The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

The Rogue River Valley Railway
Notes on the Barnum family and the Jacksonville short line. Note that the correct name of the enterprise until 1919 was the Rogue River Valley Railway, after which it became the Rogue River Valley Railroad.

RRVRR Depot, circa 1900
Passengers at the Medford depot, northeast corner Sixth and Evergreen, circa 1900

    THE JACKSONVILLE SHORT LINE.--A number of our citizens got considerably agitated this week over a proposition to build a narrow-gauge railroad from Jacksonville to connect with the main line either at Medford or Central Point. All the material required, including engine, cars, etc., can be bought at a low figure of a company that formerly operated a short line running into Visalia, California, and the whole cost is estimated at less than $15,000. Several of the wealthy residents of Central Point precinct have declared their willingness to take more than one-half of the stock and the matter may yet be brought into a shape so that the road will be built. Either Central Point or Medford could well afford to build the road alone for the benefits that would result to their towns after its completion, and we further believe that the road would pay a fair interest on the investment.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 14, 1885, page 3

    The question of building a narrow gauge railroad to connect Jacksonville with the O.&C. Railroad at Medford or Eagle Point is being favorably discussed by the business men of Jacksonville.

"Local News," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 3, 1885, page 3

    Since the political excitement has died out several of our business men are again agitating the project for building a branch railroad from Jacksonville to Medford or Central Point. The estimated cost of building and equipping the road is from $16,000 to $17,000, and it is believed that the road will pay running expenses from the start. If such can be done the road should be pushed through at once.--Sentinel.
"State and Territorial," Corvallis Gazette, July 2, 1886, page 8

    The citizens of Jacksonville are now agitating a branch R.R. to Medford, with splendid prospects of success. A meeting has been held, officers elected and other arrangements made looking toward such an enterprise. We hope to see the project succeed. Jacksonville would do honor to a branch road. A large amount of capital has been invested in Jacksonville, and it is a good little city, full of business, beautifully located, and the county seat of as good a county as Oregon possesses, all things considered. While she may have less people and less money than some, she has an abundance of life's luxuries such as climate, fruit &c., which the more populous and rich counties of this state do not have. Keep the ball rolling and build the railroad. It was a great oversight that the O.&C.R.R. proposition was not accepted and that road secured to Jacksonville, which we were informed, the company agreed to build for a subsidy of $25,000. [Not true.] That lesson has been a serious one, and the best thing the good people of that city can do now is to build the road.
Rogue River Courier,
Grants Pass, August 13, 1886, page 2

    Mr. Barnum of Medford was here a few days ago and bought 6000 ft. of door lumber of the S.P.D.&L. Co. at $18 per M., delivered at Medford.

"Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 19, 1886, page 3

    Jacksonville people keep talking about the branch railroad, but as yet have done nothing that looks like building it. They can well afford to build the road, if the moneyed men of the place will only bear their dollars in proportion to their interest in the town.--[Tidings.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 6, 1886, page 3

    LINE FINISHED.--Jacksonville don't propose to be left out in the cold by the O.&C., as will be shown by the following item from the Jacksonville Times: "Frank Huffer and party, who have been running a preliminary line between Jacksonville and Medford, finished their labors a few days since. They found a favorable route--one that can be constructed at no very great expense. The distance between the two places is five miles, less 800 feet, and the grade is not heavy after the first mile, while there will be no cut or fill of over three feet on the whole line, and but few culverts. We think that there will be little difficulty in obtaining the right of way at a small cost, as the survey runs along the south side of the county road, and in most places it will only be necessary to set the fences back in order to make a good and sufficient roadbed."
Oregon Statesman, Salem, February 8, 1887, page 3

    JACKSONVILLE, OR., March 1.--A large and enthusiastic meeting was held last night for the purpose of discussing the question of building a branch railroad to connect with the O.&C. Considerable time was taken up in the discussion of the matter, when it was voted to incorporate under the name of the Jacksonville Branch of the O.&C. Railroad. The incorporators are: Max Muller, Will Jackson, A. L. Reuter, Henry Klippel and M. J. Nunan. Capital stock $300,000. It was not decided which place to build to, Medford or Central Point, but is to be agreed on by stockholders.
"From Jacksonville," Oregon Statesman, Salem, March 3, 1887, page 4

    Central Point will make a grand struggle to be the eastern terminus of the Jacksonville branch road. We hope that it will succeed.
"Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 1, 1887, page 2

    W. S. Barnum, of Medford, has bought the boiler lately used in Klippel and Baumle's quartz mill and will move it to that town for use in his planing mill.
"Local News,"
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 20, 1887, page 3

    112 by Dimick--To aid Jackson County to complete a railway from Jacksonville to Medford.
"Senate: Second Reading of Bills,"
Evening Capital Journal, Salem, January 24, 1889, page 4

    The bill introduced in the senate by Stanley, appropriating $25,000 for the building of a railroad from Jacksonville to Medford, created considerable stir in town last week, and on Saturday evening a meeting was held at the town hall for the purpose of discussing the matter, at which J. S. Howard acted as chairman. A committee--Wm. Slinger, Judge Crawford, S. R. Follett, J. S. Howard and F. M. Plymale--were selected to confer with a similar committee of Jacksonville citizens, to take proper steps in explaining to the legislature the necessity of passing the bill, and also urging our members in the legislature to work for the passage of the measure.
"Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, January 31, 1889, page 3

    ANOTHER MOTOR LINE.--A San Francisco company has made a proposition to the towns of Medford and Jacksonville to construct a motor railway between the two towns, a distance of six miles, and provide each with electric lights, for a bonus of $20,000. The proposition has been accepted, and the work is to be done by March 1st 1889 [sic].
Albany Daily Democrat, September 30, 1889, page 3

The Railroad a Certainty.
    Our citizens having raised the $12,500 required of them and those of Medford the remaining $7500, there is no doubt but what a railroad operated by electricity will be rounding between the two places inside of six months. Electric lights will be burning in both towns before that time. The organization which has taken the contract to construct the road will be known as the Jackson County Electric Light and Power Co., and must agree, in addition to furnishing and conducting a complete electric light outfit, to build and equip a railroad between Jacksonville and Medford, the said road to be of three-foot gauge, with steel rails not less than 24 pounds in weight, and to furnish the same with what is known as an electric motor, first-class passenger coaches and freight cars having sufficient transporting capacity, all to be finished and in running order next May. The generating machinery and plant will be located in Jacksonville, and the whole must be operated successfully and continuously for a period of five years. If the said company should, in that time, fail to operate said road and works for twenty successive days, they forfeit their right thereto. In all probability these articles of agreement will be ratified by the corporation, when work will be commenced in a very short time. Bids for furnishing the necessary poles have already been submitted.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, October 17, 1889, page 3

March 13, 1888 Southern Oregon Transcript
March 13, 1888 Southern Oregon Transcript

Organize Company to Operate in Jackson County, Oregon.
    SEATTLE, Wn., Oct. 19.--W. H. Llewellyn, J. F. Eshelman, W. W. Kirkwood, B. Converse, C. J. Eddy and R. R. Spencer have incorporated themselves into a company designated as the Jackson County Electric Railway, Light & Power Company, and filed articles in the auditor's office today. The capital stock is $50,000, divided into 500 shares of $100 each. The object of the company is to build and operate street railways from and between Medford and Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, and to operate the same by such motive power as may be deemed best, and produce and sell electricity, etc.
Oregonian, Portland, October 20, 1889, page 2

    The electric motor railway scheme is one of the bursted bullies of the past, and many of our citizens rejoice that the enterprise has dissolved into thin air. It is not probable that our people will ever again consider any project that does not look to a standard gauge between this place and Medford or Central Point, as the opinion has become general that a narrow-gauge railroad would be detrimental to our best interests in the end.
"Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, November 22, 1889, page 2

Medford and Jacksonville R.R. Co.
    Articles of incorporation of the Medford and Jacksonville Railroad Company were filed in the office of the county clerk last Tuesday. The incorporators are D. Linn, A. L. Reuter and Jeremiah Nunan of Jacksonville and S. H. Hull and John D. Whitman of Medford. The capital stock is placed at $10,000, to be divided into shares of $100 each; the amount of which stock may be increased by majority vote of the stockholders. The principal office of the corporation will be at Medford. The object of organization is to acquire, construct, own and operate a line of railroad for freight and passenger traffic from the town of Medford to the town of Jacksonville. Only the preliminary organization has been effected as yet, and we learn that the books have not been opened for subscriptions to the capital stock. Assurance has been given that the same or equally advantageous franchises will be granted the company by the town councils of this place and of Medford as were given to the men purporting to represent the Seattle company which crawfished on its contract. Both Jacksonville and Medford are to be congratulated on the formation of a local company composed of reliable business men who will put the proposed railroad through to speedy completion.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1890, page 3

    Articles of incorporation were filed today . . . by the Medford & Jacksonville Railroad Company; D. Linn, A. L. Reuter, Jeremiah Nunan, A. H. Hull and John D. Whitman, incorporators; object, to build a railroad from Medford to Jacksonville; principal office, Medford.

"News from Salem,"
Oregonian, Portland, January 18, 1890, page 1 

    The articles of incorporation of the Medford and Jacksonville railroad company were filed in the office of the secretary of state at Salem on the 17th instant.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 23, 1890, page 3

A Hopeful Outlook.
    Hon. T. R. North of Adel, Iowa writes to friends in this county that preparations are going forward rapidly looking to the construction of the railroad from this place to Medford. Orders have been given for the rolling stock and construction material, conditioned on the successful working out of the plan, and the organization of the construction company will go forward at once. It is highly necessary that the local company perfect its organization, procure the right of way, and have everything in readiness for the speedy construction of the road when spring opens. Mr. North expects to revisit Medford about the first of April in company with others interested in the enterprise and definite action looking to immediate construction of the road will then be taken. Our citizens are a unit in the matter of building this road, and no pains should be spared to ensure its success. Let every preparation be made at once to offer tangible inducements to the capitalists to invest here.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 6, 1890, page 3

    It is reported that quite a number of farmers living along the line of the proposed Jacksonville and Medford railroad have deeded a 100-foot right of way to the company. Others signify a willingness to give a fifty-foot right of way.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 24, 1890, page 3

    W. S. Barnum has sold his planing mill at this place to C. W. Skeel and son.

"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 6, 1890, page 3

    Prof. Crawford of Corvallis was at Jacksonville yesterday, looking after the scheme of building a railroad between Medford and Jacksonville.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1890, page 3

    W. S. Barnum's new residence has been roofed in and will soon be ready for occupancy.

"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1890, page 2

The Town Soon to Be Connected by Rail with Medford.
    JACKSONVILLE, Or., Sept. 7.--The long-contemplated railway connection between this place and Medford is at last about to materialize. The $20,000 bonus asked by the Corvallis company to build the road has been paid in. Jacksonville and Medford have each deposited $7500 in cash, and $5000 in Jacksonville municipal bonds have been guaranteed by ten leading citizens of Jacksonville in the sum of $500 each. The original company was regularly incorporated, and Messrs. Nunan and Hill are now at Corvallis for the purpose of entering into the contract and transferring the franchise to the company. If there is no hitch in the negotiations work will commence at once and the road will be completed before snow falls.
Oregonian, Portland, September 8, 1890, page 2

Make Them Happy.
    JACKSONVILLE, Or., Sept. 7.--The long contemplated railway connection between this place and Medford is at last about to materialize. The $20,000 bonus asked by the Corvallis company to build the road has been paid in. Jacksonville and Medford have each deposited $7500 in cash, and $5000 in Jacksonville municipal bonds have been guaranteed by ten leading citizens of Jacksonville in the sum of $500 each.
Albany Democrat, September 12, 1890, page 2

    MEDFORD-JACKSONVILLE ROAD.--For some time past the citizens of Medford and Jacksonville have been agitating the matter of building a railroad to connect the two places, a distance of about five miles. About two months ago the citizens offered a bonus of $20,000 to any company who would build and equip the road. Crawford & Howell, of Corvallis, have since held conferences with the people of Medford and Jacksonville, and last Monday negotiations were completed and a contract entered into by which the $20,000 bonus, right of way, franchise, depot grounds, etc. were transferred to Crawford & Howell, on condition that the said road be completed by January 1, 1891. Messrs. Crawford & Howell informed a Gazette reporter that the material for the construction and equipment of the road is being ordered, and as soon as it arrives on the grounds active work will be commenced and pushed, as they desire to take advantage of the good weather and get through with the work if possible before the rainy season sets in. The road will be standard gauge and equipped with regular passenger coaches and freight cars.
Corvallis Gazette, September 12, 1890, page 4

    It is with no small degree of satisfaction that we announce this week that the branch railroad from this place to Medford will be built, and that without delay. The contract for its construction has been duly executed and returned by Crawford, Howell & Co., who have assured our citizens that their order has been placed for new steel rails and contract signed for the delivery of the same at Medford, which is also confirmed by Honeyman, DeHart & Co., who will furnish the rails. The former also pledge themselves that grading will commence as soon as arrangements can be made for it. The unequivocal manner in which they announce "We will build the railroad" is refreshing to those of our citizens whose hearts were almost sick with deferred hope. This little five-mile connecting link between our foothill belt and the overland railroad is of far more consequence than the casual observer would suppose. It means that the county seat and its environs will once more be placed on an equal footing with other sections that have heretofore thriven largely at our expense. It means that every vacant house in Jacksonville will be tenanted before spring. It means that the county seat question will be settled forever; that the Presbyterian academy will be established here beyond cavil; that our public schools will fill up, and that the hundreds of people over the coast who have a warm spot in their hearts for the old mining town of Jacksonville will feel a yearning to return that they cannot resist, and that many prosperous horticulturists from California and the East will avail themselves of the opportunity to sit in the shade of their own vines and fig trees in the frostproof section that stretches for miles on either side of the town. It means that every acre of this favored foothill belt will in less than ten years approximate in value the fairest portions of California. With the railroad an assured fact, the development of the sandstone, limestone and quartz ledges of Jackson Creek will follow as a natural consequence. There is not a citizen of the shire town but feels that a new era of prosperity has been inaugurated and that he can prosecute his calling with brighter hopes of success. Scarcely lesser, perhaps greater, benefits must result for our neighboring town of Medford, and for the next several months the chief topic of interest to strangers passing through the valley will be the Medford and Jacksonville branch railroad. Now would be a good time to "boom" this incomparable fruit section, but it doesn't need booming. Its intrinsic merits will so recommend it to discriminating investors that if the owners of large holdings near town will but subdivide their farms and place ten- or twenty-acre tracts upon the market at a fair valuation they can rest assured of willing investors ready to set out vines or trees.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, October 3, 1890, page 2

For the Railroad Between Medford and Jacksonville.

Special to the Statesman.
    JACKSONVILLE, Crawford, Howell & Co., of Corvallis, have entered into a contract with the Medford and Jacksonville Railway Company to build a railroad between Medford and Jacksonville. The contract was received at Medford this morning, duly signed by the contracting parties, and work will commence immediately. Jacksonville gives a bonus of $12,500, which is deposited in the bank of Beekman & Reames, and Medford gives $7500, which is deposited in the Medford bank. Jacksonville will now resume its old-time prosperity, as it is the most healthful location in the Rogue River Valley, and is surrounded by the best fruit land in Southern Oregon.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, October 10, 1890, page 2

Jacksonville & Medford Railroad.
    JACKSONVILLE, Oct. 2.--Final arrangements have been perfected for the completion of the Jacksonville and Medford railroad. Steel rails have been ordered, and grading begins without daily. Jacksonville is receiving a number of new residents in anticipation of a railroad boom.
Albany Democrat, October 10, 1890, page 4

Jacksonville & Medford Railroad.
From the Medford Mail:
    The railroad is now doubly assured, but there are some so skeptical that they will not yet believe it, nor will they until they see the cars rushing along between here and Jacksonville, and then they will pinch themselves to see if they are not dreaming.
    On Wednesday, Mr. Hull received a telegram from Corvallis which instructed him to let the contract for the ties immediately, and it was not an hour after that until Messrs. Klippel & Skeel were awarded the contract and parties started for Klippel's mill on Galls Creek to prosecute their work.
    In addition to this, the bonds are on their return from Corvallis to Medford to be properly signed, the rails have been purchased, and it will be but a few days until the material will begin to arrive on the ground.
    There are a number of men waiting for employment on the road, and when work starts up it will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. Hurrah for the railroad between here and Jacksonville. We predict that it will not be long until it will be pushed through to the coast, and then Medford will have no rival city in Rogue River Valley.
Valley Record, Ashland, October 23, 1890, page 1

    Everybody feels happy since the branch railroad is an assured fact.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 24, 1890, page 2

    Hurrah for our branch railroad.

    Two of Staver & Walker's representatives were in town [i.e., Jacksonville] Wednesday for the purpose of establishing a branch agency. This is one of the first effects of the proposed branch railroad.
    Thousands of boxes of apples and grapes from the Applegate section and the foothill regions, that are now hauled to Medford for shipment, will hereafter be loaded on the cars at this place.
    Howell Bros., members of the firm who have undertaken the construction of the Jacksonville-Medford railway, arrived on the ground at the beginning of the week and are engaged in the preliminary work. Grading will commence at once and operations rushed rapidly forward.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 24, 1890, page 3

    The railroad will be running between Jacksonville and Medford by Jan. 1, 1891.

    The depot and warehouse of the Jacksonville-Medford railroad company will probably be located in the eastern portion of town. The final location of the site has been delayed somewhat by the exorbitant demands of certain property holders.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 24, 1890, page 3

    Mr. Howell, of Crawford & Howell, contractors for the construction of the Jacksonville and Medford railroad, went to Southern Oregon last Saturday to inaugurate the work. The road will be about six miles in length, and is to connect Jacksonville with the S.P. road. The contractors will push the work to a speedy completion.
"Brief Locals," Corvallis Gazette, October 24, 1890, page 4

The Jacksonville Railroad.
    The Jacksonville and Medford railroad has at last laid the doubting public at rest, and the idea that it was a railroad only on paper has been effectually dispelled by the contractors, Howell, Osburn & Co. of Corvallis, commencing work Monday throwing the dirt with a  dozen teams and a lot of workmen. Jacksonville's citizens, who have stayed with their town through thick and thin, have never felt so well for many a day, and well they may, for they have acres of the finest hillside land, worth in orchards $500 per acre, that is now covered only with a thick growth of chaparral and manzanita. The fruit industry, besides other resources, will now be developed in that section.
Valley Record, Ashland, October 30, 1890, page 3

    The branch railroad has hoisted the feelings of our people higher than McKinley prices.
"Medford Notes," Valley Record, Ashland, November 13, 1890, page 3

    MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 6.--The steel rails for the Medford-Jacksonville branch railroad have not arrived from the East, although the same have been overdue for two weeks. Everything is now ready for the rails, and as soon as they arrive the road will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. It is expected that "Change cars for Jacksonville" will be heard here about the first of the year. The successful carrying out of the enterprise is largely due to the liberality and generosity of Medford's prosperous and thriving citizens who so willingly and promptly raised $7500 toward the undertaking. The land along the route of this road will be divided up into five- and ten-acre tracts, planted in choice fruit trees and owned by those who desire to make themselves homes in this, the garden spot of Oregon, and will soon be able to support themselves and families from the sale of fruits, berries, etc., from their orchards. There is no speculation about the adaptability of the soil and climate of Rogue River Valley for the raising of superior fruits; it has been demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt.
"Medford Items," Oregonian, Portland, December 7, 1890, page 2

    The formal transfer of the Plymale property to the town, to be fitted for a depot for the Jacksonville and Medford railroad company, took place during the past week, and the work of clearing off the lot and neighboring ground has been going on for some days.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 12, 1890, page 3

    The new year will be inaugurated by the completion of the Jacksonville-Medford railroad.
    The iron for the Jacksonville-Medford railroad is expected every day. It has been delayed for some unaccountable reason.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 12, 1890, page 3

    Citizens of Jacksonville should awaken to the fact that the railroad will put us on a par with the progressive railroad towns of the valley in the matter of transportation and shipping facilities, and will enable our merchants to compete on an equal footing with others for the produce trade of the valley, besides bringing our wealth of foothill fruit lands into immediate requisition. We venture the prediction that within five years an amazing acreage in the frostproof belt contiguous to the town will be planted to orchard, and that preeminently the most desirable fruit land in the valley will advance in value over 100 percent. Nowhere else in Oregon is there a more promising field for fruit culture than the lands within a radius of two miles of Jacksonville. It is high time that they were being utilized for the purpose that nature intended them.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1890, page 2

    The Jacksonville and Medford railroad people have built a neat depot on the city park property, near the water tank, and, if the material comes to hand all right, will have the engine running over the route within a week.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1890, page 2

Railroad Complications.
    It is announced that Crawford, Howell & Co. are unable to proceed with the building of the Jacksonville-Medford railroad and have abandoned their contract. Several carloads of rails are at Medford, but, as the freight on them was not paid, the railroad company would not deliver them. This, of course, blocked operations. Mr. Honeyman, of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., Portland, who furnished the rails, is here, and it is probable that arrangements will be made to complete the road. Crawford, Howell & Co. have spent a very small amount of money, not having paid anybody or for anything. How they expect to build this road without employing some capital of their own is a mystery.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1890, page 3

    Five carloads of iron for the new railroad was rushed through from Portland last Sunday morning, and the management immediately began laying the same, in order to complete the road to the county seat as soon as possible.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1890, page 3

    Work was commenced on the depot in Jacksonville this week, but was stopped when Crawford, Howell & Co. could not come to time [terms?] with the railroad company. It will be located on the Plymale lot.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1890, page 3

    A freight train on the Southern Pacific attempted to pass over a bridge, near Albany, one day last week, which was undergoing repairs, and the effect was that the engine got across safely, but three flatcars, one loaded with railroad iron for the Jacksonville-Medford railroad, and two with lumber, fell into the stream twenty feet below and were crushed to splinters. The other portion of the train became detached and stopped upon the brink of the chasm. No one was hurt.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 26, 1890, page 3

The Jacksonville-Medford Railroad
    The first train over the Jacksonville-Medford railroad did not arrive on New Year's Day as expected, says the Democratic Times, although an attempt was made to bring it in. The road is completed between the towns, but the rolling stock has not yet put in an appearance, though it will soon do so. A locomotive was borrowed by Crawford, Howell & Co. to make the first trip at the appointed time, but it proved too heavy for the road and the effort was abandoned. An extension of the time has been asked for by the company, which will no doubt be granted. The road will nevertheless be in proper order in a short time.
Morning Daily Herald, Albany, January 7, 1891, page 4

    The Medford-Jacksonville branch [railroad] is not yet in running order as was expected it would be by this time. But the new proprietors, Honeyman, De Hart & Co., of Portland, say they intend to make a good road out of it, and as soon as the rolling stock arrives work will be commenced in earnest in ballasting the roadbed, etc.
"Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, January 8, 1891, page 3

    Much disappointment was felt by our people generally at the failure to enjoy their first ride on the new railroad on New Year's Day. When the engine was derailed on the short curve from the main track a general wail went up, and our local surveyor, J. S. Howard, raised himself several notches in the scale of public opinion by demonstrating his ability to lay out a curve that the engine could stick to under any circumstances.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 9, 1891, page 2

Our Railroad.
    Mr. Buchanan, of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., who are interested in the Jacksonville-Medford R.R., informs us that the road will be completed at the earliest possible moment. The plans for a depot in Jacksonville have been submitted to the carpenters, and it will be a neat, commodious one. The road will be in good running order in a short time, and will be of much benefit to both towns, the citizens of which can well afford to wait on the contractors a reasonable time without seeking to take advantage of any breach of contract that has so far occurred.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, January 9, 1891, page 3

    The Oregon railroad engine first brought out for use on the branch line, but afterwards discovered to be too heavy for the roadbed, has been used during the week in settling the track by the construction force. A lighter engine, for permanent use on the road, will soon arrive.
    The railroad ball is voted by all who attended it as one of the pleasantest and best-managed parties which has taken place in southern Oregon for several years. Everybody was well satisfied. The music and supper are both well spoken of, while the hall, which was tastily decorated, was in the best of condition. Had the railroad arrived as expected, the attendance at the ball would have been exceedingly large.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 9, 1891, page 3

Jacksonville to Medford.
    This road is now an accomplished fact, and will be in running order by the middle of the week. Another engine for temporary use, in place of one already there, and which was found too heavy for the rails, will go down from Portland this morning, and the rolling stock. It has proved a great thing for that country that Honeyman, DeHart & Co. concluded to take the road off the hands of contractors Crawford & Howell, in order to save the money they already had invested in the rails furnished. Arrangements have been made to complete the road into its Jacksonville terminus in a few days, work being in progress as fast as men and money can do it. Plans are already prepared under which stations and warehouses will be erected at both ends. It goes without saying that the road will be of incalculable benefit to the towns. The Rogue is a beautiful little valley and has great possibilities in store for it, but of course needs some capital and enterprise to develop it. The people of the Applegate district, who have hitherto been obliged to make long hauls to get their produce to market, will be greatly benefited.
    No doubt exists that the road will eventually [be] extended on to the coast.
Oregonian, Portland, January 11, 1891, page 2

Our Railroad.
    Surveyor Howard and his assistants, acting for the Jacksonville-Medford railroad company, have surveyed and located that portion of the road which will run up C Street to the proposed depot grounds, near W. J. Plymale's stables, as also the switches, etc., and the work of laying the ties and rails will be commenced at once. The locomotive and cars for the new line arrived this week. It will not be long before the system will be in complete running order, as no time has been lost in strengthening the track already laid, and nothing remains undone but the completion of the work at the western terminus. It will be something novel to see trains running regularly into Jacksonville. Those who have been instrumental in furthering this enterprise deserve the fullest measure of credit and will be duly rewarded, as this railroad will doubtless be of much benefit to both Medford and the county seat.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, January 16, 1891, page 3

    Henry Blecher is engaged in hauling wood for the use of the Jacksonville-Medford railroad.
    Chris Ulrich has received the contract to build the depot, etc. for the Jacksonville-Medford railroad at this end of the system. He will no doubt put up neat, substantial buildings.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1891, page 3

An Extension Spoken Of.
    It is now proposed to extend the Jacksonville-Medford railroad to Eagle Point, on Butte Creek, to connect with the talked-of flume from upper Rogue River at that place, and citizens of the Butte Creek country promise substantial aid to such an enterprise. The magnificent water power at that place is a temptation to capital to invest there, of itself, and, when taken in connection with the possibilities of the lumber trade and attendant manufactures of the future, offers unparalleled inducements. There would be no question of plenty of transportation to keep a well-equipped road busy all the time.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1891, page 3

Demonstrations at Jacksonville.
    JACKSONVILLE, OR., Jan. 10.--The first train over the Jacksonville & Medford reached Jacksonville today amid the greatest demonstrations of joy. J. D. Howell, one of the contractors, and all the prominent business men of Medford were on board. Deafened by booming anvils, screeching whistles, ringing bells and shouting multitudes, the Jacksonville & Medford incorporators witnessed the first trip over the new road. The train returned to Medford this evening. The greatest enthusiasm still prevails in Jacksonville. Honeyman & DeHart, half owners of the road, have let the contract for the immediate construction of the Jacksonville depot.
Oregonian, Portland, January 17, 1891, page 6

    The Jacksonville-Medford railroad is being strengthened and put in fine shape. It will be a first-class road when completed.
    Our railroad continues to be quite a novelty, and many are availing themselves of the opportunity to take a ride between Jacksonville and Medford. The road runs through a most beautiful stretch of country.
    The locomotive made the run between Jacksonville and Medford in 20 minutes one day this week, which shows that the track is rapidly assuming a first-class condition. Mr. Ridenour is acting as engineer for the present.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 23, 1891, page 3

   C. A. Nickell, of the Jacksonville Times, is in Salem. He is of the impression of that the new railroad from Medford to Jacksonville will be a big thing for the latter place. Trains will be running regularly over it very soon.
"Personal Mention," Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 28, 1891, page 4

    Two little children of Doyle Alberry, the foreman of the J.&M. railroad force, have been quite ill at Medford for some days past.
    Doyle Albury, foreman of the work crew on [the] J.&M. railroad, is doing a first-rate job in ballasting the roadbed, and assures us that it will be [in] excellent condition within a month.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1891, page 2

Completing the Work.
    A force of about thirty men has been engaged in completing the track and building the depot for the J.&M. Co. at this end of the line during the week. The track along C Street will not seriously damage that thoroughfare for team travel, as excellent crossings, both for teams and foot passengers, are being put in, and the street is amply wide enough for passage of teams at any point along its course. Light iron will be temporarily laid for a distance of a hundred yards on the east side of the depot grounds, in order to enable the contractors to gain access to the gravel beds in Jackson Creek for the purpose of securing gravel for ballasting the lower roadbed, but it will be replaced with the regulation size on receipt of the final consignment of iron. The depot building will be quite a neat structure, and will be completed this week.
    There is already talk of extending a switch to the lime quarries on the creek above, and it is even whispered that it is being seriously discussed at headquarters whether or not it would be best to push the road on over the hill, with a view of ultimate extension to the coast. The joint resolution recommending congress to establish a harbor of refuge at Port Orford by constructing a breakwater at that point is very significant of what the future has in store for the interior counties, and should the general government move in the matter, numerous roads will be built to that point from the interior.

Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, January 30, 1891, page 3

    If the entire roadbed of the J.&M.R.R. was as good as that portion inside the Jacksonville limits, it would be one of the best tracks on the coast.
    A number of Ashland jurors arrived on tie tickets from Thomas' gravel bed via freight train and J.&M. flatcar transportation yesterday morning. The walking on the J.&M. is excellent in the early morning.
    The work of placing cattle guards and crossings along the line of the J.&M..R.R goes rapidly forward; an excellent roadbed is being finished throughout the entire length of the road, and everything will be ready for regular traffic in the course of another week.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1891, page 3

    Misses Emma Pape and Jo. Orth were the first ladies to make the trip over the Jacksonville-Medford railway, having ridden down on the cars the day the first train came through and taken a tie ticket for home in the evening. It is said to be very pleasant walking of a nice afternoon between Medford and the county seat--but has a tendency to grow monotonous late in the day.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1891, page 3

    J. D. Howell, who has been engaged in constructing the Jacksonville-Medford railroad, stopped over in Corvallis last Tuesday. He in company of W. C. Crawford went to Portland Wednesday for the purpose of hastening the arrival of some of the rolling stock which has been delayed along the route.
"Local Notes," Corvallis Gazette, January 30, 1891, page 1

    The railroad depot in Jacksonville is nearing completion. The rolling stock will soon arrive, when the road will be put in running order. It will not be long before regular trips are made on the road.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 6, 1891, page 3

    The parties now owning the railway between Jacksonville and Medford have formed a corporation, known as the Rogue River Valley Railroad Company. They are putting everything in first-class order and will soon have a good road in every respect. Their new rolling stock will be put on the railroad as soon as completed. The first regular trips were made yesterday and proved quite successful. The following crew is in charge of the train: Mr. Ridenour, engineer, Will Farrier, fireman, and John Dyar, conductor. The fare is only 20 cents each way, but what the freight charges will be we have not learned as yet. It is to be hoped that the enterprise will prove a remunerative one.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 13, 1891, page 3

The Railroad.
    The travel on our railroad is something beyond what the most sanguine expected, and it is with much satisfaction that the management sees that the road is destined to prove a money-making institution, as well as a great convenience to the inhabitants of the county at large, and to this place and Medford in particular. We always predicted that it would prove profitable if given a fair show, and the result will but bear out the prediction. The fact that the company was fit to put the price of passage at a figure that is an inducement to all to patronize the road, is largely responsible for the favorable showing made so far. In times like the present ten persons will make the trip at 20 cents for fare, where but one would feel disposed to incur the outlay at stage-fair prices. Unabated interest is taken in the arrival and departure of trains at this end of the line, and now that the depot buildings present a neat and attractive appearance, the incoming passenger forms a very good impression of the town and its resources, especially in the line of pretty girls. The last-mentioned "resource," by the way, has discovered that the up-train in the evening affords trysting opportunities even superior to her "pa's" front gate, and travel on that particular train is increasing daily.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, February 27, 1891, page 3

    Thirty-one passengers rode on the railroad from Medford Wednesday morning.
    The railroad brings many people into Jacksonville who would rarely, if ever, come here otherwise.
    The R.R.V.R.R. will commence carrying freight next Monday, connection with the S.P. Co.'s track having been made.
    The railroad track is being ballasted, the gravel beds deposited by Jackson Creek forming an inexhaustible fount of supply.
    The railroad is now running, according to the new timetable, accommodation trains leaving here at 1 o'clock p.m. instead of 11:30 a.m. as formerly. This change is decidedly popular, as it allows considerably more time in which to transact business at the county seat.
    The iron for the switch on the R.R.V. railroad at the Medford terminus has been on the ground since early last week, waiting for the arrival of the ties to complete the connection with the S.P. Freight will be handled commencing next Monday.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 27, 1891, page 3

The Jacksonville-Medford Road.
    William A. Buchanan, secretary of the Thompson-DeHart Company , returned to Portland last week from Jacksonville, where he had been looking after the Jacksonville-Medford railroad, which has recently passed into the firm's hands. Speaking of the enterprise to an Oregonian reporter, he said: "The Rogue River Valley Railway Company began running its regular trains last Thursday between Jacksonville and Medford, connecting with both the northbound and southbound trains of the Southern Pacific. The owners of the line propose making it an accommodation road, and have established intermediate stations midway between the terminal points which will be of considerable benefit to the farmers of the adjoining country. The freight rates have been made low as possible, and the passenger rate for the entire distance is only 25 cents. The road will get a good deal of custom from the Applegate country and the region it immediately touches. The station houses are very pretty affairs, and quite a new style for this country at least, having been adopted from the plan of the Sunnyside motor line, of which McCaw & Martin are the architects. Already the towns are beginning to feel the effect of the railroad, and many people who would not make the trip by stage, particularly at this time of the year, are glad to avail themselves of the cheap rate and convenient mode of traveling afforded by the railroad. The owners have spared no pains to make it a first-class road in every respect. In the course of two or three weeks the new rolling stock, manufactured in the East, will arrive, and that which has been borrowed for the occasion can be dispensed with."
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, February 27, 1891, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. is proving to be quite a convenience, and it is said by those who know that the road is more than paying running expenses, too.
"Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, March 5, 1891, page 3

    A narrow-gauge [sic] locomotive, for the Rogue River Valley railroad, went north on the freight train yesterday morning.
"Brevities," Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, March 22, 1891, page 3  The RRVRy was a standard-gauge railroad.

Rogue River Valley Railroad No. 1, June 2009
Rogue River Valley Railroad No. 1 during its return visit to Jacksonville, June 2009

    The little engine is making regular trips now.
    Three new cars are expected for the Rogue River Valley Railroad soon.

Thomas T. Edmunds, "Letter in Grammar Class," The Young Idea, April 1891, page 2

    The combination passenger, baggage, mail and express car has arrived and is now running on the R.R.V.R.R.

"Local Items,"
The Young Idea, Washington School publication, April 1891, page 3

    I went up one Saturday morning on the train and saw their new depot which resembles a small store more than anything else.
Ida Webster, "A Trip to Jacksonville," The Young Idea, April 1891, page 4

    I went to Jacksonville on a swift passenger train which has just commenced running lately. The train is a combination of an engine and one passenger coach, and sometimes a freight car.
    On my way to Jacksonville I saw a great many things of interest, green fields and pastures, farms, houses, orchards and some very beautiful flowers.

Grace Davis, "A Trip to Jacksonville," The Young Idea, April 1891, page 4

    Rogue River Valley.--The following are the officers operating this new Oregon road: W. Honeyman, Portland, Ore., President; W. A. Buchanan, Portland, Or., Secretary; E. W. DeHart, Portland, General Freight and Passenger Agent, and J. S. Howard, Medford, Or., Chief Engineer.
"Elections and Appointments," The Railroad Gazette, April 17, 1891, page 276

    Rogue River Valley.--This road has been completed this year from Medford, Or., on the Southern Pacific, west to Jacksonville, and has been in operation for the last two months. All the construction work has been finished, with the exception of some ballasting. The line is about five miles long and was built by a lumber company of Portland, which owns extensive tracts of timber at Jacksonville and in southwestern Oregon.
The Railroad Gazette, April 17, 1891, page 277

    It is announced this morning that the parties who built the Medford and Jacksonville railroad yesterday organized in Portland a corporation called the Rogue River Valley Railway and Improvement Company. Its announced object is to build a railroad from the Southern Pacific track to Eagle Point and from thence into the sugar pine belt. The new road will traverse the line between the Southern Pacific track and Eagle Point, along which the land owners will make a reasonable land grant by way of subsidy. Engineer Howard, with a force of men, starts this morning from Medford to run a preliminary survey from Medford to Eagle Point. The articles of incorporation provide for land and townsite investments and the building and running of mills for the manufacture of all kinds of products. It is promised that this valley will be largely advertised and a good class of settlers persuaded to come here, new industries created and capital brought in.
    If a reasonable land and money subsidy is offered by the land owners at Medford, Central Point and Eagle Point and the country between, it is promised that this road will be in working operation by harvest time. It is suggested that money subscriptions will be taken, in installments, as every two or more miles of the road is completed. This will make it easy to everyone. Francis Fitch of Medford is the attorney for the new corporation, and communications can be sent to him or to Honeyman, DeHart & Company, Portland.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 8, 1891, page 2

    Rogue River Valley.--Surveys will soon be made for a proposed extension north from Medford and Crystal [sic] Point to Eagle Point, in Jackson County, Or. The proposed extension will be about 20 miles long from Medford, but it is expected that trackage right can be secured over the Southern Pacific between Medford and Crystal Point. In that case the distance over which it will be necessary to construct the branch is 12 miles. The route is along the valley of the Rogue River, and the grading will be easy. The road now in operation extends from Jacksonville to Medford and is about five miles long. Passenger trains have only been running for a few weeks.
The Railroad Gazette, May 15, 1891, page 345

Railroad to Eagle Point.
    J. S. Howard has compiled his preliminary survey of the R.R.V.R.R. from Medford to Eagle Point. The line as surveyed is 11¾ miles in length and extends through Eagle Point to 100 feet beyond the bridge of Little Butte. The proposed line after crossing the McAndrew place runs parallel with the county road, one-half mile west of it, until it strikes the northeast corner of the Crants place on the desert. It crosses Antelope just below the bridge. Mr. Howard is now engaged in setting his grade stakes, having left with his party this morning.--Medford Mail, 14th.
    The articles of incorporation for $500,000 as the Rogue River Valley Railway and Improvement Co. with the above object in view were filed with the secretary of state recently by W. Honeyman, E. J. De Hart, W. A. Buchanan, T. T. Honeyman, Francis Fitch.
Valley Record, Ashland, May 21, 1891, page 1

The Eagle Point R.R.
    The R.R.V.R.R. & Imp. Co. have set the figure of their bonus to build from the S.P. line to Eagle Point at $12,000. They estimate the cost of building, etc., at $90,000. The Howard survey from Medford is 10⅞ miles, and Applegates from Central Point 9½ miles. A preliminary meeting was held at Medford Saturday for the purpose of bonding the town for $7500 for that bonus.
Valley Record, Ashland, May 21, 1891, page 3

    The railroad excitement has abated.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point News," Valley Record, Ashland, June 4, 1891, page 2

    Rogue River Valley.--The incorporators are William Honeyman, E. J. DeHart, William A. Buchanan, Thomas D. Honeyman and Francis Fitch, who were interested in the old corporation.
"Elections and Appointments," The Railroad Gazette, June 5, 1891, page 398

    Rogue River Valley.--Recently new articles of incorporation have been filed in Oregon under the name of the Rogue River Valley Railway & Improvement Co. to build a road between Medford, Central Point and Eagle Point, in Jackson County, Or. about 100 miles long. The capital stock is $500,000. This line is the proposed extension of the road now in operation from Jacksonville.
The Railroad Gazette, June 5, 1891, page 399

    Surveyor Howard, who completed the survey for the extension of the R.R.V.R.R. to Eagle Point a short time ago, made the distance over the proposed route from Medford a trifle over 11½ miles. All the railroad company will ask the people of Medford for is a bonus of $12,000 payable in installments of $4,000 each year for three successive years after the completion of the road, and for right-of-way through the town, as well as for terminal facilities.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 19, 1891, page 3

    Fred. Farrier has resigned his position on the R.R.V.R.R. We learn that the train will be run without a fireman in the near future, which can probably be done.
    The railroad company have fixed up their flatcar for the 4th of July, and will no doubt do a big business. The first trip was made last night, and quite a number availed themselves of taking a ride at the expense of Messrs. Ulrich and Wood, who fitted up the car.

    Shortly after Wm. L. Miller, special correspondent of the Medford Mail, started from the woodpile to deliver his budget of items last Wednesday, the wind blew through his whiskers with such force as to knock off his hat. As the train was in full motion he was unable to recover his chapeau, and it was soon afterward appropriated by a tourist on his way to the soldiers' encampment at Eugene.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 3, 1891, page 3

    It is estimated that the railroad company carried over 1000 people between Jacksonville and Medford on the 4th of July. John Dyar has not had much experience as a conductor, but he handled this multitude like a veteran and gave general satisfaction. This method of locomotion no doubt added much to the success of the celebration.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 10, 1891, page 2

    The work of graveling the roadbed of the R.R.V.R.R. was begun this week.
    The railroad extension from Medford to Eagle Point is as good as secured already, we we hope to see the dirt fly before another month rolls 'round.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 17, 1891, page 3

    On the 9th inst. we had a regular railroad meeting in the interest of the R.R.V.R.R. Co. There was quite a number of visitors from Medford and other places. Among the visitors were Drs. Geary and Pickel, J. S. Howard, Ben. Webb, J. W. Grayborn and the railroad company's attorney, Mr. Fitch. The meeting was called to order by A. J. Daley who introduced Mr. Fitch, who was, of course, prepared to make a speech. He told us that he, as attorney for the company, had no definite proposition to make as to the amount of subsidy the company would require but it was estimated that the road from Medford to Eagle Point would cost $90,000, and that the company wanted to know the feeling of the citizens on the subject. He assured us that the object of the company was to reach the timber belt and that the subsidy that they would ask for was to be paid in three installments, Oct. 1st '91, '92 and '93, and that the railroad company was to build one-third of the road before they called for one dollar of the subscription. He then called on A. J. Daley to read the subsidy agreement, and when it was read it proved to be a petition from the citizens of this vicinity to the aforesaid company to build and operate a railroad between the towns of Medford and Eagle Point and pledging themselves to pay to Vawter & Howard at the bank at Medford the amount in gold coin, set opposite their names, provided the company commences construction. Now their attorney said that the company was to build one-third of the road before they received any money, and he seemed to have anticipated trouble over that "commences construction," so he assured us that the company could not collect one cent unless they completed one-third of the road, and that all the lawyers in Jacksonville and Medford agreed with him. But we have the verbal statement of an attorney on the one hand and the printed agreement on the other, and some of us are a little tenderfooted about promising to pay on such conditions. If the railroad company intended to do the fair thing why does their hired attorney take pains to tell us that the company can't get one dollar, and that all the attorneys in Medford and Jacksonville agree with him, when the printed agreement says that they shall have one-third, provided they commence construction. Now according to agreement they can "commence construction" and draw one-third, and then next year they can "commence construction" and draw another third and then the next year draw the other third and then have an indefinite length of time to complete the road. In addition to the money subsidy the company require the citizens of Medford and Eagle Point and the intervening country to secure the right of way from one point to the other. Such is life under the McKinley bill.
A. C. Howlett, "About the Eagle Point Extension," Valley Record, Ashland, July 23, 1891, page 3

    Mr. Graham has been securing the right of way for the R.R.V.R.R. Co. from Medford to this place. I understand that he is securing all the timber he can in the great timber belt on Rogue River and Big Butte.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Items," Valley Record, Ashland, August 6, 1891, page 3

    A horse was struck by the cowcatcher on McCarthy's engine in a field near Phoenix one day last week and knocked end over appetite, but jumped up and ran off as if nothing was the matter with him.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 7, 1891, page 3

    D. W. Albury, foreman of the R.R.V.R.R. Co.'s force, has removed to Medford, as also have the men under him.
    D. McCarthy, the popular engineer, is taking his summer vacation. He went to Roseburg to assist in the organization of the branch of the brotherhood of locomotive engineers this week, and was accompanied by his wife and daughter.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 7, 1891, page 3

    I understand that a railroad party passed through our town a few days ago and secured the services of John Daley as guide to look out a way for a railroad to the big timber, and into Klamath County.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Items,"
Valley Record, Ashland, August 20, 1891, page 3

    Jackson Creek almost filled up the railroad company's gravel pit a few nights since, covering up some of the track and endangering the safety of the flatcar.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 1, 1892, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. Co.'s cars have been furnished with a stove, which proves quite comfortable during the cold weather.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 1, 1892, page 3

    All of the section hands employed by the R.R.V.R.R. Co., excepting Mr. Alberry, the foreman, and J. Morris, have been discharged. A portion of the road is still in need of repair.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 8, 1892, page 3

    A large number of the Medford Odd Fellows attended the installation of officers at Jacksonville last week, coming up on a special train and returning after the ceremony.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 15, 1892, page 3

    Supt. Graham of the R.R.V.R.R. Co. is visiting his home in Clackamas County. His office at Medford is in charge of Mrs. W. V. Lippincott during his absence.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1892, page 3

    Mr. J. W. Graham, of Graham's ferry, who has charge of the Rogue River Valley Railway, spent a couple of days last week at his home.
"Pleasant Hill Notes," Oregon City Enterprise, January 29, 1892, page 2

Want a Railroad.
    Eagle Point is very desirous of getting that extension of the Medford end of the R.R.V.R.R. to Butte Creek next summer, and even thus early the citizens of that section are beginning to agitate the matter lest there should be a road built up the river, via Grants Pass and Gold Hill, and leave one of the best water powers and manufacturing sites in southern Oregon sidetracked. It seems to be on the cards that a road will perforce be built from some quarter to the big timber before the lapse of very much more time, and the Butte Creek section has entirely too many advantages to recommend it to allow its people to take a back seat. That section produced the best wheat last season, and with a railroad to admit of it being profitably shipped, as also flour, the mills of that vicinity would soon have an enviable reputation all over the coast.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1892, page 3

    Single fares on the Rogue River Valley R.R. have been placed at 24 cents, and round-trip tickets at 40 cents. We are unable to perceive why tickets were not put at 25 cents each way at the beginning. That is certainly a very low rate.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1892, page 3

An Anxious Town.
    Eagle Point is full of anxiety about a possible extension of the R.R.V.R.R. The citizens want the road extended to [the] Butte Creek region, but fear a road might scoot down to Gold Hill and Grants Pass, and leave the owners of the Butte Creek water-power mill sites to do a large job of weeping. There is but little doubt that a road will pierce the big timber there pretty soon, but it will also pierce Eagle Point hearts if it don't go to the place where the eagles descended to take water.--Klamath Star.
Medford Mail, February 18, 1892, page 3

    A Salem exchange says: "The Rogue River Valley Railway Co. has applied to the board of railroad commissioners for an advance of freight rates, and they have filed a new tariff sheet for approval. This road runs between Jacksonville and Medford and is four and three-quarter miles in length, standard gauge. The president's letter, claiming that the company is not making expenses, has been filed and will be acted upon at the regular meeting of the board."
    Those who thought that the idea of extending the railroad now in existence between this place and Medford, both east and westward from its present termini, would die out in time, have been mistaken in their surmises. There is much talk in the premises already, and it seems evident that the eastern company who are now contemplating the extension are in earnest in the matter. It will be a great benefit to this valley when we can not only have the coast connections, but a railroad to the head of the river as well.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 19, 1892, page 3

    The prospect of having the railroad extended soon is putting new life and ambition into Medford's citizens, and we look for one of the best seasons ever known here during the coming summer. It is probable that the eastern gentlemen who have made the proposition to take hold of the R.R.V.R.R. and advance the necessary money to extend it over the Cascade Range will be here in a few weeks.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1892, page 2

    Ernest Langley is filling Geo. Coulter's place as fireman of the R.R.V.R.R. while the latter is polishing up the inside of the Banquet.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1892, page 3

    The travel over the R.R.V.R.R. has exceeded all expectations, more than 20,000 fares having been collected during the first year of the service. This is certainly a very good showing, as it represents an income of $4000 from this source alone. We predict that even a better report than this will be made during the coming year.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1892, page 3

    The Rogue River Valley Railway Company was allowed to increase its tariff rates on merchandise between Medford and Jacksonville.
"The Railroad Commissioners," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1892, page 3

    A special train went to Medford on Wednesday evening, to accommodate a large number of Jacksonville folks who went to hear the Fisk Jubilee Singers. All were delighted with the concert.

"Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, April 1, 1892, page 3

    Jim Linn is acting as fireman on the R.R.V.R.R., vice Ernest Langley resigned.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 29, 1892, page 3

    Mrs. W. V. Lippincott is in the R.R.V.R.R. office during the absence of Mr. Graham.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, May 6, 1892, page 3

    J. W. Graham, manager of the R.R.V.R.R., has returned from the Willamette Valley. Mrs. Lippincott has been filling his place at Medford quite acceptably.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1892, page 3

    Democratic rally at Medford tomorrow afternoon. A special train will be run from Jacksonville, and everybody who wishes to ride can do so free of charge.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 3, 1892, page 3

    The force engaged on the roadbed of the R.R.V.R.R. has been increased lately. The track has been moved in places and is straighter and more substantial than ever.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 10, 1892, page 3

    The rolling stock of the R.R.V.R. Co. was thoroughly renovated during the week and presents a much improved appearance. No trains were run on Tuesday and Wednesday.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 17, 1892, page 3

    Horace  Nicholson has been at Jacksonville making repairs on the R.R.V.R.R. Co.'s rolling stock.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 17, 1892, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. bed is being leveled and the track straightened, which are much-needed improvements.
    In consequence of the engine of the R.R.V.R.R. getting out of repair the train was stopped for a couple of days this week. Ralph Ridenour, engineer, assisted by Horace Nicholson, of Adkins & Webb's, fixed it up as good as new and Thursday morning it came down on time. During the layoff Geo. Coulter treated the car and engine to a new coat of varnish, which makes them shine like a new silver dollar.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, June 17, 1892, page 3

    John Dyar, conductor on the R.R.V.R.R., was in Roseburg and Portland last week, attending a meeting of the conductors' association. S. W. Kindle filled his place during the interim.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 24, 1892, page 3

    Something got the matter with the R.R.V.R.R. engine on Monday, and it came very near not getting in before the northbound passenger had left this place.

"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 1, 1892, page 3

    The new residence of W. S. Barnum on C Street is assuming proportions. W. K. Davis and S. B. McGee are the architects and builders, and doing first-class work.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 1, 1892, page 2

    John Dyar, who has acted as conductor for the R.R.V.R.R. Co. since it commenced business, will soon enter the employ of the S.P. He will be succeeded on the local road by Supt. Graham..
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 1, 1892, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. engine jumped the track one day last week by running into an open switch, but the train was delayed but a short time.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 8, 1892, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. was kept busy carrying passengers on the 4th, making a number of extra trips during the day.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 8, 1892, page 3

    J. W. Graham, superintendent of the R.R.V.R.R., is also acting as conductor, John Dyar having resigned that position in order to accept another on the S.P.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 8, 1892, page 3

A Slim Robbery.
    The R.R.V.R.R. depot at this place was entered and robbed of a number of fare tickets last Tuesday night. It is evident that the burglar or burglars expected to secure some cash from the till, but in this they were disappointed and no doubt took the tickets just to take something, as they are of no possible value. Marshal Youngs says it is evident the entrance was affected through the door by a key that fit the lock, although the intention was without a doubt to make it appear for some reason the back window was used. After getting inside and finding nothing the back window was raised, the hose put in and the water turned on and left running over the desk and floor. No clue to the prowlers.
Southern Oregon Mail, July 22, 1892, page 3

    D. W. Alberry has resigned his position as section boss of the R.R.V.R.R. and went north this week. His family will follow soon.
    The Medford office of the R.R.V.R. Co. was burglarized last Tuesday night, but nothing of value has been missed. The miscreant turned on the water before leaving, but no damage was done.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 22, 1892, page 3

    Ralph Ridenour, who has been acting as engineer for the R.R.V.R. Co., will resign on the first of the month and go north.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 22, 1892, page 3

    Miss Jennie Jackson, the clever agent for the R.R.V.R. at Jacksonville, has made our town several short visits during the week.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 29, 1892, page 2

    Tom Morine happened to look under the sidewalk near the R.R.V.R.R. depot one day this week, and found the tickets stolen from the little depot some time ago. It is very likely that it was getting pretty hot for the guilty party, and he thought it best to return the property.

"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, August 12, 1892, page 3

    Ralph Ridenour still officiates as engineer of the R.R.V.R.R., having been induced to remain.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 12, 1892, page 2

    Crawford, Howell & Co. have been sued on contracts made at the time of the building of the R.R.V.R.R., the amount aggregating many thousand dollars. They claim that the notes are forgeries and without consideration.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 12, 1892, page 3

    The tickets lately stolen from the R.R.V.R.R. were found under the sidewalk last week by Tom Morine.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 19, 1892, page 2

    An attempt was made to fire the R.R.V.R.R. Co.'s depot at Medford on Wednesday night, but fortunately it was frustrated by the arrival of the night watchman, T. W. Johnson. It seems as if the incendiary is abroad in the land. Hemp would be too good for him.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 26, 1892, page 3

Resolution of Thanks.
    Resolved, that we, the board of trustees of the town of Medford, for and in the name of the people of Medford, extend to the town board and citizens of Jacksonville our thanks for their help and for the use of their fire engine during the fire in our town on the morning of August 23rd; also to Supt. Graham of the R.R.V.R. Co. for his promptness in sending said fire engine to us by special train.
    Done by order of the town board of Medford this 23rd day of August, 1892.
J. A. WHITESIDE, Mayor.       
    J. H. FARIS, Recorder.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 26, 1892, page 3

Fire at Medford.
    Some miscreant set the large woodpile in front of the Medford Roller Mills afire on Tuesday night, and that town was in danger for awhile. It was with the utmost difficulty that the mills were saved. The fire engine from Jacksonville was sent for and brought down by a special train, and did good service. About 150 cords of wood were burned. There seems to be no doubt that this was the work of an incendiary.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 26, 1892, page 3

    The Jacksonville branch railroad had an accident. While coming into the yard here in full speed with a heavy S.P. freight car between the engine and regular coach, the air brakes refused to work. The little engine was unequal to the occasion and the momentum of the freight car pushed the engine clear through the yard and headlong off the end of the track into the real estate. It required four hours to get things fixed. The report that the little engine went clean through into Eagle Point country was a false alarm.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, September 8, 1892, page 3

    The city council met in regular session last Monday night. A large number of bills were audited. Two new sidewalks were provided for: one extending from the R.R.V.R.R. depot west and one by Dr. Pickel's place of residence.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, September 9, 1892, page 3

    John Dyer, ex-conductor on the Jacksonville branch, is employed on the S.P. gravel train near Grants Pass.
"Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, September 22, 1892, page 1

    Medford is paralyzed over indications that there are firebugs in the community. Besides the impression that Davis' woodpile fire was the work of a fiend, an attempt was made to fire the branch railroad depot, and on Saturday night just before 12 o'clock parties returning home from a social hop discovered that the outhouse of the new school house had been fired, undoubtedly with a fixed intention of destroying the whole building. On Sunday night the big barn and its contents, situated opposite the packing house, was burned to the ground. All these fires have left the evidences of incendiary origin, and if the parties are ever caught their necks will be utilized.
"Brevity Basket," Valley Record, Ashland, September 1, 1892, page 3

    The Jacksonville branch railroad had an accident. While coming into the yard here in full speed with a heavy S.P. freight car between the engine and regular coach, the air brakes refused to work. The little engine was unequal to the occasion, and the momentum of the freight car pushed the engine clear through the yard and headlong off the end of the track into the real estate. It required four hours to get things fixed. The report that the little engine went clear through into Eagle Point country was a false alarm.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, September 8, 1892, page 3

    A force of men, under the superintendence of J. Morris, are putting the roadbed of the R.R.V.R.R. in good condition for winter.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 30, 1892, page 3

    Miss Jennie Jackson, who has so efficiently and acceptably filled the position of agent for the R.R.V.R.R. and W.U. Tel. Co. at Jacksonville, resigned her position a few days since and has been succeeded by Miss Susie Turner, a competent young lady, who will doubtless also succeed in giving the fullest satisfaction.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 14, 1892, page 2

    J. W. Graham, superintendent of the R.R.V.R.R., left for Portland Wednesday evening, to be gone a few days. His son is acting as conductor in the meantime.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 28, 1892, page 3

    J. W. Graham, superintendent of the R.R.V.R.R., left for Portland last week, to be gone a few days. His son acted as conductor in the meantime.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, November 4, 1892, page 3

    Miss Susie Turner, the popular agent of the R.R.V.R.R. and W.U. Tel. companies has returned from her visit to Ashland.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 11, 1892, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. will run a special train tomorrow, which will carry free of charge all who wish to attend the jubilee at Jacksonville.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 18, 1892, page 3

    The Rogue River Valley Railway, whose line extends between Jacksonville and Medford, reports a total gross earning for the year $3221. The road is 5
½ miles in length. Cost of road and equipment $41,160.
Del Norte Record, Crescent City, November 26, 1892, page 2

    The Rogue River Valley Railway Co., whose line extends between Jacksonville and Medford, reports a total gross earning for the year [of] $3,221. The road is 5½ miles in length. Cost of road and equipment, $41,160.

"Here & There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
November 25, 1892, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. has reestablished its wood yard on the schoolhouse flat.
    The R.R.V.R. has several men employed in ballasting and putting its road in good repair.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 9, 1892, page 3

    D. W. Alberry, who filled the position of section boss for the R.R.V.R.R. Co., and afterwards went to Grants Pass, has levanted to parts unknown. He leaves a host of creditors wherever he "pitches his tent."

    The passenger car of the R.R.V.R.R. Co. was on dry dock for a day or two during the forepart of the week, and the passengers and mail were hauled to Medford by the detached engine or teams from the Union Livery Stable during the interim. It was an amusing sight to see several prominent citizens riding astride the cowcatcher between termini of the road.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
December 23, 1892, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. now leaves Jacksonville at 4 o'clock p.m., in order to give the Medford postmaster more time in which to attend to the mail arriving from this place.

