Streets Refer also to the pages on County
Roads, Paving.
and Sidewalks.
"In winter it was nothing for the axle of the wagon to touch the mud most of the time while driving." Mary O. Carey, "Talent Pioneer Saw First Mail Sack Delivered," Medford Mail Tribune, June 4, 1934, page C6 ![]() South Holly Street, looking north from Tenth, 1910. Note the wandering wagon track. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, July 31, 1885, page 3 Bids for Graveling
the Medford Road
It is Ordered that the Clerk cause bids to be advertised for as follows.
For the Graveling [of] Eighty Rods of the Public Road leading from Jacksonville to Medford, beginning where Said road enters the lands of John R. Tice on the west boundary thereof, the graveling to be placed in the Center of the road and the road to be built as follows--A ridge of Earth 10 inches high to be plowed on each Side of the proposed graveling having Twelve feet Space from ridge to ridge and having a gutter on the out side of each ridge--the twelve feet Space between Said Ridges is to be filled with coarse Gravel taken from the Thomas field adjoining Said road to the full height of the ridges and the road to be Crowning in the Center, the whole work to be done to the satisfaction of the County Court, and upon acceptance by Said County the Contract price to be paid in County Warrants to be let at Decr. Term 1885 of Said County. Jackson County Commissioners' Journals, November 6, 1885 The Mail advocates the numbering of the houses on the different streets of the town in metropolitan style. It would be a good idea to do so, as it would cost but a trifle, and any locality is easily identified by this method. Water is standing deep in the many potholes about town, and unless they are filled up in the early spring much sickness must necessarily follow therefrom. The authorities should not overlook this matter when the proper time comes. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1890, page 3 Walks across Seventh Street, from the Grand Central to Brous' saloon, and from Goldsmith's store to the bank, were built last week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1891, page 2 Some gravel has been distributed along Main Street, thus covering up a good deal of mud and improving the appearance of the street wonderfully. This is done by business men and shows a good deal of enterprise. The new council might take the initiative and set the ball rolling in their favor by carrying on this good work on the principal streets of the town. "Local News," Medford Mail, January 21, 1892, page 2 A number of the business men of Medford have put a quantity of gravel upon the mud on our streets, much to the improvement of the same. The council should lose no time in putting a layer of gravel over the entire surface of those streets from end to end. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1892, page 3 The proposed new cobblestone gutters will make a vast improvement in the condition of our streets, to say nothing of the addition of a coat of sand and gravel as contemplated by our city fathers. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 30, 1892, page 2 Seventh Street became quite muddy since the rains began, but the gravel which has been dumped upon it has placed it in good condition again. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 21, 1892, page 2 ![]() An 1890s road equipment catalog. ![]() "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 3 It is quite noticeable that many noxious weeds are growing about our streets. The city council would do the city a kindness by issuing an ordinance compelling property owners to destroy all weeds growing in front of their places of business or residence. As a matter of pride we ought to destroy them without any compulsion on the part of the council. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 14, 1893, page 3 A little street graveling has been going on this week on West Seventh Street, between the Clarenden and railroad track. Approaches to several crosswalks have also been graded. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 22, 1893, page 3
The street grading on South C still continues and is an improvement
worthy of note.
"Tob" Brous came near being a cripple, for a few months at least, last Saturday. In some way he got mixed up in Strobridge's heavy dray, which by the way had on a heavy load, and two wheels passed over his limbs, near the ankle and above the knee. Fortunately for "Tob," the mud was deep in the street where the accident occurred, or both limbs would have been broken. Dr. Jones dressed the bruised members, and the patient was about as usual Monday, slightly disabled but still on the turf. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, December 15, 1893, page 3 A city with as many fine buildings as Medford has, with as muddy streets as Main Street is between the hotel and the depot, has about the same effect on the mind of a stranger as a fine mansion surrounded by a rail fence. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 22, 1894, page 2 Those stone crossings which were put in last fall are proving to be quite the right article in the right place. They are settling to a good solid foundation and will outlast a dozen plank crossings. The health officer's attention is called to the condition of the gutters on Seventh Street. They ought to be flushed and generally cleansed of some of the now noticeable malaria germs. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, March 2, 1894, page 3 Will Grade and Gravel C Street The city council are making ready to improve South C Street by grading and graveling the same. Monday surveyor Howard established the grade south to Thirteenth Street. A new stone culvert is also to be put in at the corner of C and Eighth streets--see notice asking for bids elsewhere. New water sluices are also being put in at the several street crossings. Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 3 The Howl Is Here, All Right. We said a few weeks ago that there would be a howl coming from residents of South C Street unless certain portions of that street were graded. That bowl is howling sure enough, but it is not the one we expected. Instead of the people complaining of insufficient improvements they are complaining of too much of the alleged good article. A little improvement is all good enough, but too much of it is just a little worse than not enough. Some of the people owning property on this street are compelled to fill the street to the extent of five feet while others, in order to reach the established grade, will have to go something like three feet below the present level of the street. This will, of course, make a better-looking street, but it will work a hardship upon some of the property owners. The highest fill will be in front of Messrs. Slinger's and Brook's property and will be five feet. Dr. Pryce will have a three-foot fill. The deepest cut will be three feet and will be between druggist Strang's and H. U. Lumsden's property. "News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3 Commissioner Brandenburg:--"We have finished graveling the street west from the S.P. depot to I. M. Harvey's place [i.e., West Main]. We are now at work hauling gravel with six teams to the road and street leading out of the city toward Phoenix [i.e., South Riverside]. We will gravel to a point 300 yards south of the Earhart place--that being the south line of this district [at Barnett Avenue]. I had six shovelers engaged who agreed to show up Tuesday morning--only two of them were on hand. Yes, my temper was ruffled slightly." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 2 Street Commissioner Brandenburg:--"I finished putting about seven hundred loads of gravel on the Earhart road this week and am now graveling the street corners on South C Street. I have nearly a full crew of farmers this week, and they are doing good work. Yes, the gravel is a little coarse, but it is the best I can get this year. After it gets thoroughly packed there ought to be a coat of finer gravel put on." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, May 11, 1894, page 3 J. Tressler has his contract of grading and graveling that portion of C Street in front of Mrs. Stanley's bank property completed. He has also finished putting down an eight-foot sidewalk in front of the same property. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 8, 1894, page 3 That the graveling of South C Street isn't heating any journals in its progressive strides. That a number of the West end residents, on Sixth Street, are anxious that that particular portion of the street should be graded. They want to shoot the surplus water from the extreme west end to the water ditch, near Mr. Woodford's place, and it can't be "did" unless the street is graded. "We Hear It Said," Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 2 Street grading is quite the caper these fine days, and a good bit of it is being done. "News of
the City," Medford
Mail, February 21, 1896, page 5
The street grade was this week established on Sixth Street, from the Rogue River Valley depot to Mrs. Isaacs' residence. This street has not been ordered graded, but as some were desirous of grading is the whyforness of the grade being established. Mr. Brandenburg and Geo. Howard will grade at once. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 3
Medford Mail, May 22, 1896, page 5 Frank Wait commenced hauling stone Tuesday for the three new crosswalks to be put in on Seventh Street. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 11, 1896, page 7 Several of our merchants are having the mud hauled away from the street in front of their respective business houses--a good example, well set and should be well followed. Workmen who are removing the mud from Seventh Street state that there is [a] good three inches of mud overlaying the gravel, all of which has been brought in by farmers' horses and wagons, but the merchants have no kick at the farmers--they would like to be carting away six inches of mud instead of three. "News of the City," Medford Mail, January 15, 1897, page 7 Street Commissioner Bert Booker was engaged this week in putting in a bridge across the water ditch, near the Bradbury planing mill. He has also been putting in numerous culverts about the city. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 16, 1900, page 2 Charlie Pheister is having cut rock hauled from Griffin Creek for street crossings in Medford. There will be four put in, two across C Street, at its intersection with Sixth and Seventh streets, one on West Seventh Street, near Mrs. Palm's millinery store, and one on A Street at its intersection with East Seventh. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 16, 1900, page 7 The work of grading H Street, north from Seventh, was commenced last week. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, March 30, 1900, page 6 ![]() February 27, 1955 Medford Mail Tribune "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 1, 1900, page 7 Drayman Slover has his sprinkling tank nearly completed, and within a few days he will be in readiness to do business with our streets. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 22, 1900, page 7 Street Commissioner Hooker has had teams at work this week grading North F Street, between Sixth and Seventh. The surplus dirt is being hauled onto Seventh Street, where stood the old depot, and some of it is used in grading a sidewalk from the Southern Pacific track west to the Palm property. The street sprinkler is at work--and the work it is doing is all right--and appreciated, in addition to the weekly tax upon some of our business men. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 29, 1900, page 7 H. G. Shearer:--"Where's the street sprinkler? Was that what you asked? Well, it's been retired for the season. Some of the patrons pulled off from the list of contributors, and we just naturally pulled the sprinkler off. The streets won't need sprinkling any more this fall anyhow, and we figured it would be an act of charity to the contributors to quit. It's a big job, this street sprinkling, and requires a great amount of time." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, October 5, 1900, page 7 A new street crossing was put in this week near Mr. Palm's place; also other street improvements were made by the city authorities. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1900, page 3 Street Commissioner Hooker has finished re-planking the Bear Creek bridge and now has a full force of men and teams grading North D and F streets. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 30, 1900, page 7 That's a fine job of street grading and graveling which Street Commissioner Hooker did along the railroad company's right-of-way, but my land! it was expensive--and the town has it to pay--when the council and taxpayers thought all along that the company was doing it. T. W. Johnson is engaged in putting a new fence around cashier Enyart's new residence. Mr. Enyart has had his grounds graded, also the street and sidewalks surrounding his place graded and graveled--all of which improves the appearance very much. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 7, 1900, page 7 THE TOWN OF MEDFORD AND ITS
citizens and taxpayers are very much dissatisfied over the proceedings
of the street committee in ordering the grading of F and D streets
along the railroad company's lands. Especially indignant are these same
taxpayers because of the part Mayor Howser took in the matter.
As a prologue to the matter in hand we will say that, by order of the street committee, Commissioner Hooker graded and graveled D and F streets from Seventh to Fourth streets, along the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's right-of-way, and sent a bill amount to to $670.87 for the work so performed to the company for payment. The company refused to pay the bill upon the grounds that it had not ordered the work. It appears that a few weeks ago Mayor Howser visited Portland and while there had a conversation with Mr. Koehler, manager for the railroad company, regarding this work of street grading. Upon his (Howser's) return to Medford he is alleged to have reported to the street committee that Mr. Koehler had agreed to the street grading proposition and that he would pay the bill. The streets were graded and the bill send to Mr. Koehler. It was returned to the street commissioner, and the following letter accompanied it:
Ore., Dec. 15, 1900.
The work,
as above stated,
amounted to $670.87. This was the cash price to be paid for it by the
railroad company, but as the company refused payment town warrants were
ordered issued at a meeting of the board held Wednesday evening of this
week, and the amount was increased 10 percent--to meet the reduced
market value of town warrants, which is ninety cents. Thus it can be
figured that the amount which this work has cost the town is $737.95.MR. J. D. HOOKER, Street Commissioner, Medford, Oregon, Dear Sir:--Roadmaster Donnell has sent to the office of the resident engineer the enclosed bill which I return herewith. I will refrain from commenting upon the items of this bill, the amount of which I consider very much in excess of the value of the work. I beg to say, however, that there is no understanding between this company and anyone in regard to this matter, and I must, therefore, refuse to approve this bill for payment. Mayor Howser, in his last visit, told me that a certain amount of work, plowing, would be done by the city forces, at the expense of the city, on F Street, between Seventh and Fourth streets. Nothing was said about D Street. He also told me that it was expected the adjoining property holders would then do the grading, or it could be done for them by the city, and I then stated to him that while we were not legally assessable, I would not be unwilling to contribute a small amount towards the cost of grading F Street between limits mentioned; but I must respectfully refuse to entertain any proposition like the one expressed in the closed bill. Yours truly, R. KOEHLER, Manager. By comparing Mr. Howser's statement with Mr. Koehler's letter it can be easily seen that someone has made statements not true. The street committee is being criticized because that they acted upon the authority of Mr. Howser and did not secure a written agreement from Mr. Koehler before commencing the work. Medford Mail, December 21, 1900, page 2 Mayor Howser tells The Mail that the street committee, in ordering the grading of D and F streets, along the railroad right-of-way, acted in accordance with an ordinance passed by the council over a year ago. Mr. Howser further stated that the railroad company would be compelled to pay for the grading. The Mail hopes Mr. Howser is correct as regards the payment by the company, and if he will collect the amount paid out for this work by the town, these columns will tell of his success in larger type than was used last week in telling of his failure in negotiating with the company. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 28, 1900, page 7 Street Commissioner Brandenburg has a number of men engaged this week in putting in underground box culverts, and otherwise repairing the street and sidewalks on Seventh Street, near the depot. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 7 Street Commissioner Brandenburg is engaged this week in doing street patching. The continued wet weather has made some of our streets holy terrors to travel, but this bright sunshine is fixin' 'em plenty good. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 6 The street sprinkler was started Monday morning--and it was none too soon, as there was more than a plenty dust gyrating about the city. This street sprinkling is paid for by subscriptions from the business men of the city--the majority of them agreeing to pay a stipulated amount each week. It is a genuinely good investment when the work of sprinkling is properly attended to, but there were times last summer when the streets were neglected to some extent. The man who drives the sprinkler should remember that pretty nearly every business man in the city is interested in having this work well done, and even though there be a rush of other work for the sprinkler teams the wetting of the streets have the preference over all else--in that the interest of the whole cannot be turned down for the convenience of individuals. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 7 Some means ought to be adopted, either by the city or the railroad company, to do away with the necessity of incoming passengers from the southbound trains being obliged to step off the cars into the mud of the street crossing near the depot. The train stops, almost invariably, at a point where passengers alighting from the car or in getting aboard are compelled to wade in mud for about two rods. This could be obviated by putting down a plank crossing between the main line and the east side track, or the train could be pulled a car length further south before the stop is made. This mud is not only deucedly unpleasant to walk in but it tends not to the good of our town in the minds of strangers who visit us. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 4, 1901, page 7 The enterprising property owners on West I Street have teams and men at work grading the street in front of their respective properties. Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 1 If the draymen of the city who have previously handled the street sprinkler want to keep in good favor with the merchants of the city, they will at once get around with their little wagon and proceed to make mud of some of the dust now flying about the streets. Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 3 The work of street cleaning has been inaugurated by several of our enterprising property owners. The cutting of grass and weeds from the street sides enhances the appearance of the city to a great extent--and it don't cost much. If every property owner would expend either a little money or muscle in this manner on many of the streets which now present an appearance not as clean and tasteful as could be wished, there would be a great transformation, and the city people as a whole would rejoice thereat. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 7 Street Improvements.
