The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Notes on the venerable institutions at Main and Front, a corner that has been in the food and drink industry since 1884. For other saloons, click here.
Brown's Saloon July 4, 1911 Medford Sun
Brown's logo, July 4, 1911 Medford Sun

    Frank Kasshafer is tending bar at Noland & Ulrich's saloon at Medford while the junior member of the firm is getting settled down to married life.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 7, 1884, page 3

    A neat and novel sign, the work of a local artist, now ornaments the Gem Saloon at Medford, owned by Kenney & Wolters. A fine new billiard table can also be found there as well as at the Railroad Saloon of Noland & Ulrich.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 26, 1884, page 3

    The Gem and Railroad saloons at Medford each keep one of Brunswick, Balke & Co.'s celebrated billiard tables.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1884, page 3

    C. S. Ferguson of Grants Pass, Noland & Ulrich of Medford and M. L. Stanley of Woodville were granted license to sell liquor.

"Commissioner's Court," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 13, 1884, page 3

Case to be Reviewed.
    Noland & Ulrich of Medford, being fined $50 for selling liquor without town license, intend having the action of the Recorder's court reviewed by the circuit court. They claim that they have a license from the county court [the county commissioners], and are therefore privileged to sell under it until it expires.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 21, 1885, page 3

    The firm of Noland & Ulrich at Medford were fined $30 and costs in Recorder Lawton's court at that place for selling liquor without a town license. They hold a county license and now propose testing the matter in the Circuit Court.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 22, 1885, page 3

    SOLE PROPRIETOR.--The partnership existing between John Noland and Wm. Ulrich, proprietors of the Railroad Exchange, was dissolved June 30. Mr. Noland has filed his bonds according to law and taken out license for six months. Mr. Noland is a genial, whole-souled gentleman, always has a good word for everybody. He is straightforward in all his dealings, and his guests and patrons can rely on fair and honest treatment in every particular.--Monitor.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 10, 1886, page 3

    The Railroad Saloon has been renovated, besides receiving a new side, which greatly improves its looks.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1886, page 3

    Wm. Ulrich has sold his interest in the saloon building opposite the depot to John Noland for $1,000.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 29, 1888, page 2

    John Noland is now the sole proprietor of the Railroad Saloon building, having purchased Wm. Ulrich's interest several days ago for $1000.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 13, 1888, page 3

    Mr. O'Donnell has purchased a half interest in the Railroad Saloon of Chas. Brous. Give the new firm a call, as they keep the best of everything in their line.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 6, 1890, page 3

    Walks across Seventh Street, from the Grand Central to Brous' saloon, and from Goldsmith's store to the bank, were built last week.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1891, page 2

    A neat resort where all the best of imported and domestic wines, liquors and cigars are displayed by polite and attentive bartenders, is the Exchange Saloon as conducted by M. H. Hanley. He handles none but the very best of wines, liquors and cigars procurable, and anyone patronizing this establishment will find him a courteous, obliging gentleman who conducts his business on a basis of strict integrity, never taking advantage of anyone in regards to prices. All mail orders receive the promptest attention. Mr. Hanley has been identified with the business interests of Medford for several years.
Medford Mail, December 1, 1893, page 1

    A burglar effected an entrance to John Hanley's saloon one day last week by cutting a hole through the rear door and removing the bolt. He got four or five dollars in change from the till for his trouble.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 15, 1893, page 2

    At the city council meeting, Tuesday evening . . . the liquor license of F. Lutkemeier was, by request, transferred to M. H. Hanley.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, July 6, 1894, page 3

    There has been a new shift made in the ownership of the Turf Exchange Saloon this week. S. F. Morine has sold his interest therein to J. C. Hall (called Court for short) of Central Point, and the firm is now Legate & Hall. Mr. Hall has decided to retire from his business at Central Point and will soon be a permanent resident of this city. H. H. Wolters will be retained as mixerologist until matters are gotten squarely in good running shape--perhaps he will be a permanent fixture. The new firm expect to add some considerable new furniture to the place. Mr. Morine will probably devote his entire attention to his quite extensive interests in the Applegate district.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, January 31, 1896, page 5

    "Here's to the things of friendship, may they never rust" is a toast that is truly noble. Such is the motto of the "Turf Exchange," a well and favorably known resort opposite the Hotel Nash. Mr. Hall handles nothing but the best foreign and domestic wines, liquors and cigars. He makes a specialty of the very best of brandies and Cyrus Noble whiskey. One wishing to while away an hour will meet with courteous treatment at this popular resort.
Medford Mail, May 28, 1897, page 3

1898 Nash Hotel advertising card
Turf Exchange Saloon advertising on an 1898 Hutchison & Lumsden advertising card, SOHS M44C1
    R. Derr and wife, late of Ashland, have become residents of Medford. Bob is Court Hall's chief mixologist now.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 5, 1898, page 3

    J. C. Hall has had the Turf Exchange Saloon renovated in fine style, and it has no superior in southern Oregon.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 13, 1898, page 3

    W. A. Owen of Central Point is at the Turf Exchange during fair week.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1898, page 3

    J. C. Hall has sold his saloon business to W. T. Nelson, who arrived from Klamath County a short time since. Court has not yet decided what he will engage in.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1898, page 3

    For a long time--ever since Medford shed her baby dresses--the frame building standing on the corner of Seventh and D streets, and known as the Turf Exchange Saloon, has, because of its prominent position in the town been a structure which no citizen has pointed to with any very great degree of pride--but things are not now what they were and if we guess aright it will not be many months ere a two-story brick building, of modern architecture, will loom up from that corner. Mr. T. J. Kenney, of Jacksonville, this week purchased the property from C. F. Wall, paying therefor $4250. The purchase embraces a piece of land 50x100 feet in size, and the buildings thereon. That Mr. Kenney made this purchase with the intent of leaving it as it now is, is not probable. While it is not general street gossip yet it is whispered around that Geo. E. Neuber, of Jacksonville, is mixed up in the deal and that he will build a two-story brick building on the lot and will occupy the same with the "finest saloon south of Portland." However, we feel safe in predicting that the old buildings will be removed and a new one take their place. This deal was made through the York & Wortman real estate agency.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 28, 1899, page 7