"Local Notes,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1893, page 3

Railroad Change.
    Considerable surprise was created locally when it was announced this week that W. S. Barnum of Medford has leased for a term of two years the rolling stock, track and privileges of the R.R.V.R.R. company, and that the road will pass under his control after the 20th inst. Barnum is one of the enterprising citizens of Medford, and as he will superintend and operate the road himself during the time that he has charge, cannot fail to make a success of the venture. As the particulars of the deal have not been made public as yet, we can only state that the terms of the lease are to the effect that all amounts realized from the operation of the road over and above a stipulated sum shall be paid to Mr. Buchanan as trustee for the company. It is rumored that E. G. Hurt of Medford will assist Mr. Barnum in operating the road.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1893, page 3

    It has been reported that Mr. Barnum, the proprietor of the Medford planing mill, has leased and will operate the Medford-Jacksonville railroad, taking charge about the 20th of the present month. The exact terms of the lease have not been learned here, but it is understood that Mr. Barnum is to operate the road for a guaranteed fixed sum to be paid him by the company, the proceeds of the road to go to the company.

Ashland Tidings, January 13, 1893, page 3

    The lessees of the R.R.V.R.R. are to pay the owners all over and above the sum of $8 per day taken in as gross receipts. The rumor that they were to pay the company the sum of $8 per day rental for the road was erroneous.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1893, page 3

    The transfer of a transcontinental railway would hardly create more of a furor than did the change in the rental of the Rogue River Valley road. The rumored boycott probably has no greater extent than the minds of the few gossip vendors.
Southern Oregon Mail, Medford, January 27, 1893, page 2

Change of Administration in the Rogue River Valley Railroad.
    The 20th of January was the time fixed for a change in management of the Rogue River system, but owing to a complicated condition of some of the rolling stock, all trains were tied up and the new management was unable to turn a wheel for several days.
    The system is owned by a Portland company, who have demonstrated by the earnings of last year that the road is not a paying investment. On the first of the year an agreement was entered into between the company, party of the first part, and Mr. Wm. Barnum, a locomotive engineer of this city, party of the second part, by which Mr. Barnum was to take charge of the road on the 20th inst., conduct the same in the usual manner and pay all running expenses, for the consideration of eight dollars per day, to be to him in hand paid by the said company. The employees of the road consist of one section hand, an engineer, fireman and conductor. Mr. Barnum was on the ground bright and early on the morning of the 20th, and after an examination of the rolling stock, refused to take control. He wired the company to that effect, and was answered by the appearance of Mr. Buchanan, one of the owners of the road.
    Mr. Barnum claims that owing to an old-time rivalry between himself and the retiring engineer, the machinery of the locomotive had been tampered with in order to embarrass him in his efforts to fulfill his agreement with the company. W. R. Ridenhour, the former engineer, denies the allegation. He says that it was his purpose to turn the engine over to the new management in first-class order, and as he expected Mr. Barnum to make an inspection of the machinery, he had left a few "screws loose," that the locomotive might be easily examined. This caused all the trouble, and tied up the train between here and Jacksonville for three days. At present trains are running regularly under the new management, and no further difficulty is anticipated.
Southern Oregon Mail, Medford, January 27, 1893, page 3

    W. A. Buchanan of the R.R.V.R.R. company was in the valley during the week, completing the matter of turning over the company's rolling stock and fixtures to W. S. Barnum, who will operate the road for the company during the next two years.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1893, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. trains are now running on a schedule arranged to suit the convenience of post office officials of Medford, leaving Jacksonville 15 minutes earlier than formerly, both morning and evening. Trains have been running regularly again since Monday last.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, 
January 27, 1893, page 3

    "Barnum's circus is coming to town!" was the reply given the curious inquirers when they asked the cause of the great rush of people toward the Medford station about five o'clock Sunday evening.
    "Barnum's circus?"
    Yes, Barnum has been having a circus, and when he steamed into town for the first time in four days, of course there was an unusual commotion among the people.
    The little bobtail, that had been the all-absorbing topic of conversation for a week or more, was surrounded by upwards of an hundred people, every one of whom had probably inspected the aforesaid bobtail upwards of an hundred times.
    But they wanted to see it again. They had heard rumors of war between railroad magnate and employee, and the outcome of this serious friction was watched with breathless anxiety by the traveling public at both ends of the line, and it was certainly no more than natural that the reappearance of the "little giant" in Medford after so long an absence should be greeted by a public reception.
"The Town Talker,"
Southern Oregon Mail, January 27, 1893, page 3

Change of Administration in the Rogue River Valley Railroad.
    The 20th of January was the time fixed for a change in management of the Rogue River system, but owing to a complicated condition of some of the rolling stock, all trains were tied up and the new management was unable to turn a wheel for several days.
    The system is owned by a Portland company, who have demonstrated by the earnings of last year that the road is not a paying investment. On the first of the year an agreement was entered into between the company, party of the first part, and Mr. Wm. Barnum, a locomotive engineer of this city, party of the second part, by which Mr. Barnum was to take charge of the road on the 20th inst., conduct the same in the usual manner and pay all running expenses, for the consideration of eight dollars per day, to be to him in hand paid by the said company. The employees of the road consist of one section hand, an engineer, fireman and conductor. Mr. Barnum was on the ground bright and early on the morning of the 20th, and after an examination of the rolling stock, refused to take control. He wired the company to that effect, and was answered by the appearance of Mr. Buchanan, one of the owners of the road.
    Mr. Barnum claims that owing to an old-time rivalry between himself and the retiring engineer, the machinery of the locomotive had been tampered with in order to embarrass him in his efforts to fulfill his agreement with the company. W. R. Ridenour, the former engineer, denies the allegation. He says it was his purpose to turn the engine over to the new management in first-class order, and as he expected Mr. Barnum to make an inspection of the machinery, he had left a few "screws loose," that the locomotive might be easily examined. This caused all the trouble, and tied up the train between here and Jacksonville for three days. At present trains are running regularly under the new management, and no further difficulty is anticipated.
Southern Oregon Mail, January 27, 1893, page 3

    It is altogether probable that the Rogue River Valley short line has the youngest conductor in its employ of any railroad in the world. His age is in the immediate surroundings of twelve years. His name is John Barnum and he is a son of Wm. Barnum, an engineer on the same road. The young man is said to be taking lessons in the guttural rendition of "TICK-ETS" and pays as little attention to questions asked by passengers as does the average real man conductor.
"Weekly Round-Up," Southern Oregon Mail, January 27, 1893, page 3

    Mr. Buchanan, of J.R.R. Co., is here on professional business. Mr. Barnum took charge of the railroad Saturday. The trains will run on schedule time.

"Jacksonville Items,"
Ashland Tidings, January 27, 1893, page 3

Rogue River Road Sold.
From Friday's Oregonian.
    The Rogue River railroad, which connects Jacksonville and Medford, has been sold by Messrs. Honeyman & DeHart, of this city, to Mr. C. H. Leadbetter, a capitalist, prominently interested in the Kennewick irrigation canal. At a meeting of the directors of the road yesterday, Mr. Leadbetter was elected president, in the place of Mr. Honeyman, and his son, Mr. F. W. Leadbetter, was elected vice-president and general manager, in place of Mr. DeHart. It is the intention of the purchaser to extend the road at an early day some 25 miles east into the sugar pine forests at the headwaters of the Rogue and Butte rivers. The present line is about six miles in length, and has been paying a handsome profit during the past year.
Southern Oregon Mail, February 3, 1893, page 3

Railroad Changes.
    Negotiations have been pending for some time past between Honeyman & DeHart, of Portland, and C. H. Leadbetter of the Kennewick Irrigation & Canal Company up in Washington, for the transfer of the stock which the former gentlemen held in the R.R.V.R.R. Co., and the transfer was effected during the last week. C. H. Leadbetter succeeds Mr. Honeyman as president, and his son, F. W. Leadbetter, is the new vice-president of the company. It is announced through the daily papers that the company now intends to extend the road at an early date to the head of the sugar pine belt at the head of Rogue River, and from the fact that speculators are already engaged in bonding tracts of land in the valley, we rather incline to the opinion that it will not be very long until the dream of a railroad transversely across this valley will be realized. The Leadbetters are the managers of the irrigation project alluded to above and have under contemplation a like system for this valley. Who knows but what we may be on the eve of a boom when least expected.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3

    Johnny Barnum, son of W. S. Barnum, collects the fares on the R.R.V.R.R. in a most satisfactory manner, and claims the distinction of being the youngest conductor on the run. He hasn't had to eject a soul as yet for nonpayment of fares.
"Here and There," 
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3

    W. A. Buchanan of Portland was in Jacksonville the forepart of this week on business connected with the transfer of the R.R.V.R to W. S. Barnum. He was accompanied by Mr. Cathcart, a machinist, whose services were required in putting the company's engine in shape.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3

    C. H. Leadbetter, during his recent trip to Oregon, purchased a railroad, six miles in length, between Jacksonville and Medford. It is his intention to extend the road for a distance of twenty-five miles.
"Heraldings," Yakima Herald, February 9, 1893, page 3

    Almost any kind of talk you happen to be looking for is rife in our city regarding the outcome of the transfer of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, but the conclusion arrived at in most instances is that no individual or corporation cares to tie up forty or fifty thousand dollars in five miles of railroad with no better prospects for a direct dividend than is at present showing itself in this road. With this thought in mind the sequel is easily read, and is nothing more nor less than a very probable extension from Medford to a point on the east at least as far as the sugar pine timber belt. The benefit that this will prove to be to our city can only be estimated by those familiar with the extent of this timber tract, and the various uses to which it can be put in the manufacture of fine furniture, store fixtures and other articles. With the advent of this extension, that principal manufacture of this lumber will be conducted in Medford goes without saying. The amount of money its construction and maintenance will place in circulation is of no small importance to think of in figuring on the direct benefit to be derived.

Medford Mail, February 10, 1893, page 2

An Important Proposition.
    At the meeting of the city council last Monday evening a proposition was submitted to the city authorities by C. H. Leadbetter and son, who have secured control of the R.R.V.R.R. and now intend to extend the road at an early date to the headwaters of Rogue River, going via Eagle Point. They are making preparations to put in a thorough system of irrigating canals in the valley, to cover all the territory lying below the level of their ditch, which will convey water from Big and Little Butte creeks, and will circle around the valley at a level a little below the town of Talent. They made a proposition to furnish Jacksonville with free water for fire, town and park purposes, and to provide faucets at $1 each for private use, provided the town will guarantee the issue of bonds to the amount of $20,000, to bear 6 percent, payable in twenty years, to be given the company as a bonus upon the completion of the work, which they will undertake to have completed and in operation by the first day of September 1894. The proposition also covers electric lights for the city and private use, at a stipulated rate per month. The company professes to be amply able to carry out the work with their own means, and only ask that the bonus be guaranteed them upon its completion. It is well worth consideration, as with an abundant supply of water and electric lights this place would yet be of great local importance, to say nothing of being the pleasantest residence locality in Oregon. The main canal of the company is intended to be over one hundred miles in length. Big Butte Creek will furnish an abundance of water.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. Co.'s track has been extended some distance up Jackson Creek, so that a fare of 25 cents can be legally charged.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3

    The fare on the R.R.V.R.R. will hereafter be fifty cents for the round trip.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3

    For the past few weeks the railroad pulse in this vicinity has been beating many throbs above the normal condition. The Mail has said nothing of this important movement because that we preferred to hold over until something authentic might be arrived at. Things have not taken on such a shape that we can give them out to our readers with little fear lest we be called upon to deny the assertion made herein.
    Some few weeks ago a proposition was made our people by Mr. Leadbetter and son, the gentlemen who recently purchased the Rogue River Valley Railroad, which is in substance something like this:
    They agree to build, equip and operate an extension of the above-named railroad from Medford to a point known as the sugar pine belt about forty-five miles northeast from this place. They further agree to put in a system of water works for the town of Medford which will be sufficient to meet the demands of a city of 10,000 or more inhabitants and to supply sufficient power for all manufacturing interests that may develop later, as well as an irrigation canal from which they agree to water the "desert" and as much more of the valley as may be desired. And still further they agree to put in an electric light plant in Medford. They also agree that the headquarters for all these operations shall be at Medford.
    In consideration for all this they ask the city of Medford to give them $40,000, but from this amount is to be deducted the value of our present water system. They to accept city warrants in payment, but not a dollar to be due or paid until the completion of all this work.
    We have given you above a brief synopsis of the proposition, and by next week we hope to be able to publish the contract entire which is to be entered into by and between the city of Medford and the promoters of these projects.
    A person reading the above would naturally come to the conclusion that these railroad gentlemen were figuring wholly as benefactors to the city of Medford and the Rogue River Valley. If such an idea enters your mind, dissuade yourself of the notion at once. While it is true that they will expend upwards of an half million dollars in perfecting the projects and ask in return only $40,000, it is equally as true that the revenue from these many sources will be perpetual from and after the completion of this work, but the contract is so worded that no exorbitant prices can be charged either for water or light.
    In order that our city be placed in a position to accept this proposition it was necessary that a bill should pass the legislature authorizing the extension of the bonded indebtedness sufficient to meet the amount asked as a bonus. This was presented and passed both houses and by limitation became a law last Wednesday. It now becomes necessary to put the matter to a vote of the people. Notice of which will undoubtedly be published in these columns next week.
    In the opinion of The Mail--and we are pleased to note that it is the opinion of nearly every resident in Medford--there should not be a dissenting vote when the time comes to cast our ballot. The one and only argument which can possibly be raised against the project might be that of increased taxes, but this is so easily put aside as to hardly give a second thought. If you are in doubt as to who will pay the taxes, sit yourself down and with pencil figure, first, the amount of money this one company will expend in the construction of buildings and placing of machinery to operate all their different projects. Having written these figures on your tablets, which will reach a sum very near the six-figure line, make a small estimate of the amount of capital the completion of these projects will invite to our city by way of manufacturing enterprises, and you have--what? A city of between 5,000 and 10,000 inhabitants, and enough taxable property to pay five times the excess which the city's bonded indebtedness will amount to at the present time.
    We have endeavored during the past week to sum up what, if any, class of people will oppose the project. Surely it cannot be the land owner, who can but easily see a rapid advancement in prices of his realties and the demand increase tenfold. Neither can it be the mechanic who knows full well that the demand for his labor will be increased largely, and as the demand for labor fixes the price, his way to a ready competency is easily seen. The merchant, who has his business already established, fears not competition, but instead watches for more families to supply, knowing that the individual follows the masses. Surely he cannot object. The professional man, like unto the merchant, has served his patients or clients well, and all stand ready to recommend the long-established man in preference to the newcomer. Lastly, we all, or nearly all, of us have a little home which of necessity must advance in value and from which a price treble its present value might be realized.
    The Mail fails to find one argument against the carrying out of the projects, but finds many favorable to it.
    The tide in the affairs of Medford is at its flood. Will we grasp the opportunity to make this city the undisputed metropolis of Southern Oregon, or stand idly by and let the chance of a lifetime pass forever? Southern Oregon will have her metropolis, her commercial center for this resourceful section, and that soon. Medford has gotten the iron properly heated, and we must strike while it is hot. Give encouragement to every enterprise that will bring business to this city, and foster every project for the development of our tributary country; make Medford the nerve center from which all supply must radiate and toward which all demand must gravitate, and we will soon have the acknowledged metropolis of Southern Oregon.
Medford Mail, February 17, 1893, page 2

    But little doubt is entertained as to the final extension of the R.R.V.R.R. to the timber belt, as the present owners are railroad men, and did not buy the road to gratify any puerile desire to own a line. It is hard to say what benefits will accrue to the valley from having a line stretching from the heart of the richest agricultural section to the vast timber belt, but it is safe to say that it will revolutionize business in this quarter of the world. The future of the Rogue River Valley is very much brighter than it was a short time ago.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 2

    This place naturally feels bright over the outlook for our future, for all realize that the proposed extension of the R.R.V.R.R. will mean a great deal for Medford. It will of necessity always be the commercial center of the county, and should the line reach to the timber belt, will be the manufacturing center as well. When hundreds of people of the valley metropolis are on the payrolls of large lumber manufacturing concerns a very different condition of things will prevail in this valley from that now existing.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1893, page 3

The Railroad and Big Ditch Project.
    Medford people are confident that nothing will interfere with the aqueduct and timber-railroad enterprises, of which the project was reported in [the] Tidings last week. The bill permitting the bonding of the city passing the legislature, Leadbetter & Son offer for a bonus of city bonds in the sum of $40,000 to build the railroad to the timber, and also make the big ditch to take water from upper Butte Creek and carry it to Medford, where it will have fall to furnish power for electric lights and will supply the town with water. Leadbetter & Son will also agree to take the present water works system of the town off the hands of the city at a valuation of about $10,000. The water and light business will then be in the hands of the private owners, or company, but the city council will reserve the right to establish rates. The projectors of the enterprise have also made a proposition to furnish the town of Jacksonville with water from the same ditch, and put in an electric light plant for a bonus of $20,000. Along much of its course the proposed ditch would cover land, the irrigation of which would be profitable alike to the owners thereof and to the owners of the ditch. The proposed enterprises, if successfully carried out, would add greatly to the productive resources and to the prosperity of Jackson County.
Ashland Tidings, February 17, 1893, page 3

    Rogue River Valley.--This road, which is now in operation only between Medford and Jacksonville, Or., six miles, has been sold by the owners, Honeyman & DeHart, to C. H. Leadbetter, who is interested in the Kennewick irrigation canal. C. H. Leadbetter has been elected president, and his son, F. W. Leadbetter, general manager. It is the intention of the purchaser to extend the road at an early day some 25 miles east into the sugar pine forests at the headwaters of the Rogue and Butte rivers.
The Railroad Gazette, February 17, 1893, page 138

We All Feel Good--Naturally.
    The Medford correspondent to the Jacksonville Times brings out some good points in the following:
    This place naturally feels bright over the outlook for our future, for all realize that the proposed extension of the R.R.V.R.R. will mean a great deal for Medford. It will of necessity always be the commercial center of the county, and should the line reach to the timber belt, will be the manufacturing center as well. When hundreds of people of the valley metropolis are on the payrolls of large lumber manufacturing concerns a very different condition of things will prevail in this valley from that now existing.
Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 3

February 27, 1955 Medford Mail Tribune
The peanut roaster. February 27, 1955 Medford Mail Tribune

    Many epithets have been applied to the bobtail engine on the Rogue River Valley Railroad, but the latest and most amusing was that used by a knight of the grip at The Medford lately. He spoke of the little engine as the peanut roaster, and everybody laughed.
"The Town Talker," Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 3

    C. H. Leadbetter, secretary of the R.R.V.R.R. Co., came up on the train yesterday.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1893, page 2

    The new caboose furnished to conductor Hendricks is a great improvement on the old style, having two compartments, one each for the accommodation of the train man and such passengers as may take passage on the freight.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3

    Mr. Leadbetter is still in New York, in the interests of the R.R.V.R.R.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3

Accident on the Short Line.
    Last Saturday evening and Sunday morning the familiar whistle of Prof. Barnum's engine on the Medford-Jacksonville Short Line was not nearly so familiar as was its usual custom. Saturday noon Mr. B. pulled out of Medford with one car of freight and the passenger coach for Jacksonville. When he reached the steep grade a mile out of Jacksonville the freight car was uncoupled and left standing on the track while the passenger coach was pulled into the station, as is the usual custom. Upon returning for the freight car, and when about to make the coupling, the engine somehow became unruly and came against the freight car with a crash, which sent the bumper clear through the engine tender. Fortunately for fireman Frank Morey, in making the coupling he succeeded in placing the engine draw bar into the car bumper, thus giving him a second's time to escape before the business knuckled and went jamming into the tender. Had he not have been so fortunate he would have been instantly killed and frightfully mangled. The damage to the engine was made good again, and the train was on time Sunday night.
Medford Mail, March 17, 1893, page 3

    W. A. Buchanan of the R.R.V.R.R. Co., who was in the city on business connected with the interests of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., has returned home.

"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1893, page 2

    Messrs. Leadbetter have been heard from several times during the past week, and will return in a short time to complete arrangements for the proposed extension of the R.R.V.R.R. They have the reputation of making things go, whenever they take hold of an enterprise, and the matter of extending the railroad to the timber belt will be the first thing on the programme with them when they return.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1893, page 3

    Mr. C. H. Leadbetter, president of the Rogue River Valley [railroad] system and a leader in matters pertaining to the extension of this road, was in Medford last Saturday and while here was interviewed by a Mail reporter.
    What can we say to our readers regarding the railroad project? was asked by the reporter:
    "You may say that Medford will get the railroad. If they don't get it this year they will next."
    When and where will the survey begin?
    "I will be in Medford again in two weeks. They may be long weeks--perhaps twenty days, but upon my return I will put a survey party in the field. They will begin work on the summit of the Cascades and will run a line into Medford."
    Mr. Leadbetter gave the reporter many more points tending to the general good [omission?] of the enterprise, but which are as yet not intended to be made known to the public, as the publication of them might possibly retard progress in the work.
    In conversation with Mr. J. S. Howard, who has been engaged to run the survey for the road, we learn that according to arrangements made between himself and Mr. Leadbetter he is to make a preliminary examination of the country in the vicinity of the north fork of Little Butte Creek to ascertain the most feasible route by which the desired point on the Cascade summit may be reached. As soon as this examination is completed a surveying party will be organized, with Mr. Howard as chief engineer, and a survey made over the route located by the examination and both ways from the summit or place of crossing the mountains. The date fixed for the examining party to start out is the second week in April, or so soon thereafter as the snow in the mountains shall have disappeared sufficiently to warrant expeditious work. The object in commencing work at the summit is that this one particular point is desired as a crossing and could not be so easily made--regarding grades--if commenced in the valley. When the survey is completed from the summit to Medford the party will return to the place of beginning and from there will run a preliminary line to Klamath Falls. It is possible Mr. Howard will go to Klamath Falls between now and the middle of April and look up a feasible approach to that city.
    It is given out on good authority that Mr. Leadbetter, while in the East, purchased 1,100 tons of rails, or an amount sufficient to build twelve miles of road, and the same has been ordered shipped to Medford.
"It's a Sure Thing," Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page

    Frank Morey has resigned his position as fireman on the Rogue River Valley road, and his place is now filled by M. Tryer.

"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 3

    C. H. Leadbetter, one of the company which proposed to extend the R.R.V.R.R., was in Jacksonville during the week, accompanied by his wife and daughter.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 2

    The prospects for the extension of the R.R.V.R.R. to the big timber on upper Rogue River are thought to be good. It is said that a thousand tons of rails have already been ordered, some of which will be used in replacing those now used between Jacksonville and Medford.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 3

Has Bought the Iron.
    Medford, Or., March 27.--C. H. Leadbetter, of Tacoma, who has been in Medford several days, proposes to build an extension to the Rogue River Valley railroad, from this city to Klamath Falls, a distance of sixty miles. An engineering corps will leave Medford in a few weeks to make a survey of the proposed line. The new road will tap the sugar pine belt for a distance of 25 miles. Mr. Leadbetter has recently returned from the East, where he purchased the iron for 12 miles of the road at Pittsburgh, Pa. He expects to have this much of the road built by August 1. It is understood here that a deal has been made by the owners of the Rogue River Valley road with the Burlington & Quincy, whereby the latter will have a coast connection.
    (The C.B.&Q. has been taken in out of the cold by most of the short roads and projected roads of the Pacific Coast, but it probably never expected such luck as to be taken under the wing of the Rogue River Valley Railroad. It doesn't pay to be claiming too much in such enterprises, it rather destroys than creates public confidence.)
Ashland Tidings, March 31, 1893, page 3

    M. Tryer is acting as fireman on the R.R.V.R.R.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 21, 1893, page 3

    As early as 1863 Hon. Jesse Applegate made a preliminary survey for a railroad from Rogue River Valley to the Klamath Basin, over about the same route as is now contemplated, to be followed from Medford by the extension of the R.R.V.R.R. to that section. It is an entirely feasible course, and a railroad will unquestionably be built over it in the not very distant future.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1893, page 3

Six Were "Not in It."
    At the special election held in Medford last Monday upon the question of issuing $40,000 city bonds to be used as a bonus for the water works and electric power and light enterprises projected by C. H. Leadbetter, the town was almost unanimously in favor of bonding, there being only six votes against it in a town of about 275 or 280.
    Mayor W. I. Vawter, when in Ashland Wednesday, replying to the question when the bonds are to be issued, said he didn't know anything about that. The election only gave the city council authority to bond the city if in its judgment it is the proper thing to do. The council will now proceed to consider such proposition as may be issued by Mr. Leadbetter and will not issue any bonds until satisfied by assurances or guarantee that the projects to be subsidized are upon a solid basis of success.
    It is understood that Mr. Leadbetter proposes to bring to the town a supply of water for drinking and other domestic purposes, as well as for power; that he will supply water for irrigation of lands on both sides of the valley about Medford and Jacksonville, and will establish an electric lighting system in Medford. Water for city purposes is to be supplied free during continuance of his franchise.
Ashland Tidings, April 28, 1893, page 3

    Another payment on the purchase price of the Rogue River Valley Railroad was made May first--another indication which indicates that there is something substantial back of the Medford railroad possibilities.

Medford Mail, May 5, 1893, page 2

    The second payment of Leadbetter & Son on the R.R.V.R.R. having been made, there seems to be little question but that the transfer will be effected in a short time and the work of extending the road commenced.

    J. W. Graham, formerly superintendent of the R.R.V.R.R. Co., has gone to the Willamette Valley. Ralph Ridenour is paying him a visit at his home.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 12, 1893, page 3

    The Jackson County boys employed in the extension of the Donahue system of coast railways in California write home that work is moving right along, and that the company intends extending the line to Crescent City soon. Should the proper effort be made, the road can be made to connect with the R.R.V.R., and would be of inestimable value in this valley, settling once for all the question of freights.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 12, 1893, page 3

    Leadbetter & Son will start out their surveying party from this place in a short time, and work on the line of the new extension of the R.R.V.R.R. may be expected to begin soon. The gentlemen are about through with their undertakings in the northern country, and will be able to give their undivided attention to matters in this section from this time forth.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1893, page 3

    The Jacksonville train ran into and killed a valuable cow belonging to Mr. Weaver, Saturday night. As the accident occurred inside the incorporate limits of Medford, it is reported no damages can be collected from the railroad company.

"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, May 26, 1893, page 5

    The R.R.V.R.R. ran over a cow belonging to Ol. Weaver, near Medford, a few days ago, and killed her. It was an unavoidable accident.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 26, 1893, page 3

    The firm of Davis & Pottenger has been succeeded by J. Morris, formerly roadmaster of the R.R.V.R.R., and E. H. Fawcett, lately from the East.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 30, 1893, page 2

Real Estate Bargains.
    A choice opportunity to purchase one or more small tracts of the best alfalfa or fruit land in Rogue River Valley, all under cultivation. Terms one-fifth cash, balance 5 years' time, or to suit purchaser, or a discount of 5 percent, for all cash. This tract lies about midway between Medford and Jacksonville. The R.R.V.R.R. has a station on the premises and runs through them. Title perfect. Call on or write to A. H. Maegly, the owner, 127½ First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, July 7, 1893, page 3

    George J. Armstrong is engaged in delivering a large quantity of wood for the R.R.V.R.R. Co.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. has a new handcar of the latest pattern.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3

Railroad Men in Medford.
    A party of railroad men, including C. H. Leadbetter of North Yakima, Wash., president of the R.R.V.R.R. Co., arrived at Medford this morning. It is said that they will make a thorough investigation of the scheme of connecting southeastern Oregon with the S.P. system by the extension of the R.R.V.R.R. 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3

Camping Party.
   W. H. Mills, general land agent of the S.P. railway system, and C. H. Leadbetter, lessee of the R.R.V.R.R., accompanied by their families and several friends, arrived in a private car at Medford on Thursday of last week and left for the Big Butte Creek section soon afterward. The party consisted of Mr. Mills and wife, their daughters Misses Bessie and Ardella, Misses May Denman and Alberta Bancroft, of San Francisco, C. H. Leadbetter and wife and their daughters Misses Bertie and Sadie, of North Yakima, Wash., Geo. H. Andrews and wife of Portland, Mr. Brainerd of the Seattle Times, C. H. Leadbetter, Jr. and family of North Yakima and Louis Pittock of Portland. They camped at several places along the road, returning to Medford on Wednesday. In conversation with a representative of the Times, all expressed themselves as delighted with their trip. Mr. Mills was considerably surprised over the magnitude and value of the Butte Creek and Rogue River timber belts and spoke in high terms generally of the valley and the country he saw. He said the situation was full of possibilities, but further than that declined to say anything in reference to matters most important to us. Mr. Leadbetter, however, assured us that everything looked favorable for the extension of our railroad. He was not prepared to go into details at this time.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1893, page 3

The party of railroad officers which left Medford last Friday for a tour of inspection in the timber belt in the Big Butte country returned Wednesday afternoon. Their first night's camp was made three miles from Eagle Point, on Little Butte Creek, and the next place of camping was at the bridge on Big Butte. Here they camped five nights, and from this point the party made a tour of inspection for quite a distance on all sides. They visited the Rancheria country and the base of Mount Pitt. Their guide, Postmaster Howard, also located for them as near as possible the most feasible route through the pass. The entire party were very favorably impressed with the country, and Mr. Mills expressed himself as being greatly surprised at what he saw by way of timber and agricultural lands. He had associated the county with rugged canyons and high ridges, but when he found a level tract of country and heavily timbered with the finest of giant sugar pine trees his astonishment and admiration knew no bounds. On Tuesday Mr. Leadbetter, Sr., joined the party at the camp and returned to Medford with them on Wednesday. The same evening Mr. Leadbetter returned to Portland and the following morning Mr. Mills and his party left for San Francisco. The general conclusion to be drawn from these officials' visit over a portion of the proposed route and their report of entire satisfaction is that of the three possible routes mentioned last week from the S.P. to the Klamath country the one from Medford is by far the most feasible and will be the one over which the road will be built. Mr. Leadbetter will return to Medford again about August 10th and will go over the entire proposed route, after which he says surveying will be commenced.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 3

More Bonds Redeemed.
    Notwithstanding the dull times, Jacksonville continues to assert her solvency and redeem outstanding indebtedness. A call for the redemption of $500 worth of the bonds which were issued to assist in the construction of the R.R.V.R.R. has just been made. While the pioneer town of southern Oregon has no floating debt and is steadily paying her bonded indebtedness, the financial condition of many other towns in Oregon is becoming worse.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. arrives 15 minutes later than usual in the morning, as the southbound overland gets to Medford 15 minutes later than formerly.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3

    The rolling stock of the R.R.V.R.R. Co. is being overhauled, and passengers, express and mail will be hauled by stage for a short time. Mr. Sherman of Medford is repainting the passenger car, and the observation car was in use for several days. Mr. Barnum is now overhauling the engine.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 11, 1893, page 3

    The rolling stock of the R.R.V.R.R. Co. has been thoroughly renovated and neatly repainted, so that it is in first-class condition again.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1893, page 3

    YOUNGEST CONDUCTOR.--The youngest railroad conductor in Oregon is John Barnum. John is 13 years old and runs the train from Jacksonville to Medford. His father is the engineer, but the boy does all the business with the passengers. It was after continued persuasion that John induced his mother to allow him to lay aside knee pants this summer.

Evening Capital Journal, Salem, August 29, 1893, page 4

    The R.R.V.R.R. Co., through its representative, W. S. Barnum, has suspended the midday trip heretofore made between Jacksonville and Medford, as the business would not justify its continuance. It is to be hoped that the suspension will be only temporary, as the one o'clock train was quite a convenience.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 1, 1893, page 3

    A YOUNG CONDUCTOR.--Oregon has the distinction of possessing the most economically managed railroad and the youngest railroad conductor in the country. The railroad is the state's portage railway at the Cascades, which is three-quarters of a mile long and transfers passengers and freight past the Cascades from Lower Columbia to Middle Columbia steamers. It is operated at an expense of but $360 a month, and a large part of the business for The Dalles and other points along the river below The Dalles is handled over this line. The young conductor runs a train on the jerkwater road between Jacksonville and Medford. He is but 8 [sic] years old but wears a uniform and is clothed with a conductor's authority on the train. His name is Bailey [sic]. His father is the engineer who handles the lever, but the lad runs the train.
Albany Democrat, Albany, Oregon, September 1, 1893, page 3

Something of a Lie Itself.
    The branch railroad from Jacksonville to Medford has the youngest conductor on record. He is a boy named Bailey, and he is only eight years of age. The boy's father is engineer, and the boy collects the fares.
    The above is going the rounds of the state press. It is considerable of a prevarication. The young man's name is not "Bailey" but Barnum, and instead of being "eight" years old he is fourteen. His father runs the engine all right, and the boy collects the fare.
Medford Mail, September 8, 1893, page 3

    Lys. Damon was at Jacksonville one day this week, filling Miss Susie Turner's place at the railroad depot.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 15, 1893, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. has been making midday trips during the progress of the soldiers' and sailors' reunion at Medford, but will not continue the same.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1893, page 3

    Dr. Wait's cow was run over by the train from Jacksonville last Monday. It was an unavoidable accident, however.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1893, page 2

    W. A. Buchanan of Portland, representing the owners of the R.R.V.R.R., was in Jacksonville during the past week.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 3

    W. S. Barnum, who is in charge of the R.R.V.R.R., informs us that he will probably resume the midday trips which were suspended a short time since.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 3

Connection Promised.
    There seems to be a possibility of the exception of the R.R.V.R.R. to Butte Creek in the near future, judging from conversations held with both W. A. Buchanan and C. H. Leadbetter. We would not be surprised if the year 1894 did not [sic] witness the connection of Jacksonville and Medford with some point on Butte Creek.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 3

    The R.R.V.R.R. is not troubled with brakebeam tourists. they don't like to tackle the conductor; though not big as some, he is fully as formidable.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 27, 1893, page 3

    There was quite a howl around about the S.P. depot Monday morning, and not wholly without cause. Engineer Barnum had run in on the S.P. sidetrack with his engine and car to load freight for Jacksonville and had pushed several cars down over the south crossing and left them standing there while the freight loading was going on, and by so doing blocked the crossing for both man and teams--hence the howl. It's "agin" the law, Mr. Barnum, and "agin" the grain of the best dispositioned man in this city to walk several lengths in the mud.

"All the Local News," Medford Mail, October 27, 1893, page 3

Medford's Boy Conductor.
    The following appeared in the November number of Lewis & Dryden's Railway and Marine Gazette, published at Portland. The engraving spoken of is a very fine picture of "Johnny" in which he appears dressed in full conductor uniform, a punch in one hand and a ticket in the other.
    The accompanying engraving shows the youngest conductor in the United States. His name is John C. Barnum and he is thirteen years old. He was born in New York, but has resided in Oregon for the past nine years. His home is in Medford, Jackson County, on the Southern Pacific [railroad route]. On January 20, 1893, his father leased the Rogue River Valley Railroad, which runs from Medford to Jacksonville, a distance of five miles, and as its revenues are light, he took charge of the engine and placed his son on the train as conductor, since which time the boy has filled the place with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of his father and the patrons of the line. He wears a conventional cap and uniform, with lettered brass buttons, and carries a punch. It is unnecessary to state that he is a great favorite with lady passengers.
    Conductor Barnum likes his work and says that he gets along nicely except with some of the very smart drummers who are often on his train and who guy him about his inability to handle their heavy baggage. He had an amusing experience with a big fellow not long ago, but came out ahead and earned the hearty applause of a trainload of people. The big fellow thought it would be smart to play a trick on the little conductor before the crowd, and when called on for his "fare," said he had lost his ticket and was out of money. Johnny knew better, but told the smart party that he must pay his fare or get off. This was sneered at and the conductor passed on, while his would-be deadbeat snickered over the joke. Soon afterward the conductor slipped up behind the fellow, seized his hat and put it in the express chest in the baggage compartment, calmly locking the chest. The big drummer followed him and demanded the hat, but was quietly informed that it would be held until he had paid his fare. Before the train reached its destination, the fare was paid and the hat surrendered to its owner, who sneaked away amid the jeers of the crowd.
    He fills his position with dignity and precision beyond his diminutive proportions, and as the danger on this road from collision is confined to an occasional brush with the hindquarters of a cow, our little conductor's responsibilities are not more exacting than his abilities.
Medford Mail, November 24, 1893, page 2

Attempted Train Wreck.
    A tie placed on the track between Davisville and Harbaugh's came near causing the wreck of the R.R.V.R.R. train Monday evening. The tie was evidently put there for the purpose of wrecking the train, though what could be the cause of such an action is beyond our comprehension. Robbery could not have been the motive, as very little treasure is carried on this line. Fortunately no damage was done, beyond a thorough scare to the engineer and fireman, who saw the obstruction as the engine struck it. The tie was dragged along under the engine for quite a distance, but was finally thrown off without derailing the train.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 24, 1893, page 3

Our Toy Conductor.
    The last issue of the Railway Gazette has a picture of Johnny Barnum, the young conductor of the R.R.V.R.R., together with a short sketch. Johnny is the youngest conductor in the United States, but arrayed in all the panoply of brass buttons and blue uniform is as imposing and dignified as the biggest of them. He does his work well.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 24, 1893, page 3 The article does not appear in the Railroad Gazette. The reference may be to the Street Railway Gazette, copies of which are held for $22 ransom at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

    Ralph Ridenour, who was engineer of the R.R.V.R.R. Co. for a long time, left Medford for California on Wednesday, and may go as far south as Mexico.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 24, 1893, page 3

    Johnny Barnum, our juvenile conductor, has been indisposed, but is at his post again.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 24, 1893, page 2

Almost a Train Wreck.
    There is almost always an item to be had from the Medford-Jacksonville shortline, but one is not often corralled of the nature of an attempt[ed] train wreck.
    Last Monday as the evening train was returning to Jacksonville, and when near Harbaugh station, the engineer discovered an object on the track, but not soon enough, however, to stop his train before striking it. The train ran about fifty feet after striking the object, and when the situation was taken in a large tie, over which had been spread a considerable amount of brush, was found crowded partially under the cowcatcher and lying crossways of the track. This was removed and the train moved on without damage save a badly smashed step on the cowcatcher. The next morning when returning the train stopped at the point where the would-be train wrecker had planned to execute his hellish work and men's tracks in the soft ground were found and in great number at and nearby where the obstruction was placed on the track. As to who was the perpetrators of the deed no person seems ready to venture a guess. The tramp theory is hardly probable as they rarely ever leave the main line. Mr. Barnum can think of no one who has such evil designs upon either himself or his road.

Medford Mail,
November 24, 1893, page 3

    From the preparations being made at a cottage near the Times office, and the arrival of a lot of household goods, we are led to believe that Cupid has been busy again. The fireman of our railroad train "saying nothing but saws wood," in the meantime.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 1, 1893, page 3

    Miss Annie Keegan is temporarily in charge of the Jacksonville telegraph office and railroad station.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 29, 1893, page 3

    The youngest conductor in the United States is John C. Barnum, and he is thirteen years old. His home is in Medford, Jackson County.

"News Notes," Capital Journal, Salem, January 9, 1894, page 2

    The R.R.V.R.R. will make no midday trips until further notice, we are sorry to say. This was the most convenient time for many people to go to Jacksonville and Medford
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 11, 1894, page 3

Thirteen-Year-Old John Barnum Runs a Train in Oregon.

    John C. Barnum is the youngest railroad conductor in the world. He is thirteen years old. He was born in New York, but has resided in Oregon for the past nine years. His home is in Medford, Jackson County, on the Southern Pacific. On January 20, 1893, his father leased the Rogue River Valley Railroad, which runs from Medford to Jacksonville, a distance of five miles, and as its revenues are light he took charge of the engine and placed his son on the train as conductor. he wears the conventional cap and uniform, with lettered brass buttons, and carries a punch.
    Conductor Barnum likes his work, and says that he gets along nicely except with some of the very smart drummers, who are often on his train, and who guy him about his inability to handle their heavy baggage. He had an amusing experience with a big fellow not long ago, but came out ahead and earned the hearty applause of a trainload of people. The big fellow thought it would be smart to play a trick on the little conductor before the crowd, and when called on for his fare said he had lost his ticket and was out of money.
    Johnny knew better, but told the smart party that he must pay his fare or get off. This was sneered at, and the conductor passed on, while his would-be deadhead snickered over the joke. Soon afterward the conductor slipped up behind the fellow, seized his hat and put it in the express chest in the baggage compartment, calmly locking the chest. The big drummer followed him and demanded the hat, but was quietly informed that it would be held until he paid his fare. Before the train reached its destination the fare was paid and the hat surrendered to its owner, who sneaked away amid the jeers of he crowd.
    He fills his position with a dignity and precision beyond his diminutive proportions, and, as the danger on this road from collision is confined to an occasional brush with the hindquarters of a cow, our little conductor's responsibilities are not more exacting than his abilities.
Daily Times, Dubuque, Iowa, January 13, 1894, page 2

    Griffin Creek also indulged in a frolic yesterday and did some damage to the R.R.V.R.R. Co.'s track, in consequence of which trains did not run for a short time. Everything is in running order again, however.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 15, 1894, page 3

    Mr. Barnum of the R.R.V.R.R. took the mail to Medford on the engine, as the roadbed was in a decidedly shaky condition in some places on account of the great rainfall.
"Almost a Flood," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 15, 1894, page 3

    The damage done to the R.R.V.R.R. has been repaired, and regular trips are being made again.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 18, 1894, page 3

    Six times per day the miniature Jacksonville train passes carrying the smallest and youngest conductor in the United States, perhaps, "Johnny Barnum," not quite twelve years old. His father is engineer. The boy wears the full uniform and badge. One day his only passenger was a "pigtailed" Chinaman dressed in the finest of black broadcloth and wearing a fine, stiff, broad-brimmed black hat. Only the conductor's cap shows above the seat back when he sits down. The track has half-weight rails and wide-asunder ties, but the trail is regulation width, and standard cars are taken up to Jacksonville when necessary.
Reese P. Kendall, "Pacific Notes,"
Western Call, Beloit, Kansas, January 19, 1894, page 1

    The Medford-Jacksonville train has been running since Sunday in a catch-as-catch-can way--sometimes you get it and sometimes you don't. Griffin Creek was so rampant Sunday night that Mr. Barnum hardly deemed it safe to cross over with his train, but instead carried the mail and express from that point to Medford on his back. The east approach to the bridge was washed [away] considerably and the track settled, but by filling in with rock it was made passable. Tuesday morning it began sinking again and additional repairs were required. Monday morning he ventured across with his engine and flatcar. Trains, however, are now running on schedule time.
"Heap Plenty Rain," Medford Mail, January 19, 1894, page 3

    Some of our attorneys took a tie pass from Jacksonville to Medford Saturday evening, on account of the failure of the R.R.V.R.R. to run its train. District Attorney Benson came in under a strong pull, but attorney Hammond was considerably blown and flew the track on the last quarter.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1894, page 3

    Ralph Ridenour, formerly engineer of the R.R.V.R.R., is reported to be lying ill with typhoid fever in a hospital at the city of Mexico.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1894, page 3

    As high water damaged the R.R.V.R.R. Co.'s track, a wagon was used to transport the passengers and mail between Jacksonville and Medford on one or two occasions; everything is O.K. now, however.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1894, page 3

    The R.R.V.R. Co. will probably establish a station in the Nickell addition to Medford, which will be quite a convenience to residents of Orchard Home and vicinity.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 25, 1894, page 3

    W. A. Buchanan, of the firm of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., of Portland, was in Jacksonville yesterday on business connected with the R.R.V.R.R. He is as genial and interesting as ever.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 25, 1894, page 3

    The Jamestown Journal says: S. S. Bullis, of Olean, is vice president and manager of the Buffalo Fuel Gas Company, which manufactures gas from coal. The company has an authorized capital of $3,000,000, and among those interested in the enterprise are residents of Bradford and Smethport.

"Local Pencilings," McKean Democrat, Smethport, Pennsylvania, January 26, 1894, page 3

    More people may be seen on the streets of Jacksonville since the R.R.V.R.R. resumed its midday trips.
    We can no longer boast of the youngest conductor in the United States. Mr. Barnum having relinquished the management of the R.R.V.R.R., our "toy conductor" is out of a job. By his uniform courtesy and obliging manners Johnny made many friends among the traveling public.
    Honeyman, DeHart & Co. are again in charge of the R.R.V.R.R., Mr. Barnum's contract having expired. They have engaged John Dyar to act as conductor, C. F. Lewis as engineer and M. E. Tryer as fireman, all of whom are careful, experienced and clever trainmen. Three trains a day will be run hereafter.
    C. H. Leadbetter, who cut a wide swath in this valley during the past year and promised railroads and ditches galore, is one of the delusions that were. Honeyman, DeHart & Co. have resumed charge of the R.R.V.R.R., which Leadbetter purchased (?) among other things during his short flight across the financial firmament of southern Oregon.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1894, page 3

    The fame of Johnny Barnum, "the youngest railroad conductor in the world," is no more. His father, W. S. Barnum, after one year's lease of the Jacksonville branch railroad, has had his fill of being a railroad magnate, and along with Leadbetter is no longer connected with the road, and Honeyman, DeHart & Co. are again running it with John Dyer as conductor, C. F'. Lewis engineer, Marion Tryer fireman.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, February 1, 1894, page 4

A Probable Extension of the Medford-Jacksonville Railroad to Eagle Point.
A Talk with Manager Buchanan--the Feasibility of the Proposed Extension.
    W. A. Buchanan, secretary and general manager of the Medford-Jacksonville shortline, was in Medford all last week arranging for operating this line for the coming year. After having arranged all details in connection with this matter, a little of the gentleman's attention was given to an interview by a Mail reporter. The one thing of greatest importance to this locality being that of the probable extension of the shortline was broached, and it appeared to be one of the principal objects of Mr. Buchanan's visit to our city. The gentleman informed our reporter that it was the company's intentions to extend the line from Medford to Eagle Point, and that with a view to that end the company would begin figuring on its construction within sixty days, provided, however, that negotiations with other parties, which have been pending for several months, are not cleared up within that time. These negotiations are supposed to be the much talked-of Leadbetter deal, which has been hanging fire for nearly a year. The distance to Eagle Point is eleven miles, and the country which the road would pass through is not a difficult one to build over, in fact, a very easy one, as very little rough land is encountered. Engineer J. S. Howard has been asked to make estimates on the cost of grading and general construction of the road.
    Should this line be built, the operating expenses would be but a trifle, if any, greater than those of the road at present, as the same crew of employees could easily make two round trips daily.

Medford Mail,
February 2, 1894, page 2

Railroad Rumors.
    W. A. Buchanan, who recently made arrangements for the operation of the R.R.V.R.R., of which he is general manager, for the coming year, has returned to Portland. The company talk strongly of extending the road to Eagle Point and issuing bonds to raise the necessary funds. Mr. Buchanan informs us that the company is also considering the feasibility of using electric power. The extension of this road would be a matter of great benefit to the valley, as it would place us in direct communication with a number of important points. If Honeyman, DeHart & Co., who are the proprietors of the R.R.V.R.R., interest themselves in such an enterprise, its success may be depended upon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1894, page 3

    A depot will soon be built at the Orchard Home tract on the R.R.V.R.R. This will be a great convenience to the people of that section.
    Leadbetter's railroad boom having died "a-born in'," the old subject of a wagon road from Paisley to Bly has been revived as a topic of conversation until something better turns up.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1894, page 3

    The sound made by the whistle of the locomotive of the R.R.V.R. nowadays has a resemblance to the first attempt of a young rooster to crow, although it may be under the influence of a bad attack of la grippe.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 8, 1894, page 3

    The Jacksonville cannonball, while coming from Medford Sunday afternoon, neatly decapitated one of the numerous chickens which run at large in town. The expression of surprise on the countenances of the surviving members of the flock would have been a revelation to a disciple of Delsarte, as the poultry were accustomed to having the train slack up while they sauntered over the track.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 8, 1894, page 3

    J. H. Barnum of Ashland has been visiting his son, W. S. Barnum, this week; and also extended his trip to the county seat.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 2

    W. A. Buchanan, superintendent of the R.R.V.R.R., came up from Portland last Saturday to investigate the cause of the late accident near Medford. He soon became satisfied that no one was at fault.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 15, 1894, page 3

    W. S. Barnum will build a handsome two-story brick on the lot adjoining Redfield Bros.' gun shop in the spring.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 22, 1894, page 2

    The work train of the R.R.V.R. has been engaged for the past week in hauling gravel to repair the damages done to the track by the storms of last month.
    It is said that a new locomotive will soon be put on the R.R.V.R.R. and the schedule time between Jacksonville and Medford shortened considerably. The new engine will be much larger than the one now in use.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 22, 1894, page 3

    W. A. Buchanan, when in Medford last week, gave some of our townspeople to understand that the Eagle Point extension of the Medford-Jacksonville shortline proposition was a considerable more than talk and that it was probable something would be done in that direction as soon as the weather became a little more settled.
    Engineer Lewis is amusing his friends about Medford telling how he flushed a covey of schoolma'ams one day last week. The several teachers were intending to come over from Jacksonville on the train, but somehow they missed connections on that score and started out for Medford on foot. They were at a point a short distance this side of Jacksonville when they were met in a cut by the returning train. Mr. Lewis took in the situation and began blowing the whistle, and at about that time the teachers began to scatter up the bank. They forgot the perplexities of examination papers and tarried not, neither upon ceremonies nor the cause of fright, until they were a good safe distance from the ponderous locomotive and the seven-foot engineer.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 3

    W. A. Buchanan came up from Portland last Saturday to look after matters pertaining to the wreck on the Medford-Jacksonville shortline. He failed to find things in a state of general bankruptcy and instead of being perplexed over the matter he was fully satisfied the wreck was one not wrought with carelessness and complimented his employees upon the management of the road's local affairs.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 3

    Engineer Lewis has repainted his locomotive, Jumbo, and it presents an improved appearance.
     Honeyman, DeHart & Co. are seriously considering the advisability of extending the R.R.V.R.R. to Eagle Point, and the prospects for the success of the scheme seem good.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 26, 1894, page 3

    C. F. Lewis, engineer of the R.R.V.R.R., and family have become residents of Jacksonville.
    W. R. Ridenour, who was in Mexico for several weeks, is again in the valley and has almost regained his health.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 26, 1894, page 3

    The "peanut roaster" railroad changed crews two weeks ago, but the new fireman could not "raise the steam," and so the old hand was brought back, and now they drive twice as fast as before.
    A week ago Mrs. K. and Abby took a ride on it, and they stopped at our gate. Some time ago we described the road as five and a half miles long, connecting Jacksonville with the "Southern" at this place. The young conductor of course is off, but he is a lovely and unassuming little fellow.
Reese P. Kendall, "Pacific Observations,"
Beloit Gazette, Beloit, Kansas, March 1, 1894, page 4

    The R.R.V.R.R. is being patronized better than ever before, and nearly every train has a goodly number of passengers. Evidently business is improving.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 1, 1894, page 3

    C. F. Lewis has moved his family and households effects to Jacksonville, where he will reside so long as he pulls the throttle on the Medford-Jacksonville shortline. His place of residence is near the courthouse.
    Engineer Lewis has repainted portions of the engine on the shortline. The cowcatcher is painted red--a danger signal to cows and in color similar to the gore which is sometimes spilled. Mr. Lewis expects to get a chance soon to give his engine a general overhauling, thereby improving its appearance and usefulness.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, March 2, 1894, page 3

    The Jacksonville cannonball is being renovated, and Geo. Hines is hauling passengers and mails to Medford until repairs are made. Trains will run regularly again after today.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 12, 1894, page 3

    Regular trips over the R.R.V.R.R. were resumed on Tuesday morning.
    H. F. Wood is filling the position of head bridge carpenter on the R.R.V.R.R.
    Engineer Lewis of the R.R.V.R.R. has just finished overhauling his engine and making some needed repairs. The wheels and pilot have been painted a bright red and the little machine looks as neat as a pin.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 15, 1894, page 3

    Ralph Ridenour, who now has charge of the S.O.B.&I. Co.'s engine at Medford, is visiting in Jacksonville.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 15, 1894, page 3

    The train on the Medford-Jacksonville shortline was pulled off for a couple of days this week to permit engineer Lewis to repair and paint the engine. Trains commenced running again Tuesday evening.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 16, 1894, page 3

    The R.R.V.R. Co. announces the following schedule: Leave Jacksonville at 8:30 a.m., 1 and 4 p.m.; leave Medford at 10 a.m., 2 and 5:20 p.m. Trains will stop at Harbaugh's and other places on being signaled.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1894, page 3

    T. McAndrew and W. S. Barnum are about to take preliminary steps toward the construction of new brick buildings on Seventh Street. There will be a great deal of improvement in Medford during 1894.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 2, 1894, page 2

New Freight Rates on the Shortline.
Commencing April 1st a new freight schedule went into effect on the Medford-Jacksonville shortline. Here are the new rates:
   Under 100 lb.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     15¢
  100 lb. and under 200 lb.  . . . . .     20¢
  200 lb.        "         300 lb.  . . . . .     25¢
  300 lb.        "         400 lb.  . . . . .     30¢
  500 lb.        "       1000 lb.  . . . . .     10¢ per 100 lbs.
1000 lb.        "       1500 lb.  . . . . .       9¢         "
1500 lb.        "       2000 lb.  . . . . .       8¢         "
2000 lb. and upwards . . . . . . . . . .       5¢         "
Carload tariff  . . . . . . .  . . .  . . . . . $7.50 per car.
    Same, except as to carload tariff, which is $6.50 per car.
    The above rates apply to hay, grain, wood, lumber, lath, shingles, flour, sugar, mill feed, vegetables, green fruit, general hardware, iron and coal. Other commodities at special rates. Powder and other explosives double rates, to be shipped by freight train only at stated times.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894 page 3

    Supt. Buchanan, of the branch railroad, was here this week figuring up the cost of construction of his road from Medford to Eagle Point. He believes that the company will build the road this summer.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, April 12, 1894, page 4

Regarding a Possible Extension.
    Mr. W. A. Buchanan, representing the Rogue River Valley Railroad, was in Medford Monday upon business connected with a possible extension of this line to Eagle Point, his mission being principally that of getting an estimate of the cost of bridging Bear Creek and to ascertain about what amount in bonds could be disposed of in Medford and the county to be directly benefited. The matter of extension, Mr. Buchanan stated, had been occupying considerable attention at the head office for some time, but no definite decision would be reached inside of two or three weeks. His company, he says, is moving very cautiously in the matter and does not propose to undertake any project which will impair the general good financial standing of its stockholders. In other words, they don't propose to cripple any of their several businesses by taking upon their shoulders any additional expenditures until it is fairly well proven that the project can be made a paying one.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894 page 3

Out on a Tour of Inspection.
    The railroad commissioners came in from the south Wednesday morning, and from here took a spin over the Medford-Jacksonville shortline, and returning started north again the same forenoon. They are out making their occasional inspection. They found that agent Lippincott's stove took two-foot wood as well as considerable blacking--operator Gillett having worked a long ways into Tuesday night to ascertain just how much it required to produce a shine.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 27, 1894, page 3

    W. S. Barnum and sons are doing Dead Indian.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, July 26, 1894, page 3

    J. C. Pomeroy, formerly of the Rock Point lime quarry, and Honeyman and Buchanan of the R.R.V.R.R. were out from Portland recently inspecting iron and other mineral veins on Applegate.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, September 27, 1894, page 3

    A motor line is being talked of between Lebanon and Sodaville, says the Albany Democrat. It would be a fine thing, but is probably only talk. These four- or five-miles motor lines generally pay. The one from Medford to Jacksonville pays expenses and a dividend of good interest to the stockholders.

