The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Southern Oregon Printing and Printers
and newspapers. Also refer to George Turnbull's indispensable History of Oregon Newspapers.

Umpqua Weekly Gazette, Scottsburg, February 10, 1855, page 1

    A lady feeding a power press is apt to catch cold, because she has to lay on damp sheets.
"Varieties," Umpqua Weekly Gazette, Scottsburg, June 30, 1855, page 4

    DEAD.--We regret to learn that J. W. A'Neal, formerly editor of the Roseburg Express, and at one time employed in this office as a journeyman printer, is dead. We were well acquainted with Mr. A'Neal and know him to have been a good, honest fellow.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 31, 1861, page 3

    "Job printing?--Job printing!" exclaimed Mrs. Partington the other day, as she peeped over her spectacles at the advertising page of a country paper. "Poor Job! They've kept him printing week after week ever since I learnt to read; and if he wasn't the patientest man that ever did live, he never could have stood it so long, no how."
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 30, 1861, page 1

    THANKS!--The editor, proprietor, printers and devil all unite in thanks to E. K. Anderson for two large buckets full of luscious peaches. Some people think there is no virtue in the prayers of the wicked, but it is all a mistake. Mr. Anderson left last spring for the northern mines. Remembering the "goodies" he gave us last year, our ex-devil has been praying for his return before peach time, and he has come! Don't you see it?
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 11, 1862, page 3

    Messrs. Granville Sears, J. B. Wrisley and Wm. Burke have the thanks of the corps of Sentinel printers for fine melons.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 26, 1863, page 2

    S. D. VanDyke has the thanks of the Sentinel printers for a choice lot of peaches. A portion of the lot, and largest sized, were grown on a two-year-old seedling tree.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 23, 1863, page 2

    Messrs. Harkness & Twogood, of Leland, in the fullness of their generous hearts, carefully packed and sent to us by stage a large box of the largest and finest of eating apples. May their tribe increase and their crops never fail. By the way, our new "devil" is exceedingly fond of apples, as we would infer from a remark he made with head half-hid behind one of the largest in the box--"These apples are too good to last long in a printing office!" He still lives, but the apples have disappeared.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 12, 1863, page 2

    Perhaps there is no department of enterprise whose details are less understood by intelligent people than the "art preservative"--the achievements of the type.
    Every day their lives long they are accustomed to read the newspaper, to find fault with its statements, its arguments, its looks, to plume themselves upon the discovery of some roguish and acrobatic type that gets into a frolic and stands upon its head; or some word with a waste letter or two in it; but of the process by which the newspaper is made, of the myriads of motions and thousands of pieces necessary to its composition they know little and think less.
    They imagine they discourse of a wonder indeed when they speak of the fair, white carpet woven for thought to walk on from the rags that fluttered on the back of the beggar yesterday.
    But there is to us something more wonderful still. When we look at the hundred and fifty-two little boxes, something shaded with the touch of inky fingers, that compose a printer's "case," noiseless, except the clicking of the types, as one by one they take their place in the growing line--we think we have found the marvel of the art.
    Strewn in those little boxes are thin parallelograms of metal, every one good for something that goes to make up written language, the visible footprints of thought upon carpets of rags.
    We think how many fragments of fancy there are in these boxes; how many atoms of poetry and eloquence the printer can make here and there, if he only has a little chart to work by; how many facts in small handfuls, how much truth in chaos!
    Now he picks up the scattered elements until he holds in his hand a stanza of Gray's Elegy, or a monody upon a Grimes "all buttoned up before." Now he set up a "Puppy Missing," and now "Paradise Lost." He arrays a bride in "small caps," and a sonnet in "nonpareil." He announces that the languishing "live," in one sentence transposes the word, and deplores the days that are "evil," in the next.
    A poor jest ticks its way into the printer's hand, like a little clock just running down, and a strain of eloquence marches into lines. We fancy we can tell the difference by the click of the types; but perhaps not.
    The types that told of a wedding yesterday announce a burial tomorrow--perhaps in the selfsame letters.
    They are the elements to make words of. These types are a world with something in them as beautiful as spring, and as rich as summer and as grand as autumn; flowers that frost cannot wilt, fruit that shall ripen for all time.   
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 8, 1865, page 1

Printer's Devils.
    A great many persons are in the habit of looking upon and speaking of printer's devils in a manner that reflects no credit on themselves. Those same printer's devils, in nine cases out of ten, are three times as well posted on the issues of the day as the person who slights and speaks lightly of them. There is no class of boys for whom we have a more profound respect than well-behaved printer's devils. They know something and are practical, which is more than you can say of all classes of boys. In that respect we place the boys who work in a printing office head and shoulders above most boys. Young woman, before you again elevate that delicate nose at the approach of a printer's devil, get someone who knows something of history to tell you the names of a few characters who were once printer's devils. For fear that you will dislike to show your ignorance, we will give you a short list of ex-devils of printing offices. If you have heard of any of them, quit your flirting and all nonsense in general, and go to studying. Did you ever hear of Benjamin Franklin? Ben was once a printer's devil. He was also one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Hannibal Hamlin, Vice-President under Lincoln, was once a poor printer's devil. Schuyler Colfax, who has been Speaker of the House of Representatives for a number of years, now candidate for Vice-President of the U.S., and certain to be elected, was "nothing but a devil in a printing office" at one time. Horace Greeley, who is one of the first journalists on this continent, and is an ex-Congressman, was a printer's devil. United States Senator Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania, was a "devil." Thurlow Weed, one of the wealthiest and most influential men in New York, and editor of the Commercial Advertiser, was a penniless devil in a printing office. United States Senator Ross, of Kansas, commenced his successful career as a printer's devil. Two-thirds of the editors in the "States" were once printer's devils. Permit us to tell you that the men who once did duty as printers have done more to advance the interests and sustain the good name of America than any other class.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 29, 1868, page 1

    THANKS.--Mr. Hull will please accept the thanks of the printers for a fine lot of cherries.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 19, 1869, page 3

To Our Patrons.
    Since I owned the Sentinel it has never paid enough to hire two printers and the undivided time of an editor, hence the greater part of time the writing has been done for it by Mr. Turner, the telegraph operator; but he now declines writing any more on the same terms. I hope he may find other employment more remunerative, but the patronage of the Sentinel will not justify it. Mr. Turner has labored hard to make the Sentinel interesting and useful for low wages, yet I regret to say the patronage and slow payments scarcely justify the labor or price that has been paid. I have purchased the materials to run it in New York at the lowest cash prices. I have employed the greater part of the time the cheapest and poorest of printers, who frequently committed gross typographical errors, and not unfrequently they destroyed the meaning of my own letters. The truth is, to make it pay expenses, I have been compelled to hire boys to do the printing who were wholly unfit to be a foreman in any office. With a good, cheap editor, cheap materials, and poor printers it has not been a very profitable investment. It has more than twice the circulation now that it had at the time I bought it; yet, after deducting its bad debts and the necessary expenses, it has not made good interest on the capital invested. It is impossible for me to give the Sentinel my time, but still I hope to make it a better paper than it has ever been. We now have a good printer, and if our patrons would pay up punctually, the Sentinel could be made to pay for better printers, and more than interest on its cost. Although it has not been very remunerative, I do not regret the purchase. It is now next to the oldest political paper in Oregon. Since its publication seven rival papers have been published in Jacksonville. They have all died but one. This is a sickly looking thing, scarcely six months old. I have the satisfaction to know that the Sentinel did good service during the war in keeping down the spirit of rebellion in Southern Oregon, which is full compensation for all my trouble and expense. I still intend for it to advocate the best interest of the country, and the true principles of the Republican Party. I wish it to be a terror to traitors, copperheads, and the immoral and lawless of every class and description. I respectfully ask the friends of truth and morality of whatever party to furnish the Sentinel with the latest news from all parts of the country. Direct your letters to the Sentinel, and not to me. I assure the public I have not time to read long letters, or even short ones, on the business of the Sentinel. All I have ever done, or expect to do, is to write a little for it when law business is dull, to pay its expenses, and control its general policy; but I will get someone who will give all such communications prompt attention.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 9, 1869, page 2

    LIBERAL.--Mr. S. Robinson, of Wagner Creek, left at our office some fine apples and delicious grapes. One bunch of grapes weighed nearly 2½ pounds. Printers can appreciate such kindness.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 16, 1869, page 3

    JUDGE TOLMAN will accept the thanks of the printers of this office for a lot of nice apples.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 16, 1869, page 3

    NEW PAPER.--We are informed that our cotemporary will start again today under the title of the Democratic Times. Under whose auspices it is to be published, or who is to hold the editorial quill with its duties and responsibilities, we have not yet learned, but if it earns its title, in this county it will be decidedly a "rich thing." Although opposed to many of our interests, to the "new paper" we nevertheless extend to it a hearty greeting and wish it success.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 7, 1870, page 3

    FINE CHERRIES.--Mrs. Bouschey will please accept the thanks of the printers of this office for some nice cherries. Printers know how to appreciate such favors.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 18, 1870, page 3

    THANKS, to Mrs. Horne, for a liberal donation of fine cake to the printers of this office.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 31, 1870, page 3

    MR. JOHN MOON will accept the thanks of the printers of this office for a keg of excellent cider.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 31, 1870, page 3

    AN AGREEABLE SURPRISE.--The printers of this office, in coming into the office yesterday morning, were agreeably surprised to find a keg of fresh lager, already tapped. At first they were inclined to approach it rather cautiously, thinking that it might probably be a torpedo in disguise, but upon closer examination the well-known initials S.V. were discovered on it, and all doubts concerning its identity were dispelled immediately, and attack was made on it at once. May Veit Schutz live as long as Methuselah, and his progeny be as numerous as Abraham's.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 17, 1871, page 3

    In a recent article on the subject of journalism, Horace Greeley--the very best authority--says that the practical printers make the best editors, as there is something in the early associations of the printing office which gives a sort of refined culture to the otherwise well-trained journalist. Upon the same principle that the most efficient managers of great industrial enterprises are those who have worked their way up through the subordinate training for the journalist, it imparts a kind of sympathy with letters which the mere scholar does not acquire. The practical printer who becomes an editor is apt to be a step of the craft; it is true that the school of the printery gives the best paragraphists. From having gone through the slow progress of picking up and depositing the individual metallic blocks that, one by one, spell out the words which express the writer's thought, the printer learns to place a value upon each letter and word, and is very naturally led to depreciate a useless waste of either. Whatever may be the achievement of schools for journalists, we believe that the schools are printing offices and active reportorial labors.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 9, 1871, page 1

    OBITUARY.--Among the notable events of the week is the death of A. Thomas Cat, for a long time connected with the printing fraternity of Jacksonville. He was born in Jacksonville some eight or ten years ago, and graduated in the Oregon Press office. A few years afterwards we find him in the Reveille, where he remained a short time, but not finding it profitable, vamoosed the ranch. The next we hear of him returning to his old quarters in the office of the News. Here he stood the kicks and cuffs of many a tramping "jour" printer, until it became obnoxious, and compelled him to take a walk. This journal having gone to the races, Mr. A. Thomas Cat seeing a bright future in the Times, returns to his old abode; but his end was drawing near. When it is remembered that he was but ten years old at his death, the energy and enterprise of Mr. A. Thomas Cat in accomplishing so much is apparent, and his death creates a vacancy in our household that will indeed be hard to fill. Requiescat in pace.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 3, 1872, page 3  Though employed at several printing firms, Thomas--born without thumbs--was not a printer

    VEIT SCHUTZ is a bully boy--made us happy this new year, by rolling in our office door a keg of lager beer. 'Twas good, you'd better bet it was--all "legalized" by stamps to fill the laws. To drink of it avoids the use of pills, and we hope that Veit may--well, when we drink it up we'll yell for more.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 4, 1873, page 3

    Those ladies who sent us that nice cake from the relief concert supper will accept our thanks therefor. Such remembrances make the heart of the printer happy.
"Local Gossip," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
April 26, 1873, page 3

    The good opinion of our cotemporaries and the public is an object worthy to be labored for and to be proud of. Our readers will therefore pardon us for copying these flattering notices:
    The Jacksonville Times has reappeared on new material and presents a very neat appearance. The Times is a good local paper.--Lafayette Courier.
    The Jacksonville Times has again appeared in its usual size and in an entire new dress, and presents a neat and tasteful appearance.--Benton Democrat,
    The Jacksonville Times, which was burned out last spring, has made its reappearance and presents a very fine typographical makeup and is full of news. We wish the proprietors better luck next time.--Oregon City Enterprise.
    THE JACKSONVILLE TIMES.--We are pleased to chronicle the republication of this valuable paper. Its typographical appearance is excellent, its editorials able, while its Democracy is unimpeachable. We extend a hearty welcome, accompanied with our best wishes for its success.--Plaindealer.
    DEMOCRATIC TIMES.--We were pleased to again receive this able Democratic cotemporary last Monday. We wish Messrs. Hull & Nickell the best of success in the future, and hope that they may soon regain the loss they sustained by the destruction of their office by fire. The Times is worthy of the support of the Democracy of Southern Oregon.--Oregon City Enterprise.
    THE "DEMOCRATIC TIMES."--After three months our cotemporary has again made its appearance, dressed in new type and looking very pretty. It is, however, as bitterly Democratic as ever, and its young editor has already again commenced harping about "enlarging in a short time." Notwithstanding which criticisms, we wish our cotemporary success, and extend to it the right hand of fellowship in promoting and fostering the interests of Southern Oregon.--Oregon Sentinel.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 2, 1873, page 2

    THANKS.--Madame Holt has our thanks for a bountiful supply of excellent cake.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, May 30, 1874, page 3

"Bridging" Type.
    A feature of London is its bridges, and, while eminently practical in their special service of promoting travel and traffic, each has its library of tragedies and romances. Of all this history and legend are full, while each day's police record adds its quota. Quite out of the range of ordinary use, or misuse, of bridges is a practice connected with the Blackfriars, and one which I never saw mentioned in print.
    As I was one time talking with the night editor of the leading London daily, the foreman of the typographical department reported to him that they were half a dozen hands short.
    "How's that?" asked the editor.
    "Discharged for 'bridging,'" was response.
    After the foreman had gone, my Yankee curiosity caused me to inquire what this strange offense might be.
    "Bridging type is one of our principal sources of annoyance and loss," said he. "When a compositor is throwing in his case, if he happens to 'pi' a handful, instead of carefully sorting and distributing the type, he shoves it into his pocket; or, if a printer is transferring a stickful of matter to a galley and accidentally 'pi's' it, he also secretly thrusts the mass into his pocket and resets the whole; and the type these printers have secreted they quietly dump into the Thames on their way home at night, while crossing the Blackfriars Bridge, over which a majority of them pass. So extensively is this dishonest and lazy habit practiced, that there are tons upon tons of type in the bed of the Thames, and hardly ever is a body dragged for without the hauling up of quantities of type metal."
    This same habit prevails in the large cities of the United States, although not so extensively as in England, perhaps; and New York printers, who sink their "pi" in the East or North rivers, while crossing on the ferry boats to their homes in Brooklyn or Jersey City, are also described by the London phrase as having "bridged" their type.--Fireside Friend.
Albany Register, Albany, Oregon, October 16, 1874, page 3

    THANKS.--Madame Holt has our thanks for some excellent cake.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, January 8, 1875, page 3

    Madame Holt has our thanks for a fine cake.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 18, 1876, page 3

    Madame Holt has our thanks for a fine cake.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1876, page 3

    Madame Holt has our thanks for a fine cake.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 28, 1876, page 3

    Madam Holt has our thanks for one of her delicious cakes. May her shadow never grow less.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1877, page 3

    Madame Holt has our thanks for a fine cake and a bottle of wine. They were duly appreciated.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1877, page 3

    WHY PRINTERS DIE YOUNG.--A writer fully accounts for the reason why printers die young, and why they are continually tramping from place to place in search of quietude. He says that working for forty editors and scores of authors, every one of whom is as sensitive as a sore thumb, and as lively and as interesting as a hornet, no wonder the printers die young, and only pachydermatous, grizzly, mulish specimens get their share of life. The writer wishes that he could offer himself as an awful example of the perils which environ the man who meddles with cold type. A thoroughly trained printer should have a stepmother and then a stepfather, and then have been bound out to a tanner, and then have married a scolding wife and lived in a smoky house, and have a family of babies who were afflicted with the colic. He should have added to all this discipline a thorough knowledge of science and law, languages, theology, history and biography. If, in addition, he has a vicious-looking countenance and an amiable disposition, he may stand some chance with these authors; but the probabilities are, after all, that they will worry him to death. This picture will have a very depressing effect upon ambitious boys who are anxious to learn the "art preservative of arts." The picture, however, is a tolerably correct one.--Elmira Advertiser.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, June 23, 1877, page 1

    THE LOCAL EDITOR.--The position of local editor of a newspaper is one that, as a general thing, is not understood by the people. They expect him to know everything that is going on, as well as that that is not. They expect him to see everything. They expect him to give their stores, hotels and other places of business long and good puffs in the local column free of charge, but the store-keeper never thinks to give him a new suit of clothes, a hat or pair of boots, oh, no; they cost money; and the hotel keeper never gives him a week's board! oh, no! their grub costs money! but they seem to think his time is worth nothing and that paper and ink is worth nothing, and that it costs nothing to have printers set up the type, and that the room in the paper that is occupied by their local is worth nothing, but still they want the local notice, for it is a great benefit to their business. Persons getting up balls, parties and entertainments, where they expect to make money, want him to give them long and spicy local notices before the affair comes off, and then they want him to give them a rousing notice after the affair comes off, so as to help them in their next effort in the same line; but they never offer to give him a free ticket so that he can go and see what is done--they expect him to pay his own way, and then to give them a local notice worth to them as much or more than the price of a dozen tickets would amount to. If you want the local editor to notice what you have to sell, or what you are going to do, pay for the notices, or at least keep him free from expense while he is doing what he can to help you along in your undertakings. The laborer is certainly worthy of his hire.

Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, July 14, 1877, page 4

    A patron of a certain newspaper once said to the publisher: "Mr. Printer, how is it you never call on me to pay for your paper?" "Oh!" said the man of types, "we never ask a gentleman for money." "Indeed!" replied the patron. "How do you manage to get along when they don't pay?" "Why," said the editor, "after a certain time we conclude he is no gentleman, and we ask him."

Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, September 7, 1877, page 4

    Madame Holt receives the manifold blessings of ye hungry printers for a bountiful supply of cake and wine.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 1, 1878, page 3

    Madame Holt has again favored us with a liberal supply of cake and wine, for which we render thanks.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 10, 1879, page 3

    M. G. Foisy, of Gervais, died suddenly at his house on the 11th. He was the first printer to set type in Oregon.
"State News," Ashland Tidings, June 20, 1879, page 2

    The Ashland Tidings comes out with a patent outside.
    Veit Schutz has the thanks of the printers for some splendid lager. He knows how to make it.

"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 2, 1879, page 3

    Mr. and Mrs. Savage of the New State Hotel have the thanks of the printers for a pitcher of delicious sherry cobbler and a bountiful supply of cake. The boys say Charley can keep a hotel.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, 
July 9, 1879, page 3

    PRINTERS AND PRINTING.--Many of those that condescend to illuminate this dark world with the fire of their genius through the columns of a newspaper little think of the lot of the printer, who sits up at midnight to correct their grammar, faulty in orthography and worse in punctuation. We have seen the arguments of counselors, in high repute scholars, sent to the printer in their own handwriting, with many words--especially technical and foreign terms--abbreviated, misspelled, and few or no points, and these few, if any, certainly misplaced. We have seen the sermons of eminent divines sent to the press minus points or capitals to designate the divisions of the sentences; also the letters of scientific and political correspondents. Suppose all these had been so printed--the printer would have been subjected to scorn and contempt. No one would have believed that such gross and palpable faults rested with the ignorance or carelessness of the author. And no one but the practical printer knows how many hours the compositor and the proofreader are compelled to spend in reducing to readable condition manuscript that often the authors themselves might find it puzzling to read.

Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, August 1, 1879, page 1

    Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Savage have the thanks of the printers for a supply of cake furnished us yesterday.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 20, 1879, page 3

    Another keg of Veit's splendid lager made the hearts of the printers glad at this office last week.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 10, 1879, page 3

A Quaker Printer's Proverbs.
    Never send an article for publication without giving the editor thy name, for thy name oftentimes secures publication of worthless articles.
    Thou shouldst not rap at the door of a printing office, for he that answereth the rap sneereth in his sleeve and loseth time.
    Never do thou loaf about nor knock down type, or the boys will love thee as they do the shade tress--when thou leavest.
    Thou shouldst never read the copy on the printers' cases or the sharp and hooked container thereof, or he may knock thee down.
    Never inquire of the editor for news, for behold it is his business to give it to thee at the appointed time without asking for it.
    It is not right that thou shouldst ask him who is the author of an article, for it is his duty to keep such things unto himself.
    When thou dost enter his office, take heed unto thyself that thou dost not look at what concerns thee not, for that is not meet in the sight of good breeding.
    Neither examine thou the proof-sheet, for it is not ready to meet thine eye that thou mayst understand.
    Thou shouldst not delude thyself with the thought that thou hast saved a few cents when thou hast secured a deadhead copy of his paper, for whilst the printer may smile and say it's all right, he'll never forget your meanness.
Ashland Tidings, September 12, 1879, page 4

    Our friend Coolidge never forgets the printers. He feasted us this week upon the finest peaches and grapes we have had this year.
    Grant Helman has the hearty thanks of the printers of this office for a handsome treat of peaches, plums and pears from Capt. A. D.'s orchard.
"Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, September 19, 1879, page 3

    The ladies who so successfully managed the festival on the evening of Thanksgiving Day have our thanks for a package of cake. It was delicious and duly appreciated by the hungry printers.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1879, page 3

    The ladies of Rebekah Lodge will accept the thanks of our printers for some excellent cake from their bounteous table.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, 
January 7, 1880, page 3

    Madame Holt made the hearts of ye hungry printers happy Tuesday with some excellent refreshments, for which we extend thanks.
"Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 9, 1880, page 3

    The printers of the Sentinel office desire to return acknowledgments to Mr. and Mrs. McCain for a bountiful supply of wedding cake.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 18, 1880, page 3

    Mrs. M. Brown's little boys have the thanks of the printers for a treat of luscious peaches this week.
"Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, September 10, 1880, page 3

    The mechanical force of the Sentinel is under obligation to Madame Holt for a bountiful supply of pound cake and the invalid editors for a bottle of claret.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 24, 1880, page 3

    It was an exceedingly cold night, and Mr. and Mrs. Bunby hugged the stove closely--he passing the time reading a paper, and she sitting looking into the fire.
    Without any preface whatever, she dropped the poker.
    With so much force did it strike the hearth that Mr. Bunby stopped his reading abruptly and looked over the top of his spectacles inquiringly. Mrs. Bunby had a happy thought; quickly it was transferred to Mr. B.
    "John," said she, "you remember, some time ago, you promised to tell me how newspapers are made?"
    "Yes, yes; but some other time, love."
    "No, now, please, John."
    Again he tried to content her with a promise, but it was of no avail; she wanted to know then just "how the papers are put together."
    He hesitated.
    The longer he hesitated the more impatient she grew, and he felt it.
    Seeing that postponement was of no avail, he heaved a long sigh, laid aside his paper, and reluctantly began to unravel for his wife's edification the "inner life of a newspaper."
    "In the first place," said he, "the copy is sent to the composing room."
    "Where does the copy come from?" she queried.
    "From the editors and reporters, of course."
    "Oh, I see!"
    "Then it is given to the typesetters."
    "What do they do--sit on it?"
    "No, thunder, no! they are the compositors who set it up."
    "Oh, they compose the copy and then set it up. But how does it sit?"
    He drew another long sigh, and calmly replied:
    "The editors compose the copy, then send it in to the composition-room, and the typesetters put it in type."
    "What, the copy?"
    "Yes; they set the types up so that they will read as the copy reads."
    "Oh, I see."
    A pause ensued.
    "John," said Mrs. Bunby, "you stopped at the compositors setting the type. What do they set the type in?'
    "In a stick."
    "A stick! What kind of a stick?"
    "Oh, a stick is a device that is just the width of the columns of the paper, and holds seventeen lines of brevier."
    "And what is brevier?"
    "A kind of type that is pleasing to the eye and easily read."
     "Oh, I see?"
    "When the printers get a stickful," he went on, "They empty--"
    "Are the printers any different from the compositors?"
    "No," he replied, a little out of temper. "They are one and the same."
    "Oh, 1 see!"
    "When they get a stickful of type, as I was going to say, they empty on a galley--"
    "And, in throwing it upon a galley, don't it all go apart?"
    "No; they lift it from the stick and place it gently, very gently, on a galley."
    "And what's a galley?"
    "A long article made of brass, in which the matter is proved--"
    "What kind of matter, and how do they prove it?"
    "Will you wait a moment! If so, I will try and explain; but give me time," he said, nettled by her cross-examination.
    "All right, go on."
    "Type, when it is set up, is called 'matter,' and when the first impression of it is taken, they call it--"
    "Impression of what?"
    "Oh, bother--the type! when it is first printed on the galley, that is called a proof, and they call it proving the matter."
    "Oh, I see! Does the galley print it?"
    "No; the devil!"
    "Oh, John!" she cried, in tones of reproach. "Why will you use such words?"
    "I was not swearing. The apprentice around a printing office is known as 'the devil.'"
    "Oh, I see!"
    "The proof-sheet which he makes, after going to the proofreader, is returned to the printer, and corrections are made."
    "Corrections made of what?"
    "The matter my dear. It is then given to the foreman."
    "What, the proof?"
    "No, the matter."
    "And what does he do with it?"
    "Will you wait a minute? The foreman takes the matter and places it in the form."
    "What kind of a form!"
    "An iron chase, which, when it has all the news in it which is in type, and it is locked up, is called a form."
    "Locked up! How?"
    "With quoins and sidesticks."
    "Sticks and coins--ha, ha, ha! what kind of coins?"
    "Not coins, but quoins--q-u-o-i-n-s."
     "And what are they?"
    "Goodness gracious! any more questions? A quoin," he resumed, "is a small block, and is wedged between the chase and sidesticks with a shooting-stick."
    "A shooting stick! How does it shoot?'
    "Shoots the quoins into place with the aid of a mallet."
    She did not quite understand, but saw by the white of his eye that it would not be well to question him too much, so she bided her time, and he went on:
    "Sometimes the matter is 'pyed.'"
    "How is that?"
    "Why, when some type is knocked over or dropped on the floor, it is useless, and is called by the fraternity 'pye.' Well, when the form is made up, it is put on a printing machine, and the edition goes to press."
    "What do they press the papers for?"
    "They don't press the papers; press means printing and after they are printed are circulated throughout the city."
    "Oh, I see," and after waiting some little time for him to continue, Mrs. Bunby asked, "Is that all?"
    "Thank Heaven, yes!" he grumbled behind the paper he had resumed. Silence followed. He read on undisturbed for fully an hour. His wife, having regained her hold on the poker, was occupied in twirling it, at the same time murmuring, when looking intent at the ashes. "Types, matter, galley proofs, devils, quoins, presses."
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 29, 1881, page 1