Street commissioner J. Brandenburg has
been doing some good work this spring on the streets and roads in this
district, and he has no small job, for his district is two miles
square, and in addition to having about twelve miles of streets to look
after, he has nine miles of road to improve and keep in repair. He has
done considerable grading and graveling on the main thoroughfares this
spring and has most of them in very good shape, but he will do no more
graveling until fall, as the gravel, now being dry, will not pack. As
part of the improvements that he has made he has put in this spring
over 1200 feet of culverts, using in their construction iron, tiling or
stone as the size and location required.Mr. Brandenburg is now superintending the putting in of stone crosswalks on the line of the south sidewalk on Seventh Street across D Street, between the depot and the Nash Hotel; a second across F Street between Orr's grocery and the depot grounds, and the third across the alley between the Medford Book Store and the Central Meat Market. They are each to be six feet in width. The one between the depot and the Nash Hotel is to be of Jacksonville granite, while the other two are to be of Griffin Creek sandstone. The granite walk, which is being put in by the Oregon Granite Company, of this city, is the first of that kind of rock to be used for street crossings in Medford. This granite is considered by experts to be of the best quality in the United States. It is remarkably free from flaws and seams and has a firm, even texture of great hardness and having a good cleavage can be worked into any size block or slab that may be required. The sandstone walks are being put in by Chas. Pheister. This sandstone is very hard and easily worked, and all the crosswalks heretofore put down in Medford have been of this rock. Medford Mail, June 20, 1902, page 2 Many of our enterprising business men have been having the streets cleaned in front of their places of business this week. It's a commendable act and one which all might emulate and the city's general appearance profit thereby. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, September 19, 1902, page 6 The street cleaners were out in full force Monday, and all of Seventh Street was swept clean of dust and debris. This was a good job--and it was well done. It is to be regretted, however, that this spirit of cleanliness did not extend beyond the streets and onto the sidewalks. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 24, 1902, page 7 For the first time since the vagrancy ordinance was passed the chain gang was in evidence on the streets of Medford on Monday. Six professional tourists were gathered in Sunday evening by Chief Howard at a camp fire they had built below the Southern Pacific water tank, and on Monday morning were sentenced to five days at hard labor on the streets. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 26, 1902, page 7 Another proposition under consideration is the grading of J Street from Seventh Street to Fourth Street. This will be a great deal of work, as the street is a very uneven one, but anyone would but need to look at the street in its present condition of mud puddles and high knolls to say at once that the only thing to be done for the health and convenience of people living in that vicinity was the grading of that street. A new culvert has recently been placed at the intersection of Fifth and C streets, which will prove a great benefit to that part of the city. "Local News Notes," Medford Success, February 10, 1903, page 2 The rock crusher, recently purchased by the county, has been put to work on the edge of the desert, to the north of that sticky strip of road east and north of Medford. Some few years ago a rock road was built for a distance of fully a mile and a half out that way, but it has never been used because of the fact that it was too rough to drive over. It is the intention now to cover this piece of road with crushed rock--which ought to make this one of the best thoroughfares in the county. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 5, 1903, page 6 Street Commissioner Brandenburg was at work last week raising several of the crosswalks. This was done for the purpose of lessening the amount of mud which is quite liable to gather thereon during the winter months. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 4, 1904, page 5 A. C. Allen:--"There is a place on the Medford-Jacksonville road, just opposite my home, which is likely to be the cause of trouble. The road has been thrown up in the center here and a culvert put in to let the surplus water through. The culvert does not project beyond the grade and at either end is a ditch at least two and a half feet deep. The point is this. Should someone not acquainted with the road accidentally drive off the grade some dark night, either in passing some other team or from some other cause, there would be a serious accident, resulting in either the crippling of a team or the occupants of the vehicle, or both. The place is not safe, and anyone injured would have cause of action against the county for damages. Besides this the culvert is not filled up level with the grade, and the depression causes a jolt which might cause a broken king bolt in a rapidly driving vehicle, a second source of danger." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, August 11, 1905, page 1 The street committee was ordered to investigate and report upon the proposition of naming streets and numbering houses. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, October 13, 1905, page 4 Ex-Commissioner Riley:--"We Big Sticky people can come to town now any time we want to, on account of the way the county constructed the road last year through one of the worst stretches of ground in Southern Oregon. Formerly it was an absolute impossibility to pull through that sticky lane at certain seasons of the year, and there have been more wagons and good resolutions broken along that line of road than anywhere in Southern Oregon. Now, however, after Roadmaster True and his men have made a roadbed of crushed rock and packed it solid with that big fifty-ton roller it's a pleasure to drive over the road, especially to some of us oldtimers, who can point out places wherein former days we got "stuck" and were either compelled to unload or abandon our vehicles entirely. There's nothing like good roads, and the people are getting educated up to the idea. Within five years Jackson County will have some of the best roads in the state if the present policy is kept up. The court was criticized somewhat when it purchased the road machinery, but you hear very little of that now." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, February 21, 1906, page 1 A Farmer:--"Apropos of the matter of good roads, I don't believe it would be a bad idea if the streets of Medford which are traveled most are taken care of during the coming season. Try driving over any of the four main thoroughfares leading out of the city and you will find them full of holes and bumps, where the top dressing, if there ever was any, has been worn down to the larger stones beneath. It is just as bad in the summer, only dust takes the place of mud. Now, I want you to understand that I am not making a kick against any person or policy, I understand the difficulties which the city has labored under heretofore, but it seems to me that right now is a good time to take up the matter of building permanent streets in the city. A patch here and a patch there won't do. Take a hint from the work of the county on roads during the past year. Take a section of a certain street and build a permanent, solid street on that section. If you have any money left, build another section. That part is done then, and you can build more sections. You will be surprised to find how soon you will be able to have good streets, where there were none before, and how much more money you can put into new ones each year, because you won't have to expend it all for repairs. The material for making good roads is right at hand, it only wants to be intelligently and practically applied. For years the Big Sticky land was synonymous with broken wagons, balked horses and profanity, now it's one of the best roads connecting Medford with the country districts, and this result was accomplished by labor and material intelligently applied." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 2, 1906, page 5 Street Commissioner King is having the streets cleaned this week--and, best of all, he is having the alleys cleaned. Good, clean streets are pleasant to look upon, and to drive upon, but much of the pride which our townspeople might take in this connection would go below the zero mark if the alleys are left in an unsightly condition. In this connection The Mail is going to say that the means adopted by the street committee in cleaning the streets heretofore could, and ought to be, improved upon. Heretofore, and right now for that matter, the renters on the business streets have been and are compelled to clean the street in front of their respective business places. It is hardly fair to ask them to do this, neither is it pleasant. As the work is required to be done within a given time laborers cannot always be secured, and as a result either the merchant or some of his salesmen are compelled to get out with a shovel and hoe and perform the work. A salesman at a goods counter or soda fountain is not usually equipped for street cleaning work. This work should come in with the other duties of the street commissioner and should be paid for out of the road fund. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 30, 1906, page 5 G. W. Stevens was circulating a good roads subscription paper in Medford Wednesday, and within a very short time over $100 was subscribed. The road improvements asked for are to be placed between Thos. Riley's place and the Bradshaw ranch, a distance of about three and a half miles. Before coming to Medford he secured subscriptions to the amount of $345 among the farmers living in the neighborhood of the proposed improvements. The roads are sticky, and they want them covered with crushed rock. It is expected that the county will help materially in this work. Arthur Wells has started the street sprinkler again. He secured a longer list of patrons this year than last, and is promising to give us good service. He did the job well last season, and if he does as well, or better, this season all patrons will be satisfied. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 30, 1906, page 8 ![]() A Portland street, October 17, 1906 Morning Oregonian W. S. King:--"No one realizes more than I do the awful condition the streets are in, but I am doing everything possible to better them. Teams and men are now at work hauling away the mud, and I will keep this work going until the worst of it is removed. There has been so much building done on the principal streets this fall that it has been next to impossible to keep them in any kind of shape. Then again there is a great deal more traffic on the streets now than ever before. The council has directed me to hire more help, and I shall do everything possible to put the streets and crossings in at least passable condition. All Oregon towns have the same trouble Medford is now having every winter. Eugene people are always complaining of their streets and crossings--and they are always muddy. Why don't Medford pave her streets? Tell me, will you? Why don't Eugene pave her streets?'' "Things Told on the Street," Medford Mail, December 14, 1906, page 1 Street commissioner W. S. King did a good job Sunday when he and an able corps of workmen, who were not afraid of either water or mud, gave Seventh and C Streets a good washing. It may not have been quite the right thing to do on Sunday, but could hardly have been done on a week day because of the great amount of traffic on this street. A little of the work had to be finished Monday morning, and it was a difficult task after traffic had gotten fairly well started. It is a great satisfaction to again be able to travel over the crosswalks and not wade in mud to near one's shoe tops and be spattered with mud from passing teams. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 21, 1906, page 5 Now that the roads are drying up in consequence of the several days of sunshine, many of Medford's residents are again obtaining fuel from the coal mines. This will greatly relieve the fuel shortage and have a tendency to prevent the rocket-like rise of wood when the next storm comes. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 22, 1907, page 5 While Portland and the cities up the state are complaining of having too much wet weather, here in Medford the dust is very much in evidence, and Joe Scott is already out with the sprinkler, laying the surplus realty which is inclined to change hands without due notice. "Additional
Local," Medford Mail,
April 19, 1907, page 8
In Medford there is wrath against the vacation of streets many years ago by the city council for the benefit of the Oregon & California Railroad. Says the Medford Tribune: "Some time in the long ago, when the Silurian held absolute sway in this city and the blighting breath of despair had stilled the fire of ambition in the breasts of the few 'live ones' remaining, the city council, out of the abundance of its ignorance and stupidity, gave to the Southern Pacific Company its official sanction to the closing of every street crossing, except three, within the city limits. Large, white posts flank the railway tracks where the street crossings should be, mute monuments to the stupid shortsightedness of the men who sold the city's birthright for a mess of pottage. But further comment on this point is useless. The evil has been done, and the question now is how shall it be undone? The city council had no legal right to give away city streets dedicated to public use under a reversion clause, and if this has been done the present council should take steps to annul the legal acts under which the city streets were closed. It would be well at the same time to see that the existing crossings are kept in better condition." "Caution in Granting Franchises," Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 1, 1907, page 8 The Medford people, also the people living east of Medford, have for years dodged what was known as the "sticky lane" in winter, when going to and from this city, but this year, no matter what the amount of moisture at all there need be no doubt in the minds of travelers toward Medford but that they will be able to reach their destination. The road from the McAndrew place across the black lands has been graded up, covered with crushed rock and is now being treated with a coat of sand, which will ultimately make it one of the best winter roads in this part of the state. The foundation for this was laid several years ago when part of the road was covered with rough rock. There wasn't money available to continue the work projected, and the "grading of the sticky lane" was regarded as a "joke." However, the foundation for a real road was laid there and now the road has been built on top of it, so that no fear of the "sticky lane" need deter anyone from taking the straight road to Medford. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 25, 1907, page 5 W. J. D. Anderson--"The much-dreaded Big Sticky lane is now practically a thing of the past, thanks to the intelligent road-building that has been going on in that section. Time was, and not such a long time ago either, that anyone starting through that lane in wet weather, be he afoot, horseback or in a wagon, had no assurance that he would be able to traverse that stretch of road. Now he need have no misgiving about getting through. The road isn't as smooth as a floor by any means, but it is solid as a rule, especially where the crushed rock has been used as a covering to larger rock beneath. In these portions the road is perfectly solid and smooth, the crushed rock seeming to form a firm cement-like surface impervious to moisture above or below. Those portions which have been treated with river gravel are not so good, the gravel not packing so closely and the road being more or less muddy and rough, but even it is a great improvement over what it was a few years ago." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 27, 1907, page 5 Rename Medford Streets.
Or., April 20.--(Special.)--Medford's streets, which were originally
named from the letters of the alphabet, will now be known by
horticultural names. The list, which may be corrected before adoption,
now reads: Riverside, Apple, Bartlett, Central Avenue, D'Anjou,
Evergreen, Fir, Grape, Holly, Ivy, King, Oakdale Avenue, Laurel,
Mistletoe, Newtown, Orange, Peach, Quince and Rose. The east side
streets are to be known as Walnut, Almond, Blossom, Cherry and
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 21, 1908, page 8 THE STREETS ARE RENAMED
Pursuant with the instructions given them by the city council at the
last meeting of that body, the street committee met on Saturday
afternoon with a committee of the ladies of the Greater Medford Club
and selected names for the streets of this city to take the place of
the letter of the alphabet by which a part of the streets are known at
present. Horticultural names were followed as far as possible. Nearly
all of the streets known at present by a letter of the alphabet were
given new names; however, the names were not definitely settled upon
and will not be until after a second meeting of the committee with the
ladies of the club.In naming the streets after fruit trees the committee believes that they are taking a step that will add to the attractiveness of the city. Many large cities have streets named in such a manner, though as far as can be learned the names of fruit trees have not heretofore been used exclusively. In San Diego especially is such an arrangement carried out; all of the streets there are named after trees, the first letter of the names running in an alphabetical order. By naming the streets of Medford as far as possible after fruit trees, the names call attention at once to the fruit industry of the valley. Wherever it was impossible to find a fruit tree to correspond with the letter that a street is known by at present, the name of some other tree was substituted. Mrs. W. I. Vawter presided at the meeting, and F. E. Merrick acted as secretary. Those present at the meeting were: Mesdames Vawter, McGowan, York, Page, Kentner and McCray. Messrs. Trowbridge, Merrick, Olwell, city engineer Osgood and city attorney Withington. The names of the streets as decided upon at the meeting were as follows: Riverside Avenue, Apple, Bartlett, Central Avenue, D'Anjou, Evergreen, Fir, Grape, Holly, Ivy, King, Oakdale Avenue, Laurel, Mistletoe, Newtown, Orange, Peach, Quince, Rose. East side: First street, Almond; second street, Walnut; county road, north, Roosevelt Avenue. North end: Blossom, Cherry, Manzanita. As soon as the committee decide upon the list of names the city council will in all probability pass an ordinance bestowing the names upon the streets. The move is a good one and will prove an added attraction to the city. Medford Mail, April 24, 1908, page 1
The steam roller which was recently purchased by the city council
arrived Sunday morning. The Buffalo Pitts Company have agreed to
furnish an engineer for two weeks to instruct a local man in the
running of the engine.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 22, 1908, page 5 A Splendid Road.
road built from Medford to the desert across "Big Sticky" last year is
a piece of work that should make the present county court famous and is
a monument to their ability as road builders. This fertile region has
been isolated heretofore on account of the impassable condition of the
roads in winter. There was no demand for real property abutting it.
This condition has now changed, and property values are much higher and
in great demand along the entire stretch of road. Medford has received
a great deal of trade that formerly went to Central Point because it
could not get to Medford in bad weather.
Medford Mail, May 29, 1908, page 3 "At that time [early 1909] the only paved street in Medford extended from Kentner's store at the corner now occupied by Luman Brothers to the old Washington School, where the courthouse stands now. At the end of the pavement near the school there was a large mudhole, and farmers coming to town in their wagons would often dump rocks into it so they could get over it." He recalled that when he bought the North Oakdale cottage a four-horse team and wagon were stuck in a mud puddle in front it. Going to the east side of town to look around to see whether he had made a poor buy, Mr. Getchell saw another four-horse team and wagon stuck in a mudhole just the other side of Bear Creek, he remembered. "Getchell Reviews 30 Years in City; Need Coast Road," Medford Mail Tribune, January 22, 1939, page 3 A STREET TILT.
Driver and Humanitarian Disagree Over Work of Team.
heavily loaded wagon with its wheels frozen in several inches of mud, a
willing team which was unable to extricate the wagon from its frozen
grip, a driver who overestimated the physical ability of his horses and
a young man who would not stand to see dumb brutes inhumanely fogged
furnished entertainment for the residents of [North] Oakdale Avenue,
near the German Lutheran Church, Thursday morning.
Two wagonloads of poles had been left standing overnight in the street. When the teams were rehitched the next morning the animals on the front outfit, though they pulled and strained as nobly as any pair of horses ever did, could not move the wagon from its tracks. The driver first used his whip sharply and then began beating the animals. Nearby three young men were working on a wire line. One of them suggested they give the outfit a "lift." It was agreed. But with their assistance the wagon could not be budged. Again the driver fell to beating his horses. "Why not put the other team on with yours?" interposed one of the linemen. "This team can pull this load out, and it's got to do it," responded the irate teamster, and whack! went a club over the poor animals' backs. "Hold on there! Don't you hit those horses another time!" commanded the lineman. As the driver stopped to survey the husky young man who had objected, the latter went back and unhitched the other span of horses from their wagon and hitched them onto the first outfit. Then the command was made to "get up," and the wagon was broken from its frozen fastenings. "Now, you just pull along with all four to where you are taking your load or I'll complain on you," said the electrician. The teamster sullenly did as he was ordered. In a few minutes the extra team was brought back for its wagon and yanked it along without difficulty. The linemen resumed their operations, amid the inward applause of all the witnesses. Medford Mail, February 5, 1909, page 3 Many of our streets and the drainage, or rather the lack of such, would be a disgrace in the Philippines. These conditions can be remedied only by persistent efforts made effective as funds are available for the work. City Engineer Thomas Osgood, "Annual Report of City Engineer," Medford Mail, February 12, 1909, page 1 KEEP TO THE RIGHT.
That Is Advice for Others Besides Owners of Automobiles.
There is almost always a mixup of teams and automobiles at the Main
Street railroad crossing when travel has been stopped for a few minutes
by passenger trains blocking the way.
Councilman Emerick suggested last night that all drivers of vehicles waiting to cross at these times line up on the right-hand side of the street. For instance, all vehicles moving west should line up on the Exhibition Building side, and those going east should line up on the side next to the express office. This would leave open space for each lineup to move when the train pulls out. The suggestion is a good one and ought to be carried out. Medford Mail weekly, July 9, 1909, page 1 LOCAL ROADS ARE SOURCE OF TROUBLE
Rig Drops into Mud Hole While Horse Continues Even Tenor [of] His Way
Tyson Beall has a kick coming on the roads leading
into Medford and not with[out] reason, either.
"The streets in the outskirts of town," said Mr. Beall, "are worse than many of the county roads, due, of course, to the extremely heavy traffic on these converging streets and roads. While coming in this morning with my brother we were driving along very comfortably when the buggy dropped into one of the many holes in the road. The horse, a 1600-pound animal, kept right on walking, but the rig stayed where it was. The horse simply walked out of the harness. Next year with the improvements projected it may be possible to get to the city from the outside, but just now it is a problem that requires careful driving and a good knowledge of the country to [be] traversed." Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1909, page 5 18 PERCENT OF MEDFORD STREETS ARE
City Engineer Compiles Figures Giving Total Amount of Paving in the City-- Sidewalks and Total Length of Streets Also in Report.
to figures compiled by City Engineer Foster for his annual report to
the city council, which is as yet incomplete, 18 percent of the streets
of Medford, or nearly one-fifth, have been paved, and the pavement
According to the report, Medford streets total 45.43 miles. Of this distance, 8.42 are paved, or 18 percent. Another eight miles have been ordered paved. The city now has 20.30 miles of cement sidewalks and 8.46 of board walks. In the city 1675 houses have been numbered. According to the report, the city has 157,024 square yards of pavement, which cost $377,615.08. Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1910, page 1 WORST STREET IS IN DARKNESS
NORTH CENTRAL WITH SUNKEN DITCH IMPERILS LIVES Four Autos Run into Death Trap and Have To Be Pulled Out with Teams-- Lights Scarce All Along.
one of the worst, and for vehicles the most dangerous, parts of the
city there are no lights. It is the unpaved section of North Central
from Court Street to the north limit of the city.
The section is all mud and mire and contains the sewer which was lain and the dirt thrown in loosely with flushing in. The dirt has sunk down from one to three feet, leaving a ditch where teams and autos are in the utmost peril. Within the past few weeks four autos have run into the ditch while trying to pass teams and have had to be pulled out with horses. It is one of the worst imaginable places in the daytime, but at night with no light for the entire length of the unpaved section which contains the sunken sewer ditch it is worse. Lights are very scarce along the paved portion of North Central, and there the sidewalks are torn up and in all manner of confusion. At street and alley crossings there are jumping-off places galore. The only safety for people in traveling night or day is to keep in the middle of the street and avoid the sidewalks. But when it is rainy there is a coating of mud all over the paving that makes that very uninviting and especially distressing for women. Medford Sun, January 3, 1911, page 1 NATURE AND W. P. BAKER AT WORK
mighty forces got busy last night, the eve of election, at cleaning the
much-talked-of filthy streets of Medford. One was nature, in the form
of a rainfall, and the other was Street Commissioner W. P. Baker. The
one was sort of omnipotent in its operations; the other confined his
activities to Main Street alone.