"The Day's Oregon News," Capital Journal, Salem, October 1, 1894, page 1

    The extension of the Jacksonville-Medford branch railroad into the timber belt on Butte Creek next spring is again the talk of the town. Supt. Graham has been here the past two months looking up the matter, and the owners of this line, Honeyman and Buchanan, were here the past week. It is now believed the enterprise will be carried out and work commenced early in the spring.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, November 15, 1894, page 3

The Branch Railroad To Be Extended to Moonville for Local Trade.
    The item in the Record two weeks ago in regard to the intention of Honeyman, DeHart & Co.'s proposed extension of the R.R.V.R.R. in the spring is developing itself. A mortgage on their plant of $15,000, to secure all past debts and a future loan, was recorded in the county recorder's office Saturday, and Supt. Graham has given it out the past week that early in the spring the line will be extended from Medford straight to the Bybee bridge section on Rogue River and, passing between the Fred Hansen and J. O. Johnson farms, will go up between the two Table Rocks to Sams Valley with the terminus at what is called Moonville. Supt. Graham says he has examined the route carefully and will immediately put surveyors in the field to make a survey of the route. Mr. Graham says the company expects the partners benefited to help out the enterprise with a bonus. He says the road could be operated with the present force employed and that the local business (which is the object of the extension) will earn a small interest on the investment, and by making a showing would induce capital to come in and extend the road over the Cascades into Eastern Oregon and down to the coast at Crescent City. As the roadbed is standard gauge there is nothing hindering capitalists from converting it into a transcontinental system. 
Valley Record, Ashland, November 29, 1894, page 3

The Leading Wholesale and Importing Hardware House in the Northwest.
    There is no better evidence of the solid and steady growth of the Northwest than the fact that Portland holds within her precincts a hardware importing house which leads older San Francisco houses a hard race in supplying the states surrounding Oregon with the commodities in which it deals. Reference is made to the progressive firm of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., whose immense establishment is located at First and Ash streets.
    Able management In the firm's affairs from the time it started, in the early '40s, has had the effect of steady gain, and year by year the business has grown and prospered.
    Every conceivable description of hardware is carried by this house, including the celebrated Sheffield cutlery, Peter Wright anvils and forges, Henry Disston's saws, the finest grades of mechanics' tools, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, refrigerators, aluminum goods, etc. One entire floor of the immense warehouse is devoted to the display of builders' hardware.
    So complete is the system of this firm that it was recently the remark of a traveling representative of one of Chicago's leading hardware concerns that "what could not be found at a moment's notice in Honeyman, DeHart & Co.'s sample rooms, it would be useless to look for in any hardware house in the country." The success of the firm is largely due to a thorough knowledge of the art of buying. To this portion of the business Mr. DeHart devotes his entire attention. In importing Sheffield cutlery, this house leads, and by proper buying is enabled to lay down its imports in any portion of the Northwest at even less cost than Chicago merchants can land their goods in the
Windy City.
    A retail department is also a distinct feature of the business, and occupies the corner of First and Ash streets. This store is a model in its way and is as complete in every detail as [is] the immense wholesale department.
Oregonian, Portland, January 1, 1895, page 3

The Survey of Its Extension to Begin Next Week.
    MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 2.--For the past year a great deal has been said and written regarding the extension of the Rogue River railway, but up to about 10 days ago, nothing of a definite nature was done indicating immediate action in the matter. Last week President Honeyman and Superintendent Buchanan came up from Portland, and this week W. E. Coul and Garl T. Jones, two civil engineers of this city, were set to work on plans and estimates on an extension, and next week they will begin field work on the same. The proposed route, as near as can be learned at present, will be from a point a short distance east of Jacksonville, and will run in a northeasterly direction, crossing the Southern Pacific track a short distance north of Central Point, and from thence in the same direction into the Sams Valley country, crossing Rogue River about six miles from Central Point. It is the probable intention to tap the recently discovered coal fields in Sams Valley. This proposed extension will increase the company's roadbed about 15 miles, and will run through some of the best portions of the Rogue River Valley. Superintendent Buchanan will remain in the valley and personally oversee the work of surveying, and it is understood that active operations will be commenced a an early date. It is not definitely known whether this will leave Medford without the road or not, but most likely it will, unless a branch road is operated from Jacksonville to this city.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 3, 1895, page 2

    The R.R.V.R.R. have formally announced to the Jacksonville town trustees that in order to extend their line to Sams Valley the town must buy 10 acres of land in the neighborhood of Hanley Butte The matter is under advisement.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, February 14, 1895, page 3

    The branch railroad survey as outlined in the Record in November has reached nine miles from Jacksonville. Coul and Jones stopped work and platted it for estimates on cost and have now commenced surveying the balance of the route to Sams Valley.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, January 17, 1895, page 3

    The survey for the proposed extension of the Rogue River Valley Railway from near Jacksonville to Sams Valley via Central Point is completed and engineer Coul is now figuring on the estimated cost of construction, etc.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, January 24, 1895, page 4

    The Rogue River Valley R.R. surveyors are out on the line again this week modifying their former survey at various points. We entertain the hopes of Central Point becoming a junction within six months should we get the contemplated road and Medford the county seat. Is there any possible reason why the Rogue River Valley should not enjoy their first boom this coming season? What country is more worthy of a genuine boom than the entire Rogue River Valley of Southern Oregon?
"Central Point Items,"
South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 12, 1895, page 3

    C. F. Lewis, engineer on the R.R.V. Railroad, is an applicant for a similar position on the new San Joaquin Valley road out from San Francisco. He had no trouble in securing scores of signatures in Medford to his recommendation this week.
"Personal," South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 15, 1895, page 3

    R. A. Graham, who for some time has been in the employ of the R.R.V. Railroad, is in Medford again for a few days.
South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 19, 1895, page 3

Medford, Oregon July 8th, 1895
Mr. R. D. Hume
    Dear Sir
        I have an application before the San Francisco & San Joaquin Valley Ry. for position of locomotive engineer, and having worked for you part of time as engineer you will remember me as the man who run the donkey engine and pulled the steamer Thistle off the beach. If you will give me a sendoff by writing to some of the directors or officers of the company I feel sure of securing the place. I have been here on the Rogue River Valley Ry. for [the] past two years. Hoping you will do what you can for me, I am
Truly yours
    C. F. Lewis
R. D. Hume papers, Curry Historical Society

His Foot Badly Mashed.
    JACKSONVILLE, Or., July 5.--In attempting to board the cars of [the] Rogue River Valley railroad yesterday evening as it pulled out of town, Timothy Collins, a young man from San Francisco, had the front part of his foot so badly crushed under one of the wheels that it was found necessary to amputate the first and second toes. The unfortunate young man is a stranger here.
Dalles Times-Mountaineer, July 13, 1895, page 1

Rogue River Road Extension.
    JACKSONVILLE, July 28.-- E. J. DeHart and W. A. Buchanan, business manager and secretary of the Rogue River Valley Railroad Company, arrived in Jacksonville yesterday. They were accompanied by Miss Buchanan and Miss Steers. The party will leave tomorrow for a trip by private conveyances to Crater Lake. W. E. Coul, a civil engineer, will accompany the party. It is intended to combine business with pleasure, and make field notes for a preliminary survey of the eastern extension of the railroad.
Lebanon Express, Lebanon, Oregon, August 2, 1895, page 1

    Engineer M. M. Gault, of the Medford-Jacksonville shortline, was at Albany last week for the purpose of inspecting a locomotive which the company contemplate purchasing.
"Bits of Local Railway News," Medford Mail, October 18, 1895, page 4

    Geo. Coulter is in Jacksonville this week painting the new engine recently purchased by the R.R.V. railroad.
    Engineer Fred Kirkland is handling the throttle on the shortline while engineer Gault is getting the new engine ready for service.
    Engineer Gault, of the Medford-Jacksonville shortline, went down to Albany last week and came up with a locomotive recently purchased of the O.C.&E. railroad company. The locomotive arrived Saturday, and was taken to Jacksonville the same day and, after some repairs and a new coat of paint, will go into active service on the run between this city and Jacksonville. The new locomotive is a full-grown machine, and is provided with a tender, which causes the company to construct a turntable at either end of the road. These will be built in a short time, and as soon as completed the new engine will take the place of the little one now in use, which has so long done service over this road.
"Bits of Local Railway Notes," Medford Mail, November 1, 1895, page 8

    W. S. Barnum is finishing a new frame residence on D Street in North Medford.
The Monitor-Miner, Medford, July 16, 1896, page 3

    It is not often than an item of anything like a serious nature is furnished by the action of the Medford-Jacksonville shortline, but on the special trip Tuesday morning two horses, which took a notion into their heads that they could walk across a trestle about a half mile from the depot and in the Jacksonville city limits, succeeded in shaking things up a little. The train was gliding along at [a] pretty good rate, when engineer Gault noticed the horses standing near the track. As the train neared them they went upon the track and started on a dead run ahead of it. When they came to the trestle they started across, but fell through and before the train could be brought to a standstill the engine struck them with sufficient force to cause the death of both. The train was backed up and the track cleared, after which it proceeded to Medford--only a few minutes behind schedule time.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, September 11, 1896, page 7

    There has been a deal of shifting about among a number of Medford's householders this week, and part of last. To start out with, merchant C. I. Hutchison moved his family to his new residence out in Southwest Medford last Friday. F. V. Medynski moved his family into the residence vacated by Mr. H. on Monday, and the same day W. S. Barnum moved into his new residence, corner D and Sixth streets, and his former residence, corner D and Fifth streets, is now occupied by merchant W. S. Stevens. To keep up with the procession Rev. A. S. Foster has moved into the Narregan residence--vacated by Mr. Stevens. Joe Hill has also shifted places of abode. He now occupies the Noland residence, corner Fourth and D streets.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, September 4, 1896, page 7

    Not a thousand years, or at least not since the operation of the Medford-Jacksonville shortline has there occurred a collision of engines. The record was broken, however, in the early part of this week, when the gravel train engine, called "peanut roaster" for short, and because it is appropriate, had the audacity to claim a prior right-of-way over the ponderous locomotive that pulls the regular passenger train, resulting in a broadside collision. Engineer Gault was on the passenger engine and engineer Langley on the "roaster." In switching in the Medford yards the "roaster's" pilot locked horns with the cylinder of the mogul. Very little damage was done save the splintering of the "roaster's" horse catcher and the ruffling of the feelings of the mogul.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, January 8, 1897, page 7

Struck by a Locomotive.
    Jacksonville, Or., March 9.--Jake Beck, while sowing wheat in Cardwell's addition, near Jacksonville, Friday, left his team and wagon standing near the Rogue River Valley railroad track. As the evening train was coming, the horses became frightened and started to run. They rushed across the track in front of the train, and the engine struck the wagon, in which were two plows, and entirely wrecked the outfit. The horses escaped uninjured, and no damage was done to train or passengers.
Oregon City Courier, March 12, 1897, page 2

    Mr. S. S. Bullis, the well-known lumber and railroad man, has returned from Mississippi. He says that words are inadequate to express the horror and consternation of the people of that state on account of the yellow fever. Those who can do so are getting out of the country as rapidly as possible, and the situation is such as to excite the gravest alarm. Mr. Bullis is in Olean.--Bradford Era.

"Local Pencilings," McKean Democrat, Smethport, Pennsylvania, October 8, 1897, page 3

    The boys are having more fun than a little with engineer Gault. It came about like this: Last Saturday when he was pulling his train out of town headed for Jacksonville the coach broke loose from the train near Frank Amann's place, and the engine and one freight car went on out to Harbaugh before the goneness of the coach was noticed by Mr. Gault. This fact was considered ground sufficient to warrant a whole lot of chaffing but, parenthetically, it should be explained that the chaffing did not come from Conductor Neil nor the passengers who were compelled to await the engine's return. They just "cussed" in plain, everyday queen's English.
"A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, December 3, 1897, page 7

    The R.R.V.R. is putting its track in first-class order.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 17, 1898, page 3

    Al. Young of Medford is acting as fireman of the R.R.V.R. until Pat Donegan, Jr. recovers from his serious illness.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 21, 1898, page 3

    Arthur Beals is temporarily acting as fireman on the R.R.V.R.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1898, page 3

    M. M. Gault is acting as conductor of the R.R.V.R. Co.'s train during F. R. Neil's absence, and Marion Tryer of Medford is chief engineer pro tempore.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 23, 1898, page 3

    W. L. Barnum, a prominent citizen of Minnesota and a cousin of W. S. Barnum, is paying our town a visit.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1898, page 3

Fires in Jacksonville.
    Our town had two fire alarms on Tuesday the first occurring in the afternoon, at about 11:30 o'clock, when flames discovered in the roundhouse of the R.R.V.R.R. Co. The fire started in the wood in the tender of the engine, which had been cleaned out after the arrival of the 10 o'clock train. Some fire had evidently lingered in the fuel drawn from the locomotive and ignited the wood in the tender, communicated with the building. Prompt and efficient work on the part of the fire company prevented a conflagration. The damage resulting was merely nominal, a few rafters being charred and the paint on the engine scorched. The second alarm was sounded about 8:30 o'clock in the evening, and everybody turned out to fight the fire fiend. A big brush pile in the southern part of town, on land belonging to Chris. Ulrich, had been set afire, and there was no occasion for any excitement.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, July 28, 1898, page 3

    The R.R.V.R. Co.'s water supply having become exhausted, Engineer Gault found it necessary to levy upon the wells in the neighborhood. He pumped one of them dry and is now trying to find the bottom of J. B. McGee's mining shaft.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 8, 1898, page 3

    M. M. Gault, the popular engineer on the R.R.V.R.R., expects to join his family at St. Joe, Missouri, in about six weeks, where he may permanently locate. Success to him.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1898, page 3

    Mr. M. M. Gault, who has for several years past been engineer on the R.R.V.R.R., has resigned his position, and will leave Oct. 1st for St. Joe, Missouri, to take a position there. Mr. Gault's family went to Missouri early in the spring to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gault have made many friends in Jacksonville, who deeply regret their contemplated change of location, and wish them abundant prosperity wherever they may go.

"Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, September 8, 1898, page 3

    Wm. Honeyman and W. A. Buchanan, president and secretary of the R.R.V.R., spent yesterday in Jacksonville. They inspected the line while here.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 18, 1898, page 2

    A. C. Nicholson of Medford, the scientific carpenter, is putting a new floor in the R.R.V.R. Co.'s passenger coach.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1898, page 2

    The R.R.V.R. Co. will run a train daily, at one o'clock, for the accommodation of those who wish to attend the district fair. Those who buy tickets of admission at the depot will be granted half fare.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 26, 1898, page 3

    The headlight of the R.R.V.R. Co.'s locomotive has been fitted up with an acetylene fountain, which is a decided improvement. The rays it throws are quite brilliant.

"Local Notes,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 13, 1898, page 3

    The Medford-Jacksonville shortline now has a headlight in which acetylene gas is used as the lighting agent. This is undoubtedly the first railroad in the United States to adopt this gas for headlight purposes.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 14, 1898, page 7

    Pat Donegan, Jr., has resigned his position as fireman of the R.R.V.R., and will engage in blacksmithing.

"Local Notes,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 17, 1898, page 3

    A carload of lumber was unloaded at this place this week for Max Muller, and from here it was taken to Jacksonville by team.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 18, 1898, page 7

    The 40-cent round-trip rate on the R.R.V.R. has been discontinued, and 25 cents will be charged each way after Dec. 31st.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1898, page 3

    Chas. F. Lewis, the well-known engineer, who presided at the throttle on the R.R.V.R. for some time, and has been for the past two years engineer on the Yreka Railway, died at his home in Yreka, Calif. on January 1st, and was buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery at Medford on Tuesday. Mr. L. was a man of many excellent parts, and leaves a wide circle of friends, who mourn his untimely death. He is survived by a wife and six children.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 5, 1899, page 2

    Wm. Honeyman of Portland, senior member of the well-known firm of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., owners of the R.R.V.R., suffered a slight attack of paralysis one day last week. The Times is pleased to state that his condition is improving.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1899, page 3

    O. L. Sargent and family have moved to Jacksonville for permanent residence. Mr. Sargent has taken a position as track repairer on the Medford-Jacksonille shortline and will also do firing on the locomotive.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 3, 1899, page 6

    Wm. Honeyman, vice-president of the firm of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., owners of the R.R.V.R., died at his residence in Portland on the 17th, of paralysis. He was first stricken on January 25th, and his death has been expected for several days. Mr. Honeyman was a native of Scotland and came to Portland in 1870, where he has since resided. He was one of the most respected and influential business men in the city, and his death is universally regretted. He leaves a wife and five children.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1899, page 3

Important Decision in A.&K. Railroad Litigation--Sum of $400,000 Involved.

    ALBANY, March 2.--The Court of Appeals has handed down its division in favor of the plaintiff appellant in the case of James R. O'Beirne et al., respondent, against Spencer S. Bullis et al., which was up for the second time before this court. The case, aside from the large amount of money--$400,000--at stake, was of interest to lawyers on account of the legal complications involved, and the court room was crowded during the presentation of the arguments. The original defendants and Spencer Bullis, Mills W. Barse, the Allegheny & Kinzua railroad company of Pennsylvania, and the Central Trust Co. of New York. Appeal is by Bullis from the judgment of the trial term, directing the execution issue in favor of the Central Trust Co. and against him for $341,745.65, besides costs. His motion for a new trial was denied. The first department affirmed the decision from which Bullis and his codefendants appeal to this court. The action is brought to compel Bullis and Barse to perform certain contracts to consolidate three railroads into one, viz.: The Bradford & Congdon, the Allegheny & Kinzua of Pennsylvania, and the Allegheny & Kinzua Company of New York. It is alleged that a fraudulent scheme was devised by Bullis and Barse, having for its object the consolidation of the railroads and the issuance of a large amount of bonds by the consolidated company which should be placed with the public at par through the cooperation of a certain New York company, whose assistance to the scheme should be gained by agreeing to furnish extensive timber lands in McKean County, Pa., and Cattaraugus County, N.Y., for security.The plaintiff respondent represents the holders of these bonds. Argued by Adelbert Moot and John G. Milburn, Jr. for appellants; Frank S. Smith, Hamilton Odell, C. W. Artz and Adrian H. Johnson for respondents.
Bradford Era, Bradford, Pennsylvania, March 3, 1899, page 2

    The R.R.V.R. Co.'s engine and tender left the track on a curve in the limits of Medford last Tuesday evening, but fortunately little damage was done. A ditch had been run under the roadbed at a crossing, and when the train came along the locomotive slid off the track. It took 24 hours to put things back as they were. A very lucky accident.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 23, 1899, page 3

    The railroads are running on the new schedules. The Jacksonville train now leaves for Medford at 9:30 a.m. and 3:10 p.m.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1899, page 3

    W. S. Barnum is building a good-sized addition to his brick building on South A Street. It is being erected in order to give room for a new cider mill which Mr. Barnum will put in shortly, and which will turn out ten or fifteen barrels of cider a day. It will also be used for storing purposes. The dimensions of the addition are 20x30 feet.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 28, 1899, page 7

    The fortunes of that prince of grafters, Chas. H. Leadbetter, seem to be recuperating since the spirit of speculation has been revived. He is now evolving a scheme to put an electric power plant on the north fork of the John Day River, to cost $100,000, that will transmit power to the mines in the neighborhood of Baker City. As usual, other parties are expected to furnish the money, for this wily schemer's capital consists chiefly of wind and gall. Leadbetter is well known in these parts, where he attempted several schemes a few years ago, and was for a while lessee of the R.R.V.R., whose line he promised to extend to Eagle Point and everyplace else.

"Editorial Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 8, 1899, page 2

    Chris. Keegan has been acting as conductor of the R.R.V.R. during the absence of F. R. Neil, and gave general satisfaction.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 19, 1899, page 3

    J. Losher of Medford is acting as fireman on the R.R.V.R.
    A spark from the R.R.V.R. Co.'s engine set afire the grass in the big field southwest of Medford, as it passed through it Monday evening. The destruction of much grain and fencing was threatened for a while.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 17, 1899, page 3

    The R.R.V.R. Co. is having its coach handsomely painted. Geo. Coulter of Medford, the well-known artist, is doing the work.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 20, 1899, page 3

    George Coulter is painting the R.R.V.R. Co.'s coach, and the freight car is being used for the accommodation of passengers in the interim.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 27, 1899, page 3

    Dr. J. B. Wait had a narrow escape Tuesday evening, while returning from Jacksonville. He was driving his rig over one of the R.R.V.R.R. Co.'s crossings in town, just in front of the train, when the tender struck his buggy and demolished it. Neither the doctor nor his horses were injured. The railroad company's employees cannot be blamed for the accident, as they did all that was possible to prevent it.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 10, 1899, page 2

    The board of trustees have authorized the redemption of $200 worth of bonds issued by the town to assist in the building of the R.R.V.R.R., offered by their owner. There is money in the treasury to redeem a few more.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 10, 1899, page 3

    E. E. Lyons, who has been a resident of Medford for some time, returned to Jacksonville this week, and will assume the position of roadmaster of the R.R.V. Ry.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 21, 1899, page 3

    Ralph Losher, who has been firing on the R.R.V. Ry. Co.'s engine, has accepted a position in the yards of the S.P. at Ashland.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 19, 1899, page 3

    The school board has purchased a parcel of land lying between the school yard and the Medford-Jacksonville railroad, paying $215 therefor.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 6, 1900, page 7

    W. S. Barnum left Wednesday evening for Portland where he went upon business--part of which is the probable purchase of new machinery for his machine shop.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 16, 1900, page 6

Father and Tito Sons Will Operate the Line as Formerly.
    MEDFORD, Or., March 20.--The Rogue River Valley Railroad, a short line connecting Medford and Jacksonville, has been purchased for $12,000 by W. S. Barnum, of Medford, who will assume the management on the 22d.
    It requires but three men to operate the train, and this can be done by Mr. Barnum and his two sons, John and William. Mr. Barnum had charge of the road a few years ago, and at that time John, acting as conductor, was the youngest person filling that position in the United States.
    Two round trips are scheduled for each day, and there are many extra trips for freight and excursions. The road is a great convenience to the public, being the only line connecting the Southern Pacific road with the county seat. Mr. Barnum is an expert engineer and first-class mechanic, so that the equipment will be kept in good running condition.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, March 21, 1900, page 4

    W. S. Barnum, the new proprietor of the R.R.V.R.R., took possession of the property this morning. He will be assisted in its operation by his sons. Honeyman, DeHart & Co., the former proprietors, gave the public a first-class service, which their successor will doubtless continue.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 22, 1900, page 3

    According to the Jacksonville Times, Honeyman, DeHart & Co. of Portland have sold the roadbed, rolling stock, etc., of the Rogue River Valley Ry. to W. S. Barnum, for a sum in the neighborhood of $12,000. Mr. B. will take charge of the road on Thursday. Mr. Barnum conducted the road under lease several years ago and gave entire satisfaction to the traveling public. This sale saves Jacksonville the loss of the road, as it is stated on good authority that two miles of the track and one engine had been bargained to a lumber company and that the road would have been taken up if it had not been purchased by Mr. Barnum.

"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, March 22, 1900, page 3

    M. M. Gault, who has been engineer on the R.R.V.R.R. for several years, contemplates locating and engaging in business in Medford. Mr. Gault will open a machine shop there in the near future.

"Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, March 22, 1900, page 3

    R. A. Proudfoot returned from Portland Saturday, where he had been upon business for a week. It was largely through Mr. Proudfoot's efforts that the sale of the Jacksonville-Medford shortline was made.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 23, 1900, page 6

    It is not every old town that can boast of having a gentleman among its citizens who owns a fully equipped railroad. In this respect Medford is in the front wagon of fame thus acquired. Mr. W. S. Barnum, of this city, is the sole and exclusive owner of the Rogue River Valley Railway, he having purchased the same last Friday, paying therefor $12,000. The road, as we understand, has not been a paying investment for some time, and it was the intention of the owners, who live in Portland, to take up the track and sell it to a lumber company in the Willamette Valley. In fact, the tearing-up process was to have commenced this week, but Mr. Barnum stepped in and purchased the track, rolling stock and all equipments, and immediately possession was given, but not until Thursday of this week did he take hold of the engine throttle and the conductor's ticket punch. Mr. Barnum will run the engine; his son, Johnny, will take tickets and another son, Willie, will fire the engine. In slang parlance Mr. Barnum and his family are the "whole thing." Mr. B. had the road under lease a few years ago--and made it pay, both himself and the owners, and no one doubts but that he can make it a revenue-producer again. The original cost of the road when built, nine years ago, together with its equipments was $40,000. Messrs. Honeyman & DeHart came into its possession a short time thereafter at an outlay of $25,000, they having furnished the rails, and were compelled to take the property to secure themselves. During the past few years a larger locomotive has been added to the rolling stock; also quite a good bit of siding has been put in, here and at Jacksonville. Some people are putting two and two together and claim they have four as the result. The first two represent Mr. Proudfoot's efforts in bringing about this sale to Mr. Barnum; the other two represent Mr. Proudfoot's extensive lumber interests in the upper Rogue River country--and the result an extension of the line to tap the big timber of the upper Rogue. There may be something besides talk in this--we don't know, but we do know, and the whole valley will agree with us, that a project of this nature would not only put the road on a paying basis but would insure the turning of many wheels of enterprise in the valley.
    M. M. Gault, the Medford-Jacksonville shortline engineer, has purchased W. S. Barnum's machinery plant in Medford, and will soon become a resident of our town. Mr. Gault is a first-class machinist and one of the finest gentlemen in all Southern Oregon. He expects to very soon add a foundry to his recent purchase. That he will do a good business goes without saying.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1900, page 7

    The Rogue River Valley Railroad, a short line connecting Medford and Jacksonville, has been purchased for $12,000 by W. S. Barnum, of Medford, who will assume the management on the 23rd.
Capital Journal, Salem, March 24, 1900, page 3

    The Rogue River Valley Railway, under its present management, is being operated with better satisfaction to the public than ever before. Mr. Barnum makes it a point to extend every reasonable accommodation to his patrons, and there is much gratification expressed at the change in the management of the road. It is undeniable that private ownership and private conduct of a business of this character, where the owner is immediately and personally interested in results, will use greater effort and give better service and satisfaction than where it is under the management of employees who are more interested in their salaries than in the business under their control. There is no purpose to disparage any former management of the road, but to state a fact as to its present management. Mr. Barnum has shown so far that he will leave nothing undone to give the best service and satisfaction possible, and he should receive the most liberal patronage.

"Jacksonville News,"
Medford Mail, May 4, 1900, page 3

    It is current rumor that Mr. Barnum, owner of the Medford-Jacksonville short line, has contracted with Mr. Gorsline for the sawing of a great number of ties for his railroad. The fact that Mr. Gorsline is preparing to establish his mill someplace in the Rogue River country, and the further fact that Mr. Barnum can secure tie timber, which is needed for use between Medford and Jacksonville, at a much nearer point than Rogue River, is significant in that the ties recently contracted for could be of use to advantage only in the construction of a line of road to the timber belt on Rogue River. There is a great opportunity for good business investment in the building of a railroad to tap the immense sugar pine timber belt of the upper Rogue River, and The Mail has an opinion that Mr. Barnum will labor to that end. The owners of the sugar pine land in that country can well afford to put up a considerable amount of money as a subsidy--and we understand the larger holders of timber land have already given a guarantee of one dollar per acre--which would represent about $80,000--and they could possibly be induced to do even better than this. There are many more small holders who would gladly do apportionately as well.

"City Happenings,"
Medford Mail, May 4, 1900, page 7

    The Medford-Jacksonville shortline is hauling a considerable amount of wood from Jacksonville to Medford, for Southern Pacific engines. The wood is being piled temporarily near the shortline depot, but as soon as the wood spur is completed it will be piled in the company's wood yard.

"City Happenings,"
Medford Mail, May 25, 1900, page 7

141 C Street, Jacksonville, Oregon:
William S. Barnum, 44, railroad engineer, born July 1855 in Canada, father born in New York, mother born in Canada
John C. Barnum, 20, railroad conductor, born September 1879 in New York
William H. Barnum, 16, railroad fireman, born October 1883 in New York
U.S. Census, enumerated June 7, 1900

    Mr. Barnum is putting in all his spare time refitting and repairing the large engine, so as to have it ready for the big loads that will go to Medford on the Fourth. He is putting in new tubes and giving it a general overhauling. The platform of the tender is being put in new, and the engine will look like a new one when turned loose on the Fourth, and it will have plenty of work to do.
"Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, June 22, 1900, page 3

    W. S. Barnum, proprietor of the Rogue River Valley Railway, is making a number of improvements on the property. He has built a tank from which to water his engines, which have been thoroughly overhauled, replaced a number of old ties, and is getting ready to furnish the car with new wheels. Everything will be put in first-class order as soon as possible. Mr. B. is deserving of a liberal patronage, for he and his assistants are painstaking and accommodating.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 9, 1900, page 3

    Chas. H. Leadbetter, who had the R.R.V.R. leased a number of years ago, with the alleged intention of extending it to the Butte Creek and Rogue River sections, is now conducting a big sawmill near Washougal, Wash. He cuts a big swath wherever he goes, but his career in southern Oregon was not such as to impress anyone with his reliability.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 16, 1900, page 3

    Four more of the second series of bonds issued by our town, to assist in building the R.R.V.R., amounting to $100 each, were this week canceled by order of the board of trustees. Only three of the fifty bonds of this series are yet outstanding--and they soon will be called in--$4700 worth, together with interest, having been paid.
    W. S. Barnum is making arrangements to manufacture wheels for the cars of [the] R.R.V.R., and has ordered hydraulic apparatus with which to do the work. The system is steadily being put in first-class repair.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 23, 1900, page 3

    Will. Barnum, the musical mechanic and fireman of the R.R.V.R., is building himself a palatial residence near the Jacksonville depot. We have not heard the reason of this as yet.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 25, 1900, page 3

    W. S. Barnum, the enterprising proprietor of the R.R.V.R., who is always making improvements, has received new wheels for the coach and a hydraulic wheel press of an ingenious pattern with which to put them on.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 1, 1900, page 3

    W. S. Barnum, who has been renovating the R.R.V.R. and its rolling stock ever since he purchased it, is now fitting up the latter with new, first-class wheels. He has lately invested in a machine of the latest pattern which presses apart wheels and other machinery by hydraulic pressure, and is the only one in southern Oregon. Mr. B.'s enterprise and solicitude for the traveling public is deserving of the highest praise.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 22, 1900, page 3

    That prince of fakirs, C. H. Leadbetter, who is not unknown in southern Oregon, and his son have been sued in San Francisco for a printing bill amounting to $1,640.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 17, 1901, page 5

    William Barnum was called to Ashland last Friday, by the serious illness of his father, J. H. Barnum.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 14, 1901, page 2

    The coach of the R.R.V.R.R. runs quite smoothly since it has been fitted with new wheels. Mr. Barnum is always making improvements, and will have a first-class road in due time.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1901, page 3

    SPENCER S. BULLIS, formerly of Olean, who practically "went broke" a few years ago, has disposed of his lumber interests in Mississippi and cleaned up more than $200,000.
"Neighborhood Notes," Warren Mail, Warren, Pennsylvania, April 18, 1901, page 8

    Joe Brooke of Portland, the popular representative of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., interviewed his numerous customers in southern Oregon during the past week. "Rosy" is as irresistible as ever.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 25, 1901, page 5

RRVRR at the Medford Depot
"The large engine," Engine No. 2, at the Medford depot.

    Tuesday an empty boxcar which was being taken to Jacksonville over the R.R.V.R.R. became uncoupled from the rest of the train, and all unbeknown to the trainmen came gliding back to Medford on a down grade at a lively clip. It successfully, though rather miraculously, rounded the several curves in the road and was making for the closed switch at the junction of the R.R.V. track with the S.P. track, when C. W. Sherman, the Penn Mutual Life Insurance man, who was standing near the track, succeeded in boarding the wild car and applying the brakes before any damage resulted. It was a rather difficult and dangerous feat for one unused to railroading to board the moving car, but had it not been stopped there would have been a grand smash-up when the car struck the closed switch.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 3, 1901, page 7

    C. W. Sherman, the Portland Life Insurance man, was presented with a life pass over the R.R.V.R.R. last week by Mr. Barnum, the owner of the road. The pass was given as a token of his appreciation of Mr. Sherman's act in boarding and stopping the wild freight car which broke loose from the train last week and came rolling back into the railroad yards at this place.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 7

    The R.R.V.R. Co.'s coach is being renovated and repaired. The freight car is carrying passengers in the meantime.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1901, page 7

    Mr. Patty, a member of the firm of Litchfield & Patty of Medford, the popular bakers, who is quite a bicyclist, made the trip between this place and Jacksonville, about five miles, in quicker time than has ever been ridden. He started with the train and beat it a few minutes.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 8, 1901, page 5

From Jacksonville to the Medford Academy
    Eight students or more, attending from home, may obtain a time ticket for less than half-fare; or a less number than eight have the privilege of half-fare rate.
Medford Mail, August 16, 1901, page 6

    Every day the importance of, and seemingly absolute necessity for, a railroad from Medford to the Rogue River timber belt becomes more apparent. There is an impression prevalent among many of our men of means that such a line of road could be built with local capital. There is this certainty--if twenty miles of the road can be built, enough outside money can be secured to extend it to any reasonable distance either or both ways. The advantage which such a road would be to Medford is almost beyond conception. With a line running into the vast and valuable timber belt of upper Rogue River, mills of gigantic proportions would be established. Box factories, sash and door factories and kindred other institutions that work in wood could, and doubtlessly would, be established. You say all these things would be built nearer the timber. Not so, when it is proven beyond a question of a doubt that the slab wood alone will pay the expense of hauling the logs to this point. Power to operate all these things? Is that the question you asked? Why, good people, the Fish Lake Ditch Company will be able to supply power for every need. Think this matter over, you who have the interests of the locality at heart, and when you have convinced yourself that a project of the nature outlined is not catalogued with the impossibles, go over and have a talk with Mr. Barnum, owner of the Medford-Jacksonville railroad. Mr. Barnum cannot build the road alone, but he owns a starter that would be good to build from at each end--and he is more anxious than any man in Jackson County to see the project take shape.

Medford Mail, September 27, 1901, page 2

Prominent Business Man, E. J. DeHart, Will Go to Medford.
    E. J. DeHart, who recently purchased the fruit farm of Hon. J. H. Stewart, one mile from the town of Medford, Jackson County, will remove there with his family on October 10. The place contains 80 acres, 65 of which are in fruit trees. There are 2000 apple trees, 800 pear trees and 200 prune trees. The trees are all bearing and in the best of condition, and the land is in the highest state of cultivation.
    In making his home on this place Mr. DeHart can hardly be said to be going into farming to grow up with the country, for all the hard work and waiting has been done. The place is in one of the most beautiful sections of the state, with a most delightful climate, where every prospect pleases, and if rural felicity is to be found in Oregon it is there.
    Mr. DeHart has long been a prominent factor in business circles in Portland. He went into business here in partnership with John R. Foster. In 1862 he bought out Mr. Foster's interest and conducted the business under the firm name of Jacob Underhill & Co. until 1868. He then went to San Francisco, where he was in business for five years. He then went to New York, where he stayed till 1875. In 1876 he returned here and took charge of the business of E. J. Northrop & Co. In 1878 he bought out Mr. Northrop and organized the firm of Thompson & DeHart. Later William Honeyman became his partner, and the firm of Honeyman & DeHart continued the business until Mr. DeHart sold his interest to the sons of Mr. Honeyman some 18 months ago. Mr. DeHart has always borne a first-class reputation as a business man and has hosts of warm friends who will wish him every success in his new departure.
    Mr. Stewart has bought 160 acres of land just across the road from Mr. DeHart's place, where he proposes to make another fruit farm.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, October 2, 1901, page 8

    There is a railroad here that has never experienced any trouble with strikes. It runs from here to Jacksonville, a distance of five miles, and is owned and operated by a man and his son. The rolling stock consists of an engine, a passenger and baggage car combined and one freight car. They make two trips a day and the road is well patronized. One thing which I cannot understand out here is that you can see anything off fifteen miles and it won't look more than half a mile distant."
Hope Jenkins, Sherburn (Minnesota) Advance, quoted in the Medford Mail, November 8, 1901, page 2

    J. C. Barnum, conductor on the Medford-Jacksonville railroad, returned Friday from a business trip to Portland.

"Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 3

    Wm. Ferguson, all the same Bill Nye, has purchased the Barnum building, [near the] corner Seventh and South A streets. He expects to rent it for a second-hand store, but this he will not do until February, at which time Mr. Chessmore's lease expires.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 6

    On Monday of this week a six-horse team which is engaged in hauling wheat from the J. A. Perry warehouse in Medford to the Moon grist mill on Applegate came very near being shuffled from the face of the earth. They were standing near the warehouse when Mr. Barnum's train pulled in from Jacksonville, and just before the train reached them the leaders "jackknifed" across the track, and one of them was struck by the cowcatcher and bruised to quite an extent, but not seriously. Had not Mr. Barnum slowed up his engine there would have been a conglomeration of horses and a pony engine scattered all over the railroad yards.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 7

    Lawrence Pickens was before Recorder York on Tuesday of this week charged with assault and battery upon Wm. Barnum. The assault was made on the street corner Saturday night. The recorder imposed a fine of $20, which was satisfied.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 6

    John Barnum left Sunday for a two weeks' stay in San Francisco.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 4

    Again Mr. Barnum reports her husband planning to run his railroad thirty miles up Rogue River to the heavy timber, and he hopes not long hence to join the Columbia Southern, coming from the Columbia over the elevated Des Chutes Plateau to Prineville and thence, in time, to the Klamath region and over here. He was much gratified when told of our George taking the third construction engine on that new road. The other two are driven by George's old chums from the Northern Pacific, and so he will be at home on April 2, when he takes charge. Barnum lives a block away and is our present landlord. Two wealthy men in this valley take part with Barnum, and Enyart, cashier of the Bank of Medford, says the money is in this valley to build the road. Quite a group of men of means can be collected in this region. They talk "close cooperation" and "threefold expansion of snares," but your correspondent don't know "the turn it is done with," notwithstanding he'd like to be "on the inside." Mrs. Barnum said the new rails would be steel and longer than those of the old road, but she didn't think ties would be nearer, for some time at least. Their son, Willie, plays the clarinet in the orchestra which meets at our house for practice in band. Mrs. Barnum herself is learning 'cello. An S.P. employee, Mahoney, is a splendid cornetist.
Reese P. Kendall, "From Oregon," Beloit Weekly Times, Beloit, Kansas, February 27, 1902, page 8

    J. L. Rider and family returned to Medford Sunday after a year's stay in Ashland and are now living in West Medford. Mr. Rider will work for W. S. Barnum on his railroad.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 6

    Wm. Barnum has added materially to the appearance of his residence, on North D Street, by enclosing it with a new picket fence.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 7

    J. A. Wilson, an excellent mechanic, is painting the R.R.V.R.R. Co.'s coach.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1902, page 5

Will Boom Things.
    The Iowa Lumber Co., who bought the Beekman-Linn timber land three miles back of Jacksonville, will erect two saw mills with 60,000 feet per day capacity, extend the branch railroad and put in a box factory, so manager Williams reports.
Valley Record, Ashland, July 3, 1902, page 2

    The first shipment of wool from this place to the new woolen mill at Eugene was made Thursday, when the Rogue River Valley train brought over from Jacksonville four tons of wool that was being shipped by J. Nunan, one of the merchants of that place.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, July 4, 1902, page 6

    The R.R.V.R. Co.'s coach is being handsomely painted, in and out side, and will present a much improved appearance. Mr. Daily is the artist.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
July 10, 1902, page 4

Buy Timber and Will Build Mill.
    MEDFORD, July 8.--The Iowa Lumber Company, of Council Bluffs, Ia., has purchased 1500 acres of sugar, yellow and white pine lumber of Beekman & Linn, of Jacksonville, and will commence at once the erection of two mills. The timber is situated one mile from Jacksonville. The work on the mills and the extension of the Rogue River Valley Railroad to the timber will be begun at once. The company will erect a box factory, either at Medford or Jacksonville. A strong effort will be made to secure it for Medford.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 10, 1902, page 4

    Henry C. Barnum died in this city Wednesday night of consumption. He was formerly a resident of California and came to Medford a year and a half ago, and has since resided here, he finding the climate more agreeable to him than that of California. He was a single man, his wife having died five years ago. He was about forty years old. He was a relative of Mrs. Stanley, formerly of this city, and a nephew of W. S. Barnum, of this city. His body was sent to Los Angeles yesterday to be buried by the side of that of his wife.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 18, 1902, page 6

    DIED: Wednesday, July 15th, 1902, of consumption, H. C. Barnum, aged about 40 years. Deceased was a nephew of W. S. Barnum and came to Medford some two years ago from California. He was a widower, his wife having died in Los Angeles some five years ago, whither his remains were sent for interment.

Medford Enquirer, July 19, 1902, page 3

    The Ashland Tidings reports the sale of the Rogue River V.R.R. to the Iowa Lumber Co. There is no foundation to this rumor as yet. There is some talk of extending the line to the big tract of timber land recently bought by Messrs. Beekman & Linn by that corporation, however.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
July 31, 1902, page 4

    The report that Mr. Barnum had sold his Medford-Jacksonville railroad is wholly untrue, so we are informed by Mr. Barnum.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 1, 1902, page 7

W. S. Barnum to Bertha Barnum, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, blk 22, lots 14, 15, blk 3, lot 9, blk 24, lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Barnum's add, Medford, also Barnum residence--love and affection . . .
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, August 8, 1902, page 5

    W. S. Barnum, president of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, is just a little sensitive when matters which bear upon the diminutiveness of certain portions of the rolling stock of his road are touched, but a climax was reached a few days since when a stranger approached one of the small engines of this road, which was standing at the depot, and asked Mr. Barnum to sell him a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Upon being told that the object he had mistaken for a coffee boiler was a railroad locomotive, the stranger apologized for his nearsightedness and narrowly escaped a vigorous kick from the toe of Mr. Barnum's right boot.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 15, 1902, page 7

    Willie Barnum is ill with typhoid fever. Dr. Pickel is in attendance.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, September 19, 1902, page 6

    Will Barnum, of the R.R.V.R.R., has been quite ill with typhoid fever.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 25, 1902, page 2

    While the enterprising citizens of Medford are looking around for something upon which they might give a push forward, they might do a little work on the proposition of an extension of Mr. Barnum's shortline railroad to Eagle Point. It is not improbable that Mr. Barnum would entertain such a proposition if it was backed by something a little more substantial than talk. While it may be true that a line of road to Eagle Point would not be of material advantage to Medford, it is quite as true that a line of road built to a point so near the timber of Rogue River would not stop there, but would push its way on to the immense sugar pine and fir forests of upper Rogue River, in which event Medford would derive a lasting benefit.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 26, 1902, page 7

Lumbering at Jacksonville.
    J. N. Williams, general manager of the Iowa Lumber Company, who recently put up a sawmill on the tract of timber which his company bought a few months since from Beekman & Reames and David Linn, near Jacksonville, reports that the sawmill is now in operation and that a goodly amount of lumber is now on the yard, much of which is being used in the construction of buildings for the company's use. It is the intention of the company, Mr. Williams states, to build a tramway from the mill to connect with the Medford-Jacksonville shortline at Jacksonville.
Valley Record, Ashland, October 16, 1902, page 1

    Our five-mile Rogue River railroad is being extended three miles up into the Griffin Mountains to carry out lumber from the sawmill of Ernest Hart & Co., which is now in operation. He is a brother of former Banker Hart, of Mitchell, and the company is from Sioux City, Iowa. The road is owned by Barnum. He and his three boys do nearly all of the running and repairs.

Reese P. Kendall, "Oregon,"Beloit Weekly Times, Beloit, Kansas, October 23, 1902, page 8

    The first carload of lumber from the Iowa Lumber Co.'s mill arrived in Medford via the Rogue River Valley Railway on Tuesday. It appeared first-class in quality, was of mixed sizes, principally heavy pieces, and consigned to Gold Hill.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 31, 1902, page 7

    W. S. Barnum left for the south on Wednesday with his son, Will, who has been advised to seek a different climate on account of acute muscular rheumatism. It is Mr. Barnum's intention to remain with him in Los Angeles for awhile, and if sufficient benefit is not derived from that locality will go to Arizona. Will had an attack of typhoid fever a few months ago and was left in a precarious condition by a relapse, which developed into rheumatism. His sufferings have been intense, and it is hoped the change of residence will bring about a complete cure.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 19, 1902, page 6

    E. A. Langley is filling the position of engineer of the R.R.V.R. during the absence of W. S. Barnum, and giving general satisfaction.
    Will Barnum, who has been quite sick for some time past, left for Arizona Wednesday, for the benefit of his health. His father accompanied him.

"Brief Mention,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1902, page 2

    E. A. Langley is engineer on the Medford-Jacksonville shortline, during Mr. Barnum's absence in California.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 26, 1902, page 6

    Word was received this week from W. S. Barnum at Yuma, Arizona, that he had reached that point with his son, Will, and would remain there for some time. It had been his intention to stop in Los Angeles for a while, but he decided upon reaching that point to go on. He wrote that Will had stood the trip very well and was feeling somewhat better. Mr. Barnum may return next week if he concludes that the condition of his son will warrant his leaving him there.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 26, 1902, page 7

    W. S. Barnum, president of the R.R.V.R., has returned from Yuma, A.T. He left his son Will., who is suffering from a kidney complaint, considerably improved.

“Local Notes,” Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 7, 1903, page 1

    The waters of Griffin and Daisy creeks covered the tracks of the R.R.V.R. for some distance during the storm. On Saturday the track gave way in one place, a mile west of Medford, as the passenger coach passed over it, but fortunately no damage resulted. Travel was resumed Monday morning.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 28, 1903, page 1

    Will Barnum has gone to Los Angeles and is under treatment at the California hospital.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 4, 1903, page 1

    The R.R.V.R. Co.'s coach left the track Sunday afternoon, after it had reached Medford; but no one was hurt.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 18, 1903, page 1

    Sunday afternoon the forward truck of the coach of the Rogue River Valley R'y. left the rails at the point where the track turns from 8th Street north. As the accident occurred on a very sharp curve the wheels which should have been on the inside rail came to rest just alongside of the outside one, and it required the services of several "jacks" and the advice of most all the bystanders to get the car back on the track, which result was accomplished Monday morning.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 20, 1903, page 7

    A new orchestra has been formed in Medford composed of Chas. Paine, W. H. Simmons, Mrs. J. M. Kiernan and Will. Barnum. It is a combination hard to beat, as all are excellent musicians.

"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 11, 1903, page 2

    Will Barnum, who has been at Los Angeles for the benefit of his health, has returned, considerably improved.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 11, 1903, page 3

    Will Barnum is at the throttle of the R.R.V.R. during the absence of his father.

"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 25, 1903, page 1

Engine for Rogue River Road.
    MEDFORD, Or., May 19.--(Special.)--The new engine for the Rogue River Valley Railroad, which is owned by W. T. Barnum, of this city, was purchased of the Tacoma Engine Works, and arrived this morning. It is now the general supposition that the Rogue River Valley Railroad will be extended from Jacksonville to the large copper mines situated about 30 miles southwest of Jacksonville and owned by Pat Clark, of Montana; also that it will be extended from Medford to Eagle Point, a small town 15 miles east [sic] of Medford, in order to tap the sugar pine belt which commences a few miles from that place.
    Medford is steadily growing, and visitors find difficulty in obtaining suitable rooms.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 20, 1903, page 4

    While on his northern trip W. S. Barnum invested in a first-class new locomotive for the R.R.V.R.

"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 1, 1903, page 1

    Will Barnum:--"You can say that the new motor car will be here by about May 1st. Then we will be ready to carry passengers between Medford and Jacksonville at any hour, day or night. Two regular trips will be made, one morning trip, leaving Jacksonville at 7:30 and Medford at 8; and one evening trip, leaving Jacksonville at 7 and Medford at 9. The car can be chartered at any time for $1.50 per trip. The fare on regular trips will be the same as train fare."
"Street Echoes," Medford Mail, April 14, 1905, page 1
RRVRR circa 1905
From an undated clipping.

Accident at Jacksonville.
    About 2:30 Wednesday morning Tiny Cooper (known as "Sharkey") was struck by the gasoline motor car on the Jacksonville railroad and was very seriously injured. It appears that Cooper had lain down by the side of the track near the court house to rest from strenuous exertions in the proper celebration of the 4th and went to sleep with his head in close juxtaposition with the rail. The motor car came along shortly afterward and struck the sleeping man. The car was derailed, and Cooper sustained severe injuries which may yet result fatally. His lower jaw was broken in two places and he had numerous other hurts. Dr. Pickel removed several teeth and broken portions of the jawbone Thursday morning and is hopeful of recovery for the injured man.
Medford Mail, July 7, 1905, page 1

Cooper Dies of His Injuries.
    JACKSONVILLE, Or., July 10.--"Tine" Cooper, the young man who was run over by the gasoline motor running between Jacksonville and Medford on the morning of July 5, died Saturday, after three days of great suffering.
Morning Oregonian,
Portland, July 11, 1905, page 6

Railroad Work Delayed.
    The work of tracklaying on the Medford & Crater Lake Railroad has been considerably delayed during the past couple of weeks for the want of ties. The Booth-Kelly Company is furnishing the ties, and so far only about two carloads a week have been received. A carload a day could be easily used if they could be had.
    J. F. Kelly, superintendent of construction, reports that three and a half or four miles of track is now laid, but says that had he been supplied with all the ties he could have used he would have had the track laid to the other side of the desert. The crew of workmen, while waiting for ties, is engaged in leveling up the track which is already done.
    An engine, belonging to the Medford-Jacksonville short line,with Marion Tryer as engineer, is employed in handling the construction train. Mr. Tryer has arranged a watering place for the engine at the bridge over Bear Creek A steam pump has been placed on the bridge, with pipe running into the creek. When water is needed a steam pipe between the pump and engine is connected and the water is pumped into the tender by steam from the engine. It is somewhat of an improvised method, but any old port in a storm is a good port--when the engine needs water.
Medford Mail, September 15, 1905, page 1

Motor car at Jacksonville, circa 1905
The 1905 motor car at the Jacksonville depot.

    John Barnum, who has been in San Francisco for the past year, in the employ of a large machinery manufacturing company as designer and draftsman, returned home Saturday, the plant of the company for which he was working having been destroyed in the earthquake. He will remain at home for a short time, and then seek employment in one of the northern cities.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 11, 1906, page 5

One of Medford's Fairest Daughters Weds Prominent Business Man of Jackson County.

    The marriage of William Barnum of Jacksonville and Miss Jessie Eifert of this city was solemnized at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Eifert, on B Street, at eight o'clock Wednesday evening, Rev. Shields of the Presbyterian church officiating. The guests were the immediate relatives of the family and a few invited friends.
    It was a very pretty affair and the house was charmingly trimmed for the occasion. The parlors were appropriately decorated with white chrysanthemums entwined in garlands of ivy; clusters of red berries and hearts furnished the decoration of the dining room and the hall had been transformed into a bower of ivy. The bride was handsomely gowned in white mousseline de soie over white taffeta and was attended by her sister, Edna, as bridesmaid. The groom was attended by his brother, John B. Barnum.
    The Norling orchestra discoursed its sweetest music and at the conclusion of the wedding ceremony the happy pair were showered with a deluge of white blooms. After receiving the congratulations of their friends, the bride and groom led the way to the dining room, where a bountiful course dinner was served.
    The Medford brass band tendered a serenade at the conclusion of the festal hour, which was graciously acknowledged.
    Mr. and Mrs. Barnum left on the night train, amid a shower of rice and the congratulations of friends, for a six weeks' tour in Southern California.
    On their return they will take up their residence in Jacksonville, where Mr. Barnum has business interests connected with the Rogue River Valley Railway.
    The Mail adds its congratulations to those of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Barnum, and trusts that life may hold for them a large measure of happiness and many years.
Medford Mail, November 16, 1906, page 1

Plans of Crater Lake Line's Purchasers Are Revealed.
    The filing of articles of incorporation by the Pacific & Eastern Railway at Salem yesterday revealed the plan of the recent purchasers of the Medford & Crater Lake Railroad to link that system to the Rogue River Valley Railroad, operating from Medford to Jacksonville. The latter road was purchased yesterday by George Estes, of Portland, trustee for the Pacific & Eastern. The price paid is understood to have been $50,000.
    The property is a narrow gauge line, formerly owned and operated by Barnum & Sons, of Jacksonville, for local traffic between the cities of Medford and Jacksonville. The plan of the purchasers is to unite the Crater Lake and the Jacksonville roads into one east and west system.
    George Estes, of Portland, a former railroad man, is to have charge of the properties until turned over to another manager who is to come from the East. M. C. Smith, foreman at the Albina shops of the O.R.&N., has been made master mechanic of the road by Mr. Estes, and G. W. Donnell, now roadmaster for the Southern Pacific at Roseburg, has been appointed chief engineer.

Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 19, 1907, page 11

    By a recent ruling from S.P. headquarters the Jacksonville train will no longer block the Seventh Street crossing and the passage to the exhibit building when passenger trains are due. The Jack. train will pick up freight in the afternoon instead of the morning as heretofore.
"Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, June 5, 1907, page 4

    The R.R.V.Ry. carried about 1800 people from Medford on the Fourth without an accident and on time as per their schedule. The P.&E. also ran excursions from Eagle Point to connect with the Jacksonville train.
    A number of newspapers throughout this section "have had it on reliable authority" that the R.R.V.Ry. company will electrify their road; that they will run branch lines to every town and hamlet in Rogue River Valley, etc., etc., etc. As a matter of fact, no information of any kind has been given out. It is safe to say, however, that the line will NOT be electrified. It is true that the road will be greatly improved, with new equipment, trackage, etc., but it will be as a steam road.
"All Around the Town," Jacksonville Post, July 6, 1907, page 3

    Another complaint has been received by the Railroad Commission from [State Representative B. F.] Jones, and this time he takes the Rogue River Valley Railroad Company to task for alleged inadequacy of service and accommodations generally. He says the Rogue River Railroad maintains no depot at Medford, no place to buy tickets, nor can one ship freight only at such times as the train is at Medford. At Jacksonville, he says, the same conditions exist--no bulletin board is kept, trains run when they please, no toilets on trains, track in frightful condition, the company pays no attention to trains being 14 hours late, no tariffs are posted, and the train officials charge fare and freight rates as the notion strikes them. The Railroad Commission has not received a copy of the passenger and freight tariffs from the Rogue River Railroad Company, and the matter will probably be taken up with the company officials without delay.
"Railroad Talks Back to Jones," Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 3, 1907, page 6

Rogue River Valley Railroad Must Provide Depots and Facilities.
    JACKSONVILLE, Or., Dec. 14.--(Special.)--Oswald West, of the State Railroad Commission, has held an investigation of the complaints made against the Rogue River Valley Railroad. He advised the company immediately to erect a depot and waiting room at Medford; to place a bulletin board on the depot at Medford; to build freight platforms in this city; to leave here according to schedule and to improve conditions generally.
    Mr. West explained to President Barnum that since he was getting his money from the public he should try to give the public value received. The condition of affairs of this road are said to have been deplorable for several years, and the people of Jacksonville and Medford will see to it in the future that better service is given them, as the Commission has agreed to take the matter in hand whenever a complaint is filed.

Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 15, 1907, page 5

    W. S. Barnum, president of the Rogue River Railway Co., is suffering from a severely sprained wrist.
"Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, January 11, 1908, page 4

Jacksonville Post:
    W. H. Barnum and wife, who have been visiting in Seattle, Portland and other northern points, returned last Tuesday to their home in this city. Mr. Barnum has made arrangements to purchase a 50-horsepower auto which will be used on the R.R.V. line. It will be a wonderful improvement over the old motor car.
Medford Mail, January 31, 1908, page 2

Electric Road.
    Last Tuesday at Medford the officers of the Oregon Rapid Transit and Power Co. were chosen as follows: President, Frederick C. Page; Vice-President, F. E. Merrick; Secretary, S. A. Nye; General Manager, F. L. Evans.
    The Oregon Rapid Transit & Power Co. was incorporated last week under the laws of the state of Arizona with a capitalization of $3,000,000, divided into 300,000 shares, par value $10 per share.
    The purpose of this corporation is to encircle the Rogue River Valley with an electric railway. The terminals will be Grants Pass and Ashland, although it is the intention of the company to extend the line to Soda Springs a few miles beyond the latter named terminal.
    General Manager F. L. Evans is only awaiting the arrival of his chief engineer, L. C. Rogers of Mendocino County, Cal., after which the work of surveying and securing the right of way will be commenced.
    The headquarters of this new corporation will be at Jacksonville, where general manager Evans resides. The shops, car barns, etc., will be located at this point, as well as the general officers of the corporation.
    Two power sites have been located by the company on Rogue River, but it has not yet been decided whether they will create their own power or purchase it from other power companies doing business in the valley.
    Every town in Jackson County will be touched by this new line. It will run from Grants Pass to Gold Hill, thence to Central Point, Medford, Jacksonville then following the foothills to Phoenix and Talent, and from there to Ashland and, eventually to Soda Springs.--Jacksonville Post.

Del Norte Record, Crescent City, March 14, 1908, page 1

    It will not be a great while until the city will be in a position to place crushed rock from their quarry on the other side of Jacksonville upon the streets of Medford. The grading of the spur line from the terminus of the Rogue Rive Railroad Company's tracks has been almost completed, and all that remains to be done is the ordering of the materials for the track. President Barnum of the road will leave some time during the present week for Portland, where he will purchase the rails and other material.
    About ten days ago the city engineer left for Jacksonville to survey the route for the spur, and the work has been rushed since so that the grade and embankment is nearly completed. A large force of men have been doing the grading, and the watchword was "rush."
"Road Nearing Completion," Medford Mail, March 22, 1908, page 1

    The old depot of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, which has stood for 18 years near the Southern Pacific tracks on Sixth Street, has been moved to a lot on North D Street, which is owned by President Barnum of the road. The depot has long been a familiar landmark in the city, and for some time that part of the city will look rather queer to those who were accustomed to see it.
The new depot of the road has been completed and is a credit to the town.
"Local Happenings," Medford Mail, May 29, 1908, page 2

    What is a depot?
    The dictionary defines a depot as "a building for the convenience of passengers on a railroad."
    Is the building erected by the Rogue River Valley railroad at Medford a depot?
    Not in the dictionary sense of the word--not in any other sense of the word.
    When the railroad obtained a special permit from the council to erect a wooden structure in the fire limits, it was with the promise that an "ornamental depot" would be erected, and the permission to violate the city statute was given solely for the benefit of the public.
    When the Southern Pacific leased the ground at a nominal figure to the Rogue River Valley Railroad company it was with the written agreement that it be used for passengers, for the benefit of the public.
    The R.R.V. railroad has erected a building, a part of which is used as a freight depot, the balance as stores, which are rented. There is a restaurant and a nursery office, but no place for the passenger to stand or sit. Meals are sold and trees are sold but no tickets.
    If the Southern Pacific will only lease its right of way at a dollar a year, we will all go into the business of erecting stores for rent on the city's main thoroughfare. But it won't to the rest of us.
    The lease and the permit were evidently obtained under false pretenses, for the public hasn't a look-in at this "depot."--Medford Tribune.

Jacksonville Post, July 25, 1908, page 8

    The Jacksonville-Medford jerkwater met with the usual delay Thursday night, only this was more usual, when the engineer-fireman-brakeman-president-machinist-conductor-section boss-office-boy-official started out with a gallon of water and a few sticks of wood and a broken injector to make the round trip to Medford, he found that the S.P. passenger from Portland was late and there was not sufficient water in the boiler to make the round trip and wait on a late S.P. train, but nevertheless the start was attempted from Medford. After traveling about a mile the engineer noticed that the water was very low in the boiler and attempted to start the injector, but the old faithful injector worked as it has oft done before (worked the engineer. )
    The engine was backed down, by gravity, to a residence, the fire pulled and the boiler filled by buckets. By this time the boiler was cold and several long minutes passed before the steam was raised. When the beautiful iron horse and palace car entered the city another inexcusable stop was made in front of the court house, and there the Rogue River Fast Mail stopped for the night--for want of steam. Several passengers became disgusted with the thing and walked to this city.

Jacksonville Post, August 1, 1908, page 3

    The freight rates of the Rogue River Valley Railroad is a question the people of this city are unable to solve. The company will charge $5 for bringing an empty car from Medford here (we have not been able to learn whether they make an extra charge for placing the car on the sidetrack), the fruit men load the car and the company charges $5 for hauling it over to Medford. The Southern Pacific spots a car on a siding for the shipper free of all expense and do not charge $1.00 a mile for hauling the car. If they did the State Commerce Commission would have them before court and heavily fined.
    Is it just? Is it right for the people of this city to be persecuted by a man simply because he has the only means by which the citizens may reach the outside markets with their produce? That was what the State Railroad Commission was created for, to compel the raiders to make reasonable and equal rates.