Thos. Collins has succeeded W. T. Nelson in the proprietorship of the Turf Exchange, and has inaugurated a number of improvements. He keeps some of the best liquors and will take pains to please his customers. Give Tom a call when you are in Medford.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 8, 1899, page 3

    Thos. Collins has purchased the Turf Exchange Saloon from W. T. Nelson. Mr. Collins is now in charge with John Hanley as able aid and all-'round expert dispenser of moist goods. We understand it is not the intention of Mr. Kenney, who recently purchased this building, to erect a new building this season.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 12, 1899, page 7

    The Turf Exchange Saloon, Thos. Collins, proprietor, is unquestionably the most popular resort in Medford. Here all kinds of drinks are served--plain and fancy. Medford Brewing Company's beer at five cents per glass.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 15, 1899, page 7

    W. J. King, proprietor of the Turf Exchange saloon, has received, direct from the distillery in North Carolina, a good supply of pure white corn whiskey. Samplers of this beverage pronounced it superior to any other whiskey on the coast market. It is especially desired in preference to other brands for medical purposes.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 7

    E. W. Carver has taken a position as wine clerk at the Hotel Nash bar. W. F. Taggart has taken a similar position with the Medford Distilling and Refining Company, and Chas. Hay is performing like duties in W. J. King's Turf Exchange.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, October 25, 1901, page 6

    W. J. King, proprietor of the Turf Exchange Saloon, left Thursday night for Portland.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 28, 1902, page 6

    J. M. Kiernan has engaged his services to W. J. King, proprietor of the Turf Exchange saloon. Mr. Kiernan has had considerably experience in the hotel and bar business, and being a very clever gentleman he will doubtless prove himself efficient in the capacity of wine clerk.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 6

    J. M. Kiernan officiates at the Turf Exchange, vice Chas. Hale, who will soon go into business on his own account.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 8, 1902, page 7

    W. J. King was granted a liquor license, and his bonds, with C. W. Palm and I. L. Hamilton as sureties, were approved.

"Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, June 13, 1902, page 2

    J. Court Hall, of Gold Hill, has rented the saloon room which is to be put up on the corner of Seventh and D streets by Palm & Bodge. Mr. Hall aims to have the best-appointed saloon in Oregon south of Portland.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 4, 1902, page 6

    Palm & Bodge will commence the construction of their proposed brick block during the present month. We are informed that Court Hall has rented the lower corner room and will fit [it] up handsomely for a saloon.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 10, 1902, page 5

    J. Court Hall and C. F. Young, of Gold Hill, have leased the corner room of the first floor of the Palm-Bodge Block, now being built, and will open up in it one of the finest saloons in Southern Oregon. Messrs. Hall & Young were in Medford Tuesday taking measurements from the plans of their room so as to order their fixtures of the right length, and that evening they left for San Francisco to make their purchases.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 25, 1902, page 7

    The old Turf Exchange Saloon has been razed to the ground and hauled away in sections. Contractor Schermerhorn bought the building, paying $35 for it, and has taken it down with such care as to save nearly all the lumber. The structure was one of the very first buildings erected in Medford, and has always been used for the purpose for which it was put up--that of a saloon. This old landmark has been an eyesore to Medford people for years because of its dilapidated condition and general unsightliness, but not until Messrs. Palm & Bodge secured possession of the lot was there a ghost of a show for any new building.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 8, 1902, page 7

    The bar fixtures and partitions for the saloon which J. Court Hall will conduct in the corner room of the Palm-Bodge building arrived this week. They are of polished walnut and up-to-date in style and finish.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 19, 1902, page 7

Notice of Request for Liquor License.
    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will make application to the city council, at its next regular meeting, November 4, 1902, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in the city of Medford. Place of business will be on the corner of Seventh and North D streets, Medford, Jackson County, Oregon.
Medford Mail, October 10, 1902, page 2

    B. I. Stoner came in from Pendleton last week. He has been engaged in dispensing malt and spirituous beverages in that place for several months past, and comes to Medford to accept a like position with J. Court Hall, when that gentleman shall have fitted up his place of business in the Palm-Bodge new brick.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 10, 1902, page 6

    J. C. Hall and his family are again residents of Medford. He is making preparations for the opening of a handsome saloon in Palm & Bodge's brick block.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 16, 1902, page 2

    Palm & Bodge's big and handsome brick block is nearing completion. Young & Hall, who have leased the corner rooms, will open their saloon inside of two weeks. It will be called The Medford, and will be second to no resort of the kind in the state.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 19, 1902, page 1

    About Christmas time will see the completion of the finest brick block in Medford, and one which would be a credit to many towns of larger size. Everybody, of course, knows that the Palm-Bodge building is meant. After many vexatious delays the finishing touches are now being put on. The rooms of the lower floor are all plastered and the glass fronts and doors are being put in. Upstairs some plastering remains to be done yet, but that part of the work will soon be finished. Seventh and D Street corner, to be occupied by Young & Hall, is done and J. Court is now busily engaged in getting his bar fixtures, etc., in shape for the opening, which will occur in a few days. When finished it will be one of the handsomest saloons in the state outside of the large cities.
    Seventh and D Street corner, to be occupied by Young & Hall, is done and J. Court is now busily engaged in getting his bar fixtures, etc., in shape for the opening, which will occur in a few days. When finished it will be one of the handsomest saloons in the state outside of the large cities.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 28, 1902, page 7

    Young & Hall's new saloon, "The Medford," in the Palm-Bodge building, will be opened to the public on Saturday, December 6th. This is one of the finest saloons in the state and is worthy of inspection.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 5, 1902, page 7

