Timeline The notes below have been
derived from a variety of sources, indicated in parentheses; see the
Key at the bottom of the
page. Generally speaking, dates from newspapers are the most reliable--other than those from the
weekly edition of the Mail Tribune, which may be inaccurate by a
few days.
Many of the microfilm sources are available at Southern Oregon University's Lenn Hannon Library; remaining sources can be found at Medford's Central Library and in the files of the research library of the Southern Oregon Historical Society. Note that most of the dates below are the date of a newspaper story, often not the date of the event. You may need to consult a perpetual calendar to find the actual date the event occurred.* 1883
Apr. 14: "Dolson's surveying party is expected at Rock Point next Monday" to survey the railroad route through the valley (Sentinel) Apr. 27: David Loring, railroad right-of-way agent, was in Ashland, but "has not begun active work yet in this valley" (Tidings) June 1: "There is a difference of opinion as to where railroad depots will be located" (Times) June 15: "Grade stakes are being set along the railroad route and Mr. Loring is busily engaged in securing the right of way" (Times) July 21: "The point for the depot in the center of this valley . . . is yet unselected" (Sentinel) July 28: "A number of the substantial farmers in the center of the valley will fight the railroad company for the right of way" (Sentinel) Oct. 21: "There are three or four candidates for the central depot," but where it will be located "remains to be seen" (Times) Oct. 27: Phipps, Broback, Mingus and Beekman convey half of the future townsite to the Oregon & California Railroad (Snedicor) Oct. 27: David Loring's "work is about completed, the right of way having nearly all been secured to the Siskiyou tunnel" (Sentinel) Nov. 2: "To all appearances the central depot for this valley has been definitely located" at the future Medford townsite (Times) Nov. 22: Charles J. Howard begins surveying the townsite (Times 11/23/1883) Nov. 30: No name has been given the new town yet, "that being left with the railroad authorities" (Times) Dec. 7: Surveying of the townsite has nearly been completed, "the clearing of which will soon be commenced" (Times) Dec. 8: Two blacksmith shops are "ready for business" in the new town (Sentinel) Dec. 14: The station "in the middle of the valley" will be called Medford (Times) Dec. 14: "Emil Peil, an excellent blacksmith, has opened a shop at the central depot" (Times) Dec. 14: "Messrs. Geo. Crystal and C. Wilprel have each built a blacksmith shop at the new town at the Phipps place" (Tidings) Dec. 20: Medford town plat recorded Dec. 21: "Medford has one saloon and a multitude of others are expected soon" (Times) Dec. 21: "Wm. Egan and Pat. McMahon are putting up a livery stable at Medford" (Times) Dec. 23: Medford's first birth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson (Times 12/28/1883) Dec. 28: "Vrooman & Miller's [hardware and drugstore] building at Medford is nearing completion" (Times) 1884 Jan. 4: Mulvany & Slagle announce the Railroad Blacksmith Shop ready for business (Times) Jan. 4: John Byers and James T. Guerin are hauling "a considerable amount of brick" to Medford for their construction projects (Times) Jan. 11: Homer F. Torrey is building Medford's first hotel, the Medford Hotel (Times) Jan. 11: The tracks of the Oregon & California Railroad have reached Medford (Times) Jan. 12: McMahon & Egan's "substantial and commodious" livery stable was completed this week (Sentinel) Jan. 12: Noland & Ulrich have purchased the NE corner Main & Front; will build the Railroad Saloon there (Sentinel) Jan. 18: "The locomotive's shrill whistle was heard on Sunday for the first time" in Jacksonville (Times) Jan. 18: A boarding train "of 15 to 18 cars" arrives at Moses Williams' property a mile south of Medford (M. A. Williams diary) Jan. 23: The ballasting train reaches Medford "and the road is well graveled that far" (Times 1/25/1884) Jan. 25: "The town has more than a dozen buildings now ready for occupancy, and several in course of construction" (Tidings) Feb. 1: "The platform of the depot at Medford has been completed and the frame will soon be raised" (Times) Feb. 8: Fortunatus Hubbard, agent for Studebaker and Osborne implements, is building a warehouse in Medford (Times) Feb. 9: "Isaac Woolf has opened a grocery store at the new town of Medford" on 6th Street (Sentinel) Feb. 15: Medford's depot is "approaching completion" (Times) Feb. 20: Medford School District #49 formed from a division of District 2 (549C Timeline) Feb. 22: Dr. E. P. Geary "has located at Medford for the practice of his profession," offices in A. L. Johnson's building (Times) Feb. 24: A large crowd welcomes the first passenger train to Medford and Phoenix (Times 2/29/1884) Feb. 29: "J. S. Howard has received his commission as postmaster at Medford" (Times) Feb. 29: "Henry Smith of Wolf Creek is about establishing a lumber yard" in Medford (Times) Feb. 29: "Work on the foundations of the two brick buildings of Byers & Jacobs at Medford is now in progress" (Tidings) Mar. 1: James Cunningham, the railroad "agent and telegraph operator, has arrived and will be ready for business today" (Sentinel) Mar. 1: J. W. Cunningham's Empire Hotel "is now open for the accommodation of guests" (Sentinel) Mar. 4: The first rail shipment from Medford (550 pounds of mohair) arrives in Portland (Times 3/8/1884) Mar. 7: There are now thirty-six buildings in Medford, "a pretty good record for three months" (Tidings) Mar. 7: Freight trains arrive twice a week; the passenger train leaves Phoenix "every evening, excepting Saturdays" (Times) Mar. 7: The Medford windmill is nearly complete; if it's successful, "there will no doubt be others put up in . . . the valley" (Tidings) Mar. 22: The Medford post office and Wells Fargo office "will be in working order in a few days more" (Sentinel) Mar. 27: Medford's first killing: Town co-founder C. W. Broback shoots "hard case" William S. Caldwell (Times 3/28/1884) Mar. 28: "Five new houses have been put up and roofed at Medford within the past week" (Tidings) Apr. 11: Simeon Rosenthal "talks of opening a store at Medford" (Tidings) Apr. 12: Citizens of Medford petition the county commissioners for their own voting precinct (journals) Apr. 18: Both brick buildings of Byers & Jacobs are "enclosed, and they will soon be entirely finished" (Tidings) May 9: "There are four stores in operation, four in course of construction and two more contemplated at Medford" (Tidings) May 24: William Angle opens the Farmer's Store; "will keep everything usually found in a general merchandise establishment" (Sentinel) June 6: Dr. B. F. Adkins, "lately from the East," has bought two acres in Medford; "he will build a residence on it soon" (Times) June 7: Kenney & Wolters have rented "the corner room" of Byers' brick building; will open the Gem Saloon there (Sentinel) June 27: Medford's first performances: drama "Our Folks"; "shrieking farce" "Thirty Minutes for Refreshments" (Times 7/4/1884) June 27: F. M. Plymale is now a partner with William Angle in the Farmer's Store (Tidings) July 4: "C. H. Barkdull, Medford's justice of the peace, was sworn in Wednesday" (Times) July 4: Medford hosts the valley's celebration of Independence Day with a "grand barbecue" (Times 7/11/1884) July 25: William "Woodford's warehouse at Medford is nearing completion" (Times) August: 40,035 pounds of freight sent from Medford station and 415,507 received during the month (Sentinel 9/6/1884) Aug. 8: "Haskins & Co.'s new drug store at Medford will be ready for business in a few days" (Times) Sept. 5: "H. F. Wood has been awarded the contract for building a new schoolhouse at Medford," 30x50', two stories (Times) Sept. 5: William Barnum, "who bought the Broback farm, is expecting his family to arrive from New York this week" (Tidings) Sept. 12: "C. W. Broback's fine brick residence at Medford will soon be ready for occupancy" (Times) Sept. 13: "Mrs. G. H. Haskins has opened a millinery and notion store at Medford" (Sentinel) Sept. 26: Barnum's planing mill machinery has arrived; "will be placed in a building near the bank of the creek" at Main Street (Tidings) Oct. 24: "Medford people are preparing for winter by graveling their sidewalks" (Tidings) Oct. 31: "A. G. Epps has rented Byers & Co.'s hall at Medford, and will turn it into a hotel" (Times) Nov. 9: Medford railroad station agent James Cunningham reports a masked man robbed him of $600 (Times 11/14/1884) Nov. 14: The new Medford schoolhouse "is about finished, is a good-sized building with a large anteroom" (Tidings) Nov. 28: G. W. Williams will begin building a two-story building (Hamlin Block) "opposite the Central Hotel" in a few days (Times) Nov. 30: Station agent Cunningham confesses to the robbery hoax, leads detective to buried money (Sentinel 12/6/1884) Dec. 26: Medford has 110 "business and dwelling houses," and a population of 400 (Tidings) 1885 Jan. 10: A meeting to incorporate was held "one night this week"; the opposing vote "carried the day by a small majority" (Sentinel) Jan. 23: "The movement to incorporate Medford is growing in favor" (Times) Jan. 30: The upper story of the schoolhouse is being finished, the ground floor alone now being inadequate for enrollment (Times) Jan. 30: Merriman & Redfield at now manufacturing "Merriman's Celebrated Iron-Tooth Harrow" in Medford (Times) Feb. 2: Medford, "a town only fifteen months old, boasts of 126 houses. They are also building a two-story brick hotel" (Oregonian) Feb. 6: The county commissioners this week ordered establishment of as-yet-unnamed Jacksonville Highway (Times) Feb. 24: The legislative act allowing incorporation of the town of Medford was signed by the governor on this day (minutes) Feb. 27: Joseph H. Stewart, "who paid this valley a visit last summer, has returned with the intention of remaining" (Times) Mar. 6: "C. W. Broback during the past week sold all of his Medford property" and plans to move to California (Times) Mar. 13: The people of Medford on Wednesday, March 11, voted "almost unanimously" in favor of incorporation (Times) Mar. 25: An election selects Medford's first town officers and a slate of five trustees (minutes) Mar. 27: "A Presbyterian Church will be organized at Medford tomorrow by Revs. Williams, Bickenbach and Milligan" (Times) Mar. 28: Town of Medford trustees first meet in J. S. Howard's office on S Front Street; elect Howard president (minutes) Apr. 17: "H. M. Rice has put up a photograph gallery at Medford" (Times) Apr. 20: Trustees pass first two ordinances: prohibiting riots, disorderly conduct, minors "loitering about the Depot" (minutes) May 1: Work on the brick building for Roberts & O'Neil's store "is progressing rapidly" (Times) May 1: Mrs. Caldwell has filed a $5,000 damages suit against C. W. Broback for killing her husband (Times) May 8: G. W. Williams last week built a jail "for the accommodation of Marshal Redfield's victims" (Times) May 8: G. W. Williams has let the contract to Childers & Son to lay the brick for "his proposed two-story building" (Times) May 15: "G. W. Williams is building a large structure at Medford for F. Hubbard, the clever agent for the Norwegian Plow Co." (Times) May 15: Elders Russell and Slover will hold services at Medford June 6 "for the purpose of organizing a Baptist Church" (Times) May 22: Marshal Redfield was arrested this week "on a charge of having assaulted one McCarty with a ringbolt" (Times) May 29: The town trustees offer the Board of Immigration free rent and lights to attract their offices to Medford (Times) June 19: McAdams and Heely have rented Payne's hall and will open the Brewery Saloon in it (Times) June 26: "Owings Bros., the well-known photographers, are now at Medford, and are taking excellent pictures at very low rates" (Times) July 3: "Childers & Sons have received the contract for building the proposed brick hotel at Medford" (Times) July 10: Jacksonville Hwy. "should be cleared of stumps at once" and work done "to get it in readiness for winter" (Times) July 24: A petition was circulated requesting Robinson's circus to play Medford instead of Ashland, "but proved of no avail" (Times) Aug. 21: Two Medford prostitutes were arrested in Jacksonville Tuesday night and locked in the "cooler" (Times) Aug. 26: David H. Miller appointed postmaster for Medford (Daily Alta California, 8/27/1885) Sept. 4: Byers & Jacobs plan to add a second story to their brick building, SE corner Main & Front, "at once" (Times) Sept. 18: "Barr & Woods have retired from the butchering business at Medford"; succeeded by Neal & Whiteside (Times) Oct. 9: George H. Chick's proposal to bring a quartz mill to Medford in exchange for cash and real estate has been accepted (Times) Oct. 23: The county assessor reports valley populations as "Ashland, 1200; Jacksonville, 900; Medford, 500" (Tidings) Oct. 30: "Work has commenced on Angle & Plymale's brick store at Medford" (Times) Nov. 2: Town Trustees adopt "Ordinance No 19--To Prevent Smoking Opium" within the town limits (minutes) Nov. 6: Butchers Neal & Whiteside quarreled on Wednesday. Neal struck Whiteside on the head with a hatchet; arrested, fined (Times) Nov. 13: George H. Chick has arrived with his quartz mill; "it will be in operation in a few days" (Times) Nov. 13: "Doctors Pryce and Geary of Medford . . . have formed a co-partnership for the practice of medicine and surgery" (Times) Dec. 14: Town Trustees Childers and Phipps appointed as a committee to create a hog pound (minutes) Dec. 18: Roberts & Retty will open roller rinks at Central Point and Medford, "being at each place three nights in the week" (Times) Dec. 25: "Chas. Wolters has opened a bakery and confectionery store at Medford" (Times) 1886 Jan. 11: "The Medford town election occurred last week. The total vote was 125" (Oregonian) Jan. 22: J. S. Howard plans to move into his new brick building "by the first of next month" (Tidings) Jan. 22: "S. Rosenthal . . . sells so cheap that some people are inclined to believe he stole his goods" (Times) Jan. 22: "Williams' fine brick building [the Hamlin Block] is almost completed and will soon be ready for occupancy" (Times) Jan. 29: Attorney "W. R. Andrews . . . has recently located at Medford for the practice of his profession" (Times) Feb. 5: "The plasterers are now at work in Angle & Plymale's new brick, and it will soon be ready for the 'shebang'" (Tidings) Feb. 12: "The literary society holds interesting sessions at the schoolhouse every Wednesday evening" (Times) Feb. 19: "The second story of Williams' block is now being plastered, and the building will be completed in the near future" (Tidings) Mar. 1: Trustees pass Ordinance No. 26: "to suppress bawdy Houses and Houses of Ill fame" (minutes) Mar. 19: "The Prohibition county convention will be held at Medford next Thursday, to nominate a full county ticket" (Tidings) Apr. 2: "J. B. Riddle has leased the hotel building of Byers & Jacobs and will open a first-class hotel here immediately" (Tidings) May 21: "The Riddle House, of Medford, is open for the accommodation of the public" (Tidings) June 18: "The Medford marble works formerly owned by Shely & Jacobs have been bought by J. C. Whipp of Jacksonville" (Tidings) July 23: "The Board of Trustees of Medford have donated $100 towards the starting of a brass band in their town" (Tidings) July 30: "Medford Lodge No. 83, I.O.O.F., was instituted on the evening of July 16th" (Tidings) Aug. 9: Trustees buy fire equipment: "three doz pails or buckets 2 good ladders two hooks and 200 feet of Manila Rope" (minutes) Aug. 13: "Baker's large new warehouse at Medford is nearly completed" (Tidings) Aug. 27: "Geo. H. Williams of Medford has traded his brick block at that place to James Hamlin for 190 acres of land" (Tidings) Aug. 27: "Medford has voted a 14-mill tax to finish its public school building and keep up a free school during the coming year" (Tidings) Sept. 3: "The plans and specifications have been drawn for the new Presbyterian Church building at Medford" (Tidings) Sept. 10: "Medford now has a dentist, Dr. A. D. Gleaves having located there recently" (Tidings) Sept. 10: "Nearly all the Indians who came in from the reservation last Saturday . . . attended the circus at Medford Monday" (Tidings) Sept. 17: "The First Baptist Church of Medford has incorporated and filed articles with the secretary of state" (Tidings) Sept. 24: A. Childers & Son has contracted to provide 60,000 bricks for the new Baptist Church (Tidings) Oct. 8: "Zimmerman & Webb have commenced the preliminary work for the new Presbyterian Church at this place" (Times) Oct. 8: "R. M. Shely, a first-class marble cutter, has resumed business at Medford" (Times) Oct. 29: "A footbridge will soon be built across Bear Creek" (Times) Dec. 4: "The Rogue River Distillery started operations last week" (Sentinel) Dec. 17: "Twenty-five carloads of wheat have been shipped from the Medford warehouse during the past ten days" (Times) Dec. 31: "W. G. Kenney has sold his interest in the Medford livery stable to his partner, E. Worman" (Times) Dec. 31: "Medford had its public Christmas tree in the large grain warehouse at the railroad track" (Tidings) 1887 Jan. 7: "The Central Hotel is being conducted after the restaurant style" (Times) Jan. 7: "The Presbyterian Church building . . . will be completed as soon as the right kind of lumber can be procured" (Times) Apr. 18: "The foundation of the new Baptist church at Medford is being laid. It will be a neat structure" (Oregonian) May 9: "Medford has a Presbyterian church completed and workmen are engaged in laying the foundation for a Baptist one" (Oregonian) Sept. 30: "In a very short time the Baptist Church of this place will be finished and ready for occupancy" (Times) Oct. 29: "A board of trade has been organized at Medford" (Sentinel) Dec. 17: "The last spike connecting the Oregon & California with the California & Oregon railroad was driven" (DT12/23/1887p2) 1888 Feb. 11: Medford "is a thriving little town of 2,500 people and its Board of Trade has a membership of 135" (Reno Evening Gazette) Feb. 24: The City Council votes to purchase the future Carnegie Library block, No. 77, from C. C. Beekman for $275 (minutes) Mar. 1: Vrooman Miller & Co. changes its name to Miller & Strang (Transcript 3/13/1888) Mar. 13: Attorney Samuel S. Pentz "of Washington city; late of Benicia, Cal. . . . has come to stay" (Transcript) Mar. 13: Photographer D. C. Herrin, of Ashland, will open a gallery on Front Street (Transcript) Apr. 2: Six citizens petition the town trustees to have brush removed from W 8th and Holly St. E of the park (minutes) Mar. 27: "The census taken by the city authorities a short time ago shows Medford to contain over 1000 inhabitants" (Oregonian) May 17: "J. E. Drucks, late of Portland, will soon begin the erection of a large roller flouring mill" (Oregonian) May 17: "The city council has ordered built a system of sewerage and provided for a fire department" (Oregonian) May 25: Central "has been extended to within a short distance of Central Point, and is now the boulevard of the city" (Oregonian) June 29: J. B. Riddle has sold the Riddle House hotel to Max A. Brentano and will leave for Douglas County (Tidings) Aug. 8: County Commissioners order specifications and plans for a bridge "across Bear Creek, at Medford" (journals) Aug. 10: "Although not yet five years old Medford has a population of nearly 1200" (Tidings) Sept. 14: "The Jackson County Bank of Medford began doing an exchange and loan business the first of the present month" (Tidings) Sept. 21: "The Clarenden Hotel will open in a few days. It is to be a strictly first-class house" (Tidings) Sept. 6: County Commissioners order the advertising for bids for a Medford bridge (journals) Oct. 12: "The contract for the Bear Creek bridge was let to Pacific Bridge Co. of San Francisco for $1450" (Tidings) 1889 Medford First Christian Church built, SW corner 6th & Ivy (MMT 11/21/1969) Medford First Methodist Church built, SE corner 4th & Bartlett (MMT 11/13/1960) Apr. 1: Medford City Council awards Gin Lin contract to dig Medford Water Ditch (minutes) May 3: "The water was turned into the ditch last week for the first time," and "Medford rejoices" (Tidings) Nov. 1: "Messrs. Wood and Whiteside began work on the water tank this week. The pipe line has not yet arrived." (Tidings) 1890 Medford's population is 967 (U.S. Census) IOOF founds Eastwood Cemetery (Parks) Jan. 9: "Mains are now being laid" for Medford's new water system (Times) Feb. 13: Clutter & Co. are preparing a series of flood photos showing destruction of bridge and Hammon's barn (Times) Apr. 10: Medford's water tower is being "pushed to completion"; the redwood tanks should be ready for use May 1 (Times) Apr. 11: County Commissioners order advertising for bids to repair Medford bridge, lost in February's flood (journals) 1891 Feb. 13: The Rogue River Valley Railroad to Jacksonville "made its first trip yesterday, carrying several passengers" (Times) Mar. 6: Medford miller A. A. Davis shipped the first railroad freight to Jacksonville last week: a load of feed to T. J. Kenney (Times) Apr. 3: A contract for laying pipe "was let last week, and the system will be complete in a very short time" (Times) May 22: Medynski & Theiss' 40x160-foot Medford Distillery building is "almost ready for occupancy" (Times) July 17: John A. Ramsdell will move the old schoolhouse "from the site to be occupied by the new structure" (Times) July 31: "The M.E. church boasts of one of the sweetest-toned bells in the county, received last week from Portland" (Times) July 31: The elevator building of the new Medford Distillery "is now about ready for the reception of grain" (Times) Aug. 21: "A. C. Tayler has opened a shoe shop in Medford, opposite the post office" (Times) (11) Aug. 28: "G. W. Catching will this week complete the outside work on the new schoolhouse"; will be ready for fall term (Times) Sept. 4: Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co.'s building "has been accepted by the company and will soon be ready for business" (Times) Oct. 16: S.O. Pork Packing "will begin the season's work next week, and expect to slaughter at least 2,000 head of hogs" (Times) Oct. 30: Rigby & Hart's "Medford Business College opened last Monday under favorable auspices" (Times) Nov. 20: "The Medford schoolhouse has been completed and will be occupied about the 1st of the month" (Times) 1892 Jan. 7: C. W. Skeel & Son's four-year-old planing mill destroyed by fire "this morning, Thursday" (MM) Jan. 7: McBride & Case operate a photograph studio in Medford (MM) Jan. 14: The Medford Distilling and Refining Company was "started within the last year" (MM) Jan. 14: "The ladies of the different denominations met at the Baptist Church on Thursday" and formed the Ladies' Aid Society (MM) Jan. 21: "Twins were born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gage in this city Monday," "the first twins ever born in Medford" (MM) Jan. 28: "The new sidewalk between the depot and the schoolhouse is nearing completion" (MM) Jan. 28: "The Jackson County Bank was incorporated on the 21st with a capital stock of $50,000" (MM) Feb. 25: Goldstone Bros. opened the New York Cheap Cash Store in the Cooper Bldg. "this week" (MM) Mar. 17: Weeks Furniture has moved from 20 N Front and been replaced by Higgins' temperance billiard hall (MM) Apr. 29: "The foundation for the brewery and ice plant is being hurried forward" (SOM) June 3: "J. A. Goff has purchased the Medford photograph gallery from McBride & Case" (SOM) June 24: J. A. Slover & Co. received this week "a fine large soda fountain," "the only one in town" (SOM) June 30: Chester Arthur Relief Corps, an auxiliary of the Grand Army of the Republic, forms (MMT 1/7/1951) July 1: The S.P. depot "is sporting the latest thing in train order signals," "at the top of a long pole placed near the depot" (SOM) July 8: "On Thursday of last week several ladies instituted Chester A. Arthur Relief Corps No. 34 in this city" (SOM) Aug. 12: Adkins & Webb have sold their hardware business to Simmons & Cathcart (SOM) Aug. 19: "The Johnson, McCarthy & Johnson ice plant turned out its first ice Tuesday, it being four inches thick" (SOM) Aug. 26: "L. G. Porter expects to move into his new residence east of the creek [at 619 E Main] in about two weeks" (SOM) 1893 Jan. 20: A. S. Bliton publishes his first issue as new owner of the Southern Oregon Mail (SOM) Jan. 20: "Hotel Medford, formerly Grand Central," first advertises its name change--Mahlon Purdin, proprietor (SOM) Jan. 20: The Good Templars lodge "has been organized only three weeks" (SOM) Jan. 20: William Barnum leases the Rogue River Valley Railroad (MM 11/24/1893) Feb 10: The Southern Oregon Mail reverts to its original name, The Medford Mail (MM) Feb. 17: John Weeks has announced he will build a two-story furniture store on Main between Grape and Holly (MM) Mar. 3: The Medford Rod and Gun Club has leased grounds for a "shooting park" just east of Bear Creek (MM) Mar. 17: Medford photographers Rifenburg & Murphy dissolve their partnership, Rifenburg will continue the studio (MM) Apr. 14: Photographer A. G. Rifenburg plans to leave Medford on April April 24 (MM) Apr. 28: "Telephone No. 1 was put up in Medford Monday," between Dr. Pickel's downtown office and his home on Bartlett (MM) Apr. 28: In Monday's election only six votes were cast against bonding for railroad, electric, water and irrigation systems (Tidings) May 5: The "Railroad Saloon" sign on Hanley's saloon at Main and Front has been painted over (MM) May 19: Photographer A. G. Rifenburg has moved his studio to May 19: First graduation exercises, Medford High School (549C Timeline) June 2: "The frame work for the new Medford [Business] College was raised this week" (MM) July 14: "R. H. Halley has commenced work on the foundation" for the N section of the Halley Block, SW corner 8th & Central (MM) July 28: J. H. Coyle and W. G. Cutbirth, of Stockton, Calif. have opened a photo studio in Medford (MM) Aug. 11: County Treasurer George E. Bloomer has absconded; was delinquent $15,345.89 (MM) Aug. 11: The Halley Block, NW corner 8th & Central, will be "ready for occupancy in a few weeks" (MM) Aug. 11: "The Medford Brewery has placed its [first batch of] beer on sale" (MM) Aug. 18: "Contractor Lyon finished his work on the new business college Wednesday" (MM) Sept. 8: Medford has no photographer again (MM) Sept. 22: Photographer A. G. Rifenburg has returned for a short time to "close out his stock of plates and other material" (MM) Oct. 27: Medford's first kindergarten, taught by May Sackett, "will open next Monday, October 30th" (MM) Nov. 3: "G. L. Webb has moved his Racket Store to the Halley block" (MM) Nov. 3: Photographer Rifenburg has bought a gold mine; his wife and daughter leave for Nov. 17: "A new brick sidewalk has been put down in front of the Halley brick block" (MM) Dec. 15: Gibbs & Wheeler are to open a photographer's gallery in Medford (MM) 1894 Kentner's Department Store founded (Sun 10/4/1912) Jan. 12: G. C. Wirth "arrived in Medford last Friday with his photograph outfit" (MM) Feb. 9: Adkins & Webb, hardware merchants, have dissolved their ten-year-old partnership (MM) Mar. 2: Photographers Gibbs & Wheeler have moved from the Halley block to Front Street (MM) Mar. 5: Fire destroyed J. S. Howard's Pioneer Store and other buildings on South Front Street on Saturday (Tidings) Mar. 9: "The hardware firm of Beek, Whiteside & Co. has been dissolved"; will continue as J. Beek and Son (MM) Mar. 16: After several thefts, a chain has been attached to the drinking cup at Main and Central (MM) Mar. 16: Removal of Hamlin and Howard Block awning began Wednesday, to be replaced by hinged corrugated iron (MM) Apr. 20: George H. Haskins is moving into temporary quarters on E Main while his brick store is being built (MM) Apr. 20: Haskins' old store is to be moved across the railroad tracks and faced E adjoining distillery office (MM) Apr. 20: Mrs. Haskins is moving her millinery store to W Main (MM) Apr. 20: "The Wirth photo company of this city is doing a good business" (MM) May 18: A city ordinance has been passed granting right of way for power distribution (Snedicor) July 21: "The machinery for the Medford electric light works arrived by today's freight" (Oregonian) Aug. 17: George Haskins' new drugstore bldg. has been completed, with 20x40' room intended for city council and offices (MM) Aug. 31: The Medford Electric Co. began providing electric power to Medford Tuesday evening (MM) Sept. 7: Photographer Wirth has signed a five-year lease on a Oct. 26: Baker F. M. Wilson has leased the nearly completed Woolf Bldg., corner of 6th & Central (MM) Nov. 30: Photographer Wirth has "engaged the services of Mr. H. L. Miser, a very able photographer" (MM) Nov. 30: Wirth Photo Co. has also opened Ashland studio; will print duplicates from 15,000 Rifenburg & Murphy negatives (MM) Nov. 30: "The Medford Electric Company will begin putting electric lights into residences this week" (MM) Dec. 7: "The electric lights are now turned on at about a quarter past four, or earlier if the day is cloudy" (MM) Dec. 8: Capt. J. T. C. Nash pays $7700 for the deed to the Medford Hotel at Main & Front, soon to be renamed the Nash (MM 12/14/1894) Dec. 28: The oak tree in Main Street near Front "has been laid low by the woodman's ax, and 'twas a good act" (MM) 1895 Medford's population is "about 2600" (MM 8/2/1895) Feb. 1: "Tyler & Miser, the new photographers, have a new ad this week." (MM) Mar. 29: "Photographers Tyler & Miser were out Tuesday . . . taking views of Medford from the water works tower" (MM) May 24: The second story wall on the Nash