teacher Robinett Henry, laborer Robison John R, fruit grower Robison R E, vice-pres State Bank of Talent Rose Frank, building contractor Scott Thomas E, electrician Seaman Alberta, clerk Seaman Mrs Effie Searing Nell V Sherman Charles W, Justice of the Peace Sherman Mary J (wid Salisbury) Shiedler John H, farmer Shiedler Ora L Sleppy Lorenzo J Sleppy Lyda Slocum Mrs Ila I Smith Elmer, laborer, bds Works Hotel Smith Francis C, principal Talent Public School Smith Fulton J, laborer Smith May, teacher Talent Public School Smith Parthena, teacher Talent Public School Smith Wayland G, carpenter Socialists--Talent Local meets second and fourth Sundays in C W Sherman's residence, W H Breese sec Southern Pacific Co, Clifford W Bender agent Sowash Ferguson Spencer Fletcher L, laborer Spencer Fred L, farmer Spitzer Jonas, laborer Spitzer Joseph J, laborer Spitzer Joseph S (Spitzer & Son) Spitzer Wm C (Spitzer & Son) Spitzer & Son (Joseph S and Wm C), grocers and livery Stanton Charles, laborer, bds Works Hotel State Bank of Talent, Joshua Patterson pres, R E Robison vice-pres, Edward B Adamson cashier Stewart Ernest G, laborer Stewart Thomas L, engineer City Water Works Stockbridge May E Stump Daniel, farmer Stump John W, laborer Stump Wm M, laborer Talent Drug Co (Charles A Brown, James Gouley) Talent Furniture Co (James Gouley, Charles A Brown) Talent Mercantile Co (Peter Vander Sluis, Louis Brown), gen mdse Talent Public School, F E Smith prin, Parthena Smith, May Smith, Mrs Snook teachers Terrill Jay, City Recorder Terrill Lucy A (wid Horace J), berry grower Thomsen Thomas, laborer Thurber B Lyle (Garvin & Thurber) Tryer G Charles Tryer Marion E, Street Commissioner Vance Mrs Anna B, dressmaker Vance Ervin J, plasterer Vance John, bricklayer Vander Sluis Mrs Belle, clerk Talent Mercantile Co Vander Sluis Peter (Talent Mercantile Co) Vogeli Callie B, clerk State Bank of Talent Vogeli Wesley, carpenter Waterman Archie C, farmer Waterman Lucius N, fruit grower Way Rev George H, pastor M E Church Weidner Andreas, farmer Wells Fargo & Co Express, Clifford W Bender agent Western Lumber & Supply Co Inc, Walter C Clements mngr-sec-treas, planing mill and box factory Whitmore & Cook (Bert E Whitmore, Ashland, Elmer E Cook), hardware and plumbing Wicha Frank, laborer Wigham Wm, carpenter Wilcox Wm, miner Willis Wm D Wilson George M, laborer Wilson Pierce, laborer Wilson Rena Withrow Earl, laborer Western Lumber & Supply Co Withrow Jay, laborer Western Lumber & Supply Co Withrow Ozro Wolters C Chester, student Wolters Olive A (wid Charles W) Wolters Sophia V Wood George W, barber Works Bertha B Works Elizabeth O Works Frank, laborer Works Hotel, Mrs Mary E Works propr Works Mrs Mary E, propr Works Hotel Works Orval, farmer Yount Marion Ziders George E, section foreman SP Co TOLO
A station and post office on the East
Side division Southern Pacific railway 9 miles northwest of Medford,
the banking point. Mail daily.California & Oregon Power Co, H L Watkins mngr JACOBY MAX P, Postmaster and General Merchandise Ray C R, pres-mngr Ray Realty Co Ray Realty Co, C R Ray pres-mngr, brick mnfrs, granite quarry and saw mill Watkins H L, mngr California & Oregon Power Co TRAIL
A post office on Rogue River, 24 miles
north of Medford, the banking, express, telegraph and shipping point.
Mail tri-weekly.Dennis W A, grocer flour and feed McClanahan James, saw mill MIDDLEBUSHER MRS M E, Postmaster and General Merchandise WATKINS
A post office on Applegate Creek, 25
miles southwest of Jacksonville, the banking, express, telegraph and
shipping point. Mail stage to Jacksonville semi-weekly.WELLEN
A post office on Antelope Creek 12 miles
northeast of Medford, the shipping station. Mail daily.Bradshaw W N (Rogue River Orchards Co) Carlton S A, farmer Fabrick Glen, fruit grower Johnston & Spencer, fruit growers Kershaw James L, dairy and goat raiser Lewis Bros, orchards Rogue River Orchards Co (W N Bradshaw) Von der Hellen Bros, stock raisers VON DER HELLEN H, Postmaster WIMER
A discontinued post office on Evans
Creek, 8 miles north of Rogue River, the banking point. Mail RFD from
Rogue River.Palmer Charles E, general merchandise WOODVILLE
Name changed to Rogue River. POLK'S
Jackson County, taken from the
assessment roll. The figures appended to each name represent the
assessed valuation according to the latest assessment. This is followed
by the post office address.Jackson County Directory 1912 JACKSON COUNTY TAX LIST Aasher J L, $100, Medford Abbott A F, $90, Ashland Abbott C E, $6165, Ashland Abbott Ella, $725, Trail Abbott J W, $2790, Ashland Abbott L A, $446, Talent Abbott Mrs L M, $250, Eagle Point Abbott M E, $4700, Jacksonville Abbott T V, $1350, Ashland Abbott Wm Est, $2206, Derby Abbott Wm M, $2543, Ashland Abbott Wm M & Victoria A, $275, Ashland Abbott & Van Nice, $2370, Ashland Abrams A C, $5240, Medford Achor J M, $1500, Medford Ackley L D, $2720, Medford Acklin Delia M, $4195, Ashland Acklin T W, $1130, Ashland Acree C F, $550, Phoenix Acree E F, $550, Phoenix Adams Emma, $2000, Rogue River Adams Ernest, $1000, Medford Adams E F, $500, Medford Adams E H, $5015, Medford Adams J J, $6500, Medford Adams J W, $1230, Talent Adams Lulu E, $400, Ashland Adams L M, $1625, Medford Adams L O, $25, Rogue River Adams M & E J, $1510, Medford Adams O, $125, Butte Falls Adams S K, $8350, Sams Valley Adams W J, $2000, Trail Adamson Lloyd N, $2440, Ashland Adamson Lulu E, $450, Ashland Adkins B F, $129,265, Medford Adkins S A, $815, Medford Agee & Kohlhagen, $11,419, Applegate Ager G W, $800, Talent Ahlstrom Nils, $1100, Ashland Ahrens M M, $100, Medford Ahrens M M Co, $2930, Medford Aiken Clara, $290, Medford Aiken C M, $795, Medford Aiken S S, $1975, Prospect Aikens Harold S, $2134, Ashland Aitken Wm A, $200, Prospect Aitkin J C, $2285, Rogue River Akenheil E, $1230, Phoenix Akers E R, $1600, Buncom Akers Luther B, $1600, Buncom Akins Arthur A, $200, Medford Akins, Benton & Co, $7500, Medford Albert Charles P, $2775, Medford Albert Eli, $2810, Ashland Albert G W H, $70, Butte Falls Albert John, $2855, Central Point Albert Mary, $400, Butte Falls Alberts B H, $6650, Medford Alberts E B, $1600, Buncom Alberts W J, $1942, Central Point Albing Alice, $2000, Prospect Albright Almon, $105, Trail Albright Mrs S E, $67, Trail Aldenhagen W G, $750, Medford Alderson Anna, $2000, Rogue River Alenderfer O O, $200, Medford Alexander C C, $2145, Asbestos Alexander C R, $950, Medford Alexander F N, $100, Medford Alexander W E, $2105, Central Point Alford A, $7965, Talent Alford Geo, $8385, Phoenix Alford M L, $14,599, Medford Allder Grant, $3050, Medford Allder Grant, $2400, Eagle Point Allen A C, $1770, Medford Allen Clara M, $920, Medford Allen F Y, $4995, Trail Allen Geneva W, $2755, Ashland Allen Geneva W (Adm), $2680, Ashland Allen Grocery Co, $5500, Medford Allen G H, $192, Jacksonville Allen G W, $560, Ashland Allen H R, $5278, Talent Allen James, $5695, Talent Allen John R, $15,575, Central Point Allen J M, $5813, Derby Allen J Y, $200, Medford Allen Lillian, $28,800, Medford Allen M A, $2000, Prospect Allen M C, $2400, Butte Falls Allen P C, $2850, Ashland Allen Rose J, $2000, Prospect Allen Susie L, $12,920, Ashland Allen Susie L et al, $325, Ashland Allen T E, $2000, Rogue River Allen W D, $1570, Medford Allen Y H, $975, Medford Allen & McNair, $12,240, Ashland Alming Ludwig, $3645, Medford Almquist Hugo, $1325, Medford Alnut H A, $1950, Ashland Alsameda Carlton, $2345, Medford Alsdorf Mrs G A, $7500, Phoenix Alsdorf Mary J, $6770, Medford Alsdorf M, $1950, Medford Altimus Elsworth, $1400, Central Point Amann Cara M, $2740, Medford Ament Chas, $3200, Rock Point Ammons G F, $100, Rogue River Amy Frank H, $1750, Medford Amy Frank M et al, $26,000, Medford Amy F M & L M, $1200, Medford Amy L M, $1150, Medford AF&AM, $9230, Ashland AOUW, $1575, Central Point Anderson Andrew J, $2375, Medford Anderson A Belle, $6300, Ashland Anderson A E, $800, Climax Anderson Bert, $10,113, Medford Anderson Mrs B, $1475, Rogue River Anderson Clyde W, $170, Medford Anderson Cora C, $75, Gold Hill Anderson C G, $315, Medford Anderson C W, $6400, Asbestos Anderson Mrs C W, $1050, Phoenix Anderson D W, $2040, Ashland Anderson Edmona M, $4400, Phoenix Anderson E K, $34,505, Ashland Anderson Fay, $50, Medford Anderson Geo S, $1165, Ashland Anderson Gertrude, $1600, Buncom Anderson G G, $2240, Medford Anderson G M, $11,800, Medford Anderson G N, $16,210, Ashland Anderson G R, $5225, Ashland Anderson G W, $2500, Rogue River Anderson Halla R, $595, Medford Anderson John V, $600, Central Point Anderson J R, $2315, Medford Anderson J W, $75, Medford Anderson Mary, $6700, Medford Anderson M A, $905, Medford Anderson Mrs M A, $3330, Medford Anderson M M, $1680, Medford Anderson M P, $2000, Rogue River Anderson O F, $4400, Prospect Anderson R G, $2150, Rogue River Anderson Sam, $2390, Central Point Anderson Solomon, $587, Medford Anderson T N, $2088, Gold Hill Anderson W E, $2855, Phoenix Anderson W J D, $1600, Climax Anderson & Green Co, $16150, Medford Andrews Aaron, $2400, Lake Creek Andrews A, $1855, Medford Andrews A & G, $7968, Talent Andrews C L, $1160, Climax Andrews Ed, $50, Medford Andrews Geo H, $750, Medford Andrews G A, $270, Medford Andrews H, $3200, Buncom Andrews H W, $21,490, Ashland Andrews J W, $8310, Medford Andrews L L, $2640, Ashland Andrews & Culpepper, $3600, Medford Andrus D E, $325, Medford Andrus S M, $100, Medford Angle Harry D, $5070, Medford Angle Kate M, $1600, Eagle Point Angle Mrs Mary S, $4680, Medford Angle P M, $1605, Medford Angle Wm, $3720, Medford Angle Wm et ux, $340, Medford Antle Amelia S, $2900, Medford Antle John S, $760, Medford Applebaker Joseph, $1012, Jacksonville Applegate Albert D, $1600, Ashland Applegate Clyde, $450, Gold Hill Applegate C A, $525, Ashland Applegate Mrs Della, $750, Central Point Applegate D A & A E, $825, Ashland Applegate Henry, $716, Ashland Applegate Henry & H E, $2520, Ashland Applegate H E, $625, Ashland Applegate L C, $2895, Gold Hill Applegate Mrs P, $2120, Jacksonville Applegate Roscoe, $690, Ashland Arant C F, $1210, Ashland Arant E J, $3545, Ashland Arbogast A, $850, Prospect Archbold N J, $2400, Prospect Archibald Annie G, $2000, Rogue River Armour E E, $2640, Medford Armpriest J R, $6330, Medford Armpriest Mrs Louise, $757, Jacksonville Armstrong A, $640, Sams Valley Armstrong Miss Emma, $1407, Jacksonville Armstrong E M, $12,100, Medford Armstrong Isaac A, $1325, Medford Armstrong I A & E A Hefler, $2485, Medford Armstrong J S, $290, Medford Armstrong J W, $930, Sams Valley Arnell John, $3200, Ashland Arnold Chris Est, $6750, Medford Arnold Ella, $2050, Climax Arnold Ezra, $65, Jacksonville Arnold John, $4160, Medford Arnold J, $400, Eagle Point Arnspiger Olen, $500, Medford Arrowsmith Mary, $946, Medford Asbury L, $905, Eagle Point Ash E E, $4395, Prospect Ash Mrs F M, $1000, Prospect Ashcraft P L & M C, $7475, Ashland Ashland Commercial Orchard Co, $4200, Ashland Ashland Commission Co, $2600, Ashland Ashland Furniture Co, $3000, Ashland Ashland Ice & Storage Co, $29,960, Ashland Ashland Improvement Co, $13,775, Ashland Ashland Iron Works, $50, Ashland Ashland Land Co, $13,120, Ashland Ashland Mfg Co, $41,100, Ashland Ashland Meat Co, $4550, Ashland Ashland Mineral Soda Springs, $5860, Ashland Ashland Mineral Springs Sanitarium, $12,010, Ashland Ashland Orchard Co, $232, Talent Ashland Restaurant, $500, Ashland Ashland Tidings, $4000, Ashland Ashland Trading Co, $7725, Ashland Ashley A E, $2000, Prospect Ashman Ed, $80, Butte Falls Ashpole C W, $2150, Medford Ashpole John, $1855, Eagle Point Ashpole & Vonder Hellen, $400, Eagle Point Ashton Frank, $6675, Medford Ashworth Robert, $4135, Central Point Askew H B, $495, Medford Astoria Abstract Title & Trust Co, $2400, Ashland Atkin C G, $1550, Ashland Atkins J P, $1200, Buncom Atkinson E L, $1880, Ashland Atkinson Mrs E L, $2750, Ashland Atwell J H, $2880, Medford Aussieker C H, $425, Medford Austin C E & George, $380, Climax Austin C W, $4190, Dudley Austin L et al, $6976, Medford Austin M L, $1350, Central Point Austin O T, $2000, Central Point Austin W J, $150, Central Point Avent R C, $8717, Ashland Avery David, $250, Gold Hill Avery Mrs May, $165, Gold Hill Avery R C & G M, $210, Central Point Aylor A C, $800, Ashland Aylor E C, $160, Medford Aylward J E, $1680, Talent Ayres F J, $2689, Eagle Point Aztec Land & Cattle Co, $4780, Prospect B&C Cash Store, $3000, Medford Babson M W, $300, Central Point Babson Mrs M W, $4360, Medford Backman J B, $2435, Ashland Backus Victoria, $2000, Rogue River Bacon Mrs A et al, $287, Medford Badger Clarence & Dolly, $1645, Ashland Badger H Eugene, $3100, Ashland Badger Mary Mc C, $2310, Ashland Badger T R, $150, Ashland Baechler Charles, $400, Rock Point Baer Edward I, $1700, Ashland Baer R B, $4400, Rogue River Bagley A F, $200, Rock Point Bagley E E, $12,400, Ashland Bagley E E, Trustee, $7360, Ashland Bagley, Street & Sanders, $5985, Rogue River Bagley Wm R, $1722, Talent Bagley & Matis, $300, Rogue River Bagley & Street, $25,840, Rogue River Bagshaw D W, $600, Jacksonville Bailey A O, $610, Central Point Bailey C H, $2153, Climax Bailey Evelyn, $140, Gold Hill Bailey Francis M, $1375, Prospect Bailey Henrietta, $1925, Ashland Bailey H F, $2947, Provolt Bailey H S, $400, Rock Point Bailey Isaac, $1025, Ashland Bailey John W, $205, Ashland Bailey J, $400, Rock Point Bailey J T, $280, Gold Hill Bailey Lizzie, $345, Gold Hill Bailey Margaret, $100, Ashland Bailey M A, $3332, Talent Bailey R J, $4175, Ashland Bailey W T, $3705, Jacksonville Bailletz Betty, $1860, Phoenix Bain Wm, $2350, Medford Baird James A, $4000, Prospect Baker Alice M, $50, Butte Falls Baker C A, $400, Medford Baker C O, $135, Butte Falls Baker Eli, $850, Gold Hill Baker F, $300, Medford Baker G D, $2070, Medford Baker L L, $2000, Rogue River Baker Mark, $1500, Ashland Baker M P, $220, Butte Falls Baker Sophenia I, $7900, Medford Baker W P, $1440, Medford Baker W S, $35, Derby Balch W H, $1625, Medford Balcom A A, $1272, Medford Balcom E L, $805, Medford Baldwin Martha A, $400, Ashland Baldwin Monroe, $2000, Eagle Point Baldwin M L, $1389, Applegate Baldwin Thos Est, $1250, Eagle Point Baldwin Thos J, $2400, Talent Baldwin Verne, $1200, Eagle Point Ball Bert F, $335, Rogue River Ball W S, $5750, Ashland Ballard Frank C, $1600, Ashland Banaster W T, $1460, Applegate Band Elic, $375, Jacksonville Band Mrs E, $1290, Jacksonville Bandy Harris H, $315, Medford Banhalcer A, $290, Butte Falls Bank of Ashland, $2000, Ashland Bank of Jacksonville, $2410, Jacksonville Banks Harry, $600, Antioch Banks John, $1790, Ashland Banta C W, $920, Ashland Baptist College, $500, Ashland Barbe Mrs D, $2950, Jacksonville Barber Lou, $150, Gold Hill Barber L A, $5560, Talent Barber Martin C, $7100, Medford Barber W E, $995, Medford Barber W M, $5080, Ashland Barber & Johnson, $7360, Eagle Point Barham J F, $50, Medford Barkdull J E, $725, Medford Barkdull Mrs J W, $6720, Medford Barker Flavia L, $5995, Medford Barlow E, $2800, Prospect Barlow Minnie, $842, Talent Barlow W H, $495, Talent Barnard J C, $2080, Ashland Barneburg Fred, $15,060, Medford Barneburg John, $2650, Medford Barneburg Peter, $15,135, Medford Barneburg S P, $11,296, Medford Barnes Carrie C, $3480, Ashland Barnes J C, $1350, Medford Barnes & Murphy, $9300, Medford Barnett Guy, $570, Ashland Barnett J S, $4650, Central Point Barney Lydia, $4195, Ashland Barnhill C H, $250, Ashland Barnhill D H, $2700, Ashland Barnhill O H, $3025, Ashland Barnum Mrs Bertha, $1350, Jacksonville Barnum Bertha S, $35,900, Medford Barnum H A, $150, Medford Bernum W H, $1406, Jacksonville Barnum W S, $4460, Jacksonville Barnum W S & Bertha, $4100, Medford Barnum W V, $8100, Phoenix Barr Nannie, $2450, Medford Barr Thos M, $570, Medford Barr W H, $400, Medford Barrett Mrs A, $110, Butte Falls Barrett James, $12,220, Ashland Barrett Jonas, $75, Talent Barrett Mrs Josephine, $2510, Ashland Barron E B, $19,876, Ashland Barron Geo W, $18,684, Ashland Barron H W, $23,294, Ashland Barron Mrs Martha A, $4240, Ashland Barroros F G, $150, Medford Barrow A P, $2170, Talent Barrow Ida, $255, Medford Barrows T G, $2825, Medford Barter Robert J, $7140, Prospect Bartges W F & W H, $1125, Ashland Bartholomew Thos, $990, Medford Bartlett Bros, $3547, Ashland Bartlett C H, $1530, Lake Creek Bartlett E C, $1600, Applegate Bartlett E J, $1600, Applegate Bartlett F W, $50, Medford Bartlett O O, $200, Prospect Barton Reuben, $1918, Hilt Bartow C M, $1125, Ashland Bashford G W, $400, Climax Basin John, $585, Phoenix Basler E I, $1600, Rogue River Bass John L & S R T, $1480, Ashland Bass J W, $3920, Medford Basye Chas H, $800, Jacksonville Basye Mrs E Est, $5488, Applegate Basye L C, $3860, Applegate Bateman Chas, $200, Ashland Bateman Mollie, $1050, Medford Bateman W S, $425, Medford Bates B W J, $1600, Buncom Bates D E, $3150, Talent Bates Harry, $500, Medford Bates James W, $1950, Medford Bates N G, $300, Ashland Bates Susie E, $2400, Lake Creek Bates W W, $2020, Medford Bauer Sam, $2565, Medford Baughman C M, $2480, Ashland Baumbach W R, $1400, Medford Baumhofer Chris, $2000, Woodville Bauten Mary, $2415, Applegate Bauten W E, $445, Medford Baxter Frank, $2400, Lake Creek Baxter I H, $505, Medford Baylis J M, $150, Medford Beach B, $7410, Ashland Beach Chas E, $600, Ashland Beach Edward, $625, Ashland Beach Edwin, $400, Ashland Beach R G, $2245, Medford Beacom A L, $1800, Medford Beacom W J, $1005, Medford Beagle R H, $100, Ashland Beale Elizabeth, $965, Central Point Beale Geo W, $5490, Butte Falls Beale W A, $400, Butte Falls Beall Mrs Ann, $11,005, Central Point Beall Asbury, $340, Central Point Beall Ben, $250, Central Point Beall Ben & Asbury, $18,625, Central Point Beall Clara M, $2350, Prospect Beall Lee, $3750, Medford Beall R V, $11,605, Central Point Beall R V Jr, $12,765, Central Point Beall Tyson, $4265, Central Point Bean Mrs Bertha, $2400, Prospect Bean L E, $1315, Medford Bear Creek Motor Car Co, $1200, Medford Bear Creek Orchards, $61,800, Central Point Beardsley Chas R & Melinda J, $950, Ashland Beardsley C R Est, $4200, Ashland Beardsley Leroy, $2085, Riverside Illinois Beardsley W J, $2995, Phoenix Beardsley & Crow, $2650, Phoenix Beatty D R, $400, Eagle Point Beaulieu T E, $450, Medford Beaver A M, $12,780, Ashland Beaver Implement Co, $3000, Ashland Beaver J M, $665, Ashland Beck Aaron, $842, Butte Falls Beck Eva A, $975, Butte Falls Beck J H, $570, Medford Beck Wm, $325, Rogue River Becker Mary J, $2400, Ashland Beckner W E & True, $400, Rock Point Beckwith S V, $6090, Central Point Beckwith Vilas, $2500, Central Point Bedford H E, $900, Central Point Bedford Rosenia & Emma Hughes, $2430, Medford Beebe A W, $4970, Central Point Beebe D W, $8735, Central Point Beebe S W, $1075, Medford Beebe Walter B, $4630, Ashland Beebe & Kinney, $18,000, Ashland Beekman C C, $43,315, Jacksonville Beekman Mary, $315, Ashland Beeler C V, $11,600, Ashland Beeman Charles, $400, Applegate Beeman James, $900, Gold Hill Beeman J H, $7935, Gold Hill Beers Geo, $285, Rogue River Beers Geo E, $1360, Rogue River Beeson Elizabeth A, $640, Talent Beeson Emmett, $11,939, Talent Beeson Nellie J, $1625, Talent Beeson Welborn, $12,436, Talent Belcher Milton, $1450, Central Point Belcher Thos, $375, Central Point Belford J, $70, Rogue River Belford R V, $2700, Gold Hill Belknap Fannie A, $9575, Medford Bell B A, $825, Talent Bell James A, $9700, Central Point Bell Mrs Olive, $3450, Brownsboro Bell T J, $3000, Talent Bellinger Carolina, $3787, Medford Bellinger Frank, $5145, Medford Bellinger John H, $2125, Medford Bellinger Minnie B, $1200, Medford Bellinger M, $2615, Medford Bellows C E, $2747, Eagle Point Bender Hiram, $1215, Medford Bender Minnie W, $255, Medford Benedict Fred, $3427, Applegate Benedict Geo W, $1630, Ashland Benedict Wm, $285, Jacksonville BPOE No 944, $10,000, Ashland Bennett A O, $500, Medford Bennett Bertie M, $1100, Medford Bennett Emma, $3310, Medford Bennett Fred A, $4800, Buncom Bennett Fred A & A P Donahue, $1600, Buncom Bennett J M, $2820, Buncom Bennett Louis, $4785, Medford Bennett Marie E, $1572, Medford Bennett N S, $2705, Medford Bennett R L, $680, Medford Bennett R M, $800, Talent Bennett S L, $4365, Medford Bennett S L & Son, $8400, Medford Bennett Wm, $620, Medford Benninghoven Ewald, $1675, Medford Beno Victor, $9030, Gold Hill Beno V E, $450, Medford Benson B F, $1915, Medford Benson F L, $22,330, Central Point Benson S L, $2107, Applegate Benton C W, $100, Medford Benton Luanna, $2563, Medford Berdan Charles A, $205, Medford Berdan F E, $1490, Medford Berger L, $2375, Phoenix Bergesch J F, $2298, Applegate Bergmann Mrs E, $1601, Eagle Point Bergmann M M, $1440, Eagle Point Berkeley Orchards, $20,100, Medford Bernardine Felix, $380, Ashland Berrian J W, $2940, Medford Berry Mrs Frank, $1130, Ashland Berry J C, $1800, Ashland Berry J W, $760, Medford Berry M, $96, Talent Berry Nannie, $275, Ashland Best H C, $2825, Lake Creek Best L N, $2250, Butte Falls Beswick Margaret, $2630, Ashland Beswick Richard, $14,895, Ashland Bethel Maria E, $1025, Medford Betz C F, $330, Medford Betz M A, $480, Eagle Point Betz Peter, $2001, Eagle Point Beveridge Mary A, $2670, Medford Bevel H J, $200, Ashland Bibby Wm, $1570, Ashland Biddle W B, $6500, Medford Biddle W F, $1246, Eagle Point Biddle W P, $500, Central Point Biden E I, $125, Medford Biden E N, $790, Medford Biden Hattie I, $2260, Medford Biebersted Almen, $5295, Eagle Point Bieberstedt Carl, $1050, Eagle Point Bieberstedt Rudolph, $905, Lake Creek Biegel A J, $2075, Ashland Biegel A J et al, $2325, Ashland Biegel Mrs C E, $800, Ashland Biegel & Fleet, $4200, Ashland Big Bend Milling Co, $104,750, Medford Big Four Orchards, $11,400, Medford Big Pines Lumber Co, $21,047, Medford Biggins W E, $1400, Medford Bigham C W, $1190, Talent Bigham James, $1000, Lake Creek Bigham John, $875, Central Point Bigham P C, $1635, Medford Bigham P C & Ida May, $720, Medford Bigham & Klippel, $825, Prospect Biglow C C, $1660, Medford Biglow Margaret, $530, Medford Bilby Wm, $1300, Ashland Bilderback Mary A, $350, Ashland Bilger A, $800, Eagle Point Bilger Frank Est, $2400, Rock Point Bill Nye M&M Co, $140, Gold Hill Billings Geo F, $23,835, Ashland Billings Geo H, $2000, Sams Valley Billings G F et ux, $575, Ashland Billings G F & Edith Fish, $130, Talent Billings G F&F M, $590, Ashland Billings G F & Wm Nyes, $935, Medford Billings John, $595, Medford Billings R, $1600, Talent Billings & Billings, $1515, Ashland Billings & Root, $500, Ashland Bingham M F, $3802, Applegate Birch Armetia & James, $1160, Medford Birdenstine S J, $2000, Rogue River Birdseye Alex, $2000, Prospect Birdseye C S, $80, Rogue River Birdseye Mrs C S, $9600, Rogue River Birdseye D, $100, Rogue River Birdseye Wesley, $470, Rogue River Birkholz J W, $3325, Central Point Bish A C, $1640, Medford Bish J A, $2070, Talent Bishop A G, $581, Eagle Point Bishop Flora, $489, Medford Bishop J A, $810, Phoenix Bishop K M, $2000, Prospect Bishop Mrs N, $1175, Phoenix Bishop R G, $800, Ashland Bishop W W, $175, Talent Bismark Cafe, $900, Medford Bissell B A, $700, Central Point Bissell E O, $1785, Medford Bissell J H, $4575, Medford Bittner E F A, $1048, Medford Biven Lynne J, $2000, Prospect Bixby R A, $1125, Jacksonville Bjerregaard O R, $5857, Medford Black Channel Mining & Dev Co, $12,150, Rogue River Black Gold Channel Mining Co, $15,650, Gold Hill Black Mrs Helen, $240, Jacksonville Black J F, $228, Medford Black Lee, $3410, Jacksonville Black L P, $1062, Medford Black M M, $2000, Prospect Black Peter P, $120, Applegate Black W L, $5340, Medford Blackburn A S, $660, Medford Blackburn Mrs N K, $810, Gold Hill Blackden P D, $2650, Ashland Blackert P W, $30, Gold Hill Blackert W H, $80, Rogue River Blackert & Garrett, $255, Rogue River Blackford O S, $560, Central Point Blackford O S & N C, $300, Central Point Blackman Joseph B, $2635, Ashland Blackman Joseph B & Julia E, $1035, Ashland Blackmore Mrs D J, $845, Jacksonville Blackwell Hills Mining Co, $1920, Gold Hill Blackwood Mrs L D, $3115, Phoenix Blaess C E, $365, Trail Blake Cordelia O, $465, Ashland Blake C H, $2849, Ashland Blake Susan G, $4000, Ashland Blakely S J, $600, Rogue River Blalock Fannie C, $7385, Ashland Blalock G W, $1600, Rogue River Blalock R S, $134, Rogue River Blalock W W, $950, Ashland Bland Mrs Anna, $1975, Applegate Blaschka F H, $2000, Prospect Blaschka J J, $2000, Prospect Blass Bross, $250, Eagle Point Blass John, $190, Eagle Point Blevins F M, $1500, Ashland Blevins F M Jr, $2070, Ashland Bliss Amos, $2945, Medford Bliss Amos A, $285, Medford Bliss Francis, $1630, Medford Bliton A S, $2323, Medford Bliton S, $5030, Medford Bloss John, $1650, Eagle Point Blowers W M, $2624, Gold Hill Blue D P, $1410, Ashland Boardman C A, $305, Medford Boardman C M, $710, Medford Boardman E B, $264, Butte Falls Boardman J S, $80, Central Point Bochtell H H, $1100, Ashland Bodge D D, $9900, Medford Bodge Wm, $800, Medford Boeck E C, $1960, Medford Boemer A H, $2000, Rogue River Boges O C, $5020, Medford Bogue John H, $800, Ashland Bogue J, $40, Gold Hill Bogue J L, $80, Gold Hill Bogue Mrs J L, $515, Gold Hill Bohl John, $979, Applegate Bohnert Wm, $5730, Central Point Boling E A & L R, $1390, Rock Point Bolt Elizabeth, $515, Gold Hill Bolt Florence A, $190, Gold Hill Bolt Fred, $650, Gold Hill Bolton Lizzie B, $5035, Ashland Bolton T K, $11,720, Ashland Bolz R F, $7570, Ashland Bomar A R, $3140, Ashland Bombach W R, $175, Medford Bonar J S, $3860, Medford Bonar J W, $7290, Medford Bonham Henry T, $1600, Buncom Bonham P, $150, Ashland Bonner E J, $323, Derby Bonner F H, $600, Medford Bonner O, $50, Derby Bonney Bros, $3705, Lake Creek Bonney H C, $1065, Ashland Bonney & Mulkey, $5715, Central Point Booker Sabrey, $400, Rogue River Boole Mrs M E, $1150, Ashland Boone G L, $1295, Medford Boone R L, $2405, Ashland Boone R L & Bettie, $140, Ashland Boosey J J, $3115, Central Point Booth Jessie O, $700, Ashland Booth Kelly Lumber Co, $19,680, Prospect Boothby Tracy, $102, Peyton Borchar Phillip, $835, Ashland Bordeaux Geo, $495, Medford Bordeaux Geo M, $1250, Medford Borgen C G, $2000, Prospect Borgen E G, $4800, Prospect Borror P H, $2650, Ashland Boscoy W T, $900, Ashland Bostwick Mrs E, $210, Ruch Bostwick R W, $2125, Talent Bostwick W T, $790, Buncom Boswell J E, $2200, Central Point Bothman H T, $3000, Ashland Bothwell J A, $38,174, Medford Bouchet Ernest, $120, Gold Hill Boughton Clara, $60, Butte Falls Boughton C E, $75, Butte Falls Boughton Howard, $40, Butte Falls Boughton Mell, $440, Butte Falls Bourne Geo F, $1975, Phoenix Boussum Samuel, $800, Jacksonville Boussum S & J, $260, Jacksonville Bouton Mary, $166, Jacksonville Bovee C M, $3070, Ashland Bowen Frank H, $200, Washington DC Bowen Nellie, $1410, Ashland Bowen W H, $2715, Jacksonville Bowers Benton, $49,540, Ashland Bowers Frank, $285, Gold Hill Bowers Frank S, $1865, Sams Valley Bowers James W, $7950, Ashland Bowers Lela, $3000, Central Point Bowles M D, $1200, Lake Creek Bowling C G, $145, Ashland Bowling Ed & A, $270, Gold Hill Bowling Jas, $3335, Medford Bowman H E, $500, Jacksonville Bowman John H, $700, Medford Bowman P B, $100, Siskiyou Boyd E G, $155, Medford Boyd H J, $2970, Ashland Boyd Jas, $7200, Ashland Boyd Robert, $685, Applegate Boyd T G, $750, Medford Boyd W E, $675, Medford Boyden H E, $32,570, Medford Boyer A S, $1620, Rogue River Boyer H H, $2180, Phoenix Boyer O C, $1020, Rogue River Braasch A J, $565, Medford Brackenreed Allen, $1320, Medford Braden James Est, $12,970, Gold Hill Braden Lydia E, $700, Gold Hill Bradenshine S J, $960, Meadows Bradenshine T J, $960, Sams Valley Bradfield Thos D, $225, Butte Falls Bradford D C, $20,000, Prospect Bradley D, $3075, Medford Bradley F W, $7300, Rogue River Bradley I A, $1600, Butte Falls Bradley Jay, $2400, Medford Bradley Mrs M T Est, $130, Jacksonville Bradney A R, $582, Central Point Bradshaw I L, $955, Brownsboro Bradshaw J F, $60, Butte Falis Bradshaw Lee, $10,600, Medford Bradshaw R H, $11,420, Eagle Point Bradshaw W H, $2900, Medford Brady C J, $3420, Ashland Brady C J & Jennie B, $2170, Ashland Bragdon Irma S, $7470, Ashland Brainerd E W, $815, Medford Brainerd J E, $550, Butte Falls Brandenburg Agatha A, $6640, Medford Brandenstein D E, $2000, Rogue River Brandon G W, $575, Rogue River Brandon M A, $1400, Medford Brandon & Whitney, $2500, Medford Brannon Mattie, $970, Ashland Brantner J H, $600, Applegate Bratney Mrs J A, $1600, Medford Bray C P, $600, Ashland Bray James M, $4800, Ashland Brayton, Wyatt & Thompson, $320, Central Point Brayton W E, $305, Central Point Breeden J T, $325, Phoenix Breeding W G, $3335, Rogue River Breese Elizabeth, $4225, Talent Bressler M C, $6605, Ashland Bressler M C & Mary E, $2000, Talent Brevard R J, $11,365, Medford Briggs C P, $1452, Butte Falls Briggs C P & M Hege, $1125, Jacksonville Briggs E D, $21,895, Ashland Briges Mrs E F, $340, Butte Falls Briggs G C, $3500, Ashland Briggs M E, $5000, Ashland Briggs Nellie A, $1600, Butte Falls Briner Geo A, $856, Talent Briscoe Earl, $260, Talent Briscoe Ed, $1799, Trail Briscoe James, $970, Central Point Bristol E O, $4800, Lake Creek Bristow Mrs Elizabeth, $1100, Talent Bristow J B, $1077, Talent Britsan J W, $200, Applegate Britson T W & S C, $1320, Ashland Britson V E, $1200, Ashland Britt Emil, $1050, Phoenix Britt E & A, $12,780, Jacksonville Britt Peter, $400, Medford Brittain D P, $9800, Talent Broad Wm Est, $450, Jacksonville Broadbent M O, $1800, Medford Broback G R, $50, Medford Brock C D & M W Wagner, $3181, Rogue River Brock Mrs J F, $500, Ashland Bromley E M, $650, Eagle Point Bromley E W, $100, Medford Brommer Bros, $4345, Medford Brooks Est, $815, Jacksonville Brooks G F, $877, Medford Broks Ida M, $270, Medford Brooks J F, $610, Medford Brooks Martha, $6800, Medford Brophey N D, $500, Talent Brophy Annie, $140, Talent Brophy B H, $645, Eagle Point Brophy J J, $852, Derby Brophy N D, $4275, Medford Brothers Marinda E, $500, Ashland Brothers Wm M, $370, Ashland Broughton H P, $1100, Medford Brower D M, $4700, Ashland Brown Amy H, $600, Eagle Point Brown A S, $375, Ashland Brown Bertha M, $800, Rock Point Brown Bros, $1500, Talent Brown Chas, $2075, Ashland Brown Chester A, $1200, Medford Brown C B, $50, Medford Brown Mrs C B, $2220, Prospect Brown C H, $1095, Ashland Brown C H, $16,275, Medford Brown Mrs C M, $2000, Prospect Brown Daniel, $80, Central Point Brown Eliza D, $250, Ashland Brown Ella C, $450, Talent Brown E G, $1800, Medford Brown E L, $300, Medford Brown Geo Est, $2000, Eagle Point Brown Geo & Sons, $6850, Eagle Point Brown Geo E, $950, Eagle Point Brown G B, $7805, Eagle Point Brown G L, $2000, Rogue River Brown Helen M, $120, Medford Brown Holmes & Engle, $8600, Eagle Point Brown H C, $1000, Medford Brown H E, $900, Ashland Brown H F, $6206, Eagle Point Brown Mrs H L, $250, Ashland Brown John J, $4905, Central Point Brown J B, $100, Butte Falls Brown J C, $5085, Medford Brown J F, $4080, Eagle Point Brown J F & W H, $800, Eagle Point Brown J H, $100, Butte Falls Brown J J, $1800, Prospect Brown J R P, $1600, Talent Brown J S & Son, $1985, Central Point Brown Louis, $75, Talent Brown Lucy E, $1000, Rogue River Brown L B, $9135, Medford Brown L S, $6200, Ashland Brown Mrs M M, $1950, Eagle Point Brown O R, $20, Medford Brown O T, $2625, Talent Brown Walter F, $9375, Medford Brown W H, $8530, Eagle Point Brown W I, $3065, Medford Brown W W, $2760, Ashland Brown & Alsdorff, $2400, Medford Brown & Hall, $3000, Medford Brown & Trana, $2575, Medford Brown & Wakefield, $6100, Medford Brown & White, $1711, Climax Brownlee John, $1295, Medford Brownworth Ed, $7880, Rogue River Brownworth John, $525, Rogue River Brownworth Lewis, $270, Rogue River Brownworth Mary, $265, Rogue River Broyton, Wyatt & Thompson, $6440, Central Point Bruce Scott S, $42, Dudley Bruce S C, $42, Dudley Bruckner Theresa, $2043, Medford Brumback J Est, $1445, Medford Brumble H S, $1450, Medford Bruning C, $3850, Medford Brunskill D E, $1600, Ashland Brush J Platt, $7085, Ashland Bryant Anna A, $1870, Ashland Bryden Ethel, $350, Ashland Bryson W E, $850, Medford Buchanan S B, $2024, Medford Buchter J J, $200, Medford Buck Chas, $610, Applegate Buck C C, $869, Buncom Buck C P, $1020, Medford Buck J T, $640, Talent Buck M R, $2334, Buncom Buckley Geo, $460, Ruch Buckley J T, $2079, Ruch Buckley Mrs Maggie, $7871, Ruch Buckman Thos, $1170, Ashland Budge Wm, $19,870, Medford Budgeon John, $780, Talent Buell C W, $2400, Talent Building Specialties Co, $1800, Medford Bullard L A, $580, Medford Bullivant E H, $2000, Prospect Bullock N R, $990, Medford Bullock W R, $3840, Medford Buman Chas, $4082, Ruch Bunch Mrs Amelia, $1520, Medford Bundy Edith, $3700, Medford Bundy L, $2900, Medford Bundy & Holmes, $10,700, Medford Bunn J P & E, $1600, Ashland Burbidge W J, $3150, Medford Burch C C & W T, $1146, Rogue River Burch Effie, $1470, Medford Burch Effie et al, $265, Medford Burch Geo W, $1200, Ashland Burch Geo W et al, $1150, Ashland Burch Robert, $5920, Sams Valley Burch Wm, $1310, Sams Valley Burchell E A, $1965, Rogue River Burchell Mrs Mary, $390, Rogue River Burdett Sarah, $805, Medford Burdic Mae, $5540, Ashland Burdick H C, $1600, Applegate Burger A C, $125, Applegate Burgess A C, $380, Medford Burgess Chas, $19,734, Medford Burgess Frank O, $3135, Medford Burgess H C, $1950, Medford Burgess M S, $150, Medford Burke Alice, $9775, Medford Burke W E, $5958, Central Point Burkhalter Charles, $4150, Applegate Burkhardt Eliz, $730, Rogue River Burkhardt Joseph, $1220, Rogue River Burkhardt Martin, $765, Rogue River Burkhardt R, $807, Medford Burleson H P, $240, Ashland Burne John S, $120, Watkins Burnett Frank, $715, Gold Hill Burnett G W, $1858, Talent Burnett Henry, $175, Talent Burnett J S, $590, Ashland Burnett W T, $770, Talent Burnett W T Jr, $268, Talent Burns Cara E, $1050, Ashland Burns Ella M, $1215, Ashland Burns Jas, $1600, Lake Creek Burns Jos, $265, Medford Burns W H, $212, Medford Burroughs Grant, $3210, Medford Bursell Arvid, $17,260, Medford Bursell Victor, $830, Central Point Burt E M, $938, Rogue River Burton G, $400, Central Point Burton J W, $1000, Ashland Burton S L, $2400, Ashland Bush Sarah E, $375, Ashland Bush V L, $1000, Rogue River Bushong I N, $6310, Rogue River Bustrin Fred, $2000, Rogue River Butcher A C, $100, Medford Butcher Maggie, $215, Medford Butler Alice, $6115, Ashland Butler A B, $9745, Medford Butler E N, $525, Ashland Butler G S, $2430, Ashland Butler I P, $800, Medford Butler J M et al, $1400, Medford Butler J P, $300, Medford Butler & Monroe, $9700, Medford Butler & Perozzi, $1000, Ashland Butler & Thompson Co, $56,765, Ashland Butte Falls Lumber Co, $17,535, Butte Falls Butterfield A G, $600, Ashland Butterfield B H, $844, Medford Butterfield C S, $150, Medford Butterfield H O, $1300, Ashland Butterfield & Davidson, $1755, Medford Butts Festus & Susan, $1480, Ashland Butz George A, $4600, Central Point Bybee Frank E, $40,476, Jacksonville Bybee J W, $14,360, Jacksonville Byerly J H, $5370, Gold Hill Byers John, $1705, Ashland Byrne Mrs Kate, $2446, Watkins Byrne Maud M, $100, Medford Byrum W R, $6355, Central Point C&C Land Co, $1200, Medford Cabler Est, $315, Talent Cadzow Eliza, $100, Butte Falls Cadzav John, $2600, Butte Falls Cadzow & Stoddard, $160, Butte Falls Cadzow & Tungate, $500, Butte Falls Caine Mrs W H, $600, Gold Hill Caines Amy, $1000, Medford Calahan Pearl, $1200, Buncom Calahan Richard, $1600, Buncom Caldwell A C, $2480, Ashland Caldwell Eliza, $795, Rogue River Caldwell F L, $865, Gold Hill Caldwell G M, $420, Central Point Caldwell Jas M, $845, Central Point Caldwell Lea M, $1600, Ashland Caldwell L M, $1200, Meadows Caldwell Margaret, $665, Gold Hill Caldwell Ottillia D, $2445, Ashland Caldwell T L, $250, Medford Caldwell Willis, $2000, Rogue River Calhoun Andrew, $36,715, Phoenix Calhoun E, $700, Phoenix Calhoun Hugh B, $375, Phoenix Calhoun Josephine, $880, Phoenix Calhoun J C, $6755, Medford Calhoun Sisters, $500, Medford California-Oregon Power Co, $33,665, Medford Calkins Carrie L, $3035, Ashland Calkins F M, $400, Ashland Callahan Minnie, $250, Medford Calman Alfred, $30,500, Medford Calwel M, $75, Jacksonville Cameron Bernice, $1670, Medford Cameron Dan, $2880, Rogue River Cameron Frank, $450, Applegate Cameron John, $875, Ashland Cameron John, $2475, Talent Cameron Laura B, $1200, Butte Falls Cameron L, $150, Medford Cameron L B, $1155, Medford Cameron R J, $11,205, Applegate Cameron R J Est, $1129, Ruch Cameron Theo, $1650, Jacksonville Cameron Thos, $525, Jacksonville Cameron Wm, $2260, Applegate Cameron Wm, $2693, Ruch Cameron W J, $592, Derby Cameron W J & Chas Humphrey, $500, Derby Cameron W W, $7346, Jacksonville Cameron Z, $8870, Medford Campbell Abner B, $835, Medford Campbell Mrs Ellen G, $1600, Meadows Campbell E N, $10,630, Medford Campbell H, $50, Rogue River Campbell James, $31,760, Medford Campbell Jas F, $250, Medford Campbell Jessie L, $1600, Provolt Campbell J A, $1760, Medford Campbell J B (Trustee), $2000, Prospect Campbell J S, $300, Medford Campbell N N, $4700, Medford Campbell R S, $1000, Ashland Campbell W E, $200, Medford Campbell W N, $400, Medford Campbell W N & S A Nye, $10,525, Medford Campbell & Davis, $1590, Medford Campbell & English, $1250, Medford Campbell & Nye, $13,160, Talent Camps F L, $7650, Ashland Canfield L D, $2300, Medford Canning Geo W, $610, Ashland Cannon C B, $8000, Rogue River Cannon Joseph, $2400, Ashland Cannon V T, $250, Medford Canon W H, $4320, Medford Canton Restaurant, $200, Medford Canton Rooming House, $300, Medford Cantrall Andrew, $800, Buncom Cantrall Mrs A, $460, Buncom Cantrall J M, $75, Buncom Cantrall Miles, $2534, Ruch Cantrall R E, $525, Applegate Cantrall Mrs S A, $792, Buncom Cantrall Mrs V, $1685, Jacksonville Canyon Press, $200, Medford Capp Frank W, $82, Applegate Cardwell C B, $660, Ashland Cardwell L R, $1900, Gold Hill Carey A M, $18,700, Central Point Carey Mrs A M, $2150, Medford Carey C, $18,000, Phoenix Carey C & Wife, $2200, Phoenix Carey W D, $1665, Ashland Carey W D & N, $3650, Ashland Carey W M, $1250, Talent Caris P W, $3839, Applegate Carkin Carrie L, $2800, Medford Carkin J H, $9080, Medford Carl M M, $5055, Gold Hill Carl M M&M C, $1150, Ashland Carl W N, $900, Sams Valley Carlock W E, $200, Brownsboro Carlow F G, $1305, Medford Carlquist J A, $1025, Medford Carlson August V, $1820, Medford Carlson A E, $1600, Provolt Carlson Carl A, $2400, Ashland Carlson C D, $2000, Prospect Carlson E M, $800, Talent Carlson Fred, $1070, Medford Carlson Martin, $1030, Ashland Carlton Alsameder, $2080, Ashland Carlton Ed W, $8285, Central Point Carlton J H, $5775, Eagle Point Carlton S A, $17,695, Eagle Point Carnahan Carrie, $2000, Prospect Carnahan Carrie E, $20,470, Medford Carnahan Carrie G, $6492, Medford Carner O, $1000, Rogue River Carner & Salin, $4330, Rogue River Carney John, $740, Medford Carpenter Bros, $11,015, Medford Carpenter Chas E, $4900, Eagle Point Carpenter Emily L, $2720, Medford Carpenter F S, $4800, Medford Carpenter Geo B, $4815, Medford Carpenter Geo E & Hattie B, $6325, Ashland Carpenter J W, $855, Buncom Carpenter Lovina S, $1415, Ashland Carpenter M B, $3100, Ashland Carpenter O E, $150, Ashland Carpenter Wm J, $1400, Ashland Carr Thomas, $350, Rock Point Carrico M, $2000, Prospect Carroll Jane, $4210, Medford Carson J F, $400, Butte Falls Carson J W, $8830, Medford Carson O F, $3300, Medford Carson Smith Lumber Co, $4985, Ashland Carter Mrs Anna, $1787, Talent Carter B F, $5660, Rogue River Carter C F, $1375, Gold Hill Carter Estate, $275, Ashland Carter Mrs Ethel, $350, Gold Hill Carter Ethel H, $800, Rock Point Carter E V, $5740, Ashland Carter F H, $15,870, Ashland Carter George, $2000, Rogue River Carter Harriet H Est, $5430, Ashland Carter Hester N, $4570, Ashland Carter H B Est, $1200, Sams Valley Carter H H, $400, Meadows Carter H J & H N, $1120, Ashland Carter Land Co, $23,350, Ashland Carter Lawrence Est, $750, Central Point Carter L, $400, Central Point Carter Mabel, $675, Ashland Carter Martha, $195, Central Point Carter Martha J, $2360, Ashland Carter Mary R, $830, Ashland Carter Nancy, $2020, Rogue River Carter R, $641, Rogue River Carter Wm, $670, Rogue River Carter W B, $800, Gold Hill Cartwright Maggie, $1430, Medford Cartwright W F, $155, Medford Cascade Coal Co, $8000, Climax Cascade Lumber Co, $5200, Ashland Case A H, $1810, Medford Case Morris Est, $4634, Sams Valley Case C F, $3535, Sams Valley Case W F, $1600, Ashland Casebeer Jacob, $1240, Ashland Casebeer J M, $3990, Ashland Casey Helen, $180, Ashland Casey J B, $2725, Ashland Casey J B & Ethel, $1400, Ashland Casey J R, $4015, Ashland Casey J R & M F, $1360, Ashland Casey Robt, $3230, Ashland Casey Robt & Leslie E, $3955, Ashland Casey Robert & Susie, $3290, Ashland Casper J M & J E, $1765, Applegate Cassady Warren C, $1880, Medford Cassady W L, $595, Medford Casselman T F, $1670, Medford Caster Bros, $1570, Phoenix Caster Fred, $250, Gold Hill Caster Otto, $830, Medford Castle Rachel, $285, Medford Castor L P, $2966, Butte Falls Casutt J G, $800, Prospect Caton H F, $125, Central Point Caton W E, $192, Ruch Cavil A J, $2000, Rogue River Cavin Mrs E A, $1400, Ashland Cavin S & A, $3830, Ashland Centers F M, $220, Medford Centers M S, $250, Medford Central Point Creamery Co, $800, Central Point Central Point State Bank, $7500, Central Point Chadburn C N, $5550, Eagle Point Chadwick C H, $9665, Phoenix Chaffee O R, $1720, Medford Chaffey Chas, $2050, Asbestos Chamberlin Carl S, $2000, Rogue River Chamberlin Frank F, $2000, Rogue River Chamberlin H M, $1560, Talent Chambers J H, $910, Ashland Chambers M A, $960, Central Point Chambers W H, $482, Butte Falls Champlin Dredge Co, $43,555, Gold Hill Chandler Elizabeth, $1500, Phoenix Chandler John W, $3178, Rogue River Chandler W, $3795, Phoenix Chapin Mrs F W, $1320, Ashland Chapin H M, $400, Medford Chapman Amy M, $1600, Buncom Chapman A B, $2196, Ashland Chapman Bert, $120, Central Point Chapman Chas, $285, Talent Chapman Chas M, $330, Talent Chapman Cora E, $2000, Rogue River Chapman C H, $490, Central Point Chapman Edith, $480, Ashland Chapman H H, $1600, Ashland Chapman John W, $1910, Medford Chapman Kate, $75, Jacksonville Chapman S