Chas. F.  Young of Gold Hill, who is interested in The Medford with J. C. Hall, has been in town recently.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 10, 1902, page 4

"The Medford" Opening
    The first business place to open its doors to the public in the new Palm-Bodge block was "The Medford," Young & Hall proprietors. This saloon is undoubtedly one of the finest fitted up of any business place of the kind in the state south of Portland, and there are few in that city which excel it. The bar is of solid mahogany, eighteen feet long, and the back bar contains three large plate glass mirrors, the center one being 8½x5 feet and the two end ones 2x4 feet in size. The partition between the barroom and the cardroom in the rear is also of mahogany and strictly up-to-date in style and finish. The walls are papered with heavy paper of artistic design and color, and several handsome pictures help out the general effect. The rooms are lighted with electricity throughout. In the center back bar is a handsome chandelier and a corresponding one in the center of the room. At each end of the back bar are frosted globes, giving a soft, mellow light, and other lights placed at convenient intervals. The windows are screened with heavy portieres of a rich style. The floor of the barroom is of tile, inlaid in a handsome pattern, while the card room floor is covered with linoleum.
    On Saturday the house was thrown open for business and, during the day and night, an appetizing luncheon was served the many patrons who came in to assist Young & Hall in their housewarming.
    Young & Hall have been at great expense to fit up this place to make it second to none between Portland and San Francisco, and to give Medford a first-class saloon in every sense of the word.
    They will handle nothing but staple goods and have taken great pains in selecting, so as to have nothing but the very best to serve their patrons. Their stock of glassware is the handsomest and most up-to-date selection in Southern Oregon, and all the latest devices for serving liquors are at hand. Their beer is kept in a cellar built especially for that purpose, and the newest things in drawing and keeping it are employed.
    The attendants will be in keeping with the place; none but the very best men in the business will be employed. B. I. Stoner will officiate as chief day mixologist, and J. Court Hall will attend to the night shift. Mr. Hall will look after the Medford business, while his partner takes care of the Gold Hill end of the line.
Medford Mail, December 12, 1902, page 2

Hall & Young's Opening.
    Saturday last Hall & Young opened to the public their elegant new resort, "The Medford," in the Palm-Bodge block. A view of the interior proves it to be one of the finest places of its kind this side of Portland, or anywhere else outside the large cities. The bar and wood fixtures are of the finest mahogany, and the bar is made with three fine plate glass mirrors. The partitions between the bar proper and the card room is also of Spanish cedar and mahogany. The floor is laid with colored tiles, while the walls and ceiling are papered in an artistic manner lending color and brilliancy which blends in a harmonious manner with the rest of the furnishings of the place. Messrs. Hall & Young have been at an expense of some $3000 in fitting up this room and intend to give Medford a first-class saloon. They will handle nothing but sample goods and will do their very best to serve their patrons with the best goods to be had in the market. One of the finest things they have in view is their elegant display of cut glass which is beautifully displayed upon their bar. They also have a fine cellar where they store their beer and other liquors and keep it at an even temperature and away from the light, insuring its quality at all times. B. I. Stoner, who is well known to everybody, is the mixologist who will dispense liquid refreshments during the day time, while Mr. Hall will look after the night shift. Mr. Young will continue to reside at Gold Hill and look after their business at that place.
Medford Enquirer, December 13, 1902, page 5

Notice of Request for Liquor License.
    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will make application to the city council, at its next regular meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 1903, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in the city of Medford. Place of business, Palm-Bodge building, corner 7th and D streets, Medford, Jackson County, Oregon.
YOUNG & HALL.       
Medford Mail, November 20, 1903, page 8

Medford Is Half and Half.
    MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 2.--J. C. Hall, a saloon man of this city, whose place of business is in the "wet" precinct, is applying for license to sell liquor for one year, and the Prohibitionists are working with a remonstrance trying to prohibit his obtaining it. When the Prohibitionists, who lost out in North Medford, and the saloon men, who lost out in South Medford, both went before County Judge Dunn, trying to have the recent election contested, the Judge decided that according to the statutes of Oregon he could make no decision, therefore would take no action. The election thus stands as the returns show, leaving one-half of the city "wet" and the other half "dry."
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 3, 1904, page 4

Medford Saloon Men Win.
    MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 7.--(Special.)--At the Medford City Council meeting last night Young & Hall, proprietors of the Medford saloon, won a decisive victory over the prohibition forces of this district, the occasion being a hearing on their application for a renewal of their license. It was a significant fact that their petition contained 327 names as against 134 names on the remonstrance, the majority of the business men and larger property owners of the community appearing on the petition for the license.
    Although the prohibitionist leaders attended and addressed the meeting, the sentiment of the Council was clearly in favor of granting the license, and this was done by unanimous vote.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 8, 1904, page 6

is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, on December 7, 1909, for license to sell malt, vinous and spirituous liquors in less quantities than one gallon, at lots 14, 15 and 16, block 21 in Medford, Oregon, for a period of six months.
YOUNG & HALL.               
    Dated November 21st.               
Medford Mail Tribune, November 21, 1909, page 13

S. T. BROWN & CO.--Billiards, Cigars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot afternoons.
Classified ad, Medford Mail Tribune, March 24, 1910, page 7

    A painful accident occurred to Doc Ryan of Ryan & Brown, at 10 o'clock Wednesday at the Medford [Saloon]. Mr. Ryan had a call to the telephone and in arising to obey the call he in some manner swung the heavy safe door, which caught the middle finger of his right hand, badly smashing the member. While it is believed that amputation will not be necessary, the accident caused Mr. Ryan extreme pain and will put him out of commission for some weeks.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 30, 1910, page 1

    Ryan & Brown are making several changes in their place of business. The partitions are being removed and set back, the bar extended to a length of 25 feet, and all chairs removed from the place.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 30, 1910, page 6

    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, at its next regular meeting, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than a gallon for a period of six months, at their place of business at No. 2 Front Street, North, in said city.
RYAN & BROWN.               
Medford Mail Tribune, December 4, 1910, page B2