Hotel is being put up this week (MM) June 14: The Turf Exchange Saloon opens (MM) June 28: The city fire bell has arrived (MM) July 5: Medford's first steam laundry will open "Monday next" (MM) July 12: "Telephone connections were made last week with Central Point" (MM) July 26: Ashland foundry's "first heating was made Friday afternoon" (MM) Aug. 23: The Nash Hotel remodel has been completed: The building is now two stories, with a turret and balcony (MM) Sept. 20: Crater Lake Mazamas organized Wednesday evening (MM) Sept. 27: Telephone communication was made this week with Gold Hill (MM) Sept. 30: H. C. Mackey is taking photos in his tent, "west side of S.P. track" (MM) Oct. 4: After its purchase by "Landlord McCown," the Clarendon Hotel sign now reads "Western Hotel" (MM) Oct. 11: Plans announced this week for Adkins-Childers building (MM) Oct. 18: Presbyterian Church was "the object of the fire fiend's wrath" and destroyed by arson Tuesday night (MM) Oct. 25: City Recorder B. S. Webb counts Medford's population as 1,859, "making a gain of 899 in five years" (MM) Oct. 25: Rogue River Telephone Co. "has its line completed to Grants Pass" (MM) Oct. 25: Photographer H. C. Mackey is now occupying the Hamlin studio (MM) Nov. 8: "The Medford Academy is now established in its new quarters in the White-Thomas building" (MM) Dec. 14: "Robison's photograph car" was in Jacksonville for two weeks; has been taken to Sissons Calif. (MM) 1896 Jan. 31: D. T. Lawton, pump dealer, and J. W. Lawton, saddler, to move into ACB this week (MM) Jan. 31: G. L. Webb will move his Racket Store to the ACB next week (MM) Mar. 6: "School was commenced" in the new three-story brick Washington School "last Monday" (MM) May 8: H. L. Miser has bought Baker's photo studio; Baker "has decided to take to field work again" (MM) May 22: The Medford Business College, "situated near the distillery," was destroyed by fire last Saturday (MM) August: The brick First Presbyterian Church, SE corner Main & Holly, "completed and dedicated" (80th anniversary newsletter) Nov. 13: "Ed. Wilkinson commenced the slaughter of hogs on Tuesday . . . the first day's killing numbered forty-one" (MM) 1897 Jan. 29: "The name of the Western Hotel has been changed to Commercial, under its new management" (MM) 1898 Mar. 25: The Medford Commercial Club was formed last Saturday after a presentation on the merits of the sugar beet (MM) 1899 Sept. 8: Western Clay Co. of Portland will put in the sewer down today's Theater Alley "as soon as men can be secured" to dig it (MM) 1900 The U.S. Census counts population of 1,791 residents in Medford; The Mail counts 2,100 (MM 6/9/1905) Jackson County's population is 13,698 (Census) Dec. 21: Nye & Stoner first advertise as new owners of the Racket Store, "successor to G. L. Webb" (MM) 1901 Feb. 1: H. B. Nye runs his first advertisement as sole owner of "The Racket" store (MM) Mar. 8: The Medford Mail completes its own census of Medford and finds a population of 2109 (MM) May 24: "No water will be furnished to irrigate any lawn or garden, except through a meter"; flat rate will continue for businesses (MMT) May 31: The Mail points out that Midwest forests "have been practically depleted," and local timberland will soon be valuable (MMT) July 10: The most destructive fire in years occurs as J. A. Perry's large wheat warehouse burns; arson is suspected (MMT7/12/1901) Sept. 20: "The Medford Furniture Co., successors to I. A. Webb," have been remodeling their store (MM) 1902 June: Steel Main Street bridge over Bear Creek built by Jackson County (MMTw 10/24/1912) June 27: "The Medford Public School Band have received their uniforms, green-black in color with silver trimming" (MM) June 27: C. W. Palm and J. E. Bodge announce plans for a two-story brick building at Main & Front (MM) July 13: Yesterday's balloon/parachute ascension was a success--no injuries when the balloon "came down with tremendous speed" (MM) July 18: "On the event of July 31st, J. R. Wilson's new opera house will be opened with a grand ball" (MM) Dec. 2: "The new steel bridge across Bear Creek will be completed and ready for use Tuesday evening" (Success) Dec. 2: "Sixty electric meters have already been installed" in Medford and applications made for 75 more (Success) Dec. 12: The first business to open in the new Palm-Bodge Block at Main & Front is Young & Hall's saloon "The Medford" (MM) 1903 Jan. 30: Dr. Cameron recently opened Medford Hospital for his patients, upper floor of today's Goldy Bldg. (MM) Jan. 30: Frank Hull has taken "several views from the top of the water tower" (Success) Mar. 1: Haberdashery The Toggery opens on Main "in the same block in which it is now located" (News 6/9/1933) Apr. 3: "A number of the citizens of Medford and surrounding county have organized a humane society" (MM) Apr. 3: The "old, wooden awnings" have been removed from Main Street, replaced by "tasteful" and "up-to-date" canvas awnings (MM) Apr. 14: Lewis and Clark Club organized in Medford (OR4/19/1903p4) Apr. 30: E. D. Elwood receives Medford's first automobile and is now "hitching the machine up and working it into harness" (MM5/1/1903) May 1: "After a fitful existence of six months the Medford Success (?) perished this week" (MM) May 1: The Lewis and Clark women's club has organized, to prepare the display of local products for the 1905 Portland exposition (MM) May 9: Medford Book Store, conducted by Orrin Whitman for "several years," has been sold to George F. King (Publishers' Weekly) May 15: Medford Hospital will be "ready for business" in the Barnum house on N Central at the end of the week (MM) June 19: Photographer Frank Hull has sold his interest in the Elite Gallery to George Mackey and will pursue "view work" (Sentinel) Aug. 28: "The Medford Enquirer has suspended publication--this time for good" (OR8/28/1903p6) Sept. 25: "On Tuesday of this week the Medford Library Association was effected"; $100 worth of books will be purchased (MM) Dec. 24: Excavations commenced for the Iowa Lumber & Box Co.'s plant (MM5/26/1905) 1904 Mar. 7: "The whistle of the Iowa Lumber & Box Co.'s mill engine was heard for the first time in Medford" (MM5/26/1905) Mar. 11: "The C Street meat market is now open for business," G. W. Nichols, proprietor (MM) Mar. 11: "A paper for subscriptions" was circulated Tuesday and raised $750 to build a baseball park in Medford (MM) Apr. 8: A meeting was held Saturday to discuss moving the slaughterhouse in north Medford to "the lower end of the Ish pasture" (MM) July 22: "This city will soon have electric light and power furnished by the Condor Water & Power Co. of Gold Ray" (MM) July 29: The Rogue River Valley Baseball League has been dissolved due to insufficient attendance at games (MM) Aug. 5: The city council Tuesday approved a contract with Condor Water & Power to furnish the city with electric power (MM) Oct. 16: The Medford Commercial Club was organized last night (OR10/16/1904p6) Nov. 2: The first Gold Ray Dam electric power arrives in Medford (MM 11/9/1904) Nov. 4: Excavation for decomposed granite walks in the City Park is under way (MM) 1905 In 1905 "the population of Medford was only about 2000" (MMTw 5/26/1910) Jan. 6: Pharmacist George H. Haskins retires (MM) Jan. 13: Medford's population is 2500 (MM) Jan.13: An ordinance prohibiting swine in the city limits is "now in full force" (MM) Feb. 10: A concrete basin for the new City Park fountain has been installed (MM) Feb. 24: Foundation for exhibit bldg., NW corner Main & Front, being laid (MM) Mar. 17: "Lawns have been planted" in City Park (MM) Mar. 31: Realtor John D. Olwell's exhibit bldg. is expected to be completed "in a couple of weeks" (MM) Mar. 31: There are no street lights in Medford; the streets are "as dark as a stack of black cats" (MM) Apr. 4: Groundbreaking for Medford & Crater Lake Railroad (MM 4/7/1905) Apr. 7: First National Bank of Medford organized (MM 4/14/1905) May 5: The exhibit bldg. "will be the first of its kind in Oregon" (MM) May 13: The exhibit bldg., across Main from the depot, opens (MM 4/12/1905) June 2: The County Assessor counts 1160 residents and 380 voters in N Medford precinct (MM) June 9: J. H. Huffer's corrected count is 1169 residents in North Medford, 870 South; total 2039 residents (MM) June 16: Construction on the M&CL railroad "is progressing finely"; the Bear Creek bridge will be finished within two weeks (MM) June 15: First National Bank opens in Phipps Bldg., corner Main & Bartlett; William S. Crowell is president (MM) July 28: The twelve iron benches ordered by the ladies of the Lewis and Clark Club have been placed in the City Park (MM) Aug. 4: T. H. Moore's Moore Hotel is under construction on W Main, "where in days agone stood the Clarendon" (MM) Aug. 18: Tracklaying for Medford & Crater Lake Railroad commenced Tuesday; grade has been completed to Eagle Point (MM) Sept. 1: The new City Park fountain "arrived the first of the week"; three bronze ducks are surmounted by a bittern, its bill uplifted (MM) Sept. 15: The streetlights (hanging lights) recently ordered have arrived (MM) Nov. 3: The old pork packing house, filled with hay "and more or less saturated with grease," was destroyed by fire Monday (MM) Dec. 1: J. G. Christy will open " a complete and very up-to-date bowling alley" in J. R. Wilson's brick building next to the Mail office (MM) Dec. 8: Work has been suspended on the M&CLRR for the season; rails have been laid to Eagle Point, but ballasting will be delayed (MM) 1906 Jan. 1: D. T. Lawton becomes the sole owner of the former Michell, Lewis & Staver Co.'s implement business in Medford (MM1/26/1906) Jan. 12: The Knights of Pythias "have moved into their new lodge room in the Karnes & Ritter-Kelly bldg." (MM) Jan. 26: Hubbard Bros. have plans for a brick store NW corner Main & Riverside; construction will begin early spring (MM) Jan. 26: Friday and Saturday were the first time in five years that sledding was possible; four inches of snow was on the ground (MM) Mar. 2: Demolition of the brick bldg. on the NW corner Main & Central is under way, to make way for the Medford Bank (MM) Mar. 16: Application has been made to the comptroller of currency to convert the private Medford Bank to Medford National Bank (MM) June 26: Medford School Board awards contract to build North School (Lincoln School) for $16,965 (5) June 29: Concrete foundation has been laid for three-story Medford National Bank, NW corner Main & Central (MM) June 29: Foundation excavations are under way for Jackson County Bank, NE corner Main & Central (MM) June 29: Workmen are "repairing and refitting," inside and out, the Howard Block for First National Bank (MM) July 13: Demolition of Hubbard's wooden store has begun; construction of brick store will begin next week (MM) Oct. 19: G. L. Schermerhorn has nearly finished the outside work of adding a third story to the Nash Hotel (MM) Nov. 23: The Hubbard and Woods blocks "will be ready for occupancy about December 15th" (MM) Dec. 7: F. K. Deuel has purchased the Union Livery Stable at Main & Bartlett; he will build a store on the site in the spring (MM) 1907 Jan. 15: Mayor and council are "elected on a platform containing a pledge to have [Main] Street paved" (SO 11/25/08) Jan. 21: "Monday was a day of rejoicing for many school children of Medford"; North School was opened (MM1/25/1907) Apr. 19: The Nash Hotel has recently received another story and many fire extinguishers "scattered throughout the building" (MM) June 12: The Hotel Moore on W Main was "opened to the public less than ten days ago" (SO) June 19: The Pacific & Eastern railroad's locomotive and cars are "expected to arrive next week" (SO) June 25: "The chemical engine recently purchased by the city was on dress parade yesterday for the first time" (Tribune) June 26: New P&E rolling stock will make its first trip from Medford to Eagle Point today (SO) June 26: W. S. Clay, owner of the HCB at Main and Bartlett, has given contract to S. Childers to extend bldg. to alley (SO) June 28: The P&E engine and cars arrived Tuesday; service to Eagle Point was inaugurated Thursday morning (MM) June 28: The fire department's new combination chemical engine and hose wagon has arrived (MM) July 7: The offices of the P&E Railroad have been established upstairs in the Palm Block at Main and Front (MM) July 31: Weeks & Baker are demolishing a W Main frame bldg. adjoining T. H. Moore's new bldg. (SO) July 31: Weeks & Baker plan a "substantial brick building two stories high, 25x140 feet"--J. A. MacIntosh, architect (SO) Aug. 16: "T. E. Daniels is fitting up the Adkins building"; will open Daniels for Duds around September 1 (MMT) Sept. 6: "Frank Hutchason has leased the south half of the post office building and will establish a ladies' furnishing goods store" (MM) Sept. 13: The firm of Weeks & Baker has been dissolved, and the business will hereafter be known as Weeks & McGowan (MM) Nov. 6: The Rogue River Valley Railroad has leased a depot site on Main; construction of a platform will begin immediately (Tribune) Nov. 7: Assigning street numbers will begin Monday; free mail delivery cannot begin until all houses are numbered (Tribune) Nov. 28: The Rogue River Electric Co. has been organized to take over the Condor Water & Power Co. (CPHerald) Dec. 11: Rogue River Valley Railway owner William S. Barnum throws a hatchet at Mayor J. F. Reddy (Tribune) Dec. 13: Ordinance 13 is passed by the city council authorizing system giving houses and businesses street numbers (News 6/9/1950) Dec. 13: Weeks & McGowan are "transferring their stock of furniture to their new quarters" just finished on W Main (MM) Dec. 20: Tribune editor George Putnam is pulled from the train in Roseburg and arrested for libeling the grand jury (Tribune 1/13/1908) Dec. 23: House numbering begins tomorrow; "each householder will be presented with a card bearing his correct house number" (Tribune) 1908 Jan. 8: "The new city hall and fire house is nearing completion" (MM) Jan. 10: "Moore's building on W Main, adjoining Weeks & McGowan's furniture store, has been fitted up for the Bijou Theater" (Tribune) Jan. 10: "C. M. Kidd, a gentleman who has been in the employ of A. C. Tayler" has purchased Tayler's stock of shoes (MM) Jan. 10: Peil's Elite Laundry is open; "anyone is welcome to visit the plant and go through the whole works" (MM) Jan. 11: F. W. Lesmeister announces that he has bought H. C. Mackey's photograph gallery: "All I ask is a fair chance." (Tribune) Jan. 16: Local newspapers, "at a meeting held in Ashland on Sunday, organized the Jackson County Press Association" (Tribune) Jan. 16: The Pekin Restaurant opens the 18th at 22 C Street, serves "chop suey and noodles up to midnight" (Tribune) Jan. 17: H. C. Mackey announces he has sold his photo gallery to F. W. Lesmeister, a "first-class, all-round photographer" (MM) Jan. 31: T. E. Moore is laying plans for a two-story brick addition to his hotel, to be built at Main and Fir (MM) Feb. 10: Medford (roller) Skating Rink, 10th & Front, holds its grand opening tomorrow night; tickets at 25 cents (Tribune) Feb. 11: Ground was broken today for St. Mary's Academy; the old Catholic church on North Front is being sold (Tribune) Feb. 14: "Medford has won in the competition for the establishment of a company of the Oregon National Guard" (MM) Mar. 6: "Seven clusters of electric lights are being installed in the city park by the ladies of the Greater Medford Club" (MM) Mar. 18: J. G. Van Dyke's "quit business sale" begins at 9 a.m.; "Genuine Slaughter in All Lines. Nothing Reserved." (SO) Apr. 4: Medford voters have approved $300,000 in bonds for a water system to draw from Wasson Canyon Springs (Tribune) Apr. 24: Street committee met with a group from the Greater Medford Club "and selected names for the streets of the city" (MM) Apr. 24: "The telephone company is soon to remove a great many of their overhead wires and substitute cables" (MM) May 29: Medford's voter registration has doubled in the last two years; Medford is now larger than Ashland (MM) June 1: Medford votes against prohibition but the rest of the county is in favor; Medford goes dry but will appeal (CPHerald 6/4/1908) June 10: Contract awarded to pave Main from "Harris" Street "to 100 feet east of Riverside" (MM) July 4: The contract was let this morning for the Deuel & Kentner bldg., Main & Bartlett, "where the Union Livery Stable is now" (SO) July 24: Mrs. Laura T. Gardner has leased a building at Tenth and E, and is having it "fitted up for hospital purposes" (MM) July 31: J. A. Perry is building a spray plant at his orchard two miles west of Medford, along the railroad tracks (MM) July 31: Weather Bureau service to Medford started yesterday; flags will be flown downtown to display telegraphed forecasts (MM) Aug. 4: The new library, "arranged by the ladies of the Greater Medford Club," will open tomorrow with 700 volumes (Tribune) Sept. 28: St. Mary's convent was dedicated Sunday afternoon even though "the buildings are not yet completed" (Tidings) Oct. 1: The Savoy Theater opens this evening in "J. C. Hall's new building" on Front Street (Tribune) Oct. 29: The state supreme court Tuesday upheld Medford's anti-prohibition charter provision; Medford will not go dry (CPHerald) Nov. 5: A special election decides to lay a water pipeline to Fish Lake rather than Butte Creek or Sterling Creek (CPHerald 10/8/1908) Nov. 6: The first pavement was laid on Main Street today, though work "is progressing slowly" (SO 12/9/08) Nov. 6: "The opening of the new opera house has been set" for Nov. 16; it will seat 800 people, "and will have four boxes" (MM) Nov. 27: "Several thousand dollars" damage was done to the Rogue River Creamery on Riverside yesterday afternoon (MM) Dec. 5: Medford contracts with the Fish Lake Water Company for water "from Little Butte Creek eleven miles below Fish Lake" (4) Dec. 11: "Seventh Street is paved from the West Side School to the railroad track"; work will continue to the bridge (MM) 1909 January: "An unofficial census was taken which gave Medford [a population of] 5300" (MMTw 5/26/1910) Jan. 8: The new concrete Mission-style Catholic Church was dedicated yesterday morning by Archbishop Christie of Portland (MM) Jan. 15: Brush and trees are being removed from the Capitol Hill reservoir site; nine construction bids have been received (MM) Jan. 20: Delroy Getchell, future founder of Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, arrives in Medford with his wife (CPA 1/26/1939) Mar. 12: "An extremely conservative" census places Medford's population at 5,034, large enough to merit an Elks lodge (MM) Mar. 19: "The Medford Concert Band was organized last evening, and will soon have a membership of twenty-five" (MM) Mar. 26: "By a vote of 322 to 125 in the election Friday the Citizens' Telephone Company won the fight for its franchise" (MM) Mar. 26: "More than 3500 people passed through the demonstration train, run jointly by the SP and the Oregon Agricultural College" (MM) Apr. 7: "The street signs are nearly all in place; the street commissioner placed 208 of these during the month" (Tribune) Apr. 10: Medford dedicated her "first and splendid high school building" last night at Fifth and Bartlett (Tribune) May 4: C. F. Cook's Rogue River Valley Nursery, with offices in the RRVRR depot, is starting a nursery near Medford (Tribune) May 14: The Pacific and Eastern railroad has been sold to John R. Allen; resumes passenger service to Eagle Point today (MM) May 14: The Union Meat Co.'s new 50x75 warehouse on the railroad tracks will be ready for occupancy tomorrow (MM) May 21: H. C. Bonney yesterday sold the stock, rigs and fixtures of the Nash Livery Stable to W. R. Tucker of Jacksonville (MM) May 28: "The street commissioner is putting in a crossing on the Southern Pacific railroad at Jackson Street" (MM) June 18: Work has begun on the drinking fountain "near the Medford National Bank building," courtesy the Greater Medford Club (Tribune) June 24: H. F. Hutchason yesterday bought out his partner in the "exclusive ladies' store known as the Baker-Hutchason Co." (Tribune) June 29: Free mail delivery will begin in Medford September 15 "with two carriers and one substitute" (MM) July 9: Southern Pacific has ordered sale of its Medford property, much on the west side, and an entire block on Bartlett (MM) July 23: "Yesterday, for the first time, Medford was supplied with water under a gravity system" 11 miles from Little Butte Creek (MM) Aug. 27: John R. Allen has completed purchase of the Pacific & Eastern Railroad; "the road at last is to be completed" (MM) Sept. 3: H. H. Harvey and Rollan G. Beach have been appointed Medford's first mail carriers; Rutherford Kerr will be substitute (MM) Sept. 23: Medford Elks organized "at ceremonies held at the old Angle Opera House" (News 10/6/1939) Oct. 1: Yesterday the new city reservoir was examined and water was ordered turned into it (MM) Oct. 7: The Horticultural Society Saturday worked on a plan to secure the services of plant pathologist P. J. O'Gara (CPHerald) Oct. 14: "Next Thursday will be U.S. Court day in Medford" for the first time, Judge Charles E. Wolverton presiding (OR10/14/1909p10) Oct. 28: Steps were taken Thursday to form the University Club; an option was taken on the Vawter house at Main & Holly (CPHerald) Nov. 1: First issue of MMT published after merger of Medford Mail, Tribune, Southern Oregonian and Jacksonville Times (MMT) Nov. 2: "The work of paving Main Street west from the Washington School to the city limits will commence this week" (MMT) Nov. 2: Ground broken for Valley Auto garage on Holly between Main and 6th, "just north of the Episcopal Church" (MMT) Nov. 2: Merriman & Elliott announce they have moved their blacksmith shop to their new quarters on Riverside (MMT) Nov. 3: Southern Pacific announces plans for a new passenger depot, sized for a potential population of 25,000 (MMT) Nov. 5: Rogue River Horticultural Society is preparing to move its headquarters and Prof. O'Gara's offices to the Haskins bldg. (MMT) Nov. 6: St. Mark's Episcopal is making preparations to build its stone church on the corner of Main and Holly (MMT) Nov. 17: The mayor appointed a commission "to cooperate with the ladies of the Greater Medford Club in the planting of trees" (MMT) Nov. 18: J. M. Root and J. E. Enyart announce plans for Sparta Bldg., NE corner Main & Central, initial plans are for four stories (MMT) Nov. 18: Work on a home for E. C. Sharpe's Home Telephone Company will begin Jan. 15 near Sixth & Holly (MMT) Nov. 21: "The Crater Lake Social Club formally opened their quarters in the Young & Hall building Friday night" (MMT) Nov. 29: Medford has graduated from a way station to district headquarters for Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph (MMT) Nov. 29: Medford leads the world in number of autos per capita: "one for every 30" (MMT) Dec. 1: The Medford Grocery Co. is preparing its property SW corner Front & 10th for its warehouse (MMT) Dec. 2. W. L. Orr has moved his store from the west to the east side of the Main Street bridge; the east side's first grocery store (MMT) Dec. 3: "The buildings at the [southeast?] corner of Main and Riverside" are being removed to make way for new construction (MMT) Dec. 3: Anderson & Green are building a garage for the Valley Auto Co. at or near Sixth & Holly; IOOF has bought a lot next door (MMT) Dec. 5: Arthur Wells has been contracted to construct the Page Bldg., SE corner of Main & Riverside (MMT) Dec. 10: Construction of St. Mark's Episcopal Church "has been commenced"; building will be of granite (MMT) Dec. 12: Jackson County Press Association has endorsed "the new state of Siskiyou"--later called State of Jefferson (MMT) Dec. 12: Articles of incorporation for Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. have been filed with the county clerk (MMT) Dec. 12: Articles of incorporation for Garnett-Corey Hardware Co. have been filed; Liberty Bldg. is under construction (MMT) Dec. 14: Mrs. T. B. Kinsman has purchased the Nash Livery Stable property and "will later improve the property" (MMT) Dec. 19: The mother provincial of the Sisters of the Holy Names will arrive today to discuss establishing a hospital in Medford (MMT) Dec. 20: The school board today purchased a site in the Queen Anne addition, first step toward a school for the east side (MMT) Dec. 20: "Ireland & Antle opened their Smoke House [tobacco shop] in the Syndicate building on West Main Street Saturday" (MMT) Dec. 21: On Jan. 15 Pacific States Telephone Co. will begin removing single-strand telephone wires, to be replaced by cable (MMT) Dec. 22: Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank will open tomorrow in the Syndicate bldg., NW corner of Main & Grape (MMT) Dec. 22: Drs. Conroy and Clancy have leased the John W. Cox house at 344 S Central for the third hospital in Medford's history (MMT) Dec. 23: Dr. F. C. Page announces plans to erect a three-story hotel and theater building on Main Street east of Riverside (MMT) Dec. 23: The Medford Building Co. announces its incorporation to build the Sparta Bldg. at Main & Riverside (MMT) Dec. 29: The old frame Episcopal church on W Main "was recently moved"; brick for new church ordered (MMT) Dec. 29: The Light Committee is installing "21 new arc lights in the city and ten 32-candlepower lights" in residential areas (MMT) Dec. 30: Excavation is under way for the basement of the "Page hotel and theater" (MMT) 1910 Medford's population is 8,840; Jackson County's 25,756 (U.S. Census) circa 1910: City Park fountain wired for electricity (MMT 3/19/1913) Railroad right-of-way beautified into a park (MMT 12/30/1910) Jan. 14: Plans for the Cuthbert Bldg., SE corner 6th & Central, announced (MMT) Feb. 17: Work will start on the Natatorium within ten days (MMTw) Feb. 21: Work begins on Home Telephone Co.'s building on N Central (Sun 12/30/1910) March: "W. H. Rardon has opened a bakery and confectionery on the southeast corner of Main and Grape streets in Medford" (Rogue) Mar. 2: The bishop of Oregon "laid the corner stone of the new St. Mark's Episcopal Church this afternoon" (MMT) Mar. 6: Members of the Rogue River Horticultural Society have formed the Rogue River Fruit & Produce Association (MMT) Mar. 13: "Ground was broken Saturday for the new $50,000 Southern Pacific depot" (MMT) Mar. 16: The city council Tuesday decided to solicit bids for construction of a bridge across Bear Creek at Jackson Street (MMT) Mar. 25: Pioneer C. K. Klum suggests "Jefferson" as a name for the breakaway state in the Siskiyou region (MMT) Mar. 27: J. R. Anderson of Pasadena is to start work at once on a gas plant on N Central "near the old distillery" (MMT) Mar. 27: Steel for the Pacific & Eastern Railroad is laid six miles beyond Eagle Point, the right-of-way secured to Butte Falls (MMT) Mar. 31: The SP will run "gasoline motor cars" (McKeen rail cars) between Grants Pass and Ashland starting Monday (CPHerald) Apr. 6: A tent city is being built on Oakdale, "just south of the Washington School," for influx being drawn by city's advertising (MMT) Apr. 14: Photographer James J. Owings is moving from his N Central studio to Gold Hill (MMT) June 4: The old Fruit Growers' Union was dissolved today so that the Fruit and Produce Assn. "would have a clear field" (MMT) June 5: Eugene Ely yesterday flew "fully 600 feet at an altitude of from 10 to 20 feet" at "Oakdale Park" off South Oakdale (MMT) July: Home Telephone and Telegraph Co.'s building on N Central completed (Sun 12/30/1910) July 7: "Small boys are today enjoying the first swim" in the Natatorium; will be complete in a few days (MMTw) July 7: Stockholders of the Medford Hotel Company met Wednesday evening to elect officers and a board of directors (MMT) July 10: "Work will start tomorrow on the construction of the Pacific & Eastern Railway into the city" (MMT) July 14: G. T., H. D. and J. H. Howard have purchased Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. Bldg. (MCB) site (MMT) July 25: The Pacific & Eastern depot is under construction; a concrete walk is being poured "in front of the new depot grounds" (MMT) Aug. 4: George Merriman's "shack" at Main and Riverside, "one of the oldest frame buildings in Medford" will be torn down (MMTw) Aug. 22: "Work will start at once" to remove the old city water tower, on the Carnegie Library site (MMT) Aug. 28: Work on the Sparta Building will start Tuesday morning; "it will be one of the most handsome structures in the city" (MMT) Sept. 4: The Pacific & Eastern will begin laying track to their new depot on Monday, will soon have "their own track into town" (MMT) Sept. 8: Westerlund and Neff announce plans for Mail Tribune/Holland Hotel bldgs., SW corner 6th & Fir (MMT) Sept. 10: The Commercial Club today bought the south half of Nob Hill for $7,000 as a site for Sacred Heart Hospital (MMT) Sept. 10: "At the next meeting of the Medford school directors a time will be set for the sale of the Washington School" (MMT) Sept. 11: The Medford distillery "at the north end of Medford," long closed due to lack of grain, has been razed (MMT) Sept. 15: The Oregon Agricultural College has issued assurances it will build an experimental station "as soon as possible" (MMTw) Sept. 16: "The initial step to form a student body organization was taken by the students of the Medford High School Thursday" (MMT) Sept. 20: "A contract is about to be let for the erection of a chapel for the Christian Scientists near Oakdale and Fifth" (MMT) Sept. 25: "At a meeting of college men last evening in the Commercial Club plans were formed for a Medford University Club" (MMT) Sept. 22: Fire horses Tom and Jerry, purchased last month from Jim Fowler, "received their first instruction yesterday" (MMTw) Sept. 29: One mile of Main Street is paved, from Roosevelt (Crater