A, $5620, Ashland Chapman W C, $1170, Central Point Chapman W S, $2220, Lake Creek Chappell Helen C & Ruth, $9535, Ashland Charles B H, $3200, Prospect Charley Mrs Emogene, $3860, Lake Creek Charley J C, $400, Eagle Point Charley L C, $5224, Brownsboro Charley N N, $876, Climax Charley Wm, $4535, Medford Charley W F, $1000, Climax Chartran A B, $1592, Butte Falls Chase F W, $2400, Lake Creek Chattin C W, $1295, Ashland Chavner T Est, $4800, Ashland Cheesman Mrs Urania, $2340, Phoenix Cheever H J, $3870, Central Point Chelgren P W, $600, Medford Cheney Mrs E R, $240, Gold Hill Chenowith Elsa A, $479, Medford Cherry Geo W, $1285, Medford Cherry J W, $2160, Medford Chessmore A J, $2967, Medford Chessmore V M, $3970, Medford Chidester Henry B, $1760, Medford Childers Elmer, $2205, Eagle Point Childers Frank, $995, Gold Hill Childers G A, $905, Medford Childers Mary, $805, Medford Childers S, $350, Medford Childers S & N E, $2000, Central Point Childers Vernie, $100, Rogue River Childers Wm L, $340, Gold Hill Childers W A, $200, Meadows Childers W H, $675, Gold Hill Childreth G M, $580, Medford Childreth H O, $60, Eagle Point Childreth W L, $780, Eagle Point Childs C E, $1245, Central Point Chiles Julia Florence, $1600, Medford Chinaman Gin [Gin Lin?], $225, Jacksonville Chisholm, $175, Talent Chittenden A C & M E, $1980, Central Point Choate J K, $895, Ashland Christensen J H, $100, Ashland Christian Church, $1160, Ashland Chumas James C, $1400, Ashland Church Brethren, $1300, Ashland Church Christina, $5250, Medford Church W E, $530, Medford Churchman Elsie M, $2000, Ashland Chute Emma A, $900, Ashland Cingcade D, $8214, Eagle Point Cingcade & Ashpole, $300, Eagle Point Citizens Bank, $6400, Provolt Citizens Banking & Trust Co, $29,745, Ashland City of Medford, $9000, Medford Clancy Dr, $600, Medford Clark Annie C, $1020, Ashland Clark B F, $300, Medford Clark Catharine, $521, Medford Clark D S & V, $2150, Medford Clark Emily M, $1240, Central Point Clark E, $300, Eagle Point Clark Florence E, $400, Talent Clark Fred, $210, Talent Clark F F, $1335, Central Point Clark G W, $200, Central Point Clark & Henery Constr Co, $10,620, Medford Clark Ida, $3400, Eagle Point Clark Jno R, $50, Central Point Clark Josephine F, $2992, Medford Clark Mary M, $740, Central Point Clark R A, $2200, Jacksonville Clark Wm, $555, Medford Clark & Forster, $100, Medford Clark & Son, $150, Ashland Clarkson L S, $108, Ashland Clarno Bros, $2213, Eagle Point Clarno G W, $600, Eagle Point Clausing George F, $4405, Phoenix Clausing Lena, $725, Medford Clausing Louise, $5890, Medford Clay Anna, $1935, Medford Clay Daniel E, $2840, Medford Clay W S, $25,740, Medford Clayton A H, $600, Rock Point Clayville F C, $3630, Medford Clearwater N S, $975, Eagle Point Clement Delia, $1600, Medford Clement Ezra, $150, Rogue River Clements C K, $170, Rogue River Cleveland R R, $762, Medford Cleveland W, $1020, Ashland Clevenger S Marion, $2645, Ashland Cline Emma C, $3070, Medford Cline J L, $860, Central Point Clock Fred, $225, Butte Falls Clossen C E & A W, $550, Ashland Closser Alice W, $2400, Ashland Closser Clarence C, $3600, Ashland Closser G E & A W, $900, Ashland Clousing L, $225, Medford Clute Chas H, $800, Lake Creek Clute E L, $975, Ashland Clyde Wm, $2350, Ashland Cobb F H, $1000, Prospect Cobel Mary F, $910, Ashland Cobleigh Amos J, $716, Butte Falls Cobleigh Carl, $900, Phoenix Cobleigh John, $250, Butte Falls Coburn & Watkins, $3000, Ashland Cochran, $810, Medford Cochran Belle, $3120, Medford Cochran Edith D, $440, Talent Cochran Eliza A, $6735, Central Point Cochran E L, $220, Talent Cochran F O, $4100, Central Point Cochran Harold, $100, Medford Cochran J H, $2015, Medford Cochran L E, $4500, Medford Cochran Wm, $835, Central Point Coder E H, $3620, Ashland Coffee Mrs Emma E, $2205, Ashland Coffeen & Price, $467, Medford Coffen W C, $375, Medford Coffin M A, $2400, Lake Creek Coffman Louisa, $545, Medford Coffman S R, $2672, Ruch Coffman W I, $121, Buncom Coghlan J N, $9350, Eagle Point Cogol Mrs, $180, Gold Hill Colby Chas D, $2176, Medford Colby Chas M, $2200, Medford Colby E D, $4615, Brownsboro Coldwell T L, $250, Medford Cole Byron Estate, $4960, Colestin Cole C S, $940, Medford Cole D C, $50, Medford Colet D L, $905, Medford Cole Geo & Nancy C, $1230, Ashland Cole John H, $910, Ashland Cole Mrs Mary, $340, Ashland Cole Rufus Estate, $700, Ashland Cole Rufus J, $8785, Ashland Cole W N, $670, Ashland Cole W N et ux, $490, Ashland Coleman Alfred, $2035, Medford Coleman E G, $40,000, Phoenix Coleman Fred, $1635, Medford Coleman James, $205, Talent Coleman James B & Lettie, $1360, Talent Coleman J, $800, Medford Coleman L A, $250, Talent Coleman L C, $32,405, Medford Coleman Mrs Martha A, $600, Phoenix Coleman Mattie, $1250, Talent Coleman S A, $4450, Talent Coleman W R, $1850, Talent Coleman W R & James Cronemiller, $675, Talent Collie Dog M&M Co, $1000, Prospect Colligan J, $1600, Prospect Collings A E, $1505, Watkins Collins B M, $1690, Jacksonville Collins C E, $2015, Medford Collins C H, $688, Medford Collins J C, $1965, Medford Collins Leah M, $300, Central Point Collins Mrs S C, $4850, Sams Valley Collins Thos, $4800, Medford Collins U S, $2625, Medford Collins W D, $140, Medford Collins W L, $800, Gold Hill Collins & Davis, $2910, Medford Collyer Walter, $1600, Talent Colt Mrs Sade, $500, Rogue River Coltrin Geo E, $425, Beagle Columbia Gold Mining Co, $800, Gold Hill Columbia Mines Co, $750, Rogue River Colver Lloyd, $400, Phoenix Colver Louis, $560, Phoenix Colver Lloyd, $5060, Phoenix Colver Louis, $4079, Talent Colvig & Reames, $500, Medford Colvig G W, $400, Climax Colvig N M, $2600, Medford Colvig Wm L, $1720, Medford Colvig W L Estate, $400, Rock Point Colvin H L, $1600, Medford Colwell Eliza, $910, Rogue River Colwell George L, $2100, Medford Collyer Walter, $895, Talent Combest Cyrenus, $467, Buncom Combest Vol, $165, Buncom Combs D E, $740, Talent Comegys George, $1600, Medford Conger A P, $225, Jacksonville Conger A P & Elmer, $2750, Jacksonville Conger Bros, $280, Central Point Conger Enos, $2200, Medford Conger H E, $3265, Jacksonville Congregational Church, $1800, Ashland Conley Jacob, $6285, Central Point Conley Mils, $850, Lake Creek Connell A W, $1220, Ashland Conner Boudinot, $1075, Medford Conner Ed, $250, Ashland Conner Land Co, $13,475, Central Point Conner Lucy A, $450, Eagle Point Conner Nellie M, $400, Ashland Conner Wm A, $1505, Ashland Conners John, $10,600, Prospect Connover Lucy A, $1030, Eagle Point Conrad Dora, $670, Ashland Conroy & Clancy, $10,760, Medford Conry C M, $2000, Rogue River Conser V E, $1205, Medford Constant Isaac, $750, Central Point Conture A, $2000, Prospect Conture Edward, $2000, Prospect Conture L M, $2000, Prospect Conway F E, $2815, Ashland Conway John, $90, Talent Conway L C, $1050, Talent Conway Nancy, $745, Rogue River Conway T W, $1420, Rogue River Conway Mrs T W, $235, Rogue River Conwell Jeremiah & Allie, $2395, Ashland Cook Clinton, $1693, Applegate Cook C F, $500, Medford Cook Eliza D, $1800, Ashland Cook Elmer, $12,440, Ashland Cook Mrs E, $315, Jacksonville Cook Fred H, $4397, Medford Cook Grover C, $207, Butte Falls Cook H C, $1000, Central Point Cook I N, $1600, Buncom Cook Jack, $150, Gold Hill Cook James, $1875, Butte Falls Cook John, $235, Butte Falls Cook John A, $435, Gold Hill Cook J H, $2515, Ashland Cook Mary C, $690, Gold Hill Cook Mrs M B, $3164, Applegate Cook Nicholas, $910, Ashland Cook Robt A, $1740, Rogue River Cook Robt E, $145, Draper Cook R A, $2000, Rock Point Cook R L, $170, Rock Point Cook R M, $320, Rock Point Cook Samuel C, $400, Provolt Cook T J, $550, Gold Hill Cooke, $425, Ashland Cooksey M M, $20,620, Central Point Cool Frank, $981, Lake Creek Cooley E L, $285, Eagle Point Cooley J H, $9260, Eagle Point Coolidge M J, $1575, Ashland Coombe L R, $2065, Ashland Coombs D E, $130, Talent Coombs Fred W, $362, Talent Coombs Frederick, $1965, Talent Coon Mary J, $2010, Medford Coon & Danford, $1500, Ashland Cooper A P, $1270, Gold Hill Cooper Ed, $50, Sams Valley Cooper E F, $760, Central Point Cooper E W, $420, Sams Valley Cooper F G & E J, $1540, Ashland Cooper H E, $380, Gold Hill Cooper P V, $400, Medford Cooper W A, $1660, Ashland Cope James, $3650, Ashland Copeland W H, $2880, Ashland Copple Fred A, $1022, Buncom Copple W M, $274, Buncom Coppock Mrs C E, $1050, Medford Corbett Daniel, $2000, Rogue River Corbett Jas L, $7120, Ashland Corbett J Leslie, $150, Talent Corbett S, $925, Ashland Corbin Austin, $29,820, Eagle Point Cordell W A & Marabella, $3070, Ashland Corey C H, $3180, Medford Corey Frank, $200, Medford Corey G E, $1810, Medford Corey Jennie M, $2635, Medford Corey W D & N, $4015, Medford Corlies S T; $200, Medford Corliss G C H, $865, Talent Corliss H A, $3430, Buncom Corliss Judge, $10,550, Phoenix Corliss S T, $2750, Medford Corliss Mrs Wm, $150, Phoenix Cornelius Fannie A, $2645, Ashland Cornelius F A & R P, $1990, Ashland Cornelius R H, $1085, Central Point Cornell Ada, $1585, Medford Cornell Mrs H C, $7500, Eagle Point Cornell Ranch Co, $2305, Gold Hill Cornish L T, $420, Phoenix Cornish Orrin, $1665, Phoenix Cornitius Geo C, $1500, Medford Cornitius Otto M, $861, Medford Cornoyer Ida M, $520, Medford Cornutt J N, $220, Central Point Cornutt N & F, $290, Central Point Corsen M E, $1200, Provolt Corum Katie R, $2600, Medford Corwin Mrs Ella, $2400, Ashland Coss H M, $4980, Medford Costel Elizabeth, $1175, Rogue River Cota Annie, $1355, Medford Cott Geo F, $1000, Medford Cottage Barber Shop, $100, Medford Cottingham John, $4800, Butte Falls Cotton J L, $145, Rogue River Cottrell Bros, $3605, Beagle Cottrell C P, $2700, Medford Cottrell W A, $465, Ashland Coulter A D Land Co, $10,450, Medford Coulter Mrs Lizzie, $380, Medford Count W O, $360, Gold Hill Covert W O, $2200, Gold Hill Cow Creek Lumber Co, $500, Rogue River Cowden G E, $392, Butte Falls Cowgill, $130, Central Point Cowgill R P, $1595, Eagle Point Cowland James, $2100, Ashland Cowles F H, $3000, Medford Cowley M C, $9370, Medford Cowley Wm A, $15,250, Central Point Cox Allen E, $1400, Ashland Cox Elizabeth, $360, Phoenix Cox Elmira, $405, Medford Cox E M, $4650, Medford Cox Harry, $40, Sams Valley Cox Homer G, $925, Butte Falls Coy Isaac, $150, Gold Hill Coy Susie, $550, Gold Hill Coy T N, $2159, Eagle Point Craig Archie Jr, $10, Rogue River Craig J B, $1600, Climax Craig R J, $1075, Eagle Point Craig V E, $1825, Medford Crain John H, $1150, Climax Crandall Augusta C, $1200, Ashland Crandall J B, $168, Medford Crandall W H, $190, Eagle Point Crandell Annie P, $1800, Medford Cranfield C E, $150, Medford Cranfill F L, $865, Medford Cranfill Ophelia O, $2130, Medford Cranfill & Robnett, $21,975, Central Point Crank Walter S, $1005, Medford Crater Lake Laundry, $3000, Medford Crater Lake Transportation Co, $1200, Medford Crawford J H, $575, Gold Hill Crawford J S, $2780, Talent Crawford L D, $550, Medford Crawford Mattie A, $6625, Ashland Crawford Oris, $2400, Medford Crawford W H, $4080, Medford Crawson F H, $1015, Ashland Creesey Carrie, $2000, Prospect Creesey J D, $2000, Prospect Crenshaw L H, $1935, Central Point Cress James, $1260, Ashland Crestlist Monroe, $900, Ashland Crewson E H, $600, Ashland Crews G W & H M, $5900, Ashland Crews James E, $1125, Gold Hill Crews W E, $10,355, Medford Cripps E A, $4713, Medford Critzer Mrs Thresa P, $3860, Phoenix Crocker Josephine D, $730, Ashland Crocker M V, $1600, Talent Crocker Oma E, $1965, Ashland Croft H H, $9559, Central Point Croisant Catherine, $1600, Prospect Croisant J L, $2000, Prospect Croise Alfred, $70, Jacksonville Cromar Mrs E, $2015, Ashland Crombley James, $500, Eagle Point Cronce D A, $1075, Ashland Cronemiller James M, $2941, Jacksonville Cronfield Chas E, $1435, Medford Cropp A B, $2000, Medford Cropp D J et al, $2000, Medford Cropp G B, $2000, Medford Crosby J J, $600, Butte Falls Crosby Margaret, $30, Talent Crosby Wm, $75, Talent Cross A L, $650, Ashland Cross Celia, $100, Butte Falls Crotchett Adrian, $1200, Climax Crouch Chas C, $1070, Medford Crouch Frank, $2235, Ashland Crowell Wm S, $14,625, Medford Crowl L, $275, Medford Crowley Phillip B, $1600, Ashland Crowson Frank, $915, Ashland Crowther James, $1200, Prospect Croxall J R, $1240, Ashland Crum R V, $450, Medford Crump Firman, $1800, Medford Crump John H, $494, Jacksonville Crump J F, $6487, Buncom Cryderman Mrs Mary, $770, Central Point Crystal Carl J, $2000, Prospect Cudahy Packing Co, $1000, Medford Culbertson I J, $225, Lake Creek Culbertson J D, $3335, Lake Creek Culbertson Thomas A, $2410, Ashland Culy C W, $1019, Buncom Culy G, $500, Ashland Culy G C, $7185, Phoenix Cummings C V, $100, Medford Cunningham A B, $75, Medford Cunningham A E, $150, Medford Cunningham Clyde L, $7360, Ashland Cunningham C, $9575, Ashland Cunningham E H, $22,850, Talent Cunningham John, $2210, Ashland Cunningham & Davis, $2500, Central Point Cunningham & Lewis, $10,900, Talent Cunningham & Linebarger, $2950, Ashland Curd Isaac, $2400, Prospect Curran J W, $520, Gold Hill Currie Joseph T, $3260, Ashland Currier James R, $1600, Ashland Curry A P, $1348, Prospect Curry Joseph, $3275, Ashland Curry Mrs M E, $295, Gold Hill Curry Wm, $100, Rogue River Cushman Wm, $308, Trail Cusick Daisy, $2000, Prospect Cusick Geo, $32, Trail Cusick M H, $167, Trail Custie P S, $860, Medford Cuthbert G F & Co, $15,150, Medford Cyester M F, $295, Ashland Dabney O P, $1600, Ashland Daggett E C, $565, Medford Daggett Mary H, $31,200, Jacksonville Dahack E, $2985, Eagle Point Dahack Eli, $1700, Medford Dahack Irwin, $6170, Medford Dahack Zera, $2825, Medford Dahack Zera, $35, Dudley Dahuff Amos, $420, Talent Dailey M L, $2125, Medford Dailey P L, $1565, Medford Dailey T W, $625, Medford Daily Lutie, $100, Medford Daily Margaret, $2035, Medford Daily M L, $375, Eagle Point Daily Patrick, $1955, Medford Daily P H, $1550, Eagle Point Daily T W, $3355, Medford Dairs A A, $720, Medford Daley Allie, $350, Eagle Point Daley A J, $31,353, Eagle Point Daley Geo W, $4070, Eagle Point Daley J H, $6515, Medford Daley W C, $4388, Lake Creek Dallaire Agnes, $1030, Jacksonville Dallaire Victor, $100, Medford Daly Miss, $210, Medford Damon C R, $500, Medford Damon Geo F, $3510, Ashland Damon L L, $3950, Medford Danelson Anna, $1325, Medford Daney J A, $1450, Ashland Danford Thos, $3935, Ashland Danforth M C, $1600, Jacksonville Daniel Geo, $200, Medford Daniels Mrs E, $1184, Lake Creek Daniels Lillian M, $90, Medford Daniels M N, $1600, Climax Daniels T E, $10,925, Medford Daniels & Seeley, $90, Medford Danielson Bina, $10, Gold Hill Dann Chipley, $2500, Ashland Dann Clayton M, $2400, Ashland Dann W W, $375, Ashland Darbey Charles, $8204, Medford Darby A W, $25, Medford Darby Chas, $595, Medford Darington James, $380, Medford Darling H E, $200, Gold Hill Darling Mrs Nellie, $40, Gold Hill Darling R L, $50, Gold Hill Darling Mrs W E, $935, Gold Hill Darling & Hodges, $6625, Gold Hill Darneille Grover, $225, Medford Darriel Geo, $400, Medford Darrow H W, $8170, Talent Davidson E, $225, Applegate Davidson E H, $615, Medford Davidson E J, $3157, Applegate Davidson Mrs H P, $1060, Gold Hill Davidson I G, $1000, Rogue River Davidson J E, $1655, Gold Hill Davidson J N, $8405, Central Point Davidson & Butterfield, $600, Medford Davie Allen, $486, Rogue River Davie Mrs A E, $220, Rogue River Davies James, $383, Jacksonville Davies Samuel S, $1270, Ashland Davis, $150, Applegate Davis Agnes, $1200, Medford Davis Allen, $6310, Ashland Davis A A, $78,715, Medford Davis A F, $2345, Medford Davis A H, $200, Medford Davis Mrs C E, $400, Medford Davis C S, $5895, Ashland Davis C W, $2500, Medford Davis D, $955, Jacksonville Davis D N, $3107, Soda Springs Davis Dr E, $2150, Central Point Davis E B, $200, Medford Davis E G, $120, Ashland Davis E R, $150 Davis Frank, $125, Lake Creek Davis F R, $2770, Ashland Davis Geo L, $500, Medford Davis Grant, $765, Talent Davis Guy, $2000, Prospect Davis G L, $4715, Medford Davis G L & John F Soule, $2000, Rogue River Davis G W, $710, Ashland Davis Mrs H E, $500, Eagle Point Davis Ida H, $2250, Medford Davis James, $2150, Applegate Davis J F, $3980, Central Point Davis J T, $1510, Medford Davis Lillie R, $895, Ashland Davis Lucy M, $1020, Medford Davis L J, $240, Talent Davis M A, $1140, Medford Davis Mrs M J, $310, Soda Springs Davis Nolan, $500, Ashland Davis N J & Allen, $855, Ashland Davis N N, $272, Ashland Davis Orin I, $3650, Medford Davis Pearl, $50, Medford Davis Scott V, $46,047, Medford Davis Wm, $150, Jacksonville Davis Wm, $11,190, Medford Davis W, $1155, Ashland Davis W D, $2565, Beagle Davis W L & Edna A, $852, Soda Springs Davison David, $150, Talent Davison S J & Luetta, $400, Ashland Dawn Mary, $1440, Medford Dawson R R, $168, Trail Dawson T B, $261, Prospect Day David W, $390, Butte Falls Day D N, $853, Medford Day D W, $25, Medford Day Hattie S, $1800, Medford Day L C, $60, Butte Falls Day Mrs M E, $2050, Jacksonville Dayton A J, $1600, Buncom Dean D O, $1200, Rogue River Dean E C, $3832, Central Point Dean Geo W, $2120, Medford Dean G B, $7590, Central Point Dean Harris & Minnie L, $1630, Ashland Dean James, $400, Ashland Dean R F, $6485, Central Point Dean W J, $2845, Talent Deane A W, $2545, Medford Dearman Robt, $1370, Central Point DeArmond H H, $2160, Medford Deatman Robt, $3440, Ashland DeBar George O B, $27,730, Medford DeBlanche A & M F Drake, $2485, Phoenix Debley Wm C, $1805, Medford DeBolt F P, $5600, Ashland DeBrive N, $2300, Medford DeCarlow C A, $807 DeCarlow C W, $2150, Ashland DeCarlow Lulu A, $1260, Ashland Deck Josephine, $815, Medford Decker G E & Cora, $365, Ashland Decker Martha May, $360, Ashland Decker Philip Arthur, $370, Ashland Decker S E, $2910, Ashland Decker S E & Cora, $280, Ashland Deewes Louis, $1400, Ashland DeFord Frank, $1350, Medford DeFord W F, $3040, Central Point Degan Peter, $610, Ashland DeGez H H, $3380, Central Point DeGroot Mrs Rose, $2400, Butte Falls Deisch Nickolas, $1090, Jacksonville DeLamater Newell, $2500, Gold Hill DeLameter Mary A, $2000, Meadows Deland F W, $530, Medford Delander C E, $1520, Talent Delander Emma C, $1520, Talent Delano Fred W, $50, Medford Delfonney J, $125, Central Point Delovage Abe & Morris, $1600, Lake Creek Demmer John Jr, $712, Medford Demmer John L, $4234, Medford Demmer J C, $240, Medford Demmer J L et al, $4590, Medford Demmer Mathias, $4231, Medford Demmer Paul, $3769, Medford Den T W, $100, Medford Denbam J F, $376, Talent Denber Paul, $170, Soda Springs Deneff W C, $2100, Jacksonville Denham J F, $4425, Talent Denhof Peter, $750, Medford Denison Wilbur, $1420, Ashland Denman E E, $325, Medford Denning C E, $3300, Ashland Denning C W, $3285, Central Point Dennis John H, $2400, Lake Creek Dennis Mrs J M, $3320, Ashland Dennis Lewis, $540, Central Point Dennis Louis, $5675, Ashland Dennis & Sanderson, $15,325, Ashland Dennison E G, $1600, Lake Creek Denniston C H, $2620, Medford Densmore J M, $1395, Ashland Densmore Mary B, $1225, Ashland Dente Otto, $1200, Ashland Deone Geo W, $1465, Medford Depeatt Antoinette, $5720, Ashland DeRoboam Emil, $600, Medford DeRoboam Emil & Rosa, $2260, Medford DeRoboam E R, $1230, Medford DeReboam John, $375, Rogue River DeRoboam O P, $150, Jacksonville DeRoboam S P, $2075, Jacksonville Derr T W, $1000, Medford Derry Joe, $2800, Medford Dettes W A, $25, Medford Detweiler Lizzie T, $810, Ashland Deuel F K, $110,535, Medford Deuel & Strang, $13,700, Asbestos Deuel & Strang, $250, Medford Devereaux P T, $1600, Ashland Devine Geo C, $8150, Medford Devivier Margaret H, $1015, Ashland Devlin John, $10,485, Ruch DeVore T L, $1780, Jacksonville Dewess Louis, $1300, Ashland Dewey Geo W, $9210, Rogue River Dewhurst M S, $7600, Ashland DeWilde A, $1200, Eagle Point Dewing Wm S, $50, Butte Falls Dewing Woodbury & Harris, $2965, Butte Falls Dews Mrs Hattie, $330, Ashland Dews Oliver B, $400, Ashland Dews O V, $515, Ashland Dews Mrs T, $525, Jacksonville Dexter D B, $750, Eagle Point Diamond J W, $1825, Medford Diamond Rooming House, $300, Medford Dick N A, $175, Jacksonville Dickerson M A, $3443, Medford Dickerson Wm O, $3750, Ashland Dickey Cora Alice, $5900, Ashland Dickey Mary E, $3140, Ashland Dickie C O, $510, Central Point Dickie D O, $10,500, Sams Valley Dickinson C S Trustee, $22,600, Applegate Dickison Wm R, $2000, Prospect Dickson America, $950, Ashland Diess Henry G, $180, Applegate Dietrich Geo, $3075, Medford Dietrich J F, $285, Godl Hill Dikeman H W, $800, Gold Hill Dilhan Joseph, $4415, Ashland Dillon Helen, $2575, Medford Dillon H O, $2935, Medford Dillon H O & M, $2350, Medford Dimick Edward E, $2190, Rogue River Dimmick E M, $3285, Ashland Dingwall & McGilligan, $1100, Phoenix Dinkens J P, $1190, Medford Dinkens James, $220, Beagle Ditsworth Ada, $325, Butte Falls Ditsworth Ida E, $800, Butte Falls Ditsworth John F Jr, $2512, Peyton Ditsworth J F Sr, $1530, Peyton Divet J C & May, $4635, Ashland Dix E Y, $1600, Talent Dix Wm O, $1600, Talent Dixon A C, $1600, Sams Valley Dixon F A, $60, Applegate Dixon J M & A J, $1000, Ashland Dixon Volney, $390, Medford Dodd C H, $250, Medford Doddridge Adelbert, $2400, Ashland Dodge Delia M, $3000, Medford Dodge E, $5000, Buncom Dodge F F, $2150, Ashland Dodge F L, $90, Gold Hill Dodge F W, $150, Gold Hill Dodge Ira A, $10,530, Medford Dodge Ira C, $800, Talent Dodge I J, $13,585, Medford Dodge John, $1025, Ashland Dodge J P, $17,235, Ashland Dodge J P & Mary S, $4800, Ashland Dodge J P & Sons, $5500, Ashland Dodge Kate, $1600, Buncom Dodge L, Ashland, $1900 Dodge Mary S, $275, Talent Dodge Mrs Pearl, $1875, Ashland Dodge W M, $775, Ashland Dodge W P & Delia M, $8095, Medford Dodge W P & J M, $830, Medford Dodge & Theiss, $795, Medford Dodsworth W H, $1600, Eagle Point Dollarhide L D, $3477, Medford Dolman C M, $375, Medford Domogalla John, $1200, Eagle Point Donahue Arthur P, $1600, Buncom Donaldson Ida I, $1600, Ashland Donaldson John M, $2000, Prospect Donegan Pat, $1110, Jacksonville Donnell Patrick O, $1500, Rogue River Donovan Pat, $1600, Talent Doolittle & Ticknor, $9600, Medford Dooms Louis, $87, Butte Falls Dooms P A, $400, Medford Dooms & Halloway, $100, Medford Dooms & Halloway Building, $75, Medford Doone G W, $1610, Medford Dopp R H, $2190, Medford Doran Gertrude L, $1730, Ashland Doran James H, $2460, Ashland Doran J H & G L, $6635, Ashland Doran T F & Amy A, $4630, Ashland Doran T H & G L, $4150, Ashland Doremus A B, $4280, Medford Dorn D T, $325, Buncom Dorn Frederick W, $500, Medford Dorn Matt, $1300, Ashland Dorn Wm, $662, Watkins Dorsey Paradine, $1600, Lake Creek Dosier Andrew, $2272, Ashland Dosier John, $222, Ashland Doubleday Hiram, $7742, Butte Falls Doubleday Julia, $420, Medford Dougherty Horace, $1000, Lake Creek Dow Amy C, $1890, Jacksonville Dow E G, $695, Medford Dow G G, $1170, Medford Dow R B, $2260, Medford Dow R B & W R Coleman, $1200, Meadows Doward J M, $400, Medford Down John F, $139, Butte Falls Down Mary, $1425, Butte Falls Downing Claud, $640, Ashland Downing D E, $610, Central Point Downing Fred E, $2150, Medford Downing J H, $2818, Central Point Downing J L, $1300, Ashland Downing J P, $325, Ashland Downing Lorena, $495, Central Point Downing Wm, $102, Applegate Downing & Boswell, $1270, Central Point Downs Anna E, $160, Ashland Downs Wm P, $600, Ashland Dozier W T, $2450, Medford Drake C, $225, Beagle Drake Eliz M Estate, $2265, Ashland Drake J H, $2920, Beagle Drake L A, $6040, Phoenix Drake Walter, $2400, Prospect Dreamland Theatre, $500, Ashland Dressler et al, $400, Medford Dressler F H, $295, Medford Dressler J W, $1010, Medford Drisbro E L, $1600, Rock Point Driske Clara B, $2250, Medford Driskell S E, $800, Prospect Drumhill W J, $1640, Medford Dudley Howard S, $19,239, Medford Dudley H J, $18,000, Prospect Dudley W E, $1600, Applegate Duff Alex, $9260, Medford Duff D D, $8035, Medford Duff Mrs Ella, $2000, Buncom Duffield A C, $360, Ashland Duffield Chas E, $1600, Lake Creek Duffield Elizabeth, $925, Gold Hill Duffield Sam, $1000, Gold Hill Duffield & Burns, $400, Gold Hill Dugan T C, $5716, Eagle Point Duggan Agnes, $535, Medford Duggan Dennis, $7365, Sams Valley Duggan John, $4840, Sams Valley Duggan J B, $4300, Applegate Duggan J G, $160, Central Point Duggan M E & M, $1250, Sams Valley Duggan W A, $20, Medford Duncan Mr, $500, Central Point Duncan Cave, $1775, Medford Duncan R O, $465, Medford Duncan W C, $1600, Rock Point Dunford Chas, $3625, Jacksonville Dungan J B, $610, Sams Valley Dungey Thos, $285, Gold Hill Dungey Walter, $75, Gold Hill Dungey Mrs Walter, $1720, Gold Hill Dunham A R, $70, Rogue River Dunham Mrs Kate (Beeson), $1262, Talent Dunham Mary Ruth, $1950, Ashland Dunham M A, $975, Ashland Dunham O M, $140, Ashland Dunlap A J, $3497, Central Point Dunlap B C, $175, Central Point Dunlap Etta C, $2500, Ashland Dunlap Fred, $35, Derby Dunlap Nellie V, $626, Phoenix Dunlap O, $2010, Phoenix Dunlap R E, $2520, Ashland Dunlap R E & J N McCune, $9195, Ashland Dunlap V A, $6430, Talent Dunlap W F, $400, Talent Dunlop James W, $3427, Medford Dunn Ed, $500; Central Point Dunn Geo W, $10,285, Ashland Dunn James R (Heirs of), $2000, Prospect Dunn Mary M, $2850, Ashland Dunn W F, $2830, Talent Dunnington John G, $775, Jacksonville Dunnington S E, $600, Jacksonville Dunnington S E & Mrs M E, $1860, Jacksonville Dupray A, $2125, Butte Falls Durfee J H, $225, Medford Durkee H F, $50, Ashland Dusenberry Cal, $150, Gold Hill Dusenberry J C, $440, Gold Hill Dusenberry R C, $75, Gold Hill Dusenberry S A, $420, Gold Hill Duter D B, $105, Eagle Point Dutton Agnes, $230, Medford Dutton C P, $850, Medford Dutton Frank C, $295, Medford Dutton Wm, $2352, Eagle Point Duttson Agnes, $1950, Medford Duty C F, $500, Ashland Dyer Mrs B, $1985, Central Point Dyer Geo, $370, Medford Dyer Geo F, $325, Medford Dyer J L, $1290, Medford Dyke Emma A et al, $510, Medford Dyke Mrs E A, $2340, Medford Eads Andrew, $2800, Medford Eads Bros, $2100, Medford Eads Clarence, $2445, Medford Eads C E, $1640, Medford Eads Everett, $1010, Medford Eads Geo H, $4465, Medford Eads J T, $10,205, Medford Eads & Holmes, $1785, Medford Eagan E W, $75, Medford Hagan Henry C, $625, Medford Eagon L M, $955, Ashland Eagle Pharmacy, $3000, Medford Eagle Point Lumber Co, $1000, Derby Earhart A K, $2430, Rogue River Earhart Bros, $270, Medford Earhart Estate, $19,930, Medford Earhart F L, $336, Medford Earle W C, $1200, Eagle Point Earsley A, $1940, Medford Earsley C L, $2365, Medford East Bessie B, $2000, Prospect East, Hughes & Susan, $280, Ashland East Luther, $1000, Prospect East Thomas J, $1600, Prospect East Thos V, $670, Ashland Easter Jacob, $2300, Ashland Easterling J M, $18,140, Ashland Easterly Henry, $6650, Ashland Easters J, $250, Ashland Eastes E A, $1575; Ashland Eastlick J E et al, $1180, Ashland Eastman C J, $750, Medford Eastman E J, $300, Medford Eastman W B, $300, Ashland Eaton Mrs Rena, $305, Jacksonville Eaton Willard, $1640, Medford Eaton W E, $390, Applegate Ebbe J M, $75, Medford Eberhard W H, $600, Medford Eberly Gordon S, $2040, Central Point Edgar Allen, $1600, Ashland Edgerton James G, $2000, Prospect Edgington R P, $1170, Ashland Edington L T & G W Penland, $1165, Central Point Edington W W, $10,310, Sams Valley Edington & Penland, $307, Medford Edlebute D F, $8560, Prospect Edler Mary, $940, Lake Creek Edmeads Forrest C, $3175, Medford Edmeads H D, $1560, Medford Edmeads Thos, $1235, Medford Edmonds Claire, $3745, Medford Edmonds Josephine, $1495, Medford Edmondson B F C, $427, Butte Falls Edmondson Chas A, $2697, Butte Falls Edmondson Mrs E P, $40, Derby Edmondson W L, $735, Derby Edsall J B, $3125, Butte Falls Edsell T M, $885, Phoenix Edson Claud N, $200, Medford Edson G, $625, Medford Edwards J A, $1600, Ashland Edwards J I & W T, $400, Medford Edwards J S, $750, Medford Edwards R, $840, Medford Edwards R E, $250, Medford Edwards R J, $16,175, Ashland Edwards R J & H W Huntzinger, $400, Ashland Edwards R J & Laura B, $1775, Ashland Edwards R T, $4350, Ashland Edwards & Huntzinger, $4855, Rogue River Egan Henry C, $15,425, Medford Eggleston A L, $5850, Ashland Eggleston M F, $575, Ashland Eggleston Rebecca, $6145, Ashland Eicher C S, $205, Central Point Eicher W B, $220, Central Point Eifert W W, $3435, Medford Eighmy O W, $2945, Medford Eilers Music House, $1000, Medford Einkoff C L, $250, Medford Electric Gold Dredging Co, $44,820, Gold Hill Elfers Geo, $2210, Phoenix Eliason C A, $7245, Ashland Elison Thos B, $1350, Medford Elksnat G, $462, Jacksonville Ellery Hattie K, $200, Eagle Point Ellestad A T, $12,570, Central Point Ellingsworth J H, $500, Ashland Elliot H C & Wife, $750, Ashland Elliot Mrs M, $670, Central Point Elliott Hugh, $650, Medford Elliott M E & T H, $5137, Ashland Ellis E, $400, Talent Ellis Harmon et ux, $1220, Ashland Ellis J D, $675, Ashland Ellis L B, $682, Rogue River Ellis O P, $1515, Medford Ellison Harold, $600, Medford Ellison James S et al, $400, Medford Ellison Thos B, $1525, Medford Ellison Wm Heirs, $1050, Medford Ellsworth Altimus, $40, Central Point Elmer Mrs A M, $1500, Jacksonville Elmore C H Estate, $6700, Applegate El Senora Mining Co Inc, $2474, Applegate Elwood Lucy A, $1080, Talent Elwood M, $2925, Sams Valley Embey J C, $200, Medford Emerick Aletha et al, $9230, Medford Emerick Frank T, $1125, Medford Emerick F T & M J, $16,625, Medford Emerick J C, $475, Medford Emerick M J, $1425, Medford Emerick M V et al, $12,425, Medford Emerick R J & Aletha, $8700, Medford Emerick S E, $7975, Medford Emerick Vernon J, $7385, Medford Emerick V J et al, $7070, Medford Emerson Andrew J, $5745, Medford Emerson I M, $640, Central Point Emerson W H, $200, Rogue River Emery A C, $2110, Ashland Emery F, $650, Eagle Point Emery M S, $1880, Ashland Emery Mrs S, $1116, Gold Hill Emig Adam, $7120, Medford Emme Claude, $100, Jacksonville Emkoff C L, $1400, Medford Emogen Chas, $675, Brownsboro Endelman J, $500, Ashland Enders H E, $4685, Ashland Enders H G, $41,050, Ashland Engel T H F, $9280, Phoenix Enger O, $1600, Medford England L E, $5620, Ashland England M R, $2150, Central Point Engle F S, $4330, Ashland English Chas E, $3065, Ashland English Chop House, $500, Medford English C E & B H, $550, Ashland English C M, $9955, Medford English C M Trustee, $5000, Medford English C S, $3225, Ashland English Frank N, $350, Gold Hill English & Treichler, $1500, Talent Ennis Mrs Etta M, $150, Jacksonville Ennis Frank, $925, Jacksonville Ensele Peter, $1225, Jacksonville Ensley J E, $760, Central Point Ensley S, $2050, Sams Valley Enterprise Mfg Co, $1000, Rogue River Entrop Wm F, $2400, Butte Falls Enwicht Geo & Helen, $2020, Ashland Enyart & Olwell, $14,300, Medford Enyart Hazel, $835, Prospect Enyart Jess, $325, Butte Falls Enyart J E, $15,110, Medford Enyart Lucretia, $900, Medford Enyart L E, $8950, Medford Enyart L E & Carnahan, $17,240, Medford Epperson G S, $1100, Jacksonville Equinton Katie W, $9600, Ashland Erb Anna, $1045, Ashland Erb Laura A, $2460, Ashland Erdman Wm, $820, Medford Erhart C M, $305, Medford Erickson Christine, $1700, Buncom Erickson C J, $2500, Lake Creek Erickson Ernest, $260, Medford Erickson E T, $400, Central Point Erickson J, $800, Lake Creek Erickson M, $800, Lake Creek Erickson M L, $955, Medford Erickson Nels, $1630, Ashland Erickson Oscar, $2500, Lake Creek Erickson V, $2000, Meadows Erickson Wm, $2500, Lake Creek Erie N S, $275, Butte Falls Erl A S, $325, Ashland Erlwein Chas, $1740, Gold Hill Erlwein Martin, $1895, Gold Hill Erskine Mrs Ella M, $100, Peyton Erskine J H, $202, Peyton Erskine W M, $2455, Medford Erwin Andrew, $800, Rock Point Erwin Fred, $200, Talent Erwin W F, $715, Talent Esmond C W, $1270, Lake Creek Estell Barbara, $2445, Rogue River Estell Sherman, $50, Rogue River Esterly H M, $1600, Lake Creek Estes Ed A, $4220, Ashland Estes I J, $2255, Central Point Estes Mary M, $335, Ashland Estes Rankin, $3070, Medford Estes Sarah E, $1400, Medford Estes W W, $1815, Talent Etzenhouser Conrad, $400, Prospect Eubank Harriet E, $8160, Medford Eubanks G G, $2160, Ashland Eubanks G G & A M, $3460, Ashland Eubanks Wm R, $3825, Medford Evans H S, $12,955, Ashland Evans Julia, $1190, Ashland Evans Lee, $1783, Central Point Evans Mabel, $76, Medford Evans Maggie, $3420, Medford Evans M Julia, $870, Ashland Evans S J, $4800, Ashland Evans W C, $350, Central Point Evans W H, $4650, Ashland Everhard A T, $675, Medford Everson E C, $660, Ashland Everton R Roberta, $320, Ashland Everton Walter, $3900, Ashland Ewing, $155, Medford Ewing Everett, $1600, Prospect F&F [Farmers & Fruitgrowers] Bank, $755, Medford Faber B F, $1600, Rogue River Faber E C, $1485, Central Point Faber & McDonald, $3000, Central Point Fabrick Glen, $500, Medford Facklum John & Wm, $6990, Central Point Fager C D, $2890, Talent Fairmount Rooming House, $300, Medford Fairview Orchard Company, $13,940, Central Point Fansher Isabel, $1005, Medford Fariey J F, $3000, Prospect Farleigh John, $400, Meadows Farlow E J, $2065, Ashland Farlow Frank, $1569, Lake Creek Farlow T L, $3085, Lake Creek Farlow W P, $2394, Lake Creek Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, $60,714, Medford Farmer Laddie, $1575, Ashland Farnham Fradie I, $1085, Ashland Farnham M S, $2400, Ashland Farnham Romain, $3840, Ashland Farnum Henry, $1320, Central Point Farnum R, $245, Ashland Farra Mrs Clara, $1535, Central Point Farra E L, $180, Central Point Farrar Chas W, $1050, Ashland Farrar John H, $1400, Ashland Farrell F P, $55,000, Medford Farrell T M, $2600, Phoenix Farrer Chas W, $1495, Ashland Farrer Sadie G, $310, Medford Farron Benj, $400, Eagle Point Farwell L Z, $2400, Ashland Faske Gust, $2500, Medford Fattig J, $194, Ruch Faucett A J, $1100, Ashland Faucett Jennie, $2055, Ashland Faught Mrs M J, $25, Jacksonville Faulds Richard B & Nora E, $295, Ashland Faulds R B, $2400, Ashland Feather T A, $3110, Beagle Fehl Delbert, $1450, Central Point Fehl E H, $25, Medford Fehl E H, $1460, Medford Feldenheimer A & C, $12,960, Portland Felts C C, $910, Eagle Point Fenelon Chas D, $3600, Talent Fenley J J, $2550, Medford Fenton Ella, $3400, Ashland Ferderman L, $500, Rogue River Fergus Herbert, $600, Ashland Ferguson A B, $1110, Ashland Ferguson Bros, $4500, Ashland Ferguson Elizabeth, $2725, Medford Ferguson Inez, $355, Central Point Ferguson James C, $1100, Ashland Ferguson J, $400, Meadows Ferguson LeRoy, $1140, Ashland Ferguson Melvina, $900, Ashland Ferguson Ross J, $800, Central Point Ferguson W H, $2660, Central Point Fern Hazel Patterson, $1000, Talent Ferns Mrs A B, $26,680, Phoenix Ferns James M, $52,000, Phoenix Ferns Jennie A, $3420, Phoenix Ferns Ralph L, $3265, Phoenix Ferns Wm J, $3520, Phoenix Fernvale Ranch Co, $2970, Rogue River Fetzioster P E & S E, $275, Ashland Fewel Jane, $1770, Ashland Fewell James M, $100, Ashland Fichtner Carl, $215, Medford Fick Fred J, $2050, Jacksonville Fick Peter N, $7275, Jacksonville Fickes Chas I, $375, Medford Field G A, $100, Medford Fielder J C & RM, $1220, Medford Fielder Marie E, $2100, Medford Fields Charles, $1375, Applegate Fields Clyde & A H, $300, Phoenix Fields Kelly, $535, Provolt Fields W H, $697, Medford Fiero A Conro, $31,550, Central Point Fifer T J, $800, Medford Fiflis & Semos, $500, Medford Finch A A, $4760, Sams Valley Findley R, $1150, Ashland Finley Alice, $5260, Ashland Finley Everett, $8425, Medford Finley Francis, Robert, D H and Gertrude, $2210, Applegate Finley Grant, $457, Eagle Point Finley H T, $3816, Sams Valley Finley Irwin, $8020, Medford Finley J B, $1342, Climax Finley Rebecca, $1275, Ashland Finley Robt & D H, $590, Applegate Finnamore David, $7165, Central Point Finney I J, $4000, Prospect Firestone N D, $565, Beagle Firestone Sarah, $275, Talent First Baptist Church, $8250, Medford First Brethren Church, $950, Ashland First Christian Church, $425, Central Point Iirst Free Methodist Church, $1450, Medford First National Bank, $51,880, Ashland First National Bank, $100,000, Medford First Spiritual Society, $1800, Ashland First State Bank, $9050, Rogue River Fish Fletcher T, $720, Sams Valley Fish Geo N, $1075, Medford Fish Lake Ditch Co, $3500, Eagle Point Fish T J, $9140, Phoenix Fisher Abraham, $100, Jacksonville Fisher Arthur W, $250, Rogue River Fisher A H, $7965, Phoenix Fisher A & M, $400, Climax Fisher C F, $2400, Meadows Fisher J B, $4170, Sams Valley Fisher J M, $50, Medford Fisher L M, $4750, Sams Valley Fisher M D, $1555, Medford Fisher N, $100, Jacksonville Fisher N E, $200, Jacksonville Fisher R R & Alfred Hensler, $3450, Talent Fisk George N, $1945, Medford Fitch Chester, $14,597, Medford Fitz D G, $200, Meadows Fitz Mary D, $3720, Meadows Fitzgerald A L, $3650, Sams Valley Fitzgerald Bros, $370, Sams Valley Fitzgibbon George H, $1600, Rock Point Fitzgibbons James, $210, Gold Hill Fitzpatrick David, $2000, Prospect Fitzpatrick D H, $2000, Prospect Flanders C P, $1600, Talent Flater Geo F, $210, Medford Fleming J D, $820, Medford Fletcher John, $65, Dudley Fletcher W M, $800, Medford Flinn T H, $420, Medford Flippin Elizabeth, $430, Gold Hill Florey A J, $240, Eagle Point Florey Chauncey, $150, Jacksonville Florey E A, $700, Prospect Florey Mrs E A, $1075, Eagle Point Floyd Mr, $1470, Central Point Floyd Wm P, $7285, Medford Elury H P, $2000, Talent Flynn Bros, $3000, Medford Flynn D H, $1000, Meadows Flynn S B, $2400, Meadows Flynn T K, $690, Medford Foeller Charles A, $800, Prospect Foeller Dan, $974, Trail Foley Mike, $4630, Gold Hill Folger Walter L, $4460, Medford Folger W A, $10,955 Folsom M O, $400, Ashland Foote Louis, $1119, Medford Forbes A M, $1290, Medford Forbes C T, $306, Central Point Forbes C W, $820, Ashland Forbes D A, $835, Talent Forbes Mary M, $590, Medford Forbes Mrs Myrtle, $1200, Talent Forbes Mrs M A & Mrs C O, $2350, Central Point Forcht Elizabeth, $800, Butte Falls Ford B E, $2400, Ashland Ford E A, $990, Central Point Forest Francis, $275, Jacksonville Forrest Mrs R M, $978, Buncom Forrest Mrs R R, $3965, Buncom Forrester L E, $240, Eagle Point Forster F S, $280, Medford Foss E E, $13,545, Talent Foss E T, $240, Medford Fossum M G, $1600, Buncom Foster C W, $900, Medford Foster Eliz, $635, Medford Foster Eugene V, $9200, Medford Foster E H, $2100, Medford Foster G W, $25, Medford Foster Harold D, $994, Medford Foster John M, $380, Medford Foster J E, $160, Eagle Point Foster J E & J M, $1590, Sams Valley Foster Marion, $425, Medford Foster Mort W & Elizabeth Faicht, $2000, Rogue River Foster M W, $800, Butte Falls Foster Perry, $2030, Beagle Fountain Joseph N, $900, Gold Hill Fountain J D, $800, Climax Four Hundred and One Orchard & Land Co, $87,490, Medford Foutch L H, $403, Talent Fouts Co, $3000, Medford Fouts E J, $2190, Medford Fowel Jane, $1370, Ashland Fowler C A, $840, Medford Fowler Edwin, $12,800, Applegate Fowler E, $400, Gold Hill Fowler E M, $800, Ashland Fox Annabel, $1450, Ashland Fox Franklin F, $2000, Rogue River Fox Geo E, $5950, Central Point Fox Howard, $320, Ashland Fox Mrs Kate G, $4005, Ashland Fox Sarah R, $5265, Ashland Fox Stella, $1600, Climax Fox Mrs Stella, $5775, Medford Fox Wm, $1787, Talent Foxall James, $2325, Talent Frain Fred, $612, Trail Fraley Chas W, $5750, Ashland Fraley Chas W et al, $1580, Ashland Fraley E E, $4120, Central Point Frame Holt & Frame, $5660, Talent Franciscus A H, $940, Medford Franklin F, $240, Talent Frazer Frank, $12,265, Talent Frazer J W, $200, Talent Frazer Maud, $3340, Ashland Frazier E M, $510, Ashland Frazier Mattie E, $1300, Ashland Fredenburg Andrew J, $2800, Medford Fredenburg Ben, $3262, Butte Falls Fredenburg C H, $835, Sams Valley Fredenburg H A, $2870, Medford Fredenburg John L, $775, Sams Valley Fredenburg J I, $4910, Gold Hill Fredenburg L, $100, Butte Falls Fredenburg L M, $250, Butte Falls Fredenburg Mrs L M, $670, Butte Falls Fredenburg Mrs M A, $180, Gold Hill Fredenburg S J, $1215, Butte Falls Fredenburg Tom, $815, Butte Falls Fredenburg W J, $60, Medford Freeburg Louise C, $1970, Ashland Freeburg W A, $3450, Ashland Freel Andrew, $135, Central Point Freel Emma P, $350, Central Point Freel M Estate, $4460, Central Point Freeman Bros, $1100, Central Point Freeman H A, $800, Buncom Freeman Mary, $875, Ashland Freeman Mrs M, $1275, Central Point Freeman W J, $21,025, Central Point Freeman & Wiley, $4100, Central Point French B N, $4170, Talent French E E, $1180, Medford French Henry, $585, Eagle Point French J H, $3191, Eagle Point Frideger A, $2440, Medford Frideger Fred, $12,680, Medford Frill A O, $500, Gold Hill Frink J M, $23,375, Phoenix Frizell Gordon B, $800, Ashland Frizell S M, $815, Ashland Froback H O, $4175, Ashland Frost George E Jr, $1000, Prospect Fruit Growers Supply Co (Clifford Coggins), $6160, Ashland Fry Chas, $100, Trail Fry Earl, $200, Phoenix Fry E W, $400, Lake Creek Fry J G, $7570, Medford Fry J J, $441, Trail Fry J T, $2101, Phoenix Fry L D, $750, Phoenix Fry W W, $1800, Ashland Frye E J, $242, Trail Fryer J J, $1035, Eagle Point Fulfs F, $510, Medford Fuller Almeda S, $6125, Prospect Fuller Arthur, $3270, Ashland Fuller Geo, $1600, Medford Fuller J H, $4005, Talent Fuller P B, $100, Ashland Funk J P, $2000, Rogue River Funk Mary, $1000, Rogue River Furguson R A, $585, Medford Furry Mrs A, $11,200, Medford Furry A S, $4025, Phoenix Furry Carolita, $6688, Talent Furry F E, $8900, Phoenix Furry W A, $3990, Ashland Furuta J, $200, Talent Furuta & Hiroaka, $230, Talent Fusler R H, $1600, Lake Creek Fusselman C M, $2000, Rogue River Fusselman J E, $1965, Medford Fusselman J R, $6400, Lake Creek Gabriel A, $150, Medford Gabriel Ida B, $300, Medford Gaddis, $1135, Medford Gaddis Bros, $2770, Medford Gaddis E C, $3190, Medford Gaddis & Dixon, $2450, Medford Gage Mary, $2230, Beagle Gagnon Emma, $2500, Medford Gagnon Frank, $1825, Medford Gaines T C, $1050, Prospect Gaines & Son, $697, Trail Galbraith James, $9010, Ashland Galbraith J E, $5600, Ashland Galey Ellen C, $8230, Ashland Galey H C, $165, Ashland Galls Creek M & D Co, $2950, Rock Point Gall E R, $1655, Sams Valley Gall N Robert, $3345, Medford Galliger T, $1200, Medford Gammill J A, $8605, Medford Gangwich & Willeke, $500, Medford Ganiard L, $9200, Eagle Point Ganiard M M, $1475, Ashland Ganiard Sarah E, $1215, Ashland Ganiere Chas & Sophia, $1400, Ashland Ganiere Geo H, $3030, Ashland Gannaway W C, $7450, Medford Gardner Geo, $225, Talent Gardner