    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, at its next regular meeting on June 6, 1911, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than a gallon, at his place of business at No. 2 Front Street, in said city, for a period of six months.
E. G. BROWN.               
    Date of first publication May 26, 1911.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 28, 1911, page 10

    Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barkdull and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown returned Friday evening from a trip to Crescent City.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 19, 1911, page 2

    Had the designs of Bert Harmon and Frank Burgess not miscarried, Ed Brown would have had nothing but water to drink on his way to Pendleton to attend the roundup. They substituted water, but Brown's suspicions were aroused and he beat them to it. The ensuing scramble at the Southern Pacific depot attracted the attention of a large crowd.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1912, page 2

    Ed Brown put one over on the Medford fight fans today when by a little telephoning he got them borrowing each others' pencils to write out checks to cover a mysterious $2000 of Kayo Brown money. Even now the bunch is waiting for the New Yorker with the bankroll to show up at the Quiz, sporting headquarters, and cover the coin. It happened thusly:
    Brown, who is always either putting a good one over, or falling for one, had a friend, voice unknown, call up the Quiz shortly before noon today. Art Burgess answered the phone, and the conversation ran something like this:
    "Hello. Is this the Quiz?"
    "Yes, sir."
    "Well, this is so-and-so of New York at the Medford Hotel. I understand your place is headquarters for fight fans."
    "Yes, sir."
    "Well, I and a friend of mine are here from New York, and we know Kayo Brown very well. We'd like to get up about $2000 at prevailing odds."
    Art warmed up and invited him down.
    "Well, I will meet you at 3 o'clock. I have a little business to attend to."
    "All right; we'll have the money."
    Then the local fans got busy. Checks were written and all the faithful Anderson backers given a chance. They came in droves and all of them left some coin.
    And while Brown and his few friends in on the joke are laughing this afternoon the bunch at the Quiz, armed with a hatful of checks, are watching and waiting for the stranger.
    They'll understand his absence when they read this.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1913, page 2

    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, at its regular meeting on June 3, 1913, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than a gallon at his place of business at No. 2 N. Front St., in said city, for a period of six months.
    E. G. BROWN.               
Medford Mail Tribune, May 28, 1913, page 5

    In accordance with an annual custom, E. G. Brown invites all children of the city twelve years of age or under to be his guests at the Isis Theater on Thanksgiving Day, when a special bill has been prepared for their entertainment.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 25, 1913, page 2

    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, at its next regular meeting on Dec. 2, 1913, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors at retail in quantities less than a gallon at his place of business at No. 2 N. Front Street, in said city, for a period of six months.
    E. G. BROWN.               
    Dated November 20, 1913.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1913, page 5

    Ed Brown and wife, Mrs. Maude Miller and Court Hall will leave in the morning for Fish Lake, where Mr. Brown will build a lodge.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 3, 1914, page 4

    The first of the Medford liquor cases, hanging fire in the courts for two years, will be called in the circuit court this afternoon. The defendants are J. H. Bell and Jack Sheridan of the Nash Hotel Company, charged with selling liquor to minors. Similar charges are filed against nine other Medford saloon owners.
    The action was first brought two years ago when an Ashland youth under age, but representing himself as above 21 years, purchased liquor at nine Medford bars. Afterward indictments were returned.
    Ed G. Brown of this city was first put on trial, and through his attorney raised the issue that an employer was not responsible for the act of his employee, and that any violation of the law was made without his sanction. The case was appealed to the supreme court, that body recently holding that a saloonkeeper was responsible for the acts of his agent.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 24, 1915, page 2

    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, at their next regular meeting on June 1, 1915, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors at retail at his place of business at No. 2 North Front Street, in said city, until Dec. 31, 1915.
    E. G. BROWN.               
    Dated May 15th, 1915.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 19, 1915, page 6

    By the explosion of the barrel of a Remington rifle he was testing, Ed G. Brown this morning suffered laceration of his left hand that may bring amputation of the forefinger. The accident occurred at the target grounds near the fair grounds. Brown and R. L. Ewing went to the grounds with the gun, which Brown contemplated buying for his wife. Ewing discharged the weapon three times. Brown then placed the rifle to his shoulder for a trial shot and the barrel split where the hand gripped with the pulling of the trigger. The gun was of high power and the latest make.   
    The injured man was rushed to the Sacred Heart Hospital and medical assistance given. The gun will be sent back to the factory for examination.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 3, 1915, page 2

    Ed G. Brown, who sustained a badly lacerated hand by the explosion of a rifle barrel Friday morning, will suffer no permanent injury as first feared and will be downtown today.
"Local and Personal,"
Medford Mail Tribune, September 4, 1915, page 2

    Ed. Brown, who beat the New Year to it by a day or so when he closed his saloon permanently on Wednesday evening, is now at work in the reconstruction of the interior of the building, on the corner of Main and Front streets, for the proposed cigar and confectionery business and soft drink parlor.

"Local and Personal,"
Medford Mail Tribune, December 31, 1915, page 2

    "Brown's," one of the most up-to-date and sanitary soda fountain establishments in the state, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed G. Brown as proprietors, was opened this morning to the public at 8 o'clock. All dishes, delicacies and confections found in any high-class catering emporium will be served, with a cigar store adjunct.
    The equipment of the place is modern in every respect, with especial attention paid to sanitation. The public serving fountain is of mahogany and Italian marble. The indirect system of lighting is used.
    The tea room, with accommodations for ladies, is finished in old ivory and the booths filled with India reed seats. The chairs and table in this department are the same. A beautifully appointed telephone booth is also provided in this department. There are large booths for tea parties and other social functions. The secondary decorative colors are brown throughout. In outfitting the place the artistic has been kept in mind.
    Cut glass and Rogers Bros. silver is used in the service. Attention will be paid to the convenience of lady patrons.
    The mixing and preparation work will be in charge of Otto Jeldness, who is experienced in this line, and will be prepared to serve all new seasonal dishes as given to the public by the United Confection and Caterer's Association.
    "Brown's," the latest business addition to Medford, represents an investment of $5000.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 22, 1916, page 3