Lake) Ave. west (MMT) Sept. 29: John C. Mann, "of St. Paul, Minn., has just purchased the store that C. F. Hurlburt was preparing to open" (MMTw) Sept. 30: Mann's, "Medford's Popular Price Store," advertises its grand opening today on N Central (MMT) Oct. 4: "At this evening's session of the City Council Mayor Canon will urge the creation of a water commission" (MMT) Oct. 6: A constitution for the new Medford University Club was adopted Saturday night (MMTw) Oct. 6: "Work trains yesterday ran from Medford to within 12 miles of Butte Falls over the Pacific & Eastern track" (MMTw) Oct. 19: Southern Pacific Railroad passenger depot (today's Porter's restaurant) dedicated yesterday (MMT) Oct. 20: "The new quarters of the Medford Commercial Club in the Natatorium building were formally opened Tuesday evening" (MMTw) Oct. 27: Socialist leader Eugene V. Debs "addressed a big audience at the Natatorium last Sunday" (CPHerald) Oct. 27: "Work is progressing rapidly" remodeling the brick Childers house, 501 E. Main, into a depot for the P&E Railroad (MMTw) Oct. 30: The Golden Rule store opened on W. Main yesterday; "the store was continually thronged with people" (MMT) Nov. 17: Chief Engineer Gerig and Auditor Lawler were the first persons to go by Pacific & Eastern from Medford to Butte Falls (Sun) Nov. 24: Students of the North School voted Monday on the new name for the school, Lincoln School nearly unanimously chosen (Sun) Dec. 8: "Howard Block" (MCB) under construction, the addition of a fourth story to plans announced (MMT) Dec. 8: The depot at Main & Front is being "stripped of all outside appurtenances" preparatory to being moved a block to the south (Sun) Dec. 18: Medford's "first skyscraper," the Garnett-Corey Bldg. (Liberty Bldg., SW corner Main & Grape) opened yesterday (Sun) Dec. 21: The concrete walls of the fourth story of the Medford Furniture and Hardware Co. building were completed yesterday (Sun) Dec. 23: Gas lights burned in Medford last night for the first time, as the Rogue River Valley Gas Co. began operations (Sun) Dec. 25: The Bear Creek Motor Car Co., Cadillac dealer, "is successor to the Snyder Motor Car Co." (Sun) Dec. 30: "Home Telephone and Telegraph Co. will begin to serve the people of Medford tomorrow morning" (Sun) 1911 Jan. 1: "Early spring will witness the completion" of the Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. Bldg. (MMT) Jan. 1: Medford Furniture and Nicholson Hardware have merged to form Medford Furniture & Hardware (Sun) Jan. 1: The Christian Science Church, "being erected on Oakdale and Fifth streets, will be completed in the next week" (Sun) Jan. 3: Medford plans to double its 9 miles of paved streets to 18 in the coming year (MMT) Jan. 4: The new I.O.O.F. Odd Fellows' lodge building on W Sixth Street "is getting the finishing touches" (Sun) Jan. 5: "In all probability work on the Masonic Temple will be started next month" (MMTw) Jan. 5: Beginning Saturday, P&E trains "will leave and arrive in Medford from the new depot on East Main" (MMTw) Jan. 6: "Contract for construction of the Hotel Medford has been signed and immediately work is to begin" (Sun) Jan. 9: The electric street lights installed by the Southern Pacific Railroad on their grounds were lighted for the first time Sunday (MMT) Jan. 10: Medford Concrete is using lumber from the "Oliver Tabernacle," 3rd & Jackson, to build its new plant on N Riverside (Sun) Jan. 12: "In their handsomely fitted rooms" in the Mail Tribune bldg. the University Club held its formal opening yesterday (MMTw) Jan. 19: The library board has received a letter from Andrew Carnegie offering $20,000 for a library building (MMTw) Jan. 19: "The old Ballinger place" at 6th & Holly has been sold to the federal government for construction of the federal building (Sun) Jan. 25: Medford Commercial Club contracted Tuesday to buy the exhibit bldg. from John D. Olwell, effective April 1 (MMT) Jan. 31: Bybee & Heil, "owners of the West Side Market, has dissolved partnership"; "Heil will continue the business" (Sun) Feb. 1: First Savings Bank & Trust has leased SE [sic] corner Main & Central; Allen Grocery will move to Halley Block (Sun) Feb. 1: First National Bank will move to Medynski Bldg., SW corner Main & Central as of April 1 (Sun) Feb. 3: Local auto dealers last night united to form the Auto Dealers' Association of Southern Oregon (Sun) Feb. 9: The "white glazed bricks necessary for the upper story" of the Sparta Bldg. have arrived; work will "rushed" (MMTw) Feb. 16: Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph has moved its district headquarters from Eugene to Medford (MMTw) Feb. 19: "The Natatorium management has begun installing cluster lights from Main along Riverside to the Natatorium" (Sun) Feb. 22: Brickmason Charles Robb injured in second-story fall from "blacksmith shop under construction on South Bartlett" (MMT) Feb. 22: The city council last night accepted a plan to install cluster lights, "spaced at regular distances," three to a block (Sun) Feb. 24: The fence has been removed from the city baseball park; owners hope to move it to a location farther from town (Sun) Feb. 25: Scott Davis, Stoddard-Dayton dealer, yesterday began construction of a new brick garage building on S Front (Sun) Feb. 24: Medford native Eddie Wilkinson has been signed by pro baseball team the New York Americans (Sun) Mar. 1: Fire last night seriously damaged stock in E Main's Wonder Store, next to Warner, Wortman & Gore's (Sun) Mar. 1: The new county pathologist/weather bureau office was opened in the Garnett-Corey building today (MMT) Mar. 3: Medford Elks dedicated their new "handsome and spacious new quarters" in the I.O.O.F. building last night (Sun) Mar. 11: Riverside from E Main to the Natatorium "was ablaze last night for the first time" when the cluster lights were turned on (Sun) Mar. 18: John Perl's horse-drawn ambulance, "the first vehicle of its kind ever to roll over the streets of Medford," arrived yesterday (Sun) Mar. 19: The brick Crater Lake Garage building, 123 S Front, is "now in the course of erection" (MMT) Mar. 28: "The library board will meet tonight and select the design and plans for the Carnegie library building" (MMT) Mar. 29: The Medford City Band was reorganized last night; "Medford has been without a band for the past two years" (Sun) Mar. 29: John Olwell's exhibits have been removed from the exhibit bldg., the Commercial Club will take possession April 1 (Sun) Mar. 30: "The first passenger train to reach Butte Falls will pull into the little city next Saturday afternoon at 6:45 o'clock" (MMT)Apr. 2: The 30-unit Smith Apartments, "Medford's first big apartment house" on South Riverside, will be complete in a few days (Sun) Apr. 4: Installation began Tuesday morning of curbs and decomposed granite surface on Ivy Street through the park (MMT) Apr. 9: "The Crater Lake social club held a meeting Saturday evening and took steps toward a disbandment of the club" (MMT) Apr. 9: "Sage Park on Court and Central Street is now ploughed and graveled walks are being put in by the Greater Medford Club" (MMT) Apr. 10: Work began Monday on the "three-story" Hotel Holland; "the structure is to be eventually five stories in height" (MMT) Apr. 16: The IOOF will dedicate their new hall on 6th between Grape & Holly with a grand celebration April 26 (Sun) Apr. 18: Plastering is all complete on the Medford Furniture & Hardware bldg., floors "partly laid in the fourth story" (Sun) Apr. 20: Work beautifying the grounds between the depot and Main progressing rapidly, grass seed spread this morning (MMT) Apr. 23: Miksche and Schmidt have moved their realty office to their own new two-story building at 217 W Main (Sun) Apr. 25: Frank F. Miller and H. G. Manvell open the M&M Pool & Billiard Parlor in the new building at 219 W Main tonight (Sun) Apr. 25: Work will begin this morning on the Cascade coal mine on Roxy Ann Peak, opening three veins of high-grade coal (Sun) Apr. 30: E. G. Brown has bought out J. R. Ryan's interest in Ryan & Brown's saloon (Sun) Apr. 30: Clark & Henery will begin paving Jackson Street sometime this week; curbs and gutters have been placed on Sixth Street (MMT) May 3: B. J. Palmer announced he has bought a house on S Central and leased space in Cuthbert's for his piano store (Sun) May 7: The Sparta Bldg., NE corner Main & Riverside, "is nearly completed and soon will be occupied by tenants" (Sun) May 13: Demolition of the First National Bank building on Main Street begins today, construction "will take about six months" (Sun) May 14: Architects Power & Reeves have added Thomas L. West to their staff "to raise the standard in their line" (MMT) May 14: First National Bank has moved to temporary quarters at Main and Central while their building is being expanded (MMT) May 26: Three Sisters of Providence take over Southern Oregon Hospital, 344 S Central at 11th (Providence 75th anny. booklet) May 30: The Cascade Coal Co. is taking twenty-five tons of coal a day from its mine on the slopes of Roxy Ann (Sun) June 3: Eugene Ely soars "like a golden swallow" over Medford in his Curtiss biplane for the valley's first successful flight (Sun) June 14: J. S. Howard started a movement "this morning to have the road to Central Point changed to parallel the railroad track" (MMT) June 24: With paving of two miles near Ashland next week, it and Medford "will be connected by a good macadam road" (Sun) June 24: Daniels for Duds to move from ACB, 226 E Main, to Medynski Bldg., SW corner Main & Central (Sun) June 25: Jacksonville Hwy. was paved "last season"; paving is planned to Central Point and Griffin Creek (Sun) June 27: The Medford Planing Mill Co. will move to a new plant "at the foot of Jackson Street, where the new bridge is to be" (Sun) June 27-July 4: City Park bandstand, adjacent to future Carnegie library site, constructed (Sun) June 29: Excavation "is progressing very rapidly" for Sacred Heart Hospital on Nob Hill (MMTw) June 30: Work will begin in July to move the Main Street bridge to Jackson and build a new bridge of concrete (Sun) June 30: The country club opens today with a golf tournament, music, pigeon shoot and other entertainments (Sun) July 1: Two hundred people gathered yesterday to celebrate the opening of the Medford Country Club (Sun) July 3: "A. J. Edwards in his little Ford racer" won the 50-mile race through Medford streets; 10,000 people watched (MMT) July 13: First National Bank has razed its old bldg. and let a contract for a new bldg. with a "solid stone front" (MMTw) July 19: "Medford lodge, No. 676, Loyal Order of Moose, will be instituted at the K. of P. hall this evening" (MMT) July 21: A fire this morning on S Central across from the Palace Hotel resulted in five of seven businesses suffering a total loss (MMT) July 21: The Model Clothing Company plans to move one door west, to the building now occupied by Medford Furniture (MMT) July 23: Medford Furniture Co. plans to move to the Howard block; Daniels for Duds to the Adkins block (MMT) Aug. 2: Queen Anne (Roosevelt) and Jackson school bldgs. are complete (MMT) Aug. 2: City Council Tuesday passed a speed limit of 10 mph, "instead of hurtling around corners at fifteen or twenty miles" (Sun) Aug. 5: The Christian Church has just sold its property "just back of the Medford Hotel"; will build on S Oakdale (Sun) Aug. 6: Medford Builders' Supply has moved from 9th & Fir to E end of Jackson St., "just across Bear Creek" (Sun) Aug. 18: Work has begun on the Star Theatre, "remodeling the room recently vacated by the Medford Furniture Co." (Sun) Aug. 20: "Percy Terwilliger has purchased the Ugo Theater of W. C. Perkins and taken charge" (Sun) Aug. 22: The County will consider bids for a new Main Street bridge Aug. 28; Medford has replaced planks on the old bridge (Sun) Aug. 24: The B&C Cash Store has completed an addition to its quarters on W Main Street (Sun) Aug. 27: Medford Moose Lodge number 210; have a new hall in the Miksche and Schmidt bldg. (Sun) Aug. 27: The Medford Business College will be open Sept. 5 "in the elegant new building on North Grape Street" (Sun) Aug. 29: The county commissioners turned down construction bids, so no Main Street bridge will be built this season (Sun) Aug. 29: Daniels for Duds "is being moved into the elegant new quarters corner of Main and South Central" (Sun) Aug. 29: City Council has approved chain-gang labor for "vagabonds arrested and placed in the city jug" (Sun) Sept. 5: Medford Business College opened today in their new building on N Grape, J. M. Culpepper manager, Mr. Townsend principal (Sun) Sept. 10: "The elegant new structure on North Central," the Medford Furniture & Hardware Building, is complete, recently occupied (Sun) Sept. 16: Medford has a population of nearly 11,000; school enrollment has increased by 238 pupils, 23½ percent, over last year (MMT) Sept. 20: 300 people gathered to attend the opening of the Hotel Medford, "opened with a brilliant banquet last night" (Sun) Sept. 21: Cluster streetlights (three globes on a concrete standard) to be installed soon (MMTw) Sept. 26: On Thursday Eiler's Music House will move from 37 N Fir to 217 W Main (Sun) Oct. 1: "The Berben Apartments on the corner of Quince and West Main Street will be open in a few days" (Sun) Oct. 4: The Socialist Party of Jackson County has delivered a petition to City Councilman George Millar in favor of a public market (Sun) Oct. 11: "The Berben Apartments on the corner of Quince and West Main Street are nearly ready for occupancy" (Sun) Oct. 17: The 100-foot wireless telegraphy antenna pole being hoisted to the roof of Hotel Medford last night fell and broke in two (MMT) Oct. 22: "Formal opening of the Medford Pharmacy and the Martin Reddy jewelry store was held last Saturday" (CPHerald) Oct. 24: New Carnegie library "is rapidly being constructed"; it will be completed by December 1 (MMT) Oct. 27: "Two of the new cluster street lights were lighted last evening for the first time" (MMT) Nov. 10: "During the year an extension of 22 miles was built on the P&E" railroad, extending it to Butte Falls (Railway Age Gazette) Nov. 16: Cornerstone of new Sacred Heart Hospital on Nob Hill sealed and blessed (MMT 1/5/1966) Dec. 18: A council of the Knights of Columbus was established in Medford last night (MMT) Dec. 21: The Holland Hotel, "a 51-guest room structure" "is to be formally opened December 28" (MMT) Dec. 26: The Carnegie library "will be completed January 10" (MMT) 1912 Jan. 4: "The new Sacred Heart Hospital was opened last night"; 10 patients moved to new bldg. from old hospital (MMT) Jan. 18: "The Palmer Piano Place . . . will have its formal opening Saturday evening," celebrated with a free concert (Sun) Jan. 25: The president of the College Equal Suffrage League is in town "with a view to organizing a local women's suffrage club" (Sun) Jan. 27: Ben Hur Lampman and partner announce they will begin publication in Medford of the West Coast Miner on Feb. 2 (Sun) Jan. 28: Pacific Motor Supply Co., 220 W Main, has contracted to have bicycles built under the Rogue trade name (Sun) Feb. 1: "The unsightly stockyards of the Southern Pacific, which stand opposite the depot, are to be moved at once" (MMTw) Feb. 6: "The opening of the new Holland Hotel dining room occurred Monday and was a delightful success" (Sun) Feb. 8: "Medford's new Carnegie library will be opened to the public tonight" (MMT) Feb. 8: "Rogue River Electric Co. and twenty-three other electric plants" were consolidated under the name COPCO on Tuesday (CPHerald) Feb. 11: Medford's new Pope-Hartford fire engine is "due to arrive this morning" (Sun) Feb. 15: First Methodist Episcopal Church decided Monday to build a new church, NE corner 3rd & Bartlett (MMTw) Feb. 17: Tomorrow "will mark an important event in the city, the dedication of the new $150,000 Sacred Heart Hospital" (MMT) Apr. 18: Work on the public market bldg., on S Riverside, has begun (MMT) Apr. 25: The First Church of Christ, Scientist, church on North Oakdale was dedicated Sunday (MMTw) May 12: J. W. Durr has completed his new Medford Home Laundry bldg. on S Riverside "and will be ready for business Monday" (Sun) May 16: Wo Lee is stabbed and robbed of $800 in gold in his laundry; assailant Jim Ling and prostitute Laura White arrested (MMT) May 17: Final instructions for establishment of Medford's Seventh Company, Oregon National Guard, were received Friday (Sun) May 18: "One year ago on Friday the Model Bakery opened on West Tenth Street" (Sun) May 23: City Council Tuesday evening directed advertising for bids to pave Ivy Street between 8th and Main (MMT) May 25: The public market on S Riverside is to be opened this morning (Sun) June 16: Excavation is under way for pier foundations for the new concrete Main Street bridge (Sun) June 27: Medford Brick Company has been awarded the contract to build a livery stable, NW corner of 8th & Fir (MMT) June 29: It was decided yesterday to move the country club from the "Davis property to the Fiero tract about 2½ miles north" (Sun) July 11: A huge nozzle has been mounted on the "old fire wagon"; it can reach the roof of any building in the city (MMT) July 18: The Commercial Club yesterday decided to launch a "Made in Medford" campaign for patronage of local products (Sun) July 23: The paving plant "which has stood for three years at the south end of Central" is being dismantled and shipped to Eugene (MMT) July 30: "Medford will have clear water": a dam will be built to keep debris away from the water intake (Sun) Aug. 1: "George F. Foyes, of Clarkston, Wash., has purchased the B&C Cash Grocery and takes charge this morning" (Sun) Aug. 15: The steel Main Street bridge over Bear Creek was closed today for dismantling and moving to Jackson Street (MMT) Aug. 21: Medford Golf and Country Club, "two and one-half miles northeast of town on 'Roxy Ann Road,'" will open Saturday (MMT) Aug. 22: The Medford Methodist Episcopal Church is building a 20x27-foot extension on the east end of the church (MMTw) Aug. 29: The Rogue River Commission Co. plans to build a two-story brick warehouse on Front at 11th (MMTw) Sept. 10: "The drying factory of the Lozier Canning Works" a quarter mile west of Medford burned last night (Sun) Sept. 19: The Redmen will begin construction at once on their two-story brick "wigwam" on Apple between 4th and 5th (MMTw) Sept. 22: Eiler's Music House has lost its lease; will close in Medford September 28th (Sun) Sept. 26: Jackson Street bridge piers "completed within two weeks"; bridge expected complete by December 1 (MMTw) Sept. 26: Greek laborer George Dedaskalous' skull was crushed and throat cut at the Iowa Box Mill Sunday night (CPA) Oct. 11: Portland wholesale grocers Mason-Ehrman have bought the Osenbrugge warehouse and will open in Medford (MMT) Oct. 12: Fire destroyed Walter McCallum's Medford Theater and opera house on Friday afternoon (Sun) Oct. 23: Noyes & Black's paint shop, 301 S Grape, one of the oldest frame buildings in Medford, burned Tuesday (MMT) Oct. 25: The Golden Rule Store will begin its second-anniversary sale on Oct. 26 (Sun) Oct. 31: Home Telephone Co. has let a contract to expand its building on W 6th between Grape and Holly (MMTw) Nov. 3: The M.M. Department Store has leased the Deuel Bldg. on E Main, "first door east of their present quarters" (Sun) Nov. 14: A. W. Walker of the Nash Livery moved his stock and equipment into the new quarters" at 42 South Fir (Sun) Nov. 17: Chief Engineer Gerig and auditor Lawler of the P&ERR were the first to go by rail to Butte Falls Tuesday (Sun) Nov. 20: W. L. Thompson advertises that the entire tent city is for sale, including beds, mattresses, linen, tents and flies (MMT) Dec. 2: Brakeman Tuey Riggs' arm was crushed at the Main Street crossing; had to run 25 yards with the train before release (MMT) Dec. 12: Howard Bros. cannery "just west of the city was completely destroyed by fire at midnight Tuesday" (MMT) Dec. 12: "The work of pouring cement has started on the new bridge over Bear Creek and rapid progress is being made" (MMT) Dec. 12: Medford Elks have decided to build a $75,000 lodge on the corner of 5th & Central (MMTw) Dec. 12: "M. Maruyama and U. Urabe will on Saturday open a Japanese merchandise and curio store next to the Hotel Medford" (MMT) Dec. 17: The state supreme court overturned the injunction delaying construction of the Main Street bridge (MMTw 12/19/1912) Dec. 19: W. S. Barnum has begun a 25x75 brick store building on N Front, identical to the one adjacent to the south (MMTw) Dec. 19: The Good Government League of Medford was formed Monday evening at a meeting at the Episcopal Church (MMTw) Dec. 19: Anna Conklin was the first Medford woman to register to vote when registration began Saturday afternoon (MMTw) Dec. 26: Services were first held in new First Christian Church bldg., corner 9th & Oakdale, last Sunday (MMTw) Dec. 26: After dinner at Hotel Medford, "the ethical dentists of this section" organized the Southern Oregon Dental Assn. (MMTw) Dec. 27: "The construction of the Page Theater will soon start, as the foundation is finished" (Sun) Dec. 31: Work of remodeling "the building on Front Street recently occupied by the Nash Livery Stables is under way" (MMT) 1913 Riverside and Central become part of the Pacific Highway (today's Hwy 99) Jan. 1: The concrete bridge across Bear Creek at Main Street is nearing completion (MMT) Jan 9: The Rogue River Cooperative Fruit Growers League was founded at a meeting of growers Saturday afternoon (MMTw) Jan. 11: J. T. Minney Co. granted "the right to build a street railway in Medford" by the city council on Friday evening (MMT) Jan. 23: "A rest room for the women of the valley and working girls of the city will be established," 4th floor MCB (MMTw) Jan. 23: "Curfew will ring again in Medford, according to an announcement made Wednesday by Mayor W. W. Eifert" (Sun) Jan. 24: Train robber Wells Lounsberry was found guilty in the Federal Court in Kansas City, Kansas (MMT) Jan. 30: The Pantorium has purchased a lot for its plant at 1st & Grape; will build a 24x72 concrete building (MMTw) Feb. 6: The Main Street bridge is complete; forms need to be removed and approaches constructed (MMTw) Feb. 14: "The free rest room for women [in the MCB] opens Saturday" (MMT) Feb. 18: Mayor Eifert fires the city engineer, sparking the Eifert/Boggs/Millar battle (MMT) Feb. 25: Medford's two telephone systems will merge March 1; offices will be in the Home Telephone Co. bldg. on 6th Street (MMT) Mar. 6: Chief Hittson "today announced that he had appointed a motorcycle cop to trail speeding autos in the city" (MMTw) Mar. 6: "The Medford armory bill passed the senate last night," appropriating a match of $20,000 for construction (MMTw) Mar. 10: The Ugo Theater on West Main announces the change of its name to the "IT" Theater (MMT) Mar. 10: H. C. Kentner's full-page ad announces "we will positively close the doors of this company on the 26th of March" (MMT) Mar. 11: "With Medford Trade Is Medford Made" slogan chosen in a contest sponsored by the Medford Merchants Association (MMT) Mar. 18: P&E railroad has a crew at work laying a stub track under "the new bridge," to "stub just south of the bridge" (MMT) Mar. 21: A horse trough has been ordered placed on Fir Street, just N of Main (MMT) Mar. 21: A drinking fountain has been ordered for Main & Oakdale (MMT) Apr. 17: The Davis warehouse on the railroad right-of-way, occupied by feed dealer J. C. Schmidt, is to be demolished (MMTw) Apr. 24: Demolition of the pioneer Davis Warehouse, just S of Main on SP right-of-way, begins (MMT) Apr. 29: The Southern Pacific railroad agrees to remove the shacks on the right-of-way between 6th & Main (MMT) May 1: The new four-story brick warehouse at Front & 12th has been completed (MMT) May 3: District Judge Wolverton has declared the O&C Railroad lands forfeit due to failure to comply with terms of the grant (MMT) May 1: Davis warehouse, "erected when the city was in its infancy," is being razed; old Medford Grocery Co. warehouse is next (MMT) May 19: Maude Adams as Peter Pan opens the new Page Theater, on E Main just W of Bear Creek (MMT) May 24: Initial survey work for the Bullis trolley line "was begun Friday morning on East Main Street (Sun) May 29: "Ground was broken Thursday for the new trolley line, franchise for which was recently granted S. S. Bullis" (MMT) July 14: Trolley line construction began Monday; a steam shovel is at work on Hospital Hill, and cars will be delivered in November (MMT) Aug. 25: "The new cold storage plant of the Rogue River Fruit and Produce Association was thrown open for business yesterday" (MMT) Aug. 29: "C. E. Gates, the Overland man, has leased the lower floor of the Sparta building, Main and Riverside, for three years" (MMT) Sept. 11: "Work of tearing up the pavement on East Main Street for the interurban trolley has begun in earnest" (MMT) Sept. 22: "Ground was broken this morning for the cornerstone for the Elks' club building on North Central Ave." (MMT) Sept. 29: "The Bullis trolley line has completed the work of tearing up Main Street to Roosevelt Avenue and will begin laying rails" (MMT) Nov. 4: Construction of the Elks lodge will begin today; Elks "will march in a body" to "throw the first dirt for the excavation" (MMT) Nov. 19: Building permit issued to Hubbards for livery stable, E side of Riverside between 8th & 9th (MMT 3/26/1967) Nov. 29: Ground has been broken inaugurating construction of the Pacific Highway in Oregon (Post) Dec. 17: Building permit issued for Elks Temple (MMT 3/26/1967) 1914 Jan. 1: Union Stables, 112 S Riverside, "now in course of construction," will be open for business Jan. 15 (MMT) Feb. 11: "Work on paving the Central Point-Medford road will begin within the next few days" (MMT) Mar. 14: "Car No. 1 of the Southern Oregon Traction Co. arrived Friday; it is painted yellow and known as the West Main car" (MMT) Mar. 21: "A few trial trips [of the Bullis street car] will be made this afternoon, and Sunday service put into effect tomorrow" (MMT) Apr. 3: "Actual work on the extension of the Bullis street car line to the city reservoir began Thursday morning" (MMT) May 2: "The extension of the Bullis street car line to the city reservoir [on Capitol Hill] is expected to be completed by May 15" (MMT) May 24: The Day Planing Mill burned recently, "on circus day" (Mayor's letter to council) June: Building permit issued to W. S. Barnum to build Grand Hotel (MMT 3/26/1967) Nov. 28: As of Tuesday "the Pacific Highway is now paved from Ashland to Central Point" (Post) 1915 Jan. 1: "Application has been made" by Southern Oregon Electric to extend trolley tracks west of the Southern Pacific tracks (MMT) Jan. 1: The new Elks Lodge, NE corner 5th & Central, is nearing completion (MMT) Jan. 5: Garnett and Corey have sold the Liberty Bldg. to L. L. Cathcart (MMT) June 22: Construction of Federal Bldg., 6th & Holly, under way; completion contracted for occupancy by May 1, 1916 (MMT) July 3: The Rogue River Valley Railroad has been sold to the Southern Oregon Traction Co.; will immediately "electrify the road" (JP) Aug. 16: Work began today to remodel upper floor of Amy & Pottenger Bldg. on Main for a national guard armory (MMT) Sept. 2: After years of operation, the first load of coal from Medford's Sunnyside Mine was brought to the Holland Hotel yesterday (Sun) Sept. 20: Medford Elks plan to dedicate their new temple next Thursday and Friday with ceremonies and "stag vaudeville" (MMT) Nov. 1: The Barnum Hotel (Grand Hotel, NE corner 5th & Front) is "in process of erection" (MMT) Nov. 10: "The Medynski scheme to rebond the $1,030,000 paving indebtedness was defeated at a special election Tuesday" (Sun) Dec. 31: The statewide prohibition law becomes effective at midnight; the state's saloons will "close their doors forever" (MMT) 1916 The University Club moves from the Mail Tribune building to the Vawter house (MMT2/24/1983) Feb. 2: After five years in business in Medford, dry goods merchant H. N. Moe is moving his concern to Klamath Falls (KF Herald) Feb. 22: Brown's Soda Fountain replaces Brown's Saloon today at Main & Front, Mr. and Mrs. Ed G. Brown, proprietors (MMT) Feb. 24: Plans announced for Getchell Bldg., SW corner Main & Fir (MMT) Mar. 13: Trolley track fittings "arrived today and will be put down at once, uniting the east side with the Jacksonville extension" (MMT) Mar. 14: "The post office will move into the new federal building this month and will officially open April 1st" (Sun) May 6: "The new Barnum Hotel at Medford was formally opened to the public Tuesday evening." (Post) May 16: Federal Bldg., NW corner 6th & Holly, has been completed (MMT) Apr. 17: "Ground will be broken Tuesday" for St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 112 N Oakdale (MMT) July 15: By a vote of nearly 3 to 1 Monday, Medford voters ratified the construction of a railroad to the Blue Ledge mines (Post) July 16: "A light . . . will be placed in position today to illuminate the 'Medford, Gateway to Crater Lake' sign on the city hall" (MMT) July 27: "Birth of a Nation" plays in Medford for the first time at the Page Theater {MMT7/22/1916p3) Oct. 1: "Colonel George P. Mims of Seven Oaks officially assumes charge of the Medford post office today" (Sun) 1917 The F. W. Woolworth Company opens a Medford branch at 125 E Main. (Moves to MCB in 1937.) (MMT 7/9/1950) Apr. 5: On Saturday Dr. Porter bought Dr. Pickel's lot at Sixth and North Ivy for his hospital and sanitarium (CPHerald) Aug. 2: Remodeling permit issued to Woolworth's, N side of Main between Central & Front (MMT 3/26/1967) Sept. 17: The Rialto Theater, 106 W Main Street, has its first showing (circa 1939 MMT clipping) Sept. 22: Medford's "Hansen plan" to pay its Orchard Boom paving indebtedness has been declared illegal by the