H T, $860, Central Point Gardner L F Estate, $2465, Sams Valley Gardner L G, $2100, Sams Valley Gardner Mary E, $440, Sams Valley Gardner R, $594, Lake Creek Gardner Stephen, $850, Medford Garfield Iron & Lime Co, $11,000, Gold Hill Garlan M, $1200, Medford Garmany James M & Jennie McCune, $2600, Medford Garnett Ben, $100, Medford Garnett-Corey Hardware Co, $75,710, Medford Garnett H C, $12,035, Medford Garrett G C, $990, Medford Garrett Geo C, $2150, Medford Garrett M, $4340, Lake Creek Garrett N J, $7555, Medford Garrett P C, $1215, Ashland Garrett Sarah E, $3250, Ashland Garrett Wm, $1650, Medford Garrett W R, $456, Buncom Garvin Mrs Emma, $200, Talent Garvin J L, $1175, Talent Garvin W J, $200, Central Point Garvin & Thurber, $625, Talent Gash Annie, $4090, Ashland Gaslin Mildred, $2400, Ashland Gates Frank L, $3010, Medford Gates Mrs Geo, $400, Eagle Point Gattwinkle Frank O, $540, Medford Gattwinkle F O & H M, $1480, Medford Gattwinkle H M, $240, Medford Gault Mary R, $2520, Medford Gaunyaw J E, $4873, Medford Gay Chas B, $3975, Medford Gay James H, $2495, Central Point Gearhart H H, $2700, Ashland Geary Agnes M, $25,380, Medford Geary E P, $415, Medford Geary E P & Wife, $16,086, Medford Gebhardt E D, $500, Medford Gem Waffle Kitchen, $1000, Medford George Carrie E, $3650, Medford George M L, $925, Medford George S C, $1925, Medford George Wm P, $2000, Prospect Geppert Joseph, $2104, Butte Falls Gere Fred E, $280, Medford Gerig Wm, $6200, Medford Gerth Mrs N, $80, Ashland Getchel Delroy, $18,335, Medford Gibbon Joseph, $2975, Central Point Gibbs F L, $2000, Rogue River Gibony Mary M, $1700, Medford Gibson Alice R, $4775, Ashland Gibson Catherine C, $860, Central Point Gibson Eliza, $100, Central Point Gibson J C, $225, Talent Gibson Louis, $850, Eagle Point Gibson W C & Camilla, $2047, Ashland Giddings Elizabeth E, $2800, Ashland Gienger A C, $11,100, Ashland Gifford Mrs Amy, $195, Ashland Gilbert Mrs H J, $117, Hilt Gilbert John, $65, Gold Hill Gilbert Mary E, $725, Medford Gilchrist C C, $3160, Sams Valley Gilfillon Myra, $100, Climax Gilham Carmichael & Songer, $300, Ashland Gilham Thos H, $640, Ashland Gill J C, $510, Ashland Gill W M & Co, $1000, Medford Gillaspy J, $2445, Medford Gillett Geo, $765, Applegate Gillett J W, $3760, Jacksonville Gillette A P & Sons, $1420, Central Point Gillette A V, $2000, Meadows Gillette C H, $5170, Ashland Gillette Geo B, $1615, Ashland Gillette Geo V, $1900, Ashland Gillette Martha L, $2365, Ashland Gillette S B, $552, Hilt Gilligan W H, $2000, Prospect Gillis Duncan, $1200, Lake Creek Gillis Mattie, $800, Rock Point Gillis Wm H, $4535, Ashland Gillis Wm H & Grace, $1350, Ashland Gillmore Anna G, $1500, Rogue River Gillmore J F, $500, Eagle Point Gilman Geo, $1015, Medford Gilman G G, $4150, Medford Gilman Sub Division, $20,830, Medford Gilmore Chalmos, $350, Central Point Gilmore David, $2000, Rogue River Gilmore Eliza J, $100, Gold Hill Gilmore Frank, $460, Rogue River Gilmore F M, $200, Rogue River Gilmore J W, $3915, Central Point Gilson A, $916, Jacksonville Ginans Geo A, $1016, Eagle Point Ginet Joseph, $1792, Jacksonville Ginter C C, $285, Medford Gitzen Henry, $300, Medford Givan Catharine, $1410, Eagle Point Givan Geo A, $6130, Eagle Point Glascock A C, $1380, Medford Glasgow W W, $9808, Medford Glaszow W W & W A Stratton, $34,720, Talent Glasgow & Stratton, $930, Talent Glass E L, $7215, Central Point Glass Jesse, $325, Central Point Glass Jessie E, $2400, Central Point Glass Mrs Susan, $135, Central Point Glass S H $8950, Eagle Point Glass Theo A, $5320, Central Point Gleason Ann, $310, Ashland Gleason Hattie, $865, Ashland Gleason L B, $10,265, Medford Gleaves Philip Est, $1450, Jacksonville Gleim H SS, $10,830, Talent Glen Rogue Orchard Co, $1500, Jacksonville Glenn D L, $4925, Ashland Glenn Minerva, $1000, Jacksonville Glidden Annie, $880, Medford Glover M B, $2450, Medford Gluck Francisca, $5805, Medford Gluck, L Mae, $4400, Medford Goble G, $400, Prospect Goble J G, $12,350, Medford Goddard A, $100, Talent Goddard E C & A W, $480, Gold Hill Goddard H H, $1815, Talent Golding, W K, $300, Rogue River Godlove J C, $425, Talent Godlove S C, $10,490, Medford Goerlick Chas, $2400, Gold Hill Goetze A C, $910, Ashland Goffe Mrs F, $1050, Central Point Goffe M A, $6800, Medford Gold Crest Fruit Co, $350, Gold Hill Gold Hill Bank, $9000, Gold Hill Gold Hill Co, $710, Gold Hill Gord Hill Development Co, $3539, Gold Hill Gold Hill Lumber Co, $10,140, Gold Hill Gold Hill Quartz Mining Co, $800, Gold Hill Gold Hill & Bohemia Mining Co, $1000, Rogue River Gold Range Orchard, $26,060, Medford Gold Ray Investment Co, $2675, Medford Gold Ray Realty Co, $35,204, Medford Goldsby Joseph, $2249, Buncom Good D D, $1615, Ashland Good W E, $8700, Medford Goodale H W, $1575, Medford Goodale Randilla, $3915, Medford Goode Ellsworth, $50, Medford Goode W H, $1480, Medford Goodfellow W E, $9600, Prospect Goodheart M J, $2300, Ashland Goodhue T B, $100, Medford Goodman R V, $700, Ashland Goodpasture DeWitt, $1000, Prospect Goodrich J B, $300, Medford Goodwin Mrs Henry, $830, Ashland Goodwin M, $550, Ashland Goodyear Robert, $1775, Ashland Gorden Alfred, $1200, Prospect Gorden Margret, $3950, Prospect Gordon Clara L, $800, Prospect Gordon M H, $3295, Beagle Gordon W G, $4660, Medford Gore E E, $3700, Medford Gore E E & Mary E, $2400, Butte Falls Gore J G, $21,457, Medford Gore Sophenia, $2465, Medford Gore Mrs S J I, $9120, Medford Gorham H H, $275, Medford Gorham W M, $50, Rogue River Gorham W M & E, $520, Rogue River Gotcher Mrs J A, $1200, Prospect Gottlieb Chris, $8880, Medford Gould C M, $50, Medford Gould E H, $2950, Ashland Gould Frank S, $2150, Prospect Gould W P, $1550, Medford Goulder W J, $880, Medford Gouley Ellen W, $1275, Talent Gouley James, $200, Talent Gouschon John, $1600, Applegate Gow T J, $525, Ashland Gowland J Edwin, $365, Ashland Grace J H, $3345, Central Point Graffis Donna, $400, Medford Graffis J A, $660, Ashland Graham Daisy E, $200, Medford Graham E F, $276, Prospect Graham E F & E W, $2991, Prospect Graham Ida B, $1600, Talent Graham John & Katie, $1549, Siskiyou Graham T W, $2000, Rogue River Grainger E E & F M, $1630, Ashland Grainger Mrs F M & E E, $800, Ashland Grainger Kate F, $2960, Ashland Grakes G E, $1730, Ashland Gram M L, $2000, Meadows Grand Army Hall Assn, $2600, Central Point Granes L M, $2025, Medford Granger & Sutton, $240, Gold Hill Granite Butte Orchards, $8130, Talent Granite City Hospital, $6000, Ashland Granite City Savings Bank, $25,000, Ashland Granleaf W L, $2500, Gold Hill Grant A E, $650, Ashland Grant A R, $200, Medford Grant D B, $1200, Talent Grant Sina, $2875, Ashland Grants Pass Timber Co, $8000, Rogue River Gravatte E K, $3100, Medford Graves F M, $1070, Lake Creek Graves G E, $2505, Ashland Graves G E & Susan, $2405, Ashland Graves J D, $1070, Lake Creek Graves J G, $2000, Prospect Graves P V, $1000, Lake Creek Graves T F, $1600, Applegate Gray Bell C, $3200, Medford Gray Earl, $90, Beagle Gray Ella E, $50, Butte Falls Gray F J, $1600, Rogue River Gray F W, $25, Medford Gray H A Jr, $315, Medford Gray J W, $50, Central Point Gray Mrs L, $150, Medford Gray Margaret E, $4375, Medford Gray Pearl, $1320, Ashland Gray Robert S, $40, Butte Falls Gray R A & Son, $2560, Applegate Gray R W & M, $2380, Medford Gray Sadie, $445, Central Point Gray Susan, $1450, Medford Gray S A Est, $1600, Rogue River Gray W S, $175, Butte Falls Gray & Moe, $3900, Medford Greb John, $2562, Eagle Point Grebb G W, $2240, Ashland Green A F, $2050, Eagle Point Green Dennis, $100, Central Point Green F H, $1600, Applegate Green F S, $3240, Sams Valley Green J A, $400, Eagle Point Green R E, $650, Medford Green W C, $9030, Medford Green & Hale, $120, Medford Greene W T, $2132, Rogue River Greenman E F & M E, $890, Ashland Greenwood O E, $6115, Ashland Greer T J, $940, Ashland Gregerson Jess, $2730, Beagle Gregg G W, $2850, Ashland Gregg Milton F, $40, Ashland Gregory Ann R, $2985, Ashland Gregory A R, $890, Ashland Gregory Eliz J, $920, Central Point Gregory G A, $125, Talent Gregory H L, $7635, Central Point Gregory J Frank, $2095, Central Point Gregory J W O & Anna R, $1600, Ashland Gregory L A, $510, Medford Gregory W J, $7200, Talent Gregory W W, $13,085, Central Point Gregson Emily, $50, Gold Hill Gribble J E, $1710, Medford Gridley Mary J, $450, Ashland Gridley M L, $1600, Lake Creek Grieve Bros, $4647, Hornbrook Grieve F E, $1665, Ashland Grieve Geo A, $50, Hornbrook Grieve John, $300, Central Point Grieve John & Annie M Parker, $800, Medford Grieve J E, $530, Central Point Grieve W T, $525, Jacksonville Grieve W T & T W Miles, $2000, Prospect Grieve W T & W O Vaughn, $2000, Prospect Grieve W W, $480, Ashland Griffin B L, $230, Eagle Point Grittin Creek Orchard Co, $13,940, Medford Griffin Henry, $1395, Medford Griffin J M, $3700, Ashland Griffin Mary B, $3900, Medford Griffin S, $3000, Central Point Griffis Stanton, $8740, Jacksonville Griffith Babbus B, $200, Ashland Griffith John, $1840, Central Point Griffith Sarah A, $525, Climax Griffiths T M, $135, Gold Hill Grigsby D L, $335, Central Point Grigsby E L, $170, Central Point Grim J J, $1125, Central Point Grimm Daniel, $500, Central Point Grimm David, $1135, Central Point Grimsley Mary A, $6330, Central Point Grinsfelder Joseph, $2000, Rogue River Grisez Frank, $1340, Ashland Grisez Mary G, $1010, Ashland Grissom A, $1215, Climax Grissom Bros, $5006, Climax Grissom Elizabeth, $400, Climax Grittle Richard F, $200, Eagle Point Grob Jacob, $1600, Gold Hill Groesbeck Clarence B, $4000, Ashland Groner J W, $2590, Eagle Point Grovenburg A E, $319, Ashland Grover J H, $1602, Soda Springs Grow George P, $1470, Ashland Grow G W, $4999, Ashland Grow Mrs L D, $145, Ashland Grow M L, $500, Prospect Grow S P, $312, Ashland Grubb Chas P, $1725, Ashland Grubb F B & B H, $1413, Ashland Grubb J C, $7204, Applegate Grubb Wayne N, $13,090, Ashland Gruber J B, $1400, Rogue River Gruber J M, $1000, Medford Gruble J L, $520, Ashland Grund C H, $1000, Rogue River Guches J M, $800, Medford Guckel C G, $300, Ashland Gunn A F, $2160, Sams Valley Gunn Eliz, $2000, Rogue River Gunn Wm F, $1600, Rogue River Gunter S C, $4265, Ashland Gunther H, $1130, Beagle Gurley M F, $1390, Medford Gustafsen A, $1600, Applegate Guthrie A W, $3875, Applegate Guthrie E F, $20,020, Medford Guttcan Anna E, $2400, Buncom Gyger Jackson, $3555, Ashland Haak L K, $13,301, Eagle Point Habersetzer C J, $1600, Talent Habersetzer Joseph A, $1600, Buncom Habersetzer Nettie, $1600, Talent Hackanson Carl, $2400, Lake Creek Hacker Wm, $100, Jacksonville Hackert Fred, $3820, Jacksonville Hackett E L, $2185, Ashland Hadfield Thos E, $755, Ashland Haertle Andrew, $300, Medford Haertle Andrew, $1600, Talent Haertle Ethel, $200, Medford Haertle John, $25, Medford Haertle & Lindley, $500, Medford Hafer Edgar, $2400, Butte Falls Hafer Edgar S, $26,035, Medford Hagan T J, $470, Central Point Hager Clarence W, $1600, Ashland Haight Charles, $2920, Ashland Hair John B, $4730, Rogue River Hakanson Karoline, $1230, Ashland Hake G W, $670, Ashland Hale Dexter, $595, Medford Hale D C, $150, Medford Hale J F, $9845, Medford Hale Mrs Lizzie, $3785, Rogue River Hale Mrs M, $910, Medford Hale S et ux, $1170, Ashland Haley P W, $4210, Eagle Point Hall A A, $12,807, Talent Hall Court, $100, Medford Hall C P, $2635, Brownsboro Hall D W, $680, Rogue River Hall Mrs Emma, $1700, Rogue River Hall E B, $18,775, Medford Hall Geo W, $2275, Medford Hall G LeRoy, $2750, Medford Hall Harley, $405, Ruch Hall J C, $5725, Medford Hall J F, $150, Jacksonville Hall Lincoln, $1000, Rogue River Hall Marie E, $2000, Rogue River Hall Mary I & E K, $970, Ashland Hall Mary J, $3240, Central Point Hall S B, $690, Medford Hall Theron, $300, Eagle Point Hall Wm, $900, Medford Hall W B, $375, Medford Halladay A M, $2090, Medford Halladay Electra H, $945, Medford Haller Wm, $1600, Ashland Haller Wm H, $1600, Talent Halley Addie, $1230, Medford Halley Addie & R H, $22,025, Medford Halley E M, $2200, Medford Halley P J, $1025, Medford Halley R H, $590, Medford Halley R H & Wife, $800, Medford Halley Sylva E, $2960, Medford Halley Wm F, $1550, Medford Halley Wm F, P J & Wm L, $800, Medford Halley W L, $3800, Medford Hallis F N, $3260, Medford Halloway C F, $125, Medford Halmer H J, $1465, Medford Hamaker S C, $2090, Ashland Hamblin A S, $2000, Rogue River Hamilton Chas, $609, Ruch Hamilton C T, $290, Medford Hamilton E C, $680, Central Point Hamilton I L, $12,067, Medford Hamilton S B Heirs, $10, Applegate Hamilton Wm H, $365,000, Eagle Point Hamilton W B, $6145, Central Point Hamlin C A, $1650, Medford Hamlin E M, $250, Medford Hamlin Geo, $475, Medford Hamlin M E, $7310, Phoenix Hamlin T J, $13,570, Medford Hamlin Wm, $5500, Medford Hamlin W H, $3530, Medford Hammel W E, $7600, Eagle Point Hammersley John, $180, Gold Hill Hammersley John B, $1200, Gold Hill Hammersley Joseph L, $470, Gold Hill Hammersley R J, $100, Gold Hill Hammond F E, $895, Medford Hammond W S, $1665, Medford Hammond W S & F B, $1600, Medford Hamrick John, $7995, Central Point Hanby A J, $2370, Central Point Handburg J D G, $1250, Buncom Handcock L E, $360, Provolt Handy W L, $550, Medford Haney B E, $1230, Jacksonville Hangen M E, $2400, Buncom Hanke A F, $1090, Rogue River Hanley A E, $13,080, Jacksonville Hanley Miss A E, $800, Gold Hill Hanley Ella E, $25,350, Jacksonville Hanley E B, $33,305, Central Point Hanley M F, $6240, Gold Hill Hanley M F, $10,160, Lake Creek Hanley Wm, $1480, Medford Hanley W D, $3900, Buncom Hanna Frank, $320, Ashland Hanna H K, $5315, Ashland Hanna H K Est, $2135, Jacksonville Hannah J B, $210, Medford Hannah J, $5133, Sams Valley Hannah S et al, $530, Medford Hannah W E, $856, Eagle Point Hanners J W, $850, Medford Hanning John, $3600, Ashland Hanscom C H, $810, Medford Hanscom D H, $1810, Medford Hanscom D S, $300, Medford Hanscom E E, $150, Medford Hanscom H A, $6180, Medford Hanscom Mrs L A, $2925, Talent Hanscom W V, $380, Medford Hansen Blanch T, $240, Medford Hansen G, $700, Phoenix Hansen H, $2600, Medford Hansen H W, $1020, Ashland Hansen I J, $9980, Central Point Hansen Mrs I J, $300, Central Point Hansen L H, $75, Medford Hanson Chas N, $2975, Medford Hanson H L, $1566, Applegate Hanson L H E, $1520, Medford Hanson N P, $2020, Climax Harbough Mrs Dora, $3265, Jacksonville Hardricks H B, $300, Rogue River Hardy F M, $1750, Ashland Hardy H M, $240, Medford Hardy N D, $1000, Ashland Hargadine Carrie, $1840, Ashland Hargrave Anna E et al, $5750, Ashland Hargrave Anna E & Ida M, $2585, Ashland Hargrave A P & F W, $6550, Phoenix Hargrave H P, $5690, Medford Hargrave H P, Weeks & Orr, $2706, Medford Hargrave Ida H & Anna E, $3200, Ashland Hargrave I May, $2150, Ashland Hargrave Weeks McGowan & Orr, $1960, Medford Hargrave & McGowan, $1560, Medford Harlon Mrs M, $2400, Prospect Harmon C T, $1270, Medford Harmond Myra G, $125, Eagle Point Harner J L, $1910, Ashland Harnish B W, $275, Eagle Point Harnish Susanna E, $1401, Eagle Point Harp Wm J, $1055, Ashland Harp Wm J & Anna, $350, Ashland Harper Chas C; $2000, Rogue River Harr J P, $4755, Watkins Harrel Mrs P L, $1425, Medford Harrell Joe, $50, Trail Harrell W A, $1934, Trail Harrigan J T, $3000, Prospect Harrington G S & L M, $450, Ashland Harrington John, $700, Medford Harrington Lee, $745, Applegate Harrington Mrs R C, $500, Eagle Point Harris B H, $2190, Gold Hill Harris B H (Trustee), $2670, Medford Harris Chas, $1590, Ashland Harris Estate, $2375, Medford Harris H B, $190, Butte Falls Harris Mrs Ida, $500, Medford Harris Myrtle M, $785, Gold Hill Harris M H, $400, Eagle Point Harris W B, $12,055, Central Point Harrison Grant, $1290, Gold Hill Harrison H A, $890, Ashland Harrison Mrs H A, $965, Ashland Harrison H S, $510, Ashland Harrison Mary M, $1220, Medford Harrison N H, $1000, Ashland Harrison N H et al, $400, Ashland Harrison W, $1620, Rogue River Harrison W H, $200, Ashland Hart Ernest E, $13,095, Medford Hart E E (Trustee), $4800, Central Point Hart Henry, $14,225, Phoenix Hart John C, $60, Ashland Hart Julius, $2480, Ashland Hart Julius & Christine, $1690, Ashland Hart Mrs S, $5252, Eagle Point Hartley Chas C, $6970, Talent Hartley Clara P, $1600, Ashland Hartley F, $1930, Ashland Hartley Joel, $460, Ashland Hartley Joel & Eliz, $1720, Ashland Hartley Julia E, $1720, Ashland Hartley M L, $7205, Phoenix Hartley T B, $7815, Talent Hartley W W, $7340, Phoenix Hartman Mrs Alpha, $2312, Jackson Hartman J, $1175, Jacksonville Hartman J & Kitto, $750, Jacksonville Hartzell W J, $2834, Medford Harvey A L, $500, Gold Hill Harvey Mrs A L, $1210, Ashland Harvey G W, $200, Eagle Point Harvey Homer, $1230, Medford Harvey I, $775, Eagle Point Harvey J A, $425, Gold Hill Harvey Lillian, $2535, Medford Harvey Mrs Mathilda, $475, Gold Hill Harvey Mrs M A, $850, Gold Hill Harvey Sarah A, $1470, Medford Harvey W H, $170, Gold Hill Harvey W J, $2095, Central Point Haselton A L, $1850, Eagle Point Hash Henderson, $1750, Ashland Haskins F R, $4075, Medford Haskins G H Est, $1600, Prospect Haskins Mrs Helen L, $23,570, Medford Haskins H L, $4970, Rogue River Haskins John, $475, Buncom Haskins L B, $9420, Medford Hassett H M, $1900, Eagle Point Haswell H T, $2980, Medford Haswell Mary A, $250, Medford Hatch A, $2400, Ashland Hatch B H, $3310, Ashland Hatch C S, $1800, Rogue River Hatch H B & M C, $265, Ashland Hatcher J W, $3300, Ashland Hatfield H B, $250, Central Point Hatfield L, $5900, Central Point Hathaway E, $120, Central Point Hathaway S F, $4715, Central Point Hathaway Thos H E, $413, Medford Hattinger Chas, $2000, Rogue River Hattinger Frank, $2000, Rogue River Hauptman Fred H, $800, Table Rock Hauri J J, $300, Medford Hausman Mina, $175, Medford Hawk F A, $3700, Central Point Hawk J, $1664, Medford Hawk S M, $1992, Dudley Hawk Willis, $305, Jacksonville Hawkins E H, $60, Ashland Hawkins Verner, $1600, Ashland Hawkins & Morse, $1000, Applegate Hawks Mrs Fanny, $2400, Central Point Hawley Clara L, $660, Ashland Hawley Matt, $2400, Ashland Hawley Maud I, $275, Ashland Hawley Ray H, $100, Ashland Hay M S, $921, Central Point Haye C M, $2000, Prospect Have David, $2000, Prospect Haye E C, $2000, Prospect Hayes A H, $4850, Ashland Hayes Ben, $720, Gold Hill Hayes Chas, $2000, Rogue River Hayes Cora A, $4000, Sams Valley Hayes C, $2000, Prospect Hayes C W, $4000, Sams Valley Hayes Elvin, $90, Butte Falls Hayes Geo E, $680, Gold Hill Hayes John N, $50, Central Point Hayes Orla R, $237, Butte Falls Hayes Mrs S J, $7410, Gold Hill Hayes Wm F, $2000, Rogue River Hayes & Partridge, $3300, Sams Valley Haymond Ben Est, $4860, Medford Haymond Mrs Ben, $670, Rock Point Haynes Henry, $2025, Ashland Haynes J R, $2615, Ashland Haynes W C, $4325, Medford Hayward H D, $155, Medford Hazelstein Rev, $680, Ashland Hazelwood J M, $2090, Rogue River Hazelwood Ollie, $205, Rogue River Hazen C A, $200, Talent Hazle Martha A, $3900, Medford Head H W, $4370, Central Point Heard C C, $2045, Medford Heard J D, $1715, Medford Heard J D & H E Foster, $40,965, Medford Heard M M, $5000, Medford Hearing John, $2045, Talent Hearn Andrew, $2220, Phoenix Heath Fred L, $9373, Medford Heberling B W, $1885, Butte Falls Hebron Mark, $210, Ashland Heckathorn Anna, $350, Butte Falls Heckathorn Henry, $50, Medford Hedberg C H, $4785, Ashland Hedberg G H, $1825, Ashland Hedfield Thoma E, $730, Ashland Hedges Alvin R, $275, Medford Hedges Louise, $400, Medford Heeley Mrs F, $2807, Jacksonville Heffner W P, $662, Derby Hefling Effie M, $385, Central Point Hefling Wm, $1000, Ashland Heft Earl, $1585, Central Point Hegard G B & E C Weaver, $12,800, Ashland Hege M, $25, Jacksonville Heil Lewis, $3000, Medford Heil Luetta, $1360, Medford Heil Mrs L, $1080, Medford Heilbronner C W, $2350, Medford Heimroth C H, $455, Medford Heimroth Mrs H J, $6140, Medford Heimroth Mrs K L, $530, Medford Heimroth T, $4225, Medford Heisz Wilhelmina, $875, Medford Heitshu S, $600, Butte Falls Helland H K, $1600, Ashland Heller Nick, $65, Rogue River Helman J K, $2960, Ashland Helman A D, $8275, Ashland Helman M J, $300, Ashland Helman Ottis O, $7635, Ashland Helman Susan A, $1900, Ashland Helms Add, $5904, Talent Helms Mrs A Est, $2512, Jacksonville Helms A D, $2165, Talent Helms A M, $5995, Talent Helms E H, $500, Jacksonville Helms Geo, $8270, Talent Helms H H, $4755, Talent Helms James L, $2110, Medford Helms Land Co, $580, Talent Helms Oliver P, $3335, Talent Helms & Netherland, $500, Talent Hemick John E, $775, Medford Hemming C C, $2000, Rogue River Hemstreet B F, $1975, Medford Henderson Chas, $110, Medford Henderson John A, $555, Medford Henderson M F, $400, Ashland Henderson T A, $400, Eagle Point Hendricks C E et al, $1000, Rogue River Hendricks Edward, $1200, Applegate Hendricks G H, $4360, Medford Hendricks Joe, $40, Dudley Hendricks J F, $4616, Soda Springs Hendrickson V K, $1265, Medford Heninger J C, $2640, Ashland Henkle C V, $1600, Rogue River Henry Chas, $4607, Ashland Henry Grace, $100, Jacksonville Henry J D, $1410, Phoenix Henry V, $70, Rogue River Henselman John H, $250, Medford Hensley Annie, $650, Central Point Hensley Viral, $20,295, Ashland Henwood G M, $1350, Talent Heofft J H T, $725, Lake Creek Herbage T J, $400, Talent Herberger Mrs John, $1875, Jacksonville Herbert A P, $1530, Medford Herbert A W, $925, Ashland Herbert A W & S P, $1320, Ashland Herford C, $750, Medford Heriford J C, $257, Talent Heriford J T, $190, Talent Herman Bros, $9600, Medford Herman Chas, $140, Gold Hill Herman C H, $1600, Lake Creek Hermann Binger, $2520, Eagle Point Herndon Agnes, $4225, Ashland Herr T L, $400, Rogue River Herrick Florence, $1820, Medford Herrick L W, $275, Ashland Herrin Geo, $2400, Ashland Herrin John S, $1670, Ashland Herrin Lula G, $2400, Ashland Herring J C, $375, Central Point Herring & Schoonmaker, $5635, Central Point Herriott Bros, $450, Applegate Herriott Geo, $72, Applegate Herriott John, $200, Applegate Herriott Tom, $574, Applegate Herron J J, $700, Rogue River Hersey Geo H, $1925, Ashland Hess H, $1200, Central Point Hess L C, $1697, Talent Hess O H, $40, Rogue River Hesselgrave G N, $990, Central Point Hesselgrave G N & C, $4835, Central Point Hesselgrave J E, $255, Central Point Hesseltine R N, $850, Ashland Hessler L J B, $825, Brownsboro Hester T W, $800, Jacksonville Hevener C D & Susie E, $1200, Ashland Hevener Mary E C, $1600, Ashland Hevener Wm, $3280, Ashland Hewitt Land Co, $1600, Rogue River Hiatt T, $2000, Meadows Hiatt Willis M, $4525, Rogue River Hibbard J G, $2030, Medford Hicken P J, $200, Central Point Hicks Blanche E, $9000, Ashland Hicks Chas E, $100, Talent Hicks J E, $1765, Ashland Hicks J W, $1575, Ashland Hicks M L, $2330, Ashland Hiestand John F, $240, Ashland High N L, $310, Talent High Mrs Ora A, $725, Talent High & Leonard, $250, Talent Higinbotham C T, $2430, Medford Higinbotham Edw, $1117, Derby Higinbotham E B, $1060, Central Point Higinbotham Geo, $100, Gold Hill Higinbotham John, $351, Derby Higinbotham Mary, $1225, Butte Falls Higinbotham T B & W A, $1420, Prospect Higinbotham W A, $229, Prospect Higinbotham Mrs W A & T B, $450, Prospect Hildebrand A N, $1670, Medford Hildreth E A, $870, Butte Falls Hildreth E A Jr, $1500, Ashland Hildreth N Buel, $1417, Butte Falls Hilkey D, $429, Applegate Hill C R, $332, Provolt Hill D R, $54,160, Medford Hill F D, $254, Derby Hill Mrs F D, $75, Derby Hill H L, $820, Prospect Hill Lafe, $2000, Rogue River Hill Mrs R M, $160, Medford Hill & Kyle, $575, Talent Hillcrest Orchard Co, $51,055, Medford Hillis Carrie T, $4000, Rogue River Hillis John, $250, Rogue River Hillis J B, $3710, Rogue River Hillis Margaret, $8405, Rogue River Hillis Wm, $5260, Rogue River Hillstrom Carl, $5375, Jacksonville Hilton C C, $150, Ashland Hilton Geo, $12,705, Central Point Hilty Louis & Teresa, $3210, Ashland Hilty T N & L, $1980, Ashland Hinderholtz James, $2000, Prospect Hinds Fingal S, $413, Medford Hines Mrs P A, $2515, Jacksonville Hinkle Mrs W, $310, Jacksonville Hinkson A H, $1900, Rogue River Hinman L E, $1750, Medford Hinstone Alvina, $1000, Medford Hinton Wm, $6400, Sams Valley Hintz & Landt, $300, Talent Hisey E W, $2413, Medford Hitchcock Roger W, $9065, Eagle Point Hittell C B, $2585, Ashland Hittle W W, $345, Rock Point Hittson J F, $4010, Medford Hitzler C, $50, Medford Hitzler Edwin S, $2325, Medford Hitzler G S, $600, Central Point Hix Ben, $6080, Eagle Point Hoag J D, $2465, Ashland Hoag Seth, $5189, Applegate Hoagland F D, $555, Central Point Hoagland J P, $5870, Central Point Hoagland J P, $300, Central Point Hoagland W S, $960, Eagle Point Hobbs Emma J, $1310, Medford Hobson Mrs Lucy A, $250, Jacksonville Hockenyos Eva, $3610, Medford Hockenyos E & A, $635, Jacksonville Hockenyos J, $600, Talent Hockenyos Wilhelmina, $1195, Medford Hockersmith J N, $2240, Medford Hodge M J & E H Stanley, $13,710, Medford Hodges Isora, $105, Gold Hill Hodges S T, $1235, Gold Hill Hodgson H, $195, Talent Hodson Wm D, $21,730, Ashland Hodson & Scoby, $3946, Rogue River Hoefft Chas, $3280, Lake Creek Hoefs C T, $3160, Jacksonville Hofer Charles, $941, Applegate Hofer Edgar, $705, Medford Hoffman John, $2000, Rogue River Hoffman J R, $522, Applegate Hoffman Mrs Kate, $220, Jacksonville Hoffmyer G H, $2400, Butte Falls Hoffner Sophia, $400, Rogue River Hogan A H & E E, $800, Ashland Hogan M D, $710, Medford Hogue Earnest, $1600, Talent Hogue E W, $2955, Ashland Hoke RD, $15,015, Central Point Holbrook R W, $450, Medford Holbrook W P, $320, Eagle Point Holcomb Alice, $240, Rogue River Holcomb Geo W, $365, Gold Hill Holcomb J J, $330, Rogue River Holcomb J P, $2015, Ashland Holden Anna, $1600, Prospect Holden Arthur, $2000, Prospect Holden Dosha A, $2000, Prospect Holden Minnie, $2000, Prospect Holder R V, $16,700, Portland Holdridge C W, $866, Talent Holdridge F L, $5000, Talent Holdridge W D, $13,695, Talent Holdridge W D & C W, $1165, Talent Hole J P, $1400, Central Point Holladay Electa E, $2530, Medford Hollenbeck Mrs Lizzie, $1200, Prospect Hollenbeck Mrs M, $120, Prospect Hollenbeck P, $615, Medford Hollis F W, $3625, Medford Holloway C T, $1750, Medford Holman Mrs E, $1350, Climax Holmer H J, $2284, Medford Holmes Bros, $14,840, Ashland Holmes Chas, $2900, Ashland Holmes Mrs C M, $1530, Eagle Point Holmes C W & Alice B, $2250, Ashland Holmes F H & W T, $7140, Ashland Holmes Harriett, $1485, Ashland Holmes H P, $1275, Ashland Holmes H P & Grace, $1240, Ashland Holmes J B, $55, Central Point Holmes M W, $7015, Ashland Holmes P A, $200, Medford Holmes R A, $4125, Medford Holmes W B & H B, $760, Ashland Holmes W B &M E, $2175, Ashland Holmes W M, $24,465, Medford Holst Henry, $3135, Sams Valley Holst John, $600, Sams Valley Holt Cyrus, $1670, Ashland Holt Wm P, $700, Eagle Point Holt W M, $2550, Ashland Holt W W P, $855, Eagle Point Holton Henry, $1465, Prospect Holton Henry W, $490, Trail Holzgang R, $4300, Applegate Holzgard R, $387, Ruch Home R A, $160, Medford Home Telephone Co, $7250, Medford Homer Chas I, $1500, Ashland Homes Chas T, $677, Ashland Homes F C, $605, Ashland Honey Bertha R, $858, Medford Honey John A, $5820, Medford Hooker Mrs Jane, $1045, Medford Hooker J D, $1142, Medford Hooker J L, $1195, Medford Hooper C E, $500, Ashland Hooper & Reeser, $4000, Ashland Hoover L E, $2915, Medford Hoover Wm, $3180, Central Point Hoover & Ingalls, $780, Eagle Point Hopkins A & L D, $2060, Soda Springs Hopkins F H, $43,190, Central Point Hopkins J F, $310, Central Point Hoppin Alice D, $300, Jacksonville Hoppin Fredk L, $1745, Central Point Hogue A H & E E, $1185, Ashland Horn D H, $400, Gold Hill Horn Wesley A, $155, Medford Horner Joseph L, $1860, Ashland Horton C W, $1630, Rogue River Hosler Earl, $275, Ashland Hosler H, $1100, Ashland Hosler Martha, $2100, Ashland Hosley Chas H, $1100, Ashland Hosley C H & Henrietta, $6600, Ashland Hosley Henrietta, $2450, Ashland Hosley W R & R E, $1090, Ashland Hosmer M J, $600, Rock Point Hosmer N&M J, $7580, Gold Hill Hosmer & Boling, $1200, Rock Point Hotchkiss R R, $1155, Medford Houck Jessie, $9280, Medford Houck J & Grace, $17,806, Ashland Householder Isaac, $1150, Gold Hill Houser H A, $2600, Central Point Housten Josephine, $90, Applegate Houston A H, $775, Phoenix Houston Bros, $18,225, Talent Houston Chas, $2010, Phoenix Houston E E, $2770, Phoenix Houston J A, $3964, Trail Houston W T, $4474, Trail Houston & Jacks, $960, Sams Valley Hover Arthur, $300, Phoenix Hover G A, $9345, Medford Hover V M, $460, Phoenix Hover Will, $330, Medford Howard Ella M, $1750, Ashland Howard F, $300, Medford Howard Geo W, $870, Medford Howard H D, $2985, Medford Howard J, $1290, Ashland Howard J K, $3997, Medford Howard J S, $6750, Medford Howard Lizzie G, $600, Ashland Howard Louisa, $795, Ashland Howard L M, $300, Medford Howard L O, $1320, Medford Howard M B, $7135, Medford Howard Oliver G, $2555, Ashland Howard S T, $50,325, Medford Howard W G, $500, Rogue River Howard W M, $1962, Medford Howard W S, $1390, Ashland Howard W S & L G, $1000, Ashland Howard Z, $1975, Ashland Howard & Vawter, $475, Medford Howell Anna, $4190, Ashland Howell Chas S, $295, Sams Valley Howell C M, $305, Central Point Howell Kate, $850, Ashland Howenstein Franklin, $4000, Prospect Howland A C, $100, Applegate Howland W L, $237, Hilt Howlett A C & Wife, $3620, Eagle Point Howton Wm, $555, Beagle Hoxie Laurie M, $1000, Medford Hubbard Alexis, $1600, Butte Falls Hubbard A C, $250, Medford Hubbard A S, $550, Ashland Hubbard Bros, $22,300, Medford Hubbard B C, $550, Ashland Hubbard Mrs C A, $1260, Medford Hubbard Fort, $3530, Medford Hubbard F & A C, $2750, Medford Hubbard L P, $12,237, Central Point Hubbard O A, $32, Derby Hubbard Rena, $3135, Medford Huber Eliz, $1839, Climax Hudson Mrs E, $200, Jacksonville Hudson F W, $275, Ashland Hudson Sam, $35, Dudley Hudson Thos W, $1075, Ashland Huenergardt Henry, $2500, Ashland Huenergardt Jacob, $502, Thrall Hueners John H, $4450, Jacksonville Huff Geo L, $900, Gold Hill Huff I M, $300, Phoenix Huff J M, $200, Ashland Huffman W T, $350, Medford Hugdohl J H, $2000, Rogue River Hugger Jake Est, $2060, Medford Hughes David W, $800, Medford Hughes Edwin P, $17,830, Ashland Hughes Est, $1605, Ashland Hughes Mrs E, $180, Central Point Hughes J Frank, $800, Gold Hill Hughes J P, $3125, Butte Falls Hughes M F, $2085, Ashland Huis Ramp H J Jr, $4300, Medford Hukill Almeda, $900, Medford Hukill James, $200, Applegate Hulbert A N, $2220, Gold Hill Hulbert R M & F L Murphy, $1950, Ashland Hulburt W E, $1060, Ashland Hulin F H, $378, Rogue River Hull E Ed, $250, Medford Hull Frank FE, $2010, Medford Hull Frank H, $1325, Medford Hull O O, $3290, Medford Hull Polk, $16,473, Medford Hull Mrs S A, $2260, Medford Hullier H L, $1100, Central Point Hume R D Est, $1710, Prospect Humphrey Chas, $68, Derby Humphrey G E, $250, Medford Humphrey Henry, $30,830, Medford Humphrey L Emma, $257, Medford Humphrey S, $325, Jacksonville Humphrey W H, $8560, Medford Humphrey W W, $4190, Medford Humphrey & Leonard, $1250, Medford Humphreys N M, $1550, Medford Hunsiker Robt F, $265, Medford Hunt A B, $1600, Talent Hunt A F, $1170, Ashland Hunt A W, $3900, Medford Hunt D R, $282, Eagle Point Hunt E B, $2350, Ashland Hunt Lydia F, $250, Ashland Hunter E A, $1175, Ashland Hunter John, $6330, Ashland Hunter Mrs Minnie, $246, Medford Hunter S P, $1950, Talent Hunter W H, $930, Prospect Huntington A H, $50, Gold Hill Huntington F C, $1600, Prospect Huntington T N, $690, Gold Hill Huntley Earl, $420, Medford Huntley John, $8000, Ashland Huntley Wm, $1600, Buncom Huntley & Bryden, $2880, Ashland Huntzinger H W, $1590, Ashland Hurd Chas, $250, Ashland Hurd E, $400, Eagle Point Hurley D O, $1205, Talent Hurley James, $6610, Central Point Hurley W H, $285, Talent Hurst Claud M, $450, Medford Hurst Frank, $1600, Lake Creek Hurst Joseph, $60, Central Point Hurst Mary, $450, Medford Hurst Mary F, $1600, Medford Hurst Myrtle, $1600, Lake Creek Hurst O E, $3035, Ashland Hurt J G, $1025, Ashland Hurtle John, $1050, Medford Huson M W, $400, Medford Hussey P A, $1850, Medford Huston Winchester, $500, Central Point Hutchason J F, $880, Medford Hutchings Mrs Mary R, $625, Medford Hutchinson W F, $2400, Medford Hutchison C I, $5780, Medford Hutchison & Lumsden, $31,450, Medford Huth Ernest T, $1030, Medford Hutson Isabel G, $1920, Gold Hill Hyde F C, $2000, Rogue River Hyde Phoebe G, $1000, Rogue River Hydraulic Mining Co, $2000, Rogue River Hymal E G, $405, Medford lland M, $2375, Medford Illingworth John H, $130, Ashland Illingworth W D, $4370, Medford IOOF, $6610, Ashland IOOF, $540, Central Point IOOF, $2300, Gold Hill IOOF, $1095, Jacksonville IOOF, $15,800, Medford IOOF, $400, Talent IORM, $640, Medford Ingalls G T, $2400, Butte Falls Ingleden Wm K, $865, Rogue River Ingley L J, $1375, Medford Ingvalson Carl I, $1750, Rogue River Inlow C V, $1710, Ashland Inlow Edward & Nellie, $1215, Ashland Inlow H E, $430, Prospect Inman M J, $675, Talent Iowa Lumber Co, $6400, Butte Falls Iowa Lumber & Box Co, $400, Jacksonville Ireland Edmond C Est, $4080, Medford Ireland Edward C, $1125, Medford Ireland S F Est, $1600, Sams Valley Ireland & Antle, $2500, Medford Irvine G W, $1775, Medford Irwin A L, $2535, Ashland Irwin Geo, $5505, Ashland Irwin G & J, $1160, Ashland Irwin Nellie M, $1300, Rock Point Irwin Mrs Sadie J, $2685, Ashland Isaacs Geo W Est, $2458, Medford Isaacs G W, $4065, Medford Isaacs Irene, $200, Medford Isaacs Mary A, $680, Medford Isaacs Mary E Ex, $12,100, Medford Isaacs W F, $12,475, Medford Isaacson J O, $2215, Central Point Isis Theater, $1000, Medford Isler J Jacob, $6400, Talent Ivy Alfred, $890, Medford Ivy Leaf Restaurant, $500, Medford Jack Francis E, $490, Central Point Jacks Ida G, $1080, Medford Jackson County Abstract Co, $3000, Medford Jackson County Bank, $111,955, Medford Jackson County Bldg & Loan Assn, $16,885, Medford Jackson County Land Assn, $3000, Rogue River Jackson David H, $1500, Rogue River Jackson D J, $610, Ashland Jackson Geo A, $8721, Medford Jackson H W, $2025, Medford Jackson Ida M, $1200, Prospect Jackson J B, $2417, Eagle Point Jackson Samuel, $1600, Buncom Jackson W B, $15,890, Medford Jackson W B (Trustee), $515, Medford Jackson & Betz, $3800, Eagle Point Jacksonville Bank, $7590, Jacksonville Jacksonville Milling & Mining Co, $400, Jacksonville Jacobs Eda, $1600, Prospect Jacobs E F, $3473, Talent Jacobs Guy C, $450, Ashland Jacobs Helena M, $4700, Medford Jacobs I, $1600, Prospect Jacobs J W, $3666, Central Point Jacobs J W & Co, $4200, Rogue River Jacobs Lee L, $625, Medford Jacobs N A, $590, Central Point Jacobsen-Bode Co, $5000, Medford Jacobson M T, $1600, Talent Jacoby Max P, $3740, Tolo Jadon Bros, $2310, Ashland James Bertha S, $770, Medford James Emma, $80, Butte Falls James Henrietta C, $800, Prospect James Nellie M, $2400, Phoenix James Pearl I, $500, Ashland James Wm H, $3000, Ashland James W H & E M, $3225, Ashland Jamison E E, $810, Gold Hill Janney D M, $1665, Central Point Janney P M, $150, Medford Jaqua E W, $1955, Medford Jardine Marion B, $125, Medford Jarnagin M E, $1600, Lake Creek Jarvis J O, $1640, Gold Hill Jarvis & Lampman, $400, Gold Hill Jay Ezra, $200, Ashland Jeffers C W, $685, Central Point Jeffers G N, $1020, Central Point Jeffers Priscilla, $660, Central Point Jefferson Mrs Martha, $450, Talent Jeffrey Genevieve L, $2400, Ashland Jeffrey Geo A, $10,080, Talent Jeffries John A, $800, Applegate Jelen Louis, $1800, Ashland Jennings E D, $650, Buncom Jenks Geo B, $162, Buncom Jenks W H, $3500, Ashland Jenne F W, $340, Rogue River Jennings Andrew, $2625, Gold Hill Jennings Bros, $1800, Gold Hill Jennings E D, $287, Buncom Jennings Luke, $3660, Gold Hill Jennings Mrs Nora, $1880, Gold Hill Jennings R G, $5177, Buncom Jenson John, $2000, Rogue River Jermsta P, $950, Medford Jeschke C, $35, Medford Jeter Sarah R, $3345, Ashland Jewett M B, $1800, Medford Johns Albert H, $950, Ashland Johnson Albert, $5075, Ashland Johnson Alfred, $200, Medford Johnson Andrew, $1020, Ashland Johnson Anna, $2000, Prospect Johnson A, $7175, Ashland Johnson A C, $50, Medford Johnson Bros, $7610, Trail Johnson Carrie L, $100, Ashland Johnson Chas, $900, Gold Hill Johnson Chas S, $500, Ashland Johnson Chas S & E A, $1875, Ashland Johnson C C, $5050, Medford Johnson C H, $2320, Ashland Johnson C H & F W Sheffield, $900, Ashland Johnson C J, $2000, Prospect Johnson C M, $16,800, Rogue River Johnson C O, $667, Medford Johnson C S, $165, Ashland Johnson E, $1165, Medford Johnson E L, $2760, Medford Johnson F H, $2500, Ashland Johnson F L, $4047, Eagle Point Johnson Hannah M, $2400, Prospect Johnson H L, $1000, Ashland Johnson I G, $1000, Ashland Johnson Jeff, $5190, Trail Johnson John E, $1600, Applegate Johnson J A, $530, Ashland Johnson J H, $185, Applegate Johnson J J, $670, Medford Johnson J L, $2400, Lake Creek Johnson J P, $100, Ashland Johnson J W, $3000, Ashland Johnson Mrs Lottie J C, $2800, Climax Johnson Louise C, $6120, Medford Johnson Martha, $2995, Ashland Johnson M, $1000, Rogue River Johnson M L, $2825, Ashland Johnson M S, $40, Talent Johnson O H, $4410, Ashland Johnson Robt E, $1600, Lake Creek Johnson Ruby, $580, Medford Johnson W E, $6950, Portland Johnson W H, $4317, Applegate Johnson W L, $3850, Ashland Johnson W O & L, $630, Ashland Johnson W R, $1764, Trail Johnson & Spencer, $10,825, Eagle Point Johnston A J, $1260, Medford Johnston F S, $605, Medford Johnston G B, $1665, Sams Valley Johnstone A W, $1350, Medford Jolen Louis, $1715, Ashland Jolley O B, $200, Talent Jolley Samuel S, $175, Jacksonville Jonas J A Est, $2850, Eagle Point Jones Anna B, $2130, Ashland Jones B A, $800, Rogue River Jones Carrie M, $2400, Lake Creek Jones Charles W, $500, Rogue River Jones C E, $250, Sams Valley Jones C R D, $1375, Ashland Jones D F, $1135, Medford Jones D M, $2040, Central Point Jones Eli, $200, Central Point Jones Emma, $1185, Ashland Jones E C, $525, Talent Jones E J, $625, Medford Jones Fielder A, $7320, Meadows Jones Earl L, $455, Medford Jones Geo, $35, Dudley Jones G E, $400, Meadows Jones G M, $745, Medford Jones G W, $4820, Ashland Jones Mrs I N, $600, Susanville Jones Jennie G, $3750, Ashland Jones J B, $380, Medford Jones J C, $1510, Medford Jones Mrs J M, $1525, Beagle Jones Lew, $35, Dudley Jones Mrs L D, $1645, Medford Jones Martha A, $1800, Ashland Jones Mary J, $2340, Sams Valley Jones M D, $100, Jacksonville Jones M L, $11,160, Rogue River Jones N G, $2400, Ashland Jones Mrs Ora, $1780, Rogue River Jones R H, $268, Central Point Jones S P, $1600, Lake Creek Jones Mrs S P, $280, Jacksonville Jones T E, $1025, Asbestos Jones T M, $1635, Central Point Jones Mrs Wilbur, $1725, Jacksonville Jones Wm, $5800, Asbestos Jones Wm, $12,950, Ashland Jones Wm, $650, Beagle Jones W A, $1307, Medford Jones W A & B A, $14,650, Medford Jones W A & Nellie R, $1100, Jacksonville Jones W E, $694, Central Point Jones W L, $350, Central Point Jones W N, $19,800, Meadows Jones W S, $1125, Medford Jones & Mays, $24,800, Lake Creek Jones & Mede, $1800, Rogue River Jordan Anna, $3335, Medford Jordan Bros, $1610, Ashland Jordan Frank, $1960, Ashland Jordan James, $2680, Eagle Point Jorgensen R C, $1100, Ashland Joy H C, $6240, Medford Judd L N, $1325, Ashland Judson Ada M, $4502, Talent Judy Edward, $15,155, Medford Judy Mark, $2000, Rogue River Julian J A, $2000, Sams Valley Jurgenson Mary, $360, Provolt Kahle C A, $150, Rogue River Kahle Mercantile Co, $3000, Rogue River Kahle T P, $975, Medford Kahle W C, $150, Rogue River Kahler C H, $420, Eagle Point Kahler Thos, $1945, Medford Kahler T C, $660, Medford Kahler T P, $8065, Medford Kahler W E, $1450, Medford Kail Fred, $427, Talent Kaiser E J, $300, Ashland Kakuschke W M, $2000, Rogue River Kane Mrs Alice, $1620, Ashland Kane A, $900, Medford Karnes D G, $6095, Butte Falls Karney John, $2015, Central Point Kasshafer Frank, $315, Jacksonville Kaufman W J, $982, Medford Kaupish F M, $1000, Lake Creek Kaylor I V, $315, Ashland Kaylor Wm, $275, Central Point Kaylor & Pattison, $5237, Central Point Kearney Henry, $790, Ashland Kearney Thos, $4905, Butte Falls Kearns E A, $2000, Rogue River Keegan Bertha, $200, Jacksonville Keegan Chris, $1200, Jacksonville Keegan Owen, $890, Jacksonville Keene B M, $2000, Rogue River Keene J M, $1150, Medford Keene Mollie, $4690, Medford Keene & Carlton, $39,970, Central Point Keeney J M, $2000, Medford Keil Fred R, $780, Ashland Keith John M, $2160, Ashland Keizur C A & W C, $422, Medford Keizur John V, $800, Medford Keizur Walter, $1310, Medford Keliehor Eliz C, $4000, Medford Kell Chas, $660, Gold Hill Keller A C, $1660, Ashland Keller A C & Fannie E, $9710, Ashland Keller Fannie E, $1400; Ashland Kellett J J, $300, Medford Kelley E, $255, Central Point Kelley Harold, $2400, Climax Kelley H L, $1600, Prospect Kelley J F, $18,225, Medford Kelley L H, $4040, Medford Kelley Wm, $170, Central Point Kellog O M, $5000, Rogue River Kellog O W, $5000, Rogue River Kellog S C, $2580, Central Point Kellogg A E, $1560, Gold Hill Kellogg Francis, $600, Eagle Point Kellogg Geo, $1110, Medford Kelly Lulu H, $730, Phoenix Kelsey Flora A, $3575, Gold Hill Kelsey R C, $85, Gold Hill Kelso C C, $367, Derby Kelso Ellen, $2990, Medford Kelso E M R, $75, Central Point Kelso J W, $177, Derby Kelso T F, $156, Derby Kelso T J, $1035, Central Point Kelso W F, $39, Derby Kelts John A, $615, Talent Kemble Harriet, $2000, Rogue River Kemble Wm, $2000, Rogue River Kemmar Orchard Co, $3800, Eagle Point Kemp L S, $280, Rogue River Kendall Abbie, $1860, Medford Kendall G S, $335, Applegate Kendall J R, $175, Gold Hill Kendrick J K, $3180, Rogue River Kennard Geo W, $3030, Ashland Kennedy Jacob Heirs, $400, Ashland Kennedy James B, $230, Medford Kennedy Walter M, $4175, Medford Kennedy Wesley W, $850, Medford Kennedy & Co, $1200, Medford Kenner Sarah A, $150, Ashland Kenney Chris J, $1000, Jacksonville Kenney Mrs E, $850, Jacksonville Kenney J W, $565, Lake Creek Kenney Mrs Rose, $2990, Jacksonville Kenney W C, $90, Gold Hill Kent D, $360, Medford Kent Jas, $8220, Medford Kent J W, $1765, Talent Kent Leona, $1855, Ashland Kent L B, $8960, Medford Kent Thos, $200, Jacksonville Kentner H C, $3445, Medford Kentner H C et al, $180, Medford Kentner H C & Co, $30,000, Medford Kenworthy Hardy, $720, Rogue River Kenyon E E, $147, Ashland Kenyon W C, $1810, Medford Keomling A