    Then it was known as Brown's. And it was a good sort of place, at that. There was rich mahogany, and plate glass mirrors and a shaded air of intimate exclusiveness, but no one thereabouts seemed particularly joyous or happy or proud of themselves. An opaque screen shut out the sunlight, and now and then some overindulgent customer had to be carried out or taken to the hospital or the jail just around the corner.
    And now it is known as Brown's. The opaque screen has been removed, the mahogany bar has been replaced by white enamel and wicker, birds are singing in the flood of sunshine, and everyone seems happy and joyous and contented.
    The prohibition law has done considerable for Brown's.
Medford Sun, March 12, 1916, page 4

Modern Stores Take Place of Former Saloon Buildings.
    MEDFORD, Or., June 3.--(Special.)--Front Street in Medford is being transformed from a row of unsightly shacks and tumble-down saloons into an attractive business street. Several months ago Brown's saloon, at the corner of Main and Front streets, was changed into a modern confectionery store.
    Now the [Seattle] rooming house will be remodeled by R. Nurmi, of the Nurmi Baking Company, into a model baking establishment, with new machinery and fixtures, costing about $4000.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, June 4, 1916, page 18

    Ed G. Brown sold out his ice cream and confectionery shop yesterday to E. H. Fish, formerly connected with the Cat and Fiddle in Portland. Mr. Fish is an experienced ice cream and candy maker, his establishment in Portland having an enviable reputation all over the coast. He will maintain a metropolitan establishment in every way, and will undoubtedly even increase the well-earned reputation established by Mr. and Mrs. Brown for having the best equipped and most attractive confectionery shop between Portland [and] San Francisco. The new proprietor will undoubtedly be in a position to supply the people of the valley with ice cream and confectionery equal to anything that might be purchased in any of the largest coast cities. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who will turn the business over to Mr. and Mrs. Fish on Monday, will leave for a short vacation in a few days, but will return to Medford and continue to make their home here.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1916, page 4

    E. G. Brown closed up the well-known confectionery, soda water and dance establishment known as Brown's, corner of Main and Front streets, at 7 o'clock last Saturday evening. He plans to reopen the store, after making alterations and changes, within a short time as a place for male patronage only.
    E. H. Fish, who has managed the place fer Brown for the past nine months, it is understood, will return with his wife and children to Portland.
    Mr. Brown has dispensed of his partnership with J. E. Stewart in The Quiz cigar store and will give all his time to the Brown establishment when it reopens.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1917, page 3

Medford Man Acquitted on Charge of Uttering Fraudulent Checks.
    MEDFORD, Or., July 10.--(Special.)--The first case brought to court in Jackson County under the new law passed by the Legislature relating to the overdrawing of accounts by check resulted in favor of the defendant today, when E. H. Fish, former manager of Brown's confectionery store, was acquitted of the charge made by E. J. White of uttering two fraudulent checks, one for $11.34 and one for $16.95.
    No denial of the overdraft was entered by the defendant, but he maintained there was no intent to defraud, and the court sustained him.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 11, 1917, page 16

    Brown and Brown will open their enlarged billiard and pocket billiard parlors to the public Saturday, Sept. 18, and Medford now boasts one of the most complete and commodious establishments of its kind on the Pacific coast. The improvement and equipment represents an investment of about $5000. The lower floor will be devoted exclusively to billiards, with five tables, and the upper floor will be equipped with ten pocket billiard tables. A feature of the enlarged business will be a reading and writing room for men, a new idea, adopted recently by similar businesses throughout the land. The floors are laid with linoleum throughout, and the present quarters at Main and Front Street will be enlarged to accommodate the growing business. A line of articles for men, complete in every detail, will be carried, and special effort made to maintain a clean and "clubby" atmosphere. It is announced by the proprietors that no minor will be allowed, without the written consent of both parents, and that the ancient alibi of customers called by telephone that "I'm not here" is null and void. [The] Browns state that the called will either answer, or the callee advised that he is on the way to the street.
    It is the intention of the Browns to conduct their new place along the lines of healthy amusement, and believe that their investment is justified by the new conditions. Three telephones will be installed to dispense information of any nature to the public.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 17, 1920, page 5

    In accordance with his custom for many years, Ed G. Brown of this city will act as host to the boys of the city, when the Al G. Barnes wild animal show visits this city early in May. Mr. Brown will provide admissions for those youngsters who otherwise, because of circumstances, would not be able to go to the show. When Mr. Brown was a boy in Missouri he was too poor to attend a circus that visited his town, and climbed up in a tree to watch the parade. He never forgot his own pangs of regret, and once each year sees that boys situated as he was enjoy the thrills of the circus.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 19, 1921, page 3

    Ed G. Brown of this city was host to 85 boys and 22 girls at the Al G. Barnes circus Wednesday. This is an annual custom of Mr. Brown, who has never forgotten the circus he missed in Missouri when a boy because of lack of funds. The youngsters had reserved seats and were shown through the menagerie and other departments of the show by circus ladies. They also received favors from the management of the circus. The guests of Mr. Brown were highly delighted with the afternoon's entertainment.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 5, 1921, page 6

Ed G. Brown
    The first dollar I ever earned was pulling weeds in a garden in Missouri when I was about 10 years old. I had a contract to do it, and it was a long hard job. In those days we had no fancy candy. I bought a dollar's worth of old-fashioned brown sugar, and liked to kill myself overeating.
"How I Earned My First Dollar," Medford Mail Tribune, October 10, 1921, page 4

Sid Brown Retires from Cigar Store
    Ed Brown has purchased the interest of Sid Brown in the cigar store and billiard parlor and Sid has retired from the business.
    The Messrs. Brown have both been actively engaged in business in Medford for a number of years and have been together in the present business for seven years, which is one of the largest of the kind in Southern Oregon.
    The many friends of Sid Brown will be glad to know he will remain in Medford and will look after his other business interests here.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 10, 1923, page 5