state supreme court (Post) Oct. 28: The New Medford Armory was dedicated Wednesday afternoon (MMT) Nov. 3: "Dr. E. R. Seely has sold his practice to Dr. Conroy and has gone to Portland," will enter into partnership with Dr. Gilstrap (Post) Dec. 5: Dr. E. H. Porter's Medford Sanitarium (Cargill Court, SE corner 6th & Ivy) to formally open Wednesday (MMT) 1918 Commercial Club changes its name to Chamber of Commerce (Snedicor) Tomlin Box Co. is established at 5th & Fir (MMT 1/1/1928) Feb. 6: The Medford flour mill is back in operation, now under the name Rogue Valley Milling Co. (MMT) Feb. 16: Thurston E. "Daniels for Duds," in business for 11 years, has announced he will go out of business after his closeout sale (MMT) June 28: Fire destroys the Oregon Rooming House, Medford's first Catholic Church, and three shacks at 3rd & Front (MMT) Sept. 4: "The Truax Co. has opened a grocery and racket store" just west of Hubbard's at 327 E Main (MMT) Sept. 9: The Model Clothing Co. in the HCB, SW corner Main & Bartlett, burned Sunday (MMT) Oct. 14: To combat the Spanish flu epidemic, Mayor Gates closes "churches, lodges, school and all public meetings" (MMT10/12/1918) Nov. 24: "The 'flu' lid flew off last night, with record attendances at both the Page and Rialto theaters" (Sun) 1919 American Fruit Growers founded (News 11/18/1949) Jan. 8: The city has refinanced $700,000 worth of 10-year-old Orchard Boom infrastructure bonds; payments will be $25,000 (MMT) Apr. 5: "Editor Putnam of the Mail Tribune has severed his connection with that publication after a service of about eleven years" (Post) May 16: "Workers are busy getting ready the new free auto camp" (later Merrick’s) on the "north side of the Natatorium" (MMT) June 7: "It was announced Friday that the 'flying circus,' composed of seven airplanes, will arrive at Medford Monday forenoon" (Post) July 26: "The sawmill and box factory at Medford belonging to J. T. Gagnon was burned to ground early Thursday morning" (Post) July 30: Standard Oil service station at Main & Fir "opened for business at noon today" (MMT) Aug. 2: The Army announces air patrol of national forests "from Portland to Medford with stations at Eugene, Salem and Roseburg" (MMT) Aug. 7: The forest patrol assembled for the first time; eight planes are parked at the "Medford flying field at the foot of South Fir" (MMT) Aug. 9: "The plant of the Gagnon Lumber Co., which was recently destroyed by fire at Medford, will be rebuilt in Jacksonville" (Post) Sept. 3: The city council last night passed an ordinance requiring metal receptacles for non-combustible garbage (MMT) Sept. 6: Medford's baseball park at Second and North Holly will be sold; the grandstand lumber turned into a packing house (MMT) Sept. 13: The Ashland Record blossomed out under a new heading this week, the Pacific Record Herald. The editor is a mystery" (Post) 1920 Medford's population is 5,756; Jackson County's 20,405 (U.S. Census) Jan. 7: The city council decided to remove the drinking fountain at Main and Oakdale and cut the NW corner back several feet (MMT) Jan. 17: Interurban Auto Car Co.'s jitney service to Jacksonville "was inaugurated yesterday. Twelve round trips were made" (Post) May 7: McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co. announces move to Sparta Bldg., Main & Riverside (MMT) May 14: "The county has purchased sixty acres of ground about a mile south of town on the Pacific Highway" for fairgrounds (MMT) May 18: Construction of a Union Oil gas station on a vacant lot at Main and South Fir was begun Monday (MMT) May 19: W. E. Phipps has donated "4 to 5 acres of land on the east side of North Riverside" to the City of Medford as a park (MMT) May 26: In FTC conspiracy hearings against the Utah-Idaho Beet Sugar Co., Mayor Gates testified "We got gypped and quit" (MMT) Aug. 14: The "aviation landing field will be dedicated and given its official name," Newell Barber Field, on Labor Day, September 6th (Post) Sept. 2: "The publishers of the Polk's Directory announced the population of Medford as being that of 6,300 in the month of July" (MMT) Sept. 9: Construction has begun on the Brownlee Lumber Co. mill on their 32-acre site just north of Medford and the P&E track (MMT) Nov. 19: The New Economy Groceteria opens tomorrow in the MCB (MMT) 1921 Jan. 17: Shorty Garnett "is going out of business, and the big fire, smoke and water sale starts Wednesday" (MMT) April 25: The Knights of Pythias have voted "for the Soliss property on the northeast corner of Sixth and Holly" for their new lodge (MMT) May: Luther I. Powell swears in first Klansmen in Oregon in Medford's Masonic Hall (E. V. Toy) May 30: A feature of today's Decoration Day was Lt. Carter in his Forest Service DeHavilland, dropping flowers on the parade (MMT) July 18: Paving of Pacific Highway between Gold Hill and Grants Pass was completed Saturday (MMT) July 23: Fire gutted Tumy Auto Co., located in former Crater Lake Garage (123 S Front), last night (MMT) July 25: C. A. DeVoe's soda fountain now open, in the "lobby entrance of the Sparta Bldg." (MMT) Sept. 22: When the "crossing frog" is installed this week Washington School students will be transferred to Roosevelt by trolley (MMTw) Oct. 4: Fire this morning gutted the fourth floor of the Barnum Apartments (Grand Hotel) at Front and Fifth (MMT) 1922 Radio station KFAY (later KMED) begins broadcasting at the Medford fairgrounds (News 12/24/1948) Medford establishes first municipal airport in Oregon (SOHS membership brochure) Sept. 2: Dr. Robert W. Stearns will open Medford Community Hospital, 843 E Main, on Sept. 5 (MMT) Oct. 14: Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. Bldg., SW corner 6th & Bartlett, opened yesterday (MMT) Nov. 1: Mason-Ehrman Grocery Co.'s warehouse burned yesterday, the "worst fire in the history of Medford" (MMT) Dec. 27: Porter Neff will build a concrete building NE corner 6th & Central for the Groceteria, which will move from MCB (MMT) 1923 May 1: "The first formal meeting of the Medford Rotary Club was held at noon today" (MMT) June 1: Last night "the birth of the Medford Rotary Club was celebrated, the charter presented and accepted" (MMT) August: The Groceteria moves from the MCB into its new bldg., NE corner 6th & Central (MMT 11/17/1949) Oct. 20: Californian Llewellyn A. Banks has bought the Suncrest and Mira Vista orchards; will live here summers (Chicago Packer) Nov. 21: "The city is now divided into four wards, instead of three"; A. C. Hubbard has been appointed councilman (MMT) Nov. 28: Construction of the new reinforced concrete armory at 3rd & Bartlett has "just been accomplished" (MMT) Dec. 11: Medford Kiwanis Club inaugurated with "charter presentation and dinner dance at the Hotel Medford last night" (MMT) Dec. 19: It was decided last night to lease the city auto camp to Merrick's; the two camps will be linked with a footbridge (MMT) Dec. 29: The "Medford Protestant hospital," opened in September 1921, will build a new 12-room surgical and obstetrical unit (MMT) Dec. 31: The Page Theater was destroyed by fire yesterday; volunteer fireman Amos Willits killed when stage firewall collapsed (MMT) 1924 May 15: Babe White, the "human fly," will climb Hotel Holland May 17 (MMT) May 23: A parallel parking ordinance (with one-hour limit) "was inaugurated today for the first time" (MMT) May 24: Mrs. W. P. Brooks of 407 King Street wins $25 contest cash prize by submitting name of "Hunt's Craterian" (MMT) July 12: "Work is progressing rapidly" on concrete Jackson County Abstract bldg. on 6th "across from the Fire Hall" (MMT) Aug. 11: Prominent citizens secretly promise Owen-Oregon Lumber not to annex their proposed plant into city (MMT 3/10/1978) Fall: Metal-and-canvas fruit picking pail invented by the Rosenberg brothers (Harry and David Holmes) (News 7/3/1925) Oct. 3: Jackson County Abstract Co. moves into new bldg. at 121 E 6th (Clarion) Oct. 17: Craterian will open Oct. 20, also tenants Franklin's Cafe, Bartlett the Furrier, Marinello Beauty Parlor, Natwick Designers (News) 1925 Drews Manstore moves from Klamath Falls to 733 Main (MMT 8/22/1962) Morton Milling Co. moves from Central Point to Medford (MMT 3/8/1966) Jan. 2: Owen-Oregon Lumber announces it will build a "mammoth plant"; 400 men employed in current plant (News) Jan. 3: Rosenberg, Tomlin, Walker and Rosenberg announce founding of Commercial Finance Corporation (MMT) Jan. 10: Jarmin & Woods opens for business in Medford at 6th & Central (News 6/9/1928) Feb. 13: C. W. Lambrecht acquired R. Saito's Jap Art Store several weeks ago (News) Feb. 20: New auto camp "near completion"; "fifteen new houses are completed or under course of construction" (News) May 1: J. H. Cooley and Porter J. Neff announce plans for a one-story concrete store building, NW corner 6th & Central (News) Mar. 6: Early last week "Ben Decious of La Grande purchased the Hotel Holland from Mrs. H. C. Smith" (News) May 6: Sidney Olson was badly burned in a fire Monday at the Medford Cleaners at Jackson and Narregan streets (Tidings) May 7: Cornerstone for the new IOOF cemetery mausoleum will laid May 20 (MMT) Apr. 4: "Twenty-five business and professional men" organized Medford Lions Club "last evening at the Hotel Medford" (MMT) Apr. 4: "First annual Rogue River Valley Pear Day, under the auspices of the Growers Exchange" held today (Chicago Packer 4/11/1925) May 22: An election last Friday chose N Holly location for new high school over "P&E tract of land on the East Side" (MMT) May 29: Workmen "have just completed construction work on a new roof garden on Hotel Holland" (News) June 5: A fire beginning yesterday in a back room of the Valley Candy Co. partially gutted the Medford Business College building (Tidings) June 17: "For the first time in the history of the Oregon National Guard" a full brigade with artillery paraded downtown yesterday (MMT) June 23: Medford's new Stutz fire engine arrived Monday (News) June 26: Modern Sheet Metal Works has moved into new bldg., SE block Main & Riverside (MMT) June 26: Modern Heat & Plumbing Co.'s new bldg. at Main & Riverside to be completed in about three weeks (MMT) July 1: Auto dealers Huggins & Robinson moved Wednesday to 8th & Bartlett (News) July 3: John Billings has nearly finished erecting bldg. on S Riverside for Medford Auto Co., Buick dealers (News) July 3: Work is under way on floor slab for new IOOF Cemetery mausoleum (News) July 10: Plans are nearly complete for the new Medford High School (McLoughlin) (News) Sept. 9: Lowest bid at opening last night is $116,660 by Hedges & Hulls of Portland to build the new high school (MMT) Oct. 8: Citizens pass $975,000 bond issue for Big Butte Springs water system (4) Oct. 20: IOOF Cemetery Mausoleum dedicated Sunday (News) Oct. 30: Jackson County Bank clock installed Wednesday, at the corner of Main and Central (News) Nov. 9: Charles Fujimoto's Diamond Cafe opens in "new Cooley and Neff building," 127 E 6th (MMT) 1926 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Bldg., SW corner 5th & Bartlett, built (MMT 9/14/1927) KFAY becomes KMED and is moved to the Sparta Bldg. (News 12/24/1948) Jan. 21: Owen-Oregon Lumber has announced plans for a $900,000 expansion of their mill north of Medford (CPA) Jan. 21: Vern C. Gorst "has been awarded the coast contract for the air mail service," expected to begin April 1 (CPA) Feb. 12: Owen-Oregon "within the next 10 days" will begin construction of a $500,000 sawmill (Spokane Spokesman-Review) Mar. 1: Finishing touches "now being put on" Schuler Apartments, SE corner 6th & Oakdale (MMT) Apr. 8: "Medford's new Piggly Wiggly store opened to the public last Thursday morning" (CPA) Apr. 20: "Ginger Rogers, the champion Charleston dancer of Texas," will appear at the Craterian tomorrow "in a whirlwind routine" (MMT) May 13: Next month the Masons plan to add a third floor to their building at Main & Holly and extend the second to the alley (CPA) May 27: Excavation has begun for the telephone company building SW corner 5th & Bartlett; completion expected in 75 days (CPA) June 4: A hanging electric sign is to be erected over the Pacific Highway at Main & Riverside (News) June 17: After 14 years of "handing out bargains," Will H. Wilson will close his N Front store on July 3 (MMT) June 18: Monarch Seed & Feed is building a 50x170 warehouse at 10th & Fir (News) June 24: American Fruitgrowers are erecting a packing plant at 11th & Front for their Blue Goose label (CPA) June 24: Medford Ice & Storage has been granted a permit to build a 3-story plant and warehouse at 11th & Front (CPA) June 24: Sperry Flour Co. has made plans for a new warehouse; the old one "next to the railroad tracks" will be razed (CPA) June 26: American Fruit Growers are establishing an agency in Medford; a packing house will be built on South Front (Chicago Packer) July 10: First Presbyterian Church announces plans for their new complex, NE corner 8th & Holly (MMT) July 22: Crater Lake Hardware has completed plans for a 50x100 concrete building on Front between 10th and 11th (CPA) July 27: "Medford's new electric sign, which will be placed at the intersection of South Riverside and Main Street, has arrived" (MMT) Aug. 5: Another "brass sliding pole" is being added to the fire hall, for a total of two (CPA) Aug. 5: Auto wrecker Charlie Cass will build a concrete building on S Riverside "where the old city water building was" (CPA) Aug. 12: Buick dealer J. H. Dennison is building a new sales room on N Riverside "one block off Main" (CPA) Aug. 12: "The old Gitzen barn on North Fir" will be razed for a 50x25 concrete building and a roofed wire enclosure (CPA) Aug. 28: The Medford News announces it will begin publication "about October first" (MMT) Sept. 2: "The new high school [McLoughlin] . . . will be open for public inspection Saturday, September 4" (MMT) Sept. 15: Pacific Air Transport's first flight is today, Medford and New York are now only 36 hours apart (MMT) Sept. 16: E. C. "Jerry" Jerome has purchased "the new business building" SE corner Main & Riverside (CPA) Sept. 16: "Work is now being pushed on the extension of Sixth Street" to merge with Main "west of the Methodist church" (CPA) Sept. 16: The new Terminal Hotel (Hotel Jackson), "largest of the Terminal chain in Oregon," will open Saturday (MMT) Sept. 17: Inaugural airmail delivery from the mayor of Portland to Mayor Alenderfer marks "the dawn of a new epoch" (News) Sept. 30: Next Sunday the "W.O.W. will dedicate their new building on Grape Street" with a "big stag smoker" (CPA) Sept. 30: "Early last Friday morning the old mill of the Tomlin box factory burned down" (CPA) Sept. 30: L. L. Holbrook has purchased an interest in the Busy Corner Motor Co. and will sell Chryslers on S Riverside (CPA) Oct. 15: E. M. Tucker has returned and opened a garage in the new Medford Auto Co. building on N Riverside (CPA) Oct. 15: "Work has started on the new Presbyterian Church at S Holly and 8th streets" (CPA) Oct. 15: "The local landing field for the airmail planes will be extended 900 feet, making the field 2,000 feet long" (CPA) Oct. 22: Last Friday the Medford Eagles "made their initial bow to the public" with a dance in their new hall in the MCB (CPA) Oct. 22: The Charles A. Wing Realty has moved into the former Front Street location of the Lyons Pool Hall (CPA) Nov. 3: Jackson County voters pass a measure transferring the county seat from Jacksonville to Medford Nov. 5: The C. E. Gates Auto Co. "have started the erection of a second story to their present building," SW corner 6th & Riverside (CPA) Nov. 12: The Skaggs company has made arrangements to open a Safeway grocery store in Medford. (CPA) Nov. 26: "Work started Saturday for the construction of a new $10,000 concrete structure at 5th & Fir for the Sperry Flour Co." (CPA) Nov. 26: "Work will start on the temporary courthouse the first of the year under the plans made by Frank Clark, local architect" (CPA) Dec. 10: Safeway will open Dec. 11 "at 212 East Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by the Shasta Cafe" (MMT) Dec. 10: Recently added third floor of Masonic Temple bldg., NE corner Main & Holly, dedicated today (MMT) Dec. 10: The Owen-Oregon lumber mill, "which has been under construction for several months, is rapidly nearing completion" (MMT) Dec. 26: "KMED went on the air yesterday in a test, and hundreds of radio fans in southern Oregon 'listened in'" (MM) Dec. 31: "KMED is on the air every night; you will find them by turning the wavelength to 250." (CPA) 1927 Population of Medford is 12,159 (4) Flood destroys some of Merrick's Motor Inn cabins (MMT 2/1/1953) Howard School completed this year (MMT 1/1/1928) E. T. Allen buys the Nash Hotel; renames it the Allen Hotel (CPA 4/5/1956) Pantorium Bldg., 6th & Holly, built this year (MMT 1/1/1928) Two-acre playground established on Bear Creek at Main, with swings, slide, teeter-totter, wading pool, sandbox (MMT 1/1/1928) Tomlin Box Co. builds their new mill "in the factory district adjoining the city limits on the north" (MMT 1/1/1928) Jan. 2: Woodmen of the World lodge, 5th & Grape, erected in 1926 with "large ballroom and banquet room accommodations" (MMT) Jan. 2: Today's Central Art Supply bldg., NW corner 6th & Central, "recently built" for Diamond Cafe, three clothing stores (MMT) Jan. 2: "Campbell Bros. will open a modern exclusive sheet metal works at the corner of 8th and Grape streets January 3rd" (MMT) Jan. 2: "Work to start at once" on new Medford City Hall bldg., NW corner 5th & Central (MMT) Jan. 2: The new Community Hospital on E Main "will soon be formally opened" (MMT) Jan. 2: Pacific Telephone Co. bldg., SW corner 5th and Bartlett, "will be occupied shortly after April 1" (MMT) Mar. 12: Office Stationery and Supply (later Your Office Boy) opens in Moore Hotel bldg. (Jackson County Times 5/11/1977) Apr. 10: First Presbyterian Church, NE corner 8th & Holly, dedicated (80th anniversary newsletter) Apr. 12: "More than 2000 people were present yesterday at the dedication of the new $60,000 Presbyterian Church" (News) Apr. 12: "Human Fly" D. D. Roland will climb the Medford Hotel tonight, illuminated by "large spot lights" (News) Apr. 21: The Owen-Oregon Lumber Co.'s mill in Medford, capacity 100,000,000 feet a year, was dedicated today (MMT) May 8: "Topsides," the home of Alfred S. V. Carpenter on a knoll above Millionaire's Row overlooking the valley, is complete (MMT) May 11: Owners of cars left on city streets between 1 and 5 a.m. will be arrested so the new street sweeper can do its work (MMT) May 24: Medford defeats court challenge; county seat will move to Medford July 1 (Portland Telegram) June 3: Johnson's Market opens tomorrow in their new building, NW corner Sixth and Grape (MMT) June 5: Medford, Ashland and Yreka Golden Rule stores have been bought by the J. C. Penney Co. (MMT) June 28: County commissioners have ordered "all county officials to move to the Medford armory, temporary courthouse, on July 1 (News) July 1: "Medford people today for the first time are tasting water from the city's new source on the Big Butte Springs" (MMT) July 7: A basement fire in the MCB caused $25,000 damage to the MM Department Store bargain basement yesterday (MMT) July 10: Exterior of the Hotel Holland has just received "two coats of Sherwin-Williams Concrete Paint" (News) July 15: Tomorrow Delbert M. Little opens in Medford the valley's first "regular United States Weather Bureau substation" (MMT) Aug. 2: "Plans assuring a great jubilee in Medford in the fall were acted upon at the Chamber of Commerce Building last night" (News) Aug. 10: "Sixth Street on Aug. 12 will be open from Riverside to the Jacksonville Highway, according to the city superintendent" (News) Aug. 14: According to a count taken for the American Legion city directory, Medford's population is 12,128 (News) Aug. 14: Mrs. Kate Scott awarded $25 for submitting the name "Medford's Jubilee of Visions Realized" for the upcoming festival (MMT) Aug. 17: "Medford's population is given as 12,128 in a census just completed by the American Legion" (MMT) Sept. 9: J. Verne Shangle of Portland plans to open the Brownie Photo Studio in Medford this fall (MMT) Sept. 12: "The Barnum Hotel and apartments was sold today by W. S. Barnum to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goswick" (MMT) Sept. 14: "One of the most signal civic accomplishments of 1927," Sixth Street is now open across the railroad tracks (MMT) Sept. 15: Medford throws a Jubilee of Visions Realized to celebrate the new water system, airport and Sixth Street railroad crossing Nov. 9: Penneys plans to remodel Cuthbert Bldg., expand into 6th Street corner, rent out part of Central frontage (News) Dec. 28: "After many years of agitation," the Sixth Street railroad crossing is complete; the barricades were removed this morning (MMT) 1928 Childers Bldg. (Walker Bldg., NW corner Bear Creek & Main) constructed this year (MMT 12/31/1928) Jan. 1: Lutheran Church, 4th & Oakdale, just completed (MMT) Jan. 1: The Terminal Hotel changes its name to Hotel Jackson today (MMT 11/3/1927) Jan. 1: Barkdull bldg. construction "to commence this week," on N Central between 5th & 6th, "opposite the Groceteria" (MMT) Jan. 8: The board of education has announced the purchase of 15 acres on South Oakdale "as a site for a junior high school" (News) Jan. 10: Jarmin & Woods moves to Medford Book Store due to sale of Golden Rule bldg. (Cuthbert) to JCPenney (News 6/9/1928) Feb. 25: Club Cafe on S Riverside established two and one-half years ago (Pacific Northwest Hotel News) Feb. 28: Wineland Millinery & Hair Dressing opens in Hotel Jackson (News) May 14: Medford Ice and Storage announces plans to build a fruit packing house at the corner of S. Fir and Twelfth streets (MMT) Mar. 25: J. C. Penney opened in the Cuthbert Bldg., SE corner 6th & Central, Monday night (News) May 21: The Chamber of Commerce's airport committee has selected the 225-acre W. H. Gore tract as the site for the new airport (MMT) May 24: Medford's first talkie, "The Jazz Singer," opens at the Craterian, which had installed $20,000 in Vitaphone equipment (MMT) May 24: At a meeting last night, Jackson County Creamery announced the changing of its name to Gold Seal Creamery (News) May 28: Construction of the Valley School will start in two or three weeks on four acres "at the end of Groveland avenue" (MMT) July 19: George A. Roy has leased part of Montgomery Ward bldg. for the State Theater; will open about September 1 (MMT) July 20: The walls of the Wards building on South Central "have been completed, and the concrete forms are being torn away" (News) Aug. 21: A. W. Walker will open as-yet-unnamed (Dreamland) dance pavilion Saturday "in the new Childers building" (MMT) Aug. 30: Skaggs Safeway Stores opens its store No. 471 tomorrow morning at 210 W Main (MMT) Sept. 2: The 350-seat State Theatre will open Friday or Saturday in the Leverette bldg. on S Central (Wards/RCC) (MMT) Sept. 3: Leverette Block, SE corner 8th & Central (State Theatre, Wards, later RCC) completed (MMT) Sept. 7: Witham's service station, NW corner 8th & Riverside at 46 S Riverside, "rapidly nearing completion" (MMT) Sept. 26: Remodel of Medynski Bldg., Main & Central, complete; Jarmin & Woods will open drugstore tomorrow (News) Sept. 27: Residence NW corner 6th & Ivy has been razed for 50x100' business block to be built by Earl H. Fehl (MMT) Sept. 29: Plans revealed last night to light 6th Street with single globes on 15-foot standards (MMT) Oct. 30: New facade of Brophy's Jewelry being covered in mottled blue "biscuit tile" (News) Dec. 14: Medford police, headquartered in the old RVRR depot for over two years, may have to move back to the fire hall (MMT) Dec. 31: Southern Oregon Sales will start construction Feb. 1 of packing plant N of Stewart by the railway tracks (MMT) Dec. 31: Paving of 4.38 miles in 1928 constitutes "first resumption of paving on a large scale since 1911" (MMT) 1929 Brick Sacred Heart Catholic Church replaces old stucco church, SW corner 10th & Central (MMT12/31/1929) Findlay Apartments built on S Holly near 12th (MMT12/31/1929) Jan. 24: Work on the new fire hall, NE corner 3rd & Front, "which will be completed by April 15, is progressing nicely" (MMT) Mar. 1: Work will begin soon on a Texaco station at 12th & Riverside (MMT) Mar. 4: Work started last week on Southern Oregon Sales' new storage and packing plant (MMT) Mar. 5: First reading of petition for Midway Highway (Table Rock Road) will be before county commissioners tomorrow (MMT) Mar. 5: Bids will be opened Friday for remodeling of IOOF hall, 6th between Grape and Holly (MMT) Mar. 12: Monarch Feed & Seed has announced plans for new store on S Riverside, "ready for occupancy July 1" (MMT) Mar. 14: Clarence Evans will open the Buster Brown Shoe Store, on S Central "across from the Craterian," Saturday (MMT) Mar. 21: "The Playhouse Theater in the Childers Building on East Main" [soon renamed the Isis] will show its first film Mar. 30 (MMT) Apr. 26: "The work of installing the street lights on Sixth Street, from Riverside to Oakdale Avenue, will start next Monday" (MMT) June 8: New 6th Street streetlights, from Oakdale to Riverside, "will be inaugurated tonight at 8:45" (MMT) June 25: Photographer Frank Patterson will publish more than a million postcards this year; has been at it for over seven years (News) June 30: Kimball Fruit Co. (Red Maltese Cross brand) opens their packing house on N Fir near 4th (MMT 12/31/1929) July 13: Llewellyn Banks "recently acquired control of the Medford Daily News and will assume control Sept. 15" (Chicago Packer) Fall: Russell's Store in the Deuel Bldg., SE corner Main & Bartlett, is gutted by fire (News7/27/1934) Oct. 3: "Inauguration of air mail service from Medford's new $150,000 municipal airport was marked yesterday" (Oregonian) Nov. 22: "Foundations are being prepared" for the Holly Theater, NE corner Sixth and Holly (MMT) Dec. 15: The east side Valley School is nearing completion of a $4000 40x24 art and assembly "studio" addition (MMT) 1930 Medford's population is 11,007; Jackson County's 32,918 (U.S. Census) Groceteria No. 2 opens on NW corner 6th & Grape (MMT 11/17/1949) Mar. 3: This weekend "a whole new corner front of brick, plate glass, etc." was installed at the Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank" (MMT) Mar. 30: The Arthur Arms two-story apartment bldg. at 330 N. Holly, "designed in a rambling Moorish effect," is "near completion" (MMT) May 21: Russell's department store, Main & Bartlett, was destroyed this morning in "worst conflagration in city's history" (MMT) Aug. 3: "Completed October 2, 1929," the new airport north of town will be "officially dedicated tomorrow night" (MMT) Aug. 29: The Mail Tribune publishes special section celebrating opening tonight of the Holly Theater (MMT) Oct. 5: Eugene's Koke-Chapman Co. "recently bought out the Medford Book Store"; former owner A. H. Miller will be manager (News) Nov. 19: City council last night decided to by the 19-acre P&E tract for $30,000 as a future site for Hawthorne Park (MMT) Dec. 7: Objectionable "ar"' magazines and magazines containing obscene stories have been removed from shelves of news stands (News) Dec. 9: Bypassing the SPRR, Medford has filed for grade crossings at 4th and 8th streets with the Oregon public services comm. (MMT) 1931 Feb. 2: Two thousand customers thronged the Pay 'n Takit's grand opening yesterday in the Davis & Johnson bldg. on N Central (MMT) Feb. 17: A patent granting the city 1500 acres for Roxy Ann park was filed in the County Clerk's office yesterday (MDN) Mar. 24: Medford acquires title to land on Roxy Ann Peak for a municipal park (MMT) June 9: Razing Washington School "to make way for the new courthouse" began yesterday (MMT) June 26: "Deed for the site for the new courthouse has been turned over by the City of Medford to Jackson County" (MMT) Nov. 21: Emil Peck and partners have a five-year lease on the Liberty Bldg. ground floor and will open the Liberty Market soon (MMT) Dec. 20: Western Auto moves to 101 S Riverside (News) 1932 Jan. 1: Huber Packing Co.'s plant, "on the Sams Valley highway, north of this city, will start operations January 15" (MMT) Jan. 3: E. T. Allen announces modernization plans for Nash Hotel, including "ornamental tiling" and "new fronts" for stores (MMT) Jan. 14: "Excavation of the basement for the new county courthouse will be completed within the next week" (CPA) Feb. 26: The Pruitts' Melody Shop will move from the home of six months at 10 S Central to 33 N Central on March 1 (Reporter) Feb. 26: Ethelwyn Hoffmann's "women's fine apparel shop" has just moved from the Craterian bldg. to 6th & Holly (Reporter) Feb. 26: Delroy Getchell has stuccoed the upper floor of "the two-story building adjoining the Liberty Block" on W Main (Reporter) Mar. 3: The congregation unable to pay the mortgage, the Methodist Episcopal Church will be sold at sheriff's sale Mar. 31 (CPA) Mar. 22: The deposits of the failing Jackson County Bank transferred to First National Bank this week (MMT) Apr. 11: After a $5000 remodel, Jimmy Valentine will reopen the Club Cafe, S Riverside & Main, as Valentine's tomorrow (Reporter) May 13: "Adrienne's is holding open house today at their enlarged and remodeled establishment on North Central Avenue" (Reporter) May 13: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Geary have purchased W. Y. Crowson's cafe on E Main, will reopen it shortly as "Geary's" (Reporter) June 1: "Human fly" Babe White "will be in Medford Friday to show the local citizens what he can do" (MMT) June 24: Mr.and Mrs. Gene Childers' Roxy Theater, 420 E Main, opens on the Page Theater site tonight with "Shanghai Express" (News) Sept. 1: New Jackson County Courthouse, built on the Washington School site, dedicated (dedication program) 1933 