Jacksonville Post, August 15, 1908, page 6

    Would you believe it if you saw it? Not the jerk-water running between here and Medford, but a real express wagon and a team of horses, owned and operated by the Rogue River Valley steam railroad. As to whether this outfit was bought to take the place of the steam train remains a question yet to be learned, however it is a great improvement.
    If this corporation is permitted to crush the life-blood out of an honest man and his business a radical change should take place in the laws of our state. Charles F. Dunford has been operating an express and dray business in this city for several years and has developed a good business, and has invested every dollar of his earning in businesses and enterprises to help develop the town. Now that he is, in an honest way, handling the bulk of freight between this point and Medford, Mr. Barnum will seek to take from him the local drayage business.
    No, indeed the business interests of this city will not tolerate such actions, and today Mr. Dunford is handling more freight between these two points than at any time since the Blue Ledge closed down. Men who were not in the habit of patronizing Mr. Dunford have requested him haul their freight in the future, which signifies that the people do not believe in letting one man monopolize the freighting business.
    It is Mr. Dunford who keeps the freight rate down to an honest point, as he will go to the freight sheds or business houses and load the freight on his wagon and deliver it to your door or cellar and not charge you one cent cartage, while the R.R.V.R.R. charges the same rate over their line and adds cartage at both ends. So on 100 pounds of freight Mr. Dunford will deliver it to your door for 50
¢ less than the railroad charges. Oranges, lemons, candy and nuts are delivered on the team in much better condition than on the train, because on several occasions boxes have been broken into and hands not always clean plunged into the contents.
    Perishable goods arrive in much better condition on the wagon because they are loaded on the wagon fresh and delivered without delay, while the railroad lets the goods stand on the platform of the depot or in the sun for several hours, and by the time it reaches its destination it is hardly fit to use.

Jacksonville Post, September 5, 1908, page 3

    That the R.R.V.R.R. management has adopted peculiar business methods no one will doubt.
    Mr. Barnum's plea was that he spent several thousand dollars in new rails this year, but he neglected to say that he erected a fire trap in the heart of the city, where the fumes will be a detriment to the progress of the city and the building an eyesore to every citizen in the neighborhood.
    Mr. Dunford does not send to Chicago or any other city for his merchandise; if he can't find what he wants at home he does without. He feels that if Jacksonville is good enough to live in he can find merchandise good enough to buy. Very little of the household necessities used by the Barnums is bought in Jacksonville, but the company depends solely on Jacksonville's merchants for a livelihood. How could a man with modern learning and intelligence collect enough nerve to ask our merchants for their patronage when he trades elsewhere and uses his influence, to that extent, to encourage others to do their buying in some other city?
    Have the Barnums done anything to develop the city? No! Most assuredly NO! I would like to know what class of people could be induced to invest in this city on the strength of those old wooden buildings in the railroad yards.
    Imagine yourself going down the street, facing your townspeople and depending on them for a living and then doing all in your power to ruin their business. Dear reader, imagine yourself in this light; could you look an honest man in the eye and ask for his business?

Jacksonville Post, September 19, 1908, page 3

    Last Monday when the Medford Limited (limited accommodations) pulled out of the county seat, the conductor discovered that he left the mail behind, possibly at some street corner or at the depot, and waving his hand at the engineer brought the train to a halt and proceeded back on foot (which was the fastest and surest way to travel) to find the mail. After a few minutes delay the conductor with the mail hove in sight. Of course the passengers could walk if they did not like the idea of waiting, and it is all right with the government if the government officials don't learn of the affair.
    On July 16 of this year the mail was carried down to a street crossing and left on the ground until the conductor attended to some switching. This, of course, is all right. If you are sending valuable registered packages through the mail and the pouches lay around on the ground and these packages become damaged, who is responsible?
    If a man neglects the mail and leaves it at the depot until after the train pulls out he might neglect it and leave it on the railroad track and let the train run over it.

Jacksonville Post, October 10, 1908, page 3

Wreck on the Rogue River R.R.
    The truth of the statement in the last Saturday's Post that the engines used on the R.R.V.R.R. are too small to handle, with safety, more than one car was verified Friday when the morning train pulled out of Medford for this city.
    When the train reached the small grade just this side of the grove, the drawhead on the engine pulled out and fell to the track, tearing up the roadbed and breaking ties for about 200 feet.
    This was purely carelessness on the part of the officials and should be checked before it costs the lives of a few of our citizens.
    It was a case of luck, should there be any meaning to this word, that the coach was not rolled over in the ditch crushed beneath the load of two or three cars of gravel. It is the custom of this company to have the gravel cars behind the passenger coach, but on this trip the engine was between the gravel cars and the coach, the gravel cars being in front.
    The passengers, consisting of women, babies, children and a few men, were placed on an open flat car with the express, mail and baggage--no, not baggage, because this company don't haul baggage--and brought them to this city.

Jacksonville Post, October 31, 1908, page 4

RRVRR Depot 1912
The new RRVRy depot, 23 West Main, in 1912.

    Mr. Barnum has the connections made with his main line and was yesterday laying the iron on the spur track at the rock bunkers in West Medford.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, November 5, 1908, page 2

    Mr. Barnum is putting in a new sidetrack in the railroad yards here for use in handling rock cars.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, November 20, 1908, page 2

Rogue River Valley Railroad Under Examination.
    The state railroad commissioners will hold a business session at Jacksonville today, beginning at 11:30 o'clock. The commission will listen to such complaints as may be offered upon matters appertaining to Mr. Barnum's methods of handling the business of his railroad--the Rogue River Valley line.
    Mr. Barnum has been made the butt of considerable criticism, a good part of which The Morning Mail does not believe he is entitled to. It is a noticeable fact that since Mr. Barnum had a little trouble with Mayor Reddy and publisher Putnam, his path has not been without its thorns.
    Personally, the publisher of The Morning Mail does not like Mr. Barnum a little bit, but The Morning Mail does not see in that just grounds for criticizing his methods of handling a railroad.
    The railroad was a financial wreck when he bought it, and if it was that now there would be no criticism as to its management, but since Mr. Barnum has made something out of nothing, and has made the road of some value to himself and county, a howl goes out by those who may have tried to hand the "old man" a bunch that he is mistreating the public. However, his road represents something more than Forty-Seventh Series Pacific & Eastern rust-plated bonds.
Excerpted, Medford Mail, January 8, 1909, page 1


Full Compliance with Railroad Commission's Orders--Cars Must Be Heated and Watered--
Discrimination of All Kinds Must Cease--Many Witnesses Examined Regarding R.R.V.R.R.

    "We shall expect full compliance with the order heretofore issued. This includes heat, drinking water and toilets on cars, also ventilation of Medford depot; also bulleting of schedule time and time of probable departure of all trains.
    "The company shall maintain a regular schedule.
    "Trains leaving Medford wait for Southern Pacific first and sections, but not necessarily more than one hour. Trains should signal before leaving Medford.
    "Motor service to be resumed on old schedule within 30 days from this date, thereafter motor service shall be maintained regularly.
    "Discriminations of all sorts must cease.
    "Order shall become effective 30 days from date of service of copy, except 30 days from this date allow to resume motor service.
    "We will check over this service later on to see if it is being complied with."

    The above is a memorandum of the orders issued by the Oregon state railroad commission to the Rogue River Valley Railroad after examining between 20 and 30 witnesses regarding the complaint filed alleging that the state law was being violated in the operation of the Jacksonville trunk line.
    Many prominent residents of Jacksonville, Medford and Ashland appeared before the commission, which opened its hearings in Jacksonville Tuesday morning and closed them in Medford Wednesday. Attorneys E. E. Kelly and Charles Prim represented the railroad, and District Attorney Mulkey examined witnesses for the state. Most of the testimony concerned neglect of passengers' comfort and violations of the law which have been remedied or are now being remedied by Mr. Barnum. Since the commission announced its sitting here, a Jacksonville station has been provided, preparations made for toilets and water on the cars and steps taken to remedy other violations of the commission's orders and the state law.
    The most important evidence submitted to the commission was the testimony of T. E. Kinney of Jacksonville, who admitted having a secret rebate agreement with the Barnums whereby, though nominally charged 10 cents a package, he really paid 10 cents a hundredweight, as soon as the packages accumulated 100 pounds, the balance being rebated by the railroad. Others had to pay the straight 10 cents a package.
    Many of those who have been loudest in their complaints against the railroad failed to make good when on the stand, and it being evident that Mr. Barnum was now trying, though tardily, to comply with the law, the commission will not instigate prosecution for past violations.
    From Mr. Barnum's testimony it is evident that he regards railroads as private business enterprises, to be operated to suit the owner's pleasure, instead of public convenience.
    The complaint against the railroad was filed by Commissioner Campbell after a recent visit here, because of Mr. Barnum's neglect to comply with the commission's former order.
    Commissioners Campbell, Aitchison and West returned Wednesday to Salem.
Medford Daily Tribune, January 6, 1909, page 1

Must Comply with Orders Issued by the Railroad Commission--Will Look into Matter Later--No Discriminations.

    The railroad company was notified to comply with the orders issued by the commission some months ago, about toilets and drinking water on cars, and waiting rooms. The company was also ordered to resume the motor car service within 30 days on the old schedule for the accommodation of the public. The company was also ordered to provide heat in the cars. The motor car must be repaired in order to provide heat. Heat in this car is very important.
    All discriminations must cease. No more rebates will be allowed.
    The depot at Medford must be repaired for the comfort of the people.
    The gravel cars must be drawn in front of the passenger cars and behind the engine.
    A great many witnesses who complained most vigorously of the service and fare charged on the road were silent on the witness stand.
Jacksonville Post, January 9, 1909, page 1

     The officials of the R.R.V.R.R. was up before the state railroad commission Tuesday for hearing regarding the service afforded the public. Thos. K. Campbell, president; Clyde B. Aitchison and Oswald West were present assisted by District Attorney B. F. Mulkey.
    The commission went into the matter thoroughly and investigated the train service and freight rates.
    Owing to the large number of witnesses the commission was unable to finish the hearing in Jacksonville and adjourned to meet in the depot at Medford. The witnesses who did not testify here accompanied the commission to Medford.
    Several witnesses from Medford and Ashland were called by the state to testify about the service. Mr. Ed Briggs was a very good witness and told of much needed improvements in train service. The heating of cars, depot facilities and equipment was brought out and from the evidence introduced it could be plainly seen that the company was not treating the public fairly.
    T. J. Kenney testified that he had a special rate of ten cents for 100 pounds on small parcels while other merchants were obliged to pay a minimum of 15 cents on each package.
    Chas. Prim and E. E. Kelley represented the defense. Both attorneys raised several objections to questions in order to quash important information but the commission was here to investigate and allowed all questions.
    Frank Calkins was employed by the commission as official reporter. Mr. A. S. Rosenbaum of Medford testified as an expert witness. W. I. Vawter was subpoenaed as a witness but as he uses his own carriage in preference to riding on the railroad he proved a poor witness.
    The Commission arrived on the 11:30 o'clock train and immediately investigated the waiting room, which is too small to accommodate even a small crowd. They found that the state law was violated inasmuch as the company does not have the tariffs published at the depot.
    The depot at Medford was shown to be more of a lunch counter than a depot, which establishment is of little or no benefit to the traveling public. Restaurants are maintained at depots along the S.P. line for the accommodation of through passengers but on this line, which is six miles long, it is of no benefit. It was shown in the evidence that the public used the S.P. depot in Medford in preference to the R.R.V.R.R. depot. The reason for this is that the S.P. depot is more comfortable.
    M. Purdin of Medford was a good witness for the state as well as C. C. Beekman, who was of the opinion that the passenger car could be made more comfortable. Geo. L. Davis suggested some improvements in the arrival and departure of trains. M. M. Taylor furnished some valuable information when he stated that his company was paying a minimum of 16 cents for each small package.
    Postmaster J. F. Miller's memory was poor. He could not remember when the engine run out of water between Jacksonville and Medford and the train had to back down to a farm house, cool off the boiler and fill it with buckets. The train on this occasion arrived about 9 o'clock p.m. and then on account of steam was not able to reach the depot. Only last week the evening train was late. About two weeks ago the passengers were obliged to walk from Sam Bossum's residence to Jacksonville; the mail was late on this occasion. Again when the railroad officials attempted to load a rock crusher on a flat car near Medford and the mail and passengers were loaded in automobiles and and hacks and brought through. The expressman on one occasion went out to meet the train to get some ice cream for a social; the train was delayed about a mile out of Medford, however the mail and ice cream was brought in on a hand car.
    The commissioners will take the evidence to Salem for consideration and will from there issue their orders. They have directed their attention to the larger roads and therefore have neglected the smaller ones, but all roads will receive attention in due course of time.
    The commissioners will investigate a complaint against the S.P. Co. near Tolo. It seems that the S.P. sold some timber land to an Italian who was to cut wood, the company agreeing to put in a side track when a certain amount of wood was cut. This has not been done and the wood is ready for shipment.
    The investigation was brought about through the efforts of the Post to secure better service. We labored earnestly in behalf of the people and have accomplished the desired results.
    The company has repaired their track, put in toilets, opened up a waiting room and electric lights; toilets have been provided in the car also drinking water. The fare on the line is unreasonable.
    One of the commissioners in examining a witness about the necessity of water on the car made the remark that Portland street cars did not carry water, and the passengers rode a longer distance. Let us see. From St. Johns to Mt. Scott is a distance of about 8 miles, the fare is 5 cents. From Oregon City to Portland is a distance of 12 miles, the fare is 25 cents and on some occasions the writer has made the round trip, 24 miles, for 25 cents. If we compare our conditions with Portland why not give us a 5-cent fare to Medford? That would not be asking as much as the people of Portland demand. We are human and labor hard and earnestly for our money.
    One man made the remark just before court opened that he knew the company spent $27,000 last year in improvements. I wish to inform this party that before he makes such a rash break as this again he had better get posted. The company's own figures show: Repairs to roadway $345.00; renewals of rails $7,900.00; renewals of ties $1,290.00; repairs and renewals of bridges and culverts, $13.50; repairs and renewals of fences, road crossings, signs and cattle guards, $17.30; total $9,665.80. The total cost of the road, construction and equipment is only $28,670.00 on June 30, 1907. The total amount of iron rails used is .54 and steel 5.71 miles.
    The extension to the rock crushers was put in at the expense of the city of Medford.
Jacksonville Post, January 9, 1909, page 1

Barnum Blameworthy.
    At the meeting of the state railway commission at Jacksonville convened to take evidence related to alleged discrimination in matter of freights and to remedy existing conditions on the Rogue River Valley Railroad, the tap-line connecting Medford with Jacksonville, the county seat, the commission found evidence of some discrimination in matters of freight, but nothing of a material nature, and issued orders to the management of the road to provide heat and water for drinking on passenger coaches and to provide proper accommodations in the waiting room, as well as suitable ventilation at the Medford terminus. The motor service, which has been in operation for some years, was discontinued early in the winter, and the commission ordered it restored within 60 days from date of service of order. Provision was also made for providing a regular schedule and maintaining it and for bulletining the arrival and departure of trains and motor in the office of the company.
Ashland Tidings, January 11, 1909, page 5

Same Old Train.
In dark ages since many years have passed,
Six miles an hour was considered pretty fast;
But now in nineteen hundred and nine
That's some speed on Barnum's line!
Same old wheezing engine and car
Starts for J'ville with an awful jar;
Foxy Barnum rents his whole depot
And makes us wait out in the snow.
It's just that same old train that's running
In just that same old jerky way;
No wonder we are always kicking
At the price we have to pay;
Oh, won't you tell me when we'll get there?
Oh, won't you use a little more wood?
Same little jolly, it gives one a pain;
Same little jerky, same old train.
Teddy says railroads must be controlled;
Honest voter does as he is told;
Legislature yields to people's will,
Railroad c'mission just fills the bill.
Then the c'mission comes to Jacksonville,
Calls in Barnum; also John and Will.
Asks them questions, tells them what to do;
Goes away, thinks its labors through.
It's just that same old train that's running
In just that same old jerky way;
No wonder we are always kicking
At the price we have to pay;
They didn't mind the old c'mission,
They go right on the same old way.
Same little station; folks raising Cain;
Same busted schedule; same old train.
Frederick Haslund, "Joshes Handed with Lavish Hands at Banquet," Southern Oregonian, Medford, January 13, 1909, page 6   Sung to the tune of "It's Just the Same Old Moon."

Commission Orders Improvement by R.R.V.Ry. Co.
    The state railroad commission, which was in session in Medford yesterday for the purpose of making inquiry into the charges preferred against Mr. Barnum and his Medford-Jacksonville railroad, closed their investigation yesterday forenoon and left for Myrtle Creek, where they have other matters to look after.
    As a result of the investigation Mr. Barnum will be required to supply the passenger cars with drinking water and with toilets.
    The depot at Medford must be ventilated;
    A schedule of the arrival and departure of trains must be posted;
    Motor car service must be resumed within 30 days, and about on old schedule.
    All these changes or additions are to be made within 20 days, except as where otherwise specified.
Medford Mail, January 15, 1909, page 1

    Last week the Medford Commercial Club gave a banquet which was the scene of much fun and amusement. Frederick Haslund made the hit of the evening when he sang "The Same Old Train.'' There is a great amount of truth in the lines and voices the sentiment of the people in general. It follows:

In dark ages since many years have past,
Six miles an hour was considered pretty fast;
But now in nineteen hundred and nine
That's some speed on Barnum's line!
Same old wheezing engine and car
Starts for J'ville with an awful jar;
Foxy Barnum rents his whole depot
And makes us wait out in the snow.
It's just that same old train that's running
In just that same old jerky way;
No wonder we are always kicking
At the price we have to pay;
Oh, won't you tell me when we'll get there?
Oh, won't you use a little more wood?
Some little jolly, it gives one a pain;
Same little jerky, same old train.
Teddy says railroads must be controlled;
Honest voter does as he is told;
Legislature yields to people's will,
Railroad commission just fills the bill.
Then the commission comes to Jacksonville,
Calls in Barnum; also John and Will.
Asks them questions, tells them what to do;
Goes away, thinks its labors through.
It's just that same old train that's running
In just the same old jerky way;
No wonder we are always kicking
At the price we have to pay;
They didn't mind the old c'mission,
They go right on the same old way.
Same little station; folks raising Cain;
Same busted schedule; same old train.
Jacksonville Post, January 23, 1909, page 4

    A new station is to be established on the Rogue River Valley Railroad on the outskirts of Medford in what is known as Sunset addition. Besides being in Sunset addition, the station will be located on Sunset Avenue and will probably be called Sunset.
    The railroad company has promised to construct in the near future a switch from its main line and around this is planned to build a suburb. The new station has already one business plant to start with, and that is L. F. Lozier's cider and jelly factory.

Medford Mail, March 19, 1909, page 1

    Wm. Barnum, division superintendent of the R.R.V.R.R., is repairing the terminal yards in Jacksonville by putting in new steel and ties. The company intends to put on a large motor car with a carrying capacity of of 30 passengers and will make trips to Medford every two hours. The steam cars will be used chiefly for freight and baggage.
Jacksonville Post, March 20, 1909, page 1

New Motive Power for Rogue River Valley Railroad in a Short Time.
    That a gasoline motor car service on the Rogue River Valley Railroad between this city and Jacksonville will soon be in operation is now an assured fact.
    William Barnum, one of the officials of the Rogue River Valley Railroad system, will leave next week for San Francisco to place an order for a large gasoline motor car which will, it is said, be ready for delivery to this city inside of two months.
    The car is to be patterned after those now regularly used by the Southern Pacific Company on the lines in the Sacramento Valley in and around Oroville and Chico. It is to cost over $6000, and will be operated by a couple of powerful gasoline engines. A compartment for light freight will be provided, while a portion of the car will be arranged for observation purposes.
    The locomotive which is now in use will still be kept in service, but only for moving heavy freight. The freight train will be run so as not to interfere with the regular trips of the passenger-carrying gasoline car.
    According to present plans, the motor car will leave Jacksonville every morning at 7:30 o'clock and arrive here about 8 o'clock, or a little before, depending upon the number of stops that have to be made. Regular trips will be made during the day and from five to eight opportunities given residents of this section to go over to the county seat and return.
    Property owners along the line of the railroad have become greatly interested in the project and are planning to open up tracts of land for sale along the route and thus encourage homeseekers who have business interests in Medford to make their homes a couple of miles out of town. By so doing the territory between this city and Jacksonville will eventually become thickly settled and result in the ultimate merging of the two towns into practically one municipality.
    In addition to the motor car service on the Rogue River Valley line, the Southern Pacific Company is planning, it is reported, to put on a gasoline car to run from Medford to Ashland and also from this city to Grants Pass. Such action upon the part of the Southern Pacific would in no way be an innovation--that company having used gasoline motor cars with great success in California for some time past.
Medford Mail, April 2, 1909, page 1

    The Rogue River Valley Railroad company this week received two new flatcars and will add more in a short time. The motor car which they are expecting to put on is being held up because the factories in the East are overrun with orders and cannot just now make the engine wanted. However, the framework will be gotten ready, and when the engine arrives in San Francisco, where the car is to be built, it will soon be put in shape for use.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, May 21, 1909, page 2

Motor Car for Rogue River Railroad Ready in Two Months
    Mr. and Mrs. Will Barnum returned last night from a visit of several weeks in San Francisco and other California cities. Mr. Barnum's mission to these places was to "get wise" to the best style of a "real" motor passenger car to put into service on the Medford-Jacksonville line. He was successful in finding what he wanted--that is, he had plans and blueprints made of a car which will just fill the bill, but it will require six weeks or two months to construct it. The car will cost about $8000, and it will be a good one and capable of making a speed of 60 miles an hour. In case the travel should demand trips over the road oftener than they are now made before the new car is ready for use, the Barnums will double their present schedule and will use the present steam equipment for the service.
Medford Mail, May 28, 1909, page 1

    The Rogue River Valley Railway Company has a crew of men at work on its track near the west side school, lowering and straightening the same, so that it will conform to the street grades.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, June 18, 1909, page 2

The Superintendent of P.&E. Reports that Much Steel Laid.
    Frank Kowalski (Big Frank), superintendent of the track-laying gang on the Pacific & Eastern, reported last night that he had one mile of steel laid and was now awaiting for ties with which to continue the work. The grading gang have one and a half miles more grading, ready for ties.
    The company expects to get down 17 miles of new track this fall, but if Mr. Kowalski loses any more cars of ties in transit it is doubtful if they make it. He tells that Mr. Barnum of the Medford-Jacksonville short line now has a tracer out hunting for a lost car of ties--supposed to have been lost between Jacksonville, the shipping point, and Medford.

Medford Mail, July 23, 1909, page 2

Driver Thrown from Rig and Arm Is Fractured
    The motor car of the Rogue River Valley Railroad smashed into the delivery wagon of the Medford Furniture Company about 8 o'clock yesterday forenoon, and threw the driver, Warren Butler, a distance of several feet, hurting him quite badly.
    The boy was driving northward on Oakdale Avenue, and as there is no possible chance for anyone to see the track to the east of Oakdale on account of houses, the driver, who is only 11 years of age, was upon the track before he noticed the train, and was unable to avoid the accident.
Soft Dirt Lessened Shock.
    The motor struck the rear of the wagon and threw the boy into the air and away from the wagon a distance of several feet. The boy landed in the dirt, which lies inside of the curbing, on his head and shoulders, and the soil being loose perhaps saved him from more serious injuries. The wagon was damaged some, the rear axle being badly sprung and the bed racked and loosened.
Arm Fractured.
    As the child complained of being sore and that his arm was hurting, Dr. Shearer was called and after an examination found that the right arm was fractured near the shoulder and that his body had several other minor bruises. The jar, too, made the lad quite sick.
    Several eyewitnesses said that the boy was not to blame; others say that the driver of the motor did all in his power, but all unite on the opinion that it was more the fault of the location than anything else.
    Since this avenue has been paved it has been one of the most traveled streets in the city, and unusual precaution should be exercised by the trainmen and vehicle drivers. There should be a signboard put up by the railroad company, as an added precaution, and drivers, especially automobiles, should slow down before going over this crossing.
Medford Mail, October 8, 1909, page 1

March 19, 1910 San Francisco Call, page 10
March 19, 1910 San Francisco Call, page 10

Motor Car Built in San Francisco
    A gasoline-driven railway car, capable of seating 30 passengers, and of developing and maintaining a speed of 40 miles per hour, has just been finished by the Ferry Garage Company of 23 Washington Street, San Francisco, for the Rogue River Valley Railroad company of Oregon. W. H. Barnum, manager of the railroad company, personally assisted in the car's construction.
    Every piece of material in the car is of local manufacture, except the engine. James F. Van Loben Sels, manager of the Ferry Garage Company, has tested the car thoroughly on the Belt Line Railroad along the waterfront, and its capabilities have led him to go into the manufacture of gasoline railroad cars very largely, as his shop has peculiar advantages for handling this type of construction.
    The Southern Pacific and Santa Fe operate gasoline cars in this state, but so far the coaches used have been entirely of eastern manufacture.
    The contract called for a speedy and commodious car, and this has been supplied. It will run between Jacksonville and Medford in southern Oregon. Steam cars are now being operated over the six miles separating Medford from the county seat, and these will be kept in service. But the speedy gasoline car, operated at one-tenth the cost of the steam-driven vehicles, will be sent over the rails, affording a speedy passenger, mail and express service, making a round trip every hour.
    The car was built at a cost of about $6,000. Its engine is 70 horsepower, four cylinder, water cooled, with three speeds forward and reverse, so that it can be run with equal facility each way. There are large compartments for mail and express. The car is so powerful that it can be used to shunt boxcars around, if necessary, or haul cars, for that matter.
    Besides F. Van Loben Sels and W. H. Barnum, manager of the Rogue River Valley Railroad company, A. Olin, designer and head mechanic for the makers, took a prominent part in the construction of the car.
San Francisco Call, March 19, 1910, page 10

Medford Gets Motor Service.
    MEDFORD, Or., April 1.--(Special.)--President Barnum, of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, today received a new 77-horsepower motor car, similar to the one recently put on the run from Ashland to Grants Pass by the Southern Pacific railroad. It will seat 45 passengers. This will be a great benefit to the people traveling between Medford and Jacksonville, especially when court is in session at the county seat.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 2, 1910, page 5

128 Oregon Street, Jacksonville, Oregon:
William H. Barnum, 26, railroad company treasurer, born in New York, father born in Canada, mother born in Illinois
Jessie Barnum, 23, wife, born in Ohio, father born in Ohio, mother Pennsylvania
William S. Barnum, 52, father, railroad company president, born in Canada, father born in Vermont, mother born in Canada
Bertha Barnum, 56, mother, born in Illinois, parents' birthplaces unknown
John C. Barnum, 30, brother, railroad company manager, born in New York
George A. Barnum, 19, brother, railroad engineer, born in Oregon
U.S. Census, enumerated April 20, 1910

Barnum at Portland.
    The following article concerning our townsman Mr. W. S. Barnum appeared in the Portland Journal April 21. We omit the Journal's headlines:
    "W. H. Barnum, accompanied by Mrs. Barnum, of Jacksonville, is spending a few days in the city.
    "There is probably no other man in the United States that holds as many responsible positions in railroad circles as Mr. Barnum. But the good people of Jacksonville go right along, paying no attention to his greatness. They are used to it. He is the president, general manager, master mechanic, superintendent, train dispatcher, engineer, fireman and section boss of the Rogue River Valley railroad company. His son, John, is secretary, and another son, William, is treasurer.
    The Rogue River Valley Railroad runs from Medford to Jacksonville, a distance of five miles. The train makes six trips to and from Medford daily, and consists of a coach, sometimes two, and an engine.
    Barnum has never yet acted as conductor. John does that. John is conductor, brakeman, switchman, and straw boss on the section. One time, Jacksonville people say, the elder Barnum was gone, and John essayed to handle the entire service. So he ran the train down the track about half way to Medford, stopped her and then went back and collected fares. Two young, obstreperous and wicked fellows got off and refused to pay just then, and John had to go back to his engine and haul them free of charge. He couldn't be in two places at once, after all.
    William, the treasurer of the road, is a king in his own right. He has charge of the evening service. Nifty thing, that evening service. It consists of a motor car that will, in a pinch, hold eight people. It runs by gasoline power--unless it burns out a sparking plug, or a doodad, or whatever it is that happens to motor cars that run on tracks. The nifty part of it is that you pay 50 cents to ride on the motor car. Two bits is the fare one way in the passenger coach in the daytime.
    After a while the Rogue River Valley railroad company will have a full crew, for George is growing up. George is the youngest son. Sometimes George acts as conductor. It is really not such a hard task, after one gets his hand in. But great changes are scheduled for the Rogue River Valley Railroad. The company is soon to place in commission a motor car that will accommodate 40 passengers. It was tried out the other day and proved a failure. Something was too light--the dynamo, perhaps. Anyway, Mr. Barnum says, it will be all right when whatever is broke is fixed, and then the engineer will be out of a job. It will give him an opportunity to attend to his other duties.''

Jacksonville Post, April 30, 1910, page 3

R.R.V.R.R. Limited Hits Delivery Wagon at Tea and Coffee House
and Puts It Out of Business--Driver Has Narrow Escape.

    The 10:15 o'clock train of the Rogue River Valley Railway today struck the delivery wagon of the Southern Oregon Tea & Coffee house at the crossing on Eighth Street between Fir and Grape streets, demolishing the wagon and bruising the driver, Roy Gray, severely.
    Young Gray says he was hurrying down Eighth with a quick-order delivery and heard neither whistle nor bell. The rig is a solid-covered one, from which the driver can only see straight ahead. As he made the crossing the train struck the wagon, overturning it and tearing off both hind wheels. Gray was caught underneath the top and close to the heels of the horse drawing the rig. The animal did not attempt to run, fortunately for the lad.
    The crossing where the accident occurred is a dangerous one, and several serious accidents have been avoided there more by luck than good management. The incoming train, however, has a full view of the crossing from Oakdale, and the expenditure of a little steam in a warning whistle this morning might have prevented the accident.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1910, page 1

    The Rogue River Valley Railway, Jacksonville, Ore., now has in operation making regular trips the gasoline motor car illustrated. The body is of wood built on a steel channel underframe. It is divided into a smoking compartment seating six passengers and a general compartment seating 22 passengers. Leaf springs 5 ft. long reinforced with coil springs under the journal boxes support the underframe on the axles and make the car ride very easily. The wheelbase is 10 ft.
The 1909 car, as pictured in the July 1910 issue of Electric Railway Journal
    The car is driven by a vertical, four-cylinder Brennan gasoline engine of 70 hp. The engine is mounted on a steel subframe below the floor line of the car body and is connected with a cone clutch on a longitudinal shaft to heavy reversible transmission gears, giving three speeds forward and three speeds reversed. Two sprocket chains are used to connect the transmission gears to the front axle. Control apparatus is mounted in each end of the car body, so that the car can be run in either direction. The car has a maximum speed of 35 m.p.h., and on regular trips has carried 48 passengers up a 1 percent grade with ease. Acetylene gas is used for lighting. The car was designed by W. H. Barnum, vice-president and treasurer of the railway, and was built by the Ferry Garage Company, of San Francisco, Cal. It cost about $5,000.
Electric Railway Journal, July 16, 1910, page 121

Barnum Builds.
    J. C. Barnum, president and owner of the Rogue River Valley Railway, is to erect a modern four-story building on the corner of Front and Fifth streets in Medford if his plans do not miscarry. The building will cost not less than $75,000. The first floor is to be used as a depot for the R.R.V. Railway, while the floor above will be utilized as a hotel.
Ashland Tidings, August 15, 1910, page 4

Drastic Action Is Expected Soon on Part of City Dads
Against W. S. Barnum If He Doesn't Lower Rails.

    W. S. Barnum, the owner of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, has thus far refused to lower his track to meet the levels of the Holly and Fir street crossings. Councilman Emerick, detailed by the city dads to see that Mr. Barnum fulfilled his contract with the city, has been unable to get action and states that he does not believe that Barnum will lower his rails until drastic action is taken by the city council.
    At the next meeting of the council Mr. Emerick states he will propose an ordinance to bring Barnum to time, as the raised tracks are a menace to the people who must cross them.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 16, 1910, page 5

    MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 18.--Announcement is made by president Barnum that the Rogue River Valley railroad, operating between Medford and Jacksonville, is to be extended west from Jacksonville for a distance of two miles up Jackson Creek. Work will be begun within a week, and it is expected to have the extension completed within two months. The extension will be to afford aid in the development of the brick, tile, lime, cement, lumber and wood industries of that section.
Statesman Journal, Salem, October 19, 1910, page 4

Will Extend its Line up the Gulch to Opp Mine.
    The Rogue River Valley Railway Co. is preparing to extend their track up Jacksonville creek to the Opp mine. The purpose of the proposed extension is to facilitate the handling of tailings from the cyanide plant, which is in great demand as a top dressing for paved streets. All preliminary arrangements have been completed, and active construction work will commence as soon as the necessary rails and material arrives.
    There is no truth in the rumor that the road will immediately build to Ruch. W. S. Barnum, president of the line, will attend a meeting at Ruch today to discuss with the citizens of that place and vicinity the feasibility of extending the road, but as yet no definite steps have been taken.
    All citizens of Ruch and vicinity who are interested in securing railway facilities are urged to meet with Mr. Barnum and talk over the matter.

Jacksonville Post, October 29, 1910, page 1

Applegate Working for Railroad--Representatives of Rogue River Valley Road Present and Agreement Is Reached.

    A meeting of the citizens of Applegate was held at Ruch Saturday afternoon, which was attended by nearly every resident of the section.
    The object of the meeting was to induce the construction of a railroad into that section. Representatives of the Rogue River Valley Railway were present, and an agreement was reached whereby 60 acres would be given at Ruch on the completion of the road from Jacksonville to that point. Just when construction will commence is not given out, but it is well known that Mr. Barnum & Sons, who are the R.R.V.R. per se, have contemplated invading the Applegate Valley for some time, and have had surveys made establishing the gradients and have secured the right of way over most of the route.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1910, page 1

Empire Builder Gives Aid to Rogue River Valley Railroad.
Special to the Union.
    KLAMATH FALLS (Ore.), Dec. 1.--When James J. Hill's men assist another railroad it is usually very good evidence that the "empire builder" is also interested in the outcome of the work in which his employees are engaged; at least that is the way men conversant with railroad work in this part of the state look upon George H. Kyle's connection with the Rogue River Valley [rail]road at Jacksonville in Jackson County. Mr. Kyle was the engineer who located the line for the Hill road in the northern part of this county leading from the Klamath Indian Reservation along the north shore of the Upper Klamath Lake to Medford, and he is called Hill's "pathfinder." That road is called the Pacific and Eastern, and it is more than rumor that it is to connect with the Oregon Trunk Line, which Hill is building through this state and over which trains will be running from Celilo to Madras by the first of February, it is authoritatively stated.
    The supposition is that Hill is seeking an outlet to the coast for the Oregon Trunk and that the line which Mr. Kyle is obligingly locating for the Rogue River Valley road may eventually have something to do with the coast route of the Hill road.

Sacramento Daily Union, December 2, 1910, page 8

For Construction of Road into Applegate Valley, Arrives.
    A locomotive owned by the Hill railroad interests arrived in Medford this morning, sent here by John J. Stevens, for use in construction work on the extension of the Barnum road to Ruch, which will form a line for Hill's Oregon Trunk to the sea. The engine was taken to Jacksonville during the forenoon.
    The locomotive has done construction duty on Hill's North Bank railroad and his Oregon Trunk, and later was used on construction work on the Pacific and Eastern. It was taken north some time ago and repaired, repainted, and a sign put on it which reads: "Rogue River Valley Railroad Company.''
    A citizen of the city, looking at the locomotive this morning, winked one eye and said: "That settles it.''
    "Settles what?'' asked a representative of the Sun.
    "Why, that's a Hill engine, and it means that the Sun has got the right line on the whole business when it stated that the Barnum and Hill interests had got married.''
    The locomotive came in from Portland, hauled dead by the Southern Pacific.--Medford Sun.

Jacksonville Post, December 10, 1910, page 1

Railway Headed to Coast.
    Medford--It became known recently that George Kyle, until recently with the Hill railroads, is surveying a railroad line from Jacksonville, Ore., over the mountains west into the Applegate Valley. Although Kyle is seemingly in the employ of W. S. Barnum, president of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, the belief has arisen that Hill is after an outlet to the coast for the Oregon Trunk, his new line through Eastern Oregon.
Madras Pioneer, Madras, Oregon, December 15, 1910, page 6

President of Rogue River Valley Road Buys 160 Acres.
    MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 27.--(Special.)--President Barnum, of the Rogue River Valley Railroad Company, has purchased 160 acres of land at Ruch, in the Applegate Valley, 20 miles west of Medford, and will promote a town site. This purchase was made because of the contemplated extension of the Rogue River Valley road, which at present runs from Medford to Jacksonville, the county seat of Jackson County.
    The line has been surveyed to Ruch from Jacksonville by the Barnum interests, and in the spring it is expected that the Hill line will take up the work of continuing the road from Ruch to the coast. The line will follow Forest Creek into Ruch. The town site purchased by Mr. Barnum is situated at the junction of the Applegate River and Forest Creek. Active work is in progress on the Rogue River Valley extension, there being a force of 25 men grading the first mile out of Jacksonville.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 28, 1910, page 6

Unknown Miscreants Attempt to Wreck the Jacksonville Limited in Broad Daylight--
Place Barrels and Ties Along Track.
    Prompted either by mischief or more sinister motives, an unknown person yesterday jeopardized the lives of a trainload of passengers on the afternoon train from Jacksonville to Medford by placing a number of barrels and railroad ties along the right of way.
    The identity of the guilty parties is a mystery, and no clue which could lead to their prosecution could be furnished by the railroad's employees.
    Shortly after the afternoon train left Jacksonville for Medford, the engineer was forced to bring his train to a sudden stop because of an object lying between the rails. He descended and discovered an empty barrel. The train was started again, but every few hundred feet for a distance of almost a mile the train was forced to come to a stop to permit the removal of some obstruction in the form of a railroad tie or an empty barrel.

    Owing to the fact that the recent rains had softened the roadbed, the trains are only run over that section of the road at a slow speed and this, coupled with the fact that it was daylight and the obstructions could be seen probably averted what at night might have resulted in a catastrophe.
Medford Mail Tribune,
January 29, 1911, page 1

Laborers in Motor Bumped at Jacksonville Are Hurt--One May Die. Many Escape Crash.
    MEDFORD, Or., April 4.--(Special.)--Breaking loose from the engine while on a steep grade just beyond Jacksonville this afternoon, a heavy train loaded with rock plunged down the track for a quarter of a mile and piled up on a motor car on the Rogue River Valley Railroad. The motor contained a number of laborers, who were injured in the crash. One is thought to be hurt fatally. The motor was wrecked.
    The runaway train was seen in time to allow a number of the laborers to escape from the light gasoline motor, 10 or 15 of its occupants getting out of the car. Those who were in the motor when it was struck were badly shaken and bruised.
    Charles Peters is said to have sustained internal injuries which may result in his death. The motor had just pulled into Jacksonville from Medford and was at the depot. The freight train had been loaded with crushed rock a quarter of a mile above the depot. In some unaccountable manner it was started on the down grade and was soon beyond control. A slight upgrade just before the depot was reached checked its speed a little.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 5, 1911, page 3

A Family Railroad

W. S. Barnum and His Two Sons, John and William, Fill Every Position
on the Rogue River Line, from President to Track Walker.
    There is a family railroad out in Southern Oregon--a railroad that pays big dividends, and which is not only owned by one family, but also operated by it in every department from section boss to general manager. It is called the "Rogue River Valley Line," and it extends from Medford to Jacksonville. Medford is located on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, and Jacksonville, the county seat of Jackson County, is six miles away.
    Jacksonville is the pioneer city of that part of Oregon, and would have been a point on the Southern Pacific had the necessary bonus been forthcoming [this is a myth], but the inhabitants had got along for forty years without a railroad, and believed they could do quite as well for another forty without one. They refused to raise the bonus, and the Oregon and California Railroad, which later became a part of the Southern Pacific main line, missed Jacksonville by six miles, causing Medford to spring into existence, which soon became the metropolis of Southern Oregon; but Jacksonville remains the county seat, in spite of every effort to remove it, and the "family" railroad thrives thereby.
    The Rogue River Valley Railroad does a big business in passenger and freight traffic, besides carrying mail and express. W. S. Barnum and his two sons, John and William, supply the necessary brain and brawn to conduct the affairs of the entire line, and they have the business thoroughly systematized. The passenger train--which consists of two cars, a passenger coach and a combination smoker, baggage and express, makes two round trips daily, connecting with the overland trains at Medford.
    The elder Barnum is engineer, William is fireman, and John is conductor, brakeman, expressman, baggageman, and mail clerk. It would appear, at first glance, that John has the hardest job on this train; but as the baggage is consigned straight through, and the express and mail is not distributed at way points, the major part of his duties is that of punching tickets and collecting fares.
    Between each trip of the passenger train, which is called the "Barnum Flier," a freight train goes over the road, on which the family fills the same relative positions. Then there is still another "train" on this line. It is the "Benzine Special," and consists of a gasoline motorcar. It is the first over the line in the morning, and the last in the evening. The motorcar was placed primarily to carry mail, but was soon found a convenient method of getting to the county seat at an early hour in the morning, and of leaving it in the evening after the regular train had left.
    The construction department of this family line is conducted as simply and economically as is the operating department. At odd minutes the older boy is shot over the road on the motorcar, stopping here and there to slip a new tie under a rail or hammer down a loose spike. There is no wrecking train to replace derailed cars, for whenever the "Flier" or the "Benzine Special" takes to the ditch the passengers are supposed to give assistance in clearing the blockade and getting traffic moving again.
    There is a depot at each end of the line where you purchase your ticket thirty minutes before the departure of each train. You cannot get it earlier, because the ticket agent is also the conductor of the train, and has not arrived yet. A local telephone takes care of all train dispatching, the conductor merely yelling in the receiver, just before starting: "We're comin'!"
    The office work is done by the father and the boys in the evening after the trains are run in for the night, as there is no service after dark on this road. There are no idle moments for the Barnum family. Nowhere on earth is there a harder working crew of railroad men. The three of them work, not because of absolute necessity, for the line is a paying business, but because they find real enjoyment in it.
    Not long ago, while the elder Barnum, clad in overalls, his face besmudged with soot and grease, was busy oiling the locomotive, just before the "Flier" made its regular trip, a curious passenger strolled up and asked him in an offhand way why he did not quit the railroad business and go to farming.
    "There's more money in railroading," the engineer and general manager replied.
    "Are you and your boys really making wages?" the curious one asked.
    "Oh, yes, fair wages," was the answer; "we usually clean up five thousand a year."
    It is doubtful if there is a railroad in America that gives better returns, in proportion to the investment, than this "family" line. The monthly balance sheet would make some capitalists envious, and possibly lead them to the belief that they have not a complete monopoly on keeping the figures nearly all on one side of the ledger.
    The Rogue River Valley Railroad was built in 1891, and has paid its owners from $5,000 to $6,000 every year. It has never been tied up by snow blockades, washouts, or strikes. Labor disturbances that are often the terror of other railroad systems do not interfere in the least with operations on the Rogue River Valley line.
    Two things worry the Barnums, however. One is the fear that coal may get exorbitantly high, and the other that their road must ultimately become a central link in a chain of railways across the state.
The Railroad Man's Magazine, May 1911, pages 711-712

Jacksonville Cannon Ball Limited Derailed--
Huge Mogul Tugs in Vain To Get it Back on Track--Second Engine Called into Service.
    The Jacksonville "flyer" was considerably off schedule late Saturday afternoon on account of a derailed box car consigned to the Big Pines Lumber Company. The giant mogul tugged and snorted, and finally, with the assistance of another engine, dragged the derailed car off the switch. A resident of Jacksonville is thinking of instigating a suit against the company because 20 cents' worth of choice fish he was taking to his wife was likely to spoil.
    The woes of the hungry are many, and the company will have to be careful in the future.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 7, 1911, page 3

Jacksonville Secures More Trains Since Competition.
    JACKSONVILLE, Or., June 26.--(Special.)--Jacksonville, whose growth has been so long retarded because of poor transportation facilities, has at last come into its own. V. C. Gorst, who formerly operated a passenger launch between Port Orchard and Seattle, has established an auto passenger service between Jacksonville and Medford, and it has met with such favor that he will add another machine. He makes a round trip every hour.
    Shortly after the advent of Mr. Gorst the Rogue River Valley Railway increased its service and improved its accommodations, and now runs 18 trains a day.
    A similar auto service between Central Point and Medford, it is said, will soon be established. There is also some talk of a freight truck service between here and Medford.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 27, 1911, page 3

    The Rogue River Valley Railroad Company has a force of workmen engaged in lowering its track on Eighth Street, between Oakdale Avenue and Fir Street, to street level. In some places more than a foot of excavation was required.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1911, page 2

    W. S. Barnum, president of the R.R.V. railroad, has returned from Portland with a seven-passenger automobile.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1911, page 2

The corner of the Niedermeyer building, formerly on the northwest corner of Eighth and Fir, was angled to accommodate the RRVRy tracks, which at this point turned from their path down the center of Eighth to parallel the Southern Pacific tracks.

Trail Lumber Company Will Next Week Bring Machinery Here
From Jackson Creek and Hereafter Operate in Medford.

    The Trail Lumber Company has its large planing mill in operation and next week the manager of the company, J. T. Gagnon, stated last night he would commence the work of bringing the company's saw mill to Medford from Jackson Creek, where it has been in operation for several years.
    The company intend to haul the logs to Medford and manufacture their lumber at their mill yards here.
    The company owns five acres of land in the western part of the city at which place their lumber yards and where the sawmill will be set up when brought in from its present site on Jackson Creek.
    The Rogue River Valley Railroad now runs into the timber owned by the company and the logs will be brought to Medford over that line. The company owns about fifty million feet of merchantable timber in that locality and all of it will be brought to Medford and manufactured into lumber. Besides this there is another block of fifty million feet of timber which is available to the railroad and which will in all probability be handled by this company when their own timber is logged off. The company also owns a large tract of timber in the Big Butte country and this, too, they expect to bring to Medford in the [omission] log.
    Mr. Gagnon estimates that the byproduct from the timber will easily pay the cost of transporting the jogs--the byproducts such as lath, firewood and sawdust being considered a dead loss where the lumber is manufactured at a distance from an active market. The company is now employing fifty-five men but when both the sawmill and planing mill are in operation in Medford it is expected that employment will be furnished for over 100 men, these not including the loggers in the timber.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1911, page 8

Will Furnish Half-Hour Passenger Service Between Medford and Jacksonville--
Second Car Is Purchased.

    W. H. Barnum, who is now in San Francisco, has purchased another 8-passenger automobile and commencing Monday morning, October 2nd, he will establish a Medford-Jacksonville automobile route with the two large automobiles which he will put on and the train service now in operation then will be established a half-hour service between Medford and Jacksonville.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1911, page 2

Drunken Chauffeur Crashes into Buggy;
Two Girls and Man, Badly Injured, Are Saved by Rival.

    MEDFORD, Or., Nov. 15. (Special.)--Alarmed by the frequency of auto accidents in Medford, particularly on the road between Medford and Jacksonville, local authorities have started an active anti-speeding campaign which resulted last night in the conviction of George Pierce, chauffeur on the Gorst Jacksonville line.
    Pierce was speeding into Medford from Jacksonville Sunday night with his lights out and smashed into a carriage driven by Laurin Hinman, with his sister Gladys and Miss Eve Rushford. All the young folks were seriously injured, the carriage was demolished, and the horse crippled.
    At his hearing before Justice Taylor it developed that the chauffeur was under the influence of liquor and he was fined $25 and costs. The authorities believe that the keen auto competition between Gorst and the Barnum Railway is responsible for much of the trouble.
    Gorst, with three autos in the Jacksonville service, threatened to put the Barnum railroad out of business, so Barnum bought three 60-horsepower touring cars, cut the fare in half, and has been exerting every effort to regain supremacy in the last three weeks.
    The rivalry has spread to the two cities, and Jacksonville citizens have organized a boycott against the Barnum auto, so that the railroad owner depends on visitors and Medford citizens for his patronage.
    The accident was particularly galling to the Gorst faction because Barnum, who was putting on all speed to overtake his rival when the accident occurred, had the triumph of transporting the injured folk to the Hinman home.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, November 16, 1911, page 5

    Medford, Or.: Benjamin Collins, Geo. L. Davis and J. T. Gagnon have incorporated the Pine Timber Co. with a capital of $100,000. The company will operate in the neighborhood of Medford.
"Lumber and Mills," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, April 13, 1912, page 310

Shown by Jacksonville Man, Says the Ashland Record.
    J. C. Barnum of Jacksonville was in the city Sunday conferring with friends in regard to a deal he hopes to make in the near future whereby Ashland parties will become interested in the Rogue River Valley Railroad, between Medford and Jacksonville, with which he is prominently connected. Mr. Barnum shows excellent judgment in coming to Ashland in this instance--as the young lady is one of the most charming in the city.--Ashland Record.
Jacksonville Post, April 20, 1912, page 1

    The Rogue River Valley Railroad Co. has placed a dray in commission in order to deliver the freight from the station to the consignees.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 8, 1912, page 3

    The Rogue River Valley Railroad company has completed the work of lowering its tracks to the street grade on Grape Street, with the exception of hauling away surplus dirt. This will be done soon and the crossing will then be complete.

"Local and Personal,"
Medford Mail Tribune, June 11, 1912, page 2

Lumber Company Wins.
    SALEM, Or., June 28.--(Special.)--The Railroad Commission, as arbitrator between the Big Pines Lumber Company and the Rogue River Valley Railroad, today made its award in a contest which had arisen over freight charges from Medford to the lumber company's plant. The charge for 500 cars of material shipped to the company was $1442, but the company alleges that this would make a charge of $1.75 a car, when the actual charge should have been $1 a car. They allege the extra 75 cents was for shipping the empty cars back from the factory to Medford. The commission as an award ordered that the railroad company repay $375 to the lumber company.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 29, 1912, page 6

    Medford papers state that actual work on the construction of the trolley line in that town was commenced Monday. Hope it will continue.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, July 19, 1912, page 3

    The street committee of the city council and City Engineer Arnspiger Saturday went over the railroad situation at the corner of Fir and Eighth streets, where the Barnum road cuts a close curve about the new Niedermeyer brick building, and decided to enforce the terms of the Barnum franchise, which provides that the road shall follow the center of the street. This is impossible, owing to the curve of the railroad at that place, but it is possible for the railroad to be put back from the building several feet.
    In a recent suit Barnum succeeded in forcing the Niedermeyer building back from the corner several feet, but the street committee believes that public safety demands that a wider space be provided, and they have set about enforcing it.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1912, page 1

    The R.R.V.R. Co. has several men engaged in lowering its track at Eighth and Fir streets.
"Local and Personal,"
Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1912, page 2

    As a result of a fracas at the Rogue River Ry. depot in this city Sunday evening, Joe Johnson at a hearing held before Justice Dox Thursday afternoon was fined $15 and costs. He was charged with assault upon the person of John Barnum, manager of the railway.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, October 19, 1912, page 3

    The fare to Jacksonville on the Rogue River Valley Railroad has been boosted again to 25 cents each way. Thus has the last benefit of competition been wiped away, and visitors to Jacksonville must again pay the old-time rate of 50 cents for the round trip.
    The 50-cent rate was the one in effect when an auto stage line between Medford and Jacksonville was instituted. Then to meet competition the fare was cut to 25 cents for the round trip.
    Some time ago the auto service was discontinued, but an immediate boost in rates, though expected, did not come until now.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 19, 1912, page 6

Crew of Thirty-Five Men Working on Divide at Head of Poormans Creek--
A. Welch Said To Be Negotiating for Barnum Road.
Surveyors of Medford and Crescent City Railroad
Also Locating Line Back of Jacksonville.
    Paul Demmer of Jacksonville is authority for the statement that W. S. Barnum, owner of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, is working a crew of 35 men on a railroad grade on the divide above Jacksonville at Poorman's Creek. The men are being boarded at his brother's ranch, and Paul Demmer has been supplying them vegetables. He is positive that the men are not a surveying crew.
    The engineering corps of the newly incorporated Medford & Crescent City Railroad are busy locating the line of the projected railroad, which has no connection with the Barnum line.
    It is surmised that Mr. Barnum is trying to hold the pass through the hill by grading the right-of-way. He recently bonded his railroad and surveyed an extension through Medford. It is rumored he intended to ask a franchise.
    It is reported that A. Welch, promoter of the Willamette Valley traction lines now taken over by the Southern Pacific, has been negotiating with Mr. Barnum for the purchase of his railroad. This would mean its eventual acquisition by the Southern Pacific to head off the Hill lines and the proposed Medford and Crescent City Railroad.
    The Southern Pacific has promised Grants Pass people to build a railroad to Crescent City at once, and negotiations are expected to be completed next week for immediate construction.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 15, 1912, page 1

    John C. Barnum, general manager of the Rogue River Valley Railway, has been in California during the past few weeks.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 6, 1913, page 2

    It seems strange to see the crowds of people going to and from Jacksonville every day when court is in session. It makes such business for the "Cannonball Express"--so named on account of the snail-like pace it travels--but doesn't reflect much credit upon the county seat hostelries.
O. H. Barnhill, "County Seat Letter," Ashland Tidings, January 9, 1913, page 7

    Born, in Jacksonville, Jan. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. George Barnum, a daughter.
    Mrs. W. H. Barnum of Jacksonville has been attending her mother, Mrs. W. W. Eifert, who is very sick.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 27, 1913, page 2

Women of Jacksonville Accuse Councilmen of Bad Faith.
    MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 14.--(Special.)--Jacksonville is up in arms over a recent ruling of the City Council that auto stages running from that city to Medford should pay $20 a month tax.
    First, Mayor T. T. Shaw resigned, and now the women have held an indignation meeting and charge that the Council has been influenced by the Barnum Railroad, which is the only transportation line between the two places, in an effort to kill off competition.
    The owners of the railroad declare they had nothing to do with the Council's action, but that it was a move calculated to protect a Jacksonville corporation against the encroachments of Medford autoists.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 15, 1913, page 7

    The Jacksonville-Medford auto stage line discontinued its service this week. This puts it up to the R.R.V.Ry. to handle the traffic between Medford and this city.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, March 8, 1913, page 3

    Messrs. Bullis spent Monday viewing proposed routes for the proposed trolley line to Siskiyou Heights. Routes examined included one past the hospital and cemetery and another out Queen Anne Addition and Highcroft. Tuesday actual survey work starts.
    Application was made to the county court for a franchise over county highways, the franchise requiring the building of a mile of trolley line within two years. The matter was taken under advisement.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 19, 1913, page 2

For Use of County Roads Granted by County Court Tuesday.
    The county court in special session Tuesday granted to S. S. Bullis a franchise for right of way for a trolley line over the roads of the county, subject to certain conditions.
    The franchise calls for the construction and actual operation of at least one mile of road in the county outside of Medford, within one year from date. The grantee has the right to select the road or roads over which the right of way is granted, but the county at the expiration of one year can, by giving proper notice, terminate the right on any road not used.
    Steam locomotives are barred and rails must be laid flush with established grades. Operation must be as a business for the accommodation and convenience of the public and not simply for the purpose of holding the franchise.

Jacksonville Post, May 31, 1913, page 1

    Work of tearing up the pavement on East Main Street for the interurban trolley line has begun in earnest. A large gang of men are busy cutting the asphalt and concrete, rails are strung along the curb, the stone cut from Main Street toward the south is nearly completed, and indications point to speedy construction of the electric line.
    Cars and other equipment have been ordered for November delivery, and prospects are that before winter the trolley line will be in operation.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 11, 1913, page 3

    The Rogue River Valley Ry. Co. has overhauled the large motor car; giving it a coat of paint, repaired the woodwork, etc. This adds greatly to the appearance of the car.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, November 21, 1913, page 3

Man Found with Throat Cut. Supposed To Be Suicide.
    The body of William Aiken, a woodcutter employed by the R.R.V.Ry. Co., was found late Friday afternoon in a cabin near his work in the woods west of this city with a great gash across the throat, evidently done with a sharp instrument. The body was cold when found, and the man had evidently been dead several hours. The man is said to have been quiet and inoffensive in manner and had no enemies so far as known. Indications point to suicide, but at this time details are so meager that it is uncertain whether he was killed by another or died by his own hands.
    The body was removed to Medford last night, and an inquest will be held today.
Jacksonville Post, February 7, 1914, page 3

    Car No. 1 of the Southern Oregon Traction Company, the first streetcar to be introduced into Southern Oregon, arrived Friday night from St. Louis, after having a narrow escape from being burned in the million-dollar dock fire at Portland this week. The car will be in operation by the end of next week. The work of stringing trolley wires on East Main began this morning.
    The car attracted considerable attention and some criticism. Many expected it to be as long as a Pullman sleeper and fitted up the same. However, it is modern, with the pay-as-you-enter system, and able to handle the Medford traffic for some time. All the modern attachments to streetcars are there. It is painted yellow and is officially known as the West Main car.
    The car will be left on the flatcar until Monday morning, when it will be unloaded.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1914, page 4

    The Bullis street car made its first move this afternoon and acted just like a city car and nearly scared a country horse to death. The car ran from the terminal to Main and Bartlett, and then backed up. A few trial trips will be made this afternoon, and Sunday service put into effect tomorrow.
    J. S. Howard, father of Medford, sat on a box in front of the Economy Meat Market, and watched with reminiscent eyes the first trolley in Jackson County. He will ride on the first trip. "Thirty years ago I cooked beans on the spot where that car now stands," the pioneer said. "Then I little thought I would ever see a street car there."
    The street car is a source of great interest to the venerable pioneer. A large crowd watched the first move.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 21, 1914, page 8

Line Will Be Officially Opened Today with Mayor as Motorman.