H. B. Adkins Lunches Increase in Popularity
    The lunch room at Brown and Brown in Medford is steadily increasing in popularity throughout Southern Oregon. According to H. B. Adkins, its proprietor, business during the last year has been more than gratifying and has necessitated increasing the size of the lunch counters and installing complete electric equipment. Since Mr. Adkins' lunchroom has been located in Brown's but little more than a year, this steady increase is a recommendation for the quality of his foods and the service he renders.
    To those who are not already regular customers of the lunch room at Brown & Brown, Mr. Adkins has issued a cordial invitation for them to call and inspect his equipment and enjoy the lunches he is serving.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 25, 1924, page B5

    Ed Brown has leased the room occupied by the Optimo Cafe. Lyons & Hall's soft drink stand will be moved thereto. Mr. Brown will use the room to be vacated by Lyons & Hall, moving his billiard and pool tables down from upstairs. He will cut arches between that building and the one now used for card tables.
    Homer Adkins' lunch counter will be changed, but will remain in the same room. This move is made to enable Mr. Brown to get his business all on the lower floor. The upstairs will be arranged for apartments.
    Mr. Gerdes will combine the Optimo with the Rex Cafe.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1924, page 2

    Ed. Brown is another of the local business men who are evincing great faith in the future growth of Medford and this district. He has rented the room recently vacated by Lyons & Hale on North Front Street, and will extend his present cigar store and resort to include that space, making it by far the largest establishment of its kind in southern Oregon. Other improvements recently completed by Mr. Brown include extensive remodeling on the second floor, where he has made comfortable apartments for himself and Mrs. Brown and a number of up-to-date suites for bachelors.
Jackson County News, September 17, 1926, page 12

Street Repair Work Scored.
To the Editor:
    If all city jobs are done like this water pipe repairing on West Main, no wonder taxes are high. The road has been torn up for a week, and the men on the job sit around and talk politics or baseball most of the time. Every resident in Siskiyou Heights can testify to this condition. Most of the time there is no one bossing the jobs, and meanwhile the heavy motor traffic on this road has to detour over bumps and in dust, where they have plenty of time to watch the ditch-diggers soldier on the job. One energetic contractor could have finished this job in two or three days, and the Main Street road would have been finished a week ago. The residents on the east side are up in arms over the situation, and no one can blame them.
    Medford, June 18.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1928, page 4

    When Mr. and Mrs. Ed G. Brown and Mrs. Bessie McConochie of Medford, who are on an extended trip through the south, had car trouble on the Arizona desert a few days ago, it was an Oregon friend, Mrs. Edith Lumsden of Portland, who happened along just in time to give them a helping hand.
    The wheels of the car were sunk almost helplessly in the loose sand around Yuma, and no amount of power seemed able to pull them out. After considerable struggling another car came in sight, and its feminine driver offered to tow them out.
    It was a matter of but a few seconds before both parties remembered that they had met in Medford last month, when Mrs. Lumsden spent several days here visiting her former college chum, Mrs. Fred Colvig. Mrs. Lumsden is bound for Florida on an extended vacation.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1929, page 10

Brown's 1923-12-18p5MMT
December 18, 1923 Medford Mail Tribune

    Brown's opened for business in 1909 with three employees. They also have grown with the city until now they have 14 employees and have added new departments as the business has grown.
    Under the management of Ed Brown, this establishment has become one of southern Oregon's most popular recreational places, where billiards and pool may be enjoyed in an atmosphere of clean respectability. Every possible step has been taken by Mr. Brown to provide a strictly high-class recreation hall for those who enjoy "the gentleman's game."
    Brown's coffee shop has won a wide patronage because of tasty foods and excellent service. In the same establishment is a soda fountain, department for the smoker, a barber shop and a shoe shining parlor, as well as a room for those who wish a friendly game of cards.
    Billiard tournaments are frequently staged at Brown's, and many nationally known cue artists have appeared in exhibition matches there.
"Brief History of Old-Time Medford Firms Given," Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1930, page 8

    Ed G. Brown, well-known resident, who sustained injuries Friday afternoon in an auto wreck on Ross Lane, was reported getting along satisfactorily yesterday afternoon, contrary to disquieting rumors, which spread through the town early Saturday.
    He received severe cuts on his right hand and arm, when struck by flying glass, and other minor injuries.
    The car, it is believed, was forced from the road and into a telephone pole, where it was found with Mr. Brown in it by a resident of the community, who brought him to the hospital.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 24, 1933, page 3

Improvements in Browns Fountain Near Completion
    The paint-up and clean-up campaign. sponsored by the Medford Chamber of Commerce and the Diamond Jubilee committee has been given substantial impetus by the extensive remodeling program at Brown's. This long-established Medford firm has completely altered and redecorated its location at Main and Front streets, placing attractive booths in the main fountain room and providing a handsomely finished and convenient dining room. The program has involved the rebuilding of the entire plant and has furnished employment to workmen for over three weeks.
    Included in this program are new, attractive fronts on the barber shop and billiard rooms opening on North Front Street. In the dining room, attractive booths are waiting those who dine, and a smooth floor for dancing provided. An orchestra platform is located at the east end of this cozy dining room and dance floor. A new, friendly atmosphere will be enjoyed by Brown's patrons in this newly completed establishment. Every provision has been made to assure the best in service on fountain and lunch requirements at moderate prices in line with the long-established policy of this firm.
    Mr. and Mrs. Brown have been catering to Medford and visiting patrons for more than 18 years. Their extensive program of improvement is an expression of their faith in the future of this community, and is well in line with the policy of Brown's to keep pace with the development of Medford and the Rogue River Valley. Their new, remodeled establishment will be ready for public inspection in the near future, when a cordial invitation to the general public will be extended by the proprietors. (Adv.)
Medford Mail Tribune, May 25, 1934, page 13