    Joseph Rapp was in town yesterday with apples as sound and delicious as if just picked from the trees, and he made another white mark in Heaven by coming to see the printers. Thanks.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 7, 1881, page 3

    HOW PRINTING AFFECTS THE HEALTH.--Years ago there was a notion prevalent among those who were but partially informed upon the question that printing business was especially detrimental to health. There was a tradition about the absorption of poison from the constituents of which type metal was composed. This was and is true so far as it asserts the poisonous nature of some of the constituent parts of type metal; but that these poisons should necessarily be absorbed into the system of the one who handles type is simply absurd. Printers who have such habits of cleanliness and sobriety as a decent respect for one's self and the opinion of others might be expected to dictate may follow their calling for years without experiencing any further damaging effects upon their health than what will result from close application to any sort of hard work. More "poison" is absorbed by the printer when taking observations of his little finger through the bottom of a glass than in any other way.--The Chicago Specimen.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 21, 1882, page 4

    Madame Holt has placed the mechanical and editorial staff under obligation by a nice pound cake.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 9, 1881, page 3

    Geo. Schumpf on Wednesday last brought down nine dozen of fine trout caught in Squaw Lake by Henry Carter. He has our thanks for a mess.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 10, 1882, page 3

    It is a penitentiary offense for an outsider to waltz into a printing office and read the copy or proof sheets that may be lying upon the cases or table.
'Local Items,' Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 1, 1882, page 3

    "TOO THIN."--The editor of the Times says he "pied" the portion of the courthouse article left out of the papers sent to the "rural deestricts," and hadn't time to rearrange it in season for the Butte Creek and Sams Valley mail. Perhaps he will find someone who will believe him. Anyone who knows anything about a printing office, however, knows that the printers in the Times office could set up the matter in question in about fifteen minutes, and the mails for Sams Valley and Butte Creek leave Jacksonville on Friday morning, while the matter was "pied," Charley says, Thursday evening. This "pie" business is too old an excuse to cover such a case nowadays. Printing is not such a mystery to common people as it was 100 years ago.--Tidings.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 30, 1882, page 3

    Mrs. Wm. Kreutzer made us an exceedingly pleasant visit this week, bringing along a hot mince pie. Judging from the way it disappeared down the throats of ye hungry printer it must have been good. Thanks.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
November 25, 1882, page 3

    The Curry County Post has changed its day of publication from Saturday to Friday. The Post is a live, active, newsy little paper. Walter Sutton, its editor, began the life of a printer in this office many years ago.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 27, 1883, page 3

   MISTAKES IN NEWSPAPERS.--In an article on "How Mistakes Happen in Newspapers," the Poughkeepsie Eagle figures up the number of type used in a newspaper the size of the Eagle at 600,000; that is the actual number of bits of material arranged for each newspaper of that size for the press. We suppose few people think of the printing trade as one of the most exact and particular handicrafts. But it is. In making type, variations that might be allowed in the finest machinery would render type useless. It is very rarely that the type furnished by two separate foundries can be used together without a great deal of trouble, even though they should try to make it after the standard. We read once in a while of a wonderful piece of cabinet or mosaic work containing ten, twenty, or fifty thousand pieces, the maker of which has spent months and even years of labor in producing it, and the people go to see it as a curiosity; but the most elaborate and carefully fitted piece of work of this kind ever made does not compare for minute detail and accuracy of fitting with that which the printer does every day. The man who does the first is looked upon as a marvel of skill, and if a hundred of his pieces are put in wrong side up or turned around, it is not noticed in the general effect, but if the printer in putting together ten times as many pieces in a single day puts one the wrong way, everybody sees it and is amazed at the "stupid carelessness of those printers."

Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 30, 1883, page 4

    Mr. Jos. Rapp has the thanks of the printers for some delicious watermelons. Rap again.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
August 18, 1883, page 3

A Sketch of Life Behind the Scenes in a Newspaper Composing-Room.
    There was a wife, and there was a boy. Long before anyone now in the office had a "sit" in news-room, press-room, business office, or sanctum, and before the old man had begun to look out at the world through spectacles and his figure was as straight as it was tall, the typos and reporters used to hear him talk about buying a lot and building a house out on the hill, where he could have a patch of garden. And by and by he was going to quit "sticking type," and get into something that would let him stay home nights, and get acquainted with his family. And the suit of clothes he bought in the fall lasted a long way into the next summer, and then they came out again in the winter, and the old man "rushed" more than he ever did again while that dream of home was inspiring him. It is an old story, this struggle of a printer to get a home; any one of these restless mariners of the land, drifting from port to port and back again, lured by the ignis fatuus of so many cents more a thousand and a price and a half after two o'clock, and big bills with four or five nights' work. Never a wandering "jour" got a chance to stand at the old man's case while he was saving money for a house and lot, and the "subs" looked at him with the despairing glances of starvation. But it is hard, uphill work for the printer to buy a home. His pay is easily reduced and seldom raised; a long strike means taking to the road for him, and if he has a family and can't tramp, he breaks his heart, puts dust on his head, and goes "out of the union," and wearily works at the bosses' rates. So the old man worked bravely on, as many a printer has worked before and since his time, and the little plant in the bank began to grow brighter as the old clothes grew shabbier.
    And the boy growing into his tenth year used to be seen in the office after school, standing at his tall father's elbow, learning, in a very irregular, boyish, unapprenticed fashion, with a "cataract of questions," to "stick type." The old man never intended the boy should be a printer. And he was proud of him and of his standing at school. And once the boy wrote a ten-line account of a boy falling downstairs, and a good-natured reporter sent it in just as it came, although it was a dull day, and the scribe wanted awfully to make it a column and put on a hanging head. And the old man sent marked copies of that paper to every soul he knew in this world.
    But one day an unbidden guest came home from school with the boy, and sat down by the hearthstone in the old man's rented home. And the long days of fever and doctors' bills drew out nearly all that little bank account, and one black day the old man's case was empty, and the business office told the undertaker that all his bills would be paid there, and he mustn't take any money from the old man. And pale, and quiet, and sad-looking old and worn was the printer who came next day and took his old place at the case. The types didn't click very fast in that "alley" for days after that. And sometimes the printer's face would be lying on the boxes in his folded arms, and how pathetic looked the half-filled "stick" in the clasped hands, the composing rule fallen out of its place, and the pied type and leads all tumbling together. More than one printer, going by on his way to empty his stick in the galley, was a long time bending down to find the "take" his own followed; and more than one, looking across at the heartbroken picture of sorrow, leaned close down to his copy to read fair writing that was never blurred when it came off the hook, and brimmed his eyes with an unsteady hand, saying something about the dust or the glare of the light. And then, about five years after that the boy's mother, weary of the long pilgrimage, lay down to rest in a cool arbor, roofed with waving grass and blue violets, and awoke to kiss her boy.
    After that, streaks of gray showed plainly over the old man's head, and the broad shoulders stooped a little, and it was about that time the boys began to call him "the old man." The office was his home now. When I first came on the paper, I remember how he used to come into the sanctum every Saturday afternoon and run over the exchanges for his Sunday reading; and there were certain papers that were always saved for him. I soon learned his quiet ways, and many times I have hid his favorite exchanges for him, so that the senior editors might not cut them. And when the manager revised the exchange list, and cut off, among a hundred others, all the old man's favorite country exchanges, I was the guilty man who, by a mandatory note on the official letterhead, smuggled them right back again. And the old man always came into the editorial rooms to write letters to a half-sister, I believe, who was the only relative he had in the world. She was dependent, I think, for I know the business manager used sometimes to pay the old man in drafts when he wanted to send her money.
    He began to grow old now. His sorrows didn't make a morose man of him. He was quiet, save when he preached his little sermon on temperance to the boys, or expressed his views on the political issues of the day. When he preached or debated, he had a way of sitting at his case, or standing in the alley, his stick poised in the air, marking off the emphatic portions of his remarks. The great, big, solemn spectacles came upon the face now, and the boys occasionally suggested that he "open his windows and let in the air." He only worked four nights a week after a while, and fell into a habit of setting up a good deal of reprint in the afternoon. Nights, when he put on a "sub," he sat in the composing room and pottered around till midnight, for a man can't break the habits of a lifetime. In the winter he "stoked," because nobody else knew how to make the stove draw, and the old man would make things roar until the stovepipe was red clear to the ceiling.
    He had a fashion now, too, of singing snatches of old hymns as he stood at his case. I don't know where he learned them, unless when he was a boy. A printer on a morning paper, who goes to bed about 4 or 5 o'clock Sunday morning, doesn't feel much like getting up and going to church at half-past ten. Sunday night he goes with his family, if he has one, and if he has neither wife nor sweetheart to take him, it depends largely on the weather. If he can't stay outdoors, he goes to church; but if the weather is pleasant, he rather thinks that six nights a week in the house is enough. Slug Nine used to call the old man's case "The Meetin' House," and sometimes helped him sing, but Slug Nine's sacred music was always too vociferous in its character to please the typos, who made it a rule to "wood up" with their sticks and rattle him down.
    Sometimes the old man would lay down his stick, take off his spectacles in a thoughtful way, and stand looking out of the window a long time, forgetting there was a "galley" that couldn't be "proved" until he "emptied," looking away off, so far away from clicking type and the clatter of the mallet and planer that it seemed a pity to call him back, and the boys would say:
    "The old man's getting old."
    He never seemed to be very ambitious; never joined in the clamor to "have the markets go 'round"; didn't seem to aspire to the "ad" case, and I think he was a little bit afraid of table work. He seemed to feel, sometimes, his lack of early advantages, but he had a good print shop education. Slug Nine said the old man learned his letters right from the boxes, and grew up and learned to set type in one of those mustang offices, where they keep the type in a coffee sack, and chalk out the cases on the floor. He wasn't even a very fast printer; he didn't often rush, and he never "soldiered for fat on the hook," but took whatever came along with equal patience and good nature, whether it was a "pick up" or a great take of "blind copy," scribbled in pencil on blue foolscap on both sides of the paper and marked "solid," with never a break or paragraph from A to Z. But he would stand at that old case and  pick up type all night, pegging along on straight brevier as tranquilly as though he struck a display head on every take. He always made fair bills, and after a while, as the sixties began creeping on him, the boys had a way of "soldiering" for him, and maybe you don't know how hard it is for a printer not to drop a good many type, and fumble for the boxes, and let his thumb get most awfully sore, and have to hunt for the bellows and blow out his case, and study the copy very closely and find it dreadfully hard to read, and all that sort of thing, when by rushing a little he can get a "pick-up" as long as your arm, and a "leaded" take with a paragraph to every sentence. But they did that for the old man, and he knew it by and by, and loved the boys as though they were his own, every last "slug" of them.
    And so, year after year, he wrought among the boys on a morning paper. He went to bed about the time the rest of the world got up, and he arose about the time the rest of the world sat down to dinner. He worked by every kind of light except sunlight. There were candles in the office when they came in; then they had lard-oil lamps that smoked and sputtered and smelled; then he saw two or three printers blinded by explosions of camphene and spirit-gas; then kerosene came in and heated up the news-room on summer nights like a furnace; then the office put in gas; and now the electric light hung from the ceiling and dazzled his old eyes, and glared into them from his copy. If he sang on his way home, a policeman bade him "cheese that," and reminded him that he was disturbing the peace, and people wanted to sleep. But when he wanted to sleep, the rest of the world, for whom he had sat up all night to make a morning paper, roared and crashed down by the noisy street under his window with cart and truck and omnibus; blared with brass bands, howled with hand organs, and talked and shouted; and even the shrieking newsboy, with a ghastly sarcasm, murdered the sleep of the tired old printer by yelling the name of his own paper. Year after year the foreman roared at him to "remember that this wasn't an afternoon paper"; editors shrieked down the tube to "have a blind man put on that dead man's case"; smart young proofreaders scribbled sarcastic comments on his work, on the margin of his proof-slips; long-winded correspondents, learning to write, and long-haired poets, who could never learn to spell, wrathfully cast all their imperfections upon his head. But through it all he wrought patiently, and found more sunshine than shadow in the world; he had more friends than enemies. Printers, and foremen, and pressmen, and reporters, and editors came and went, but he stayed, and he saw news-room and sanctum filled and emptied, and filled and emptied again, and filled again with new and strange faces.
    He was working one night, and when the hours that are so short in the ball-room and so long in the composing-room drew wearily on, he was tired. He "hadn't thrown in a full case," he said. One of the boys, tired as himself--but a printer is never too tired to be good natured--offered to change places with him, but the old man said there was enough in his case to last him through his take, and he wouldn't work any more tonight. The type clicked in the silent room, and by and by the old man said:
    "I'm out of sorts."
    He sat down by the low window sill by his case, with his stick in his hand, his hands folded wearily in his lap. The types clicked on. A galley of telegraph waited.
    "Will anyone kindly tell me what gentleman is lingering with D 13?" called the foreman, who was always dangerously polished and polite when he was on the point of exploding with wrath and impatience.
    Slug Nine, passing by the alley, stopped to speak to the old man, sitting there so quietly.
    The telegraph boy came, running in with the last manifold sheet, shouting:
    They carried the old man to the foreman's long long table, and laid him down reverently, and covered his face. They took the stick out of his nerveless hand, and read his last take:
    BOSTON, November 23.--The American barque Pilgrim went to pieces off Marblehead in a light gale, about midnight. She was old and unseaworthy, and this was to have been her last trip.
Daily Morning Astorian, Astoria, Oregon, June 15, 1884, page 1

    The Sentinel office is not the only place in Southern Oregon where you can get A-1 printing done, but we are prepared to bid on and furnish any kind of work in that line at prices to suit the times, and without figuring on the length of the customer's purse before making the estimate. "Stick a crowbar in that spot."
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 23, 1885, page 3

    The man drowned in Klamath River last week was a tramp printer that worked in the Medford Monitor office a few days before the accident.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 30, 1885, page 3

His Recollections of Early Days in the Office of a Weekly Paper.
Response to a Toast at a Ben Franklin Banquet.

    "All things change in the procession of years, and it may be that I am among strangers. It may be that the printer of today is not the printer of thirty-five years ago. I was no stranger to him. I knew him well. I built his fire for him in the winter mornings; I brought his water from the village pump; I swept out his office; I picked up his type from under the stand; and, if he was there to see, I put the good type in his case, and the broken ones among the 'hell matter'; and, if he wasn't there to see, I dumped it all with the 'pi' on the imposing stone, for that was the furtive fashion of the cub, and I was a cub. I wetted down the paper Saturdays, I turned it Sundays, for this was a country weekly; I rolled, I washed the rollers. I washed the forms, I folded the papers, I carried them around at dawn Thursday mornings, I enveloped the papers that were for the mail--we had 100 town subscribers and 350 country ones; the town subscribers paid in groceries and the country ones in cabbages and cordwood when they paid at all, which was merely sometimes, and then we always stated the fact in the paper, and gave them a puff; and if we forgot it they stopped the paper. Every man on the town list helped edit the thing--that is, he gave orders as to how it was to be edited; dictated its opinions, marked out its course for it, and every time the boss failed to connect, he stopped his paper. We were just infested with critics, and we tried to satisfy them all over. We had one subscriber who paid cash, and he was more trouble to us than all the rest. He bought us, once a year, body and soul, for $2. He used to modify our politics every which way, and he made us change our religion four times in five years. If we ever tried to reason with him, he would threaten to stop his paper, and of course that meant bankruptcy and destruction. That man used to write articles a column and a half long, leaded long primer, and sign them 'Junius' or 'Veritas' or 'Vox Populi,' or some other high-sounding rot; and then, after it was set up he would come in and say he had changed his mind--which was a gilded figure of speech, because he hadn't any--and order it to be left out. We couldn't stand such a waste as that; we couldn't afford 'bogus' in that office; so we always took the leads out, altered the signature, credited the article to the rival paper in the next village, and put it in. Well, we did have one or two kinds of 'bogus.' Whenever there was a barbecue, or a circus, or a baptizing, we knocked off for half a day; and then to make up for short matter we would 'turn over ads'--turn over the whole page and duplicate it The other 'bogus' was deep philosophical stuff, which we judged nobody ever read; so we kept a galley of it standing and kept on slapping the same old batches of it in, every now and then, till it got dangerous. Also, in the early days of the telegraph we used to economize on the news. We picked out the items that were pointless and barren of information and stood them on a galley, and changed the dates and localities and used them over and over again till the public interest in them was worn to the bone. We marked the ads, but we seldom paid any attention to the marks afterward; so the life of a 'td' ad and a 'tf' ad was equally eternal. I have seen a 'td' notice of a sheriff's sale still booming serenely along two years after the sale was over, the sheriff dead and the whole circumstance become ancient history. Most of the yearly ads were patent medicine stereotypes, and we used to fence with them. Life was easy with us; if we pied a form we suspended till next week, and we always suspended every now and then when the fishing was good, and explained it by the illness of the editor, a paltry excuse because that kind of a paper was just as well off with a sick editor as a well one, and better off with a dead one than with either of them. He was full of blessed egotism and placid self-importance, but he didn't know as much as a 3-em quad. He never set any type except in the rush of the last day, and then he would smouch all the poetry, and leave the rest to 'jeff' for the solid takes. He wrote with impressive flatulence and soaring confidence upon the vastest subjects; but puffing alms, gifts of wedding cake, salty ice cream, abnormal watermelons, and sweet potatoes the size of your leg was his best hold. He was always a poet--a kind of poet of the Carrier's Address breed--and whenever his intellect suppurated, and he read the result to the printers and asked for their opinion they were very frank and straightforward about it. They generally scraped their rules on the boxes all the time he was reading, and called it 'hog wash' when he got through. All this was thirty-five years ago, when the man who could set 700 [ems] an hour could put on just as many airs as he wanted to; and if these New York men who recently on a wager set 2,000 an hour solid minion for four hours on a stretch had appeared in that office, they would have been received as accomplishers of the supremely impossible, and drenched with hospitable beer till the brewery was bankrupt ,
    "I can see that printing office of prehistoric times yet, with its horse bills on the walls, its 'd' boxes clogged with tallow, because we always stood the candle in the 'k' box nights; its towel, which was not considered soiled until it could stand alone, and other signs and symbols that marked the establishment of that kind in the Mississippi Valley; and I can see also the tramping 'jour' who flitted by in the summer and tarried a day, with his wallet stuffed with one shirt and a hatful of handbills; for if he couldn't get any type to set he would do a temperance lecture. His way of life was simple, his needs not complex; all he wanted was plate and bed, and money enough to get drunk on and he was satisfied. But it may be, as I have said, that I am among strangers, and sing the glories of a forgotten age to unfamiliar ears, so I will 'make even' and stop."
Daily Morning Astorian, February 3, 1886, page 3

Buying a Press.
Estelline (Dak.) Bell.
    A large man with a mustache brooding over his mouth like some great national sorrow visited the Bell office this week. He was traveling for an Eastern house which makes a specialty of printing materials and sight drafts. He tried to sell us a large press with wheels on it and a strongly made and binding chattel mortgage attachment.
    He spoke very highly of this latter feature and said their mortgages were never known to break. He said the mortgages they were now putting up for printers in the Northwest were alike satisfactory to themselves and the sheriff. He also spoke incidentally of the press itself, and we gathered that it was to be set up and fed with white paper, which would come out nicely printed with tariff editorials and original clippings. We judged that either a Democratic or Republican press could be ordered and that there was no extra charge for an attachment to run in an original poem.
    Our first impulse was to seize a pen and write out a check sufficiently able-bodied to cover the cost of recording the mortgage. Turning, we caught a reproachful glance from the dark, cast-iron countenance of the old Washington hand press and desisted. Part of the desist was caused by not being able to call to mind the address of any bank which had ever put in sealed proposals for handling our checks.
    To turn the matter off we asked the man if he had a sample press with him. He said he had not. Then we said that we did not believe that his house would start him out on the road without one, and that it was our opinion he had pawned it. We told him that we proposed to report him and that we had no further use for him. He seemed agitated, and after leaving a bill for some type we ordered of his firm last week he went out.
    When the press peddler had formally put on his injured look and jumped the office, we turned to the old hand press with a sigh of relief. After all, that style of press seems to give the greatest satisfaction. No one can write intelligently of the power of the press who has not pulled it. It seems to have early in life ordered a large consignment of choice springy power, and to still have most of it on hand. It is all used in holding back. The man who said the press was the greatest power in the world had pulled the Washington hand variety. Some people may think that Washington should have kept right on crossing the Delaware and freezing to death at Valley Forge instead of stopping to invent a balky printing press. The calm, dispassionate historian of the future who is working by the day will have to decide this point.
    All this will go to explain why we still work off the paper on the stationary press when we might have one which would be amply competent to get up on the editorial tripod and put its feet on the table. Some people may prefer to have a press sitting around the office blowing about having more brains than the editor, but we do not long for it. Give us rather the simple society of the hand press, which will not shy at the cars and was never known to kick its hind feet through the dashboard. 
Ashland Tidings, May 28, 1886, page 1

Something About the Characteristics of the Old-Fashioned Tramp Printer.
    No mere machine would ever fill the place of the old-fashioned printer, commonly known as a tramp. He belongs to a separate species of the human race. He has no hesitation in correcting the editor's manuscript, and making him say things he would not say. It is idle for the editor to say he is right. The old-fashioned printer has traveled more and knows better. If the editor, by pertinacity, does finally succeed in getting a passage corrected the way he wants it, it is disagreeable to see the old-fashioned printer slam his rule down on the case and start off with the galley toward the imposing stone with the remark that there are a number of chumps in the West who imagine, because they are able to write a few lines, that they know more than the universe. He doesn't say so, but we instinctively feel that he means us, and necessarily he must be the universe. Whatever may be the politics of the paper on which the old-fashioned printer works, his are invariably the opposite. This is to show that he is not to be coerced. He will borrow a dollar from the proprietor, and then go off and vote against the proprietor's interests, just to show his independence. He can umpire a baseball game, conduct a class meeting or give a temperance lecture while he is full up
to the neck. He is consistent in one thing. He opposes Chinese labor, and never patronizes a Chinese laundry. It is true that he rarely patronizes any other laundry, but that does not deteriorate from his consistency. He will borrow a quarter from the editor, and then denounce the editor's greenness for lending it to him. He would rather steal a ride on a freight train than to travel on a pass in a palace car. He has a profound hatred for boarding house keepers, and with not a cent in his pocket does not hesitate to criticize the bill of fare in the most severe terms. Give him a quarter to buy drinks, and he may spend part of it for something to eat; give him a quarter to buy victuals and the money is sure to go for whiskey. And yet, with all these contrarities, we should hate to see the old-fashioned printer supplanted by a machine. When almost starving himself he will divide his last penny with a brother printer. Memories of a mother and sister cause him to respect womanhood. And when he lies down to die, it may be in the bottom of a freight car, or in the corner of a fence, with nothing to wrap his shivering form but his dilapidated clothing; a generous heart often ceases to beat with his last breath. Who shall say that in the hereafter there is not a better future for the old-fashioned printer?--Peoria Transcript.
Valley Record, Ashland, November 1, 1888, page 1

    The hand press used in printing the first paper ever published on the Pacific Coast, Col. T'Vault's Oregon Spectator, is still in use in the Journal office at Eugene, and is said to be one of the best hand presses in the state today. The press has been in constant use for more than 43 years, the first number of the Spectator having been issued on the 5th day of February, 1846.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 2, 1889, page 2