The doings of the former are so frequent that they need no description, but those of Mr. Baker are so much on the seldom order that a brief description would not be amiss, stating that he had the assistance of a couple of men and a nozzle and hose and worked into the middle of the night. In behalf of Mr. Baker The Sun will deny that his work on the particular day and date was done to influence the city election result, though if any one of the three candidates, save Mr. Canon, shall be defeated they will have a fight to attribute it to that as one of the causes. In behalf of Mr. Baker The Sun will also deny that he rushed the work through last night in fear of its constituting a violation of the corrupt practices act if left until today. It, in fact, is not done as a sort of electioneering, much as it may seem that way. Medford Sun, January 10, 1911, page 1 ALL STREETS BUT FOUR NOW DRAGGED
unpaved street in the city will have been subjected to treatment with a
"drag" by Wednesday night, if the present activities of Street
Commissioner Baker and his force of assistants are able to continue
their work.
The dragging was commenced about four weeks ago, and since that time all but four streets have been gone over with the exception of four, which will be finished up by tomorrow. Medford Mail Tribune, March 7, 1911, page 4 ![]() Sprinkling East Main--a paved street--to keep the dust down in 1910. ![]() A paved but filthy West Main in 1912. Many a municipality has a bad blot on its reputation because of the wretched condition of the thoroughfares leading thereto when timely work done with a road grader and drag would greatly improve their condition. In too many cases these same "rocky" roads are found in townships and towns whose road supervisors or street commissioners are drawing good salaries for taking care of the highways, while the equipment for keeping them in order is acquiring a coat of rust in some vacant lot or alley. Frank E. Trigg, Central Point, "Farm, Orchard and Garden," Evening Independent, Massillon, Ohio, April 22, 1910, page 11 ![]() Medford street crew, probably on the 500 block of South Grape, circa 1925. INSURANCE CO.S DEMAND OPENING OF
Mayor Alenderfer has just received a letter from the Oregon Insurance
Rating Bureau, James M. McCune, manager, which states in positive terms
that unless the City of Medford opens a new crossing over the Southern
Pacific tracks in addition to the present Main Street crossing, that
bureau will increase the insurance rates on all property in the city
west of the railroad tracks.
Mr. McCune's letter does not stipulate any time limit in making this threat, which fact causes some speculation as to whether a new crossing must be provided in a month, six months or a year. Nor does it state where a new crossing should be established. This letter is interesting in view of the fact that recently the Southern Pacific railroad management in conference with the city officials agreed to permit the city to establish the long talked-of crossing over Sixth Street only July 1st next, after the Natron Cutoff is in operation. While the railroad officials have not so stated, it is generally understood here that the change of heart of the railroad in permitting this new crossing to be established in this location, which proposition it had always fought heretofore, is that when the Natron Cutoff is operated all freight trains, either north- or southbound, except local freights, will not pass through Medford, but will be routed on the Natron Cutoff. The city officials presume that when the insurance rating bureau is informed that the Sixth Street crossing will be established shortly after July 1, that bureau will be satisfied and not put into effect the threatened raise in rates for the west side. Medford Mail Tribune, November 7,
1925, page 8
The work being done by city workmen under Fred Scheffel, city engineer,
in constructing the extension of West Sixth Street beyond Oakdale to
connect with West Main Street just east of the corner of Main and South
Newtown streets, which has been under way for some time past, is now
progressing so fast that this long talked-of and much discussed
improvement will be completed and in use inside of three weeks with
anything like favorable weather. The improvement will by that time have
cost the city between $6000 and $7000.
To better the entrance of the new extension into Main Street, the work of removing the two small dwellings at 704 and 804 on the north side of West Main Street was begun last week. These houses, which were some time ago purchased by the city, are being placed back over 100 feet to be permanently located on the north side of the new street extension. The extension, which will not be paved this year, but will be graveled, is expected to much relieve the heavy vehicle traffic on West Main Street from Oakdale Street to Newtown Street, when thrown open to traffic. After the extension is completed and put into use it is understood that the city government will make an attempt to induce the Southern Pacific railroad management to assist in opening lower Sixth Street by permitting the construction of a grade crossing over or under its tracks, in cooperation with the city. Medford Mail Tribune, September 12, 1926, page 3 ARK NEEDED ON WEST MAIN, WHO WILL
The folks living on the south side of West Main Street, from near the
end of that thoroughfare east to Laurel Street, continue to have a
terrible time because of the flood water running on that side of the
street from the curb to the street car tracks, every time it rains hard.
This not only prevents them from crossing the street, but also prevents the people living on the side streets south from crossing over without going way down to Laurel or Oakdale streets. The gutter stream, which ran all day yesterday, last night and much of today, has been officially christened the "Dammit" by the residents of West Main Street, and its cross streets in memory of a foreign country, which the ancestors of one of their families came from years ago, and which is often referred to in moments of emotional excitement by its male members. The rumor that spread about the city early today that Stanley Sherwood was drowned in the "Dammit" late last night, while trying to reach his home on West Main Street, proved to be false, having probably arisen through becoming confused with the fact that Colonel Thomson's tom cat, Crater, met death in this torrent. About midnight the cat walked out on the sidewalk in front of the house, about the same time that Chauncey Florey's dog, a few doors away, came out for a constitutional and, seeing Crater, made a dive for him. The surprised and excited cat, in his excitement, jumped off the sidewalk into the gutter, followed by the dog, and was swept along by the raging torrent into the storm sewer inlet at Laurel Street. The dog, being a water spaniel, was able to breast the swift torrent and finally swim to shore. A woman residing on South Orange Avenue, who had planned to call on a Rose Avenue woman on the north side of West Main Street, last evening phoned at 7 p.m. that she would be over "on the next boat." A. C. Gilbey, chief clerk at the Hotel Medford, in order to get home late last night, at 1018 West 10th Street, tried to cross West Main Street at the Summit Avenue crossing, stumbled and fell into the "Dammit," but being a good swimmer, managed to go along with the current, it is said, until the South Peach Street corner was reached, and crawl ashore to the sidewalk. Medford Mail Tribune, December 3, 1926, page 3 THREE MUD HOLES OF COUNTY BRING
The county court was informed this morning that there are a trio of mud
holes in Jackson County, which need fixing right away.
This caused County Commissioner George Alford to recall that he remembered when there were more mud holes than that on the main street of Medford, and the head of navigation to the westward was approximately where the Washington School now stands. Commissioner Alford said that there was a mud hole of considerable dimensions in front of where the Monarch Seed and Feed store is now located, and another opposite Charlie Strang's drug store. Commissioner Bursell corroborated his fellow official and declared these two were the best mud holes he had ever encountered or expected to. The mud hole adjacent to the Washington School, however, was a cousin to the Pacific Ocean, having breadth and depth. One spring a steer walked into the same and was never seen again. The modern mud holes called to the attention of the county court are puddles. One is located near the north city limits, another to the south, and the third on the north side of Rogue River between Grants Pass and Rogue River. "The Rogue River mud hole is terrible, by what I hear," said Commissioner Alford. "Some morning when it is frozen over we will go down and try to get across. They tell me it takes a long step to get across." Commissioner Alford harbors a supreme contempt for modern mud holes, and was aghast to learn that there were three in the county. He said that a census 20 years ago would have revealed at least 3000, and "everybody took them as they came." The three mud holes will be obliterated as soon as they can be filled up with gravel, the county court decided. The county court is desirous of eradicating the Rogue River mud hole at once, as reinforcing of the bridge at Rogue River will start soon, and travel to the Pacific Highway from the town of Rogue River will be suspended while the repairs are under way. Citizens of Rogue River recently requested that the road to Grants Pass (the Old Stage Road) be repaired. It gives the residence of that district a shorter outlet to Grants Pass and also enables them to avoid the traffic on the Pacific Highway. Medford Mail Tribune, February
13, 1929, page 5
Medford Mail Tribune, March
7, 1911, page 4
Every unpaved street in Medford will have
been subjected to treatment with a "drag" by Wednesday night, if the
present activities of Street Commissioner Baker and his force of
assistants are able to continue their work.
The dragging was commenced about four weeks ago, and since that time all but four streets have been gone over with the exception of four, which will be finished up by tomorrow.
Bids for the new Bear Creek bridge at the Main Street crossing of that
stream in Medford will be opened in the county court at 10 o'clock on
the morning of August 28. An order for the new structure was made in
the court Wednesday afternoon. All obstacles to the building of the
bridge have been removed, the last being removed by the purchase of the
portion of the proposed approach which was privately held by Mr.
Williamson and Fred Page. This property has been deeded to the city.At Main St. Crossing of Bear Creek. Cost $30,000. Wednesday was the latest date at which the bridge matter could have been determined by the county court to make certain the construction of the bridge this season. If there had been further delay, the work would have run into the rainy season, which means that the bridge would not have built until next year. It is estimated that the new bridge will cost a sum near $30,000. It will be the largest in Jackson County. The bridge will be 239 feet long, will have a thirty-six-foot roadway with forty-foot approaches, and there will be two walks eight and one-half feet in the clear, making the entire width fifty-three feet. Jacksonville Post, August 5, 1911, page 1 A street flusher has arrived and is in use on the streets. It is proving a great success. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, February 29, 1912, page 2 The Warren Construction Company has completed repairs to the south side of Main Street between Front and Central avenues. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, May 21, 1915, page 6 Runs Down Flagman Warning of Danger.
It is a sad commentary on the carefulness of automobile drivers when
they even run over the railroad flagmen stationed to protect them at
crossings.Harry Evans, a Southern Pacific flagman at Medford, Ore., was run down and badly injured a few days ago while trying to signal to a reckless automobilist. The latter did not even heed the warning. He crossed the track at top speed, knocked down the flagman and kept right on going without even stopping to ascertain how badly Evans had been hurt. Southern Pacific Western Pacific Bulletin, Southern Pacific Co., San Francisco, December 1, 1915, page 6 The lines for the zones of safety at street car crossings have been completed, and autoists are warned that while the street is stopped they are not allowed to trespass within the lines. Violation is subject to a fine. Several motorists have the notion that by honking their horns and keep[ing] going they can invade forbidden territory. They are supposed to halt. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, June 2, 1916, page 2 The paving at the intersection of Main Street and Central Avenue, under the warm sun, became as soft as mush, affording some discomfort to pedestrians. It is likely the city council will take some action toward having it improved. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, June 17, 1916, page 2 The council last night decided to purchase a Baker sanitary dustless street sweeping machine at a cost of $550. The machine will be motorized by city employees at a cost of approximately $300. The use of the machine will reduce the city street force one team and two men. "City to Park Southern Pacific Right of Way," Medford Mail Tribune, April 4, 1917, page 6 C. OF COMMERCE SELECTS SIGNS
After having made a complete
investigation, the Chamber of Commerce committee on street signs has
made a report to the board of directors recommending a sign that in
their judgment would be the best for use on the streets of Medford.This investigation extended over a period of several months, and eight manufacturers submitted sample signs and their cost. The sign selected is one that can be easily seen at a distance. It has a black base with raised aluminum letters and the sign is .22 bullet proof. The cost of each sign is dependent upon the number of letters thereon and a minimum length of twelve inches is to be maintained. The committee that made this investigation consisted of J. C. Brown, chairman, J. A. Westerlund and O. L. Harmon, and their report, after having been carefully gone into by the board of directors, was unanimously adopted and they have now recommended the adoption of this sign by the city authorities The common council included a five-hundred-dollar item in their budget for next year which amount is more than sufficient to cover the cost of the street signs considered necessary by the committee and the city engineer, Chas. Davis, whose services and advice the committee had the benefit of. The adoption of street signs for Medford as recommended will be a greatly needed improvement and will reflect credit upon the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce. Medford Mail Tribune, November 24, 1920, page 7 COUNCIL NAMES NEW STREET IN NORTH
Mail Tribune, February 7, 1923, page 5 It's very rare for the naming of
a street to be covered in the newspapers.
The council passed an ordinance last night creating a new thoroughfare
in the city of the alley running from North Central Avenue to North
Bartlett Street, as Mitchell Way. This new street or streetlet is named
after J. W. Mitchell, head of the Standard Manufacturing Company, whose
plant, located in the heretofore plebeian alley, manufactures the
Mitchell ladders and also patent incubators.
Mr. Mitchell was almost overcome with pride this forenoon when he learned of the councilmanic action, which was a total surprise to him. He had recently requested that the council designate the alley as a street and give it the name of Lincoln Way, for the reason that the fast-expanding company receives much mail from all over the Pacific Coast and needed a location on an official thoroughfare. When City Attorney Fred Mears perused the local statutes for this purpose he discovered that the city already had a thoroughfare named Lincoln, hence in preparing the ordinance he named it Mitchell Way. COUNCIL DEMANDS SOUTHERN PACIFIC
Mail Tribune, May 30, 1923, page 8
ordinances were passed by the city council last night following the
joint meeting of that body with the city water commission.
The first
regulates the use of city water in the city of Medford and provides a penalty for the violation of the ordinance. The second ordinance orders the Southern Pacific railroad company to make certain changes in their tracks and right-of-way to eliminate fire hazard and danger to the citizens of Medford. The water ordinance prohibits the use of an open hose, prohibits the use of more than two sprinklers on an area of 7500 square feet or less, prohibits any person from allowing water to run to waste, provides that it shall be unlawful not to turn off the water immediately on the sounding of a fire alarm and shall be unlawful to turn it on again until the fire alarm has indicated that the department is through using the water. A fine of not more than $100 or imprisonment in the city jail for not more than fifty days may be imposed on the offender upon conviction of violation of any of the provisions of the ordinance which will be printed in full in the near future. The ordinance passed in regard to the railroad matter demands that the S.P. be required to take the following steps: Section 1. That it remove connecting tracks of the Rogue River Valley Railroad Company, lying north of the south line of Main Street. Section 2. That the two old warehouses between Sixth and Main streets located on railroad property be forthwith torn down or removed. Section 3. That passing tracks of sufficient capacity to accommodate passing of freight trains be constructed in both north and south Medford and that water tanks be provided in each of said sections so that passing and crossing of freight trains be eliminated on the main business street. Section 4. That no further structures be built upon the station reservation west of its main track between Eighth and Third streets constituting a fire hazard and failing to conform to the fire limits now in force and that buildings that may be erected thereon he used for retail or office purposes as the constant switching on the Main Street is both a fire and traffic hazard. Section 5. That the wooden section house located immediately north of the express office, within the fire limits, be removed to some portion of the city outside of the fire limits and that additional space be provided north of the station as station grounds for the convenience of the public. Section 6. That the switching between Jackson and Eighth streets in said city be cut to the minimum and that the company in making its improvements, insofar as is practical, require all new warehouses to be erected north of Jackson and south of Eighth streets, so as to avoid the fire and traffic hazard in the main portion of town, it being understood that the present or similar industry tracks must be kept for the use of the industries now located in said section. According to the prologue to the ordinance the railroad officials have promised relief on the matter of blocking the Main Street crossing and have done nothing. The matter of a crossing at Sixth Street was taken up with the railroad officials some time ago and it is said that they were not favorable toward a crossing at that place. Therefore, the city officials have decided to take the matter of the Sixth Street crossing up directly with the Public Service Commission. NEW TRAFFIC ORDINANCE
A new traffic ordinance was passed by the city council last night after
months of deliberation, experiments and study on the part of the city
officials, which requires all cars to park at an angle much the same as
has been in vogue for some time past, and prohibits the parking of any
car on the street, or even in front of the owner's house, after 1 a.m.
at night.No Cars Allowed Parked on Streets After 1 a.m.-- New Set Hand Signals Prescribed--Speed and Turning Rules Adopted--Width of Tires, Etc., Also Regulated. The measure also regulates speed, age limit of drivers, equipment, tire width of loads, lighting equipment, parking and turning of cars and other vehicles, and stipulates a set of hand signals which all drivers must observe. The ordinance is a very lengthy one, goes into effect in 10 days and provides heavy penalties for violation. New Set of Signals
The signals provided for are as follows:"When the signals are given by the use of the hand and arm, they shall be given as follows: "An operator intending to turn his vehicle to the left shall extend his arm in a horizontal position, for a reasonable length of time, and slow down. "An operator intending to turn his vehicle to the right shall extend his arm with the forearm raised at right angles, for a reasonable length of time and slow down. "An operator intending to stop his vehicle shall extend his arm and move it up and down in a vertical direction, for a reasonable length of time. "When such signal is given by means of a device, it shall only be given by an adequate device which has been approved by the Secretary of State." Among other regulations are the following: "Every driver of any motor or other vehicle in turning any vehicle around in any street of said city shall go to a street intersection before making said turn. Head into the Curb
"Cars shall head into the curb and all parking shall be uniform, and at
the same angle, and where spaces or stalls shall have been designated
upon the pavement, shall be within said spaces or stalls and not
overlap, provided however, this section shall not be held to apply to
parking in the residence sections, which shall be parallel with the
curb in all sections outside of the business section."Upon backing out the driver shall look carefully and give a warning signal with his horn. "Every person operating a motor vehicle on the public streets or alleys of said city shall drive the same in a careful and prudent manner and in no case at a rate of speed that will endanger the property of another, or the life and limb of any person. "No person shall drive past an intersection without having the car under full control, nor shall he attempt to pass another car at any intersection. "No motor vehicle shall be driven or operated within the corporate limits of the city of Medford by any person under the age of sixteen years with the exception of persons having a special license or permit from the Secretary of State to drive a motor vehicle as a means of transportation to and from any school. "No vehicle used upon public streets shall be left standing unsecured or without its motive power being so secured that the same cannot be operated or the vehicle moved without some act upon the part of the owner or operator. No Parking After 1 a.m.