Brown's Ready for Official Opening Thursday Morning
    With workmen completing the finishing touches at Brown's redecorated and enlarged establishment on Main and North Front streets, everything will be ready for the opening Thursday, May 31, according to announcement made today by Ed G. Brown.
    An attractively modern dining room in conjunction with a good floor for dancing is one of the interesting additions to Brown's. New booths have been installed in the main fountain room and the fronts of the barber shop and billiard rooms, opening on North Front Street, have been repainted.
    For more than 18 years Mr. and Mrs. Brown have catered to the local public as well as visiting patrons, and in their new establishment they plan to offer the very best fountain and lunch service at moderate prices in keeping with their policy during the past years.
    The extensive improvements at Brown's have provided employment for workmen during the last three weeks, and have been carried out in keeping with Medford's current clean up and paint up campaign.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1934, page 7

Orchestra Tonight at Brown's Dancing and Dining Place
    Spring flowers and orchestra music created a festive atmosphere today at Brown's fine new drinking and dancing room at the corner of Main and Front streets, as dozens of Southern Oregon folks stopped to enjoy the hospitality of Ed Brown, one of Medford's best-known business men.
    An excellent dance floor in connection with the comfortable booths for meals and lunches proved a special attraction today, and Mr. Brown extends an invitation for guests to enjoy this evening at his new place.
    Courteous service and delicious foods for which Brown's have been noted for more than 18 years in this city, along with the musical entertainment feature, are certain to win Mr. and Mrs. Brown many more friends.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 31, 1934, page 9

    Brown's Billiards was closed Sunday, and all employees, their families and friends spent the day at the Elks picnic grounds. Swimming, baseball and a picnic dinner were enjoyed during the day.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1934, page 8

Purchased by Mrs. Grace Fredette--Browns to Take Long Rest.
Browns Matchbook    After 30 years in business here at the same corner, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Brown will retire in a few days for a long rest and "one good night's sleep."
    "The first thing I'm going to do is hunt up a nice big pine tree and go to sleep under it," Ed Brown declared. Mrs. Brown demurred to this, however, and suggested a little sojourn at the seashore.
    "Anyway," Mr. Brown went on, "we are going to continue to live here. We wouldn't think of living anywhere but in southern Oregon."
    The Browns have sold their cafe business at 101 East Main Street to Mrs. Grace E. Fredette. The transaction, handled by the Mark A. Goldy Agency, Inc., will become effective within a week. The business will be managed by Mrs. Fredette's husband, Harry C. Fredette.
    The business includes a restaurant, lunch counter, billiard room and allied adjuncts. The Brown will continue to own and manage the bachelor apartments upstairs.
    Brown's is one of the longest continuous businesses at once place in Medford. Mr. Brown gave an idea of the age of the place when he said the bar was a hand-carved masterpiece that had not been moved an inch since it was first installed 37 years ago.
    Mr. Brown recalled that as a traveling representative of a Chicago company he came to Medford on April 8, 1909. He declared that he was so awed by the peace and beauty of the city after a damp, foggy winter in Portland that he immediately sent word to Mrs. Brown to join him here, as Medford was to be their future home.
    Mr. Brown bought out Young & Hall, [the] partnership that had operated the saloon at 101 East Main Street for a number of years. Since then the corner at Front Street has been known as Brown's.
    When the Browns first came here, boom times were in evidence. There were booms in mineral lands, but more particularly in pear and apple orchards. Promoters were busy, and easterners with capital to invest in the orchard business were arriving on every train, Mr. Brown recalled.
    Mr. Brown operated the saloon and billiard room until prohibition came along. Then he had to adjust his business to the new regime, and a restaurant and lunch room were added. During ten years of the prohibition period Syd I. Brown, now sheriff, was a partner in the business. The two Browns, incidentally, are not related.
    The Fredettes are well known here, having been identified with various enterprises in Medford for years. Mr. Fredette once owned and operated a cafe business here and more recently was owner of the Medford Poultry & Egg Company.

Medford Mail Tribune, August 17, 1939, page 12

Brown's Cafe Is Sold Again
    Arrangements for the sale of Brown's Cafe by Mrs. Grace E. Fredette to the Roxy Ann Investment Company were completed Tuesday, after several weeks of negotiation.
    The Roxy Ann Investment Company was incorporated by Frank P. Farrell, Agnes Wheeler and Mabel Showers.
    A. C. Leighton, vice president of the company, will be manager of the cafe. Other officers of the company were not made public.
    Brown's has been owned by Mrs. Fredette for the past 22 months, and prior to that time was owned by Ed Brown.
    The transaction was handled by Mark Goldy.
    Just who the present stockholders of the Roxy Ann Investment Company are is a matter of considerable conjecture about the city, with best available information being that they are "six prominent Medford businessmen."
Medford News, June 27, 1941, page 1

Brown's Cafe matchbook    Improvements costing $10,000 will convert Brown's Cafe at 101 East Main Street into a modern, streamlined restaurant, bar and recreation center of attractive furnishings and appealing atmosphere.
    The remodeled establishment, now closed for alterations, will be reopened to the public in the near future. The place was purchased a few months ago by the Roxy Ann Investment Company. Al C. Leighton, vice-president of the company, is manager of the establishment.
    The exterior is being completely changed, a tile facing being used to attractive advantage with additional trim in mahogany.
    The interior is being practically rebuilt, with a new floor in a rear section being laid, partitions installed and new service rooms added. In addition the whole spacious interior is being redecorated.
    A new Brunswick-Balke bar is being installed to provide the latest improvement in serving beer. While continuous for a length of 50 feet, the bar will have two complete dispensing units so that two bartenders may work without crossing each other's path. There will be two direct-draw beer cabinets designed to be the last word in sanitation as they permit the beer to be drawn directly from the kegs instead of through coils, Mr. Leighton explained. The two dry-cold cabinets, each with a capacity of 40 cases of beer, will maintain the beer at any desired temperature. The back bar and arrangements under the dispensing bar will also be the most modern in design.
    The newest type lunch counter with 23 stools will be installed, with accessory cabinets, ice cream unit and soda fountain arranged for convenience and efficient service.
    All new kitchen equipment is being installed, and new silver and enamel ware has been purchased.
    The bar and lunch counter will be at the front, one opposite the other, the card room will be to the back and side, somewhat detached, and the pool and billiard room will continue in its present location at the extreme rear.
    Complete restaurant service will be available when the place is reopened. A club breakfast will be featured in the morning, a business man's lunch at noon. A la carte service and a special dinner will be available in the evening.
    The exterior will be bordered in neon light, with a large electric sign setting off the place.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 14, 1941, page 16