    This issue closes the first year's existence of the Valley Record. Although we have not been in the habit, which prevails among newspapers generally, of devoting our space largely to "tooting our own horn," on this occasion our readers will please indulge us a little. Besides being a success from the start, the Record's circulation passed the 1000 mark some time ago and is now on a good start towards 1500. This is a circulation that many interior papers of older establishment don't generally exceed, and for rapidity of growth in that length of time is seldom outdone by papers published in places of this size and its surrounding population. Additions have been made to the office which amount to three times the cost of the original plant, including a job printing outfit. We have sent for smaller type (minion size) and will put the Record in a new dress as soon as it arrives. This is done so as to get more news and reading matter on each page of the paper. A mailing machine, in order to get the mail up quicker, something badly needed, and which will allow us a couple hours later in going to press, has also been ordered and will soon be in operation. Should our business "keep up its lick" by next year [we] will put in a mammoth power printing press (to be run by an electric motor, from the Ashland Power & Electric Light Co.'s plant for transmitting power throughout the city, which will be in operation by that time), to take the place of our Prouty cylinder press.
    Just as soon as we feel convinced that a good daily paper would receive enough support to be a paying enterprise, a daily edition of the Record will be issued. A paper that can't make money is of no service to a community, and there is no use in running dailies unless they pay.
Valley Record, Ashland, May 9, 1889, page 2

    Wm. Mills, of the Star Bakery, has the thanks of the Tidings printers for a treat of his excellent ice cream this week. He will sell lots of it when the mercury begins to rise again.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, May 17, 1889, page 3

    Rev. F. B. Ticknor and Ira Phelps, of Medford, printed this week the first issue of their new paper at that place. It  is a six-column paper, one side patent, issued semi-weekly, and the first copy is neatly printed and newsy.
Ashland Tidings, September 6, 1889, page 3

The Printing Office Towel.
    When I think of the towel, the old-fashioned towel, that used to hang up by the printing house door, I think that nobody in these days of shoddy can hammer out iron to wear as it wore. The tramp who abused it, the devil who used it, the comp who got at it when these two were gone, the makeup and foreman, the editor, the poor man, each rubbed some grime off while they put a heap on. In, over and under, 'twas blacker than thunder, 'twas harder than poverty, rougher than sin; from the roller suspended, it never was bended, and it flapped on the wall like a banner of tin. It grew thicker and rougher and harder and tougher, and daily put on a more inkier hue, until one windy morning, without any warning, it fell to the floor, and was broken in two.--[Robert Burdette.
Valley Record, Ashland, October 31, 1889, page 2

    OLD PRINTING PRESSES.--Our Scott Valley News friend claims a couple of the oldest presses in the state, a Ramage which was purchased from the Yreka Journal by Hamilton Carlock, to practice as an amateur printer before the News was started, and the other a Smith press brought from Trinity County by Evans, who started the News in 1877, assisted by Norcross, a Weaverville printer. Neither of these presses had the credit of printing the pioneer paper of the state. When coming to this state in the spring of '52 we visited Sonora in Tuolumne County, and worked a few days on the Herald at that place, where the publisher claimed to have the Monterey Star press, an old Ramage, of considerably larger size than the one now in the Scott Valley News office, which had a wooden frame, iron platen and stone bed. Whether the press in the Herald office was the pioneer press we cannot say; but it looked venerable enough to be the press used by old Ben Franklin, over a century ago at the least. There was a still older Ramage press in Siskiyou County than the one at the Scott Valley News office, which was sent to the Yreka foundry some 8 or 10 years ago. It was the pioneer of  Siskiyou, on which was printed the Mountain Herald, of Yreka, by Thornbury and Slade, 1854 to 1856, and was also used in printing the National Democrat, a Breckinridge paper published in Yreka during the 1861 campaign, when Leland Stanford was elected on the Republican ticket as Governor. The Journal, under our control, supported Stanford, Republican candidate; the National Democrat advocated McConnell, Breckinridge candidate, and the Union was for Conners, the Douglas Democratic candidate.--Yreka Journal.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 27, 1890, page 1

Printers in Congress.
    More printers are in the House of Representatives than members of any other single occupation or profession, except the law. Amos Cummings, of New York, was a tramp printer, and says he has set type in every state in the Union. Senator Plumb was first a printer, then an editor, and finally a banker. Gallinger, of New Hampshire, was a printer, but afterward studied medicine. Farquhar, of New York, is not only a printer, but was once president of the U.S. Typographical Union. "Tim" Campbell was a compositor on the New York Herald when he was elected to the New York Legislature. O'Donnell, of Michigan, learned the printing business, and has always kept at it. Dingley, of Maine; Noran, of Ohio; Nicoll, of North Carolina; Wickham, of Ohio; Hudd, of Wisconsin; Yost, of Virgina, were all printers.--[New York Tribune.
Ashland Tidings,
December 5, 1890, page 1

    "The Mail office was blessed by the presence of a number of young ladies last Thursday who 'came to see us print.' After leaving the accustomed amount of 'pi' and folding some papers they left, promising they would call again, bless their innocent hearts."--And so read an item in the personal and local column of the Medford Mail of May 28, 1891, of which Newell Harlan was editor.
"Tribune of 1891," Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1933, page 7

    Harry Temple is setting type in the News office.

"Central Point," Medford Mail, April 28, 1893, page 2

    As time moves on, in a way it got into the habit of doing years ago, and the Mail's subscription list grows larger, the need of a new and more modern printing press becomes more noticeable, and every time our old Washington press is handspiked around--over two thousand times each week--with a muscular movement which gives one "that tired feeling,'' we disclaim our loyalty to the man who invented this great boon to county newspapers and extend our reach ever into the arena of modern machinery and power presses. Our reach over into that realm hasn't come in contact with anything in the press line as yet, but if our subscribers who are owing us will sort o' wend their way in our direction with the necessary collateral we will strive mightily to place the Mail office on a level with all other things modern in this garden spot of the great Rogue. 
Medford Mail, June 23, 1893, page 2

    Notice is hereby given, that under and pursuant to the provisions of a certain chattel mortgage executed and delivered to me, the undersigned on the 15th day of February, 1893, by the Astorian Columbian Publishing Company, upon the personal property hereinafter described, to secure the payment of the sum of $11,925.86, and interest thereon from that date until paid at the rate of eight percent per annum, I have taken possession of the said chattels because of default made in the payments in said mortgage provided, and will, on Monday the 28th day of August, 1893, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Astorian office in the city of Astoria, in Clatsop County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder therefor, as a whole, the following described chattels in said mortgage described, to wit:
    1 sitting desk, 4 bricks, 4 maps, 1 standing desk, 4 Shannon files, letter size; 1 bill file, 3 small spindle files, 2 clips, 1 letter press, 1 chair, 2 stools, 1 coal stove, 1 scuttle, 1 poker, 4 joints stovepipe, 3 picture frames, 1 pen-wiping glass pot, 1 book rest, 4 ink wells, 1 mucilage bottle, half full; 1 Amberg letter file, 1 duster, 1 hat rack, 1 letter box, 22 paperweights, 1 pair shears, 200 letterheads, 100 envelopes, 50 J. G. Blaine pictures, 50 sheets proof of publication, 50 statements Astorian, 6 large envelopes, 50 billheads Astorian, 1 wastepaper basket, 1 daily paper pigeonhole rack, 3 blueprints, 25 yards oilcloth (on floor), 2 yards twine, 3 copying clothes, 1 gas fixture, 1 red ink pad, 6 pen holders, 2 rubber erasers, 1 12" rule, 1 18" rule, 1 ball twine, 1 ink stand carpet, 2 doz. Dickens paper novels, 1 D.G. coal box, 9 office books, acct., 4 blinds with cord attached, 1 view, 1 National cabinet file, 3 maps, 2 pigeonhole racks & contents, 4 newspaper files, 1 wastepaper basket, 2 blinds, 29 books, 1 blotting pad, 12 square feet of linoleum, 1 gum pot and brush, 4 spindle files, 1 editor's desk, 4 bottles ink, 1 cupboard, 6 old letter files, 1 gas fixture, 1 rocker, 1 chair, 1 paper case, 1 diary, 1 calendar, 1 spring lock, 1 breeches stretcher, nickel plated, 1 House and Senate bill file, 25 newspaper cuts, 1 whisk broom, 1 high cupboard, containing: 35 single person acknowledgments, 10 appointment of road supervisors, 60 old acknowledgments, 25 corporation acknowledgments, 40 secretary or administrator's accounts, 25 affidavits of attachments, 13 affidavits for publication of summons, 9 affidavits on claim and delivery of personal property, 30 appointments of road viewers, 4 assignments, 46 agreement of sale of real estate, 72 administrators of exc. bond, 75 letters of administration, 75 writs of attachments, 25 articles of co-partnerships, 28 bond of guardian sale of real estate, 40 bond of guardian, 30 bill of sale, 20 bench warrants, 40 bond of road petitioners, 80 general indemnity bonds, 150 bill of costs, 15 county clerk's certificates, 50 certificates of election, 75 bill of costs and disbursements, 50 regular term circuit court proceedings, 50 certificates of naturalization, 9 com. to take deposition, 10 regular term of circuit court proceedings, 5 special, ditto; 100 cover of judgment roll, 35 certificates of transcript, 30 creditor's claims, 40 citation, 35 clerk certificates of official character, 35 certificates of record, 20 deposition, 12 exc. fr. circuit court on judgment rendered in justice court, 75 executions, 40 trial discharge, 20 inventory and appointment, 15 indictments, 35 letters testamentary, 35 letters of guardianship, 25 lease (long term), 12 mortgages, 8 percent and taxes, 1 ditto 11 mortgage covenant of warranty, 30 ditto chattel, 30 mechanic's liens, 60 notices to judges of election, 30 ditto to clerk ditto, 30 ditto of appeal, 40 ditto sheriff's sale, 35 orders of publication of summons, 60 official oath and bond, 35 order appointing appraisers, 30 ditto administrators, 25 orders granting writ of habeas corpus, 30 petitions for appointment of guardian, 20 orders ditto, 50 power of attorney to sell real estate, 17 petitions for probate of will, 20 power of attorney, 25 petition for writ of habeas corpus, 35 ditto letters of administration, 70 grand jury subpoenas copy, 100 ditto original, 75 subpoenas (copy), 20 ditto (original), 10 ditto criminal (original), 100 ditto criminal (copy), 50 sheriff's certificate of sale & foreclosure, 225 ditto on execution, 60 summons (original), 20 transcript of judgment, 50 testimony of sub. witness to will, 15 undertaking on appeal, 2 ditto injunction, 10 ditto for attachment, 20 venire, 40 ditto special, 12 verification of claim against estate, 20 wills, 12 writ of habeas corpus, 40 ditto review, 1 folding machine, 1 cylinder press complete, 1 gas engine, 1 monkey wrench, l shooting stick, 1 fret saw,1 14" file, 1 6" file, 1 box copper rivets, 1 roll press tape, 3 oil cans, 1 dipping table, 5 paper board, 1 cockroach bellows, 5 pieces pipe, 1 stove, 5 roller moulds, 2 lamps, 1 doz. cans lye, 2 cans machine oil, 6 bdles. paper, 2½ rms. ea. 24x36 30-lb., 33 bdles. paper, 2 rms. ea. 23x32 23 lbs. 2 rms. flat news 40 lbs., 1 folder's table, 5 stones, 7 frames, 3 batteries, 2 galley rack, 1 barrel ink, 1 counter, 1 book case, 2 sets shelves, 1 elevator, 50 feet shafting, 7 pulleys, 6 hangers, 175 feet of belting (about that), 1 cabinet, 1 stepladder, 1 desk, 1 chair, 2 stools, 1 proof press, 14 chases, 1 folder table, 1 box "wanderings" type, 8 brevier cap cases & type, 4 ditto lower cases & type, 8 minion upper cap cases, 4 ditto lower cap cases, 4 nonpareil cap cases, 4 ditto lower cap cases, 54 cases advertising type--italic full cases, 44⅔ advertising type--19 single galleys, 5 double galleys, 9 gas fixtures with 150 ft. pipe, 1 smoothing plane, 2 planers, 1 mallet, 1 shooting stick, 1 set Hempel's quoins, 2 keys, 2 lead cutters, 1 miter machine, 1 Webster's dictionary, 2 newspaper files, 1 slug case & lead, 1 boxwood quoin, 11 galley sticks, 2 iron lockup sticks, 1 lot type sorts, 1 handsaw, 1 miter box, 1 box wrapped brevier type, 1 dust pan, 12 boxes stereotype plate, 1 gl. oil can, 1 shovel, l pan, 1 wastepaper basket, 1 sponge, 4 news sticks, 100 pounds leads, 12x13 em, 25 pounds slugs, 12x13 & 26½ em, 350 dashes & rules, 125 warranty deeds, 45 quit claim deeds, 62 New York bill of lading, 35 for sale cards, 16 for rent cards large, 9 house for rent cards, 39 for rent cards small, 220 bonds for deeds, 50 chattel mortgages, 250 bond for deed large, 200 lease, 60 criminal subpoenas (copy) circuit, 60 ditto (original) circuit, 75 civil subpoenas (copy) circuit, 125 ditto (original) circuit, 100 ditto (copy) justice, 125 ditto (original) justice, 40 writ of attachment circuit, ditto 100 ditto justice (original), 75 ditto justice (copy), 40 summons ditto (copy), 60 summons ditto (original), 130 writ of arrest ditto, 30 warrants ditto, 200 affidavit for writ of arrest circuit, 40 ditto attachment, 300 writ of attachment, 300 undertakings for attachment, 300 subpoenas civil, 25 undertakings on bail before indictment, 100 summons (copy) circuit, 75 ditto original ditto, 35 search warrants, 20 commitment after indictment justice, 25 subpoenas, 125 executions (original) justice, 25 garnishees, 100 undertaking for costs, 25 information, 100 complaints, 75 bonds for costs (justice), 40 shipper's manifests, 25 ditto coasting, 100 marriage certificates, 30 county disbursements, 75 marriage licenses, 75 notice of protest, 30 protest, 2 file backs, 75 for rent cards small, 9 road supervisor's notice books, 200 relief of tax applications, 22 furnished rooms to let cards, 12 "This awning is dangerous keep off" cards, 5 "All statements etc." cards, 9 "Positively no credit etc." cards, 5 "No soliciting etc." cards, 11 promissory notes, 50 teacher's agreements, 50 hotel call lists, 100 complaint backs, 1 half med. Challenge job press, 1 nonpareil press, 1 paper cutter, 1 card co., 1 lead do., 1 miter machine, 3 stoves, 1 coal stove, 18 ft. stove pipe, 1 perforating machine, 1 glue pot, 2 composition buckets, 3 half medium chases, 1 chase, 17 24x17 5 nonpareil chases, 6 half med. rollers, 2 galley racks, 75 feet gas pipe and fixtures, 2 stapling machines, 1 handsaw, 1 screwdriver, 1 pair compasses, 1 half med. roller mould, 1 quarter med. roller mould, 1 rack wood and furniture, 1 single galley, 6 double galleys, 1 job galleys, 5 job sticks, 3 stools, 24 Hemple quoins with key, 1 bellows, 1 broom, 1 rule shaper, 5 wrenches, 1 butcher knife, 1 punch, 1 hatchet, 1 coal bucket, 7 tin lamp shades, 1 bird cage, 1 short stepladder, 1 looking glass, 1 funnel, 1 dust pan 1 planer, 1 lye brush, 2 oil cans, 2 ink knives, 1 proof roller, 2 dust brushes, 1 job elevator, 1 wash stand, 1 paste pot and brush, ½ paper steel wire brads, ½ paper copper tacks, 2 small screw drivers, 1 box (500) small staples, 2 spools thread, ½ box McGill's paper fasteners 10 lbs, 1 awl, ⅔ qt. diamond dye, 2 cans roller composition, 2 cans green copying ink, 1½-lb. can purple copying ink, 1 pound ultramarine blue ink, ½ pound bronze; ½ lb. printer's gloss ink, ½ lb. steel blue ink, ½ lb. photo brown ink, ½ lb. gold size ink, 3 lbs. red ink, ¼ lb. blue ink, ¼ lb. gold ink, 1¼ lb. white ink, ½ cardinal red ink, 3 lbs. poster red ink, 2 lbs. ultra blue ink, 1 lb. red ink, ¾ lb. Rose Lake ink, ½ lb. green ink, ½ lb. yellow ink, ½ lb. Queen City red ink, 1 ounce purple ink, 1 blue-black ink, 30 lbs. book ink, 53 packages grocer's statements, 49 packages single statements, 21 packages double statements, 28 packages merc. bond paper, letterheads, 9 pkgs. Ulster linen letterheads, 52 pkgs. Pacific Mills letterheads, 13 pkgs. heads, 9 pkgs. ledger statements, 12 pkgs. packet heads, 18 pkgs. linen noteheads, 16 pkgs. No. 6 billheads, 8 pkgs. No. 4 billheads, 10 pkgs. No. 2 billheads, 45 pkgs. No. 2 close ruled billheads, 32 pkgs. No. 4 close ruled billheads, 5 pkgs. No. 2 close ruled billheads, 26 pkgs. memoranda, 20 pkgs. cold press lines, 11 pkgs. Atlanta Mills, 9 pkgs. No. 2 Atlanta Mills, 1000 six and one envelopes XXX, 6 boxes No. 6 XXX envelopes, 2 boxes No. 6 yellow envelopes, 15000 wh. XX envelopes, 250 wh. wove XX, No. 10, 9000 No. 4 shipping tags, 6000 No. 3 shipping tags, 6000 No. 1 shipping tags, 200 sheets white cardboard 22x28, 800 assorted colors cardboard 23x28, 125 sheets R.R. board, 71 pkgs, thin China cards No. 9, 11 pkgs. ditto No. 9, 18 pkgs. tough check cards No. 9, 12 pkgs. tough check No. 12 cards, 35 pkgs. R.R. board, 6 reams chromatic folios, 1 ream gum paper, 6 reams white folio, 17x22 20 lbs. 1½ ream pink folio, 77x22 20 lbs. ¼ ream yellow folio, 17x22 20 lbs. ½ ream linen folio, 17x22 20 lbs. 1½ ream Japanese linen folio, 17x22 20 lbs. ½ ream Super Royal folio, 17x22 20 lbs. 1 ream cap, 14x17 3 reams book folio, 200 sheets cover paper, 600 sheets glazed paper, 1000 sheets ruled folio paper, 15 sheets stencil paper, 7 sheets straw board paper, 9 sheets heavy manila paper, 50 sheets thin straw board paper, 200 sheets black cover paper, 3 reams colored poster paper, 3 drawers scraps paper, 200 lbs. labor-saving slugs, 1 font labor-saving leads, 2 fonts dotted rule, 2 fonts face rule, 3 fonts brass rule, 17 fonts border, 10 ft. border, 15 $ logotypes, 15 No. logotypes, 6 shears, type, 8 bought of type, 1 rec'd. of type, 1 dollars type, 3 sets card ornaments, 47 boxes assorted sizes, 1 drawer cuts, Gr. Pris. Ex. Cond. No. 3, Ronaldson Cond. brevier wide gothic, French Clarendon, 3 fonts, nonpareil, long primer, pica, steel plate gothic, pica, 3 L np. 2 L. pica, tinted, pica, 3 L. pica, Celtic minion, brevier, gr. pr. gothic, No. 9 pica, L. prim. Aquatint, gr. Prim. 2 L. pica, pen text 3 L. pica, 2 L. nonpareil, haw italic brevier, L. primer, manuscript pica, gr. primer, double paragon script, 1 gr. prim. Boston, Canon, Boston, Payson script, black cond. No. 3, Ronaldson extra cond. nonp., brevier, pica, 12 point gothic, wide, lining gothic No. 14, Venetian pica & L. prim., 24 point handard, 24 point dado, 11 point fancy Celtic, 24 point Edson, gothic condensed & poster, gr. pr. paragon, dbl. pica, gr. pr., 4 L. pica, paragon, 5 L. pica, 59 fonts type, 3 cs. small pica, 150 lbs. 3 cs. nonpareil 150 lbs. 2 cs. brevier 100 lbs. 1 c. italic small pica, 10 lbs. 1 20 A font gr. pr. post ionic, 1 10 A case paragon ionic, card ornaments, Palmer & Rey's typographical charm word ornaments, borders No. 22½ N.P., 14½ N.P., 33½ N.P., 29½ N.P., 21½ N.P., 207. N.P., 215 N.P., 228 N.P., 217 N.P., 4 N.P., 212 N.P., 207 pica, 1 N.P., 321 N.P., wood border 10 ft. plain, 10 ft. 10 ft. fancy, 10 ft. fancy, wood type 2 fonts 36 li. pica, 2 fonts 20 li. pica, 2 fonts 15 li. pica, 2 fonts 12 li. pica, 5 fonts 10 li. pica, 5 fonts 8 li. pica, 2 fonts 6 li. pica, 1 font 5 li. pica, 2 fonts 4 li. pica, 4 rule cases, 2 slug cases, 6 frames, 1 cabinet, 21 cs. 107 full-size cases, 32⅔ cases, 1 set initial letters, 1 set ornaments, 25 lbs. metal furniture, 2 sets shelves 1 set pigeonholes with sorts, 1 table with drawers, 1 low table, 50 lbs. leads, 8 yards binding cloth, 100 sheets binding paper, 25 cents glue, 1 small work table, 250 misc. cuts., 1 strip clothes hooks, 1 mallet, 1 shelf stand, 1 proof planer, 1 font circular quad, 1 numbering machine, 1 Linotype, 1 engine & boiler, shafting pulleys & belting, 1335 lbs. type metal, 1 pig of tin, 1 safe, 1 galley rack, 51 type racks with old type, 1 old Hickok press and fittings, 1 lot pulleys, odd pieces machinery, etc., 1 lot old lamps & shades, 150 books (about), 20 bundles old Astorians (about), 4 bundles salmon colored paper, 1 box Kinney salmon ads, Astorian building, situated at corner (S.W.) Cass & Squemoqua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Western Associated Press franchise. The franchise & good will of the Daily & Weekly Astorian newspapers, published at said city of Astoria, to satisfy said sum of $11,925.86, and interest as aforesaid, and the costs and expenses of sale, August 10th, 1893.
Daily Morning Astorian, Astoria, Oregon, August 23, 1893, page 4

    D. L. FRY, the young man for a few months connected with the Medford candy factory, left Monday morning for San Francisco, where he expects to establish a job printing office. Mr. F. is a capital good printer and a fine gentleman. We wish him success.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 1, 1894, page 3

    The Salem Democrat says: "The Oregonian has now eight setting machines, which will be used to set type for that paper and the Telegram. They will probably be in full operation by the first of the week. This will throw at least twenty-eight printers out of employment, which will come hard on them. Most of those who will lose their places are men who have grown old at the case, and it will be hard for them to find employment. The Oregonian will save from the workmen thus dispensed over $600 a week, and in a few months will have enough money to put another story or two on its building. The result of this movement on the part of the Oregonian will probably be the establishment of another morning daily in Portland," and yet the Oregonian talks about being the friend of the laboring man. What will become of the poor fellows thrown out of employment? If they are too poor to buy a ticket to hunt up work they will have to walk. Will the Oregonian denounce them as tramps? asks the Salem Independent. 
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 14, 1894, page 2

That New Power Press.
    During the past eighteen or twenty months the Mail's subscription list has grown from 500 to very nearly 1200 names. It now becomes necessary that we procure a larger and much faster press upon which to print our paper--and this week we gave our order for such an implement. This will necessitate an outlay of about $900, which is just a dollar and four bits more than we have deposited in the bank. Perhaps we could coax some of our subscribers to "chip in" this small amount, in return for which we will give a receipt for a year's subscription. Look at the date as printed opposite your name on the paper or wrapper and see how your account stands. Perhaps you will then want to change those figures. If you do, drop in and see us--bring a dollar and a half, or six bits, and we will fix it for you. If you don't happen to have the coin handy don't say a word about it it will be all right some other time.
    Here is how those printed dates work:
Doe, John,    jan 1 93.
It indicates that John Doe has paid his subscription to January 1, 1893. Does yours look like that? Let us put a 4 where that 3 is, or if you insist we will make it a 5. 
Medford Mail, October 12, 1894, page 2

    This issue of the Mail is the first paper ever printed in Medford on a cylinder press. The much-talked-of new machine is here and is doing good execution. The paper is a little spotted, but we'll overcome all that by next week--can't expect too much all at once. We are brimful of gratitude to those who have made it possible to so nicely equip our office.
Medford Mail, November 23, 1894, page 2

Dick Is Facetious and Complimentary
    "It was Saturday--a big day in the Mail office. Messrs. Bliton & York bought--you bet they did. It is not best to be going around town asking what these gentlemen have done, just go and take a look at their fine cylinder press. I have seen men delighted when getting coupled and when the baby--the first baby, of course--was born, but when this fine press began to shape up its anatomy in the best print shop in Rogue River Valley, the bosses just issued bucketsful of delight from their eyes. I was there you see, can't fool me. Then there were the boys that sling type, my, my, they were away up in the third story, working like beavers to get the big press in place and grinning like opossums all the while. Everybody "kinder" likes the Mail and have had it hinted to them more than once that the proprietors are hustlers from away back and no one is surprised to see the Mail break the newspaper record in this valley. Grit and brain is what makes the dust so thick back where the other fellows are. I have got pretty well acquainted with the boys. Go around and see them, they will use you right, and while you are there don't forget to subscribe for the liveliest paper in Southern Oregon."
    No one knows who wrote this, but it's about straight goods all the same. If you don't believe it just go around print day and see and be convinced.
Medford Mail, November 23, 1894, page 3