    MEDFORD, Or., March 21.--(Special.)--The people of Medford crowded the streets and yelled themselves hoarse today at the sight of the first city trolley car in actual operation. Tomorrow, with J. S. Howard, the first mayor of the city, on the front platform, the city officials and prominent business men as passengers, the official opening of the line will be made by a run from the Medford National Bank corner to the city limits. There will be only one car at present, but more will be added as soon as the traffic justifies.
    C. G. Bullis, resident manager, announced that work would start at once upon the extension of the road to the city reservoir and return, making a total of four miles.
Oregonian, Portland, March 22, 1914, page 7

    In the neighborhood of 1500 people took a trolley ride Sunday upon the opening of regular service on the Bullis streetcar line, and [it] drew like a porous plaster until the last trip at night. This morning the novelty was still existent, and many citizens who own autos and could go to their business for a penny's worth of gasoline spent a nickel. Sunday the service began at noon and stopped at 10 o'clock, but today the morning service was inaugurated.
    The people are growing used to the streetcar, with more speed than the horses, a couple jumping over the traces this morning at the sight of the car.
    Owing to the fact that autoists have shown an inclination to speed past the car when stopped, a couple of near accidents occurred when passengers alighted.
    The curve in the track on the east end of the Bear Creek bridge will have to be repaired, the angle causing the wheels of the car to bob from the track and drop back. Someday they might not drop back.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1914, page 6

Makes Offer for J'ville Road
    Medford, Or., March 25--Judge Thomas Burke, of Seattle, counsel for the Hill lines in Washington, spent the first of the week in Medford and, according to reports, took the initial step for the purchase of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, owned by the Barnums of Jacksonville. Judge Burke left Monday night for the north. While here he made a tour of inspection of the Barnum line and, according to J. W. Canton and William Barnum, has offered $125,000 for the right-of-way, track, equipment and title to a second party who holds an option for the line. This offer will be formally made to the option holders for their acceptance or rejection. The purchase of the Barnum road would give the Hill interests practically an unbroken track from Butte Falls to Jacksonville, with a line through Medford, and mean the tapping of the Applegate and Blue Ledge country and a line on to Crescent City.--Telegram.
Jacksonville Post, March 28, 1914, page 1

    Actual work on the construction of the extension of the Bulls street car line to the city reservoir began Thursday morning, and the work will be rushed to completion. Ties are now being made and the rails are on the way, both reaching this city the middle of next week. It is expected to have the line in operation by May 1. A trailer car for the Sunday service will be added in the near future.
    The present plan is to make the return trip by they same route, but upon the return of S. S. Bullis from New York the first of the week, plans will be made for a loop down Spring Avenue.
    The extension has caused great joy to property owners on the east side, particularly Dad Dunlop. The extension will run right through his back yard.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1914, page 5

    New Oregon Road Placed in Operation.--The line of the Southern Oregon Electric Railway in Medford, Ore., was placed in operation on March 20, 1914. C. G. Bullis, the manager of the company, has announced that work will be begun this month on the construction of a 2-mile extension through Medford to Siskiyou Heights.
Electric Railway Journal, April 4, 1914, page 791

W. F. Barnum & Sons Buy Downtown Property.
    MEDFORD, Or., April 11.--W. F. Barnum and Sons, owners of the Barnum Railway, have aroused considerable interest and much speculation of late by quietly purchasing four parcels of city property in the center of the business section.
    These lots aggregate $50,000 in value and this sudden investment, following the rumor of the sale of the railroad to the Hill lines, tends to strengthen the belief that the property has actually changed hands and that Hill intends to extend the Pacific & Eastern to the coast.
    Mr. Barnum is a conservative business man, there is no particular activity in downtown real estate, and this action is regarded therefore as significant. On the Front Street property just acquired the Barnum family announces it will erect a new $30,000 family hotel, the plans of which have already been drawn.

Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 12, 1914, page D9

    The extension of the Bullis streetcar line to the city reservoir is expected to be completed by May 15, the principal work to be completed being the stringing of the wires. C. G. Bullis said that he expected the work to be completed so the car would run over the new line a week from Sunday, but did not care to make a definite statement to this effect.
    The Bullis operations at the Sterling mine will be under way when the pipeline is completed. Difficulty was experienced in getting workers to rivet the pipe, two crews from Portland being brought down for the work.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 2, 1914, page 6

    A runaway train on the R.R.V. railway caused a little excitement Monday evening. Failure of the brakes to hold the train was the cause. No one injured.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, May 23, 1914, page 1

Medford to Get $20,000 Hotel.
    MEDFORD, Or., July 11.--(Special.)--J. C. Barnum, owner of the Barnum Railroad, between Medford and Jacksonville, has started the construction of a $20,000 hotel across from the Southern Pacific depot on Front Street. The hotel will have 40 rooms, will be three stories high and will cater to the commercial trade particularly. Mr. Barnum is a great believer in Medford's future and declares that now is the time to invest in local real estate, as a revival in business through Southern Oregon and the state is imminent.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, July 12, 1914, page 54

    W. A. Barnum, president of the Rogue River Valley Railroad Company, has decided to move to Medford from his home in the county seat. Mr. Barnum will reside in one of his cottages on Front Street close to the proposed Barnum Hotel.
    When first arriving in the valley, Mr. Barnum took up his residence in Medford in a large cottage one block from where he is now to live. After purchasing the Rogue River Valley Railroad he moved to Jacksonville. He is accumulating a great deal of city property, and this necessitates his moving.
Medford Sun, July 15, 1914, page 6

    Little Rastus, the best-known scotch terrier in Jackson County, died at his home in Jacksonville yesterday of rabies. The little fellow belonged to Bill Barnum, who praised him very highly. There was not a trip made by the large motor running between Medford and the county seat that little Rastus could not be seen sitting beside his master, apparently as much concerned as he himself.
"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, August 13, 1914, page 6

    Bill Barnum's little dog "Rastus" died this week. His death was due to a bite by a Medford dog afflicted with rabies.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, August 15, 1914, page 3

    The Barnum railroad is applying its annual application of hot tar to the roof of its depot in this city.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 22, 1914, page 2

    S. S. Bullis, president of the Southern Oregon Traction Company and Sterling mine, had the tips of the first three fingers of his right hand clipped off by a buzz saw at his sawmill on the Sterling property last Friday afternoon. The injury is not serious and occurred when Mr. Bullis was inspecting a newly installed saw and attempting to operate it. One finger was cut off near the first joint. The tips of the two fingers were torn off.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1914, page 2

W. S. Barnum, 216 N. Front
Bertha S. Barnum, 216 N. Front
Hazel Barnum, 216 N. Front
G. A. Barnum, 216 N. Front
"List of Registered Voters," Medford Sun, January 1, 1915, page 3

A New Hotel
    The new hotel now being erected at the northeast corner of North Front and Fifth streets by W. S. Barnum, president of the Rogue River Valley Railway, can truly be classed among the best business blocks in the city.
    The building is 50x100 in size and four stories high exclusive of basement. The basement and first-story walls are of concrete, the other three stories of white pressed brick with concrete sills and trimmings.
    There are 57 rooms, all supplied with hot and cold water, and half of them with baths. There is a large basement in which is installed a steam heating plant. On the first floor there will be a large, well-appointed lobby, a dining room and kitchen, a store or sample room and barber shop. The building, when completed, will cost a little more than $30,000. The name it will carry will be "Hotel Barnum."
Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1915, page 4

    A. C. Allen and his moving picture company of Medford were in town Tuesday staging a holdup on the Barnum railroad in the western end of the city. A number of citizens of Jacksonville were present at the scene, which was very realistic. When completed the film with others showing scenes in this valley will be sent to [the] Panama exposition at San Francisco and used in advertising Jackson County.

"Local News,"
Jacksonville Post, April 24, 1915, page 3

    The residence of William Barnum was entered Saturday night by a burglar or burglars, sometime between 7:30 and 10:30 while Mr. and Mrs. Barnum were absent at Medford. A number of boxes and toilet cases in the bedroom were ransacked and their contents turned out. About $40.00 cash and some jewelry were taken. A few half-burned matches lying on the carpet between the front door and the bedroom are the only clues so far, and indicate that entrance was made by way of the front door. At about the same time, the residence of John Barnum, brother of William, was entered, but the only articles reported missing are a couple of photographs.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, February 27, 1915, page 3

    W. H. Barnum has purchased a new auto. It is a Briscoe, and the purchase was made from A. W. Walker, the company's agent at Medford.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, March 27, 1915, page 3

    The moving picture brigade will journey to Jacksonville this afternoon, and enact a pioneer scene showing the holding up by a gang of bandits of the Barnum railroad. About 50 local people will be in the scene. Several views showing historic spots of the town pioneer will be included in the picture.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 20, 1915, page 2

    Joe Snodgrass, conductor on the Bullis streetcar line in this city, returned here the last of the week from a short business trip in California.

"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, May 9, 1915, page 5

Medford Newspaper Tells of Rumors That Bullis Electric
May Merge with Barnum Road.

    The following article regarding a proposed merger of the Bullis and Barnum railroads appeared in the Mail Tribune Monday evening. We give it for what it is worth:
    "Persistent street rumors are in circulation concerning the sale of the Barnum line to the Southern Oregon Traction Company (Bullis line). The price rumored was $60,000. The negotiations are still in an unformed shape, the application of the Bullis line for a crossing over the S.P. tracks at Main Street being one of the matters pending between the two lines.
    "S. S. Bullis, over the telephone from Sterling this afternoon, said: 'It has been one of our intentions since building in Medford to connect with the Barnum line or have the Barnum line connect with us. It is the natural thing. Our application for a crossing on Main Street is still pending, and of course this enters into the negotiations. The matter, as far as I know, is just where it has always been.'
    "John Barnum said that as far as he knew there was nothing definite regarding any transfer.
    "A merger of the two lines would form a link toward the long hoped-for building of a railroad up the Applegate to the Blue Ledge, giving a rail outlet to a rich mining and agricultural country."
Jacksonville Post, June 12, 1915, page 1  Reprinted from the Mail Tribune of June 7, page 2.

    The rumor that the Barnum line had been sold to the Bullis interests bobs up again this morning. Regarding the same, W. H. Barnum, president of the road, said: "There is nothing doing yet, we are just dickering around a little bit." Further than this Mr. Barnum had nothing to say.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1915, page 2

Actual Transfer of Property to Take Place Before July 1--
Bullis Trolley to Extend Out Main to City Limits to Connect
with Barnum Road, Which Will Be Electrified.

    Deeds calling for the transfer of the Rogue River Valley Railroad (Barnum line) to the Southern Oregon Traction Company (Bullis line) were drawn Thursday, and the actual transfer of the property will take place between now and July 1. The deal, which has been hanging fire for the last six weeks, is practically closed, awaiting only the final signatures. The purchase price, as named in the deed, is $60,000.
    The sale means the electrification of the Barnum line its entire length, eight miles,which includes one mile in Medford, five miles between this city and Jacksonville, and the two miles to the brickyard, and the extension on West Main Street of the present streetcar line. It also means the probable extension of the line into the Applegate and on to the Blue Ledge later.
Build Out West Main
    It is the intention of the Bullis interests to build out Main Street, tapping the business and residence districts, and connecting with the main Barnum line in the suburbs. The city council at its last regular meeting granted a six months' extension on the Bullis franchise for the completion of this work. Arrangements for the crossing of the Southern Pacific tracts at Main Street have been completed between the Bullis interests, the state railroad commission and the Southern Pacific.
    Work upon the electrification of the Barnum line and the Main Street extension will begin within the next two weeks, according to present plans.
    A conference was held this morning between Mr. Barnum, Mr. Bullis and attorney W. I. Vawter and the deal practically closed. Immediately afterward Mr. Bullis left for the Sterling mine.
    The Barnum road has been in operation for over twenty years and was built by municipal cooperation from Medford. Several deals for its transfer have all fallen through. At various times it has been reported sold, once for $125,000 and once for $80,000. The latter figure is the one generally attributed as the figure for which the Barnums held their holdings. The right of way is the most valuable part of the line, the equipment being out of date.
    The deal has long been hoped for and is regarded by Medford and the Rogue River Valley as a sign for the early realization of their dream for a railroad tapping the rich agricultural and mining districts of the Applegate and Blue Ledge.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 25, 1915, page 1

    As we go to press, reports are in circulation that the deal for the sale of the Barnum railroad to the Bullis interests has been closed, to take effect July 1st. It is stated that the road will be electrified and otherwise improved in the near future and that it may be extended to the Applegate country. The deal has been brewing for several months and has been watched with interest by a number of persons who think that the change of ownership will mean better service.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 26, 1915, page 3

    The Southern Oregon Traction Company (Bullis interests) formally took charge of the Barnum railroad this morning and at once began the work of remodeling the depot. It will be used as an office for the handling of railroad and street car business and construction work. The building will be repainted. John and William Barnum, engineers and conductors of the line, will continue in the employ of the Bullises.
    The work of building the Main Street extension and electrifying the Barnum road will begin about the first of August. The work of assembling material, ties, rails and wire will begin at once.
    The preliminary details of the improvements are now being worked out. The Barnum line made its last trip Wednesday evening without any especial ceremony, after twenty years of operation in the family. There was not even an extra blast of the whistle when the train entered the county seat.
    There is a well-defined feeling that the Bullises will eventually tap the Applegate and Blue Ledge districts, and that the only drawback is the inability to secure backing for any kind of development work owing to the unsettled condition of finances. S. S. Bullis, head of the Southern Oregon Traction Company, has often said that the future of the Rogue River Valley lies in a railroad to the west.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1915, page 2

Barnum Road Transferred to Southern Oregon Traction Co.
New Owners Will Electrify and Improve.

    The reports mentioned in our last issue concerning the reputed sale of the Rogue River Valley Railroad owned by W. S. Barnum are proved to have been founded on fact; that papers have been signed and recorded, and it is likely that the consideration price has been paid.
    Two principal instruments covering the transfer have been placed on record in the office of the County Recorder, the first being in the nature of a deed from the Rogue River Valley Railroad Co. conveying the road with its franchises, equipment, etc. to W. S. Barnum, consideration $1.00, and the second instrument was a deed from W. S. Barnum and wife conveying the same property to the Southern Oregon Traction Co.; the consideration mentioned in the second conveyance is $60,000. The purchaser is the owner of the electric street railway at Medford and is commonly spoken of as "The Bullis Interests."
    It is reported that the new concern will immediately proceed to electrify the road and make a number of other improvements and changes in the line and service. An extension of the road to the Applegate is spoken of as one of the probable results of the transfer. For the present the road will be operated as formerly; meanwhile, plans for the proposed improvements are under way.

Jacksonville Post,
July 3, 1915, page 1

Medford-Jacksonville Line Is Transferred After Eventful 25 Years.
After $25,000 Is Lost to Absconding Promoters,
City Turns Over Railway
to J. C. Barnum, Who Made Run Success.
    MEDFORD, Or., July 3.--(Special.)--"In all the world no railroad like this" might well apply to the Barnum railroad running from Medford to Jacksonville, which on July 1 was transferred to S. S. Bullis, owner of the Southern Oregon Traction Company.
    For here is a steam railroad recognized by the railroads of the United States, whose president has run the railroad's one locomotive for the last 15 years, whose vice-president is chief foreman and master mechanic. In short, brakeman and conductor, and whose secretary is also track walker, section foreman and master mechanic. In short the Barnum railroad is a strictly family institution, not only owned by the J. C. Barnum family but operated by them.
    A history of this road throws an interesting side light upon the history of the Rogue River Valley, particularly Medford and Jacksonville.
City Defrauded of 25,000.
    Twenty-five years ago two breezy promoters came to the sleepy town of Jacksonville, and after various conferences with the City Council and street gatherings persuaded the city to raise $25,000 for a railroad to Medford.
    Jacksonville was the county seat and nothing more, and Medford was barely a post office, but tales of Southern Pacific development and opportunity to sell out at a handsome figure turned the trick and the deal was put through. As soon as the promoters obtained the cash they flew to parts of the world unknown and never have been heard of since.
    Checking up accounts, Jacksonville found it had some worthless bonds, five miles of track and the humiliation of being sold. It was also discovered that the steel rails secured from the Honeyman Hardware Company, of Portland, had not been paid for, and the road consequently fell into the hands of this well-known Portland concern.
Mr. Barnum Takes Charge.
    Here J. C. Barnum, then a young mechanic engaged in the sash and door business, stepped in and in 1893 leased the property and proceeded to operate a daily train between Medford and Jacksonville.
    Mr. Barnum bought a second-hand locomotive from the Southern Pacific and with a special permit drove it himself from Portland to Medford. From that time he gradually collected more equipment until at the time of the recent sale there were on hand 10 flat cars, three locomotives, two boxcars and two passenger coaches. Extensions of two miles which can be used in reaching the Applegate Valley have been built, so that the total mileage now is about seven miles.
    With his own family the entire working force, with a patience and frugality seldom excelled, the president of the company prospered as the community grew, and when the Pacific & Eastern was built by the Hill lines to Butte Falls and John R. Allen was riding on top of one of the most sensational booms ever seen in this or any other state, it was reported sold for $125,000. Now S. S. Bullis is owner of the Barnum line, the purchase price being $90,000.
    The old wood-burning locomotive "Cannon Ball," so long a  picturesque feature in Medford, will be relegated to the scrap heap, the line will be electrified and connected with Medford's trolley system, and the famous Barnum railroad will take its place with other relics of the pioneer days.

Sunday Oregonian, Portland, July 4, 1915, page 8

    Electrification of Short Oregon Line.--It is reported that the purchase of the Rogue River Valley Railroad by the Southern Oregon Traction Company, Medford, Ore., means the electrification of the Rogue River line for its entire length, 8 miles, which includes 1 mile in Medford, 5 miles between Medford and Jacksonville, and 2 miles to the brickyard, and the extension on West Main Street of the new present line of the Southern Oregon Traction Company.
Electric Railway Journal, July 10, 1915, page 79

    The old No. 6 locomotive of the R.R.V. railroad was shipped to Portland this week.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, July 31, 1915, page 3

    The Barnum engine that has puffed and snorted and wheezed its way up and down the Barnum line for 20 years will puff and snort no more in this section. The old locomotive has been loaded on a flatcar and shipped to the northern part of the state, where it will be engaged in hauling logs in the Nehalem Valley. The engine, like every other human element, has begun to show the signs of time, for the cylinders leak and the piston rods are worn, and the flange on the off hind wheel is worn almost to a thread. These defects will be removed before it is again placed in commission. In the twenty years the old engine was operated here it had but one accident: It ran into and killed a cow about a thousand years old.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1915, page 2

S. S. Bullis Buys Oregon Railroad.
    Bradford Star-Record: "S. S. Bullis, formerly of this city, the biggest lumber dealer that ever operated in this part of the country in the days when lumbering was one of our great industries; who bought the Allegheny & Kinzua Railroad, and afterwards bought and operated the Bradford, Bordell & Kinzua Railroad, is now in Oregon, where he is the head of the Southern Oregon Traction Company. Recently Mr. Bullis bought a railroad with a peculiar history.
    "It is a steam railroad, recognized by the railroads of the United States, whose president has run the railroad's one locomotive for the last 15 years, whose vice president is chief foreman and master mechanic, in short, the Barnum railroad is a strictly family institution, not only owned but operated by the J. C. Barnum family.
    "A history of this road throws an interesting sidelight upon the history of the Rogue River Valley, particularly Medford and Jacksonville, Oregon.
    "Twenty-five years ago two breezy promoters came to the breezy town of Jacksonville, and, after various conferences with the city council, and street gatherings, persuaded the city to raise $25,000 for a railroad to Medford.
    "Jacksonville was the county seat and nothing more, and Medford was barely a post office, but tales of Southern Pacific development, and opportunity to sell out at a handsome figure, turned the trick and the deal was put through. As soon as the promoters obtained the cash they flew to parts of the world unknown.and never have been heard of since.
    "Checking up accounts, Jacksonville found it had some worthless bonds, five miles of track, and the humiliation of being sold. It was also discovered that the steel rails secured from the Honeyman Hardware Co., of Portland, had not been paid for, and the road consequently fell into the hands of the Portland concern.
    "Here J. C. Barnum, then a young mechanic engaged in the sash and door business, stepped in, and in 1893 leased the property and proceeded to operate a daily train between Medford and Jacksonville.
    "Mr. Barnum bought a second-hand locomotive from the Southern Pacific, and, with a special permit, drove it himself from Portland to Medford. From that time he gradually collected more equipment until, at the time of the recent sale, there were on hand 10 flat cars, 3 locomotives, 2 box cars, and 2 passenger coaches. Extensions of two miles, which can be used in reaching the Applegate Valley, have been built, so that the total mileage is about seven miles."
McKean Democrat, Smethport, Pennsylvania, August 12, 1915, page 1

    S. S. Bullis, head of the Bullis interests in Southern Oregon, returned this morning from a month's business trip in the East and Middle West, and announced that the work of electrifying the Jacksonville railroad would begin at once. A consignment of copper wire and bonds were received this morning for this work. Poles are being distributed along the railroad. Two new trolley cars, modern in every respect, will be ordered. It is expected to have the electrification complete and ready for service by the middle of October, which allows for any delay in the receipt of building material.
    "I talked with a number of people about building a railroad to the Blue Ledge," said Mr. Bullis, "but that was about all that was accomplished--talk. They were interested, and want to know more about the project. I did not see Mr. Towne, owner of the Blue Ledge property. It is next to impossible to sell stock for new railroad propositions at this time. They are all buying war stocks--automobiles and munitions. Our local development work will be financed with our own money and will be carried on as fast as possible.
Conditions Improved
    "Times are about as normal in the East," continued Mr. Bullis. "Things are on a more substantial basis. I could see a great difference between my previous visits. It has been a wet summer throughout the East. The return to their fatherlands of thousands of Italians, Germans, Russians and Englishmen to fight for their country has improved labor conditions. The loyalty of these men is a marvel to me.
    "I found a strong anti-German sentiment in the East. There is just a trace of bitterness against Teutonizing the world. The aggressiveness of the Germans in advancing their 'kultur' is one cause. The sinking of the Arabic is regarded in the East as the most serious event since the Civil War. There is also a sentiment that President Wilson wrote too many notes. There is also a feeling that this country should not be plunged into a costly and bloody war that would take a heavy toll of money, blood and tears, because six or seven Americans who had lived the greater part of their lives in Europe were killed on an English ship in English waters.
War to Last Two Years
    "It is the feeling in the East that the war will last for two more years. The allies have unlimited resources if they can get credit in this country, and the Germans don't seem to need any. I would say that the temper of the country is to uphold its honor. There is a strong and emphatic demand that there be no curbing of preparing adequate defenses for any emergency.
    "While in Chicago I talked with a number of my friends about the proposition to rebond and refinance this city. They asked me to send them more details on the plan. I will do this. You know municipal bonds are about the only kind that find a ready sale at this time."
Medford Mail Tribune, August 26, 1915, page 4

    A flatcar on the Jacksonville road was derailed on the Main Avenue crossing Monday evening, causing a five minutes' suspension of traffic.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1915, page 2

    A crew of men are setting poles for electric wires along the Rogue River Valley Railroad this week. It is expected that the electrification of the line will be completed in about a month.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, September 25, 1915, page 3

    The operation of the street car line in East Medford has been temporarily abandoned, and the company is devoting its attention to the construction of the line on West Main Street and the electrification of the road to this city.
    The Medford street car was brought over the Rogue River Valley Railroad Wednesday and is now in the sheds of the company at this place in readiness to be put on the line as soon as the electrification of the road is completed.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, October 2, 1915, page 3

    The motor car on the R.R.V. railroad ran into an auto just as it was leaving Medford on its return trip to Jacksonville Wednesday evening. The driver of the auto attempted to cross the railroad track ahead of the motor but failed to get over in time, the motor striking the rear wheel of the auto and completely demolishing it. No one was hurt, but there were some persons badly scared for a few minutes. John Barnum was driving the motor and sounded his alarm in plenty of time, but the auto driver paid no attention to the warning.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, October 30, 1915, page 3

    Jacksonville has the funniest little railroad in the state, and I have seen five or six unique bits of road, too. As an attraction on [the] zone at [the exposition in] San Francisco one of the jim crow trains could not be beaten. But this precious little road is to be lost, with all its traditions and memories. For it is understood the Hill interests have bought the track, engine and passenger equipment bag and baggage. Anyway, a force of men is busy installing electrical equipment, and soon the road to Medford will be something like a standard street railway, with a real street car operating between Jacksonville the ancient and Medford the modern.
A. H. Harris, "Community Needs of Oregon," Portland Telegram, quoted in 
Jacksonville Post, December 11, 1915, page 3

    The 20th has gone by, and still the electric service on the R.R.V.Ry. has not been inaugurated, but will be soon.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, December 25, 1915, page 3

W. S. Barnum, 216 N. Front
Hazel Barnum, 216 N. Front
Mrs. Bertha S. Barnum, 216 N. Front
"List of Registered Voters," Medford Sun, December 31, 1915, page 3

    The juice was turned on on the Bullis electric line yesterday and a trial trip made.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, January 1, 1916, page 3

    The Southern Oregon Traction Company has put on a new schedule: The car now leaves here ever hour, beginning at 7:30 in the morning, and returning leaves Medford at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, etc., up to and including 10 o'clock at night. This quite an improvement over the former timetable, and the new car is much more convenient and comfortable than the old gasoline motor cars. So far there is only one complaint made by the public, and that is regarding the fare charged. It had been generally expected that with the installation of electric cars on this road the fare would be materially reduced; this has not been done, although a reduction in fare would doubtless result in increased receipts for the company.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, January 8, 1916, page 3

    A joint meeting of the Medford Commercial Club and Jackson County Business Men's Association will be held Monday evening at 8:30 o'clock at the public library to discuss the proposed extension of the Bullis Jacksonville railroad to the Blue Ledge mining district.
    The meeting is called at the request of Mr. Bullis by the Commercial Club's special committee as the result of a proposal made to the club by Mr. Bullis relative to the voting of bonds by the city of Medford to assist the construction of the railroad.
    The meeting is to determine whether negotiations with Mr. Bullis continue or whether the project be abandoned for the present year. It is important that it be well attended and all participate in the discussion.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 18, 1916, page 6

    The Southern Oregon Traction Co. has made a rate of 5 cents each way for pupils from this city attending school at Medford. Payment is required for every school day in the month in order to get this rate.
    The Southern Oregon Traction Co. is putting in a sanitary toilet and making other improvements at the depot.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, March 25, 1916, page 3

    Mr. Bullis is having the poles for carrying the trolley wire moved nearer the track and is replacing the cross wire supports with metallic arms or brackets of the latest design.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, April 8, 1916, page 3

    A suit has been filed in the circuit court to enjoin the city of Medford from selling the bonds for the construction of the Blue Ledge railroad. It looks like a "dog in the manger" deal.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, September 9, 1916, page 3

    At the meeting held this morning by Medford men interested in the proposed sawmill, it was decided to begin steps for the putting of the mill into operation in the near future. C. J. Semon will leave Saturday for the East. where he will look over several sawmill and logging outfits and before returning will start one of those under consideration on its way to Medford.
    S. S. Bullis this afternoon announced his intention of beginning the laying of rails, for about three miles of road beyond the present western end of the line, the first of next week. A considerable stretch of the rails between Medford and Jacksonville were taken up the past week and replaced with heavier steel. The lighter steel will be used in the construction of the extension. This work will be done by Mr. Bullis without the assistance of the city, pending the settlement of the injunction proceedings brought against the city to prevent the sale of bonds for the construction of the road, which will be heard in the county court next Wednesday and from there will without doubt be carried to the supreme court.
    Pending the arrival of the sawmill, Mr. Bullis stated, the logging roads will be cut out through the woods, and along the roads a large quantity of wood will be cut and put upon the Medford market. This supply, he promises, will reduce fuel prices and enable Medford people to get their firewood at a reasonable figure.
    The subscriptions for the sawmill have now reached a total of $22,000, and no further solicitation for subscriptions is being made, as the directors are confident that once operations are started local people will subscribe voluntarily.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1916, page 6

    Medford townspeople have raised $16,000 by solicitation for the construction of a $25,000 sawmill in the Jacksonville timber belt, on the proposed line of the Medford-Blue Ledge railway. If the present campaign is reasonably successful an attempt to raise $75,000 for a box factory at the same place will be made.
"Oregon News Notes of General Interest," Monmouth Herald, Monmouth, Oregon, September 29, 1916, page 5

    The S.O. Traction Company has a force of men this week putting down new steel on the line between this city and Medford.
    John Barnum, formerly of this city, is employed in the S.P. service at Dunsmuir, Cal.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, September 30, 1916, page 3

    Mr. Bullis informed a representative of the Post Wednesday that good progress is being made on clearing the way for the logging road from the present terminus of the railroad near the Opp mill to the timber at the head of the creek, a distance of about two miles, and that in a few weeks they will be ready for the steel. Timber sufficient to keep the proposed mill running for two years is being secured.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, October 14, 1916, page 3

    A change of time for the passenger service was made on the S.O.T. Co.'s line this week. In the afternoon the car leaves the city on the even hours instead of the half-hours as formerly. The forenoon schedule has not been changed.
    Work on the grading of the Bullis logging road is progressing nicely, the graders are now beyond the Opp mill and will reach the city dam by the last of next week. The machinery for the saw mill is expected to arrive at Medford about Nov. 10.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, October 21, 1916, page 3

    Mr. Bullis expects that the railroad to the timber at the head of Jackson Creek will be completed about December 10th and that the saw mill will be ready for operation by February 1st.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, October 28, 1916, page 3

Letter from President Bullis
To the Citizens of Jacksonville:--
    I am asking at your hands an extension of time for the Southern Oregon Traction Company's franchise to maintain railroad tracks along the streets of your city, where now laid, because of the fact that without such it will be impossible for me to sell bonds with which to raise money to do what I hope and expect to do in building and extending this railroad, making it of real service and importance to your municipality and the whole of Jackson County as well.
    I cannot conceive that you would ever elect to throw out our tracks and force a discontinuance of railroad service, but bond houses are very particular to know, before they will contract to buy bonds, as to title to rights of way and franchises through municipalities and insist that such rights, if not perpetual, shall run, at least, for a much longer time than the maturity of the mortgage.
    You can confidently expect that the benefit to be derived from this railroad will increase as time goes on, and one thing after another grows with it. We shall improve the property along as we can by fixing up the buildings and grading up the street and the tracks and laying better tracks.
    Hoping that we can get a favorable vote at the coming election and promising loyal support in doing what I am at all times for the upbuilding of your city,
        I beg to remain,
            Sincerely yours,
                S. S. BULLIS
Jacksonville Post, November 11, 1916, page 2

    Born--To Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barnum, Nov. 12, a twelve-pound son.
    Mr. Bullis has cut down his grading crew from twenty-three to eight men.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, November 18, 1916, page 3

    Joseph Gillespie was struck by the electric car and knocked off the track of the S.O. Traction Co., near the Trail mill, Friday afternoon, sustaining three broken ribs and other injuries.
    The logging railroad is complete almost to the dam on Jackson Creek, and it is expected that the road will reach the timber about Feb. 1st.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, December 16, 1916, page 3

Body of Mrs. Bullis Sent East.
    MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 25.--(Special.)--The body of Mrs. S. S. Bullis, wife of the president of the Southern Oregon Traction Company, who died Friday, was forwarded yesterday to her former home in Olean, N.Y. Mrs. Bullis came to Medford a year ago, shortly after Mr. Bullis purchased the Barnum railroad. She had been an invalid for many years.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 26, 1916, page 13

    The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Applegate Lumber Company was held Monday night, at which time the following officers were re-elected: President, S. S. Bullis; vice-president, C. J. Semon; secretary-treasurer, J. H. Carkin. The directors elected, in addition to the above-named officers, were C. E. Gates, E. C. Gaddis and C. M. Kidd.
    The secretary reported that out of the total of $21,000 subscribed by Medford citizens, $17,000 had been collected, and the remaining $4000 would probably be collected within a few days.
    A sawmill which would cost new $30,000 was purchased second hand, but in good repair, in the East by vice-president Semon and laid down in Medford for approximately $9000. In this $9000 is included the purchase price of the mill site in Medford.
    The company has purchased the Emil Britt timber land of 320 acres near Jacksonville, into which S. S. Bullis is now constructing a railroad free of cost to the lumber company.
    Work on the construction of the sawmill is progressing as rapidly as material can be secured. Concrete foundations for the machinery are being put in, and the framework is being put up and the excavation for the log pond is practically completed. It is expected the mill will be ready for operation within sixty or ninety days.
    Negotiations with the Ewauna Box Company have not as yet been completed, but these will be closed just so soon as the mill company is in a position to guarantee the furnishing of the required amount of lumber. Options have been secured on a factory site, and the city council has agreed to furnish water for the factory's use.
    Men are at work on the extension of the Bullis railroad into the timber, a distance of about two miles. The road has been graded and bridges put in on about a mile of the line, and a half mile of track has been laid. A camp has been established in the timber for the railroad construction crew, which will later be used by the logging crews.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 17, 1917, page 6   The sawmill was built in Medford on Chestnut Street, near today's intersection with Meadows Lane.

    W. G. Lindley, who is logging foreman for the Applegate Lumber Company, was in Medford Friday night on business. He tells us that the logging camp is well established and he has men at work getting out railroad ties and bridge timber for the extension of the railroad into the timber.
    There are now over 5000 ties cut and ready to be laid, while the bridge timber is nearly all out and on the ground ready for the bridge-building gang. There are several thousand feet of mill logs now cut ready for delivery to the mill. One donkey engine has been put in place, and another one will be brought down from Butte Falls as soon as the track is laid into the timber. About the first of February a large gang of loggers will be put to work falling timber for the sawmill.
    The railroad construction work is progressing as rapidly as could be hoped for during the bad weather. There are seven trestles on the extension, three of which are completed and the track laid over them, and four more to be completed as soon as the bridge gang can make them. One of these is 300 feet in length, and some of them are seventeen feet high.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 20, 1917, page 6

    The ordinance authorizing the issuance of $300,000 bonds for extending the S.O.T. Co.'s road to the mines has been declared invalid by Judge Hamilton in a recent decision.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, January 13, 1917, page 3

    The Southern Oregon Traction Company has been trying out the large electric car this week.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, February 3, 1917, page 3

    The Southern Oregon Traction people have been in trouble all week on the line between this city and Medford; cars have been running late, and in several instances trips have been omitted.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, February 24, 1917, page 3

    "I think that the seediest railroad line in the world is the one that runs between Medford and Jacksonville," said a traveling man who recently returned from an Oregon trip. "We were crossing a stretch of valley land near Rogue River when the train suddenly stopped for no apparent reason. After a wait of almost an hour the conductor came sneaking through the train glancing furtively at the exasperated passengers as he passed. When he came to me he stopped and leaned down.
    "'Say,' he said in a whisper, 'have you got a piece of string? We want to fix the engine.'"
Evening Sentinel, Red Bluff, California, April 18, 1917, page 2

    Mr. and Mrs. William Barnum, who have [been] living in Medford during the winter, have returned to their home in this city. Bill says that he has visited a good many different towns, but finds no place like old Jacksonville. Incidentally, Bill proposed that the editor of the Post join him in a wood-cutting campaign this summer, but nothing doing along that line--shade trees are too remote.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, April 21, 1917, page 3

Engineer Dead, Fireman Badly Hurt.
    An accident on the logging railroad, near the city dam on Jackson Creek Friday afternoon, resulted in the death of Denver Marsh the engineer, and Charles Schumpf, the fireman of the logging engine, had a leg broken and other injuries.
    It seems that the engine and two cars were at the landing about a mile above the dam, the car next to the engine was loaded with logs and the second car was partly loaded when the loading crew asked to have the car moved ahead. Denver backed up and Schumpf removed the chunk with which the locomotive was blocked [and] started ahead until the rear car was at the desired place, but when he tried to stop the train the air brakes failed to work and engine and cars started down the grade at a rapidly increasing speed until near the upper end of the city reservoir, when engine and cars left the track in a general smashup.
    It is said that Denver threw Schumpf off the engine but stuck to it himself, and when found was pinned under the wreck of the cab, where he was badly scalded by the steam and hot water from the boiler, his body a mass of bruises. Medical aid was summoned, and autos conveyed the injured men to the hospital at Medford, where an examination showed that there was no hopes for his life. He died at 7:15 last night.
    The dead engineer was aged about 28 years. He was unmarried, lived with his parents in this city and was their principal support. He was a steady, industrious young man and had a host of friends who were shocked to hear of his death.
    Reports from the hospital state that Schumpf had one leg broken but otherwise seems to be all right.
Jacksonville Post, July 21, 1917, page 3

    Coroner Perl will probably conduct a jury inquest into the accident on the Bullis' logging railroad in Jackson Creek Canyon Friday afternoon which resulted in the death of Denver Marsh, the engineer of the train, and the injury of Charles Schumpf. the temporary fireman. He will hold a conference with County Prosecutor Roberts sometime today before fully deciding on the matter.
    The accident occurred about 3 p.m. when the logging train, while going down the steep grade, got beyond control for some reason as yet unknown, but thought to be because the air brakes failed to work, left the tracks on a bridge and plunged into an embankment. The engine was overturned and buried engineer Marsh beneath it.
    Marsh had jumped when the engine left the track, but too late. He could have saved his life by jumping sooner, but remained pluckily at his post in an endeavor to regain control of the train.
    Schumpf's life was saved by the prompt action of Marsh, who when he realized the train was beyond control, shoved or kicked him out of the engine cab. Schumpf alighted on a bank of soft dirt. Nevertheless he sustained a broken leg and minor injuries. Fireman Dailey was not on the engine, but was helping load cars, Schumpf having taken his place while he was engaged in this work.
    Marsh sustained awful injuries when the engine fell on him, his legs and body being crushed, and various parts of his body being burned and torn. He never regained consciousness from the time of the accident until his death at the hospital at 6 p.m.
    Tho injured men were hurried to the Sacred Heart Hospital as soon as possible after the accident. Everything possible was done to save Marsh's life, but without avail.
    Funeral services will be held over Marsh Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Odd Fellows hall in Jacksonville. He was a member of the Jacksonville lodge. Rev. Mr. Hutchinson of the Methodist church of Rogue River will conduct the services. The Jacksonville lodge of Odd Fellows will conduct the services at the grave in the Jacksonville cemetery.
    Denver Marsh was nearly 27 years old and was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Marsh of Jacksonville, whom he had helped support since boyhood. The father is crippled. The dead man is also survived by a sister, Mrs. G. A. Shafer, of Weed, Cal., who arrived today to be with her parents and attend the funeral.
    Denver Marsh was widely and favorably known in Jacksonville and Medford. He was for a long time a motorman on the streetcar line between the two cities.
    The loss to the Bullis railroad in equipment will not be so serious as was at first reported. The engine is not badly wrecked. Three logging cars which plunged off the bridge and fell into the canyon below are badly damaged.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1917, page 6

    A new schedule went into effect on the Southern Oregon Traction Co.'s line between this city and Medford August 1st, and is causing considerable dissatisfaction among the patrons of the road. The principal objection is: that the last car from Medford arrives here at about 6:30 in the evening, and anyone at Medford after the departure of that car must either walk or hire a jitney. Another objection urged is: that the first car from here in the morning fails to connect with the S.P. train at Medford.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, August 4, 1917, page 3

    A new schedule was put in operation on the S.O. Traction Company's line between this city and Medford Thursday, under which the car lays over here nights. The first car in the morning leaves here at 7:30 instead of 8 o'clock as formerly. A night car leaving Medford at 10:30 on week days and at 11 o'clock Saturday and Sunday nights is another feature of the new plan. The schedule in full appears in another column of this paper.
    The engine which was wrecked in the recent accident on the logging road has been placed on the track again. It has been repaired and is ready for service again.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, August 25, 1917, page 3

    I understand that the P.&E. are repairing the motor car that was used on the old Barnum road between Medford and Jacksonville to put on in the place of the worn-out motor car they have been using on the route between here and Medford.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1917, page 7

    The gasoline motor car formerly used on the railroad between this city and Medford has been transferred to the P.&E. line from Medford to Butte Falls.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, December 22, 1917, page 3

    Speaking of the motor on the P.&E., I see that the company have installed the old Jacksonville motor car on the P.&E. and are trying it out, and if it proves to be a success are thinking of purchasing it. It is to be hoped that it will prove a success, for surely the old one has been an eyesore to not only the men who have had to run it, but also to those who patronize the road.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, January 9, 1918, page 5

    A crossing sign has arrived and will be placed at the railroad crossing near the courthouse.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, February 23, 1918, page 3

    In the case of Mayhugh vs. Southern Oregon Traction Co. on trial in the circuit court Wednesday, the jury returned a verdict awarding the plaintiff $2500 damages. Mayhugh was on one of the runaway cars which ran off the track at the switchback opposite the Opp mill last summer.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 1, 1918, page 3

    The Joe Gagnon mill has 200,000 pear boxes made ready for the market, but Mr. Gagnon announces that he will keep these boxes for Medford and valley use, despite the fact that he has had several offers for the lot from distant points.
    The Gagnon mill is still at work making apple boxes at the rate of 2,000 a day. The mill has just received an order for lumber for two large bungalows to be erected at Hilt.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1918, page 2

    The. Southern Oregon Traction Company line, more familiarly known as the Bullis railroad, formerly the Barnum line between Medford and Jacksonville, including the trolley line in Medford, will soon be out of existence, at least for the period of the war. The fact that part of the rails of the line had been requisitioned by the government, together with the fact that freight and passenger traffic between the city and county seat, because of auto competition, had fallen to a low ebb, brought about this decision.
To Dismantle Road
    The dismantling of the railroad to furnish the requisitioned rails will begin within a week or two, and which will first be started in the Jackson Creek section, will necessitate the abandoning of logging operations in that section for the Applegate Lumber Company mill in this city, which means that all logs for the mill will have to be brought in from the Butte Falls section. Mr. Bullis said this noon that this situation will probably necessitate removing the mill of the Applegate Lumber Company from its present location to another on the Pacific and Eastern railroad line.
    The decision to stop the operation of the road, induced by the requisitioning of three miles of rails, and the fact that probably other rails would also be requisitioned in the course of time, has thrown the plans of the Southern Oregon Traction Company and the Applegate Lumber Company all up in the air at present. Mr. Bullis, however, says that the line will probably be in operation for several weeks yet between Medford and Jacksonville.
Ordered by Uncle Sam
    On Sept. 6th Mr. Bullis, who is president of the traction company, received the following telegram from the War Department, spruce production division, bureau of aircraft production:
    "We have made requisition on you for three miles of 55-pound rails for immediate shipment to the bureau of aircraft production, for account of Grant Smith Porter Brothers Company, Clatsop, Ore."
    On Sept. 9th Mr. Bullis wrote to the state public service commission announcing that the road would have to discontinue operation and explaining the reasons. Monday he went to Portland to endeavor to straighten out the situation, but without avail. He arrived home last night.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 11, 1918, page 6

    It is reported that the logging road up Jackson Creek is to be immediately torn up, and the rails and the old Climax engine have been sold to the government. The report states further that the railroad between this city and Medford is also to be pulled up and the service discontinued. We have tried to ascertain from Mr. Bullis whether the report is true or not, but up to the time of going to press have been unable to get in touch with him.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, September 14, 1918, page 3

    The latest development in the Medford-Jacksonville railroad situation is that last night President S. S. Bullis of the Southern Oregon Traction Company came square out in the open and declared his intention of selling the railroad. He did this in a telephone conversation with Mayor Gates.
    Calling up the mayor, he said that he had noticed the protest made by the city council over his intention, declared that he was going to sell the railroad and intimated that if the people of Medford wanted the road so bad the should purchase it before it was sold to others. He suggested that a conference be held between himself and the people of Medford to this end. Mayor Gates said today that he saw no reason for such a conference.
    It is reported around town that Mr. Bullis' attorney went to attorney A. E. Reames, who is representing Medford in opposing the proposed discontinuance of the railroad, and suggested the holding of a similar conference with a view to the purchase of the road, but the people's attorney spurned the suggestion.
    No word has yet been received from Colonel Disque at Portland relative to the protests made by the councils of Medford and Jacksonville.
    In an interview this morning Mr. Bullis reiterated his intention of selling the railroad. "Of course I am going to sell it," he said. "Someone else has got to carry the load."
Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1918, page 2

    The Medford-Jacksonville railroad will not be pulled up and junked--not at the present time, for Colonel Bryce Disque, in charge of the spruce division of the United States, has wired as follows to A. E. Reames, who as attorney for the citizens of Medford and Jacksonville appealed for the rescinding of the department order commandeering three miles of rails:
Portland, Ore., Sept. 20, 1918.
    Answering your letter September 10, rails were offered us by Bullis. In light of correspondence on this matter you are definitely informed that the government will not take these rails until they can be offered to it without local opposition.
DISQUE, Colonel U.S. Army.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1918, page 2

    Mr. and Mrs. William Barnum and baby are ill in bed with severe cases of the grippe at their suite in the Barnum apartments.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 19, 1918, page 4

    The condition of Mrs. William H. Barnum, who with her two-year-old son is ill with influenza at the Sacred Heart Hospital, was not so favorable today as yesterday, but the child's condition continues to improve. It is said that Mrs. Barnum is kept in ignorance of the death of her husband in the hospital this morning, as the shock of such news would have a serious effect in her case.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 23, 1918, page 2

    BARNUM--William Henry Barnum died at the Sacred Heart Hospital at 6:15 a.m., Oct. 23, of pneumonia, at the age of 35 years. He was born at Brushton, Franklin County, N.Y., Oct. 8, 1883, and moved with his parents to Medford in 1884. He is survived by his wife, Jessie, and son, William Laird Barnum, aged two years, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Barnum, and brothers John Barnum of Portland and George Barnum of Medford.
    Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the I.O.O.F. cemetery in Medford. Rev. L. Myron Boozer will conduct the services.

Medford Mail Tribune,
October 23, 1918, page 2

    Because of the large number of cases of sickness in the city, almost all from influenza or la grippe and pneumonia, whichever the attending physician prefers to call it, and the fact that there were two deaths yesterday at the Sacred Heart Hospital of Barnum Apartments residents, more drastic regulations to safeguard the public health and prevent the spread of the epidemic are being put into effect by Mayor Gates.
    Beginning today, by his orders, a blue card sign on which is printed the warning words: "Contagious. Influenza," will be placed on every house where it is known there is one or more persons ill with influenza or severe la grippe. And every rooming or apartment house or private home where there had been a known case of influenza will be thoroughly fumigated.
Not Favored by Doctors
    City Health Officer Pickel is not in favor of quarantining homes or fumigating, holding that it is unnecessary. He insists that there is very little, if any, influenza in the city and that most of the sickness consists of la grippe or bad colds. Most of the other physicians profess to hold the same opinion. Mayor Gates asserts that Dr. Charles T. Sweeney is the only physician who is heartily cooperating with him in steps to prevent the spread of the epidemic, whatever it is, that has caused so much illness in the city. Miss McGrail, the public health nurse, is also cooperating with the mayor.
    Since the present epidemic set in the doctors of the city have been rushed night and day taking care of patients, and the druggists have been doing a rush business in filling prescriptions and selling various medicines.
Public Nurse Helps
    Health nurse McGrail has been busy day and night looking after cases throughout the city, in a number of instances acting as nurse and physician. She declares there are many cases of influenza throughout the city and that more drastic measures should be taken to prevent its spread. Much praise has been heard on all sides for the splendid big work she has been doing since so much sickness set in. She has several homes in charge in which a number of members of the family are down with the plague, and states positively that a number of them are real influenza cases.
    Following the removal of Mr. and Mrs. William Barnum and child and John W. Arthur from the Barnum Apartments to the Sacred Heart Hospital, where Mr. McArthur died yesterday and Mr. Barnum this morning, Miss McGrail took hold of the situation in the apartment building, and isolated Miss Pearl Shanks, the maid of the apartments, who is quite ill with the influenza or la grippe. Several other residents of the apartments are ill and she also advised and helped out in their cases.
Fumigate Apartments
    While Mayor Gates was hunting around for someone this forenoon to fumigate the Barnum Apartments, he learned that Miss McGrail, who has apartments in the building, of her own accord was just about to begin thoroughly fumigating the structure.
    All of the sick in the apartments have been isolated and the building fumigated, so that there is no longer any danger to other tenants or visitors, it was stated this noon.
    While the death of William Barnum was primarily due to pneumonia, which developed from an attack of influenza, the death of Mr. McArthur is not attributed to influenza, but to bronchitis complications. He had been subject to bronchitis attacks and last week went fishing and got his feet wet, which brought on another attack from which he steadily grew worse until his death.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 23, 1918, page 6

    John Barnum arrived in the city this morning from Portland to attend the funeral of his brother William H. Barnum, which was held this afternoon.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1918, page 2

    While funeral services were being held in the I.O.O.F. cemetery this afternoon at the grave over the late William H. Barnum, who died of influenza in the Sacred Heart Hospital Wednesday morning, his wife and baby son lay ill with the same disease at the hospital only a few hundred feet away from the cemetery. Mrs. Barnum's condition was improved today, she having recovered somewhat from the shock of her husband's death, and the baby continues to improve.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1918, page 2

    The trolley car was out of commission Monday afternoon on account of the juice being turned off.
    Reports are current on the street that J. T. Gagnon, the Medford lumberman, has leased the Jacksonville-Medford railroad and will operate it as a logging road, discontinuing the present passenger service. We have not been able to secure confirmation of the reports and doubt their authenticity, as such action would result in forfeiture of the franchise for use of right-of-way through this city.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, February 15, 1919, page 3

Railroad Logging in Oregon circa 1910
A Climax engine on unidentified Oregon railroad logging operation, circa 1910

    Joe Gagnon is hauling logs from his timber tract on Jackson Creek to the mill at Medford.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, March 29, 1919, page 3

    It is reported that the railroad between this city and Medford will be turned over to Mr. Barnum in a few days.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, April 5, 1919, page 3

    Possession and operation of the railroad between this city and Medford was taken over by the mortgagor, Mr. W. S. Barnum, Monday morning.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, April 12, 1919, page 3

    Under a temporary lease obtained from Receiver Attorney T. W. Miles, and which was authorized by Circuit Judge Calkins yesterday, the Gagnon Lumber Company is now operating the freight department of the Southern Oregon Traction Company as a logging railroad. Receiver Mills will continue to operate the passenger car between Medford and Jacksonville.
    The railroad will be sold by the court's order on May 10th, in order to satisfy the mortgage held on it by W. H. Barnum, its former owner, and will undoubtedly be bought in by Mr. Barnum, who will then give the Gagnon Lumber Company a long-time lease on the entire railroad.
    The lumber company Thursday began the work of hauling logs from its logging camp on Jackson Creek to the Gagnon saw mill in Medford, and Joe Gagnon says that by fall from five to eight million feet of logs will have been hauled. The Gagnon company's new box factory will start up on South Fir Street next week.
    Incidentally the outlet thus obtained by the company through the railroad lease from its logging and timber holdings breaks the wood shortage in Medford which has long existed, for hundreds of cords of dry fir and hardwood have been piled up at the camp since last summer. The company rushed in two cars of fir wood to Medford yesterday and more today.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 18, 1919, page 8

    B. L. Moses has resigned his position as motorman on the trolley line and will go to Butte Falls. J. M. Plymale is operating the car now.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, May 10, 1919, page 3

    Hutton.--At the Blue Ledge copper mine, in the Elliott district of Siskiyou County, near the Oregon border, the winter's accumulation of 1000 tons of sulphide ore is now being moved over the Rogue River Valley Railway and Southern Pacific at Medford, Oregon. The 34-mile haul by teams and trucks costs $10 per ton. Twenty-seven miles of standard crushed rock highway, extending to the California state line, is to be completed by the state of Oregon at a cost of $50,000. A moderate reduction in transportation costs will render available for shipment several hundred thousand tons of developed ore. Gold and silver are important metals in this ore. This district includes the Gray Eagle mines at Happy Camp, and is one of the most promising copper areas in California.

"California," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 17, 1919, page 680

J. T. Gagnon Assumes Control and Announces Changes.
    MEDFORD, Or., June 8.--(Special.)--Another chapter in the checkered career of the Jacksonville railroad was written today when J. T. Gagnon, lumber mill operator of this city, leased the road from its original owner and builder, W. T. Barnum. Gagnon states he will operate the road essentially as a supply system for his lumber mill, but will also conduct a freight and passenger business between this city and the county seat.
    The new owner announces he will change the name to the Rogue River Valley Railroad, will establish a new street car schedule and repair the equipment.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 29, 1919, page 6

    The Jacksonville railroad, which has been operated for several years by the Southern Oregon Traction Company, is about to pass into strange hands, and in fact most of it has already done so. On May 30 the railroad property was bought in a public sale by W. S. Barnum, its former owner and who held the unpaid mortgage bonds on it. The circuit court confirmation of the sale will be given ten days after the sale. Mr. Barnum was the only bidder, and it is said that his bid was $45,000, while the amount of mortgage bonds due was $65,000.
    Friday afternoon, pending the confirmation of the sale, a deal was completed by which Mr. Barnum leased the railroad property for one year to Joe Gagnon, the lumber mill operator and box manufacturer, who will greatly improve the property and operate the railroad.
    Included in the lease are ten flat cars, two box cars, two railroad coaches, two engines, and six rock or gravel cars. All of the property has already been turned over to Mr. Gagnon, except the street car, and he will not be given possession of it until the court has confirmed the sale and the receiver. Attorney T. W. Miles, who is operating the street car line, has been relieved from duty.
    Mr. Gagnon announced Friday that he will change the name of the railroad to the Rogue River Valley Railroad, will establish a new street car schedule, repaint and burnish up the street car and uniform the crew. He will operate the railroad in connection with his lumber and logging operations and for hauling general freight between Jacksonville and Medford.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 6, 1919, page 8

    J. T. Gagnon, the Medford lumber man, has leased the railroad between this city and Medford from W. S. Barnum, the present owner, who bought it in at foreclosure sale last week. Mr. Gagnon has been in possession of the freight equipment of the road for several weeks and will take over the trolley car as soon as the sale of the road to Mr. Barnum is confirmed by the court, which it is expected will be done next week.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 7, 1919, page 3

    Thursday morning at the Dow hospital in Medford, a very difficult and delicate surgical operation was performed on Ray Blackburn, former motorman on [the] S.O. Traction car, who was crushed between logs while unloading a car at the Applegate Lumber Co.'s mill last summer. A section of the backbone was removed, and substitutes for the protection of the spinal cord were made to take the place of the injured vertebra which was removed.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 21, 1919, page 3

    A change in time schedule is coming in the Rogue River Valley Railroad, formerly known as the Southern Oregon Traction Company line, the lease of which recently passed into the hands of Joe Gagnon. It was not until July 2nd that he was given custody of the street car service. Mr. Gagnon said yesterday that he is planning improvements in the service between here and Jacksonville and that the new time schedule would be published after Monday.
"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, July 13, 1919, page 2

Gagnon Mill on Double Shift.
    The Gagnon Box & Lumber concern has so much work on hand and ahead that it has been operating night and day for some time. The mill is working on an order for 15 carloads of apple shook for the Wilson Orchard Company of Nampa, Ida., which must be filled between now and October. Shipments in filling this large order will begin July 20th.
    The mill also has an order for 10 carloads of dimension and finishing lumber to be shipped to Dunsmuir, Calif. Two carloads of the same kind of lumber were several days ago shipped to fill an order at Sisson, Calif.
    Mr. Gagnon will begin this week the transportation of 1000 cords of four-foot dry fir and oak wood from his Jackson Creek timber holdings to Medford.

Jacksonville Post, July 19, 1919, page 1

$25,000 Fire Laid to Incendiarism. Plan to Be Rebuilt.
    MEDFORD, Or., July 24.--The Gagnon lumber mill on the outskirts of the city burned to the ground early this morning with a loss of $25,000, covered by $7000 insurance. The origin of the fire is not known, although J. T. Gagnon, the proprietor, declares it was undoubtedly of incendiary origin.
    The mill will be rebuilt at once.

Morning Oregonian,
Portland, July 25, 1919, page 11

    The fire at Medford Thursday morning destroyed the connections on the trolley line; as a result Jacksonville has had no trolley service. Mail and passengers have been carried by auto.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, July 26, 1919, page 3

Saw Mill and Box Factory Burn to Ground
    The sawmill, and box factory at Medford belonging to J. T Gagnon was burned to the ground early Thursday morning. The fire also burned about 250,000 feet of lumber which was piled in the yards, causing a loss, it is estimated, of $25,000. Insurance to the amount of $6,000 was carried on the outfit.
    The fire is supposed to be of incendiary origin, although Mr. Gagnon denies having any enemies. The authorities have not the slightest clue to the identity of the guilty parties; and the real cause will likely remain a mystery.
    The Medford fire department responded to the call, but on the way to the scene of the fire the motor truck went "haywire,'' and by the time the other truck could be brought into use the fire had gained such headway that the only course for the firemen to follow was to try to save the surrounding buildings and lumber.

Jacksonville Post, July 26, 1919, page 3

Gagnon Sawmill Plant Moved to This City.
    The plant of the Gagnon Lumber Company, which was recently destroyed by fire at Medford, is to be rebuilt in this city.
    Arrangements were made early in the week for securing a site and the location of the old cyanide plant on Jackson Creek, consisting of 40 acres, has been purchased and operations of setting the foundations and getting the mill in shape for running are now underway.
    At the time the mill was destroyed Mr. Gagnon had a multitude of orders for lumber and boxes, which he estimated would ensure steady operation for several months.
    New machinery has been received from Portland and is now already on the ground, ready to be installed. The mill will likely employ twenty or thirty men, which will likely mean that same number of families for Jacksonville.
    It is estimated that Mr. Gagnon now has title to enough timber in this region to keep his mill in steady operation for ten years or longer.

Jacksonville Post, August 9, 1919, page 3

    J. T. Gagnon, who arrived back in Medford today from Portland, where he purchased more machinery for the new saw mills he is erecting, one in Jacksonville, and the other on the site of the mill which burned down in Medford several weeks ago, said this noon the Jacksonville mill would be in operation by another week.
    For this mill, which is located along Jackson Creek on the site of the old cyanide plant and not far away from the edge of Mr. Gagnon's extensive timber tract, two carloads of machinery arrived last week.
    The business men and citizens of Jacksonville subscribed $4,000 as a bonus to Mr. Gagnon for locating the mill there.
    The new Medford mill, which will be ready by fall, will be larger than the Jacksonville and larger than the one burned down. The foundations for it are being laid.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 12, 1919, page 8

    The foundation for the new Medford mill and box factory of J. T. Gagnon, to be built on the site of the plant that burned down, is in and the work of setting the machinery has begun. The work is being rushed, and the building will be erected around the machinery after the latter is all set. Another carload of machinery arrived in the city Thursday.

"Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, August 15, 1919, page 2

    Mrs. Will Barnum and George Barnum have returned home from Rocky Point, Pelican Bay, where they were called by the serious illness of W. S. Barnum, the well-known Medford citizen, whose condition is now much improved. He will be brought home in about two weeks and will then leave with Mrs. Barnum for Long Beach, Cal., to spend the winter. It is thought that the ocean climate will be of great benefit to his health. His recent illness resembled an attack of ptomaine poisoning.

"Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, August 19, 1919, page 2

    The Gagnon Lumber Company's mill near Jacksonville that has recently been erected commenced sawing lumber Saturday. The mill has a capacity of 25,000 feet daily and will furnish employment for a number of men. The logging camp has been running for several weeks and has a big supply of logs on hand.
    Mr. Gagnon recently purchased 80 acres on which the mill is located, near the Opp mine. He will build three bungalows near the mill to accommodate three families recently moved here from Glendale to work in the mill. Two crews will be put on at once.
Medford Sun, September 21, 1919, page 4

    The trolley car of the R.R.V.Ry. Co. ran into a creamery truck yesterday afternoon, spilling ice, milk cans, etc., over the landscape. No one was injured.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, October 11, 1919, page 3

    An announcement made today that J. T. Gagnon had purchased from W. S. Barnum outright the Medford-Jacksonville railroad, on which he obtained a year's lease several months ago, and plans to extend the road on to the Blue Ledge mine and from there on to the sea coast, is only a straw indicating the coming big development and growth of Medford.
    Mr. Gagnon says that he has already taken steps in the organizing of a company to take over the railroad and extend it to the Blue Ledge district and coast, and that the organization and plans are to bring the proposed extension to the coast near Crescent City.
    The extension of the present road to the Blue Ledge, a distance of 45 miles from Jacksonville, thus opening up the great copper deposits for shipment, would mean wonders in prosperity for Medford, but a further extension on to the coast would open up local possibilities almost beyond belief.
    Incidentally, Mr. Gagnon has changed the name of the present 10 miles of railroad between Medford and his timber holdings on Jackson Creek beyond Jacksonville to the Medford Coast Railroad. After he obtained the lease he changed the name from the Southern Oregon Traction line to the Rogue River Valley Railroad.
    The old engine and passenger coach will be put into use between this city and Jacksonville this week for several days while the street car is being painted and given a general overhauling.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1919, page 8

J. T. Gagnon Buys R.R.V.Ry., Changes Name.

    J. T. Gagnon, who has held a lease on the J-ville-Medford short line for several months, has purchased the outfit, lock, stock and barrel; so latest reports have it.
    Mr. Gagnon has changed the name of the road to the "Medford-Coast Railroad," and announces that he will build a line from here to the Blue Ledge, opening up all the valuable mining properties in that section. When that is completed Mr. Gagnon announces his intention of building a road to Crescent City, Calif.

Jacksonville Post, November 1, 1919, page 1

    Gold Hill.--The purchase of the Medford-Jacksonville railway by the Gagnon Lumber Co., of Medford, Oregon, is a matter of importance to the development of the copper deposits in the Blue Ledge district in the southern part of this county and Northern California. The lumber company has a large holding of sawmills and box factories in Medford and Jacksonville, and this road already extends into the timber of the Applegate district supplying these plants. The new owners have already taken steps to organize a company to extend the railway from Jacksonville a distance of 35 miles to the Blue Ledge mine, California, and from there on to the coast at Crescent City. During the war this region was a heavy shipper of high-grade copper ore to the Puget Sound smelters. During that time the smelters found these ores essential in fluxing with the Alaskan ores from the north, and the result is that they are now in the market for all the available ores from this region.
Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 15, 1919, page 721

Local Saw Mill Increases Crew and Output.
    The Gagnon lumber mill, west of this city, is rapidly getting in shape to fill all orders for lumber, box shook and shingles.
    The force at the mill has been increased recently, and now operations are pursued with much vigor. The concern has recently started operating their shingle saw and now are making fine pine shingles.
    Much lumber is being shipped to Medford for distribution.

Jacksonville Post, November 22, 1919, page 1

    The trolley car on the Medford Coast Line is out of commission today, undergoing repairs. The company is transporting the passengers by auto.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, November 22, 1919, page 3

    The Gagnon sawmill has been shut down several days recently on account of scarcity of logs. A spur from the logging railroad has been laid to the mill, and the logs will in the future be hauled on the railroad, thus ensuring a better supply during the winter season.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, December 13, 1919, page 3

    The trolley car running between Medford and this city, which had been out of commission several days on account of the storm, was put back on the run this week and is now making a trip every once in a while.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, December 20, 1919, page 3

North Front Street [Barnum Hotel], Medford, Oregon:

William S. Barnum, 64, no occupation, born in Canada, father born in New York, mother born in Canada
Bertha Barnum, 65, born in New York, parents born in New York
U.S. Census, enumerated January 2, 1920

    Because of the dissatisfaction of Jacksonville citizens with the service given by J. T. Gagnon with his Medford Coast Railroad streetcar between Jacksonville and this city, the city council of the county seat last night decided to invite an auto jitney to take care of the passenger traffic between the two cities. The council decided to award the jitney license to the highest bidder between now and Friday.
    At the meeting last week of the newly organized Jacksonville Community Club the dissatisfactory streetcar service was discussed fully, and the Jacksonville Post in its account of the meeting contained the following:
    "Mr. Johnson told of an interview with the manager of the railroad in which Mr. Gagnon stated that he did not care about the passenger business. In reply to a question as to why he did not use the engine and coach on the run, Mr. Gagnon replied that he could not spare the engine from the logging operations."
Medford Mail Tribune, January 7, 1920

239 Fifty-Second Street, Portland, Oregon:
John C. Barnum, 39, iron works draftsman, born in New York, father born in Canada, mother born in New York
Florence M., 26, born in Washington, father born in Minnesota, mother in New York
Jeannette C., 1 year and 4 months, born in Oregon
U.S. Census, enumerated January 8, 1920

    J. T. Gagnon, president and general manager of the Medford Coast Railroad, which operates the street car between Jacksonville and this city, feels that the people of Jacksonville are doing him a great injustice if the council of the county seat town passes the ordinance tomorrow night, as it probably will, to grant a license to the Interurban Auto Co., for the carrying of freight and passengers between Jacksonville and Medford. The council at its meeting last week decided to grant this license and gave the granting ordinance its first and second readings. If the ordinance passes Tuesday night the interurban company will start to operate between the two points next Thursday.
    Medford has a distinct interest in this move by Jacksonville, for Mr. Gagnon had made plans to operate the street car the full length of Main Street in this city on every trip, so as to accommodate the people who desired to reach the cemetery, and if the jitney opposition is put into effect will necessarily have to abandon this plan. In fact he may abandon the street car service entirely between Medford and Jacksonville, and operate the railroad only in the interest of his logging, timber and mill interests.
    Mr. Gagnon points out that while there is no financial profit in the street car patronage between Jacksonville and Medford he as a matter of civic pride has been and is still willing to operate the street car service. It looks better to the outside world in making the valley look more prosperous, he says. He has given the best service he could, he asserts, having the car make seven trips daily whenever possible, and extra trips Saturday and Sunday night in accordance with the wishes of the Jacksonville people, and he was planning to better the car service right along.
    While Mr. Gagnon admits the service has been poor the past two months, due to circumstances over which he had no control, he claims that if the Jacksonville people had only been patient till things could be restored to normal they would have no kick coming but would be well satisfied.
    He points out that during the recent big storm it was impossible because of the heavy snow, and ice, to operate the car, and that for eight or nine days there was no electric power with which to operate the car. He could not use the engine to clear the tracks of ice and snow and to haul the car, as many Jacksonvillians had suggested, because it could not possibly be spared from the logging camp, where it was kept busy getting out wood for Medford when this city was actually suffering for lack of fuel.
    In lieu of the street car Mr. Gagnon points out that he provided jitney and auto truck service. Then when he did try to use the street car that large vehicle was broken in crushing the ice and snow from the tracks. Then he bought the large street car from Mr. Bullis to take its place. During the storm period and later Mr. Gagnon says that he only missed two Jacksonville mails.
    Finally it is pointed out by him that it is a matter of civic pride with both Jacksonville and Medford to have a street car line in operation between the county seat and this city, and thus in inviting and establishing jitney service in an effort to drive out the railroad Jacksonville is doing wrong. He cites that through the activities of jitney lines the Pacific & Eastern Railroad was finally closed down, and that for the same reason the Southern Pacific years ago abandoned its motor train service between Grants Pass and Ashland.
    The Interurban Auto Car Co. license which will probably be passed tomorrow night requires that the company pay a license fee of $100 annually and give a $500 bond, and provides for at least eight round trips each day--one to be made after 6 o'clock p.m., and one trip with truck for hauling baggage and freight also to be made each day.
    Passenger fares are to be 20 cents for one way and 35 cents for a round trip. Freight charges will be: Packages up to 50 pounds in weight 15 cents; over 50 pounds and up to 250 pounds, 25 cents; over 250 pounds at 10 cents per cwt.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 12, 1920, page 6

    The new passenger transportation service between Jacksonville and Medford was begun today by the Interurban Autocar Company, which will make 12 trips daily weekdays, with an extra trip Saturday night and nine trips on Sundays.
    With the inauguration of this auto service the streetcar of the Medford Coast Railroad has been sent to the boneyard for an indefinite period, having made its last round trip over the line yesterday, as J. C. Gagnon, president and manager of the road, decided to no longer operate it with jitney opposition. "I have decided to let the people of Jacksonville have their own way in this matter, inasmuch as there is no money in operating the streetcar," he said today. Mr. Gagnon will operate the railroad line between his timber holdings on Jackson Creek, near Jacksonville, and Medford solely as a logging, timber and fuel road, in the interest of his mills at Jacksonville and this city and his wood business.
    The Interurban Autocar Company entered this field at the request of the Jacksonville residents because of their dissatisfaction with the streetcar service since the big storm, and the company was granted a passenger and freight carrying business license under $500 bond by the city council of Jacksonville to operate in that county seat town.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 16, 1920, page 6

    The Medford Mail Tribune of January 12 devotes nearly a column in explaining why and where the citizens of Jacksonville are doing Mr. Gagnon a grave injustice by permitting an auto line to operate between this city and Medford.
    According to the article, Mr. Gagnon states that if we had only had a little patience the service would have been improved. True, there is plenty of room for improvement. We would like to inquire just what amount has been expended in keeping up the roadbed the past year.
    Mr. Gagnon had ample opportunity to give us first-class service had he so desired, but showed no signs of worry when we were cut off from the world by the recent storm. During the first day of the snow he made no effort to carry the mail in either direction, and had it not been for Mr. Ulrich going after the mail we would have had none. Later Mr. Gagnon put on a Ford touring car (capacity five persons including the driver). In this he planned to carry the mail, express and passengers. For some time, however, the Ford was not used, during which time passengers, freight, etc., were transported via auto truck. Such was the auto and truck service.
    Employees of the road had made remonstrances concerning the danger of using the roadbed in the present condition, but all were unheeded.
    The entire article has about the same amount of truthfulness as the paragraph concerning the mail.
    Of course we couldn't expect Mr. Gagnon to discontinue the logging operation in order that we might get our mail and freight, especially as he was responsible for the wood supply of Medford, but we have a perfect right to demand better service than we have had, both before and after the storm.
    The company is not and has not been complying with the terms of its franchise, and we cannot see that Mr. Gagnon has given any real service.
    What the people wish is service, and if Mr. Gagnon cannot provide it when his road is protected by the city, then it is time to invite competition.

Jacksonville Post, January 17, 1920, page 1

    What is generally known as the greatest comeback in Medford's history is that of Ray Blackburn, who with a broken back and whose physical condition has aroused universal sympathy here for the past two years, now becomes one of the city's business men, having embarked in the retail wood business today. He has, with the aid of friends, just purchased the woodyard interests of J. T. Gagnon, including $300 worth of wood, and will manage this business from his wheelchair.
    The courageous and ambitious man of 32 years of age, who despite his awful affliction has never lost hope since the time of the accident, in which his back was broken, not only hopes to make a good living for his wife and child and himself in the wood business, but also has other plans in mind in a business way. He even feels confident that he will yet be able to walk.
    He retains the old Gagnon woodyard location on South Fir Street, and for the present will also take orders at 502 South Grape Street and over phone No. 519-J. He hopes to soon establish his woodyard office at a handy location on Main Street.
    Mr. Blackburn was injured two years ago last August when he was operating the Jacksonville street car. He had just hauled a carload of logs to the Applegate lumber company mill in Medford, and was assisting the mill men to unload the logs when one of them fell on him, breaking his spine and a rib, inflicting other injuries. His life was despaired of for a long time afterwards, but his indomitable pluck together with good medical and surgical attention finally brought him to the present stage of being able to wheel himself around in a chair. He has only been able to sit up at all since last June and has just been able to operate a wheelchair unaided for a week or so.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1920, page 6

    The big deal which has been pending here for several weeks for the sale by J. T. Gagnon of his Medford-Jacksonville railroad lease, mills in this city and Jacksonville and timber holdings on Jackson Creek to a syndicate of California fruit shipping concerns in which Klein, Simpson and Co., of Los Angeles, and Earl Fruit Company of the Northwest are the chief factors, has not yet been consummated. However it is understood that the syndicate still holds an option and negotiations are still on.--Mail Tribune.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 26, 1920, page 3

    Joe T. Ganyon [sic] of Medford was a business visitor in this city Tuesday.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, July 10, 1920, page 3

    Some time ago a flatcar of the Jacksonville railroad was wrecked on the side track between Sixth Street and the Medford Fruit Co. building, where it was left and has been an eyesore ever since. Complaint was made before Justice Taylor today against J. T. Gagnon, owner of the railroad, in an effort to compel him to have the car removed.--Tribune.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, September 18, 1920, page 3

Mills to Manufacture Pineapple Boxes for Philippines.

    MEDFORD, Ore.--Good news for Medford and Jacksonville is that J. T. Gagnon has just obtained a contract to manufacture 50 carloads (3,000,000 feet) of pineapple lug boxes to be used in shipping pineapples from the Philippines.
    It will take five months to complete this contract, and to get it out on time with other orders already booked Mr. Gagnon will at once start operating his West Medford and Jacksonville mills night and day. The boxes will be shipped from Medford to San Francisco by train and from there to the Philippine Islands by boat.
Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Washington, February 22, 1921, page 4

    SALEM, Ore., Feb. 24.--The supreme court has affirmed the decree of the Jackson County circuit court upholding the claims of W. S. Barnum in his suit against the Southern Oregon Traction Company.
    This case arose out of a claim of the California-Oregon Power Company against the Southern Oregon Traction Company for electric current furnished to the Southern Oregon Traction Company while it was operating the Jacksonville railroad. The California-Oregon Power Company intervened in the case, where the mortgage was foreclosed by Barnum, and asked that its claim, amounting to some $1600, should be paid out of the corpus of the property, which would mean that Mr. Barnum would be required to pay for that current used, amounting to $1600.
    Judge Calkins decided against the California-Oregon Power Company, and the power company appealed, and the supreme court decision affirmed the decision of the lower court.
    Porter J. Neff was attorney for appellant and Gus Newbury attorney for respondent Barnum.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 24, 1921, page 5

J. T. Gagnon Will Resume Car Service.
    J. T. Gagnon, the well-known sawmill man and head of the Rogue River Valley Railway, has a crew of men at work repairing the roadbed, track, trolley line, etc., preparatory to putting a street car on the route between this city and Medford.
    Mr. Gagnon is of the opinion that given unlimited opportunity to travel to and from their place of business, Medford men who are aware of the many advantages of Jacksonville as a place of residence will remove their families to this city. That this belief is well founded is proven by the number of newcomers who have made their homes here in recent months. Believing as he does that first-class service will result in increased population for Jacksonville, and consequently heavier traffic over his line, Mr. Gagnon, it is said, is contemplating an hourly passenger service between the two towns as soon as necessary repairs can be made.
    Passenger service on the local line was discontinued more than a year ago, and rolling stock as well as roadway will require thorough overhauling before a schedule can be put in effect.

Jacksonville Post, April 2, 1921, page 3

    "J. T. Gagnon, the well-known sawmill man and head of the Rogue River Valley Railway, has a crew of men at work repairing the roadbed track, trolley line, etc. preparatory to putting a street car on the route between this city and Medford," says the Jacksonville Post.
    "Mr. Gagnon is of the opinion that, given unlimited opportunity to travel to and from their places of business, Medford men who are aware of the many advantages of Jacksonville as a place of residence will remove their families to this city. That this belief is well founded is proven by the number of newcomers who have made their homes here in recent months. Believing as he does that first-class service will result in increased population for Jacksonville and consequently heavier traffic over his line, Mr. Gagnon, it is said, is contemplating an hourly passenger service between the two towns as soon as necessary repairs can be made.
    "Passenger service on the local line was discontinued more than a year ago and rolling stock as well as roadway will require thorough overhauling before a schedule can be put in effect."
Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1921, page 4

Three New Summer Homes to Be Built at Rocky Point
    Yesterday, a consignment of canoes and Evinrude motors for attaching to the canoes was sent to Rocky Point by A. C. Allen, William Barnum and F. C. [sic] Medynski, all of Medford, and a 14-foot pleasure Indian canoe by Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Conger of Berkeley, California, the transportation being handled by the Western Transfer of this city.
    Dr. and Mrs. Conger have for the past 12 years maintained a summer home at Rocky Point and spend the major portion of vacation time there. A. C. Allen, a well-known fruit grower and former government employee, recently sold his summer home at Rocky Point. Messrs. Allen, Barnum and Medynski will erect new cottages there within a few weeks, the supplies being ordered today from the Pelican Bay Lumber Company. Mr. Barnum is president of the Medford and Jacksonville railroad, operating out of Medford.
The Evening Herald, Klamath Falls, June 16, 1921, page 1

    The Gagnon Box Factory is busy filling orders for boxes and crates for California parties as well as home consumption. They own their own lumber, cut the logs and make them into box shook at their own mill.
    The company also manufactures lumber and has a retail yard on South Fir Street. Mr. Gagnon, the proprietor, has bright hopes for the future of this valley and especially the fruit, lumber and box industries.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 10, 1921, page 12

Gas Explosion Given As Cause by Geo. Barnum--Spreads Through Paper Chutes--
Water Floods Structure--Partially Insured--Narrow Escape for Mrs. Pearl Brown--
65 People Temporarily Homeless--Elks Help

    Fire, supposed to have been caused by a gas explosion, the source of which has not yet been definitely traced, gutted the Barnum Hotel, at Front and Fifth streets, this morning, causing a damage of $50,000, partially covered by insurance. The alarm was turned in at 11:20 a.m. In the hotel, which was used as an apartment house, were 65 people, who were rendered temporarily homeless by the stubborn blaze.
    The fire was first discovered by Mrs. Pearl Brown, cashier of the Page Theater, who occupied a suite in the building. She had a narrow escape. Her eyebrows were singed, and she was nearly overcome by the fumes of smoke, which poured in great black clouds from the paper chutes. The fire spread quickly, and a huge volume of black, smudgy smoke soon filled the air.
    George Barnum, son of the owner of the building, J. W. S. Barnum, passed in front of the building just before the alarm was sounded, and saw no signs of fire. He talked to his father in the dwelling adjoining the hotel, and when he came out a few moments later he heard a dull boom, like a muffled explosion, and looking up saw smoke pouring from the roof. By this time dwellers were pouring out of the building. The smoke was so thick that it was impossible to linger.
    It is George Barnum's theory that the fire was caused by a gas explosion, and spread to all parts of the building through the paper chutes.
    The fire itself was confined to the fourth floor and the walls of the structure, but heavy damage was caused by water, which soaked the plaster, and the floors and carpets, making a total loss. The north walls of the hotel are also believed to have been damaged. Two streams of water were poured on the room, soaking all the floors. A partial list of the occupants of the building is:
R. M. Wilson,
H. N. Edwards,
J. A. Calles,
George B. Alden,
Ward B. Spatz,
Miss Clara Woods,
C. R. Thomas,
George O. Roberts,
Mrs. M. M. Childs,
Mrs. E. C. Jerome,
Kenneth Jerome,
F. E. Wahl,
Chris Gottlieb,
Roy Mershon,
Gaston Domergue,
Earl Brown,
Jack Hoffman,
Gus Klocker,
Miss Kathryn Dunham,
Mrs. Towne and daughter.
    Most of the person effects of the guests of the apartment were carried out by volunteer workers, the goods being hurled from windows to the pavement where they were assembled in piles out of the reach of the water. The usual plaint of lost articles, in similar confusion was heard.
    In order to accommodate members of the Elks temporarily without homes, owing to the blaze, the dining room of the Elks lodge will be opened from tonight on from 5:30 to 7 p.m. for the accommodation of Elks and their families. This action was taken by the trustees as an emergency move, and ahead of the time planned.
    The fire department was handicapped by the lack of modern equipment and a chemical fire engine, as so often urged by citizens, would have spared considerable worry. The department with the equipment at hand saved much. There was no lack of water pressure, a stream shooting on the building from the ground with ease. Firemen on the roof with a hose were routed by the heavy fumes of smoke and gas. Only once did the flames break through the roof and then were quickly subdued. The roof itself was burned out in spots, and will necessitate a complete rebuilding.
    The furnishings, etc. in the building were the property of the hotel, with the exception of private articles of furniture, most of which were saved.
    The Barnum Hotel is a four-story structure, built in 1915 at a cost of $75,000, and was one of the newest of Medford buildings of any size. It is owned by J. C. Barnum, a pioneer of the city and valley, who originally built it for a hotel, but diverted it to an apartment house. He said, "I have insurance on the building, but only half enough." His son George said the exact amount of the insurance carried could not be determined until the policies were gone over.
    The work of rebuilding and repairing the hotel will commence as soon as the insurance adjusters have finished their work, which is expected to take a week or ten days. Telegrams were sent this afternoon advising them of the blaze.
    Those in the apartments who were deprived of their homes immediately began looking for new quarters, and some will go with friends until they are again settled.
    The regular fire department was ably assisted by volunteers, conspicuous among whom were Seely Hall, Paul McDonald, Carl Y. Tengwald and others who lent valuable assistance in fighting the fire and removing goods to points of safety. Most of the goods were removed from the rooms by means of ladders to the windows, as the stairways and lobby were filled with smoke.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 4, 1921, page 1

Medford Apartment House Doomed by Fire--Water Low
    Inadequate pressure in the Medford water system is handicapping the efforts of the fire department of that city in extinguishing a fire that broke out in the Barnum Apartments of Medford, according to word received here this afternoon. It is said that the apartment house, the finest of its kind in Medford, is doomed to complete destruction. Firemen, unable to play an adequate stream of water on the blazing structure, were waging an uneven battle at a late hour this afternoon.
Ashland Weekly Tidings, October 5, 1921, page 1

    Work is progressing rapidly on the Barnum Hotel which was gutted by fire last September, and some of the apartments will be ready for occupancy in a week or ten days.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, December 29, 1921, page 2

    As one of the potential factors in the growth of Southern Oregon and especially of Medford and Jackson County, Joseph Tousant Gagnon deserves more than passing notice. Twenty-one years ago he came to this state, and he is an example of what can be accomplished through individual effort intelligently directed, for he today owns and has under construction the Medford & Coast Railroad, which when completed will operate a train service from the city of Medford to Crescent City and passing through the county seat of Jacksonville. He is also the owner of two large sawmills and a box factory and has extensive investments in timber lands and other important business interests.
    Mr. Gagnon was born at St. Agnes, in the province of Quebec, Canada, in 1862, his parents being Frank and Pauline (Dellier) Gagnon. The grandparents in both the paternal and maternal lines were natives of France. J. T. Gagnon remained upon his father's farm until he reached the age of eighteen years, when he started out to try his fortune in the business world. He made his initial step by securing work with a construction gang on the Canada-Atlantic Railroad, and in a short time he took over a subcontract on his own account. He continued as a railroad building contractor until 1896, when he came to Oregon and purchased a large tract of timber land. Two years later he established his home in Medford and soon afterward built a sawmill on Jackson Creek, which was destroyed by fire but was quickly rebuilt owing to the characteristic energy and determination of Mr. Gagnon. In 1901 he located permanently in Medford and erected another sawmill and a box factory in this city. He now has two large sawmills in operation in addition to his box factory, and the latter turns out two million fruit and other boxes annually. The important business interests of Mr. Gagnon in Jackson County now furnish employment to several hundred men. He is the owner of large and fine timber interests and has still other business of importance. The Medford & Coast Railroad which he and other parties are building will be of untold value and worth to the community. The road will be equipped for both freight and passenger traffic. Construction was started just prior to the World War, but hostilities which so materially upset business conditions prevented the road from operating its passenger trains. For three years, however, freight traffic was carried on over the line and in the summer of 1921 the passenger cars will be put on and an hour schedule will be maintained on the run between Medford and Jacksonville.
    In 1885 Mr. Gagnon was married to Miss Mary Louise Dallier, who passed away in 1887. In 1888 he wedded Emma Clement, who, like his former wife, is a native of Canada, and both were of French descent. Mr. Gagnon has no living children of his own but has adopted and reared several. Two of these were nephews, who were reared and educated by him and are now prosperous business men in Canada. An orphan girl was also taken into his home and is now the wife of Baptiste Coulon, of Boston, Massachusetts.
    Mr. Gagnon is a zealous member of the Catholic Church, in which he is serving as a trustee. He is a past president of the Union of St. John, a member of the Knights of Columbus and of the Catholic Foresters of America. He is also a member of the Medford Chamber of Commerce and of the Oregon Manufacturers Association. Since coming to the United States he has given most of his time to his business interests, but he takes an active and helpful part in civic matters. While living in Canada he was an earnest supporter of the Liberal Party and represented Stormont, province of Ontario, in the dominion parliament. He is content that his public service shall be done as a private citizen, however, since taking up his abode in Oregon and he ranks high as a business man--one whose efforts are a contributing element to the upbuilding of town and county as well as a source of individual profit.
Charles Henry Carey, History of Oregon, 1922, volume II, pages 114-117

    Joe T. Gagnon, operator of the Jacksonville railway, which he hopes to extend to the coast within the lifetime of all who read, has started a homebuilding campaign, to relieve the house congestion. He has three houses under construction--one on Oakdale, and two on Ivy street--sold, and plans to start work at once on three new houses of the bungalow type in the county seat. He will build more, if conditions warrant.
    In regard to rumors that the Jacksonville road had been sold, Mr. Gagnon states that a deal of that nature is under way, but nothing definite has come of the negotiations. Mr. Gagnon says that when the people as a whole realize the blessings to be derived from a road to the coast, an era of prosperity will set in over Southern Oregon from Butte Falls to the Pacific opening up the agricultural, mineral and timber possibilities.
    "If I had $200,000," says Mr. Gagnon, "I could build the coast road far enough so the rest of the way would be easy."
    Mr. Gagnon has a survey of the road from Jacksonville west.
    The jitney service to Jacksonville has been discontinued, and the fare to the county seat will be ten cents, instead of a nickel.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 19, 1922, page 6

Jacksonville Railroad Sold
J. W. Opp and Associates Take Over the Line
    A deal that has been pending for several months and which is of vital importance to the people of Jacksonville and western Jackson County has finally been made, whereby the Medford-Jacksonville electric and steam railroad with all equipment has been sold by Joe Gagnon to J. W. Opp and a company of Portland capitalists. The transfer of the property is to be made next Monday, so we are informed by Mr. Opp, the well-known mining man and owner of the famous Opp gold mine one mile west of Jacksonville.
    This road is about 8 miles in length, with hourly electric service between Medford and Jacksonville, a distance of 5 miles, and the logging road extending 3 miles west of here to a vast timber belt, and used in hauling logs to the sawmill west of here as well as to the Gagnon plant in Medford.
    Just as soon as weather conditions will permit, it is the intention of the new owners to put the line in first-class shape, equip it with better rolling stock, including better passenger car service and numerous other improvements.
    What will prove the greatest benefit to this portion of the county are several big enterprises that will be put in at the Opp mine as a result of this deal, and which will give steady employment to a large number of men. The quartz stamp mill is to be enlarged to several times its present capacity, so that it can handle not only its own ore but all of the ore from the many smaller quartz mines in this district that cannot afford mills of their own or to ship out the ore to distant mills and smelters.
    A gigantic cement, brick and tile plant will also be established at the Opp mill for the purpose of using the ore tailings in making cement for road-paving, brick, tiling, etc. It has been proven that no harder or better cement or brick can be made than from ore tailings of this kind, and Mr. Opp informs us that the price will be less than half the usual cost of such material.

    The passing of this road and property into the hands of people who are interested in the development of our mines and other resources means a great deal to western Jackson County and marks the beginning of a new era of prosperity for this entire section of country.
Jacksonville Post, February 3, 1922, page 1

Portland Men Take Over an Interest in Gagnon Property--T. W. Opp to Be New Manager--
Deal May Be First Step in Extension of Line to Coast.

    A deal whereby the Rogue River Valley Railroad, operating between this city and Jacksonville, will be transferred to J. W. Opp, owner of the Opp mine near the county seat, and a group of Portland capitalists, will be consummated Monday at Portland. Joe Gagnon, operator of the railroad, and Mr. Opp left Friday night for Portland to complete the negotiations, which have been hanging fire for six months. The identity of the Portland capitalists, or the interests they represent, has not been made public. Neither is the consideration known. Mr. Opp will be the new manager of the road.
    According to the statements made by Mr. Gagnon last week, he will retain a commanding interest in the road, and will continue his efforts to extend the line to the coast, being willing to dispose of his shares when this has been accomplished. He retains the shares to prevent the railroad from being asphyxiated from lack of development. Mr. Gagnon believes that he has laid the groundwork for the ultimate extension of the line to the ocean, a survey fer such being taken several years ago by subscriptions from local merchants. Mr. Gagnon has the survey.
    The road is about eight miles long, five between Medford and Jacksonville, and three miles of logging road. The deal includes only the transfer of railroad equipment, etc.
    Local Southern Pacific officials deny that line has any connection with the deal, but that the new company has a contract for hauling gravel and rock for them.
Lay New Rails.
    It is the intention of the new owners to take the "rolls" out of the present right-of-way, by laying new rails and ties as soon as the weather settles, and the possible addition of a new car and engine.
    The road was built in 1890, being operated by J. C. Barnum for a number of years, later by a company headed by S. S. Bullis, and the last three years by Joe Gagnon. Agitation for the construction of the road was launched February 1, 1888, by Jacksonville citizens, and was a pioneer development event.
    The new deal is expected to result in new life in the mining district west of Jacksonville, and to this end the Opp mine will enlarge its stamp mill to handle the output of smaller mines, by building feeders to them. A cement, brick, and tile plant is also planned for establishment at the Opp for the utilization of ore tailings for the making of cement for paving, tiling, etc.
    Extension of the road west of its present terminus would tap a rich timber and mining country, long undeveloped.
    Rumors connect the local railroad deal with the operations of the Western Pacific in the Lakeview country, but they have no basis of fact.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 4, 1922, page 1

Southern Pacific Officials Deny They Have Any Part in Deal Involving 8-Mile Road.

    MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 4.--(Special)--A deal whereby the Rogue River Valley Railroad, operating between this city and Jacksonville, will be transferred to J. W. Opp, owner of the Opp mine near the county seat, and a group of Portland capitalists will be consummated Monday at Portland. J. T. Gagnon, operator of the railroad, and Mr. Opp will be in Portland to complete the negotiations, which have been hanging fire for six months.
    The identity of the Portland capitalists or the interests they represent has not been made public. Neither is the consideration known. Mr. Opp will be the new manager of the road.
    According to statements made by Mr. Gagnon, he will retain a commanding interest in the road and will continue his efforts to extend the line to the coast. The road is about eight miles long. Five are between Medford and Jacksonville and there are three miles of logging road.
    Local Southern Pacific officials deny that line has any connection with the deal but admit that the new company has a large contract for hauling gravel and rock for them from Jacksonville to Medford. The new deal is expected to result in new life in the mining district west of Jacksonville, and to this end the Opp mine will enlarge its stamp mill to handle the output of smaller mines by building feeders to them. A cement, brick and tile plant is also planned at the Opp mine.
Oregonian, Portland, February 5, 1922, page 9

    Jacksonville.--The Opp mine, owned and operated by J. W. Opp, has purchased the Medford-Jacksonville electric and steam railroad; it will be operated in conjunction with the mine. This road extends from Medford on the main line of the Southern Pacific to Jacksonville and three miles out from Jacksonville into the timber past the Opp mine. This deal will result in new life in the mining district west of Jacksonville. The Opp mine will enlarge its stamp mill to handle the output of smaller mines. The mill has a crusher, a Dorr classifier, one Wilfley and six Johnson concentrators, and four plates.

"Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 25, 1922, page 275

    A new era has dawned for the county seat. The old "Trolleyville" conveyance that has served as the go-between for Jacksonville and Medford is soon to go into the discard, owing to the fact that the railroad has changed hands, and the new management, in view of a big freight contract with the Southern Pacific, will equip the road with new rolling stock, and promises to make the old line a modern means of transportation. Of course, to do this, an increased revenue will be necessary, so the fare will be raised, but it is hardly likely any kick will be registered on that account, if it brings the relegation of the old trolleyville van to the relic warehouse.
    John W. Opp is announced as manager, taking the position formerly held by J. T. Gagnon.
    A force of men is at work repairing the roadbed with new ties and rails where needed, preparatory for the heavy traffic soon to be hauled over the road in compliance with the big contract of furnishing the Southern Pacific with 300,000 yards of rock and gravel for ballasting purposes.
    The contract calls for at least 10 carloads per day delivered at Medford, and it is estimated that it will require nearly three years to complete the contract which will give steady employment to a large number of men.
    Rock crushers are being installed on the ground half a mile west of Jacksonville and everything is being put in shape to begin work on the contract as rapidly as men and money can do it.
    It will cost an enormous amount of money to equip the road with necessary rolling stock and other equipment.
    A large eight-wheel passenger coach is being fitted up to take the place of the old four-wheeler now in use, which will add greatly to the convenience and comfort of the traveling public.
    The new management found that it would be impossible to make these needed improvements without raising the fare to what it formerly was. Therefore the fare has been raised from 10 cents each way to 20 cents each way or 30 cents for the round trip. Book tickets, good for 20 rides between Jacksonville and Medford, are on sale at $2, making it 10 cents a ride.
Ashland Tidings, April 12, 1922, page 2

    A fire which broke out in the electrical substation at South Chestnut and 8th streets, near the J. T. Gagnon sawmill in southwest Medford, which supplies the power for the mill and the streetcar line between this city and Jacksonville, Tuesday afternoon at 4:55 o'clock put the streetcar line out of commission for two or three weeks until repairs can be made to the electrical machinery.
    In the meantime the streetcar patrons are carried between the two cities on arrangement by the streetcar management, by autos, the autos making the regular streetcar schedule. This will be continued until the power is restored to the substation.
    The fire started in the electrical machinery, said to be due to overloading, and the fire department was summoned and used 150 gallons of chemicals in subduing the flames. Besides the damage to the machinery, the roof of the small brick substation structure was badly burned. The loss is estimated at $1000, and there was no insurance.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 5, 1922, page 8

    The city Planning Commission, heeding the objections of property owners in that section and citizens generally to the construction of the new sawmill building by J. T. Gagnon at the end of West Main Street, is busy at work with the first case to come before that body, but too late to prevent the building of the structure, as the owner had taken out no building permit at the city hall and the construction work was well under way before either the commission or the city council had heard of it.
    The mill is declared to be an unsightly structure, built right up to the sidewalk line, and not only obstructs the view of homes built back on a line from the street, but is said to be a menace to auto travel, as it obstructs the view at the street corner until the driver rounds the corner of the building.
    In addition to that it is claimed that it lowers the value of fine building property in the neighborhood, and desirability of having a home in that section. It is related that one well-known citizen who had bought the lot across the street from the mill, some time ago, and planned to erect a nice home on it in the near future, has abandoned the home building plan and will seek a location elsewhere.
    The city Planning Commission discussed the matter at its recent meeting but was powerless to act because the body has just been organized in accordance with a state law, and only last week filed notice of its organization with the city council as the law provides, which notice was accepted and filed, and other necessary action to back up the authority of the commission has not yet been taken by the council.
    The commission at this meeting, however, appointed two of its members, Mrs. A. J. Hanby and Mrs. W. E. Crews, as a special committee to confer with the city council on the matter and learn just what had been done in recognizing the commission, whose membership had been appointed by Mayor Gates and approved by the council some time ago.
    Mesdames Hanby and Crews brought the matter before the council at its meeting last night, and their statements about the objectionable mill were the first that the city officials had heard about such a structure, hence the council in the absence of an application for a building permit could not refuse to grant such a permit. The commission last week had requested the council to refer all such applications thereafter to the commission until that body got to functioning in earnest and established a zone system throughout the city.
    Inasmuch as J. T. Gagnon went ahead without applying for a permit and has practically built the mill already, nothing can be done to stop the work or have the mill removed. The city ordinance governing [it] only  provides a fine of $5.00 for failure to take out a permit.
    Under the city planning commission law, however, when the zones are established that commission has full authority in building regulations and can prevent objectionable structures going up in residence sections. Therefore the city council advised Mesdames Hanby and Crews that the best thing to do now in view of the circumstances is to have the commission confer with Mr. Gagnon and try to persuade him to do away with one section of the mill building that lies right up to the sidewalk line. This removal would do away with the obstruction of the view from the homes already in that vicinity.
    The commission is at work on its difficult task of outlining and dividing the city into zones, but it will be some time yet before that task is completed and the zones are established.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 15, 1922, page 8

    While preparing to clean a loaded Luger automatic pistol yesterday afternoon at his home, George Barnum, local garage owner, was shot through the knee joint. The attending physician states that he does not believe the injury will be permanent although the bullet passed through a portion of the joint.
    Barnum was sitting down disassembling the pistol, which had a cartridge in the chamber. The weapon slipped from his grip and fell towards the floor. Barnum caught it before it struck the floor, but just as he caught it the cartridge was detonated. The bullet struck the upper edge of his knee cap and was diverted downwards through the thigh above the knee.
    Barnum spent a painful night of suffering at the Sacred Heart Hospital, but it was stated that he was resting more easily today.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 11, 1922, page 1

    When Councilman Janney rather innocently inquired to learn the status of the Jacksonville railroad franchise he started something which bodes trouble to the present licensee of that road, but will bring much joy to the auto owners of the city if the council forces repairs to be made to the railroad crossings in the city.
    All the councilmen and the mayor evidently wanted to learn the same information as Mr. Janney desired, for many complaints had been alleged for some time past about the deplorable conditions of the crossings.
    Mayor Gaddis, after stating that the trouble had existed for a long time past, announced that the franchise matter would be investigated and instructed City Attorney Mears to look thoroughly into the matter.
"City Council To Probe Franchise J'ville Railroad,"
Medford Mail Tribune, February 7, 1923, page 8

    City Council Makes Good Its Threat and Arranges to Cancel Franchise
When Repairs Are Not Made--Future Action Is in Doubt.

    In accordance with its warning of two weeks ago that if the Medford-Jacksonville railroad management had not done crossing repairs, or made arrangements to do so, steps would be taken to cancel its franchise through the city, by last night's meeting the city council kept its threat and instructed City Attorney Carkin to at once begin preparing the franchise-annulling ordinance.
    Among the mass of business also transacted by the council last night with all members present--Messrs. Jacobs, Alenderfer, Janney, Butler, Close and Paul--that body at the request of the local G.A.R. men decided to give the G.A.R. post $35 towards helping defray expenses for the Memorial Day observance. The monthly bills were approved, the last week in April was designated as cleanup week for the city, and a number of building permits were approved.
    A petition signed by six property owners asked that the city allow no further addition or building to be erected by the Rogue River Canning Company, as the petition claims its present plant "is depreciating the value of valuable home property near it, and is unsanitary and a fire hazard." The petition, which was signed by Edith Bundy, A. E. Orr, J. I. Kado, C. P. True, H. G. Nicholson and R. E. Loar, was referred to the city planning commission on Mayor Gaddis' suggestion.
    When the matter of canceling the Jacksonville railroad franchise came up and it was reported that nothing had yet been done in the way of repairing the railroad's crossings the city recorder read a letter that had been written by W. S. Barnum, former owner and holder of the mortgage on the railroad, that he expected to be home by May 1st from San Diego, and would then endeavor to see that steps would be taken to have the complaints remedied, several councilmen were at first of the opinion that no steps should be taken until after Mr. Barnum's arrival.
    However, Councilman Paul declared that as a business administration the council should keep its threats and promises. Councilman Close was of the same opinion. This started a full discussion of the subject, which ended by the council on motion of Councilman Butler unanimously voting to instruct the city attorney to draw up the canceling ordinance, which will probably be acted on at a special meeting of the council to be held next Wednesday.
    It developed during the discussion that the railroad ownership planned in the near future to ask that the present franchise be annulled and have a new one granted. The mayor and councilmen however were of the opinion that the city should go ahead and cancel the present franchise, and let the future take care of itself as the situation developed.
    W. S. Barnum, owner of the mortgage on the railroad, several years ago sold the line to J. T. Gagnon, who has made substantial partial payment, and who some time ago leased the railroad to J. W. Opp, who is now operating and managing it.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 18, 1923, page 1

Dr. J. F. Reddy Tells How New Life May Be Infused in Defunct Grants Pass-Crescent City Railroad.
    The most confirmed pessimist could hardly fail to respond to the gospel of optimism as expounded by Dr. J. F. Reddy of Medford, whose greatest interest in life for the past decade or two has been the putting of Medford, Grants Pass and Crescent City on the map.
    Dr. Reddy addressed a small but deeply interested and attentive audience at the city hall Tuesday evening, at which Rev. A. J. Irwin, president of the Crescent City chamber of commerce, presided, it being the occasion of the monthly meeting of that organization.
    The most encouraging topic touched upon by the speaker, and one of practical importance to local people, was the Grants Pass-Crescent City railroad, which was started a few years ago and advanced about 17 miles toward Crescent City from Grants Pass, but upon which construction work stopped during the war and has never been resumed. He asserted emphatically that there is now a strong undercurrent of sentiment in favor of completing the road, on the part of large interests, and that now is the time for Del Norte citizens to unite as never before and boost for the proposition.
    While paying a high compliment to the pluck and determination that had accomplished so much toward gaining the Crescent City harbor improvement and in bringing the highways into this county, he said that the harbor and highways are now certain of being completed and that the people here should now center their efforts on the Grants Pass-Crescent City railroad.
    "I do not mean that you should drop your work for the harbor and highways, but the strenuous labors that you have performed in the past and which have gone so far toward getting these two great means of transportation, are no longer required. A little vigilance on your part from now on will ensure the completion of both the harbor and the highways, The same dauntless spirit and firm determination you have shown in the past, if enlisted for the Crescent City-Grants Pass railroad, will bring its accomplishment also."
    Dr. Reddy advanced the opinion that residents of this section will see large activities in the development of the immense chrome deposits near here before very long. He said that the deep water transportation now in sight is certain to bring this about. He called attention to the fact that 80 percent of the chrome in the United States is within a radius of a few miles--about 50--of this place. In order that the chrome may be marketed profitably a tariff will be necessary, Dr. Reddy stated, and added that there is a very good prospect that this metal will be included in the next tariff legislation enacted by Congress.
    Dr. Reddy related a number of amusing and inspiring reminiscences illustrative of the commercial value of optimism. Particularly apt was his story of how an appropriation from Congress to establish and maintain Crater Lake as a national park was obtained from an initial investment of $600, half of which was advanced by the city of Medford and half by Jackson County, to send a lobbyist to Washington.

Del Norte Triplicate, Crescent City, May 31, 1924, page 1

    Word was received in the city early this afternoon that the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce had begun negotiations with the Public Service Commission to have the Jacksonville-Medford railroad not sold as junk by its owner, W. R. Barnum, here tomorrow at private sale as planned.
    The county seat chamber of commerce wants the property retained in the form of a railroad, in the hope that someday it will be incorporated into a new railroad project from Jacksonville or this city to the sea coast.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1925, page 8

    SALEM, Ore., July 28.--Complaining that people are every year stealing and carrying away his railroad equipment, W. S. Barnum has applied to the Public Service Commission for authority to dismantle his five-mile line of railway between Medford and Jacksonville. The people of Jacksonville recently protested at the proposed abandonment.
    Citizens of Jacksonville last winter signed a petition protesting against dismantling the railroad when the owner, W. S. Barnum, had an offer from a logging concern for the rails and locomotives, but the deal was never consummated. According to the report at the time, Barnum offered to sell the line for $20,000 and there was some talk of forming a stock company to take it over. The most valuable asset of the road is the right of way, which extends for five miles through a rich orchard and agricultural belt. The railroad for the last four years has been in a state of "innocuous desuetude," succumbing to motor stage lines.
    The road reached the zenith of its prosperity when the Blue Ledge mine was in operation. It was built in 1890.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 28, 1925, page 3

    In accordance with instructions he received from the mayor and city council last night, City Attorney John H. Carkin this forenoon telegraphed the Public Service Commission for an early hearing on the dismantling of the Jacksonville-Medford railroad problem, at which can be worked out the best solution to protect the interests of both William Barnum, the owner of the defunct road, and the city.
    At the council meeting Mr. Carkin was also instructed to keep a wary eye out to prevent Mr. Barnum's possible removal of the rails along the right-of-way until the Public Service Commission, which postponed the hearing last week for 15 days, has acted.
    Word reached the city officials yesterday that Mr. Barnum, ignoring the 15 days' postponement of the hearing, had already begun to tear up the rails at the Jacksonville end of the line, for the purpose of selling them. It is understood that Jacksonville officials sent a strong protest to the Public Service Commission.
    It seems that the old railroad no longer has a franchise in this city, that franchise having expired and been declared void by the city government a long time ago, and that by the terms of the franchise the wires, poles and such property become the property of the city. The council has also learned that months ago Mr. Barnum had removed the poles and trolley wires from the city and sold them.
    The Medford city council wants the remaining property unmolested until the rights of both the city and Mr. Barnum are adjusted at a Public Service Commission hearing. The council especially wants to prevent the removal of the rails until a stipulation has been imposed on Mr. Barnum that if the rails are removed he must place the city streets along the right-of-way in perfect paved order again.
    Mayor Alenderfer and most of the councilmen deem that the right-of-way, apparently now valueless, should be kept intact and in the possession of the city, as it might eventually become an important factor in the future development of the city. The mayor points out that the same dilapidated condition existed up to a few years ago with the old Pacific & Eastern road, and that if that road had been torn up and removed Medford would not now have the big Owen-Oregon lumber mill, with what is now a finely equipped logging railroad.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 16, 1925, page 3

    This afternoon City Attorney John H. Carkin received a telegram from the Public Service Commission stating that that body had ordered W. S. Barnum to discontinue tearing up the Jacksonville-Medford railroad, and that a hearing had been ordered to be held in the city hall at Medford on Friday, Oct. 16th.
    This probably explains the fact that the work of dismantling the road at the Jacksonville end was not resumed today.
    "Injunction proceedings are expected to be started by the cities of Medford and Jacksonville today against W. S. Barnum to prevent his dismantling the Medford Coast railway from Jacksonville to Medford before the Public Service Commission has passed on his application to dismantle the road," says a news dispatch received in Medford from Salem this forenoon.
    "Fred A. Williams, a Salem attorney, left last night for Jacksonville and will represent that city while John H. Carkin, Medford city attorney, will handle the case for that city. A telegram from Carkin yesterday stated that Barnum on his own initiative had begun to tear out the road."
    Mr. Williams had not shown up in either this city or Jacksonville by early this afternoon, nor had any court proceedings been begun so far as could be learned. However, City Attorney Carkin expected him to arrive during the day, and felt sure that he would consult with him before beginning any legal proceedings in the names of the cities of Medford and Jacksonville.
    Mr. Carkin has no plans to bring an injunction suit against Mr. Barnum, and thinks that his protest sent to the Public Service Commission yesterday is sufficient. In response to his protest telegram Mr. Carkin received a wire from the commission at Salem this forenoon that attorney Williams had conferred with the commission and that he would confer with him today.
    The protest telegram sent to the commission yesterday by City Attorney Carkin was as follows:
    "W. S. Barnum is tearing up railroad line through city of Jacksonville and if not stopped will have the five miles to the edge of Medford city limits torn up in less than a week. Dangerous as valuable right of way will immediately revert. City council at last night's meeting went on record against tearing any portion of this line up until the matter could be thoroughly presented before your commission and will stand back of you in stopping him and is willing to cooperate in working out a solution of his problem."
Medford Mail Tribune, September 17, 1925, page 3

County Seat Determined to Prevent Tearing Up of Rails--
Medford Gives Assistance--Importance of Railroad in Future Stressed.

    There were no new developments today in the Medford-Jacksonville railroad dismantling situation, following a conference held yesterday afternoon and this forenoon by Fred A. Williams, attorney for the city of Jacksonville, and City Attorney John H. Carkin, and none are expected until after the hearing, which will be held here on October 16 by the Public Service Commission.
    It is possible, however, that in the meantime the two cities will get together with W. S. Barnum, owner of the railroad, in conference and reach a friendly agreement by which Mr. Barnum will sell the railroad intact to the two cities, or one of them, on advantageous terms at its salvage value.
    W. E. Phipps, attorney for Mr. Barnum, stated today that the latter never intended to tear up the rails between Medford and Jacksonville until after the Public Service Commission had ruled on the matter after a formal hearing, and that he had only been dismantling that part of the old logging railroad which extends from Jacksonville about three miles up Jackson Creek canyon, as this part of the Medford-Jacksonville road is useless now as the timber had been worked out from that region.
    Interviews were given out today by Wilbur Cameron, mayor of Jacksonville, and Fred A. Williams, that city's attorney and former chairman of the Public Service Commission, telling of the necessity of keeping the railroad intact for the future development of the valley.
Crime to Despoil Road.
    "As mayor of Jacksonville, Oregon, I want to say that if the pioneers of my city saw fit to donate $15.000 35 years ago to establish this railroad, I think I would be desecrating their memories in not preserving it," said Mr. Cameron. "I am a native son of Applegate Valley and have seen Jackson County develop from small settlements to a country with cities and factories with market for our products over the whole world.
    "It would be a crime to have the road despoiled, and after discussing the matter with several citizens I know that they will take over the road from Barnum and pay him the salvage value. He should leave the road where it is until the Public Service Commission can hear the matter.
    "There are several billion feet of lumber in upper Applegate Valley ready for manufacture, and millions of tons of ore in Blue Ledge, all to come out to Medford and Jacksonville over this line. Railroads develop communities and cities and there is plenty of tonnage available. If Barnum doesn't want to extend the road then let him offer the road at its salvage value and the citizens will take it over I am sure.
    "It has cost Medford and Jacksonville more than it has Barnum, and all these years he has operated it he has made money, and now he owes it to the people of Medford and Jacksonville to get together with them in this proposition."
Williams Urges Retention.
    "From an investment standpoint in actual cost, Medford and Jacksonville in principal and interest have over $80,000 already invested in the Medford Coast Railroad." said Fred A. Williams. "In addition, Medford paid Barnum handsomely for hauling the rock which the city used in building its streets.
    "Now if the pioneers in the Rogue River Valley of Jackson County had the sincerity of purpose sufficient to warrant them in helping to establish this railroad, it would from a point of sentiment be disrespectful to allow their work to be despoiled by the avarice and stubbornness of a man who wantonly ignores the rights of the citizens of these two cities and the state of Oregon to wreck this work.
    "After a railroad has once been dedicated to the public as a common carrier, it cannot be discontinued without the consent of the sovereign powers, the state itself, and much less can it be dismantled without the consent of the state of Oregon represented in this instance by the Public Service Commission.
    "It is uniformly held by the supreme courts of the several states and by the United States Supreme Court that the consent of the state must be procured before a railroad can be dismantled or torn up.
    "In proceeding as he is today, Barnum is violating the order of the Public Service Commission, which his ordered to refrain and desist from further dismantling said road until the matter can be heard. Barnum has made application to the Public Service Commission for permission to dismantle the railroad and it is set for hearing on October 16 next.
Asks Barnum to Be Fair.
    "If Barnum wants to be fair he should make a written offer to the citizens of this community based on its salvage value and then the people will, I am sure, exercise this right.
    "It is, and should be, of great concern for not only is there a great amount of standing merchantable timber, estimated three billion feet, in Applegate, to come out through Medford and Jacksonville by an eight- or ten-mile extension of this road, but there is a vast amount of ore tonnage in the Blue Ledge, enough to run 50 years, that will be tapped in the next few years.
    "Recently it has been decided that this country needs a transcontinental line across the state east and west, and this Medford Coast Railroad is a logical unit in such a system.
    "Had the P.&E. been dismantled in 1919, Medford would be missing an annual million-dollar payroll. In that instance the owners of the P.&E. thought they had a judgment for salvaging it, gave Medford people the opportunity, and due to the efforts of its citizens the factories covering 40 acres of land stands as a monument today to greet the visitors and prospective investors in Jackson County.
    "Barnum is under obligation to the citizens of Medford, Jacksonville, Jackson County and the state of Oregon to leave the road alone until the state of Oregon decides on his application. If he wants to be fair he can announce to the public what value he places on the railroad as junk and give the people a chance to purchase it."
Medford Mail Tribune, September 18, 1925, page 12

Work Is Stopped when Public Service Commission Intervenes
    MEDFORD, Sept. 18--Yesterday afternoon City Attorney John H. Carkin received a telegram from the Public Service Commission stating that that body had ordered W. S. Barnum to discontinue tearing up the Jacksonville-Medford railroad, and that a hearing had been ordered to be held in the city hall at Medford on Friday, October 16.
    This probably explains the fact that the work of dismantling the road at the Jacksonville end was not resumed yesterday.
    "Injunction proceedings are expected to be started by the cities of Medford and Jacksonville today against W. S. Barnum to prevent his dismantling the Medford Coast Railway from Jacksonville to Medford before the Public Service Commission has passed on his application to dismantle the road," says a news dispatch received in Medford from Salem yesterday.
    "Fred A. Williams, a Salem attorney, left Wednesday night for Jacksonville and will represent that city while John H. Carkin, Medford city attorney, will handle the case for that city. A telegram from Carkin stated that Barnum on his own initiative had begun to tear out the road."
    Mr. Williams had not shown up in either this city or Jacksonville by early yesterday afternoon, nor had any court proceedings been begun so far as could be learned. However, City Attorney Carkin expected him to arrive, and felt sure that he would consult with him before beginning any legal proceedings in the names of the cities of Medford and Jacksonville.
    Mr. Carkin has no plans to bring an injunction suit against Mr. Barnum and thinks that his protest sent to the Public Service Commission is sufficient. In response to his protest telegram Mr. Carkin received a wire from the commission at Salem yesterday that attorney Williams had conferred with the commission and that he would confer with him today.
    The protest telegram sent to the commission by City Attorney Carkin was as follows:
    "W. S. Barnum is tearing up railroad line through city of Jacksonville and if not stopped will have the five miles to the edge of Medford city limits torn up in less than a week. Dangerous as valuable right of way will immediate revert. City council at last night's meeting went on record against tearing any portion of this line up until the matter could be thoroughly presented before your commission and will stand back of you in stopping him and is willing to cooperate in working out a solution of his problem."
Ashland Daily Tidings, September 18, 1925, page 1

    The much discussed controversy about the dismantling of the Jacksonville-Medford railway, which last week was a bone of contention before the Public Service Commission, has now reached the legal fighting stage in the courts with both aides represented, the cities of Medford and Jacksonville on the one side, and W. S. Barnum, the owner, on the other side, each filing injunctions in circuit court at Jacksonville this forenoon.
    The injunction suit of Jacksonville-Medford was filed by Fred A. Williams, attorney for Jacksonville, and City Attorney John H. Carkin for Medford. It seeks to enjoin Mr. Barnum from dismantling the railroad until after the public service hearing in October. The commission had ordered the dismantling work to cease until after this hearing.
    The suit of Mr. Barnum, through his attorney, W. E. Phipps of Medford, seeks to enjoin the Public Service Commission from interfering with Mr. Barnum in dismantling of the road.
    Judge Thomas set temporary hearings on the injunctions for next Monday at 10 a.m., and issued a temporary restraining order, with Mr. Barnum's consent, until that date.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1925, page 3

    SALEM, Ore., Sept. 24.--Two complaints in injunction proceedings, one in Multnomah County and one in Jackson County, were served on the Public Service Commission here today. . . .
    In the Jackson County case W. S. Barnum, owner of the Medford-Jacksonville railroad, seeks to enjoin the commission from enforcing an order which would prevent Barnum from dismantling the road pending a hearing.
    Barnum has already been enjoined by the cities of Medford and Jacksonville from dismantling the road. He claims the road is without the jurisdiction of the commission for the reason that it has not been operated as a common carrier for two years.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 24, 1925, page 9

    The hearing of the injunction suit of W. S. Barnum against the Public Service Commission has been set for October 14, and involves a question of law, to wit: Has the Public Service Commission the right to restrain Barnum from tearing up the railroad to Jacksonville. Pending the rendering of a decision in this case, the hearing of the Public Service Commission on abandonment of the road and the injunction suit of the city of Medford and Jacksonville will be held in abeyance.
    October 14th is the earliest date the Public Service Commission can appear, owing to the present hearing of interstate commerce cases.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1925, page 6

    Circuit Judge Charles M. Thomas this morning sustained the demurrers of the cities of Medford and Jacksonville against W. S. Barnum and the Medford Coast railroad, and continued the temporary injunction against the dismantling of the railroad until after the Public Service Commission hearings at the city hall tomorrow.
    The demurrers held that the circuit court had no jurisdiction in the case, being a duty of the Public Service Commission, the court sustaining this contention. Final decision in the injunction will be made after the decision of the Public Service Commission.
    The defendants were represented by attorney W. E. Phipps; Medford by City Attorney John Carkin, and Jacksonville by Fred A. Williams of Salem.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 14, 1925, page 3

If Buyer Does Not Appear by Nov. 10, Owner Given Right to Dismantle,
by Findings--Citizens Urged to Take Action.
    SALEM, Ore., Oct. 26--The Public Service Commission today issued an order for disposal of the Medford Coast railroad, owned by W. S. Barnum, holding that Mr. Barnum must ofter the railroad for sale at a price not to exceed the dismantled value.
    If a buyer does not appear on or before November 10 then Mr. Barnum will have the privilege of dismantling the road. Recent attempts by Barnum to dismantle the road were stopped by injunction.
    "The record shows," says the order, "that by extending the line into the mountainous section a distance of eighteen or twenty miles a large tract of merchantable timber something in excess of 2,000,000,000 feet would be made available for manufacture; that some few farms and a very promising mining venture would be served.
    "This is, therefore, a matter of public interest and it is highly important that enterprising citizens of Medford and Jacksonville should take such action as may be necessary to secure the very desirable manufacturing industry of lumber for which there will be an enormous demand in the very near future.
    "Mr. Barnum has stated in the record in this case that he is willing to sell the road for $12,000 to the citizens of Medford and Jacksonville and that this sum is less than the scrap value of the road."
Medford Mail Tribune, October 26, 1925, page 1

    At a special meeting of the city council last night at which several citizens of Medford and Jacksonville who are earnestly working to the end that the Barnum railroad between this city and Jacksonville may be preserved, on the chance that it may furnish a route through the county in case a new railroad comes here, was informally discussed.
    Meeting with the councilmen and talking on behalf of this project were W. H. Gore and Dr. J. F. Reddy of Medford, and ex-Judge Geo. A. Gardner and Fred Fick of Jacksonville. Mr. Barnum will sell the road to local municipalities for $12,000, and ways and means were discussed by which Medford and Jacksonville could raise the money for this purpose, this city to furnish the majority of the sum and Jacksonville about $3,000 of it.
    No action was taken beyond the informal discussion, but the city council will take formal action of some kind at its meeting next Tuesday night.
    The special meeting of the council last night was for the purpose of voting a contract with the Tithe and Trust Company of Portland, by which that company will hereafter insure all titles to city lots, thus doing away with the necessity of the city obtaining abstracts, as heretofore. This new method of guaranteed title insurance will be much cheaper for the city.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1925, page 2

    In addition to passing a number of ordinances relating to recent sale of city-owned lots and transacting much other business, the city council last night found time to discuss the proposed taking over by purchase, or a year's option, by the city alone, or in combination with Jacksonville, of the Jacksonville-Medford railroad.
    Fred A. Williams of Salem, former Public Service Commissioner, Dr. J. F. Reddy, W. H. Gore and H. L. Walther of this city and Fred Fick, George A. Gardner and Frank Salisbury of Jacksonville, boosters for this project, made arguments showing the importance to the prosperity of the city and valley of retaining this road as a possible future nucleus of a new railroad which should reach the big timber and mineral resources of the Applegate section.
    In addition, a petition signed by many Medford business men, including all the bankers, asking that the council take action to keep this railroad in existence, and not allow it to be junked by Mr. Barnum, its owner, who has been given permission to do so if by November 10 the railroad is not purchased, was presented. This petition was just circulated for an hour or so, but had there been time it was confidently proclaimed that it would have been signed by every business man of the city.
    A motion finally prevailed that the matter be left in the hands of the city council finance committee and city attorney to work out a feasible solution by which the necessary money can be obtained to either purchase the road, or obtain a year's option on it to purchase.
    It developed at the meeting that Mr. Barnum, if allowed to sell one of the road's engines now, will sell the road to the city for $11,000, and that if junked the railroad has a salvage or junk value of $12,000 to $15,000.
    The finance committee and city attorney has been working on the matter today, and will possibly make a report to the city council at its special meeting tonight with the city water commission. If not ready in time for this meeting, the report may be presented at Friday night's special meeting of the city council.
    The council is practically unanimously in favor of the city's obtaining possession of the road, to hold for future possible developments, if a way of raising the necessary purchase money can be found. The idea is for the city to hold the road as a holding company to be disposed of to a new railroad or other purchasers, who would operate it and extend it into the Applegate.
    The whole situation was summed up by H. L. Walther last night in his remarks, as follows:
    "I look upon the city's keeping this old railroad in existence as a good business proposition to gamble on."
    The preamble of the petition presented to the city council last night reads as follows:
    "We the undersigned citizens and taxpayers of Medford believe it would be very unwise for the city to allow the Barnum road to be junked, especially in view of the fact of the promising condition of railroad development in Southern Oregon.
    "As the time is short and it is difficult to finance the purchase by public subscriptions, we favor the city taking over the road, either alone, or in cooperation with Jacksonville, as it is deemed best."
Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1925, page 6

    An ordinance was passed by the city council last night by which the city purchases the Jacksonville-Medford railroad from W. S. Barnum for $11,000. The city is desirous of keeping this railroad alive, and invests in it only for that purpose, intending to dispose of it as soon as possible to a purchaser who will develop and operate it and extend the road into the Applegate to tap that district's big timber and mineral resources.
    The city administration was enabled to make this deal because Mr. Barnum accepts two city business lots on Front Street, directly south across Sixth Street from the Barnum apartments, for $3500 of the sum, and W. H. Gore is working out a plan by which he himself and possibly associates will loan $7500, the balance of the needed sum, to the city, the city to pay the annual interest, $375, until it can sell the road. This agreement between Mr. Gore and the city will last five years, and in that time, if no purchaser appears to develop the road, the city will junk it. The junk value is estimated at from $12,000 to $16,000.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 7, 1925, page 1

    After passing a number of routine ordinances confirming recent sales of city lots to various individuals and considering other business at its meeting last night, the city council organized a municipal railroad company to theoretically take over the operation of the old Medford-Jacksonville railroad, whose technical name is the Medford and Coast railroad, or something like that, which was recently purchased by the city administration.
    This move was made to comply with the legal requirements necessary to the city administration's plan to keep the road alive as an ostensibly going concern until such time in the future when a possible purchaser is found to operate it in connection with tapping the timber and mineral resources of the Applegate section.
    The suggestion at last night's meeting that the new railroad company of city officials be known as a holding "cooperation," in view of the fact that it may eventually tap the Blue Ledge mine output, was speedily frowned down by the councilmen as airy persiflage.
    Then the seriously minded councilmen unanimously voted themselves as the board of directors of the city holding company, with a view to traveling over the Southern Pacific and other railroads of the country on passes, [and] announced that the new company was ready from now on to exchange the usual courtesies with the other railroads. Fair enuff!
    The new city railroad was organized with a number of amendments, relating to titles of officials, but as near as could be fathomed out of the mass of new legislation, it has only the following bona fide officials: Mayor O. O. Alenderfer, president; City Attorney John H. Carkin, secretary; City Superintendent Chas. W. Davis, general manager; members of the council, board of directors.
    An amendment or two made the mayor as also the general traffic manager; City Recorder Mose Alford as secretary and first vice-president; the city attorney as also general counsel, and the city superintendent as also general passenger and freight traffic manager.
    Another legal requirement that is necessitated in order that the city may hold this road, as planned, is that every sixty days an engine must be operated over the line between here and Jacksonville, to show the world that it is a going concern.
    This requirement is being given very serious thought by the city officials, as to the best way to fill it. The one engine in the remaining equipment of the road purchased by the city administration, is in good operating condition for such a journey of serious import, but engine fuel and oil cost so much, and then the city has no engineer.
    To save money the city officials have under consideration a plan to have that public-spirited body, the Crater Club, push the engine over and back on the track every 60 days, to shouts of encouragement from the Rotarians, Kiwanians and Lions running alongside.
    General Manager Davis, in looking over the itemized items of the road and equipment, as purchased, finds that many tools have been swiped by evil-minded citizens of Medford and the county seat while the sale was pending, or before, and that much of the rolling equipment has been damaged, and about all that is left in fair condition is the engine and several flat cars.
    In its purchase the city also acquired several parcels of real estate in Jacksonville, including the old Barnum home in Jacksonville, and the passenger and freight depots in the county seat, from which the city is already getting revenue, as the dwelling is rented for $10 a month and a contractor rents the freight shed for the same sum per month.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 18, 1925, page 5

    In addition to instructing City Treasurer Alford to retire $22,000 of the paving bonded indebtedness of the city from the $32,000 now in the city treasury, the city council last night instructed City Attorney Carkin to take steps at once towards the removal of the three side tracks of the old Jacksonville railroad, now owned by the city, extending from their connection with the Southern Pacific tracks nearly across from the passenger depot to Main Street, to a location south of Main Street. These tracks have not been used for a long time past and are unsightly.
"City Moves to Tear Up Track Old J'ville Road," Medford Mail Tribune, April 20, 1927, page 3

    . . . in accordance with the city council's action of last Tuesday night to remove the old Jacksonville railroad main and side tracks from where they connect with the Southern Pacific tracks will be begun at once, and in accordance with the city administration's present plans, the city's part of the preparation work for the establishment of the crossing will be rushed from now on.
"City to Start Work at Once," Medford Mail Tribune, April 26, 1927, page 1

    The weather-worn and battered ancient little locomotive of the former Medford-Jacksonville railroad, which became the property of the city, by purchase, a year or so ago, attracted much attention all day today, as it stood on a side track near Main Street, waiting to be placed on a flatcar to be shipped to Glendale, Ore., having been purchased by the Glendale Lumber Company recently from the city for $500.
    The old engine has much local historical interest because of its many trips between Medford and Jacksonville in past years, hauling the small passenger cars. It is said that in its youth and before its former owner, William Barnum, purchased it, the engine had seen several years' service on an elevated railroad in New York City.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1927, page 3

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goswick Purchasers--New Owners Plan Alterations
and New Name--Deal Pending for Week.