"Parking of cars after one o'clock a.m. is hereby prohibited. Parking
is also prohibited on any of the bridges or their approaches and in
front of the entrance to any public auditorium or theatre, including
the armory or natatorium or in any place duly designated with a 'no
parking' sign by the street committee of the city, provided however
that in parking in alleys same shall be kept passable for other
vehicles and the fire department, and further provided that any vehicle
parking outside of the fire limits during the period of one hour after
sunset to midnight shall display at least one white light in front and
one red light in.the rear of such motor vehicle during all of said time
it shall be parked on the streets or alleys of said city."Vehicles proceeding in the same direction may pass each other to the left. The signal to pass shall be given by one blast or stroke of the horn, bell, whistle, gong or other signaling device. It shall be the duty of the driver of the vehicle being passed to give as much of the road or street as practicable to every other driver desiring to pass him. "Vehicles shall not stop or be permitted to stand with left side nearest to the curb." Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1923, page 1 CITY TO BUILD GRADE CROSSING IN
Mail Tribune, November 16, 1923, page 1
city administration has decided to go ahead with building the grade
crossing over 6th Street and not pay the Southern Pacific railroad the
sum of $18,360, which the latter demands as payment for the land used
of its right of way for the grade crossing, unless the courts so decide.
The price which the railroad is demanding is based, it says, on the total valuation placed on its property in Medford by the Interstate Commerce Commission. City Attorney Carkin and other attorneys have looked the matter up and find nothing in law or otherwise, except the Southern Pacific's claim, that would entitle the railroad to a money consideration from the city for crossing its tracks and property. At the city council meeting next Monday night the council will authorize the work of establishing the crossing to be begun at once. It will be remembered that the Public Service Commission on September 26th last granted the city of Medford the right to establish a grade crossing over Sixth Street, stipulating that the work should be completed within 90 days from that date. Inasmuch as the city will have no money to pave the new grade crossing until next spring, the work of grading, etc., of the latter can be completed in a few days' time after once started. The city's position in this controversy has been set forth in the following letter by City Attorney Carkin to Ben C. Day, general counsel for the Southern Pacific Company: "The city has caused a careful investigation to be made of the law bearing upon the respective rights of the Southern Pacific Company and the City of Medford in the above matter, by myself and by other lawyers whose counsel it has sought, and has been advised that it has the right, without any further proceedings, to open and construct Sixth Street across the Southern Pacific right of way. "Accordingly it is the purpose of the city, unless prevented by order of court, to proceed without further delay with the construction of the crossing. "I am advising you of this intention on the part of the city in order that you may, if you still disagree with us as to the rights of the parties, take such steps as you may deem advisable. The city will not start with actual construction work until November 24th, 1923." COUNCIL ORDERS WORK TO START 6
Mail Tribune, November 21, 1923, page 1
The city council at its meeting last night transacted a large grist of
business, and in addition discussed the Sixth Street subway [i.e., underpass]
matter and made arrangements to keep the business streets cleaner from
now on and for better lighting of North Bartlett and possibly other
streets leading from the business section to the new armory; also
instructed Fire Chief Elliott and Police Chief Adams to put a stop to
the parking of autos in front of the Rialto Theater, which practice by
many car owners is in violation of state law and city ordinance and is
declared to be a fire menace.
City Superintendent Davis and the city engineer were instructed to begin work on establishing the new Sixth Street grade crossing the first of next week. Mayor Gaddis and the councilmen cautioned that this work be done very carefully and neatly, so as to make the much-wanted improvement as sightly as possible, in view of the opposition shown in the past by the Southern Pacific Company to a grade crossing over its tracks at this location, and the possibility of that company bringing an injunction suit to prevent its establishment. It is said that if such action should be taken by the company it could delay in the courts the inauguration of such a crossing two or three years. After a discussion of dirty business streets the council instructed the superintendent of streets to hereafter flush those streets in the daytime instead of at night as heretofore, and declared that merchants and business men could help the good work along by not sweeping their refuse into the streets and letting it lie there to be removed by the city. This was a gentle slap at the recent public kick published by the retail merchants association about the condition of the streets. It was explained that at present and for the next five months the streets could not be flushed in the nighttime as heretofore, because the flushing water would freeze on the pavement. Therefore the flushing will be done hereafter during the day, which means that many a parked auto will get its wheels and some of its body wet. The matter of better lighting on North Bartlett and probably other streets leading to the new armory was precipitated by the fact that the armory is just coming into use by the citizens generally, through the high school indoor athletics work, concerts, public dances and other gatherings being held there. It was generally conceded by the councilmen that at least North Bartlett and as many of the other streets approaching the armory as the city could afford should have better lighting. The council committee on lighting was instructed to draw up a plan of such lighting to be put into effect. The decision was made to give permission for the temporary blocking of Sixth Street between Rose and Quince streets, so as to enable the straightening out of the Gold Ray Realty Company plat between West Main and West Fourth streets. Business was transacted so fast, especially the passing of ordinances relating to delinquent properties put forth by City Attorney Carkin, that City Recorder Alford at one time stopped the proceedings long enough inquire just what was going on. War on Medford Jay-Walkers
Medford Mail Tribune, December
7, 1923, page 3New Traffic Regulations for Pedestrians Will Soon Be Issued by the Medford By By Club.
The rules for pedestrian traffic are as follows:
1. All pedestrians must keep to the sidewalks and to the right and have to pass one another on the right. 2. Whoever wants to stop on the sidewalk must select his stopping place in such a manner as not to hamper passersby. 3. All unnecessary stopping on bicycle and bridle paths, as well as sudden stepping back, is dangerous and forbidden. Streets are to be crossed the shortest way possible, that is, at right angles to the sidewalks at an even or, if necessary, quickened pace, but in no case in heedless haste. 4. It is advisable to cross streets, not at any place, but preferably at the street crossings, and then, insofar as the momentary traffic situation permits, under protection of vehicles moving in the same direction. 5. When one approaches the Nash Hotel corner from the west, turn to the right, from the east, to the left; just a whisper off Main Street to the Gusher Cafe, and Eat Where the Eats Are Good. Pd. ad
The streets of the business section of the city have been a slimy and muddy condition for the past week, but will be flushed again Monday and made more presentable for the Christmas season. The foggy weather of this week has prevented the city street department from flushing the streets because of their slippery condition. The flushing is usually done at night, and in cases of emergency in the daytime, but because of the difficulty of the auto sprinkler in obeying traffic rules, with the combination of fog and slippery street, the city officials deemed it too risky to do the usual flushing in either night or day time. Monday, however, the streets will be flushed, no matter what the danger. Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, December 13, 1924, page 2 NORTH OAKDALE IS OPENED TO
Mail Tribune, June 27, 1925, page 2
One of the most important street improvements to be made by the city is
that of opening North Oakdale Avenue through to Jackson Boulevard being
consummated yesterday by purchase by the city of the 150-foot strip of
land between the end of North Oakdale and Second Street, which
heretofore had blocked the opening of that street.
This improvement, while it had been contemplated by previous councils, was hastened by the request to the council by the committee of the school board consisting of Messrs. Phipps and Miller, who appeared before the council at its last meeting, as it would also make possible a direct view and approach to the new high school from both North Oakdale and Ivy streets, thus making it possible to view the building from Main Street. As soon as the street is improved it will be possible to drive on Oakdale from the south city limits clear to Jackson Boulevard in the northern part of town. MEDFORD STREETS GIVEN ATTENTION
Until this year the chief concern of the city authorities has been to
work out the paving problem, and of necessity little attention had been
given or funds expended in the repairing of paving or the grading of
dirt streets.
The first step in the street program was the setting up in the budget last fall of $7,500 for the repairing of pavement and the grading of dirt streets and the employment of a city engineer, as the city for the sake of economy had been without one for the last eight or ten years, the last engineer being Mr. Arnspiger, now engineer for the Talent Irrigation District. The council appointed to this position Fred Scheffel, who had recently been engineer for the Medford Irrigation District, and who assumed his new duties at the close of the irrigation season in July of this year. With employment of Engineer Scheffel the street department started work of three types. First, repairing of pavement; second, grading dirt streets, and third, putting in new sidewalks, all of which had been long neglected. After obtaining prices from the different pavement companies for the repair of West Main and the other paved streets in the city, which run from $10,000 to $15,000, the council decided that the work could be done at much less cost by buying a burner and the city itself doing the work. This was done and although the burner did not arrive until late in the season, both West Main and East Main were repaired, together with some of the outlying paved streets, to the full extent of the money available, and this work will be resumed next season when the new tax money is collected. Upon investigation of costs it was found that the big Holt tractor and grader required too many men and was too expensive for the city to run with the limited funds at its command, so a small one-man Fordson grader was purchased, and with it the street department was able to grade most of the streets with the funds available. However, there are a number of streets in the city which needed to be brought down to grade, and if this work is to be done it will require the purchase of a small steam shovel or similar equipment, a matter which is being considered by the council in its coming budget. Since being employed by the city, Mr. Scheffel has been devoting considerable of his time to setting sidewalk grades, as especially with the building of the new high school there have been a great many sidewalks to be put in. These, however, are being built as fast as the property owners can get to them, and it is expected that the most needed of these will be built in time to be available for the use of the school children during the muddy weather. In addition to these improvements the street department, cooperating with the water board, has sold its old property on Riverside and used the proceeds in building a modern building and yard on Jackson Street, which is a credit to the city, providing as it does housing for street and water equipment. While more work has been done in this department the past year than in the last eight or ten years. It is realized that with the rapid growth--and this is only a beginning--it is required that provisions be made for funds in the coming budget if these improvements are to keep pace with the city's growth. For this work great credit is due to Mayor Alenderfer and the present council, and especially the street committee, Paul, Hammond and Jacobs, and the citizens generally are hoping that they will be reelected and continue the work already well begun. Medford Mail Tribune, October
28, 1926, page 10
Relative to the presentation two weeks ago of a largely signed petition
from representative citizens of all parts of the city, to open Fourth
Street across the Southern Pacific tracks, and which petition was
tabled by the city council until the railroad gives its decision on the
long-sought-for opening of Sixth Street across the tracks, the reasons
for the tabling were divulged to W. E. Phipps and W. R. Gaylord,
attorneys, who appeared before the council last night in behalf of that
petition.Furthermore, after explaining the administration's attitude, Mayor O. O. Alenderfer and the council voted a special plea that the signers keep the Fourth Street asked-for improvement in the background until the S.P. railroad management disposes of the Sixth Street crossing matter, so as not to complicate the situation and injure the chances of obtaining the Sixth Street crossing, for which much-needed improvement the city government and citizens generally have fought so hard for five years past, and for which the city has already incurred much time and expense. Mayor Alenderfer announced that the city administration feels confident that the grade crossing over Sixth Street will be granted within a month or so. He said that the railroad officials had made a promise a year ago to grant the request shortly after the through freight trains, and some of the passenger trains, had been routed over the Natron cutoff. It was explained that for the city to ask for a grade crossing at Fourth Street at this time would only complicate the situation and would tend to injure the chances of obtaining the Sixth Street crossing. The mayor said he felt sure that the vast majority of citizens, even the signers of the Fourth Street petition, if they only realized the situation, would much prefer to have the Sixth Street crossing first. Messrs. Phipps and Gaylord, in their arguments for an ordinance to request the Southern Pacific to permit a needed grade crossing at Fourth Street, had declared that the petition signers had not put forth the Fourth Street crossing contention with any idea of embarrassing the Sixth Street proposition, and would do nothing with that end in view. Mayor Alenderfer, on behalf of the city administration, voluntarily pledged that the city council would promptly take up and act on the Fourth Street petition as soon as the Sixth Street matter was decided by the railroad, no matter if the latter was granted or refused. The Fourth Street petition had urged that other east and west railroad grade crossings were badly needed in addition to the Sixth Street one. Medford Mail Tribune, January 19, 1927, page 6 6TH STREET CROSSING APPROVED
Good news for the people of Medford was received in the city today when
a message was received from Mayor O. O. Alenderfer, who was in Portland
today conferring with Ben Dey, general legal counsel for the Southern
Pacific railroad.Espee Accepts Proposals of City After Five Years, According to Message from Mayor, After Portland Conference--Details to Be Complete in Near Future. This message was to the effect that the Southern Pacific officials had at last, after five years of solicitation on the part of the people of Medford, through the various city administrations, given its consent for a grade crossing at Sixth Street over the railroad tracks. The message further stated that the railroad officials have given their approval of the Sixth Street crossing proposition, as submitted by the present city government. Now that this long-sought-for boon has been granted, the work of opening Sixth Street by constructing the crossing and its approaches will be begun as soon as the exact details for the great improvement have been worked out in cooperation with the Southern Pacific, weather permitting. The agitation on the part of Medford for a Sixth Street crossing over the railroad tracks, in order to relieve the congested traffic passing over Main Street, has been in practically continuous process for the past five or six years, but no headway to speak of had been gained, other than that the railroad officials had promised to eventually carefully consider the matter, until about a year ago it is understood that the officials promised the city government that as soon as the passenger and freight train traffic over the Natron cutoff got fairly well under way, the crossing would be granted. On the strength of this the city administration months ago went ahead with the extension of Sixth Street through from North Oakdale to West Main Street, practically opposite South Newtown Street. This extension has long been completed with the exception of being paved, and the city has already spent thousands of dollars in making this improvement. When completed with the new crossing, Sixth Street will extend from Front Street through to West Main Street, giving another through thoroughfare from South Riverside to West Main Street, opposite South Newtown Street. The regular city council meeting will be held tomorrow night, when it is expected that the work of completing the details of opening Sixth Street will be gotten under way, through information which Mayor Alenderfer brings back from Portland. Medford Mail Tribune, January 31, 1927, page 1 Central Point, Feb.
5, 1927.
To the Editor:
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, February
7, 1927, page 4I noticed by last night's paper that seven autoists were fined yesterday for failure to observe traffic signs in Medford. I have driven an auto all over Chicago, Milwaukee, Miami, Indianapolis, Tampa, Los Angeles and other cities large and small, and I am here to say that even a careful, honest driver of a motor car who observes traffic rules in our city might be arrested for violation of traffic rules in another if he did the same things in both cities. In some eastern cities a yellow shield on a post at boulevard intersections says "Stop, Boulevard"; in others a sign says, "Stop, Through Street"; in still others you read simply "Arterial Street" or "Arterial Highway," and crossing any of these without stopping is punishable by fine. In most cities now these stop intersections are marked by automatic "Go" and "Stop" signals. Some of them ring a bell as a warning of coming changes. But I had my eyes open for "stop" signs in Medford a long time before I noticed that there were letters on the little "mushroom" turning buttons at the centers of the streets. I did not think of looking there for "stop" signs. Now, suppose a stranger from Chicago, looking for his familiar yellow shield at stop intersections, or the stranger from Los Angeles, looking for the black-and-white striped post with its plain sign, should drive across a stop intersection in Medford without even knowing he was violating a traffic law? Many a careful and conscientious driver has been delayed and fined for unwittingly disregarding a traffic sign, but where is the justice of it? Why do not our legislators standardize traffic rules and force all cities to adopt them, so we could conscientiously observe them "in the same old way, everywhere and every day?" Of course a resident of Medford is supposed to know the rules, the stop intersections and signs, and if he disregards them I cannot see injustice in his drawing a fine therefor. But the stranger on "first offense" should not be fined, but instructed, warned and not delayed. My idea of a good officer is one who always helps the person that wants to keep the law, even though ignorantly violating it, and "pinches" the one who knowingly violates the law, hoping to escape arrest. ERNEST L. THOMPSON.
The city will at once go ahead in preparation for doing its part of the
work in establishing the crossing over the Southern Pacific tracks at
Sixth Street, which work has been delayed through non-arrival here, for
weeks past, of the deed to the crossing from the Southern Pacific
management. However, while on his visit at Portland last week the legal
department of the railroad informed City Attorney John H. Carkin that
the city could go ahead with the crossing preparation work. It is
possible that the deed will not be sent here, and has already been
filed direct by the Southern Pacific Company management.
Hence, in accordance with the city council's action of last Tuesday night to remove the old Jacksonville railroad main and side tracks from where they connect with the Southern Pacific tracks will be begun at once, and in accordance with the city administration's present plans, the city's part of the preparation work for the establishment of the crossing will be rushed from now on. While the city pays the expense of the building of the crossing over the tracks, the Southern Pacific railroad will have its construction crews do the work. A carload of rails was unloaded this morning by the Southern Pacific for use on the crossing. Medford Mail Tribune, April 26, 1927, page 1 SIXTH STREET CROSSING STARTS
The work of opening up Sixth Street over the Southern Pacific tracks,
and the establishment of the grade crossing there was begun by the city
yesterday afternoon when the big steam shovel and crew of Colonel R. I.
Stuart, local contractor, began the necessary excavation work on the
east side of the tracks. This work was continued today and soon will be
completed on both sides of the crossing.