L, $450, Provolt Kerby Bros, $6130, Talent Kerby Frank, $1610, Talent Kerby Henry, $1527, Talent Kerby J M, $940, Talent Kerby Wm, $692, Talent Kerk L C, $640, Eagle Point Kerlev J M, $950, Talent Kerr Alex, $255, Medford Kerr J W, $3300, Buncom Kershaw Laura M, $4546, Wellen Kershaw P K, $2400, Cetnral Point Kershaw P M, $795, Medford Kester Joseph, $600, Provolt Kesterson G H, $1120, Ashland Kesterson H G, $2400, Sams Valley Kettenacker Fred, $900, Medford Kibbe Charles, $1800, Prospect Kidd C M, $13,805, Medford Kidd Mary F, $1940, Medford Kidward James A, $3900, Medford Kilgour J E, $2315, Medford Kilgour J M, $5440, Rogue River Kille W C, $2748, Jacksonville Killian E B, $1775, Medford Kime Ira, $1905, Medford Kime N W, $5280, Medford Kincaid Denver, $1600, Ashland Kincaid G W, $529, Peyton Kincaid Julia, $150, Central Point Kincaid J H, $236, Central Point Kincaid L B, $2540, Medford Kincaid R M, $620, Central Point Kincaid W R, $13,224, Ashland Kincaid & Bolton, $200, Ashland Kindleyside R C, $255, Medford Kinerk John, $4435, Medford King Chas A & L Lottie, $670, Ashland King C H, $2400, Butte Falls King Emanuel, $1200, Gold Hill King E A, $920, Medford King G W, $2630, Ashland King H W, $435, Phoenix King O B, $690, Medford King Rebecca, $400, Medford King R F, $1675, Medford King W C, $1100, Ashland King W J, $300, Talent King W S, $590, Medford Kingsbury C L, $4705, Ashland Kingsbury Mrs C L, $1975, Ashland Kingsbury G L, $1360, Ashland Kingsbury R E, $6720, Portland Kinkle John, $485, Rogue River Kinleyside Ida A, $1550, Medford Kinleyside R C, $8365, Medford Kinney A E, $8675, Ashland Kinney M E, $320, Lake Creek Kinney Mrs Wm, $820, Central Point Kinsman Minnie M, $3700, Medford Kinsman T B, $4135, Talent Kinsman T B Est, $98, Talent Kirby A A, $2000, Rogue River Kirby B H, $760, Medford Kirk Chas, $1025, Medford Kirk C E, $3755, Medford Kirk J E, $200, Rogue River Kirkpatrick C, $230, Ashland Kirkpatrick L F, $750, Medford Kirkpatrick L F & C H Herman, $2400, Medford Kirkpatrick Mrs M, $200, Medford Kirkpatrick & Herman, $2400, Medford Kirschbaum H C, $6650, Ashland Kirschbaum Mary G, $2020, Ashland Kirwin P J, $2000, Rogue River Kiser F C, $12,245, Jacksonville Kiser W C Jr, $2300, Lake Creek Kiter J O, $4800, Prospect Kitto W C, $420, Jacksonville Kitto & Levy, $35, Central Point Kittredge Mary, $1750, Medford Kitts Emma D, $150, Rogue River Klamt Joseph J, $640, Medford Klein V, $175, Ashland Kleinhammer A S, $17,059, Buncom Kleinhammer Claus, $1875, Ashland Kleinhammer Mrs C, $1325, Ashland Kleinhammer Francis A, $3400, Medford Kleinhammer Fred, $2647, Buncom Kline E J, $740, Medford Klinesmith A S, $630, Medford Klingle Chas, $871, Lake Creek Klingle M A, $2730, Lake Creek Klippel Allie E, $4780, Medford Klippel Eliza A, $750, Medford Klippel Mrs E K, $1450, Jacksonville Klum B, $300, Medford Klum C K & L H, $1410, Ashland Klum C W, $2105, Ashland Klum Waldo, $3400, Ashland Knackstedt Theo, $75, Central Point Knapp Arthur G, $555, Medford Knapp A B, $3140, Medford Knapp C P, $1705, Ashland Knapp Milburn, $1800, Rogue River Kneeland F L, $1195, Rogue River Kniffin M L, $3885, Ashland Knight Cora P & Julia McFarland, $15,700, Eagle Point Knight C A, $12,059, Medford Knight H A, $400, Medford Knight & Bishop, $9000, Eagle Point Knight & McFarland, $750, Eagle Point Knighten M E, $910, Talent Knighten W G, $2010, Eagle Point Knipp R A, $4300, Medford Knips Louis, $3660, Medford Knips W G, $10,365, Medford Kniskern N B, $2400, Climax Knotts P A, $530, Gold Hill Knowles F W, $1927, Jacksonville Knudson H M, $1000, Rogue River Knudson T E, $5635, Medford Knutson Harriett, $300, Ashland Knutzen D W, $4099, Applegate Knutzen Henry, $540, Applegate Knutzen J C, $2017, Steamboat Knutzen J J, $1035, Applegate Koch Victor, $1000, Prospect Koehler J F, $2725, Ashland Koehler R, $350, Gold Hill Kofeldt Henry, $7555, Ashland Koleth Jane, $750, Phoenix Kollmer Jacob R, $24,000, Ashland Koontz Henry E, $1772, Butte Falls Koshland F, $1200, Ashland Kostomlatsky Zelma, $2450, Medford Kostomlatsky Zoe W, $1200, Medford Kowalski F P, $800, Prospect Koyama Joe, $305, Medford Kramer Geo E, $420, Medford Kramer G N, $1900, Ashland Krause August, $540, Rogue River Krautlagen James, $2000, Rogue River Kremer John, $790, Jacksonville Krepps Annie E, $2400, Ashland Kreuger & Co, $800, Medford Krewson J A, $3500, Applegate Kribs C C & C P, $1500, Medford Krieger Chas, $120, Central Point Kropke Grace M, $2125, Ashland Kruenling T, $1700, Ashland Kruesen Joseph, $4800, Medford Kruger Henry, $325, Butte Falls Krutzler Paul, $2535, Medford Kubli E A, $200, Provolt Kubli Henry, $7525, Provolt Kubli Henry Est, $1204, Applegate Kubli Mrs Kaspar, $7852, Jacksonville Kubli K J, $2863, Applegate Kubli K K, $200, Jacksonville Kubli Mrs V, $2640, Provolt Kunkell A T, $2400, Lake Creek Kunkell Daniel T, $1800, Lake Creek Kury Geo, $1065, Medford Kyle A, $1000, Rock Point Kyle Robert, $12,840, Central Point LaBelle Edward, $50, Gold Hill Lacey A W, $430, Medford Lachenal J, $100, Talent LaClair Henry J, $10,553, Medford Lacy Herschel, $225, Talent Lacy J H, $4160, Talent Lacy L G, $200, Phoenix Ladd F C, $1000, Prospect Lafky Frederick, $2000, Prospect Lager Louis, $385, Ashland Laird Estella W, $1500, Lake Creek Lake W C, $1180, Eagle Point Lamb W R, $1835, Lake Creek Lambert Paul, $3325, Sams Valley Lambert W, $1630, Medford Lamberton W F, $1650, Ashland Lamkin C B, $12,675, Ashland Lamme Charles, $900, Central Point Lampman H H, $555, Beagle Lampman Rex H, $650, Gold Hill Lampert Edward, $2250, Medford Lance F M, $2010, Medford Lance Geo Jr, $1540, Gold Hill Lance Geo & M, $3300, Rock Point Lance Geo W Sr, $2710, Gold Hill Lance Geo W Jr, $650, Gold Hill Lance G W, $50, Gold Hill Lance G W Jr & F M, $2070, Rock Point Lance J T, $780, Ashland Lance Marion, $2250, Gold Hill Lance M, $555, Medford Lance & Co, $5750, Gold Hill Lancop Joseph A, $510, Medford Land Mrs E R, $5015, Medford Land Geo, $1225, Rogue River Landis Geo A, $2450, Gold Hill Landis Maud, $1600, Lake Creek Landis Maude, $1160, Gold Hill Lane Anna, $2035, Medford Lane A, $2000, Prospect Lane Catharine A, $1135, Medford Lane Clarence E, $4350, Ashland Lane Mrs E, $488, Medford Lane E L, $11,230, Central Point Lane J W, $1860, Medford Lane S R, $10,125, Medford Lane W E, $2321, Medford Lang Robt, $4210, Medford Lange C E, $395, Central Point Lange Mary, $2570, Central Point Langelow Fred, $1950, Rogue River Langley E A, $100, Jacksonville Langley E A, $1080, Jacksonville Langley E J, $200, Buncom Langley Lucy E, $3325, Medford Langridge W J, $1000, Rogue River Lanham John A, $2165, Gold Hill Lankate John, $1600, Buncom Lankate Lillie, $1600, Buncom Lansing E W, $680, Medford LaPonte Mary F, $1000, Central Point Lapp Mrs P, $1475, Medford Lares R A, $1000, Prospect Larkin J M, $1685, Medford Larmon Philip, $15,070, Talent Larner Paul, $3640, Ashland LaRouche Ferdinand, $1710, Medford Larsen L J, $450, Asbestos Larson August, $400, Gold Hill Larson J A, $2000, Prospect Lash L R, $318 Latimer N H, $800, Rock Point Latourette A E, $480, Rock Point Lauer S, $950, Jacksonville Lauerman Linda, $885, Medford Launspach Geo, $5450, Medford Launspach Geo, $445, Jacksonville Laurel Hill Orchard Co, $33,000, Phoenix Lawrence Herman, $1680, Medford Laverman John, $200, Medford Laverman L L, $350, Medford Law T C, $1360, Central Point Lawrence August, $315, Medford Lawrence A A, $250, Medford Lawrence A L, $215, Medford Lawrence Frank, $1030, Medford Lawrence Gus, $1550, Sams Valley Lawrence John F, $4485, Medford Lawrence Julia, $805, Medford Lawrence M G, $4975, Soda Springs Lawrence Mrs M J, $415, Gold Hill Lawrence T T, $530, Medford Lawrentz August, $14,298, Medford Lawrentz A H, $2985, Trail Laws Garfield, $520, Rogue River Laws Henry, $1416, Rogue River Laws Wm, $1115, Rogue River Lawson W R, $300, Talent Lawton Mrs A R, $3030, Medford Lawton D T, $17,960, Medford Lawton J W, $1705, Medford Lawton R C, $350, Eagle Point Layton J T Est, $1450, Applegate Leader Henry, $515, Medford Leaming E W, $25, Talent Leatherman C E, $920, Medford Leathers W R, $3565, Central Point Leavitt H H, $6675, Ashland Leavitt Mattie R, $1200, Rock Point Lee Booth, $720, Central Point Lee C E, $4150, Medford Lee J W, $120, Ashland Lee W B, $265, Medford Leeds W H, $1800, Ashland Leeper W M, $4500, Ashland Lees John H, $340, Central Point Leever W C, $14,977, Central Point Lehuers D, $1375, Phoenix Lelegeken J H, $1600, Provolt Lent Mary M, $1800, Eagle Point Leonard Carrie E, $2580, Medford Leonard Carrie L, $720, Medford Leonard S L, $2275, Medford Leonard & Humphrey, $2250, Medford Leslie A H, $1090, Ashland Leslie J, $200, Medford Leslie James, $375, Medford Leslie Mary B, $790, Medford Leslie M C, $1270, Ashland Lesmeister F W, $975, Central Point Lester C T, $185, Talent Lester E E, $620, Medford Letcher Alfred, $2000, Rogue River Letcher Mary, $2000, Rogue River Letteken John H, $400, Provolt Letteken S, $235, Murphy Levesque J A, $2555, Ashland Levy E H, $450, Central Point Levy Stella, $10,800, Jacksonville Lewis Alfred, $1640, Gold Hill Lewis Arthur, $370, Jacksonville Lewis A W et al, $300, Medford Lewis Bros, $10,870, Eagle Point Lewis C L, $915, Talent Lewis E J, $19,745, Medford Lewis Fred Harry & Oscar, $800, Jacksonville Lewis G N, $1410, Jacksonville Lewis Ida B, $8055, Central Point Lewis I N, $366, Buncom Lewis J F, $1770, Eagle Point Lewis M E, $525, Medford Lewis Mrs M O, $2420, Jacksonville Lewis O S, $2000, Meadows Lewis R H, $1354, Persist Lewis Susie, $2400, Ashland Lewis Wm, $5910, Gold Hill Lewis & Son, $980, Central Point Lewman Daisy, $1060, Provolt Lewman John, $2528, Murphy Lewman Richard, $221, Applegate Lewman Thos E, $225, Murphy Lichty Jacob H, $1600, Meadows Liebman W A, $1435, Ashland Ligget Joseph, $200, Medford Ligon W P, $30, Medford Liljegran E W, $395, Tolo Lilly Mrs Ida, $2750, Ashland Lindhjem Oga, $1015, Eagle Point Lindley A B, $300, Medford Lindley Geo, $3300, Medford Lindley Geo P, $3080, Medford Lindley Geo R, $11,280, Medford Lindley Harvey, $4800, Ashland Lindley S A, $300, Medford Lindquist G, $1600, Buncom Lindroth L, $6255, Ashland Lindsay Bros, $4829, Ashland Lindsay Chas, $9200, Ashland Lindsay C H, $217, Ruch Lindsay H W, $600, Central Point Lindsay Margaret, $2800, Ashland Lindsay Sam, $125, Ashland Lindsay Wm, $3120, Ashland Lindsay W & M A, $4240, Ashland Lindsay W M, $630, Ashland Lindsey A W, $500, Talent Lindsey Lizzie, $1200, Eagle Point Lindsey Sam, $575, Ashland Lindsley Lizzie, $770, Gold Hill Lininger Milton C, $1470, Ashland Lininger W C, $850, Ashland Link A T, $1500, Rogue River Linn Mrs A S Est, $800, Jacksonville Linn Miss Cora, $200, Jacksonville Linn F, $155, Jacksonville Linneman M A, $1200, Rock Point Little Chas et al, $1500, Jacksonville Little C H, $1655, Medford Little Geo O, $75, Medford Little G B, $1485, Central Point Little G W, $2685, Central Point Little R P, $1770, Medford Livengood Mrs E, $450, Phoenix Livesay D S, $1600, Prospect Loar Rose E, $1880, Medford Lockley F, $100, Jacksonville Lockwood B O, $400, Medford Lockwood S A, $670, Medford Loder Anna M, $2400, Talent Loder Laura M, $3260, Medford Lofland H M, $4300, Eagle Point Lofland H N, $1525, Medford Lofland J M, $24,350, Medford Lofland L M, $671, Medford Logan J, $400, Eagle Point Loger Louis, $250, Talent Lohr V C, $1265, Medford Lond Geo, $850, Rogue River Long A M, $1525, Ashland Long Mrs Callie B, $1665, Ashland Long M N, $900, Ashland Long Robt, $2345, Medford Long Simon F, $465, Ashland Long W A, $225, Ashland Long W C, $8465, Grants Pass Long W G, $1600, Provolt Longacre Eva D, $1160, Central Point Lontz W A, $50, Medford Look Out Lumber Co, $6980, Rogue River Loomis A L, $1435, Medford Loomis A M, $3225, Medford Loomis Chas, $800, Ashland Loomis Chas L, $1705, Ashland Loomis C L & Wife, $2250, Ashland Loomis Emily, $1315, Ashland Loomis E F, $1260, Ashland Loomis Geo, $220, Medford Loomis L E, $345, Medford Loomis Sophronia E, $650, Ashland Loomis W F, $1725, Ashland Loomis & Nelson, $4000, Ashland Loosley Anna Belle, $660, Medford Loosley Phil S, $180, Medford Lord J P, $4700, Talent Lord Minnie L, $1600, Buncom Lorimer Phoebe A, $300, Medford Losher J M, $1265, Ashland Losher J W & Angie, $2020, Ashland Louden Jessie Wilson, $650, Buncom Louden John, $200, Jacksonville Lounsberry Wells, $395, Central Point Loury J S & J F, $314, Central Point Love Della A, $1600, Meadows Love F M, $2400, Lake Creek Love I O, $195, Central Point Love L L, $2432, Central Point Love Minnie E, $850, Central Point Lovesee Eliz Est, $1130, Ashland Lovesee Thomas, $3800, Talent Lowe D M, $475, Ashland Lowe Geo M, $900, Ashland Lowe James, $3070, Ashland Lowe Thomas, $2400, Ashland Lowell Mary H, $390, Rogue River Lowrey C C, $400, Medford Lowry Frank J, $980, Ashland Lowry J H, $20, Central Point Lozier L F, $775, Medford Lucas Wm, $4480, Medford Ludlow Ed L, $770, Ashland Luke D W, $4625, Medford Luke R J, $2770, Talent Lumsden Bessie F, $1600, Medford Lumsden H N, $6270, Medford Lumsden H W, $9900, Medford Lundgren A T, $1950, Jacksonville Lusley Phil S, $2430, Central Point Lux Chas, $3122, Medford Luy Fred, $9977, Wellen Luy Harry, $600, Jacksonville Luy & Keegan, $1615, Jacksonville Lyden John, $1375, Jacksonville Lydiard J H, $3335, Medford Lyman Geo, $1505, Gold Hill Lyman & Hooton, $7695, Gold Hill Lynch F M & Hattie M, $860, Ashland Lynch G H, $846, Trail Lynch H S, $5053, Talent Lynch T H, $1220, Talent Lyon Cora, $3820, Medford Lyon Jacob A, $24,329, Medford Lyon N B, $3555, Medford Lyon W Brown E E & S S Strain, $4800, Butte Falls Lystig C C, $2350, Prospect McAllister G C, $500, Ashland McAllister T J, $1600, Ashland McAndrews Kate, $7120, Medford McAndrews Thos, $29,000, Medford McAndrews T J, $730, Medford McArdle Margaret M, $10,100, Medford McArthur Chas A, $6660, Medford McBadger Mary, $2010, Ashland McBride H D, $1700, Medford McBride R L, $2500, Medford McBride & Hodgson, $4570, Medford McCabe B R, $1250, Medford McCabe T F, $5587, Eagle Point McCain Narcissa, $4960, Medford McCall C H, $190, Ashland McCall Ewin, $475, Medford McCall M E, $6540, Ashland McCall S S, $2000, Rogue River McCallister G C, $1390, Ashland McCallister J G, $928, Lake Creek McCallister R A, $2500, Ashland McCallister R A & M J, $8684, Ashland McCallum W, $2778, Central Point McCallum W L, $240, Medford McCarroll J R, $10,150, Ashland McCarron Richard J, $2400, Ashland McCarthy Anna G, $12,020, Ashland McCarvell Mary, $1295, Rogue River McCauley A, $2000, Rogue River McClain Chas, $1075, Medford McClanahan Alice, $3135, Ashland McClanahan Annie, $3170, Ashland McClanahan Mrs A, $745, Ashland McClanahan James, $2137, Trail McClanahan Robt, $700, Medford McClaren J K, $7900, Ashland McClendon C C, $18,145, Sams Valley McClendon C C & Wife, $1050, Gold Hill McClendon Mrs J, $1010, Gold Hill McClendon S W, $22,085, Gold Hill McCloud E J, $4906, Talent McClung C H, $1415, Ashland McClure W L, $1505, Gold Hill McClure & Nelson, $2100, Gold Hill McClure & Ward, $300, Gold Hill McComb C E, $1560, Medford McConnell Angie W, $3800, Ashland McConnell J W, $190, Medford McConnell N G, $970, Ashland McCormick G C, $1245, Ashland McCormick Lincoln, $250, Medford McCormick Patrick, $2400, Medford McCoy Dennis, $500, Phoenix McCoy J W, $3640, Ashland McCracken F W, $255, Talent McCracken J R, $390, Talent McCrary Benj F, $350, Ashland McCrary Susan L, $350, Ashland McCredie Wm, $6560, Central Point McCue Mrs H, $1700, Phoenix McCullough Robt, $240, Medford McCullum H J, $2625, Medford McCully Issie, $3620, Jacksonville McCune J N, $2650, Ashland McCune S A, $1775, Ashland McDaniel J B, $1260, Climax McDaniel M R, $8450, Ashland McDonald Angus, $1955, Medford McDonald A & C, $510, Medford McDonald B T, $50, Medford McDonald C N, $4650, Medford McDonald C W, $8950, Medford McDonald C W & W W, $5950, Gold Hill McDonald F S, $2400, Talent McDonald George, $75, Tolo McDonald Geo M, $1240, Medford McDonald J D Est, $2000, Prospect McDonald J G, $360, Medford McDonald M J, $9600, Prospect McDonald M L, $1325, Rogue River McDonald Richard, $235, Soda Springs McDonald R D, $1005, Lake Creek McDonald W M, $875, Medford McDonald W W & C W, $300, Medford McDonough Mrs G, $475, Central Point McDonough James, $1689, Ruch McDonough J M & Ida, $2350, Ashland McDonough J W, $6120, Ashland McDonough Martin, $1587, Medford McDonough M C, $1100, Central Point McDonough Thos, $1030, Tolo McDonough & Redinger, $4480, Central Point McDougall C A, $2300, Central Point McDougall Mrs C A, $255, Gold Hill McDougall J W, $400, Medford McDow Sara A, $1560, Gold Hill McDowell E C, $1600, Provolt McDowell James, $350, Central Point McDowell L M, $340, Central Point McDowell R S, $5100, Sams Valley McErlane Lydia, $2420, Ashland McFadden C W, $8000, Talent McFarland A E, $1115, Ashland McFarland C E & A M, $2825, Ashland McFarren Mrs S V, $1225, Gold Hill McGee Ida M, $4805, Ashland McGee J H, $6300, Ashland McGeorge A W & S M, $12,800, Rock Point McGowan Wm, $795, Medford McGowan W H, $300, Medford McGrath M, $6020, Ashland McGrath Wm, $510, Ashland McGrew Mary E, $140, Rogue River McHaffie Lulu, $190, Ashland McHatton L G, $1600, Ashland McHenry G K, $2000, Rogue River McHenry Mary, $1600, Buncom McIlveen Robt, $25, Medford McIlveen Robt & Hattie, $2000, Sams Valley McIntire E M, $810, Ashland McIntire J L, $60, Derby McIntosh C M, $3195, Medford McIntosh J A, $125, Medford McIntyre W I, $2915, Jacksonville McIntyre & Whitman, $6960, Talent McIver Oscar C, $130, Ashland McKay S A, $8760, Central Point McKay Mrs S A, $441, Central Point McKay W J, $3470, Medford McKee Amos, $3992, Buncom McKee A D, $1474, Buncom McKee Frank, $19,635, Central Point McKee Ida, $518, Rogue River McKee John, $400, Applegate McKee John B, $600, Butte Falls McKee Lyman D, $1250, Ashland McKee Martin, $500, Rogue River McKeel L W D, $1480, Provolt McKeever O, $850, Medford McKeever O, $210, Medford McKercher D F, $1085, Ashland McKercher D L, $2400, Ashland McKercher D T, $2225, Ashland McKercher Eva, $1600, Ashland McKillop D, $8590, Central Point McKillop M E V, $235, Medford McKinney Isora, $260, Central Point McKinney R H, $185, Gold Hill McKinnon Daniel, $2400, Rogue River McKinnon W C, $2000, Rogue River McKinzie C L, $2000, Rogue River McKnight Ernest R Est, $400, Gold Hill McLaren James, $275, Jacksonville McLean G J, $600, Medford McLean R M, $1100, Rogue River McLeed Jas, $2805, Medford McLellan C B, $25, Rogue River McLeod Alex, $2370, Ashland McLeod Alex et al, $2380, Ashland McLeod Alex & Ellen, $920, Ashland McLeod E R, $350, Ashland McLeod J A, $705, Medford McLeod Wm R, $55, Prospect McLeurney J H, $2793, Central Point McLinn J M, $700, Asbestos McMillan Alex, $375, Ashland McMillan Carroll, $3185, Medford McNabb John, $305, Medford McNair Bros, $5500, Ashland McNair James J, $3845, Ashland McNair J Sidney & Susie L Allen, $420, Ashland McNair Wm H, $5515, Ashland McNary Daniel & Eva, $2400, Lake Creek McNary Daniel L, $14,000, Medford McNealy W W, $2275, Medford McNeill Myra, $1585, Ashland McPhail J N, $1600, Ashland McPhee D M, $1635, Medford McPhee J M, $2555, Medford McPherson A W, $3505, Medford McPherson Joshua, $9630, Medford McPherson L M, $825, Medford McQuamie D A, $2000, Rogue River McQuilkin Julia R, $5990, Ashland McReynolds J R, $160, Gold Hill McSchooler E B, $3200, Rock Point McWilliams Chas L, $1000, Ashland McWilliams Chris, $525, Ashland McWilliams F G, $5700, Ashland M&O Gold Mining Co, $1250, Talent Mabee A E, $422, Medford Maben C M, $1500, Medford Maben Mrs H B, $1550, Medford MacDonald I B, $2455, Medford MacKenzie C L, $10,210, Meadows Mackenzie J A, $250, Medford Mackey H C, $860, Medford Mackie C N, $700, Ashland MacMurray J S, $195, Ashland Macumber Mrs James, $1520, Ashland Madden F H, $1275, Medford Magee D F, $195, Central Point Magerle D P, $2925, Rogue River Magerle Mrs Geo W, $3035, Rogue River Magill Peninah C, $145, Ashland Magone M A, $600, Gold Hill Magruder E B, $800, Roek Point Magruder Mrs M B, $3520, Central Point Mahem David, $2260, Eagle Point Mahem Peter, $800, Medford Mahem Rachel, $2500, Eagle Point Mahon H C, $400, Rock Point Mahoney A A, $800, Rogue River Mahoney Jennie, $215, Butte Falls Mahoney L S, $65, Butte Falls Mahoney M C, $157, Butte Falls Maier W F, $800, Prospect Maine Milton, $2350, Medford Makedon J R, $2750, Ashland Malbouef C A, $1885, Central Point Malgren Theo J, $1665, Phoenix Maloney A C, $500, Medford Maltby E, $2000, Meadows Maltby Isabel, $1000, Prospect Maltby Jennie E, $1600, Prospect Manke J A, $250, Eagle Point Mann John C, $7500, Medford Mann J A, $545, Central Point Mann Mrs W E, $400, Central Point Manner Chas V, $610, Ashland Manness S F G, $150, Talent Manning A C, $550, Rogue River Manning Frank, $172, Peyton Manning F M, $1420, Butte Falls Manning Randolph, $1530, Central Point Manning Rudolph, $5945, Medford Manning R R, $3830, Sams Valley Mansfield Anna, $2610, Provolt Mansfield Edward, $1350, Lake Creek Mansfield J N, $455, Tolo Mansfield Mrs J N, $5350, Central Point Mansfield T H, $582, Applegate March Ed, $860, Central Point March Geo L, $170, Central Point March J S, $2210, Central Point March L J, $1140, Trail Marcy H N, $560, Medford Marcy H W, $960, Medford Marcy L V, $500, Butte Falls Mardon J H, $475, Gold Hill Margon J H, G T & Mary, $1800, Gold Hill Margrietter John, $4827, Jacksonville Margruder Est, $250, Central Point Margruder Ivan, $420, Central Point Marion J F, $227, Butte Falls Mark J M, $800, Talent Marple Mrs Anna, $245, Jacksonville Marquess James, $1330, Beagle Marquis A L, $350, Medford Marsh H E, $645, Medford Marsh H G, $500, Medford Marsh H M, $475, Medford Marsh John A, $650, Jacksonville Marsh L S, $1200, Ashland Marsh Thos W, $1525, Medford Marsh Wm J et al, $9600, Ashland Marshall A E, $250, Medford Marshall Bros, $14,733, Central Point Marshall D A, $500, Rogue River Marshall Mrs E L, $390, Medford Marshall Geo E, $970, Medford Marshall Geo E & Lillie E, $35,750, Medford Marshall Martin, $9005, Central Point Martin Bros, $5385, Ashland Martin Chas C, $2210, Ashland Martin Frank, $575, Medford Martin Frank E, $10,460, Medford Martin H C, $1085, Medford Martin James, $1120, Rogue River Martin John P, $8950, Medford Martin J A, $1755, Central Point Martin J G, $2000, Prospect Martin J J, $200, Buncom Martin J M, $2832, Medford Martin J P, $3600, Central Point Martin J & G, $360, Rogue River Martin Luretta, $500, Prospect Martin Mary H, $900, Phoenix Martin Mary R, $4065, Medford Martin Nellie, $3200, Medford Martin T J Est, $5980, Asbestos Martin Walter, $350, Medford Martin Wm G, $225, Medford Martin W J, $160, Medford Marting J E, $25, Gold Hill Martzloff Henry, $600, Jacksonville Marvin A J, $480, Ruch Marvin L C, $2000, Meadows Mashburn J M, $5975, Ashland Mashburn J M & Son, $3500, Ashland Mashburn J R, $1450, Ashland Masher C E, $600, Lake Creek Mason Fred D, $3000, Ashland Mason J C, $125, Talent Mason J J, $4185, Medford Mason W L, $150, Talent Mason W T, $1530, Talent Mass Clyde J, $800, Talent Massam Genevieve, $125, Eagle Point Mast J M, $7871, Phoenix Masten Henry, $1600, Ashland Masterson Belinda, $550, Gold Hill Mastier Mrs A, $270, Ashland Mateer George O, $500, Prospect Mathes Christine, $3550, Ashland Mathes Geo, $2015, Ashland Mathes G W, $1640, Ashland Mathes H G, $7160, Ashland Mathes H G et ux, $3050, Ashland Mathes H G & K C, $2050, Ashland Mathes Mary W, $2705, Medford Mathes Samuel, $2175, Rogue River Mathes Wm M, $1200, Climax Mathes & Bagley, $2280, Rogue River Mathews D B Est, $13,800, Eagle Point Mathews Grant, $3515, Eagle Point Mathews Grant W, $345, Gold Hill Mathews G B, $6729, Eagle Point Mathews G & A, $815, Rogue River Mathews S P, $970, Butte Falls Matlock W T, $1790, Medford Matney G W, $405, Murphy Matney J N, $1825, Applegate Matney Wm, $260, Ruch Mattern Fredk, $5250, Ashland Matteson W H, $1835, Talent Matthew S P, $155, Butte Falls Matthew W H, $100, Butte Falls Matthews Alexander, $1600, Buncom Matthews Fleming J, $1000, Eagle Point Matthews J C, $1915, Prospect Matthiew R A, $2380, Medford Mattingly Elmira E, $3075, Ashland Mattingly Theo, $45, Jacksonville Mattis Albert W, $1575, Draper Maule Mrs E, $4130, Medford Maule Milton, $6075, Medford Maultby Henry, $485, Medford Maultby W H, $2480, Medford Maupin Eliza M, $325, Ashland Maury H C, $11,340, Central Point Maxedon J R, $2120, Ashland Maxey Investment Co, $1200, Prospect Maxey Zack, $2400, Butte Falls Maxwell F L, $5400, Medford May F E & J C, $500, Medford May John, $140, Central Point May P L, $2075, Ashland May Rose, $1145, Jacksonville May W H, $1875, Rogue River Mayer Joseph, $10,080, Biutcte Falls Mayfield F, $2605, Beagle Mayfield Joseph, $1600, Beagle Mayfield Wm, $95, Central Point Mayfield W G, $3370, Central Point Mayfield & Williams, $1700, Central Point Meade H V, $2600, Medford Meader H F, $1630, Medford Meadows B W, $270, Medford Meadows M L, $2650, Medford Meadows S J T, $970, Medford Meads E F, $700, Medford Meal Homer, $780, Talent Mealey Wm P, $7265, Medford Mears Sara B, $1215, Medford Mears S M, $12,730, Central Point Mechem H C, $1120, Ashland Medford Book Store, $7360, Medford Medford Brewing Co, $7800, Medford Medford Builders Supply Co, $3200, Medford Medford Building Co, $16,650, Medford Medford Concrete Constr Co, $5780, Medford Medford Domestic Laundry Co, $3000, Medford Medford Furniture Co, $20,000, Medford Medford General Delivery Co, $800, Medford Medford Grocery Co, $15,357, Medford Medford Hardware Co, $12,000, Medford Medford Harness Co, $2500, Medford Medford Ice & Storage Co, $20,420, Medford Medford Implement Co, $4000, Medford Medford Investment Co, $39,220, Medford Medford Lumber Co, $9325, Medford Medford Natl Bank, $100,000, Medford Medford Orchard Co, $3600, Eagle Point Medford Pear & Apple Co, $24,000, Climax Medford Pharmacy, $4500, Medford Medford Printing Co, $15,000, Medford Medford Realty & Improvement Co, $8750, Medford Medford Sash & Door Co, $5415, Medford Medford School Dist 49, $1392, Medford Medford Sun, $3000, Medford Medley Joseph G, $2195, Medford Medley J G & R T King, $500, Medford Medley Wm A, $5205, Medford Medley W A & R L, $380, Medford Medynski Ella, $7520, Medford Medynski F V, $1725, Butte Falls Mee Anderson, $2758, Applegate Mee Bros, $1755, Provolt Mee Drusilla, $4000, Applegate Mee Mrs Frank, $740, Ashland Mee Jennie, $2390, Ashland Mee J W, $1700, Applegate Mee Lucy O, $895, Gold Hill Mee Mary A, $7930, Central Point Mee W D, $1760, Applegate Mee W L, $450, Gold Hill Meeds Mrs E E, $600, Climax Meegan Wm, $2000, Rogue River Meehan J B, $200, Medford Meeker Clara J, $255, Medford Meeker Clarence A, $305, Medford Meeker C A & C J, $440, Medford Meeker C J, $1350, Medford Meeker James, $3000, Central Point Meeker L J, $320, Medford Meeker Minnie R, $1180, Medford Meeker M J, $1120, Medford Meeker W H & C A, $2960, Medford Meeker W H & Co, $6500, Medford Mehan J B, $140, Medford Mehl Frank J, $1040, Medford Meier Karl, $100, Medford Meikle J F, $1865, Ashland Meikle J F et al, $4570, Ashland Meikle Mary & James F, $9850, Ashland Meikle & Payne, $800, Ashland Meissner Maple, $250, Medford Melhose Al, $200, Applegate Mellinger A Claudine, $510, Ashland Melquist Mary, $120, Talent Menges A F & Geo F Lewis, $1800, Ashland Mengoz Francis, $1000, Butte Falls Mensor Mrs M, $924, Jacksonville Merchants' Savings & Trust Co, $1775, Ashland Merley Josiah, $3270, Ashland Merley Sarah J, $1540, Ashland Merrick Agnes E, $960, Rogue River Merrick C, $1500, Medford Merrick F E, $36,620, Medford Merrick F E (Trustee), $475, Medford Merrick Stella J, $7115, Medford Merrick & Holmes, $7110, Talent Merrifield H, $550, Ashland Merrifield U S, $1350, Ashland Merrill E T, $14,250, Butte Falls Merrill Fred, $2100, Rogue River Merrill M V, $100, Medford Merrill T E, $1206, Medford Merrill W E, $2050, Medford Merriman G F, $650, Medford Merriman Isaac A, $13,335, Central Point Merriman Mary A, $250, Medford Merriman Mary E, $2645, Medford Merriman Nellie, $270, Central Point Merriman T T, $25, Central Point Merritt A, $400, Gold Hill Merritt Mrs J E, $556, Central Point Merritt J W, $30,404, Central Point Merritt & Co, $6900, Gold Hill Merrivold Shop, $3000, Medford Messal Wm, $800, Meadows Messal W G, $1710, Brownsboro Messenger H, $2072, Provolt Messinger H C, $3449, Central Point Messler James S, $2000, Rogue River Messler S A, $1600, Rock Point Messler & Kenworthy, $600, Medford Messner James, $660, Central Point Messner R C, $520, Gold Hill Messner W A, $1250, Medford Metcalf Russell, $2570, Ashland Metcalf W B, $880, Medford ME Church, $3320, Ashland ME Church Trustees, $725, Central Point ME Church South, $4490, Medford Metz & Philbrook, $1410, Medford Meyer A & Son, $4046, Lake Creek Meyer A W, $800, Climax Meyer Geo H, $76, Medford Meyer H G, $5499, Brownsboro Meyer Wendolin, $5105, Medford Meyers J W, $3100, Central Point Meyers Milton L, $1600, Ashland Michala Gertrude, $25, Butte Falls Michel & Payne, $600, Ashland Michels L A, $2485, Ashland Mickelson Victoria, $4145, Ashland Mickelson V C & E C, $3100, Ashland Mickey Caroline L, $3780, Medford Mickey M C, $380, Medford Middlebusher C A, $50, Trail Middlebusher M E, $1062, Trail Miksch L, $1250, Ashland Miksche Leo J, $13,929, Medford Miksche & Schmitt, $6250, Medford Milam Geo N&Mary R, $1580, Ashland Milam G W, $7035, Ashland Milan Geo, $2815, Sams Valley Miles Claude, $850, Medford Miles H W, $2530, Central Point Miles Jessie W, $1600, Medford Miles Julia, $27,880, Medford Miles Ruth W, $1500, Lake Creek Miles S C, $2400, Lake Creek Miles T W, $10,980, Medford Millar Geo H, $1020, Medford Millard H, $460, Medford Miller Mrs Alice, $420, Central Point Miller Anna, $310, Medford Miller Annie, $8365, Sams Valley Miller Arthur M, $2900, Ashland Miller A H, $700, Medford Miller Bessie M, $2400, Talent Miller C A, $500, Ashland Miller C L, $3920, Ashland Miller Daniel Est, $400, Jacksonville Miller D H, $11,574, Gold Hill Miller Edw, $100, Talent Miller Eliz A, $11,550, Jacksonville Miller Elmira, $3745, Medford Miller Etta M, $80, Ashland Miller E E, $680, Ashland Miller E E & L M, $2300, Ashland Miller E G, $1385, Central Point Miller E L, $950, Medford Miller E M, $1575, Ashland Miller Forrest, $4075, Medford Miller Frank, $150, Eagle Point Miller F E, $390, Central Point Miller Geo M, $200, Talent Miller Gus, $3075, Medford Miller H B, $1280, Rogue River Miller Isom, $1600, Ashland Miller Jasper N, $35, Dudley Miller John F, $250, Jacksonville Miller Joseph, $300, Jacksonville Miller Judd V, $260, Ashland Miller Julius, $230, Ashland Miller J A, $1975, Lake Creek Miller J C & C E, $650, Ashland Miller J F, $1010, Phoenix Miller J S, $565, Ashland Milelr J T, $465, Medford Miller J T, $120, Rock Point Miller J W, $50, Ashland Miller J W, $5155, Phoenix Miller J W, $547, Trail Miller L C, $2400, Lake Creek Miller Mrs Mary, $7523, Jacksonville Miller Mrs Mary K, $4100, Medford Miller M C, $1800, Ashland Miller M H, $424, Medford Miller Mrs M J, $3820, Medford Miller Nancy, $1225, Ashland Miller N C, $1800, Climax Miller O W, $50, Rogue River Miller Robert, $400, Jacksonville Miller W G, $11,220, Central Point Miller W H, $120, Gold Hill Miller W L, $6150, Medford Millet F B, $2400, Prospect Million Archie, $1610, Ashland Million A et ux, $1200, Ashland Million C C, $250, Ashland Million Mrs C C, $425, Ashland Million C L, $114, Ashland Million Ella, $330, Ashland Million J T & K, $16,730, Ashland Million W B, $970, Ashland Mills A L (Trustee), $800, Climax Mills Mrs A N, $80, Butte Falls Mills Charles E, $1000, Rogue River Mills C F, $2400, Ashland Mills D R, $6540, Ashland Mills D R & Sarah E, $8090, Ashland Mills Ella B, $2830, Ashland Mills E B, $14,975, Ashland Mills E J, $1510, Brownsboro Millis Harry D, $290, Butte Falls Mills J W, $2650, Ashland Mills Thos E, $150, Medford Milnes Wm, $880, Medford Milton Albert J, $575, Rogue River Milton Jas, $400, Rogue River Milton Joel, $1685, Rogue River Milton Wm, $70, Rogue River Milton W H, $440, Rogue River Minear Mrs L B, $21,398, Medford Minear M I, $26,915, Medford Miner Alida R, $7075, Medford Miner Alida R et al, $100, Medford Miner E E, $1610, Medford Mingus Lavina, $4485, Ashland Minkler D L, $4900, Ashland Minkler D L & C R, $10,000, Ashland Minkler Emma A, $4750, Ashland Minkler R A, $9100, Ashland Minnick Edmund E, $160, Central Point Minnick Edward, $400, Central Point Minnick I C, $500, Provolt Minnick M J, $1020, Central Point Minnick S C, $15,370, Central Point Minor W T, $785, Ashland Minter R R, $14,779, Eagle Point Minthurn Harriett, $1108, Rogue River Minto Douglas, $1600, Ashland Mintonye O A, $4950, Medford Mishler Lewis, $2010, Medford Mission Restaurant, $500, Medford Mitchell Carrie M, $1020, Ashland Mitchell Della & Orpha, $400, Asbestos Mitchell Horace P, $1295, Ashland Mitchell H M, $300, Ashland Mitchell John R, $200, Gold Hill Mitchell Lee, $310, Meadows Mitchell Martha J, $1520, Ashland Mitchell Nick, $925, Jacksonville Mitchell S S, $1370, Ashland Mitchell Wm, $400, Beagle Mitchell W C, $1650, Ashland Mitchell & Boeck, $1300, Medford Mitchell & Whittle, $6000, Ashland Mix F B, $3000, Ashland Mixture Frank, $6450, Provolt Model Clothing Co, $9500, Medford Modern Woodmen of America, $135, Rogue River Moenkhouse Eliz, $690, Medford Moffet E C, $1100, Ashland Moffet R L, $5255, Ashland Moffett W A, $2615, Medford Mohr Emil, $11,565, Medford Mohr T C, $80, Rogue River Moll Matt, $1800, Butte Falls Moll Wm, $1000, Ashland Monson Otto, $2000, Rogue River Montgomery Donald, $1600, Prospect Moody A A, $7645, Talent Moody Catharine, $1620, Ashland Moomaw Jacob P, $560, Eagle Point Moomaw J P Jr, $1290, Eagle Point Moon A S Est, $688, Sams Valley Moon A W, $2477, Central Point Moon C W, $935, Ashland Moon Lumber Co, $1750, Central Point Moon Mrs Netta, $95, Gold Hill Moon Newman, $2225, Asbestos Mooney W E, $6670, Prospect Moor Dudley, $700, Medford Moor Dudley Trustee, $1000, Medford Moor-Ehni Co, $50, Medford Moore Albert, $1970, Ashland Moore Anna H, $1850, Ashland Moore Annie, $1700, Ashland Moore Arthur, $2700, Prospect Moore A, $2750, Phoenix Moore A E, $2700, Medford Moore B O, $2570, Prospect Moore C, $1080, Medford Moore C E, $620, Persist Moore C L, $2000, Meadows Moore C R, $1946, Lake Creek Moore E L, $800, Central Point Moore E V, $565, Medford Moore Frank, $1500, Ashland Moore Frank W & Edith N, $4710, Ashland Moore F J, $905, Central Point Moore F W & E N, $9425, Ashland Moore G E F, $4425, Beagle Moore G S, $1100, Central Point Moore I C, $245, Trail Moore I C & E, $1150, Ashland Moore Jacob, $1684, Rogue River Moore Jane, $610, Gold Hill Moore Jerusha M, $725, Rogue River Moore John, $25, Dudley Moore J K, $2535, Gold Hill Moore Lillian, $10,400, Medford Moore Lillian S, $1850, Medford Moore L W, $2170, Ashland Moore Minnie K, $1600, Prospect Moore Mrs Nettie, $620, Gold Hill Moore Mrs Rebecca, $1090, Central Point Moore R H, $180, Gold Hill Moore Sarah S, $1925, Medford Moore S H, $1240, Rogue River Moore W C, $2555, Central Point Moore W D, $330, Rogue River Moore W E, $3320, Prospect Moore W H, $5870, Medford Moore W V, $2315, Medford Moore W W, $437, Ashland Moorehouse Sherman, $13,675, Ashland Mooter Ethel S, $390, Medford Mordoff M G, $4560, Medford Mordoff & Woolf, $2925, Medford Moreing & Fitzpatrick, $6800, Medford Morelock J B, $100, Gold Hill Morelock J B & M J, $715, Gold Hill Morey John A, $2000, Medford Morey Lillian, $700, Medford Morgan Chas, $1817, Persist Morgan Elizabeth, $720, Phoenix Morgan Ellsworth A, $1600, Buncom Morgan Geo B, $1600, Buncom Morgan Henry, $1715, Prospect Morgan H M, $160, Prospect Morgan James W, $1600, Buncom Morgan J C, $1940, Medford Morgan J M, $1595, Ashland Morgan M E, $860, Medford Morgan O T, $2600, Phoenix Morgan W H, $97, Persist Morgan W L, $250, Ashland Morgan W P, $622, Prospect Mori T & J Kamikawa, $1600, Talent Morine C E, $1660, Prospect Morine G W, $400, Lake Creek Morine J C, $1600, Prospect Morine S F, $2000, Prospect Morrell W E, $150, Medford Morrill D B, $2000, Rogue River Morrill J F, $4050, Gold Hill Morrill J H, $16,336, Sams Valley Morrill L E, $2000, Rogue River Morris B Wisler, $1615, Ashland Morris E M, $4470, Ashland Morris G C, $210, Ashland Morris Ida M, $725, Medford Morris John, $1935, Talent Morris J, $8505, Ashland Morris J W, $115, Gold Hill Morris Myron J, $4358, Talent Morris Mrs M E, $1250, Central Point Morris R Grace, $2650, Ashland Morris Thos A, $802, Ashland Morris U S, $25, Butte Falls Morris Wm, $50, Rock Point Morris Wm & Wife, $230, Rock Point Morrison E E, $4675, Medford Morrison E E & J M Lofland, $7250, Medford Morrison Finley, Wm J Morrison & D C Pelton, $7200, Ashland Morrison H E, $1335, Medford Morrison J R, $1550, Medford Morrison Mary L, $775, Medford Morrison O J, $2000, Medford Morrison Roselma A, $2950, Medford Morrison Wm, $67, Applegate Morrison Wm E, $2400, Prospect Morrison L W, $3000, Medford Morse B F, $30, Butte Falls Morse E B, $2570, Phoenix Morse E H, $265, Medford Morse G A, $69,525, Talent Morse J H, $4595, Ashland Morse Realty Co, $35,660, Talent Morton James, $3845, Phoenix Morton Joshua J, $2320, Ashland Morton S E, $1540, Rogue River Moss C J, $1600, Talent Moss Thos, $466, Jacksonville Mt Pitt Orchard Co, $10,600, Eagle Point Mow Ben, $1450, Ashland Mow Mrs B E, $1255, Ashland Mow John, $1330, Ashland Mow J S, $1530, Ashland Moxey Wm, $5690, Rogue River Moxley Annie M, $1400, Talent Muir D, $2987, Medford Mulder J R et al, $285, Medford Mulholland Lizzie, $500, Rogue River Mulit L L, $3970, Ashland Mulit L L & Gertrude, $2260, Ashland Mulkey B F, $1845, Medford Mulkey B F & C H Hoxie, $200, Rock Point Muller Louise, $3425, Medford Mullerly J C, $2000, Prospect Mulloy P H, $1200, Talent Mulvey A J, $2000, Rogue River Mulvyhill S, $600, Buncom Munach J D, $3060, Gold Hill Muncey Walter & Wm H, $1000, Medford Mundy W J, $2500, Medford Munro G W, $2000, Rogue River Murdock C F, $360, Medford Murphy E E, $3180, Ashland Murphy Esther A, $278, Central Point Murphy J C, $1210, Medford Murphy J J, $2400, Ashland Murphy J L, $1600, Eagle Point Murphy O M, $2895, Medford Murphy O W, $1325, Medford Murphy Sam, $815, Talent Murphy Will, $750, Medford Murphy W C, $800, Medford Murphy W C & T E Daniels, $3650, Jacksonville Murray J A, $200, Rogue River Murray J B, $180, Prospect Murray Maurice C, $1411, Medford Murray Millie, $2400, Butte Falls Murray M, $425, Medford Murray M M, $7980, Ashland Murray M & S, $2560, Central Point Murray R E, $458, Central Point Murray Sarah Est, $750, Ashland Murray S H, $850, Central Point Murray T B, $180, Prospect Murray T K, $321, Medford Murrey C H, $880, Medford Murrey C H & R E, $1497, Medford Murrey Katharine A, $740, Medford Musty E A, $400, Meadows Musty Mrs E A, $140, Central Point Musty F X, $3570, Central Point Muth Adam, $212, Medford Myer C R, $3300, Ashland Myer Wm, $5025, Ashland Myers A W, $480, Medford Myers C A, $3100, Medford Myers D W, $785, Brownsboro Myers Julia A, $730, Rogue River Myers J J, $450, Ashland Myers J J & E E, $1090, Ashland Myers J P, $400, Central Point Myers O V, $9449, Medford Myers P H, $360, Gold Hill Myers Wm G, $4150, Gold Hill N&M Home Laundry, $580, Ashland Nagle Owen S, $4160, Medford Nagle O D, $1600, Ashland Nahbauer John, $1600, Rock Point Nalley Anna C & P K, $3460, Medford Nalley P K, $40, Dudley Narregan F A, $1000, Eagle Point Narregan L C, $3065, Medford Narregan N L, $16,045, Eagle Point Nash Grill, $1400, Medford Nash Hotel Co, $4350, Medford Nash Jessie, $1200, Rogue River Nash J T C, $66,400, Medford Nash Livery Stables, $2900, Medford Natatorium Amusement Co, $20,340, Medford Natwick C H, $1710, Prospect Naylor Alta, $2850, Medford Naylor Minerva, $2460, Medford Naylor Otto & G, $2625, Medford Neal E T, $5480, Central Point Neal Homer, $230, Talent Neale Geo L, $370, Central Point Nealon Harry, $1550, Sams Valley Nealon Marion, $300, Central Point Nealon May B, $60, Central Point Nealon Rose L, $20, Central Point Nealon R E, $185, Central Point Nealon S M, $10,315, Sams Valley Nealy W M, $500, Medford Neathamer D E, $6090, Rogue River Neathamer James, $760, Rogue River Neathamer Jesse, $11,270, Rogue River Neathamer Joshua, $8540, Rogue River Needham E B, $1600, Lake Creek Neeman John & W D Yant, $1580, Medford Neff Porter J, $19,905, Medford Neff T J, $840, Central Point Neil Amanda T, $1010, Ashland Neil Beulah J, $800, Eagle Point Neil E T, $275, Central Point Neil Frank R, $3540, Eagle Point Neil Fred R, $1120, Ashland Neil James R, $2075, Jacksonville Neil J F, $1600, Buncom Neil J R, $1950, Medford Neil L A, $5095, Ashland Neil R, $1859, Ashland Neil R P & F R, $4000, Ashland Neil Susanah T, $1625, Ashland Neill R A, 0362, Brownsboro Neill Robert A, $700, Lake Creek Nellis Wm M, $7309, Trail Nelson Annie, $350, Medford Nelson C C, $6500, Talent Nelson Frank, $1625, Ashland Nelson Frank & Lena, $360, Ashland Nelson Frank L, $1035, Ashland Nelson F F, $1115, Ashland Nelson F L, $635, Ashland Nelson John A, $8540, Ashland Nelson L A, $2335, Sterling Nelson Mrs Maimie; $525, Jacksonville Nelson Mamie Dox, $75, Jacksonville Nelson Dr Mark O, $8710, Phoenix Nelson N, $3685, Jacksonville Nelson Wm, $1000, Ashland Ness J E & M J, $1720, Ashland Nesson Lydia, $2000, Rogue River Netherland Frank D, $4349, Butte Falls Nettelblad A E, $1600, Rock Point Neuber G E, $2000, Jacksonville Neuber Mrs G E, $200, Jacksonville Neustadt Genevieve, $6810, Medford Neville Henry J, $1750, Ashland New Process Mining Co, $500, Gold Hill Newbury Gus, $6315, Medford Newbury & Cantrall, $1145, Applegate Newcombe W E, $980, Ashland Newell M V, $800, Eagle Point Newhall Adabelle Story, $11,582, Central Point Newman F J, $4370, Medford Newman T A, $40, Central Point Newman Mrs T A, $1475, Central Point Newman T J, $6000, Medford Newstrom C A, $1175, Lake Creek Newstrom John, $950, Eagle Point Newton Eva M, $95, Gold Hill Newton Nora, $80, Gold Hill Nichols Art, $4225, Brownsboro Nichols Mrs D S, $1919, Eagle Point Nichols Eolah, $3065, Medford Nichols E F, $1235, Central Point Nichols F A, $525, Ashland Nichols Geo Jr, $2770, Lake Creek Nichols Geo A, $120, Central Point Nichols Geo H, $3200, Sams Valley Nichols Geo W