    Following a week or more of negotiations, the Barnum Hotel and apartments on North Front Street was sold today by W. S. Barnum to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goswick for a consideration made public at $65,000. The new owners have taken possession and, according to present plans, will make improvements within a year, with the purpose of eventually changing the apartment house into a hotel, for which it was originally constructed.
    The house contains 67 rooms, divided into 27 apartments, all of which are rented. It was constructed in 1915 by Mr. Barnum for a hotel, and at present has numerous hotel improvements. It is four stories high [and] is constructed of high-grade brick, making an attractive building, and is located directly across from the Southern Pacific railroad depot.
    Up until a month ago, Mr. and Mrs. Goswick were the proprietors of the Hotel Nash, the lease of which they sold to L. W. Miller, who is now managing it, and had been thinking of purchasing the Barnum building for some time. Both are veterans in the hotel business, having owned and operated hotels in Portland, The Dalles and Roseburg before coming to Medford. They plan to change the name of the business, but will continue to run under the present name until the establishment has been changed into a hotel.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 12, 1927, page 1

    Since Medford's population has been shown to be over 12,000 and is still growing fast, it has been found that its police station cannot possibly get along without a good garage in which to house that big new sedan car recently provided by the city council for the department. Hence, inasmuch as the city government cannot afford to build a new garage, a part of the police station will be converted into such. These headquarters occupy the old Jacksonville railroad depot building on Main Street, which the city acquired possession of when it several years ago purchased that antiquated railroad.
    The police headquarters does not need the entire structure, especially as the Boy Scouts' headquarters are to be moved to the new playgrounds, and it has been found that by tearing out the flooring of the warehouse part of the building in the rear and the wareroom siding of the east wall, room can cheaply be provided for parking space for three cars.
    The work will be done by the city street department under City Superintendent Scheffel's supervision, but cannot be done for some time yet because of that department being overwhelmed with necessary city work.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 18, 1927, page 8

    Struck by a wood elevator in its fall from a broken cable while he was operating it in the basement of his home in Portland, Billy Barnum, 12, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Barnum and nephew of Mrs. Frank Isaacs of Medford, was knocked unconscious and severely injured yesterday.
    The loss of four of his upper front teeth, and a gash across his mouth and face which necessitated taking eight stitches, were the main injuries sustained by the boy. Billy is well known in Medford, having made a number of friends on his many visits to his grandparents and local relatives. He spent last summer with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Isaacs, and after a complete vacation of fishing, pony riding and other jolly sports was reluctant to leave Medford and return to the duties of school work in his home town.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 12, 1927, page 3

    Wm. S. Barnum, over 73 years of age and one of Medford's best-known pioneer citizens, having been a continuous resident here for the past 44 years, died at his home at 216 North Front Street at a very early hour this morning. The remains are at the Conger funeral parlors, where funeral arrangements are being made, which will be announced later.
    Mr. Barnum was a native of Danville, Canada, although he had lived in the United States for the past 71 years. He was born July 20, 1855, and resided in New York state until he located in Medford in 1884 and started a sash and door factory, which he later sold and started a machine works, which is now known as the Medford Iron Works, and which he disposed of later and then purchased the old Jacksonville railroad, which he operated for years until about five years ago he sold it to the city of Medford.
    Mr. Barnum, who had led a retired life for the past 15 years, was best known for his connection with the old railroad between here and Jacksonville, and some stormy episodes in connection with his operation of it. He built the Barnum apartments, which he sold some months ago and is now known as the Hotel Grand.
    He was married when 25 years old to Miss Bertha Susan Agleston in New York state, who survives him. To this union four children were born, two of whom still survive him--George Barnum of this city and John Barnum of San Francisco.
    Mr. Barnum was a member of Medford lodge, R.F. and A.M., No. 103.
Medford Mail Tribune
clipping dated February 28, 1928, (page 8), Thomas scrapbook, SOHS M43B3

    W. S. Barnum, well-known Medford resident who died a short time ago, left an estate of approximately $41,150, according to papers filed at the county clerk's office asking for the appointment of appraisers and an administrator. John Barnum of San Francisco, George Barnum of Medford and Mrs. Bertha Barnum, the widow, are named as the heirs. Emil Britt, V. J. Emerick and E. M. Wilson are named as the appraisers, while Jesse Houck is named as the administrator.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 30, 1928, page 4

    Joe Gagnon of this city, as a preliminary step towards the construction of a railroad to the Blue Ledge mining district, has announced the placing of several irons in the fire. He says that he has about completed arrangements for the construction of four miles of standard gauge railroad, from Jacksonville towards Forest Creek, tapping a rich timber belt; that he has ordered machinery for a sawmill to be operated in that section, and that his four miles of track will eventually be a link in the long-talked Blue Ledge railroad.
    It is also planned by Gagnon to re-operate the Medford-Jacksonville line, now owned by the city, making repairs to it by using rails torn from the streetcar track, and that when he is operating full blast he will be able to furnish two cars of lumber daily to the tonnage of the Southern Pacific. He says he has the moral support of the Southern Pacific, and the financial backing of a local citizen in his project.
    Gagnon says that as soon as he finishes the construction of 24 houses in this city he will start on his rail enterprise. He believes that a start towards building a road to the Blue Ledge is all that is needed, to act as a spur to the Southern Pacific and Guggenheim interests, owners of the Blue Ledge. They have been conferring, writing letters, and discussing this road for several months, a hitch apparently arising over tonnage, and the rates therefor. Local citizens also have conferred and written to the railroad and Guggenheims on the proposition, which is reported as being in the hopeful stage.
    The Gagnon spur would tap a timber belt on Forest Creek estimated at 250,000,000 feet, largely white pine and fir. Mr. Gagnon describes the timber as "the best family of pine in Oregon."
Medford Mail Tribune, April 9, 1928, page 5

    Clyde Barnum, who was called here from Honolulu by the serious illness and death of his father, W. S. Barnum, will leave Medford on Saturday for San Francisco and Berkeley, where he will visit friends. Later he will attend and address a three-day meeting of the American Phytopathological Society at Pomona College. He will sail from San Francisco June 27th for Honolulu, where he will resume his work as pathologist for the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association. Mr. Barnum sees many changes in the Rogue River Valley, and has especially enjoyed meeting many old friends whom he had not seen for four years. Mrs. W. S. Barnum, his mother, will accompany him to Santa Barbara, where she will visit relatives, returning to her home at Medford July 1st.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1928, page 7

    While discussing last Tuesday night with Joe Gagnon, representing the Pine Lumber Company, his request that the city council lease the right-of-way of the old Jacksonville-Medford railroad, which the city purchased years ago, to his company, which he said would rebuild and equip it and operate it as a logging railroad, Mayor O. O. Alenderfer made it plain that the city would hold this right-of-way until some legitimate railroad development program had been formulated.
    The members of the city council hold the same view, and the mayor also made it plain that he was not casting any aspersions on Mr. Gagnon and his proposed venture, but was opposed to leasing the right-of-way to Gagnon until the latter presented a concrete proposition, telling what his logging road proposed to do, who its backers were, etc., which had so far not been done.
    Mayor Alenderfer also declared positively that at no time would the city with its right-of-way to Jacksonville be a party to any promotion scheme. If a genuine big railroad-developing plan ever materialized, which would need the city-owned right-of-way as a part of that development, the Medford city officials would help it along, the mayor said.
    Mr. Gagnon did not like this sort of talk from the mayor, and stalked out of the meeting in a bad humor. Joe Gagnon claimed to the councilmen that he was in league with plenty of capital for the rebuilding and operation of his proposed logging railroad, but he did not tell the city officials who these persons were nor go into details about his plan.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1928, page 2

    The testimony of V. J. Emerick was taken today before Delilia Stevens Meyer, county clerk, upon the application of George A. Barnum. The application to take testimony alleges that W. S. Barnum made a gift of approximately $45,000 in bonds to his son, George A. Barnum, prior to his death. That W. S. Barnum told V. J. Emerick that he had given George A. Barnum some bonds and that as V. J. Emerick is about to leave for the eastern part of the United States his evidence must be taken.
    The petition further states that Mr. Emerick's testimony is material to the defense in an action which is about to be commenced by Jessie A. Eldridge, the mother of William Laird Barnum, a minor, to set aside the gift, through Charles W. Reames, the attorney for the minor and Jessie A. Eldridge, the guardian.
    W. S. Barnum died in Medford, Ore., .February 28, 1928, leaving as his heirs at law Bertha S. Barnum, his widow; John Barnum and George A. Barnum, sons, and William Laird Barnum, grandson, the son of William Barnum, the latter now deceased.
    That W. S. Barnum did not leave a will and when the petition to probate the estate was filed it stated the only heirs of W. S. Barnum were his widow, John Barnum and George A. Barnum, and did not name the grandson, William Laird Barnum.
    When Mrs. Eldridge, the guardian of William Laird Barnum, learned that her son was not named as an heir, she inquired regarding the same and it was found that the minor had been left out as an heir, and on July 12, 1928, an order was made amending the petition to probate the estate and named William Laird Barnum as an heir.
    The petition to probate the estate stated that there was no real property whatever in the estate. That the probable value of the estate was $41,000.
    It is reported by attorneys for the plaintiff that considerable investigation has been made in regard to the property left by W. S. Barnum, and it is believed he left a large estate. Investigation developed that on the date of Mr. Barnum's death, a deed from W. S. Barnum to his wife of all of the real property owned by W. S. Barnum was recorded and that the deed had been left in First National Bank with instructions to deliver the same to his wife, the grantee of the deed, upon the death of W. S. Barnum. On July 13, 1928, the inventory of the estate was filed showing bonds and cash in the estate, not including the real property, to the amount of $91,806.81.
    George A. Barnum claims that his father made him a gift in the month of February, 1928, the month in which the father died, of $45,850 in bonds, and these, with the real property, are not in the estate, but that the real property belongs to the mother and the last-mentioned bonds belonged to George A. Barnum. It is alleged that the gift was orally made.
    Mrs. Eldridge, the guardian of William Laird Barnum, claims that her son is entitled to the share of the state that his father, William Barnum, would be entitled to if he were living, and that if the deed to the real property and the gift to George are allowed to stand, then the minor will not receive his share of the property out of the estate of W. S. Barnum.
    Mrs. Eldridge, up to recently, has been residing in Portland, but has now returned to Medford, where she intends to make her home.
    No court action has yet been commenced with the exception of the application by George A. Barnum to take the testimony of Mr. Emerick. H. K. Hanna is the attorney for the estate. George Barnum is represented by T. J. Enright, and the guardian and minor are represented by Charles W. Reames.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 24, 1928, page 3

    Joe L. Gagnon, who has been promoting railroads to the coast and the Blue Ledge mine and the timber belt of the Applegate for years, is dickering with the city council for rental of the old Jacksonville road to further his latest plan. The city now owns the railroad.
    Gagnon proposes to rent the road, if the city will replace the missing "frogs," rails and switches, and the city proposes that Gagnon rent the railroad and replace the missing parts himself. Gagnon holds this is not a fair proposition, and he should not be required to pay rent if he makes repairs. The matter is scheduled for an early hearing at a council meeting.
    Gagnon says if the railroad can be rented he will build a spur from his sawmill in Southwest Medford to McAndrews Street, near the Southern Pacific railroad, and use the spur in the hauling of lumber and logs for the operation of his sawmill near Jacksonville. The spur would eliminate that portion of the railroad in the city limits.
    Gagnon says that inasmuch as the railroad is only rusting in the weather at present, the city should welcome his offer to operate it and keep it in repair.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 21, 1928, page 2

    The first court action in the settlement of the late Wm. S. Barnum estate came Friday when the petition of Mrs. Bertha S. Barnum, widow of W. S. Barnum deceased, was heard by County Judge Alex Sparrow. Mrs. Barnum asked in the petition to have $6000 in bonds set off to her which she claimed was jointly owned by her and the deceased.
    It developed at the hearing that $5000 of the bonds were payable to "the bearer," and that $1000 only were in the name of husband and wife. The court dismissed the petition on the motion by attorney Charles Reames, and declared that all the property must be left in the estate on the grounds that the county court could not try a question of title.
    A further order granting the costs to Jessie A. Eldridge, guardian of William A. Barnum, a minor and grandson of W. S. Barnum, another heir to the estate, was given by the court.
    W. S. Barnum died in this city February 28, 1928, leaving as his hears at law Bertha S. Barnum, his widow, John Barnum, his son, and George A. Barnum, his son, and William Laird Barnum, his grandson, who is the son of William Barnum, a son of W. S. Barnum, both now deceased.
    Investigation developed that on the date of Mr. Barnum's death, a deed from W. S. Barnum to his wife of all of the real property owned by W. S. Barnum was recorded, and that the deed had been left in the First National Bank with instructions to deliver the same to the wife, the grantee in the deed, upon the death of W. S. Barnum. On July 13, 1928, the inventory in the estate was filed showing bonds and cash in the estate, not including the real property, in the amount of $91,805.81.
    George A. Barnum claims that his father made him a gift in the month of February, 1928, the month in which his father died, of $45,000 in bonds, and these, with the real property, are not in the estate, but that the real property belongs to the mother and the last-mentioned bonds belong to Geo. A. Barnum. It is alleged that the gift was orally made.
    Mrs. Eldridge, the guardian of William Laird Barnum, claims that her son is entitled to the share of the estate that his father, William Barnum, would be entitled to if he were living, and that if the deed to the real property and the gifts to George are allowed to stand, then the minor will not receive his share of the property out of the estate of W. S. Barnum, of his father and more than ten years after it was executed.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 6, 1928, page B8

    It is likely that after January 1, the police station will no longer be located in its present location in the old Jacksonville railroad depot on West Main Street, according to plans unofficially indicated today. It is understood that the present station headquarters will be razed early next year and the police department will again be located in the city hall building.
    The present quarters of the department are wholly satisfactory and are centrally located, making it easy for strangers to find the police, if desired. However, the building, which is owned by the city, is on railroad property and it is said the railroad company is desirous of having the building removed as soon as possible. The new headquarters of the police may be above the city recorder's office or back in a corner room adjoining the fire department, a room formerly occupied by the police before offices were moved to the depot over two years ago.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 14, 1928, page 7

Compromise Reached in Right of Minor Grandson--Cash Settlement in Lieu of Bonds, Cash and Property Share.
    William Laird (Billy) Barnum, grandson of W. S. Barnum and son of William Barnum, deceased, will receive $29,000 as his share of the Barnum estate, as a result of the settlement of a controversy which has been pending for the past seven months, following the death of W. S. Barnum, February 28, 1928.
    The heirs of the property, the deceased leaving no will, are: Bertha S. Barnum, the widow; John Barnum and George Barnum, sons, and William Laird Barnum, grandson, a minor.
    In the petition to probate, the estate was appraised at $41,000, and no real property mentioned. The real property is said to have been deeded in 1924 by W. S. Barnum to his wife. The deed was delivered to her during the life of the deceased and again by the First National Bank after his death.
    Seven months ago a controversy arose over whether or not the real property and bonds, not heretofore included in the estate, should be included before any settlements were made. The point as to whether or not the delivery of the deed was made with the intention to pass title to the real property or whether it was intended to retain control of the property until Mr. Barnum's death, was also under dispute.
Cash Settlement
    Yesterday a compromise was reached between all parties concerned, whereby Jessie A. Eldridge, as guardian and mother of the boy, William Laird Barnum, received a cash settlement of $29,000 for the minor's share which, through the right of representation, would be the share of William Barnum, his father.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1928, page 1

    The appraised value of the estate of W. S. Barnum, who died intestate last February, has an approximate total of $91,000, exclusive of several bequests he had made to members of his family before his death, according to attorney T. J. Enright, counsel for Bertha Barnum, the widow, and two sons, George and John, and will be divided among the three, Mrs. Barnum receiving one-half and the sons, one-fourth each.
    A cash settlement of $29,000 was completed last Monday on William Laird (Billy) Barnum, 12-year-old grandson of the deceased, following a controversy of several months in regard to the final settlement on the grandson, whose father, William Barnum, died several years ago. This sum will be deducted from the total of $91,000, which also included real property worth $4000 consisting of several lots near the Grand Hotel. It was Mr. Barnum's wish before he died to bequeath to his grandson a mortgage of $31,000 on the Hotel Grand, formerly known as the Barnum Apartment House, and sold over a year ago to John Goswick, who transformed it into a hotel.
    However, this arrangement was refused by the grandson's guardian, Jessie Eldridge, who maintained a cash settlement would only be acceptable, according to attorney Enright.
    Some time before he died Mr. Barnum gave bonds, valued at $45,800, to his son, George, and in 1916 deeded to him the building in which the Barnum Garage is located. During 1924 Mr. Barnum deeded to his wife real estate valued at $100,000, including business buildings in this city.
    The final settlement of the estate probably will not take place until the $29,000 given to the grandson and costs of administration, amounting to several thousands of dollars, has been deducted. This is expected to leave approximately $40,000 for division among the three named heirs.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1928, page 3

    And so the sunny yellow bus pursues its course around the city, and flirts with Main Street--Main Street of the streetcar track which has long ceased to echo to the rumble of electric trolleys and warm to the revolving pressure of the Barnum-Bullis-Gagnon train of Jacksonville--one can't help remembering (if one has been here that long) the good old days when mining was the principal industry of Jackson County.
    According to Joe Gagnon, who is the only survivor of that trio of operators, the Medford-Jacksonville railroad will go down in Oregon history as one of the liveliest industries in the state. Started in 1890 by W. S. Barnum, according to Mr. Gagnon, the railroad was built for the purpose of hauling ore from the Blue Ledge mining property, which was then producing in tremendous amounts. [The Blue Ledge never produced in tremendous amounts, and the the tracks of the railway never reached it. Barnum was not involved in the inception of the RRVRy, which was built only to connect Jacksonville to the main line of the railroad.]
Combination Train.
    The train, as run by Mr. Barnum and his two sons, John and W. S. Jr. (also now deceased), consisted of a steam engine, a flat car and a box car for freight, and another engine and passenger car for the transportation of residents between the two towns.
    This pioneer Medford-Jacksonville train ran on 20-pound rails, according to Mr. Gagnon. As business increased, larger rails were installed. The road was sold to S. S. Bullis, who operated it for several years, having purchased it from Mr. Barnum for $60,000. Mr. Gagnon said that the railroad then went into the hands of receivers, and he bought it for $22,000, sold it later to John Opp for $37,000, and that it discontinued operation in 1925, and was later purchased by the city.
    "I extended the railroad four miles above Jacksonville into the timber, and hauled timber as well as ore over the railroad," said Mr. Gagnon, reminiscing on the old days. "By this time, of course, a number of improvements had been made on the line and equipment, and we carried as high as 300 passengers between Medford and Jacksonville a day. One of the passenger streetcars was 45 feet long and another was 30 feet.
Then Came the Jitney.
    "Our fare was at first 25 cents. Then a jitney line came into Medford. We dropped our fare to 20 cents and they dropped down to meet us. Finally we got down to five cents and forced them out."
    The depot for the Medford-Jacksonville line was the building now used as the police station. [The building on Main Street was the line's second Medford depot.] Mr. Gagnon said that he had not as yet ridden in the new Medford streetcar, but intended to climb aboard for a pleasure ride some sunny afternoon.
    And when he does, he'll dream--not of the past and of the Barnum-Bullis-Gagnon railroad to the Blue Ledge--but of a future Southern Pacific feeder from the Tomlin mill to Jacksonville, Ruch, Blue Ledge and Waldo, where it will meet the Grants Pass road to Crescent City. This dream will be realized, according to Mr. Gagnon, next year.
"Buses Bring Memories of Pioneer Line," Medford Mail Tribune, December 24, 1928, page 10

    When during the regular order of business at the city council meeting last night a request was read from the city council of Jacksonville that the Medford city officials clean up all remains of the old Jacksonville railroad in the county seat town which, with its right of way, was purchased years ago by the Medford municipal government, much laughter prevailed. After a short discussion, it was decided to accede to the naive request of Jacksonville as soon as possible.
    It will be remembered that some time after the purchase the Medford city council dismantled the road, sold the rails and some of the good rolling equipment, and retained the buildings in Jacksonville and, of course, the right of way.
    It developed during the discussion last night that rather than pay big sums of unpaid taxes on the old Barnum residence in Jacksonville and the depot building, the Medford city council got rid of the structures and all responsibility pertaining to them, by allowing the county to take them over for back taxes.
    It seems now that the Jacksonville complaint is that the old railroad roundhouse in that town, in which the city has two of the old cars stored, is still standing, and is an eyesore to the former county seat people. Further, that cars cannot be taken out of the building to be burned or otherwise removed without being dismantled, as when the rails were sold the track running into the roundhouse were taken up and sold with the rest of the rails.
    City Superintendent Fred Scheffel for a year or more tried to sell the roundhouse and cars inside to some junk dealer, without effect, until last August a man from Marshfield came along and offered him $250 for the layout, paid $50 down and was to pay the rest of the money when he came to tear down the building and take it and the cars away.
    Since paying the $50 down he has never showed up, and neither has he been heard from, although Superintendent Scheffel has written him. Inasmuch as the iron in the old cars is valuable and also the old building has some value, it is reasoned that the purchaser may eventually show up and complete the bargain. If he does, and pays over the $200, that money will enable the city superintendent to clean up all leftover railroad refuse in Jacksonville.
    However, in view of the Jacksonville council's request of last night, with which Medford officials are in deep sympathy, City Superintendent Scheffel was instructed to send a special delivery letter to the Marshfield man at once and if he cannot be located to take steps to remove any cause for further complaint of the government of the neighboring city.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1929, page 4

    JACKSONVILLE, Ore., April 27. (Special.)--The city of Medford has several men cleaning up the railroad yards and old buildings which have needed attention so badly here in Jacksonville. A tractor is being used to haul out the cars to a place where they will be destroyed. The old roundhouse will also be torn down.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 27, 1929, page 5

    The old trolley cars, passenger coaches and freight cars, which were once proud possessions of the Jacksonville railroad, have all found their way to the junk heap, and for the past several days the iron of which they were largely made has been dumped unceremoniously into a waiting gondola freight car near the Western Union station. The 200 tons of junk is to be shipped to Portland and loaded as ballast on a steamer bound for Japan, where it will be remelted and used again.
    Every vestige of the rolling stock of the old road has been taken up for junk, and for several days the old cars were burned, destroying the wood and leaving the most important portion of the cars--the iron--behind. This made up most of the four cars of junk being shipped out, one car coming from the Owen-Oregon mill and another car being picked up in various parts of the valley.
    The heavier pieces were being loaded yesterday and today through the use of special equipment, while curious onlookers stood around listening to the heavy clank of old car wheels, springs and air-brake containers as they fell into the gondola, ready to start for Japan.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 4, 1929, page 4

    The old Jacksonville Railroad station, which had been used by city police up until a week or ten days ago, will soon be no more, laborers having been engaged for the past two days tearing the old building down. It was the next to the last wooden building in the business district and located on Southern Pacific property. Efforts had been in progress by the railroad for the past year to remove it. Nothing will be built on the site, according to reports today.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 25, 1929, page 6

Joe Gagnon Asserts City Fathers Took Long-Cherished Trolley Car
    Medford city administrators for years past have been accused of various things short of murder and train robbery, but last night Joe Gagnon, local lumberman and ex-Jacksonville-Medford street car magnate, electrified the mayor and city councilmen and caused the reporters to hastily feel for their pocketbooks, by intimating that the city had swiped a $1300 street car from him.
    He did not make the charge direct--no, Joe is far too slick for that, but he put his accusation in such a way that there was nothing else for the city officials to do but ask questions of explanation, whereas all felt like taking him out for a ride after the meeting and returning alone. The more Joe explained, the less the councilmen and reporters understood. It was finally decided to have the matter investigated thoroughly by a special committee.
    The magnanimous Joe does not ask to be reimbursed for the missing car in cash, but because of having long known the city officials and knowing them to be upright, well-meaning citizens, except where street cars are concerned, he kindly consents to accept several city lots in lieu of cash.
    Joe did not make it plain, either, as to whether the present administration or that of Ole Alenderfer swiped the street car. Murder will out, and time alone will tell.
    It seems that years ago Mr. Gagnon in a deal with the late Mr. Barnum, owner of the Medford-Jacksonville railway, came into possession of that great common carrier, and after running it five or six years, turned it back to the Barnum interests. But while he operated the road he purchased the missing car from the late S. S. Bullis.
    Then during the Alenderfer administration the city purchased the railroad and its rolling stock and other equipment, and later scrapped the road and sold its rails and equipment.
    It seems, further, that Joe's car, like the Carnation cow, was contentedly parked along with the other rolling stock, and when the rolling stock was sold or dismantled, got mixed up with the other equipment, according to Joe. Something like that, as near as could be gathered.
    Now none of the present city officials or employees know anything about the matter. They can only take Joe's word for it, unless Charley Davis, former city superintendent, or ex-Mayor Alenderfer or some others of his administration should remember.
    Bets are being laid 100 to 1 that Joe does not get $1300 cash, and 99½ to a doughnut that he does not obtain more than one city lot in recompense.
    "Why did you wait all this time to make a holler?" asked one of the councilmen of Mr. Gagnon. "Why didn't you make it at the time?"
    "I did, and nobody paid any attention," was the reply, which caused much councilman laughter.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 4, 1929, page 4

    While swimming at Waikiki, B. W. Birge of Hood River hailed me and said, "Mr. Lockley, I want you to meet Clyde C. Barnum, who is with the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association." We shook hands, and I said, "I used to know some Barnums at Medford and Jacksonville. One of these Barnums ran the railroad between Medford and Jacksonville." Mr. Barnum smiled and said, "I hail from Medford, all right, but Barnum who ran the railroad there is no relation to me." As we swam out toward the float together he said, "I am located at apartment 31, just across the street and about 100 feet distant from your apartment. Drop in and see me. My mother and sister will be glad to see you."
    That evening I spent an hour or so with the Barnums. Mrs. M. V. Barnum, Clyde's mother, said:
    "We came up from Santa Barbara to Medford in 1900. My husband bought a fruit ranch between Medford and Phoenix on the Pacific Highway. Our ranch is about a mile from Phoenix. I was born in Texas but went with my parents to Iowa when I was about a year old. When I was 14 years old, that was in 1874, we moved to California. I was married on December 29, 1885. My husband was a teacher. Clyde C. Barnum, who has been here in the Islands for the past six or seven years, was our first child. William Berthold Barnum, our next child, is running our ranch near Medford. Our daughter, Marion Elizabeth, who is here with me, married Ben Hilton. Her little daughter, Marjory Anne, peeked around the door just now to see who you were. She was supposed to be in bed. My husband died two years ago. I came here to visit Clyde last October but I will be going back to Southern Oregon in about a month. Clyde graduated from the University of California in 1921 and came to Honolulu in the spring of 1924. He is crazy about the Islands. For anyone who likes that sort of thing the Islands are the very sort of thing they like. But I like Southern Oregon, because we don't have spring all the year round. We have some winter."

Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, June 9, 1930, page 10

By Fred Lockley
    Clyde C. Barnum of Medford, Or., for the past six years has been with the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association. When I interviewed him recently he said:
    “My brother, Berthold, is running our orchard near Medford. My father and mother bought this place 30 years ago. I graduated with the degree of bachelor of science from the University of California in 1921 and came to the islands in the spring of 1924. The members of the H.S.P.A. pay an assessment of $2 per ton toward the support of an experiment station, the maintenance of a representative at Washington, D.C., the recruiting of labor in the Philippines, and for various other necessary expenses. Last year the members of our association produced 941,000 tons of sugar, so you will see that on an assessment of $2 per ton a pretty good-sized fund is raised by the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association. In 1907 our experiment station developed what is known as Hawaiian Seedling No. 109. This replaced D 1135 and the Yellow Caledonian cane, increasing the yield of sugar on the three islands where sugar cane is usually raised at least 50 percent, so you can see that the development of this one seedling variety justified all the expense ever spent on the experiment station. One field of this variety, H 109, produced over 120 tons to the acre on the Ewa plantation, producing a yield of 18 tons of sugar to the acre. This crop is matured in 20 months. The former ordinary yield was eight to nine tons of sugar to the acre. In our home state, Oregon, a yield of three to seven tons of alfalfa to the acre is considered good. When you think of a yield of 120 tons of cane to the acre you can get some idea of the density of growth of the cane. In Louisiana they harvest a 12 months' crop of 1½ to 2½ tons to the acre; in Australia they harvest three to five tons to the acre; in Cuba about three tons to the acre; in Java from five to six tons to the acre. Here on the Hawaiian Islands we use machinery for every operation possible in the growing of cane and the production of sugar. In Java the cost of labor is around 13 cents a day, so practically all of the planting and harvesting of cane is done by hand labor.
    “In Portland, Or., they used to throw away the by-product of the manufacture of gas. Later they began utilizing this by-product in the manufacture of briquets, and sold them for $4 per ton. Now these briquets sell from $12 to $15 per ton. The same thing is true of the by-products of sugar. The Waialua Agricultural Company used to dump 30 tons of molasses a day into the ocean. Later they mixed this molasses with barley and cane tops for stock feed. Today this molasses is sold at $8 a ton on a five years' contract, being shipped to California, where it is manufactured into industrial alcohol or used for stock feed."
Oregon Journal, Portland, July 20, 1930, page 6

City Dads Aghast at Claim of Jacksonville
For Lots in Railroad Transaction
    If the present city government had harbored the idea that Medford owned several nice lots in Jacksonville, and has for years past, that idea was either dispelled or thrown somewhat in doubt when at last night's city council meeting Frank DeSouza, attorney for the former county seat town, asked that the city either fork over cheerfully a deed to those lots, which comprise the depot site of the old Jacksonville railroad, or else the Jacksonville officials would have the courts compel them, pronto, to do so.
    That was the gist of Mr. DeSouza's notice, but it was so diplomatically put by him that a stranger would have thought he was conferring a favor on Medford in making the demand. He was so nice about it that several of the councilmen felt like chicken thieves, although all they knew about the matter was what he told.
    Not a one of them, either as common citizen or city official, had ever before been accused of swiping a lot from anyone or a town. Several contractors present also flushed at the insinuation.
    The claim of Jacksonville to these lots arises from the fact that when Jacksonville deeded the lots in 1890 as the site for the Jacksonville-Medford railway the deed contained a clause that if ever the property was no longer used for railway depot purposes it would revert back to Jacksonville.
    The Medford city government comes into the plot through it having purchased the right of way between Medford and Jacksonville and all the railroad rolling stock and the property in Jacksonville of the railway from the Barnums a number of years ago as the nucleus of a right of way through the valley if at any future time another railroad, especially to the Applegate and sea coast, would come into being.
    There is no question but that the old railway, which has not been operated for years, is badly defunct and reverted. All that remains is the right of way. The rails, rolling equipment, etc., were sold by previous city administrations.
    If the city has to give up the lots to the historic old town one ray of joy will emanate to the economy fiends on the city council and citizens' budget commission, as the city will no longer have to pay a few dollars taxes on the lots, and still have the right of way, which will not be interfered with by turning back the depot site.
    As a matter of precaution the city council last night instructed its finance committee and City Attorney Farrell to investigate carefully, to see that Frank DeSouza and Jacksonville do not hornswoggle the city.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 18, 1931, page 1

Lots in Jacksonville Hold Mineral Prospect Is Revealed
    The most striking feature of last night's short and otherwise dull city council meeting was the decision of that body to sell for $50 a possible gold mine in Jacksonville, which the city of Medford owns, in the shape of one of the several small lots on Oregon Street in the old county seat town that make up a part of the old terminal of the Medford-Jacksonville railroad.
    These lots have been deemed practically valueless by the city fathers, but it seems that because placer mining in any part of Jacksonville has been the fashion for a year or two, the city may get more for them than was thought.
    Hence when Councilman George Porter last night read a communication he had received from George N. Campbell, 815 East J Street, Grants Pass, offering to purchase the designated lot at $50 cash, and as chairman of the council's land appraisal committee wanted to know what the council's wishes were in the matter, that body at first informally exclaimed gleefully: "Sell it to him for $50."
Miners Make Offer.
    Then City Treasurer Gus Samuels related that some time ago several men had come to him and offered to buy from the city these lots at $5 down and $5 a month, and his curiosity aroused at the sudden demand for the lots, he concluded they wanted to mine the lots.
    Thinking that the city council in the past had decided not to sell them, he mistakenly told them the lots were not for sale. Mr. Samuels' statement put a different light on the matter.
    It was thought that if it was known that the city council would sell the lots for cash, all might be sold at a better price, or at least for $50, as the Grants Pass man had offered.
    It was voted to leave the matter in the hands of the council land appraisal committee with power to act; only that such lots must be sold for cash, and no installment paying plan should be considered.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 18, 1931, page 5

    Mrs. W. H. Barnum, pioneer resident of this city and Jacksonville, is building a ten-room home on pretentious proportions in the upper Siskiyou Heights district. The structure will entail an expenditure of about $10,000. The home has long been planned by Mrs. Barnum. The site commands a full and sweeping view of the valley from the Siskiyous to the Table Rocks. The home will be completed by early fall.
    Despite the fact that building material and tabor are at the lowest point in 50 years, the year so far has been the quietest in the building history of Medford according to Frank C. Clark, architect. What little building is going on in the county is confined to the rural areas. Many farmers are building new barns and enlarging other farm buildings, thus taking advantage of the prevailing low prices.
    On the other hand, city residents with plans for homes and business blocks already drawn are allowing the dust to accumulate upon them, and marking time.

Medford Mail Tribune, June 5, 1932, page 6

    Arguments were heard this morning by Circuit Judge H. D. Norton, in the motion of attorney Charles W. Reames, attorney for Mrs. Helen V. Barnum, in a divorce action against George Barnum, for $1000 attorney's fees and additional suit money, less retainer and other fees already paid. Mrs. Barnum alleges cruel and inhuman treatment, and both seek the custody of a child. Barnum is represented by attorney A. E. Reames.
    Attorneys Porter J. Neff, E. E. Kelly and George M. Roberts were called as witnesses by Charles W. Reames to show that his request for $1000 attorney's fees were just and equitable. The counselors all agreed that $1000 was an equitable fee. It was set forth that the legal work completed to date and the future work justified the amount.
    Attorney Charles W. Reames in his opening statement, recited the amount of work performed to date, which includes a number of voluminous legal documents. It was also argued that the reputed wealth of the defendant also justified the sum. The plaintiff holds that Barnum is worth between $100,000 and $150,000. The defense contends that he is worth "$30,000 and upwards."
    In the expert testimony of the lawyers, it was pointed out that an appeal would probably be filed in the supreme court ere the case was concluded, a process also involving more labor.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1932, page 8

    The defense started its cross-examination of Mrs. Helen Barnum this afternoon, with prospects that she would be on the stand most of the day.
    Mrs. Barnum, among other charges, alleged that Barnum "beat me and told me it was none of my business when I asked what provisions had been made in the settlement of his father's estate, for a daughter by a former marriage."
    Under sharp questioning the defense replied, "I did not fight back because I was busy crying."
    She alleged she sustained a black eye, which she "treated with a beefsteak."
    The divorce action of Helen V. Barnum against George C. Barnum of this city was started this morning in circuit court before Judge H. D. Norton with a dozen witnesses--mostly women--subpoenaed to testify.
    Mrs. Barnum in her suit seeks gross alimony of $25,000, or monthly payments of $300, with 50 per month for the care of a minor child, one-third of property rights, the custody [omission] divorce and $1000 attorney's fees and suit money.
    Mrs. Barnum was the first witness called to the stand. She testified that the defendant was "cruel and stingy'' and mentioned "another woman"--whom she did not mention by name, but described as "a beauty operator." She alleged that when her husband went to Portland in 1929 for a minor operation "the beauty operator" accompanied him by auto. She further averred that Barnum met the "beauty operator' at a "blind date party, given by the volunteer fire department," and had told her, "I want to marry her."
    The plaintiff further alleged that Barnum always referred to his woman acquaintances as "hot mamas," and that he had been on trips with them to Pelican Bay, Jacksonville and other Southern Oregon points.
    Mrs. Barnum further charged that the defendant had struck her in the face, threatened to cut her with a razor and tampered with the auto so she could not use it.
    Testimony of a semi-sensational nature is expected to be developed during the trial. The case has been hanging fire in the local courts for two years.
    The plaintiff contends that Barnum is worth between $100,000 and $150,000. Barnum claims he is worth in the neighborhood of $30,000 and that his wealth has depreciated in the stress of the times. Barnum is a native of Jackson County and a member of the well-known pioneer Southern Oregon family of the same name.
    Mrs. Barnum is represented by attorney Charles W. Reames. He is opposed by attorney A. E. Reames.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 28, 1932, page 1

    At the request of the plaintiff's attorney, the public was excluded during the divorce trial of Barnum versus Barnum, during the testimony of Mrs. Susie Storms, shortly before noon.
    Mrs. Storms testified to a "necking scene" in the garage of the Barnum home that became so violent she left, but that the defendant and his companion remained therein for 45 minutes.
    The witness also testified to sensational imputations made by Barnum against his wife.
    James Clelland, father of Mrs. Barnum, the first witness at the afternoon session, testified that Barnum was given to profanity, telling vulgar stories, particularly in the presence of ladies; that he was surly and quarrelsome around his home; that he protested sending his son to Sunday school "because I was fed up on church with my first wife"; that he called his mate opprobrious names, and struck her, and one Christmas, when the table was set for dinner, said, "Hell, Ma, we need more room." and pulled the table apart, depositing the dishes on the floor.
    A large number of women attended the afternoon session.
    Testimony relative to alleged gunplay, the ability of the plaintiff as a housekeeper, and the value of Front Street property was given this morning in the divorce suit of Helen V. Barnum against George C. Barnum for a divorce, $25,000 alimony in a lump sum, or by monthly payments, division of property and custody of a boy.
    Mrs. Alice Daley of Dunsmuir, Cal., a sister of the plaintiff, testified this morning that when a party was held at the Barnum home on Portland Avenue, Barnum came home and frightened the guests by flourishing a pistol. This happened in 1929. Many of the guests had left to play a round of miniature golf and returned, they testified, to hear and see a family squabble. Mrs. Daley testified she was ordered from the house, and was later given permission to return and get her purse.
    Mrs. Daley denied the defense contention that Barnum and her husband were struggling over a bottle of liquor. The witness flared indignantly when the imputation [was made] that "anything but punch" was served.
    Mrs. Lila Hodgkins also testified that she saw Barnum in the yard with a pistol in his hand on the night of the party, but admitted that she was "too frightened to tell much."
    Charles R. Ray, realtor, was called as an expert witness this morning, and gave as his opinion that the North Front Street lots upon which the Barnum machine shops sit, the building and two adjoining vacant lots were worth $17,300. Mrs. Barnum seeks a third division of this property. The defense maintained that the William Young shops, in the same block, only cost $8300 two years ago, and questioned Ray at length on the discrepancy in values.
    Mrs. Grace Crawford, Mrs. Ray Jackman, Mrs. Edna Mole and Mrs. Lila Hodgkins, neighbors and friends, testified that Mrs. Barnum "was a good housekeeper and mother." They denied she drank liquor or conducted herself "other than as a lady."
    Ray Jackman testified that he was at the Barnum home listening to the radio one warm evening, and "without thinking closed the door." He alleged the Barnums "had a fight over which one of them closed the door." He did not know at the time what it was about, he said. He further alleged that Barnum held a sneering attitude towards his wife and was "what I thought insolent." He said he had had "many pleasant hours with Mr. Barnum and bore him no ill will."
    Dr. C. T. Sweeney testified that he treated Mrs. Barnum for a bruised eye and body bruises, about the time she alleges she was beaten. Dr. Sweeney said he did not know what caused them, as Mrs. Barnum "never told me her troubles or made me a confidant."
    It is expected that the plaintiff's witnesses will require all of today. Barnum will be the chief witness for the defense.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 29, 1932, page 1

    James Littell, city marshal of Jacksonville, and Alyse Evensizer, 19, testified this afternoon in the Barnum divorce trial that Mrs. Barnum "appeared to be intoxicated" while attending a Jacksonville dance in the summer of 1931.
    Miss Evensizer testified that she attended the dance with three others and that Mrs. Barnum "seemed to have trouble staying on the bench, and did not dance so well," and seemed "ready to pass out."
    The city marshal testified that Barnum asked him to watch his wife, as she was in no condition to drive the car. He said that later he saw her being escorted across the street by two people and "she needed support." The city marshal testified she was "under the influence of something--I don't know what."
    Miss Evensizer testified that on the way home with Mrs. Barnum, the state police ordered one of the men in the car to drive it.
    The defense opened this morning in the divorce suit of Helen V. Barnum against George C. Barnum, with the calling to the witness stand of character witnesses, including A. S. Rosenbaum, Dr. J. D. Rickert, H. C. Fredette, Mayor E. M. Wilson, and J. F. Lawrence, all well-known residents and business men of this city, who had known the defendant from 6 to 22 years.
    All testified that Barnum's reputation was good; that he was not given to profanity or vulgarity, as charged by the plaintiff.
    Dr. Rickert testified that he had lived as neighbor with Barnum and found him a pleasant and congenial man. Both were mechanically minded and found a common interest in the radio when first introduced. The two families had visited back and forth, the witness testified, for several years, and had "seen or heard nothing to excite comment or interest" in the Barnum family.
    Dr. Rickert further testified he saw a bond existed between the father and boy, and that Barnum was a fit person for his care and custody.
    A ruling of the court restricted the defense in its questioning of character witnesses to main facts, "so not to open the door for all the charges that have been made."
    Barnum will take the stand as the final witness for his side of the case. A score of witnesses will be called in his behalf, and the hearing of their evidence is expected to take two days. Among the defense witnesses will be the asserted "other woman" in the case, whom the plaintiff alleges went with Barnum on a trip to Portland, when he underwent an operation for goiter.
    Mrs. Barnum charges in her complaint that Barnum was profane and given to telling vulgar stories before women; that he is unfit to have the care and custody of the minor child; that he was quarrelsome, and made a "gun play" to frighten women guests at the Barnum home; that he "partied" with other women, and struck his wife.
    The defense, in its answers, charges "running around nights with other men," use of liquor and unfitness to have the custody of the child, and incompatibility.
    The custody of the boy and alimony are expected to furnish the main issues in the action. Mrs. Barnum seeks the custody of the child and alimony of $25,000 in a lump sum, or $350 per month, $1000 attorney fees and costs.
    Barnum, a scion of a wealthy Southern Oregon pioneer family, is worth $100,000, according to the plaintiffs, and about one-third that amount, according to defense estimates.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 1, 1932, page 1

    Frank Tainer, a hesitant witness who charged Mrs. Barnum with "nagging" her husband by tooting an auto horn while he was at work in his machine shop on South Front Street, was the chief witness at this morning's session of the divorce action of Helen V. Barnum against her husband, George C. Barnum, for a decree, custody of a minor child, and large alimony.
    Counsel for Mrs. Barnum, in cross-examining the witness, offered to prove to the court alleged collusion between Barnum and Tainer, in the sale of a house on Portland Avenue, and that Barnum had agreed to "protect" Tainer's money. It developed that Tainer had also been involved in a divorce action, several years ago.
    The court ruled that the evidence was prejudicial and foreign to the matter at issue.
    Tainer testified that Mrs. Barnum would come to the machine shops, toot an auto horn in an impatient manner and "nag" Barnum, and disturb the workmen. He said he had seen Mrs. Barnum request money and that Barnum would "give her what she asked for," and as far as he could see was liberal.
    Tainer was not very clear on many points in the testimony and the defense attacked "the integrity of the witness," and attempted to impeach his testimony. The witness was subjected to a long cross-examination.
    Barnum is expected to take the stand today, as the final witness in the case. He will answer the charges of his wife that he was surly and stingy, cruel, and "partied" with other women, and is not a fit person to have the custody of the child.
    The defense yesterday introduced witnesses to prove that Barnum bore a good reputation, and that his wife had been under the influence of liquor at a Jacksonville dance.
    At the close of yesterday's session attorneys Porter J. Neff, W. E. Phipps and F. J. Newman testified to the reputation of the defendant. Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Leonard also testified to the same point, and that Barnum was a fit person to have the care of the boy.

Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1932, page 1

    Mrs. Mabel Pogue, a beautician, was called as a witness at the start of the afternoon session of the Barnum divorce suit. The witness was also called at the start of the morning session. She testified that she had accompanied the defendant, with others, on a trip to Portland when he underwent an operation for goiter; to Klamath county, and to a cabin on Rogue River.
    George C. Barnum, defendant in the divorce suit of his wife, Helen V. Barnum, for large alimony, one-third of the property, custody of the minor child and a decree, testified yesterday afternoon and this morning in direct refutation of his estranged wife's sensational charges. Barnum is expected to finish his direct testimony early this afternoon, when he will come under the cross-examination of plaintiff's counsel. The taking of testimony is expected to be concluded late today or tomorrow morning--probably tomorrow.
    The liquor party that came to a climax with an asserted "gun-play" by Barnum, which frightened the guests away, was described by Barnum. He testified that he returned to find hilarity under way and "Shake" Hodgkins and "Pat" Daley mixing drinks and told them "you have a lot of nerve to bring liquor in here, where there are children."
    Barnum testified that after a few minutes he and his wife and Daley engaged in an altercation over a bottle of liquor, and "in the scuffle my wife's sister was hit on the chin with it, and cut."
    The witness testified that Daley had leaped at his throat and said: "If I get hold of that I will tear it open for you." Barnum further testified, at the time he was recovering from an operation for goiter, and the wound left by the surgeon's knife had not healed.
    "After this I ordered all from the house and went to my car and got an empty Luger and stood in the yard. I held the unloaded gun in my hand, and when Daley came up, I said. 'Pat, I want you to get off the place, and stay off.' Pat said: 'I will, and I won't come back.'"
    Barnum denied he had made any threats. He admitted he had taken his wife's car because "I was afraid it would get mixed up in a liquor deal."
    The witness denied in detail all the allegations of the plaintiff, but testified "she was the only one at the party not drunk." He also admitted that he had struck his wife, when she struck him while shaving.
    At the conclusion of the hearing, Circuit Judge H. D. Norton will take the case under advisement, ere rendering an opinion.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 3, 1932, page 1

Herman King Recalls Colorful Days, Events to Many Friends Here
    Ponderous, steaming locomotives, miles of shining rails. crews of husky men and grind of steel against steel all brought to naught by a mere heel--shoe variety--and none other than Frank Smith's, one of Jacksonville's former oldtimers.
    At least, that is the story unraveled here Monday by Herman King, another native who was visiting here from Portland. King, 25 years ago a participant in Jacksonville's outcroppings of orneriness and spectacular blowups, went into detail for a group of Shadyside Athletic Club members during the hot afternoon and recalled the entire heel incident.
    It seems that Barnum and his railroad, which used to hiss into town with more or less regularity, never boasted an overload of steam, and if there happened to be two or three extra passengers on the return haul from Medford the iron horse and its string of cars was certain to get stalled in the vicinity of the courthouse, where it would heave and pant and catch its second breath for the three blocks run to the depot. But one time the locomotive failed to get out of Medford.
    On this particular day Frank Smith, known to all oldtimers here, was puttering around the front end of the engine and happened to slip directly in front of the advancing steel giant. When Frank fell the cowcatcher struck him in the nose and one foot, which was lying across a rail, came in contact with the front truck of the locomotive, his shoe heel wedging between the track and wheel.
    Much to the annoyance of the engineer, whose name your correspondent failed to get, the giant monster came to a sudden halt and try as he might he could not get the ponderous locomotive to move. Huge clouds of smoke belched from the stack, steam hissed from stuffing boxes and driving rods groaned from strain, but save for an occasional quiver which would pass over the black hulk of the train, all motion had vanished. With boiler heaving from effort, the engineer shut off the steam and dismounted, walking to the front expecting to see some gigantic obstacle--log house, boulder or dead elephant--and rounded a protruding cylinder to discover Smith on his back, one leg under the forward truck, nose pressed against the cowcatcher and swearing like a sailor's parrot.
    Although, according to King, Smith claimed it was his nose which stopped Barnum's iron horse, authorities admitted the heel of his shoe wedged against the locomotive's forward wheels did the trick. It is, listeners were reminded, but one of the thousands of humorous incidents which kept Jacksonville to the fore for many years and which account for the universal interest aroused whenever the old town is mentioned.
    Herman King, who has been visiting his former home annually, left early this week for Portland. He had been identified with the mining, lumber and milling industries here in years gone by and met many of his former co-workers and accomplices, including Chris Keegan, the man who saved the town a horrible doom by stealing most of the powder intended to awaken a disappointed drummer.

Jacksonville Miner, September 9, 1932, page 4

    The old Jacksonville railroad question, which has been a bad penny in the lives of city councils for a series of years, returned again last night in a communication from L. M. Lofland, asking that the city fence the railroad right-of-way, through which cattle are entering and damaging his property. The complaint was referred to Councilman George Porter and City Superintendent Fred Scheffel, who were instructed to seek a solution to the problem if they had to go out and build a fence.
"Hog Burner for City Hall Left Up to Committee," Medford Mail Tribune, October 19, 1932, page 3

    In answer to a petition filed by George Barnum, setting forth that he was unable to pay his wife money allotted in a divorce action for maintenance, the wife, Helen V. Barnum, late yesterday filed an answer, alleging that Barnum is "pleading poverty to evade payment." Barnum is directed to pay $100 per month, and set forth in his petition that owing to conditions he is unable to make it.
    Mrs. Barnum further alleges in her answer that failure to pay the allotment will deprive her of the right to make an appeal to the supreme court, medical attention, the proper care of the minor child, of which she has the custody, and asserts that she fears Barnum will secure custody of the child.
    Barnum's claim that he was unable to sell bonds, save at a loss, is countered with an affidavit from George Henselman, broker, that the bonds in question can now be sold at par "or better." The bonds consist of Liberty bonds and paper of the Canadian National Railroad, power companies, the states of New South Wales, and Port Commission of Portland.
    Mrs. Barnum further alleges in her answer that Barnum is driving a $1900 automobile, on which he has made a payment of $800, and that he pays for gasoline for the vehicle.
    It is further alleged by Mrs. Barnum that the auto is in the name of defendant's mother.