Brown's Cafe So. Ore. Recreational Center
    It is only natural, when looking for a place to spend a few hours of recreation, to go where the service and accommodations are the best. At Brown's Cafe, located at 101 E. Main in Medford, you will find a newly renovated, modern, up-to-date recreation center operated for your pleasure. Brown's Cafe offers diversified entertainment--they have excellently equipped pool tables kept in first-class condition, also a card room where you may play your favorite game with congenial companions. The bar at Brown's Cafe has won popular acclaim, as all beer is drawn direct from the keg, eliminating a possibility of corroded and unsanitary coils. The cafe itself is operated by experienced cooks who have catered to the desires of particular customers for many years. Everything is kept scrupulously clean, the food is excellent and served in an appetizing manner. The new manager has spared no expense in bringing us a place of recreation worthy of any large metropolitan center.
Medford News, April 3, 1942, page 2

    Brown's Billiard Parlor, 18 North Front Street. Federal gaming tax. No slot machines in evidence. Reported same in storage. Gambling on pinball machines. Owners: Bert L. Cook and Mark A. Goldy. Resorted to by criminal characters, pimps, narcotic peddlers and addicts, particularly marijuana. Investigative leads: cultivate through taxicab drivers.
    Brown's Cafe, 101 East Main Street, Medford, Oregon. Federal gaming tax. No slot machines in evidence. Gambling on pinball machines. Owner: A. C. Leighton.
Walter S. Jeffreys, Sr., Confidential Crime and Efficiency Survey, September 14, 1953

Threat of Bombing Here Thought To Be Hoax by City Police
    A bombing threat, which turned out to be an apparent hoax, was made in Medford last night.   
    An unidentified man telephoned Brown's Cafe and Lounge, 101 East Main St., at about 7:05 p.m. yesterday. A thorough search of the building by Medford police failed to find any bomb.
    The threat, the first reported in Medford, is the latest in a series of bombing hoaxes, threats and one actual bombing which have busied police authorities in Oregon and Washington in recent weeks. It started when a bomb exploded in Meier and Frank's Department Store in Portland, in an apparent extortion attempt.
    But since that time, most of the calls have been made by hoaxters or those bearing grudges. The Meier and Frank incident was the only one where a bomb actually exploded.
DA Gives Warning
    The threat brought a warning from District Attorney Walter Nunley that threatening the commission of a felony is itself a felony, punishable by a maximum of five years in the state penitentiary upon conviction.
    Medford police said Ambrose Whitney (Spike) Lloyd, 36 South Stage Rd., an employee at Brown's, received the call, and a male voice said, "Brown's will be bombed at 11:00 o'clock."
    Police immediately searched the cafe and lounge and Brown's Billiard Parlor, 18 North Front St., but failed to find any bomb.
    They advised that the business close at 10 p.m., which it did.
Search Entire Building
    Six officers then searched the building, including more than 30 offices upstairs. A guard was stationed at the cafe until 11:15 p.m., at which time it was taken off because officers came to believe that the threat was a hoax.
    Police said Lloyd told them the voice was definitely a male voice, and sounded like an adult. Lloyd said he asked the person to repeat what he had said, and the person again replied, "Brown's will be bombed at 11 o'clock."
    Lloyd told police he asked who was calling, and the person said: "This is Santa Claus and I am not fooling." He then hung up the receiver, Lloyd said.
    Lloyd and other employees said they did not know of anyone who had a grudge against them or the cafe.
    Police questioned a 20-year-old Medford man, but said he apparently had no connection with the call. He was questioned after police noticed him driving in the vicinity at least five different times. They said he was driving around to see what was happening.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1955, page 1

    Edward Graydon Brown, 83, resident of Medford for many years, died at his home, 129 Almond St., on Friday.
    He was born at Westfork, Ark., on June 3, 1873. He owned and operated Brown's Billiards and Cafe at the corner of Front and Main for many years.
    Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Daisey Brown, Medford; two sons, Lynn Brown, Medford, and Earl Brown, Bremerton, Wash.; and two sisters, Mrs. Mattie Thomas, New Orleans, La., and Mrs. Ada Curtis, Fort Smith, Ark.
    Private services will be held on Monday. The family has requested that flowers be omitted. Perl funeral home is in charge of arrangements.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1956, page 15

    File Name--Glenn F. and Wanda J. Willford, 1154 West Eighth St., Medford, have filed the assumed business name Brown's Cafe in the county clerk's office. In November the Willfords had entered into partnership with A. C. and Irene Leighton in management and ownership of the Medford restaurant at 101 East Main St. On Feb. 10 the Willfords became the sole owners, a spokesman said.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 4, 1959, page 11

Downtown Cafe Is Sold to GP Pair
    The sale of the business which encompassed Brown's Cafe, the Grotto Dining Room and the Alley Lounge, was announced today by Charles W. Brooks and his brother, Joe E. Brooks, former co-owners.
    The new owners, John LaFollette and Ray Zerr, both from Grants Pass, assumed operation Nov. 1. No change of operation is planned. The Brooks brothers' plans for the future have not been announced.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1962, page 1

Last revised January 29, 2025