    R. A. Fry, a typo, has severed his connections with this office. Dick is a cracking good printer and a very fine gentleman. Any shop that wants a good, steady "print" can do no better than to engage Mr. Fry.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, July 12, 1895, page 5

    N. A. Jacobs saw F. G. Kertson, ex-Medford Mail publisher, when at Portland recently. Says he is working in a job printing office. Kertson was not satisfied with Medford--too small a town and too much work for what money there was in the business. The Mail then had 500 subscribers--have 1500 now, is worth three times what it was then--and still "climbing up higher and higher." As State Printer Leeds remarked a few days ago--"there didn't anyone want the Mail three years ago, but there are lots of the boys who would like to own it now." A proposition is ofttimes a good thing if you can get someone to place it on a paying basis. Nothing short of staying qualities and hustle will do this.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, August 2, 1895, page 5

    Our new 10x15 Chandler & Price Gordon Jobber was put in last Friday. As we stated in last issue, the press is a brand new one, just from the factory in Cleveland, Ohio, and is the BEST and latest improved job press ever brought to Ashland.
    The press may be seen in operation any day of the week, from Monday morning to Saturday night, and all are cordially invited to call around to see it--the best job printing machine in the city.
"Editorial," Ashland Advertiser, October 30, 1895, page 2

We've Made Different Arrangements.
    It has been nigh unto three years since the Mail changed hands--a length of time which has never before been credited to the office, since its first issue, eight years ago. Having broken the record, Messrs. Bliton & York feel they can break up shopkeeping with a certain degree of pride. Three years ago we were printing 500 papers--today we are printing 1600. We have worked shoulder to shoulder with the citizens in every enterprise that would tend to the upbuilding of the city and its citizens' interests. We flatter ourselves that success has perched itself upon the pinnacle of our efforts. The old firm is willing to retire with the record it has made--be it good or bad--in either case we have been honest with every patron, every citizen of Medford and county. The business men have patronized us liberally--for all of which here is expressed gratitude--in quantities where limits are lost in measurement. We know we have done them good.
    The paper has always been independent--in fact, as a gentleman remarked but yesterday: "The Mail has kept nearer the middle of the road than even the best populist could hope to." That same degree of independence will continue under the new management. The success which has come to the Mail could not come through any other channel than that of independence.
    Mr. York will engage in the real estate business in this city, and will have desk room in the Mail office. He has some excellent bargains and would be pleased to have his friends--and their friends--call upon him.
    The new firm is Bliton & Batterson. Both are all-round newspaper men--both are printers, publishers, editors--at home any place inside of a print shop. Mr. A. A. Batterson is recently from Ellensburg, Washington, where he very successfully conducted a newspaper for five successive years. He is an old-time acquaintance of the undersigned, every inch a gentleman, an able writer, and an honorable citizen in any community. Treat the new firm as kindly as you have treated the old and your confidence will never be misplaced.
Medford Mail, November 1, 1895, page 4

Diplomatic, Though Uncandid.
    The other day she glided into the office and gracefully and quietly approached the editor's desk. "I have written a poem," she began. "Well!" exclaimed the editor in a tone and look intending to annihilate, but she wouldn't annihilate worth a cent and resumed: "I have written a poem on 'My Father's Barn' and--" "Oh!" interrupted the editor, with extraordinary suavity, "You don't know how I am relieved. A poem written on your father's barn, eh? I was afraid it was written on paper and that you wanted me to publish it. If I should ever happen to drive past your father's barn I'll stop and read the poem."
Medford Mail, June 26, 1896, page 2

    The doggerel that there are more ways than one to strangle a cat is only too true in this highly artificial age of the world, and the same was very forcibly exemplified in Jacksonville last week in the case of W. Kahler against Chas. Nickell. Mr. Kahler had brought suit against Mr. Nickell and had obtained judgment against him for $2250 and the Times printing house and all presses, type, in fact everything belonging thereto was advertised for sale to satisfy the judgment. Everything was progressing serenely until Christmas morning--the day before the sale was to take place--when Mr. Nickell with a force of men and teams commenced the work at three o'clock in the morning of moving all the material out of the building, and it being a holiday, nothing could be done to prevent the rather queer proceedings. The matter was further complicated by Mr. Nickell giving a bill of sale to three separate parties of the printing presses, etc. Injunction proceedings have been commenced against him to prevent any further complications of the case, and bonds amounting to $3400 have been demanded by the court. The final outcome of this case is only a mere conjecture, but that there will be a bitterly contested case there seems to be no doubt. A great deal of hard feelings among friends of the parties is said to exist. The Times did not appear Monday, but it is reported it will be out today. 
"News of the City," Medford Mail, January 1, 1897, page 7

    GOLD HILL's new paper, the News, is out, and it is a good one. Editor Churchill is all right. The paper is well gotten up--in fact a long ways ahead of the average weekly. The ads are well set, the makeup is first class, and the printing is well done. if the Gold Hill people are alive to their interests they will give the News a hearty support.
Medford Mail, February 5, 1897, page 2


    Wednesday the pupils of the ninth and tenth grades were given a chance to go to the Mail office and watch the printing of the paper. So we took advantage of the opportunity and marched down in a body. We found Mr. Bliton, the editor, in the office, and he kindly gave us all the information asked for.
    The Cottrell cylinder press, weighing about four thousand five hundred pounds, is used in the Mail press room. It needs only one person to manage it, and that one feeds the paper into the press above the cylinder. The blank paper is caught by the grippers and carried around the cylinder and meets the type under the cylinder. The type rests on the press bed which is run backward and forward by a cog wheel attachment which reverses itself. The jar of the press bed is relieved by buffers and air cylinders at the front and rear, thus saving much noise and wear of the press. The paper is then delivered in the rear from the cylinder on a rack or fly, which piles the papers evenly, ready to be folded. The amount of ink flow is governed by thumb screws at the rear of the ink well and is evenly distributed to the type by a set of rollers placed at different angles to each other. This machine will print from 1900 to 1400 papers an hour. Usually, however, it taken nearly two hours to run through the weekly edition of 1920 copies.
    After we had watched the printing of the paper the editor described the cases of type, which are placed in what are called job and news cases. Each letter has a separate box, and the boxes for small, or "lower case," letters are not arranged in alphabetical order. The box in which "e" is kept is larger than the others, as this letter is used more than any other. The letter "j" is used very little. The letters used most frequently are nearest the typesetter's hand. All cases of English type used in any country are arranged in the same manner. The letters "fi" are made on the same type, also "fl," "ff," "ffi," and "ffl." The capital letter boxes are arranged in alphabetical order except the letters "J" and "U." Years ago when the present order of the letter boxes was fixed, "J" and "U" were not used, so when they came into use it was easier to place them at the end of the alphabet than to put them in their regular order. There is what is called the printer's stick in which the letters are arranged. The type is set in this so as to read, to the one working, from left to right and bottom side up; this makes the printing on the paper right side up. When the type is arranged on a table there are six columns to a page. The advertisements are the same every week unless the persons for whom they are printed wish them changed.
    We were shown a small press for printing bills and small matter such as the report cards of the school. Another machine is used for cutting paper.
    After thanking Mr. Bliton for his kindness in answering our numerous questions, we left knowing much more than we did an hour before.
Medford Mail, December 17, 1897, page 3

    Ira Phelps, formerly of Medford, has secured a position in an Albany job printing establishment.
"A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, February 25, 1898, page 7

    Miss Myrtle Woodford was visiting Ashland friends Sunday and Monday. The young lady is now setting type in the Times office--Jacksonville.
"Purely Personal,"
Medford Mail, March 25, 1898, page 6

Where Do Your Dollars Go?
    The Mail job printing department has been full to the brim with job work for the past few weeks--for all of which the main "push" of this establishment is duly and quite sufficiently grateful. Incidental[ly] let us say that that's business. It is business for us, and directly it is business for the business men of Medford. Every dollar taken in in this way, save the purchase price of paper and ink, finds its way again into the trade channels and into the money tills of our business men either from the proprietor's hands or from the help he employs. We will venture the assertion that not a dollar of it is spent outside of the town in which it is earned. Job printing is a necessary adjunct to any country printing office. The advertising received, even though generously bestowed, is rarely ever sufficient to make a livelihood for the publisher of a country journal. The small margin he makes on job printing is as necessary as is the margin on his columns of advertising. The business man who does advertising in his home paper is indeed a benefactor so far as that item goes, and by so doing he not alone builds up the business of the printer, and the printer, who has a few dollars to jingle in his pocket, will build up the business of all the town. How? By telling his readers in Jackson, Klamath, Lake and Josephine counties of the low prices at which good goods are sold at in his town--and this without additional cost to the advertiser. But the business man who spends a couple or three dollars with his home printer and as many more with one outside his own town is making no less a mistake than is the citizen who buys two dollars' worth of groceries, dry goods or hardware in his own town and sends away to a neighboring town for two or three dollars' worth more of the same goods. If it is a good scheme to keep two dollars at home, it is just twice as good a scheme to keep four at home. The Mail's payroll each week is between $25 and $30--and this is cash every Saturday night. How many of the business men of Medford are there who do not get a portion of this? We will venture to say that only a very few. Even though the publisher is compelled to wear shoe leather until the uppers are made threadbare, and dickers, twists and dickers some more, for fully five years to get a roof to cover his family, the printers must have their cash. How is a publisher to boost and bolster up your business and the business of your neighbor and feel that he is compelled to scrimp along with the barest necessities of life and see daily those whose business he is weekly building up indulging in luxuries which to him are but a dream only hoped to be realized at a time when the good fairies shall have tired of their bounty toward others? How can a publisher feel--how does he feel--when telling his readers of the excellent qualities of the goods you sell when he knows those same goods were ordered on letterheads printed in an outside town?
Medford Mail, October 14, 1898, page 6

    JOB PRESS FOR SALE.--We have a 8x12 Columbia job press which we would like to dispose of. This is a snap for some boy in some country town who has had a little experience in the printing business. The press is in good working order and has been in constant use by the News office for the past three years, and has turned out some of as good work as ever turned out on any press ever made. Will sell cheap for cash. Write for prices. Address News, Gold Hill, Oregon.
Gold Hill News, July 29, 1899, page 5

    Thos. Harlan, formerly publisher and founder of the Mail, was in Medford this week doing missionary work for his paper, the Register-Democrat, published at Portland, and also endeavoring to reorganize the Democratic Party in Southern Oregon. It was on December 14, 1888, that Mr. Harlan, together with his son, Newell, put the first "types" in line for the Mail and presented it to the public as a Republican newspaper. Since leaving here in '92 Mr. Harlan has been engaged in farming in a small way near Mosier, Oregon, until a few months ago when he established his Democratic paper in Portland. Newell Harlan is now at Selma, Calif., where he is operating a large job printing establishment--and making money. His eight-year-old daughter, Libbie, who was born in Medford, died last December. Milton Harlan is associated with his father in the newspaper business.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 19, 1900, page 7

    A newspaper war is in progress at Roseburg. The editor of one paper pictures the editor of its esteemed contemporary as "a liar brilliant in conception and daring in execution--the finished product of natural inclination and years of constant endeavor." The engagement promises to be as hot as any in South Africa.
"State News Notes,"
Gold Hill News, January 27, 1900, page 1

    Jeweler McFarren, of Gold Hill, was in Medford Monday. His son, Harl, who was a printer in the Mail office something over four years ago, has dropped off te earth, evidently. Four years ago next March he left Gold Hill for Astoria, since which time his parents have had no information as to his whereabouts, and it is thought he is dead, but even though he be dead it is strange indeed that his parents have had no news of the fact.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 2, 1900, page 6

    Editing a paper is indeed a pleasant thing. If it contains too much political matter people won't have it. If it contains too little they don't want it. If the type is large it does not contain enough reading matter; and if it is small they can't read it. If we publish original matter, they condemn us for not giving selections; if we give them selections people say we are lazy. If we give a man a complimentary notice, we are censured for being partial. If we insert an article which blesses the ladies, men are jealous. If we attend church, they say it is only for an effect; if we do not, they denounce us as being deceitful. If we speak well of an act, folks say we dare not do otherwise. If we remain in our office and attend to our business, folks say we are too proud to mingle with them; if we do go out, they say we had better stay at home and get on with our office work. If we pay our debts, they wonder where we got the money.

Gold Hill News,
February 3, 1900, page 4

    Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Roach left Monday evening for their new home at Roseburg. Mr. Roach has been a printer in the Mail office for the past six months and has proven himself a very able printer--in fact, an all-round newspaper man--and aside from this a pleasant gentleman to have around. He is every inch a square, honorable man, and the Mail is congratulating Roseburg upon having secured so worthy a gentleman and estimable family for permanent residents. Mr. Roach has purchased a half interest in the Roseburg Plaindealer, and hereafter the paper will be published by Conner & Roach. Mr. Conner, who has been principal owner of the Plaindealer for several months, is a splendid gentleman and will hitch well in team harness with our good friend Roach.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 15, 1900, page 6

    Jas. D. Fay, the Mail's job printer, has moved his family from Jacksonville to the F. M. Stewart residence in West Medford.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 6

    Quite a number of the orchardists hereabouts have purchased gasoline engines with which to furnish power to operate their spraying pumps.
The Mail has also purchased one, of the greater horsepower than the spray engines, for use in operating its presses.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 7

    A large quantity of newspapers, suitable for wrapping, pasting on walls, putting under carpets, etc., can be obtained cheap, in quantities to suit, at the Times Printing House.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1901, page 4

A Self-Admitted Purloiner.
    The Enquirer admits having swiped a news item from the Mail and then accuses the Mail at being a fakir for having published the imaginary item in question. The item served its purpose--did good service in its special field--proved conclusively that the Enquirer "cribs" its news from our columns, which may be legitimate procedure with blacksmith printers, but with professional men of the art preservative it is considered dirty, disreputable business. However, we caught the purloiner in his cribbing act and have proven the fact--and while somewhat surprised at his wholesale pilfering we cannot but commend his good judgment in selecting the Mail as his medium of authority for local news.
    The Enquirer questions the Mail's circulation. We publish below an affidavit which ought to convince our readers that we are making no idle boast when we say our circulation is 2200. Will the Enquirer make affidavit that he prints half that number--we don't think. Here is the affidavit:
        County of Jackson.
    I, A. S. Bliton, being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the publisher of the Medford Mail, a weekly newspaper published in the town of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon; that the number of Medford Mails printed each week is 2200, and that this number has been printed each week for no less a period than twelve months last past.
    Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of April, 1901.
    Notary Public for Oregon.
    This same Enquirer asserted in a recent issue that the Mail put in two bids on a certain piece of job printing and that upon being confronted by the parties interested we were told that we did put in two bids. This is a falsehood in every sense and detail. Upon going to the parties in question we were told in the presence of Mr. Mann that we did not put in two bids. If the Enquirer insists that we did we will produce evidence from the parties in question refuting the statement made in its columns.
Medford Mail, April 19, 1901, page 2

    Last week in a Brownsboro item, published in these columns, the word "intelligent" was written by the correspondent, but the printer who put the item in type, unintentionally, of course, put in the word "delinquent," and the proofreader--who didn't read the proof--failed to catch the error. We regret very much that the error occurred, but it was one of those little mishaps which will occasionally befall the most careful and painstaking publications.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 7

    There is an old type case in this office, which, could it speak, could doubtless add much to the unwritten history of Southern Oregon and tell many stories of early journalism in the wild West. The old case bears on its back the address: "B. & B., Jacksonville, O.T., care of Lord & Peters, Scottsburg."* It was doubtless part of the plant of the old Oregon Sentinel, the first newspaper published in this end of the state. From the address it evidently came "around the Horn," while Oregon was still a territory, that is, before 1859. After months of tossing on the restless waves of both oceans, this old case, then bright, new and unmarred, was unloaded at Scottsburg, on the Umpqua, then packed on the back of a mule--for those were "days of the trail and the footlog"--and started on its journey of 200 miles to its destination at the then flourishing mining town of Jacksonville. How many times that mule lay down and rolled with his pack or how often that bundle of cases was hastily made into an impoverished breastwork when danger from Indians threatened, is not recorded. But there is an end to all things; even pack trains reach their destination, and the old case was unpacked with its fellows, filled with type and commenced its mission as a factor in the building up of a young state. What flaming editorials have been set up from its blackened and battered boxes; what startling adventures in flooded rivers, pathless forests and dangers from treacherous Indians have been recorded by the type it held? Almost every old-time printer passed at one time or another through Jacksonville, and doubtless all of them have set type from this old case. Many have laid down their "sticks" at the last call of "thirty" and gone to the other shore; some are still in the land of the living. The old case is still in good condition, though blackened with age and the prints of many inky fingers; but is now in honorable retirement in the Mail office, a venerable relic of the days when the great state of Oregon was in its infancy, with its resources undeveloped, and its history to be made. The men and women who helped build a prosperous commonwealth in the Rogue River Valley are honored by us of a later day for their achievements, and much has been written and spoken in their praise; but that time-worn case standing forlornly in a corner, with its historic inscription, seems to say, "I, too, had something to do with history making in Oregon; let me not be forgotten in the rush and whirl of modern events."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 1, 1901, page 7  "B.&B." could refer to either G. D. R. Boyd and W. J. Beggs of the Umpqua Gazette, or Alex Blakely and William Brainard of the Table Rock Sentinel. Either pairing would date the case to 1855.

About Job Printing.
    The Mail, under its present management, has been doing job printing in Medford for over eight years. We have printed everything from a calling card to a full-sheet poster. We have even printed in colors on wood; we have embossed letterheads, envelopes, cards and cigar box labels; we have printed cloth posters and silk banquet invitations, and we will wager the price of several good jobs that none of those for whom this work was done have felt themselves called upon to offer an apology for the appearance of the work.
    We have been accused of having charged the city of Medford $6.50 for a thousand letterheads. That is a lie, pure and simple. We never charged any man or corporation a price equal to that on a straight thousand run. On February 13th, of this year, we printed for Mayor Crowell 500 twelve-pound Irish linen letterheads, for which we charged $3.25, our usual price for that grade of stock. On February 16th following we printed 500 ten-pound wove letterheads, for use by the councilmen of Medford--for this we charged $3, our usual price--and right here we want to say that no business man in Medford has ever gotten this grade of work and goods for one penny less in runs of 500. These are the prices we established eight years ago, and there has been no deviation from them--notwithstanding the fact that paper has advanced from three to fifteen percent during the past three years.
    It may be true that cheaper work can be secured at other print shops in this town. If so, our advice to those who want cheap printing, inked with a mop, with all kinds of impressions on one sheet, is to go there and get it. If it is good, clean printing that you want--the kind that don't make you crosseyed to look at, the kind that makes you feel good and bolsters up your business and don't resemble a junk shop relic, the kind that's worth paying for and the kind that you just naturally feel like you wanted to pay for, bring it to the 
Mail shop, and if you don't declare that you are getting good value for your money we will make you a present of the whole works. If you want poster type printed on a letterhead or business card don't bring it here--our typos won't print that kind of printing. If you want printing that's good work, drop in and look over our samples, but don't ask us to figure against a printer (God save the mark) whose misfortune, rather than his fault, it is that he does not know how to print.
    It is true the
Mail has printed letterheads for $2.50 per thousand--and we have a few thousand left of the stock that we printed these from which have been offered to the trade for the past year at these figures. They are seven-pound weight, lightest weight letterhead made; they are off color, and the ruling is not true. We never printed an order from the lot that the purchaser did not first see the stock.
Medford Mail, March 15, 1902, page 2

At Home in a Print Shop.
From the Coquille Bulletin:
    "The Bulletin office acknowledges a very pleasant call from Miss Virginia Woodford, of the Medford Mail, and Mrs. Fred Slagle. Miss Woodford easily convinced us that she is at home in a print shop. We hope her visit to our city may not be short and that our sanctum may often be honored by her presence."
    Miss Virgie has "sot" type and "did time" at other print shop work in the Mail office for six years--and she knows how to print--in every sense that the assertion implies.
Medford Mail, August 29, 1902, page 7

    Lynn Purdin, formerly a typo and all-'round printer in the Mail office, has taken a position as clerk in the Medford post office. Mr. Purdin has served in this capacity before and is conversant with the work in every detail, hence it is but to be presumed that he will fill the bill, and his efforts prove satisfactory to the department and patrons of the office. Miss Letha Hardin, who was formerly clerk in the office, expects to leave within a few weeks for California.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 5, 1902, page 7

The Chief of Them All.
    Southern Oregon has the most conscienceless and impudent imposers upon a generous public there is on the face of the earth. Not content with forcing his sheet upon people who do not want it--a fact which has become so notorious that the man who has succeeded in "stopping" the Democratic Times is regarded with envy and admiration by his friends--he will go so far as to clip paid local matter from other papers, insert in his sheet, and after a time has elapsed the advertiser receives a bill from Chas. Nickell for a publication he had never authorized. Naturally he who gets the bill is resentful, but when he meets the wily Charles, the latter calls his attention to some suppositious conversation, in which a tacit consent to the insertion of the advertisement was given. More often than not this conversation never occurred; but Nickell is so apologetic, so full of good feeling, so certain that the other fellow is in error and so willing to compromise the bill, that finally in order to settle the matter the man tenders half or two-thirds of amount in full payment. It is accepted, and the understanding is that such a thing shall not occur again. But that doesn't stop Charles. The same thing will occur again, and yet again; until finally--as was recently the case--"forbearance ceases to be a virtue," and Nickell gets such a verbal scoring as to penetrate even the rhinoceros-like epidermis which covers his conscience and sense of shame from contact with the outside world.
    About a year ago Supt. Morris, of the Fish Lake Ditch Co., inserted an advertisement in the Mail for men to work on the ditch. The ad appeared for a few weeks and was then discontinued. This paper was the only one authorized to make this publication, nevertheless several weeks afterward Mr. Morris received a bill for the publication of the same notice in the Democratic Times, then published in Jacksonville, but since run as a sort of a side issue to the Southern Oregonian, both sheets being now printed here on the same press from the same type and containing almost the same matter. Mr. Morris expressed his opinion pretty freely, but paid the bill, with a strict injunction not to so offend in future.
    The other day a similar notice appeared in the Mail--by order of Mr. Morris--and promptly with the next issue of Nickell's papers the advertisement appeared, word for word, in them. That made Mr. Morris a little impatient, and the next time he came to town he met Nickell and gave him an unbiased opinion of his actions, very much to the edification of the bystanders. Nickell attempted the "forgotten conversation" dodge, but it wouldn't work; and finally Morris demanded a receipt in full and that the advertisement be immediately taken out, giving Nickell a certain time in which to comply. Even before the time had expired a messenger brought the receipt, together with one of Nickell's characteristic letters, that say lots and mean nothing.
    This is not the only case, by several, that has come to our knowledge of Nickell's contemptible methods; many more could be mentioned--one not later than last June, when a certain candidate paid Nickell $5 for one insertion of a political card--unauthorized of course--in his paper and forced him to take card out.
    That is the kind of business this man has been doing in the county for over twenty-five years, and has succeeded in getting, by these same methods, several thousands of dollars from the county and the people in general. 
Medford Mail, May 1, 1903, page 2  Back issues of the Democratic Times survive thanks to the archive of a San Francisco advertising broker. Comparing those issues with copies sold locally reveals that Nickell printed two editions--a tiny edition full of ads to deceive his remote clients, and a local edition with those ads removed.

    Wm. Bowdoin, formerly of Klamath Falls, who has been in the employ of the state at Salem for several months, was on the southbound passenger train Sunday morning en route to Klamath Falls, where he has accepted a position on the Klamath Express. Billy is an all-around printer, and with his father founded the Klamath Star in 1884, the first newspaper published in Klamath Falls, and also gave a Mail office printer his first instruction in the "art preservative."
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 1, 1903, page 6

    Horace Mann, formerly publisher of the Medford  Enquirer, is making desperate efforts to collect his subscription accounts. He sued one subscriber this week in Justice Purdin's court for a $10 account and got judgment by default.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 28, 1903, page 5

    Horace Mann has moved part of his printing outfit to Oroville and will open a job printing office in that town.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, October 9, 1903, page 4  Mann was editor of the Medford Enquirer.