Medford Mail Tribune, November 15, 1932, page 3

    Once known as the railroad that earned the greatest percentage of profit from money invested in the United States, the old Jacksonville railroad, operated by W. S. Barnum and known near and far as "Barnum's Special," has a rich fund of human interest, romance and legend.
    One of the most unique stories concerning it, however, comes in a description of Barnum himself, who was a character if there ever was one. The Miner got it early this week from a veteran Southern Pacific passenger brakeman who knew and respected the old railroader.
    Barnum, whose chief raiment consisted of an old swallow-tailed coat that had long since turned green, a two-foot beard and a dilapidated conductor's cap, had evolved a system which had much to do with the high percentage of profits his six or seven miles of railroad yielded.
    Here's the dope as told by a veteran railroader who still makes the run through Medford and who announced he plans to drop over to the old town one of these days.
    Barnum's old line consisted of three or four units of rolling stock; a couple passenger coaches, a few flatcars and perhaps a rickety boxcar or so.
This all was towed from one end of the line to the other through the uncertain efforts of a wheezy old locomotive that could, under a full head of steam, attain a speed of nearly 10 miles an hour.
    It was back in the days when Jacksonville was in her prime and when Medford was just a muddy little station along the larger railroad that wound its way over the Siskiyous and into another world. The pike between the two cities could be traversed only by horse and buggy, and sometimes by horse alone, due to the bottomless bog that rivaled Big Sticky for impenetrability in wet weather. Horseless carriages still were cause enough to break up church when one of the contraptions went spluttering past on a Sunday morning.
    Old Barnum, adorned in his swallow-tailed coat and conductor's cap, would stand on the rear platform of his string of one or two passenger coaches, yell "all aboard" and then alight to the ground. He would hurry forward to the cab of his panting engine, doff the cap and swallow-tail, heave in a few sticks of cordwood--enough to fire her up for a mile or so--wash his grimy hands in a barrel of water he always carried in the tender, set the throttle so the train would chug along about four miles an hour and then don his cap and swallow-tailed coat again.
    Old Barnum would then leap to the ground, wait for the end of the coach to approach, swing to the rear platform and enter his car or cars, whatever the case might be. He would produce a punch from somewhere behind his great beard and amble off down the aisle mumbling "tickets please." When he had finished with this duty he would climb over the tender, take off the cap and coat and be fireman, engineer and owner for the rest of the run, which would be made at a 10-mile clip if he had dry wood.
    In all the years Barnum operated in this manner--earning, per dollar invested, more than the crack railroads of the nation with all their high-paid executives--he never had the locomotive chug into a stray cow [not true] due, no doubt, to his well-fenced right-of-way. The old engine was trustworthy in its feeble way and always could be relied on to rattle along at a leisurely gait while the section foreman-president-fireman-engineer-conductor-brakeman collected tickets from his passengers and paused, occasionally, for an exchange of words with his many friends.
    Another peculiarity of old W. S. Barnum, as told by the brakeman, was in his annual trips to Portland which, of course, were made on the Southern Pacific. Barnum used a pass, quite naturally, for there always has been a certain brotherhood among railroad presidents, but in all the years he traveled back and forth on business between southern Oregon and the northern part of the state, he never spent one cent on a railroad.
    Barnum, whiskers and all, would invariably board a Southern Pacific passenger carrying a large shoe box filled with lunch. He always wore his swallow-tailed coat and he never rode a Pullman or ate in a dining car. The only money he ever spent on any railroad, so far as can be learned, W. S. Barnum spent on his own line as an investment that paid handsomely back in the days when railroads were the last word in transportation.
    Paved roads and the increasing popularity of gasoline has since reduced this famous old railroad to a weed-covered right-of-way dotted here and there with a few rotting ties, rusty rails, a decayed depot and one remaining crossing sign. Barnum's Special has gone west, but not without leaving a heritage of tradition for the territory it served in its inimitable manner for many years.
Jacksonville Miner, November 17, 1933, page 1  Regarding the headline, "Barnum was right" was a popular reference to P. T. Barnum's assertion that "There's a sucker born every minute."

Local C of C Cooperating in Location of Suitable Lots Near City's Hiway
    Industry will be moving to town, if the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce is successful in aiding Joe Gagnon, well-known sawmill operator, to locate a suitable site for his Jackson Creek outfit.
    Gagnon has been cutting timber on the right fork of Jackson Creek about one and one-half miles from town for many years, at times employing as many as 15 men and operating box manufacturing equipment, in addition to a like number of men in the hills getting out logs, according to J. B. Wetterer, chamber secretary, who is a former employee of Gagnon.
    Gagnon seeks a location in or near Jacksonville adjacent to the Medford-Ruch highway, and several sites are being scanned. Gagnon hopes to reenter the box shook business if he is successful in relocating his mill, and has joined a lumberman's grading group that would admit his product to regular wholesale and retail channels.
    Joe Gagnon is known near and far throughout Southern Oregon as an independent, and a move to within Jacksonville limits would work toward the benefit of both the town and the mill, according to Wetterer. His present mill has been completely electrified.

Jacksonville Miner, February 9, 1934, page 1

Medford Fruitman Tells of Days When He Was a Chinwhacker in Mining Camp, and of Railroad
    Tales of the Jacksonville that was are being revived in all circles, now that the state plans to officially turn back the musty pages of time 75 years, and Raymond Reter, Medford fruitman, has come in for his share of the story-telling spotlight.
    Reter, who was raised in Jacksonville and who started out in the business world as a chin-whacking barber in the building now occupied by the post office, settled down to a comfortable chair early this week, hoisted a cool schooner in the air and gave a toast to the town and chins he has met. The yarns date back some 30 years, according to his memory.
    Ray Reter remembered particularly peculiarities of the old Barnum railroad and recalled how, on one occasion, the old funnel-shaped teakettle that Bill Barnum hitched to the business end of his string actually exceeded its average maximum speed of somewhere on the hasty side of 10 miles an hour. This happened seldom, remarked Reter, and was not due to a tender full of pitchwood, but rather to the pitch of the grade above Jacksonville that wound up Jackson Creek to timber.
    It seems that Bill Barnum, president-engineer of the line, had trouble with his air brakes one day as he was coming down out of the hills with two extra cars loaded with pretty good-sized logs. Belching sparks, hissing steam and rattling in every connection, the old iron horse careened from side to side as it gathered momentum down toward the old town, and Bill jumped for his life before the runaway train was certain to make the leap for death and destruction. But Barnum hadn't correctly looked into the future when he leaped. The speeding locomotive did not leave the rails, but roared on through town and out onto the flats to come to a final halt--unaided and unabetted save for its inherent lethargy--at Perrydale station, some three miles from Jacksonville.
    In contrast to this dashing burst of speed displayed by the old woodburner is the story, creation of which has been authentically traced to Barnum, of how a city drummer boarded the train in Medford and restlessly endured the uncertain advance toward Jacksonville. Barnum had the good fortune--and his passengers the bad luck--to have an extra boxcar on that day half loaded with flour or similar merchandise, and each laborious stroke of the drive rods were remindful of the last feeble effort of a dying animal. After a few tortuous miles of such semitravel, the drummer asked in a rather curt manner of Conductor Barnum "if he couldn't go a little faster." Barnum's memorable reply, according to Reter, was "Sure, I can go faster, but I have to stay with the train."
    On another occasion young John Barnum sought passes on various railroads in order that he and his young bride might travel the country without cash outlay for tickets. John had been able to swap pass courtesies with all coast lines, but eyed the Pennsylvania Railroad speculatively and wrote the president of that line a letter. He included a pass on the Rogue River Valley Railroad for his nibs and requested a return of the courtesy.
    The president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, after some delay, wrote back that an investigation had revealed to him that the Barnum line comprised but five miles of track whereas the Pennsylvania line included some 15,000-odd miles of track, and he thought an exchange of passes would hardly be fair or equitable. Barnum, however, with his heart still set on a honeymoon, wrote back that it was true the Pennsylvania lines were 15,000-odd miles in length, and the Rogue River Valley Railroad was but five miles long, but to remember one thing: Though the Pennsylvania line was much longer than the Jacksonville road, Barnum's railroad was just as wide.
    According to Raymond Reter, young John Barnum got the pass.
Jacksonville Miner, April 27, 1934, page 1

    THAT OLD JERKWATER SIDE BRANCH RAILROAD: The R.R.V.Ry. (Rogue River Valley Railway) J-ville to Medford 5 miles. 50¢. Old man Barnum, sole owner, engineer, fireman, brakeman, section hand and conductor. A frugal old fellow. Wore same greasy cap, overalls, shirt and long black whiskers for years. And how those whiskers would fly in the breeze when that old wood-burner squeaked its way
'round the bend. How Barnum would pull on the brakes halfway between points – walk through the old swaybacked coach and yell: "Four bits, everybody!" If you gave him a dollar he'd say: "Y'comin' back no doubt – I'll remember you" and put the money in his black snap purse. All cash. No tickets. Tickets cost too much. He purposely constructed his tracks at country road crossings so when the wood wagons bumped over it, a half dozen or so lengths of cordwood would topple off. Enough to make ample steam to get him to the end of the line.
    One time a guy stole a horse in Medford. Sheriff Joe Rader arrested him in J-ville
threw him in jail. But how to get the horse back to Medford? On the way home from school Joe gave me a silver dollar – told me to ride the horse back to Medford – spend four bits for candy – and use the remaining four bits to ride home on "the cannonball." Well, I spent the whole dollar and sneaked into the baggage compartment and hid behind some packing boxes. Upon arrival, Old Man Barnum caught me red handed – but I got away.
    For years, every time he'd see me he'd say: "How
'bout that four bits you owe me?" (and it so happened that I never have it on me at the time) – and I'll be damn'd if (many years later) I was on his train going over to J-ville – I handed him a dollar – waited for change – and he said: "Thanks. This makes us even." And pocketed the dollar.
Pinto Colvig, Clowns Is People, 1935, Southern Oregon Historical Society MS9

Southern Oregon Traction Company rail, Ninth and Front, Medford, Oregon, February 2014
Some Rogue River Valley Railway track was repurposed as traffic sign standards; this section of Southern Oregon Traction Company rail still guards a hydrant at Ninth and Front in Medford.

    The old rails from the Medford-Jacksonville railroad are being pulled up and hauled into Medford this week by the Davis Transfer Company, and are being stored on the city property north of town. Approximately 200 tons of the rails have already been brought in, Davis said, and there are about 100 tons more to come in.
    The city will come out pretty well on the deal itself, as most of the rails will be sold at about $25 a ton. Some have been sold to the Tomlin mill, and other logging operators are dickering for the balance. Some of the rails are good 90-pound rails, and some 60 pounds.
    The number of rails being salvaged is somewhat of a pleasant surprise to the city, as it was first thought there wouldn't be more than 100 tons altogether.
    Davis said he is experiencing some interesting things on the job, one of them being a threat by a Jacksonville farmer to shoot him if [he] takes rails that are on the farmer's property. Davis said he believed he would leave that part of the job to the sheriff, as there weren't more than a half-dozen rails that the farmer has pulled up.
Medford News, May 14, 1937, page 1

RRVRR Motor Car
The 1910 RRVRy motor car, rotting away circa 1930s.

Appointment of Evan Reames to Senate Recalls His Race for Congress in 1904, When Welcoming Band Got Marooned in Jacksonville
    Appointment of attorney Evan Reames of Medford to the position of U.S. Senator from Oregon has brought to light many interesting goings-on of early days in Jackson County, in which Senator Reames took a leading part.
    It was an incident during the year 1904, when attorney Reames was the Democratic nominee for Congress from the First Oregon District, opposed by Binger Hermann, Republican, that Fred Strang called to mind this week. Hermann defeated Reames by a narrow margin, by less votes, in fact, than were cast for Hermann in Jackson County.
    Strang tells the story like this:
    "Evan had just been nominated by the nominating convention in Salem, and the Democrats in the county made plans for a rousing reception for him when he got in on the train. The town band was rounded up, and I think there are about three of the boys left in town who played in that band. They are Wilson Wait, Bert Orr and myself. Prof. Narregan directed the band.
    "We met the train at the old depot, where the freight depot is now [currently site of Key Bank in Medford, 2 East Main], and gave him a warm welcome. Then the Democrats suggested that we go over to Jacksonville and play for him when he got there. The chairman of the Democratic Central Committee, I've forgotten who he was, told the Barnums that if he'd take the boys over, there were about 20 of us, the central committee would pay for the fares.
    "We got to Jacksonville and everything was fine. We played there and Evan made another speech, and then trouble began. John Barnum, the conductor, decided that their train was a first-class train just like Southern Pacific, and they couldn't be hauling people around on charge accounts, so they told us we couldn't ride back unless the tickets were paid for. That made it bad.
    "Wally Mahoney, telegraph operator for the Southern Pacific, was with us, and he said he could run that old peanut roaster, so we all made a run for the train. All of the boys but four got on, and they locked the door, but the four of us were left on the platform. The Barnums promptly and without ceremony kicked us off, about a mile out of town.
    "Then we [walked] back to Jacksonville, and went up to Evan's office. We told him about what had happened and thought he'd be good and mad and do something about it.
    "Well, Evan, after we'd told him the story, leaned back in his chair and laughed and laughed. Pretty soon we got to laughing too, and all felt better. Then Evan called the livery stable and had them send over a hack and team, and he drove us back to Medford."
    Strang said that a photograph of Binger Hermann, on a train platform with Theodore Roosevelt, was what defeated Evan for Congress. Hermann took the photograph all over Jackson County and used it to campaign. The Oregonian printed it too [on May 22, 1903, page 8].
Medford News, February 4, 1938, page 1

Dr. E. W. Barnum Complete Dental Work
    In only recent years people have begun to realize the importance of visiting reliable dentists regularly. Most of us have learned that much suffering and danger of serious illness is avoided by the careful care of our teeth. This section of Jackson County is fortunate to have the services of Dr. E. W. Barnum in Medford, phone 2791, Sparta Bldg., to serve our people. His skillful dentistry and modernly equipped office enables our residents to receive the same fine service as is offered in the largest metropolitan center. All practice such as extractions, filling, plate dentistry and bridges are to be had in Dr. Barnum's office.
    It is a pleasure to mention Dr. E. W. Barnum in this review, and we are sure that any of our readers who are in need of dental service will find him highly satisfactory.
Medford News, April 3, 1942, page 4


    Bertha Susan Barnum, mother of George A. Barnum of Medford and John C. Barnum of Seattle, Wash., and William H. Barnum, deceased, passed away Wednesday. Mrs. Barnum was born in Bombay, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1854. She was cheerful and active until the last.
    Mrs. Barnum was an early pioneer of this district, having lived here for the past 60 years and having a host of friends. She had made her home with her son on Spring Street for many years. She was a lifelong member of the First Methodist Church.
    Besides her children she leaves four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, Geo. C. Barnum, serving in the navy; Thelma Hunt, Medford; Dr. Wm. Laird Barnum, Portland; Mrs. Jeanette Talbot, El Paso, Tex.; Cynthia and Sharon Hunt, Medford, and Bobby and Billy Barnum, Portland.
    Funeral services will be conducted from Perl Funeral Home, Friday at 2:30 p.m., with the Rev. Louis C. Kirby officiating. Interment will take place in Medford Memorial Mausoleum.

Medford Mail Tribune
clipping dated February 24, 1944, (page 5), Thomas scrapbook, SOHS M43B3

Dr. Barnum Pleased
    To the editor: I wish to thank you for your editorial of April 2. It was a real honor to be recognized in the "old home town newspaper" and to realize that at least part of our dental health program at the Portland Public Schools was drawing statewide attention.
    I have been supervisor of the dental health department since July of 1947, having been elected first by the Portland District Dental Society and then by the school board. It is nice work and I enjoy it very much. In addition to this position, I conduct my private practice, am editor for the University of Oregon Dental School Alumni Association magazine, teach at the dental school, active in dental study clubs, etc., so you see I do not have much spare time.
    Please accept my thanks again, for I wanted you to know that your editorial meant much more to me than did the writeup in The Journal.
Wm. L. Barnum, D.M.D.
Supervisor, Portland Public Schools Dental Health Dept.
    (Ed. Note: Dr. Barnum, son of Mrs. E. N. Eldridge, 720 Park Street, Medford, and son-in-law of Dr. Bert R. Elliott, Medford, and Mrs. Margarite Elliott, Portland, graduated from high school here in 1936. He was editor of the Medford Hi-Times and his wife, the former Amy Elliott, was also prominent in high school affairs.)
Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1948, page 6

    Probably not many people in Jackson County know that in bygone days a full-fledged railroad ran between Medford and Jacksonville. Those "good old days" were recalled last week when Roscoe Hopfer was making plans to exhibit at the Girl Scout hobby show November 3-4.
    Mr. Hopfer has been interested in railroads since he was a small boy, and now makes model trains as a hobby. As part of his exhibit for the scout show will be pictures of the old Medford-Jacksonville line, which he acquired some time ago from an antique dealer in Oakland, Cal.
    Raymond Reter, for whom Mr. Hopfer works, had a field day looking at the pictures, for Mr. Reter recognized himself in one of them. Mr. Reter lived in Jacksonville as a small boy, and recalled the days when he earned his folding money by stoking the wood-burning "tea kettles," as the little engines were called.
    "The line was known as the Rogue River Valley Railroad, and it was run by the Barnum family," Mr. Reter reminisced. "William S. Barnum was president and engineer. He died during the influenza epidemic of 1918.
    "George Barnum (he still lives in the county) was superintendent, chief mechanic and maybe conductor, and John Barnum was secretary-treasurer and brakeman as well, as I recall."
    Mr. Reter declares the little railroad line was the only independently owned line in the country, and that it made money.
    "The little Medford depot stood where the Crater Lake Motors building is now. If you look on Main Street in front of their building, you can still see part of the old railroad tracks. They extended on over to a spot near the present Big Pines Lumber Company and joined the Southern Pacific tracks there.
    "The next time you go by the Davis Transfer Company, stand on the street near the Myron Root warehouse and look at the side of the transfer company's building. It has one corner cut off at an angle, because the railroad tracks went around the corner there, and the building stood close to the track. The line ran on west through the Perrydale district and up by the old courthouse in Jacksonville. The little depot in Jacksonville still stands. Remodeled a little, it now serves as residential property.
    "I remember how the little engine sometimes couldn't make a slight grade near the old courthouse, and Engineer Barnum would have to back down, we'd stoke up and make a second or third try before he'd finally get past the courthouse."
    A few stories about those days still survive. One is about the traveling salesman who was riding to Jacksonville one day and was annoyed at the speed of the train. "Can't you go any faster?" he demanded of one of the Barnums. "I can," came the prompt reply, "but I have to stick with the train."
    Mr. Reter's second story concerns one of the Barnum brothers who decided to take a trip back East. It was the custom for the officials of railroads to exchange passes for trips, so he wrote to the Pennsylvania Railroad company asking for a pass.
    Soon came the reply. It said in effect that the Pennsylvania line had looked up the Rogue Valley railroad and discovered that it was only five miles long. We don't think the official of a line only five miles long is justified in asking for passes on a line with 14,000 miles of track, said the letter.
    Mr. Barnum sat down and replied, "Your railroad may be a lot longer," he is supposed to have written, "but ours is just as wide." The story says Mr. Barnum got his passes.
Olive Starcher, "Potpourri," Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1951

    The R.R.V.Ry. (Rogue River Valley Railway) J-ville to Medford 5 miles. 50¢. Old man Barnum, sole owner, engineer, fireman, brakeman, section hand and conductor. A frugal old fellow. Wore same greasy cap, overalls, shirt and long black whiskers for years. And how those whiskers would fly in the breeze when that old wood-burner squeaked its way 'round the bend. How Barnum would pull on the brakes halfway between points--walk through the old swaybacked coach and yell: "Four bits, everybody!" If you gave him a dollar he'd say: "Y'comin' back no doubt--I'll remember you" and put the money in his black snap purse. All cash. No tickets. Tickets cost too much. He purposely constructed his tracks at country road crossings so when the wood wagons bumped over it, a half dozen or so lengths of cord wood would topple off. Enough to make ample steam to get him to the end of the line.
    One time a guy stole a horse in Medford. Sheriff Joe Rader arrested him in J-ville--threw him in jail. But how to get the horse back to Medford? On way home from school Joe gave me a silver dollar--told me to ride horse back to Medford--spend four bits for candy--and use the remaining four bits to ride home on "the cannon ball." Well, I spent the whole dollar; and sneaked into the baggage compartment and hid behind some packing boxes. Upon arrival, Old Man Barnum caught me red-handed--but I got away.
    For years, every time he'd see me he'd say: "How 'bout that four-bits you owe me?" (and it so happened that I never have it on me at the time)--and I'll be damn'd if (many years later) I was on his train going over to J-ville--I handed him a dollar--waited for change--and he said: "Thanks. This makes us even." And pocketed the dollar.
Pinto Colvig, Clowns Is People, unpublished memoir 1935, Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library MS9

b Medford, Oregon, Nov 12, 1916; son of W H and Jessie (Eifert) B; educ, public schools of Portland and Medford; 1940 graduate, Univ Oreg Dental School, DMD; Xi Psi Phi (Nat'l Dental); m Amy B Elliott of Medford, June 20, 1937; ch, William L II, Robert E; general practice to 1946; limited practice, dentistry for children since Jan 1946; author of professional articles in dentistry for children; active in Boy Scout work, 1940-42; past pres and secty-treas, Portland Alumni Chapter Xi Psi Phi; June 1947, appointed Supervisor Portland Public Schools Dental Health Dept; Feb 1949, elected editor of Oregon State Dental Journal; member, American Dental Assn Oregon, State Dental Assn and Portland District Dental Society; American Society of Dentistry for Children; Mason (Waluga Lodge, Oswego); Knife and Fork Club; Oswego Country Club; Rotarian; Republican; Unitarian; home: 491 Ctry Club Rd, Oswego, Ore; office, Morgan Blg, Portland, Ore.
Capitol's State Who's Who Combined with Who's Who for the Western States, July 1953, page 157

    John Corbin Barnum, 75, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Barnum, Rogue River Valley pioneers, died in Berkeley, Calif., Sept. 29. He was born Sept. 18, 1881.
    Mr. Barnum is survived by his wife, Florence, a daughter, Mrs. Janette Talbot, two grandsons, John Albert and Richard William Talbot, all of Berkeley; one nephew, Dr. William L. Barnum, Oswego; and two grand-nephews, William L. and Robert E. Barnum, both of Oswego.
    Funeral services will be Oct. 3 at 10 a.m. at the Berkeley Hills chapel in Berkeley.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 1, 1956, page 11

Plaque To Mark Railroad Depot
    The Siskiyou Pioneer Sites Foundation will dedicate a plaque to commemorate the Rogue River Valley Railroad next Saturday.
    A bronze plaque will mark the site of the old Medford depot, and will be unveiled at the Crater Lake Motors building. Following that formal dedication, exercises will be held in the city park near the Medford Public Library.
    Dr. Frank Haines of Southern Oregon College will give the history of the railroad, and Albert Gandt, Medford, president of the foundation, will discuss the aims and purposes of the foundation.
    The Rogue River Valley Railroad, known as the "Jacksonville cannonball," was built in 1891 to connect Medford and Jacksonville. It operated for 35 years, and was an important pioneer enterprise.
    Siskiyou Pioneer Sites Foundation was incorporated in 1957 as a non-profit corporation to mark and preserve the historic buildings and sites of southern Oregon. The plaque to be unveiled marks the first step in the campaign of the society to preserve the pioneer heritage.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 17, 1958, page 1

Valley Railroad Had One Passenger Car
Interesting Part of History Noted for Entire Area
    (Editor's note: Following is a re-creation of a talk given by Dr. Francis D. Haines, Jr., at the dedication of a plaque at the site of the old Rogue River Valley Railway station in Medford. The plaque was dedicated Saturday at the Crater Lake Motors building on Main St., where part of the tracks still are visible. The following is not the text of Dr. Haines talk, but a re-creation of if in manuscript form.)
    Some of you may be wondering why we have chosen to commemorate the Rogue River Valley Railway. It was such a small railroad. It ran only from Medford to Jacksonville, a track distance of five and one-half miles. It never had more than two locomotives in service at one time and had only one passenger car.
    This little railroad is an interesting and vital part of our history. It was begun and built by local capital. It was a local enterprise and it had an important part in the development of our Rogue River Valley. In its colorful history, it played a part in the lives of the citizens of the valley, socially and economically, that cannot be overlooked.
    The Oregon and California Railroad was responsible for the construction of the Jacksonville line. The decision of the builders of the O and C to bypass Jacksonville left the county seat in a predicament. The Rogue River Valley Railway was their answer to the problem.
O and C Bankrupt
    The O and C was broke when it hit the valley. It was only by a last gasp, superhuman effort that the line was built as far as Ashland. The effort forced the line into bankruptcy. After two years, it was taken over by the Southern Pacific and the line to California was completed, but Jacksonville was still off the railroad.
    There were several good reasons for bypassing Jacksonville. The owners of the townsite of Medford made the railroad an offer that was difficult to refuse. The road was given enough land for its right of way, yards, warehouses and every other block in the townsite.
    From an engineering standpoint, Medford was a better point than Jacksonville. A line to Jacksonville would be an expensive detour with difficult grade problems. Then, too, there was nothing to be gained by building to Jacksonville. The railroad would still have all of the Jacksonville trade. Jacksonville had to come to the railroad.
    The only reason for the railroad to go to Jacksonville was to pay taxes and that did not require track. Had the town of Jacksonville raised a large enough cash bonus, the railroad probably would have built to Jacksonville anyway as it was in desperate financial straits but the citizens of Jacksonville could not do this. [The bonus compromise would only have resulted in a line a couple of miles closer to Jacksonville, not through the town.]
    By 1890, Jacksonville was becoming desperate. The census figures showed that Ashland was more than twice as large as the county seat and Medford was nearly the same size. Both towns were on the railroad. The solution, then, was for Jacksonville to get a railroad. It was believed that a rail connection would place the old town back in its position as the leading community of the county.
    A corporation was formed, the Jacksonville-Medford Railroad Company, and preparations were made for building a line. Judge Silas J. Day was placed in charge of acquiring the right of way. The job was done by August.
    The next problem was construction of the line. The valley company was not prepared to do this, so a bonus of $20 thousand was subscribed, $7,500 by Medford citizens and $12,500 from Jacksonville, and a Corvallis firm began construction of the road.
Plague Construction
    Difficulties plagued the construction of the line. By Nov. 1, it was apparent that the road would not be in operation by Jan. 1, 1891, as required by the terms of the bonus. A Portland firm, Honeyman, DeHart and company, took over the job. Construction moved ahead rapidly. The track was laid though not ballasted by New Year's Day. The company borrowed a 25-ton locomotive to make the trip to Jacksonville.
    The locomotive was too heavy for the rain-soaked right of way still unballasted. It wound up in the ditch before it got out of Medford. Impressed by the good faith of the company, the men subscribing to the bonus extended the time allowed.
    The people of Jacksonville were disappointed. A huge ball had been planned to celebrate the arrival of the first train, and black powder had been stockpiled to "shoot the anvils" to celebrate the occasion. The first train arrived on Jan. 15.
    The people were  unprepared when the whistle of the locomotive announced the approach of the first train. Within minutes, however, the powder was hauled out and anvils began flying through the air, as the town rocked to the explosions.
Had to Walk Home
    Carried away by the enthusiasm of the occasion, two young ladies of Jacksonville became the first to buy tickets and make the ride from Jacksonville to Medford. It was a costly honor, for the two had to walk home. The Jacksonville paper said that they found the return trip a bit wearying.
    The train was an immediate sensation. A group of Masons from Medford chartered it to run into Jacksonville for the regular Wednesday meeting of the Warren Lodge. Nearly every person in town made the trip during that first month.
    Regular train service was established on Feb. 12. The track was not yet completely ballasted and the depots were still under construction. A further problem was in rolling stock. The locomotive and cars for the line had not arrived, so service was continued with the little locomotive borrowed from the Union Pacific and cars borrowed from the Southern Pacific.
Charter Train
    The railroad became an important part of Jacksonville life. In addition to the regular train service, the people frequently chartered the train for special occasions. Baseball was the big sport of the valley in those days. There was a regular league and the towns turned out en masse to cheer the local favorites. When the playoffs came around in the fall, the local teams were frequently strengthened with major league or coast league ball players for the occasion.
    The train was chartered to take Jacksonville people around the valley to follow their team. The line of the Southern Pacific was borrowed for runs to Ashland, Gold Hill and Grants Pass.
    Special trains were run to the county fair, to Fourth of July celebrations, to special events at the hot springs above Ashland, and to the Chautauqua. Special attractions at the theaters of Medford or Ashland also called for special trains as the prominent citizens of the community turned out for operas, plays and other touring attractions.
Important to Children
    The train became an important part of the lives of the children, too. A favorite sport was to grease the track near the Jacksonville school. The children could then watch the frantic efforts of the locomotive to make the grade outside their school room windows. Others took the hand cars for evening trips to Medford, flying down the grade at high speed.
    On one occasion, the editor of the Jacksonville paper became irate. He was bound for his mail as the evening train arrived. As it passed him, several forty-five cartridges set on the track were exploded, fragments nearly wounding him. Had juvenile delinquency been invented, he would have flayed the delinquents. As it was, he had to be content with such terms as "hooliganism", "ruffians" and "young
scoundrels." He predicted a bad end for all of them.
    The train had its share of encounters with livestock, too. A prize Jersey heifer came out second best in one meeting and some horses were seriously damaged dashing against a barbed wire fence when caught on the right of way by the little engine.
Prime Source of Dreams
    The railroad was a prime source of dreams for the residents of Jacksonville, It was hailed as the Jacksonville Pacific, and all sorts of schemes were proposed for extending the line either to Crescent City or Port Orford. Once this was done, it was believed that Jacksonville would become the big metropolis between Portland and San Francisco, rivaling both of them. Lines were proposed to Eagle Point via Central Point, and on to the interior.
    Hopes were revived in 1915 when the Bullis interests purchased the road. The line was connected with the Medford street railway system and electrified as far as Jacksonville. The railroad was not profitable, however, and a trip to the coast convinced the new owners that a coast route was not feasible. The road was turned back to the Barnums in 1918.
    Valley residents were not to give up so easily. The road was taken over by Mr. Gagnon and reincorporated as the Medford-Coast Railroad, and the talk revived of a seaport connection. Mr. Gagnon failed to make a go of the line. An auto jitney service on the new highway from Medford to Jacksonville ate into his passenger traffic so heavily that he was forced to install his own jitney line to compete.
Long-Awaited Prosperity
    Hope revived, however, when Mr. John Opp of the Opp mine purchased the route. To the people of Jacksonville, the line was going to bring the long-awaited prosperity.
    This effort, too, came to naught. The line was not operated as a common carrier after 1920. The roadbed deteriorated and the rolling stock went into the yards. The road again reverted to the Barnum interests.
    Mr. George Barnum of Medford (who unveiled the plaque) made a run over the line in a locomotive in 1925. He feels fortunate that he was able to make the run without an accident. The roadbed was shot. Operation of the line would require a complete rebuilding of the roadbed.
    Mr. Barnum petitioned the Oregon Public Utilities Commission for permission to dismantle the line. In the hearing, one diehard petitioned that the line continue in operation. The Commission ordered the sale of the line to any group interested in continuing operation, provided they met the value of the property dismantled.
Purchased by City
    No group appeared willing to operate the line. In November, 1925, the line was purchased by the City of Medford and was dismantled. The Rogue River Valley Railway had passed out of existence.
    It is not surprising. Not only was the road in poor condition but Jacksonville was rapidly diminishing in importance. It was obvious that Medford was going to get the county seat in the next election. Mining had dwindled away to nothing. Continued operation of the railroad was no longer possible.
    Thus closed one of the most interesting and colorful chapters in the rich history of Southern Oregon. The old depot in Jacksonville and the plaque that was unveiled are all that remain of this pioneer enterprise.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1958, page 10

    The only time I rode the Jacksonville traction steam rail line from Medford to
Jacksonville made me think of an ocean wave and riding the swells on a high set for 30 minutes. Now all is left is a memory and a plaque.
Bert Kissinger, "Where's Stage?" Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1959, page 4

ne Halloween, the boys decided to use a bit of soft soap on the tracks of the jerkwater (Rogue River Ry. co.) down by the school yards, and I can hear to this day the snorting & puffing, with the engine wheels so hot from the friction on the sand let down for traction till there was no use; it just could not make one bit of headway. The train crew had to use gunny sacks to wipe that soft soap off the tracks for 50 yards; the smearing was done in a lasting way. Mr. W. S. Barnum was an angry gent.
Memoirs of Chris J. Kenney 1966, typescript page 43, SOHS MS 179

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    This statement is made by John Barnum [1879-1956], formerly of Jacksonville, who was one of the last operators of the locomotives that ran the trains between Jacksonville and Medford, Oregon. He was the secretary and manager of the railroad, known then and through all the ownerships as the Rogue River Valley Railway Co. Mr. Barnum at present lives at 847 Walker Ave., Oakland, California.
    Mr. Barnum is on his way to see Mr. Fletcher Linn [1866-1953] in Portland and to discuss old Jacksonville days; he is in quest of writing a book upon the Jacksonville railroad and in the good old days the last railroad to Jacksonville; we hope it is not the last railroad, that there will be another. We are going to ask Mr. Barnum to state very briefly his remembrance of the old railroad and his remembrance generally, what he is going to have in his book and whether he has photographs that he will use and when his book is going to come out and whether we can help him in publishing it.
    The Jacksonville railroad was completed through to Jacksonville during the year of 1890 to 1891, under the ownership of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., a hardware firm of Portland, Oregon, who were the sole owners and operators until 1900, when W. S. Barnum of Medford, father of the writer, learning that the road was about to be sold to some logging interests north of Grants Pass, immediately went to Portland and made the purchase of the line.
    W. S. Barnum had three sons, John, Will and George, and as the purchase of the line took effect January 1st, 1900, the new company was formed under the same name: W. S. Barnum was made president, W. H. Barnum vice president and J. C. Barnum, the eldest son, secretary and manager.
    The line was maintained and operated continuously until 1915, when it was sold to one Mr. Bullis, then owner of an electric car line through Main Street in Medford. In a year or two, foreclosure of the line took place and the road diverted [sic] back to the original owner. About that time some deal was made with Joe Gagnon, a Frenchman, who operated a lumber yard in the outskirts of Medford, who took the line and did some operating for a time, perhaps a few months, and that fell through. W. S. Barnum disposed of the rails and rolling stock to the City of Medford, and the track was then taken up and disposed of elsewhere. Almost directly after the road was sold, the writer moved to Portland and was not familiar with all the details that happened during that time.
    I have a number of photographs in my home in Oakland, California, covering the time that we operated the line. The equipment consisted of some 28 cars, two of which were passenger cars and two were gasoline motor cars for passenger service. There were two locomotives in service, and a regular exchange with Southern Pacific equipment made it quite convenient more particularly in handling freight loads to and from Jacksonville. I have some of the old timetables, letterheads, tickets and tariffs that were used on the railroad during its operations.
    Automobiles and truck competition somewhat hampered business of the railroad during the last two years of its operations, and general conditions and improvements along the lines of transportation resulted in complete abandonment of many short line railroads.
    In the days of the early eighties, when the railroad was surveyed and built from Portland to Ashland, Oregon, it was known then as the O&C Railroad, the Oregon and California Railroad, and as it was not built by way of Jacksonville, as per the original survey, it was not long before the Jacksonville people became resentful about losing the main line and were then anxious for someone to appear and build a branch from the main line, at a connection where Medford was platted out, to Jacksonville, a distance of about five and one-half miles. After several people had attempted the project of building a branch railroad across the valley to Jacksonville, it developed in the years of 1889 and 1890. The railroad was commenced by a couple of brothers by the name of Howell, who succeeded in getting the road under way, after a bonus had been subscribed out of Jacksonville to the amount of $20,000, and the scheme worked out all right until the first shipment of rails arrived from Portland, and the builders did not have the funds in readiness to pay the freight. Rather than ship the rails back to Portland, the parties that were furnishing the rails concluded to go ahead and complete the line. A small locomotive and passenger coach was rented from the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co. and placed in service on the line between Jacksonville and Medford, and with the light rails which were used for the road, it was rather a frail affair. The first train was put in operation in January of 1891. Locomotive No. 1, that was being built at the H. K. Porter Co. shops in Pittsburgh, Pa., didn't reach Medford until six or eight months after the railroad was completed, however; then the loaned equipment was returned to the owners in the north end of the state. Later on in the years of the road's operations other locomotives of larger capacity were purchased for the line, and as business grew more cars and equipment in general were added to the list of rolling stock.
    Thank you very much, Mr. Barnum; this is extremely helpful. I am going to save this record. I think I will give it to the museum at Jacksonville when I am through with it. It has your voice on it, your own voice, and it has your personal recollections.
    Now, I have a few more questions that I would like to ask you. Would you please help me out on a few pertinent questions?
    I would certainly be pleased to.
    Now, one thing, would it be possible for us to have copies of your photographs of the engines and other equipment for use in the museum as an exhibit?
    I would be pleased to do that.
    We will do that without any expense to you if you will send the photographs insured. We will have Mr. J. Verne Shangle here in Medford, the best photographer in town, do that for you.
    All right, write me and I will be glad to do whatever you require on that.
    Further, we will have him make them up with the idea that in the event you want photographs for your book, the plates may be made from these photographs.
    That will be fine, yes, and . . .
    If you will tell us the convenient size, we will have them made for those sizes, so that they can be used in your book.
    All right, I will be glad to give you that information as soon as possible.
    You had better put some titles on them so that we can identify them, and then if you would please add your own signature to the identification it will make them authentic documents.
    I certainly will, yes.
    Another thing, would you be willing to have Mr. Shangle take a picture of you in a few minutes to be used also as a memento here in the office, as we are much interested in restoring a railroad to Jacksonville.
    I will, sure. I'll be glad to do that.
    Now I'd like to delve back in history. You know Mr. Ralph Moody of Salem?
    No, I have never met the gentleman; I have not that I can recall.
    He is one of the senior attorneys of the State of Oregon, and he has been living around this part of the country. Mrs. Moody came from down in Ashland.
    I don't recall, but I . . .
    He told a story up here, We had an opening of the Jacksonian, or rather the Republican headquarters, and we had him come down from Salem. He told a story of the time of the railroad, when the railroad was contemplated. The Southern Pacific, I believe, or the O&C, I believe it was, coming in here, that it was contemplated going through Jacksonville, but at the time they wanted so much money for the trackage rights that that was the reason why the railroad went through Medford.
    I challenge the above statement of Mr. Moody's, in that it is incorrect, and I am therefore correcting it as follows:
    The engineer in charge of locating the Oregon and California Railroad at the time it was projected and built up through the Rogue River Valley, first made his survey from Gold Hill straight through the Obenchain Gap by way of Jacksonville and around the foothills to Ashland, then he went to the Jacksonville people and made them a proposition, that if they would submit to his demands, he would see that the railroad would be built over the route where he had set his stakes, but due to the influence of one very prominent and wealthy man in Jacksonville, the demands were not met, so the engineer then through vengeance made a new survey from Gold Hill on another route by following Rogue River to Tolo and then leaving the river and straight up the valley to Phoenix and on to Ashland and then a location was made for Medford where it is today. [Click here for the truth behind this popular and persistent myth.] There is much more detail pertaining to this story which I will cover in my book.
    That will be fine. You are going to cover more detail in your book?
    Yes, that I expect to do.
    In connection with the railroad, did you ever survey a line to the coast, or contemplate such?
    Not entirely to the coast, but a portion of the way.
    Now, don't you think that is perfectly feasible to join for the coast?
    I would think so as far as I have ever been able to obtain. There would be a feasible outlet through there.
    Which port had you contemplated hooking up with?
    I understand it was Crescent City or nearby. Yes, I understand Crescent City would have been the port at that time.
    But now it probably would have to be an Oregon port such as Port Orford, or some [other] Oregon port.
    Possibly, yes.
    Now where was the general route, do you remember?
    Through the Applegate Valley and on to Crescent City.
    Would you be willing sometime, when you have more leisure, so we could fly over the route?
    Were any surveys made by your railroad?
    A portion of it from Jacksonville about fifteen or twenty miles, I believe.
    Who made the survey, do you know?
    A couple of engineers, I don't recall their names, and I believe the plat covering the survey was turned over to the buyers of the road in 1915, and I wouldn't know whether the survey data was saved or not.
    Mr. Bullis might know.
    Yes, yes, he would be the only one that I could think of.
    Mr. Seth Bullis' father was the one who bought the railroad?
    Now then, in your long experience with local history, there was a newspaper in Jacksonville, was there not?
    Yes, and at one time there were two.
    What were the names of the papers?
    The first one was edited by Charles Nickell and the second one by a party by the name of Bagshaw.
    Would Mr. Nickell have any relatives or would there be any of those papers available?
    He has a daughter in Medford by the name of Marie Ulrich.
    And Mrs. Ulrich would probably have some of these old newspapers?
    Possibly yes; also he has a daughter in eastern Oregon, I believe in La Grande, Oregon.
    Would you do a little research for me so I can dig into some of these old newspapers?
    Yes, I'd be glad to do what I can.
    We'd like to get a complete file for the museum.
    I think that would be a good thing.
    That is just fine. Now you are going to see Mr. Linn. When are you going to leave?
    I have to go to Klamath Falls for two or three days right now, and from there I will go by train to Portland, return to Klamath Falls and then drive back to Medford.
    Thank you very much.
    Do you remember the Huffer family? Frank Huffer? He became a lawyer in Seattle, and my father said he was one of the best admiralty lawyers that they ever had. He knew him in Jacksonville. Did he come of a prominent Jacksonville [family]?
    Yes, the Huffer family was among the prominent families there, as I recall. I can remember hearing Mr. Huffer Sr. relating to my father about his mining experience during the early days in Jacksonville.
    Then there was a lawyer in Seattle, who is quite famous, a man by the name of Orange Jacobs. I understand Orange Jacobs came from Jacksonville, the Jacobs family. [Jacobs lived in Southern Oregon in the 1850s and '60s. He was apparently unrelated to the later Jacobs families.] Do you remember them?
    I don't recall a Jacobs family. It must have been a much earlier time than mine there. It is of course quite possible they were there and had moved away before my acquaintance in Jacksonville.
    I do not know whether you knew Judge Chadwick in Washington. He was a famous lawyer, and I understand his wife came from Jacksonville. She was a Plummer. Have you ever heard of the Plummer family of Jacksonville? Mrs. Chadwick became grand worthy matron of the Eastern Star of the World and became a very famous lady and visited all the countries in the world, and it was said that she came from Jacksonville. [Emma Plummer Chadwick was worthy grand matron of the state of Washington. She lived in Jacksonville as a child.]
    Then there was another fellow in Seattle, a lawyer by the name of Oran Vining, whose uncle was quite famous in Ashland, and I understand the Vining people came from Jacksonville. [The Seattle attorney was J. Orrin Vining; the Vining family lived in Ashland as far back as the 1870s.] You didn't know them at all?
    Did you know the Reames family? I understand they were prominent. They were in the mercantile business also, were they not?
    No, they were in the banking business. Mr. Tom Reames was a partner with C. C. Beekman, of the pioneer bank in Jacksonville. [Reames was a merchant before partnering in Beekman's bank.]
    Well now, I understand that the Saks of New York City came from Jacksonville. Can you tell me anything about the Saks family? [The Saks Fifth Avenue family was unrelated to the Sachs Brothers, Jacksonville merchants.] Where would we find a record on them? Would you try to obtain something of their history? What we are trying to do, Mr. Barnum, is to get the names of the prominent people in Jacksonville, I mean the people who really have played an important part in our nation.
     Now of the generals that were in the war, the Civil War, I understand General Sherman was there. [W. T. Sherman apparently only spent one night in Southern Oregon, during President Hayes' celebrated visit.] General Hooker is supposed to have laid out some roads in Josephine County, in fact he laid out the road up there on Roberts Hill where the stagecoach was always being robbed. [Lieutenant Hooker superintended construction of the military road through Southern Oregon.] Do [you] remember any of that? That was before your day? I see. Well, did you know Father [Moses A.] Williams, the old Presbyterian minister? Did you know Squire Day, the old judge that known as the hanging judge? Do you know any stories about Squire Day? Do you know whether or not he said he had a rooster court, he didn't sit on nothing? Did you ever hear that said? I understand that he prided himself on the fact that in a criminal case, in a capital offense there were no appeals sustained on his cases, because he hangs the people before the case could be tried on appeal. [Silas J. Day served as County Judge--chair of the county commissioners' court--not as a trial judge. See here for an explanation of a county judge's duties. The "hanging judge" reference is apparently a joke that became accepted by younger generations as fact. See here for notes on every Jackson County hanging.]
    I don't recall much about Judge Day, especially as to the court proceedings he had. I knew him and used to see him around at his office duties quite frequently when we were operating the railroad, and I knew his children, believe he had a daughter and son.
    Did you ever hear of a lawyer by the name the name of Judge Prim?
    Yes, I knew Judge Prim very well. He was at one time County Judge of Jackson County; that was in his latter days. He had an office in Jacksonville for a great many years, and I knew his family quite well.
    Then there was some other fellow there. I've forgotten his name. Then there was the present Judge Hanna's father, the old Judge Hanna. He had a colorful and important career in Jacksonville, didn't he?
    Yes, that is true. He was circuit judge for a good many years. Just how long I couldn't say, but a number of terms anyway. He had five children or more. I may not be accurate on that. There was one of the elder girls, Rose, that I knew and the three sons, Will, Herbert and Leon. Herbert and Leon attended St. Mary's College at Oakland, California, and I believe there were a couple older daughters, the names I do not know. The Hanna home was directly across the street from the Peter Britt place in Jacksonville. Peter Britt, his son and daughter, Emil and Mollie, were among the prominent families in Jacksonville, also.
    Mr. Britt was supposed to have been quite a wealthy man. He was the early photographer, wasn't he? Was he also in the mining business? I won't be certain on that. He possibly might have had some connection in the mining field.
    Of the children, I believe Molly is still living. [Amalia Britt died in 1954.]
    That is correct. Now there must have been a lot of other people that were prominent. How about the Chinese? I understand there was a fellow by the name of Jen Ling or Linn [Gin Lin], who was a prominent Chinaman; he was the head Chinaman in Jacksonville. Did you ever hear of him? Did you ever hear of China Mary? Was there any Indians of any prominence that lived there during your days?
    Not to my knowledge. I understand that there were some Indians who helped the settlers and were adopted as same as white people and had their houses there in Jacksonville, because they had helped the settlers. You do not know about that? Did you know the Ankenys who owned the Sterling mine? Is that the same Ankeny family who were bankers in Portland and Spokane? They were wealthy people, weren't they?
    Now, did you know the Ishes? Did you know them? And then down in the valley was my grandfather, Michael Hanley. He was a very prominent man. Do you remember any of the early lodge people that were important? The early grand master of the lodge? Was the Odd Fellows prominent there?
    They were.
    And how about the fire department? Was it not a great honor to be on the volunteer fire department.
    It was.
    They had a famous baseball team back in the early days, didn't they? Jacksonville participated in the Civil War, didn't it? The people went into the war. You are not posted on that. How about the Spanish American War? You don't know about that. I see. Well, if you think of anything important there, any important event, it is so cloudy now with fiction and legend, that it is hard to say what is the truth anymore. Some of those old houses indicate a Southern gentility. Now, how were the Orths? They built a big brick home there. Were they Germans? They were butchers, I understand, to begin with. I wonder where they came from. You couldn't say. Well, if you can think of anything that you can add to the Jacksonville lore, let us know.
    If I might add, another very prominent family in Jacksonville was the Nunan family. Jerry Nunan was one of the oldest mercantile merchants in Jacksonville. His family of five children, as I recall, were two sons and three daughters, Ed, Charley, Josephine, Fanny and Ella. Charley, the youngest son, attended school at St. Mary's College in Oakland, California, and Josephine, the oldest daughter, is the mother of Donald J. Russell, who is now the president of the Southern Pacific railroad, and by the way can boast as being the youngest president in the history of the railroad.
    The clock which Mr. Barnum has submitted to the museum is a loan and is the clock that was put in the railroad station at Jacksonville in 1891 and remained there until the railroad closed. At that time the railroad station was also the telegraph station in Jacksonville, the Western Union telegraph station. It is a Seth Thomas railroad clock. There is also a trainman's lantern which Mr. Barnum himself used when he was on the railroad.
    Now, going back to the railroad, there is a couple other things that I would like to ask you--Do you remember whether or not there were regular schedules between Medford and Jacksonville, that is, did the line have a regular passenger schedule?
    Yes, there was a regular passenger schedule carrying mail and express as well as passengers.
    Do you remember what that schedule was? Was there a morning and afternoon trip, or how many times a day?
    Four and five round trips a day.
    Do you remember what the fare was for the round trip?
    Fifty cents for the round trip, until the last couple of years, when it was cut to forty cents a round trip.
    And what was it one way between Medford and Jacksonville?
    Twenty-five cents one way.
    And did you charge a rate for children, or were they free?
    Children under six years of age were free, over six and under twelve, half fare.
    Now, this is getting down to a fine point. Did you notice that the children in Jacksonville remained under six for quite a while?
    Well, I presume they would have liked to.
    Did they ever bring their dogs and cats from over there to Medford?
    Oh, yes, but we didn't have much trouble with that because they liked to keep them at home where they had better care.
    Did you issue tickets, or how did you do it? Did you just issue tickets when they boarded the train, or did they have to have their tickets in advance?
    For a while we sold tickets, and then after that, we just made it a cash fare for the trip.
    Do you happen to have any of those old form tickets issued by the railroad? They would be very fine for the museum.
    Yes, I have. I have some in a collection. Most are commute tickets, which we sold during the last few years, also some straight one-way and round trip.
    The museum would love to have a whole case full of this sort of thing, and I'll tell you what I'll do. If you will furnish the material, I'll dedicate the case.
    That will be fine.
    All right. Now there is another thing. Whatever happened to the last locomotive?
    I have a photograph of the last two locomotives, the No. 3 that was purchased from the S.P. along about 1913--I'm not quite sure of the date--and also the engine that was purchased in 1907 off the elevated in N.Y.--I think it was off the 6th Avenue line. I think I could produce those. I am sure I could. I have them home in my desk now.
    I understand there is an old engine now someplace down in California that came from Jacksonville.
    Yes, I got that information the other day, that this old No. 1, which was a saddleback built by H. K. Porter & Co. of Pittsburgh, being the original locomotive built new for the line at the time the Howell brothers started the road, can be seen at Pasadena a little later on. The party that bought that had it up at Cottage Grove for a number of years, and I understand that it is to be reconditioned into its original shape and it went through on a truck on the highway through Medford not very long ago, perhaps two or three weeks ago.
    I am sorry that I missed it. We'd like to get pictures of that. Maybe we could have a replica of that made as a souvenir of Jacksonville.
    You will find at the present time, I just took a gaze through the museum over there yesterday, and I saw that engine connected with a coach in two photographs on the case on the right as you enter the old courthouse.
    That is interesting. Don't you think that we could have some replica models made from the pictures so that they could be made into souvenirs of Jacksonville?
    Yes, I am quite certain of that. That would be accomplished, and if I could be of any aid in developing the scale of it or anything so as to get the general construction of it where it would look right I'd be pleased to do so.
    That is splendid, and I think that would make a nice project for us. They are looking for something unique for Jacksonville, and that certainly would do it. We might even have some plates put out by the Wedgewood factory or some other well-known china makers that had that early railroad upon them.
    Yes, yes. It seems as though that would work out good and could be taken care of all right.
    I think we will have some centennial plates gotten out for Jacksonville. We could put that old railroad on some of them.
    Yes, yes. I think that could be done.
    We could get out some of the old buildings and put them on the plates also.
    Yes, we could do that from the photographs. I have photographs of the old station and machine shop and one thing and another.
    That sounds like a very nice project, and I think a very worthwhile souvenir of the good old days of Jacksonville.
    Yes, and I think it would be quite interesting to the people and to the tourists.
    I wonder if it would be possible to get that engine back to Jacksonville.
    I don't know. That is something to work on. I think I'll go down to Los Angeles next summer. I just returned from there a couple of weeks ago, and if I do so, I could look around and make inquiries on the side. Maybe if anything could be learned where you might have some chance of procuring it, I'd be glad to get in touch with you.
    I would think if we would be willing to pay a profit on the thing, it is logical that it belongs in Jacksonville. It is a foreigner down in Pasadena.
    You are right. I thought of that yesterday when I was viewing the courthouse, that is, the museum. I think if that could be done, it would be fine. I was out at Denver last summer on a trip, and going when stopping off at Colorado Springs, I noticed that the Denver & Rio Grande had given the park there one of their old narrow-gauge engines. They had put it in shape and gave it a coat of paint so it looks natural and looks the way it did at the time it was built; also Alamosa has one in their park, and it is appropriate and will stand there for ages to come and it will show what the transportation was during the early mining days in Colorado and that locality. I think it is quite possible the Jacksonville engine could be rebought and placed in a similar manner.
    You having had connection with the railroad would be the logical one to do it, so I am going to appoint you as a committee of one to make those inquiries. They would be more likely to listen to you than to anybody else, and you would have a [more] sentimental approach to it than we could begin to arrive at.
    That is quite so.
    Another thing, I think it would be nice to have a memorial plate to you and your whole family, your father, to commemorate him as well as the family and Jacksonville.
    That would be very much appreciated, I am sure.
    Another thing, I think we would have to have a covered building, that is, at least a roof over it so as to preserve the locomotive. It should be some attractive building so as to conform with Jacksonville style, but still have a roof but not impede the tourist attraction to it.
    That would be a good idea, because then your locomotive would be preserved from rust and weather conditions.
    And I think the old engine should be set on its rails as if it were ready to roll. If we could find some of those old rails or similar ones and set them in a concrete embrasure or concrete foundation and then set the engine upon the rails, giving the impression that she is all ready to go.
    In doing so, you would be right in line with what Denver & Rio Grande have done in those parks I have mentioned.
    If we had some cars that we could attach so the children could make that a place of rendezvous. We would then I think commemorate it as Railroad Park or Barnum Park.
    Something like that would be all right. It would suit us.
    Jacksonville needs a park and recreational place and beautification. They should have a fountain there, and they should have some nice trees and benches for the summer, and it would greatly add to it and during the Jubilee week it would mean a lot to people coming into town.
    Correct again. I think you are right. It would be a good idea.
    It is a nice thing to think about. Let us work on that.
    I'll be with you in anything I can help. Just call on me.
    There is another thing I wish you would do if you are going to be around here at all. That is to identify the people in these various photographs that we have of the various engines. Mr. Shangle . . . I have a photograph that I have on loan from Mrs. Coleman, of the Coleman Hardware Co. of Jacksonville . . . there are a couple of people standing by the engine. You might even be there yourself. These are not known by any of the Jacksonville people. It would be very nice if we could get the names of those people standing by these engines. In fact, that would make the pictures. It is my thought that any photographs that you lend to us for rephotographing, that you give us the names of the individuals. I would number the photographs and then give from left to right the names of the people.
    Yes, I think so too. I believe that I can point out the different ones that might be standing in them. That would be interesting to anyone looking at the photographs.
    Yes, and my suggestion would be that you have data typed with one of these new IBM typewriters gave give the effect of printing.
    Yes, anything that would make it plainer and more legible, and stand out to the public.
    You would put that directly below the photograph as an index to the photograph, giving the year they were there because that would mean more to them.
    I think you are right on that. That will add to the appearance.
    I am going to have to go to the clerk's office and also to Jacksonville. Would you like to accompany me?
    Perhaps I can go. I will call Mrs. Barnum and find out.
    All right. I will go to the clerk's office and return immediately.
    I will do that.
    Thank you.
Unidentified, undated (circa 1950) typescript interview with John Barnum, courtesy Richard Talbot. A copy is now filed at the Southern Oregon Historical Society

Rogue River Valley Railway No. 1, June 14, 2014
Rogue River Valley Railway No. 1 returns, June 14, 2014

Train Engine Set to End 123-Year Trip
By Tony Boom
for the Mail Tribune
    JACKSONVILLE--A locomotive that pulled the first train into town in 1891 is coming home to be displayed permanently on tracks set in the original railroad right of way below the old high school at Bigham Knoll.
    Mel and Brooke Ashland, owners of the Bigham Knoll site, purchased H. K. Potter Company locomotive No. 1236 and will donate it to the Jacksonville Heritage Society. A crane is scheduled to lift the 10-ton unit off a trailer and set it on rails this morning.
    "It's been a long time coming. We had sort of given up on it and actually put grapes in that area," said Brooke Ashland. The grapes came out to make way for rails.
    The Ashlands brought the engine to town on a flatbed in June 2009 as part of the city's 150th anniversary parade.
    Purchase discussion had been going on for six years with owner Dave Wilkinson of Fillmore, Calif., and when another serious buyer emerged, Wilkinson contacted the Ashlands to see if they wanted to make a deal. The purchase price was not disclosed.
    "He really wanted us to have it," Ashland said. "He really thought it should be in Jacksonville."
    The engine left Southern California headed for Southern Oregon on Wednesday.
    Workers have installed two rails that were donated by a Medford railroad club for the display. Railroad ties were located Thursday after it appeared there were none available locally, said Ashland.
    A rare wood-burning unit, the locomotive served for about three years on the route but was replaced by a more powerful unit to help trains get up grades between Jacksonville and Medford. Rogue Valley Railroad Company had been created to link the town with Medford after the main railroad line bypassed Jacksonville. Operations ceased in 1925.
    The locomotive, built in 1890 in Pittsburgh, has been used in movies, as have others Wilkinson has at his Fillmore and Western Railway. After leaving Jacksonville, it served at several sites in Oregon and was salvaged following a 1913 fire. In 1946 it was purchased and moved to Fillmore.
    A walking tour between the engine's new home and the original depot on Oregon Street, now the Chamber of Commerce information center, will be developed, Ashland said.
    Jacksonville Heritage Society was formed in 2010 by then-President Carolyn Kingsnorth, the Ashlands and others to preserve the former Jackson County Courthouse and other historic properties during a transition period for the county-owned buildings. Jacksonville's city government took over ownership of the buildings in 2012.
    "We are continuing because we want to continue to bring history back to Jacksonville," said Ashland, who is now society president. "Now that will include a train."
    Planning commissioners approved locating the engine at Bigham Knoll when a campus master plan was approved in 2008. The Ashlands have developed a restaurant, business offices and other facilities on the eight-acre site. They have approval to develop additional buildings.
    "People tend to forget we had a railroad for 35 years, so this brings back an important part of our history," said historian Larry Smith. "How often can history be recreated on the same spot where it used to run in 1891?"
Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 2014, page 1

Last revised February 28, 2025