At the same time, a Southern Pacific railroad crew of laborers was at work preparing the wooden concrete forms for the new grade crossing, which will be of the same substantial kind, to cost approximately $3000, as the Main Street railroad crossing. With the arrival of two more carloads of crossing material today and another one tomorrow, all the material necessary for the construction of the crossing will be on the ground. It is expected that the approaches to the crossing will be completed inside of three weeks, including the paving, and that the crossing and approaches will have been completed and in use in 60 days. Medford Mail Tribune, May 27, 1927, page 8 Three of the busier street intersections of the city now have safety lanes for the protection of pedestrians, and other intersections will probably be likewise equipped in a short time. The lanes, point out the police officials, make jaywalking inexcusable and accidents less liable to happen as a result. The corners of Central, Bartlett and Riverside on Main now each have eight rows of square pieces of metal, making four lanes for each intersection. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1927, page 2 6TH ST. XING TO BE
railroad crossing work has all been completed, both the approaches have
been graded, leveled and rolled, and all other preliminary work is
about ready except the placing of a new telephone conduit, so that
within a day or so the work of paving the Sixth Street crossing over
the Southern Pacific tracks from Front Street to Fir Street will be
begun by the Medford Concrete Construction Company, which has the
This asphalt paving will be finished, it is said, in about five to six days after the work is begun. Medford Mail Tribune, July 6, 1927, page 3 While the paving of Sixth Street between Front Street and Fir Street incidental to the opening of Sixth Street over the Southern Pacific tracks, which was begun early this week, is progressing, it will take at least several days before all the concrete is poured, and the street will not probably be thrown open to traffic until August 17th, as after the pavement has been laid it must dry out about 30 days before vehicles can drive over it. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 17, 1927, page 2 TRAFFIC OFFICER RIVERSIDE AVE.
traffic director, L. D. Forncrook, at the corner of Main Street and
Riverside Avenue has been placed there for the specific purpose of
aiding the motorist, but if his signals are disobeyed and his authority
taken lightly arrests will be made, said City Traffic Officer G. J.
Prescott today. This dictum also applies to the pedestrians who are
told to follow the orders of the traffic officer and cross the street
when they are given the signal.
In addition, Officer Prescott gave advice in regard to left-hand turns, which he classes a serious handicap to smooth traffic. "If you must make a left-hand turn," he said this morning, "be sure and turn short, for if you don't there are two chances to one that your machine will tie up traffic. As a matter of fact, I can see the time when the left-hand turns will be banished at the busy intersections, as there is little good in the practice, causing motorists many inconveniences for the benefit of one." Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1927, page 5 According to the present rate of progress, the new Sixth Street crossing over the S.P. tracks will be ready for travel in a short time. Finishing touches on the street approaches from Fir and Front streets were nearly completed today, and trucks are now busy hauling away the dirt which had served as a covering during the time that the concrete was hardening. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 10, 1927, page 2 SIXTH ST. XING OPENS FRIDAY,
New Improvement Finished and Ready for All Traffic in Morning-- Ceremony at Jubilee in September.
Traffic will be turned onto the new Sixth Street crossing tomorrow
morning, announced Fred Scheffel, city superintendent, today, thereby
marking the completion of Medford's newest civic improvement and aid to
traffic. This will open another through thoroughfare from Riverside
Avenue, the Pacific Highway, to West Main Street near Newtown and will
give traffic an opportunity to go east and west without using crowded
Main Street.
Plans for opening up Sixth Street have been in the air for years past, but it was not until last fall that the actual work was begun. At that time several houses on West Main Street near the J. A. Perry home were moved and torn down. The cleared space was then graded and the street was soon extended west from Oakdale and opened to traffic. It has not yet been paved, however, but it is planned to do so soon. The construction was then delayed until this season, when the work was begun on the crossing between Front and Fir streets, across the Southern Pacific tracks. The new work is all of cement and was done by the Medford Concrete & Construction Company. No ceremony will be held when traffic is started on the crossing tomorrow. At the prosperity celebration held in September the new traffic artery will be officially opened, it is understood, as a part of the program. Medford Mail Tribune, August 11, 1927, page 1 SIXTH STREET CROSSING COST CITY
The total cost of the opening of Sixth Street over the Southern Pacific
tracks, that is, the grading and paving between Front and Fir streets
of the road and sidewalks, construction of catch and sewer basins,
$4985.93, was submitted to the city council last night by the city
engineer's department, bearing the approval of City Engineer Fred
Scheffel, who was unable to attend the meeting because of the death of
his father and probably will not return to duty for several days.
While this cost of this much-desired improvement was more than the city officials had counted on, before work was begun, the city officials regarded the cost as quite reasonable and cheaper than if the work had been done by an outside contractor, instead of by the Medford Concrete Construction Company. The council authorized payment of the bill. Medford Mail Tribune, August 17, 1927, page 2 FINISH PAVING OF SIXTH STREET:
The long anticipated and much longed-for paving of the Sixth Street
extension between North Oakdale and West Main Street was completed
Friday, and the finishing touches here and there have mostly all been
completed since. However it will probably be several weeks before the
pavement has set or hardened sufficiently to be thrown open for use.
It had been expected by the city council and contractor to immediately pave King Street after the Sixth Street job was done, and work had started on Sixth Street the first of the month, the work of tearing King Street was begun, but ceased when the heavy rains came and knocked the program galley west. However, all efforts were then centered on completing the Sixth Street job, which was finally accomplished between showers of rain. The decision of the city officials and paving contractor on what to do with King Street--whether to now go ahead at paving it, at risk of bad weather intervening, or to smooth over the torn block and cover it with gravel for this winter and do the paving next spring when several other streets will be paved--will be reached tomorrow. Medford Mail Tribune, December 4, 1927, page 3 SIXTH ST. ALL PAVED, OPENED UP
After many years of agitation for the extension of Sixth Street from
Oakdale to West Main Street, and the final making of the big
improvement, which was used for many months with only a temporary
macadam pavement that was some time ago replaced by concrete paving,
the extension became a full-fledged reality this morning when
barricades were removed at both the Oakdale and West Main Street ends
and the much-desired street thrown open to traffic.
City Superintendent Scheffel had planned to have the job finished by last Saturday evening so as to give the city, and especially west side people, a big Christmas present by throwing it open for traffic last Sunday morning, but the working crew found it impossible to come under the wire in time with the finishing touches. The paving with concrete was begun Nov. 15th last and after encountering a number of delays through bad weather was completed on Nov. 27, since which time the pavement has been drying out or setting and awaiting the finishing touches at the ends. During this time the city also laid a new concrete sidewalk on the north side of the extension, which is now also in use throughout its length. The sawdust which had been spread over the sidewalk to keep it from freezing until the concrete had matured was shoveled off the sidewalk yesterday into the north side gutter, and until it is removed, which will be done late today or tomorrow, its presence backs up the water at the West Main Street intersection, making that place bad for pedestrians during rains. Medford Mail Tribune, December 28, 1927, page 2 PLAN NEW ZONE ARRANGEMENTS, NEW
The City Planning Commission, whose members have been at work for some
time past on a rezoning plan for the city, as the municipality has
outgrown the present zoning plan, is still at work on the proposed
changes, which, when completed, will be presented to the city council
to be enacted into an ordinance.Extensive Program Changes in Medford Worked Out by City Planning Commission--New Ordinances Asked. The new zoning measure, among other changes, will extend the business section and divide the only first-class residence section into two sections, the B section of which will permit single-family residences and include duplex dwellings and bungalow courts, but not apartments. As a preliminary measure to adopting a new zoning ordinance the commission has prepared the following report, which has been submitted to the city council, on the renaming of a number of streets. This report is, in part, as follows: In order to remedy the present duplications and discrepancies in street names, we recommend the following changes, and that if such names are officially adopted, the city superintendent be instructed to immediately mark such streets in a suitable manner, and that corrections be made on all official records, both city and county.
The city planning commission wishes to correct the list of proposed
street name changes which appeared in a late issue of the Mail Tribune. It
is desired to change the names of the following streets because of
similarity in name to some other street or because different parts of
the same street at present have more than one name.
Crown Avenue, which is a continuation of Hillcrest Road, would be Hillcrest Road throughout; Grant Avenue in southwest Medford change to Laurel Avenue south; High Street in Highcroft addition, change to Berkeley Way; Highland Drive in Siskiyou Heights extension would be Crestbrook Road; Hill Avenue in west Medford to Kenwood Avenue North; Barneburg Road would extend north across East Main Street to the north city limits; Park Place No. 5 in southwest Medford change to Columbus Avenue South; Washington Place in east Medford to Marie Avenue North, of which it is an extension; Oregon Avenue and Capital Avenue are a continuation of Saling Avenue and would have the latter name; Elm Street in Nichols addition would be Greenwood Avenue South; High Street near South Oakdale change to Kenon Avenue; Hillhouse Avenue in Highcroft addition change to Del Mar Avenue; Landscape Avenue near the city reservoir change to Aloha Avenue, its original name; Mary Street in Laurelhurst addition would be Merced Avenue North because of its similarity to Mary Place in west Medford; McAndrews Street in east Medford would be Carmel Avenue; Myers Court change to Garden Court because of Myers Lane in south Medford; Short Street in north Medford change to Mill Avenue; Valley View Drive near the city reservoir change to Fairmount Drive. The following streets at present have no official name, and would be named as follows. The county road from Crater Lake Avenue west across town to Magnolia Street should be McAndrews Road; the street south from East Main toward the I.O.O.F. cemetery would be Eastwood Drive. Any objections to the foregoing, or any suggestions as to further changes, will be heard at the next meeting of the planning commission to be held Tuesday, January 17th, at 7 p.m. Detailed information as to the proposed changes may be obtained from F. W. Scheffel, city superintendent, or from W. Bernard Roberts of the city planning commission. Medford Mail Tribune, January
9, 1928, page 3
In the expectation that auto collisions in Medford will be reduced by
at least one-half, the city traffic department has decreed that Main
Street in its entire length shall be a through thoroughfare, meaning
that all automobiles entering Main from side streets must come to a
complete stop. The same order holds true for the entire length of
Riverside, and so far between 60 and 70 stop signs have been placed at
the more important intersections. However, signs will be placed at all
intersections on these two streets as soon as they are available,
according to City Traffic Officer G. L. Prescott.
Enforcement of the order will be rigid, and all motorists who fail to stop when entering either of the two streets will be arrested and promptly taken to court. Furthermore, according to the city traffic department, machines on the through streets shall at all times have the right of way. Medford Mail Tribune, March
20, 1928, page 3
Two complete reports were made to the city council last night, one
about the progress of paving and grading and graveling of streets
already under way, and the other concerning petitions for paving,
grading and graveling, or sewers on other streets, both by City
Engineer Fred Scheffel.
His report on the various petitions requesting improvements showed the number of lots on each street, number of residences and vacant lots, the assessed valuation for each lot, and a summary for each asked improvement. His summary on these was as follows: "North Beatty Street has but three residences which are badly in need of sewerage; however, the balance of the lots are vacant. "The three lots requesting sewer on West Main are vacant. E. C. Corn constructed the sewer line from the intersection of Columbus Avenue and West Main to the west line of lot 4, block 1, Creston Heights addition, and is now requesting the line be extended and he be reimbursed for the work he did under the city's supervision. "All property on West Tenth Street is very much in need of sewage, as the septic tanks in this district are overflowing. "Five new residences have been constructed on Glen Oak Court, and it will be necessary for the property owners to have the street graveled before winter. "The petitions requesting paving are Portland, Tripp, Arcadia, Spencer, Almond, and Park Avenue. Spencer Street is the only street which is not built up with residences; there is only one house on the improvement, being the house owned by E. L. Childers. "The bid for grading and graveling Park Avenue has been let to the J. C. Compton Co., and a majority of the property owners are now requesting the street be paved. We endeavored to have a petition circulated and signed by all the property owners, which is necessary to make the change without readvertising. This we were unable to do, as four of them are unfavorable to paving. The majority of the property owners are now asking to readvertise and we have presented a new petition. The J. C. Compton Co. has consented to waive its bid providing it is allowed to do the grading." The report about the progress of the street work already under way was as follows: Paving
"The concrete has been laid on King Street from Oakdale Avenue to
Dakota Avenue. There are six intersections to be filled in with
asphaltic pavement requiring about a week or ten days' work."Ivy Street is graded from West Sixth to West Second Street and the contractor will commence the pouring of the concrete on Wednesday morning. Grading and Graveling
"Lincoln Street is complete with the
exception of the clay binder and surface coat for gravel."Western Avenue is complete with the exception of the clay binder and surface coat of gravel. "Haven Street from Columbus Avenue to Oak Street is complete with the exception of the surface coat of gravel. Haven Street from Oak Street to Grape Street is being graded. "Clark Street has been graded from McAndrews Street to Central Avenue, and the first coat of gravel has been placed from McAndrews Street to Oak Street. "Welsh Street is complete with the exception of the clay binder and surface coat of gravel. "East Ninth Street is complete with the exception of the clay binder. "We have had some delay in not getting gravel enough to supply both the paving and graveling work. It is necessary to alternate the material available." Medford Mail Tribune, June
6, 1928, page 10
Street Repair Work Scored.
To the Editor:
If all city jobs are done like this water pipe repairing on West Main, no wonder taxes are high. The road has been torn up for a week, and the men on the job sit around and talk politics or baseball most of the time. Every resident in Siskiyou Heights can testify to this condition. Most of the time there is no one bossing the jobs, and meanwhile the heavy motor traffic on this road has to detour over bumps and in dust, where they have plenty of time to watch the ditch-diggers soldier on the job. One energetic contractor could have finished this job in two or three days, and the Main Street road would have been finished a week ago. The residents on the east side are up in arms over the situation, and no one can blame them. "Communications,"
Medford Mail
Tribune, June 18, 1928, page 4
In the past year or more the city has laid four miles of water mains, three and a quarter miles of sewers, graded and graveled four miles of streets and paved, either with concrete or asphalt, about three miles of street, a total improvement of approximately $200,000, one-half of which has been for paving. Compared with the vast amount of work done in 1910 to 1912, the recent paving program has been less than 10 percent, but sewer improvements have been approximately one-third of those in former years, while the water mains recently laid have been more than equal to the amount laid in the former years, due to the laying of a new distributing system in connection with the new Big Butte water system. "Outgoing City Officials Have Good Records," Medford Mail Tribune, December 31, 1928, page 3 NEW MIDWAY HIGHWAY WILL BE PUT
Construction of the long-discussed Midway highway, which will provide a
straight line route to Sams Valley and tributary country from this
city, was ordered by the county court this morning.County Court Orders New Shortcut to Sams Valley Built at Earliest Possible Date--Estimated Cost $27,000--Ranchers Rejoice. The official name of the road, by order of the county court, will be the Medford-Sams Valley highway. It will be sixty feet wide, and two and one-half miles in length. The county engineer has estimated its cost at between $27,000 and $28,000. Negotiations are now underway between the city and the Owen-Oregon Lumber Company for the extension of Court Street to the Pacific Highway. This will divert the traffic from the heavily traveled Pacific Highway to Central Avenue, and avoid the current of tourist traffic. In effect, the extension when completed will give the heart of this city a straight-line route to Sams Valley. The new road connects with established roads and follows the quarter-section lines. It will be the standard 60 feet in width, and in time may be embraced in the market road system of the county. The Medford-Sams Valley road also provides a shorter route to the new Medford airport. The road will shorten the distance from Sams Valley, and eliminates 16 curves in the present route from Sams Valley via Central Point. Adjustment of right-of-way damages are now under way, and arbitration or court action will provide a final decision where contests loom. Under the law, disputants have 20 days in which to file suits, but under the emergency clause, to be invoked by the county court, legal actions will not halt road construction. It is expected to have the road ready for travel before the opening of the coming fruit season. The county court has had the building of the road under consideration for many weeks, and have journeyed over the route several times. They felt that the road was a necessity, that it would be built at a later date at a greater cost, and that now was the time to act. It passes through a section pear the northern city limits, ideal for small acreage and subdivisions. A majority of the property holders directly affected were in favor of the road. Protests were filed by citizens owning property along the Pacific Highway at the connecting points, the chief objection being to the road viewers' appraisal of the right-of-way value. The county and property owners came to terms in most cases, however. Chester T. Baker, secretary of the chamber of commerce, appeared before the county court, and reported that this city backed the road as of high importance to all concerned. R. E. Nealon of the Sams Valley Grange also voiced approval of the project, holding that an outlet was needed for the heavy tonnage and "we people are tired of turning right angles to get to Medford." He cited that the tonnage of the Modoc orchard would pass over the route, including the traffic of Sams Valley and the Table Rock districts. He opined further, "that a goose might find his way to Sams Valley," but under the old route no stranger could make it. He said he once owned a steer that got lost trying to find its way home over the present route. One of the chief side issues of the Medford-Sams Valley road will be the erecting of a bridge across Bear Creek of sufficient strength to hold the heavy fruit trucks. The bridge at Central Point now bearing this traffic has been condemned and is dangerous. Commissioners Alford and Bursell and County Judge Sparrow agreed in their decision ordering the construction of the road. Medford Mail Tribune, April 24, 1929, page 6 NEW COLOR SCHEME FOR STREET SIGNS
The street department of the city is greatly adding to the nice
appearance of the city by placing on certain streets what looks like
newly painted street signs, but which are not, as they are merely the
old signs repainted in a new color scheme of yellow background and
black letters, whereas the old color scheme was a black background with
white letters.West Main Street at its cross-streets is fortunate in having this repainting work recently done, and east side streets and North and South Riverside are just being finished. Eventually the street signs in the other parts of the city will be repainted, but not this year. Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1929, page 3 CANNON TO BOOM BEFORE CURRENT IS SWITCHED ON
boom of cannon will herald the formal opening of Sixth Street tonight.
This will come just before 8:45, at which time Earl Fehl will press the
switch to illuminate for the first time Medford's newest business
Merchants and business men along Sixth Street will play the role of host to the rest of Medford who attend the celebration. Earle Davis will act as master of ceremonies, while W. S. Bolger and George Gates, the other members of the entertainment committee, will take charge of the evening's program lineup. The Elks band will begin playing at 7:30 and continue until 9:30, rain or shine, and the street, following the switching on of lights, will be the scene of gala festivities. Barrels of confetti and serpentine will be dispensed along the avenue. An all-star orchestra under the direction of H. C. Cleveland has been obtained for the occasion, and dancing will begin at 9:30. In case of inclement weather, the orchestra and dancers will proceed to the Armory for the remainder of the evening. Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1929, page 1
Two matters of interest to the fruit industry of the valley,
particularly to the growers and packing houses, were acted on by the
city council last night, one of which, the proposed doing away with the
rough hump in the pavement on South Fir Street opposite 8th Street,
will result in the saving of thousands of dollars to the growers whose
pears are hauled by truck to the packing houses.