In the Country Print Shop.
In all the dingy print shop there's just one spot of light,
One place where vagrant sunbeams try their bestest to be bright;
They pass up all the tourists, and they settle on the case
Where blue-eyed Annie's working with a smile upon her face;
And, say, that smile is killing, it's just so awful sweet,
It's tickled all the printers till the bunch is "off their feet."
As the man that "worked for Greeley" said: "It's surely nothing new
That the paper has its 'devil' but it's got an 'angel,' too--
For the pride of all the outfit is the girl that sets the type."
Her "form" wants little "make-up," it's always sure to please,
And always ready, so to speak, and waiting for the "squeeze."
Love laughs, you know, at locksmiths, and each printer has a "key,"
But which will make the "lock-up" they never can agree.
They all are bound they'll have to be the first one in the "chase,"
Although they ought to know by this that some must lose the race,
For the pride of all the outfit and the girl that sets the type.
The foreman says his heart is strained and pretty sure to break,
If Annie will not smile on him and have him for her "take";
They'd be married in the "chapel," and have lots of "coins" for sure,
And where in all the county is there better "furniture"?
And the foreman says he thinks he would be fairly "justified,"
If Annie should refuse him, in committing suicide,
For the pride of all the outfit and the girl that sets the type.
So should the pair be missing, I think the boss will guess
That Annie, like the paper, at last has gone to "press,"
And he's lost his best compositor, the girl that set the type. 
Medford Mail, October 30, 1903, page 1

Want a Newspaper.
    D. M. C. Gault, the proprietor of the Independent, printed at Hillsboro, Washington County, and a well-known journalist, was in Medford Saturday, accompanied by his won Will, who is employed in the State Printer's office at Salem. They have been negotiating for the purchase of the Mail. Nothing definite has been accomplished as yet, we are informed.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 18, 1903, page 1

    The cylinder press was introduced in 1812. Various improvements were invented, and in 1814 the first press was driven by steam. In the same year the London Times put in a press, the pieces of which were carried in by stealth to an adjoining building, owing to the avowed hostility of the workmen. At six o'clock, while the pressmen were waiting for the forms, Mr. Walter entered the pressroom and astonished its occupants by telling them that the Times was already printed by steam, and that if they attempted violence he had an adequate force to suppress it, but if they were peaceable they would be retained. The speed was 1,100 an hour! The curved stereotype was invented in 1816, and the improvements all tended to produce the modern press, which is an evolution rather than a concrete invention. In 1848 Col. Hoe introduced his huge ten-feeder press, which in point of size was equal to the great modern double-sextuple newspaper presses. The capacity of the earlier machines was 2,000 per hour, while those of today print and fold 150,000 eight-page papers an hour.--From the Scientific American's special number on "Modern Aids to Printing."
"A Little of Everything," Medford Mail, December 4, 1903, page 3

A Typesetting Contrivance That Does Work Which a Few Years Ago Was Deemed Impossible Without Human Hands and Brains.
    This week begins a new era in the Mail office, and it is with pride that we invite in our friends and readers to see our wonderful Simplex typesetting machine, just installed. The demand for plenty of fresh news matter, for late news in full detail right up to the hour of publication; the necessity for keeping in the front rank with the great development of newspaper business of recent years; and the desire to give our readers as much as possible tor the money--these considerations among others led us to see that something swifter than hand typesetting must be provided. After a long and careful investigation of the whole subject of mechanical typesetting, we have finally installed the machine which is working such a revolution in the old methods of producing newspapers.
    It is probable that on no labor-saving machine has more time and money been expended than on a device to set and distribute type. For over a century inventors have struggled with the question, and while their efforts were partially successful, it has only been in the past ten years that a practical machine has been put on the market. It seems like an impossibility that any combination of machinery other than that encompassed in the human body could separate nearly a hundred characters, pick them up again, form them into words, combine the words into sentences and place them in readiness for that older but none the less marvelous result of brain--the modern printing press. The Simplex does it though, and does it five to six times as fast as the most rapid composing.
    The Simplex typesetter uses the same kind of type as is set by hand. Each individual type has a separate combination of "nicks" or notches cut on the edge, and on this fact is based the fundamental principle of the machine. As will be noticed in the picture, the body of the Simplex consists of two cylinders, one above and rotating on the other. In both cylinders, extending vertically their full length, are ninety parallel channels, each channel corresponding to some one type.
    It stands about six feet high, and its diameter is not over two feet. It is connected with an overhead pulley and shaft, for it must have motion to complete the work of the person who presides at the keyboard and plays upon the keys, as the operator manipulates the now familiar typewriter. The cylinder is slit at intervals with perpendicular channels less than a quarter of an inch wide and extending from the bottom to the top of the lower half of the cylinder. These channels contain the supply of type, each piece on one position on its side, one on top of the other, the letter ends showing on the outer circumference of the cylinder. There are ninety of these channels--one for every small letter and every capital letter and every figure, fraction and punctuation mark.
    At the bottom of the cylinder is a polished steel plate revolving around the outside of the cylinder at 150 revolutions a minute. You hardly notice that this is in motion until the operator begins to play on the keyboard; then you see and understand its purpose.
    That part of the cylinder referred to as containing the channels full of type is stationary. The instant the operator strikes a key a plunger inside the cylinder ejects the bottom letter in the channel, controlled by its own particular key, and the letter shoots out upon the revolving disc and is whisked around until it reaches a chute into which it is switched, to be carried by a belt into the typeway directly in front of the keyboard. The letter goes upon the disc flat upon its side, but when it reaches the typeway it is standing on end, the character being uppermost, where it can be read by the operator. As the keyboard is rapidly worked the letters are darting out of their respective channels and taking their place on the revolving disc. They move so swiftly that you can only see the glint of their polished surface as they whirl around to take their places in the long line of letters which is passing in front of the operator.
    A long line of type rapidly forms in front of the operator, and when he has enough for his purpose he whirls his chair around, and with a small instrument called a "grab" separates enough from a long line to make a line at the measure he is setting. This he justifies or "spaces" and then takes another line and so on. When two persons are working at the same time, one operates the keyboard and the other does the spacing. As soon as one line is spaced it is automatically pushed back to make room for another, and at the same the the matter is leaded, if so desired.
    To distribute the type in the first place, the channels of the upper cylinder are filled with "dead matter" (type that has been used) and is revolving step by step. At each step of the distributor cylinder the bottom type of each line of dead matter is tested by the wards or channels of the lower cylinder, until it finds one exactly corresponding and drops down in the lower magazine.
    After the machine is in operation all that is necessary in the way of distributing is to place a galley of dead type on the side of the upper cylinder in a place prepared for it.
    It does the work perfectly, and while it is apparently simple, it would be impossible to explain the matter intelligently, so we won't try, but again invite you to come and see for yourself.
    The Simplex is small and compact, weighing about 1,100 pounds and occupying no more floor space than an ordinary coal stove, and while it took brains and lots of them to invent it, it is of remarkably simple construction and not at all liable to get out of repair.
    We have had it in operation only a few days, but that is long enough to discover its true worth, and every time we see it work, with almost human intelligence, we feel like taking off our hats in its presence.
    It is certainly the best and most wonderful machine that ever graced a country print shop.

Medford Mail, June 17, 1904, page 1

    The readers of the Mail have no doubt noticed--in fact we know that some of them have--a change in the shape of the paper. Three weeks ago we installed a folder and paster. We didn't make any particular amount of noise about it, although it is the first machine of the kind ever introduced into Southern Oregon. Fact is, we wanted to see how it was going to work before we said anything, and we are glad to say that it works all right. Hereafter the Mail will open up like a city daily, and we intend to make the standard of excellence as high as possible.
"Some Changes," Medford Mail, July 29, 1904, page 1

    People in general are loath--at least, slow--to appreciate the value of their local papers. The Southern Oregon weeklies and semi-weeklies (there are as yet no dailies) are accomplishing no little good in the advancement of their respective districts and deserve the liberal support of their communities. Grants Pass has three papers, the Oregon Mining Journal, the Rogue River Courier and the Oregon Observer; Ashland has three, the Tribune, the [Tidings] and the Record; Medford has two, the Mail and the Southern Oregonian; Jacksonville has two, the Sentinel and the Times; and Gold Hill and Glendale each have one, the News.
Mineral Wealth, Redding, August 1, 1904, page 57

The Biggest and Best Printing Machine in Oregon South of Salem
    The Mail comes out in an enlarged form this week. Instead of six columns on a page, the Mail now has seven, making total of fifty-six columns of matter published at each issue. The expense of publishing a paper of this size will be somewhat greater, but the publisher of the Mail believes that "the best is none too good" for his subscribers, and it has always been his endeavor to give them "the best," as nearly as it was in his power to do so. We believe our efforts have been appreciated, and for that reason have felt encouraged to make improvements in our plant from time to time until now the Mail has one of the most complete and up-to-date country print shops in Oregon. Our Simplex typesetting machine, folder and, above all, the big, two-revolution, seven-column quarto press, are something you don't find in many printing offices outside cities of twice the size of Medford. But we believe in Medford's future, and it will be our constant effort to keep pace with her development.
    The above is a good representation of our new press. It is twice as heavy as the press we have discarded, and besides enabling the Mail to increase in size will also print nearly twice the number of papers per hour. We will also be enabled to do a higher class of printing than heretofore, owing to the press being a more perfect machine than the one upon which we have been printing the Mail for the past nine years was when it was new.
    The Mail is now the largest county weekly in Western Oregon. There isn't another seven-column, eight-page paper published in this district, and like the six-column paper we published before we propose to keep it chock full of local and general news. News that is reliable. When you see it in the Mail it's so.
    We cordially invite you to call and inspect the plant.
Medford Mail, May 19, 1905, page 4

    Jacksonville is again without a newspaper--printed at home--the Sentinel having suspended publication with the last issue. It is the only county seat in Oregon without a paper.

Medford Mail, May 19, 1905, page 4

    J. T. Miller has purchased the Gold Hill News. Mr. Miller is a successful business man and miner, has some knowledge of the "art preservative," and purposes to give his patrons the best service possible. Lyn Purdin, formerly an employee of the Mail, will be his chief assistant.

Medford Mail, May 19, 1905, page 4

    Irvin Bebb is learning the printing trade in this office. He will attend school regularly this winter, but will set type for the Herald one hour each day after school is dismissed. Irvin, like his brother Roy, is a manly little fellow, which reflects much credit on both parent and teacher, as Professor Hanby would say.
"Local and Personal," Central Point Herald, September 20, 1906, page 1

Pick and click
Goes the type in the stick,
As the printer stands at his case;
His eyes glance quick, and his fingers pick
The type at a rapid pace;
And one by one as the letters go,
Words are piled up, steady and slow--
Steady and slow,
But still they grow,
And words of fire they soon will glow;
Wonderful words that without a sound
Traverse the earth to its utmost bound;
Words that shall make
The tyrant quake,
And the fetters of the oppress'd shall break--
Words that can crumble an army's might
Or treble its strength in a righteous fight,
Yet the type they look but leaden and dumb
As he puts them in place with his fingers and thumb;
But the printer smiles
And his work beguiles
By chanting a song as the letters he piles,
With pick and click,
Like the world's chronometer, tick! tick! tick!
O, where is the man with such simple tools
    Can govern the world as I?
With a printing press and iron stick
    And a little leaden die;
With paper of white, and ink of black,
I support the Right, and the Wrong attack.
Say, where is he, or who may he be,
That can rival the printer's power?
To no monarchs that live the wall doth he give--
    Their sway lasts only an hour,
While the printer still grows, and God only knows
    When his might shall cease to tower!
Central Point Herald, December 26, 1907, page 3

An Elegy in a Country Print Shop.
(New York Times.)

He's taken thirty off the hook; it's quitting time for "Slim,"
We've closed the shop this afternoon to read the proof on him,
And find it pretty middling clean, a pi line here and there,
But only such a one as apt to slip in anywhere;
His ticket's on the foreman's desk, all figured up, I s'pose,
He had some fat takes and some lean, but that's the way it goes;
I don't know what's his overtime or what his check will be,
I guess he'll strike the average, along with you and me.
He set a measure middling wide--he liked to set that way;
His work was mostly solid stuff, and not much on display;
He ought to lived threescore of years, a friend of yours and mine,
It's tough to think some worthless chop is quadding out his line.
He told me nigh a month ago, as cool as anything,
His dupes were cut and pasted up--a middling longish string.
He said he never skinned the shop, and guessed he had his share
Of overtime and double price, and maybe some to spare;
He set a proof that showed up clean, and did his work up right.
He never shirked by day so he could double space the night.
The makeup's dumped his matter in, his form is closed, you see;
His galley's empty on the rack, his slug is twenty-three.
We don't know what the cashier's desk will have to give to Slim;
We'll mark a turn rule* in the proof and say a prayer for him.
For him the dawn is in the east, it's getting light uptown,
And thirty's taken off the hook, the last form's going down!
Central Point Herald, April 9, 1908, page 3  *Turning the column rules of a newspaper wide side up was a mark of mourning, as on this page reporting President Garfield's death.

    The mechanical department of the Post has an addition in the form of an electric motor to operate the presses. The motor is at present temporarily installed and only connected with the large press.
Jacksonville Post, September 12, 1908, page 1

    The Post has outgrown its clothes. Our circulation has reached the point where we were forced to install a larger and better press. This issue is printed on a press that will print a sheet 30x44 inches.
    The growth of the Post has been steady and permanent, and the advertising public has been greatly benefited by this medium. The reading public today want a paper for news and unbiased editorial comment. A paper does not gain the confidence of the people by misrepresenting matters of importance to its readers, and eventually the reading public will find the paper out and when it does the paper will drop. We have reached our present position in the sea of journalism by a straight and honest path, and the readers of the Post may expect news as it is, unbiased and free; our editorial comment will be what we believe to be the best for all concerned. If we believe a certain thing could be improved we will advocate the improvement. Unnecessary expense is not an improvement.
    The Post has grown in seven months from a four-column sheet to a six-column, six to eight pages, and about January 1, 1909 we will issue a large special edition devoted to the interests of the Rogue River Valley. Already we have a large collection of the finest photographs to be had of fruit, vegetables and minerals. These will be transferred onto copper and plates will be made to print in the large special edition.
    The job printing turned out in this office stands on the same plane as the better grade of work sent out from the large city officer. Quality of stock considered, our prices are as low as the inferior work turned out by the average office. Thus we have gained friends by our job printing. This office ships printing to Douglas County, yes, to Polk and Marion counties, thus Jackson County is developing an enterprise that promises to be of statewide importance. What better advertisement could you have than to see the imprint of a Rogue River Valley printing office on the printed matter used by business men who live within the very sound of Portland.
    By the support and good will of the home-loving public we will continue to grow, and we must have the support of every citizen within this district before we can say that we have reached the top notch.
Jacksonville Post, December 5, 1908, page 2

    The large printing press installed in this office is doing excellent work. It is a cylinder press of the two-revolution type.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, December 12, 1908, page 2

    We apologize for all mistakes made in former issues and say they were inexcusable, as all an editor has to do is to hunt news and clean the rollers and set type, sweep the floor and pen short items, and fold papers, and write wrappers, and make the paste, and mail the papers, and talk to visitors, and distribute type and carry water, and saw wood and read the proofs, hunt the shears to write editorials, and dodge the bills, and dun delinquents, and take cussings from the whole force, and tell our subscribers that we must have money--we say that we've no business to make mistakes while attending to those little matters, and getting our living on hopper-tail soup flavored with imagination, and wearing old shoes and no collar and a patch on our pants, and obliged to turn a smiling countenance to the man who tells us our paper ain't worth a dollar anyhow, and that he could make a better one with his eyes shut.
Jacksonville Post, February 13, 1909, page 2

    Percy McKenzie had the misfortune to lose a portion of one of his fingers Monday, while working on the Times printing press.
"Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, September 8, 1899, page 3

    The first new modern press ever brought to Southern Oregon was installed in the Mail Tribune office this week. It is a two-revolution Whitlock, designed for book and job work, as well as an emergency press for the daily. The Mail Tribune has now the most complete printing and publishing house south of Salem and can turn out high-grade work equal to that produced in Portland.
    Few cities the size of Medford have a printing plant as large as that of the Mail Tribune, and fewer still publish as good a newspaper. This has been made possible by the united support of the business men, which has enabled the production of one good daily, instead of several poor ones, as is usually the case.
    The Mail Tribune is one of the best advertisements that Medford has. A community is usually judged by its newspapers, and a comparison of Medford with the other cities of Oregon, made by the newspapers, is always in favor of Medford.
    Such a newspaper as is printed today would be impossible if the support given the paper was divided among two or more papers, and as long as a paper is produced that Medford can be proud of, it expects to receive undivided support, until such time as the population increases to an extent that justifies establishment of another daily--and that time is still in the future.
    As the Mail Tribune grows, it will be constantly improved, both mechanically and editorially, keeping pace with the development of city and country, making it one of the best assets of the valley, a live, fearless paper, printing all the news worth while, 
Medford Mail Tribune, November 29, 1909, page 4

    The hoodoo which has hovered over the mechanical department of the Mail Tribune office since the merging of the two plants and [which] forced a patient public and a very impatient publisher to put up with irregular issues, abbreviated and poorly printed papers again perched over the office Saturday evening when the newly rebuilt press went out of commission, forcing the printing of enough papers to supply the city, two pages at a time, on the old Tribune press. As a result city subscribers received their papers late. The break on the press was repaired by Sunday night, and the balance of the edition of 5000 run off--and a 24-page Sunday paper for a city the size of Medford is going some, although something has "busted" every day for four weeks. There is no hoodoo that can hoodoo this paper long, and it's going to grow better and bigger right along and fulfill its mission of being the greatest newspaper in Oregon outside of Portland, and the finest paper in the world printed in a city this size--a constant advertisement of the progressiveness of Medford, the resources of the Rogue River Valley, and the opportunities of Southern Oregon.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 29, 1909, page 4

WANTED--Young lady to set type. One with experience preferred. Call or address Record office, Central Point, Or.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1909, page 7

    The Gold Hill News has again changed hands, Rex H. Lampman, a newspaper man from North Dakota, having assumed charge of it this week. Harry F. Murray, who was formerly in charge of the paper, has opened a job printing office in Ashland. Mr. Lampman's first issue is a very creditable one, and if he continues his present policy he is certainly entitled to the support of the people of that town.
Central Point Herald, December 2, 1909, page 1

    Every mail brings letters to this office from self-styled "Press Association," "Press Syndicate," or "Press Service," says the Baker City Herald. Each of these letters contain something that someone wants printed without paying for the service. In the last year these parasites have sprung up all over the land until they are a bore and a nuisance.
    For instance, here comes a letter bearing the printed card of the "Western Press Association" on the envelope with street address in San Francisco. In that envelope is contained a copy of an advertisement that is to be printed in some very common national weekly, and a request is attached that the Herald please give mention of the contents of the advertisement, as the subject treated is of importance to the whole universe.
    As long as newspapers permit themselves to be played for suckers this sort of illegitimate work will continue, but the Herald wishes the Western Press Service, or any other service organized for such purposes, to understand that space in this paper is not to be taken up with favorable comment on a quack nostrum, or a sawdust breakfast food.
    Along the same lines there is a company manufacturing an automobile, the "Thomas," that repeatedly attempts to get free mention and free praise. This company adroitly handled an alleged "round-the-world" trip in order to get free advertising. The Ford automobile concern followed the Thomas with a race to Seattle in order to get free publicity. Hereafter automobile races will not be mentioned unless they are for some other purpose than to establish the merits of a certain car.
    No class of business is imposed upon so much as the newspaper business by the man who wants something for nothing. And it is all due to the newspapers permitting such methods.
    If any of the free press services think they can fool this paper they had as well save their stamps. We are too old in the game, and furthermore any of the outside institutions seeking popularity and advertising must pay the same rate for the space that local business men pay. Our space is our merchandise first, last and all the time.
Central Point Herald, January 20, 1910, page 2

New Presses and Equipment Are Ordered for Mail Tribune Office Making it Largest and Best in Southern Oregon.
    The Medford Printing Company has purchased additional power presses and machinery which, with its present equipment, will give it the most completely equipped printing plant between Portland, and Sacramento, better mechanically than most of the Portland printers' presses, with a capacity tenfold greater than it formerly had and quadruple its present output.
    The new purchases include a two-revolution book press, a color press, a large power cutter, complete new series of type, dustproof case stands, stitcher and other modern equipment. The machinery has been wired for and will be installed within a month.
    In addition to other improvements a book bindery has been installed, and all kinds of bindery work can be turned out at short notice.
    L. H. Willett, who until recently occupied a similar position with the Kilham Stationery and Printing Co. of Portland, is manager of the job printing department, and Peter Flandermeyer, a well-known Portland pressman, is in charge of the press room, which will include power job presses, a two-revolution book press, and a two-revolution news press.
    The evolution from the country printing offices possessed by the Evening Tribune and Morning Mail into the present metropolitan printing office with its two Linotypes and its printing equipment is nearing completion. The plant and business will be a credit to any city and seldom seen in a place the size of Medford. 
    Good printing is dependent upon good equipment and upon good workmanship. It is the aim of the Medford Printing Company to fill the field.
    Few people in Medford realize the extent of the plant and business done by the Medford Printing Company. Twenty people are employed, most of them at the highest rate of wages paid in the city, and the quality of work turned out is steadily improving.
    The management has every faith in the future of Medford, and backs its faith with cash, and will meet all needs and demands of its rapidly growing population.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 13, 1910, page 4

Press Day Troubles.
    There is trouble in the print shop no language can express, for Wednesday rolls around each week, the day we go to press.
    The compositors are hustling fast, each has a dirty proof; the make-up man man is cussin' in a way to raise the roof.
    The devil pied the galley of solid nonpareil, the foreman is saying things that makes the brimstone smell.
    The stenographer is jawing about the ink spot on her dress. Any goldarn fool can tell we're trying to go to press.
    Everything is all "balled up"; the forms are in a mess, and now the old man's asking when we're going to press.
    Through the room there rings a piercing hell-born wail, the dog is yelping 'cause they have stepped upon his tail.
    The pressman now is ready, but the d---d old form won't "lift," so he whittles out a "dutchman" and gives his quid a shift.
    The forms are on the press at last, the press is running great,---but we've got to take them off again, forgot to change the date!
    They're on again; we're running swift an' slick, but a paper's on the rollers now, and you bet it is there to stick.
    The whole bunch is mad as sin, cussin' more or less, for hell breaks loose on Wednesdays when the paper goes to press.--Exchange. 
Jacksonville Post, March 19, 1910, page 3

Mail Tribune Is Forced to Issue Under Difficulties Owing to Fact That No Gas Is Furnished for Heating of Linotype Machines.
Pump in Bear Creek Sucks Grass, Which Puts Plant Out of Service for Hours.
    Owing to the fact that the plant of the Rogue River Valley Gas Company went out of commission at an early hour this morning, the Mail Tribune was issued under difficulties today, as there was no gas furnished with which to heat the Linotypes, thereby preventing the setting of any great amount of type. Over four hours' time was lost in the composing room, and the only thing which allowed the paper to come out at all was the fact that after patience was exhausted, the old gasoline burners were dragged forth from the store room and installed. The machines turned over for the first time at noon, four and a half of six valuable hours being lost.
    Not alone was the Mail Tribune discommoded, but a large number of people who have installed gas ranges in their homes were forced to partake of a cold breakfast and lunch. Restaurants downtown were also greatly inconvenienced.
    The trouble at the gas plant originated when the pump which supplies water from Bear Creek pumped up a large amount of grass, which choked the plant. No sooner was this trouble remedied than other things went wrong. The gas was again turned on shortly after noon. 
Medford Mail Tribune, May 2, 1911, page 1

Booklet Contains 130 Pages of Printed Matter--Is the Largest of Its Nature Ever Issued in Southern Oregon.
    The Mail Tribune job printing department has but recently completed a new telephone directory for the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. The directory contains 130 pages of printed matter. It is the largest directory ever printed in Southern Oregon for use in this section. In it there are printed 1619 telephone numbers for Medford alone. There is no fancy printing in it, but there is a whole lot of good, plain, business sense printing, executed in a manner which tells plainly, accurately and effectively those things which it is intended to tell. It is that kind of printing which every business man needs if he expects to encourage trade and confidence through either the avenues of his job printing or his advertising.
    The Mail Tribune job printing department is now better equipped for all kinds of commercial printing than ever before. Mr. Schrack, the manager of that department, will give your order personal attention and care, and having had a great number of years' experience in printing in large cities, he knows when your job is right and businesslike.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 19, 1912, page 2

    The change in ownership of The Reporter was indeed a surprise, for F. T. Singleton and I were rather brought up together in the Republican and Reporter office, and are conversant with some of the terms used therein--viz, "type lice," "left-hand shooting stick," etc. [pranks played on printing apprentices], and have used, in common with the entire editorial and office force the office towel [euphemism for a bludgeon], which used to stand in corner within easy reach of a brawny compositor, for use at a moment's notice as a potent force in pacifying some belligerent coming up to say, "Who writ that piece?"
J. E. Fuselman, "Still Boosts for Oregon,"
Daily Reporter, Martinsville, Indiana, June 29, 1912, page 2

    The Mail Tribune is issued under difficulties today--lack of gas preventing the setting of much type.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1912, page 1

Cooperation Needed to Issue Tidings Promptly.

    The Tidings is again obliged to ask the cooperation of its patrons in its effort to get the paper out on time. The management hates to turn down either news items or advertising which come in late, but it is impossible to get the paper to its readers on time if either items or advertising matter are late in coming into the office. This is especially true of display advertising. It takes time to set advertisements or reading matter, and the last half day before going to press is largely necessarily consumed in the reading and correcting of proofs and the making up, or placing the type in place for printing.
    For this reason it is necessary that the last copy for display advertising be in by 10 o'clock on publication day. The earlier copy is in, the better both for the advertiser and for the office. It is better for the advertiser because there is time to devote more thought to the effective display and to the careful reading of proofs than when it comes in the rush of going to press.
    The same is equally true of pay readers* and news items, though they can sometimes be gotten in up to noon.
    Unless the paper goes to press shortly after noon it is impossible to make the afternoon mail south, and as there is but one paper mail north per day they have to lay until the next afternoon if we miss the mail on publication days. Please assist us by getting your copy in as early as possible and not later than 10 o'clock on publication day. This is especially true on Mondays, as the happenings of Saturday afternoon, Sunday and Monday forenoon have to be put in type Monday and they take about all the available time of the typesetting machine.
Ashland Tidings, May 29, 1913, page 8  *Two- and three-line paid news items and fillers.