Jan. 15: Huber Packing Co. expected to start packing meat this date (MMT 1/1/1932) Feb. 23: Authorities are investigating the theft and destruction of ballots from the courthouse Monday night (CPA) Mar. 16: Constable George Prescott shot by Llewellyn Banks at Banks' front door, NW corner Main & Peach (MMT) May 19: Announcement that Medford was to be headquarters for 18 CCC camps was made official Tuesday (News) June 2: "The new super-highway from Medford to Central Point was opened to travel Tuesday" (News) Aug. 4: "Fluhrer's Bakery at the corner of Sixth and Grape streets" is under construction (News) Aug. 5: The Myron Root & Co. fruit company has formed, offices in the former Growers Exchange plant, 11th and Fir (Chicago Packer) Aug. 10: "All pending indictments arising out the Banks-Fehl turmoil in this county were dismissed this morning" (CPA) Aug. 11: Work installing Gold Seal Creamery's brewery at 4th & Grape "is nearing completion" (News) Aug. 19: Llewellyn Banks was sentenced in Eugene to life imprisonment for the murder of Constable George Prescott (Chicago Packer) Sept. 1: The sheds of the Rogue River Lumber Co. at 113 S Fir "were destroyed by fire about 18 months ago" (News) Sept. 19: After 17 years at 109 W Main, Heath's drug store will move to the SE corner of the MCB this month (News) Sept. 19: Skaggs Safeway will move this month from the SE corner of the MCB to consolidate with the W Main store (News) Sept. 19: The Charles Wing agency will move its N Front Street offices to 109 W Main this month (News) Sept. 19: The former Jackson County Building & Loan premises are being remodeled for "M. B. Jarmin's new drug store" (News) Sept. 19: John Cupp has bought the stock of MF&H, will move from Main Street to SE corner 6th & Bartlett (News) Sept. 19: Jackson County Building & Loan "completed last evening" their move from 30 N Central to Main Street (News) Sept. 22: Heath's Drug Store celebrates its grand opening tomorrow in the MCB, 29 N Central, after its move from Main (News) Sept. 29: Marc Jarmin, former partner in Jarmin & Woods, will open Jarmin's for Drugs at 30 N Central on Saturday (News) Oct. 12: "Bread is already being baked" at the new Fluhrer's Bakery; "public opening" will be Oct. 21 (News) Oct. 20: Six diseased trees have been removed from courthouse lawn; topsoil is being applied and will be seeded next spring (News) November: Bohemian Club tavern established by E. F. Hayes; Bohemian Club is the only brand of beer sold (News 5/7/1937) Dec. 1: Medford News purchased this week by Moore Hamilton, will be published at Main & Grape (News) Dec. 3: The Pacific Record Herald bldg., 6th & Ivy, was auctioned Saturday to satisfy a $15,000 judgment against Judge Fehl (MMT) Dec. 11: Contract for "widening the Pacific Hwy. down Riverside Ave. through the city" has been let for $19,037 (MMT) Dec. 20: At last night's council meeting permission was granted to remove "stringer lights over Main Street and the trolley poles" (MMT) Dec. 31: Merriman's blacksmith shop has moved from S. Pacific Hwy. to its old location on S. Riverside near Main (MMT) Dec. 31: The Eagles will move from Medford National Bank bldg. to Dreamland hall, "will in no way interfere with the dances" (MMT) 1934 Jan. 4: A "transient station" opens today in the "old church building" on N. Bartlett; unemployed will be put to work in the forests (MMT) Jan. 19: Chet Leonard has opened a Texaco station at 6th & Grape; his Riverside & Jackson station will continue (News) Jan. 31: The Medford Hotel coffee shop will open Thursday for "lunches, meals and short orders"; its dining room will remain open (MMT) Feb. 8: After five years in business, Burelson's Ready to Wear is moving into the MCB, to reopen Saturday, Feb. 10 (CPA) Feb. 16: The Pilsener Brewing Co. on N. Fir St. opens tomorrow, "after several months of planning, building and brewing" (MMT) Feb. 23: The Spot, "beer parlor and sandwich shop at 17 South Riverside in the former Hall's Cafeteria location," opens tomorrow (MMT) Feb. 25: Reorganization of the Y.W.C.A. on N. Bartlett into a Girls' Community Club was announced yesterday (MMT) Mar. 1: The oaks at the corner of Main & Ivy will not be destroyed in construction of the new General Petroleum service station (MMT) Mar. 8: The basketball team, "under temporary suspension for painting an Ashland barn," is building walks at the new high school (MMT) Mar. 9: Medford's state-owned liquor store opened at 11 o'clock this morning in the Johnson bldg. on S. Bartlett (MMT) Mar. 11: The Forest Service is planning on building a $20,000 warehouse in Medford to replace one at Jackson and Genessee (MMT) Mar. 13: Moving Dr. Pickel's magnolia tree from his home site at Main & Ivy to the courthouse lawn "was under way this morning" (MMT) May 2: Idle since its construction two years ago, Huber Packing received its first federal inspection and approval yesterday (MMT) May 8: Medford Mail Tribune is announced as winner of the 1933 Pulitzer Prize for "disinterested and meritorious service" (MMT) May 16: Last night the city council authorized "the pond and statue in the city park, as a gift from Mrs. Charlie Palm" (MMT) May 17: Fuller Arney has returned to Medford with his Waco F and will open Arney Aeronautical Training School at the airport (MMT) May 25: The Browns, serving patrons at Main & Front "for more than 18 years," are completing a full remodel of their space (MMT) May 25: The Pine Cone Inn opens tomorrow in the Big Y area, "just across the P. and E. railroad tracks" (News) June 15: The Luman brothers plan to move their Star Market to the Deuel Building, NE corner Bartlett & Main (News) June 22: J. H. Cooley's Medford Lumber Co. has been in same location 24 of past 25 years; incorporated June 25, 1909 (News) July 27: Luman Bros. is working on Deuel Bldg., gutted by fire in 1929; will move their IGA grocery store "about August 15" (News) Sept. 21: Adrienne Steward has moved Adrienne's beauty shop to 4 N Central, second floor above The Toggery (News) Oct. 14: The 20x180-foot Forest Service warehouse on W McAndrews will be completed next week (MMT) Nov. 26: Fire "completely destroyed" lumber yard, rolling stock, offices and records of Timber Products Co. Monday (News) 1935 Feb. 10: The rear roof of the Scott Davis building on East Main caved in late last night, "burying the steam shovel in the basement" (MMT) Feb. 13: George Webb and Ed Carlin announce opening of their paint and wallpaper store on 6th between Holly and Grape (News) Feb. 14: "Human fly" D. D. Roland will scale Hotel Jackson Friday and "perform many gravity-defying stunts" with his wife (MMT) Mar. 15: The "Church of Christ on Court Street is rapidly nearing completion" and will be ready for services March 24 (News) Apr. 11: The Jackson County Bank bldg. has sold to Al Littrell; will remodel for a drug store and jeweler (CPA) Apr. 19: Statue of boy and dogs in the city park, donated by Callie Palm, was ceremonially accepted this afternoon (MMT) Apr. 26: Medford's state liquor store moved today from 8th & Bartlett to 8th & Central (News) June 12: Western Thrift is moving to Main & Central, "where the Jackson County Bank used to be" (News) Aug. 9: Owens-Oregon lumber mill to resume operations this week, after a closure of almost two years (News) Aug. 16: "Attractive as its name," Laura Stewart's renovated Rose Grocery at Jackson & Holly will hold its grand opening Saturday (MMT) Sept. 16: Medco founded through the merger of Owen-Oregon and other lumber companies (MMT 9/19/1965) Nov. 27: Failing Medford National Bank becomes branch of First National Bank of Portland (MMT) Nov. 29: Medford's First National Bank to become branch of "strong" First National Bank of Portland on Saturday (MMT) Dec. 1: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph absorbs the Home Telephone Company (MMT) Dec. 1: E. J. Feldman's appliance store moves to Main & N Bartlett from 24 N Bartlett (MMT) Dec. 7: Medford Dale Feldman is born in Chicago, named after the Rogue Valley pears his mother enjoyed in the hospital (MMT 1/2/1936) Dec. 13: Seely Hall has been promoted from supervisor of United Air Lines NW territory to vice-president; will move to Chicago (News) Dec. 15: The Book Nook opens tomorrow at 15 N Fir (MMT) 1936 Jan. 2: Southern Oregon Art Assn. opens its first "real art studio and clubroom at 107 Main Street (room 8 over Brown's)" (MMT) Jan. 5: Showrooms for Rogue River Chevrolet in Sparta Bldg. are open (MMT) Jan. 10: Teddy, the Lithia Park elk, was euthanized yesterday due to old age (MMT) Jan. 10: A. V. Graves' jewelry store has moved to 21 S Riverside--was at 6th & Front (MMT) Jan. 22: The Mail Tribune publishes a special section touting the FHA’s building modernization loans (MMT) Feb. 14: Medford American Association of University Women organizes tomorrow (News) Mar. 13: Completion of McAndrews bridge connecting "Pacific Highway and the Crater Lake Highway" is expected Saturday (News) Apr. 6: Work on concrete store bldg. (the Safeway/Littrell Bldg.) on 6th near Bartlett has begun (MMT) May 1: Medford has been allocated a $117,000 WPA grant to extend airport runways and double their width (News) May 1: Medford schools will be closed Tuesday, May 5, so children can attend the Tom Mix 3-Ring Circus (News) May 8: The city has sold part of the public market site on Riverside; plans to remodel corner room of old fire hall on Front St (News) June 4: The Golden Rule Store will move from 221 W Main to the store at 113 N Central just vacated by Safeway (CPA) June 5: The new Safeway store on Sixth and Bartlett (Littrell Bldg.) "with the big free parking lot" is open (News) June 12: The stock and goods of the Medford Furniture & Hardware Co., 6th & Bartlett, were sold yesterday morning (News) July 8: Whillock's Golden Rule store moved to "where the Safeway store used to be on North Central" over the Fourth of July (News) July 24: "Medford's new $120,000 sewage disposal plant will be formally opened and 'tested' today" (News) July 24: "A new service station is to be built east of the Bear Creek bridge on East Main, on the corner of Main and Hawthorne" (News) July 31: Fred "Fick's Hardware store is now moved into its new location at 221 W Main" (News) Aug. 7: Norman Gail and Charles Bateman will soon open the Riverside Grocery at 313 N Riverside (News) Sept. 11: Southern Oregon Gas Corp. dedicates its new office tomorrow, SW corner Main & Holly (News) Sept. 25: Modernization of Wm. H. Fluhrer bldg. is under way, will house seven stores on ground floor (News) (6) Oct. 9: Medford High's new grass football field was dedicated last Saturday by Medford Tigers' defeat of the Eureka team (News) Oct. 30: The "Sparta, Elliott and Childers buildings," N side of Main from Riverside to Bear Creek, are being modernized (News) Nov. 1: Blacksmith J. O. Frazier, burned out of his shop at 8th & Fir, has moved to Nick Young's old smithy at 8th & Holly (MMT) Dec. 4: "Ed Lamport announced that he planned to build a new front on his store on East Main" (News) Dec. 18: Medford Ice and Storage Co. on S Fir will build new ice storage building, convert old one to fruit storage (News) 1937 The F. W. Woolworth Company moves to the Medford Center Building, SW corner 6th & Riverside (MMT 7/9/1950) Jan. 1: Craterian Theater reopened "last Sunday after extensive repairs and remodeling" in "modern, but not modernistic, design" (News) February: Montgomery Ward completes remodeling of Leverette Block, SE corner 8th & Central (MMT 1/2/1938) Feb. 19: "Work will soon start in the remodeling of the old Jackson County Bank building" for U.S. National Bank of Portland (News) Feb. 19: "Remodeling and refacing" the Allen Hotel is under way; an electric elevator will be installed (News) Mar. 19: Creation of Fluhrer Bldg. (Vogel Plaza site) from old opera house and adjacent structures nearly complete (MMT) Mar. 26: The Buster Brown Shoe Store opened Saturday in the Fluhrer Bldg., "with N. T. Vincent as manager" (News) Apr. 2: Negotiations are under way for the sale of the M.M. department store to Bernie Williams and Charlie Adair (News) Apr. 2: The Medford School of Beauty Culture is moving to the Hansen Bldg., 235 E Main at Bartlett (News) Apr. 9: The Medford Craters Club announce plans for Pear Blossom Week, April 18 to 25 (News) Apr. 9: The Spatz Brothers, owners of Crystal Springs, have bought the Sgobel and Day fruit packing house on South Fir (News) Apr. 15: "A new store front of black Carrara glass" is part of "extensive remodeling" of C. M. Kidd's (now Norris') shoe store (MMT) Apr. 16: Harry and David announced plans this week for a plant emulating "the architecture of the Chicago World's Fair" (News) Apr. 22: Jarmin's quitting business sale is under way; "everything must be sold before July first" (News) Apr. 23: On Monday a delegation left "to urge Portlanders to come to the [first] Pear Blossom Festival" (News) Apr. 23: Promotion of Seely Hall to general superintendent of United Air Lines announced (MMT) Apr. 30: George Huber is expanding the 3-year-old Apex meat packing plant, "on the Midway road at the Bear Creek bridge" (News) May 1: Spatz Bros. have purchased the Sgobel & Day packing house and will operate it as Crystal Springs packing plant (Chicago Packer) May 6: Medford School of Beauty Culture, in the Childers Bldg. for three years, has moved to 235 E Main (CPA) May 7: Allen Hotel "extensively remodeled during the past few months"; its Schuss Vintage store opens coffee shop and bar (News) May 14: The rails of the R.V.R.R. are being hauled into Medford; :will be sold at about $25 a ton" (News) May 28: "Ground was broken Wednesday" for (Walter W.) Abbey Motors garage and sales room at 9th & Bartlett (News) June 4: "The old Hiram Meader home on North Central," built by J. S. Howard in 1884, "is being torn down this week" (News) June 11: Emil Bendickson will open Emil's Meat Market in the Liberty Bldg. this week (News) June 11: Three-year-old "Alexander's [IGA] Grocery, with Emil's Market and Model Bakery" reopened this week after remodel (News) June 18: Completion of Fluhrer Bldg. remodel, SE corner Main & Central, "expected between July 15 and August 1" (News) July 9: Domestic Laundry, Murray's Beauty Shop, Cupp's Furniture, and Tri-State Neon Sign burned Saturday morning (News) July 15: "Granting of a federal charter to the Jackson County Building & Loan Association was announced recently" (CPA) July 16: Disgraced county judge Earl H. Fehl will be released from prison on August 15 (News) Aug. 13: State supreme court upheld anti-pinball law; all machines in Jackson County must be removed by Aug. 25 (News) Aug. 27: Abbey Motor Co., 9th & Bartlett (LaFayette, Nash, Allis-Chalmers dealer) to open Thursday, Sept. 2 (News) Aug. 27: Medford Bus Co. will start operations Sept. 5; will run from golf course to Oak Grove, Berrydale to fairgrounds (News) September: M.M. Department Store completes remodel of entrance at 220-222 E Main (MMT 1/2/1938) Sept. 3: Vic Marshall next week will open "Vic's" cafe and wine shop at 409 E Main, near Bear Creek bridge (News) Sept. 10: New section of Hwy. 99 between Talent and Jackson Hot Springs, eliminating a hill, will be paved next spring (News) Oct. 15: Medford plans to install hanging traffic signals on Main Street at Central and Riverside (News) Oct. 15: Oregon Sales and Service, dealing in mining machinery and equipment repairs, has opened at 808 S Riverside (News) Oct. 29: New 10-mile section of Hwy. 99 over the Siskiyous, straightening out the "corkscrew of the Siskiyous" has opened (News) Nov. 27: Medco will lay off employees and shut down its sawmill Nov. 30 due to "a falling market for lumber" (News) Nov. 27: Work on the McDonald Candy Co. warehouse at the corner of 11th and S Front is nearing completion (News) Nov. 27: The New Christian Church bldg., on the corner of N Central and Jackson, is nearing completion (News) Dec. 10: J. F. Haws' 50x100' Medford Central Market building is under construction at 129 N Central (News) Dec. 19: District Attorney Frank Newman announced yesterday a ban on pinball machines and all punchboards starting Jan. 9 (News) Dec. 24: Former county judge Earl H. Fehl was committed to the state asylum Tuesday by Circuit Judge H. D. Norton (News) 1938 Jan. 7: Medford now has an "automatic traffic control" light at Main and Central; will have one at Riverside in the near future (News) Jan. 14: U.S. National Bank, Main & Central, will expand into space to be vacated by The Toggery, 129 E Main (News) Jan. 21: "Toggery Bill" Isaacs announced this week that he is closing The Toggery, retiring from business (News) Feb. 25: "Orders are picking up," so Medco will reopen its sawmill on March 1 (News) Feb. 25: Ray Schumacher's market is under construction on South Central at Thirteenth (News) Apr. 1: The Toggery reopened recently, now on N Central, under the ownership of W. F. Isaacs' former employees (News) Apr. 15: Franklin's Cafe, the Craterian bldg., will reopen tomorrow after complete remodeling inside and out (MMT) Apr. 21: Medford Stationery, founded 1900 as the Medford Book Store, has moved to 210 E Main (CPA) Apr. 21: Midway bridge at Bear Creek "near the Rogue River Meat Company" completed; was "washed away last winter" (MMT) May 22: Howard and Blanche LeClerc sold the Kennell-Ellis photo studio to R. S. Wilfley yesterday (MMT) June 10: A "four-corner traffic signal system" will replace hanging signal at Central this week; at Riverside soon (News) June 17: "New fancy green ornamental lights" at Main and Central "do a good job of lighting up the intersection at night" (News) July 7: U.S. National Bank will dedicate its enlarged building Saturday; square footage has been doubled (CPA) July 8: Reter Fruit Co., recently organized; has leased the Alta Vista fruit packing plant on S Fir (News) July 15: The new U.S. National Bank, NW corner Main & Central, "was opened formally to the public last Saturday" (News) July 29: Southern Oregon Sales "announced late last week that it had changed its status into that of a pure cooperative firm" (News) Sept. 9: Offices and plant of the Medford News were moved last week from "Midway Alley" to 39 S Grape (News) Sept. 9: The drinking fountain at Main and Central "went by the boards when the U.S. National Bank was renovated" (News) Nov. 18: Tomorrow Western Thrift moves across Central Avenue from the MCB (News) (1) 1939 Jan. 13: "Four-corner" traffic signals will be in operation at Main & Riverside beginning Saturday night (News) Jan. 13: "Auntie" Purucker announces she will close her maternity home at 106 S Orange and convert it to a boarding house (News) Feb. 10: Bowman and Young's beauty shops have been purchased by Ruby Thompson, will become the Cameo Beauty Salon (News) Mar. 24: Harry and David Rosenberg filed application today to change their name to Holmes, their stepfather's name (MMT) Mar. 29: Harry and David this morning launched their own basket-making enterprise, employing 10 to 15 women (MMT) Mar. 31: Medford's A-One Brewery will introduce A-One beer tomorrow, to be sold only in kegs (MMT) Apr. 4: The City Cleaning and Dyeing Works moved from 624 N Riverside; opened Monday in the Fehl Bldg., 324 W Sixth (News) Apr. 6: The town clock, NE corner Main & Central, "has disappeared"; shipped off to "someplace in Eastern Oregon" (MMT) Apr. 13: The Holmes Bros. are grading Oakdale Park Estates, 20 half-acre lots at the S end of Oakdale (MMT) May 12: Medford and Jacksonville will complete a changeover to dial telephones by the summer of 1940 (News) June 2: "The name of the Economy Lumber Company on North Riverside has been changed to Builders Supplies, Inc." (News) June 30: It was announced yesterday that Builders Supplies, Inc. "has been purchased by the J. W. Copeland Yards, Inc." (News) Aug. 4: $450,000 will by spent by the War Department during fiscal 1940 on developing the Medford airport (News) Aug. 18: After 30 years in business, Ed Brown this week sold Brown's Cafe, at Main & Front--no changes are anticipated (News) Sept. 22: The old planing mill at 11th & Fir is being razed this week; was a fire hazard and "a hanging-out place for hobos" (News) Sept. 29: The Huber meat packing plant burned to the ground Monday evening; "the Hubers plan to rebuild" (News) Oct. 13: The vacant lot by the railroad tracks between Main and Sixth was developed into a parking lot this week (News) Nov. 30: Six-year-old Rogue River Chevrolet moved this week from Main & Riverside to 5th & Bartlett (CPA) 1940 Medford's population is 11,281; Jackson County's 36,213 (U.S. Census) Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank purchased by U.S. National Bank of Portland (News 2/14/1941) Feb. 8: After nearly 30 years as Medford's Ford Dealer, C. E. "Pop" Gates has sold his interests to Lapham Motor Co. (CPA) Feb. 9: Medford has secured a new site for the town dump, "off the Barnett and Talent roads" (News) Feb. 16: The Childers Bldg., housing the "Dreamland dance hall, bowling alleys, four stores and apartments" has been sold (News) Mar. 8: Unique Cleaners have moved to the Allen Hotel corner, the plant remaining on N Central (News) Mar. 15: The Army has issued a call for bids for a two-story brick radio operations building at the Medford airport (News) Mar. 29: Huber Packing Co. will hold an open house Sunday to display its reconstructed plant on Midway Rd. (News) Mar. 29: A. W. Walker Real Estate has moved from 6th St. to "the Smith building across from the Roxy Theatre" (News) Mar. 29: "Last Saturday the final chapter in home-owned banking in Medford was written and ended" (News) (12) Apr. 11: "Medford's newest supermarket, the 'Big Y,'" will open Friday with "a four-day gala opening celebration" (MMT) July 5: Final appeal of former judge Earl H. Fehl to be released from the state asylum has been denied (News) Aug. 2: Medford and Jacksonville telephone systems "will be converted to dial operation this Saturday, August 3" (News) Aug. 9: The Huber Packing Co. has been sold; the operation will be expanded and renamed the Medford Meat Co. (News) Aug. 23: "Pursuant to a recently enacted law," registration of Jackson County aliens will begin next Tuesday, Aug. 27 (News) Sept. 13: On Monday Medford's National Guardsmen become part of the army, will soon leave for a year of training (News) 1941 Jan. 9: Everett Trowbridge, owner of Trowbridge Cabinet Works, will open Trowbridge Sash & Door at 10th & Grape (CPA) Jan. 10: Art Winetrout of Grants Pass has bought Ford-Lincoln dealer Lapham Motors; it will be renamed Crater Lake Motors (News) Jan. 24: Tuesday night Jackson County bid farewell to its first draftees--"13 young men, five of them volunteers" (News) Jan. 31: "Medford's enlarged and remodeled $300,000 federal building will be officially [re]opened February 7" (News) Feb. 14: Call for bids for paving Medford airport runways has been issued; the main runway is to be 200x5400 feet (News) Feb. 14: Construction of the Alley Bros. planing mill two miles south of Medford was begun last week (News) Mar. 14: Lantis and Johnson's shoe store and Nigl shoe repair have moved to "the corner of Main and North Central" (News) Apr. 17: The Big Y Market is celebrating its "completion of first year of successful operation" (MMT) Apr. 18: The League of Women Voters appeared before the city council Tuesday asking for sanitary inspection of restaurants (News) May 16: After two months of rumors, "Medford was definitely placed on the list for construction of an army cantonment" (News) May 29: An executive committee was appointed Monday to handle "all matters concerning the coming of the army cantonment" (CPA) June 26: The second season of pear packing school will open July 14 at Pinnacle No. Two, 14th & S Front (CPA) July 4: The Thomas Bldg. at Main & Grape, leased to Kay Lithographing, which has moved to S Fir, is being remodeled (News) July 4: Ira Luman has opened a meat store on Buckshot Hill Rd., near Lone Pine School; plans to add groceries (News) July 7: Medford's National Guard Company A parades through town tomorrow upon its return from maneuvers in California (MMT) July 9: Moving of the Vawter mansion from Main & Holly to begins; a horse and donkey provide the motive power (MMT 12/10/1967) July 11: The county is building a new road, "from the Bybee Bridge road to Biddle Lane": Table Rock Road (News) July 11: Timber Products Co. announced this week establishment of a "small experimental plywood factory" (News) July 11: Former county commissioner Earl H. Fehl was "recently released from the state hospital in Salem" (News) July 14: Residents with furniture to lend to the temporary recreation center in the courthouse auditorium should call Mrs. Carpenter (MMT) July 15: After 33 years in business, E. G. Trowbridge has sold his cabinet works at 10th & Grape to V. J. Namitz (MMT) July 16: Joe Price's Candyland, in business at 202 E. Main for six years, has moved to "West Main across from Copco" (MMT) July 18: The Klocker Printery will move July 26 or 27 from S Central to the Sparta Bldg. annex, 407-409 E Main (News) July 25: After more than two weeks in transit, the Vawter mansion has almost reached its Eighth & Holly destination (MMT) Aug. 1: A federal order has frozen assets of the 16 Japanese citizens in Medford's "Japanese colony" (News) Aug. 15: Construction has begun on an addition to the Fluhrer Bakery; the Vawter mansion is at its new location on 8th St (News) Aug. 15: The Medford CCC headquarters will be discontinued in a month or two; the CCC repair shops will remain (News) Aug. 15: Medford now has a camp for migrant farm workers, half a mile S of Medford on the Pacific Hwy (News) Aug. 28: Medford junior high schoolers are making airplane recognition models for the Army 91st Division (News) Aug. 29: The Crater Hotel has been completely renovated and redecorated; a new shower and wash room is being installed (News) Sept. 19: Medford Ice Arena is under construction between S Fir and Grape, across from Medford Ice and Storage (News) Sept. 25: "L. C. Taylor, Inc. (formerly Pierce-Allen Motor Co.) is holding open house at 112 S Riverside Saturday" (CPA) Oct. 31: One long blast from the fire whistle tonight will herald Jackson County's first blackout and air raid practice (News) Nov. 7: The new duckpin bowling alleys at Main & Grape will open just as soon as the necessary equipment arrives (News) Nov. 28: Paving of main runway at Medford Airport has been completed; the cross runway nearly so (News) Nov. 28: The Owl Club has moved to the north side of Main, almost directly across the street from the old location (News) Dec. 3: "The long-looked-for defense housing project is actually about to be built" on W Jackson (CPA) Dec. 5: The city council has voted to begin licensing punchboard operators on Jan. 1 (News) 1942 Jan. 16: The recreation committee of the Council of Defense has opened the Outpost servicemen's rec center on Main (News) Jan. 23: Construction begun this week on as-yet-unnamed army cantonment's (Camp White's) first building (News) Jan. 23: The stone South Methodist church at W Main & Oakdale is being razed to make way for a $20,000 Safeway (News) Feb. 6: Safeway has bought the high school lot, SE corner 5th & Bartlett, and will build a second market on the site (News) Feb. 27: Due to Camp White construction, starting March 8 Hwy. 62 between Medford and Camp White will be one way (News) Mar. 13: "The new one-way traffic setup" on Central and Riverside started Sunday "and by Tuesday was working well" (News) May 15: The new Camp White access road, from the Big Y to Antelope Road, will be known as Crater Lake Hwy (News) May 22: The Pit barbecue restaurant "opened for business this week next to the First National Bank" (News) July 31: The Recreational Committee will soon open a servicemen's rec hall in "the old telephone building" on 6th Street (News) Aug. 7: "A recreation hall for Negro troops at Camp White" has been opened in the Deuel building on E Main (News) Aug. 7: "Human fly" Billy O'Brien will scale the First National Bank Saturday "in the hopes of selling a large number of war bonds" (MMT) Aug. 15: The 91st Infantry Division activated in ceremony and "demonstrations of military might" at Camp White (News 8/7/1942) Aug. 21: Dedication ceremonies for military cantonment Camp White are set for September 15 (News) Aug. 28: "Two-way traffic was returned to the Crater Lake Highway . . . and the Bybee Bridge Road Sunday" (News) Sept. 10: It was decided Tuesday to continue operation of the trailer camp for the present "on account of the housing shortage" (CPA) Oct. 2: The new Outpost servicemen's rec center "in the telephone building on Sixth St" near Holly will be opened Saturday (News) Dec. 4: Work started last week on Medford's third USO center, on the second floor of the Masonic Bldg. (News) (7) Dec. 11: The new Crater Lake Hwy, "between Medford and Antelope Creek" was opened Wednesday without ceremony (News) 1943 Jan. 21: "Sunday afternoon, Jan. 24" will be the official opening of the new USO unit at 218 W Main (CPA) Jan. 22: "A rainstorm of unusual proportions" washed away the Midway bridge; Cottage St bridge is damaged (News) Jan. 25: A capacity crowd attended dedication ceremonies of the new USO center at 218 W Main (MMT) Feb. 5: The Medford city council turned down as "unfair" the Army's second offer to lease the Medford airport (News) Feb. 12: A fire Wednesday caused $15,000 damage to Monarch Seed and Feed on S Fir (News) Mar. 19: War ration figures peg Jackson County population at 47,247, up from the 1940 census' 32,213 (News) Apr. 2: The Chamber of Commerce will move Friday to 123 W Main, formerly occupied by the Baldwin Piano Shop (News) May 14: The flag carried by 7th Company, Oregon National Guard, in WWI was presented to Jackson County Tuesday (News) (8) May 28: 67 pounds of costume jewelry was shipped