This rough spot, a series of humps, resulting from depressions in the pavement over the spot where the tracks of the old Jacksonville railroad formerly ran, has long been complained of, as a loaded truck of pears passing over it shakes the pears violently, thus causing much fruit to become so checked or marred by bruises as to render it difficult of sale, particularly late in the season, even to the canneries. C. C. Lennon on behalf of the Rogue River Traffic association, last night requested the city officials to do away with this rough section before the packing season begin in early August. He dilated on the extent of the damage caused to fruit being hauled over it. The city officials have been informally considering it for some time past, but had as yet taken no action, as they were somewhat stumped when an informal, hurried estimate as to the cost of repaving this rough section was given as $8000 by City Superintendent Scheffel, for the present state of city figures makes such suggested repavings at such a cost almost prohibitive. However, the council, recognizing the necessity of doing away with this complained-of section in some manner before the fruit hauling season begins, voted to have Superintendent Scheffel and the council street committee make a careful investigation and estimate of cost of repaving, or some other remedy, as soon as possible. One suggestion made was that the section be graveled and oiled and kept in satisfactory condition that way until at some future time repaving can be done. An ordinance was passed to require all packing houses located within the city limits to be equipped with a trough or tank through which the used spray wash must be run over limestone to neutralize the acid in it before the wash is dumped into the city water system, as if this is not done it causes decay and trouble in the water pipes. Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1929, page 3 Traffic on Main Street.
To the Editor:The person who wrote "When life flows along like a song" must have been in a state of semi-unconsciousness, or else have been referring to some song I have never heard. Life does not flow like a song--it flows like a river--a long river with lots of curves and bumps. Curves and bumps remind me to interrupt the flow of the river and turn to flow of traffic, and right here let me say, please Mr. Editor, that this communication is intended as a friendly gesture of information to fellow sufferers who perhaps have traveled along for some time, even as I, unconscious of the fact that they had no legal right to be on earth, or at least not on the "main stem," I draw this overwhelming conclusion from the bitter fact that I had the nerve to be driving thereon and not exceeding the speed limit, and am only now recovering from the shock of paying up financially, morally, physically, and what have you. Fellow motorist, if you by any chance operate and own a car costing more than $75, take it from me your place is in the alleys and back streets--the farther back the better. The main thoroughfares and highways are reserved for California tourists and local flaming youth. Not being satisfied by having a tourist of the above-mentioned variety, driving something on four tires and loaded from stem to stern, starboard and larboard, with all his worldly goods, including the kitchen stove and the family goat, take my right away from me, and then try to push me up on the sidewalk and before I could recover myself, tell me to go to hell, and drive off before I could make an appropriate reply. Not satisfied to take this hint that I was a public nuisance, I boldly drove down Sixth Street the other forenoon, and a flaming youth armed with a birth certificate in one hand and a driver's license in the other, and both feet on the gas, proceeded to wreck the front end of my car, and carry on, indignation on his pure young features, at my daring to change gears in his pathway. If you will insist on being on Main Street, I suggest buying a car without paint. Then when it is nicely dented and rammed out of shape, pick out some nice shade of paint and touch up the furrows and dents with highlights to make the ensemble remind one of the interior of the modern Spanish bungalow. This is really a clever idea, and additional bumps after the paint job only add to the general effect. If you are really too old-fashioned, and insist on plain, shiny surfaces, your next best bet is to surround your car with a braided steel cable so arranged that being hit at any speed, in any direction, will only slightly inconvenience you, and you will have the satisfaction of seeing defeat written on the features of your assailant. I might add that being of age or having a license is of practically no value for the driver of the damaged car. Don't ever think you are right about anything pertaining to traffic regulations or stop signs. Anything you say or do is wrong, whether you think so or not. Just pay up and shut up. L. T. KING.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1929, page B4Medford, July 11. CENTRAL AVE. PAVING PLEA IS
Planning Commission Given Petition Property Owners from Fifth Street, South--North Extension Plea Is to Be Made.
At a meeting of the city Planning Commission held last night, a
petition signed by property owners on Central Avenue, from Fifth Street
south, was presented asking that South Central Avenue be paved south to
Riverside Avenue, connecting with the Pacific Highway. A similar
petition, asking that the north end of the same street be
extended across the property of the Owen-Oregon company, to
connect with the Pacific Highway near the junction with
the Medford-Sams Valley highway, now under construction, will
be presented to the county court at the regular meeting tomorrow.
The city engineer was instructed to make an estimate of cost and feasibility on the south project. The two extensions would give Central Avenue connections from both directions., and make it a through street for auto travel, now centered on Riverside Avenue. When the Medford-Sams Valley highway (Midway Highway) was decided upon last spring, it was proposed that North Central Avenue be extended, providing a direct road from Sams Valley, and the north central end of the valley, with the heart of the business district. The propositions have been under consideration for several years by Central Avenue property owners. Medford Mail Tribune, July 23, 1929, page 1 OWEN AND JUDGE WILL CONFER ON STREET EXTENSION
County Judge Alex Sparrow and James H. Owen of the Owen-Oregon company
will confer this week upon the extension of Court Street through
Owen-Oregon property from North Central Avenue to the Pacific Highway
near the junction with the Medford-Sams Valley highway. This is the
north loop of the Central Avenue property owners' project to make that
thoroughfare a through street, and relieving much of the traffic
congestion on Riverside Avenue.The county court is not averse to the north opening of Central Avenue, and have been working on the proposition for some time. Securing the right-of-way has been the main difficulty. The extension of Court Street would give the north-central portion of the county a direct route to the heart of the city. Medford Mail Tribune, July 29, 1929, page 3 CITY TO ADOPT RIGID POLICY ON CITY WORK
Medford Mail Tribune, August 11, 1929, page 8
Mayor Pipes and members of the city council are so much wrought up over
what they call the "dallying tactics and procrastination" of some
property owners on a number of streets that have been improved upon
petition of the property owners in signing up under the Bancroft act
to pay for these improvements, that they have given out the fiat that
hereafter no attention will be paid to street improvement petitions
unless the property owners benefited guarantee to sign up and pay their
share of the improvement without any delay.
They are particularly peeved over the actions of some Sixth Street property owners, who after years of petitioning and promising the city officials everything under the sun to have that street opened and paved, ever since that improvement was made over a year ago, are still hanging back from paying their assessments and trying to evade them on one pretext or another, the city administration alleges, and only recently held a meeting at which they took steps to employ attorney Frank Newman to see if some legal action could be taken whereby they could escape paying. If such a method could be found the evaders' share of the expense of this improvement would fall on the city, at the expense of the general city treasury. The city officials also claim that the property owners of Park Avenue are dilatory in signing up to pay for the pavement laid on their street some time ago, which paving the officials declare is some of the best ever laid in the city and at the cheapest cost ever known for such a fine job of paving. Because of this feeling on the part of the city officials the proposed extension of Central Avenue from Boyd Street through the Earhart property, to connect with the Pacific Highway on South Riverside Avenue, may have tough sledding, unless the improvement can be brought about at the guaranteed expense of the property owners benefited, without the city running the risk of being stuck for the major part of the talked-of improvement. This move for another through traffic street was inaugurated by the property owners of South Central Avenue, sixty percent of whom between Fifth Street and Boyd Street signed the petition, and the project in turn has been approved by the city planning commission and the city council. However, the latter body only approves if the burden is borne by the property owners and the city can see its way financially clear to advance money to carry on the improvement until the property owners have paid in their assessments. At last Tuesday's council meeting the finance committee of that body was appointed to confer with a committee of property owners to see if some satisfactory way could be devised to finance the improvement. The South Central Avenue petitioners have obtained a 90-day option to purchase a strip of land through the Earhart property necessary for the extension to South Riverside, for $4000, and Miss June Earhart stipulates as a part of the bargain that her remaining property, which will abut on the new street if South Central is extended through this strip, must be freed of all paving, sewer and water expense, which cost would amount to in the neighborhood of $5000. Although the joint committee has not yet made a report, as the city officials now see it, it might be legally impossible to spread this improvement cost on all the Central Avenue property benefited, as property owners for some distance this side of Boyd Street have been assessed to pay for the recently laid paving on Central Avenue to Boyd Street. The city officials, although no legal opinion has yet been obtained, think that these same property owners could not be assessed again to pay for the Central Avenue extension improvement through the Earhart property to the Pacific Highway. EARHART TRACT WORTH $1,500 THINKS BOARD
Mail Tribune, August 15, 1929, page 2
The board of appraisers appointed by Mayor A. W. Pipes to appraise the
property belonging to Miss June Earhart, through which the proposed
southern extension of Central Avenue would pass, made their report to
the mayor this morning. They appraised the property at $1100. Miss
Earhart set the value of the property at $4000.
Advised over the telephone this afternoon of the appraisal, Miss Earhart said: "I have nothing to say, and don't care what the appraisers say." The appraisal committee is composed of Joe Brown, B. E. Harder, and W. H. Gore, and their report in full is as follows: "We, your committee appointed to inspect the property, consider the conditions and report to you our findings relative to opening South Central Avenue through the Earhart property, report and recommend as follows: "Without entering into detail, it is our conclusion that the interests of the city as well as all individuals concerned will be promoted and conserved through acceptance by the city of the proposition of Miss June Earhart with the single modification that the cash payment to Miss Earhart be reduced from $4000 to $1500." The next step, if the issue is not compromised, would be to institute condemnation proceedings, which would necessitate a jury trial and a court hearing. The next move rests with the Central Avenue extension committee. MAIN ST. BRIDGE IS BOTTLENECK FOR EAST SIDE
A largely signed petition was presented the city council, signed by
business men and property owners alike, the latter mostly east side
residents, asking that the city officials improve that section of East
Main Street between Riverside Avenue and Almond Street, taking [omission]
the Bear Creek bridge, which section the petitioners designated as
"Medford's worst bottleneck." A delegation of east side citizens was
present to back up the petition.Petition to Council Asks Widening of Viaduct--Mayor Says Lack of Funds Has Delayed Work--Budget Place Planned. It was explained by Mayor Pipes that the widening of the Bear Creek bridge and other improvements petitioned for and tentatively agreed to by the city council last spring, as soon as money was available, had not been undertaken because of lack of funds, but that provision would be made for it in making out next year's budget, after further investigation as to feasibility and cost. Present Petition.
The petition as presented reads as follows:"We, the undersigned property owners and tenants of property of the city of Medford, Oregon, do pray and petition the City of Medford for relief from the present and existing condition which now exists in, on, and around Medford's 'worst bottleneck' situation and lying between Riverside Avenue and Almond Street on East Main Street. "The improvements for which we ask are as follows: The placing of the four-foot sidewalks on the outside of the Bear Creek bridge, an agreement which was entered into by and between the City of Medford and Gene Childers on or about the 10th day of May, 1928, which states that at the expense of the city this work would be done, and which to date has not been carried out. "We, the undersigned citizens, ask that if the city deems it advisable to build but one side or half of the sidewalk on the bridge at this time, we then ask that the city build and complete the north half or portion of the walk first. "We further ask that East Main Street be widened by setting back the sidewalks 30 inches on each side of the street from Riverside Avenue to Bear Creek bridge, work to be done at the expense of the city. Calling your attention to the fact that there is inadequate provision for proper sewerage on the south side or portion of East Main Street in this block and ask and petition the City of Medford to lay a city sewer pipe of sufficient size to serve any future improvements of whatsoever nature we are able to foresee at the present time, at the time the street is torn up with the setting back of the sidewalks. "Also that the now existing parking strip on either side of East Main Street east of the Bear Creek bridge to Almond Street be eliminated, thus widening East Main Street east of the bridge to Almond Street, all of the above requirements being deemed very necessary to serve both the present and future requirements of the city of Medford. "We also call your attention to the inadequate parking space in this district, which is a handicap to this business district, due to the fact that there is no place a car or truck can turn around with safety closer than Crater Lake Highway, which greatly handicaps the business interests of this particular block. "Your attention is further called to the traffic that crosses and uses this bridge and street. The rapidly growing east side residential district with its many school children crossing this bridge in itself presents the safety factory of putting the sidewalks on the outside of the bridge, and the ever-increasing traffic arising from the Crater Lake Highway. The many orchards, the golf course, the city reservoir, and the many homes demand a wider and safer street than East Main from Riverside to Almond Street as it now exists. "A recent actual count of cars at the intersection of Main and Riverside Avenue from 5 p.m. to 5:18 p.m. was 400 cars; in other words 400 cars used this intersection in 18 minutes. "We, the undersigned, respectfully ask action on the above requests and ask the city to set some definite time when we may expect some relief from the now existing conditions." Medford Mail Tribune, October 2, 1929, page 1 RESURRECTION
Sixty Percent Assent of Property Owners Necessary for Through Street Promoters--Creamery to Build Driveway.
The movement to make another main north and south highway through the
city out of Central Avenue does not have a very rosy outlook at
present, because of a recent remonstrance petition filed with the city
council, but this may be overcome if promoters of the plan
succeed in getting 60 percent of signatures favoring, as they have been
advised to do by City Superintendent Fred Scheffel, who made the
following report to the city council Tuesday night:
"Complying with your request to tabulate the recorded property owners who have signed the remonstrance petition against any assessment on Central Avenue for improvement south of Boyd Street, we find the total front footage from the end of the pavement to Boyd Street is 2745 feet, of which 973 feet was signed on the protest, or 35½ percent. "The total front footage of Central Avenue from. Fifth Street to Boyd Street is 8420 feet, and we find signed on the protest 2270.5 feet, or 27 percent. In other words, 35½ percent of the property owners between the end of the pavement and Boyd Street are represented on the remonstrance petition; and taking the street clear through from Fifth to Boyd, there is only 27 percent." Street Committee
The street and road committees also made
reports to the council as follows:"Complying with your request to investigate and report upon the condition of motor vehicles parking on North Fir Street in front of the Jackson County Creamery. This firm is now preparing to construct a cement sidewalk and provide driveways to the building from the street. This no doubt will eliminate the congestion. However, we recommend that the traffic department keep in touch with matters and they no doubt can make further suggestions. "Complying with your request to investigate and report upon the question of making an exemption on Lot 1, Block 61, Original Town, in the name of L. Niedermeyer. We do not consider an exemption should be made as this lot is bounded on three sides by streets, two of which are paved, and as soon as the other street is improved, a 50-foot elimination should be granted." City Superintendent Scheffel also made the following report: "Will H. Wilson has requested that the north line of Lot 12, Block 2, Meeker's Addition, be resurveyed and the property line placed on a curve rather than a straight line, as now exists. "Attached hereto is a plat showing the change we recommend. This change will not in any way affect the street, but it does make available a small strip of ground which the city can dispose of, and we suggest that the land appraisal committee make an investigation and place a price for the strip of ground." All of the above reports were referred to various committees. Medford Mail Tribune, October 17, 1929, page B1 WILL RUSH WORK STREETS, SEWERS
The work of grading and graveling, paving and the construction of
sewers on several streets, the contracts for which were let by the city
council at a special meeting yesterday afternoon, will be begun at once
and all the work will be completed before the winter season
set in, unless inclement weather should prevent.
In each instance the contracts were let to the lowest bidder, although all the bids were close. The three bids for paving of Reddy Avenue from the west line of McAndrews Street to the east line of Lindley Avenue were submitted by L. O. Herrold, R. I. Stuart & Son and the Medford Concrete Construction Co., and the latter was awarded the contract on its bid of $6098.50. The contracts for the other improvement work were all awarded to R. I. Stuart & Son as follows: Grading and graveling of Narregan Street between West Jackson and Clark streets, $1737.50; grading and graveling of West Tenth Street from South Central one-half block distant, $185; sewers on West Tenth from Hamilton to some distance west, $384.20; on Columbus Street for some distance, $874.40; lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Grey's Addition, $270.40. Medford Mail Tribune, October 18, 1929, page 6 PROVISIONAL OK GIVEN OPENING OF
City Council Votes Improvement If Investigation of Petitions, Statements and Figures Prove Correct As Submitted.
After hearing a new petition read from Central Avenue property owners
and figures of the footage signed up, which were presented by a
committee consisting of Porter J. Neff, James D. Bell and Larry Schade,
chairman of the city Planning Commission, the city council voted last
night to approve of the pending plan to convert South Central Avenue
into a through thoroughfare by extending it from Boyd Street through
the June Earhart property to the Pacific Highway, if after
the petition's statements and figures as to signatures, estimated cost,
etc., are found to be correct.
It will be remembered that the first petition for this proposed improvement was automatically nullified some time age when it was found that the number of signatures on it lack the required majority. The new petition has more than the required number of signatures of property owners, all of whom between Fifth Street and Boyd Street have signed, except three. The total footage between these two streets is 8468, and the signers on the new petition, who are 68½ percent of all the property owners, represent a footage of 5798.
Cost $7200.
The estimated cost of the proposed
opening of the street is $7200, the majority of which cost, or 73
percent of it, $5798, at $2 a foot, will be borne by the signed footage
between Fifth and Ninth streets. From 9th Street to the end of the old
paving the cost per foot front will be 60 cents, and from the old
paving to Boyd Street will be 20 cents per front foot.The details are being worked out by Porter J. Neff and others of the committee of leading property owners favoring the improvement, and will, when finished, be presented to the city council for action at once by that body. It is understood that Miss Earhart has come down much in the asked purchase price of the way through her property, and now will sell it for $2500. The new petition presented last night to the council reads, that, "We hereby petition that you cause Central Avenue to be opened up through the Earhart property and improved in accordance with the plans of the city engineer and to assess the costs thereof upon the property fronting on Central Avenue benefited thereby. "This petition is made on the understanding that the assessment is not to extend farther north than Fifth Street and that the amount of the assessment is not to exceed $2.00 per front foot for property between Fifth and Ninth streets; 60¢ per front foot for property between Ninth Street and the end of present pavement, and 20¢ per front foot for property between the end of the present pavement and Boyd Street." Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1929, page 5 HOSPITAL STREET IN BAD CONDITION
A petition for the improvement of Florence Street, running off East
Main Street to the Sacred Heart Hospital, may soon be circulated in
view of the poor condition in which the street has been for years past.