    The press is a Miehle No. 2 and cost $3500. It is but one of many expensive and up-to-date pieces of machinery that go to make our complete printing equipment.
    This additional investment is made in dull times BECAUSE WE HAVE EVERY CONFIDENCE IN MEDFORD AND THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, and in their future, and are PREPARING FOR AN ERA OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT we believe close at hand.
    We believe that every resident who is a "bear" on the future of the Rogue River Valley will "go broke." No one who lives here can afford to be anything but an optimist, for only the optimist does things or gets anywhere. Life is entirely too short to indulge in pessimism.
    WE BACK OUR FAITH IN MEDFORD WITH OUR MONEY AND HAVE EVERY CONFIDENCE IN THE INVESTMENT. We are not speculators, but progressive developers. We believe the business is coming soon that will keep that big press going every hour in the day all week long and double our output--and are getting ready for that future.
    We are not vain dreamers. Our enterprise is based upon sound business judgment. That $3500 press was purchased primarily to PRINT THE FRUIT LABELS OF THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY--to print them artistically and help keep the money at home. We want Rogue River fruit shipped around the world in boxes made in the Rogue River Valley, bearing labels printed in the Rogue River Valley. We are prepared to furnish the labels.
    We can never build up our country and community by sending for everything out of the country. No place can stand such a drain. We can never create payrolls except by patronizing the small factories and workshops we have among us and so promote their growth. We must all cooperate by patronizing home industries.
    The Medford Printing Company is striving to build up a home industry. It has installed finer equipment than can be found in any community of the size of Medford in the country, and is prepared to do any kind of printing, publishing or book making in competition with cities, at city prices. It employs the most skilled workmen and pays the highest wages in the city.
    DURING THE YEAR 1913 THE MEDFORD PRINTING COMPANY PAID OUT OVER $30,000 IN PAYROLL ALONE, AN AVERAGE OF $100 PER DAY EACH WORKING DAY IN THE YEAR. It paid $500 in taxes. It contributed heavily to the Commercial Club and to every other project for bettering the community, giving freely whenever called upon.
    THIS $100-A-DAY PAYROLL WAS ALL SPENT IN MEDFORD AND THE VALLEY. IT WAS REDISTRIBUTED AMONG MERCHANTS AND PEOPLE. How much does the Portland, San Francisco and Chicago printing house contribute to the prosperity of the community? Nothing. How much payroll do they have in Jackson  County, and how much taxes do they pay? Nothing. Then why patronize them? Why not help make our payroll $200 a day, as it would be if we got the support we should have?
    We ask your good will, your cooperation, your printing, your patronage. It means A LARGER PLANT, A BIGGER PAYROLL, A FINER NEWSPAPER. And it helps the community and incidentally yourself, as well as
COME IN AND SEE THE NEW PRESS.                      25, 27, 20 North Fir Street.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 3, 1914, page 6

    We have a $3500 press, recently installed especially for printing fruit labels. Medford Printing Co.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1914, page 2

    If you want a lithographed fruit label instead of a printed one, see us; we are agents for Schmidt Lithograph Co.    Medford Printing Co.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1914, page 2

    The Medford Printing Company is turning out some real fancy labels this year for the progressive orchardists of the Rogue River Valley.
    The company has prepared new type and borders and plates for the production of labels of the highest class, and you should see some of the high-class work we are turning out.
    Several of the larger orchardists have gone a step further in their efforts to get labels that will be attractive and had plates made for their individual brands, some of these being very elaborate, while others are beautiful from their simplicity. The idea of individual labels is not a new idea and is the simple following of the methods of the modern business man, who creates a demand for his wares by putting quality beneath his label. Wherever you go you always ask for the brand that you know is good.
    Those who have seen and tasted the products of the Rogue River orchards know what they are. The only thing remaining is to establish the different brands and have the public know that when he sees a Rogue River fruit label he knows he has before him the best in fruit, whatever its variety.
    The man who buys fruit with your label this year looks for the same brand next year--and the Medford Printing Company is helping you all it can. It prints the labels.
    If you have not already placed your orders for your labels, do it now. The phone number is 75, if you are too busy to call. ["Call" meaning "visit."]

Medford Mail Tribune, July 11, 1914, page 6

By Fred Lockley
    We are inclined to think that politics is strenuous in these latter days, but if you will talk to some of the old timers you will find that we are mild and moderate in comparison with the political activities indulged in by our forefathers in the fifties. The Argus always referred to Asahel Bush, the editor of the Statesman, as the Ass-of-Hell Statesman. Bush always referred to the Argus as the "Air Goose." When they referred to each other they did not say the editor of the opposition sheet, but usually as "the lying blackguard and assassin of character who spreads his falsehoods through the columns of a hireling sheet."
    T. J. Dryer, editor of the Weekly Oregonian, was a member of the legislative session held at Salem in January 1859. Acrimony was not confined to the papers. In the debate in the house on January 20, Mr. Craner arose to ask which side of the bill he had voted on, adding, "I believe I voted wrong." Mr. Dryer arose and said: "I believe the gentleman crazy. I move he take my place on the insane committee."
    On the same day General Lovejoy was elected commissioner general; B. F. Bonham was elected auditor and librarian, J. D. Boon treasurer and Ahio S. Watt university land commissioner.
    Mr. Dryer voted blank on each ballot. Mr. Holmes from Polk and Tillamook arose and said: "I wish to inquire who is this Mr. Blank and where does he live?"
    Mr. Lasater of Marion County addressed the house advocating the publishing of the report of the Indian War Commission. He stated that the report of speeches of Democratic members as published in the Oregonian were false and that Dryer knew they were false, and that the editor of the Oregonian was a liar and a blackguard and that everybody knew it. T. J. Dryer arose and said if the reporter for the Oregonian has misrepresented anyone, the paper would correct it. Lasater repeated; "T. J. Dryer, the member from Multnomah, is a liar and a blackguard and everybody knows it." Dryer said: "We can settle this matter outside of the house." Lasater said: "I am ready to settle it here and now." Dryer said: "I don't care to accept a challenge from a braggart." Lasater responded: "No, you lying blackguard." Dryer picked up the heavy inkstand from his desk and threw it at Lasater's head, hitting him and covering him with ink. Lasater struck at Dryer but Dryer dodged under his fist and clinched with him. The house adjourned and members pulled the belligerents apart.
    A few minutes later, as T. J. Dryer was walking up the street with Phil Wasserman of Portland, he met B. F. Bonham, Mr. McIninch and Mr. Lasater. Here is what Mr. Dryer, the editor of the Oregonian, says in his paper of the fight. "The Statesman gives a false statement of a most cowardly, brutal, ruffianly assault, battery and gouging by a band of hireling bullies belonging to the Salem clique." He quotes the Statesman's account as follows: "About 15 minutes after the difficulty in the house, Mr. Lasater in going to his hotel encountered Mr. Dryer. Mr. Dryer made an attempt to strike him with his cane. Mr. Lasater instantly clinched and a scuffle ensued. Mr. Dryer was pretty roughly used, his face was badly bruised and cut and his eyes blackened and bunged up. Dryer cried: 'take him off,' whereupon the sergeant-of-arms of the last session took him off. It is the universal testimony of the house that he deserved all that befell him. He has been very abusive of Mr. Lasater and many others upon the floor. He has uttered his slanders as though he were without responsibility. He seemed to regard himself as a privileged libeler.'" Mr. Dryer, in commenting on the Statesman's account, says: 'Lasater seized us by the throat, at the same time planting a heavy blow, and rushed us into the door of a store where we both fell upon some shoe boxes, Lasater on top, still grasping our throat. After a few blows he inserted his thumb into our left eye and forced it almost out of its socket. We fell to the floor. Lasater seized us by the hair and attempted to gouge the other eye out. We turned over and he commenced pounding the back of our head with his fist. While this was going on, there were a number of 'things' in the shape of men whom we denounce as cowardly ruffians and dogs crowded around and prevented Mr. Wasserman, Mr. Watson and Mr. Shartle from rendering us any assistance. The only aid and comfort we had was the vociferous yells; 'Give him hell,' 'Dig his damned eyes out.' We received severe kicks in the back, sides and head while Lasater had us down pounding, choking and gouging us. The assertion of the Statesman that we struck Lasater with a cane is a falsehood--it is a lie, intended to be a lie, known to be a lie and he who utters it is a liar. This is the foulest and most deliberate and unmitigated falsehood.'
    "The Salem clique, bullies, blowers, strikers and backers, may regard it as a victory that a dozen of their able-bodied men waylaid, seized, choked, pounded, gouged and kicked a man over 50 years of age, weighing 131 pounds. They should have given us a chance to run or fight in our own way. As they would not, we acknowledge the beating. We are glad to inform our readers we are again at home.  Although wounded, we are not slain. Our beauty is somewhat marred but time will improve that. We shall now resume our editorial chair with the hope that no brutal cowardly and ruffianly assault will be made upon us till we shall again return to Salem as the 'member from Multnomah.' "
    From all of which it is evident that politics was a strenuous pursuit in the days gone.
Oregon Journal, Portland, November 1, 1914, page B4

    One of the laws enacted by the recent legislature and which becomes effective May 21 fixes the rate to be charged by newspaper for legal advertising at 65 cents per folio of 250 ems of whatever sized type the ad is set in. In 8-point type, the size most papers use, 19 ems make one line, hence the rate will be 5 cents per line each insertion. If smaller type is used there will be fewer lines with more ems in a line, but the charge will be just the same as if 8-point type was used.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, May 19, 1917, page 3

    A. L. (Bud) Penwell of Grants Pass is in the city for a few days visiting his son, A. Penwell. He used to set type in the Medford Mail shop when that paper was printed on the old Washington hand press, and helped to get up the first special edition of that paper in Medford.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, February 4, 1919, page 2

Newspaper Office Deluged with Offers of Dogs.
Ferocious Canines Suggested to Watch Over Plant.
    When the publisher of the Mail Tribune of Medford, Or., let it be known recently that reputed vandals of the klan type had robbed his paper of $20 worth of Linotype spacebands, in the hope of crippling publication, the announcement brought him "plenty of fun" because practically everyone in Jackson County had a wonderful watchdog he wanted to get rid of, and he immediately got into communication by telephone with the publisher.
    One "old subscriber" had a biting canine that was a world-beater, being armed with 12 teeth six inches long. This dog was a beef-eater of the first magnitude. He was willing to sell it on easy terms.
    A physician offered his "uncivilized" hound dog for $50 and guaranteed it to tear marauders into shreds, while a rancher had a toothless canine that would "frighten away the devil" by simply opening his jaws.
    Another friend of the newspaper offered his watchdog "Goblin," which was "invisible."
    "We ordered that dog," says the paper, "but haven't seen it yet. However, the next night prowler is going to get a surprise. We will see to that."
Oregonian, Portland, August 9, 1922, page 12

    "I know what the interiors of most of the composing rooms in Oregon look like, from actual observation, and not hearsay, and accumulated a great deal of apprentice experience under R. C. Julian, whom you may remember as makeup man on the old Portland Union when it was turning out patent backs for almost every weekly in the state. Hence I qualify for the clan, at least sufficiently to rise in their behalf.
    "The tramp printer was here today, and probably somewhere else tomorrow. But he seldom left a job unfinished. He seldom left the boss till the stone was clear and every dead job distributed. There was never anything he couldn't do. There was never one of the home guard who could put up a cleaner galley in less time than the tramp. He never left a dirty case behind him, or surreptitiously tossed a handful of pi into the hellbox rather than distribute it. He took pride in his work, and he did it right.
    I remember one night when I leaned against a case, burning up with fever, and some six columns of 'personal mention' to be set before the following noon. I was a sick man, and whatever god it may be that takes care of the tourist sent one into the little town that same evening. A few words were all that was necessary. He took off his coat and went to work--and I went to bed. When 1 got up in the morning, feeling better, the six columns were up, proved and corrected, and my brother tramp admitted he was ready for some breakfast, not having had anything to eat since the morning before! That was the stuff they were made of.
    "Sure, they had their faults. They liked to travel, and many also had a constant yearning for firewater. The wanderlust burned within them, and because their trade made it possible they never hesitated to answer the call. It was only natural that they should resent the innovation of the Linotype. If someone should blossom forth with a machine guaranteed to replace the newspaper columnist he would probably utter a howl as well. But the Linotype was a necessity, which, thank heaven, a columnist is not, and the traveling printer, all reports to the contrary, did not let it put him out of business. But perhaps its fascination was equal to the fascination of the call of the road, because no one can deny the fact that the tourist is no more. But in many a country shop, in many little towns, a weary and busy printer, struggling to meet the demands of his arduous work, unable to afford the mechanical assistance of the big machines, looks sort of wistfully through the window and down the road, vainly hoping that he might see the familiar figure of one of the old guard--one of those, who, in the 'good old days,' was always on the way to lend a hand and help out the country printer whose location made permanent and efficient help an impossibility.
    "It isn't the typesticker who calls them 'the good old days.' It is the man he worked for."

W. C. Galloway, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man,"
Oregon Journal, Portland, August 18, 1923, page 4

The Clarion Issues Under Difficulties Following a Fire
Which Seriously Damaged Plant and Equipment

    One of Elbert Hubbard's popular epigrams says: "Don't make excuses; make good," and since circumstances alter cases, the Clarion feels it has made good in issuing this diminutive edition when it is considered that every machine in the plant except the typewriters was put out of commission by the fire which wrecked the shop last Friday night. Linotype, presses, paper cutter, stitcher, saw trimmer, and all other machines were more or less damaged by the heat and water, the linotype being so badly injured that it was necessary to order many new parts from the manufacturing company.
    Every ounce of paper stock except a small supply of newsprint was completely spoiled, the stock cabinet burned to charcoal and the machinery and composing rooms charred, smoked and water-soaked. Six electric motors which propelled that many machines are now being repaired by Medford electricians, and other equipment which will put the plant back in good shape is now en route from San Francisco.
    The Clarion's numerous friends will be glad to learn that a new and better location has been secured on North Front Street, where it will immediately be removed and equipped bigger and better than ever.
    To get replacements and again adjusted in its new home, however, will require some time, and it will likely be necessary to issue two or three abridged editions before returning to normalcy. In the meantime, the Clarion requests the indulgence of its friends, and asks the prayers of the congregation for its enemies. They may be downhearted, but the Clarion is as chipper as a chipmunk in a big fir tree.
    The fire originated from defective wiring, electricians believe, and caught in the ceiling near the partition between the Clarion office and the E. O. Bradley auto paint shop, both of which are a part of the big white-front building on South Front Street formerly owned by H. O. Nordwick. When discovered, both the newspaper office and the paint shop were burning at a brisk rate, the paper stock in one and the paints and oils in the other making choice fuel. The fire was discovered by occupants of the Washington Rooms, the lodging and apartment house occupying the second floor of the whole building, and speedy work of the fire department extinguished what soon would have been a very disastrous fire. The alarm was given shortly after nine o'clock p.m., and the fire could not have burned very long, for there was no sign of fire noticed when the printing office was closed at about 5:30 o'clock.
    Damage to the building, the paint shop and the printing establishment was fully covered by insurance, except the paper stock and the electric wiring belonged to the Clarion Publishing Company. The paper destroyed showed a total invoice considerably larger than the stock policy covering it, and the wiring system was inadvertently left out of the policy on the equipment and machinery. At this time it is believed that the wiring system can be rehabilitated at a small expense, so that the loss, aside from the loss of time and earnings, will be small.
    The Clarion expresses appreciation to the J. W. Wakefield agency for prompt adjustment of losses.
Medford Clarion, January 11, 1924, page 1

    Miss Margaret Beatty, who so ably assisted with typesetting in the Post office two days each week, informed us Tuesday that she, with her parents, brothers and sisters, plan to leave Monday for their home at Ingomar, Mont. They have been visiting Mrs. Beatty's parents on Palmer ranch near Central Point. Miss Beatty helped pay her expenses through high school by assisting in a printing office and now plans to take a college course the same way. We wish her success.
"Personal and Otherwise," Jacksonville Post, July 18, 1924, page 2

    We received a copy of the Montague, Calif. Messenger on our desk this week, and investigation showed that W. T. Bray, formerly owner of the Jacksonville Post, is the editor and business manager of the Messenger. Editor Bray and the editor are acquaintances since before coming to Oregon, and we are pleased to welcome our old friend back into the publishing field.
Gold Hill News, October 18, 1928, page 1

    While Royal Bebb of the Mail Tribune job printing department was busily engrossed in work this forenoon a fellow worker of mean disposition slipped a dried herring into the pocket of his work apron. It should be said in explanation that it is in such aprons that printers park their chewing gum, matches, tobacco crumbs and lucky hairpins along with collections of various kinds of type and accessories.
    In a few seconds the Royal person began to plebeianly sniff and regard with suspicion all persons near or passing by, and frequently look down at his shoes and scrape his feet. No clue.
    Finally he decided the strange unearthly odor was a mental freak hangover, inasmuch as he had read until late last night some archaeological stuff describing in detail the unearthing of tombs of ancient Pharaohs of Egypt and suburbs.
    However, his nostrils still rebelling, Bebb laid aside his apron, went out into the alley and made a thorough investigation of himself. Returning, still puzzling over the odorous origin, as he picked up the apron to resume work the herring fell out, clearing up the putrid mystery.
    Thirsting for some kind of revenge Bebb went over to Al Hagen and while hypocritically asking him where he was going to attend church Easter Day transferred the herring into Al's coat pocket.
    Al was later seen sniffing about and scraping his shoes, and then hotfooting it for the great outdoors for an airing.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1931, page 4

A. B. Williams of Tribune Starts Fiftieth Year
in Varied Newspaper Career
    Drawing deeply on his old familiar pipe and casting a smile of friendliness about the Mail Tribune shop, A. B. Williams, veteran printer, completed his forty-ninth year with the trade last night and gave a short sketch of the things that have happened in the newspaper world since he entered it as a printer's devil back in 1882.
    During those forty-nine years "A.B.," as he is known to all his friends, has filled all chairs in the business from printer's devil up to editor in chief and during the less exciting moments amused himself and the public with poetry.
    "Chester A. Arthur was President of the United States when I entered the print shop in Greenville, Cal.," he said last night. "I was 14 years old and I began then my contacts with the pioneer history of California. Everything from stage coach robbings to lynchings found a place on my boyhood horizon. I worked five years in the shop of the weekly paper, then went to Utah and worked on a daily in Salt Lake for four years.
    "Those were tedious days, setting type by hand and by lamp light after midnight, for the electric lights were turned out and the lamps lighted at that hour throughout the city. I had been in the printing business 10 years when the first linotype machine came west, and that one only as far as Denver. Not one thing in this shop was known to the newspapers of that day." He glanced about the Mail Tribune shop, his eyes traveling from the hurrying linotypes to press and back to the various fixtures, which have brought the ever-necessary element of speed into the news.
    "Yes, I pied a lot of type," he admitted, "when I had to set that little stuff by hand, sometimes half a galley, sometimes a galley, and once a whole form."
    After working for four years on the daily in Salt Lake City, "A.B." started a weekly at Mt. Pleasant and ran it for eight years. He sold it and went to Richfield and started another newspaper, which he sold 10 years later to come to Medford, where he joined the staff of the old Medford Mail, predecessor of the Mail Tribune. He has been in Medford 23 years.
    During the territorial days in Utah he played an important part in the affairs of the country. He was commissioned as territorial officer by Grover Cleveland. Later, when political lines were drawn, exciting times were known and "A.B." was in on all of them,
    The most interesting campaign of his career he lists as the Bryan-McKinley presidential race. He was editing the paper then in Mt. Pleasant, Utah, where he also served. as justice of the peace.
    A.B.'s mother, Mrs. M. A. Parks. who was born on an emigrant train crossing from Illinois to California, is now living in the Sams Valley district.
    Her father was captain of the train, and during A.B.'s earliest childhood and listening to the stories of the perils and struggles conquered by the early settlers, he developed the same pioneer spirit which has kept him carrying on year after year to do more and better printing and when the day is done to grip his pipe and write another poem.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 3, 1931, page 5

Heads Tribune Job Dept.
    Readers of the Mail Tribune who read Sunday's announcement of an important expansion program to be launched at once by this paper were gratified in the fact that S. Sumpter Smith would continue to be a member of the Tribune organization. Although Mr. Smith's position as business manager will be filled by E. L. Knapp, secretary and treasurer of the Southern Oregon Publishing Company of Eugene, he will retain a stock interest in this paper and assume entire management of the job printing department.
    S. Sumpter Smith is one of Medford's pioneer newspaper men. In July, 1910, he was instrumental in the establishment of the Medford Sun, a morning paper. In the opening issue with which the Medford Sun made its debut to Rogue River Valley people, the names of several well-known Medford firms of today appear.
    In 1911, R. W. Ruhl, present editor and publisher of the Mail Tribune, became associated with Mr. Smith in the Medford Sun. This paper was then printed on North Grape Street in the location now occupied by the People's Electric Store warehouse. Two years later a consolidation was consummated with the Mail Tribune, then published by George Putnam, and the morning and evening papers were issued until 1919, when the daily morning edition of the Medford Sun was discontinued.
    On December 31, 1925, the Sunday issue of the Morning Sun became the Sunday Mail Tribune, and soon after this elimination of the last vestige of the Medford Sun the Mail Tribune building on Fir Street and adjacent buildings on North Grape Street were purchased by the Medford Printing Company, Mail Tribune publishers.
    As business manager of the Mail Tribune, S. S. Smith has been active in business and civic affairs in this city and prominent in political circles of the state. He has the distinction of being one of those identified with the reorganization of the Republican Party in this section of Oregon and is now, and has been for 12 years Jackson County's representative on the state Republican committee. During the world war he was active in government work and for many years was a director of the Medford Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Smith has also been an active church worker in this city.
    S. S. Smith's newspaper life covers a period of over 40 years. After filling in as an errand boy on the old El Dorado Republican, a Kansas publication, he became a "printer's devil" in 1886. After a few weeks of apprenticeship he "got a case" which, in the parlance of old-time newspapermen, meant that he was a full-fledged typesetter. This was before the Linotype of today supplanted the old hand method of typesetting.
    After working his way up, Smith became foreman of the shop of the El Dorado Republican, then general manager, a position which he retained for 13 years previous to coming to Medford. Among his old associates on the El Dorado Republican were men who have made history for Kansas. There were Bent Murdock, uncle of the well-known Victor Murdock and William Allen White, famous Kansas writer and publisher.
    Senator Arthur Capper, publisher of the Topeka Capital and Henry Allen, former governor of Kansas, United States Senator and recently prominent as Herbert Hoover's campaign publicity manager, were also listed among his early Kansas business and political friends.
    Mr. Smith recalls Charles Curtis, vice-president of the United States, whom he accompanied on his campaign tour through a portion of Kansas when Curtis waged his campaign for Congress.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1931, page 9  Click the link for a photo of Smith.

By Romeo Koppes
[Roma Addison Koppes]
    Dante's Inferno was a mere piking episode in comparison with the hubbub and systematic confusion that has been existing in the Mail Tribune composing room this week, which almost makes the publishing of that family journal on time daily a modern miracle, so handicapped is the editorial and mechanical staff by the work of making alterations in this big department, installing of new typesetting and like machinery, and making way for the coming installation of the new large tubular printing press.
    What with the pounding, drilling, hammering, sweeping, building up here and tearing down elsewhere by crews of carpenters, electricians and whatnot that has been on all week, a new torture was begun yesterday afternoon when workmen began tearing out a part of the rear room concrete floor with a pneumatic drill to make a bed for the new press. It is the loudest and most ear-piercing drill in the world.
    Along with all this noise and confusion the regular staff of printers and men at the Linotype machines, proofreaders and editors in getting about at their labor of getting the paper out have to wade carefully over or between piles of debris or construction material of various kinds.
    All of the above, together with the system changes being inaugurated, including use of new typeface and places of keeping new and edited galley proofs, fairly makes one's head swim.
    And the alterations are taking place so fast that a mere news editor or reporter has to jump lively, not only in order to save his life, but to find anything.
    Incidentally the editorial staff is in excellent training for any walkathon. For instance, one goes down to the composing room from the editorial rooms upstairs with copy or galley sheets, and a moment later starts on his return upstairs, only to be dumbfounded to find that the stairs have been knocked down and carried away by carpenters in those few minutes.
    Since the removal of the stairs, the only route to the composing room from the editorial rooms is by way of the front stairs of the building, to the business office in front, or around to the side entrance door in the alley.
    There is a new place for everything, which bewilders. For instance, one comes down to the composing room and shouts close to the ear of the busy A. F. Stennett, foreman, "Whereinel can I hang this copy?"
    "Damfino; find it yourself," shouts "Sten," who is so busy digging out plastering and nails that have fallen in a form that he does not look up.
    Otto Heckert runs a galley proof only to find out that several small nails have fallen into the galley and got mixed up with the type. Because of state and national laws governing the subject his comments cannot be published.
    Jim Murray, Linotype operator, in passing by Frank Rector, another operator, says pleasantly, or shouts rather, "Pleasant day, not so hot."
    "You're another," snaps back the peeved Rector, misunderstanding. Julius Manke, another Linotype operator, reaches for his pipe while at work, and finds his hand clutching a discarded screwdriver. Linotype operators Mark McCoy, Clarence Sheley and Emmett Gillings are so rattled, especially by the pneumatic drill, they forget to smoke at all, and A. B. Williams has had all the poetry knocked out of him by the din, which is a blessing to the public.
    But through it all smiling serenely and with not a speck of dust in his neat garb, Ernest Gilstrap, one of the new stockholders, walks around softly, as if not wishing to disturb anyone, overlooking the improvements being made. His nonchalance and good temper under the circumstances make him a rival to Crater Lake as a world wonder.
    E. L. Knapp, new business manager of the Mail Tribune, avoids the confusion by remaining in his private office upstairs.
    And so it goes--all in the way of making a better newspaper of the Mail Tribune, in modern newspaper quarters, as will be seen when all the improvements are completed.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 24, 1931, page 7

    It was a very short jaunt from press to bar back in the old days when Otis Krause's father edited the Oregon Sentinel at Jacksonville, the younger Mr. Krause reminded friends last week upon his arrival in Medford from Oakland, where he is in the construction business.
    The offices of one of the oldest newspapers in the state were located above the saloon operated by Caton and Garrett, and the boys usually took several steps at a time going down. The building which housed the saloon then is now known as "Amy's Place." The stairway, with steps well worn by the thirsty typesetters, still stands, joining the upper to the lower floor, but press and bar are gone.
    While in Medford Mr. Krause called upon his former school master attorney Gus Newbury and exhibited a welt, inflicted by "Gus" in one of his first and most severe reprimanding moods. It still scars his leg.
    He also swapped yarns with Lewis Ulrich, a classmate of the old days, and visited numerous friends Medford while here. He is now visiting Crater and Diamond lakes and other Southern Oregon resorts.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 27, 1931, page 3

Union Men Locked Out and Morning Issue Delayed--
Open Shop Ultimatum Brings Quick Climax.