from Medford to soldiers in the South Seas for barter with the natives (News) May 28: The city council signed to lease the airport to the Army, provided it be returned after the war in good condition (News) May 31: Men of the 91st Infantry marched in full battle dress today in the Memorial Day parade, led by mechanized units (MMT) June 4: Tillie Michalski has been found not guilty in the murder of her baby by her boyfriend at Merrick's Motor Inn (News) June 18: Victory Housing Project for war workers (Santo Center site) will be ready for occupancy tomorrow (News) June 24: USO in the Bldg., SW corner 6th & Riverside, will open Sunday (Camp White Grenade) July 16: The AF&L has bought the Thomas Bldg. and now occupies the entire second floor at 123 W Main (News) July 16: Adrienne's has moved to the space at 214 E Main formerly occupied by M. M. Hogan, before that by Johnson's Jewelry (News) July 23: Work will start "in about thirty days" on a 26-unit 2-story apartment house on N Ivy between 5th and 6th (News) July 30: Cottage Street bridge is being raised by hydraulic jacks to repair damage from last winter's flood (News) Sept. 2: Theater owner George A. Hunt was killed Wednesday evening in an auto accident at Summit & McAndrews (CPA) Sept. 3: The 6th & Riverside USO is being enlarged; at 30,000 sq. ft. it will be "one of the biggest ones on the Pacific Coast" (News) Sept. 30: The new USO will open "within a couple of weeks"; will be "the largest club operated west of Chicago" (CPA) Nov. 5: Bob Woodhouse, who owned The Pit, and Bob Simmons will open The Barbecue Grill in the Liberty Bldg. (News) Dec. 3: "Festivities honoring the 200,000th man entering the doors of the Main Street USO were held Saturday night" (News) Dec. 31: Deputy Coroner Carlos Morris has purchased half interest in the Conger Funeral Parlors (News) 1944 The YMCA opens in the former auto company building, SW corner 6th & Riverside (MMT 1/18/1959) Jan. 21: The Evelyn Apartments, under construction "at the corner of Ivy and West Main," are slated for completion May 1 (News) Apr. 14: The city council has authorized the sale of the old fire hall, 6th & Front, to furniture dealer John Cupp for $12,000 (News) May 12: The old fire bell will be removed from the fire hall at 6th & Front "and placed in front of the new fire hall as a memorial" (News) May 19: A Japanese Zero was exhibited at Main & Front Tuesday and Wednesday for a "small admission fee" (News) June 2: Fluhrer's Bakery will add a parking lot and 52x55' addition to their building on W Main (News) June 8: Faber's Farmers Supply announced last week the purchase of the 20x100' Lost River Dairy warehouse at 11th & Fir (CPA) June 23: Camp White "is practically a deserted village; passage through the camp is as free as on a country lane" (News) June 30: Earl Leever will open a hardware store at 225 E 6th Street, formerly occupied by his Terminal Cab Co. (News) Aug. 4: Ehrheart's Cafe on E Main is closing Aug. 9; their Corner Inn at 204 S Central, in business since 1933, will remain (News) Aug. 25: The city council's request to return two-way traffic to Central and Riverside has been denied (News) Sept. 8: Jack Peebler has sold his second-hand business, SW corner 8th & Grape, to Bob Breeding of Prospect (News) Sept. 29: Stymied by the highway commission, the city council has set a truck route to direct heavy traffic off Central (News) Sept. 29: German POWs were at work at the old Chamber of Commerce building Tuesday, baling waste paper (News) Oct. 6: The YMCA will occupy the Masonic Bldg. quarters formerly occupied by the W Main USO (News) Nov. 3: Cameron and Moffitt have established a lumber yard at Barnett Road and Riverside (News) Nov. 10: Hardy & Johnson have bought the Selby Market at 374 E Main, will name it the East Side Market (News) Nov. 24: Jones & Luke have purchased the Short Shoe Repair Shop and moved it from N Central to 117 N Bartlett (News) Nov. 24: W. B. Smith has made application to move the old exhibit building to 714 Palm St to remodel into a residence (News) Dec. 22: Crater Meats, in business "on the Midway Road east of the Bybee Road" since 1938, has been sold to Morgan & Bevins (News) 1945 Jan. 12: Ray Anders has opened The Camera Shop at Main & Bartlett "in the space formerly occupied by the Military Tailors" (News) Jan. 12: Jack & Jerry's Oyster Loaf on W Main has purchased the D&D Cafe and will reopen it as Jack & Jerry's Cafe (News) Jan. 12: A Japanese balloon bomb explodes at Garfield & Peach, making Medford the only U.S. city bombed in WWII (MMT 8/16/1945) Jan. 19: Hawk Plumbing is building a 30x70' concrete shop and office building at 518 W 6th, "next to the Grover Dairy" (News) Jan. 26: The Junior Chamber of Commerce, "organized here last October," held its Founders Day banquet Saturday night (News) Feb. 2: Acme Hardware will open "about March 1" at W Main & Grape, "formerly occupied by the West Side Drug Store" (News) Feb. 2: Organization of the Izaak Walton League "was completed here last night," spurred by plans for a high dam on the Rogue (News) Mar. 7: Acme Hardware opens at 134 W Main (MMT 3/1/1955) Mar. 9: Walter Leverette buys Craterian, Rialto, Roxy and Holly theaters from the George Hunt estate (News) Mar. 9: City announces purchase of 15-acre "Olds property," future site of Hawthorne Park (News) Mar. 29: The Chamber of Commerce building, the former exhibit bldg., NW corner Main & Front, is to be removed (2) Apr. 27: Van Hise and Ritchie are opening a planing mill 3 miles S of Medford, on "the old gas company property" (News) May 17: Littrell Parts, NE corner 6th & Bartlett, opened Saturday after moving from 315 E Main, its home since 1925 (MMT) May 25: Bert Orr has purchased a lot at the SE corner of Jackson and Crater Lake and turned it into a neighborhood playground (News) May 25: E. A. Inman, formerly with Lawrence's, has returned to Medford and opened a jewelry store at 116 N Central (News) May 25: The 1907 brick I. W. Thomas Bldg., 223-225 W Main, home of Stamper and Goff Bros. Hardware, has been sold (News) June 1: Contracts have been approved for removal of Hawthorne Park site residences, 501, 511, 517 and 523 W Main (News) June 1: The O.K. Poultry Co.'s 100x100' concrete plant building at 2nd & Fir is complete, a "model of cleanliness" (News) June 8: Merrick's Natatorium, closed to the general public "for several years," will be open for Red Cross swimming classes (News) June 8: The Forester Jewelry Store has recently opened at 109 E Main (News) June 15: Young's Drug Store, Main and Central, sold to pharmacist B. L. Hunter, "a druggist in Medford for the past 21 years" (News) June 15: The courthouse's petrified wood drinking fountain, a gift of Rev. and Mrs. D. E. Millard, was unveiled Saturday (News) June 22: The garbage pit at Main & Front "where the old chamber of commerce building used to be" needs cleaning up (News) July 19: The Medford Friends Church will lay the cornerstone for its new brick chapel at Old Pacific Hwy. & DeBarr on Sunday (CPA) July 27: Construction of the private air strip "adjoining the navy station" will be completed in about ten days (News) Aug. 3: Building Specialty and Appliance's flooring and paint store at 317 E Main will open tomorrow (News) Aug. 17: Mark Goldy announces complete modernization of "Brown Bldg." (today's Goldy Bldg.) (MMT) Aug. 24: Excavation has begun for C. A. Winetrout's Crater Lake Ford, SW corner Main and Fir (News) Aug. 24: Construction is under way on "the concrete and tile building at Fir and Eighth" for the new Smith-Dynge Lumber Co. (News) Aug. 24: Rogue River Chevrolet plans to add a 100x50' body and fender shop to its facility at 9th & Bartlett (News) Aug. 31: Eads Transfer & Storage has acquired three lots on Grape S of Eighth, will remove two-story house at 105 S Grape (News) Sept. 7: A Marshall-Wells hardware will open Sept. 15 "next to Luman Bros. Grocery in the Deuel Bldg." at 310 E Main (News) Sept. 14: Southwest Dairyman's Coop has bought Lost River Dairy, 1723 N Riverside, will build "a modern cheese factory" (News) Sept. 21: Evergreen Bus Lines has begun "hourly bus service [along Main Street], with two trips daily to Jacksonville" (News) Oct. 5: A 200-hp American LaFrance fire pumper has arrived, "complete with a four-man cab and all the latest improvements" (News) Oct. 5: The Army Ordnance Service Command Shop at the Medford fairgrounds will be closed Nov. 1 (News) Oct. 19: 472 parking meters have been ordered, to be placed on Main, Riverside, Central, "and some on Grape and some on Fir" (News) Oct. 26: The Canteen, 414 E Main, has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Al Floyd; will be operated as Floyd's Luncheonette (News) Nov. 9: J. Orbin Cooksey is building Cooksey Motors, a Studebaker dealership, on 9th between Bartlett and Riverside (News) Nov. 16: Snafu, Hugh Collins' talking cockatoo, is living in the county jail so the family can escape its constant profanity (News) Nov. 23: Tru-Mix has contracted to build a "modern freight terminal" for System Freight Service on N Hwy 99 (News) Nov. 30: Neil Reed and J. W. Stewart "are to begin construction soon of the Bear Creek Motel" on S Pacific Hwy (News) Dec. 21: "Medford's new and only Chinese restaurant," the Chungking Inn, opened Wednesday at 28 S Front (News) Dec. 28: The Nash Livery Stable bldg. (9), formerly occupied by the Eagles, has been purchased by VFW Post No. 1833 (News) 1946 Jan. 4: JCPenney has purchased the Groceteria No. 1 bldg. at 6th & Central from owner Porter J. Neff (News) Jan. 11: The Forest Service will move its district repair shop to the fairgrounds bldg. formerly used by the Army (News) Jan. 18: The "old Emerick house" at the corner of 8th & Grape is being torn down (News) Feb. 1: Carlton Nursery on Pacific Hwy has an order for 220 trees to be planted in as-yet-unnamed Hawthorne Park (News) Feb. 6: Blueprints for remodeling the "Nash Livery Stable" (9) were reviewed by the VFW Tuesday (MMT) Feb. 15: Barker's clothing store will remodel its quarters in the Fluhrer Bldg. and expand into the Sandwich Bar's corner space (News) Feb. 15: V. B. Hawley has begun site work for a motel on four lots opposite the Bates Candy Co. on N Riverside (News) Feb. 22: The parking meters, "now being installed in Medford," go into operation on Feb. 25 (News) Feb. 22: Work will begin on the Piercy Airport, between Medford and Central Point, "as soon as weather permits" (News) Feb. 22: The American Legion has purchased the Riverside USO, "to be used as a meeting place and club house" (News) Mar. 1: Construction of the new Crater Meats plant, "which was destroyed by fire several weeks ago," began this week (News) Mar. 8: Elk Lumber has begun construction of its sawmill, "just north of Piercy airfield" and W of the SP tracks (News) Mar. 8: Wolff and Guenther have purchased Strahan's Market at 106 N Ivy at 6th Street, plan on expansion (News) Mar. 15: The Coffee Pot on N Riverside, established in 1936 but closed for three years "due to the war," has been reopened (News) Mar. 22: A "yardstick house" will be constructed in 24 hours at 721 Dakota to show how to end the housing shortage (News) Mar. 22: Howard Jamison has reopened Brown's Cafe, NE corner Main & Front, as Brown's Lunch Counter (News) Mar. 29: Humphrey's Grocery at 534 E Main, in business for 20 years, has been sold to Al Hagen (News) Apr. 5: Schaffer Electrical Works, at 110 E 6th for 13 years, has moved his electric motor repair shop to 142 N Front (News) Apr. 5: The Heitkamp family will open their nursery this spring "on the Pacific Highway, a few miles south of Medford" (News) Apr. 12: To make room for Groceteria's new 100x150' warehouse; Schermerhorn residence has been moved to 440 N Grape (News) Apr. 19: The "yardstick house" at Grant and Dakota will be sold to a veteran, to be determined by lot, for $1900 (MMT) Apr. 25: Announcement was made today that the Riverside USO will close Apr. 30; the Officers' Outpost the 28th (MMT) May 17: The University Club, now in the Kidd Bldg. on E Main, has leased the former Officers' Outpost at 218 W Sixth (News) May 17: Bear Creek Orchards is building an 85x160' three-story peach plant, to match the present plant (News) May 31: The War Assets Administration has declared Medford Airport "surplus"; it can now revert to the city (News) June 9: The Medford Ice Arena on S Fir is being converted to a fruit storage facility by Growers Refrigerating Co. (MMT) June 14: California-Pacific Utilities Co. announces beginning of home delivery of propane: "City Gas in the County" (News) June 18: "The new aluminum building" of Modern Upholstery, 1222 S Riverside, "is open for your inspection" (MMT) June 23: Arcade Parking, "between Main and Sixth streets just west of the Southern Pacific tracks" opened yesterday (MMT) June 26: Three city blocks on S Fir Street are destroyed in $2 million fire, leveling fruit packing plants and a lumber yard (MMT) (3) July 5: Crater Lake Ford opened Monday "with more than 7000 guests"; "dancing was enjoyed from 9 until midnight" (News) Aug. 4: Medford's new 8,200,000-gallon reservoir on Capitol Hill, started June 6, 1945, "has been put to work" (MMT) Aug. 9: Jensen's Place bar and card room, on Main for 30 years, is moving to 41-43 S Front, "next to the Cab Cafe" (News) Aug. 16: "South Fir is rising anew": Porter Lumber, American Fruitgrowers and Monarch Seed & Feed are rebuilding (News) Aug. 30: Elk Lumber held a "gala open house" Aug. 20; 300 people watched the first log go through the bandsaw (News) Aug. 30: The district attorney has ordered all slot machines and punchboards in the county put out of operation (News) Aug. 30: The new clubhouse of the Rogue Valley Country Club was opened Tuesday, after almost a year's construction (News) Sept. 6: John Harbison has purchased the What Not Confectionery, 6th & Ivy, from E. J. Reinking, owner of twelve years (News) Oct. 11: William Fluhrer will build a 7x100' concrete business building just east of the service station at 31 W 6th (News) Oct. 11: Henry Zachariasen yesterday opened Zack's Appliance at 220 W Main, selling "all modern electric appliances" (News) Oct. 25: Dr. Robert E. Lee was fined $25 Wednesday for riding horseback into a union picket line at Crater Lake Motors (News) Oct. 31: The campaign to raise $30,000 for a new football stadium at the high school has passed the halfway mark (News) Nov. 15: John B. Camden was killed Saturday by a shotgun blast during a poker game in a garage behind 624 Hamilton Street (News) Dec. 13: The Shasta-Cascade Wonderland Assn. has established a branch office in the Chamber of Commerce building (News) 1947 Orchard Park Farms ("Sun-Sugared Pears") cold storage fruit plant built on Pacific Hwy at Old Stage Road (News12/23/1949) Jan. 2: Purchase of the Leverette Interstate Theaters was announced recently by Robert L. Lippert's Oregon-California Theaters (CPA) Jan. 10: Fred and Ray Robinson have purchased the Glenn Utz clothing store, sold Beck Apts. to the Labor Temple Association (News) Jan. 24: Hearings began here Thursday before the FCC on whether KMED should be sold to a local group or Californians (News) Jan. 24: Pacific Fruit & Produce, now at 13th & Front, is building a new warehouse between the S.P. tracks and S Central (News) Jan. 24: The remodeled Groceteria No. 2, NW corner 6th & Grape, opens tomorrow (MMT) Jan. 31: The gala opening performance of the Esquire Theater, 416 E Main, will be Feb. 2 with "The Razor's Edge" (MMT) Jan. 31: The Veterans Club of Medford, sponsored by the VFW, will open formally at 42 N Front Saturday morning (News) Jan. 31: "Following extensive remodeling, Medford's Roxy Theater [420 E Main] will be reopened" as The Esquire (News) Feb. 7: The Chung King Inn, "Medford's exclusive Chinese-American restaurant," has been completely renovated (News) Feb. 7: After leasing it out for the past four years, A. W. Walker "has again opened the Dreamland Dance Hall" (News) Feb. 7: Leverette, Reter Fruit and Southern Oregon Sales are building fruit packing plants; several others plan to (News) Feb. 21: Fred H. Baker has opened Southern Oregon Foto Artists photography studio at 112 W 4th (News) Feb. 28: Fluhrer Bakeries has announced plans to build a cold storage facility at 4th & Grape; it will extend from Grape to Fir (News) Mar. 2: The concrete Acme Hardware bldg., SW corner 6th & Evergreen, is "under construction" (MMT) Mar. 7: The American Legion is remodeling the Busy Bee Cafe, 414 E Main, "and will use the building as a club" (News) Mar. 14: Arnel P. Butler has left Jackson County Federal S&L and opened Butler Realty, a real estate office, in the MCB (News) Mar. 14: Southwest Airways announced last week that "Medford will be added to the flight schedule" (News) Mar. 21: The Southern Oregon Philharmonic Society played to a capacity crowd in the high school auditorium Friday night (News) Apr. 3: West Coast Trailways bus lines "now has local operative rights in the state of Oregon" and is establishing depots (CPA) Apr. 4: Medford dog owners must keep them tied up for the next three months "to avoid damage to gardens" (News) Apr. 11: The Trailways terminal, on N Bartlett for the past year, has moved to temporary quarters at 122 N Central (News) Apr. 11: Former Trailways terminal will be occupied by Hamlin Motors; Medford Cab has moved to Main & Front (News) May 2: P. W. Forester is in town "this week to conduct the closing out sale" of his jewelry store due to his ill health (News) June 13: Robinson Bros. clothing store moved this week from 125 E Main to 114 E Main and is open today (News) June 27: Chrysler and Plymouth dealer Hamlin Motors moved Monday from 32 S Bartlett to 121 N Bartlett (News) June 27: The Lone Pine, namesake of a school and neighborhood, has died from over-irrigation and will be cut down soon (News) July 25: The city council last week authorized four-way stop signs on 11th Street at Oakdale and King (News) Aug. 22: Pontiac dealer A. Z. Dean is building a service station and body shop at 5th & Grape; plans showroom for 6th & Grape (News) Aug. 22: Ashland grocers Maultby & Nininger will take possession of Hardy's East Side Market, 374 E Main, on Monday (News) Aug. 29: "Work started Tuesday on the laying of cables and the erection of standards" for new Main Street streetlights (News) Aug. 29: Groceteria No. 1, NE corner 6th & Central, has been gutted; "within a few days the roof and walls will be down" (News) Sept. 5: The Stuntz and Walsh families have located here and purchased John Young's The Shack, 316 E Main (News) Sept. 5: The Sheriff is making a systematic search for punchboards and slot machines to finally get compliance (News) Sept. 5: Medford Surplus Store, N Riverside near 4th, is moving to the Pacific Hwy "next to the Big Y Super Market" (News) Sept. 12: E. H. Mann's truck body plant on N Court near the Big Y is complete, "furnished outside with aluminum sheeting" (News) Sept. 26: W. D. Green and sons have sold the Green Lantern newsstand and soda fountain, 307 E Main, to the Model Bakery (News) Oct. 10: Sessler Bros. of Klamath Falls, acetylene distributors, have leased 1155 N Central from Rogue Valley Woodcraft (News) Oct. 10: "Radio station KYJC, the Mail Tribune station, broadcasting in 1230 kc, plans to be on the air sometime today" (News) Oct. 10: "For the second time in slightly over a year, the Porter Lumber Company was destroyed by fire Tuesday" (News) Oct. 17: Acme Hardware's grand opening in its new building at 3 W 6th, "next to the railroad tracks," is today at 9 a.m. (News) Oct. 17: Mercury streetlights are being installed on Main "from Laurel to Almond streets," replacing the 1911 lights (News) Oct. 17: Howard Jamieson plans to open The Whistle Stop, "a first-class dining place" at 226 N Front by Oct. 25 (News) Oct. 17: The Medford Friends Church "will celebrate its fifth anniversary over Friday, Saturday and Sunday" (News) Oct. 31: The FCC has decided in favor of a local group to purchase KMED; their decision will be appealed (News) Nov. 13: The old 1911 concrete "cluster light" streetlight posts on Main Street have been removed (MMT) Nov. 21: Severson's Candy Store will open Saturday at 132 W Main, specializing in "hand rolled and hand dipped candies" (News) Nov. 21: The new streetlights "are so satisfactory" that the city council Tuesday authorized plans to install them on 6th Street (News) Nov. 23: New, olive green cast-iron streetlight poles have been installed on Main Street (MMT) Dec. 5: "Work is about completed" on remodeling of the Labor Temple, 26 S Grape; two meeting halls have been added (News) 1948 Jan. 16: The Nite Lite Motel, 2323 S Pacific Hwy, is ready for occupancy; "work is to start immediately on a restaurant" (News) Jan. 23: Medco has purchased 23,350 acres of timber above Butte Falls, bringing their holdings to 78,500 acres (News) Feb. 13: The Leslie Plumbing Co. will open its new store and repair shop at 1046 Court Street today (News) Feb. 27: The Parent-Teacher Association, "which began as a Mothers' Congress 50 years ago" was organized in 1913 (News) Mar. 12: Pursuant to a recent Supreme Court decision, Medford schools will end their three-year-old program of Bible study (News) Mar. 19: As part of a statewide survey, the Medford city council Tuesday night voted in favor of adopting daylight savings time (News) Mar. 26: "A group of Alcoholics Anonymous has been formed in Medford and meets every Wednesday and Saturday" (News) Mar. 26: Pacific Telephone has started office construction at 502 N Central; switchboards will remain at 145 N Bartlett (News) Apr. 16: On Apr. 22 Helen Knackstedt will open the Coronet Fashion Shop, 225 W 6th, selling high-quality used clothing (News) Apr. 23: The Oyster Loaf Cafe, 125 W Main, is "open for business again after a period of inactivity" (News) Apr. 30: Medford Office Equipment, formerly at 221 W Main, recently opened at 41 S Grape, on the corner of 8th (News) May 5: The Three Stooges will appear live at the Craterian tomorrow at "their daffiest, screwiest best" (MMT) May 6: Pro baseball comes to Medford Friday when the Brooklyn-owned Medford Dodgers take on the Klamath Gems (MMT) May 7: Presidential candidate Thomas Dewey's Oregon tour brings him today to the Hotel Medford and the Medford Armory (News) May 9: "Construction is now under way" on the addition to the Eastwood Cemetery mausoleum (MMT) May 9: "A Rogue Valley Hoo-Hoo Club, lumberman's service organization, was formed recently" with 36 members (MMT) May 21: The Chamber of Commerce will kick off Tourist Host Week May 24 with a "tourist host school" at the country club (News) May 21: The OK Market on N. Riverside, "Rogue River Valley's Newest and Finest Shopping Center," will open tomorrow (MMT) May 27: Four shops of the Charles A. Wing Arcade Building, northwest corner Sixth and Bartlett, are complete (MMT) May 28: Work started Monday installing new water mains along Barnett and Stewart to serve SW Medford (News) May 28: Fluhrer Bakeries has sold their "retail bakery and pie manufacturing business," will concentrate on bread (News) May 28: The will of Phyllis Swearingen, "superintendent and part owner" of the Community Hospital, reveals no changes in store (News) May 28: Luman's Market, 300 E Main, opened 31 years ago as Star Market, is building a store on NE corner of 4th & Front (News) May 29: Yesterday the Masons laid the cornerstone for the YMCA bldg. on 6th Street near Main (MMT) June 4: H. H. Fountain's remodel of his Shell station, 700 E Main at Tripp, is complete; it reopened last Saturday (News) June 8: The new Greyhound garage is "under construction"; a new passenger station is planned (MMT) June 15: A 250-gallon-per-minute International pumper was delivered to the Medford fire department Saturday (MMT) June 18: Jalopy racing returns June 27 at the Cherry Lane Speedway; entries must be 1931 or older (News) June 25: City crews began construction of the Hawthorne Park pool this week, "R. H. Puddycomb in charge" (News) July 16: "Acme Cleaners, 1728 N Riverside, observed its 10th anniversary last Sunday," having opened July 10, 1938 (News) July 17: West Coast Airlines initiated regular service between Medford, Portland and Seattle this morning at 7:30 (CPA) July 24: Southwest Airways will add air freight to its passenger service for the first time on August 1 (CPA) July 30: The new JCPenney store, NE corner 6th & Central, "will open sometime during the next week" (News) Aug. 6: Several organizations consolidated into a county-wide Community Chest, formally organized last week (News) Aug. 6: The new Luman's Market will open Saturday morning, "with 2000 orchids for the ladies" and free snacks (News) Aug. 13: The new Montgomery Wards warehouse, S Riverside "next to the Crater Inn Motel," will be completed about Aug. 1 (News) Aug. 27: William H. "Heine" Fluhrer and guests were killed Sunday when their plane crashed into Lake of the Woods (News) Sept. 3: Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stone have remodeled and reopened Walker's Variety Store as Stone's, 206 W Main (News) Sept. 3: Formerly at 6th & Central, the S&H Green Stamp store opened this week at 26 S Grape (News) Sept. 3: The Toy House, "a toy shop for children of all ages," at 20 S Bartlett, is scheduled to open Sept. 11 (News) Sept. 10: The Best Lumber planing mill was destroyed by fire Wednesday morning; the sawmill was saved (News) Sept. 10: The Medford city council has decided to paint city hydrants yellow and green, irritating Oregon State College alumni (News) Oct. 1: Severson's will open a second candy store Oct. 2 on S Central next to the Craterian in Biden Shoe Shop's old location (News) Oct. 15: July 31, 1949 set as date of completion for sewer line from Medford to the Camp White sewage plant (News) Nov. 12: The Chamber of Commerce moved this week from 125 W Main to the Hotel Medford (News) Nov. 26: After operating Flynn Electric Service for 16 years, Tom Flynn has sold out; previously had a store circa 1908-1917 (News) Nov. 26: Construction of a building for Colyear Motor Sales, currently on S Riverside, begun recently at 344 N Bartlett (News) Dec. 10: Mr. and Mrs. Ike Zumwalt have opened the Stop & Shop market, 827 W Jackson at McAndrews (News) Dec. 10: Lloyd and Ruth Rupp opened Rupp's Cafe Monday at 8th & Bartlett, "former location of the Palace Lunch" (News) Dec. 24: Wednesday morning KMED became "the sixth radio station in Oregon operating on a daytime power of 5000 watts" (News) 1949 Jan. 14: Californian Luther Gibson has withdrawn from negotiations to purchase KMED, Blanche Virgin will continue as owner (News) Jan. 14: Hibbard & Crain Hardware, open on E Main since 1945, has been sold to T. P. Heisler, of Mandan, ND (News) Jan. 28: Work began this week on the SW Medford trunk sewer system, down Spencer to Mayette, then to 12th Street (News) Feb. 18: ABC, "formerly known as the Blue Network of NBC, will be heard in Medford" over KYJC beginning Mar. 1 (News) Feb. 25: The old Camp White hospital was rededicated as the Veterans Administration domiciliary Sunday afternoon (News) Feb. 25: Slot machines and punchboards were banned in Medford and Jackson County "a week or more" ago (MMT) Feb. 25: The Merchants' Lunch, 213 W Main, changed hands Feb. 15 and is now called The Pear Bowl (News) Mar. 4: YMCA bldg. open house was last Saturday; swimming pool to be complete sometime in April (News) Mar. 11: A new service for Medford, Southwest Airlines is flying in fresh fish from Crescent City each weekend (News) Mar. 18: New Greyhound bus terminal "of strictly modern design" to open Wednesday, NE corner 4th & Bartlett (News) Mar. 25: Groundbreaking for the Starlite Drive-In Theatre will take place this week; opening "on or about May 15" (News) Apr. 1: "Complete remodeling of the part of the [Jackson] hotel formerly used by the Greyhound Lines" is under way (News) Apr. 1: Traffic signals are being installed at Grape and Oakdale on W Main and at Bartlett on E Main (News) Apr. 15: Five-digit telephone service for Medford will begin with installation of dial equipment in new bldg. at 502 N Central (News) Apr. 17: A scale model of proposed Starlite Drive-In theater, S Pacific Hwy., is shown to the press (MMT) Apr. 22: "The new year-round swimming pool in the new YMCA building will be opened Saturday" (News) Apr. 22: Woolworth's will occupy almost the entire ground floor of the MCB; building will be completely remodeled (News) (10) Apr. 22: Work is under way adding classrooms to Roosevelt, Jackson and Lincoln elementary schools (News) Apr. 22: Bids will be opened Apr. 26 to add classrooms and cafeterias to Washington School and Medford High School (News) Apr. 29: Atkins and Williamson will open the A & W Automotive Repair Shop next week on S Grape, next to the Medford News (News) May 9: The new 6th & Main YMCA "structure is complete and in use" (News) May 27: The City of Medford has received conveyance of 996.32 acres of Camp White land for garbage disposal (News) June 3: Medford voters passed Hawthorne Park swimming pool bond last Friday (News) June 3: Articles of incorporation for Southern Oregon Historical Society to be filed this week (News) June 7: Starlite Drive-In Theater is open; Valley Drive-In, N Pacific Hwy., opened Sunday night (MMT) June 12: New Medford Gun Club clubhouse, replacing one built in "early 1930s," to be dedicated June 19 (MMT) July 1: Work resumed on Hawthorne Pool Monday; construction stopped in November "when funds were exhausted" (News) July 3: Cafeteria and classrooms are being added to the high school; set for completion Oct. 1 (MMT) July 8: Repair of Pinnacle Plant No. 4, damaged by fire June 24, began Thursday, should be complete by Aug. 4 (News) July 20: Medford City Council last night accepted $20,140 low bid to build Hawthorne Park swimming pool (MMT) July 29: Dressing and equipment rooms, concession stands and other stadium improvements are nearly complete (News) Aug. 1: The Camp White sewage treatment plant begins treating Medford sewage (MMT 1/1/1950) Aug. 5: Rogue Valley Country Club this week announced purchase of 60 adjacent acres, "to be subdivided for home sites" (News) Aug. 12: A petition was presented to the city council asking ban of fortified wines, to clean up the "wino" problem (News) Aug. 26: Lawrence's Jewelers, on N Central since 1935, will move to 130 E Main, planned for Sept. 1st (News) Aug. 26: Evergreen Bus Lines will raise their rates to "10 cents per ride instead of three for 25 cents" (News) Aug. 26: City Sanitary has been granted permission to haul garbage to the Camp White dump for a trial period of six months (News) Sept. 16: The one-year-old Chapel of the Rocks and Roses Mortuary, 104 S Oakdale, is changing its name to Chapel Mortuary (News) Sept. 23: George Milligan "has been named permanent chairman of Mercy Flights, Inc.," recently formed (News) Oct. 7: Medford's Labor Council warns against selling the veterans housing "west of Jackson School" at salvage value (News) Oct. 7: Medford now has a full-time Social Security representative in the federal office building at 33 N Riverside (News) Oct. 28: St. Peter's Lutheran Church will dedicate their new church, at E Main and Vancouver, on Nov. 6 (News) Nov. 4: St. Peter's Lutheran Church at E Main and Vancouver "will be dedicated on Sunday, November 6th" (News) Nov. 6: Moore Steel Service Co. plans to complete its metal warehouse building at 741 S Grape within 30 days (MMT) Nov. 11: "The ex-Navy fliers who supposedly kept it from hailing all summer" will now make snow in the mountains (News) Nov. 18: Grants Pass photographer Leon A. Gluntz has opened a studio in the J. J. Newberry store (MMT) Nov. 18: Greyhound Post Houses, Inc. announced the opening of its first bus station restaurant in Oregon here (News) Dec. 4: Five-digit numbers "were in effect for all Medford telephone customers this morning" for the first time (MMT) Dec. 4: William Allen and Gottlieb Wolff opened their new market in the Rogue Valley Heights subdivision on Friday (MMT) Dec. 9: New Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. bldg., 502 N Central, "completed early last summer" (News) 1950 Medford's population is 17,305, for an increase of 41.1% over the 1940 census; Jackson County's is 58,510 (U.S. Census) Jan. 20: "Robert D. Dames, who recently arrived from Jamestown, N.D., has opened law offices in the Goldy building" (News) Feb. 16: Names of county roads have been changed to Springbrook, Biddle, Old Stage Road, South Stage Road (MMT) Mar. 8: Newberry's celebrates its first anniversary in the Cuthbert bldg., SE corner 6th & Central (MMT) Mar. 17: "Slot machines, pinball tables, punchboards and other games of chance" removed from Medford businesses (News) Mar. 24: David Holmes, president Harry and David, was fatally injured in an auto accident near Woodland, Calif. yesterday (MMT) Mar. 31: The Chamber of Commerce will move the first of the week from W Main to 5 S Riverside (News) Apr. 6: The Moore Steel Co. warehouse at 741 S Grape is complete and will hold an open house Saturday (MMT) Apr. 7: Mrs. W. J. Virgin Randle today signed a conditional contract to sell KMED to Radio Medford, Inc. (MMT) Apr. 7: Andy's Jewelry, established 1946 at 21 S Riverside, opened March 24 at 15 N Central (News) Apr. 7: Medford News prints a coupon for residents to suggest names for the new park; "no prize is offered for the name selected" Apr. 21: "The name Hawthorne Park was chosen and adopted Tuesday evening by the city council from a list of 85 names" (News) Apr. 23: Plans announced for new St. Mary's school, to replace "obsolete and inadequate" three-story wooden structure (MMT) Apr. 28: Franklin's Cafe, 27-29 S Central, has completed a six-weeks' redecoration, including a new marquee and sign (News) Apr. 30: Modernization of J. J. Newberry store bldg.