et al, $23,840, Medford Nichols Gus, $14,370, Eagle Point Nichols G W, $9788, Medford Nichols Jane A, $440, Central Point Nichols J E, $2710, Tolo Nichols J F, $1800, Central Point Nichols J M, $7307, Eagle Point Nichols Laura, $3650, Ashland Nichols Mrs Laura B, $10,170, Ashland Nichols Mrs O E, $1350, Eagle Point Nichols R W, $530, Central Point Nichols Sid M, $1260, Jacksonville Nichols Thos E, $25,725, Eagle Point Nichols & Ashpole, $3610, Medford Nichols & Jack, $6900, Eagle Point Nichols & Nottsinger, $3900, Ashland Nicholson A L, $1050, Medford Nicholson Hdwre Co, $11,400, Medford Nicholson H G, $2630, Medford Nickell Belle, $26,075, Medford Nickell Bessie, $400, Talent Nickell Chas, $340, Jacksonville Nickelson W B, $400, Medford Nickerson W W, $150, Medford Nickles Chas, $265, Medford Niedermeyer L, $97,585, Medford Niemeyer August, $7265, Medford Nigro F V, $1600, Lake Creek Nikolson Mary A, $2570, Medford Niles C E, $200, Medford Nims C W & Mary, $8982, Ashland Nims & Saunders, $8720, Ashland Nininger Amos, $2000, Sams Valley Nininger A C, $1840, Ashland Nininger Chas, $930, Ashland Nininger C E, $13,722, Sams Valley Noble Ella T, $1800, Ashland Noble E N, $270, Medford Noble H, $500, Meadows Noble Margaret F, $910, Medford Noe L S, $1750, Gold Hill Nooling John, $600, Jacksonville Noonon T J, $65, Central Point Norbury Benson, $25, Central Point Norcross Noah, $590, Rogue River Norcross W H, $19,980, Central Point Norling John, $170, Jacksonville Norman J F, $780, Talent Norman Wm, $725, Talent Norris A J, $280, Talent Norris F C, $70, Gold Hill Norris Ida May, $200, Medford Norris Mrs Martha L, $1820, Jacksonville Norris Nettie B, $1080, Butte Falls Norris W E, $1000, Medford North Coast Lumber Co, $4800, Provolt North H A, $4000, Rogue River Northern Coast Co-Operative Lumber Co, $7200, Ashland Northrup R W, $3541, Medford Nortridge W M, $3940, Ashland Norwood J S, $380, Central Point Nossman W H, $100, Central Point Nowells Cordelia, $815, Gold Hill Noyes B B, $11,955, Talent Noyes W S, $9305, Oakland Nunan J, $13,300, Jacksonville Nunan Taylor Co, $8000, Jacksonville Nunn W W, $700, Medford Nussbaum Mrs Minnie, $1225, Lake Creek Nuttall Lizzie, $150, Medford Nyby Manried, $330, Ashland Nye Mrs A, $1320, Prospect Nye Mrs C V, $100, Prospect Nye E A, $800, Prospect Nye H B, $585, Gold Hill Nye J E, $2000, Rogue River Nye Nelson, $1660, Prospect Nye S A, $11,608, Medford Nygren Gust, $3922, Lake Creek Nygren Hilda, $876, Lake Creek Nyswaner Real, $500, Phoenix Oakdale Investment Co, $44,050, Medford Oatman E R, $7070, Medford Oatman F B, $90, Talent Obenchain Carrie, $495, Central Point Obenchain Chas, $2425, Butte Falls Obenchain Mrs G, $260, Central Point Obenchain G E, $1975, Central Point Obenchain John A, $2577, Butte Falls Obenchain Nancy, $1890, Central Point Oberg Erick, $1600, Applegate O'Brian S C, $240, Medford O'Brien Annie, $420, Medford O'Brien Jack, $300, Medford O'Brien J A, $6477, Ruch O'Brien R E, $240, Medford Ockerman Omar, $260, Medford O'Connell James, $54,400, Prospect Odell E J, $2570, Central Point Oden A V, $100, Rogue River Oden Buddie, $890, Rogue River Oden B M, $320, Rogue River Oden Emeline & Sons, $1080, Rogue River Oden H, $650, Rogue River Oden John, $200, Rogue River Oden L L, $2160, Rogue River Oden O C, $1110, Rogue River Oden R R, $1400, Rogue River Oden Thos, $325, Rogue River Oden V S, $200, Rogue River Oden W H, $1223, Rogue River O'Donoughue W, $1755, Ashland Offenbacker Bros, $9724, Applegate Offenbacher F, $50, Applegate Offutt Fred E T, $230, Medford Offutt J Rex, $212, Medford Offutt J S, $1069, Medford Offutt W N, $212, Medford Ogara P J, $450, Medford Ogg Geo G, $3325, Ashland Ogg Minnie J, $15,575, Ashland Oglesby Clarinda, $1110, Gold Hill O'Hair E B, $520, Rogue River O'Hara Wm, $2130, Medford O'Harra T J, $8365, Central Point Oien S C, $3295, Ashland Old Mill & Ditch Co, $1700, Rogue River Oldson & Bergquest, $4435, Eagle Point Oleson C J, $3700, Ashland Oliver H K, $98, Talent Oliver Louis, $515, Central Point Oliver Shannon E, $592, Trail Oliver S P Est, $900, Prospect Olmstead Edwin M, $2145, Ashland Olmstead Hinda, $1220, Medford Olmstead John E, $800, Medford Olmstead & Hibbard, $2000, Medford Olsen A J, $2675, Gold Hill Olsen C B, $8850, Asbestos Olsen Wm, $2000, Prospect Olsen Wm & Ole Hood, $1500, Prospect Olson Anton, $450, Sams Valley Olson A, $450, Meadows Olson Caroline S, $1600, Ashland Olson Chas, $1400, Medford Olson C J, $3810, Ashland Olson E V, $750, Eagle Point Olson Oscar, $1600, Prospect Olson T A, $2340, Medford Olsson Adolph, $25, Prospect Olsson Paulus, $3270, Central Point Olsson T A, $400, Prospect Olwell J, $5480, Medford Olwell J D, $1625, Medford Oman E E, $2090, Jacksonville Ommel R J, $1635, Prospect O'Neil F D, $160, Ashland O'Neil Mary, $3400, Ashland O'Neil Mary E, $12,098, Medford Onings G W, $1130, Eagle Point Opp G G, $2590, Ashland Ord Alonzo, $845, Talent Oregon Camp WOW, $780, Phoenix Oregon Gold Hill Mining Co, $5000, Gold Hill Oregon Granite Co, $6520, Medford Oregon Hotel, $16,000, Ashland Oregon Rooming House, $250, Medford Oregon Water & Power Co, $4515, Central Point O&C Land Co, $22,845, Medford O&CRR Co, $5735, Medford O&C Stage Co, $540, Jacksonville Orr A E, $2000, Prospect Orr Chas & Grace, $1800, Central Point Orr Charles A, $1950, Central Point Orr Edith, $17,680, Medford Orr Edith A, $1270, Medford Orr Grace, $1403, Central Point Orr Jean, $830, Ashland Orr Julia L, $1220, Phoenix Orr Mary B, $4290, Medford Orr M L, $2335, Medford Orr W L, $475, Medford Orth D, $1040, Medford Orth John, $1600, Medford Orth John S, $9725; Medford Orton S O, $13,268, Eagle Point Osborn E T, $155, Ashland Osborn Harriett N, $6125, Medford Osborne John & Wife, $2397, Medford Osburn A W, $560, Talent Osenbrugge C L, $1815, Medford Osenbrugge Fred, $27,637, Medford Osenbrugge J J, $300, Medford Osenbrugge Mrs M J, $750, Prospect Osgood T W, $250, Medford Osgood & Cummings, $900, Medford Oslin S J, $920, Ashland Oster Thomas, $595, Ashland Osterdahl C J, $175, Phoenix Oswald Charles, $922, Climax Ottinger Jason C, $2510, Medford Otto Albert H, $500, Ashland Overdorf J A, $450, Medford Overholzer Louis, $940, Talent Overman M R, $1000, Rogue River Oviatt P H, $400, Asbestos Oviatt P H et al, $400, Meadows Owen Arestia C, $570, Ashland Owen Camilla, $1600, Ashland Owen Chas, $3460, Rogue River Owen C E & P M Smith, $3110, Eagle Point Owen D A, $107, Dudley Owen George W, $7672, Ashland Owen John, $1230, Rogue River Owen John S, $4692, Climax Owen W C, $1010, Central Point Owens Mrs Anna, $1750, Eagle Point Owens Arthur G, $1600, Talent Owens Chas, $655, Rogue River Owens George, $2780, Climax Owens Geo S, $811, Wellen Owens James, $16,038, Rogue River Owens John, $2200, Rogue River Owens John S, $915, Wellen Owens Mrs J A, $982, Central Point Owens Mary E, $1670, Cetnral Point Owens Thos, $355, Rogue River Owens Wm, $1760, Climax Owings G P, $225, Rogue River Owings G W, $1250, Eagle Point Owings James, $340, Gold Hill Owings P H, $160, Rogue River Owings Wm, $1030, Medford Owings W F, $95, Rogue River Oxley W R, $125, Gold Hill Pac Am Gold Mining Co, $800, Rock Point Pacific Motor Supply Co, $2500, Medford Pacific Timber & Lumber Co, $3000, Rogue River Pacific & Eastern Railway, $22,932, Medford Packard Abner, $1850, Medford Packard J Warren, $1400, Medford Packard Lou E, $2180, Brownsboro Packard Wm, $175, Talent Packard Wm & Sons, $2781, Talent Padgett J S, $1300, Ashland Page Addis, $845, Ashland Page C C, $100, Ashland Page Frederick, $19,950, Medford Page F C, $169,170, Medford Page F C Orchards, $1160, Medford Page & Son, $800, Ashland Painter C S, $980, Eagle Point Painter John, $1400, Central Point Palethorpe Mabel, $1150, Ashland Paley Georgiana, $2700, Ashland Palm Collie, $14,540, Medford Palm C W, $55,439, Medford Palm C W et al, $2091, Medford Palm C W & W I Vawter, $11,965, Medford Palm C W & L Niedermeyer, $37,240, Medford Palm Hargrave & Orth, $200, Medford Palm Hutchison & Lumsden, $4340, Medford Palm Mrs Jessie M, $1600, Prospect Palm Rooming House, $720, Medford Palm & Brown, $1020, Medford Palmer B J, $525, Medford Palmer David H, $16,860, Medford Palmer Eliza L, $17,580, Medford Palmer Emmett S, $20,545, Central Point Palmer F A, $240, Central Point Palmer Honore, $86,670, Central Point Palmer Investment Co, $570, Medford Palmer John V, $3900, Medford Palmer J B, $50, Gold Hill Palmer J F, $760, Medford Palmer J V & D H, $8600, Medford Palmer L G, $100, Butte Falls Palmer Mattie E, $1600, Talent Palmer Wm, $1200, Butte Falls Palmer & Palmer, $1220, Rogue River Pankey C A, $1267, Central Point Pankey H G, $130, Central Point Pankey H T, $1980, Gold Hill Pankey J A, $3340, Sams Valley Pankey J D, $350, Central Point Pankey L, $110, Gold Hill Pankey Mary H, $600, Central Point Pankey O R, $655, Central Point Pankey Thos, $3360, Sams Valley Panton A C, $1200, Prospect Pantorium Dye Wks, $610, Medford Parish W L, $2700, Ashland Parker Anna M, $3535, Medford Parker A E, $1600, Prospect Parker C H H, $4080, Medford Parker C M, $2125, Medford Parker C T, $740, Medford Parker Frank, $1595, Central Point Parker J A, $2650, Ashland Parker J D, $1278, Central Point Parker Laura K, $550, Medford Parker Louise R, $10,985, Medford Parker M S, $1430, Ashland Parker Mrs R L, $4870, Butte Falls Parker Thos, $1650, Central Point Parker W, $2000, Prospect Parker W W, $4752, Butte Falls Parks Hollis, $3564, Buncom Parks Joseph, $300, Phoenix Parmateer Anna E, $4080, Ashland Parmateer H A, $375, Ashland Parr Roy, $210, Ashland Parslow M M, $5100, Ashland Parson Olive Belle, $3980, Ashland Parsons Clarence, $2400, Lake Creek Parsons H L, $1500, Rogue River Parsons M A, $475, Medford Parton T J, $19,613, Eagle Point Pate John, $880, Gold Hill Patrick Elmer, $1450, Ashland Patrick Geo H, $945, Gold Hill Patrick Mrs M E, $900, Gold Hill Patrick R R, $50, Rogue River Patrick W A, $3630, Ashland Patten S F, $300, Rogue River Patterson Clarence, $600, Ashland Patterson Henry B, $2115, Medford Patterson Joshua, $19,962, Talent Patterson Land Co, $20,525, Talent Patterson Lillie, $1775, Medford Patterson Sylvester, $174, Talent Patterson S E, $1990, Ashland Patterson Mrs S E, $2515, Ashland Patterson Wm & Annie, $3275, Ashland Pattison S A, $1401, Central Point Pattison W F & J T Bermingham, $1000, Rogue River Patton C A, $1950, Ashland Patton J I, $1930, Butte Falls Patton N F, $3735, Ashland Pattullo D A, $3000, Buncom Patty John F, $3610, Ashland Patty Rosa E, $360, Ashland Paul C C, $5845, Medford Pauley Wm, $700, Gold Hill Paulson P W, $16,435, Ashland Paxson Robt H, $9270, Central Point Payne Clyde A, $16,505, Ashland Payne C T Jr, $11,035, Phoenix Payne Elizabeth, $1085, Ashland Payne E C, $4730, Ashland Payne E C & L E, $3575, Ashland Payne Jason L, $5600; Ashland Payne Lucy & L E, $6845, Ashland Payne Lucy E, $2190, Ashland Payne M H, $6572, Prospect Payne R A & Clara E, $1915, Ashland Payne Theo, $400, Provolt Payne V, $1700, Ashland Payne Wm, $1740, Asbestos Peachy A H, $2940, Eagle Point Pearce D J & Son, $1744, Jacksonville Pearce Mrs F J C, $300, Gold Hill Pearce J D, $122, Trail Pearson W A, $277, Siskiyou Peart B C, $1710, Central Point Peart B F, $2160, Central Point Peart Mrs L I, $1650, Central Point Peart Mrs L R, $50, Central Point Pease Geo H, $11,460, Rogue River Pease Hattie M, $2000, Rogue River Pech G A, $420, Lake Creek Pech Henry, $5620, Central Point Pech R A, $1638, Lake Creek Peck Cecelia, $400, Ashland Peck E R, $1425, Medford Peck George, $7100, Medford Peck Geo B, $255, Medford Peck Henry, $3350, Medford Peck Maggie, $1160, Climax Peck M, $430, Phoenix Peck W E, $1200, Central Point Pedicord T J, $2000, Meadows Peelor C H, $210, Prospect Peelor T M, $2676, Prospect Peerless Rooming House, $250, Ashland Pegg H L Est, $1600, Prospect Peil Emil, $40,855, Ashland Peil F A, $2565, Medford Peil Maggie, $23,950, Medford Peile Edmund, $348, Sams Valley Peile Lottie V, $315, Central Point Peirson Van R, $1065, Medford Pellett Belle, $300, Talent Pellett Emma, $130, Ashland Pellett G W, $1400, Ashland Pellett G W & E E, $6120, Ashland Pellett G W & Pope C, $2900, Ashland Pellett Henry, $100, Ashland Pelling Fannie Est, $1600, Eagle Point Pellon A L, $330, Medford Pelouze Fredk, $7720, Eagle Point Pelton Dottie, $2485, Ashland Pelton Horace, $30,970, Gold Hill Pelton Lottie, $17,185, Ashland Pelton Lottie L, $9670, Ashland Pelton Meta, $459, Medford Pence C M, $224, Trail Pence Dave, $3268, Trail Pence Ed, $503, Prospect Pence M F, $1397, Trail Pendleton J C & Sam, $6868, Sams Valley Pendleton Maud H, $465, Central Point Penland L O, $455, Eagle Point Penninger W H, $11,770, Central Point Pennington Bertha H, $1200, Eagle Point Penniston S & W B, $1960, Ashland Penter Wm H, $3310, Ashland Pentz S S, $675, Butte Falls Penwell A, $1800, Medford Percival C E, $3260, Central Point Percy G L, $2000, Rogue River Perdue Sarah E, $215, Central Point Perdue T E, $110, Central Point Perish C L, $1325, Ashland Perkins Geo, $840, Central Point Perkins H T, $2000, Rogue River Perkins Miron, $865, Ashland Perkins Vera L, $5625, Medford Perkins Walter C, $800, Medford Perl John A, $1500, Medford Pernoll Wm Est, $8244, Applegate Perozzi D, $30,240, Ashland Perozzi Mrs L, $1300, Ashland Perozzi Place, $460, Talent Perrine Jennie D, $1605, Ashland Perry Ben, $170, Central Point Perry Joseph, $1430, Gold Hill Perry Joe M, $2350, Medford Perry Mrs Joseph, $200, Gold Hill Perry J A, $17,953, Medford Perry Martin, $2075, Ashland Perry R B Est, $4300, Asbestos Perry Susie, $2000, Butte Falls Perry Thos, $555, Sams Valley Perry T J, $680, Asbestos Perry Wm, $4064, Butte Falls Person Mrs Elva, $100, Climax Persons Mrs M J, $75, Central Point Petard A, $1510, Jacksonville Peterman F B, $1095, Medford Peters Emma M, $1485, Ashland Peters J D Heirs, $3000, Meadows Peters Mrs Mary, $950, Jacksonville Peters S A, $5160, Ashland Peters Emma M, $1585, Ashland Peterson B, $1620, Medford Peterson Chas & Mrs H L Norman, $550, Medford Peterson C A, $300, Gold Hill Peterson Dan, $1200, Ashland Peterson James, $1630, Medford Peterson M A, $2400, Ashland Peterson N, $1370, Ashland Peterson P A, $4010, Ashland Peterson W, $1320, Ashland Petri W M, $7625, Talent Pettegrew Fred, $696, Eagle Point Pettegrew & Ewing, $1810, Eagle Point Peyton A M, $327, Peyton Peyton Reuben E, $1333, Peyton Pfrang C J, $369, Medford Phares B G, $35, Dudley Pheister C M, $2000, Medford Pheister Viola C, $895, Medford Phillippi Walter, $1600, Climax Phillips E H, $780, Medford Phillips F H, $665, Medford Phillips John C, $1100, Ashland Phillips L M, $231, Medford Phillips Mary J, $1090, Ashland Phillips Raymond, $1947, Buncom Phillips Reuben, $2975, Ashland Phillips Reuben & M A, $120, Ashland Phipps Mrs A R, $72,701, Medford Phipps D E & I D, $799, Medford Phipps D K, $900, Medford Phipps D R, $1500, Medford Phipps E, $1050, Medford Phipps E E, $4810, Ashland Phipps I, $450, Medford Phipps I J, $83,223, Medford Phipps Joe & Tracy Boothby, $1081, Butte Falls Phipps L, $300, Medford Phipps Minnie A, $2338, Medford Phipps Mrs P R, $800, Talent Phipps W E, $10,460, Medford Phoenix Mercantile Co, $8720, Phoenix Pickard H S, $3440, Central Point Pickel Adela, $2900, Phoenix Pickel E B, $62,653, Medford Pickel E B et al, $15,162, Medford Pidgeon Charles R, $1105, Climax Piening Mary, $300, Ashland Piening Wm, $250, Ashland Pierce Clarence, $1180, Eagle Point Pierce C H, $48,115, Medford Pierce C H & B H Kirby, $1600, Medford Pierce Edwin, $555, Gold Hill Pierce H C, $575, Medford Pierce J O, $25, Gold Hill Pierce R A, $5185, Rogue River Pierson Martha, $3630, Ashland Pike E E, $250, Medford Pine Belt Banking Co, $2025, Butte Falls Pinkerton P W, $995, Ashland Pioneer Educational Society, $1880, Ashland Pioneer Planing Mill Co, $2600, Ashland Piper E C, $1000, Eagle Point Pitman John, $140, Rogue River Pitman L M, $990, Sams Valley Pitt J W, $440, Talent Pittman I D, $1050, Ashland Pitz Henry, $1865, Jacksonville Plaisted Geo E, $50, Ashland Platt Stanley V, $1010, Ashland Playter H W, $2000, Rogue River Plaza Oyster & Tamale Parlor, $600, Medford Plumerth Maria E, $3330, Ashland Plunkett Wm J, $2400, Ashland Plymale Geo C, $3680, Medford Plymale James, $675, Medford Poe Josephine, $1845, Medford Poe J O, $815, Rogue River Pohland C W, $2360, Ashland Pohland Flora M, $1200, Ashland Pohland H F, $18,185, Ashland Poley Earl et al, $1255, Medford Pohlman H, $1800, Medford Pointer Wm A, $1635, Medford Poley A A, $1600, Climax Poley Earl, $125, Medford Poley Clara, $1765, Ashland Poley Earl et al, $1255, Medford Poley Mrs G, $900, Ashland Poley Joseph, $250, Ashland Poley Joseph & Josephine, $575, Ashland Poley Josephine, $6050, Ashland Poley W M, $5115, Ashland Pollard E W, $2400, Ashland Pollard W D, $100, Medford Pomeroy E C, $1290, Asbestos Pomeroy & Colson, $440, Beagle Pond C O, $2000, Prospect Ponting Claud C, $765, Medford Ponting John, $100, Medford Pool Mrs A, $260, Jacksonville Pool Mary, $3800, Eagle Point Poole Benton L, $3243, Buncom Poole Caroline, $720, Butte Falls Poole Lulu, $580, Central Point Poole R M, $760, Medford Pope Chas, $5850, Ashland Pope Joe, $550, Jacksonville Port F M, $75, Jacksonville Port Lee, $475, Jacksonville Porter Ada & L G, $3760, Medford Porter Audley, $1100, Ashland Porter B R, $880, Asbestos Porter C D, $5875, Ashland Porter C I J, $135, Ashland Porter Mrs Daisy, $2750, Ashland Porter E G, $2400, Ashland Porter Fred, $100, Ashland Porter Fred & W G Prescott, $300, Ashland Porter Fred E, $3805, Ashland Porter Fred E & Alice E, $1250, Ashland Porter G W, $3595, Medford Porter Isaac, $352, Medford Porter I F, $2160, Ashland Porter I H, $25, Medford Porter Jas M, $625, Ashland Porter J A, $1075, Medford Porter J F, $4405, Medford Porter J J, $1600, Buncom Porter J P, $2620, Medford Porter Luther G, $28,030, Medford Porter L J, $2195, Medford Porter R C, $1225, Ashland Porter Mrs Wm, $515, Medford Porter & Humphrey, $2215, Medford Portland Development Co, $175, Butte Falls Pottenger A, $1660, Medford Pottenger Laura, $950, Medford Pottenger Laura M, $800, Medford Pottenger T E, $4810, Medford Potter Andrew, $2050, Ashland Potter C O, $1115, Ashland Potter E H, $307, Medford Potter E J, $1680, Medford Potter Frank, $720, Phoenix Potter Matt J, $680, Ashland Potter Roscoe, $880, Ashland Potter S A, $4920, Ashland Potter S F, $3160, Rogue River Potter Wilbur W, $320, Ashland Potter & Goold, $7875, Medford Potty John F, $1810, Ashland Poulson C W, $1200, Ashland Powell Auto Club, $500, Medford Powell C F, $10,195, Phoenix Powell D S & L, $940, Ashland Powell J W, $195, Medford Powell Louisa, $1285, Ashland Powell Lydia, $3875, Ashland Powell M J, $1225, Medford Powell O S & L, $860, Ashland Powell T L, $3515, Ashland Powell Wm, $4425, Ashland Powell W C, $2290, Medford Powell W G, $3200, Provolt Powell W P, $4790, Ashland Power E P, $1800, Medford Powers C E, $140, Butte Falls Powers C O, $1343, Medford Powers Mrs C O, $100, Medford Powers F M, $40, Butte Falls Powers Julia W, $2400, Prospect Powers N O, $7908, Talent Poyer Gustave, $55, Grants Pass Pracht A H, $9500, Ashland Pracht Max, $19,035, Ashland Pracht Wm B, $190, Ashland Prader Elsie, $2220, Ashland Prader John, $3290, Talent Prall John, $9800, Medford Prater J C, $1985, Ashland Pratt Fred, $2325, Phoenix Pratt James & C M DeLameter, $2000, Prospect Pratt J F, $375, Phoenix Pratt Mrs Kate, $535, Phoenix Pratt M B, $440, Ashland Presbyterian Church, $2000, Ashland Prescott G C, $1200, Ashland Prescott W G, $5400, Ashland Presley C C, $1572, Applegate Presley Rebecca M, $875, Ashland Preston Wm, $590, Ashland Price Dora A, $645, Medford Price R A, $1200, Medford Price Sarah A, $1200, Rock Point Price W E, $2410, Central Point Priddy George W, $7003, Medford Prigg Leonora, $1575, Medford Prigg Lenora E, $1090, Medford Prillman Wm L, $1600, Buncom Prim Chas, $1787, Jacksonville Prince Herman, $400, Rogue River Prince J T, $180, Ashland Prock N M, $235, Central Point Proper W G, $525, Medford Protestant Episcopal Church, $43,340, Medford Provolt E N, $1195, Murphy Provolt E V, $1923, Provolt Provolt S, $2735, Murphy Provost Bros, $7725, Ashland Provost D B, $1860, Ashland Provost J H, $4340, Ashland Provost Pierre, $2080, Ashland Provost P S, $90, Ashland Provost P S & Lillian, $2400, Ashland Pruett C A, $1290, Eagle Point Pruett C A & M L, $9950, Eagle Point Pruett I A, $13,330, Medford Pruett Mrs R M, $720, Medford Pryce M A, $39,193, Gold Hill Pryce & Jones, $8505, Gold Hill Pryor J F, $1035, Medford Puhl A, $1340, Central Point Puhl Fred, $1960, Central Point Puhl Wm, $970, Jacksonville Pullman State Bank, $4000, Meadows Purdin Emory, $400, Talent Purdin Mahlon, $1560, Medford Purdue Sarah E, $155, Central Point Purkeypile I J, $2741, Central Point Purkeypile Mrs M, $50, Central Point Pursel Chas, $7108, Ruch Purves A M, $2100, Ashland Purves Mrs A M, $2645, Ashland Purves James, $2071, Talent Purves Robt B, $3911, Talent Purvis C A, $538, Applegate Pusrott E M, $900, Eagle Point Putnam Geo, $1546, Medford Putnam S I, $1600, Eagle Point Quackenbush W J, $640, Talent Quatman A H, $2400, Rogue River Queen Anne Add Inc, $42,180, Medford Quigley L J, $2840, Medford Quisenberry W F, $750, Medford Radcliff B S, $4105, Medford Rader Clara, $1970, Medford Rader John, $11,835, Eagle Point Rader J M, $10,400, Phoenix Rader M A, $500, Medford Rader Marian A, $3719, Medford Ragsdale B F Est, $400, Asbestos Ragsdale G C, $240, Tolo Ragsdale Mrs I J, $40, Beagle Ragsdale J L, $3622, Trail Railton A B, $2000, Prospect Railton M M, $2000, Prospect Raine Katherine J, $700, Ashland Rainey Ariana, $610, Ashland Rainey E B, $484, Sams Valley Rainey J P, $1500, Eagle Point Rainey Thomas, $575, Central Point Rainey T G, $70, Central Point Rainsford H A, $1900, Portland Ralliff T E, $1600, Talent Ralls Heirs, $1300, Gold Hill Ralph S P, $2915, Ashland Ralston J H, $500, Medford Ramsey F E, $1050, Ashland Ramsey W S, $360, Ashland Randale Ellis, $25, Gold Hill Randall A C, $3500, Medford Randall A C et al, $5465, Medford Randall Bessie, $1265, Central Point Randlas S, $500, Ashland Ranger Laura A, $975, Ashland Rankin John P, $745, Ruch Rapp Fred, $29,635, Talent Rapp Martha E, $4615, Ashland Rardon Bakery, $3000, Medford Rardon W H, $500, Medford Rardon W H & Co, $11,000, Medford Rasor E L, $845, Ashland Rasor John S, $5115, Ashland Ratcliffe A C, $1250, Eagle Point Ratcliffe Lillie J, $1600, Eagle Point Rathbun O J, $3655, Ashland Rathe Wm P, $3805, Medford Ratrie Henry, $635, Lake Creek Rau Agnes, $1945, Medford Rau-Mohr Co, $3550, Medford Rau W F, $3300, Medford Rawe J L, $7025, Sams Valley Rawling Carl G, $2000, Rogue River Rawson C L, $521, Medford Rawson R A, $3757, Medford Ray C R, $3032, Medford Ray E, $160, Gold Hill Ray E P Vic, $200, Jacksonville Ray Frank, $450, Gold Hill Ray Frank H, $5100, Sams Valley Ray F H Col, $1670, Medford Ray Hattie D, $2400, Lake Creek Ray Lillie D, $2420, Medford Ray Matthew, $360, Ruch Ray R L, $1220, Medford Ray S E, $1155, Gold Hill Ray Wm, $538, Ruch Ray Wm Estate, $7089, Ruch Raymond David, $175, Medford Raymond David & Mrs Nancy Eckler, $2925, Medford Raymond E F, $1805, Medford Raymond N P, $1325, Medford Raypholtz Ella, $4250, Medford Read B W, $40, Dudley Reader J K, $3050, Ashland Reader J K et ux, $755, Ashland Reader Mrs Lou, $2050, Ashland Reader Lou E, $4295, Ashland Reading Mrs Rose, $1400, Medford Real Mrs V A, $6099, Ashland Ream Lizzie L, $150, Phoenix Reames Alice, $705, Talent Reames A E, $27,715, Jacksonville Reames C C, $1900, Medford Reames C L, $700, Jacksonville Reames L L, $1050, Medford Reames R B, $2440, Medford Reames Thos G, $2000, Meadows Reames T G Bstate, $2919, Jacksonville Reames W Estate, $8000, Talent Rease E D, $250, Ashland Rease E O, $200, Ashland Reasoner N J, $5628, Ashland Reasoner Sarah E, $400, Ashland Reaves Mrs, $350, Jacksonville Rebec Geo, $170, Medford Recho John F, $300, Ashland Redden F E, $1565, Medford Redden Leventine, $3210, Medford Redden L C, $100, Medford Reddo G K, $2757, Central Point Reddy Mrs D, $2195, Central Point Reddy J F, $1625, Medford Reddy M J, $2900, Medford Redpath E L, $370, Medford Redwine Mrs R R, $660, Ashland Reed C D, $50, Jacksonville Reed D M, $420, Medford Reed Elizabeth F, $6350, Ashland Reed E J, $865, Ashland Reed Frank, $255, Talent Reed H D, $1920, Gold Hill Reed H S, $2000, Medford Reed J M, $1525, Ashland Reed Kate, $2400, Lake Creek Reed L E, $1600, Buncom Reed M E, $1750, Medford Reed Mrs Nellie, $1035, Gold Hill Reed & Kellogg, $600, Gold Hill Reeder Thos T, $3855, Ashland Reeder W A, $5115, Ashland Reep Wm S, $400, Medford Rees Mrs E L, $800, Climax Rees Geo C, $1800, Butte Falls Reese E M, $1670, Ashland Reese Fannie, $1300, Gold Hill Reese Thos G, $1520, Ashland Reese Thos G & Mary A, $1425, Ashland Reeser B F, $540, Ashland Reeser H F & C E Hooper, $770, Ashland Reeser Margaret L & Horace, $3050, Ashland Reeve H M, $125, Jacksonville Reeves A M, $2000, Meadows Reeves W K, $1900, Ashland Regan Mrs M H, $18,150, Medford Rehkoff August, $1780, Provolt Rehkoff Henry, $1189, Applegate Reibe N, $200, Central Point Reichman O H, $1405, Medford Reid Henry S, $2400, Talent Reidel Chas, $300, Gold Hill Reidel Fred, $800, Gold Hill Reinking Conrad, $4850, Medford Reives A R, $990, Ashland Remde Frank A, $1600, Eagle Point Remde Mary E, $1600, Eagle Point Renault John B, $505, Jacksonville Rennels Ida M, $755, Gold Hill Reno Elizabeth A, $1925, Ashland Renchaw R C, $4800, Buncom Renshaw E, $15,300, Medford Reo Cafe, $300, Ashland Reser M L & Horace, $3665, Ashland Retelle Alzira, $1600, Prospect Reuter W C, $500, Prospect Revenue Mfg Co, $720, Gold Hill Rex Meat Market, $800, Medford Rexford C M, $3665, Murphy Reynolds H B, $660, Ashland Reynolds Larkin, $150, Medford Reynolds Walter & Wife, $1425, Medford Reynolds Wm Estate, $2100, Lake Creek Reynolds & Larkin, $715, Medford Rhea James, $215 Rhodes A R, $1330, Medford Rhodes Clyde, $800, Sams Valley Rhodes Dibby, $1390, Ashland Rhodes J & J W Hamlin, $1680, Medford Rhodes Leonard M, $1490, Ashland Rhodes L H, $4770, Ashland Rhodes S M, $2230, Ashland Rice D L, $1980, Ashland Rice Ella D, $275, Ashland Rice E S, $3075, Talent Rice J B, $2340, Ruch Rice J M, $1700, Ashland Rice L E, $2350, Talent Rice May R, $1015, Gold Hill Rice W C, $1150, Medford Richards Mrs Dan, $690, Gold Hill Richards G F, $150, Butte Falls Richardson Geo, $20, Butte Falls Richardson Harvey, $2064, Central Point Richardson H & J L, $850, Prospect Richardson Jessie, $7400, Sams Valley Richardson J I, $400, Ashland Richardson J L, $915, Central Point Richardson J W, $2550, Medford Richardson Mrs S T, $300, Medford Richardson T W, $1250, Medford Richie Robt, $790, Ashland Richmond G B, $2060, Central Point Richmond J E, $75, Ashland Rickert J D, $360, Medford Riddell E G, $4275, Medford Riebel Oscar T, $2000, Rock Point Riedel Charles, $240, Gold Hill Ries F L, $2000, Rogue River Ries G A, $2000, Rogue River Riesland W F, $100, Butte Falls Rigg Jennie C, $2104, Medford Riggens J M, $262, Derby Riggs A G, $312, Medford Riheldoffer Herbert M, $2345, Talent Riley E A, $297, Eagle Point Riley Mrs E A, $3170, Eagle Point Riley Geo H, $2430, Central Point Riley M B, $1625, Ashland Riley Thos, $12,440, Eagle Point Riley Thomas M, $550, Eagle Point Riley & Clark, $7480, Eagle Point Rinebarger C A, $2464, Medford Ring Mrs L M, $100, Gold Hill Ringer James, $880, Butte Falls Rippey Addie, $1480, Gold Hill Rippey A R, $1165, Medford Ritter Chas, $2050, Central Point Ritter C R, $870, Gold Hill Ritter John, $2373, Rogue River Ritter John J, $1940, Gold Hill Ritter J F, $11,100, Medford Ritter Mary E, $1680, Gold Hill Ritter N, $500, Gold Hill Ritter & Dunlop, $2500, Medford Rivers Mrs M E, $510, Ashland Roach A J, $1120, Ashland Roach E J, $650, Ashland Roaring Gimlet Mfg Co, $840, Gold Hill Roath H R, $2400, Butte Falls Robbins A B, $6805, Medford Robbins J A, $1711, Medford Robbins J E, $75, Rogue River Robbins J W & Sarah, $460, Medford Roberts Alice, $1914, Talent Roberts A C, $3710, Phoenix Roberts C W, $50, Medford Roberts C W et al, $1340, Medford Roberts Ell, $135, Medford Roberts E F, $35, Medford Roberts E J, $3900, Central Point Roberts Mrs E J, $4600, Medford Roberts Frank R, $1500, Medford Roberts H L, $1595, Medford Roberts I G, $4310, Applegate Roberts J E, $5320, Medford Roberts J E, $4215, Phoenix Roberts Mrs Lou, $3870, Ashland Roberts L J, $2550, Ashland Roberts Myra B, $650, Talent Roberts M C, $1390, Medford Roberts T B, $1672, Gold Hill Roberts Mrs T K, $800, Buncom Roberts W A, $1200, Eagle Point Roberts W D, $4385, Medford Roberts W J, $1200, Medford Roberts W P, $700, Medford Robins James, $400, Gold Hill Robinson Edwin F, $2832, Medford Robinson Frank, $300, Jacksonville Robinson Geo M, $2415, Ashland Robinson G E, $400, Medford Robinson Ivy M, $2000, Rogue River Robinson J H, $100, Medford Robinson J & M, $2000, Talent Robinson J W, $2000, Jacksonville Robinson Mrs J W, $2420, Jacksonville Robinson Lettie A, $595, Medford Robinson Phil, $110, Rogue River Robinson R H, $480, Jacksonville Robinson Wm, $100, Medford Robison Geo M, $1640, Ashland Robison John, $445, Talent Robison L H, $6450, Medford Robison R E, $9100, Talent Robison S M, $3497, Talent Robnett Edna, $996, Central Point Robnett I C, $4855, Central Point Robnett Samuel F, $1510, Central Point Rocho John F, $6400, Ashland Rock J W, $110, Jacksonville Rock T R, $627, Steamboat Roddy Gertrude J, $1240, Medford Rodgers C O, $1680, Beagle Rodgers H E, $3435, Sams Valley Rodgers John H, $2535, Beagle Rodgers J F, $950, Asbestos Rodgers J M, $1480, Eagle Point Rodgers N J, $190, Sams Valley Rodgers W J, $1390, Asbestos Rodney L C, $9600, Lake Creek Rodon W R et al, $500, Medford Roe Kundt O, $2000, Rogue River Roenisch Emil C, $1775, Sams Valley Roenisch H E, $1990, Sams Valley Rogers Catherine, $970, Ashland Rogers Chas, $1575, Ashland Rogers J M, $345, Central Point Rogers Luella, $1775, Ashland Rogers L W, $170, Ashland Rogers Thos A, $285, Ashland Rogsdale Mrs S J, $280, Asbestos Rogue River Canning & Evaporating Co, $2150, Medford Rogue River Commercial Orchard Co, $17,350, Wellen Rogue River Electric Co, $3330, Central Point Rogue River Fruit Produce Assn, $1550, Medford Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co, $2000, Central Point Rogue River Valley Abstract-Title Co, $500, Jacksonville Rogue River Valley Canal Co, $24,126, Medford Rogue River Valley Gas Co, $30,000, Medford Rogue River Valley RR, $3550, Medford Rohr C M, $25, Medford Rohr Kate M, $315, Medford Rollins & Root, $3275, Central Point Rolph S P, $3000, Talent Rolston J H, $205, Medford Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Oregon, $5675, Medford Ronk O W & J T Pefley, $2247, Medford Root C W, $8940, Ashland Root Fanny, $240, Medford Root John M, $35,711, Medford Root Virginia, $1950, Ashland Root & Biddle, $59175, Medford Rose Arthur, $3495, Phoenix Rose Bros, $3455, Ashland Rose Chas R, $5180, Ashland Rose Chas R & Howard, $825, Ashland Rose E D, $1000, Eagle Point Rose Frank, $20, Talent Rose Isabella Est, $6105, Phoenix Rose J A, $6095, Medford Rose L A, $785, Phoenix Rose L M, $1600, Talent Rose Mary E, $1865, Ashland Rose Oliver O H, $1855, Talent Rose O E, $5592, Applegate Rose O M, $840, Medford Roseberry J M, $1112, Medford Rosenbaum A S, $8540, Climax Rosenberg Gus, $505, Eagle Point Rosenberg Samuel, $1170, Medford Rosenstock Grace, $860, Ashland Ross Geo B, $23,581, Central Point Ross Geo E, $800, Gold Hill Ross Harry, $3765, Ashland Ross Jno H, $2001, Central Point Ross T D, $3820, Central Point Ross Wm, $40, Medford Rosser E R, $150, Rogue River Rosser & Young, $270, Rogue River Rossman George E, $2000, Ashland Rostel C B, $11,110, Central Point Rothwell James A, $770, Medford Rouch L E, $1000, Rock Point Rounds C C & Emma A, $1775, Ashland Rounds H E, $265, Medford Roundtree M H, $775, Jacksonville Routledge Frank C, $975, Ashland Rowe Helen F, $565, Medford Rowe James R, $100, Medford Rowe J L, $740, Gold Hill Rowell Alice, $100, Medford Rowell C F, $1135, Medford Rowell Ernest C, $3060, Medford Rowell Lily K, $7000, Phoenix Rowland B F, $1200, Prospect Rowland C M, $165, Ashland Rowland C M & Etta A, $3950, Ashland Royal Bakery, $800, Ashland Royal Cafe Rooming House, $220, Medford Ruch C M, $5187, Ruch Ruch Fritz, $2372, Applegate Ruch Harvey, $120, Provolt Ruedin Mrs E G, $25, Medford Ruefly Grace V, $1418, Applegate Ruffner H C, $1180, Ashland Rug Edward, $1220, Medford Ruger & Soyle, $1200, Ashland Rumley Frances, $900, Medford Rumley Lynn, $50, Jacksonville Rumsey B H, $2288, Medford Rumsey Margaret J, $1335, Medford Rundle Fred H, $20, Ashland Rundleft L M, $750, Medford Rundlett H B, $1890, Medford Rundley L M, $500, Medford Runells W H, $250, Central Point Runyard Edwin J, $3166, Medford Runyon Chas D & Rose Davis, $375, Medford Rush C G, $860, Ashland Rush O B, $90, Ashland Rush Samuel, $500, Rogue River Rush V E, $90, Ashland Russell Anne H, $3425, Ashland Russell Charles S, $2000, Prospect Russell D B, $3825, Medford Russell E A, $1095, Beagle Russell J, $1500, Medford Russell Matthew, $450, Talent Russell Mattie, $400, Ashland Russell Nellie, $1080, Ashland Russell W J, $1070, Ashland Ryan Ella A, $2000, Rogue River Ryan J R, $200, Medford Ryan Luke, $3800, Jacksonville Ryan P J, $2400, Rogue River Ryon Hurburt V, $570, Medford Sabin Cora B, $40, Medford Saboda E M, $19,045, Medford Sacks & Houston, $960, Meadows Sage A A, $1400, Central Point Sage D D, $1650, Medford Sage Effie M, $1330, Medford Sage Gordon, $47, Derby Sage G W, $700, Central Point St Clair V & E Mikelson, $3535, Ashland St James R, $450, Medford St Mary's Academy, $3300, Jacksonville Saling Arthur B, $1600, Meadows Saline Mae E, $600, Prospect Salisbury G T, $1940, Ashland Sallee E W, $120, Talent Salsbury Frank, $1230, Ashland Salsbury Frank & Laura, $4410, Ashland Salsbury G T, $1735, Ashland Salter A M, $300, Medford Saltmarsh A B, $2940, Buncom Saltzman Geo D, $6075, Phoenix Sample J O, $3469, Medford Sample L M et ux, $1230, Medford Sams C E, $2645, Ashland Samuels Gus, $3635, Medford Samuels J H, $212, Medford Samuels J M, $555, Central Point Samuels L V, $200, Medford Sanborn Catherine, $50, Rogue River Sanborn Ellie, $340, Central Point Sanborn Eugene, $25, Central Point Sanborn Eva, $380, Rogue River San Brackle J A, $440, Ashland Sandbrook Wm M, $2000, Prospect Sander E H, $2400, Lake Creek Sander Leo B & H B, $16,650, Ashland Sanders A W, $13,300, Medford Sanders Clara, $4715, Ashland Sanders Hugh, $1450, Gold Hill Sanders Joseph, $2095, Ashland Sanders Joseph & Clara, $2590, Ashland Sanders Joseph H Jr, $1735, Ashland Sanders J C, $2010, Ashland Sanders L M, $990, Ashland Sanders L M & Rose E, $790, Ashland Sanders Myrtle S, $2000, Rogue River Sanders Wm A, $800, Rock Point Sanderson C C, $635, Central Point Sanderson C S, $725, Central Point Sanderson W C, $8560, Ashland Sanderson W C & R Dennis, $4350, Ashland Sandoz Paul E, $4921, Trail Sandry Sam L, $155, Rogue River Sandry Mrs S L, $1035, Rogue River Sanford R D, $9965, Ashland Sanford & Goldner, $1230, Talent Sanger W T, $450, Ashland Sankey F B, $310, Medford Sargent Minnie, $2000, Medford Saroni Louis, $750, Ashland Sarter Harvey J, $1160, Ashland Satterfield C A, $1810, Ashland Savage E M, $4865, Gold Hill Savage G L, $1000, Asbestos Savage J C, $1028, Rogue River Savage J W, $755, Talent Savage W H, $150, Medford Saverns C V, $430, Ashland Sawyer Bertha E, $1145, Ashland Sayle J P, $2125, Ashland Scales Henry D, $1445, Medford Scales H S, $3780, Central Point Scammon Frank, $1605, Medford Scantlin Thos E, $9125, Talent Schallhorn John G, $2000, Rogue River Scheble Mrs D M, $9520, Medford Scheffelin Mrs Louise, $1330, Jacksonville Schell A L, $2000, Prospect Schell Edith C, $4050, Ashland Schenker T, $1022, Applegate Schermerhorn G L, $9100, Medford Schermerhorn G L, $6600, Medford Schermerhorn Ida, $8850, Medford Schermerhorn Ida E, $2500, Medford Schlarnann Chas, $1500, Medford Schlinzog W A, $3820, Medford Schlussell Emilie, $2400, Ashland Schmalhousen L R, $2700, Medford Schmidling August, $4855, Jacksonville Schmidt Carl J, $75, Buncom Schmidt J M, $2945, Medford Schmidt Wm, $1605, Medford Schmitt Adam, $1250, Jacksonville Schmitt M P, $25, Medford Schmitz J M, $2400, Prospect Schnack Detlef, $1340, Phoenix Schnebly L S, $1925, Medford Schneider E J, $2000, Meadows Schneider Frank, $185, Talent Schneider Fredk, $1720, Medford Schneider & Bristow, $4575, Talent Schneider & Bristow Mill Co, $2150, Talent Schoenfeld Erwina G, $2400, Ashland Schoenfeld Henry F, $2400, Ashland Scholl Albert L, $11,550, Central Point Scholl Albert L & G M, $755, Central Point Scholl M F, $4800, Applegate School Dist 49, $5520, Medford Schoonover Joseph, $250, Rogue River Schrader E, $1110, Wellen Schrumpt Minnie, $800, Butte Falls Schuerman August, $2310, Ashland Schuette Frank, $1525, Talent Schuette John, $5610, Talent Schuler H D, $4450, Medford Schuler Rich, $5620, Medford Schulz A K Jr, $310, Sams Valley Schulz F C, $300, Ashland Schurman & Lawrence, $3700, Phoenix Schwartz Edward A, $2000, Rogue River Schweppe A E, $1600, Buncom Schweppe A V, $1600, Buncom Scofield A B, $6450, Ashland Scott Clinton C & Annabel R, $4825, Phoenix Scott C C, $135, Phoenix Scott E E, $725, Central Point Scott Hayden W, $350, Ashland Scott Helen T, $1810, Ashland Scott H A, $180, Central Point Scott J B, $1200, Provolt Scott Lydia, $600, Ashland Scott Malissa A, $630, Talent Scott Mary A, $560, Rogue River Scott M M, $1238, Rogue River Scott Perry D, $1280, Medford Scott S J, $100, Talent Scott Thos E, $225, Talent Scott Mrs T E, $80, Talent Scott Wm, $510, Central Point Scott Wm, $11,995, Sams Valley Scott W M, $3155, Sams Valley Scott W W, $1295, Central Point Scullen Eliz A, $890, Ashland Seaman Chas, $260, Medford Seaman C G, $4930, Rogue River Seaman Mrs Effie, $40, Talent Seaman Martha, $455, Rogue River Seaman N G, $1590, Rogue River Seaman N J, $1410, Rogue River Seaman Ray, $145, Rogue River Searle Wm H, $700, Gold Hill Sears A J, $3120, Medford Seavey Mrs C M Est, $3000, Prospect Secur L B, $250, Ashland Seefield Chas, $1110, Lake Creek Seeley Paul S, $30,057, Rogue River Seely E R, $4735,Medford Seiler J R, $160, Butte Falls Seitz Eugene, $1470, Gold Hill Sel Liew, $400, Ashland Selby Mrs G G, $550, Central Point Selsby O M, $8105, Medford Semon C J, $430, Medford Semon F E, $685, Medford Serkland Marie, $1600, Buncom Sette I F, $1200, Ashland Settlemeier F W, $7359, Woodburn Settles L H, $785, Ashland Settles L H et ux, $1585, Ashland Sevartrout M, $2000, Meadows Seventh Day Adventists, $620, Medford Seymour G C, $25, Medford Seymour L A, $1200, Medford Shaerkle Ole A, $2000, Prospect Shafer Henry, $1040, Phoenix Shafer J, $3310, Jacksonville Shafer J Jr, $350, Jacksonville Shaffer Edgar T, $1600, Climax Shaffer Mrs Nettie V, $1878, Ashland Shaffer Wm, $2400, Medford Shaffer Wm H, $3852, Medford Shaler F M, $190, Ashland Shallhorn Minnie E, $1000, Rogue River Shannon Billie I, $275, Medford Shannon Harry, $810, Medford Sharp D J, $1476, Rogue River Sharpe C W, $1160, Medford Sharpe J W, $1365, Medford Shattuck Allen, $3747, Medford Shaver C D, $1300, Ashland Shaver M & Helen, $860, Ashland Shaver Parmelia, $600, Phoenix Shaw E B, $5740, Ashland Shaw F W, $1725, Ashland Shaw I E, $5070, Eagle Point Shaw Mattie B, $3180, Ashland Shaw T T, $2912, Jacksonville Shaw V C, $1660, Ashland Shaw W F, $1860, Ashland Shay D P, $775, Medford Shearburn F A, $5130, Central Point Shearburn Mrs F A, $205, Tolo Shearer H G, $5080, Ashland Shearer J E, $3150, Medford Shelby Alice W & Kate W Southworth, $160, Rogue River Shelby A W, $500, Rogue River Sheldon Benj, $13,400, Central Point Sheldon Benj & Dr McCormack, $2650, Phoenix Sheldon B C, $16,300, Eagle Point Sheldon M M, $1175, Ashland Shelley James M, $2450, Ashland Shelley Louis D, $485, Central Point Shelley Louis L, $960, Asbestos Shelley L L & M H, $1070, Ashland Shelley Nancy J, $2400, Ashland Shelley Parks, $310, Ashland Shepard A E, $3285, Ashland Shepard A E & R T, $1945, Ashland Shepard R M, $2730, Ashland Shepherd A W & Sara, $2000, Phoenix Shepherd C F, $1520, Ashland Shepherd Mary M, $3395, Ashland Shepherd R M, $610, Ashland Shepherd W H, $800, Ashland Sherard Nellie, $875, Ashland Sherman Asa, $2000, Prospect Sherman Chas W, $1745, Talent Sherman Clay Co, $1000, Medford Sherman Mollie, $565, Ashland Sherman W B, $1500, Rogue River Sherrard Mellie, $620, Ashland Sherrod U H, $400, Rock Point Sherwin E A, $23,000, Ashland Sherwood Richard, $2530, Medford Shibley G H, $9600, Prospect Shideler C M, $2600, Talent Shideler John, $400, Talent Shields James, $6840, Central Point Shields Weston F, $400, Medford Shiller Eugene, $2000, Rogue River Shipley J C Edwin, $965, Medford Shirley G G, $11,300, Medford Shirley J W, $1950, Medford Shirley R H & J W, $150, Medford Shively J, $1200, Ashland Shively J G, $615, Medford Shoemaker W K, $1250, Talent Shoeneman D A, $2400, Ashland Shoeneman Lillian S, $1600, Ashland Shofner S, $540, Medford Shook I N, $16,415, Ashland Short A W, $1280, Phoenix Short J W, $2765, Gold Hill Shorty Hope M&M Co, $1430, Talent Shoudy B M, $7850, Ashland Shoudy Ira, $3200, Ashland Shover Myron, $900, Ashland Show Mrs Virginia, $1760, Ashland Shrader Otto, $545, Medford Shrieve G W, $1600, Buncom Shrout O P, $850, Rogue River Shuck W P, $3000, Phoenix Shulz A K J, $2790, Sams Valley Shulz E E, $8830, Central Point Shulze Henry, $305, Medford Shutts Clifton A, $2480, Ashland Sidley M, $2898, Lake Creek Sidwell W A, $2400, Climax Sifers F W, $2110, Central Point Signes Prof, $1200, Climax Sillman W B & E L Miller, $800, Medford Silsby Helen M, $2200, Ashland Silsby Ida S, $1210, Medford Silsby I, $1600, Buncom Silsby Marcia B, $1785, Ashland Silsby Otto M, $1600, Climax Silsby & Kellogg, $13,580, Ashland Silva Frank, $975, Buncom Silver Harry, $2255, Ashland Silver H & J S Bailey, $1600, Ashland Silver M & J S Bailey, $200, Talent Simmons E G, $630, Gold Hill Simmons J M, $765, Medford Simmons W H, $3560, Medford Simonds Mrs H, $800, Ashland Simonds J D, $1385, Ashland Simons Charles A, $3125, Prospect Simons Rose M, $255, Medford Simons S