    Publication of the Daily News, morning newspaper, was delayed today, due to a "lockout" of union printers last night and a breakdown of the press this morning, when the edition was ready to print.
    It was expected to have the regular edition issued early this afternoon.
    The controversy with the printers has been underway since last Saturday when notices were posted that after September 1 the paper would be operated on an "open shop" basis, with a wage scale of $35 per week.
    Edward J. Pelkey of Seattle, representative of the International Typographical Union; James C. Murray, president of the local union, and L. A. Banks, publisher, had several conferences the past week, seeking an adjustment.
Statement by Banks.
    Publisher Banks this morning issued the following statement:
    "Notices were posted August 15 in the back shop of the Medford Daily News, declaring that on and after September 1st the News would operate an 'open shop.'
    "A wage scale of $35 per week, to be effective after September 1st, was also posted.
    "A conference between Mr. Ed J. Pelkey, representative of the International Typographical Union, and the publisher of the Medford Daily News was held Thursday afternoon--resulting in Mr. Pelkey demanding a 'walkout' on the spot.
    "Local help was obtained to publish the Medford Daily News this morning, but upon starting the press it was found that it had been 'jimmied'--one of the rollers having been put out of order by a broken casting.
    "The latter has been repaired, and if nothing else develops, the News will be published before noon today.
    "The wage scale posted by the News is the same as is being paid in 59 cities throughout the United States, having an average population of 19,849.
    "All former employees in the back shop were permitted to remain on the News at the new wage scale, but refused to do so upon orders from Mr. Pelkey."
Union Statement.
    James C. Murray, president of the Medford Typographical Union, issued a statement as follows:
    "Six journeymen printers and one apprentice were locked out of the Medford Daily News on Thursday, August 20.
    "This was the culmination of the declaration of the publisher, during the past year, that he intended to establish his paper on the so-called 'open shop' basis. The union printers were recently given notice that they must notify the publisher whether they desired to remain, and accept a $13 per week wage cut. Very naturally they rejected this proposal.
    "The wage reduction sought would have placed the Medford printers on the lowest wage scale of any of the 51 local unions in the Northwest, and below the wages prevailing in the industry in the United States and Canada.
    "Aside from the wage reduction, the 'open shop' demand meant that the union printers must sever their union connections, and sacrifice all old age pension, mortuary benefits and entrance to the printers' home for the aged and sick.
    "Every one of the News' former employees has families; most of them are home-owners.
    "At the request of the management, for the past six months these employees have been accepting 30 percent of their wages in due bills, and using their savings to live, with the understanding they would be paid September 1, with continued employment at the accepted wage."
Medford Mail Tribune, August 21, 1931, page 1

To the people of Medford:
    Report comes to the Daily News from a man who is willing to make an affidavit that he was offered $100 to "jim" the machinery in our mechanical department.  This is a fair sample of the policy being pursued by certain people.
    The above item appeared on the first page of the Daily News in its Sunday morning issue, and it is evident that the purport was to lead its readers to believe that "certain people" were members of the local typographical union, as it is the latest organization in Medford which the News is trying to disrupt.
    When officials of the local union interviewed L. A. Banks regarding the above item and wished to learn if the statement applied to the typographical union, Mr. Banks stated that the man who claimed he had been offered $100 to "jim" the machinery was intoxicated and that he placed no reliance in the truthfulness of the statement and would publish in the following issue a retraction or at least a modification in which the union would be exonerated. To date the News has not made the retraction, though the lying story was broadcast the length of the Pacific Slope.
    The man whom Banks described as the person who allegedly had been approached to "jim'' the News machinery is believed to be in the county jail on another charge, and an effort was made to have Mr. Banks go with the local union officials and identify the man, but so far he has declined to answer the phone andassist in the identification.
    This story adds one more myth to the inexhaustible number that the News claims are secretly attempting to undermine and ruin that publication.
    The story of the News controversy with the typographical union can be told in a nutshell. About the 15th of this month the News posted a notice in the composing room that after September 1st the wages would be $35 per week instead of $48, and that the union would not be recognized. All employees who intended to remain were requested to answer by August 20.
    E. J. Pelkey, international I.T.U. representative, was called to Medford and together with officials of the local union held a conference with L. A. Banks, who admitted he had no grievance with the local organization but wished to operate his composing room on a much cheaper basis, declining to consider any other attitude than the one he had taken. Mr. Pelkey suggested that as no satisfactory agreement could be reached and as the local printers were to be locked out September 1, that it would be best for all concerned to have the lookout effective instanter, which Mr. Banks indicated was satisfactory to him.
    As the lockout became effective immediately, no former union employees have been in the composing or press room since that date, so any intimations that machinery had been tampered with by the union workers is a silly, unfounded assertion. If the machinery has gone haywire it is chargeable to the incompetent and inexperienced workmen who succeeded the local printers.
    L. A. Banks had never intimated that the scale of wages was too high, but about seven months ago asked the employees to accept 30 percent of their salaries for the following six months in due bills payable September 1st. To this the employees agreed, and those who are locked out today are carrying from $300 to nearly $500 due bills in their pockets, patiently waiting for September 1st to arrive, hoping that then they will realize upon the sacrifices they made to assist their employer.
    The union's contention is that the scale of wages here is on a par with the scales throughout the United States and Canada, that experienced and trained union workmen at $48 per week will conduct the composing room as cheaply, if not cheaper, than a bunch of printing students can at $35 per week salary, and though Mr. Banks may never confess and the public will never know, the local union believes that the Daily News operating expenses are just beginning to soar.
    The News considers that $35 per week is sufficient salary for a craftsman who sacrificed five years of his life in serving an apprenticeship, but Mr. Banks boasts that he pays 28 fruit packers $44.25 per week, and it is asserted that the art of packing can be learned in two weeks tuition
    A. F. STENNETT, Secretary
    J. C. MURRAY, President
Medford, August 28.    (Paid adv.)
Medford Mail Tribune, August 25, 1931, page 6

    The new high speed Duplex Tubular press, installed in the $75,000 expansion program of the Mail Tribune, was given a test run yesterday when the pink comic section of the Sunday morning edition was run off. Regular operation of the press will start Tuesday, September 1. Erection of the press by a factory expert was completed Tuesday.
    Installation of other mechanical equipment, including a Ludlow machine and a stereotyping outfit, has also been completed. The Mail Tribune now possesses one of the most complete mechanical departments in the state.
    As soon as the new mechanical department is in apple-pie order, the general public will be invited to see the press and other equipment in operation.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 27, 1931, page 5

This Issue First to Be Printed and Produced by Newly Added Modern Mechanical Equipment
    This issue of the Mail Tribune is published upon its high-speed Duplex Tubular Rotary press, which will bring to readers and advertisers faster service, clearer reading type, and all the advantages that come with modern newspaper mechanical equipment.
    The installation of the press is part of the $50,000 expansion program of the Mail Tribune. Other new and modern equipment includes a Ludlow machine, Monotype material-making machine and a complete stereotyping department and machinery and new Ludlow type faces.
    Local carpenters, electricians and workmen have been engaged for the past month erecting and providing for the new machinery. In operation, the Mail Tribune now has one of the most complete mechanical departments in the Northwest.
    Other machinery installed includes a two-speed matrix roller, plate finishing machine, water-cooled plate caster, and minor, but nonetheless important, machinery.
    With the new press, the Mail Tribune is able to print in colors, and shortly will publish its own comic strip section in that manner.
    Addition of the new machine brings a radical change in the daily construction of the Mail Tribune. Reading matter and advertising, as of old, is assembled in forms, but there the similarity ends.
    The forms are "justified," after which they are placed in the matrix-making machine. This powerful contrivance, weighing 7,500 pounds, exerts a pressure of 30 tons to the square inch. A "form" of type is placed in the machine, and the "mat" emerges 30 seconds later, with the entire page deeply impressed on the surface.
    The "mat" is then curved upon an electrically heated cylinder known as "the scorcher," which dries every particle of moisture in the mat. This completed, the curved mat is placed in the plate caster, metal heated to between 600 and 700 degrees is poured into the caster, making a cylindrical plate, on which the type and advertisements stand out in bold relief.
    This process over, the plate is placed on the plate finishing machine, and made ready for the press cylinders. The ends and sides are beveled and the center bored. Accuracy down to the thousandth part of an inch is required in order to fit perfectly the press cylinders.
    The plates are now placed on the press and adjusted and tightened.
    Once in operation, the press grinds out 30,000 copies per hour, neatly folded and counted in piles of 50. Sixteen pages can be printed at a time, and provisions are made for the addition of units to the press, if necessary, for larger editions.
    The press, at full speed, makes less noise than an alarm clock, and is a marvel of cogs and rollers, and mechanical accuracy.
    As soon as the mechanical department is made tidy, the general public, civic organizations and school children will be invited to call and see the Duplex press in operation.
    Installation of the press and other mechanical equipment has been under the general supervision of Ernest R. Gilstrap of Eugene and Medford, with Charles F. Young of Battle Creek, Mich., an expert press erector. W. O. Fillinger of Glendale, Cal., Duplex pressman and stereotyper, who assisted, will have charge in the future.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1931, page 1

'Old Betsy' Mopes Beside Mail Tribune's New Press
    A pathetic sight in the press room of the newly and modernly machine- and type-equipped mechanical department of the Mail Tribune is the old Duplex flatbed press on which this newspaper has been printed for twenty or more years past, now lying mutely idle beside her big and lusty up-to-date younger brother, over twice her size--the new rotary high-speed press, which began functioning this week.
    What a tale this discarded duplex press, familiarly known to her intimates of this newspaper staff as Old Betsy, could proudly tell of the efficient part she has taken in Medford's progress from a large, ambitious town twenty years ago, to the modern, bustling, still fast growing and ambitious city of about 12,000 of today.
    A sacrifice to the progress of the Mail Tribune and city, it is not yet known just what her fate will be, just where she will be sold, except that the next move in that fate will be to undergo dismantling for shipment to whatever place the purchaser designates. But Old Betsy patiently and bravely faces that fate. Perhaps she is ruminating on those lines of the poet:
"What though I live with the winners
Or perish with those who fall?
Only the cowards are sinners,
    fighting the fight is all."
    There are many persons who have resided in the upper floor apartments of the Mail Tribune in years gone by who would make no bones of saying where they would like to see the old press go. In fact they have many times in the past consigned Old Betsy to such a place early Sunday mornings when her rumblings shook the building and prevented further sleep, or on afternoons when trying to take a nap while the press was at work.
    Pathetic sight--really pathetic. Why some of the old timers of this newspaper, who are familiar with Betsy's sterling ability and idiosyncracies through long association of years, can almost see tears dripping from her instead of oil, notably when Dave Griffiths, her valet and operator for the past dozen or more years, is standing near. She seems to be mutely pleading for some further attention from him.
    And Dave, who is usually about as affectionate during business hours as a peeved rattlesnake, has been observed while passing by to sneakingly give the old press a resounding whack, which to him is an expression of affection, and heard him softly exclaiming, "Wake up, old girl."
    Also, the wonders of the new press do not prevent Dick Greene, assistant pressman to Dave for years, from sneaking in a love pat occasionally for Betsy, when no one is looking.
    Such is progress. Old Betsy is too slow and temperamental for a modern newspaper plant, but as things go has many years of usefulness yet ahead of her in some location where speed and modern printing presswork is not required.
    Sterling patient Old Betsy is raring to go, but has yet no place to go. Standing idle and ruminating over past glories, she feels only half there--sort of moronlike, perhaps the line of that snappy verse, author unknown, are revolving through her mind:
There goes a happy moron,
He doesn't give a damn.
I wish I were a moron--
My gosh, perhaps I am.
    Yes, Old Betsy could tell a well worthwhile story of the progress of Medford, the county, state, nation, and world during the past twenty years, in which time off her heaving bosom came the daily social and court news, crime events, marriages, deaths, births, wars and war scares, disasters, ambitions, disputes, growth, business changes, and whatnot. 
    Old Betsy was and is still a good old soul--has always done her level best, and it is the wish of the Mail Tribune staff that her declining years be full of peace and good cheer.
    And wherever she goes, it would be an act of kindness to have either her old handler, Dave Griffiths, or possibly A. F. Stennett or A. B. Williams, with whom she has been closely associated for many years, visit her at least once a year, wish her well, and tell her the latest gossip of the old home town. It would do her creaking joints a lot of good.
    Old Betsy--Whatta press!
Medford Mail Tribune, September 4, 1931, page 6

    The canard in circulation last Tuesday that the two Medford units of the Oregon National Guard had been ordered to mobilize for duty in the Chinese war zone rose through a practical joke played on Johnny Yzunza, apprentice in the Mail Tribune composing room, and custodian extraordinary of the editorial office floors and waste baskets.
    While Mr. Yzunza, since whose advent in this newspaper plant the old-time printers have ceased swearing, they finding that a rapid attempt to utter Johnny's last name quickly is more efficacious than the average cuss words, was out on an errand that day, an office wag, knowing that he was a member of the Headquarters Company unit of the city, prepared to give him a scare.
    It worked, and Johnny's Spanish blood is still boiling.
    The wag caused to be printed in large type a banner saying, "Local National Guardsmen Called Out for Service in the Chinese-Japanese War."
    On his return, Johnny took one glance at the banner, turned pale and rushed home to tell his mother the dire news, pack up his things, bid her goodbye and report for duty at the armory. En route home he spread the news rapidly.
    In ten minutes the report was in circulation all over the city that the National Guard had been called out to duty, and most everyone believed it and got busy giving a faster circulation. One business man told a reporter late that afternoon in all earnestness that "our boys have just been called out for service in China against the Japanese army."
    Johnny remained on the string until he returned to the Mail Tribune plant to bid the personnel there goodbye, and to save the local populace having an undue scare was told that the banner was a joke.
    The rapid circulation of the false rumor and the general tendency to believe it shows that the local public is much concerned in the trouble between the Chinese and Japanese nations, and is eagerly watching all developments from day to day.

Medford Mail Tribune, February 4, 1932, page 7

    Although he is celebrating today the 50th anniversary of his entry in the newspaper trade, A. B. Williams, veteran poet and master printer, is taking no holiday, but continuing with his duties in the Mail Tribune shop with the same industry and care which have characterized his work down through the years.
    With lips clamped tightly upon his friendly pipe, he admitted this afternoon that he had planned a printers' party for tonight in honor of the occasion, but something interfered. He will therefore confine his reminiscences to poetical expression.
    Mr. Williams was just 14 years old when he entered a print shop in Greenville, Cal., as printer's devil. Twenty-four years ago he began his work in Medford with A. S. Bliton, then editor of the Morning Mail, and has continued with the same newspaper through its change of names and ownership down to the present day, with the exception of one year spent in Reno.
    Before coming to Medford he spent four years in Salt Lake City, several in Colorado and for 18 years ran newspapers of his own, establishing one in Mt. Pleasant, Utah, in 1891 and another in Richfield, Utah, in 1898. While editor of the first he was also justice of the peace for the town and married seven couples.
    He entered matrimony himself in 1894 in Chester, Utah, and will celebrate with Mrs. Williams their 38th anniversary next August. Their three children, Mrs. A. D. Hess, Leo B. Williams and Helen Williams, are also residents of Medford and Mr. Williams' mother, Mrs. M. A. Parks, a California pioneer, is now making her home in the Sams Valley district.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 2, 1932, page 5

Retrospect of Fifty Years
June 1, 1882--June 1, 1932
By A. B. Williams
Fifty years have passed since I, a youth scarce in my teens,
Embarked upon the tide of Time, midst life's discordant scenes;
Full fifty years I've rounded out in never-ending toil
In walls begrimed with printer's ink and other marks of moil;
Full half a century at case and at the desk I've sat
Forwarding the chronicle of matters this and that.
From morn to eve and through the dead hours of the night
I've followed my one chosen craft with all my skill and might.
Well I recall quite eagerly I hailed each newborn day--
For in my adolescent youth the task seemed scarce but play--
But years of constant toil have worn that spirit down
And my face now is seamed with furrow and with frown.
Yet, after all, I've quite enjoyed that which has been my task,
And many of my recollections are like mellowed wine in cask.
Experiences have been varied, as all old-timers ken--
The ludicrous and sombre, known to only printer men.
Fifty years is not a record by any sort of means;
It's often been surpassed by other labor deans;
Yet it covers quite a span, after all's been done and said,
To compass one lone unit through all the years that's fled.
Many changes have transpired in the history of the world
During those fifty years as Time has onward whirled.
One scarce would recognize now in the passing show
The customs and the systems of fifty years ago.
It doesn't seem so very long, looking backward through the years;
Still Time's been rather dragging as the final ending nears.
Years and years of regular hours and often overtime,
On news and obituaries, editorials and rhyme.
The "ems" that I have set page many hidden files;
The columns I've composed run well up into miles,
And many the hours I recall with no thought of caress
Impatiently I've pulled and hauled at the Washington hand press.
From devil up to editor each station I have filled;
Through ads and the job route for many years I've milled;
I've put the forms to press and fed the spotless sheets
To hand press and to cylinder and sent them to the streets.
I've reported daily doings from scandal to the sacred,
Events playing on the heartstrings, also of deepest hatred.
I've been newspaper helmsman clear to the business end.
In fact all the departments have been in general blend.
What great events I've told in type throughout those fifty years!
Events startling in their day that now fall on deafened ears.
I've told of devastating wars, where soil ran red with blood;
Of earthquake disasters, volcanoes, fire and flood;
Of Presidents elected, governments overthrown,
Great empires gone crashing down like crumbling walls of stone.
I've told the gossip of the rich, the sorrows of the poor,
From the blazoned spotlights down to the most obscure.
One day the types I've fingered would gladsome tidings tell,
The next some stark tragedy would the little metals spell;
One day a birth, the next a death, a wedding or divorce;
Or some glaring scandal that soon would run its course.
I helped to spread the news of the electric light invention;
I heralded when wireless first came to world attention;
In hand-set type I told of the Linotype's advent,
Which set us printers guessing at its possible portent.
I helped to spread the tidings of the first automobile,
The radio and submarine and ships of solid steel;
The first news to the world of that long sought in vain--
That great achievement of the air, the winging aeroplane;
The movies and the talkies that daily doth amuse,
The achievements of the surgeons which new hopes now infuse;
And many I have heralded of modern marvelous finds
That have added to our comfort, born of the master minds.
Printing was a different art in the old hand-peg days
Much of which is sacrificed for the ultramodern ways:
Rules of punctuation, caps, spacing, symmetry and style
Had closely to be followed by the entire rank and file.
Every paper had its style and that style was adamant,
And it sometimes kept us guessing to get the proper slant.
The careless mass of product from which we now daily learn
Must cause those old-time journalists in their graves to overturn.
Many a handful of type I've jumbled into "pi"--
That bane of the printer's life, well known to you and I;
Which same can be applied to all my life's career--
I've "pied" opportunities and it's cost me mighty dear.
I've pulled "boners,"' made mistakes that brought an umbrage down,
And I've made many a slip that no remorse would drown.
But, take it all in all, my proofs were rather fair,
And the record will sustain a scrutinizing glare.
That old-time compositor you would so often meet,
The tramp or touring printer, is now near obsolete,
At times he was a derelict with a penchant for the brew,
But he knew his typography, let me be telling you.
He'd been from Bangor, Maine, down to Los Angeles;
From Seattle, Washington, to Florida, I guess.
He had first-hand information of each print shop in the land,
And from agate up to pica had often lent a hand.
Yes, I've grown somewhat weary of the never-ending grind;
The chance I'd gladly welcome to put it all behind;
I'd like to lay aside my "humpback" and my old time-worn gauge,
And take to ease and comfort in my fast approaching age;
To retire to God's open, mid the grasses and the trees,
And feel the kiss refreshing in every passing breeze;
To quad out my final line and close my finished take,
And call the lifework "thirty" and the old print shop forsake. 
Medford Mail Tribune, June 2, 1932, page 5

    A party of approximately one hundred printers, their wives and families of Medford and Klamath Falls, gathered at Lake o' the Woods yesterday for their annual picnic, for which the Klamath union was hosts.
    The day's program included swimming, boating, dancing and a baseball game, which the local group won, 8 to 0.
    James Murray and A. F. Stennett were local members of the committee on arrangements.