--the Cuthbert bldg.--is "already completed" (MMT) Apr. 30: Modernization of the "Medical Center Bldg." (Woolworth's) is under way; the cornice will be removed (MMT) May 1: "A Douglas DC-4 four-motored plane" yesterday "marked the first scheduled landing of a plane that size in Medford" (MMT) May 19: The city council went on record as being opposed to permanent signs over streets, like the Craterian's (News) May 28: Oregon's replica Liberty Bell was displayed at Medford schools this week as part of a savings bond drive (MMT) June 9: Hawthorne Park and swimming pool "officially opened Sunday when Mayor Diamond Flynn snipped the ribbon" (News) June 9: Completion of new County Farm Home (the poor farm) announced; the old building "will be razed shortly" (News) June 9: Kaiser-Frazer dealer Riverside Motors, 415 S Riverside, plan to build between Jackson and 2nd on Riverside (News) June 9: Fruit-packer Myron E. Root completed moving May 30 from 47 S Fir to the 600 block of S Grape (News) June 9: Plans for the Carnegie Library addition "have been drawn and approved by the city council and planning commission" (News) June 16: Walt Young's Medford Stationery, 210 E Main, recently remodeled its front entrance "in off-center effect" (News) July 3: Medford Hotel sold yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Walls to A. I. Arnsberg of Portland (MMT) July 7: Jackson County Federal Savings & Loan at 126 E Main will reopen Saturday after remodeling (News) July 9: Woolworth's reopens July 13 after six-month modernization of MCB; has expanded to entire ground floor (MMT) July 16: "Brick surface is being trimmed and a coat of stucco will be applied" to the Halley Block, NW corner 8th & Central (MMT) July 21: Western Auto, 101 S Riverside, will double its floor space to 10,000 square feet "within the next 10 days" (News) July 21: "The old Halley Block, now known as the Crater Hotel building" "will have an entirely new all-stucco front" (News) Aug. 11: Earl M. Johnston has sold to Leland J. Wilson; Lantis & Johnson Shoes at 2 N Central will now be Lantis & Wilson (News) Aug. 11: Groundwork for the Carnegie Library expansion began Monday; completion is expected "within 120 working days" (News) Sept. 8: Oldsmobile dealer Edgerton Motors this week began moving to 415 S Riverside from 123 S Riverside (News) Sept. 8: The city council is expected to authorize purchase of an "aerial ladder fire department truck" at Tuesday's meeting (News) Sept. 8: "Excavations for footings for the new Jackson Street bridge across Bear Creek were started yesterday" (News) Sept. 15: Construction of a fire station at 8th & Lincoln, "designed to harmonize with adjacent residences," may start next month (News) Oct. 20: The Singer Sewing Machine Co. opened today at 121 E Main; had been at 40 N Front since 1946 (News) Oct. 27: Construction of a seven-story apartment building, NE corner 10th & Oakdale, will start by Nov. 20 (News) Nov. 17: $130,000 remodeling and expansion of the Big Y, now "the largest market in southern Oregon," completed this week (News) Nov. 24: Community Chest headquarters has moved from Crater Lake Motors, Main & Fir, to Rooms 204-5, "Leverette" bldg. (News) Dec. 15: About three weeks ago St. Peter's Lutheran began construction on its parsonage at 1020 E Main (News) Dec. 15: "A Jackson County blood bank to be located in Medford" is being formed; Portland's bloodmobile will be here Jan. 24 (News) Dec. 22: Customers of the Medford branch of the First National Bank of Portland are offered a new service: preprinted checks (News) 1951 Jan. 5: Medford has called for bids Tuesday on the 8th & Lincoln fire station; a ladder truck has been ordered (News) Jan. 12: Bob Kennedy opens his second hand store, in a "Spanish-type building" at 1601-06 N Riverside, this week (News) Jan. 12: Crater Gift Shop was opened recently by Mr. & Mrs. L. Floyd at 846 S Riverside, "opposite the Crater Inn Motel" (News) Jan. 12: "Little Valerie Harper and Gail DeRushe" tap danced at the Knights of Pythias hall Monday; a curtain call was demanded (News) Jan. 26: A new size of pear box, 12x9¾x9, requested by Barnes Bros., Medford pear growers, has been approved by the USDA (News) Feb. 22: Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. Wilson recently purchased Hal's Camera Shop, 229 E Main, changing the name to Wilson's (News) Mar. 1: The Salvation Army will build a "shelter home" "on a site recently purchased from the city about a mile north of town" (News) Mar. 15: Doctors Clinic, organized by Drs. Bartels, Halboth and Burich, opened Monday at 1032 W Main (News) Mar. 15: "Bright, shiny, and carrying a price tag of $30,000, Medford's new aerial ladder fire truck arrived in the city Tuesday" (News) Mar. 25: The $102,000 addition to the Carnegie Library is "due for completion about the first of June" (MMT) Mar. 25: The new Jackson Street bridge is due to be completed about the middle of April (MMT) Apr. 5: "Dr. M. P. Vogel, Shady Cove physician, has established offices in the Fluhrer building"; will continue in Shady Cove (News) Apr. 5: Mann's Department Store announced remodeling plans, including a new basement under their 14 N Central section (News) Apr. 19: "A new and improved Jackson Street bridge was opened Saturday"; the crossing has been closed for three months (News) Apr. 19: Drs. Barnes, Durno, Findley and Thompson announced plans for a brick office building, E Main at Myrtle (News) May 3: The city council decided Tuesday to extend parking meter hours from 9-5 to 8:30-5:30, effective July 1 (News) May 3: A land swap between Medford and the U.S. government for Willow Creek Dam "may be completed within a month" (News) May 3: Baker's Commercial Photos, 128 E Main, has installed a new flashing neon sign on their second-floor window (News) May 8: Statue of Liberty replica was "unveiled yesterday afternoon" in Hawthorne Park by Gov. Douglas McKay (MMT) May 10: Mercy Flights today announced a new prepaid subscription; "the ambulance service was established 17 months ago" (News) May 17: Garbage collection rates will hike to $1.60 a month when City Sanitary begins hauling to the Camp White dump (News) May 17: Medford is considering fluoridation; would cost "$15,000 in equipment and an annual outlay of some $8,000" (News) May 24: Retail operations of Runtz Paint Co., at 315 E Main since 1945, have been sold; will change name soon (News) May 37: Harvey Field and V. Aubrey Norris announce that henceforth C. M. Kidd Shoes will be the Norfield Shoe Co. (MMT) Aug. 10: Three large 4-H buildings were destroyed in a fire this morning at the Jackson County fairgrounds (MMT) Sept. 27: The Medford Armory was gutted this morning, destroying the skating rink, wrestling ring and drum and bugle equipment (MMT) Sept. 30: Willow Creek Dam and Medford's new water pipeline from Big Butte Springs are nearing completion (MMT) Nov. 1: Photographers Arbuckle and Moran, in business here for a year, "have purchased the Field studio in the Leverette bldg." (MMT) Dec. 30: The new west side fire station at Eighth and Lincoln, "part of a departmental reorganization," has been completed (RRT) 1952 June 23: John E. Gribble will dedicate a three-year-old metasequoia tree in Hawthorne Park tomorrow (MMT) July 4: The new St. Mary's School, being built around the 1908 structure, will be complete by fall; old school will be razed (MMT) 1953 Jan. 1: The Rialto Theater, in operation since 1917, will close permanently "after Saturday, January 3" (Oregonian) Feb. 1: "Merrick's ballroom and auto camp" (the Natatorium) has been sold, marking its "impending disappearance" (MMT) May 31: Workers began moving cabins from Merrick's auto camp on N Riverside Friday (MMT) June 23: New St. Mary's school bldg., 11th & Holly, will be dedicated tomorrow (MMT) July 9: Former Southern Oregon Hospital, now an apartment house on S Central at 11th, is being dismantled (MMT) July 30: Oregon's second TV station and first VHF station KBES-TV (later renamed KOBI) will hold its dedication Saturday (CPA) Aug. 11: "The sparkling new green store front of Weeks & Orr's furniture store [has been] recently completed" (MMT) 1954 Jan. 14: Basement excavation under way for First National Bank bldg., NE corner Main & Front (MMT) Mar. 9: The first postwar Pear Blossom Festival is set for April 24 (MMT) Sept. 5: The old Medford Armory, NE corner 3rd & Bartlett, is to be auctioned Tuesday, Sept. 28 (MMT) Nov. 2: Medford voters approve a change to the city charter creating the office of city manager (MMT 1/2/1955) Nov. 23: Plans for Girls' Community Club bldg. (Mary Phipps Center, 229 N Bartlett) announced this morning (MMT) Dec. 10: Pinnacle Orchards plant and offices, 445 S Fir, destroyed by fire (MMT) 1955 Jefferson Elementary opens (Bryden) Hedrick Junior High opens (Bryden) Mar. 30: Keith Schulz has bought Young's Garage at 116 N Front; "will open the business April 1" (MMT) Apr. 27: Medford Hospital Assn. has filed papers changing corporate name to Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital (MMT) Apr. 29: Laurine & Dyke's floor covering firm is "soon to open on the corner of Main and Riverside" (RRT) July 8: "Passenger service on the Southern Pacific Railroad will end on August 6th"; ridership has averaged 18 or 20 (RRT) July 10: Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. Bldg., SW corner 6th & Bartlett, burned Friday (MMT) Sept. 9: M. M. Huggins' D'Anjou Bldg., the "New Orleans architecture" building at 11th & Central, is under construction (RRT) Sept. 19: Brainerd's open house is tomorrow in remodeled First National Bank bldg., now covered with pink "enameled disks" (MMT) Nov. 1: Dedication and open house of Jefferson Elementary School will be at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 3 (MMT) Dec. 20: Medford City Council approves resolution to sponsors of Phil Silvers Show that it reschedule to a different night (minutes) Dec. 22: "Rain-swollen streams last night left Medford virtually isolated . . . closed schools, bridges and roads" (MMT) Dec. 28: Merrick's Natatorium on N Riverside is "now being torn down" (MMT) 1956 Jan. 1: "About 15 acres on top of Barneburg Hill will be purchased by Rogue Valley Manor for its proposed retirement home" (MMT) Jan. 25: The new Piggly Wiggly store at King & Stewart will open Jan. 26; S Riverside store will continue "for the present" (MMT) Jan. 26: City council last night approved plans for a fire station at Highland & Siskiyou; completion set for June 1 (MMT) Jan. 29: Two stories of the new courthouse annex have been completed and occupied by county courts and offices (MMT) Feb. 7: Medford City Council decides to return TV set presented by KBES-TV so they could watch the Phil Silvers Show (minutes) Mar. 23: Name of Allen Hotel officially changed to Robinson Hotel (MMT4/1/1956p2) Mar. 23: GM's 26-vehicle "Parade of Progress" fleet parades through town before setting up in Hawthorne Park (MMT 2/22/1956) Mar. 28: E. M. Tucker announces that after years trying to sell Sno-Cats "the tide has turned" and he can't make them fast enough (MMT) Mar. 28: City officials estimate Medford's population at 20,083, "following a census of the recently annexed southern area" (MMT) Mar. 28: Merrick's Natatorium, "now being torn down," will be replaced by a 40-unit motel, with pool, restaurant and lounge (MMT) Apr. 5: Fred and Donna Robinson have just completed remodeling the Allen Hotel building, renamed the Robinson Hotel June 4: Medford residents attended an open house yesterday at the new Highland Drive fire station, occupied last week (MMT) July 13: This weekend will be the opening of the new north entrance to the Big Y Market, making a $250,000 expansion (RRT) Aug. 6: Alfred S. V. Carpenter turned the first shovel this morning for Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital on Barnett Road (MMT) Dec. 14: The Crystal cold storage plant, 301 N Fir, was sold; "will operate under the name of Wilson-McCabe Refrigerating" (RRT) Dec. 21: The Rogue Valley Traffic Assn. changed its name to Medford Pear Shippers Assn. on Dec. 1 (RRT) Dec. 28: "Acreage north of Hawthorne Park has been optioned by Sears"; store will be built if Hwy. 99 is relocated in the right place (RRT) 1957 Apr. 16: Medford City Council meets on Tuesday for the last time and adopts Bill No. 6735 changing its meeting day (minutes) Apr. 17: The Dean and Taylor Pontiac showroom at Sixth & Grape was recently completed; provides display space for four cars (MMT) Apr. 17: The State Census Board has released figures indicating Medford's population is now 22,222, up 28.4 percent from 1950 (MMT) Apr. 18: "The first public event to be held in the new Armory, now nearing completion, will be a Medford Home and Auto Show" (MMT) May 2: Medford City Council meets on Thursday for the first time; councilmen can now watch Bilko on Tuesdays (minutes) May 24: "The Medford city council last night adopted an ordinance formally annexing the Berrydale area to Medford" (MMT) June 26: At a PUC hearing this morning the Southern Pacific announced they will not oppose a street crossing at Eighth Street (MMT) July 26: After 17 years, Alley Lumber Co., 4 miles south of Medford, will cease operations one week from today, August 2 (RRT) Aug. 30: Coleman Edsel Sales advertises its grand opening at 6th & Fir, to take place September 4 through 7 (RRT) Sept. 9: The new building for the 25-year-old Girls Community Club, 229 N Bartlett, was dedicated yesterday (MMT) Sept. 13: Preliminary site work has begun on the "Sears project," the Medford Shopping Center, "opposite Hawthorne Park" (RRT) 1958 Jan. 27: "Work on the Eighth and Main sts. one-way couplet project has been started" (MMT) Apr. 6: Reter Fruit Co. owner Ray Reter will be grand marshal of April 11's Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT) Apr. 26: Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital dedicated (2001 Asante timeline) May 1: Patients move from Community Hospital to Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital (2001 Asante timeline) June 19: Paving on Eighth St. was started this week in preparation for the new one-way couplet for downtown traffic (MMT) Aug. 7: The Main Street-Eighth Street couplet will be opened tomorrow at 7 a.m.; "police plan to patrol the street closely" (MMT) Sept. 28: The Food Basket "opened on South Central Ave. Friday" (MMT) Oct. 12: Mayor Snider will formally open the Senior Activity Center at 601 Jackson St. this afternoon (MMT) 1959 Apr. 11: Pat Rushton, Miss Jackson County, is grand marshal of the Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT 4/1/1959) Apr. 16: Medford schools merge with Jacksonville, Griffin Creek, Ruch, Lone Pine and Howard districts to form 549C (549C Timeline) May 22: The Medford Gospel Mission, 33 S Front, was dedicated last week; organizing effort started last September (MMT) May 31: Excavation for Rogue Valley Manor will start tomorrow, "following groundbreaking ceremonies at the site late Friday" (MMT) June 28: A bowling alley is under construction in a "recreation center development south of Medford" on Highway 99 (MMT) Aug. 20: Ribbon cutting and grand opening of Sears and Safeway in the Medford Shopping Center was this morning (MMT) Aug. 26: "The state highway department completed restriping Main St. today for three lane traffic from Riverside to Oakdale" (MMT) Aug. 30: "A $400,000 fire Friday night gutted Morton Milling Company's plant at 10 West Jackson" (MMT) 1960 Medford's population is 24,245, for an increase of 19.0% over the 1950 census; Jackson County's is 73,962 (U.S. Census) Apr. 7: Voters in six Jackson County school districts yesterday voted to consolidate, forming School District 549C (MMT) Apr. 24: Presidential candidate John Kennedy was grand marshal of yesterday's Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT) May 4: The venerable M.M. Department store is nearing the end of its "quitting business" sale (MMT) June 26: Alba, Italy "just last week became Medford's sister city," the second such arrangement in the state (MMT) Oct. 12: A press release announces closing of Sacred Heart Hospital and withdrawal of Sisters of Providence from the area (Chronicles) Nov. 4: The 1853 Earhart house on S. Riverside was torn down last week to make room for the Thunderbird Lodge and Sambo's (MMT) Nov. 18: Visit and examination by Provincial Council of Sisters of Providence results in retention of Sacred Heart Hospital (Chronicles) 1961 Rogue Valley Manor built (OV2007) Feb. 12: Major earthmoving is under way for I-5 route through Medford (MMT) Apr. 9: Los Angeles news commentator Frank Hemingway was grand marshal of yesterday's Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT) May 21: "Medford's Jackson Hotel closed its doors Friday night" (MMT) July 2: North Front's Merino Bldg. site, home of the Imperial Rooming House, was "recently cleared" (MMT) Nov. 1: Oakdale Market announces its independence from the "apron strings of our former big brother" the Big Y (MMT) Nov. 5: Contract awarded for construction of U.S. National Bank bldg., Ohio & Court streets (MMT) Nov. 19: Construction of the Chalet Motel "is expected to start in the near future at the corner of Riverside Ave. and Sixth St." (MMT) Nov. 19: An aerial photo shows that I-5 viaduct pylons are in place, work is under way placing concrete crossbeams (MMT) Dec. 6: Fourth Street bridge over Bear Creek officially opened "this morning" (MMT) 1962 Freeway opens between Central Point and Barnett Road (OV2007) Mar. 12: Pouring concrete roadway of the I-5 viaduct "has progressed into the Hawthorne Park area" (MMT) Apr. 28: Bruce Yarnell, star of TV program "Outlaws," is grand marshal of the Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT 5/1/2002) June 3: Hyatt Chalet Motel, E side Riverside at 6th on the former Natatorium site, is under construction (MMT) June 3: Nine-mile section of I-5 between Grants Pass and Rogue River was dedicated Friday (MMT) June 6: Dean and Taylor Pontiac recently broke ground for facility on S Pacific Hwy.; will move from 6th & Grape (MMT) June 18: The Holiday House trailer factory, 213 S Fir, was "destroyed by fire early Sunday morning" (MMT) June 25: Ribbon cutting of U.S. National Bank, Ohio & Court streets, scheduled for July 6 (MMT) June 29: Grand opening of Medford Honda, 1080 S Riverside, today through Sunday; a Honda 50 will be given away Sunday (MMT) July 3: Hubbard-Wray Co. has been sold to J. C. Hayes and Jack Reed, marking the end of the firm's family ownership (MMT) Aug. 16: The Hyatt Chalet Motel, 56 N Riverside, "opened for business last week"; Denny's "to open the end of the week" (MMT) Aug. 22: Drews Manstore opened in Medford Shopping Center last week; grand opening tomorrow (MMT) Aug. 23: Walls of a new Medford Shopping Center bldg., to house Johnston Stores, "were raised this week" (MMT) Aug. 26: Work on 4,000-seat grandstand at the Medford High School football stadium (Spiegelberg) is well under way (MMT) Sept. 2: "Maple Park," southeast corner Stewart and Riverside, ceremonially renamed Parco d'Alba Saturday afternoon (MMT) 1963 Jan. 2: JCF announces their purchase of the building at 126 E. Main and plans to remodel into small shops served by an arcade (MMT) July 26: Freeway opens between Barnett and Ashland (OV2007) Apr. 21: Peter Graves, star of the TV series "Fury," was grand marshal of yesterday's Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT) Aug. 9: "The First Baptist Church will hold its first services in its new church buildings at 649 Crater Lake Avenue this Sunday" (MMT) Nov. 19: Hansen Bldg., SW corner 6th & Bartlett, is being demolished, "Federal Bldg." at 6th & Riverside is next (MMT) 1964 Apr. 19: Ground was broken for the new "Sacred Heart Hospital [Providence] at a ceremony Friday afternoon" (MMT) June 18: S.O. Sales, Nye & Naumes and Crystal Springs have joined to form Oregon Pear Sales, Inc. (OR) July 2: Cleanup began yesterday after Tuesday's fire at McLoughlin Junior High School, which destroyed six classrooms (MMT) Oct. 12: Medford Gospel Mission's new building at Third and Front dedicated (MMT) Nov. 1: Ground has been broken for the new 3M Co. plant in the Medford Industrial Park in White City (MMT) 1965 The notorious Black Bird sculpture erected (OV2007) Apr. 25: Johnny Crawford, star of TV's "Rifleman," was grand marshal of yesterday's Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT) June 20: Friday's opening of the new Disco Department Store on Biddle Road was the "best opening" in the chain's history (MMT) Dec. 15: The hospital now nearing completion on Crater Lake Avenue will be known as "Providence Hopsital, Medford." (MMT) 1966 Jan. 6: "Interstate 5 from Ashland to the California state line is scheduled for completion in June 1966" (MMT) Feb. 1: Burmeister's Wallpaper Studio, "devoted to wallpaper exclusively," opens on South Peach (MMT 1/28/1966) Feb. 18: Crews will convene tomrrow to remove 12 remaining abandoned signs in the core area of the city (MMT) Mar. 10: Dedication of new post office, 8th & Holly, "will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday" (MMT) Mar. 16: Witham's hosts open house of their new truck stop at the north I-5 interchange (open house flyer) Mar. 18: The new Providence Hospital at Crater Lake Ave. & McAndrews will be dedicated tomorrow (MMT) Apr. 14: Thirty-nine patients transferred from Sacred Heart to new Providence Hospital in 3½ hours (Chronicles) Apr. 24: Game show emcee Tom Kennedy was grand marshal of yesterday's Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT) May 1: Ribbon cutting will be Friday at Timber Products' new particleboard plant (MMT) May 20: Mann's Department Store will close July 2 for a $250,000 renovation; will reopen under the name "Miller's" (MMT) May 26: Razing of Sacred Heart Hospital has begun; completion "is expected to take three months" (MMT) June 21: A time capsule "to be opened sometime in the 21st Century," will be ceremonially embedded in the new city hall today (MMT) Aug. 5: The city council last night changed the airport's name to Medford-Jackson County Airport (MMT) Aug. 7: Gov. Mark Hatfield will cut the ribbon Monday at U.S. National Bank, NW corner Main & Central (MMT) Oct. 23: Gov. Hatfield dedicated I-5 yesterday morning; four lanes are now "open from the Washington to California border" (MMT) 1967 Feb. 6: "The Rogue Valley officially entered the jet age" as West Coast Airlines' first fan jet flight landed today (MMT) Apr. 15: Leonard Nimoy, as Mr. Spock from "Star Trek," is grand marshal of the Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT 4/16/1967) May 26: Plans announced today for $1.2 million Red Lion Inn; construction to begin "probably sometime after Aug. 1" (MMT) July 25: Paul Lea Motors, Rambler and Toyota dealership at 5th & Bartlett, was destroyed by fire yesterday (MMT) Sept. 11: Classes begin in new Medford Senior High School (North High), 1900 N Keeneway (orientation brochure) Dec. 19: Stripping of the Jackson Hotel has begun, demolition "will not begin until after the Christmas shopping season" (MMT) Dec. 29: Construction is 75% complete on the Duff Water Treatment Plant; completion is scheduled sometime in May (MMT) 1968 Oct. 24: Medford City Hall dedicated (dedication brochure) Oct. 26: Goodwill Industries opens its first store in Medford (MMT 2/23/1969) 1969 Feb. 10: The Fluhrer Bldg., SE corner Main & Central, was destroyed by fire early this morning, displacing 22 businesses (MMT) Apr. 10: Helicopter port on the grounds of RVMC is completed--unused as of June 15 (MMT 6/15/1969) Apr. 12: Bill Daley of "I Dream of Jeannie" is grand marshal of the Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT 4/10/1974) May: Lincoln School is closed due to declining enrollments (MMT 3/2/1975) June 11: Parking Commission voted yesterday to support removal of downtown parking meters (MMT 6/11/1999) June 15: "Land leveling has neared completion in the Medford Heights Townhouse development" on the Sacred Heart Hospital site (MMT) Oct. 6: "The parking meters were removed last Friday during a parking meter removal party" (MMT) Dec. 14: Fire destroyed the 1902 Griffin Creek School building Friday night (MMT) Dec. 16: Site of Sacred Heart Hospital on Nob Hill transferred to Medford Heights Development Co., Inc. (Chronicles) 1970 Medford's population is 28,973, for an increase of 36.7% over the 1960 census; Jackson County's is 94,553 (U.S. Census) Jan. 1: "The formation of the Optimist Club of Medford took place in December with 41 charter members" (MMT) May 25: Seven businesses and the Palm Bldg., NW corner Main & Fir, burned yesterday (MMT) July 1: Local libraries are today consolidated as the Jackson County Library System with the county's assumption of responsibility (MMT) July 13: The citizens airport committee today recommended country control of the Medford Airport to fund needed rehabilitation (MMT) Aug. 25: Medford voters approve transfer of the airport to the county by a special election vote of 12,202 to 84 (MMT1/3/1971) 1971 Feb. 15: The 1900 railroad freight depot, between Front and the tracks two blocks S of Main, is being demolished (MMT) Oct. 18: Demolition of the Copco and Masonic Bldg., NE corner Main & Holly, has begun (MMT) 1972 Apr. 28: Medford City Council endorses Wo-he-lo Park project for triangle at intersection of Beatty and Central (MMT 6/11/1987) July 23: Holsum Corp., 29 N Holly, baked its last loaf of bread Friday, ending 50 years of baking bread in Medford (MMT) 1973 Vawter House at SE corner 8th & Holly, originally at NW corner Main & Holly, torn down (MMT 9/13/1974) Apr. 30: The Mail Tribune ownership passes "from the Ruhl family and associates to the Ottaway family" (MMT) May 3: Big Pines Lumber, at 6th & Fir since 1908, is closing its "lumber company facilities" (MMT) 1974 Apr. 12: Grand marshal of tomorrow's