G, $1715, Medford Simpkins O A, $2200, Rogue River Simpkins Sophronia, $1475, Central Point Simpson Emma, $1600, Buncom Simpson F J, $200, Talent Simpson Thos H, $12,615, Ashland Sims J S, $300, Central Point Sims Mary E, $225, Central Point Sims Minnie S, $1480, Phoenix Singler Aug D, $450, Medford Singler Rose R, $200, Medford Singleton Thos D, $820, Eagle Point Sisemore J, $1600, Sams Valley Siskiyou Electric Co, $2400, Ashland Siskiyou Heights Co, $28,281, Medford Sisters of the Holy Names, $5230, Medford Sisty Mrs Eva, $6380, Central Point Sites Lizzie H, $480, Medford Sivers F W, $275, Tolo Sivers Isaac Est, $500, Rogue River Sivers L C, $2125, Rogue River Sjolseth Erick, $1600, Ashland Skeel Kate, $2625, Medford Skeen G B, $325, Ashland Skeeters Julia E, $2265, Medford Skewis E J, $6400, Ashland Skinner J D, $3345, Medford Skinner J J, $3280, Medford Skornyak Stephen, $215, Medford Skyrman Carl T, $3448, Trail Slack J M, $250, Ashland Slater G W, $225, Medford Slattery J H, $1000, Prospect Slaughter J A, $40, Ashland Slayton J B, $1600, Meadows Sleppy L J, $6800, Talent Slewing Robt, $9785, Medford Slimson O E, $975, Medford Slinger J W, $3475, Medford Slinger Wm, $3980, Medford Slingerland Cora A, $2610, Ashland Slingerland G R & Cora, $320, Ashland Sloan M L & R E, $1160, Ashland Sloan S G, $2050, Ashland Slover Lucinda, $3060, Medford Smacks Jane E, $350, Rogue River Smiley Jas W, $1040, Medford Smith Alfred K, $720, Rock Point Smith Allan, $4650, Medford Smith Anna M, $2150, Eagle Point Smith Annabel, $1000, Ashland Smith Annie, $800, Medford Smith Arthur B, $1600, Ashland Smith A, $440, Central Point Smith A A, $740, Eagle Point Smith A J, $100, Gold Hill Smith A S, $314, Central Point Smith Ben, $100, Medford Smith Blanche L, $1600, Butte Falls Smith Burl C, $970, Ashland Smith B E, $3300, Ashland Smith B P & R, $800, Ashland Smith Chas A, $3892, Ruch Smith Chas M, $1300, Medford Smith Clifton, $1415, Rogue River Smith C H, $120, Gold Hill Smith C M, $2000, Rogue River Smith Don B, $3330, Ashland Smith Mrs D P, $465, Jacksonville Smith Edgar E, $2367, Butte Falls Smith Edward N, $895, Ashland Smith Edward N & Mary J, $5990, Ashland Smith Elijah Est, $65, Ruch Smith Elizabeth Est, $515, Applegate Smith Elizabeth A, $20,070, Ashland Smith Elizabeth M, $438, Medford Smith Ella C, $515, Ashland Smith Ella, $2240, Medford Smith Ellen & Emma Parshall, $10,360, Ashland Smith Emma E, $1600, Buncom Smith Enoch M, $460, Gold Hill Smith Mrs Ermine, $45, Applegate Smith Eura, $870, Ashland Smith E A, $1600, Ashland Smith E A L, $1160, Gold Hill Smith E C, $900, Ashland Smith E F, $8900, Ashland Smith E H, $2000, Rogue River Smith E M, $2660, Rogue River Smith E N, $1250, Ashland Smith E W, $1600, Ashland Smith E & S, $4421, Ruch Smith Francis A, $3505, Medford Smith F C, $335, Ashland Smith F E W, $1535, Talent Smith F M, $3036, Jacksonville Smith George, $1600, Climax Smith George C, $2500, Prospect Smith Geo N, $2180, Wellen Smith Henry & Anna, $550, Ashland Smith H W, $1600, Buncom Smith Isabella, $700, Sams Valley Smith Jacob, $1600, Buncom Smith Jas H, $2690, Eagle Point Smith James U, $605, Gold Hill Smith Mrs Jane, $155, Phoenix Smith John A, $4850, Medford Smith Jos C, $1600, Buncom Smith Jos T, $90, Butte Falls Smith Jos W, $1340, Medford Smith J A, $4375, Medford Smith Mrs J A, $776, Medford Smith J B, $1700, Talent Smith Mrs J B, $95, Talent Smith J C, $1320, Ashland Smith J C, $4680, Rogue River Smith J H, $600, Central Point Smith J J, $970, Medford Smith J N, $4055, Central Point Smith J R, $1527, Rogue River Smith J S, $1830, Ashland Smith J S & Mary W, $1580, Ashland Smith J T, $2000, Rogue River Smith J W, $394, Applegate Smith J W, $2065, Provolt Smith Louis, $320, Gold Hill Smith L H, $3340, Central Point Smith Mary E, $2150, Medford Smith M, $4845, Central Point Smith M E, $1100, Gold Hill Smith M F, $1000, Climax Smith M G, $780, Gold Hill Smith Mrs M J, $500, Medford Smith M W, $1820, Ashland Smith Mrs Nina M, $120, Gold Hill Smith P J, $900, Phoenix Smith P R, $1220, Medford Smith R A, $100, Phoenix Smith R E, $50, Gold Hill Smith R G, $400, Rock Point Smith R J, $750, Ashland Smith T F, $4430, Ashland Smith V O N, $5950, Ashland Smith Wm, $535, Applegate Smith Wm, $1145, Medford Smith Wm, $695, Ruch Smith Wm, $1750, Talent Smith Wm E, $910, Ashland Smith Wm H, $1000, Ashland Smith Wm H, $1600, Provolt Smith W A, $340, Applegate Smith W A, $930, Provolt Smith W B, $10,460, Ashland Smith W Clay, $200, Medford Smith W E, $1385, Ashland Smith W F, $750, Medford Smith W J, $115, Gold Hill Smith W K & A E, $2310, Ashland Smith W M, $18,710, Medford Smith W T, $375, Talent Smoots A J, $35, Dudley Smylie J W, $936, Medford Snedicor Helen E, $420, Medford Snell L L, $1720, Medford Snell R N & Mary M, $14,480, Ashland Snider J W, $2775, Medford Snodgrass J A, $220, Medford Snook F M, $322, Talent Snowgoose Henry, $1100, Ashland Snyder C W, $2960, Medford Snyder F F, $1000, Ashland Snyder F M, $1100, Ashland Snyder Lorenzo, $1000, Prospect Snyder Ogden, $40, Gold Hill Snyder O S, $210, Central Point Snyder Wm E, $750, Ashland Snyder & Bassett, $5095, Ashland Sohrer John B, $1900, Rogue River Soliss D B, $1935, Medford Soliss John E, $2060, Medford Soliss M S, $2000, Medford Somers Mildred, $1360, Medford Sommer Arnold, $131, Talent Sommer C, $1980, Talent Songer Belle D, $2300, Ashland Songer Mollie, $3500, Ashland Songer Sam T, $1600, Ashland Songer Wm F, $2390, Ashland Sooy Smith G C, $550, Medford Sooy Smith Wm, $6200, Medford Sorensen Wm M, $5225, Murphy Soule M V B, $1000, Phoenix Soules E L, $70, Butte Falls Southern Dairy Co, $1700, Medford Southern Oregon Electric Co, $1412, Medford Southern Oregon Produce Co, $1650, Medford Sowash F, $700, Talent Sowerby Wm, $90, Ashland Spalding Benj, $1600, Buncom Spalding Edith M, $2000, Rogue River Spalding Francis J, $1750, Rogue River Spalding Mary, $1600, Buncom Spalding Nellie, $1600, Buncom Spalding Wm, $3200, Buncom Spalding Wm & Francis, $20,400, Buncom Spaniol Geo, $2000, Rogue River Sparkman J M, $400, Rock Point Sparks Logan, $1750, Ashland Sparr Chas J, $3600, Ashland Spatz J E, $14,150, Medford Spaulding E A, $11,350, Applegate Spaulding F K, $960, Ashland Spear C B, $400, Buncom Spear C B & S Neil, $400, Medford Speed John B, $1400, Ashland Speigel Chas, $200, Medford Speigel Geo F, $1645, Ashland Spellman W H, $1800, Medford Spencer A C, $3152, Ashland Spencer B E, $390, Ashland Spencer Chas L, $770, Rogue River Spencer Don, $100, Ashland Spencer E E, $2425, Butte Falls Spencer E M, $2000, Prospect Spencer Mrs F A, $4800, Prospect Spencer H A, $1780, Ashland Spencer H B, $65, Dudley spencer J T, $54, Dudley Spencer Martin, $40, Dudley Spencer Ray C, $130, Butte Falls Spencer W W, $40, Dudley Sperry G W, $810, Gold Hill Spindler Jennie, $160, Ashland Spink J L, $3570, Medford Spitzer J S, $3325, Talent Sprague Bros, $910, Medford Sprague G E, $3620, Medford Sprague Henry A, $1605, Medford Springfield V A, $200, Buncom Springstein R H, $205, Shake Sproul et al, $410, Medford Square Deal Fuel Co, $750, Medford Stacy George, $580, Eagle Point Stacy Isaac J, $1655, Eagle Point Stacy Minnie B, $3165, Beagle Stailey Eleta, $500, Medford Stalder J W, $511, Butte Falls Stancliff Bertie, $500, Phoenix Stancliff Elizabeth, $554, Phoenix Stancliff H F, $8180, Phoenix Stancliff P W, $2160, Phoenix Stancliff W S, $285, Phoenix Standard Oil Co, $2300, Medford Stanley A C, $135, Gold Hill Stanley C E, $605, Brownsboro Stanley M L, $5850, Ashland Stanley Wm, $7822, Brownsboro Stannard E M, $815, Ashland Staples E T, $13,090, Ashland Staples Realty Co, $390, Ashland Star Peter P, $190, Rogue River Star Peter P, $2400, Ashland Star Steam Laundry, $2750, Ashland Star Theater, $500, Ashland Stark Lewis Land Co, $16,000, Ashland Starr Lillie D, $2800, Medford Starr S F & A A, $800, Ashland State Bank of Eagle Point, $200, Eagle Point State Bank of Talent, $10,000, Talent Staub A J, $4032, Applegate Staub Emma, $1600, Rock Point Stayton J B, $1600, Sams Valley Steadman C, $500, Phoenix Stearns H R, $6780, Central Point Stearns R G, $550, Medford Stearns R W, $905, Medford Steele L V, $1150, Talent Steelman E F, $60, Gold Hill Steenstrup Peter, $550, Jacksonville Steer J H, $5805, Brownsboro Steffner Daisy W, $33,600, Sams Valley Steinmetz Ida F, $400, Rogue River Steinmetz J, $1500, Rogue River Stelton Wm, $2000, Rogue River Stennett A F, $400, Medford Stennett Chas, $2410, Ashland Stennett L E, $2880, Ashland Stennett Wm, $1655, Ashland Stennett Wm S, $880, Ashland Stephan Henry, $1600, Ashland Stephens A E, $1470, Ashland Stephens C, $325, Phoenix Stephens Jos, $850, Central Point Stephens M, $100, Medford Stephenson Emma, $4780, Ashland Stephenson E W, $12,800, Ashland Stephenson G W, $16,070, Medford Stephenson H B, $1607, Buncom Stephenson L E, $255, Ashland Stephenson Mrs Nellie, $780, Ashland Stepp M M, $2000, Butte Falls Sterling Mining Co, $19,340, Jacksonville Steuber Nancy Est, $1600, Ashland Stevens Ben, $210, Phoenix Stevens B R, $725, Ashland Stevens Mrs Emma, $2000, Medford Stevens E, $560, Rogue River Stevens Garrett, $385, Phoenix Stevens G W, $5413, Medford Stevens Hugh, $2635, Rogue River Stevens J B, $115, Tolo Stevens J M, $485, Beagle Stevens Mrs Lillian E, $2375, Central Point Stevens L N, $1675, Ashland Stevens Merton A, $180, Rogue River Stevens S S, $6350, Phoenix Stevenson J R, $75, Medford Stewart F M, $4500, Eagle Point Stewart H J, $1545, Eagle Point Stewart J E, $3120, Medford Stewart J H, $23,065, Medford Stewart Levi, $860, Ashland Stewart T L, $850, Talent Stewart W H, $6985, Medford Stewart Mrs W H, $22,200, Medford Stickel F V, $260, Gold Hill Stickel G V, $85, Gold Hill Stickel H L, $550, Gold Hill Stickel W H, $960, Gold Hill Stickney Edgar R, $1500, Prospect Stidham Mrs N, $348, Central Point Stillwell Hannah, $250, Central Point Stimson F G, $440, Medford Stimson F G & W R, $9000, Central Point Stine H S, $1760, Medford Stine Mrs I J, $225, Medford Stine Kate, $980, Medford Stinnett Robt, $2400, Lake Creek Stinson Edward S, $2725, Medford Stinson Frank O, $1045, Medford Stinson O E, $860, Medford Stinson W H, $3490, Medford Stock A C, $100, Medford Stock H C, $12,260, Ashland Stocker Fred, $40, Butte Falls Stocker R M, $2500, Asbestos Stockham J, $825, Central Point Stoddard H C, $8325, Medford Stoddard N B, $950, Butte Falls Stoeckman H G, $2140, Medford Stokes W R, $9550, Medford Stolle Lena, $450, Rogue River Stoltze F H, $1850, Medford Stoltze H C, $320, Medford Stone Alton W, $245, Medford Stone Chas, $200, Medford Stone Clayton, $522, Provolt Stone Ellen, $2864, Murphy Stone H E, $3550, Ashland Stone Jacob, $1280, Central Point Stone Mrs J L, $250, Medford Stone O J, $1240, Ashland Stone O J et ux, $1700, Ashland Stone O J & Eloise, $4900, Ashland Stone Tobe, $324, Jacksonville Stoner S B, $12,572, Ashland Storey A W & N B, $4165, Ashland Storey Edna N, $265, Ashland Storm J M, $107, Trail Storm J M & C L, $892, Prospect Stougland M K, $675, Medford Stover A P, $300, Medford Stover Joel, $425, Gold Hill Stowell Eugene B, $202, Butte Falls Stowell Geo, $5707, Eagle Point Strang Chas, $27,525, Medford Strang Z, $6195, Talent Strange C L, $1120, Ashland Stratham Thos W, $6105, Sams Valley Stratton Florence N, $240, Ashland Stratton P C, $125, Ashland Stratton W A, $90, Talent Straub Mrs C, $1700, Central Point Straub Fred, $5750, Central Point Straube A & E, $1200, Ashland Street John J, $2400, Prospect Streeter Carrie L, $1093, Medford Streeter Mrs J W, $12,520, Medford Streets F W, $2620, Rogue River Streets Saunders & Bagley, $8225, Rogue River Streets Susie C, $7070, Medford Strickfaden F J, $2400, Ashland Strickfaden Nan L, $4290, Ashland Stringer W, $7695, Medford Strobel Eugene, $430, Eagle Point Strohmeir Edwin, $600, Gold Hill Strohmeier E H, $1655, Central Point Strohmeier Lula, $3025, Central Point Strompf Lillian, $300, Medford Strompf Mrs L, $535, Medford Strong Arthur E, $1640, Central Point Strong Chas, $4715, Medford Stuart W H, $1200, Climax Stubbs Alice, $80, Ashland Stull D J, $5520, Medford Stumbo C W, $230, Gold Hill Stumbo Josie F, $1350, Rogue River Stump Daniel, $1035, Talent Stump D S & J, $150, Medford Stump Logan, $300, Medford Stump Wm, $150, Talent Stunkard Martha, $945, Ashland Sturdevant Minette, $360, Ashland Sturgess D W, $2430, Beagle Sturgess Pauline, $235, Medford Sturgis A W, $14,020, Medford Sturgis Fred, $418, Trail Sturgis Ida, $1175, Prospect Sturgis Pauline, $3283, Medford Sturgis S P, $3470, Medford Sturtevant D H, $2339, Central Point Stute A & M, $1585, Ashland Sucker W E, $9160, Medford Suey King, $730, Ashland Sugar Pine Co, $7200, Prospect Sullenger W F, $260, Medford Sullivan C M, $30, Central Point Sullivan J T, $1765, Medford Sullivan J T et al, $12,500, Medford Sullivan Marel, $2675, Medford Sullivan Mary E, $3940, Ashland Sullivan Michael, $50, Medford Sullivan M T, $1600, Buncom Sullivan W N, $127, Ashland Sullivan & Hanley, $600, Medford Summers Adam, $2400, Ashland Summerville J T, $360, Medford Sunday G H, $500, Rogue River Sunnyside Coal & Coke Co, $7400, Medford Sunnyvale Orchard, $21,500, Medford Surran Royal, $1290, Medford Sutherland A, $8000, Prospect Sutherland Lizzie, $780, Ashland Sutherland Wm, $200, Butte Falls Sutliff Helen L, $2800, Medford Sutton John, $42, Ruch Sutton Mary J, $2400, Butte Falls Sutton Mrs P, $790, Applegate Swan R E, $1610, Medford Swank Laura E, $2400, Rock Point Swanson A, $2400, Lake Creek Swanson Carl L, $5165, Ashland Swanson C, $2880, Medford Swanson C M, $4538, Medford Swanson John, $2525, Butte Falls Swanson John F, $2439, Persist Swanson & Larson, $1970, Prospect Swartzfager W M, $450, Jacksonville Swayne P F, $6236, Buncom Swedback E J, $1600, Buncom Swedenburg C J, $665, Ashland Swedenburg F G, $25,975, Ashland Swedenburg F G & Chas, $9000, Phoenix Sweeney Geo H, $100, Butte Falls Sweet Channing, $5000, Medford Sweet Martin, $2000, Rogue River Swem T M, $1650, Medford Swenning F J, $3000, Ashland Swenning Mrs N, $1200, Ashland Swenning S S, $1965, Medford Swenning W J, $450, Medford Swensen Kate M, $600, Butte Falls Swenson Carl L, $1665, Ashland Swichart D L, $1138, Derby Swiden Mary, $545, Medford Swigart M F, $1400, Ashland Swingle A, $1800, Central Point Swingle Mrs Frank, $8300, Phoenix Swingle F D & Louise E, $3525, Ashland Swingle L E, $120, Ashland Swingle S B, $1020, Ashland Swinney Geo, $40, Applegate Swinney Joseph, $800, Rogue River Swocker D R, $200, Medford Sykes Creek Mining Co, $1800, Rogue River Svmcox A H, $10,400, Medford Taber B F, $1600, Rogue River Tabor B B, $1180, Ashland Tabor B C, $1220, Ashland Tackstrom A, $2225, Medford Taggert J C, $300, Medford Taggert Roy, $600, Medford Takuji Mou & Toichi Kamikawa, $400, Talent Talent A P, $5145, Medford Talent Chas O, $1375, Medford Talent C P, $1790, Medford Talent Drug Co, $2100, Talent Talent Furniture Co, $600, Talent Talent J O, $3400, Eagle Point Talent Mercantile Co, $5140, Talent Talent Orchard Co, $98,353, Talent Talent Oscar, $200, Medford Talisman Lodge No 31, $800, Medford Talliender Gerard, $1475, Medford Tamey Checuros, $1100, Medford Tanner Laura W G, $300, Ashland Tanner T R, $675, Medford Tarbell A O, $140, Central Point Tarbell Stephen B, $1940, Central Point Tate Wm H, $1325, Ashland Tatsuma A E, $125, Medford Taube Gustav, $2100, Talent Taverner Geo, $14,240, Ashland Taverner Wm, $500, Ashland Tayler A C, $23,790, Central Point Taylor C C, $300, Medford Taylor C F, $400, Rogue River Taylor David, $700, Phoenix Taylor Effie L, $4450, Medford Taylor Fred L, $2700, Ashland Tavlor F E & S Booker, $250, Rogue River Taylor F J, $470, Central Point Taylor F W, $1500, Climax Taylor H H, $5225, Ruch Taylor H J, $50, Central Point Taylor Irma, $900, Central Point Taylor James, $4000, Climax Taylor John B, Eliz J Taylor Est, $6530, Ashland Taylor John G, $14,293, Medford Taylor Joseph, $720, Medford Taylor Joseph & Sons, $3925, Medford Taylor J A, $652, Ashland Taylor J M, $192, Siskiyou Taylor J M, $385, Gold Hill Taylor Maggie, $500, Rogue River Taylor Mrs M C, $1515, Jacksonville Taylor T H B, $490, Rogue River Taylor W F, $3980, Ashland Taylor W H, $2780, Medford Taylor W R, $730, Ashland Tavlor W W, $3597, Eagle Point Tavlor & Norman Heirs, $4450, Central Point Teague Wm, $2315, Medford Tedrick E R, $156, Medford Tedrick Fred, $1231, Medford Tedarick G W, $956, Medford Telfer May L, $1825, Medford Terrill C E, $5065, Lake Creek Terrill H J, $2820, Talent Terrill Jno, $25, Central Point Terrill John & Sons, $635, Central Point Terrill Mary M, $700, Brownsboro Teters L H, $775, Ashland Tetherow W M, $2340, Central Point Texter Clinton, $2000, Rogue River Thacker A D & G O, $2525, Ashland Thacker & Yeo, $500, Ashland Thaler W W, $40, Medford Thatcher J W, $1370, Ashland Theiss B Paul, $780, Medford Theiss Minnie, $5955, Medford Theiss M G, $7513, Medford Theiss M G & F V Medynski, $4620, Medford Thibodeau F X, $1600, Buncom Thomas Amzi W, $3345, Ashland Thomas Anna A, $150, Gold Hill Thomas Anna M, $725, Central Point Thomas A E, $1230, Buncom Thomas A M, $1325, Eagle Point Thomas A W, $5400, Ashland Thomas Chase & Doty, $435, Talent Thomas C H, $410, Ashland Thomas C W, $640, Eagle Point Thomas G C, $500, Medford Thomas H L, $150, Ashland Thomas Isaac M, $100, Medford Thomas I D, $2060, Medford Thomas I W, $67,520, Medford Thomas John, $5120, Medford Thomas L H, $715, Ashland Thomas Walter A, $2160, Ashland Thomas Wm, $2000, Rogue River Thomas Wm E, $3400, Medford Thomasen P C, $5050, Medford Thomsen Thomas, $90, Talent Thompkins Belle B, $2000, Prospect Thompson Arthur S, $3310, Ashland Thompson A E, $5120, Ashland Thompson A H, $1611, Lake Creek Thompson Bros, $400, Lake Creek Thompson C, $2000, Meadows Thompson D P Co, $15,400, Medford Thompson Eugene, $700, Jacksonville Thompson E D, $160, Rogue River Thompson Jacob, $2730, Ashland Thompson Mrs J H, $1910, Jacksonville Thompson J R C, $500, Rogue River Thompson Mrs M, $245, Jacksonville Thompson M S, $7220, Climax Thompson Mrs Nettie, $460, Jacksonville Thompson N A, $3000, Phoenix Thompson N P, $480, Central Point Thompson N & A M, $1555, Ashland Thompson O T, $500, Rogue River Thompson Thomas, $525, Talent Thompson T H, $4950, Ashland Thompson W E, $1720, Gold Hill Thompson W G, $1600, Buncom Thompson W L, $1750, Sams Valley Thompson & Wilcox, $860, Rogue River Thordarson Christine, $500, Eagle Point Thordarson Lillian, $500, Eagle Point Thornbrue Mrs M B, $1360, Beagle Thorndike I H, $1100, Jacksonville Thorndike John L, $770, Medford Thorndike J H, $6810, Medford Thornton Elizabeth C, $3050, Ashland Thornton Mrs Emma E, Sheridan Thornton & Wm Patton, $2150, Talent Thornton E C, $3250, Ashland Thornton E E, $470, Ashland Thornton F C, $400, Eagle Point Thornton Isa A, $1700, Ashland Thornton S F, $13,465, Ashland Thorp Jeff D, $2000, Rogue River Thrasher Guy T, $350, Phoenix Thrasher James, $500, Phoenix Throckmorton A, $917, Ruch Thorne A E, $300, Ashland Thurber H A, $265, Medford Thurston J S, $1600, Provolt Tibbets E J, $900, Ashland Tice Miss, $150, Medford Tice Jane, $490, Medford Tice Margaret, $7405, Medford Tice M L, $955, Medford Ticknor H J, $2288, Medford Tiffany Genevieve, $1950, Ashland Tiffany Geo, $1700, Ashland Tiffany O C, $400, Rock Point Tikiob I P, $212, Medford Tilden E, $5550, Ashland Tilton Chas F, $3264, Ashland Tilton C F & Grace, $2200, Ashland Tilton D W, $300, Ashland Tilton E W, $11,810, Rogue River Tilton G F, $150, Ashland Tinker Newton, $1015, Medford Toft J E, $5885, Medford Toft R H, $24,545, Medford Tomlin John B, $1625, Medford Tompkins Frank, $215, Central Point Tompkins & Hatfield, $400, Central Point Toney C H, $2097, Derby Tongate F M, $1028, Jacksonville Toole D O, $4200, Medford Tooney W P, $1495, Central Point Torney John A, $959, Medford Torney John C, $1625, Medford Torrey Andrew, $200, Talent Tostevin G H, $1900, Ashland Tostevin & Son, $3650, Ashland Tou Velle F L, $1600, Medford Toun Louis, $2377, Lake Creek Town M F, $800, Buncom Town R S, $800, Buncom Towne Marian B, & Anna W, $1665, Phoenix Townsend A S, $2250, Ashland Townsend E D, $5100, Medford Townsend E D, $2400, Sams Valley Townsend J L, $2400, Ashland Townsend Maggie S, $1120, Ashland Townsend N L, $75, Medford Townsend T S, $3450, Medford Townsend Verna M, $1600, Ashland Tozer J R, $10,235, Ashland Tozier J, $1500, Ashland Tracy F B, $150, Ashland Trail Lumber Co, $32,495, Medford Train Fred, $2175, Ashland Train Ida, $700, Ashland Train O W, $1820, Rogue River Trana Geo, $450, Medford Trana & Brown, $2530, Medford Trask C E, $6065, Ashland Trask Geo A, $30, Talent Trask G E, $2405, Buncom Trask James, $800, Phoenix Trefren G W & M, $2000, Ashland Trefren G W & M F, $1500, Ashland Trefren L S, $2742, Ashland Treichler G L, $200, Medford Treichler & English, $24,270, Medford Trigg Frank, $5055, Central Point Tripp Mary L, $4530, Medford Tripp M A, $800, Prospect Triplett C W, $800, Medford Triplett H H, $985, Rogue River Triplett T J, $1000, Butte Falls Trisham Harry, $100, Sams Valley Trisham Otto, $150, Sams Valley Trisham W A, $5810, Sams Valley Trocksell Rudolph, $100, Butte Falls Troeh J A, $1200, Climax Tronson H B, $11,170, Eagle Point Trotter A H, $200, Medford Trowbridge Benj J, $5925, Medford Trowbridge E G, $14,165, Medford Troxel H A, $175, Talent Truax A L, $480, Eagle Point Truax W W, $1440, Medford Truax W W & C J, $600, Gold Hill True C C, $5100, Ashland True C P, $1930, Medford True Jack, $300, Ashland True Joseph, $900, Ashland True J P, $12,160, Medford True Marcus P, $12,090, Ashland True Mary J, $270, Ashland Trustees Presbyterian Church, $20,800, Medford Trusty G W, $100, Trail Trusty J H, $2732, Trail Tryer Luella, $420, Medford Tryer Marion, $1305, Talent Tucker E H, $2540, Brownsboro Tucker Ida, $1700, Ashland Tucker J P, $3240, Medford Tucker J T, $1205, Medford Tucker M M, $9452, Ashland Tucker R E, $4535, Brownsboro Tull A B, $25, Medford Tull E S, $1910, Medford Tullis H S, $2370, Medford Tungate F M, $100, Jacksonville Tungate Ira, $250, Butte Falls Tungate Jasper, $980, Butte Falls Turbell A O, $125, Central Point Turnbough W, $2537, Jacksonville Turner Charles, $1500, Medford Turner D V, $1800, Medford Turner Elias, $1175, Medford Turner E M, $1430, Medford Turner G B, $380, Gold Hill Turner H D, $1075, Medford Turner May, $690, Medford Turner Olive M, $890, Gold Hill Turpin O A, $3525, Medford Turpin Thos, $4419, Medford Turpin Z, $1345, Medford Turrell J H, $623, Medford Turrill A M, $1800, Central Point Turrill H C & F H, $2410, Beagle Tuthill L, $125, Medford Tuttle et al, $1245, Medford Tuttle Chester, $770, Ashland Tuttle C N, $850, Medford Tuttle Ellen, $415, Medford Tuttle F M, $1370, Medford Tuttle Harry H, $14,025, Medford Tuttle M, $690, Medford Tuttle M et al, $727, Medford Tuttle M W, $125, Medford Tuttle & Son, $4210, Medford Tweed R, $2400, Ashland Twidwell D G, $712, Talent Tyler J F, $127, Soda Springs Tyler J M, $2830, Soda Springs Tyrrel F G, $1060, Ashland Tyrrel I E, $430, Medford Tyrrell A M, $400, Climax Tyrrell J H, $2385, Lake Creek Uhrey Eli, $2880, Ashland Ulen L R, $260, Ashland Ulen L R & A M, $1250, Ashland Ulrich Bros, $3175, Jacksonville Ulrich Christian, $2805, Jacksonville Ulrich Geo C, $1410, Medford Ulrich Lewis, $800, Jacksonville Ulrich Roy, $890, Jacksonville Ulrich Wm, $4140, Medford US Natl Bank of Ashland, $45,880, Ashland Union Meat Co, $9425, Medford Updegraff Sarah, $3050, Ashland Updike C, $723, Medford Upton J M, $22,190, Central Point Usher J M, $2000, Prospect Usher Martha A, $2000, Prospect Valen O M, $315, Ashland Valley Auto Co, $1200, Medford Valley Record, $3000, Ashland Valley Sign & Carriage Wks, $200, Medford VanBrakle J A, $200, Ashland VanBuren L J, $2135, Talent VanBuskirk Chas, $2740, Ashland Vance G S, $95, Ashland Vance M H & A S, $11,350, Jacksonville VanCleave C M, $600, Butte Falls Van de Car B T, $4135, Medford Van de Car S M, $265, Medford Vander Maas J M, $235, Derby Vander Sluis Peter, $75, Talent VanDorfy J S, $280, Medford VanDusen Platt J, $1555, Medford VanDuyn Herbert, $1300, Climax VanDyke, $1965, Medford VanDyke E R, $1460, Medford VanDyke John, $1525, Prospect VanDyke J G, $10,375, Phoenix VanDyke Mrs Minnie, $5045, Medford VanDyke Sarah S, $5774, Medford VanDyke S G, $19,315, Phoenix VanDyke W S, $1430, Ashland VanFossen Cora, $1500, Ashland VanFossen H J, $715, Ashland VanFossen H J & Cora, $200, Ashland VanGoetham W A, $3435, Rogue River VanHarding Henry P, $300, Central Point VanHersett Geo W, $1800, Ashland VanHovenberg Henry J, $2590, Gold Hill VanNatta Geo O, $3120, Ashland VanNatta John, $1705, Ashland VanNice P A, $6253, Ashland VanSant Elizabeth J, $8885, Ashland VanSant & R W Fisher, $1965, Ashland VanSchuyver W J & Co, $1600, Ashland VanScoy W T, $975, Ashland VanScoyoc C C, $850, Medford VanScoyoc W M, $1410, Medford VanTassel Geo, $2420, Barron VantTassel Mrs Mary, $870, Ashland VanvVliet L E, $800, Rock Point VanWeger Lulu, $1650, Medford VanWegen L O, $700, Medford VanWegen Mrs L O, $460, Medford Vaughan M & Sons, $3145, Central Point Vaughn D E, $500, Rogue River Vaughn R B, $2035, Peyton Vaughn W O & Son, $1522, Trail Vaupel C H, $25,260, Ashland Vawter Etta M, $32,596, Medford Vawter W I, $2170, Medford Vawter W I et al, $24,090, Medford Vawter W I, Wm Slinger & C W Palm, $6975, Medford Veghte C H, $10,340, Ashland Veghte Ida A, $1835, Ashland Veghte Thompson & Butler, $8675, Ashland Veghte Willard T, $2330, Ashland Velin C E, $1645, Central Point Venable W H, $4388, Ruch Verbick O B, $1050, Medford Veritas Orchards, $1020, Medford Vermeren F, $2545, Eagle Point Vestal J S, $2767, Eagle Point Vestal L A, $740, Eagle Point Vial Louis P, $1600, Ashland Victor Land Co, $9600, Climax Viggers E, $240, Rock Point Vilas J S, $36,155, Medford Vincent Benton, $1395, Central Point Vincent C O, $2300, Prospect Vincent C O Est, $2776, Asbestos Vincent James, $350, Sams Valley Vincent John, $380, Sams Valley Vincent J B, $200, Buncom Vincent J R, $818, Asbestos Vincent J W, $755, Asbestos Vincent Lottie, $510, Medford Vincent L J, $2400, Asbestos Vincent M A, $2340, Asbestos Vincent R B, $1245, Prospect Vincent Selby, $400, Rock Point Vincent S V, $430, Central Point Vinson Elmira, $11,920, Medford Vinton Aaron W, $2400, Lake Creek Virgin Arestia C, $2585, Ashland Virgin W J, $4450, Central Point Vis J J, $2200, Prospect Vogel Thos, $6860, Medford Vogeli Wesley, $1850, Medford Volck A E, $1000, Climax Volck G A, $1400, Climax Von der Hellen Bros, $3200, Eagle Point Von der Hellen Geo B, $2000, Eagle Point Von der Hellen H, $16,078, Wellen Von der Hellen Wm, $2950, Eagle Point Voorhies Gordon, $91,882, Medford Voorhies O H P, $14,165, Medford Vradenburg H L, $225, Butte Falls Vroman A L, $1150, Medford Vroman Ella, $1600, Meadows Vrooman C W, $1250, Medford Vrooman Mrs C W, $1730, Medford Vrooman O G, $520, Medford Waddle P H, $315, Central Point Wade John, $5, Central Point Wade Mrs R, $260, Central Point Wade W T, $400, Ashland Wadhams & Kerr Bros, $500, Ashland Wadsworth H, $2000, Eagle Point Waggoner W A, $1370, Rogue River Wagner Agnes, $350, Central Point Wagner Anna A, $3600, Ashland Wagener B F BEst, $2800, Ashland Wagner Ellen H, $7550, Ashland Wagener F D, $1665, Ashland Wagner J M, $9625, Ashland Wagner Stella C, $7655, Ashland Wagner W, $300, Trail Wah Chung, $545, Ashland Wahlers August, $6345, Medford Wahlers Henry, $5744, Eagle Point Waite Cassius M, $1000, Ashland Waite Frank W, $500, Medford Waite F B, $14,860, Ashland Waite Hattie, $400, Gold Hill Wakefield Albert L & J W, $3000, Medford Wakefield A L, $8310, Medford Wakefield E W, $950, Medford Wakefield J W, $7712, Medford Wakeman Catharine M, $2130, Medford Wakeman J, $100, Rogue River Wakeman Lewis E, $6797, Medford Wakeman Louise E, $3200, Ashland Wakeman Miles S, $750, Rogue River Wakeman Robert, $650, Rogue River Wakeman R W, $682, Rogue River Wakeman & Antle, $4640, Medford Wakeman & Vandersluis, $3050, Talent Walch Draper, $2225, Eagle Point Walch D B, $510, Wellen Walch J, $900, Eagle Point Walch Mrs J, $12,545, Wellen Walch N S, $1200, Eagle Point Walden Mrs O L, $1960, Medford Walker Alpha M, $2920, Ashland Walker A C, $2770, Central Point Walker Camelia E, $5230, Ashland Walker Claxter, $810, Medford Walker Emma J, $930, Ashland Walker Florence, $100, Asbestos Walker F H, $2640, Ashland Walker F M, $12,780, Ashland Walker Mrs H, $550, Eagle Point Walker Jas G, $11,075, Ashland Walker John, $350, Beagle Walker John D, $1600, Rock Point Walker J B, $1505, Beagle Walker J G, $610, Ashland Walker J O, $1540, Asbestos Walker J P, $740, Ashland Walker L L Est, $1325, Ashland Walker Margaret A, $1890, Ashland Walker Mary & Jno P, $6120, Ashland Walker Minus, $1600, Ashland Walker Minus Est, $30,750, Ashland Walker Phoebe M, $4065, Ashland Walker Roy G, $650, Ashland Walker Sarah J, $2818, Ashland Walker S E, $1330, Sams Valley Walker Mrs S E, $600, Prospect Walker T M & W J, $1090, Ashland Walker W A Est, $427, Ashland Walker W R, $1031, Gold Hill Walker W R & M E, $1600, Gold Hill Wallace Geo, $600, Ashland Wallace L M, $3000, Medford Wallace Mary E, $4480, Medford Walls F W, $100, Ashland Walrad Eugene, $2630, Ashland Walruff Chas, $950, Phoenix Walser Squire, $1450, Central Point Walsh Ambrose, $1300, Rogue River Walsh Sam, $495, Jacksonville Walter Anna, $2074, Medford Walter Geo C, $750, Medford Walter Joseph, $290, Ashland Walter Mary A, $480, Rogue River Walter Mary E, $2000, Rogue River Walters Anna, $3427, Applegate Walters C W, $285, Talent Walters E F, $725, Phoenix Walters F E, $1860, Ashland Walters John, $790, Medford Walters T P, $2305, Medford Walton Geo J, $680, Ashland Walton L E, $1250, Ashland Walz Ada E, $2350, Medford Walz Jacob, $14,120, Medford Wamsley G H, $1200, Eagle Point Ward C B, $5070, Talent Ward John, $525, Jacksonville Ward J C, $2430, Talent Ward Robert J, $492, Talent Ward W T, $1635, Sams Valley Ward & Myers, $2260, Gold Hill Warden J B, $1130, Asbestos Ware A K, $12,100, Medford Ware J W, $115, Central Point Warley W H, $4950, Talent Warmath Homer, $210, Medford Warner A T, $3830, Ashland Warner Belle E, $1600, Lake Creek Warner E N, $31,198, Medford Warner E N & H G Wortman, $620, Medford Warner G G, $2000, Rogue River Warner Henry, $1850, Central Point Warner J W, $1428, Trail Warner L B, $4055, Medford Warner Sarah A, $4000, Central Point Warner Wayman, $465, Central Point Warner Wm J, $2960, Medford Warner Wm J Jr, $125, Medford Warner Wortman & Gore, $46,070, Medford Warner & Wortman, $8910, Medford Warnke Rose S, $1600, Buncom Warnsley G H, $130, Eagle Point Warrell M E, $3660, Sams Valley Warren Construction Co, $10,900, Ashland Warren Frank, $1360, Ashland Warren Geo R, $550, Ashland Warren Harry B, $3030, Ashland Warren J P, $835, Jacksonville Warren Lodge A F & A M, $1932, Jacksonville Warren Norton, $102, Applegate Washburn Louise S, $560, Central Point Washburn R C, $22,015, Central Point Washburn & Oregon Timber Co, $2000, Rogue River Waschau Fredk W, $4240, Medford Wasson Mrs B M, $2777, Ashland Waterman A C, $165, Talent Waterman A C & Mary L, $1305, Talent Waterman Ed, $375, Phoenix Waterman E B, $4535, Medford Waterman Thos A, $230, Brownsboro Waterman Thomas W, $2870, Eagle Point Waters E A, $465, Medford Waters Geo E, $4800, Ashland Watkins H, $1107, Eagle Point Watkins J P, $200, Buncom Watkins Lee, $3075, Central Point Watkins Mrs M, $3055, Watkins Watkins M A, $642, Watkins Watkins N E, $150, Eagle Point Watkins Mrs N E, $1000, Eagle Point Watkins R P, $3440, Ashland Watson C B, $1560, Ashland Watson Danl E, $2400, Lake Creek Watson Edw, $200, Butte Falls Watson E H, $1800, Butte Falls Watson Frank H, $100, Medford Watson F E, $660, Ashland Watson F J, $295, Medford Watson George T, $700, Ashland Watson G L, $2000, Buncom Watson J W, $370, Ashland Watson W O, $7200, Ashland Watt D M, $2800, Talent Watt J E, $15,007, Medford Watt W H, $4350, Phoenix Way E C, $580, Ashland Weatheby A, $400, Talent Weaver Clarence E, $2000, Prospect Weaver Margaret A, $3127, Medford Webb H E, $200, Medford Webb I A, $16,400, Medford Webb J M, $550, Tolo Webb Mary, $270, Medford Webb R W, $200, Medford Webb T J, $317, Medford Webb Wm B, $4930, Central Point Webb W J, $200, Medford Webber Ezra, $4600, Sams Valley Webber Ferdinand, $1975, Medford Weber H, $200, Talent Weber W L, $195, Medford Webster Carl B, $1019, Peyton Webster J B & A E Randall, $1905, Talent Webster J K, $325, Ashland Webster Volna, $1100, Medford Webster W W, $2710, Buncom Webster Z P, $2160, Talent Wecha Frank, $700, Talent Week F N, $1000, Medford Weeks Alfred J, $6970, Medford Weeks Alfred J & Edith Orr, $2600, Medford Weeks Arthur, $4300, Phoenix Weeks A C, $700, Trail Weeks A E, $390, Medford Weeks A E & Edith Orr, $3627, Medford Weeks A I, O E Orr & D Getchell, $41,950, Medford Weeks Geo W, $1212, Trail Weeks Gertrude, $1440, Medford Weeks J D Est, $850, Prospect Weeks Sarah E, $2490, Medford Weeks & McGowan Co, $12,960, Medford Wehrli Rudolph, $2275, Ashland Weiderman H Est, $3695, Asbestos Weidner Andreas, $19,632, Talent Weinhard H Beer & Ice Depot, $2600, Medford Weinhold Ada A, $300, Medford Weinhold E A, $300, Medford Weir Jas, $1600, Buncom Weis Chas, $730, Ashland Weis John, $3270, Jacksonville Weisenburger C C, $3565, Ashland Welch A V, $640, Meadows Wells E C, $3330, Gold Hill Welch E C, $2045, Central Point Welch Isiah M, $11,320, Ashland Welch John W, $200, Gold Hill Welch Joseph, $1500, Central Point Welch J B, $6240, Beagle Welch M M, $57, Watkins Welch W D, $7200, Talent Wells A S, $2995, Medford Wells Ellen I, $2120, Ashland Wells E, $200, Talent Wells E A, $3330, Gold Hill Wells E I, $1200, Ashland Wells James, $2025, Ashland Wells James F, $3300, Ashland Wells John, $17,020, Ashland Wells Martha, $1735, Medford Wells N D, $400, Medford Wells Phoebe J, $400, Ashland Wells Sadie, $2000, Meadows Wells Wm N, $3035, Jacksonville Welsh M S, $4110, Medford Welsher O S, $1395, Central Point Wendt Henry, $6530, Jacksonville Wenner Wm, $1600, Talent Wenner Wm & Cora, $800, Talent Wenner W H, $3650, Ashland Werth Louis, $2660, Ashland Werth W H, $1570, Sams Valley Wertz G F, $1245, Rogue River Wertz Sylvester, $1500, Applegate West G H, $2095, Butte Falls West Side Livery Stables, $3000, Medford West Side Pharmacy, $3500, Medford West W D, $1350, Medford West W D & W R, $1650, Medford Westerlund John A, $21,180, Medford Westerlund J A & H J Hohner, $7770, Medford Westerlund Lottie, $210, Medford Westerlund Orchard Co, $65,090, Medford Weston Mrs Cora, $2150, Central Point Weston N S, $1425, Medford Wetherly Aaron, $9250, Medford Wetzel J A, $800, Prospect Whalen Elizabeth, $2400, Rock Point Wheatley Werner, $1600, Prospect Wheeler Clarence, $11,605, Medford Wheeler D W, $520, Medford Wheeler J L, $1320, Medford Wheeler M W, $5545, Ashland Wheeler Sarah A, $500, Central Point Wheeler Mrs S L, $5270, Phoenix Wheeler V B, $750, Medford Wheeler & Claspill, $1475, Butte Falls Whetsel H M, $460, Medford Whetsel Music Co, $3290, Medford Whetstone Alice G, $6625, Talent Whetstone Dan, $6440, Medford Whetstone Dilla M, $3870, Medford Whetstone H F, $15,425, Central Point Whines Frank L, $312, Medford Whipple J H, $605, Rogue River Whipple J H & Mary E, $4050, Rogue River Whipple Mark, $645, Rogue River Whipple Mary A, $710, Rogue River Whipple Mary E, $650, Rogue River Whipple M B, $1075, Rogue River Whisenant W K, $1875, Medford Whistler C E et ux, $940, Medford White C E, $250, Ashland White Eldon, $1620, Medford White E E, $1640, Ashland White E J, $12,400, Medford White F B, $1600, Buncom White F M, $330, Jacksonville White Horse Mfg Co, $1000, Gold Hill White H L, $10,675, Ashland White H L & E B Shaw, $565, Ashland White I H, $610, Medford White Jane E & E V Carter, $1900, Ashland White John, $25, Rogue River White John F, $6590, Medford White Mary F & Sons, $15,661, Rogue River White R H, $50, Gold Hill White Shelby & Hunt Mfg Co, $2440, Rogue River White S A, $3100, Medford White & Trowbridge, $10,000, Medford Whited Bertha C, $320, Ashland Whited H L, $9430, Ashland Whitehead J D, $1687, Applegate Whitehead R H, $2605, Medford Whiteside Ed, $1643, Central Point Whiteside Rachael, $300, Central Point Whiteside Mrs R M, $13,265, Central Point Whiteside W E & E G, $1600, Central Point Whitley Bros, $252, Persist Whitley David E, $130, Prospect Whitley D E and L A, $228, Prospect Whitley O M, $1025, Prospect Whitman F M, $925, Medford Whitman J A, $2000, Buncom Whitman M F, $5875, Talent Whitmire John F, $1625, Medford Whitmire J R, $250, Medford Whitmore B E, $2650, Ashland Whitmore D E, $2350, Ashland Whitmore P F, $645, Ashland Whitmore & Cook, $100, Ashland Whitmore & Grieve, $1200, Ashland Whitney A P, $7720, Central Point Whitney Emma T, $310, Medford Whitney Horace, $185, Medford Whitney Mary L & Geo W Vanderpool, $910, Ashland Whitney O D, $400, Medford Whittle Elmer, $3125, Medford Whittle F F, $75, Ashland Whynot John, $1500, Prospect Wible Frances E, $1200, Rock Point Wick Clara E & J R, $1200, Ashland Wick J R, $1350, Ashland Wickens W, $2000, Rogue River Wicks T C, $450, Medford Wickstrom Chas E, $5700, Talent Wickstrom Mining Co, $2175, Rogue River Wilber Jack, $1232, Eagle Point Wilbourne M J et al, $650, Ashland Wilbur A B, $4780, Ashland Wilbur E J, $600, Ashland Wilcox Elizabeth, $3745, Medford Wilcox G L, $150, Portland Wilcox G W, $7572, Rogue River Wilcox H P, $3100, Ashland Wilcox L H, $3240, Central Point Wilcox Mrs S C, $300, Jacksonville Wilcox S S, $30, Ashland Wilcox W G, $1630, Rogue River Wilcox & Thompson, $1300, Rogue River Wilder E E, $2090, Phoenix Wilder J T, $3565, Phoenix Wiles Leonard Cement Co, $350, Medford Wiley F E, $1085, Central Point Wiley Jas W G R, $1010, Ashland Wiley M J, $75, Medford Wiley N J & M M, $255, Medford Wiley T S, $2500, Ashland Wilfley J M, $10,350, Eagle Point Wilhite C E, $265, Beagle Wilhite E A, $5120, Beagle Wilkerson G P, $2100, Central Point Wilkerson G R, $2220, Central Point Wilkins Alva R, $600, Ashland Wilkinson Ed, $17,575, Medford Wilkinson Edw, $18,960, Medford Wilkinson J J, $1000, Medford Wilkinson Mrs L A, $11,490, Medford Wilkinson M, $1750, Central Point Wilkinson Scott, $1200, Climax Wilks A J, $1700, Medford Willard Mrs C F, $1130, Phoenix Willeke J N [sic--J U Willeke?], $100, Medford Willeke J V [sic--J U Willeke?], $3555, Medford Willey Laura B, $1970, Ashland Williams A H, $10,400, Talent Williams A J, $1500, Medford Williams Bridget E, $2540, Medford Williams Britta B, $4000, Medford Williams Brittania, $385, Ashland Williams Mrs C C, $50, Central Point Williams Daniel, $100, Tolo Williams E H, $1600, Buncom Williams G M, $1270, Medford Williams Henry, $1675, Ashland Williams Holland, $3000, Ashland Williams I F & L D, $4250, Central Point Williams I T, $1500, Prospect Williams James P, $3200, Lake Creek Williams Jonothan D, $280, Central Point Williams John F, $785, Central Point Williams Jos T, $1737, Central Point Williams J C, $2355, Rogue River Williams J D, $2618, Soda Springs Williams J M, $3930, Ashland Williams Leonard, $750, Central Point Williams L D & I F, $250, Central Point Williams L E, $6310, Medford Williams Mary, $8205, Rogue River Williams Mary F, $425, Climax Williams Myrtle, $100, Medford Williams Mrs M A, $200, Medford Williams M F, $480, Medford Williams W W, $1450, Rogue River Williamson Henry, $1450, Ashland Williamson J E, $25, Talent Williamson T J, $25,469, Medford Willie Wm, $2205, Medford Willis C F, $2600, Medford Willis R F, $2740, Medford Willis Wm, $850, Talent Willis Wm D, $995, Talent Williscroft John Est, $400, Eagle Point Willison C H, $3660, Ashland Willits A R, $370, Persist Willits C F, $320, Ashland Willits I W, $3770, Prospect Willits Mrs I W, $737, Persist Wilmarth Frank, $280, Gold Hill Wilmarth Frank J, $680, Medford Wilmarth G E, $680, Gold Hill Wills John, $2000, Prospect Wills Lizzie, $2000, Prospect Wilsey O, $495, Medford Wilson Almira, $1475, Medford Wilson Anna M, $4755, Medford Wilson Arthur Est, $10,350, Medford Wilson A A, $2515, Ashland Wilson Cora, $7500, Medford Wilson Cora F, $1505, Medford Wilson D C, $14,850, Gold Hill Wilson D F, $865, Medford Wilson Elmer E, $2660, Medford Wilson E M, $2800, Medford Wilson E S, $550, Jacksonville Wilson Frank H & Co, $500, Medford Wilson F M, $1225, Medford Wilson Geo V, $165, Ashland Wilson G F, $2225, Butte Falls Wilson H F, $225, Medford Wilson H F & Co, $1000, Medford Wilson Harrison, $1150, Medford Wilson H L, $50, Medford Wilson Irene, $1290, Central Point Wilson James A, $1250, Jacksonville Wilson Jas L, $600, Medford Wilson John, $20, Jacksonville Wilson Mrs John, $510, Jacksonville Wilson John R, $3544, Medford Wilson Joseph L, $1511, Phoenix Wilson Josephine, $7360, Medford Wilson Julia M, $375, Medford Wilson J A, $250, Jacksonville Wilson J D, $1200, Applegate Wilson J L, $195, Phoenix Wilson J R, $3783, Medford Wilson Lilly L, $500, Meadows Wilson Lucy W, $16,845, Ashland Wilson L L, $3260 Wilson L M, $235, Talent Wilson Martha, $6415, Medford Wilson Mary I, $1140, Talent Wilson Merritt D, $760, Ashland Wilson M E, $2400, Ashland Wilson Mrs M E, $65, Dudley Wilson Nettie, $2400, Butte Falls Wilson N M, $1000, Rogue River Wilson P O, $2580, Rock Point Wilson Robt, $6200, Medford Wilson R B, $3711, Medford Wilson R G, $3100, Eagle Point Wilson R L, $2312, Central Point Wilson R P, $1490, Medford Wilson Sam I, $3638, Medford Wilson Mrs S A, $2400, Gold Hill Wilson S F, $2400, Butte Falls Wilson S J, $4375, Talent Wilson Willard T, $1390, Medford Wilson Willet C, $835, Medford Wilson W C et al, $752, Medford Wilson & Kubli, $600, Applegate Wimer A L, $905, Talent Wimer R L, $730, Medford Winders Alice, $2140, Rogue River Wines A, $1600, Climax Wines Elvira, $1600, Climax Wing Emma, $100, Ashland Wing Nellie, $2190, Medford Wing Sarah, $950, Ashland Winkle W I, $282, Eagle Point Winkler N H, $2000, Rogue River Winn G M, $2532, Wellen Winningham John, $272, Butte Falls Winter Otto, $6435, Ashland Winterhalter Mary, $400, Medford Wintzen John, $1562, Jacksonville Wirdworth H T, $150, Gold Hill Wise Clara J, $1600, Buncom Wise J I, $13,685, Medford Wise M L, $4260, Climax Withrow J H, $380, Talent Witte E M, $440, Medford Witte Wm, $10,850, Central Point Wolcott E F, $100, Ashland Wolcott I M, $2690, Medford Wold F W, $19,200, Central Point Woldridge G L, $500, Provolt Woldridge J L, $1800, Provolt Wolf Fred, $465, Medford Wolf Frederica, $540, Medford Wolf Geo & Emma A, $1565, Ruch Wolf G N, $850, Central Point Wolf J P, $4860, Ashland Wolf Mamie, $2400, Ashland Wolf Mrs M J, $180, Ashland Wolfer E S, $220, Eagle Point Wolfer Mrs E S, $1270, Eagle Point Wolff Fred, $250, Medford Wolff Frederika, $50, Medford Wolgamott C M, $1347, Medford Wolgamott Geo, $180, Talent Wolgamott G O, $585, Medford Wolgamott John M, $432, Talent Wolgamott Margaret J, $1748, Medford Wolgamott Zelmont, $852, Talent Wolter Emil, $3610, Medford Wolter E E, $3330, Medford Wolter Nicholas, $420, Medford Wolters C W, $4760, Talent Wolverton C D, $8086, Medford Wolverton C E, $2544, Butte Falls Wolverton Sarah T, $6285, Medford Wolverton W D, $1600, Ashland Wood Clara M, $175, Medford Wood David S, $200, Medford Wood D F, $2400, Medford Wood D S, $300, Medford Wood Francis G, $1400, Eagle Point Wood F M, $1200, Ashland Wood Geo W, $250, Talent Wood H F, $750, Medford Wood H S, $215, Medford Wood H W, $1410, Medford Wood Jerdina F, $800, Lake Creek Wood J B, $3720, Medford Wood J N, $1600, Climax Wood Mary, $1670, Ashland Wood Mrs Mary, $1870, Ashland Wood M A, $800, Sams Valley Wood M N, $1870, Ashland Wood M S, $1000, Eagle Point Wood S M, $150, Ashland Wood Wallace, $825, Ashland Wood Walter, $5622, Eagle Point Wood W P, $800, Medford Woodbury P R, $2455, Phoenix Woodcock Bertha, $2400, Ashland Woodcock Edward, $2925, Draper Woodcock Nora, $945, Rock Point Woodford Alonzo M, $6210, Medford Woodford J R, $5430, Medford Woodford Leonard, $1950, Medford Woodin A H, $2000, Rogue River Woodruff J E, $3545, Medford Woods D S, $755, Medford Woods E A, $500, Rogue River Woods J E, $240, Medford Woods J N & Clara E, $1030, Ashland Woods Lumber Co, $12,910, Medford Woods Wallace, $6450, Medford Woods W E, $5222, Medford Woods & Stephenson, $450, Medford Woodson G B, $315, Central Point Woodsworth V M, $1000, Butte Falls Woodward Troy, $1035, Ashland Woodward Troy & Mary H, $865, Ashland Woody A N, $775, Medford Woody Joseph N, $400, Climax Woody Sarah C, $1875, Medford Woolan A L, $955, Medford Wooldridge G L, $240, Applegate Wooldridge J L, $633, Applegate Wooldridge W W, $199, Applegate Wooley M, $1000, Eagle Point Woolf Mrs Nannie, $2900, Medford Woolf Scott, $250, Medford Woolsoncroft Eliza, $2000, Prospect Works Mary E, $646, Talent Works Orville, $37, Talent Worrell Helen L, $270, Medford Worrell M E, $240, Gold Hill Worthington Olive S, $445, Medford Worthy E N, $1725, Medford Wortman H G, $8585, Medford Wortman Jos F, $32,380, Medford Wortman Mrs J F, $400, Medford Wray A L, $600, Talent Wren J E, $35, Jacksonville Wright Mrs Anna, $945, Central Point Wright A N, $1680, Medford Wright A W, $3045, Phoenix Wright B E, $1225, Medford Wright C S, $725, Phoenix Wright E B, $6305, Ashland Wright E F, $2795, Ashland Wright Fred W, $220, Central Point Wright Geo F, $650, Central Point Wright Isaac, $890, Rogue River Wright Jas N, $605, Central Point Wright Jennie, $480, Butte Falls Wright John Est, $10,095, Central Point Wright J A, $1355, Phoenix Wright J M, $2450, Ashland Wright Kate, $1100, Central Point Wright Louisa J, $4800, Ashland Wright L A, $60, Butte Falls Wright Melinda J, $3330, Medford Wright M A, $500, Eagle Point Wright Mrs M A, $100, Eagle Point: Wright O C, $1335, Ashland Wright Mrs Paul, $2446, Medford Wright Sarah E, $135, Central Point Wright S E, $2380, Ashland Wright T J, $3000, Ashland Wright T Wm, $1395, Phoenix Wright Wm A, $6600, Ashland Wright W E, $1600, Buncom Wright W F, $692, Applegate Wright W T, $305, Central Point Wright W W & Phoebe, $1010, Ashland Wrisley R I, $1770, Medford Wrisley & Higinbotham, $800, Butte Falls Wyant B T, $70, Talent Wyant Lewis H, $2480, Ashland Wyatt J R, $2000, Rogue River Wyatt Thos, $1065, Medford Wyland Aaron, $2000, Climax Wyland Lane, $2340, Central Point Wynatt S J, $2000, Meadows Wynkoop Perry E, $7090, Medford Yarbrough F D, $2610, Ashland Yates Alpha & Fred R Goddard, $461, Talent Yeo Geo H & Olive M, $2850, Ashland Yeo J A, $100, Ashland Yeo Wm, $150, Ashland Yeo & Brunner, $1500, Ashland Yockey Helen, $230, Medford Yockey W R, $13,230, Ashland Yockey W R & E, $1040, Ashland Yockey & Beaver, $400, Ashland Yocom A W, $360, Central Point Yokam Walter, $65, Ruch York F W, $2285, Ashland York Luther S, $240, Medford York Wm A, $200, Ashland York W T, $2790, Medford York W T & Co, $10,335, Medford Yost Geo L, $1725, Medford Young Alex J, $2400, Prospect Young A L, $2000, Meadows Young Bros, $775, Eagle Point Young Chas F, $4890, Medford Young Chas M, $1500, Rogue River Young Chris & Kate, $6235, Gold Hill Young Clara, $1980, Eagle Point Young C F & J C Hall, $29,038, Medford Young Elsie, $75, Ashland Young F L, $478, Eagle Point Young Geo, $250, Medford Young George B, $8320, Medford Young I C, $2065, Central Point Young Kate, $2720, Meadows Young Leo, $250, Medford Young M F, $820, Central Point Young O L, $3380, Ashland Young Peter, $3775, Medford Young Peter F, $4016, Eagle Point Young Thos F Est, $3480, Eagle Point Young & Hall, $18,825, Medford Yount Marion, $775, Talent Yount W D, $800, Gold Hill Zach J S, $407, Ashland Zana F, $4075, Sams Valley Zanon Martin, $1520, Central Point Zapf Herman, $2625, Medford Zeigler Jos, $800, Ashland Zeigler Jos & Anna, $3470, Ashland Zepp Peter, $1475, Medford Zetz L J, $966, Medford Ziders Geo E, $530, Talent Zimmer Fred D, $3975, Talent Zimmer L W, $6620, Medford Zimmerlee J T, $1807, Prospect Zimmerman A B, $2150, Eagle Point Zimmerman R B, $1200, Medford Zimmerman W J, $200, Rock Point Zindler Herman, $1595, Medford Zipsey C, $1215, Medford Zipsey Frank, $1370, Asbestos Zoney Mrs A E, $610, Gold Hill Zorte Mrs Minnie, $25, Jacksonville POLK'S