Medford Mail Tribune, August 1, 1932, page 1

(By Frank DeSouza)
    James William Young, who died September 21, 1932, was born in Dublin, Ireland, January 10, 1880, and for the past fifteen years has been a well-known resident of Jackson County, Oregon; first residing at Ashland and later moving to Medford, where he has lived for ten years.
    Mr. Young was a member of the Typographical Union and Knights of Columbus and during his lifetime took a prominent part in the affairs of each organization and made numerous friends who have been saddened by his unexpected and untimely death,
    Mr. Young married Miss Clara Arnold February 8, 1910. His widow and three sons, Dougal, Arnold and Walter, survive him. Dougal is at the University of Oregon, where he is enrolled as a student in the art department.
    As one of the owners of the Medford Daily News, under its former management, Mr. Young became best known in Medford. He was a champion of the best in civil government and an advocate of human rights. He was sympathetic and sincere and took great pleasure in assisting his fellow men.
    After retiring from the journalistic field he became impressed with the future of Medford and the Rogue River Valley, and invested his earnings in real estate, being the designer and builder of a group of dwellings on Park Street in Medford which have been a model of beauty and convenience to those who have followed in the construction of residence buildings in this city.
    Mr. Young had many friends, some of whom saw him daily and who took inspiration and encouragement from his affability. He had a keen sense of humor and in periods of depression stimulated those with whom he came in contact by his ability to smile and laugh. He was often the source of consolation to those who were depressed and was always welcome in any group or gathering.
    At the age of eleven years he was left fatherless and in spite of the insistence of his mother, Mary J. Young, that he remain in school, he decided that his duty was to his mother and the other members of her family, and at that immature age he determined to be of assistance to those who had been left alone. His first undertaking was in a small job printing office. On account of his youth and his size it was necessary that he stand upon a pile of firewood under the case in order that he might reach the type which it was his work to set for printing. Soon after he was placed in charge of this office and for three years remained at that work, when he moved to a larger town, where he remained for a short time. At this point he realized that experience was necessary and he moved to a larger field, a city of 60,000 inhabitants, where he obtained employment and remained for five years.
    Through the illness of a younger brother and in a spirit of sacrifice he moved to California, leaving his home and friends to go among strangers and into a new field. For a time his brother's health improved, but no medical science nor environment could check the progress of his brother's malady and the brother was returned to his home in Calgary, Canada. To me Mr. Young expressed his feelings at the parting of his brother, whom he never saw again alive, and this is what he said: "Sick at heart and homesick, I left San Francisco and wandered around for several weeks, visiting many cities, and always trying to forget.
    "It was impossible to forget the loss of a beloved brother taken away in a time of youth. I returned to my home to meet the poor bereaved mother and grief-stricken sister and to try to keep a smiling face and comfort them with the love that can only be given by a son to his mother."
    In April, 1905, he began to work in the job department of one of the leading newspapers in Calgary, Canada. Not satisfied with being an employee, it was his ambition to engage in business for himself, and in a modest way he commenced business in that city. Through his energy, ability, and fair dealing his venture prospered and later became one of the largest of its kind in that territory. During the remainder of his life his field enlarged and he became more prosperous, all of his success resulting from close attention to business, fair dealing with his customers, and sincerity of purpose. He thought highly of the promises he made and kept them faithfully, and due to these fine qualities made many sincere friends and admirers.
    In speaking of his standard in business, he recently said to me: "Fair dealing to every customer, special attention to details and neatness, and what is more important, promptness in keeping promises and appointments are rules certain to win. Fortunately in my youth I met men who followed these principles. I was impressed with their success. I have always felt that the motto, 'Live and let live' was worthy of emulation, and I have felt that one who lives up to these principles is doing his duty to God and man.
    "I have found that trouble and difficulties make the various types of men I have met during my lifetime. Some go under without a struggle; others make a half-hearted attempt to fight their way through, while a few, and I am sorry to say that it is only a few, shoulder their difficulties, fight their way through, and use their various trials and adversities as stepping stones to better conditions and success."
    In the death of "Jimmie" Young Medford and its people have lost a good citizen and sincere friend. He was generous in his disagreement with others, he was considerate of their opinions, he admired truth and sincerity, he rejoiced in the prosperity of others, left no enemies and many friends.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 2, 1932, page 8

Medford Printers Organized Since 1908; Prospered with Years
Few of Charter Members in Active Craft--Many Families Maintained--High-Type Citizens in Union.
(By A. F. Stennett.)
    As these pages in today's Mail Tribune are dedicated to Medford Typographical Union, No. 550, the writer considers it appropriate to embellish them with a brief historical sketch of the local union, believing that such an article will prove informative and of some interest to a majority of its readers.
    It was in the autumn of 1908 that the few journeymen printers in Medford and Ashland assembled in joint meeting to discuss the feasibility of organizing a local unit of the International Typographical Union, so that they could unitedly urge the adoption of a uniform wage scale, regulate the number of working hours per day, and have other rules and regulations for the betterment of the craft, and the employers as well.
Organized in 1908
    Application was made for a charter, and on December 1, 1908, Medford-Ashland Typographical Union, No. 559, was instituted with the following twelve members upon the charter:
    L. E. Whiting, president; Maude M. Hockenyos, secretary; H. L. Young, Geo. R. Morrison, James D. Fay, Arthur Jackson, A. B. Williams, L. J. Butterfield, A. E. Powell, all of Medford; Jerry Hegardty, John Loughlin and S. L. Burton of Ashland.
    Of these twelve whose names were engrossed upon that charter twenty-four years ago, Mrs. Hockenyos and A. B. Williams are still residents of Medford, John Loughlin operates a job office in Ashland, A. B. Powell is publisher of the Central Point American, L. E. Whiting is with the Oregonian, H. L. Young with the Portland Telegram, Fay is dead, and the whereabouts of the other five are unknown to the writer.
Few Disagreements
    The local union from its inception had but little difficulty in establishing wage agreements with the employers of Medford and Ashland, and ordinarily when new contracts were promulgated and finally consummated, both union and master printers exhibited equal fairness in the discussion, and negotiations generally concluded with but little friction. The only difficulty of any consequence the local has encountered during its existence was in August, 1931, when the Daily News abrogated the unexpired contract of the News Publishing Co. and gave notice of $13.00 per week reduction in salaries of all journeymen. The union considered the action a lockout, and since that date no members of our organization have worked in that shop.
Earnings Increased
    In 1909, the year following the organization of the local union, the members' earning power was $11,600, but as the years rolled on business continued to multiply, wages augmented from time to time, naturally the membership grew with the movement, and today there are 38 journeymen upon the membership roll whose earning power reached the peak in 1930--$77,225.00. Since 1930, owing to the general depression, there has been considerable decline in printing output, accompanied by a reduction in salaries to keep step with the trend of times, but nevertheless, regardless of these conditions, investigation will justify the assertion that the payrolls of union-operated printing concerns provide one of the most substantial sources of all-year revenue that Medford can boast of from a manufacturing point of view.
Families Maintained
    Of the thirty-eight members of the local union thirty-two are married and have families; of the remaining six members two are mainstays of families, giving the organization thirty-four families to be provided for through the channels of the printing industry of this valley. With an exception, possibly in three or four instances, all these families own their homes and some are fairly heavy taxpayers.
    Four of our members, being old and incapacitated, are on the International Union pension roll, and each receives an income of $8.00 per week. Every four weeks the local secretary passes out international union checks to these four members in the sum of $128.00. One of these members has been on the pension roll since 1924 and to date has been paid through the local secretary the total sum of $3,552.00.
Non-Members a Thorn
    The band of non-union printers who infest the Pacific Slope are long on instability and very short on ability, and watch for an opportunity to break into an organized shop at a time when there is a disagreement between proprietors and employees. They are, ordinarily, persons without family obligations, of a roving inclination, and never intend to become permanent residents of any particular community. Their main desire is to disrupt the typographical union, cut the wages to a meager existence, and then move on to another field of operation. When they have passed on the local merchant, in many instances, finds he has suffered more than he has profited from their patronage
Long in Service
    On the other hand, to illustrate the type of men who constitute the local union, we shall mention the names of several who have been holding situations in Medford ten years or longer.
    A. B. Williams, resident almost a quarter of a century, and with the exception of a short interval has worked continuously for the same corporation.
    A. P. Stennett, 23 years a resident, holding same position 22 consecutive years.
    J. A. Manke, 21 years as Linotype operator for one concern.
    J. C. Murray, 17 years as Linotype operator for same company.
    K. F. Murray, 17 years in Medford, and 13 years on present job.
    R. E. Bebb, raised in the valley, and 11 years with present employer.
    A. J. Klocker, 10 years in Medford, and now owner of Klocker Printery.
    T. R. Leonard, learned his trade in Medford, and now associated with Marshall-Smith-Leonard Co., Inc.
    W. B. Rowley, 11 years in Medford, voluntarily retired from mechanical work four years ago, but still the most ardent worker for the cause of unionism in the organization, and it was through his solicitation that the two pages of advertisements and the information [in today's Mail Tribune] were made possible.
    M. L. McCoy, in the valley 10 years, with present company eight years.
Stable Citizens
    And there are others who have been with the same concern five, six and seven years. In fact, with the exception of two recent arrivals, all local members have been residents not less than four years.
    The length of service above mentioned is indicative that our members are competent workmen, steady and reliable, and are giving continued satisfaction to their employers.
    There are four printing establishments in Medford that are employers of union labor and have the use of the union label. They are: Medford Printing Co., publishers of the Daily Mail Tribune, Mail Tribune Job Department, Klocker Printery and Marshall-Smith-Leonard, Inc. The three last-named concerns are fully equipped to handle everything in the line of commercial printing and we, as a union, whose local membership are 100 percent Medford buyers, urge business men who depend upon home people for their patronage to do unto others as others do unto them--or in other words scratch the back of the man who scratches your back. Remember this: Every time you spend a dollar for mail order printing, or in fact for anything else that you can buy at home, you are kissing that money an everlasting goodbye--putting it entirely out of local circulation--because there can be no exchange of wares, as you have nothing the receiver wants--but money. On the other hand, keep it at home by spending it with local concerns, and it will return to you at least once a month, each time with more profit than you saved in the one instance when you banished it from the community.
Remember the Label!
    Patronize the institutions that pay substantial salaries to their employees, affording them the opportunity to buy the necessities and luxuries of life, making the best class of customers a merchant can have. Make everlasting patrons out of the printing fraternity by demanding the union label on all your printing. The request for the label and receiving it is an assurance that living wages are being paid the producers and that you are willing to cooperate with your everyday customers.
    And in conclusion we wish it understood that these union-operated establishments have many other employees besides union printers. In the job shops there are pressmen, feeders, folders, binders, bookkeepers, solicitors, managers, etc.
    On newspapers are managers, editors, reporters, advertising solicitors, circulators, bookkeepers, pressmen, stereotypers, apprentices, carriers, etc. In fact the payroll to the employees in these branches is considerable in excess of the amount received by the compositors, but it all circulates in Medford along with the printers' income.
    Remember the four shops that carry the union label and keep your dollars constantly rolling around in Medford. It will go a long ways towards curing the present depression.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 4, 1932, page 5

Klocker Printery Is Oldest in City
    With eighteen years of continuous printing, the Klocker Printery holds the distinction of being the oldest commercial printing plant under the same name and management in Medford.
    Since the early history of the city, South Central has been the home of printing. A. S. Bliton established his newspaper in the Halley block in 1893. In 1909 he disposed of his plant. George Putnam being the ultimate buyer. By the time the Putnam paper had removed to the west side, Russell Evans had established a job shop on South Central. In 1914 this shop was sold to Schrack & Klocker. One year later, Mr. Schrack moved to Portland, selling his interest to Mrs. Klocker. Since then The Klocker Printery has expanded and served the commercial interests of Medford without change of name or ownership.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 4, 1932, page 5

Tribune Job Shop Employs Ten Men
    S. Sumpter Smith, veteran newspaper publisher, is head of the Mail Tribune commercial printing department, "The Home of Distinctive Printing Since 1892," located at 28-30 North Grape Street. This shop is modernly equipped to do all kinds of commercial printing. The "Red Fez," Hillah Temple's official Shrine paper, Medford Hi-Times, The Copco Forum, The Jacksonville Miner and many programs and pamphlets are printed in this modern pliant.
    All kinds of duplicate and triplicate sales books, endless forms for various makes of registers, ledger sheets and statements of all kinds of bookkeeping machines, blank books, county, city, corporations and business forms of all kinds, calendars, blotters, fancy stationery, etc. are products of this plant. In fact every want in the printing line can be supplied by this up-to-the-minute plant.
    Al Hagen is the superintendent of the plant, which employs ten people, more than any other job plant in this part of the state.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 4, 1932, page 5

Marshall Boasts Ruling Machinery
    Marshall-Smith-Leonard, Inc., printers, located at the corner of Main and Grape streets, have been in business in Medford for five years. The firm does all kinds of commercial printing and have the only ruling machine in Medford. The firm, which employs 5 men, is composed of the following members: Joe Marshall, Justin B. Smith and T. R. Leonard.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 4, 1932, page 5

    Fisticuffs flavored Jackson County's political row late yesterday afternoon. when George Maxwell, mining promoter, and Leonard Hall, editor of the Jacksonville Miner, engaged in fistic combat on the historic main street of Jacksonville.
    Maxwell, according to Hall and witnesses, has voiced his objection to stories printed in the Miner about his alleged citizenship irregularity, and has sought Hall since the articles appeared last week. He caught up with Hall yesterday, and left him soon afterwards.
    Maxwell approached Hall, who was talking to a citizen of Jacksonville, and declared that he didn't like the articles that had been printed about him.
    "I want that gun you've been carrying, too," Maxwell is reported as saying, and Hall declares that Maxwell started to "frisk" him to get the gun. "I'll show you which of us is the better citizen," Maxwell is quoted as saying.
    Hall declares that he stepped back from Maxwell after Maxwell had tried to take his gun from his pocket, and then when Maxwell approached he struck him on the nose. Several blows were struck, with the result that Maxwell received a bloody nose and then swore out a warrant with Justice Ray Coleman for Hall's arrest. Hall pleaded not guilty and was released on his own recognizance. "Every word I've printed about Maxwell is the truth," Hall said this morning, "and what's more he has already tried to change his registration card at the court house. He has been looking for me for several days, and nearly everybody in Jacksonville knows it."
    After Hall's arrest, Sheriff Gordon L. Schermerhorn requested the return of his permit to carry a gun, but Hall objected on the grounds that his life had been threatened, and that he was just as much in need of the gun now as he was when the permit was issued. Hall declares that his refusal to use the gun yesterday in his fight with Maxwell, or to think of using it, for that matter, is proof that he isn't going to abuse the privilege of carrying it.
    Sheriff Schermerhorn said he would reconsider the request for the return of the permit, Hall said.

Medford Mail Tribune, January 31, 1933, page 1

    She came to Medford 42 years ago as the bride of Felix G. Kertson, editor of the Medford Mail, predecessor of the Medford Mail Tribune--Mrs. Kertson told a reporter today as she dropped in to view the progress made by the newspaper during the intervening years.
    "This is certainly a much different-looking plant than the one which greeted me when I came here 42 years ago. It was located at 42 South Central," she declared as she scanned the Mail Tribune shop with interested eyes. "I was a bride then. Mr. Kertson had owned the Central Point Enterprise. He sold out and consolidated it with the Medford Mail. He had been here for a number of years. We stayed about two years after I came. He has been with the Los Angeles Times now for 30 years. It's a long time, and I find Medford very changed, quite a city."
    Here as guest of her cousin, Mrs. George Dunn, wife of Senator Dunn of Ashland, Mrs. Kertson will visit many scenic places in the valley before returning to her home in the south. She recalled today the many jolly times she had in Medford with her cousin 40 years ago and announced that she has found this week equally interesting. She will visit Crater Lake with the Dunns tomorrow and expects to return to Los Angeles Saturday.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1933, page 13

    Arthur Benjamin Williams was born in Long Valley, Lassen County, Cal., Nov. 10, 1867. He attended school in Greenville, Plumas County, until he was 14 years of age, when he gave up school and went to work in the office of the Greenville Bulletin, where he worked for a number of years, later going to Salt Lake City and worked on the Salt Lake Tribune.
    He then went to Grand Junction and worked on a daily paper in that city for a time, then returned to Salt Lake City, where he worked again on the Tribune. Later he went to Mt. Pleasant, Utah, establishing a weekly newspaper that he called the Mt. Pleasant Pyramid. His health failed him and he sold his newspaper, but went to Richfield, Utah, and started another weekly, calling it the Richfield Reaper.
    He started in with a job press, making a four-page paper, 10x14. In eight years he had paid $4000, equipped his office with a modern typesetting machine and electric press, putting out a 16-page regular paper, with a circulation of 1500.
    During this time his health was not good, but by sheer pluck and willpower he gave all his energy to his paper, community and family. In 1908 he sold his paper and came to Medford and went to work on the Medford Sun as night editor, later going to Reno, Nev., but after a year in that city he returned to Medford and resumed work on the Medford Mail, now the Medford Mail Tribune, where he remained until three weeks ago when a spell of flu forced him to bed.
    He was removed to the Sacred Heart Hospital ten days ago when pleuropneumonia with chronic complications developed, making it impossible for him to overcomes the disease. He passed away at 7:30 Saturday night.
    He made friends wherever he was, owing to his congenial and charitable nature, and no one asked for a helping hand that he did not cheerfully respond. He was a staunch believer in his community and its organizations.
    He was a faithful Odd Fellow for about 40 years, and the local organization will have charge of the funeral. The body will be cared for by Conger Funeral Home and the funeral held in the chapel of the same place on Wednesday, July 5, at 4 p.m., Rev. A. J. Hanby officiating. Interment in the Circle at the I.O.O.F. cemetery.
    Besides his widow, he leaves to mourn his loss one son, Leo B. Williams; two daughters, Mrs. A. B. Hess and Miss Helen Williams; three grandchildren, Gloria and Hugh Williams and little Billie Hess; three brothers and four sisters, four of whom at present live at Beagle, C. R and J. H. Williams, Mrs. R. H. Seegmiller and Mrs. R. E. Boyles; also his aged mother, who is 83 years old, and a cousin, who was his companion from boyhood, E. N. Day of Edgewood, Cal. 

Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1933, page 6  See Williams' 1908 letter.

    All the job printing establishments in Medford are members of the NRA and the employers and employees have signed consumers' pledges. In order to meet the shorter hours for labor, which are 35, where most other business hours have 40 hours, as well as other conditions, they are asking that the business and professional men be patriotic and comply with NRA by purchasing everything in the printing line from those who do their printing in Medford. When a solicitor calls on you, please ask him if the printing is done in Medford, not if the solicitor lives in Medford because some of them do, but the printing is not done in Medford, which means all but a small commission goes out of the city.
    Don't let solicitors tell you that certain lines of printing cannot be done in Medford. Everything any factory, business firm or professional man uses can be printed at home. Please call your printer in Medford when you need anything and you will be given a fair price, get first-class service and satisfaction guaranteed by people who help pay taxes.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 3, 1933, page 1


Type, Intertype, Presses, Machinery En Route;
Kansan Joins Staff of Miner As New Business Manager

    This week the Miner will realize an ambition cherished since its birth in Jacksonville more than two years ago. The paper has ordered equipment sufficient to produce the paper in its own plant here in Jacksonville, and erection of a new Intertype typesetting machine, presses, type cabinets and other machinery is expected to start by Monday morning, with a public opening scheduled for sometime next week, according to present plans.
    The acquisition of independent equipment comes simultaneously with the addition of a new staff member, J. W. Peckham, who took up duties of business manager for the paper early this week. Mr. Peckham, who hails from near Manhattan, Kansas, became interested in Oregon and 
the Miner some months ago, and his arrival late last week made the present improvement in the paper's status possible. Mr. Peckham has been identified with the newspaper business for some years and comes here with highest recommendations, assuming a junior interest in the paper.
the Miner has been printed in Medford shops, although mechanical phases of its production were handled by the staff itself, but starting next week the paper will maintain its own plant in Jacksonville, located in the Toft estate property next door to Coleman's hardware and until recently occupied by Frank Zell, antique dealer. Lease has been taken on the building, which will afford one of the best business locations in the city, and present plans include the composition of next week's paper in this city on Miner-owned equipment.
he Miner started as a small four-column, four-page weekly January 1, 1932, has grown by degrees till it has reached the full-length, seven-column proportion of the standard weekly. Next week will mark the entry of the paper into the job printing branch of the industry, equipment for that phase being ordered also.
the Miner will divorce Jacksonville and this side of the county from any dependence on other printing plants, and will give this city a new business house and tenant for the downtown section.
    Definite opening date announcements will be carried in next week's edition. Meanwhile, all readers are invited to drop into the new building at any time and inspect equipment being installed, and to become acquainted with the Kansan who has cast his lot with Jacksonville and the red-headed newspaper.

Jacksonville Miner, February 23, 1934, page 1  The Miner was printed on pink newsprint.

    Open house, to introduce the new Jacksonville Miner plant to Southern Oregonians, will be held one week from tomorrow, Saturday, March 10. At that time every department of the new shop is expected to be in smooth operation and an interesting exhibit of both newspaper and commercial printing will be prepared for visitors.
    Coming as a companion move to the addition of J. W. Peckham to the staff as business manager, the Miner has launched into the assembling of a complete newspaper and job printing office located in Jacksonville next door to Coleman's hardware in the old K. Kubli building, until recently occupied by Frank Zell and his antique shop. It will add another new business establishment to this city's main street, and will facilitate greatly the handling of more news and display advertising through the Miner office, as well as place printing equipment at the disposal of residents of this section. It has been a number of years since Jacksonville has supported a newspaper plant, and the Miner, after two years of being printed in Medford, has reached that stage of development which justifies an entirely independent shop of its own.
    Already a factory-rebuilt Intertype linecasting machine has been installed, and this week's news matter has been composed on this unit. A new selection of type faces for the Intertype, and for hand-set display, has been made, and all this new equipment is ready for use this week. A power saw, capable of cutting and trimming metal slugs, has been installed, as have been cases, type, stones, counters and everything but two presses, which have been purchased and which will be moved to Jacksonville over the weekend. Next week's Miner will be a product of the Jacksonville plant in its entirety, and next weekend doors will be thrown open in a formal invitation to all residents of the county to inspect the plant and see for themselves how their names are misspelled and how "the" comes out to be "hte" when the paper is delivered.
    This week the Miner is carrying a special section of editorial writeups of Medford business and professional men who are cooperating in launching the paper on a safe course, while next week, when Miner staff members will have the agonies of moving and installations behind them, a special edition will be printed and distributed.
    In the meantime, visitors are welcomed at the shop at any hour. Inverted nail kegs and the customary box of sawdust will be provided soon as possible.
Jacksonville Miner, March 2, 1934, page 1

Pardon Us While We Comb the Press and Type Out of Our Hair

    For more than a week stark drammer has been enacted in the long storeroom in the old K. Kubli building in Jacksonville, for a new printing plant is in the worst throes of being assembled and pressed into service.
    Parts of printing presses, wiring, gas lines, switches, type cases, cabinets, saws, hammers, nails, machinists, freight, insurance and general hysteria have added themselves to the regular docile tasks of getting out a weekly newspaper, and pages of the Miner this week undoubtedly will reflect the upheaval in the tranquil job of newsgathering.
    As an apology, the staff of the Miner asks your tolerance this week and promises that when the new plant is running smoothly the paper will see a better day, editorially and from a news standpoint, than ever before in its short history.
    So if you see greasy, disheveled boys running around Jacksonville with a wad of wrenches, parts, wires, string and pink paper under their arms, you will know why the Miner is having labor pains this week.
    We'll be seeing you-all about a week from Saturday.
Jacksonville Miner, March 2, 1934, page 1

The Miner Has a New Type Dress
    How do you like our new dress? The Miner appears this week set in a new typeface--the Intertype Ideal News series.
    This face was selected for the new Miner plant only after a careful examination of the various typefaces now on the market because of its clearness and legibility.
    As the trend in modern life today is speed--results--the type of a modern newspaper must permit the reader to "read as he runs" with the least effort and eyestrain. Optical principles should be given first consideration. That was the object in designing the new Ideal News face which we have adopted. Hairlines have been increased so that the letters stand out full and clear, resulting in a typeface that is really a comfort to the eye.
    We would like to have an expression from Miner readers as to how you like our new dress.
Jacksonville Miner, March 2, 1934, page 1

    Looking up at the sound of the opening of our office door we were confronted the other day with Leonard Hall and his new partner. We instinctively reached for a side-stick, but found the visitors had called in a friendly spirit. Mr. Hall and his new partner were merely looking about the valley and getting acquainted. They are preparing to install a new plant of their own in Jacksonville.
    Hall says he is getting tired of so much night work and hopes to get caught up on some sleep now. Maybe he will be awake by the time the primary campaign gets going.--Art (hic) Powell in the Central Point American.
    Editor's Note--A side-stick is a piece of steel about two feet in length and long recognized as final authority in any print shop quarrel.
Jacksonville Miner, March 2, 1934, page 1

    No. 4 Photo Quiz [September 4, 1958]--the picture of A. S. Bliton was when he was editor of the Medford Mail. It has always been by that name, never Southern Oregon Mail. [It was indeed briefly named the Southern Oregon Mail before Bliton bought it in 1893.] I was a typesetter for the paper around that time.
Henrietta Medynski
316 North Central Ave.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, September 16, 1958, page 4

Clara Davis, Printer, Has "Kept Going"
    "One of the best 'make-up' men I ever had" is the way Clara Trefren Davis is described by Amos Voorhies, publisher these past 65 years of the Courier, as he gave an approving glance at the picture of his erstwhile circulation agent-county correspondent-and composing room make-up "man" now turned grocer out at Hugo.
    Clara Trefren Davis, 73, who stepped into the thinning ranks of Courier printers as they answered the call to duty in World War I seems to have always had a way of stepping into a breach and taking hold--in print shops named among the earliest in Josephine County, the Courier's, and later in two successful general store ventures…in the second of which, out at Hugo, she's had the "say" now for more than a decade.
    She was only 17 when she started hand-set printing for the old Oregon Mining Journal, and she "went along with the deal" when the Journal changed to the Pacific Outlook, staying on to move with the fonts of type and the hand press when it moved into the Hoffman Building, and still later, as it became the Oregon Observer--which by then was being printed in the Courier press room.
     That's how the Courier got her--and they kept her. Clara could do just about anything that had to be done around the place…either in the "back shop" or out front. For a change in pace she took over the thankless task of straightening out the country subscription lists for the paper; a job which got her out of the print shop and onto the dusty (or muddy) roads of Josephine County. As she brought back the "straightened lists" she began to bring along a story or two that she had heard along the way along with countless little news items of the county's country happenings.
    Soon those country gleanings were even more valuable to the paper than the work she had started out to do on the subscriber lists, so Clara continued as "Country Editor." For this she made hard use of a Model T, then in Henry's next model, and finally in a station wagon, which she's had now these past 18 years.
    As World War I drained off men from the printing department, Clara spent more and more time helping out over on the makeup bench--the "stone" as printers call it. As another, and yet another, left for duty, the shop foreman broached the idea to Mrs. Davis.
    "Why not, you're doing most of the makeup now, as it is, you'd do all right on the makeup regularly."
    Mrs. Davis demurred--somehow a woman doing the makeup on a daily newspaper or as a regular thing seemed just a bit too bold a move for her to consider. Finally the shop foreman took matters into his own hands and bid the job for her, a proposal which was immediately accepted by the "boss." Thus, when the berth was offered to her, without her even seeking it, she consented to try it as a regular thing.
    The "tryout" lasted 10 years and terminated only when she pleaded for release from a task she felt was becoming too heavy with the step up in newspaper services.
    Mrs. Davis's family, the Trefrens, came west in 1890 from Nebraska, where she was born March 18, 1886. They settled into the "home place" as they still call it, out on Highland Avenue, but which was then known as the Merlin Road, and which was then the only route to Merlin. Four or five other families, several of them close kin to the Trefrens, took home sites to either side.
    That was then (and still is) a fair distance from the center of town. But if it was, the girl, Clara, didn't know it.
    One of the most exciting days she recalls out of her young years was the Fourth of July "way back" when there was an especially fine card of "bike races" at the old bicycle tract, located then way down Sixth Street towards the river.
    Clara and her younger brother and others of the neighborhood walked briskly into town for the morning races; home for noonday dinner, back to town for the special events of that glorious Fourth; home again for supper; and naturally, back again later that evening for the wonderful fireworks.
    Mrs. Davis' comments of this long-ago Fourth of July and its strenuous activity were summed up with one final apt accent to a pattern which has keynoted the entire life of this busy woman. "Why, I just always kept going--just refused to stop or be sick. Now I guess it's kind of become a habit."

Grants Pass Daily Courier, April 2, 1960, page 29

Last revised January 24, 2025