Local and out-of-town residents who have occasion to use the street
often declare it is one of the roughest in Medford, with holes and
rocks continually bouncing automobiles and their occupants going up or
down the hill to the hospital.The condition of the road has been pointed out as being particularly harmful to patients. This is said to be especially true where patients must have absolutely level riding. The road around the hospital was paved with concrete last summer by the hospital, leaving improvement work to be done by the city on several hundred yards of Florence Street. Medford Mail Tribune, November 22, 1929, page 10 WANT BRIDGE ON McANDREWS ROAD
Medford Mail Tribune, December 27, 1929, page 5
A petition is being circulated by W. C. Rookard, proprietor of the
Berrydale store, for the construction of a bridge over Bear Creek at
McAndrews ford, which has been in use for years. Erosion by the stream
is cutting a deep channel where the present ford is located, and it is
at times impassable.
Growth of traffic, according to the petition, which will be presented to the county court, has created a demand for a connecting link between the Pacific and Crater Lake highways between the present connections of Jackson Street and Biddle Road. KNEW PLAN FOR DECORATION OF LOCAL STREETS
Preparations for the annual Christmas opening to be sponsored through
the retail trade division of the chamber of commerce Wednesday evening
were started today with the hanging of the first street
decorations under the management of Roland Hubbard, chairman of the
decorations committee.An entirely new plan of decorating will be inaugurated this year. Instead of placing an evergreen tree on each curb, large trees will be placed at 16 intersections of the city. They will be highly illuminated with holiday lights and fixtures and will probably be painted to simulate snow. The illumination with be done by the city and the California Oregon Power Company, the latter taking care of the trees on Sixth Street and the city those on Main Street. Santa Claus is scheduled to arrive at 7:30, and he's going to be accompanied by two jolly fellows, who will rival the old boy himself in popularity with the children. A letter was received this morning from Amos and Andy accepting the invitation sent them several days ago by Robert Strang, chairman of Christmas opening. "Sho-sho" ["Sure, sure"]---they are coming to escort Santa into the city and assist him throughout the evening. [Amos and Andy--or lookalikes--were in Medford at the time promoting their first talkie.] The lights will go out at 7:30 for half a minute to announce the formal unveiling of Christmas windows. Plans have been in process for several weeks to make the windows and store interiors more elaborate for the 1930 season than any previous one. A concert will be played on the streets by the Elks band and the holiday spirit will prevail throughout the evening as crowds move from shop to shop to view the Yuletide displays. Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1930, page 4 BIDS ON COTTAGE STREET BRIDGE IN HOPPER TONIGHT
The main item of business at tonight's city council meeting will be the
receiving and opening of bids for the construction of the new bridge
over Bear Creek at Cottage Street, for which the people of Medford
voted a $25,000 bond issue at the November election.The bids will only be opened tonight and turned over to the city engineering department for figuring out and study, so as to be ready for the letting of the contract to the lowest bidder at tomorrow night's city council meeting. It is understood that there will be a half dozen or more bids from as many contractors. The city officials will lose no time in completing the sale of the bonds and rushing the work of constructing the new bridge, having in mind that the quicker such work starts it will give employment to a number of men and sooner aid in reliving the local unemployment situation. Tonight's council session will begin at 7 o'clock and last but an hour, adjourning over until tomorrow night, so as to permit the city officials to attend the "Messiah" oratorio concert at the Holly Theater. Medford Mail Tribune, December 16, 1930, page 5 The mayor and councilmen were elated when the bids were opened last night for the construction of the new Cottage Street bridge, for which the people voted a bond issue of $25,000, as the lowest bid was $19,909.75, and the other bids were also far below the bond issue. This bidding shows the wisdom of the city officials in having the bonds voted at the last election, and early advertising for bids, to take advantage of the saving in cost of material and slack period of employment. The bids for the contract, which will be let at tonight's council meeting, were as follows: Hargreaves & Lindsey of Eugene, $19,909.75; C. J. Montag of Portland, $20,645.00; R. I. Stuart & Sons of Medford, $21,732.10; J. A. Varner of Williams, $22,933.70; T. B. Westfall of Klamath Falls, $22,618.10. "Cottage Span to Cost Less Than Figured," Medford Mail Tribune, December 17, 1930, page 1 A report to the council on the Cottage Street bridge announced that all footings have been poured, and that the concrete in four piers has been poured to date. The work is progressing rapidly. "City Park Site Sales Are Urged," Medford Daily News, January 21, 1931, page 2 COTTAGE STREET SPAN PROGRESSING
The building of the new Cottage Street bridge over Bear Creek is moving
fast, with indications that the structure will be in use within 60
days, according to City Superintendent Scheffel and Building Inspector
Frank Rogers.All footings have been poured up to date, and the four piers on the bridge are complete to the floor level. The contractor, who has between 20 and 30 men employed, is now pouring the two center girders, and all girders will be poured by this evening. Good building weather and the fact that a flooded condition in Bear Creek has been absent since the bridge building was begun has greatly expedited the work. Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1931, page 3 CITY LEADERS BATTLE FOR OPEN
by prominent residents, by Eighth Street property holders, city
officials feel that a strong case has been prepared to show why the
opening of Eighth and Fourth streets is necessary to the city. With
attorneys for the Southern Pacific opposing the petition for the
opening of the key streets across the railway tracks at grade, the
hearing before the public service commission will take place in the
circuit court rooms at the courthouse on January 29.
Members of the commission will act in a judicial capacity, and evidence will be introduced in a manner similar to a circuit court trial. The Eighth Street opening is regarded as a greater need by city officials, and the city will concentrate its legal barrage for the commission's direction to open this street. Railway officials are not expected to fight the Fourth Street request so bitterly, as it will not affect the railway yards. At a public meeting last week Eighth Street property holders pledged themselves in favor of the opening, and indicated that all resultant costs would be more than repaid by increase in property valuation. Medford Daily News, January 28, 1931, page 5 CITY'S CASE IN 8TH ST. PLEA IS HELD WORTHY
The city officials and many other advocates of the proposed opening up
of Eighth and Fourth streets, the formerly especially, feel that the
city made a very good case at the Public Service Commission hearing
last Thursday and Friday on the city's petition urging that body to
order in grade crossings over the Southern Pacific tracks at Fourth and
Eighth streets. The decision of the commission, which body took the
matter under consideration, will probably not be made public for
several weeks.Espee Officials Also Regard Their Arguments Highly--Argue New Outlet Is Most Vital Item. Mayor E. M. Wilson and Former Mayor A. W. Pipes are among the prominent Medford citizens, who aside from their natural hopes for the asked-for improvements and prejudices in favor of the same, think that the testimony and statistics presented before the commission for the grade crossings, especially for the Eighth Street one made out a very impressive argument in favor of having the petition granted. On the other hand the Southern Pacific railroad representation at the hearing feel that their arguments prevented against the necessity of establishing such grade crossings, won them the case. The mayor and former mayor hold that one of the most important contentions put up by the city that the opening up of Eighth and Fourth streets into through streets is necessary to the growth and development of Medford, was the pointing out that with the building of the new court house at Oakdale and West Main streets and the new high school way out on South Oakdale, the opening up of Eighth Street is almost imperative in the way of relieving the traffic of West Main and Sixth streets, now very heavy, and which when the new courthouse and high school are in use, will be far greater. Medford Mail Tribune, February 1, 1931, page 2 NORTH CENTRAL WILL BE LINKED WITH HIGHWAY
Final steps for opening of North Central Avenue to the Pacific Highway
via an extension of Court Street were taken by the county court at its
regular meeting today. The street committee of the city council and
James D. Bell, who has had charge of securing options and other
details, appeared at the session and asked for early auction.County Court Takes Final Steps for Improvement--Right-of-Way Options Are Signed. Options for the right-of-way have been secured, with the exception of one small tract, and it is probable condemnation proceedings will be instituted. Cost of right-of-way will be slightly in excess of $700. Options secured will be taken up at an early date, it is expected. Plan Wide Road
The extension as proposed will extend from the north terminal of
Central Avenue and will join the Pacific Highway, near the junction
with the Biddle Road and the Sams Valley highway. A 100-foot roadway at
the junction is contemplated to handle the traffic. A small portion of
the route will traverse Owen-Oregon company property.Completion of the extension will divert a large portion of the county passenger auto traffic from the north end of the county onto Central Avenue, giving a "straight shoot" into the heart of the Medford business district. We will leave Riverside Avenue for truck and tourist travel and relieve congestion at Main and Riverside Avenue. It will also coincide with the state highway commission plan to straighten the Pacific Highway between this city and Central Point. Long Contemplated
The project, hanging fire for a couple of years, was started about the
time that the south end of Central Avenue was connected with the
Pacific Highway.The county court also heard a delegation of farmers living south of Ashland tell their road troubles, anent a farmer who locks a gate across a road--the only outlet of a neighbor. The matter was ordered referred to the district attorney for action. This afternoon the county court will consider more pans for the county courthouse and consult with Frank C. Clark, local architect. Routine business and the signing of the regular mid-month of bills completed the session. Medford Mail Tribune, February 11, 1931, page 1 CITY LOSES BATTLE FOR CROSSINGS
The telegraphic news received in the city today from Salem that the
Public Service Commission had denied the right to the city to establish
grade crossings at Eighth and Fourth streets over the Southern Pacific
tracks was a big disappointment to the city administration, city
planning commission, former officials of the city and many citizens
generally, especially because of the reasons given by the commission
for the ruling.Public Service Commission Denies Right to Cross S.P. Tracks on Eighth and Fourth Streets--Mayor Deplores Ruling. General local opinion was that the city officials made a good case at the Public Service Commission hearing here some weeks ago on the city's petition asking authority to construct the two crossings, against the opposition of the Southern Pacific. The city in the main contended that such crossings, especially at Eighth Street, were badly needed for the development and expansion of the fast-growing city, and in the way of relieving growing traffic congestion on Main and Sixth streets through the business section. It was also contended by the city that such crossings would tend to do away with hazardous conditions, whereas the commission's ruling made public at Salem today stressed that the establishment of grade crossings at Eighth and Fourth streets would be hazardous. Mayor Disappointed
Then, too, what makes the disappointment all the more felt is that the
two sought for overhead crossings were recommended by Jacob Crane, the
eastern city planning expert of note, following the survey he made of
city conditions a year or more ago."Too bad! I thought that we would get one of them at least," remarked Mayor E. M. Wilson this noon when told of the commission's ruling. "Isn't that a hot one?" remarked former Mayor E. M. Pipes when apprised of the ruling. "It is certainly to be deplored." The ruling of the commission is related in the following Associated Press dispatch received by the Mail Tribune today: Held Hazardous
"Petitions by the city of Medford for authority to construct grade
crossings over the Southern Pacific tracks at Eighth and Fourth streets
in that city are denied in an order by the Public Service Commission
today. The commission holds that the crossings would be hazardous and
would hamper switching movements of the Southern Pacific Company."It is also stated in the order that Medford city officials are considering a plan to remove the industries located between Eleventh and Third streets to an industrial section to be created in the southern part of the city, and that this would greatly relieve the hazard to the traveling public that would exist if Eighth and Fourth streets were opened by grade crossings through the switching yards." Medford Mail Tribune, February 28, 1931, page 1 COTTAGE SPAN OPENS MONDAY JOB COMPLETE
Without any ceremony but with much joy on the part of the many people
of that section of Medford greatly benefited by this long-needed
improvement, the new Cottage Street bridge over Bear Creek will be
thrown open for traffic at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, as the structure
and its approaches have all been completed with the exception of
cleaning out beneath one of the 60-foot spans.New Bridge Over Bear Creek Now Completed Ahead of Time and Below Estimated Bond Cost. Although the bond issue for construction of this bridge was for $25,000, its cost will be about $22,000. Work on the structure was begun by Hargraves & Lindsey of Eugene, on Dec. 26th last, the work to be completed, according to contract stipulation, in ninety days, but was completed a month earlier. The bridge is 180 feet long, having two 60-foot spans and two 30-foot spans. It contains 700 cubic yards of concrete and 50 tons of steel, and furnished much employment for local labor during its construction. The only outside labor used by the contractors was that of foreman and structural steel workers. City officials declare the job was a good one, and the contractors are receiving many compliments for their work. Medford Mail Tribune, March 1, 1931, page 6 DIXIE LANE NEW NAME FOR ROAD
the request of Mrs. S. Snell Howry, who lives on the Howry estate south
of Stewart Avenue and two roads from Peach Street, the road by the
estate has been named "Dixie Lane" by the county court. The name was
suggested to the officials and did not conflict with other road names
in the district.The Medford fire department is checking on all roads and lanes, to be sure that they are named so that they may be easily located in case of fires which would necessitate calling the local department. This also applies to territory within the city limits. Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1931, page 3 AUTOISTS WARNED TO STOP AT 6TH STREET
With the completion of the stop signs on Sixth Street, the last of
which were installed yesterday afternoon, traffic officers were today
making a careful check and demanding that autoists stop before entering
the street.Medford Mail Tribune, July 24, 1931, page 5 Better Crater Lake Sign.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune,
August 21,
1931, page 7To the Editor:
Medford claims to be the gateway to Crater Lake and should have a better sign directing tourists where to leave East Main Street. Recently my attention has been called to several strangers who have missed the little sign on the corner and wound up at Talent. Such should not be. A plain sign stretched across the street would prevent such mistakes. WILL G. STEEL.
Beginning tomorrow the street maintenance and repair department of the
city will be restored to normal, with six men who were laid off about
six weeks ago back to work again, and more frequent sweeping of streets
in the residence district.Due to the six weeks economy program in that department because of six less men on the payroll and the cutting down of sweepings of the residence streets, approximately $1000 was saved the city, City Superintendent F. W. Scheffel said today. It was intended by the city council and Superintendent Scheffel to have the reduced program only enforced until fall, but the falling leaves and rainy weather necessitate more frequent cleaning of the thoroughfares and a larger number of employees. It is expected that removal of fallen leaves from the streets will be in full swing by next week, and citizens who desire such street refuse for fertilizer hauled to their lots should make application at once with the city superintendent's office. Already a number of such applications are on file. It is costly to operate the street sweeper because its brushes wear out fast and cost so much; in normal daily operation the main brush alone wears out every five nights and has to be replaced. It was this cost of operation that caused the city council six weeks ago to have the residence streets swept less often during the remainder of the summer. Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1931, page 5 YULE DECORATIONS ENLIVEN STREETS IN SHOPPING AREA
The mistletoe bough is hanging high in Medford today. Combined with
holly and fir, it announces the approach of another Christmas annual
opening which will be staged by Medford merchants next Tuesday.Lamp posts, intersections and store fronts are being decked in fragrant greens and hosts of other decorations characteristic of the Yuletide. Santa Claus will arrive to find the city ready to give him a colorful reception, even if his whiskers are found a little frayed by depression. Sixty-five stores at noon today had announced their intentions to participate in the annual opening. Tickets are in all the stores. One hundred merchants are expected to join the program preparations by tomorrow. The store decorations this year promise to form the most novel Christmas setting Medford has witnessed, committee chairmen announced this morning. Medford Mail Tribune, November 24, 1931, page 10
At the Main Street crossing of the
Southern Pacific railroad, where there has been a flagman on duty for
more than 30 years, according to former city officials, there will be
no flagman today, George Ziders, who has held that position for the
past two years, announced last night.Mr. Ziders completed his work with the company last night, and as far as could be learned then, no one has been assigned to the job. While the belief seemed general about the city that the railroad had at some time entered an agreement with the city of Medford whereby a flagman would be maintained at the Main Street crossing, no record of the agreement was reported by City Recorder M. L. Alford. The number of trains passing over the crossing has decreased during the past few years, and the automobile traffic, which used to constitute an important problem, has also been greatly leavened during the past year. No information regarding the situation could be obtained from local Southern Pacific representatives last night. Mr. Ziders stated that he knew nothing of the future plans of the company and that he was intending to leave for Portland soon. He has been an employee of the Southern Pacific for the past 34 years. Before he came flagman at the Main Street crossing, Verne Cannon, now janitor at the city hall, held the position. Medford Mail Tribune, November 27, 1932, page 6
"Twenty years ago today the town was slushier than it is today, and
just as poor," Owney Patton, Medford's favorite son of old Ireland,
declared this morning as he leaned on his broom when a stream of water
poured through the snow, sewer bent, on North Central. "There was more
water and less drainage," Owney continued, "and that's when they
couldn't get up hospital hill with autos, horses and buggies or horses.