appearing under headings marked
thus * are only inserted when specially contracted for.Classified Business Directory JACKSON COUNTY 1912 Abstracts of Land Titles
Jackson County Abstract Co, 70 N Main,
AshlandDay Silas J Abstract Co, Jacksonville JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO, N Fir sw cor W 6th, Medford (See Right Top Lines and adv) ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT-TITLE CO, 3 Palm Blk, Medford, Ashland and Jacksonville (See Left Bottom Lines and adv) Academies and Schools
Colleges and Schools
Brackinreed Alan, Medford Natl Bank bldg,
MedfordWood D R, Mail Tribune bldg, Medford TEMPLE, WEBB & CO, Germania Bldg, St Paul Minn; Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis Minn *Addressing
R L & CO, 525-528 Beck Bldg, Portland OrAgricultural Implements
Peil Emil, 3 Plaza, AshlandPHIPPS E E, 389 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 11) Freeman & Wiley Co, Central Point Myers W G, Gold Hill Hubbard Bros, 335 E Main, Medford Medford Implement Co, 28 N Bartlett, Medford *Alfalfa Lands
J D & CO, Medford Hotel, Medford (See Right Bottom
Lines)*Aluminum Goods
F W HARDWARE, 28 S Central Av, Medford (See Back Cover and
p 8)Apartments
Berben The, 10 N Quince, MedfordSmith Apartments, 217 S Riverside av, Medford Snell L L, 21 Genessee, Medford Apiarists
Bellinger F R, 125 N Holly, MedfordMuller & Berrian, 44 N Orange, Medford Stewart James, 324 Plum, Medford Architects
Bowen W F, 7 Citizens Banking &
Trust Co Bldg, AshlandForbes C W, Garfield 1 n Boulevard, Ashland Smith E O, 7 First Natl Bank bldg, Ashland Butz George, 215 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford Clark F C, 219 W Main, Medford Johns & Turner, 408 N Ivy, Medford Power & West, 207 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Art Goods
Lane Mrs C E, 47 N Main, AshlandHandicraft Shop Co The, 15 N Central av, Medford *Art Stores
STORE THE, 27 N Grape, Medford (See opp p 32)Artists
Russell Mabel E, 117 N Main, AshlandART STORE THE, 27 N Grape, Medford (See opp p 32) Standeford N K, 428 W 4th, Medford SANDVALL ENGRAVING CO, 133½ 1st, Portland Or (See Engravers) Artists' Materials
STORE THE, 27 N Grape, Medford (See opp p 32)Assayers
Liljegran E W, 104 W 6th, Medford*Auto Clothing
MOTOR SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)*Auto Gloves
MOTOR SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)*Auto Greases
MOTOR SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)Auto Supplies
E E, 389 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 11)PACIFIC MOTOR SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines) *Auto Tools
MOTOR SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)Automobile Liveries
also Garages
Murphy Bros, 30 N Holly, MedfordAutomobile Repairs
MOTOR CAR CO, 43 Mill, Ashland (See p 5)Dyer G F, 1118 N Central av, Medford Powell Auto Co, 109 E 8th, Medford Roseberry J M, 927 S Central av Vroman O G, 608 E Main, Medford Automobile Supplies
MOTOR CAR CO, 43 Mill, Ashland (See p 5)GATES C E OVERLAND AGENCY, 132 S Riverside Av, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines) Automobiles
MOTOR CAR CO, 43 Mill, Ashland (See p 5)Logan C O, 54 E Main, Ashland Pellett Harry, Mill nr Plaza, Ashland Bear Creek Motor Car Co, 104 S Bartlett, Medford Crater Lake Garage, 125 S Front, Medford GATES C E OVERLAND AGENCY, 132 S Riverside Av, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines) Sonne & Hanley, 114 S Bartlett, Medford Valley Auto Co, 30 N Holly, Medford Bakers
Jelen L S, 233 4th, AshlandMiller E E, 242 E Main, Ashland Royal Bakery, 39 E Main, Ashland Morris Mrs N S, Butte Falls Taylor F J, Central Point Riley George, Eagle Point Iverson George, Gold Hill Jorgensen R C, Jacksonville ALLEN GROCERY CO, 36-40 S Central Av, Medford (See p 30) Beacom W J, 135 W Main, Medford Corey C H, 706 Pine, Medford Kennedy W M, 42 S Central av, Medford Sabine C T, 606 E Main, Medford LaBelle Edward, Talent Banks and Bankers
Citizens Banking & Trust Co, E
Main se cor 1st, AshlandFirst National Bank of Ashland, E Main sw cor 1st av, Ashland Granite City Savings Bank, E Main nw cor Oak, Ashland United States National Bank of Ashland, 15 Plaza, Ashland Pine Belt Banking Co, Butte Falls Central Point State Bank, Central Point First State Bank of Eagle Point, Eagle Point Gold Hill Bank The, Gold Hill Bank of Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beekman's Banking House, Jacksonville FARMERS & FRUITGROWERS BANK, 200 W Main, Medford (See p 2) FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEDFORD THE, 122 E Main, Medford (See Front Cover) Jackson County Bank, 201 E Main, Medford Medford National Bank, 133 E Main, Medford State Bank of Talent, Talent Barbers
Bates N G, Hotel Oregon, AshalndDavies & Cottrell, 243 4th, Ashland Elliott C J, 23 E Main, Ashland Ellis J D, 139 E Main, Ashland Skeen G B, 56 N Main, Ashland Yeo J A, 65 N Main, Ashland Thornbrue E H, Beagle Carson J F, Butte Falls Boswell J E, Central Point Owen Glen, Central Point Ross J E, Central Point Gleason Ernest, Eagle Point McFarren S V, Gold Hill Shaver C N, Gold Hill Bunch R A, Jacksonville Robison Frank, Jacksonville Bates H G, 128 W Main, Medford Booth & Renner, 37 N Fir, Medford Gibbs B R, 10 N Front, Medford Howe T A, 19 S Central av, Medford Murphy J S, 212 W Main, Medford Summerville J T, 17 N Central av, Medford Wood & Estes, 108 E Main, Medford Workman H S, 113 E Main, Medford Hover Herbert, Phoenix Norman J F, Talent Wood G W, Talent Baths
Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, lst
bet A and B, AshlandHelman Baths, Otis nw cor Laurel, Ashland Natatorium and Amusement Co, N Riverside av ft E 6th, Medford *Batteries
MOTOR SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)Bicycle Repairers
Martin F E, 11 N Fir, MedfordBicycles
MOTOR SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines):Shively Bros, 32 S Grape, Medford *Bicycles and Sundries
E E, 389 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 11)Bill Posters
Canon V T, 37 N Bartlett, MedfordBilliard and Pool Rooms
Ruger J A, 267 4th, AshlandSayle J P & Son, 117 E Main, Ashland Carson J F, Butte Falls Leonard C P, Jacksonville Bedingfield F L, 28 N Front, Medford Belcher Frank, 43 S Front, Medford Brown & Hall, 14 N Fir, Medford Dolman C R, 221 W Main, Medford Haney B E, 111 W Main, Medford Tsikouras Thomas, 15 N Fir, Medford Blacksmiths
Herriott T W, ApplegateClark & Son, Mill nr Plaza, Ashland Sherman E C & Son, 557 B, Ashland Van Leer M S, 1st bet E Main and C, Ashland Wilson W W, 55 1st av, Ashland Stacy G W, Beagle Tucker R E, Brownsboro Hawk F A, Central Point Peart B F, Central Point Price W E, Central Point Childreth H O, Eagle Point Childreth W L, Eagle Point Carter C F, Gold Hill Kell Charles, Gold Hill Applebaker Joseph, Jacksonville Basye C H, Jacksonville Donegan Patrick, Jacksonville Caskey & Scherman, 118 S Bartlett, Medford Dooms P A, 109 S Holly, Medford Elliott Hugh, S Riverside av nw cor E 8th, Medford Hansen & McClanahan, 32 S Fir, Medford Merriman G F, 20 S Riverside av, Medford Turpin Richard, 115 N Fir, Medford Ruch C M, Ruch High N L, Talent Boarding Houses
also Hotels, Etc
Simpson C F, 72 N Main, AshlandRobinett Mrs Sophia, Central Point Barkdull Mrs C C, 117 N Central av, Medford Bass J W, 235 N Ivy, Medford Jones J C, 245 N Riverside av, Medford Kent Mrs Jane, 401 E 5th, Medford Taylor Mrs M A, 42 S Bartlett, Medford Mrs V M, 511 E Main, Medford Bell The, Talent *Bonds
TRUST CO, 2nd fl Selling Bldg, Portland Or (See Right
Bottom Lines and p 282)Books and Stationery
Davis & Miller, 209 E Main,
MedfordMerrill & Merrill, 134 W Main, Medford Boot and Shoe Makers
Boots and Shoes
Bottlers--Mineral and Soda Water
Colestin Mineral Water Co, ColestinMedford Soda Works, 106 S Bartlett, Medford Bowling Alleys
Woody Charles, Central PointBox Manufacturers
Western Lumber & Supply Co, TalentBreweries
Weinhard H Beer & Ice Depot, W
4th nw cor Fir, Medford*Brick--Common and Pressed
P L CO INC, 307 Lumber Exch, Portland Or (See Building
Material)Brick Manufacturers
Stickel Bros, Gold HillJACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE CO, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See Left Top Lines and p 259) Medford Brick Co, 746 W Jackson, Medford Ray Realty Co, Tolo Buggy and Auto Tops
Ackley L E, 24 S Riverside av, MedfordBuilders' Hardware
MERCANTILE CO, 375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)*Builders' Supplies
F W HARDWARE, 28 S Central Av, Medford (See Back Cover and
p 8)Building Material
CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO, 209 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg,
Medford (See Right Side Lines)WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge) CHERRY P L CO INC, 307 Lumber Exch, Portland Or (See adv) Building and Loan Associations
BUILDING & LOAN ASSN, 427 Medford Furniture
& Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Backbone and p 2)*Bulbs
J T, MF&H Co Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See
Right and Left Top Lines and Florists)*Bungalows
F E COMPANY, Citizens Bank & Trust Co Bldg,
Ashland (See Right Side Lines)*Business Colleges
BUSINESS COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines)Butter, Cheese and Eggs
*Butter Manufacturers
Natatorium Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines)Cabinet Makers
Furniture Mnfrs and Dealers
Candy Manufacturers
Medford Candy Mnfg Co, 321 S Front,
MedfordThompson Crispette Co, 103 W Main, Medford Carpenters, Contractors and
Blue D P, 282 Oak, AshlandCreighton G H, 52 Morton, Ashland Leonard R W, 144 Nutley, Ashland Moyer & Van Natta, 108 2nd, Ashland Payne E C, 16 Granite, Ashland Penter W H, 348 N Main, Ashland Rease E M, 1089 Boulevard, Ashland Veghte C H, 51 Gresham, Ashland Farnum Henry, Central Point Sanderson C C, Central Point Blue D P, Gold Hill Dungey Walter, Gold Hill Fick F P, Jacksonville Anderson J W, 603 N Bartlett, Medford Balcom H G, 838 W 2nd, Medford Boyd & Son, 608 E Main, Medford Denburger J D, 401 W 2nd, Medford Drew J H, 1030 N Central av, Medford Gates H E, 23 Rose av, Medford Goodhue F B, 923 W Main, Medford Gudehus H E, 803 W 11th, Medford Hale R F, 616 N Central av, Medford Handy W L, 855 W 2nd, Medford Hardy H N, 717 N Alder, Medford Irvine G W, 1124 W 10th, Medford Lockwood B O, w end W 2nd, Medford Loomis G G, 1102 W 10th, Medford Lyon L M, 716 E Main, Medford McDonald E H, 819 Taylor, Medford Muir David, 1507 W Main, Medford Power P E, 101 Portland av, Medford Quigley L J, 603 N Fir, Medford Roberts Edward, 16 N Quince, Medford Salter F P, 1101 W 9th, Medford Wiley N J, 403 W Jackson, Medford Winkel W W, Capitol Hill, Medford Wood D S, Benson add, Medford Ommel R J, Persist Morse W A, Talent Rose Frank, Talent Carriage and Wagonmakers
See also BlacksmithsMitchell J Wm, 36 S Riverside av, Medford *Carriages and Wagons
E E, 389 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 11)*Cement
LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge)Cement Block Manufacturers
Bear Creek Cement Pipe & Block
Co, Central PointMedford Hydraulic Cement Brick & Block Co, Fir ne cor 10th, Medford Medford Miracle Concrete Co, n end N Riverside av, Medford *Certified Public Accountants
WEBB & CO, Germania Bldg, St Paul, Minn; Lumber
Exchange,Minneapolis, Minn Chemists
Hygienol Chemical Co Inc The, 299 E Main,
Ashland*China Painting Supplies
STORE THE, 27 N Grape, Medford (See opp p 32)*China and Cut Glass
BROS, 97 N Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)Chinese Goods
Wah Chung, 282 A, AshlandChiropodists
MADAME, 26 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left
Bottom Lines and Hair Dressers)*Chiropody
SHOP THE, 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See Hair
Reynolds Wm H, 133 1st av, AshlandLockwood R J, Central Point HEDGES A R, 230 N Bartlett, Medford (See p 74) HEDGES MRS L E, 230 N Bartlett, Medford (See p 74) Lockwood R J, 310 E 9th, Medford Christian Science Practitioners
Rose Mrs M E, 77 6th, AshlandAlsdorf Mrs M J, 47 N Orange, Medford Brown Mrs H M, 1207 W Main, Medford Morrison Mrs R A, 324 S Orange, Medford Wood Mary E, 539 W 10th, Medford Cigar Manufacturers
Hosler H H, 25 E Main, AshlandRukes Lewis, 119 E 6th, Medford Cigars and Tobacco--Wholesale
Ireland E C Cigar Co Inc, 212 W Main,
MedfordCigars and Tobacco--Retail
t‘ourth Street News Co, 253
4th, AshlandGrieve E R Jr, 15 E Main, Ashland Ashpole Roy, Eagle Point Lewis Frank, Eagle Point Burgess, Quizenberry & Burgess, 10 N Front, Medford Davidson O L, W Main n w cor Fir, Medford Ireland E C Cigar Co Inc, 212 W Matin, Medford Ritter & Dunlap, 121 E Main, Medford Wilson F M, 116 E Main, Medford Smith R A, Phoenix Garvin & Thurber, Talent *Circulars Addressed
R L & CO, 525-528 Beck Bldg, Portland, Or*City Property
COUNTY REALTY CO, 604 W 10th cor King, Medford (See Left
Side Lines)Civil Engineers and Surveyors
Grisez F A, 6 Mills bldg, AshlandWalker F H, 6 Mills bldg, Ashland Arnspiger Olen, 235 E Main, Medford Foster H E, 235 E Main, Medford Howard J S Engineering Co, 8-204 E Main, Medford OSGOOD & CUMMINGS, 3rd Floor Medford Natl Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines) Stoeckmann H G, 207 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Whiting L W, 2 Palm blk, Medford *Clay Products
BRICK & TILE CO, 1½ m sw of
Jacksonville (See Left
Top Lines and p 259)*Cleaning and Pressing
L J, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)Alsdorf Mrs M J, 47 N Orange, Medford Brown Mrs H M, 1207 W Main, Medford Morrison Mrs R A, 324 S Orange, Medford Wood Mary E, 539 W 10th, Medford Cloaks and Suits
M M CO, 222 W Main, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and adv)Kentner's Big Department Store, E Main se cor S Bartlett, Medford Clothing
Baughman H T, 227 4th, AshlandEnders H G, 266 E Main, Ashland Mitchell & Whittle, 27 Plaza, Ashland Akins, Benton & Co, 226 W Main, Medford Alexander F J, 8 Palm blk, Medford DANIELS T E, 202 E Main, Medford (See p 54) Model Clothing Co Inc, 234 E Main, Medford *Coal and Wood
R E, Central Point (See Right Side Lines and p 14)Cold Storage
Ashland Ice & Storage Co, Water
nw cor B, AshlandCollection Agents
COLLECTION AGENCY, 412 Medford Furniture
& Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See adv)WORTHINGTON MERCANTILE AGENCY, 512-514 Wilcox Bldg, Portland, Or (See Mercantile Agencies) BURCH COLLECTION CO, 714 Realty Bldg, Spokane, Wash Colleges and Schools
also Schools and Colleges
Ashland (See Front Cover and p 11)MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines) MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 5) St Mary's Academy, 310 W 11th, Meador MT ANGEL COLLEGE, Mt Angel, Or (See p 15) *Commercial Colleges
BUSINESS COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines)Commission--Fruit and Produce
Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn, Ash
ne cor Oak, AshlandRogue River Commission Co, Front bet 12th and 13th, Medford Southern Oregon Produce Co, SP tracks bet 8th and 9th, Medford Confectionery and Fruits
Baker Mark, 57 N Main, AshlandLane C E, 23 Plaza, Ashland Loomis C L, 607 Boulevard, Ashland Powell T L, 524 A, Ashland Pracht A H, 171 E Main, Ashland Roberts & Sheppard, 69 N Main, Ashland Rose Bros, 145 E Main, Ashland Lesmeister Mrs Cecelia, Central Point Moore G S, Central Point Reame R C, Central Point Owings Ralph, Eagle Point Reed H D, Gold Hill Turner G B, Gold Hill Chapman G R, Jacksonville Deneff W C, Jacksonville DeVoe C A, 418 W Main, Medford Edwards A M, 21 S Central av, Medford Flammer & Co, 105 W Main, Medford Foster R M, 217 E Main, Medford Learned Albert, 323 E Main, Medford McBride Store The, 229 E Main, Medford McCreight W G, 122 N Front, Medford Ritter & Dunlap, 121 E Main, Medford Snyder Bertha, 218 E Main, Medford Garvin & Thurber, Talent Luke R J, Talent *Conservatories of Music
(See Right Top Lines and p 5)Contractors--Brick and Stone
Aiton W J, 1010 S Oakdale av, MedfordChilders Spencer, 211 Vancouver av, Medford Davis T A, 1414 Euclid av, Medford Contractors--Cement and Concrete
Lindsey S N, 668 N Main, AshlandRaudebaugh & Son, 89 Oak, Ashland Jones W E, Central Point Billings T E, 1405 N Riverside av, Medford Boswell Robert, 1002 W 11th, Medford Chelgren Bros, 736 N Taft, Medford Denhof & Maultby, 441 N Grape, Medford Leonard, Wiles Cement Co Inc, 14 Cottage, Medford Shoults W T, 211 N Ivy, Medford *Contractors--Electrical
OREGON ELECTRICAL & HEATING CO, 29 N Grape, Medford(See Right Botton Lines, Electric Companies and Heating and Ventilating) Contractors--Excavating
Chelgren Bros, 736 N Taft, MedfordContractors--General
Clark & Henery Construction Co, 9
Post Office blk, MedfordContractors--Plastering
Brown C A, 18 Elm, MedfordContractors--Railroad
Delin C M, 406 S Riverside av, MedfordTwohy Bros, 401 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Young M E, 227 E 9th, Medford *Contractors and Builders
Citizens Bank & Trust Co Bldg, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)*Corsets
Elks Bidg, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 154)Creameries
Valley Pride Co-operative Creamery Assn, ApplegateASHLAND CREAMERY, 97 Mill, Ashland Hornbrook Creamery Co, 110 N Riverside av, Medford MEDFORD CREAM & BUTTER CO, Natatorium Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines) MEDFORD DAIRY, Jacksonville rd ¼ m w limits, Medford (See opp p 84) ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY, 134 N Riverside Av, Medford Scott Valley Creamery Co, 110 N Riverside av, Medford *Credit Associations
Failing Bldg, Portland, Or (See Back Cover and Protective Assns)*Cutlery
375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)Dairies
Arant C F, ¾ m nw limits, AshlandMarquam A B, 460 Laurel, Ashland Million W B, 603 Oak, Ashland Sams C E, 468 Helman, Ashland Sander & Sander, n end Helman, Ashland Baily Henry, Climax Holman W H, Climax Orchard Arthur, Climax Taylor H H, ns California, Jacksonville Lindsay Bros, Lilyglen Bellinger J H, 404 S Peach, Medford MEDFORD DAIRY, Jacksonville rd ¼ m w limits, Medford (See opp p 84) Ensign H A, Rock Point Kershaw J L, Wellen Delicatessen
Butler Mrs E C, 180 E Main, AshlandDentists
Blake W E, 9 First Natl Bank bldg, AshlandEndelman J, 4 Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, Ashland Johnson F H, Beaver bldg, Ashland Tilton C F, 54 E Main, Ashland Buchanan W E, Butte Falls Davis Eldon, Central Point Shaw T T, Jacksonville Barber F S, 204 E Main, Medford Bundy Louis, 3-308 E Main, Medford Deane A W, 123 E Main, Medford Hiniker A J, 228 E Main, Medford Keene J M, 228 E Main, Medford Phipps I D, 201 Phipps bldg, Medford Riddell E G, 1 St Marks blk, Medford Van Scoyoc Bros, 310 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Department Stores
Kentner's Big Department Store, E Main se cor S Bartlett,
MedfordMANN J C, 14 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines) OLDS, WORTMAN & KING, Portland, Or *Designers
CO, 133½ lst, Portland, Or (See Engravers)Detective Agencies
BUREAU, 312 Wilcox Bldg, Portland Or (See adv)THIEL DETECTIVE SERVICE CO, 410 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Or (See Front Cover and adv) Directory Publishers
525-528 Beck Bldg, Portland Or*Doors
& DOOR CO, 32 W 11th cor Fir, Medford (See Left
Top Lines and Planing Mills)*Drain Tile
& TILE CO, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See
Left Top
Lines and p 259)MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO, 209 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Right Side Lines) *Drayage
434 S Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines)*Dress Goods
Elks Bldg, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 154)Dressmakers
Baldwin Cora E, 316 N Main, AshlandBarnes Mrs M M, 438 N Main, Ashland Clark Velma, 461 Allison, Ashland Danford Evalyn, rear 124 Manzanita, Ashland Hartley Ada, 116 Nob Hill, Ashland Hensley Mrs A E, 133 Hargadine, Ashland Irish Mrs L B, 34 1st, Ashland Jones Mrs K W, 79 Pine, Ashland Lennart Louise, 280 2nd, Ashland Luttrell Mrs N M, 62 4th, Ashland McNeill Mrs Myra, 190 Oak, Ashland Shaw Mrs V S, 487 Rock, Ashland Rose Mrs May, Jacksonville Wetterer Mary G, Jacksonville Baer Mrs Victoria, 314 Howard, Medford Barnett Mrs A N, 6 W Jackson, Medford Blakely Mrs A M, 247 S Riverside av, Medford Cochran Belle, 401 E 5th, Medford Cornett Mrs S D, 402 S Central av, Medford Cripps Mrs Jennette, 608 N Riverside av, Medford Davies Mrs Della, 403 N Bartlett, Medford Doane Mrs S H, 405 Beatty, Medford Fielder Rose M, 710 E Main, Medford Fifer Mrs F E, 921 Reddy av, Medford Garrison Mrs R A, 1021 W 9th, Medford Grant Mrs M C, 402 N Oakdale, Medford Grantham Mrs M J, rear 1110 W 4th, Medford Haven Mrs L E, 613 S Central av, Medford Hildebrand Mrs N E, 919 Reddy av, Medford Johnson Mrs E M, 509 N Taft, Medford Lovelace Mrs Maggie, 859 E 9th, Medford Matney Nanna, 445 N Bartlett, Medford Miller Mrs N M, 314 Howard, Medford Rukes Mrs Maggie, 424 S Peach, Medford Turner Mae, 115 S Mistletoe, Medford Clark Mrs G C, Phoenix Druggists
Bolton T K, 53 N Main, AshlandDepot Drug Store, cor 4th and B, Ashland McNair Bros, 43 N Main, Ashland McNair J J, 303 E Main, Ashland Poley W M, 17 E Main, Ashland England M R, Central Point Mee Mary A, Central Point Jarvis J Q, Gold Hill Robinson J W, Jacksonville Eagle Pharmacy, 109 E Main, Medford Haskins Drug Store, 214 E Main, Medford Medford Pharmacy, 22 N Central av, Medford Strang Charles, 231 E Main, Medford West Side Pharmacy, 206 W Main, Medford Croy Walter, Phoenix Talent Drug Co, Talent Dry Goods
Beebe & Kinney, 31 Plaza, AshlandFerguson Bros, 52 E Main, Ashland McGEE'S, Elks Bldg, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 154) Vaupel C H, 68 E Main, Ashland Ryan Luke, Jacksonville Akins, Benton & Co, 226 W Main, Medford Hutchison & Lumsden, 213 E Main, Medford MANN J C, 14 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines) Medford Mercantile Co Inc, 226 E Main, Medford Moe H N & Co, 125 E Main, Medford Dyers and Cleaners
See also Cleaning
and Pressing
Ashland Cleaning Works, 292 E Main, AshlandHeartfield & Kirby, 109 W Main, Medford McCreight J S, 120 N Front, Medford Pantorium Dye Works Co, 5 N Fir, Medford Electric Companies
ELECTRICAL & HEATING CO, 29 N Grape, Medford (See
Right Bottom Lines, adv, and Heating and Ventilating)Electric Light and Power Companies
Ashland Electric Power & Light Co, 91 Oak, AshlandOregon Gas & Electric Co, 67 N Main, Ashland California-Oregon Power Co, 216 W Main, Medford Electric Supplies
ELECTRICAL & HEATING CO, 29 N Grape, Medford (See
Right Bottom Lines, adv, and Heating and Ventilating)Electricians
Good & Danford, 29 E Main, AshlandJordan Bros, 207 E Main, Ashland Electric Construction Co, 318 E Main, Medford Flynn A A, 26 S Grape, Medford SOUTHERN OREGON ELECTRICAL & HEATING CO, 29 N Grape, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines, adv, and Heating and Ventilating) Swift & Tainer, 105 S Central av, Medford Employment Agencies
Belcher Frank, 43 S Front, MedfordJapanese Days Work Co, 143 N Grape, Medford Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau, 6 Palm blk, Medford *Engineers--Civil and Surveying
CUMMINGS, 3rd floor Medford Natl Bank Bldg, Medford (See
Right Top Lines)Engravers
CO, 133½ Ist, Portland Or (See adv)*Expert Accountants
WEBB & CO, Germania Bldg, St Paul Minn; Lumber
Bldg, Minneapolis MinnExpress Companies
Wells Fargo & Co, Ashland, Central Point, Eagle Point, Gold
Hill, Jacksonville, Medford, Phoenix and TalentExpress and Drayage
See also Transfer
Dews O B, 1 E Main, AshlandLowe G M, 297 E Main, Ashland Patton C A, 396 Helman, Ashland MURRAY R E, Central Point (See Right Side Lines and p 14) Dunford C F, Jacksonville Adams C A, Front sw cor Main, Medford Brumble & Son, 327 S Fir, Medford BURBIDGE TRANSFER CO, 434 S Front, Medford (See Right S Side Lines) EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 16 S Fir, Medford (See Right Side Lines and Transfer Cos) Mann, Wells, Front sw cor Main, Medford Matthews T A & Son, Front sw cor Main, Medford Medford Transfer Co, Front sw cor Main, Medford Prewer J S, Front sw cor Main, Medford White R B, 122 N Front, Medford Wilson V T, Front sw cor Main, Medford *Face Brick
& TILE CO, 1½ m sw of Jacksonville (See
Left Top
Lines and p 259)Farm Implements
See Agricultural
*Farm Lands
407 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Bottom
Edge and p 7)JACKSON COUNTY REALTY CO, 604 W 10th cor King, Medford (See Left Side Lines) PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg, Portland Or (See Right Bottom Lines and p 282) Feed Mills
See Flour and Feed
DIXON, 134 N Riverside Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines
and p 65)*Fire Place Materials
307 Lumber Exchange, Portland Or (See p 350)Fish, Poultry and Game
Kenworthy W H & Co, 19 N Fir, Medford*Five, Ten and Fifteen Cent Stores
CO, 130 E Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines and p 8)Florists
Sander Wm G, 55 Nevada nr Helman, AshlandBROADLEY J T, MF&H Co's Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Right and Left Top Lines and adv) Medford Greenhouse, 923 E Main, Medford Flour and Feed
EXCHANGE, 49 N Main, AshlandDennis J N, 353 E Main, Ashland Albert John, Central Point Mathews John, Central Point BOLMES S B, Eagle Point Raedel H C, Gold Hill ALLEN GROCERY CO, 36-40 S Central Av, Medford (See p 30) Brown L B, 139 S Riverside av, Medford Dennis W A, Trail Flour and Feed Mills
Central Point Flour
Mills, Central Point
Founders and Machinists
Medford Iron Works, 17 S Riverside av, MedfordFrames--Window
& DOOR CO, 32 W 11th cor Fir, Medford (See Left
Top Lines and Planing Mills)Fruit Growers
Adams J Q, 295 Grant, AshlandArbuckle Arthur, ss Wimer nr limits, Ashland Ashcraft P L, 407 Woolen, Ashland Bagley E E, 141 High, Ashland Bagley F M, 625 Beach, Ashland Bailey Isaac, Woolen add, Ashland Bailey W A, 503 Walnut, Ashland Ball W S, 345 Harrison, Ashland Barnhill O H, 344 Wimer, Ashland Bassett George, 447 Walnut, Ashland Beswick Richard, 147 Manzanita, Ashland Bowers Benton, Boulevard se cor Walker av, Ashland Boyd W W, Guthrie nr Montana, Ashland Campbell R F, 146 Manzanita, Ashland Carpenter G E, 357 Liberty, Ashland Cherry Mrs A M, w end Wimer, Ashland Childers S A, 631 Walnut, Ashland Coder E H, 531 Woolen, Ashland Conwell Jeremiah, 220 Nutley, Ashland Dann W W, Wimer Hts, Ashland Dora Matt, Ashland Mine rd, Ashland Easterly Henry, 527 Terrace, Ashland English C S, 435 Terrace, Ashland Farnham Romain, 651 Walnut, Ashland Frizell Mrs S F, 243 Maple, Ashland Fuller Calvin, ss Wimer nr limits, Ashland Gill J C, Walker av nr Boulevard, Ashland Gunter S C, 715 N Main, Ashland Hemphill N E, 517 Boulevard, Ashland Hogue E W, Guthrie nr Montana, Ashland Howard W S, 1064 Ashland, Ashland Hunt E B, 700 Beach, Ashland Johnson Albert, 601 Walnut, Ashland Joy A C, Boulevard nr Walker av, Ashland King G W, 180 Nutley, Ashland King M E, Ashland Mine rd, Ashland Kofeldt Henry, 242 Granite, Ashland Kress James, 508 Liberty, Ashland Leavitt H H, 440 Chestnut, Ashland McKercher D T, Indiana nr Boulevard, Ashland McLaren J K, 351 Morton, Ashland McQuilkin F D, 500 Ashland, Ashland Mattingley James, 175 Granite, Ashland Michels L A, 399 Beach, Ashland Miller J C, 611 Beach, Ashland Millner J W, 505 Boulevard, Ashland Minor, W T, Indiana nr Boulevard, Ashland Moore Lloyd, Clay 4 s Boulevard, Ashland Morthland W L, Walker 1 s Boulevard, Ashland Nortridge W M, 272 Orange av, Ashland Olsen C J, 699 Walnut, Ashland Patterson Sylvester, 639 N Main, Ashland Pellett G W, Scenic Hts, Ashland Peters S A, Boulevard cor Walker av, Ashland Pierson John, Boulevard opp State Normal School, Ashland Pierson W E, Boulevard ⅛ m e Walker av, Ashland Pope Charles, ss Wimer n limits, Ashland Porter C I J, 803 N Main, Ashland Porter F E, 223 Maple, Ashland Porter I F, 95 Coolidge, Ashland Potter B A, 559 Woolen, Ashland Pracht Max, Euclid av hd Harrison, Ashland Praytor J C, s end Granite, Ashland Prescott G C, 475 Chestnut, Ashland Prescott W G, 527 Chestnut, Ashland Putnam M E, 571 Chestnut, Ashland Reeder T T, 886 Oak, Ashland Reynolds Z Z, 397 Ashland, Ashland Roach Mrs A J, Grant ne cor Grover, Ashland Roach C E, 835 N Main, Ashland Rogers Wm, Walker av 1 n Boulevard, Ashland Russell J B, Walker av nr Boulevard, Ashland Schneider F P, Boulevard 4 e Clay, Ashland Scofield A B, 1087 N Main, Ashland Smith Ella C, 711 Grover, Ashland Stevenson C L, w end Wimer, Ashland Stone H E, 440 Granite, Ashland Strickfaden F J, s end Terrace, Ashland Taverner Wm, Ashland Mine rd, Ashland Todd Lee, 369 Granite, Ashland Triplett Millard, 496 Beach, Ashland Tyrell John, Elkader nr Ashland, Ashland VanNatta G O, 439 Chestnut, Ashland Ware J B, 645 Liberty, Ashland Warren Harry, Patrick nr n end Main, Ashland Waterman E S, 501 Euclid av, Ashland Watkins R P, 440 Beach, Ashland Weren Eric, Ashland Mine rd, Ashland Wilcox S S, Wimer nr limits, Ashland Wright A E, Boulevard 3 e Clay, Ashland Wright J M, 264 Grant, Ashland Bell Mrs Olive, Brownsboro Lee, Bradshaw & Stevens, Brownsboro Dunlap A J, Central Point Hopkins F H, Central Point Norcross W H, Central Point Webb C E, Central Point Tronson B F, Eagle Point Nye H B, Gold Hill Bowen W H, Jacksonville Gall A L, ns California, Jacksonville Gillett J W, Jacksonville Knowles F W, Jacksonville McIntyre W I, s end 3rd, Jacksonville Andrews George, Central Point rd 1 m n limits, Medford Bailey W H, 31 N Orange, Medford Brookhurst Orchard, Eagle Point rd, Medford Brown W H, n end Roosevelt av, Medford Carlton C B, 1310 W Main, Medford Carnell J O, 523 S Holly, Medford Carpenter G B, Medford Christman Frank, Siskiyou Hts, Medford Einkopf C L, ws S Peach nr city limits, Medford Frideger Fred, 3 blks n Highland Park sta, Medford Frideger Wm, Stewart av, Medford Gibson E M, 145 Woolen, Medford Hall E B, Eagle Point rd, Medford Hill D R, Kings Highway s Stewart av, Medford Hillcrest Orchards, Roxy Ann rd, Medford Irwin H L, 1014 W 10th, Medford Little C H, Stewart av, Medford Little J T, Stewart av, Medford Loomis A L, 1103 W 10th, Medford Marshall A L, ns Stewart av, Medford Marshall G E, 1113 S Oakdale av, Medford Matthew R A, 13 Ashland av, Medford Monitor Orchard Co, Medford Natl Bank bldg, Medford Myers C A, 339 S Central av, Medford Pruett I A, Eagle Point rd, Medford Raymond David, Loziers sta, Medford Schlinsog W A, Stewart av, Medford Streets F W, 621 W 1ith, Medford Taylor Joseph, Central Point rd ⅛ m n limits, Medford Treichler G L, 1013 S Oakdale av, Medford Watt W H, 215 E Jackson, Medford Weeks A J, 909 N Central av, Medford Western Oregon Orchard Development Co, Medford Natl Bank Bldg, Medford Williamson T J, 510 E Main, Medford Wilson S I, 27 N Orange, Medford Zimmer L W, 1017 W Main, Medford Colver F L, Phoenix Wright A N, Phoenix Galligar I F, Rock Point Hittle W W, Rock Point Nye H B, Rock Point Work O F, Rock Point Helms O P, Talent Powers N O, Talent Robison J R, Talent Waterman L N, Talent Fabrick Glenn, Wellen Johnston & Spencer, Wellen Lewis Bros, Wellen Rogue River Orchards Co, Wellen *Fruit Lands
407 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Bottom
Edge and p 7)OLWELL J D & CO, Medford Hotel, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines) ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO, 237 E Main, Medford (See Front Cover and p 16) ROGUELANDS INC, 237 E Main, Medford (See Front Cover and p 16) YORK W T & CO, 35 N Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 4) Fruit--Wholesale
Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn, Ash ne cor Oak, AshlandProducers Fruit Co, W 8th and Railroad, Medford Southern Oregon Produce Co, SP tracks bet 8th and 9th, Medford Fruit--Retail
See Confectionery and Fruit Fuel
Central Point (See Right Side Lines and p 14)*Furnaces
Basement Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See
Right Top Lines)HIRSCHBERGER H CO, 247 Ankeny, Portland Or (See adv) Furnished Rooms
See also Hotels
264 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)East Side Inn, 280 2nd, Ashland Evans Mrs M J, 526 E Main, Ashland Gregory Rooming House, 265 4th, Ashland HOTEL PARK, 35 1st Av, Ashland (See p 184) Manx The, 349 E Main, Ashland Oxford Rooming House, 219 4th, Ashland Plaza Rooming House, 27 E Main, Ashland Potter Rooming House, ss 4th bet B and C, Ashland Smith Mrs Ella, 265 4th, Ashland Smith S H, 224 4th, Ashland Throne Mrs A E, 129 4th, Ashland Hutson J M, Gold Hill Walker W R, Gold Hill Allen W W, 141 N Fir, Medford Anderson R F, 244 S Central av, Medford Arden Mrs May, 635 N Central av, Medford Brooks Mrs Katie, 3 E 4th, Medford Bungalow Rooming House, 108 E 10th, Medford Coleman The, 1005 W Main, Medford COTTAGE THE, 604 W 10th cor King, Medford Daddysman Mrs B F, 907 E Main, Medford Diamond Rooming House, 127 E 6th, Medford Eads Mrs R H, 121 Roosevelt av, Medford El Blanco Rooms, 445 S Front, Medford Fairmount The, 319 E Main, Medford Fay Mrs W A, 16 N Grape, Medford Godlove Mrs L B, 345 N Bartlett, Medford Hacker G C, 33 S Front, Medford Hanscom Mrs Maggie, 219 Talent, Medford Hart Mrs Addie, 402 S Central av, Medford Hubert Mrs E F, 333 Knight, Medford Huse Mrs Maggie, 207 W Main, Medford Imperial Rooms The, 313 E Main, Medford Johnson Mrs S H, 344 S Central av, Medford Kent Mrs Jane, 401 E 5th, Medford Kenworthy Mrs W, 38 S Grape, Medford Kimball Mrs Minnie, 208 N Central av, Medford Kincaid Lizzie B, 213 S Front, Medford Knapp Mrs A B, 1012 E Main, Medford Larsen Mrs H P, 133 W Main, Medford Oregon Rooms, 414 N Front, Medford Oxford The, 223 W Main, Medford Palace Hotel, 30 S Central av, Medford Palms The, 130 W Main, Medford Park View Hotel The, 123 S Holly, Medford Parker Mrs L R, 23 Roosevelt av, Medford Royal The, 320 E Main, Medford ST CLAIR ROOMS, 103-113 E 11th, Medford (See adv) Snell L L, 21 Genessee, Medford Stone Mrs V M, 511 E Main, Medford Thomas J A, 222 S Holly, Medford Treat Mrs Nettie, 304 S Central av, Medford Wheeler Mrs Hildreth, 247 S Riverside av, Medford Bell The, Talent Furniture Manufacturers and
Ashland Furniture Co, 92 N Main, AshlandCunningham C L, 74 N Main, Ashland Dodge J P & Sons, 123 E Main, Ashland Swenson & McRae, 357 E Main, Ashland Burnett F A, Gold Hill DeVore T L, Jacksonville Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Inc, 29-39 N Central av, Medford Mission Furniture Works, 113 S Holly, Medford Weeks & McGowan Co, 114 W Main, Medford Talent Furniture Co, Talent Furs and Furriers
Weibel Wm, 10 Granite, AshlandGarages
43 Mill, Ashland (See p 5)McWilliams & Gowland, 135 1st av, Ashland Saviers W J, 53 2nd, Ashland Steele J E, 256 4th, Ashland BEAR CREEK MOTOR CAR CO, 104 S Bartlett, Medford GATES C E OVERLAND AGENCY, 132 S Riverside Av, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines) Gas Companies
Oregon Gas & Electric Co, 67 N Main, Ashland; 211 W Main,
Medford*Gas Engine Repairs
SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)*Gasoline Engines
389 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 11)General Merchandise
Pernoll Wm Estate, ApplegateAshland Trading Co, 153 E Main, Ashland Loomis & Nelson, 215 4th, Ashland Wilhite Bros, Beagle Hefler E A & Co, Brownsboro Cadzow J, Butte Falls Hughes J P, Butte Falls Smith E, Butte Falls Cranfill & Robnett, Central Point Faber & McDonald, Central Point Gillett A P & Son, Central Point Merritt J W, Central Point Spink J L, Central Point Sturtevant D H, Central Point Brown George & Sons, Eagle Point Daley G W, Eagle Point Heath & Diamond, Eagle Point Lance & Co, Gold Hill Merritt & Co, Gold Hill Taylor Williams Co Inc, Jacksonville Ulrich Bros, Jacksonville Thompson Bros, Lake Creek Beardsley & Croy, Phoenix Phoenix Mercantile Co, Phoenix DeCarlow C W, Pinehurst Grieve J E, Prospect Haymond Mrs Benjamin, Rock Point Ruch C M, Ruch Gardner Mary E, Sams Valley Burdic R L Co Inc, Talent Talent Mercantile Co, Talent Jacoby M P, Tolo Middlebusher Mrs M E, Trail Palmer C E, Wimer Gents' Furnishing Goods
See Men's
Furnishing Goods
Grain Dealers
Bradshaw W H, BrownsboroGreenhouses
MF&H Co Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Right and Left
Top Lines and p 359)Medford Greenhouse, 923 E Main, Medford Portland Av Greenhouse, 28 Portland av, Medford Grocers--Wholesale
Medford Grocery Co, E 10th sw cor S Front, MedfordGrocers--Retail