Pear Blossom parade tomorrow will be "Maude" star Conrad Bain (MMT) Oct. 18: S. J. (Ben) Fagone announces he is not a declared candidate for mayor, but will serve "if enough people want me to" (MMT) Oct. 20: The Enid Rankin Neighborhood Facility, 510 East Main, was dedicated Friday afternoon (MMT) Nov. 1: A concrete drinking fountain and "bicycle stop area" in Bear Creek Park was dedicated Thursday afternoon (MMT) Dec. 15: Reconstruction of the Brenneman Bldg., NE corner Main & Grape, is under way (MMT) 1975 Jan. 28: The Mail Tribune prints its first issue by the offset process (MMT) Spring: Fichtner-Mainwaring Park at S Holly & Stewart Ave. dedicated (OV2007) Mar. 2: Lincoln School will be reopened in the fall for "Medford's newly established kindergarten" (MMT) May 1: The upstairs rooms of the Holland Hotel "are being closed," though the restaurant on the ground floor will remain (MMT) May 13: "A new 911 emergency number" went into effect this morning for Medford phone prefixes 772, 773, 776 and 779 (MMT) June: John Nuich Jewelers, 231 E Main, remodeled (MMT 11/28/1976) 1976 July 4: Bicentennial-themed mural overlooking the "Medford Minipark" (Vogel Plaza) was dedicated Friday (MMT) Nov. 28: Lawrence's remodeling of HCB complete (MMT) 1977 Jan. 18: "KSYS-TV completed its first day of program broadcasting Monday"; began broadcasting a test pattern in September (MMT) Feb. 10: "A new shopping center, Bear Creek Plaza, is now under construction . . . at Biddle and McAndrews roads" (MMT) Feb. 15: Widening Stewart Ave. to four lanes drew "solid opposition" at a hearing last night (MMT) Mar. 31: Providence Hospital will dedicate its new east wing on Saturday (MMT) Apr. 16: Olympian Frank Shorter wins the first Pear Blossom Run, then serves as grand marshal in parade (MMT 4/18/1977) June 16: Eads Furniture's "main showroom and warehouse" at 853 S Riverside burned yesterday (MMT) July 10: Budge-McHugh Bldg. (former Hilarity Dance Hall) at 5th & Fir being demolished (MMT) Aug. 4: Larson's Appliance and Blake, Moffitt & Towne's warehouse at 8th & Fir was destroyed by fire yesterday (MMT) Sept. 21: The "school without a name" (Kennedy School) on N Keene Way has opened (MMT) Nov. 14: The Sixth Street Mall opened "in recent weeks" in the former Monarch Feed bldg., NW corner Sixth & Bartlett (MMT) Nov. 14: A new strip mall at the east end of the Kmart Plaza also opened "in recent weeks" (MMT) Nov. 18: This morning's fire at Jackson School "caused an estimated $100,000 damage" (MMT) Dec. 30: The Wooden Shoe restaurant, on the ground floor of the Holland Hotel since 1962, will close tomorrow (MMT) 1978 Feb. 15: "Workmen have begun to tear down the old Holland Hotel at the corner of Fir and Sixth streets" (MMT) Feb. 22: Confirming a student vote, school board voted Tuesday night to name new N Keene Way school "Kennedy School" (MMT) Mar. 3: Former city councilman William Doernbach has been charged with assault after shooting a neighbor (MMT) Mar. 5: "LaMonts, a family clothing store, will open in Medford's Bear Creek Plaza April 3" (MT) Apr. 8: Eric Scott, "Ben Walton" on TV program "The Waltons," is grand marshal of the Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT 4/9/1978) Apr. 30: Master plan for Fichtner-Mainwaring Park presented earlier this month; work to start early September (MMT) May 18: Robinson's clothing store (former Nash Hotel, SE corner Main & Front) destroyed by fire yesterday (MMT) July 18: Fred Robinson Jr. announces plans for new Robinson's Department Store on original site (MMT) Dec. 8: Offices are moving from the courthouse to the new Justice Bldg. (MMT) Dec. 15: The Justice Bldg., SW corner 8th & Oakdale, dedicated (MMT) 1979 March: Robinson's Men's and Women's Apparel bldg. completed, SE corner Main & Front (1987 press release) May 27: Fire Friday and Saturday destroyed four warehouses and 40 mini storage units at Oak Grove Storage (MMT) Apr. 6: The City Council has authorized an agreement with local railway historical society for joint development of Railroad Park (MMT) June 8: Barnum Packing Co., E side of Fir at 12th, and Medford Lumber, 4 W Third, destroyed by fire (MMT 8/12/1979) Fall: Donald L. Stathos Bikeway on Jacksonville Highway dedicated (OV2007) Nov. 4: BLM offices on Biddle Road dedicated (MMT) December: Montgomery Wards closes its downtown store (MMT 11/15/1981) 1980 Medford's population is 39,603, for an increase of 18.5% over the 1970 census; Jackson County's is 132,456 (U.S. Census) Huggy Bear is born (OV2007) Mar. 11: Grand opening of the Grange Co-op's South Pacific Highway store will be March 21 and 22 (MMT) Apr. 12: Randi Oakes, star of TV program "CHiPs," is grand marshal of the Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT 4/7/1980) Sept. 21: Seely Hall cuts ribbon at new $1.8 million Medford-Jackson County Airport terminal (MMT) Sept. 24: "Black Oak Village, Medford's newest shopping complex, will observe its grand opening Saturday" (MMT) Oct. 30: Grange Co-op on S Pacific Hwy, opened just last December, was gutted by fire today (MMT) 1981 Feb. 5: The new Jackson County Jail building on 8th Street has been issued a certificate of substantial completion (MMT) Mar. 5: Fire damaged Sabroso Co.'s equipment storage and repair building at 649 S Grape early today (MMT) June 18: "Demolition of buildings has started on the 50-acre Rogue Valley Mall" site on Riverside north of McAndrews (MMT) July 5: Work has begun on the Crater Lake Hwy. Fred Meyer store; should be completed "about June 1, 1982" (MMT) July 29: Construction is "well under way" to convert second and third floor foyers of Medford City Hall to offices (MMT) Aug. 6: Medford State Bank bldg., 10th Street between Central & Riverside, dedicated (MMT) Aug. 13: Site preparation "is finally under way" at the Rogue Valley Mall site (MMT) Aug. 31: Bill Rombach's Phoenix Properties has bought 117 S Central, "occupied for 51 years by Montgomery Ward" (MMT) Oct. 11: Walls have gone up for Fred Meyer bldg. on Crater Lake Highway (MMT) Nov. 15: "Leonard's Electric is quitting business after more than 51 years at its East Main St. location" (MMT) Nov. 15: Going-out-of-business sale is under way at Lamport's Sporting Goods, 226 E Main (MMT) Nov. 23: Global Spas USA, in R. A. Skinner's building at 143 S Riverside, was gutted by fire early Saturday morning (MMT) 1982 Mar. 1: The "downtown minipark" has been renamed to honor former city council member Virginia Vogel (MMT) June 22: The Carnegie Library "closes Saturday for remodeling" (MMT) July 27: Doors open today at Crater Lake Hwy. Fred Meyer; grand opening to be July 30 (commemorative brochure) Dec. 31: School District 549C Interim Superintendent Bruce Metzger retires (549C Timeline) 1983 Jan. 7: Fred Spiegelberg has turned in his resignation at Medford High School after 31 seasons (OR) Apr. 29: Cine 4 four-plex movie theater, 1201 S Riverside, opens tonight (MMT) May 8: Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital changed its name to Rogue Valley Medical Center "a couple of months ago" (MMT) May 12: "Medford will become a two-ZIP-code city for mail delivery July 1" (MMT) June 23: "Bulldozers broke ground this week" on the Alder Creek development, Barnett and N Phoenix roads (Tidings) June 29: Medford School District 549C has advertised Lincoln School for sale (MMT) July 1: School District 549C Superintendent Wilber Hawkins is suspended with pay (549C Timeline) July 17: Three buildings. on SE corner Main & Bartlett collapsed Friday night (MMT) Sept. 30: School District 549C Superintendent Wilber Hawkins resigns (549C Timeline) Dec. 16: Valley Chevrolet opens on Biddle Road on Monday (MMT) Dec. 18: Bryden's store in the Wilkinson-Swem Bldg., 217 E Main, will close in January (MMT) 1984 Jan. 17: Grand opening of Valley Chevrolet's new dealership at 3001 Biddle Road will be on Wednesday (Tidings) Jan. 24: City council Thursday approved $3.3 million in bonds to build McAndrews overpass (OR) Feb. 26: ABC affiliate KDRV Channel 12 begins broadcasting (MMT 2/26/2009) Apr. 14: Walt Disney's Sport Goofy is grand marshal of the Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT) May 4: Herb Gifford and Ralph Finkas poured footings for the new Library Park gazebo last week (MMT) July 25: Weeks & Orr announces their furniture store will be sold to Winans' owners Mark Winans and Joe Pedrojetti (MMT) Oct. 31: Lloyd Millhollen replaces School District 549C Acting Superintendent James Branvold (549C Timeline) 1985 Feb. 10: Mercy Flights founder George Milligan, nurse, doctor and patient, killed in yesterday's crash near Medford Airport (MMT) Feb. 24: Gazebo in Alba Park dedicated (dedication brochure) May 16: Jackson County Title celebrates its centennial; founded in 1885 as Jackson County Abstract Co. (invitation) June 30: School District 549C Interim Superintendent Lloyd Millhollen's last day (549C Timeline) Aug. 13: Renamed by the City Council earlier this year, Alba Park will be dedicated Wednesday (MMT) 1986 Medford High School divided into two schools (OV2007) Feb. 11: Shilo Inn, 2111 Biddle Road, holds their open house (invitation) Mar. 16: Plans announced for enclosing Medford Center mall, bldg. new Safeway, Newberry's, Emporium (MMT) June: Apartments are now occupied in Hotel Grand, restoration of which "was started late in 1985" (undated MMT clipping) June 2: Yesterday Front Street became two-way again, "for the first time since 1980" (MMT) June 19: Providence Hospital dedicated its new outpatient center on Wednesday (MMT) June 24: The McAndrews Road railroad overpass "should be open to traffic within a few weeks" (MMT) June 29: The Emporium will open July 15, "the first store to be completed in the major expansion" of the Medford Center (MMT) Oct. 15: The Rogue Valley Mall opens today (MMT) Dec. 12: The Visitors & Convention Bureau log cabin in Veterans Park will soon be dismantled (MMT) 1987 Mar. 8: Fire caused major damage to Sacred Heart School, 11th & Holly, on Saturday (MMT) June 3: Workers have begun dismantling the Jackson Street bridge "in preparation for widening the span to four lanes" (MMT) July 1: Robinson's Apparel, SE corner Main & Front, closes (1987 press release) Aug. 7: Harold A. Anderson was named Medford's new city manager Thursday (OR) 1988 February: Medford City Council decides to sell Wo-he-lo Park, at Beatty and Central (MMT 6/11/1987) May 1: The Miller's Bldg. on N Central is being "gutted for remodeling" (MMT) Aug. 9: Hotel Medford "was destroyed by fire Monday night" (MMT) Aug. 15: Demolition of Sixth Street Mall, former Monarch Feeds bldg., NW corner Sixth & Bartlett, is under way (MMT) Sept. 11: Work began "this weekend" dismantling old Bear Creek Park playground for new Bob Leathers installation (MMT) 1989 The Mail Tribune begins publishing on Saturdays (OV2006) 1990 Medford's population is 46,951, for an increase of 35.6% over the 1980 census; Jackson County's is 146,389 (U.S. Census) Apr. 14: Roger Rabbit is grand marshal of the Pear Blossom Festival parade (souvenir program) Nov. 15: Ground was broken Wednesday for Bear Creek Park amphitheater (MMT) Dec. 20: Medford Clinic opened Monday at Black Oak & Siskiyou (MMT) Dec. 26: "At midnight, New Year's Eve, the cell doors of Medford's jail will close for good" (MMT) 1991 Jan. 8: KOGAP "has closed its Medford veneer and plywood plant indefinitely" (MMT) Feb. 8: Lithia Motors acquires Littrell Bldg., 6th & Bartlett (MMT) Feb. 15: Asia Market "opened a little over a week ago at the west end of Kmart Plaza" (MMT) Apr. 12: Marble marker is placed at Oakdale and 8th commemorating 15th year of the Pear Blossom Run (MMT 4/5/1991) Apr. 12: Walt Disney's Winnie the Pooh is grand marshal of the Pear Blossom Festival parade (MMT 4/5/1991) May 1: The three-story concrete cold storage building of Growers Refrigerating Co., 535 S Fir, burned yesterday (MMT) May 8: The former Big Y shopping center is being "leveled to make the site more marketable" (MMT) May 9: MURA is asking for bids to demolish bldg. SW corner 6th & Bartlett for construction of parking structure (MMT) May 25: The Big Y Market is being demolished (MMT) Sept. 21: "Costco building takes shape"; scheduled to open Oct. 29 (MMT) Nov. 2: Medford Armory, newly expanded and remodeled, rededicated (program) Dec. 14: Van Vleet will move into their new bldg., NE corner Crater Lake & Jackson, in January (MMT) 1992 Apr. 11: Grand Marshal for today's Pear Blossom Festival parade will be Bill Kachmarik, "an advocate for the disabled" (MMT) Sept. 19: Nendels Inn at the north interchange (formerly Holiday Inn) has been sold to Sterling Hotels Corp. (MMT) December: Medco's Medford plywood plant "will shut its doors in December" (Medford Chamber Business Review, 11/1992) 1993 May 26: Department of Environmental Quality announces plans to clean up hazardous waste left by Rogue Valley Circuits (MMT) June 17: Fire destroyed the upstairs and damaged much of the rest of Pietro's Pizza, 535 Stevens St., today (MMT) June 28: Fire destroyed Valley Electrical and a Naumes packing house on the 600 block of S Grape today (MMT) Aug. 26: The Mail Tribune holds a grand opening ceremony for their new bldg. on N Fir Street (MMT) Oct. 5: "A fire Monday night gutted a vacant section of a Naumes Inc. pear-packing plant" at 1311 N Central (MMT) 1994 Sept. 1: Plans for restoration of the Federal Bldg. formally announced (ceremony program) 1995 Medford's estimated population is 55,090 Southern Oregon's telephone area code changed from 503 to 541 1996 Medford's estimated population is 57,000 Nov. 7: Federal Bldg., 6th & Holly, rededicated after restoration (rededication brochure) 1997 June 5: Dorothy Whittle deeds land for Chrissy Park to the City of Medford (MMT 7/2/1999) July 24: Excavation will start next week for the parking structure at Sixth and Riverside, completion expected June 7, 1998 (MMT) Aug. 28: Tinseltown USA "is scheduled to open this fall with 15 screens and 3,500 seats" (MMT) 1998 July 16: Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt sledgehammered the first chunks in the removal of Jackson Street Dam Wednesday (MMT) July 24: First Interstate Bank (formerly First National), NW corner Main & Front, closes (MMT 7/12/1998) Sept. 8: Boise Cascade's Hwy. 99 mill, north of Medford, "burned to the ground" yesterday, leaving 450 without jobs (MMT) 1999 May 25: Safeway will close its W Main store next month (MMT) 2000 Medford's population is 63,687, for an increase of 11.3% over the 1990 census; Jackson County's is 181,269 (U.S. Census) July 7: The Edgar Hafer house at Sixth & Oakdale, home of Perl's funeral home since 1920, has been bought by St. Mark's (MMT) 2001 Sept. 20: Porter's Restaurant inaugurates its remodel of the Southern Pacific depot with a "sneak preview" (preview menu) 2002 Medford's population is estimated at 66,090 (PSU Population Research Center) Statue of Liberty removed from Hawthorne Park due to repeated vandalism (MMT) June 30: School District 549C Superintendent Steven R. Wisely retires; serves as interim superintended into 2003 (549C Timeline) Aug. 28: Fire gutted the former Pinnacle packing plant, NW corner 11th & Front, yesterday (MMT) Oct. 22: "United Air Lines will no longer directly serve Medford beginning Jan. 7"; United Express will fly to Denver (MMT) 2003 Medford's population is estimated at 68,080 (PSU Population Research Center) Apr. 22: County Commissioners are expected to sell Miles Field to Wal-Mart (MMT) May 10: Britt Festivals moves offices from 517 W 10th (historic school bldg.) to 216 W Main at Grape (MMT 4/17/2003) Aug. 14: Rogue Federal Credit Union opens next week in the former Wells Fargo drive-up at 102 N Front St (MMT) 2004 Medford's population is estimated at 69,220 (PSU Population Research Center) Mar. 7: Medford's Carnegie Library closed yesterday in preparation for move to new downtown library (MMT) June 30: School District 549C Superintendent Richard Gregory resigns (549C Timeline) Apr. 5: Grand opening of the new Central Library was yesterday; book checkout begins today (MMT) 2005 Medford's population is estimated at 70,855 (PSU Population Research Center) 2006 Medford's population is estimated at 73,960; Jackson County's is 197,071 (PSU Population Research Center) Feb. 10: A 100-year-old girl's skull has been found in the crawl space of the Owen house on the 1500 block of East Main (MMT) April: Hawthorne Park Statue of Liberty replica moved to NE corner 8th & Oakdale (Parks) Oct. 27: Medford's first roundabout, under construction at Siskiyou & Highland, will close tonight for paving (MMT) 2007 Medford's population is estimated at 75,675 (PSU Population Research Center) Mar. 3: The city council Thursday approved a third platform to the radio tower on Roxy Ann Peak, now under construction (MMT) June 11: Jackson and Roosevelt elementary schools closed due to safety issues (549C Timeline) Aug. 7: Forest Service complex, NE corner Poplar & McAndrews, undergoing demolition for a new branch of RFCU (MMT) Dec. 24: Lawrence's II, Rogue Valley Mall location of Lawrence the Jeweler, closes (Lawrence's centennial history) 2008 Medford's population is estimated at 76,850 (PSU Population Research Center) Jan. 18: Richard Jarel's metal kinetic sculpture, titled "Salmon Flight," will be presented at 4 p.m. at the fountain near City Hall (MMT) May 9: U.S. Cellular Community Park holds its grand opening celebration (invitation) May 30: The Bear Creek Greenway is now passable from Ashland to Central Point (MMT) July 2: Oak Grove School's 80-year-old gymnasium was demolished yesterday (MMT) July 18: Fire destroyed Mr. Thom’s South Stage Road home and hairstyling complex (MMT) Aug. 15: "Crews began razing the oldest parts of Medford's Jackson and Roosevelt schools Thursday" (MMT) Aug. 23: Southern Oregon Sales announces it will cease operation at end of season; operation is for sale (MMT) Sept. 19: Jefferson Nature Center, at the U.S. Cellular sports park, will hold its "debut open house" tomorrow (MMT) Sept. 24: Intermodal Greyhound Terminal, 220 N Front, dedicated (invitation) Oct. 1: "Greyhound moved Oct. 1 from the Bartlett station to a new building at 220 N Front St" (MMT 10/24/2008) Oct. 11: City administrative offices move today to the former Microvellum offices at 451 W Sixth (MMT) Oct. 20: ACCESS and Shelter Resources host open house for Conifer Gardens, senior affordable housing at 700 Royal Ave (invitation) Oct. 24: Asbestos removal under way at Greyhound bus garage, NW corner 4th & Apple; it "soon will be demolished" (MMT) Oct. 28: Fruit processor Sabroso Co. became a wholly owned subsidiary of Tree Top Inc. last Friday (MMT) Nov. 15: The northbound exit of the new south I-5 interchange will open Monday night (MMT) Nov. 24: "The steel skeleton of South Medford High School's first building was erected last week" (MMT) Dec. 3: Groundbreaking for the new Jackson Elementary School was last week; Roosevelt's will be next week (MMT) Dec. 5: The 150-year-old Addison Ball house, 2440 S Voorhies Rd, burned early Thursday (MMT) Dec. 10: Selling farm equipment since 1946, Naumes Equipment will close; their motor sports concern will continue (MMT) Dec. 13: City Hall 2nd floor employees move temporarily to the Carnegie Library (Parks Dept. Quarterly Report Oct.-Dec. 2008) Dec. 19-20: Medford Police employees move temporarily to the Carnegie Library (Parks Dept. Quarterly Report Oct.-Dec. 2008) Dec. 29: Workers are putting the "finishing touches" on the new airport terminal; "officially begins operation on Jan. 11" (MMT) 2009 Medford's population is estimated at 77,240 (PSU Population Research Center) Jan. 3: Grand opening ceremony for the new Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport Terminal (invitation) Jan. 10: Ribbon cutting for the new gymnasium and remodeled Santo Community Center (invitation) Jan. 10: After nine years at the Rogue Valley Mall, Siskiyou Artisans Gallery will close Jan. 31, a victim of the recession (MMT) Jan. 26: The new I-5 southbound on-ramp at Garfield Street opens this morning (MMT) Feb. 11: Bartlett Street Books plans to close in mid-March after nearly 40 years in business (MMT) Feb. 20: Western States Insurance has signed a five-year lease for Cuthbert Bldg. space; plans to move in by May 1 (MMT) Mar. 8: Boise Cascade will close its White City mill Friday; purchased it in 1979 from Olson Lawyer Lumber (MMT) Mar. 13: Founded in 1913, the Fruit Growers League has disbanded due to changes in the industry and tough economic times (MMT) April: Black Oak Pharmacy moves to the Siskiyou Medical Building at NE corner of RVMC (MMT 1/29/2009) Apr. 7: Three of the new I-5 south interchange's ramps are open and operating; the fourth in six weeks (MMT) Apr. 9: G.I. Joe's, renamed Joe's Sports, Outdoor & More in April 2007, goes into bankruptcy today; will liquidate all assets (MMT) May 23: Cross Creek Trading has acquired Southern Oregon Sales; will operate as a produce distributor (MMT) May 30: After 27 years at 323 E Main, Medford Interiors moves to 213 E Main; Art du Jour to make same move (MMT 5/23/2009) June 4: Black Oak Pharmacy has moved from the Black Oak Shopping Center to 2924 Siskiyou Blvd. (MMT) June 12: All ramps are open, "a project milestone" on the new south I-5 interchange (ODOT press release) June 19: Mayor Gary Wheeler unveils Bill Vielehr's sculpture "Three Rogue Columns" on the City Hall plaza July 14: South interchange will be fully functional Thursday; Barnett will close Friday for Bear Creek bridge replacement (MMT) Aug. 4: Demolition of the old airport terminal began yesterday; the control tower will be razed Wednesday (MMT) Aug. 11: The Barnett Road bridge over Bear Creek has been demolished; will be open again "sometime before Christmas" (MMT) Aug. 30: "The first batch of Medford city employees moved back Saturday into City Hall after an 11-month displacement" (MMT) Sept. 22: Yesterday's Deer Creek fire burned 600 acres on Roxy Ann Peak; no structures were reported damaged (MMT) Nov. 9: Grand opening of consolidated Jackson County Emergency Communications Center on Barnett Road (invitation) 2010 Jan. 10: Effective today all Southern Oregon calls must be placed by dialing 10 digits, including the area code Jan. 13: The new Barnett Road bridge over Bear Creek "opened at 5:15 a.m. [yesterday] after six months of reconstruction" (MMT) Feb. 9: After a four-year decline in revenues, Harry & David Holdings ended Bill William's 21-year tenure as CEO (MMT) Feb. 10: Numbers with the 458 area code begin being assigned to Southern Oregon users Mar. 2: Joseph Winans Furniture, which bought Weeks & Orr in 1894, will "reopen for its final sale starting Thursday" (MMT) Mar. 24: After 10 months of preparation, custom-crush winery Pallet Wine, 340 N Fir, corked its first bottles Tuesday (MMT) May 27: John Skinner announced yesterday the sale of his Cadillac and Buick franchises, ending his family's 89-year run with GMC (MMT) May 28: Pedestrian bridge over Barnett, last link in the Bear Creek Greenway, was placed yesterday; should be open in September (MMT) June 12: A time capsule will be buried to mark Friday's last day of classes at the 1931 South Medford High School campus (MMT) June 18: Opportunity High School will be renamed Central Medford and occupy a portion of the old South High campus (MMT) July 1: Emergency Communications of Southern Oregon officially consolidates county 911 and police dispatch services July 11: Joseph Winans Furniture closes its doors at 6:00 p.m. today with the end of its final clearance sale July 31: Medford's two Liberty Bank branches closed Friday by federal regulators; bank is now owned by Home Federal Bank (MMT) Sept. 12: The "Bridge Over Barnett" is officially opened, with ribbon-cuttings on north and south ends of the bridge (invitation) Dec. 10: Construction has begun on a 60-bed jail expansion; Jackson County sheriff's headquarters will move to Crater Lake Ave. (MMT) Dec. 11: Three historical markers were unveiled in Vogel Plaza at tonight's Winter Lights tree-lighting Christmas observance Dec. 15: The traffic signal at Hwy. 62 and Owen Drive will be turned on tonight; "Cardinal and Hwy. 62 will shut off" (MMT) 2011 Feb. 18: Harry & David announces appointment of Kay Hong as interim CEO; former CEO Steven J. Heyer will be chairman (MMT) Mar. 9: Quality Market, 1121 East Jackson Street, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection (MMT) Mar. 16: Full-day kindergarten will end at seven Medford low-income schools due to declining revenues and NCLB punishment (MMT) Mar. 29: Harry & David filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Monday (MMT) May 4: "A new Bed Bath & Beyond store opened quietly at Rogue Valley Mall early Tuesday afternoon" (MMT) June 25: The Bethel Assembly of God Church on West Main has been purchased by Jackson County and is being demolished (MMT) July 12: The South Gateway Taco Bell has been demolished; construction of a larger Taco Bell on the site is under way (MMT) July 19: "Police suspect a Medford father stabbed his wife and four children and set their house on fire Monday morning" (MMT) Aug. 8: The Medford Food Coop opened today without fanfare; the official grand opening will be August 13 Sept. 13: "After five and a half months under court protection, Harry & David is due to exit Chapter 11 today" (MMT) Nov. 3: Maryland-based Sinclair Broadcast Group has acquired CBS affiliate KTVL from Freedom Communications (MMT) Nov. 5: "Coyote Trails School of Nature has taken over operation of the financially struggling Jefferson Nature Center" (MMT) Nov. 9: Construction is expected to begin this week on Northgate Centre, now rechristened Northgate Marketplace (MMT) Dec. 1: The Medford airport's cable-attached balloon fog seeder utilized for the first time today (press release) Dec. 16: The director of the Medford airport has withdrawn his application to put advertising on the airport's new control tower (MMT) Dec. 16: After 35 years, Jerry and Zellah Swartsley have turned over organization of the annual Pear Blossom Run to the YMCA (MMT) Dec. 21: The 1976 Holly Theater marquee has been removed; will be reinstalled at the Randall Theater on Third Street (MMT) Dec. 21: "Ground preparation and other site work has begun" for the Northgate Centre Marketplace (MMT) Dec. 22: County commissioners approve $26.5 million to remodel the Medford post office into a health and human services center (MMT) 2012 Feb. 7: GroundWorks Community Development, formerly the Rogue Valley Community Development Corp., has dissolved (MMT) Feb. 24: Postal Service announces plans to move its central office and regional processing sites to Dollar GMC site on S. Riverside (MMT) Mar. 16: City Councilman Jim Kuntz has resigned, citing health reasons (MMT) May 25: The Medford post office will open at 325 S. Riverside next Tuesday (MMT) May 26: LUBA has ruled the city "made serious mistakes in denying approval for a low-income housing complex on Spring Street" (MMT) July 25: The name of Rogue Valley Medical Center has been changed to Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center (MMT) Aug. 10: The Medford Walmart Supercenter will open Wednesday; Talent and north Medford Walmarts close next week (MMT) Aug. 16: The Walmart Supercenter opened yesterday (MMT) Aug. 24: Pacific Retirement Services is expected to fire seven board members of Rogue Valley Manor in a meeting today (MMT) Aug. 28: SOU and the JPR Foundation have hammered out a deal that gives SOU sole control over 22 radio stations (MMT) Aug. 31: The Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater has become The Collier Center for the Performing Arts (MMT) Sept. 7: The Coquille Indian tribe has bought Kim's Restaurant and Roxy Ann Lanes for a proposed casino (MMT) Oct. 19: The Heart of Medford Association unveils its new name and "brand" today: "Metro Medford" (MMT) Nov. 2: "A construction project adding 62 beds to the Jackson County Jail is under way and slated for completion in June 2013" (MMT) Nov. 14: "The West Coast League's 11th franchise name--Medford Rogues--was selected from a host of submissions" (MMT) Dec. 29: "Grange Co-op plans to move its corporate headquarters to Medford in June" (MMT) 2013 Mar. 19: "Medford Fire-Rescue Chief Dave Bierwiler, who abruptly announced his retirement Friday," won't disclose his reasons (MMT) Mar. 29: "PremierWest Bank is going away, and its branches will fold into AmericanWest Bank" (MMT) Apr. 26: Lynn Sjolund will retire this weekend after 40 years of leading the Rogue Valley Chorale (MMT Tempo) Oct. 10: The Jackson County Medical Alliance, founded in 1931, is disbanding (MMT) 2014 Feb. 6: Medford School District's teachers are on strike after stalled negotiations passed the 5:59 a.m. deadline today (MMT) Feb. 18: "The Medford Jazz Jubilee is changing its name to the Southern Oregon Music Festival" (MMT) Feb. 22: "The Medford School District and its teachers union reached a tentative agreement late Friday, ending a 16-day strike" (MMT) Mar. 7: Two Idaho fugitives were shot by Medford police yesterday at Hilton and Corona while being apprehended (MMT) May 20: District Judge Michael McShane yesterday overturned a 2004 amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage (MMT) May 21: Jackson County voters yesterday approved a GMO ban and tax districts to support the library system and Extension (MMT) Aug. 5: Mail Tribune first appears under "new dress" redesign--no longer laid out locally Sept. 22: "The City Council has named the pedestrian 'Bridge Over Barnett' after former council member Al Densmore" (MMT) Key:
For information about
buildings mentioned, click here. (1)
Until shortly before this move Western Thrift had two stores, one of
which was
“under the big clock” on the NE corner Main
& Central *For more complete names of persons identified by initials, see the Index. |