And I'm the guy who built the road to let folks through."I didn't put Roxy Ann up there," he added with a wide smile, which spread his mustache. "I'm not claiming that, but I did build that road, 20 years ago, and it's there yet. People couldn't get up there to see their sick folks for the water and mud, and I says, 'We got to have a road.' I was street commissioner then. And they said, 'We haven't any money.' And I said, 'We'll have a road anyway,' and we had it. "They allowed me $100 to get it done, and we put it in for less than that." The little Irishman dipped his broom deeper into the snow to clear the drain near the Groceteria lot, of which he is now manager. "We used the sandstones Bullis threw away when he built the railroad. We drove them into the ruts and covered them over. Didn't take much topping with that well-drained foundation. And you still got a road there," and with that triumphant remark, Owney moved down the street with his broom. Medford Mail Tribune, January 24, 1933, page 5 FOURTH STREET CROSSING PACT IS AUTHORIZED
Ordinance authorizing the city of Medford to enter an agreement with
the Southern Pacific railroad for the opening of Fourth Street was
passed yesterday at a special meeting of the city council, and work on
the project, it is understood, will start in the immediate future.Permission for such action was received from the Public Utilities Commission at Salem last month. In agreement entered with the Southern Pacific yesterday the city pays $250 for the right of way. Councilman W. M. Clemenson acted as mayor at the meeting in the absence of Mayor Wilson, who is in Portland. Vacating of an alley in block 41, belonging to the Gold Seal Creamery, which is interested in the construction and opening of a brewery here, was also acted upon and July 18 decided upon as date for the hearing. Medford Mail Tribune, June 13, 1933, page 8 OPENING FOURTH ST. WILL START MONEY
Ten men will start to work Monday on the opening of Fourth Street
between Front and Fir streets, Fred Scheffel, city superintendent,
announced today. There is about 60 feet of pavement necessary to
opening the street, the right of way having been obtained recently.Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1933, page 3 FOURTH STREET OPENING LOOMS
Early opening of Fourth Street across the Southern Pacific tracks
looms. A section crew is now installing the crossing. Public Utilities
Commissioner C. M. Thomas approved the crossing, and both the city and
the railroad have acquiesced.The street has been paved for several months to the railroad. The new brewery is on the west side of the crossing and a tombstone factory [Oregon Granite] on the east side. H. O. Frohbach suggests that a civic celebration usher in the new crossing. He proposes that the first keg of beer be used to christen the crossing, that the people get together with the maximum merriment and the minimum of oratory. Medford Mail Tribune, August 11, 1933, page 9 $36,500 STREET WORK PROMISED
A street widening and improvement program, involving the expenditure of
$36,500, with $20,000 of the total sum coming from federal funds
allotted to the state of Oregon, will be started in Medford in the
immediate future, it was revealed here today with the arrival of
engineer Carter of the state highway commission, and report of action
taken last night by the city council in regular session.WIDENING OF MAIN AND RIVERSIDE TO BE STARTED SOON Bridge Bottleneck to Be Abolished by City and Private Fund-- State Will Pay for Riverside Job The long-anticipated widening of East Main Street, from Front to Almond over the Bear Creek bridge, was authorized at last night's meeting of the city dads. The widening of Riverside Avenue through expenditure of the $20,000 forthcoming from the state will be started later in the winter. Main Street Job $16,500
The widening of East Main Street will cost approximately $16,500, City
Superintendent Fred Scheffel stated today. Of this amount $12,000 will
be furnished by the property owners, who will finance widening of the
street, with exception of the bridge, under the Bancroft act. The
widening of the bridge, at an estimated cost of $4500, will be paid for
by the City of Medford.The property owners of the section, who have advocated widening of the street for a long time, agreed to widen and light the street if the city would widen the bridge. Funds for this project were included in the emergency fund of the last city budget. No definite action had been taken however to speed the work, until a committee of property owners renewed their insistence a few weeks ago. Recommendations of the street and roads committee were presented the city council by Councilman Al Littrell last night and were approved. Advertising for bids from contractors was then authorized by the council. Bids will be called for in about two weeks, City Superintendent Scheffel stated. Fourth to Ninth
Riverside Avenue, under the program outlined by the highway commission
engineer, will be widened from the present width of 40 feet to 48 from
Fourth Street to Ninth Street. The highway is already 36 feet wide from
Ninth to Twelfth, and that section will remain as it is. The distance
from Twelfth to the intersection of Central Avenue, now but 20 feet
wide, will be increased to 36, to comply with the section from Ninth to
Twelfth.The state has $20,000 in federal funds to spend on the widening of Riverside. The improvement will make an almost straight strip in the Pacific Highway from Fourth Street clear through the city. Bids on the work will be called for about January 18, Mayor E. M. Wilson was informed by the highway engineer today. In making the improvement the state highway commission is asking the city of Medford to acquire the right-of-way for widening, which will necessitate the setting back of several buildings. Engineer Carter will confer with Mr. Scheffel here tomorrow regarding further steps in the highway improvement. The money to be spent here, it is understood, is a portion of that amount, which Portland has been demanding for expenditure there. Medford Mail Tribune, September 20, 1933, page 1 RIVERSIDE AVENUE WIDENING PLAN IS CHANGED SLIGHTLY
Minor changes in the plans for widening and improvement of Riverside
Avenue, announced yesterday, were outlined this morning at the
conference attended here by Engineer Collier, district engineer of the
state highway commission for the southern district. At the meeting with
City Superintendent Fred Scheffel, members of the street and roads
committee and Bernard Roberts of the planning commission, it was
decided to start the widening of Riverside at Sixth, instead of Fourth
Street, as originally planned.From Sixth to Ninth the street will be widened from the present 40 feet to 47. No widening will be done between Ninth and Twelfth. Starting at Twelfth, where the street is now only 20 feet wide, it will be increased to 36 feet for whatever distance south the money will allow. The first step will be building up the existing low spots, Mr. Scheffel stated this morning. The improvement will call for expenditure of $20,000, as previously announced, and bids on contracts will be opened January 18. Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1933, page 10 COUNCIL NOTES A CHANGE OF HEART ON MAIN ST. PLAN
Will East Main Street be widened?--that is the question, again!Property Owners Once in Approval Now Protest--Wider Bridge and Better Lights Also Discussed. The improvement, discussed by numerous city councils and provided for in three city budgets, was weighed in the balance again last night, and was found returned to the argumentative stage, when the regular meeting of the city council drew to a close. Just when the improvement appeared to be moving forward to accomplishment before the first of the year, protests were filed by a number of property owners, many of whom, according to A. C. Hubbard, one of the sponsors of the improvement, signed the original petition urging the street widening. Upon receipt of the protests, members of the city council committee, who approved the widening of Bear Creek bridge with the understanding that the property owners would widen the street, voiced opposition to any move without cooperation of the property owners. So bridge and street threatened to retain their present width when the meeting adjourned. The $4000 included in the last city budget (and two preceding it) for widening of the bridge will not be available if work is not under way before the first of the year, Mr. Hubbard informed the council, urging early action on that section of the project. In case the matter runs into the first of the year, he added, a new levy will have to be made. If this action is taken, he expressed confidence that the property owners from Riverside east, at least, will continue with the street widening. Joe Brown, one of the property owners, appeared before the council to contest the improvement, and protests were filed by the following individuals and firms located between Central and Front streets: The First National Bank, the Medynski estate, E. T. Allen of the Allen Hotel, Palm and Niedermeyer, and John Barneburg. Property owners of the stretch between Central and Bartlett streets also remonstrated. In that list were named: Ed Wilkinson, C. I. Hutchison, Elizabeth Deuel, Isabel Trowbridge, E. H. Lamport, the directors of the Jackson County Bank, and Scott V. Davis. Called upon by Mayor E. M. Wilson to give an explanation of the situation, Mr. Hubbard stated that "many have evidently had a change of heart. We are much surprised to see a number of names in that column." He then added that Mr. Lamport and Mr. Davis had both stated that they were very much in favor of the move. Dr. B. R. Elliott, another advocate of the street widening, added that B. E. Harder, president of the First National Bank, had told him he had no objections to the widening. The matter was then referred to the street and road finance committees, with the time for hearing of objections to the improvement continued to the next meeting of the city council. Informed that the next meeting of the council was three weeks distant, Mr. Hubbard protested further. He stated that with completion of the Tiller-Trail highway, traffic over the bridge would be greatly increased. He also pointed out that lighting of Main Street, which is approaching the imperative stage, should not be done until the street is widened, or extra expense would be involved. Councilman W. M. Clemenson moved that the improvement be started as soon as possible, but the motion faded into discussion, inspired by an objection from Councilman C. C. Furnas, who declared that the bridge should not be widened unless the whole street was widened. Councilman Darby, asked for his opinion, declared he could never see any sense in widening the street. Hubbard remarked that if the council had gone ahead with the original petition when it was presented, the whole street would have been widened before the property owners got cold feet. Councilman Al Littrell then suggested that the council proceed under the original petition, but the matter ended in the hands of the committee, members of which were instructed that a special meeting of the council would be called when they are ready to report. Medford Mail Tribune, October 18, 1933, page 1 COUNCIL MOVES TO STRAIGHTEN EAST MAIN TURN
Definite steps toward straightening of East Main Street and
investigation of the Deuel building on Main, described to the city
council as hazardous to public safety, were taken at last night's
meeting at the city hall, when a board of reviewers was named to
negotiate with owners of the land at the abrupt turn on Main and
committees authorized to confer with owners of the Deuel building,
gutted by fire several years ago.The board of reviewers is composed of B. E. Harder, Ed M. White and C. A. Knight. The straightening of the street has been provided for in the CWA projects, approved for Medford. It is necessary, however, that adjacent land, owned by Scott Davis, John Johnson and O. V. Myers, be purchased by the city to make the improvement possible. Early action in the way of a satisfactory price on the property is anticipated, it was pointed out last night, and it is important that the work get underway in the near future. Report of complaints on the Deuel building, particularly during the recent wind storm, was made by Councilman C. C. Furnas of the public safety committee. Contacts with H. S. Deuel were attempted at the time, Mr. Furnas stated, but he was not in town. The council referred the matter to the building and light and street and roads committees, with power to act, and advised a conference with Mr. Deuel before another storm visits the valley. Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1933, page 3 EAST MAIN SERA JOB NEARLY DONE
of the Main Street curve elimination SERA project on Siskiyou Heights
is only a matter of a few days, Fred Scheffel, city superintendent,
stated today. Excavation work and building of a rock wall along the
bank is finished, with remaining work consisting only of leveling the
new roadway.
The ground will have to stand over the winter, Scheffel said, to settle before it is oiled. The project has employed an average of seven men since early this spring, with funds provided by CWA and SERA. Medford Mail Tribune, August 21, 1934, page 5 CITY TO INSTALL TRAFFIC LIGHTS AT
and go traffic lights will be installed before the end of the year at
East Main Street and Riverside Avenue and East Main Street and Central
Avenue, it was announced today by Frank H. Rogers, city building and
light inspector.
The lights have been ordered and should be delivered here within a month, Mr. Rogers said. They will be installed immediately after delivery, he added. The lights will flash red and green at intervals to be determined later, Mr. Rogers related. A whistle will blow simultaneously with the color flash to call attention to the change, he said. Traffic light whistles are an innovation and have been found more effective than bells, he stated, adding that Medford's whistles will be the first to be installed in the West Coast. The traffic lights are intended to give local traffic a chance to enter and cross the Pacific Highway at East Main Street and to avert jams and aid pedestrian traffic at Main and Central, Mr. Rogers explained. As it is now, he pointed out, through traffic has a continuous right of way along the Pacific Highway, or Riverside Avenue, and local traffic has to manage as best it can, cars on Main Street frequently being held up in long strings. At Main and Central it is a battle of everyone for himself and this results in traffic jams and pedestrian hazards, Mr. Rogers stressed. On busy days and nights a policeman must be stationed there to direct traffic. The new traffic lights, with their whistles, will be automatic in operation, Mr. Rogers said. Medford Mail Tribune, November 3, 1937, page 10 ![]() April 12, 1940 Medford Mail Tribune Pedestrians Criticized
the Editor: It seems that giving pedestrians right of way on street
crossings has made more of a hazard for themselves as well as for
motorists than ever before. This newly acquired right has gone to the
heads of many, both men and women, who dawdle across the street, daring
anyone to hurry them, ignoring the confusion of vehicles often arising
from their nonchalance and their very false sense of security.
It is amazing to see the gander crossings these dear good people think are guarded by this new law: catercorner, middle of block, late start after lights are changed, etc. Now, to make things safe for everybody, we suggest the lights be so arranged that time be extended on the yellow, and that pedestrians be limited to yellow light crossing exclusively. This would eliminate the danger to pedestrians when motorists are forced to turn into pedestrian right of way or else block traffic. So simple, so safe. We hope the police will try it. A.
B. E.
Medford Mail Tribune, September
21, 1947, page 8(Name on file.) Eighth St. Paving Started;
Couplet Nears Completion
Paving on
Eighth St. was started this week by the state highway department in
preparation for the new Main St.-Eighth St. one-way couplet for
downtown traffic, it was reported today.
Grading has been completed on Eighth St. between Fir and Fourth sts., it was reported, with the base rock being laid in that area. Between 14 and 18 inches of base rock will be laid before the 3½ inches of asphalt. Officials reported that 20 percent of the work in this block has been completed. Part of the base rock must be laid, they said, before the curbs and gutters may be poured. Complete Curbs, Gutters Workers have completed the majority of the curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveways, with some cleanup work needed in a few areas. This work consists mainly of short patches of sidewalks, curbing at Main and Elm sts., and the traffic separators at Main and Elm sts. Highway engineers reported that paving, which started at the west end of the couplet, will continue west and should be completed in the near future, weather conditions permitting. The project is expected to be completed in July, it was reported. Actual completion of the work depends on installation of eight new traffic signals. The signals will be installed at Main and Eighth sts. at Hamilton St., Main and Eighth sts. at Orange St., and Eighth St. at Oakdale Ave., Grape St., Front St. and Riverside Ave. Trowbridge and Flynn, contractors for signal installation, reported that the signal heads are to be shipped July 3 from Moline, Ill. Total Cost Total cost of the couplet construction will be $227,261.80, of which the city is to pay 25 percent. Approximately $56,800 has been placed on deposit as the city's share, officials report. Construction of a new Bear Creek bridge, to finish the couplet, will be done later. Officials said that actual construction of the bridge is not expected to get under way until next spring. Until the completion of the Bear Creek bridge, eastbound traffic on Eighth St., once the couplet is opened, will flow into Riverside Ave. City officials reported that some congestion of traffic may necessitate a traffic officer at the intersection during peak rush hours. Traffic counter statistic furnished by the city show, during a 24-hour period, that 10,600 vehicles travel on Riverside Ave. at Main St., with as many vehicles on that section of East Main St. Officials concluded that approximately 15,000 vehicles will be traveling on South Riverside Ave., between Eighth and Main sts. once the couplet is opened. Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1958, page 1 Main-Eighth St. Couplet to Open
Friday Morning
Inauguration of the Main St.-Eighth St. couplet is now set for Friday
morning, Aug. 8, according to Vernon Thorpe, city public works director.
Traffic on Main St. will be one-way westbound from Riverside Ave. to Elm St. Traffic on Eighth St. will be one-way eastbound between the same limits. Personnel from the state highway department are expected to arrive today or tomorrow to supervise placement of signs and temporary barricades. A crew from the Southern Pacific railroad is scheduled to set signals in operation at the Eighth St. crossing. Flashing Yellow Meanwhile, Main St. signals have flashing yellow lights as traffic signal adjustments are made. With the couplet in operation motorists on both streets will find the signals timed to allow an uninterrupted flow of traffic, Thorpe reported. Thorpe and City Manager Robert A. Duff advised motorists approaching Riverside Ave. on Eighth St. to get in the proper lane for what they plan to do next. Traffic expecting to continue north on Riverside Ave. is advised to stay in the left lane on Eighth St. and on Riverside Ave. after they turn. Traffic expected to turn east on Main St., one block north of the intersection, is urged to get in the right lane on Eighth St. and move to the right side of Riverside Ave. to facilitate turning right on Main St. They also warned that motorists traveling southeast on Oakdale Ave. can no longer turn across Eighth St. onto King St. by the county courthouse, since they would meet Eighth St.'s eastbound traffic. They must instead either turn west on Main St. and then south on Laurel St. or else continue on Oakdale Ave. and turn south further on. Medford Mail Tribune, August 5, 1958, page 1 Three-Lane Traffic Set on Main
state highway department completed restriping Main St. today for
three-lane traffic from Riverside Ave. to Oakdale Ave., according to
Vernon Thorpe, city engineer.
The street will now include three 12-foot-width lanes of traffic including parking strips on both sides. Thorpe said that the former four 9-foot-width lanes were too narrow for driving comfort. The old stripes on the street are also being removed by the department. Medford Mail Tribune, August 26, 1959, page 1 ![]() July 18, 1963 Medford Mail Tribune New
Signal System Partially Operating
Traffic signals at Medford street
intersections were operated by a master computer at city hall for the
first time Tuesday afternoon.But tests of various programs running the city's new computerized traffic control system involved only small groups of signals at any one time. "We hope to have all signals running on the master computer today," said Tony Barry, product planning manager for Multisonic, of Dublin, Calif. "We can't transfer all of the system over at once." Multisonic is the subcontractor that manufactured the computer system and its software. The master computer will operate traffic lights at 55 intersections. Local control boxes have operated the signals at each intersection and have been coordinated to provide an even traffic flow until now. Barry said the master computer is programmed with nine different patterns to operate at different times of day. But he said the computer also will respond to detectors beneath street intersections. When those sensors indicate changes in traffic flow, the computer can override set signal patterns and alter signal frequency to improve traffic flow. The sensors connect mini-computers at each intersection through telephone lines to the master computer. They record the volume and speed of traffic, and which lanes are getting heaviest use. Participating in the testing and evaluation of the system are specialists from the city, the state Highway Division, the main contractor, Sims Electric, of Medford, and the subcontractors, Multisonic and Omni Means, of Sacramento, Calif. Omni Means provided information from which the computer programs were developed. Barry said four representatives from Multisonic and two from Omni Means will be in Medford as long as it takes to get the system working. While part of the system was on the master computer Tuesday, the rest of Medford traffic lights continued to function on intersection control boxes. Signals were returned to the old system overnight. After the new system is determined to be functioning properly with the different programs, a 60-day evaluation period will begin. Within that period, city and state engineers will determine whether control patterns should be modified. Medford Mail Tribune, February 8, 1984, page 1 Last revised November 25, 2024 |