Bolz R F, Iowa ne cor Boulevard, AshlandCasey J B, 7 E Main, Ashland HOLMES BROS, 97 N Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines) Mackie & Nininger, 105 E Main, Ashland Nims & Saunders, 108 N Main, Ashland Stark C B, 492 A, Ashland Tostevin & Son, 214 4th, Ashland Marcy L V, Butte Falls Nichols Art, Butte Falls Murray S H, Central Point Martin Joseph, Jacksonville Nichol S M, Jacksonville Adkins S A & Son, 529 E Main, Medford ALLEN GROCERY CO, 36-40 S Central Av, Medford (See p 30) B&C Cash Store Inc, 225 W Main, Medford Boardman C M, 1002 N Court, Medford Brown W I, 607 S Newtown, Medford Carpenter J R, Oakdale sw cor 11th, Medford Cline & Co, 702 Pine, Medford Cranfill F L, 213 E 9th, Medford Davidson & Butterfield, 328 S Hamilton, Medford Earsley C L, 2 W Jackson, Medford Fouts Co, 327 E Main, Medford Goode W E, 119 S Holly, Medford Hamlin C A, 216 S Laurel, Medford Hazlewood Mrs Anna, 615 W Main, Medford Hutchison & Lumsden, 213 E Main, Medford Kempthorne Samuel, 237 N Riverside av, Medford Kribs C P & Co, 33 N Grape, Medford Lydiard W H, 221 W Jackson, Medford Noonchester Bros, 422 W Main, Medford Olmstead & Hibbard, 131 W Main, Medford Schieffelin C L, 36-38 N Central av, Medford Stringer Wallace, 127 W Main, Medford Thorndike J L, 637 W 11th, Medford Verbick O B, 632 N Central av, Medford Warner, Wortman & Gore, 307 E Main, Medford Spitzer & Son, Talent Dennis W A, Trail Guns and Ammunition
See Sporting Goods
Hair Dressers
Sturdevant Mrs Minnette, 391 E Main, AshlandMARINELLO SHOP THE, 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See adv) Reame Mrs L L, 246 N Oakdale av, Medford ROODE MADAME, 26 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and adv) Hair Goods
407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See adv)ROODE MADAME, 26 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and adv) Stewart Mrs M E, 15 N Central av, Medford Hardware
Biegel A J, 297 E Main, AshlandProvost Bros, 38 E Main, Ashland Simpson T H, 37 N Main, Ashland WARNER MERCANTILE CO, 375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines) Marcy L V, Butte Falls Stoddard N B, Butte Falls Leever W C, Central Point Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co, Central Point Eagle Point Hardware Co, Eagle Point Von der Hellen Hardware Co Inc, Eagle Point Miller D H, Gold Hill Abbott C D, Jacksonville Miller J F, Jacksonville Garnett-Corey Hardware Co, W Main sw cor Grape, Medford Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Inc, 29-39 N Central av, Medford SHAPLEIGH F W HARDWARE, 28 S Central Av, Medford (See Back Cover and p 8) Cope Hardware Co, Phoenix Whitmore & Cook, Talent Harness and Saddlery
Eastern Supply Co, 104 N Main, AshlandSettle I F, 7 Plaza, Ashland Wehman G H, Eagle Point Herman Bros, 317 E Main, Medford Medford Harness Co, 322 E Main, Medford Hay, Grain and Feed
Central Point Feed Store, Central PointSchmidt J C, SP tracks nr W Main, Medford *Heating and Ventilating
ELECTRICAL & HEATING CO, 29 N Grape, Medford(See Right Bottom Lines, p 357 and adv) *Home Builders
2nd Floor Selling Bldg, Portland Or (See Right Bottom Lines and p 282)Horseshoers
See Blacksmiths
Hospitals and Asylums
HOSPITAL, Boulevard nr Palm Av, Ashland (See Front Cover
and p 11)Gold Hill Hospital, Gold Hill SACRED HEART HOSPITAL, Medford Hts, Medford (See p 7) Hotels
264 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)See also Boarding Houses; also Furnished Rooms Depot Hotel, SP Depot, Ashland HOTEL ASHLAND, 50 N Main, Ashland (See p 3) Hotel Oregon, E Main ne cor Oak, Ashland HOTEL PARK, 35 Ist Av, Ashland (See p 184) Rose O E, Applegate Butte Falls Hotel, Butte Falls View Hotel, Butte Falls Hotel Dunlap, Central Point Colestin Hotel, Colestin Eagle Point Hotel, Eagle Point Sunnyside Hotel, Eagle Point Tavern Hotel, Eagle Point GOLD HILL HOTEL, Gold Hill (See p 243) Lyden House, Jacksonville US Hotel, Jacksonville Emerick Hotel The, 30 N Front, Medford Hotel Holland, N Fir sw cor W 6th, Medford Hotel Medford, W Main nw cor Ivy, Medford Hotel Moore, 113 W Main, Medford Hotel Nash The, S Front se cor E Main, Medford DeCarlow Mrs C W, Pinehurst Grieve Mary, Prospect Works Hotel, Talent House Furnishing Goods
See Furniture Mnfrs
and Dealers
House Movers
Berdan & Sons, 520 S Hamilton, MedfordIce Cream Cone Manufacturers
Weston W S, N Fir cor Main, MedfordIce Cream Manufacturers
& BUTTER CO, Natatorium Bldg, Medford (See Left
Top Lines)Ice Manufacturers and Dealers
Ashland Ice & Storage Co, Water nw cor B, AshlandCentral Point Ice & Storage Co, Central Point Medford Ice & Storage Co, bet S Fir and SP tracks s of 12th, Medford Weinhard H Beer & Ice Depot, W 4th nw cor Fir, Medford Insurance Agents
Lemery & Rigg, 290 E Main, AshlandTrefren G W, 44 E Main, Ashland Adams & Briggs, Butte Falls Cochran J H, 202 First National Bank bldg, Medford Dressler J W, 429 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co bldg, Medford Graham & Wakeman, 3 Post Office blk, Medford Halley W L, 28 N Oakdale av, Medford Holmes R A, 16 Jackson Co Bank bldg, Medford HOLMES W M, 407 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 7) Honey J A, 216 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Huntley & MacClatchie, 401 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co bldg, Medford Hutchason J F, 205 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford Medford Realty & Improvement Co Inc, 406 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co bldg, Medford PIERCE C C, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford Reame R C, 205 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford Schirmer A B, 21 Genessee, Medford Stine H S, 235 E Main, Medford Ware A K, 19 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford Wicks T C, 205 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg, Portland Or (See Right Bottom Lines and p 282) Insurance Companies--Life
Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 79 Baum, AshlandMetropolitan Life Ins Co, 5 St Marks bldg, Medford Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co, 210 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford Northwestern National Life Ins Co, 216 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Oregon Life Ins Co, 208 E Main, Medford Pacific Mutual Life Ins Co of California, 19 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford UNION PACIFIC LIFE INSURANCE CO, Eilers Bldg, Portland Or (See Left Top Lines) Investments
Gregory C M, 207 Phipps bldg, MedfordJACKSON COUNTY REALTY CO, 604 W 10th cor King, Medford (See Left Side Lines) YORK W T & CO, 35 N Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 4) PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd Floor Selling Bldg, Portland Or (See Right Bottom Lines and p 282) Iron Works
Ashland Iron Works, 248 Helman, Ashland*Irrigated Lands
CANAL CO, 237 E Main, Medford (See Front Cover and p 16)ROGUELANDS INC, 237 E Main, Medford (See Front Cover and p 16) *Irrigation Engineers
CUMMINGS, 3rd floor Natl Bank Bide; Medford (See Right Top
See Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry
Justices of the Peace
Watkins John, Eagle PointDox H G, Jacksonville Taylor G O, Medford Cooper E W, Sams Valley Ladies' Furnishings
Elks Bldg, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 154)Ladies' Tailors
203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)Myers Mrs E S, 414 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co bldg, Medford Nowell S A, 422 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co bldg, Medford Landscape Gardeners
Gilbertson G A, Peil bldg, AshlandBROADLEY J T, MF&H Co Bldg, and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Right and Left Top Lines and p 359) Fletcher Wm, 715 W 13th, Medford Moore Christopher, 1156 W 8th, Medford *Language Teachers
Right Top Lines and p 5)Lapidaries
Bean L E, 126 E Main, MedfordLaundries
Chung Lee, 280 A, AshlandHaines & O'Donoghue, 355 Almond, Ashland Home Laundry, 158 4th, Ashland Star Steam Laundry Inc, 31 Water, Ashland Gam Kee, Central Point Wo Kee, Jacksonville Crater Lake Laundry Co Inc, 620 N Central av, Medford Hackney L C, 48 N Oakdale av, Medford Medford Domestic Laundry Co Inc, 421 E Main, Medford Medford Home Laundry, 215 S Riverside, Medford Sunrise Laundry, 103 S Central av, Medford Wo Lee, 123 S Riverside av, Medford Lawyers
Briggs E D, 44 E Main, AshlandBurns & Seager, 1-2 First Natl Bank bldg, Ashland Calkins F M, 5 Mills bldg, Ashland Davis A H, 5 Citizens Banking & Trust bldg, Ashland Lemery & Rigg, 290 E Main, Ashland McAllister G C, 5 Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, Ashland Moore W J, 4 Mills bldg, Ashland Richardson H V, Pioneer bldg, Ashland Trefren G W, 44 E Main, Ashland Watson C B, 232 Vista, Ashland BAGSHAW D W, Bank of Jacksonville Bldg, Jacksonville Hanna H K, Jacksonville BOGGS & WILSON, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford Canaday H A, 204 Fruitgrowers Bank bidg, Medford CARKIN & TAYLOR, 7-8-9 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford Crews W E, 217 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Crowell Wm S, 109 N Central av, Medford DeArmond & DeArmond, 410 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Kelly E E, 209 1st Natl Bank bldg, Medford Knode T E, Medford Natl Bank bldg, Medford Lawler O H, 415 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford McCabe B R, 217 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford McCormack Lincoln, 203 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford Mears F W, 213 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford MILES T W, N Fir sw cor W 6th, Medford Mulkey & Cherry, 10 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford Neff & Mealey, 1-2-4 Post Office Block, Medford Newbury Gus, 205 Phipps bldg, Medford Newman F J, 20 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford Phipps W E, 207 First Natl Bank bldg, Medford Piatt B F, 320 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Prim Charles, 1-308 E Main, Medford Purdin Mahlon, 1 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford Reames A E, 411 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Reames C L, Medford Natl Bank bldg, Medford Roberts G M, Medford Natl Bank bldg, Medford Vawter W I, 1 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford Withington Holbrook, 10 Palm blk, Medford Libraries and Reading Rooms
See Miscellaneous
*Lists of Names
525-528 Beck Bldg, Portland OrLime, Plaster and Cement
307 Lumber Exch, Portland Or (See p 350)Livery, Sale and Boarding Stables
Dancy J A, 256 4th, AshlandSmith E F & Sons, 107 Mill, Ashland Colby E D, Brownsboro Ferguson W H, Central Point Harnish S H, Eagle Point Darling & Hodges, Gold Hill Bailey W P, Jacksonville Union Stables, 109 S Bartlett, Medford Vinson Henry, 144 N Riverside av, Medford Walker & Parks, 38 N Front, Medford West Side Stables, 29 S Grape, Medford Furry Bros, Phoenix DeCarlow C W, Pinehurst Grieve J E, Prospect Ruch C M, Ruch Spitzer & Sons, Talent Loans
Campbell James, 320 Garnett-Corey bldg, MedfordHOLMES W M, 407 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 7) Toft R H, 33 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford YORK W T & CO, 35 N Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 4) Lodging Houses
See Furnished
Rooms, also Hotels
Lumber Manufacturers and Dealers
Ashland Manufacturing Co, 384 Oak, AshlandCarson-Smith Lumber Co, 143 1st nr B, Ashland Butte Falls Lumber Co, Butte Falls Crater Lake Lumber Co, Butte Falls Central Point Lumber Co, Central Point Moon Lumber Co, Central Point SPRAGUE LUMBER CO, Eagle Point Gold Hill Lumber Co, Gold Hill Big Pines Lumber Co, W 6th ne cor N Fir, Medford Medford Lumber Co, W 3rd nw cor N Evergreen, Medford Trail Lumber Co, Chestnut nr W Main, Medford WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge) Western Lumber & Supply Co, Phoenix *Machinists
389 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 11)*Machinists--Manufacturing
& MFG CO, 22nd and Thurman, Portland Or (See
Plating)Mail Order Houses
Elks Bldg, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 154)*Manicuring
26 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and p 364)*Manicurists
407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See p 364)Marble and Granite Works
Ashland Marble Works, 117 N Main, AshlandPenniston Granite Co, 160 Helman, Ashland IXL Monument Co, Central Point LePonte A E, Central Point Oregon Granite Co, 103 E 6th, Medford Massage
407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See p 364)Meat Markets
Ashland Meat Co, 61 N Main and 257 4th, AshlandBrown A R, 395 E Main, Ashalnd Nichols Art, Butte Falls Lewis & Sons, Central Point Nichols & Ashpole, Central Point Nichols Arthur, Eagle Point Caldwell F L, Gold Hill Dunnington & Kleinhammer, Jacksonville Hamlin C A, 216 S Laurel, Medford Heil Louis, 213 W Main, Medford Nichols & Ashpole, 206 E Main, Medford Pech, Nichols & Ashpole, 108 W Main,Medford Verbick O B, 632 N Central av, Medford Warner, Wortman & Gore, 307 E Main, Medford Basim John, Phoenix Guyer F T, Talent Meats--Wholesale
National Packing Co, Ash ne cor A, AshlandUnion Meat Co, W 8th and Railroad, Medford *Mechano-Therapists
230 N Bartlett, Medford (See p 74)HEDGES MRS L E, 230 N Bartlett, Medford (See p 74) Men's Furnishing Goods
Brandon & Whitney, 210 W Main, MedfordDANIELS T E, 202 E Main, Medford (See p 54) Model Clothing Co, 234 E Main, Medford Toggery The, 129 E Main, Medford Mercantile Agencies
MERCANTILE AGENCY, 512-514 Wilcox Bldg, Portland Or (See
adv)*Merchant Tailors
203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)*Metal Cornices
Basement Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford(See Right Top Lines) *Metal Specialties
& MNFG CO, 22nd and Thurman, Portland Or (SeePlating) *Metal Tanks
Basement Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford(See Right Top Lines) *Mill Work
& DOOR CO, 32 W 11th cor Fir, Medford (See Left TopLines and Planing Mills) Millinery
Dilhan Madame J, 201 E Main, AshlandHargrove Anna E, 47 N Main, Ashland Porter Mrs E G, 36 S 2nd, Ashland Potter Mrs Rosetta, 30 2nd, Ashland Simons Mrs Hannah, 167 E Main, Ashland Parker Mrs M H, Central Point Higdon Pearl, Gold Hill, AHRENS M M CO, 222 W Main, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and p 352) Barnard & Cornoyer, 126 E Main, Medford Boyd & Gibson, 608 E Main, Medford Brown Mrs W I, 302 E Main, Medford East Side Millinery, 608 E Main, Medford Howard Mrs L M, 109 Central av, Medford Paynter Josephine, 19 N Central ay, Medford Rundlett Linnie M, 103 N Central av, Medford Salter Mrs C C, 1101 W 9th, Medford Mineral Water Manufacturers
Bottlers--Mineral and Soda Water
Mines and Mining
Nye-Crouch Reduction Co, JacksonvilleOpp Mine, Jacksonville Clark H N, 429 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co bldg, Medford L&F COLLECTION AGENCY, 412 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See p 353) LUPTON A J, Medford (See Left Top Lines) Medford Mining & Stock Exchange, 37 N Fir, Medford Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, 104 W 6th, Medford Mining Engineers
Mattern J H, 208 Hargadine, AshlandLiljegran E W, 104 W 6th, Medford *Mining Property
Medford (See Left Top Lines)*Mortgage Loans
2nd fl Selling Bldg, Portland Or (See Right BottomLines and p 282) *Motor Accessories
SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)*Motorcycles
SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)*Municipal Engineers
See also Irrigation
CUMMINGS, 3rd floor Medford Natl Bank Bldg, Medford (SeeRight Top Lines) Music Teachers
Beach G C, 954 Boulevard, AshlandNorton R C, 281 E Main, Ashland Reno H V, 371 Gresham, Ashland Young Mary E, 124 Nob Hill, Ashland Caughthran Mrs Louise, ws Oregon, Jacksonville Aikins Mrs M BE, 917 Narregan, Medford Aiton Carrie L (Violin), with Medford Conservatory, Medford Andrews Mrs E M, with Medford Conservatory, Medford Black Jessie W, 601 W Jackson, Medford Bower Ruth, 121 Roosevelt av, Medford Everhard Bertha M, 1013 W 9th, Medford Graves Florence, 56 N Riverside av, Medford Gray Flora A, 144 S Central av, Medford Howell H H (Brass), with Medford Conservatory, Medford Marion Philip (Cello), with Medford Conservatory, Medford Marsh Mrs E C, 43 N Peach, Medford Mears Catherine, 406 S King, Medford MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 5) Root E C, with Medford Conservatory, Medford Smalley Carrie M, 1506 W Main, Medford Standeford Emily T, 428 W 4th, Medford TAILLANDIER GERARD, with Medford Conservatory for Music and Languages, Medford Vroman Mary D, 124 Tripp, Medford Music and Musical Merchandise
Whetsel Music Co, 134 W Main, MedfordNatatoriums
Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium, 1st bet A and B, AshlandNatatorium and Amusement Co, N Riverside av ft E 6th, Medford News Dealers
Fourth St News Co, 253 4th, AshlandDavidson O L, W Main nw cor Fir, Medford Gray Bros, 507 W Palm, Medford Newspapers
3 Mills Bldg, Ashland (See p 12)ASHLAND TIDINGS, 13 Plaza, Ashland (See p 13) Gold Hill News The, Gold Hill JACKSONVILLE POST, ws 3rd bet California and C, Jacksonville Western Miner The, Jacksonville MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, 25-27-29 N Fir, Medford (See p 9) MEDFORD SUN THE, 18 N Grape, Medford (See p 10) Notaries Public
McNeill Floy, 65 E Main, AshlandKellogg A E, Gold Hill ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT-TITLE CO, Palm Blk, Medford, Ashland and Jacksonville (See Left Bottom Lines and p --) Yockey Helen N, 25 N Fir, Medford Notions
See also Dry Goods
Kohagen J A, 279 E Main, AshlandMcGEE'S, Elks Bldg, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 154) Minkler R A, 131 E Main, Ashland Daily M L, Eagle Point Beach C J, 315 E Main, Medford Hussey P A, 123 W Main, Medford MANN J C, 14 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines) THOMPSON MERCANTILE CO, 130 E Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines and p 8) Nurseries
Ashland Nursery Co, 143 Granite, AshlandBROADLEY J T, MF&H Co Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Right and Left Top Lines and p 359) EDEN VALLEY NURSERY, 937 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 6) MEDFORD NURSERY CO INC, N Central Av nr E 6th, Medford (See Back Cover and p 100) Quaker Nurseries, Nash Hotel lobby, Medford Rogue River Valley Nursery Co Inc, 104 S Fir, Medford PACIFIC NURSERY COMPANY, 1205 Yeon Bldg, Portland Or (See Right Side Lines) CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO, Salem, Or (See Right Top Lines) Nurses
Chamberlain Mrs F H, 279 Liberty, AshlandHathaway Jessie M, 156 Manzanita, Ashland McQuilkin Julia R, 2nd fl Payne bldg, Ashland Simpson Mabel, 502 Allison, Ashland Turner Olive M, Gold Hill Armstrong Mrs Emma, 528 E Main, Medford Birchard Mrs R S, 317 Genessee, Medford Blood Mayme L, 44 N Quince, Medford Crowell Mrs Annie, Hillcrest rd se cor Highland drive, Medford Danielson Mrs M J, 111 W Jackson, Medford Earhart June E, s end S Riverside av, Medford Fleming Flora F, 429 N Central av, Medford Foote Marion M, 812 S Central av, Medford Gamble Leah, 44 N Quince, Medford Heise Wilhelmine, 615 S Central av, Medford Hisey Mrs E W, 44 N Quince, Medford Kent Amy C, 401 E 5th, Medford Malloy Mrs M J, n end N Riverside, Medford Miers Georgia, 44 N Quince, Medford Osborne Mrs Olivia, 512 S Oakdale av, Medford Parker Mrs A J, 215 Knight, Medford Richmond Mrs A G, 917 N Central av, Medford Roberts Lillian M, 29 Ross ct, Medford Wilson Mrs Maggie, 506 Beatty, Medford Oculists and Aurists
Emmens J J, 216 E Main, MedfordOil Companies
Standard Oil Co, SP tracks nr n city limits, Medford*Oils
SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)Opticians
Freeberg W A, 19 Granite, AshlandElwood E D, 301 E Main, Medford Goble J G, 301 E Main, Medford Rickert J D, room 2 over Kentner's, Medford Stephenson G W, 146 S Holly, Medford *Orchards
407 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Bottom
Edge and p 7)JACKSON COUNTY REALTY CO, 604 W 10th cor King, Medford (See Left Side Lines) ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO, 237 E Main, Medford (See Front Cover and p 16) ROGUELANDS INC, 237 E Main, Medford (See Front Cover and p 16) YORK W T & CO, 35 N Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 4) *Organs
PIANO PLACE, 44-46 N Central Av, Medford (See Left Top
Lines and p 4)Osteopathic Physicians
Sawyer Bertha, 15½ E Main, AshlandCARLOW EVA MAINS, 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See adv) CARLOW F G, 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See adv) Packers and Canners--Fruit and
Ashland Preserving Co, 296 Helman, AshlandPackers and Canners--Meat
National Packing Co, Ash ne cor A, AshlandCudahy Packing Co, SP tracks bet 6th and Main, Medford Painters--Carriage
Monden W W, 313 S Front, MedfordPainters--House and Sign
Hughes & Emery, 38 E Main, AshlandPorter & Sowerby, 345 C, Ashland Stennett & Davis, 108 N Main, Ashland Steinhoff C D, Gold Hill Fikes J H, Mt Pitt ne cor S Hamilton, Medford Klum Blaine, 216 E Main, Medford Ling J W, 826 E Main, Medford McCabe H J, 1031 N Central av, Medford Mulhollen J H, 222 N Central av, Medford Noyes & Black, 301 S Grape, Medford Taylor R L, 839 Taylor, Medford Valley Sign Advertising Co, 20 S Fir, Medford Hazen C A, Talent Paints, Oils and Glass
83 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)ART STORE THE, 27 N Grape, Medford (See opp p 32) Building Specialties Co, 318 E Main, Medford Shapleigh F W Hardware, 28 S Central av, Medford Stull Paint Co, N Grape ne cor W 5th, Medford WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge) *Paper--Building
83 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)*Patent Attorneys
326 Worcester Bldg, Portland Or (See adv)LITZENBERG W R, 903-904 Wilcox Bldg, Portland Or *Patterns
Elks Bldg, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 154)*Photo Engravers
CO, 133½ 1st, Portland Or (See p 358)Photographers
Boyd H J, 177 E Main, AshlandCamps F L, 54 E Main, Ashland Lesmeister Mrs Cecelia, Central Point Eastman J H, Gold Hill Gregory L A, 232 E Main, Medford Kunselman & Gerking, 128 E Main, Medford MACKEY'S STUDIO, 204 E Main se cor Central Av, Medford Weston E D, 208 E Main, Medford Wilson Mrs M E, 210 S Laurel, Medford Physicians and Surgeons
Boslough A W, Beaver bldg, AshlandBrower D M, 216 Factory, Ashland Fawcett A J, 2nd fl Payne bldg, Ashland Gregg G W, 1 Citizens Banking & Trust Co bldg, Ashland Johnson J P, Cunningham blk, Ashland Parson J S, 138 N Main, Ashland Reader J K, 75 Gresham, Ashland Shaw H M, 108 1st av, Ashland Shaw Mrs M B, 108 1st av, Ashland Songer S T, 111 E Main, Ashland Swedenburg F G, 299 E Main, Ashland Anderson J V, Central Point Kelsey R C, Gold Hill Smith C H, Gold Hill Golden R E, Jacksonville Barber M C, 9 Palm blk, Medford Conroy & Clancy, 211 Phipps bldg, Medford Emmens J J, 216 E Main, Medford Hargrave H P, 216 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford Kirchgessner Emil, Hotel Holland, Medford Lockwood Myrtle S, 216 E Main, Medford Lockwood S A, 216 E Main, Medford Marion J W J, 308 E Main, Medford Morrison H E, 3 St Marks blk, Medford Pickel E B, 4 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford Poellnitz R W, 214 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford Porter E H, 6 St Marks blk, Medford Ratte H F, Medford Natl Bank bldg, Medford Saunders & Green, 210 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Seely E R, 235 E Main, Medford Shearer J E, 130 W 6th, Medford Stearns R W, 211 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Stephenson G W, 146 S Holly, Medford Thayer F G, 310 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Malmgren T J, Phoenix Erskine J H, Prospect Forbes D A, Talent Physicians--Chinese
Young Chow, 241 S Front, MedfordPiano Tuners
Shepherd L K, 658 Boulevard, AshlandAlbert John, Central Point Debley W C, 508 S King, Medford Pianos and Organs
Anderson & Co, 89 N Main, AshlandShepperd C F, 658 Boulevard, Ashland Allen Wiley B Co The, 216 N Front, Medford Eilers Music House, 217 W Main, Medford Hale J F, 134 W Main, Medford PALMER'S PIANO PLACE, 44-46 N Central Av, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 4) Pictures and Frames
27 N Grape, Medford (See opp p 32)Planing Mills
Pioneer Planing Mill, 125 Mill, AshlandMEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO, 32 W 1lith cor Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and adv) Western Lumber & Supply Co Inc, Talent *Plaster
204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge)*Plating
& MNFG CO, 22nd and Thurman, Portland Or (See adv)*Player Pianos
PIANO PLACE, 44-46 N Central Av, Medford (See Left Top
Lines and p 4)Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters
375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)Hammitt Wm, Central Point Rogue River Hardware & Plumbing Co, Central Point Snyder O S, Gold Hill Coffeen & Price, 118 E 6th, Medford Hughes & Amidon, 126 N Front, Medford Medford Plumbing Co, 46 S Central av, Medford Pierson V R, 29 N Grape, Medford Penwell Anlo, 828 N Central av, Medford Vroman A L, 113 S Front, Medford Whitmore & Cook, Talent Poultry Raisers
McMillan Alexander, 110 8th, AshlandOrchard J A, 1167 E Main, Ashland Sutton L C, 843 E Main, Medford Printers--Book and Job
3 Mills Bldg, Ashland (See p 12)ASHLAND TIDINGS, 13 Plaza, Ashland (See p 13) Canyon Press The, 89 Oak, Ashland BAGSHAW D W, ws 3rd bet California and C, Jacksonville Guernsey W D, 123 E Main, Medford Hull Printing Co, 331 E Main, Medford KUNZMAN GEO J PRINTING CO, 203 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left Top Lines) MEDFORD PRINTING CO, 25-27-29 N Fir, Medford (See p 9) MEDFORD SUN THE, 18 N Grape, Medford (See p 10) *Printers--Commercial
PRINTING CO, 203 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left
Top Lines)*Protective Associations
PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION INC, 301-303 Failing Bldg, Portland
Or (See Back Cover and adv)Publishers
13 Plaza, Ashland (See p 13)WOLF CHARLES B, 3 Mills Bldg, Ashland (See p 12) Pattison S A, Central Point Lampman Ben, Gold Hill Bagshaw D W, Jacksonville MEDFORD PRINTING CO, 25-27-29 N Fir, Medford (See p 9) MEDFORD SUN THE, 18 N Grape, Medford (See p 10) *Pumps
SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)*Queensware
97 N Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)Railroads
See Transportation
*Ready to Wear Garments
14 N Central Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines)Real Estate
Allen Mrs S L, 63 N Main, AshlandBeaver Realty Co, 211 E Main, Ashland Billings G F, 41 E Main, Ashland CONWAY F E COMPANY, Citizens Banking & Trust Co Bldg, Ashland (See Right Side Lines) Edgington M C, 73 Oak, Ashland Gillette C H, 29 E Main, Ashland Hill T W, 60 Alida, Ashland Hughes E P, 135 E Main, Ashland Lamkin C B, 337 E Main, Ashland Lawrence M G, 65 E Main, Ashland Lemery & Rigg, 290 E Main, Ashland McWilliams F G, 175 E Main, Ashland Payne C A, Boulevard cor Ashland, Ashland Rouse Ranse, 324 Liberty, Ashland Silsby A W, 15½ E Main, Ashland Staples E T, 65 E Main, Ashland Western Bonding and Investment Co The, 77 Oak, Ashland Adams & Briggs, Butte Falls Central Point Real Estate Co, Central Point Downing J H, Central Point Kahler W E, Central Point Rostel C B, Central Point Warnstorff E L, Eagle Point Kellogg A E, Gold Hill Lampman R H, Gold Hill Rogue River Realty Co, Jacksonville Arnell John, 235 E Main, Medford Barnes J C, 214 First National Bank bldg, Medford Barnett A F, 204 E Main, Medford Benson B F, 130 W Main, Medford Benson Investment Co, 102 W Main, Medford Bittners Real Estate & Employment Bureau, 6 Palm blk, Medford Brown & Wakefield, Palm blk, Medford Clark Realty Co, 206 Phipps bldg, Medford Cornitius G C, 219 W Main, Medford Dodge I J, 217 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford Dressler J W, 429 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co bldg, Medford Dudley Bros, 217 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford Fisher & Whitmire, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford Gold Ray Realty Co, 104 W 6th, Medford Gottlieb Chris, Nash Hotel lobby, Medford Hathaway T H E, 134 W Main, Medford HOLMES W M, 407 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 7) Hoon C D, 12 Jackson Co Bank bldg, Medford Hoy C D, 204 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford Humphrey W H, 815 E Main, Medford Huntley & MacClatchie, 401 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co bldg, Medford JACKSON COUNTY REALTY CO, 604 W 10th cor King, Medford (See Left Side Lines) Jackson D H & Co, 126 W Main, Medford L&F COLLECTION AGENCY, 412 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See p 353) LUPTON A J, Medford (See Left Top Lines) McArthur C A, 3 Post Office blk, Medford Maxwell G E, Hotel Moore, Medford Medford Land Co, 201-118 E Main, Medford Miles Claude, 420 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co bldg, Medford Mundy J F, 3 Palm blk, Medford OLWELL J D & CO, Medford Hotel, Medford (See Right Bottom Lines) Page F C, 235 E Main, Medford Palmer Investment Co, Mail Tribune bldg, Medford PIERCE C C, 427 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford Rogue River Commercial Orchards Co, Mail Tribune bldg, Medford ROGUE RIVER LAND CO, 407 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 7) ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO, 237 E Main, Medford (See Front Cover and p 16) ROGUELANDS INC, 237 E Main, Medford (See Front Cover and p 16) Saling A B, 21 Jackson Co Bank bldg, Medford Siskiyou Heights Co The, 11 Palm blk, Medford Southern Oregon Realty Co, 215 E Main, Medford Tanner, McPherson & Tanner, 303 E Main, Medford VanDyke Realty Co, 123 E Main, Medford White & Trowbridge, 210 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford Wood J B, 429 Medford Furniture & Hdwe Co bldg, Medford YORK W T & CO, 35 N Fir, Medford (See Left Top Lines and p 4) Calhoun Madison, Phoenix PROVIDENT TRUST CO, 2nd fl Selling Bldg, Portland Or (See Right Bottom Lines and p 282) Gardener G A, Talent Mason J C, Talent Ray Realty Co, Tolo Rentals
COLLECTION AGENCY, 412 Medford Furniture &
Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See p 353)*Repair Shops
SUPPLY CO, 220 W Main, Medford (See Left Side Lines)Restaurants
Roberts Curtis, 554 A, AshlandSission John, 542 A, Ashland Wah Chung, 82 N Main, Ashland Hughes Mrs Emma, Central Point Truax W W, Gold Hill Coffman Mrs Annie, Jacksonville Thompson Mrs Mattie M, Jacksonville Campbell C D, 11 N Fir, Medford Corum G H, 23 S Front, Medford Ebe Joseph M, 108 W Main, Medford Hart E C, 22 N Front, Medford Hong Charles, 33 Front, Medford Hotel Holland Cafe, 33 N Fir, Medford Johnson Farley, 20 S Central av, Medford Learned Albert, 323 E Main, Medford Lee Ngui, 39 S Front, Medford Millar G H, 18 N Front, Medford Nash Grill, 112 E Main, Medford Pfeifer & Sherard, 37 S Front, Medford Tyrrell J R, 204 S Central av, Medford Bostwick Mrs W H, Ruch Throckmorton Mrs A, Ruch *Roofing
W O,
83 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)WOODS LUMBER CO, 204 S Fir, Medford (See Front Edge) *Rubber Stamp Manufacturers
PRINTING CO, 203 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left
Top Lines)Rubber Tire Repairers
Fichtner Carl, 20 Moore Court, MedfordSaloons
Vogeli J M, Eagle PointGOLD HILL HOTEL BAR, Gold Hill (See p 243) Jennings Bros, Gold Hill Brown L I, Jacksonville Dunnington S E, Jacksonville Helms E H, Jacksonville Luy & Keegan, Jacksonville Adams M & E J, 32 N Front, Medford Brown E G, E Main ne cor Front, Medford Carns Wm, 25 S Front, Medford Gill W M & Co, 21 S Front, Medford Hotel Holland Buffet, 37 N Fir, Medford Oaks Saloon The, 32 N Front, Medford Office Cafe The, 22 N Front, Medford Radcliff B S, 31 S Front, Medford Selsby O M, 17 S Front, Medford Selsby & Kennedy, 22 N Front, Medford Shaw & Reed, 13 S Front, Medford Sanatoriums
HOSPITAL, Boulevard nr Palm Av, Ashland (See Front Cover
and p 11)Sand and Gravel
CONSTRUCTION CO, 209 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See
Right Side Lines)Sanitariums
HOSPITAL, Boulevard nr Palm Av, Ashland (See Front Coverand p 11) Sash, Doors and Blinds
& DOOR CO, 32 W 11th cor Fir, Medford (See Left
Top Lines and p 372)Trail Lumber Co, Chestnut nr W Main, Medford WOODS LUMBER CO, 204
S Fir Medford (See Front Edge)
Saw Mills
Herriott Bros, ApplegateWelch J B, Asbestos Pursell C C, Buncom Welch Wm, Prospect Ray Realty Co, Tolo McClanahan James, Trail *Scalp and Face Treatment
26 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left BottomLines and p 364) Schools and Colleges
Ashland (See Front Cover and p 11)MEDFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines) MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Right Top Lines and p 5) *Seals and Stencil Supplies
PRINTING CO, 203 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left
Top Lines)Second Hand Goods
Cameron & Patty, 345 E Main, AshlandMURRAY R E, Central Point (See Right Side Lines and p 14) Noe L S, Gold Hill Brittsan & Brittsan, 118 S Central av, Medford Mordoff & Woolf, 22 S Fir, Medford Pilcher M J, 23 N Fir, Medford Riggens & Leslie, 36 S Grape, Medford Wilson H F, 34 S Fir, Medford Wilson W H, 106 N Front, Medford Seeds
MF&H Co Bldg and Capitol Hill, Medford (See Right and Left
Top Lines and p 359)MEDFORD NURSERY CO INC, N Central Av nr E 6th, Medford (See Back Cover and p 100) Sewer Pipe Manufacturers
CONSTRUCTION CO, 209 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, Medford (See
Right Side Lines)Sewing Machines
White Sewing Machine Co, 290 E Main, Ashland*Shampooing
26 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and p 364)Sheet Metal Works
See also Tin,
Copper and Sheet Metal Workers
Basement Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See
Right Top Lines)Shirt Manufacturers
203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)Shoemakers
Mars J D, E Main cor Boulevard, AshlandPhillips Isaac, 496 N Main, Ashland Will J H, 21 4th, Ashland Hessler L, Brownsboro McDowell J G, Central Point Miller E D, Central Point Marting J E, Gold Hill Sparks W R, Jacksonville Anderson A G, 16 S Fir, Medford Biden M S, 32 S Central av, Medford Lerch Henry, 117 S Front, Medford Sherman F L, 32 S Grape, Medford Tackstrom Andrew, 420 W Main, Medford Shoes--Retail
11 E Main, AshlandCoburn & Watkins, 383 E Main, Ashland Behling & Schmidt, 105 E Main, Medford DANIELS T E, 202 E Main, Medford (See p 54) Kidd C M, 223 E Main, Medford *Shorthand
COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines)*Skylights
Basement Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See
Right Top Lines)HIRSCHBERGER H CO, 247 Ankeny, Portland Or (See p 3:61) Soda Water Manufacturers
Bottlers--Mineral and Soda Water
230 N Bartlett, Medford (See p 74)HEDGES MRS L E, 230 N Bartlett, Medford (See p 74) Sporting Goods
England L E, 45 N Main, AshlandHumphreys W W, 112 W Main, Medford SHAPLEIGH F W HARDWARE, 28 S Central Av, Medford (See Back Cover and p 8) *Spray Pumps and Supplies
389 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 11)Stage Lines
See Transportation
Conrad Mrs L R, Medford Natl Bank bldg, MedfordGaunyaw Ella, 4 Palm blk, Medford Hingston Lavinia J, 217 Garnett-Corey bldg, Medford Ragsdale Helen, Palm blk, Medford Stockmen
Dinken James, AsbestosMayfield Finis, Asbestos Mayfield Joseph, Asbestos Neil L A, 502 Boulevard, Ashland Beiberstadt Ralph, Brownsboro Brown George, Brownsboro Charley L C, Brownsboro Stanley Bros, Brownsboro Terrill C E, Brownsboro Grissom Andrew Jr, Climax Grissom Lewis, Climax Grissom Wm, Climax Holman W R, Climax Hanson N P, Climax Kershaw James, Climax Orchard Jesse, Climax Peil Emil, Climax Thompson Mathew, Climax White Edwin, Climax Burton C E, Lilyglen Davis Guy & Sons, Persist Moore A D, Persist Moore C E, Persist Willits W W, Persist Crabtree J G, Prospect Ditsworth Gus, Prospect Higinbotham Bert, Prospect Vincent Richard, Prospect Wright G F, Prospect Pelton Bros, Sams Valley Agee Miles, Steamboat Kershaw J L, Wellen Von der Hellen Bros, Wellen Stone Quarries
Smith J G, Medford Hts add, MedfordStorage
& STORAGE CO, 16 S Fir, Medford (See Right Side
Lines and Transfer Cos)Stoves and Ranges
AND RANGES, 375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines)WARNER MERCANTILE CO, 375 E Main, Ashland (See Left Side Lines) SHAPLEIGH F W HARDWARE, 28 S Central Av, Medford (See Back Cover and p 8) *Suits and Cloaks
Elks Bldg, Ashland (See Left Side Lines and p 154)*Surveyors
CUMMINGS, 3rd floor Medford Natl Bank Bldg, Medford (See
Right Top Lines)Tailors
Fuller P B, 35 E Main, AshlandMayer Marcus, 47 Mill, Ashland ORRES L J, 203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines) Rosenburg & Rula, 81 Oak, Ashland Wilson M B, 133 4th, Ashland Bouchet Placide, Gold Hill Messner Andrew, Gold Hill Berlin M B, 219 W Main, Medford Eifert W W, 132 W Main, Medford Slewing R R, 128 E Main, Medford *Tanks
247 Ankeny, Portland Or (See p 361)Taxicabs
Hall & Myers Taxi Co, Nash Hotel Lobby, MedfordTeas, Coffees and Spices
Grand Union Tea Co, 315 Granite, Ashland*Telelectric Pianos
PIANO PLACE, 44-46 N Central Av, Medford (See Left Top
Lines and p 4)Telegraph and Telephone Companies
Home Telephone & Telegraph Co, Beaver bldg, AshlandPacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, Ashland, Central Point, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Medford and Phoenix Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, Ashland and Medford Western Union Telegraph Co, Ashland, Central Point, Gold Hill and Medford Central Point Mutual Telephone Co, Central Point Eagle Point & Butte Falls Telephone Co, Eagle Point Home Telephone & Telegraph Co, Gold Hill Home Telephone & Telegraph Co of Southern Oregon, 218 W 6th, Medford Tent and Awning Manufacturers
Medford Tent & Awning Co, 106 N Front, MedfordTheatres
Ashland Opera House, 111 E Main, AshlandStar Theatre, 275 E Main, Ashland Savoy Theatre, Central Point Gold Hill Opera House, Gold Hill Wego Theatre, Gold Hill Savoy Theatre, Jacksonville Angle Opera House, 204 E Main, Medford Isis Theatre, 210 E Main, Medford Medford Theatre, E 8th bet S Central av and S Front, Medford Star Theatre, 272 E Main, Medford Ugo Theatre, 126 W Main, Medford Therapeutists
LeRoy & Tompkins, 140 N Front, MedfordTimber Cruisers
Dean Harris, 99 Granite, AshlandParker S A, 59 6th, Ashland Pinkerton F W, 743 E Main, Ashland Silsby A W, 15½ E Main, Ashland Wilson M C, es 3rd, Jacksonville Timber Lands
Huntley John, 277 Almond, AshlandSilsby A W, 15½ E Main, Ashland Davis G L, 205 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg, Medford HOLMES W M, 407 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Bottom Edge and p 7) JACKSON COUNTY REALTY CO, 604 W 10th cor King, Medford (See Left Side Lines) King G F, 843 E Main, Medford Laidley & See, 301 Garnett-Corey bldg; Medford Tin, Copper and Sheet Metal
Warner Wayman, Central PointMedford Sheet Metal Works, 46 S Central av, Medford SIPPLE JOHN, Basement Medford Furniture & Hardware Co Bldg, Medford (See Right Top Lines) Smith J A, 128 N Grape, Medford *Toilet Preparations
407 Garnett-Corey Bldg, Medford (See p 364)ROODE MADAME, 26 Jackson County Bank Bldg, Medford (See Left Bottom Lines and p 3:64) Tools and Cutlery
HARDWARE, 28 S Central Av, Medford (See Back Cover and p 8)Transfer Companies
Ashland General Delivery Co, 444 California, AshlandAshland Transfer & Storage Co, 95 Oak, Ashland City Truck & Storage Co, 25 E Main, Ashland BURBIDGE TRANSFER CO, 434 S Front, Medford (See Right Side Lines) EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 16 S Fir, Medford (See Right Lines and adv) Medford General Delivery, ws Bear Creek nr E 12th, Medford Medford Parcel Delivery Co, 23 N Fir, Medford Transportation
Gold Hill & Sams Valley Stage Line, Gold HillJacksonville & Applegate Stage Line, Jacksonville Jacksonville & Hutton Stage Line, Jacksonville Rogue River Valley Ry Co, Jacksonville and Medford PACIFIC & EASTERN RY, 501 E Main, Medford and Eagle Point Southern Pacific Co, Central Point, Gold Hill, Phoenix and Talent Trust Companies
2nd fl Selling Bldg, Portland Or (See Right Bottom Lines and p 282) )Typewriting
COLLEGE, 31 N Grape, Medford (See Left Top Lines)Undertakers
Stock H C, 88 N Main, AshlandCaton H T, Central Point Kellogg A E, Gold Hill Perl J A, 28 S Bartlett, Medford Weeks & McGowan Co, 217 W 6th, Medford *Underwear Manufacturers
203 E Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)Vacuum Cleaners
Angle O E, 191 Oak, AshlandWeaver J E, 407 N Main, Ashland Harrington H F, ss California, Jacksonville Medford House Cleaning Co, 21 Genessee, Medford *Varnishes
83 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)Veterinary Dentists
Decker F M, 168 Elizabeth, AshlandVeterinary Surgeons
Carter J A, 295 Helman, AshlandHarrison W E, 38 N Front, Medford Helms J L, 111 N Fir, Medford Tull C E, 29 S Grape, Medford Wagon Manufacturers
See Carriage and
Wagon Makers
Wall Paper
83 N Main, Ashland (See Right Side Lines)ART STORE THE, 27 N Grape, Medford (See opp p 82) Building Specialties Co, 318 E Main, Medford Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Johnson O H, 145 E Main, AshlandSmith R J, N Main sw cor Granite, Ashland Thompson A S, 163 E Main, Ashland Whited H L, 29 Plaza, Ashland McFarren S V, Gold Hill Diamond J W, 115 E Main, Medford Ellis O P, 2 Palm blk, Medford Jeschke Carl, 10 Palm blk, Medford Keller D L, 101 W Main, Medford Lawrence J F, 126 E Main, Medford Reddy M J, 22 N Central av, Medford Mooney F G, Prospect Cyester George, Talent *Waterproofing Materials
307 Lumber exch, Portland Or (See p 350)*Wire Fencing
DIXON, 134 N Riverside Av, Medford (See Right Top Lines
and p 65)Wood Sawyers
Bibby W A, 938 Oak, AshlandMaine M M, 410 N Ivy, Medford Wood and Coal
Conner Edward, 685 B, AshlandParrish W L, 1030 Henry, Ashland Rushton Pearl, 649 E Main, Ashland Central Point Feed Store, Central Point MURRAY R E, Central Point (See Right Side Lines and p 14) Eads G H, W 10th and S Front, Medford Flury H P, ns E 14th nr S Riverside av, Medford Long J T, 1406 N Riverside av, Medford Near & Reynolds, 402 S Fir, Medford Reichstein & Co, 405 S Oakdale av, Medford Slover A L, 203 N Holly, Medford Wall E A, 510 S Central av, Medford Polk's Jackson, Josephine and Douglas County Directory 1912 |